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Oracle EBS Default Config

Below is the list of all available entities/menus in the Oracle EBS default configuration. You can add, modify, delete menus/configs as per your business needs following the steps available @ View/Edit Menus


 * enableAllSites
* agentId
* rateDate
* revisionNum
* fobLookupCode
* blanketTotalAmount
* consumeReqDemandFlag
* firmStatusLookupCode
* globalAttributeCategory
* orgId
* rateType
* noteToReceiver
* acceptanceRequiredFlag
* fonRefId
* createdBy
* minReleaseAmount
* quoteTypeLookupCode
* programUpdateDate
* globalAttribute6
* amountLimit
* shippingControl
* globalAgreementFlag
* clmEdagenDate
* clmMinGuarAwardAmtPercent
* ediProcessedStatus
* cbcAccountingDate
* quoteWarningDelayUnit
* clmStandardForm
* lockOwnerRole
* clmDocumentNumber
* programApplicationId
* segment5
* noteToVendor
* encumbranceRequiredFlag
* billToLocationId
* consignedConsumptionFlag
* attribute14
* clmDocumentFormat
* globalAttribute19
* otmRecoveryFlag
* clmContractFinanceCode
* clmSpecialContractType
* attribute13
* vendorContactId
* udaTemplateDate
* ameApprovalId
* globalAttribute4
* noteToAuthorizer
* confirmingOrderFlag
* quoteVendorQuoteNumber
* attribute5
* globalAttribute5
* changeSummary
* lastUpdateDate
* startDateActive
* governmentContext
* pcardId
* startDate
* attribute7
* referenceNum
* clmCotrContact
* fax
* fromTypeLookupCode
* attribute15
* firmDate
* acceptanceDueDate
* globalAttribute13
* submitDate
* approvalRequiredFlag
* replyMethodLookupCode
* printedDate
* wfItemType
* clmNoSignedCopiesToReturn
* segment2
* approvedFlag
* retroPriceApplyUpdatesFlag
* lockOwnerUserId
* wfItemKey
* interfaceSourceCode
* frozenFlag
* contermsArticlesUpdDate
* clmPriorityCode
* mrcRateDate
* clmContractOfficer
* attribute11
* payOnCode
* clmAwardAdministrator
* attribute9
* umbrellaProgramId
* closedDate
* globalAttribute18
* segment3
* vendorId
* currencyCode
* catAdminAuthEnabledFlag
* enabledFlag
* globalAttribute17
* lastUpdatedBy
* ussglTransactionCode
* replyDate
* cancelFlag
* requestId
* supplierAuthEnabledFlag
* attribute2
* vendorSiteId
* quoteWarningDelay
* globalAttribute14
* clmSupplierName
* vendorOrderNum
* attributeCategory
* termsId
* globalAttribute10
* endDate
* attribute1
* clmAwardType
* clmPaymentInstrCode
* rate
* fromHeaderId
* globalAttribute12
* attribute3
* userHoldFlag
* xmlFlag
* updateSourcingRulesFlag
* clmMaxOrderAmount
* clmSourceDocumentId
* userDocumentStatus
* supplyAgreementFlag
* segment1
* pendingSignatureFlag
* closedCode
* ameTransactionType
* documentCreationMethod
* commRevNum
* clmMinOrderAmount
* links
* contermsDelivUpdDate
* programId
* shipToLocationId
* otmStatusCode
* summaryFlag
* mrcRate
* autoSourcingFlag
* clmDefaultDistFlag
* clmAmountReleased
* clmModIssuingOffice
* comments
* attribute6
* globalAttribute9
* endDateActive
* globalAttribute1
* statusLookupCode
* xmlChangeSendDate
* globalAttribute11
* clmCotrOffice
* clmSupplierSiteName
* ediProcessedFlag
* segment4
* attribute8
* clmCloseoutStatus
* printCount
* priceUpdateTolerance
* clmIssuingOffice
* mrcRateType
* globalAttribute20
* shipViaLookupCode
* globalAttribute7
* clmExternalIdv
* payWhenPaid
* globalAttribute8
* creationDate
* attribute4
* globalAttribute2
* styleId
* globalAttribute15
* contermsExistFlag
* draftId
* clmAmtSyncedToAgreement
* revisedDate
* cpaReference
* emailAddress
* attribute12
* quotationClassCode
* clmMinGuaranteeAwardAmt
* lastUpdateLogin
* rfqCloseDate
* poHeaderId
* freightTermsLookupCode
* typeLookupCode
* createdLanguage
* lastUpdatedProgram
* clmEffectiveDate
* retroPriceCommUpdatesFlag
* authorizationStatus
* clmVendorOfferNumber
* xmlSendDate
* globalAttribute3
* supplierNotifMethod
* changeRequestedBy
* udaTemplateId
* approvedDate
* globalAttribute16
* taxAttributeUpdateCode
* attribute10


 * accountingEventId
* createdBy
* cannotAccountFlag
* programUpdateDate
* eventStatusCode
* accountingDate
* eventTypeCode
* lastUpdateLogin
* orgId
* lastUpdatedBy
* sourceId
* creationDate
* lastUpdateDate
* sourceTable
* requestId
* programId
* programApplicationId
* eventNumber
* axAccountedFlag


 * accountingEventId
* createdBy
* cannotAccountFlag
* programUpdateDate
* eventStatusCode
* accountingDate
* eventTypeCode
* lastUpdateLogin
* orgId
* lastUpdatedBy
* sourceId
* creationDate
* lastUpdateDate
* sourceTable
* requestId
* programId
* programApplicationId
* eventNumber
* axAccountedFlag


 * aeHeaderId
* programUpdateDate
* programApplicationId
* glTransferErrorCode
* accountingErrorCode
* createdBy
* trialBalanceFlag
* setOfBooksId
* lastUpdateLogin
* glTransferRunId
* crossCurrencyFlag
* glTransferFlag
* programId
* orgId
* accountingDate
* creationDate
* aeCategory
* periodName
* glReversalFlag
* description
* requestId
* accountingEventId
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateDate


 * aeHeaderId
* programUpdateDate
* programApplicationId
* glTransferErrorCode
* accountingErrorCode
* createdBy
* trialBalanceFlag
* setOfBooksId
* lastUpdateLogin
* glTransferRunId
* crossCurrencyFlag
* glTransferFlag
* programId
* orgId
* accountingDate
* creationDate
* aeCategory
* periodName
* glReversalFlag
* description
* requestId
* accountingEventId
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateDate


 * description
* taxCodeId
* reference1
* taxableEnteredDr
* aeHeaderId
* appliedToTrxHdrId
* appliedFromTrxHdrTable
* taxableEnteredCr
* enteredCr
* subledgerDocSequenceValue
* programUpdateDate
* createdBy
* reference8
* reference10
* currencyConversionDate
* accountOverlaySourceId
* subledgerDocSequenceId
* currencyConversionType
* lastUpdateLogin
* ussglTransactionCode
* thirdPartyId
* taxableAccountedCr
* reference9
* glTransferErrorCode
* statAmount
* programId
* glSlLinkId
* requestId
* accountingErrorCode
* programApplicationId
* lastUpdatedBy
* reference2
* creationDate
* aeLineTypeCode
* accountedDr
* taxableAccountedDr
* currencyCode
* appliedFromTrxHdrId
* sourceTable
* thirdPartySubId
* orgId
* reference3
* reference7
* accountedCr
* enteredDr
* aeLineId
* codeCombinationId
* reference5
* lastUpdateDate
* reference6
* taxLinkId
* sourceId
* reference4
* appliedToTrxHdrTable
* aeLineNumber
* currencyConversionRate


 * description
* taxCodeId
* reference1
* taxableEnteredDr
* aeHeaderId
* appliedToTrxHdrId
* appliedFromTrxHdrTable
* taxableEnteredCr
* enteredCr
* subledgerDocSequenceValue
* programUpdateDate
* createdBy
* reference8
* reference10
* currencyConversionDate
* accountOverlaySourceId
* subledgerDocSequenceId
* currencyConversionType
* lastUpdateLogin
* ussglTransactionCode
* thirdPartyId
* taxableAccountedCr
* reference9
* glTransferErrorCode
* statAmount
* programId
* glSlLinkId
* requestId
* accountingErrorCode
* programApplicationId
* lastUpdatedBy
* reference2
* creationDate
* aeLineTypeCode
* accountedDr
* taxableAccountedDr
* currencyCode
* appliedFromTrxHdrId
* sourceTable
* thirdPartySubId
* orgId
* reference3
* reference7
* accountedCr
* enteredDr
* aeLineId
* codeCombinationId
* reference5
* lastUpdateDate
* reference6
* taxLinkId
* sourceId
* reference4
* appliedToTrxHdrTable
* aeLineNumber
* currencyConversionRate


 * attribute4
* agingPeriodId
* attribute12
* reportHeading2
* createdBy
* attribute2
* attribute9
* reportHeading3
* attribute5
* attribute7
* attribute10
* attributeCategory
* attribute1
* attribute14
* newLine
* baseDate
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute6
* attribute11
* lastUpdatedBy
* daysTo
* type
* lastUpdateLogin
* agingPeriodLineId
* attribute8
* periodSequenceNum
* creationDate
* reportHeading1
* attribute3
* attribute13
* daysStart
* attribute15


 * attribute4
* agingPeriodId
* attribute12
* reportHeading2
* createdBy
* attribute2
* attribute9
* reportHeading3
* attribute5
* attribute7
* attribute10
* attributeCategory
* attribute1
* attribute14
* newLine
* baseDate
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute6
* attribute11
* lastUpdatedBy
* daysTo
* type
* lastUpdateLogin
* agingPeriodLineId
* attribute8
* periodSequenceNum
* creationDate
* reportHeading1
* attribute3
* attribute13
* daysStart
* attribute15


 * attribute7
* attribute13
* agingType
* attribute15
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute14
* lastUpdateDate
* periodName
* attribute2
* attribute4
* attribute11
* createdBy
* attribute9
* attribute6
* attributeCategory
* attribute5
* attribute10
* attribute3
* status
* creationDate
* baseDate
* attribute8
* attribute1
* attribute12
* description
* lastUpdateLogin
* amountsToShow
* agingPeriodId


 * attribute7
* attribute13
* agingType
* attribute15
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute14
* lastUpdateDate
* periodName
* attribute2
* attribute4
* attribute11
* createdBy
* attribute9
* attribute6
* attributeCategory
* attribute5
* attribute10
* attribute3
* status
* creationDate
* baseDate
* attribute8
* attribute1
* attribute12
* description
* lastUpdateLogin
* amountsToShow
* agingPeriodId


 * invoiceId
* lastUpdateLogin
* programId
* createdBy
* requestId
* toInvoiceLineNumber
* amount
* lastUpdateDate
* percentage
* programUpdateDate
* creationDate
* chrgInvoiceLineNumber
* lastUpdatedBy
* programApplicationId


 * invoiceId
* lastUpdateLogin
* programId
* createdBy
* requestId
* toInvoiceLineNumber
* amount
* lastUpdateDate
* percentage
* programUpdateDate
* creationDate
* chrgInvoiceLineNumber
* lastUpdatedBy
* programApplicationId


 * programId
* status
* lastUpdatedBy
* requestId
* createdBy
* ruleGenerationType
* lastUpdateLogin
* programUpdateDate
* programApplicationId
* ruleType
* invoiceId
* creationDate
* lastUpdateDate
* chrgInvoiceLineNumber


 * programId
* status
* lastUpdatedBy
* requestId
* createdBy
* ruleGenerationType
* lastUpdateLogin
* programUpdateDate
* programApplicationId
* ruleType
* invoiceId
* creationDate
* lastUpdateDate
* chrgInvoiceLineNumber


 * approverOrderNumber
* roleName
* displayName
* accessControlFlag
* notificationKey
* itemClassOrderNumber
* notificationStatus
* source
* lastUpdateDate
* itemType
* lastUpdateLogin
* programUpdateDate
* authority
* childProcessItemKey
* lastUpdatedBy
* subListOrderNumber
* programId
* itemOrderNumber
* programApplicationId
* occurrence
* itemKey
* approverCategory
* childProcessItemType
* invoiceIteration
* actionTypeId
* createdBy
* actionTypeOrderNumber
* externalRoleName
* lineNumber
* itemClass
* itemId
* creationDate
* groupOrChainOrderNumber
* approvalStatus
* apiInsertion
* groupOrChainId
* requestId
* invoiceId
* memberOrderNumber
* origSystemId
* invoiceKey
* notificationIteration
* origSystem


 * approverOrderNumber
* roleName
* displayName
* accessControlFlag
* notificationKey
* itemClassOrderNumber
* notificationStatus
* source
* lastUpdateDate
* itemType
* lastUpdateLogin
* programUpdateDate
* authority
* childProcessItemKey
* lastUpdatedBy
* subListOrderNumber
* programId
* itemOrderNumber
* programApplicationId
* occurrence
* itemKey
* approverCategory
* childProcessItemType
* invoiceIteration
* actionTypeId
* createdBy
* actionTypeOrderNumber
* externalRoleName
* lineNumber
* itemClass
* itemId
* creationDate
* groupOrChainOrderNumber
* approvalStatus
* apiInsertion
* groupOrChainId
* requestId
* invoiceId
* memberOrderNumber
* origSystemId
* invoiceKey
* notificationIteration
* origSystem


 * lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdateDate
* creationDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* auditReasonCode
* auditReasonId
* reportHeaderId
* createdBy


 * lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdateDate
* creationDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* auditReasonCode
* auditReasonId
* reportHeaderId
* createdBy


 * lastUpdateLogin
* auditReasonCode
* reportHeaderId
* creationDate
* createdBy
* arcReqId
* auditReasonId
* archiveDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateDate


 * lastUpdateLogin
* auditReasonCode
* reportHeaderId
* creationDate
* createdBy
* arcReqId
* auditReasonId
* archiveDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateDate


 * creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdatedBy
* zdSync
* createdBy
* zdEditionName
* lastUpdateDate
* securityProfileId
* auditorId


 * creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdatedBy
* zdSync
* createdBy
* zdEditionName
* lastUpdateDate
* securityProfileId
* auditorId


 * endDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* startDate
* employeeId
* auditReasonCode
* creationDate
* createdBy
* autoAuditId
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdateDate


 * endDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* startDate
* employeeId
* auditReasonCode
* creationDate
* createdBy
* autoAuditId
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdateDate


 * createdBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* reportWeight
* auditorId
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* expenseReportId
* creationDate


 * createdBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* reportWeight
* auditorId
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* expenseReportId
* creationDate


 * lastUpdatedBy
* startDate
* ruleAssignmentId
* createdBy
* endDate
* orgId
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* ruleSetId
* lastUpdateDate


 * lastUpdatedBy
* startDate
* ruleAssignmentId
* createdBy
* endDate
* orgId
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* ruleSetId
* lastUpdateDate


 * paperlessAuditTag
* notifyImgRespOverdueDays
* cardLimit
* paperlessAuditViolationFlag
* auditTermDurationDays
* mileageLimit
* paperlessAuditPdmOnlyFlag
* monthlyViolationsRuleFlag
* monthlyTotalAllowed
* ignoreRjNotReqOnlyFlag
* cashLimitEnabled
* startDate
* audPaperReceiptRequired
* holdRctOverdueDays
* reqReapprFlag
* auditAllAmountLimit
* receiptDelayDays
* creationDate
* ruleSetType
* payablesImageReq
* auditAllOldReceiptsFlag
* monthlyReportsAllowed
* origReceiptReq
* autoApprovalTag
* imageReqJustFlag
* imageReqApprFlag
* receiptDelayRuleFlag
* monthlyViolationsAllowed
* auditAllAmountCurrencyCode
* lastUpdateLogin
* randomAuditPercentage
* auditAll
* auditAllAmountCode
* lastUpdatedBy
* requiresAuditTag
* auditAllReceiptsCode
* notifyDocumentRequiredCode
* auditAllUnusedAdvances
* auditAllViolationsFlag
* ruleSetName
* cashLimit
* auditAllFromAuditListFlag
* recptAssignStageCode
* notifyRctReceivedCode
* holdRctOverdueBpCcCode
* auditSpecific
* notifyRctOverdueDays
* ignoreCreditOnlyFlag
* allowNegativeLines
* notifyImgRctOverdueDays
* auditAllJustificationCode
* imageReceiptReq
* endDate
* randomAuditFlag
* allowRecptDecl
* createdBy
* auditAllInactiveCode
* audImgReceiptRequired
* imageAuditTag
* monthlyTotalRuleFlag
* description
* imagePrevSubFlag
* cardLimitEnabled
* notifyImgActionReqDays
* lastUpdateDate
* auditAllReceiptDaysLimit
* allowRecptMissing
* mileageLimitEnabled
* currencyCode
* holdCode
* ruleSetId
* notifyResponseOverdueDays
* paperlessAuditCcOnlyFlag
* assignAuditorStageCode
* notifyActionRequiredDays
* monthlyReportsRuleFlag


 * paperlessAuditTag
* notifyImgRespOverdueDays
* cardLimit
* paperlessAuditViolationFlag
* auditTermDurationDays
* mileageLimit
* paperlessAuditPdmOnlyFlag
* monthlyViolationsRuleFlag
* monthlyTotalAllowed
* ignoreRjNotReqOnlyFlag
* cashLimitEnabled
* startDate
* audPaperReceiptRequired
* holdRctOverdueDays
* reqReapprFlag
* auditAllAmountLimit
* receiptDelayDays
* creationDate
* ruleSetType
* payablesImageReq
* auditAllOldReceiptsFlag
* monthlyReportsAllowed
* origReceiptReq
* autoApprovalTag
* imageReqJustFlag
* imageReqApprFlag
* receiptDelayRuleFlag
* monthlyViolationsAllowed
* auditAllAmountCurrencyCode
* lastUpdateLogin
* randomAuditPercentage
* auditAll
* auditAllAmountCode
* lastUpdatedBy
* requiresAuditTag
* auditAllReceiptsCode
* notifyDocumentRequiredCode
* auditAllUnusedAdvances
* auditAllViolationsFlag
* ruleSetName
* cashLimit
* auditAllFromAuditListFlag
* recptAssignStageCode
* notifyRctReceivedCode
* holdRctOverdueBpCcCode
* auditSpecific
* notifyRctOverdueDays
* ignoreCreditOnlyFlag
* allowNegativeLines
* notifyImgRctOverdueDays
* auditAllJustificationCode
* imageReceiptReq
* endDate
* randomAuditFlag
* allowRecptDecl
* createdBy
* auditAllInactiveCode
* audImgReceiptRequired
* imageAuditTag
* monthlyTotalRuleFlag
* description
* imagePrevSubFlag
* cardLimitEnabled
* notifyImgActionReqDays
* lastUpdateDate
* auditAllReceiptDaysLimit
* allowRecptMissing
* mileageLimitEnabled
* currencyCode
* holdCode
* ruleSetId
* notifyResponseOverdueDays
* paperlessAuditCcOnlyFlag
* assignAuditorStageCode
* notifyActionRequiredDays
* monthlyReportsRuleFlag


 * creationDate
* lastUpdateDate
* workloadPercent
* startDate
* endDate
* createdBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdatedBy
* auditorWorkloadId
* auditorId


 * creationDate
* lastUpdateDate
* workloadPercent
* startDate
* endDate
* createdBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdatedBy
* auditorWorkloadId
* auditorId


 * lastUpdatedBy
* programId
* taxName
* lastUpdateDate
* vendorId
* creationDate
* orgId
* requestId
* createdBy
* grossAmountToDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* programApplicationId
* periodName
* withheldAmountToDate
* programUpdateDate


 * lastUpdatedBy
* programId
* taxName
* lastUpdateDate
* vendorId
* creationDate
* orgId
* requestId
* createdBy
* grossAmountToDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* programApplicationId
* periodName
* withheldAmountToDate
* programUpdateDate


 * lastUpdateDate
* taxName
* creationDate
* groupId
* rank
* lastUpdateLogin
* createdBy
* orgId
* lastUpdatedBy


 * lastUpdateDate
* taxName
* creationDate
* groupId
* rank
* lastUpdateLogin
* createdBy
* orgId
* lastUpdatedBy


 * inactiveDate
* createdBy
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* groupId
* name
* creationDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* description


 * inactiveDate
* createdBy
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* groupId
* name
* creationDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* description


 * taxRateId
* globalAttribute19
* certificateType
* attribute7
* lastUpdateLogin
* globalAttribute15
* lastUpdateDate
* globalAttribute14
* globalAttribute7
* attribute15
* globalAttribute11
* globalAttribute12
* attribute13
* globalAttribute10
* vendorSiteId
* attributeCategory
* endAmount
* attribute5
* globalAttribute16
* attribute2
* attribute4
* creationDate
* globalAttribute5
* globalAttribute9
* globalAttributeCategory
* globalAttribute3
* globalAttribute13
* endDate
* comments
* taxName
* attribute11
* vendorId
* globalAttribute2
* attribute12
* attribute1
* globalAttribute8
* taxRate
* globalAttribute6
* attribute3
* certificateNumber
* globalAttribute4
* globalAttribute20
* attribute9
* orgId
* attribute8
* attribute14
* globalAttribute18
* invoiceNum
* attribute6
* createdBy
* startDate
* startAmount
* lastUpdatedBy
* rateType
* attribute10
* priority
* globalAttribute17
* globalAttribute1


 * taxRateId
* globalAttribute19
* certificateType
* attribute7
* lastUpdateLogin
* globalAttribute15
* lastUpdateDate
* globalAttribute14
* globalAttribute7
* attribute15
* globalAttribute11
* globalAttribute12
* attribute13
* globalAttribute10
* vendorSiteId
* attributeCategory
* endAmount
* attribute5
* globalAttribute16
* attribute2
* attribute4
* creationDate
* globalAttribute5
* globalAttribute9
* globalAttributeCategory
* globalAttribute3
* globalAttribute13
* endDate
* comments
* taxName
* attribute11
* vendorId
* globalAttribute2
* attribute12
* attribute1
* globalAttribute8
* taxRate
* globalAttribute6
* attribute3
* certificateNumber
* globalAttribute4
* globalAttribute20
* attribute9
* orgId
* attribute8
* attribute14
* globalAttribute18
* invoiceNum
* attribute6
* createdBy
* startDate
* startAmount
* lastUpdatedBy
* rateType
* attribute10
* priority
* globalAttribute17
* globalAttribute1


 * creationDate
* attribute7
* attribute6
* attribute12
* requestId
* customerSiteUseId
* attribute1
* attribute9
* primaryFlag
* attribute8
* customerId
* attribute3
* programUpdateDate
* vendorSiteId
* vendorId
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute5
* bankAccountUsesId
* endDate
* attribute13
* programId
* attribute14
* attributeCategory
* createdBy
* attribute15
* attribute10
* orgId
* programApplicationId
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute2
* attribute4
* startDate
* externalBankAccountId
* owningPartyId
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute11


 * auditTrueNulls
* externalBankAccountId
* auditUserName
* auditSequenceId
* rowKey
* startDate
* auditCommitId
* auditTransactionType
* auditTimestamp
* endDate
* auditSessionId
* bankAccountUsesId


 * auditTrueNulls
* externalBankAccountId
* auditUserName
* auditSequenceId
* rowKey
* startDate
* auditCommitId
* auditTransactionType
* auditTimestamp
* endDate
* auditSessionId
* bankAccountUsesId


 * creationDate
* attribute7
* attribute6
* attribute12
* requestId
* customerSiteUseId
* attribute1
* attribute9
* primaryFlag
* attribute8
* customerId
* attribute3
* programUpdateDate
* vendorSiteId
* vendorId
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute5
* bankAccountUsesId
* endDate
* attribute13
* programId
* attribute14
* attributeCategory
* createdBy
* attribute15
* attribute10
* orgId
* programApplicationId
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute2
* attribute4
* startDate
* externalBankAccountId
* owningPartyId
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute11


 * requestId
* bankAccountId
* brFactorCcid
* gainCodeCombinationId
* bankNumUpdateDate
* bankBranchId
* globalAttribute2
* attribute11
* contactFirstName
* bankNumUpdatedBy
* bankChargesCcid
* lastUpdatedBy
* description
* multiCurrencyFlag
* globalAttribute15
* unappliedCcid
* globalAttribute11
* attribute4
* attribute5
* globalAttribute4
* bankAccountType
* attribute8
* lastUpdateLogin
* bankAccountNameAlt
* maxOutlay
* assetCodeCombinationId
* attribute14
* globalAttribute8
* contactAreaCode
* earnedCcid
* orgId
* contactTitle
* remittanceCcid
* bankAccountNum
* currencyCode
* shortTermDepositCcid
* agencyLocationCode
* attribute7
* eftRequesterId
* globalAttribute6
* brRemittanceCcid
* accountHolderName
* attribute10
* ibanNumber
* programUpdateDate
* attribute15
* attribute1
* setOfBooksId
* createdBy
* factorCcid
* accountType
* brStdReceivablesTrxId
* usedForSepaPayments
* receiptMultiCurrencyFlag
* globalAttributeCategory
* globalAttribute20
* inactiveDate
* cashClearingCcid
* globalAttribute17
* globalAttribute10
* validationNumber
* globalAttribute14
* bankAccountName
* attribute13
* zeroAmountsAllowed
* programApplicationId
* payrollBankAccountId
* creationDate
* bankErrorsCcid
* unediscReceivablesTrxId
* lossCodeCombinationId
* avgFloatDays
* oneSignatureMaxFlag
* futureDatedPaymentCcid
* minCheckAmount
* pooledFlag
* globalAttribute13
* unearnedCcid
* checkDigits
* contactPrefix
* attribute6
* globalAttribute3
* globalAttribute18
* attributeCategory
* unidentifiedCcid
* maxCheckAmount
* contactLastName
* allowMultiAssignmentsFlag
* globalAttribute16
* contactPhone
* attribute12
* globalAttribute9
* globalAttribute7
* lastUpdateDate
* receiptClearingCcid
* globalAttribute1
* accountHolderNameAlt
* onAccountCcid
* globalAttribute19
* globalAttribute12
* ediscReceivablesTrxId
* attribute9
* globalAttribute5
* programId
* attribute2
* attribute3
* eftUserNumber
* contactMiddleName


 * cashClearingCcid
* bankAccountNum
* assetCodeCombinationId
* rowKey
* auditTimestamp
* bankAccountId
* auditTransactionType
* auditUserName
* auditSessionId
* auditSequenceId
* auditTrueNulls
* auditCommitId


 * cashClearingCcid
* bankAccountNum
* assetCodeCombinationId
* rowKey
* auditTimestamp
* bankAccountId
* auditTransactionType
* auditUserName
* auditSessionId
* auditSequenceId
* auditTrueNulls
* auditCommitId


 * requestId
* bankAccountId
* brFactorCcid
* gainCodeCombinationId
* bankNumUpdateDate
* bankBranchId
* globalAttribute2
* attribute11
* contactFirstName
* bankNumUpdatedBy
* bankChargesCcid
* lastUpdatedBy
* description
* multiCurrencyFlag
* globalAttribute15
* unappliedCcid
* globalAttribute11
* attribute4
* attribute5
* globalAttribute4
* bankAccountType
* attribute8
* lastUpdateLogin
* bankAccountNameAlt
* maxOutlay
* assetCodeCombinationId
* attribute14
* globalAttribute8
* contactAreaCode
* earnedCcid
* orgId
* contactTitle
* remittanceCcid
* bankAccountNum
* currencyCode
* shortTermDepositCcid
* agencyLocationCode
* attribute7
* eftRequesterId
* globalAttribute6
* brRemittanceCcid
* accountHolderName
* attribute10
* ibanNumber
* programUpdateDate
* attribute15
* attribute1
* setOfBooksId
* createdBy
* factorCcid
* accountType
* brStdReceivablesTrxId
* usedForSepaPayments
* receiptMultiCurrencyFlag
* globalAttributeCategory
* globalAttribute20
* inactiveDate
* cashClearingCcid
* globalAttribute17
* globalAttribute10
* validationNumber
* globalAttribute14
* bankAccountName
* attribute13
* zeroAmountsAllowed
* programApplicationId
* payrollBankAccountId
* creationDate
* bankErrorsCcid
* unediscReceivablesTrxId
* lossCodeCombinationId
* avgFloatDays
* oneSignatureMaxFlag
* futureDatedPaymentCcid
* minCheckAmount
* pooledFlag
* globalAttribute13
* unearnedCcid
* checkDigits
* contactPrefix
* attribute6
* globalAttribute3
* globalAttribute18
* attributeCategory
* unidentifiedCcid
* maxCheckAmount
* contactLastName
* allowMultiAssignmentsFlag
* globalAttribute16
* contactPhone
* attribute12
* globalAttribute9
* globalAttribute7
* lastUpdateDate
* receiptClearingCcid
* globalAttribute1
* accountHolderNameAlt
* onAccountCcid
* globalAttribute19
* globalAttribute12
* ediscReceivablesTrxId
* attribute9
* globalAttribute5
* programId
* attribute2
* attribute3
* eftUserNumber
* contactMiddleName


 * globalAttribute15
* ediIdNumber
* globalAttributeCategory
* globalAttribute9
* requestId
* globalAttribute12
* addressLinesAlt
* globalAttribute7
* contactLastName
* eftSwiftCode
* globalAttribute11
* addressLine1
* attribute6
* printingProgramId
* attribute2
* programApplicationId
* globalAttribute16
* globalAttribute5
* globalAttribute10
* lastUpdatedBy
* creationDate
* globalAttribute14
* programUpdateDate
* contactPrefix
* clearingHouseId
* globalAttribute1
* attributeCategory
* globalAttribute13
* createdBy
* attribute9
* activeDate
* eceTpLocationCode
* city
* contactMiddleName
* globalAttribute18
* payrollBankAccountId
* phone
* attribute11
* tpHeaderId
* areaCode
* globalAttribute4
* county
* globalAttribute17
* bankBranchNameAlt
* state
* bankNumber
* attribute5
* addressStyle
* addressLine3
* bankName
* transmissionProgramId
* contactFirstName
* bankNum
* attribute3
* attribute10
* globalAttribute3
* province
* lastUpdateDate
* addressLine2
* globalAttribute2
* usedForSepaPayments
* attribute1
* contactTitle
* attribute15
* globalAttribute6
* addressLine4
* bankBranchId
* attribute12
* zip
* lastUpdateLogin
* globalAttribute20
* attribute7
* globalAttribute8
* bankAdminEmail
* attribute14
* attribute8
* bankBranchName
* globalAttribute19
* programId
* bankNameAlt
* rfcIdentifier
* country
* eftUserNumber
* description
* attribute13
* endDate
* institutionType
* bankBranchType
* attribute4


 * globalAttribute15
* ediIdNumber
* globalAttributeCategory
* globalAttribute9
* requestId
* globalAttribute12
* addressLinesAlt
* globalAttribute7
* contactLastName
* eftSwiftCode
* globalAttribute11
* addressLine1
* attribute6
* printingProgramId
* attribute2
* programApplicationId
* globalAttribute16
* globalAttribute5
* globalAttribute10
* lastUpdatedBy
* creationDate
* globalAttribute14
* programUpdateDate
* contactPrefix
* clearingHouseId
* globalAttribute1
* attributeCategory
* globalAttribute13
* createdBy
* attribute9
* activeDate
* eceTpLocationCode
* city
* contactMiddleName
* globalAttribute18
* payrollBankAccountId
* phone
* attribute11
* tpHeaderId
* areaCode
* globalAttribute4
* county
* globalAttribute17
* bankBranchNameAlt
* state
* bankNumber
* attribute5
* addressStyle
* addressLine3
* bankName
* transmissionProgramId
* contactFirstName
* bankNum
* attribute3
* attribute10
* globalAttribute3
* province
* lastUpdateDate
* addressLine2
* globalAttribute2
* usedForSepaPayments
* attribute1
* contactTitle
* attribute15
* globalAttribute6
* addressLine4
* bankBranchId
* attribute12
* zip
* lastUpdateLogin
* globalAttribute20
* attribute7
* globalAttribute8
* bankAdminEmail
* attribute14
* attribute8
* bankBranchName
* globalAttribute19
* programId
* bankNameAlt
* rfcIdentifier
* country
* eftUserNumber
* description
* attribute13
* endDate
* institutionType
* bankBranchType
* attribute4


 * transAmountFrom
* endDate
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* bankChargeStandard
* transAmountTo
* bankChargeNegotiated
* creationDate
* startDate
* createdBy
* toleranceLimit
* bankChargeId
* lastUpdateLogin


 * transAmountFrom
* endDate
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* bankChargeStandard
* transAmountTo
* bankChargeNegotiated
* creationDate
* startDate
* createdBy
* toleranceLimit
* bankChargeId
* lastUpdateLogin


 * transferringBankName
* transferringBranch
* receivingBankBranchId
* receivingBranch
* receivingBank
* receivingBankName
* creationDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* transferringBankBranchId
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdateDate
* createdBy
* bankChargeId
* transferringBank
* currencyCode
* transferPriority


 * transferringBankName
* transferringBranch
* receivingBankBranchId
* receivingBranch
* receivingBank
* receivingBankName
* creationDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* transferringBankBranchId
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdateDate
* createdBy
* bankChargeId
* transferringBank
* currencyCode
* transferPriority


 * attribute6
* lastUpdateDate
* attributeCategory
* attribute10
* batchDate
* actualInvoiceTotal
* invoiceTypeLookupCode
* batchId
* batchCodeCombinationId
* lastUpdatedBy
* paymentPriority
* attribute1
* attribute14
* attribute15
* batchName
* attribute3
* attribute8
* holdReason
* glDate
* orgId
* controlInvoiceTotal
* attribute13
* creationDate
* actualInvoiceCount
* termsId
* attribute9
* attribute2
* controlInvoiceCount
* attribute4
* attribute11
* holdLookupCode
* attribute7
* paymentCurrencyCode
* invoiceCurrencyCode
* payGroupLookupCode
* attribute12
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute5
* createdBy
* docCategoryCode


 * attribute6
* lastUpdateDate
* attributeCategory
* attribute10
* batchDate
* actualInvoiceTotal
* invoiceTypeLookupCode
* batchId
* batchCodeCombinationId
* lastUpdatedBy
* paymentPriority
* attribute1
* attribute14
* attribute15
* batchName
* attribute3
* attribute8
* holdReason
* glDate
* orgId
* controlInvoiceTotal
* attribute13
* creationDate
* actualInvoiceCount
* termsId
* attribute9
* attribute2
* controlInvoiceCount
* attribute4
* attribute11
* holdLookupCode
* attribute7
* paymentCurrencyCode
* invoiceCurrencyCode
* payGroupLookupCode
* attribute12
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute5
* createdBy
* docCategoryCode


 * attribute9
* orgId
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute12
* attribute7
* attribute15
* attribute10
* attribute1
* attribute3
* attribute14
* attribute4
* attribute11
* creationDate
* codeSetName
* lastUpdateLogin
* createdBy
* attributeCategory
* attribute2
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute8
* attribute5
* description
* attribute6
* codeSetId
* attribute13


 * attribute9
* orgId
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute12
* attribute7
* attribute15
* attribute10
* attribute1
* attribute3
* attribute14
* attribute4
* attribute11
* creationDate
* codeSetName
* lastUpdateLogin
* createdBy
* attributeCategory
* attribute2
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute8
* attribute5
* description
* attribute6
* codeSetId
* attribute13


 * attribute6
* orgId
* attribute8
* attribute1
* createdBy
* accountSegmentValue
* attribute2
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute14
* attribute4
* attribute7
* codeSetId
* codeValue
* lastUpdatedBy
* codeId
* inactiveDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* creationDate
* attributeCategory
* attribute9
* description
* attribute12
* groupFlag
* attribute15
* attribute13
* attribute10
* attribute11
* attribute3
* attribute5


 * attribute6
* orgId
* attribute8
* attribute1
* createdBy
* accountSegmentValue
* attribute2
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute14
* attribute4
* attribute7
* codeSetId
* codeValue
* lastUpdatedBy
* codeId
* inactiveDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* creationDate
* attributeCategory
* attribute9
* description
* attribute12
* groupFlag
* attribute15
* attribute13
* attribute10
* attribute11
* attribute3
* attribute5


 * fullName
* lastUpdatedBy
* creationDate
* employeeNumber
* lastName#1
* firstName
* requestId
* lastUpdateLogin
* cardHolderIdentification
* nationalIdentifier
* lastUpdateDate
* cardId
* lastName
* middleName
* firstName#1
* createdBy


 * fullName
* lastUpdatedBy
* creationDate
* employeeNumber
* lastName#1
* firstName
* requestId
* lastUpdateLogin
* cardHolderIdentification
* nationalIdentifier
* lastUpdateDate
* cardId
* lastName
* middleName
* firstName#1
* createdBy


 * lastUpdateDate
* cardId
* employeeId
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* creationDate
* createdBy


 * lastUpdateDate
* cardId
* employeeId
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* creationDate
* createdBy


 * description
* attribute4
* accountSegmentValue
* attribute1
* attributeCategory
* attribute6
* lastUpdateLogin
* creationDate
* attribute11
* attribute12
* cardGlSetId
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute9
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute3
* attribute5
* attribute8
* attribute10
* attribute13
* attribute7
* attribute14
* createdBy
* attribute2
* attribute15
* orgId


 * description
* attribute4
* accountSegmentValue
* attribute1
* attributeCategory
* attribute6
* lastUpdateLogin
* creationDate
* attribute11
* attribute12
* cardGlSetId
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute9
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute3
* attribute5
* attribute8
* attribute10
* attribute13
* attribute7
* attribute14
* createdBy
* attribute2
* attribute15
* orgId


 * attribute2
* attribute4
* createdBy
* attribute8
* attribute12
* attribute9
* attribute15
* attribute6
* attribute1
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute5
* attributeCategory
* description
* attribute3
* attribute14
* attribute13
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute10
* attribute11
* orgId
* cardGlSetId
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* glSetName
* attribute7


 * attribute2
* attribute4
* createdBy
* attribute8
* attribute12
* attribute9
* attribute15
* attribute6
* attribute1
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute5
* attributeCategory
* description
* attribute3
* attribute14
* attribute13
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute10
* attribute11
* orgId
* cardGlSetId
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* glSetName
* attribute7


 * creationDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* createdBy
* lastUpdateDate
* parameterId
* lastUpdateLogin
* cardExpTypeLookupCode


 * creationDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* createdBy
* lastUpdateDate
* parameterId
* lastUpdateLogin
* cardExpTypeLookupCode


 * profileLimitId
* orgId
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute14
* attribute7
* attribute6
* attributeCategory
* count
* attribute15
* attribute4
* attribute12
* endCodeId
* attribute5
* attribute8
* attribute10
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute9
* profileId
* attribute1
* attribute3
* timeUnitLookupCode
* createdBy
* attribute13
* amount
* attribute11
* startCodeId
* creationDate
* attribute2
* exclusionFlag


 * profileLimitId
* orgId
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute14
* attribute7
* attribute6
* attributeCategory
* count
* attribute15
* attribute4
* attribute12
* endCodeId
* attribute5
* attribute8
* attribute10
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute9
* profileId
* attribute1
* attribute3
* timeUnitLookupCode
* createdBy
* attribute13
* amount
* attribute11
* startCodeId
* creationDate
* attribute2
* exclusionFlag


 * attribute6
* buildAcctFromCodeFlag
* attribute2
* createdBy
* directAcctEntryFlag
* lastUpdateLogin
* orgId
* attribute4
* attribute10
* attribute13
* description
* attribute1
* attribute14
* defaultAcctTemplate
* cardGlSetId
* mgrApprovalRequiredFlag
* cardProgramId
* mgrApprovalLookupCode
* lastUpdatedBy
* adminEmployeeId
* exceptionClearingCcid
* attribute11
* profileId
* empNotificationLookupCode
* attribute3
* inactiveDate
* creationDate
* profileName
* allowPersonalStatusFlag
* attribute12
* attribute5
* attribute7
* attribute15
* attribute8
* attributeCategory
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute9


 * attribute6
* buildAcctFromCodeFlag
* attribute2
* createdBy
* directAcctEntryFlag
* lastUpdateLogin
* orgId
* attribute4
* attribute10
* attribute13
* description
* attribute1
* attribute14
* defaultAcctTemplate
* cardGlSetId
* mgrApprovalRequiredFlag
* cardProgramId
* mgrApprovalLookupCode
* lastUpdatedBy
* adminEmployeeId
* exceptionClearingCcid
* attribute11
* profileId
* empNotificationLookupCode
* attribute3
* inactiveDate
* creationDate
* profileName
* allowPersonalStatusFlag
* attribute12
* attribute5
* attribute7
* attribute15
* attribute8
* attributeCategory
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute9


 * orgId
* exposureLimitAmount
* attribute12
* cardCodeSetId
* cardExpTypeMapTypeCode
* attribute6
* inactiveDate
* excludeDisputedFlag
* attribute14
* excludeHeldFlag
* attribute5
* attribute7
* adminEmployeeId
* detailWaitingDuration
* excludePersonalFlag
* excludeUnreconciledFlag
* vendorSiteId
* attribute1
* paymentDueFromCode
* vendorId
* lastDownloadSize
* creationDate
* attributeCategory
* dataFeedLevelCode
* marketCode
* exceptionClearingCcid
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute3
* attribute13
* cardProgramName
* countryMapTypeCode
* averageDownloadSize
* cardExpTypeDetailMapCode
* cardBrandLookupCode
* lastUpdateLogin
* excludeRejectedFlag
* attribute15
* cardEmpMatchingRule
* attribute9
* lastDownloadDate
* cardTypeLookupCode
* attribute2
* attribute10
* downloadCount
* expenseClearingCcid
* lastUpdateDate
* sysadminRoleName
* description
* attribute11
* attribute4
* cardExpTypeSourceCol
* autoItemizeEnabledFlag
* glProgramName
* cardProgramCurrencyCode
* excludeUnverifiedFlag
* attribute8
* createdBy
* excludeAcctExceptionFlag
* cardProgramId
* companyNumber


 * orgId
* exposureLimitAmount
* attribute12
* cardCodeSetId
* cardExpTypeMapTypeCode
* attribute6
* inactiveDate
* excludeDisputedFlag
* attribute14
* excludeHeldFlag
* attribute5
* attribute7
* adminEmployeeId
* detailWaitingDuration
* excludePersonalFlag
* excludeUnreconciledFlag
* vendorSiteId
* attribute1
* paymentDueFromCode
* vendorId
* lastDownloadSize
* creationDate
* attributeCategory
* dataFeedLevelCode
* marketCode
* exceptionClearingCcid
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute3
* attribute13
* cardProgramName
* countryMapTypeCode
* averageDownloadSize
* cardExpTypeDetailMapCode
* cardBrandLookupCode
* lastUpdateLogin
* excludeRejectedFlag
* attribute15
* cardEmpMatchingRule
* attribute9
* lastDownloadDate
* cardTypeLookupCode
* attribute2
* attribute10
* downloadCount
* expenseClearingCcid
* lastUpdateDate
* sysadminRoleName
* description
* attribute11
* attribute4
* cardExpTypeSourceCol
* autoItemizeEnabledFlag
* glProgramName
* cardProgramCurrencyCode
* excludeUnverifiedFlag
* attribute8
* createdBy
* excludeAcctExceptionFlag
* cardProgramId
* companyNumber


 * attribute2
* cardmemberName
* attribute3
* attribute5
* attribute28
* creationDate
* attribute8
* attribute21
* trxLimitOverrideAmount
* attribute30
* locationId
* attribute13
* attribute25
* attribute12
* attribute27
* attribute6
* attribute10
* requestTypeLookupCode
* attribute26
* cardId
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute16
* requestText
* cardProgramId
* createdBy
* attribute18
* requestDate
* attribute20
* attribute11
* mothersMaidenName
* requestStatusLookupCode
* lastUpdateLogin
* cardRequestId
* departmentName
* attribute7
* attribute19
* profileId
* attribute17
* attribute22
* physicalCardFlag
* cardNumber
* attribute23
* attributeCategory
* attribute14
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute4
* attribute9
* attribute29
* employeeId
* attribute1
* limitOverrideAmount
* orgId
* attribute24
* attribute15


 * attribute2
* cardmemberName
* attribute3
* attribute5
* attribute28
* creationDate
* attribute8
* attribute21
* trxLimitOverrideAmount
* attribute30
* locationId
* attribute13
* attribute25
* attribute12
* attribute27
* attribute6
* attribute10
* requestTypeLookupCode
* attribute26
* cardId
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute16
* requestText
* cardProgramId
* createdBy
* attribute18
* requestDate
* attribute20
* attribute11
* mothersMaidenName
* requestStatusLookupCode
* lastUpdateLogin
* cardRequestId
* departmentName
* attribute7
* attribute19
* profileId
* attribute17
* attribute22
* physicalCardFlag
* cardNumber
* attribute23
* attributeCategory
* attribute14
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute4
* attribute9
* attribute29
* employeeId
* attribute1
* limitOverrideAmount
* orgId
* attribute24
* attribute15


 * vendorId
* createdBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* vendorSiteId
* orgId
* lastUpdatedBy
* creationDate
* cardId
* lastUpdateDate


 * vendorId
* createdBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* vendorSiteId
* orgId
* lastUpdatedBy
* creationDate
* cardId
* lastUpdateDate


 * createdBy
* attribute6
* attribute23
* attribute19
* attribute24
* attribute10
* profileId
* attribute7
* cardProgramId
* paperStatementReqFlag
* attribute1
* fleetServiceFlag
* cardExpirationDate
* cardId
* costCenter
* attribute11
* attribute13
* cardmemberName
* paycardReferenceId
* attributeCategory
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute28
* orgId
* attribute18
* attribute22
* creationDate
* attribute2
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute26
* attribute5
* cardNumber
* attribute14
* attribute30
* attribute25
* cardReferenceId
* mothersMaidenName
* attribute9
* requestId
* inactiveDate
* attribute12
* glSubAccount
* attribute27
* attribute15
* limitOverrideAmount
* attribute21
* locationId
* attribute17
* attribute3
* description
* attribute16
* trxLimitOverrideAmount
* employeeId
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute29
* attribute20
* attribute4
* physicalCardFlag
* departmentName
* attribute8


 * createdBy
* attribute6
* attribute23
* attribute19
* attribute24
* attribute10
* profileId
* attribute7
* cardProgramId
* paperStatementReqFlag
* attribute1
* fleetServiceFlag
* cardExpirationDate
* cardId
* costCenter
* attribute11
* attribute13
* cardmemberName
* paycardReferenceId
* attributeCategory
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute28
* orgId
* attribute18
* attribute22
* creationDate
* attribute2
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute26
* attribute5
* cardNumber
* attribute14
* attribute30
* attribute25
* cardReferenceId
* mothersMaidenName
* attribute9
* requestId
* inactiveDate
* attribute12
* glSubAccount
* attribute27
* attribute15
* limitOverrideAmount
* attribute21
* locationId
* attribute17
* attribute3
* description
* attribute16
* trxLimitOverrideAmount
* employeeId
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute29
* attribute20
* attribute4
* physicalCardFlag
* departmentName
* attribute8


 * lastUpdateLogin
* detailWaitingDuration
* acceptorType
* acceptorTelephone
* cardProgramId
* cardAcceptorId
* acceptorCountryCode
* acceptorStreetAddress
* acceptorCity
* acceptorBusinessCode
* acceptorName
* createdBy
* acceptorVatNumber
* lastUpdatedBy
* acceptorStateProvince
* acceptorDunsNumber
* acceptorTaxpayerNumber
* lastUpdateDate
* feedCardAcceptorId
* acceptorPostalCode
* creationDate
* acceptorEmail


 * lastUpdateLogin
* detailWaitingDuration
* acceptorType
* acceptorTelephone
* cardProgramId
* cardAcceptorId
* acceptorCountryCode
* acceptorStreetAddress
* acceptorCity
* acceptorBusinessCode
* acceptorName
* createdBy
* acceptorVatNumber
* lastUpdatedBy
* acceptorStateProvince
* acceptorDunsNumber
* acceptorTaxpayerNumber
* lastUpdateDate
* feedCardAcceptorId
* acceptorPostalCode
* creationDate
* acceptorEmail


 * arrivalCityCode
* transactionAmount
* departureDate
* legNumber
* billedAmount
* stopoverCode
* conjunctionTicketNumber
* lastUpdateLogin
* createdBy
* trxDetailId
* trxId
* itemDescription
* transactionDate
* folioType
* extFolioType
* arrivalDate
* departureCityCode
* creationDate
* serviceClassCode
* itemSeqNumber
* carrierCode
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateDate
* fareBasisCode
* domesticFlag


 * arrivalCityCode
* transactionAmount
* departureDate
* legNumber
* billedAmount
* stopoverCode
* conjunctionTicketNumber
* lastUpdateLogin
* createdBy
* trxDetailId
* trxId
* itemDescription
* transactionDate
* folioType
* extFolioType
* arrivalDate
* departureCityCode
* creationDate
* serviceClassCode
* itemSeqNumber
* carrierCode
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateDate
* fareBasisCode
* domesticFlag


 * stopoverCode
* archiveDate
* conjunctionTicketNumber
* fareBasisCode
* arcReqId
* arrivalCityCode
* billedAmount
* transactionDate
* trxDetailId
* folioType
* itemDescription
* arrivalDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* departureDate
* createdBy
* lastUpdatedBy
* domesticFlag
* carrierCode
* serviceClassCode
* trxId
* extFolioType
* departureCityCode
* lastUpdateDate
* creationDate
* itemSeqNumber
* transactionAmount
* legNumber


 * stopoverCode
* archiveDate
* conjunctionTicketNumber
* fareBasisCode
* arcReqId
* arrivalCityCode
* billedAmount
* transactionDate
* trxDetailId
* folioType
* itemDescription
* arrivalDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* departureDate
* createdBy
* lastUpdatedBy
* domesticFlag
* carrierCode
* serviceClassCode
* trxId
* extFolioType
* departureCityCode
* lastUpdateDate
* creationDate
* itemSeqNumber
* transactionAmount
* legNumber


 * autoMediumId
* attribute1
* disbursementTypeLookupCode
* orgId
* creationDate
* name
* sequentialFlag
* attribute10
* cashClearingCcid
* attribute5
* attribute8
* attribute14
* attribute7
* bankAccountId
* lastDocumentNum
* checkStockId
* checkReconGroupId
* createdBy
* attribute6
* attribute11
* attribute12
* bankChargesCcid
* attribute2
* docCategoryCode
* attribute9
* clearingDays
* attributeCategory
* bankErrorsCcid
* lastAvailableDocumentNum
* lastUpdatedBy
* checkFormatId
* futureDatedPaymentsFlag
* attribute13
* attribute4
* inactiveDate
* attribute15
* attribute3
* lastUpdateLogin
* futurePayCodeCombinationId
* lastUpdateDate
* numSetupChecks
* transmissionCode


 * auditSessionId
* lastDocumentNum
* auditTransactionType
* auditCommitId
* checkStockId
* auditUserName
* auditSequenceId
* rowKey
* auditTimestamp
* lastAvailableDocumentNum
* auditTrueNulls


 * auditSessionId
* lastDocumentNum
* auditTransactionType
* auditCommitId
* checkStockId
* auditUserName
* auditSequenceId
* rowKey
* auditTimestamp
* lastAvailableDocumentNum
* auditTrueNulls


 * autoMediumId
* attribute1
* disbursementTypeLookupCode
* orgId
* creationDate
* name
* sequentialFlag
* attribute10
* cashClearingCcid
* attribute5
* attribute8
* attribute14
* attribute7
* bankAccountId
* lastDocumentNum
* checkStockId
* checkReconGroupId
* createdBy
* attribute6
* attribute11
* attribute12
* bankChargesCcid
* attribute2
* docCategoryCode
* attribute9
* clearingDays
* attributeCategory
* bankErrorsCcid
* lastAvailableDocumentNum
* lastUpdatedBy
* checkFormatId
* futureDatedPaymentsFlag
* attribute13
* attribute4
* inactiveDate
* attribute15
* attribute3
* lastUpdateLogin
* futurePayCodeCombinationId
* lastUpdateDate
* numSetupChecks
* transmissionCode


 * reconciliationBatchId
* paymentDocumentId
* addressLine3
* orgId
* paymentInstructionId
* globalAttribute10
* stampDutyBaseAmt
* attribute5
* releasedDate
* checkrunName
* checkStockId
* mrcClearedChargesBaseAmt
* remitToSupplierName
* mrcExchangeRate
* exchangeRateType
* treasuryPayNumber
* globalAttribute3
* relationshipId
* amount
* checkId
* vendorName
* zip
* globalAttribute5
* globalAttribute7
* releasedBy
* externalBankAccountId
* bankAccountName
* mrcExchangeDate
* clearedErrorAmount
* vendorSiteCode
* globalAttribute15
* stoppedDate
* globalAttribute16
* transferPriority
* globalAttribute19
* attribute8
* remitToSupplierId
* baseAmount
* actualValueDate
* clearedChargesAmount
* settlementPriority
* mrcClearedExchangeRate
* globalAttribute4
* exchangeRate
* globalAttribute9
* province
* paymentMethodLookupCode
* creationDate
* clearedExchangeDate
* attribute4
* legalEntityId
* lastUpdateLogin
* ussglTrxCodeContext
* county
* attributeCategory
* lastUpdatedBy
* stoppedAt
* positivePayStatusCode
* stampDutyAmt
* mrcMaturityExgDate
* bankChargeBearer
* mrcExchangeRateType
* mrcClearedExchangeRateType
* mrcClearedErrorBaseAmount
* treasuryPayDate
* acknowledgedFlag
* addressLine1
* attribute2
* completedPmtsGroupId
* bankAccountNum
* statusLookupCode
* mrcBaseAmount
* globalAttribute2
* attribute13
* addressLine4
* globalAttribute11
* attribute3
* mrcClearedExchangeDate
* globalAttributeCategory
* requestId
* checkDate
* globalAttribute17
* voidCheckId
* paymentTypeFlag
* mrcStampDutyBaseAmt
* paymentId
* globalAttribute1
* clearedChargesBaseAmount
* globalAttribute8
* paycardReferenceId
* stoppedBy
* futurePayDueDate
* docSequenceId
* remitToSupplierSite
* state
* attribute6
* paymentProfileId
* checkFormatId
* anticipatedValueDate
* ussglTransactionCode
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute1
* maturityExchangeRateType
* attribute9
* attribute7
* attribute10
* paymentMethodCode
* paycardAuthorizationNumber
* maturityExchangeDate
* description
* remitToSupplierSiteId
* globalAttribute13
* clearedBaseAmount
* globalAttribute14
* globalAttribute18
* checkVoucherNum
* createdBy
* vendorSiteId
* bankAccountId
* currencyCode
* mrcMaturityExgRateType
* ceBankAcctUseId
* withholdingStatusLookupCode
* partySiteId
* releasedAt
* country
* clearedExchangeRateType
* exchangeDate
* clearedExchangeRate
* attribute11
* checkrunId
* attribute14
* globalAttribute6
* clearedAmount
* vendorId
* addressLine2
* city
* partyId
* voidCheckNumber
* attribute12
* clearedDate
* clearedErrorBaseAmount
* bankAccountType
* docSequenceValue
* maturityExchangeRate
* docCategoryCode
* globalAttribute12
* addressStyle
* voidDate
* checkNumber
* mrcMaturityExgRate
* bankNum
* attribute15
* globalAttribute20
* mrcClearedBaseAmount
* ibanNumber


 * reconciliationBatchId
* paymentDocumentId
* addressLine3
* orgId
* paymentInstructionId
* globalAttribute10
* stampDutyBaseAmt
* attribute5
* releasedDate
* checkrunName
* checkStockId
* mrcClearedChargesBaseAmt
* remitToSupplierName
* mrcExchangeRate
* exchangeRateType
* treasuryPayNumber
* globalAttribute3
* relationshipId
* amount
* checkId
* vendorName
* zip
* globalAttribute5
* globalAttribute7
* releasedBy
* externalBankAccountId
* bankAccountName
* mrcExchangeDate
* clearedErrorAmount
* vendorSiteCode
* globalAttribute15
* stoppedDate
* globalAttribute16
* transferPriority
* globalAttribute19
* attribute8
* remitToSupplierId
* baseAmount
* actualValueDate
* clearedChargesAmount
* settlementPriority
* mrcClearedExchangeRate
* globalAttribute4
* exchangeRate
* globalAttribute9
* province
* paymentMethodLookupCode
* creationDate
* clearedExchangeDate
* attribute4
* legalEntityId
* lastUpdateLogin
* ussglTrxCodeContext
* county
* attributeCategory
* lastUpdatedBy
* stoppedAt
* positivePayStatusCode
* stampDutyAmt
* mrcMaturityExgDate
* bankChargeBearer
* mrcExchangeRateType
* mrcClearedExchangeRateType
* mrcClearedErrorBaseAmount
* treasuryPayDate
* acknowledgedFlag
* addressLine1
* attribute2
* completedPmtsGroupId
* bankAccountNum
* statusLookupCode
* mrcBaseAmount
* globalAttribute2
* attribute13
* addressLine4
* globalAttribute11
* attribute3
* mrcClearedExchangeDate
* globalAttributeCategory
* requestId
* checkDate
* globalAttribute17
* voidCheckId
* paymentTypeFlag
* mrcStampDutyBaseAmt
* paymentId
* globalAttribute1
* clearedChargesBaseAmount
* globalAttribute8
* paycardReferenceId
* stoppedBy
* futurePayDueDate
* docSequenceId
* remitToSupplierSite
* state
* attribute6
* paymentProfileId
* checkFormatId
* anticipatedValueDate
* ussglTransactionCode
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute1
* maturityExchangeRateType
* attribute9
* attribute7
* attribute10
* paymentMethodCode
* paycardAuthorizationNumber
* maturityExchangeDate
* description
* remitToSupplierSiteId
* globalAttribute13
* clearedBaseAmount
* globalAttribute14
* globalAttribute18
* checkVoucherNum
* createdBy
* vendorSiteId
* bankAccountId
* currencyCode
* mrcMaturityExgRateType
* ceBankAcctUseId
* withholdingStatusLookupCode
* partySiteId
* releasedAt
* country
* clearedExchangeRateType
* exchangeDate
* clearedExchangeRate
* attribute11
* checkrunId
* attribute14
* globalAttribute6
* clearedAmount
* vendorId
* addressLine2
* city
* partyId
* voidCheckNumber
* attribute12
* clearedDate
* clearedErrorBaseAmount
* bankAccountType
* docSequenceValue
* maturityExchangeRate
* docCategoryCode
* globalAttribute12
* addressStyle
* voidDate
* checkNumber
* mrcMaturityExgRate
* bankNum
* attribute15
* globalAttribute20
* mrcClearedBaseAmount
* ibanNumber


 * createdBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* creationDate
* orgId
* programId
* programUpdateDate
* allocatedBaseAmount
* chargeDistId
* chargeAllocationId
* lastUpdateDate
* programApplicationId
* lastUpdatedBy
* allocatedAmount
* itemDistId
* requestId


 * createdBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* creationDate
* orgId
* programId
* programUpdateDate
* allocatedBaseAmount
* chargeDistId
* chargeAllocationId
* lastUpdateDate
* programApplicationId
* lastUpdatedBy
* allocatedAmount
* itemDistId
* requestId


 * allocatedBaseAmount
* chargeAllocationId
* setOfBooksId


 * allocatedBaseAmount
* chargeAllocationId
* setOfBooksId


 * hotelNoShowFlag
* cardId
* customerData8
* referenceNumber
* companyNumber
* odometerReading
* customerData9
* currencyConversionExponent
* hotelArrivalDate
* atmFeeAmount
* restaurantBeverageAmount
* restaurantTipAmount
* sicCode
* hotelStayDuration
* paymentDueFromCode
* merchantCity
* fleetIdentityCode
* expenseStatus
* carTotalMileage
* lastUpdateLogin
* restaurantFoodAmount
* carRentalAgreementNumber
* postedAmount
* fuelType
* airPassengerName
* companyPrepaidInvoiceId
* merchantAddress3
* transactionType
* hotelMiscAmount
* airDepartureCity
* customerData7
* carGasAmount
* fuelQuantity
* carRentalState
* merchantCountryCode
* hotelHealthAmount
* hotelRestaurantAmount
* transactionAmount
* carRenterName
* airRouting
* otherTax
* inactiveEmpWfItemKey
* totalTax
* deviceDownloadFlag
* atmId
* hotelRoomServiceAmount
* validateRequestId
* expensedAmount
* currencyConversionRate
* localTax
* hotelState
* customerData2
* airAgencyName
* atmNetworkId
* merchantReference
* carReturnLocation
* fuelBrand
* airRefundTicketNumber
* merchantName1#1
* merchantActivity
* carRentalLocation
* lastUpdateDate
* hotelDepartDate
* hotelRoomRate
* merchantAddress1
* airExchangedTicketNumber
* hotelGuestName
* hotelTelephoneAmount
* hotelRoomTax
* airDepartureDate
* hotelLaundryAmount
* carReturnDate
* hotelMovieAmount
* carClass
* hotelChargeDesc
* carInsuranceAmount
* merchantAddress4
* paymentFlag
* dccFlag
* misIndustryCode
* merchantName1
* hotelCity
* disputeDate
* hotelBarAmount
* hotelRoomType
* marketCode
* hotelGiftShopAmount
* carRentalDate
* fuelUomCode
* customerData10
* carReturnState
* airAgencyNumber
* hotelParkingAmount
* trxnDetailFlag
* purchaseIdentification
* fuelSaleAmount
* vehicleNumber
* atmType
* merchantName2
* merchantPostalCode
* createdBy
* carRentalDays
* airServiceClass
* cardProgramId
* hotelFolioNumber
* airCarrierCode
* requestId
* airTicketNumber
* nationalTax
* merchantAddress2
* customerData6
* airTicketIssuer#1
* customerData4
* recordType
* airStopoverFlag
* debitFlag
* airTotalLegs
* billedDate
* hotelRoomAmount
* customerData1
* description
* merchantProvinceState
* airArrivalCity
* nonFuelSaleAmount
* billedAmount
* airIssuerCity
* transactionDate
* carRenterName#1
* reportHeaderId
* lastUpdatedBy
* carDailyRate
* airCarrierAbbreviation
* billedCurrencyCode
* airTicketIssuer
* atmCashAdvance
* hotelBusinessAmount
* postedDecimal
* merchantCountry
* trxAvailableDate
* airFareBasisCode
* billedDecimal
* fuelUnitPrice
* customerData5
* validateCode
* hotelTipAmount
* atmTransactionDate
* carMileageAmount
* airBaseFareAmount
* trxId
* cardAcceptorId
* cardNumber
* postedDate
* customerData3
* merchantTaxId
* financialCategory
* postedCurrencyCode
* folioType
* creationDate
* customerCode
* orgId
* category
* locationId


 * hotelNoShowFlag
* cardId
* customerData8
* referenceNumber
* companyNumber
* odometerReading
* customerData9
* currencyConversionExponent
* hotelArrivalDate
* atmFeeAmount
* restaurantBeverageAmount
* restaurantTipAmount
* sicCode
* hotelStayDuration
* paymentDueFromCode
* merchantCity
* fleetIdentityCode
* expenseStatus
* carTotalMileage
* lastUpdateLogin
* restaurantFoodAmount
* carRentalAgreementNumber
* postedAmount
* fuelType
* airPassengerName
* companyPrepaidInvoiceId
* merchantAddress3
* transactionType
* hotelMiscAmount
* airDepartureCity
* customerData7
* carGasAmount
* fuelQuantity
* carRentalState
* merchantCountryCode
* hotelHealthAmount
* hotelRestaurantAmount
* transactionAmount
* carRenterName
* airRouting
* otherTax
* inactiveEmpWfItemKey
* totalTax
* deviceDownloadFlag
* atmId
* hotelRoomServiceAmount
* validateRequestId
* expensedAmount
* currencyConversionRate
* localTax
* hotelState
* customerData2
* airAgencyName
* atmNetworkId
* merchantReference
* carReturnLocation
* fuelBrand
* airRefundTicketNumber
* merchantName1#1
* merchantActivity
* carRentalLocation
* lastUpdateDate
* hotelDepartDate
* hotelRoomRate
* merchantAddress1
* airExchangedTicketNumber
* hotelGuestName
* hotelTelephoneAmount
* hotelRoomTax
* airDepartureDate
* hotelLaundryAmount
* carReturnDate
* hotelMovieAmount
* carClass
* hotelChargeDesc
* carInsuranceAmount
* merchantAddress4
* paymentFlag
* dccFlag
* misIndustryCode
* merchantName1
* hotelCity
* disputeDate
* hotelBarAmount
* hotelRoomType
* marketCode
* hotelGiftShopAmount
* carRentalDate
* fuelUomCode
* customerData10
* carReturnState
* airAgencyNumber
* hotelParkingAmount
* trxnDetailFlag
* purchaseIdentification
* fuelSaleAmount
* vehicleNumber
* atmType
* merchantName2
* merchantPostalCode
* createdBy
* carRentalDays
* airServiceClass
* cardProgramId
* hotelFolioNumber
* airCarrierCode
* requestId
* airTicketNumber
* nationalTax
* merchantAddress2
* customerData6
* airTicketIssuer#1
* customerData4
* recordType
* airStopoverFlag
* debitFlag
* airTotalLegs
* billedDate
* hotelRoomAmount
* customerData1
* description
* merchantProvinceState
* airArrivalCity
* nonFuelSaleAmount
* billedAmount
* airIssuerCity
* transactionDate
* carRenterName#1
* reportHeaderId
* lastUpdatedBy
* carDailyRate
* airCarrierAbbreviation
* billedCurrencyCode
* airTicketIssuer
* atmCashAdvance
* hotelBusinessAmount
* postedDecimal
* merchantCountry
* trxAvailableDate
* airFareBasisCode
* billedDecimal
* fuelUnitPrice
* customerData5
* validateCode
* hotelTipAmount
* atmTransactionDate
* carMileageAmount
* airBaseFareAmount
* trxId
* cardAcceptorId
* cardNumber
* postedDate
* customerData3
* merchantTaxId
* financialCategory
* postedCurrencyCode
* folioType
* creationDate
* customerCode
* orgId
* category
* locationId


 * locationId
* carRenterName#1
* localTax
* transactionDate
* hotelRoomRate
* merchantProvinceState
* restaurantFoodAmount
* creationDate
* validateRequestId
* fuelUnitPrice
* airExchangedTicketNumber
* purchaseIdentification
* transactionType
* hotelBarAmount
* postedAmount
* merchantAddress4
* inactiveEmpWfItemKey
* merchantPostalCode
* hotelRoomServiceAmount
* customerData3
* cardProgramId
* hotelTipAmount
* cardAcceptorId
* hotelRoomTax
* airArrivalCity
* vehicleNumber
* createdBy
* airDepartureDate
* nonFuelSaleAmount
* hotelRoomAmount
* cardId
* misIndustryCode
* hotelTelephoneAmount
* atmNetworkId
* hotelMiscAmount
* companyPrepaidInvoiceId
* paymentFlag
* airCarrierAbbreviation
* nationalTax
* airServiceClass
* merchantName2
* carRentalAgreementNumber
* otherTax
* billedAmount
* carGasAmount
* customerData9
* referenceNumber
* carMileageAmount
* airAgencyName
* billedDecimal
* atmFeeAmount
* customerCode
* carRentalState
* merchantReference
* airTicketIssuer
* hotelParkingAmount
* expensedAmount
* hotelNoShowFlag
* atmId
* category
* currencyConversionExponent
* carReturnLocation
* hotelDepartDate
* atmCashAdvance
* airAgencyNumber
* archiveDate
* merchantActivity
* validateCode
* hotelRestaurantAmount
* fuelType
* arcReqId
* carRentalLocation
* merchantCountryCode
* postedDecimal
* airStopoverFlag
* airCarrierCode
* totalTax
* merchantAddress3
* restaurantTipAmount
* customerData5
* lastUpdateDate
* reportHeaderId
* carReturnState
* airRefundTicketNumber
* odometerReading
* lastUpdatedBy
* carInsuranceAmount
* carRentalDays
* customerData1
* airPassengerName
* hotelChargeDesc
* dccFlag
* hotelCity
* description
* atmType
* airDepartureCity
* fuelSaleAmount
* merchantAddress2
* airTotalLegs
* debitFlag
* carReturnDate
* requestId
* merchantAddress1
* hotelBusinessAmount
* customerData6
* carRentalDate
* companyNumber
* expenseStatus
* hotelGiftShopAmount
* trxnDetailFlag
* hotelMovieAmount
* fuelBrand
* merchantCity
* merchantTaxId
* airRouting
* hotelHealthAmount
* airBaseFareAmount
* fuelUomCode
* fleetIdentityCode
* merchantCountry
* trxAvailableDate
* customerData8
* lastUpdateLogin
* carClass
* recordType
* billedCurrencyCode
* merchantName1#1
* sicCode
* hotelState
* transactionAmount
* customerData10
* trxId
* atmTransactionDate
* hotelFolioNumber
* fuelQuantity
* orgId
* merchantName1
* customerData2
* customerData4
* customerData7
* postedCurrencyCode
* carTotalMileage
* airFareBasisCode
* restaurantBeverageAmount
* billedDate
* hotelRoomType
* carRenterName
* carDailyRate
* hotelLaundryAmount
* airTicketNumber
* folioType
* disputeDate
* postedDate
* currencyConversionRate
* marketCode
* hotelArrivalDate
* airIssuerCity
* paymentDueFromCode
* cardNumber
* airTicketIssuer#1
* hotelGuestName
* hotelStayDuration
* financialCategory


 * locationId
* carRenterName#1
* localTax
* transactionDate
* hotelRoomRate
* merchantProvinceState
* restaurantFoodAmount
* creationDate
* validateRequestId
* fuelUnitPrice
* airExchangedTicketNumber
* purchaseIdentification
* transactionType
* hotelBarAmount
* postedAmount
* merchantAddress4
* inactiveEmpWfItemKey
* merchantPostalCode
* hotelRoomServiceAmount
* customerData3
* cardProgramId
* hotelTipAmount
* cardAcceptorId
* hotelRoomTax
* airArrivalCity
* vehicleNumber
* createdBy
* airDepartureDate
* nonFuelSaleAmount
* hotelRoomAmount
* cardId
* misIndustryCode
* hotelTelephoneAmount
* atmNetworkId
* hotelMiscAmount
* companyPrepaidInvoiceId
* paymentFlag
* airCarrierAbbreviation
* nationalTax
* airServiceClass
* merchantName2
* carRentalAgreementNumber
* otherTax
* billedAmount
* carGasAmount
* customerData9
* referenceNumber
* carMileageAmount
* airAgencyName
* billedDecimal
* atmFeeAmount
* customerCode
* carRentalState
* merchantReference
* airTicketIssuer
* hotelParkingAmount
* expensedAmount
* hotelNoShowFlag
* atmId
* category
* currencyConversionExponent
* carReturnLocation
* hotelDepartDate
* atmCashAdvance
* airAgencyNumber
* archiveDate
* merchantActivity
* validateCode
* hotelRestaurantAmount
* fuelType
* arcReqId
* carRentalLocation
* merchantCountryCode
* postedDecimal
* airStopoverFlag
* airCarrierCode
* totalTax
* merchantAddress3
* restaurantTipAmount
* customerData5
* lastUpdateDate
* reportHeaderId
* carReturnState
* airRefundTicketNumber
* odometerReading
* lastUpdatedBy
* carInsuranceAmount
* carRentalDays
* customerData1
* airPassengerName
* hotelChargeDesc
* dccFlag
* hotelCity
* description
* atmType
* airDepartureCity
* fuelSaleAmount
* merchantAddress2
* airTotalLegs
* debitFlag
* carReturnDate
* requestId
* merchantAddress1
* hotelBusinessAmount
* customerData6
* carRentalDate
* companyNumber
* expenseStatus
* hotelGiftShopAmount
* trxnDetailFlag
* hotelMovieAmount
* fuelBrand
* merchantCity
* merchantTaxId
* airRouting
* hotelHealthAmount
* airBaseFareAmount
* fuelUomCode
* fleetIdentityCode
* merchantCountry
* trxAvailableDate
* customerData8
* lastUpdateLogin
* carClass
* recordType
* billedCurrencyCode
* merchantName1#1
* sicCode
* hotelState
* transactionAmount
* customerData10
* trxId
* atmTransactionDate
* hotelFolioNumber
* fuelQuantity
* orgId
* merchantName1
* customerData2
* customerData4
* customerData7
* postedCurrencyCode
* carTotalMileage
* airFareBasisCode
* restaurantBeverageAmount
* billedDate
* hotelRoomType
* carRenterName
* carDailyRate
* hotelLaundryAmount
* airTicketNumber
* folioType
* disputeDate
* postedDate
* currencyConversionRate
* marketCode
* hotelArrivalDate
* airIssuerCity
* paymentDueFromCode
* cardNumber
* airTicketIssuer#1
* hotelGuestName
* hotelStayDuration
* financialCategory


 * lastUpdateLogin
* currencyCode
* checkrunId
* creationDate
* lastUpdateDate
* createdBy
* lastUpdatedBy
* currencyGroupId
* templateId


 * lastUpdateLogin
* currencyCode
* checkrunId
* creationDate
* lastUpdateDate
* createdBy
* lastUpdatedBy
* currencyGroupId
* templateId


 * creationDate
* percentDistribution
* attributeCategory
* attribute5
* projectAccountingContext
* attribute4
* distributionSetLineNumber
* attribute11
* expenditureType
* awardId
* attribute13
* taskId
* attribute2
* createdBy
* attribute1
* attribute7
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute15
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute14
* attribute8
* type1099
* attribute12
* attribute3
* attribute10
* expenditureOrganizationId
* lastUpdateDate
* setOfBooksId
* attribute9
* distributionSetId
* distCodeCombinationId
* orgId
* vatCode
* description
* projectId
* attribute6


 * creationDate
* percentDistribution
* attributeCategory
* attribute5
* projectAccountingContext
* attribute4
* distributionSetLineNumber
* attribute11
* expenditureType
* awardId
* attribute13
* taskId
* attribute2
* createdBy
* attribute1
* attribute7
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute15
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute14
* attribute8
* type1099
* attribute12
* attribute3
* attribute10
* expenditureOrganizationId
* lastUpdateDate
* setOfBooksId
* attribute9
* distributionSetId
* distCodeCombinationId
* orgId
* vatCode
* description
* projectId
* attribute6


 * lastUpdateDate
* attribute10
* attribute5
* attribute15
* attribute4
* description
* attribute2
* attribute3
* attribute8
* createdBy
* creationDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute9
* attribute7
* attributeCategory
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute14
* attribute12
* attribute11
* distributionSetId
* attribute6
* attribute1
* orgId
* distributionSetName
* inactiveDate
* totalPercentDistribution
* attribute13


 * lastUpdateDate
* attribute10
* attribute5
* attribute15
* attribute4
* description
* attribute2
* attribute3
* attribute8
* createdBy
* creationDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute9
* attribute7
* attributeCategory
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute14
* attribute12
* attribute11
* distributionSetId
* attribute6
* attribute1
* orgId
* distributionSetName
* inactiveDate
* totalPercentDistribution
* attribute13


 * docSequenceValue
* docSequenceId
* docSequenceAssignmentId
* creationDate
* createdBy


 * docSequenceValue
* docSequenceId
* docSequenceAssignmentId
* creationDate
* createdBy


 * keepSiteFlag
* entryId
* createdBy
* lastUpdatedBy
* process
* numberPaidInvoices
* paidInvoicesFlag
* duplicateVendorId
* numberPoHeadersChanged
* processFlag
* amountUnpaidInvoices
* vendorId
* orgId
* duplicateVendorSiteId
* amountPaidInvoices
* numberUnpaidInvoices
* creationDate
* vendorSiteId
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin


 * keepSiteFlag
* entryId
* createdBy
* lastUpdatedBy
* process
* numberPaidInvoices
* paidInvoicesFlag
* duplicateVendorId
* numberPoHeadersChanged
* processFlag
* amountUnpaidInvoices
* vendorId
* orgId
* duplicateVendorSiteId
* amountPaidInvoices
* numberUnpaidInvoices
* creationDate
* vendorSiteId
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin


 * agingBucket
* nextDiscountDate
* earliestOpenHoldDate
* createdBy
* dueDate
* paymentNum
* lastUpdateDate
* prevAgingBucket
* holdBucket
* invoiceId
* creationDate
* prevDiscountDate
* incrementalFlag
* lastUpdatedBy
* prevHoldBucket
* lastUpdateLogin
* paymentStatusFlag


 * agingBucket
* nextDiscountDate
* earliestOpenHoldDate
* createdBy
* dueDate
* paymentNum
* lastUpdateDate
* prevAgingBucket
* holdBucket
* invoiceId
* creationDate
* prevDiscountDate
* incrementalFlag
* lastUpdatedBy
* prevHoldBucket
* lastUpdateLogin
* paymentStatusFlag


 * lastUpdateDate
* reference4
* lastUpdatedBy
* encumbranceTypeId
* creationDate
* reference8
* reversalFlag
* reference1
* accountedCr
* reference5
* lastUpdateLogin
* reference2
* programApplicationId
* subledgerDocSequenceId
* accountedDr
* createdBy
* orgId
* subledgerDocSequenceValue
* programUpdateDate
* requestId
* aeHeaderId
* encumbranceLineType
* reference9
* reference6
* invoiceDistributionId
* accountingDate
* statAmount
* encumbranceLineId
* codeCombinationId
* reference10
* programId
* reference3
* reference7
* glSlLinkId
* periodName


 * lastUpdateDate
* reference4
* lastUpdatedBy
* encumbranceTypeId
* creationDate
* reference8
* reversalFlag
* reference1
* accountedCr
* reference5
* lastUpdateLogin
* reference2
* programApplicationId
* subledgerDocSequenceId
* accountedDr
* createdBy
* orgId
* subledgerDocSequenceValue
* programUpdateDate
* requestId
* aeHeaderId
* encumbranceLineType
* reference9
* reference6
* invoiceDistributionId
* accountingDate
* statAmount
* encumbranceLineId
* codeCombinationId
* reference10
* programId
* reference3
* reference7
* glSlLinkId
* periodName


 * accountedDr
* encumbranceLineId
* accountedCr
* setOfBooksId


 * accountedDr
* encumbranceLineId
* accountedCr
* setOfBooksId


 * referenceKey3
* errorSourceCode
* referenceKey4
* referenceKey5
* referenceKey2
* referenceKey1
* messageText
* invoiceId


 * referenceKey3
* errorSourceCode
* referenceKey4
* referenceKey5
* referenceKey2
* referenceKey1
* messageText
* invoiceId


 * locationId
* address1
* lastUpdateDate
* address4
* lastUpdatedBy
* city
* country
* lastUpdateLogin
* orgId
* provinceState
* postalCode
* creationDate
* createdBy
* geometry
* address2
* address3
* geometryStatusCode
* addressKey


 * locationId
* address1
* lastUpdateDate
* address4
* lastUpdatedBy
* city
* country
* lastUpdateLogin
* orgId
* provinceState
* postalCode
* creationDate
* createdBy
* geometry
* address2
* address3
* geometryStatusCode
* addressKey


 * segment16
* lastUpdateDate
* createdBy
* segment4
* segment19
* segment24
* segment3
* segment8
* costCenter
* segment27
* segment25
* reportHeaderId
* creationDate
* segment22
* segment18
* segment2
* segment5
* segment13
* lastUpdatedBy
* segment12
* projectId
* codeCombinationId
* segment17
* preparerModifiedFlag
* reportDistributionId
* segment10
* segment21
* receiptCurrencyCode
* webParameterId
* segment20
* expenditureOrganizationId
* segment7
* lastUpdateLogin
* taskId
* orgId
* segment11
* sequenceNum
* segment15
* segment1
* receiptConversionRate
* segment9
* awardId
* segment30
* segment26
* segment28
* segment29
* segment23
* reportLineId
* segment6
* receiptCurrencyAmount
* amount
* segment14


 * segment16
* lastUpdateDate
* createdBy
* segment4
* segment19
* segment24
* segment3
* segment8
* costCenter
* segment27
* segment25
* reportHeaderId
* creationDate
* segment22
* segment18
* segment2
* segment5
* segment13
* lastUpdatedBy
* segment12
* projectId
* codeCombinationId
* segment17
* preparerModifiedFlag
* reportDistributionId
* segment10
* segment21
* receiptCurrencyCode
* webParameterId
* segment20
* expenditureOrganizationId
* segment7
* lastUpdateLogin
* taskId
* orgId
* segment11
* sequenceNum
* segment15
* segment1
* receiptConversionRate
* segment9
* awardId
* segment30
* segment26
* segment28
* segment29
* segment23
* reportLineId
* segment6
* receiptCurrencyAmount
* amount
* segment14


 * segment4
* segment6
* segment18
* segment24
* segment16
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdatedBy
* segment29
* segment12
* segment11
* reportLineId
* taskId
* segment2
* receiptConversionRate
* lastUpdateDate
* creationDate
* receiptCurrencyCode
* projectId
* awardId
* sequenceNum
* segment21
* segment8
* segment23
* webParameterId
* segment30
* preparerModifiedFlag
* costCenter
* segment1
* segment19
* segment15
* segment20
* segment27
* createdBy
* segment7
* segment26
* segment25
* segment28
* segment5
* segment13
* receiptCurrencyAmount
* reportDistributionId
* expenditureOrganizationId
* archiveDate
* segment10
* reportHeaderId
* segment14
* segment17
* arcReqId
* orgId
* segment9
* segment3
* codeCombinationId
* segment22
* amount


 * segment4
* segment6
* segment18
* segment24
* segment16
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdatedBy
* segment29
* segment12
* segment11
* reportLineId
* taskId
* segment2
* receiptConversionRate
* lastUpdateDate
* creationDate
* receiptCurrencyCode
* projectId
* awardId
* sequenceNum
* segment21
* segment8
* segment23
* webParameterId
* segment30
* preparerModifiedFlag
* costCenter
* segment1
* segment19
* segment15
* segment20
* segment27
* createdBy
* segment7
* segment26
* segment25
* segment28
* segment5
* segment13
* receiptCurrencyAmount
* reportDistributionId
* expenditureOrganizationId
* archiveDate
* segment10
* reportHeaderId
* segment14
* segment17
* arcReqId
* orgId
* segment9
* segment3
* codeCombinationId
* segment22
* amount


 * invoiceLineId
* lastUpdatedBy
* accountSegmentValue
* attribute3
* feedDistributionId
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute2
* statusLookupCode
* statusChangeDate
* orgId
* attribute12
* invoiceId
* attribute14
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute7
* amountIncludesTaxFlag
* attribute9
* attribute4
* createdBy
* attribute8
* attribute15
* description
* attribute5
* feedLineId
* amount
* attribute13
* concRequestId
* employeeVerificationId
* attribute11
* taxCode
* attribute10
* attributeCategory
* attribute1
* invoicedFlag
* managerApprovalId
* distCodeCombinationId
* costCenter
* accountSegmentValueDefault
* creationDate
* attribute6


 * invoiceLineId
* lastUpdatedBy
* accountSegmentValue
* attribute3
* feedDistributionId
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute2
* statusLookupCode
* statusChangeDate
* orgId
* attribute12
* invoiceId
* attribute14
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute7
* amountIncludesTaxFlag
* attribute9
* attribute4
* createdBy
* attribute8
* attribute15
* description
* attribute5
* feedLineId
* amount
* attribute13
* concRequestId
* employeeVerificationId
* attribute11
* taxCode
* attribute10
* attributeCategory
* attribute1
* invoicedFlag
* managerApprovalId
* distCodeCombinationId
* costCenter
* accountSegmentValueDefault
* creationDate
* attribute6


 * altTaxAmount
* lastUpdatedBy
* merchantName
* merchantPhone
* productCode
* attribute14
* attribute3
* referenceNumber
* merchantProvinceState
* rejectCode
* attribute24
* employeeId
* postedDate
* currencyConversionRate
* itemDescription
* attribute26
* attribute17
* merchantAddress4
* attribute30
* recordType
* itemQuantity
* creationDate
* attribute27
* attribute10
* originalCurrencyAmount
* attribute1
* shipFromCountry
* altTaxType
* transactionDate
* shipFromPostalCode
* merchantCountry
* attribute11
* taxType
* createDistributionFlag
* attribute15
* attribute23
* attribute9
* discountAmount
* industryCode2
* shipToPostalCode
* altTaxPaidFlag
* attribute8
* postedCurrencyCode
* lastUpdateDate
* merchantAddress2
* freightAmount
* altTaxRate
* cardProgramId
* orgId
* codeId
* attribute19
* createdBy
* attribute18
* shipToCountry
* attribute22
* merchantBusinessType
* industryCode1
* employeeVerificationId
* description
* attribute7
* merchantPostalCode
* merchantAddress3
* altMerchantTaxId
* merchantNumber
* attribute6
* extendedItemAmount
* attribute16
* attribute13
* taxPaidFlag
* attribute5
* cardNumber
* feedLineId
* attribute12
* discountIndicator
* merchantCity
* cardCodeValue
* altReferenceNumber
* taxAmount
* dutyAmount
* amount
* altMerchantNumber
* attribute28
* attributeCategory
* attribute4
* taxRate
* originalCurrencyCode
* merchantTaxId
* merchantAddress1
* merchantOwnerType
* attribute25
* lastUpdateLogin
* cardId
* attribute20
* attribute29
* customerCode
* attribute21
* attribute2
* itemUom


 * altTaxAmount
* lastUpdatedBy
* merchantName
* merchantPhone
* productCode
* attribute14
* attribute3
* referenceNumber
* merchantProvinceState
* rejectCode
* attribute24
* employeeId
* postedDate
* currencyConversionRate
* itemDescription
* attribute26
* attribute17
* merchantAddress4
* attribute30
* recordType
* itemQuantity
* creationDate
* attribute27
* attribute10
* originalCurrencyAmount
* attribute1
* shipFromCountry
* altTaxType
* transactionDate
* shipFromPostalCode
* merchantCountry
* attribute11
* taxType
* createDistributionFlag
* attribute15
* attribute23
* attribute9
* discountAmount
* industryCode2
* shipToPostalCode
* altTaxPaidFlag
* attribute8
* postedCurrencyCode
* lastUpdateDate
* merchantAddress2
* freightAmount
* altTaxRate
* cardProgramId
* orgId
* codeId
* attribute19
* createdBy
* attribute18
* shipToCountry
* attribute22
* merchantBusinessType
* industryCode1
* employeeVerificationId
* description
* attribute7
* merchantPostalCode
* merchantAddress3
* altMerchantTaxId
* merchantNumber
* attribute6
* extendedItemAmount
* attribute16
* attribute13
* taxPaidFlag
* attribute5
* cardNumber
* feedLineId
* attribute12
* discountIndicator
* merchantCity
* cardCodeValue
* altReferenceNumber
* taxAmount
* dutyAmount
* amount
* altMerchantNumber
* attribute28
* attributeCategory
* attribute4
* taxRate
* originalCurrencyCode
* merchantTaxId
* merchantAddress1
* merchantOwnerType
* attribute25
* lastUpdateLogin
* cardId
* attribute20
* attribute29
* customerCode
* attribute21
* attribute2
* itemUom


 * lastUpdateDate
* preventFutureDatedDayLimit
* createdBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* preventCashCcAgeLimit
* orgId
* lastUpdatedBy
* enforceCcMiscLimit
* enforceCcAirLimit
* enforceCcMealLimit
* futureDateWarningDayLimit
* enforceCcAccLimit
* noteLanguageCode
* enforceCcCarLimit
* creationDate


 * lastUpdateDate
* preventFutureDatedDayLimit
* createdBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* preventCashCcAgeLimit
* orgId
* lastUpdatedBy
* enforceCcMiscLimit
* enforceCcAirLimit
* enforceCcMealLimit
* futureDateWarningDayLimit
* enforceCcAccLimit
* noteLanguageCode
* enforceCcCarLimit
* creationDate


 * docCategoryCode
* globalAttribute10
* paymentCrossRateType
* reference2
* holdLookupCode
* auditCode
* reportSubmittedDate
* accountingDate
* attributeCategory
* paidOnBehalfEmployeeId
* maximumAmountToApply
* employeeCcid
* globalAttribute8
* attribute5
* purgeableFlag
* globalAttribute4
* reference1
* attribute14
* globalAttribute16
* paymentCurrencyCode
* holdingReportHeaderId
* awtGroupId
* total
* defaultReceiptCurrencyCode
* overrideApproverName
* applyAdvancesDefault
* paymentCrossRateDate
* advancesJustification
* globalAttribute5
* returnReasonCode
* receiptsStatus
* globalAttribute3
* globalAttribute9
* vouchno
* defaultExchangeDate
* amtDueEmployee
* weekEndDate
* globalAttribute18
* returnInstruction
* lastUpdateLogin
* source
* globalAttribute7
* acctsPayCodeCombinationId
* defaultExchangeRate
* bothpayParentId
* prepayNum
* globalAttribute15
* attribute6
* creationDate
* lastUpdateDate
* setOfBooksId
* expenseStatusCode
* expenseLastStatusDate
* lastAuditedBy
* employeeId
* vendorId
* orgId
* attribute3
* attribute9
* requestId
* globalAttribute17
* createdBy
* multipleCurrenciesFlag
* globalAttribute11
* paymentCrossRate
* voucherNum
* missingImgJust
* attribute12
* expenseCheckAddressFlag
* invoiceNum
* attribute7
* receiptsReceivedDate
* globalAttribute14
* amtDueCcardCompany
* attribute10
* advanceInvoiceToApply
* description
* globalAttribute12
* prepayDistNum
* rejectCode
* vendorSiteId
* attribute1
* expenseCurrentApproverId
* attribute2
* overrideApproverId
* prepayApplyFlag
* workflowApprovedFlag
* attribute8
* reportHeaderId
* prepayGlDate
* globalAttributeCategory
* globalAttribute6
* globalAttribute20
* ussglTrxCodeContext
* attribute15
* approvalType
* globalAttribute1
* imageReceiptsStatus
* globalAttribute13
* attribute4
* reportFilingNumber
* overdueRequestId
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute11
* prepayApplyAmount
* globalAttribute19
* defaultCurrencyCode
* defaultExchangeRateType
* ussglTransactionCode
* globalAttribute2
* coreWfStatusFlag
* shortpayParentId
* imageReceiptsReceivedDate
* attribute13
* expenseReportId
* flexConcatenated


 * docCategoryCode
* globalAttribute10
* paymentCrossRateType
* reference2
* holdLookupCode
* auditCode
* reportSubmittedDate
* accountingDate
* attributeCategory
* paidOnBehalfEmployeeId
* maximumAmountToApply
* employeeCcid
* globalAttribute8
* attribute5
* purgeableFlag
* globalAttribute4
* reference1
* attribute14
* globalAttribute16
* paymentCurrencyCode
* holdingReportHeaderId
* awtGroupId
* total
* defaultReceiptCurrencyCode
* overrideApproverName
* applyAdvancesDefault
* paymentCrossRateDate
* advancesJustification
* globalAttribute5
* returnReasonCode
* receiptsStatus
* globalAttribute3
* globalAttribute9
* vouchno
* defaultExchangeDate
* amtDueEmployee
* weekEndDate
* globalAttribute18
* returnInstruction
* lastUpdateLogin
* source
* globalAttribute7
* acctsPayCodeCombinationId
* defaultExchangeRate
* bothpayParentId
* prepayNum
* globalAttribute15
* attribute6
* creationDate
* lastUpdateDate
* setOfBooksId
* expenseStatusCode
* expenseLastStatusDate
* lastAuditedBy
* employeeId
* vendorId
* orgId
* attribute3
* attribute9
* requestId
* globalAttribute17
* createdBy
* multipleCurrenciesFlag
* globalAttribute11
* paymentCrossRate
* voucherNum
* missingImgJust
* attribute12
* expenseCheckAddressFlag
* invoiceNum
* attribute7
* receiptsReceivedDate
* globalAttribute14
* amtDueCcardCompany
* attribute10
* advanceInvoiceToApply
* description
* globalAttribute12
* prepayDistNum
* rejectCode
* vendorSiteId
* attribute1
* expenseCurrentApproverId
* attribute2
* overrideApproverId
* prepayApplyFlag
* workflowApprovedFlag
* attribute8
* reportHeaderId
* prepayGlDate
* globalAttributeCategory
* globalAttribute6
* globalAttribute20
* ussglTrxCodeContext
* attribute15
* approvalType
* globalAttribute1
* imageReceiptsStatus
* globalAttribute13
* attribute4
* reportFilingNumber
* overdueRequestId
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute11
* prepayApplyAmount
* globalAttribute19
* defaultCurrencyCode
* defaultExchangeRateType
* ussglTransactionCode
* globalAttribute2
* coreWfStatusFlag
* shortpayParentId
* imageReceiptsReceivedDate
* attribute13
* expenseReportId
* flexConcatenated


 * expenseStatusCode
* globalAttribute8
* amtDueCcardCompany
* multipleCurrenciesFlag
* defaultCurrencyCode
* globalAttribute6
* defaultExchangeDate
* acctsPayCodeCombinationId
* voucherNum
* paymentCurrencyCode
* globalAttribute17
* globalAttributeCategory
* globalAttribute20
* weekEndDate
* arcReqId
* advancesJustification
* globalAttribute9
* imageReceiptsStatus
* applyAdvancesDefault
* reportFilingNumber
* globalAttribute1
* paidOnBehalfEmployeeId
* workflowApprovedFlag
* purgeableFlag
* docCategoryCode
* paymentCrossRate
* reportHeaderId
* attribute9
* accountingDate
* globalAttribute15
* receiptsReceivedDate
* attribute12
* total
* reference2
* attribute15
* vendorId
* auditCode
* attribute4
* lastUpdateLogin
* requestId
* awtGroupId
* imageReceiptsReceivedDate
* invoiceNum
* defaultExchangeRate
* paymentCrossRateDate
* prepayApplyAmount
* globalAttribute2
* holdLookupCode
* prepayApplyFlag
* bothpayParentId
* missingImgJust
* archiveDate
* returnInstruction
* creationDate
* description
* source
* globalAttribute18
* lastAuditedBy
* holdingReportHeaderId
* globalAttribute3
* maximumAmountToApply
* globalAttribute19
* reference1
* prepayGlDate
* overdueRequestId
* defaultExchangeRateType
* setOfBooksId
* attribute13
* attribute7
* defaultReceiptCurrencyCode
* prepayNum
* orgId
* attribute14
* employeeId
* globalAttribute12
* globalAttribute16
* attribute8
* attributeCategory
* advanceInvoiceToApply
* attribute10
* shortpayParentId
* vendorSiteId
* ussglTransactionCode
* overrideApproverId
* coreWfStatusFlag
* attribute11
* globalAttribute11
* attribute2
* globalAttribute10
* expenseLastStatusDate
* reportSubmittedDate
* createdBy
* lastUpdatedBy
* globalAttribute13
* expenseCurrentApproverId
* amtDueEmployee
* attribute1
* overrideApproverName
* employeeCcid
* attribute5
* attribute6
* flexConcatenated
* expenseReportId
* expenseCheckAddressFlag
* receiptsStatus
* rejectCode
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute3
* prepayDistNum
* globalAttribute4
* vouchno
* globalAttribute14
* paymentCrossRateType
* approvalType
* returnReasonCode
* ussglTrxCodeContext
* globalAttribute7
* globalAttribute5


 * expenseStatusCode
* globalAttribute8
* amtDueCcardCompany
* multipleCurrenciesFlag
* defaultCurrencyCode
* globalAttribute6
* defaultExchangeDate
* acctsPayCodeCombinationId
* voucherNum
* paymentCurrencyCode
* globalAttribute17
* globalAttributeCategory
* globalAttribute20
* weekEndDate
* arcReqId
* advancesJustification
* globalAttribute9
* imageReceiptsStatus
* applyAdvancesDefault
* reportFilingNumber
* globalAttribute1
* paidOnBehalfEmployeeId
* workflowApprovedFlag
* purgeableFlag
* docCategoryCode
* paymentCrossRate
* reportHeaderId
* attribute9
* accountingDate
* globalAttribute15
* receiptsReceivedDate
* attribute12
* total
* reference2
* attribute15
* vendorId
* auditCode
* attribute4
* lastUpdateLogin
* requestId
* awtGroupId
* imageReceiptsReceivedDate
* invoiceNum
* defaultExchangeRate
* paymentCrossRateDate
* prepayApplyAmount
* globalAttribute2
* holdLookupCode
* prepayApplyFlag
* bothpayParentId
* missingImgJust
* archiveDate
* returnInstruction
* creationDate
* description
* source
* globalAttribute18
* lastAuditedBy
* holdingReportHeaderId
* globalAttribute3
* maximumAmountToApply
* globalAttribute19
* reference1
* prepayGlDate
* overdueRequestId
* defaultExchangeRateType
* setOfBooksId
* attribute13
* attribute7
* defaultReceiptCurrencyCode
* prepayNum
* orgId
* attribute14
* employeeId
* globalAttribute12
* globalAttribute16
* attribute8
* attributeCategory
* advanceInvoiceToApply
* attribute10
* shortpayParentId
* vendorSiteId
* ussglTransactionCode
* overrideApproverId
* coreWfStatusFlag
* attribute11
* globalAttribute11
* attribute2
* globalAttribute10
* expenseLastStatusDate
* reportSubmittedDate
* createdBy
* lastUpdatedBy
* globalAttribute13
* expenseCurrentApproverId
* amtDueEmployee
* attribute1
* overrideApproverName
* employeeCcid
* attribute5
* attribute6
* flexConcatenated
* expenseReportId
* expenseCheckAddressFlag
* receiptsStatus
* rejectCode
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute3
* prepayDistNum
* globalAttribute4
* vouchno
* globalAttribute14
* paymentCrossRateType
* approvalType
* returnReasonCode
* ussglTrxCodeContext
* globalAttribute7
* globalAttribute5


 * reference1
* exchangeRate
* attribute3
* vatCode
* mileageRateAdjustedFlag
* attribute1
* globalAttribute8
* locationId
* createdBy
* destinationFrom
* locationToId
* attribute7
* startExpenseDate
* exchangeRateType
* expenditureOrganizationId
* lastUpdatedBy
* itemDescription
* globalAttribute17
* statAmount
* attribute15
* tripDistance
* ticketNumber
* globalAttribute20
* receiptCurrencyCode
* globalAttribute12
* numFreeAccommodations3
* globalAttributeCategory
* attribute12
* fuelType
* reportHeaderId
* deductionAdditionAmt1
* awardNumber
* vehicleType
* attribute14
* globalAttribute4
* amount
* apValidationError
* categoryCode
* adjustmentReasonCode
* numFreeBreakfasts1
* attribute8
* merchantName
* globalAttribute13
* adjustmentReasonCopy
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute6
* numberAttendees
* receiptsIssue
* numPdmDays2
* merchantReference
* ratePerPassenger
* codeCombinationId
* creationDate
* distributionLineNumber
* globalAttribute2
* itemizationParentId
* numFreeBreakfasts3
* perDiemRate1
* travelType
* attribute4
* amountIncludesTaxFlag
* projectAccountingContext
* reference2
* globalAttribute7
* globalAttribute6
* funcCurrencyAmt
* receiptCurrencyAmount
* expenditureType
* receiptConversionRate
* globalAttribute1
* merchantDocumentNumber
* deductionAdditionAmt2
* lastUpdateLogin
* globalAttribute9
* numFreeBreakfasts2
* attribute10
* avgMileageRate
* justification
* paQuantity
* merchantTaxRegNumber
* attendees
* receiptVerifiedFlag
* numberPeople
* merchantName#1
* justificationRequiredFlag
* numFreeDinners2
* attributeCategory
* flexConcatenated
* globalAttribute18
* countryOfSupply
* location
* attribute13
* orgId
* policyShortpayFlag
* globalAttribute5
* vehicleCategoryCode
* attribute9
* taskId
* destinationTo
* attribute11
* distanceUnitCode
* companyPrepaidInvoiceId
* merchantTaxpayerId
* awtGroupId
* expenseGroup
* submittedAmount
* globalAttribute14
* taskNumber
* numFreeLunches1
* passengerAmount
* numFreeDinners1
* ussglTrxCodeContext
* taxCodeOverrideFlag
* uomDays
* receiptRequiredFlag
* reportLineId
* projectName
* licensePlateNumber
* currencyCode
* numPdmDays1
* numFreeDinners3
* projectId
* allocationSplitCode
* dailyDistance
* deductionAdditionAmt3
* numFreeAccommodations2
* allocationReason
* attribute2
* numFreeAccommodations1
* globalAttribute15
* numPdmDays3
* numFreeLunches2
* awardId
* globalAttribute10
* attribute5
* expenditureItemDate
* projectNumber
* receiptMissingFlag
* flightNumber
* taxCodeId
* ticketClassCode
* dailyAmount
* globalAttribute19
* webParameterId
* globalAttribute3
* ussglTransactionCode
* itemizeId
* taskName
* rangeLow
* setOfBooksId
* creditCardTrxId
* perDiemRate2
* perDiemRate3
* passengerRateType
* globalAttribute11
* endExpenseDate
* globalAttribute16
* imageReceiptRequiredFlag
* exchangeDate
* adjustmentReason
* lineTypeLookupCode
* rangeHigh
* numFreeLunches3
* paInterfacedFlag


 * reference1
* exchangeRate
* attribute3
* vatCode
* mileageRateAdjustedFlag
* attribute1
* globalAttribute8
* locationId
* createdBy
* destinationFrom
* locationToId
* attribute7
* startExpenseDate
* exchangeRateType
* expenditureOrganizationId
* lastUpdatedBy
* itemDescription
* globalAttribute17
* statAmount
* attribute15
* tripDistance
* ticketNumber
* globalAttribute20
* receiptCurrencyCode
* globalAttribute12
* numFreeAccommodations3
* globalAttributeCategory
* attribute12
* fuelType
* reportHeaderId
* deductionAdditionAmt1
* awardNumber
* vehicleType
* attribute14
* globalAttribute4
* amount
* apValidationError
* categoryCode
* adjustmentReasonCode
* numFreeBreakfasts1
* attribute8
* merchantName
* globalAttribute13
* adjustmentReasonCopy
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute6
* numberAttendees
* receiptsIssue
* numPdmDays2
* merchantReference
* ratePerPassenger
* codeCombinationId
* creationDate
* distributionLineNumber
* globalAttribute2
* itemizationParentId
* numFreeBreakfasts3
* perDiemRate1
* travelType
* attribute4
* amountIncludesTaxFlag
* projectAccountingContext
* reference2
* globalAttribute7
* globalAttribute6
* funcCurrencyAmt
* receiptCurrencyAmount
* expenditureType
* receiptConversionRate
* globalAttribute1
* merchantDocumentNumber
* deductionAdditionAmt2
* lastUpdateLogin
* globalAttribute9
* numFreeBreakfasts2
* attribute10
* avgMileageRate
* justification
* paQuantity
* merchantTaxRegNumber
* attendees
* receiptVerifiedFlag
* numberPeople
* merchantName#1
* justificationRequiredFlag
* numFreeDinners2
* attributeCategory
* flexConcatenated
* globalAttribute18
* countryOfSupply
* location
* attribute13
* orgId
* policyShortpayFlag
* globalAttribute5
* vehicleCategoryCode
* attribute9
* taskId
* destinationTo
* attribute11
* distanceUnitCode
* companyPrepaidInvoiceId
* merchantTaxpayerId
* awtGroupId
* expenseGroup
* submittedAmount
* globalAttribute14
* taskNumber
* numFreeLunches1
* passengerAmount
* numFreeDinners1
* ussglTrxCodeContext
* taxCodeOverrideFlag
* uomDays
* receiptRequiredFlag
* reportLineId
* projectName
* licensePlateNumber
* currencyCode
* numPdmDays1
* numFreeDinners3
* projectId
* allocationSplitCode
* dailyDistance
* deductionAdditionAmt3
* numFreeAccommodations2
* allocationReason
* attribute2
* numFreeAccommodations1
* globalAttribute15
* numPdmDays3
* numFreeLunches2
* awardId
* globalAttribute10
* attribute5
* expenditureItemDate
* projectNumber
* receiptMissingFlag
* flightNumber
* taxCodeId
* ticketClassCode
* dailyAmount
* globalAttribute19
* webParameterId
* globalAttribute3
* ussglTransactionCode
* itemizeId
* taskName
* rangeLow
* setOfBooksId
* creditCardTrxId
* perDiemRate2
* perDiemRate3
* passengerRateType
* globalAttribute11
* endExpenseDate
* globalAttribute16
* imageReceiptRequiredFlag
* exchangeDate
* adjustmentReason
* lineTypeLookupCode
* rangeHigh
* numFreeLunches3
* paInterfacedFlag


 * merchantTaxRegNumber
* itemizeId
* allocationReason
* globalAttribute3
* globalAttribute5
* uomDays
* numFreeAccommodations3
* setOfBooksId
* distributionLineNumber
* imageReceiptRequiredFlag
* destinationFrom
* amount
* attribute2
* projectId
* categoryCode
* globalAttribute12
* attribute12
* merchantTaxpayerId
* exchangeDate
* numFreeDinners2
* locationToId
* taxCodeId
* paQuantity
* orgId
* reportHeaderId
* globalAttribute4
* numPdmDays3
* numFreeLunches2
* submittedAmount
* globalAttribute6
* globalAttribute18
* numFreeBreakfasts2
* attributeCategory
* justificationRequiredFlag
* globalAttribute13
* attribute4
* archiveDate
* webParameterId
* attribute14
* reportLineId
* companyPrepaidInvoiceId
* itemizationParentId
* awardId
* receiptCurrencyAmount
* attribute6
* projectAccountingContext
* receiptRequiredFlag
* numFreeLunches3
* numFreeAccommodations1
* numFreeBreakfasts1
* receiptConversionRate
* adjustmentReasonCopy
* lastUpdateDate
* expenditureOrganizationId
* ticketNumber
* exchangeRateType
* dailyDistance
* ratePerPassenger
* attribute8
* ussglTrxCodeContext
* awtGroupId
* flightNumber
* lastUpdatedBy
* statAmount
* taxCodeOverrideFlag
* ussglTransactionCode
* exchangeRate
* vehicleCategoryCode
* globalAttribute17
* currencyCode
* globalAttribute9
* paInterfacedFlag
* numFreeBreakfasts3
* allocationSplitCode
* rangeHigh
* globalAttribute14
* arcReqId
* amountIncludesTaxFlag
* creditCardTrxId
* numFreeDinners1
* vatCode
* globalAttribute7
* creationDate
* distanceUnitCode
* attendees
* startExpenseDate
* projectNumber
* attribute5
* passengerAmount
* receiptsIssue
* numPdmDays2
* lastUpdateLogin
* merchantName#1
* flexConcatenated
* merchantDocumentNumber
* location
* receiptCurrencyCode
* adjustmentReason
* numFreeDinners3
* licensePlateNumber
* attribute15
* globalAttribute20
* globalAttribute10
* vehicleType
* codeCombinationId
* globalAttribute15
* travelType
* funcCurrencyAmt
* itemDescription
* countryOfSupply
* mileageRateAdjustedFlag
* attribute11
* expenditureItemDate
* deductionAdditionAmt2
* taskId
* receiptMissingFlag
* attribute1
* passengerRateType
* justification
* globalAttribute19
* numPdmDays1
* destinationTo
* deductionAdditionAmt1
* rangeLow
* receiptVerifiedFlag
* reference1
* projectName
* ticketClassCode
* globalAttribute16
* deductionAdditionAmt3
* perDiemRate2
* attribute7
* globalAttributeCategory
* dailyAmount
* lineTypeLookupCode
* merchantName
* expenseGroup
* policyShortpayFlag
* taskNumber
* avgMileageRate
* globalAttribute8
* numberPeople
* numberAttendees
* globalAttribute1
* tripDistance
* numFreeAccommodations2
* awardNumber
* taskName
* perDiemRate3
* adjustmentReasonCode
* merchantReference
* reference2
* globalAttribute2
* createdBy
* globalAttribute11
* locationId
* numFreeLunches1
* apValidationError
* endExpenseDate
* fuelType
* expenditureType
* perDiemRate1
* attribute3
* attribute9
* attribute13
* attribute10


 * merchantTaxRegNumber
* itemizeId
* allocationReason
* globalAttribute3
* globalAttribute5
* uomDays
* numFreeAccommodations3
* setOfBooksId
* distributionLineNumber
* imageReceiptRequiredFlag
* destinationFrom
* amount
* attribute2
* projectId
* categoryCode
* globalAttribute12
* attribute12
* merchantTaxpayerId
* exchangeDate
* numFreeDinners2
* locationToId
* taxCodeId
* paQuantity
* orgId
* reportHeaderId
* globalAttribute4
* numPdmDays3
* numFreeLunches2
* submittedAmount
* globalAttribute6
* globalAttribute18
* numFreeBreakfasts2
* attributeCategory
* justificationRequiredFlag
* globalAttribute13
* attribute4
* archiveDate
* webParameterId
* attribute14
* reportLineId
* companyPrepaidInvoiceId
* itemizationParentId
* awardId
* receiptCurrencyAmount
* attribute6
* projectAccountingContext
* receiptRequiredFlag
* numFreeLunches3
* numFreeAccommodations1
* numFreeBreakfasts1
* receiptConversionRate
* adjustmentReasonCopy
* lastUpdateDate
* expenditureOrganizationId
* ticketNumber
* exchangeRateType
* dailyDistance
* ratePerPassenger
* attribute8
* ussglTrxCodeContext
* awtGroupId
* flightNumber
* lastUpdatedBy
* statAmount
* taxCodeOverrideFlag
* ussglTransactionCode
* exchangeRate
* vehicleCategoryCode
* globalAttribute17
* currencyCode
* globalAttribute9
* paInterfacedFlag
* numFreeBreakfasts3
* allocationSplitCode
* rangeHigh
* globalAttribute14
* arcReqId
* amountIncludesTaxFlag
* creditCardTrxId
* numFreeDinners1
* vatCode
* globalAttribute7
* creationDate
* distanceUnitCode
* attendees
* startExpenseDate
* projectNumber
* attribute5
* passengerAmount
* receiptsIssue
* numPdmDays2
* lastUpdateLogin
* merchantName#1
* flexConcatenated
* merchantDocumentNumber
* location
* receiptCurrencyCode
* adjustmentReason
* numFreeDinners3
* licensePlateNumber
* attribute15
* globalAttribute20
* globalAttribute10
* vehicleType
* codeCombinationId
* globalAttribute15
* travelType
* funcCurrencyAmt
* itemDescription
* countryOfSupply
* mileageRateAdjustedFlag
* attribute11
* expenditureItemDate
* deductionAdditionAmt2
* taskId
* receiptMissingFlag
* attribute1
* passengerRateType
* justification
* globalAttribute19
* numPdmDays1
* destinationTo
* deductionAdditionAmt1
* rangeLow
* receiptVerifiedFlag
* reference1
* projectName
* ticketClassCode
* globalAttribute16
* deductionAdditionAmt3
* perDiemRate2
* attribute7
* globalAttributeCategory
* dailyAmount
* lineTypeLookupCode
* merchantName
* expenseGroup
* policyShortpayFlag
* taskNumber
* avgMileageRate
* globalAttribute8
* numberPeople
* numberAttendees
* globalAttribute1
* tripDistance
* numFreeAccommodations2
* awardNumber
* taskName
* perDiemRate3
* adjustmentReasonCode
* merchantReference
* reference2
* globalAttribute2
* createdBy
* globalAttribute11
* locationId
* numFreeLunches1
* apValidationError
* endExpenseDate
* fuelType
* expenditureType
* perDiemRate1
* attribute3
* attribute9
* attribute13
* attribute10


 * lineTypeLookupCode
* webImageFilename
* duplicatesAllowed
* creationDate
* expenseReportId
* flexCcid
* parameterId
* flexConcactenated
* cardRequireReceiptAmount
* webFriendlyPrompt
* companyPolicyId
* categoryCode
* requireReceiptAmount
* zdSync
* flexDescription
* cardExpTypeLookupCode
* lastUpdateLogin
* createdBy
* amountIncludesTaxFlag
* calculateAmountFlag
* negReceiptRequiredFlag
* zdEditionName
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateDate
* webSequence
* paExpenditureType
* itemizationRequiredFlag
* endDate
* orgId
* webEnabledFlag
* expenseTypeCode
* receiptRequiredFlag
* itemizationAllFlag
* prompt
* vatCode
* dataCaptureRuleId
* summaryFlag
* justificationRequiredFlag


 * lineTypeLookupCode
* webImageFilename
* duplicatesAllowed
* creationDate
* expenseReportId
* flexCcid
* parameterId
* flexConcactenated
* cardRequireReceiptAmount
* webFriendlyPrompt
* companyPolicyId
* categoryCode
* requireReceiptAmount
* zdSync
* flexDescription
* cardExpTypeLookupCode
* lastUpdateLogin
* createdBy
* amountIncludesTaxFlag
* calculateAmountFlag
* negReceiptRequiredFlag
* zdEditionName
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateDate
* webSequence
* paExpenditureType
* itemizationRequiredFlag
* endDate
* orgId
* webEnabledFlag
* expenseTypeCode
* receiptRequiredFlag
* itemizationAllFlag
* prompt
* vatCode
* dataCaptureRuleId
* summaryFlag
* justificationRequiredFlag


 * lastUpdateLogin
* webEnabledFlag
* lastUpdateDate
* mobileEnabledFlag
* creationDate
* defaultParameterId
* description
* expenseReportId
* lastUpdatedBy
* zdSync
* zdEditionName
* reportType
* createdBy
* orgId
* inactiveDate


 * lastUpdateLogin
* webEnabledFlag
* lastUpdateDate
* mobileEnabledFlag
* creationDate
* defaultParameterId
* description
* expenseReportId
* lastUpdatedBy
* zdSync
* zdEditionName
* reportType
* createdBy
* orgId
* inactiveDate


 * segmentNum
* orgId
* createdBy
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* pagebreak
* rangeLow
* reportToken
* setOfBooksId
* rangeHigh
* lastUpdateLogin
* creationDate
* sequence
* segmentMappingId
* segmentName
* totalBy


 * segmentNum
* orgId
* createdBy
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* pagebreak
* rangeLow
* reportToken
* setOfBooksId
* rangeHigh
* lastUpdateLogin
* creationDate
* sequence
* segmentMappingId
* segmentName
* totalBy


 * auditCommitId
* holdLookupCode
* auditTransactionType
* auditUserName
* inactiveDate
* postableFlag
* auditTrueNulls
* auditSequenceId
* auditTimestamp
* rowKey
* userReleaseableFlag
* auditSessionId


 * auditCommitId
* holdLookupCode
* auditTransactionType
* auditUserName
* inactiveDate
* postableFlag
* auditTrueNulls
* auditSequenceId
* auditTimestamp
* rowKey
* userReleaseableFlag
* auditSessionId


 * attribute12
* orgId
* attribute8
* rcvTransactionId
* attribute3
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute11
* attribute15
* holdDetails
* responsibilityId
* invoiceId
* heldBy
* statusFlag
* attribute5
* creationDate
* attribute10
* holdReason
* validationRequestId
* holdDate
* attributeCategory
* attribute4
* wfStatus
* createdBy
* releaseLookupCode
* lineNumber
* attribute7
* attribute2
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute14
* lastUpdatedBy
* holdId
* releaseReason
* attribute1
* attribute6
* attribute9
* holdLookupCode
* lineLocationId
* attribute13


 * attribute12
* orgId
* attribute8
* rcvTransactionId
* attribute3
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute11
* attribute15
* holdDetails
* responsibilityId
* invoiceId
* heldBy
* statusFlag
* attribute5
* creationDate
* attribute10
* holdReason
* validationRequestId
* holdDate
* attributeCategory
* attribute4
* wfStatus
* createdBy
* releaseLookupCode
* lineNumber
* attribute7
* attribute2
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute14
* lastUpdatedBy
* holdId
* releaseReason
* attribute1
* attribute6
* attribute9
* holdLookupCode
* lineLocationId
* attribute13


 * heldBy
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute3
* attribute6
* responsibilityId
* holdDate
* orgId
* attribute1
* attribute15
* invoiceId
* lineLocationId
* creationDate
* attribute5
* attribute9
* holdReason
* attributeCategory
* attribute12
* attribute10
* attribute8
* releaseLookupCode
* holdLookupCode
* statusFlag
* releaseReason
* rcvTransactionId
* attribute4
* attribute7
* attribute2
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdateDate
* createdBy
* attribute13
* attribute11
* attribute14


 * heldBy
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute3
* attribute6
* responsibilityId
* holdDate
* orgId
* attribute1
* attribute15
* invoiceId
* lineLocationId
* creationDate
* attribute5
* attribute9
* holdReason
* attributeCategory
* attribute12
* attribute10
* attribute8
* releaseLookupCode
* holdLookupCode
* statusFlag
* releaseReason
* rcvTransactionId
* attribute4
* attribute7
* attribute2
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdateDate
* createdBy
* attribute13
* attribute11
* attribute14


 * lastUpdateDate
* annualInterestRate
* createdBy
* endDate
* startDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* interestPeriodId
* creationDate
* lastUpdatedBy


 * lastUpdateDate
* annualInterestRate
* createdBy
* endDate
* startDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* interestPeriodId
* creationDate
* lastUpdatedBy


 * source
* groupId
* requestId


 * source
* groupId
* requestId


 * tokenValue2
* tokenName9
* tokenName10
* tokenValue5
* tokenName1
* tokenName6
* notifyVendorFlag
* parentId
* tokenValue10
* tokenValue1
* rejectLookupCode
* tokenName4
* tokenName3
* lastUpdateLogin
* tokenValue8
* lastUpdateDate
* tokenValue6
* createdBy
* tokenValue9
* creationDate
* tokenName5
* tokenValue4
* tokenValue7
* lastUpdatedBy
* parentTable
* tokenName7
* tokenName2
* tokenName8
* tokenValue3


 * tokenValue2
* tokenName9
* tokenName10
* tokenValue5
* tokenName1
* tokenName6
* notifyVendorFlag
* parentId
* tokenValue10
* tokenValue1
* rejectLookupCode
* tokenName4
* tokenName3
* lastUpdateLogin
* tokenValue8
* lastUpdateDate
* tokenValue6
* createdBy
* tokenValue9
* creationDate
* tokenName5
* tokenValue4
* tokenValue7
* lastUpdatedBy
* parentTable
* tokenName7
* tokenName2
* tokenName8
* tokenValue3


 * lastUpdateLogin
* invoiceId
* origSystem
* createdBy
* approverName
* itemClass
* lastUpdateDate
* holdId
* notificationOrder
* approverComments
* iteration
* historyType
* lineNumber
* response
* approverComments#1
* approvalHistoryId
* itemId
* orgId
* amountApproved
* approverId
* creationDate
* lastUpdatedBy


 * lastUpdateLogin
* invoiceId
* origSystem
* createdBy
* approverName
* itemClass
* lastUpdateDate
* holdId
* notificationOrder
* approverComments
* iteration
* historyType
* lineNumber
* response
* approverComments#1
* approvalHistoryId
* itemId
* orgId
* amountApproved
* approverId
* creationDate
* lastUpdatedBy


 * creationDate
* bankChargeBearer
* checkStockId
* bankAccountId
* programApplicationId
* anticipatedValueDate
* batchSetId
* settlementPriority
* periodName
* resubmitFlag
* payOnlyWhenDueFlag
* attribute12
* auditRequiredFlag
* payGroupOption
* attribute7
* vendorId
* firstVoucherNumber
* status
* partyId
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute14
* invExchangeRateType
* volumeSerialNumber
* payFromDate
* paymentRejectionLevelCode
* createInstrsFlag
* orgId
* attribute2
* attribute13
* maxPaymentAmount
* attribute5
* currencyGroupOption
* attribute9
* programId
* maxOutlay
* attributeCategory
* bankAccountName
* documentOrderLookupCode
* ouGroupOption
* vendorTypeLookupCode
* batchRunName
* paymentsReviewSettings
* vendorPayGroup
* requestId
* checkDate
* currencyCode
* attribute11
* invAwtExistsFlag
* createdBy
* lowPaymentPriority
* attribute4
* attribute10
* invoiceBatchId
* exchangeRate
* calcAwtIntFlag
* paymentMethodCode
* payThruDate
* templateId
* batchSetLineId
* interval
* attribute6
* payablesReviewSettings
* paymentMethodLookupCode
* documentRejectionLevelCode
* attribute3
* hiPaymentPriority
* lastUpdateLogin
* leGroupOption
* lastUpdatedBy
* paymentDocumentId
* checkrunId
* futureDatedPaymentFlag
* minCheckAmount
* ceBankAcctUseId
* ussglTransactionCode
* transferPriority
* exchangeDate
* exchangeRateType
* paymentProfileId
* ussglTrxCodeContext
* endPrintDocument
* attribute15
* zeroAmountsAllowed
* nextVoucherNumber
* firstAvailableDocument
* templateFlag
* startPrintDocument
* checkrunName
* attribute8
* batchIdentifier
* zeroInvoicesAllowed
* attribute1
* programUpdateDate


 * creationDate
* bankChargeBearer
* checkStockId
* bankAccountId
* programApplicationId
* anticipatedValueDate
* batchSetId
* settlementPriority
* periodName
* resubmitFlag
* payOnlyWhenDueFlag
* attribute12
* auditRequiredFlag
* payGroupOption
* attribute7
* vendorId
* firstVoucherNumber
* status
* partyId
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute14
* invExchangeRateType
* volumeSerialNumber
* payFromDate
* paymentRejectionLevelCode
* createInstrsFlag
* orgId
* attribute2
* attribute13
* maxPaymentAmount
* attribute5
* currencyGroupOption
* attribute9
* programId
* maxOutlay
* attributeCategory
* bankAccountName
* documentOrderLookupCode
* ouGroupOption
* vendorTypeLookupCode
* batchRunName
* paymentsReviewSettings
* vendorPayGroup
* requestId
* checkDate
* currencyCode
* attribute11
* invAwtExistsFlag
* createdBy
* lowPaymentPriority
* attribute4
* attribute10
* invoiceBatchId
* exchangeRate
* calcAwtIntFlag
* paymentMethodCode
* payThruDate
* templateId
* batchSetLineId
* interval
* attribute6
* payablesReviewSettings
* paymentMethodLookupCode
* documentRejectionLevelCode
* attribute3
* hiPaymentPriority
* lastUpdateLogin
* leGroupOption
* lastUpdatedBy
* paymentDocumentId
* checkrunId
* futureDatedPaymentFlag
* minCheckAmount
* ceBankAcctUseId
* ussglTransactionCode
* transferPriority
* exchangeDate
* exchangeRateType
* paymentProfileId
* ussglTrxCodeContext
* endPrintDocument
* attribute15
* zeroAmountsAllowed
* nextVoucherNumber
* firstAvailableDocument
* templateFlag
* startPrintDocument
* checkrunName
* attribute8
* batchIdentifier
* zeroInvoicesAllowed
* attribute1
* programUpdateDate


 * quantityInvoiced
* parentInvoiceId
* baseAmountVariance
* accrualPostedFlag
* mrcCashJeBatchId
* paQuantity
* priceAdjustmentFlag
* mrcProgramApplicationId
* batchId
* mrcExchangeRateVariance
* baseQuantityVariance
* accountingDate
* mrcRateVarCcid
* startExpenseDate
* awtRelatedId
* totalDistBaseAmount
* amountAtPrepayPayXrate
* creditCardTrxId
* prepayDistributionId
* awtTaxRateId
* historicalFlag
* awtFlag
* awtInvoicePaymentId
* justification
* acctsPayCodeCombinationId
* cancellationFlag
* mrcAmountToPost
* createdBy
* exchangeRate
* amount
* assetsAdditionFlag
* endExpenseDate
* priceCorrectInvId
* attribute11
* attribute2
* webParameterId
* lastUpdatedBy
* baseAmount
* programId
* awtInvoiceId
* paCcArInvoiceLineNum
* withholdingTaxCodeId
* prepayTaxParentId
* expenditureItemDate
* ussglTrxCodeContext
* correctedQuantity
* recoveryRateCode
* matchStatusFlag
* amountVariance
* payAwtGroupId
* prepayAmountRemaining
* taxableBaseAmount
* assetsTrackingFlag
* receiptRequiredFlag
* mrcReceiptConversionRate
* exchangeRateType
* distMatchType
* upgradeBasePostedAmt
* recoveryTypeCode
* awtGrossAmount
* merchantName
* paAdditionFlag
* mrcExchangeDate
* receiptMissingFlag
* recoveryRateName
* cashJeBatchId
* lastUpdateLogin
* globalAttribute18
* totalDistAmount
* reqDistributionId
* invoiceDistributionId
* awtGroupId
* mrcAmount
* globalAttribute12
* globalAttribute13
* globalAttribute19
* recurringPaymentId
* globalAttributeCategory
* globalAttribute2
* amountToPost
* retainedAmountRemaining
* postedAmount
* chargeApplicableToDistId
* statAmount
* assetCategoryId
* attribute14
* encumberedFlag
* companyPrepaidInvoiceId
* finalReleaseRounding
* packetId
* mrcExchangeRateType
* fullyPaidAcctdFlag
* projectId
* paCcArInvoiceId
* taxCodeOverrideFlag
* retainedInvoiceDistId
* priceCorrectQty
* globalAttribute3
* attribute15
* incomeTaxRegion
* projectAccountingContext
* prepayTaxDiffAmount
* globalAttribute6
* mrcBaseAmountToPost
* postedBaseAmount
* globalAttribute16
* globalAttribute11
* attributeCategory
* distCodeCombinationId
* globalAttribute14
* correctedInvoiceDistId
* reference1
* relatedId
* attribute1
* extraPoErv
* xinvParentReversalId
* globalAttribute5
* attribute6
* summaryTaxLineId
* relatedRetainageDistId
* invoiceIncludesPrepayFlag
* description
* taxRecoveryOverrideFlag
* mrcBaseAmount
* paCcProcessedCode
* merchantReference
* rootDistributionId
* attribute13
* assetBookTypeCode
* rcvTransactionId
* globalAttribute7
* mrcPostedBaseAmount
* globalAttribute20
* mrcProgramUpdateDate
* attribute7
* rcvChargeAdditionFlag
* gmsBurdenableRawCost
* paCmtXfaceFlag
* invoiceLineNumber
* periodName
* receiptCurrencyCode
* amountAtPrepayXrate
* attribute8
* detailTaxDistId
* ussglTransactionCode
* inventoryTransferStatus
* setOfBooksId
* globalAttribute8
* mrcPostedAmount
* globalAttribute10
* otherInvoiceId
* ccReversalFlag
* cashPostedFlag
* requestId
* taxAlreadyDistributedFlag
* earliestSettlementDate
* adjustmentReason
* expenditureType
* priceVarCodeCombinationId
* creationDate
* finalApplicationRounding
* postedFlag
* merchantDocumentNumber
* vatCode
* oldDistributionId
* finalPaymentRounding
* receiptVerifiedFlag
* mrcJeBatchId
* lastUpdateDate
* receiptConversionRate
* countryOfSupply
* releaseInvDistDerivedFrom
* reversalFlag
* exchangeRateVariance
* type1099
* quantityUnencumbered
* globalAttribute17
* mrcCashPostedFlag
* invoiceId
* unitPrice
* attribute10
* cancelledFlag
* exchangeDate
* bcEventId
* globalAttribute15
* matchedUomLookupCode
* rateVarCodeCombinationId
* baseInvoicePriceVariance
* mrcProgramId
* oldDistLineNumber
* orgId
* lineGroupNumber
* baseAmountToPost
* parentReversalId
* finalMatchFlag
* attribute5
* taxCodeId
* mrcBaseInvPriceVariance
* accountingEventId
* dailyAmount
* recNrecRate
* globalAttribute1
* expenditureOrganizationId
* mrcPostedFlag
* recoveryRateId
* cashBasisFinalAppRounding
* globalAttribute9
* distributionLineNumber
* intendedUse
* baseAmountEncumbered
* globalAttribute4
* awtOriginGroupId
* programUpdateDate
* merchantTaxRegNumber
* mrcExchangeRate
* taxableAmount
* amountIncludesTaxFlag
* mrcDistCodeCombinationId
* merchantTaxpayerId
* taxRecoverableFlag
* quantityVariance
* upgradePostedAmt
* awtWithheldAmt
* poDistributionId
* attribute4
* distributionClass
* taxRecoveryRate
* attribute12
* amountEncumbered
* awardId
* mrcAccrualPostedFlag
* attribute3
* taxCalculatedFlag
* taskId
* receiptCurrencyAmount
* lineTypeLookupCode
* invoicePriceVariance
* reference2
* jeBatchId
* mrcRequestId
* attribute9
* programApplicationId
* roundingAmt
* expenseGroup


 * quantityInvoiced
* parentInvoiceId
* baseAmountVariance
* accrualPostedFlag
* mrcCashJeBatchId
* paQuantity
* priceAdjustmentFlag
* mrcProgramApplicationId
* batchId
* mrcExchangeRateVariance
* baseQuantityVariance
* accountingDate
* mrcRateVarCcid
* startExpenseDate
* awtRelatedId
* totalDistBaseAmount
* amountAtPrepayPayXrate
* creditCardTrxId
* prepayDistributionId
* awtTaxRateId
* historicalFlag
* awtFlag
* awtInvoicePaymentId
* justification
* acctsPayCodeCombinationId
* cancellationFlag
* mrcAmountToPost
* createdBy
* exchangeRate
* amount
* assetsAdditionFlag
* endExpenseDate
* priceCorrectInvId
* attribute11
* attribute2
* webParameterId
* lastUpdatedBy
* baseAmount
* programId
* awtInvoiceId
* paCcArInvoiceLineNum
* withholdingTaxCodeId
* prepayTaxParentId
* expenditureItemDate
* ussglTrxCodeContext
* correctedQuantity
* recoveryRateCode
* matchStatusFlag
* amountVariance
* payAwtGroupId
* prepayAmountRemaining
* taxableBaseAmount
* assetsTrackingFlag
* receiptRequiredFlag
* mrcReceiptConversionRate
* exchangeRateType
* distMatchType
* upgradeBasePostedAmt
* recoveryTypeCode
* awtGrossAmount
* merchantName
* paAdditionFlag
* mrcExchangeDate
* receiptMissingFlag
* recoveryRateName
* cashJeBatchId
* lastUpdateLogin
* globalAttribute18
* totalDistAmount
* reqDistributionId
* invoiceDistributionId
* awtGroupId
* mrcAmount
* globalAttribute12
* globalAttribute13
* globalAttribute19
* recurringPaymentId
* globalAttributeCategory
* globalAttribute2
* amountToPost
* retainedAmountRemaining
* postedAmount
* chargeApplicableToDistId
* statAmount
* assetCategoryId
* attribute14
* encumberedFlag
* companyPrepaidInvoiceId
* finalReleaseRounding
* packetId
* mrcExchangeRateType
* fullyPaidAcctdFlag
* projectId
* paCcArInvoiceId
* taxCodeOverrideFlag
* retainedInvoiceDistId
* priceCorrectQty
* globalAttribute3
* attribute15
* incomeTaxRegion
* projectAccountingContext
* prepayTaxDiffAmount
* globalAttribute6
* mrcBaseAmountToPost
* postedBaseAmount
* globalAttribute16
* globalAttribute11
* attributeCategory
* distCodeCombinationId
* globalAttribute14
* correctedInvoiceDistId
* reference1
* relatedId
* attribute1
* extraPoErv
* xinvParentReversalId
* globalAttribute5
* attribute6
* summaryTaxLineId
* relatedRetainageDistId
* invoiceIncludesPrepayFlag
* description
* taxRecoveryOverrideFlag
* mrcBaseAmount
* paCcProcessedCode
* merchantReference
* rootDistributionId
* attribute13
* assetBookTypeCode
* rcvTransactionId
* globalAttribute7
* mrcPostedBaseAmount
* globalAttribute20
* mrcProgramUpdateDate
* attribute7
* rcvChargeAdditionFlag
* gmsBurdenableRawCost
* paCmtXfaceFlag
* invoiceLineNumber
* periodName
* receiptCurrencyCode
* amountAtPrepayXrate
* attribute8
* detailTaxDistId
* ussglTransactionCode
* inventoryTransferStatus
* setOfBooksId
* globalAttribute8
* mrcPostedAmount
* globalAttribute10
* otherInvoiceId
* ccReversalFlag
* cashPostedFlag
* requestId
* taxAlreadyDistributedFlag
* earliestSettlementDate
* adjustmentReason
* expenditureType
* priceVarCodeCombinationId
* creationDate
* finalApplicationRounding
* postedFlag
* merchantDocumentNumber
* vatCode
* oldDistributionId
* finalPaymentRounding
* receiptVerifiedFlag
* mrcJeBatchId
* lastUpdateDate
* receiptConversionRate
* countryOfSupply
* releaseInvDistDerivedFrom
* reversalFlag
* exchangeRateVariance
* type1099
* quantityUnencumbered
* globalAttribute17
* mrcCashPostedFlag
* invoiceId
* unitPrice
* attribute10
* cancelledFlag
* exchangeDate
* bcEventId
* globalAttribute15
* matchedUomLookupCode
* rateVarCodeCombinationId
* baseInvoicePriceVariance
* mrcProgramId
* oldDistLineNumber
* orgId
* lineGroupNumber
* baseAmountToPost
* parentReversalId
* finalMatchFlag
* attribute5
* taxCodeId
* mrcBaseInvPriceVariance
* accountingEventId
* dailyAmount
* recNrecRate
* globalAttribute1
* expenditureOrganizationId
* mrcPostedFlag
* recoveryRateId
* cashBasisFinalAppRounding
* globalAttribute9
* distributionLineNumber
* intendedUse
* baseAmountEncumbered
* globalAttribute4
* awtOriginGroupId
* programUpdateDate
* merchantTaxRegNumber
* mrcExchangeRate
* taxableAmount
* amountIncludesTaxFlag
* mrcDistCodeCombinationId
* merchantTaxpayerId
* taxRecoverableFlag
* quantityVariance
* upgradePostedAmt
* awtWithheldAmt
* poDistributionId
* attribute4
* distributionClass
* taxRecoveryRate
* attribute12
* amountEncumbered
* awardId
* mrcAccrualPostedFlag
* attribute3
* taxCalculatedFlag
* taskId
* receiptCurrencyAmount
* lineTypeLookupCode
* invoicePriceVariance
* reference2
* jeBatchId
* mrcRequestId
* attribute9
* programApplicationId
* roundingAmt
* expenseGroup


 * globalAttribute20
* awtWithheldAmt
* distributionClass
* mrcExchangeRate
* awtInvoiceId
* invoiceIncludesPrepayFlag
* attribute13
* priceAdjustmentFlag
* cashPostedFlag
* programApplicationId
* taxRecoveryOverrideFlag
* rateVarCodeCombinationId
* correctedInvoiceDistId
* attribute8
* merchantName
* awtOriginGroupId
* paCcProcessedCode
* quantityInvoiced
* invoiceDistributionId
* attribute4
* finalApplicationRounding
* globalAttribute7
* setOfBooksId
* expenditureOrganizationId
* oldDistLineNumber
* receiptMissingFlag
* globalAttribute6
* paAdditionFlag
* globalAttribute10
* matchStatusFlag
* companyPrepaidInvoiceId
* assetsTrackingFlag
* statAmount
* distributionLineNumber
* type1099
* exchangeRateVariance
* recNrecRate
* mrcExchangeRateVariance
* relatedRetainageDistId
* taxRecoverableFlag
* retainedAmountRemaining
* acctsPayCodeCombinationId
* prepayDistributionId
* globalAttribute3
* unitPrice
* paCmtXfaceFlag
* taxableBaseAmount
* attribute3
* taxCodeOverrideFlag
* reversalFlag
* taxAlreadyDistributedFlag
* accountingDate
* globalAttribute8
* baseAmountVariance
* amountAtPrepayPayXrate
* amountVariance
* roundingAmt
* awtInvoicePaymentId
* detailTaxDistId
* finalReleaseRounding
* paQuantity
* mrcExchangeDate
* amountToPost
* globalAttribute13
* priceCorrectQty
* totalDistBaseAmount
* globalAttribute16
* mrcReceiptConversionRate
* postedFlag
* exchangeRate
* postedBaseAmount
* intendedUse
* xinvParentReversalId
* baseAmountEncumbered
* receiptCurrencyCode
* reqDistributionId
* awtTaxRateId
* vatCode
* globalAttribute15
* baseInvoicePriceVariance
* inventoryTransferStatus
* expenseGroup
* orgId
* globalAttribute14
* invoicePriceVariance
* gmsBurdenableRawCost
* accrualPostedFlag
* rcvChargeAdditionFlag
* awtGroupId
* poDistributionId
* fullyPaidAcctdFlag
* creationDate
* programId
* oldDistributionId
* taxRecoveryRate
* relatedId
* ccReversalFlag
* recoveryRateName
* invoiceId
* awtFlag
* merchantDocumentNumber
* programUpdateDate
* globalAttribute1
* globalAttribute2
* priceCorrectInvId
* packetId
* projectAccountingContext
* expenditureItemDate
* exchangeDate
* mrcBaseAmount
* matchedUomLookupCode
* amountAtPrepayXrate
* priceVarCodeCombinationId
* lineGroupNumber
* globalAttribute12
* attribute12
* mrcRateVarCcid
* distCodeCombinationId
* retainedInvoiceDistId
* baseQuantityVariance
* parentInvoiceId
* globalAttribute19
* globalAttribute9
* awtRelatedId
* attribute10
* withholdingTaxCodeId
* prepayTaxDiffAmount
* amount
* countryOfSupply
* rcvTransactionId
* bcEventId
* attribute2
* taxCodeId
* attribute11
* reference1
* releaseInvDistDerivedFrom
* parentReversalId
* merchantReference
* createdBy
* mrcBaseInvPriceVariance
* assetsAdditionFlag
* lastUpdateDate
* historicalFlag
* otherInvoiceId
* description
* creditCardTrxId
* attribute6
* awardId
* attribute7
* webParameterId
* globalAttribute11
* correctedQuantity
* amountIncludesTaxFlag
* postedAmount
* distMatchType
* cancellationFlag
* merchantTaxRegNumber
* globalAttribute4
* jeBatchId
* quantityVariance
* taskId
* rootDistributionId
* recoveryRateId
* globalAttribute17
* receiptCurrencyAmount
* justification
* prepayTaxParentId
* cashBasisFinalAppRounding
* upgradeBasePostedAmt
* accountingEventId
* reference2
* finalPaymentRounding
* upgradePostedAmt
* receiptRequiredFlag
* globalAttribute18
* attribute14
* cashJeBatchId
* batchId
* payAwtGroupId
* baseAmountToPost
* baseAmount
* endExpenseDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* merchantTaxpayerId
* quantityUnencumbered
* recoveryTypeCode
* requestId
* paCcArInvoiceId
* ussglTransactionCode
* lineTypeLookupCode
* projectId
* recurringPaymentId
* assetBookTypeCode
* dailyAmount
* prepayAmountRemaining
* receiptConversionRate
* paCcArInvoiceLineNum
* attributeCategory
* amountEncumbered
* attribute9
* earliestSettlementDate
* globalAttributeCategory
* totalDistAmount
* encumberedFlag
* finalMatchFlag
* mrcDistCodeCombinationId
* extraPoErv
* periodName
* assetCategoryId
* exchangeRateType
* attribute1
* attribute5
* receiptVerifiedFlag
* chargeApplicableToDistId
* globalAttribute5
* adjustmentReason
* attribute15
* startExpenseDate
* awtGrossAmount
* incomeTaxRegion
* taxableAmount
* ussglTrxCodeContext
* expenditureType
* mrcExchangeRateType
* taxCalculatedFlag
* summaryTaxLineId
* lastUpdateLogin
* invoiceLineNumber


 * globalAttribute20
* awtWithheldAmt
* distributionClass
* mrcExchangeRate
* awtInvoiceId
* invoiceIncludesPrepayFlag
* attribute13
* priceAdjustmentFlag
* cashPostedFlag
* programApplicationId
* taxRecoveryOverrideFlag
* rateVarCodeCombinationId
* correctedInvoiceDistId
* attribute8
* merchantName
* awtOriginGroupId
* paCcProcessedCode
* quantityInvoiced
* invoiceDistributionId
* attribute4
* finalApplicationRounding
* globalAttribute7
* setOfBooksId
* expenditureOrganizationId
* oldDistLineNumber
* receiptMissingFlag
* globalAttribute6
* paAdditionFlag
* globalAttribute10
* matchStatusFlag
* companyPrepaidInvoiceId
* assetsTrackingFlag
* statAmount
* distributionLineNumber
* type1099
* exchangeRateVariance
* recNrecRate
* mrcExchangeRateVariance
* relatedRetainageDistId
* taxRecoverableFlag
* retainedAmountRemaining
* acctsPayCodeCombinationId
* prepayDistributionId
* globalAttribute3
* unitPrice
* paCmtXfaceFlag
* taxableBaseAmount
* attribute3
* taxCodeOverrideFlag
* reversalFlag
* taxAlreadyDistributedFlag
* accountingDate
* globalAttribute8
* baseAmountVariance
* amountAtPrepayPayXrate
* amountVariance
* roundingAmt
* awtInvoicePaymentId
* detailTaxDistId
* finalReleaseRounding
* paQuantity
* mrcExchangeDate
* amountToPost
* globalAttribute13
* priceCorrectQty
* totalDistBaseAmount
* globalAttribute16
* mrcReceiptConversionRate
* postedFlag
* exchangeRate
* postedBaseAmount
* intendedUse
* xinvParentReversalId
* baseAmountEncumbered
* receiptCurrencyCode
* reqDistributionId
* awtTaxRateId
* vatCode
* globalAttribute15
* baseInvoicePriceVariance
* inventoryTransferStatus
* expenseGroup
* orgId
* globalAttribute14
* invoicePriceVariance
* gmsBurdenableRawCost
* accrualPostedFlag
* rcvChargeAdditionFlag
* awtGroupId
* poDistributionId
* fullyPaidAcctdFlag
* creationDate
* programId
* oldDistributionId
* taxRecoveryRate
* relatedId
* ccReversalFlag
* recoveryRateName
* invoiceId
* awtFlag
* merchantDocumentNumber
* programUpdateDate
* globalAttribute1
* globalAttribute2
* priceCorrectInvId
* packetId
* projectAccountingContext
* expenditureItemDate
* exchangeDate
* mrcBaseAmount
* matchedUomLookupCode
* amountAtPrepayXrate
* priceVarCodeCombinationId
* lineGroupNumber
* globalAttribute12
* attribute12
* mrcRateVarCcid
* distCodeCombinationId
* retainedInvoiceDistId
* baseQuantityVariance
* parentInvoiceId
* globalAttribute19
* globalAttribute9
* awtRelatedId
* attribute10
* withholdingTaxCodeId
* prepayTaxDiffAmount
* amount
* countryOfSupply
* rcvTransactionId
* bcEventId
* attribute2
* taxCodeId
* attribute11
* reference1
* releaseInvDistDerivedFrom
* parentReversalId
* merchantReference
* createdBy
* mrcBaseInvPriceVariance
* assetsAdditionFlag
* lastUpdateDate
* historicalFlag
* otherInvoiceId
* description
* creditCardTrxId
* attribute6
* awardId
* attribute7
* webParameterId
* globalAttribute11
* correctedQuantity
* amountIncludesTaxFlag
* postedAmount
* distMatchType
* cancellationFlag
* merchantTaxRegNumber
* globalAttribute4
* jeBatchId
* quantityVariance
* taskId
* rootDistributionId
* recoveryRateId
* globalAttribute17
* receiptCurrencyAmount
* justification
* prepayTaxParentId
* cashBasisFinalAppRounding
* upgradeBasePostedAmt
* accountingEventId
* reference2
* finalPaymentRounding
* upgradePostedAmt
* receiptRequiredFlag
* globalAttribute18
* attribute14
* cashJeBatchId
* batchId
* payAwtGroupId
* baseAmountToPost
* baseAmount
* endExpenseDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* merchantTaxpayerId
* quantityUnencumbered
* recoveryTypeCode
* requestId
* paCcArInvoiceId
* ussglTransactionCode
* lineTypeLookupCode
* projectId
* recurringPaymentId
* assetBookTypeCode
* dailyAmount
* prepayAmountRemaining
* receiptConversionRate
* paCcArInvoiceLineNum
* attributeCategory
* amountEncumbered
* attribute9
* earliestSettlementDate
* globalAttributeCategory
* totalDistAmount
* encumberedFlag
* finalMatchFlag
* mrcDistCodeCombinationId
* extraPoErv
* periodName
* assetCategoryId
* exchangeRateType
* attribute1
* attribute5
* receiptVerifiedFlag
* chargeApplicableToDistId
* globalAttribute5
* adjustmentReason
* attribute15
* startExpenseDate
* awtGrossAmount
* incomeTaxRegion
* taxableAmount
* ussglTrxCodeContext
* expenditureType
* mrcExchangeRateType
* taxCalculatedFlag
* summaryTaxLineId
* lastUpdateLogin
* invoiceLineNumber


 * justification
* generateDists
* globalAttribute4
* poHeaderId
* startExpenseDate
* originalRoundingAmt
* taxStatusCode
* orgId
* taxClassificationCode
* attribute11
* disputableFlag
* globalAttributeCategory
* originalBaseAmount
* itemDescription
* programUpdateDate
* sourceEventClassCode
* globalAttribute2
* invoiceIncludesPrepayFlag
* totalRecTaxAmtFunclCurr
* taxAlreadyCalculatedFlag
* adjustmentReason
* purchasingCategoryId
* shipToLocationId
* expenseGroup
* globalAttribute9
* webParameterId
* taxRegimeCode
* lineOwnerRole
* reference2
* poReleaseId
* costFactorId
* awtGroupId
* merchantReference
* attribute12
* wfapprovalStatus
* assetCategoryId
* globalAttribute11
* createdBy
* lineSource
* statAmount
* receiptCurrencyCode
* taskId
* sourceTrxLevelType
* historicalFlag
* accountSegment
* globalAttribute6
* lineSelectedForApplFlag
* receiptVerifiedFlag
* rcvTransactionId
* requestId
* cancelledFlag
* ailDistributionLineNumber
* lastUpdateDate
* controlAmount
* lineGroupNumber
* globalAttribute19
* type1099
* sourceApplicationId
* inventoryItemId
* attribute4
* globalAttribute14
* globalAttribute5
* merchantName#1
* globalAttribute13
* referenceKey5
* poDistributionId
* creditCardTrxId
* reference1
* attribute10
* totalNrecTaxAmount
* quantityInvoiced
* attribute8
* paCcProcessedCode
* productFiscClassification
* setOfBooksId
* poLineId
* defAcctgPeriodType
* assessableValue
* expenditureType
* projectId
* attribute15
* manufacturer
* modelNumber
* dailyAmount
* userDefinedFiscClass
* discardedFlag
* globalAttribute3
* receiptConversionRate
* deferredAcctgFlag
* productCategory
* attribute6
* taxRateCode
* referenceKey3
* originalAmount
* trxBusinessCategory
* overlayDistCodeConcat
* retainedLineNumber
* lineTypeLookupCode
* prepayInvoiceId
* retainedInvoiceId
* sourceTrxId
* paCcArInvoiceId
* globalAttribute1
* lineSelectedForReleaseFlag
* poLineLocationId
* globalAttribute17
* unitPrice
* attribute1
* amount
* prorateAcrossAllItems
* lastUpdateLogin
* productType
* warrantyNumber
* retainedAmountRemaining
* balancingSegment
* ailInvoiceId2
* attribute3
* attribute13
* defAcctgStartDate
* primaryIntendedUse
* ccReversalFlag
* paCcArInvoiceLineNum
* incomeTaxRegion
* accountingDate
* correctedInvId
* taxRateId
* ussglTransactionCode
* serialNumber
* defAcctgNumberOfPeriods
* costCenterSegment
* globalAttribute7
* ailInvoiceId4
* prepayLineNumber
* rcvShipmentLineId
* correctedLineNumber
* referenceKey2
* summaryTaxLineId
* description
* receiptMissingFlag
* merchantDocumentNumber
* assetBookTypeCode
* matchType
* companyPrepaidInvoiceId
* attribute5
* defAcctgEndDate
* roundingAmt
* prepayApplRequestId
* merchantTaxpayerId
* globalAttribute18
* merchantName
* requesterId
* taxCodeId
* referenceKey4
* globalAttribute8
* ailInvoiceId
* endExpenseDate
* globalAttribute16
* baseAmount
* merchantTaxRegNumber
* paQuantity
* lineNumber
* unitMeasLookupCode
* awardId
* attributeCategory
* tax
* receiptCurrencyAmount
* assetsTrackingFlag
* globalAttribute10
* totalRecTaxAmount
* distributionSetId
* payAwtGroupId
* programId
* attribute7
* finalMatchFlag
* expenditureOrganizationId
* globalAttribute12
* attribute14
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute2
* sourceLineId
* globalAttribute15
* referenceKey1
* periodName
* sourceEntityCode
* invoiceId
* ailDistributionLineNumber3
* totalNrecTaxAmtFunclCurr
* includedTaxAmount
* expenditureItemDate
* receiptRequiredFlag
* attribute9
* taxRate
* countryOfSupply
* ailInvoiceId3
* applicationId
* retainedAmount
* taxJurisdictionCode
* productTable
* creationDate
* globalAttribute20
* defaultDistCcid
* programApplicationId
* ailDistributionLineNumber2


 * justification
* generateDists
* globalAttribute4
* poHeaderId
* startExpenseDate
* originalRoundingAmt
* taxStatusCode
* orgId
* taxClassificationCode
* attribute11
* disputableFlag
* globalAttributeCategory
* originalBaseAmount
* itemDescription
* programUpdateDate
* sourceEventClassCode
* globalAttribute2
* invoiceIncludesPrepayFlag
* totalRecTaxAmtFunclCurr
* taxAlreadyCalculatedFlag
* adjustmentReason
* purchasingCategoryId
* shipToLocationId
* expenseGroup
* globalAttribute9
* webParameterId
* taxRegimeCode
* lineOwnerRole
* reference2
* poReleaseId
* costFactorId
* awtGroupId
* merchantReference
* attribute12
* wfapprovalStatus
* assetCategoryId
* globalAttribute11
* createdBy
* lineSource
* statAmount
* receiptCurrencyCode
* taskId
* sourceTrxLevelType
* historicalFlag
* accountSegment
* globalAttribute6
* lineSelectedForApplFlag
* receiptVerifiedFlag
* rcvTransactionId
* requestId
* cancelledFlag
* ailDistributionLineNumber
* lastUpdateDate
* controlAmount
* lineGroupNumber
* globalAttribute19
* type1099
* sourceApplicationId
* inventoryItemId
* attribute4
* globalAttribute14
* globalAttribute5
* merchantName#1
* globalAttribute13
* referenceKey5
* poDistributionId
* creditCardTrxId
* reference1
* attribute10
* totalNrecTaxAmount
* quantityInvoiced
* attribute8
* paCcProcessedCode
* productFiscClassification
* setOfBooksId
* poLineId
* defAcctgPeriodType
* assessableValue
* expenditureType
* projectId
* attribute15
* manufacturer
* modelNumber
* dailyAmount
* userDefinedFiscClass
* discardedFlag
* globalAttribute3
* receiptConversionRate
* deferredAcctgFlag
* productCategory
* attribute6
* taxRateCode
* referenceKey3
* originalAmount
* trxBusinessCategory
* overlayDistCodeConcat
* retainedLineNumber
* lineTypeLookupCode
* prepayInvoiceId
* retainedInvoiceId
* sourceTrxId
* paCcArInvoiceId
* globalAttribute1
* lineSelectedForReleaseFlag
* poLineLocationId
* globalAttribute17
* unitPrice
* attribute1
* amount
* prorateAcrossAllItems
* lastUpdateLogin
* productType
* warrantyNumber
* retainedAmountRemaining
* balancingSegment
* ailInvoiceId2
* attribute3
* attribute13
* defAcctgStartDate
* primaryIntendedUse
* ccReversalFlag
* paCcArInvoiceLineNum
* incomeTaxRegion
* accountingDate
* correctedInvId
* taxRateId
* ussglTransactionCode
* serialNumber
* defAcctgNumberOfPeriods
* costCenterSegment
* globalAttribute7
* ailInvoiceId4
* prepayLineNumber
* rcvShipmentLineId
* correctedLineNumber
* referenceKey2
* summaryTaxLineId
* description
* receiptMissingFlag
* merchantDocumentNumber
* assetBookTypeCode
* matchType
* companyPrepaidInvoiceId
* attribute5
* defAcctgEndDate
* roundingAmt
* prepayApplRequestId
* merchantTaxpayerId
* globalAttribute18
* merchantName
* requesterId
* taxCodeId
* referenceKey4
* globalAttribute8
* ailInvoiceId
* endExpenseDate
* globalAttribute16
* baseAmount
* merchantTaxRegNumber
* paQuantity
* lineNumber
* unitMeasLookupCode
* awardId
* attributeCategory
* tax
* receiptCurrencyAmount
* assetsTrackingFlag
* globalAttribute10
* totalRecTaxAmount
* distributionSetId
* payAwtGroupId
* programId
* attribute7
* finalMatchFlag
* expenditureOrganizationId
* globalAttribute12
* attribute14
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute2
* sourceLineId
* globalAttribute15
* referenceKey1
* periodName
* sourceEntityCode
* invoiceId
* ailDistributionLineNumber3
* totalNrecTaxAmtFunclCurr
* includedTaxAmount
* expenditureItemDate
* receiptRequiredFlag
* attribute9
* taxRate
* countryOfSupply
* ailInvoiceId3
* applicationId
* retainedAmount
* taxJurisdictionCode
* productTable
* creationDate
* globalAttribute20
* defaultDistCcid
* programApplicationId
* ailDistributionLineNumber2


 * referenceKey5
* globalAttribute5
* payAwtGroupName
* taxClassificationCode
* attribute1
* productType
* attribute15
* finalMatchFlag
* sourceEventClassCode
* poHeaderId
* poShipmentNum
* taxCode
* globalAttribute3
* attribute14
* globalAttribute11
* description
* globalAttribute6
* amount
* rcvTransactionId
* inclInTaxableLineFlag
* paAdditionFlag
* requesterEmployeeNum
* globalAttribute10
* tax
* taxRateCode
* shipToLocationId
* applicationId
* globalAttribute12
* productTable
* priceCorrectInvLineNum
* globalAttribute19
* defaultDistCcid
* referenceKey4
* trxBusinessCategory
* distributionSetId
* globalAttribute1
* poReleaseId
* referenceKey3
* expenditureType
* inventoryItemId
* referenceKey2
* ussglTransactionCode
* globalAttribute8
* costFactorId
* attribute8
* paCcArInvoiceId
* defAcctgNumberOfPeriods
* purchasingCategory
* attribute9
* creditCardTrxId
* globalAttribute13
* attribute6
* payAwtGroupId
* distCodeConcatenated
* merchantDocumentNumber
* assetCategoryId
* sourceApplicationId
* purchasingCategoryId
* costFactorName
* merchantReference
* deferredAcctgFlag
* warrantyNumber
* attribute4
* merchantName#1
* createdBy
* projectId
* invoiceLineId
* productCategory
* distributionSetName
* statAmount
* lineNumber
* globalAttribute17
* globalAttribute20
* poNumber
* countryOfSupply
* expenseStartDate
* receiptConversionRate
* balancingSegment
* itemDescription
* assetBookTypeCode
* reference2
* taxRateId
* amountIncludesTaxFlag
* type1099
* attribute2
* taxableFlag
* controlAmount
* lastUpdateDate
* creationDate
* attributeCategory
* globalAttribute2
* sourceTrxLevelType
* projectAccountingContext
* taxRegimeCode
* incomeTaxRegion
* merchantName
* globalAttributeCategory
* vendorItemNum
* taxCodeOverrideFlag
* poLineLocationId
* attribute12
* modelNumber
* taxJurisdictionCode
* sourceLineId
* expenditureOrganizationId
* reference1
* referenceKey1
* orgId
* paQuantity
* defAcctgStartDate
* unitOfMeasLookupCode
* sourceEntityCode
* paCcArInvoiceLineNum
* attribute13
* awardId
* merchantTaxRegNumber
* releaseNum
* awtGroupName
* attribute7
* priceCorrectInvNum
* assessableValue
* taxRate
* userDefinedFiscClass
* receiptCurrencyAmount
* accountSegment
* productFiscClassification
* globalAttribute14
* costCenterSegment
* globalAttribute15
* packingSlip
* attribute3
* globalAttribute4
* merchantTaxpayerId
* globalAttribute9
* lineGroupNumber
* poDistributionId
* poLineNumber
* poLineId
* lineTypeLookupCode
* attribute11
* requesterId
* companyPrepaidInvoiceId
* globalAttribute18
* receiptCurrencyCode
* taxRecoveryOverrideFlag
* justification
* externalDocLineRef
* requesterLastName
* taskId
* lastUpdatedBy
* poDistributionNum
* poUnitOfMeasure
* defAcctgPeriodType
* awtGroupId
* lastUpdateLogin
* globalAttribute16
* priceCorrectionFlag
* attribute5
* serialNumber
* defAcctgEndDate
* accountingDate
* primaryIntendedUse
* expenditureItemDate
* expenseGroup
* requesterFirstName
* prorateAcrossFlag
* distCodeCombinationId
* invoiceId
* taxCodeId
* quantityInvoiced
* expenseEndDate
* matchOption
* assetsTrackingFlag
* shipToLocationCode
* receiptNumber
* sourceTrxId
* receiptLineNumber
* manufacturer
* taxRecoveryRate
* taxRecoverableFlag
* ccReversalFlag
* taxStatusCode
* globalAttribute7
* paCcProcessedCode
* attribute10
* unitPrice


 * referenceKey5
* globalAttribute5
* payAwtGroupName
* taxClassificationCode
* attribute1
* productType
* attribute15
* finalMatchFlag
* sourceEventClassCode
* poHeaderId
* poShipmentNum
* taxCode
* globalAttribute3
* attribute14
* globalAttribute11
* description
* globalAttribute6
* amount
* rcvTransactionId
* inclInTaxableLineFlag
* paAdditionFlag
* requesterEmployeeNum
* globalAttribute10
* tax
* taxRateCode
* shipToLocationId
* applicationId
* globalAttribute12
* productTable
* priceCorrectInvLineNum
* globalAttribute19
* defaultDistCcid
* referenceKey4
* trxBusinessCategory
* distributionSetId
* globalAttribute1
* poReleaseId
* referenceKey3
* expenditureType
* inventoryItemId
* referenceKey2
* ussglTransactionCode
* globalAttribute8
* costFactorId
* attribute8
* paCcArInvoiceId
* defAcctgNumberOfPeriods
* purchasingCategory
* attribute9
* creditCardTrxId
* globalAttribute13
* attribute6
* payAwtGroupId
* distCodeConcatenated
* merchantDocumentNumber
* assetCategoryId
* sourceApplicationId
* purchasingCategoryId
* costFactorName
* merchantReference
* deferredAcctgFlag
* warrantyNumber
* attribute4
* merchantName#1
* createdBy
* projectId
* invoiceLineId
* productCategory
* distributionSetName
* statAmount
* lineNumber
* globalAttribute17
* globalAttribute20
* poNumber
* countryOfSupply
* expenseStartDate
* receiptConversionRate
* balancingSegment
* itemDescription
* assetBookTypeCode
* reference2
* taxRateId
* amountIncludesTaxFlag
* type1099
* attribute2
* taxableFlag
* controlAmount
* lastUpdateDate
* creationDate
* attributeCategory
* globalAttribute2
* sourceTrxLevelType
* projectAccountingContext
* taxRegimeCode
* incomeTaxRegion
* merchantName
* globalAttributeCategory
* vendorItemNum
* taxCodeOverrideFlag
* poLineLocationId
* attribute12
* modelNumber
* taxJurisdictionCode
* sourceLineId
* expenditureOrganizationId
* reference1
* referenceKey1
* orgId
* paQuantity
* defAcctgStartDate
* unitOfMeasLookupCode
* sourceEntityCode
* paCcArInvoiceLineNum
* attribute13
* awardId
* merchantTaxRegNumber
* releaseNum
* awtGroupName
* attribute7
* priceCorrectInvNum
* assessableValue
* taxRate
* userDefinedFiscClass
* receiptCurrencyAmount
* accountSegment
* productFiscClassification
* globalAttribute14
* costCenterSegment
* globalAttribute15
* packingSlip
* attribute3
* globalAttribute4
* merchantTaxpayerId
* globalAttribute9
* lineGroupNumber
* poDistributionId
* poLineNumber
* poLineId
* lineTypeLookupCode
* attribute11
* requesterId
* companyPrepaidInvoiceId
* globalAttribute18
* receiptCurrencyCode
* taxRecoveryOverrideFlag
* justification
* externalDocLineRef
* requesterLastName
* taskId
* lastUpdatedBy
* poDistributionNum
* poUnitOfMeasure
* defAcctgPeriodType
* awtGroupId
* lastUpdateLogin
* globalAttribute16
* priceCorrectionFlag
* attribute5
* serialNumber
* defAcctgEndDate
* accountingDate
* primaryIntendedUse
* expenditureItemDate
* expenseGroup
* requesterFirstName
* prorateAcrossFlag
* distCodeCombinationId
* invoiceId
* taxCodeId
* quantityInvoiced
* expenseEndDate
* matchOption
* assetsTrackingFlag
* shipToLocationCode
* receiptNumber
* sourceTrxId
* receiptLineNumber
* manufacturer
* taxRecoveryRate
* taxRecoverableFlag
* ccReversalFlag
* taxStatusCode
* globalAttribute7
* paCcProcessedCode
* attribute10
* unitPrice


 * setOfBooksId
* amount
* reversalFlag
* assetCodeCombinationId
* remitToSupplierId
* attribute6
* globalAttribute17
* futurePayPostedFlag
* globalAttribute12
* attribute12
* attribute11
* globalAttribute10
* attribute8
* remitToSupplierSite
* invoicingVendorSiteId
* attribute3
* creationDate
* discountLost
* exchangeRate
* mrcGainCodeCombinationId
* attribute10
* exchangeRateType
* assetsAdditionFlag
* globalAttribute5
* mrcInvoiceBaseAmount
* accountingDate
* attribute7
* mrcExchangeDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute5
* lastUpdatedBy
* discountTaken
* createdBy
* paymentBaseAmount
* attribute1
* orgId
* attribute13
* attribute4
* invoiceId
* mrcExchangeRateType
* otherInvoiceId
* globalAttribute18
* attribute14
* invoicePaymentType
* globalAttribute1
* postedFlag
* reversalInvPmtId
* accrualPostedFlag
* attribute15
* remitToSupplierName
* globalAttribute11
* exchangeDate
* attributeCategory
* cashJeBatchId
* gainCodeCombinationId
* attribute2
* globalAttribute20
* globalAttributeCategory
* globalAttribute14
* globalAttribute16
* accountingEventId
* periodName
* cashPostedFlag
* globalAttribute2
* globalAttribute15
* bankNum
* mrcLossCodeCombinationId
* globalAttribute13
* mrcExchangeRate
* invoicingPartySiteId
* lastUpdateDate
* electronicTransferId
* globalAttribute6
* externalBankAccountId
* paymentNum
* bankAccountNum
* attribute9
* globalAttribute9
* invoicePaymentId
* bankAccountType
* invoicingPartyId
* globalAttribute3
* globalAttribute8
* globalAttribute7
* acctsPayCodeCombinationId
* futurePayCodeCombinationId
* invoiceBaseAmount
* lossCodeCombinationId
* remitToSupplierSiteId
* ibanNumber
* checkId
* jeBatchId
* globalAttribute4
* mrcPaymentBaseAmount
* globalAttribute19


 * setOfBooksId
* amount
* reversalFlag
* assetCodeCombinationId
* remitToSupplierId
* attribute6
* globalAttribute17
* futurePayPostedFlag
* globalAttribute12
* attribute12
* attribute11
* globalAttribute10
* attribute8
* remitToSupplierSite
* invoicingVendorSiteId
* attribute3
* creationDate
* discountLost
* exchangeRate
* mrcGainCodeCombinationId
* attribute10
* exchangeRateType
* assetsAdditionFlag
* globalAttribute5
* mrcInvoiceBaseAmount
* accountingDate
* attribute7
* mrcExchangeDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute5
* lastUpdatedBy
* discountTaken
* createdBy
* paymentBaseAmount
* attribute1
* orgId
* attribute13
* attribute4
* invoiceId
* mrcExchangeRateType
* otherInvoiceId
* globalAttribute18
* attribute14
* invoicePaymentType
* globalAttribute1
* postedFlag
* reversalInvPmtId
* accrualPostedFlag
* attribute15
* remitToSupplierName
* globalAttribute11
* exchangeDate
* attributeCategory
* cashJeBatchId
* gainCodeCombinationId
* attribute2
* globalAttribute20
* globalAttributeCategory
* globalAttribute14
* globalAttribute16
* accountingEventId
* periodName
* cashPostedFlag
* globalAttribute2
* globalAttribute15
* bankNum
* mrcLossCodeCombinationId
* globalAttribute13
* mrcExchangeRate
* invoicingPartySiteId
* lastUpdateDate
* electronicTransferId
* globalAttribute6
* externalBankAccountId
* paymentNum
* bankAccountNum
* attribute9
* globalAttribute9
* invoicePaymentId
* bankAccountType
* invoicingPartyId
* globalAttribute3
* globalAttribute8
* globalAttribute7
* acctsPayCodeCombinationId
* futurePayCodeCombinationId
* invoiceBaseAmount
* lossCodeCombinationId
* remitToSupplierSiteId
* ibanNumber
* checkId
* jeBatchId
* globalAttribute4
* mrcPaymentBaseAmount
* globalAttribute19


 * prepayId
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdatedBy
* creationDate
* createdBy
* invoiceId
* orgId
* prepaymentAmountApplied
* lastUpdateDate
* dateReported


 * prepayId
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdatedBy
* creationDate
* createdBy
* invoiceId
* orgId
* prepaymentAmountApplied
* lastUpdateDate
* dateReported


 * relatedInvoiceId
* originalInvoiceId
* originalPaymentNum
* createdBy
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateDate
* checkrunName
* lastUpdateLogin
* creationDate


 * relatedInvoiceId
* originalInvoiceId
* originalPaymentNum
* createdBy
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateDate
* checkrunName
* lastUpdateLogin
* creationDate


 * attribute9
* payProcTrxnTypeCode
* approvalIteration
* creationDate
* goodsReceivedDate
* applicationId
* bankChargeBearer
* paymentReasonCode
* reference1
* globalAttribute4
* quickCredit
* taxInvoiceRecordingDate
* paDefaultDistCcid
* remitToSupplierSiteId
* vendorId
* custRegistrationCode
* discountAmountTaken
* referenceKey2
* payAwtGroupId
* validatedTaxAmount
* attribute13
* description
* vendorSiteId
* referenceKey4
* discIsInvLessTaxFlag
* setOfBooksId
* trxBusinessCategory
* forceRevalidationFlag
* referenceKey5
* validationRequestId
* lastUpdateLogin
* awardId
* invoiceAmount
* invoiceReceivedDate
* globalAttribute9
* partySiteId
* globalAttribute19
* voucherNum
* attribute5
* prepayFlag
* globalAttribute3
* portOfEntryCode
* source
* exchangeDate
* externalBankAccountId
* invoiceTypeLookupCode
* globalAttribute10
* lastUpdateDate
* paymentCrossRateDate
* vendorPrepayAmount
* globalAttribute20
* disputeReason
* uriCheckDigit
* remitToSupplierId
* ussglTransactionCode
* productTable
* mrcExchangeDate
* baseAmount
* orgId
* paymentReasonComments
* paymentCurrencyCode
* supplierTaxExchangeRate
* invoiceNum
* remittanceMessage1
* excludeFreightFromDiscount
* attribute4
* attribute3
* awtGroupId
* legalEntityId
* vatCode
* attribute2
* approvalReadyFlag
* projectAccountingContext
* globalAttributeCategory
* attribute8
* payGroupLookupCode
* taxationCountry
* attribute12
* poHeaderId
* approvalDescription
* amountPaid
* documentSubType
* remittanceMessage2
* attribute7
* attribute6
* awtFlag
* controlAmount
* paidOnBehalfEmployeeId
* globalAttribute12
* userDefinedFiscClass
* paymentAmountTotal
* glDate
* freightAmount
* termsDate
* attribute11
* remittanceMessage3
* paymentMethodCode
* termsId
* creditedInvoiceId
* expenditureOrganizationId
* historicalFlag
* ussglTrxCodeContext
* releaseAmountNetOfTax
* poMatchedFlag
* invoiceDistributionTotal
* attribute10
* remitToSupplierSite
* totalTaxAmount
* taxInvoiceInternalSeq
* paymentStatusFlag
* attribute14
* globalAttribute13
* supplierTaxInvoiceDate
* acctsPayCodeCombinationId
* settlementPriority
* attributeCategory
* globalAttribute18
* mrcExchangeRateType
* globalAttribute1
* exclusivePaymentFlag
* cancelledAmount
* amountApplicableToDiscount
* internalContactEmail
* payCurrInvoiceAmount
* validationWorkerId
* globalAttribute5
* autoTaxCalcFlag
* expenditureItemDate
* mrcExchangeRate
* relationshipId
* lastUpdatedBy
* globalAttribute7
* projectId
* requesterId
* batchId
* globalAttribute8
* paQuantity
* globalAttribute17
* deliveryChannelCode
* originalPrepaymentAmount
* amtDueCcardCompany
* globalAttribute16
* exchangeRate
* approvalStatus
* remitToSupplierName
* earliestSettlementDate
* netOfRetainageFlag
* amtDueEmployee
* approvedAmount
* custRegistrationNumber
* taxRelatedInvoiceId
* attribute15
* cancelledDate
* recurringPaymentId
* cancelledBy
* attribute1
* docSequenceId
* invoiceDate
* quickPoHeaderId
* globalAttribute2
* selfAssessedTaxAmount
* expenditureType
* globalAttribute11
* exchangeRateType
* uniqueRemittanceIdentifier
* distributionSetId
* originalInvoiceAmount
* taxAmount
* vendorContactId
* paymentFunction
* docSequenceValue
* mrcBaseAmount
* createdBy
* paymentCrossRateType
* supplierTaxInvoiceNumber
* referenceKey1
* taskId
* referenceKey3
* docCategoryCode
* tempCancelledAmount
* globalAttribute6
* paymentCrossRate
* partyId
* invoiceCurrencyCode
* globalAttribute15
* invoiceId
* paymentMethodLookupCode
* reference2
* authorizedBy
* wfapprovalStatus
* globalAttribute14
* postingStatus
* preWithholdingAmount


 * attribute9
* payProcTrxnTypeCode
* approvalIteration
* creationDate
* goodsReceivedDate
* applicationId
* bankChargeBearer
* paymentReasonCode
* reference1
* globalAttribute4
* quickCredit
* taxInvoiceRecordingDate
* paDefaultDistCcid
* remitToSupplierSiteId
* vendorId
* custRegistrationCode
* discountAmountTaken
* referenceKey2
* payAwtGroupId
* validatedTaxAmount
* attribute13
* description
* vendorSiteId
* referenceKey4
* discIsInvLessTaxFlag
* setOfBooksId
* trxBusinessCategory
* forceRevalidationFlag
* referenceKey5
* validationRequestId
* lastUpdateLogin
* awardId
* invoiceAmount
* invoiceReceivedDate
* globalAttribute9
* partySiteId
* globalAttribute19
* voucherNum
* attribute5
* prepayFlag
* globalAttribute3
* portOfEntryCode
* source
* exchangeDate
* externalBankAccountId
* invoiceTypeLookupCode
* globalAttribute10
* lastUpdateDate
* paymentCrossRateDate
* vendorPrepayAmount
* globalAttribute20
* disputeReason
* uriCheckDigit
* remitToSupplierId
* ussglTransactionCode
* productTable
* mrcExchangeDate
* baseAmount
* orgId
* paymentReasonComments
* paymentCurrencyCode
* supplierTaxExchangeRate
* invoiceNum
* remittanceMessage1
* excludeFreightFromDiscount
* attribute4
* attribute3
* awtGroupId
* legalEntityId
* vatCode
* attribute2
* approvalReadyFlag
* projectAccountingContext
* globalAttributeCategory
* attribute8
* payGroupLookupCode
* taxationCountry
* attribute12
* poHeaderId
* approvalDescription
* amountPaid
* documentSubType
* remittanceMessage2
* attribute7
* attribute6
* awtFlag
* controlAmount
* paidOnBehalfEmployeeId
* globalAttribute12
* userDefinedFiscClass
* paymentAmountTotal
* glDate
* freightAmount
* termsDate
* attribute11
* remittanceMessage3
* paymentMethodCode
* termsId
* creditedInvoiceId
* expenditureOrganizationId
* historicalFlag
* ussglTrxCodeContext
* releaseAmountNetOfTax
* poMatchedFlag
* invoiceDistributionTotal
* attribute10
* remitToSupplierSite
* totalTaxAmount
* taxInvoiceInternalSeq
* paymentStatusFlag
* attribute14
* globalAttribute13
* supplierTaxInvoiceDate
* acctsPayCodeCombinationId
* settlementPriority
* attributeCategory
* globalAttribute18
* mrcExchangeRateType
* globalAttribute1
* exclusivePaymentFlag
* cancelledAmount
* amountApplicableToDiscount
* internalContactEmail
* payCurrInvoiceAmount
* validationWorkerId
* globalAttribute5
* autoTaxCalcFlag
* expenditureItemDate
* mrcExchangeRate
* relationshipId
* lastUpdatedBy
* globalAttribute7
* projectId
* requesterId
* batchId
* globalAttribute8
* paQuantity
* globalAttribute17
* deliveryChannelCode
* originalPrepaymentAmount
* amtDueCcardCompany
* globalAttribute16
* exchangeRate
* approvalStatus
* remitToSupplierName
* earliestSettlementDate
* netOfRetainageFlag
* amtDueEmployee
* approvedAmount
* custRegistrationNumber
* taxRelatedInvoiceId
* attribute15
* cancelledDate
* recurringPaymentId
* cancelledBy
* attribute1
* docSequenceId
* invoiceDate
* quickPoHeaderId
* globalAttribute2
* selfAssessedTaxAmount
* expenditureType
* globalAttribute11
* exchangeRateType
* uniqueRemittanceIdentifier
* distributionSetId
* originalInvoiceAmount
* taxAmount
* vendorContactId
* paymentFunction
* docSequenceValue
* mrcBaseAmount
* createdBy
* paymentCrossRateType
* supplierTaxInvoiceNumber
* referenceKey1
* taskId
* referenceKey3
* docCategoryCode
* tempCancelledAmount
* globalAttribute6
* paymentCrossRate
* partyId
* invoiceCurrencyCode
* globalAttribute15
* invoiceId
* paymentMethodLookupCode
* reference2
* authorizedBy
* wfapprovalStatus
* globalAttribute14
* postingStatus
* preWithholdingAmount


 * paymentCrossRateType
* paymentCrossRateDate
* prepayDistNum
* requesterLastName
* requestId
* voucherNum
* externalBankAccountId
* attribute6
* invoiceTypeLookupCode
* prepayNum
* attribute15
* globalAttribute14
* paymentReasonCode
* attribute8
* documentSubType
* remitToSupplierSiteId
* calcTaxDuringImportFlag
* exclusivePaymentFlag
* custRegistrationNumber
* remittanceMessage3
* remitToSupplierName
* attribute4
* globalAttribute17
* glDate
* legalEntityId
* paymentFunction
* applicationId
* globalAttribute15
* docCategoryCode
* requesterFirstName
* addTaxToInvAmtFlag
* attribute14
* payProcTrxnTypeCode
* globalAttribute13
* attribute11
* paymentPriority
* operatingUnit
* supplierTaxInvoiceNumber
* taxInvoiceRecordingDate
* globalAttribute7
* prepayApplyAmount
* awtGroupId
* shipToLocation
* globalAttribute3
* prepayGlDate
* lastUpdateDate
* termsDate
* globalAttribute9
* taxationCountry
* globalAttribute4
* reference2
* termsId
* workflowFlag
* supplierTaxInvoiceDate
* globalAttribute20
* controlAmount
* invoiceAmount
* referenceKey1
* remitToSupplierId
* invoiceNum
* disputeReason
* invoiceReceivedDate
* payAwtGroupName
* goodsReceivedDate
* legalEntityName
* createdBy
* partySiteId
* applyAdvancesFlag
* attribute1
* globalAttribute12
* payGroupLookupCode
* globalAttribute2
* globalAttribute11
* description
* globalAttribute16
* netOfRetainageFlag
* attribute13
* externalDocRef
* attribute5
* termsName
* taxInvoiceInternalSeq
* globalAttribute5
* reference1
* vendorSiteCode
* lastUpdateLogin
* relationshipId
* attribute10
* referenceKey5
* globalAttribute6
* globalAttribute10
* globalAttribute18
* vendorId
* vendorNum
* vendorName
* invoiceCurrencyCode
* originalInvoiceAmount
* paymentCurrencyCode
* requesterEmployeeNum
* source
* settlementPriority
* paymentMethodCode
* exchangeRateType
* exchangeRate
* globalAttribute8
* supplierTaxExchangeRate
* referenceKey3
* poNumber
* attribute2
* remittanceMessage2
* globalAttribute19
* remittanceMessage1
* portOfEntryCode
* uniqueRemittanceIdentifier
* deliveryChannelCode
* attribute7
* attribute9
* lastUpdatedBy
* globalAttributeCategory
* prepayLineNum
* paidOnBehalfEmployeeId
* partyId
* bankChargeBearer
* globalAttribute1
* referenceKey2
* awtGroupName
* attribute3
* attribute12
* taxRelatedInvoiceId
* exchangeDate
* custRegistrationCode
* ussglTransactionCode
* remitToSupplierNum
* creationDate
* remitToSupplierSite
* orgId
* requesterId
* uriCheckDigit
* paymentReasonComments
* vendorEmailAddress
* paymentCrossRate
* groupId
* acctsPayCodeConcatenated
* vendorSiteId
* status
* invoiceDate
* invoiceIncludesPrepayFlag
* acctsPayCodeCombinationId
* payAwtGroupId
* amountApplicableToDiscount
* productTable
* referenceKey4
* attributeCategory
* paymentMethodLookupCode
* invoiceId
* noXrateBaseAmount


 * paymentCrossRateType
* paymentCrossRateDate
* prepayDistNum
* requesterLastName
* requestId
* voucherNum
* externalBankAccountId
* attribute6
* invoiceTypeLookupCode
* prepayNum
* attribute15
* globalAttribute14
* paymentReasonCode
* attribute8
* documentSubType
* remitToSupplierSiteId
* calcTaxDuringImportFlag
* exclusivePaymentFlag
* custRegistrationNumber
* remittanceMessage3
* remitToSupplierName
* attribute4
* globalAttribute17
* glDate
* legalEntityId
* paymentFunction
* applicationId
* globalAttribute15
* docCategoryCode
* requesterFirstName
* addTaxToInvAmtFlag
* attribute14
* payProcTrxnTypeCode
* globalAttribute13
* attribute11
* paymentPriority
* operatingUnit
* supplierTaxInvoiceNumber
* taxInvoiceRecordingDate
* globalAttribute7
* prepayApplyAmount
* awtGroupId
* shipToLocation
* globalAttribute3
* prepayGlDate
* lastUpdateDate
* termsDate
* globalAttribute9
* taxationCountry
* globalAttribute4
* reference2
* termsId
* workflowFlag
* supplierTaxInvoiceDate
* globalAttribute20
* controlAmount
* invoiceAmount
* referenceKey1
* remitToSupplierId
* invoiceNum
* disputeReason
* invoiceReceivedDate
* payAwtGroupName
* goodsReceivedDate
* legalEntityName
* createdBy
* partySiteId
* applyAdvancesFlag
* attribute1
* globalAttribute12
* payGroupLookupCode
* globalAttribute2
* globalAttribute11
* description
* globalAttribute16
* netOfRetainageFlag
* attribute13
* externalDocRef
* attribute5
* termsName
* taxInvoiceInternalSeq
* globalAttribute5
* reference1
* vendorSiteCode
* lastUpdateLogin
* relationshipId
* attribute10
* referenceKey5
* globalAttribute6
* globalAttribute10
* globalAttribute18
* vendorId
* vendorNum
* vendorName
* invoiceCurrencyCode
* originalInvoiceAmount
* paymentCurrencyCode
* requesterEmployeeNum
* source
* settlementPriority
* paymentMethodCode
* exchangeRateType
* exchangeRate
* globalAttribute8
* supplierTaxExchangeRate
* referenceKey3
* poNumber
* attribute2
* remittanceMessage2
* globalAttribute19
* remittanceMessage1
* portOfEntryCode
* uniqueRemittanceIdentifier
* deliveryChannelCode
* attribute7
* attribute9
* lastUpdatedBy
* globalAttributeCategory
* prepayLineNum
* paidOnBehalfEmployeeId
* partyId
* bankChargeBearer
* globalAttribute1
* referenceKey2
* awtGroupName
* attribute3
* attribute12
* taxRelatedInvoiceId
* exchangeDate
* custRegistrationCode
* ussglTransactionCode
* remitToSupplierNum
* creationDate
* remitToSupplierSite
* orgId
* requesterId
* uriCheckDigit
* paymentReasonComments
* vendorEmailAddress
* paymentCrossRate
* groupId
* acctsPayCodeConcatenated
* vendorSiteId
* status
* invoiceDate
* invoiceIncludesPrepayFlag
* acctsPayCodeCombinationId
* payAwtGroupId
* amountApplicableToDiscount
* productTable
* referenceKey4
* attributeCategory
* paymentMethodLookupCode
* invoiceId
* noXrateBaseAmount


 * subModule
* createdBy
* endDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* programApplicationId
* upgradePhase
* requestId
* startDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateDate
* programId
* moduleName
* parentRequestId
* creationDate


 * subModule
* createdBy
* endDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* programApplicationId
* upgradePhase
* requestId
* startDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateDate
* programId
* moduleName
* parentRequestId
* creationDate


 * legalEntityId
* templateId
* createdBy
* leGroupId
* checkrunId
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdateDate
* creationDate
* lastUpdatedBy


 * legalEntityId
* templateId
* createdBy
* leGroupId
* checkrunId
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdateDate
* creationDate
* lastUpdatedBy


 * iteration
* createdBy
* itemClass
* miscAmountApproved
* lineNumber
* approverId
* lastUpdatedBy
* creationDate
* newLineNumber
* notificationKey
* response
* accessTypeCode
* orgId
* lineAmountApproved
* historyType
* taxAmountApproved
* freightAmountApproved
* alteredFieldCode
* lineAprvlHistoryId
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdateDate
* notificationOrder
* alteredFieldDataType
* originalValue
* itemId
* invoiceId
* approverComments
* newValue


 * iteration
* createdBy
* itemClass
* miscAmountApproved
* lineNumber
* approverId
* lastUpdatedBy
* creationDate
* newLineNumber
* notificationKey
* response
* accessTypeCode
* orgId
* lineAmountApproved
* historyType
* taxAmountApproved
* freightAmountApproved
* alteredFieldCode
* lineAprvlHistoryId
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdateDate
* notificationOrder
* alteredFieldDataType
* originalValue
* itemId
* invoiceId
* approverComments
* newValue


 * status
* lastUpdatedBy
* programApplicationId
* lastUpdateDate
* invoiceId
* creationDate
* createdBy
* requestId
* dmlType
* lastUpdateLogin
* programId


 * status
* lastUpdatedBy
* programApplicationId
* lastUpdateDate
* invoiceId
* creationDate
* createdBy
* requestId
* dmlType
* lastUpdateLogin
* programId


 * lastUpdateLogin
* fromLookupCode
* mapTypeCode
* createdBy
* creationDate
* toLookupCode
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy


 * lastUpdateLogin
* fromLookupCode
* mapTypeCode
* createdBy
* creationDate
* toLookupCode
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy


 * createdBy
* fromApplicationId
* fromLookupType
* toApplicationId
* toLookupType
* defaultLookupCode
* lastUpdatedBy
* creationDate
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* mapTypeCode


 * createdBy
* fromApplicationId
* fromLookupType
* toApplicationId
* toLookupType
* defaultLookupCode
* lastUpdatedBy
* creationDate
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* mapTypeCode


 * lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateDate
* mapTypeCode
* creationDate
* meaning
* language
* description
* sourceLang
* createdBy
* lastUpdateLogin


 * lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateDate
* mapTypeCode
* creationDate
* meaning
* language
* description
* sourceLang
* createdBy
* lastUpdateLogin


 * createdBy
* matchedRectAdjId
* requestId
* programId
* lastUpdateLogin
* orgId
* adjustedRcvTxnId
* programUpdateDate
* adjustedDate
* parentRcvTxnId
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* creationDate
* programApplicationId


 * createdBy
* matchedRectAdjId
* requestId
* programId
* lastUpdateLogin
* orgId
* adjustedRcvTxnId
* programUpdateDate
* adjustedDate
* parentRcvTxnId
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* creationDate
* programApplicationId


 * checkId
* clearedExchangeDate
* stampDutyBaseAmt
* clearedBaseAmount
* clearedExchangeRateType
* maturityExchangeRateType
* maturityExchangeDate
* clearedChargesBaseAmount
* baseAmount
* clearedExchangeRate
* exchangeRate
* maturityExchangeRate
* exchangeDate
* setOfBooksId
* exchangeRateType
* clearedErrorBaseAmount


 * checkId
* clearedExchangeDate
* stampDutyBaseAmt
* clearedBaseAmount
* clearedExchangeRateType
* maturityExchangeRateType
* maturityExchangeDate
* clearedChargesBaseAmount
* baseAmount
* clearedExchangeRate
* exchangeRate
* maturityExchangeRate
* exchangeDate
* setOfBooksId
* exchangeRateType
* clearedErrorBaseAmount


 * upgradeBasePostedAmt
* amountToPost
* invoiceDistributionId
* receiptConversionRate
* baseAmount
* postedBaseAmount
* upgradePostedAmt
* amount
* exchangeRateType
* distributionLineNumber
* exchangeDate
* exchangeRateVariance
* setOfBooksId
* baseInvoicePriceVariance
* lineTypeLookupCode
* exchangeRate
* quantityInvoiced
* rateVarCodeCombinationId
* baseAmountToPost
* postedAmount
* invoiceId
* distCodeCombinationId


 * upgradeBasePostedAmt
* amountToPost
* invoiceDistributionId
* receiptConversionRate
* baseAmount
* postedBaseAmount
* upgradePostedAmt
* amount
* exchangeRateType
* distributionLineNumber
* exchangeDate
* exchangeRateVariance
* setOfBooksId
* baseInvoicePriceVariance
* lineTypeLookupCode
* exchangeRate
* quantityInvoiced
* rateVarCodeCombinationId
* baseAmountToPost
* postedAmount
* invoiceId
* distCodeCombinationId


 * lossCodeCombinationId
* invoiceBaseAmount
* gainCodeCombinationId
* setOfBooksId
* exchangeRateType
* paymentBaseAmount
* exchangeDate
* exchangeRate
* invoicePaymentId


 * lossCodeCombinationId
* invoiceBaseAmount
* gainCodeCombinationId
* setOfBooksId
* exchangeRateType
* paymentBaseAmount
* exchangeDate
* exchangeRate
* invoicePaymentId


 * baseAmount
* setOfBooksId
* exchangeDate
* invoiceId
* exchangeRate
* exchangeRateType


 * baseAmount
* setOfBooksId
* exchangeDate
* invoiceId
* exchangeRate
* exchangeRateType


 * paymentHistoryId
* setOfBooksId
* bankToBaseXrate
* chargesBaseAmount
* pmtToBaseXrateType
* bankToBaseXrateType
* trxBaseAmount
* bankToBaseXrateDate
* pmtToBaseXrateDate
* pmtToBaseXrate
* errorsBaseAmount


 * paymentHistoryId
* setOfBooksId
* bankToBaseXrate
* chargesBaseAmount
* pmtToBaseXrateType
* bankToBaseXrateType
* trxBaseAmount
* bankToBaseXrateDate
* pmtToBaseXrateDate
* pmtToBaseXrate
* errorsBaseAmount


 * lastUpdateLogin
* approvalHistoryId
* lastUpdateDate
* creationDate
* createdBy
* alteredFieldCode
* negotiationHistId
* lastUpdatedBy
* alteredFieldDataType
* newValue
* originalValue


 * lastUpdateLogin
* approvalHistoryId
* lastUpdateDate
* creationDate
* createdBy
* alteredFieldCode
* negotiationHistId
* lastUpdatedBy
* alteredFieldDataType
* newValue
* originalValue


 * lastUpdateLogin
* creationDate
* createdBy
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* trxId
* noMatchTrxId


 * lastUpdateLogin
* creationDate
* createdBy
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* trxId
* noMatchTrxId


 * sourceLang
* createdBy
* enteredBy
* lastUpdatedBy
* sourceObjectId
* enteredDate
* creationDate
* lastUpdateDate
* noteSource
* noteType
* notesDetail
* sourceObjectCode
* lastUpdateLogin
* noteId


 * sourceLang
* createdBy
* enteredBy
* lastUpdatedBy
* sourceObjectId
* enteredDate
* creationDate
* lastUpdateDate
* noteSource
* noteType
* notesDetail
* sourceObjectCode
* lastUpdateLogin
* noteId


 * lastUpdatedBy
* sourceObjectId
* notesDetail
* sourceObjectCode
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* sourceLang
* archiveDate
* noteType
* lastUpdateDate
* noteId
* enteredDate
* enteredBy
* createdBy
* arcReqId


 * lastUpdatedBy
* sourceObjectId
* notesDetail
* sourceObjectCode
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* sourceLang
* archiveDate
* noteType
* lastUpdateDate
* noteId
* enteredDate
* enteredBy
* createdBy
* arcReqId


 * lastUpdatedBy
* attribute8
* attribute13
* attribute11
* creationDate
* description
* attribute3
* attribute14
* attribute15
* attributeCategory
* attribute12
* attribute5
* module
* attribute2
* attribute6
* periodType
* attribute9
* lastUpdateLogin
* periodsPerYear
* attribute7
* attribute10
* createdBy
* context
* attribute4
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute1


 * lastUpdatedBy
* attribute8
* attribute13
* attribute11
* creationDate
* description
* attribute3
* attribute14
* attribute15
* attributeCategory
* attribute12
* attribute5
* module
* attribute2
* attribute6
* periodType
* attribute9
* lastUpdateLogin
* periodsPerYear
* attribute7
* attribute10
* createdBy
* context
* attribute4
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute1


 * attribute5
* startDate
* attribute8
* context
* attribute11
* attribute7
* attribute13
* applicationId
* attribute12
* attribute15
* periodYear
* description
* module
* attribute14
* endDate
* periodName
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute3
* creationDate
* periodType
* attribute6
* attribute9
* attribute10
* periodNum
* dueDate
* attribute1
* status
* createdBy
* attribute2
* enteredPeriodName
* attributeCategory
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute4
* lastUpdateLogin


 * attribute5
* startDate
* attribute8
* context
* attribute11
* attribute7
* attribute13
* applicationId
* attribute12
* attribute15
* periodYear
* description
* module
* attribute14
* endDate
* periodName
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute3
* creationDate
* periodType
* attribute6
* attribute9
* attribute10
* periodNum
* dueDate
* attribute1
* status
* createdBy
* attribute2
* enteredPeriodName
* attributeCategory
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute4
* lastUpdateLogin


 * lastUpdatedBy
* orgId
* creationDate
* lastUpdateDate
* checkrunId
* createdBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* ouGroupId
* templateId


 * lastUpdatedBy
* orgId
* creationDate
* lastUpdateDate
* checkrunId
* createdBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* ouGroupId
* templateId


 * templateId
* createdBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* payGroupId
* creationDate
* vendorPayGroup
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* checkrunId


 * templateId
* createdBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* payGroupId
* creationDate
* vendorPayGroup
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* checkrunId


 * attribute13
* attribute3
* attribute8
* createdBy
* orgId
* attribute2
* lastUpdateLogin
* cardIssuerId
* attribute12
* creationDate
* attribute9
* trxFeeHeaderId
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute4
* attribute10
* attribute15
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute1
* cardIssuerSiteId
* attribute5
* attributeCategory
* currencyCode
* attribute7
* attribute14
* attribute11
* attribute6


 * attribute13
* attribute3
* attribute8
* createdBy
* orgId
* attribute2
* lastUpdateLogin
* cardIssuerId
* attribute12
* creationDate
* attribute9
* trxFeeHeaderId
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute4
* attribute10
* attribute15
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute1
* cardIssuerSiteId
* attribute5
* attributeCategory
* currencyCode
* attribute7
* attribute14
* attribute11
* attribute6


 * toDate
* attribute9
* attribute8
* attribute10
* attribute13
* attribute4
* attribute6
* attribute5
* attribute15
* attribute14
* attributeCategory
* attribute1
* fromDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute3
* trxFeeHeaderId
* createdBy
* attribute12
* attribute7
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute2
* lastUpdateDate
* creationDate
* feeAmount
* attribute11


 * toDate
* attribute9
* attribute8
* attribute10
* attribute13
* attribute4
* attribute6
* attribute5
* attribute15
* attribute14
* attributeCategory
* attribute1
* fromDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute3
* trxFeeHeaderId
* createdBy
* attribute12
* attribute7
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute2
* lastUpdateDate
* creationDate
* feeAmount
* attribute11


 * requestId
* paAdditionFlag
* gainLossIndicator
* historicalFlag
* invoiceDistBaseAmount
* lastUpdateDate
* paymentHistoryId
* awtRelatedId
* programUpdateDate
* creationDate
* paidBaseAmount
* programId
* programLoginId
* amountVariance
* payDistLookupCode
* bankCurrAmount
* invoiceDistAmount
* clearedBaseAmount
* lastUpdateLogin
* invoiceAdjustmentEventId
* paymentHistDistId
* roundingAmt
* invoiceBaseQtyVariance
* amount
* quantityVariance
* lastUpdatedBy
* invoicePaymentId
* releaseInvDistDerivedFrom
* invoiceBaseAmtVariance
* reversalFlag
* maturedBaseAmount
* reversedPayHistDistId
* accountingEventId
* programApplicationId
* invoiceDistributionId
* createdBy


 * requestId
* paAdditionFlag
* gainLossIndicator
* historicalFlag
* invoiceDistBaseAmount
* lastUpdateDate
* paymentHistoryId
* awtRelatedId
* programUpdateDate
* creationDate
* paidBaseAmount
* programId
* programLoginId
* amountVariance
* payDistLookupCode
* bankCurrAmount
* invoiceDistAmount
* clearedBaseAmount
* lastUpdateLogin
* invoiceAdjustmentEventId
* paymentHistDistId
* roundingAmt
* invoiceBaseQtyVariance
* amount
* quantityVariance
* lastUpdatedBy
* invoicePaymentId
* releaseInvDistDerivedFrom
* invoiceBaseAmtVariance
* reversalFlag
* maturedBaseAmount
* reversedPayHistDistId
* accountingEventId
* programApplicationId
* invoiceDistributionId
* createdBy


 * mrcPmtToBaseXrateDate
* pmtToBaseXrateDate
* requestId
* trxBankAmount
* mrcBankToBaseXrate
* mrcErrorsBaseAmount
* mrcPmtToBaseXrate
* paymentHistoryId
* historicalFlag
* createdBy
* accountingEventId
* errorsBaseAmount
* orgId
* pmtToBaseXrate
* trxPmtAmount
* invoiceAdjustmentEventId
* creationDate
* chargesPmtAmount
* bankToBaseXrateType
* mrcBankToBaseXrateDate
* programUpdateDate
* bankCurrencyCode
* programApplicationId
* chargesBaseAmount
* matchedFlag
* relatedEventId
* lastUpdateLogin
* chargesBankAmount
* bankToBaseXrate
* trxBaseAmount
* errorsPmtAmount
* bankToBaseXrateDate
* revPmtHistId
* gainLossIndicator
* lastUpdateDate
* mrcPmtToBaseXrateType
* transactionType
* accountingDate
* pmtCurrencyCode
* checkId
* programId
* lastUpdatedBy
* mrcTrxBaseAmount
* mrcChargesBaseAmount
* postedFlag
* pmtToBaseXrateType
* errorsBankAmount
* mrcBankToBaseXrateType


 * mrcPmtToBaseXrateDate
* pmtToBaseXrateDate
* requestId
* trxBankAmount
* mrcBankToBaseXrate
* mrcErrorsBaseAmount
* mrcPmtToBaseXrate
* paymentHistoryId
* historicalFlag
* createdBy
* accountingEventId
* errorsBaseAmount
* orgId
* pmtToBaseXrate
* trxPmtAmount
* invoiceAdjustmentEventId
* creationDate
* chargesPmtAmount
* bankToBaseXrateType
* mrcBankToBaseXrateDate
* programUpdateDate
* bankCurrencyCode
* programApplicationId
* chargesBaseAmount
* matchedFlag
* relatedEventId
* lastUpdateLogin
* chargesBankAmount
* bankToBaseXrate
* trxBaseAmount
* errorsPmtAmount
* bankToBaseXrateDate
* revPmtHistId
* gainLossIndicator
* lastUpdateDate
* mrcPmtToBaseXrateType
* transactionType
* accountingDate
* pmtCurrencyCode
* checkId
* programId
* lastUpdatedBy
* mrcTrxBaseAmount
* mrcChargesBaseAmount
* postedFlag
* pmtToBaseXrateType
* errorsBankAmount
* mrcBankToBaseXrateType


 * discountDate
* attribute3
* attribute1
* globalAttribute9
* futurePayDueDate
* globalAttribute18
* attribute7
* globalAttribute4
* globalAttribute16
* globalAttribute6
* globalAttribute8
* thirdDiscountDate
* batchId
* globalAttribute11
* discountAmountAvailable
* secondDiscountDate
* grossAmount
* globalAttribute12
* thirdDiscAmtAvailable
* globalAttribute19
* createdBy
* lastUpdatedBy
* remittanceMessage3
* lastUpdateDate
* remittanceMessage2
* creationDate
* globalAttribute7
* paymentCrossRate
* globalAttribute13
* invCurrGrossAmount
* holdFlag
* relationshipId
* attribute10
* attribute15
* invoiceId
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute8
* orgId
* attribute9
* paymentStatusFlag
* attribute12
* globalAttribute3
* paymentMethodCode
* externalBankAccountId
* globalAttribute15
* globalAttribute17
* secondDiscAmtAvailable
* remitToSupplierId
* attribute4
* attribute13
* discountAmountRemaining
* globalAttribute5
* paymentPriority
* attribute11
* remitToSupplierSite
* globalAttributeCategory
* globalAttribute14
* ibyHoldReason
* remitToSupplierName
* attribute2
* dueDate
* attribute5
* attribute14
* remittanceMessage1
* attributeCategory
* globalAttribute1
* globalAttribute2
* globalAttribute20
* dbiEventsCompleteFlag
* remitToSupplierSiteId
* attribute6
* paymentNum
* checkrunId
* globalAttribute10
* paymentMethodLookupCode
* amountRemaining


 * discountDate
* attribute3
* attribute1
* globalAttribute9
* futurePayDueDate
* globalAttribute18
* attribute7
* globalAttribute4
* globalAttribute16
* globalAttribute6
* globalAttribute8
* thirdDiscountDate
* batchId
* globalAttribute11
* discountAmountAvailable
* secondDiscountDate
* grossAmount
* globalAttribute12
* thirdDiscAmtAvailable
* globalAttribute19
* createdBy
* lastUpdatedBy
* remittanceMessage3
* lastUpdateDate
* remittanceMessage2
* creationDate
* globalAttribute7
* paymentCrossRate
* globalAttribute13
* invCurrGrossAmount
* holdFlag
* relationshipId
* attribute10
* attribute15
* invoiceId
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute8
* orgId
* attribute9
* paymentStatusFlag
* attribute12
* globalAttribute3
* paymentMethodCode
* externalBankAccountId
* globalAttribute15
* globalAttribute17
* secondDiscAmtAvailable
* remitToSupplierId
* attribute4
* attribute13
* discountAmountRemaining
* globalAttribute5
* paymentPriority
* attribute11
* remitToSupplierSite
* globalAttributeCategory
* globalAttribute14
* ibyHoldReason
* remitToSupplierName
* attribute2
* dueDate
* attribute5
* attribute14
* remittanceMessage1
* attributeCategory
* globalAttribute1
* globalAttribute2
* globalAttribute20
* dbiEventsCompleteFlag
* remitToSupplierSiteId
* attribute6
* paymentNum
* checkrunId
* globalAttribute10
* paymentMethodLookupCode
* amountRemaining


 * templateId
* bankAccountId
* attribute1
* zeroInvAllowedFlag
* bankChargeBearer
* paymentDocumentId
* transferPriority
* attribute9
* attribute13
* attribute15
* payGroupOption
* attribute6
* vendorId
* attribute2
* templateName
* vendorTypeLookupCode
* lowPaymentPriority
* paymentsReviewSettings
* leGroupOption
* ouGroupOption
* attribute11
* resubmitFlag
* partyId
* attribute10
* addlPaymentDays
* attribute8
* inactiveDate
* invExchangeRateType
* paymentMethodCode
* lastUpdateDate
* calcAwtIntFlag
* createInstrsFlag
* paymentProfileId
* attribute14
* payOnlyWhenDueFlag
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute5
* createdBy
* attributeCategory
* currencyGroupOption
* attribute7
* paymentDateOption
* payablesReviewSettings
* hiPaymentPriority
* attribute12
* addlPayThruDays
* addlPayFromDays
* templateType
* paymentExchangeRateType
* zeroAmountsAllowed
* documentRejectionLevelCode
* description
* firstVoucherNumber
* attribute4
* lastUpdateLogin
* creationDate
* settlementPriority
* paymentRejectionLevelCode
* attribute3


 * templateId
* bankAccountId
* attribute1
* zeroInvAllowedFlag
* bankChargeBearer
* paymentDocumentId
* transferPriority
* attribute9
* attribute13
* attribute15
* payGroupOption
* attribute6
* vendorId
* attribute2
* templateName
* vendorTypeLookupCode
* lowPaymentPriority
* paymentsReviewSettings
* leGroupOption
* ouGroupOption
* attribute11
* resubmitFlag
* partyId
* attribute10
* addlPaymentDays
* attribute8
* inactiveDate
* invExchangeRateType
* paymentMethodCode
* lastUpdateDate
* calcAwtIntFlag
* createInstrsFlag
* paymentProfileId
* attribute14
* payOnlyWhenDueFlag
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute5
* createdBy
* attributeCategory
* currencyGroupOption
* attribute7
* paymentDateOption
* payablesReviewSettings
* hiPaymentPriority
* attribute12
* addlPayThruDays
* addlPayFromDays
* templateType
* paymentExchangeRateType
* zeroAmountsAllowed
* documentRejectionLevelCode
* description
* firstVoucherNumber
* attribute4
* lastUpdateLogin
* creationDate
* settlementPriority
* paymentRejectionLevelCode
* attribute3


 * auditRequiredFlag
* lastUpdateLogin
* futurePmtsAllowed
* includeInSet
* payOnlyWhenDueFlag
* attribute5
* attribute1
* attribute7
* attribute9
* attribute8
* printer
* maxPaymentAmount
* vendorId
* batchSetLineId
* attribute13
* createdBy
* vendorPayGroup
* hiPaymentPriority
* creationDate
* attribute11
* attribute10
* attributeCategory
* attribute15
* orgId
* minCheckAmount
* documentOrderLookupCode
* daysBetweenCheckCycles
* interval
* zeroAmountsAllowed
* attribute6
* inactiveDate
* lastUpdateDate
* paymentCurrencyCode
* checkStockId
* exchangeRateType
* attribute12
* transferPriority
* attribute3
* maxOutlay
* volumeSerialNumber
* ceBankAcctUseId
* lowPaymentPriority
* lastUpdatedBy
* batchName
* attribute4
* zeroInvoicesAllowed
* attribute14
* attribute2
* bankAccountId
* batchSetId


 * auditRequiredFlag
* lastUpdateLogin
* futurePmtsAllowed
* includeInSet
* payOnlyWhenDueFlag
* attribute5
* attribute1
* attribute7
* attribute9
* attribute8
* printer
* maxPaymentAmount
* vendorId
* batchSetLineId
* attribute13
* createdBy
* vendorPayGroup
* hiPaymentPriority
* creationDate
* attribute11
* attribute10
* attributeCategory
* attribute15
* orgId
* minCheckAmount
* documentOrderLookupCode
* daysBetweenCheckCycles
* interval
* zeroAmountsAllowed
* attribute6
* inactiveDate
* lastUpdateDate
* paymentCurrencyCode
* checkStockId
* exchangeRateType
* attribute12
* transferPriority
* attribute3
* maxOutlay
* volumeSerialNumber
* ceBankAcctUseId
* lowPaymentPriority
* lastUpdatedBy
* batchName
* attribute4
* zeroInvoicesAllowed
* attribute14
* attribute2
* bankAccountId
* batchSetId


 * lastUpdateDate
* orgId
* inactiveDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* batchSetName
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* batchSetId
* createdBy


 * lastUpdateDate
* orgId
* inactiveDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* batchSetName
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* batchSetId
* createdBy


 * distanceField
* attendeesField
* lastUpdatedBy
* locationToField
* lastUpdateDate
* merchantField
* ticketNumberField
* attendeesNumberField
* categoryOptionId
* creationDate
* licensePlateField
* endDateField
* createdBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* categoryCode
* distanceUom
* destinationField
* orgId
* ticketClassField
* locationFromField


 * distanceField
* attendeesField
* lastUpdatedBy
* locationToField
* lastUpdateDate
* merchantField
* ticketNumberField
* attendeesNumberField
* categoryOptionId
* creationDate
* licensePlateField
* endDateField
* createdBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* categoryCode
* distanceUom
* destinationField
* orgId
* ticketClassField
* locationFromField


 * createdBy
* selectedOrgId
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdateDate
* creationDate
* userId
* lastUpdatedBy


 * createdBy
* selectedOrgId
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdateDate
* creationDate
* userId
* lastUpdatedBy


 * lastUpdateLogin
* exchangeRateId
* enabled
* defaultExchangeRates
* exchangeRateAllowance
* creationDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* orgId
* lastUpdateDate
* overallTolerance
* createdBy
* exchangeRateType


 * lastUpdateLogin
* exchangeRateId
* enabled
* defaultExchangeRates
* exchangeRateAllowance
* creationDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* orgId
* lastUpdateDate
* overallTolerance
* createdBy
* exchangeRateType


 * currencyCode
* exchangeRateToleranceId
* tolerance
* lastUpdateLogin
* creationDate
* exchangeRateId
* lastUpdateDate
* createdBy
* lastUpdatedBy


 * currencyCode
* exchangeRateToleranceId
* tolerance
* lastUpdateLogin
* creationDate
* exchangeRateId
* lastUpdateDate
* createdBy
* lastUpdatedBy


 * addonMileageRatesFlag
* currencyPreference
* vehicleCategoryFlag
* lastUpdatedBy
* freeMealsFlag
* nightRatesCode
* currencyCode
* policyId
* startDate
* reimbursementPercentageFlag
* dinnerStartTime
* perDiemTypeCode
* createdBy
* categoryCode
* distanceUom
* multiDestEndTime
* locationFlag
* passengersFlag
* creationDate
* vehicleTypeFlag
* toleranceLimitsFlag
* breakfastStartTime
* reimbursementPercentageCode
* dailyLimitsFlag
* mealsTypeCode
* ratePeriodTypeCode
* endDate
* description
* jobGroupId
* employeeRoleFlag
* useMaxDestRateFlag
* lastUpdateLogin
* nightRateEndTime
* sameDayRateCode
* minTripDuration
* nightRateEligibility
* fuelTypeFlag
* breakfastEndTime
* freeAccommodationsFlag
* multiDestRuleCode
* allowRateConversionCode
* timeBasedEntryFlag
* dinnerEndTime
* toleranceLimitCode
* distanceThresholdsFlag
* nightRateStartTime
* allowanceTimeRuleCode
* roleCode
* multiDestStartTime
* policyName
* scheduleTypeCode
* freeAccommodationsCode
* freeMealsCode
* lunchStartTime
* dayPeriodCode
* businessGroupId
* dailyLimitsCode
* lastUpdateDate
* source
* lunchEndTime


 * addonMileageRatesFlag
* currencyPreference
* vehicleCategoryFlag
* lastUpdatedBy
* freeMealsFlag
* nightRatesCode
* currencyCode
* policyId
* startDate
* reimbursementPercentageFlag
* dinnerStartTime
* perDiemTypeCode
* createdBy
* categoryCode
* distanceUom
* multiDestEndTime
* locationFlag
* passengersFlag
* creationDate
* vehicleTypeFlag
* toleranceLimitsFlag
* breakfastStartTime
* reimbursementPercentageCode
* dailyLimitsFlag
* mealsTypeCode
* ratePeriodTypeCode
* endDate
* description
* jobGroupId
* employeeRoleFlag
* useMaxDestRateFlag
* lastUpdateLogin
* nightRateEndTime
* sameDayRateCode
* minTripDuration
* nightRateEligibility
* fuelTypeFlag
* breakfastEndTime
* freeAccommodationsFlag
* multiDestRuleCode
* allowRateConversionCode
* timeBasedEntryFlag
* dinnerEndTime
* toleranceLimitCode
* distanceThresholdsFlag
* nightRateStartTime
* allowanceTimeRuleCode
* roleCode
* multiDestStartTime
* policyName
* scheduleTypeCode
* freeAccommodationsCode
* freeMealsCode
* lunchStartTime
* dayPeriodCode
* businessGroupId
* dailyLimitsCode
* lastUpdateDate
* source
* lunchEndTime


 * createdBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* itemizationParameterId
* lastUpdatedBy
* creationDate
* parameterId
* lastUpdateDate


 * createdBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* itemizationParameterId
* lastUpdatedBy
* creationDate
* parameterId
* lastUpdateDate


 * fuelType
* effectiveEndDate
* rateTypeCode
* schedulePeriodId
* roleId
* createdBy
* maxReceiptAmt
* lunchDeduction
* nightRateTypeCode
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* footnoteRateAmt
* policyId
* status
* rangeHigh
* reimbursementPercentage
* rate
* accommodationCalcMethod
* endOfSeason
* threeMealsDeductionAmt
* accommodationAdjustment
* ticketClassInternational
* noGovtMealsAmt
* mealLimit
* lastUpdateLogin
* ticketClassDomestic
* effectiveStartDate
* offBaseIncAmt
* maxPerDiemAmt
* dinnerDeduction
* oneMealDeductionAmt
* currencyCode
* vehicleType
* locationId
* propMealsAmt
* parentLineId
* tolerance
* ratePerPassenger
* vehicleCategory
* mealsDeduction
* policyLineId
* startOfSeason
* addonMileageRateCode
* twoMealsDeductionAmt
* calculationMethod
* creationDate
* maxLodgingAmt
* breakfastDeduction
* rangeLow
* footnoteAmt


 * fuelType
* effectiveEndDate
* rateTypeCode
* schedulePeriodId
* roleId
* createdBy
* maxReceiptAmt
* lunchDeduction
* nightRateTypeCode
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* footnoteRateAmt
* policyId
* status
* rangeHigh
* reimbursementPercentage
* rate
* accommodationCalcMethod
* endOfSeason
* threeMealsDeductionAmt
* accommodationAdjustment
* ticketClassInternational
* noGovtMealsAmt
* mealLimit
* lastUpdateLogin
* ticketClassDomestic
* effectiveStartDate
* offBaseIncAmt
* maxPerDiemAmt
* dinnerDeduction
* oneMealDeductionAmt
* currencyCode
* vehicleType
* locationId
* propMealsAmt
* parentLineId
* tolerance
* ratePerPassenger
* vehicleCategory
* mealsDeduction
* policyLineId
* startOfSeason
* addonMileageRateCode
* twoMealsDeductionAmt
* calculationMethod
* creationDate
* maxLodgingAmt
* breakfastDeduction
* rangeLow
* footnoteAmt


 * locationId
* status
* locationType
* lastUpdatedBy
* countyId
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* country
* creationDate
* stateProvinceId
* endDate
* territoryCode
* createdBy
* cityLocalityId
* undefinedLocationFlag


 * locationId
* status
* locationType
* lastUpdatedBy
* countyId
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* country
* creationDate
* stateProvinceId
* endDate
* territoryCode
* createdBy
* cityLocalityId
* undefinedLocationFlag


 * creationDate
* location
* description
* sourceLang
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* createdBy
* language
* locationId
* lastUpdateLogin


 * creationDate
* location
* description
* sourceLang
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* createdBy
* language
* locationId
* lastUpdateLogin


 * lastUpdateDate
* threshold
* lastUpdatedBy
* scheduleOptionId
* createdBy
* rateTypeCode
* optionType
* locationId
* status
* vehicleTypeCode
* optionCode
* currencyCode
* roleId
* creationDate
* fuelTypeCode
* policyId
* lastUpdateLogin
* endDate


 * lastUpdateDate
* threshold
* lastUpdatedBy
* scheduleOptionId
* createdBy
* rateTypeCode
* optionType
* locationId
* status
* vehicleTypeCode
* optionCode
* currencyCode
* roleId
* creationDate
* fuelTypeCode
* policyId
* lastUpdateLogin
* endDate


 * schedulePeriodId
* creationDate
* firstDayRate
* minDays
* lastDayRate
* tolerance
* lastUpdateDate
* maxDinnerDeductionAmt
* policyId
* minRatePerPeriod
* lastUpdateLogin
* maxLunchDeductionAmt
* reimbursementPercentage
* lastUpdatedBy
* schedulePeriodName
* createdBy
* maxBreakfastDeductionAmt
* startDate
* endDate
* ratePerPassenger


 * schedulePeriodId
* creationDate
* firstDayRate
* minDays
* lastDayRate
* tolerance
* lastUpdateDate
* maxDinnerDeductionAmt
* policyId
* minRatePerPeriod
* lastUpdateLogin
* maxLunchDeductionAmt
* reimbursementPercentage
* lastUpdatedBy
* schedulePeriodName
* createdBy
* maxBreakfastDeductionAmt
* startDate
* endDate
* ratePerPassenger


 * dupReportHeaderId
* violationType
* createdBy
* allowableAmount
* lastUpdateLogin
* dupReportLineId
* violationNumber
* exceededAmount
* dupDistLineNumber
* orgId
* lastUpdateDate
* violationDate
* funcCurrencyAllowableAmt
* creationDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* reportHeaderId
* distributionLineNumber


 * dupReportHeaderId
* violationType
* createdBy
* allowableAmount
* lastUpdateLogin
* dupReportLineId
* violationNumber
* exceededAmount
* dupDistLineNumber
* orgId
* lastUpdateDate
* violationDate
* funcCurrencyAllowableAmt
* creationDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* reportHeaderId
* distributionLineNumber


 * lastUpdateLogin
* violationNumber
* lastUpdateDate
* creationDate
* dupReportLineId
* createdBy
* dupReportHeaderId
* lastUpdatedBy
* reportHeaderId
* orgId
* arcReqId
* exceededAmount
* violationDate
* archiveDate
* violationType
* dupDistLineNumber
* allowableAmount
* funcCurrencyAllowableAmt
* distributionLineNumber


 * lastUpdateLogin
* violationNumber
* lastUpdateDate
* creationDate
* dupReportLineId
* createdBy
* dupReportHeaderId
* lastUpdatedBy
* reportHeaderId
* orgId
* arcReqId
* exceededAmount
* violationDate
* archiveDate
* violationType
* dupDistLineNumber
* allowableAmount
* funcCurrencyAllowableAmt
* distributionLineNumber


 * prepayExchangeRate
* programId
* prepayClrExchangeDate
* requestId
* reversedPrepayAppDistId
* releaseInvDistDerivedFrom
* lastUpdateLogin
* amount
* baseAmtAtPrepayPayXrate
* prepayHistoryId
* invoiceDistributionId
* baseAmtAtPrepayClrXrate
* prepayAppDistId
* prepayPayExchangeRate
* prepayExchangeRateType
* paAdditionFlag
* programUpdateDate
* amountVariance
* baseAmtAtPrepayXrate
* bcEventId
* roundAmtAtPrepayPayXrate
* prepayPayExchangeRateType
* createdBy
* awtRelatedId
* prepayAppDistributionId
* roundAmtAtPrepayXrate
* programApplicationId
* quantityVariance
* prepayClrExchangeRate
* roundingAmt
* invoiceBaseAmtVariance
* roundAmtAtPrepayClrXrate
* prepayExchangeDate
* prepayPayExchangeDate
* prepayDistLookupCode
* accountingEventId
* creationDate
* lastUpdateDate
* prepayClrExchangeRateType
* invoiceBaseQtyVariance
* lastUpdatedBy
* baseAmount


 * prepayExchangeRate
* programId
* prepayClrExchangeDate
* requestId
* reversedPrepayAppDistId
* releaseInvDistDerivedFrom
* lastUpdateLogin
* amount
* baseAmtAtPrepayPayXrate
* prepayHistoryId
* invoiceDistributionId
* baseAmtAtPrepayClrXrate
* prepayAppDistId
* prepayPayExchangeRate
* prepayExchangeRateType
* paAdditionFlag
* programUpdateDate
* amountVariance
* baseAmtAtPrepayXrate
* bcEventId
* roundAmtAtPrepayPayXrate
* prepayPayExchangeRateType
* createdBy
* awtRelatedId
* prepayAppDistributionId
* roundAmtAtPrepayXrate
* programApplicationId
* quantityVariance
* prepayClrExchangeRate
* roundingAmt
* invoiceBaseAmtVariance
* roundAmtAtPrepayClrXrate
* prepayExchangeDate
* prepayPayExchangeDate
* prepayDistLookupCode
* accountingEventId
* creationDate
* lastUpdateDate
* prepayClrExchangeRateType
* invoiceBaseQtyVariance
* lastUpdatedBy
* baseAmount


 * programId
* postedFlag
* historicalFlag
* createdBy
* programApplicationId
* lastUpdateDate
* accountingEventId
* prepayInvoiceId
* relatedPrepayAppEventId
* gainLossIndicator
* invoiceAdjustmentEventId
* transactionType
* orgId
* creationDate
* programUpdateDate
* invoiceId
* lastUpdatedBy
* prepayLineNum
* prepayHistoryId
* bcEventId
* requestId
* invoiceLineNumber
* lastUpdateLogin
* accountingDate


 * programId
* postedFlag
* historicalFlag
* createdBy
* programApplicationId
* lastUpdateDate
* accountingEventId
* prepayInvoiceId
* relatedPrepayAppEventId
* gainLossIndicator
* invoiceAdjustmentEventId
* transactionType
* orgId
* creationDate
* programUpdateDate
* invoiceId
* lastUpdatedBy
* prepayLineNum
* prepayHistoryId
* bcEventId
* requestId
* invoiceLineNumber
* lastUpdateLogin
* accountingDate


 * zdEditionName
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* applicationId
* zdSync
* creationDate
* registrationView
* registrationEventType
* lastUpdateDate
* createdBy
* regApplicationId
* registrationApi
* registrationId


 * zdEditionName
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* applicationId
* zdSync
* creationDate
* registrationView
* registrationEventType
* lastUpdateDate
* createdBy
* regApplicationId
* registrationApi
* registrationId


 * supplierNumType
* invoiceCurrencyCode
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* payDateBasisLookupCode
* lastUpdateLogin
* termsId
* createdBy
* recordNumber
* matchOption
* creationDate
* supplierNumberingMethod
* supplierPayGroupLookupCode
* bankChargeBearer
* nextAutoSupplierNum
* termsDateBasis
* useBankChargeFlag
* autoCalculateInterestFlag
* holdUnmatchedInvoicesFlag
* paymentMethodLookupCode
* alwaysTakeDiscFlag


 * supplierNumType
* invoiceCurrencyCode
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* payDateBasisLookupCode
* lastUpdateLogin
* termsId
* createdBy
* recordNumber
* matchOption
* creationDate
* supplierNumberingMethod
* supplierPayGroupLookupCode
* bankChargeBearer
* nextAutoSupplierNum
* termsDateBasis
* useBankChargeFlag
* autoCalculateInterestFlag
* holdUnmatchedInvoicesFlag
* paymentMethodLookupCode
* alwaysTakeDiscFlag


 * requesterId
* globalAttributeCategory
* paymentMethodLookupCode
* globalAttribute17
* numOfPeriodsRem
* attribute13
* recurringPayNum
* vendorId
* invoiceBaseRate
* specialPeriodName1
* awtGroupId
* remitToSupplierSite
* attribute14
* paymentMethodCode
* firstAmount
* acctsPayCodeCombinationId
* globalAttribute8
* poLineId
* setOfBooksId
* exchangeDate
* modelNumber
* paymentReasonComments
* accountingDate
* taxationCountry
* attribute12
* productType
* poHeaderId
* holdLookupCode
* firstPeriod
* attribute2
* globalAttribute13
* itemDescription
* paymentCrossRate
* description
* manufacturer
* recurringPaymentId
* taxAmount
* attribute5
* batchId
* paymentCurrencyCode
* attribute15
* lastUpdateLogin
* globalAttribute16
* globalAttribute5
* attribute8
* holdReason
* poReleaseId
* settlementPriority
* attribute3
* termsId
* lastUpdateDate
* specialPeriodName2
* attribute9
* productCategory
* releasedAmount
* distributionSetId
* createdBy
* exclusivePaymentFlag
* expiryDate
* globalAttribute18
* numOfPeriods
* nextPeriod
* remitToSupplierId
* legalEntityId
* trxBusinessCategory
* globalAttribute4
* attribute1
* exchangeRateType
* paymentInvoiceCrossRate
* globalAttribute12
* globalAttribute19
* globalAttribute20
* ussglTransactionCode
* userDefinedFiscClass
* approvalRequiredFlag
* remittanceMessage2
* productFiscClassification
* vendorSiteId
* lineLocationId
* globalAttribute10
* remittanceMessage1
* payAwtGroupId
* controlAmount
* primaryIntendedUse
* remitToSupplierName
* nextPayment
* specialPaymentAmount1
* remittanceMessage3
* approvedBy
* globalAttribute3
* firstPeriodNum
* globalAttribute1
* payGroupLookupCode
* attribute4
* globalAttribute9
* globalAttribute6
* paidFlag2
* paymentReasonCode
* attribute11
* externalBankAccountId
* amountApplicableToDiscount
* deliveryChannelCode
* attributeCategory
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute6
* globalAttribute2
* taxName
* globalAttribute7
* taxControlAmount
* globalAttribute15
* globalAttribute14
* paidFlag1
* invoiceCurrencyCode
* relationshipId
* creationDate
* attribute10
* specialPaymentAmount2
* remPeriods
* incrementPercent
* bankChargeBearer
* recPayPeriodType
* attribute7
* orgId
* exchangeRate
* globalAttribute11
* remitToSupplierSiteId
* authorizedTotal


 * requesterId
* globalAttributeCategory
* paymentMethodLookupCode
* globalAttribute17
* numOfPeriodsRem
* attribute13
* recurringPayNum
* vendorId
* invoiceBaseRate
* specialPeriodName1
* awtGroupId
* remitToSupplierSite
* attribute14
* paymentMethodCode
* firstAmount
* acctsPayCodeCombinationId
* globalAttribute8
* poLineId
* setOfBooksId
* exchangeDate
* modelNumber
* paymentReasonComments
* accountingDate
* taxationCountry
* attribute12
* productType
* poHeaderId
* holdLookupCode
* firstPeriod
* attribute2
* globalAttribute13
* itemDescription
* paymentCrossRate
* description
* manufacturer
* recurringPaymentId
* taxAmount
* attribute5
* batchId
* paymentCurrencyCode
* attribute15
* lastUpdateLogin
* globalAttribute16
* globalAttribute5
* attribute8
* holdReason
* poReleaseId
* settlementPriority
* attribute3
* termsId
* lastUpdateDate
* specialPeriodName2
* attribute9
* productCategory
* releasedAmount
* distributionSetId
* createdBy
* exclusivePaymentFlag
* expiryDate
* globalAttribute18
* numOfPeriods
* nextPeriod
* remitToSupplierId
* legalEntityId
* trxBusinessCategory
* globalAttribute4
* attribute1
* exchangeRateType
* paymentInvoiceCrossRate
* globalAttribute12
* globalAttribute19
* globalAttribute20
* ussglTransactionCode
* userDefinedFiscClass
* approvalRequiredFlag
* remittanceMessage2
* productFiscClassification
* vendorSiteId
* lineLocationId
* globalAttribute10
* remittanceMessage1
* payAwtGroupId
* controlAmount
* primaryIntendedUse
* remitToSupplierName
* nextPayment
* specialPaymentAmount1
* remittanceMessage3
* approvedBy
* globalAttribute3
* firstPeriodNum
* globalAttribute1
* payGroupLookupCode
* attribute4
* globalAttribute9
* globalAttribute6
* paidFlag2
* paymentReasonCode
* attribute11
* externalBankAccountId
* amountApplicableToDiscount
* deliveryChannelCode
* attributeCategory
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute6
* globalAttribute2
* taxName
* globalAttribute7
* taxControlAmount
* globalAttribute15
* globalAttribute14
* paidFlag1
* invoiceCurrencyCode
* relationshipId
* creationDate
* attribute10
* specialPaymentAmount2
* remPeriods
* incrementPercent
* bankChargeBearer
* recPayPeriodType
* attribute7
* orgId
* exchangeRate
* globalAttribute11
* remitToSupplierSiteId
* authorizedTotal


 * taxIdentificationNum
* cisSenderId
* lastUpdateLogin
* globalAttribute5
* taxOfficeNumber
* globalAttribute11
* globalAttribute12
* entityName
* globalAttribute15
* locationId
* globalAttribute14
* lastUpdateDate
* globalAttribute20
* globalAttribute1
* globalAttribute4
* accountsOfficeReference
* globalAttribute3
* globalAttribute16
* globalAttribute13
* taxEntityId
* creationDate
* createdBy
* lastUpdatedBy
* globalAttribute6
* globalAttribute19
* globalAttribute17
* uniqueTaxReferenceNum
* globalAttribute9
* primaryEntityFlag
* globalAttribute10
* globalAttribute8
* globalAttributeCategory
* globalAttribute18
* payeReference
* globalAttribute7
* orgId
* globalAttribute2


 * taxIdentificationNum
* cisSenderId
* lastUpdateLogin
* globalAttribute5
* taxOfficeNumber
* globalAttribute11
* globalAttribute12
* entityName
* globalAttribute15
* locationId
* globalAttribute14
* lastUpdateDate
* globalAttribute20
* globalAttribute1
* globalAttribute4
* accountsOfficeReference
* globalAttribute3
* globalAttribute16
* globalAttribute13
* taxEntityId
* creationDate
* createdBy
* lastUpdatedBy
* globalAttribute6
* globalAttribute19
* globalAttribute17
* uniqueTaxReferenceNum
* globalAttribute9
* primaryEntityFlag
* globalAttribute10
* globalAttribute8
* globalAttributeCategory
* globalAttribute18
* payeReference
* globalAttribute7
* orgId
* globalAttribute2


 * lastUpdateDate
* creationDate
* orgId
* balancingSegmentValue
* lastUpdatedBy
* taxEntityId
* description
* lastUpdateLogin
* createdBy


 * lastUpdateDate
* creationDate
* orgId
* balancingSegmentValue
* lastUpdatedBy
* taxEntityId
* description
* lastUpdateLogin
* createdBy


 * companyPrepaidInvoiceId
* creationDate
* programUpdateDate
* globalAttribute4
* attribute9
* merchantTaxpayerId
* parentInvoiceId
* lastUpdateLogin
* cashPostedFlag
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute12
* summaryTaxLineId
* chargeApplicableToDistId
* orgId
* globalAttribute14
* globalAttribute18
* cancellationFlag
* baseAmount
* globalAttribute3
* globalAttribute16
* distributionLineNumber
* ussglTransactionCode
* receiptCurrencyCode
* awtTaxRateId
* attribute14
* relatedId
* reference2
* globalAttribute13
* parentReversalId
* baseQuantityVariance
* awardId
* taxAlreadyDistributedFlag
* poDistributionId
* prepayTaxDiffAmount
* selfAssessedTaxLiabCcid
* encumberedFlag
* recoveryTypeCode
* awtGroupId
* startExpenseDate
* requestId
* assetsTrackingFlag
* receiptConversionRate
* reference1
* receiptVerifiedFlag
* quantityVariance
* baseAmountVariance
* globalAttribute6
* attribute15
* globalAttribute2
* receiptMissingFlag
* accrualPostedFlag
* attribute5
* extraPoErv
* attribute7
* distCodeCombinationId
* gmsBurdenableRawCost
* attribute6
* taxableAmount
* unitPrice
* detailTaxDistId
* assetCategoryId
* attribute3
* periodName
* accountingEventId
* incomeTaxRegion
* globalAttribute9
* postedFlag
* projectId
* quantityInvoiced
* globalAttribute1
* taxCodeId
* awtFlag
* paAdditionFlag
* justification
* taxableBaseAmount
* rcvChargeAdditionFlag
* intendedUse
* projectAccountingContext
* upgradeBasePostedAmt
* attribute8
* amount
* batchId
* amountVariance
* accountingDate
* attribute10
* distributionClass
* recoveryRateId
* globalAttribute19
* merchantName
* attribute11
* expenditureType
* inventoryTransferStatus
* globalAttribute15
* createdBy
* paQuantity
* matchedUomLookupCode
* merchantTaxRegNumber
* lastUpdatedBy
* bcEventId
* prepayAmountRemaining
* awtInvoicePaymentId
* receiptRequiredFlag
* awtGrossAmount
* correctedInvoiceDistId
* prepayDistributionId
* awtWithheldAmt
* invoiceLineNumber
* globalAttribute10
* endExpenseDate
* expenditureOrganizationId
* receiptCurrencyAmount
* adjustmentReason
* awtInvoiceId
* globalAttribute7
* lineTypeLookupCode
* invoiceDistributionId
* paCmtXfaceFlag
* globalAttributeCategory
* type1099
* statAmount
* invoiceId
* description
* withholdingTaxCodeId
* attributeCategory
* selfAssessedFlag
* attribute13
* roundingAmt
* globalAttribute5
* globalAttribute8
* attribute2
* webParameterId
* packetId
* setOfBooksId
* attribute1
* taskId
* attribute4
* finalMatchFlag
* expenseGroup
* globalAttribute17
* matchStatusFlag
* programId
* distMatchType
* upgradePostedAmt
* merchantReference
* taxRecoverableFlag
* dailyAmount
* creditCardTrxId
* rcvTransactionId
* assetBookTypeCode
* recoveryRateName
* ccReversalFlag
* recNrecRate
* globalAttribute11
* programApplicationId
* merchantDocumentNumber
* globalAttribute20
* expenditureItemDate
* countryOfSupply
* awtOriginGroupId
* globalAttribute12
* correctedQuantity
* reversalFlag
* assetsAdditionFlag
* ussglTrxCodeContext


 * companyPrepaidInvoiceId
* creationDate
* programUpdateDate
* globalAttribute4
* attribute9
* merchantTaxpayerId
* parentInvoiceId
* lastUpdateLogin
* cashPostedFlag
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute12
* summaryTaxLineId
* chargeApplicableToDistId
* orgId
* globalAttribute14
* globalAttribute18
* cancellationFlag
* baseAmount
* globalAttribute3
* globalAttribute16
* distributionLineNumber
* ussglTransactionCode
* receiptCurrencyCode
* awtTaxRateId
* attribute14
* relatedId
* reference2
* globalAttribute13
* parentReversalId
* baseQuantityVariance
* awardId
* taxAlreadyDistributedFlag
* poDistributionId
* prepayTaxDiffAmount
* selfAssessedTaxLiabCcid
* encumberedFlag
* recoveryTypeCode
* awtGroupId
* startExpenseDate
* requestId
* assetsTrackingFlag
* receiptConversionRate
* reference1
* receiptVerifiedFlag
* quantityVariance
* baseAmountVariance
* globalAttribute6
* attribute15
* globalAttribute2
* receiptMissingFlag
* accrualPostedFlag
* attribute5
* extraPoErv
* attribute7
* distCodeCombinationId
* gmsBurdenableRawCost
* attribute6
* taxableAmount
* unitPrice
* detailTaxDistId
* assetCategoryId
* attribute3
* periodName
* accountingEventId
* incomeTaxRegion
* globalAttribute9
* postedFlag
* projectId
* quantityInvoiced
* globalAttribute1
* taxCodeId
* awtFlag
* paAdditionFlag
* justification
* taxableBaseAmount
* rcvChargeAdditionFlag
* intendedUse
* projectAccountingContext
* upgradeBasePostedAmt
* attribute8
* amount
* batchId
* amountVariance
* accountingDate
* attribute10
* distributionClass
* recoveryRateId
* globalAttribute19
* merchantName
* attribute11
* expenditureType
* inventoryTransferStatus
* globalAttribute15
* createdBy
* paQuantity
* matchedUomLookupCode
* merchantTaxRegNumber
* lastUpdatedBy
* bcEventId
* prepayAmountRemaining
* awtInvoicePaymentId
* receiptRequiredFlag
* awtGrossAmount
* correctedInvoiceDistId
* prepayDistributionId
* awtWithheldAmt
* invoiceLineNumber
* globalAttribute10
* endExpenseDate
* expenditureOrganizationId
* receiptCurrencyAmount
* adjustmentReason
* awtInvoiceId
* globalAttribute7
* lineTypeLookupCode
* invoiceDistributionId
* paCmtXfaceFlag
* globalAttributeCategory
* type1099
* statAmount
* invoiceId
* description
* withholdingTaxCodeId
* attributeCategory
* selfAssessedFlag
* attribute13
* roundingAmt
* globalAttribute5
* globalAttribute8
* attribute2
* webParameterId
* packetId
* setOfBooksId
* attribute1
* taskId
* attribute4
* finalMatchFlag
* expenseGroup
* globalAttribute17
* matchStatusFlag
* programId
* distMatchType
* upgradePostedAmt
* merchantReference
* taxRecoverableFlag
* dailyAmount
* creditCardTrxId
* rcvTransactionId
* assetBookTypeCode
* recoveryRateName
* ccReversalFlag
* recNrecRate
* globalAttribute11
* programApplicationId
* merchantDocumentNumber
* globalAttribute20
* expenditureItemDate
* countryOfSupply
* awtOriginGroupId
* globalAttribute12
* correctedQuantity
* reversalFlag
* assetsAdditionFlag
* ussglTrxCodeContext


 * lastReadDate
* tableName


 * lastReadDate
* tableName


 * vendorSiteCode
* vendorSiteId
* title
* fax
* programUpdateDate
* contactNameAlt
* createdBy
* faxAreaCode
* requestId
* firstNameAlt
* lastUpdateDate
* vendorInterfaceId
* contactOrigSystemReference
* operatingUnitName
* perPartyId
* url
* partyOrigSystemReference
* middleName
* importRequestId
* lastNameAlt
* status
* partySiteId
* prefix
* orgContactId
* mailStop
* supplierSiteOrigSystem
* sdhBatchId
* altPhone
* relPartyId
* programApplicationId
* lastUpdateLogin
* vendorContactInterfaceId
* supSiteOrigSystemReference
* areaCode
* department
* phone
* partySiteName
* contactOrigSystem
* partySiteOrigSystem
* vendorId
* partyOrigSystem
* programId
* altAreaCode
* inactiveDate
* orgId
* firstName
* partyId
* rejectCode
* relationshipId
* lastUpdatedBy
* emailAddress
* creationDate
* partySiteOrigSysReference
* lastName


 * vendorSiteCode
* vendorSiteId
* title
* fax
* programUpdateDate
* contactNameAlt
* createdBy
* faxAreaCode
* requestId
* firstNameAlt
* lastUpdateDate
* vendorInterfaceId
* contactOrigSystemReference
* operatingUnitName
* perPartyId
* url
* partyOrigSystemReference
* middleName
* importRequestId
* lastNameAlt
* status
* partySiteId
* prefix
* orgContactId
* mailStop
* supplierSiteOrigSystem
* sdhBatchId
* altPhone
* relPartyId
* programApplicationId
* lastUpdateLogin
* vendorContactInterfaceId
* supSiteOrigSystemReference
* areaCode
* department
* phone
* partySiteName
* contactOrigSystem
* partySiteOrigSystem
* vendorId
* partyOrigSystem
* programId
* altAreaCode
* inactiveDate
* orgId
* firstName
* partyId
* rejectCode
* relationshipId
* lastUpdatedBy
* emailAddress
* creationDate
* partySiteOrigSysReference
* lastName


 * prefix
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastNameAlt
* attribute3
* creationDate
* attributeCategory
* orgPartySiteId
* department
* attribute14
* relPartyId
* vendorContactId
* altAreaCode
* firstName
* attribute6
* inactiveDate
* attribute13
* lastName
* phone
* contactNameAlt
* relationshipId
* emailAddress
* altPhone
* faxAreaCode
* attribute15
* partySiteId
* areaCode
* title
* attribute9
* attribute1
* attribute2
* programUpdateDate
* attribute8
* firstNameAlt
* orgContactId
* createdBy
* perPartyId
* attribute10
* requestId
* fax
* attribute12
* attribute4
* attribute7
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute5
* vendorSiteId
* attribute11
* lastUpdateDate
* programApplicationId
* programId
* url
* middleName
* mailStop


 * prefix
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastNameAlt
* attribute3
* creationDate
* attributeCategory
* orgPartySiteId
* department
* attribute14
* relPartyId
* vendorContactId
* altAreaCode
* firstName
* attribute6
* inactiveDate
* attribute13
* lastName
* phone
* contactNameAlt
* relationshipId
* emailAddress
* altPhone
* faxAreaCode
* attribute15
* partySiteId
* areaCode
* title
* attribute9
* attribute1
* attribute2
* programUpdateDate
* attribute8
* firstNameAlt
* orgContactId
* createdBy
* perPartyId
* attribute10
* requestId
* fax
* attribute12
* attribute4
* attribute7
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute5
* vendorSiteId
* attribute11
* lastUpdateDate
* programApplicationId
* programId
* url
* middleName
* mailStop


 * lastUpdateDate
* createdBy
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* rejectLookupCode
* creationDate
* parentTable
* parentId


 * lastUpdateDate
* createdBy
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* rejectLookupCode
* creationDate
* parentTable
* parentId


 * attribute8
* globalAttribute8
* faxAreaCode
* orgId
* tcaSyncProvince
* city
* autoTaxCalcFlag
* tcaSyncCity
* holdReason
* gaplessInvNumFlag
* eceTpLocationCode
* checkDigits
* globalAttribute7
* addressLinesAlt
* ccrComments
* globalAttribute16
* globalAttribute6
* holdFuturePaymentsFlag
* exclusivePaymentFlag
* attribute13
* payOnReceiptSummaryCode
* ediPaymentMethod
* globalAttribute2
* customerNum
* creationDate
* vatCode
* excludeFreightFromDiscount
* remittanceEmail
* divisionName
* requestId
* lastUpdateLogin
* shippingControl
* vendorSiteCodeAlt
* paySiteFlag
* ediIdNumber
* addressLine1
* attribute6
* futureDatedPaymentCcid
* attribute1
* offsetVatCode
* debarmentEndDate
* bankAccountNum
* termsId
* shipToLocationId
* purchasingSiteFlag
* currentCatalogNum
* vendorId
* state
* bankChargeBearer
* ediRemittanceInstruction
* globalAttribute14
* doingBusAsName
* attribute2
* holdAllPaymentsFlag
* locationId
* invoiceAmountLimit
* holdUnmatchedInvoicesFlag
* attentionArFlag
* attribute15
* offsetTaxFlag
* taxReportingSiteFlag
* addressLine3
* attribute11
* fax
* programApplicationId
* attribute9
* toleranceId
* cageCode
* language
* servicesToleranceId
* tcaSyncState
* countryOfOriginCode
* dunsNumber
* country
* vendorSiteId
* autoTaxCalcOverride
* attribute10
* vendorSiteCode
* tcaSyncZip
* smallBusinessCode
* bankBranchType
* areaCode
* attribute4
* retainageRate
* attribute5
* bankNumber
* acctsPayCodeCombinationId
* distributionSetId
* addressLine4
* province
* supplierNotifMethod
* addressStyle
* globalAttribute10
* billToLocationId
* prepayCodeCombinationId
* bankAccountType
* ediPaymentFormat
* ediTransactionHandling
* inactiveDate
* emailAddress
* invoiceCurrencyCode
* ediRemittanceMethod
* bankNum
* globalAttribute5
* attribute12
* globalAttribute13
* payGroupLookupCode
* allowAwtFlag
* payDateBasisLookupCode
* globalAttribute20
* matchOption
* lastUpdateDate
* createDebitMemoFlag
* rfqOnlySiteFlag
* globalAttribute4
* county
* globalAttributeCategory
* programId
* paymentMethodLookupCode
* bankAccountName
* globalAttribute11
* shipViaLookupCode
* programUpdateDate
* globalAttribute17
* sellingCompanyIdentifier
* globalAttribute3
* globalAttribute9
* telex
* awtGroupId
* globalAttribute15
* lastUpdatedBy
* partySiteId
* freightTermsLookupCode
* createdBy
* addressLine2
* globalAttribute19
* globalAttribute12
* tcaSyncCountry
* attributeCategory
* globalAttribute18
* attribute3
* attribute14
* payOnCode
* tpHeaderId
* attribute7
* paymentPriority
* zip
* fobLookupCode
* ackLeadTime
* phone
* globalAttribute1
* vatRegistrationNum
* legalBusinessName
* defaultPaySiteId
* tcaSyncCounty
* validationNumber
* payAwtGroupId
* termsDateBasis
* paymentCurrencyCode
* apTaxRoundingRule
* amountIncludesTaxFlag
* alwaysTakeDiscFlag
* pcardSiteFlag
* primaryPaySiteFlag
* debarmentStartDate


 * attribute8
* globalAttribute8
* faxAreaCode
* orgId
* tcaSyncProvince
* city
* autoTaxCalcFlag
* tcaSyncCity
* holdReason
* gaplessInvNumFlag
* eceTpLocationCode
* checkDigits
* globalAttribute7
* addressLinesAlt
* ccrComments
* globalAttribute16
* globalAttribute6
* holdFuturePaymentsFlag
* exclusivePaymentFlag
* attribute13
* payOnReceiptSummaryCode
* ediPaymentMethod
* globalAttribute2
* customerNum
* creationDate
* vatCode
* excludeFreightFromDiscount
* remittanceEmail
* divisionName
* requestId
* lastUpdateLogin
* shippingControl
* vendorSiteCodeAlt
* paySiteFlag
* ediIdNumber
* addressLine1
* attribute6
* futureDatedPaymentCcid
* attribute1
* offsetVatCode
* debarmentEndDate
* bankAccountNum
* termsId
* shipToLocationId
* purchasingSiteFlag
* currentCatalogNum
* vendorId
* state
* bankChargeBearer
* ediRemittanceInstruction
* globalAttribute14
* doingBusAsName
* attribute2
* holdAllPaymentsFlag
* locationId
* invoiceAmountLimit
* holdUnmatchedInvoicesFlag
* attentionArFlag
* attribute15
* offsetTaxFlag
* taxReportingSiteFlag
* addressLine3
* attribute11
* fax
* programApplicationId
* attribute9
* toleranceId
* cageCode
* language
* servicesToleranceId
* tcaSyncState
* countryOfOriginCode
* dunsNumber
* country
* vendorSiteId
* autoTaxCalcOverride
* attribute10
* vendorSiteCode
* tcaSyncZip
* smallBusinessCode
* bankBranchType
* areaCode
* attribute4
* retainageRate
* attribute5
* bankNumber
* acctsPayCodeCombinationId
* distributionSetId
* addressLine4
* province
* supplierNotifMethod
* addressStyle
* globalAttribute10
* billToLocationId
* prepayCodeCombinationId
* bankAccountType
* ediPaymentFormat
* ediTransactionHandling
* inactiveDate
* emailAddress
* invoiceCurrencyCode
* ediRemittanceMethod
* bankNum
* globalAttribute5
* attribute12
* globalAttribute13
* payGroupLookupCode
* allowAwtFlag
* payDateBasisLookupCode
* globalAttribute20
* matchOption
* lastUpdateDate
* createDebitMemoFlag
* rfqOnlySiteFlag
* globalAttribute4
* county
* globalAttributeCategory
* programId
* paymentMethodLookupCode
* bankAccountName
* globalAttribute11
* shipViaLookupCode
* programUpdateDate
* globalAttribute17
* sellingCompanyIdentifier
* globalAttribute3
* globalAttribute9
* telex
* awtGroupId
* globalAttribute15
* lastUpdatedBy
* partySiteId
* freightTermsLookupCode
* createdBy
* addressLine2
* globalAttribute19
* globalAttribute12
* tcaSyncCountry
* attributeCategory
* globalAttribute18
* attribute3
* attribute14
* payOnCode
* tpHeaderId
* attribute7
* paymentPriority
* zip
* fobLookupCode
* ackLeadTime
* phone
* globalAttribute1
* vatRegistrationNum
* legalBusinessName
* defaultPaySiteId
* tcaSyncCounty
* validationNumber
* payAwtGroupId
* termsDateBasis
* paymentCurrencyCode
* apTaxRoundingRule
* amountIncludesTaxFlag
* alwaysTakeDiscFlag
* pcardSiteFlag
* primaryPaySiteFlag
* debarmentStartDate


 * globalAttributeCategory
* attribute13
* futureDatedPaymentCcid
* addressLinesAlt
* globalAttribute1
* inactiveDate
* shipToLocationId
* invoiceCurrencyCode
* attribute2
* attribute9
* globalAttribute5
* ediRemittanceMethod
* debarmentEndDate
* county
* addressLine1
* attributeCategory
* distributionSetId
* settlementPriority
* attentionArFlag
* paySiteFlag
* importRequestId
* servicesToleranceName
* vendorSiteCodeAlt
* paymentMethodLookupCode
* attribute5
* addressLine3
* payOnReceiptSummaryCode
* globalAttribute15
* faxAreaCode
* globalAttribute13
* supplierNotifMethod
* lastUpdateDate
* holdUnmatchedInvoicesFlag
* province
* attribute12
* globalAttribute8
* offsetTaxFlag
* ediRemittanceInstruction
* retainageRate
* paymentTextMessage2
* shipViaLookupCode
* exclusivePaymentFlag
* globalAttribute2
* vendorId
* vatRegistrationNum
* createDebitMemoFlag
* globalAttribute19
* ediPaymentFormat
* freightTermsLookupCode
* customerNum
* ediTransactionHandling
* payAwtGroupName
* doingBusAsName
* attribute10
* operatingUnitName
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute1
* attribute6
* sellingCompanyIdentifier
* autoTaxCalcOverride
* awtGroupId
* globalAttribute10
* paymentReasonComments
* state
* distributionSetName
* partySiteOrigSysReference
* legalBusinessName
* bankChargeBearer
* alwaysTakeDiscFlag
* shippingControl
* supSiteOrigSystemReference
* holdReason
* autoTaxCalcFlag
* paymentReasonCode
* paymentMethodCode
* programId
* addressStyle
* remittanceEmail
* paymentPriority
* partySiteOrigSystem
* termsDateBasis
* areaCode
* supplierSiteOrigSystem
* cageCode
* locationId
* termsId
* partyId
* requestId
* globalAttribute20
* shipToLocationCode
* billToLocationCode
* billToLocationId
* pcardSiteFlag
* attribute14
* payAwtGroupId
* globalAttribute9
* vendorSiteInterfaceId
* rfqOnlySiteFlag
* ediPaymentMethod
* payGroupLookupCode
* smallBusinessCode
* phone
* amountIncludesTaxFlag
* fax
* remitAdviceDeliveryMethod
* deliveryChannelCode
* ackLeadTime
* globalAttribute4
* globalAttribute11
* attribute11
* toleranceId
* paymentFormatCode
* excludeFreightFromDiscount
* paymentTextMessage3
* partyOrigSystem
* partySiteName
* debarmentStartDate
* telex
* defaultPaySiteId
* fobLookupCode
* globalAttribute16
* country
* programApplicationId
* addressLine4
* bankInstructionDetails
* purchasingSiteFlag
* ccrComments
* bankInstruction1Code
* matchOption
* acctsPayCodeCombinationId
* globalAttribute12
* globalAttribute14
* countryOfOriginCode
* attribute8
* paymentTextMessage1
* vendorSiteCode
* zip
* city
* taxReportingSiteFlag
* apTaxRoundingRule
* divisionName
* createdBy
* attribute4
* invoiceAmountLimit
* vatCode
* servicesToleranceId
* attribute3
* remitAdviceFax
* programUpdateDate
* globalAttribute7
* termsName
* groupId
* status
* globalAttribute3
* paymentCurrencyCode
* attribute7
* rejectCode
* gaplessInvNumFlag
* attribute15
* awtGroupName
* payOnCode
* dunsNumber
* primaryPaySiteFlag
* ediIdNumber
* sdhBatchId
* addressLine2
* globalAttribute17
* emailAddress
* partySiteId
* vendorInterfaceId
* globalAttribute18
* orgId
* holdAllPaymentsFlag
* holdFuturePaymentsFlag
* language
* lastUpdateLogin
* eceTpLocationCode
* payDateBasisLookupCode
* globalAttribute6
* prepayCodeCombinationId
* partyOrigSystemReference
* toleranceName
* allowAwtFlag
* tpHeaderId
* bankInstruction2Code
* ibyBankChargeBearer
* creationDate


 * globalAttributeCategory
* attribute13
* futureDatedPaymentCcid
* addressLinesAlt
* globalAttribute1
* inactiveDate
* shipToLocationId
* invoiceCurrencyCode
* attribute2
* attribute9
* globalAttribute5
* ediRemittanceMethod
* debarmentEndDate
* county
* addressLine1
* attributeCategory
* distributionSetId
* settlementPriority
* attentionArFlag
* paySiteFlag
* importRequestId
* servicesToleranceName
* vendorSiteCodeAlt
* paymentMethodLookupCode
* attribute5
* addressLine3
* payOnReceiptSummaryCode
* globalAttribute15
* faxAreaCode
* globalAttribute13
* supplierNotifMethod
* lastUpdateDate
* holdUnmatchedInvoicesFlag
* province
* attribute12
* globalAttribute8
* offsetTaxFlag
* ediRemittanceInstruction
* retainageRate
* paymentTextMessage2
* shipViaLookupCode
* exclusivePaymentFlag
* globalAttribute2
* vendorId
* vatRegistrationNum
* createDebitMemoFlag
* globalAttribute19
* ediPaymentFormat
* freightTermsLookupCode
* customerNum
* ediTransactionHandling
* payAwtGroupName
* doingBusAsName
* attribute10
* operatingUnitName
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute1
* attribute6
* sellingCompanyIdentifier
* autoTaxCalcOverride
* awtGroupId
* globalAttribute10
* paymentReasonComments
* state
* distributionSetName
* partySiteOrigSysReference
* legalBusinessName
* bankChargeBearer
* alwaysTakeDiscFlag
* shippingControl
* supSiteOrigSystemReference
* holdReason
* autoTaxCalcFlag
* paymentReasonCode
* paymentMethodCode
* programId
* addressStyle
* remittanceEmail
* paymentPriority
* partySiteOrigSystem
* termsDateBasis
* areaCode
* supplierSiteOrigSystem
* cageCode
* locationId
* termsId
* partyId
* requestId
* globalAttribute20
* shipToLocationCode
* billToLocationCode
* billToLocationId
* pcardSiteFlag
* attribute14
* payAwtGroupId
* globalAttribute9
* vendorSiteInterfaceId
* rfqOnlySiteFlag
* ediPaymentMethod
* payGroupLookupCode
* smallBusinessCode
* phone
* amountIncludesTaxFlag
* fax
* remitAdviceDeliveryMethod
* deliveryChannelCode
* ackLeadTime
* globalAttribute4
* globalAttribute11
* attribute11
* toleranceId
* paymentFormatCode
* excludeFreightFromDiscount
* paymentTextMessage3
* partyOrigSystem
* partySiteName
* debarmentStartDate
* telex
* defaultPaySiteId
* fobLookupCode
* globalAttribute16
* country
* programApplicationId
* addressLine4
* bankInstructionDetails
* purchasingSiteFlag
* ccrComments
* bankInstruction1Code
* matchOption
* acctsPayCodeCombinationId
* globalAttribute12
* globalAttribute14
* countryOfOriginCode
* attribute8
* paymentTextMessage1
* vendorSiteCode
* zip
* city
* taxReportingSiteFlag
* apTaxRoundingRule
* divisionName
* createdBy
* attribute4
* invoiceAmountLimit
* vatCode
* servicesToleranceId
* attribute3
* remitAdviceFax
* programUpdateDate
* globalAttribute7
* termsName
* groupId
* status
* globalAttribute3
* paymentCurrencyCode
* attribute7
* rejectCode
* gaplessInvNumFlag
* attribute15
* awtGroupName
* payOnCode
* dunsNumber
* primaryPaySiteFlag
* ediIdNumber
* sdhBatchId
* addressLine2
* globalAttribute17
* emailAddress
* partySiteId
* vendorInterfaceId
* globalAttribute18
* orgId
* holdAllPaymentsFlag
* holdFuturePaymentsFlag
* language
* lastUpdateLogin
* eceTpLocationCode
* payDateBasisLookupCode
* globalAttribute6
* prepayCodeCombinationId
* partyOrigSystemReference
* toleranceName
* allowAwtFlag
* tpHeaderId
* bankInstruction2Code
* ibyBankChargeBearer
* creationDate


 * holdBy
* tradingName
* ediRemittanceMethod
* autoCalculateInterestFlag
* vendorTypeLookupCode
* ediRemittanceInstruction
* checkDigits
* prepayCodeCombinationId
* discLostCodeCombinationId
* createdBy
* requestId
* qtyRcvExceptionCode
* bankNumber
* attribute9
* ediPaymentFormat
* globalAttribute2
* matchOption
* invoiceCurrencyCode
* salutation
* smallBusinessFlag
* attribute2
* partyId
* enforceShipToLocationCode
* globalAttribute4
* workReference
* programUpdateDate
* holdFlag
* individual1099
* busClassLastCertifiedDate
* attribute8
* globalAttributeCategory
* globalAttribute7
* attribute12
* paymentPriority
* attribute15
* globalAttribute10
* purchasingHoldReason
* attributeCategory
* daysLateReceiptAllowed
* cisEnabledFlag
* attribute5
* segment1
* parentVendorId
* allowSubstituteReceiptsFlag
* exclusivePaymentFlag
* globalAttribute14
* globalAttribute13
* creationDate
* taxReportingName
* autoTaxCalcFlag
* awtGroupId
* billToLocationId
* termsId
* futureDatedPaymentCcid
* freightTermsLookupCode
* partnershipUtr
* vendorNameAlt
* holdFuturePaymentsFlag
* programApplicationId
* receiptDaysExceptionCode
* globalAttribute16
* distributionSetId
* customerNum
* startDateActive
* vendorId
* lastUpdateLogin
* discTakenCodeCombinationId
* receiptRequiredFlag
* globalAttribute19
* globalAttribute6
* vendorName
* federalReportableFlag
* attribute7
* minorityGroupLookupCode
* invoiceAmountLimit
* globalAttribute11
* payDateBasisLookupCode
* endDateActive
* attribute13
* segment4
* cisVerificationDate
* globalAttribute12
* globalAttribute17
* standardIndustryClass
* globalAttribute18
* paymentCurrencyCode
* termsDateBasis
* validationNumber
* segment2
* createDebitMemoFlag
* payAwtGroupId
* matchStatusFlag
* enabledFlag
* shipToLocationId
* bankAccountName
* offsetVatCode
* creditLimit
* tcaSyncVatRegNum
* companyRegistrationNumber
* type1099
* bankAccountType
* oneTimeFlag
* allowAwtFlag
* setOfBooksId
* programId
* attribute3
* verificationNumber
* holdDate
* holdAllPaymentsFlag
* organizationTypeLookupCode
* globalAttribute5
* parentPartyId
* offsetTaxFlag
* niNumber
* partnershipName
* busClassLastCertifiedBy
* allowUnorderedReceiptsFlag
* attribute10
* paymentMethodLookupCode
* globalAttribute8
* segment5
* attribute4
* globalAttribute9
* bankAccountNum
* alwaysTakeDiscFlag
* vatCode
* priceTolerance
* globalAttribute1
* globalAttribute3
* employeeId
* creditStatusLookupCode
* taxVerificationDate
* attribute11
* excludeFreightFromDiscount
* nameControl
* womenOwnedFlag
* ediTransactionHandling
* fobLookupCode
* attribute14
* nationalInsuranceNumber
* stateReportableFlag
* amountIncludesTaxFlag
* withholdingStartDate
* autoTaxCalcOverride
* ediPaymentMethod
* apTaxRoundingRule
* tcaSyncNum1099
* verificationRequestId
* lastUpdatedBy
* segment3
* secondName
* expenseCodeCombinationId
* attribute1
* bankChargeBearer
* cisParentVendorId
* receivingRoutingId
* bankNum
* attribute6
* lastName
* globalAttribute15
* inspectionRequiredFlag
* shipViaLookupCode
* daysEarlyReceiptAllowed
* summaryFlag
* tcaSyncVendorName
* lastUpdateDate
* bankBranchType
* firstName
* payGroupLookupCode
* exchangeDateLookupCode
* withholdingStatusLookupCode
* acctsPayCodeCombinationId
* num1099
* globalAttribute20
* qtyRcvTolerance
* minOrderAmount
* holdReason
* vatRegistrationNum
* holdUnmatchedInvoicesFlag
* uniqueTaxReferenceNum


 * holdBy
* tradingName
* ediRemittanceMethod
* autoCalculateInterestFlag
* vendorTypeLookupCode
* ediRemittanceInstruction
* checkDigits
* prepayCodeCombinationId
* discLostCodeCombinationId
* createdBy
* requestId
* qtyRcvExceptionCode
* bankNumber
* attribute9
* ediPaymentFormat
* globalAttribute2
* matchOption
* invoiceCurrencyCode
* salutation
* smallBusinessFlag
* attribute2
* partyId
* enforceShipToLocationCode
* globalAttribute4
* workReference
* programUpdateDate
* holdFlag
* individual1099
* busClassLastCertifiedDate
* attribute8
* globalAttributeCategory
* globalAttribute7
* attribute12
* paymentPriority
* attribute15
* globalAttribute10
* purchasingHoldReason
* attributeCategory
* daysLateReceiptAllowed
* cisEnabledFlag
* attribute5
* segment1
* parentVendorId
* allowSubstituteReceiptsFlag
* exclusivePaymentFlag
* globalAttribute14
* globalAttribute13
* creationDate
* taxReportingName
* autoTaxCalcFlag
* awtGroupId
* billToLocationId
* termsId
* futureDatedPaymentCcid
* freightTermsLookupCode
* partnershipUtr
* vendorNameAlt
* holdFuturePaymentsFlag
* programApplicationId
* receiptDaysExceptionCode
* globalAttribute16
* distributionSetId
* customerNum
* startDateActive
* vendorId
* lastUpdateLogin
* discTakenCodeCombinationId
* receiptRequiredFlag
* globalAttribute19
* globalAttribute6
* vendorName
* federalReportableFlag
* attribute7
* minorityGroupLookupCode
* invoiceAmountLimit
* globalAttribute11
* payDateBasisLookupCode
* endDateActive
* attribute13
* segment4
* cisVerificationDate
* globalAttribute12
* globalAttribute17
* standardIndustryClass
* globalAttribute18
* paymentCurrencyCode
* termsDateBasis
* validationNumber
* segment2
* createDebitMemoFlag
* payAwtGroupId
* matchStatusFlag
* enabledFlag
* shipToLocationId
* bankAccountName
* offsetVatCode
* creditLimit
* tcaSyncVatRegNum
* companyRegistrationNumber
* type1099
* bankAccountType
* oneTimeFlag
* allowAwtFlag
* setOfBooksId
* programId
* attribute3
* verificationNumber
* holdDate
* holdAllPaymentsFlag
* organizationTypeLookupCode
* globalAttribute5
* parentPartyId
* offsetTaxFlag
* niNumber
* partnershipName
* busClassLastCertifiedBy
* allowUnorderedReceiptsFlag
* attribute10
* paymentMethodLookupCode
* globalAttribute8
* segment5
* attribute4
* globalAttribute9
* bankAccountNum
* alwaysTakeDiscFlag
* vatCode
* priceTolerance
* globalAttribute1
* globalAttribute3
* employeeId
* creditStatusLookupCode
* taxVerificationDate
* attribute11
* excludeFreightFromDiscount
* nameControl
* womenOwnedFlag
* ediTransactionHandling
* fobLookupCode
* attribute14
* nationalInsuranceNumber
* stateReportableFlag
* amountIncludesTaxFlag
* withholdingStartDate
* autoTaxCalcOverride
* ediPaymentMethod
* apTaxRoundingRule
* tcaSyncNum1099
* verificationRequestId
* lastUpdatedBy
* segment3
* secondName
* expenseCodeCombinationId
* attribute1
* bankChargeBearer
* cisParentVendorId
* receivingRoutingId
* bankNum
* attribute6
* lastName
* globalAttribute15
* inspectionRequiredFlag
* shipViaLookupCode
* daysEarlyReceiptAllowed
* summaryFlag
* tcaSyncVendorName
* lastUpdateDate
* bankBranchType
* firstName
* payGroupLookupCode
* exchangeDateLookupCode
* withholdingStatusLookupCode
* acctsPayCodeCombinationId
* num1099
* globalAttribute20
* qtyRcvTolerance
* minOrderAmount
* holdReason
* vatRegistrationNum
* holdUnmatchedInvoicesFlag
* uniqueTaxReferenceNum


 * num1099
* endDateActive
* remittanceEmail
* shipToLocationCode
* excludeFreightFromDiscount
* paymentMethodCode
* taxVerificationDate
* payAwtGroupId
* billToLocationCode
* rejectCode
* federalReportableFlag
* ibyBankChargeBearer
* globalAttribute19
* apTaxRoundingRule
* lastUpdatedBy
* startDateActive
* standardIndustryClass
* allowSubstituteReceiptsFlag
* holdFlag
* receiptDaysExceptionCode
* oneTimeFlag
* stateReportableFlag
* attribute13
* ediPaymentFormat
* globalAttribute9
* attribute1
* vatCode
* payGroupLookupCode
* vendorTypeLookupCode
* allowAwtFlag
* groupId
* shipToLocationId
* exclusivePaymentFlag
* attribute9
* autoTaxCalcOverride
* url
* amountIncludesTaxFlag
* programUpdateDate
* ediPaymentMethod
* attribute6
* payDateBasisLookupCode
* matchOption
* bankChargeBearer
* acctsPayCodeCombinationId
* smallBusinessFlag
* holdDate
* daysLateReceiptAllowed
* deliveryChannelCode
* settlementPriority
* enabledFlag
* attributeCategory
* attribute12
* setOfBooksId
* ceoTitle
* employeeId
* globalAttribute13
* attribute4
* lastUpdateDate
* termsId
* paymentFormatCode
* distributionSetName
* invoiceAmountLimit
* customerNum
* womenOwnedFlag
* paymentCurrencyCode
* paymentTextMessage2
* supplierNotifMethod
* vendorInterfaceId
* distributionSetId
* holdFuturePaymentsFlag
* holdAllPaymentsFlag
* globalAttribute12
* bankInstruction2Code
* attribute14
* paymentTextMessage1
* emailAddress
* eceTpLocationCode
* status
* bankInstructionDetails
* paymentPriority
* receivingRoutingId
* summaryFlag
* futureDatedPaymentCcid
* payAwtGroupName
* partyOrigSystemReference
* globalAttributeCategory
* globalAttribute15
* paymentReasonCode
* holdReason
* globalAttribute16
* attribute11
* fobLookupCode
* purchasingHoldReason
* ediTransactionHandling
* partyOrigSystem
* organizationTypeLookupCode
* qtyRcvExceptionCode
* globalAttribute3
* vendorNameAlt
* minOrderAmount
* attribute5
* awtGroupId
* globalAttribute5
* attribute3
* attribute10
* createdBy
* termsDateBasis
* globalAttribute17
* billToLocationId
* qtyRcvTolerance
* importRequestId
* remitAdviceFax
* ediRemittanceMethod
* termsName
* holdUnmatchedInvoicesFlag
* offsetTaxFlag
* globalAttribute8
* awtGroupName
* partyId
* globalAttribute2
* globalAttribute14
* allowUnorderedReceiptsFlag
* autoCalculateInterestFlag
* inspectionRequiredFlag
* globalAttribute6
* prepayCodeCombinationId
* autoTaxCalcFlag
* globalAttribute7
* globalAttribute11
* paymentReasonComments
* attribute15
* daysEarlyReceiptAllowed
* ediRemittanceInstruction
* type1099
* attribute2
* attribute8
* globalAttribute10
* vendorName
* creationDate
* programApplicationId
* nameControl
* vatRegistrationNum
* paymentTextMessage3
* paymentMethodLookupCode
* shipViaLookupCode
* receiptRequiredFlag
* globalAttribute20
* alwaysTakeDiscFlag
* lastUpdateLogin
* bankInstruction1Code
* requestId
* ceoName
* globalAttribute1
* programId
* globalAttribute4
* enforceShipToLocationCode
* taxReportingName
* sdhBatchId
* attribute7
* freightTermsLookupCode
* holdBy
* minorityGroupLookupCode
* segment1
* invoiceCurrencyCode
* globalAttribute18
* createDebitMemoFlag


 * num1099
* endDateActive
* remittanceEmail
* shipToLocationCode
* excludeFreightFromDiscount
* paymentMethodCode
* taxVerificationDate
* payAwtGroupId
* billToLocationCode
* rejectCode
* federalReportableFlag
* ibyBankChargeBearer
* globalAttribute19
* apTaxRoundingRule
* lastUpdatedBy
* startDateActive
* standardIndustryClass
* allowSubstituteReceiptsFlag
* holdFlag
* receiptDaysExceptionCode
* oneTimeFlag
* stateReportableFlag
* attribute13
* ediPaymentFormat
* globalAttribute9
* attribute1
* vatCode
* payGroupLookupCode
* vendorTypeLookupCode
* allowAwtFlag
* groupId
* shipToLocationId
* exclusivePaymentFlag
* attribute9
* autoTaxCalcOverride
* url
* amountIncludesTaxFlag
* programUpdateDate
* ediPaymentMethod
* attribute6
* payDateBasisLookupCode
* matchOption
* bankChargeBearer
* acctsPayCodeCombinationId
* smallBusinessFlag
* holdDate
* daysLateReceiptAllowed
* deliveryChannelCode
* settlementPriority
* enabledFlag
* attributeCategory
* attribute12
* setOfBooksId
* ceoTitle
* employeeId
* globalAttribute13
* attribute4
* lastUpdateDate
* termsId
* paymentFormatCode
* distributionSetName
* invoiceAmountLimit
* customerNum
* womenOwnedFlag
* paymentCurrencyCode
* paymentTextMessage2
* supplierNotifMethod
* vendorInterfaceId
* distributionSetId
* holdFuturePaymentsFlag
* holdAllPaymentsFlag
* globalAttribute12
* bankInstruction2Code
* attribute14
* paymentTextMessage1
* emailAddress
* eceTpLocationCode
* status
* bankInstructionDetails
* paymentPriority
* receivingRoutingId
* summaryFlag
* futureDatedPaymentCcid
* payAwtGroupName
* partyOrigSystemReference
* globalAttributeCategory
* globalAttribute15
* paymentReasonCode
* holdReason
* globalAttribute16
* attribute11
* fobLookupCode
* purchasingHoldReason
* ediTransactionHandling
* partyOrigSystem
* organizationTypeLookupCode
* qtyRcvExceptionCode
* globalAttribute3
* vendorNameAlt
* minOrderAmount
* attribute5
* awtGroupId
* globalAttribute5
* attribute3
* attribute10
* createdBy
* termsDateBasis
* globalAttribute17
* billToLocationId
* qtyRcvTolerance
* importRequestId
* remitAdviceFax
* ediRemittanceMethod
* termsName
* holdUnmatchedInvoicesFlag
* offsetTaxFlag
* globalAttribute8
* awtGroupName
* partyId
* globalAttribute2
* globalAttribute14
* allowUnorderedReceiptsFlag
* autoCalculateInterestFlag
* inspectionRequiredFlag
* globalAttribute6
* prepayCodeCombinationId
* autoTaxCalcFlag
* globalAttribute7
* globalAttribute11
* paymentReasonComments
* attribute15
* daysEarlyReceiptAllowed
* ediRemittanceInstruction
* type1099
* attribute2
* attribute8
* globalAttribute10
* vendorName
* creationDate
* programApplicationId
* nameControl
* vatRegistrationNum
* paymentTextMessage3
* paymentMethodLookupCode
* shipViaLookupCode
* receiptRequiredFlag
* globalAttribute20
* alwaysTakeDiscFlag
* lastUpdateLogin
* bankInstruction1Code
* requestId
* ceoName
* globalAttribute1
* programId
* globalAttribute4
* enforceShipToLocationCode
* taxReportingName
* sdhBatchId
* attribute7
* freightTermsLookupCode
* holdBy
* minorityGroupLookupCode
* segment1
* invoiceCurrencyCode
* globalAttribute18
* createDebitMemoFlag


 * taxHierVendorSite
* matchOnTaxFlag
* onlinePrintFlag
* approvalWorkflowFlag
* globalAttribute2
* replaceCheckFlag
* vatCode
* globalAttribute19
* taxHierVendor
* prorateIntInvAcrossDists
* automaticOffsetsFlag
* secondarySetOfBooksId
* createAwtInvoicesType
* globalAttribute6
* freightCodeCombinationId
* taxHierTemplate
* enforceTaxFromAccount
* globalAttribute3
* confirmDateAsInvNumFlag
* rateVarLossCcid
* whenToAccountGainLoss
* defaultExchangeRateType
* taxFromTemplateFlag
* autoCalculateInterestFlag
* bankChargeBearer
* futureDatedPmtAcctSource
* globalAttribute1
* incomeTaxRegionFlag
* termsId
* takeVatBeforeDiscountFlag
* checkOverflowLookupCode
* addDaysSettlementDate
* holdGainCodeCombinationId
* accountingMethodOption
* enable1099OnAwtFlag
* taxFromAccountFlag
* interestAcctsPayCcid
* taxFromVendorFlag
* bankAccountId
* taxTolerance
* orgId
* invrateForPrepayTax
* taxFromInvHeaderFlag
* calcUserXrate
* globalAttribute17
* withholdingDateBasis
* eftUserNumber
* globalAttribute16
* vendorAutoIntDefault
* allowSupplierBankOverride
* roundingErrorPostOption
* interestToleranceAmount
* salesTaxCodeCombinationId
* taxHierSystem
* includeReportingSob
* payDateBasisLookupCode
* secondaryAccountingMethod
* gainCodeCombinationId
* createEmployeeVendorFlag
* interestCodeCombinationId
* ceBankAcctUseId
* baseCurrencyCode
* autoCreateFreightFlag
* servicesToleranceId
* createAwtDistsType
* reconAccountingFlag
* globalAttribute12
* expenseReportId
* multiCurrencyFlag
* globalAttribute9
* roundingErrorCcid
* globalAttribute15
* makeRateMandatoryFlag
* allowFinalMatchFlag
* taxHierAccount
* setOfBooksId
* vendorPayGroupLookupCode
* toleranceId
* taxTolAmtRange
* whenToAccountPmt
* costOfMoney
* combinedFilingFlag
* invDocCategoryOverride
* xmlPaymentsAutoConfirmFlag
* postDatedPaymentsFlag
* awtIncludeDiscountAmt
* recalcPayScheduleFlag
* invoiceNetGrossFlag
* taxFromSystemFlag
* dateFormatLookupCode
* ussglTransactionCode
* maxOutlay
* lastUpdateDate
* defaultAwtGroupId
* glTransferMode
* discountDistributionMethod
* buildPrepaymentAccountsFlag
* globalAttribute20
* approvalTiming
* paymentCurrencyCode
* acctsPayCodeCombinationId
* sortByAlternateField
* termsDateBasis
* applyAdvancesDefault
* awtIncludeTaxAmt
* glTransferSubmitJournalImp
* lastUpdatedBy
* federalIdentificationNum
* globalAttribute4
* stopPrepayAcrossBalFlag
* requireTaxEntryFlag
* globalAttribute11
* daysBetweenCheckCycles
* rateVarGainCcid
* cashPostOption
* globalAttribute13
* allowAwtFlag
* prepayTaxDiffCcid
* allowDistMatchFlag
* taxFromPoFlag
* globalAttribute10
* automaticOffsetsChangeFlag
* globalAttribute18
* validateBeforeApprovalFlag
* approvalsOption
* amountIncludesTaxOverride
* gainLossPostOption
* employeePaymentPriority
* discountTakenPostOption
* updatePaySiteFlag
* lossCodeCombinationId
* employeePayGroupLookupCode
* employeeTermsId
* ussglTrxCodeContext
* liabilityPostLookupCode
* expensePostOption
* allowPymtThirdPartyOvrd
* invoiceCurrencyCode
* glDateFromReceiptFlag
* useMultipleSupplierBanks
* gainLossCalcLevel
* mrcSecondarySetOfBooksId
* glTransferAllowOverride
* summaryJournalsDefault
* taxHierPoShipment
* incomeTaxRegion
* globalAttribute7
* alwaysTakeDiscFlag
* useBankChargeFlag
* discTakenCodeCombinationId
* futurePayPostOption
* taxFromVendorSiteFlag
* allowAwtOverride
* futureDatedPmtLiabRelief
* rateVarCodeCombinationId
* discLostCodeCombinationId
* allowFlexOverrideFlag
* globalAttribute8
* holdUnmatchedInvoicesFlag
* receiptAcceptanceDays
* transferDescFlexFlag
* payDocCategoryOverride
* prepayCodeCombinationId
* transGainCodeCombinationId
* prepaymentTermsId
* autoTaxCalcOverride
* amountIncludesTaxFlag
* globalAttributeCategory
* matchOption
* allowInvThirdPartyOvrd
* discIsInvLessTaxFlag
* globalAttribute5
* liabilityPostOption
* taxHierInvoice
* batchControlFlag
* allowFuturePayFlag
* globalAttribute14
* locationId
* allowForceApprovalFlag
* mrcBaseCurrencyCode
* glTransferProcessDays
* autoTaxCalcFlag
* allowPaidInvoiceAdjust


 * whenToAccountGainLoss
* auditTrueNulls
* auditSessionId
* onlinePrintFlag
* reconAccountingFlag
* approvalWorkflowFlag
* allowForceApprovalFlag
* updatePaySiteFlag
* replaceCheckFlag
* postDatedPaymentsFlag
* gainLossCalcLevel
* whenToAccountPmt
* setOfBooksId
* allowFlexOverrideFlag
* auditCommitId
* orgId
* glDateFromReceiptFlag
* futureDatedPmtAcctSource
* auditSequenceId
* auditUserName
* allowFinalMatchFlag
* allowPaidInvoiceAdjust
* allowDistMatchFlag
* auditTimestamp
* glTransferMode
* transferDescFlexFlag
* rowKey
* auditTransactionType
* validateBeforeApprovalFlag


 * whenToAccountGainLoss
* auditTrueNulls
* auditSessionId
* onlinePrintFlag
* reconAccountingFlag
* approvalWorkflowFlag
* allowForceApprovalFlag
* updatePaySiteFlag
* replaceCheckFlag
* postDatedPaymentsFlag
* gainLossCalcLevel
* whenToAccountPmt
* setOfBooksId
* allowFlexOverrideFlag
* auditCommitId
* orgId
* glDateFromReceiptFlag
* futureDatedPmtAcctSource
* auditSequenceId
* auditUserName
* allowFinalMatchFlag
* allowPaidInvoiceAdjust
* allowDistMatchFlag
* auditTimestamp
* glTransferMode
* transferDescFlexFlag
* rowKey
* auditTransactionType
* validateBeforeApprovalFlag


 * taxHierVendorSite
* matchOnTaxFlag
* onlinePrintFlag
* approvalWorkflowFlag
* globalAttribute2
* replaceCheckFlag
* vatCode
* globalAttribute19
* taxHierVendor
* prorateIntInvAcrossDists
* automaticOffsetsFlag
* secondarySetOfBooksId
* createAwtInvoicesType
* globalAttribute6
* freightCodeCombinationId
* taxHierTemplate
* enforceTaxFromAccount
* globalAttribute3
* confirmDateAsInvNumFlag
* rateVarLossCcid
* whenToAccountGainLoss
* defaultExchangeRateType
* taxFromTemplateFlag
* autoCalculateInterestFlag
* bankChargeBearer
* futureDatedPmtAcctSource
* globalAttribute1
* incomeTaxRegionFlag
* termsId
* takeVatBeforeDiscountFlag
* checkOverflowLookupCode
* addDaysSettlementDate
* holdGainCodeCombinationId
* accountingMethodOption
* enable1099OnAwtFlag
* taxFromAccountFlag
* interestAcctsPayCcid
* taxFromVendorFlag
* bankAccountId
* taxTolerance
* orgId
* invrateForPrepayTax
* taxFromInvHeaderFlag
* calcUserXrate
* globalAttribute17
* withholdingDateBasis
* eftUserNumber
* globalAttribute16
* vendorAutoIntDefault
* allowSupplierBankOverride
* roundingErrorPostOption
* interestToleranceAmount
* salesTaxCodeCombinationId
* taxHierSystem
* includeReportingSob
* payDateBasisLookupCode
* secondaryAccountingMethod
* gainCodeCombinationId
* createEmployeeVendorFlag
* interestCodeCombinationId
* ceBankAcctUseId
* baseCurrencyCode
* autoCreateFreightFlag
* servicesToleranceId
* createAwtDistsType
* reconAccountingFlag
* globalAttribute12
* expenseReportId
* multiCurrencyFlag
* globalAttribute9
* roundingErrorCcid
* globalAttribute15
* makeRateMandatoryFlag
* allowFinalMatchFlag
* taxHierAccount
* setOfBooksId
* vendorPayGroupLookupCode
* toleranceId
* taxTolAmtRange
* whenToAccountPmt
* costOfMoney
* combinedFilingFlag
* invDocCategoryOverride
* xmlPaymentsAutoConfirmFlag
* postDatedPaymentsFlag
* awtIncludeDiscountAmt
* recalcPayScheduleFlag
* invoiceNetGrossFlag
* taxFromSystemFlag
* dateFormatLookupCode
* ussglTransactionCode
* maxOutlay
* lastUpdateDate
* defaultAwtGroupId
* glTransferMode
* discountDistributionMethod
* buildPrepaymentAccountsFlag
* globalAttribute20
* approvalTiming
* paymentCurrencyCode
* acctsPayCodeCombinationId
* sortByAlternateField
* termsDateBasis
* applyAdvancesDefault
* awtIncludeTaxAmt
* glTransferSubmitJournalImp
* lastUpdatedBy
* federalIdentificationNum
* globalAttribute4
* stopPrepayAcrossBalFlag
* requireTaxEntryFlag
* globalAttribute11
* daysBetweenCheckCycles
* rateVarGainCcid
* cashPostOption
* globalAttribute13
* allowAwtFlag
* prepayTaxDiffCcid
* allowDistMatchFlag
* taxFromPoFlag
* globalAttribute10
* automaticOffsetsChangeFlag
* globalAttribute18
* validateBeforeApprovalFlag
* approvalsOption
* amountIncludesTaxOverride
* gainLossPostOption
* employeePaymentPriority
* discountTakenPostOption
* updatePaySiteFlag
* lossCodeCombinationId
* employeePayGroupLookupCode
* employeeTermsId
* ussglTrxCodeContext
* liabilityPostLookupCode
* expensePostOption
* allowPymtThirdPartyOvrd
* invoiceCurrencyCode
* glDateFromReceiptFlag
* useMultipleSupplierBanks
* gainLossCalcLevel
* mrcSecondarySetOfBooksId
* glTransferAllowOverride
* summaryJournalsDefault
* taxHierPoShipment
* incomeTaxRegion
* globalAttribute7
* alwaysTakeDiscFlag
* useBankChargeFlag
* discTakenCodeCombinationId
* futurePayPostOption
* taxFromVendorSiteFlag
* allowAwtOverride
* futureDatedPmtLiabRelief
* rateVarCodeCombinationId
* discLostCodeCombinationId
* allowFlexOverrideFlag
* globalAttribute8
* holdUnmatchedInvoicesFlag
* receiptAcceptanceDays
* transferDescFlexFlag
* payDocCategoryOverride
* prepayCodeCombinationId
* transGainCodeCombinationId
* prepaymentTermsId
* autoTaxCalcOverride
* amountIncludesTaxFlag
* globalAttributeCategory
* matchOption
* allowInvThirdPartyOvrd
* discIsInvLessTaxFlag
* globalAttribute5
* liabilityPostOption
* taxHierInvoice
* batchControlFlag
* allowFuturePayFlag
* globalAttribute14
* locationId
* allowForceApprovalFlag
* mrcBaseCurrencyCode
* glTransferProcessDays
* autoTaxCalcFlag
* allowPaidInvoiceAdjust


 * awtRateType
* globalAttribute8
* globalAttribute9
* startDate
* globalAttribute4
* globalAttribute16
* attribute4
* createdBy
* taxCodeCombinationId
* vatTransactionType
* attribute15
* globalAttribute13
* globalAttribute20
* awtVendorId
* globalAttribute17
* setOfBooksId
* globalAttribute5
* globalAttribute1
* attribute8
* taxRate
* description
* attribute7
* globalAttribute7
* globalAttribute14
* taxRecoveryRuleId
* awtVendorSiteId
* orgId
* attribute1
* attribute10
* globalAttribute11
* lastUpdatedBy
* rangeAmountBasis
* attribute13
* suppressZeroAmountFlag
* taxId
* globalAttribute2
* globalAttribute6
* lastUpdateDate
* taxType
* attributeCategory
* attribute12
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute5
* globalAttributeCategory
* globalAttribute10
* awtPeriodType
* awtPeriodLimit
* globalAttribute3
* webEnabledFlag
* globalAttribute15
* name
* attribute9
* globalAttribute12
* attribute11
* attribute6
* globalAttribute18
* rangePeriodBasis
* attribute3
* taxRecoveryRate
* inactiveDate
* globalAttribute19
* offsetTaxCodeId
* creationDate
* enabledFlag
* attribute2
* attribute14


 * awtRateType
* globalAttribute8
* globalAttribute9
* startDate
* globalAttribute4
* globalAttribute16
* attribute4
* createdBy
* taxCodeCombinationId
* vatTransactionType
* attribute15
* globalAttribute13
* globalAttribute20
* awtVendorId
* globalAttribute17
* setOfBooksId
* globalAttribute5
* globalAttribute1
* attribute8
* taxRate
* description
* attribute7
* globalAttribute7
* globalAttribute14
* taxRecoveryRuleId
* awtVendorSiteId
* orgId
* attribute1
* attribute10
* globalAttribute11
* lastUpdatedBy
* rangeAmountBasis
* attribute13
* suppressZeroAmountFlag
* taxId
* globalAttribute2
* globalAttribute6
* lastUpdateDate
* taxType
* attributeCategory
* attribute12
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute5
* globalAttributeCategory
* globalAttribute10
* awtPeriodType
* awtPeriodLimit
* globalAttribute3
* webEnabledFlag
* globalAttribute15
* name
* attribute9
* globalAttribute12
* attribute11
* attribute6
* globalAttribute18
* rangePeriodBasis
* attribute3
* taxRecoveryRate
* inactiveDate
* globalAttribute19
* offsetTaxCodeId
* creationDate
* enabledFlag
* attribute2
* attribute14


 * globalAttribute8
* description
* attribute6
* lastUpdateDate
* globalAttribute16
* attribute7
* ruleId
* attribute13
* creationDate
* conditionValue
* globalAttribute14
* recoveryRate
* globalAttribute13
* attributeCategory
* attribute9
* globalAttribute2
* globalAttribute12
* globalAttribute15
* enabledFlag
* globalAttribute18
* globalAttribute20
* lastUpdateLogin
* globalAttribute11
* startDate
* attribute8
* globalAttribute19
* globalAttribute9
* attribute14
* globalAttribute10
* globalAttribute5
* attribute5
* attribute3
* globalAttribute4
* globalAttribute1
* globalAttribute7
* createdBy
* globalAttribute17
* condition
* globalAttributeCategory
* attribute10
* function
* orgId
* attribute1
* attribute4
* attribute11
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute2
* globalAttribute6
* attribute12
* attribute15
* endDate
* globalAttribute3
* rateId
* concatenatedSegmentLow
* concatenatedSegmentHigh


 * globalAttribute8
* description
* attribute6
* lastUpdateDate
* globalAttribute16
* attribute7
* ruleId
* attribute13
* creationDate
* conditionValue
* globalAttribute14
* recoveryRate
* globalAttribute13
* attributeCategory
* attribute9
* globalAttribute2
* globalAttribute12
* globalAttribute15
* enabledFlag
* globalAttribute18
* globalAttribute20
* lastUpdateLogin
* globalAttribute11
* startDate
* attribute8
* globalAttribute19
* globalAttribute9
* attribute14
* globalAttribute10
* globalAttribute5
* attribute5
* attribute3
* globalAttribute4
* globalAttribute1
* globalAttribute7
* createdBy
* globalAttribute17
* condition
* globalAttributeCategory
* attribute10
* function
* orgId
* attribute1
* attribute4
* attribute11
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute2
* globalAttribute6
* attribute12
* attribute15
* endDate
* globalAttribute3
* rateId
* concatenatedSegmentLow
* concatenatedSegmentHigh


 * name
* globalAttribute12
* attribute4
* globalAttribute5
* globalAttribute19
* attribute7
* attribute8
* attribute2
* globalAttributeCategory
* globalAttribute14
* globalAttribute2
* globalAttribute15
* createdBy
* globalAttribute8
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute3
* description
* globalAttribute3
* globalAttribute11
* creationDate
* globalAttribute6
* attributeCategory
* globalAttribute18
* attribute5
* orgId
* attribute1
* globalAttribute9
* attribute12
* attribute15
* lastUpdateLogin
* globalAttribute13
* globalAttribute17
* attribute14
* attribute6
* globalAttribute20
* ruleId
* globalAttribute1
* globalAttribute10
* attribute10
* globalAttribute4
* globalAttribute7
* attribute13
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute9
* attribute11
* globalAttribute16


 * name
* globalAttribute12
* attribute4
* globalAttribute5
* globalAttribute19
* attribute7
* attribute8
* attribute2
* globalAttributeCategory
* globalAttribute14
* globalAttribute2
* globalAttribute15
* createdBy
* globalAttribute8
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute3
* description
* globalAttribute3
* globalAttribute11
* creationDate
* globalAttribute6
* attributeCategory
* globalAttribute18
* attribute5
* orgId
* attribute1
* globalAttribute9
* attribute12
* attribute15
* lastUpdateLogin
* globalAttribute13
* globalAttribute17
* attribute14
* attribute6
* globalAttribute20
* ruleId
* globalAttribute1
* globalAttribute10
* attribute10
* globalAttribute4
* globalAttribute7
* attribute13
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute9
* attribute11
* globalAttribute16


 * balanceDate
* codeCombinationId
* balanceAmount
* ledgerId


 * balanceDate
* codeCombinationId
* balanceAmount
* ledgerId


 * taxTolAmtRange
* rateAmtTolerance
* quantityTolerance
* priceTolerance
* createdBy
* qtyReceivedTolerance
* lastUpdateDate
* toleranceType
* toleranceName
* description
* creationDate
* maxQtyOrdTolerance
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* shipAmtTolerance
* maxQtyRecTolerance
* toleranceId
* taxTolerance
* totalAmtTolerance


 * shipAmtTolerance
* auditTimestamp
* taxTolerance
* quantityTolerance
* auditSessionId
* auditTrueNulls
* auditTransactionType
* rowKey
* qtyReceivedTolerance
* auditUserName
* auditCommitId
* toleranceId
* auditSequenceId
* priceTolerance


 * shipAmtTolerance
* auditTimestamp
* taxTolerance
* quantityTolerance
* auditSessionId
* auditTrueNulls
* auditTransactionType
* rowKey
* qtyReceivedTolerance
* auditUserName
* auditCommitId
* toleranceId
* auditSequenceId
* priceTolerance


 * taxTolAmtRange
* rateAmtTolerance
* quantityTolerance
* priceTolerance
* createdBy
* qtyReceivedTolerance
* lastUpdateDate
* toleranceType
* toleranceName
* description
* creationDate
* maxQtyOrdTolerance
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* shipAmtTolerance
* maxQtyRecTolerance
* toleranceId
* taxTolerance
* totalAmtTolerance


 * lastUpdatedBy
* taxTolerance
* createdBy
* qtyReceivedTolerance
* orgId
* quantityTolerance
* shipAmtTolerance
* priceTolerance
* lastUpdateDate
* maxQtyOrdTolerance
* creationDate
* maxQtyRecTolerance
* lastUpdateLogin
* totalAmtTolerance
* rateAmtTolerance
* taxTolAmtRange


 * lastUpdatedBy
* taxTolerance
* createdBy
* qtyReceivedTolerance
* orgId
* quantityTolerance
* shipAmtTolerance
* priceTolerance
* lastUpdateDate
* maxQtyOrdTolerance
* creationDate
* maxQtyRecTolerance
* lastUpdateLogin
* totalAmtTolerance
* rateAmtTolerance
* taxTolAmtRange


 * xtrPayFilePrefix
* intraFilePrefix
* exceptionFileSuffix
* localStmtDirectory
* transmissionId
* xtrBankPayDir
* xtrConfirmationEmail
* lastUpdatedBy
* payFilePrefix
* lastUpdateDate
* localExceptionDirectory
* transmissionEmail
* stmtFileExt
* xtrConfFileExt
* xtrConfFileSuffix
* creationDate
* localPayDirectory
* bankStmtDirectory
* exceptionFilePrefix
* payFileExt
* protocol
* password
* xtrTransmissionEmail
* xtrConfFilePrefix
* bankPayDirectory
* exceptionFileExt
* lastUpdateLogin
* xtrPayFileExt
* bankExceptionDirectory
* xtrLocalPayDir
* externalIdentifier
* transmissionCode
* confFileExt
* localIntraDirectory
* intraStatementEmail
* confFilePrefix
* confirmationEmail
* confFileSuffix
* stmtFilePrefix
* transmissionProgram
* createdBy
* xtrPayFileSuffix
* protocolAddress
* payFileSuffix
* username
* statementEmail
* bankIntraDirectory
* xtrLocalConfDir
* bankBranchId
* exceptionEmail
* xtrBankConfDir
* bankConfDirectory
* intraFileExt
* intraFileSuffix
* stmtFileSuffix
* localConfDirectory


 * xtrPayFilePrefix
* intraFilePrefix
* exceptionFileSuffix
* localStmtDirectory
* transmissionId
* xtrBankPayDir
* xtrConfirmationEmail
* lastUpdatedBy
* payFilePrefix
* lastUpdateDate
* localExceptionDirectory
* transmissionEmail
* stmtFileExt
* xtrConfFileExt
* xtrConfFileSuffix
* creationDate
* localPayDirectory
* bankStmtDirectory
* exceptionFilePrefix
* payFileExt
* protocol
* password
* xtrTransmissionEmail
* xtrConfFilePrefix
* bankPayDirectory
* exceptionFileExt
* lastUpdateLogin
* xtrPayFileExt
* bankExceptionDirectory
* xtrLocalPayDir
* externalIdentifier
* transmissionCode
* confFileExt
* localIntraDirectory
* intraStatementEmail
* confFilePrefix
* confirmationEmail
* confFileSuffix
* stmtFilePrefix
* transmissionProgram
* createdBy
* xtrPayFileSuffix
* protocolAddress
* payFileSuffix
* username
* statementEmail
* bankIntraDirectory
* xtrLocalConfDir
* bankBranchId
* exceptionEmail
* xtrBankConfDir
* bankConfDirectory
* intraFileExt
* intraFileSuffix
* stmtFileSuffix
* localConfDirectory


 * checkrunId
* lastUpdateLogin
* invoiceId
* orgId
* dontPayReasonCode
* creationDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* paymentNum
* lastUpdateDate
* createdBy


 * checkrunId
* lastUpdateLogin
* invoiceId
* orgId
* dontPayReasonCode
* creationDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* paymentNum
* lastUpdateDate
* createdBy


 * invoiceDistributionId
* reversalFlag
* parentReversalId
* backupDate
* invoiceId
* amount


 * invoiceDistributionId
* reversalFlag
* parentReversalId
* backupDate
* invoiceId
* amount


 * checkrunId
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdateDate
* ledgerCurrencyCode
* paymentCurrencyCode
* exchangeRate
* creationDate
* createdBy


 * checkrunId
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdateDate
* ledgerCurrencyCode
* paymentCurrencyCode
* exchangeRate
* creationDate
* createdBy


 * setOfBooksId
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* segmentNum
* segmentDisplayCode
* lastUpdateDate
* idFlexNum
* applicationColumnName
* lastUpdatedBy
* createdBy


 * setOfBooksId
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* segmentNum
* segmentDisplayCode
* lastUpdateDate
* idFlexNum
* applicationColumnName
* lastUpdatedBy
* createdBy


 * creationDate
* amexServer
* secureDirectory
* recordTerminator
* lastUpdateLogin
* walletPath
* createdBy
* remoteFilename
* username
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* recordLength
* cardProgramId
* encryptedWalletPassword
* encryptedPassword


 * creationDate
* amexServer
* secureDirectory
* recordTerminator
* lastUpdateLogin
* walletPath
* createdBy
* remoteFilename
* username
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* recordLength
* cardProgramId
* encryptedWalletPassword
* encryptedPassword


 * valueType
* periodId
* orgId
* numericValue
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdateDate
* value
* employeeId
* creationDate
* createdBy
* lastUpdatedBy


 * valueType
* periodId
* orgId
* numericValue
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdateDate
* value
* employeeId
* creationDate
* createdBy
* lastUpdatedBy


 * timeFormat
* vehicleType
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdateDate
* defaultExchangeRateFlag
* defaultApproverId
* defaultLocationId
* defaultForeignCurrFlag
* expenseAllocationsFlag
* fuelType
* employeeId
* showAuditHeaderFlag
* creationDate
* createdBy
* vehicleCategory
* defaultExpenseTemplateId
* validateDetailsFlag
* defaultSource
* defaultPurpose


 * timeFormat
* vehicleType
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdateDate
* defaultExchangeRateFlag
* defaultApproverId
* defaultLocationId
* defaultForeignCurrFlag
* expenseAllocationsFlag
* fuelType
* employeeId
* showAuditHeaderFlag
* creationDate
* createdBy
* vehicleCategory
* defaultExpenseTemplateId
* validateDetailsFlag
* defaultSource
* defaultPurpose


 * lastUpdatedBy
* assignmentId
* effectiveStartDate
* lastUpdateDate
* assigneeId
* createdBy
* responsibilityId
* lastUpdateLogin
* securityGroupId
* effectiveEndDate
* assignmentType
* assignorId
* creationDate
* responsibilityAppId


 * lastUpdatedBy
* assignmentId
* effectiveStartDate
* lastUpdateDate
* assigneeId
* createdBy
* responsibilityId
* lastUpdateLogin
* securityGroupId
* effectiveEndDate
* assignmentType
* assignorId
* creationDate
* responsibilityAppId


 * documentType
* orgId
* auditTimestamp
* auditSessionId
* rowKey
* employeeId
* auditTransactionType
* auditCommitId
* auditTrueNulls
* signingLimit
* auditUserName
* auditSequenceId
* costCenter


 * documentType
* orgId
* auditTimestamp
* auditSessionId
* rowKey
* employeeId
* auditTransactionType
* auditCommitId
* auditTrueNulls
* signingLimit
* auditUserName
* auditSequenceId
* costCenter


 * createdBy
* signingLimit
* creationDate
* employeeId
* lastUpdateLogin
* orgId
* lastUpdatedBy
* costCenter
* documentType
* lastUpdateDate


 * createdBy
* signingLimit
* creationDate
* employeeId
* lastUpdateLogin
* orgId
* lastUpdatedBy
* costCenter
* documentType
* lastUpdateDate


 * createdBy
* lastUpdateDate
* enableMerchantReceiptCode
* territoryCode
* enableMerchantNameCode
* orgId
* enabledCode
* lastUpdateLogin
* enableMerchantReferenceCode
* vatSetupId
* enableMerchantTaxpayerCode
* enableMerchantTaxRegCode
* creationDate
* lastUpdatedBy


 * createdBy
* lastUpdateDate
* enableMerchantReceiptCode
* territoryCode
* enableMerchantNameCode
* orgId
* enabledCode
* lastUpdateLogin
* enableMerchantReferenceCode
* vatSetupId
* enableMerchantTaxpayerCode
* enableMerchantTaxRegCode
* creationDate
* lastUpdatedBy


 * instanceName
* userId
* id
* loginKey
* userName
* instanceCode
* baseApi
* identifier
* type
* authorizationEndPoint
* secret
* icon
* authorizationType
* description
* password
* loginUrl
* hostPort
* tokenEndPoint
* hostName


 * periodName


 * periodName


 * callActionId
* actionNotificationId
* createdBy
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateDate
* creationDate
* employeeId
* lastUpdateLogin


 * callActionId
* actionNotificationId
* createdBy
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateDate
* creationDate
* employeeId
* lastUpdateLogin


 * reference5
* createdBy
* attribute2
* attribute9
* reference3
* lineId
* cashReceiptId
* attribute15
* reference2
* attributeCategory
* attribute1
* reference1
* lastUpdateDate
* groupId
* customerTrxLineId
* attribute6
* attribute14
* objectVersionNumber
* createdByModule
* freightDiscount
* attribute7
* applyTo
* attribute11
* lineDiscount
* attribute8
* attribute10
* attribute3
* reference4
* sourceTable
* allocatedReceiptAmount
* taxBalance
* charges
* attribute12
* lineBalance
* lastUpdateLogin
* currentActivityFlag
* taxDiscount
* amount
* freight
* comments
* sourceId
* creationDate
* tax
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute13
* offsetRecFlag
* attribute4
* attribute5


 * reference5
* createdBy
* attribute2
* attribute9
* reference3
* lineId
* cashReceiptId
* attribute15
* reference2
* attributeCategory
* attribute1
* reference1
* lastUpdateDate
* groupId
* customerTrxLineId
* attribute6
* attribute14
* objectVersionNumber
* createdByModule
* freightDiscount
* attribute7
* applyTo
* attribute11
* lineDiscount
* attribute8
* attribute10
* attribute3
* reference4
* sourceTable
* allocatedReceiptAmount
* taxBalance
* charges
* attribute12
* lineBalance
* lastUpdateLogin
* currentActivityFlag
* taxDiscount
* amount
* freight
* comments
* sourceId
* creationDate
* tax
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute13
* offsetRecFlag
* attribute4
* attribute5


 * globalAttribute15
* adjustmentNumber
* attribute8
* freightAdjusted
* globalAttribute16
* createdBy
* axAccountedFlag
* attribute2
* lastUpdateLogin
* consInvId
* programId
* interestLineId
* lineAdjusted
* globalAttribute9
* createdFrom
* comments
* interestHeaderId
* attribute9
* globalAttribute8
* batchId
* attribute12
* attribute14
* docSequenceValue
* globalAttribute12
* attribute11
* attribute7
* adjTaxAcctRule
* globalAttributeCategory
* globalAttribute17
* creationDate
* receivablesChargesAdjusted
* associatedCashReceiptId
* ussglTransactionCodeContext
* mrcPostingControlId
* attribute15
* reasonCode
* attribute10
* receivablesTrxId
* postingControlId
* associatedApplicationId
* globalAttribute3
* glDate
* globalAttribute1
* glPostedDate
* acctdAmount
* globalAttribute7
* customerTrxId
* docSequenceId
* approvedBy
* upgradeMethod
* automaticallyGenerated
* lastUpdateDate
* globalAttribute11
* ussglTransactionCode
* globalAttribute4
* applyDate
* subsequentTrxId
* postable
* attribute5
* mrcAcctdAmount
* linkToTrxHistId
* globalAttribute14
* adjustmentType
* paymentScheduleId
* attribute1
* mrcGlPostedDate
* amount
* type
* lastUpdatedBy
* customerTrxLineId
* attribute3
* globalAttribute18
* globalAttribute19
* programUpdateDate
* distributionSetId
* globalAttribute10
* attribute13
* globalAttribute5
* orgId
* eventId
* codeCombinationId
* requestId
* globalAttribute20
* globalAttribute6
* attributeCategory
* attribute4
* adjustmentId
* globalAttribute13
* setOfBooksId
* taxAdjusted
* attribute6
* globalAttribute2
* programApplicationId
* status
* chargebackCustomerTrxId


 * globalAttribute15
* adjustmentNumber
* attribute8
* freightAdjusted
* globalAttribute16
* createdBy
* axAccountedFlag
* attribute2
* lastUpdateLogin
* consInvId
* programId
* interestLineId
* lineAdjusted
* globalAttribute9
* createdFrom
* comments
* interestHeaderId
* attribute9
* globalAttribute8
* batchId
* attribute12
* attribute14
* docSequenceValue
* globalAttribute12
* attribute11
* attribute7
* adjTaxAcctRule
* globalAttributeCategory
* globalAttribute17
* creationDate
* receivablesChargesAdjusted
* associatedCashReceiptId
* ussglTransactionCodeContext
* mrcPostingControlId
* attribute15
* reasonCode
* attribute10
* receivablesTrxId
* postingControlId
* associatedApplicationId
* globalAttribute3
* glDate
* globalAttribute1
* glPostedDate
* acctdAmount
* globalAttribute7
* customerTrxId
* docSequenceId
* approvedBy
* upgradeMethod
* automaticallyGenerated
* lastUpdateDate
* globalAttribute11
* ussglTransactionCode
* globalAttribute4
* applyDate
* subsequentTrxId
* postable
* attribute5
* mrcAcctdAmount
* linkToTrxHistId
* globalAttribute14
* adjustmentType
* paymentScheduleId
* attribute1
* mrcGlPostedDate
* amount
* type
* lastUpdatedBy
* customerTrxLineId
* attribute3
* globalAttribute18
* globalAttribute19
* programUpdateDate
* distributionSetId
* globalAttribute10
* attribute13
* globalAttribute5
* orgId
* eventId
* codeCombinationId
* requestId
* globalAttribute20
* globalAttribute6
* attributeCategory
* attribute4
* adjustmentId
* globalAttribute13
* setOfBooksId
* taxAdjusted
* attribute6
* globalAttribute2
* programApplicationId
* status
* chargebackCustomerTrxId


 * attribute9
* daysTo
* attribute6
* attribute10
* attribute11
* attribute14
* agingBucketLineId
* attribute3
* bucketSequenceNum
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute12
* zdEditionName
* attribute1
* attribute13
* agingBucketId
* attribute2
* attribute15
* attribute4
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute7
* type
* attribute8
* creationDate
* daysStart
* attribute5
* lastUpdatedBy
* zdSync
* createdBy
* attributeCategory


 * attribute9
* daysTo
* attribute6
* attribute10
* attribute11
* attribute14
* agingBucketLineId
* attribute3
* bucketSequenceNum
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute12
* zdEditionName
* attribute1
* attribute13
* agingBucketId
* attribute2
* attribute15
* attribute4
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute7
* type
* attribute8
* creationDate
* daysStart
* attribute5
* lastUpdatedBy
* zdSync
* createdBy
* attributeCategory


 * createdBy
* zdEditionName
* creationDate
* agingBucketLineId
* zdSync
* lastUpdatedBy
* reportHeading2
* language
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdateDate
* reportHeading1
* sourceLang


 * createdBy
* zdEditionName
* creationDate
* agingBucketLineId
* zdSync
* lastUpdatedBy
* reportHeading2
* language
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdateDate
* reportHeading1
* sourceLang


 * createdBy
* attribute6
* attribute8
* attribute15
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute13
* attribute7
* attribute5
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute14
* bucketName
* attribute12
* attribute4
* attribute2
* zdSync
* attribute1
* lastUpdatedBy
* creationDate
* zdEditionName
* attribute10
* description
* status
* attributeCategory
* agingType
* attribute3
* attribute9
* attribute11
* agingBucketId


 * createdBy
* attribute6
* attribute8
* attribute15
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute13
* attribute7
* attribute5
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute14
* bucketName
* attribute12
* attribute4
* attribute2
* zdSync
* attribute1
* lastUpdatedBy
* creationDate
* zdEditionName
* attribute10
* description
* status
* attributeCategory
* agingType
* attribute3
* attribute9
* attribute11
* agingBucketId


 * amountInDispute
* customerSiteUseId
* acctdAmountDueRemaining
* customerNumber
* receiptConfirmedFlag
* dataConvertedFlag
* consBillingNumber
* customerTrxId
* orgId
* invoiceCurrencyCode
* amountAdjusted
* status
* exchangeRate
* bucket2
* contactName
* sortField2
* amountDueRemaining
* contactPhone
* custAcctSiteId
* workerId
* balSegmentValue
* bucket0
* discountDate
* shortCustomerName
* glDate
* cashReceiptId
* sortField1
* trxDate
* customerId
* contactSiteId
* bucket3
* custTrxTypeId
* amountCredited
* invTidInv
* termId
* glDateClosed
* dueDate
* consInvId
* exchangeDate
* parentRequestId
* amtDueRemaining
* bucket4
* class
* daysPastDue
* bucket1
* customerState
* invoiceType
* amountDueOriginal
* actualDateClosed
* bucket5
* bucket6
* category
* amountAdjustedPending
* paymentScheduleId
* trxNumber
* amountApplied
* customerCity
* reversedCashReceiptId


 * amountInDispute
* customerSiteUseId
* acctdAmountDueRemaining
* customerNumber
* receiptConfirmedFlag
* dataConvertedFlag
* consBillingNumber
* customerTrxId
* orgId
* invoiceCurrencyCode
* amountAdjusted
* status
* exchangeRate
* bucket2
* contactName
* sortField2
* amountDueRemaining
* contactPhone
* custAcctSiteId
* workerId
* balSegmentValue
* bucket0
* discountDate
* shortCustomerName
* glDate
* cashReceiptId
* sortField1
* trxDate
* customerId
* contactSiteId
* bucket3
* custTrxTypeId
* amountCredited
* invTidInv
* termId
* glDateClosed
* dueDate
* consInvId
* exchangeDate
* parentRequestId
* amtDueRemaining
* bucket4
* class
* daysPastDue
* bucket1
* customerState
* invoiceType
* amountDueOriginal
* actualDateClosed
* bucket5
* bucket6
* category
* amountAdjustedPending
* paymentScheduleId
* trxNumber
* amountApplied
* customerCity
* reversedCashReceiptId


 * recAgingAmount
* currencyCode
* amtDueRemaining
* codeCombinationId
* parentRequestId
* receivableTotal
* category
* paymentScheduleId
* recAmount


 * recAgingAmount
* currencyCode
* amtDueRemaining
* codeCombinationId
* parentRequestId
* receivableTotal
* category
* paymentScheduleId
* recAmount


 * workerId
* paymentScheduleId
* parentRequestId
* sourceType


 * workerId
* paymentScheduleId
* parentRequestId
* sourceType


 * createdBy
* attribute6
* lineType
* attribute5
* attribute10
* attributeCategory
* zdSync
* ruleDetailId
* attribute4
* attribute14
* attribute15
* attribute12
* attribute7
* attribute11
* roundingCorrectionFlag
* attribute3
* attribute2
* attribute1
* attribute9
* lastUpdateLogin
* zdEditionName
* attribute13
* ruleId
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute8
* taxTreatment
* creationDate
* lastUpdateDate


 * createdBy
* attribute6
* lineType
* attribute5
* attribute10
* attributeCategory
* zdSync
* ruleDetailId
* attribute4
* attribute14
* attribute15
* attribute12
* attribute7
* attribute11
* roundingCorrectionFlag
* attribute3
* attribute2
* attribute1
* attribute9
* lastUpdateLogin
* zdEditionName
* attribute13
* ruleId
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute8
* taxTreatment
* creationDate
* lastUpdateDate


 * lastUpdateDate
* attribute2
* ruleSource
* attributeCategory
* attribute11
* freezeFlag
* attribute13
* attribute6
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute15
* attribute9
* zdSync
* ruleSetId
* attribute4
* creationDate
* createdBy
* attribute7
* attribute5
* attribute12
* attribute14
* zdEditionName
* description
* attribute8
* attribute10
* ruleSetName
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute3
* attribute1


 * lastUpdateDate
* attribute2
* ruleSource
* attributeCategory
* attribute11
* freezeFlag
* attribute13
* attribute6
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute15
* attribute9
* zdSync
* ruleSetId
* attribute4
* creationDate
* createdBy
* attribute7
* attribute5
* attribute12
* attribute14
* zdEditionName
* description
* attribute8
* attribute10
* ruleSetName
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute3
* attribute1


 * attribute4
* attribute8
* ruleId
* attribute13
* attribute15
* attribute2
* attribute9
* attribute7
* attribute14
* attribute5
* ruleSequence
* zdEditionName
* attribute11
* attribute10
* attribute6
* zdSync
* createdBy
* attribute3
* attributeCategory
* attribute1
* attribute12
* overappFlag
* lastUpdatedBy
* ruleName
* lastUpdateLogin
* ruleSetId
* lastUpdateDate
* creationDate


 * attribute4
* attribute8
* ruleId
* attribute13
* attribute15
* attribute2
* attribute9
* attribute7
* attribute14
* attribute5
* ruleSequence
* zdEditionName
* attribute11
* attribute10
* attribute6
* zdSync
* createdBy
* attribute3
* attributeCategory
* attribute1
* attribute12
* overappFlag
* lastUpdatedBy
* ruleName
* lastUpdateLogin
* ruleSetId
* lastUpdateDate
* creationDate


 * attribute13
* attribute5
* creationDate
* attribute2
* attributeCategory
* attribute8
* comments
* createdBy
* attribute14
* attribute7
* attribute15
* attribute6
* attribute9
* attribute12
* attribute1
* actionDate
* approvalActionHistoryId
* attribute11
* lastUpdatedBy
* adjustmentId
* attribute10
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute4
* attribute3
* actionName
* lastUpdateLogin


 * attribute13
* attribute5
* creationDate
* attribute2
* attributeCategory
* attribute8
* comments
* createdBy
* attribute14
* attribute7
* attribute15
* attribute6
* attribute9
* attribute12
* attribute1
* actionDate
* approvalActionHistoryId
* attribute11
* lastUpdatedBy
* adjustmentId
* attribute10
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute4
* attribute3
* actionName
* lastUpdateLogin


 * attribute15
* attribute4
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute5
* attribute9
* amountTo
* attribute12
* primaryFlag
* reasonCode
* attribute3
* attribute6
* attribute1
* currencyCode
* attribute2
* attribute8
* attribute11
* attributeCategory
* userId
* amountFrom
* attribute14
* createdBy
* lastUpdatedBy
* documentType
* attribute10
* attribute7
* creationDate
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute13


 * rowKey
* auditTrueNulls
* auditCommitId
* auditTransactionType
* userId
* currencyCode
* auditUserName
* auditSequenceId
* amountFrom
* auditTimestamp
* auditSessionId
* amountTo
* documentType


 * rowKey
* auditTrueNulls
* auditCommitId
* auditTransactionType
* userId
* currencyCode
* auditUserName
* auditSequenceId
* amountFrom
* auditTimestamp
* auditSessionId
* amountTo
* documentType


 * attribute15
* attribute4
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute5
* attribute9
* amountTo
* attribute12
* primaryFlag
* reasonCode
* attribute3
* attribute6
* attribute1
* currencyCode
* attribute2
* attribute8
* attribute11
* attributeCategory
* userId
* amountFrom
* attribute14
* createdBy
* lastUpdatedBy
* documentType
* attribute10
* attribute7
* creationDate
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute13


 * requestId
* comments
* openReceivables
* transactionMode
* status
* createdBy
* transactionPeriod
* numberOfProcesses
* archiveId
* creationDate
* postable
* archiveLevel
* transactionType
* commitSize


 * requestId
* comments
* openReceivables
* transactionMode
* status
* createdBy
* transactionPeriod
* numberOfProcesses
* archiveId
* creationDate
* postable
* archiveLevel
* transactionType
* commitSize


 * periodNumber
* depositsNoRecCnt
* chargebacksNoRecCnt
* debitMemosNoRecTotal
* depositsTotal
* adjustmentsTotal
* guaranteesTotal
* guaranteesCnt
* cashReceiptsCnt
* adjustmentsCnt
* debitMemosTotal
* creditMemosCnt
* miscReceiptsCnt
* exchangeGainLossTotal
* discountsTotal
* invoicesNoRecTotal
* debitMemosNoRecCnt
* chargebacksCnt
* depositsCnt
* creditMemosTotal
* creditMemosNoRecTotal
* debitMemosCnt
* archiveId
* invoicesNoRecCnt
* depositsNoRecTotal
* creditMemosNoRecCnt
* chargebacksNoRecTotal
* cashReceiptsTotal
* miscReceiptsTotal
* invoicesCnt
* periodName
* invoicesTotal
* chargebacksTotal


 * periodNumber
* depositsNoRecCnt
* chargebacksNoRecCnt
* debitMemosNoRecTotal
* depositsTotal
* adjustmentsTotal
* guaranteesTotal
* guaranteesCnt
* cashReceiptsCnt
* adjustmentsCnt
* debitMemosTotal
* creditMemosCnt
* miscReceiptsCnt
* exchangeGainLossTotal
* discountsTotal
* invoicesNoRecTotal
* debitMemosNoRecCnt
* chargebacksCnt
* depositsCnt
* creditMemosTotal
* creditMemosNoRecTotal
* debitMemosCnt
* archiveId
* invoicesNoRecCnt
* depositsNoRecTotal
* creditMemosNoRecCnt
* chargebacksNoRecTotal
* cashReceiptsTotal
* miscReceiptsTotal
* invoicesCnt
* periodName
* invoicesTotal
* chargebacksTotal


 * shipToCustomerName
* transactionType
* accountCombination2
* receivablesChargesAdjusted
* applyDate
* acctdEarnedDiscTaken
* shipToCustomerCountry
* unitSellingPrice
* glPostedDate
* lineApplied
* attribute13
* dueDate
* earnedDiscountTaken
* taxExemptionNumber
* interfaceLineAttribute11
* interfaceLineAttribute9
* glDate
* attribute9
* relatedTransactionClass
* shipToCustomerLocation
* accountCombination3
* transactionLineId
* comments
* interfaceLineAttribute8
* itemExceptionReason
* taxCode
* acctdAmountAppliedTo
* itemName
* uomCode
* lineNumber
* attribute5
* amount
* shipToCustomerNumber
* attribute8
* distributionType
* contingencyCode
* attribute15
* lineAdjusted
* lineDescription
* accountingRuleName
* movementId
* attribute12
* taxExemptionId
* attribute2
* shipToCustomerState
* interfaceLineAttribute5
* reasonCodeMeaning
* interfaceLineAttribute12
* taxApplied
* lineType
* exchangeRateType
* expirationDays
* interfaceLineAttribute2
* applicationType
* ruleDuration
* acctdAmountAppliedFrom
* ruleStartDate
* interfaceLineAttribute13
* shipToCustomerAddress2
* archiveId
* interfaceLineAttribute3
* shipToCustomerAddress3
* taxRate
* acctdFactorDiscountAmount
* interfaceLineAttribute15
* interfaceLineContext
* itemExceptionRate
* shipToCustomerAddress4
* relatedTransactionLineId
* freightAdjusted
* taxExemptionType
* attribute7
* exchangeRate
* attribute3
* relatedTransactionId
* accountCombination4
* interfaceLineAttribute4
* expirationDate
* interfaceLineAttribute6
* taxLineId
* transactionClass
* attribute11
* freightApplied
* attribute6
* attribute14
* accountCombination1
* interfaceLineAttribute14
* lastPeriodToCredit
* attribute10
* factorDiscountAmount
* taxVendorReturnCode
* exchangeRateDate
* taxExemptionReason
* quantity
* lineCollectibleFlag
* ussglTransactionCode
* manualOverrideFlag
* acctdUnearnedDiscTaken
* taxAdjusted
* taxAuthorityTaxRates
* attribute4
* interfaceLineAttribute10
* interfaceLineAttribute1
* originalCollectibilityFlag
* acctdAmount
* shipToCustomerAddress1
* overrideAutoAccountingFlag
* receivablesChargesApplied
* taxExemptionFlag
* attributeCategory
* unearnedDiscountTaken
* shipToCustomerCity
* relatedTransactionType
* interfaceLineAttribute7
* transactionId
* attribute1
* shipToCustomerPostalCode
* taxPrecedence


 * shipToCustomerName
* transactionType
* accountCombination2
* receivablesChargesAdjusted
* applyDate
* acctdEarnedDiscTaken
* shipToCustomerCountry
* unitSellingPrice
* glPostedDate
* lineApplied
* attribute13
* dueDate
* earnedDiscountTaken
* taxExemptionNumber
* interfaceLineAttribute11
* interfaceLineAttribute9
* glDate
* attribute9
* relatedTransactionClass
* shipToCustomerLocation
* accountCombination3
* transactionLineId
* comments
* interfaceLineAttribute8
* itemExceptionReason
* taxCode
* acctdAmountAppliedTo
* itemName
* uomCode
* lineNumber
* attribute5
* amount
* shipToCustomerNumber
* attribute8
* distributionType
* contingencyCode
* attribute15
* lineAdjusted
* lineDescription
* accountingRuleName
* movementId
* attribute12
* taxExemptionId
* attribute2
* shipToCustomerState
* interfaceLineAttribute5
* reasonCodeMeaning
* interfaceLineAttribute12
* taxApplied
* lineType
* exchangeRateType
* expirationDays
* interfaceLineAttribute2
* applicationType
* ruleDuration
* acctdAmountAppliedFrom
* ruleStartDate
* interfaceLineAttribute13
* shipToCustomerAddress2
* archiveId
* interfaceLineAttribute3
* shipToCustomerAddress3
* taxRate
* acctdFactorDiscountAmount
* interfaceLineAttribute15
* interfaceLineContext
* itemExceptionRate
* shipToCustomerAddress4
* relatedTransactionLineId
* freightAdjusted
* taxExemptionType
* attribute7
* exchangeRate
* attribute3
* relatedTransactionId
* accountCombination4
* interfaceLineAttribute4
* expirationDate
* interfaceLineAttribute6
* taxLineId
* transactionClass
* attribute11
* freightApplied
* attribute6
* attribute14
* accountCombination1
* interfaceLineAttribute14
* lastPeriodToCredit
* attribute10
* factorDiscountAmount
* taxVendorReturnCode
* exchangeRateDate
* taxExemptionReason
* quantity
* lineCollectibleFlag
* ussglTransactionCode
* manualOverrideFlag
* acctdUnearnedDiscTaken
* taxAdjusted
* taxAuthorityTaxRates
* attribute4
* interfaceLineAttribute10
* interfaceLineAttribute1
* originalCollectibilityFlag
* acctdAmount
* shipToCustomerAddress1
* overrideAutoAccountingFlag
* receivablesChargesApplied
* taxExemptionFlag
* attributeCategory
* unearnedDiscountTaken
* shipToCustomerCity
* relatedTransactionType
* interfaceLineAttribute7
* transactionId
* attribute1
* shipToCustomerPostalCode
* taxPrecedence


 * relatedTransactionClass
* reversalCategory
* bankDepositNumber
* cashReceiptStatus
* attribute7
* acctdAmount
* billToCustomerAddress4
* remitToCity
* attribute15
* interfaceHeaderAttribute14
* attribute14
* comments
* attribute6
* remitToAddress4
* remitToAddress3
* billToCustomerState
* depositDate
* reversalComments
* factorDiscountAmount
* documentSequenceValue
* attribute13
* interfaceHeaderAttribute4
* shipToCustomerCity
* interfaceHeaderAttribute9
* startDateCommitment
* interfaceHeaderAttribute3
* interfaceHeaderAttribute2
* remitToCountry
* attribute3
* transactionDate
* interfaceHeaderAttribute10
* transactionId
* batchName
* exchangeRate
* termDueDate
* transactionClass
* remitToAddress2
* attribute9
* customerReceiptReference
* billToCustomerCountry
* interfaceHeaderAttribute6
* shipToCustomerPostalCode
* shipToCustomerCountry
* waybillNumber
* cashReceiptHistoryStatus
* transactionType
* billToCustomerAddress3
* interfaceHeaderAttribute11
* shipToCustomerLocation
* billToCustomerName
* invoicingRuleName
* relatedTransactionId
* unearnedDiscountTaken
* shipToCustomerAddress1
* salesrepName
* reversalReasonCodeMeaning
* attribute1
* billToCustomerLocation
* interfaceHeaderContext
* adjustmentType
* attribute11
* transactionNumber
* purchaseOrder
* referenceId
* exchangeGainLoss
* shipToCustomerAddress3
* postToGl
* accountingAffectFlag
* exchangeRateDate
* batchSourceName
* interfaceHeaderAttribute12
* type
* attribute4
* shipToCustomerAddress4
* archiveId
* shipToCustomerName
* earnedDiscountTaken
* remitToPostalCode
* customerBankAccountName
* printingOption
* setOfBooksName
* relatedTransactionType
* attribute12
* billToCustomerPostalCode
* reasonCodeMeaning
* bankAccountName
* interfaceHeaderAttribute1
* interfaceHeaderAttribute8
* interfaceHeaderAttribute5
* attributeCategory
* attribute8
* printingLastPrinted
* attribute5
* interfaceHeaderAttribute15
* shipToCustomerNumber
* glDate
* acctdUnearnedDiscountTaken
* interfaceHeaderAttribute7
* shipToCustomerState
* amount
* billToCustomerNumber
* currencyCode
* remitToAddress1
* endDateCommitment
* reversalDate
* billToCustomerAddress1
* billToCustomerAddress2
* billToCustomerCity
* referenceType
* legalEntityName
* shipToCustomerAddress2
* exchangeRateType
* acctdEarnedDiscountTaken
* remitToState
* attribute2
* interfaceHeaderAttribute13
* attribute10
* receiptMethodName
* documentSequenceName
* termName


 * relatedTransactionClass
* reversalCategory
* bankDepositNumber
* cashReceiptStatus
* attribute7
* acctdAmount
* billToCustomerAddress4
* remitToCity
* attribute15
* interfaceHeaderAttribute14
* attribute14
* comments
* attribute6
* remitToAddress4
* remitToAddress3
* billToCustomerState
* depositDate
* reversalComments
* factorDiscountAmount
* documentSequenceValue
* attribute13
* interfaceHeaderAttribute4
* shipToCustomerCity
* interfaceHeaderAttribute9
* startDateCommitment
* interfaceHeaderAttribute3
* interfaceHeaderAttribute2
* remitToCountry
* attribute3
* transactionDate
* interfaceHeaderAttribute10
* transactionId
* batchName
* exchangeRate
* termDueDate
* transactionClass
* remitToAddress2
* attribute9
* customerReceiptReference
* billToCustomerCountry
* interfaceHeaderAttribute6
* shipToCustomerPostalCode
* shipToCustomerCountry
* waybillNumber
* cashReceiptHistoryStatus
* transactionType
* billToCustomerAddress3
* interfaceHeaderAttribute11
* shipToCustomerLocation
* billToCustomerName
* invoicingRuleName
* relatedTransactionId
* unearnedDiscountTaken
* shipToCustomerAddress1
* salesrepName
* reversalReasonCodeMeaning
* attribute1
* billToCustomerLocation
* interfaceHeaderContext
* adjustmentType
* attribute11
* transactionNumber
* purchaseOrder
* referenceId
* exchangeGainLoss
* shipToCustomerAddress3
* postToGl
* accountingAffectFlag
* exchangeRateDate
* batchSourceName
* interfaceHeaderAttribute12
* type
* attribute4
* shipToCustomerAddress4
* archiveId
* shipToCustomerName
* earnedDiscountTaken
* remitToPostalCode
* customerBankAccountName
* printingOption
* setOfBooksName
* relatedTransactionType
* attribute12
* billToCustomerPostalCode
* reasonCodeMeaning
* bankAccountName
* interfaceHeaderAttribute1
* interfaceHeaderAttribute8
* interfaceHeaderAttribute5
* attributeCategory
* attribute8
* printingLastPrinted
* attribute5
* interfaceHeaderAttribute15
* shipToCustomerNumber
* glDate
* acctdUnearnedDiscountTaken
* interfaceHeaderAttribute7
* shipToCustomerState
* amount
* billToCustomerNumber
* currencyCode
* remitToAddress1
* endDateCommitment
* reversalDate
* billToCustomerAddress1
* billToCustomerAddress2
* billToCustomerCity
* referenceType
* legalEntityName
* shipToCustomerAddress2
* exchangeRateType
* acctdEarnedDiscountTaken
* remitToState
* attribute2
* interfaceHeaderAttribute13
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* creationDate
* exceptionReason
* toleranceAmountLow
* excludeCreditMemo
* lastUpdateDate
* automatchSetId
* excludeFinCharges


 * enableKnapSacking
* startDate
* endDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* duplicateMatchHandling
* tolerancePercentLow
* activeFlag
* excludeDisputedInvoice
* lastUpdatedBy
* toleranceAmountHigh
* tolerancePercentHigh
* createdBy
* creationDate
* exceptionReason
* toleranceAmountLow
* excludeCreditMemo
* lastUpdateDate
* automatchSetId
* excludeFinCharges


 * language
* lastUpdateLogin
* description
* creationDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* createdBy
* lastUpdateDate
* automatchSetId
* automatchSetName
* sourceLang


 * language
* lastUpdateLogin
* description
* creationDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* createdBy
* lastUpdateDate
* automatchSetId
* automatchSetName
* sourceLang


 * stringTypeCode
* automatchDtlId
* createdBy
* lastUpdateDate
* creationDate
* matchingOptionAttribute
* paddingValueCode
* numberOfPositions
* lastUpdatedBy
* paddingSequence
* automatchId
* stringLocationCode
* lastUpdateLogin


 * stringTypeCode
* automatchDtlId
* createdBy
* lastUpdateDate
* creationDate
* matchingOptionAttribute
* paddingValueCode
* numberOfPositions
* lastUpdatedBy
* paddingSequence
* automatchId
* stringLocationCode
* lastUpdateLogin


 * automatchSetId
* lastUpdateLogin
* automatchId
* automatchRuleSetMapId
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateDate
* createdBy
* priority
* creationDate


 * automatchSetId
* lastUpdateLogin
* automatchId
* automatchRuleSetMapId
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateDate
* createdBy
* priority
* creationDate


 * lastUpdateLogin
* endDate
* useMatchingAmount
* creationDate
* startDate
* useMatchingDate
* suggMatchThreshold
* useExactMatch
* automatchId
* activeFlag
* lastUpdatedBy
* autoMatchThreshold
* createdBy
* matchingOption
* matchDateBy
* matchingOptionAdditional
* lastUpdateDate


 * lastUpdateLogin
* endDate
* useMatchingAmount
* creationDate
* startDate
* useMatchingDate
* suggMatchThreshold
* useExactMatch
* automatchId
* activeFlag
* lastUpdatedBy
* autoMatchThreshold
* createdBy
* matchingOption
* matchDateBy
* matchingOptionAdditional
* lastUpdateDate


 * lastUpdateDate
* automatchName
* language
* createdBy
* description
* lastUpdateLogin
* automatchId
* sourceLang
* creationDate
* lastUpdatedBy


 * lastUpdateDate
* automatchName
* language
* createdBy
* description
* lastUpdateLogin
* automatchId
* sourceLang
* creationDate
* lastUpdatedBy


 * acctdAmount
* refCustomerTrxLineId
* cashBasisDistributionId
* lastUpdateDate
* receivableApplicationId
* amount
* glPostedDate
* glDate
* codeCombinationId
* refAccountClass
* type
* baseCurrency
* receivableApplicationIdCash
* fromAmount
* ledgerId
* paymentScheduleId
* refCustomerTrxId
* fromAcctdAmount
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* programApplicationId
* postingControlId
* refCustTrxLineGlDistId
* createdBy
* lastUpdatedBy
* source
* refLineId
* sourceId
* orgId
* programId
* currencyCode
* activityBucket
* programUpdateDate


 * acctdAmount
* refCustomerTrxLineId
* cashBasisDistributionId
* lastUpdateDate
* receivableApplicationId
* amount
* glPostedDate
* glDate
* codeCombinationId
* refAccountClass
* type
* baseCurrency
* receivableApplicationIdCash
* fromAmount
* ledgerId
* paymentScheduleId
* refCustomerTrxId
* fromAcctdAmount
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* programApplicationId
* postingControlId
* refCustTrxLineGlDistId
* createdBy
* lastUpdatedBy
* source
* refLineId
* sourceId
* orgId
* programId
* currencyCode
* activityBucket
* programUpdateDate


 * reversalCashReceiptHistId
* attribute15
* attribute1
* mrcExchangeRateType
* mrcReversalGlPostedDate
* currentRecordFlag
* noteStatus
* glDate
* attribute8
* mrcExchangeDate
* mrcPostingControlId
* reversalGlPostedDate
* programId
* status
* programApplicationId
* amount
* attribute6
* exchangeRateType
* prvStatCashReceiptHistId
* attribute13
* mrcExchangeRate
* programUpdateDate
* postableFlag
* cashReceiptId
* exchangeDate
* exchangeRate
* mrcAcctdAmount
* trxDate
* createdBy
* orgId
* attribute11
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute5
* attribute7
* requestId
* reversalPostingControlId
* firstPostedRecordFlag
* attribute10
* bankChargeAccountCcid
* attribute4
* factorFlag
* postingControlId
* acctdAmount
* attributeCategory
* attribute14
* glPostedDate
* creationDate
* reversalGlDate
* accountCodeCombinationId
* attribute12
* factorDiscountAmount
* cashReceiptHistoryId
* attribute9
* eventId
* createdFrom
* attribute2
* batchId
* reversalCreatedFrom
* attribute3
* lastUpdatedBy
* acctdFactorDiscountAmount
* mrcGlPostedDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* mrcAcctdFactorDiscAmount


 * reversalCashReceiptHistId
* attribute15
* attribute1
* mrcExchangeRateType
* mrcReversalGlPostedDate
* currentRecordFlag
* noteStatus
* glDate
* attribute8
* mrcExchangeDate
* mrcPostingControlId
* reversalGlPostedDate
* programId
* status
* programApplicationId
* amount
* attribute6
* exchangeRateType
* prvStatCashReceiptHistId
* attribute13
* mrcExchangeRate
* programUpdateDate
* postableFlag
* cashReceiptId
* exchangeDate
* exchangeRate
* mrcAcctdAmount
* trxDate
* createdBy
* orgId
* attribute11
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute5
* attribute7
* requestId
* reversalPostingControlId
* firstPostedRecordFlag
* attribute10
* bankChargeAccountCcid
* attribute4
* factorFlag
* postingControlId
* acctdAmount
* attributeCategory
* attribute14
* glPostedDate
* creationDate
* reversalGlDate
* accountCodeCombinationId
* attribute12
* factorDiscountAmount
* cashReceiptHistoryId
* attribute9
* eventId
* createdFrom
* attribute2
* batchId
* reversalCreatedFrom
* attribute3
* lastUpdatedBy
* acctdFactorDiscountAmount
* mrcGlPostedDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* mrcAcctdFactorDiscAmount


 * remittanceBankAccountId
* actualValueDate
* currencyCode
* exchangeRateType
* globalAttribute16
* confirmedFlag
* recVersionNumber
* lastUpdatedBy
* postmarkDate
* receiptMethodId
* globalAttribute3
* ccErrorCode
* oldCustomerBankAccountId
* globalAttribute10
* setOfBooksId
* issueDate
* mrcExchangeRateType
* globalAttribute7
* receiptNumber
* globalAttribute5
* receivablesTrxId
* exchangeRate
* selectedForFactoringFlag
* workItemReviewNote
* type
* cashApplnOwnerId
* docSequenceId
* prevCustomerSiteUseId
* attribute3
* attribute11
* globalAttribute2
* applicationNotes
* referenceId
* overrideRemitAccountFlag
* globalAttributeCategory
* promiseSource
* oldCustomerBankBranchId
* axAccountedFlag
* creationDate
* exchangeDate
* approvalCode
* status
* globalAttribute9
* customerBankAccountId
* globalAttribute4
* globalAttribute11
* ussglTransactionCodeContext
* paymentServerOrderNum
* attribute14
* orgId
* factorDiscountAmount
* seqTypeLast
* attributeCategory
* requestId
* automatchSetId
* distributionSetId
* globalAttribute20
* legalEntityId
* addressVerificationCode
* reversalDate
* globalAttribute18
* mrcExchangeDate
* globalAttribute14
* attribute4
* referenceType
* customerBankBranchId
* taxRate
* paymentTrxnExtensionId
* payFromCustomer
* mrcExchangeRate
* createdBy
* globalAttribute19
* ccErrorFlag
* globalAttribute15
* reversalComments
* autoapplyFlag
* attribute12
* comments
* docSequenceValue
* globalAttribute8
* uniqueReference
* oldIssuerBankBranchId
* reversalCategory
* amount
* workItemStatusCode
* miscPaymentSource
* programApplicationId
* ccErrorText
* workItemExceptionReason
* globalAttribute6
* vatTaxId
* attribute15
* customerSiteUseId
* globalAttribute17
* mandateId
* attribute2
* prevPayFromCustomer
* workItemAssignmentDate
* customerReceiptReference
* attribute7
* attribute1
* workItemReviewDate
* attribute9
* cashReceiptId
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute8
* attribute13
* globalAttribute12
* globalAttribute1
* issuerName
* lastUpdateLogin
* programId
* selectedRemittanceBatchId
* attribute5
* issuerBankBranchId
* programUpdateDate
* receiptDate
* attribute10
* reversalReasonCode
* ussglTransactionCode
* remitBankAcctUseId
* anticipatedClearingDate
* globalAttribute13
* attribute6
* depositDate


 * remittanceBankAccountId
* actualValueDate
* currencyCode
* exchangeRateType
* globalAttribute16
* confirmedFlag
* recVersionNumber
* lastUpdatedBy
* postmarkDate
* receiptMethodId
* globalAttribute3
* ccErrorCode
* oldCustomerBankAccountId
* globalAttribute10
* setOfBooksId
* issueDate
* mrcExchangeRateType
* globalAttribute7
* receiptNumber
* globalAttribute5
* receivablesTrxId
* exchangeRate
* selectedForFactoringFlag
* workItemReviewNote
* type
* cashApplnOwnerId
* docSequenceId
* prevCustomerSiteUseId
* attribute3
* attribute11
* globalAttribute2
* applicationNotes
* referenceId
* overrideRemitAccountFlag
* globalAttributeCategory
* promiseSource
* oldCustomerBankBranchId
* axAccountedFlag
* creationDate
* exchangeDate
* approvalCode
* status
* globalAttribute9
* customerBankAccountId
* globalAttribute4
* globalAttribute11
* ussglTransactionCodeContext
* paymentServerOrderNum
* attribute14
* orgId
* factorDiscountAmount
* seqTypeLast
* attributeCategory
* requestId
* automatchSetId
* distributionSetId
* globalAttribute20
* legalEntityId
* addressVerificationCode
* reversalDate
* globalAttribute18
* mrcExchangeDate
* globalAttribute14
* attribute4
* referenceType
* customerBankBranchId
* taxRate
* paymentTrxnExtensionId
* payFromCustomer
* mrcExchangeRate
* createdBy
* globalAttribute19
* ccErrorFlag
* globalAttribute15
* reversalComments
* autoapplyFlag
* attribute12
* comments
* docSequenceValue
* globalAttribute8
* uniqueReference
* oldIssuerBankBranchId
* reversalCategory
* amount
* workItemStatusCode
* miscPaymentSource
* programApplicationId
* ccErrorText
* workItemExceptionReason
* globalAttribute6
* vatTaxId
* attribute15
* customerSiteUseId
* globalAttribute17
* mandateId
* attribute2
* prevPayFromCustomer
* workItemAssignmentDate
* customerReceiptReference
* attribute7
* attribute1
* workItemReviewDate
* attribute9
* cashReceiptId
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute8
* attribute13
* globalAttribute12
* globalAttribute1
* issuerName
* lastUpdateLogin
* programId
* selectedRemittanceBatchId
* attribute5
* issuerBankBranchId
* programUpdateDate
* receiptDate
* attribute10
* reversalReasonCode
* ussglTransactionCode
* remitBankAcctUseId
* anticipatedClearingDate
* globalAttribute13
* attribute6
* depositDate


 * lastUpdatedBy
* amountAppliedFrom
* requestId
* programId
* programUpdateDate
* receiptDate
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* recommendationReason
* discountTakenUnearned
* recommendationId
* amountApplied
* lineNumber
* orgId
* programApplicationId
* customerTrxId
* transToReceiptRate
* receiptCurrencyCode
* discountTakenEarned
* customerTrxLineId
* paymentScheduleId
* creationDate
* masterRequestId
* createdBy


 * lastUpdatedBy
* amountAppliedFrom
* requestId
* programId
* programUpdateDate
* receiptDate
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* recommendationReason
* discountTakenUnearned
* recommendationId
* amountApplied
* lineNumber
* orgId
* programApplicationId
* customerTrxId
* transToReceiptRate
* receiptCurrencyCode
* discountTakenEarned
* customerTrxLineId
* paymentScheduleId
* creationDate
* masterRequestId
* createdBy


 * lastUpdateDate
* recommendationReason
* consInvId
* remitReferenceId
* resolvedMatchingNumber
* resolvedTrxAmount
* recommendationStatus
* programApplicationId
* recommendationType
* resolvedMatchingClass
* requestId
* lastUpdatedBy
* resolvedMatchingAmount
* matchResolvedUsing
* matchReasonCode
* priority
* payFromCustomer
* orgId
* recommendationId
* autoapplyStatus
* programUpdateDate
* masterRequestId
* resolvedTrxAmountRem
* lastUpdateLogin
* creationDate
* matchScoreValue
* recommendationSource
* createdBy
* customerSiteUseId
* resolvedMatchCurrency
* automatchId
* resolvedMatchingDate
* programId


 * lastUpdateDate
* recommendationReason
* consInvId
* remitReferenceId
* resolvedMatchingNumber
* resolvedTrxAmount
* recommendationStatus
* programApplicationId
* recommendationType
* resolvedMatchingClass
* requestId
* lastUpdatedBy
* resolvedMatchingAmount
* matchResolvedUsing
* matchReasonCode
* priority
* payFromCustomer
* orgId
* recommendationId
* autoapplyStatus
* programUpdateDate
* masterRequestId
* resolvedTrxAmountRem
* lastUpdateLogin
* creationDate
* matchScoreValue
* recommendationSource
* createdBy
* customerSiteUseId
* resolvedMatchCurrency
* automatchId
* resolvedMatchingDate
* programId


 * customerNumber
* lastUpdateDate
* matchScoreValue
* resolvedMatchingNumber
* bankAccountNumber
* remitReferenceId
* transitRoutingNumber
* autoApplied
* invoiceCurrencyCode
* matchResolvedUsing
* lastUpdatedBy
* lineNumber
* amountAppliedFrom
* paymentScheduleId
* referenceSource
* customerReference
* cashReceiptId
* resolvedMatchingDate
* programApplicationId
* installmentReference
* automatchSetId
* lastUpdateLogin
* orgId
* customerTrxId
* batchId
* manuallyApplied
* installmentNumber
* amountApplied
* requestId
* invoiceStatus
* transmissionId
* createdBy
* programId
* programUpdateDate
* customerId
* matchingReferenceDate
* resolvedMatchingInstallment
* invoiceReference
* creationDate
* receiptReferenceStatus
* transToReceiptRate


 * customerNumber
* lastUpdateDate
* matchScoreValue
* resolvedMatchingNumber
* bankAccountNumber
* remitReferenceId
* transitRoutingNumber
* autoApplied
* invoiceCurrencyCode
* matchResolvedUsing
* lastUpdatedBy
* lineNumber
* amountAppliedFrom
* paymentScheduleId
* referenceSource
* customerReference
* cashReceiptId
* resolvedMatchingDate
* programApplicationId
* installmentReference
* automatchSetId
* lastUpdateLogin
* orgId
* customerTrxId
* batchId
* manuallyApplied
* installmentNumber
* amountApplied
* requestId
* invoiceStatus
* transmissionId
* createdBy
* programId
* programUpdateDate
* customerId
* matchingReferenceDate
* resolvedMatchingInstallment
* invoiceReference
* creationDate
* receiptReferenceStatus
* transToReceiptRate


 * receiptReferenceStatus
* workerNumber
* referenceSource
* customerId
* remitReferenceId
* transitRoutingNumber
* masterRequestId
* transToReceiptRate
* customerReference
* transmissionId
* batchId
* matchingReferenceDate
* invoiceCurrencyCode
* invoiceReference
* installmentReference
* automatchSetId
* cashReceiptId
* bankAccountNumber
* amountApplied
* amountAppliedFrom
* customerNumber


 * receiptReferenceStatus
* workerNumber
* referenceSource
* customerId
* remitReferenceId
* transitRoutingNumber
* masterRequestId
* transToReceiptRate
* customerReference
* transmissionId
* batchId
* matchingReferenceDate
* invoiceCurrencyCode
* invoiceReference
* installmentReference
* automatchSetId
* cashReceiptId
* bankAccountNumber
* amountApplied
* amountAppliedFrom
* customerNumber


 * ccErrorText
* ccActionCode
* ccErrorDate
* firstRecordFlag
* currentRecordFlag
* paymentTrxnExtensionId
* paymentServerOrderNum
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdatedBy
* ccActionTypeFlag
* requestId
* lastUpdateDate
* customerBankAccountId
* createdBy
* ccTrxCategory
* ccTrxId
* ccVendorErrorDesc
* ccErrorCode


 * ccErrorText
* ccActionCode
* ccErrorDate
* firstRecordFlag
* currentRecordFlag
* paymentTrxnExtensionId
* paymentServerOrderNum
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdatedBy
* ccActionTypeFlag
* requestId
* lastUpdateDate
* customerBankAccountId
* createdBy
* ccTrxCategory
* ccTrxId
* ccVendorErrorDesc
* ccErrorCode


 * lastUpdatedBy
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdateDate
* createdBy
* glAccount
* naturalAccount
* codeCombinationId


 * lastUpdatedBy
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdateDate
* createdBy
* glAccount
* naturalAccount
* codeCombinationId


 * distributionId
* lastUpdatedBy
* glDate
* createdBy
* distributionType
* lastUpdateDate
* creationDate
* orgId
* categoryType
* codeCombinationId
* newCodeCombinationId
* sourceTable
* submissionId
* parentId


 * distributionId
* lastUpdatedBy
* glDate
* createdBy
* distributionType
* lastUpdateDate
* creationDate
* orgId
* categoryType
* codeCombinationId
* newCodeCombinationId
* sourceTable
* submissionId
* parentId


 * function4MsgName
* attribute2
* function9MsgName
* changeInvoiceDeletionFlag
* activityProperty
* rulesProperty
* function14Property
* action
* creationDate
* changeFunction17Flag
* function5Property
* changeFunction10Flag
* prohibitAllChangesMsgName
* accountingRuleType
* arUpdateDueDateProperty
* changeFunction20Flag
* function8MsgName
* field
* attribute14
* attribute10
* changeFunction13Flag
* changeActivityFlag
* function2Property
* prohibitAllChangesProperty
* function20Property
* changeCompleteFlag
* chgUseInvAcctForCmFlag
* function19MsgName
* changeFunction2Flag
* changeFunction6Flag
* revBasedOnSrepProperty
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute3
* changeMatrixId
* function10MsgName
* changeArUpdateDueDateFlag
* printedProperty
* lastUpdateDate
* changeAutoruleFlag
* autotaxMsgName
* canvas
* changeUnconfirmedInvFlag
* changesAfterPrintProperty
* function5MsgName
* useInvAcctForCmProperty
* function6Property
* lastUpdatedBy
* changeFunction3Flag
* function19Property
* attribute13
* function12MsgName
* createdBy
* taxUpdateProperty
* fieldMirror
* attribute15
* function2MsgName
* changeFunction11Flag
* checkInInsertModeFlag
* completeProperty
* changePostedFlag
* attribute8
* exchangeRateType
* zone
* function13Property
* prohibitAllChangesFlag
* changeFunction15Flag
* changeRevBasedOnSrepFlag
* changeUnconfInvMsgName
* batchSourceType
* invoiceDeletionMessageName
* function15Property
* function8Property
* attribute9
* invoiceDeletionProperty
* changeCustNameMessageName
* accountingMethod
* changeRulesFlag
* changeUssglFlag
* function1MsgName
* completeMessageName
* changeUnconfInvProperty
* changeAutotaxFlag
* transactionType
* revBasedOnSrepMsgName
* function9Property
* function16Property
* changePrintedFlag
* function18MsgName
* ussglMsgName
* changeCustNameProperty
* attributeCategory
* autotaxProperty
* function3Property
* function11Property
* changeFunction4Flag
* changeFunction18Flag
* changeFunction19Flag
* function6MsgName
* changesAfterPrintMsgName
* applicationId
* attribute1
* attribute7
* function12Property
* changeTaxUpdateFlag
* function3MsgName
* ussglProperty
* attribute4
* useInvAcctForCmMsgName
* changeChangeCustNameFlag
* postedMessageName
* changeFunction5Flag
* changeFunction16Flag
* function7MsgName
* changeFunction12Flag
* function10Property
* autoruleMessageName
* function20MsgName
* changeFunction1Flag
* function1Property
* function7Property
* function18Property
* postedProperty
* function16MsgName
* function4Property
* function17Property
* changeFunction9Flag
* printedMessageName
* changeFunction14Flag
* function17MsgName
* autoruleProperty
* changeFunction7Flag
* function15MsgName
* changeFunction8Flag
* changeCustOnTrxProperty
* attribute11
* function13MsgName
* changeChangeCustOnTrxFlag
* activityMessageName
* attribute5
* canvasToChange
* changeCustOnTrxMsgName
* function14MsgName
* form
* rulesMessageName
* arUpdateDueDateMsgName
* attribute6
* taxUpdateMessageName
* createdFrom
* function11MsgName
* chgChangePrintedInvFlag
* attribute12


 * function4MsgName
* attribute2
* function9MsgName
* changeInvoiceDeletionFlag
* activityProperty
* rulesProperty
* function14Property
* action
* creationDate
* changeFunction17Flag
* function5Property
* changeFunction10Flag
* prohibitAllChangesMsgName
* accountingRuleType
* arUpdateDueDateProperty
* changeFunction20Flag
* function8MsgName
* field
* attribute14
* attribute10
* changeFunction13Flag
* changeActivityFlag
* function2Property
* prohibitAllChangesProperty
* function20Property
* changeCompleteFlag
* chgUseInvAcctForCmFlag
* function19MsgName
* changeFunction2Flag
* changeFunction6Flag
* revBasedOnSrepProperty
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute3
* changeMatrixId
* function10MsgName
* changeArUpdateDueDateFlag
* printedProperty
* lastUpdateDate
* changeAutoruleFlag
* autotaxMsgName
* canvas
* changeUnconfirmedInvFlag
* changesAfterPrintProperty
* function5MsgName
* useInvAcctForCmProperty
* function6Property
* lastUpdatedBy
* changeFunction3Flag
* function19Property
* attribute13
* function12MsgName
* createdBy
* taxUpdateProperty
* fieldMirror
* attribute15
* function2MsgName
* changeFunction11Flag
* checkInInsertModeFlag
* completeProperty
* changePostedFlag
* attribute8
* exchangeRateType
* zone
* function13Property
* prohibitAllChangesFlag
* changeFunction15Flag
* changeRevBasedOnSrepFlag
* changeUnconfInvMsgName
* batchSourceType
* invoiceDeletionMessageName
* function15Property
* function8Property
* attribute9
* invoiceDeletionProperty
* changeCustNameMessageName
* accountingMethod
* changeRulesFlag
* changeUssglFlag
* function1MsgName
* completeMessageName
* changeUnconfInvProperty
* changeAutotaxFlag
* transactionType
* revBasedOnSrepMsgName
* function9Property
* function16Property
* changePrintedFlag
* function18MsgName
* ussglMsgName
* changeCustNameProperty
* attributeCategory
* autotaxProperty
* function3Property
* function11Property
* changeFunction4Flag
* changeFunction18Flag
* changeFunction19Flag
* function6MsgName
* changesAfterPrintMsgName
* applicationId
* attribute1
* attribute7
* function12Property
* changeTaxUpdateFlag
* function3MsgName
* ussglProperty
* attribute4
* useInvAcctForCmMsgName
* changeChangeCustNameFlag
* postedMessageName
* changeFunction5Flag
* changeFunction16Flag
* function7MsgName
* changeFunction12Flag
* function10Property
* autoruleMessageName
* function20MsgName
* changeFunction1Flag
* function1Property
* function7Property
* function18Property
* postedProperty
* function16MsgName
* function4Property
* function17Property
* changeFunction9Flag
* printedMessageName
* changeFunction14Flag
* function17MsgName
* autoruleProperty
* changeFunction7Flag
* function15MsgName
* changeFunction8Flag
* changeCustOnTrxProperty
* attribute11
* function13MsgName
* changeChangeCustOnTrxFlag
* activityMessageName
* attribute5
* canvasToChange
* changeCustOnTrxMsgName
* function14MsgName
* form
* rulesMessageName
* arUpdateDueDateMsgName
* attribute6
* taxUpdateMessageName
* createdFrom
* function11MsgName
* chgChangePrintedInvFlag
* attribute12


 * endDate
* attribute6
* attribute10
* attribute2
* attribute8
* agingBucketId
* attribute14
* attribute15
* attribute11
* scheduleHeaderType
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdateDate
* createdBy
* attributeCategory
* attribute4
* scheduleId
* status
* attribute13
* attribute1
* attribute7
* objectVersionNumber
* attribute12
* startDate
* attribute9
* scheduleHeaderId
* attribute3
* attribute5
* lastUpdatedBy


 * endDate
* attribute6
* attribute10
* attribute2
* attribute8
* agingBucketId
* attribute14
* attribute15
* attribute11
* scheduleHeaderType
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdateDate
* createdBy
* attributeCategory
* attribute4
* scheduleId
* status
* attribute13
* attribute1
* attribute7
* objectVersionNumber
* attribute12
* startDate
* attribute9
* scheduleHeaderId
* attribute3
* attribute5
* lastUpdatedBy


 * objectVersionNumber
* scheduleHeaderId
* attribute7
* agingBucketLineId
* attribute10
* scheduleId
* attribute9
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute5
* scheduleLineId
* attributeCategory
* attribute13
* creationDate
* attribute15
* attribute14
* attribute11
* attribute4
* attribute8
* attribute1
* rate
* createdBy
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateDate
* amount
* attribute3
* attribute12
* agingBucketId
* attribute2
* attribute6


 * objectVersionNumber
* scheduleHeaderId
* attribute7
* agingBucketLineId
* attribute10
* scheduleId
* attribute9
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute5
* scheduleLineId
* attributeCategory
* attribute13
* creationDate
* attribute15
* attribute14
* attribute11
* attribute4
* attribute8
* attribute1
* rate
* createdBy
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateDate
* amount
* attribute3
* attribute12
* agingBucketId
* attribute2
* attribute6


 * attribute10
* attribute12
* scheduleName
* scheduleDescription
* attribute7
* creationDate
* attribute1
* attribute6
* attribute14
* attribute13
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* createdBy
* attribute4
* attribute15
* attribute11
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute3
* attribute9
* attribute8
* objectVersionNumber
* scheduleId
* attributeCategory
* attribute5
* attribute2


 * attribute10
* attribute12
* scheduleName
* scheduleDescription
* attribute7
* creationDate
* attribute1
* attribute6
* attribute14
* attribute13
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* createdBy
* attribute4
* attribute15
* attribute11
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute3
* attribute9
* attribute8
* objectVersionNumber
* scheduleId
* attributeCategory
* attribute5
* attribute2


 * startDate
* createdBy
* periodName
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* endDate
* creationDate
* periodYear
* closingStatus


 * startDate
* createdBy
* periodName
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* endDate
* creationDate
* periodYear
* closingStatus


 * autoRuleDetailsId
* createdBy
* creditType
* lastUpdateDate
* creditRecommendation
* autoRuleRecommendationId
* lastUpdatedBy
* applicationId
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* recommendationValue1
* recommendationValue2
* recommendationName


 * autoRuleDetailsId
* createdBy
* creditType
* lastUpdateDate
* creditRecommendation
* autoRuleRecommendationId
* lastUpdatedBy
* applicationId
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* recommendationValue1
* recommendationValue2
* recommendationName


 * autoRuleDetailsId
* useReqCreditLimitFlag
* lastUpdatedBy
* autoRulesId
* creditScoreLow
* creditLimit
* skipApprovalFlag
* overrideChecklistFlag
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdateDate
* createdBy
* creditScoreHigh
* currency


 * autoRuleDetailsId
* useReqCreditLimitFlag
* lastUpdatedBy
* autoRulesId
* creditScoreLow
* creditLimit
* skipApprovalFlag
* overrideChecklistFlag
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdateDate
* createdBy
* creditScoreHigh
* currency


 * endDate
* createdBy
* lastUpdatedBy
* creationDate
* autoRulesId
* lastUpdateDate
* startDate
* submitFlag
* scoreModelId
* lastUpdateLogin


 * endDate
* createdBy
* lastUpdatedBy
* creationDate
* autoRulesId
* lastUpdateDate
* startDate
* submitFlag
* scoreModelId
* lastUpdateLogin


 * lastUpdateDate
* accountNumber
* lastUpdatedBy
* averageBalance
* datapointId
* dateOpened
* lastUpdateLogin
* currentBalance
* accountType
* currency
* createdBy
* creationDate
* bankReferenceAccountId
* creditRequestId
* balanceDate


 * lastUpdateDate
* accountNumber
* lastUpdatedBy
* averageBalance
* datapointId
* dateOpened
* lastUpdateLogin
* currentBalance
* accountType
* currency
* createdBy
* creationDate
* bankReferenceAccountId
* creditRequestId
* balanceDate


 * caseFolderId
* contactName
* bankRoutingNumber
* url
* address
* province
* lastUpdateDate
* datapointId
* fax
* notes
* bankName
* state
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* city
* createdBy
* lastUpdatedBy
* phone
* email
* postalCode
* creditRequestId
* country


 * caseFolderId
* contactName
* bankRoutingNumber
* url
* address
* province
* lastUpdateDate
* datapointId
* fax
* notes
* bankName
* state
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* city
* createdBy
* lastUpdatedBy
* phone
* email
* postalCode
* creditRequestId
* country


 * scoreModelId
* creditAnalystId
* createdBy
* reviewType
* checkListId
* displayFlag
* creditClassification
* exchangeRateType
* siteUseId
* requestId
* creationDateTime
* caseFolderId
* originalCreditAnalystId
* previousCreditAnalystId
* creationDate
* custAccountId
* type
* partyId
* reviewCycle
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdated
* caseFolderNumber
* creditRequestId
* lastUpdateDate
* status
* limitCurrency
* lastUpdateLogin


 * scoreModelId
* creditAnalystId
* createdBy
* reviewType
* checkListId
* displayFlag
* creditClassification
* exchangeRateType
* siteUseId
* requestId
* creationDateTime
* caseFolderId
* originalCreditAnalystId
* previousCreditAnalystId
* creationDate
* custAccountId
* type
* partyId
* reviewCycle
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdated
* caseFolderNumber
* creditRequestId
* lastUpdateDate
* status
* limitCurrency
* lastUpdateLogin


 * agingBucketId
* agingBucketLineId
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateDate
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* createdBy
* amount
* count
* caseFolderId


 * agingBucketId
* agingBucketLineId
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateDate
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* createdBy
* amount
* count
* caseFolderId


 * dateOpened
* topic
* display
* createdBy
* creationDate
* importance
* notes
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* caseFolderId
* lastUpdateLogin
* analysisNotesId


 * dateOpened
* topic
* display
* createdBy
* creationDate
* importance
* notes
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* caseFolderId
* lastUpdateLogin
* analysisNotesId


 * creationDate
* lastUpdateDate
* createdBy
* sourceKeyColumnTypeName
* lastUpdatedBy
* sourceKey
* sourceKeyType
* lastUpdateLogin
* sourceKeyColumnName
* sourceTableName
* caseFolderId


 * creationDate
* lastUpdateDate
* createdBy
* sourceKeyColumnTypeName
* lastUpdatedBy
* sourceKey
* sourceKeyType
* lastUpdateLogin
* sourceKeyColumnName
* sourceTableName
* caseFolderId


 * score
* dataPointValueId
* caseFolderId
* creationDate
* parentDataPointId
* dataPointId
* sequenceNumber
* lastUpdateDate
* dataPointValue
* includedInChecklist
* parentCfDetailId
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* createdBy
* caseFolderDetailId


 * score
* dataPointValueId
* caseFolderId
* creationDate
* parentDataPointId
* dataPointId
* sequenceNumber
* lastUpdateDate
* dataPointValue
* includedInChecklist
* parentCfDetailId
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* createdBy
* caseFolderDetailId


 * appealedFlag
* recommendationId
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* creditReviewDate
* caseFolderId
* recommendationValue2
* lastUpdatedBy
* recommendationName
* applicationId
* lastUpdateDate
* recommendationValue1
* creditRequestId
* creditRecommendation
* creditType
* createdBy
* status


 * appealedFlag
* recommendationId
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* creditReviewDate
* caseFolderId
* recommendationValue2
* lastUpdatedBy
* recommendationName
* applicationId
* lastUpdateDate
* recommendationValue1
* creditRequestId
* creditRecommendation
* creditType
* createdBy
* status


 * creationDate
* requiredFlag
* checkListId
* numberOfReferences
* dataPointId
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* createdBy


 * creationDate
* requiredFlag
* checkListId
* numberOfReferences
* dataPointId
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* createdBy


 * endDate
* creditPolicyStatement
* scoreModelId
* checkListId
* lastUpdateLogin
* startDate
* submitFlag
* lastUpdatedBy
* creditClassification
* description
* notes
* lastUpdateDate
* userDefinedFlag
* checkListName
* creationDate
* includeAllCurrencies
* createdBy
* reviewType


 * endDate
* creditPolicyStatement
* scoreModelId
* checkListId
* lastUpdateLogin
* startDate
* submitFlag
* lastUpdatedBy
* creditClassification
* description
* notes
* lastUpdateDate
* userDefinedFlag
* checkListName
* creationDate
* includeAllCurrencies
* createdBy
* reviewType


 * collateralDescription
* collateralCategory
* collateralCurrency
* collateralLocation
* creationDate
* collateralValue
* appraiserPhoneNumber
* appraiserName
* valuationDate
* caseFolderId
* valuationType
* notes
* prevValuationDate
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* datapointId
* creditRequestId
* createdBy


 * collateralDescription
* collateralCategory
* collateralCurrency
* collateralLocation
* creationDate
* collateralValue
* appraiserPhoneNumber
* appraiserName
* valuationDate
* caseFolderId
* valuationType
* notes
* prevValuationDate
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* datapointId
* creditRequestId
* createdBy


 * checkListId
* sourceUserId
* trxCurrency
* legalEntityName
* reasonCode
* marketCapMonetaryUnit
* creationDate
* createdBy
* custAcctSiteId
* requestId
* creditRequestType
* lastUpdatedBy
* sourceRespId
* creditCheckRuleId
* reviewCycle
* creditClassification
* creditRequestId
* siteUseId
* bondRating
* sourceOrgId
* requestorId
* trxAmount
* status
* lastUpdateLogin
* recommendationName
* partyId
* sourceColumn2
* sourceSecurityGroupId
* sourceRespApplnId
* custAccountId
* termLength
* sourceColumn1
* creditType
* stockCurrency
* contactPartyId
* creditAnalystId
* lastUpdateDate
* sourceColumn3
* pendingLitigations
* requestorType
* entityType
* currentStockPrice
* sourceName
* caseFolderNumber
* applicationDate
* limitCurrency
* applicationNumber
* notes
* parentCreditRequestId
* reviewType
* attachmentFlag
* limitAmount
* stockExchange
* scoreModelId
* marketCapitalization


 * checkListId
* sourceUserId
* trxCurrency
* legalEntityName
* reasonCode
* marketCapMonetaryUnit
* creationDate
* createdBy
* custAcctSiteId
* requestId
* creditRequestType
* lastUpdatedBy
* sourceRespId
* creditCheckRuleId
* reviewCycle
* creditClassification
* creditRequestId
* siteUseId
* bondRating
* sourceOrgId
* requestorId
* trxAmount
* status
* lastUpdateLogin
* recommendationName
* partyId
* sourceColumn2
* sourceSecurityGroupId
* sourceRespApplnId
* custAccountId
* termLength
* sourceColumn1
* creditType
* stockCurrency
* contactPartyId
* creditAnalystId
* lastUpdateDate
* sourceColumn3
* pendingLitigations
* requestorType
* entityType
* currentStockPrice
* sourceName
* caseFolderNumber
* applicationDate
* limitCurrency
* applicationNumber
* notes
* parentCreditRequestId
* reviewType
* attachmentFlag
* limitAmount
* stockExchange
* scoreModelId
* marketCapitalization


 * creationDate
* parentDataPointId
* createdBy
* applicationId
* lastUpdateDate
* dataPointSubCategory
* dataPointCode
* packageName
* returnDateFormat
* displayOnChecklistFlag
* lastUpdateLogin
* dataPointId
* returnDataType
* enabledFlag
* dataPointCategory
* zdEditionName
* userDefinedFlag
* functionType
* zdSync
* functionName
* lastUpdatedBy
* scorableFlag


 * creationDate
* parentDataPointId
* createdBy
* applicationId
* lastUpdateDate
* dataPointSubCategory
* dataPointCode
* packageName
* returnDateFormat
* displayOnChecklistFlag
* lastUpdateLogin
* dataPointId
* returnDataType
* enabledFlag
* dataPointCategory
* zdEditionName
* userDefinedFlag
* functionType
* zdSync
* functionName
* lastUpdatedBy
* scorableFlag


 * lastUpdateLogin
* description
* zdEditionName
* zdSync
* creationDate
* objectVersionNumber
* dataPointId
* sourceLang
* lastUpdatedBy
* applicationId
* createdBy
* dataPointName
* lastUpdateDate
* language


 * lastUpdateLogin
* description
* zdEditionName
* zdSync
* creationDate
* objectVersionNumber
* dataPointId
* sourceLang
* lastUpdatedBy
* applicationId
* createdBy
* dataPointName
* lastUpdateDate
* language


 * applicationId
* zdSync
* lastUpdateDate
* creationDate
* returnDateFormat
* sourceTableName
* returnDataType
* lastUpdateLogin
* scorableFlag
* zdEditionName
* dataElementId
* sourceColumnName
* lastUpdatedBy
* createdBy


 * applicationId
* zdSync
* lastUpdateDate
* creationDate
* returnDateFormat
* sourceTableName
* returnDataType
* lastUpdateLogin
* scorableFlag
* zdEditionName
* dataElementId
* sourceColumnName
* lastUpdatedBy
* createdBy


 * dataElementId
* objectVersionNumber
* dataElementName
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdatedBy
* language
* lastUpdateDate
* zdEditionName
* sourceLang
* zdSync
* creationDate
* createdBy


 * dataElementId
* objectVersionNumber
* dataElementName
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdatedBy
* language
* lastUpdateDate
* zdEditionName
* sourceLang
* zdSync
* creationDate
* createdBy


 * lastUpdateDate
* zdEditionName
* dataPointId
* lastUpdateLogin
* zdSync
* creationDate
* dataElementId
* createdBy
* lastUpdatedBy


 * lastUpdateDate
* zdEditionName
* dataPointId
* lastUpdateLogin
* zdSync
* creationDate
* dataElementId
* createdBy
* lastUpdatedBy


 * totalAssets
* netIncome
* preTaxNetIncome
* cash
* otherNonCurLiabilities
* nonOperatingExpenses
* sgaExpenses
* otherCurAssets
* createdBy
* caseFolderId
* totalCurAssets
* creationDate
* netReceivables
* reportingCurrency
* earningsPerShare
* monetaryUnit
* reportingPeriod
* netFixedAssets
* otherNonCurAssets
* incomeTaxes
* lastUpdatedBy
* siteUseId
* totalCurLiabilities
* otherCurLiabilities
* creditRequestId
* nonOperatingIncome
* revenue
* financialDataId
* stockholderEquity
* totalLiabilitiesEquity
* partyId
* accountsPayable
* custAccountId
* operatingMargin
* costOfGoodsSold
* currFinStDate
* totalLiabilities
* inventories
* shortTermDebt
* lastUpdateDate
* longTermDebt
* operatingIncome
* lastUpdateLogin


 * totalAssets
* netIncome
* preTaxNetIncome
* cash
* otherNonCurLiabilities
* nonOperatingExpenses
* sgaExpenses
* otherCurAssets
* createdBy
* caseFolderId
* totalCurAssets
* creationDate
* netReceivables
* reportingCurrency
* earningsPerShare
* monetaryUnit
* reportingPeriod
* netFixedAssets
* otherNonCurAssets
* incomeTaxes
* lastUpdatedBy
* siteUseId
* totalCurLiabilities
* otherCurLiabilities
* creditRequestId
* nonOperatingIncome
* revenue
* financialDataId
* stockholderEquity
* totalLiabilitiesEquity
* partyId
* accountsPayable
* custAccountId
* operatingMargin
* costOfGoodsSold
* currFinStDate
* totalLiabilities
* inventories
* shortTermDebt
* lastUpdateDate
* longTermDebt
* operatingIncome
* lastUpdateLogin


 * fundingAvailableFrom
* lastUpdatedBy
* guarantorCreditRequestId
* referenceType
* contactPartyId
* creditClassification
* creationDate
* guaranteedAmount
* notes
* email
* lastUpdateLogin
* partyId
* faxNumber
* postalCode
* assetClassCode
* address
* creditRequestId
* country
* phoneNumber
* valuationDate
* appraiser
* quantity
* createdBy
* caseFolderId
* fundingAvailableTo
* assetTypeCode
* valuation
* contactName
* lastUpdateDate
* currency
* referenceName
* reviewType
* city
* province
* valuationMethodCode
* description
* state
* appraiserPhone
* taxNumber
* assetIdentifier
* uomCode
* datapointId
* acquisitionDate
* url


 * fundingAvailableFrom
* lastUpdatedBy
* guarantorCreditRequestId
* referenceType
* contactPartyId
* creditClassification
* creationDate
* guaranteedAmount
* notes
* email
* lastUpdateLogin
* partyId
* faxNumber
* postalCode
* assetClassCode
* address
* creditRequestId
* country
* phoneNumber
* valuationDate
* appraiser
* quantity
* createdBy
* caseFolderId
* fundingAvailableTo
* assetTypeCode
* valuation
* contactName
* lastUpdateDate
* currency
* referenceName
* reviewType
* city
* province
* valuationMethodCode
* description
* state
* appraiserPhone
* taxNumber
* assetIdentifier
* uomCode
* datapointId
* acquisitionDate
* url


 * lastUpdatedBy
* creationDate
* createdBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* type
* holdDetailId
* code
* creditRequestId
* lastUpdateDate


 * lastUpdatedBy
* creationDate
* createdBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* type
* holdDetailId
* code
* creditRequestId
* lastUpdateDate


 * caseFolderId
* capitalStageCompleted
* ventureCapitalName
* notes
* lastUpdateDate
* createdBy
* country
* percentInvested
* burnRate
* keyExecutive
* futureFundingPlans
* vcContactEmail
* creditRequestId
* lastUpdatedBy
* vcState
* fundingAmount
* datapointId
* currency
* vcProvince
* vcContactPhone
* vcContactFax
* lastUpdateLogin
* vcContactName
* creationDate
* vcPostalCode
* vcAddress


 * caseFolderId
* capitalStageCompleted
* ventureCapitalName
* notes
* lastUpdateDate
* createdBy
* country
* percentInvested
* burnRate
* keyExecutive
* futureFundingPlans
* vcContactEmail
* creditRequestId
* lastUpdatedBy
* vcState
* fundingAmount
* datapointId
* currency
* vcProvince
* vcContactPhone
* vcContactFax
* lastUpdateLogin
* vcContactName
* creationDate
* vcPostalCode
* vcAddress


 * lastUpdatedBy
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* numCharFlag
* rangeTo
* scores
* scoreModelId
* lastUpdateDate
* dataPointId
* lastUpdateLogin
* creationDate
* createdBy
* rangeFrom


 * lastUpdatedBy
* rangeSequenceNum
* numCharFlag
* rangeTo
* scores
* scoreModelId
* lastUpdateDate
* dataPointId
* lastUpdateLogin
* creationDate
* createdBy
* rangeFrom


 * scoreModelId
* dataPointId
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdatedBy
* weight
* createdBy
* creationDate


 * scoreModelId
* dataPointId
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdatedBy
* weight
* createdBy
* creationDate


 * currency
* scoreModelId
* lastUpdatedBy
* notes
* skipCurrencyTestFlag
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdateDate
* endDate
* description
* name
* nullZeroFlag
* startDate
* creationDate
* createdBy
* submitFlag


 * currency
* scoreModelId
* lastUpdatedBy
* notes
* skipCurrencyTestFlag
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdateDate
* endDate
* description
* name
* nullZeroFlag
* startDate
* creationDate
* createdBy
* submitFlag


 * appealAuthorizeDays
* lastUpdateLogin
* defaultExchangeRateType
* lastUpdateDate
* cerDsoDays
* lastUpdatedBy
* matchRuleId
* createdBy
* agingBucketId
* defaultCreditClassification
* period
* autoApplicationNumFlag
* creationDate


 * appealAuthorizeDays
* lastUpdateLogin
* defaultExchangeRateType
* lastUpdateDate
* cerDsoDays
* lastUpdatedBy
* matchRuleId
* createdBy
* agingBucketId
* defaultCreditClassification
* period
* autoApplicationNumFlag
* creationDate


 * taxNumber
* referenceName
* creditLimit
* country
* city
* lastUpdatedBy
* createdBy
* notes
* url
* phoneNumber
* email
* state
* province
* address
* amountOwed
* postalCode
* pastDueAmount
* caseFolderId
* creationDate
* lastTransactionDate
* currency
* reportDate
* creditBalance
* paymentTerms
* faxNumber
* numbersOfYearsInTrade
* contactName
* lastUpdateLogin
* internalTradeRating
* lastUpdateDate
* datapointId
* creditRequestId


 * taxNumber
* referenceName
* creditLimit
* country
* city
* lastUpdatedBy
* createdBy
* notes
* url
* phoneNumber
* email
* state
* province
* address
* amountOwed
* postalCode
* pastDueAmount
* caseFolderId
* creationDate
* lastTransactionDate
* currency
* reportDate
* creditBalance
* paymentTerms
* faxNumber
* numbersOfYearsInTrade
* contactName
* lastUpdateLogin
* internalTradeRating
* lastUpdateDate
* datapointId
* creditRequestId


 * revAmountPeriod
* revPercentPeriod
* requestId
* setOfBooksId
* trxClass
* cogsAmountOrig
* createdBy
* salesOrder
* cogsAdjustment
* lastUpdatedBy
* cogsGlAccount
* creationDate
* trxNumber
* lastUpdateDate
* cogsAmountPeriod
* cogsAcctDescription
* trxLineNumber
* lastUpdateLogin
* customerName
* orderAmountOrig
* salesOrderType
* cogsPercentPeriod
* salesOrderLine


 * revAmountPeriod
* revPercentPeriod
* requestId
* setOfBooksId
* trxClass
* cogsAmountOrig
* createdBy
* salesOrder
* cogsAdjustment
* lastUpdatedBy
* cogsGlAccount
* creationDate
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* lastUpdateDate
* cogsAmountPeriod
* cogsAcctDescription
* trxLineNumber
* lastUpdateLogin
* customerName
* orderAmountOrig
* salesOrderType
* cogsPercentPeriod
* salesOrderLine


 * origAmt
* adj1Amt
* adj2Amt
* recAmt
* remAmt
* customerId


 * origAmt
* adj1Amt
* adj2Amt
* recAmt
* remAmt
* customerId


 * writeoffAmount
* lastUpdateDate
* amountCollected
* creationDate
* paymentPattern1periodPrior
* invoiceCountUnder
* paymentPattern2periodPrior
* invoiceCountOver
* createdBy
* orgId
* lastUpdatedBy
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* programUpdateDate
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* paymentPattern10periodPrior
* dsoDays
* conventionalDso
* programApplicationId
* grossReceivables
* paymentPattern3periodPrior
* requestId
* lastUpdateLogin
* paymentPattern5periodPrior
* paymentPattern4periodPrior
* paymentPattern6periodPrior
* creditMemoAmount
* paymentPattern8periodPrior
* programId
* paymentPattern11periodPrior
* openPayments
* paymentPattern7periodPrior
* collectionIndicatorId
* paymentPatternCurrentSales
* reportDate
* invoiceSplitAmount
* paymentPattern9periodPrior
* invoiceAmountUnder


 * writeoffAmount
* lastUpdateDate
* amountCollected
* creationDate
* paymentPattern1periodPrior
* invoiceCountUnder
* paymentPattern2periodPrior
* invoiceCountOver
* createdBy
* orgId
* lastUpdatedBy
* invoiceAmountOver
* programUpdateDate
* openCm
* paymentPattern10periodPrior
* dsoDays
* conventionalDso
* programApplicationId
* grossReceivables
* paymentPattern3periodPrior
* requestId
* lastUpdateLogin
* paymentPattern5periodPrior
* paymentPattern4periodPrior
* paymentPattern6periodPrior
* creditMemoAmount
* paymentPattern8periodPrior
* programId
* paymentPattern11periodPrior
* openPayments
* paymentPattern7periodPrior
* collectionIndicatorId
* paymentPatternCurrentSales
* reportDate
* invoiceSplitAmount
* paymentPattern9periodPrior
* invoiceAmountUnder


 * attributeCategory
* attribute1
* lastUpdateDate
* zdEditionName
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute9
* attribute2
* attribute12
* description
* attribute3
* attribute5
* resourceType
* alias
* attribute14
* resourceId
* inactiveDate
* attribute15
* employeeId
* attribute6
* status
* attribute10
* attribute8
* attribute4
* lastUpdateLogin
* zdSync
* createdBy
* collectorId
* telephoneNumber
* name
* attribute11
* attribute7
* creationDate
* attribute13


 * attributeCategory
* attribute1
* lastUpdateDate
* zdEditionName
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute9
* attribute2
* attribute12
* description
* attribute3
* attribute5
* resourceType
* alias
* attribute14
* resourceId
* inactiveDate
* attribute15
* employeeId
* attribute6
* status
* attribute10
* attribute8
* attribute4
* lastUpdateLogin
* zdSync
* createdBy
* collectorId
* telephoneNumber
* name
* attribute11
* attribute7
* creationDate
* attribute13


 * concurrentProgramName
* requestId


 * concurrentProgramName
* requestId


 * creationDate
* requestId
* errorNumber
* type
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* text
* concRequestMessageId


 * creationDate
* requestId
* errorNumber
* type
* createdBy
* text
* concRequestMessageId


 * lastUpdateDate
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* handlerType
* status
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* handlerName
* zdSync
* endDate
* creationDate
* startDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdatedBy
* zdEditionName
* actionId


 * lastUpdateDate
* reasonCode
* handlerType
* status
* createdBy
* handlerName
* zdSync
* endDate
* creationDate
* startDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdatedBy
* zdEditionName
* actionId


 * lastUpdateLogin
* billableDate
* createdBy
* lastUpdateDate
* creationDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* billingCycleId


 * lastUpdateLogin
* billableDate
* createdBy
* lastUpdateDate
* creationDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* billingCycleId


 * day7
* createdBy
* objectVersionNumber
* startDate
* day16
* repeatMonthly
* repeatWeekly
* lastDay
* day24
* day13
* daySaturday
* day31
* dayType
* day20
* billingCycleId
* day19
* day4
* day5
* day15
* creationDate
* dayTuesday
* day6
* day30
* dayThursday
* lastUpdateLogin
* dayWednesday
* day18
* day2
* skipWeekends
* day8
* daySunday
* repeatDaily
* day21
* zdSync
* skipHolidays
* day22
* dayFriday
* day17
* day14
* billCycleType
* day9
* cycleFrequency
* lastUpdatedBy
* day28
* zdEditionName
* day12
* day1
* day25
* day23
* lastUpdateDate
* day3
* day29
* day10
* dayMonday
* day26
* day11
* day27


 * day7
* createdBy
* objectVersionNumber
* startDate
* day16
* repeatMonthly
* repeatWeekly
* lastDay
* day24
* day13
* daySaturday
* day31
* dayType
* day20
* billingCycleId
* day19
* day4
* day5
* day15
* creationDate
* dayTuesday
* day6
* day30
* dayThursday
* lastUpdateLogin
* dayWednesday
* day18
* day2
* skipWeekends
* day8
* daySunday
* repeatDaily
* day21
* zdSync
* skipHolidays
* day22
* dayFriday
* day17
* day14
* billCycleType
* day9
* cycleFrequency
* lastUpdatedBy
* day28
* zdEditionName
* day12
* day1
* day25
* day23
* lastUpdateDate
* day3
* day29
* day10
* dayMonday
* day26
* day11
* day27


 * billingCycleId
* zdSync
* zdEditionName
* creationDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* language
* lastUpdateLogin
* objectVersionNumber
* lastUpdateDate
* createdBy
* sourceLang
* cycleName
* description


 * billingCycleId
* zdSync
* zdEditionName
* creationDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* language
* lastUpdateLogin
* objectVersionNumber
* lastUpdateDate
* createdBy
* sourceLang
* cycleName
* description


 * attribute5
* customerId
* attribute12
* attribute6
* attribute3
* attribute15
* consBillingNumber
* billingDate
* siteUseId
* dueDate
* billingCycleId
* concurrentRequestId
* totalFinanceChargesAmt
* attribute8
* endingBalance
* attribute14
* currencyCode
* billLevelFlag
* attribute2
* totalTrxAmt
* agingBucket4Amt
* attribute9
* orgId
* startDate
* attribute10
* remitToAddressId
* totalAdjustmentsAmt
* printStatus
* agingBucket2Amt
* agingBucket3Amt
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute11
* attribute1
* lastBillingDate
* totalTaxAmt
* attribute7
* attribute13
* totalReceiptsAmt
* lastChargeDate
* status
* creationDate
* cutOffDate
* unpaidReason
* lastUpdateDate
* termId
* agingBucket6Amt
* agingBucket7Amt
* issueDate
* attributeCategory
* totalCreditsAmt
* agingBucket5Amt
* createdBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* beginningBalance
* consInvId
* consInvType
* agingBucket1Amt
* attribute4


 * attribute5
* customerId
* attribute12
* attribute6
* attribute3
* attribute15
* consBillingNumber
* billingDate
* siteUseId
* dueDate
* billingCycleId
* concurrentRequestId
* totalFinanceChargesAmt
* attribute8
* endingBalance
* attribute14
* currencyCode
* billLevelFlag
* attribute2
* totalTrxAmt
* agingBucket4Amt
* attribute9
* orgId
* startDate
* attribute10
* remitToAddressId
* totalAdjustmentsAmt
* printStatus
* agingBucket2Amt
* agingBucket3Amt
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute11
* attribute1
* lastBillingDate
* totalTaxAmt
* attribute7
* attribute13
* totalReceiptsAmt
* lastChargeDate
* status
* creationDate
* cutOffDate
* unpaidReason
* lastUpdateDate
* termId
* agingBucket6Amt
* agingBucket7Amt
* issueDate
* attributeCategory
* totalCreditsAmt
* agingBucket5Amt
* createdBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* beginningBalance
* consInvId
* consInvType
* agingBucket1Amt
* attribute4


 * consInvId
* adjPsId
* justification
* amountOriginal
* unpaidReason
* orgId
* taxOriginal
* trxDescription
* consInvLineNumber
* shipToSiteId
* transactionType
* trxNumber
* transactionDate
* customerTrxId


 * consInvId
* adjPsId
* justification
* amountOriginal
* unpaidReason
* orgId
* taxOriginal
* trxDescription
* consInvLineNumber
* shipToSiteId
* transactionType
* trxNumber
* transactionDate
* customerTrxId


 * unitSellingPrice
* extendedAmount
* quantityInvoiced
* orgId
* consInvId
* lineNumber
* taxAmount
* customerTrxLineId
* uomCode
* customerTrxId
* inventoryItemId
* description
* consInvLineNumber


 * unitSellingPrice
* extendedAmount
* quantityInvoiced
* orgId
* consInvId
* lineNumber
* taxAmount
* customerTrxLineId
* uomCode
* customerTrxId
* inventoryItemId
* description
* consInvLineNumber


 * endDate
* revrecEventCode
* contingencyCode
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* startDate
* creationDate
* orgId
* days
* createdBy
* lastUpdateLogin


 * endDate
* revrecEventCode
* contingencyCode
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* startDate
* creationDate
* orgId
* days
* createdBy
* lastUpdateLogin


 * orgId
* lastUpdateLogin
* amountUnaccrue
* creationDate
* paymentScheduleId
* createdBy
* correspondencePaySchedId
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* stagedDunningLevel
* amountAccrue
* amountDueRemaining
* correspondenceId


 * orgId
* lastUpdateLogin
* amountUnaccrue
* creationDate
* paymentScheduleId
* createdBy
* correspondencePaySchedId
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* stagedDunningLevel
* amountAccrue
* amountDueRemaining
* correspondenceId


 * customerId
* correspondenceId
* requestId
* orgId
* reference1
* lastUpdatedBy
* correspondenceType
* dunningLevel
* lastUpdateLogin
* siteUseId
* purgedChildrenFlag
* printedFlag
* creationDate
* lastUpdateDate
* reference2
* createdBy
* preliminaryFlag
* correspondenceDate
* remitToAddressId


 * customerId
* correspondenceId
* requestId
* orgId
* reference1
* lastUpdatedBy
* correspondenceType
* dunningLevel
* lastUpdateLogin
* siteUseId
* purgedChildrenFlag
* printedFlag
* creationDate
* lastUpdateDate
* reference2
* createdBy
* preliminaryFlag
* correspondenceDate
* remitToAddressId


 * programApplicationId
* customerTrxId
* lastUpdateLogin
* batchId
* receiptNumber
* additionalMessage
* programUpdateDate
* createdBy
* payingCustomerId
* creationDate
* exceptionCode
* requestId
* remitBankAcctUseId
* paymentScheduleId
* payingSiteUseId
* lastUpdatedBy
* cashReceiptId
* receiptDate
* programId
* appliedPaymentScheduleId
* lastUpdateDate
* trxnNumber


 * programApplicationId
* customerTrxId
* lastUpdateLogin
* batchId
* receiptNumber
* additionalMessage
* programUpdateDate
* createdBy
* payingCustomerId
* creationDate
* exceptionCode
* requestId
* remitBankAcctUseId
* paymentScheduleId
* payingSiteUseId
* lastUpdatedBy
* cashReceiptId
* receiptDate
* programId
* appliedPaymentScheduleId
* lastUpdateDate
* trxnNumber


 * createdBy
* currencyCode
* creditInfoUpdateDate
* riskCode
* attribute11
* creditHistoryId
* trxCreditLimit
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute8
* attribute13
* attribute10
* creditLimit
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute4
* onHold
* attribute15
* attribute9
* attribute5
* creationDate
* customerId
* creditRating
* attribute12
* attribute1
* outstandingBalance
* attribute2
* creditInfoUpdatedBy
* attributeCategory
* attribute14
* attribute3
* attribute7
* siteUseId
* lastUpdatedBy
* creditInfoUpdateLogin
* attribute6
* holdDate


 * createdBy
* currencyCode
* creditInfoUpdateDate
* riskCode
* attribute11
* creditHistoryId
* trxCreditLimit
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute8
* attribute13
* attribute10
* creditLimit
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute4
* onHold
* attribute15
* attribute9
* attribute5
* creationDate
* customerId
* creditRating
* attribute12
* attribute1
* outstandingBalance
* attribute2
* creditInfoUpdatedBy
* attributeCategory
* attribute14
* attribute3
* attribute7
* siteUseId
* lastUpdatedBy
* creditInfoUpdateLogin
* attribute6
* holdDate


 * createdBy
* creationDate
* customerTrxLineId
* requestId
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* programUpdateDate
* creditMemoAmountId
* glDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* amount
* programId
* programApplicationId


 * createdBy
* creationDate
* customerTrxLineId
* requestId
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* programUpdateDate
* creditMemoAmountId
* glDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* amount
* programId
* programApplicationId


 * lastUpdateDate
* altNameId
* termId
* lastUpdatedBy
* altName
* siteUseId
* customerId
* lastUpdateLogin
* creationDate
* createdBy


 * lastUpdateDate
* altNameId
* termId
* lastUpdatedBy
* altName
* siteUseId
* customerId
* lastUpdateLogin
* creationDate
* createdBy


 * attribute6
* customerId
* collectionForecast
* attribute14
* attribute13
* attribute2
* cashReceiptId
* contactId
* attribute8
* followUpDate
* reasonCode
* creationDate
* callDate
* attribute9
* phoneId
* attribute5
* attribute3
* attribute4
* attribute12
* lastUpdatedBy
* createdBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* callOutcome
* customerTrxId
* promiseAmount
* attribute7
* attribute1
* collectorId
* forecastDate
* attribute15
* followUpAction
* attributeCategory
* attribute10
* attribute11
* customerCallTopicId
* customerTrxLineId
* siteUseId
* completeFlag
* promiseDate
* followUpCompanyRepId
* lastUpdateDate
* orgId
* customerCallId
* paymentScheduleId


 * attribute6
* customerId
* collectionForecast
* attribute14
* attribute13
* attribute2
* cashReceiptId
* contactId
* attribute8
* followUpDate
* reasonCode
* creationDate
* callDate
* attribute9
* phoneId
* attribute5
* attribute3
* attribute4
* attribute12
* lastUpdatedBy
* createdBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* callOutcome
* customerTrxId
* promiseAmount
* attribute7
* attribute1
* collectorId
* forecastDate
* attribute15
* followUpAction
* attributeCategory
* attribute10
* attribute11
* customerCallTopicId
* customerTrxLineId
* siteUseId
* completeFlag
* promiseDate
* followUpCompanyRepId
* lastUpdateDate
* orgId
* customerCallId
* paymentScheduleId


 * attribute10
* collectorId
* currencyCode
* siteUseId
* callOutcome
* followUpDate
* phoneId
* lastUpdateLogin
* promiseAmount
* callDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* completeFlag
* customerCallId
* attribute9
* faxId
* attribute5
* attribute6
* contactId
* forecastDate
* attribute14
* followUpAction
* attributeCategory
* orgId
* trxNumber
* billingNumber
* creationDate
* reasonCode
* attribute8
* status
* promiseDate
* attribute11
* attribute1
* attribute3
* attribute15
* collectionForecast
* lastUpdateDate
* customerId
* attribute4
* attribute12
* attribute7
* createdBy
* attribute2
* attribute13


 * attribute10
* collectorId
* currencyCode
* siteUseId
* callOutcome
* followUpDate
* phoneId
* lastUpdateLogin
* promiseAmount
* callDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* completeFlag
* customerCallId
* attribute9
* faxId
* attribute5
* attribute6
* contactId
* forecastDate
* attribute14
* followUpAction
* attributeCategory
* orgId
* trxNumber
* billingNumber
* creationDate
* reasonCode
* attribute8
* status
* promiseDate
* attribute11
* attribute1
* attribute3
* attribute15
* collectionForecast
* lastUpdateDate
* customerId
* attribute4
* attribute12
* attribute7
* createdBy
* attribute2
* attribute13


 * activityName
* executionDate
* debugType
* itemKey
* debugMessage
* itemType


 * activityName
* executionDate
* debugType
* itemKey
* debugMessage
* itemType


 * description
* expirationEventCode
* revrecEventCode
* lastUpdateLogin
* zdSync
* notes
* creationDate
* lastUpdateDate
* policyAttached
* contingencyName
* startDate
* zdEditionName
* contingencyId
* createdBy
* expirationDays
* endDate
* lastUpdatedBy


 * description
* expirationEventCode
* revrecEventCode
* lastUpdateLogin
* zdSync
* notes
* creationDate
* lastUpdateDate
* policyAttached
* contingencyName
* startDate
* zdEditionName
* contingencyId
* createdBy
* expirationDays
* endDate
* lastUpdatedBy


 * attribute7
* creationDate
* requestId
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute8
* lineCollectibleFlag
* customerTrxId
* attribute2
* attribute10
* amountDueOriginal
* attribute3
* attribute15
* attribute11
* lastUpdatedBy
* manualOverrideFlag
* attribute6
* attributeCategory
* attribute5
* attribute4
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute9
* orgId
* parentLineId
* createdBy
* acctdAmountPending
* attribute12
* attribute1
* customerTrxLineId
* amountPending
* attribute14
* amountRecognized
* acctdAmountRecognized
* originalCollectibilityFlag
* attribute13
* acctdAmountDueOriginal


 * attribute7
* creationDate
* requestId
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute8
* lineCollectibleFlag
* customerTrxId
* attribute2
* attribute10
* amountDueOriginal
* attribute3
* attribute15
* attribute11
* lastUpdatedBy
* manualOverrideFlag
* attribute6
* attributeCategory
* attribute5
* attribute4
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute9
* orgId
* parentLineId
* createdBy
* acctdAmountPending
* attribute12
* attribute1
* customerTrxLineId
* amountPending
* attribute14
* amountRecognized
* acctdAmountRecognized
* originalCollectibilityFlag
* attribute13
* acctdAmountDueOriginal


 * amountDueRemaining
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdatedBy
* endDate
* disputeHistoryId
* startDate
* paymentScheduleId
* creationDate
* lastUpdateDate
* createdBy
* amountInDispute
* createdFrom
* disputeAmount


 * amountDueRemaining
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdatedBy
* endDate
* disputeHistoryId
* startDate
* paymentScheduleId
* creationDate
* lastUpdateDate
* createdBy
* amountInDispute
* createdFrom
* disputeAmount


 * creationDate
* description
* percentDistribution
* createdBy
* lastUpdatedBy
* distCodeCombinationId
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* orgId
* distributionSetId
* setOfBooksId


 * creationDate
* description
* percentDistribution
* createdBy
* lastUpdatedBy
* distCodeCombinationId
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* orgId
* distributionSetId
* setOfBooksId


 * createdBy
* lastUpdateDate
* status
* lastUpdateLogin
* distributionSetId
* distributionSetName
* creationDate
* totalPercentDistribution
* lastUpdatedBy
* description
* orgId


 * createdBy
* lastUpdateDate
* status
* lastUpdateLogin
* distributionSetId
* distributionSetName
* creationDate
* totalPercentDistribution
* lastUpdatedBy
* description
* orgId


 * taxCodeId
* amountDr
* refDistCcid
* creationDate
* refPrevCustTrxLineId
* taxableEnteredCr
* thirdPartySubId
* refAccountClass
* fromAmountCr
* lastUpdateDate
* refCustTrxLineGlDistId
* acctdAmountDr
* acctdAmountCr
* currencyConversionType
* taxGroupCodeId
* refMfDistFlag
* lastUpdateLogin
* taxableAccountedCr
* currencyConversionRate
* taxableEnteredDr
* createdBy
* activityBucket
* fromAmountDr
* sourceTable
* refCustomerTrxLineId
* lineId
* reversedSourceId
* sourceType
* codeCombinationId
* fromAcctdAmountDr
* fromAcctdAmountCr
* taxableAccountedDr
* sourceTableSecondary
* sourceId
* currencyCode
* thirdPartyId
* refLineId
* amountCr
* orgId
* lastUpdatedBy
* locationSegmentId
* currencyConversionDate
* sourceTypeSecondary
* taxLinkId
* sourceIdSecondary


 * taxCodeId
* amountDr
* refDistCcid
* creationDate
* refPrevCustTrxLineId
* taxableEnteredCr
* thirdPartySubId
* refAccountClass
* fromAmountCr
* lastUpdateDate
* refCustTrxLineGlDistId
* acctdAmountDr
* acctdAmountCr
* currencyConversionType
* taxGroupCodeId
* refMfDistFlag
* lastUpdateLogin
* taxableAccountedCr
* currencyConversionRate
* taxableEnteredDr
* createdBy
* activityBucket
* fromAmountDr
* sourceTable
* refCustomerTrxLineId
* lineId
* reversedSourceId
* sourceType
* codeCombinationId
* fromAcctdAmountDr
* fromAcctdAmountCr
* taxableAccountedDr
* sourceTableSecondary
* sourceId
* currencyCode
* thirdPartyId
* refLineId
* amountCr
* orgId
* lastUpdatedBy
* locationSegmentId
* currencyConversionDate
* sourceTypeSecondary
* taxLinkId
* sourceIdSecondary


 * docSequenceAssignmentId
* creationDate
* createdBy
* docSequenceValue
* docSequenceId


 * docSequenceAssignmentId
* creationDate
* createdBy
* docSequenceValue
* docSequenceId


 * createdBy
* requestId
* documentTransferId
* exceptionMessage
* sourceId
* ecxPartyType
* tpSourceId
* creationDate
* status
* responsibilityId
* confirmationMsgid
* exceptionType
* tpSourceTable
* documentMsgid
* ecxTrxSubtype
* lastSubmissionDate
* lastUpdateDate
* ecxTrxType
* lastUpdateLogin
* sourceTable
* applicationId
* lastUpdatedBy
* eventName
* emailAddress


 * createdBy
* requestId
* documentTransferId
* exceptionMessage
* sourceId
* ecxPartyType
* tpSourceId
* creationDate
* status
* responsibilityId
* confirmationMsgid
* exceptionType
* tpSourceTable
* documentMsgid
* ecxTrxSubtype
* lastSubmissionDate
* lastUpdateDate
* ecxTrxType
* lastUpdateLogin
* sourceTable
* applicationId
* lastUpdatedBy
* eventName
* emailAddress


 * dunningLetterSetId
* invoiceCopies
* attribute9
* attribute4
* attribute15
* createdBy
* lastUpdatedBy
* rangeOfDaysFrom
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute6
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute11
* dunningLetterId
* attribute14
* rangeOfDunningLevelTo
* includeCurrent
* attribute5
* attribute12
* minDaysBetweenDunning
* dunningLineNum
* rangeOfDaysTo
* attribute1
* rangeOfDunningLevelFrom
* attribute7
* attribute2
* attributeCategory
* attribute13
* creationDate
* attribute8
* attribute10
* attribute3


 * dunningLetterSetId
* invoiceCopies
* attribute9
* attribute4
* attribute15
* createdBy
* lastUpdatedBy
* rangeOfDaysFrom
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute6
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute11
* dunningLetterId
* attribute14
* rangeOfDunningLevelTo
* includeCurrent
* attribute5
* attribute12
* minDaysBetweenDunning
* dunningLineNum
* rangeOfDaysTo
* attribute1
* rangeOfDunningLevelFrom
* attribute7
* attribute2
* attributeCategory
* attribute13
* creationDate
* attribute8
* attribute10
* attribute3


 * attribute8
* attribute12
* attribute13
* financeCharges
* dunDisputedItems
* chargeDisputedItems
* dunningType
* attribute7
* attribute4
* createdBy
* status
* graceDays
* attribute3
* attributeCategory
* attribute14
* name
* dunningLetterSetId
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute15
* attribute2
* attribute9
* attribute5
* sequencedLettersFlag
* description
* attribute11
* lastUpdatedBy
* includeUnusedPaymentsFlag
* attribute10
* creationDate
* attribute1
* lastUpdateDate
* resendLastLetter
* attribute6


 * attribute8
* attribute12
* attribute13
* financeCharges
* dunDisputedItems
* chargeDisputedItems
* dunningType
* attribute7
* attribute4
* createdBy
* status
* graceDays
* attribute3
* attributeCategory
* attribute14
* name
* dunningLetterSetId
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute15
* attribute2
* attribute9
* attribute5
* sequencedLettersFlag
* description
* attribute11
* lastUpdatedBy
* includeUnusedPaymentsFlag
* attribute10
* creationDate
* attribute1
* lastUpdateDate
* resendLastLetter
* attribute6


 * attribute11
* zdSync
* attribute15
* attribute14
* attribute4
* attribute10
* dunningLetterId
* attributeCategory
* createdBy
* attribute5
* creationDate
* attribute2
* attribute7
* attribute9
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute13
* attribute3
* attribute8
* status
* attribute1
* reviewDate
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute6
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute12
* zdEditionName


 * attribute11
* zdSync
* attribute15
* attribute14
* attribute4
* attribute10
* dunningLetterId
* attributeCategory
* createdBy
* attribute5
* creationDate
* attribute2
* attribute7
* attribute9
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute13
* attribute3
* attribute8
* status
* attribute1
* reviewDate
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute6
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute12
* zdEditionName


 * paragraphNumber
* lastUpdateLogin
* sourceLang
* lastUpdateBy
* creationDate
* lastUpdateDate
* paragraphText
* createdBy
* language
* lastUpdatedBy
* dunningLetterId
* zdSync
* zdEditionName


 * paragraphNumber
* lastUpdateLogin
* sourceLang
* lastUpdateBy
* creationDate
* lastUpdateDate
* paragraphText
* createdBy
* language
* lastUpdatedBy
* dunningLetterId
* zdSync
* zdEditionName


 * zdSync
* lastUpdateDate
* sourceLang
* dunningLetterId
* createdBy
* description
* zdEditionName
* letterName
* language
* creationDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin


 * zdSync
* lastUpdateDate
* sourceLang
* dunningLetterId
* createdBy
* description
* zdEditionName
* letterName
* language
* creationDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin


 * deleteFlag
* incrementalFlag
* id
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateDate
* creationDate
* createdBy
* recordType
* lastUpdateLogin


 * deleteFlag
* incrementalFlag
* id
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateDate
* creationDate
* createdBy
* recordType
* lastUpdateLogin


 * naturalAccount
* acctdAmountDr
* lastUpdateDate
* component
* amountDr
* lastUpdatedBy
* cashReceiptId
* adjustmentId
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* trxType
* customerTrxId
* trxNumber
* activityGlDate
* orgId
* amountCr
* glAccount
* trxDate
* createdBy
* codeCombinationId
* currency
* acctdAmountCr


 * naturalAccount
* acctdAmountDr
* lastUpdateDate
* component
* amountDr
* lastUpdatedBy
* cashReceiptId
* adjustmentId
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* trxType
* customerTrxId
* trxNumber
* activityGlDate
* orgId
* amountCr
* glAccount
* trxDate
* createdBy
* codeCombinationId
* currency
* acctdAmountCr


 * orgId
* lastUpdateLogin
* createdBy
* nextValue
* lastUpdatedBy
* creationDate
* lastUpdateDate


 * orgId
* lastUpdateLogin
* createdBy
* nextValue
* lastUpdatedBy
* creationDate
* lastUpdateDate


 * attributeValue
* lastUpdateDate
* orgId
* conditionRule
* lastUpdateLogin
* contextCode
* lastUpdatedBy
* createdBy
* attributeColumn
* ruleLineId
* ruleHeaderId
* creationDate


 * attributeValue
* lastUpdateDate
* orgId
* conditionRule
* lastUpdateLogin
* contextCode
* lastUpdatedBy
* createdBy
* attributeColumn
* ruleLineId
* ruleHeaderId
* creationDate


 * endDate
* creationDate
* specificCurrencyCode
* startDate
* lastUpdateDate
* ruleName
* lastUpdateLogin
* invoiceType
* currencyOption
* description
* salesListFlag
* ruleHeaderId
* primaryFlag
* createdBy
* orgId
* lastUpdatedBy


 * endDate
* creationDate
* specificCurrencyCode
* startDate
* lastUpdateDate
* ruleName
* lastUpdateLogin
* invoiceType
* currencyOption
* description
* salesListFlag
* ruleHeaderId
* primaryFlag
* createdBy
* orgId
* lastUpdatedBy


 * ruleHeaderId
* conditionRule
* description
* lastUpdateDate
* custTrxTypeId
* ruleLineId
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdatedBy
* creationDate
* createdBy
* orgId


 * ruleHeaderId
* conditionRule
* description
* lastUpdateDate
* custTrxTypeId
* ruleLineId
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdatedBy
* creationDate
* createdBy
* orgId


 * orgId
* autoBatchNumberingFlag
* nextBatchNumber
* unitPriceSplitFlag
* itemNameSourceFlag
* gtCurrencyCode
* trxLineSplitFlag
* splitRule
* createdBy
* invTaxAttributeColumn
* invItemContextCode
* vatTaxTypeCode
* raTaxAttributeColumn
* latestRefDefaultFlag
* creationDate
* crossReferenceType
* lastUpdatedBy
* invModelAttributeColumn
* lastUpdateLogin
* masterItemDefaultFlag
* raModelAttributeColumn
* lastUpdateDate
* raLineContextCode


 * orgId
* autoBatchNumberingFlag
* nextBatchNumber
* unitPriceSplitFlag
* itemNameSourceFlag
* gtCurrencyCode
* trxLineSplitFlag
* splitRule
* createdBy
* invTaxAttributeColumn
* invItemContextCode
* vatTaxTypeCode
* raTaxAttributeColumn
* latestRefDefaultFlag
* creationDate
* crossReferenceType
* lastUpdatedBy
* invModelAttributeColumn
* lastUpdateLogin
* masterItemDefaultFlag
* raModelAttributeColumn
* lastUpdateDate
* raLineContextCode


 * limitationId
* orgId
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* maxNumOfLine
* createdBy
* maxAmount
* creationDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* invoiceType
* fpTaxRegistrationNumber


 * limitationId
* orgId
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* maxNumOfLine
* createdBy
* maxAmount
* creationDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* invoiceType
* fpTaxRegistrationNumber


 * gtInvoiceType
* exportRequestId
* attribute9
* attributeCategory
* bankAccountName
* attribute1
* payeeName
* attribute14
* raTrxNumber
* source
* salesListFlag
* conversionDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* creationDate
* conversionType
* reviewerName
* attribute3
* attribute2
* gtInvoiceDate
* gtaTrxHeaderId
* setOfBooksId
* gtaBatchNumber
* programId
* salesOrderNumber
* customerAddressPhone
* consolidationFlag
* gtInvoiceNumber
* taxCode
* customerAddress
* attribute8
* transactionDate
* description
* customerPhone
* issuerName
* groupNumber
* raGlDate
* latestVersionFlag
* status
* fpTaxRegistrationNumber
* gtInvoiceNetAmount
* taxRate
* lastUpdateDate
* billToCustomerName
* attribute6
* billToCustomerNumber
* orgId
* attribute5
* gtInvoiceTaxAmount
* attribute11
* attribute15
* attribute7
* bankAccountNameNumber
* programApplicationId
* raTrxId
* raGlPeriod
* ruleHeaderId
* programUpdateDate
* legalEntityId
* attribute13
* tpTaxRegistrationNumber
* consolidationRequestId
* version
* billToCustomerId
* gtTaxMonth
* generatorId
* invoiceType
* gtInvoiceClass
* bankAccountNumber
* conversionRate
* lastUpdatedBy
* consolidationTrxNum
* attribute4
* createdBy
* consolidationId
* raTrxNumber#1
* attribute12
* attribute10
* gtaTrxNumber
* raCurrencyCode
* cancelFlag
* requestId


 * gtInvoiceType
* exportRequestId
* attribute9
* attributeCategory
* bankAccountName
* attribute1
* payeeName
* attribute14
* raTrxNumber
* source
* salesListFlag
* conversionDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* creationDate
* conversionType
* reviewerName
* attribute3
* attribute2
* gtInvoiceDate
* gtaTrxHeaderId
* setOfBooksId
* gtaBatchNumber
* programId
* salesOrderNumber
* customerAddressPhone
* consolidationFlag
* gtInvoiceNumber
* taxCode
* customerAddress
* attribute8
* transactionDate
* description
* customerPhone
* issuerName
* groupNumber
* raGlDate
* latestVersionFlag
* status
* fpTaxRegistrationNumber
* gtInvoiceNetAmount
* taxRate
* lastUpdateDate
* billToCustomerName
* attribute6
* billToCustomerNumber
* orgId
* attribute5
* gtInvoiceTaxAmount
* attribute11
* attribute15
* attribute7
* bankAccountNameNumber
* programApplicationId
* raTrxId
* raGlPeriod
* ruleHeaderId
* programUpdateDate
* legalEntityId
* attribute13
* tpTaxRegistrationNumber
* consolidationRequestId
* version
* billToCustomerId
* gtTaxMonth
* generatorId
* invoiceType
* gtInvoiceClass
* bankAccountNumber
* conversionRate
* lastUpdatedBy
* consolidationTrxNum
* attribute4
* createdBy
* consolidationId
* raTrxNumber#1
* attribute12
* attribute10
* gtaTrxNumber
* raCurrencyCode
* cancelFlag
* requestId


 * discountRate
* lastUpdateDate
* inventoryItemId
* attribute9
* uom
* attribute1
* lineNumber
* itemTaxDenomination
* attribute14
* itemModel
* unitTaxPrice
* taxRate
* taxAmount
* attribute15
* attribute8
* originalCurrencyAmount
* attribute2
* createdBy
* attribute10
* lastUpdateLogin
* matchedFlag
* gtaTrxHeaderId
* lastUpdatedBy
* itemNumber
* arTrxLineId
* attribute12
* programId
* attribute4
* discountTaxAmount
* itemDescription
* attribute3
* programApplicationId
* gtaTrxLineId
* attribute5
* attribute6
* requestId
* attribute11
* programUpdateDate
* amount
* attributeCategory
* unitPrice
* creationDate
* attribute7
* discountAmount
* orgId
* uomName
* enabledFlag
* attribute13
* quantity
* priceFlag
* discountFlag


 * discountRate
* lastUpdateDate
* inventoryItemId
* attribute9
* uom
* attribute1
* lineNumber
* itemTaxDenomination
* attribute14
* itemModel
* unitTaxPrice
* taxRate
* taxAmount
* attribute15
* attribute8
* originalCurrencyAmount
* attribute2
* createdBy
* attribute10
* lastUpdateLogin
* matchedFlag
* gtaTrxHeaderId
* lastUpdatedBy
* itemNumber
* arTrxLineId
* attribute12
* programId
* attribute4
* discountTaxAmount
* itemDescription
* attribute3
* programApplicationId
* gtaTrxLineId
* attribute5
* attribute6
* requestId
* attribute11
* programUpdateDate
* amount
* attributeCategory
* unitPrice
* creationDate
* attribute7
* discountAmount
* orgId
* uomName
* enabledFlag
* attribute13
* quantity
* priceFlag
* discountFlag


 * col17
* lastUpdatedBy
* creationDate
* col4
* col19
* col1
* col25
* col18
* col9
* col15
* col23
* requestId
* createdBy
* importSeq
* col7
* col11
* col24
* col14
* programUpdateDate
* lastUpdateDate
* col16
* col20
* col13
* col6
* programId
* col5
* lastUpdateLogin
* programApplicationId
* col10
* col21
* col8
* col3
* col2
* col22
* col12


 * col17
* lastUpdatedBy
* creationDate
* col4
* col19
* col1
* col25
* col18
* col9
* col15
* col23
* requestId
* createdBy
* importSeq
* col7
* col11
* col24
* col14
* programUpdateDate
* lastUpdateDate
* col16
* col20
* col13
* col6
* programId
* col5
* lastUpdateLogin
* programApplicationId
* col10
* col21
* col8
* col3
* col2
* col22
* col12


 * limitationId
* createdBy
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdateDate
* mappingId
* creationDate
* transactionTypeId


 * limitationId
* createdBy
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdateDate
* mappingId
* creationDate
* transactionTypeId


 * lastUpdatedBy
* transactionDate
* calculateInterestToDate
* batchName
* glDate
* createdBy
* requestId
* transferredStatus
* creationDate
* batchStatus
* lastUpdateDate
* interestBatchId
* lastUpdateLogin
* orgId
* objectVersionNumber


 * lastUpdatedBy
* transactionDate
* calculateInterestToDate
* batchName
* glDate
* createdBy
* requestId
* transferredStatus
* creationDate
* batchStatus
* lastUpdateDate
* interestBatchId
* lastUpdateLogin
* orgId
* objectVersionNumber


 * minFcInvoiceOverdueType
* minFcBalanceOverdueType
* displayFlag
* createdBy
* customerProfileId
* processStatus
* processMessage
* creditItemsFlag
* lastUpdateDate
* paymentGraceDays
* custTrxTypeId
* customerId
* chargeOnFinanceChargeFlag
* penaltyFixedAmount
* interestType
* workerNum
* headerType
* holdChargedInvoicesFlag
* minFcInvoicePercent
* penaltyScheduleId
* minFcInvoiceAmount
* orgId
* interestCalculationPeriod
* chargeBeginDate
* custAcctProfileAmtId
* multipleInterestRatesFlag
* penaltyRate
* exchangeRateType
* legalEntityId
* objectVersionNumber
* lastUpdateLogin
* minInterestCharge
* financeChargeDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* exchangeRate
* interestPeriodDays
* maxInterestCharge
* creationDate
* interestRate
* interestBatchId
* interestFixedAmount
* minFcBalancePercent
* requestId
* messageTextId
* interestHeaderId
* minFcBalanceAmount
* penaltyType
* currencyCode
* disputedTransactionsFlag
* lateChargeCalculationTrx
* collectorId
* customerSiteUseId
* lastAccrueChargeDate
* lateChargeTermId
* interestScheduleId


 * minFcInvoiceOverdueType
* minFcBalanceOverdueType
* displayFlag
* createdBy
* customerProfileId
* processStatus
* processMessage
* creditItemsFlag
* lastUpdateDate
* paymentGraceDays
* custTrxTypeId
* customerId
* chargeOnFinanceChargeFlag
* penaltyFixedAmount
* interestType
* workerNum
* headerType
* holdChargedInvoicesFlag
* minFcInvoicePercent
* penaltyScheduleId
* minFcInvoiceAmount
* orgId
* interestCalculationPeriod
* chargeBeginDate
* custAcctProfileAmtId
* multipleInterestRatesFlag
* penaltyRate
* exchangeRateType
* legalEntityId
* objectVersionNumber
* lastUpdateLogin
* minInterestCharge
* financeChargeDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* exchangeRate
* interestPeriodDays
* maxInterestCharge
* creationDate
* interestRate
* interestBatchId
* interestFixedAmount
* minFcBalancePercent
* requestId
* messageTextId
* interestHeaderId
* minFcBalanceAmount
* penaltyType
* currencyCode
* disputedTransactionsFlag
* lateChargeCalculationTrx
* collectorId
* customerSiteUseId
* lastAccrueChargeDate
* lateChargeTermId
* interestScheduleId


 * rateEndDate
* type
* cashReceiptId
* lastUpdateLogin
* createdBy
* interestLineId
* originalTrxClass
* paymentDate
* lastChargeDate
* originalTrxId
* dailyInterestCharge
* interestHeaderId
* outstandingAmount
* interestCharged
* amountDueRemaining
* interestRate
* paymentScheduleId
* lastUpdateDate
* amountDueOriginal
* objectVersionNumber
* lastUpdatedBy
* scheduleDaysTo
* processMessage
* daysOverdueLate
* actualDateClosed
* receivablesTrxId
* rateStartDate
* daysOfInterest
* creationDate
* financeChargeCharged
* dueDate
* scheduleDaysFrom
* processStatus
* orgId


 * rateEndDate
* type
* cashReceiptId
* lastUpdateLogin
* createdBy
* interestLineId
* originalTrxClass
* paymentDate
* lastChargeDate
* originalTrxId
* dailyInterestCharge
* interestHeaderId
* outstandingAmount
* interestCharged
* amountDueRemaining
* interestRate
* paymentScheduleId
* lastUpdateDate
* amountDueOriginal
* objectVersionNumber
* lastUpdatedBy
* scheduleDaysTo
* processMessage
* daysOverdueLate
* actualDateClosed
* receivablesTrxId
* rateStartDate
* daysOfInterest
* creationDate
* financeChargeCharged
* dueDate
* scheduleDaysFrom
* processStatus
* orgId


 * interfaceLineAttribute1
* attribute4
* interfaceLineContext
* interfaceLineAttribute15
* interfaceLineId
* interfaceContingencyId
* interfaceLineAttribute8
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute1
* attribute5
* interfaceLineAttribute4
* attribute7
* interfaceLineAttribute13
* attribute6
* interfaceLineAttribute5
* attribute2
* expirationDate
* attribute8
* attribute3
* contingencyCode
* lastUpdatedBy
* interfaceLineAttribute6
* interfaceLineAttribute14
* attributeCategory
* interfaceLineAttribute2
* attribute13
* createdBy
* interfaceStatus
* attribute15
* interfaceLineAttribute9
* attribute10
* interfaceLineAttribute10
* orgId
* completedBy
* interfaceLineAttribute3
* attribute11
* interfaceLineAttribute7
* interfaceLineAttribute12
* completedFlag
* attribute14
* attribute9
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* expirationDays
* requestId
* interfaceLineAttribute11
* contingencyId
* attribute12
* expirationEventDate


 * interfaceLineAttribute1
* attribute4
* interfaceLineContext
* interfaceLineAttribute15
* interfaceLineId
* interfaceContingencyId
* interfaceLineAttribute8
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute1
* attribute5
* interfaceLineAttribute4
* attribute7
* interfaceLineAttribute13
* attribute6
* interfaceLineAttribute5
* attribute2
* expirationDate
* attribute8
* attribute3
* contingencyCode
* lastUpdatedBy
* interfaceLineAttribute6
* interfaceLineAttribute14
* attributeCategory
* interfaceLineAttribute2
* attribute13
* createdBy
* interfaceStatus
* attribute15
* interfaceLineAttribute9
* attribute10
* interfaceLineAttribute10
* orgId
* completedBy
* interfaceLineAttribute3
* attribute11
* interfaceLineAttribute7
* interfaceLineAttribute12
* completedFlag
* attribute14
* attribute9
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* expirationDays
* requestId
* interfaceLineAttribute11
* contingencyId
* attribute12
* expirationEventDate


 * docNumber
* exchangeRate
* status
* lastProcessDate
* remitLineNumber
* requestId
* receiptDate
* remitAmount
* currency
* lastUpdatedBy
* remitAmountInvCur
* docDate
* receiptAmount
* creationDate
* customerName
* orgId
* receiptNumber
* customerRef
* createdBy
* lastUpdateDate
* cashReceiptId
* interfaceRemitLineId


 * docNumber
* exchangeRate
* status
* lastProcessDate
* remitLineNumber
* requestId
* receiptDate
* remitAmount
* currency
* lastUpdatedBy
* remitAmountInvCur
* docDate
* receiptAmount
* creationDate
* customerName
* orgId
* receiptNumber
* customerRef
* createdBy
* lastUpdateDate
* cashReceiptId
* interfaceRemitLineId


 * tax
* allocatedReceiptAmount
* createdBy
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute6
* charges
* lineId
* attribute10
* attribute4
* attribute14
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute13
* cashReceiptId
* customerTrxLineId
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute2
* reference3
* freightDiscount
* reference1
* groupId
* lineBalance
* attribute8
* reference5
* attribute3
* sourceTable
* attribute1
* freight
* reference4
* reference2
* taxBalance
* attributeCategory
* creationDate
* amount
* attribute5
* lineDiscount
* attribute7
* attribute15
* objectVersionNumber
* attribute12
* comments
* sourceId
* taxDiscount
* attribute11
* applyTo
* attribute9
* createdByModule


 * tax
* allocatedReceiptAmount
* createdBy
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute6
* charges
* lineId
* attribute10
* attribute4
* attribute14
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute13
* cashReceiptId
* customerTrxLineId
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute2
* reference3
* freightDiscount
* reference1
* groupId
* lineBalance
* attribute8
* reference5
* attribute3
* sourceTable
* attribute1
* freight
* reference4
* reference2
* taxBalance
* attributeCategory
* creationDate
* amount
* attribute5
* lineDiscount
* attribute7
* attribute15
* objectVersionNumber
* attribute12
* comments
* sourceId
* taxDiscount
* attribute11
* applyTo
* attribute9
* createdByModule


 * customerReference
* attribute15
* attribute3
* globalAttribute6
* dueDate
* customerTrxLineId
* ussglTransactionCodeContext
* batchId
* globalAttribute20
* globalAttribute10
* attribute1
* globalAttribute1
* requestId
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute13
* orgId
* globalAttribute7
* transToReceiptRate
* applicationRefType
* soldToCustomer
* globalAttribute16
* appliedRecAppId
* amountAppliedFrom
* globalAttribute8
* globalAttribute9
* attribute7
* createdBy
* paymentScheduleId
* globalAttribute13
* discountTaken
* paymentAmount
* attribute10
* globalAttribute12
* globalAttribute15
* cashReceiptId
* lastUpdatedBy
* globalAttributeCategory
* customerReason
* attribute5
* attribute14
* globalAttribute3
* globalAttribute11
* lastUpdateDate
* programUpdateDate
* globalAttribute14
* creationDate
* ussglTransactionCode
* invoiceCurrencyCode
* attribute2
* programId
* attribute12
* programApplicationId
* attribute6
* attribute4
* attribute11
* cashReceiptLineId
* globalAttribute2
* globalAttribute5
* attribute9
* globalAttribute4
* customerTrxId
* globalAttribute17
* attribute8
* attributeCategory
* globalAttribute19
* globalAttribute18


 * customerReference
* attribute15
* attribute3
* globalAttribute6
* dueDate
* customerTrxLineId
* ussglTransactionCodeContext
* batchId
* globalAttribute20
* globalAttribute10
* attribute1
* globalAttribute1
* requestId
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute13
* orgId
* globalAttribute7
* transToReceiptRate
* applicationRefType
* soldToCustomer
* globalAttribute16
* appliedRecAppId
* amountAppliedFrom
* globalAttribute8
* globalAttribute9
* attribute7
* createdBy
* paymentScheduleId
* globalAttribute13
* discountTaken
* paymentAmount
* attribute10
* globalAttribute12
* globalAttribute15
* cashReceiptId
* lastUpdatedBy
* globalAttributeCategory
* customerReason
* attribute5
* attribute14
* globalAttribute3
* globalAttribute11
* lastUpdateDate
* programUpdateDate
* globalAttribute14
* creationDate
* ussglTransactionCode
* invoiceCurrencyCode
* attribute2
* programId
* attribute12
* programApplicationId
* attribute6
* attribute4
* attribute11
* cashReceiptLineId
* globalAttribute2
* globalAttribute5
* attribute9
* globalAttribute4
* customerTrxId
* globalAttribute17
* attribute8
* attributeCategory
* globalAttribute19
* globalAttribute18


 * amount
* ussglTransactionCode
* globalAttributeCategory
* exchangeRate
* globalAttribute17
* globalAttribute12
* programId
* requestId
* customerBankAccountId
* receiptNumber
* programApplicationId
* globalAttribute2
* batchId
* attribute2
* attribute10
* receiptMethodId
* oldCustomerBankBranchId
* invoiceCurrencyCode
* autoapplyFlag
* attribute7
* programUpdateDate
* globalAttribute15
* ussglTransactionCodeContext
* globalAttribute8
* globalAttribute5
* amountApplied
* attribute5
* globalAttribute11
* cashReceiptId
* attribute8
* autocashFlag
* type
* oldRemitBankAccountId
* docSequenceValue
* comments
* anticipatedClearingDate
* globalAttribute10
* attribute12
* globalAttribute1
* customerReason
* currencyCode
* creationDate
* customerTrxId
* applicationRefType
* attribute6
* exchangeRateType
* attribute4
* attribute9
* globalAttribute13
* customerReference
* oldCustomerBankAccountId
* payFromCustomer
* lastUpdatedBy
* exchangeDate
* remitBankAcctUseId
* attribute11
* createdBy
* attribute1
* globalAttribute18
* docSequenceId
* customerBankBranchId
* attribute3
* globalAttribute7
* orgId
* specialType
* globalAttribute16
* applicationNotes
* globalAttribute9
* status
* glPostedDate
* attribute15
* globalAttribute3
* receiptDate
* transToReceiptRate
* globalAttribute14
* globalAttribute20
* factorDiscountAmount
* attribute14
* globalAttribute4
* lastUpdateLogin
* paymentScheduleId
* lastUpdateDate
* glDate
* siteUseId
* globalAttribute19
* automatchSetId
* attributeCategory
* globalAttribute6
* attribute13


 * amount
* ussglTransactionCode
* globalAttributeCategory
* exchangeRate
* globalAttribute17
* globalAttribute12
* programId
* requestId
* customerBankAccountId
* receiptNumber
* programApplicationId
* globalAttribute2
* batchId
* attribute2
* attribute10
* receiptMethodId
* oldCustomerBankBranchId
* invoiceCurrencyCode
* autoapplyFlag
* attribute7
* programUpdateDate
* globalAttribute15
* ussglTransactionCodeContext
* globalAttribute8
* globalAttribute5
* amountApplied
* attribute5
* globalAttribute11
* cashReceiptId
* attribute8
* autocashFlag
* type
* oldRemitBankAccountId
* docSequenceValue
* comments
* anticipatedClearingDate
* globalAttribute10
* attribute12
* globalAttribute1
* customerReason
* currencyCode
* creationDate
* customerTrxId
* applicationRefType
* attribute6
* exchangeRateType
* attribute4
* attribute9
* globalAttribute13
* customerReference
* oldCustomerBankAccountId
* payFromCustomer
* lastUpdatedBy
* exchangeDate
* remitBankAcctUseId
* attribute11
* createdBy
* attribute1
* globalAttribute18
* docSequenceId
* customerBankBranchId
* attribute3
* globalAttribute7
* orgId
* specialType
* globalAttribute16
* applicationNotes
* globalAttribute9
* status
* glPostedDate
* attribute15
* globalAttribute3
* receiptDate
* transToReceiptRate
* globalAttribute14
* globalAttribute20
* factorDiscountAmount
* attribute14
* globalAttribute4
* lastUpdateLogin
* paymentScheduleId
* lastUpdateDate
* glDate
* siteUseId
* globalAttribute19
* automatchSetId
* attributeCategory
* globalAttribute6
* attribute13


 * lineNumber
* cashReceiptId
* receiptNumber
* batchName
* amountApplied
* trxNumber
* receiptDate
* batchSource
* receiptAmount


 * lineNumber
* cashReceiptId
* receiptNumber
* batchName
* amountApplied
* trxNumber
* receiptDate
* batchSource
* receiptAmount


 * fileName
* lastUpdateLogin
* customerId
* creationDate
* createdBy
* uploadDate
* language
* programName
* lastUpdateDate
* fileData
* requestId
* oracleCharset
* requestedBy
* fileFormat
* customerSiteUseId
* lastUpdatedBy
* fileContentType


 * fileName
* lastUpdateLogin
* customerId
* creationDate
* createdBy
* uploadDate
* language
* programName
* lastUpdateDate
* fileData
* requestId
* oracleCharset
* requestedBy
* fileFormat
* customerSiteUseId
* lastUpdatedBy
* fileContentType


 * attributeCategory
* attribute2
* attribute6
* attribute8
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute1
* createdBy
* attribute4
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute5
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute14
* attribute7
* attribute9
* creationDate
* attribute3
* attribute15
* attribute10
* attribute11
* attribute12
* ruleObjectId
* ruleDetailId
* attribute13


 * attributeCategory
* attribute2
* attribute6
* attribute8
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute1
* createdBy
* attribute4
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute5
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute14
* attribute7
* attribute9
* creationDate
* attribute3
* attribute15
* attribute10
* attribute11
* attribute12
* ruleObjectId
* ruleDetailId
* attribute13


 * attribute3
* createdBy
* attribute6
* creationDate
* attribute9
* attribute10
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute7
* attribute4
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute1
* attribute8
* attribute11
* lastUpdateLogin
* ruleObjectId
* attribute15
* attribute13
* ruleDetailId
* attributeCategory
* attribute5
* attribute12
* attribute14
* attribute2


 * attribute3
* createdBy
* attribute6
* creationDate
* attribute9
* attribute10
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute7
* attribute4
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute1
* attribute8
* attribute11
* lastUpdateLogin
* ruleObjectId
* attribute15
* attribute13
* ruleDetailId
* attributeCategory
* attribute5
* attribute12
* attribute14
* attribute2


 * orgId
* currentDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* customerId
* sessionId
* lastUpdateDate
* objectVersionNumber
* customerSiteUseId
* createdBy
* userId
* relatedCustomerFlag
* lastUpdatedBy
* creationDate


 * orgId
* currentDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* customerId
* sessionId
* lastUpdateDate
* objectVersionNumber
* customerSiteUseId
* createdBy
* userId
* relatedCustomerFlag
* lastUpdatedBy
* creationDate


 * finChargeCharged
* lateChargeType
* requestId
* amountDueOriginal
* customerSiteUseId
* custTrxTypeId
* rateStartDate
* minFcInvoicePercent
* actualDateClosed
* chargeOnFinanceChargeFlag
* maxInterestCharge
* minFcInvoiceOverdueType
* lateChargeTermId
* minInterestCharge
* dueDate
* trxDate
* displayFlag
* interestCalculationPeriod
* originalBalance
* chargeLineType
* financeChargeDate
* interestType
* amountDueRemaining
* orgId
* legalEntityId
* interestDays
* minFcInvoiceAmount
* cashReceiptId
* receiptDate
* scheduleDaysTo
* customerId
* lastChargeDate
* exchangeRateType
* class
* lateChargeAmount
* lateChargeTrxId
* messageTextId
* currencyCode
* interestPeriodDays
* rateEndDate
* interestRate
* customerTrxId
* scheduleDaysStart
* paymentScheduleId
* overdueLatePayAmount
* exchangeRate
* chargeType


 * finChargeCharged
* lateChargeType
* requestId
* amountDueOriginal
* customerSiteUseId
* custTrxTypeId
* rateStartDate
* minFcInvoicePercent
* actualDateClosed
* chargeOnFinanceChargeFlag
* maxInterestCharge
* minFcInvoiceOverdueType
* lateChargeTermId
* minInterestCharge
* dueDate
* trxDate
* displayFlag
* interestCalculationPeriod
* originalBalance
* chargeLineType
* financeChargeDate
* interestType
* amountDueRemaining
* orgId
* legalEntityId
* interestDays
* minFcInvoiceAmount
* cashReceiptId
* receiptDate
* scheduleDaysTo
* customerId
* lastChargeDate
* exchangeRateType
* class
* lateChargeAmount
* lateChargeTrxId
* messageTextId
* currencyCode
* interestPeriodDays
* rateEndDate
* interestRate
* customerTrxId
* scheduleDaysStart
* paymentScheduleId
* overdueLatePayAmount
* exchangeRate
* chargeType


 * interestFixedAmount
* penaltyScheduleId
* holdChargedInvoicesFlag
* customerProfileId
* paymentGraceDays
* multipleInterestRatesFlag
* lastConsBillDate
* lateChargeType
* interestCalculationPeriod
* lastConsBillDueDate
* interestType
* disputedTransactionsFlag
* chargeBeginDate
* orgId
* consBillLevel
* minFcInvoiceAmount
* minFcBalanceAmount
* customerSiteUseId
* penaltyType
* penaltyFixedAmount
* lastAccrueChargeDate
* exchangeRate
* chargeOnFinanceChargeFlag
* maxInterestCharge
* minInterestCharge
* currencyCode
* minFcBalancePercent
* interestRate
* lastConsBillId
* lateChargeCalculationTrx
* exchangeRateType
* requestId
* interestPeriodDays
* customerId
* collectorId
* minFcBalanceOverdueType
* messageTextId
* custAcctProfileAmtId
* minFcInvoicePercent
* penaltyRate
* creditItemsFlag
* lateChargeTermId
* consInvFlag
* lcCustSitesId
* interestScheduleId
* lastConsBillAmount
* minFcInvoiceOverdueType


 * interestFixedAmount
* penaltyScheduleId
* holdChargedInvoicesFlag
* customerProfileId
* paymentGraceDays
* multipleInterestRatesFlag
* lastConsBillDate
* lateChargeType
* interestCalculationPeriod
* lastConsBillDueDate
* interestType
* disputedTransactionsFlag
* chargeBeginDate
* orgId
* consBillLevel
* minFcInvoiceAmount
* minFcBalanceAmount
* customerSiteUseId
* penaltyType
* penaltyFixedAmount
* lastAccrueChargeDate
* exchangeRate
* chargeOnFinanceChargeFlag
* maxInterestCharge
* minInterestCharge
* currencyCode
* minFcBalancePercent
* interestRate
* lastConsBillId
* lateChargeCalculationTrx
* exchangeRateType
* requestId
* interestPeriodDays
* customerId
* collectorId
* minFcBalanceOverdueType
* messageTextId
* custAcctProfileAmtId
* minFcInvoicePercent
* penaltyRate
* creditItemsFlag
* lateChargeTermId
* consInvFlag
* lcCustSitesId
* interestScheduleId
* lastConsBillAmount
* minFcInvoiceOverdueType


 * lastUpdateLogin
* customerTrxLineId
* creationDate
* reasonRemovalDate
* contingencyCode
* createdBy
* lastUpdateDate
* expirationDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* completedFlag
* orgId
* completedBy
* defaultedInArFlag
* contingencyId
* requestId
* expirationDays
* expirationEventDate


 * lastUpdateLogin
* customerTrxLineId
* creationDate
* reasonRemovalDate
* contingencyCode
* createdBy
* lastUpdateDate
* expirationDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* completedFlag
* orgId
* completedBy
* defaultedInArFlag
* contingencyId
* requestId
* expirationDays
* expirationEventDate


 * summaryFlag
* locationIdSegment7
* enabledFlag
* locationIdSegment6
* endDateActive
* locationIdSegment4
* attribute12
* locationIdSegment3
* startDateActive
* locationId
* locationIdSegment9
* attributeCategory
* attribute14
* attribute9
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute2
* locationIdSegment8
* attribute1
* attribute15
* lastUpdatedBy
* locationIdSegment1
* attribute6
* attribute13
* attribute11
* attribute7
* attribute5
* attribute8
* programUpdateDate
* requestId
* programApplicationId
* attribute3
* locationIdSegment2
* createdBy
* locationIdSegment5
* locationStructureId
* attribute4
* attribute10
* programId
* creationDate
* locationIdSegment10


 * summaryFlag
* locationIdSegment7
* enabledFlag
* locationIdSegment6
* endDateActive
* locationIdSegment4
* attribute12
* locationIdSegment3
* startDateActive
* locationId
* locationIdSegment9
* attributeCategory
* attribute14
* attribute9
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute2
* locationIdSegment8
* attribute1
* attribute15
* lastUpdatedBy
* locationIdSegment1
* attribute6
* attribute13
* attribute11
* attribute7
* attribute5
* attribute8
* programUpdateDate
* requestId
* programApplicationId
* attribute3
* locationIdSegment2
* createdBy
* locationIdSegment5
* locationStructureId
* attribute4
* attribute10
* programId
* creationDate
* locationIdSegment10


 * ediscCcid
* lastUpdatedBy
* createdBy
* attribute1
* attributeCategory
* programId
* programUpdateDate
* attribute14
* adjNonRecTaxCcid
* unediscCcid
* orgId
* locationSegmentId
* finchrgCcid
* adjCcid
* attribute15
* attribute9
* attribute10
* programApplicationId
* taxAccountCcid
* attribute7
* ediscNonRecTaxCcid
* interimTaxCcid
* unediscNonRecTaxCcid
* finchrgNonRecTaxCcid
* locationValueAccountId
* creationDate
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute5
* attribute6
* attribute11
* attribute12
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute3
* attribute13
* requestId
* attribute2
* attribute4
* attribute8


 * ediscCcid
* lastUpdatedBy
* createdBy
* attribute1
* attributeCategory
* programId
* programUpdateDate
* attribute14
* adjNonRecTaxCcid
* unediscCcid
* orgId
* locationSegmentId
* finchrgCcid
* adjCcid
* attribute15
* attribute9
* attribute10
* programApplicationId
* taxAccountCcid
* attribute7
* ediscNonRecTaxCcid
* interimTaxCcid
* unediscNonRecTaxCcid
* finchrgNonRecTaxCcid
* locationValueAccountId
* creationDate
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute5
* attribute6
* attribute11
* attribute12
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute3
* attribute13
* requestId
* attribute2
* attribute4
* attribute8


 * attribute8
* attribute1
* locationIdSegment4
* locationIdSegment8
* startDateActive
* programApplicationId
* locationIdSegment1
* locationIdSegment3
* attribute10
* lastUpdateDate
* attributeCategory
* endDateActive
* summaryFlag
* attribute6
* locationIdSegment7
* lastUpdatedBy
* creationDate
* attribute4
* attribute12
* attribute7
* attribute9
* attribute11
* enabledFlag
* locationIdSegment10
* locationIdSegment9
* attribute15
* attribute5
* locationIdSegment5
* locationIdSegment6
* requestId
* locationStructureId
* attribute14
* attribute3
* attribute13
* attribute2
* locationId
* programUpdateDate
* createdBy
* programId
* locationIdSegment2


 * attribute8
* attribute1
* locationIdSegment4
* locationIdSegment8
* startDateActive
* programApplicationId
* locationIdSegment1
* locationIdSegment3
* attribute10
* lastUpdateDate
* attributeCategory
* endDateActive
* summaryFlag
* attribute6
* locationIdSegment7
* lastUpdatedBy
* creationDate
* attribute4
* attribute12
* attribute7
* attribute9
* attribute11
* enabledFlag
* locationIdSegment10
* locationIdSegment9
* attribute15
* attribute5
* locationIdSegment5
* locationIdSegment6
* requestId
* locationStructureId
* attribute14
* attribute3
* attribute13
* attribute2
* locationId
* programUpdateDate
* createdBy
* programId
* locationIdSegment2


 * attribute5
* attribute11
* attribute7
* overrideRate9
* overrideStructureId
* startDate
* attribute10
* taxCode
* attribute9
* creationDate
* attribute12
* lastUpdatedBy
* attributeCategory
* attribute2
* lastUpdateDate
* programUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* toPostalCode
* attribute8
* attribute4
* locationRateId
* attribute6
* programApplicationId
* attribute14
* overrideRate7
* endDate
* attribute1
* requestId
* overrideRate6
* attribute13
* taxRate
* locationSegmentId
* programId
* overrideRate10
* overrideRate2
* overrideRate5
* overrideRate8
* fromPostalCode
* attribute15
* attribute3
* overrideRate4
* createdBy
* overrideRate1
* overrideRate3


 * attribute5
* attribute11
* attribute7
* overrideRate9
* overrideStructureId
* startDate
* attribute10
* taxCode
* attribute9
* creationDate
* attribute12
* lastUpdatedBy
* attributeCategory
* attribute2
* lastUpdateDate
* programUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* toPostalCode
* attribute8
* attribute4
* locationRateId
* attribute6
* programApplicationId
* attribute14
* overrideRate7
* endDate
* attribute1
* requestId
* overrideRate6
* attribute13
* taxRate
* locationSegmentId
* programId
* overrideRate10
* overrideRate2
* overrideRate5
* overrideRate8
* fromPostalCode
* attribute15
* attribute3
* overrideRate4
* createdBy
* overrideRate1
* overrideRate3


 * programUpdateDate
* attribute10
* attribute1
* attribute9
* innerCityFlag
* overrideGeographyId
* attribute7
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute3
* attribute11
* attribute5
* endDate
* attribute4
* startDate
* overrideRate6
* overrideRate4
* attribute13
* overrideRate8
* programId
* programApplicationId
* overrideStructureId
* creationDate
* requestId
* attribute15
* overrideRate2
* overrideRate1
* overrideRate10
* taxCode
* lastUpdateDate
* fromPostalCode
* precedenceLevel
* lastUpdateLogin
* jurisdictionGeographyId
* taxRate
* overrideRate7
* toPostalCode
* attributeCategory
* createdBy
* locationSegmentId
* attribute8
* attribute6
* overrideRate9
* attribute12
* locationRateId
* overrideRate3
* overrideRate5
* attribute14
* attribute2


 * programUpdateDate
* attribute10
* attribute1
* attribute9
* innerCityFlag
* overrideGeographyId
* attribute7
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute3
* attribute11
* attribute5
* endDate
* attribute4
* startDate
* overrideRate6
* overrideRate4
* attribute13
* overrideRate8
* programId
* programApplicationId
* overrideStructureId
* creationDate
* requestId
* attribute15
* overrideRate2
* overrideRate1
* overrideRate10
* taxCode
* lastUpdateDate
* fromPostalCode
* precedenceLevel
* lastUpdateLogin
* jurisdictionGeographyId
* taxRate
* overrideRate7
* toPostalCode
* attributeCategory
* createdBy
* locationSegmentId
* attribute8
* attribute6
* overrideRate9
* attribute12
* locationRateId
* overrideRate3
* overrideRate5
* attribute14
* attribute2


 * attribute6
* ediscCcid
* requestId
* attribute5
* unediscCcid
* locationSegmentUserValue
* unediscNonRecTaxCcid
* attribute13
* createdBy
* attribute15
* locationStructureId
* attribute14
* attribute2
* attribute9
* creationDate
* ediscNonRecTaxCcid
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute11
* taxAccountCcid
* adjNonRecTaxCcid
* attribute10
* lastUpdateDate
* locationSegmentDescription
* interimTaxCcid
* attribute4
* locationSegmentQualifier
* programUpdateDate
* locationSegmentId
* finchrgCcid
* attributeCategory
* lastUpdateLogin
* orgId
* attribute3
* attribute7
* parentSegmentId
* attribute8
* attribute1
* adjCcid
* attribute12
* locationSegmentValue
* programApplicationId
* programId
* finchrgNonRecTaxCcid


 * attribute6
* ediscCcid
* requestId
* attribute5
* unediscCcid
* locationSegmentUserValue
* unediscNonRecTaxCcid
* attribute13
* createdBy
* attribute15
* locationStructureId
* attribute14
* attribute2
* attribute9
* creationDate
* ediscNonRecTaxCcid
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute11
* taxAccountCcid
* adjNonRecTaxCcid
* attribute10
* lastUpdateDate
* locationSegmentDescription
* interimTaxCcid
* attribute4
* locationSegmentQualifier
* programUpdateDate
* locationSegmentId
* finchrgCcid
* attributeCategory
* lastUpdateLogin
* orgId
* attribute3
* attribute7
* parentSegmentId
* attribute8
* attribute1
* adjCcid
* attribute12
* locationSegmentValue
* programApplicationId
* programId
* finchrgNonRecTaxCcid


 * attribute15
* locationSegmentUserValue
* requestId
* attribute7
* finchrgCcid
* globalAttribute10
* parentSegmentId
* adjCcid
* globalAttribute2
* globalAttribute6
* attribute1
* globalAttribute3
* attribute12
* globalAttribute1
* globalAttributeCategory
* taxAccountCcid
* programId
* adjNonRecTaxCcid
* globalAttribute16
* attribute14
* globalAttribute14
* attributeCategory
* ediscNonRecTaxCcid
* attribute5
* attribute4
* globalAttribute18
* attribute9
* globalAttribute19
* locationSegmentId
* locationStructureId
* locationSegmentDescription
* attribute3
* globalAttribute20
* attribute11
* locationSegmentQualifier
* programUpdateDate
* attribute2
* finchrgNonRecTaxCcid
* globalAttribute5
* attribute6
* globalAttribute15
* globalAttribute7
* globalAttribute12
* interimTaxCcid
* orgId
* globalAttribute17
* geographyId
* attribute13
* attribute8
* createdBy
* lastUpdateDate
* countryGeographyId
* locationSegmentValue
* globalAttribute8
* ediscCcid
* unediscCcid
* creationDate
* programApplicationId
* globalAttribute13
* lastUpdateLogin
* globalAttribute9
* unediscNonRecTaxCcid
* globalAttribute4
* lastUpdatedBy
* globalAttribute11
* attribute10


 * attribute15
* locationSegmentUserValue
* requestId
* attribute7
* finchrgCcid
* globalAttribute10
* parentSegmentId
* adjCcid
* globalAttribute2
* globalAttribute6
* attribute1
* globalAttribute3
* attribute12
* globalAttribute1
* globalAttributeCategory
* taxAccountCcid
* programId
* adjNonRecTaxCcid
* globalAttribute16
* attribute14
* globalAttribute14
* attributeCategory
* ediscNonRecTaxCcid
* attribute5
* attribute4
* globalAttribute18
* attribute9
* globalAttribute19
* locationSegmentId
* locationStructureId
* locationSegmentDescription
* attribute3
* globalAttribute20
* attribute11
* locationSegmentQualifier
* programUpdateDate
* attribute2
* finchrgNonRecTaxCcid
* globalAttribute5
* attribute6
* globalAttribute15
* globalAttribute7
* globalAttribute12
* interimTaxCcid
* orgId
* globalAttribute17
* geographyId
* attribute13
* attribute8
* createdBy
* lastUpdateDate
* countryGeographyId
* locationSegmentValue
* globalAttribute8
* ediscCcid
* unediscCcid
* creationDate
* programApplicationId
* globalAttribute13
* lastUpdateLogin
* globalAttribute9
* unediscNonRecTaxCcid
* globalAttribute4
* lastUpdatedBy
* globalAttribute11
* attribute10


 * attribute5
* automatchSetId
* attribute4
* contactName
* attribute14
* attribute15
* batchSourceId
* attribute2
* createClaimsFlag
* attribute11
* lockboxId
* createdBy
* batchSize
* lockboxNumber
* requireBillingLocationFlag
* useMatchingDate
* autocashFlag
* glDateSource
* creationDate
* attribute8
* exchangeRateType
* attribute9
* attribute3
* lastUpdatedBy
* autoapplyFlag
* receiptMethodId
* lastUpdateDate
* lineLevelCashAppRule
* status
* attribute6
* attribute12
* attribute7
* lockboxMatchingOption
* orgId
* attribute10
* allowInvalidTxnNum
* telephone
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute1
* attribute13
* bankOriginationNumber
* autoAssociate
* attributeCategory


 * lockboxId
* rowKey
* auditUserName
* batchSourceId
* bankOriginationNumber
* orgId
* lockboxNumber
* auditSequenceId
* auditTimestamp
* auditTrueNulls
* auditSessionId
* auditCommitId
* auditTransactionType


 * lockboxId
* rowKey
* auditUserName
* batchSourceId
* bankOriginationNumber
* orgId
* lockboxNumber
* auditSequenceId
* auditTimestamp
* auditTrueNulls
* auditSessionId
* auditCommitId
* auditTransactionType


 * attribute5
* automatchSetId
* attribute4
* contactName
* attribute14
* attribute15
* batchSourceId
* attribute2
* createClaimsFlag
* attribute11
* lockboxId
* createdBy
* batchSize
* lockboxNumber
* requireBillingLocationFlag
* useMatchingDate
* autocashFlag
* glDateSource
* creationDate
* attribute8
* exchangeRateType
* attribute9
* attribute3
* lastUpdatedBy
* autoapplyFlag
* receiptMethodId
* lastUpdateDate
* lineLevelCashAppRule
* status
* attribute6
* attribute12
* attribute7
* lockboxMatchingOption
* orgId
* attribute10
* allowInvalidTxnNum
* telephone
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute1
* attribute13
* bankOriginationNumber
* autoAssociate
* attributeCategory


 * glPostedDate
* lastUpdateDate
* setOfBooksId
* acctdAmount
* lastUpdatedBy
* adjustmentId
* postingControlId


 * glPostedDate
* lastUpdateDate
* setOfBooksId
* acctdAmount
* lastUpdatedBy
* adjustmentId
* postingControlId


 * batchId
* exchangeRate
* exchangeDate
* exchangeRateType
* setOfBooksId


 * batchId
* exchangeRate
* exchangeDate
* exchangeRateType
* setOfBooksId


 * createdBy
* sourceId
* postingControlId
* glDate
* orgId
* source
* type
* amount
* codeCombinationId
* setOfBooksId
* currencyCode
* lastUpdatedBy
* acctdAmount
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* programUpdateDate
* paymentScheduleId
* programApplicationId
* programId
* glPostedDate
* cashBasisDistributionId
* receivableApplicationId
* creationDate
* receivableApplicationIdCash


 * createdBy
* sourceId
* postingControlId
* glDate
* orgId
* source
* type
* amount
* codeCombinationId
* setOfBooksId
* currencyCode
* lastUpdatedBy
* acctdAmount
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* programUpdateDate
* paymentScheduleId
* programApplicationId
* programId
* glPostedDate
* cashBasisDistributionId
* receivableApplicationId
* creationDate
* receivableApplicationIdCash


 * reversalGlPostedDate
* cashReceiptHistoryId
* glPostedDate
* acctdAmount
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* exchangeDate
* exchangeRate
* createdFrom
* setOfBooksId
* firstPostedRecordFlag
* reversalPostingControlId
* acctdFactorDiscountAmount
* cashReceiptId
* postingControlId
* exchangeRateType


 * reversalGlPostedDate
* cashReceiptHistoryId
* glPostedDate
* acctdAmount
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* exchangeDate
* exchangeRate
* createdFrom
* setOfBooksId
* firstPostedRecordFlag
* reversalPostingControlId
* acctdFactorDiscountAmount
* cashReceiptId
* postingControlId
* exchangeRateType


 * exchangeRate
* exchangeRateType
* cashReceiptId
* setOfBooksId
* exchangeDate


 * exchangeRate
* exchangeRateType
* cashReceiptId
* setOfBooksId
* exchangeDate


 * currencyConversionDate
* acctdAmountCr
* taxGroupCodeId
* lineId
* amountDr
* orgId
* sourceType
* setOfBooksId
* currencyCode
* currencyConversionType
* sourceId
* reversedSourceId
* lastUpdateDate
* locationSegmentId
* codeCombinationId
* taxableAccountedCr
* thirdPartyId
* sourceTypeSecondary
* acctdAmountDr
* sourceTableSecondary
* thirdPartySubId
* creationDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* amountCr
* lastUpdateLogin
* sourceTable
* taxCodeId
* sourceIdSecondary
* taxableEnteredDr
* currencyConversionRate
* createdBy
* taxableAccountedDr
* taxLinkId
* taxableEnteredCr


 * currencyConversionDate
* acctdAmountCr
* taxGroupCodeId
* lineId
* amountDr
* orgId
* sourceType
* setOfBooksId
* currencyCode
* currencyConversionType
* sourceId
* reversedSourceId
* lastUpdateDate
* locationSegmentId
* codeCombinationId
* taxableAccountedCr
* thirdPartyId
* sourceTypeSecondary
* acctdAmountDr
* sourceTableSecondary
* thirdPartySubId
* creationDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* amountCr
* lastUpdateLogin
* sourceTable
* taxCodeId
* sourceIdSecondary
* taxableEnteredDr
* currencyConversionRate
* createdBy
* taxableAccountedDr
* taxLinkId
* taxableEnteredCr


 * miscCashDistributionId
* acctdAmount
* lastUpdatedBy
* glPostedDate
* percent
* postingControlId
* cashReceiptId
* amount
* createdFrom
* lastUpdateDate
* setOfBooksId


 * miscCashDistributionId
* acctdAmount
* lastUpdatedBy
* glPostedDate
* percent
* postingControlId
* cashReceiptId
* amount
* createdFrom
* lastUpdateDate
* setOfBooksId


 * setOfBooksId
* customerTrxId
* exchangeRateType
* amountDueRemaining
* exchangeRate
* paymentScheduleId
* exchangeDate
* acctdAmountDueRemaining


 * setOfBooksId
* customerTrxId
* exchangeRateType
* amountDueRemaining
* exchangeRate
* paymentScheduleId
* exchangeDate
* acctdAmountDueRemaining


 * oldExchangeRateType
* rateAdjustmentId
* oldExchangeRate
* newExchangeRate
* setOfBooksId
* oldExchangeDate
* newExchangeDate
* newExchangeRateType
* gainLoss


 * oldExchangeRateType
* rateAdjustmentId
* oldExchangeRate
* newExchangeRate
* setOfBooksId
* oldExchangeDate
* newExchangeDate
* newExchangeRateType
* gainLoss


 * status
* paymentScheduleId
* cashReceiptId
* lastUpdateDate
* amountAppliedFrom
* programId
* cashReceiptHistoryId
* acctdAmountAppliedTo
* adjustmentCreated
* acctdUnearnedDiscountTaken
* display
* acctdAmountAppliedFrom
* amountApplied
* applicationRule
* lastUpdatedBy
* reversalCreated
* setOfBooksId
* glPostedDate
* acctdEarnedDiscountTaken
* receivableApplicationId
* postingControlId


 * status
* paymentScheduleId
* cashReceiptId
* lastUpdateDate
* amountAppliedFrom
* programId
* cashReceiptHistoryId
* acctdAmountAppliedTo
* adjustmentCreated
* acctdUnearnedDiscountTaken
* display
* acctdAmountAppliedFrom
* amountApplied
* applicationRule
* lastUpdatedBy
* reversalCreated
* setOfBooksId
* glPostedDate
* acctdEarnedDiscountTaken
* receivableApplicationId
* postingControlId


 * lastUpdateLogin
* setOfBooksId
* status
* glPostedDate
* createdFrom
* creationDate
* transactionHistoryId
* customerTrxId
* lastUpdateDate
* postingControlId
* createdBy
* lastUpdatedBy


 * lastUpdateLogin
* setOfBooksId
* status
* glPostedDate
* createdFrom
* creationDate
* transactionHistoryId
* customerTrxId
* lastUpdateDate
* postingControlId
* createdBy
* lastUpdatedBy


 * taxCode
* globalAttribute11
* attributeCategory
* zdEditionName
* attribute8
* attribute7
* globalAttribute15
* attribute4
* lineType
* taxProductCategory
* attribute6
* creationDate
* globalAttribute13
* orgId
* attribute13
* globalAttribute8
* globalAttribute19
* globalAttribute1
* attribute3
* globalAttribute5
* lastUpdateLogin
* globalAttribute7
* startDate
* attribute12
* globalAttribute12
* attribute9
* endDate
* accountingRuleId
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute10
* lastUpdateDate
* globalAttribute2
* zdSync
* attribute2
* globalAttribute14
* globalAttribute16
* globalAttribute17
* invoicingRuleId
* createdBy
* attribute15
* unitStdPrice
* memoLineId
* uomCode
* glIdRev
* globalAttributeCategory
* setOfBooksId
* globalAttribute20
* attribute1
* globalAttribute3
* attribute5
* globalAttribute4
* globalAttribute6
* globalAttribute10
* globalAttribute18
* globalAttribute9
* attribute14
* attribute11


 * taxCode
* globalAttribute11
* attributeCategory
* zdEditionName
* attribute8
* attribute7
* globalAttribute15
* attribute4
* lineType
* taxProductCategory
* attribute6
* creationDate
* globalAttribute13
* orgId
* attribute13
* globalAttribute8
* globalAttribute19
* globalAttribute1
* attribute3
* globalAttribute5
* lastUpdateLogin
* globalAttribute7
* startDate
* attribute12
* globalAttribute12
* attribute9
* endDate
* accountingRuleId
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute10
* lastUpdateDate
* globalAttribute2
* zdSync
* attribute2
* globalAttribute14
* globalAttribute16
* globalAttribute17
* invoicingRuleId
* createdBy
* attribute15
* unitStdPrice
* memoLineId
* uomCode
* glIdRev
* globalAttributeCategory
* setOfBooksId
* globalAttribute20
* attribute1
* globalAttribute3
* attribute5
* globalAttribute4
* globalAttribute6
* globalAttribute10
* globalAttribute18
* globalAttribute9
* attribute14
* attribute11


 * memoLineId
* sourceLang
* lastUpdateDate
* createdBy
* lastUpdatedBy
* name
* creationDate
* description
* language
* zdEditionName
* orgId
* zdSync
* lastUpdateLogin


 * memoLineId
* sourceLang
* lastUpdateDate
* createdBy
* lastUpdatedBy
* name
* creationDate
* description
* language
* zdEditionName
* orgId
* zdSync
* lastUpdateLogin


 * globalAttribute7
* globalAttribute10
* globalAttribute24
* cashReceiptHistoryId
* attribute2
* requestId
* globalAttribute5
* globalAttribute15
* cashReceiptId
* attribute5
* attribute12
* attribute1
* mrcPostingControlId
* globalAttribute4
* globalAttribute2
* globalAttribute9
* programApplicationId
* comments
* createdBy
* globalAttribute25
* setOfBooksId
* eventId
* globalAttribute12
* glDate
* codeCombinationId
* globalAttribute1
* globalAttribute14
* attribute3
* miscCashDistributionId
* globalAttribute22
* globalAttribute28
* globalAttribute20
* attribute7
* acctdAmount
* attribute15
* globalAttribute17
* globalAttribute18
* attribute11
* creationDate
* programId
* postingControlId
* globalAttribute13
* mrcAcctdAmount
* mrcGlPostedDate
* globalAttribute16
* globalAttribute23
* globalAttribute30
* createdFrom
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute13
* globalAttribute26
* percent
* globalAttribute6
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute10
* ussglTransactionCodeContext
* globalAttribute21
* attributeCategory
* globalAttribute27
* attribute8
* amount
* attribute9
* applyDate
* attribute14
* globalAttribute8
* globalAttribute3
* glPostedDate
* globalAttribute11
* globalAttribute19
* reversalGlDate
* globalAttributeCategory
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute6
* globalAttribute29
* orgId
* attribute4
* programUpdateDate
* ussglTransactionCode


 * globalAttribute7
* globalAttribute10
* globalAttribute24
* cashReceiptHistoryId
* attribute2
* requestId
* globalAttribute5
* globalAttribute15
* cashReceiptId
* attribute5
* attribute12
* attribute1
* mrcPostingControlId
* globalAttribute4
* globalAttribute2
* globalAttribute9
* programApplicationId
* comments
* createdBy
* globalAttribute25
* setOfBooksId
* eventId
* globalAttribute12
* glDate
* codeCombinationId
* globalAttribute1
* globalAttribute14
* attribute3
* miscCashDistributionId
* globalAttribute22
* globalAttribute28
* globalAttribute20
* attribute7
* acctdAmount
* attribute15
* globalAttribute17
* globalAttribute18
* attribute11
* creationDate
* programId
* postingControlId
* globalAttribute13
* mrcAcctdAmount
* mrcGlPostedDate
* globalAttribute16
* globalAttribute23
* globalAttribute30
* createdFrom
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute13
* globalAttribute26
* percent
* globalAttribute6
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute10
* ussglTransactionCodeContext
* globalAttribute21
* attributeCategory
* globalAttribute27
* attribute8
* amount
* attribute9
* applyDate
* attribute14
* globalAttribute8
* globalAttribute3
* glPostedDate
* globalAttribute11
* globalAttribute19
* reversalGlDate
* globalAttributeCategory
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute6
* globalAttribute29
* orgId
* attribute4
* programUpdateDate
* ussglTransactionCode


 * lastUpdatedBy
* noteId
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdateDate
* callActionId
* customerCallId
* customerCallTopicId
* customerTrxId
* creationDate
* text
* createdBy
* noteType


 * lastUpdatedBy
* noteId
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdateDate
* callActionId
* customerCallId
* customerCallTopicId
* customerTrxId
* creationDate
* text
* createdBy
* noteType


 * discountDate
* freightRemaining
* trxDate
* cashAppliedAmountLast
* customerTrxId
* attribute1
* attribute10
* programId
* amountDueRemaining
* discountOriginal
* associatedCashReceiptId
* attribute5
* invoiceCurrencyCode
* attribute4
* attribute2
* amountAdjustedPending
* paymentScheduleId
* followUpCodeLast
* reservedType
* taxRemaining
* cashAppliedIdLast
* discountTakenEarned
* exchangeRateType
* discountRemaining
* cashReceiptDateLast
* mrcCustomerTrxId
* class
* customerSiteUseId
* amountLineItemsRemaining
* receivablesChargesRemaining
* mrcAcctdAmountDueRemaining
* globalAttribute16
* promiseAmountLast
* globalAttribute11
* acctdAmountDueRemaining
* attribute6
* adjustmentGlDateLast
* receivablesChargesCharged
* amountCredited
* globalAttributeCategory
* lastUnaccrueChrgDate
* cashReceiptAmountLast
* attribute13
* selectedForReceiptBatchId
* inCollection
* requestId
* glDateClosed
* programApplicationId
* promiseDateLast
* globalAttribute15
* secondLastUnaccrueChrgDt
* amountApplied
* status
* exchangeDate
* globalAttribute10
* globalAttribute18
* attribute3
* consInvIdRev
* followUpDateLast
* actualDateClosed
* cashReceiptIdLast
* attribute15
* customerId
* termsSequenceNumber
* globalAttribute20
* glDate
* excludeFromDunningFlag
* orgId
* attribute11
* mrcExchangeRateType
* mrcExchangeRate
* lastUpdateLogin
* excludeFromConsBillFlag
* programUpdateDate
* globalAttribute1
* cashReceiptId
* callDateLast
* amountInDispute
* adjustmentAmountLast
* globalAttribute8
* activeClaimFlag
* attribute8
* discountTakenUnearned
* consInvId
* cashReceiptStatusLast
* amountDueOriginal
* attribute12
* creationDate
* createdBy
* globalAttribute14
* amountAdjusted
* cashAppliedStatusLast
* exchangeRate
* globalAttribute2
* globalAttribute12
* globalAttribute19
* globalAttribute17
* lastUpdatedBy
* cashAppliedDateLast
* globalAttribute4
* globalAttribute13
* amountLineItemsOriginal
* reservedValue
* globalAttribute7
* globalAttribute9
* dunningLevelOverrideDate
* attribute9
* dueDate
* secondLastChargeDate
* disputeDate
* taxOriginal
* globalAttribute6
* paymentApproval
* freightOriginal
* attribute14
* attributeCategory
* lastUpdateDate
* termId
* collectorLast
* trxNumber
* globalAttribute3
* attribute7
* numberOfDueDates
* reversedCashReceiptId
* custTrxTypeId
* receiptConfirmedFlag
* stagedDunningLevel
* lastChargeDate
* mrcExchangeDate
* globalAttribute5
* cashGlDateLast
* adjustmentDateLast
* adjustmentIdLast
* brAmountAssigned


 * discountDate
* freightRemaining
* trxDate
* cashAppliedAmountLast
* customerTrxId
* attribute1
* attribute10
* programId
* amountDueRemaining
* discountOriginal
* associatedCashReceiptId
* attribute5
* invoiceCurrencyCode
* attribute4
* attribute2
* amountAdjustedPending
* paymentScheduleId
* followUpCodeLast
* reservedType
* taxRemaining
* cashAppliedIdLast
* discountTakenEarned
* exchangeRateType
* discountRemaining
* cashReceiptDateLast
* mrcCustomerTrxId
* class
* customerSiteUseId
* amountLineItemsRemaining
* receivablesChargesRemaining
* mrcAcctdAmountDueRemaining
* globalAttribute16
* promiseAmountLast
* globalAttribute11
* acctdAmountDueRemaining
* attribute6
* adjustmentGlDateLast
* receivablesChargesCharged
* amountCredited
* globalAttributeCategory
* lastUnaccrueChrgDate
* cashReceiptAmountLast
* attribute13
* selectedForReceiptBatchId
* inCollection
* requestId
* glDateClosed
* programApplicationId
* promiseDateLast
* globalAttribute15
* secondLastUnaccrueChrgDt
* amountApplied
* status
* exchangeDate
* globalAttribute10
* globalAttribute18
* attribute3
* consInvIdRev
* followUpDateLast
* actualDateClosed
* cashReceiptIdLast
* attribute15
* customerId
* termsSequenceNumber
* globalAttribute20
* glDate
* excludeFromDunningFlag
* orgId
* attribute11
* mrcExchangeRateType
* mrcExchangeRate
* lastUpdateLogin
* excludeFromConsBillFlag
* programUpdateDate
* globalAttribute1
* cashReceiptId
* callDateLast
* amountInDispute
* adjustmentAmountLast
* globalAttribute8
* activeClaimFlag
* attribute8
* discountTakenUnearned
* consInvId
* cashReceiptStatusLast
* amountDueOriginal
* attribute12
* creationDate
* createdBy
* globalAttribute14
* amountAdjusted
* cashAppliedStatusLast
* exchangeRate
* globalAttribute2
* globalAttribute12
* globalAttribute19
* globalAttribute17
* lastUpdatedBy
* cashAppliedDateLast
* globalAttribute4
* globalAttribute13
* amountLineItemsOriginal
* reservedValue
* globalAttribute7
* globalAttribute9
* dunningLevelOverrideDate
* attribute9
* dueDate
* secondLastChargeDate
* disputeDate
* taxOriginal
* globalAttribute6
* paymentApproval
* freightOriginal
* attribute14
* attributeCategory
* lastUpdateDate
* termId
* collectorLast
* trxNumber
* globalAttribute3
* attribute7
* numberOfDueDates
* reversedCashReceiptId
* custTrxTypeId
* receiptConfirmedFlag
* stagedDunningLevel
* lastChargeDate
* mrcExchangeDate
* globalAttribute5
* cashGlDateLast
* adjustmentDateLast
* adjustmentIdLast
* brAmountAssigned


 * globalAttribute2
* transToReceiptRate7
* resolvedMatchingNumber3
* currencyCode
* tmpInvCurrencyCode5
* lockboxBatchCount
* attribute10
* transToReceiptRate1
* ussglTransactionCode5
* anticipatedClearingDate
* globalAttribute11
* itemNumber
* invoice5
* resolvedMatching6Date
* matching4Date
* transmissionRecordId
* tmpAmtApplied2
* attribute7
* attribute3
* invoice3Status
* cpgCustDeductionReasonCode
* tmpAmtApplied5
* resolvedMatching8Date
* receiptMethodId
* customerSiteUseId
* resolvedMatching7Date
* cpgBatchDate
* origination
* tmpInvCurrencyCode6
* transToReceiptRate2
* creationDate
* customerBankName
* customerReason5
* resolvedMatching1Date
* customerReason7
* sourceTypeFlag
* globalAttribute8
* resolvedMatching4Installment
* attribute6
* transToReceiptRate5
* globalAttribute13
* depositTime
* globalAttribute19
* amountAppliedFrom2
* amountAppliedFrom8
* invoice7
* globalAttribute10
* tmpTransToRcptRate3
* cpgPostmarkDate
* tmpAmtApplied7
* exchangeRateType
* cpgTrxHandlingCode
* invoice1Installment
* lastUpdateLogin
* globalAttribute14
* customerReference7
* tmpTransToRcptRate2
* attribute12
* matching5Date
* amountAppliedFrom6
* resolvedMatchingNumber1
* tmpAmtApplied8
* tmpTransToRcptRate8
* cpgPurchaseOrderNumber
* invoiceCurrencyCode4
* amountApplied1
* cpgBatchSequenceNumber
* tmpAmtAppliedFrom7
* transmissionRecordCount
* cpgBatchSource
* invoice3
* amountApplied4
* receiptDate
* cpgReceiptAmount
* transferredReceiptAmount
* overflowIndicator
* tmpInvCurrencyCode8
* tmpTransToRcptRate6
* cpgBatchStatus
* depositDate
* tmpAmtAppliedFrom3
* attribute2
* tmpAmtAppliedFrom4
* tmpTransToRcptRate7
* invoice8
* amountAppliedFrom4
* resolvedMatchingNumber2
* cpgCustomerRefNumber
* matching6Date
* resolvedMatchingNumber5
* attribute1
* transToReceiptRate6
* tmpInvCurrencyCode3
* cpgShipToLocationNumber
* cpgProcessStatus
* invoice5Status
* resolvedMatching5Installment
* attribute15
* amountAppliedFrom3
* transitRoutingNumber
* ussglTransactionCode8
* invoice6Installment
* amountApplied5
* invoice1Status
* orgId
* attribute11
* tmpTransToRcptRate5
* ussglTransactionCode
* transmissionRequestId
* invoice4Status
* transmissionId
* transToReceiptRate4
* customerReference5
* invoice4Installment
* attribute5
* cpgReceiptCount
* invoice7Status
* resolvedMatching3Date
* account
* customerId
* resolvedMatching5Date
* lockboxAmount
* batchRecordCount
* resolvedMatchingNumber7
* remittanceAmount
* attribute13
* resolvedMatching7Installment
* customerReason2
* exchangeRate
* amountApplied7
* tmpInvCurrencyCode4
* attribute14
* tmpAmtAppliedFrom2
* tmpTransToRcptRate4
* invoice2Status
* lockboxNumber
* globalAttribute18
* globalAttribute9
* invoice5Installment
* globalAttribute15
* cpgOrigLockboxNumber
* customerReason3
* invoice8Status
* customerBankAccountId
* tmpAmtAppliedFrom8
* tmpAmtAppliedFrom5
* tmpAmtApplied4
* globalAttribute16
* cpgOriginalTrxNumber
* ussglTransactionCode7
* customerReference3
* ussglTransactionCode3
* invoice7Installment
* customerReference4
* receiptMethod
* customerBankBranchName
* glDate
* resolvedMatching3Installment
* tmpAmtApplied1
* resolvedMatching4Date
* invoiceCurrencyCode1
* lockboxRecordCount
* batchName
* cpgReceiptStatus
* resolvedMatchingNumber4
* createdBy
* attribute8
* customerNumber
* invoice4
* tmpAmtAppliedFrom6
* resolvedMatching6Installment
* attributeCategory
* lastUpdateDate
* invoice8Installment
* tmpAmtAppliedFrom1
* globalAttributeCategory
* cpgAssociationFlag
* transferredReceiptCount
* customerReference8
* globalAttribute1
* globalAttribute5
* matching2Date
* billToLocation
* invoice1
* applicationNotes
* resolvedMatching1Installment
* matching1Date
* customerReason8
* invoiceCurrencyCode6
* invoice3Installment
* customerReference6
* destinationAccount
* globalAttribute4
* tmpInvCurrencyCode2
* resolvedMatching2Date
* amountApplied6
* resolvedMatching2Installment
* tmpAmtApplied6
* matchResolvedUsing
* invoice6Status
* resolvedMatching8Installment
* tmpInvCurrencyCode1
* transToReceiptRate3
* customerReason1
* batchAmount
* cpgTransactionDate
* attribute4
* globalAttribute6
* tmpInvCurrencyCode7
* globalAttribute3
* transToReceiptRate8
* attribute9
* customerReference2
* invoice2
* remittanceBankBranchName
* invoice2Installment
* customerReference1
* customerReason6
* customerReason4
* matching3Date
* amountAppliedFrom1
* cpgReassociationTraceNum
* globalAttribute20
* resolvedMatchingNumber8
* comments
* globalAttribute17
* invoice6
* amountAppliedFrom7
* amountApplied8
* amountApplied3
* ussglTransactionCode1
* tmpAmtApplied3
* cpgOrigBatchName
* bankTrxCode
* invoiceCurrencyCode7
* lastUpdatedBy
* ussglTransactionCode4
* matching8Date
* invoiceCurrencyCode2
* resolvedMatchingNumber6
* tmpTransToRcptRate1
* cpgNegativeTrxIndicator
* transmissionAmount
* checkNumber
* invoiceCurrencyCode8
* globalAttribute12
* status
* scMatchingStatus
* overflowSequence
* matching7Date
* specialType
* customerNameAlt
* amountAppliedFrom5
* globalAttribute7
* cpgOrigRemittanceAmount
* recordType
* invoiceCurrencyCode3
* remittanceBankName
* invoiceCurrencyCode5
* ussglTransactionCode6
* amountApplied2
* ussglTransactionCode2


 * globalAttribute2
* transToReceiptRate7
* resolvedMatchingNumber3
* currencyCode
* tmpInvCurrencyCode5
* lockboxBatchCount
* attribute10
* transToReceiptRate1
* ussglTransactionCode5
* anticipatedClearingDate
* globalAttribute11
* itemNumber
* invoice5
* resolvedMatching6Date
* matching4Date
* transmissionRecordId
* tmpAmtApplied2
* attribute7
* attribute3
* invoice3Status
* cpgCustDeductionReasonCode
* tmpAmtApplied5
* resolvedMatching8Date
* receiptMethodId
* customerSiteUseId
* resolvedMatching7Date
* cpgBatchDate
* origination
* tmpInvCurrencyCode6
* transToReceiptRate2
* creationDate
* customerBankName
* customerReason5
* resolvedMatching1Date
* customerReason7
* sourceTypeFlag
* globalAttribute8
* resolvedMatching4Installment
* attribute6
* transToReceiptRate5
* globalAttribute13
* depositTime
* globalAttribute19
* amountAppliedFrom2
* amountAppliedFrom8
* invoice7
* globalAttribute10
* tmpTransToRcptRate3
* cpgPostmarkDate
* tmpAmtApplied7
* exchangeRateType
* cpgTrxHandlingCode
* invoice1Installment
* lastUpdateLogin
* globalAttribute14
* customerReference7
* tmpTransToRcptRate2
* attribute12
* matching5Date
* amountAppliedFrom6
* resolvedMatchingNumber1
* tmpAmtApplied8
* tmpTransToRcptRate8
* cpgPurchaseOrderNumber
* invoiceCurrencyCode4
* amountApplied1
* cpgBatchSequenceNumber
* tmpAmtAppliedFrom7
* transmissionRecordCount
* cpgBatchSource
* invoice3
* amountApplied4
* receiptDate
* cpgReceiptAmount
* transferredReceiptAmount
* overflowIndicator
* tmpInvCurrencyCode8
* tmpTransToRcptRate6
* cpgBatchStatus
* depositDate
* tmpAmtAppliedFrom3
* attribute2
* tmpAmtAppliedFrom4
* tmpTransToRcptRate7
* invoice8
* amountAppliedFrom4
* resolvedMatchingNumber2
* cpgCustomerRefNumber
* matching6Date
* resolvedMatchingNumber5
* attribute1
* transToReceiptRate6
* tmpInvCurrencyCode3
* cpgShipToLocationNumber
* cpgProcessStatus
* invoice5Status
* resolvedMatching5Installment
* attribute15
* amountAppliedFrom3
* transitRoutingNumber
* ussglTransactionCode8
* invoice6Installment
* amountApplied5
* invoice1Status
* orgId
* attribute11
* tmpTransToRcptRate5
* ussglTransactionCode
* transmissionRequestId
* invoice4Status
* transmissionId
* transToReceiptRate4
* customerReference5
* invoice4Installment
* attribute5
* cpgReceiptCount
* invoice7Status
* resolvedMatching3Date
* account
* customerId
* resolvedMatching5Date
* lockboxAmount
* batchRecordCount
* resolvedMatchingNumber7
* remittanceAmount
* attribute13
* resolvedMatching7Installment
* customerReason2
* exchangeRate
* amountApplied7
* tmpInvCurrencyCode4
* attribute14
* tmpAmtAppliedFrom2
* tmpTransToRcptRate4
* invoice2Status
* lockboxNumber
* globalAttribute18
* globalAttribute9
* invoice5Installment
* globalAttribute15
* cpgOrigLockboxNumber
* customerReason3
* invoice8Status
* customerBankAccountId
* tmpAmtAppliedFrom8
* tmpAmtAppliedFrom5
* tmpAmtApplied4
* globalAttribute16
* cpgOriginalTrxNumber
* ussglTransactionCode7
* customerReference3
* ussglTransactionCode3
* invoice7Installment
* customerReference4
* receiptMethod
* customerBankBranchName
* glDate
* resolvedMatching3Installment
* tmpAmtApplied1
* resolvedMatching4Date
* invoiceCurrencyCode1
* lockboxRecordCount
* batchName
* cpgReceiptStatus
* resolvedMatchingNumber4
* createdBy
* attribute8
* customerNumber
* invoice4
* tmpAmtAppliedFrom6
* resolvedMatching6Installment
* attributeCategory
* lastUpdateDate
* invoice8Installment
* tmpAmtAppliedFrom1
* globalAttributeCategory
* cpgAssociationFlag
* transferredReceiptCount
* customerReference8
* globalAttribute1
* globalAttribute5
* matching2Date
* billToLocation
* invoice1
* applicationNotes
* resolvedMatching1Installment
* matching1Date
* customerReason8
* invoiceCurrencyCode6
* invoice3Installment
* customerReference6
* destinationAccount
* globalAttribute4
* tmpInvCurrencyCode2
* resolvedMatching2Date
* amountApplied6
* resolvedMatching2Installment
* tmpAmtApplied6
* matchResolvedUsing
* invoice6Status
* resolvedMatching8Installment
* tmpInvCurrencyCode1
* transToReceiptRate3
* customerReason1
* batchAmount
* cpgTransactionDate
* attribute4
* globalAttribute6
* tmpInvCurrencyCode7
* globalAttribute3
* transToReceiptRate8
* attribute9
* customerReference2
* invoice2
* remittanceBankBranchName
* invoice2Installment
* customerReference1
* customerReason6
* customerReason4
* matching3Date
* amountAppliedFrom1
* cpgReassociationTraceNum
* globalAttribute20
* resolvedMatchingNumber8
* comments
* globalAttribute17
* invoice6
* amountAppliedFrom7
* amountApplied8
* amountApplied3
* ussglTransactionCode1
* tmpAmtApplied3
* cpgOrigBatchName
* bankTrxCode
* invoiceCurrencyCode7
* lastUpdatedBy
* ussglTransactionCode4
* matching8Date
* invoiceCurrencyCode2
* resolvedMatchingNumber6
* tmpTransToRcptRate1
* cpgNegativeTrxIndicator
* transmissionAmount
* checkNumber
* invoiceCurrencyCode8
* globalAttribute12
* status
* scMatchingStatus
* overflowSequence
* matching7Date
* specialType
* customerNameAlt
* amountAppliedFrom5
* globalAttribute7
* cpgOrigRemittanceAmount
* recordType
* invoiceCurrencyCode3
* remittanceBankName
* invoiceCurrencyCode5
* ussglTransactionCode6
* amountApplied2
* ussglTransactionCode2


 * maxRegularPeriodLength
* periodType


 * maxRegularPeriodLength
* periodType


 * endDate
* periodType
* periodSetName
* startDate
* newPeriodNum
* periodName


 * endDate
* periodType
* periodSetName
* startDate
* newPeriodNum
* periodName


 * allocatedReceiptAmount
* taxDiscount
* transmissionRequestId
* freightDiscount
* charges
* applyTo
* lineAmount
* comments
* amountApplied
* customerTrxId
* freight
* status
* transmissionRecordId
* invoiceNumber
* tax
* lineDiscount


 * allocatedReceiptAmount
* taxDiscount
* transmissionRequestId
* freightDiscount
* charges
* applyTo
* lineAmount
* comments
* amountApplied
* customerTrxId
* freight
* status
* transmissionRecordId
* invoiceNumber
* tax
* lineDiscount


 * runGlJournalImportFlag
* programApplicationId
* codeCombinationIdLoss
* argcgpRequestId
* creationDate
* interfaceRunId
* postThruDate
* status
* programId
* argltpRequestId
* startDate
* codeCombinationIdGain
* gllezlRequestId
* reportOnlyFlag
* glPostedDate
* programUpdateDate
* postingControlId
* createdBy
* requestId


 * runGlJournalImportFlag
* programApplicationId
* codeCombinationIdLoss
* argcgpRequestId
* creationDate
* interfaceRunId
* postThruDate
* status
* programId
* argltpRequestId
* startDate
* codeCombinationIdGain
* gllezlRequestId
* reportOnlyFlag
* glPostedDate
* programUpdateDate
* postingControlId
* createdBy
* requestId


 * trxId


 * trxId


 * status
* recId
* recTrxId


 * status
* recId
* recTrxId


 * status
* type
* relatedId
* trxId


 * status
* type
* relatedId
* trxId


 * acctdAmountDueOriginal
* contractLineId
* salesOrderLine
* originalCollectibilityFlag
* salesOrder
* manualOverrideFlag
* creationDate
* requestId
* lastUpdateLogin
* refundExpiry
* cancellationExpiry
* reasonFiscalFlag
* lineCollectibleFlag
* forfeitureExpiry
* billToSiteUseId
* acceptanceExpiry
* acctdAmountPending
* customerTrxLineId
* reasonAcceptanceFlag
* createdBy
* reasonRefundFlag
* lastUpdatedBy
* custAccountId
* amountRecognized
* acctdAmountRecognized
* amountPending
* contractId
* lastUpdateDate
* reasonForfeitureFlag
* amountDueOriginal
* reasonCreditFlag
* customerTrxId
* trxNumber
* reasonPaymentTermFlag
* reasonCancellationFlag
* fiscalExpiry


 * acctdAmountDueOriginal
* contractLineId
* salesOrderLine
* originalCollectibilityFlag
* salesOrder
* manualOverrideFlag
* creationDate
* requestId
* lastUpdateLogin
* refundExpiry
* cancellationExpiry
* reasonFiscalFlag
* lineCollectibleFlag
* forfeitureExpiry
* billToSiteUseId
* acceptanceExpiry
* acctdAmountPending
* customerTrxLineId
* reasonAcceptanceFlag
* createdBy
* reasonRefundFlag
* lastUpdatedBy
* custAccountId
* amountRecognized
* acctdAmountRecognized
* amountPending
* contractId
* lastUpdateDate
* reasonForfeitureFlag
* amountDueOriginal
* reasonCreditFlag
* customerTrxId
* trxNumber
* reasonPaymentTermFlag
* reasonCancellationFlag
* fiscalExpiry


 * programApplicationId
* lastUpdatedBy
* oldExchangeDate
* oldExchangeRate
* attribute4
* programUpdateDate
* newExchangeDate
* createdBy
* attribute11
* requestId
* attribute7
* attribute13
* attribute12
* createdFrom
* mrcOldExchangeRateType
* attribute2
* mrcNewExchangeRate
* mrcOldExchangeDate
* programId
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute8
* mrcNewExchangeDate
* attribute6
* postingControlId
* rateAdjustmentId
* attribute14
* mrcOldExchangeRate
* mrcGainLoss
* attribute10
* newExchangeRateType
* attribute5
* newExchangeRate
* cashReceiptId
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute9
* attributeCategory
* attribute3
* gainLoss
* orgId
* glDate
* attribute1
* attribute15
* creationDate
* mrcNewExchangeRateType
* oldExchangeRateType
* glPostedDate


 * programApplicationId
* lastUpdatedBy
* oldExchangeDate
* oldExchangeRate
* attribute4
* programUpdateDate
* newExchangeDate
* createdBy
* attribute11
* requestId
* attribute7
* attribute13
* attribute12
* createdFrom
* mrcOldExchangeRateType
* attribute2
* mrcNewExchangeRate
* mrcOldExchangeDate
* programId
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute8
* mrcNewExchangeDate
* attribute6
* postingControlId
* rateAdjustmentId
* attribute14
* mrcOldExchangeRate
* mrcGainLoss
* attribute10
* newExchangeRateType
* attribute5
* newExchangeRate
* cashReceiptId
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute9
* attributeCategory
* attribute3
* gainLoss
* orgId
* glDate
* attribute1
* attribute15
* creationDate
* mrcNewExchangeRateType
* oldExchangeRateType
* glPostedDate


 * liabilityTaxCode
* createdBy
* receivablesTrxId
* legalEntityId
* lastUpdateLogin
* orgId
* creationDate
* assetTaxCode
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateDate


 * liabilityTaxCode
* createdBy
* receivablesTrxId
* legalEntityId
* lastUpdateLogin
* orgId
* creationDate
* assetTaxCode
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateDate


 * attribute3
* creationDate
* creationStatus
* zdSync
* globalAttribute1
* globalAttribute9
* globalAttribute14
* attribute11
* attribute14
* attribute7
* receiptClassId
* lastUpdateDate
* name
* globalAttribute8
* globalAttribute2
* globalAttribute13
* globalAttribute15
* globalAttributeCategory
* attribute5
* clearFlag
* globalAttribute12
* attribute6
* globalAttribute5
* lastUpdatedBy
* globalAttribute6
* attribute13
* globalAttribute16
* attribute2
* confirmFlag
* createdBy
* attribute1
* lastUpdateLogin
* globalAttribute3
* notesReceivable
* zdEditionName
* attribute8
* globalAttribute17
* attribute10
* globalAttribute7
* globalAttribute4
* globalAttribute10
* globalAttribute19
* remitMethodCode
* attributeCategory
* globalAttribute18
* globalAttribute20
* attribute15
* attribute12
* attribute4
* attribute9
* billOfExchangeFlag
* creationMethodCode
* globalAttribute11
* remitFlag


 * auditTransactionType
* remitMethodCode
* auditSequenceId
* auditCommitId
* clearFlag
* receiptClassId
* creationMethodCode
* auditTimestamp
* auditUserName
* rowKey
* auditSessionId
* name
* auditTrueNulls


 * auditTransactionType
* remitMethodCode
* auditSequenceId
* auditCommitId
* clearFlag
* receiptClassId
* creationMethodCode
* auditTimestamp
* auditUserName
* rowKey
* auditSessionId
* name
* auditTrueNulls


 * attribute3
* creationDate
* creationStatus
* zdSync
* globalAttribute1
* globalAttribute9
* globalAttribute14
* attribute11
* attribute14
* attribute7
* receiptClassId
* lastUpdateDate
* name
* globalAttribute8
* globalAttribute2
* globalAttribute13
* globalAttribute15
* globalAttributeCategory
* attribute5
* clearFlag
* globalAttribute12
* attribute6
* globalAttribute5
* lastUpdatedBy
* globalAttribute6
* attribute13
* globalAttribute16
* attribute2
* confirmFlag
* createdBy
* attribute1
* lastUpdateLogin
* globalAttribute3
* notesReceivable
* zdEditionName
* attribute8
* globalAttribute17
* attribute10
* globalAttribute7
* globalAttribute4
* globalAttribute10
* globalAttribute19
* remitMethodCode
* attributeCategory
* globalAttribute18
* globalAttribute20
* attribute15
* attribute12
* attribute4
* attribute9
* billOfExchangeFlag
* creationMethodCode
* globalAttribute11
* remitFlag


 * onAccountCcid
* auditTimestamp
* auditSequenceId
* ediscReceivablesTrxId
* receiptMethodId
* cashCcid
* bankChargesCcid
* rowKey
* auditSessionId
* auditTransactionType
* unappliedCcid
* unediscReceivablesTrxId
* bankAccountId
* auditCommitId
* receiptClearingCcid
* auditTrueNulls
* unidentifiedCcid
* remittanceCcid
* auditUserName


 * onAccountCcid
* auditTimestamp
* auditSequenceId
* ediscReceivablesTrxId
* receiptMethodId
* cashCcid
* bankChargesCcid
* rowKey
* auditSessionId
* auditTransactionType
* unappliedCcid
* unediscReceivablesTrxId
* bankAccountId
* auditCommitId
* receiptClearingCcid
* auditTrueNulls
* unidentifiedCcid
* remittanceCcid
* auditUserName


 * remitPrintProgramId
* attribute5
* attribute4
* unappliedCcid
* attribute2
* globalAttribute16
* primaryFlag
* attribute15
* bankChargesCcid
* factorCcid
* attribute10
* zdSync
* remitBankAcctUseId
* globalAttribute1
* claimReceivablesTrxId
* receiptClearingCcid
* globalAttribute6
* brFactorCcid
* lastUpdatedBy
* globalAttribute4
* zdEditionName
* globalAttribute11
* globalAttribute10
* globalAttributeCategory
* clearingDays
* globalAttribute7
* globalAttribute8
* createdBy
* unearnedCcid
* ediscReceivablesTrxId
* globalAttribute15
* factorPrintProgramId
* globalAttribute2
* earnedCcid
* attribute7
* brRemittanceCcid
* receiptMethodId
* globalAttribute13
* shortTermDebtCcid
* startDate
* unediscReceivablesTrxId
* creationDate
* lastUpdateDate
* endDate
* attribute3
* brCollectionDays
* onAccountCcid
* orgId
* brStdReceivablesTrxId
* globalAttribute19
* attribute6
* attribute12
* riskEliminationDays
* attribute1
* attribute13
* unidentifiedCcid
* minReceiptAmount
* lastUpdateLogin
* remitTransmissionProgramId
* attribute8
* attribute9
* globalAttribute12
* oldBankAccountId
* globalAttribute5
* cashCcid
* attribute11
* globalAttribute18
* globalAttribute20
* globalAttribute3
* globalAttribute14
* globalAttribute17
* factorTransmissionProgramId
* attribute14
* remittanceCcid
* attributeCategory
* overrideRemitAccountFlag
* globalAttribute9


 * remitPrintProgramId
* attribute5
* attribute4
* unappliedCcid
* attribute2
* globalAttribute16
* primaryFlag
* attribute15
* bankChargesCcid
* factorCcid
* attribute10
* zdSync
* remitBankAcctUseId
* globalAttribute1
* claimReceivablesTrxId
* receiptClearingCcid
* globalAttribute6
* brFactorCcid
* lastUpdatedBy
* globalAttribute4
* zdEditionName
* globalAttribute11
* globalAttribute10
* globalAttributeCategory
* clearingDays
* globalAttribute7
* globalAttribute8
* createdBy
* unearnedCcid
* ediscReceivablesTrxId
* globalAttribute15
* factorPrintProgramId
* globalAttribute2
* earnedCcid
* attribute7
* brRemittanceCcid
* receiptMethodId
* globalAttribute13
* shortTermDebtCcid
* startDate
* unediscReceivablesTrxId
* creationDate
* lastUpdateDate
* endDate
* attribute3
* brCollectionDays
* onAccountCcid
* orgId
* brStdReceivablesTrxId
* globalAttribute19
* attribute6
* attribute12
* riskEliminationDays
* attribute1
* attribute13
* unidentifiedCcid
* minReceiptAmount
* lastUpdateLogin
* remitTransmissionProgramId
* attribute8
* attribute9
* globalAttribute12
* oldBankAccountId
* globalAttribute5
* cashCcid
* attribute11
* globalAttribute18
* globalAttribute20
* globalAttribute3
* globalAttribute14
* globalAttribute17
* factorTransmissionProgramId
* attribute14
* remittanceCcid
* attributeCategory
* overrideRemitAccountFlag
* globalAttribute9


 * endDate
* autoPrintProgramId
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute8
* attribute3
* paymentTypeCode
* printedName
* globalAttribute19
* globalAttribute7
* merchantId
* attribute6
* creationDate
* attribute4
* globalAttribute15
* attribute13
* globalAttribute18
* globalAttribute1
* receiptInheritInvNumFlag
* attribute11
* brMinAcctdAmount
* globalAttribute4
* globalAttribute16
* globalAttribute3
* receiptMethodId
* lastUpdatedBy
* globalAttribute10
* attribute7
* attribute5
* receiptClassId
* startDate
* attribute12
* globalAttribute20
* globalAttribute13
* globalAttribute5
* dmInheritReceiptNumFlag
* globalAttribute14
* zdSync
* name
* attribute14
* brCustTrxTypeId
* attribute9
* globalAttribute2
* globalAttribute6
* attribute2
* leadDays
* merchantRef
* lastUpdateDate
* globalAttribute9
* brMaxAcctdAmount
* globalAttribute11
* attribute15
* globalAttribute17
* globalAttribute12
* autoTransProgramId
* attribute1
* attributeCategory
* attribute10
* maturityDateRuleCode
* paymentChannelCode
* createdBy
* brInheritInvNumFlag
* receiptCreationRuleCode
* globalAttribute8
* zdEditionName
* globalAttributeCategory


 * endDate
* autoPrintProgramId
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute8
* attribute3
* paymentTypeCode
* printedName
* globalAttribute19
* globalAttribute7
* merchantId
* attribute6
* creationDate
* attribute4
* globalAttribute15
* attribute13
* globalAttribute18
* globalAttribute1
* receiptInheritInvNumFlag
* attribute11
* brMinAcctdAmount
* globalAttribute4
* globalAttribute16
* globalAttribute3
* receiptMethodId
* lastUpdatedBy
* globalAttribute10
* attribute7
* attribute5
* receiptClassId
* startDate
* attribute12
* globalAttribute20
* globalAttribute13
* globalAttribute5
* dmInheritReceiptNumFlag
* globalAttribute14
* zdSync
* name
* attribute14
* brCustTrxTypeId
* attribute9
* globalAttribute2
* globalAttribute6
* attribute2
* leadDays
* merchantRef
* lastUpdateDate
* globalAttribute9
* brMaxAcctdAmount
* globalAttribute11
* attribute15
* globalAttribute17
* globalAttribute12
* autoTransProgramId
* attribute1
* attributeCategory
* attribute10
* maturityDateRuleCode
* paymentChannelCode
* createdBy
* brInheritInvNumFlag
* receiptCreationRuleCode
* globalAttribute8
* zdEditionName
* globalAttributeCategory


 * appliedCustomerTrxId
* trxNumber
* formatCurrencyCode
* applyDate
* debitAccountDesc
* remitBatchName
* acctdAmountAppliedTo
* receiptNumber
* cashReceiptHistoryId
* debitNatacctDesc
* organizationName
* unearnedDiscountTaken
* relatedCustomer
* miscPaymentSource
* customerId
* receiptGainLoss
* onAccountAmount
* amountApplied
* amountAppliedTo
* acctdEarnedDiscountTaken
* lastUpdatedBy
* receiptCurrencyCode
* miscPercent
* docSequenceValue
* receiptAmount
* lastUpdateDate
* requestId
* receiptType
* receiptMethod
* acctdFactorDiscountAmount
* receiptHistoryStatus
* debitAccount
* acctdAmountAppliedFrom
* bankAccountName
* exchangeType
* debitBalancingDesc
* applicationStatus
* factorDiscountAmount
* customerNumber
* activityName
* acctdTrxAmount
* lastUpdateLogin
* functionalCurrencyCode
* bankBranchName
* exchangeRate
* referenceType
* receiptStatus
* bankNumber
* receivableApplicationId
* prepayAmount
* acctdUnearnedDiscountTaken
* trxAmount
* amountAppliedFrom
* cashReceiptId
* batchId
* debitNatacct
* bankBranchNumber
* acctdReceiptAmount
* anticipatedClearingDate
* miscAmount
* batchSource
* exchangeDate
* bankName
* taxCode
* glDate
* applicationRefNumber
* unappAmount
* accountingFlexfield
* depositDate
* trxCurrencyCode
* applicationRefType
* bankAccountCurrency
* claimAmount
* docSequenceName
* debitBalancing
* accountCodeCombinationId
* customerName
* totalUnresolvedAmount
* createdBy
* bankAccountNameAlt
* trxDate
* batchName
* bankBranchNameAlt
* receiptDate
* customerNameAlt
* earnedDiscountTaken
* creationDate
* accountNumber
* bankNameAlt


 * appliedCustomerTrxId
* trxNumber
* formatCurrencyCode
* applyDate
* debitAccountDesc
* remitBatchName
* acctdAmountAppliedTo
* receiptNumber
* cashReceiptHistoryId
* debitNatacctDesc
* organizationName
* unearnedDiscountTaken
* relatedCustomer
* miscPaymentSource
* customerId
* receiptGainLoss
* onAccountAmount
* amountApplied
* amountAppliedTo
* acctdEarnedDiscountTaken
* lastUpdatedBy
* receiptCurrencyCode
* miscPercent
* docSequenceValue
* receiptAmount
* lastUpdateDate
* requestId
* receiptType
* receiptMethod
* acctdFactorDiscountAmount
* receiptHistoryStatus
* debitAccount
* acctdAmountAppliedFrom
* bankAccountName
* exchangeType
* debitBalancingDesc
* applicationStatus
* factorDiscountAmount
* customerNumber
* activityName
* acctdTrxAmount
* lastUpdateLogin
* functionalCurrencyCode
* bankBranchName
* exchangeRate
* referenceType
* receiptStatus
* bankNumber
* receivableApplicationId
* prepayAmount
* acctdUnearnedDiscountTaken
* trxAmount
* amountAppliedFrom
* cashReceiptId
* batchId
* debitNatacct
* bankBranchNumber
* acctdReceiptAmount
* anticipatedClearingDate
* miscAmount
* batchSource
* exchangeDate
* bankName
* taxCode
* glDate
* applicationRefNumber
* unappAmount
* accountingFlexfield
* depositDate
* trxCurrencyCode
* applicationRefType
* bankAccountCurrency
* claimAmount
* docSequenceName
* debitBalancing
* accountCodeCombinationId
* customerName
* totalUnresolvedAmount
* createdBy
* bankAccountNameAlt
* trxDate
* batchName
* bankBranchNameAlt
* receiptDate
* customerNameAlt
* earnedDiscountTaken
* creationDate
* accountNumber
* bankNameAlt


 * includeInAccumulation
* globalAttribute8
* attribute14
* cashReceiptId
* globalAttribute7
* ussglTransactionCodeContext
* globalAttribute9
* onAccountCustomer
* globalAttribute11
* globalAttribute12
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute8
* earnedDiscountCcid
* acctdUnearnedDiscountTaken
* chargebackCustomerTrxId
* mrcAcctdAmountAppliedFrom
* applicationRefReason
* globalAttributeCategory
* mrcGlPostedDate
* lineApplied
* display
* globalAttribute4
* unediscTaxAcctRule
* mrcStatus
* applicationType
* mrcPaymentScheduleId
* postingControlId
* customerReason
* reversalGlDate
* acctdAmountAppliedTo
* onAcctCustId
* lastUpdatedBy
* receivablesChargesApplied
* globalAttribute17
* globalAttribute5
* axAccountedFlag
* comments
* globalAttribute13
* attribute13
* freightUediscounted
* setOfBooksId
* taxUediscounted
* postable
* unearnedDiscountCcid
* secondaryApplicationRefNum
* codeCombinationId
* linkToCustomerTrxId
* programId
* globalAttribute6
* customerReference
* applicationRule
* transToReceiptRate
* programApplicationId
* status
* taxCode
* onAcctPoNum
* applicationRefNum
* glPostedDate
* attribute12
* attribute4
* upgradeMethod
* mrcAcctdUnearnedDiscTaken
* mrcAmountApplied
* mrcAcctdAmountAppliedTo
* attribute6
* ruleSetId
* confirmedFlag
* requestId
* globalAttribute14
* appliedCustomerTrxLineId
* earnedDiscountTaken
* lineEdiscounted
* consInvId
* taxApplied
* applyDate
* cashReceiptHistoryId
* ussglTransactionCode
* globalAttribute19
* lastUpdateLogin
* taxEdiscounted
* globalAttribute20
* amountAppliedFrom
* receivablesTrxId
* globalAttribute16
* daysLate
* mrcPostingControlId
* freightApplied
* consInvIdTo
* eventId
* chargesEdiscounted
* attribute1
* globalAttribute18
* paymentSetId
* attribute11
* lineUediscounted
* linkToTrxHistId
* attribute3
* paymentScheduleId
* globalAttribute10
* createdBy
* orgId
* secondaryApplicationRefId
* glDate
* globalAttribute3
* applicationRefId
* secondaryApplicationRefType
* onAcctCustSiteUseId
* attribute15
* mrcCashReceiptId
* mrcDisplay
* freightEdiscounted
* attribute9
* acctdEarnedDiscountTaken
* globalAttribute2
* appliedCustomerTrxId
* programUpdateDate
* globalAttribute1
* appliedPaymentScheduleId
* mrcAmountAppliedFrom
* customerTrxId
* applicationRefType
* amountApplied
* ediscTaxAcctRule
* mrcAcctdEarnedDiscTaken
* attributeCategory
* attribute10
* creationDate
* attribute5
* chargesUediscounted
* appliedRecAppId
* receivableApplicationId
* globalAttribute15
* acctdAmountAppliedFrom
* unearnedDiscountTaken
* attribute2
* attribute7


 * includeInAccumulation
* globalAttribute8
* attribute14
* cashReceiptId
* globalAttribute7
* ussglTransactionCodeContext
* globalAttribute9
* onAccountCustomer
* globalAttribute11
* globalAttribute12
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute8
* earnedDiscountCcid
* acctdUnearnedDiscountTaken
* chargebackCustomerTrxId
* mrcAcctdAmountAppliedFrom
* applicationRefReason
* globalAttributeCategory
* mrcGlPostedDate
* lineApplied
* display
* globalAttribute4
* unediscTaxAcctRule
* mrcStatus
* applicationType
* mrcPaymentScheduleId
* postingControlId
* customerReason
* reversalGlDate
* acctdAmountAppliedTo
* onAcctCustId
* lastUpdatedBy
* receivablesChargesApplied
* globalAttribute17
* globalAttribute5
* axAccountedFlag
* comments
* globalAttribute13
* attribute13
* freightUediscounted
* setOfBooksId
* taxUediscounted
* postable
* unearnedDiscountCcid
* secondaryApplicationRefNum
* codeCombinationId
* linkToCustomerTrxId
* programId
* globalAttribute6
* customerReference
* applicationRule
* transToReceiptRate
* programApplicationId
* status
* taxCode
* onAcctPoNum
* applicationRefNum
* glPostedDate
* attribute12
* attribute4
* upgradeMethod
* mrcAcctdUnearnedDiscTaken
* mrcAmountApplied
* mrcAcctdAmountAppliedTo
* attribute6
* ruleSetId
* confirmedFlag
* requestId
* globalAttribute14
* appliedCustomerTrxLineId
* earnedDiscountTaken
* lineEdiscounted
* consInvId
* taxApplied
* applyDate
* cashReceiptHistoryId
* ussglTransactionCode
* globalAttribute19
* lastUpdateLogin
* taxEdiscounted
* globalAttribute20
* amountAppliedFrom
* receivablesTrxId
* globalAttribute16
* daysLate
* mrcPostingControlId
* freightApplied
* consInvIdTo
* eventId
* chargesEdiscounted
* attribute1
* globalAttribute18
* paymentSetId
* attribute11
* lineUediscounted
* linkToTrxHistId
* attribute3
* paymentScheduleId
* globalAttribute10
* createdBy
* orgId
* secondaryApplicationRefId
* glDate
* globalAttribute3
* applicationRefId
* secondaryApplicationRefType
* onAcctCustSiteUseId
* attribute15
* mrcCashReceiptId
* mrcDisplay
* freightEdiscounted
* attribute9
* acctdEarnedDiscountTaken
* globalAttribute2
* appliedCustomerTrxId
* programUpdateDate
* globalAttribute1
* appliedPaymentScheduleId
* mrcAmountAppliedFrom
* customerTrxId
* applicationRefType
* amountApplied
* ediscTaxAcctRule
* mrcAcctdEarnedDiscTaken
* attributeCategory
* attribute10
* creationDate
* attribute5
* chargesUediscounted
* appliedRecAppId
* receivableApplicationId
* globalAttribute15
* acctdAmountAppliedFrom
* unearnedDiscountTaken
* attribute2
* attribute7


 * setOfBooksId
* receivablesTrxId
* attribute2
* attribute8
* accountingAffectFlag
* attribute7
* globalAttribute15
* attribute13
* globalAttribute6
* taxCodeSource
* globalAttribute4
* globalAttribute18
* globalAttribute2
* globalAttribute13
* attribute6
* globalAttribute9
* attribute15
* inactiveDate
* attribute9
* attribute10
* description
* glAccountSource
* startDateActive
* orgId
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute3
* attribute11
* globalAttribute14
* endDateActive
* globalAttribute5
* attribute1
* assetTaxCode
* createdBy
* lastUpdateDate
* globalAttribute3
* liabilityTaxCode
* globalAttribute12
* zdEditionName
* attribute14
* creationDate
* attribute12
* globalAttribute1
* globalAttribute20
* zdSync
* lastUpdatedBy
* type
* globalAttribute19
* riskEliminationDays
* globalAttribute16
* taxRecoverableFlag
* attribute5
* attribute4
* status
* globalAttribute7
* attributeCategory
* globalAttribute17
* globalAttributeCategory
* globalAttribute8
* globalAttribute10
* codeCombinationId
* name
* defaultAcctgDistributionSet
* globalAttribute11


 * auditSessionId
* type
* glAccountSource
* name
* rowKey
* codeCombinationId
* auditUserName
* orgId
* auditSequenceId
* auditTimestamp
* auditCommitId
* auditTransactionType
* auditTrueNulls
* receivablesTrxId


 * auditSessionId
* type
* glAccountSource
* name
* rowKey
* codeCombinationId
* auditUserName
* orgId
* auditSequenceId
* auditTimestamp
* auditCommitId
* auditTransactionType
* auditTrueNulls
* receivablesTrxId


 * setOfBooksId
* receivablesTrxId
* attribute2
* attribute8
* accountingAffectFlag
* attribute7
* globalAttribute15
* attribute13
* globalAttribute6
* taxCodeSource
* globalAttribute4
* globalAttribute18
* globalAttribute2
* globalAttribute13
* attribute6
* globalAttribute9
* attribute15
* inactiveDate
* attribute9
* attribute10
* description
* glAccountSource
* startDateActive
* orgId
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute3
* attribute11
* globalAttribute14
* endDateActive
* globalAttribute5
* attribute1
* assetTaxCode
* createdBy
* lastUpdateDate
* globalAttribute3
* liabilityTaxCode
* globalAttribute12
* zdEditionName
* attribute14
* creationDate
* attribute12
* globalAttribute1
* globalAttribute20
* zdSync
* lastUpdatedBy
* type
* globalAttribute19
* riskEliminationDays
* globalAttribute16
* taxRecoverableFlag
* attribute5
* attribute4
* status
* globalAttribute7
* attributeCategory
* globalAttribute17
* globalAttributeCategory
* globalAttribute8
* globalAttribute10
* codeCombinationId
* name
* defaultAcctgDistributionSet
* globalAttribute11


 * transformedValue14
* transformedValue17
* transformedValue12
* matchingAttribute13
* automatchSetId
* ruleId15
* invoiceCurrencyCode
* transformedValue13
* cashReceiptId
* matchingOption4
* ruleId19
* matchingOption3
* matchingOption19
* customerSiteUseId
* transformedValue3
* priority
* transToReceiptRate
* matchingAttribute4
* matchingAttribute16
* ruleId5
* ruleId6
* invoiceReference
* matchingOption2
* transformedValue2
* transformedValue19
* matchingAttribute6
* matchingOption6
* matchingAttribute15
* matchingAttribute3
* matchingOption13
* matchingOption7
* matchingOption17
* matchingOption16
* matchingReferenceDate
* installmentReference
* transformedValue16
* transformedValue18
* matchingOption20
* matchingAttribute11
* ruleId1
* ruleId18
* transformedValue7
* matchingAttribute19
* ruleId10
* transformedValue11
* transformedValue15
* transformedValue5
* ruleId17
* receiptReferenceStatus
* transformedValue20
* matchingOption18
* transformedValue8
* matchingAttribute7
* matchingOption1
* matchingOption15
* matchingAttribute20
* transformedValue1
* matchingAttribute9
* transformedMatchRefNumber
* ruleId11
* transformedValue4
* matchingAttribute2
* amountAppliedFrom
* ruleId20
* matchingAttribute8
* ruleId9
* remitReferenceId
* matchingOption9
* transformedValue10
* ruleId4
* transformedValue9
* matchingOption14
* matchingAttribute10
* automatchId
* matchingOption12
* matchingAttribute1
* ruleId16
* ruleId14
* matchingAttribute18
* matchingOption8
* customerReference
* masterRequestId
* matchingOption5
* ruleId2
* matchingAttribute5
* ruleId8
* currencyCode
* ruleId7
* matchingAttribute17
* matchingAttribute14
* matchingAttribute12
* amountApplied
* ruleId12
* customerId
* workerNumber
* matchingOption10
* ruleId3
* matchingOption11
* transformedValue6
* receiptDate
* ruleId13


 * transformedValue14
* transformedValue17
* transformedValue12
* matchingAttribute13
* automatchSetId
* ruleId15
* invoiceCurrencyCode
* transformedValue13
* cashReceiptId
* matchingOption4
* ruleId19
* matchingOption3
* matchingOption19
* customerSiteUseId
* transformedValue3
* priority
* transToReceiptRate
* matchingAttribute4
* matchingAttribute16
* ruleId5
* ruleId6
* invoiceReference
* matchingOption2
* transformedValue2
* transformedValue19
* matchingAttribute6
* matchingOption6
* matchingAttribute15
* matchingAttribute3
* matchingOption13
* matchingOption7
* matchingOption17
* matchingOption16
* matchingReferenceDate
* installmentReference
* transformedValue16
* transformedValue18
* matchingOption20
* matchingAttribute11
* ruleId1
* ruleId18
* transformedValue7
* matchingAttribute19
* ruleId10
* transformedValue11
* transformedValue15
* transformedValue5
* ruleId17
* receiptReferenceStatus
* transformedValue20
* matchingOption18
* transformedValue8
* matchingAttribute7
* matchingOption1
* matchingOption15
* matchingAttribute20
* transformedValue1
* matchingAttribute9
* transformedMatchRefNumber
* ruleId11
* transformedValue4
* matchingAttribute2
* amountAppliedFrom
* ruleId20
* matchingAttribute8
* ruleId9
* remitReferenceId
* matchingOption9
* transformedValue10
* ruleId4
* transformedValue9
* matchingOption14
* matchingAttribute10
* automatchId
* matchingOption12
* matchingAttribute1
* ruleId16
* ruleId14
* matchingAttribute18
* matchingOption8
* customerReference
* masterRequestId
* matchingOption5
* ruleId2
* matchingAttribute5
* ruleId8
* currencyCode
* ruleId7
* matchingAttribute17
* matchingAttribute14
* matchingAttribute12
* amountApplied
* ruleId12
* customerId
* workerNumber
* matchingOption10
* ruleId3
* matchingOption11
* transformedValue6
* receiptDate
* ruleId13


 * interfaceRemitLineId
* remitLineNumber
* orgId
* messageText


 * interfaceRemitLineId
* remitLineNumber
* orgId
* messageText


 * relatedCustomerId
* workerNumber
* payerCustomerId
* masterRequestId


 * relatedCustomerId
* workerNumber
* payerCustomerId
* masterRequestId


 * orgId
* fromSalesgroupId
* attribute6
* reasonCode
* salesCreditType
* fromCategoryId
* attribute10
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* programId
* amount
* programUpdateDate
* attribute14
* attribute9
* comments
* revenueAdjustmentId
* glDate
* createdBy
* attribute13
* attribute2
* toInventoryItemId
* type
* fromSalesrepId
* fromCustTrxLineId
* toCategoryId
* lineSelectionMode
* status
* attribute4
* toCustTrxLineId
* amountMode
* customerTrxId
* attribute1
* attributeCategory
* attribute8
* programApplicationId
* requestId
* toSalesgroupId
* attribute5
* attribute12
* attribute7
* attribute15
* applicationDate
* fromInventoryItemId
* toSalesrepId
* creationDate
* revenueAdjustmentNumber
* percent
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute3
* attribute11


 * orgId
* fromSalesgroupId
* attribute6
* reasonCode
* salesCreditType
* fromCategoryId
* attribute10
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* programId
* amount
* programUpdateDate
* attribute14
* attribute9
* comments
* revenueAdjustmentId
* glDate
* createdBy
* attribute13
* attribute2
* toInventoryItemId
* type
* fromSalesrepId
* fromCustTrxLineId
* toCategoryId
* lineSelectionMode
* status
* attribute4
* toCustTrxLineId
* amountMode
* customerTrxId
* attribute1
* attributeCategory
* attribute8
* programApplicationId
* requestId
* toSalesgroupId
* attribute5
* attribute12
* attribute7
* attribute15
* applicationDate
* fromInventoryItemId
* toSalesrepId
* creationDate
* revenueAdjustmentNumber
* percent
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute3
* attribute11


 * taxRate
* startDate
* attribute3
* attribute14
* location4Rate
* location1Rate
* location8Rate
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdateDate
* rateContext
* programId
* endDate
* dateFirstUsed
* location2Rate
* location3Rate
* fromPostalCode
* location6Rate
* programUpdateDate
* attributeCategory
* location5Rate
* toPostalCode
* attribute13
* attribute6
* salesTaxId
* attribute12
* requestId
* createdBy
* attribute1
* attribute8
* location7Rate
* location10Rate
* enabledFlag
* attribute4
* attribute11
* programApplicationId
* attribute7
* location9Rate
* attribute2
* attribute5
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute10
* attribute9
* creationDate
* locationId
* attribute15


 * attribute5
* attribute15
* toPostalCode
* fromPostalCode
* attribute12
* attribute13
* attribute11
* attribute9
* createdBy
* attribute2
* programUpdateDate
* attribute3
* location2Rate
* location4Rate
* attribute1
* salesTaxId
* startDate
* location3Rate
* location8Rate
* attribute14
* programId
* attribute10
* attributeCategory
* location1Rate
* attribute4
* location7Rate
* taxRate
* location6Rate
* attribute7
* programApplicationId
* lastUpdatedBy
* locationId
* endDate
* creationDate
* location10Rate
* lastUpdateLogin
* requestId
* enabledFlag
* attribute8
* rateContext
* dateFirstUsed
* lastUpdateDate
* location9Rate
* attribute6
* location5Rate


 * attribute5
* attribute15
* toPostalCode
* fromPostalCode
* attribute12
* attribute13
* attribute11
* attribute9
* createdBy
* attribute2
* programUpdateDate
* attribute3
* location2Rate
* location4Rate
* attribute1
* salesTaxId
* startDate
* location3Rate
* location8Rate
* attribute14
* programId
* attribute10
* attributeCategory
* location1Rate
* attribute4
* location7Rate
* taxRate
* location6Rate
* attribute7
* programApplicationId
* lastUpdatedBy
* locationId
* endDate
* creationDate
* location10Rate
* lastUpdateLogin
* requestId
* enabledFlag
* attribute8
* rateContext
* dateFirstUsed
* lastUpdateDate
* location9Rate
* attribute6
* location5Rate


 * taxRate
* startDate
* attribute3
* attribute14
* location4Rate
* location1Rate
* location8Rate
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdateDate
* rateContext
* programId
* endDate
* dateFirstUsed
* location2Rate
* location3Rate
* fromPostalCode
* location6Rate
* programUpdateDate
* attributeCategory
* location5Rate
* toPostalCode
* attribute13
* attribute6
* salesTaxId
* attribute12
* requestId
* createdBy
* attribute1
* attribute8
* location7Rate
* location10Rate
* enabledFlag
* attribute4
* attribute11
* programApplicationId
* attribute7
* location9Rate
* attribute2
* attribute5
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute10
* attribute9
* creationDate
* locationId
* attribute15


 * lastUpdateDate
* dueDateHigh
* trxDateHigh
* customerCategoryCode
* trxDateLow
* bankBranchId
* customerClassCode
* receiptMethodId
* customerId
* creationDate
* dueDateLow
* siteUseId
* createdBy
* custTrxTypeId
* trxNumberLow
* lastUpdateLogin
* trxNumberHigh
* selectionCriteriaId
* lastUpdatedBy


 * lastUpdateDate
* dueDateHigh
* trxDateHigh
* customerCategoryCode
* trxDateLow
* bankBranchId
* customerClassCode
* receiptMethodId
* customerId
* creationDate
* dueDateLow
* siteUseId
* createdBy
* custTrxTypeId
* trxNumberLow
* lastUpdateLogin
* trxNumberHigh
* selectionCriteriaId
* lastUpdatedBy


 * mandateVersionNumber
* creditorIdentifier
* creationDate
* mandateInactiveDate
* mandateStatus
* mandateId
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* debtorIdentifier
* amendmentReason
* lastUpdatedBy
* debitTrxCount
* mandateTrxType
* creditorId
* createdBy
* uniqueRefNumber
* latestMandateFlag
* orgId
* debtorCustAcctSiteId
* creditorPrivateIdentifier
* mandateSignDate
* previousMandateId
* debtorBankAcctUseId
* objectVersionNumber
* mandateCancelDate
* creditorName


 * mandateVersionNumber
* creditorIdentifier
* creationDate
* mandateInactiveDate
* mandateStatus
* mandateId
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* debtorIdentifier
* amendmentReason
* lastUpdatedBy
* debitTrxCount
* mandateTrxType
* creditorId
* createdBy
* uniqueRefNumber
* latestMandateFlag
* orgId
* debtorCustAcctSiteId
* creditorPrivateIdentifier
* mandateSignDate
* previousMandateId
* debtorBankAcctUseId
* objectVersionNumber
* mandateCancelDate
* creditorName


 * createdBy
* attribute1
* attribute7
* startDate
* attribute10
* lastUpdateLogin
* standardTextId
* attribute15
* textUseType
* attribute13
* attributeCategory
* creationDate
* zdSync
* endDate
* attribute8
* zdEditionName
* attribute14
* attribute5
* attribute11
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute12
* attribute2
* textType
* attribute9
* lastUpdatedBy
* name
* attribute4
* attribute6
* attribute3


 * createdBy
* attribute1
* attribute7
* startDate
* attribute10
* lastUpdateLogin
* standardTextId
* attribute15
* textUseType
* attribute13
* attributeCategory
* creationDate
* zdSync
* endDate
* attribute8
* zdEditionName
* attribute14
* attribute5
* attribute11
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute12
* attribute2
* textType
* attribute9
* lastUpdatedBy
* name
* attribute4
* attribute6
* attribute3


 * lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* createdBy
* zdSync
* standardTextId
* lastUpdateDate
* sourceLang
* creationDate
* text
* language
* zdEditionName


 * lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* createdBy
* zdSync
* standardTextId
* lastUpdateDate
* sourceLang
* creationDate
* text
* language
* zdEditionName


 * orgId
* programApplicationId
* lastUpdatedBy
* programId
* requestId
* lastUpdateLogin
* statementCycleDateId
* statementCycleId
* programUpdateDate
* creationDate
* statementDate
* lastUpdateDate
* createdBy
* printed
* printDate


 * orgId
* programApplicationId
* lastUpdatedBy
* programId
* requestId
* lastUpdateLogin
* statementCycleDateId
* statementCycleId
* programUpdateDate
* creationDate
* statementDate
* lastUpdateDate
* createdBy
* printed
* printDate


 * lowDay
* lastUpdateLogin
* intervalName
* creationDate
* createdBy
* lastUpdatedBy
* highDay
* lastUpdateDate


 * lowDay
* lastUpdateLogin
* intervalName
* creationDate
* createdBy
* lastUpdatedBy
* highDay
* lastUpdateDate


 * attribute6
* zdEditionName
* attribute2
* attribute13
* attribute14
* description
* interval
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute4
* status
* creationDate
* attribute3
* attribute15
* attribute9
* attribute8
* attribute12
* attribute10
* lastUpdatedBy
* day
* zdSync
* requestId
* statementCycleId
* attribute7
* attribute1
* createdBy
* attribute5
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute11
* attributeCategory
* name


 * attribute6
* zdEditionName
* attribute2
* attribute13
* attribute14
* description
* interval
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute4
* status
* creationDate
* attribute3
* attribute15
* attribute9
* attribute8
* attribute12
* attribute10
* lastUpdatedBy
* day
* zdSync
* requestId
* statementCycleId
* attribute7
* attribute1
* createdBy
* attribute5
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute11
* attributeCategory
* name


 * message6
* bucket1Heading
* message1
* lineClusterId
* errorNoSendTo
* bucket4Heading
* siteCustomerProfileId
* sendToAddressId
* message2LineCount
* statementType
* message6LineCount
* totalAmountDue
* bucket3
* errorNoRemitTo
* message5LineCount
* billToLocation
* message8LineCount
* message8
* financeCharges
* message5
* message3LineCount
* monthlyInterestRate
* errorNoLines
* message7LineCount
* bucket2
* minStatementAmount
* siteUseId
* message2
* message4LineCount
* currencyCode
* errorAmountDifferent
* message7
* message1LineCount
* customerId
* statementDate
* bucket4
* creditBalanceStatements
* bucket2Heading
* bucket5Heading
* remitToAddressId
* message4
* requestId
* custCustomerProfileId
* message3
* bucket3Heading
* bucket1
* bucket5


 * message6
* bucket1Heading
* message1
* lineClusterId
* errorNoSendTo
* bucket4Heading
* siteCustomerProfileId
* sendToAddressId
* message2LineCount
* statementType
* message6LineCount
* totalAmountDue
* bucket3
* errorNoRemitTo
* message5LineCount
* billToLocation
* message8LineCount
* message8
* financeCharges
* message5
* message3LineCount
* monthlyInterestRate
* errorNoLines
* message7LineCount
* bucket2
* minStatementAmount
* siteUseId
* message2
* message4LineCount
* currencyCode
* errorAmountDifferent
* message7
* message1LineCount
* customerId
* statementDate
* bucket4
* creditBalanceStatements
* bucket2Heading
* bucket5Heading
* remitToAddressId
* message4
* requestId
* custCustomerProfileId
* message3
* bucket3Heading
* bucket1
* bucket5


 * requestId
* billToCity
* dueDate
* generalSequence
* trxAmount
* siteUseId
* receivableApplicationId
* origPaymentAmount
* customerTrxSequence
* transaction
* lineClusterId
* adjustmentId
* billToLocation
* receiptCurrencyCode
* amountAppliedFrom
* customerId
* invoiceNumber
* trxDate
* amountDue
* paymentScheduleSequence
* transactionCode
* trxOrderSequence
* reference


 * requestId
* billToCity
* dueDate
* generalSequence
* trxAmount
* siteUseId
* receivableApplicationId
* origPaymentAmount
* customerTrxSequence
* transaction
* lineClusterId
* adjustmentId
* billToLocation
* receiptCurrencyCode
* amountAppliedFrom
* customerId
* invoiceNumber
* trxDate
* amountDue
* paymentScheduleSequence
* transactionCode
* trxOrderSequence
* reference


 * sendToAddressId
* siteCustomerProfileId
* lineClusterId
* remitToAddressId
* custCustomerProfileId
* orgId
* statementCycleId
* monthlyInterestRate
* lastUpdatedBy
* createdBy
* financeCharges
* billToLocation
* customerId
* lastUpdateDate
* siteUseId
* statementType
* minStatementAmount
* lastUpdateLogin
* creditBalanceStatements
* currencyCode
* isItAReprint
* statementDate
* totalAmountDue
* creationDate


 * sendToAddressId
* siteCustomerProfileId
* lineClusterId
* remitToAddressId
* custCustomerProfileId
* orgId
* statementCycleId
* monthlyInterestRate
* lastUpdatedBy
* createdBy
* financeCharges
* billToLocation
* customerId
* lastUpdateDate
* siteUseId
* statementType
* minStatementAmount
* lastUpdateLogin
* creditBalanceStatements
* currencyCode
* isItAReprint
* statementDate
* totalAmountDue
* creationDate


 * adjustmentId
* receivableApplicationId
* processedFlag
* creationDate
* historyId
* customerTrxId
* requestId
* lastUpdateLogin
* businessEventName
* paymentScheduleId
* createdBy
* lastUpdateDate
* eventKey
* cashReceiptId
* lastUpdateBy


 * adjustmentId
* receivableApplicationId
* processedFlag
* creationDate
* historyId
* customerTrxId
* requestId
* lastUpdateLogin
* businessEventName
* paymentScheduleId
* createdBy
* lastUpdateDate
* eventKey
* cashReceiptId
* lastUpdateBy


 * aiAcctFlexKeyLeftPrompt
* vrmCcidTransformationFlag
* autoRecInvoicesPerCommit
* partialDiscountFlag
* defaultGroupingRuleId
* taxEnforceAccountFlag
* autoRecReceiptsPerCommit
* attribute7
* globalAttribute14
* locationTaxAccount
* taxRoundingAllowOverride
* aiPurgeInterfaceTablesFlag
* taxUseAccountExcRateFlag
* unmtchClaimCreationFlag
* taxHierSiteExcRate
* salesTaxGeocode
* taxAllowCompoundFlag
* creditClassification1
* maxWrtoffAmount
* globalAttribute11
* salesCreditPctLimit
* globalAttribute7
* aiMtlItemsKeyLeftPrompt
* calcTaxOnCreditMemoFlag
* irecBaReceiptMethodId
* globalAttribute1
* defaultCbDueDate
* addressValidation
* toPostalCode
* lastUpdateLogin
* payUnrelatedInvoicesFlag
* postBillingItemInclusion
* siteRequiredFlag
* taxMinimumAccountableUnit
* globalAttribute19
* autoSiteNumbering
* aiLogFileMessageLevel
* documentSeqGenLevel
* attribute13
* taInstalledFlag
* lastUpdatedBy
* attributeCategory
* globalAttributeCategory
* matchedClaimExclCmFlag
* cashBasisSetOfBooksId
* trxHeaderRoundCcid
* matchedClaimCreationFlag
* taxCode
* createdBy
* invoiceDeletionFlag
* taxUseSiteExcRateFlag
* taxPrecision
* taxUseProductExemptFlag
* lateChargeInvTypeId
* unallocatedRevenueCcid
* attribute4
* attribute11
* cerDsoDays
* createReciprocalFlag
* globalAttribute4
* inclusiveTaxUsed
* lateChargeBatchSourceId
* lateChargeDmTypeId
* codeCombinationIdLoss
* glIdRevClr
* attribute14
* globalAttribute5
* globalAttribute20
* accountingMethod
* taxUseCustomerExemptFlag
* attribute9
* codeCombinationIdRound
* changePrintedInvoiceFlag
* aiMaxMemoryInBytes
* ruleSetId
* globalAttribute2
* aiActivateSqlTraceFlag
* irecCcReceiptMethodId
* automatchEnabledFlag
* penaltyRecTrxId
* populateGlSegmentsFlag
* automatchSetId
* locationStructureId
* paymentThreshold
* showBillingNumberFlag
* printRemitTo
* defaultTerritory
* orgId
* taxHeaderLevelFlag
* defaultRctMthdForLcInv
* taxCurrencyCode
* attribute6
* taxHierCustExcRate
* creditClassification2
* creationDate
* globalAttribute12
* taxHierSystemExcRate
* generateCustomerNumber
* minRefundAmount
* cerSplitAmount
* attribute8
* taxUseProdExcRateFlag
* lastUpdateDate
* printHomeCountryFlag
* globalAttribute10
* allowLateCharges
* globalAttribute17
* standardRefund
* taxRoundingRule
* runGlJournalImportFlag
* codeCombinationIdGain
* aiTerritoryKeyLeftPrompt
* lateChargeBillingCalcMode
* attribute3
* irecServiceChargeRecTrxId
* billsReceivableEnabledFlag
* creditClassification3
* taxUseLocExcRateFlag
* unearnedDiscount
* taxRegistrationNumber
* taxHierAccountExcRate
* attribute10
* taxUseCustExcRateFlag
* taxUseSystemExcRateFlag
* fromPostalCode
* minWrtoffAmount
* globalAttribute3
* postingDaysPerCycle
* attribute12
* globalAttribute9
* globalAttribute13
* attribute15
* taxHierProdExcRate
* finchrgReceivablesTrxId
* taxMethod
* calcDiscountOnLinesFlag
* attribute2
* globalAttribute6
* crossCurrencyRateType
* globalAttribute8
* revTransferClearCcid
* autocashHierarchyId
* taxDatabaseViewSet
* salesrepRequiredFlag
* globalAttribute16
* setOfBooksId
* coaMappingId
* accrueInterest
* attribute1
* globalAttribute15
* defaultCountry
* globalAttribute18
* taxInvoicePrint
* attribute5
* trxHeaderLevelRounding
* createDetailedDistFlag


 * unearnedDiscount
* invoiceDeletionFlag
* aiPurgeInterfaceTablesFlag
* partialDiscountFlag
* auditCommitId
* rowKey
* maxWrtoffAmount
* codeCombinationIdGain
* defaultCbDueDate
* payUnrelatedInvoicesFlag
* minWrtoffAmount
* auditTimestamp
* auditTransactionType
* setOfBooksId
* auditSessionId
* auditUserName
* orgId
* locationTaxAccount
* codeCombinationIdLoss
* auditTrueNulls
* auditSequenceId
* changePrintedInvoiceFlag


 * unearnedDiscount
* invoiceDeletionFlag
* aiPurgeInterfaceTablesFlag
* partialDiscountFlag
* auditCommitId
* rowKey
* maxWrtoffAmount
* codeCombinationIdGain
* defaultCbDueDate
* payUnrelatedInvoicesFlag
* minWrtoffAmount
* auditTimestamp
* auditTransactionType
* setOfBooksId
* auditSessionId
* auditUserName
* orgId
* locationTaxAccount
* codeCombinationIdLoss
* auditTrueNulls
* auditSequenceId
* changePrintedInvoiceFlag


 * aiAcctFlexKeyLeftPrompt
* vrmCcidTransformationFlag
* autoRecInvoicesPerCommit
* partialDiscountFlag
* defaultGroupingRuleId
* taxEnforceAccountFlag
* autoRecReceiptsPerCommit
* attribute7
* globalAttribute14
* locationTaxAccount
* taxRoundingAllowOverride
* aiPurgeInterfaceTablesFlag
* taxUseAccountExcRateFlag
* unmtchClaimCreationFlag
* taxHierSiteExcRate
* salesTaxGeocode
* taxAllowCompoundFlag
* creditClassification1
* maxWrtoffAmount
* globalAttribute11
* salesCreditPctLimit
* globalAttribute7
* aiMtlItemsKeyLeftPrompt
* calcTaxOnCreditMemoFlag
* irecBaReceiptMethodId
* globalAttribute1
* defaultCbDueDate
* addressValidation
* toPostalCode
* lastUpdateLogin
* payUnrelatedInvoicesFlag
* postBillingItemInclusion
* siteRequiredFlag
* taxMinimumAccountableUnit
* globalAttribute19
* autoSiteNumbering
* aiLogFileMessageLevel
* documentSeqGenLevel
* attribute13
* taInstalledFlag
* lastUpdatedBy
* attributeCategory
* globalAttributeCategory
* matchedClaimExclCmFlag
* cashBasisSetOfBooksId
* trxHeaderRoundCcid
* matchedClaimCreationFlag
* taxCode
* createdBy
* invoiceDeletionFlag
* taxUseSiteExcRateFlag
* taxPrecision
* taxUseProductExemptFlag
* lateChargeInvTypeId
* unallocatedRevenueCcid
* attribute4
* attribute11
* cerDsoDays
* createReciprocalFlag
* globalAttribute4
* inclusiveTaxUsed
* lateChargeBatchSourceId
* lateChargeDmTypeId
* codeCombinationIdLoss
* glIdRevClr
* attribute14
* globalAttribute5
* globalAttribute20
* accountingMethod
* taxUseCustomerExemptFlag
* attribute9
* codeCombinationIdRound
* changePrintedInvoiceFlag
* aiMaxMemoryInBytes
* ruleSetId
* globalAttribute2
* aiActivateSqlTraceFlag
* irecCcReceiptMethodId
* automatchEnabledFlag
* penaltyRecTrxId
* populateGlSegmentsFlag
* automatchSetId
* locationStructureId
* paymentThreshold
* showBillingNumberFlag
* printRemitTo
* defaultTerritory
* orgId
* taxHeaderLevelFlag
* defaultRctMthdForLcInv
* taxCurrencyCode
* attribute6
* taxHierCustExcRate
* creditClassification2
* creationDate
* globalAttribute12
* taxHierSystemExcRate
* generateCustomerNumber
* minRefundAmount
* cerSplitAmount
* attribute8
* taxUseProdExcRateFlag
* lastUpdateDate
* printHomeCountryFlag
* globalAttribute10
* allowLateCharges
* globalAttribute17
* standardRefund
* taxRoundingRule
* runGlJournalImportFlag
* codeCombinationIdGain
* aiTerritoryKeyLeftPrompt
* lateChargeBillingCalcMode
* attribute3
* irecServiceChargeRecTrxId
* billsReceivableEnabledFlag
* creditClassification3
* taxUseLocExcRateFlag
* unearnedDiscount
* taxRegistrationNumber
* taxHierAccountExcRate
* attribute10
* taxUseCustExcRateFlag
* taxUseSystemExcRateFlag
* fromPostalCode
* minWrtoffAmount
* globalAttribute3
* postingDaysPerCycle
* attribute12
* globalAttribute9
* globalAttribute13
* attribute15
* taxHierProdExcRate
* finchrgReceivablesTrxId
* taxMethod
* calcDiscountOnLinesFlag
* attribute2
* globalAttribute6
* crossCurrencyRateType
* globalAttribute8
* revTransferClearCcid
* autocashHierarchyId
* taxDatabaseViewSet
* salesrepRequiredFlag
* globalAttribute16
* setOfBooksId
* coaMappingId
* accrueInterest
* attribute1
* globalAttribute15
* defaultCountry
* globalAttribute18
* taxInvoicePrint
* attribute5
* trxHeaderLevelRounding
* createDetailedDistFlag


 * attribute3
* globalAttribute4
* attribute4
* globalAttributeCategory
* globalAttribute19
* attribute2
* attribute8
* globalAttribute18
* attribute13
* globalAttribute17
* taxConditionActionId
* createdBy
* globalAttribute20
* attribute12
* globalAttribute11
* globalAttribute13
* globalAttribute15
* attribute14
* creationDate
* attribute11
* globalAttribute9
* globalAttribute6
* attribute5
* globalAttribute2
* attribute1
* orgId
* attribute15
* taxConditionId
* globalAttribute3
* globalAttribute16
* globalAttribute1
* taxConditionActionCode
* taxConditionActionValue
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute10
* attribute6
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdateDate
* globalAttribute12
* globalAttribute7
* attribute7
* taxConditionActionType
* globalAttribute10
* displayOrder
* globalAttribute5
* globalAttribute14
* attributeCategory
* attribute9
* globalAttribute8


 * attribute3
* globalAttribute4
* attribute4
* globalAttributeCategory
* globalAttribute19
* attribute2
* attribute8
* globalAttribute18
* attribute13
* globalAttribute17
* taxConditionActionId
* createdBy
* globalAttribute20
* attribute12
* globalAttribute11
* globalAttribute13
* globalAttribute15
* attribute14
* creationDate
* attribute11
* globalAttribute9
* globalAttribute6
* attribute5
* globalAttribute2
* attribute1
* orgId
* attribute15
* taxConditionId
* globalAttribute3
* globalAttribute16
* globalAttribute1
* taxConditionActionCode
* taxConditionActionValue
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute10
* attribute6
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdateDate
* globalAttribute12
* globalAttribute7
* attribute7
* taxConditionActionType
* globalAttribute10
* displayOrder
* globalAttribute5
* globalAttribute14
* attributeCategory
* attribute9
* globalAttribute8


 * attribute4
* globalAttribute10
* attribute1
* taxConditionField
* taxConditionId
* globalAttribute14
* taxConditionEntity
* globalAttribute8
* globalAttribute3
* attribute13
* taxConditionOperator
* globalAttribute20
* attribute6
* attribute10
* globalAttribute1
* attribute7
* globalAttribute13
* taxConditionLineId
* globalAttributeCategory
* attributeCategory
* globalAttribute6
* attribute8
* globalAttribute11
* globalAttribute7
* lastUpdateLogin
* globalAttribute9
* attribute5
* globalAttribute19
* globalAttribute16
* globalAttribute15
* attribute12
* globalAttribute2
* lastUpdateDate
* taxConditionValue
* globalAttribute18
* createdBy
* displayOrder
* attribute9
* taxConditionExpr
* creationDate
* taxConditionClause
* attribute2
* lastUpdatedBy
* globalAttribute4
* orgId
* attribute3
* attribute14
* attribute11
* globalAttribute12
* globalAttribute5
* globalAttribute17
* attribute15


 * attribute4
* globalAttribute10
* attribute1
* taxConditionField
* taxConditionId
* globalAttribute14
* taxConditionEntity
* globalAttribute8
* globalAttribute3
* attribute13
* taxConditionOperator
* globalAttribute20
* attribute6
* attribute10
* globalAttribute1
* attribute7
* globalAttribute13
* taxConditionLineId
* globalAttributeCategory
* attributeCategory
* globalAttribute6
* attribute8
* globalAttribute11
* globalAttribute7
* lastUpdateLogin
* globalAttribute9
* attribute5
* globalAttribute19
* globalAttribute16
* globalAttribute15
* attribute12
* globalAttribute2
* lastUpdateDate
* taxConditionValue
* globalAttribute18
* createdBy
* displayOrder
* attribute9
* taxConditionExpr
* creationDate
* taxConditionClause
* attribute2
* lastUpdatedBy
* globalAttribute4
* orgId
* attribute3
* attribute14
* attribute11
* globalAttribute12
* globalAttribute5
* globalAttribute17
* attribute15


 * orgId
* attribute7
* attribute10
* globalAttribute13
* taxConditionExpr
* taxConditionName
* attribute9
* attribute3
* attribute11
* globalAttributeCategory
* attribute1
* globalAttribute14
* globalAttribute2
* createdBy
* taxConditionId
* attribute8
* globalAttribute8
* globalAttribute16
* attribute4
* attribute6
* globalAttribute15
* attribute13
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute12
* attribute15
* attributeCategory
* globalAttribute3
* lastUpdateDate
* globalAttribute20
* globalAttribute9
* attribute2
* globalAttribute18
* attribute14
* attribute5
* globalAttribute5
* globalAttribute6
* creationDate
* globalAttribute1
* globalAttribute12
* globalAttribute17
* globalAttribute7
* globalAttribute19
* globalAttribute11
* lastUpdatedBy
* taxConditionType
* globalAttribute4
* globalAttribute10


 * orgId
* attribute7
* attribute10
* globalAttribute13
* taxConditionExpr
* taxConditionName
* attribute9
* attribute3
* attribute11
* globalAttributeCategory
* attribute1
* globalAttribute14
* globalAttribute2
* createdBy
* taxConditionId
* attribute8
* globalAttribute8
* globalAttribute16
* attribute4
* attribute6
* globalAttribute15
* attribute13
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute12
* attribute15
* attributeCategory
* globalAttribute3
* lastUpdateDate
* globalAttribute20
* globalAttribute9
* attribute2
* globalAttribute18
* attribute14
* attribute5
* globalAttribute5
* globalAttribute6
* creationDate
* globalAttribute1
* globalAttribute12
* globalAttribute17
* globalAttribute7
* globalAttribute19
* globalAttribute11
* lastUpdatedBy
* taxConditionType
* globalAttribute4
* globalAttribute10


 * startDate
* attribute11
* globalAttribute4
* attribute10
* taxConditionId
* partyFiscClassification
* attribute14
* globalAttribute6
* globalAttribute11
* taxGroupId
* attributeCategory
* attribute4
* globalAttribute9
* taxGroupType
* globalAttribute14
* attribute1
* taxCodeId
* attribute7
* globalAttribute1
* attribute6
* globalAttribute5
* displayOrder
* globalAttribute17
* creationDate
* globalAttribute19
* globalAttribute18
* lastUpdateLogin
* globalAttribute15
* attribute12
* attribute2
* globalAttribute2
* globalAttribute8
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateDate
* globalAttribute3
* globalAttribute20
* createdBy
* taxExceptionId
* globalAttributeCategory
* attribute13
* taxGroupCodeId
* globalAttribute10
* enabledFlag
* globalAttribute12
* globalAttribute16
* attribute3
* endDate
* globalAttribute7
* compoundingPrecedence
* trxBusinessCategoryCode
* attribute15
* globalAttribute13
* attribute5
* productFiscClassification
* attribute9
* attribute8
* orgId


 * startDate
* attribute11
* globalAttribute4
* attribute10
* taxConditionId
* partyFiscClassification
* attribute14
* globalAttribute6
* globalAttribute11
* taxGroupId
* attributeCategory
* attribute4
* globalAttribute9
* taxGroupType
* globalAttribute14
* attribute1
* taxCodeId
* attribute7
* globalAttribute1
* attribute6
* globalAttribute5
* displayOrder
* globalAttribute17
* creationDate
* globalAttribute19
* globalAttribute18
* lastUpdateLogin
* globalAttribute15
* attribute12
* attribute2
* globalAttribute2
* globalAttribute8
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateDate
* globalAttribute3
* globalAttribute20
* createdBy
* taxExceptionId
* globalAttributeCategory
* attribute13
* taxGroupCodeId
* globalAttribute10
* enabledFlag
* globalAttribute12
* globalAttribute16
* attribute3
* endDate
* globalAttribute7
* compoundingPrecedence
* trxBusinessCategoryCode
* attribute15
* globalAttribute13
* attribute5
* productFiscClassification
* attribute9
* attribute8
* orgId


 * overrideRate10
* rateAttribute11
* overrideRate4
* overrideRate7
* segmentQualifier
* overrideRate9
* rateAttribute15
* errorMessage
* rateAttribute2
* createdBy
* parentLocationId
* locationAttribute6
* locationId
* taxRate
* locationAttribute9
* locationAttributeCategory
* overrideRate2
* locationAttribute7
* programId
* lastUpdatedBy
* locationAttribute5
* rateAttribute9
* toPostalCode
* locationAttribute2
* lastUpdateDate
* rateAttribute7
* rateAttribute10
* programApplicationId
* locationAttribute1
* rateAttribute1
* locationAttribute15
* rateType
* rateAttribute4
* rateAttribute8
* locationValue
* changeFlag
* overrideControl
* locationAttribute11
* startDate
* locationSegmentId
* locationAttribute13
* overrideStructureId
* locationAttribute10
* locationAttribute14
* creationDate
* overrideRate6
* locationAttribute8
* rateAttribute13
* status
* locationAttribute3
* locationAttribute4
* endDate
* fromPostalCode
* rateAttributeCategory
* rateAttribute6
* overrideRate3
* overrideRate5
* overrideRate8
* rateAttribute3
* rateAttribute5
* interfaceLineId
* rateAttribute12
* rateAttribute14
* locationAttribute12
* requestId
* locationDescription
* overrideRate1


 * locationAttribute12
* overrideRate8
* overrideRate10
* fromPostalCode
* rateAttribute7
* locationAttribute2
* rateAttribute14
* locationAttribute14
* programApplicationId
* locationAttribute9
* rateAttribute11
* locationAttribute8
* locationAttribute4
* overrideRate2
* errorMessage
* rateAttribute13
* creationDate
* rateType
* overrideControl
* rateAttribute10
* rateAttribute6
* requestId
* rateAttribute8
* status
* locationAttribute1
* locationAttribute5
* changeFlag
* locationAttribute10
* lastUpdatedBy
* parentLocationId
* toPostalCode
* overrideRate6
* overrideRate5
* locationId
* locationAttribute3
* rateAttribute15
* overrideRate1
* overrideRate3
* rateAttribute4
* rateAttribute12
* segmentQualifier
* overrideRate7
* locationValue
* overrideStructureId
* locationAttribute7
* interfaceLineId
* lastUpdateDate
* rateAttribute2
* locationDescription
* locationAttribute13
* locationAttribute11
* overrideRate9
* endDate
* overrideRate4
* startDate
* locationAttribute15
* taxRate
* rateAttribute9
* locationAttribute6
* rateAttribute3
* createdBy
* locationSegmentId
* locationAttributeCategory
* rateAttribute5
* rateAttributeCategory
* programId
* rateAttribute1


 * locationAttribute12
* overrideRate8
* overrideRate10
* fromPostalCode
* rateAttribute7
* locationAttribute2
* rateAttribute14
* locationAttribute14
* programApplicationId
* locationAttribute9
* rateAttribute11
* locationAttribute8
* locationAttribute4
* overrideRate2
* errorMessage
* rateAttribute13
* creationDate
* rateType
* overrideControl
* rateAttribute10
* rateAttribute6
* requestId
* rateAttribute8
* status
* locationAttribute1
* locationAttribute5
* changeFlag
* locationAttribute10
* lastUpdatedBy
* parentLocationId
* toPostalCode
* overrideRate6
* overrideRate5
* locationId
* locationAttribute3
* rateAttribute15
* overrideRate1
* overrideRate3
* rateAttribute4
* rateAttribute12
* segmentQualifier
* overrideRate7
* locationValue
* overrideStructureId
* locationAttribute7
* interfaceLineId
* lastUpdateDate
* rateAttribute2
* locationDescription
* locationAttribute13
* locationAttribute11
* overrideRate9
* endDate
* overrideRate4
* startDate
* locationAttribute15
* taxRate
* rateAttribute9
* locationAttribute6
* rateAttribute3
* createdBy
* locationSegmentId
* locationAttributeCategory
* rateAttribute5
* rateAttributeCategory
* programId
* rateAttribute1


 * overrideRate10
* rateAttribute11
* overrideRate4
* overrideRate7
* segmentQualifier
* overrideRate9
* rateAttribute15
* errorMessage
* rateAttribute2
* createdBy
* parentLocationId
* locationAttribute6
* locationId
* taxRate
* locationAttribute9
* locationAttributeCategory
* overrideRate2
* locationAttribute7
* programId
* lastUpdatedBy
* locationAttribute5
* rateAttribute9
* toPostalCode
* locationAttribute2
* lastUpdateDate
* rateAttribute7
* rateAttribute10
* programApplicationId
* locationAttribute1
* rateAttribute1
* locationAttribute15
* rateType
* rateAttribute4
* rateAttribute8
* locationValue
* changeFlag
* overrideControl
* locationAttribute11
* startDate
* locationSegmentId
* locationAttribute13
* overrideStructureId
* locationAttribute10
* locationAttribute14
* creationDate
* overrideRate6
* locationAttribute8
* rateAttribute13
* status
* locationAttribute3
* locationAttribute4
* endDate
* fromPostalCode
* rateAttributeCategory
* rateAttribute6
* overrideRate3
* overrideRate5
* overrideRate8
* rateAttribute3
* rateAttribute5
* interfaceLineId
* rateAttribute12
* rateAttribute14
* locationAttribute12
* requestId
* locationDescription
* overrideRate1


 * datePictureLookupCode
* fillCharacterLookupCode
* createdBy
* lastUpdateDate
* creationDate
* fieldTypeLookupCode
* zdEditionName
* amountFormatLookupCode
* fieldFormatId
* justificationLookupCode
* lastUpdatedBy
* transmissionFormatId
* recordFormatId
* timePictureLookupCode
* fieldStartPosition
* zdSync
* description
* lastUpdateLogin
* overflowRecIndicator
* fieldEndPosition


 * datePictureLookupCode
* fillCharacterLookupCode
* createdBy
* lastUpdateDate
* creationDate
* fieldTypeLookupCode
* zdEditionName
* amountFormatLookupCode
* fieldFormatId
* justificationLookupCode
* lastUpdatedBy
* transmissionFormatId
* recordFormatId
* timePictureLookupCode
* fieldStartPosition
* zdSync
* description
* lastUpdateLogin
* overflowRecIndicator
* fieldEndPosition


 * attribute8
* attribute13
* attributeCategory
* attribute10
* attribute5
* recordIdentifier
* recordTypeLookupCode
* attribute14
* attribute3
* description
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute6
* attribute7
* attribute4
* zdSync
* creationDate
* attribute9
* zdEditionName
* recordFormatId
* attribute11
* createdBy
* attribute1
* attribute2
* transmissionFormatId
* attribute12
* attribute15


 * attribute8
* attribute13
* attributeCategory
* attribute10
* attribute5
* recordIdentifier
* recordTypeLookupCode
* attribute14
* attribute3
* description
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute6
* attribute7
* attribute4
* zdSync
* creationDate
* attribute9
* zdEditionName
* recordFormatId
* attribute11
* createdBy
* attribute1
* attribute2
* transmissionFormatId
* attribute12
* attribute15


 * attribute3
* postableFlag
* attribute11
* maturityDate
* prvTrxHistoryId
* programId
* orgId
* glPostedDate
* attribute8
* lastUpdateLogin
* attributeCategory
* programUpdateDate
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute10
* batchId
* currentAccountedFlag
* programApplicationId
* glDate
* attribute5
* attribute12
* comments
* attribute6
* createdBy
* mrcPostingControlId
* eventId
* attribute4
* attribute9
* mrcGlPostedDate
* attribute1
* event
* currentRecordFlag
* attribute15
* customerTrxId
* postingControlId
* status
* lastUpdatedBy
* mrcCreatedFrom
* trxDate
* createdFrom
* attribute7
* creationDate
* firstPostedRecordFlag
* attribute2
* attribute14
* requestId
* transactionHistoryId
* attribute13


 * attribute3
* postableFlag
* attribute11
* maturityDate
* prvTrxHistoryId
* programId
* orgId
* glPostedDate
* attribute8
* lastUpdateLogin
* attributeCategory
* programUpdateDate
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute10
* batchId
* currentAccountedFlag
* programApplicationId
* glDate
* attribute5
* attribute12
* comments
* attribute6
* createdBy
* mrcPostingControlId
* eventId
* attribute4
* attribute9
* mrcGlPostedDate
* attribute1
* event
* currentRecordFlag
* attribute15
* customerTrxId
* postingControlId
* status
* lastUpdatedBy
* mrcCreatedFrom
* trxDate
* createdFrom
* attribute7
* creationDate
* firstPostedRecordFlag
* attribute2
* attribute14
* requestId
* transactionHistoryId
* attribute13


 * recCustTrxLineGlDistId
* accountDesc
* trxCurrency
* customerTrxId
* recAccountDesc
* exchangeDate
* natacctDesc
* linkToCustTrxLineId
* itemDescription
* recBalanceDesc
* receiptMethodId
* billToSiteUseId
* consBillNumber
* trxPaymentScheduleId
* trxDueDate
* natacct
* recAccount
* inventoryItem
* creationDate
* exchangeType
* trxAmount
* recNatacctDesc
* recNatacct
* exchangeRate
* createdBy
* docSequenceId
* receivablesGlDate
* billToCustomerId
* lastUpdatedBy
* balance
* account
* docSequenceValue
* trxLastUpdateDate
* custTrxLineGlDistId
* shipToSiteUseId
* shipToCustomerId
* batchSourceId
* lastUpdateDate
* customerTrxLineId
* trxLastUpdatedBy
* requestId
* taxHeaderLevelFlag
* recBalance
* batchId
* trxNumber
* organizationName
* trxDate
* orgId
* balanceDesc
* lastUpdateLogin
* functionalCurrencyCode
* trxAcctdAmount
* custTrxTypeId
* recPostableFlag
* termId


 * recCustTrxLineGlDistId
* accountDesc
* trxCurrency
* customerTrxId
* recAccountDesc
* exchangeDate
* natacctDesc
* linkToCustTrxLineId
* itemDescription
* recBalanceDesc
* receiptMethodId
* billToSiteUseId
* consBillNumber
* trxPaymentScheduleId
* trxDueDate
* natacct
* recAccount
* inventoryItem
* creationDate
* exchangeType
* trxAmount
* recNatacctDesc
* recNatacct
* exchangeRate
* createdBy
* docSequenceId
* receivablesGlDate
* billToCustomerId
* lastUpdatedBy
* balance
* account
* docSequenceValue
* trxLastUpdateDate
* custTrxLineGlDistId
* shipToSiteUseId
* shipToCustomerId
* batchSourceId
* lastUpdateDate
* customerTrxLineId
* trxLastUpdatedBy
* requestId
* taxHeaderLevelFlag
* recBalance
* batchId
* trxNumber
* organizationName
* trxDate
* orgId
* balanceDesc
* lastUpdateLogin
* functionalCurrencyCode
* trxAcctdAmount
* custTrxTypeId
* recPostableFlag
* termId


 * zenginCharSet
* attribute9
* statusLookupCode
* attribute15
* formatName
* attribute4
* createdBy
* attribute10
* zdEditionName
* description
* attribute2
* attribute8
* attribute5
* transmissionFormatId
* attribute3
* zdSync
* attribute13
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute1
* attributeCategory
* attribute12
* attribute11
* attribute14
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute7
* attribute6
* lastUpdatedBy
* creationDate


 * zenginCharSet
* attribute9
* statusLookupCode
* attribute15
* formatName
* attribute4
* createdBy
* attribute10
* zdEditionName
* description
* attribute2
* attribute8
* attribute5
* transmissionFormatId
* attribute3
* zdSync
* attribute13
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute1
* attributeCategory
* attribute12
* attribute11
* attribute14
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute7
* attribute6
* lastUpdatedBy
* creationDate


 * creationDate
* attribute3
* transmissionId
* attribute9
* orgId
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute7
* attributeCategory
* transmissionRequestId
* attribute5
* amount
* requestedGlDate
* count
* transmissionName
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute11
* origin
* sourceTypeFlag
* transDate
* attribute1
* attribute14
* attribute10
* comments
* requestedLockboxId
* attribute2
* attribute6
* latestRequestId
* requestedTransFormatId
* attribute13
* time
* validatedAmount
* createdBy
* attribute15
* status
* attribute8
* lastUpdateLogin
* scoringModelId
* attribute4
* attribute12
* destination
* validatedCount


 * creationDate
* attribute3
* transmissionId
* attribute9
* orgId
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute7
* attributeCategory
* transmissionRequestId
* attribute5
* amount
* requestedGlDate
* count
* transmissionName
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute11
* origin
* sourceTypeFlag
* transDate
* attribute1
* attribute14
* attribute10
* comments
* requestedLockboxId
* attribute2
* attribute6
* latestRequestId
* requestedTransFormatId
* attribute13
* time
* validatedAmount
* createdBy
* attribute15
* status
* attribute8
* lastUpdateLogin
* scoringModelId
* attribute4
* attribute12
* destination
* validatedCount


 * lastUpdateLogin
* disputedInvCount
* createdBy
* opCreditMemosCount
* unresolvedCashValue
* pendingAdjValue
* reference3
* reference1
* orgId
* pastDueInvInstCount
* currency
* reference5
* totalDsoDaysCredit
* receiptsAtRiskValue
* bestCurrentReceivables
* opBillsReceivablesCount
* lastPaymentNumber
* opDebitMemosCount
* invAmtInDispute
* dunningCount
* opInvoicesValue
* opCreditMemosValue
* opInvoicesCount
* opBillsReceivablesValue
* lastDunningDate
* siteUseId
* opDepositsValue
* opDepositsCount
* pastDueInvValue
* opChargebackCount
* lastPaymentAmount
* opDebitMemosValue
* reference4
* lastUpdatedBy
* unresolvedCashCount
* reference2
* lastPaymentDate
* lastUpdateDate
* custAccountId
* opChargebackValue
* creationDate


 * lastUpdateLogin
* disputedInvCount
* createdBy
* opCreditMemosCount
* unresolvedCashValue
* pendingAdjValue
* reference3
* reference1
* orgId
* pastDueInvInstCount
* currency
* reference5
* totalDsoDaysCredit
* receiptsAtRiskValue
* bestCurrentReceivables
* opBillsReceivablesCount
* lastPaymentNumber
* opDebitMemosCount
* invAmtInDispute
* dunningCount
* opInvoicesValue
* opCreditMemosValue
* opInvoicesCount
* opBillsReceivablesValue
* lastDunningDate
* siteUseId
* opDepositsValue
* opDepositsCount
* pastDueInvValue
* opChargebackCount
* lastPaymentAmount
* opDebitMemosValue
* reference4
* lastUpdatedBy
* unresolvedCashCount
* reference2
* lastPaymentDate
* lastUpdateDate
* custAccountId
* opChargebackValue
* creationDate


 * interfaceLineAttribute10
* lineAmount
* attribute4H
* dueDate
* attribute10H
* interfaceLineAttribute3
* interfaceLineAttribute11
* attribute2H
* attribute1L
* attribute12H
* customerTrxId
* interfaceLineAttribute6
* class
* partialDiscountFlag
* attribute3H
* attribute7L
* interfaceLineAttribute9
* purchaseOrder
* pastDueFlag
* interfaceHeaderAttribute1
* purchaseOrderDate
* transformedSalesOrder
* requestId
* disputedTrxFlag
* attribute8L
* attribute14H
* amountDueRemaining
* interfaceHeaderAttribute2
* invoiceCurrencyCode
* workerNumber
* attribute4L
* interfaceHeaderAttribute4
* ctReference
* waybillNumber
* attribute6H
* attribute8H
* interfaceLineAttribute7
* automatchSetId
* interfaceLineAttribute14
* attribute13H
* attribute1H
* interfaceHeaderAttribute7
* attribute13L
* receivablesChargesRemaining
* attribute11L
* customerTrxLineId
* attribute14L
* amountApplied
* interfaceLineContext
* attribute15H
* orgId
* interfaceHeaderAttribute8
* interfaceHeaderAttribute13
* interfaceLineAttribute13
* customerId
* interfaceLineAttribute4
* attribute15L
* billingDate
* interfaceLineAttribute15
* allowOverapplicationFlag
* interfaceLineAttribute12
* attribute2L
* attribute9H
* termsSequenceNumber
* paymentScheduleId
* interfaceHeaderAttribute12
* attribute5H
* openDocumentCount
* interfaceHeaderAttribute3
* attribute9L
* interfaceLineAttribute1
* interfaceLineAttribute8
* interfaceHeaderAttribute5
* attribute5L
* attribute11H
* consBillingNumber
* interfaceHeaderAttribute6
* headerLineFlag
* interfaceHeaderAttribute15
* interfaceHeaderAttribute14
* attribute7H
* trxNumber
* attribute3L
* attribute10L
* termId
* attribute6L
* automatchId
* amountInDispute
* customerSiteUseId
* consInvId
* amountCredited
* amountDueOriginal
* interfaceLineAttribute5
* discountTakenEarned
* interfaceHeaderAttribute9
* interfaceHeaderAttribute11
* discountTakenUnearned
* selectedForReceiptBatchId
* trxDate
* attribute12L
* interfaceLineAttribute2
* interfaceHeaderAttribute10
* salesOrder


 * interfaceLineAttribute10
* lineAmount
* attribute4H
* dueDate
* attribute10H
* interfaceLineAttribute3
* interfaceLineAttribute11
* attribute2H
* attribute1L
* attribute12H
* customerTrxId
* interfaceLineAttribute6
* class
* partialDiscountFlag
* attribute3H
* attribute7L
* interfaceLineAttribute9
* purchaseOrder
* pastDueFlag
* interfaceHeaderAttribute1
* purchaseOrderDate
* transformedSalesOrder
* requestId
* disputedTrxFlag
* attribute8L
* attribute14H
* amountDueRemaining
* interfaceHeaderAttribute2
* invoiceCurrencyCode
* workerNumber
* attribute4L
* interfaceHeaderAttribute4
* ctReference
* waybillNumber
* attribute6H
* attribute8H
* interfaceLineAttribute7
* automatchSetId
* interfaceLineAttribute14
* attribute13H
* attribute1H
* interfaceHeaderAttribute7
* attribute13L
* receivablesChargesRemaining
* attribute11L
* customerTrxLineId
* attribute14L
* amountApplied
* interfaceLineContext
* attribute15H
* orgId
* interfaceHeaderAttribute8
* interfaceHeaderAttribute13
* interfaceLineAttribute13
* customerId
* interfaceLineAttribute4
* attribute15L
* billingDate
* interfaceLineAttribute15
* allowOverapplicationFlag
* interfaceLineAttribute12
* attribute2L
* attribute9H
* termsSequenceNumber
* paymentScheduleId
* interfaceHeaderAttribute12
* attribute5H
* openDocumentCount
* interfaceHeaderAttribute3
* attribute9L
* interfaceLineAttribute1
* interfaceLineAttribute8
* interfaceHeaderAttribute5
* attribute5L
* attribute11H
* consBillingNumber
* interfaceHeaderAttribute6
* headerLineFlag
* interfaceHeaderAttribute15
* interfaceHeaderAttribute14
* attribute7H
* trxNumber
* attribute3L
* attribute10L
* termId
* attribute6L
* automatchId
* amountInDispute
* customerSiteUseId
* consInvId
* amountCredited
* amountDueOriginal
* interfaceLineAttribute5
* discountTakenEarned
* interfaceHeaderAttribute9
* interfaceHeaderAttribute11
* discountTakenUnearned
* selectedForReceiptBatchId
* trxDate
* attribute12L
* interfaceLineAttribute2
* interfaceHeaderAttribute10
* salesOrder


 * reference5
* totalAdjustmentsValue
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* sumAppAmtDaysLate
* invInstPmtDaysSum
* lastUpdatedBy
* totalDepositsValue
* totalEarnedDiscValue
* opBalHighWatermarkDate
* totalChargebackValue
* totalUnearnedDiscCount
* largestInvCustTrxId
* totalBillsReceivablesCount
* totalCreditMemosValue
* totalDebitMemosCount
* totalEarnedDiscCount
* countOfTotInvInstPaid
* sumAppAmt
* totalDebitMemosValue
* siteUseId
* opBalHighWatermark
* totalAdjustmentsCount
* daysCreditGrantedSum
* totalInvoicesValue
* totalCreditMemosCount
* nsfStopPaymentAmount
* totalDepositsCount
* countOfDiscInvInst
* orgId
* totalUnearnedDiscValue
* nsfStopPaymentCount
* invPaidAmount
* totalChargebackCount
* currency
* totalBillsReceivablesValue
* countOfInvInstPaidLate
* reference1
* asOfDate
* totalCashReceiptsValue
* reference3
* reference2
* largestInvAmount
* totalInvoicesCount
* custAccountId
* totalCashReceiptsCount
* largestInvDate
* reference4
* creationDate
* createdBy


 * reference5
* totalAdjustmentsValue
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* sumAppAmtDaysLate
* invInstPmtDaysSum
* lastUpdatedBy
* totalDepositsValue
* totalEarnedDiscValue
* opBalHighWatermarkDate
* totalChargebackValue
* totalUnearnedDiscCount
* largestInvCustTrxId
* totalBillsReceivablesCount
* totalCreditMemosValue
* totalDebitMemosCount
* totalEarnedDiscCount
* countOfTotInvInstPaid
* sumAppAmt
* totalDebitMemosValue
* siteUseId
* opBalHighWatermark
* totalAdjustmentsCount
* daysCreditGrantedSum
* totalInvoicesValue
* totalCreditMemosCount
* nsfStopPaymentAmount
* totalDepositsCount
* countOfDiscInvInst
* orgId
* totalUnearnedDiscValue
* nsfStopPaymentCount
* invPaidAmount
* totalChargebackCount
* currency
* totalBillsReceivablesValue
* countOfInvInstPaidLate
* reference1
* asOfDate
* totalCashReceiptsValue
* reference3
* reference2
* largestInvAmount
* totalInvoicesCount
* custAccountId
* totalCashReceiptsCount
* largestInvDate
* reference4
* creationDate
* createdBy


 * createdBy
* completeFlag
* cashReceiptId
* dueDate
* creationDate
* customerTrxId
* customerId
* amountDueRemaining
* lastUpdatedBy
* amountInDispute
* amountDueOriginal
* trxDate
* paymentScheduleId
* lastUpdateLogin
* eventName
* installments
* previousHistoryId
* lastUpdateDate
* amountAdjusted
* siteUseId
* historyId
* currencyCode


 * createdBy
* completeFlag
* cashReceiptId
* dueDate
* creationDate
* customerTrxId
* customerId
* amountDueRemaining
* lastUpdatedBy
* amountInDispute
* amountDueOriginal
* trxDate
* paymentScheduleId
* lastUpdateLogin
* eventName
* installments
* previousHistoryId
* lastUpdateDate
* amountAdjusted
* siteUseId
* historyId
* currencyCode


 * processedFlag
* batchId
* batchSize
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* createdBy
* lastUpdatedBy
* scriptName
* lastUpdateDate
* numWorkers
* actionFlag


 * processedFlag
* batchId
* batchSize
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* createdBy
* lastUpdatedBy
* scriptName
* lastUpdateDate
* numWorkers
* actionFlag


 * attribute2
* attribute8
* globalAttribute13
* taxStatusCode
* adjustmentTaxCode
* displayedFlag
* attribute5
* taxCalculationPlsqlBlock
* creationDate
* description
* globalAttribute3
* globalAttribute17
* globalAttribute7
* attribute13
* lastUpdateDate
* globalAttribute19
* taxAccountId
* globalAttribute20
* interimTaxCcid
* adjNonRecTaxCcid
* attribute3
* attribute1
* orgId
* globalAttribute16
* adjCcid
* globalAttribute6
* lastUpdateLogin
* endDate
* finchrgNonRecTaxCcid
* taxRegimeCode
* attribute10
* globalAttribute11
* vatTransactionType
* globalAttribute2
* vatTaxId
* setOfBooksId
* attribute7
* taxRate
* globalAttribute1
* globalAttribute14
* attributeCategory
* amountIncludesTaxFlag
* taxableBasis
* lastUpdatedBy
* validateFlag
* globalAttribute15
* globalAttribute18
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* globalAttribute10
* attribute11
* globalAttribute8
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* taxType


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* attribute5
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* creationDate
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* setOfBooksId
* attribute7
* taxRate
* globalAttribute1
* globalAttribute14
* attributeCategory
* amountIncludesTaxFlag
* taxableBasis
* lastUpdatedBy
* validateFlag
* globalAttribute15
* globalAttribute18
* ediscCcid
* globalAttribute10
* attribute11
* globalAttribute8
* attribute9
* globalAttribute5
* taxCode
* createdBy
* attribute14
* unediscCcid
* globalAttribute12
* leasingFlag
* globalAttribute4
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* startDate
* taxConstraintId
* unapprovedExemptionFlag
* finchrgCcid
* enabledFlag
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* globalAttributeCategory
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* taxClass
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* globalAttribute9
* tax
* taxType


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* creationDate
* createdBy
* language
* sourceLang
* lastUpdateLogin
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* printedTaxName


 * vatTaxId
* creationDate
* createdBy
* language
* sourceLang
* lastUpdateLogin
* orgId
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateDate
* printedTaxName


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* programName
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* requestId
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* creationDate
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* arAgingBucket
* prevDiscountDate
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* agingBucket
* discountDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* status
* discountAmt
* prevAgingBucket
* lastUpdateLogin
* incrementalFlag
* lastUpdateDate
* createdBy


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* prevArAgingBucket
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* lastUpdateLogin
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* companyId
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* approvalTypeFlag
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* personId
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* requesterId
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* createdBy
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* attribute11
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* createdBy
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* signatoryId


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* lastUpdatedBy
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* poolRemittanceMessage1
* maxTargetBalance
* minTargetBalance
* accountHolderNameAlt
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* poolPaymentMethodCode
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* attribute9
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* lastUpdateLogin
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* ibanNumber


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* accountHolderId
* zeroAmountAllowed
* creationDate
* autoreconArMatchingOrder
* bankId
* bankAccountType
* cashflowDisplayOrder
* accountOwnerOrgId
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* poolRemittanceMessage1
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* minTargetBalance
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* attribute8
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* fedDunsNum
* poolRemittanceMessage3
* attribute5
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* autoreconApMatchingOrder
* poolRemittanceMessage2
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* startDate
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* shortAccountName
* manualReconPercentTolerance
* poolPaymentReasonCode
* apAmountTolerance
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* poolPaymentMethodCode
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* payPercentTolerance
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* attribute13
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* accountClassification
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* programUpdateDate
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* autoreconArMatchingOrder3
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* attribute9
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* lastUpdateLogin
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* balanceDate
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* creationDate
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* availableBalance
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* balanceDate
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* payrollBankAccountId
* bankAcctUseId
* lastUpdateLogin
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* applicationId
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* lastUpdateDate
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* lastUpdatedBy
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* lastAccountUpgId
* creationDate
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* branchUpgradeMode
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* creationDate
* sourceProductName
* accountUpgradeMode
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* branchUpgradeMode
* bankUpgradeMode


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* singleConcAccountFlag
* legalEntityId
* lastUpdateLogin
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* cashpoolId
* concAccountId
* partyCode
* parentCashpoolId
* fundConcAccountId
* trxnSubtypeCodeId


 * currencyCode
* invConcAccountId
* effectiveDateTo
* effectiveDateFrom
* lastUpdateDate
* sweepsFlag
* name
* lastUpdatedBy
* authorizationBat
* lastUpdateLogin
* createdBy
* creationDate
* type
* singleConcAccountFlag
* legalEntityId
* cashpoolId
* concAccountId
* partyCode
* parentCashpoolId
* fundConcAccountId
* trxnSubtypeCodeId


 * createdBy
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* bankAccountId
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* statementHeaderId
* objectVersionNumber


 * createdBy
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* bankAccountId
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* statementHeaderId
* objectVersionNumber


 * lastUpdatedBy
* creationDate
* lastUpdateDate
* createdBy
* objectVersionNumber
* lastUpdateLogin
* statementHeaderId
* bankAccountId


 * lastUpdatedBy
* creationDate
* lastUpdateDate
* createdBy
* objectVersionNumber
* lastUpdateLogin
* statementHeaderId
* bankAccountId


 * lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* bankAccountId
* createdBy
* lastUpdateDate
* objectVersionNumber
* signatoryId
* creationDate


 * lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* bankAccountId
* createdBy
* lastUpdateDate
* objectVersionNumber
* signatoryId
* creationDate


 * invConcAccountId
* fundConcAccountId
* lastUpdateDate
* accountId
* createdBy
* type
* lastUpdatedBy
* objectVersionNumber
* creationDate
* cashpoolSubAcctId
* concAccountId
* lastUpdateLogin


 * invConcAccountId
* fundConcAccountId
* lastUpdateDate
* accountId
* createdBy
* type
* lastUpdatedBy
* objectVersionNumber
* creationDate
* cashpoolSubAcctId
* concAccountId
* lastUpdateLogin


 * concAccountId
* invConcAccountId
* objectVersionNumber
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdatedBy
* fundConcAccountId
* creationDate
* cashpoolId
* createdBy


 * concAccountId
* invConcAccountId
* objectVersionNumber
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdatedBy
* fundConcAccountId
* creationDate
* cashpoolId
* createdBy


 * worksheetHeaderId
* createdBy
* rowidVar
* lastUpdatedBy
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* sourceType
* bankAccountId
* ceBankAccountId
* asOfDate
* lastUpdateDate
* objectVersionNumber


 * worksheetHeaderId
* createdBy
* rowidVar
* lastUpdatedBy
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* sourceType
* bankAccountId
* ceBankAccountId
* asOfDate
* lastUpdateDate
* objectVersionNumber


 * createdBy
* lastUpdatedBy
* bankAccountId
* objectVersionNumber
* lastUpdateDate
* creationDate
* worksheetLineId
* lastUpdateLogin


 * createdBy
* lastUpdatedBy
* bankAccountId
* objectVersionNumber
* lastUpdateDate
* creationDate
* worksheetLineId
* lastUpdateLogin


 * balanceId
* bankAccountId
* createdBy
* objectVersionNumber
* creationDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin


 * balanceId
* bankAccountId
* createdBy
* objectVersionNumber
* creationDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin


 * lastUpdateLogin
* objectVersionNumber
* createdBy
* forecastRowId
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateDate
* creationDate
* bankAccountId


 * lastUpdateLogin
* objectVersionNumber
* createdBy
* forecastRowId
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateDate
* creationDate
* bankAccountId


 * lastUpdatedBy
* objectVersionNumber
* lastUpdateDate
* forecastCellId
* bankAccountId
* createdBy
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin


 * lastUpdatedBy
* objectVersionNumber
* lastUpdateDate
* forecastCellId
* bankAccountId
* createdBy
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin


 * creationDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* bankAccountId
* statementHeaderId
* objectVersionNumber
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* createdBy


 * creationDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* bankAccountId
* statementHeaderId
* objectVersionNumber
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* createdBy


 * objectVersionNumber
* bankAccountId
* creationDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* jeMappingId
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* createdBy


 * objectVersionNumber
* bankAccountId
* creationDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* jeMappingId
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* createdBy


 * lastUpdateLogin
* statementHeaderId
* creationDate
* objectVersionNumber
* lastUpdatedBy
* bankAccountId
* createdBy
* lastUpdateDate


 * lastUpdateLogin
* statementHeaderId
* creationDate
* objectVersionNumber
* lastUpdatedBy
* bankAccountId
* createdBy
* lastUpdateDate


 * objectVersionNumber
* creationDate
* transactionCodeId
* bankAccountId
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* createdBy
* lastUpdateDate


 * objectVersionNumber
* creationDate
* transactionCodeId
* bankAccountId
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* createdBy
* lastUpdateDate


 * lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* startNumber
* prefix
* dateReceived
* checkbookId
* createdBy
* endNumber
* objectVersionNumber
* checkbookName
* lastUpdateDate
* creationDate
* paymentDocumentId


 * lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* startNumber
* prefix
* dateReceived
* checkbookId
* createdBy
* endNumber
* objectVersionNumber
* checkbookName
* lastUpdateDate
* creationDate
* paymentDocumentId


 * lastUpdateDate
* contactAssignmentId
* bankPartyId
* bankAccountId
* assignmentType
* relationshipId
* branchPartyId
* lastUpdateLogin
* createdBy
* creationDate
* lastUpdatedBy


 * lastUpdateDate
* contactAssignmentId
* bankPartyId
* bankAccountId
* assignmentType
* relationshipId
* branchPartyId
* lastUpdateLogin
* createdBy
* creationDate
* lastUpdatedBy


 * worksheetHeaderId
* lastUpdateLogin
* bankAccountId
* sourceType
* lastUpdatedBy
* asOfDate
* balanceDate
* createdBy
* balance
* lastUpdateDate
* creationDate


 * worksheetHeaderId
* lastUpdateLogin
* bankAccountId
* sourceType
* lastUpdatedBy
* asOfDate
* balanceDate
* createdBy
* balance
* lastUpdateDate
* creationDate


 * trxType
* currency
* lastUpdateLogin
* worksheetHeaderId
* lastUpdateDate
* referenceId
* excludeFlag
* creationDate
* bankAccountId
* lastUpdatedBy
* createdBy
* asOfDate


 * trxType
* currency
* lastUpdateLogin
* worksheetHeaderId
* lastUpdateDate
* referenceId
* excludeFlag
* creationDate
* bankAccountId
* lastUpdatedBy
* createdBy
* asOfDate


 * createdBy
* columnsDisplayed
* worksheetHeaderId
* lastUpdateDate
* worksheetName
* creationDate
* pdFlag
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin


 * createdBy
* columnsDisplayed
* worksheetHeaderId
* lastUpdateDate
* worksheetName
* creationDate
* pdFlag
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin


 * criteria6
* creationDate
* bankName
* legalEntityId
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* trxnSubtypeCodeId
* indicativeFlag
* sourceType
* criteria4
* criteria15
* criteria12
* criteria10
* balanceType
* criteria7
* clearedTrxFlag
* cashpoolId
* description
* criteria8
* bankAccountId
* extSourceType
* amount
* createdBy
* criteria1
* criteria9
* cutOffDays
* receiptMethodId
* payrollId
* criteriaCategory
* criteria2
* includeFlag
* lastUpdateLogin
* criteria11
* overdueTrxFlag
* floatType
* paymentMethod
* criteria13
* worksheetLineId
* worksheetHeaderId
* trxType
* criteria14
* criteria3
* criteria5


 * criteria6
* creationDate
* bankName
* legalEntityId
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* trxnSubtypeCodeId
* indicativeFlag
* sourceType
* criteria4
* criteria15
* criteria12
* criteria10
* balanceType
* criteria7
* clearedTrxFlag
* cashpoolId
* description
* criteria8
* bankAccountId
* extSourceType
* amount
* createdBy
* criteria1
* criteria9
* cutOffDays
* receiptMethodId
* payrollId
* criteriaCategory
* criteria2
* includeFlag
* lastUpdateLogin
* criteria11
* overdueTrxFlag
* floatType
* paymentMethod
* criteria13
* worksheetLineId
* worksheetHeaderId
* trxType
* criteria14
* criteria3
* criteria5


 * worksheetLineId
* bankAccountId
* sourceType
* asOfDate
* worksheetHeaderId
* lineDescription
* amount


 * worksheetLineId
* bankAccountId
* sourceType
* asOfDate
* worksheetHeaderId
* lineDescription
* amount


 * currencyCode
* toCurrency
* exchangeRate
* forecastRequestId


 * currencyCode
* toCurrency
* exchangeRate
* forecastRequestId


 * docSequenceId
* createdBy
* docSequenceValue
* docSequenceAssignmentId
* creationDate


 * docSequenceId
* createdBy
* docSequenceValue
* docSequenceAssignmentId
* creationDate


 * lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdatedBy
* forecastCellId
* forecastRowId
* forecastColumnId
* forecastHeaderId
* createdBy
* forecastId
* creationDate
* amount


 * lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdatedBy
* forecastCellId
* forecastRowId
* forecastColumnId
* forecastHeaderId
* createdBy
* forecastId
* creationDate
* amount


 * daysTo
* createdBy
* attribute11
* forecastHeaderId
* forecastColumnId
* attribute10
* attribute8
* attribute5
* attribute12
* creationDate
* attribute6
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* daysFrom
* attribute3
* attribute15
* attribute13
* attributeCategory
* attribute2
* developerColumnNum
* attribute7
* columnNumber
* attribute4
* attribute1
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute14
* attribute9


 * daysTo
* createdBy
* attribute11
* forecastHeaderId
* forecastColumnId
* attribute10
* attribute8
* attribute5
* attribute12
* creationDate
* attribute6
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* daysFrom
* attribute3
* attribute15
* attribute13
* attributeCategory
* attribute2
* developerColumnNum
* attribute7
* columnNumber
* attribute4
* attribute1
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute14
* attribute9


 * messageText
* creationDate
* forecastRowId
* applicationShortName
* applicationId
* forecastHeaderId
* forecastId
* messageName
* createdBy
* forecastRunName


 * messageText
* creationDate
* forecastRowId
* applicationShortName
* applicationId
* forecastHeaderId
* forecastId
* messageName
* createdBy
* forecastRunName


 * startDate
* forecastRequestId
* contextValue
* endDate
* fromCurrencyCode
* forecastColumnId
* conversionRate


 * startDate
* forecastRequestId
* contextValue
* endDate
* fromCurrencyCode
* forecastColumnId
* conversionRate


 * externalSourceView
* externalSourceType
* dbLinkName
* creationDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* createdBy
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin


 * externalSourceView
* externalSourceType
* dbLinkName
* creationDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* createdBy
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin


 * endProjectId
* createdBy
* attribute12
* attribute11
* attribute2
* attribute7
* overdueTransactions
* attribute8
* attribute9
* treasuryTemplate
* creationDate
* name
* description
* attribute6
* columnSetup
* transactionCalendarId
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute4
* attribute14
* attributeCategory
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute5
* attribute10
* forecastHeaderId
* attribute3
* agingType
* attribute15
* startProjectId
* attribute13
* cutoffPeriod
* attribute1


 * endProjectId
* createdBy
* attribute12
* attribute11
* attribute2
* attribute7
* overdueTransactions
* attribute8
* attribute9
* treasuryTemplate
* creationDate
* name
* description
* attribute6
* columnSetup
* transactionCalendarId
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute4
* attribute14
* attributeCategory
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute5
* attribute10
* forecastHeaderId
* attribute3
* agingType
* attribute15
* startProjectId
* attribute13
* cutoffPeriod
* attribute1


 * lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* codeCombinationId
* openingBalance
* legalEntityId
* priorDayCflow
* balanceType
* lastUpdateDate
* bankAccountId
* balanceDate
* balanceId
* createdBy
* forecastId
* creationDate


 * lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* codeCombinationId
* openingBalance
* legalEntityId
* priorDayCflow
* balanceType
* lastUpdateDate
* bankAccountId
* balanceDate
* balanceId
* createdBy
* forecastId
* creationDate


 * forecastHeaderId
* periodNumber
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdatedBy
* levelOfSummary
* lengthOfPeriod
* lengthType
* lastUpdateDate
* createdBy
* creationDate
* forecastPeriodId


 * forecastHeaderId
* periodNumber
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdatedBy
* levelOfSummary
* lengthOfPeriod
* lengthType
* lastUpdateDate
* createdBy
* creationDate
* forecastPeriodId


 * salesForecastStatus
* externalSourceType
* xtrBankAccount
* rollForwardPeriod
* vendorType
* salesStageId
* authorizationStatus
* attribute9
* orderTypeId
* orderStatus
* orgPaymentMethodId
* attribute6
* channelCode
* legalEntityId
* orderDateType
* encumbranceTypeId
* criteria1
* orgId
* paymentPriority
* leadTime
* usePaymentTerms
* rollForwardType
* includeTempLaborFlag
* attribute11
* budgetName
* includeNetCashFlag
* creationDate
* criteria4
* lastUpdateDate
* includeFloatFlag
* receiptMethodId
* budgetVersionId
* criteria2
* useAveragePaymentDays
* attribute4
* criteria6
* attribute8
* payrollId
* discountOption
* customerProfileClassId
* includeDisputeFlag
* criteria15
* forecastMethod
* attribute15
* criteria7
* rowNumber
* setOfBooksId
* excludeIndicExp
* criteria12
* codeCombinationId
* forecastRowId
* criteria9
* lastUpdateLogin
* forecastHeaderId
* chartOfAccountsId
* winProbability
* budgetVersion
* criteria8
* description
* attribute10
* attribute2
* attributeCategory
* type
* createdBy
* criteriaCategory
* attribute3
* budgetType
* bankAccountId
* attribute1
* criteria5
* criteria10
* paymentMethod
* payGroup
* companyCode
* attribute5
* attribute13
* criteria13
* lastUpdatedBy
* criteria11
* criteria3
* attribute7
* attribute14
* criteria14
* period
* trxType
* attribute12
* includeHoldFlag


 * salesForecastStatus
* externalSourceType
* xtrBankAccount
* rollForwardPeriod
* vendorType
* salesStageId
* authorizationStatus
* attribute9
* orderTypeId
* orderStatus
* orgPaymentMethodId
* attribute6
* channelCode
* legalEntityId
* orderDateType
* encumbranceTypeId
* criteria1
* orgId
* paymentPriority
* leadTime
* usePaymentTerms
* rollForwardType
* includeTempLaborFlag
* attribute11
* budgetName
* includeNetCashFlag
* creationDate
* criteria4
* lastUpdateDate
* includeFloatFlag
* receiptMethodId
* budgetVersionId
* criteria2
* useAveragePaymentDays
* attribute4
* criteria6
* attribute8
* payrollId
* discountOption
* customerProfileClassId
* includeDisputeFlag
* criteria15
* forecastMethod
* attribute15
* criteria7
* rowNumber
* setOfBooksId
* excludeIndicExp
* criteria12
* codeCombinationId
* forecastRowId
* criteria9
* lastUpdateLogin
* forecastHeaderId
* chartOfAccountsId
* winProbability
* budgetVersion
* criteria8
* description
* attribute10
* attribute2
* attributeCategory
* type
* createdBy
* criteriaCategory
* attribute3
* budgetType
* bankAccountId
* attribute1
* criteria5
* criteria10
* paymentMethod
* payGroup
* companyCode
* attribute5
* attribute13
* criteria13
* lastUpdatedBy
* criteria11
* criteria3
* attribute7
* attribute14
* criteria14
* period
* trxType
* attribute12
* includeHoldFlag


 * lastUpdatedBy
* codeCombinationId
* forecastId
* trxDate
* lastUpdateDate
* forecastHeaderId
* referenceId
* trxAmount
* forecastCellId
* currencyCode
* orgId
* amount
* bankAccountId
* lastUpdateLogin
* forecastRowId
* creationDate
* includeFlag
* createdBy
* forecastColumnId


 * lastUpdatedBy
* codeCombinationId
* forecastId
* trxDate
* lastUpdateDate
* forecastHeaderId
* referenceId
* trxAmount
* forecastCellId
* currencyCode
* orgId
* amount
* bankAccountId
* lastUpdateLogin
* forecastRowId
* creationDate
* includeFlag
* createdBy
* forecastColumnId


 * factor
* name
* attribute14
* projectId
* startDate
* exchangeDate
* bankBalanceType
* includeSubAccount
* attribute3
* description
* attribute4
* attribute7
* attributeCategory
* startPeriod
* attribute2
* attribute10
* lastUpdateLogin
* forecastHeaderId
* attribute13
* errorStatus
* attribute5
* floatType
* requestId
* attribute6
* creationDate
* viewBy
* currencyType
* lastUpdatedBy
* exchangeRateType
* attribute15
* forecastId
* createdBy
* attribute12
* drilldownFlag
* attribute8
* attribute9
* lastUpdateDate
* periodSetName
* attribute11
* forecastCurrency
* exchangeRate
* sourceCurrency
* attribute1
* amountThreshold


 * factor
* name
* attribute14
* projectId
* startDate
* exchangeDate
* bankBalanceType
* includeSubAccount
* attribute3
* description
* attribute4
* attribute7
* attributeCategory
* startPeriod
* attribute2
* attribute10
* lastUpdateLogin
* forecastHeaderId
* attribute13
* errorStatus
* attribute5
* floatType
* requestId
* attribute6
* creationDate
* viewBy
* currencyType
* lastUpdatedBy
* exchangeRateType
* attribute15
* forecastId
* createdBy
* attribute12
* drilldownFlag
* attribute8
* attribute9
* lastUpdateDate
* periodSetName
* attribute11
* forecastCurrency
* exchangeRate
* sourceCurrency
* attribute1
* amountThreshold


 * futureDatedPaymentCcid
* arBankChargesCcid
* remittanceCcid
* apAssetCcid
* unidentifiedCcid
* brRemittanceCcid
* assetCodeCombinationId
* bankChargesCcid
* objectVersionNumber
* gainCodeCombinationId
* creationDate
* lastUpdateDate
* bankInterestExpenseCcid
* lastUpdateLogin
* receiptClearingCcid
* cashClearingCcid
* lastUpdatedBy
* bankAcctUseId
* lossCodeCombinationId
* factorCcid
* bankErrorsCcid
* onAccountCcid
* unappliedCcid
* xtrAssetCcid
* brShortTermDepositCcid
* brFactorCcid
* bankInterestIncomeCcid
* createdBy
* arAssetCcid
* arShortTermDepositCcid


 * futureDatedPaymentCcid
* arBankChargesCcid
* remittanceCcid
* apAssetCcid
* unidentifiedCcid
* brRemittanceCcid
* assetCodeCombinationId
* bankChargesCcid
* objectVersionNumber
* gainCodeCombinationId
* creationDate
* lastUpdateDate
* bankInterestExpenseCcid
* lastUpdateLogin
* receiptClearingCcid
* cashClearingCcid
* lastUpdatedBy
* bankAcctUseId
* lossCodeCombinationId
* factorCcid
* bankErrorsCcid
* onAccountCcid
* unappliedCcid
* xtrAssetCcid
* brShortTermDepositCcid
* brFactorCcid
* bankInterestIncomeCcid
* createdBy
* arAssetCcid
* arShortTermDepositCcid


 * createdBy
* currencyCode
* messageName
* applicationShortName
* bankAccountNum
* creationDate
* statementNumber


 * createdBy
* currencyCode
* messageName
* applicationShortName
* bankAccountNum
* creationDate
* statementNumber


 * interestScheduleId
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdatedBy
* creationDate
* toBalanceAmount
* objectVersionNumber
* balanceRangeId
* lastUpdateDate
* createdBy
* fromBalanceAmount


 * interestScheduleId
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdatedBy
* creationDate
* toBalanceAmount
* objectVersionNumber
* balanceRangeId
* lastUpdateDate
* createdBy
* fromBalanceAmount


 * createdBy
* objectVersionNumber
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* effectiveDate
* interestRateId
* balanceRangeId
* creationDate
* interestRate


 * createdBy
* objectVersionNumber
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* effectiveDate
* interestRateId
* balanceRangeId
* creationDate
* interestRate


 * createdBy
* scheduleName
* dayCountBasis
* creationDate
* interestRounding
* lastUpdateDate
* basis
* interestScheduleId
* lastUpdateLogin
* currencyCode
* objectVersionNumber
* lastUpdatedBy
* interestIncludes


 * createdBy
* scheduleName
* dayCountBasis
* creationDate
* interestRounding
* lastUpdateDate
* basis
* interestScheduleId
* lastUpdateLogin
* currencyCode
* objectVersionNumber
* lastUpdatedBy
* interestIncludes


 * checkDigits
* attribute9
* lastUpdatedBy
* controlTotalCr
* statementNumber
* creationDate
* lastUpdateDate
* attributeCategory
* controlBeginBalance
* oneDayFloat
* attribute8
* controlDrLineCount
* docSequenceId
* statementHeaderId
* attribute7
* attribute12
* statementCompleteFlag
* attribute5
* twoDayFloat
* statementDate
* controlCrLineCount
* attribute2
* attribute6
* cashflowBalance
* glDate
* controlTotalDr
* orgId
* attribute11
* lastUpdateLogin
* autoLoadedFlag
* controlEndBalance
* attribute4
* intCalcBalance
* attribute13
* attribute10
* attribute3
* attribute1
* attribute15
* createdBy
* docSequenceValue
* bankAccountId
* currencyCode
* attribute14


 * checkDigits
* attribute9
* lastUpdatedBy
* controlTotalCr
* statementNumber
* creationDate
* lastUpdateDate
* attributeCategory
* controlBeginBalance
* oneDayFloat
* attribute8
* controlDrLineCount
* docSequenceId
* statementHeaderId
* attribute7
* attribute12
* statementCompleteFlag
* attribute5
* twoDayFloat
* statementDate
* controlCrLineCount
* attribute2
* attribute6
* cashflowBalance
* glDate
* controlTotalDr
* orgId
* attribute11
* lastUpdateLogin
* autoLoadedFlag
* controlEndBalance
* attribute4
* intCalcBalance
* attribute13
* attribute10
* attribute3
* attribute1
* attribute15
* createdBy
* docSequenceValue
* bankAccountId
* currencyCode
* attribute14


 * createdBy
* exchangeRate
* trxText
* lineNumber
* attribute12
* trxCodeId
* attribute1
* chargesAmount
* customerText
* attribute6
* bankAccountText
* statementLineId
* attribute2
* amount
* attributeCategory
* attribute8
* creationDate
* effectiveDate
* attribute15
* exchangeRateType
* trxDate
* bankTrxNumber
* attribute3
* invoiceText
* lastUpdateLogin
* trxType
* bankAccountText#1
* currencyCode
* exchangeRateDate
* attribute9
* attribute7
* statementHeaderId
* reconcileToStatementFlag
* attribute10
* attribute5
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* originalAmount
* attribute4
* attribute13
* attribute11
* status
* attribute14


 * createdBy
* exchangeRate
* trxText
* lineNumber
* attribute12
* trxCodeId
* attribute1
* chargesAmount
* customerText
* attribute6
* bankAccountText
* statementLineId
* attribute2
* amount
* attributeCategory
* attribute8
* creationDate
* effectiveDate
* attribute15
* exchangeRateType
* trxDate
* bankTrxNumber
* attribute3
* invoiceText
* lastUpdateLogin
* trxType
* bankAccountText#1
* currencyCode
* exchangeRateDate
* attribute9
* attribute7
* statementHeaderId
* reconcileToStatementFlag
* attribute10
* attribute5
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* originalAmount
* attribute4
* attribute13
* attribute11
* status
* attribute14


 * creationDate
* bankAccountId
* glAccountCcid
* createdBy
* trxnSubtypeCodeId
* trxCodeId
* referenceTxt
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdatedBy
* jeMappingId
* searchStringTxt
* lastUpdateDate


 * creationDate
* bankAccountId
* glAccountCcid
* createdBy
* trxnSubtypeCodeId
* trxCodeId
* referenceTxt
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdatedBy
* jeMappingId
* searchStringTxt
* lastUpdateDate


 * createdBy
* statementHeaderId
* applicationShortName
* lastUpdateDate
* statementLineId
* creationDate
* requestId
* messageName
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdatedBy


 * createdBy
* statementHeaderId
* applicationShortName
* lastUpdateDate
* statementLineId
* creationDate
* requestId
* messageName
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdatedBy


 * cashpoolId
* concAccountId
* createdBy
* lastUpdateDate
* offsetTrxNumber
* creationDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* messageName
* lastUpdateLogin
* offsetDealNo
* requestId
* transferAmount
* trxNumber
* successFlag
* messageText
* levelingMessageId
* subAccountId
* dealNo
* dealType


 * cashpoolId
* concAccountId
* createdBy
* lastUpdateDate
* offsetTrxNumber
* creationDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* messageName
* lastUpdateLogin
* offsetDealNo
* requestId
* transferAmount
* trxNumber
* successFlag
* messageText
* levelingMessageId
* subAccountId
* dealNo
* dealType


 * createdBy
* bankAccountNum
* lineNumber
* bankAcctCurrencyCode
* creationDate
* applicationShortName
* statementNumber
* messageName


 * createdBy
* bankAccountNum
* lineNumber
* bankAcctCurrencyCode
* creationDate
* applicationShortName
* statementNumber
* messageName


 * attribute5
* formatCode
* numberOfSetupDocuments
* lastIssuedDocumentNumber
* attribute15
* lastUpdateLogin
* paymentDocumentId
* attribute2
* attribute8
* attribute3
* attribute11
* paymentDocCategory
* attribute6
* attribute7
* paperStockType
* createdBy
* attribute9
* objectVersionNumber
* lastUpdateDate
* attributeCategory
* attachedRemittanceStubFlag
* attribute13
* paymentInstructionId
* attribute14
* creationDate
* lastAvailableDocumentNumber
* lastUpdatedBy
* inactiveDate
* numberOfLinesPerRemitStub
* firstAvailableDocumentNum
* manualPaymentsOnlyFlag
* paymentDocumentName
* attribute1
* attribute4
* attribute10
* attribute12
* internalBankAccountId


 * attribute5
* formatCode
* numberOfSetupDocuments
* lastIssuedDocumentNumber
* attribute15
* lastUpdateLogin
* paymentDocumentId
* attribute2
* attribute8
* attribute3
* attribute11
* paymentDocCategory
* attribute6
* attribute7
* paperStockType
* createdBy
* attribute9
* objectVersionNumber
* lastUpdateDate
* attributeCategory
* attachedRemittanceStubFlag
* attribute13
* paymentInstructionId
* attribute14
* creationDate
* lastAvailableDocumentNumber
* lastUpdatedBy
* inactiveDate
* numberOfLinesPerRemitStub
* firstAvailableDocumentNum
* manualPaymentsOnlyFlag
* paymentDocumentName
* attribute1
* attribute4
* attribute10
* attribute12
* internalBankAccountId


 * attribute1
* lastUpdateDate
* paytemplateReferenceNumber
* attribute14
* transactionType
* attribute3
* paytemplateSubtypeCodeId
* paymentCurrencyCode
* creationDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute4
* attribute12
* transactionDescription
* attribute11
* sourceBankId
* endDate
* templateStatus
* paymentReasonCode
* lastUpdateLogin
* destinationLegalEntityId
* paymentAmount
* objectVersionNumber
* sourceBankAccountId
* destinationPartySiteUseId
* paymentReasonComments
* settleBySystemFlag
* bankChargeBearer
* repetitiveCode
* transactionComments
* attribute13
* attribute7
* paymentTemplateCode
* destinationBankAccountId
* attribute15
* attributeCategory
* attribute8
* attribute2
* createdBy
* sourceBankBranchId
* attribute10
* attribute5
* destinationBankBranchId
* destinationBankId
* authorizeFlag
* anticipatedValueDays
* sourceLegalEntityId
* paymentMethodCode
* attribute9
* attribute6


 * attribute1
* lastUpdateDate
* paytemplateReferenceNumber
* attribute14
* transactionType
* attribute3
* paytemplateSubtypeCodeId
* paymentCurrencyCode
* creationDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute4
* attribute12
* transactionDescription
* attribute11
* sourceBankId
* endDate
* templateStatus
* paymentReasonCode
* lastUpdateLogin
* destinationLegalEntityId
* paymentAmount
* objectVersionNumber
* sourceBankAccountId
* destinationPartySiteUseId
* paymentReasonComments
* settleBySystemFlag
* bankChargeBearer
* repetitiveCode
* transactionComments
* attribute13
* attribute7
* paymentTemplateCode
* destinationBankAccountId
* attribute15
* attributeCategory
* attribute8
* attribute2
* createdBy
* sourceBankBranchId
* attribute10
* attribute5
* destinationBankBranchId
* destinationBankId
* authorizeFlag
* anticipatedValueDays
* sourceLegalEntityId
* paymentMethodCode
* attribute9
* attribute6


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* attribute15
* destinationLegalEntityId
* docSequenceId
* paymentReasonComments
* trxnReferenceNumber
* paperDocumentNumber
* bankChargeBearer
* paymentMethodCode
* attributeCategory
* attribute5
* sourceLegalEntityId
* trxnSubtypeCodeId
* attribute7
* attribute8
* attribute12
* attribute1
* attribute9
* paymentCurrencyCode
* attribute3
* transactionType
* settleBySystemFlag
* anticipatedValueDate
* attribute2
* destinationPartyId
* docSequenceValue
* createFromStmtlineId
* attribute11
* transactionDate
* sourcePartyId
* destinationPartySiteId
* paymentRequestNumber
* repetitivePaymentCode
* destinationBankAccountId
* creationDate
* paymentReasonCode
* attribute10
* lastUpdateLogin
* createdFromDir
* attribute4
* objectVersionNumber
* attribute14
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateDate
* remittanceMessage3
* authorizeFlag
* extBankAccountId
* receiptOffsetCcid
* createdBy
* trxnStatusCode
* attribute13
* paymentAmount
* attribute6
* transactionDescription
* remittanceMessage1
* remittanceMessage2
* bankTrxnNumber
* paymentOffsetCcid
* docCategoryCode
* cashpoolId


 * sourceBankAccountId
* attribute15
* destinationLegalEntityId
* docSequenceId
* paymentReasonComments
* trxnReferenceNumber
* paperDocumentNumber
* bankChargeBearer
* paymentMethodCode
* attributeCategory
* attribute5
* sourceLegalEntityId
* trxnSubtypeCodeId
* attribute7
* attribute8
* attribute12
* attribute1
* attribute9
* paymentCurrencyCode
* attribute3
* transactionType
* settleBySystemFlag
* anticipatedValueDate
* attribute2
* destinationPartyId
* docSequenceValue
* createFromStmtlineId
* attribute11
* transactionDate
* sourcePartyId
* destinationPartySiteId
* paymentRequestNumber
* repetitivePaymentCode
* destinationBankAccountId
* creationDate
* paymentReasonCode
* attribute10
* lastUpdateLogin
* createdFromDir
* attribute4
* objectVersionNumber
* attribute14
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateDate
* remittanceMessage3
* authorizeFlag
* extBankAccountId
* receiptOffsetCcid
* createdBy
* trxnStatusCode
* attribute13
* paymentAmount
* attribute6
* transactionDescription
* remittanceMessage1
* remittanceMessage2
* bankTrxnNumber
* paymentOffsetCcid
* docCategoryCode
* cashpoolId


 * projectedBalanceId
* lastUpdatedBy
* createdBy
* lastUpdateDate
* bankAccountId
* objectVersionNumber
* lastUpdateLogin
* projectedBalance
* creationDate
* balanceDate


 * projectedBalanceId
* lastUpdatedBy
* createdBy
* lastUpdateDate
* bankAccountId
* objectVersionNumber
* lastUpdateLogin
* projectedBalance
* creationDate
* balanceDate


 * transferAmount
* cashpoolId
* createdBy
* lastUpdatedBy
* creationDate
* proposedTransferId
* concAccountId
* lastUpdateLogin
* status
* lastUpdateDate
* subAccountId
* closingBalance


 * transferAmount
* cashpoolId
* createdBy
* lastUpdatedBy
* creationDate
* proposedTransferId
* concAccountId
* lastUpdateLogin
* status
* lastUpdateDate
* subAccountId
* closingBalance


 * messageName
* statementHeaderId
* createdBy
* creationDate
* statementLineId
* applicationShortName


 * messageName
* statementHeaderId
* createdBy
* creationDate
* statementLineId
* applicationShortName


 * messageText
* statementNumber
* creationDate
* recNo
* bankAccountNum
* createdBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* bankAcctCurrencyCode
* status
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy


 * messageText
* statementNumber
* creationDate
* recNo
* bankAccountNum
* createdBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* bankAcctCurrencyCode
* status
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy


 * globalAttribute12
* globalAttribute20
* autoLoadedFlag
* globalAttribute2
* globalAttribute16
* lastUpdateDate
* globalAttribute5
* attribute14
* glDate
* globalAttribute9
* controlTotalDr
* attribute9
* bankAccountId
* attribute4
* controlBeginBalance
* lastUpdateLogin
* statementHeaderId
* currencyCode
* attribute8
* statementDate
* attribute12
* globalAttribute3
* attribute15
* intCalcBalance
* oneDayFloat
* docSequenceId
* globalAttribute1
* statementCompleteFlag
* checkDigits
* attributeCategory
* globalAttribute4
* globalAttribute7
* globalAttribute14
* globalAttribute13
* globalAttribute6
* lastUpdatedBy
* twoDayFloat
* controlEndBalance
* attribute11
* attribute2
* controlTotalCr
* cashflowBalance
* globalAttribute18
* creationDate
* attribute13
* attribute3
* attribute7
* controlCrLineCount
* globalAttributeCategory
* globalAttribute15
* docSequenceValue
* createdBy
* statementNumber
* globalAttribute10
* globalAttribute8
* attribute6
* globalAttribute11
* controlDrLineCount
* orgId
* globalAttribute19
* attribute1
* globalAttribute17
* attribute10
* attribute5


 * controlEndBalance
* controlTotalDr
* orgId
* controlBeginBalance
* statementHeaderId
* controlTotalCr
* currencyCode


 * controlEndBalance
* controlTotalDr
* orgId
* controlBeginBalance
* statementHeaderId
* controlTotalCr
* currencyCode


 * globalAttribute12
* globalAttribute20
* autoLoadedFlag
* globalAttribute2
* globalAttribute16
* lastUpdateDate
* globalAttribute5
* attribute14
* glDate
* globalAttribute9
* controlTotalDr
* attribute9
* bankAccountId
* attribute4
* controlBeginBalance
* lastUpdateLogin
* statementHeaderId
* currencyCode
* attribute8
* statementDate
* attribute12
* globalAttribute3
* attribute15
* intCalcBalance
* oneDayFloat
* docSequenceId
* globalAttribute1
* statementCompleteFlag
* checkDigits
* attributeCategory
* globalAttribute4
* globalAttribute7
* globalAttribute14
* globalAttribute13
* globalAttribute6
* lastUpdatedBy
* twoDayFloat
* controlEndBalance
* attribute11
* attribute2
* controlTotalCr
* cashflowBalance
* globalAttribute18
* creationDate
* attribute13
* attribute3
* attribute7
* controlCrLineCount
* globalAttributeCategory
* globalAttribute15
* docSequenceValue
* createdBy
* statementNumber
* globalAttribute10
* globalAttribute8
* attribute6
* globalAttribute11
* controlDrLineCount
* orgId
* globalAttribute19
* attribute1
* globalAttribute17
* attribute10
* attribute5


 * controlBeginBalance
* attribute3
* attribute14
* statementDate
* attribute12
* attribute9
* twoDayFloat
* controlCrLineCount
* recordStatusFlag
* attributeCategory
* attribute10
* averageCloseAvailableYtd
* lastUpdateDate
* bankBranchName#1
* attribute5
* oneDayFloat
* subsidiaryFlag
* controlTotalCr
* intraDayFlag
* controlTotalDr
* checkDigits
* createdBy
* statementNumber
* attribute2
* controlDrLineCount
* attribute13
* attribute8
* averageCloseLedgerYtd
* attribute11
* cashflowBalance
* averageCloseLedgerMtd
* controlLineCount
* attribute6
* bankName
* orgId
* attribute15
* bankAccountNum
* attribute4
* intCalcBalance
* controlEndBalance
* attribute1
* lastUpdatedBy
* bankBranchName
* attribute7
* creationDate
* averageCloseAvailableMtd
* currencyCode


 * controlBeginBalance
* attribute3
* attribute14
* statementDate
* attribute12
* attribute9
* twoDayFloat
* controlCrLineCount
* recordStatusFlag
* attributeCategory
* attribute10
* averageCloseAvailableYtd
* lastUpdateDate
* bankBranchName#1
* attribute5
* oneDayFloat
* subsidiaryFlag
* controlTotalCr
* intraDayFlag
* controlTotalDr
* checkDigits
* createdBy
* statementNumber
* attribute2
* controlDrLineCount
* attribute13
* attribute8
* averageCloseLedgerYtd
* attribute11
* cashflowBalance
* averageCloseLedgerMtd
* controlLineCount
* attribute6
* bankName
* orgId
* attribute15
* bankAccountNum
* attribute4
* intCalcBalance
* controlEndBalance
* attribute1
* lastUpdatedBy
* bankBranchName
* attribute7
* creationDate
* averageCloseAvailableMtd
* currencyCode


 * chargesAmount
* trxType
* trxDate
* attribute8
* globalAttribute10
* globalAttribute3
* globalAttribute14
* customerText
* accountingDate
* bankAccountText#1
* exchangeRate
* creationDate
* status
* globalAttribute12
* originalAmount
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute10
* referenceTxt
* bankTrxNumber
* attribute12
* attribute5
* globalAttribute5
* attribute15
* globalAttributeCategory
* globalAttribute4
* globalAttribute18
* trxText
* createdBy
* attribute1
* lastUpdatedBy
* globalAttribute13
* exchangeRateType
* attributeCategory
* currencyCode
* globalAttribute6
* statementLineId
* lineNumber
* bankAccountText
* globalAttribute19
* globalAttribute16
* globalAttribute9
* globalAttribute20
* globalAttribute7
* trxCodeId
* globalAttribute17
* attribute3
* attribute13
* globalAttribute8
* exchangeRateDate
* attribute9
* globalAttribute1
* jeStatusFlag
* returnReasonCode
* effectiveDate
* globalAttribute11
* cashflowId
* attribute7
* trxCode
* attribute14
* statementHeaderId
* glAccountCcid
* lastUpdateDate
* reconcileToStatementFlag
* reversalInd
* attribute6
* attribute4
* attribute11
* globalAttribute2
* ceStatementLines
* amount
* invoiceText
* globalAttribute15
* attribute2


 * chargesAmount
* trxType
* trxDate
* attribute8
* globalAttribute10
* globalAttribute3
* globalAttribute14
* customerText
* accountingDate
* bankAccountText#1
* exchangeRate
* creationDate
* status
* globalAttribute12
* originalAmount
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute10
* referenceTxt
* bankTrxNumber
* attribute12
* attribute5
* globalAttribute5
* attribute15
* globalAttributeCategory
* globalAttribute4
* globalAttribute18
* trxText
* createdBy
* attribute1
* lastUpdatedBy
* globalAttribute13
* exchangeRateType
* attributeCategory
* currencyCode
* globalAttribute6
* statementLineId
* lineNumber
* bankAccountText
* globalAttribute19
* globalAttribute16
* globalAttribute9
* globalAttribute20
* globalAttribute7
* trxCodeId
* globalAttribute17
* attribute3
* attribute13
* globalAttribute8
* exchangeRateDate
* attribute9
* globalAttribute1
* jeStatusFlag
* returnReasonCode
* effectiveDate
* globalAttribute11
* cashflowId
* attribute7
* trxCode
* attribute14
* statementHeaderId
* glAccountCcid
* lastUpdateDate
* reconcileToStatementFlag
* reversalInd
* attribute6
* attribute4
* attribute11
* globalAttribute2
* ceStatementLines
* amount
* invoiceText
* globalAttribute15
* attribute2


 * exchangeRateType
* statementLineId
* statementHeaderId
* exchangeRate
* chargesAmount
* exchangeRateDate
* amount
* currencyCode


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* statementLineId
* statementHeaderId
* exchangeRate
* chargesAmount
* exchangeRateDate
* amount
* currencyCode


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* attribute1
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* attribute5
* userExchangeRateType
* statementNumber
* attribute11
* attribute2
* bankAccountText#1
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* attributeCategory
* exchangeRateDate
* exchangeRate
* attribute13
* attribute14
* customerText
* lastUpdatedBy
* trxDate
* trxCode
* effectiveDate
* attribute7
* lastUpdateDate
* chargesAmount
* attribute9
* bankAccountNum
* createdBy
* attribute4
* returnReasonCode
* attribute3
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* attribute12
* attribute8
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* lineNumber
* bankTrxNumber
* reversalInd
* bankAcctCurrencyCode
* creationDate
* attribute6
* attribute10
* amount


 * originalAmount
* attribute1
* trxText
* attribute5
* userExchangeRateType
* statementNumber
* attribute11
* attribute2
* bankAccountText#1
* currencyCode
* attributeCategory
* exchangeRateDate
* exchangeRate
* attribute13
* attribute14
* customerText
* lastUpdatedBy
* trxDate
* trxCode
* effectiveDate
* attribute7
* lastUpdateDate
* chargesAmount
* attribute9
* bankAccountNum
* createdBy
* attribute4
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* attribute3
* bankAccountText
* attribute12
* attribute8
* invoiceText
* attribute15
* lineNumber
* bankTrxNumber
* reversalInd
* bankAcctCurrencyCode
* creationDate
* attribute6
* attribute10
* amount


 * orgId
* legalEntityId
* referenceId
* referenceStatus
* currentRecordFlag
* autoReconciledFlag
* lastUpdateDate
* requestId
* jeHeaderId
* programUpdateDate
* actionFlag
* statementLineId
* programId
* referenceType
* statusFlag
* amount
* creationDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* createdBy
* programApplicationId


 * orgId
* legalEntityId
* referenceId
* referenceStatus
* currentRecordFlag
* autoReconciledFlag
* lastUpdateDate
* requestId
* jeHeaderId
* programUpdateDate
* actionFlag
* statementLineId
* programId
* referenceType
* statusFlag
* amount
* creationDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* createdBy
* programApplicationId


 * receiptMultiCurrencyFlag
* bankAccountId
* currencyCode
* orgId
* statementHeaderId
* multiCurrencyFlag


 * receiptMultiCurrencyFlag
* bankAccountId
* currencyCode
* orgId
* statementHeaderId
* multiCurrencyFlag


 * column6
* column5
* recNo
* column15
* column17
* column25
* column33
* column14
* column20
* column32
* column16
* column10
* lastUpdateLogin
* column34
* recIdNo
* column13
* column4
* column35
* column12
* creationDate
* column9
* column11
* column8
* column26
* column27
* column23
* column36
* column2
* column3
* column29
* column30
* column21
* lastUpdatedBy
* column19
* lastUpdateDate
* column1
* createdBy
* column22
* column28
* column7
* column24
* column18
* column31


 * column6
* column5
* recNo
* column15
* column17
* column25
* column33
* column14
* column20
* column32
* column16
* column10
* lastUpdateLogin
* column34
* recIdNo
* column13
* column4
* column35
* column12
* creationDate
* column9
* column11
* column8
* column26
* column27
* column23
* column36
* column2
* column3
* column29
* column30
* column21
* lastUpdatedBy
* column19
* lastUpdateDate
* column1
* createdBy
* column22
* column28
* column7
* column24
* column18
* column31


 * attribute12
* orgIdOld
* lineAutocreationFlag
* signingAuthorityApprFlag
* batExchangeDateType
* amountToleranceOld
* attribute14
* exchangeRateTypeOld
* oiFloatStatusOld
* floatHandlingFlagOld
* attribute1
* lastUpdateDate
* enableOpenInterfaceFlagOld
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute3
* attribute9
* differencesAccountOld
* showClearedFlag
* manualAmountTolerance
* authorizationBat
* interfaceArchiveFlag
* attribute2
* attributeCategory
* attribute7
* manualPercentToleranceOld
* attribute6
* percentToleranceOld
* arMatchingOrderOld
* attribute13
* creationDate
* exchangeRateDateOld
* interfacePurgeFlag
* linesPerCommit
* bscExchangeDateType
* attribute8
* lastUpdateLogin
* cashbookBeginDate
* receivablesTrxIdOld
* attribute10
* attribute15
* setOfBooksId
* legalEntityId
* ceDifferencesAccountOld
* showVoidPaymentFlag
* oiClearStatusOld
* attribute5
* attribute4
* manualAmountToleranceOld
* manualPercentTolerance
* fxDifferenceHandlingOld
* apMatchingOrderOld
* createdBy
* oiMatchingCodeOld
* attribute11
* cashflowExchangeRateType


 * attribute12
* orgIdOld
* lineAutocreationFlag
* signingAuthorityApprFlag
* batExchangeDateType
* amountToleranceOld
* attribute14
* exchangeRateTypeOld
* oiFloatStatusOld
* floatHandlingFlagOld
* attribute1
* lastUpdateDate
* enableOpenInterfaceFlagOld
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute3
* attribute9
* differencesAccountOld
* showClearedFlag
* manualAmountTolerance
* authorizationBat
* interfaceArchiveFlag
* attribute2
* attributeCategory
* attribute7
* manualPercentToleranceOld
* attribute6
* percentToleranceOld
* arMatchingOrderOld
* attribute13
* creationDate
* exchangeRateDateOld
* interfacePurgeFlag
* linesPerCommit
* bscExchangeDateType
* attribute8
* lastUpdateLogin
* cashbookBeginDate
* receivablesTrxIdOld
* attribute10
* attribute15
* setOfBooksId
* legalEntityId
* ceDifferencesAccountOld
* showVoidPaymentFlag
* oiClearStatusOld
* attribute5
* attribute4
* manualAmountToleranceOld
* manualPercentTolerance
* fxDifferenceHandlingOld
* apMatchingOrderOld
* createdBy
* oiMatchingCodeOld
* attribute11
* cashflowExchangeRateType


 * lastUpdatedBy
* creationDate
* description
* attribute3
* attribute10
* reconcileFlag
* attribute15
* domainCode
* attribute6
* attribute9
* attribute11
* attribute12
* createMiscTrxFlag
* payrollPaymentFormatId
* endDate
* reconciliationSequence
* attributeCategory
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute5
* attribute2
* receivablesTrxId
* matchingAgainst
* attribute7
* floatDays
* attribute14
* transactionCodeId
* requestId
* attribute13
* subFamilyCode
* correctionMethod
* trxType
* trxCode
* attribute1
* attribute4
* familyCode
* startDate
* bankAccountId
* createdBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* receiptMethodId
* attribute8


 * lastUpdatedBy
* creationDate
* description
* attribute3
* attribute10
* reconcileFlag
* attribute15
* domainCode
* attribute6
* attribute9
* attribute11
* attribute12
* createMiscTrxFlag
* payrollPaymentFormatId
* endDate
* reconciliationSequence
* attributeCategory
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute5
* attribute2
* receivablesTrxId
* matchingAgainst
* attribute7
* floatDays
* attribute14
* transactionCodeId
* requestId
* attribute13
* subFamilyCode
* correctionMethod
* trxType
* trxCode
* attribute1
* attribute4
* familyCode
* startDate
* bankAccountId
* createdBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* receiptMethodId
* attribute8


 * createdBy
* parentSubtypeCodeId
* lastUpdateLogin
* trxnSubtypeCodeId
* endDate
* lastUpdateDate
* objectVersionNumber
* trxnSubtypeDefaultFlag
* lastUpdatedBy
* trxnSubtypeStatus
* transactionSubTypeName
* trxnSubtypeShortName
* creationDate
* trxnSubtypeDescription
* trxnType


 * createdBy
* parentSubtypeCodeId
* lastUpdateLogin
* trxnSubtypeCodeId
* endDate
* lastUpdateDate
* objectVersionNumber
* trxnSubtypeDefaultFlag
* lastUpdatedBy
* trxnSubtypeStatus
* transactionSubTypeName
* trxnSubtypeShortName
* creationDate
* trxnSubtypeDescription
* trxnType


 * weightE
* weightD
* weightC
* fromSortCode
* weightA
* weightZ
* toSortCode
* checkType
* weightX
* weightU
* weightV
* lastUpdateLogin
* weightF
* requestId
* weightB
* weightY
* creationDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* modulusCheckId
* lastUpdateDate
* createdBy
* weightG
* exceptionCode
* weightH
* weightW


 * weightE
* weightD
* weightC
* fromSortCode
* weightA
* weightZ
* toSortCode
* checkType
* weightX
* weightU
* weightV
* lastUpdateLogin
* weightF
* requestId
* weightB
* weightY
* creationDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* modulusCheckId
* lastUpdateDate
* createdBy
* weightG
* exceptionCode
* weightH
* weightW


 * createdBy
* requestId
* origSortCode
* subsSortCode
* creationDate
* substitutionId
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdatedBy


 * createdBy
* requestId
* origSortCode
* subsSortCode
* creationDate
* substitutionId
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdatedBy


 * sourceValue6
* interfaceLineId
* sourceValue4
* sourceValue11
* sourceValue1
* sourceValue5
* sourceValue8
* sourceValue3
* sourceValue17
* sourceValue18
* sourceValue14
* sourceValue10
* sourceValue16
* sourceValue15
* sourceValue12
* sourceValue9
* sourceValue13
* sourceValue2
* sourceValue7


 * sourceValue6
* interfaceLineId
* sourceValue4
* sourceValue11
* sourceValue1
* sourceValue5
* sourceValue8
* sourceValue3
* sourceValue17
* sourceValue18
* sourceValue14
* sourceValue10
* sourceValue16
* sourceValue15
* sourceValue12
* sourceValue9
* sourceValue13
* sourceValue2
* sourceValue7


 * accountHolderName
* requestId
* bankChargesCcid
* contactLastName
* globalAttribute12
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* globalAttribute3
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* globalAttribute5
* unappliedCcid
* bankAccountNum
* accountHolderNameAlt
* globalAttribute8
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* earnedCcid
* globalAttribute20
* bankAccountNameAlt
* attribute7
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* bankBranchId
* programId
* globalAttribute11
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* oneSignatureMaxFlag
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* globalAttribute7
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* globalAttribute13
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* globalAttribute15
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* globalAttribute10
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* globalAttribute4
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* checkDigits
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* attribute10
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* assetCodeCombinationId
* unediscReceivablesTrxId
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute8
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* attribute5
* receiptClearingCcid
* eftRequesterId
* maxOutlay
* pooledFlag
* attribute6
* agencyLocationCode
* globalAttribute17
* eftUserNumber
* attribute13
* minCheckAmount
* bankAccountType
* maxCheckAmount
* brStdReceivablesTrxId
* contactTitle
* globalAttribute1
* globalAttribute2
* globalAttribute6
* bankAccountName
* unearnedCcid
* attribute15
* remittanceCcid
* contactFirstName
* avgFloatDays
* accountType
* attribute11
* inactiveDate
* globalAttribute16
* attribute14
* globalAttribute9
* globalAttributeCategory
* ibanNumber
* attribute12
* lossCodeCombinationId
* attribute3
* attribute4
* brRemittanceCcid
* attributeCategory
* setOfBooksId
* gainCodeCombinationId
* globalAttribute14
* attribute1
* attribute9
* attribute2
* createdBy
* contactPrefix
* globalAttribute18


 * accountHolderName
* requestId
* bankChargesCcid
* contactLastName
* globalAttribute12
* unidentifiedCcid
* globalAttribute3
* lastUpdateLogin
* globalAttribute5
* unappliedCcid
* bankAccountNum
* accountHolderNameAlt
* globalAttribute8
* payrollBankAccountId
* multiCurrencyFlag
* earnedCcid
* globalAttribute20
* bankAccountNameAlt
* attribute7
* allowMultiAssignmentsFlag
* bankBranchId
* programId
* globalAttribute11
* creationDate
* cashClearingCcid
* oneSignatureMaxFlag
* brFactorCcid
* contactMiddleName
* globalAttribute7
* orgId
* currencyCode
* bankAccountId
* validationNumber
* onAccountCcid
* ediscReceivablesTrxId
* zeroAmountsAllowed
* description
* programUpdateDate
* futureDatedPaymentCcid
* contactAreaCode
* globalAttribute13
* receiptMultiCurrencyFlag
* globalAttribute15
* globalAttribute19
* programApplicationId
* globalAttribute10
* factorCcid
* globalAttribute4
* contactPhone
* checkDigits
* bankErrorsCcid
* attribute10
* lastUpdateDate
* assetCodeCombinationId
* unediscReceivablesTrxId
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute8
* shortTermDepositCcid
* attribute5
* receiptClearingCcid
* eftRequesterId
* maxOutlay
* pooledFlag
* attribute6
* agencyLocationCode
* globalAttribute17
* eftUserNumber
* attribute13
* minCheckAmount
* bankAccountType
* maxCheckAmount
* brStdReceivablesTrxId
* contactTitle
* globalAttribute1
* globalAttribute2
* globalAttribute6
* bankAccountName
* unearnedCcid
* attribute15
* remittanceCcid
* contactFirstName
* avgFloatDays
* accountType
* attribute11
* inactiveDate
* globalAttribute16
* attribute14
* globalAttribute9
* globalAttributeCategory
* ibanNumber
* attribute12
* lossCodeCombinationId
* attribute3
* attribute4
* brRemittanceCcid
* attributeCategory
* setOfBooksId
* gainCodeCombinationId
* globalAttribute14
* attribute1
* attribute9
* attribute2
* createdBy
* contactPrefix
* globalAttribute18


 * attribute7
* rfcIdentifier
* programApplicationId
* county
* requestId
* globalAttribute13
* globalAttribute19
* activeDate
* attribute8
* contactFirstName
* globalAttribute1
* attribute6
* tpHeaderId
* attribute4
* attribute10
* phone
* addressLine1
* eftSwiftCode
* globalAttributeCategory
* state
* bankBranchName
* addressLine3
* programId
* globalAttribute3
* attribute5
* addressLinesAlt
* attribute15
* contactMiddleName
* globalAttribute15
* globalAttribute20
* province
* globalAttribute17
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute2
* attribute3
* addressLine4
* bankNameAlt
* bankBranchNameAlt
* globalAttribute8
* attribute12
* attribute13
* lastUpdatedBy
* globalAttribute2
* bankNum
* bankNumber
* attribute1
* country
* globalAttribute12
* lastUpdateLogin
* creationDate
* eftUserNumber
* endDate
* description
* clearingHouseId
* bankBranchId
* globalAttribute16
* addressLine2
* globalAttribute4
* bankBranchType
* globalAttribute6
* contactLastName
* contactTitle
* globalAttribute11
* ediIdNumber
* eceTpLocationCode
* payrollBankAccountId
* createdBy
* attribute11
* bankAdminEmail
* attribute14
* zip
* printingProgramId
* transmissionProgramId
* attributeCategory
* globalAttribute7
* areaCode
* bankName
* city
* globalAttribute5
* globalAttribute9
* globalAttribute10
* addressStyle
* contactPrefix
* globalAttribute14
* institutionType
* programUpdateDate
* globalAttribute18
* attribute9


 * attribute7
* rfcIdentifier
* programApplicationId
* county
* requestId
* globalAttribute13
* globalAttribute19
* activeDate
* attribute8
* contactFirstName
* globalAttribute1
* attribute6
* tpHeaderId
* attribute4
* attribute10
* phone
* addressLine1
* eftSwiftCode
* globalAttributeCategory
* state
* bankBranchName
* addressLine3
* programId
* globalAttribute3
* attribute5
* addressLinesAlt
* attribute15
* contactMiddleName
* globalAttribute15
* globalAttribute20
* province
* globalAttribute17
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute2
* attribute3
* addressLine4
* bankNameAlt
* bankBranchNameAlt
* globalAttribute8
* attribute12
* attribute13
* lastUpdatedBy
* globalAttribute2
* bankNum
* bankNumber
* attribute1
* country
* globalAttribute12
* lastUpdateLogin
* creationDate
* eftUserNumber
* endDate
* description
* clearingHouseId
* bankBranchId
* globalAttribute16
* addressLine2
* globalAttribute4
* bankBranchType
* globalAttribute6
* contactLastName
* contactTitle
* globalAttribute11
* ediIdNumber
* eceTpLocationCode
* payrollBankAccountId
* createdBy
* attribute11
* bankAdminEmail
* attribute14
* zip
* printingProgramId
* transmissionProgramId
* attributeCategory
* globalAttribute7
* areaCode
* bankName
* city
* globalAttribute5
* globalAttribute9
* globalAttribute10
* addressStyle
* contactPrefix
* globalAttribute14
* institutionType
* programUpdateDate
* globalAttribute18
* attribute9


 * attribute10
* attribute7
* lastUpdateDate
* ceBankAcctUseId
* createdByModule
* accountNumber
* attribute14
* sourcePkId
* secondaryAcctUseFlag
* attribute9
* brStdReceivablesTrxId
* attribute12
* upgradeStatus
* creationDate
* attribute11
* attribute1
* lastUpdatedBy
* payrollBankAccountId
* attribute8
* legalEntityId
* orgPartyId
* primaryFlag
* apUseEnableFlag
* parentUpgradeId
* ceUseEnableFlag
* attribute15
* attribute6
* attributeCategory
* ediscReceivablesTrxId
* groupId
* createdBy
* attribute3
* requestId
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute2
* attribute13
* programId
* arUseEnableFlag
* xtrUseEnableFlag
* pooledFlag
* programUpdateDate
* sourceApplicationId
* payUseEnableFlag
* ceUpgradeId
* orgId
* directDebitAuthFlag
* attribute4
* programApplicationId
* partyCode
* primaryAcctUseFlag
* attribute5
* unediscReceivablesTrxId
* endDate


 * attribute10
* attribute7
* lastUpdateDate
* ceBankAcctUseId
* createdByModule
* accountNumber
* attribute14
* sourcePkId
* secondaryAcctUseFlag
* attribute9
* brStdReceivablesTrxId
* attribute12
* upgradeStatus
* creationDate
* attribute11
* attribute1
* lastUpdatedBy
* payrollBankAccountId
* attribute8
* legalEntityId
* orgPartyId
* primaryFlag
* apUseEnableFlag
* parentUpgradeId
* ceUseEnableFlag
* attribute15
* attribute6
* attributeCategory
* ediscReceivablesTrxId
* groupId
* createdBy
* attribute3
* requestId
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute2
* attribute13
* programId
* arUseEnableFlag
* xtrUseEnableFlag
* pooledFlag
* programUpdateDate
* sourceApplicationId
* payUseEnableFlag
* ceUpgradeId
* orgId
* directDebitAuthFlag
* attribute4
* programApplicationId
* partyCode
* primaryAcctUseFlag
* attribute5
* unediscReceivablesTrxId
* endDate


 * programId
* descriptionCode1
* attribute6
* branchPartyId
* secondaryAccountReference
* accountOwnerOrgId
* ceUseAllowedFlag
* description
* receiptMultiCurrencyFlag
* requestId
* ceBankAccountId
* attribute3
* maxCheckAmount
* attribute15
* paymentMultiCurrencyFlag
* apPercentTolerance
* partyCode
* roundingTypeFlag
* bankCode
* dayCountTypeFlag
* createdByModule
* bankAccountNum
* attribute11
* attribute12
* agencyLocationCode
* targetBalance
* descriptionCode2
* creationDate
* eftUserNum
* accountClassification
* ibanNum
* programUpdateDate
* authorizedFlag
* programApplicationId
* secondaryAcctFlag
* xtrBankAccountNum
* groupId
* arUseAllowedFlag
* payUseAllowedFlag
* attribute1
* attribute2
* accountOwnerPartyId
* payPercentTolerance
* bankAccountType
* attribute13
* arAmountTolerance
* arPercentTolerance
* accountHolderName
* apAmountTolerance
* upgradeStatus
* accountHolderNameAlt
* attribute10
* shortAccountName
* accountSuffix
* endDate
* accountNumber
* yearCalcType
* commAgreementIdentifier
* lastUpdateLogin
* interestCalculationBasis
* checkDigits
* parentUpgradeId
* subsidiaryAccountFlag
* sourceApplicationId
* cashflowDisplayOrder
* attributeCategory
* sourcePkId
* attribute5
* bankPartyId
* multiCurrencyAllowedFlag
* bankAccountNameAlt
* attribute4
* attribute8
* eftRequesterIdentifier
* xtrAmountTolerance
* legalAccountName
* lastUpdatedBy
* currencyCode
* attribute9
* lastUpdateDate
* minCheckAmount
* payAmountTolerance
* primaryAcctFlag
* bankAccountName
* createdBy
* apUseAllowedFlag
* maxOutlay
* attribute14
* xtrUseAllowedFlag
* attribute7
* zeroAmountAllowedFlag
* xtrPercentTolerance
* ceUpgradeId
* startDate


 * programId
* descriptionCode1
* attribute6
* branchPartyId
* secondaryAccountReference
* accountOwnerOrgId
* ceUseAllowedFlag
* description
* receiptMultiCurrencyFlag
* requestId
* ceBankAccountId
* attribute3
* maxCheckAmount
* attribute15
* paymentMultiCurrencyFlag
* apPercentTolerance
* partyCode
* roundingTypeFlag
* bankCode
* dayCountTypeFlag
* createdByModule
* bankAccountNum
* attribute11
* attribute12
* agencyLocationCode
* targetBalance
* descriptionCode2
* creationDate
* eftUserNum
* accountClassification
* ibanNum
* programUpdateDate
* authorizedFlag
* programApplicationId
* secondaryAcctFlag
* xtrBankAccountNum
* groupId
* arUseAllowedFlag
* payUseAllowedFlag
* attribute1
* attribute2
* accountOwnerPartyId
* payPercentTolerance
* bankAccountType
* attribute13
* arAmountTolerance
* arPercentTolerance
* accountHolderName
* apAmountTolerance
* upgradeStatus
* accountHolderNameAlt
* attribute10
* shortAccountName
* accountSuffix
* endDate
* accountNumber
* yearCalcType
* commAgreementIdentifier
* lastUpdateLogin
* interestCalculationBasis
* checkDigits
* parentUpgradeId
* subsidiaryAccountFlag
* sourceApplicationId
* cashflowDisplayOrder
* attributeCategory
* sourcePkId
* attribute5
* bankPartyId
* multiCurrencyAllowedFlag
* bankAccountNameAlt
* attribute4
* attribute8
* eftRequesterIdentifier
* xtrAmountTolerance
* legalAccountName
* lastUpdatedBy
* currencyCode
* attribute9
* lastUpdateDate
* minCheckAmount
* payAmountTolerance
* primaryAcctFlag
* bankAccountName
* createdBy
* apUseAllowedFlag
* maxOutlay
* attribute14
* xtrUseAllowedFlag
* attribute7
* zeroAmountAllowedFlag
* xtrPercentTolerance
* ceUpgradeId
* startDate


 * creationDate
* dependentProductId
* createdBy
* upgradePhaseNum
* apBankInUseFlag
* dependentProductName
* payAcctInUseFlag
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateDate
* apAcctInUseFlag
* lastUpdateLogin


 * creationDate
* dependentProductId
* createdBy
* upgradePhaseNum
* apBankInUseFlag
* dependentProductName
* payAcctInUseFlag
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateDate
* apAcctInUseFlag
* lastUpdateLogin


 * attribute9
* primaryFlag
* attribute14
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute2
* bankCode
* attribute5
* lastUpdateDate
* startDateActive
* attribute13
* partyCode
* creationDate
* endDateActive
* jgzzFiscalCode
* knownAs
* branchCode
* partyId
* attribute7
* attributeCategory
* sourceApplicationId
* attribute11
* createdByModule
* country
* accountNumber
* lastUpdateLogin
* parentUpgradeId
* attribute6
* organizationNamePhonetic
* attribute10
* clearingHouseId
* groupId
* bankOrBranchNumber
* institutionType
* branchType
* eftUserNum
* attribute12
* missionStatement
* upgradeStatus
* organizationName
* bankEntityType
* rfcCode
* attribute15
* ceUpgradeId
* secondaryFlag
* createdBy
* sourcePkId
* attribute4
* attribute3
* attribute1
* attribute8


 * attribute9
* primaryFlag
* attribute14
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute2
* bankCode
* attribute5
* lastUpdateDate
* startDateActive
* attribute13
* partyCode
* creationDate
* endDateActive
* jgzzFiscalCode
* knownAs
* branchCode
* partyId
* attribute7
* attributeCategory
* sourceApplicationId
* attribute11
* createdByModule
* country
* accountNumber
* lastUpdateLogin
* parentUpgradeId
* attribute6
* organizationNamePhonetic
* attribute10
* clearingHouseId
* groupId
* bankOrBranchNumber
* institutionType
* branchType
* eftUserNum
* attribute12
* missionStatement
* upgradeStatus
* organizationName
* bankEntityType
* rfcCode
* attribute15
* ceUpgradeId
* secondaryFlag
* createdBy
* sourcePkId
* attribute4
* attribute3
* attribute1
* attribute8


 * ceUpgradeId
* contactPointType
* lastUpdateDate
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* ediIdNumber
* phoneNumber
* contactPointId
* eftTransmissionProgramId
* eftSwiftCode
* emailAddress
* bankEntityType
* ediEceTpLocationCode
* eftUserNum
* lastUpdatedBy
* ownerTableName
* ownerTableId
* createdByModule
* eftPrintingProgramId
* orgPrimaryPhoneFlag
* phoneAreaCode
* upgradeStatus
* createdBy
* ediTpHeaderId
* phoneLineType


 * ceUpgradeId
* contactPointType
* lastUpdateDate
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* ediIdNumber
* phoneNumber
* contactPointId
* eftTransmissionProgramId
* eftSwiftCode
* emailAddress
* bankEntityType
* ediEceTpLocationCode
* eftUserNum
* lastUpdatedBy
* ownerTableName
* ownerTableId
* createdByModule
* eftPrintingProgramId
* orgPrimaryPhoneFlag
* phoneAreaCode
* upgradeStatus
* createdBy
* ediTpHeaderId
* phoneLineType


 * brShortTermDepositCcid
* arAssetCcid
* unearnedCcid
* remittanceCcid
* assetCodeCombinationId
* apAssetCcid
* cashClearingCcid
* unidentifiedCcid
* factorCcid
* lastUpdatedBy
* onAccountCcid
* futureDatedPaymentCcid
* brFactorCcid
* createdByModule
* gainCodeCombinationId
* earnedCcid
* lastUpdateDate
* xtrAssetCcid
* lossCodeCombinationId
* upgradeStatus
* bankErrorsCcid
* unappliedCcid
* brRemittanceCcid
* bankChargesCcid
* arShortTermDepositCcid
* createdBy
* receiptClearingCcid
* ceUpgradeId
* lastUpdateLogin
* creationDate


 * brShortTermDepositCcid
* arAssetCcid
* unearnedCcid
* remittanceCcid
* assetCodeCombinationId
* apAssetCcid
* cashClearingCcid
* unidentifiedCcid
* factorCcid
* lastUpdatedBy
* onAccountCcid
* futureDatedPaymentCcid
* brFactorCcid
* createdByModule
* gainCodeCombinationId
* earnedCcid
* lastUpdateDate
* xtrAssetCcid
* lossCodeCombinationId
* upgradeStatus
* bankErrorsCcid
* unappliedCcid
* brRemittanceCcid
* bankChargesCcid
* arShortTermDepositCcid
* createdBy
* receiptClearingCcid
* ceUpgradeId
* lastUpdateLogin
* creationDate


 * address3
* createdBy
* createdByModule
* lastUpdatedBy
* address4
* postalCode
* ceUpgradeId
* bankEntityType
* upgradeStatus
* province
* lastUpdateLogin
* identifyingAddressFlag
* country
* addressStyle
* county
* state
* lastUpdateDate
* address2
* creationDate
* addressLinePhonetic
* locationId
* city
* address1


 * address3
* createdBy
* createdByModule
* lastUpdatedBy
* address4
* postalCode
* ceUpgradeId
* bankEntityType
* upgradeStatus
* province
* lastUpdateLogin
* identifyingAddressFlag
* country
* addressStyle
* county
* state
* lastUpdateDate
* address2
* creationDate
* addressLinePhonetic
* locationId
* city
* address1


 * segment7
* segment18
* segment6
* segment28
* externalAccountId
* prenoteDate
* segment12
* segment9
* segment11
* startDateActive
* segment15
* segment1
* lastUpdatedBy
* segment20
* segment19
* segment4
* segment5
* summaryFlag
* segment24
* enabledFlag
* segment16
* createdBy
* segment21
* segment27
* idFlexNum
* segment17
* segment22
* segment3
* segment10
* segment25
* segment30
* segment13
* segment26
* segment29
* objectVersionNumber
* segment8
* segment2
* segment23
* lastUpdateLogin
* creationDate
* territoryCode
* lastUpdateDate
* endDateActive
* segment14


 * segment7
* segment18
* segment6
* segment28
* externalAccountId
* prenoteDate
* segment12
* segment9
* segment11
* startDateActive
* segment15
* segment1
* lastUpdatedBy
* segment20
* segment19
* segment4
* segment5
* summaryFlag
* segment24
* enabledFlag
* segment16
* createdBy
* segment21
* segment27
* idFlexNum
* segment17
* segment22
* segment3
* segment10
* segment25
* segment30
* segment13
* segment26
* segment29
* objectVersionNumber
* segment8
* segment2
* segment23
* lastUpdateLogin
* creationDate
* territoryCode
* lastUpdateDate
* endDateActive
* segment14


 * personPreNameAdjunct
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* bankEntityType
* createdBy
* personPartyId
* personFirstName
* ceUpgradeId
* createdByModule
* personMiddleName
* creationDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* personLastName


 * personPreNameAdjunct
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* bankEntityType
* createdBy
* personPartyId
* personFirstName
* ceUpgradeId
* createdByModule
* personMiddleName
* creationDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* personLastName


 * deleteFlag
* bankBranchName
* currencyCode
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* bankAccountNum
* country
* lastUpdateLogin
* createdBy
* accountType
* bankBranchId
* bankAccountId
* requestId
* creationDate
* bankAccountName
* organizationName
* bankName


 * deleteFlag
* bankBranchName
* currencyCode
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* bankAccountNum
* country
* lastUpdateLogin
* createdBy
* accountType
* bankBranchId
* bankAccountId
* requestId
* creationDate
* bankAccountName
* organizationName
* bankName


 * lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* requestId
* bankBranchId
* creationDate
* bankName
* deleteFlag
* branchNumber
* lastUpdateLogin
* createdBy
* country
* bankNumber
* bankBranchName


 * lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* requestId
* bankBranchId
* creationDate
* bankName
* deleteFlag
* branchNumber
* lastUpdateLogin
* createdBy
* country
* bankNumber
* bankBranchName


 * createdBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* accountNumber
* externalAccountId
* countryCode
* deleteFlag
* requestId
* lastUpdateDate
* creationDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* bankName
* branchName
* country


 * createdBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* accountNumber
* externalAccountId
* countryCode
* deleteFlag
* requestId
* lastUpdateDate
* creationDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* bankName
* branchName
* country


 * lastUpdateLogin
* upgradeStatus
* lastUpdateDate
* relationshipId
* subjectId
* lastUpdatedBy
* subjectTableName
* objectTableName
* creationDate
* relationshipType
* ceUpgradeId
* relationshipCode
* objectType
* partyId
* startDate
* endDate
* createdByModule
* objectId
* createdBy
* subjectType
* bankEntityType
* jobTitle


 * lastUpdateLogin
* upgradeStatus
* lastUpdateDate
* relationshipId
* subjectId
* lastUpdatedBy
* subjectTableName
* objectTableName
* creationDate
* relationshipType
* ceUpgradeId
* relationshipCode
* objectType
* partyId
* startDate
* endDate
* createdByModule
* objectId
* createdBy
* subjectType
* bankEntityType
* jobTitle


 * endDate
* programId
* attribute9
* arUseEnableFlag
* attributeCategory
* apUseEnableFlag
* groupId
* creationDate
* attribute3
* programUpdateDate
* brStdReceivablesTrxId
* attribute1
* attribute6
* createdBy
* unediscReceivablesTrxId
* primaryFlag
* attribute13
* attribute12
* secondaryAcctUseFlag
* requestId
* xtrUseEnableFlag
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute5
* attribute10
* ceBankAcctUseId
* attribute2
* attribute14
* programApplicationId
* attribute8
* orgId
* attribute4
* orgPartyId
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* pooledFlag
* attribute15
* payUseEnableFlag
* createdByModule
* attribute11
* ceUpgradeId
* attribute7
* parentUpgradeId
* upgradeStatus
* ediscReceivablesTrxId
* directDebitAuthFlag
* primaryAcctUseFlag


 * endDate
* programId
* attribute9
* arUseEnableFlag
* attributeCategory
* apUseEnableFlag
* groupId
* creationDate
* attribute3
* programUpdateDate
* brStdReceivablesTrxId
* attribute1
* attribute6
* createdBy
* unediscReceivablesTrxId
* primaryFlag
* attribute13
* attribute12
* secondaryAcctUseFlag
* requestId
* xtrUseEnableFlag
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute5
* attribute10
* ceBankAcctUseId
* attribute2
* attribute14
* programApplicationId
* attribute8
* orgId
* attribute4
* orgPartyId
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* pooledFlag
* attribute15
* payUseEnableFlag
* createdByModule
* attribute11
* ceUpgradeId
* attribute7
* parentUpgradeId
* upgradeStatus
* ediscReceivablesTrxId
* directDebitAuthFlag
* primaryAcctUseFlag


 * yearCalcType
* lastUpdatedBy
* attributeCategory
* attribute4
* xtrPercentTolerance
* parentUpgradeId
* apUseAllowedFlag
* arUseAllowedFlag
* accountHolderName
* arAmountTolerance
* bankAccountName
* bankAccountType
* groupId
* accountOwnerPartyId
* apAmountTolerance
* primaryAcctFlag
* accountSuffix
* currencyCode
* payAmountTolerance
* interestCalculationBasis
* cashflowDisplayOrder
* createdByModule
* descriptionCode1
* attribute12
* secondaryAccountReference
* payPercentTolerance
* programUpdateDate
* xtrUseAllowedFlag
* attribute6
* attribute7
* payUseAllowedFlag
* attribute3
* shortAccountName
* xtrAmountTolerance
* lastUpdateDate
* accountHolderNameAlt
* attribute2
* createdBy
* eftRequesterIdentifier
* eftUserNum
* targetBalance
* startDate
* bankAccountNameAlt
* bankCode
* legalAccountName
* attribute5
* maxCheckAmount
* zeroAmountAllowedFlag
* attribute11
* secondaryAcctFlag
* ibanNum
* requestId
* attribute1
* attribute15
* paymentMultiCurrencyFlag
* descriptionCode2
* bankAccountNum
* ceBankAccountId
* dayCountTypeFlag
* commAgreementIdentifier
* checkDigits
* accountClassification
* receiptMultiCurrencyFlag
* accountOwnerOrgId
* endDate
* bankPartyId
* description
* attribute13
* programApplicationId
* arPercentTolerance
* upgradeStatus
* programId
* multiCurrencyAllowedFlag
* agencyLocationCode
* attribute14
* maxOutlay
* creationDate
* ceUpgradeId
* attribute9
* attribute8
* minCheckAmount
* apPercentTolerance
* attribute10
* lastUpdateLogin
* branchPartyId
* roundingTypeFlag


 * yearCalcType
* lastUpdatedBy
* attributeCategory
* attribute4
* xtrPercentTolerance
* parentUpgradeId
* apUseAllowedFlag
* arUseAllowedFlag
* accountHolderName
* arAmountTolerance
* bankAccountName
* bankAccountType
* groupId
* accountOwnerPartyId
* apAmountTolerance
* primaryAcctFlag
* accountSuffix
* currencyCode
* payAmountTolerance
* interestCalculationBasis
* cashflowDisplayOrder
* createdByModule
* descriptionCode1
* attribute12
* secondaryAccountReference
* payPercentTolerance
* programUpdateDate
* xtrUseAllowedFlag
* attribute6
* attribute7
* payUseAllowedFlag
* attribute3
* shortAccountName
* xtrAmountTolerance
* lastUpdateDate
* accountHolderNameAlt
* attribute2
* createdBy
* eftRequesterIdentifier
* eftUserNum
* targetBalance
* startDate
* bankAccountNameAlt
* bankCode
* legalAccountName
* attribute5
* maxCheckAmount
* zeroAmountAllowedFlag
* attribute11
* secondaryAcctFlag
* ibanNum
* requestId
* attribute1
* attribute15
* paymentMultiCurrencyFlag
* descriptionCode2
* bankAccountNum
* ceBankAccountId
* dayCountTypeFlag
* commAgreementIdentifier
* checkDigits
* accountClassification
* receiptMultiCurrencyFlag
* accountOwnerOrgId
* endDate
* bankPartyId
* description
* attribute13
* programApplicationId
* arPercentTolerance
* upgradeStatus
* programId
* multiCurrencyAllowedFlag
* agencyLocationCode
* attribute14
* maxOutlay
* creationDate
* ceUpgradeId
* attribute9
* attribute8
* minCheckAmount
* apPercentTolerance
* attribute10
* lastUpdateLogin
* branchPartyId
* roundingTypeFlag


 * createdByModule
* attributeCategory
* createdBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* branchType
* attribute1
* parentUpgradeId
* jgzzFiscalCode
* ceUpgradeId
* knownAs
* attribute15
* upgradeStatus
* attribute7
* attribute10
* partyId
* creationDate
* bankEntityType
* attribute5
* clearingHouseId
* eftUserNum
* attribute4
* branchCode
* bankCode
* attribute14
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute11
* attribute13
* lastUpdateDate
* country
* startDateActive
* attribute3
* endDateActive
* rfcCode
* bankOrBranchNumber
* attribute6
* secondaryFlag
* attribute12
* institutionType
* attribute8
* groupId
* organizationName
* organizationNamePhonetic
* missionStatement
* attribute2
* attribute9
* primaryFlag


 * createdByModule
* attributeCategory
* createdBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* branchType
* attribute1
* parentUpgradeId
* jgzzFiscalCode
* ceUpgradeId
* knownAs
* attribute15
* upgradeStatus
* attribute7
* attribute10
* partyId
* creationDate
* bankEntityType
* attribute5
* clearingHouseId
* eftUserNum
* attribute4
* branchCode
* bankCode
* attribute14
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute11
* attribute13
* lastUpdateDate
* country
* startDateActive
* attribute3
* endDateActive
* rfcCode
* bankOrBranchNumber
* attribute6
* secondaryFlag
* attribute12
* institutionType
* attribute8
* groupId
* organizationName
* organizationNamePhonetic
* missionStatement
* attribute2
* attribute9
* primaryFlag


 * eftSwiftCode
* ceUpgradeId
* lastUpdateLogin
* orgPrimaryPhoneFlag
* lastUpdatedBy
* contactPointType
* phoneNumber
* lastUpdateDate
* upgradeStatus
* createdBy
* emailAddress
* phoneAreaCode
* eftPrintingProgramId
* bankEntityType
* ediEceTpLocationCode
* ownerTableId
* contactPointId
* ediIdNumber
* eftTransmissionProgramId
* ownerTableName
* phoneLineType
* createdByModule
* creationDate
* ediTpHeaderId


 * eftSwiftCode
* ceUpgradeId
* lastUpdateLogin
* orgPrimaryPhoneFlag
* lastUpdatedBy
* contactPointType
* phoneNumber
* lastUpdateDate
* upgradeStatus
* createdBy
* emailAddress
* phoneAreaCode
* eftPrintingProgramId
* bankEntityType
* ediEceTpLocationCode
* ownerTableId
* contactPointId
* ediIdNumber
* eftTransmissionProgramId
* ownerTableName
* phoneLineType
* createdByModule
* creationDate
* ediTpHeaderId


 * gainCodeCombinationId
* xtrAssetCcid
* remittanceCcid
* arShortTermDepositCcid
* futureDatedPaymentCcid
* lossCodeCombinationId
* brFactorCcid
* lastUpdateLogin
* brRemittanceCcid
* ceUpgradeId
* arAssetCcid
* bankChargesCcid
* factorCcid
* creationDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* earnedCcid
* bankErrorsCcid
* receiptClearingCcid
* upgradeStatus
* createdBy
* brShortTermDepositCcid
* cashClearingCcid
* unidentifiedCcid
* onAccountCcid
* apAssetCcid
* unappliedCcid
* unearnedCcid
* lastUpdateDate
* assetCodeCombinationId
* createdByModule


 * gainCodeCombinationId
* xtrAssetCcid
* remittanceCcid
* arShortTermDepositCcid
* futureDatedPaymentCcid
* lossCodeCombinationId
* brFactorCcid
* lastUpdateLogin
* brRemittanceCcid
* ceUpgradeId
* arAssetCcid
* bankChargesCcid
* factorCcid
* creationDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* earnedCcid
* bankErrorsCcid
* receiptClearingCcid
* upgradeStatus
* createdBy
* brShortTermDepositCcid
* cashClearingCcid
* unidentifiedCcid
* onAccountCcid
* apAssetCcid
* unappliedCcid
* unearnedCcid
* lastUpdateDate
* assetCodeCombinationId
* createdByModule


 * createdBy
* bankEntityType
* createdByModule
* addressLinePhonetic
* postalCode
* ceUpgradeId
* creationDate
* address2
* province
* lastUpdateLogin
* identifyingAddressFlag
* address3
* city
* address4
* county
* state
* upgradeStatus
* country
* lastUpdatedBy
* address1
* locationId
* addressStyle
* lastUpdateDate


 * createdBy
* bankEntityType
* createdByModule
* addressLinePhonetic
* postalCode
* ceUpgradeId
* creationDate
* address2
* province
* lastUpdateLogin
* identifyingAddressFlag
* address3
* city
* address4
* county
* state
* upgradeStatus
* country
* lastUpdatedBy
* address1
* locationId
* addressStyle
* lastUpdateDate


 * personPartyId
* personLastName
* lastUpdateDate
* bankEntityType
* personFirstName
* personMiddleName
* lastUpdatedBy
* ceUpgradeId
* createdBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* personPreNameAdjunct
* createdByModule
* creationDate


 * personPartyId
* personLastName
* lastUpdateDate
* bankEntityType
* personFirstName
* personMiddleName
* lastUpdatedBy
* ceUpgradeId
* createdBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* personPreNameAdjunct
* createdByModule
* creationDate


 * jobTitle
* partyId
* bankEntityType
* endDate
* objectTableName
* relationshipId
* relationshipCode
* subjectTableName
* startDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* subjectId
* relationshipType
* createdBy
* ceUpgradeId
* creationDate
* upgradeStatus
* lastUpdateLogin
* subjectType
* createdByModule
* objectType
* objectId
* lastUpdateDate


 * jobTitle
* partyId
* bankEntityType
* endDate
* objectTableName
* relationshipId
* relationshipCode
* subjectTableName
* startDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* subjectId
* relationshipType
* createdBy
* ceUpgradeId
* creationDate
* upgradeStatus
* lastUpdateLogin
* subjectType
* createdByModule
* objectType
* objectId
* lastUpdateDate


 * statementNumber
* tradingPartner
* bankAccountNum
* itemKey


 * statementNumber
* tradingPartner
* bankAccountNum
* itemKey


 * dealStatusFlag
* offsetDealNum
* lastUpdatedBy
* transactionNum
* statementLineId
* statementHeaderId
* cashpoolId
* messageName
* dealNum
* cashflowsCreatedFlag
* applicationShortName
* createdBy
* creationDate
* dealType
* lastUpdateDate
* offsetTransactionNum


 * dealStatusFlag
* offsetDealNum
* lastUpdatedBy
* transactionNum
* statementLineId
* statementHeaderId
* cashpoolId
* messageName
* dealNum
* cashflowsCreatedFlag
* applicationShortName
* createdBy
* creationDate
* dealType
* lastUpdateDate
* offsetTransactionNum


 * subpartitionName
* ownerName
* partitionName
* headRowid
* tableName
* analyzeTimestamp
* clusterName


 * tableName
* analyzeTimestamp
* partitionName
* clusterName
* ownerName
* subpartitionName
* headRowid


 * tableName
* analyzeTimestamp
* partitionName
* clusterName
* ownerName
* subpartitionName
* headRowid


 * subpartitionName
* ownerName
* partitionName
* headRowid
* tableName
* analyzeTimestamp
* clusterName


 * icon
* chartCode
* defaultQueryCode
* description
* id
* pathUrl
* chartName
* chartType
* moduleApi
* chartData
* userId


 * authorizationCode
* attribute4
* programApplicationId
* highAuthScheduleItemId
* attribute15
* attribute11
* lastUpdateDate
* programUpdateDate
* highAuthQuantity
* requestId
* attribute1
* usingOrganizationId
* scheduleQuantity
* attribute7
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute12
* attributeCategory
* referenceId
* attribute10
* creationDate
* primaryUnitOfMeasure
* timefenceDays
* attribute2
* attribute9
* purchasingUnitOfMeasure
* attribute14
* createdBy
* attribute8
* highAuthQtyPrimary
* programId
* authorizationSequence
* attribute3
* scheduleQuantityPrimary
* referenceType
* attribute5
* attribute6
* cutoffDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute13


 * numberMonthlyBuckets
* createdBy
* attribute14
* description
* attribute13
* programId
* attribute1
* attribute2
* bucketPatternName
* attribute12
* weekStartDay
* lastUpdateLogin
* numberWeeklyBuckets
* bucketPatternId
* creationDate
* attributeCategory
* attribute7
* attribute10
* attribute6
* attribute11
* attribute8
* attribute9
* requestId
* attribute4
* attribute5
* numberDailyBuckets
* numberQuarterlyBuckets
* inactiveDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute3
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute15
* programUpdateDate
* programApplicationId


 * numberMonthlyBuckets
* createdBy
* attribute14
* description
* attribute13
* programId
* attribute1
* attribute2
* bucketPatternName
* attribute12
* weekStartDay
* lastUpdateLogin
* numberWeeklyBuckets
* bucketPatternId
* creationDate
* attributeCategory
* attribute7
* attribute10
* attribute6
* attribute11
* attribute8
* attribute9
* requestId
* attribute4
* attribute5
* numberDailyBuckets
* numberQuarterlyBuckets
* inactiveDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute3
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute15
* programUpdateDate
* programApplicationId


 * organizationId
* attribute4
* primaryUnitOfMeasure
* attribute7
* attribute9
* attribute11
* programId
* attribute6
* attribute3
* lastUpdateLogin
* vendorId
* reasonId
* attribute8
* programUpdateDate
* adjustmentQuantity
* attribute5
* creationDate
* attribute15
* primaryAdjustQuantity
* itemId
* comments
* attribute12
* createdBy
* attribute10
* attribute14
* lastUpdatedBy
* cumPeriodId
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute1
* attribute13
* purchasingUnitOfMeasure
* attributeCategory
* attribute2
* requestId
* programApplicationId
* cumTransactionId
* vendorSiteId


 * organizationId
* attribute4
* primaryUnitOfMeasure
* attribute7
* attribute9
* attribute11
* programId
* attribute6
* attribute3
* lastUpdateLogin
* vendorId
* reasonId
* attribute8
* programUpdateDate
* adjustmentQuantity
* attribute5
* creationDate
* attribute15
* primaryAdjustQuantity
* itemId
* comments
* attribute12
* createdBy
* attribute10
* attribute14
* lastUpdatedBy
* cumPeriodId
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute1
* attribute13
* purchasingUnitOfMeasure
* attributeCategory
* attribute2
* requestId
* programApplicationId
* cumTransactionId
* vendorSiteId


 * attribute10
* vendorSiteId
* organizationId
* createdBy
* attribute7
* attribute15
* lastUpdateDate
* cumPeriodId
* itemId
* attribute1
* vendorId
* programApplicationId
* attribute5
* attribute12
* programUpdateDate
* attribute9
* attributeCategory
* programId
* attribute6
* creationDate
* attribute4
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute14
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute13
* attribute2
* cumPeriodItemId
* attribute3
* attribute8
* attribute11
* requestId


 * attribute10
* vendorSiteId
* organizationId
* createdBy
* attribute7
* attribute15
* lastUpdateDate
* cumPeriodId
* itemId
* attribute1
* vendorId
* programApplicationId
* attribute5
* attribute12
* programUpdateDate
* attribute9
* attributeCategory
* programId
* attribute6
* creationDate
* attribute4
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute14
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute13
* attribute2
* cumPeriodItemId
* attribute3
* attribute8
* attribute11
* requestId


 * attribute12
* lastUpdateLogin
* cumPeriodEndDate
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute10
* attribute8
* attribute5
* organizationId
* attributeCategory
* cumPeriodStartDate
* attribute6
* attribute3
* attribute14
* createdBy
* attribute4
* cumPeriodId
* cumPeriodName
* creationDate
* attribute13
* programApplicationId
* attribute11
* requestId
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute1
* programId
* programUpdateDate
* attribute9
* attribute2
* attribute7
* attribute15


 * attribute12
* lastUpdateLogin
* cumPeriodEndDate
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute10
* attribute8
* attribute5
* organizationId
* attributeCategory
* cumPeriodStartDate
* attribute6
* attribute3
* attribute14
* createdBy
* attribute4
* cumPeriodId
* cumPeriodName
* creationDate
* attribute13
* programApplicationId
* attribute11
* requestId
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute1
* programId
* programUpdateDate
* attribute9
* attribute2
* attribute7
* attribute15


 * cumPeriodStartDate
* cumPeriodName
* purgeName
* creationDate
* programApplicationId
* programId
* cumPeriodEndDate
* cumPeriodId
* organizationId
* rtvUpdateCumFlag
* requestId
* programUpdateDate


 * cumPeriodStartDate
* cumPeriodName
* purgeName
* creationDate
* programApplicationId
* programId
* cumPeriodEndDate
* cumPeriodId
* organizationId
* rtvUpdateCumFlag
* requestId
* programUpdateDate


 * creationDate
* programApplicationId
* requestId
* programId
* vendorSiteId
* scheduleHorizonStart
* scheduleType
* itemId
* scheduleRevision
* programUpdateDate
* scheduleStatus
* purgeName
* scheduleNum
* scheduleSubtype
* bucketPatternId
* organizationId
* vendorId
* scheduleId


 * creationDate
* programApplicationId
* requestId
* programId
* vendorSiteId
* scheduleHorizonStart
* scheduleType
* itemId
* scheduleRevision
* programUpdateDate
* scheduleStatus
* purgeName
* scheduleNum
* scheduleSubtype
* bucketPatternId
* organizationId
* vendorId
* scheduleId


 * column8
* scheduleId
* column41
* rowSelectOrder
* requestId
* scheduleItemId
* lastUpdateLogin
* column16
* column23
* column14
* column10
* column43
* column50
* column49
* column13
* column29
* column37
* column44
* column31
* createdBy
* column51
* column48
* column26
* column21
* column34
* column25
* column40
* programId
* column3
* column56
* column46
* column60
* column19
* column4
* column24
* column47
* rowType
* column28
* column36
* column20
* creationDate
* column35
* column17
* column15
* column30
* column9
* column54
* lastUpdateDate
* column12
* column6
* column52
* column58
* programApplicationId
* column5
* column27
* column7
* column11
* column55
* column18
* column33
* column57
* column1
* lastUpdatedBy
* column42
* column38
* column32
* column39
* column2
* column53
* column59
* column22
* column45
* programUpdateDate


 * column8
* scheduleId
* column41
* rowSelectOrder
* requestId
* scheduleItemId
* lastUpdateLogin
* column16
* column23
* column14
* column10
* column43
* column50
* column49
* column13
* column29
* column37
* column44
* column31
* createdBy
* column51
* column48
* column26
* column21
* column34
* column25
* column40
* programId
* column3
* column56
* column46
* column60
* column19
* column4
* column24
* column47
* rowType
* column28
* column36
* column20
* creationDate
* column35
* column17
* column15
* column30
* column9
* column54
* lastUpdateDate
* column12
* column6
* column52
* column58
* programApplicationId
* column5
* column27
* column7
* column11
* column55
* column18
* column33
* column57
* column1
* lastUpdatedBy
* column42
* column38
* column32
* column39
* column2
* column53
* column59
* column22
* column45
* programUpdateDate


 * scheduleOrderId
* attribute15
* orderQuantityPrimary
* attribute6
* attribute12
* requestId
* attribute5
* documentShipmentId
* programApplicationId
* attribute9
* scheduleItemId
* orderQuantity
* primaryUnitOfMeasure
* creationDate
* attribute11
* documentLineId
* createdBy
* purchasingUnitOfMeasure
* attribute7
* supplyDocumentType
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute4
* attribute8
* attribute1
* scheduleId
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute13
* attribute10
* attribute3
* attribute2
* programUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute14
* dueDate
* programId
* documentHeaderId
* attributeCategory


 * scheduleOrderId
* attribute15
* orderQuantityPrimary
* attribute6
* attribute12
* requestId
* attribute5
* documentShipmentId
* programApplicationId
* attribute9
* scheduleItemId
* orderQuantity
* primaryUnitOfMeasure
* creationDate
* attribute11
* documentLineId
* createdBy
* purchasingUnitOfMeasure
* attribute7
* supplyDocumentType
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute4
* attribute8
* attribute1
* scheduleId
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute13
* attribute10
* attribute3
* attribute2
* programUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute14
* dueDate
* programId
* documentHeaderId
* attributeCategory


 * shipScheduleType
* attribute11
* attribute3
* attribute12
* attribute6
* attribute5
* planScheduleType
* attribute13
* organizationId
* attribute9
* lastUpdatedBy
* mrpCompileDesignator
* attribute8
* attribute14
* programId
* attributeCategory
* attribute7
* requestId
* mpsScheduleDesignator
* attribute2
* programUpdateDate
* attribute10
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute1
* attribute4
* rtvUpdateCumFlag
* enableCumFlag
* lastUpdateDate
* planBucketPatternId
* shipBucketPatternId
* attribute15
* programApplicationId
* createdBy
* drpCompileDesignator


 * shipScheduleType
* attribute11
* attribute3
* attribute12
* attribute6
* attribute5
* planScheduleType
* attribute13
* organizationId
* attribute9
* lastUpdatedBy
* mrpCompileDesignator
* attribute8
* attribute14
* programId
* attributeCategory
* attribute7
* requestId
* mpsScheduleDesignator
* attribute2
* programUpdateDate
* attribute10
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute1
* attribute4
* rtvUpdateCumFlag
* enableCumFlag
* lastUpdateDate
* planBucketPatternId
* shipBucketPatternId
* attribute15
* programApplicationId
* createdBy
* drpCompileDesignator


 * programApplicationId
* doubleCheckFlag
* purgeName
* programId
* programUpdateDate
* cumPeriodId
* requestId


 * programApplicationId
* doubleCheckFlag
* purgeName
* programId
* programUpdateDate
* cumPeriodId
* requestId


 * programId
* doubleCheckFlag
* programApplicationId
* programUpdateDate
* requestId
* scheduleItemId
* purgeName


 * programId
* doubleCheckFlag
* programApplicationId
* programUpdateDate
* requestId
* scheduleItemId
* purgeName


 * attribute9
* programApplicationId
* lastEdiDate
* ediProcessedFlag
* attribute13
* requestId
* bucketPatternId
* scheduleHorizonStart
* scheduleRevision
* scheduleNum
* scheduleType
* attribute8
* creationDate
* attribute10
* vendorSiteId
* lastPrintDate
* programId
* attribute2
* scheduleHorizonEnd
* attribute6
* attribute1
* attribute4
* organizationId
* attribute3
* confirmDate
* attribute15
* attribute5
* attribute7
* drpCompileDesignator
* scheduleStatus
* lastUpdateDate
* vendorId
* communicationCode
* attributeCategory
* scheduleOwnerId
* ediCount
* attribute11
* lastUpdateLogin
* includeFutureReleasesFlag
* attribute14
* programUpdateDate
* scheduleSubtype
* ediProcessedStatus
* inquiryFlag
* attribute12
* mpsScheduleDesignator
* scheduleId
* lastUpdatedBy
* printCount
* createdBy
* batchId
* mrpCompileDesignator


 * attribute9
* programApplicationId
* lastEdiDate
* ediProcessedFlag
* attribute13
* requestId
* bucketPatternId
* scheduleHorizonStart
* scheduleRevision
* scheduleNum
* scheduleType
* attribute8
* creationDate
* attribute10
* vendorSiteId
* lastPrintDate
* programId
* attribute2
* scheduleHorizonEnd
* attribute6
* attribute1
* attribute4
* organizationId
* attribute3
* confirmDate
* attribute15
* attribute5
* attribute7
* drpCompileDesignator
* scheduleStatus
* lastUpdateDate
* vendorId
* communicationCode
* attributeCategory
* scheduleOwnerId
* ediCount
* attribute11
* lastUpdateLogin
* includeFutureReleasesFlag
* attribute14
* programUpdateDate
* scheduleSubtype
* ediProcessedStatus
* inquiryFlag
* attribute12
* mpsScheduleDesignator
* scheduleId
* lastUpdatedBy
* printCount
* createdBy
* batchId
* mrpCompileDesignator


 * attribute11
* itemPlanningMethod
* attribute10
* startingAuthQuantity
* poLineId
* rebuildFlag
* poHeaderId
* creationDate
* organizationId
* programApplicationId
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute8
* attribute4
* attribute15
* purchasingUnitOfMeasure
* lastReceiptTransactionId
* programUpdateDate
* startingCumQtyPrimary
* attribute3
* attribute1
* scheduleId
* attribute2
* attribute14
* requestId
* itemConfirmStatus
* attribute7
* attribute12
* attribute6
* startingCumQuantity
* startingAuthQtyPrimary
* itemConfirmFlag
* createdBy
* scheduleItemId
* attribute13
* attribute9
* attributeCategory
* lastUpdateDate
* primaryUnitOfMeasure
* programId
* itemPurgeStatus
* attribute5
* lastUpdateLogin
* itemId


 * attribute11
* itemPlanningMethod
* attribute10
* startingAuthQuantity
* poLineId
* rebuildFlag
* poHeaderId
* creationDate
* organizationId
* programApplicationId
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute8
* attribute4
* attribute15
* purchasingUnitOfMeasure
* lastReceiptTransactionId
* programUpdateDate
* startingCumQtyPrimary
* attribute3
* attribute1
* scheduleId
* attribute2
* attribute14
* requestId
* itemConfirmStatus
* attribute7
* attribute12
* attribute6
* startingCumQuantity
* startingAuthQtyPrimary
* itemConfirmFlag
* createdBy
* scheduleItemId
* attribute13
* attribute9
* attributeCategory
* lastUpdateDate
* primaryUnitOfMeasure
* programId
* itemPurgeStatus
* attribute5
* lastUpdateLogin
* itemId


 * lastUpdateLogin
* requestId
* programApplicationId
* programUpdateDate
* batchId
* organizationId
* programId


 * lastUpdateLogin
* requestId
* programApplicationId
* programUpdateDate
* batchId
* organizationId
* programId


 * countryCode
* fax
* eurosicParticipation
* place
* zipCode
* bcNumber
* branchId
* countryDiallingCode
* recordValidFrom
* postalAddress
* sicNumber
* swiftAddress
* sightDepositAccount
* bankInstitution
* newBcNumber
* bcType
* address
* bankGroup
* languageCode
* telephone
* headquarters
* sicParticipation
* shortName


 * countryCode
* fax
* eurosicParticipation
* place
* zipCode
* bcNumber
* branchId
* countryDiallingCode
* recordValidFrom
* postalAddress
* sicNumber
* swiftAddress
* sightDepositAccount
* bankInstitution
* newBcNumber
* bcType
* address
* bankGroup
* languageCode
* telephone
* headquarters
* sicParticipation
* shortName


 * procName
* errorMesg
* tableName
* rowidValue
* orgId


 * procName
* errorMesg
* tableName
* rowidValue
* orgId


 * sequence
* id
* contentType
* tabCode
* icon
* tabName
* description
* tabContent
* userId


 * lastUpdateLogin
* createdBy
* resolutionCode
* failureEntryId
* causeCode
* comments
* lastUpdatedBy
* combinationId
* failureCode
* lastUpdateDate
* failureId
* creationDate


 * lastUpdateLogin
* createdBy
* resolutionCode
* failureEntryId
* causeCode
* comments
* lastUpdatedBy
* combinationId
* failureCode
* lastUpdateDate
* failureId
* creationDate


 * failureDate
* currentOrganizationId
* lastUpdateDate
* maintOrganizationId
* sourceType
* lastUpdateLogin
* objectType
* objectId
* sourceId
* lastUpdatedBy
* failureId
* areaId
* creationDate
* departmentId
* createdBy


 * failureDate
* currentOrganizationId
* lastUpdateDate
* maintOrganizationId
* sourceType
* lastUpdateLogin
* objectType
* objectId
* sourceId
* lastUpdatedBy
* failureId
* areaId
* creationDate
* departmentId
* createdBy


 * instanceId
* reasonCode
* attribute3
* operable
* eventDate
* attribute15
* attribute11
* eventType
* attribute8
* comments
* employeeId
* attribute12
* departmentId
* createdBy
* attribute4
* lastUpdateLogin
* refId
* attributeCategory
* lastUpdateDate
* sourceLogId
* attribute1
* attribute6
* lastUpdatedBy
* resourceSerialNumber
* reference
* attribute14
* downCode
* attribute2
* attribute7
* eventId
* expectedUpDate
* attribute9
* attribute10
* attribute13
* organizationId
* logId
* equipmentGenObjectId
* attribute5
* creationDate
* resourceId


 * instanceId
* reasonCode
* attribute3
* operable
* eventDate
* attribute15
* attribute11
* eventType
* attribute8
* comments
* employeeId
* attribute12
* departmentId
* createdBy
* attribute4
* lastUpdateLogin
* refId
* attributeCategory
* lastUpdateDate
* sourceLogId
* attribute1
* attribute6
* lastUpdatedBy
* resourceSerialNumber
* reference
* attribute14
* downCode
* attribute2
* attribute7
* eventId
* expectedUpDate
* attribute9
* attribute10
* attribute13
* organizationId
* logId
* equipmentGenObjectId
* attribute5
* creationDate
* resourceId


 * lastUpdateDate
* creationOrganizationId
* maintenanceObjectId
* attribute9
* migratedFlag
* organizationId
* createdBy
* maintenanceObjectType
* meterId
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute3
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute2
* attribute12
* assetGroupId
* attribute5
* attribute7
* attribute15
* attribute14
* creationDate
* attribute4
* assetNumber
* attribute6
* attribute13
* attribute1
* attribute8
* attributeCategory
* primaryFailureMeter
* attribute10
* attribute11


 * lastUpdateDate
* creationOrganizationId
* maintenanceObjectId
* attribute9
* migratedFlag
* organizationId
* createdBy
* maintenanceObjectType
* meterId
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute3
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute2
* attribute12
* assetGroupId
* attribute5
* attribute7
* attribute15
* attribute14
* creationDate
* attribute4
* assetNumber
* attribute6
* attribute13
* attribute1
* attribute8
* attributeCategory
* primaryFailureMeter
* attribute10
* attribute11


 * attribute1
* attribute3
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute4
* attribute9
* attribute12
* comments
* attribute2
* attribute7
* createdBy
* attribute5
* attribute10
* userId
* txnType
* creationDate
* txnDate
* attributeCategory
* attribute11
* attribute13
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute8
* qaCollectionId
* attribute6
* attribute14
* instanceId
* txnId
* attribute15
* lastUpdateDate
* operable


 * attribute1
* attribute3
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute4
* attribute9
* attribute12
* comments
* attribute2
* attribute7
* createdBy
* attribute5
* attribute10
* userId
* txnType
* creationDate
* txnDate
* attributeCategory
* attribute11
* attribute13
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute8
* qaCollectionId
* attribute6
* attribute14
* instanceId
* txnId
* attribute15
* lastUpdateDate
* operable


 * operatingTag
* instanceId
* lockoutDevice
* creationDate
* shutdownPosition
* eamSafetyType
* lastUpdatedBy
* posLockoutDevice
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* operatingPosition
* createdBy
* shutdownTag


 * operatingTag
* instanceId
* lockoutDevice
* creationDate
* shutdownPosition
* eamSafetyType
* lastUpdatedBy
* posLockoutDevice
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* operatingPosition
* createdBy
* shutdownTag


 * attribute6
* enableFlag
* organizationId
* wipEntityId
* attributeCategory
* endDate
* attribute8
* attribute1
* description
* attribute7
* programUpdateDate
* lastUpdateDate
* startDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* programId
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute12
* attribute11
* createdBy
* attribute3
* assetStatusId
* attribute4
* attribute13
* operationSeqNum
* attribute14
* attribute2
* attribute9
* attribute15
* maintenanceObjectType
* attribute10
* programApplicationId
* creationDate
* attribute5
* assetGroupId
* assetNumber
* requestId
* maintenanceObjectId


 * attribute6
* enableFlag
* organizationId
* wipEntityId
* attributeCategory
* endDate
* attribute8
* attribute1
* description
* attribute7
* programUpdateDate
* lastUpdateDate
* startDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* programId
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute12
* attribute11
* createdBy
* attribute3
* assetStatusId
* attribute4
* attribute13
* operationSeqNum
* attribute14
* attribute2
* attribute9
* attribute15
* maintenanceObjectType
* attribute10
* programApplicationId
* creationDate
* attribute5
* assetGroupId
* assetNumber
* requestId
* maintenanceObjectId


 * instanceId
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* creationDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* createdBy
* text


 * instanceId
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* creationDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* createdBy
* text


 * effectiveEndDate
* creationDate
* createdBy
* causeCode
* lastUpdateDate
* description
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin


 * effectiveEndDate
* creationDate
* createdBy
* causeCode
* lastUpdateDate
* description
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin


 * diOrderTypeLookupCode
* matAttribute10
* opAttribute4
* matAttribute4
* estimateWorkOrderId
* woLinePerUnitCost
* opAttribute13
* difficultyQty
* workOrderNumber
* srcAcctClassCode
* estimateAssociationId
* resAttribute11
* opAttribute7
* resBasisType
* cuQty
* suggestedVendorName
* matAttribute5
* lastUpdatedBy
* resAttribute10
* unitPrice
* suggestedVendorId
* matAttributeCategory
* scheduledCompletionDate
* resScheduledFlag
* opSeqNum
* srcCuId
* diDescription
* matInventoryItemId
* owningDepartmentId
* matAttribute13
* opAttribute11
* opAttribute1
* acctClassCode
* projectId
* workOrderType
* activityCause
* srcDifficultyId
* matAttribute11
* resAttribute12
* matAttribute8
* matAttribute14
* requiredQuantity
* opAttribute2
* resAttribute15
* opDepartmentId
* itemComments
* standardOperationId
* resAttribute1
* opAttribute8
* resRequiredUnits
* estimateId
* resAttribute2
* matComponentSeqNum
* maintenanceObjectSource
* statusType
* basisType
* resAttribute5
* opAttribute3
* matAttribute6
* itemType
* uom
* resUom
* resAttribute4
* resSeqNum
* resAttribute14
* opAttribute10
* taskId
* userDefinedStatusId
* creationDate
* opDescription
* maintenanceObjectId
* resAttribute3
* activitySource
* srcOpSeqNum
* resAttribute9
* diPurchaseCategoryId
* opAttributeCategory
* resAttributeCategory
* opAttribute15
* primaryItemId
* resUsageRateOrAmount
* workOrderDescription
* woLineOverheadCost
* suggestedVendorSiteId
* srcActivityQty
* matAttribute1
* matAttribute9
* maintenanceObjectType
* refWipEntityId
* opAttribute14
* lastUpdateLogin
* resAttribute7
* matAttribute3
* resAssignedUnits
* opAttribute9
* workOrderSeqNum
* matAttribute12
* matAttribute2
* estimateWorkOrderLineId
* activityType
* opAttribute6
* resAttribute6
* diAutoRequestMaterial
* organizationId
* opAttribute12
* matAttribute15
* opLongDescription
* lastUpdateDate
* resId
* matSupplyLocatorId
* diAmount
* opAttribute5
* diNeedByDate
* suggestedVendorSite
* matSupplySubinventory
* srcActivityId
* createdBy
* matAttribute7
* availableQuantity
* resAttribute8
* resAttribute13
* scheduledStartDate


 * diOrderTypeLookupCode
* matAttribute10
* opAttribute4
* matAttribute4
* estimateWorkOrderId
* woLinePerUnitCost
* opAttribute13
* difficultyQty
* workOrderNumber
* srcAcctClassCode
* estimateAssociationId
* resAttribute11
* opAttribute7
* resBasisType
* cuQty
* suggestedVendorName
* matAttribute5
* lastUpdatedBy
* resAttribute10
* unitPrice
* suggestedVendorId
* matAttributeCategory
* scheduledCompletionDate
* resScheduledFlag
* opSeqNum
* srcCuId
* diDescription
* matInventoryItemId
* owningDepartmentId
* matAttribute13
* opAttribute11
* opAttribute1
* acctClassCode
* projectId
* workOrderType
* activityCause
* srcDifficultyId
* matAttribute11
* resAttribute12
* matAttribute8
* matAttribute14
* requiredQuantity
* opAttribute2
* resAttribute15
* opDepartmentId
* itemComments
* standardOperationId
* resAttribute1
* opAttribute8
* resRequiredUnits
* estimateId
* resAttribute2
* matComponentSeqNum
* maintenanceObjectSource
* statusType
* basisType
* resAttribute5
* opAttribute3
* matAttribute6
* itemType
* uom
* resUom
* resAttribute4
* resSeqNum
* resAttribute14
* opAttribute10
* taskId
* userDefinedStatusId
* creationDate
* opDescription
* maintenanceObjectId
* resAttribute3
* activitySource
* srcOpSeqNum
* resAttribute9
* diPurchaseCategoryId
* opAttributeCategory
* resAttributeCategory
* opAttribute15
* primaryItemId
* resUsageRateOrAmount
* workOrderDescription
* woLineOverheadCost
* suggestedVendorSiteId
* srcActivityQty
* matAttribute1
* matAttribute9
* maintenanceObjectType
* refWipEntityId
* opAttribute14
* lastUpdateLogin
* resAttribute7
* matAttribute3
* resAssignedUnits
* opAttribute9
* workOrderSeqNum
* matAttribute12
* matAttribute2
* estimateWorkOrderLineId
* activityType
* opAttribute6
* resAttribute6
* diAutoRequestMaterial
* organizationId
* opAttribute12
* matAttribute15
* opLongDescription
* lastUpdateDate
* resId
* matSupplyLocatorId
* diAmount
* opAttribute5
* diNeedByDate
* suggestedVendorSite
* matSupplySubinventory
* srcActivityId
* createdBy
* matAttribute7
* availableQuantity
* resAttribute8
* resAttribute13
* scheduledStartDate


 * attribute5
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute8
* groupingOption
* createdBy
* attribute4
* attribute2
* lastUpdateLogin
* organizationId
* attribute11
* attribute1
* estimateId
* createParentWoFlag
* attribute12
* attributeCategory
* parentWoId
* attribute7
* attribute10
* attribute6
* attribute14
* attribute3
* estimateDescription
* attribute15
* attribute9
* estimateNumber
* attribute13
* lastUpdateDate
* creationDate


 * attribute5
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute8
* groupingOption
* createdBy
* attribute4
* attribute2
* lastUpdateLogin
* organizationId
* attribute11
* attribute1
* estimateId
* createParentWoFlag
* attribute12
* attributeCategory
* parentWoId
* attribute7
* attribute10
* attribute6
* attribute14
* attribute3
* estimateDescription
* attribute15
* attribute9
* estimateNumber
* attribute13
* lastUpdateDate
* creationDate


 * lastUpdateDate
* cuId
* acctClassCode
* lastUpdatedBy
* createdBy
* cuActivityEffectiveTo
* lastUpdateLogin
* creationDate
* cuActivityEffectiveFrom
* cuActivityQty
* cuDetailId
* activityId


 * lastUpdateDate
* cuId
* acctClassCode
* lastUpdatedBy
* createdBy
* cuActivityEffectiveTo
* lastUpdateLogin
* creationDate
* cuActivityEffectiveFrom
* cuActivityQty
* cuDetailId
* activityId


 * attribute7
* attribute11
* attribute6
* cuName
* lastUpdateLogin
* cuEffectiveFrom
* attribute15
* attribute3
* organizationId
* createdBy
* attribute1
* cuId
* cuEffectiveTo
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute2
* attribute8
* attribute10
* attribute13
* attribute12
* attributeCategory
* attribute9
* attribute5
* attribute14
* attribute4
* lastUpdatedBy
* description
* creationDate


 * attribute7
* attribute11
* attribute6
* cuName
* lastUpdateLogin
* cuEffectiveFrom
* attribute15
* attribute3
* organizationId
* createdBy
* attribute1
* cuId
* cuEffectiveTo
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute2
* attribute8
* attribute10
* attribute13
* attribute12
* attributeCategory
* attribute9
* attribute5
* attribute14
* attribute4
* lastUpdatedBy
* description
* creationDate


 * eventId
* organizationId
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdatedBy
* eventType
* createdBy
* lastUpdateDate
* creationDate


 * eventId
* organizationId
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdatedBy
* eventType
* createdBy
* lastUpdateDate
* creationDate


 * difficultyId
* lastUpdateDate
* effectiveToDate
* createdBy
* effectiveFromDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* difficultyResourceMultiplier
* difficultyCode
* creationDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* difficultyDescription


 * difficultyId
* lastUpdateDate
* effectiveToDate
* createdBy
* effectiveFromDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* difficultyResourceMultiplier
* difficultyCode
* creationDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* difficultyDescription


 * invOrganizationId
* onHandQty
* lastUpdateDate
* processedFlag
* language
* errorMsg
* endecaId
* batchId
* availToTransactQty
* inventoryItemId
* subinventoryCode


 * invOrganizationId
* onHandQty
* lastUpdateDate
* processedFlag
* language
* errorMsg
* endecaId
* batchId
* availToTransactQty
* inventoryItemId
* subinventoryCode


 * opAttributeCategory
* language
* endecaId
* instanceId
* resAttributeCategory
* opAttributeValue
* wipEntityId
* woAttributeCategory
* errorMsg
* worRowid
* batchId
* wdjRowid
* assetAttributes
* processedFlag
* lastUpdateDate
* woAttributeValue
* attachmentText
* woRowid
* resAttributeValue
* organizationId


 * opAttributeCategory
* language
* endecaId
* instanceId
* resAttributeCategory
* opAttributeValue
* wipEntityId
* woAttributeCategory
* errorMsg
* worRowid
* batchId
* wdjRowid
* assetAttributes
* processedFlag
* lastUpdateDate
* woAttributeValue
* attachmentText
* woRowid
* resAttributeValue
* organizationId


 * endecaId
* wrAttributeValue
* assetAttributes
* language
* errorMsg
* lastUpdateDate
* wrAttributeCategory
* instanceId
* processedFlag
* batchId
* wewrRowid


 * endecaId
* wrAttributeValue
* assetAttributes
* language
* errorMsg
* lastUpdateDate
* wrAttributeCategory
* instanceId
* processedFlag
* batchId
* wewrRowid


 * lastUpdateLogin
* zdSync
* lastUpdatedBy
* creationDate
* createdBy
* enableWorkflow
* zdEditionName
* maintenanceObjectSource
* lastUpdateDate


 * lastUpdateLogin
* zdSync
* lastUpdatedBy
* creationDate
* createdBy
* enableWorkflow
* zdEditionName
* maintenanceObjectSource
* lastUpdateDate


 * attribute22
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute8
* attribute24
* attribute17
* attribute7
* lockNumber
* establishmentSource
* description
* attribute11
* attributeCategory
* sequenceType
* attribute3
* attribute23
* attribute28
* resInstanceId
* attribute12
* attribute18
* createdBy
* attribute4
* tagPosition
* attribute19
* attribute6
* lockoutDevice
* attribute16
* organizationId
* attribute2
* attribute10
* deptId
* attribute27
* establishmentId
* attribute29
* establishmentSourceId
* attribute1
* attribute21
* maintenanceObjectId
* lastUpdateDate
* sequenceNumber
* attribute14
* attribute26
* resourceId
* attribute20
* attribute25
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute15
* safetyTag
* creationDate
* attribute13
* completionDate
* attribute30
* attribute9
* attribute5


 * attribute22
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute8
* attribute24
* attribute17
* attribute7
* lockNumber
* establishmentSource
* description
* attribute11
* attributeCategory
* sequenceType
* attribute3
* attribute23
* attribute28
* resInstanceId
* attribute12
* attribute18
* createdBy
* attribute4
* tagPosition
* attribute19
* attribute6
* lockoutDevice
* attribute16
* organizationId
* attribute2
* attribute10
* deptId
* attribute27
* establishmentId
* attribute29
* establishmentSourceId
* attribute1
* attribute21
* maintenanceObjectId
* lastUpdateDate
* sequenceNumber
* attribute14
* attribute26
* resourceId
* attribute20
* attribute25
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute15
* safetyTag
* creationDate
* attribute13
* completionDate
* attribute30
* attribute9
* attribute5


 * estimateId
* difficultyId
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* creationDate
* cuQty
* lastUpdatedBy
* resourceMultiplier
* organizationId
* activityId
* activityQty
* estimateAssociationId
* cuId
* createdBy
* acctClassCode


 * estimateId
* difficultyId
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* creationDate
* cuQty
* lastUpdatedBy
* resourceMultiplier
* organizationId
* activityId
* activityQty
* estimateAssociationId
* cuId
* createdBy
* acctClassCode


 * description
* createdBy
* lastUpdatedBy
* creationDate
* lastUpdateDate
* failureCode
* effectiveEndDate
* lastUpdateLogin


 * description
* createdBy
* lastUpdatedBy
* creationDate
* lastUpdateDate
* failureCode
* effectiveEndDate
* lastUpdateLogin


 * failureCode
* lastUpdatedBy
* setId
* causeCode
* lastUpdateDate
* combinationId
* resolutionCode
* creationDate
* effectiveEndDate
* createdBy
* lastUpdateLogin


 * failureCode
* lastUpdatedBy
* setId
* causeCode
* lastUpdateDate
* combinationId
* resolutionCode
* creationDate
* effectiveEndDate
* createdBy
* lastUpdateLogin


 * assetType
* meterUom
* assetCategory
* includeForReadingAggr
* daysBetweenFailures
* failureCode
* failureDate
* maintainedGroup
* maintainedNumber
* maintainedGroupId
* maintOrganizationId
* wipEntityId
* wipEntityName
* includeForCostAggr
* descriptiveText
* assetCategoryId
* comments
* organizationCode
* timeToRepair
* maintenanceObjectId
* resolutionCode
* readingBetweenFailures
* groupId
* causeCode
* assetLocation
* owningDepartment
* meterName
* costToRepair
* maintainedGroup#1


 * assetType
* meterUom
* assetCategory
* includeForReadingAggr
* daysBetweenFailures
* failureCode
* failureDate
* maintainedGroup
* maintainedNumber
* maintainedGroupId
* maintOrganizationId
* wipEntityId
* wipEntityName
* includeForCostAggr
* descriptiveText
* assetCategoryId
* comments
* organizationCode
* timeToRepair
* maintenanceObjectId
* resolutionCode
* readingBetweenFailures
* groupId
* causeCode
* assetLocation
* owningDepartment
* meterName
* costToRepair
* maintainedGroup#1


 * inventoryItemId
* effectiveEndDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* createdBy
* lastUpdateDate
* creationDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* failureCodeRequired
* setId


 * inventoryItemId
* effectiveEndDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* createdBy
* lastUpdateDate
* creationDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* failureCodeRequired
* setId


 * creationDate
* description
* effectiveEndDate
* setName
* lastUpdateDate
* setId
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* createdBy


 * creationDate
* description
* effectiveEndDate
* setName
* lastUpdateDate
* setId
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* createdBy


 * createdBy
* periodYear
* requestId
* mfgCostElementId
* periodName
* operationsDeptId
* ccid
* periodSetName
* programId
* creationDate
* periodNum
* programApplicationId
* acctPeriodId
* forecastId
* maintCostCategory
* txnType
* lastUpdatedBy
* wipEntityId
* operationSeqNum
* acctValue
* periodStartDate
* organizationId
* owningDeptId
* lastUpdateDate
* programUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin


 * createdBy
* periodYear
* requestId
* mfgCostElementId
* periodName
* operationsDeptId
* ccid
* periodSetName
* programId
* creationDate
* periodNum
* programApplicationId
* acctPeriodId
* forecastId
* maintCostCategory
* txnType
* lastUpdatedBy
* wipEntityId
* operationSeqNum
* acctValue
* periodStartDate
* organizationId
* owningDeptId
* lastUpdateDate
* programUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin


 * quantityScrapped
* dueDatePenalty
* startQuantity
* lastUpdatedBy
* priority
* parentWipEntityId
* lastEstimationDate
* actualStartDate
* sourceCode
* coproductsSupply
* firmPlannedFlag
* pmScheduleId
* jobType
* materialIssueByMo
* sourceLineId
* buildSequence
* attribute14
* scheduledCompletionDate
* maintenanceObjectSource
* classCode
* attribute10
* issueZeroCostFlag
* stdCostAdjustmentAccount
* overcompletionToleranceValue
* workOrderType
* forecastId
* programId
* assetGroupId
* overheadAccount
* scheduledStartDate
* materialVarianceAccount
* estScrapAccount
* wipEntityId
* attribute5
* alternateBomDesignator
* dateReleased
* resourceAccount
* expedited
* estScrapVarAccount
* dateCompleted
* createdBy
* commonRoutingSequenceId
* primaryItemId
* alternateRoutingDesignator
* overheadVarianceAccount
* lastEstimationReqId
* lastUpdateDate
* statusType
* dueDateTolerance
* materialAccount
* requestId
* bomRevision
* poCreationTime
* attribute2
* expectedHoldReleaseDate
* eamLinearLocationId
* outsideProcessingAccount
* shutdownType
* resourceVarianceAccount
* routingReferenceId
* attribute4
* organizationId
* attribute12
* netQuantity
* attribute15
* attribute13
* taskId
* estScrapPriorQty
* routingRevisionDate
* bomRevisionDate
* lineId
* commonBomSequenceId
* activityCause
* attribute9
* projectId
* overcompletionToleranceType
* attribute11
* attribute1
* materialOverheadAccount
* serializationStartOp
* bomReferenceId
* demandClass
* programApplicationId
* wsmCurrentRtgOpSeqNum
* lotNumber
* quantityCompleted
* completionLocatorId
* manualRebuildFlag
* schedulingRequestId
* completionSubinventory
* description
* planMaintenance
* notificationRequired
* programUpdateDate
* tagoutRequired
* dateClosed
* owningDepartment
* estimationStatus
* attributeCategory
* actualCompletionDate
* activityType
* wipSupplyType
* routingRevision
* attribute7
* outsideProcVarianceAccount
* attribute3
* kanbanCardId
* maintenanceObjectId
* maintenanceObjectType
* attribute6
* dueDate
* mpsScheduledCompletionDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* rebuildItemId
* activitySource
* requestedStartDate
* scheduleGroupId
* assetNumber
* mpsNetQuantity
* creationDate
* attribute8
* endItemUnitNumber
* rebuildSerialNumber


 * quantityScrapped
* dueDatePenalty
* startQuantity
* lastUpdatedBy
* priority
* parentWipEntityId
* lastEstimationDate
* actualStartDate
* sourceCode
* coproductsSupply
* firmPlannedFlag
* pmScheduleId
* jobType
* materialIssueByMo
* sourceLineId
* buildSequence
* attribute14
* scheduledCompletionDate
* maintenanceObjectSource
* classCode
* attribute10
* issueZeroCostFlag
* stdCostAdjustmentAccount
* overcompletionToleranceValue
* workOrderType
* forecastId
* programId
* assetGroupId
* overheadAccount
* scheduledStartDate
* materialVarianceAccount
* estScrapAccount
* wipEntityId
* attribute5
* alternateBomDesignator
* dateReleased
* resourceAccount
* expedited
* estScrapVarAccount
* dateCompleted
* createdBy
* commonRoutingSequenceId
* primaryItemId
* alternateRoutingDesignator
* overheadVarianceAccount
* lastEstimationReqId
* lastUpdateDate
* statusType
* dueDateTolerance
* materialAccount
* requestId
* bomRevision
* poCreationTime
* attribute2
* expectedHoldReleaseDate
* eamLinearLocationId
* outsideProcessingAccount
* shutdownType
* resourceVarianceAccount
* routingReferenceId
* attribute4
* organizationId
* attribute12
* netQuantity
* attribute15
* attribute13
* taskId
* estScrapPriorQty
* routingRevisionDate
* bomRevisionDate
* lineId
* commonBomSequenceId
* activityCause
* attribute9
* projectId
* overcompletionToleranceType
* attribute11
* attribute1
* materialOverheadAccount
* serializationStartOp
* bomReferenceId
* demandClass
* programApplicationId
* wsmCurrentRtgOpSeqNum
* lotNumber
* quantityCompleted
* completionLocatorId
* manualRebuildFlag
* schedulingRequestId
* completionSubinventory
* description
* planMaintenance
* notificationRequired
* programUpdateDate
* tagoutRequired
* dateClosed
* owningDepartment
* estimationStatus
* attributeCategory
* actualCompletionDate
* activityType
* wipSupplyType
* routingRevision
* attribute7
* outsideProcVarianceAccount
* attribute3
* kanbanCardId
* maintenanceObjectId
* maintenanceObjectType
* attribute6
* dueDate
* mpsScheduledCompletionDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* rebuildItemId
* activitySource
* requestedStartDate
* scheduleGroupId
* assetNumber
* mpsNetQuantity
* creationDate
* attribute8
* endItemUnitNumber
* rebuildSerialNumber


 * suggestedVendorId
* suggestedVendorContactId
* lastUpdateDate
* requiredQuantity
* suggestedVendorName
* attribute12
* creationDate
* programApplicationId
* unitPrice
* attribute2
* attribute13
* directItemSequenceId
* attribute1
* attribute8
* programUpdateDate
* needByDate
* forecastId
* purchasingCategoryId
* uom
* attribute4
* departmentId
* suggestedVendorItemNum
* requestId
* attribute14
* wipEntityId
* attribute3
* lastUpdatedBy
* description
* suggestedVendorPhone
* attribute10
* organizationId
* autoRequestMaterial
* attribute6
* attribute5
* suggestedVendorSiteId
* attribute11
* suggestedVendorSite
* suggestedVendorContact
* attributeCategory
* lastUpdateLogin
* createdBy
* programId
* attribute9
* attribute15
* operationSeqNum
* attribute7


 * suggestedVendorId
* suggestedVendorContactId
* lastUpdateDate
* requiredQuantity
* suggestedVendorName
* attribute12
* creationDate
* programApplicationId
* unitPrice
* attribute2
* attribute13
* directItemSequenceId
* attribute1
* attribute8
* programUpdateDate
* needByDate
* forecastId
* purchasingCategoryId
* uom
* attribute4
* departmentId
* suggestedVendorItemNum
* requestId
* attribute14
* wipEntityId
* attribute3
* lastUpdatedBy
* description
* suggestedVendorPhone
* attribute10
* organizationId
* autoRequestMaterial
* attribute6
* attribute5
* suggestedVendorSiteId
* attribute11
* suggestedVendorSite
* suggestedVendorContact
* attributeCategory
* lastUpdateLogin
* createdBy
* programId
* attribute9
* attribute15
* operationSeqNum
* attribute7


 * programUpdateDate
* attribute8
* attribute14
* createdBy
* lastUnitStartDate
* employeeId
* countPointType
* projectCompletionDate
* attribute5
* wipEntityId
* attribute11
* lowestAcceptableYield
* attribute9
* attributeCategory
* attribute1
* quantityWaitingToMove
* disableDate
* dateLastMoved
* quantityInQueue
* nextOperationSeqNum
* standardOperationId
* wsmBonusQuantity
* attribute12
* attribute15
* xPos
* operationSequenceId
* progressPercentage
* quantityRejected
* quantityRunning
* previousOperationSeqNum
* wsmUpdateQuantityCompleted
* skipFlag
* backflushFlag
* wfItemtype
* attribute6
* operationYieldEnabled
* previousOperationSeqId
* attribute4
* operationCompleted
* lastUpdateDate
* scheduledQuantity
* operationYield
* requestId
* quantityCompleted
* attribute13
* lastUpdateLogin
* repetitiveScheduleId
* preSplitQuantity
* programId
* yPos
* recommended
* firstUnitStartDate
* cumulativeScrapQuantity
* attribute7
* wfItemkey
* lowYieldTriggerLimit
* quantityScrapped
* minimumTransferQuantity
* creationDate
* attribute10
* wsmUpdateQuantityTxnId
* organizationId
* forecastId
* lastUpdatedBy
* departmentId
* actualStartDate
* operationSeqNum
* description
* attribute3
* longDescription
* actualCompletionDate
* shutdownType
* programApplicationId
* firstUnitCompletionDate
* attribute2
* lastUnitCompletionDate
* wsmOpSeqNum


 * programUpdateDate
* attribute8
* attribute14
* createdBy
* lastUnitStartDate
* employeeId
* countPointType
* projectCompletionDate
* attribute5
* wipEntityId
* attribute11
* lowestAcceptableYield
* attribute9
* attributeCategory
* attribute1
* quantityWaitingToMove
* disableDate
* dateLastMoved
* quantityInQueue
* nextOperationSeqNum
* standardOperationId
* wsmBonusQuantity
* attribute12
* attribute15
* xPos
* operationSequenceId
* progressPercentage
* quantityRejected
* quantityRunning
* previousOperationSeqNum
* wsmUpdateQuantityCompleted
* skipFlag
* backflushFlag
* wfItemtype
* attribute6
* operationYieldEnabled
* previousOperationSeqId
* attribute4
* operationCompleted
* lastUpdateDate
* scheduledQuantity
* operationYield
* requestId
* quantityCompleted
* attribute13
* lastUpdateLogin
* repetitiveScheduleId
* preSplitQuantity
* programId
* yPos
* recommended
* firstUnitStartDate
* cumulativeScrapQuantity
* attribute7
* wfItemkey
* lowYieldTriggerLimit
* quantityScrapped
* minimumTransferQuantity
* creationDate
* attribute10
* wsmUpdateQuantityTxnId
* organizationId
* forecastId
* lastUpdatedBy
* departmentId
* actualStartDate
* operationSeqNum
* description
* attribute3
* longDescription
* actualCompletionDate
* shutdownType
* programApplicationId
* firstUnitCompletionDate
* attribute2
* lastUnitCompletionDate
* wsmOpSeqNum


 * lastUpdateDate
* attribute14
* lastUpdateLogin
* standardRateFlag
* attribute5
* appliedResourceUnits
* attribute2
* attribute12
* relievedResValue
* batchId
* attribute3
* assignedUnits
* substituteGroupNum
* autochargeType
* lastUpdatedBy
* startDate
* phantomFlag
* programId
* resourceSeqNum
* createdBy
* relievedVarianceValue
* basisType
* appliedResourceValue
* phantomOpSeqNum
* actualStartDate
* tempRelievedValue
* relievedResCompletionValue
* relievedResUnits
* scheduledFlag
* relievedResScrapValue
* programApplicationId
* attribute6
* resourceId
* projectedCompletionDate
* forecastId
* replacementGroupNum
* attributeCategory
* attribute9
* attribute11
* attribute13
* organizationId
* creationDate
* groupSequenceNumber
* principleFlag
* attribute15
* repetitiveScheduleId
* relievedResFinalCompUnits
* setupId
* relievedResScrapUnits
* requestId
* usageRateOrAmount
* wipEntityId
* scheduleSeqNum
* attribute8
* phantomItemId
* firmFlag
* departmentId
* attribute10
* maximumAssignedUnits
* programUpdateDate
* attribute4
* actualCompletionDate
* uomCode
* activityId
* completionDate
* groupSequenceId
* parentResourceSeq
* attribute7
* relievedResCompletionUnits
* operationSeqNum
* attribute1


 * lastUpdateDate
* attribute14
* lastUpdateLogin
* standardRateFlag
* attribute5
* appliedResourceUnits
* attribute2
* attribute12
* relievedResValue
* batchId
* attribute3
* assignedUnits
* substituteGroupNum
* autochargeType
* lastUpdatedBy
* startDate
* phantomFlag
* programId
* resourceSeqNum
* createdBy
* relievedVarianceValue
* basisType
* appliedResourceValue
* phantomOpSeqNum
* actualStartDate
* tempRelievedValue
* relievedResCompletionValue
* relievedResUnits
* scheduledFlag
* relievedResScrapValue
* programApplicationId
* attribute6
* resourceId
* projectedCompletionDate
* forecastId
* replacementGroupNum
* attributeCategory
* attribute9
* attribute11
* attribute13
* organizationId
* creationDate
* groupSequenceNumber
* principleFlag
* attribute15
* repetitiveScheduleId
* relievedResFinalCompUnits
* setupId
* relievedResScrapUnits
* requestId
* usageRateOrAmount
* wipEntityId
* scheduleSeqNum
* attribute8
* phantomItemId
* firmFlag
* departmentId
* attribute10
* maximumAssignedUnits
* programUpdateDate
* attribute4
* actualCompletionDate
* uomCode
* activityId
* completionDate
* groupSequenceId
* parentResourceSeq
* attribute7
* relievedResCompletionUnits
* operationSeqNum
* attribute1


 * relievedMatlScrapQuantity
* attribute9
* creationDate
* segment9
* suggestedVendorName
* costedQuantityRelieved
* attribute1
* attribute5
* attribute11
* attribute12
* segment15
* componentYieldFactor
* programApplicationId
* supplySubinventory
* unitPrice
* segment20
* attribute6
* segment18
* primaryComponentId
* quantityIssued
* segment10
* attribute13
* quantityAllocated
* segment13
* quantityRelieved
* mpsDateRequired
* segment16
* attribute10
* wipEntityId
* attribute4
* attribute7
* attribute3
* attribute14
* basisType
* segment12
* segment1
* segment4
* lastUpdateDate
* programId
* organizationId
* forecastId
* programUpdateDate
* segment14
* departmentId
* wipSupplyType
* quantityBackordered
* inventoryItemId
* autoRequestMaterial
* lastUpdateLogin
* vendorId
* attribute15
* createdBy
* relievedMatlCompletionQty
* segment6
* componentSequenceId
* mrpNetFlag
* attributeCategory
* releasedQuantity
* quantityPerAssembly
* costedQuantityIssued
* lastUpdatedBy
* segment2
* comments
* segment7
* segment8
* operationSeqNum
* repetitiveScheduleId
* segment11
* dateRequired
* segment5
* attribute2
* attribute8
* segment3
* relievedMatlFinalCompQty
* requestId
* segment17
* requiredQuantity
* mpsRequiredQuantity
* segment19
* supplyLocatorId


 * relievedMatlScrapQuantity
* attribute9
* creationDate
* segment9
* suggestedVendorName
* costedQuantityRelieved
* attribute1
* attribute5
* attribute11
* attribute12
* segment15
* componentYieldFactor
* programApplicationId
* supplySubinventory
* unitPrice
* segment20
* attribute6
* segment18
* primaryComponentId
* quantityIssued
* segment10
* attribute13
* quantityAllocated
* segment13
* quantityRelieved
* mpsDateRequired
* segment16
* attribute10
* wipEntityId
* attribute4
* attribute7
* attribute3
* attribute14
* basisType
* segment12
* segment1
* segment4
* lastUpdateDate
* programId
* organizationId
* forecastId
* programUpdateDate
* segment14
* departmentId
* wipSupplyType
* quantityBackordered
* inventoryItemId
* autoRequestMaterial
* lastUpdateLogin
* vendorId
* attribute15
* createdBy
* relievedMatlCompletionQty
* segment6
* componentSequenceId
* mrpNetFlag
* attributeCategory
* releasedQuantity
* quantityPerAssembly
* costedQuantityIssued
* lastUpdatedBy
* segment2
* comments
* segment7
* segment8
* operationSeqNum
* repetitiveScheduleId
* segment11
* dateRequired
* segment5
* attribute2
* attribute8
* segment3
* relievedMatlFinalCompQty
* requestId
* segment17
* requiredQuantity
* mpsRequiredQuantity
* segment19
* supplyLocatorId


 * groupId
* actionType
* attribute13
* attribute2
* pmForecastId
* scheduledStartDate
* attribute12
* cycleId
* seqId
* attribute5
* createdBy
* creationDate
* attribute7
* lastUpdatedBy
* scheduledCompletionDate
* wipEntityId
* woStatus
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute6
* organizationId
* processFlag
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute3
* attribute15
* attribute10
* activityAssociationId
* attribute4
* pmScheduleId
* attribute8
* attribute11
* attributeCategory
* pmBaseMeterReading
* attribute1
* attribute9
* attribute14


 * groupId
* actionType
* attribute13
* attribute2
* pmForecastId
* scheduledStartDate
* attribute12
* cycleId
* seqId
* attribute5
* createdBy
* creationDate
* attribute7
* lastUpdatedBy
* scheduledCompletionDate
* wipEntityId
* woStatus
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute6
* organizationId
* processFlag
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute3
* attribute15
* attribute10
* activityAssociationId
* attribute4
* pmScheduleId
* attribute8
* attribute11
* attributeCategory
* pmBaseMeterReading
* attribute1
* attribute9
* attribute14


 * areaTo
* accountFrom
* workOrderTypeFrom
* attribute14
* forecastType
* departmentTo
* assetNumFrom
* projectFrom
* areaFrom
* completionDate
* periodFrom
* periodSetNameTo
* assetNumTo
* attribute13
* workOrderTypeTo
* attribute9
* attribute10
* attribute3
* periodTo
* wipAcctClassFrom
* activityTo
* sourceTemplateId
* attribute2
* projectTo
* accountTo
* activityFrom
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute1
* createdBy
* attribute8
* forecastName
* templateFlag
* assetSerialNumTo
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute12
* description
* attribute6
* attribute15
* departmentFrom
* attribute7
* attributeCategory
* creationDate
* forecastId
* assetSerialNumFrom
* attribute11
* periodSetNameFrom
* lastUpdateLogin
* workOrderFrom
* organizationId
* wipAcctClassTo
* requestId
* includeTransacted
* assetGroupTo
* attribute4
* assetGroupFrom
* workOrderTo
* attribute5


 * areaTo
* accountFrom
* workOrderTypeFrom
* attribute14
* forecastType
* departmentTo
* assetNumFrom
* projectFrom
* areaFrom
* completionDate
* periodFrom
* periodSetNameTo
* assetNumTo
* attribute13
* workOrderTypeTo
* attribute9
* attribute10
* attribute3
* periodTo
* wipAcctClassFrom
* activityTo
* sourceTemplateId
* attribute2
* projectTo
* accountTo
* activityFrom
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute1
* createdBy
* attribute8
* forecastName
* templateFlag
* assetSerialNumTo
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute12
* description
* attribute6
* attribute15
* departmentFrom
* attribute7
* attributeCategory
* creationDate
* forecastId
* assetSerialNumFrom
* attribute11
* periodSetNameFrom
* lastUpdateLogin
* workOrderFrom
* organizationId
* wipAcctClassTo
* requestId
* includeTransacted
* assetGroupTo
* attribute4
* assetGroupFrom
* workOrderTo
* attribute5


 * permitRequiredFlag
* attribute26
* attribute20
* lastUpdateLogin
* pendingFlag
* attribute7
* attribute5
* attribute16
* attribute24
* statusType
* attribute27
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute4
* attribute29
* attribute28
* description
* attribute6
* isolationId
* attribute15
* attribute11
* approvedBy
* isolationName
* isolationType
* attribute22
* attribute25
* userDefinedStatusId
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute13
* attribute17
* effectiveStartDate
* attribute3
* createdBy
* attribute9
* attribute2
* attribute12
* creationDate
* attribute21
* attribute30
* organizationId
* attribute1
* attribute8
* attributeCategory
* attribute14
* effectiveEndDate
* attribute10
* attribute19
* attribute23
* attribute18


 * permitRequiredFlag
* attribute26
* attribute20
* lastUpdateLogin
* pendingFlag
* attribute7
* attribute5
* attribute16
* attribute24
* statusType
* attribute27
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute4
* attribute29
* attribute28
* description
* attribute6
* isolationId
* attribute15
* attribute11
* approvedBy
* isolationName
* isolationType
* attribute22
* attribute25
* userDefinedStatusId
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute13
* attribute17
* effectiveStartDate
* attribute3
* createdBy
* attribute9
* attribute2
* attribute12
* creationDate
* attribute21
* attribute30
* organizationId
* attribute1
* attribute8
* attributeCategory
* attribute14
* effectiveEndDate
* attribute10
* attribute19
* attribute23
* attribute18


 * attribute4
* organizationId
* assetActivityId
* attribute9
* assetGroupId
* assetNumber
* attribute1
* actualDuration
* lastUpdateLogin
* attributeCategory
* transactionId
* wipEntityId
* actualEndDate
* attribute15
* attribute3
* attribute7
* attribute10
* createdBy
* attribute2
* lastUpdateDate
* completionSubinventory
* attribute6
* programId
* qaCollectionId
* parentWipEntityId
* actualStartDate
* programUpdateDate
* attribute12
* requestId
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute11
* transactionDate
* reference
* creationDate
* attribute13
* attribute5
* lotNumber
* attribute8
* reconciliationCode
* acctPeriodId
* attribute14
* completionLocatorId
* programApplicationId
* transactionType


 * attribute4
* organizationId
* assetActivityId
* attribute9
* assetGroupId
* assetNumber
* attribute1
* actualDuration
* lastUpdateLogin
* attributeCategory
* transactionId
* wipEntityId
* actualEndDate
* attribute15
* attribute3
* attribute7
* attribute10
* createdBy
* attribute2
* lastUpdateDate
* completionSubinventory
* attribute6
* programId
* qaCollectionId
* parentWipEntityId
* actualStartDate
* programUpdateDate
* attribute12
* requestId
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute11
* transactionDate
* reference
* creationDate
* attribute13
* attribute5
* lotNumber
* attribute8
* reconciliationCode
* acctPeriodId
* attribute14
* completionLocatorId
* programApplicationId
* transactionType


 * code
* isLabelled
* attribute6
* iconId
* attribute7
* creationDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute3
* attribute15
* activeEndDate
* attributeCategory
* attribute8
* attribute9
* attribute4
* attribute10
* attribute5
* isReferencePoint
* attribute13
* linestyleId
* attribute11
* activeStartDate
* attribute14
* attribute2
* elementTypeId
* attribute1
* attribute12
* lastUpdateLogin
* linearType
* createdBy


 * code
* isLabelled
* attribute6
* iconId
* attribute7
* creationDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute3
* attribute15
* activeEndDate
* attributeCategory
* attribute8
* attribute9
* attribute4
* attribute10
* attribute5
* isReferencePoint
* attribute13
* linestyleId
* attribute11
* activeStartDate
* attribute14
* attribute2
* elementTypeId
* attribute1
* attribute12
* lastUpdateLogin
* linearType
* createdBy


 * elementTypeId
* lastUpdateDate
* description
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdatedBy
* language
* sourceLang
* createdBy
* name
* creationDate


 * elementTypeId
* lastUpdateDate
* description
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdatedBy
* language
* sourceLang
* createdBy
* name
* creationDate


 * activeStartDate
* creationDate
* createdBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* elementId
* elementTypeId
* isShared
* lastUpdateDate
* linearType
* activeEndDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* organizationId


 * activeStartDate
* creationDate
* createdBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* elementId
* elementTypeId
* isShared
* lastUpdateDate
* linearType
* activeEndDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* organizationId


 * sourceLang
* createdBy
* lastUpdatedBy
* elementDescription
* lastUpdateLogin
* language
* creationDate
* label
* elementId
* lastUpdateDate


 * sourceLang
* createdBy
* lastUpdatedBy
* elementDescription
* lastUpdateLogin
* language
* creationDate
* label
* elementId
* lastUpdateDate


 * createdBy
* relAttribute14
* entityId
* iconId
* relAttribute10
* relAttribute3
* relAttribute2
* instanceId
* relAttribute1
* type
* workRequestId
* relAttribute5
* elementId
* lastUpdatedBy
* spatialRouteId
* lastUpdateDate
* attributeCategory
* direction
* relAttribute6
* wipEntityId
* failureId
* linestyleId
* lastUpdateLogin
* relAttribute4
* relAttribute11
* propertyValueId
* referenceMethodId
* relAttribute9
* safetyId
* operationSeqNum
* relAttribute12
* relAttribute15
* relAttribute7
* creationDate
* segmentCode
* relAttribute8
* relAttribute13


 * createdBy
* relAttribute14
* entityId
* iconId
* relAttribute10
* relAttribute3
* relAttribute2
* instanceId
* relAttribute1
* type
* workRequestId
* relAttribute5
* elementId
* lastUpdatedBy
* spatialRouteId
* lastUpdateDate
* attributeCategory
* direction
* relAttribute6
* wipEntityId
* failureId
* linestyleId
* lastUpdateLogin
* relAttribute4
* relAttribute11
* propertyValueId
* referenceMethodId
* relAttribute9
* safetyId
* operationSeqNum
* relAttribute12
* relAttribute15
* relAttribute7
* creationDate
* segmentCode
* relAttribute8
* relAttribute13


 * lastUpdateLogin
* url
* byDefault
* orderNum
* layerType
* mapLayerName
* creationDate
* mapId
* transparency
* mapType
* createdBy
* internalAtt3
* internalAtt4
* lastUpdateDate
* internalAtt5
* lastUpdatedBy
* visibleLayer
* dataSourceName
* internalAtt1
* mapLayerId
* internalAtt2


 * lastUpdateLogin
* url
* byDefault
* orderNum
* layerType
* mapLayerName
* creationDate
* mapId
* transparency
* mapType
* createdBy
* internalAtt3
* internalAtt4
* lastUpdateDate
* internalAtt5
* lastUpdatedBy
* visibleLayer
* dataSourceName
* internalAtt1
* mapLayerId
* internalAtt2


 * lastUpdatedBy
* theme
* uniqueRouteColumnname
* elementValue
* createdBy
* type
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdateDate
* geomtomeasureApi
* measuretogeomApi
* routeIdDatatype
* toleranceLevel
* routeLayerId
* mapId
* featureClass
* routeQueryApi


 * lastUpdatedBy
* theme
* uniqueRouteColumnname
* elementValue
* createdBy
* type
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdateDate
* geomtomeasureApi
* measuretogeomApi
* routeIdDatatype
* toleranceLevel
* routeLayerId
* mapId
* featureClass
* routeQueryApi


 * fromMeasureColumnname
* mapId
* entityType
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateDate
* eventValueColumnname
* eventLayerId
* lastUpdateLogin
* toMeasureColumnname
* createdBy
* eventQueryApi
* creationDate
* entityId
* uniqueRouteColumnname


 * fromMeasureColumnname
* mapId
* entityType
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateDate
* eventValueColumnname
* eventLayerId
* lastUpdateLogin
* toMeasureColumnname
* createdBy
* eventQueryApi
* creationDate
* entityId
* uniqueRouteColumnname


 * lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* creationDate
* iconCode
* lastUpdateLogin
* activeStartDate
* iconImage
* iconId
* activeEndDate
* createdBy


 * lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* creationDate
* iconCode
* lastUpdateLogin
* activeStartDate
* iconImage
* iconId
* activeEndDate
* createdBy


 * lastUpdatedBy
* description
* iconId
* lastUpdateDate
* name
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* createdBy
* language
* sourceLang


 * lastUpdatedBy
* description
* iconId
* lastUpdateDate
* name
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* createdBy
* language
* sourceLang


 * lastUpdateLogin
* attribute1
* attribute8
* attribute3
* attributeCategory
* attribute2
* attribute9
* attribute7
* code
* attribute14
* createdBy
* attribute11
* activeStartDate
* attribute5
* creationDate
* attribute4
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute6
* direction
* attribute13
* isReferencePoint
* linearType
* attribute15
* lastUpdatedBy
* incidentId
* attribute10
* attribute12
* activeEndDate


 * lastUpdateLogin
* attribute1
* attribute8
* attribute3
* attributeCategory
* attribute2
* attribute9
* attribute7
* code
* attribute14
* createdBy
* attribute11
* activeStartDate
* attribute5
* creationDate
* attribute4
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute6
* direction
* attribute13
* isReferencePoint
* linearType
* attribute15
* lastUpdatedBy
* incidentId
* attribute10
* attribute12
* activeEndDate


 * description
* sourceLang
* lastUpdatedBy
* name
* createdBy
* language
* creationDate
* lastUpdateDate
* incidentId
* lastUpdateLogin


 * description
* sourceLang
* lastUpdatedBy
* name
* createdBy
* language
* creationDate
* lastUpdateDate
* incidentId
* lastUpdateLogin


 * width
* activeEndDate
* code
* createdBy
* lastUpdateDate
* colorCode
* creationDate
* linestyleId
* activeStartDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
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* activeEndDate
* code
* createdBy
* lastUpdateDate
* colorCode
* creationDate
* linestyleId
* activeStartDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* linestyle


 * lastUpdatedBy
* createdBy
* linestyleId
* lastUpdateDate
* name
* language
* description
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* sourceLang


 * lastUpdatedBy
* createdBy
* linestyleId
* lastUpdateDate
* name
* language
* description
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* sourceLang


 * segAttribute12
* propAttributeCategory
* segLrDetailId
* fromReferenceOffset
* propAttribute7
* fromReferenceUom
* woAttribute2
* woAttribute19
* woAttribute30
* length
* toReferenceUom
* woAttribute9
* relationshipId
* fromZReference
* segAttribute2
* elemAttribute8
* woAttribute1
* woAttribute7
* propAttribute2
* fromYOffset
* toMeasure
* segAttribute13
* internalAtt3
* segAttribute7
* segmentCode
* elemAttribute7
* segAttribute1
* fromYReference
* segAttribute14
* segAttributeCategory
* elemAttribute2
* esriRouteIdentifier
* linearType
* woAttribute3
* type
* lrDetailsId
* propAttribute4
* toGeocode
* segAttribute3
* elemAttribute14
* toZReference
* toYReference
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* segAttribute5
* woAttribute6
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* woAttribute8
* woAttribute22
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* woAttribute21
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* toZOffset
* elemAttribute13
* lastUpdatedBy
* woAttribute14
* linestyleId
* esriRouteId
* propAttribute12
* spatialRouteId
* createdBy
* woAttributeCategory
* woAttribute20
* esriEventIdentifier
* fromReferencePoint
* propAttribute9
* woAttribute18
* woAttribute28
* assocAssetId
* segAttribute4
* lastUpdateLogin
* woAttribute10
* esriRouteEventId
* propAttribute3
* elemAttribute1
* elemAttribute9
* propAttribute6
* elemAttribute10
* woAttribute5
* toYOffset
* fromMeasure
* woAttribute29
* segmentDescription
* woAttribute24
* assocWipEntityId
* iconId
* toReferencePoint
* assocEntityId
* woAttribute15
* fromZOffset
* segAttribute11
* elemAttributeCategory
* relationshipEntityType
* uom
* segAttribute10
* propAttribute11
* elemAttribute5
* schLength
* propAttribute13
* woAttribute16
* elemAttribute12
* routeLayerId
* woAttribute17
* woAttribute11
* entityId
* schToMeasure
* schFromMeasure
* woAttribute12
* elemAttribute15
* woAttribute13
* elemAttribute6
* woAttribute27
* internalAtt1
* lastUpdateDate
* elemAttribute11
* segEntityId
* internalAtt4
* isReferencePoint
* segAttribute9
* propAttribute8
* internalAtt2
* propAttribute15
* woAttribute4
* fromGeocode


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* propAttributeCategory
* segLrDetailId
* fromReferenceOffset
* propAttribute7
* fromReferenceUom
* woAttribute2
* woAttribute19
* woAttribute30
* length
* toReferenceUom
* woAttribute9
* relationshipId
* fromZReference
* segAttribute2
* elemAttribute8
* woAttribute1
* woAttribute7
* propAttribute2
* fromYOffset
* toMeasure
* segAttribute13
* internalAtt3
* segAttribute7
* segmentCode
* elemAttribute7
* segAttribute1
* fromYReference
* segAttribute14
* segAttributeCategory
* elemAttribute2
* esriRouteIdentifier
* linearType
* woAttribute3
* type
* lrDetailsId
* propAttribute4
* toGeocode
* segAttribute3
* elemAttribute14
* toZReference
* toYReference
* activeEndDate
* segAttribute15
* segAttribute5
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* propAttribute10
* propAttribute1
* woAttribute8
* woAttribute22
* creationDate
* direction
* woAttribute25
* measureType
* woAttribute21
* elemAttribute3
* esriFeatureType
* propAttribute5
* segAttribute6
* woAttribute26
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* woAttribute23
* internalAtt5
* segAttribute8
* toZOffset
* elemAttribute13
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* woAttribute14
* linestyleId
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* propAttribute12
* spatialRouteId
* createdBy
* woAttributeCategory
* woAttribute20
* esriEventIdentifier
* fromReferencePoint
* propAttribute9
* woAttribute18
* woAttribute28
* assocAssetId
* segAttribute4
* lastUpdateLogin
* woAttribute10
* esriRouteEventId
* propAttribute3
* elemAttribute1
* elemAttribute9
* propAttribute6
* elemAttribute10
* woAttribute5
* toYOffset
* fromMeasure
* woAttribute29
* segmentDescription
* woAttribute24
* assocWipEntityId
* iconId
* toReferencePoint
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* woAttribute15
* fromZOffset
* segAttribute11
* elemAttributeCategory
* relationshipEntityType
* uom
* segAttribute10
* propAttribute11
* elemAttribute5
* schLength
* propAttribute13
* woAttribute16
* elemAttribute12
* routeLayerId
* woAttribute17
* woAttribute11
* entityId
* schToMeasure
* schFromMeasure
* woAttribute12
* elemAttribute15
* woAttribute13
* elemAttribute6
* woAttribute27
* internalAtt1
* lastUpdateDate
* elemAttribute11
* segEntityId
* internalAtt4
* isReferencePoint
* segAttribute9
* propAttribute8
* internalAtt2
* propAttribute15
* woAttribute4
* fromGeocode


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* description
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* mapcenterY
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* organizationId
* lastUpdateDate
* wikiId
* activeEndDate
* mapviewerUrl
* creationDate
* mapcenterX
* activeStartDate


 * zoomLevel
* esriMapextentMaxy
* description
* esriSpatialreference
* mapAssocTypeId
* createdBy
* tolerance
* esriMapextentMinx
* esriMapextentMiny
* internalAtt5
* lastUpdatedBy
* mapCode
* internalAtt2
* internalAtt4
* esriMapextentMaxx
* mapcenterY
* lastUpdateLogin
* mapId
* internalAtt1
* internalAtt3
* locatorUrl
* organizationId
* lastUpdateDate
* wikiId
* activeEndDate
* mapviewerUrl
* creationDate
* mapcenterX
* activeStartDate


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* creationDate
* mapId
* apiType
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* activeStartDate
* lastUpdateDate
* activeEndDate
* createdBy
* lastUpdateLogin


 * api
* creationDate
* mapId
* apiType
* toolbarType
* toolbarCode
* lastUpdatedBy
* mapToolbarId
* activeStartDate
* lastUpdateDate
* activeEndDate
* createdBy
* lastUpdateLogin


 * description
* createdBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* sourceLang
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* mapToolbarId
* language
* creationDate
* toolbarDispname


 * description
* createdBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* sourceLang
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
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* language
* creationDate
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* lastUpdatedBy
* key2
* combinationId
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* activeStartDate
* creationDate
* key1
* iconId
* combinationType
* activeEndDate


 * lastUpdateLogin
* linestyleId
* lastUpdatedBy
* key2
* combinationId
* key3
* lastUpdateDate
* createdBy
* activeStartDate
* creationDate
* key1
* iconId
* combinationType
* activeEndDate


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* lastUpdateDate
* propertyCode
* linestyleId
* global
* iconId
* attributeCategory
* attribute7
* attribute14
* attribute11
* attribute12
* propertyId
* attribute8
* activeEndDate
* valueSetId
* masterOrganizationId
* isUomEnabled
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute10
* attribute15
* createdBy
* attribute4
* creationDate
* activeStartDate
* attribute2
* linearType
* attribute5
* uom
* attribute3
* attribute6
* attribute13
* attribute9
* lastUpdateLogin


 * attribute1
* lastUpdateDate
* propertyCode
* linestyleId
* global
* iconId
* attributeCategory
* attribute7
* attribute14
* attribute11
* attribute12
* propertyId
* attribute8
* activeEndDate
* valueSetId
* masterOrganizationId
* isUomEnabled
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute10
* attribute15
* createdBy
* attribute4
* creationDate
* activeStartDate
* attribute2
* linearType
* attribute5
* uom
* attribute3
* attribute6
* attribute13
* attribute9
* lastUpdateLogin


 * lastUpdatedBy
* description
* propertyId
* createdBy
* creationDate
* language
* lastUpdateDate
* propertyName
* lastUpdateLogin
* sourceLang


 * lastUpdatedBy
* description
* propertyId
* createdBy
* creationDate
* language
* lastUpdateDate
* propertyName
* lastUpdateLogin
* sourceLang


 * propertyId
* linestyleId
* iconId
* lastUpdatedBy
* createdBy
* creationDate
* propertyValueId
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdateDate
* propertyValue
* propertyValueUom


 * propertyId
* linestyleId
* iconId
* lastUpdatedBy
* createdBy
* creationDate
* propertyValueId
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdateDate
* propertyValue
* propertyValueUom


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* yOffsetUom
* attribute2
* attribute3
* attribute4
* attribute9
* attribute15
* attributeCategory
* lastUpdatedBy
* zOffsetUom
* attribute5
* uom
* creationDate
* activeEndDate
* attribute14
* attribute6
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute1
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* referenceMethodCode
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute10
* yReference
* activeStartDate
* xOffsetUom
* attribute12
* createdBy
* attribute11
* referenceMethodId
* attribute7
* attribute8


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* yOffsetUom
* attribute2
* attribute3
* attribute4
* attribute9
* attribute15
* attributeCategory
* lastUpdatedBy
* zOffsetUom
* attribute5
* uom
* creationDate
* activeEndDate
* attribute14
* attribute6
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute1
* attribute13
* referenceMethodCode
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute10
* yReference
* activeStartDate
* xOffsetUom
* attribute12
* createdBy
* attribute11
* referenceMethodId
* attribute7
* attribute8


 * lastUpdatedBy
* createdBy
* sourceLang
* lastUpdateLogin
* description
* referenceMethodId
* referenceMethodName
* creationDate
* lastUpdateDate
* language


 * lastUpdatedBy
* createdBy
* sourceLang
* lastUpdateLogin
* description
* referenceMethodId
* referenceMethodName
* creationDate
* lastUpdateDate
* language


 * relationshipTypeId
* attributeCategory
* attribute5
* attribute7
* createdBy
* activeEndDate
* attribute14
* linearType
* attribute1
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* lastUpdateDate
* attribute12
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* attribute11
* network
* attribute15
* code
* direction
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute9
* attribute2
* attribute4
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute3
* creationDate
* attribute8
* activeStartDate
* attribute10
* attribute13


 * relationshipTypeId
* attributeCategory
* attribute5
* attribute7
* createdBy
* activeEndDate
* attribute14
* linearType
* attribute1
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* lastUpdateDate
* attribute12
* attribute6
* attribute11
* network
* attribute15
* code
* direction
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute9
* attribute2
* attribute4
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute3
* creationDate
* attribute8
* activeStartDate
* attribute10
* attribute13


 * relationshipTypeId
* createdBy
* name
* language
* description
* creationDate
* sourceLang
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy


 * relationshipTypeId
* createdBy
* name
* language
* description
* creationDate
* sourceLang
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy


 * lrDetailsId
* routeGeom


 * lrDetailsId
* routeGeom


 * fromMeasure
* instanceId
* lrDetailsId
* routeGeom
* assetType
* segmentCode
* toMeasure
* pointGeom
* requestId


 * fromMeasure
* instanceId
* lrDetailsId
* routeGeom
* assetType
* segmentCode
* toMeasure
* pointGeom
* requestId


 * spatialRouteId
* routeCode
* internalAtt5
* lamEntityId
* internalAtt3
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* customApi
* internalAtt1
* internalAtt2
* internalAtt4
* isCustom
* isCustomEnable
* routeName
* createdBy
* creationDate
* lastUpdateDate


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* routeCode
* internalAtt5
* lamEntityId
* internalAtt3
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* customApi
* internalAtt1
* internalAtt2
* internalAtt4
* isCustom
* isCustomEnable
* routeName
* createdBy
* creationDate
* lastUpdateDate


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* externalLinearId
* externalLinearType
* externalLinearName
* eamLinearId


 * externalSourceName
* externalLinearId
* externalLinearType
* externalLinearName
* eamLinearId


 * vendorId
* attribute3
* attribute15
* mpsRequiredQuantity
* attribute12
* transactionType
* dateRequired
* organizationId
* unitPrice
* createdBy
* wipEntityId
* wipSupplyType
* mpsDateRequired
* attributeCategory
* supplySubinventory
* attribute13
* returnStatus
* attribute4
* creationDate
* supplyLocatorId
* quantityPerAssembly
* attribute9
* comments
* attribute14
* attribute8
* suggestedVendorName
* requiredQuantity
* releasedQuantity
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute6
* attribute11
* componentSequenceId
* attribute5
* headerId
* autoRequestMaterial
* departmentId
* mrpNetFlag
* lastUpdateDate
* quantityIssued
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute10
* requestedQuantity
* attribute1
* attribute7
* inventoryItemId
* groupId
* operationSeqNum
* attribute2


 * vendorId
* attribute3
* attribute15
* mpsRequiredQuantity
* attribute12
* transactionType
* dateRequired
* organizationId
* unitPrice
* createdBy
* wipEntityId
* wipSupplyType
* mpsDateRequired
* attributeCategory
* supplySubinventory
* attribute13
* returnStatus
* attribute4
* creationDate
* supplyLocatorId
* quantityPerAssembly
* attribute9
* comments
* attribute14
* attribute8
* suggestedVendorName
* requiredQuantity
* releasedQuantity
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute6
* attribute11
* componentSequenceId
* attribute5
* headerId
* autoRequestMaterial
* departmentId
* mrpNetFlag
* lastUpdateDate
* quantityIssued
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute10
* requestedQuantity
* attribute1
* attribute7
* inventoryItemId
* groupId
* operationSeqNum
* attribute2


 * lastUpdateLogin
* attribute13
* disableFlag
* attribute14
* meterId
* creationDate
* attribute15
* migratedFlag
* attribute9
* attributeCategory
* resetFlag
* wipEntityId
* attribute12
* lastUpdateDate
* description
* sourceLineId
* attribute10
* lifeToDateReading
* attribute11
* attribute1
* currentReading
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute8
* attribute5
* woEntryFakeFlag
* createdBy
* attribute6
* meterReadingId
* currentReadingDate
* attribute4
* attribute7
* attribute3
* attribute2
* sourceCode


 * lastUpdateLogin
* attribute13
* disableFlag
* attribute14
* meterId
* creationDate
* attribute15
* migratedFlag
* attribute9
* attributeCategory
* resetFlag
* wipEntityId
* attribute12
* lastUpdateDate
* description
* sourceLineId
* attribute10
* lifeToDateReading
* attribute11
* attribute1
* currentReading
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute8
* attribute5
* woEntryFakeFlag
* createdBy
* attribute6
* meterReadingId
* currentReadingDate
* attribute4
* attribute7
* attribute3
* attribute2
* sourceCode


 * attribute14
* attribute15
* createdByName
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute4
* lastUpdatedByName
* processPhase
* wipEntityId
* groupId
* attribute1
* attribute6
* attribute2
* attribute11
* attribute13
* attribute7
* resetFlag
* attributeCategory
* createdBy
* lastUpdateDate
* requestId
* attribute5
* attribute9
* readingDate
* sourceCode
* workOrderName
* creationDate
* organizationId
* readingValue
* attribute12
* readingChange
* attribute8
* attribute3
* programApplicationId
* programUpdateDate
* lifeToDateReading
* meterId
* lastUpdateLogin
* processStatus
* attribute10
* description
* organizationCode
* sourceLineId
* meterName
* interfaceId
* programId
* disableFlag


 * attribute14
* attribute15
* createdByName
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute4
* lastUpdatedByName
* processPhase
* wipEntityId
* groupId
* attribute1
* attribute6
* attribute2
* attribute11
* attribute13
* attribute7
* resetFlag
* attributeCategory
* createdBy
* lastUpdateDate
* requestId
* attribute5
* attribute9
* readingDate
* sourceCode
* workOrderName
* creationDate
* organizationId
* readingValue
* attribute12
* readingChange
* attribute8
* attribute3
* programApplicationId
* programUpdateDate
* lifeToDateReading
* meterId
* lastUpdateLogin
* processStatus
* attribute10
* description
* organizationCode
* sourceLineId
* meterName
* interfaceId
* programId
* disableFlag


 * userDefinedRate
* usePastReading
* toEffectiveDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* meterType
* migratedFlag
* createdBy
* meterName
* attribute8
* attribute14
* requiredFlag
* attribute5
* tmplFlag
* attribute4
* attribute13
* attribute1
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdateDate
* meterId
* attribute2
* creationDate
* valueChangeDir
* attribute3
* attribute9
* meterUom
* attribute12
* attribute11
* usedInScheduling
* fromEffectiveDate
* attribute7
* attribute10
* attribute15
* attributeCategory
* attribute6
* sourceTmplId
* description
* initialReading


 * userDefinedRate
* usePastReading
* toEffectiveDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* meterType
* migratedFlag
* createdBy
* meterName
* attribute8
* attribute14
* requiredFlag
* attribute5
* tmplFlag
* attribute4
* attribute13
* attribute1
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdateDate
* meterId
* attribute2
* creationDate
* valueChangeDir
* attribute3
* attribute9
* meterUom
* attribute12
* attribute11
* usedInScheduling
* fromEffectiveDate
* attribute7
* attribute10
* attribute15
* attributeCategory
* attribute6
* sourceTmplId
* description
* initialReading


 * actualDuration
* assetActivityId
* operationSeqNum
* actualStartDate
* createdBy
* attribute15
* attribute11
* attribute12
* attribute13
* requestId
* attribute8
* programUpdateDate
* vendorSiteId
* organizationId
* qaCollectionId
* reasonId
* attribute10
* acctPeriodId
* actualEndDate
* creationDate
* transactionId
* attribute5
* transactionReference
* vendorId
* lastUpdateDate
* assetNumber
* departmentId
* attribute7
* attribute9
* reference
* attribute1
* wipEntityId
* lastUpdateLogin
* programId
* transactionDate
* reconciliationCode
* transactionType
* attribute2
* attribute4
* vendorContactId
* programApplicationId
* handoverOperationSeqNum
* attribute6
* attribute14
* attribute3
* assetGroupId
* lastUpdatedBy
* attributeCategory


 * actualDuration
* assetActivityId
* operationSeqNum
* actualStartDate
* createdBy
* attribute15
* attribute11
* attribute12
* attribute13
* requestId
* attribute8
* programUpdateDate
* vendorSiteId
* organizationId
* qaCollectionId
* reasonId
* attribute10
* acctPeriodId
* actualEndDate
* creationDate
* transactionId
* attribute5
* transactionReference
* vendorId
* lastUpdateDate
* assetNumber
* departmentId
* attribute7
* attribute9
* reference
* attribute1
* wipEntityId
* lastUpdateLogin
* programId
* transactionDate
* reconciliationCode
* transactionType
* attribute2
* attribute4
* vendorContactId
* programApplicationId
* handoverOperationSeqNum
* attribute6
* attribute14
* attribute3
* assetGroupId
* lastUpdatedBy
* attributeCategory


 * minimumTransferQuantity
* creationDate
* description
* attribute7
* longDescription
* groupId
* attribute13
* organizationId
* attribute15
* shutdownType
* attribute1
* attribute5
* attribute12
* attribute11
* attribute8
* headerId
* startDate
* createdBy
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute14
* standardOperationId
* lastUpdateLogin
* attributeCategory
* attribute10
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute9
* transactionType
* backflushFlag
* attribute3
* operationSequenceId
* countPointType
* departmentId
* completionDate
* attribute4
* returnStatus
* attribute6
* wipEntityId
* attribute2
* operationSeqNum


 * minimumTransferQuantity
* creationDate
* description
* attribute7
* longDescription
* groupId
* attribute13
* organizationId
* attribute15
* shutdownType
* attribute1
* attribute5
* attribute12
* attribute11
* attribute8
* headerId
* startDate
* createdBy
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute14
* standardOperationId
* lastUpdateLogin
* attributeCategory
* attribute10
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute9
* transactionType
* backflushFlag
* attribute3
* operationSequenceId
* countPointType
* departmentId
* completionDate
* attribute4
* returnStatus
* attribute6
* wipEntityId
* attribute2
* operationSeqNum


 * lastUpdatedBy
* nextServiceEndDate
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* activityAssociationId
* pmScheduleId
* nextServiceStartDate
* lastUpdateDate
* intervalMultiple
* dayTolerance
* allowRepeatInCycle
* createdBy


 * lastUpdatedBy
* nextServiceEndDate
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* activityAssociationId
* pmScheduleId
* nextServiceStartDate
* lastUpdateDate
* intervalMultiple
* dayTolerance
* allowRepeatInCycle
* createdBy


 * migratedFlag
* lastUpdateDate
* creationDate
* createdBy
* wipEntityId
* meterId
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastServiceReading
* prevServiceReading
* activityAssociationId
* lastUpdateLogin


 * migratedFlag
* lastUpdateDate
* creationDate
* createdBy
* wipEntityId
* meterId
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastServiceReading
* prevServiceReading
* activityAssociationId
* lastUpdateLogin


 * pmScheduleId
* ruleId
* baseDate
* runtimeInterval
* createdBy
* lastUpdateDate
* listDate
* migratedFlag
* lastServiceReading
* dayInterval
* creationDate
* previousServiceReading
* previousBaseDate
* ruleType
* listDateDesc
* effectiveDateTo
* effectiveDateFrom
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdatedBy
* effectiveReadingTo
* meterId
* effectiveReadingFrom


 * pmScheduleId
* ruleId
* baseDate
* runtimeInterval
* createdBy
* lastUpdateDate
* listDate
* migratedFlag
* lastServiceReading
* dayInterval
* creationDate
* previousServiceReading
* previousBaseDate
* ruleType
* listDateDesc
* effectiveDateTo
* effectiveDateFrom
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdatedBy
* effectiveReadingTo
* meterId
* effectiveReadingFrom


 * defaultImplement
* attribute3
* attribute14
* attribute4
* attribute5
* schedulingMethodCode
* attribute2
* pmScheduleId
* attribute10
* toEffectiveDate
* createdBy
* attribute8
* attribute7
* generateNextWorkOrder
* sourceCode
* maintenanceObjectId
* autoInstantiationFlag
* intervalPerCycle
* activityAssociationId
* baseReading
* attribute12
* creationDate
* dayTolerance
* attribute13
* lastReviewedBy
* reschedulingPoint
* nextServiceStartDate
* attribute1
* name
* tmplFlag
* sourceTmplId
* attribute9
* setNameId
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastReviewedDate
* attribute11
* attribute15
* typeCode
* includeManual
* maintenanceObjectType
* currentWoSeq
* attribute6
* whicheverFirst
* plannerMaintenance
* currentSeq
* leadTime
* fromEffectiveDate
* attributeCategory
* nonScheduledFlag
* eamLastCyclicAct
* currentCycle
* sourceLine
* generateWoStatus
* baseDate
* nextServiceEndDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdateDate


 * defaultImplement
* attribute3
* attribute14
* attribute4
* attribute5
* schedulingMethodCode
* attribute2
* pmScheduleId
* attribute10
* toEffectiveDate
* createdBy
* attribute8
* attribute7
* generateNextWorkOrder
* sourceCode
* maintenanceObjectId
* autoInstantiationFlag
* intervalPerCycle
* activityAssociationId
* baseReading
* attribute12
* creationDate
* dayTolerance
* attribute13
* lastReviewedBy
* reschedulingPoint
* nextServiceStartDate
* attribute1
* name
* tmplFlag
* sourceTmplId
* attribute9
* setNameId
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastReviewedDate
* attribute11
* attribute15
* typeCode
* includeManual
* maintenanceObjectType
* currentWoSeq
* attribute6
* whicheverFirst
* plannerMaintenance
* currentSeq
* leadTime
* fromEffectiveDate
* attributeCategory
* nonScheduledFlag
* eamLastCyclicAct
* currentCycle
* sourceLine
* generateWoStatus
* baseDate
* nextServiceEndDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdateDate


 * attribute13
* attribute2
* attribute8
* creationDate
* attribute9
* attribute5
* createdBy
* attribute15
* attribute12
* attribute10
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute1
* attributeCategory
* attribute11
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute4
* localFlag
* setName
* attribute14
* setNameId
* attribute3
* owningOrganizationId
* attribute6
* description
* endDate
* attribute7


 * attribute13
* attribute2
* attribute8
* creationDate
* attribute9
* attribute5
* createdBy
* attribute15
* attribute12
* attribute10
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute1
* attributeCategory
* attribute11
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute4
* localFlag
* setName
* attribute14
* setNameId
* attribute3
* owningOrganizationId
* attribute6
* description
* endDate
* attribute7


 * resolutionCode
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* description
* effectiveEndDate
* creationDate
* createdBy


 * resolutionCode
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* description
* effectiveEndDate
* creationDate
* createdBy


 * attribute12
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute6
* attribute11
* firmFlag
* startDate
* autochargeType
* attribute1
* attribute2
* lastUpdateLogin
* wipEntityId
* departmentId
* organizationId
* usageRateOrAmount
* creationDate
* attribute14
* attribute5
* attribute10
* returnStatus
* attribute9
* transactionType
* attribute3
* attributeCategory
* attribute8
* operationSeqNum
* basisType
* assignedUnits
* lastUpdateDate
* standardRateFlag
* completionDate
* attribute15
* groupId
* maxAssignedUnits
* appliedResourceUnits
* attribute7
* activityId
* resourceId
* headerId
* scheduledFlag
* replacementGroupNum
* createdBy
* resourceSeqNum
* uomCode
* attribute4
* substituteGroupNum
* appliedResourceValue
* attribute13
* scheduleSeqNum


 * attribute12
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute6
* attribute11
* firmFlag
* startDate
* autochargeType
* attribute1
* attribute2
* lastUpdateLogin
* wipEntityId
* departmentId
* organizationId
* usageRateOrAmount
* creationDate
* attribute14
* attribute5
* attribute10
* returnStatus
* attribute9
* transactionType
* attribute3
* attributeCategory
* attribute8
* operationSeqNum
* basisType
* assignedUnits
* lastUpdateDate
* standardRateFlag
* completionDate
* attribute15
* groupId
* maxAssignedUnits
* appliedResourceUnits
* attribute7
* activityId
* resourceId
* headerId
* scheduledFlag
* replacementGroupNum
* createdBy
* resourceSeqNum
* uomCode
* attribute4
* substituteGroupNum
* appliedResourceValue
* attribute13
* scheduleSeqNum


 * organizationId
* topLevelBatchId
* instanceId
* lastUpdateDate
* completionDate
* operationSeqNum
* lastUpdatedBy
* groupId
* lastUpdateLogin
* returnStatus
* createdBy
* resourceSeqNum
* headerId
* serialNumber
* wipEntityId
* transactionType
* creationDate
* startDate


 * organizationId
* topLevelBatchId
* instanceId
* lastUpdateDate
* completionDate
* operationSeqNum
* lastUpdatedBy
* groupId
* lastUpdateLogin
* returnStatus
* createdBy
* resourceSeqNum
* headerId
* serialNumber
* wipEntityId
* transactionType
* creationDate
* startDate


 * lastUpdateDate
* assignedUnits
* createdBy
* instanceId
* operationSeqNum
* lastUpdatedBy
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* returnStatus
* resourceSeqNum
* transactionType
* serialNumber
* wipEntityId
* completionDate
* groupId
* headerId
* organizationId
* startDate


 * lastUpdateDate
* assignedUnits
* createdBy
* instanceId
* operationSeqNum
* lastUpdatedBy
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* returnStatus
* resourceSeqNum
* transactionType
* serialNumber
* wipEntityId
* completionDate
* groupId
* headerId
* organizationId
* startDate


 * attribute17
* attribute29
* createdBy
* attribute10
* attribute13
* effectiveTo
* effectiveFrom
* attribute14
* attribute19
* attribute15
* safetyAssociationId
* targetRefId
* attribute24
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute22
* attribute25
* attribute18
* attribute21
* attribute3
* attribute2
* attribute9
* attribute27
* attribute28
* attribute30
* enabled
* attributeCategory
* attribute7
* associationType
* comments
* attribute20
* creationDate
* attribute8
* organizationId
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute6
* attribute11
* attribute23
* attribute4
* attribute12
* attribute26
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute5
* attribute16
* sourceId
* attribute1


 * attribute17
* attribute29
* createdBy
* attribute10
* attribute13
* effectiveTo
* effectiveFrom
* attribute14
* attribute19
* attribute15
* safetyAssociationId
* targetRefId
* attribute24
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute22
* attribute25
* attribute18
* attribute21
* attribute3
* attribute2
* attribute9
* attribute27
* attribute28
* attribute30
* enabled
* attributeCategory
* attribute7
* associationType
* comments
* attribute20
* creationDate
* attribute8
* organizationId
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute6
* attribute11
* attribute23
* attribute4
* attribute12
* attribute26
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute5
* attribute16
* sourceId
* attribute1


 * objectName
* objectType
* event
* userId
* status
* details
* objectId


 * objectName
* objectType
* event
* userId
* status
* details
* objectId


 * seededFlag
* zdSync
* entityType
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateDate
* systemStatus
* enabledFlag
* creationDate
* zdEditionName
* lastUpdateLogin
* createdBy
* statusId


 * seededFlag
* zdSync
* entityType
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateDate
* systemStatus
* enabledFlag
* creationDate
* zdEditionName
* lastUpdateLogin
* createdBy
* statusId


 * creationDate
* zdSync
* statusId
* lastUpdateLogin
* sourceLang
* language
* lastUpdateDate
* createdBy
* userDefinedStatus
* entityType
* lastUpdatedBy
* zdEditionName


 * creationDate
* zdSync
* statusId
* lastUpdateLogin
* sourceLang
* language
* lastUpdateDate
* createdBy
* userDefinedStatus
* entityType
* lastUpdatedBy
* zdEditionName


 * transactionId
* lastUpdatedBy
* createdBy
* objectId
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdateDate
* creationDate
* workflowType


 * transactionId
* lastUpdatedBy
* createdBy
* objectId
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdateDate
* creationDate
* workflowType


 * parentAssociationId
* attribute1
* attribute13
* attribute11
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute4
* attribute12
* dayTolerance
* attributeCategory
* attribute14
* attribute10
* lastUpdateDate
* description
* tmplFlag
* attribute5
* attribute7
* attribute3
* attribute6
* attribute15
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute8
* createdBy
* attribute9
* creationDate
* runtimeTolerance
* attribute2
* childAssociationId


 * parentAssociationId
* attribute1
* attribute13
* attribute11
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute4
* attribute12
* dayTolerance
* attributeCategory
* attribute14
* attribute10
* lastUpdateDate
* description
* tmplFlag
* attribute5
* attribute7
* attribute3
* attribute6
* attribute15
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute8
* createdBy
* attribute9
* creationDate
* runtimeTolerance
* attribute2
* childAssociationId


 * lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateDate
* childObjectId
* topLevelObjectTypeId
* parentObjectId
* parentRelationshipType
* topLevelObjectId
* woRelationshipId
* relationshipStatus
* creationDate
* childObjectTypeId
* createdBy
* parentObjectTypeId


 * lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateDate
* childObjectId
* topLevelObjectTypeId
* parentObjectId
* parentRelationshipType
* topLevelObjectId
* woRelationshipId
* relationshipStatus
* creationDate
* childObjectTypeId
* createdBy
* parentObjectTypeId


 * serviceRequestId
* attribute12
* creationDate
* attribute11
* requestId
* createdBy
* attribute5
* attribute15
* enableFlag
* attribute2
* woServiceEntityAssocId
* attribute9
* lastUpdateLogin
* wipEntityId
* attribute4
* attribute13
* attribute7
* attribute1
* lastUpdatedBy
* maintenanceOrganizationId
* attribute3
* attribute6
* lastUpdateDate
* programApplicationId
* programId
* programUpdateDate
* attributeCategory
* attribute10
* attribute8
* attribute14


 * serviceRequestId
* attribute12
* creationDate
* attribute11
* requestId
* createdBy
* attribute5
* attribute15
* enableFlag
* attribute2
* woServiceEntityAssocId
* attribute9
* lastUpdateLogin
* wipEntityId
* attribute4
* attribute13
* attribute7
* attribute1
* lastUpdatedBy
* maintenanceOrganizationId
* attribute3
* attribute6
* lastUpdateDate
* programApplicationId
* programId
* programUpdateDate
* attributeCategory
* attribute10
* attribute8
* attribute14


 * lastUpdatedBy
* createdBy
* systemStatus
* seededFlag
* lastUpdateLogin
* creationDate
* statusId
* zdEditionName
* enabledFlag
* lastUpdateDate
* zdSync


 * lastUpdatedBy
* createdBy
* systemStatus
* seededFlag
* lastUpdateLogin
* creationDate
* statusId
* zdEditionName
* enabledFlag
* lastUpdateDate
* zdSync


 * statusId
* lastUpdateDate
* creationDate
* zdEditionName
* createdBy
* sourceLang
* userDefinedStatus
* lastUpdatedBy
* zdSync
* lastUpdateLogin
* language


 * statusId
* lastUpdateDate
* creationDate
* zdEditionName
* createdBy
* sourceLang
* userDefinedStatus
* lastUpdatedBy
* zdSync
* lastUpdateLogin
* language


 * lastUpdateDate
* wfItemType
* createdBy
* creationDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* wfItemKey
* wipEntityId


 * lastUpdateDate
* wfItemType
* createdBy
* creationDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* wfItemKey
* wipEntityId


 * scheduledEstabEndDate
* attribute2
* attribute29
* workClearanceId
* attribute7
* lastUpdateDate
* statusType
* attribute11
* lastUpdatedBy
* scheduledReestabEndDate
* attribute17
* workClearanceName
* lastIsolationId
* pendingFlag
* attribute18
* attribute1
* attribute24
* attribute19
* attribute13
* attribute16
* organizationId
* attribute25
* approvedBy
* attribute26
* description
* createdBy
* attribute10
* attribute21
* attribute28
* attributeCategory
* creationDate
* attribute4
* attribute8
* attribute14
* attribute22
* scheduledReestabStartDate
* attribute20
* attribute5
* completionDate
* attribute15
* userDefinedStatusId
* attribute3
* attribute6
* scheduledEstabStartDate
* attribute9
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute12
* permitRequiredFlag
* attribute27
* attribute30
* attribute23


 * scheduledEstabEndDate
* attribute2
* attribute29
* workClearanceId
* attribute7
* lastUpdateDate
* statusType
* attribute11
* lastUpdatedBy
* scheduledReestabEndDate
* attribute17
* workClearanceName
* lastIsolationId
* pendingFlag
* attribute18
* attribute1
* attribute24
* attribute19
* attribute13
* attribute16
* organizationId
* attribute25
* approvedBy
* attribute26
* description
* createdBy
* attribute10
* attribute21
* attribute28
* attributeCategory
* creationDate
* attribute4
* attribute8
* attribute14
* attribute22
* scheduledReestabStartDate
* attribute20
* attribute5
* completionDate
* attribute15
* userDefinedStatusId
* attribute3
* attribute6
* scheduledEstabStartDate
* attribute9
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute12
* permitRequiredFlag
* attribute27
* attribute30
* attribute23


 * lastUpdateDate
* conversionRate
* lastUpdateLogin
* billedAmount
* resourceId
* conversionTypeCode
* projectId
* paEventId
* billedQuantity
* costOrListprice
* taskId
* lastUpdatedBy
* inventoryItemId
* invoiceTrxNumber
* costplusPercentage
* createdBy
* comments
* creationDate
* offsetAccountCcid
* organizationId
* billedUomCode
* wipEntityId
* billingBasis
* invoiceLineNumber
* customerId
* costTypeId
* fixedAssetNumber
* billedInventoryItemId
* overrideBillAmount
* massAdditionId
* priceListHeaderId
* dynamicBillingActivity
* billToAddressId
* operationSeqNum
* capitalizationDate
* conversionRateDate
* workRequestId
* currencyCode
* billingMethod


 * lastUpdateDate
* conversionRate
* lastUpdateLogin
* billedAmount
* resourceId
* conversionTypeCode
* projectId
* paEventId
* billedQuantity
* costOrListprice
* taskId
* lastUpdatedBy
* inventoryItemId
* invoiceTrxNumber
* costplusPercentage
* createdBy
* comments
* creationDate
* offsetAccountCcid
* organizationId
* billedUomCode
* wipEntityId
* billingBasis
* invoiceLineNumber
* customerId
* costTypeId
* fixedAssetNumber
* billedInventoryItemId
* overrideBillAmount
* massAdditionId
* priceListHeaderId
* dynamicBillingActivity
* billToAddressId
* operationSeqNum
* capitalizationDate
* conversionRateDate
* workRequestId
* currencyCode
* billingMethod


 * workflowType
* lastUpdatedBy
* plannerMaintenance
* userDefinedStatusId
* pmSuggestedEndDate
* assignmentComplete
* pmBaseMeterReading
* costUpdateWoFlag
* programId
* organizationId
* materialShortageCheckDate
* seqId
* creationDate
* dsScheduledFlag
* requestId
* wipEntityId
* materialShortageFlag
* programUpdateDate
* failureCodeRequired
* routeQualityResultFlag
* pendingFlag
* warrantyClaimStatus
* pmSuggestedStartDate
* warrantyActive
* cycleId
* routeUpdateWoFlag
* routeCostEqualFlag
* routeModifiedWoFlag
* lastUpdateDate
* createdBy
* estimateId
* programApplicationId
* lastUpdateLogin
* pmBaseMeter


 * workflowType
* lastUpdatedBy
* plannerMaintenance
* userDefinedStatusId
* pmSuggestedEndDate
* assignmentComplete
* pmBaseMeterReading
* costUpdateWoFlag
* programId
* organizationId
* materialShortageCheckDate
* seqId
* creationDate
* dsScheduledFlag
* requestId
* wipEntityId
* materialShortageFlag
* programUpdateDate
* failureCodeRequired
* routeQualityResultFlag
* pendingFlag
* warrantyClaimStatus
* pmSuggestedStartDate
* warrantyActive
* cycleId
* routeUpdateWoFlag
* routeCostEqualFlag
* routeModifiedWoFlag
* lastUpdateDate
* createdBy
* estimateId
* programApplicationId
* lastUpdateLogin
* pmBaseMeter


 * attribute2
* workOrderType
* jobQuantity
* statusType
* attribute9
* attribute3
* lastUpdateDate
* activityType
* attribute5
* scheduledCompletionDate
* alternateBomDesignator
* headerId
* manualRebuildFlag
* resourceVarianceAccount
* routingRevision
* bomRevision
* tagoutRequired
* commonBomSequenceId
* lastUpdateLogin
* commonRoutingSequenceId
* requestId
* returnStatus
* activitySource
* projectId
* bomRevisionDate
* maintenanceObjectType
* creationDate
* attribute14
* groupId
* classCode
* dateReleased
* overheadAccount
* scheduledStartDate
* routingRevisionDate
* wipSupplyType
* materialIssueByMo
* attribute13
* attribute11
* owningDepartment
* sourceCode
* organizationId
* materialVarianceAccount
* outsideProcessingAccount
* materialAccount
* parentWipEntityId
* taskId
* wipEntityName
* attribute15
* processStatus
* programApplicationId
* createdBy
* attribute8
* attribute1
* attribute12
* responsibilityId
* topWipEntityId
* stdCostAdjustmentAccount
* poCreationTime
* assetNumber
* wipEntityId
* assetActivityId
* maintenanceObjectId
* overheadVarianceAccount
* lastUpdatedBy
* rebuildItemId
* scheduleGroupId
* attribute7
* resourceAccount
* userId
* attribute10
* programId
* transactionType
* attribute4
* issueZeroCostFlag
* pmScheduleId
* endItemUnitNumber
* alternateRoutingDesignator
* firmPlannedFlag
* genObjectId
* attribute6
* attributeCategory
* maintenanceObjectSource
* assetGroupId
* requestedStartDate
* sourceLineId
* notificationRequired
* shutdownType
* planMaintenance
* materialOverheadAccount
* description
* priority
* dueDate
* rebuildSerialNumber
* activityCause
* outsideProcVarianceAccount


 * attribute2
* workOrderType
* jobQuantity
* statusType
* attribute9
* attribute3
* lastUpdateDate
* activityType
* attribute5
* scheduledCompletionDate
* alternateBomDesignator
* headerId
* manualRebuildFlag
* resourceVarianceAccount
* routingRevision
* bomRevision
* tagoutRequired
* commonBomSequenceId
* lastUpdateLogin
* commonRoutingSequenceId
* requestId
* returnStatus
* activitySource
* projectId
* bomRevisionDate
* maintenanceObjectType
* creationDate
* attribute14
* groupId
* classCode
* dateReleased
* overheadAccount
* scheduledStartDate
* routingRevisionDate
* wipSupplyType
* materialIssueByMo
* attribute13
* attribute11
* owningDepartment
* sourceCode
* organizationId
* materialVarianceAccount
* outsideProcessingAccount
* materialAccount
* parentWipEntityId
* taskId
* wipEntityName
* attribute15
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* programApplicationId
* createdBy
* attribute8
* attribute1
* attribute12
* responsibilityId
* topWipEntityId
* stdCostAdjustmentAccount
* poCreationTime
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* wipEntityId
* assetActivityId
* maintenanceObjectId
* overheadVarianceAccount
* lastUpdatedBy
* rebuildItemId
* scheduleGroupId
* attribute7
* resourceAccount
* userId
* attribute10
* programId
* transactionType
* attribute4
* issueZeroCostFlag
* pmScheduleId
* endItemUnitNumber
* alternateRoutingDesignator
* firmPlannedFlag
* genObjectId
* attribute6
* attributeCategory
* maintenanceObjectSource
* assetGroupId
* requestedStartDate
* sourceLineId
* notificationRequired
* shutdownType
* planMaintenance
* materialOverheadAccount
* description
* priority
* dueDate
* rebuildSerialNumber
* activityCause
* outsideProcVarianceAccount


 * lastUpdateLogin
* headerId
* groupId
* lastUpdatedBy
* errorMessage
* lastUpdateDate
* createdBy
* creationDate


 * lastUpdateLogin
* headerId
* groupId
* lastUpdatedBy
* errorMessage
* lastUpdateDate
* createdBy
* creationDate


 * wipEntityId
* lastUpdatedBy
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* operationSeqNum
* seqNum
* costDistributionPer
* instanceId
* lastUpdateDate
* routeAssetSeqId
* createdBy


 * wipEntityId
* lastUpdatedBy
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* operationSeqNum
* seqNum
* costDistributionPer
* instanceId
* lastUpdateDate
* routeAssetSeqId
* createdBy


 * createdBy
* text
* lastUpdateDate
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* organizationId
* wipEntityId
* lastUpdatedBy


 * createdBy
* text
* lastUpdateDate
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* organizationId
* wipEntityId
* lastUpdatedBy


 * attribute21
* attribute30
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* completionDate
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* attribute6
* attribute26
* attribute2
* attribute11
* creationDate
* attribute16
* attributeCategory
* attribute8
* attribute14
* attribute3
* attribute22
* createdBy
* pendingFlag
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute10
* attribute13
* attribute27
* permitId
* approvedBy
* attribute23
* attribute12
* lastUpdateDate
* userDefinedStatusId
* attribute15
* attribute4
* attribute19
* attribute25
* validFrom
* lastUpdatedBy


 * attribute21
* attribute30
* attribute24
* attribute18
* attribute28
* description
* attribute9
* permitName
* attribute29
* attribute7
* statusType
* attribute17
* attribute1
* permitType
* organizationId
* attribute5
* validTo
* completionDate
* attribute20
* attribute6
* attribute26
* attribute2
* attribute11
* creationDate
* attribute16
* attributeCategory
* attribute8
* attribute14
* attribute3
* attribute22
* createdBy
* pendingFlag
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute10
* attribute13
* attribute27
* permitId
* approvedBy
* attribute23
* attribute12
* lastUpdateDate
* userDefinedStatusId
* attribute15
* attribute4
* attribute19
* attribute25
* validFrom
* lastUpdatedBy


 * lastUpdateDate
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* promptApplicationId
* lastUpdateLogin
* creationDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* promptFunctionId
* zdEditionName
* createdBy


 * lastUpdateDate
* promptMessageName
* zdSync
* visibilityFlag
* executionTrigger
* displayStyle
* actionId
* visibilityFuncId
* executionMethod
* promptApplicationId
* lastUpdateLogin
* creationDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* promptFunctionId
* zdEditionName
* createdBy


 * lastUpdateLogin
* sequence
* creationDate
* createdBy
* objectId
* classificationCode
* lastUpdatedBy
* internalName
* lastUpdateDate
* actionGroupId


 * lastUpdateLogin
* sequence
* creationDate
* createdBy
* objectId
* classificationCode
* lastUpdatedBy
* internalName
* lastUpdateDate
* actionGroupId


 * actionGroupId
* lastUpdatedBy
* description
* displayName
* language
* lastUpdateLogin
* sourceLang
* createdBy
* creationDate
* lastUpdateDate


 * actionGroupId
* lastUpdatedBy
* description
* displayName
* language
* lastUpdateLogin
* sourceLang
* createdBy
* creationDate
* lastUpdateDate


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* securityPrivilegeId
* zdSync
* classificationCode
* actionName
* createdBy
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* lastUpdateDate
* objectId
* creationDate
* attrGroupId
* enableKeyAttributes


 * lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdatedBy
* zdEditionName
* functionId
* sequence
* securityPrivilegeId
* zdSync
* classificationCode
* actionName
* createdBy
* actionId
* lastUpdateDate
* objectId
* creationDate
* attrGroupId
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* zdSync
* actionId
* lastUpdateDate
* createdBy
* creationDate
* dataLevelId
* lastUpdateLogin


 * zdEditionName
* lastUpdatedBy
* visibilityFlag
* zdSync
* actionId
* lastUpdateDate
* createdBy
* creationDate
* dataLevelId
* lastUpdateLogin


 * actionId
* lastUpdateLogin
* zdSync
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* description
* language
* createdBy
* sourceLang
* creationDate
* zdEditionName


 * actionId
* lastUpdateLogin
* zdSync
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* description
* language
* createdBy
* sourceLang
* creationDate
* zdEditionName


 * actionId
* actionGroupId
* createdBy
* sequence
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* creationDate


 * actionId
* actionGroupId
* createdBy
* sequence
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* creationDate


 * attribute3
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* attribute7
* mfgPartNum
* organizationId
* manufacturerId
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* attribute2
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* transactionType
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* requestId
* attribute4
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* attribute1
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* lastUpdateLogin
* dataSetId
* changeId
* progIntNum3


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* attribute7
* mfgPartNum
* organizationId
* manufacturerId
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* attribute8
* attribute15
* progIntChar2
* progIntNum4
* progIntNum2
* startDate
* approvalStatusMeaning
* processFlag
* attribute5
* description
* attribute2
* attribute11
* lastUpdateDate
* transactionType
* attribute9
* inventoryItemId
* requestId
* attribute4
* programApplicationId
* createdBy
* approvalStatus
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* sourceSystemReference
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* firstArticleStatus
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* itemNumber
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* firstArticleStatusMeaning
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* lastUpdateLogin
* dataSetId
* changeId
* progIntNum3


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* searchFlag
* flexValueSetName
* programUpdateDate
* viewInHierarchyCode
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* displayName
* enabledFlag
* dataType
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* transactionType
* readOnlyFlag
* concatenationDescriptionLen
* requestId
* setProcessId
* info1
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* lastUpdatedBy
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* attributeCode
* controlLevel
* applicationId
* sequence
* displayCode
* createdBy
* lastUpdateDate
* programApplicationId
* creationDate
* flexValueSetId
* customizationLevel
* attrGroupType
* transactionId
* defaultValue
* programId
* uniqueKeyFlag
* uomClass
* description


 * applicationColumnName
* attrGroupName
* lastUpdateLogin
* processStatus
* internalName
* attrGroupId
* searchFlag
* flexValueSetName
* programUpdateDate
* viewInHierarchyCode
* securityEnabledFlag
* attrId
* displayName
* enabledFlag
* dataType
* maximumDescriptionLen
* transactionType
* readOnlyFlag
* concatenationDescriptionLen
* requestId
* setProcessId
* info1
* requiredFlag
* lastUpdatedBy
* editInHierarchyCode
* attributeCode
* controlLevel
* applicationId
* sequence
* displayCode
* createdBy
* lastUpdateDate
* programApplicationId
* creationDate
* flexValueSetId
* customizationLevel
* attrGroupType
* transactionId
* defaultValue
* programId
* uniqueKeyFlag
* uomClass
* description


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* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* raisePreEvent
* defaulting
* zdEditionName
* dataLevelId
* viewPrivilegeId
* raisePostEvent
* zdSync
* lastUpdateDate
* attrGroupId
* creationDate
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* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* raisePreEvent
* defaulting
* zdEditionName
* dataLevelId
* viewPrivilegeId
* raisePostEvent
* zdSync
* lastUpdateDate
* attrGroupId
* creationDate
* createdBy


 * userEditPrivName
* defaulting
* businessEventFlag
* lastUpdateDate
* preBusinessEventFlag
* programId
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* attrGroupName
* viewPrivilegeId
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* defaultingName
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* lastUpdateLogin
* userViewPrivName
* transactionType
* processStatus
* editPrivilegeId
* transactionId
* programUpdateDate
* createdBy
* programApplicationId
* lastUpdatedBy
* applicationId
* dataLevelName
* editPrivilegeName
* setProcessId
* attrGroupType


 * userEditPrivName
* defaulting
* businessEventFlag
* lastUpdateDate
* preBusinessEventFlag
* programId
* requestId
* attrGroupId
* viewPrivilegeName
* attrGroupName
* viewPrivilegeId
* dataLevelId
* defaultingName
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* userViewPrivName
* transactionType
* processStatus
* editPrivilegeId
* transactionId
* programUpdateDate
* createdBy
* programApplicationId
* lastUpdatedBy
* applicationId
* dataLevelName
* editPrivilegeName
* setProcessId
* attrGroupType


 * numOfRows
* transactionType
* variant
* transactionId
* lastUpdateLogin
* numOfCols
* attrGroupDispName
* multiRow
* programUpdateDate
* processStatus
* attrGroupType
* creationDate
* description
* owningPartyId
* requestId
* programId
* attrGroupId
* setProcessId
* createdBy
* owningParty
* attrGroupName
* programApplicationId
* applicationId
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy


 * numOfRows
* transactionType
* variant
* transactionId
* lastUpdateLogin
* numOfCols
* attrGroupDispName
* multiRow
* programUpdateDate
* processStatus
* attrGroupType
* creationDate
* description
* owningPartyId
* requestId
* programId
* attrGroupId
* setProcessId
* createdBy
* owningParty
* attrGroupName
* programApplicationId
* applicationId
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy


 * processStatus
* creationDate
* itemCatalogGroupId
* requestId
* programUpdateDate
* createdBy
* itemCatalogName
* lastUpdatedBy
* dataLevelId
* programApplicationId
* associationId
* setProcessId
* transactionId
* attrGroupId
* dataLevel
* attrGroupName
* transactionType
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* programId


 * processStatus
* creationDate
* itemCatalogGroupId
* requestId
* programUpdateDate
* createdBy
* itemCatalogName
* lastUpdatedBy
* dataLevelId
* programApplicationId
* associationId
* setProcessId
* transactionId
* attrGroupId
* dataLevel
* attrGroupName
* transactionType
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* programId


 * lastUpdatedBy
* creationDate
* createdBy
* sourceSystemId
* pdhTransformationXslt
* lastUpdateDate
* attrMappingId
* pdhExternalXslt
* lastUpdateLogin
* externalSystemXsd
* attrMappingDescription
* attrMappingName
* mappingProcess


 * lastUpdatedBy
* creationDate
* createdBy
* sourceSystemId
* pdhTransformationXslt
* lastUpdateDate
* attrMappingId
* pdhExternalXslt
* lastUpdateLogin
* externalSystemXsd
* attrMappingDescription
* attrMappingName
* mappingProcess


 * creationDate
* attrMappingId
* pk2Value
* pk1Value
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* defaultUom
* attrId
* createdBy
* attributeName
* attrGroupId
* pk4Value
* pk5Value
* sourceAttributeName
* attrMappingRowId
* pk3Value
* lastUpdatedBy
* extAttrDataType


 * creationDate
* attrMappingId
* pk2Value
* pk1Value
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* defaultUom
* attrId
* createdBy
* attributeName
* attrGroupId
* pk4Value
* pk5Value
* sourceAttributeName
* attrMappingRowId
* pk3Value
* lastUpdatedBy
* extAttrDataType


 * cIntfAttr243
* cIntfAttr115
* uomIntfAttr135
* uomIntfAttr51
* uomIntfAttr111
* cIntfAttr239
* nIntfAttr144
* description3
* cIntfAttr229
* uomIntfAttr120
* nIntfAttr130
* uomIntfAttr41
* uomIntfAttr9
* uomIntfAttr180
* cIntfAttr199
* nIntfAttr124
* dIntfAttr3
* uomIntfAttr16
* nIntfAttr68
* nIntfAttr143
* cIntfAttr54
* cIntfAttr230
* nIntfAttr40
* uomIntfAttr37
* uomIntfAttr63
* cIntfAttr19
* cIntfAttr133
* uomIntfAttr72
* cIntfAttr162
* cIntfAttr5
* uomIntfAttr106
* cIntfAttr3
* cIntfAttr136
* uomIntfAttr24
* uomIntfAttr95
* uomIntfAttr153
* cIntfAttr171
* nIntfAttr186
* instancePk1Value
* cIntfAttr160
* cIntfAttr226
* nIntfAttr96
* cFixColumn13
* cIntfAttr13
* cIntfAttr46
* nIntfAttr63
* uomIntfAttr42
* uomIntfAttr119
* cIntfAttr97
* cIntfAttr207
* nIntfAttr182
* cIntfAttr87
* cFixColumn8
* cIntfAttr222
* cIntfAttr223
* nIntfAttr162
* uomIntfAttr52
* nIntfAttr129
* nIntfAttr107
* uomIntfAttr3
* cIntfAttr212
* cIntfAttr78
* nIntfAttr138
* uomIntfAttr150
* nIntfAttr72
* dIntfAttr6
* nIntfAttr169
* nIntfAttr32
* cIntfAttr57
* uomIntfAttr117
* uomIntfAttr94
* nIntfAttr17
* cIntfAttr155
* uomIntfAttr122
* cIntfAttr213
* uomIntfAttr170
* cIntfAttr61
* uomIntfAttr11
* nIntfAttr59
* nIntfAttr156
* nIntfAttr106
* cIntfAttr179
* cIntfAttr36
* cIntfAttr99
* cIntfAttr32
* dIntfAttr50
* cIntfAttr23
* nIntfAttr147
* uomIntfAttr31
* cFixColumn18
* nIntfAttr27
* nIntfAttr54
* uomIntfAttr8
* nIntfAttr74
* uomIntfAttr80
* cIntfAttr181
* nIntfAttr81
* cFixColumn20
* cIntfAttr103
* nIntfAttr113
* cIntfAttr7
* nIntfAttr80
* uomIntfAttr123
* uomIntfAttr97
* cIntfAttr112
* dIntfAttr20
* dIntfAttr44
* cIntfAttr114
* dIntfAttr16
* nIntfAttr93
* uomIntfAttr114
* uomIntfAttr28
* cIntfAttr69
* cIntfAttr108
* cIntfAttr39
* cIntfAttr4
* nIntfAttr148
* nIntfAttr177
* cIntfAttr123
* cIntfAttr21
* nIntfAttr36
* uomIntfAttr48
* uomIntfAttr160
* uomIntfAttr71
* dIntfAttr35
* uomIntfAttr193
* nIntfAttr160
* uomIntfAttr35
* dIntfAttr42
* uomIntfAttr84
* cIntfAttr42
* cIntfAttr62
* uomIntfAttr87
* nIntfAttr35
* uomIntfAttr163
* uomIntfAttr19
* resultfmtUsageId
* nIntfAttr92
* requestId
* dIntfAttr10
* uomIntfAttr89
* cIntfAttr10
* uomIntfAttr86
* nIntfAttr1
* uomIntfAttr168
* nIntfAttr150
* nIntfAttr101
* nIntfAttr71
* cIntfAttr113
* nIntfAttr105
* uomIntfAttr143
* uomIntfAttr194
* nIntfAttr4
* uomIntfAttr17
* cIntfAttr96
* nIntfAttr192
* nIntfAttr120
* cIntfAttr117
* cIntfAttr94
* cIntfAttr184
* uomIntfAttr172
* uomIntfAttr134
* cIntfAttr245
* cIntfAttr44
* cIntfAttr176
* cIntfAttr24
* cIntfAttr156
* nIntfAttr167
* nIntfAttr191
* cIntfAttr126
* nIntfAttr7
* uomIntfAttr196
* uomIntfAttr33
* uomIntfAttr49
* dIntfAttr22
* nIntfAttr8
* cIntfAttr220
* nIntfAttr194
* cIntfAttr124
* nIntfAttr127
* uomIntfAttr164
* dIntfAttr27
* uomIntfAttr148
* cIntfAttr22
* nIntfAttr110
* cIntfAttr139
* uomIntfAttr157
* cIntfAttr101
* uomIntfAttr142
* cIntfAttr45
* uomIntfAttr6
* nIntfAttr139
* uomIntfAttr34
* cIntfAttr107
* nIntfAttr39
* dIntfAttr40
* nIntfAttr58
* uomIntfAttr85
* dIntfAttr17
* cIntfAttr172
* nIntfAttr44
* uomIntfAttr76
* cIntfAttr104
* uomIntfAttr79
* cIntfAttr15
* cIntfAttr246
* nIntfAttr19
* cIntfAttr1
* cIntfAttr216
* cIntfAttr221
* cIntfAttr52
* cIntfAttr242
* uomIntfAttr152
* cIntfAttr192
* nIntfAttr112
* uomIntfAttr43
* dIntfAttr37
* uomIntfAttr110
* cIntfAttr194
* uomIntfAttr100
* uomIntfAttr88
* cIntfAttr131
* dIntfAttr49
* uomIntfAttr158
* cIntfAttr161
* nIntfAttr51
* uomIntfAttr1
* uomIntfAttr14
* nIntfAttr30
* uomIntfAttr29
* nIntfAttr178
* cIntfAttr151
* cIntfAttr193
* nIntfAttr29
* cFixColumn3
* cIntfAttr82
* cIntfAttr244
* uomIntfAttr161
* cIntfAttr109
* cIntfAttr148
* transactionType
* cIntfAttr142
* cIntfAttr214
* nIntfAttr126
* nIntfAttr159
* cIntfAttr35
* uomIntfAttr65
* uomIntfAttr104
* uomIntfAttr192
* uomIntfAttr55
* cIntfAttr89
* cIntfAttr182
* cIntfAttr177
* nIntfAttr128
* nIntfAttr91
* uomIntfAttr69
* cIntfAttr85
* cIntfAttr237
* uomIntfAttr62
* cIntfAttr210
* uomIntfAttr44
* nIntfAttr49
* uomIntfAttr129
* dIntfAttr4
* dIntfAttr9
* nIntfAttr193
* uomIntfAttr23
* dIntfAttr8
* uomIntfAttr5
* nIntfAttr3
* nIntfAttr158
* dIntfAttr45
* cIntfAttr50
* dIntfAttr33
* nIntfAttr14
* dIntfAttr48
* cIntfAttr77
* cIntfAttr198
* cIntfAttr91
* uomIntfAttr73
* cIntfAttr106
* uomIntfAttr101
* nIntfAttr179
* uomIntfAttr109
* cIntfAttr28
* uomIntfAttr200
* cIntfAttr43
* uomIntfAttr32
* nIntfAttr79
* cIntfAttr159
* cIntfAttr134
* cIntfAttr250
* uomIntfAttr191
* nIntfAttr55
* transactionId
* uomIntfAttr124
* cIntfAttr59
* cIntfAttr197
* cIntfAttr188
* nIntfAttr165
* nIntfAttr102
* uomIntfAttr78
* cIntfAttr204
* nIntfAttr70
* uomIntfAttr102
* cIntfAttr154
* cIntfAttr6
* dIntfAttr11
* uomIntfAttr144
* cFixColumn6
* nIntfAttr136
* cIntfAttr8
* nIntfAttr48
* nIntfAttr161
* cIntfAttr121
* cIntfAttr119
* cIntfAttr225
* uomIntfAttr105
* cIntfAttr189
* cFixColumn4
* dIntfAttr31
* dIntfAttr25
* nIntfAttr163
* programId
* uomIntfAttr140
* cIntfAttr48
* nIntfAttr52
* cIntfAttr122
* nIntfAttr12
* uomIntfAttr18
* cIntfAttr141
* nIntfAttr141
* nIntfAttr90
* uomIntfAttr90
* uomIntfAttr149
* dIntfAttr18
* uomIntfAttr103
* cIntfAttr147
* nIntfAttr89
* cIntfAttr190
* uomIntfAttr107
* cIntfAttr130
* nIntfAttr67
* nIntfAttr85
* uomIntfAttr125
* uomIntfAttr45
* nIntfAttr155
* nIntfAttr38
* nIntfAttr50
* description4
* cIntfAttr68
* uomIntfAttr167
* nIntfAttr94
* uomIntfAttr68
* dIntfAttr29
* uomIntfAttr147
* nIntfAttr61
* instancePk5Value
* cIntfAttr187
* nIntfAttr122
* cIntfAttr149
* cIntfAttr29
* lastUpdateLogin
* dIntfAttr14
* cFixColumn11
* dIntfAttr2
* cFixColumn9
* cIntfAttr26
* nIntfAttr84
* nIntfAttr173
* cIntfAttr168
* cIntfAttr217
* cIntfAttr178
* cIntfAttr90
* uomIntfAttr165
* cIntfAttr37
* nIntfAttr23
* uomIntfAttr58
* uomIntfAttr2
* nIntfAttr16
* cIntfAttr40
* cIntfAttr152
* uomIntfAttr92
* lastUpdateDate
* cIntfAttr41
* uomIntfAttr137
* cIntfAttr60
* nIntfAttr183
* uomIntfAttr177
* uomIntfAttr66
* dIntfAttr19
* cIntfAttr158
* cIntfAttr175
* uomIntfAttr139
* uomIntfAttr175
* dIntfAttr15
* uomIntfAttr145
* uomIntfAttr174
* nIntfAttr73
* cIntfAttr234
* uomIntfAttr53
* nIntfAttr197
* cIntfAttr140
* dIntfAttr13
* dIntfAttr41
* cIntfAttr95
* nIntfAttr97
* uomIntfAttr171
* uomIntfAttr178
* uomIntfAttr146
* cIntfAttr31
* cIntfAttr71
* cIntfAttr116
* dIntfAttr32
* cIntfAttr98
* nIntfAttr57
* cIntfAttr238
* cIntfAttr163
* uomIntfAttr136
* uomIntfAttr30
* cIntfAttr81
* uomIntfAttr38
* cIntfAttr38
* dIntfAttr24
* dIntfAttr43
* uomIntfAttr179
* nIntfAttr28
* nIntfAttr153
* cIntfAttr72
* cIntfAttr86
* cIntfAttr146
* nIntfAttr142
* nIntfAttr131
* cIntfAttr84
* cIntfAttr150
* cFixColumn7
* nIntfAttr43
* nIntfAttr181
* nIntfAttr190
* cFixColumn16
* nIntfAttr152
* nIntfAttr199
* nIntfAttr103
* cIntfAttr118
* nIntfAttr24
* nIntfAttr189
* cIntfAttr51
* nIntfAttr53
* uomIntfAttr13
* nIntfAttr121
* uomIntfAttr151
* uomIntfAttr183
* cFixColumn10
* cIntfAttr16
* uomIntfAttr173
* instancePk3Value
* uomIntfAttr190
* dIntfAttr47
* uomIntfAttr60
* programUpdateDate
* nIntfAttr164
* nIntfAttr10
* cIntfAttr102
* nIntfAttr111
* uomIntfAttr20
* cIntfAttr120
* cIntfAttr218
* uomIntfAttr156
* instancePk4Value
* nIntfAttr176
* cIntfAttr11
* uomIntfAttr77
* uomIntfAttr182
* nIntfAttr175
* cIntfAttr30
* nIntfAttr168
* cIntfAttr67
* cIntfAttr76
* cIntfAttr183
* nIntfAttr98
* cIntfAttr105
* nIntfAttr154
* uomIntfAttr126
* uomIntfAttr96
* nIntfAttr119
* cIntfAttr20
* uomIntfAttr141
* nIntfAttr134
* nIntfAttr180
* nIntfAttr99
* cFixColumn12
* uomIntfAttr81
* nIntfAttr9
* nIntfAttr6
* uomIntfAttr113
* nIntfAttr198
* uomIntfAttr4
* cIntfAttr157
* dIntfAttr34
* nIntfAttr170
* cIntfAttr202
* nIntfAttr187
* uomIntfAttr25
* uomIntfAttr108
* nIntfAttr18
* description1
* uomIntfAttr93
* cIntfAttr167
* nIntfAttr64
* dIntfAttr36
* nIntfAttr60
* nIntfAttr196
* nIntfAttr75
* uomIntfAttr130
* programApplicationId
* nIntfAttr26
* cIntfAttr196
* uomIntfAttr166
* cIntfAttr83
* dIntfAttr38
* uomIntfAttr128
* processStatus
* cIntfAttr232
* uomIntfAttr127
* nIntfAttr108
* nIntfAttr34
* cIntfAttr170
* cFixColumn1
* uomIntfAttr121
* uomIntfAttr70
* cIntfAttr88
* uomIntfAttr99
* creationDate
* cIntfAttr191
* cIntfAttr201
* nIntfAttr104
* cIntfAttr164
* nIntfAttr117
* uomIntfAttr91
* nIntfAttr157
* uomIntfAttr7
* dIntfAttr30
* uomIntfAttr46
* uomIntfAttr40
* cIntfAttr92
* cIntfAttr185
* cIntfAttr248
* uomIntfAttr198
* nIntfAttr83
* cIntfAttr137
* nIntfAttr114
* cIntfAttr145
* cFixColumn2
* uomIntfAttr59
* nIntfAttr37
* nIntfAttr151
* nIntfAttr140
* cIntfAttr64
* nIntfAttr149
* uomIntfAttr98
* nIntfAttr82
* nIntfAttr116
* cIntfAttr18
* uomIntfAttr184
* cIntfAttr233
* uomIntfAttr74
* uomIntfAttr195
* createdBy
* uomIntfAttr39
* uomIntfAttr118
* cIntfAttr56
* cIntfAttr211
* nIntfAttr11
* uomIntfAttr176
* nIntfAttr76
* uomIntfAttr132
* cIntfAttr93
* cIntfAttr58
* dIntfAttr5
* nIntfAttr65
* uomIntfAttr22
* cFixColumn5
* cIntfAttr34
* nIntfAttr200
* cIntfAttr200
* uomIntfAttr181
* cIntfAttr135
* nIntfAttr115
* nIntfAttr87
* nIntfAttr137
* uomIntfAttr169
* nIntfAttr62
* cIntfAttr129
* cIntfAttr27
* nIntfAttr21
* cIntfAttr195
* dIntfAttr12
* uomIntfAttr115
* uomIntfAttr27
* uomIntfAttr154
* cIntfAttr247
* nIntfAttr45
* dIntfAttr23
* cIntfAttr173
* cIntfAttr153
* cIntfAttr55
* cIntfAttr17
* nIntfAttr118
* cIntfAttr2
* uomIntfAttr155
* uomIntfAttr75
* cIntfAttr47
* nIntfAttr42
* nIntfAttr171
* uomIntfAttr36
* uomIntfAttr56
* cIntfAttr180
* cIntfAttr205
* dIntfAttr46
* nIntfAttr47
* cIntfAttr209
* cIntfAttr100
* cIntfAttr219
* dIntfAttr21
* cIntfAttr66
* cIntfAttr215
* cIntfAttr49
* cIntfAttr143
* cIntfAttr80
* cIntfAttr206
* cFixColumn14
* dIntfAttr39
* uomIntfAttr82
* cIntfAttr249
* cIntfAttr73
* uomIntfAttr187
* description2
* cIntfAttr75
* nIntfAttr22
* cIntfAttr224
* nIntfAttr100
* uomIntfAttr133
* cIntfAttr203
* uomIntfAttr159
* uomIntfAttr64
* uomIntfAttr61
* uomIntfAttr185
* nIntfAttr109
* uomIntfAttr138
* uomIntfAttr10
* uomIntfAttr83
* nIntfAttr184
* nIntfAttr77
* nIntfAttr41
* dIntfAttr7
* cIntfAttr53
* cIntfAttr74
* cIntfAttr144
* cIntfAttr208
* nIntfAttr20
* uomIntfAttr12
* nIntfAttr145
* nIntfAttr78
* nIntfAttr88
* cIntfAttr33
* dIntfAttr1
* cIntfAttr138
* uomIntfAttr189
* cIntfAttr9
* uomIntfAttr15
* nIntfAttr66
* nIntfAttr125
* instancePk2Value
* nIntfAttr146
* uomIntfAttr162
* cIntfAttr79
* nIntfAttr132
* uomIntfAttr131
* uomIntfAttr26
* nIntfAttr2
* cIntfAttr12
* lastUpdatedBy
* nIntfAttr46
* nIntfAttr25
* cIntfAttr236
* nIntfAttr56
* uomIntfAttr197
* cIntfAttr165
* cFixColumn17
* uomIntfAttr54
* nIntfAttr31
* nIntfAttr33
* uomIntfAttr116
* nIntfAttr133
* uomIntfAttr186
* nIntfAttr166
* uomIntfAttr112
* cIntfAttr110
* uomIntfAttr67
* uomIntfAttr199
* cIntfAttr14
* nIntfAttr95
* uomIntfAttr57
* cIntfAttr166
* dIntfAttr28
* nIntfAttr135
* uomIntfAttr50
* cIntfAttr169
* cIntfAttr228
* cIntfAttr174
* uomIntfAttr188
* cIntfAttr231
* cIntfAttr25
* cIntfAttr128
* nIntfAttr195
* cFixColumn19
* nIntfAttr174
* cFixColumn15
* uomIntfAttr21
* cIntfAttr63
* cIntfAttr70
* cIntfAttr127
* nIntfAttr5
* nIntfAttr172
* uomIntfAttr47
* cIntfAttr65
* nIntfAttr69
* nIntfAttr123
* nIntfAttr188
* cIntfAttr227
* cIntfAttr132
* cIntfAttr240
* nIntfAttr13
* dIntfAttr26
* cIntfAttr111
* cIntfAttr186
* nIntfAttr15
* nIntfAttr185
* cIntfAttr235
* cIntfAttr241
* cIntfAttr125
* nIntfAttr86


 * cIntfAttr243
* cIntfAttr115
* uomIntfAttr135
* uomIntfAttr51
* uomIntfAttr111
* cIntfAttr239
* nIntfAttr144
* description3
* cIntfAttr229
* uomIntfAttr120
* nIntfAttr130
* uomIntfAttr41
* uomIntfAttr9
* uomIntfAttr180
* cIntfAttr199
* nIntfAttr124
* dIntfAttr3
* uomIntfAttr16
* nIntfAttr68
* nIntfAttr143
* cIntfAttr54
* cIntfAttr230
* nIntfAttr40
* uomIntfAttr37
* uomIntfAttr63
* cIntfAttr19
* cIntfAttr133
* uomIntfAttr72
* cIntfAttr162
* cIntfAttr5
* uomIntfAttr106
* cIntfAttr3
* cIntfAttr136
* uomIntfAttr24
* uomIntfAttr95
* uomIntfAttr153
* cIntfAttr171
* nIntfAttr186
* instancePk1Value
* cIntfAttr160
* cIntfAttr226
* nIntfAttr96
* cFixColumn13
* cIntfAttr13
* cIntfAttr46
* nIntfAttr63
* uomIntfAttr42
* uomIntfAttr119
* cIntfAttr97
* cIntfAttr207
* nIntfAttr182
* cIntfAttr87
* cFixColumn8
* cIntfAttr222
* cIntfAttr223
* nIntfAttr162
* uomIntfAttr52
* nIntfAttr129
* nIntfAttr107
* uomIntfAttr3
* cIntfAttr212
* cIntfAttr78
* nIntfAttr138
* uomIntfAttr150
* nIntfAttr72
* dIntfAttr6
* nIntfAttr169
* nIntfAttr32
* cIntfAttr57
* uomIntfAttr117
* uomIntfAttr94
* nIntfAttr17
* cIntfAttr155
* uomIntfAttr122
* cIntfAttr213
* uomIntfAttr170
* cIntfAttr61
* uomIntfAttr11
* nIntfAttr59
* nIntfAttr156
* nIntfAttr106
* cIntfAttr179
* cIntfAttr36
* cIntfAttr99
* cIntfAttr32
* dIntfAttr50
* cIntfAttr23
* nIntfAttr147
* uomIntfAttr31
* cFixColumn18
* nIntfAttr27
* nIntfAttr54
* uomIntfAttr8
* nIntfAttr74
* uomIntfAttr80
* cIntfAttr181
* nIntfAttr81
* cFixColumn20
* cIntfAttr103
* nIntfAttr113
* cIntfAttr7
* nIntfAttr80
* uomIntfAttr123
* uomIntfAttr97
* cIntfAttr112
* dIntfAttr20
* dIntfAttr44
* cIntfAttr114
* dIntfAttr16
* nIntfAttr93
* uomIntfAttr114
* uomIntfAttr28
* cIntfAttr69
* cIntfAttr108
* cIntfAttr39
* cIntfAttr4
* nIntfAttr148
* nIntfAttr177
* cIntfAttr123
* cIntfAttr21
* nIntfAttr36
* uomIntfAttr48
* uomIntfAttr160
* uomIntfAttr71
* dIntfAttr35
* uomIntfAttr193
* nIntfAttr160
* uomIntfAttr35
* dIntfAttr42
* uomIntfAttr84
* cIntfAttr42
* cIntfAttr62
* uomIntfAttr87
* nIntfAttr35
* uomIntfAttr163
* uomIntfAttr19
* resultfmtUsageId
* nIntfAttr92
* requestId
* dIntfAttr10
* uomIntfAttr89
* cIntfAttr10
* uomIntfAttr86
* nIntfAttr1
* uomIntfAttr168
* nIntfAttr150
* nIntfAttr101
* nIntfAttr71
* cIntfAttr113
* nIntfAttr105
* uomIntfAttr143
* uomIntfAttr194
* nIntfAttr4
* uomIntfAttr17
* cIntfAttr96
* nIntfAttr192
* nIntfAttr120
* cIntfAttr117
* cIntfAttr94
* cIntfAttr184
* uomIntfAttr172
* uomIntfAttr134
* cIntfAttr245
* cIntfAttr44
* cIntfAttr176
* cIntfAttr24
* cIntfAttr156
* nIntfAttr167
* nIntfAttr191
* cIntfAttr126
* nIntfAttr7
* uomIntfAttr196
* uomIntfAttr33
* uomIntfAttr49
* dIntfAttr22
* nIntfAttr8
* cIntfAttr220
* nIntfAttr194
* cIntfAttr124
* nIntfAttr127
* uomIntfAttr164
* dIntfAttr27
* uomIntfAttr148
* cIntfAttr22
* nIntfAttr110
* cIntfAttr139
* uomIntfAttr157
* cIntfAttr101
* uomIntfAttr142
* cIntfAttr45
* uomIntfAttr6
* nIntfAttr139
* uomIntfAttr34
* cIntfAttr107
* nIntfAttr39
* dIntfAttr40
* nIntfAttr58
* uomIntfAttr85
* dIntfAttr17
* cIntfAttr172
* nIntfAttr44
* uomIntfAttr76
* cIntfAttr104
* uomIntfAttr79
* cIntfAttr15
* cIntfAttr246
* nIntfAttr19
* cIntfAttr1
* cIntfAttr216
* cIntfAttr221
* cIntfAttr52
* cIntfAttr242
* uomIntfAttr152
* cIntfAttr192
* nIntfAttr112
* uomIntfAttr43
* dIntfAttr37
* uomIntfAttr110
* cIntfAttr194
* uomIntfAttr100
* uomIntfAttr88
* cIntfAttr131
* dIntfAttr49
* uomIntfAttr158
* cIntfAttr161
* nIntfAttr51
* uomIntfAttr1
* uomIntfAttr14
* nIntfAttr30
* uomIntfAttr29
* nIntfAttr178
* cIntfAttr151
* cIntfAttr193
* nIntfAttr29
* cFixColumn3
* cIntfAttr82
* cIntfAttr244
* uomIntfAttr161
* cIntfAttr109
* cIntfAttr148
* transactionType
* cIntfAttr142
* cIntfAttr214
* nIntfAttr126
* nIntfAttr159
* cIntfAttr35
* uomIntfAttr65
* uomIntfAttr104
* uomIntfAttr192
* uomIntfAttr55
* cIntfAttr89
* cIntfAttr182
* cIntfAttr177
* nIntfAttr128
* nIntfAttr91
* uomIntfAttr69
* cIntfAttr85
* cIntfAttr237
* uomIntfAttr62
* cIntfAttr210
* uomIntfAttr44
* nIntfAttr49
* uomIntfAttr129
* dIntfAttr4
* dIntfAttr9
* nIntfAttr193
* uomIntfAttr23
* dIntfAttr8
* uomIntfAttr5
* nIntfAttr3
* nIntfAttr158
* dIntfAttr45
* cIntfAttr50
* dIntfAttr33
* nIntfAttr14
* dIntfAttr48
* cIntfAttr77
* cIntfAttr198
* cIntfAttr91
* uomIntfAttr73
* cIntfAttr106
* uomIntfAttr101
* nIntfAttr179
* uomIntfAttr109
* cIntfAttr28
* uomIntfAttr200
* cIntfAttr43
* uomIntfAttr32
* nIntfAttr79
* cIntfAttr159
* cIntfAttr134
* cIntfAttr250
* uomIntfAttr191
* nIntfAttr55
* transactionId
* uomIntfAttr124
* cIntfAttr59
* cIntfAttr197
* cIntfAttr188
* nIntfAttr165
* nIntfAttr102
* uomIntfAttr78
* cIntfAttr204
* nIntfAttr70
* uomIntfAttr102
* cIntfAttr154
* cIntfAttr6
* dIntfAttr11
* uomIntfAttr144
* cFixColumn6
* nIntfAttr136
* cIntfAttr8
* nIntfAttr48
* nIntfAttr161
* cIntfAttr121
* cIntfAttr119
* cIntfAttr225
* uomIntfAttr105
* cIntfAttr189
* cFixColumn4
* dIntfAttr31
* dIntfAttr25
* nIntfAttr163
* programId
* uomIntfAttr140
* cIntfAttr48
* nIntfAttr52
* cIntfAttr122
* nIntfAttr12
* uomIntfAttr18
* cIntfAttr141
* nIntfAttr141
* nIntfAttr90
* uomIntfAttr90
* uomIntfAttr149
* dIntfAttr18
* uomIntfAttr103
* cIntfAttr147
* nIntfAttr89
* cIntfAttr190
* uomIntfAttr107
* cIntfAttr130
* nIntfAttr67
* nIntfAttr85
* uomIntfAttr125
* uomIntfAttr45
* nIntfAttr155
* nIntfAttr38
* nIntfAttr50
* description4
* cIntfAttr68
* uomIntfAttr167
* nIntfAttr94
* uomIntfAttr68
* dIntfAttr29
* uomIntfAttr147
* nIntfAttr61
* instancePk5Value
* cIntfAttr187
* nIntfAttr122
* cIntfAttr149
* cIntfAttr29
* lastUpdateLogin
* dIntfAttr14
* cFixColumn11
* dIntfAttr2
* cFixColumn9
* cIntfAttr26
* nIntfAttr84
* nIntfAttr173
* cIntfAttr168
* cIntfAttr217
* cIntfAttr178
* cIntfAttr90
* uomIntfAttr165
* cIntfAttr37
* nIntfAttr23
* uomIntfAttr58
* uomIntfAttr2
* nIntfAttr16
* cIntfAttr40
* cIntfAttr152
* uomIntfAttr92
* lastUpdateDate
* cIntfAttr41
* uomIntfAttr137
* cIntfAttr60
* nIntfAttr183
* uomIntfAttr177
* uomIntfAttr66
* dIntfAttr19
* cIntfAttr158
* cIntfAttr175
* uomIntfAttr139
* uomIntfAttr175
* dIntfAttr15
* uomIntfAttr145
* uomIntfAttr174
* nIntfAttr73
* cIntfAttr234
* uomIntfAttr53
* nIntfAttr197
* cIntfAttr140
* dIntfAttr13
* dIntfAttr41
* cIntfAttr95
* nIntfAttr97
* uomIntfAttr171
* uomIntfAttr178
* uomIntfAttr146
* cIntfAttr31
* cIntfAttr71
* cIntfAttr116
* dIntfAttr32
* cIntfAttr98
* nIntfAttr57
* cIntfAttr238
* cIntfAttr163
* uomIntfAttr136
* uomIntfAttr30
* cIntfAttr81
* uomIntfAttr38
* cIntfAttr38
* dIntfAttr24
* dIntfAttr43
* uomIntfAttr179
* nIntfAttr28
* nIntfAttr153
* cIntfAttr72
* cIntfAttr86
* cIntfAttr146
* nIntfAttr142
* nIntfAttr131
* cIntfAttr84
* cIntfAttr150
* cFixColumn7
* nIntfAttr43
* nIntfAttr181
* nIntfAttr190
* cFixColumn16
* nIntfAttr152
* nIntfAttr199
* nIntfAttr103
* cIntfAttr118
* nIntfAttr24
* nIntfAttr189
* cIntfAttr51
* nIntfAttr53
* uomIntfAttr13
* nIntfAttr121
* uomIntfAttr151
* uomIntfAttr183
* cFixColumn10
* cIntfAttr16
* uomIntfAttr173
* instancePk3Value
* uomIntfAttr190
* dIntfAttr47
* uomIntfAttr60
* programUpdateDate
* nIntfAttr164
* nIntfAttr10
* cIntfAttr102
* nIntfAttr111
* uomIntfAttr20
* cIntfAttr120
* cIntfAttr218
* uomIntfAttr156
* instancePk4Value
* nIntfAttr176
* cIntfAttr11
* uomIntfAttr77
* uomIntfAttr182
* nIntfAttr175
* cIntfAttr30
* nIntfAttr168
* cIntfAttr67
* cIntfAttr76
* cIntfAttr183
* nIntfAttr98
* cIntfAttr105
* nIntfAttr154
* uomIntfAttr126
* uomIntfAttr96
* nIntfAttr119
* cIntfAttr20
* uomIntfAttr141
* nIntfAttr134
* nIntfAttr180
* nIntfAttr99
* cFixColumn12
* uomIntfAttr81
* nIntfAttr9
* nIntfAttr6
* uomIntfAttr113
* nIntfAttr198
* uomIntfAttr4
* cIntfAttr157
* dIntfAttr34
* nIntfAttr170
* cIntfAttr202
* nIntfAttr187
* uomIntfAttr25
* uomIntfAttr108
* nIntfAttr18
* description1
* uomIntfAttr93
* cIntfAttr167
* nIntfAttr64
* dIntfAttr36
* nIntfAttr60
* nIntfAttr196
* nIntfAttr75
* uomIntfAttr130
* programApplicationId
* nIntfAttr26
* cIntfAttr196
* uomIntfAttr166
* cIntfAttr83
* dIntfAttr38
* uomIntfAttr128
* processStatus
* cIntfAttr232
* uomIntfAttr127
* nIntfAttr108
* nIntfAttr34
* cIntfAttr170
* cFixColumn1
* uomIntfAttr121
* uomIntfAttr70
* cIntfAttr88
* uomIntfAttr99
* creationDate
* cIntfAttr191
* cIntfAttr201
* nIntfAttr104
* cIntfAttr164
* nIntfAttr117
* uomIntfAttr91
* nIntfAttr157
* uomIntfAttr7
* dIntfAttr30
* uomIntfAttr46
* uomIntfAttr40
* cIntfAttr92
* cIntfAttr185
* cIntfAttr248
* uomIntfAttr198
* nIntfAttr83
* cIntfAttr137
* nIntfAttr114
* cIntfAttr145
* cFixColumn2
* uomIntfAttr59
* nIntfAttr37
* nIntfAttr151
* nIntfAttr140
* cIntfAttr64
* nIntfAttr149
* uomIntfAttr98
* nIntfAttr82
* nIntfAttr116
* cIntfAttr18
* uomIntfAttr184
* cIntfAttr233
* uomIntfAttr74
* uomIntfAttr195
* createdBy
* uomIntfAttr39
* uomIntfAttr118
* cIntfAttr56
* cIntfAttr211
* nIntfAttr11
* uomIntfAttr176
* nIntfAttr76
* uomIntfAttr132
* cIntfAttr93
* cIntfAttr58
* dIntfAttr5
* nIntfAttr65
* uomIntfAttr22
* cFixColumn5
* cIntfAttr34
* nIntfAttr200
* cIntfAttr200
* uomIntfAttr181
* cIntfAttr135
* nIntfAttr115
* nIntfAttr87
* nIntfAttr137
* uomIntfAttr169
* nIntfAttr62
* cIntfAttr129
* cIntfAttr27
* nIntfAttr21
* cIntfAttr195
* dIntfAttr12
* uomIntfAttr115
* uomIntfAttr27
* uomIntfAttr154
* cIntfAttr247
* nIntfAttr45
* dIntfAttr23
* cIntfAttr173
* cIntfAttr153
* cIntfAttr55
* cIntfAttr17
* nIntfAttr118
* cIntfAttr2
* uomIntfAttr155
* uomIntfAttr75
* cIntfAttr47
* nIntfAttr42
* nIntfAttr171
* uomIntfAttr36
* uomIntfAttr56
* cIntfAttr180
* cIntfAttr205
* dIntfAttr46
* nIntfAttr47
* cIntfAttr209
* cIntfAttr100
* cIntfAttr219
* dIntfAttr21
* cIntfAttr66
* cIntfAttr215
* cIntfAttr49
* cIntfAttr143
* cIntfAttr80
* cIntfAttr206
* cFixColumn14
* dIntfAttr39
* uomIntfAttr82
* cIntfAttr249
* cIntfAttr73
* uomIntfAttr187
* description2
* cIntfAttr75
* nIntfAttr22
* cIntfAttr224
* nIntfAttr100
* uomIntfAttr133
* cIntfAttr203
* uomIntfAttr159
* uomIntfAttr64
* uomIntfAttr61
* uomIntfAttr185
* nIntfAttr109
* uomIntfAttr138
* uomIntfAttr10
* uomIntfAttr83
* nIntfAttr184
* nIntfAttr77
* nIntfAttr41
* dIntfAttr7
* cIntfAttr53
* cIntfAttr74
* cIntfAttr144
* cIntfAttr208
* nIntfAttr20
* uomIntfAttr12
* nIntfAttr145
* nIntfAttr78
* nIntfAttr88
* cIntfAttr33
* dIntfAttr1
* cIntfAttr138
* uomIntfAttr189
* cIntfAttr9
* uomIntfAttr15
* nIntfAttr66
* nIntfAttr125
* instancePk2Value
* nIntfAttr146
* uomIntfAttr162
* cIntfAttr79
* nIntfAttr132
* uomIntfAttr131
* uomIntfAttr26
* nIntfAttr2
* cIntfAttr12
* lastUpdatedBy
* nIntfAttr46
* nIntfAttr25
* cIntfAttr236
* nIntfAttr56
* uomIntfAttr197
* cIntfAttr165
* cFixColumn17
* uomIntfAttr54
* nIntfAttr31
* nIntfAttr33
* uomIntfAttr116
* nIntfAttr133
* uomIntfAttr186
* nIntfAttr166
* uomIntfAttr112
* cIntfAttr110
* uomIntfAttr67
* uomIntfAttr199
* cIntfAttr14
* nIntfAttr95
* uomIntfAttr57
* cIntfAttr166
* dIntfAttr28
* nIntfAttr135
* uomIntfAttr50
* cIntfAttr169
* cIntfAttr228
* cIntfAttr174
* uomIntfAttr188
* cIntfAttr231
* cIntfAttr25
* cIntfAttr128
* nIntfAttr195
* cFixColumn19
* nIntfAttr174
* cFixColumn15
* uomIntfAttr21
* cIntfAttr63
* cIntfAttr70
* cIntfAttr127
* nIntfAttr5
* nIntfAttr172
* uomIntfAttr47
* cIntfAttr65
* nIntfAttr69
* nIntfAttr123
* nIntfAttr188
* cIntfAttr227
* cIntfAttr132
* cIntfAttr240
* nIntfAttr13
* dIntfAttr26
* cIntfAttr111
* cIntfAttr186
* nIntfAttr15
* nIntfAttr185
* cIntfAttr235
* cIntfAttr241
* cIntfAttr125
* nIntfAttr86


 * inventoryItemId
* invokeDate
* organizationId
* catalogId
* eventPayload
* sequenceId
* businessEventName
* categoryId


 * inventoryItemId
* invokeDate
* organizationId
* catalogId
* eventPayload
* sequenceId
* businessEventName
* categoryId


 * preferenceLevel
* creationDate
* lastUpdateDate
* createdBy
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* catalogGroupId
* manufacturerId


 * preferenceLevel
* creationDate
* lastUpdateDate
* createdBy
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* catalogGroupId
* manufacturerId


 * creationDate
* templateId
* lastUpdateLogin
* catalogGroupId
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateDate
* createdBy


 * creationDate
* templateId
* lastUpdateLogin
* catalogGroupId
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateDate
* createdBy


 * templateId
* defaultFlag
* lastUpdatedBy
* createdBy
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* catalogGroupId
* creationDate


 * templateId
* defaultFlag
* lastUpdatedBy
* createdBy
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* catalogGroupId
* creationDate


 * lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* catgMapId
* createdBy
* zdEditionName
* lastUpdateLogin
* sourceCatgId
* creationDate
* zdSync
* targetCatgId


 * lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* catgMapId
* createdBy
* zdEditionName
* lastUpdateLogin
* sourceCatgId
* creationDate
* zdSync
* targetCatgId


 * lastUpdatedBy
* targetCatgSetId
* sourceCatgSetId
* createdBy
* creationDate
* lastUpdateDate
* catgMapId
* enabledFlag
* lastUpdateLogin
* zdEditionName
* zdSync


 * lastUpdatedBy
* targetCatgSetId
* sourceCatgSetId
* createdBy
* creationDate
* lastUpdateDate
* catgMapId
* enabledFlag
* lastUpdateLogin
* zdEditionName
* zdSync


 * lastUpdateLogin
* zdEditionName
* catgMapDesc
* lastUpdatedBy
* language
* creationDate
* zdSync
* createdBy
* catgMapName
* catgMapId
* sourceLang
* lastUpdateDate


 * lastUpdateLogin
* zdEditionName
* catgMapDesc
* lastUpdatedBy
* language
* creationDate
* zdSync
* createdBy
* catgMapName
* catgMapId
* sourceLang
* lastUpdateDate


 * fuzzy
* regionApplicationId
* synonyms
* customizationApplicationId
* matchCondition
* regionCode
* useKeywordSearch
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* zdSync
* customizationCode
* zdEditionName
* lastUpdatedDate
* attributeCode
* sequenceNumber
* stemming
* creationDate
* attributeApplicationId
* createdBy


 * fuzzy
* regionApplicationId
* synonyms
* customizationApplicationId
* matchCondition
* regionCode
* useKeywordSearch
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* zdSync
* customizationCode
* zdEditionName
* lastUpdatedDate
* attributeCode
* sequenceNumber
* stemming
* creationDate
* attributeApplicationId
* createdBy


 * zdSync
* classification2
* rfCustomizationCode
* rfCustomizationApplId
* rfRegionApplicationId
* classification3
* lastUpdateDate
* classification1#1
* classification3#1
* zdEditionName
* customizationApplicationId
* lastUpdatedBy
* creationDate
* regionCode
* customizationCode
* rfRegionCode
* lastUpdateLogin
* classification2#1
* createdBy
* regionApplicationId
* classification1


 * zdSync
* classification2
* rfCustomizationCode
* rfCustomizationApplId
* rfRegionApplicationId
* classification3
* lastUpdateDate
* classification1#1
* classification3#1
* zdEditionName
* customizationApplicationId
* lastUpdatedBy
* creationDate
* regionCode
* customizationCode
* rfRegionCode
* lastUpdateLogin
* classification2#1
* createdBy
* regionApplicationId
* classification1


 * customizationCode
* createdBy
* regionApplicationId
* rfCustomizationApplId
* customizationApplicationId
* rfRegionCode
* rfRegionApplicationId
* rfCustomizationCode
* creationDate
* rfTag
* lastUpdatedBy
* regionCode
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin


 * customizationCode
* createdBy
* regionApplicationId
* rfCustomizationApplId
* customizationApplicationId
* rfRegionCode
* rfRegionApplicationId
* rfCustomizationCode
* creationDate
* rfTag
* lastUpdatedBy
* regionCode
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin


 * lastUpdateDate
* pk3ColumnType
* zdEditionName
* pk2ColumnName
* lastUpdateLogin
* applicationId
* enablePostEvent
* enableEditPriv
* pk1ColumnType
* pk3ColumnName
* enablePreEvent
* dataLevelName
* pk1ColumnName
* pk5ColumnType
* creationDate
* enableViewPriv
* enableDefaulting
* createdBy
* pk4ColumnName
* zdSync
* pk5ColumnName
* pk4ColumnType
* dataLevelId
* pk2ColumnType
* attrGroupType
* lastUpdatedBy


 * lastUpdateDate
* pk3ColumnType
* zdEditionName
* pk2ColumnName
* lastUpdateLogin
* applicationId
* enablePostEvent
* enableEditPriv
* pk1ColumnType
* pk3ColumnName
* enablePreEvent
* dataLevelName
* pk1ColumnName
* pk5ColumnType
* creationDate
* enableViewPriv
* enableDefaulting
* createdBy
* pk4ColumnName
* zdSync
* pk5ColumnName
* pk4ColumnType
* dataLevelId
* pk2ColumnType
* attrGroupType
* lastUpdatedBy


 * language
* zdSync
* sourceLang
* zdEditionName
* userDataLevelName
* creationDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* dataLevelId
* createdBy
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin


 * language
* zdSync
* sourceLang
* zdEditionName
* userDataLevelName
* creationDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* dataLevelId
* createdBy
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin


 * lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* zdEditionName
* zdSync
* creationDate
* optionCode
* createdBy
* lastUpdateDate
* optionValue
* description


 * lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* zdEditionName
* zdSync
* creationDate
* optionCode
* createdBy
* lastUpdateDate
* optionValue
* description


 * eventId
* organizationId
* inventoryItemId


 * eventId
* organizationId
* inventoryItemId


 * pk5Value
* createdBy
* pk2Value
* associationId
* entityType
* pk3Value
* pk4Value
* orgId
* creationDate
* systemCode
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdatedBy
* pk1Value


 * pk5Value
* createdBy
* pk2Value
* associationId
* entityType
* pk3Value
* pk4Value
* orgId
* creationDate
* systemCode
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdatedBy
* pk1Value


 * lastUpdatedBy
* creationDate
* extAttributeName
* extUomName
* extAttrDataType
* defaultUom
* lastUpdateDate
* externalElementId
* sourceSystemId
* elementType
* createdBy
* lastUpdateLogin


 * lastUpdatedBy
* creationDate
* extAttributeName
* extUomName
* extAttrDataType
* defaultUom
* lastUpdateDate
* externalElementId
* sourceSystemId
* elementType
* createdBy
* lastUpdateLogin


 * dispSequence
* valueSetName
* transactionId
* flexValue
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdateDate
* valueSetId
* programApplicationId
* processStatus
* creationDate
* startActiveDate
* versionSeqId
* flexValueId
* enabledFlag
* transactionType
* setProcessId
* createdBy
* endActiveDate
* programUpdateDate
* programId
* requestId


 * dispSequence
* valueSetName
* transactionId
* flexValue
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdateDate
* valueSetId
* programApplicationId
* processStatus
* creationDate
* startActiveDate
* versionSeqId
* flexValueId
* enabledFlag
* transactionType
* setProcessId
* createdBy
* endActiveDate
* programUpdateDate
* programId
* requestId


 * applicationTableName
* longlistFlag
* transactionType
* idColumnName
* maximumValue
* creationDate
* versionSeqId
* programId
* requestId
* meaningColumnName
* minimumValue
* createdBy
* meaningColumnSize
* validationType
* valueSetId
* lastUpdateLogin
* description
* processStatus
* meaningColumnType
* lastUpdateDate
* maximumSize
* valueColumnType
* valueSetName
* startActiveDate
* versionDescription
* lastUpdatedBy
* parentValueSetName
* transactionId
* idColumnType
* valueColumnSize
* additionalWhereClause
* idColumnSize
* tableApplicationId
* programApplicationId
* formatType
* valueColumnName
* setProcessId
* programUpdateDate
* endActiveDate


 * applicationTableName
* longlistFlag
* transactionType
* idColumnName
* maximumValue
* creationDate
* versionSeqId
* programId
* requestId
* meaningColumnName
* minimumValue
* createdBy
* meaningColumnSize
* validationType
* valueSetId
* lastUpdateLogin
* description
* processStatus
* meaningColumnType
* lastUpdateDate
* maximumSize
* valueColumnType
* valueSetName
* startActiveDate
* versionDescription
* lastUpdatedBy
* parentValueSetName
* transactionId
* idColumnType
* valueColumnSize
* additionalWhereClause
* idColumnSize
* tableApplicationId
* programApplicationId
* formatType
* valueColumnName
* setProcessId
* programUpdateDate
* endActiveDate


 * programUpdateDate
* flexValue
* valueSetName
* language
* programId
* processStatus
* createdBy
* creationDate
* versionSeqId
* lastUpdateLogin
* transactionId
* setProcessId
* programApplicationId
* valueSetId
* lastUpdatedBy
* description
* requestId
* transactionType
* sourceLang
* flexValueId
* lastUpdateDate
* flexValueMeaning


 * programUpdateDate
* flexValue
* valueSetName
* language
* programId
* processStatus
* createdBy
* creationDate
* versionSeqId
* lastUpdateLogin
* transactionId
* setProcessId
* programApplicationId
* valueSetId
* lastUpdatedBy
* description
* requestId
* transactionType
* sourceLang
* flexValueId
* lastUpdateDate
* flexValueMeaning


 * zdSync
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* sequence
* lastUpdateLogin
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* creationDate
* flexValueSetId
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateDate
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 * zdSync
* createdBy
* sequence
* lastUpdateLogin
* flexValueId
* zdEditionName
* creationDate
* flexValueSetId
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateDate
* versionSeqId


 * versionSeqId
* description
* language
* createdBy
* lastUpdateLogin
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* flexValueId
* zdSync
* lastUpdatedBy
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* lastUpdateDate
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* sourceLang


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* description
* language
* createdBy
* lastUpdateLogin
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* zdSync
* lastUpdatedBy
* flexValueMeaning
* lastUpdateDate
* zdEditionName
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* description
* zdEditionName
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* lastUpdateLogin
* endActiveDate
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* createdBy
* zdSync
* startActiveDate


 * hierarchyNodeQuery
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* createdBy
* businessEventName
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* lastUpdatedBy
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* descriptiveFlexfieldName
* zdSync
* zdEditionName
* lastUpdateLogin
* creationDate
* hierarchyPropagationApi


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* applicationVlName
* createdBy
* businessEventName
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* lastUpdatedBy
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* applicationId
* descriptiveFlexfieldName
* zdSync
* zdEditionName
* lastUpdateLogin
* creationDate
* hierarchyPropagationApi


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* lastUpdateLogin
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* zdEditionName
* descriptiveFlexfieldName
* dataType
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* creationDate
* attributeCode
* descriptiveFlexContextCode
* editInHierarchyCode
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* uniqueKeyFlag
* readOnlyFlag
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* applicationColumnName
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* info1
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* searchFlag
* viewInHierarchyCode
* zdSync


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* createdBy
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* dataType
* customizationLevel
* creationDate
* attributeCode
* descriptiveFlexContextCode
* editInHierarchyCode
* applicationId
* uomClass
* uniqueKeyFlag
* readOnlyFlag
* lastUpdateDate
* applicationColumnName
* lastUpdatedBy
* info1
* attrId
* searchFlag
* viewInHierarchyCode
* zdSync


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* zdEditionName
* descriptiveFlexContextCode
* editPrivilegeId
* lastUpdateDate
* viewPrivilegeId
* owningPartyId
* numOfCols
* multiRow
* variant
* zdSync
* attrGroupId
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* applicationId
* businessEventFlag
* descriptiveFlexfieldName
* creationDate
* createdBy
* agvName
* regionCode


 * securityType
* preBusinessEventFlag
* numOfRows
* zdEditionName
* descriptiveFlexContextCode
* editPrivilegeId
* lastUpdateDate
* viewPrivilegeId
* owningPartyId
* numOfCols
* multiRow
* variant
* zdSync
* attrGroupId
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* applicationId
* businessEventFlag
* descriptiveFlexfieldName
* creationDate
* createdBy
* agvName
* regionCode


 * createdProcess
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdateProcess
* lastUpdatedBy
* flexValueSetId
* createdBy
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 * createdProcess
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdateProcess
* lastUpdatedBy
* flexValueSetId
* createdBy
* lastUpdateDate
* creationDate


 * creationDate
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* zdSync
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* functionId
* zdEditionName
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* dataType
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* createdBy
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* processStatus
* programApplicationId
* createdBy
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* sequence
* dataType
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* funcParamId
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* programId
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* programUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdatedBy
* paramType
* requestId
* functionId
* processStatus
* programApplicationId
* createdBy
* functionInternalName
* sequence
* dataType
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* funcParamId
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* transactionId
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* lastUpdateDate


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* uomParamValueType
* transactionType
* itemCatalogGroupId
* lastUpdateDate
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* lastUpdatedBy
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* mappedUomParameter
* programUpdateDate
* uomParameter
* functionId
* attrGroupId
* transactionId
* attrName
* itemCatalogName
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* requestId
* attrGroupName
* setProcessId
* attrId
* functionName
* programId


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* uomParamValueType
* transactionType
* itemCatalogGroupId
* lastUpdateDate
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* parameterId
* mappedUomParameter
* programUpdateDate
* uomParameter
* functionId
* attrGroupId
* transactionId
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* itemCatalogName
* programApplicationId
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* setProcessId
* attrId
* functionName
* programId


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* zdSync
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* creationDate
* zdSync
* description
* createdBy
* lastUpdateDate
* sourceLang
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* zdSync
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* lastUpdatedBy
* functionType
* zdEditionName
* zdSync
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdateDate
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* functionInfo1
* functionInfo2


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* functionType
* transactionId
* programId
* functionInfo2
* requestId
* programApplicationId
* lastUpdateLogin
* processStatus
* creationDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* createdBy
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* functionInfo1
* functionId
* lastUpdateDate
* transactionType
* programUpdateDate
* internalName
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* functionType
* transactionId
* programId
* functionInfo2
* requestId
* programApplicationId
* lastUpdateLogin
* processStatus
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* createdBy
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* functionInfo1
* functionId
* lastUpdateDate
* transactionType
* programUpdateDate
* internalName
* setProcessId


 * createdBy
* creationDate
* lastUpdatedBy
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* description
* lastUpdateLogin
* functionId
* zdSync
* zdEditionName
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* sourceLang
* description
* lastUpdateLogin
* functionId
* zdSync
* zdEditionName
* language
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* cAttribute2
* lastUpdatedBy
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* creationDate
* cAttribute1
* lastUpdateLogin
* nAttribute1
* lastUpdateDate
* dAttribute1
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 * dAttribute2
* cAttribute2
* lastUpdatedBy
* nAttribute2
* creationDate
* cAttribute1
* lastUpdateLogin
* nAttribute1
* lastUpdateDate
* dAttribute1
* createdBy


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* isbnNumber
* orderQuantityMin
* creationDate
* isTradeItemABaseUnit
* topGtin
* changeId
* isTradeItemInfoPrivate
* isTradeItemIrradiated
* effectiveDate
* isPackMarkedWithGreenDot
* uomPegHorizontal
* uomNetContent
* quantityOfItemInnerPack
* isRawMaterialIrradiated
* lastUpdateLogin
* uomPegVertical
* isTradeItemAVariableUnit
* returnGoodsPolicy
* deliveryToMrktTempMax
* isTradeItemGeneticallyMod
* consumerAvailDateTime
* isPackMarkedWithExpDate
* diameter
* effectiveEndDate
* masterOrgExtensionId
* organizationId
* uomGenericIngredientStrgth
* deliveryToMrktTempMin
* revisionId
* orderingLeadTime
* stackingFactor
* canceledDate
* isTradeItemRecalled
* lastUpdatedBy
* subBrand
* uomStorageHandlingTempMin
* orderQuantityMultiple
* orderSizingFactor
* requestId
* createdBy
* deptOfTrnsprtDangGoodsNum
* uomDelToDistCntrTempMax
* tpNeutralUpdateDate
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* tradeItemDescriptor
* effectiveStartDate
* issnNumber
* suggestedRetailPrice
* nestingIncrement
* catalogPrice
* uomDiameter
* uomStorageHandlingTempMax
* discontinuedDate
* quantityOfInnerPack
* publicationStatus
* inventoryItemId
* targetMarketDesc
* piecesPerTradeItem
* uomDeliveryToMrktTempMin
* securityTagLocation
* isTradeItemMarRecFlag
* uomNestingIncrement
* uomDelToDistCntrTempMin
* hasBatchNumber
* delToDistCntrTempMax
* retailPriceOnTradeItem
* implementationDate
* eanuccCode
* lastUpdateDate
* isNetContentDecFlag
* isPackageMarkedRet
* quanityOfItemInLayer
* extensionId
* uomDrainedWeight
* ingredientStrength
* isBarcodeSymbologyDerivable
* startAvailabilityDateTime
* delToDistCntrTempMin
* netContent
* degreeOfOriginalWort
* grossWeight
* brandName
* uomOrderingLeadTime
* itemCatalogGroupId
* stackingWeightMaximum
* fatPercentInDryMatter
* drainedWeight
* quantityOfCompLayItem
* isOutOfBoxProvided
* acdType
* changeLineId
* tradeItemCoupon
* percentOfAlcoholByVol
* isIngredientIrradiated
* storageHandlingTempMin
* pegHorizontal
* uomDeliveryToMrktTempMax
* storageHandlingTempMax
* urlForWarranty
* endAvailabilityDateTime
* brandOwnerName
* isTradeItemAConsumerUnit
* isPackMarkedWithIngred
* isNonSoldTradeRetFlag
* isPackageMarkedAsRec
* genericIngredientStrgth
* materialSafetyDataSheetNo
* orderQuantityMax
* registrationUpdateDate
* brandOwnerGln
* pegVertical
* uomGrossWeight
* modelNumber
* uomStackingWeightMaximum
* genericIngredient


 * uomPiecesPerTradeItem
* isbnNumber
* orderQuantityMin
* creationDate
* isTradeItemABaseUnit
* topGtin
* changeId
* isTradeItemInfoPrivate
* isTradeItemIrradiated
* effectiveDate
* isPackMarkedWithGreenDot
* uomPegHorizontal
* uomNetContent
* quantityOfItemInnerPack
* isRawMaterialIrradiated
* lastUpdateLogin
* uomPegVertical
* isTradeItemAVariableUnit
* returnGoodsPolicy
* deliveryToMrktTempMax
* isTradeItemGeneticallyMod
* consumerAvailDateTime
* isPackMarkedWithExpDate
* diameter
* effectiveEndDate
* masterOrgExtensionId
* organizationId
* uomGenericIngredientStrgth
* deliveryToMrktTempMin
* revisionId
* orderingLeadTime
* stackingFactor
* canceledDate
* isTradeItemRecalled
* lastUpdatedBy
* subBrand
* uomStorageHandlingTempMin
* orderQuantityMultiple
* orderSizingFactor
* requestId
* createdBy
* deptOfTrnsprtDangGoodsNum
* uomDelToDistCntrTempMax
* tpNeutralUpdateDate
* eanuccType
* tradeItemDescriptor
* effectiveStartDate
* issnNumber
* suggestedRetailPrice
* nestingIncrement
* catalogPrice
* uomDiameter
* uomStorageHandlingTempMax
* discontinuedDate
* quantityOfInnerPack
* publicationStatus
* inventoryItemId
* targetMarketDesc
* piecesPerTradeItem
* uomDeliveryToMrktTempMin
* securityTagLocation
* isTradeItemMarRecFlag
* uomNestingIncrement
* uomDelToDistCntrTempMin
* hasBatchNumber
* delToDistCntrTempMax
* retailPriceOnTradeItem
* implementationDate
* eanuccCode
* lastUpdateDate
* isNetContentDecFlag
* isPackageMarkedRet
* quanityOfItemInLayer
* extensionId
* uomDrainedWeight
* ingredientStrength
* isBarcodeSymbologyDerivable
* startAvailabilityDateTime
* delToDistCntrTempMin
* netContent
* degreeOfOriginalWort
* grossWeight
* brandName
* uomOrderingLeadTime
* itemCatalogGroupId
* stackingWeightMaximum
* fatPercentInDryMatter
* drainedWeight
* quantityOfCompLayItem
* isOutOfBoxProvided
* acdType
* changeLineId
* tradeItemCoupon
* percentOfAlcoholByVol
* isIngredientIrradiated
* storageHandlingTempMin
* pegHorizontal
* uomDeliveryToMrktTempMax
* storageHandlingTempMax
* urlForWarranty
* endAvailabilityDateTime
* brandOwnerName
* isTradeItemAConsumerUnit
* isPackMarkedWithIngred
* isNonSoldTradeRetFlag
* isPackageMarkedAsRec
* genericIngredientStrgth
* materialSafetyDataSheetNo
* orderQuantityMax
* registrationUpdateDate
* brandOwnerGln
* pegVertical
* uomGrossWeight
* modelNumber
* uomStackingWeightMaximum
* genericIngredient


 * language
* sourceLang
* tradeItemFinishDescription
* tradeItemFormDescription
* lastUpdatedBy
* warrantyDescription
* changeId
* itemCatalogGroupId
* invoiceName
* revisionId
* changeLineId
* descriptionShort
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* descriptiveSize
* extensionId
* functionalName
* inventoryItemId
* organizationId
* creationDate
* createdBy
* implementationDate
* acdType


 * language
* sourceLang
* tradeItemFinishDescription
* tradeItemFormDescription
* lastUpdatedBy
* warrantyDescription
* changeId
* itemCatalogGroupId
* invoiceName
* revisionId
* changeLineId
* descriptionShort
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* descriptiveSize
* extensionId
* functionalName
* inventoryItemId
* organizationId
* creationDate
* createdBy
* implementationDate
* acdType


 * attrGroupId
* unitedNationsDangGoodsNo
* inventoryItemId
* creationDate
* uomFlashPointTemp
* dangerousGoodsMarginNumber
* dangerousGoodsRegCode
* changeLineId
* deliveryMethodIndicator
* sizeCodeListAgency
* flashPointTemp
* lastUpdateDate
* implementationDate
* dangerousGoodsHazardousCode
* createdBy
* lastUpdatedBy
* classOfDangerousCode
* sizeCodeValue
* partyReceivingPrivateData
* manufacturerId
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* masterOrgExtensionId
* revisionId
* barCodeType
* colorCodeListAgency
* organizationId
* countryOfOrigin
* changeId
* extensionId
* manufacturerGln
* dangerousGoodsShippingName
* acdType
* itemCatalogGroupId
* dangerousGoodsPackGroup
* lastUpdateLogin
* harmonizedTariffSysIdCode


 * attrGroupId
* unitedNationsDangGoodsNo
* inventoryItemId
* creationDate
* uomFlashPointTemp
* dangerousGoodsMarginNumber
* dangerousGoodsRegCode
* changeLineId
* deliveryMethodIndicator
* sizeCodeListAgency
* flashPointTemp
* lastUpdateDate
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* dangerousGoodsHazardousCode
* createdBy
* lastUpdatedBy
* classOfDangerousCode
* sizeCodeValue
* partyReceivingPrivateData
* manufacturerId
* colorCodeValue
* masterOrgExtensionId
* revisionId
* barCodeType
* colorCodeListAgency
* organizationId
* countryOfOrigin
* changeId
* extensionId
* manufacturerGln
* dangerousGoodsShippingName
* acdType
* itemCatalogGroupId
* dangerousGoodsPackGroup
* lastUpdateLogin
* harmonizedTariffSysIdCode


 * createdBy
* inventoryItemId
* itemCatalogGroupId
* organizationId
* lastUpdateDate
* implementationDate
* revisionId
* extensionId
* lastUpdateLogin
* sourceLang
* creationDate
* changeLineId
* language
* dangerousGoodsTechnicalName
* attrGroupId
* acdType
* changeId
* lastUpdatedBy
* handlingInstructionsCode


 * createdBy
* inventoryItemId
* itemCatalogGroupId
* organizationId
* lastUpdateDate
* implementationDate
* revisionId
* extensionId
* lastUpdateLogin
* sourceLang
* creationDate
* changeLineId
* language
* dangerousGoodsTechnicalName
* attrGroupId
* acdType
* changeId
* lastUpdatedBy
* handlingInstructionsCode


 * setProcessId
* itemCatalogName
* lastUpdateLogin
* createdBy
* lastUpdatedBy
* creationDate
* verSeqId
* programUpdateDate
* processStatus
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* lastUpdateDate
* startDate
* transactionId
* requestId
* programApplicationId
* programId
* transactionType
* itemCatalogGroupId
* description
* endDate


 * setProcessId
* itemCatalogName
* lastUpdateLogin
* createdBy
* lastUpdatedBy
* creationDate
* verSeqId
* programUpdateDate
* processStatus
* verSeqNo
* lastUpdateDate
* startDate
* transactionId
* requestId
* programApplicationId
* programId
* transactionType
* itemCatalogGroupId
* description
* endDate


 * creationDate
* objectVersionNumber
* lastUpdateLogin
* changeId
* createdBy
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateDate
* batchId


 * creationDate
* objectVersionNumber
* lastUpdateLogin
* changeId
* createdBy
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateDate
* batchId


 * objectVersionNumber
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* batchStatus
* batchId
* createdBy
* batchType
* creationDate
* lastMatchRequestId
* organizationId
* assignee
* lastImportRequestId
* sourceSystemId
* lastUpdatedBy


 * objectVersionNumber
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* batchStatus
* batchId
* createdBy
* batchType
* creationDate
* lastMatchRequestId
* organizationId
* assignee
* lastImportRequestId
* sourceSystemId
* lastUpdatedBy


 * creationDate
* objectVersionNumber
* lastUpdatedBy
* createdBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdateDate
* language
* batchId
* name
* description
* sourceLang


 * creationDate
* objectVersionNumber
* lastUpdatedBy
* createdBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdateDate
* language
* batchId
* name
* description
* sourceLang


 * attachCategoryId
* templateSequence
* selectionFlag
* lastUpdateDate
* templateId
* batchId
* createdBy
* attrGroupId
* lastUpdatedBy
* copyOption
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin


 * attachCategoryId
* templateSequence
* selectionFlag
* lastUpdateDate
* templateId
* batchId
* createdBy
* attrGroupId
* lastUpdatedBy
* copyOption
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin


 * lastUpdatedBy
* sourceSystemId
* creationDate
* lastUpdateDate
* objectVersionNumber
* sourceSystemReference
* createdBy
* lastUpdateLogin


 * lastUpdatedBy
* sourceSystemId
* creationDate
* lastUpdateDate
* objectVersionNumber
* sourceSystemReference
* createdBy
* lastUpdateLogin


 * structureName
* changeDescription
* structureEffectivityType
* changeNotice
* applyDefMatchRuleAll
* creationDate
* effectivityDate
* importXrefOnly
* lastUpdatedBy
* fromEndItemUnitNumber
* defMatchRuleCustCode
* optionSetId
* confirmSingleMatch
* changeMgmtTypeCode
* defMatchRuleRnAppId
* defMatchRuleCustAppId
* importOnDataLoad
* revisionImportPolicy
* changeTypeId
* matchOnDataLoad
* addAllToChangeFlag
* objectVersionNumber
* nirOption
* changeOrderCreation
* sourceSystemId
* structureContent
* defMatchRuleRnCode
* changeName
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* createdBy
* structureTypeId
* batchId
* enabledForDataPool
* confirmNoMatch


 * structureName
* changeDescription
* structureEffectivityType
* changeNotice
* applyDefMatchRuleAll
* creationDate
* effectivityDate
* importXrefOnly
* lastUpdatedBy
* fromEndItemUnitNumber
* defMatchRuleCustCode
* optionSetId
* confirmSingleMatch
* changeMgmtTypeCode
* defMatchRuleRnAppId
* defMatchRuleCustAppId
* importOnDataLoad
* revisionImportPolicy
* changeTypeId
* matchOnDataLoad
* addAllToChangeFlag
* objectVersionNumber
* nirOption
* changeOrderCreation
* sourceSystemId
* structureContent
* defMatchRuleRnCode
* changeName
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* createdBy
* structureTypeId
* batchId
* enabledForDataPool
* confirmNoMatch


 * lastUpdatedBy
* supplierSiteId
* createdBy
* supplierId
* lastMessageTimestamp
* creationDate
* inventoryItemId
* lastUpdateLogin
* sourceSystemId
* lastUpdateDate
* dataLevelId
* organizationId


 * lastUpdatedBy
* supplierSiteId
* createdBy
* supplierId
* lastMessageTimestamp
* creationDate
* inventoryItemId
* lastUpdateLogin
* sourceSystemId
* lastUpdateDate
* dataLevelId
* organizationId


 * rulesetId
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* createdBy
* zdSync
* creationDate
* lastUpdateDate
* zdEditionName
* businessentityRowId
* businessEntity


 * rulesetId
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* createdBy
* zdSync
* creationDate
* lastUpdateDate
* zdEditionName
* businessentityRowId
* businessEntity


 * lastUpdatedBy
* inclusionRowId
* creationDate
* rulesetId
* includedRuleset
* zdEditionName
* sequence
* createdBy
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* zdSync


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* inclusionRowId
* creationDate
* rulesetId
* includedRuleset
* zdEditionName
* sequence
* createdBy
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* zdSync


 * columnValue
* createdBy
* processStatus
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdateDate
* columnName
* bundleId
* setProcessId
* creationDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* language
* uniqueId
* tableName


 * columnValue
* createdBy
* processStatus
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdateDate
* columnName
* bundleId
* setProcessId
* creationDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* language
* uniqueId
* tableName


 * pk2Value
* styleItemId
* inventoryItemId
* creationDate
* bundleId
* lastUpdateLogin
* associationId
* styleItemFlag
* transactionType
* dataLevelId
* lastUpdateDate
* supplierNumber
* requestId
* organizationCode
* lastUpdatedBy
* supplierName
* pk3Value
* processFlag
* sourceSystemId
* organizationId
* statusCode
* pk1Value
* dataLevelName
* programUpdateDate
* sourceSystemReference
* supplierSiteName
* itemNumber
* primaryFlag
* pk5Value
* programApplicationId
* programId
* batchId
* transactionId
* createdBy
* pk4Value


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* styleItemId
* inventoryItemId
* creationDate
* bundleId
* lastUpdateLogin
* associationId
* styleItemFlag
* transactionType
* dataLevelId
* lastUpdateDate
* supplierNumber
* requestId
* organizationCode
* lastUpdatedBy
* supplierName
* pk3Value
* processFlag
* sourceSystemId
* organizationId
* statusCode
* pk1Value
* dataLevelName
* programUpdateDate
* sourceSystemReference
* supplierSiteName
* itemNumber
* primaryFlag
* pk5Value
* programApplicationId
* programId
* batchId
* transactionId
* createdBy
* pk4Value


 * childCatalogGroupId
* parentCatalogGroupId


 * childCatalogGroupId
* parentCatalogGroupId


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* orderQuantityMax
* publicationDate
* isTradeItemADespatchUnit
* partySiteId
* lastUpdatedBy
* partyReceivingPrivateData
* inventoryItemId
* lastUpdateLogin
* isTradeItemAnInvoiceUnit
* masterOrganizationId
* extensionId
* endAvailabilityDateTime
* isTradeItemAnOrdUnit
* orderQuantityMin
* startAvailabilityDateTime
* lastUpdateDate
* createdBy
* minTradeItemLifeArr


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* orderQuantityMax
* publicationDate
* isTradeItemADespatchUnit
* partySiteId
* lastUpdatedBy
* partyReceivingPrivateData
* inventoryItemId
* lastUpdateLogin
* isTradeItemAnInvoiceUnit
* masterOrganizationId
* extensionId
* endAvailabilityDateTime
* isTradeItemAnOrdUnit
* orderQuantityMin
* startAvailabilityDateTime
* lastUpdateDate
* createdBy
* minTradeItemLifeArr


 * topGtin
* isTradeItemGeneticallyMod
* uomDelToDistCntrTempMin
* stackingWeightMaximum
* isPackMarkedWithExpDate
* uomStorageHandlingTempMax
* revisionId
* genericIngredientStrgth
* suggestedRetailPrice
* pegHorizontal
* urlForWarranty
* uomNestingIncrement
* consumerAvailDateTime
* targetMarketDesc
* storageHandlingTempMin
* creationDate
* quantityOfCompLayItem
* uomGenericIngredientStrgth
* deliveryToMrktTempMax
* isTradeItemABaseUnit
* discontinuedDate
* delToDistCntrTempMax
* diameter
* quantityOfItemInnerPack
* effectiveEndDate
* eanuccCode
* endAvailabilityDateTime
* brandOwnerGln
* uomStackingWeightMaximum
* retailPriceOnTradeItem
* orderQuantityMin
* uomPegHorizontal
* fatPercentInDryMatter
* isNonSoldTradeRetFlag
* isBarcodeSymbologyDerivable
* drainedWeight
* uomStorageHandlingTempMin
* issnNumber
* genericIngredient
* isPackMarkedWithIngred
* isIngredientIrradiated
* registrationUpdateDate
* orderQuantityMultiple
* isTradeItemAConsumerUnit
* stackingFactor
* orderingLeadTime
* effectiveStartDate
* orderQuantityMax
* isTradeItemInfoPrivate
* isPackageMarkedRet
* uomOrderingLeadTime
* isRawMaterialIrradiated
* nestingIncrement
* quantityOfInnerPack
* publicationStatus
* subBrand
* itemCatalogGroupId
* orderSizingFactor
* lastUpdateDate
* deptOfTrnsprtDangGoodsNum
* ingredientStrength
* isTradeItemMarRecFlag
* lastUpdatedBy
* brandName
* uomNetContent
* requestId
* isPackMarkedWithGreenDot
* deliveryToMrktTempMin
* quanityOfItemInLayer
* percentOfAlcoholByVol
* isNetContentDecFlag
* tradeItemCoupon
* extensionId
* uomDeliveryToMrktTempMax
* isTradeItemAVariableUnit
* tradeItemDescriptor
* eanuccType
* delToDistCntrTempMin
* uomPegVertical
* lastUpdateLogin
* effectiveDate
* startAvailabilityDateTime
* uomDiameter
* tpNeutralUpdateDate
* materialSafetyDataSheetNo
* isTradeItemRecalled
* uomDrainedWeight
* hasBatchNumber
* isPackageMarkedAsRec
* degreeOfOriginalWort
* uomGrossWeight
* grossWeight
* inventoryItemId
* securityTagLocation
* uomDeliveryToMrktTempMin
* piecesPerTradeItem
* organizationId
* returnGoodsPolicy
* netContent
* isOutOfBoxProvided
* canceledDate
* storageHandlingTempMax
* isbnNumber
* uomDelToDistCntrTempMax
* catalogPrice
* pegVertical
* brandOwnerName
* uomPiecesPerTradeItem
* isTradeItemIrradiated
* modelNumber
* createdBy


 * topGtin
* isTradeItemGeneticallyMod
* uomDelToDistCntrTempMin
* stackingWeightMaximum
* isPackMarkedWithExpDate
* uomStorageHandlingTempMax
* revisionId
* genericIngredientStrgth
* suggestedRetailPrice
* pegHorizontal
* urlForWarranty
* uomNestingIncrement
* consumerAvailDateTime
* targetMarketDesc
* storageHandlingTempMin
* creationDate
* quantityOfCompLayItem
* uomGenericIngredientStrgth
* deliveryToMrktTempMax
* isTradeItemABaseUnit
* discontinuedDate
* delToDistCntrTempMax
* diameter
* quantityOfItemInnerPack
* effectiveEndDate
* eanuccCode
* endAvailabilityDateTime
* brandOwnerGln
* uomStackingWeightMaximum
* retailPriceOnTradeItem
* orderQuantityMin
* uomPegHorizontal
* fatPercentInDryMatter
* isNonSoldTradeRetFlag
* isBarcodeSymbologyDerivable
* drainedWeight
* uomStorageHandlingTempMin
* issnNumber
* genericIngredient
* isPackMarkedWithIngred
* isIngredientIrradiated
* registrationUpdateDate
* orderQuantityMultiple
* isTradeItemAConsumerUnit
* stackingFactor
* orderingLeadTime
* effectiveStartDate
* orderQuantityMax
* isTradeItemInfoPrivate
* isPackageMarkedRet
* uomOrderingLeadTime
* isRawMaterialIrradiated
* nestingIncrement
* quantityOfInnerPack
* publicationStatus
* subBrand
* itemCatalogGroupId
* orderSizingFactor
* lastUpdateDate
* deptOfTrnsprtDangGoodsNum
* ingredientStrength
* isTradeItemMarRecFlag
* lastUpdatedBy
* brandName
* uomNetContent
* requestId
* isPackMarkedWithGreenDot
* deliveryToMrktTempMin
* quanityOfItemInLayer
* percentOfAlcoholByVol
* isNetContentDecFlag
* tradeItemCoupon
* extensionId
* uomDeliveryToMrktTempMax
* isTradeItemAVariableUnit
* tradeItemDescriptor
* eanuccType
* delToDistCntrTempMin
* uomPegVertical
* lastUpdateLogin
* effectiveDate
* startAvailabilityDateTime
* uomDiameter
* tpNeutralUpdateDate
* materialSafetyDataSheetNo
* isTradeItemRecalled
* uomDrainedWeight
* hasBatchNumber
* isPackageMarkedAsRec
* degreeOfOriginalWort
* uomGrossWeight
* grossWeight
* inventoryItemId
* securityTagLocation
* uomDeliveryToMrktTempMin
* piecesPerTradeItem
* organizationId
* returnGoodsPolicy
* netContent
* isOutOfBoxProvided
* canceledDate
* storageHandlingTempMax
* isbnNumber
* uomDelToDistCntrTempMax
* catalogPrice
* pegVertical
* brandOwnerName
* uomPiecesPerTradeItem
* isTradeItemIrradiated
* modelNumber
* createdBy


 * lastUpdateDate
* sourceLang
* tradeItemFinishDescription
* tradeItemFormDescription
* createdBy
* requestId
* inventoryItemId
* extensionId
* functionalName
* language
* revisionId
* creationDate
* warrantyDescription
* lastUpdatedBy
* invoiceName
* descriptiveSize
* itemCatalogGroupId
* organizationId
* lastUpdateLogin
* descriptionShort


 * lastUpdateDate
* sourceLang
* tradeItemFinishDescription
* tradeItemFormDescription
* createdBy
* requestId
* inventoryItemId
* extensionId
* functionalName
* language
* revisionId
* creationDate
* warrantyDescription
* lastUpdatedBy
* invoiceName
* descriptiveSize
* itemCatalogGroupId
* organizationId
* lastUpdateLogin
* descriptionShort


 * revisionId
* createdBy
* matchId
* creationDate
* batchId
* sourceSystemId
* lastUpdateDate
* inventoryItemId
* lastUpdateLogin
* sourceSystemReference
* organizationId
* lastUpdatedBy
* sequence


 * revisionId
* createdBy
* matchId
* creationDate
* batchId
* sourceSystemId
* lastUpdateDate
* inventoryItemId
* lastUpdateLogin
* sourceSystemReference
* organizationId
* lastUpdatedBy
* sequence


 * displayRoleName
* createdBy
* organizationCode
* sourceSystemReference
* programApplicationId
* endDate
* organizationId
* lastUpdateLogin
* dataSetId
* internalRoleId
* sourceSystemId
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* processStatus
* changeLineId
* programUpdateDate
* changeId
* itemNumber
* granteeType
* transactionId
* creationDate
* transactionType
* granteePartyId
* granteeName
* internalRoleName
* inventoryItemId
* requestId
* programId
* startDate


 * displayRoleName
* createdBy
* organizationCode
* sourceSystemReference
* programApplicationId
* endDate
* organizationId
* lastUpdateLogin
* dataSetId
* internalRoleId
* sourceSystemId
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* processStatus
* changeLineId
* programUpdateDate
* changeId
* itemNumber
* granteeType
* transactionId
* creationDate
* transactionType
* granteePartyId
* granteeName
* internalRoleName
* inventoryItemId
* requestId
* programId
* startDate


 * creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* associationCode
* revision
* taskId
* projectId
* organizationId
* revisionId
* inventoryItemId
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* createdBy
* associationType
* itemProjectId


 * creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* associationCode
* revision
* taskId
* projectId
* organizationId
* revisionId
* inventoryItemId
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* createdBy
* associationType
* itemProjectId


 * lastUpdateLogin
* text2
* language
* idType
* itemCode
* lastUpdatedBy
* sourceLang
* itemCatalogGroupId
* lastUpdateDate
* createdBy
* itemId
* orgId
* text
* inventoryItemId
* creationDate


 * lastUpdateLogin
* text2
* language
* idType
* itemCode
* lastUpdatedBy
* sourceLang
* itemCatalogGroupId
* lastUpdateDate
* createdBy
* itemId
* orgId
* text
* inventoryItemId
* creationDate


 * cExtAttr24
* masterOrganizationId
* cExtAttr11
* nExtAttr8
* uomExtAttr2
* uomExtAttr7
* cExtAttr3
* nExtAttr20
* requestId
* uomExtAttr9
* cExtAttr34
* cExtAttr10
* dExtAttr8
* cExtAttr31
* cExtAttr7
* cExtAttr23
* cExtAttr32
* programUpdateDate
* cExtAttr38
* nExtAttr2
* lastUpdateLogin
* uomExtAttr20
* dExtAttr9
* createdBy
* cExtAttr14
* inventoryItemId
* creationDate
* nExtAttr3
* nExtAttr6
* uomExtAttr18
* cExtAttr39
* dExtAttr4
* dExtAttr6
* nExtAttr19
* uomExtAttr3
* uomExtAttr14
* cExtAttr15
* nExtAttr1
* cExtAttr12
* uomExtAttr10
* lastUpdateDate
* cExtAttr17
* cExtAttr4
* uomExtAttr5
* nExtAttr12
* uomExtAttr15
* uomExtAttr17
* dExtAttr2
* cExtAttr33
* nExtAttr18
* nExtAttr14
* cExtAttr5
* cExtAttr26
* nExtAttr11
* cExtAttr20
* uomExtAttr6
* dExtAttr5
* uomExtAttr4
* cExtAttr1
* cExtAttr18
* uomExtAttr12
* attrGroupId
* cExtAttr9
* nExtAttr9
* uomExtAttr1
* cExtAttr16
* nExtAttr16
* cExtAttr8
* cExtAttr6
* cExtAttr35
* cExtAttr30
* cExtAttr13
* cExtAttr36
* nExtAttr13
* dExtAttr10
* nExtAttr4
* dExtAttr1
* dExtAttr7
* cExtAttr2
* uomExtAttr8
* nExtAttr5
* cExtAttr27
* uomExtAttr16
* nExtAttr17
* cExtAttr22
* lastUpdatedBy
* nExtAttr15
* cExtAttr25
* cExtAttr21
* cExtAttr28
* nExtAttr10
* extensionId
* cExtAttr40
* partySiteId
* programApplicationId
* cExtAttr29
* cExtAttr37
* uomExtAttr13
* nExtAttr7
* uomExtAttr11
* dExtAttr3
* cExtAttr19
* uomExtAttr19
* programId


 * cExtAttr24
* masterOrganizationId
* cExtAttr11
* nExtAttr8
* uomExtAttr2
* uomExtAttr7
* cExtAttr3
* nExtAttr20
* requestId
* uomExtAttr9
* cExtAttr34
* cExtAttr10
* dExtAttr8
* cExtAttr31
* cExtAttr7
* cExtAttr23
* cExtAttr32
* programUpdateDate
* cExtAttr38
* nExtAttr2
* lastUpdateLogin
* uomExtAttr20
* dExtAttr9
* createdBy
* cExtAttr14
* inventoryItemId
* creationDate
* nExtAttr3
* nExtAttr6
* uomExtAttr18
* cExtAttr39
* dExtAttr4
* dExtAttr6
* nExtAttr19
* uomExtAttr3
* uomExtAttr14
* cExtAttr15
* nExtAttr1
* cExtAttr12
* uomExtAttr10
* lastUpdateDate
* cExtAttr17
* cExtAttr4
* uomExtAttr5
* nExtAttr12
* uomExtAttr15
* uomExtAttr17
* dExtAttr2
* cExtAttr33
* nExtAttr18
* nExtAttr14
* cExtAttr5
* cExtAttr26
* nExtAttr11
* cExtAttr20
* uomExtAttr6
* dExtAttr5
* uomExtAttr4
* cExtAttr1
* cExtAttr18
* uomExtAttr12
* attrGroupId
* cExtAttr9
* nExtAttr9
* uomExtAttr1
* cExtAttr16
* nExtAttr16
* cExtAttr8
* cExtAttr6
* cExtAttr35
* cExtAttr30
* cExtAttr13
* cExtAttr36
* nExtAttr13
* dExtAttr10
* nExtAttr4
* dExtAttr1
* dExtAttr7
* cExtAttr2
* uomExtAttr8
* nExtAttr5
* cExtAttr27
* uomExtAttr16
* nExtAttr17
* cExtAttr22
* lastUpdatedBy
* nExtAttr15
* cExtAttr25
* cExtAttr21
* cExtAttr28
* nExtAttr10
* extensionId
* cExtAttr40
* partySiteId
* programApplicationId
* cExtAttr29
* cExtAttr37
* uomExtAttr13
* nExtAttr7
* uomExtAttr11
* dExtAttr3
* cExtAttr19
* uomExtAttr19
* programId


 * tlExtAttr4
* tlExtAttr17
* tlExtAttr25
* creationDate
* tlExtAttr7
* language
* tlExtAttr2
* tlExtAttr15
* masterOrganizationId
* tlExtAttr28
* tlExtAttr1
* inventoryItemId
* sourceLang
* tlExtAttr8
* tlExtAttr14
* tlExtAttr36
* attrGroupId
* tlExtAttr11
* tlExtAttr16
* tlExtAttr26
* tlExtAttr9
* lastUpdateDate
* createdBy
* tlExtAttr23
* tlExtAttr40
* tlExtAttr12
* tlExtAttr3
* tlExtAttr31
* tlExtAttr10
* tlExtAttr24
* tlExtAttr35
* lastUpdateLogin
* tlExtAttr19
* tlExtAttr27
* tlExtAttr30
* tlExtAttr18
* tlExtAttr20
* lastUpdatedBy
* tlExtAttr6
* tlExtAttr33
* partySiteId
* tlExtAttr22
* tlExtAttr32
* tlExtAttr5
* tlExtAttr13
* tlExtAttr29
* extensionId
* tlExtAttr21
* tlExtAttr39
* tlExtAttr38
* tlExtAttr37
* tlExtAttr34


 * tlExtAttr4
* tlExtAttr17
* tlExtAttr25
* creationDate
* tlExtAttr7
* language
* tlExtAttr2
* tlExtAttr15
* masterOrganizationId
* tlExtAttr28
* tlExtAttr1
* inventoryItemId
* sourceLang
* tlExtAttr8
* tlExtAttr14
* tlExtAttr36
* attrGroupId
* tlExtAttr11
* tlExtAttr16
* tlExtAttr26
* tlExtAttr9
* lastUpdateDate
* createdBy
* tlExtAttr23
* tlExtAttr40
* tlExtAttr12
* tlExtAttr3
* tlExtAttr31
* tlExtAttr10
* tlExtAttr24
* tlExtAttr35
* lastUpdateLogin
* tlExtAttr19
* tlExtAttr27
* tlExtAttr30
* tlExtAttr18
* tlExtAttr20
* lastUpdatedBy
* tlExtAttr6
* tlExtAttr33
* partySiteId
* tlExtAttr22
* tlExtAttr32
* tlExtAttr5
* tlExtAttr13
* tlExtAttr29
* extensionId
* tlExtAttr21
* tlExtAttr39
* tlExtAttr38
* tlExtAttr37
* tlExtAttr34


 * programId
* organizationId
* creationDate
* programApplicationId
* uomExtAttr
* programUpdateDate
* attrGroupId
* extensionId
* lastUpdateLogin
* dExtAttr
* lastUpdatedBy
* nExtAttr
* requestId
* cExtAttr
* lastUpdateDate
* createdBy
* inventoryItemId
* revisionId


 * programId
* organizationId
* creationDate
* programApplicationId
* uomExtAttr
* programUpdateDate
* attrGroupId
* extensionId
* lastUpdateLogin
* dExtAttr
* lastUpdatedBy
* nExtAttr
* requestId
* cExtAttr
* lastUpdateDate
* createdBy
* inventoryItemId
* revisionId


 * programId
* programUpdateDate
* creationDate
* lastUpdateDate
* extensionId
* programApplicationId
* organizationId
* language
* requestId
* lastUpdatedBy
* inventoryItemId
* attrGroupId
* lastUpdateLogin
* sourceLang
* tlExtAttr
* revisionId
* createdBy


 * programId
* programUpdateDate
* creationDate
* lastUpdateDate
* extensionId
* programApplicationId
* organizationId
* language
* requestId
* lastUpdatedBy
* inventoryItemId
* attrGroupId
* lastUpdateLogin
* sourceLang
* tlExtAttr
* revisionId
* createdBy


 * inventoryItemId
* colorCodeValue
* classOfDangerousCode
* deliveryMethodIndicator
* dangerousGoodsHazardousCode
* harmonizedTariffSysIdCode
* manufacturerId
* organizationId
* attrGroupId
* itemCatalogGroupId
* countryOfOrigin
* lastUpdateDate
* dangerousGoodsRegCode
* requestId
* dangerousGoodsMarginNumber
* revisionId
* barCodeType
* colorCodeListAgency
* extensionId
* uomFlashPointTemp
* unitedNationsDangGoodsNo
* sizeCodeValue
* lastUpdatedBy
* sizeCodeListAgency
* dangerousGoodsPackGroup
* flashPointTemp
* dangerousGoodsShippingName
* manufacturerGln
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* createdBy
* partyReceivingPrivateData


 * inventoryItemId
* colorCodeValue
* classOfDangerousCode
* deliveryMethodIndicator
* dangerousGoodsHazardousCode
* harmonizedTariffSysIdCode
* manufacturerId
* organizationId
* attrGroupId
* itemCatalogGroupId
* countryOfOrigin
* lastUpdateDate
* dangerousGoodsRegCode
* requestId
* dangerousGoodsMarginNumber
* revisionId
* barCodeType
* colorCodeListAgency
* extensionId
* uomFlashPointTemp
* unitedNationsDangGoodsNo
* sizeCodeValue
* lastUpdatedBy
* sizeCodeListAgency
* dangerousGoodsPackGroup
* flashPointTemp
* dangerousGoodsShippingName
* manufacturerGln
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* createdBy
* partyReceivingPrivateData


 * dangerousGoodsTechnicalName
* createdBy
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* itemCatalogGroupId
* handlingInstructionsCode
* revisionId
* inventoryItemId
* lastUpdateDate
* requestId
* language
* sourceLang
* lastUpdatedBy
* attrGroupId
* extensionId
* organizationId


 * dangerousGoodsTechnicalName
* createdBy
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* itemCatalogGroupId
* handlingInstructionsCode
* revisionId
* inventoryItemId
* lastUpdateDate
* requestId
* language
* sourceLang
* lastUpdatedBy
* attrGroupId
* extensionId
* organizationId


 * progIntChar1
* itemNumber
* attrDispValue
* attrValueDate
* pk1Value
* organizationId
* inventoryItemId
* progIntChar2
* attrGroupId
* bundleId
* programId
* lastUpdateDate
* transactionType
* userDataLevelName
* lastUpdateLogin
* pk2Value
* attrValueNum
* dataLevelName
* attrValueStr
* itemNumber#1
* rowIdentifier
* attrUomDispValue
* progIntNum1
* revision
* interfaceTableUniqueId
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* organizationCode
* dataSetId
* creationDate
* changeId
* sourceSystemId
* attrValueUom
* programUpdateDate
* attrGroupType
* changeLineId
* transactionId
* sourceSystemReference
* itemCatalogGroupId
* createdBy
* dataLevelId
* progIntNum2
* processStatus
* pk5Value
* programApplicationId
* revisionId
* requestId
* attrIntName
* lastUpdatedBy
* pk4Value
* attrGroupIntName


 * progIntChar1
* itemNumber
* attrDispValue
* attrValueDate
* pk1Value
* organizationId
* inventoryItemId
* progIntChar2
* attrGroupId
* bundleId
* programId
* lastUpdateDate
* transactionType
* userDataLevelName
* lastUpdateLogin
* pk2Value
* attrValueNum
* dataLevelName
* attrValueStr
* itemNumber#1
* rowIdentifier
* attrUomDispValue
* progIntNum1
* revision
* interfaceTableUniqueId
* pk3Value
* progIntNum3
* progIntNum4
* organizationCode
* dataSetId
* creationDate
* changeId
* sourceSystemId
* attrValueUom
* programUpdateDate
* attrGroupType
* changeLineId
* transactionId
* sourceSystemReference
* itemCatalogGroupId
* createdBy
* dataLevelId
* progIntNum2
* processStatus
* pk5Value
* programApplicationId
* revisionId
* requestId
* attrIntName
* lastUpdatedBy
* pk4Value
* attrGroupIntName


 * createdBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* creationDate
* lastUpdateDate
* applicationId
* attrId
* enabledFlag
* attrGroupId
* lastUpdatedBy


 * createdBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* creationDate
* lastUpdateDate
* applicationId
* attrId
* enabledFlag
* attrGroupId
* lastUpdatedBy


 * lastUpdatedBy
* defaultFlag
* lastUpdateDate
* createdBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* itemStatusCode
* creationDate
* phaseCode


 * lastUpdatedBy
* defaultFlag
* lastUpdateDate
* createdBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* itemStatusCode
* creationDate
* phaseCode


 * lastUpdateDate
* itemCatalogGroupId
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* createdBy
* creationDate
* lifecycleId
* policyCode
* actionCode
* phaseId


 * lastUpdateDate
* itemCatalogGroupId
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* createdBy
* creationDate
* lifecycleId
* policyCode
* actionCode
* phaseId


 * concRequestId
* organizationId
* inventoryItemId


 * concRequestId
* organizationId
* inventoryItemId


 * mappedToGroupPk3
* mappedAttribute
* mappedObjType
* lastUpdatedBy
* mappedObjPk1Val
* mappedToGroupPk1
* mappedToGroupPk2
* lastUpdateDate
* zdEditionName
* zdSync
* mappedToGroupType
* mappedUomParameter
* funcParamId
* valueUomSource
* createdBy
* creationDate
* fixedUom
* functionId
* lastUpdateLogin


 * mappedToGroupPk3
* mappedAttribute
* mappedObjType
* lastUpdatedBy
* mappedObjPk1Val
* mappedToGroupPk1
* mappedToGroupPk2
* lastUpdateDate
* zdEditionName
* zdSync
* mappedToGroupType
* mappedUomParameter
* funcParamId
* valueUomSource
* createdBy
* creationDate
* fixedUom
* functionId
* lastUpdateLogin


 * revisionId
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* creationDate
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* cAttr5
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* supplierSite
* lastUpdateLogin
* cAttr37
* cAttr7
* cAttr30
* cAttr32
* cAttr1
* cAttr25
* cAttr15
* cAttr13
* selectedFlag
* lastUpdateDate
* revisionCode
* cAttr10
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* cAttr36
* categoryName
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* cAttr34
* lastUpdatedBy
* cAttr39
* batchId
* cAttr29
* cAttr35
* cAttr4
* cAttr31
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* cAttr23
* itemNumber
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* userId
* cAttr19
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* description
* cAttr22
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* inventoryItemId
* cAttr14
* organizationCode
* organizationId
* supplierName
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* cAttr21
* cAttr11
* cAttr17
* itemCatalogGroupId
* cAttr24
* supplierId
* cAttr20


 * revisionId
* categoryId
* longDescription
* creationDate
* cAttr16
* cAttr38
* cAttr2
* cAttr5
* supplierSiteId
* cAttr12
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* cAttr40
* supplierSite
* lastUpdateLogin
* cAttr37
* cAttr7
* cAttr30
* cAttr32
* cAttr1
* cAttr25
* cAttr15
* cAttr13
* selectedFlag
* lastUpdateDate
* revisionCode
* cAttr10
* cAttr6
* cAttr36
* categoryName
* cAttr28
* cAttr34
* lastUpdatedBy
* cAttr39
* batchId
* cAttr29
* cAttr35
* cAttr4
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* cAttr18
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* itemNumber
* cAttr3
* userId
* cAttr19
* cAttr33
* revisionLabel
* description
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* inventoryItemId
* cAttr14
* organizationCode
* organizationId
* supplierName
* cAttr8
* createdBy
* cAttr21
* cAttr11
* cAttr17
* itemCatalogGroupId
* cAttr24
* supplierId
* cAttr20


 * createdBy
* organizationIdChild
* organizationIdParent
* organizationCode
* lastUpdateLogin
* childName
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* userId
* batchId
* orgSelectedFlag
* creationDate
* accessRestricted


 * createdBy
* organizationIdChild
* organizationIdParent
* organizationCode
* lastUpdateLogin
* childName
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* userId
* batchId
* orgSelectedFlag
* creationDate
* accessRestricted


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* lastUpdatedBy
* changeLineId
* organizationId
* firstArticleStatus
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* acdType
* attribute5
* creationDate
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* attribute11
* attribute8
* lastUpdateDate
* implmentationDate
* mfgPartNum
* programApplicationId
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* lastUpdateLogin
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* changeId
* programId
* attributeCategory
* mrpPlanningCode
* createdBy
* inventoryItemId
* programUpdateDate
* attribute2
* attribute1
* attribute7


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* lastUpdatedBy
* changeLineId
* organizationId
* firstArticleStatus
* approvalStatus
* attribute15
* attribute14
* attribute13
* attribute9
* attribute4
* acdType
* attribute5
* creationDate
* requestId
* startDate
* attribute3
* attribute6
* attribute11
* attribute8
* lastUpdateDate
* implmentationDate
* mfgPartNum
* programApplicationId
* manufacturerId
* lastUpdateLogin
* description
* attribute12
* attribute10
* changeId
* programId
* attributeCategory
* mrpPlanningCode
* createdBy
* inventoryItemId
* programUpdateDate
* attribute2
* attribute1
* attribute7


 * creationDate
* objName
* attribute3
* attribute15
* attribute5
* attribute11
* attribute2
* minorRevisionId
* attribute9
* attribute6
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute8
* attribute7
* attribute4
* pk1Value
* attribute14
* description
* pk5Value
* minorRevision
* pk4Value
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute13
* pk3Value
* pk2Value
* createdBy
* attribute10
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute12
* attribute1
* attributeCategory


 * creationDate
* objName
* attribute3
* attribute15
* attribute5
* attribute11
* attribute2
* minorRevisionId
* attribute9
* attribute6
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute8
* attribute7
* attribute4
* pk1Value
* attribute14
* description
* pk5Value
* minorRevision
* pk4Value
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute13
* pk3Value
* pk2Value
* createdBy
* attribute10
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute12
* attribute1
* attributeCategory


 * endActiveDate
* itemCatalogGroupId
* creationDate
* versionSeqId
* startActiveDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* versionDescription
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* createdBy


 * endActiveDate
* itemCatalogGroupId
* creationDate
* versionSeqId
* startActiveDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* versionDescription
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* createdBy


 * priceTolerancePercent
* maximumLoadWeight
* overcompletionToleranceType
* couponExemptFlag
* daysMaxInvWindow
* globalAttribute27
* segment13
* recoveredPartDispCode
* eventFlag
* postprocessingLeadTime
* globalAttribute15
* endAssemblyPeggingFlag
* autoSerialAlphaPrefix
* excludeFromBudgetFlag
* invoiceCloseTolerance
* repairLeadtime
* internalVolume
* minimumFillPercent
* taxCode
* attribute16
* serialNumberControlCode
* receiveCloseTolerance
* attribute15
* overReturnTolerance
* globalAttribute8
* pickComponentsFlag
* globalAttribute29
* servImportanceLevel
* internalOrderFlag
* inventoryItemFlag
* globalAttribute9
* modelConfigClauseName
* serviceDuration
* globalAttribute32
* vmiMaximumDays
* soAuthorizationFlag
* autoLotAlphaPrefix
* itemType
* cumulativeTotalLeadTime
* stockEnabledFlag
* mrpSafetyStockCode
* trackingQuantityInd
* mrpSafetyStockPercent
* underShipmentTolerance
* volDiscountExemptFlag
* backOrderableFlag
* objectVersionNumber
* segment16
* maxMinmaxQuantity
* orderableOnWebFlag
* webStatus
* vmiMaximumUnits
* globalAttribute11
* hazardousMaterialFlag
* engItemFlag
* costingEnabledFlag
* defaultGrade
* atoForecastControl
* acceptableEarlyDays
* encumbranceAccount
* unitOfIssue
* soTransactionsFlag
* dimensionUomCode
* segment15
* createdBy
* receivingRoutingId
* globalAttribute14
* fullLeadTime
* defaultIncludeInRollupFlag
* forecastHorizon
* globalAttribute40
* replenishToOrderFlag
* globalAttribute26
* timeBillableFlag
* attribute21
* divergence
* attribute26
* processYieldSubinventory
* attribute30
* lotControlCode
* restrictSubinventoriesCode
* processExecutionEnabledFlag
* implementationDate
* ibItemInstanceClass
* itemNumber
* mtlTransactionsEnabledFlag
* attribute17
* lastUpdateDate
* attributeCategory
* receiptRequiredFlag
* fixedOrderQuantity
* retestInterval
* expenseBillableFlag
* returnInspectionRequirement
* globalAttribute12
* globalAttribute16
* programId
* dualUomDeviationHigh
* attribute1
* startDateActive
* serialTaggingFlag
* continousTransfer
* electronicFlag
* maximumOrderQuantity
* organizationId
* serviceItemFlag
* mrpPlanningCode
* daysMaxInvSupply
* vmiForecastType
* processYieldLocatorId
* allowUnorderedReceiptsFlag
* servReqEnabledCode
* planningMakeBuyCode
* ibItemTrackingLevel
* shelfLifeDays
* globalAttributeCategory
* globalAttribute7
* minimumOrderQuantity
* requestId
* segment19
* attribute18
* shelfLifeCode
* childLotValidationFlag
* purchasingTaxCode
* checkShortagesFlag
* vmiMinimumDays
* indivisibleFlag
* subcontractingComponent
* enabledFlag
* globalAttribute22
* inspectionRequiredFlag
* startAutoLotNumber
* attribute24
* globalAttribute36
* vmiFixedOrderQuantity
* leadTimeLotSize
* volumeUomCode
* underReturnTolerance
* globalAttribute5
* acceptableRateIncrease
* orderCost
* configMatch
* receiptDaysExceptionCode
* globalAttribute21
* sourceType
* taxableFlag
* globalAttribute6
* shippableItemFlag
* lotDivisibleFlag
* preventiveMaintenanceFlag
* attribute22
* globalAttribute33
* configModelType
* usageItemFlag
* allowExpressDeliveryFlag
* childLotPrefix
* restrictLocatorsCode
* description
* fixedLeadTime
* customerOrderEnabledFlag
* rfqRequiredFlag
* lastUpdatedBy
* variableLeadTime
* wipSupplySubinventory
* globalAttribute38
* acdType
* atpFlag
* defaultSoSourceType
* lifecycleId
* bulkPickedFlag
* processSupplySubinventory
* contractItemTypeCode
* expirationActionCode
* attribute3
* secondarySpecialistId
* segment9
* paymentTermsId
* purchasingEnabledFlag
* costOfSalesAccount
* globalAttribute18
* segment12
* catalogStatusFlag
* expenseAccount
* containerItemFlag
* defectTrackingOnFlag
* attribute11
* roundingControlType
* wipSupplyLocatorId
* fixedLotMultiplier
* lotTranslateEnabled
* engineeringDate
* prorateServiceFlag
* lastUpdateLogin
* operationSlackPenalty
* attribute27
* processCostingEnabledFlag
* newRevisionCode
* commsNlTrackableFlag
* atpComponentsFlag
* globalAttribute24
* segment14
* segment1
* attribute9
* eamActivityTypeCode
* segment6
* attribute20
* materialBillableFlag
* globalAttribute4
* attribute2
* segment7
* secondaryDefaultInd
* inventoryItemStatusCode
* engineeringEcnCode
* primarySpecialistId
* purchasingItemFlag
* serviceableProductFlag
* segment4
* responseTimePeriodCode
* segment8
* segment5
* outsideOperationUomType
* segment17
* defaultLotStatusId
* lotMergeEnabled
* unitVolume
* warrantyVendorId
* parentChildGenerationFlag
* unNumberId
* attribute7
* primaryUnitOfMeasure
* holdDays
* ontPricingQtySource
* financingAllowedFlag
* inventoryPlanningCode
* carryingCost
* unitWeight
* programUpdateDate
* marketPrice
* allowSubstituteReceiptsFlag
* invoiceableItemFlag
* attribute14
* positiveMeasurementError
* segment2
* attribute8
* attribute5
* locationControlCode
* cumManufacturingLeadTime
* inventoryItemId
* serviceableItemClassId
* overrunPercentage
* plannerCode
* changeId
* mustUseApprovedVendorFlag
* secondaryUomCode
* releaseTimeFenceDays
* globalAttribute35
* repairYield
* globalAttribute20
* cycleCountEnabledFlag
* dualUomControl
* segment3
* engineeringItemId
* demandTimeFenceCode
* globalAttribute1
* drpPlannedFlag
* segment20
* roundingFactor
* processQualityEnabledFlag
* creationDate
* segment18
* processSupplyLocatorId
* autoReduceMps
* commsActivationReqdFlag
* unitLength
* eamActivitySourceCode
* unitHeight
* reservableType
* internalOrderEnabledFlag
* globalAttribute2
* approvalStatus
* stdLotSize
* daysEarlyReceiptAllowed
* weightUomCode
* vehicleItemFlag
* maturityDays
* childLotFlag
* bomEnabledFlag
* lotStatusEnabled
* childLotStartingNumber
* attribute23
* safetyStockBucketDays
* listPricePerUnit
* sourceOrganizationId
* attribute12
* servBillingEnabledFlag
* salesAccount
* substitutionWindowCode
* vendorWarrantyFlag
* accountingRuleId
* attribute25
* attribute4
* mrpCalculateAtpFlag
* preprocessingLeadTime
* asnAutoexpireFlag
* createSupplyFlag
* assetCategoryId
* repairProgram
* outsideOperationFlag
* buildInWipFlag
* subscriptionDependFlag
* globalAttribute23
* wipSupplyType
* serviceStartingDelay
* customerOrderFlag
* defaultSerialStatusId
* serviceableComponentFlag
* planningTimeFenceDays
* downloadableFlag
* containerTypeCode
* sourceSubinventory
* daysTgtInvSupply
* responseTimeValue
* assetCreationCode
* unitWidth
* whUpdateDate
* tradeItemDescriptor
* invoiceEnabledFlag
* repetitivePlanningFlag
* criticalComponentFlag
* negativeMeasurementError
* globalAttribute31
* revisionQtyControlCode
* acceptableRateDecrease
* inventoryAssetFlag
* itemCatalogGroupId
* globalAttribute3
* configOrgs
* summaryFlag
* globalAttribute28
* optionSpecificSourced
* prepositionPoint
* overShipmentTolerance
* eamActShutdownStatus
* globalAttribute39
* baseWarrantyServiceId
* inventoryCarryPenalty
* segment10
* minMinmaxQuantity
* minimumLicenseQuantity
* primaryUomCode
* defaultShippingOrg
* planningExceptionSet
* returnableFlag
* serviceDurationPeriodCode
* overcompletionToleranceValue
* enforceShipToLocationCode
* segment11
* recipeEnabledFlag
* baseItemId
* outsourcedAssembly
* productFamilyItemId
* chargePeriodicityCode
* shrinkageRate
* programApplicationId
* vmiMinimumUnits
* pickingRuleId
* coverageScheduleId
* allowedUnitsLookupCode
* gradeControlFlag
* qtyRcvExceptionCode
* endDateActive
* daysLateReceiptAllowed
* serialStatusEnabled
* eamItemType
* lotSubstitutionEnabled
* maxWarrantyAmount
* expirationActionInterval
* collateralFlag
* consignedFlag
* dualUomDeviationLow
* attribute6
* shipModelCompleteFlag
* attribute28
* copyLotAttributeFlag
* fixedDaysSupply
* defaultMaterialStatusId
* globalAttribute10
* globalAttribute17
* demandTimeFenceDays
* attribute19
* globalAttribute25
* eamActNotificationFlag
* qtyRcvTolerance
* globalAttribute37
* currentPhaseId
* invoicingRuleId
* buyerId
* eamActivityCauseCode
* changeLineId
* startAutoSerialNumber
* equipmentType
* globalAttribute13
* globalAttribute34
* lotSplitEnabled
* allowItemDescUpdateFlag
* casNumber
* effectivityControl
* plannedInvPointFlag
* attribute13
* attribute29
* autoCreatedConfigFlag
* daysTgtInvWindow
* convergence
* planningTimeFenceCode
* releaseTimeFenceCode
* atpRuleId
* substitutionWindowDays
* hazardClassId
* globalAttribute30
* bomItemType
* globalAttribute19
* attribute10


 * priceTolerancePercent
* maximumLoadWeight
* overcompletionToleranceType
* couponExemptFlag
* daysMaxInvWindow
* globalAttribute27
* segment13
* recoveredPartDispCode
* eventFlag
* postprocessingLeadTime
* globalAttribute15
* endAssemblyPeggingFlag
* autoSerialAlphaPrefix
* excludeFromBudgetFlag
* invoiceCloseTolerance
* repairLeadtime
* internalVolume
* minimumFillPercent
* taxCode
* attribute16
* serialNumberControlCode
* receiveCloseTolerance
* attribute15
* overReturnTolerance
* globalAttribute8
* pickComponentsFlag
* globalAttribute29
* servImportanceLevel
* internalOrderFlag
* inventoryItemFlag
* globalAttribute9
* modelConfigClauseName
* serviceDuration
* globalAttribute32
* vmiMaximumDays
* soAuthorizationFlag
* autoLotAlphaPrefix
* itemType
* cumulativeTotalLeadTime
* stockEnabledFlag
* mrpSafetyStockCode
* trackingQuantityInd
* mrpSafetyStockPercent
* underShipmentTolerance
* volDiscountExemptFlag
* backOrderableFlag
* objectVersionNumber
* segment16
* maxMinmaxQuantity
* orderableOnWebFlag
* webStatus
* vmiMaximumUnits
* globalAttribute11
* hazardousMaterialFlag
* engItemFlag
* costingEnabledFlag
* defaultGrade
* atoForecastControl
* acceptableEarlyDays
* encumbranceAccount
* unitOfIssue
* soTransactionsFlag
* dimensionUomCode
* segment15
* createdBy
* receivingRoutingId
* globalAttribute14
* fullLeadTime
* defaultIncludeInRollupFlag
* forecastHorizon
* globalAttribute40
* replenishToOrderFlag
* globalAttribute26
* timeBillableFlag
* attribute21
* divergence
* attribute26
* processYieldSubinventory
* attribute30
* lotControlCode
* restrictSubinventoriesCode
* processExecutionEnabledFlag
* implementationDate
* ibItemInstanceClass
* itemNumber
* mtlTransactionsEnabledFlag
* attribute17
* lastUpdateDate
* attributeCategory
* receiptRequiredFlag
* fixedOrderQuantity
* retestInterval
* expenseBillableFlag
* returnInspectionRequirement
* globalAttribute12
* globalAttribute16
* programId
* dualUomDeviationHigh
* attribute1
* startDateActive
* serialTaggingFlag
* continousTransfer
* electronicFlag
* maximumOrderQuantity
* organizationId
* serviceItemFlag
* mrpPlanningCode
* daysMaxInvSupply
* vmiForecastType
* processYieldLocatorId
* allowUnorderedReceiptsFlag
* servReqEnabledCode
* planningMakeBuyCode
* ibItemTrackingLevel
* shelfLifeDays
* globalAttributeCategory
* globalAttribute7
* minimumOrderQuantity
* requestId
* segment19
* attribute18
* shelfLifeCode
* childLotValidationFlag
* purchasingTaxCode
* checkShortagesFlag
* vmiMinimumDays
* indivisibleFlag
* subcontractingComponent
* enabledFlag
* globalAttribute22
* inspectionRequiredFlag
* startAutoLotNumber
* attribute24
* globalAttribute36
* vmiFixedOrderQuantity
* leadTimeLotSize
* volumeUomCode
* underReturnTolerance
* globalAttribute5
* acceptableRateIncrease
* orderCost
* configMatch
* receiptDaysExceptionCode
* globalAttribute21
* sourceType
* taxableFlag
* globalAttribute6
* shippableItemFlag
* lotDivisibleFlag
* preventiveMaintenanceFlag
* attribute22
* globalAttribute33
* configModelType
* usageItemFlag
* allowExpressDeliveryFlag
* childLotPrefix
* restrictLocatorsCode
* description
* fixedLeadTime
* customerOrderEnabledFlag
* rfqRequiredFlag
* lastUpdatedBy
* variableLeadTime
* wipSupplySubinventory
* globalAttribute38
* acdType
* atpFlag
* defaultSoSourceType
* lifecycleId
* bulkPickedFlag
* processSupplySubinventory
* contractItemTypeCode
* expirationActionCode
* attribute3
* secondarySpecialistId
* segment9
* paymentTermsId
* purchasingEnabledFlag
* costOfSalesAccount
* globalAttribute18
* segment12
* catalogStatusFlag
* expenseAccount
* containerItemFlag
* defectTrackingOnFlag
* attribute11
* roundingControlType
* wipSupplyLocatorId
* fixedLotMultiplier
* lotTranslateEnabled
* engineeringDate
* prorateServiceFlag
* lastUpdateLogin
* operationSlackPenalty
* attribute27
* processCostingEnabledFlag
* newRevisionCode
* commsNlTrackableFlag
* atpComponentsFlag
* globalAttribute24
* segment14
* segment1
* attribute9
* eamActivityTypeCode
* segment6
* attribute20
* materialBillableFlag
* globalAttribute4
* attribute2
* segment7
* secondaryDefaultInd
* inventoryItemStatusCode
* engineeringEcnCode
* primarySpecialistId
* purchasingItemFlag
* serviceableProductFlag
* segment4
* responseTimePeriodCode
* segment8
* segment5
* outsideOperationUomType
* segment17
* defaultLotStatusId
* lotMergeEnabled
* unitVolume
* warrantyVendorId
* parentChildGenerationFlag
* unNumberId
* attribute7
* primaryUnitOfMeasure
* holdDays
* ontPricingQtySource
* financingAllowedFlag
* inventoryPlanningCode
* carryingCost
* unitWeight
* programUpdateDate
* marketPrice
* allowSubstituteReceiptsFlag
* invoiceableItemFlag
* attribute14
* positiveMeasurementError
* segment2
* attribute8
* attribute5
* locationControlCode
* cumManufacturingLeadTime
* inventoryItemId
* serviceableItemClassId
* overrunPercentage
* plannerCode
* changeId
* mustUseApprovedVendorFlag
* secondaryUomCode
* releaseTimeFenceDays
* globalAttribute35
* repairYield
* globalAttribute20
* cycleCountEnabledFlag
* dualUomControl
* segment3
* engineeringItemId
* demandTimeFenceCode
* globalAttribute1
* drpPlannedFlag
* segment20
* roundingFactor
* processQualityEnabledFlag
* creationDate
* segment18
* processSupplyLocatorId
* autoReduceMps
* commsActivationReqdFlag
* unitLength
* eamActivitySourceCode
* unitHeight
* reservableType
* internalOrderEnabledFlag
* globalAttribute2
* approvalStatus
* stdLotSize
* daysEarlyReceiptAllowed
* weightUomCode
* vehicleItemFlag
* maturityDays
* childLotFlag
* bomEnabledFlag
* lotStatusEnabled
* childLotStartingNumber
* attribute23
* safetyStockBucketDays
* listPricePerUnit
* sourceOrganizationId
* attribute12
* servBillingEnabledFlag
* salesAccount
* substitutionWindowCode
* vendorWarrantyFlag
* accountingRuleId
* attribute25
* attribute4
* mrpCalculateAtpFlag
* preprocessingLeadTime
* asnAutoexpireFlag
* createSupplyFlag
* assetCategoryId
* repairProgram
* outsideOperationFlag
* buildInWipFlag
* subscriptionDependFlag
* globalAttribute23
* wipSupplyType
* serviceStartingDelay
* customerOrderFlag
* defaultSerialStatusId
* serviceableComponentFlag
* planningTimeFenceDays
* downloadableFlag
* containerTypeCode
* sourceSubinventory
* daysTgtInvSupply
* responseTimeValue
* assetCreationCode
* unitWidth
* whUpdateDate
* tradeItemDescriptor
* invoiceEnabledFlag
* repetitivePlanningFlag
* criticalComponentFlag
* negativeMeasurementError
* globalAttribute31
* revisionQtyControlCode
* acceptableRateDecrease
* inventoryAssetFlag
* itemCatalogGroupId
* globalAttribute3
* configOrgs
* summaryFlag
* globalAttribute28
* optionSpecificSourced
* prepositionPoint
* overShipmentTolerance
* eamActShutdownStatus
* globalAttribute39
* baseWarrantyServiceId
* inventoryCarryPenalty
* segment10
* minMinmaxQuantity
* minimumLicenseQuantity
* primaryUomCode
* defaultShippingOrg
* planningExceptionSet
* returnableFlag
* serviceDurationPeriodCode
* overcompletionToleranceValue
* enforceShipToLocationCode
* segment11
* recipeEnabledFlag
* baseItemId
* outsourcedAssembly
* productFamilyItemId
* chargePeriodicityCode
* shrinkageRate
* programApplicationId
* vmiMinimumUnits
* pickingRuleId
* coverageScheduleId
* allowedUnitsLookupCode
* gradeControlFlag
* qtyRcvExceptionCode
* endDateActive
* daysLateReceiptAllowed
* serialStatusEnabled
* eamItemType
* lotSubstitutionEnabled
* maxWarrantyAmount
* expirationActionInterval
* collateralFlag
* consignedFlag
* dualUomDeviationLow
* attribute6
* shipModelCompleteFlag
* attribute28
* copyLotAttributeFlag
* fixedDaysSupply
* defaultMaterialStatusId
* globalAttribute10
* globalAttribute17
* demandTimeFenceDays
* attribute19
* globalAttribute25
* eamActNotificationFlag
* qtyRcvTolerance
* globalAttribute37
* currentPhaseId
* invoicingRuleId
* buyerId
* eamActivityCauseCode
* changeLineId
* startAutoSerialNumber
* equipmentType
* globalAttribute13
* globalAttribute34
* lotSplitEnabled
* allowItemDescUpdateFlag
* casNumber
* effectivityControl
* plannedInvPointFlag
* attribute13
* attribute29
* autoCreatedConfigFlag
* daysTgtInvWindow
* convergence
* planningTimeFenceCode
* releaseTimeFenceCode
* atpRuleId
* substitutionWindowDays
* hazardClassId
* globalAttribute30
* bomItemType
* globalAttribute19
* attribute10


 * changeId
* sourceLang
* implementationDate
* lastUpdateDate
* createdBy
* changeLineId
* inventoryItemId
* longDescription
* acdType
* language
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdatedBy
* creationDate
* organizationId
* description


 * changeId
* sourceLang
* implementationDate
* lastUpdateDate
* createdBy
* changeLineId
* inventoryItemId
* longDescription
* acdType
* language
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdatedBy
* creationDate
* organizationId
* description


 * organizationId
* lastUpdateDate
* userId
* creationDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* createdBy
* inventoryItemId


 * organizationId
* lastUpdateDate
* userId
* creationDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* createdBy
* inventoryItemId


 * lastUpdatedBy
* zdSync
* dataLevel
* zdEditionName
* lastUpdateLogin
* viewPrivilegeId
* attrGroupId
* lastUpdateDate
* creationDate
* objectId
* createdBy
* editPrivilegeId
* dataLevelId
* enabledFlag
* associationId
* classificationCode


 * lastUpdatedBy
* zdSync
* dataLevel
* zdEditionName
* lastUpdateLogin
* viewPrivilegeId
* attrGroupId
* lastUpdateDate
* creationDate
* objectId
* createdBy
* editPrivilegeId
* dataLevelId
* enabledFlag
* associationId
* classificationCode


 * creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* childObjectId
* createdBy
* zdSync
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* zdEditionName
* parentObjectId
* childRoleId
* parentRoleId
* childObjectType


 * creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* childObjectId
* createdBy
* zdSync
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* zdEditionName
* parentObjectId
* childRoleId
* parentRoleId
* childObjectType


 * createdBy
* lifecycleId
* objectId
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* objectClassificationCode
* creationDate
* lastUpdateDate


 * createdBy
* lifecycleId
* objectId
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* objectClassificationCode
* creationDate
* lastUpdateDate


 * creationDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* lockId
* pk2Value
* lockFlag
* zdSync
* lastUpdateLogin
* zdEditionName
* pk5Value
* createdBy
* pk1Value
* pk3Value
* lastUpdateDate
* objectName
* lockingPartyId
* pk4Value


 * creationDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* lockId
* pk2Value
* lockFlag
* zdSync
* lastUpdateLogin
* zdEditionName
* pk5Value
* createdBy
* pk1Value
* pk3Value
* lastUpdateDate
* objectName
* lockingPartyId
* pk4Value


 * createdBy
* objectId
* enabledFlag
* lastUpdateDate
* roleId
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdatedBy


 * createdBy
* objectId
* enabledFlag
* lastUpdateDate
* roleId
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdatedBy


 * lastUpdateLogin
* controlLevel
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateDate
* startDate
* objectId
* attachCategoryId
* endDate
* classificationCode
* creationDate
* createdBy


 * lastUpdateLogin
* controlLevel
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateDate
* startDate
* objectId
* attachCategoryId
* endDate
* classificationCode
* creationDate
* createdBy


 * sequenceNumber
* pk1Value
* odiSessionId
* entityType
* pk5Value
* pk2Value
* pk4Value
* sessionId
* ref1Value
* pk3Value


 * sequenceNumber
* pk1Value
* odiSessionId
* entityType
* pk5Value
* pk2Value
* pk4Value
* sessionId
* ref1Value
* pk3Value


 * createdBy
* xslcontent
* creationDate
* webServiceName


 * createdBy
* xslcontent
* creationDate
* webServiceName


 * afterValueN
* afterValueD
* attrGroupName
* validationSeverity
* attrGroupType
* attrIntName
* afterValueC
* createdBy
* validationResult
* itemLevelId
* beforeValueC
* attrGroupId
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateBy
* userRuleId
* beforeValueN
* creationDate
* beforeValueD
* rulesetId
* attrLevelId
* resultMessage


 * afterValueN
* afterValueD
* attrGroupName
* validationSeverity
* attrGroupType
* attrIntName
* afterValueC
* createdBy
* validationResult
* itemLevelId
* beforeValueC
* attrGroupId
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateBy
* userRuleId
* beforeValueN
* creationDate
* beforeValueD
* rulesetId
* attrLevelId
* resultMessage


 * batchId
* lastUpdateBy
* lastUpdateDate
* creationDate
* createdBy
* topRulesetId
* requestId
* lastUpdateLogin
* businessEntity


 * batchId
* lastUpdateBy
* lastUpdateDate
* creationDate
* createdBy
* topRulesetId
* requestId
* lastUpdateLogin
* businessEntity


 * itemCatalogGroupId
* batchId
* supplierId
* creationDate
* createdBy
* processStatus
* inventoryItemId
* resultMessage
* supplierSiteId
* itemLevelId
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* revisionId
* organizationId
* lastUpdateBy


 * itemCatalogGroupId
* batchId
* supplierId
* creationDate
* createdBy
* processStatus
* inventoryItemId
* resultMessage
* supplierSiteId
* itemLevelId
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* revisionId
* organizationId
* lastUpdateBy


 * classificationCode
* lastUpdateDate
* zdEditionName
* pageId
* associationId
* zdSync
* sequence
* createdBy
* lastUpdatedBy
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin


 * classificationCode
* lastUpdateDate
* zdEditionName
* pageId
* associationId
* zdSync
* sequence
* createdBy
* lastUpdatedBy
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin


 * classificationCode
* transactionType
* programId
* creationDate
* classificationName
* setProcessId
* oldAttrGroupName
* transactionId
* lastUpdateDate
* oldAssociationId
* sequence
* newAssociationId
* lastUpdatedBy
* newAttrGroupId
* oldAttrGroupId
* programUpdateDate
* internalName
* requestId
* programApplicationId
* pageId
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* newAttrGroupName
* lastUpdateLogin
* processStatus


 * classificationCode
* transactionType
* programId
* creationDate
* classificationName
* setProcessId
* oldAttrGroupName
* transactionId
* lastUpdateDate
* oldAssociationId
* sequence
* newAssociationId
* lastUpdatedBy
* newAttrGroupId
* oldAttrGroupId
* programUpdateDate
* internalName
* requestId
* programApplicationId
* pageId
* createdBy
* newAttrGroupName
* lastUpdateLogin
* processStatus


 * creationDate
* internalName
* zdSync
* dataLevel
* pageId
* createdBy
* lastUpdatedBy
* objectId
* lastUpdateLogin
* sequence
* classificationCode
* lastUpdateDate
* zdEditionName


 * creationDate
* internalName
* zdSync
* dataLevel
* pageId
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* lastUpdateLogin
* sequence
* classificationCode
* lastUpdateDate
* zdEditionName


 * transactionType
* creationDate
* description
* dataLevel
* pageId
* programApplicationId
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* requestId
* transactionId
* programId
* sequence
* createdBy
* lastUpdatedBy
* setProcessId
* displayName
* lastUpdateDate
* internalName
* programUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* processStatus
* classificationCode


 * transactionType
* creationDate
* description
* dataLevel
* pageId
* programApplicationId
* classificationName
* requestId
* transactionId
* programId
* sequence
* createdBy
* lastUpdatedBy
* setProcessId
* displayName
* lastUpdateDate
* internalName
* programUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* processStatus
* classificationCode


 * pageId
* description
* zdSync
* displayName
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* createdBy
* zdEditionName
* language
* sourceLang
* creationDate
* lastUpdateDate


 * pageId
* description
* zdSync
* displayName
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* createdBy
* zdEditionName
* language
* sourceLang
* creationDate
* lastUpdateDate


 * pk1Value
* pk5Value
* batchId
* pk2Value
* creationDate
* pk4Value
* lastUpdatedBy
* createdBy
* pk3Value
* lastUpdateLogin
* objectVersionNumber
* batchEntityObjectId
* entityTypeId
* userEntered
* lastUpdateDate


 * pk1Value
* pk5Value
* batchId
* pk2Value
* creationDate
* pk4Value
* lastUpdatedBy
* createdBy
* pk3Value
* lastUpdateLogin
* objectVersionNumber
* batchEntityObjectId
* entityTypeId
* userEntered
* lastUpdateDate


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* primaryKey4
* lastUpdateLogin
* createdBy
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* lastUpdateDate
* entityId
* primaryKey5
* primaryKey2
* primaryKey3
* creationDate
* entityName


 * objectVersionNumber
* primaryKey4
* lastUpdateLogin
* createdBy
* lastUpdatedBy
* primaryKey1
* lastUpdateDate
* entityId
* primaryKey5
* primaryKey2
* primaryKey3
* creationDate
* entityName


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* responsibilityId
* batchId
* publishedBy
* creationDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* objectVersionNumber
* batchName
* batchCreationDate
* batchName#1
* publishedBy#1
* createdBy
* batchCreationDate#1
* batchType


 * lastUpdateDate
* responsibilityId
* batchId
* publishedBy
* creationDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* objectVersionNumber
* batchName
* batchCreationDate
* batchName#1
* publishedBy#1
* createdBy
* batchCreationDate#1
* batchType


 * type
* numericValue
* lastUpdatedBy
* charValue
* objectVersionNumber
* dataType
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* typeId
* createdBy
* dateValue
* typeParamId
* creationDate
* parameterName


 * type
* numericValue
* lastUpdatedBy
* charValue
* objectVersionNumber
* dataType
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* typeId
* createdBy
* dateValue
* typeParamId
* creationDate
* parameterName


 * lastUpdateDate
* message
* createdBy
* systemCode
* statusCode
* creationDate
* batchEntityObjectId
* objectVersionNumber
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* batchId


 * lastUpdateDate
* message
* createdBy
* systemCode
* statusCode
* creationDate
* batchEntityObjectId
* objectVersionNumber
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* batchId


 * batchId
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* createdBy
* lastUpdateDate
* creationDate
* objectVersionNumber
* systemCode


 * batchId
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* createdBy
* lastUpdateDate
* creationDate
* objectVersionNumber
* systemCode


 * dataType
* odiSessionId
* createdBy
* sessionId
* dateValue
* numericValue
* charValue
* webServiceName
* creationDate
* parameterName


 * dataType
* odiSessionId
* createdBy
* sessionId
* dateValue
* numericValue
* charValue
* webServiceName
* creationDate
* parameterName


 * sessionId
* parentSequenceId
* ref7Value
* ref5Value
* userEntered
* pk5Value
* odiSessionId
* levelNumber
* pk2Value
* creationDate
* ref4Value
* sequenceId
* createdBy
* ref2Value
* ref10Value
* pk1Value
* value
* ref6Value
* entityType
* pk4Value
* ref1Value
* ref3Value
* ref9Value
* pk3Value
* payloadSequence
* ref8Value


 * sessionId
* parentSequenceId
* ref7Value
* ref5Value
* userEntered
* pk5Value
* odiSessionId
* levelNumber
* pk2Value
* creationDate
* ref4Value
* sequenceId
* createdBy
* ref2Value
* ref10Value
* pk1Value
* value
* ref6Value
* entityType
* pk4Value
* ref1Value
* ref3Value
* ref9Value
* pk3Value
* payloadSequence
* ref8Value


 * inputId
* errCode
* creationDate
* odiSessionId
* sessionId
* createdBy
* errMessage
* systemCode


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* errCode
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* odiSessionId
* sessionId
* createdBy
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* systemCode


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* ref7Value
* parentSequenceId
* creationDate
* ref1Value
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* ref6Value
* pk2Value
* pk1Value
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* pk4Value
* pk3Value
* entityType
* ref4Value
* sequenceId
* pk5Value
* ref9Value
* value
* createdBy
* ref5Value
* ref8Value
* ref10Value
* ref3Value
* sessionId


 * odiSessionId
* ref7Value
* parentSequenceId
* creationDate
* ref1Value
* ref2Value
* ref6Value
* pk2Value
* pk1Value
* levelNumber
* payloadSequence
* pk4Value
* pk3Value
* entityType
* ref4Value
* sequenceId
* pk5Value
* ref9Value
* value
* createdBy
* ref5Value
* ref8Value
* ref10Value
* ref3Value
* sessionId


 * pk2Value
* pk5Value
* systemCode
* inputId
* odiSessionId
* paramName
* pk4Value
* sessionId
* paramValue
* createdBy
* pk1Value
* pk3Value
* creationDate


 * pk2Value
* pk5Value
* systemCode
* inputId
* odiSessionId
* paramName
* pk4Value
* sessionId
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* createdBy
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* xmlcontent
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* sessionId
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* xmlOdi
* xmlclob
* webServiceName
* createdBy


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* fndUserName
* sessionId
* createdBy
* creationDate
* nlsLanguage
* securityGroupName
* webServiceName
* responsibilityName
* xmlcontent


 * responsibilityApplName
* fndUserName
* sessionId
* createdBy
* creationDate
* nlsLanguage
* securityGroupName
* webServiceName
* responsibilityName
* xmlcontent


 * lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdateDate
* reportId
* createdBy
* listEntryId
* creationDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* listId


 * lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdateDate
* reportId
* createdBy
* listEntryId
* creationDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* listId


 * customizationLevelId
* reportApplicationId
* creationDate
* classification2
* organizationId
* createdBy
* listId
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateDate
* classification3
* defaultFlag
* classification1
* reportRegionCode
* userId
* lastUpdateLogin


 * customizationLevelId
* reportApplicationId
* creationDate
* classification2
* organizationId
* createdBy
* listId
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateDate
* classification3
* defaultFlag
* classification1
* reportRegionCode
* userId
* lastUpdateLogin


 * listId
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* listDescription
* listName
* lastUpdateDate
* language
* creationDate
* createdBy
* sourceLang


 * listId
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* listDescription
* listName
* lastUpdateDate
* language
* creationDate
* createdBy
* sourceLang


 * createdBy
* repRegionApplicationId
* organizationId
* dataSourceCode
* lastUpdateLogin
* exportTemplateId
* reportCustomizationCode
* reportApplicationId
* creationDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* reportRegionCode
* reportId
* outputFormatCode
* lastUpdateDate


 * createdBy
* repRegionApplicationId
* organizationId
* dataSourceCode
* lastUpdateLogin
* exportTemplateId
* reportCustomizationCode
* reportApplicationId
* creationDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* reportRegionCode
* reportId
* outputFormatCode
* lastUpdateDate


 * customizationApplicationId
* createdBy
* dataLevelId
* displaySequence
* lastUpdateLogin
* intfColumnName
* resultfmtUsageId
* lastUpdateDate
* attributeCode
* creationDate
* segmentNumber
* classificationCode
* customizationCode
* regionApplicationId
* attrDisplayName
* regionCode
* lastUpdatedBy


 * customizationApplicationId
* createdBy
* dataLevelId
* displaySequence
* lastUpdateLogin
* intfColumnName
* resultfmtUsageId
* lastUpdateDate
* attributeCode
* creationDate
* segmentNumber
* classificationCode
* customizationCode
* regionApplicationId
* attrDisplayName
* regionCode
* lastUpdatedBy


 * businessEntity
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdatedBy
* zdSync
* assignmentId
* creationDate
* createdBy
* action
* zdEditionName
* lastUpdateDate
* rulesetId


 * businessEntity
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdatedBy
* zdSync
* assignmentId
* creationDate
* createdBy
* action
* zdEditionName
* lastUpdateDate
* rulesetId


 * zdSync
* attribute
* attrGroupName
* lastUpdatedBy
* createdBy
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* businessEntity
* zdEditionName
* creationDate
* ruleId
* attrUsageId
* attrGroupType


 * zdSync
* attribute
* attrGroupName
* lastUpdatedBy
* createdBy
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* businessEntity
* zdEditionName
* creationDate
* ruleId
* attrUsageId
* attrGroupType


 * lastUpdateLogin
* composite
* zdSync
* rulesetType
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
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* itemCatalogCategory
* attrGroupType
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* creationDate
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* composite
* zdSync
* rulesetType
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
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* itemCatalogCategory
* attrGroupType
* attrGroupName
* creationDate
* createdBy


 * description
* rulesetDisplayName
* creationDate
* sourceLang
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdatedBy
* createdBy
* rulesetId
* language
* lastUpdateDate
* zdSync
* zdEditionName


 * description
* rulesetDisplayName
* creationDate
* sourceLang
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdatedBy
* createdBy
* rulesetId
* language
* lastUpdateDate
* zdSync
* zdEditionName


 * lastUpdateLogin
* organizationId
* createdBy
* lastUpdatedBy
* creationDate
* lastUpdateDate
* styleItemId
* concatenatedVaSegments
* skuItemId


 * lastUpdateLogin
* organizationId
* createdBy
* lastUpdatedBy
* creationDate
* lastUpdateDate
* styleItemId
* concatenatedVaSegments
* skuItemId


 * lastUpdateLogin
* sourceSystemId
* creationDate
* objectVersionNumber
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* enabledForItems
* createdBy


 * lastUpdateLogin
* sourceSystemId
* creationDate
* objectVersionNumber
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* enabledForItems
* createdBy


 * lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdateDate
* valueSetId
* inventoryItemId
* creationDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* attributeId
* createdBy


 * lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdateDate
* valueSetId
* inventoryItemId
* creationDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* attributeId
* createdBy


 * country
* lastUpdateLogin
* city
* selectFlag
* creationDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* createdBy
* supplierName
* state
* supplierNumber
* supplierId
* supplierSiteName
* dunsNumber
* taxPayerId
* lastUpdateDate
* taxRegistrationNum
* batchId
* supplierSiteId


 * country
* lastUpdateLogin
* city
* selectFlag
* creationDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* createdBy
* supplierName
* state
* supplierNumber
* supplierId
* supplierSiteName
* dunsNumber
* taxPayerId
* lastUpdateDate
* taxRegistrationNum
* batchId
* supplierSiteId


 * attributeUomCode
* programUpdateDate
* createdBy
* attributeDateValue
* attributeId
* lastUpdateLogin
* rowNumber
* classificationCode
* attributeStringValue
* attributeNumberValue
* programApplicationId
* templateId
* enabledFlag
* attributeTranslatedValue
* lastUpdatedBy
* requestId
* attributeGroupId
* programId
* creationDate
* lastUpdateDate
* dataLevelId


 * attributeUomCode
* programUpdateDate
* createdBy
* attributeDateValue
* attributeId
* lastUpdateLogin
* rowNumber
* classificationCode
* attributeStringValue
* attributeNumberValue
* programApplicationId
* templateId
* enabledFlag
* attributeTranslatedValue
* lastUpdatedBy
* requestId
* attributeGroupId
* programId
* creationDate
* lastUpdateDate
* dataLevelId


 * createdBy
* programUpdateDate
* valueSetId
* iccVersionNumber
* requiredFlag
* hiddenFlag
* requestId
* readonlyFlag
* revisionId
* programId
* creationDate
* programApplicationId
* inventoryItemId
* defaultValue
* rejectedValue
* lastUpdateDate
* organizationId
* sequence
* attrId
* uomClass
* metadataLevel
* lastUpdatedBy
* itemCatalogGroupId
* associationId
* attrDisplayName
* checkEligibility
* lastUpdateLogin
* searchableFlag


 * createdBy
* programUpdateDate
* valueSetId
* iccVersionNumber
* requiredFlag
* hiddenFlag
* requestId
* readonlyFlag
* revisionId
* programId
* creationDate
* programApplicationId
* inventoryItemId
* defaultValue
* rejectedValue
* lastUpdateDate
* organizationId
* sequence
* attrId
* uomClass
* metadataLevel
* lastUpdatedBy
* itemCatalogGroupId
* associationId
* attrDisplayName
* checkEligibility
* lastUpdateLogin
* searchableFlag


 * revision
* lastUpdateLogin
* rejectedValue
* attrId
* attrName
* lastUpdatedBy
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* inventoryItemId
* defaultValue
* hiddenFlag
* createdBy
* attrDisplayName
* programApplicationId
* organizationCode
* sequence
* requestId
* setProcessId
* programUpdateDate
* metadataLevel
* valueSetName
* organizationId
* displayFlag
* creationDate
* transactionId
* uomClass
* itemNumber
* revisionId
* itemCatalogGroupId
* dataType
* readonlyFlag
* searchableFlag
* requiredFlag
* programId
* itemCatalogGroupName
* transactionType
* checkEligibility
* associationId
* lastUpdateDate
* processStatus


 * revision
* lastUpdateLogin
* rejectedValue
* attrId
* attrName
* lastUpdatedBy
* iccVersionNumber
* valueSetId
* inventoryItemId
* defaultValue
* hiddenFlag
* createdBy
* attrDisplayName
* programApplicationId
* organizationCode
* sequence
* requestId
* setProcessId
* programUpdateDate
* metadataLevel
* valueSetName
* organizationId
* displayFlag
* creationDate
* transactionId
* uomClass
* itemNumber
* revisionId
* itemCatalogGroupId
* dataType
* readonlyFlag
* searchableFlag
* requiredFlag
* programId
* itemCatalogGroupName
* transactionType
* checkEligibility
* associationId
* lastUpdateDate
* processStatus


 * lastUpdateLogin
* messageSentFlag
* createdBy
* clnId
* sourceSystemReference
* code
* creationDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* sourceSystemId
* lastUpdateDate
* description
* actionNeeded


 * lastUpdateLogin
* messageSentFlag
* createdBy
* clnId
* sourceSystemReference
* code
* creationDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* sourceSystemId
* lastUpdateDate
* description
* actionNeeded


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* glnOfBrandOwner
* lastUpdateLogin
* creationDate
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* classificationCategoryCode
* createdBy
* gtin
* depth
* netWeight
* height
* lastUpdatedBy
* weightUom
* width
* tradeItemUnitDescriptor
* grossWeight
* pack
* revisionId
* brandName
* glnOfInformationProvider
* gpcCode
* canceledDate
* netContent
* organizationId
* eventIdRef
* eanuccCode


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* lastUpdateDate
* inventoryItemId
* glnOfBrandOwner
* lastUpdateLogin
* creationDate
* netContentUom
* volume
* discontinuedDate
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* volumeUom
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* createdBy
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* height
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* width
* tradeItemUnitDescriptor
* grossWeight
* pack
* revisionId
* brandName
* glnOfInformationProvider
* gpcCode
* canceledDate
* netContent
* organizationId
* eventIdRef
* eanuccCode


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* industry
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* eventAction
* batchId
* extComplexItemReference
* assemblyItemId
* quantity
* supplierGln
* gtin
* addressId
* subbatchId
* parentGtin
* inventoryItemId
* lastUpdateLogin
* importBatchId
* clnId
* lastUpdateDate
* eventRowId
* creationDate
* sourceSystemId
* partySiteId
* messageId
* createdBy
* totalQuantity
* eventType
* sourceSystemReference
* numberOfChildren
* lastUpdatedBy
* dispositionDate
* planLevel
* organizationId
* targetMarket


 * dispositionCode
* tpGln
* topItemId
* industry
* topGtin
* eventAction
* batchId
* extComplexItemReference
* assemblyItemId
* quantity
* supplierGln
* gtin
* addressId
* subbatchId
* parentGtin
* inventoryItemId
* lastUpdateLogin
* importBatchId
* clnId
* lastUpdateDate
* eventRowId
* creationDate
* sourceSystemId
* partySiteId
* messageId
* createdBy
* totalQuantity
* eventType
* sourceSystemReference
* numberOfChildren
* lastUpdatedBy
* dispositionDate
* planLevel
* organizationId
* targetMarket


 * uomMappingId
* uomMappingDescription
* uomMappingName
* createdBy
* creationDate
* lastUpdateDate
* sourceSystemId
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdatedBy


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* uomMappingDescription
* uomMappingName
* createdBy
* creationDate
* lastUpdateDate
* sourceSystemId
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdatedBy


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* uomClass
* creationDate
* createdBy
* uomMappingRowId
* extUom
* lastUpdateDate
* uomMappingId
* lastUpdatedBy


 * lastUpdateLogin
* uomCode
* uomClass
* creationDate
* createdBy
* uomMappingRowId
* extUom
* lastUpdateDate
* uomMappingId
* lastUpdatedBy


 * sequence
* creationDate
* ruleXml
* lastUpdateLogin
* rulesetId
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateDate
* createdBy
* ruleName
* zdEditionName
* attrGroupType
* attrName
* severity
* attrGroupName
* ruleId
* zdSync


 * sequence
* creationDate
* ruleXml
* lastUpdateLogin
* rulesetId
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateDate
* createdBy
* ruleName
* zdEditionName
* attrGroupType
* attrName
* severity
* attrGroupName
* ruleId
* zdSync


 * lastUpdateDate
* zdEditionName
* ruleId
* createdBy
* sourceLang
* userExplanationMessage
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* language
* lastUpdatedBy
* description
* zdSync


 * lastUpdateDate
* zdEditionName
* ruleId
* createdBy
* sourceLang
* userExplanationMessage
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* language
* lastUpdatedBy
* description
* zdSync


 * lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* parentValueSetId
* creationDate
* valueSetId
* createdBy


 * lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
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* creationDate
* valueSetId
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* zdEditionName
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* lastUpdateLogin
* zdSync
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* creationDate
* createdBy
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* valueSetValueId
* zdEditionName
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* zdSync
* dispSequence
* creationDate
* createdBy
* valueSetId


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* xmlSchemaName
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdateDate
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* xmlSchema
* lastUpdatedBy
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* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdateDate
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* isActive
* xmlSchema
* lastUpdatedBy
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* changeDocumentId
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* newFileName
* createdBy
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* attachedUserId
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* entityName
* lastUpdateLogin
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* sourceMediaId
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* entityName
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* objectToName
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdateDate
* zdSync
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* defaultFlag


 * zdEditionName
* toCategoryCode
* creationDate
* fromCategoryCode
* objectToName
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdateDate
* zdSync
* lastUpdatedBy
* createdBy
* relationshipCode
* defaultFlag


 * actionType
* objectId1
* routeId
* createdBy
* assigneeId
* lastUpdateLogin
* localOrganizationId
* requestId
* objectId5
* programApplicationId
* responseByDate
* partyIdList
* programId
* objectName
* objectId3
* lastUpdatedBy
* workflowItemType
* implementationReqId
* programUpdateDate
* parentStatusCode
* creationDate
* statusCode
* actionId
* workflowItemKey
* originalSystemReference
* lastUpdateDate
* objectId2
* parentActionId
* objectId4
* priorityCode


 * actionType
* objectId1
* routeId
* createdBy
* assigneeId
* lastUpdateLogin
* localOrganizationId
* requestId
* objectId5
* programApplicationId
* responseByDate
* partyIdList
* programId
* objectName
* objectId3
* lastUpdatedBy
* workflowItemType
* implementationReqId
* programUpdateDate
* parentStatusCode
* creationDate
* statusCode
* actionId
* workflowItemKey
* originalSystemReference
* lastUpdateDate
* objectId2
* parentActionId
* objectId4
* priorityCode


 * lastUpdateLogin
* createdBy
* actionId
* lastUpdatedBy
* creationDate
* lastUpdateDate
* sourceLang
* language
* description


 * lastUpdateLogin
* createdBy
* actionId
* lastUpdatedBy
* creationDate
* lastUpdateDate
* sourceLang
* language
* description


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* lastUpdatedBy
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* changeId
* text
* lastUpdateDate
* createdBy
* creationDate


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* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
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* text
* lastUpdateDate
* createdBy
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* programApplicationId
* pk2Value
* cancelationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdateDate
* implementationDate
* changeTypeId
* assigneeId
* routeId
* changeId
* lifecycleStateId
* objectId
* completeBeforeStatusCode
* requiredFlag
* pk1Value
* pk5Value
* approvalDate
* needByDate
* originalSystemReference
* approvalStatusType
* pk3Value
* scheduledDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* changeLineId
* statusCode
* requestId
* creationDate
* approvalRequestDate
* programId
* sequenceNumber
* startAfterStatusCode
* createdBy
* programUpdateDate


 * pk4Value
* programApplicationId
* pk2Value
* cancelationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdateDate
* implementationDate
* changeTypeId
* assigneeId
* routeId
* changeId
* lifecycleStateId
* objectId
* completeBeforeStatusCode
* requiredFlag
* pk1Value
* pk5Value
* approvalDate
* needByDate
* originalSystemReference
* approvalStatusType
* pk3Value
* scheduledDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* changeLineId
* statusCode
* requestId
* creationDate
* approvalRequestDate
* programId
* sequenceNumber
* startAfterStatusCode
* createdBy
* programUpdateDate


 * transactionType
* changeTypeCode
* statusName
* pk2Name
* pk3Name
* engChangesIfceKey
* implementationDate
* pk4Name
* sequenceNumber
* processFlag
* completeBeforeStatusCode
* typeClassification
* ecoName
* changeMgmtTypeName
* scheduledDate
* organizationCode
* description
* pk1Name
* originalSystemReference
* assigneeName
* transactionId
* returnStatus
* cancelationDate
* organizationId
* startAfterStatusCode
* objectDisplayName
* pk5Name
* needByDate
* name


 * transactionType
* changeTypeCode
* statusName
* pk2Name
* pk3Name
* engChangesIfceKey
* implementationDate
* pk4Name
* sequenceNumber
* processFlag
* completeBeforeStatusCode
* typeClassification
* ecoName
* changeMgmtTypeName
* scheduledDate
* organizationCode
* description
* pk1Name
* originalSystemReference
* assigneeName
* transactionId
* returnStatus
* cancelationDate
* organizationId
* startAfterStatusCode
* objectDisplayName
* pk5Name
* needByDate
* name


 * lastUpdatedBy
* sourceLang
* createdBy
* lastUpdateDate
* description
* changeLineId
* name
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* language


 * lastUpdatedBy
* sourceLang
* createdBy
* lastUpdateDate
* description
* changeLineId
* name
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* language


 * createdBy
* creationDate
* localOrganizationId
* lastUpdateLogin
* hierarchyId
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateDate
* changeId


 * createdBy
* creationDate
* localOrganizationId
* lastUpdateLogin
* hierarchyId
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateDate
* changeId


 * revisedItemSequenceId
* localOrganizationId
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdateDate
* logClassificationCode
* changePropagationMapId
* changeLogId
* creationDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* localRevisedItemSequenceId
* localChangeId
* localChangeLineId
* createdBy
* changeLineId
* logTypeCode
* changeId


 * revisedItemSequenceId
* localOrganizationId
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdateDate
* logClassificationCode
* changePropagationMapId
* changeLogId
* creationDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* localRevisedItemSequenceId
* localChangeId
* localChangeLineId
* createdBy
* changeLineId
* logTypeCode
* changeId


 * language
* createdBy
* lastUpdateDate
* sourceLang
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdatedBy
* changeLogId
* logText


 * language
* createdBy
* lastUpdateDate
* sourceLang
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdatedBy
* changeLogId
* logText


 * changeRelationshipId
* lastUpdateLogin
* changeId
* lastUpdateDate
* objectToId3
* objectToId2
* objectToName
* objectToId5
* objectToId1
* relationshipCode
* creationDate
* objectToId4
* createdBy
* lastUpdatedBy


 * changeRelationshipId
* lastUpdateLogin
* changeId
* lastUpdateDate
* objectToId3
* objectToId2
* objectToName
* objectToId5
* objectToId1
* relationshipCode
* creationDate
* objectToId4
* createdBy
* lastUpdatedBy


 * attribute15
* requestId
* programId
* originalSystemReference
* comments
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute12
* programUpdateDate
* revisionId
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute9
* attribute13
* revision
* startDate
* attribute10
* attributeCategory
* attribute7
* attribute8
* createdBy
* attribute5
* attribute6
* attribute11
* programApplicationId
* changeId
* attribute2
* attribute14
* attribute1
* changeNotice
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute4
* endDate
* creationDate
* organizationId
* attribute3


 * attribute15
* requestId
* programId
* originalSystemReference
* comments
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute12
* programUpdateDate
* revisionId
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute9
* attribute13
* revision
* startDate
* attribute10
* attributeCategory
* attribute7
* attribute8
* createdBy
* attribute5
* attribute6
* attribute11
* programApplicationId
* changeId
* attribute2
* attribute14
* attribute1
* changeNotice
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute4
* endDate
* creationDate
* organizationId
* attribute3


 * organizationId
* organizationCode
* internalRoleId
* internalRoleName
* changeNotice
* granteeName
* dataSetId
* programApplicationId
* lastUpdateLogin
* createdBy
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateDate
* programId
* startDate
* granteeType
* displayRoleName
* programUpdateDate
* changeMgmtTypeCode
* transactionType
* changeId
* processStatus
* granteePartyId
* creationDate
* requestId
* endDate
* transactionId


 * organizationId
* organizationCode
* internalRoleId
* internalRoleName
* changeNotice
* granteeName
* dataSetId
* programApplicationId
* lastUpdateLogin
* createdBy
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateDate
* programId
* startDate
* granteeType
* displayRoleName
* programUpdateDate
* changeMgmtTypeCode
* transactionType
* changeId
* processStatus
* granteePartyId
* creationDate
* requestId
* endDate
* transactionId


 * revisedLineId5
* localRevisedLineId3
* entityName
* localRevisedLineId1
* createdBy
* revisedLineId3
* localOrganizationId
* lastUpdateLogin
* localRevisedLineId5
* creationDate
* revisedLineType
* programUpdateDate
* programId
* localRevisedLineId2
* revisedLineId2
* requestId
* revisedLineId1
* localRevisedLineId4
* revisedLineId4
* revisedItemSequenceId
* localRevisedItemSequenceId
* programApplicationId
* changeId
* localChangeId
* lastUpdatedBy
* changePropagationMapId
* entityActionStatus
* lastUpdateDate


 * revisedLineId5
* localRevisedLineId3
* entityName
* localRevisedLineId1
* createdBy
* revisedLineId3
* localOrganizationId
* lastUpdateLogin
* localRevisedLineId5
* creationDate
* revisedLineType
* programUpdateDate
* programId
* localRevisedLineId2
* revisedLineId2
* requestId
* revisedLineId1
* localRevisedLineId4
* revisedLineId4
* revisedItemSequenceId
* localRevisedItemSequenceId
* programApplicationId
* changeId
* localChangeId
* lastUpdatedBy
* changePropagationMapId
* entityActionStatus
* lastUpdateDate


 * creationDate
* programUpdateDate
* requestId
* createdBy
* responseDate
* originalAssigneeTypeCode
* parentRoutePeopleId
* wfNotificationId
* responseConditionCode
* zdEditionName
* originalAssigneeId
* responseCode
* lastUpdatedBy
* stepId
* originalSystemReference
* routePeopleId
* lastUpdateLogin
* programId
* assigneeId
* programApplicationId
* zdSync
* assigneeTypeCode
* adhocPeopleFlag
* lastUpdateDate


 * creationDate
* programUpdateDate
* requestId
* createdBy
* responseDate
* originalAssigneeTypeCode
* parentRoutePeopleId
* wfNotificationId
* responseConditionCode
* zdEditionName
* originalAssigneeId
* responseCode
* lastUpdatedBy
* stepId
* originalSystemReference
* routePeopleId
* lastUpdateLogin
* programId
* assigneeId
* programApplicationId
* zdSync
* assigneeTypeCode
* adhocPeopleFlag
* lastUpdateDate


 * lastUpdateLogin
* language
* routePeopleId
* zdSync
* lastUpdatedBy
* responseDescription
* lastUpdateDate
* creationDate
* createdBy
* zdEditionName
* sourceLang


 * lastUpdateLogin
* language
* routePeopleId
* zdSync
* lastUpdatedBy
* responseDescription
* lastUpdateDate
* creationDate
* createdBy
* zdEditionName
* sourceLang


 * attribute14
* createdBy
* lastUpdatedBy
* stepEndDate
* zdEditionName
* conditionTypeCode
* requiredDate
* creationDate
* attribute2
* lastUpdateDate
* attributeCategory
* attribute3
* stepId
* requestId
* stepSeqNum
* attribute9
* zdSync
* attribute7
* attribute13
* wfItemKey
* originalSystemReference
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute10
* timeoutOption
* attribute12
* wfItemType
* adhocStepFlag
* stepStartDate
* programUpdateDate
* routeId
* attribute5
* attribute8
* programId
* attribute4
* requiredRelativeDays
* programApplicationId
* stepStatusCode
* attribute15
* wfProcessName
* attribute1
* attribute11
* assignmentCode
* attribute6


 * attribute14
* createdBy
* lastUpdatedBy
* stepEndDate
* zdEditionName
* conditionTypeCode
* requiredDate
* creationDate
* attribute2
* lastUpdateDate
* attributeCategory
* attribute3
* stepId
* requestId
* stepSeqNum
* attribute9
* zdSync
* attribute7
* attribute13
* wfItemKey
* originalSystemReference
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute10
* timeoutOption
* attribute12
* wfItemType
* adhocStepFlag
* stepStartDate
* programUpdateDate
* routeId
* attribute5
* attribute8
* programId
* attribute4
* requiredRelativeDays
* programApplicationId
* stepStatusCode
* attribute15
* wfProcessName
* attribute1
* attribute11
* assignmentCode
* attribute6


 * language
* sourceLang
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* createdBy
* zdSync
* creationDate
* stepId
* lastUpdateDate
* instruction
* zdEditionName


 * language
* sourceLang
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* createdBy
* zdSync
* creationDate
* stepId
* lastUpdateDate
* instruction
* zdEditionName


 * templateFlag
* wfItemType
* routeStartDate
* lastUpdateDate
* objectId1
* programId
* attribute1
* attribute10
* routeId
* attribute12
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute9
* attribute2
* attribute3
* objectName
* statusCode
* attribute7
* objectId3
* attribute8
* attribute4
* objectId5
* programUpdateDate
* changeRevision
* routeEndDate
* attribute13
* wfItemKey
* appliedTemplateId
* classificationCode
* attributeCategory
* attribute15
* creationDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* objectId4
* attribute6
* attribute14
* programApplicationId
* createdBy
* zdEditionName
* routeTypeCode
* zdSync
* objectId2
* requestId
* fixedFlag
* attribute5
* originalSystemReference
* wfProcessName
* attribute11
* ownerId


 * templateFlag
* wfItemType
* routeStartDate
* lastUpdateDate
* objectId1
* programId
* attribute1
* attribute10
* routeId
* attribute12
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute9
* attribute2
* attribute3
* objectName
* statusCode
* attribute7
* objectId3
* attribute8
* attribute4
* objectId5
* programUpdateDate
* changeRevision
* routeEndDate
* attribute13
* wfItemKey
* appliedTemplateId
* classificationCode
* attributeCategory
* attribute15
* creationDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* objectId4
* attribute6
* attribute14
* programApplicationId
* createdBy
* zdEditionName
* routeTypeCode
* zdSync
* objectId2
* requestId
* fixedFlag
* attribute5
* originalSystemReference
* wfProcessName
* attribute11
* ownerId


 * sourceLang
* routeId
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* routeName
* createdBy
* zdEditionName
* language
* lastUpdatedBy
* creationDate
* routeDescription
* zdSync


 * sourceLang
* routeId
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* routeName
* createdBy
* zdEditionName
* language
* lastUpdatedBy
* creationDate
* routeDescription
* zdSync


 * pk5Value
* lastUpdateLogin
* entityName
* pk2Value
* pk3Value
* creationDate
* pk4Value
* changeSubjectId
* lastUpdateDate
* changeLineId
* lifecycleStateId
* lastUpdatedBy
* programId
* changeId
* pk1Value
* subjectLevel
* requestId
* createdBy
* programApplicationId
* programUpdateDate


 * pk5Value
* lastUpdateLogin
* entityName
* pk2Value
* pk3Value
* creationDate
* pk4Value
* changeSubjectId
* lastUpdateDate
* changeLineId
* lifecycleStateId
* lastUpdatedBy
* programId
* changeId
* pk1Value
* subjectLevel
* requestId
* createdBy
* programApplicationId
* programUpdateDate


 * attrGroupId
* rowIdentifier
* changeLineId
* changeMgmtTypeCode
* attrDispValue
* programId
* transactionType
* attrIntName
* lastUpdatedBy
* organizationId
* lastUpdateLogin
* programApplicationId
* changeLineName
* dataSetId
* attrValueStr
* creationDate
* organizationCode
* changeNumber
* requestId
* processStatus
* transactionId
* changeTypeId
* attrValueDate
* lastUpdateDate
* changeLineSequenceNumber
* attrValueNum
* attrGroupIntName
* changeId
* programUpdateDate
* createdBy


 * attrGroupId
* rowIdentifier
* changeLineId
* changeMgmtTypeCode
* attrDispValue
* programId
* transactionType
* attrIntName
* lastUpdatedBy
* organizationId
* lastUpdateLogin
* programApplicationId
* changeLineName
* dataSetId
* attrValueStr
* creationDate
* organizationCode
* changeNumber
* requestId
* processStatus
* transactionId
* changeTypeId
* attrValueDate
* lastUpdateDate
* changeLineSequenceNumber
* attrValueNum
* attrGroupIntName
* changeId
* programUpdateDate
* createdBy


 * oldEmployeeId
* programApplicationId
* comments
* employeeId
* lastUpdateDate
* revisedItemId
* revisedItemSequenceId
* originalSystemReference
* lastUpdatedBy
* createdBy
* programId
* creationDate
* requestId
* organizationId
* scheduleId
* lastUpdateLogin
* changeNotice
* scheduledDate
* programUpdateDate
* changeId


 * oldEmployeeId
* programApplicationId
* comments
* employeeId
* lastUpdateDate
* revisedItemId
* revisedItemSequenceId
* originalSystemReference
* lastUpdatedBy
* createdBy
* programId
* creationDate
* requestId
* organizationId
* scheduleId
* lastUpdateLogin
* changeNotice
* scheduledDate
* programUpdateDate
* changeId


 * attribute14
* attribute4
* processFlag
* comments
* attribute9
* engEcoRevisionsIfceKey
* attribute8
* organizationCode
* programApplicationId
* transactionType
* attribute7
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute13
* changeNotice
* createdBy
* attribute11
* attribute6
* changeId
* attribute15
* organizationId
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute2
* programUpdateDate
* attributeCategory
* attribute5
* attribute12
* engChangesIfceKey
* transactionId
* attribute1
* attribute10
* creationDate
* revisionId
* revision
* requestId
* newRevision
* attribute3
* lastUpdateLogin
* programId


 * attribute14
* attribute4
* processFlag
* comments
* attribute9
* engEcoRevisionsIfceKey
* attribute8
* organizationCode
* programApplicationId
* transactionType
* attribute7
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute13
* changeNotice
* createdBy
* attribute11
* attribute6
* changeId
* attribute15
* organizationId
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute2
* programUpdateDate
* attributeCategory
* attribute5
* attribute12
* engChangesIfceKey
* transactionId
* attribute1
* attribute10
* creationDate
* revisionId
* revision
* requestId
* newRevision
* attribute3
* lastUpdateLogin
* programId


 * programUpdateDate
* programId
* createdBy
* programApplicationId
* changeNotice
* creationDate
* requestId
* revisionId
* lastUpdatedBy
* organizationId
* processName
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* submitDate


 * programUpdateDate
* programId
* createdBy
* programApplicationId
* changeNotice
* creationDate
* requestId
* revisionId
* lastUpdatedBy
* organizationId
* processName
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* submitDate


 * requestorId
* engChangesIfceKey
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute10
* originalSystemReference
* createdBy
* assigneeName
* transactionType
* changeName
* attribute3
* estimatedMfgCost
* organizationCode
* setId
* implementationDate
* changeNoticePrefix
* organizationId
* internalUseOnly
* transactionId
* reasonCode
* attributeCategory
* changeOrderType
* pk3Name
* programUpdateDate
* projectName
* changeMgmtTypeCode
* classificationId
* priorityCode
* attribute1
* approvalDate
* approvalListId
* sourceTypeName
* taskNumber
* attribute9
* hierarchyId
* estimatedEngCost
* changeId
* requestId
* attribute6
* programApplicationId
* requestorUserName
* cancellationDate
* programId
* coCreated
* attribute15
* approvalStatusName
* approvalStatusType
* approvalRequestDate
* assigneeId
* needByDate
* statusName
* statusType
* attribute14
* approvalListName
* effort
* attribute13
* changeNotice
* attribute7
* sourceName
* changeOrderTypeId
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute8
* attribute5
* attribute12
* employeeNumber
* initiationDate
* processFlag
* ecoDepartmentName
* attribute11
* lastUpdateLogin
* description
* responsibleOrgCode
* plmOrErpChange
* creationDate
* sourceId
* cancellationComments
* pk1Name
* pk2Name
* changeMgmtTypeName
* attribute2
* responsibleOrganizationId
* attribute4
* organizationHierarchy
* ddfContext
* changeNoticeNumber
* sourceTypeCode


 * requestorId
* engChangesIfceKey
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute10
* originalSystemReference
* createdBy
* assigneeName
* transactionType
* changeName
* attribute3
* estimatedMfgCost
* organizationCode
* setId
* implementationDate
* changeNoticePrefix
* organizationId
* internalUseOnly
* transactionId
* reasonCode
* attributeCategory
* changeOrderType
* pk3Name
* programUpdateDate
* projectName
* changeMgmtTypeCode
* classificationId
* priorityCode
* attribute1
* approvalDate
* approvalListId
* sourceTypeName
* taskNumber
* attribute9
* hierarchyId
* estimatedEngCost
* changeId
* requestId
* attribute6
* programApplicationId
* requestorUserName
* cancellationDate
* programId
* coCreated
* attribute15
* approvalStatusName
* approvalStatusType
* approvalRequestDate
* assigneeId
* needByDate
* statusName
* statusType
* attribute14
* approvalListName
* effort
* attribute13
* changeNotice
* attribute7
* sourceName
* changeOrderTypeId
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute8
* attribute5
* attribute12
* employeeNumber
* initiationDate
* processFlag
* ecoDepartmentName
* attribute11
* lastUpdateLogin
* description
* responsibleOrgCode
* plmOrErpChange
* creationDate
* sourceId
* cancellationComments
* pk1Name
* pk2Name
* changeMgmtTypeName
* attribute2
* responsibleOrganizationId
* attribute4
* organizationHierarchy
* ddfContext
* changeNoticeNumber
* sourceTypeCode


 * originalSystemReference
* requestorId
* ddfContext
* attribute11
* programId
* implementationReqId
* sourceName
* initiationDate
* attribute9
* creationDate
* statusType
* promoteStatusCode
* attribute13
* requestId
* internalUseOnly
* sourceTypeCode
* changeName
* cancellationDate
* attribute1
* hierarchyId
* oldRequestorId
* description
* attribute12
* attribute5
* assigneeId
* statusCode
* changeMgmtTypeCode
* estimatedMfgCost
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute10
* priorityCode
* attribute4
* attribute15
* hierarchyFlag
* routeId
* organizationId
* lastUpdateDate
* attributeCategory
* responsibleOrganizationId
* reasonCode
* taskId
* approvalDate
* changeId
* expirationDate
* changeOrderTypeId
* changeNotice
* cancellationComments
* classificationId
* createdBy
* estimatedEngCost
* attribute3
* changeNoticeNumber
* plmOrErpChange
* attribute6
* organizationHierarchy
* projectId
* programApplicationId
* programUpdateDate
* approvalRequestDate
* implementationDate
* approvalStatusType
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute8
* changeNoticePrefix
* approvalListId
* needByDate
* attribute7
* attribute14
* sourceId
* resolution
* completionDate
* effort
* attribute2


 * originalSystemReference
* requestorId
* ddfContext
* attribute11
* programId
* implementationReqId
* sourceName
* initiationDate
* attribute9
* creationDate
* statusType
* promoteStatusCode
* attribute13
* requestId
* internalUseOnly
* sourceTypeCode
* changeName
* cancellationDate
* attribute1
* hierarchyId
* oldRequestorId
* description
* attribute12
* attribute5
* assigneeId
* statusCode
* changeMgmtTypeCode
* estimatedMfgCost
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute10
* priorityCode
* attribute4
* attribute15
* hierarchyFlag
* routeId
* organizationId
* lastUpdateDate
* attributeCategory
* responsibleOrganizationId
* reasonCode
* taskId
* approvalDate
* changeId
* expirationDate
* changeOrderTypeId
* changeNotice
* cancellationComments
* classificationId
* createdBy
* estimatedEngCost
* attribute3
* changeNoticeNumber
* plmOrErpChange
* attribute6
* organizationHierarchy
* projectId
* programApplicationId
* programUpdateDate
* approvalRequestDate
* implementationDate
* approvalStatusType
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute8
* changeNoticePrefix
* approvalListId
* needByDate
* attribute7
* attribute14
* sourceId
* resolution
* completionDate
* effort
* attribute2


 * creationDate
* statusCode
* entityName
* createdBy
* changeWfRouteTemplateId
* autoPromoteStatus
* lastUpdateLogin
* entityId2
* zdSync
* entityId1
* activeFlag
* startDate
* entityId3
* completionDate
* entityId4
* lastUpdateDate
* entityId5
* changeEditableFlag
* workflowStatus
* lastUpdatedBy
* wfSigPolicy
* zdEditionName
* changeWfRouteId
* autoDemoteStatus
* changeLifecycleStatusId
* sequenceNumber
* iterationNumber


 * creationDate
* statusCode
* entityName
* createdBy
* changeWfRouteTemplateId
* autoPromoteStatus
* lastUpdateLogin
* entityId2
* zdSync
* entityId1
* activeFlag
* startDate
* entityId3
* completionDate
* entityId4
* lastUpdateDate
* entityId5
* changeEditableFlag
* workflowStatus
* lastUpdatedBy
* wfSigPolicy
* zdEditionName
* changeWfRouteId
* autoDemoteStatus
* changeLifecycleStatusId
* sequenceNumber
* iterationNumber


 * changeAttributeGroupType
* objectId
* parentAttributeGroupType
* applicationId
* defaltValueApiName
* creationDate
* sequenceNum
* changeTlTableName
* changeBTableName
* lastUpdateLogin
* zdSync
* changeVoDefName
* createdBy
* implApiName
* changeVoInstName
* changeVoRowClassName
* changeVlTableName
* validationApiName
* lastUpdateDate
* zdEditionName
* changeEoDefName
* lastUpdatedBy


 * changeAttributeGroupType
* objectId
* parentAttributeGroupType
* applicationId
* defaltValueApiName
* creationDate
* sequenceNum
* changeTlTableName
* changeBTableName
* lastUpdateLogin
* zdSync
* changeVoDefName
* createdBy
* implApiName
* changeVoInstName
* changeVoRowClassName
* changeVlTableName
* validationApiName
* lastUpdateDate
* zdEditionName
* changeEoDefName
* lastUpdatedBy


 * fromPk2Value
* associationId
* fromEntityName
* toPk3Value
* fromPk5Value
* entityName
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* toPk2Value
* toPk4Value
* entityId
* relationshipChangesSeqId
* lastUpdatedBy
* action
* toPk1Value
* fromPk4Value
* createdBy
* toEntityName
* relationshipCode
* changeId
* toPk5Value
* fromPk3Value
* toCurrentValue
* creationDate
* fromPk1Value


 * fromPk2Value
* associationId
* fromEntityName
* toPk3Value
* fromPk5Value
* entityName
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* toPk2Value
* toPk4Value
* entityId
* relationshipChangesSeqId
* lastUpdatedBy
* action
* toPk1Value
* fromPk4Value
* createdBy
* toEntityName
* relationshipCode
* changeId
* toPk5Value
* fromPk3Value
* toCurrentValue
* creationDate
* fromPk1Value


 * changeLineId
* creationDate
* acdType
* lastUpdateDate
* createdBy
* changeId
* associationId
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdatedBy


 * changeLineId
* creationDate
* acdType
* lastUpdateDate
* createdBy
* changeId
* associationId
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdatedBy


 * toWipEntityId
* parentRevisedItemSeqId
* copyToItemDesc
* updateWip
* implementedOnly
* currentStructureRevId
* createdBy
* attribute4
* attribute2
* planLevel
* scheduledDate
* routingComment
* statusType
* createBomInLocalOrg
* attribute3
* attribute5
* attribute15
* requestId
* attribute10
* cancellationDate
* attribute14
* statusCode
* useUpItemId
* selectionUnitNumber
* revisedItemId
* fromWipEntityId
* copyToItem
* alternateBomDesignator
* lastUpdatedBy
* descriptiveText
* ctpFlag
* transferOrCopyItem
* newRevDescription
* lastUpdateLogin
* earlyScheduleDate
* mixedModelMapFlag
* currentItemRevisionId
* useUp
* lastUpdateDate
* enableItemInLocalOrg
* attribute11
* ecoForProduction
* attribute8
* transferOrCopy
* fromEndItemId
* changeNotice
* attribute12
* attribute13
* dispositionType
* attribute1
* changeId
* revisedItemSequenceId
* selectionOption
* designatorSelectionType
* newStructureRevision
* completionSubinventory
* completionLocatorId
* routingSequenceId
* transferOrCopyRouting
* organizationId
* concatenatedCopySegments
* attributeCategory
* attribute9
* billSequenceId
* originalSystemReference
* programId
* useUpPlanName
* newRevisionReason
* creationDate
* fromCumQty
* selectionDate
* newItemRevision
* newItemDescription
* attribute7
* mrpActive
* programApplicationId
* newLifecycleStateId
* cancelComments
* fromEndItemRevId
* autoImplementDate
* attribute6
* currentLifecycleStateId
* cfmRoutingFlag
* priority
* newRevisionLabel
* fromEndItemUnitNumber
* lotNumber
* implementationReqId
* newRoutingRevision
* newItemRevisionId
* fromEndItemStrcRevId
* implementationDate
* programUpdateDate
* transferOrCopyBill


 * toWipEntityId
* parentRevisedItemSeqId
* copyToItemDesc
* updateWip
* implementedOnly
* currentStructureRevId
* createdBy
* attribute4
* attribute2
* planLevel
* scheduledDate
* routingComment
* statusType
* createBomInLocalOrg
* attribute3
* attribute5
* attribute15
* requestId
* attribute10
* cancellationDate
* attribute14
* statusCode
* useUpItemId
* selectionUnitNumber
* revisedItemId
* fromWipEntityId
* copyToItem
* alternateBomDesignator
* lastUpdatedBy
* descriptiveText
* ctpFlag
* transferOrCopyItem
* newRevDescription
* lastUpdateLogin
* earlyScheduleDate
* mixedModelMapFlag
* currentItemRevisionId
* useUp
* lastUpdateDate
* enableItemInLocalOrg
* attribute11
* ecoForProduction
* attribute8
* transferOrCopy
* fromEndItemId
* changeNotice
* attribute12
* attribute13
* dispositionType
* attribute1
* changeId
* revisedItemSequenceId
* selectionOption
* designatorSelectionType
* newStructureRevision
* completionSubinventory
* completionLocatorId
* routingSequenceId
* transferOrCopyRouting
* organizationId
* concatenatedCopySegments
* attributeCategory
* attribute9
* billSequenceId
* originalSystemReference
* programId
* useUpPlanName
* newRevisionReason
* creationDate
* fromCumQty
* selectionDate
* newItemRevision
* newItemDescription
* attribute7
* mrpActive
* programApplicationId
* newLifecycleStateId
* cancelComments
* fromEndItemRevId
* autoImplementDate
* attribute6
* currentLifecycleStateId
* cfmRoutingFlag
* priority
* newRevisionLabel
* fromEndItemUnitNumber
* lotNumber
* implementationReqId
* newRoutingRevision
* newItemRevisionId
* fromEndItemStrcRevId
* implementationDate
* programUpdateDate
* transferOrCopyBill


 * fromEndItemUnitNumber
* newRtgRevision
* billSequenceId
* organizationCode
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute13
* programUpdateDate
* transactionId
* autoImplementDate
* newScheduledDate
* useUpItemId
* creationDate
* attribute11
* attribute14
* attribute2
* fromEndItemRevId
* newRevisionLabel
* earlyScheduleDate
* useUpItemNumber
* attribute15
* fromEndItemNumber
* cancelComments
* comments
* attribute3
* parentRevisedItemName
* changeNotice
* fromItemRevision
* dispositionType
* newItemRevision
* requestId
* programId
* engChangesIfceKey
* descriptiveText
* itemFrom
* processFlag
* structureId
* lastUpdateDate
* engRevisedItemsIfceKey
* createdBy
* attribute12
* attribute7
* ddfContext
* scheduledDate
* categoryFrom
* itemType
* attribute10
* alternateBomDesignator
* attribute8
* transactionType
* revisedItemNumber
* parentAlternateName
* programApplicationId
* updatedItemRevision
* approvalListName
* useUp
* fromEndItemRevision
* attribute9
* newRevisedItemRevDesc
* cancellationDate
* baseItemId
* attributeCategory
* categorySetId
* implementationDate
* statusType
* incrementRev
* revisedItemSequenceId
* itemTo
* attribute5
* alternateSelectionCode
* useUpPlanName
* attribute6
* assemblyItemNumber
* lastUpdateLogin
* updateWip
* newRevisionReason
* mrpActive
* organizationId
* categoryTo
* revisedItemId
* attribute4
* attribute1
* requestorId


 * fromEndItemUnitNumber
* newRtgRevision
* billSequenceId
* organizationCode
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute13
* programUpdateDate
* transactionId
* autoImplementDate
* newScheduledDate
* useUpItemId
* creationDate
* attribute11
* attribute14
* attribute2
* fromEndItemRevId
* newRevisionLabel
* earlyScheduleDate
* useUpItemNumber
* attribute15
* fromEndItemNumber
* cancelComments
* comments
* attribute3
* parentRevisedItemName
* changeNotice
* fromItemRevision
* dispositionType
* newItemRevision
* requestId
* programId
* engChangesIfceKey
* descriptiveText
* itemFrom
* processFlag
* structureId
* lastUpdateDate
* engRevisedItemsIfceKey
* createdBy
* attribute12
* attribute7
* ddfContext
* scheduledDate
* categoryFrom
* itemType
* attribute10
* alternateBomDesignator
* attribute8
* transactionType
* revisedItemNumber
* parentAlternateName
* programApplicationId
* updatedItemRevision
* approvalListName
* useUp
* fromEndItemRevision
* attribute9
* newRevisedItemRevDesc
* cancellationDate
* baseItemId
* attributeCategory
* categorySetId
* implementationDate
* statusType
* incrementRev
* revisedItemSequenceId
* itemTo
* attribute5
* alternateSelectionCode
* useUpPlanName
* attribute6
* assemblyItemNumber
* lastUpdateLogin
* updateWip
* newRevisionReason
* mrpActive
* organizationId
* categoryTo
* revisedItemId
* attribute4
* attribute1
* requestorId


 * lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* changeLifecycleStatusId
* lastUpdateDate
* creationDate
* zdEditionName
* createdBy
* promotionStatusFlag
* zdSync
* statusCode


 * lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* changeLifecycleStatusId
* lastUpdateDate
* creationDate
* zdEditionName
* createdBy
* promotionStatusFlag
* zdSync
* statusCode


 * apLineAprvlHist
* poLinesArchive
* chvCumPeriods
* apInvoicePayments
* poMcHeaders
* lastUpdateLogin
* poAccrualReconcileTemp
* poMcDistributions
* apTrialBalance
* apBatches
* poBlanketItems
* chvHorizontalSchedules
* lastUpdatedBy
* apMatchedRectAdj
* apMcInvoices
* apInvoices
* poLines
* approxRows
* action
* apPaymentHistory
* mrpItemSourcing
* apMcChecks
* purgeName
* poAslAttributes
* poAslDocuments
* apInvoiceLines
* apAeHeaders
* apPaymentSchedules
* chvCumPeriodItems
* apMcInvoiceDists
* poQualityInspections
* poReleases
* chvItemOrders
* poLineLocations
* organizationId
* apMcInvoicePayments
* category
* rcvSubledgerDetails
* activityDate
* createdBy
* apAllocationRules
* poLineLocationsArchive
* apChrgAllocations
* apChecks
* apHolds
* poApprovals
* poNotes
* poReceipts
* apRecurringPayments
* apAccountingEvents
* poVendorListEntries
* chvCumAdjustments
* poDeliveries
* lastUpdateDate
* creationDate
* chvAuthorizations
* status
* mrpSrSourceOrg
* poItemHistory
* poReceiptHeaders
* poReqDistributions
* poDistributions
* poAcceptances
* poRequisitionHeaders
* chvScheduleItems
* payAlone
* poHeaders
* apInvoicePrepays
* poNoteReferences
* apAeLines
* poVendorSites
* apAllocationRuleLines
* poHeadersArchive
* apEncumbranceLines
* poVendorListHeaders
* chvScheduleHeaders
* poVendorContacts
* apInvoiceDistributions
* poRequisitionLines
* poApprovedSupplierList
* poNotifications
* poVendors
* orgId
* apInvAprvlHist


 * apLineAprvlHist
* poLinesArchive
* chvCumPeriods
* apInvoicePayments
* poMcHeaders
* lastUpdateLogin
* poAccrualReconcileTemp
* poMcDistributions
* apTrialBalance
* apBatches
* poBlanketItems
* chvHorizontalSchedules
* lastUpdatedBy
* apMatchedRectAdj
* apMcInvoices
* apInvoices
* poLines
* approxRows
* action
* apPaymentHistory
* mrpItemSourcing
* apMcChecks
* purgeName
* poAslAttributes
* poAslDocuments
* apInvoiceLines
* apAeHeaders
* apPaymentSchedules
* chvCumPeriodItems
* apMcInvoiceDists
* poQualityInspections
* poReleases
* chvItemOrders
* poLineLocations
* organizationId
* apMcInvoicePayments
* category
* rcvSubledgerDetails
* activityDate
* createdBy
* apAllocationRules
* poLineLocationsArchive
* apChrgAllocations
* apChecks
* apHolds
* poApprovals
* poNotes
* poReceipts
* apRecurringPayments
* apAccountingEvents
* poVendorListEntries
* chvCumAdjustments
* poDeliveries
* lastUpdateDate
* creationDate
* chvAuthorizations
* status
* mrpSrSourceOrg
* poItemHistory
* poReceiptHeaders
* poReqDistributions
* poDistributions
* poAcceptances
* poRequisitionHeaders
* chvScheduleItems
* payAlone
* poHeaders
* apInvoicePrepays
* poNoteReferences
* apAeLines
* poVendorSites
* apAllocationRuleLines
* poHeadersArchive
* apEncumbranceLines
* poVendorListHeaders
* chvScheduleHeaders
* poVendorContacts
* apInvoiceDistributions
* poRequisitionLines
* poApprovedSupplierList
* poNotifications
* poVendors
* orgId
* apInvAprvlHist


 * auditSessionId
* miscChargeCcid
* auditTrueNulls
* matchOption
* orgId
* rateVarGainCcid
* setOfBooksId
* auditCommitId
* paymentMethodLookupCode
* expenseClearingCcid
* rateVarLossCcid
* auditUserName
* auditTransactionType
* auditTimestamp
* acctsPayCodeCombinationId
* termsId
* discTakenCodeCombinationId
* holdUnmatchedInvoicesFlag
* auditSequenceId
* rowKey
* alwaysTakeDiscFlag
* prepayCodeCombinationId


 * auditSessionId
* miscChargeCcid
* auditTrueNulls
* matchOption
* orgId
* rateVarGainCcid
* setOfBooksId
* auditCommitId
* paymentMethodLookupCode
* expenseClearingCcid
* rateVarLossCcid
* auditUserName
* auditTransactionType
* auditTimestamp
* acctsPayCodeCombinationId
* termsId
* discTakenCodeCombinationId
* holdUnmatchedInvoicesFlag
* auditSequenceId
* rowKey
* alwaysTakeDiscFlag
* prepayCodeCombinationId


 * globalAttribute12
* purchEncumbranceTypeId
* futureDatedPaymentCcid
* invEncumbranceTypeId
* invoiceCurrencyCode
* futurePeriodLimit
* matchOption
* resEncumbCodeCombinationId
* globalAttribute16
* usePositionsFlag
* orgId
* bankChargeBearer
* reqEncumbranceFlag
* shipViaLookupCode
* acctsPayCodeCombinationId
* globalAttributeCategory
* vatRegistrationNum
* purchEncumbranceFlag
* createdBy
* globalAttribute20
* billToLocationId
* exclusivePaymentFlag
* globalAttribute10
* lastUpdateLogin
* freightTermsLookupCode
* termsId
* revisionSortOrdering
* payDateBasisLookupCode
* globalAttribute19
* receiptAcceptanceDays
* globalAttribute2
* userDefinedVendorNumCode
* setOfBooksId
* alwaysTakeDiscFlag
* termsDateBasis
* globalAttribute7
* globalAttribute13
* minimumAccountableUnit
* reserveAtCompletionFlag
* globalAttribute5
* prepayCodeCombinationId
* discTakenCodeCombinationId
* expenseCheckAddressFlag
* shipToLocationId
* globalAttribute9
* miscChargeCcid
* globalAttribute11
* businessGroupId
* paymentMethodLookupCode
* rfqOnlySiteFlag
* globalAttribute14
* rateVarCodeCombinationId
* globalAttribute3
* globalAttribute6
* holdUnmatchedInvoicesFlag
* globalAttribute8
* paymentCurrencyCode
* cashBasisEncNrTax
* globalAttribute18
* lastUpdateDate
* vatCountryCode
* lastUpdatedBy
* reqEncumbranceTypeId
* globalAttribute4
* globalAttribute17
* precision
* taxRoundingRule
* globalAttribute1
* fobLookupCode
* creationDate
* inventoryOrganizationId
* expenseClearingCcid
* retainageCodeCombinationId
* vendorNumStartNum
* nonRecoverableTaxFlag
* defaultRecoveryRate
* rateVarLossCcid
* rateVarGainCcid
* manualVendorNumType
* globalAttribute15
* vatCode


 * globalAttribute12
* purchEncumbranceTypeId
* futureDatedPaymentCcid
* invEncumbranceTypeId
* invoiceCurrencyCode
* futurePeriodLimit
* matchOption
* resEncumbCodeCombinationId
* globalAttribute16
* usePositionsFlag
* orgId
* bankChargeBearer
* reqEncumbranceFlag
* shipViaLookupCode
* acctsPayCodeCombinationId
* globalAttributeCategory
* vatRegistrationNum
* purchEncumbranceFlag
* createdBy
* globalAttribute20
* billToLocationId
* exclusivePaymentFlag
* globalAttribute10
* lastUpdateLogin
* freightTermsLookupCode
* termsId
* revisionSortOrdering
* payDateBasisLookupCode
* globalAttribute19
* receiptAcceptanceDays
* globalAttribute2
* userDefinedVendorNumCode
* setOfBooksId
* alwaysTakeDiscFlag
* termsDateBasis
* globalAttribute7
* globalAttribute13
* minimumAccountableUnit
* reserveAtCompletionFlag
* globalAttribute5
* prepayCodeCombinationId
* discTakenCodeCombinationId
* expenseCheckAddressFlag
* shipToLocationId
* globalAttribute9
* miscChargeCcid
* globalAttribute11
* businessGroupId
* paymentMethodLookupCode
* rfqOnlySiteFlag
* globalAttribute14
* rateVarCodeCombinationId
* globalAttribute3
* globalAttribute6
* holdUnmatchedInvoicesFlag
* globalAttribute8
* paymentCurrencyCode
* cashBasisEncNrTax
* globalAttribute18
* lastUpdateDate
* vatCountryCode
* lastUpdatedBy
* reqEncumbranceTypeId
* globalAttribute4
* globalAttribute17
* precision
* taxRoundingRule
* globalAttribute1
* fobLookupCode
* creationDate
* inventoryOrganizationId
* expenseClearingCcid
* retainageCodeCombinationId
* vendorNumStartNum
* nonRecoverableTaxFlag
* defaultRecoveryRate
* rateVarLossCcid
* rateVarGainCcid
* manualVendorNumType
* globalAttribute15
* vatCode


 * lastUpdateDate
* replenishmentActivityId
* receivedActivityId
* leadTime
* pullSequenceId
* creationDate
* replenishmentDate
* receivedDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* kanbanSize
* organizationId
* createdBy
* kanbanCardId
* lastUpdateLogin
* replenishmentCycleId


 * lastUpdateDate
* replenishmentActivityId
* receivedActivityId
* leadTime
* pullSequenceId
* creationDate
* replenishmentDate
* receivedDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* kanbanSize
* organizationId
* createdBy
* kanbanCardId
* lastUpdateLogin
* replenishmentCycleId


 * attribute2
* requestId
* lastUpdateDate
* supplierSiteCode
* interfaceId
* programUpdateDate
* creationDate
* sourceLocatorId
* maxReplenishments
* kanbanSize
* errorText
* attribute7
* groupId
* supplyStatus
* kanbanCardType
* attribute10
* wipLineCode
* disableDate
* kanbanCardNumber
* supplierSiteId
* supplierId
* programId
* wipLineId
* attribute6
* attribute1
* kanbanCardId
* transactionType
* replenishmentCount
* organizationId
* processStatus
* supplierName
* subinventoryName
* inventoryItemCode
* lastPrintDate
* kanbanErrorCode
* attribute11
* organizationCode
* inventoryItemId
* sourceSubinventory
* programApplicationId
* attributeCategory
* pullSequenceId
* attribute9
* attribute14
* sourceType
* attribute15
* attribute13
* replacementFlag
* attribute4
* cardStatus
* attribute12
* locatorId
* sourceOrganizationId
* createdBy
* lastUpdatedBy
* currentReplenishCycleId
* attribute5
* attribute8
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute3


 * attribute2
* requestId
* lastUpdateDate
* supplierSiteCode
* interfaceId
* programUpdateDate
* creationDate
* sourceLocatorId
* maxReplenishments
* kanbanSize
* errorText
* attribute7
* groupId
* supplyStatus
* kanbanCardType
* attribute10
* wipLineCode
* disableDate
* kanbanCardNumber
* supplierSiteId
* supplierId
* programId
* wipLineId
* attribute6
* attribute1
* kanbanCardId
* transactionType
* replenishmentCount
* organizationId
* processStatus
* supplierName
* subinventoryName
* inventoryItemCode
* lastPrintDate
* kanbanErrorCode
* attribute11
* organizationCode
* inventoryItemId
* sourceSubinventory
* programApplicationId
* attributeCategory
* pullSequenceId
* attribute9
* attribute14
* sourceType
* attribute15
* attribute13
* replacementFlag
* attribute4
* cardStatus
* attribute12
* locatorId
* sourceOrganizationId
* createdBy
* lastUpdatedBy
* currentReplenishCycleId
* attribute5
* attribute8
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute3


 * inventoryItemId
* requestId
* locatorSegments
* itemSegments
* lastUpdateDate
* programApplicationId
* interfaceId
* locatorId
* pullSequenceId
* processStatus
* lastUpdatedBy
* demandStartDate
* subinventory
* programUpdateDate
* error
* demandEndDate
* lastUpdatedLogin
* demandDate
* demandQuantity
* createdBy
* organizationId
* creationDate
* averageDemand
* organizationCode
* programId


 * inventoryItemId
* requestId
* locatorSegments
* itemSegments
* lastUpdateDate
* programApplicationId
* interfaceId
* locatorId
* pullSequenceId
* processStatus
* lastUpdatedBy
* demandStartDate
* subinventory
* programUpdateDate
* error
* demandEndDate
* lastUpdatedLogin
* demandDate
* demandQuantity
* createdBy
* organizationId
* creationDate
* averageDemand
* organizationCode
* programId


 * dailyDemand
* beginningOnhand
* creationDate
* inventoryValue
* organizationId
* planningTempId
* adjustedDailyDemand
* cardsOnhand
* adjustedSafetyStockDays
* lastUpdatedLogin
* availableOnhand
* locatorId
* subinventoryCode
* safetyStockTarget
* itemUnitCost
* inventoryItemId
* planDate
* expectedReceipts
* createdBy
* safetyStockDays
* lastUpdatedBy
* kanbanPlanId
* cardsReplenished
* pullSequenceId
* lastUpdateDate


 * dailyDemand
* beginningOnhand
* creationDate
* inventoryValue
* organizationId
* planningTempId
* adjustedDailyDemand
* cardsOnhand
* adjustedSafetyStockDays
* lastUpdatedLogin
* availableOnhand
* locatorId
* subinventoryCode
* safetyStockTarget
* itemUnitCost
* inventoryItemId
* planDate
* expectedReceipts
* createdBy
* safetyStockDays
* lastUpdatedBy
* kanbanPlanId
* cardsReplenished
* pullSequenceId
* lastUpdateDate


 * createdBy
* moduleId
* lastUpdatedBy
* preferenceType
* preferenceCode
* lastUpdateDate
* zdSync
* preferenceValueLookupType
* preferenceId
* objectVersionNumber
* usageLevel
* preferenceNameLookupType
* creationDate
* zdEditionName
* lastUpdateLogin


 * createdBy
* moduleId
* lastUpdatedBy
* preferenceType
* preferenceCode
* lastUpdateDate
* zdSync
* preferenceValueLookupType
* preferenceId
* objectVersionNumber
* usageLevel
* preferenceNameLookupType
* creationDate
* zdEditionName
* lastUpdateLogin


 * objectVersionNumber
* moduleId
* createdBy
* creationDate
* levelCode
* lastUpdateLogin
* zdEditionName
* organizationId
* levelId
* lastUpdateDate
* zdSync
* lastUpdatedBy


 * objectVersionNumber
* moduleId
* createdBy
* creationDate
* levelCode
* lastUpdateLogin
* zdEditionName
* organizationId
* levelId
* lastUpdateDate
* zdSync
* lastUpdatedBy


 * preferenceValueId
* levelId
* usageLevel
* attributeName
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdateDate
* attributeEnableFlag
* attributeValueCode
* zdSync
* lastUpdatedBy
* createdBy
* zdEditionName
* preferenceId
* objectVersionNumber
* sequenceNumber
* creationDate


 * preferenceValueId
* levelId
* usageLevel
* attributeName
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdateDate
* attributeEnableFlag
* attributeValueCode
* zdSync
* lastUpdatedBy
* createdBy
* zdEditionName
* preferenceId
* objectVersionNumber
* sequenceNumber
* creationDate


 * concatenatedSegments
* autoRequest
* supplierSiteId
* creationDate
* attribute12
* pullSequenceId
* processStatus
* minimumOrderQuantity
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute8
* attribute13
* aggregationType
* attribute2
* attribute9
* attribute4
* safetyStockDays
* createdBy
* consolidation
* locatorId
* kanbanSize
* lastUpdateDate
* supplierName
* requestId
* fixedLotMultiplier
* inventoryItemId
* attribute15
* sourceOrganizationId
* sourceLocatorId
* subinventoryName
* attribute10
* groupId
* programApplicationId
* organizationId
* autoAllocateFlag
* replenishmentType
* attribute14
* attribute6
* programId
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute11
* attribute5
* numberOfCards
* allocationPercent
* generateCards
* interfaceId
* attributeCategory
* releaseKanbanFlag
* consolidationGroup
* programUpdateDate
* transactionType
* avgIndependentDemand
* organizationCode
* attribute3
* sourceType
* wipLineCode
* avgDependentDemand
* errorText
* sourceSubinventory
* supplierSiteCode
* attribute1
* attribute7
* supplierId
* wipLineId
* calculateKanbanFlag
* replenishmentLeadTime


 * concatenatedSegments
* autoRequest
* supplierSiteId
* creationDate
* attribute12
* pullSequenceId
* processStatus
* minimumOrderQuantity
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute8
* attribute13
* aggregationType
* attribute2
* attribute9
* attribute4
* safetyStockDays
* createdBy
* consolidation
* locatorId
* kanbanSize
* lastUpdateDate
* supplierName
* requestId
* fixedLotMultiplier
* inventoryItemId
* attribute15
* sourceOrganizationId
* sourceLocatorId
* subinventoryName
* attribute10
* groupId
* programApplicationId
* organizationId
* autoAllocateFlag
* replenishmentType
* attribute14
* attribute6
* programId
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute11
* attribute5
* numberOfCards
* allocationPercent
* generateCards
* interfaceId
* attributeCategory
* releaseKanbanFlag
* consolidationGroup
* programUpdateDate
* transactionType
* avgIndependentDemand
* organizationCode
* attribute3
* sourceType
* wipLineCode
* avgDependentDemand
* errorText
* sourceSubinventory
* supplierSiteCode
* attribute1
* attribute7
* supplierId
* wipLineId
* calculateKanbanFlag
* replenishmentLeadTime


 * createdBy
* lastLeadTimeRequestId
* healthStatusRunDate
* lastHealthStatusRequestId
* actualDemandRunDate
* lastUpdateDate
* organizationId
* lastUpdatedBy
* unmovedCardsRunDate
* creationDate
* lastUnmovedCardsRequestId
* lastDemandRequestId
* lastUpdateLogin
* leadTimeRunDate


 * createdBy
* lastLeadTimeRequestId
* healthStatusRunDate
* lastHealthStatusRequestId
* actualDemandRunDate
* lastUpdateDate
* organizationId
* lastUpdatedBy
* unmovedCardsRunDate
* creationDate
* lastUnmovedCardsRequestId
* lastDemandRequestId
* lastUpdateLogin
* leadTimeRunDate


 * supplierName
* supplierSiteId
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdateDate
* createdBy
* parentInterfaceId
* supplierSiteCode
* creationDate
* supplierId
* transactionType
* sourcingPercentage


 * supplierName
* supplierSiteId
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdateDate
* createdBy
* parentInterfaceId
* supplierSiteCode
* creationDate
* supplierId
* transactionType
* sourcingPercentage


 * wipEntityId
* creationDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* createdBy
* lotQuantity
* parentLotNumber
* inventoryItemId
* requirementLotId
* objectVersionNumber
* lastUpdateDate
* organizationId
* operationSeqNum
* lastUpdateLogin
* lotNumber


 * wipEntityId
* creationDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* createdBy
* lotQuantity
* parentLotNumber
* inventoryItemId
* requirementLotId
* objectVersionNumber
* lastUpdateDate
* organizationId
* operationSeqNum
* lastUpdateLogin
* lotNumber


 * lastUpdateDate
* currentFlag
* organizationId
* creationDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* objectVersionNumber
* wipEntityId
* operationSequenceId
* nextOpSeqId
* createdBy
* lastUpdateLogin


 * lastUpdateDate
* currentFlag
* organizationId
* creationDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* objectVersionNumber
* wipEntityId
* operationSequenceId
* nextOpSeqId
* createdBy
* lastUpdateLogin


 * preferenceEntityId
* entityType
* entityValue
* objectVersionNumber
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdateDate
* createdBy
* preferenceId
* entitySequence
* lastUpdatedBy


 * preferenceEntityId
* entityType
* entityValue
* objectVersionNumber
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdateDate
* createdBy
* preferenceId
* entitySequence
* lastUpdatedBy


 * dataEntryMode
* lastOperationId
* labelStartOperationId
* labelEndOperationId
* preferenceId
* lastUpdatedBy
* autoScheduleTransition
* backflushOption
* ecoDaysAfter
* autoEcoCheck
* ecoDaysPrior
* organizationId
* pickReleaseOperationId
* instructionFrameHeight
* viewAllSchedules
* createdBy
* lineId
* objectVersionNumber
* workstationEnabled
* creationDate
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* standardOperationId


 * dataEntryMode
* lastOperationId
* labelStartOperationId
* labelEndOperationId
* preferenceId
* lastUpdatedBy
* autoScheduleTransition
* backflushOption
* ecoDaysAfter
* autoEcoCheck
* ecoDaysPrior
* organizationId
* pickReleaseOperationId
* instructionFrameHeight
* viewAllSchedules
* createdBy
* lineId
* objectVersionNumber
* workstationEnabled
* creationDate
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* standardOperationId


 * operationSeqNum
* lastUpdateLogin
* componentSequenceId
* objectVersionNumber
* supplySubinventory
* quantityPerAssembly
* organizationId
* supplyLocatorId
* lastUpdatedBy
* inventoryItemId
* wipEntityId
* basisType
* createdBy
* creationDate
* lastUpdateDate


 * operationSeqNum
* lastUpdateLogin
* componentSequenceId
* objectVersionNumber
* supplySubinventory
* quantityPerAssembly
* organizationId
* supplyLocatorId
* lastUpdatedBy
* inventoryItemId
* wipEntityId
* basisType
* createdBy
* creationDate
* lastUpdateDate


 * requirementSerialId
* lotNumber
* lastUpdateDate
* toSerialNumber
* organizationId
* fmSerialNumber
* parentSerialNumber
* lastUpdatedBy
* creationDate
* createdBy
* operationSeqNum
* serialQuantity
* inventoryItemId
* objectVersionNumber
* wipEntityId
* lastUpdateLogin


 * requirementSerialId
* lotNumber
* lastUpdateDate
* toSerialNumber
* organizationId
* fmSerialNumber
* parentSerialNumber
* lastUpdatedBy
* creationDate
* createdBy
* operationSeqNum
* serialQuantity
* inventoryItemId
* objectVersionNumber
* wipEntityId
* lastUpdateLogin


 * criteriaOperation
* organizationId
* requestId
* programId
* criteriaGroupId
* criteriaValueName
* createdBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* criteriaNum
* criteriaValueNum
* programApplicationId
* lastUpdateDate
* criteriaGroupType
* lastUpdatedBy
* criteriaId
* objectVersionNumber
* creationDate
* criteriaType
* criteriaValueDate
* programUpdateDate
* criteriaValueType


 * criteriaOperation
* organizationId
* requestId
* programId
* criteriaGroupId
* criteriaValueName
* createdBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* criteriaNum
* criteriaValueNum
* programApplicationId
* lastUpdateDate
* criteriaGroupType
* lastUpdatedBy
* criteriaId
* objectVersionNumber
* creationDate
* criteriaType
* criteriaValueDate
* programUpdateDate
* criteriaValueType


 * subinventoryCode
* count
* groupId
* organizationId
* itemId
* locatorId
* type


 * subinventoryCode
* count
* groupId
* organizationId
* itemId
* locatorId
* type


 * lastUpdatedBy
* subinventoryName
* summaryType
* createdBy
* nodeType
* yCoordinate
* summaryId
* sourceOrganizationId
* supplierSiteId
* summaryCode
* xCoordinate
* locatorId
* lastUpdateLogin
* kanbanPlanId
* creationDate
* wipLineId
* supplierId
* organizationId
* lastUpdateDate


 * lastUpdatedBy
* subinventoryName
* summaryType
* createdBy
* nodeType
* yCoordinate
* summaryId
* sourceOrganizationId
* supplierSiteId
* summaryCode
* xCoordinate
* locatorId
* lastUpdateLogin
* kanbanPlanId
* creationDate
* wipLineId
* supplierId
* organizationId
* lastUpdateDate


 * requestId
* bottleneckResourcePercent
* lastUpdatedBy
* createdBy
* programId
* bottleneckIpkPercent
* calculationOperationType
* organizationId
* creationDate
* planId
* programUpdateDate
* hoursPerDay
* lastUpdateLogin
* programApplicationId
* resourceUndercapacity
* lineId
* lastUpdateDate
* lineTakt
* ipkUndercapacity
* lineTaktAsAssigned


 * requestId
* bottleneckResourcePercent
* lastUpdatedBy
* createdBy
* programId
* bottleneckIpkPercent
* calculationOperationType
* organizationId
* creationDate
* planId
* programUpdateDate
* hoursPerDay
* lastUpdateLogin
* programApplicationId
* resourceUndercapacity
* lineId
* lastUpdateDate
* lineTakt
* ipkUndercapacity
* lineTaktAsAssigned


 * programApplicationId
* planId
* organizationId
* requestId
* operationType
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* creationDate
* createdBy
* assemblyItemId
* processVolume
* programId
* laborTime
* standardOperationId
* programUpdateDate
* elapsedTime
* lastUpdateDate
* lineId
* machineTime


 * programApplicationId
* planId
* organizationId
* requestId
* operationType
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* creationDate
* createdBy
* assemblyItemId
* processVolume
* programId
* laborTime
* standardOperationId
* programUpdateDate
* elapsedTime
* lastUpdateDate
* lineId
* machineTime


 * planId
* creationDate
* programId
* programUpdateDate
* organizationId
* resourceId
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* standardOperationId
* createdBy
* operationType
* requestId
* lastUpdatedBy
* resourceNeeded
* lineId
* programApplicationId
* weightedResourceUsage
* resourceAssigned


 * planId
* creationDate
* programId
* programUpdateDate
* organizationId
* resourceId
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* standardOperationId
* createdBy
* operationType
* requestId
* lastUpdatedBy
* resourceNeeded
* lineId
* programApplicationId
* weightedResourceUsage
* resourceAssigned


 * bottleneckResourcePercent
* creationDate
* elapsedWeightedTime
* processEfficiency
* lastUpdatedBy
* opTaktAsAssigned
* resourceUndercapacity
* laborWeightedTime
* programUpdateDate
* machineWeightedTime
* operationType
* standardOperationId
* createdBy
* requestId
* ipkAssigned
* organizationId
* programId
* lastUpdateLogin
* operationTakt
* planId
* lineId
* lastUpdateDate
* ipkNeeded
* programApplicationId


 * bottleneckResourcePercent
* creationDate
* elapsedWeightedTime
* processEfficiency
* lastUpdatedBy
* opTaktAsAssigned
* resourceUndercapacity
* laborWeightedTime
* programUpdateDate
* machineWeightedTime
* operationType
* standardOperationId
* createdBy
* requestId
* ipkAssigned
* organizationId
* programId
* lastUpdateLogin
* operationTakt
* planId
* lineId
* lastUpdateDate
* ipkNeeded
* programApplicationId


 * programId
* lastUpdatedBy
* productFamilyId
* lineId
* planId
* organizationId
* description
* endDate
* timeUom
* viewBy
* lastUpdateDate
* hoursPerDay
* programUpdateDate
* boostPercent
* planCode
* startDate
* demandDays
* precision
* programApplicationId
* creationDate
* createdBy
* demandType
* lastUpdateLogin
* demandCode
* requestId
* calculationOption


 * programId
* lastUpdatedBy
* productFamilyId
* lineId
* planId
* organizationId
* description
* endDate
* timeUom
* viewBy
* lastUpdateDate
* hoursPerDay
* programUpdateDate
* boostPercent
* planCode
* startDate
* demandDays
* precision
* programApplicationId
* creationDate
* createdBy
* demandType
* lastUpdateLogin
* demandCode
* requestId
* calculationOption


 * attributeValueType
* lastUpdateLogin
* attributeName
* userDefinedFlag
* description
* attributeId
* attributeSource
* zdEditionName
* objectVersionNumber
* creationDate
* createdBy
* lastUpdateDate
* attributeType
* lastUpdatedBy
* zdSync


 * attributeValueType
* lastUpdateLogin
* attributeName
* userDefinedFlag
* description
* attributeId
* attributeSource
* zdEditionName
* objectVersionNumber
* creationDate
* createdBy
* lastUpdateDate
* attributeType
* lastUpdatedBy
* zdSync


 * objectVersionNumber
* lineId
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdatedBy
* organizationId
* creationDate
* createdBy
* ruleId


 * objectVersionNumber
* lineId
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdatedBy
* organizationId
* creationDate
* createdBy
* ruleId


 * ruleId
* organizationId
* attributeValue2Date
* constraintNumber
* constraintType
* createdBy
* attributeValue1Name
* attributeValue2Name
* constraintTypeValue1
* attributeValue2Num
* constraintTypeValue2
* attributeId
* attributeValue1Num
* lastUpdateLogin
* objectVersionNumber
* priority
* lastUpdateDate
* constraintTypeValue3
* creationDate
* attributeValue1Date
* lastUpdatedBy
* parentConstraintNumber


 * ruleId
* organizationId
* attributeValue2Date
* constraintNumber
* constraintType
* createdBy
* attributeValue1Name
* attributeValue2Name
* constraintTypeValue1
* attributeValue2Num
* constraintTypeValue2
* attributeId
* attributeValue1Num
* lastUpdateLogin
* objectVersionNumber
* priority
* lastUpdateDate
* constraintTypeValue3
* creationDate
* attributeValue1Date
* lastUpdatedBy
* parentConstraintNumber


 * description
* creationDate
* createdBy
* ruleId
* organizationId
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdateDate
* ruleName
* objectVersionNumber
* disableDate
* lastUpdatedBy


 * description
* creationDate
* createdBy
* ruleId
* organizationId
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdateDate
* ruleName
* objectVersionNumber
* disableDate
* lastUpdatedBy


 * lastUpdatedBy
* requestId
* lastUpdateDate
* attributeValue1Name
* lineId
* objectVersionNumber
* createdBy
* constraintType
* priority
* attributeValue2Date
* programUpdateDate
* programApplicationId
* constraintTypeValue2
* violationCount
* constraintNumber
* organizationId
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* constraintTypeValue1
* attributeValue2Num
* programId
* seqTaskId
* attributeValue1Date
* attributeValue1Num
* constraintTypeValue3
* attributeId
* parentConstraintNumber
* fulfilledToQty
* attributeValue2Name


 * lastUpdatedBy
* requestId
* lastUpdateDate
* attributeValue1Name
* lineId
* objectVersionNumber
* createdBy
* constraintType
* priority
* attributeValue2Date
* programUpdateDate
* programApplicationId
* constraintTypeValue2
* violationCount
* constraintNumber
* organizationId
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* constraintTypeValue1
* attributeValue2Num
* programId
* seqTaskId
* attributeValue1Date
* attributeValue1Num
* constraintTypeValue3
* attributeId
* parentConstraintNumber
* fulfilledToQty
* attributeValue2Name


 * splitNumber
* programId
* programApplicationId
* lastUpdateDate
* fulfilledQty
* requestId
* primaryItemId
* lastUpdateLogin
* organizationId
* requestedQty
* alternateRoutingDesignator
* openQty
* demandId
* objectVersionNumber
* creationDate
* createdBy
* lineId
* seqTaskId
* lastUpdatedBy
* programUpdateDate


 * splitNumber
* programId
* programApplicationId
* lastUpdateDate
* fulfilledQty
* requestId
* primaryItemId
* lastUpdateLogin
* organizationId
* requestedQty
* alternateRoutingDesignator
* openQty
* demandId
* objectVersionNumber
* creationDate
* createdBy
* lineId
* seqTaskId
* lastUpdatedBy
* programUpdateDate


 * seqTaskId
* lastUpdateDate
* lineId
* lastUpdateLogin
* violationCount
* programId
* objectVersionNumber
* createdBy
* seqExceptionNumber
* scheduleNumber
* creationDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* requestId
* programUpdateDate
* exceptionType
* programApplicationId
* constraintNumber
* organizationId


 * seqTaskId
* lastUpdateDate
* lineId
* lastUpdateLogin
* violationCount
* programId
* objectVersionNumber
* createdBy
* seqExceptionNumber
* scheduleNumber
* creationDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* requestId
* programUpdateDate
* exceptionType
* programApplicationId
* constraintNumber
* organizationId


 * fixSequenceAmount
* lineId
* seqTaskId
* lastUpdateLogin
* programId
* lastUpdatedBy
* programApplicationId
* programUpdateDate
* createdBy
* seqDirection
* availableCapacity
* ruleId
* requestedResequenceQty
* stopTime
* hourlyRate
* requestId
* organizationId
* fixSequenceType
* connectFlag
* lastUpdateDate
* resequencedQty
* objectVersionNumber
* startTime
* creationDate
* combineScheduleFlag


 * fixSequenceAmount
* lineId
* seqTaskId
* lastUpdateLogin
* programId
* lastUpdatedBy
* programApplicationId
* programUpdateDate
* createdBy
* seqDirection
* availableCapacity
* ruleId
* requestedResequenceQty
* stopTime
* hourlyRate
* requestId
* organizationId
* fixSequenceType
* connectFlag
* lastUpdateDate
* resequencedQty
* objectVersionNumber
* startTime
* creationDate
* combineScheduleFlag


 * lastUpdatedBy
* seqTaskId
* demandEndDate
* programUpdateDate
* seqTaskName
* seqStartDate
* seqRequestId
* lastUpdateDate
* scheduleGroupId
* creationDate
* demandStartDate
* honorPlanningFlag
* requestId
* seqEndDate
* programApplicationId
* alternateRoutingFlag
* lastUpdateLogin
* objectVersionNumber
* createdBy
* organizationId
* seqTaskType
* demandCriteriaGroupId
* programId


 * lastUpdatedBy
* seqTaskId
* demandEndDate
* programUpdateDate
* seqTaskName
* seqStartDate
* seqRequestId
* lastUpdateDate
* scheduleGroupId
* creationDate
* demandStartDate
* honorPlanningFlag
* requestId
* seqEndDate
* programApplicationId
* alternateRoutingFlag
* lastUpdateLogin
* objectVersionNumber
* createdBy
* organizationId
* seqTaskType
* demandCriteriaGroupId
* programId


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* lastUpdateDate
* requestId
* createdByModule
* inDoc
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* createdByModuleId
* outDoc
* lastUpdatedBy
* createdBy
* lastUpdateLogin
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 * adapterLogId
* lastUpdateDate
* requestId
* createdByModule
* inDoc
* objectVersionNumber
* httpStatusCode
* createdByModuleId
* outDoc
* lastUpdatedBy
* createdBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* creationDate


 * creationDate
* username
* adapterUserId
* lastUpdateLogin
* createdBy
* lastUpdatedBy
* adapterId
* lastUpdateDate


 * creationDate
* username
* adapterUserId
* lastUpdateLogin
* createdBy
* lastUpdatedBy
* adapterId
* lastUpdateDate


 * objectVersionNumber
* lastUpdateDate
* createdByModule
* usageDtlId
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* usageId
* lastUpdatedBy
* geographyType
* createdBy
* applicationId


 * objectVersionNumber
* lastUpdateDate
* createdByModule
* usageDtlId
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* usageId
* lastUpdatedBy
* geographyType
* createdBy
* applicationId


 * objectVersionNumber
* lastUpdateDate
* mapId
* usageId
* usageCode
* creationDate
* createdByModule
* createdBy
* lastUpdatedBy
* statusFlag
* lastUpdateLogin
* applicationId


 * objectVersionNumber
* lastUpdateDate
* mapId
* usageId
* usageCode
* creationDate
* createdByModule
* createdBy
* lastUpdatedBy
* statusFlag
* lastUpdateLogin
* applicationId


 * programId
* custAccountId
* billRoundNumber
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* numberOfCopies
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* whUpdateDate
* billType
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdatedBy
* requestId
* programApplicationId
* mediaFormat
* siteUseId
* createdBy
* programUpdateDate
* billingPreferencesId
* currencyCode


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* custAccountId
* billRoundNumber
* lastUpdateDate
* numberOfCopies
* billLanguage
* mediaType
* whUpdateDate
* billType
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdatedBy
* requestId
* programApplicationId
* mediaFormat
* siteUseId
* createdBy
* programUpdateDate
* billingPreferencesId
* currencyCode


 * displayFlag
* childBoCode
* entityName
* lastUpdatedBy
* multipleFlag
* zdEditionName
* boVersionNumber
* userMandatedFlag
* creationDate
* lastUpdateDate
* zdSync
* rootNodeFlag
* boIndicatorFlag
* createdBy
* businessObjectCode
* tcaMandatedFlag
* lastUpdateLogin
* objectVersionNumber


 * displayFlag
* childBoCode
* entityName
* lastUpdatedBy
* multipleFlag
* zdEditionName
* boVersionNumber
* userMandatedFlag
* creationDate
* lastUpdateDate
* zdSync
* rootNodeFlag
* boIndicatorFlag
* createdBy
* businessObjectCode
* tcaMandatedFlag
* lastUpdateLogin
* objectVersionNumber


 * creationDate
* childEntityName
* childId
* parentBoCode
* childBoCode
* parentId
* populatedFlag
* parentEntityName
* eventId
* parentEventFlag
* childEventId
* deleteFlag
* childOperationFlag
* lastUpdateDate


 * creationDate
* childEntityName
* childId
* parentBoCode
* childBoCode
* parentId
* populatedFlag
* parentEntityName
* eventId
* parentEventFlag
* childEventId
* deleteFlag
* childOperationFlag
* lastUpdateDate


 * grade
* certificationId
* programUpdateDate
* whUpdateDate
* status
* programId
* issuedOnDate
* expiresOnDate
* issuedByAuthority
* lastUpdatedBy
* currentStatus
* lastUpdateLogin
* certificationName
* createdBy
* programApplicationId
* partyId
* lastUpdateDate
* requestId
* creationDate


 * grade
* certificationId
* programUpdateDate
* whUpdateDate
* status
* programId
* issuedOnDate
* expiresOnDate
* issuedByAuthority
* lastUpdatedBy
* currentStatus
* lastUpdateLogin
* certificationName
* createdBy
* programApplicationId
* partyId
* lastUpdateDate
* requestId
* creationDate


 * createdBy
* birthOrSelected
* partyId
* creationDate
* requestId
* documentReference
* endDate
* documentType
* status
* whUpdateDate
* countryCode
* citizenshipId
* createdByModule
* dateDisowned
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdatedBy
* programId
* programUpdateDate
* objectVersionNumber
* dateRecognized
* programApplicationId
* applicationId
* lastUpdateDate


 * createdBy
* birthOrSelected
* partyId
* creationDate
* requestId
* documentReference
* endDate
* documentType
* status
* whUpdateDate
* countryCode
* citizenshipId
* createdByModule
* dateDisowned
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdatedBy
* programId
* programUpdateDate
* objectVersionNumber
* dateRecognized
* programApplicationId
* applicationId
* lastUpdateDate


 * startDateActive
* zdEditionName
* lastUpdateDate
* creationDate
* applicationId
* classCategory
* lastUpdatedBy
* classCode
* endDateActive
* createdBy
* zdSync
* subClassCode
* objectVersionNumber
* lastUpdateLogin
* createdByModule


 * startDateActive
* zdEditionName
* lastUpdateDate
* creationDate
* applicationId
* classCategory
* lastUpdatedBy
* classCode
* endDateActive
* createdBy
* zdSync
* subClassCode
* objectVersionNumber
* lastUpdateLogin
* createdByModule


 * lastUpdateLogin
* ownerTableKey2
* programId
* classCategory
* requestId
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* contentSourceType
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* primaryFlag
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* ownerTableKey2
* programId
* classCategory
* requestId
* endDateActive
* contentSourceType
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* lastUpdateDate
* ownerTableKey5
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* programApplicationId
* ownerTableKey4
* createdBy
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* rank
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* lastUpdatedBy
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* status
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* objectVersionNumber
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* primaryFlag
* creationDate


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* lastUpdateLogin
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* ownerTableName
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* attribute8
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* attribute15
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* contactPointType
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* lastUpdateLogin
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* bestTimeToContactEnd
* attribute1
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* attribute18
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* phoneAreaCode
* whUpdateDate
* globalAttribute20
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* attribute15
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* contacts
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* phoneNumber
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* attribute20
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* globalAttribute3
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* globalAttribute2
* ediPaymentMethod
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* applicationId
* preferenceTopicTypeCode
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* contactPreferenceId
* contactLevelTableId
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* lastUpdatedBy
* preferenceTopicType
* reasonCode
* preferenceCode
* createdBy
* createdByModule
* contactLevelTable
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* contactType
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* programUpdateDate
* maxNoOfInteractUomCode
* objectVersionNumber
* preferenceTopicTypeId
* programApplicationId
* maxNoOfInteractions
* status
* preferenceStartTimeMi
* lastUpdateLogin
* preferenceEndTimeMi
* preferenceStartDate
* applicationId
* preferenceTopicTypeCode
* preferenceStartTimeHr
* requestedBy
* preferenceEndDate
* contactPreferenceId
* contactLevelTableId
* lastUpdateDate
* requestId


 * creditProfileAmtId
* attribute9
* programApplicationId
* attribute11
* attribute2
* attribute14
* creditProfileId
* attributeCategory
* attribute10
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute3
* attribute15
* attribute12
* currencyCode
* lastUpdatedBy
* requestId
* creationDate
* programId
* attribute6
* attribute5
* attribute4
* attribute8
* overallCreditLimit
* createdBy
* attribute7
* programUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute1
* attribute13
* trxCreditLimit


 * creditProfileAmtId
* attribute9
* programApplicationId
* attribute11
* attribute2
* attribute14
* creditProfileId
* attributeCategory
* attribute10
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute3
* attribute15
* attribute12
* currencyCode
* lastUpdatedBy
* requestId
* creationDate
* programId
* attribute6
* attribute5
* attribute4
* attribute8
* overallCreditLimit
* createdBy
* attribute7
* programUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute1
* attribute13
* trxCreditLimit


 * enableFlag
* creditHold
* attribute4
* organizationId
* itemCategoryId
* programId
* attribute12
* creationDate
* createdBy
* attributeCategory
* effectiveDateFrom
* attribute7
* effectiveDateTo
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute6
* creditRating
* attribute1
* attribute5
* attribute13
* attribute14
* attribute9
* tolerance
* attribute11
* attribute2
* programApplicationId
* attribute10
* attribute15
* programUpdateDate
* creditProfileId
* creditChecking
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute8
* lastUpdatedBy
* requestId
* attribute3
* nextCreditReviewDate


 * enableFlag
* creditHold
* attribute4
* organizationId
* itemCategoryId
* programId
* attribute12
* creationDate
* createdBy
* attributeCategory
* effectiveDateFrom
* attribute7
* effectiveDateTo
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute6
* creditRating
* attribute1
* attribute5
* attribute13
* attribute14
* attribute9
* tolerance
* attribute11
* attribute2
* programApplicationId
* attribute10
* attribute15
* programUpdateDate
* creditProfileId
* creditChecking
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute8
* lastUpdatedBy
* requestId
* attribute3
* nextCreditReviewDate


 * negvPmtExpl
* rating
* createdByModule
* pubRecExpl
* failureScoreCommentary
* prntBkcyConvDate
* paydexThreeMonthsAgo
* failureScoreClass
* failureScoreCommentary8
* criminalProceedingInd
* finclLglEventInd
* debarmentInd
* contentSourceType
* description
* failureScoreNatnlPercentile
* partyId
* failureScoreCommentary6
* creditScoreCommentary6
* applicationId
* numSpclEvent
* actualContentSource
* highCredit
* comments
* paydexIndustryComment
* failureScoreIncdDefault
* creditScoreAge
* delqPmtPctgForAllFirms
* failureScoreDate
* paydexComment
* prntBkcyChapterConv
* debarmentsDate
* prntBkcyFilgChapter
* noTradeInd
* creditScoreDate
* numTradeExperiences
* creditScoreCommentary4
* paydexIndustryDays
* failureScoreCommentary10
* paydexFirmComment
* creditScoreCommentary
* lastUpdateDate
* programId
* avgHighCredit
* failureScoreCommentary5
* failureScoreOverrideCode
* creditScoreClass
* debarmentsCount
* numPrntBkcyFiling
* status
* objectVersionNumber
* oprgSpecEvntInd
* programApplicationId
* prntBkcyFilgDate
* creditRatingId
* failureScoreCommentary3
* ratingOrganization
* programUpdateDate
* crScrClasExpl
* slowTradeExpl
* lastUpdateLogin
* suitInd
* lowRngDelqScr
* otherSpecEvntInd
* claimsInd
* failureScoreAge
* detHistoryInd
* creditScoreCommentary5
* whUpdateDate
* finclEmbtInd
* lastUpdatedBy
* ratedAsOfDate
* creditScoreCommentary8
* creditScoreCommentary3
* spclEventUpdateDate
* creditScoreIncdDefault
* spclEvntTxt
* failureScoreCommentary4
* disasterInd
* createdBy
* globalFailureScore
* highRngDelqScr
* requestId
* paydexNorm
* creditScoreCommentary10
* creditScoreCommentary9
* lienInd
* prntHqBkcyInd
* securedFlngInd
* maximumCreditCurrencyCode
* spclEventComment
* failureScore
* bankruptcyInd
* suitJudgeInd
* numPrntBkcyConvs
* prntBkcyFilgType
* creditScore
* judgementInd
* failureScoreCommentary2
* businessDiscontinued
* creditScoreCommentary2
* creditScoreCommentary7
* paydexScore
* creditScoreNatlPercentile
* delqPmtRngPrcnt
* paydexFirmDays
* failureScoreCommentary9
* maximumCreditRecommendation
* creditScoreOverrideCode
* creationDate
* failureScoreCommentary7


 * negvPmtExpl
* rating
* createdByModule
* pubRecExpl
* failureScoreCommentary
* prntBkcyConvDate
* paydexThreeMonthsAgo
* failureScoreClass
* failureScoreCommentary8
* criminalProceedingInd
* finclLglEventInd
* debarmentInd
* contentSourceType
* description
* failureScoreNatnlPercentile
* partyId
* failureScoreCommentary6
* creditScoreCommentary6
* applicationId
* numSpclEvent
* actualContentSource
* highCredit
* comments
* paydexIndustryComment
* failureScoreIncdDefault
* creditScoreAge
* delqPmtPctgForAllFirms
* failureScoreDate
* paydexComment
* prntBkcyChapterConv
* debarmentsDate
* prntBkcyFilgChapter
* noTradeInd
* creditScoreDate
* numTradeExperiences
* creditScoreCommentary4
* paydexIndustryDays
* failureScoreCommentary10
* paydexFirmComment
* creditScoreCommentary
* lastUpdateDate
* programId
* avgHighCredit
* failureScoreCommentary5
* failureScoreOverrideCode
* creditScoreClass
* debarmentsCount
* numPrntBkcyFiling
* status
* objectVersionNumber
* oprgSpecEvntInd
* programApplicationId
* prntBkcyFilgDate
* creditRatingId
* failureScoreCommentary3
* ratingOrganization
* programUpdateDate
* crScrClasExpl
* slowTradeExpl
* lastUpdateLogin
* suitInd
* lowRngDelqScr
* otherSpecEvntInd
* claimsInd
* failureScoreAge
* detHistoryInd
* creditScoreCommentary5
* whUpdateDate
* finclEmbtInd
* lastUpdatedBy
* ratedAsOfDate
* creditScoreCommentary8
* creditScoreCommentary3
* spclEventUpdateDate
* creditScoreIncdDefault
* spclEvntTxt
* failureScoreCommentary4
* disasterInd
* createdBy
* globalFailureScore
* highRngDelqScr
* requestId
* paydexNorm
* creditScoreCommentary10
* creditScoreCommentary9
* lienInd
* prntHqBkcyInd
* securedFlngInd
* maximumCreditCurrencyCode
* spclEventComment
* failureScore
* bankruptcyInd
* suitJudgeInd
* numPrntBkcyConvs
* prntBkcyFilgType
* creditScore
* judgementInd
* failureScoreCommentary2
* businessDiscontinued
* creditScoreCommentary2
* creditScoreCommentary7
* paydexScore
* creditScoreNatlPercentile
* delqPmtRngPrcnt
* paydexFirmDays
* failureScoreCommentary9
* maximumCreditRecommendation
* creditScoreOverrideCode
* creationDate
* failureScoreCommentary7


 * cExtAttr5
* cExtAttr12
* nExtAttr11
* dExtAttr7
* cExtAttr1
* nExtAttr16
* dExtAttr9
* dExtAttr3
* nExtAttr5
* nExtAttr17
* dExtAttr1
* cExtAttr7
* dExtAttr10
* cExtAttr18
* lastUpdateDate
* cExtAttr15
* nExtAttr4
* dExtAttr4
* dExtAttr6
* cExtAttr14
* cExtAttr4
* cExtAttr13
* creditRatingId
* createdBy
* cExtAttr19
* nExtAttr7
* cExtAttr17
* nExtAttr15
* nExtAttr9
* dExtAttr8
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* cExtAttr9
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* cExtAttr8
* nExtAttr12
* dExtAttr2
* creationDate
* cExtAttr10
* attrGroupId
* nExtAttr18
* nExtAttr1
* nExtAttr10
* nExtAttr8
* nExtAttr14
* nExtAttr2
* cExtAttr2
* nExtAttr19
* nExtAttr3
* cExtAttr6
* nExtAttr6
* dExtAttr5
* nExtAttr20
* cExtAttr20
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* cExtAttr16


 * cExtAttr5
* cExtAttr12
* nExtAttr11
* dExtAttr7
* cExtAttr1
* nExtAttr16
* dExtAttr9
* dExtAttr3
* nExtAttr5
* nExtAttr17
* dExtAttr1
* cExtAttr7
* dExtAttr10
* cExtAttr18
* lastUpdateDate
* cExtAttr15
* nExtAttr4
* dExtAttr4
* dExtAttr6
* cExtAttr14
* cExtAttr4
* cExtAttr13
* creditRatingId
* createdBy
* cExtAttr19
* nExtAttr7
* cExtAttr17
* nExtAttr15
* nExtAttr9
* dExtAttr8
* extensionId
* cExtAttr3
* cExtAttr11
* cExtAttr9
* nExtAttr13
* cExtAttr8
* nExtAttr12
* dExtAttr2
* creationDate
* cExtAttr10
* attrGroupId
* nExtAttr18
* nExtAttr1
* nExtAttr10
* nExtAttr8
* nExtAttr14
* nExtAttr2
* cExtAttr2
* nExtAttr19
* nExtAttr3
* cExtAttr6
* nExtAttr6
* dExtAttr5
* nExtAttr20
* cExtAttr20
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* cExtAttr16


 * tlExtAttr1
* tlExtAttr2
* tlExtAttr5
* tlExtAttr11
* attrGroupId
* tlExtAttr6
* tlExtAttr3
* tlExtAttr4
* tlExtAttr7
* sourceLang
* tlExtAttr14
* tlExtAttr9
* createdBy
* tlExtAttr16
* tlExtAttr17
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateDate
* tlExtAttr19
* language
* creationDate
* tlExtAttr10
* tlExtAttr18
* tlExtAttr12
* tlExtAttr15
* extensionId
* tlExtAttr8
* tlExtAttr13
* creditRatingId
* lastUpdateLogin
* tlExtAttr20


 * tlExtAttr1
* tlExtAttr2
* tlExtAttr5
* tlExtAttr11
* attrGroupId
* tlExtAttr6
* tlExtAttr3
* tlExtAttr4
* tlExtAttr7
* sourceLang
* tlExtAttr14
* tlExtAttr9
* createdBy
* tlExtAttr16
* tlExtAttr17
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateDate
* tlExtAttr19
* language
* creationDate
* tlExtAttr10
* tlExtAttr18
* tlExtAttr12
* tlExtAttr15
* extensionId
* tlExtAttr8
* tlExtAttr13
* creditRatingId
* lastUpdateLogin
* tlExtAttr20


 * attribute10
* programId
* attribute7
* attribute2
* attribute4
* createdBy
* attribute13
* attribute9
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute15
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute3
* programUpdateDate
* creditUsageRuleSetId
* attribute5
* attribute1
* attribute14
* programApplicationId
* attribute11
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute8
* creationDate
* attribute6
* attributeCategory
* requestId
* globalExposureFlag
* attribute12


 * attribute10
* programId
* attribute7
* attribute2
* attribute4
* createdBy
* attribute13
* attribute9
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute15
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute3
* programUpdateDate
* creditUsageRuleSetId
* attribute5
* attribute1
* attribute14
* programApplicationId
* attribute11
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute8
* creationDate
* attribute6
* attributeCategory
* requestId
* globalExposureFlag
* attribute12


 * language
* lastUpdatedBy
* createdBy
* name
* lastUpdateDate
* sourceLang
* lastUpdateLogin
* creditUsageRuleSetId
* creationDate


 * language
* lastUpdatedBy
* createdBy
* name
* lastUpdateDate
* sourceLang
* lastUpdateLogin
* creditUsageRuleSetId
* creationDate


 * lastUpdateDate
* programUpdateDate
* attribute1
* requestId
* creationDate
* attribute6
* attributeCategory
* attribute14
* attribute8
* attribute3
* usageType
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute10
* programApplicationId
* attribute13
* createdBy
* attribute11
* attribute7
* attribute12
* programId
* attribute9
* attribute15
* creditUsageRuleSetId
* attribute4
* includeAllFlag
* creditUsageRuleId
* userCode
* attribute2
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute5
* excludeFlag


 * lastUpdateDate
* programUpdateDate
* attribute1
* requestId
* creationDate
* attribute6
* attributeCategory
* attribute14
* attribute8
* attribute3
* usageType
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute10
* programApplicationId
* attribute13
* createdBy
* attribute11
* attribute7
* attribute12
* programId
* attribute9
* attribute15
* creditUsageRuleSetId
* attribute4
* includeAllFlag
* creditUsageRuleId
* userCode
* attribute2
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute5
* excludeFlag


 * attribute12
* programUpdateDate
* attribute6
* profileClassAmountId
* attribute15
* lastUpdateDate
* custAcctProfileAmtId
* attribute2
* attribute3
* attribute9
* attributeCategory
* attribute1
* creditUsageRuleSetId
* programId
* attribute10
* programApplicationId
* creditUsageId
* attribute4
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute11
* lastUpdatedBy
* createdBy
* attribute5
* requestId
* attribute8
* creditProfileAmtId
* attribute7
* creationDate
* attribute14
* attribute13


 * attribute12
* programUpdateDate
* attribute6
* profileClassAmountId
* attribute15
* lastUpdateDate
* custAcctProfileAmtId
* attribute2
* attribute3
* attribute9
* attributeCategory
* attribute1
* creditUsageRuleSetId
* programId
* attribute10
* programApplicationId
* creditUsageId
* attribute4
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute11
* lastUpdatedBy
* createdBy
* attribute5
* requestId
* attribute8
* creditProfileAmtId
* attribute7
* creationDate
* attribute14
* attribute13


 * attribute24
* attribute11
* endDate
* custAccountId
* attribute21
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute15
* globalAttribute15
* attributeCategory
* roleType
* attribute7
* globalAttribute6
* attribute8
* globalAttribute3
* currentRoleState
* attribute3
* attribute20
* attribute1
* attribute5
* attribute25
* lastUpdatedBy
* programApplicationId
* attribute23
* globalAttribute16
* createdByModule
* custAccountRoleId
* attribute19
* globalAttribute13
* attribute6
* attribute10
* primaryFlag
* attribute2
* globalAttribute11
* globalAttribute7
* objectVersionNumber
* globalAttribute18
* currentRoleStateEffective
* attribute9
* lastUpdateDate
* globalAttribute14
* origSystemReference
* globalAttribute20
* creationDate
* attribute13
* attribute14
* attribute18
* status
* globalAttribute12
* globalAttribute19
* applicationId
* requestId
* attribute22
* attribute17
* attribute16
* partyId
* attribute12
* globalAttribute10
* globalAttribute2
* globalAttribute17
* programUpdateDate
* globalAttribute5
* beginDate
* programId
* whUpdateDate
* globalAttribute1
* globalAttributeCategory
* custAcctSiteId
* createdBy
* globalAttribute9
* attribute4
* sourceCode
* globalAttribute8
* globalAttribute4


 * attribute24
* attribute11
* endDate
* custAccountId
* attribute21
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute15
* globalAttribute15
* attributeCategory
* roleType
* attribute7
* globalAttribute6
* attribute8
* globalAttribute3
* currentRoleState
* attribute3
* attribute20
* attribute1
* attribute5
* attribute25
* lastUpdatedBy
* programApplicationId
* attribute23
* globalAttribute16
* createdByModule
* custAccountRoleId
* attribute19
* globalAttribute13
* attribute6
* attribute10
* primaryFlag
* attribute2
* globalAttribute11
* globalAttribute7
* objectVersionNumber
* globalAttribute18
* currentRoleStateEffective
* attribute9
* lastUpdateDate
* globalAttribute14
* origSystemReference
* globalAttribute20
* creationDate
* attribute13
* attribute14
* attribute18
* status
* globalAttribute12
* globalAttribute19
* applicationId
* requestId
* attribute22
* attribute17
* attribute16
* partyId
* attribute12
* globalAttribute10
* globalAttribute2
* globalAttribute17
* programUpdateDate
* globalAttribute5
* beginDate
* programId
* whUpdateDate
* globalAttribute1
* globalAttributeCategory
* custAcctSiteId
* createdBy
* globalAttribute9
* attribute4
* sourceCode
* globalAttribute8
* globalAttribute4


 * accountName
* globalAttribute20
* hotwatchServiceFlag
* sourceCode
* globalAttribute12
* freightTerm
* npaNumber
* advancePaymentIndicator
* lastUpdatedBy
* globalAttribute7
* restrictionLimitAmount
* creditClassificationCode
* attribute9
* attribute8
* globalAttribute5
* salesChannelCode
* globalAttribute9
* fobPoint
* itemCrossRefPref
* hotwatchSvcBalInd
* shipSetsIncludeLinesFlag
* tradingPartnerAgencyId
* singleUserFlag
* attribute1
* competitorType
* pinNumber
* taxCode
* poEffectiveDate
* department
* accountReplicationKey
* attribute12
* globalAttribute13
* globalAttribute15
* warehouseId
* invoiceQuantityRule
* depositRefundMethod
* createdBy
* underReturnTolerance
* lastUpdateDate
* customerClassCode
* accountLiableFlag
* priceListId
* majorAccountNumber
* overShipmentTolerance
* globalAttribute3
* attribute13
* shipVia
* writeOffAdjustmentAmount
* accountEstablishedDate
* accountNumber
* createdByModule
* attribute2
* taxRoundingRule
* geoCode
* status
* attribute6
* attribute11
* datesPositiveTolerance
* attribute17
* subcategoryCode
* overReturnTolerance
* programApplicationId
* programId
* attribute5
* globalAttribute8
* attribute14
* paymentTermId
* coterminateDayMonth
* globalAttribute16
* taxHeaderLevelFlag
* programUpdateDate
* attribute7
* globalAttribute11
* custAccountId
* currentBalance
* globalAttribute4
* underShipmentTolerance
* secondarySpecialistId
* partyId
* whUpdateDate
* highPriorityRemarks
* globalAttribute10
* sellingPartyId
* globalAttribute17
* dormantAccountFlag
* holdBillFlag
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute4
* attribute16
* primarySalesrepId
* highPriorityIndicator
* watchBalanceIndicator
* acctLifeCycleStatus
* federalEntityType
* autopayFlag
* passwordText
* writeOffPaymentAmount
* accountTerminationDate
* globalAttribute19
* applicationId
* lastBatchId
* comments
* globalAttribute1
* writeOffAmount
* globalAttribute14
* statusUpdateDate
* poExpirationDate
* heldBillExpirationDate
* attribute19
* arrivalsetsIncludeLinesFlag
* orgId
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* attribute10
* primarySpecialistId
* watchAccountFlag
* globalAttributeCategory
* accountActivationDate
* dunsExtension
* objectVersionNumber
* attribute20
* creationDate
* attribute18
* globalAttribute2
* pricingEvent
* notifyFlag
* customerType
* globalAttribute6
* dateTypePreference
* requestId
* suspensionDate
* realtimeRateFlag
* origSystemReference
* schedDatePushFlag
* attributeCategory
* attribute15
* shipPartial
* attribute3
* datesNegativeTolerance
* globalAttribute18


 * auditSessionId
* status
* auditUserName
* auditCommitId
* rowKey
* auditTimestamp
* auditTrueNulls
* customerType
* auditTransactionType
* custAccountId
* auditSequenceId


 * auditSessionId
* status
* auditUserName
* auditCommitId
* rowKey
* auditTimestamp
* auditTrueNulls
* customerType
* auditTransactionType
* custAccountId
* auditSequenceId


 * accountName
* globalAttribute20
* hotwatchServiceFlag
* sourceCode
* globalAttribute12
* freightTerm
* npaNumber
* advancePaymentIndicator
* lastUpdatedBy
* globalAttribute7
* restrictionLimitAmount
* creditClassificationCode
* attribute9
* attribute8
* globalAttribute5
* salesChannelCode
* globalAttribute9
* fobPoint
* itemCrossRefPref
* hotwatchSvcBalInd
* shipSetsIncludeLinesFlag
* tradingPartnerAgencyId
* singleUserFlag
* attribute1
* competitorType
* pinNumber
* taxCode
* poEffectiveDate
* department
* accountReplicationKey
* attribute12
* globalAttribute13
* globalAttribute15
* warehouseId
* invoiceQuantityRule
* depositRefundMethod
* createdBy
* underReturnTolerance
* lastUpdateDate
* customerClassCode
* accountLiableFlag
* priceListId
* majorAccountNumber
* overShipmentTolerance
* globalAttribute3
* attribute13
* shipVia
* writeOffAdjustmentAmount
* accountEstablishedDate
* accountNumber
* createdByModule
* attribute2
* taxRoundingRule
* geoCode
* status
* attribute6
* attribute11
* datesPositiveTolerance
* attribute17
* subcategoryCode
* overReturnTolerance
* programApplicationId
* programId
* attribute5
* globalAttribute8
* attribute14
* paymentTermId
* coterminateDayMonth
* globalAttribute16
* taxHeaderLevelFlag
* programUpdateDate
* attribute7
* globalAttribute11
* custAccountId
* currentBalance
* globalAttribute4
* underShipmentTolerance
* secondarySpecialistId
* partyId
* whUpdateDate
* highPriorityRemarks
* globalAttribute10
* sellingPartyId
* globalAttribute17
* dormantAccountFlag
* holdBillFlag
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute4
* attribute16
* primarySalesrepId
* highPriorityIndicator
* watchBalanceIndicator
* acctLifeCycleStatus
* federalEntityType
* autopayFlag
* passwordText
* writeOffPaymentAmount
* accountTerminationDate
* globalAttribute19
* applicationId
* lastBatchId
* comments
* globalAttribute1
* writeOffAmount
* globalAttribute14
* statusUpdateDate
* poExpirationDate
* heldBillExpirationDate
* attribute19
* arrivalsetsIncludeLinesFlag
* orgId
* orderTypeId
* attribute10
* primarySpecialistId
* watchAccountFlag
* globalAttributeCategory
* accountActivationDate
* dunsExtension
* objectVersionNumber
* attribute20
* creationDate
* attribute18
* globalAttribute2
* pricingEvent
* notifyFlag
* customerType
* globalAttribute6
* dateTypePreference
* requestId
* suspensionDate
* realtimeRateFlag
* origSystemReference
* schedDatePushFlag
* attributeCategory
* attribute15
* shipPartial
* attribute3
* datesNegativeTolerance
* globalAttribute18


 * attribute1
* programUpdateDate
* programApplicationId
* attribute13
* customerReciprocalFlag
* applicationId
* createdByModule
* attributeCategory
* relatedCustAccountId
* createdBy
* custAcctRelateId
* attribute14
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute4
* shipToFlag
* attribute11
* attribute3
* attribute5
* objectVersionNumber
* relationshipType
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute9
* attribute12
* attribute2
* lastUpdatedBy
* comments
* programId
* attribute8
* orgId
* attribute6
* attribute10
* attribute7
* status
* creationDate
* requestId
* billToFlag
* custAccountId
* attribute15


 * attribute1
* programUpdateDate
* programApplicationId
* attribute13
* customerReciprocalFlag
* applicationId
* createdByModule
* attributeCategory
* relatedCustAccountId
* createdBy
* custAcctRelateId
* attribute14
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute4
* shipToFlag
* attribute11
* attribute3
* attribute5
* objectVersionNumber
* relationshipType
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute9
* attribute12
* attribute2
* lastUpdatedBy
* comments
* programId
* attribute8
* orgId
* attribute6
* attribute10
* attribute7
* status
* creationDate
* requestId
* billToFlag
* custAccountId
* attribute15


 * shipToFlag
* attribute18
* attribute16
* globalAttribute11
* createdBy
* globalAttribute4
* programApplicationId
* applicationId
* attribute1
* attribute14
* globalAttribute14
* whUpdateDate
* attribute13
* attribute7
* globalAttribute13
* creationDate
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* attribute10
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* status
* globalAttribute7
* keyAccountFlag
* attribute3
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* attribute4
* globalAttribute12
* attribute6
* primarySpecialistId
* globalAttribute9
* billToFlag
* territory
* programUpdateDate
* language
* attribute19
* attribute2
* globalAttribute1
* globalAttribute15
* attribute12
* globalAttribute3
* customerCategoryCode
* serviceTerritoryId
* globalAttribute2
* eceTpLocationCode
* attribute17
* translatedCustomerName
* attribute8
* custAccountId
* createdByModule
* custAcctSiteId
* globalAttribute10
* globalAttribute18
* origSystemReference
* globalAttribute17
* attribute5
* territoryId
* globalAttribute20
* tpHeaderId
* attributeCategory
* secondarySpecialistId
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* orgId
* objectVersionNumber
* requestId
* attribute15
* attribute20
* lastUpdateDate
* programId
* globalAttribute5
* globalAttribute16
* globalAttribute6
* marketFlag


 * shipToFlag
* attribute18
* attribute16
* globalAttribute11
* createdBy
* globalAttribute4
* programApplicationId
* applicationId
* attribute1
* attribute14
* globalAttribute14
* whUpdateDate
* attribute13
* attribute7
* globalAttribute13
* creationDate
* attribute9
* globalAttributeCategory
* attribute10
* globalAttribute19
* addressText
* attribute11
* partySiteId
* status
* globalAttribute7
* keyAccountFlag
* attribute3
* globalAttribute8
* attribute4
* globalAttribute12
* attribute6
* primarySpecialistId
* globalAttribute9
* billToFlag
* territory
* programUpdateDate
* language
* attribute19
* attribute2
* globalAttribute1
* globalAttribute15
* attribute12
* globalAttribute3
* customerCategoryCode
* serviceTerritoryId
* globalAttribute2
* eceTpLocationCode
* attribute17
* translatedCustomerName
* attribute8
* custAccountId
* createdByModule
* custAcctSiteId
* globalAttribute10
* globalAttribute18
* origSystemReference
* globalAttribute17
* attribute5
* territoryId
* globalAttribute20
* tpHeaderId
* attributeCategory
* secondarySpecialistId
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* orgId
* objectVersionNumber
* requestId
* attribute15
* attribute20
* lastUpdateDate
* programId
* globalAttribute5
* globalAttribute16
* globalAttribute6
* marketFlag


 * globalAttribute7
* globalAttribute4
* minInterestCharge
* attribute3
* globalAttribute20
* programApplicationId
* globalAttribute3
* globalAttribute15
* lastUpdatedBy
* minFcBalancePercent
* minDunningInvoiceAmount
* attribute2
* minFcInvoiceAmount
* jgzzAttribute4
* objectVersionNumber
* jgzzAttribute7
* whUpdateDate
* globalAttribute17
* globalAttribute1
* profileClassId
* jgzzAttribute12
* interestFixedAmount
* attribute1
* minFcBalanceAmount
* currencyCode
* attribute15
* globalAttribute6
* programId
* jgzzAttribute3
* globalAttribute2
* exchangeRateType
* autoRecMinReceiptAmount
* jgzzAttribute10
* maxInterestCharge
* programUpdateDate
* attributeCategory
* globalAttribute11
* jgzzAttribute11
* jgzzAttribute1
* jgzzAttribute6
* attribute10
* jgzzAttribute9
* globalAttribute14
* requestId
* globalAttribute8
* globalAttribute12
* attribute8
* attribute14
* jgzzAttribute14
* jgzzAttribute8
* jgzzAttributeCategory
* lastUpdateDate
* minFcInvoicePercent
* penaltyRate
* globalAttribute10
* penaltyType
* attribute9
* attribute13
* minFcInvoiceOverdueType
* attribute11
* minFcBalanceOverdueType
* attribute6
* attribute12
* minStatementAmount
* jgzzAttribute2
* interestScheduleId
* overallCreditLimit
* interestRate
* expirationDate
* penaltyFixedAmount
* globalAttribute18
* globalAttribute19
* profileClassAmountId
* globalAttribute9
* jgzzAttribute13
* globalAttribute13
* lastUpdateLogin
* globalAttribute5
* globalAttribute16
* creationDate
* trxCreditLimit
* attribute4
* attribute5
* minDunningAmount
* interestType
* attribute7
* jgzzAttribute5
* createdBy
* jgzzAttribute15
* globalAttributeCategory
* penaltyScheduleId


 * globalAttribute7
* globalAttribute4
* minInterestCharge
* attribute3
* globalAttribute20
* programApplicationId
* globalAttribute3
* globalAttribute15
* lastUpdatedBy
* minFcBalancePercent
* minDunningInvoiceAmount
* attribute2
* minFcInvoiceAmount
* jgzzAttribute4
* objectVersionNumber
* jgzzAttribute7
* whUpdateDate
* globalAttribute17
* globalAttribute1
* profileClassId
* jgzzAttribute12
* interestFixedAmount
* attribute1
* minFcBalanceAmount
* currencyCode
* attribute15
* globalAttribute6
* programId
* jgzzAttribute3
* globalAttribute2
* exchangeRateType
* autoRecMinReceiptAmount
* jgzzAttribute10
* maxInterestCharge
* programUpdateDate
* attributeCategory
* globalAttribute11
* jgzzAttribute11
* jgzzAttribute1
* jgzzAttribute6
* attribute10
* jgzzAttribute9
* globalAttribute14
* requestId
* globalAttribute8
* globalAttribute12
* attribute8
* attribute14
* jgzzAttribute14
* jgzzAttribute8
* jgzzAttributeCategory
* lastUpdateDate
* minFcInvoicePercent
* penaltyRate
* globalAttribute10
* penaltyType
* attribute9
* attribute13
* minFcInvoiceOverdueType
* attribute11
* minFcBalanceOverdueType
* attribute6
* attribute12
* minStatementAmount
* jgzzAttribute2
* interestScheduleId
* overallCreditLimit
* interestRate
* expirationDate
* penaltyFixedAmount
* globalAttribute18
* globalAttribute19
* profileClassAmountId
* globalAttribute9
* jgzzAttribute13
* globalAttribute13
* lastUpdateLogin
* globalAttribute5
* globalAttribute16
* creationDate
* trxCreditLimit
* attribute4
* attribute5
* minDunningAmount
* interestType
* attribute7
* jgzzAttribute5
* createdBy
* jgzzAttribute15
* globalAttributeCategory
* penaltyScheduleId


 * programUpdateDate
* jgzzAttribute5
* globalAttribute4
* globalAttribute17
* interestFixedAmount
* penaltyRate
* currencyCode
* globalAttribute9
* attribute13
* interestScheduleId
* globalAttribute12
* jgzzAttribute7
* minFcInvoiceAmount
* objectVersionNumber
* custAcctProfileAmtId
* attribute1
* jgzzAttribute3
* penaltyFixedAmount
* createdByModule
* globalAttribute14
* globalAttribute19
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute11
* jgzzAttribute8
* overallCreditLimit
* attribute15
* globalAttributeCategory
* minFcBalancePercent
* minFcInvoiceOverdueType
* attribute7
* globalAttribute6
* minFcInvoicePercent
* exchangeRateType
* jgzzAttribute2
* globalAttribute11
* jgzzAttribute13
* custAccountId
* programApplicationId
* attribute4
* siteUseId
* minDunningInvoiceAmount
* minInterestCharge
* minStatementAmount
* jgzzAttribute10
* globalAttribute1
* applicationId
* jgzzAttribute1
* minFcBalanceAmount
* jgzzAttribute14
* jgzzAttribute11
* attribute14
* attribute5
* penaltyType
* creationDate
* globalAttribute13
* trxCreditLimit
* minDunningAmount
* attribute12
* expirationDate
* jgzzAttribute15
* interestRate
* globalAttribute18
* autoRecMinReceiptAmount
* whUpdateDate
* jgzzAttribute9
* attribute2
* globalAttribute10
* jgzzAttribute12
* requestId
* attribute3
* jgzzAttribute6
* attributeCategory
* lastUpdatedBy
* interestType
* attribute9
* globalAttribute8
* lastUpdateDate
* globalAttribute7
* minFcBalanceOverdueType
* programId
* jgzzAttribute4
* globalAttribute20
* maxInterestCharge
* jgzzAttributeCategory
* penaltyScheduleId
* attribute8
* createdBy
* attribute10
* globalAttribute15
* globalAttribute5
* globalAttribute16
* globalAttribute2
* attribute6
* globalAttribute3
* custAccountProfileId


 * overallCreditLimit
* rowKey
* currencyCode
* trxCreditLimit
* auditTransactionType
* auditCommitId
* custAcctProfileAmtId
* auditUserName
* auditTrueNulls
* auditSessionId
* auditSequenceId
* auditTimestamp


 * overallCreditLimit
* rowKey
* currencyCode
* trxCreditLimit
* auditTransactionType
* auditCommitId
* custAcctProfileAmtId
* auditUserName
* auditTrueNulls
* auditSessionId
* auditSequenceId
* auditTimestamp


 * programUpdateDate
* jgzzAttribute5
* globalAttribute4
* globalAttribute17
* interestFixedAmount
* penaltyRate
* currencyCode
* globalAttribute9
* attribute13
* interestScheduleId
* globalAttribute12
* jgzzAttribute7
* minFcInvoiceAmount
* objectVersionNumber
* custAcctProfileAmtId
* attribute1
* jgzzAttribute3
* penaltyFixedAmount
* createdByModule
* globalAttribute14
* globalAttribute19
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute11
* jgzzAttribute8
* overallCreditLimit
* attribute15
* globalAttributeCategory
* minFcBalancePercent
* minFcInvoiceOverdueType
* attribute7
* globalAttribute6
* minFcInvoicePercent
* exchangeRateType
* jgzzAttribute2
* globalAttribute11
* jgzzAttribute13
* custAccountId
* programApplicationId
* attribute4
* siteUseId
* minDunningInvoiceAmount
* minInterestCharge
* minStatementAmount
* jgzzAttribute10
* globalAttribute1
* applicationId
* jgzzAttribute1
* minFcBalanceAmount
* jgzzAttribute14
* jgzzAttribute11
* attribute14
* attribute5
* penaltyType
* creationDate
* globalAttribute13
* trxCreditLimit
* minDunningAmount
* attribute12
* expirationDate
* jgzzAttribute15
* interestRate
* globalAttribute18
* autoRecMinReceiptAmount
* whUpdateDate
* jgzzAttribute9
* attribute2
* globalAttribute10
* jgzzAttribute12
* requestId
* attribute3
* jgzzAttribute6
* attributeCategory
* lastUpdatedBy
* interestType
* attribute9
* globalAttribute8
* lastUpdateDate
* globalAttribute7
* minFcBalanceOverdueType
* programId
* jgzzAttribute4
* globalAttribute20
* maxInterestCharge
* jgzzAttributeCategory
* penaltyScheduleId
* attribute8
* createdBy
* attribute10
* globalAttribute15
* globalAttribute5
* globalAttribute16
* globalAttribute2
* attribute6
* globalAttribute3
* custAccountProfileId


 * chargeOnFinanceChargeFlag
* programId
* discountTerms
* objectVersionNumber
* attribute4
* globalAttribute11
* jgzzAttribute14
* groupingRuleId
* globalAttribute18
* attribute7
* attribute2
* standardTerms
* attribute1
* paymentGraceDays
* statements
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute14
* globalAttribute9
* globalAttribute17
* creditItemsFlag
* name
* jgzzAttribute2
* autocashHierarchyId
* globalAttribute13
* globalAttributeCategory
* attribute8
* attributeCategory
* globalAttribute5
* outsideReporting
* globalAttribute12
* globalAttribute1
* lateChargeTermId
* autoRecInclDisputedFlag
* jgzzAttribute12
* consInvType
* consBillLevel
* programUpdateDate
* jgzzAttribute9
* jgzzAttribute7
* globalAttribute10
* jgzzAttribute11
* combineDunningLetters
* globalAttribute14
* attribute5
* interestCalculationPeriod
* creditAnalystId
* prefFunctionalCurrency
* attribute15
* jgzzAttribute4
* tolerance
* globalAttribute3
* attribute12
* globalAttribute8
* lockboxMatchingOption
* globalAttribute6
* jgzzAttribute6
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateDate
* creditChecking
* globalAttribute20
* jgzzAttribute13
* jgzzAttribute15
* holdChargedInvoicesFlag
* lateChargeCalculationTrx
* multipleInterestRatesFlag
* profileClassId
* programApplicationId
* statementCycleId
* attribute6
* dunningLetterSetId
* attribute3
* reviewCycle
* lateChargeType
* taxPrintingOption
* status
* attribute11
* jgzzAttribute1
* interestCharges
* creationDate
* automatchSetId
* creditBalanceStatements
* globalAttribute16
* jgzzAttributeCategory
* jgzzAttribute3
* jgzzAttribute5
* globalAttribute2
* collectorId
* whUpdateDate
* attribute13
* chargeBeginDate
* attribute10
* interestPeriodDays
* globalAttribute19
* discountGraceDays
* disputedTransactionsFlag
* globalAttribute7
* requestId
* consInvFlag
* description
* createdBy
* autocashHierarchyIdForAdr
* jgzzAttribute8
* dunningLetters
* overrideTerms
* attribute9
* copyMethod
* globalAttribute4
* jgzzAttribute10
* reviewCycleDays
* messageTextId
* globalAttribute15
* creditClassification


 * chargeOnFinanceChargeFlag
* programId
* discountTerms
* objectVersionNumber
* attribute4
* globalAttribute11
* jgzzAttribute14
* groupingRuleId
* globalAttribute18
* attribute7
* attribute2
* standardTerms
* attribute1
* paymentGraceDays
* statements
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute14
* globalAttribute9
* globalAttribute17
* creditItemsFlag
* name
* jgzzAttribute2
* autocashHierarchyId
* globalAttribute13
* globalAttributeCategory
* attribute8
* attributeCategory
* globalAttribute5
* outsideReporting
* globalAttribute12
* globalAttribute1
* lateChargeTermId
* autoRecInclDisputedFlag
* jgzzAttribute12
* consInvType
* consBillLevel
* programUpdateDate
* jgzzAttribute9
* jgzzAttribute7
* globalAttribute10
* jgzzAttribute11
* combineDunningLetters
* globalAttribute14
* attribute5
* interestCalculationPeriod
* creditAnalystId
* prefFunctionalCurrency
* attribute15
* jgzzAttribute4
* tolerance
* globalAttribute3
* attribute12
* globalAttribute8
* lockboxMatchingOption
* globalAttribute6
* jgzzAttribute6
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateDate
* creditChecking
* globalAttribute20
* jgzzAttribute13
* jgzzAttribute15
* holdChargedInvoicesFlag
* lateChargeCalculationTrx
* multipleInterestRatesFlag
* profileClassId
* programApplicationId
* statementCycleId
* attribute6
* dunningLetterSetId
* attribute3
* reviewCycle
* lateChargeType
* taxPrintingOption
* status
* attribute11
* jgzzAttribute1
* interestCharges
* creationDate
* automatchSetId
* creditBalanceStatements
* globalAttribute16
* jgzzAttributeCategory
* jgzzAttribute3
* jgzzAttribute5
* globalAttribute2
* collectorId
* whUpdateDate
* attribute13
* chargeBeginDate
* attribute10
* interestPeriodDays
* globalAttribute19
* discountGraceDays
* disputedTransactionsFlag
* globalAttribute7
* requestId
* consInvFlag
* description
* createdBy
* autocashHierarchyIdForAdr
* jgzzAttribute8
* dunningLetters
* overrideTerms
* attribute9
* copyMethod
* globalAttribute4
* jgzzAttribute10
* reviewCycleDays
* messageTextId
* globalAttribute15
* creditClassification


 * globalAttribute7
* overReturnTolerance
* attribute4
* attribute1
* attribute15
* globalAttribute8
* attribute7
* location
* custAcctSiteId
* glIdUnbilled
* globalAttribute15
* objectVersionNumber
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute18
* siteUseId
* attribute2
* contactId
* programUpdateDate
* globalAttribute19
* primarySalesrepId
* glIdFreight
* freightTerm
* finchrgReceivablesTrxId
* globalAttribute3
* priceListId
* itemCrossRefPref
* datesNegativeTolerance
* globalAttribute9
* attribute21
* attribute12
* globalAttribute13
* lastAccrueChargeDate
* attribute10
* attribute22
* requestId
* taxHeaderLevelFlag
* arrivalsetsIncludeLinesFlag
* orderTypeId
* primaryFlag
* paymentTermId
* orgId
* attribute24
* globalAttribute1
* attribute8
* glIdRemittance
* underShipmentTolerance
* sortPriority
* glIdRev
* creationDate
* taxCode
* attribute16
* shipSetsIncludeLinesFlag
* glIdUnpaidRec
* taxClassification
* attribute5
* globalAttribute5
* attribute3
* invoiceQuantityRule
* attribute25
* underReturnTolerance
* attribute14
* taxRoundingRule
* taxReference
* glIdTax
* globalAttribute16
* createdByModule
* territoryId
* attribute13
* sicCode
* globalAttribute14
* createdBy
* globalAttribute18
* programId
* origSystemReference
* attribute23
* lastUpdateLogin
* status
* glIdFactor
* shipVia
* attribute6
* applicationId
* datesPositiveTolerance
* globalAttribute6
* overShipmentTolerance
* billToSiteUseId
* programApplicationId
* glIdClearing
* globalAttribute11
* globalAttributeCategory
* shipPartial
* schedDatePushFlag
* fobPoint
* attribute19
* globalAttribute17
* globalAttribute10
* dateTypePreference
* attribute20
* secondLastAccrueChargeDate
* globalAttribute4
* secondLastUnaccrueChrgDate
* globalAttribute2
* glIdRec
* glIdUnearned
* globalAttribute12
* attributeCategory
* gsaIndicator
* whUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* globalAttribute20
* siteUseCode
* attribute11
* attribute17
* lastUnaccrueChargeDate
* warehouseId
* attribute9
* pricingEvent
* demandClassCode


 * siteUseId
* rowKey
* glIdFreight
* status
* glIdRec
* auditSessionId
* auditTrueNulls
* glIdTax
* auditTimestamp
* siteUseCode
* auditSequenceId
* glIdRev
* auditCommitId
* auditUserName
* taxCode
* auditTransactionType


 * siteUseId
* rowKey
* glIdFreight
* status
* glIdRec
* auditSessionId
* auditTrueNulls
* glIdTax
* auditTimestamp
* siteUseCode
* auditSequenceId
* glIdRev
* auditCommitId
* auditUserName
* taxCode
* auditTransactionType


 * globalAttribute7
* overReturnTolerance
* attribute4
* attribute1
* attribute15
* globalAttribute8
* attribute7
* location
* custAcctSiteId
* glIdUnbilled
* globalAttribute15
* objectVersionNumber
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute18
* siteUseId
* attribute2
* contactId
* programUpdateDate
* globalAttribute19
* primarySalesrepId
* glIdFreight
* freightTerm
* finchrgReceivablesTrxId
* globalAttribute3
* priceListId
* itemCrossRefPref
* datesNegativeTolerance
* globalAttribute9
* attribute21
* attribute12
* globalAttribute13
* lastAccrueChargeDate
* attribute10
* attribute22
* requestId
* taxHeaderLevelFlag
* arrivalsetsIncludeLinesFlag
* orderTypeId
* primaryFlag
* paymentTermId
* orgId
* attribute24
* globalAttribute1
* attribute8
* glIdRemittance
* underShipmentTolerance
* sortPriority
* glIdRev
* creationDate
* taxCode
* attribute16
* shipSetsIncludeLinesFlag
* glIdUnpaidRec
* taxClassification
* attribute5
* globalAttribute5
* attribute3
* invoiceQuantityRule
* attribute25
* underReturnTolerance
* attribute14
* taxRoundingRule
* taxReference
* glIdTax
* globalAttribute16
* createdByModule
* territoryId
* attribute13
* sicCode
* globalAttribute14
* createdBy
* globalAttribute18
* programId
* origSystemReference
* attribute23
* lastUpdateLogin
* status
* glIdFactor
* shipVia
* attribute6
* applicationId
* datesPositiveTolerance
* globalAttribute6
* overShipmentTolerance
* billToSiteUseId
* programApplicationId
* glIdClearing
* globalAttribute11
* globalAttributeCategory
* shipPartial
* schedDatePushFlag
* fobPoint
* attribute19
* globalAttribute17
* globalAttribute10
* dateTypePreference
* attribute20
* secondLastAccrueChargeDate
* globalAttribute4
* secondLastUnaccrueChrgDate
* globalAttribute2
* glIdRec
* glIdUnearned
* globalAttribute12
* attributeCategory
* gsaIndicator
* whUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* globalAttribute20
* siteUseCode
* attribute11
* attribute17
* lastUnaccrueChargeDate
* warehouseId
* attribute9
* pricingEvent
* demandClassCode


 * overrideTerms
* jgzzAttribute1
* dunningLetters
* attribute2
* createdByModule
* globalAttribute17
* globalAttribute20
* nextCreditReviewDate
* jgzzAttribute11
* globalAttributeCategory
* attribute15
* multipleInterestRatesFlag
* autocashHierarchyId
* jgzzAttribute3
* riskCode
* jgzzAttribute9
* consInvType
* clearingDays
* lateChargeType
* globalAttribute18
* attribute6
* globalAttribute11
* jgzzAttribute12
* lastUpdateDate
* globalAttribute9
* percentCollectable
* consBillLevel
* jgzzAttribute10
* attribute3
* discountGraceDays
* requestId
* globalAttribute12
* globalAttribute14
* dunningLetterSetId
* jgzzAttribute15
* attribute9
* applicationId
* discountTerms
* programId
* autocashHierarchyIdForAdr
* createdBy
* automatchSetId
* creditBalanceStatements
* globalAttribute16
* globalAttribute8
* attribute10
* creditHold
* attribute4
* lastUpdatedBy
* globalAttribute19
* accountStatus
* globalAttribute7
* interestCharges
* lateChargeCalculationTrx
* creditAnalystId
* globalAttribute6
* globalAttribute5
* globalAttribute1
* jgzzAttribute6
* autoRecInclDisputedFlag
* creditItemsFlag
* interestCalculationPeriod
* creationDate
* attribute13
* attribute14
* creditRating
* interestPeriodDays
* tolerance
* profileClassId
* globalAttribute13
* messageTextId
* standardTerms
* siteUseId
* jgzzAttribute13
* consInvFlag
* jgzzAttribute14
* partyId
* jgzzAttribute4
* statementCycleId
* lastCreditReviewDate
* jgzzAttribute8
* collectorId
* attribute8
* attribute1
* jgzzAttribute7
* lockboxMatchingOption
* chargeOnFinanceChargeFlag
* attributeCategory
* lateChargeTermId
* reviewCycle
* creditChecking
* globalAttribute3
* jgzzAttributeCategory
* jgzzAttribute2
* holdChargedInvoicesFlag
* programUpdateDate
* disputedTransactionsFlag
* globalAttribute4
* chargeBeginDate
* jgzzAttribute5
* objectVersionNumber
* attribute7
* globalAttribute10
* custAccountId
* groupingRuleId
* programApplicationId
* status
* taxPrintingOption
* custAccountProfileId
* paymentGraceDays
* whUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* sendStatements
* attribute11
* attribute5
* globalAttribute2
* prefFunctionalCurrency
* attribute12
* globalAttribute15
* creditClassification


 * custAccountProfileId
* auditSequenceId
* auditTrueNulls
* creditChecking
* rowKey
* auditTimestamp
* auditUserName
* tolerance
* profileClassId
* auditCommitId
* discountGraceDays
* discountTerms
* auditSessionId
* autocashHierarchyId
* auditTransactionType
* standardTerms
* consInvFlag
* collectorId
* creditHold


 * custAccountProfileId
* auditSequenceId
* auditTrueNulls
* creditChecking
* rowKey
* auditTimestamp
* auditUserName
* tolerance
* profileClassId
* auditCommitId
* discountGraceDays
* discountTerms
* auditSessionId
* autocashHierarchyId
* auditTransactionType
* standardTerms
* consInvFlag
* collectorId
* creditHold


 * overrideTerms
* jgzzAttribute1
* dunningLetters
* attribute2
* createdByModule
* globalAttribute17
* globalAttribute20
* nextCreditReviewDate
* jgzzAttribute11
* globalAttributeCategory
* attribute15
* multipleInterestRatesFlag
* autocashHierarchyId
* jgzzAttribute3
* riskCode
* jgzzAttribute9
* consInvType
* clearingDays
* lateChargeType
* globalAttribute18
* attribute6
* globalAttribute11
* jgzzAttribute12
* lastUpdateDate
* globalAttribute9
* percentCollectable
* consBillLevel
* jgzzAttribute10
* attribute3
* discountGraceDays
* requestId
* globalAttribute12
* globalAttribute14
* dunningLetterSetId
* jgzzAttribute15
* attribute9
* applicationId
* discountTerms
* programId
* autocashHierarchyIdForAdr
* createdBy
* automatchSetId
* creditBalanceStatements
* globalAttribute16
* globalAttribute8
* attribute10
* creditHold
* attribute4
* lastUpdatedBy
* globalAttribute19
* accountStatus
* globalAttribute7
* interestCharges
* lateChargeCalculationTrx
* creditAnalystId
* globalAttribute6
* globalAttribute5
* globalAttribute1
* jgzzAttribute6
* autoRecInclDisputedFlag
* creditItemsFlag
* interestCalculationPeriod
* creationDate
* attribute13
* attribute14
* creditRating
* interestPeriodDays
* tolerance
* profileClassId
* globalAttribute13
* messageTextId
* standardTerms
* siteUseId
* jgzzAttribute13
* consInvFlag
* jgzzAttribute14
* partyId
* jgzzAttribute4
* statementCycleId
* lastCreditReviewDate
* jgzzAttribute8
* collectorId
* attribute8
* attribute1
* jgzzAttribute7
* lockboxMatchingOption
* chargeOnFinanceChargeFlag
* attributeCategory
* lateChargeTermId
* reviewCycle
* creditChecking
* globalAttribute3
* jgzzAttributeCategory
* jgzzAttribute2
* holdChargedInvoicesFlag
* programUpdateDate
* disputedTransactionsFlag
* globalAttribute4
* chargeBeginDate
* jgzzAttribute5
* objectVersionNumber
* attribute7
* globalAttribute10
* custAccountId
* groupingRuleId
* programApplicationId
* status
* taxPrintingOption
* custAccountProfileId
* paymentGraceDays
* whUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* sendStatements
* attribute11
* attribute5
* globalAttribute2
* prefFunctionalCurrency
* attribute12
* globalAttribute15
* creditClassification


 * lastUpdatedBy
* batchId
* value
* creationDate
* lastUpdateDate
* criteriaId
* attributeName
* lastUpdateLogin
* createdBy
* batchType
* operation


 * lastUpdatedBy
* batchId
* value
* creationDate
* lastUpdateDate
* criteriaId
* attributeName
* lastUpdateLogin
* createdBy
* batchType
* operation


 * lastUpdateLogin
* reportType
* diagId
* outputType
* lastUpdateDate
* createdBy
* lastUpdatedBy
* requestName
* requestId
* creationDate


 * lastUpdateLogin
* reportType
* diagId
* outputType
* lastUpdateDate
* createdBy
* lastUpdatedBy
* requestName
* requestId
* creationDate


 * errorData
* partySiteId
* createdBy
* lastUpdatedBy
* partyId
* lastUpdateLogin
* entity
* realtimeSyncFlag
* syncInterfaceNum
* stagedFlag
* creationDate
* orgContactId
* operation
* importOsr
* recordId
* lastUpdateDate


 * errorData
* partySiteId
* createdBy
* lastUpdatedBy
* partyId
* lastUpdateLogin
* entity
* realtimeSyncFlag
* syncInterfaceNum
* stagedFlag
* creationDate
* orgContactId
* operation
* importOsr
* recordId
* lastUpdateDate


 * orgContactId
* recordId
* partyId
* partySiteId
* realtimeSyncFlag
* operation
* creationDate
* syncInterfaceNum
* errorData
* stagedFlag
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* createdBy
* lastUpdateDate
* entity
* importOsr


 * orgContactId
* recordId
* partyId
* partySiteId
* realtimeSyncFlag
* operation
* creationDate
* syncInterfaceNum
* errorData
* stagedFlag
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* createdBy
* lastUpdateDate
* entity
* importOsr


 * ownerTableId4
* lastUpdateLogin
* ownerTableName
* ownerTableId3
* dssGroupCode
* status
* ownerTableId2
* lastUpdateDate
* assignmentId
* ownerTableId1
* createdBy
* ownerTableId5
* creationDate
* objectVersionNumber
* lastUpdatedBy


 * ownerTableId4
* lastUpdateLogin
* ownerTableName
* ownerTableId3
* dssGroupCode
* status
* ownerTableId2
* lastUpdateDate
* assignmentId
* ownerTableId1
* createdBy
* ownerTableId5
* creationDate
* objectVersionNumber
* lastUpdatedBy


 * partiesTotal
* dupBatchName
* requestType
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* requestId
* lastUpdatedBy
* applicationId
* dupBatchId
* lastUpdateDate
* automergeFlag
* createdBy
* matchRuleId


 * partiesTotal
* dupBatchName
* requestType
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* requestId
* lastUpdatedBy
* applicationId
* dupBatchId
* lastUpdateDate
* automergeFlag
* createdBy
* matchRuleId


 * fromDate
* toDate
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* createdBy
* dupExclusionId
* partyId
* lastUpdateLogin
* dupPartyId
* creationDate


 * fromDate
* toDate
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* createdBy
* dupExclusionId
* partyId
* lastUpdateLogin
* dupPartyId
* creationDate


 * lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* assignedScore
* matchedPartyValue
* lastUpdatedBy
* dupPartyId
* matchedAttribute
* dupSetId
* winnerPartyValue
* createdBy
* creationDate


 * lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* assignedScore
* matchedPartyValue
* lastUpdatedBy
* dupPartyId
* matchedAttribute
* dupSetId
* winnerPartyValue
* createdBy
* creationDate


 * mergeFromId
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdatedBy
* createdBy
* creationDate
* dupBatchId
* lastUpdateDate
* mergeToId


 * mergeFromId
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdatedBy
* createdBy
* creationDate
* dupBatchId
* lastUpdateDate
* mergeToId


 * tid
* ordTid
* fid
* ordFid
* score


 * tid
* ordTid
* fid
* ordFid
* score


 * dupSetBatchId
* creationDate
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* mergeBatchId
* groupSet
* notDup
* dupPartyId
* lastUpdatedBy
* score
* dupSetId
* mergeFlag
* createdBy
* removeFlag
* mergeSeqId
* mergeBatchName


 * dupSetBatchId
* creationDate
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* mergeBatchId
* groupSet
* notDup
* dupPartyId
* lastUpdatedBy
* score
* dupSetId
* mergeFlag
* createdBy
* removeFlag
* mergeSeqId
* mergeBatchName


 * assignedToUserId
* objectVersionNumber
* dupBatchId
* dupSetId
* createdBy
* winnerPartyId
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdatedBy
* status
* requestId
* mergeType
* lastUpdateDate
* creationDate


 * assignedToUserId
* objectVersionNumber
* dupBatchId
* dupSetId
* createdBy
* winnerPartyId
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdatedBy
* status
* requestId
* mergeType
* lastUpdateDate
* creationDate


 * partyId
* eventId


 * partyId
* eventId


 * createdByModule
* lastDateAttended
* createdBy
* degreeReceived
* programUpdateDate
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* programApplicationId
* objectVersionNumber
* educationId
* schoolPartyId
* startDateAttended
* typeOfSchool
* whUpdateDate
* status
* applicationId
* programId
* schoolAttendedName
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateDate
* courseMajor
* partyId
* requestId


 * createdByModule
* lastDateAttended
* createdBy
* degreeReceived
* programUpdateDate
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* programApplicationId
* objectVersionNumber
* educationId
* schoolPartyId
* startDateAttended
* typeOfSchool
* whUpdateDate
* status
* applicationId
* programId
* schoolAttendedName
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateDate
* courseMajor
* partyId
* requestId


 * partyId
* transposedDomain
* domainName
* status
* lastUpdatedBy
* emailDomainId
* createdBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* creationDate
* lastUpdateDate


 * partyId
* transposedDomain
* domainName
* status
* lastUpdatedBy
* emailDomainId
* createdBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* creationDate
* lastUpdateDate


 * served
* facultyPositionFlag
* requestId
* whUpdateDate
* partyId
* weeklyWorkHours
* supervisorName
* responsibility
* tenureCode
* lastUpdateDate
* creationDate
* createdByModule
* beginDate
* employedAsTitle
* endDate
* militaryRank
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* station
* reasonForLeaving
* employmentHistoryId
* createdBy
* status
* comments
* employedByNameCompany
* branch
* employedByDivisionName
* applicationId
* programApplicationId
* employedByPartyId
* programId
* programUpdateDate
* fractionOfTenure
* objectVersionNumber
* employmentTypeCode
* employedAsTitleCode


 * served
* facultyPositionFlag
* requestId
* whUpdateDate
* partyId
* weeklyWorkHours
* supervisorName
* responsibility
* tenureCode
* lastUpdateDate
* creationDate
* createdByModule
* beginDate
* employedAsTitle
* endDate
* militaryRank
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* station
* reasonForLeaving
* employmentHistoryId
* createdBy
* status
* comments
* employedByNameCompany
* branch
* employedByDivisionName
* applicationId
* programApplicationId
* employedByPartyId
* programId
* programUpdateDate
* fractionOfTenure
* objectVersionNumber
* employmentTypeCode
* employedAsTitleCode


 * recordId


 * recordId


 * recordId


 * recordId


 * recordId


 * recordId


 * dExtAttr7
* cExtAttr1
* createdBy
* cExtAttr11
* nExtAttr1
* cExtAttr8
* cExtAttr14
* cExtAttr20
* nExtAttr19
* lastUpdateDate
* nExtAttr8
* nExtAttr4
* nExtAttr13
* dExtAttr3
* cExtAttr10
* nExtAttr5
* cExtAttr19
* attrGroupId
* nExtAttr12
* nExtAttr10
* lastUpdateLogin
* dExtAttr5
* dExtAttr6
* cExtAttr2
* nExtAttr20
* dExtAttr1
* nExtAttr3
* dExtAttr4
* cExtAttr9
* nExtAttr17
* dExtAttr2
* nExtAttr2
* cExtAttr17
* cExtAttr6
* nExtAttr7
* nExtAttr11
* nExtAttr18
* lastUpdatedBy
* extensionId
* cExtAttr7
* nExtAttr16
* cExtAttr18
* nExtAttr14
* dExtAttr10
* nExtAttr9
* cExtAttr12
* cExtAttr4
* dExtAttr8
* financialNumberId
* cExtAttr3
* cExtAttr16
* creationDate
* cExtAttr13
* nExtAttr15
* nExtAttr6
* cExtAttr5
* cExtAttr15
* dExtAttr9


 * dExtAttr7
* cExtAttr1
* createdBy
* cExtAttr11
* nExtAttr1
* cExtAttr8
* cExtAttr14
* cExtAttr20
* nExtAttr19
* lastUpdateDate
* nExtAttr8
* nExtAttr4
* nExtAttr13
* dExtAttr3
* cExtAttr10
* nExtAttr5
* cExtAttr19
* attrGroupId
* nExtAttr12
* nExtAttr10
* lastUpdateLogin
* dExtAttr5
* dExtAttr6
* cExtAttr2
* nExtAttr20
* dExtAttr1
* nExtAttr3
* dExtAttr4
* cExtAttr9
* nExtAttr17
* dExtAttr2
* nExtAttr2
* cExtAttr17
* cExtAttr6
* nExtAttr7
* nExtAttr11
* nExtAttr18
* lastUpdatedBy
* extensionId
* cExtAttr7
* nExtAttr16
* cExtAttr18
* nExtAttr14
* dExtAttr10
* nExtAttr9
* cExtAttr12
* cExtAttr4
* dExtAttr8
* financialNumberId
* cExtAttr3
* cExtAttr16
* creationDate
* cExtAttr13
* nExtAttr15
* nExtAttr6
* cExtAttr5
* cExtAttr15
* dExtAttr9


 * extensionId
* createdBy
* financialNumberId
* tlExtAttr16
* tlExtAttr10
* tlExtAttr13
* creationDate
* sourceLang
* tlExtAttr5
* tlExtAttr6
* tlExtAttr7
* attrGroupId
* language
* lastUpdateDate
* tlExtAttr1
* tlExtAttr4
* tlExtAttr20
* tlExtAttr12
* tlExtAttr19
* tlExtAttr15
* tlExtAttr2
* tlExtAttr17
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* tlExtAttr11
* tlExtAttr18
* tlExtAttr3
* tlExtAttr14
* tlExtAttr8
* tlExtAttr9


 * extensionId
* createdBy
* financialNumberId
* tlExtAttr16
* tlExtAttr10
* tlExtAttr13
* creationDate
* sourceLang
* tlExtAttr5
* tlExtAttr6
* tlExtAttr7
* attrGroupId
* language
* lastUpdateDate
* tlExtAttr1
* tlExtAttr4
* tlExtAttr20
* tlExtAttr12
* tlExtAttr19
* tlExtAttr15
* tlExtAttr2
* tlExtAttr17
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* tlExtAttr11
* tlExtAttr18
* tlExtAttr3
* tlExtAttr14
* tlExtAttr8
* tlExtAttr9


 * cExtAttr11
* dExtAttr9
* dExtAttr4
* cExtAttr1
* nExtAttr12
* cExtAttr18
* cExtAttr2
* extensionId
* cExtAttr13
* dExtAttr7
* nExtAttr11
* nExtAttr16
* nExtAttr6
* nExtAttr14
* cExtAttr10
* cExtAttr8
* cExtAttr7
* cExtAttr15
* nExtAttr3
* creationDate
* nExtAttr15
* dExtAttr2
* cExtAttr4
* cExtAttr17
* cExtAttr19
* dExtAttr8
* dExtAttr10
* nExtAttr2
* cExtAttr20
* nExtAttr9
* cExtAttr9
* nExtAttr10
* createdBy
* nExtAttr13
* nExtAttr8
* cExtAttr5
* nExtAttr7
* attrGroupId
* lastUpdateLogin
* cExtAttr14
* dExtAttr6
* cExtAttr6
* nExtAttr5
* financialReportId
* dExtAttr5
* cExtAttr16
* cExtAttr12
* nExtAttr4
* nExtAttr1
* cExtAttr3
* dExtAttr3
* nExtAttr17
* nExtAttr18
* nExtAttr20
* dExtAttr1
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateDate
* nExtAttr19


 * cExtAttr11
* dExtAttr9
* dExtAttr4
* cExtAttr1
* nExtAttr12
* cExtAttr18
* cExtAttr2
* extensionId
* cExtAttr13
* dExtAttr7
* nExtAttr11
* nExtAttr16
* nExtAttr6
* nExtAttr14
* cExtAttr10
* cExtAttr8
* cExtAttr7
* cExtAttr15
* nExtAttr3
* creationDate
* nExtAttr15
* dExtAttr2
* cExtAttr4
* cExtAttr17
* cExtAttr19
* dExtAttr8
* dExtAttr10
* nExtAttr2
* cExtAttr20
* nExtAttr9
* cExtAttr9
* nExtAttr10
* createdBy
* nExtAttr13
* nExtAttr8
* cExtAttr5
* nExtAttr7
* attrGroupId
* lastUpdateLogin
* cExtAttr14
* dExtAttr6
* cExtAttr6
* nExtAttr5
* financialReportId
* dExtAttr5
* cExtAttr16
* cExtAttr12
* nExtAttr4
* nExtAttr1
* cExtAttr3
* dExtAttr3
* nExtAttr17
* nExtAttr18
* nExtAttr20
* dExtAttr1
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateDate
* nExtAttr19


 * tlExtAttr4
* attrGroupId
* lastUpdateDate
* sourceLang
* tlExtAttr5
* tlExtAttr6
* tlExtAttr2
* tlExtAttr12
* tlExtAttr3
* tlExtAttr9
* tlExtAttr19
* tlExtAttr11
* creationDate
* tlExtAttr18
* lastUpdateLogin
* tlExtAttr10
* language
* tlExtAttr17
* financialReportId
* tlExtAttr14
* tlExtAttr1
* tlExtAttr20
* extensionId
* tlExtAttr8
* tlExtAttr15
* lastUpdatedBy
* tlExtAttr13
* createdBy
* tlExtAttr7
* tlExtAttr16


 * tlExtAttr4
* attrGroupId
* lastUpdateDate
* sourceLang
* tlExtAttr5
* tlExtAttr6
* tlExtAttr2
* tlExtAttr12
* tlExtAttr3
* tlExtAttr9
* tlExtAttr19
* tlExtAttr11
* creationDate
* tlExtAttr18
* lastUpdateLogin
* tlExtAttr10
* language
* tlExtAttr17
* financialReportId
* tlExtAttr14
* tlExtAttr1
* tlExtAttr20
* extensionId
* tlExtAttr8
* tlExtAttr15
* lastUpdatedBy
* tlExtAttr13
* createdBy
* tlExtAttr7
* tlExtAttr16


 * lastUpdateLogin
* projectedActualFlag
* financialNumber
* createdBy
* financialUnitsApplied
* objectVersionNumber
* financialNumberId
* creationDate
* status
* actualContentSource
* applicationId
* financialReportId
* programApplicationId
* programUpdateDate
* createdByModule
* lastUpdatedBy
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* whUpdateDate
* contentSourceType
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* programId
* requestId
* lastUpdateDate


 * lastUpdateLogin
* projectedActualFlag
* financialNumber
* createdBy
* financialUnitsApplied
* objectVersionNumber
* financialNumberId
* creationDate
* status
* actualContentSource
* applicationId
* financialReportId
* programApplicationId
* programUpdateDate
* createdByModule
* lastUpdatedBy
* financialNumberName
* whUpdateDate
* contentSourceType
* financialNumberCurrency
* programId
* requestId
* lastUpdateDate


 * lastUpdateLogin
* balanceVerifiedOnDate
* createdBy
* lastUpdatedBy
* whUpdateDate
* accessAuthorityDate
* programId
* financialAccountType
* financialOrgType
* creationDate
* accessAuthorityGranted
* partyId
* requestId
* programApplicationId
* financialAccountNumber
* status
* financialOrganizationName
* financialProfileId
* balanceAmount
* lastUpdateDate
* programUpdateDate


 * lastUpdateLogin
* balanceVerifiedOnDate
* createdBy
* lastUpdatedBy
* whUpdateDate
* accessAuthorityDate
* programId
* financialAccountType
* financialOrgType
* creationDate
* accessAuthorityGranted
* partyId
* requestId
* programApplicationId
* financialAccountNumber
* status
* financialOrganizationName
* financialProfileId
* balanceAmount
* lastUpdateDate
* programUpdateDate


 * consolidatedInd
* restatedInd
* reportStartDate
* createdByModule
* actualContentSource
* requestId
* programUpdateDate
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* fiscalInd
* estimatedInd
* finalInd
* issuedPeriod
* createdBy
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* forecastInd
* applicationId
* typeOfFinancialReport
* reportEndDate
* contentSourceType
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* programApplicationId
* financialReportId
* qualifiedInd
* unbalancedInd
* creationDate
* requiringAuthority
* status
* objectVersionNumber
* dateReportIssued
* lastUpdateDate
* partyId
* openingInd
* signedByPrincipalsInd
* lastUpdateLogin


 * consolidatedInd
* restatedInd
* reportStartDate
* createdByModule
* actualContentSource
* requestId
* programUpdateDate
* whUdpateId
* fiscalInd
* estimatedInd
* finalInd
* issuedPeriod
* createdBy
* proformaInd
* trialBalanceInd
* forecastInd
* applicationId
* typeOfFinancialReport
* reportEndDate
* contentSourceType
* lastUpdatedBy
* auditInd
* programId
* documentReference
* programApplicationId
* financialReportId
* qualifiedInd
* unbalancedInd
* creationDate
* requiringAuthority
* status
* objectVersionNumber
* dateReportIssued
* lastUpdateDate
* partyId
* openingInd
* signedByPrincipalsInd
* lastUpdateLogin


 * objectVersionNumber
* mapStatus
* usageCode
* messageText
* programApplicationId
* creationDate
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdatedBy
* locationId
* requestId
* programId
* programLoginId
* locationTableName
* createdBy


 * objectVersionNumber
* mapStatus
* usageCode
* messageText
* programApplicationId
* creationDate
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdatedBy
* locationId
* requestId
* programId
* programLoginId
* locationTableName
* createdBy


 * geographyType
* geographyId
* lastUpdatedBy
* programApplicationId
* programId
* objectVersionNumber
* lastUpdateDate
* locationId
* createdBy
* locationTableName
* creationDate
* requestId
* lastUpdateLogin
* programLoginId


 * geographyType
* geographyId
* lastUpdatedBy
* programApplicationId
* programId
* objectVersionNumber
* lastUpdateDate
* locationId
* createdBy
* locationTableName
* creationDate
* requestId
* lastUpdateLogin
* programLoginId


 * lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdateDate
* countryCode
* creationDate
* locTblName
* addressStyle
* createdBy
* mapId


 * lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdateDate
* countryCode
* creationDate
* locTblName
* addressStyle
* createdBy
* mapId


 * createdBy
* creationDate
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* locComponent
* locSeqNum
* geographyType
* mapId
* geoElementCol
* lastUpdatedBy


 * createdBy
* creationDate
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* locComponent
* locSeqNum
* geographyType
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* geoElementCol
* lastUpdatedBy


 * objectVersionNumber
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* programLoginId
* countryCode
* relationshipTypeId
* geographyElementColumn
* lastUpdateDate
* parentGeographyType
* requestId
* addrValLevel
* creationDate
* zdSync
* geographyType
* createdByModule
* createdBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdatedBy
* applicationId
* geographyId
* programId
* programApplicationId


 * objectVersionNumber
* zdEditionName
* programLoginId
* countryCode
* relationshipTypeId
* geographyElementColumn
* lastUpdateDate
* parentGeographyType
* requestId
* addrValLevel
* creationDate
* zdSync
* geographyType
* createdByModule
* createdBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdatedBy
* applicationId
* geographyId
* programId
* programApplicationId


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* countryCode
* programLoginId
* attribute11
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* attribute12
* geographyElement9
* geographyId
* geographyElement7Id
* attribute20
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* attribute7
* creationDate
* geographyElement5Code
* geometry
* applicationId
* lastUpdatedBy
* geographyElement5
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* attribute17
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* geographyElement10
* attribute13
* attribute18
* createdByModule
* lastUpdateLogin
* geographyType
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* geographyElement3Code
* createdBy
* attribute2
* objectVersionNumber
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* lastUpdateDate
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* attribute19
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* geographyElement2
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* geographyElement6
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* geographyElement2Code
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* attribute15


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* programLoginId
* attribute11
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* geographyElement9
* geographyId
* geographyElement7Id
* attribute20
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* attribute7
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* geographyElement5Code
* geometry
* applicationId
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* attribute13
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* createdByModule
* lastUpdateLogin
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* geographyElement1Code
* geographyElement3Code
* createdBy
* attribute2
* objectVersionNumber
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* lastUpdateDate
* programApplicationId
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* requestId
* geographyElement5Id
* geographyElement2
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* attribute9
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* endDate
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* geographyElement6
* geographyElement4
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* geographyElement2Code
* geographyElement10Id
* attribute15


 * geoDataProvider
* identifierSubtype
* creationDate
* objectVersionNumber
* primaryFlag
* lastUpdatedBy
* requestId
* lastUpdateLogin
* createdBy
* applicationId
* languageCode
* geographyUse
* programLoginId
* identifierType
* programId
* programApplicationId
* identifierValue
* geographyType
* createdByModule
* lastUpdateDate
* geographyId


 * geoDataProvider
* identifierSubtype
* creationDate
* objectVersionNumber
* primaryFlag
* lastUpdatedBy
* requestId
* lastUpdateLogin
* createdBy
* applicationId
* languageCode
* geographyUse
* programLoginId
* identifierType
* programId
* programApplicationId
* identifierValue
* geographyType
* createdByModule
* lastUpdateDate
* geographyId


 * applicationId
* geographyId
* identifierType
* lastUpdateLogin
* geographyFrom
* geographyType
* lastUpdatedBy
* createdBy
* programId
* creationDate
* objectVersionNumber
* geographyTo
* geographyUse
* requestId
* programApplicationId
* programLoginId
* masterRefGeographyId
* lastUpdateDate
* createdByModule
* endDate
* startDate


 * applicationId
* geographyId
* identifierType
* lastUpdateLogin
* geographyFrom
* geographyType
* lastUpdatedBy
* createdBy
* programId
* creationDate
* objectVersionNumber
* geographyTo
* geographyUse
* requestId
* programApplicationId
* programLoginId
* masterRefGeographyId
* lastUpdateDate
* createdByModule
* endDate
* startDate


 * lastUpdateLogin
* zdEditionName
* geographyUse
* programId
* zdSync
* lastUpdateDate
* programLoginId
* createdBy
* applicationId
* geographyType
* requestId
* postalCodeRangeFlag
* lastUpdatedBy
* objectVersionNumber
* creationDate
* programApplicationId
* createdByModule
* limitedByGeographyId


 * lastUpdateLogin
* zdEditionName
* geographyUse
* programId
* zdSync
* lastUpdateDate
* programLoginId
* createdBy
* applicationId
* geographyType
* requestId
* postalCodeRangeFlag
* lastUpdatedBy
* objectVersionNumber
* creationDate
* programApplicationId
* createdByModule
* limitedByGeographyId


 * language
* zdEditionName
* geographyTypeName
* createdBy
* sourceLang
* createdByModule
* programLoginId
* geographyType
* zdSync
* programId
* lastUpdatedBy
* programApplicationId
* creationDate
* lastUpdateDate
* applicationId
* requestId
* lastUpdateLogin


 * language
* zdEditionName
* geographyTypeName
* createdBy
* sourceLang
* createdByModule
* programLoginId
* geographyType
* zdSync
* programId
* lastUpdatedBy
* programApplicationId
* creationDate
* lastUpdateDate
* applicationId
* requestId
* lastUpdateLogin


 * creationDate
* leafChildFlag
* status
* createdBy
* effectiveEndDate
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* hierarchyType
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* actualContentSource
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* topParentFlag
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* childTableName
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* creationDate
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* lastUpdatedBy
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* requestId
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* lastUpdateLogin
* creationDate
* recordsFailedValidation
* lastUpdatedBy
* adapterContentSource
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* createdByModule
* batchId
* attribute16
* attribute17
* programUpdateDate
* attribute14
* acceptStandardizedFlag
* cityStd
* attribute12
* addrValidStatusCode
* requestId
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* clliCode
* city
* partyOrigSystem
* postalCodeStd
* postalCode
* insertUpdateFlag
* salesTaxInsideCityLimits
* validationSubsetId
* addressLinesPhonetic
* shortDescription
* attribute5
* attributeCategory
* attribute6
* siteOrigSystemReference
* postalPlus4Code
* attribute7
* dupWithinIntFlag
* address3
* attribute9
* attribute19
* partySiteNumber
* language
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute11
* attribute1
* adapterContentSource
* address2
* locationDirections
* attribute3
* address2Std
* createdBy
* attribute13
* provStateAdminCodeStd
* salesTaxGeocode
* primaryFlag
* address4
* attribute15
* countyStd
* siteOrigSystem
* address3Std
* timezoneCode
* attribute20
* deliveryPointCode
* creationDate
* dqmActionFlag
* correctMoveIndicator
* attribute2
* country
* attribute18
* address1Std
* partyOrigSystemReference
* attribute8
* interfaceStatus
* partySiteName
* province
* attribute10
* partyId
* address1
* errorId
* state
* countryStd
* description
* attribute4
* programId
* dateValidated
* programApplicationId


 * county
* address4Std
* createdByModule
* batchId
* attribute16
* attribute17
* programUpdateDate
* attribute14
* acceptStandardizedFlag
* cityStd
* attribute12
* addrValidStatusCode
* requestId
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* clliCode
* city
* partyOrigSystem
* postalCodeStd
* postalCode
* insertUpdateFlag
* salesTaxInsideCityLimits
* validationSubsetId
* addressLinesPhonetic
* shortDescription
* attribute5
* attributeCategory
* attribute6
* siteOrigSystemReference
* postalPlus4Code
* attribute7
* dupWithinIntFlag
* address3
* attribute9
* attribute19
* partySiteNumber
* language
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute11
* attribute1
* adapterContentSource
* address2
* locationDirections
* attribute3
* address2Std
* createdBy
* attribute13
* provStateAdminCodeStd
* salesTaxGeocode
* primaryFlag
* address4
* attribute15
* countyStd
* siteOrigSystem
* address3Std
* timezoneCode
* attribute20
* deliveryPointCode
* creationDate
* dqmActionFlag
* correctMoveIndicator
* attribute2
* country
* attribute18
* address1Std
* partyOrigSystemReference
* attribute8
* interfaceStatus
* partySiteName
* province
* attribute10
* partyId
* address1
* errorId
* state
* countryStd
* description
* attribute4
* programId
* dateValidated
* programApplicationId


 * errorId
* lastUpdateDate
* programUpdateDate
* interfaceStatus
* batchId
* partyOrigSystem
* siteUseType
* lastUpdatedBy
* insertUpdateFlag
* creationDate
* programId
* lastUpdateLogin
* siteOrigSystemReference
* requestId
* programApplicationId
* createdByModule
* siteOrigSystem
* primaryFlag
* createdBy
* partyOrigSystemReference


 * errorId
* lastUpdateDate
* programUpdateDate
* interfaceStatus
* batchId
* partyOrigSystem
* siteUseType
* lastUpdatedBy
* insertUpdateFlag
* creationDate
* programId
* lastUpdateLogin
* siteOrigSystemReference
* requestId
* programApplicationId
* createdByModule
* siteOrigSystem
* primaryFlag
* createdBy
* partyOrigSystemReference


 * dupBatchId
* requestId
* creationDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* mainConcReqId
* programApplicationId
* batchId
* lastUpdateDate
* createdBy
* programUpdateDate
* importReqId
* lastUpdateLogin
* programId
* runNumber
* importStatus


 * dupBatchId
* requestId
* creationDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* mainConcReqId
* programApplicationId
* batchId
* lastUpdateDate
* createdBy
* programUpdateDate
* importReqId
* lastUpdateLogin
* programId
* runNumber
* importStatus


 * finnumbersImported
* importStatus
* finnumbersUpdated
* mainConcStatus
* addressesImported
* contactrolesImported
* newUniqueAddressuses
* addressDupSetsInBatch
* rdActionExistingFinents
* contactsInserted
* dupPartiesInBatch
* potentialDupAddresses
* dupAddressesInBatch
* finreportsImported
* batchName
* totalRecordsImported
* purgedByUserId
* partiesUpdated
* newUniqueParties
* existingCreditratings
* dupContactsInBatch
* partiesFullyImported
* contactpointsInBatch
* contactMergeRequests
* programUpdateDate
* relationshipsInserted
* addressusesImported
* existingContactroles
* rdActionNewCpts
* creditratingsInserted
* addrValFlag
* addressusesInserted
* addressMergeRequests
* codeassignsImported
* bdActionOnParties
* csvStatus
* contactsImported
* csvLoadId
* partiesPartiallyImported
* partiesInBatch
* contactpointMergeRequests
* partyMergeRequests
* purgeDate
* lastUpdateDate
* existingContactpoints
* creationDate
* requestId
* estNoOfRecords
* importReqId
* relationshipsInBatch
* existingAddressuses
* batchDedupStatus
* addrValStatus
* existingFinnumbers
* addressesInserted
* rdActionPotDupAddrs
* lastUpdateLogin
* rdActionNewAddrs
* csvLoadReqId
* existingRelationships
* relationshipsUpdated
* newUniqueFinnumbers
* newUniqueContactpoints
* bdActionOnContactPoints
* description
* batchDedupFlag
* programApplicationId
* rdActionPotDupContacts
* originalSystem
* contactsUpdated
* rdActionNewParties
* finreportsInserted
* addressusesInBatch
* rdActionNewSupents
* codeassignsInBatch
* totalBatchRecords
* validateFlexfieldFlag
* rdActionExistingSupents
* potentialDupContactpoints
* removeDupsFlag
* contactpointsInserted
* batchDedupReqId
* newUniqueAddresses
* rdActionPotDupParties
* totalMergeRequests
* addressusesUpdated
* contactpointsImported
* totalInserts
* addrValReqId
* partyDupSetsInBatch
* totalOrganizationsImporte
* dupParties
* rdActionExistingAddrs
* rdActionDupParties
* rdActionExistingCpts
* codeassignsUpdated
* newUniqueCreditratings
* mainConcReqId
* rdActionNewContacts
* partiesImported
* lastUpdatedBy
* batchDedupMatchRuleId
* existingAddresses
* totalErrors
* creditratingsImported
* contactrolesInBatch
* rdActionNewFinents
* relationshipsImported
* batchId
* codeassignsInserted
* newUniqueContactroles
* newUniqueRelationships
* newUniqueFinreports
* partiesAutoMerged
* potentialDupContacts
* programId
* addressesInBatch
* contactrolesUpdated
* newUniqueCodeassigns
* addressesUpdated
* contactsInBatch
* totalUpdates
* rdActionPotDupCpts
* bdActionOnAddresses
* numPartiesPurchased
* creditratingsInBatch
* batchStatus
* removedByUser
* contactpointDupSetsInBatch
* existingCodeassigns
* whatIfFlag
* partiesInserted
* finreportsUpdated
* bdActionOnContacts
* loadType
* existingParties
* totalPersonsImported
* finnumbersInserted
* errorLimit
* registryDedupFlag
* rdActionExistingParties
* automergeFlag
* contactrolesInserted
* totalRecordsForImport
* contactpointsUpdated
* createdBy
* existingContacts
* potentialDupParties
* creditratingsUpdated
* finreportsInBatch
* dupContactpointsInBatch
* totalAutoMerged
* finnumbersInBatch
* contactDupSetsInBatch
* newUniqueContacts
* existingFinreports
* registryDedupMatchRuleId
* rdActionExistingContacts


 * finnumbersImported
* importStatus
* finnumbersUpdated
* mainConcStatus
* addressesImported
* contactrolesImported
* newUniqueAddressuses
* addressDupSetsInBatch
* rdActionExistingFinents
* contactsInserted
* dupPartiesInBatch
* potentialDupAddresses
* dupAddressesInBatch
* finreportsImported
* batchName
* totalRecordsImported
* purgedByUserId
* partiesUpdated
* newUniqueParties
* existingCreditratings
* dupContactsInBatch
* partiesFullyImported
* contactpointsInBatch
* contactMergeRequests
* programUpdateDate
* relationshipsInserted
* addressusesImported
* existingContactroles
* rdActionNewCpts
* creditratingsInserted
* addrValFlag
* addressusesInserted
* addressMergeRequests
* codeassignsImported
* bdActionOnParties
* csvStatus
* contactsImported
* csvLoadId
* partiesPartiallyImported
* partiesInBatch
* contactpointMergeRequests
* partyMergeRequests
* purgeDate
* lastUpdateDate
* existingContactpoints
* creationDate
* requestId
* estNoOfRecords
* importReqId
* relationshipsInBatch
* existingAddressuses
* batchDedupStatus
* addrValStatus
* existingFinnumbers
* addressesInserted
* rdActionPotDupAddrs
* lastUpdateLogin
* rdActionNewAddrs
* csvLoadReqId
* existingRelationships
* relationshipsUpdated
* newUniqueFinnumbers
* newUniqueContactpoints
* bdActionOnContactPoints
* description
* batchDedupFlag
* programApplicationId
* rdActionPotDupContacts
* originalSystem
* contactsUpdated
* rdActionNewParties
* finreportsInserted
* addressusesInBatch
* rdActionNewSupents
* codeassignsInBatch
* totalBatchRecords
* validateFlexfieldFlag
* rdActionExistingSupents
* potentialDupContactpoints
* removeDupsFlag
* contactpointsInserted
* batchDedupReqId
* newUniqueAddresses
* rdActionPotDupParties
* totalMergeRequests
* addressusesUpdated
* contactpointsImported
* totalInserts
* addrValReqId
* partyDupSetsInBatch
* totalOrganizationsImporte
* dupParties
* rdActionExistingAddrs
* rdActionDupParties
* rdActionExistingCpts
* codeassignsUpdated
* newUniqueCreditratings
* mainConcReqId
* rdActionNewContacts
* partiesImported
* lastUpdatedBy
* batchDedupMatchRuleId
* existingAddresses
* totalErrors
* creditratingsImported
* contactrolesInBatch
* rdActionNewFinents
* relationshipsImported
* batchId
* codeassignsInserted
* newUniqueContactroles
* newUniqueRelationships
* newUniqueFinreports
* partiesAutoMerged
* potentialDupContacts
* programId
* addressesInBatch
* contactrolesUpdated
* newUniqueCodeassigns
* addressesUpdated
* contactsInBatch
* totalUpdates
* rdActionPotDupCpts
* bdActionOnAddresses
* numPartiesPurchased
* creditratingsInBatch
* batchStatus
* removedByUser
* contactpointDupSetsInBatch
* existingCodeassigns
* whatIfFlag
* partiesInserted
* finreportsUpdated
* bdActionOnContacts
* loadType
* existingParties
* totalPersonsImported
* finnumbersInserted
* errorLimit
* registryDedupFlag
* rdActionExistingParties
* automergeFlag
* contactrolesInserted
* totalRecordsForImport
* contactpointsUpdated
* createdBy
* existingContacts
* potentialDupParties
* creditratingsUpdated
* finreportsInBatch
* dupContactpointsInBatch
* totalAutoMerged
* finnumbersInBatch
* contactDupSetsInBatch
* newUniqueContacts
* existingFinreports
* registryDedupMatchRuleId
* rdActionExistingContacts


 * primaryFlag
* createdBy
* startDateActive
* rank
* errorId
* lastUpdateLogin
* partyId
* insertUpdateFlag
* interfaceStatus
* creationDate
* partyOrigSystem
* classCode
* requestId
* batchId
* lastUpdateDate
* partyOrigSystemReference
* classCategory
* endDateActive
* createdByModule
* lastUpdatedBy
* programApplicationId
* programId
* programUpdateDate


 * primaryFlag
* createdBy
* startDateActive
* rank
* errorId
* lastUpdateLogin
* partyId
* insertUpdateFlag
* interfaceStatus
* creationDate
* partyOrigSystem
* classCode
* requestId
* batchId
* lastUpdateDate
* partyOrigSystemReference
* classCategory
* endDateActive
* createdByModule
* lastUpdatedBy
* programApplicationId
* programId
* programUpdateDate


 * attribute20
* eftUserNumber
* partyOrigSystem
* phoneCountryCode
* programId
* rawPhoneNumber
* lastUpdatedBy
* interfaceStatus
* lastUpdateLogin
* webType
* dupWithinIntFlag
* emailFormat
* attribute11
* attribute13
* attribute16
* createdBy
* ediPaymentMethod
* ediTpHeaderId
* attribute9
* attribute10
* siteOrigSystemReference
* creationDate
* cpOrigSystemReference
* batchId
* ediIdNumber
* ediRemittanceMethod
* primaryFlag
* ediRemittanceInstruction
* attributeCategory
* programUpdateDate
* attribute8
* attribute12
* phoneExtension
* phoneCallingCalendar
* attribute1
* eftSwiftCode
* cpOrigSystem
* attribute2
* attribute15
* siteOrigSystem
* eftTransmissionProgramId
* telexNumber
* attribute18
* programApplicationId
* contactPointType
* insertUpdateFlag
* url
* ediEceTpLocationCode
* ediPaymentFormat
* phoneNumber
* phoneLineType
* attribute5
* attribute6
* contactPointPurpose
* eftPrintingProgramId
* createdByModule
* partyId
* phoneAreaCode
* errorId
* ediTransactionHandling
* attribute7
* dqmActionFlag
* requestId
* attribute19
* timezoneCode
* emailAddress
* attribute17
* partyOrigSystemReference
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute4
* attribute3
* attribute14


 * attribute20
* eftUserNumber
* partyOrigSystem
* phoneCountryCode
* programId
* rawPhoneNumber
* lastUpdatedBy
* interfaceStatus
* lastUpdateLogin
* webType
* dupWithinIntFlag
* emailFormat
* attribute11
* attribute13
* attribute16
* createdBy
* ediPaymentMethod
* ediTpHeaderId
* attribute9
* attribute10
* siteOrigSystemReference
* creationDate
* cpOrigSystemReference
* batchId
* ediIdNumber
* ediRemittanceMethod
* primaryFlag
* ediRemittanceInstruction
* attributeCategory
* programUpdateDate
* attribute8
* attribute12
* phoneExtension
* phoneCallingCalendar
* attribute1
* eftSwiftCode
* cpOrigSystem
* attribute2
* attribute15
* siteOrigSystem
* eftTransmissionProgramId
* telexNumber
* attribute18
* programApplicationId
* contactPointType
* insertUpdateFlag
* url
* ediEceTpLocationCode
* ediPaymentFormat
* phoneNumber
* phoneLineType
* attribute5
* attribute6
* contactPointPurpose
* eftPrintingProgramId
* createdByModule
* partyId
* phoneAreaCode
* errorId
* ediTransactionHandling
* attribute7
* dqmActionFlag
* requestId
* attribute19
* timezoneCode
* emailAddress
* attribute17
* partyOrigSystemReference
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute4
* attribute3
* attribute14


 * contactOrigSystem
* programApplicationId
* requestId
* programUpdateDate
* contactOrigSystemReference
* lastUpdatedBy
* roleType
* creationDate
* subOrigSystemReference
* subOrigSystem
* errorId
* createdBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdateDate
* insertUpdateFlag
* createdByModule
* batchId
* interfaceStatus
* programId


 * contactOrigSystem
* programApplicationId
* requestId
* programUpdateDate
* contactOrigSystemReference
* lastUpdatedBy
* roleType
* creationDate
* subOrigSystemReference
* subOrigSystem
* errorId
* createdBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdateDate
* insertUpdateFlag
* createdByModule
* batchId
* interfaceStatus
* programId


 * objOrigSystem
* attribute6
* attribute14
* attributeCategory
* subOrigSystemReference
* startDate
* department
* contactNumber
* subOrigSystem
* attribute5
* contactOrigSystemReference
* comments
* decisionMakerFlag
* attribute4
* errorId
* attribute19
* lastUpdateDate
* batchId
* departmentCode
* attribute7
* attribute13
* dupWithinIntFlag
* jobTitle
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute11
* insertUpdateFlag
* createdByModule
* title
* jobTitleCode
* attribute9
* createdBy
* creationDate
* referenceUseFlag
* relComments
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute20
* programId
* programApplicationId
* relationshipType
* attribute2
* requestId
* attribute10
* programUpdateDate
* attribute1
* relationshipCode
* objOrigSystemReference
* attribute17
* endDate
* interfaceStatus
* attribute18
* dqmActionFlag
* attribute12
* attribute15
* attribute3
* contactOrigSystem
* attribute8
* attribute16


 * objOrigSystem
* attribute6
* attribute14
* attributeCategory
* subOrigSystemReference
* startDate
* department
* contactNumber
* subOrigSystem
* attribute5
* contactOrigSystemReference
* comments
* decisionMakerFlag
* attribute4
* errorId
* attribute19
* lastUpdateDate
* batchId
* departmentCode
* attribute7
* attribute13
* dupWithinIntFlag
* jobTitle
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute11
* insertUpdateFlag
* createdByModule
* title
* jobTitleCode
* attribute9
* createdBy
* creationDate
* referenceUseFlag
* relComments
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute20
* programId
* programApplicationId
* relationshipType
* attribute2
* requestId
* attribute10
* programUpdateDate
* attribute1
* relationshipCode
* objOrigSystemReference
* attribute17
* endDate
* interfaceStatus
* attribute18
* dqmActionFlag
* attribute12
* attribute15
* attribute3
* contactOrigSystem
* attribute8
* attribute16


 * batchId
* lastUpdatedBy
* pubRecExpl
* failureScoreNatnlPercentile
* ratingOrganization
* lienInd
* creditScoreCommentary9
* paydexFirmDays
* numPrntBkcyConvs
* rating
* creditScoreNatlPercentile
* creditScoreOverrideCode
* requestId
* comments
* debarmentsCount
* failureScoreCommentary4
* detHistoryInd
* oprgSpecEvntInd
* paydexFirmComment
* otherSpecEvntInd
* errorId
* creditScoreCommentary4
* creditScoreCommentary10
* prntBkcyFilgChapter
* programApplicationId
* failureScoreCommentary2
* creditScoreClass
* prntHqBkcyInd
* creditScoreDate
* partyId
* numTradeExperiences
* debarmentInd
* creditScoreCommentary
* failureScoreCommentary3
* maximumCreditRecommendation
* maximumCreditCurrencyCode
* delqPmtPctgForAllFirms
* prntBkcyConvDate
* spclEventComment
* failureScoreCommentary9
* spclEventUpdateDate
* programUpdateDate
* disasterInd
* spclEvntTxt
* negvPmtExpl
* failureScoreIncdDefault
* creditScoreCommentary5
* prntBkcyChapterConv
* lastUpdateDate
* failureScoreCommentary
* paydexIndustryDays
* paydexNorm
* highRngDelqScr
* paydexScore
* highCredit
* lowRngDelqScr
* suitInd
* failureScore
* bankruptcyInd
* paydexIndustryComment
* ratedAsOfDate
* partyOrigSystemReference
* claimsInd
* interfaceStatus
* avgHighCredit
* failureScoreCommentary10
* failureScoreCommentary8
* lastUpdateLogin
* creditScoreCommentary7
* creationDate
* description
* paydexComment
* creditScoreIncdDefault
* failureScoreDate
* slowTradeExpl
* createdByModule
* failureScoreCommentary7
* creditScoreAge
* creditScoreCommentary8
* delqPmtRngPrcnt
* noTradeInd
* prntBkcyFilgType
* finclEmbtInd
* creditScore
* debarmentsDate
* prntBkcyFilgDate
* globalFailureScore
* createdBy
* numSpclEvent
* creditScoreCommentary2
* crScrClasExpl
* failureScoreAge
* failureScoreCommentary5
* securedFlngInd
* finclLglEventInd
* paydexThreeMonthsAgo
* partyOrigSystem
* creditScoreCommentary6
* creditScoreCommentary3
* judgementInd
* numPrntBkcyFiling
* programId
* insertUpdateFlag
* failureScoreOverrideCode
* failureScoreCommentary6
* businessDiscontinued
* failureScoreClass
* criminalProceedingInd


 * batchId
* lastUpdatedBy
* pubRecExpl
* failureScoreNatnlPercentile
* ratingOrganization
* lienInd
* creditScoreCommentary9
* paydexFirmDays
* numPrntBkcyConvs
* rating
* creditScoreNatlPercentile
* creditScoreOverrideCode
* requestId
* comments
* debarmentsCount
* failureScoreCommentary4
* detHistoryInd
* oprgSpecEvntInd
* paydexFirmComment
* otherSpecEvntInd
* errorId
* creditScoreCommentary4
* creditScoreCommentary10
* prntBkcyFilgChapter
* programApplicationId
* failureScoreCommentary2
* creditScoreClass
* prntHqBkcyInd
* creditScoreDate
* partyId
* numTradeExperiences
* debarmentInd
* creditScoreCommentary
* failureScoreCommentary3
* maximumCreditRecommendation
* maximumCreditCurrencyCode
* delqPmtPctgForAllFirms
* prntBkcyConvDate
* spclEventComment
* failureScoreCommentary9
* spclEventUpdateDate
* programUpdateDate
* disasterInd
* spclEvntTxt
* negvPmtExpl
* failureScoreIncdDefault
* creditScoreCommentary5
* prntBkcyChapterConv
* lastUpdateDate
* failureScoreCommentary
* paydexIndustryDays
* paydexNorm
* highRngDelqScr
* paydexScore
* highCredit
* lowRngDelqScr
* suitInd
* failureScore
* bankruptcyInd
* paydexIndustryComment
* ratedAsOfDate
* partyOrigSystemReference
* claimsInd
* interfaceStatus
* avgHighCredit
* failureScoreCommentary10
* failureScoreCommentary8
* lastUpdateLogin
* creditScoreCommentary7
* creationDate
* description
* paydexComment
* creditScoreIncdDefault
* failureScoreDate
* slowTradeExpl
* createdByModule
* failureScoreCommentary7
* creditScoreAge
* creditScoreCommentary8
* delqPmtRngPrcnt
* noTradeInd
* prntBkcyFilgType
* finclEmbtInd
* creditScore
* debarmentsDate
* prntBkcyFilgDate
* globalFailureScore
* createdBy
* numSpclEvent
* creditScoreCommentary2
* crScrClasExpl
* failureScoreAge
* failureScoreCommentary5
* securedFlngInd
* finclLglEventInd
* paydexThreeMonthsAgo
* partyOrigSystem
* creditScoreCommentary6
* creditScoreCommentary3
* judgementInd
* numPrntBkcyFiling
* programId
* insertUpdateFlag
* failureScoreOverrideCode
* failureScoreCommentary6
* businessDiscontinued
* failureScoreClass
* criminalProceedingInd


 * creationDate
* recordOsr
* createdBy
* partyOsr
* partyOs
* score
* recordId
* partyId
* entity
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdatedBy
* recordOs
* dupRecordId
* lastUpdateDate
* batchId


 * creationDate
* recordOsr
* createdBy
* partyOsr
* partyOs
* score
* recordId
* partyId
* entity
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdatedBy
* recordOs
* dupRecordId
* lastUpdateDate
* batchId


 * lastUpdateLogin
* autoMergeFlag
* creationDate
* lastUpdateDate
* score
* partyOsr
* dupPartyId
* createdBy
* partyOs
* lastUpdatedBy
* partyId
* batchId


 * lastUpdateLogin
* autoMergeFlag
* creationDate
* lastUpdateDate
* score
* partyOsr
* dupPartyId
* createdBy
* partyOs
* lastUpdatedBy
* partyId
* batchId


 * token5Value
* programApplicationId
* token2Name
* token2Value
* errorId
* token1Value
* token1Name
* lastUpdateDate
* batchId
* createdBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* token4Value
* interfaceTableName
* token3Name
* token3Value
* programUpdateDate
* token4Name
* lastUpdatedBy
* programId
* creationDate
* messageName
* token5Name
* requestId


 * token5Value
* programApplicationId
* token2Name
* token2Value
* errorId
* token1Value
* token1Name
* lastUpdateDate
* batchId
* createdBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* token4Value
* interfaceTableName
* token3Name
* token3Value
* programUpdateDate
* token4Name
* lastUpdatedBy
* programId
* creationDate
* messageName
* token5Name
* requestId


 * financialNumber
* requestId
* programApplicationId
* issuedPeriod
* insertUpdateFlag
* reportEndDate
* programUpdateDate
* projectedActualFlag
* financialUnitsApplied
* financialNumberName
* lastUpdateLogin
* partyId
* programId
* financialNumberCurrency
* creationDate
* lastUpdateDate
* partyOrigSystem
* partyOrigSystemReference
* reportStartDate
* errorId
* batchId
* interfaceStatus
* typeOfFinancialReport
* dateReportIssued
* createdBy
* createdByModule
* documentReference
* lastUpdatedBy


 * financialNumber
* requestId
* programApplicationId
* issuedPeriod
* insertUpdateFlag
* reportEndDate
* programUpdateDate
* projectedActualFlag
* financialUnitsApplied
* financialNumberName
* lastUpdateLogin
* partyId
* programId
* financialNumberCurrency
* creationDate
* lastUpdateDate
* partyOrigSystem
* partyOrigSystemReference
* reportStartDate
* errorId
* batchId
* interfaceStatus
* typeOfFinancialReport
* dateReportIssued
* createdBy
* createdByModule
* documentReference
* lastUpdatedBy


 * partyId
* lastUpdateLogin
* partyOrigSystemReference
* interfaceStatus
* errorId
* restatedInd
* typeOfFinancialReport
* batchId
* finalInd
* estimatedInd
* trialBalanceInd
* insertUpdateFlag
* requestId
* reportStartDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* programUpdateDate
* requiringAuthority
* documentReference
* lastUpdateDate
* issuedPeriod
* openingInd
* programApplicationId
* creationDate
* signedByPrincipalsInd
* unbalancedInd
* programId
* createdByModule
* consolidatedInd
* proformaInd
* createdBy
* fiscalInd
* qualifiedInd
* reportEndDate
* partyOrigSystem
* forecastInd
* dateReportIssued
* auditInd


 * partyId
* lastUpdateLogin
* partyOrigSystemReference
* interfaceStatus
* errorId
* restatedInd
* typeOfFinancialReport
* batchId
* finalInd
* estimatedInd
* trialBalanceInd
* insertUpdateFlag
* requestId
* reportStartDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* programUpdateDate
* requiringAuthority
* documentReference
* lastUpdateDate
* issuedPeriod
* openingInd
* programApplicationId
* creationDate
* signedByPrincipalsInd
* unbalancedInd
* programId
* createdByModule
* consolidatedInd
* proformaInd
* createdBy
* fiscalInd
* qualifiedInd
* reportEndDate
* partyOrigSystem
* forecastInd
* dateReportIssued
* auditInd


 * lastUpdateDate
* detailPartyOsr
* dupCreationDate
* score
* batchId
* creationDate
* winnerRecordOsr
* dupLastUpdateDate
* winnerRecordOs
* lastUpdatedBy
* dupRecordOsr
* dupRecordOs
* entity
* createdBy
* detailPartyOs
* lastUpdateLogin


 * lastUpdateDate
* detailPartyOsr
* dupCreationDate
* score
* batchId
* creationDate
* winnerRecordOsr
* dupLastUpdateDate
* winnerRecordOs
* lastUpdatedBy
* dupRecordOsr
* dupRecordOs
* entity
* createdBy
* detailPartyOs
* lastUpdateLogin


 * newOsrExistsFlag
* entityId
* newOrigSystemReference
* entityName
* batchId
* oldOrigSystemReference
* partyId


 * newOsrExistsFlag
* entityId
* newOrigSystemReference
* entityName
* batchId
* oldOrigSystemReference
* partyId


 * programId
* knownAs3
* corporationClass
* missionStatement
* analysisFy
* headOfHouseholdFlag
* attribute12
* empAtPrimaryAdrMinInd
* personFirstNamePhonetic
* taxReference
* disadv8aInd
* totalEmpMinInd
* requestId
* personPreNameAdjunct
* attribute8
* prefFunctionalCurrency
* rentOwnInd
* attribute23
* controlYr
* partyType
* dateOfDeath
* attribute2
* totalEmpEstInd
* exportInd
* personLastName
* attributeCategory
* personalIncome
* minorityOwnedType
* attribute21
* attribute1
* deceasedFlag
* programUpdateDate
* attribute24
* organizationNamePhonetic
* personFirstName
* maritalStatus
* personIdentifier
* partyOrigSystem
* attribute18
* partyNumber
* attribute17
* attribute19
* knownAs4
* personNamePhonetic
* attribute16
* attribute15
* importInd
* incorpYear
* partyOrigSystemReference
* displayedDuns
* attribute11
* congDistCode
* gsaIndicatorFlag
* oobInd
* principalName
* currFyPotentialRevenue
* jgzzFiscalCode
* attribute3
* attribute5
* attribute6
* creationDate
* nextFyPotentialRevenue
* employeesTotal
* personTitle
* empAtPrimaryAdrEstInd
* totalEmployeesInd
* attribute13
* organizationType
* legalStatus
* personNameSuffix
* localBusIdentifier
* attribute7
* totalEmployeesText
* fiscalYearendMonth
* knownAs5
* declaredEthnicity
* organizationName
* smallBusInd
* personInitials
* doNotConfuseWith
* attribute22
* attribute14
* branchFlag
* dunsNumberC
* errorId
* attribute10
* registrationType
* lastUpdateLogin
* personLastNamePhonetic
* placeOfBirth
* salutation
* knownAs
* businessScope
* ceoName
* principalTitle
* totalPayments
* batchId
* programApplicationId
* dupWithinIntFlag
* womanOwnedInd
* gender
* householdIncome
* createdByModule
* attribute4
* hqBranchInd
* yearEstablished
* publicPrivateOwnershipFlag
* insertUpdateFlag
* personPreviousLastName
* empAtPrimaryAdrText
* lineOfBusiness
* empAtPrimaryAdr
* partyId
* personAcademicTitle
* personMiddleNamePhonetic
* dqmActionFlag
* localBusIdenType
* personMiddleName
* laborSurplusInd
* createdBy
* parentSubInd
* maritalStatusEffectiveDate
* dateOfBirth
* attribute9
* minorityOwnedInd
* householdSize
* knownAs2
* ceoTitle
* interfaceStatus
* personIdenType
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute20


 * programId
* knownAs3
* corporationClass
* missionStatement
* analysisFy
* headOfHouseholdFlag
* attribute12
* empAtPrimaryAdrMinInd
* personFirstNamePhonetic
* taxReference
* disadv8aInd
* totalEmpMinInd
* requestId
* personPreNameAdjunct
* attribute8
* prefFunctionalCurrency
* rentOwnInd
* attribute23
* controlYr
* partyType
* dateOfDeath
* attribute2
* totalEmpEstInd
* exportInd
* personLastName
* attributeCategory
* personalIncome
* minorityOwnedType
* attribute21
* attribute1
* deceasedFlag
* programUpdateDate
* attribute24
* organizationNamePhonetic
* personFirstName
* maritalStatus
* personIdentifier
* partyOrigSystem
* attribute18
* partyNumber
* attribute17
* attribute19
* knownAs4
* personNamePhonetic
* attribute16
* attribute15
* importInd
* incorpYear
* partyOrigSystemReference
* displayedDuns
* attribute11
* congDistCode
* gsaIndicatorFlag
* oobInd
* principalName
* currFyPotentialRevenue
* jgzzFiscalCode
* attribute3
* attribute5
* attribute6
* creationDate
* nextFyPotentialRevenue
* employeesTotal
* personTitle
* empAtPrimaryAdrEstInd
* totalEmployeesInd
* attribute13
* organizationType
* legalStatus
* personNameSuffix
* localBusIdentifier
* attribute7
* totalEmployeesText
* fiscalYearendMonth
* knownAs5
* declaredEthnicity
* organizationName
* smallBusInd
* personInitials
* doNotConfuseWith
* attribute22
* attribute14
* branchFlag
* dunsNumberC
* errorId
* attribute10
* registrationType
* lastUpdateLogin
* personLastNamePhonetic
* placeOfBirth
* salutation
* knownAs
* businessScope
* ceoName
* principalTitle
* totalPayments
* batchId
* programApplicationId
* dupWithinIntFlag
* womanOwnedInd
* gender
* householdIncome
* createdByModule
* attribute4
* hqBranchInd
* yearEstablished
* publicPrivateOwnershipFlag
* insertUpdateFlag
* personPreviousLastName
* empAtPrimaryAdrText
* lineOfBusiness
* empAtPrimaryAdr
* partyId
* personAcademicTitle
* personMiddleNamePhonetic
* dqmActionFlag
* localBusIdenType
* personMiddleName
* laborSurplusInd
* createdBy
* parentSubInd
* maritalStatusEffectiveDate
* dateOfBirth
* attribute9
* minorityOwnedInd
* householdSize
* knownAs2
* ceoTitle
* interfaceStatus
* personIdenType
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute20


 * attribute5
* attribute4
* attribute7
* insertUpdateFlag
* attributeCategory
* attribute16
* comments
* attribute6
* attribute14
* lastUpdateLogin
* requestId
* attribute1
* creationDate
* batchId
* subOrigSystem
* startDate
* attribute9
* attribute11
* errorId
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute10
* objOrigSystem
* programUpdateDate
* objOrigSystemReference
* relationshipCode
* endDate
* relationshipType
* createdBy
* attribute15
* attribute17
* lastUpdateDate
* createdByModule
* attribute8
* attribute12
* attribute13
* attribute2
* attribute20
* programApplicationId
* objId
* interfaceStatus
* attribute3
* attribute19
* programId
* attribute18
* subOrigSystemReference


 * attribute5
* attribute4
* attribute7
* insertUpdateFlag
* attributeCategory
* attribute16
* comments
* attribute6
* attribute14
* lastUpdateLogin
* requestId
* attribute1
* creationDate
* batchId
* subOrigSystem
* startDate
* attribute9
* attribute11
* errorId
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute10
* objOrigSystem
* programUpdateDate
* objOrigSystemReference
* relationshipCode
* endDate
* relationshipType
* createdBy
* attribute15
* attribute17
* lastUpdateDate
* createdByModule
* attribute8
* attribute12
* attribute13
* attribute2
* attribute20
* programApplicationId
* objId
* interfaceStatus
* attribute3
* attribute19
* programId
* attribute18
* subOrigSystemReference


 * e47Flag
* e4Flag
* dupValIdxExcepFlag
* createdBy
* e7Flag
* e42Flag
* programId
* e33Flag
* e37Flag
* e32Flag
* otherExcepFlag
* e1Flag
* e6Flag
* batchId
* actionMismatchFlag
* lastUpdateLogin
* e8Flag
* e40Flag
* e13Flag
* e38Flag
* e26Flag
* e49Flag
* lastUpdatedBy
* e31Flag
* e18Flag
* e41Flag
* e17Flag
* programUpdateDate
* e39Flag
* e50Flag
* e12Flag
* e46Flag
* requestId
* intRowId
* e21Flag
* missingParentFlag
* e16Flag
* e3Flag
* e10Flag
* e22Flag
* e35Flag
* e29Flag
* e44Flag
* e48Flag
* e9Flag
* e19Flag
* e5Flag
* interfaceTableName
* e28Flag
* e2Flag
* creationDate
* e14Flag
* lastUpdateDate
* e20Flag
* e27Flag
* e36Flag
* e24Flag
* programApplicationId
* e15Flag
* e25Flag
* e45Flag
* e11Flag
* e34Flag
* e30Flag
* e43Flag
* e23Flag
* errorId


 * e47Flag
* e4Flag
* dupValIdxExcepFlag
* createdBy
* e7Flag
* e42Flag
* programId
* e33Flag
* e37Flag
* e32Flag
* otherExcepFlag
* e1Flag
* e6Flag
* batchId
* actionMismatchFlag
* lastUpdateLogin
* e8Flag
* e40Flag
* e13Flag
* e38Flag
* e26Flag
* e49Flag
* lastUpdatedBy
* e31Flag
* e18Flag
* e41Flag
* e17Flag
* programUpdateDate
* e39Flag
* e50Flag
* e12Flag
* e46Flag
* requestId
* intRowId
* e21Flag
* missingParentFlag
* e16Flag
* e3Flag
* e10Flag
* e22Flag
* e35Flag
* e29Flag
* e44Flag
* e48Flag
* e9Flag
* e19Flag
* e5Flag
* interfaceTableName
* e28Flag
* e2Flag
* creationDate
* e14Flag
* lastUpdateDate
* e20Flag
* e27Flag
* e36Flag
* e24Flag
* programApplicationId
* e15Flag
* e25Flag
* e45Flag
* e11Flag
* e34Flag
* e30Flag
* e43Flag
* e23Flag
* errorId


 * intRowId
* createdBy
* creationDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* relationshipId
* directionalFlag
* batchId
* subOrigSystemReference
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin


 * intRowId
* createdBy
* creationDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* relationshipId
* directionalFlag
* batchId
* subOrigSystemReference
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin


 * toOrigSystemRef
* stage
* batchId
* hwmStage
* origSystem
* status
* postprocessStatus
* fromOrigSystemRef
* batchDedupStage
* batchDedupStatus


 * toOrigSystemRef
* stage
* batchId
* hwmStage
* origSystem
* status
* postprocessStatus
* fromOrigSystemRef
* batchDedupStage
* batchDedupStatus


 * lastUpdateLogin
* codeAppliedId
* endDate
* whUpdateDate
* importanceRanking
* programId
* creationDate
* programApplicationId
* requestId
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateDate
* industrialClassId
* partyId
* programUpdateDate
* contentSourceType
* createdBy
* beginDate


 * lastUpdateLogin
* codeAppliedId
* endDate
* whUpdateDate
* importanceRanking
* programId
* creationDate
* programApplicationId
* requestId
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateDate
* industrialClassId
* partyId
* programUpdateDate
* contentSourceType
* createdBy
* beginDate


 * codeDescription
* lastUpdatedBy
* requestId
* whUpdateDate
* codePrimarySegment
* creationDate
* lastUpdateDate
* industrialClassSource
* lastUpdateLogin
* programId
* importanceRanking
* industrialClassId
* programUpdateDate
* programApplicationId
* createdBy
* industrialCodeName


 * codeDescription
* lastUpdatedBy
* requestId
* whUpdateDate
* codePrimarySegment
* creationDate
* lastUpdateDate
* industrialClassSource
* lastUpdateLogin
* programId
* importanceRanking
* industrialClassId
* programUpdateDate
* programApplicationId
* createdBy
* industrialCodeName


 * createdBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdateDate
* creationDate
* recognizedAsOfDate
* programId
* programUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* nameOfReference
* whUpdateDate
* partyId
* programApplicationId
* requestId
* status
* industryReference
* industryReferenceId
* issuedByAuthority


 * createdBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdateDate
* creationDate
* recognizedAsOfDate
* programId
* programUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* nameOfReference
* whUpdateDate
* partyId
* programApplicationId
* requestId
* status
* industryReference
* industryReferenceId
* issuedByAuthority


 * fOs
* score
* ordFOsr
* ordTOsr
* tOsr
* fOsr
* tOs
* batchId


 * fOs
* score
* ordFOsr
* ordTOsr
* tOsr
* fOsr
* tOs
* batchId


 * enqTid
* userData
* exceptionQueue
* cscn
* enqUid
* exceptionQschema
* stepNo
* timeManagerInfo
* state
* retryCount
* priority
* chainNo
* senderProtocol
* dscn
* qName
* deqTid
* recipientKey
* expiration
* senderAddress
* dequeueMsgid
* msgid
* senderName
* delay
* corrid
* localOrderNo
* deqUid
* userProp
* enqTime
* deqTime


 * enqTid
* userData
* exceptionQueue
* cscn
* enqUid
* exceptionQschema
* stepNo
* timeManagerInfo
* state
* retryCount
* priority
* chainNo
* senderProtocol
* dscn
* qName
* deqTid
* recipientKey
* expiration
* senderAddress
* dequeueMsgid
* msgid
* senderName
* delay
* corrid
* localOrderNo
* deqUid
* userProp
* enqTime
* deqTime


 * whUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* orgId
* lastUpdateLogin
* applicationId
* lastUpdateDate
* requestId
* programUpdateDate
* objectVersionNumber
* creationDate
* locId
* locationId
* programId
* createdByModule
* createdBy
* programApplicationId


 * whUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* orgId
* lastUpdateLogin
* applicationId
* lastUpdateDate
* requestId
* programUpdateDate
* objectVersionNumber
* creationDate
* locId
* locationId
* programId
* createdByModule
* createdBy
* programApplicationId


 * locationId
* validationSstFlag
* programUpdateDate
* actualContentSource
* county
* lastUpdatedBy
* creationDate
* effectiveStartDate
* programId
* locationProfileId
* effectiveEndDate
* validationStatusCode
* city
* requestId
* lastUpdateDate
* dateValidated
* address4
* programApplicationId
* objectVersionNumber
* lastUpdateLogin
* createdBy
* address1
* country
* address3
* address2
* postalCode
* provStateAdminCode


 * locationId
* validationSstFlag
* programUpdateDate
* actualContentSource
* county
* lastUpdatedBy
* creationDate
* effectiveStartDate
* programId
* locationProfileId
* effectiveEndDate
* validationStatusCode
* city
* requestId
* lastUpdateDate
* dateValidated
* address4
* programApplicationId
* objectVersionNumber
* lastUpdateLogin
* createdBy
* address1
* country
* address3
* address2
* postalCode
* provStateAdminCode


 * floor
* objectVersionNumber
* address1
* building
* globalAttribute13
* locationDirections
* createdBy
* globalAttribute11
* globalAttribute19
* faLocationId
* validationStatusCode
* description
* attribute3
* addressErrorCode
* locHierarchyId
* salesTaxInsideCityLimits
* geometrySource
* lastUpdateLogin
* addressLinesPhonetic
* attribute12
* origSystemReference
* postalPlus4Code
* lifeCycleStatus
* globalAttribute20
* city
* dateValidated
* programApplicationId
* province
* position
* suite
* deliveryPointCode
* attribute19
* globalAttribute8
* salesTaxGeocode
* globalAttribute12
* actualContentSource
* postalCode
* attributeCategory
* dodaac
* geometry
* geometryAccuracy
* attribute9
* addressKey
* globalAttribute17
* attribute13
* addressExpirationDate
* postOffice
* addressStyle
* shortDescription
* street
* attribute17
* globalAttributeCategory
* ruralRouteType
* doNotValidateFlag
* globalAttribute2
* secondarySuffixElement
* globalAttribute14
* globalAttribute7
* programUpdateDate
* attribute5
* room
* globalAttribute4
* streetSuffix
* globalAttribute15
* validatedFlag
* attribute4
* attribute15
* globalAttribute18
* globalAttribute10
* attribute1
* globalAttribute3
* timezoneId
* language
* addressEffectiveDate
* creationDate
* attribute20
* globalAttribute1
* whUpdateDate
* clliCode
* createdByModule
* trailingDirectoryCode
* globalAttribute16
* applicationId
* apartmentFlag
* attribute6
* attribute11
* attribute18
* timeZone
* attribute16
* globalAttribute6
* globalAttribute9
* contentSourceType
* attribute14
* streetNumber
* attribute2
* attribute7
* overseasAddressFlag
* address4
* county
* locationId
* apartmentNumber
* ruralRouteNumber
* programId
* address3
* state
* requestId
* country
* poBoxNumber
* lastUpdatedBy
* globalAttribute5
* address2
* houseNumber
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute10
* attribute8
* geometryStatusCode


 * address4
* postalCode
* country
* state
* auditTimestamp
* locationId
* address1
* city
* address3
* auditTransactionType
* auditSessionId
* county
* auditUserName
* auditTrueNulls
* rowKey
* auditCommitId
* auditSequenceId
* province
* address2


 * address4
* postalCode
* country
* state
* auditTimestamp
* locationId
* address1
* city
* address3
* auditTransactionType
* auditSessionId
* county
* auditUserName
* auditTrueNulls
* rowKey
* auditCommitId
* auditSequenceId
* province
* address2


 * floor
* objectVersionNumber
* address1
* building
* globalAttribute13
* locationDirections
* createdBy
* globalAttribute11
* globalAttribute19
* faLocationId
* validationStatusCode
* description
* attribute3
* addressErrorCode
* locHierarchyId
* salesTaxInsideCityLimits
* geometrySource
* lastUpdateLogin
* addressLinesPhonetic
* attribute12
* origSystemReference
* postalPlus4Code
* lifeCycleStatus
* globalAttribute20
* city
* dateValidated
* programApplicationId
* province
* position
* suite
* deliveryPointCode
* attribute19
* globalAttribute8
* salesTaxGeocode
* globalAttribute12
* actualContentSource
* postalCode
* attributeCategory
* dodaac
* geometry
* geometryAccuracy
* attribute9
* addressKey
* globalAttribute17
* attribute13
* addressExpirationDate
* postOffice
* addressStyle
* shortDescription
* street
* attribute17
* globalAttributeCategory
* ruralRouteType
* doNotValidateFlag
* globalAttribute2
* secondarySuffixElement
* globalAttribute14
* globalAttribute7
* programUpdateDate
* attribute5
* room
* globalAttribute4
* streetSuffix
* globalAttribute15
* validatedFlag
* attribute4
* attribute15
* globalAttribute18
* globalAttribute10
* attribute1
* globalAttribute3
* timezoneId
* language
* addressEffectiveDate
* creationDate
* attribute20
* globalAttribute1
* whUpdateDate
* clliCode
* createdByModule
* trailingDirectoryCode
* globalAttribute16
* applicationId
* apartmentFlag
* attribute6
* attribute11
* attribute18
* timeZone
* attribute16
* globalAttribute6
* globalAttribute9
* contentSourceType
* attribute14
* streetNumber
* attribute2
* attribute7
* overseasAddressFlag
* address4
* county
* locationId
* apartmentNumber
* ruralRouteNumber
* programId
* address3
* state
* requestId
* country
* poBoxNumber
* lastUpdatedBy
* globalAttribute5
* address2
* houseNumber
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute10
* attribute8
* geometryStatusCode


 * lastUpdateLogin
* nExtAttr7
* dExtAttr7
* locationId
* nExtAttr19
* nExtAttr1
* nExtAttr11
* cExtAttr12
* lastUpdateDate
* cExtAttr8
* cExtAttr18
* cExtAttr10
* nExtAttr12
* nExtAttr16
* nExtAttr18
* dExtAttr9
* cExtAttr11
* nExtAttr17
* cExtAttr17
* cExtAttr19
* nExtAttr15
* nExtAttr9
* nExtAttr8
* cExtAttr5
* cExtAttr20
* attrGroupId
* cExtAttr3
* cExtAttr4
* extensionId
* nExtAttr20
* lastUpdatedBy
* cExtAttr13
* cExtAttr1
* nExtAttr10
* createdBy
* dExtAttr2
* nExtAttr5
* dExtAttr3
* dExtAttr10
* dExtAttr5
* nExtAttr2
* cExtAttr2
* cExtAttr14
* dExtAttr4
* nExtAttr4
* creationDate
* cExtAttr7
* nExtAttr14
* dExtAttr1
* dExtAttr6
* nExtAttr13
* dExtAttr8
* cExtAttr16
* nExtAttr3
* nExtAttr6
* cExtAttr15
* cExtAttr9
* cExtAttr6


 * lastUpdateLogin
* nExtAttr7
* dExtAttr7
* locationId
* nExtAttr19
* nExtAttr1
* nExtAttr11
* cExtAttr12
* lastUpdateDate
* cExtAttr8
* cExtAttr18
* cExtAttr10
* nExtAttr12
* nExtAttr16
* nExtAttr18
* dExtAttr9
* cExtAttr11
* nExtAttr17
* cExtAttr17
* cExtAttr19
* nExtAttr15
* nExtAttr9
* nExtAttr8
* cExtAttr5
* cExtAttr20
* attrGroupId
* cExtAttr3
* cExtAttr4
* extensionId
* nExtAttr20
* lastUpdatedBy
* cExtAttr13
* cExtAttr1
* nExtAttr10
* createdBy
* dExtAttr2
* nExtAttr5
* dExtAttr3
* dExtAttr10
* dExtAttr5
* nExtAttr2
* cExtAttr2
* cExtAttr14
* dExtAttr4
* nExtAttr4
* creationDate
* cExtAttr7
* nExtAttr14
* dExtAttr1
* dExtAttr6
* nExtAttr13
* dExtAttr8
* cExtAttr16
* nExtAttr3
* nExtAttr6
* cExtAttr15
* cExtAttr9
* cExtAttr6


 * tlExtAttr3
* tlExtAttr13
* tlExtAttr11
* tlExtAttr19
* lastUpdateLogin
* sourceLang
* tlExtAttr15
* extensionId
* lastUpdateDate
* creationDate
* tlExtAttr1
* attrGroupId
* tlExtAttr5
* createdBy
* tlExtAttr16
* lastUpdatedBy
* tlExtAttr9
* tlExtAttr7
* tlExtAttr14
* language
* tlExtAttr17
* tlExtAttr20
* tlExtAttr8
* tlExtAttr6
* tlExtAttr2
* tlExtAttr12
* tlExtAttr18
* locationId
* tlExtAttr4
* tlExtAttr10


 * tlExtAttr3
* tlExtAttr13
* tlExtAttr11
* tlExtAttr19
* lastUpdateLogin
* sourceLang
* tlExtAttr15
* extensionId
* lastUpdateDate
* creationDate
* tlExtAttr1
* attrGroupId
* tlExtAttr5
* createdBy
* tlExtAttr16
* lastUpdatedBy
* tlExtAttr9
* tlExtAttr7
* tlExtAttr14
* language
* tlExtAttr17
* tlExtAttr20
* tlExtAttr8
* tlExtAttr6
* tlExtAttr2
* tlExtAttr12
* tlExtAttr18
* locationId
* tlExtAttr4
* tlExtAttr10


 * attributeId
* createdBy
* lastUpdateDate
* applicationId
* value
* matchRuleSetConditionId
* operation
* conditionMatchRuleId
* createdByModule
* matchRuleSetId
* objectVersionNumber
* requestId
* creationDate
* programUpdateDate
* rank
* lastUpdateLogin
* programApplicationId
* lastUpdatedBy
* programId
* betweenConditionBinOp


 * attributeId
* createdBy
* lastUpdateDate
* applicationId
* value
* matchRuleSetConditionId
* operation
* conditionMatchRuleId
* createdByModule
* matchRuleSetId
* objectVersionNumber
* requestId
* creationDate
* programUpdateDate
* rank
* lastUpdateLogin
* programApplicationId
* lastUpdatedBy
* programId
* betweenConditionBinOp


 * attributeId
* zdSync
* activeFlag
* zdEditionName
* primaryAttributeId
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdateDate
* objectVersionNumber
* createdBy
* lastUpdatedBy
* displayOrder
* matchRuleId
* creationDate
* filterFlag


 * attributeId
* zdSync
* activeFlag
* zdEditionName
* primaryAttributeId
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdateDate
* objectVersionNumber
* createdBy
* lastUpdatedBy
* displayOrder
* matchRuleId
* creationDate
* filterFlag


 * attributeId
* displayOrder
* secondaryAttributeId
* lastUpdateDate
* activeFlag
* lastUpdatedBy
* score
* lastUpdateLogin
* zdEditionName
* zdSync
* matchRuleId
* creationDate
* createdBy
* objectVersionNumber


 * attributeId
* displayOrder
* secondaryAttributeId
* lastUpdateDate
* activeFlag
* lastUpdatedBy
* score
* lastUpdateLogin
* zdEditionName
* zdSync
* matchRuleId
* creationDate
* createdBy
* objectVersionNumber


 * lastUpdateLogin
* objectVersionNumber
* matchScore
* createdBy
* matchRuleId
* useContactCptFlag
* matchAllFlag
* rulePurpose
* automergeFlag
* useContactAddrFlag
* zdSync
* zdEditionName
* activeFlag
* compilationFlag
* noOverrideScore
* autoMergeScore
* lastUpdatedBy
* matchRuleType
* creationDate
* lastUpdateDate


 * lastUpdateLogin
* objectVersionNumber
* matchScore
* createdBy
* matchRuleId
* useContactCptFlag
* matchAllFlag
* rulePurpose
* automergeFlag
* useContactAddrFlag
* zdSync
* zdEditionName
* activeFlag
* compilationFlag
* noOverrideScore
* autoMergeScore
* lastUpdatedBy
* matchRuleType
* creationDate
* lastUpdateDate


 * createdBy
* objectVersionNumber
* language
* creationDate
* matchRuleId
* lastUpdateLogin
* sourceLang
* zdSync
* ruleName
* lastUpdateDate
* description
* lastUpdatedBy
* zdEditionName


 * createdBy
* objectVersionNumber
* language
* creationDate
* matchRuleId
* lastUpdateLogin
* sourceLang
* zdSync
* ruleName
* lastUpdateDate
* description
* lastUpdatedBy
* zdEditionName


 * batchId
* batchDelete
* createdBy
* createdByModule
* lastUpdateDate
* requestId
* lastUpdateLogin
* batchStatus
* lastUpdatedBy
* ruleSetName
* batchCommit
* mergeReasonCode
* creationDate
* batchName


 * batchId
* batchDelete
* createdBy
* createdByModule
* lastUpdateDate
* requestId
* lastUpdateLogin
* batchStatus
* lastUpdatedBy
* ruleSetName
* batchCommit
* mergeReasonCode
* creationDate
* batchName


 * derivedLastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* mergeToPartyId
* createdBy
* creationDate
* mergeBatchId
* objectVersionNumber
* attributeName
* lastUpdateDate
* entityName
* attributePartyId
* attributeValue
* attributeType
* lastUpdateLogin


 * derivedLastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* mergeToPartyId
* createdBy
* creationDate
* mergeBatchId
* objectVersionNumber
* attributeName
* lastUpdateDate
* entityName
* attributePartyId
* attributeValue
* attributeType
* lastUpdateLogin


 * lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdateDate
* mergeStatus
* batchPartyId
* createdBy
* creationDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* mergeReasonCode
* fromPartyId
* batchId
* toPartyId
* mergeType


 * lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdateDate
* mergeStatus
* batchPartyId
* createdBy
* creationDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* mergeReasonCode
* fromPartyId
* batchId
* toPartyId
* mergeType


 * fromPartyId
* creationDate
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* createdBy
* toPartyId
* mergeType
* batchPartyId
* mergeReasonCode
* lastUpdateLogin
* batchId
* mergeStatus


 * fromPartyId
* creationDate
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* createdBy
* toPartyId
* mergeType
* batchPartyId
* mergeReasonCode
* lastUpdateLogin
* batchId
* mergeStatus


 * batchPartyId
* lastUpdateLogin
* entityName
* mergeToEntityId
* creationDate
* mergeFromEntityId
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateDate
* objectVersionNumber
* createdBy
* mandatoryMerge


 * batchPartyId
* lastUpdateLogin
* entityName
* mergeToEntityId
* creationDate
* mergeFromEntityId
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateDate
* objectVersionNumber
* createdBy
* mandatoryMerge


 * mergeToEntityId
* batchPartyId
* mergeFromEntityId
* lastUpdateLogin
* objectVersionNumber
* creationDate
* mandatoryMerge
* createdBy
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* entityName


 * mergeToEntityId
* batchPartyId
* mergeFromEntityId
* lastUpdateLogin
* objectVersionNumber
* creationDate
* mandatoryMerge
* createdBy
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* entityName


 * lastUpdateLogin
* creationDate
* createdBy
* batchId
* candidatePartyId
* country
* lastUpdateDate
* partyName
* partyNumber
* lastUpdatedBy
* applId
* addresses
* phoneNumbers


 * lastUpdateLogin
* creationDate
* createdBy
* batchId
* candidatePartyId
* country
* lastUpdateDate
* partyName
* partyNumber
* lastUpdatedBy
* applId
* addresses
* phoneNumbers


 * attribute4
* orgContactId
* createdBy
* primaryContactPerRoleType
* lastUpdateLogin
* requestId
* attribute13
* status
* creationDate
* primaryFlag
* programApplicationId
* attribute5
* attribute11
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute8
* applicationId
* createdByModule
* attribute2
* attribute12
* attribute9
* whUpdateDate
* orgContactRoleId
* roleLevel
* attributeCategory
* attribute1
* attribute15
* roleType
* attribute7
* programUpdateDate
* origSystemReference
* attribute3
* attribute6
* programId
* attribute10
* objectVersionNumber
* attribute14


 * attribute4
* orgContactId
* createdBy
* primaryContactPerRoleType
* lastUpdateLogin
* requestId
* attribute13
* status
* creationDate
* primaryFlag
* programApplicationId
* attribute5
* attribute11
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute8
* applicationId
* createdByModule
* attribute2
* attribute12
* attribute9
* whUpdateDate
* orgContactRoleId
* roleLevel
* attributeCategory
* attribute1
* attribute15
* roleType
* attribute7
* programUpdateDate
* origSystemReference
* attribute3
* attribute6
* programId
* attribute10
* objectVersionNumber
* attribute14


 * globalAttribute11
* attribute11
* attribute7
* origSystemReference
* otherLanguage1
* globalAttribute16
* requestId
* rank
* attribute23
* attribute15
* globalAttribute20
* nativeLanguage
* globalAttribute2
* jobTitleCode
* mailStop
* attribute3
* referenceUseFlag
* managedBy
* programUpdateDate
* attribute21
* globalAttribute18
* attribute8
* title
* mailingAddressId
* globalAttribute7
* attribute2
* attribute22
* partySiteId
* globalAttribute17
* attribute18
* matchGroupId
* globalAttribute3
* lastUpdateDate
* globalAttribute8
* departmentCode
* createdBy
* globalAttribute19
* jobTitle
* attribute14
* status
* creationDate
* attribute13
* attribute10
* applicationId
* attribute6
* attribute19
* attribute9
* globalAttribute10
* globalAttribute13
* programApplicationId
* attribute12
* partyRelationshipId
* attribute16
* contactKey
* whUpdateDate
* globalAttributeCategory
* attribute5
* globalAttribute6
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute1
* otherLanguage2
* orgContactId
* globalAttribute14
* globalAttribute12
* lastUpdateLogin
* globalAttribute4
* decisionMakerFlag
* attribute17
* globalAttribute15
* contactNumber
* createdByModule
* attribute4
* comments
* globalAttribute1
* objectVersionNumber
* department
* attributeCategory
* attribute24
* globalAttribute5
* globalAttribute9
* programId
* attribute20


 * globalAttribute11
* attribute11
* attribute7
* origSystemReference
* otherLanguage1
* globalAttribute16
* requestId
* rank
* attribute23
* attribute15
* globalAttribute20
* nativeLanguage
* globalAttribute2
* jobTitleCode
* mailStop
* attribute3
* referenceUseFlag
* managedBy
* programUpdateDate
* attribute21
* globalAttribute18
* attribute8
* title
* mailingAddressId
* globalAttribute7
* attribute2
* attribute22
* partySiteId
* globalAttribute17
* attribute18
* matchGroupId
* globalAttribute3
* lastUpdateDate
* globalAttribute8
* departmentCode
* createdBy
* globalAttribute19
* jobTitle
* attribute14
* status
* creationDate
* attribute13
* attribute10
* applicationId
* attribute6
* attribute19
* attribute9
* globalAttribute10
* globalAttribute13
* programApplicationId
* attribute12
* partyRelationshipId
* attribute16
* contactKey
* whUpdateDate
* globalAttributeCategory
* attribute5
* globalAttribute6
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute1
* otherLanguage2
* orgContactId
* globalAttribute14
* globalAttribute12
* lastUpdateLogin
* globalAttribute4
* decisionMakerFlag
* attribute17
* globalAttribute15
* contactNumber
* createdByModule
* attribute4
* comments
* globalAttribute1
* objectVersionNumber
* department
* attributeCategory
* attribute24
* globalAttribute5
* globalAttribute9
* programId
* attribute20


 * cExtAttr2
* nExtAttr14
* dExtAttr1
* nExtAttr11
* organizationProfileId
* cExtAttr5
* nExtAttr7
* nExtAttr12
* cExtAttr12
* cExtAttr13
* nExtAttr3
* cExtAttr14
* dExtAttr5
* cExtAttr16
* nExtAttr6
* dExtAttr4
* dExtAttr9
* nExtAttr16
* oldExtensionId
* nExtAttr18
* cExtAttr9
* dExtAttr10
* cExtAttr1
* cExtAttr20
* dExtAttr2
* cExtAttr4
* nExtAttr19
* cExtAttr18
* creationDate
* nExtAttr5
* nExtAttr20
* nExtAttr2
* nExtAttr13
* dExtAttr7
* cExtAttr17
* nExtAttr9
* nExtAttr10
* nExtAttr4
* dExtAttr3
* nExtAttr15
* createdBy
* cExtAttr10
* extensionId
* cExtAttr6
* cExtAttr7
* dExtAttr8
* nExtAttr8
* cExtAttr11
* lastUpdateDate
* attrGroupId
* cExtAttr15
* nExtAttr17
* dExtAttr6
* cExtAttr3
* cExtAttr8
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* nExtAttr1
* cExtAttr19


 * cExtAttr2
* nExtAttr14
* dExtAttr1
* nExtAttr11
* organizationProfileId
* cExtAttr5
* nExtAttr7
* nExtAttr12
* cExtAttr12
* cExtAttr13
* nExtAttr3
* cExtAttr14
* dExtAttr5
* cExtAttr16
* nExtAttr6
* dExtAttr4
* dExtAttr9
* nExtAttr16
* oldExtensionId
* nExtAttr18
* cExtAttr9
* dExtAttr10
* cExtAttr1
* cExtAttr20
* dExtAttr2
* cExtAttr4
* nExtAttr19
* cExtAttr18
* creationDate
* nExtAttr5
* nExtAttr20
* nExtAttr2
* nExtAttr13
* dExtAttr7
* cExtAttr17
* nExtAttr9
* nExtAttr10
* nExtAttr4
* dExtAttr3
* nExtAttr15
* createdBy
* cExtAttr10
* extensionId
* cExtAttr6
* cExtAttr7
* dExtAttr8
* nExtAttr8
* cExtAttr11
* lastUpdateDate
* attrGroupId
* cExtAttr15
* nExtAttr17
* dExtAttr6
* cExtAttr3
* cExtAttr8
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* nExtAttr1
* cExtAttr19


 * newProfileId
* status
* oldProfileId
* workUnitNumber


 * newProfileId
* status
* oldProfileId
* workUnitNumber


 * tlExtAttr19
* language
* tlExtAttr7
* extensionId
* lastUpdatedBy
* tlExtAttr1
* tlExtAttr16
* tlExtAttr10
* lastUpdateLogin
* tlExtAttr2
* tlExtAttr20
* tlExtAttr17
* tlExtAttr4
* tlExtAttr12
* tlExtAttr6
* tlExtAttr15
* creationDate
* tlExtAttr8
* tlExtAttr13
* tlExtAttr9
* attrGroupId
* lastUpdateDate
* createdBy
* tlExtAttr11
* organizationProfileId
* tlExtAttr14
* tlExtAttr18
* tlExtAttr3
* tlExtAttr5
* sourceLang


 * tlExtAttr19
* language
* tlExtAttr7
* extensionId
* lastUpdatedBy
* tlExtAttr1
* tlExtAttr16
* tlExtAttr10
* lastUpdateLogin
* tlExtAttr2
* tlExtAttr20
* tlExtAttr17
* tlExtAttr4
* tlExtAttr12
* tlExtAttr6
* tlExtAttr15
* creationDate
* tlExtAttr8
* tlExtAttr13
* tlExtAttr9
* attrGroupId
* lastUpdateDate
* createdBy
* tlExtAttr11
* organizationProfileId
* tlExtAttr14
* tlExtAttr18
* tlExtAttr3
* tlExtAttr5
* sourceLang


 * startDate
* description
* organizationIndicatorId
* programApplicationId
* programId
* creationDate
* indicator
* createdBy
* requestId
* status
* partyId
* lastUpdateDate
* programUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* contentSourceType
* endDate
* whUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin


 * startDate
* description
* organizationIndicatorId
* programApplicationId
* programId
* creationDate
* indicator
* createdBy
* requestId
* status
* partyId
* lastUpdateDate
* programUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* contentSourceType
* endDate
* whUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin


 * attribute1
* attribute14
* controlYr
* empAtPrimaryAdrMinInd
* attribute4
* displayedDunsPartyId
* gsaIndicatorFlag
* sicCode
* internalFlag
* totalEmployeesInd
* congDistCode
* attribute16
* attribute12
* attribute20
* totalEmployeesText
* attribute8
* lastUpdatedBy
* contentSourceNumber
* knownAs2
* globalFailureScore
* analysisFy
* failureScoreClass
* creditScoreIncdDefault
* attribute11
* hqBranchInd
* businessReport
* createdByModule
* globalAttribute2
* globalAttribute9
* creditScoreCommentary8
* disadv8aInd
* debarmentsDate
* versionNumber
* taxReference
* failureScoreCommentary10
* failureScoreAge
* creditScoreNatlPercentile
* attribute7
* failureScoreNatnlPercentile
* debarmentsCount
* currFyPotentialRevenue
* organizationProfileId
* globalAttribute15
* globalAttribute20
* attribute15
* knownAs3
* paydexScore
* businessScope
* organizationName
* globalAttributeCategory
* applicationId
* parentSubInd
* globalAttribute17
* lineOfBusiness
* publicPrivateOwnershipFlag
* failureScoreCommentary7
* localActivityCodeType
* attribute5
* rentOwnInd
* totalPayments
* requestId
* programUpdateDate
* creditScoreAge
* attribute3
* globalAttribute13
* sicCodeType
* attribute10
* failureScoreCommentary2
* empAtPrimaryAdrText
* globalAttribute8
* bestTimeContactBegin
* globalAttribute1
* branchFlag
* fiscalYearendMonth
* knownAs
* failureScoreDate
* globalAttribute18
* ceoTitle
* smallBusInd
* organizationNamePhonetic
* localActivityCode
* bankOrBranchNumber
* branchCode
* nextFyPotentialRevenue
* creditScoreCommentary9
* knownAs4
* maximumCreditRecommendation
* failureScore
* globalAttribute12
* attribute18
* importInd
* failureScoreCommentary
* attribute9
* failureScoreCommentary3
* creditScoreCommentary3
* globalAttribute7
* globalAttribute14
* ceoName
* attribute2
* dunsNumberC
* failureScoreCommentary4
* laborSurplusInd
* paydexThreeMonthsAgo
* programApplicationId
* totalEmpMinInd
* incorpYear
* localBusIdenType
* bankCode
* oobInd
* jgzzFiscalCode
* dbRating
* bestTimeContactEnd
* lastUpdateDate
* creditScoreDate
* creditScoreCommentary5
* creditScoreCommentary7
* minorityOwnedInd
* paydexNorm
* failureScoreNatlPercentile
* globalAttribute19
* effectiveEndDate
* doNotConfuseWith
* attributeCategory
* womanOwnedInd
* creditScoreCommentary6
* corporationClass
* creditScoreCommentary10
* attribute19
* dunsNumber
* failureScoreCommentary6
* status
* exportInd
* principalName
* organizationType
* legalStatus
* globalAttribute11
* globalAttribute3
* whUpdateDate
* debarmentInd
* primaryContactId
* contentSourceType
* globalAttribute6
* totalEmpEstInd
* createdBy
* effectiveStartDate
* knownAs5
* failureScoreCommentary5
* empAtPrimaryAdrEstInd
* attribute6
* creditScoreCommentary2
* localBusIdentifier
* empAtPrimaryAdr
* globalAttribute10
* failureScoreCommentary9
* maximumCreditCurrencyCode
* actualContentSource
* globalAttribute4
* missionStatement
* registrationType
* avgHighCredit
* creditScoreClass
* creditScore
* homeCountry
* highCredit
* failureScoreIncdDefault
* globalAttribute16
* creditScoreCommentary
* principalTitle
* creationDate
* partyId
* minorityOwnedType
* creditScoreCommentary4
* enquiryDuns
* yearEstablished
* attribute17
* lastUpdateLogin
* employeesTotal
* globalAttribute5
* prefFunctionalCurrency
* programId
* failureScoreCommentary8
* attribute13
* failureScoreOverrideCode
* taxName
* objectVersionNumber


 * attribute1
* attribute14
* controlYr
* empAtPrimaryAdrMinInd
* attribute4
* displayedDunsPartyId
* gsaIndicatorFlag
* sicCode
* internalFlag
* totalEmployeesInd
* congDistCode
* attribute16
* attribute12
* attribute20
* totalEmployeesText
* attribute8
* lastUpdatedBy
* contentSourceNumber
* knownAs2
* globalFailureScore
* analysisFy
* failureScoreClass
* creditScoreIncdDefault
* attribute11
* hqBranchInd
* businessReport
* createdByModule
* globalAttribute2
* globalAttribute9
* creditScoreCommentary8
* disadv8aInd
* debarmentsDate
* versionNumber
* taxReference
* failureScoreCommentary10
* failureScoreAge
* creditScoreNatlPercentile
* attribute7
* failureScoreNatnlPercentile
* debarmentsCount
* currFyPotentialRevenue
* organizationProfileId
* globalAttribute15
* globalAttribute20
* attribute15
* knownAs3
* paydexScore
* businessScope
* organizationName
* globalAttributeCategory
* applicationId
* parentSubInd
* globalAttribute17
* lineOfBusiness
* publicPrivateOwnershipFlag
* failureScoreCommentary7
* localActivityCodeType
* attribute5
* rentOwnInd
* totalPayments
* requestId
* programUpdateDate
* creditScoreAge
* attribute3
* globalAttribute13
* sicCodeType
* attribute10
* failureScoreCommentary2
* empAtPrimaryAdrText
* globalAttribute8
* bestTimeContactBegin
* globalAttribute1
* branchFlag
* fiscalYearendMonth
* knownAs
* failureScoreDate
* globalAttribute18
* ceoTitle
* smallBusInd
* organizationNamePhonetic
* localActivityCode
* bankOrBranchNumber
* branchCode
* nextFyPotentialRevenue
* creditScoreCommentary9
* knownAs4
* maximumCreditRecommendation
* failureScore
* globalAttribute12
* attribute18
* importInd
* failureScoreCommentary
* attribute9
* failureScoreCommentary3
* creditScoreCommentary3
* globalAttribute7
* globalAttribute14
* ceoName
* attribute2
* dunsNumberC
* failureScoreCommentary4
* laborSurplusInd
* paydexThreeMonthsAgo
* programApplicationId
* totalEmpMinInd
* incorpYear
* localBusIdenType
* bankCode
* oobInd
* jgzzFiscalCode
* dbRating
* bestTimeContactEnd
* lastUpdateDate
* creditScoreDate
* creditScoreCommentary5
* creditScoreCommentary7
* minorityOwnedInd
* paydexNorm
* failureScoreNatlPercentile
* globalAttribute19
* effectiveEndDate
* doNotConfuseWith
* attributeCategory
* womanOwnedInd
* creditScoreCommentary6
* corporationClass
* creditScoreCommentary10
* attribute19
* dunsNumber
* failureScoreCommentary6
* status
* exportInd
* principalName
* organizationType
* legalStatus
* globalAttribute11
* globalAttribute3
* whUpdateDate
* debarmentInd
* primaryContactId
* contentSourceType
* globalAttribute6
* totalEmpEstInd
* createdBy
* effectiveStartDate
* knownAs5
* failureScoreCommentary5
* empAtPrimaryAdrEstInd
* attribute6
* creditScoreCommentary2
* localBusIdentifier
* empAtPrimaryAdr
* globalAttribute10
* failureScoreCommentary9
* maximumCreditCurrencyCode
* actualContentSource
* globalAttribute4
* missionStatement
* registrationType
* avgHighCredit
* creditScoreClass
* creditScore
* homeCountry
* highCredit
* failureScoreIncdDefault
* globalAttribute16
* creditScoreCommentary
* principalTitle
* creationDate
* partyId
* minorityOwnedType
* creditScoreCommentary4
* enquiryDuns
* yearEstablished
* attribute17
* lastUpdateLogin
* employeesTotal
* globalAttribute5
* prefFunctionalCurrency
* programId
* failureScoreCommentary8
* attribute13
* failureScoreOverrideCode
* taxName
* objectVersionNumber


 * programId
* objectVersionNumber
* attributeCategory
* attribute2
* attribute4
* attribute8
* attribute15
* requestId
* startDateActive
* attribute14
* attribute3
* lastUpdateDate
* origSystemReference
* reasonCode
* attribute12
* ownerTableName
* origSystem
* creationDate
* attribute7
* partyId
* programUpdateDate
* origSystemRefId
* attribute5
* attribute6
* lastUpdateLogin
* status
* attribute11
* attribute18
* applicationId
* attribute17
* programApplicationId
* oldOrigSystemReference
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute13
* attribute10
* attribute19
* createdByModule
* attribute9
* attribute20
* attribute16
* ownerTableId
* createdBy
* attribute1
* endDateActive


 * programId
* objectVersionNumber
* attributeCategory
* attribute2
* attribute4
* attribute8
* attribute15
* requestId
* startDateActive
* attribute14
* attribute3
* lastUpdateDate
* origSystemReference
* reasonCode
* attribute12
* ownerTableName
* origSystem
* creationDate
* attribute7
* partyId
* programUpdateDate
* origSystemRefId
* attribute5
* attribute6
* lastUpdateLogin
* status
* attribute11
* attribute18
* applicationId
* attribute17
* programApplicationId
* oldOrigSystemReference
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute13
* attribute10
* attribute19
* createdByModule
* attribute9
* attribute20
* attribute16
* ownerTableId
* createdBy
* attribute1
* endDateActive


 * paramName
* paramNum
* paramChar
* paramIndicator
* paramDate
* itemKey


 * paramName
* paramNum
* paramChar
* paramIndicator
* paramDate
* itemKey


 * referenceUseFlag
* knownAs4
* attribute18
* groupType
* programId
* primaryPhoneLineType
* dunsNumber
* preferredContactMethod
* status
* url
* yearEstablished
* state
* competitorFlag
* applicationId
* lastUpdateDate
* currFyPotentialRevenue
* personTitle
* attribute7
* globalAttribute19
* primaryPhoneExtension
* categoryCode
* certificationLevel
* address3
* personCustBoVersion
* lastUpdateLogin
* globalAttribute18
* attribute21
* personPreNameAdjunct
* primaryPhoneNumber
* attribute2
* globalAttribute14
* gsaIndicatorFlag
* homeCountry
* analysisFy
* globalAttribute11
* globalAttribute17
* address4
* globalAttribute2
* globalAttribute15
* attribute14
* fiscalYearendMonth
* attribute8
* sicCode
* attribute12
* address2
* attribute15
* orgCustBoVersion
* attribute5
* nextFyPotentialRevenue
* createdBy
* attribute4
* emailAddress
* knownAs2
* personLastNamePhonetic
* knownAs5
* attribute6
* postalCode
* totalOrderedAmount
* knownAs
* partyType
* attribute3
* globalAttribute3
* globalAttribute12
* globalAttribute8
* partyName
* creationDate
* primaryPhoneContactPtId
* personIdentifier
* validatedFlag
* programUpdateDate
* personNameSuffix
* county
* globalAttribute13
* primaryPhonePurpose
* origSystemReference
* certReasonCode
* attribute1
* globalAttribute9
* attribute9
* personLastName
* country
* personPreviousLastName
* dunsNumberC
* totalNumOfOrders
* attribute22
* personFirstName
* attribute11
* globalAttribute1
* employeesTotal
* attribute13
* attribute19
* personIdenType
* globalAttribute10
* address1
* attribute16
* objectVersionNumber
* sicCodeType
* attribute23
* requestId
* attribute24
* globalAttribute5
* globalAttribute7
* taxReference
* orgBoVersion
* globalAttribute6
* hqBranchInd
* personFirstNamePhonetic
* whUpdateDate
* primaryPhoneAreaCode
* globalAttribute20
* taxName
* personMiddleName
* customerKey
* personBoVersion
* missionStatement
* knownAs3
* partyId
* attributeCategory
* globalAttributeCategory
* province
* organizationNamePhonetic
* city
* attribute10
* lastOrderedDate
* programApplicationId
* createdByModule
* globalAttribute4
* doNotMailFlag
* languageName
* jgzzFiscalCode
* globalAttribute16
* attribute17
* salutation
* lastUpdatedBy
* personAcademicTitle
* primaryPhoneCountryCode
* attribute20
* thirdPartyFlag
* partyNumber


 * auditCommitId
* auditTimestamp
* categoryCode
* dunsNumber
* partyId
* auditSequenceId
* auditUserName
* jgzzFiscalCode
* auditTransactionType
* rowKey
* auditTrueNulls
* auditSessionId
* taxReference
* partyName


 * auditCommitId
* auditTimestamp
* categoryCode
* dunsNumber
* partyId
* auditSequenceId
* auditUserName
* jgzzFiscalCode
* auditTransactionType
* rowKey
* auditTrueNulls
* auditSessionId
* taxReference
* partyName


 * referenceUseFlag
* knownAs4
* attribute18
* groupType
* programId
* primaryPhoneLineType
* dunsNumber
* preferredContactMethod
* status
* url
* yearEstablished
* state
* competitorFlag
* applicationId
* lastUpdateDate
* currFyPotentialRevenue
* personTitle
* attribute7
* globalAttribute19
* primaryPhoneExtension
* categoryCode
* certificationLevel
* address3
* personCustBoVersion
* lastUpdateLogin
* globalAttribute18
* attribute21
* personPreNameAdjunct
* primaryPhoneNumber
* attribute2
* globalAttribute14
* gsaIndicatorFlag
* homeCountry
* analysisFy
* globalAttribute11
* globalAttribute17
* address4
* globalAttribute2
* globalAttribute15
* attribute14
* fiscalYearendMonth
* attribute8
* sicCode
* attribute12
* address2
* attribute15
* orgCustBoVersion
* attribute5
* nextFyPotentialRevenue
* createdBy
* attribute4
* emailAddress
* knownAs2
* personLastNamePhonetic
* knownAs5
* attribute6
* postalCode
* totalOrderedAmount
* knownAs
* partyType
* attribute3
* globalAttribute3
* globalAttribute12
* globalAttribute8
* partyName
* creationDate
* primaryPhoneContactPtId
* personIdentifier
* validatedFlag
* programUpdateDate
* personNameSuffix
* county
* globalAttribute13
* primaryPhonePurpose
* origSystemReference
* certReasonCode
* attribute1
* globalAttribute9
* attribute9
* personLastName
* country
* personPreviousLastName
* dunsNumberC
* totalNumOfOrders
* attribute22
* personFirstName
* attribute11
* globalAttribute1
* employeesTotal
* attribute13
* attribute19
* personIdenType
* globalAttribute10
* address1
* attribute16
* objectVersionNumber
* sicCodeType
* attribute23
* requestId
* attribute24
* globalAttribute5
* globalAttribute7
* taxReference
* orgBoVersion
* globalAttribute6
* hqBranchInd
* personFirstNamePhonetic
* whUpdateDate
* primaryPhoneAreaCode
* globalAttribute20
* taxName
* personMiddleName
* customerKey
* personBoVersion
* missionStatement
* knownAs3
* partyId
* attributeCategory
* globalAttributeCategory
* province
* organizationNamePhonetic
* city
* attribute10
* lastOrderedDate
* programApplicationId
* createdByModule
* globalAttribute4
* doNotMailFlag
* languageName
* jgzzFiscalCode
* globalAttribute16
* attribute17
* salutation
* lastUpdatedBy
* personAcademicTitle
* primaryPhoneCountryCode
* attribute20
* thirdPartyFlag
* partyNumber


 * debarmentsDate
* knownAs1
* hqPhoneNumber
* parentName
* previousNetWorth
* empAtPrimaryAdr
* state
* province
* dividends
* lastUpdateDate
* glbUltPhoneNumber
* prntBkcyFilgChapter
* signedByPrincipalsInd
* failureScoreCommentary10
* failureScoreDate
* creditScoreCommentary6
* creditScoreCommentary3
* securedFlngInd
* qualifiedInd
* creditScoreCommentary10
* yearEstablished
* partyInterfaceId
* principalName
* netWorth
* lastUpdatedBy
* creditScoreOverrideCode
* estimatedInd
* registrationType
* parentSubInd
* finclEmbtInd
* parentAddress1
* failureScoreCommentary4
* dunsNumber
* postalCode
* glbUltDunsNumber
* partyName
* highCredit
* lastUpdateLogin
* country
* paydexScore
* statementDate
* creditScoreCommentary1
* trialBalanceInd
* localActivityCode
* womanOwnedInd
* exportInd
* failureScoreCommentary5
* prntBkcyFilgType
* oobInd
* lienInd
* inventory
* laborSurplusInd
* address3
* glbUltAddress1
* failureScore
* domUltPhoneNumber
* lowRngDelqScr
* fiscalInd
* employeesTotal
* phoneCountryCode
* totalEmpMinInd
* glbUltName
* spclEventComment
* sicCode6
* branchFlag
* failureScoreClass
* ceoName
* creationDate
* totalLiabilities
* retainedEarnings
* judgementInd
* failureScoreCommentary7
* maxCreditCurrency
* congDistCode1
* status
* prntBkcyChapterConv
* suitJudgeInd
* creditScoreAge
* glbUltCity
* hqBranchInd
* creditScoreNatlPercentile
* empAtPrimaryAdrMinInd
* domUltPostalCode
* slowTradeExpl
* contentSourceType
* failureScoreAge
* domUltAddress1
* numPrntBkcyFiling
* glbUltCountry
* creditScoreIncdDefault
* failureScoreCommentary9
* tangibleNetWorthCurr
* oprgSpecEvntInd
* finalInd
* address2
* capitalTypeInd
* localActivityCodeType
* groupId
* detHistoryInd
* parentDunsNumber
* profitBeforeTax
* glbUltPostalCode
* previousWorkingCapital
* partyId
* totalEmployeesInd
* creditScoreCommentary7
* paydexFirmComment
* globalFailureScore
* maxCreditRecommend
* creditScore
* hqPostalCode
* criminalProceedingInd
* sicCode2
* creditScoreDate
* disasterInd
* forecastInd
* claimsInd
* glbUltPrimaryGeoArea
* createdBy
* sicCode1
* unbalancedInd
* previousSales
* intangibleAssets
* creditScoreCommentary8
* annualSalesEstInd
* failureScoreCommentary1
* totalPayments
* lineOfBusiness
* city
* delqPmtPctgForAllFirms
* failureScoreCommentary3
* domUltCity
* otherSpecEvntInd
* accountsPayable
* openingInd
* failureScoreCommentary6
* netIncome
* paydexComment
* telephoneNumber
* rentOwnInd
* creditScoreCommentary5
* negvPmtExpl
* longTermDebt
* totalCurrentAssets
* paydexFirmDays
* minorityOwnedInd
* prefFunctionalCurrency
* delqPmtRngPrcnt
* annualSalesCurrency
* address4
* incomeStmtEndDate
* totalCurrLiabilities
* dbRating
* businessDiscontinued
* fixedAssets
* grossIncome
* hqCity
* numPrntBkcyConvs
* sicCode4
* avgHighCredit
* smallBusInd
* domUltName
* hqDunsNumber
* paydexIndustryComment
* failureScoreNatlPercentile
* accountsReceivable
* restatedInd
* requestId
* parentCountry
* domUltCounty
* legalStatus
* failureScoreOverrideCode
* pubRecExpl
* annualSalesConsolInd
* currentRatio
* glbUltCounty
* requestLogId
* creditScoreCommentary4
* principalTitle
* domUltCountry
* capitalAmount
* faxNumber
* paydexNorm
* incomeStmtStartDate
* importInd
* gdpName
* prntHqBkcyInd
* localBusIdenType
* enquiryDuns
* paydexIndustryDays
* knownAs2
* debarmentsCount
* parentPostalCode
* parentCity
* annualSalesVolume
* tangibleNetWorthInd
* programApplicationId
* spclEvntTxt
* parentCounty
* businessReport
* cashLiqAssets
* crScrClasExpl
* sicCode5
* highRngDelqScr
* totalAssets
* creditScoreClass
* creditScoreCommentary2
* sicCode3
* domUltDunsNumber
* quickRatio
* empAtPrimaryAdrText
* totalLiabEquity
* ceoTitle
* finclLglEventInd
* incomeStmtDate
* failureScoreCommentary8
* disadv8aInd
* prntBkcyConvDate
* incorpYear
* programId
* prntBkcyFilgDate
* bankruptcyInd
* financialNumberCurrency
* origSystemReference
* hqName
* empAtPrimaryAdrEstInd
* hqCounty
* controlYr
* suitInd
* failureScoreIncdDefault
* parentPrimaryGeoArea
* creditScoreCommentary9
* noTradeInd
* totalEmpEstInd
* knownAs5
* localBusIdentifier
* failureScoreCommentary2
* hqPrimaryGeoArea
* programUpdateDate
* knownAs4
* hqCountry
* totLongTermLiab
* knownAs3
* domUltPrimaryGeoArea
* totalEmployeesText
* costOfSales
* spclEventUpdateDate
* numSpclEvent
* tangibleNetWorth
* address1
* capitalCurrencyCode
* numTradeExperiences
* proformaInd
* sicCodeType
* county
* paydexThreeMonthsAgo
* hqAddress1
* auditInd
* consolidatedInd
* parentPhoneNumber
* sales
* doNotConfuseWith


 * debarmentsDate
* knownAs1
* hqPhoneNumber
* parentName
* previousNetWorth
* empAtPrimaryAdr
* state
* province
* dividends
* lastUpdateDate
* glbUltPhoneNumber
* prntBkcyFilgChapter
* signedByPrincipalsInd
* failureScoreCommentary10
* failureScoreDate
* creditScoreCommentary6
* creditScoreCommentary3
* securedFlngInd
* qualifiedInd
* creditScoreCommentary10
* yearEstablished
* partyInterfaceId
* principalName
* netWorth
* lastUpdatedBy
* creditScoreOverrideCode
* estimatedInd
* registrationType
* parentSubInd
* finclEmbtInd
* parentAddress1
* failureScoreCommentary4
* dunsNumber
* postalCode
* glbUltDunsNumber
* partyName
* highCredit
* lastUpdateLogin
* country
* paydexScore
* statementDate
* creditScoreCommentary1
* trialBalanceInd
* localActivityCode
* womanOwnedInd
* exportInd
* failureScoreCommentary5
* prntBkcyFilgType
* oobInd
* lienInd
* inventory
* laborSurplusInd
* address3
* glbUltAddress1
* failureScore
* domUltPhoneNumber
* lowRngDelqScr
* fiscalInd
* employeesTotal
* phoneCountryCode
* totalEmpMinInd
* glbUltName
* spclEventComment
* sicCode6
* branchFlag
* failureScoreClass
* ceoName
* creationDate
* totalLiabilities
* retainedEarnings
* judgementInd
* failureScoreCommentary7
* maxCreditCurrency
* congDistCode1
* status
* prntBkcyChapterConv
* suitJudgeInd
* creditScoreAge
* glbUltCity
* hqBranchInd
* creditScoreNatlPercentile
* empAtPrimaryAdrMinInd
* domUltPostalCode
* slowTradeExpl
* contentSourceType
* failureScoreAge
* domUltAddress1
* numPrntBkcyFiling
* glbUltCountry
* creditScoreIncdDefault
* failureScoreCommentary9
* tangibleNetWorthCurr
* oprgSpecEvntInd
* finalInd
* address2
* capitalTypeInd
* localActivityCodeType
* groupId
* detHistoryInd
* parentDunsNumber
* profitBeforeTax
* glbUltPostalCode
* previousWorkingCapital
* partyId
* totalEmployeesInd
* creditScoreCommentary7
* paydexFirmComment
* globalFailureScore
* maxCreditRecommend
* creditScore
* hqPostalCode
* criminalProceedingInd
* sicCode2
* creditScoreDate
* disasterInd
* forecastInd
* claimsInd
* glbUltPrimaryGeoArea
* createdBy
* sicCode1
* unbalancedInd
* previousSales
* intangibleAssets
* creditScoreCommentary8
* annualSalesEstInd
* failureScoreCommentary1
* totalPayments
* lineOfBusiness
* city
* delqPmtPctgForAllFirms
* failureScoreCommentary3
* domUltCity
* otherSpecEvntInd
* accountsPayable
* openingInd
* failureScoreCommentary6
* netIncome
* paydexComment
* telephoneNumber
* rentOwnInd
* creditScoreCommentary5
* negvPmtExpl
* longTermDebt
* totalCurrentAssets
* paydexFirmDays
* minorityOwnedInd
* prefFunctionalCurrency
* delqPmtRngPrcnt
* annualSalesCurrency
* address4
* incomeStmtEndDate
* totalCurrLiabilities
* dbRating
* businessDiscontinued
* fixedAssets
* grossIncome
* hqCity
* numPrntBkcyConvs
* sicCode4
* avgHighCredit
* smallBusInd
* domUltName
* hqDunsNumber
* paydexIndustryComment
* failureScoreNatlPercentile
* accountsReceivable
* restatedInd
* requestId
* parentCountry
* domUltCounty
* legalStatus
* failureScoreOverrideCode
* pubRecExpl
* annualSalesConsolInd
* currentRatio
* glbUltCounty
* requestLogId
* creditScoreCommentary4
* principalTitle
* domUltCountry
* capitalAmount
* faxNumber
* paydexNorm
* incomeStmtStartDate
* importInd
* gdpName
* prntHqBkcyInd
* localBusIdenType
* enquiryDuns
* paydexIndustryDays
* knownAs2
* debarmentsCount
* parentPostalCode
* parentCity
* annualSalesVolume
* tangibleNetWorthInd
* programApplicationId
* spclEvntTxt
* parentCounty
* businessReport
* cashLiqAssets
* crScrClasExpl
* sicCode5
* highRngDelqScr
* totalAssets
* creditScoreClass
* creditScoreCommentary2
* sicCode3
* domUltDunsNumber
* quickRatio
* empAtPrimaryAdrText
* totalLiabEquity
* ceoTitle
* finclLglEventInd
* incomeStmtDate
* failureScoreCommentary8
* disadv8aInd
* prntBkcyConvDate
* incorpYear
* programId
* prntBkcyFilgDate
* bankruptcyInd
* financialNumberCurrency
* origSystemReference
* hqName
* empAtPrimaryAdrEstInd
* hqCounty
* controlYr
* suitInd
* failureScoreIncdDefault
* parentPrimaryGeoArea
* creditScoreCommentary9
* noTradeInd
* totalEmpEstInd
* knownAs5
* localBusIdentifier
* failureScoreCommentary2
* hqPrimaryGeoArea
* programUpdateDate
* knownAs4
* hqCountry
* totLongTermLiab
* knownAs3
* domUltPrimaryGeoArea
* totalEmployeesText
* costOfSales
* spclEventUpdateDate
* numSpclEvent
* tangibleNetWorth
* address1
* capitalCurrencyCode
* numTradeExperiences
* proformaInd
* sicCodeType
* county
* paydexThreeMonthsAgo
* hqAddress1
* auditInd
* consolidatedInd
* parentPhoneNumber
* sales
* doNotConfuseWith


 * partyInterfaceId
* messageText
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* interfaceErrorId
* creationDate
* createdBy
* lastUpdateLogin


 * partyInterfaceId
* messageText
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* interfaceErrorId
* creationDate
* createdBy
* lastUpdateLogin


 * partyPreferenceId
* additionalValue5
* valueNumber
* creationDate
* additionalValue3
* additionalValue4
* partyId
* lastUpdateDate
* category
* additionalValue2
* valueVarchar2
* module
* additionalValue1
* preferenceCode
* valueDate
* objectVersionNumber
* createdBy
* lastUpdatedBy
* valueName
* lastUpdateLogin


 * partyPreferenceId
* additionalValue5
* valueNumber
* creationDate
* additionalValue3
* additionalValue4
* partyId
* lastUpdateDate
* category
* additionalValue2
* valueVarchar2
* module
* additionalValue1
* preferenceCode
* valueDate
* objectVersionNumber
* createdBy
* lastUpdatedBy
* valueName
* lastUpdateLogin


 * programApplicationId
* status
* whUpdateDate
* partySiteId
* primaryPerType
* endDate
* programUpdateDate
* createdByModule
* requestId
* lastUpdateDate
* creationDate
* programId
* applicationId
* createdBy
* partySiteUseId
* beginDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* comments
* objectVersionNumber
* siteUseType


 * programApplicationId
* status
* whUpdateDate
* partySiteId
* primaryPerType
* endDate
* programUpdateDate
* createdByModule
* requestId
* lastUpdateDate
* creationDate
* programId
* applicationId
* createdBy
* partySiteUseId
* beginDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* comments
* objectVersionNumber
* siteUseType


 * creationDate
* globalAttribute3
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* attribute10
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* globalAttribute18
* globalAttribute7
* globalAttribute14
* attribute2
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* globalAttributeCategory
* addressee
* contactKeyOsm
* region
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* globalAttribute10
* status
* objectVersionNumber
* programUpdateDate
* actualContentSource
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* programApplicationId
* createdByModule
* createdBy
* globalAttribute9
* locationId
* attribute13
* partySiteName
* globalAttribute13
* attribute14
* attribute12
* origSystemReference
* partyId
* attribute9
* language
* attribute15
* programId
* attributeCategory
* globalAttribute1
* applicationId
* globalAttribute6
* attribute3
* globalAttribute16
* globalAttribute20
* endDateActive
* attribute7
* attribute8
* globalAttribute5
* startDateActive
* dunsNumberC
* attribute17
* globalLocationNumber
* lastUpdatedBy
* mailstop
* partySiteNumber
* phoneKeyOsm
* globalAttribute15
* globalAttribute17
* partySiteId
* globalAttribute11
* globalAttribute8
* attribute20
* globalAttribute4
* customerKeyOsm
* whUpdateDate


 * auditTimestamp
* auditSequenceId
* rowKey
* partySiteId
* auditCommitId
* auditTrueNulls
* auditSessionId
* status
* auditTransactionType
* auditUserName


 * auditTimestamp
* auditSequenceId
* rowKey
* partySiteId
* auditCommitId
* auditTrueNulls
* auditSessionId
* status
* auditTransactionType
* auditUserName


 * creationDate
* globalAttribute3
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* attribute2
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* globalAttribute10
* status
* objectVersionNumber
* programUpdateDate
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* createdByModule
* createdBy
* globalAttribute9
* locationId
* attribute13
* partySiteName
* globalAttribute13
* attribute14
* attribute12
* origSystemReference
* partyId
* attribute9
* language
* attribute15
* programId
* attributeCategory
* globalAttribute1
* applicationId
* globalAttribute6
* attribute3
* globalAttribute16
* globalAttribute20
* endDateActive
* attribute7
* attribute8
* globalAttribute5
* startDateActive
* dunsNumberC
* attribute17
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* lastUpdatedBy
* mailstop
* partySiteNumber
* phoneKeyOsm
* globalAttribute15
* globalAttribute17
* partySiteId
* globalAttribute11
* globalAttribute8
* attribute20
* globalAttribute4
* customerKeyOsm
* whUpdateDate


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* cExtAttr4
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* nExtAttr10
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* nExtAttr19
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* cExtAttr4
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* nExtAttr10
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* nExtAttr16
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* nExtAttr1
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* lastUpdateLogin
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* tlExtAttr17
* tlExtAttr7
* tlExtAttr10
* tlExtAttr8


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* tlExtAttr4
* extensionId
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* createdBy
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* language
* partySiteId
* lastUpdatedBy
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* sourceLang
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* lastUpdateLogin
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* effectiveEndDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* objectVersionNumber
* createdBy
* creationDate
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* zdSync
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* partyUsageType
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* createdBy
* lastUpdatedBy
* objectVersionNumber
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* zdSync
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdateDate
* statusFlag
* zdEditionName


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* restrictManualAssignFlag
* creationDate
* partyUsageType
* restrictManualUpdateFlag
* createdBy
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* objectVersionNumber
* publishToWfdsFlag
* zdSync
* lastUpdateLogin
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 * createdBy
* zdSync
* partyUsageCode
* creationDate
* language
* sourceLang
* description
* zdEditionName
* lastUpdatedBy
* partyUsageName
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* zdSync
* partyUsageCode
* creationDate
* language
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* description
* zdEditionName
* lastUpdatedBy
* partyUsageName
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdateDate


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* attribute4
* attribute10
* createdByModule
* requestId
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* applicationId
* programLoginId
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* partyId
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* extensionId
* lastUpdatedBy
* cExtAttr9
* nExtAttr16
* dExtAttr3
* cExtAttr1
* dExtAttr10
* lastUpdateLogin
* dExtAttr7
* cExtAttr15
* cExtAttr20
* nExtAttr15
* nExtAttr17
* nExtAttr2
* dExtAttr1
* dExtAttr2
* nExtAttr12
* cExtAttr13
* dExtAttr5
* dExtAttr9
* nExtAttr3
* nExtAttr7
* cExtAttr4
* nExtAttr18
* nExtAttr6
* dExtAttr4
* nExtAttr14
* personProfileId
* cExtAttr5
* cExtAttr6
* cExtAttr11
* cExtAttr8
* cExtAttr14
* nExtAttr19
* cExtAttr2
* cExtAttr19
* nExtAttr9
* dExtAttr6
* nExtAttr4


 * dExtAttr8
* nExtAttr11
* createdBy
* cExtAttr12
* cExtAttr10
* nExtAttr8
* creationDate
* nExtAttr20
* cExtAttr16
* oldExtensionId
* nExtAttr1
* nExtAttr13
* cExtAttr7
* attrGroupId
* cExtAttr18
* lastUpdateDate
* nExtAttr5
* nExtAttr10
* cExtAttr17
* cExtAttr3
* extensionId
* lastUpdatedBy
* cExtAttr9
* nExtAttr16
* dExtAttr3
* cExtAttr1
* dExtAttr10
* lastUpdateLogin
* dExtAttr7
* cExtAttr15
* cExtAttr20
* nExtAttr15
* nExtAttr17
* nExtAttr2
* dExtAttr1
* dExtAttr2
* nExtAttr12
* cExtAttr13
* dExtAttr5
* dExtAttr9
* nExtAttr3
* nExtAttr7
* cExtAttr4
* nExtAttr18
* nExtAttr6
* dExtAttr4
* nExtAttr14
* personProfileId
* cExtAttr5
* cExtAttr6
* cExtAttr11
* cExtAttr8
* cExtAttr14
* nExtAttr19
* cExtAttr2
* cExtAttr19
* nExtAttr9
* dExtAttr6
* nExtAttr4


 * oldProfileId
* workUnitNumber
* newProfileId
* status


 * oldProfileId
* workUnitNumber
* newProfileId
* status


 * tlExtAttr4
* lastUpdatedBy
* creationDate
* tlExtAttr7
* extensionId
* tlExtAttr6
* tlExtAttr10
* tlExtAttr2
* lastUpdateDate
* personProfileId
* lastUpdateLogin
* tlExtAttr17
* tlExtAttr15
* attrGroupId
* language
* tlExtAttr16
* tlExtAttr14
* tlExtAttr5
* createdBy
* tlExtAttr11
* tlExtAttr18
* tlExtAttr20
* sourceLang
* tlExtAttr3
* tlExtAttr13
* tlExtAttr12
* tlExtAttr1
* tlExtAttr8
* tlExtAttr9
* tlExtAttr19


 * tlExtAttr4
* lastUpdatedBy
* creationDate
* tlExtAttr7
* extensionId
* tlExtAttr6
* tlExtAttr10
* tlExtAttr2
* lastUpdateDate
* personProfileId
* lastUpdateLogin
* tlExtAttr17
* tlExtAttr15
* attrGroupId
* language
* tlExtAttr16
* tlExtAttr14
* tlExtAttr5
* createdBy
* tlExtAttr11
* tlExtAttr18
* tlExtAttr20
* sourceLang
* tlExtAttr3
* tlExtAttr13
* tlExtAttr12
* tlExtAttr1
* tlExtAttr8
* tlExtAttr9
* tlExtAttr19


 * programUpdateDate
* requestId
* applicationId
* objectVersionNumber
* interestName
* partyId
* whUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* createdByModule
* programId
* personInterestId
* lastUpdateDate
* comments
* levelOfInterest
* creationDate
* interestTypeCode
* subInterestTypeCode
* since
* levelOfParticipation
* team
* programApplicationId
* lastUpdateLogin
* status
* sportIndicator
* createdBy


 * programUpdateDate
* requestId
* applicationId
* objectVersionNumber
* interestName
* partyId
* whUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* createdByModule
* programId
* personInterestId
* lastUpdateDate
* comments
* levelOfInterest
* creationDate
* interestTypeCode
* subInterestTypeCode
* since
* levelOfParticipation
* team
* programApplicationId
* lastUpdateLogin
* status
* sportIndicator
* createdBy


 * applicationId
* readsLevel
* nativeLanguage
* lastUpdatedBy
* programApplicationId
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* programUpdateDate
* createdBy
* partyId
* writesLevel
* requestId
* status
* languageName
* speaksLevel
* whUpdateDate
* programId
* objectVersionNumber
* createdByModule
* primaryLanguageIndicator
* languageUseReferenceId
* creationDate
* spokenComprehensionLevel


 * applicationId
* readsLevel
* nativeLanguage
* lastUpdatedBy
* programApplicationId
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* programUpdateDate
* createdBy
* partyId
* writesLevel
* requestId
* status
* languageName
* speaksLevel
* whUpdateDate
* programId
* objectVersionNumber
* createdByModule
* primaryLanguageIndicator
* languageUseReferenceId
* creationDate
* spokenComprehensionLevel


 * attribute8
* attribute16
* attribute19
* householdIncome
* creationDate
* knownAs5
* versionNumber
* dateOfDeath
* personFirstName
* primaryContactId
* personPreNameAdjunct
* globalAttribute20
* attribute1
* personalIncome
* applicationId
* personIdentifier
* attribute18
* knownAs
* globalAttribute4
* knownAs3
* contentSourceType
* partyId
* attribute2
* lastUpdateLogin
* householdSize
* globalAttribute17
* programUpdateDate
* globalAttribute2
* globalAttribute7
* attribute17
* personProfileId
* jgzzFiscalCode
* actualContentSource
* middleNamePhonetic
* attribute14
* bestTimeContactEnd
* placeOfBirth
* createdBy
* globalAttribute19
* globalAttribute12
* attribute20
* globalAttribute13
* attribute7
* attribute4
* programId
* personIdenType
* maritalStatusEffectiveDate
* globalAttribute1
* globalAttribute5
* personName
* globalAttribute3
* globalAttribute8
* personLastNamePhonetic
* gender
* attribute13
* personFirstNamePhonetic
* attribute12
* lastUpdateDate
* personNameSuffix
* globalAttribute15
* personNamePhonetic
* attribute5
* attribute9
* personLastName
* globalAttribute14
* attribute11
* attribute15
* requestId
* createdByModule
* globalAttribute9
* globalAttribute11
* bestTimeContactBegin
* programApplicationId
* globalAttribute6
* status
* effectiveStartDate
* objectVersionNumber
* attribute3
* personTitle
* lastUpdatedBy
* globalAttribute18
* dateOfBirth
* attributeCategory
* taxName
* deceasedFlag
* maritalStatus
* personPreviousLastName
* personMiddleName
* globalAttributeCategory
* internalFlag
* lastKnownGps
* personInitials
* globalAttribute16
* declaredEthnicity
* knownAs4
* globalAttribute10
* effectiveEndDate
* rentOwnInd
* taxReference
* attribute10
* contentSourceNumber
* attribute6
* personAcademicTitle
* knownAs2
* headOfHouseholdFlag
* whUpdateDate


 * attribute8
* attribute16
* attribute19
* householdIncome
* creationDate
* knownAs5
* versionNumber
* dateOfDeath
* personFirstName
* primaryContactId
* personPreNameAdjunct
* globalAttribute20
* attribute1
* personalIncome
* applicationId
* personIdentifier
* attribute18
* knownAs
* globalAttribute4
* knownAs3
* contentSourceType
* partyId
* attribute2
* lastUpdateLogin
* householdSize
* globalAttribute17
* programUpdateDate
* globalAttribute2
* globalAttribute7
* attribute17
* personProfileId
* jgzzFiscalCode
* actualContentSource
* middleNamePhonetic
* attribute14
* bestTimeContactEnd
* placeOfBirth
* createdBy
* globalAttribute19
* globalAttribute12
* attribute20
* globalAttribute13
* attribute7
* attribute4
* programId
* personIdenType
* maritalStatusEffectiveDate
* globalAttribute1
* globalAttribute5
* personName
* globalAttribute3
* globalAttribute8
* personLastNamePhonetic
* gender
* attribute13
* personFirstNamePhonetic
* attribute12
* lastUpdateDate
* personNameSuffix
* globalAttribute15
* personNamePhonetic
* attribute5
* attribute9
* personLastName
* globalAttribute14
* attribute11
* attribute15
* requestId
* createdByModule
* globalAttribute9
* globalAttribute11
* bestTimeContactBegin
* programApplicationId
* globalAttribute6
* status
* effectiveStartDate
* objectVersionNumber
* attribute3
* personTitle
* lastUpdatedBy
* globalAttribute18
* dateOfBirth
* attributeCategory
* taxName
* deceasedFlag
* maritalStatus
* personPreviousLastName
* personMiddleName
* globalAttributeCategory
* internalFlag
* lastKnownGps
* personInitials
* globalAttribute16
* declaredEthnicity
* knownAs4
* globalAttribute10
* effectiveEndDate
* rentOwnInd
* taxReference
* attribute10
* contentSourceNumber
* attribute6
* personAcademicTitle
* knownAs2
* headOfHouseholdFlag
* whUpdateDate


 * objectVersionNumber
* creationDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* primaryAttributeId
* functionId
* lastUpdateDate
* activeFlag
* createdBy
* zdEditionName
* zdSync
* primaryTransformId


 * objectVersionNumber
* creationDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* primaryAttributeId
* functionId
* lastUpdateDate
* activeFlag
* createdBy
* zdEditionName
* zdSync
* primaryTransformId


 * attributesFlag
* subsetSql
* numMarked
* lastUpdateLogin
* batchName
* purgeDate
* status
* batchId
* numCandidates
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* createdBy
* purgeReason
* identRequestId
* purgeRequestId
* creationDate


 * attributesFlag
* subsetSql
* numMarked
* lastUpdateLogin
* batchName
* purgeDate
* status
* batchId
* numCandidates
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* createdBy
* purgeReason
* identRequestId
* purgeRequestId
* creationDate


 * partyName
* phoneNumbers
* partyNumber
* addresses
* creationDate
* createdBy
* status
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* candidatePartyId
* batchId
* country
* lastUpdateLogin


 * partyName
* phoneNumbers
* partyNumber
* addresses
* creationDate
* createdBy
* status
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* candidatePartyId
* batchId
* country
* lastUpdateLogin


 * lastUpdatedBy
* createdBy
* comments
* programApplicationId
* lastUpdateLogin
* programUpdateDate
* status
* referenceId
* creationDate
* lastUpdateDate
* requestId
* externalAccountNumber
* programId
* commentingPartyId
* referenceDate
* rating
* referencedPartyId
* whUpdateDate


 * lastUpdatedBy
* createdBy
* comments
* programApplicationId
* lastUpdateLogin
* programUpdateDate
* status
* referenceId
* creationDate
* lastUpdateDate
* requestId
* externalAccountNumber
* programId
* commentingPartyId
* referenceDate
* rating
* referencedPartyId
* whUpdateDate


 * lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* objectTableName
* globalAttribute19
* additionalInformation23
* additionalInformation22
* additionalInformation12
* attribute15
* additionalInformation27
* additionalInformation19
* attribute12
* creationDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute18
* additionalInformation28
* objectId
* attribute11
* globalAttribute15
* requestId
* globalAttributeCategory
* partyId
* globalAttribute10
* contentSourceType
* comments
* attribute10
* globalAttribute20
* additionalInformation30
* globalAttribute7
* attribute8
* additionalInformation5
* additionalInformation7
* attribute5
* globalAttribute6
* directionalFlag
* globalAttribute8
* attribute7
* attribute9
* attribute19
* programId
* additionalInformation9
* subjectTableName
* globalAttribute2
* programUpdateDate
* additionalInformation17
* additionalInformation16
* attribute6
* globalAttribute5
* additionalInformation29
* attributeCategory
* attribute1
* attribute3
* subjectType
* additionalInformation3
* attribute17
* additionalInformation25
* attribute20
* attribute14
* globalAttribute9
* relationshipType
* createdByModule
* additionalInformation20
* attribute2
* additionalInformation18
* globalAttribute3
* globalAttribute1
* programApplicationId
* additionalInformation21
* additionalInformation11
* actualContentSource
* applicationId
* globalAttribute11
* additionalInformation2
* globalAttribute12
* additionalInformation8
* globalAttribute18
* relationshipId
* objectType
* globalAttribute17
* whUpdateDate
* subjectId
* objectVersionNumber
* directionCode
* globalAttribute14
* additionalInformation14
* attribute16
* createdBy
* additionalInformation6
* globalAttribute13
* globalAttribute16
* additionalInformation15
* relationshipCode
* status
* additionalInformation4
* attribute13
* additionalInformation26
* additionalInformation1
* startDate
* percentageOwnership
* endDate
* additionalInformation13
* attribute4
* additionalInformation24
* globalAttribute4
* additionalInformation10


 * lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* objectTableName
* globalAttribute19
* additionalInformation23
* additionalInformation22
* additionalInformation12
* attribute15
* additionalInformation27
* additionalInformation19
* attribute12
* creationDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute18
* additionalInformation28
* objectId
* attribute11
* globalAttribute15
* requestId
* globalAttributeCategory
* partyId
* globalAttribute10
* contentSourceType
* comments
* attribute10
* globalAttribute20
* additionalInformation30
* globalAttribute7
* attribute8
* additionalInformation5
* additionalInformation7
* attribute5
* globalAttribute6
* directionalFlag
* globalAttribute8
* attribute7
* attribute9
* attribute19
* programId
* additionalInformation9
* subjectTableName
* globalAttribute2
* programUpdateDate
* additionalInformation17
* additionalInformation16
* attribute6
* globalAttribute5
* additionalInformation29
* attributeCategory
* attribute1
* attribute3
* subjectType
* additionalInformation3
* attribute17
* additionalInformation25
* attribute20
* attribute14
* globalAttribute9
* relationshipType
* createdByModule
* additionalInformation20
* attribute2
* additionalInformation18
* globalAttribute3
* globalAttribute1
* programApplicationId
* additionalInformation21
* additionalInformation11
* actualContentSource
* applicationId
* globalAttribute11
* additionalInformation2
* globalAttribute12
* additionalInformation8
* globalAttribute18
* relationshipId
* objectType
* globalAttribute17
* whUpdateDate
* subjectId
* objectVersionNumber
* directionCode
* globalAttribute14
* additionalInformation14
* attribute16
* createdBy
* additionalInformation6
* globalAttribute13
* globalAttribute16
* additionalInformation15
* relationshipCode
* status
* additionalInformation4
* attribute13
* additionalInformation26
* additionalInformation1
* startDate
* percentageOwnership
* endDate
* additionalInformation13
* attribute4
* additionalInformation24
* globalAttribute4
* additionalInformation10


 * programUpdateDate
* createdByModule
* applicationId
* attribute5
* primaryFlag
* attribute2
* attribute11
* attribute14
* attributeCategory
* attribute8
* origSystemReference
* attribute7
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute1
* attribute10
* creationDate
* attribute6
* programApplicationId
* attribute3
* attribute13
* programId
* attribute4
* attribute12
* createdBy
* attribute9
* custAccountRoleId
* requestId
* whUpdateDate
* objectVersionNumber
* responsibilityType
* lastUpdateDate
* responsibilityId
* attribute15


 * programUpdateDate
* createdByModule
* applicationId
* attribute5
* primaryFlag
* attribute2
* attribute11
* attribute14
* attributeCategory
* attribute8
* origSystemReference
* attribute7
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute1
* attribute10
* creationDate
* attribute6
* programApplicationId
* attribute3
* attribute13
* programId
* attribute4
* attribute12
* createdBy
* attribute9
* custAccountRoleId
* requestId
* whUpdateDate
* objectVersionNumber
* responsibilityType
* lastUpdateDate
* responsibilityId
* attribute15


 * secondaryAttributeId
* transformationWeight
* functionId
* lastUpdatedBy
* zdSync
* createdBy
* useExact
* zdEditionName
* lastUpdateDate
* activeFlag
* creationDate
* similarityCutoff
* lastUpdateLogin
* objectVersionNumber
* secondaryTransformId


 * secondaryAttributeId
* transformationWeight
* functionId
* lastUpdatedBy
* zdSync
* createdBy
* useExact
* zdEditionName
* lastUpdateDate
* activeFlag
* creationDate
* similarityCutoff
* lastUpdateLogin
* objectVersionNumber
* secondaryTransformId


 * securityCurrencyCode
* createdBy
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdatedBy
* estimatedTotalAmount
* programUpdateDate
* beginDate
* endDate
* stockExchangeId
* stockTickerSymbol
* creationDate
* securityIssuedId
* requestId
* whUpdateDate
* totalAmountInACurrency
* programId
* securityIssuedClass
* securityIssuedName
* programApplicationId
* partyId
* status


 * securityCurrencyCode
* createdBy
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdatedBy
* estimatedTotalAmount
* programUpdateDate
* beginDate
* endDate
* stockExchangeId
* stockTickerSymbol
* creationDate
* securityIssuedId
* requestId
* whUpdateDate
* totalAmountInACurrency
* programId
* securityIssuedClass
* securityIssuedName
* programApplicationId
* partyId
* status


 * tx131
* contactOs
* tx125
* tx212
* tx27
* tx134
* tx160
* tx187
* tx32
* tx74
* tx82
* tx35
* tx211
* tx190
* tx69
* tx57
* tx13
* tx242
* tx4
* tx195
* tx174
* tx182
* tx213
* tx231
* tx39
* tx56
* tx31
* tx162
* tx142
* tx85
* tx30
* tx229
* tx81
* tx186
* tx244
* tx8
* tx136
* tx110
* tx139
* tx159
* tx224
* orgContactId
* tx181
* tx173
* tx214
* tx104
* tx198
* tx140
* tx52
* tx168
* tx70
* tx22
* tx144
* tx157
* tx243
* tx150
* tx241
* tx49
* tx68
* tx83
* tx119
* tx176
* tx71
* tx20
* tx151
* tx75
* tx247
* tx217
* tx84
* tx158
* tx155
* tx200
* tx137
* tx117
* tx177
* tx164
* tx61
* tx178
* tx209
* tx133
* tx149
* tx14
* tx210
* tx219
* tx235
* tx40
* tx138
* newPartyFlag
* tx67
* tx239
* tx233
* tx252
* tx101
* tx223
* tx64
* tx156
* tx63
* tx23
* tx249
* tx146
* tx153
* tx167
* tx225
* tx94
* tx62
* tx204
* tx44
* tx163
* tx5
* tx128
* tx90
* tx250
* tx38
* tx228
* tx17
* tx29
* partyId
* tx253
* tx124
* tx203
* intRowId
* tx254
* tx115
* tx58
* tx189
* tx237
* tx51
* tx33
* tx166
* tx240
* tx50
* tx34
* tx107
* tx53
* tx96
* tx26
* contactOsr
* tx10
* tx73
* tx88
* tx21
* tx218
* tx9
* tx19
* tx93
* tx226
* tx1
* tx145
* tx183
* tx215
* tx169
* tx216
* tx202
* tx141
* tx148
* tx60
* tx165
* tx86
* tx106
* tx118
* tx135
* tx234
* tx98
* tx197
* tx47
* tx42
* tx121
* tx7
* tx221
* tx129
* tx59
* tx220
* tx236
* tx180
* batchId
* tx55
* tx126
* tx43
* tx87
* tx92
* tx192
* tx108
* tx111
* tx206
* tx3
* tx41
* tx97
* tx109
* tx222
* tx196
* tx25
* tx120
* tx185
* tx205
* tx238
* tx103
* tx255
* tx147
* partyOsr
* partyOs
* tx122
* tx77
* tx132
* tx2
* tx46
* tx66
* tx78
* tx116
* tx48
* tx245
* tx76
* tx201
* tx207
* tx54
* tx99
* tx89
* tx123
* tx127
* tx24
* tx179
* tx102
* tx154
* tx130
* tx227
* tx15
* tx172
* tx208
* tx6
* tx28
* tx143
* tx175
* tx230
* tx114
* tx194
* tx18
* tx100
* tx12
* tx170
* tx11
* tx65
* tx193
* tx36
* tx45
* tx37
* tx161
* tx248
* tx171
* tx112
* tx113
* tx199
* tx232
* tx91
* tx16
* tx79
* tx152
* tx184
* tx95
* tx251
* tx105
* tx246
* tx188
* tx191
* tx72
* tx80


 * tx131
* contactOs
* tx125
* tx212
* tx27
* tx134
* tx160
* tx187
* tx32
* tx74
* tx82
* tx35
* tx211
* tx190
* tx69
* tx57
* tx13
* tx242
* tx4
* tx195
* tx174
* tx182
* tx213
* tx231
* tx39
* tx56
* tx31
* tx162
* tx142
* tx85
* tx30
* tx229
* tx81
* tx186
* tx244
* tx8
* tx136
* tx110
* tx139
* tx159
* tx224
* orgContactId
* tx181
* tx173
* tx214
* tx104
* tx198
* tx140
* tx52
* tx168
* tx70
* tx22
* tx144
* tx157
* tx243
* tx150
* tx241
* tx49
* tx68
* tx83
* tx119
* tx176
* tx71
* tx20
* tx151
* tx75
* tx247
* tx217
* tx84
* tx158
* tx155
* tx200
* tx137
* tx117
* tx177
* tx164
* tx61
* tx178
* tx209
* tx133
* tx149
* tx14
* tx210
* tx219
* tx235
* tx40
* tx138
* newPartyFlag
* tx67
* tx239
* tx233
* tx252
* tx101
* tx223
* tx64
* tx156
* tx63
* tx23
* tx249
* tx146
* tx153
* tx167
* tx225
* tx94
* tx62
* tx204
* tx44
* tx163
* tx5
* tx128
* tx90
* tx250
* tx38
* tx228
* tx17
* tx29
* partyId
* tx253
* tx124
* tx203
* intRowId
* tx254
* tx115
* tx58
* tx189
* tx237
* tx51
* tx33
* tx166
* tx240
* tx50
* tx34
* tx107
* tx53
* tx96
* tx26
* contactOsr
* tx10
* tx73
* tx88
* tx21
* tx218
* tx9
* tx19
* tx93
* tx226
* tx1
* tx145
* tx183
* tx215
* tx169
* tx216
* tx202
* tx141
* tx148
* tx60
* tx165
* tx86
* tx106
* tx118
* tx135
* tx234
* tx98
* tx197
* tx47
* tx42
* tx121
* tx7
* tx221
* tx129
* tx59
* tx220
* tx236
* tx180
* batchId
* tx55
* tx126
* tx43
* tx87
* tx92
* tx192
* tx108
* tx111
* tx206
* tx3
* tx41
* tx97
* tx109
* tx222
* tx196
* tx25
* tx120
* tx185
* tx205
* tx238
* tx103
* tx255
* tx147
* partyOsr
* partyOs
* tx122
* tx77
* tx132
* tx2
* tx46
* tx66
* tx78
* tx116
* tx48
* tx245
* tx76
* tx201
* tx207
* tx54
* tx99
* tx89
* tx123
* tx127
* tx24
* tx179
* tx102
* tx154
* tx130
* tx227
* tx15
* tx172
* tx208
* tx6
* tx28
* tx143
* tx175
* tx230
* tx114
* tx194
* tx18
* tx100
* tx12
* tx170
* tx11
* tx65
* tx193
* tx36
* tx45
* tx37
* tx161
* tx248
* tx171
* tx112
* tx113
* tx199
* tx232
* tx91
* tx16
* tx79
* tx152
* tx184
* tx95
* tx251
* tx105
* tx246
* tx188
* tx191
* tx72
* tx80


 * tx181
* partySiteOsr
* tx17
* tx149
* tx82
* tx129
* tx165
* tx254
* tx120
* tx144
* tx158
* tx222
* tx161
* tx98
* tx250
* tx131
* tx51
* tx200
* tx8
* tx39
* tx86
* tx139
* tx70
* tx140
* tx12
* tx35
* tx99
* tx126
* tx166
* tx5
* tx177
* tx127
* tx173
* tx118
* tx4
* tx16
* tx37
* tx159
* tx125
* tx115
* tx197
* tx71
* tx183
* tx188
* tx248
* tx148
* tx104
* tx56
* tx113
* partyId
* tx49
* tx169
* tx123
* tx57
* tx124
* tx213
* tx64
* tx34
* tx121
* tx6
* tx193
* tx111
* tx217
* tx50
* tx194
* tx79
* tx55
* tx152
* tx136
* tx141
* tx226
* tx174
* tx15
* tx205
* tx182
* tx142
* tx154
* tx26
* tx244
* tx201
* tx243
* tx32
* tx94
* tx128
* tx225
* tx246
* tx233
* tx114
* tx14
* tx92
* tx179
* tx36
* tx147
* tx198
* tx25
* tx134
* tx116
* tx224
* tx214
* tx255
* tx178
* tx42
* tx137
* tx145
* tx22
* tx132
* tx93
* tx10
* tx66
* tx103
* tx236
* tx65
* tx189
* tx216
* tx247
* tx239
* tx211
* tx29
* tx171
* tx7
* tx73
* tx184
* tx204
* tx220
* tx44
* tx96
* tx112
* tx192
* tx170
* tx74
* tx122
* tx18
* tx100
* tx109
* tx119
* tx9
* tx46
* tx20
* tx238
* tx72
* tx241
* tx87
* tx190
* tx88
* tx219
* tx229
* tx253
* tx143
* partySiteOs
* tx45
* tx185
* tx105
* tx106
* tx151
* partyOsr
* tx19
* tx83
* tx163
* tx63
* tx62
* tx249
* tx27
* tx215
* tx80
* tx155
* tx53
* tx68
* tx227
* tx150
* tx235
* tx245
* tx58
* tx60
* tx2
* tx146
* tx228
* tx208
* tx218
* partySiteId
* tx221
* tx75
* tx21
* tx30
* tx38
* tx84
* tx187
* tx162
* tx186
* tx206
* newPartyFlag
* tx33
* tx212
* tx47
* tx234
* tx85
* tx202
* tx242
* tx61
* tx138
* tx102
* tx203
* tx59
* contactPointType
* tx110
* contactPtOsr
* tx48
* tx168
* tx130
* tx195
* tx67
* tx11
* tx240
* tx160
* partyOs
* tx95
* tx90
* tx223
* tx23
* tx117
* tx3
* tx81
* tx24
* tx135
* tx153
* tx232
* batchId
* tx97
* tx13
* tx156
* tx172
* contactPointId
* tx108
* tx1
* tx107
* tx196
* tx77
* tx175
* tx78
* tx180
* tx191
* intRowId
* tx54
* tx252
* tx231
* tx91
* contactPtOs
* tx167
* tx207
* tx164
* tx31
* tx133
* tx157
* tx89
* tx209
* tx237
* tx199
* tx251
* tx230
* tx76
* tx101
* tx69
* tx41
* tx43
* tx40
* tx52
* tx28
* tx210
* tx176


 * tx181
* partySiteOsr
* tx17
* tx149
* tx82
* tx129
* tx165
* tx254
* tx120
* tx144
* tx158
* tx222
* tx161
* tx98
* tx250
* tx131
* tx51
* tx200
* tx8
* tx39
* tx86
* tx139
* tx70
* tx140
* tx12
* tx35
* tx99
* tx126
* tx166
* tx5
* tx177
* tx127
* tx173
* tx118
* tx4
* tx16
* tx37
* tx159
* tx125
* tx115
* tx197
* tx71
* tx183
* tx188
* tx248
* tx148
* tx104
* tx56
* tx113
* partyId
* tx49
* tx169
* tx123
* tx57
* tx124
* tx213
* tx64
* tx34
* tx121
* tx6
* tx193
* tx111
* tx217
* tx50
* tx194
* tx79
* tx55
* tx152
* tx136
* tx141
* tx226
* tx174
* tx15
* tx205
* tx182
* tx142
* tx154
* tx26
* tx244
* tx201
* tx243
* tx32
* tx94
* tx128
* tx225
* tx246
* tx233
* tx114
* tx14
* tx92
* tx179
* tx36
* tx147
* tx198
* tx25
* tx134
* tx116
* tx224
* tx214
* tx255
* tx178
* tx42
* tx137
* tx145
* tx22
* tx132
* tx93
* tx10
* tx66
* tx103
* tx236
* tx65
* tx189
* tx216
* tx247
* tx239
* tx211
* tx29
* tx171
* tx7
* tx73
* tx184
* tx204
* tx220
* tx44
* tx96
* tx112
* tx192
* tx170
* tx74
* tx122
* tx18
* tx100
* tx109
* tx119
* tx9
* tx46
* tx20
* tx238
* tx72
* tx241
* tx87
* tx190
* tx88
* tx219
* tx229
* tx253
* tx143
* partySiteOs
* tx45
* tx185
* tx105
* tx106
* tx151
* partyOsr
* tx19
* tx83
* tx163
* tx63
* tx62
* tx249
* tx27
* tx215
* tx80
* tx155
* tx53
* tx68
* tx227
* tx150
* tx235
* tx245
* tx58
* tx60
* tx2
* tx146
* tx228
* tx208
* tx218
* partySiteId
* tx221
* tx75
* tx21
* tx30
* tx38
* tx84
* tx187
* tx162
* tx186
* tx206
* newPartyFlag
* tx33
* tx212
* tx47
* tx234
* tx85
* tx202
* tx242
* tx61
* tx138
* tx102
* tx203
* tx59
* contactPointType
* tx110
* contactPtOsr
* tx48
* tx168
* tx130
* tx195
* tx67
* tx11
* tx240
* tx160
* partyOs
* tx95
* tx90
* tx223
* tx23
* tx117
* tx3
* tx81
* tx24
* tx135
* tx153
* tx232
* batchId
* tx97
* tx13
* tx156
* tx172
* contactPointId
* tx108
* tx1
* tx107
* tx196
* tx77
* tx175
* tx78
* tx180
* tx191
* intRowId
* tx54
* tx252
* tx231
* tx91
* contactPtOs
* tx167
* tx207
* tx164
* tx31
* tx133
* tx157
* tx89
* tx209
* tx237
* tx199
* tx251
* tx230
* tx76
* tx101
* tx69
* tx41
* tx43
* tx40
* tx52
* tx28
* tx210
* tx176


 * tx211
* tx34
* tx54
* tx2
* tx12
* tx192
* tx85
* tx254
* tx140
* tx6
* tx13
* tx50
* tx78
* tx172
* tx238
* tx144
* tx118
* tx244
* tx89
* tx95
* partyId
* tx5
* tx168
* tx253
* tx104
* tx110
* tx62
* tx206
* tx176
* tx133
* tx125
* tx30
* tx38
* tx79
* tx41
* tx247
* tx103
* tx102
* tx198
* tx126
* tx128
* tx227
* tx223
* tx75
* tx100
* tx149
* tx7
* tx207
* tx84
* tx201
* tx251
* tx139
* tx47
* tx182
* tx44
* tx230
* tx16
* tx122
* tx148
* tx27
* tx152
* tx23
* tx19
* tx111
* tx80
* tx151
* tx183
* tx31
* tx243
* tx234
* tx94
* tx63
* tx48
* tx72
* tx155
* tx161
* tx40
* tx231
* tx166
* tx52
* tx218
* tx143
* tx127
* tx77
* tx185
* tx86
* tx186
* tx157
* tx235
* tx18
* tx69
* tx39
* tx22
* tx4
* tx37
* tx83
* tx36
* tx129
* tx240
* tx156
* tx145
* partyOs
* tx124
* tx158
* tx130
* tx141
* tx121
* tx136
* tx167
* tx174
* tx169
* tx188
* tx120
* tx242
* tx8
* tx107
* tx11
* batchId
* tx29
* tx154
* tx252
* tx45
* tx200
* tx146
* tx178
* tx239
* tx173
* tx202
* tx220
* tx53
* tx193
* tx96
* tx215
* tx67
* tx35
* tx10
* tx187
* tx59
* tx112
* tx255
* tx229
* tx33
* tx216
* tx46
* tx108
* tx82
* tx245
* tx119
* tx66
* tx65
* tx181
* tx249
* tx179
* tx26
* tx61
* tx42
* tx81
* tx99
* tx165
* tx226
* tx180
* tx159
* tx225
* tx190
* tx147
* intRowId
* tx214
* tx87
* tx191
* tx114
* tx116
* tx3
* tx194
* tx24
* tx90
* tx64
* tx49
* tx195
* tx109
* tx217
* tx131
* tx241
* tx28
* tx1
* tx250
* tx237
* tx101
* tx212
* tx246
* tx98
* tx14
* tx32
* tx134
* tx232
* tx142
* tx204
* tx197
* tx17
* tx57
* tx184
* tx88
* tx92
* tx115
* tx175
* tx135
* tx68
* tx21
* tx210
* tx222
* tx208
* tx162
* tx9
* tx177
* tx113
* tx150
* tx117
* tx137
* tx153
* tx163
* tx76
* tx106
* tx132
* tx15
* tx160
* tx74
* tx205
* tx73
* tx55
* tx248
* tx189
* tx70
* tx171
* tx224
* tx233
* tx25
* tx123
* tx199
* tx228
* partyOsr
* tx93
* tx71
* tx236
* tx20
* tx213
* tx51
* tx60
* tx97
* tx221
* tx164
* tx56
* tx105
* tx58
* tx91
* tx209
* tx219
* tx170
* tx138
* tx196
* tx203
* tx43


 * tx211
* tx34
* tx54
* tx2
* tx12
* tx192
* tx85
* tx254
* tx140
* tx6
* tx13
* tx50
* tx78
* tx172
* tx238
* tx144
* tx118
* tx244
* tx89
* tx95
* partyId
* tx5
* tx168
* tx253
* tx104
* tx110
* tx62
* tx206
* tx176
* tx133
* tx125
* tx30
* tx38
* tx79
* tx41
* tx247
* tx103
* tx102
* tx198
* tx126
* tx128
* tx227
* tx223
* tx75
* tx100
* tx149
* tx7
* tx207
* tx84
* tx201
* tx251
* tx139
* tx47
* tx182
* tx44
* tx230
* tx16
* tx122
* tx148
* tx27
* tx152
* tx23
* tx19
* tx111
* tx80
* tx151
* tx183
* tx31
* tx243
* tx234
* tx94
* tx63
* tx48
* tx72
* tx155
* tx161
* tx40
* tx231
* tx166
* tx52
* tx218
* tx143
* tx127
* tx77
* tx185
* tx86
* tx186
* tx157
* tx235
* tx18
* tx69
* tx39
* tx22
* tx4
* tx37
* tx83
* tx36
* tx129
* tx240
* tx156
* tx145
* partyOs
* tx124
* tx158
* tx130
* tx141
* tx121
* tx136
* tx167
* tx174
* tx169
* tx188
* tx120
* tx242
* tx8
* tx107
* tx11
* batchId
* tx29
* tx154
* tx252
* tx45
* tx200
* tx146
* tx178
* tx239
* tx173
* tx202
* tx220
* tx53
* tx193
* tx96
* tx215
* tx67
* tx35
* tx10
* tx187
* tx59
* tx112
* tx255
* tx229
* tx33
* tx216
* tx46
* tx108
* tx82
* tx245
* tx119
* tx66
* tx65
* tx181
* tx249
* tx179
* tx26
* tx61
* tx42
* tx81
* tx99
* tx165
* tx226
* tx180
* tx159
* tx225
* tx190
* tx147
* intRowId
* tx214
* tx87
* tx191
* tx114
* tx116
* tx3
* tx194
* tx24
* tx90
* tx64
* tx49
* tx195
* tx109
* tx217
* tx131
* tx241
* tx28
* tx1
* tx250
* tx237
* tx101
* tx212
* tx246
* tx98
* tx14
* tx32
* tx134
* tx232
* tx142
* tx204
* tx197
* tx17
* tx57
* tx184
* tx88
* tx92
* tx115
* tx175
* tx135
* tx68
* tx21
* tx210
* tx222
* tx208
* tx162
* tx9
* tx177
* tx113
* tx150
* tx117
* tx137
* tx153
* tx163
* tx76
* tx106
* tx132
* tx15
* tx160
* tx74
* tx205
* tx73
* tx55
* tx248
* tx189
* tx70
* tx171
* tx224
* tx233
* tx25
* tx123
* tx199
* tx228
* partyOsr
* tx93
* tx71
* tx236
* tx20
* tx213
* tx51
* tx60
* tx97
* tx221
* tx164
* tx56
* tx105
* tx58
* tx91
* tx209
* tx219
* tx170
* tx138
* tx196
* tx203
* tx43


 * tx101
* tx31
* batchId
* tx133
* tx155
* tx103
* tx41
* tx93
* partyOs
* tx200
* tx194
* tx137
* tx62
* tx250
* tx55
* tx1
* tx122
* tx102
* tx79
* tx190
* tx129
* tx128
* tx98
* tx203
* tx26
* tx157
* tx71
* tx6
* tx34
* tx83
* tx77
* tx8
* tx73
* tx174
* tx49
* tx89
* tx192
* tx82
* tx136
* tx239
* tx144
* tx178
* tx51
* tx7
* tx22
* tx81
* tx241
* tx2
* tx197
* tx254
* tx70
* tx92
* tx12
* tx196
* tx18
* tx4
* tx5
* tx61
* tx63
* tx226
* tx229
* tx21
* tx105
* tx33
* tx17
* tx38
* tx52
* tx154
* tx242
* tx104
* tx214
* tx252
* tx46
* tx135
* tx207
* tx236
* tx159
* tx187
* tx243
* tx179
* tx36
* tx223
* tx149
* tx19
* tx24
* tx94
* partyId
* tx86
* tx125
* tx208
* tx184
* tx191
* tx141
* tx85
* tx228
* tx156
* tx91
* tx185
* tx23
* tx110
* tx132
* tx247
* tx213
* tx188
* tx130
* tx186
* tx58
* tx146
* tx151
* tx173
* newPartyFlag
* tx47
* tx142
* tx169
* tx145
* tx95
* tx160
* tx127
* tx100
* partySiteId
* tx163
* tx28
* tx189
* tx106
* tx116
* tx113
* tx9
* tx162
* tx198
* tx245
* tx14
* tx199
* tx206
* tx235
* tx219
* tx139
* tx253
* tx170
* tx218
* tx171
* tx13
* tx248
* tx180
* tx120
* tx222
* tx204
* tx50
* tx67
* partySiteOs
* tx16
* tx201
* tx108
* tx111
* tx59
* tx72
* tx30
* tx97
* tx168
* tx45
* tx227
* tx96
* tx176
* tx121
* tx56
* tx177
* tx182
* tx87
* tx202
* tx255
* tx114
* intRowId
* tx215
* tx134
* tx15
* tx44
* tx124
* tx249
* tx40
* tx165
* tx233
* tx75
* tx53
* tx193
* tx238
* tx60
* tx172
* tx88
* tx74
* tx244
* tx152
* tx27
* tx3
* tx39
* tx175
* tx237
* tx118
* tx90
* tx138
* tx148
* tx29
* tx246
* tx43
* tx57
* tx69
* tx11
* tx68
* tx117
* tx220
* tx80
* partySiteOsr
* tx20
* tx84
* tx183
* tx224
* tx48
* tx166
* tx210
* tx25
* tx112
* tx119
* tx153
* tx234
* tx216
* tx109
* tx54
* tx123
* tx231
* tx10
* tx32
* tx240
* tx147
* tx212
* tx209
* tx217
* tx37
* tx181
* tx35
* tx64
* tx161
* tx195
* tx232
* tx115
* tx140
* tx78
* tx225
* tx205
* tx221
* tx65
* tx143
* tx230
* tx42
* tx211
* tx99
* tx131
* tx150
* tx167
* tx107
* tx158
* tx251
* partyOsr
* tx66
* tx164
* tx76
* tx126


 * tx101
* tx31
* batchId
* tx133
* tx155
* tx103
* tx41
* tx93
* partyOs
* tx200
* tx194
* tx137
* tx62
* tx250
* tx55
* tx1
* tx122
* tx102
* tx79
* tx190
* tx129
* tx128
* tx98
* tx203
* tx26
* tx157
* tx71
* tx6
* tx34
* tx83
* tx77
* tx8
* tx73
* tx174
* tx49
* tx89
* tx192
* tx82
* tx136
* tx239
* tx144
* tx178
* tx51
* tx7
* tx22
* tx81
* tx241
* tx2
* tx197
* tx254
* tx70
* tx92
* tx12
* tx196
* tx18
* tx4
* tx5
* tx61
* tx63
* tx226
* tx229
* tx21
* tx105
* tx33
* tx17
* tx38
* tx52
* tx154
* tx242
* tx104
* tx214
* tx252
* tx46
* tx135
* tx207
* tx236
* tx159
* tx187
* tx243
* tx179
* tx36
* tx223
* tx149
* tx19
* tx24
* tx94
* partyId
* tx86
* tx125
* tx208
* tx184
* tx191
* tx141
* tx85
* tx228
* tx156
* tx91
* tx185
* tx23
* tx110
* tx132
* tx247
* tx213
* tx188
* tx130
* tx186
* tx58
* tx146
* tx151
* tx173
* newPartyFlag
* tx47
* tx142
* tx169
* tx145
* tx95
* tx160
* tx127
* tx100
* partySiteId
* tx163
* tx28
* tx189
* tx106
* tx116
* tx113
* tx9
* tx162
* tx198
* tx245
* tx14
* tx199
* tx206
* tx235
* tx219
* tx139
* tx253
* tx170
* tx218
* tx171
* tx13
* tx248
* tx180
* tx120
* tx222
* tx204
* tx50
* tx67
* partySiteOs
* tx16
* tx201
* tx108
* tx111
* tx59
* tx72
* tx30
* tx97
* tx168
* tx45
* tx227
* tx96
* tx176
* tx121
* tx56
* tx177
* tx182
* tx87
* tx202
* tx255
* tx114
* intRowId
* tx215
* tx134
* tx15
* tx44
* tx124
* tx249
* tx40
* tx165
* tx233
* tx75
* tx53
* tx193
* tx238
* tx60
* tx172
* tx88
* tx74
* tx244
* tx152
* tx27
* tx3
* tx39
* tx175
* tx237
* tx118
* tx90
* tx138
* tx148
* tx29
* tx246
* tx43
* tx57
* tx69
* tx11
* tx68
* tx117
* tx220
* tx80
* partySiteOsr
* tx20
* tx84
* tx183
* tx224
* tx48
* tx166
* tx210
* tx25
* tx112
* tx119
* tx153
* tx234
* tx216
* tx109
* tx54
* tx123
* tx231
* tx10
* tx32
* tx240
* tx147
* tx212
* tx209
* tx217
* tx37
* tx181
* tx35
* tx64
* tx161
* tx195
* tx232
* tx115
* tx140
* tx78
* tx225
* tx205
* tx221
* tx65
* tx143
* tx230
* tx42
* tx211
* tx99
* tx131
* tx150
* tx167
* tx107
* tx158
* tx251
* partyOsr
* tx66
* tx164
* tx76
* tx126


 * tx8
* tx33
* tx203
* tx228
* tx234
* tx21
* tx76
* tx219
* tx202
* tx99
* tx13
* tx132
* tx80
* tx17
* tx25
* tx54
* tx220
* tx200
* tx215
* tx14
* tx168
* tx229
* tx238
* tx27
* tx78
* tx237
* concatCol
* tx103
* tx104
* tx141
* tx148
* tx87
* tx151
* tx20
* tx247
* tx169
* tx19
* tx243
* tx197
* tx227
* tx156
* tx73
* tx254
* tx75
* partyId
* tx167
* tx201
* tx26
* tx55
* tx137
* tx60
* tx72
* tx159
* tx177
* tx178
* tx58
* tx241
* partySiteId
* tx191
* tx32
* tx52
* personPartyId
* tx115
* tx3
* tx125
* tx41
* tx221
* tx118
* tx5
* tx11
* tx129
* tx181
* tx140
* tx180
* tx135
* tx240
* tx212
* contactPointId
* tx239
* tx70
* tx213
* tx114
* tx64
* tx249
* tx9
* tx98
* tx105
* tx155
* tx101
* tx226
* tx211
* tx40
* tx217
* tx34
* tx128
* tx255
* tx84
* tx2
* tx124
* tx232
* tx7
* tx183
* tx112
* tx127
* tx126
* tx96
* tx82
* tx143
* tx194
* tx160
* tx231
* tx102
* tx149
* tx39
* tx83
* tx189
* tx79
* tx24
* tx172
* tx136
* tx23
* tx61
* tx235
* tx6
* tx111
* tx42
* tx35
* tx38
* tx93
* tx109
* tx119
* tx16
* tx133
* tx131
* tx154
* tx170
* tx161
* tx69
* tx94
* tx175
* tx198
* tx210
* tx158
* tx248
* tx196
* tx199
* tx12
* tx121
* tx205
* tx95
* tx176
* tx190
* tx36
* tx89
* tx139
* tx92
* tx63
* tx138
* tx18
* tx186
* tx207
* tx47
* tx62
* tx225
* tx142
* tx56
* tx74
* tx113
* tx224
* tx49
* tx230
* tx15
* tx208
* tx244
* tx134
* contactPointType
* tx71
* tx50
* tx209
* tx216
* statusFlag
* tx147
* tx204
* tx57
* tx85
* tx51
* tx193
* tx77
* tx188
* qkey
* tx45
* tx91
* tx251
* tx166
* tx144
* tx185
* tx4
* tx44
* tx250
* tx245
* tx145
* tx1
* tx59
* tx253
* tx90
* tx106
* tx66
* tx46
* tx252
* tx81
* tx184
* tx173
* tx206
* tx65
* tx48
* tx187
* tx28
* tx171
* tx122
* tx130
* tx150
* tx218
* tx165
* tx192
* tx22
* tx152
* tx123
* tx153
* tx164
* tx157
* tx233
* tx107
* tx163
* tx110
* tx37
* tx67
* tx182
* tx100
* tx222
* orgContactId
* tx86
* tx97
* tx174
* tx195
* tx31
* tx236
* tx246
* tx88
* tx30
* tx53
* tx242
* tx108
* tx68
* tx116
* tx179
* tx43
* tx162
* tx10
* tx120
* tx29
* tx117
* tx146
* tx214
* tx223


 * tx8
* tx33
* tx203
* tx228
* tx234
* tx21
* tx76
* tx219
* tx202
* tx99
* tx13
* tx132
* tx80
* tx17
* tx25
* tx54
* tx220
* tx200
* tx215
* tx14
* tx168
* tx229
* tx238
* tx27
* tx78
* tx237
* concatCol
* tx103
* tx104
* tx141
* tx148
* tx87
* tx151
* tx20
* tx247
* tx169
* tx19
* tx243
* tx197
* tx227
* tx156
* tx73
* tx254
* tx75
* partyId
* tx167
* tx201
* tx26
* tx55
* tx137
* tx60
* tx72
* tx159
* tx177
* tx178
* tx58
* tx241
* partySiteId
* tx191
* tx32
* tx52
* personPartyId
* tx115
* tx3
* tx125
* tx41
* tx221
* tx118
* tx5
* tx11
* tx129
* tx181
* tx140
* tx180
* tx135
* tx240
* tx212
* contactPointId
* tx239
* tx70
* tx213
* tx114
* tx64
* tx249
* tx9
* tx98
* tx105
* tx155
* tx101
* tx226
* tx211
* tx40
* tx217
* tx34
* tx128
* tx255
* tx84
* tx2
* tx124
* tx232
* tx7
* tx183
* tx112
* tx127
* tx126
* tx96
* tx82
* tx143
* tx194
* tx160
* tx231
* tx102
* tx149
* tx39
* tx83
* tx189
* tx79
* tx24
* tx172
* tx136
* tx23
* tx61
* tx235
* tx6
* tx111
* tx42
* tx35
* tx38
* tx93
* tx109
* tx119
* tx16
* tx133
* tx131
* tx154
* tx170
* tx161
* tx69
* tx94
* tx175
* tx198
* tx210
* tx158
* tx248
* tx196
* tx199
* tx12
* tx121
* tx205
* tx95
* tx176
* tx190
* tx36
* tx89
* tx139
* tx92
* tx63
* tx138
* tx18
* tx186
* tx207
* tx47
* tx62
* tx225
* tx142
* tx56
* tx74
* tx113
* tx224
* tx49
* tx230
* tx15
* tx208
* tx244
* tx134
* contactPointType
* tx71
* tx50
* tx209
* tx216
* statusFlag
* tx147
* tx204
* tx57
* tx85
* tx51
* tx193
* tx77
* tx188
* qkey
* tx45
* tx91
* tx251
* tx166
* tx144
* tx185
* tx4
* tx44
* tx250
* tx245
* tx145
* tx1
* tx59
* tx253
* tx90
* tx106
* tx66
* tx46
* tx252
* tx81
* tx184
* tx173
* tx206
* tx65
* tx48
* tx187
* tx28
* tx171
* tx122
* tx130
* tx150
* tx218
* tx165
* tx192
* tx22
* tx152
* tx123
* tx153
* tx164
* tx157
* tx233
* tx107
* tx163
* tx110
* tx37
* tx67
* tx182
* tx100
* tx222
* orgContactId
* tx86
* tx97
* tx174
* tx195
* tx31
* tx236
* tx246
* tx88
* tx30
* tx53
* tx242
* tx108
* tx68
* tx116
* tx179
* tx43
* tx162
* tx10
* tx120
* tx29
* tx117
* tx146
* tx214
* tx223


 * tx152
* tx142
* tx228
* tx31
* tx184
* tx133
* tx204
* tx95
* tx233
* tx35
* tx43
* tx83
* tx7
* tx150
* tx203
* personPartyId
* tx24
* tx76
* tx161
* tx113
* tx46
* tx173
* tx140
* tx9
* tx100
* tx20
* tx8
* tx201
* tx28
* tx238
* tx67
* tx141
* tx190
* tx147
* tx27
* tx127
* tx129
* tx82
* tx195
* tx96
* tx165
* tx208
* tx114
* tx215
* tx194
* qkey
* tx250
* tx99
* tx86
* tx87
* tx169
* tx125
* tx130
* tx40
* tx216
* tx162
* tx159
* tx210
* tx19
* tx146
* tx50
* tx90
* tx235
* tx77
* tx224
* tx58
* tx75
* tx187
* tx197
* tx119
* tx221
* tx191
* tx85
* tx128
* tx134
* tx4
* tx198
* tx174
* tx123
* tx41
* tx222
* tx230
* tx122
* tx93
* tx10
* tx16
* tx151
* tx255
* tx12
* tx5
* tx26
* tx218
* tx189
* tx217
* tx37
* tx236
* tx245
* tx30
* tx183
* tx60
* tx42
* tx199
* tx11
* statusFlag
* tx84
* tx18
* tx144
* tx249
* tx164
* tx3
* tx92
* tx62
* tx166
* tx227
* tx171
* tx23
* tx68
* tx168
* tx202
* tx160
* tx63
* tx231
* tx15
* tx29
* tx101
* tx243
* tx105
* tx53
* tx246
* tx80
* tx124
* tx36
* tx55
* tx59
* tx138
* tx176
* tx207
* tx61
* tx81
* tx247
* tx178
* tx225
* tx177
* tx17
* tx153
* tx251
* orgContactId
* tx33
* tx72
* tx121
* tx45
* tx209
* tx180
* tx148
* tx6
* tx115
* tx109
* tx156
* tx157
* tx108
* tx104
* tx206
* tx240
* tx66
* tx47
* tx163
* tx110
* tx89
* tx179
* tx237
* tx106
* tx48
* tx132
* tx139
* tx252
* tx107
* tx111
* tx193
* tx120
* tx131
* tx54
* tx182
* tx32
* tx186
* tx254
* tx126
* tx154
* tx239
* tx2
* tx117
* tx69
* tx188
* tx74
* tx13
* tx116
* tx143
* tx79
* tx220
* tx71
* tx226
* tx14
* tx196
* tx205
* tx70
* tx167
* tx219
* tx241
* tx211
* tx103
* tx97
* tx21
* tx34
* tx51
* tx56
* tx112
* tx213
* tx170
* tx175
* tx242
* tx155
* tx52
* tx57
* tx229
* tx39
* partyId
* tx145
* tx253
* tx1
* tx200
* tx98
* tx38
* tx244
* tx88
* tx158
* tx192
* tx91
* tx64
* tx135
* tx44
* tx223
* tx94
* tx214
* tx149
* tx118
* tx25
* tx78
* tx232
* tx212
* tx22
* tx248
* tx102
* tx73
* tx136
* tx234
* tx185
* tx137
* concatCol
* tx181
* tx65
* tx49
* tx172


 * tx152
* tx142
* tx228
* tx31
* tx184
* tx133
* tx204
* tx95
* tx233
* tx35
* tx43
* tx83
* tx7
* tx150
* tx203
* personPartyId
* tx24
* tx76
* tx161
* tx113
* tx46
* tx173
* tx140
* tx9
* tx100
* tx20
* tx8
* tx201
* tx28
* tx238
* tx67
* tx141
* tx190
* tx147
* tx27
* tx127
* tx129
* tx82
* tx195
* tx96
* tx165
* tx208
* tx114
* tx215
* tx194
* qkey
* tx250
* tx99
* tx86
* tx87
* tx169
* tx125
* tx130
* tx40
* tx216
* tx162
* tx159
* tx210
* tx19
* tx146
* tx50
* tx90
* tx235
* tx77
* tx224
* tx58
* tx75
* tx187
* tx197
* tx119
* tx221
* tx191
* tx85
* tx128
* tx134
* tx4
* tx198
* tx174
* tx123
* tx41
* tx222
* tx230
* tx122
* tx93
* tx10
* tx16
* tx151
* tx255
* tx12
* tx5
* tx26
* tx218
* tx189
* tx217
* tx37
* tx236
* tx245
* tx30
* tx183
* tx60
* tx42
* tx199
* tx11
* statusFlag
* tx84
* tx18
* tx144
* tx249
* tx164
* tx3
* tx92
* tx62
* tx166
* tx227
* tx171
* tx23
* tx68
* tx168
* tx202
* tx160
* tx63
* tx231
* tx15
* tx29
* tx101
* tx243
* tx105
* tx53
* tx246
* tx80
* tx124
* tx36
* tx55
* tx59
* tx138
* tx176
* tx207
* tx61
* tx81
* tx247
* tx178
* tx225
* tx177
* tx17
* tx153
* tx251
* orgContactId
* tx33
* tx72
* tx121
* tx45
* tx209
* tx180
* tx148
* tx6
* tx115
* tx109
* tx156
* tx157
* tx108
* tx104
* tx206
* tx240
* tx66
* tx47
* tx163
* tx110
* tx89
* tx179
* tx237
* tx106
* tx48
* tx132
* tx139
* tx252
* tx107
* tx111
* tx193
* tx120
* tx131
* tx54
* tx182
* tx32
* tx186
* tx254
* tx126
* tx154
* tx239
* tx2
* tx117
* tx69
* tx188
* tx74
* tx13
* tx116
* tx143
* tx79
* tx220
* tx71
* tx226
* tx14
* tx196
* tx205
* tx70
* tx167
* tx219
* tx241
* tx211
* tx103
* tx97
* tx21
* tx34
* tx51
* tx56
* tx112
* tx213
* tx170
* tx175
* tx242
* tx155
* tx52
* tx57
* tx229
* tx39
* partyId
* tx145
* tx253
* tx1
* tx200
* tx98
* tx38
* tx244
* tx88
* tx158
* tx192
* tx91
* tx64
* tx135
* tx44
* tx223
* tx94
* tx214
* tx149
* tx118
* tx25
* tx78
* tx232
* tx212
* tx22
* tx248
* tx102
* tx73
* tx136
* tx234
* tx185
* tx137
* concatCol
* tx181
* tx65
* tx49
* tx172


 * tx195
* tx223
* tx192
* tx193
* tx206
* tx55
* tx19
* tx47
* tx38
* tx4
* tx139
* tx160
* tx221
* tx209
* tx6
* tx237
* tx170
* tx93
* tx149
* tx204
* tx220
* tx130
* tx75
* tx208
* tx212
* tx58
* tx44
* tx150
* tx36
* tx7
* tx98
* tx116
* tx191
* tx255
* tx96
* tx253
* tx92
* tx151
* tx86
* tx159
* tx154
* tx65
* tx81
* tx77
* tx89
* tx144
* tx176
* tx80
* tx177
* tx103
* tx69
* tx145
* tx155
* tx162
* tx171
* tx22
* tx35
* tx227
* tx152
* tx232
* tx182
* tx17
* tx14
* tx15
* tx122
* tx49
* tx2
* tx95
* tx161
* tx40
* tx23
* tx25
* tx37
* tx214
* tx197
* tx235
* tx238
* tx228
* tx34
* tx11
* tx211
* tx244
* tx129
* tx248
* tx87
* tx100
* tx5
* tx247
* tx181
* tx120
* tx164
* tx121
* tx242
* concatCol
* tx16
* tx29
* tx132
* tx218
* tx1
* tx8
* tx13
* tx84
* tx240
* tx125
* tx112
* tx135
* tx246
* tx203
* tx67
* tx127
* tx230
* tx245
* tx231
* tx183
* tx26
* tx63
* tx179
* tx124
* tx163
* tx133
* tx50
* tx185
* tx167
* tx143
* tx54
* tx251
* tx210
* tx165
* tx249
* tx64
* tx30
* tx219
* tx76
* tx62
* tx56
* tx97
* tx83
* tx234
* tx33
* tx57
* tx107
* tx117
* tx24
* tx27
* tx200
* tx174
* tx126
* tx222
* tx9
* tx71
* tx148
* tx99
* tx105
* tx109
* dCpt
* tx53
* tx196
* tx158
* status
* tx236
* tx123
* tx85
* tx43
* tx73
* tx188
* tx199
* tx217
* tx137
* tx61
* tx142
* tx45
* dCt
* tx194
* tx70
* tx115
* tx201
* tx18
* tx140
* tx60
* tx128
* tx198
* tx39
* tx110
* tx202
* tx225
* tx3
* tx178
* tx186
* tx233
* tx153
* tx215
* tx72
* tx94
* tx20
* tx68
* tx32
* tx136
* tx226
* tx229
* tx216
* tx141
* tx189
* tx106
* tx175
* tx250
* tx252
* tx31
* tx173
* tx207
* tx90
* tx157
* tx111
* tx213
* tx172
* tx82
* tx12
* tx52
* tx41
* tx118
* tx74
* tx79
* tx78
* tx205
* tx114
* tx59
* tx91
* tx241
* tx102
* tx147
* tx168
* partyId
* tx180
* tx51
* tx134
* tx156
* tx101
* tx131
* tx42
* tx108
* tx104
* tx254
* tx138
* tx190
* tx243
* tx146
* tx21
* tx166
* tx224
* tx46
* tx66
* tx187
* tx184
* tx119
* tx113
* tx169
* tx10
* tx239
* tx88
* tx48
* dPs
* tx28


 * tx195
* tx223
* tx192
* tx193
* tx206
* tx55
* tx19
* tx47
* tx38
* tx4
* tx139
* tx160
* tx221
* tx209
* tx6
* tx237
* tx170
* tx93
* tx149
* tx204
* tx220
* tx130
* tx75
* tx208
* tx212
* tx58
* tx44
* tx150
* tx36
* tx7
* tx98
* tx116
* tx191
* tx255
* tx96
* tx253
* tx92
* tx151
* tx86
* tx159
* tx154
* tx65
* tx81
* tx77
* tx89
* tx144
* tx176
* tx80
* tx177
* tx103
* tx69
* tx145
* tx155
* tx162
* tx171
* tx22
* tx35
* tx227
* tx152
* tx232
* tx182
* tx17
* tx14
* tx15
* tx122
* tx49
* tx2
* tx95
* tx161
* tx40
* tx23
* tx25
* tx37
* tx214
* tx197
* tx235
* tx238
* tx228
* tx34
* tx11
* tx211
* tx244
* tx129
* tx248
* tx87
* tx100
* tx5
* tx247
* tx181
* tx120
* tx164
* tx121
* tx242
* concatCol
* tx16
* tx29
* tx132
* tx218
* tx1
* tx8
* tx13
* tx84
* tx240
* tx125
* tx112
* tx135
* tx246
* tx203
* tx67
* tx127
* tx230
* tx245
* tx231
* tx183
* tx26
* tx63
* tx179
* tx124
* tx163
* tx133
* tx50
* tx185
* tx167
* tx143
* tx54
* tx251
* tx210
* tx165
* tx249
* tx64
* tx30
* tx219
* tx76
* tx62
* tx56
* tx97
* tx83
* tx234
* tx33
* tx57
* tx107
* tx117
* tx24
* tx27
* tx200
* tx174
* tx126
* tx222
* tx9
* tx71
* tx148
* tx99
* tx105
* tx109
* dCpt
* tx53
* tx196
* tx158
* status
* tx236
* tx123
* tx85
* tx43
* tx73
* tx188
* tx199
* tx217
* tx137
* tx61
* tx142
* tx45
* dCt
* tx194
* tx70
* tx115
* tx201
* tx18
* tx140
* tx60
* tx128
* tx198
* tx39
* tx110
* tx202
* tx225
* tx3
* tx178
* tx186
* tx233
* tx153
* tx215
* tx72
* tx94
* tx20
* tx68
* tx32
* tx136
* tx226
* tx229
* tx216
* tx141
* tx189
* tx106
* tx175
* tx250
* tx252
* tx31
* tx173
* tx207
* tx90
* tx157
* tx111
* tx213
* tx172
* tx82
* tx12
* tx52
* tx41
* tx118
* tx74
* tx79
* tx78
* tx205
* tx114
* tx59
* tx91
* tx241
* tx102
* tx147
* tx168
* partyId
* tx180
* tx51
* tx134
* tx156
* tx101
* tx131
* tx42
* tx108
* tx104
* tx254
* tx138
* tx190
* tx243
* tx146
* tx21
* tx166
* tx224
* tx46
* tx66
* tx187
* tx184
* tx119
* tx113
* tx169
* tx10
* tx239
* tx88
* tx48
* dPs
* tx28


 * tx70
* tx58
* tx174
* tx24
* concatCol
* tx191
* tx208
* tx159
* tx168
* tx45
* tx111
* tx229
* tx32
* tx140
* tx135
* tx171
* qkey
* tx217
* tx22
* tx114
* tx212
* tx104
* tx118
* tx15
* tx169
* tx128
* tx90
* tx238
* tx78
* tx82
* tx8
* tx204
* tx209
* tx225
* tx47
* tx126
* tx198
* tx244
* tx148
* tx51
* tx136
* tx12
* tx37
* tx69
* tx211
* tx175
* tx99
* tx222
* tx46
* tx107
* tx176
* tx184
* tx23
* tx182
* tx158
* tx186
* tx28
* tx101
* tx206
* tx61
* tx142
* tx160
* tx86
* tx38
* tx66
* tx57
* tx149
* tx203
* tx80
* tx81
* tx138
* tx167
* tx63
* tx153
* tx27
* tx52
* tx75
* tx243
* tx189
* tx17
* tx250
* tx1
* tx253
* tx102
* tx155
* tx72
* tx31
* tx220
* tx41
* tx180
* tx190
* tx68
* tx95
* tx98
* tx103
* tx146
* tx108
* tx172
* tx195
* tx151
* partySiteId
* tx123
* tx129
* tx53
* tx89
* tx165
* tx239
* tx161
* tx179
* tx30
* tx122
* tx119
* tx216
* tx67
* tx97
* tx144
* personPartyId
* tx210
* tx226
* partyId
* tx19
* tx39
* tx4
* tx74
* tx109
* tx166
* tx116
* tx40
* tx49
* tx117
* tx213
* tx237
* tx11
* tx21
* tx215
* tx96
* tx25
* tx110
* tx143
* tx187
* tx124
* tx55
* tx87
* tx199
* tx228
* tx150
* tx197
* tx254
* tx44
* tx232
* tx227
* tx139
* tx64
* tx181
* tx200
* tx18
* tx88
* tx252
* tx6
* tx183
* tx35
* tx29
* tx201
* tx178
* tx2
* tx60
* tx100
* tx164
* tx233
* tx131
* tx62
* tx93
* tx141
* statusFlag
* tx14
* tx94
* tx83
* tx192
* tx223
* tx84
* tx157
* tx218
* tx16
* tx76
* tx224
* tx255
* tx214
* tx231
* tx10
* tx137
* tx127
* tx54
* tx251
* tx73
* tx125
* tx236
* tx132
* tx221
* tx235
* tx202
* tx134
* tx42
* tx163
* tx246
* tx9
* tx249
* tx34
* tx33
* tx130
* tx154
* tx241
* tx13
* tx7
* tx65
* tx115
* tx205
* tx59
* tx196
* tx247
* tx170
* tx240
* tx79
* tx20
* tx5
* tx177
* tx120
* tx248
* tx185
* tx91
* tx147
* tx152
* tx162
* tx105
* tx106
* tx234
* tx219
* tx242
* tx43
* tx48
* tx85
* tx92
* tx145
* tx77
* tx156
* tx50
* tx113
* tx56
* tx71
* tx3
* tx133
* tx112
* tx207
* tx230
* tx121
* tx173
* tx36
* tx188
* orgContactId
* tx194
* tx26
* tx193
* tx245


 * tx70
* tx58
* tx174
* tx24
* concatCol
* tx191
* tx208
* tx159
* tx168
* tx45
* tx111
* tx229
* tx32
* tx140
* tx135
* tx171
* qkey
* tx217
* tx22
* tx114
* tx212
* tx104
* tx118
* tx15
* tx169
* tx128
* tx90
* tx238
* tx78
* tx82
* tx8
* tx204
* tx209
* tx225
* tx47
* tx126
* tx198
* tx244
* tx148
* tx51
* tx136
* tx12
* tx37
* tx69
* tx211
* tx175
* tx99
* tx222
* tx46
* tx107
* tx176
* tx184
* tx23
* tx182
* tx158
* tx186
* tx28
* tx101
* tx206
* tx61
* tx142
* tx160
* tx86
* tx38
* tx66
* tx57
* tx149
* tx203
* tx80
* tx81
* tx138
* tx167
* tx63
* tx153
* tx27
* tx52
* tx75
* tx243
* tx189
* tx17
* tx250
* tx1
* tx253
* tx102
* tx155
* tx72
* tx31
* tx220
* tx41
* tx180
* tx190
* tx68
* tx95
* tx98
* tx103
* tx146
* tx108
* tx172
* tx195
* tx151
* partySiteId
* tx123
* tx129
* tx53
* tx89
* tx165
* tx239
* tx161
* tx179
* tx30
* tx122
* tx119
* tx216
* tx67
* tx97
* tx144
* personPartyId
* tx210
* tx226
* partyId
* tx19
* tx39
* tx4
* tx74
* tx109
* tx166
* tx116
* tx40
* tx49
* tx117
* tx213
* tx237
* tx11
* tx21
* tx215
* tx96
* tx25
* tx110
* tx143
* tx187
* tx124
* tx55
* tx87
* tx199
* tx228
* tx150
* tx197
* tx254
* tx44
* tx232
* tx227
* tx139
* tx64
* tx181
* tx200
* tx18
* tx88
* tx252
* tx6
* tx183
* tx35
* tx29
* tx201
* tx178
* tx2
* tx60
* tx100
* tx164
* tx233
* tx131
* tx62
* tx93
* tx141
* statusFlag
* tx14
* tx94
* tx83
* tx192
* tx223
* tx84
* tx157
* tx218
* tx16
* tx76
* tx224
* tx255
* tx214
* tx231
* tx10
* tx137
* tx127
* tx54
* tx251
* tx73
* tx125
* tx236
* tx132
* tx221
* tx235
* tx202
* tx134
* tx42
* tx163
* tx246
* tx9
* tx249
* tx34
* tx33
* tx130
* tx154
* tx241
* tx13
* tx7
* tx65
* tx115
* tx205
* tx59
* tx196
* tx247
* tx170
* tx240
* tx79
* tx20
* tx5
* tx177
* tx120
* tx248
* tx185
* tx91
* tx147
* tx152
* tx162
* tx105
* tx106
* tx234
* tx219
* tx242
* tx43
* tx48
* tx85
* tx92
* tx145
* tx77
* tx156
* tx50
* tx113
* tx56
* tx71
* tx3
* tx133
* tx112
* tx207
* tx230
* tx121
* tx173
* tx36
* tx188
* orgContactId
* tx194
* tx26
* tx193
* tx245


 * lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* creationDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* programApplicationId
* countryOfResidence
* stockExchangeName
* stockExchangeId
* programUpdateDate
* whUpdateDate
* programId
* createdBy
* stockExchangeCode
* requestId


 * lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* creationDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* programApplicationId
* countryOfResidence
* stockExchangeName
* stockExchangeId
* programUpdateDate
* whUpdateDate
* programId
* createdBy
* stockExchangeCode
* requestId


 * suspensionActivityId
* createdBy
* requestId
* lastUpdateDate
* noticeType
* creationDate
* siteUseId
* custAccountId
* endDate
* whUpdateDate
* actionType
* noticeSentDate
* noticeReceivedConfirmation
* lastUpdateLogin
* programId
* noticeMethod
* actionReason
* lastUpdatedBy
* beginDate
* programUpdateDate
* programApplicationId
* actionEffectiveOnDate


 * suspensionActivityId
* createdBy
* requestId
* lastUpdateDate
* noticeType
* creationDate
* siteUseId
* custAccountId
* endDate
* whUpdateDate
* actionType
* noticeSentDate
* noticeReceivedConfirmation
* lastUpdateLogin
* programId
* noticeMethod
* actionReason
* lastUpdatedBy
* beginDate
* programUpdateDate
* programApplicationId
* actionEffectiveOnDate


 * personPartyId
* concatCol
* statusFlag
* partyId
* parentRowid
* orgContactId
* qkey


 * personPartyId
* concatCol
* statusFlag
* partyId
* parentRowid
* orgContactId
* qkey


 * qkey
* concatCol
* partyId
* orgContactId
* partySiteId
* statusFlag
* personPartyId
* parentRowid


 * qkey
* concatCol
* partyId
* orgContactId
* partySiteId
* statusFlag
* personPartyId
* parentRowid


 * createdBy
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdatedBy
* partyId
* lastUpdateDate
* entityAttrId


 * createdBy
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdatedBy
* partyId
* lastUpdateDate
* entityAttrId


 * zdSync
* lastUpdateDate
* zdEditionName
* timezoneId
* createdBy
* areaCode
* country
* province
* mappingId
* city
* postalCode
* lastUpdatedBy
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* state


 * zdSync
* lastUpdateDate
* zdEditionName
* timezoneId
* createdBy
* areaCode
* country
* province
* mappingId
* city
* postalCode
* lastUpdatedBy
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* state


 * attributeId
* entityName
* zdEditionName
* customAttributeProcedure
* sourceTable
* denormFlag
* attributeName
* lastUpdatedBy
* zdSync
* lastUpdateDate
* createdBy
* objectVersionNumber
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* tempSection


 * attributeId
* entityName
* zdEditionName
* customAttributeProcedure
* sourceTable
* denormFlag
* attributeName
* lastUpdatedBy
* zdSync
* lastUpdateDate
* createdBy
* objectVersionNumber
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* tempSection


 * lastUpdateLogin
* zdEditionName
* createdBy
* userDefinedAttributeName
* language
* sourceLang
* attributeId
* lastUpdatedBy
* zdSync
* objectVersionNumber
* lastUpdateDate
* creationDate


 * lastUpdateLogin
* zdEditionName
* createdBy
* userDefinedAttributeName
* language
* sourceLang
* attributeId
* lastUpdatedBy
* zdSync
* objectVersionNumber
* lastUpdateDate
* creationDate


 * createdBy
* objectVersionNumber
* activeFlag
* functionId
* primaryFlag
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* indexRequiredFlag
* procedureName
* attributeId
* lastUpdateLogin
* zdSync
* zdEditionName
* stagedAttributeColumn
* creationDate
* stagedAttributeTable
* stagedFlag


 * createdBy
* objectVersionNumber
* activeFlag
* functionId
* primaryFlag
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* indexRequiredFlag
* procedureName
* attributeId
* lastUpdateLogin
* zdSync
* zdEditionName
* stagedAttributeColumn
* creationDate
* stagedAttributeTable
* stagedFlag


 * creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* objectVersionNumber
* lastUpdateDate
* functionId
* transformationName
* description
* language
* lastUpdatedBy
* zdEditionName
* sourceLang
* createdBy
* zdSync


 * creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* objectVersionNumber
* lastUpdateDate
* functionId
* transformationName
* description
* language
* lastUpdatedBy
* zdEditionName
* sourceLang
* createdBy
* zdSync


 * procedureName
* objectVersionNumber
* createdBy
* lastUpdatedBy
* zdSync
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdateDate
* transformationId
* zdEditionName
* creationDate


 * procedureName
* objectVersionNumber
* createdBy
* lastUpdatedBy
* zdSync
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdateDate
* transformationId
* zdEditionName
* creationDate


 * description
* transformationName
* creationDate
* transformationId
* zdSync
* lastUpdateDate
* zdEditionName
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* language
* objectVersionNumber
* createdBy
* sourceLang


 * description
* transformationName
* creationDate
* transformationId
* zdSync
* lastUpdateDate
* zdEditionName
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* language
* objectVersionNumber
* createdBy
* sourceLang


 * createdBy
* partyId
* entityAttrId
* programId
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* contentSourceType
* exceptionType
* programApplicationId
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* requestId
* programUpdateDate


 * createdBy
* partyId
* entityAttrId
* programId
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* contentSourceType
* exceptionType
* programApplicationId
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* requestId
* programUpdateDate


 * objectVersionNumber
* programUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* applicationId
* whUpdateDate
* levelOfExperience
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* programId
* requestId
* status
* workClassName
* employmentHistoryId
* createdByModule
* workClassId
* createdBy
* lastUpdateDate
* programApplicationId


 * objectVersionNumber
* programUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* applicationId
* whUpdateDate
* levelOfExperience
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* programId
* requestId
* status
* workClassName
* employmentHistoryId
* createdByModule
* workClassId
* createdBy
* lastUpdateDate
* programApplicationId


 * objectVersionNumber
* securityGroupId
* orderHeaderId
* createdBy
* creationDate
* activeQuoteId
* lastUpdateLogin
* orgId
* recordType
* lastUpdatedBy
* partyId
* lastUpdateDate
* currencyCode
* custAccountId
* quoteHeaderId


 * objectVersionNumber
* securityGroupId
* orderHeaderId
* createdBy
* creationDate
* activeQuoteId
* lastUpdateLogin
* orgId
* recordType
* lastUpdatedBy
* partyId
* lastUpdateDate
* currencyCode
* custAccountId
* quoteHeaderId


 * indexedSearch
* securityGroupId
* webStatus
* longDescription
* lastUpdatedBy
* categorySetId
* ibeCtImediaSearchId
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* description
* inventoryItemId
* categoryId
* createdBy
* organizationId
* lastUpdateDate
* language
* objectVersionNumber


 * indexedSearch
* securityGroupId
* webStatus
* longDescription
* lastUpdatedBy
* categorySetId
* ibeCtImediaSearchId
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* description
* inventoryItemId
* categoryId
* createdBy
* organizationId
* lastUpdateDate
* language
* objectVersionNumber


 * lastUpdateLogin
* relatedItemId
* securityGroupId
* creationDate
* createdBy
* objectVersionNumber
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateDate
* relationTypeCode
* organizationId
* inventoryItemId


 * lastUpdateLogin
* relatedItemId
* securityGroupId
* creationDate
* createdBy
* objectVersionNumber
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateDate
* relationTypeCode
* organizationId
* inventoryItemId


 * programApplicationId
* organizationId
* createdBy
* relationRuleId
* programId
* inventoryItemId
* relatedItemId
* securityGroupId
* lastUpdatedBy
* relationTypeCode
* lastUpdateDate
* requestId
* programUpdateDate
* objectVersionNumber
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin


 * programApplicationId
* organizationId
* createdBy
* relationRuleId
* programId
* inventoryItemId
* relatedItemId
* securityGroupId
* lastUpdatedBy
* relationTypeCode
* lastUpdateDate
* requestId
* programUpdateDate
* objectVersionNumber
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin


 * creationDate
* attribute7
* relationTypeCode
* attribute6
* destObjectType
* attribute4
* originObjectId
* attribute11
* attribute15
* attribute1
* attribute2
* securityGroupId
* relationRuleId
* objectVersionNumber
* lastUpdateDate
* destObjectId
* sqlStatement
* attribute8
* attribute12
* createdBy
* originObjectType
* attributeCategory
* attribute13
* description
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute9
* attribute14
* attribute5
* attribute10
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute3


 * creationDate
* attribute7
* relationTypeCode
* attribute6
* destObjectType
* attribute4
* originObjectId
* attribute11
* attribute15
* attribute1
* attribute2
* securityGroupId
* relationRuleId
* objectVersionNumber
* lastUpdateDate
* destObjectId
* sqlStatement
* attribute8
* attribute12
* createdBy
* originObjectType
* attributeCategory
* attribute13
* description
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute9
* attribute14
* attribute5
* attribute10
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute3


 * endDateActive
* objectVersionNumber
* lastUpdateLogin
* miniSiteId
* sectionItemId
* miniSiteSectionItemId
* securityGroupId
* creationDate
* lastUpdateDate
* startDateActive
* lastUpdatedBy
* createdBy


 * endDateActive
* objectVersionNumber
* lastUpdateLogin
* miniSiteId
* sectionItemId
* miniSiteSectionItemId
* securityGroupId
* creationDate
* lastUpdateDate
* startDateActive
* lastUpdatedBy
* createdBy


 * itemId
* lastUpdateDate
* contextId
* objectId
* objectType
* createdBy
* objLglCtntId
* creationDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* objectVersionNumber
* lastUpdateLogin
* securityGroupId


 * itemId
* lastUpdateDate
* contextId
* objectId
* objectType
* createdBy
* objLglCtntId
* creationDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* objectVersionNumber
* lastUpdateLogin
* securityGroupId


 * securityGroupId
* endDateActive
* usageName
* objectVersionNumber
* sortOrder
* createdBy
* inventoryItemId
* sectionId
* sectionItemId
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdateDate
* startDateActive
* creationDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* associationReasonCode
* organizationId


 * securityGroupId
* endDateActive
* usageName
* objectVersionNumber
* sortOrder
* createdBy
* inventoryItemId
* sectionId
* sectionItemId
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdateDate
* startDateActive
* creationDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* associationReasonCode
* organizationId


 * lastUpdateLogin
* categoryId
* lastUpdatedBy
* creationDate
* securityGroupId
* createdBy
* tplCtgId
* itemId
* objectVersionNumber
* lastUpdateDate


 * lastUpdateLogin
* categoryId
* lastUpdatedBy
* creationDate
* securityGroupId
* createdBy
* tplCtgId
* itemId
* objectVersionNumber
* lastUpdateDate


 * errorMessage
* mviewName
* programUpdateDate
* beginDate
* programApplicationId
* conversionType
* refreshDuration
* lastUpdatedBy
* programId
* refreshMode
* lastUpdateLogin
* requestId
* refreshStatus
* endDate
* errorCode
* periodSetName
* mvlogId
* creationDate
* factSource
* createdBy
* dayBinOffset
* quarterBeginFlag
* lastUpdateDate
* objectVersionNumber
* securityGroupId
* forceRefreshFlag
* currencyCode


 * errorMessage
* mviewName
* programUpdateDate
* beginDate
* programApplicationId
* conversionType
* refreshDuration
* lastUpdatedBy
* programId
* refreshMode
* lastUpdateLogin
* requestId
* refreshStatus
* endDate
* errorCode
* periodSetName
* mvlogId
* creationDate
* factSource
* createdBy
* dayBinOffset
* quarterBeginFlag
* lastUpdateDate
* objectVersionNumber
* securityGroupId
* forceRefreshFlag
* currencyCode


 * city
* orderId
* country
* quoteHeaderId
* phoneNumber
* lastUpdateLogin
* address2
* emailAddress
* objectVersionNumber
* message
* creationDate
* securityGroupId
* state
* postalCode
* logId
* customerName
* detailId
* lastUpdatedBy
* address1
* faxNumber
* address3
* statusFlag
* lastUpdateDate
* notes
* customerLastName
* customerFirstName
* createdBy


 * city
* orderId
* country
* quoteHeaderId
* phoneNumber
* lastUpdateLogin
* address2
* emailAddress
* objectVersionNumber
* message
* creationDate
* securityGroupId
* state
* postalCode
* logId
* customerName
* detailId
* lastUpdatedBy
* address1
* faxNumber
* address3
* statusFlag
* lastUpdateDate
* notes
* customerLastName
* customerFirstName
* createdBy


 * lastUpdateDate
* numSuccess
* logId
* importMode
* objectVersionNumber
* creationDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* endDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* leadType
* numImported
* createdBy
* status
* securityGroupId
* elapsedTime
* numFailed
* beginDate


 * lastUpdateDate
* numSuccess
* logId
* importMode
* objectVersionNumber
* creationDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* endDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* leadType
* numImported
* createdBy
* status
* securityGroupId
* elapsedTime
* numFailed
* beginDate


 * lastUpdateLogin
* createdBy
* status
* objectVersionNumber
* securityGroupId
* lastUpdatedBy
* migrationCode
* lastUpdateDate
* creationDate


 * lastUpdateLogin
* createdBy
* status
* objectVersionNumber
* securityGroupId
* lastUpdatedBy
* migrationCode
* lastUpdateDate
* creationDate


 * securityGroupId
* walkinPrcListid
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* creationDate
* registeredPrcListid
* msiteCurrencyId
* bizpartnerPrcListid
* partnerPrcListid
* objectVersionNumber
* lastUpdateLogin
* msiteId
* orderableLimit
* paymentThreshold
* createdBy
* currencyCode


 * securityGroupId
* walkinPrcListid
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* creationDate
* registeredPrcListid
* msiteCurrencyId
* bizpartnerPrcListid
* partnerPrcListid
* objectVersionNumber
* lastUpdateLogin
* msiteId
* orderableLimit
* paymentThreshold
* createdBy
* currencyCode


 * msiteInformationId
* msiteInformation10
* attribute11
* msiteInformation13
* msiteInformation1
* msiteInformation20
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute1
* msiteInformation19
* createdBy
* msiteInformation11
* lastUpdateDate
* msiteInformation12
* attribute13
* msiteInformation3
* msiteId
* creationDate
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* attribute7
* msiteInformation9
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* attribute2
* msiteInformation17
* attribute12
* attribute14
* msiteInformation2
* attribute9
* lastUpdatedBy
* msiteInformation5
* securityGroupId
* msiteInformation6
* attributeCategory
* attribute8
* attribute4
* msiteInformation16
* msiteInformation7
* msiteInformation4
* msiteInformation14
* msiteInformation8
* attribute6
* msiteInformation18
* msiteInformation15
* attribute5


 * msiteInformationId
* msiteInformation10
* attribute11
* msiteInformation13
* msiteInformation1
* msiteInformation20
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute1
* msiteInformation19
* createdBy
* msiteInformation11
* lastUpdateDate
* msiteInformation12
* attribute13
* msiteInformation3
* msiteId
* creationDate
* attribute3
* attribute10
* attribute7
* msiteInformation9
* objectVersionNumber
* attribute15
* msiteInformationContext
* attribute2
* msiteInformation17
* attribute12
* attribute14
* msiteInformation2
* attribute9
* lastUpdatedBy
* msiteInformation5
* securityGroupId
* msiteInformation6
* attributeCategory
* attribute8
* attribute4
* msiteInformation16
* msiteInformation7
* msiteInformation4
* msiteInformation14
* msiteInformation8
* attribute6
* msiteInformation18
* msiteInformation15
* attribute5


 * lastUpdateLogin
* enableFlag
* createdBy
* objectVersionNumber
* securityGroupId
* lastUpdatedBy
* msiteLanguageId
* creationDate
* lastUpdateDate
* languageCode
* msiteId


 * lastUpdateLogin
* enableFlag
* createdBy
* objectVersionNumber
* securityGroupId
* lastUpdatedBy
* msiteLanguageId
* creationDate
* lastUpdateDate
* languageCode
* msiteId


 * createdBy
* objectVersionNumber
* securityGroupId
* creationDate
* msiteOrgId
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdateDate
* orgId
* msiteId


 * createdBy
* objectVersionNumber
* securityGroupId
* creationDate
* msiteOrgId
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdateDate
* orgId
* msiteId


 * objectVersionNumber
* createdBy
* partyId
* msiteId
* startDateActive
* lastUpdateDate
* endDateActive
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* msitePrtyAccssId
* securityGroupId
* lastUpdatedBy


 * objectVersionNumber
* createdBy
* partyId
* msiteId
* startDateActive
* lastUpdateDate
* endDateActive
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* msitePrtyAccssId
* securityGroupId
* lastUpdatedBy


 * lastUpdateLogin
* endDateActive
* creationDate
* responsibilityId
* groupCode
* createdBy
* objectVersionNumber
* msiteId
* orderTypeId
* sortOrder
* startDateActive
* applicationId
* securityGroupId
* lastUpdateDate
* msiteRespId
* lastUpdatedBy


 * lastUpdateLogin
* endDateActive
* creationDate
* responsibilityId
* groupCode
* createdBy
* objectVersionNumber
* msiteId
* orderTypeId
* sortOrder
* startDateActive
* applicationId
* securityGroupId
* lastUpdateDate
* msiteRespId
* lastUpdatedBy


 * lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* sourceLang
* language
* createdBy
* displayName
* msiteRespId
* securityGroupId
* creationDate
* lastUpdateDate
* objectVersionNumber


 * lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* sourceLang
* language
* createdBy
* displayName
* msiteRespId
* securityGroupId
* creationDate
* lastUpdateDate
* objectVersionNumber


 * objectVersionNumber
* enabledFlag
* attribute3
* attribute15
* programId
* custAccountId
* attribute1
* attribute7
* attribute8
* attribute10
* attribute5
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute14
* attribute11
* attribute13
* programApplicationId
* attribute12
* ordOneclickId
* paymentId
* lastUpdateDate
* freightCode#1
* attributeCategory
* attribute9
* attribute2
* freightCode
* programUpdateDate
* requestId
* billToPtySiteId
* attribute4
* orgId
* partyId
* creationDate
* shipToPtySiteId
* attribute6
* createdBy
* securityGroupId
* lastUpdateLogin


 * objectVersionNumber
* enabledFlag
* attribute3
* attribute15
* programId
* custAccountId
* attribute1
* attribute7
* attribute8
* attribute10
* attribute5
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute14
* attribute11
* attribute13
* programApplicationId
* attribute12
* ordOneclickId
* paymentId
* lastUpdateDate
* freightCode#1
* attributeCategory
* attribute9
* attribute2
* freightCode
* programUpdateDate
* requestId
* billToPtySiteId
* attribute4
* orgId
* partyId
* creationDate
* shipToPtySiteId
* attribute6
* createdBy
* securityGroupId
* lastUpdateLogin


 * objectVersionNumber
* custAcctId
* minisiteId
* sellPrice
* lastUpdatedBy
* organizationId
* inventoryItemId
* lastUpdateLogin
* priceListId
* createdBy
* currencyCode
* unitPrice
* lastUpdateDate
* creationDate
* searchPartPriceId
* uom


 * objectVersionNumber
* custAcctId
* minisiteId
* sellPrice
* lastUpdatedBy
* organizationId
* inventoryItemId
* lastUpdateLogin
* priceListId
* createdBy
* currencyCode
* unitPrice
* lastUpdateDate
* creationDate
* searchPartPriceId
* uom


 * organizationId
* minisiteId
* lastUpdateLogin
* securityGroupId
* lastUpdateDate
* inventoryItemId
* createdBy
* lastUpdatedBy
* sectionId
* objectVersionNumber
* creationDate


 * organizationId
* minisiteId
* lastUpdateLogin
* securityGroupId
* lastUpdateDate
* inventoryItemId
* createdBy
* lastUpdatedBy
* sectionId
* objectVersionNumber
* creationDate


 * lastUpdateLogin
* securityGroupId
* requestId
* custAccountId
* quoteShareeNumber
* quoteShareeId
* recipientName
* contactPointId
* lastUpdateDate
* programUpdateDate
* programApplicationId
* startDateActive
* programId
* createdBy
* creationDate
* partyId
* quoteHeaderId
* endDateActive
* updatePrivilegeTypeCode
* lastUpdatedBy
* objectVersionNumber


 * lastUpdateLogin
* securityGroupId
* requestId
* custAccountId
* quoteShareeNumber
* quoteShareeId
* recipientName
* contactPointId
* lastUpdateDate
* programUpdateDate
* programApplicationId
* startDateActive
* programId
* createdBy
* creationDate
* partyId
* quoteHeaderId
* endDateActive
* updatePrivilegeTypeCode
* lastUpdatedBy
* objectVersionNumber


 * objectVersionNumber
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* relatedShpListItemId
* requestId
* shlitemRelId
* programApplicationId
* creationDate
* shpListItemId
* securityGroupId
* relationshipTypeCode
* createdBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* programUpdateDate
* programId


 * objectVersionNumber
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* relatedShpListItemId
* requestId
* shlitemRelId
* programApplicationId
* creationDate
* shpListItemId
* securityGroupId
* relationshipTypeCode
* createdBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* programUpdateDate
* programId


 * attribute12
* shpListId
* attribute2
* attribute8
* requestId
* attribute4
* programApplicationId
* description
* attribute7
* programId
* objectVersionNumber
* creationDate
* custAccountId
* attribute6
* partyId
* orgId
* lastUpdateDate
* programUpdateDate
* attribute14
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute1
* attribute5
* attribute10
* shoppingListName
* createdBy
* attribute13
* attributeCategory
* securityGroupId
* attribute3
* attribute15
* attribute9
* attribute11


 * attribute12
* shpListId
* attribute2
* attribute8
* requestId
* attribute4
* programApplicationId
* description
* attribute7
* programId
* objectVersionNumber
* creationDate
* custAccountId
* attribute6
* partyId
* orgId
* lastUpdateDate
* programUpdateDate
* attribute14
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute1
* attribute5
* attribute10
* shoppingListName
* createdBy
* attribute13
* attributeCategory
* securityGroupId
* attribute3
* attribute15
* attribute9
* attribute11


 * completeConfigurationFlag
* lastUpdatedBy
* requestId
* itemTypeCode
* attribute12
* shpListItemId
* securityGroupId
* attribute5
* shpListId
* attribute14
* attribute11
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute3
* programUpdateDate
* orgId
* attribute6
* creationDate
* attribute4
* uomCode
* inventoryItemId
* programId
* configRevisionNum
* attribute8
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute15
* programApplicationId
* attribute7
* attribute1
* objectVersionNumber
* attribute13
* quantity
* attribute2
* attribute9
* configHeaderId
* validConfigurationFlag
* organizationId
* createdBy
* attributeCategory
* attribute10


 * completeConfigurationFlag
* lastUpdatedBy
* requestId
* itemTypeCode
* attribute12
* shpListItemId
* securityGroupId
* attribute5
* shpListId
* attribute14
* attribute11
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute3
* programUpdateDate
* orgId
* attribute6
* creationDate
* attribute4
* uomCode
* inventoryItemId
* programId
* configRevisionNum
* attribute8
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute15
* programApplicationId
* attribute7
* attribute1
* objectVersionNumber
* attribute13
* quantity
* attribute2
* attribute9
* configHeaderId
* validConfigurationFlag
* organizationId
* createdBy
* attributeCategory
* attribute10


 * locatorId
* organizationId
* createdBy
* eidEndecaId
* creationDate


 * locatorId
* organizationId
* createdBy
* eidEndecaId
* creationDate


 * subinventory
* statusId
* eidEndecaId
* organizationId
* creationDate
* inventoryItemId
* putAwayRuleId
* revision
* moqdCreationDate
* createdBy
* lpnId
* locatorId
* mmtCreatedBy


 * subinventory
* statusId
* eidEndecaId
* organizationId
* creationDate
* inventoryItemId
* putAwayRuleId
* revision
* moqdCreationDate
* createdBy
* lpnId
* locatorId
* mmtCreatedBy


 * taskCreationDate
* sequenceNumber
* creationDate
* taskId
* exceptionId
* deliveryDetailId
* txnId
* eidEndecaId
* createdBy


 * taskCreationDate
* sequenceNumber
* creationDate
* taskId
* exceptionId
* deliveryDetailId
* txnId
* eidEndecaId
* createdBy


 * createdBy
* creationDate
* reservationId
* eidEndecaId


 * createdBy
* creationDate
* reservationId
* eidEndecaId


 * txnId
* eidEndecaId
* taskStatus
* taskId
* sequenceNumber
* creationDate
* createdBy


 * txnId
* eidEndecaId
* taskStatus
* taskId
* sequenceNumber
* creationDate
* createdBy


 * waveHeaderId
* eidEndecaId
* deliveryDetailId
* creationDate
* createdBy


 * waveHeaderId
* eidEndecaId
* deliveryDetailId
* creationDate
* createdBy


 * dgDescription
* volumeUomCode
* attribute3
* outsideOperationUomType
* lotSplitEnabled
* internalOrderEnabledFlag
* bomEnabledFlag
* globalAttribute1
* underReturnTolerance
* vehicleItemFlag
* attribute14
* lotMergeEnabled
* atpFlag
* acceptableRateDecrease
* invoiceEnabledFlag
* demandTimeFenceCode
* attribute1
* bomItemType
* inventoryAssetFlag
* globalAttribute9
* overcompletionToleranceValue
* fixedDaysSupply
* outsideOperationFlag
* atpRuleId
* underShipmentTolerance
* internalVolume
* inspectionRequiredFlag
* overcompletionToleranceType
* unitWeight
* couponExemptFlag
* roundingFactor
* maximumLoadWeight
* invoiceableItemFlag
* globalAttribute6
* negativeMeasurementError
* wipSupplySubinventory
* customerOrderEnabledFlag
* serviceableComponentFlag
* transactionGroupId
* engineeringItemId
* globalAttribute10
* defaultShippingOrg
* mustUseApprovedVendorFlag
* pickingRuleId
* qtyRcvTolerance
* carryingCost
* demandTimeFenceDays
* segment13
* restrictLocatorsCode
* segment17
* restrictSubinventoriesCode
* releaseTimeFenceCode
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute7
* allowItemDescUpdateFlag
* costingEnabledFlag
* globalAttribute8
* repetitivePlanningFlag
* enabledFlag
* shelfLifeCode
* stdLotSize
* backOrderableFlag
* attribute5
* prorateServiceFlag
* itemNumber
* reservableType
* segment2
* listPricePerUnit
* planningTimeFenceDays
* fullLeadTime
* attribute11
* serialStatusEnabled
* sourceSubinventory
* segment16
* cumulativeTotalLeadTime
* electronicFlag
* financingAllowedFlag
* variableLeadTime
* invoicingRuleId
* pickComponentsFlag
* segment8
* serviceDurationPeriodCode
* orderCost
* attribute10
* taxableFlag
* lotStatusEnabled
* autoSerialAlphaPrefix
* mrpPlanningCode
* leadTimeLotSize
* transactionId
* itemCatalogGroupId
* minimumFillPercent
* commsNlTrackableFlag
* globalAttribute3
* inventoryItemFlag
* engineeringDate
* receivingRoutingId
* minimumOrderQuantity
* wipSupplyType
* invoiceCloseTolerance
* internalOrderFlag
* deleteGroupName
* cumManufacturingLeadTime
* bulkPickedFlag
* usageItemFlag
* fixedLeadTime
* revisionQtyControlCode
* segment9
* programApplicationId
* qtyRcvExceptionCode
* defectTrackingOnFlag
* collateralFlag
* allowUnorderedReceiptsFlag
* containerTypeCode
* customerOrderFlag
* safetyStockBucketDays
* shelfLifeDays
* planningMakeBuyCode
* coverageScheduleId
* attributeCategory
* receiveCloseTolerance
* containerItemFlag
* globalAttribute4
* autoLotAlphaPrefix
* returnInspectionRequirement
* attribute12
* webStatus
* locationControlCode
* defaultLotStatusId
* programUpdateDate
* releaseTimeFenceDays
* globalAttribute7
* equipmentType
* requestId
* segment3
* shippableItemFlag
* unitHeight
* recoveredPartDispCode
* downloadableFlag
* organizationId
* attribute6
* accountingRuleId
* lastUpdateDate
* summaryFlag
* purchasingEnabledFlag
* buildInWipFlag
* salesAccount
* creationDate
* acceptableRateIncrease
* endAssemblyPeggingFlag
* mrpCalculateAtpFlag
* taxCode
* enforceShipToLocationCode
* itemType
* roundingControlType
* autoReduceMps
* lotControlCode
* weightUomCode
* paymentTermsId
* segment12
* segment19
* atpComponentsFlag
* materialBillableFlag
* vendorWarrantyFlag
* segment10
* eventFlag
* inventoryCarryPenalty
* inventoryItemStatusCode
* segment5
* shrinkageRate
* stockEnabledFlag
* segment14
* encumbranceAccount
* inventoryPlanningCode
* maximumOrderQuantity
* startAutoLotNumber
* attribute9
* costOfSalesAccount
* fixedOrderQuantity
* overShipmentTolerance
* preventiveMaintenanceFlag
* allowSubstituteReceiptsFlag
* daysLateReceiptAllowed
* globalAttributeCategory
* engineeringEcnCode
* receiptDaysExceptionCode
* autoCreatedConfigFlag
* commsActivationReqdFlag
* serviceStartingDelay
* effectivityControl
* acceptableEarlyDays
* unitLength
* purchasingTaxCode
* postprocessingLeadTime
* programId
* unitOfIssue
* segment15
* syncind
* primaryUnitOfMeasure
* preprocessingLeadTime
* description
* checkShortagesFlag
* overReturnTolerance
* attribute4
* purchasingItemFlag
* modelConfigClauseName
* plannerCode
* serviceItemFlag
* operationSlackPenalty
* rfqRequiredFlag
* defaultIncludeInRollupFlag
* allowExpressDeliveryFlag
* assetCreationCode
* inventoryItemId
* allowedUnitsLookupCode
* serviceDuration
* replenishToOrderFlag
* priceTolerancePercent
* overrunPercentage
* serialNumberControlCode
* unNumberId
* mtlTransactionsEnabledFlag
* segment7
* segment18
* attribute8
* segment11
* segment1
* assetCategoryId
* mrpSafetyStockPercent
* whUpdateDate
* startAutoSerialNumber
* startDateActive
* catalogStatusFlag
* expenseAccount
* maxMinmaxQuantity
* productFamilyItemId
* marketPrice
* defaultSerialStatusId
* attribute13
* atoForecastControl
* segment6
* buyerId
* globalAttribute2
* receiptRequiredFlag
* unitWidth
* indivisibleFlag
* soTransactionsFlag
* returnableFlag
* planningExceptionSet
* serviceableProductFlag
* engItemFlag
* baseItemId
* attribute2
* cycleCountEnabledFlag
* dimensionUomCode
* sourceOrganizationId
* unitVolume
* globalAttribute5
* endDateActive
* attribute15
* orderableOnWebFlag
* sourceType
* positiveMeasurementError
* segment20
* longDescription
* planningTimeFenceCode
* primaryUomCode
* lastUpdateLogin
* volDiscountExemptFlag
* organizationCode
* fixedLotMultiplier
* segment4
* mrpSafetyStockCode
* wipSupplyLocatorId
* daysEarlyReceiptAllowed
* minMinmaxQuantity
* shipModelCompleteFlag
* hazardClassId
* createdBy


 * dgDescription
* volumeUomCode
* attribute3
* outsideOperationUomType
* lotSplitEnabled
* internalOrderEnabledFlag
* bomEnabledFlag
* globalAttribute1
* underReturnTolerance
* vehicleItemFlag
* attribute14
* lotMergeEnabled
* atpFlag
* acceptableRateDecrease
* invoiceEnabledFlag
* demandTimeFenceCode
* attribute1
* bomItemType
* inventoryAssetFlag
* globalAttribute9
* overcompletionToleranceValue
* fixedDaysSupply
* outsideOperationFlag
* atpRuleId
* underShipmentTolerance
* internalVolume
* inspectionRequiredFlag
* overcompletionToleranceType
* unitWeight
* couponExemptFlag
* roundingFactor
* maximumLoadWeight
* invoiceableItemFlag
* globalAttribute6
* negativeMeasurementError
* wipSupplySubinventory
* customerOrderEnabledFlag
* serviceableComponentFlag
* transactionGroupId
* engineeringItemId
* globalAttribute10
* defaultShippingOrg
* mustUseApprovedVendorFlag
* pickingRuleId
* qtyRcvTolerance
* carryingCost
* demandTimeFenceDays
* segment13
* restrictLocatorsCode
* segment17
* restrictSubinventoriesCode
* releaseTimeFenceCode
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute7
* allowItemDescUpdateFlag
* costingEnabledFlag
* globalAttribute8
* repetitivePlanningFlag
* enabledFlag
* shelfLifeCode
* stdLotSize
* backOrderableFlag
* attribute5
* prorateServiceFlag
* itemNumber
* reservableType
* segment2
* listPricePerUnit
* planningTimeFenceDays
* fullLeadTime
* attribute11
* serialStatusEnabled
* sourceSubinventory
* segment16
* cumulativeTotalLeadTime
* electronicFlag
* financingAllowedFlag
* variableLeadTime
* invoicingRuleId
* pickComponentsFlag
* segment8
* serviceDurationPeriodCode
* orderCost
* attribute10
* taxableFlag
* lotStatusEnabled
* autoSerialAlphaPrefix
* mrpPlanningCode
* leadTimeLotSize
* transactionId
* itemCatalogGroupId
* minimumFillPercent
* commsNlTrackableFlag
* globalAttribute3
* inventoryItemFlag
* engineeringDate
* receivingRoutingId
* minimumOrderQuantity
* wipSupplyType
* invoiceCloseTolerance
* internalOrderFlag
* deleteGroupName
* cumManufacturingLeadTime
* bulkPickedFlag
* usageItemFlag
* fixedLeadTime
* revisionQtyControlCode
* segment9
* programApplicationId
* qtyRcvExceptionCode
* defectTrackingOnFlag
* collateralFlag
* allowUnorderedReceiptsFlag
* containerTypeCode
* customerOrderFlag
* safetyStockBucketDays
* shelfLifeDays
* planningMakeBuyCode
* coverageScheduleId
* attributeCategory
* receiveCloseTolerance
* containerItemFlag
* globalAttribute4
* autoLotAlphaPrefix
* returnInspectionRequirement
* attribute12
* webStatus
* locationControlCode
* defaultLotStatusId
* programUpdateDate
* releaseTimeFenceDays
* globalAttribute7
* equipmentType
* requestId
* segment3
* shippableItemFlag
* unitHeight
* recoveredPartDispCode
* downloadableFlag
* organizationId
* attribute6
* accountingRuleId
* lastUpdateDate
* summaryFlag
* purchasingEnabledFlag
* buildInWipFlag
* salesAccount
* creationDate
* acceptableRateIncrease
* endAssemblyPeggingFlag
* mrpCalculateAtpFlag
* taxCode
* enforceShipToLocationCode
* itemType
* roundingControlType
* autoReduceMps
* lotControlCode
* weightUomCode
* paymentTermsId
* segment12
* segment19
* atpComponentsFlag
* materialBillableFlag
* vendorWarrantyFlag
* segment10
* eventFlag
* inventoryCarryPenalty
* inventoryItemStatusCode
* segment5
* shrinkageRate
* stockEnabledFlag
* segment14
* encumbranceAccount
* inventoryPlanningCode
* maximumOrderQuantity
* startAutoLotNumber
* attribute9
* costOfSalesAccount
* fixedOrderQuantity
* overShipmentTolerance
* preventiveMaintenanceFlag
* allowSubstituteReceiptsFlag
* daysLateReceiptAllowed
* globalAttributeCategory
* engineeringEcnCode
* receiptDaysExceptionCode
* autoCreatedConfigFlag
* commsActivationReqdFlag
* serviceStartingDelay
* effectivityControl
* acceptableEarlyDays
* unitLength
* purchasingTaxCode
* postprocessingLeadTime
* programId
* unitOfIssue
* segment15
* syncind
* primaryUnitOfMeasure
* preprocessingLeadTime
* description
* checkShortagesFlag
* overReturnTolerance
* attribute4
* purchasingItemFlag
* modelConfigClauseName
* plannerCode
* serviceItemFlag
* operationSlackPenalty
* rfqRequiredFlag
* defaultIncludeInRollupFlag
* allowExpressDeliveryFlag
* assetCreationCode
* inventoryItemId
* allowedUnitsLookupCode
* serviceDuration
* replenishToOrderFlag
* priceTolerancePercent
* overrunPercentage
* serialNumberControlCode
* unNumberId
* mtlTransactionsEnabledFlag
* segment7
* segment18
* attribute8
* segment11
* segment1
* assetCategoryId
* mrpSafetyStockPercent
* whUpdateDate
* startAutoSerialNumber
* startDateActive
* catalogStatusFlag
* expenseAccount
* maxMinmaxQuantity
* productFamilyItemId
* marketPrice
* defaultSerialStatusId
* attribute13
* atoForecastControl
* segment6
* buyerId
* globalAttribute2
* receiptRequiredFlag
* unitWidth
* indivisibleFlag
* soTransactionsFlag
* returnableFlag
* planningExceptionSet
* serviceableProductFlag
* engItemFlag
* baseItemId
* attribute2
* cycleCountEnabledFlag
* dimensionUomCode
* sourceOrganizationId
* unitVolume
* globalAttribute5
* endDateActive
* attribute15
* orderableOnWebFlag
* sourceType
* positiveMeasurementError
* segment20
* longDescription
* planningTimeFenceCode
* primaryUomCode
* lastUpdateLogin
* volDiscountExemptFlag
* organizationCode
* fixedLotMultiplier
* segment4
* mrpSafetyStockCode
* wipSupplyLocatorId
* daysEarlyReceiptAllowed
* minMinmaxQuantity
* shipModelCompleteFlag
* hazardClassId
* createdBy


 * creationDate
* glDefaultId
* createdBy
* type
* lastUpdatedBy
* setOfBooksId
* lastUpdateLogin
* name
* lastUpdateDate


 * creationDate
* glDefaultId
* createdBy
* type
* lastUpdatedBy
* setOfBooksId
* lastUpdateLogin
* name
* lastUpdateDate


 * segment
* lastUpdateLogin
* createdBy
* segmentNum
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* glDefaultId
* constant
* tableName
* creationDate
* glDefaultSegmentId


 * segment
* lastUpdateLogin
* createdBy
* segmentNum
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* glDefaultId
* constant
* tableName
* creationDate
* glDefaultSegmentId


 * assetId
* attribute12
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateDate
* balChgId
* attributeCategoryCode
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute8
* attribute15
* createdBy
* attribute10
* attribute4
* creationDate
* attribute13
* attribute6
* attribute2
* attribute7
* attribute11
* attribute14
* attribute3
* attribute5
* balChgApplied
* balChgOrigin
* attribute9
* attribute1
* bookTypeCode


 * assetId
* attribute12
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateDate
* balChgId
* attributeCategoryCode
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute8
* attribute15
* createdBy
* attribute10
* attribute4
* creationDate
* attribute13
* attribute6
* attribute2
* attribute7
* attribute11
* attribute14
* attribute3
* attribute5
* balChgApplied
* balChgOrigin
* attribute9
* attribute1
* bookTypeCode


 * bookTypeCode
* creationDate
* attribute4
* attribute1
* attribute5
* attribute8
* assetNumber
* balChgAmount
* attribute9
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute15
* attribute2
* attribute11
* attribute12
* attribute10
* balChgInterfaceStatus
* lastUpdateDate
* createdBy
* errorMessage
* balChgId
* transactionHeaderId
* attribute14
* attribute6
* attribute13
* attribute7
* attribute3
* attributeCategoryCode


 * bookTypeCode
* creationDate
* attribute4
* attribute1
* attribute5
* attribute8
* assetNumber
* balChgAmount
* attribute9
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute15
* attribute2
* attribute11
* attribute12
* attribute10
* balChgInterfaceStatus
* lastUpdateDate
* createdBy
* errorMessage
* balChgId
* transactionHeaderId
* attribute14
* attribute6
* attribute13
* attribute7
* attribute3
* attributeCategoryCode


 * lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* balChgId
* attribute12
* attribute8
* attribute2
* attribute5
* attribute11
* attribute10
* attribute9
* attribute3
* attribute13
* bookTypeCode
* balChgAmount
* balChgStatus
* attribute1
* attributeCategoryCode
* attribute6
* balChgApplied
* dateRetired
* attribute14
* attribute7
* assetId
* createdBy
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute4
* retirementId
* attribute15
* creationDate


 * lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* balChgId
* attribute12
* attribute8
* attribute2
* attribute5
* attribute11
* attribute10
* attribute9
* attribute3
* attribute13
* bookTypeCode
* balChgAmount
* balChgStatus
* attribute1
* attributeCategoryCode
* attribute6
* balChgApplied
* dateRetired
* attribute14
* attribute7
* assetId
* createdBy
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute4
* retirementId
* attribute15
* creationDate


 * attribute5
* deemedDate
* attribute15
* attribute4
* attribute7
* attribute3
* attribute10
* attribute6
* attribute12
* attribute2
* lastUpdatedBy
* attributeCategoryCode
* attribute1
* assetId
* attribute8
* attribute11
* bookTypeCode
* createdBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* deemedValue
* incidentalCosts
* attribute14
* attribute13
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute9
* creationDate


 * attribute5
* deemedDate
* attribute15
* attribute4
* attribute7
* attribute3
* attribute10
* attribute6
* attribute12
* attribute2
* lastUpdatedBy
* attributeCategoryCode
* attribute1
* assetId
* attribute8
* attribute11
* bookTypeCode
* createdBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* deemedValue
* incidentalCosts
* attribute14
* attribute13
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute9
* creationDate


 * balChargeEnabled
* lastUpdateLogin
* createdBy
* bookTypeCode
* creationDate
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy


 * balChargeEnabled
* lastUpdateLogin
* createdBy
* bookTypeCode
* creationDate
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy


 * categoryDesc
* assetNumber
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* originalCostStart
* additionDate
* createdBy
* costEnd
* deprnRsrveEnd
* categoryNumber
* assetId
* deprnRate
* lastUpdatedBy
* dateRetired
* lastUpdateDate
* deprnAmount
* categoryId
* costStart
* assetDesc
* netBookValue
* balChgApplied
* deprnBasisRule
* inService
* originalCostEnd
* deprnRsrveStart


 * categoryDesc
* assetNumber
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* originalCostStart
* additionDate
* createdBy
* costEnd
* deprnRsrveEnd
* categoryNumber
* assetId
* deprnRate
* lastUpdatedBy
* dateRetired
* lastUpdateDate
* deprnAmount
* categoryId
* costStart
* assetDesc
* netBookValue
* balChgApplied
* deprnBasisRule
* inService
* originalCostEnd
* deprnRsrveStart


 * lastUpdateDate
* locationId
* lastUpdateLogin
* subinventoryName
* creationDate
* organizationId
* lastUpdatedBy
* createdBy


 * lastUpdateDate
* locationId
* lastUpdateLogin
* subinventoryName
* creationDate
* organizationId
* lastUpdatedBy
* createdBy


 * segment14
* segment10
* segment25
* projectId
* costCenter
* origPeriodNetDr
* funcBeginBalanceCr
* periodName
* funcPeriodNetCr
* segment2
* projectNumber
* segment5
* lastUpdateLogin
* segment12
* segment19
* segment24
* thirdPartyType
* funcBeginBalanceDr
* lastUpdatedBy
* segment21
* segment27
* currencyCode
* projectSource
* segment6
* segment11
* segment13
* legalEntityId
* segment28
* thirdPartyId
* accountSegment
* segment3
* segment16
* periodMon
* origBeginBalanceDr
* segment8
* segment22
* personnelId
* setOfBooksId
* companySegment
* origBeginBalanceCr
* segment26
* segment23
* createdBy
* segment9
* segment4
* creationDate
* segment29
* origPeriodNetCr
* funcPeriodNetDr
* segment15
* ledgerId
* personnelNumber
* segment7
* segment30
* segment20
* lastUpdateDate
* accountType
* segment17
* thirdPartyNumber
* segment1
* segment18


 * segment14
* segment10
* segment25
* projectId
* costCenter
* origPeriodNetDr
* funcBeginBalanceCr
* periodName
* funcPeriodNetCr
* segment2
* projectNumber
* segment5
* lastUpdateLogin
* segment12
* segment19
* segment24
* thirdPartyType
* funcBeginBalanceDr
* lastUpdatedBy
* segment21
* segment27
* currencyCode
* projectSource
* segment6
* segment11
* segment13
* legalEntityId
* segment28
* thirdPartyId
* accountSegment
* segment3
* segment16
* periodMon
* origBeginBalanceDr
* segment8
* segment22
* personnelId
* setOfBooksId
* companySegment
* origBeginBalanceCr
* segment26
* segment23
* createdBy
* segment9
* segment4
* creationDate
* segment29
* origPeriodNetCr
* funcPeriodNetDr
* segment15
* ledgerId
* personnelNumber
* segment7
* segment30
* segment20
* lastUpdateDate
* accountType
* segment17
* thirdPartyNumber
* segment1
* segment18


 * segment3
* lastUpdateDate
* segment9
* segment14
* startDateActive
* segment4
* segment8
* accountStructure
* lastUpdateLogin
* segment1
* segment15
* lastUpdatedBy
* segment11
* segment2
* creationDate
* summaryFlag
* endDateActive
* segment6
* segment5
* structureId
* createdBy
* accountStructureId
* segment7
* segment10
* segment13
* enabledFlag
* segment12


 * segment3
* lastUpdateDate
* segment9
* segment14
* startDateActive
* segment4
* segment8
* accountStructure
* lastUpdateLogin
* segment1
* segment15
* lastUpdatedBy
* segment11
* segment2
* creationDate
* summaryFlag
* endDateActive
* segment6
* segment5
* structureId
* createdBy
* accountStructureId
* segment7
* segment10
* segment13
* enabledFlag
* segment12


 * lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* createdBy
* classCode
* chartOfAccountsId
* creationDate


 * lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* createdBy
* classCode
* chartOfAccountsId
* creationDate


 * lastUpdatedBy
* attributeColumn
* lastUpdateLogin
* dffTitleCode
* createdBy
* creationDate
* lastUpdateDate
* chartOfAccountsId
* contextCode
* applicationId
* descriptiveFlexfieldName


 * lastUpdatedBy
* attributeColumn
* lastUpdateLogin
* dffTitleCode
* createdBy
* creationDate
* lastUpdateDate
* chartOfAccountsId
* contextCode
* applicationId
* descriptiveFlexfieldName


 * lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* jeLineNum
* jeHeaderId
* lastUpdateDate
* createdBy
* creationDate
* voucherNum


 * lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* jeLineNum
* jeHeaderId
* lastUpdateDate
* createdBy
* creationDate
* voucherNum


 * context
* chartOfAccountsId
* legalEntityId
* attribute4
* attribute10
* attribute14
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute2
* attribute7
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute11
* createdBy
* attribute15
* attribute9
* attribute12
* attribute13
* attribute1
* creationDate
* accountSegmentValue
* attribute6
* setOfBooksId
* attribute5
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute8
* attribute3


 * context
* chartOfAccountsId
* legalEntityId
* attribute4
* attribute10
* attribute14
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute2
* attribute7
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute11
* createdBy
* attribute15
* attribute9
* attribute12
* attribute13
* attribute1
* creationDate
* accountSegmentValue
* attribute6
* setOfBooksId
* attribute5
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute8
* attribute3


 * lastUpdateLogin
* creationDate
* flexValueSetId
* createdBy
* lastUpdatedBy
* chartOfAccountsId
* lastUpdateDate


 * lastUpdateLogin
* creationDate
* flexValueSetId
* createdBy
* lastUpdatedBy
* chartOfAccountsId
* lastUpdateDate


 * sourceApplicationId
* cashTrxId
* cashTrxLineId
* attribute5
* transactionDate
* thirdPartyNumber
* eventClassCode
* thirdPartyName
* cfsActivityId
* description
* funcAmount
* detailedCfsItem
* transactionType
* documentSequenceNumber
* currencyConversionType
* lastUpdateLogin
* trxId
* referenceNumber
* lastUpdateDate
* createdBy
* creationDate
* ledgerId
* source
* attribute1
* glDate
* balancingSegment
* legalEntityId
* intercompanyFlag
* sourceValue
* currencyConversionDate
* analyticalCriterionCode
* orgId
* upgradeFlag
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute4
* funcCurrCode
* trxLineId
* cashItemDesc
* attribute3
* attribute2
* trxNumber
* periodName
* jeLineNum
* jeHeaderId
* originalCurrCode
* currencyConversionRate
* originalAmount


 * sourceApplicationId
* cashTrxId
* cashTrxLineId
* attribute5
* transactionDate
* thirdPartyNumber
* eventClassCode
* thirdPartyName
* cfsActivityId
* description
* funcAmount
* detailedCfsItem
* transactionType
* documentSequenceNumber
* currencyConversionType
* lastUpdateLogin
* trxId
* referenceNumber
* lastUpdateDate
* createdBy
* creationDate
* ledgerId
* source
* attribute1
* glDate
* balancingSegment
* legalEntityId
* intercompanyFlag
* sourceValue
* currencyConversionDate
* analyticalCriterionCode
* orgId
* upgradeFlag
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute4
* funcCurrCode
* trxLineId
* cashItemDesc
* attribute3
* attribute2
* trxNumber
* periodName
* jeLineNum
* jeHeaderId
* originalCurrCode
* currencyConversionRate
* originalAmount


 * originalCurrCode
* thirdPartyName
* analyticalCriterionCode
* trxId
* funcCurrCode
* creationDate
* intercompanyFlag
* glDate
* sourceApplicationId
* eventClassCode
* orgId
* currencyConversionType
* source
* transactionType
* createdBy
* originalAmount
* funcAmount
* lastUpdateDate
* description
* lastUpdatedBy
* trxNumber
* documentSequenceNumber
* detailedCfsItem
* ledgerId
* referenceNumber
* periodName
* cashItemDesc
* status
* trxLineId
* sourceValue
* lastUpdateLogin
* currencyConversionRate
* thirdPartyNumber
* legalEntityId
* transactionDate
* currencyConversionDate


 * originalCurrCode
* thirdPartyName
* analyticalCriterionCode
* trxId
* funcCurrCode
* creationDate
* intercompanyFlag
* glDate
* sourceApplicationId
* eventClassCode
* orgId
* currencyConversionType
* source
* transactionType
* createdBy
* originalAmount
* funcAmount
* lastUpdateDate
* description
* lastUpdatedBy
* trxNumber
* documentSequenceNumber
* detailedCfsItem
* ledgerId
* referenceNumber
* periodName
* cashItemDesc
* status
* trxLineId
* sourceValue
* lastUpdateLogin
* currencyConversionRate
* thirdPartyNumber
* legalEntityId
* transactionDate
* currencyConversionDate


 * creationDate
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* axisSetId
* itemAttribute
* chartOfAccountsId
* createdBy
* itemSource
* lastUpdateLogin
* axisSeq


 * creationDate
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* axisSetId
* itemAttribute
* chartOfAccountsId
* createdBy
* itemSource
* lastUpdateLogin
* axisSeq


 * detailedCfsItem
* lastUpdateLogin
* legalEntityId
* lastUpdateDate
* axisSetId
* chartOfAccountsId
* lastUpdatedBy
* creationDate
* axisSeq
* createdBy


 * detailedCfsItem
* lastUpdateLogin
* legalEntityId
* lastUpdateDate
* axisSetId
* chartOfAccountsId
* lastUpdatedBy
* creationDate
* axisSeq
* createdBy


 * analyticalCriterionTypeCode
* effectiveStartDate
* createdBy
* effectiveEndDate
* creationDate
* ambContextCode
* lastUpdateBy
* mappingHeaderId
* eventClassCode
* analyticalCriterionCode
* lastUpdateDate
* chartOfAccountsId
* lastUpdateLogin
* applicationId


 * analyticalCriterionTypeCode
* effectiveStartDate
* createdBy
* effectiveEndDate
* creationDate
* ambContextCode
* lastUpdateBy
* mappingHeaderId
* eventClassCode
* analyticalCriterionCode
* lastUpdateDate
* chartOfAccountsId
* lastUpdateLogin
* applicationId


 * lastUpdateBy
* createdBy
* acValue
* effectiveStartDate
* creationDate
* lastUpdateDate
* mappingHeaderId
* detailedCfsItem
* orgId
* lastUpdateLogin
* effectiveEndDate


 * lastUpdateBy
* createdBy
* acValue
* effectiveStartDate
* creationDate
* lastUpdateDate
* mappingHeaderId
* detailedCfsItem
* orgId
* lastUpdateLogin
* effectiveEndDate


 * accountSegment
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* creationDate
* valueLength
* accountStructure
* accountLevel
* createdBy
* naRequestId
* expectedLength
* lastUpdateDate


 * accountSegment
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* creationDate
* valueLength
* accountStructure
* accountLevel
* createdBy
* naRequestId
* expectedLength
* lastUpdateDate


 * lastUpdatedBy
* legalEntityId
* creationDate
* methodName
* methodCode
* depreciationFormula
* effectiveDateTo
* lastUpdateLogin
* createdBy
* lastUpdateDate
* effectiveDateFrom


 * lastUpdatedBy
* legalEntityId
* creationDate
* methodName
* methodCode
* depreciationFormula
* effectiveDateTo
* lastUpdateLogin
* createdBy
* lastUpdateDate
* effectiveDateFrom


 * chartOfAccountsId
* createdBy
* lastUpdateDate
* descriptiveFlexfieldName
* dffTitleCode
* applicationId
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* attributeColumn
* creationDate
* contextCode


 * chartOfAccountsId
* createdBy
* lastUpdateDate
* descriptiveFlexfieldName
* dffTitleCode
* applicationId
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* attributeColumn
* creationDate
* contextCode


 * origPeriodNetDr
* requestId
* isForeign
* origPeriodNetCr
* periodName
* funcPeriodNetDr
* accountType
* thirdPartyNumber
* personnelNumber
* accountSegment
* currencyCode
* startDate
* projectNumber
* costCenter
* periodMon
* hasThirdParty
* funcPeriodNetCr
* hasProject
* origEndBalance
* hasPersonnel
* funcEndBalance
* balanceSide
* accountLevel
* origBeginBalance
* funcBeginBalance
* hasCostCenter


 * origPeriodNetDr
* requestId
* isForeign
* origPeriodNetCr
* periodName
* funcPeriodNetDr
* accountType
* thirdPartyNumber
* personnelNumber
* accountSegment
* currencyCode
* startDate
* projectNumber
* costCenter
* periodMon
* hasThirdParty
* funcPeriodNetCr
* hasProject
* origEndBalance
* hasPersonnel
* funcEndBalance
* balanceSide
* accountLevel
* origBeginBalance
* funcBeginBalance
* hasCostCenter


 * segment9
* segment23
* segment22
* segment24
* defaultEffectiveDate
* segment12
* journalApproverId
* segment7
* segment13
* segment25
* segment20
* ledgerId
* segment10
* accountedCr
* jeLineNum
* projectSource
* segment17
* segment29
* codeCombinationId
* personnelId
* thirdPartyNumber
* segment30
* journalPosterId
* status
* segment8
* segment16
* legalEntityId
* segment19
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* currencyCode
* segment15
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* enteredCr
* description
* segment21
* periodName
* thirdPartyType
* segment26
* journalCreatorId
* projectNumber
* segment28
* jeCategory
* currencyConversionRate
* accountedDr
* segment27
* segment11
* segment1
* segment5
* segment3
* segment6
* segment2
* segment4
* segment14
* segment18


 * segment9
* segment23
* segment22
* segment24
* defaultEffectiveDate
* segment12
* journalApproverId
* segment7
* segment13
* segment25
* segment20
* ledgerId
* segment10
* accountedCr
* jeLineNum
* projectSource
* segment17
* segment29
* codeCombinationId
* personnelId
* thirdPartyNumber
* segment30
* journalPosterId
* status
* segment8
* segment16
* legalEntityId
* segment19
* journalGroup
* currencyCode
* segment15
* enteredDr
* enteredCr
* description
* segment21
* periodName
* thirdPartyType
* segment26
* journalCreatorId
* projectNumber
* segment28
* jeCategory
* currencyConversionRate
* accountedDr
* segment27
* segment11
* segment1
* segment5
* segment3
* segment6
* segment2
* segment4
* segment14
* segment18


 * jeCategory
* journalNumber
* defaultEffectiveDate
* companySegment
* personnelId
* settlementMethodNumber
* segment4
* projectSource
* segment6
* journalPoster
* enteredCr
* segment11
* accountedCr
* segment22
* accountedDr
* segment14
* costCenter
* journalCreator
* description
* segment27
* populateCode
* ledgerId
* setOfBooksId
* legalEntityId
* jeLineNum
* accountSegment
* segment10
* currencyConversionType
* journalApprover
* codeCombinationId
* segment7
* segment19
* periodName
* segment30
* segment20
* segment3
* currencyConversionRate
* lineNumber
* status
* segment2
* projectId
* lastUpdateDate
* segment1
* lastUpdateLogin
* thirdPartyType
* createdBy
* segment8
* jeHeaderId
* lastUpdatedBy
* segment5
* creationDate
* currencyCode
* segment13
* segment16
* segment21
* segment25
* segment26
* segment18
* projectNumber
* segment15
* thirdPartyNumber
* segment29
* thirdPartyId
* segment17
* enteredDr
* segment12
* personnelNumber
* segment24
* segment28
* segment23
* segment9


 * jeCategory
* journalNumber
* defaultEffectiveDate
* companySegment
* personnelId
* settlementMethodNumber
* segment4
* projectSource
* segment6
* journalPoster
* enteredCr
* segment11
* accountedCr
* segment22
* accountedDr
* segment14
* costCenter
* journalCreator
* description
* segment27
* populateCode
* ledgerId
* setOfBooksId
* legalEntityId
* jeLineNum
* accountSegment
* segment10
* currencyConversionType
* journalApprover
* codeCombinationId
* segment7
* segment19
* periodName
* segment30
* segment20
* segment3
* currencyConversionRate
* lineNumber
* status
* segment2
* projectId
* lastUpdateDate
* segment1
* lastUpdateLogin
* thirdPartyType
* createdBy
* segment8
* jeHeaderId
* lastUpdatedBy
* segment5
* creationDate
* currencyCode
* segment13
* segment16
* segment21
* segment25
* segment26
* segment18
* projectNumber
* segment15
* thirdPartyNumber
* segment29
* thirdPartyId
* segment17
* enteredDr
* segment12
* personnelNumber
* segment24
* segment28
* segment23
* segment9


 * setOfBooksId
* settlementMethodNumber
* periodName
* enteredDr
* segment12
* lastUpdateLogin
* thirdPartyId
* lastUpdatedBy
* costCenter
* jeCategory
* enteredCr
* personnelNumber
* segment21
* segment4
* segment6
* segment18
* currencyCode
* jeLineNum
* segment30
* ledgerId
* segment17
* thirdPartyNumber
* segment22
* journalPoster
* segment11
* requestId
* segment7
* segment20
* defaultEffectiveDate
* projectId
* segment14
* description
* status
* segment29
* createdBy
* segment15
* segment25
* journalApprover
* legalEntityId
* creationDate
* segment19
* segment9
* segment26
* segment8
* codeCombinationId
* segment13
* currencyConversionType
* projectSource
* jeHeaderId
* populateCode
* companySegment
* personnelId
* thirdPartyType
* segment2
* segment24
* segment1
* journalPostedBy
* segment16
* segment23
* accountedCr
* projectNumber
* journalCreator
* lineNumber
* journalCreatedBy
* segment3
* segment27
* journalNumber
* lastUpdateDate
* segment28
* accountSegment
* segment10
* segment5
* accountedDr
* currencyConversionRate


 * setOfBooksId
* settlementMethodNumber
* periodName
* enteredDr
* segment12
* lastUpdateLogin
* thirdPartyId
* lastUpdatedBy
* costCenter
* jeCategory
* enteredCr
* personnelNumber
* segment21
* segment4
* segment6
* segment18
* currencyCode
* jeLineNum
* segment30
* ledgerId
* segment17
* thirdPartyNumber
* segment22
* journalPoster
* segment11
* requestId
* segment7
* segment20
* defaultEffectiveDate
* projectId
* segment14
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* status
* segment29
* createdBy
* segment15
* segment25
* journalApprover
* legalEntityId
* creationDate
* segment19
* segment9
* segment26
* segment8
* codeCombinationId
* segment13
* currencyConversionType
* projectSource
* jeHeaderId
* populateCode
* companySegment
* personnelId
* thirdPartyType
* segment2
* segment24
* segment1
* journalPostedBy
* segment16
* segment23
* accountedCr
* projectNumber
* journalCreator
* lineNumber
* journalCreatedBy
* segment3
* segment27
* journalNumber
* lastUpdateDate
* segment28
* accountSegment
* segment10
* segment5
* accountedDr
* currencyConversionRate


 * lastUpdateDate
* periodName
* ledgerId
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* createdBy
* legalEntityId
* creationDate
* nextNumber


 * lastUpdateDate
* periodName
* ledgerId
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* createdBy
* legalEntityId
* creationDate
* nextNumber


 * jeCategory
* requestId
* jeSource
* periodName
* legalEntityId
* jeHeaderId
* effectiveDate
* jeLineNum


 * jeCategory
* requestId
* jeSource
* periodName
* legalEntityId
* jeHeaderId
* effectiveDate
* jeLineNum


 * periodName
* creationDate
* setOfBooksId
* createdBy
* lastUpdatedBy
* periodYear
* ledgerId
* lastUpdateDate
* endDate
* startDate
* status
* firstFiscalPeriodFlag
* lastUpdateLogin
* periodNum


 * periodName
* creationDate
* setOfBooksId
* createdBy
* lastUpdatedBy
* periodYear
* ledgerId
* lastUpdateDate
* endDate
* startDate
* status
* firstFiscalPeriodFlag
* lastUpdateLogin
* periodNum


 * projectNotConsiderdFlag
* coaSegment
* lastUpdateLogin
* customerDetailCode
* projectModuleFlag
* projectAcCode
* personnelAcCode
* createdBy
* lastUpdatedBy
* projectAcDetailCode
* accountingStructureId
* thirdPartyAcCode
* lastUpdateDate
* accountingStructureCode
* coaFlag
* creationDate
* ledgerId
* supplierDetailCode


 * projectNotConsiderdFlag
* coaSegment
* lastUpdateLogin
* customerDetailCode
* projectModuleFlag
* projectAcCode
* personnelAcCode
* createdBy
* lastUpdatedBy
* projectAcDetailCode
* accountingStructureId
* thirdPartyAcCode
* lastUpdateDate
* accountingStructureCode
* coaFlag
* creationDate
* ledgerId
* supplierDetailCode


 * lastUpdatedBy
* creationDate
* chartOfAccountsId
* subsidiarySegmentCode
* contextCode
* lastUpdateLogin
* sourcesCode
* createdBy
* lastUpdateDate


 * lastUpdatedBy
* creationDate
* chartOfAccountsId
* subsidiarySegmentCode
* contextCode
* lastUpdateLogin
* sourcesCode
* createdBy
* lastUpdateDate


 * coaSegment
* createdBy
* acGroupingOrder
* historyCoaSegment
* accountingStructureFlexNum
* projectSourceFlag
* chartOfAccountsId
* projectAcDetailCode
* accountingStructId
* lastUpdatedBy
* projectAcCode
* creationDate
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* ambContextCode


 * coaSegment
* createdBy
* acGroupingOrder
* historyCoaSegment
* accountingStructureFlexNum
* projectSourceFlag
* chartOfAccountsId
* projectAcDetailCode
* accountingStructId
* lastUpdatedBy
* projectAcCode
* creationDate
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* ambContextCode


 * flexSegmentValue
* roundingRule
* createdBy
* accountingStructureFlexNum
* chartOfAccountsId
* accountingStructId
* accessSetId
* entIndustry
* organizationId
* companyName
* lastUpdatedBy
* accountingStructureCode
* lastUpdateLogin
* flexValueSetId
* ledgerId
* lastUpdateDate
* cnaoStandVer
* entQuality
* bankingId
* creationDate
* legalEntityId


 * flexSegmentValue
* roundingRule
* createdBy
* accountingStructureFlexNum
* chartOfAccountsId
* accountingStructId
* accessSetId
* entIndustry
* organizationId
* companyName
* lastUpdatedBy
* accountingStructureCode
* lastUpdateLogin
* flexValueSetId
* ledgerId
* lastUpdateDate
* cnaoStandVer
* entQuality
* bankingId
* creationDate
* legalEntityId


 * budgetMgmtLevel
* legalEntityId
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* cnaoStandVer
* entQuality
* accountStructureId
* fundSource
* setOfBooksId
* companyName
* lastUpdatedBy
* entIndustry
* parentLegalEntityId
* createdBy
* defaultCfsItem
* lastUpdateDate
* bookName
* accountStructure
* organizationId
* bookNum
* roundingRule
* adminDivisionCode


 * budgetMgmtLevel
* legalEntityId
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* cnaoStandVer
* entQuality
* accountStructureId
* fundSource
* setOfBooksId
* companyName
* lastUpdatedBy
* entIndustry
* parentLegalEntityId
* createdBy
* defaultCfsItem
* lastUpdateDate
* bookName
* accountStructure
* organizationId
* bookNum
* roundingRule
* adminDivisionCode


 * createdBy
* periodName
* balanceSegment
* creationDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* ledgerId
* nextNumber
* legalEntityId


 * createdBy
* periodName
* balanceSegment
* creationDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* ledgerId
* nextNumber
* legalEntityId


 * creationDate
* jeHeaderId
* lastUpdatedBy
* ledgerId
* createdBy
* periodName
* requestId
* jeLineNumber
* lastUpdateLogin
* dataSourceTag
* voucherNumber
* legalEntityId
* lastUpdateDate


 * creationDate
* jeHeaderId
* lastUpdatedBy
* ledgerId
* createdBy
* periodName
* requestId
* jeLineNumber
* lastUpdateLogin
* dataSourceTag
* voucherNumber
* legalEntityId
* lastUpdateDate


 * exciseAmount
* qtyRcvd
* purpose
* invoiceNumber
* lastUpdatedBy
* rtnInvoiceNo
* storageLoc
* rtnId
* createdBy
* invoiceDate
* creationDate
* slNo
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* rtnQty
* rtnInvoiceDt
* itemId


 * exciseAmount
* qtyRcvd
* purpose
* invoiceNumber
* lastUpdatedBy
* rtnInvoiceNo
* storageLoc
* rtnId
* createdBy
* invoiceDate
* creationDate
* slNo
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* rtnQty
* rtnInvoiceDt
* itemId


 * organizationId
* locationId
* createdBy
* rtnId
* d3Info
* lastUpdateLogin
* returnNumber
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateDate
* remarks
* creationDate
* customerId
* returnDate


 * organizationId
* locationId
* createdBy
* rtnId
* d3Info
* lastUpdateLogin
* returnNumber
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateDate
* remarks
* creationDate
* customerId
* returnDate


 * invoiceId
* setOfBooksId
* quantityInvoiced
* lineTypeLookupCode
* description
* poDistributionId
* assetsTrackingFlag
* amount
* assetsAdditionFlag
* rcvTransactionId
* invoiceDistributionId
* distCodeCombinationId
* distributionLineNumber
* matchStatusFlag
* batchId
* accountingDate


 * invoiceId
* setOfBooksId
* quantityInvoiced
* lineTypeLookupCode
* description
* poDistributionId
* assetsTrackingFlag
* amount
* assetsAdditionFlag
* rcvTransactionId
* invoiceDistributionId
* distCodeCombinationId
* distributionLineNumber
* matchStatusFlag
* batchId
* accountingDate


 * orgId
* itCertificateNumber
* tdsInvoiceAmtPaid
* createdBy
* invoicePaymentId
* tdsTaxRate
* orgTanNum
* invoiceId
* lastUpdateDate
* tdsInvDate
* lineId
* lastUpdatedBy
* certificateId
* creationDate
* invoiceAmount
* itCertificateRate
* tdsInvoiceAmt
* finYr
* tdsInvoiceId
* lastUpdateLogin


 * orgId
* itCertificateNumber
* tdsInvoiceAmtPaid
* createdBy
* invoicePaymentId
* tdsTaxRate
* orgTanNum
* invoiceId
* lastUpdateDate
* tdsInvDate
* lineId
* lastUpdatedBy
* certificateId
* creationDate
* invoiceAmount
* itCertificateRate
* tdsInvoiceAmt
* finYr
* tdsInvoiceId
* lastUpdateLogin


 * orgTanNum
* organizationId


 * orgTanNum
* organizationId


 * baseAmount
* assetsTrackingFlag
* reversalFlag
* recoverableFlag
* chartOfAccountsId
* taxDistributionId
* currencyCode
* shipmentLineId
* poHeaderId
* projectId
* lastUpdateDate
* exchangeRate
* acctPayCodeCombinationId
* shipmentHeaderId
* setOfBooksId
* exchangeDate
* parentInvoiceDistributionId
* poLineId
* distributionLineNumber
* vatInvoiceNo
* vatInvoiceEnteredDate
* invoiceId
* poDistributionId
* rateVarCodeCombinationId
* lineLocationId
* parentInvoiceId
* lastUpdateLogin
* exchangeRateVariance
* orgId
* taxId
* matchStatusFlag
* creationDate
* createdBy
* lastUpdatedBy
* taskId
* vatInvoiceDate
* exchangeRateType
* codeCombinationId
* lineNo
* accountingDate
* taxAmount
* dspCodeCombinationId


 * baseAmount
* assetsTrackingFlag
* reversalFlag
* recoverableFlag
* chartOfAccountsId
* taxDistributionId
* currencyCode
* shipmentLineId
* poHeaderId
* projectId
* lastUpdateDate
* exchangeRate
* acctPayCodeCombinationId
* shipmentHeaderId
* setOfBooksId
* exchangeDate
* parentInvoiceDistributionId
* poLineId
* distributionLineNumber
* vatInvoiceNo
* vatInvoiceEnteredDate
* invoiceId
* poDistributionId
* rateVarCodeCombinationId
* lineLocationId
* parentInvoiceId
* lastUpdateLogin
* exchangeRateVariance
* orgId
* taxId
* matchStatusFlag
* creationDate
* createdBy
* lastUpdatedBy
* taskId
* vatInvoiceDate
* exchangeRateType
* codeCombinationId
* lineNo
* accountingDate
* taxAmount
* dspCodeCombinationId


 * periodStartDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* periodEndDate
* vendorId
* tdsSection
* lastUpdateDate
* vendorSiteId
* orgId
* organizationId
* tdsTaxId
* poHeaderId
* creationDate
* migratedFlag
* invAmtToDate
* createdBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* orgTanNum


 * periodStartDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* periodEndDate
* vendorId
* tdsSection
* lastUpdateDate
* vendorSiteId
* orgId
* organizationId
* tdsTaxId
* poHeaderId
* creationDate
* migratedFlag
* invAmtToDate
* createdBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* orgTanNum


 * collectionFlag
* challanLineNum
* certificateIssueDate
* tcsAmt
* challanNo
* partyPan
* sourceDocumentType
* lastUpdateLogin
* batchId
* lastUpdatedBy
* cessAmt
* exemptedFlag
* bankBranchCode
* partyCode
* tcsCheckDate
* creationDate
* sourceDocumentDate
* partySiteId
* lastUpdateDate
* partyId
* surchargeAmt
* tcsCheckId
* challanDate
* tcsTaxRate
* createdBy
* lineAmt
* checkNumber
* deducteeLineNum
* sourceDocumentId


 * collectionFlag
* challanLineNum
* certificateIssueDate
* tcsAmt
* challanNo
* partyPan
* sourceDocumentType
* lastUpdateLogin
* batchId
* lastUpdatedBy
* cessAmt
* exemptedFlag
* bankBranchCode
* partyCode
* tcsCheckDate
* creationDate
* sourceDocumentDate
* partySiteId
* lastUpdateDate
* partyId
* surchargeAmt
* tcsCheckId
* challanDate
* tcsTaxRate
* createdBy
* lineAmt
* checkNumber
* deducteeLineNum
* sourceDocumentId


 * ownedLeased
* assetId
* attribute15
* assetNumber
* units
* attribute14


 * ownedLeased
* assetId
* attribute15
* assetNumber
* units
* attribute14


 * lineId
* legalEntity
* organizationId
* orgTanNum
* finYr
* certId


 * lineId
* legalEntity
* organizationId
* orgTanNum
* finYr
* certId


 * name
* value
* creationDate


 * name
* value
* creationDate


 * name
* value
* creationDate


 * name
* value
* creationDate


 * headerId
* processIdentifier
* taxRate
* shipmentLineNumber
* assessableValue
* taxId
* taxModifiedFlag
* modvatFlag
* precedence2
* baseTaxAmount
* vendorId
* taxName
* precedence5
* precedence4
* precedence1
* taxLineNo
* precedence3
* currency
* taxAmount
* orderNumber
* taxCategoryName
* qtyRate
* uom
* lineNumber
* lineId
* funcTaxAmount
* status


 * headerId
* processIdentifier
* taxRate
* shipmentLineNumber
* assessableValue
* taxId
* taxModifiedFlag
* modvatFlag
* precedence2
* baseTaxAmount
* vendorId
* taxName
* precedence5
* precedence4
* precedence1
* taxLineNo
* precedence3
* currency
* taxAmount
* orderNumber
* taxCategoryName
* qtyRate
* uom
* lineNumber
* lineId
* funcTaxAmount
* status


 * lastUpdateDate
* onceCompletedFlag
* registerType
* organizationId
* paddr
* registerCode
* createdBy
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* locationId
* rgUpdateFlag
* lastUpdatedBy


 * lastUpdateDate
* onceCompletedFlag
* registerType
* organizationId
* paddr
* registerCode
* createdBy
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* locationId
* rgUpdateFlag
* lastUpdatedBy


 * formId
* paddr


 * formId
* paddr


 * sid
* headerId


 * sid
* headerId


 * taxTargetAmount
* createdBy
* trxTypeId
* taxId
* lastUpdatedBy
* formReceivedAmount
* lineId
* creationDate
* taxLineNo
* oeStId
* orderFlag
* formReceiptId
* headerId
* lastUpdateLogin
* trxNumber
* lastUpdateDate


 * taxTargetAmount
* createdBy
* trxTypeId
* taxId
* lastUpdatedBy
* formReceivedAmount
* lineId
* creationDate
* taxLineNo
* oeStId
* orderFlag
* formReceiptId
* headerId
* lastUpdateLogin
* trxNumber
* lastUpdateDate


 * customerSiteId
* creationDate
* formName
* createdBy
* customerId
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* formReceiptId
* orgId
* lastUpdateLogin


 * customerSiteId
* creationDate
* formName
* createdBy
* customerId
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* formReceiptId
* orgId
* lastUpdateLogin


 * transactionQuantity
* lastUpdateLogin
* transactionId
* onhandQuantity
* varianceAmt
* createdBy
* destinationTypeCode
* lastUpdatedBy
* parentTransactionType
* creationDate
* actualCost
* inventoryItemId
* parentTransactionId
* remarks
* lastUpdateDate
* subinventory
* costedFlag
* organizationId
* costedAmt


 * transactionQuantity
* lastUpdateLogin
* transactionId
* onhandQuantity
* varianceAmt
* createdBy
* destinationTypeCode
* lastUpdatedBy
* parentTransactionType
* creationDate
* actualCost
* inventoryItemId
* parentTransactionId
* remarks
* lastUpdateDate
* subinventory
* costedFlag
* organizationId
* costedAmt


 * vendorId
* segment25
* segment15
* drOtherEd
* segment8
* segment12
* segment14
* tr6ChallanNo
* segment24
* status
* segment7
* segment30
* vendorCustFlag
* segment21
* locationId
* segment27
* vendorName
* refDocumentNo
* refDocumentDate
* segment29
* segment17
* segment23
* createdBy
* lastUpdatedBy
* segment19
* segment13
* segment20
* vendorSiteName
* drBasicEd
* inventoryItemNo
* segment1
* drInvoiceDate
* crOtherEd
* drAdditionalEd
* segment5
* finYear
* creationDate
* remarks
* segment3
* crBasicEd
* segment11
* segment28
* bankBranchId
* transactionTypeName
* tr6ChallanDate
* transactionDate
* organizationName
* segment18
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdateDate
* segment10
* crAdditionalEd
* exciseInvoiceNo
* errorMessage
* segment16
* segment22
* segment26
* exciseNonExciseFlag
* vendorSiteId
* segment6
* segment9
* organizationId
* bankBranchName
* entryDate
* locationCode
* segment2
* inventoryItemId
* segment4


 * vendorId
* segment25
* segment15
* drOtherEd
* segment8
* segment12
* segment14
* tr6ChallanNo
* segment24
* status
* segment7
* segment30
* vendorCustFlag
* segment21
* locationId
* segment27
* vendorName
* refDocumentNo
* refDocumentDate
* segment29
* segment17
* segment23
* createdBy
* lastUpdatedBy
* segment19
* segment13
* segment20
* vendorSiteName
* drBasicEd
* inventoryItemNo
* segment1
* drInvoiceDate
* crOtherEd
* drAdditionalEd
* segment5
* finYear
* creationDate
* remarks
* segment3
* crBasicEd
* segment11
* segment28
* bankBranchId
* transactionTypeName
* tr6ChallanDate
* transactionDate
* organizationName
* segment18
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdateDate
* segment10
* crAdditionalEd
* exciseInvoiceNo
* errorMessage
* segment16
* segment22
* segment26
* exciseNonExciseFlag
* vendorSiteId
* segment6
* segment9
* organizationId
* bankBranchName
* entryDate
* locationCode
* segment2
* inventoryItemId
* segment4


 * typeLookupCode
* taxLineNo
* releaseNum
* poLineId
* precedence4
* status
* modvatFlag
* precedence5
* lineLocationId
* precedence3
* errorMesg
* precedence1
* taxName
* createdBy
* taxAmount
* creationDate
* lineNum
* currency
* vendorName
* vendorId
* lastUpdateLogin
* batchName
* lastUpdateDate
* taxId
* lastUpdatedBy
* poReleaseId
* taxTargetAmount
* poNumber
* poHeaderId
* shipmentNum
* precedence2


 * typeLookupCode
* taxLineNo
* releaseNum
* poLineId
* precedence4
* status
* modvatFlag
* precedence5
* lineLocationId
* precedence3
* errorMesg
* precedence1
* taxName
* createdBy
* taxAmount
* creationDate
* lineNum
* currency
* vendorName
* vendorId
* lastUpdateLogin
* batchName
* lastUpdateDate
* taxId
* lastUpdatedBy
* poReleaseId
* taxTargetAmount
* poNumber
* poHeaderId
* shipmentNum
* precedence2


 * lineId
* docType
* creationDate
* taxId
* headerId
* formIssueId
* lastUpdateLogin
* rcvTransactionId
* lastUpdatedBy
* poLineLocationId
* taxTargetAmount
* lastUpdateDate
* taxLineNo
* invoiceDistributionId
* poStId
* poNum
* formIssuedAmount
* createdBy


 * lineId
* docType
* creationDate
* taxId
* headerId
* formIssueId
* lastUpdateLogin
* rcvTransactionId
* lastUpdatedBy
* poLineLocationId
* taxTargetAmount
* lastUpdateDate
* taxLineNo
* invoiceDistributionId
* poStId
* poNum
* formIssuedAmount
* createdBy


 * orgId
* creationDate
* vendorSiteId
* vendorId
* formName
* createdBy
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdatedBy
* formIssueId


 * orgId
* creationDate
* vendorSiteId
* vendorId
* formName
* createdBy
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdatedBy
* formIssueId


 * poHeaderId
* lastUpdatedBy
* orgName
* vendorSiteId
* lastUpdateDate
* effectiveDate
* creationDate
* poNumber
* setOfBooksId
* processedDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* orgId
* parameterId
* createdBy
* conversionRate
* vendorId


 * poHeaderId
* lastUpdatedBy
* orgName
* vendorSiteId
* lastUpdateDate
* effectiveDate
* creationDate
* poNumber
* setOfBooksId
* processedDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* orgId
* parameterId
* createdBy
* conversionRate
* vendorId


 * supInvType
* createdBy
* newTaxAmt
* taxType
* uom
* diffAmt
* invoiceId
* lastUpdateDate
* taxName
* currency
* existTaxAmt
* creationDate
* taxId
* modvatFlag
* distributionNumber
* qtyRate
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdatedBy
* taxRate


 * supInvType
* createdBy
* newTaxAmt
* taxType
* uom
* diffAmt
* invoiceId
* lastUpdateDate
* taxName
* currency
* existTaxAmt
* creationDate
* taxId
* modvatFlag
* distributionNumber
* qtyRate
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdatedBy
* taxRate


 * vendorNumber
* newOtherAmt
* supInvDate
* supInvType
* lastUpdateDate
* existOtherAmt
* diffExciseAmt
* diffOtherAmt
* setOfBooksId
* invoiceId
* lastUpdatedBy
* chosenForProcess
* poHeaderId
* orgId
* vendorId
* createdBy
* existExciseAmt
* invoiceDate
* newSaleAmt
* invoiceNumber
* parameterId
* supInvRaisedInd
* processDate
* creationDate
* diffSaleAmt
* newExciseAmt
* lastUpdateLogin
* vendorSiteId
* existSaleAmt
* supInvNo


 * vendorNumber
* newOtherAmt
* supInvDate
* supInvType
* lastUpdateDate
* existOtherAmt
* diffExciseAmt
* diffOtherAmt
* setOfBooksId
* invoiceId
* lastUpdatedBy
* chosenForProcess
* poHeaderId
* orgId
* vendorId
* createdBy
* existExciseAmt
* invoiceDate
* newSaleAmt
* invoiceNumber
* parameterId
* supInvRaisedInd
* processDate
* creationDate
* diffSaleAmt
* newExciseAmt
* lastUpdateLogin
* vendorSiteId
* existSaleAmt
* supInvNo


 * parameterId
* poLineId
* oldSellingPrice
* diffSalesAmt
* shipmentHeaderId
* newSellingPrice
* existOtherAmt
* diffOtherAmt
* newExciseAmt
* creationDate
* invoiceId
* lineLocationId
* existExciseAmt
* newOtherAmt
* description
* itemId
* unitCode
* lastUpdatedBy
* supInvType
* poDistributionId
* newSalesAmt
* createdBy
* diffExciseAmt
* lastUpdateDate
* quantity
* existSalesAmt
* distributionNumber
* shipmentLineId
* lastUpdateLogin


 * parameterId
* poLineId
* oldSellingPrice
* diffSalesAmt
* shipmentHeaderId
* newSellingPrice
* existOtherAmt
* diffOtherAmt
* newExciseAmt
* creationDate
* invoiceId
* lineLocationId
* existExciseAmt
* newOtherAmt
* description
* itemId
* unitCode
* lastUpdatedBy
* supInvType
* poDistributionId
* newSalesAmt
* createdBy
* diffExciseAmt
* lastUpdateDate
* quantity
* existSalesAmt
* distributionNumber
* shipmentLineId
* lastUpdateLogin


 * vendorId
* lineLocationId
* precedence3
* poHeaderId
* precedence5
* lineNum
* uom
* precedence1
* qtyRate
* modvatFlag
* taxId
* taxAmount
* currency
* poReleaseId
* baseTaxAmount
* releaseNum
* precedence4
* taxModifiedFlag
* funcTaxAmount
* taxLineNo
* processIdentifier
* assessableValue
* taxRate
* precedence2
* taxName
* status
* shipmentNum
* poNumber
* poLineId


 * vendorId
* lineLocationId
* precedence3
* poHeaderId
* precedence5
* lineNum
* uom
* precedence1
* qtyRate
* modvatFlag
* taxId
* taxAmount
* currency
* poReleaseId
* baseTaxAmount
* releaseNum
* precedence4
* taxModifiedFlag
* funcTaxAmount
* taxLineNo
* processIdentifier
* assessableValue
* taxRate
* precedence2
* taxName
* status
* shipmentNum
* poNumber
* poLineId


 * vendorId
* precedence4
* uom
* lastUpdatedBy
* precedence2
* qtyRate
* precedence1
* taxType
* poLineId
* lastUpdateLogin
* taxAmount
* taxRate
* modvatFlag
* currency
* lineFocusId
* lastUpdateDate
* taxTargetAmount
* creationDate
* poHeaderId
* lineLocationId
* taxCategoryId
* createdBy
* taxLineNo
* precedence3
* taxId
* precedence5


 * vendorId
* precedence4
* uom
* lastUpdatedBy
* precedence2
* qtyRate
* precedence1
* taxType
* poLineId
* lastUpdateLogin
* taxAmount
* taxRate
* modvatFlag
* currency
* lineFocusId
* lastUpdateDate
* taxTargetAmount
* creationDate
* poHeaderId
* lineLocationId
* taxCategoryId
* createdBy
* taxLineNo
* precedence3
* taxId
* precedence5


 * createdBy
* exciseInvoiceNo
* description
* lastUpdateDate
* glDate
* customerTrxId
* locationName
* taxCategoryId
* totalAmount
* interfaceLineId
* inventoryItemId
* assessableValue
* automatedProcessInd
* batchSourceName
* organizationName
* preprintedExciseInvNo
* interfaceStatus
* lastUpdatedBy
* lineAmount
* locationId
* customerTrxLineId
* lastUpdateLogin
* unitSellingPrice
* creationDate
* taxAmount
* quantity
* trxDate
* paymentRegister
* organizationId
* exciseInvoiceDate
* rgUpdateFlag
* trxNumber
* lineNumber
* unitCode
* taxCategoryName
* reasonRejected
* batchSourceId
* batchId
* autoInvoiceFlag


 * createdBy
* exciseInvoiceNo
* description
* lastUpdateDate
* glDate
* customerTrxId
* locationName
* taxCategoryId
* totalAmount
* interfaceLineId
* inventoryItemId
* assessableValue
* automatedProcessInd
* batchSourceName
* organizationName
* preprintedExciseInvNo
* interfaceStatus
* lastUpdatedBy
* lineAmount
* locationId
* customerTrxLineId
* lastUpdateLogin
* unitSellingPrice
* creationDate
* taxAmount
* quantity
* trxDate
* paymentRegister
* organizationId
* exciseInvoiceDate
* rgUpdateFlag
* trxNumber
* lineNumber
* unitCode
* taxCategoryName
* reasonRejected
* batchSourceId
* batchId
* autoInvoiceFlag


 * linkToCustTrxLineId
* precedence2
* creationDate
* taxLineNo
* qtyRate
* interfaceLineId
* createdBy
* precedence5
* taxRate
* customerTrxLineId
* lastUpdateLogin
* precedence1
* lastUpdateDate
* interfaceTaxLineId
* lastUpdatedBy
* taxName
* taxAmount
* precedence4
* taxId
* uom
* baseTaxAmount
* funcTaxAmount
* precedence3


 * linkToCustTrxLineId
* precedence2
* creationDate
* taxLineNo
* qtyRate
* interfaceLineId
* createdBy
* precedence5
* taxRate
* customerTrxLineId
* lastUpdateLogin
* precedence1
* lastUpdateDate
* interfaceTaxLineId
* lastUpdatedBy
* taxName
* taxAmount
* precedence4
* taxId
* uom
* baseTaxAmount
* funcTaxAmount
* precedence3


 * poLineId
* currencyConversionType
* vendorId
* transactionDate
* attribute1
* currencyCode
* currencyConversionRate
* poHeaderId
* primaryQuantity
* destinationTypeCode
* parentTransactionId
* attribute4
* lineLocationId
* organizationId
* transactionType
* currencyConversionDate
* transactionId
* shipmentHeaderId
* poDistributionId
* locationId
* vendorSiteId
* rcvUomCode
* subinventory
* shipmentLineId
* qtyReceived
* attribute2


 * poLineId
* currencyConversionType
* vendorId
* transactionDate
* attribute1
* currencyCode
* currencyConversionRate
* poHeaderId
* primaryQuantity
* destinationTypeCode
* parentTransactionId
* attribute4
* lineLocationId
* organizationId
* transactionType
* currencyConversionDate
* transactionId
* shipmentHeaderId
* poDistributionId
* locationId
* vendorSiteId
* rcvUomCode
* subinventory
* shipmentLineId
* qtyReceived
* attribute2


 * recUserid
* recPaddr
* recSessionId


 * recUserid
* recPaddr
* recSessionId


 * lastUpdatedBy
* createdBy
* lastUpdateDate
* transactionId
* quantity
* modifyFlag
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* originalQuantity
* originalCenvatAmount
* cenvatAmount


 * lastUpdatedBy
* createdBy
* lastUpdateDate
* transactionId
* quantity
* modifyFlag
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* originalQuantity
* originalCenvatAmount
* cenvatAmount


 * qtyRate
* transactionDate
* transferGlFlag
* lastUpdateLogin
* transactionId
* createdBy
* taxId
* lastUpdatedBy
* taxAmount
* lastUpdateDate
* currency
* taxRate
* transactionAmount
* receiptNum
* taxLineNo
* shipmentHeaderId
* creationDate
* shipmentLineId
* ccid
* taxName
* uom


 * qtyRate
* transactionDate
* transferGlFlag
* lastUpdateLogin
* transactionId
* createdBy
* taxId
* lastUpdatedBy
* taxAmount
* lastUpdateDate
* currency
* taxRate
* transactionAmount
* receiptNum
* taxLineNo
* shipmentHeaderId
* creationDate
* shipmentLineId
* ccid
* taxName
* uom


 * requisitionLineId
* lastUpdatedBy
* vendorId
* requisitionLineNum
* precedence2
* taxAmount
* precedence5
* errorMesg
* vendorName
* status
* requisitionHeaderId
* lastUpdateDate
* requisitionNumber
* currency
* name
* precedence1
* modvatFlag
* createdBy
* taxId
* qtyRate
* taxLineNo
* taxModifiedFlag
* precedence3
* uom
* lastUpdateLogin
* taxTargetAmount
* taxName
* batchName
* organizationId
* precedence4
* creationDate


 * requisitionLineId
* lastUpdatedBy
* vendorId
* requisitionLineNum
* precedence2
* taxAmount
* precedence5
* errorMesg
* vendorName
* status
* requisitionHeaderId
* lastUpdateDate
* requisitionNumber
* currency
* name
* precedence1
* modvatFlag
* createdBy
* taxId
* qtyRate
* taxLineNo
* taxModifiedFlag
* precedence3
* uom
* lastUpdateLogin
* taxTargetAmount
* taxName
* batchName
* organizationId
* precedence4
* creationDate


 * rmaType
* lastUpdateLogin
* inventoryItemId
* organizationId
* rmaRcpQty
* rmaNum
* rmaLineNum
* rcpTaxAmount
* rmaRcpId
* createdBy
* exciseInvoiceNo
* exciseInvoiceDate
* exciseDutyDue
* rmaInterfaceId
* locationId
* creationDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* rmaLineId
* pickingLineId
* rmaRcpDate
* rgIReferenceId
* lastUpdateDate


 * rmaType
* lastUpdateLogin
* inventoryItemId
* organizationId
* rmaRcpQty
* rmaNum
* rmaLineNum
* rcpTaxAmount
* rmaRcpId
* createdBy
* exciseInvoiceNo
* exciseInvoiceDate
* exciseDutyDue
* rmaInterfaceId
* locationId
* creationDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* rmaLineId
* pickingLineId
* rmaRcpDate
* rgIReferenceId
* lastUpdateDate


 * creationDate
* rmaRcpId
* uom
* precedence3
* lastUpdateDate
* precedence2
* taxRate
* precedence8
* taxAmount
* precedence7
* precedence9
* createdBy
* precedence10
* taxLineNo
* lastUpdatedBy
* precedence4
* taxId
* taxType
* precedence1
* precedence6
* precedence5
* qtyRate
* lastUpdateLogin


 * creationDate
* rmaRcpId
* uom
* precedence3
* lastUpdateDate
* precedence2
* taxRate
* precedence8
* taxAmount
* precedence7
* precedence9
* createdBy
* precedence10
* taxLineNo
* lastUpdatedBy
* precedence4
* taxId
* taxType
* precedence1
* precedence6
* precedence5
* qtyRate
* lastUpdateLogin


 * taxRate
* shipmentScheduleLineId
* batchName
* taxName
* uom
* precedence5
* shipmentLineNumber
* precedence3
* qtyRate
* status
* taxLineNo
* taxAmount
* errRemarks
* headerId
* lineNumber
* precedence1
* precedence4
* orderNumber
* lineId
* taxId
* precedence2


 * taxRate
* shipmentScheduleLineId
* batchName
* taxName
* uom
* precedence5
* shipmentLineNumber
* precedence3
* qtyRate
* status
* taxLineNo
* taxAmount
* errRemarks
* headerId
* lineNumber
* precedence1
* precedence4
* orderNumber
* lineId
* taxId
* precedence2


 * taxAmount
* createdBy
* lastUpdatedBy
* orderNumber
* description
* shipmentLineNumber
* unitCode
* lineAmount
* headerId
* taxCategoryId
* lineTotAmount
* sellingPrice
* lineNumber
* creationDate
* atoFlag
* interfaceStatus
* reasonRejected
* batchId
* lineId
* taxCategoryName
* orderTypeId
* assessableValue
* quantity
* automatedProcessInd
* interfaceLineId
* lastUpdateDate
* inventoryItemId
* lastUpdateLogin
* shipmentScheduleFlag
* orderTypeName
* shipmentScheduleLineId


 * taxAmount
* createdBy
* lastUpdatedBy
* orderNumber
* description
* shipmentLineNumber
* unitCode
* lineAmount
* headerId
* taxCategoryId
* lineTotAmount
* sellingPrice
* lineNumber
* creationDate
* atoFlag
* interfaceStatus
* reasonRejected
* batchId
* lineId
* taxCategoryName
* orderTypeId
* assessableValue
* quantity
* automatedProcessInd
* interfaceLineId
* lastUpdateDate
* inventoryItemId
* lastUpdateLogin
* shipmentScheduleFlag
* orderTypeName
* shipmentScheduleLineId


 * precedence3
* taxRate
* interfaceStatus
* taxLineNo
* reasonRejected
* lastUpdatedBy
* taxName
* createdBy
* baseTaxAmount
* lastUpdateDate
* interfaceLineId
* precedence1
* precedence2
* taxId
* precedence4
* precedence5
* uom
* taxAmount
* lastUpdateLogin
* qtyRate
* creationDate
* interfaceTaxId
* funcTaxAmount


 * precedence3
* taxRate
* interfaceStatus
* taxLineNo
* reasonRejected
* lastUpdatedBy
* taxName
* createdBy
* baseTaxAmount
* lastUpdateDate
* interfaceLineId
* precedence1
* precedence2
* taxId
* precedence4
* precedence5
* uom
* taxAmount
* lastUpdateLogin
* qtyRate
* creationDate
* interfaceTaxId
* funcTaxAmount


 * attribute2
* transactionId
* attribute1
* quantity
* cenvatPercent
* processFlag
* shipmentLineId
* unclaimedCenvatAmount


 * attribute2
* transactionId
* attribute1
* quantity
* cenvatPercent
* processFlag
* shipmentLineId
* unclaimedCenvatAmount


 * lastUpdateLogin
* invoiceTdsFlag
* tdsAmount
* creationDate
* vendorId
* vendorSiteId
* lastUpdatedBy
* tdsSection
* lastUpdateDate
* createdBy


 * lastUpdateLogin
* invoiceTdsFlag
* tdsAmount
* creationDate
* vendorId
* vendorSiteId
* lastUpdatedBy
* tdsSection
* lastUpdateDate
* createdBy


 * lastUpdateLogin
* taxAuthorityId
* legalEntityId
* designationOfPersResp
* deductorState
* requestId
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* addrChangedSinceLastRet
* creationDate
* filename
* programId
* taxAuthoritySiteId
* nameOfReturnPrepUtil
* personRespForDeduction
* deductorStatus
* challanEndDate
* filePath
* financialYear
* challanStartDate
* orgTanNumber
* deductorName
* organizationId
* operatingUnitId
* createdBy
* batchId
* programApplicationId
* objectVersionNumber
* programLoginId


 * lastUpdateLogin
* taxAuthorityId
* legalEntityId
* designationOfPersResp
* deductorState
* requestId
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* addrChangedSinceLastRet
* creationDate
* filename
* programId
* taxAuthoritySiteId
* nameOfReturnPrepUtil
* personRespForDeduction
* deductorStatus
* challanEndDate
* filePath
* financialYear
* challanStartDate
* orgTanNumber
* deductorName
* organizationId
* operatingUnitId
* createdBy
* batchId
* programApplicationId
* objectVersionNumber
* programLoginId


 * baseTaxabaleAmount
* baseVendorSiteId
* baseInvoiceTypeLookupCode
* challanError
* baseInvoiceDate
* challanLineNum
* amtOfSurcharge
* tdsTaxId
* tdsTaxRate
* baseVendorId
* deducteeLineNum
* considerForChallan
* minorHeadCode
* tdsCheckDate
* tdsVendorClassification
* prepaymentAmountApplied
* batchId
* checkNumber
* considerForDeductee
* lastUpdatedBy
* objectVersionNumber
* lastUpdateDate
* baseInvoiceCheckId
* baseInvoiceId
* bankBranchCode
* amtOfCess
* certificateIssueDate
* amtOfTds
* tdsInvoiceId
* tdsInvoiceDate
* challanNum
* tdsAmount
* tdsCheckId
* creationDate
* tdsInvoiceNum
* createdBy
* deducteeError
* challanDate
* tdsSection
* lastUpdateLogin


 * baseTaxabaleAmount
* baseVendorSiteId
* baseInvoiceTypeLookupCode
* challanError
* baseInvoiceDate
* challanLineNum
* amtOfSurcharge
* tdsTaxId
* tdsTaxRate
* baseVendorId
* deducteeLineNum
* considerForChallan
* minorHeadCode
* tdsCheckDate
* tdsVendorClassification
* prepaymentAmountApplied
* batchId
* checkNumber
* considerForDeductee
* lastUpdatedBy
* objectVersionNumber
* lastUpdateDate
* baseInvoiceCheckId
* baseInvoiceId
* bankBranchCode
* amtOfCess
* certificateIssueDate
* amtOfTds
* tdsInvoiceId
* tdsInvoiceDate
* challanNum
* tdsAmount
* tdsCheckId
* creationDate
* tdsInvoiceNum
* createdBy
* deducteeError
* challanDate
* tdsSection
* lastUpdateLogin


 * jaiApInvoiceLinesId
* organizationId
* taxCategoryId
* lastUpdatedBy
* currencyCode
* invoiceId
* interfaceFlag
* serviceTypeCode
* creationDate
* locationId
* parentInvoiceLineNumber
* interfaceEvent
* lineTypeLookupCode
* createdBy
* lastUpdateDate
* invoiceLineNumber
* lineAmount
* lastUpdateLogin
* matchType
* supplierSiteId


 * jaiApInvoiceLinesId
* organizationId
* taxCategoryId
* lastUpdatedBy
* currencyCode
* invoiceId
* interfaceFlag
* serviceTypeCode
* creationDate
* locationId
* parentInvoiceLineNumber
* interfaceEvent
* lineTypeLookupCode
* createdBy
* lastUpdateDate
* invoiceLineNumber
* lineAmount
* lastUpdateLogin
* matchType
* supplierSiteId


 * amount
* createdBy
* errorFlag
* rcvTransactionId
* lastUpdateLogin
* invoiceLineNumber
* orgId
* receiptNum
* receiptCode
* shipmentHeaderId
* lastUpdateDate
* invoiceId
* errorMessage
* creationDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* objectVersionNumber
* poDistributionId
* quantityInvoiced
* distributionLineNumber
* rematching
* processingTime
* invoiceDistributionId


 * amount
* createdBy
* errorFlag
* rcvTransactionId
* lastUpdateLogin
* invoiceLineNumber
* orgId
* receiptNum
* receiptCode
* shipmentHeaderId
* lastUpdateDate
* invoiceId
* errorMessage
* creationDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* objectVersionNumber
* poDistributionId
* quantityInvoiced
* distributionLineNumber
* rematching
* processingTime
* invoiceDistributionId


 * exchangeRateVariance
* poLineId
* recoverableFlag
* distributionLineNumber
* currencyCode
* codeCombinationId
* lineTypeLookupCode
* parentInvoiceId
* objectVersionNumber
* invoiceLineNumber
* exchangeRateType
* lastUpdateDate
* reversalFlag
* parentInvoiceDistributionId
* vatInvoiceNo
* dspCodeCombinationId
* parentInvoiceLineNumber
* exchangeRate
* lineNo
* setOfBooksId
* lastUpdateLogin
* baseAmount
* rcvTransactionId
* taxDistributionId
* exchangeDate
* shipmentLineId
* legalEntityId
* poDistributionId
* invoiceDistributionId
* chartOfAccountsId
* poHeaderId
* rateVarCodeCombinationId
* lineLocationId
* assetsTrackingFlag
* vatInvoiceDate
* invoiceId
* shipmentHeaderId
* createdBy
* acctPayCodeCombinationId
* creationDate
* taxId
* taxAmount
* lastUpdatedBy
* vatInvoiceEnteredDate
* accountingDate
* matchStatusFlag


 * exchangeRateVariance
* poLineId
* recoverableFlag
* distributionLineNumber
* currencyCode
* codeCombinationId
* lineTypeLookupCode
* parentInvoiceId
* objectVersionNumber
* invoiceLineNumber
* exchangeRateType
* lastUpdateDate
* reversalFlag
* parentInvoiceDistributionId
* vatInvoiceNo
* dspCodeCombinationId
* parentInvoiceLineNumber
* exchangeRate
* lineNo
* setOfBooksId
* lastUpdateLogin
* baseAmount
* rcvTransactionId
* taxDistributionId
* exchangeDate
* shipmentLineId
* legalEntityId
* poDistributionId
* invoiceDistributionId
* chartOfAccountsId
* poHeaderId
* rateVarCodeCombinationId
* lineLocationId
* assetsTrackingFlag
* vatInvoiceDate
* invoiceId
* shipmentHeaderId
* createdBy
* acctPayCodeCombinationId
* creationDate
* taxId
* taxAmount
* lastUpdatedBy
* vatInvoiceEnteredDate
* accountingDate
* matchStatusFlag


 * settlementId
* bsrCode
* createdBy
* taxAuthoritySiteId
* bookEntryDeposited
* lastUpdateLogin
* checkId
* voucherNumber
* shCessAmount
* paymentId
* checkDate
* checkDepositDate
* creationDate
* objectVersionNumber
* cessAmount
* lastUpdatedBy
* challanNo
* surchargeAmount
* taxAuthorityId
* bankBranchId
* tcsAmount
* checkNumber
* orgTanNo
* lastUpdateDate


 * settlementId
* bsrCode
* createdBy
* taxAuthoritySiteId
* bookEntryDeposited
* lastUpdateLogin
* checkId
* voucherNumber
* shCessAmount
* paymentId
* checkDate
* checkDepositDate
* creationDate
* objectVersionNumber
* cessAmount
* lastUpdatedBy
* challanNo
* surchargeAmount
* taxAuthorityId
* bankBranchId
* tcsAmount
* checkNumber
* orgTanNo
* lastUpdateDate


 * lastUpdateLogin
* finYear
* organizationId
* creationDate
* objectVersionNumber
* lastUpdateDate
* certificateNum
* regimeCode
* finYrCertId
* orgTanNum
* legalEntity
* createdBy
* lastUpdatedBy
* lineNum
* finYr


 * lastUpdateLogin
* finYear
* organizationId
* creationDate
* objectVersionNumber
* lastUpdateDate
* certificateNum
* regimeCode
* finYrCertId
* orgTanNum
* legalEntity
* createdBy
* lastUpdatedBy
* lineNum
* finYr


 * invoiceDistributionId
* invoiceLineNumber
* cumulativeAmt
* creationDate
* distCodeCombinationId
* naturalAccountValue
* lineTypeLookupCode
* lastUpdateLogin
* tdsSectionCode
* accountingDate
* createdBy
* amount
* objectVersionNumber
* taxCategoryId
* lastUpdateDate
* matchStatusFlag
* invoiceId
* regimeId
* description
* distributionLineNumber
* lastUpdatedBy


 * invoiceDistributionId
* invoiceLineNumber
* cumulativeAmt
* creationDate
* distCodeCombinationId
* naturalAccountValue
* lineTypeLookupCode
* lastUpdateLogin
* tdsSectionCode
* accountingDate
* createdBy
* amount
* objectVersionNumber
* taxCategoryId
* lastUpdateDate
* matchStatusFlag
* invoiceId
* regimeId
* description
* distributionLineNumber
* lastUpdatedBy


 * lineNum
* tdsInvoiceAmt
* orgId
* certificateNum
* tdsInvDate
* itCertificateNumber
* creationDate
* lastUpdateDate
* objectVersionNumber
* finYr
* orgTanNum
* lastUpdatedBy
* itCertificateRate
* tdsInvoiceId
* createdBy
* invoiceAmount
* invoicePaymentId
* tdsInvoiceAmtPaid
* invoiceId
* tdsTaxRate
* lastUpdateLogin
* form16DtlId


 * lineNum
* tdsInvoiceAmt
* orgId
* certificateNum
* tdsInvDate
* itCertificateNumber
* creationDate
* lastUpdateDate
* objectVersionNumber
* finYr
* orgTanNum
* lastUpdatedBy
* itCertificateRate
* tdsInvoiceId
* createdBy
* invoiceAmount
* invoicePaymentId
* tdsInvoiceAmtPaid
* invoiceId
* tdsTaxRate
* lastUpdateLogin
* form16DtlId


 * fromDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* programId
* vendorSiteId
* programLoginId
* programApplicationId
* createdBy
* taxAuthorityId
* form16HdrId
* requestId
* issueDate
* printFlag
* certificateDate
* finYr
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateDate
* objectVersionNumber
* vendorId
* tdsTaxSection
* tdsTaxId
* toDate
* orgId
* creationDate
* orgTanNum
* certificateNum


 * fromDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* programId
* vendorSiteId
* programLoginId
* programApplicationId
* createdBy
* taxAuthorityId
* form16HdrId
* requestId
* issueDate
* printFlag
* certificateDate
* finYr
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateDate
* objectVersionNumber
* vendorId
* tdsTaxSection
* tdsTaxId
* toDate
* orgId
* creationDate
* orgTanNum
* certificateNum


 * createdBy
* tdsInvoiceMessage
* parentThresholdTrxId
* tdsCreditMemoMessage
* thresholdGrpId
* taxCategoryId
* lastUpdatedBy
* objectVersionNumber
* lastUpdateLogin
* tdsCreditMemoFlag
* creationDate
* cancelAmount
* invoiceId
* taxId
* lastUpdateDate
* tdsInvCancelId
* tdsInvoiceFlag
* thresholdTrxIdCancel
* tdsSectionCode


 * createdBy
* tdsInvoiceMessage
* parentThresholdTrxId
* tdsCreditMemoMessage
* thresholdGrpId
* taxCategoryId
* lastUpdatedBy
* objectVersionNumber
* lastUpdateLogin
* tdsCreditMemoFlag
* creationDate
* cancelAmount
* invoiceId
* taxId
* lastUpdateDate
* tdsInvCancelId
* tdsInvoiceFlag
* thresholdTrxIdCancel
* tdsSectionCode


 * paymentAmount
* checkDate
* form16HdrId
* objectVersionNumber
* certificateNum
* taxAmount
* tdsTaxId
* creationDate
* parentInvoiceCancelFlag
* invoicePaymentId
* checkAmount
* tdsSection
* tdsTaxRate
* prepayInvoiceId
* taxAuthorityId
* taxAuthoritySiteId
* certificateLineNum
* invoiceDate
* programLoginId
* lastUpdateLogin
* vendorSiteId
* programApplicationId
* invoiceId
* parentInvoiceId
* orgTanNum
* operatingUnitId
* taxCategoryId
* thresholdTrxId
* finYear
* tdsPaymentId
* lastUpdatedBy
* programId
* requestId
* vendorId
* source
* taxableBasis
* lastUpdateDate
* checkId
* createdBy


 * paymentAmount
* checkDate
* form16HdrId
* objectVersionNumber
* certificateNum
* taxAmount
* tdsTaxId
* creationDate
* parentInvoiceCancelFlag
* invoicePaymentId
* checkAmount
* tdsSection
* tdsTaxRate
* prepayInvoiceId
* taxAuthorityId
* taxAuthoritySiteId
* certificateLineNum
* invoiceDate
* programLoginId
* lastUpdateLogin
* vendorSiteId
* programApplicationId
* invoiceId
* parentInvoiceId
* orgTanNum
* operatingUnitId
* taxCategoryId
* thresholdTrxId
* finYear
* tdsPaymentId
* lastUpdatedBy
* programId
* requestId
* vendorId
* source
* taxableBasis
* lastUpdateDate
* checkId
* createdBy


 * precedence3
* taxCategoryId
* distCodeCombinationId
* matchStatusFlag
* objectVersionNumber
* actualSectionCode
* tdsInvTaxId
* lastUpdatedBy
* precedence8
* considerAmtForTds
* jaiDistributionId
* calcTaxAmount
* defaultThresholdGrpId
* invoiceId
* createdBy
* defaultCumThresholdStage
* precedence5
* precedence2
* defaultType
* thresholdTrxId
* vendorId
* defaultTaxId
* precedence7
* roundedAmount
* invoiceDistributionId
* defaultCumThresholdSlabId
* vendorSiteId
* invoiceLineNumber
* taxType
* thresholdSlabId
* precedence6
* precedence1
* processStatus
* thresholdHdrId
* thresholdSlabIdSingle
* lastUpdateLogin
* defaultFrom
* processMessage
* codepath
* taxCategoryOverriden
* sectionType
* taxLineNo
* lastUpdateDate
* defaultSinThresholdSlabId
* thresholdGrpId
* precedence9
* baseTaxAmount
* actualTaxId
* thresholdTransition
* distributionLineNumber
* funcTaxAmount
* creationDate
* userDeletedTaxFlag
* precedence4
* considerForRedefault
* amount
* defaultSectionCode
* taxAmount
* precedence10


 * precedence3
* taxCategoryId
* distCodeCombinationId
* matchStatusFlag
* objectVersionNumber
* actualSectionCode
* tdsInvTaxId
* lastUpdatedBy
* precedence8
* considerAmtForTds
* jaiDistributionId
* calcTaxAmount
* defaultThresholdGrpId
* invoiceId
* createdBy
* defaultCumThresholdStage
* precedence5
* precedence2
* defaultType
* thresholdTrxId
* vendorId
* defaultTaxId
* precedence7
* roundedAmount
* invoiceDistributionId
* defaultCumThresholdSlabId
* vendorSiteId
* invoiceLineNumber
* taxType
* thresholdSlabId
* precedence6
* precedence1
* processStatus
* thresholdHdrId
* thresholdSlabIdSingle
* lastUpdateLogin
* defaultFrom
* processMessage
* codepath
* taxCategoryOverriden
* sectionType
* taxLineNo
* lastUpdateDate
* defaultSinThresholdSlabId
* thresholdGrpId
* precedence9
* baseTaxAmount
* actualTaxId
* thresholdTransition
* distributionLineNumber
* funcTaxAmount
* creationDate
* userDeletedTaxFlag
* precedence4
* considerForRedefault
* amount
* defaultSectionCode
* taxAmount
* precedence10


 * objectVersionNumber
* tdsAmount
* creationDate
* certificateNumber
* dmInvoiceNum
* tdsSection
* invoiceId
* lastUpdatedBy
* amtOfTds
* amtOfCess
* taxCategoryId
* tdsInvoiceId
* tdsTaxRate
* createdBy
* invoiceAmount
* sourceAttribute
* tdsInvoiceNum
* tdsTaxId
* amtOfSurcharge
* lastUpdateDate
* organizationId
* lastUpdateLogin
* amtApplied
* amtReversed
* amtOfShCess


 * objectVersionNumber
* tdsAmount
* creationDate
* certificateNumber
* dmInvoiceNum
* tdsSection
* invoiceId
* lastUpdatedBy
* amtOfTds
* amtOfCess
* taxCategoryId
* tdsInvoiceId
* tdsTaxRate
* createdBy
* invoiceAmount
* sourceAttribute
* tdsInvoiceNum
* tdsTaxId
* amtOfSurcharge
* lastUpdateDate
* organizationId
* lastUpdateLogin
* amtApplied
* amtReversed
* amtOfShCess


 * lastUpdateLogin
* thholdGrpIdUpdated
* vendorSiteIdUpdated
* oldPanNum
* vendorId
* newPanNum
* lastUpdateDate
* createdBy
* lastUpdatedBy
* requestDate
* objectVersionNumber
* thholdXcepIdUpdated
* requestId
* creationDate
* panChangeId


 * lastUpdateLogin
* thholdGrpIdUpdated
* vendorSiteIdUpdated
* oldPanNum
* vendorId
* newPanNum
* lastUpdateDate
* createdBy
* lastUpdatedBy
* requestDate
* objectVersionNumber
* thholdXcepIdUpdated
* requestId
* creationDate
* panChangeId


 * minorHeadCode
* form16HdrId
* bsrCode
* lastUpdatedBy
* checkDepositDate
* parentInvoiceId
* lastUpdateLogin
* createdBy
* operatingUnitId
* tdsTaxRate
* lastUpdateDate
* checkId
* finYear
* invoiceDate
* vendorId
* currencyCode
* vendorSiteId
* taxAuthoritySiteId
* objectVersionNumber
* tdsTaxId
* tdsSection
* orgTanNum
* paymentAmount
* paymentReferenceId
* challanNo
* taxAmount
* checkNumber
* bankName
* checkDate
* taxAuthorityId
* creationDate


 * minorHeadCode
* form16HdrId
* bsrCode
* lastUpdatedBy
* checkDepositDate
* parentInvoiceId
* lastUpdateLogin
* createdBy
* operatingUnitId
* tdsTaxRate
* lastUpdateDate
* checkId
* finYear
* invoiceDate
* vendorId
* currencyCode
* vendorSiteId
* taxAuthoritySiteId
* objectVersionNumber
* tdsTaxId
* tdsSection
* orgTanNum
* paymentAmount
* paymentReferenceId
* challanNo
* taxAmount
* checkNumber
* bankName
* checkDate
* taxAuthorityId
* creationDate


 * createdBy
* tdsThresholdTrxIdUnapply
* essiTaxIdOther
* invoiceDistributionIdPrepay
* wctThresholdTrxIdUnapply
* tdsSectionCodePrepay
* essiApplicableFlag
* wctApplicableFlag
* calcTdsApplnAmt
* wctApplicationAmount
* wctThresholdTrxIdApply
* tdsPrepaymentId
* tdsThresholdTrxIdApply
* lastUpdateDate
* tdsApplicableFlag
* applicationAmount
* lastUpdateLogin
* calcEssiApplnAmt
* invoiceDistributionId
* creationDate
* calcWctApplnAmt
* wctTaxIdPrepay
* essiThresholdTrxIdUnapply
* objectVersionNumber
* tdsTaxIdPrepay
* applicationBasis
* tdsSectionCodeOther
* essiThresholdTrxIdApply
* invoiceId
* essiApplicationAmount
* lastUpdatedBy
* tdsTaxIdOther
* tdsApplicationAmount
* wctTaxIdOther
* unapplyFlag
* tdsThresholdGrpId
* essiTaxIdPrepay


 * createdBy
* tdsThresholdTrxIdUnapply
* essiTaxIdOther
* invoiceDistributionIdPrepay
* wctThresholdTrxIdUnapply
* tdsSectionCodePrepay
* essiApplicableFlag
* wctApplicableFlag
* calcTdsApplnAmt
* wctApplicationAmount
* wctThresholdTrxIdApply
* tdsPrepaymentId
* tdsThresholdTrxIdApply
* lastUpdateDate
* tdsApplicableFlag
* applicationAmount
* lastUpdateLogin
* calcEssiApplnAmt
* invoiceDistributionId
* creationDate
* calcWctApplnAmt
* wctTaxIdPrepay
* essiThresholdTrxIdUnapply
* objectVersionNumber
* tdsTaxIdPrepay
* applicationBasis
* tdsSectionCodeOther
* essiThresholdTrxIdApply
* invoiceId
* essiApplicationAmount
* lastUpdatedBy
* tdsTaxIdOther
* tdsApplicationAmount
* wctTaxIdOther
* unapplyFlag
* tdsThresholdGrpId
* essiTaxIdPrepay


 * taxAmount
* createdBy
* taxId
* taxName
* creationDate
* lastUpdateDate
* invoiceId
* taxType
* surchargeRollback
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdatedBy


 * taxAmount
* createdBy
* taxId
* taxName
* creationDate
* lastUpdateDate
* invoiceId
* taxType
* surchargeRollback
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdatedBy


 * sectionCode
* event
* invoiceDeleted
* regimeCode
* paymentReferenceId
* appliedFromInvoiceAmt
* sourceSiteId
* appliedToSupplierSiteId
* legalEntityId
* invoiceId
* sourceInvoiceAmt
* checkDate
* unappliedAmount
* tdsPaid
* supplierCmAmount
* appliedToInvoiceAmt
* sourceId
* fromSlabId
* appliedToSupplierId
* appliedToAcctgDate
* sectionType
* challanNumber
* thresholdSlabId
* appliedFromAcctgDate
* tdsAccountingDate
* sourceInvoiceDate
* appliedFromSupplierId
* priorThreshold
* sourceInvoiceType
* appliedToInvoiceDate
* bsrCode
* lastUpdateLogin
* appliedFromInvoiceDate
* appliedFromSupplierSiteId
* sourceInvoiceId
* taxId
* tdsRepositoryId
* appliedAmount
* tdsAuthoritySiteId
* createdBy
* tdsAuthorityId
* orgId
* appliedFromInvoiceId
* taxCategoryId
* migrated
* thresholdHdrId
* thresholdTypeId
* requiredForEtds
* taxRate
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* toSlabId
* invoiceNumber
* orgTanNumber
* baseTaxAmount
* checkDepositDate
* appliedFromInvoiceType
* appliedToInvoiceType
* creationDate
* regimeId
* accountingDate
* tdsInvTaxAmount
* thresholdGrpId
* sourceInvoiceDeleted
* tdsInvoiceType
* appliedToInvoiceId


 * sectionCode
* event
* invoiceDeleted
* regimeCode
* paymentReferenceId
* appliedFromInvoiceAmt
* sourceSiteId
* appliedToSupplierSiteId
* legalEntityId
* invoiceId
* sourceInvoiceAmt
* checkDate
* unappliedAmount
* tdsPaid
* supplierCmAmount
* appliedToInvoiceAmt
* sourceId
* fromSlabId
* appliedToSupplierId
* appliedToAcctgDate
* sectionType
* challanNumber
* thresholdSlabId
* appliedFromAcctgDate
* tdsAccountingDate
* sourceInvoiceDate
* appliedFromSupplierId
* priorThreshold
* sourceInvoiceType
* appliedToInvoiceDate
* bsrCode
* lastUpdateLogin
* appliedFromInvoiceDate
* appliedFromSupplierSiteId
* sourceInvoiceId
* taxId
* tdsRepositoryId
* appliedAmount
* tdsAuthoritySiteId
* createdBy
* tdsAuthorityId
* orgId
* appliedFromInvoiceId
* taxCategoryId
* migrated
* thresholdHdrId
* thresholdTypeId
* requiredForEtds
* taxRate
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* toSlabId
* invoiceNumber
* orgTanNumber
* baseTaxAmount
* checkDepositDate
* appliedFromInvoiceType
* appliedToInvoiceType
* creationDate
* regimeId
* accountingDate
* tdsInvTaxAmount
* thresholdGrpId
* sourceInvoiceDeleted
* tdsInvoiceType
* appliedToInvoiceId


 * toDate
* regimeId
* sectionCodeRevised
* fromDate
* creationDate
* sectionCode
* lastUpdatedBy
* formType
* createdBy
* lastUpdateDate
* sectionMappingId
* lastUpdateLogin


 * toDate
* regimeId
* sectionCodeRevised
* fromDate
* creationDate
* sectionCode
* lastUpdatedBy
* formType
* createdBy
* lastUpdateDate
* sectionMappingId
* lastUpdateLogin


 * tdsEvent
* newThholdChangeTaxPaid
* newThresholdSlabId
* lastUpdateDate
* calcTrxTaxPaid
* invoiceId
* calcOldTaxPaid
* trxThholdChangeTaxPaid
* invoiceLineNumber
* newInvoiceAmount
* trxInvoiceApplyAmount
* thresholdGrpId
* newTaxPaid
* creationDate
* invoiceDistributionId
* oldTaxPaid
* lastUpdatedBy
* oldThresholdSlabId
* trxInvoiceUnapplyAmount
* newInvoiceCancelAmount
* newInvoiceUnapplyAmount
* thresholdGrpAuditId
* calcNewTaxPaid
* lastUpdateLogin
* newInvoiceApplyAmount
* trxInvoiceAmount
* oldThholdChangeTaxPaid
* objectVersionNumber
* createdBy
* oldInvoiceUnapplyAmount
* trxInvoiceCancelAmount
* remarks
* trxThresholdSlabId
* oldInvoiceCancelAmount
* oldInvoiceApplyAmount
* oldInvoiceAmount
* trxTaxPaid


 * tdsEvent
* newThholdChangeTaxPaid
* newThresholdSlabId
* lastUpdateDate
* calcTrxTaxPaid
* invoiceId
* calcOldTaxPaid
* trxThholdChangeTaxPaid
* invoiceLineNumber
* newInvoiceAmount
* trxInvoiceApplyAmount
* thresholdGrpId
* newTaxPaid
* creationDate
* invoiceDistributionId
* oldTaxPaid
* lastUpdatedBy
* oldThresholdSlabId
* trxInvoiceUnapplyAmount
* newInvoiceCancelAmount
* newInvoiceUnapplyAmount
* thresholdGrpAuditId
* calcNewTaxPaid
* lastUpdateLogin
* newInvoiceApplyAmount
* trxInvoiceAmount
* oldThholdChangeTaxPaid
* objectVersionNumber
* createdBy
* oldInvoiceUnapplyAmount
* trxInvoiceCancelAmount
* remarks
* trxThresholdSlabId
* oldInvoiceCancelAmount
* oldInvoiceApplyAmount
* oldInvoiceAmount
* trxTaxPaid


 * objectVersionNumber
* creationDate
* naturalAccountValue
* lastUpdateDate
* createdBy
* thresholdHdrId
* lastUpdateLogin
* thresholdAccountId
* lastUpdatedBy
* thresholdTypeId
* legalEntityId


 * objectVersionNumber
* creationDate
* naturalAccountValue
* lastUpdateDate
* createdBy
* thresholdHdrId
* lastUpdateLogin
* thresholdAccountId
* lastUpdatedBy
* thresholdTypeId
* legalEntityId


 * thresholdGrpId
* lastUpdateDate
* totalTaxPaid
* vendorId
* totalThholdChangeTaxPaid
* sectionType
* totalInvoiceApplyAmount
* creationDate
* sectionCode
* currentThresholdSlabId
* totalInvoiceCancelAmount
* createdBy
* orgTanNum
* lastUpdatedBy
* objectVersionNumber
* totalInvoiceAmount
* totalCalcTaxPaid
* vendorPanNum
* totalInvoiceUnapplyAmount
* finYear
* lastUpdateLogin
* thresholdHdrId


 * thresholdGrpId
* lastUpdateDate
* totalTaxPaid
* vendorId
* totalThholdChangeTaxPaid
* sectionType
* totalInvoiceApplyAmount
* creationDate
* sectionCode
* currentThresholdSlabId
* totalInvoiceCancelAmount
* createdBy
* orgTanNum
* lastUpdatedBy
* objectVersionNumber
* totalInvoiceAmount
* totalCalcTaxPaid
* vendorPanNum
* totalInvoiceUnapplyAmount
* finYear
* lastUpdateLogin
* thresholdHdrId


 * description
* retrospectiveFlag
* customerTypeLookupCode
* multipleRateSetup
* regimeId
* vendorTypeLookupCode
* createdBy
* exceptionSetupFlag
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* thresholdHdrId
* objectVersionNumber
* thresholdSetupName
* lastUpdateDate
* sectionType
* sectionCode
* lastUpdatedBy


 * description
* retrospectiveFlag
* customerTypeLookupCode
* multipleRateSetup
* regimeId
* vendorTypeLookupCode
* createdBy
* exceptionSetupFlag
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* thresholdHdrId
* objectVersionNumber
* thresholdSetupName
* lastUpdateDate
* sectionType
* sectionCode
* lastUpdatedBy


 * thresholdSlabId
* fromAmount
* lastUpdatedBy
* taxRate
* thresholdHdrId
* objectVersionNumber
* lastUpdateLogin
* createdBy
* toAmount
* creationDate
* lastUpdateDate
* thresholdTypeId


 * thresholdSlabId
* fromAmount
* lastUpdatedBy
* taxRate
* thresholdHdrId
* objectVersionNumber
* lastUpdateLogin
* createdBy
* toAmount
* creationDate
* lastUpdateDate
* thresholdTypeId


 * thresholdTypeId
* lastUpdateLogin
* createdBy
* creationDate
* thresholdSlabId
* lastUpdatedBy
* taxCategoryId
* taxId
* thresholdHdrId
* operatingUnitId
* thresholdTaxId
* lastUpdateDate
* objectVersionNumber


 * thresholdTypeId
* lastUpdateLogin
* createdBy
* creationDate
* thresholdSlabId
* lastUpdatedBy
* taxCategoryId
* taxId
* thresholdHdrId
* operatingUnitId
* thresholdTaxId
* lastUpdateDate
* objectVersionNumber


 * invoiceToVendorAmt
* thresholdHdrId
* invoiceLineNumber
* invoiceToTdsAuthorityNum
* invoiceDistributionId
* createdBy
* tdsEvent
* invoiceToVendorCurr
* invoiceToTdsAuthorityId
* vendorId
* regimeId
* invoiceToTdsAuthorityType
* parentInvPaymentPriority
* objectVersionNumber
* tdsRoundingFactor
* thresholdGrpId
* invoiceToVendorType
* taxRate
* invoiceToTdsAuthorityCurr
* taxId
* invoiceToTdsAuthorityAmt
* tdsSectionCode
* invoiceToVendorNum
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* taxAmount
* invoiceId
* rollbackReversed
* tdsAuthorityVendorId
* tdsAuthorityVendorSiteId
* vendorSiteId
* lastUpdatedBy
* parentInvExchangeRate
* thresholdTrxId
* taxableAmount
* thresholdTypeId
* taxCategoryId
* invoiceToVendorId
* tdsRollbacked
* creationDate
* calcTaxAmount


 * invoiceToVendorAmt
* thresholdHdrId
* invoiceLineNumber
* invoiceToTdsAuthorityNum
* invoiceDistributionId
* createdBy
* tdsEvent
* invoiceToVendorCurr
* invoiceToTdsAuthorityId
* vendorId
* regimeId
* invoiceToTdsAuthorityType
* parentInvPaymentPriority
* objectVersionNumber
* tdsRoundingFactor
* thresholdGrpId
* invoiceToVendorType
* taxRate
* invoiceToTdsAuthorityCurr
* taxId
* invoiceToTdsAuthorityAmt
* tdsSectionCode
* invoiceToVendorNum
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* taxAmount
* invoiceId
* rollbackReversed
* tdsAuthorityVendorId
* tdsAuthorityVendorSiteId
* vendorSiteId
* lastUpdatedBy
* parentInvExchangeRate
* thresholdTrxId
* taxableAmount
* thresholdTypeId
* taxCategoryId
* invoiceToVendorId
* tdsRollbacked
* creationDate
* calcTaxAmount


 * thresholdType
* creationDate
* thresholdHdrId
* toDate
* defaultType
* fromDate
* objectVersionNumber
* thresholdTypeId
* lastUpdatedBy
* createdBy
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin


 * thresholdType
* creationDate
* thresholdHdrId
* toDate
* defaultType
* fromDate
* objectVersionNumber
* thresholdTypeId
* lastUpdatedBy
* createdBy
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin


 * creationDate
* vendorPan
* objectVersionNumber
* endDate
* createdBy
* prospectiveFlag
* thresholdHdrId
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* startDate
* certificateNumber
* lastUpdateLogin
* vendorId
* thresholdExceptionId
* orgTan


 * creationDate
* vendorPan
* objectVersionNumber
* endDate
* createdBy
* prospectiveFlag
* thresholdHdrId
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* startDate
* certificateNumber
* lastUpdateLogin
* vendorId
* thresholdExceptionId
* orgTan


 * tdsVendorTypeLookupCode
* objectVersionNumber
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* tanNo
* wardNo
* taxId
* sectionType
* vendorId
* sectionCode
* tdsVendorClassification
* confirmPanFlag
* vendorSiteId
* createdBy
* panNo
* creationDate


 * tdsVendorTypeLookupCode
* objectVersionNumber
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* tanNo
* wardNo
* taxId
* sectionType
* vendorId
* sectionCode
* tdsVendorClassification
* confirmPanFlag
* vendorSiteId
* createdBy
* panNo
* creationDate


 * finYear
* inclusiveTaxFlag
* lastUpdateLogin
* tanNo
* startDate
* tdsRoundingFactor
* creationDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* tdsRoundingStartDate
* createdBy
* endDate
* legalEntityId
* lastUpdateDate
* objectVersionNumber


 * finYear
* inclusiveTaxFlag
* lastUpdateLogin
* tanNo
* startDate
* tdsRoundingFactor
* creationDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* tdsRoundingStartDate
* createdBy
* endDate
* legalEntityId
* lastUpdateDate
* objectVersionNumber


 * createdBy
* tolerancePosAmt
* toleranceFlag
* tolerancePosPercent
* toleranceNegAmt
* objectVersionNumber
* toleranceNegPercent
* orgId
* creationDate
* lastUpdateDate
* toleranceChargeAccountId
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin


 * createdBy
* tolerancePosAmt
* toleranceFlag
* tolerancePosPercent
* toleranceNegAmt
* objectVersionNumber
* toleranceNegPercent
* orgId
* creationDate
* lastUpdateDate
* toleranceChargeAccountId
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin


 * status
* logFile
* patchDate
* patchNumber


 * status
* logFile
* patchDate
* patchNumber


 * confirmFlag
* attribute5
* attributeCategory
* attribute4
* attribute6
* serviceTypeCode
* documentType
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* createdBy
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* attribute15
* attribute2
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* lastUpdateLogin
* locationId
* attribute1
* attribute12
* itemClassification
* attribute13
* cashReceiptId
* orgId
* taxCategoryId
* objectVersionNumber
* organizationId
* customerId
* attribute10
* receiptAmount
* creationDate
* confirmDate
* attribute9
* attribute3
* glDate
* attribute8
* lastUpdateDate
* locCashReceiptId
* exchangeRateType
* taxDefaultedFlag
* currencyCode
* exchangeDate
* attribute14


 * confirmFlag
* attribute5
* attributeCategory
* attribute4
* attribute6
* serviceTypeCode
* documentType
* tempSequenceId
* lastUpdatedBy
* createdBy
* attribute11
* attribute7
* attribute15
* attribute2
* exchangeRate
* lastUpdateLogin
* locationId
* attribute1
* attribute12
* itemClassification
* attribute13
* cashReceiptId
* orgId
* taxCategoryId
* objectVersionNumber
* organizationId
* customerId
* attribute10
* receiptAmount
* creationDate
* confirmDate
* attribute9
* attribute3
* glDate
* attribute8
* lastUpdateDate
* locCashReceiptId
* exchangeRateType
* taxDefaultedFlag
* currencyCode
* exchangeDate
* attribute14


 * claimNo
* createdBy
* claimedAmount
* destination
* lastUpdatedBy
* shipmentDate
* ar4Number
* lastUpdateDate
* quantity
* boeExciseInv
* boeExciseInvAmount
* poeId
* importedItemUom
* shipmentLineId
* objectVersionNumber
* boeExciseInvDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* importedItemId
* creationDate
* revision


 * claimNo
* createdBy
* claimedAmount
* destination
* lastUpdatedBy
* shipmentDate
* ar4Number
* lastUpdateDate
* quantity
* boeExciseInv
* boeExciseInvAmount
* poeId
* importedItemUom
* shipmentLineId
* objectVersionNumber
* boeExciseInvDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* importedItemId
* creationDate
* revision


 * checkNumber
* tcsCheckDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* tcsAmt
* partySiteId
* partyCode
* surchargeAmt
* creationDate
* certificateIssueDate
* lineAmt
* challanNo
* batchId
* sourceDocumentId
* bankBranchCode
* tcsTaxRate
* sourceDocumentType
* createdBy
* partyPan
* tcsCheckId
* challanDate
* deducteeLineNum
* exemptedFlag
* partyId
* challanLineNum
* cessAmt
* sourceDocumentDate
* collectionFlag
* objectVersionNumber
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdateDate


 * checkNumber
* tcsCheckDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* tcsAmt
* partySiteId
* partyCode
* surchargeAmt
* creationDate
* certificateIssueDate
* lineAmt
* challanNo
* batchId
* sourceDocumentId
* bankBranchCode
* tcsTaxRate
* sourceDocumentType
* createdBy
* partyPan
* tcsCheckId
* challanDate
* deducteeLineNum
* exemptedFlag
* partyId
* challanLineNum
* cessAmt
* sourceDocumentDate
* collectionFlag
* objectVersionNumber
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdateDate


 * primaryUomDesc
* createdBy
* organizationId
* exciseUomCode
* exciseUomDesc
* lastUpdateLogin
* primaryUomCode
* creationDate
* exciseUomId
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy


 * primaryUomDesc
* createdBy
* organizationId
* exciseUomCode
* exciseUomDesc
* lastUpdateLogin
* primaryUomCode
* creationDate
* exciseUomId
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy


 * trOld
* adoOld
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* statusOld
* foNew
* statusNew
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* paymentAuditId
* invoiceCustomerTrxId
* cmCustomerTrxId
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* toOld
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* adoNew
* foOld
* trNew
* acctdAdrOld
* creationDate
* actualDateClosedNew
* createdBy
* toNew
* concurrentReqNum
* glDateClosedNew
* requestId
* acctdAdrNew
* objectVersionNumber
* frNew
* aappOld
* frOld
* lastUpdateDate
* actualDateClosedOld
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* alioNew
* adrNew
* adrOld
* alioOld


 * trOld
* adoOld
* acredOld
* originalCustomerTrxId
* statusOld
* foNew
* statusNew
* paymentScheduleId
* paymentAuditId
* invoiceCustomerTrxId
* cmCustomerTrxId
* aappNew
* acredNew
* toOld
* glDateClosedOld
* adoNew
* foOld
* trNew
* acctdAdrOld
* creationDate
* actualDateClosedNew
* createdBy
* toNew
* concurrentReqNum
* glDateClosedNew
* requestId
* acctdAdrNew
* objectVersionNumber
* frNew
* aappOld
* frOld
* lastUpdateDate
* actualDateClosedOld
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* alioNew
* adrNew
* adrOld
* alioOld


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* fappliedNew
* concurrentReqNum
* receivableApplicationId
* customerTrxId
* recApplAuditId
* fappOld
* tappNew
* tappOld
* objectVersionNumber
* lastUpdatedBy
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* acctdAappAppliedToNew
* lastUpdateLogin
* acctdAappFromOld
* createdBy
* aappNew
* acctdAappAppliedFromNew
* lastUpdateDate
* creationDate


 * aappOld
* fappliedNew
* concurrentReqNum
* receivableApplicationId
* customerTrxId
* recApplAuditId
* fappOld
* tappNew
* tappOld
* objectVersionNumber
* lastUpdatedBy
* requestId
* acctdAappToOld
* acctdAappAppliedToNew
* lastUpdateLogin
* acctdAappFromOld
* createdBy
* aappNew
* acctdAappAppliedFromNew
* lastUpdateDate
* creationDate


 * objectVersionNumber
* siteUseId
* creationDate
* effectiveFromDate
* existingTypeId
* batchId
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* mappingType
* effectiveToDate
* createdBy
* lastUpdatedBy
* orgId
* setOfBooksId
* customerId
* lastUpdateLogin


 * objectVersionNumber
* siteUseId
* creationDate
* effectiveFromDate
* existingTypeId
* batchId
* mappingId
* processDate
* conversionRate
* lastUpdateDate
* newTypeId
* mappingType
* effectiveToDate
* createdBy
* lastUpdatedBy
* orgId
* setOfBooksId
* customerId
* lastUpdateLogin


 * newOtherAmt
* customerId
* createdBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* creationDate
* trxDate
* existExciseAmt
* lastUpdatedBy
* supplementaryNum
* existOtherAmt
* suppInvDate
* objectVersionNumber
* customerSite
* newNetSalesAmt
* existNetSalesAmt
* exciseDiffAmt
* lastUpdateDate
* processDate
* otherDiffAmt
* newExciseAmt
* customerTrxId
* suppInvRaisedInd
* suppInvType
* setOfBooksId
* orgId
* batchId
* supHdrId
* chosenForProcess


 * newOtherAmt
* customerId
* createdBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* creationDate
* trxDate
* existExciseAmt
* lastUpdatedBy
* supplementaryNum
* existOtherAmt
* suppInvDate
* objectVersionNumber
* customerSite
* newNetSalesAmt
* existNetSalesAmt
* exciseDiffAmt
* lastUpdateDate
* processDate
* otherDiffAmt
* newExciseAmt
* customerTrxId
* suppInvRaisedInd
* suppInvType
* setOfBooksId
* orgId
* batchId
* supHdrId
* chosenForProcess


 * lastUpdatedBy
* orgId
* interfaceHeaderAttribute6
* setOfBooksId
* creationDate
* interfaceHeaderAttribute7
* customerId
* mappingId
* interfaceHeaderContext
* effectiveDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* customerSite
* trxDate
* createdBy
* lastUpdateDate
* objectVersionNumber
* customerTrxId
* interfaceHeaderAttribute1


 * lastUpdatedBy
* orgId
* interfaceHeaderAttribute6
* setOfBooksId
* creationDate
* interfaceHeaderAttribute7
* customerId
* mappingId
* interfaceHeaderContext
* effectiveDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* customerSite
* trxDate
* createdBy
* lastUpdateDate
* objectVersionNumber
* customerTrxId
* interfaceHeaderAttribute1


 * oldSellingPrice
* existLineAmt
* lastUpdateDate
* customerTrxId
* newSellingPrice
* unitCode
* existExciseAmt
* createdBy
* interfaceLineAttribute2
* exciseDiffAmt
* lastUpdateLogin
* customerTrxLineId
* inventoryItemId
* taxCategoryId
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* newOtherAmt
* lineDiffAmt
* plMappingId
* alMappingId
* quantity
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* newAssessableValue
* newLineAmt
* newExciseAmt
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* oldAssessableValue
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* supInvType
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* existLineAmt
* lastUpdateDate
* customerTrxId
* newSellingPrice
* unitCode
* existExciseAmt
* createdBy
* interfaceLineAttribute2
* exciseDiffAmt
* lastUpdateLogin
* customerTrxLineId
* inventoryItemId
* taxCategoryId
* lineNumber
* newOtherAmt
* lineDiffAmt
* plMappingId
* alMappingId
* quantity
* objectVersionNumber
* newAssessableValue
* newLineAmt
* newExciseAmt
* description
* oldAssessableValue
* otherDiffAmt
* lastUpdatedBy
* existOtherAmt
* supInvType
* creationDate


 * newFuncTaxAmt
* precedence4
* newRate
* precedence3
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* newQtyRate
* lastUpdatedBy
* taxLineNo
* creationDate
* precedence7
* oldBaseTaxAmt
* linkToCustTrxLineId
* precedence8
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* oldQtyRate
* oldUom
* precedence2
* objectVersionNumber
* newTaxAmt
* precedence9
* precedence6
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* oldFuncTaxAmt
* supInvType
* newBaseTaxAmt
* diffAmt
* precedence10
* newUom
* oldTaxId
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdateDate
* precedence1
* precedence5
* mappingId
* createdBy
* oldRate


 * newFuncTaxAmt
* precedence4
* newRate
* precedence3
* newTaxId
* newQtyRate
* lastUpdatedBy
* taxLineNo
* creationDate
* precedence7
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* linkToCustTrxLineId
* precedence8
* customerTrxLineId
* oldQtyRate
* oldUom
* precedence2
* objectVersionNumber
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* precedence9
* precedence6
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* oldFuncTaxAmt
* supInvType
* newBaseTaxAmt
* diffAmt
* precedence10
* newUom
* oldTaxId
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdateDate
* precedence1
* precedence5
* mappingId
* createdBy
* oldRate


 * siteUseId
* amount
* interfaceLineAttribute1
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* formName
* creationDate
* tdsCertificateId
* objectVersionNumber
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdateDate
* formNumber
* createdBy
* customerId
* description
* lastUpdatedBy
* receivedDate
* certificateDate


 * siteUseId
* amount
* interfaceLineAttribute1
* interfaceLineAttribute2
* formName
* creationDate
* tdsCertificateId
* objectVersionNumber
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdateDate
* formNumber
* createdBy
* customerId
* description
* lastUpdatedBy
* receivedDate
* certificateDate


 * cmTrxNum
* invTrxLineId
* creationDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* objectVersionNumber
* invUpdateFlag
* invTargetAmt
* invTrxId
* cmTrxId
* oeStId
* invTrxNum
* createdBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* cmTrxLineId
* lastUpdateDate
* cmTargetAmt


 * cmTrxNum
* invTrxLineId
* creationDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* objectVersionNumber
* invUpdateFlag
* invTargetAmt
* invTrxId
* cmTrxId
* oeStId
* invTrxNum
* createdBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* cmTrxLineId
* lastUpdateDate
* cmTargetAmt


 * creationDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* objectVersionNumber
* trxNumber
* batchSourceId
* lastUpdateDate
* customerTrxId
* recurredFromTrxNumber
* lastUpdateLogin
* createdFrom
* createdBy


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* lastUpdatedBy
* objectVersionNumber
* trxNumber
* batchSourceId
* lastUpdateDate
* customerTrxId
* recurredFromTrxNumber
* lastUpdateLogin
* createdFrom
* createdBy


 * organizationId
* lastUpdateDate
* createdBy
* custTrxTypeId
* shipToSiteUseId
* locationId
* billToCustomerId
* trxDate
* soldToCustomerId
* lastUpdateLogin
* customerTrxId
* creationDate
* batchSourceId
* shipToCustomerId
* billToSiteUseId
* objectVersionNumber
* lastUpdatedBy


 * organizationId
* lastUpdateDate
* createdBy
* custTrxTypeId
* shipToSiteUseId
* locationId
* billToCustomerId
* trxDate
* soldToCustomerId
* lastUpdateLogin
* customerTrxId
* creationDate
* batchSourceId
* shipToCustomerId
* billToSiteUseId
* objectVersionNumber
* lastUpdatedBy


 * linkToCustTrxLineId
* insertUpdateFlag
* custTrxLineSalesRepId
* lastUpdatedBy
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* lineType
* creationDate
* paddr
* objectVersionNumber
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* codeCombinationId
* extendedAmount
* amount
* vatTaxId
* interfaceFlag
* uomCode
* setOfBooksId
* source
* orgId
* acctdAmount
* errorFlag
* errMesg
* lineNumber
* customerTrxId
* lastUpdateDate


 * linkToCustTrxLineId
* insertUpdateFlag
* custTrxLineSalesRepId
* lastUpdatedBy
* createdBy
* lastUpdateLogin
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* lineType
* creationDate
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* customerTrxLineId
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* codeCombinationId
* extendedAmount
* amount
* vatTaxId
* interfaceFlag
* uomCode
* setOfBooksId
* source
* orgId
* acctdAmount
* errorFlag
* errMesg
* lineNumber
* customerTrxId
* lastUpdateDate


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* creationDate
* paymentRegister
* objectVersionNumber
* attribute2
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* attribute7
* customerTrxLineId
* exciseExemptDate
* taxCategoryId
* attribute11
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* vatReversalPrice
* lastUpdateDate
* exciseInvoiceNo
* attributeCategory
* autoInvoiceFlag
* unitSellingPrice
* description
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* lastUpdateLogin
* exciseExemptRefno
* attribute6
* serviceTypeCode
* vatExemptionFlag
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* exciseExemptType
* attribute4
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* attribute12
* interfaceFlag
* vatExemptionType
* attribute8
* attribute15
* attribute9
* attribute10
* customerTrxId
* attribute3
* gstInvoiceNo
* gstInvoiceDate
* quantity
* inventoryItemId
* taxAmount
* lineAmount
* gstAssessableValue
* interfaceEvent
* ar3FormDate
* vatExemptionRefno
* attribute1
* createdBy


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* preprintedExciseInvNo
* attribute13
* vatAssessableValue
* creationDate
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* exciseExemptDate
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* vatReversalPrice
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* exciseExemptType
* attribute4
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* attribute12
* interfaceFlag
* vatExemptionType
* attribute8
* attribute15
* attribute9
* attribute10
* customerTrxId
* attribute3
* gstInvoiceNo
* gstInvoiceDate
* quantity
* inventoryItemId
* taxAmount
* lineAmount
* gstAssessableValue
* interfaceEvent
* ar3FormDate
* vatExemptionRefno
* attribute1
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* claimDutyDrawback
* closedFlag
* lastUpdateLogin
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* createdBy
* lastUpdatedBy
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* lastUpdateDate
* objectVersionNumber
* creationDate
* customerTrxId
* shipBillDate
* ar4Number


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* shipBillNumber
* claimDutyDrawback
* closedFlag
* lastUpdateLogin
* destination
* createdBy
* lastUpdatedBy
* poeId
* lastUpdateDate
* objectVersionNumber
* creationDate
* customerTrxId
* shipBillDate
* ar4Number


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* lastUpdateLogin
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* interfaceHeaderContext
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* setOfBooksId
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* mappingId
* existingTypeId
* lastUpdateDate
* effectiveDate
* lastUpdateLogin
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* interfaceHeaderContext
* conversionRate
* setOfBooksId
* lastUpdatedBy
* mappingType
* interfaceHeaderAttribute6
* objectVersionNumber
* customerId
* interfaceHeaderAttribute1
* trxDate
* customerTrxId
* newTypeId
* createdBy
* interfaceHeaderAttribute7
* combNo


 * precedence6
* precedence7
* precedence9
* precedence3
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* taxAmount
* precedence10
* objectVersionNumber
* precedence5
* precedence8
* invoiceClass
* uom
* customerTrxLineId
* taxRate
* funcTaxAmount
* precedence1
* creationDate
* taxId
* lastUpdateDate
* baseTaxAmount
* createdBy
* precedence2
* precedence4
* qtyRate
* linkToCustTrxLineId
* taxLineNo


 * precedence6
* precedence7
* precedence9
* precedence3
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* taxAmount
* precedence10
* objectVersionNumber
* precedence5
* precedence8
* invoiceClass
* uom
* customerTrxLineId
* taxRate
* funcTaxAmount
* precedence1
* creationDate
* taxId
* lastUpdateDate
* baseTaxAmount
* createdBy
* precedence2
* precedence4
* qtyRate
* linkToCustTrxLineId
* taxLineNo


 * taxAmount
* lastUpdateDate
* precedence6
* taxLineNo
* precedence9
* funcTaxAmount
* createdBy
* invoiceClass
* precedence8
* objectVersionNumber
* lastUpdatedBy
* uom
* taxId
* lastUpdateLogin
* linkToCustTrxLineId
* precedence10
* customerTrxLineId
* precedence2
* precedence5
* taxRate
* qtyRate
* baseTaxAmount
* precedence4
* precedence7
* precedence3
* creationDate
* precedence1


 * taxAmount
* lastUpdateDate
* precedence6
* taxLineNo
* precedence9
* funcTaxAmount
* createdBy
* invoiceClass
* precedence8
* objectVersionNumber
* lastUpdatedBy
* uom
* taxId
* lastUpdateLogin
* linkToCustTrxLineId
* precedence10
* customerTrxLineId
* precedence2
* precedence5
* taxRate
* qtyRate
* baseTaxAmount
* precedence4
* precedence7
* precedence3
* creationDate
* precedence1


 * lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* createdBy
* creationDate
* objectVersionNumber
* modifiedFlag
* lastUpdatedBy
* trxId


 * lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* createdBy
* creationDate
* objectVersionNumber
* modifiedFlag
* lastUpdatedBy
* trxId


 * exchangeDate
* organizationId
* onceCompletedFlag
* createdBy
* lastUpdateDate
* legalEntityId
* taxAmount
* updateRgFlag
* trxNumber
* updateRg23dFlag
* lastUpdateLogin
* completeFlag
* lineAmount
* taxInvoiceNo
* vatInvoiceDate
* exchangeRate
* gstInvoiceDate
* setOfBooksId
* stInvNumber
* locationId
* invoiceCurrencyCode
* exchangeRateType
* createdFrom
* vatInvoiceNo
* creationDate
* shipToCustomerId
* lastUpdatedBy
* primarySalesrepId
* gstInvoiceNo
* batchSourceId
* objectVersionNumber
* customerTrxId
* totalAmount
* shipToSiteUseId


 * exchangeDate
* organizationId
* onceCompletedFlag
* createdBy
* lastUpdateDate
* legalEntityId
* taxAmount
* updateRgFlag
* trxNumber
* updateRg23dFlag
* lastUpdateLogin
* completeFlag
* lineAmount
* taxInvoiceNo
* vatInvoiceDate
* exchangeRate
* gstInvoiceDate
* setOfBooksId
* stInvNumber
* locationId
* invoiceCurrencyCode
* exchangeRateType
* createdFrom
* vatInvoiceNo
* creationDate
* shipToCustomerId
* lastUpdatedBy
* primarySalesrepId
* gstInvoiceNo
* batchSourceId
* objectVersionNumber
* customerTrxId
* totalAmount
* shipToSiteUseId


 * boeDetailTaxId
* taxRate
* taxAmount
* boeDetailId
* baseTaxAmount
* lastUpdatedBy
* precedence8
* precedence5
* uom
* taxId
* precedence6
* inclusiveTaxFlag
* taxCategoryId
* createdBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* taxLineNo
* taxType
* funcTaxAmount
* appliedAmount
* objectVersionNumber
* precedence7
* boeFlag
* precedence2
* precedence3
* lastUpdateDate
* precedence9
* creationDate
* precedence1
* precedence10
* precedence4
* assessableValue
* qtyRate


 * boeDetailTaxId
* taxRate
* taxAmount
* boeDetailId
* baseTaxAmount
* lastUpdatedBy
* precedence8
* precedence5
* uom
* taxId
* precedence6
* inclusiveTaxFlag
* taxCategoryId
* createdBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* taxLineNo
* taxType
* funcTaxAmount
* appliedAmount
* objectVersionNumber
* precedence7
* boeFlag
* precedence2
* precedence3
* lastUpdateDate
* precedence9
* creationDate
* precedence1
* precedence10
* precedence4
* assessableValue
* qtyRate


 * boeDocLineNum
* boeId
* attribute1
* uomCode
* customsTariffHeading
* detailLineNum
* lineAmount
* quantity
* dutyCode
* attribute14
* objectVersionNumber
* attribute7
* attribute15
* unitPrice
* attribute9
* boeDocLineId
* pkgSerialNumber
* attribute3
* description
* customsTariffCode
* attribute13
* pkgMarksNum
* attribute6
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute5
* attribute8
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* lastUpdateLogin
* boeDocId
* inventoryItemId
* shipmentLineNum
* lastUpdatedBy
* boeDetailId
* taxCategoryId
* appliedQty
* attributeCategory
* taxAmount
* attribute10
* creationDate
* attribute12
* attribute11
* createdBy
* assessableValue


 * boeDocLineNum
* boeId
* attribute1
* uomCode
* customsTariffHeading
* detailLineNum
* lineAmount
* quantity
* dutyCode
* attribute14
* objectVersionNumber
* attribute7
* attribute15
* unitPrice
* attribute9
* boeDocLineId
* pkgSerialNumber
* attribute3
* description
* customsTariffCode
* attribute13
* pkgMarksNum
* attribute6
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute5
* attribute8
* attribute4
* attribute2
* lastUpdateLogin
* boeDocId
* inventoryItemId
* shipmentLineNum
* lastUpdatedBy
* boeDetailId
* taxCategoryId
* appliedQty
* attributeCategory
* taxAmount
* attribute10
* creationDate
* attribute12
* attribute11
* createdBy
* assessableValue


 * boeId
* description
* lastUpdateLogin
* docType
* creationDate
* boeDocId
* docSrNum
* objectVersionNumber
* lastUpdatedBy
* createdBy
* docId
* lastUpdateDate


 * boeId
* description
* lastUpdateLogin
* docType
* creationDate
* boeDocId
* docSrNum
* objectVersionNumber
* lastUpdatedBy
* createdBy
* docId
* lastUpdateDate


 * taxAmount
* objectVersionNumber
* createdBy
* lastUpdatedBy
* creationDate
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* matchTaxId
* taxId
* matchId


 * taxAmount
* objectVersionNumber
* createdBy
* lastUpdatedBy
* creationDate
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* matchTaxId
* taxId
* matchId


 * boeId
* taxCategoryId


 * boeId
* taxCategoryId


 * creationDate
* totalAmount
* lastUpdateLogin
* taxAmount
* objectVersionNumber
* lastUpdatedBy
* roundingId
* roundingAmount
* boeId
* lastUpdateDate
* taxId
* createdBy


 * creationDate
* totalAmount
* lastUpdateLogin
* taxAmount
* objectVersionNumber
* lastUpdatedBy
* roundingId
* roundingAmount
* boeId
* lastUpdateDate
* taxId
* createdBy


 * creationDate
* writeoffTaxId
* lastUpdateDate
* taxAmount
* boeWriteoffId
* lastUpdatedBy
* objectVersionNumber
* createdBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* taxId


 * creationDate
* writeoffTaxId
* lastUpdateDate
* taxAmount
* boeWriteoffId
* lastUpdatedBy
* objectVersionNumber
* createdBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* taxId


 * inventoryItemId
* totalCost
* processedFlag
* locationId
* bomHeaderId
* createdBy
* costTypeId
* creationDate
* organizationId
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* finYear
* alternateBomDesignator
* lastUpdateDate


 * inventoryItemId
* totalCost
* processedFlag
* locationId
* bomHeaderId
* createdBy
* costTypeId
* creationDate
* organizationId
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* finYear
* alternateBomDesignator
* lastUpdateDate


 * inventoryItemId
* itemCost
* lastUpdateDate
* itemQuantity
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdatedBy
* organizationId
* selectedFlag
* bomHeaderId
* creationDate
* bomDetailId
* createdBy


 * inventoryItemId
* itemCost
* lastUpdateDate
* itemQuantity
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdatedBy
* organizationId
* selectedFlag
* bomHeaderId
* creationDate
* bomDetailId
* createdBy


 * lastUpdateLogin
* state
* objectVersionNumber
* agentId
* address1
* address3
* pin
* creationDate
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* city
* createdBy
* agentName
* address2
* agentCode


 * lastUpdateLogin
* state
* objectVersionNumber
* agentId
* address1
* address3
* pin
* creationDate
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* city
* createdBy
* agentName
* address2
* agentCode


 * eduCessCustomsAmount
* serialNumber
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateDate
* additionalCvdAmt
* dutyCode
* cummDutyAmount
* shCustomsCessRate
* quantity
* createdBy
* shEduCessBasis
* pkgDescription
* addlDutyRate
* shCvdCessAmount
* addlDutyAmount
* eduCessCvdRate
* eduCessCustomsBasis
* boeId
* itemNumber
* additionalCvdRate
* uomCode
* customsTariff
* lastUpdateLogin
* additionalCvdBasis
* shEduCessAmount
* pkgNumber
* shEduCessRate
* totalDutyAmount
* eduCessCustomsRate
* lineNumber
* objectVersionNumber
* totalValue
* shCvdCessBasis
* shCustomsCessAmount
* eduCessCvdBasis
* creationDate
* exemptionNum
* surchDutyRate
* additionalCvdAmount
* eduCessCvdAmount
* shCvdCessRate
* basicDutyAmount
* surchDutyAmount
* basicDutyRate
* accessibleValue
* shCustomsCessBasis


 * eduCessCustomsAmount
* serialNumber
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateDate
* additionalCvdAmt
* dutyCode
* cummDutyAmount
* shCustomsCessRate
* quantity
* createdBy
* shEduCessBasis
* pkgDescription
* addlDutyRate
* shCvdCessAmount
* addlDutyAmount
* eduCessCvdRate
* eduCessCustomsBasis
* boeId
* itemNumber
* additionalCvdRate
* uomCode
* customsTariff
* lastUpdateLogin
* additionalCvdBasis
* shEduCessAmount
* pkgNumber
* shEduCessRate
* totalDutyAmount
* eduCessCustomsRate
* lineNumber
* objectVersionNumber
* totalValue
* shCvdCessBasis
* shCustomsCessAmount
* eduCessCvdBasis
* creationDate
* exemptionNum
* surchDutyRate
* additionalCvdAmount
* eduCessCvdAmount
* shCvdCessRate
* basicDutyAmount
* surchDutyAmount
* basicDutyRate
* accessibleValue
* shCustomsCessBasis


 * portName
* attribute13
* mawbDate
* attribute3
* vesselName
* lastUpdateDate
* legalEntityId
* locationId
* mawbNumber
* boeType
* importDate
* attribute1
* licenseNum
* currencyRateDate
* currencyRateType
* attribute10
* attribute7
* currencyCode
* bolNumber
* attribute2
* portOfShipment
* attribute8
* importSrNum
* lastUpdatedBy
* countryOrigin
* gcClearanceFlag
* portCode
* hawbNumber
* invoiceNum
* orgId
* igmDate
* rotationDate
* status
* organizationId
* attribute4
* attributeCategory
* bolDate
* creationDate
* attribute5
* depbAcctId
* natureOfTransaction
* attribute6
* currencyRate
* migrationFlag
* attribute9
* igmNumber
* attribute11
* grossWeight
* customsAuthorityId
* boeAmount
* vendorId
* termsOfInvoice
* consolidatedFlag
* objectVersionNumber
* boeDate
* depbAmount
* termsOfPayment
* rotationNo
* boeWithoutReferFlag
* attribute15
* attribute14
* customsAuthoritySiteId
* numberOfPackage
* createdBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute12
* boeId
* amountWrittenOff
* agentId
* amountApplied
* countryConsignmnt
* hawbDate
* vendorSiteId


 * portName
* attribute13
* mawbDate
* attribute3
* vesselName
* lastUpdateDate
* legalEntityId
* locationId
* mawbNumber
* boeType
* importDate
* attribute1
* licenseNum
* currencyRateDate
* currencyRateType
* attribute10
* attribute7
* currencyCode
* bolNumber
* attribute2
* portOfShipment
* attribute8
* importSrNum
* lastUpdatedBy
* countryOrigin
* gcClearanceFlag
* portCode
* hawbNumber
* invoiceNum
* orgId
* igmDate
* rotationDate
* status
* organizationId
* attribute4
* attributeCategory
* bolDate
* creationDate
* attribute5
* depbAcctId
* natureOfTransaction
* attribute6
* currencyRate
* migrationFlag
* attribute9
* igmNumber
* attribute11
* grossWeight
* customsAuthorityId
* boeAmount
* vendorId
* termsOfInvoice
* consolidatedFlag
* objectVersionNumber
* boeDate
* depbAmount
* termsOfPayment
* rotationNo
* boeWithoutReferFlag
* attribute15
* attribute14
* customsAuthoritySiteId
* numberOfPackage
* createdBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute12
* boeId
* amountWrittenOff
* agentId
* amountApplied
* countryConsignmnt
* hawbDate
* vendorSiteId


 * amount
* boeDetailId
* lastUpdatedBy
* objectVersionNumber
* boeMatchingId
* transactionId
* creationDate
* shipmentLineId
* shipmentHeaderId
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdateDate
* refSeqNo
* createdBy
* boeId


 * amount
* boeDetailId
* lastUpdatedBy
* objectVersionNumber
* boeMatchingId
* transactionId
* creationDate
* shipmentLineId
* shipmentHeaderId
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdateDate
* refSeqNo
* createdBy
* boeId


 * writeOffReason
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* boeId
* createdBy
* writeOffAmount
* lastUpdateDate
* objectVersionNumber
* writeOffDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* boeWriteoffId


 * writeOffReason
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* boeId
* createdBy
* writeOffAmount
* lastUpdateDate
* objectVersionNumber
* writeOffDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* boeWriteoffId


 * attribute5
* attribute3
* serviceTaxRegno
* cstRegNo
* objectVersionNumber
* taxCategoryList
* attribute7
* exciseDutyDivision
* stRegNo
* lastUpdateLogin
* customerId
* attribute10
* exciseDutyRange
* exciseDutyRegNo
* attribute4
* attribute1
* gstRegistrationNo
* addressId
* exciseDutyRegion
* tcsCustomerType
* attribute9
* priceListId
* vatRegNo
* customerAddressId
* exciseDutyCircle
* exciseDutyZone
* lastUpdatedBy
* customerType
* attribute2
* tanNo
* confirmPan
* serviceTypeCode
* exempt
* gstAssessablePrice
* attribute8
* vatPriceListId
* exciseDutyComm
* lastUpdateDate
* ecCode
* creationDate
* panNo
* createdBy
* stateCode
* attribute6


 * attribute5
* attribute3
* serviceTaxRegno
* cstRegNo
* objectVersionNumber
* taxCategoryList
* attribute7
* exciseDutyDivision
* stRegNo
* lastUpdateLogin
* customerId
* attribute10
* exciseDutyRange
* exciseDutyRegNo
* attribute4
* attribute1
* gstRegistrationNo
* addressId
* exciseDutyRegion
* tcsCustomerType
* attribute9
* priceListId
* vatRegNo
* customerAddressId
* exciseDutyCircle
* exciseDutyZone
* lastUpdatedBy
* customerType
* attribute2
* tanNo
* confirmPan
* serviceTypeCode
* exempt
* gstAssessablePrice
* attribute8
* vatPriceListId
* exciseDutyComm
* lastUpdateDate
* ecCode
* creationDate
* panNo
* createdBy
* stateCode
* attribute6


 * logFilePrefix
* logContext
* debugUserId
* logStatus
* debugLogId
* objectVersionNumber


 * logFilePrefix
* logContext
* debugUserId
* logStatus
* debugLogId
* objectVersionNumber


 * precedence4
* createdBy
* taxRate
* adhocFlag
* sourceDocType
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* docTaxId
* sourceTableName
* currencyCode
* precedence9
* taxCategoryId
* lastUpdatedBy
* precedence5
* taxId
* precedence10
* sourceDocParentLineNo
* precedence6
* taxModifiedBy
* precedence8
* objectVersionNumber
* modvatFlag
* vendorId
* precedence1
* precedence3
* precedence2
* lastUpdateLogin
* funcTaxAmt
* sourceDocId
* creationDate
* qtyRate
* taxAmt
* taxLineNo
* lastUpdateDate
* uom
* precedence7
* taxType


 * precedence4
* createdBy
* taxRate
* adhocFlag
* sourceDocType
* sourceDocLineId
* docTaxId
* sourceTableName
* currencyCode
* precedence9
* taxCategoryId
* lastUpdatedBy
* precedence5
* taxId
* precedence10
* sourceDocParentLineNo
* precedence6
* taxModifiedBy
* precedence8
* objectVersionNumber
* modvatFlag
* vendorId
* precedence1
* precedence3
* precedence2
* lastUpdateLogin
* funcTaxAmt
* sourceDocId
* creationDate
* qtyRate
* taxAmt
* taxLineNo
* lastUpdateDate
* uom
* precedence7
* taxType


 * errorMessage
* additionalErrorMesg
* lastUpdateLogin
* applicationSource
* objectVersionNumber
* lastUpdatedBy
* createdBy
* creationDate
* lastUpdateDate


 * errorMessage
* additionalErrorMesg
* lastUpdateLogin
* applicationSource
* objectVersionNumber
* lastUpdatedBy
* createdBy
* creationDate
* lastUpdateDate


 * organizationId
* finYearStartDate
* creationDate
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* createdBy
* finYearEndDate
* objectVersionNumber
* finYear
* finActiveFlag
* lastUpdatedBy


 * organizationId
* finYearStartDate
* creationDate
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* createdBy
* finYearEndDate
* objectVersionNumber
* finYear
* finActiveFlag
* lastUpdatedBy


 * lastUpdatedBy
* attribute4
* trExciseDutyRegNo
* excise23dAccount
* prefRg23a
* trExciseDutyRegion
* attribute8
* defaultLocationBillOnly
* scrapCostAccountId
* exciseEduCessRcvbleAccnt
* ospExcisePercent
* prefix
* trExciseDutyZone
* trEcCode
* shCessPaidPayableAcctId
* exciseDutyRegNo
* attribute5
* attributeCategory
* exciseRcvbleAccount
* attribute1
* attribute3
* attribute12
* panNo
* exciseReturnDays
* modvatPlaAccountId
* modvatRmAccountId
* cstRegNo
* rtvAccountFlag
* orderPriceExciseInclusive
* wardNo
* rtvExpenseAccountId
* salesReturnDays
* exciseEduCessCgAccount
* ospReturnDays
* attribute14
* shCessRmAccount
* trading
* createdBy
* exciseDutyComm
* ssiUnitFlag
* exciseDutyDivision
* locationId
* attribute7
* shCessRcvbleAcctId
* cessPaidPayableAccountId
* trExciseDutyDivision
* excisePaidAccount
* currentNumber
* ecCode
* taxChangeOnOpenIntRecpts
* manufacturing
* organizationId
* exciseDutyRange
* trExciseDutyCircle
* attribute11
* rgRoundingAccountId
* taxChangeOnWmsRecpts
* customsWriteOffAccount
* attribute6
* vatReturnDays
* exciseDutyRegion
* masterOrganizationId
* excShptWoExcTaxFlag
* claimCenvatIsoTradMfgFlag
* exciseEduCessRndAccnt
* prefRg23c
* modvatReverseAccountId
* cenvatRcvbleAccount
* tanNo
* receiptModifyFlag
* attribute9
* modvatCgAccountId
* modvatReversePercent
* shCessCgAccountId
* quantityRegisterUpdateEvent
* prefPla
* plaUsageRestrictionCode
* exciseDutyCircle
* lastUpdateLogin
* allowNegativeRgFlag
* costFlag
* dsptchExceedOrgQtyFlag
* shCessRndAccountId
* objectVersionNumber
* creationDate
* daysAllowed173l
* masterOrgFlag
* cenvatCrRevrslFlag
* attribute13
* lastUpdateDate
* jumpBy
* exciseInRg23d
* exciseDutyZone
* trExciseDutyRange
* attribute2
* exciseEduCessRmAccount
* exciseInvnoAtEcCode
* stRegNo
* exportOrientedUnit
* boeAccountId
* exciseExpenseAccount
* trExciseDutyComm
* attribute15
* orgUnitId
* vatRegNo
* attribute10


 * lastUpdatedBy
* attribute4
* trExciseDutyRegNo
* excise23dAccount
* prefRg23a
* trExciseDutyRegion
* attribute8
* defaultLocationBillOnly
* scrapCostAccountId
* exciseEduCessRcvbleAccnt
* ospExcisePercent
* prefix
* trExciseDutyZone
* trEcCode
* shCessPaidPayableAcctId
* exciseDutyRegNo
* attribute5
* attributeCategory
* exciseRcvbleAccount
* attribute1
* attribute3
* attribute12
* panNo
* exciseReturnDays
* modvatPlaAccountId
* modvatRmAccountId
* cstRegNo
* rtvAccountFlag
* orderPriceExciseInclusive
* wardNo
* rtvExpenseAccountId
* salesReturnDays
* exciseEduCessCgAccount
* ospReturnDays
* attribute14
* shCessRmAccount
* trading
* createdBy
* exciseDutyComm
* ssiUnitFlag
* exciseDutyDivision
* locationId
* attribute7
* shCessRcvbleAcctId
* cessPaidPayableAccountId
* trExciseDutyDivision
* excisePaidAccount
* currentNumber
* ecCode
* taxChangeOnOpenIntRecpts
* manufacturing
* organizationId
* exciseDutyRange
* trExciseDutyCircle
* attribute11
* rgRoundingAccountId
* taxChangeOnWmsRecpts
* customsWriteOffAccount
* attribute6
* vatReturnDays
* exciseDutyRegion
* masterOrganizationId
* excShptWoExcTaxFlag
* claimCenvatIsoTradMfgFlag
* exciseEduCessRndAccnt
* prefRg23c
* modvatReverseAccountId
* cenvatRcvbleAccount
* tanNo
* receiptModifyFlag
* attribute9
* modvatCgAccountId
* modvatReversePercent
* shCessCgAccountId
* quantityRegisterUpdateEvent
* prefPla
* plaUsageRestrictionCode
* exciseDutyCircle
* lastUpdateLogin
* allowNegativeRgFlag
* costFlag
* dsptchExceedOrgQtyFlag
* shCessRndAccountId
* objectVersionNumber
* creationDate
* daysAllowed173l
* masterOrgFlag
* cenvatCrRevrslFlag
* attribute13
* lastUpdateDate
* jumpBy
* exciseInRg23d
* exciseDutyZone
* trExciseDutyRange
* attribute2
* exciseEduCessRmAccount
* exciseInvnoAtEcCode
* stRegNo
* exportOrientedUnit
* boeAccountId
* exciseExpenseAccount
* trExciseDutyComm
* attribute15
* orgUnitId
* vatRegNo
* attribute10


 * taxType
* accountedDr
* lastUpdateDate
* repositoryId
* referenceName
* transactionDate
* creationDate
* sourceTrxId
* currConvRate
* currencyCode
* sourceTableName
* journalEntryId
* createdBy
* source
* setOfBooksId
* periodName
* codeCombinationId
* lastUpdateLogin
* accountedCr
* referenceId
* organizationId
* lastUpdatedBy
* objectVersionNumber
* regimeCode


 * taxType
* accountedDr
* lastUpdateDate
* repositoryId
* referenceName
* transactionDate
* creationDate
* sourceTrxId
* currConvRate
* currencyCode
* sourceTableName
* journalEntryId
* createdBy
* source
* setOfBooksId
* periodName
* codeCombinationId
* lastUpdateLogin
* accountedCr
* referenceId
* organizationId
* lastUpdatedBy
* objectVersionNumber
* regimeCode


 * exciseInvNumber
* exciseInvDate
* shipmentLineId
* uomCode
* shipmentLineNum
* lastUpdatedBy
* poLineLocationId
* currencyCode
* headerInterfaceId
* lastUpdateLogin
* shipmentNumber
* poLineId
* lastUpdateDate
* poUnitPrice
* cmnLineId
* objectVersionNumber
* createdBy
* poNumber
* shipmentHeaderId
* itemId
* interfaceTransactionId
* creationDate
* quantity
* poHeaderId
* lineNum


 * exciseInvNumber
* exciseInvDate
* shipmentLineId
* uomCode
* shipmentLineNum
* lastUpdatedBy
* poLineLocationId
* currencyCode
* headerInterfaceId
* lastUpdateLogin
* shipmentNumber
* poLineId
* lastUpdateDate
* poUnitPrice
* cmnLineId
* objectVersionNumber
* createdBy
* poNumber
* shipmentHeaderId
* itemId
* interfaceTransactionId
* creationDate
* quantity
* poHeaderId
* lineNum


 * receiptId
* shipStatus
* refLineId
* subinventory
* lastUpdatedBy
* receiptQuantityUom
* createdBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdateDate
* quantityApplied
* creationDate
* issueUom
* orderInvoice
* refLineNo
* objectVersionNumber
* receiptQuantityApplied


 * receiptId
* shipStatus
* refLineId
* subinventory
* lastUpdatedBy
* receiptQuantityUom
* createdBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdateDate
* quantityApplied
* creationDate
* issueUom
* orderInvoice
* refLineNo
* objectVersionNumber
* receiptQuantityApplied


 * lastUpdateLogin
* precedence5
* matchTaxId
* baseTaxAmount
* taxLineNo
* precedence1
* precedence6
* objectVersionNumber
* precedence7
* receiptId
* refLineId
* createdBy
* precedence2
* orderInvoice
* totalTaxAmount
* precedence3
* lastUpdatedBy
* precedence4
* precedence10
* taxId
* qtyRate
* taxRate
* funcTaxAmount
* creationDate
* lastUpdateDate
* precedence8
* uom
* taxAmount
* precedence9
* subinventory


 * lastUpdateLogin
* precedence5
* matchTaxId
* baseTaxAmount
* taxLineNo
* precedence1
* precedence6
* objectVersionNumber
* precedence7
* receiptId
* refLineId
* createdBy
* precedence2
* orderInvoice
* totalTaxAmount
* precedence3
* lastUpdatedBy
* precedence4
* precedence10
* taxId
* qtyRate
* taxRate
* funcTaxAmount
* creationDate
* lastUpdateDate
* precedence8
* uom
* taxAmount
* precedence9
* subinventory


 * batchId
* documentType
* releaseNo
* overrideManualTaxes
* programId
* oldTaxCategory
* requestId
* customerSiteId
* programLoginId
* customerId
* documentLineNo
* createdBy
* lastUpdateDate
* errorMessage
* commitInterval
* objectVersionNumber
* newTaxCategory
* creationDate
* shipmentNo
* programApplicationId
* lastUpdateLogin
* orgId
* processPartial
* supplierId
* documentNo
* toDate
* supplierSiteId
* fromDate
* lastUpdatedBy


 * batchId
* documentType
* releaseNo
* overrideManualTaxes
* programId
* oldTaxCategory
* requestId
* customerSiteId
* programLoginId
* customerId
* documentLineNo
* createdBy
* lastUpdateDate
* errorMessage
* commitInterval
* objectVersionNumber
* newTaxCategory
* creationDate
* shipmentNo
* programApplicationId
* lastUpdateLogin
* orgId
* processPartial
* supplierId
* documentNo
* toDate
* supplierSiteId
* fromDate
* lastUpdatedBy


 * detailId
* creationDate
* releaseNo
* documentLineNo
* lastUpdateLogin
* errorReason
* shipmentNo
* documentNo
* programId
* mtaxDtlId
* createdBy
* lastUpdatedBy
* batchId
* oldTaxCategoryId
* newTaxCategoryId
* programApplicationId
* requestId
* programLoginId
* documentType
* lastUpdateDate
* objectVersionNumber


 * detailId
* creationDate
* releaseNo
* documentLineNo
* lastUpdateLogin
* errorReason
* shipmentNo
* documentNo
* programId
* mtaxDtlId
* createdBy
* lastUpdatedBy
* batchId
* oldTaxCategoryId
* newTaxCategoryId
* programApplicationId
* requestId
* programLoginId
* documentType
* lastUpdateDate
* objectVersionNumber


 * exciseExemptRefno
* customerId
* deliveryId
* customerSiteId
* objectVersionNumber
* orderFlag
* exciseExemptType
* receivedDate
* trxTypeId
* organizationId
* lastUpdatedBy
* ar3FormNo
* ar3FormDate
* creationDate
* trxNumber
* lastUpdateLogin
* deliveryDate
* lastUpdateDate
* exciseExemptDate
* formId
* locationId
* trxDate
* createdBy


 * exciseExemptRefno
* customerId
* deliveryId
* customerSiteId
* objectVersionNumber
* orderFlag
* exciseExemptType
* receivedDate
* trxTypeId
* organizationId
* lastUpdatedBy
* ar3FormNo
* ar3FormDate
* creationDate
* trxNumber
* lastUpdateLogin
* deliveryDate
* lastUpdateDate
* exciseExemptDate
* formId
* locationId
* trxDate
* createdBy


 * dateOfCommission
* lastUpdatedBy
* organizationId
* quantityReceived
* salesInvoiceQuantity
* vendorSiteId
* objectVersionNumber
* attribute11
* creationDate
* attribute12
* chargeAccountId
* customerSiteId
* attribute3
* primaryUomCode
* transactionDate
* attribute10
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute9
* dateOfInstallation
* attribute1
* closingBalanceQty
* masterFlag
* goodsIssueQuantity
* attribute4
* attribute6
* dateOfVerification
* othReceiptDate
* salesInvoiceNo
* bollineNo
* identificationNo
* attribute7
* registerIdPartIi
* goodsIssueDate
* bolId
* transactionSourceNum
* divisionNo
* poHeaderDate
* salesInvoiceDate
* exciseInvoiceDate
* identificationMark
* openingBalanceQty
* inventoryItemId
* locationId
* attributeCategory
* finYear
* registerId
* receiptDate
* slno
* receiptRef
* goodsIssueIdRef
* basicEd
* createdBy
* lastUpdateDate
* poLineLocationId
* rangeNo
* otherEd
* vendorId
* customerId
* attribute8
* attribute15
* issueType
* transactionType
* poHeaderId
* exciseInvoiceNo
* brandName
* postedFlag
* attribute5
* remarks
* additionalEd
* attribute14
* registerType
* additionalCvd
* transactionUomCode
* poLineId
* othReceiptQuantity
* attribute13
* othReceiptIdRef
* attribute2
* placeOfInstall


 * dateOfCommission
* lastUpdatedBy
* organizationId
* quantityReceived
* salesInvoiceQuantity
* vendorSiteId
* objectVersionNumber
* attribute11
* creationDate
* attribute12
* chargeAccountId
* customerSiteId
* attribute3
* primaryUomCode
* transactionDate
* attribute10
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute9
* dateOfInstallation
* attribute1
* closingBalanceQty
* masterFlag
* goodsIssueQuantity
* attribute4
* attribute6
* dateOfVerification
* othReceiptDate
* salesInvoiceNo
* bollineNo
* identificationNo
* attribute7
* registerIdPartIi
* goodsIssueDate
* bolId
* transactionSourceNum
* divisionNo
* poHeaderDate
* salesInvoiceDate
* exciseInvoiceDate
* identificationMark
* openingBalanceQty
* inventoryItemId
* locationId
* attributeCategory
* finYear
* registerId
* receiptDate
* slno
* receiptRef
* goodsIssueIdRef
* basicEd
* createdBy
* lastUpdateDate
* poLineLocationId
* rangeNo
* otherEd
* vendorId
* customerId
* attribute8
* attribute15
* issueType
* transactionType
* poHeaderId
* exciseInvoiceNo
* brandName
* postedFlag
* attribute5
* remarks
* additionalEd
* attribute14
* registerType
* additionalCvd
* transactionUomCode
* poLineId
* othReceiptQuantity
* attribute13
* othReceiptIdRef
* attribute2
* placeOfInstall


 * periodBalanceId
* otherTaxCredit
* lastUpdateDate
* drAdditionalCvd
* crAdditionalCvd
* masterFlag
* additionalCvdAmt
* receiptDate
* vendorId
* referenceNum
* transactionDate
* customerSiteId
* drBasicEd
* finYear
* transactionSourceNum
* remarks
* lastUpdateLogin
* registerIdPartI
* roundingId
* drOtherEd
* inventoryItemId
* divisionNo
* exciseInvoiceNo
* postedFlag
* customerId
* creationDate
* bolId
* receiptRef
* createdBy
* exciseInvoiceDate
* chargeAccountId
* lastUpdatedBy
* locationId
* crAdditionalEd
* bollineNo
* objectVersionNumber
* registerType
* otherTaxDebit
* crBasicEd
* crOtherEd
* slno
* organizationId
* rangeNo
* openingBalance
* registerId
* closingBalance
* vendorSiteId
* drAdditionalEd


 * periodBalanceId
* otherTaxCredit
* lastUpdateDate
* drAdditionalCvd
* crAdditionalCvd
* masterFlag
* additionalCvdAmt
* receiptDate
* vendorId
* referenceNum
* transactionDate
* customerSiteId
* drBasicEd
* finYear
* transactionSourceNum
* remarks
* lastUpdateLogin
* registerIdPartI
* roundingId
* drOtherEd
* inventoryItemId
* divisionNo
* exciseInvoiceNo
* postedFlag
* customerId
* creationDate
* bolId
* receiptRef
* createdBy
* exciseInvoiceDate
* chargeAccountId
* lastUpdatedBy
* locationId
* crAdditionalEd
* bollineNo
* objectVersionNumber
* registerType
* otherTaxDebit
* crBasicEd
* crOtherEd
* slno
* organizationId
* rangeNo
* openingBalance
* registerId
* closingBalance
* vendorSiteId
* drAdditionalEd


 * basicEd
* attribute4
* vendorSiteId
* primaryUomCode
* registerId
* othReceiptQuantity
* createdBy
* transactionType
* manufacturerName
* organizationId
* receiptBoeNum
* lastUpdateLogin
* cvd
* lastUpdatedBy
* goodsIssueDate
* subinventory
* otherEd
* receiptNum
* creationDate
* openingBalanceQty
* shipToSiteId
* dutyAmount
* goodsIssueId
* othReceiptIdRef
* exciseDutyRate
* qtyToAdjust
* inventoryItemId
* totAmtPaidToManufacturer
* manufacturerRateAmtPerUnit
* transactionDate
* attribute2
* additionalEd
* remarks
* otherTaxDebit
* otherTaxCredit
* attribute5
* customerId
* manufacturerAddress
* finYear
* lastUpdateDate
* transactionSourceNum
* chargeAccountId
* receiptDate
* additionalCvd
* referenceLineId
* slno
* quantityIssued
* othReceiptDate
* quantityReceived
* qtyReceivedFromManufacturer
* releasedDate
* registerCode
* attribute3
* consignee
* locationId
* refLineNo
* attribute1
* ratePerUnit
* closingBalanceQty
* goodsIssueQuantity
* commInvoiceDate
* receiptRef
* billToSiteId
* commInvoiceNo
* transactionUomCode
* bolId
* objectVersionNumber
* vendorId
* bollineNo


 * basicEd
* attribute4
* vendorSiteId
* primaryUomCode
* registerId
* othReceiptQuantity
* createdBy
* transactionType
* manufacturerName
* organizationId
* receiptBoeNum
* lastUpdateLogin
* cvd
* lastUpdatedBy
* goodsIssueDate
* subinventory
* otherEd
* receiptNum
* creationDate
* openingBalanceQty
* shipToSiteId
* dutyAmount
* goodsIssueId
* othReceiptIdRef
* exciseDutyRate
* qtyToAdjust
* inventoryItemId
* totAmtPaidToManufacturer
* manufacturerRateAmtPerUnit
* transactionDate
* attribute2
* additionalEd
* remarks
* otherTaxDebit
* otherTaxCredit
* attribute5
* customerId
* manufacturerAddress
* finYear
* lastUpdateDate
* transactionSourceNum
* chargeAccountId
* receiptDate
* additionalCvd
* referenceLineId
* slno
* quantityIssued
* othReceiptDate
* quantityReceived
* qtyReceivedFromManufacturer
* releasedDate
* registerCode
* attribute3
* consignee
* locationId
* refLineNo
* attribute1
* ratePerUnit
* closingBalanceQty
* goodsIssueQuantity
* commInvoiceDate
* receiptRef
* billToSiteId
* commInvoiceNo
* transactionUomCode
* bolId
* objectVersionNumber
* vendorId
* bollineNo


 * creationDate
* additionalPlaBalance
* createdBy
* lastUpdatedBy
* orgUnitId
* objectVersionNumber
* rg23cBalance
* plaBalance
* locationId
* lastUpdateDate
* otherPlaBalance
* organizationId
* lastUpdateLogin
* basicPlaBalance
* rg23aBalance


 * creationDate
* additionalPlaBalance
* createdBy
* lastUpdatedBy
* orgUnitId
* objectVersionNumber
* rg23cBalance
* plaBalance
* locationId
* lastUpdateDate
* otherPlaBalance
* organizationId
* lastUpdateLogin
* basicPlaBalance
* rg23aBalance


 * otherPlaBalance
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* basicRg23cBalance
* lastUpdateDate
* organizationId
* basicRg23aBalance
* additionalPlaBalance
* locationId
* basicPlaBalance
* additionalRg23aBalance
* createdBy
* lastUpdatedBy
* otherRg23aBalance
* additionalRg23cBalance
* objectVersionNumber
* otherRg23cBalance
* componentBalanceId


 * otherPlaBalance
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* basicRg23cBalance
* lastUpdateDate
* organizationId
* basicRg23aBalance
* additionalPlaBalance
* locationId
* basicPlaBalance
* additionalRg23aBalance
* createdBy
* lastUpdatedBy
* otherRg23aBalance
* additionalRg23cBalance
* objectVersionNumber
* otherRg23cBalance
* componentBalanceId


 * organizationId
* lastUpdateLogin
* transactionDate
* exciseCompDtlId
* registerId
* additionalClosingBalance
* createdBy
* drOtherEd
* locationId
* crBasicEd
* lastUpdateDate
* additionalOpeningBalance
* drAdditionalEd
* finYear
* inventoryItemId
* registerType
* otherClosingBalance
* lastUpdatedBy
* drBasicEd
* slno
* otherOpeningBalance
* basicClosingBalance
* creationDate
* basicOpeningBalance
* crAdditionalEd
* crOtherEd
* objectVersionNumber


 * organizationId
* lastUpdateLogin
* transactionDate
* exciseCompDtlId
* registerId
* additionalClosingBalance
* createdBy
* drOtherEd
* locationId
* crBasicEd
* lastUpdateDate
* additionalOpeningBalance
* drAdditionalEd
* finYear
* inventoryItemId
* registerType
* otherClosingBalance
* lastUpdatedBy
* drBasicEd
* slno
* otherOpeningBalance
* basicClosingBalance
* creationDate
* basicOpeningBalance
* crAdditionalEd
* crOtherEd
* objectVersionNumber


 * curRg23ap2Oed
* paymentIdRef
* curShPlaCess
* consolidationId
* curShRg23cp2Cess
* consolidationDate
* conRg23cp2Sed
* curRg23cp2Cess
* curPlaBed
* curPlaOed
* conRg23cp2Rid
* curRg23ap2Cess
* curRg23cp2Sed
* curPlaSed
* curRg23cp2Oed
* todRg23cp2Bed
* curShRg23ap2Cess
* conRg23cp2Cess
* creationDate
* conShPlaCess
* prevRg23ap2Rid
* todRg23cp2Oed
* conShRg23ap2Cess
* objectVersionNumber
* conRg23ap2Rid
* conPlaSed
* todRg23ap2Cess
* conRg23ap2Cess
* createdBy
* prevPlaRid
* conNetPayable
* prevRg23cp2Rid
* curPlaCess
* prevConsolidationDate
* curRg23ap2Sed
* conRg23ap2Oed
* todPlaBed
* conPlaBed
* todRg23ap2Bed
* todShPlaCess
* lastUpdateLogin
* curRg23ap2Bed
* conRg23ap2Bed
* todRg23ap2Sed
* todRg23ap2Oed
* todPlaOed
* todRg23cp2Sed
* todRg23cp2Cess
* locationId
* conRg23cp2Bed
* conPlaRid
* lastUpdatedBy
* conShRg23cp2Cess
* conPlaCess
* todPlaSed
* remarks
* conRg23ap2Sed
* todShRg23ap2Cess
* lastUpdateDate
* curNetPayable
* conRg23cp2Oed
* organizationId
* todPlaCess
* todShRg23cp2Cess
* curRg23cp2Bed
* conPlaOed


 * curRg23ap2Oed
* paymentIdRef
* curShPlaCess
* consolidationId
* curShRg23cp2Cess
* consolidationDate
* conRg23cp2Sed
* curRg23cp2Cess
* curPlaBed
* curPlaOed
* conRg23cp2Rid
* curRg23ap2Cess
* curRg23cp2Sed
* curPlaSed
* curRg23cp2Oed
* todRg23cp2Bed
* curShRg23ap2Cess
* conRg23cp2Cess
* creationDate
* conShPlaCess
* prevRg23ap2Rid
* todRg23cp2Oed
* conShRg23ap2Cess
* objectVersionNumber
* conRg23ap2Rid
* conPlaSed
* todRg23ap2Cess
* conRg23ap2Cess
* createdBy
* prevPlaRid
* conNetPayable
* prevRg23cp2Rid
* curPlaCess
* prevConsolidationDate
* curRg23ap2Sed
* conRg23ap2Oed
* todPlaBed
* conPlaBed
* todRg23ap2Bed
* todShPlaCess
* lastUpdateLogin
* curRg23ap2Bed
* conRg23ap2Bed
* todRg23ap2Sed
* todRg23ap2Oed
* todPlaOed
* todRg23cp2Sed
* todRg23cp2Cess
* locationId
* conRg23cp2Bed
* conPlaRid
* lastUpdatedBy
* conShRg23cp2Cess
* conPlaCess
* todPlaSed
* remarks
* conRg23ap2Sed
* todShRg23ap2Cess
* lastUpdateDate
* curNetPayable
* conRg23cp2Oed
* organizationId
* todPlaCess
* todShRg23cp2Cess
* curRg23cp2Bed
* conPlaOed


 * locationId
* organizationId
* gp2
* excInvNumId
* gp1
* creationDate
* prefix
* objectVersionNumber
* orderInvoiceType
* createdBy
* lastUpdateDate
* startNumber
* jumpBy
* transactionType
* finYear
* lastUpdatedBy
* registerCode
* endNumber
* lastUpdateLogin


 * locationId
* organizationId
* gp2
* excInvNumId
* gp1
* creationDate
* prefix
* objectVersionNumber
* orderInvoiceType
* createdBy
* lastUpdateDate
* startNumber
* jumpBy
* transactionType
* finYear
* lastUpdatedBy
* registerCode
* endNumber
* lastUpdateLogin


 * forExportNPayEdQty
* chargeAccountId
* forExportNPayEdVal
* otherPurposePayEdQty
* transactionUomCode
* lastUpdateDate
* customerSiteId
* additionalEd
* transactionDate
* organizationId
* otherPurposePayEdVal
* otherPurpose
* forHomeUsePayEdQty
* lastUpdateLogin
* bolId
* vendorId
* registerId
* divisionNo
* inventoryItemId
* locationId
* exciseDutyAmount
* refDocNo
* rangeNo
* createdBy
* registerIdPartIi
* balanceLoose
* forExportPayEdVal
* balancePacked
* exciseDutyRate
* exciseInvoiceDate
* otherPurposeNPayEdQty
* postedFlag
* paymentRegister
* cessAmt
* toOtherFactoryNPayEdVal
* transactionType
* forExportPayEdQty
* objectVersionNumber
* basicEd
* issueType
* slno
* manufacturedQty
* lastUpdatedBy
* otherEd
* manufacturedLooseQty
* transactionSourceNum
* vendorSiteId
* masterFlag
* shCessAmt
* toOtherFactoryNPayEdQty
* otherPurposeNPayEdVal
* source
* manufacturedPackedQty
* exciseInvoiceNumber
* remarks
* customerId
* finYear
* primaryUomCode
* creationDate
* forHomeUsePayEdVal
* bollineNo


 * forExportNPayEdQty
* chargeAccountId
* forExportNPayEdVal
* otherPurposePayEdQty
* transactionUomCode
* lastUpdateDate
* customerSiteId
* additionalEd
* transactionDate
* organizationId
* otherPurposePayEdVal
* otherPurpose
* forHomeUsePayEdQty
* lastUpdateLogin
* bolId
* vendorId
* registerId
* divisionNo
* inventoryItemId
* locationId
* exciseDutyAmount
* refDocNo
* rangeNo
* createdBy
* registerIdPartIi
* balanceLoose
* forExportPayEdVal
* balancePacked
* exciseDutyRate
* exciseInvoiceDate
* otherPurposeNPayEdQty
* postedFlag
* paymentRegister
* cessAmt
* toOtherFactoryNPayEdVal
* transactionType
* forExportPayEdQty
* objectVersionNumber
* basicEd
* issueType
* slno
* manufacturedQty
* lastUpdatedBy
* otherEd
* manufacturedLooseQty
* transactionSourceNum
* vendorSiteId
* masterFlag
* shCessAmt
* toOtherFactoryNPayEdQty
* otherPurposeNPayEdVal
* source
* manufacturedPackedQty
* exciseInvoiceNumber
* remarks
* customerId
* finYear
* primaryUomCode
* creationDate
* forHomeUsePayEdVal
* bollineNo


 * orgUnitId
* taxType
* lastUpdateLogin
* createdBy
* objectVersionNumber
* registerType
* lastUpdateDate
* balance
* creationDate
* lastUpdatedBy


 * orgUnitId
* taxType
* lastUpdateLogin
* createdBy
* objectVersionNumber
* registerType
* lastUpdateDate
* balance
* creationDate
* lastUpdatedBy


 * lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* openingBalance
* taxType
* sourceType
* sourceRegisterId
* rgOtherId
* lastUpdatedBy
* closingBalance
* debit
* sourceRegister
* creationDate
* credit
* createdBy
* objectVersionNumber


 * lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* openingBalance
* taxType
* sourceType
* sourceRegisterId
* rgOtherId
* lastUpdatedBy
* closingBalance
* debit
* sourceRegister
* creationDate
* credit
* createdBy
* objectVersionNumber


 * lastUpdateDate
* shCvdEduCessAdjOpBal
* excEduCessClBal
* creationDate
* organizationId
* locationId
* cvdEduCessAdjOpBal
* createdBy
* lastUpdatedBy
* shCvdEduCessClBal
* closingBalance
* excEduCessAdjOpBal
* shCvdEduCessAdj
* registerType
* cumulativeRoundingAdjustment
* cvdEduCessClBal
* objectVersionNumber
* cumulativeMiscAdjustment
* miscAdjustment
* openingBalance
* endDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* finYear
* roundingAdjustment
* excEduCessAdj
* cvdEduCessAdj
* shExcEduCessAdj
* shExcEduCessAdjOpBal
* shExcEduCessClBal
* periodBalanceId
* startDate


 * lastUpdateDate
* shCvdEduCessAdjOpBal
* excEduCessClBal
* creationDate
* organizationId
* locationId
* cvdEduCessAdjOpBal
* createdBy
* lastUpdatedBy
* shCvdEduCessClBal
* closingBalance
* excEduCessAdjOpBal
* shCvdEduCessAdj
* registerType
* cumulativeRoundingAdjustment
* cvdEduCessClBal
* objectVersionNumber
* cumulativeMiscAdjustment
* miscAdjustment
* openingBalance
* endDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* finYear
* roundingAdjustment
* excEduCessAdj
* cvdEduCessAdj
* shExcEduCessAdj
* shExcEduCessAdjOpBal
* shExcEduCessClBal
* periodBalanceId
* startDate


 * additionalOpeningBalance
* additionalClosingBalance
* basicClosingBalance
* transactionDate
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* organizationId
* locationId
* crAdditionalEd
* otherOpeningBalance
* drOtherEd
* drAdditionalEd
* createdBy
* registerId
* crOtherEd
* basicOpeningBalance
* drBasicEd
* finYear
* slno
* lastUpdatedBy
* otherClosingBalance
* objectVersionNumber
* inventoryItemId
* crBasicEd
* creationDate


 * additionalOpeningBalance
* additionalClosingBalance
* basicClosingBalance
* transactionDate
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* organizationId
* locationId
* crAdditionalEd
* otherOpeningBalance
* drOtherEd
* drAdditionalEd
* createdBy
* registerId
* crOtherEd
* basicOpeningBalance
* drBasicEd
* finYear
* slno
* lastUpdatedBy
* otherClosingBalance
* objectVersionNumber
* inventoryItemId
* crBasicEd
* creationDate


 * itemTariff
* lastUpdatedBy
* totalDutyAmount
* lastUpdateDate
* createdBy
* otherDutyAmount
* creationDate
* shCessExciseAmount
* objectVersionNumber
* addlDutyAmount
* lastUpdateLogin
* lineNumber
* itemSubHeading
* plaId
* eduCessExciseAmount
* basicDutyAmount


 * itemTariff
* lastUpdatedBy
* totalDutyAmount
* lastUpdateDate
* createdBy
* otherDutyAmount
* creationDate
* shCessExciseAmount
* objectVersionNumber
* addlDutyAmount
* lastUpdateLogin
* lineNumber
* itemSubHeading
* plaId
* eduCessExciseAmount
* basicDutyAmount


 * plaRgSrNo
* creationDate
* vendorSiteId
* ackRecvdFlag
* plaAmount
* lastUpdatedBy
* vendorId
* ackRecvdDate
* ackReqdFlag
* organizationId
* lastUpdateLogin
* tr6Number
* locationId
* objectVersionNumber
* plaId
* tr6Date
* source
* lastUpdateDate
* createdBy


 * plaRgSrNo
* creationDate
* vendorSiteId
* ackRecvdFlag
* plaAmount
* lastUpdatedBy
* vendorId
* ackRecvdDate
* ackReqdFlag
* organizationId
* lastUpdateLogin
* tr6Number
* locationId
* objectVersionNumber
* plaId
* tr6Date
* source
* lastUpdateDate
* createdBy


 * attribute15
* lastUpdateDate
* vendorCustFlag
* divisionNo
* vendorId
* finYear
* objectVersionNumber
* tr6ChallanNo
* remarks
* creationDate
* otherOpeningBalance
* refDocumentDate
* vendorSiteId
* registerId
* postedFlag
* tr6Source
* openingBalance
* entryDate
* bollineNo
* bolId
* crBasicEd
* drAdditionalEd
* transactionDate
* attribute4
* masterFlag
* otherTaxDebit
* slno
* chargeAccountId
* attribute1
* otherTaxCredit
* inventoryItemId
* organizationId
* basicOpeningBalance
* attribute14
* transactionSourceNum
* basicClosingBalance
* drBasicEd
* refDocumentId
* tr6ChallanDate
* createdBy
* attribute7
* attribute8
* issueType
* crAdditionalEd
* locationId
* rangeNo
* closingBalance
* attribute13
* otherClosingBalance
* roundingId
* drInvoiceNo
* drInvoiceDate
* drOtherEd
* crOtherEd
* attribute11
* attribute10
* attribute2
* attribute5
* attribute12
* additionalOpeningBalance
* bankBranchId
* attribute6
* attribute3
* additionalClosingBalance
* lastUpdateLogin
* attributeCategory
* attribute9
* exciseInvoiceNo
* lastUpdatedBy


 * attribute15
* lastUpdateDate
* vendorCustFlag
* divisionNo
* vendorId
* finYear
* objectVersionNumber
* tr6ChallanNo
* remarks
* creationDate
* otherOpeningBalance
* refDocumentDate
* vendorSiteId
* registerId
* postedFlag
* tr6Source
* openingBalance
* entryDate
* bollineNo
* bolId
* crBasicEd
* drAdditionalEd
* transactionDate
* attribute4
* masterFlag
* otherTaxDebit
* slno
* chargeAccountId
* attribute1
* otherTaxCredit
* inventoryItemId
* organizationId
* basicOpeningBalance
* attribute14
* transactionSourceNum
* basicClosingBalance
* drBasicEd
* refDocumentId
* tr6ChallanDate
* createdBy
* attribute7
* attribute8
* issueType
* crAdditionalEd
* locationId
* rangeNo
* closingBalance
* attribute13
* otherClosingBalance
* roundingId
* drInvoiceNo
* drInvoiceDate
* drOtherEd
* crOtherEd
* attribute11
* attribute10
* attribute2
* attribute5
* attribute12
* additionalOpeningBalance
* bankBranchId
* attribute6
* attribute3
* additionalClosingBalance
* lastUpdateLogin
* attributeCategory
* attribute9
* exciseInvoiceNo
* lastUpdatedBy


 * roundedOtherEd
* exciseAmtBeforeRounding
* srcTransactionType
* creationDate
* programLoginId
* lastUpdateDate
* exciseInvoiceDate
* requestId
* exciseEduCess
* sourceHeaderId
* roundedAdditionalCvd
* otherEd
* roundedBasicEd
* additionalEd
* roundedExciseEduCess
* basicEd
* roundingId
* roundedCvdEduCess
* additionalCvd
* shExciseEduCess
* source
* createdBy
* roundedAdditionalEd
* programApplicationId
* programId
* lastUpdatedBy
* roundedShExciseEduCess
* objectVersionNumber
* registerId
* lastUpdateLogin
* register
* roundedShCvdEduCess
* cvdEduCess
* exciseAmtAfterRounding
* shCvdEduCess
* exciseInvoiceNo


 * roundedOtherEd
* exciseAmtBeforeRounding
* srcTransactionType
* creationDate
* programLoginId
* lastUpdateDate
* exciseInvoiceDate
* requestId
* exciseEduCess
* sourceHeaderId
* roundedAdditionalCvd
* otherEd
* roundedBasicEd
* additionalEd
* roundedExciseEduCess
* basicEd
* roundingId
* roundedCvdEduCess
* additionalCvd
* shExciseEduCess
* source
* createdBy
* roundedAdditionalEd
* programApplicationId
* programId
* lastUpdatedBy
* roundedShExciseEduCess
* objectVersionNumber
* registerId
* lastUpdateLogin
* register
* roundedShCvdEduCess
* cvdEduCess
* exciseAmtAfterRounding
* shCvdEduCess
* exciseInvoiceNo


 * programApplicationId
* exciseAmt
* creationDate
* roundingId
* otherEd
* shExciseEduCess
* additionalEd
* programLoginId
* requestId
* srcTransactionId
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdatedBy
* shCvdEduCess
* roundingLineId
* srcLineId
* programId
* basicEd
* objectVersionNumber
* lastUpdateDate
* cvdEduCess
* createdBy
* exciseEduCess
* additionalCvd
* itemClass


 * programApplicationId
* exciseAmt
* creationDate
* roundingId
* otherEd
* shExciseEduCess
* additionalEd
* programLoginId
* requestId
* srcTransactionId
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdatedBy
* shCvdEduCess
* roundingLineId
* srcLineId
* programId
* basicEd
* objectVersionNumber
* lastUpdateDate
* cvdEduCess
* createdBy
* exciseEduCess
* additionalCvd
* itemClass


 * currentFinYear
* lastUpdateDate
* balance
* lastUpdatedBy
* createdBy
* slno
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* objectVersionNumber
* locationId
* organizationId
* registerType


 * currentFinYear
* lastUpdateDate
* balance
* lastUpdatedBy
* createdBy
* slno
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* objectVersionNumber
* locationId
* organizationId
* registerType


 * transferAmountOth
* transferId
* fromOrganizationId
* objectVersionNumber
* toLocationId
* lastUpdateDate
* transferDate
* fromLocationId
* registerType
* lastUpdatedBy
* createdBy
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* transferAmountOthSh
* transferAmount
* toOrganizationId


 * transferAmountOth
* transferId
* fromOrganizationId
* objectVersionNumber
* toLocationId
* lastUpdateDate
* transferDate
* fromLocationId
* registerType
* lastUpdatedBy
* createdBy
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* transferAmountOthSh
* transferAmount
* toOrganizationId


 * lastUpdatedBy
* lineId
* stHdrId
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdateDate
* objectVersionNumber
* poNum
* invoiceLineNumber
* issueReceiptFlag
* orderFlag
* rcvTransactionId
* creationDate
* organizationId
* invoiceId
* invoiceDistributionId
* taxTargetAmount
* locationId
* createdBy
* docType
* migratedDtl
* matchedAmount
* trxTypeId
* taxLineNo
* taxId
* trxNumber
* orderNumber
* headerId
* migratedHdr
* stDtlId
* poLineLocationId


 * lastUpdatedBy
* lineId
* stHdrId
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdateDate
* objectVersionNumber
* poNum
* invoiceLineNumber
* issueReceiptFlag
* orderFlag
* rcvTransactionId
* creationDate
* organizationId
* invoiceId
* invoiceDistributionId
* taxTargetAmount
* locationId
* createdBy
* docType
* migratedDtl
* matchedAmount
* trxTypeId
* taxLineNo
* taxId
* trxNumber
* orderNumber
* headerId
* migratedHdr
* stDtlId
* poLineLocationId


 * lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* stHdrId
* formNumber
* creationDate
* finYear
* formAmount
* transactionDate
* formId
* createdBy
* formDate
* objectVersionNumber
* lastUpdateDate


 * lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* stHdrId
* formNumber
* creationDate
* finYear
* formAmount
* transactionDate
* formId
* createdBy
* formDate
* objectVersionNumber
* lastUpdateDate


 * creationDate
* createdBy
* objectVersionNumber
* formId
* stDtlId
* lastUpdateDate
* matchedAmount
* lastUpdatedBy
* stHdrId
* lastUpdateLogin


 * creationDate
* createdBy
* objectVersionNumber
* formId
* stDtlId
* lastUpdateDate
* matchedAmount
* lastUpdatedBy
* stHdrId
* lastUpdateLogin


 * orgId
* lastUpdateLogin
* partyTypeFlag
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* createdBy
* stHdrId
* migratedHdr
* partyId
* formType
* creationDate
* objectVersionNumber
* partySiteId


 * orgId
* lastUpdateLogin
* partyTypeFlag
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* createdBy
* stHdrId
* migratedHdr
* partyId
* formType
* creationDate
* objectVersionNumber
* partySiteId


 * lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateDate
* precedence5
* taxId
* creationDate
* precedence7
* precedence2
* createdBy
* precedence3
* precedence4
* taxCategoryId
* lastUpdateLogin
* precedence10
* precedence1
* precedence6
* precedence9
* lineNo
* objectVersionNumber
* precedence8


 * lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateDate
* precedence5
* taxId
* creationDate
* precedence7
* precedence2
* createdBy
* precedence3
* precedence4
* taxCategoryId
* lastUpdateLogin
* precedence10
* precedence1
* precedence6
* precedence9
* lineNo
* objectVersionNumber
* precedence8


 * lastUpdateDate
* orgId
* interStateFlag
* startDate
* taxClassification
* taxCategoryId
* creationDate
* createdBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* objectVersionNumber
* itemClassCd
* lastUpdatedBy
* effectiveTdsRate
* taxCategoryDesc
* endDate
* taxCategoryName


 * lastUpdateDate
* orgId
* interStateFlag
* startDate
* taxClassification
* taxCategoryId
* creationDate
* createdBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* objectVersionNumber
* itemClassCd
* lastUpdatedBy
* effectiveTdsRate
* taxCategoryDesc
* endDate
* taxCategoryName


 * startDate
* createdBy
* offSetType
* regimeCode
* lastUpdateLogin
* creationDate
* taxTypeCode
* endDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* taxTypeId
* regimeId
* description
* objectVersionNumber
* lastUpdateDate
* roundingFactor


 * startDate
* createdBy
* offSetType
* regimeCode
* lastUpdateLogin
* creationDate
* taxTypeCode
* endDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* taxTypeId
* regimeId
* description
* objectVersionNumber
* lastUpdateDate
* roundingFactor


 * lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* newTaxId
* createdBy
* oldTaxId
* lineNo
* creationDate
* lastUpdateDate
* taxCategoryUpdateId
* invokeMassTaxUpdateFlag
* taxCategoryId


 * lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* newTaxId
* createdBy
* oldTaxId
* lineNo
* creationDate
* lastUpdateDate
* taxCategoryUpdateId
* invokeMassTaxUpdateFlag
* taxCategoryId


 * stformType
* surchargeRate
* origTaxPercentage
* vatFlag
* cessRate
* taxPointBasis
* vendorFlag
* attribute12
* autoCreateCategory
* attribute13
* lastUpdatedBy
* taxName
* uomCode
* attribute7
* taxTypeId
* attribute14
* shCessRate
* attribute5
* attribute15
* roundingFactor
* taxId
* taxRate
* adhocFlag
* objectVersionNumber
* taxDescr
* tdsSection
* modifiableFlag
* createdBy
* attribute8
* vendorId
* attribute11
* dutyDrawbackPercentage
* endDate
* orgId
* taxType
* taxAmount
* lastUpdateLogin
* inclusiveTaxFlag
* taxAccountId
* dutyDrawbackFlag
* reverseChargeFlag
* vendorSiteId
* lastUpdateDate
* sectionType
* modCrPercentage
* creationDate
* surchargeFlag
* sectionCode
* attribute6
* attribute10
* attribute4
* attribute2
* attributeCategory
* currencyFlag
* attribute3
* attribute9
* attribute1
* startDate


 * stformType
* surchargeRate
* origTaxPercentage
* vatFlag
* cessRate
* taxPointBasis
* vendorFlag
* attribute12
* autoCreateCategory
* attribute13
* lastUpdatedBy
* taxName
* uomCode
* attribute7
* taxTypeId
* attribute14
* shCessRate
* attribute5
* attribute15
* roundingFactor
* taxId
* taxRate
* adhocFlag
* objectVersionNumber
* taxDescr
* tdsSection
* modifiableFlag
* createdBy
* attribute8
* vendorId
* attribute11
* dutyDrawbackPercentage
* endDate
* orgId
* taxType
* taxAmount
* lastUpdateLogin
* inclusiveTaxFlag
* taxAccountId
* dutyDrawbackFlag
* reverseChargeFlag
* vendorSiteId
* lastUpdateDate
* sectionType
* modCrPercentage
* creationDate
* surchargeFlag
* sectionCode
* attribute6
* attribute10
* attribute4
* attribute2
* attributeCategory
* currencyFlag
* attribute3
* attribute9
* attribute1
* startDate


 * subinventoryCode
* transactionQuantity
* inventoryItemId
* createdBy
* transactionTypeId
* creationDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateDate
* organizationId
* transactionSetId
* objectVersionNumber
* transactionUom
* transactionId
* transactionDate
* lastUpdateLogin


 * subinventoryCode
* transactionQuantity
* inventoryItemId
* createdBy
* transactionTypeId
* creationDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateDate
* organizationId
* transactionSetId
* objectVersionNumber
* transactionUom
* transactionId
* transactionDate
* lastUpdateLogin


 * attribute5
* createdBy
* lastUpdatedBy
* vatRegNo
* gstAssessablePrice
* exciseDutyZone
* ecCode
* attribute1
* lastUpdateDate
* approvedTdsFlag
* taxCategoryList
* attribute10
* lastUpdateLogin
* cstRegNo
* taxCategoryId
* attribute2
* stRegNo
* priceListId
* serviceTaxRegno
* vendorType
* vendorSiteId
* exciseDutyRegNo
* documentType
* vendorId
* serviceTypeCode
* attribute9
* attribute6
* attribute4
* creationDate
* exciseDutyRegion
* exciseDutyDivision
* exciseDutyCircle
* objectVersionNumber
* vatPriceListId
* overrideFlag
* attribute3
* attribute7
* inactiveFlag
* approvedInvoiceFlag
* exciseDutyRange
* gstRegistrationNo
* attribute8
* exciseDutyComm
* stateCode


 * attribute5
* createdBy
* lastUpdatedBy
* vatRegNo
* gstAssessablePrice
* exciseDutyZone
* ecCode
* attribute1
* lastUpdateDate
* approvedTdsFlag
* taxCategoryList
* attribute10
* lastUpdateLogin
* cstRegNo
* taxCategoryId
* attribute2
* stRegNo
* priceListId
* serviceTaxRegno
* vendorType
* vendorSiteId
* exciseDutyRegNo
* documentType
* vendorId
* serviceTypeCode
* attribute9
* attribute6
* attribute4
* creationDate
* exciseDutyRegion
* exciseDutyDivision
* exciseDutyCircle
* objectVersionNumber
* vatPriceListId
* overrideFlag
* attribute3
* attribute7
* inactiveFlag
* approvedInvoiceFlag
* exciseDutyRange
* gstRegistrationNo
* attribute8
* exciseDutyComm
* stateCode


 * addressLine3
* locationCode
* boeId
* creationDate
* amountApplied
* lastUpdatedBy
* customsWriteOffAccount
* createdBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* writeOffAmount
* chartOfAccountsId
* addressLine1
* organizationName
* lastUpdateDate
* objectVersionNumber
* writeOffReason
* earlierWrittenOffAmount
* boeAmount
* boeType
* writeOffDate
* addressLine2


 * addressLine3
* locationCode
* boeId
* creationDate
* amountApplied
* lastUpdatedBy
* customsWriteOffAccount
* createdBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* writeOffAmount
* chartOfAccountsId
* addressLine1
* organizationName
* lastUpdateDate
* objectVersionNumber
* writeOffReason
* earlierWrittenOffAmount
* boeAmount
* boeType
* writeOffDate
* addressLine2


 * quoteLineId
* taxAmount
* precedence6
* objectVersionNumber
* precedence10
* precedence1
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdatedBy
* precedence2
* precedence5
* taxId
* precedence3
* creationDate
* precedence7
* precedence8
* taxLineNo
* baseTaxAmount
* precedence9
* funcTaxAmount
* quoteHeaderId
* precedence4
* shipmentId
* lastUpdateDate
* createdBy


 * quoteLineId
* taxAmount
* precedence6
* objectVersionNumber
* precedence10
* precedence1
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdatedBy
* precedence2
* precedence5
* taxId
* precedence3
* creationDate
* precedence7
* precedence8
* taxLineNo
* baseTaxAmount
* precedence9
* funcTaxAmount
* quoteHeaderId
* precedence4
* shipmentId
* lastUpdateDate
* createdBy


 * inputTaxType
* objectVersionNumber
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* distTaxTypeId
* lastUpdatedBy
* expiryDate
* createdBy
* lastUpdateDate
* enableFlag
* outputTaxType


 * inputTaxType
* objectVersionNumber
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* distTaxTypeId
* lastUpdatedBy
* expiryDate
* createdBy
* lastUpdateDate
* enableFlag
* outputTaxType


 * roundingId
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* roundingRule
* taxableBasis
* toDate
* taxBasis
* legalEntityId
* fromDate
* creationDate
* createdBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* roundingBasis


 * roundingId
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* roundingRule
* taxableBasis
* toDate
* taxBasis
* legalEntityId
* fromDate
* creationDate
* createdBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* roundingBasis


 * lastUpdatedBy
* fromDate
* toDate
* legalEntityId
* invoiceExists
* mappingId
* creationDate
* dtcSectionCode
* createdBy
* naturalAccountValue
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin


 * lastUpdatedBy
* fromDate
* toDate
* legalEntityId
* invoiceExists
* mappingId
* creationDate
* dtcSectionCode
* createdBy
* naturalAccountValue
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin


 * creationDate
* funcNrTaxAmount
* status
* documentType
* docHeaderId
* distributionId
* lineLocationId
* objectVersionNumber
* currencyCode
* lastUpdateDate
* docLineId
* lastUpdateLogin
* nrTaxAmount
* createdBy
* lastUpdatedBy


 * creationDate
* funcNrTaxAmount
* status
* documentType
* docHeaderId
* distributionId
* lineLocationId
* objectVersionNumber
* currencyCode
* lastUpdateDate
* docLineId
* lastUpdateLogin
* nrTaxAmount
* createdBy
* lastUpdatedBy


 * acctSource
* sourceDocId
* docNrTax
* objectVersionNumber
* lastUpdatedBy
* createdBy
* lastUpdateDate
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* acctTxnId
* sourceDocType
* docRecTax


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* sourceDocId
* docNrTax
* objectVersionNumber
* lastUpdatedBy
* createdBy
* lastUpdateDate
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
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* sourceDocType
* docRecTax


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* lastUpdatedBy
* blockAssetDetailId
* dateOfAcquisition
* assetType
* creationDate
* assetNumber
* datePlacedInService
* type
* lastUpdateLogin
* createdBy
* assetCategoryId
* bookTypeCode
* lastUpdateDate
* objectVersionNumber
* blockId


 * assetId
* lastUpdatedBy
* blockAssetDetailId
* dateOfAcquisition
* assetType
* creationDate
* assetNumber
* datePlacedInService
* type
* lastUpdateLogin
* createdBy
* assetCategoryId
* bookTypeCode
* lastUpdateDate
* objectVersionNumber
* blockId


 * createdBy
* lastUpdatedBy
* blockId
* objectVersionNumber
* lastUpdateLogin
* openingWdv
* depnAdj
* closingWdv
* creationDate
* blockHistoryId
* openingWdvAdj
* lastUpdateDate


 * createdBy
* lastUpdatedBy
* blockId
* objectVersionNumber
* lastUpdateLogin
* openingWdv
* depnAdj
* closingWdv
* creationDate
* blockHistoryId
* openingWdvAdj
* lastUpdateDate


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* bookTypeCode
* capitalGains
* createdBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* type
* closingWdv
* rate
* creationDate
* blockId
* objectVersionNumber
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* capitalLoss
* yearEnded
* startDate
* openingWdvAdj
* openingWdv


 * depnAdj
* bookTypeCode
* capitalGains
* createdBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* type
* closingWdv
* rate
* creationDate
* blockId
* objectVersionNumber
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* capitalLoss
* yearEnded
* startDate
* openingWdvAdj
* openingWdv


 * rate
* createdBy
* endDate
* slno
* yearEnd
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* exemptUpto
* creationDate
* lastUpdateDate
* yearStart
* startDate
* periodRateId
* objectVersionNumber


 * rate
* createdBy
* endDate
* slno
* yearEnd
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* exemptUpto
* creationDate
* lastUpdateDate
* yearStart
* startDate
* periodRateId
* objectVersionNumber


 * yearId
* createdBy
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* creationDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* objectVersionNumber
* yearStart
* yearEnd


 * yearId
* createdBy
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* creationDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* objectVersionNumber
* yearStart
* yearEnd


 * depnOfAssets
* lastUpdatedBy
* objectVersionNumber
* fullExempt
* lastUpdateLogin
* yearEnded
* blockId
* lastUpdateDate
* creationDate
* blockDepnId
* slno
* unplannedDepn
* createdBy


 * depnOfAssets
* lastUpdatedBy
* objectVersionNumber
* fullExempt
* lastUpdateLogin
* yearEnded
* blockId
* lastUpdateDate
* creationDate
* blockDepnId
* slno
* unplannedDepn
* createdBy


 * depnOfAssets
* objectVersionNumber
* fullExempt
* assetId
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* blockId
* slno
* createdBy
* unplannedDepn
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* yearEnded
* totalBalance


 * depnOfAssets
* objectVersionNumber
* fullExempt
* assetId
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* blockId
* slno
* createdBy
* unplannedDepn
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* yearEnded
* totalBalance


 * lastUpdatedBy
* createdBy
* blockId
* objectVersionNumber
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdateDate
* exemptAmount
* faExemptionId


 * lastUpdatedBy
* createdBy
* blockId
* objectVersionNumber
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdateDate
* exemptAmount
* faExemptionId


 * processMessage
* invoiceNumber
* massAdditionId
* processFlag
* poNumber
* distributionLineNumber
* invoiceDate
* vendorNumber
* createBatchId
* creationDate
* assetType
* datePlacedInService
* lastUpdateDate
* invoiceLineNumber
* payablesCodeCombinationId
* createdBy
* accountingDate
* objectVersionNumber
* invoiceId
* lastUpdatedBy
* createBatchDate
* depreciateStatus
* lastUpdateLogin
* bookTypeCode


 * processMessage
* invoiceNumber
* massAdditionId
* processFlag
* poNumber
* distributionLineNumber
* invoiceDate
* vendorNumber
* createBatchId
* creationDate
* assetType
* datePlacedInService
* lastUpdateDate
* invoiceLineNumber
* payablesCodeCombinationId
* createdBy
* accountingDate
* objectVersionNumber
* invoiceId
* lastUpdatedBy
* createBatchDate
* depreciateStatus
* lastUpdateLogin
* bookTypeCode


 * balanceAccountValue
* lastUpdateLogin
* setOfBooksId
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* legalEntityId
* createdBy
* creationDate


 * balanceAccountValue
* lastUpdateLogin
* setOfBooksId
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* legalEntityId
* createdBy
* creationDate


 * fbtShCessAmount
* itChallan
* invOuId
* fbtSurchargeAmount
* lastUpdatedBy
* createdBy
* invoiceReference
* creationDate
* fbtPaymentId
* invoiceDate
* branchName
* depositDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* legalEntityId
* fbtTaxAmount
* bankName
* invSupplierId
* invSupplierSiteId
* lastUpdateDate
* fbtYear
* bsrCode
* statusDate
* fbtEduCessAmount


 * fbtShCessAmount
* itChallan
* invOuId
* fbtSurchargeAmount
* lastUpdatedBy
* createdBy
* invoiceReference
* creationDate
* fbtPaymentId
* invoiceDate
* branchName
* depositDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* legalEntityId
* fbtTaxAmount
* bankName
* invSupplierId
* invSupplierSiteId
* lastUpdateDate
* fbtYear
* bsrCode
* statusDate
* fbtEduCessAmount


 * fbtYear
* legalEntityId
* attribute2
* attribute3
* lastUpdatedBy
* periodStartDate
* attribute1
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* periodEndDate
* creationDate
* attribute4
* createdBy


 * fbtYear
* legalEntityId
* attribute2
* attribute3
* lastUpdatedBy
* periodStartDate
* attribute1
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* periodEndDate
* creationDate
* attribute4
* createdBy


 * fbtShCessAmount
* legalEntityId
* conversionDate
* fbtEduCessAmount
* invoiceDistributionId
* createdBy
* lastUpdateDate
* invoiceCurrencyCode
* lastUpdatedBy
* fringeBenefitTypeCode
* fbtTaxableAmount
* jeSource
* distNaturalAccountValue
* creationDate
* fbtTransactionId
* batchName
* conversionRate
* taxableBasis
* reference
* jeLineNum
* source
* invoiceDate
* fbtSurchargeAmount
* distBalanceAccountValue
* modifiedFlag
* convertedAmount
* manualFlag
* periodEndDate
* fbtTaxAmount
* jeHeaderId
* jeName
* fbtCurrency
* conversionType
* distCodeCombinationId
* periodStartDate
* distributionAmt
* settlementId
* lastUpdateLogin
* periodName


 * fbtShCessAmount
* legalEntityId
* conversionDate
* fbtEduCessAmount
* invoiceDistributionId
* createdBy
* lastUpdateDate
* invoiceCurrencyCode
* lastUpdatedBy
* fringeBenefitTypeCode
* fbtTaxableAmount
* jeSource
* distNaturalAccountValue
* creationDate
* fbtTransactionId
* batchName
* conversionRate
* taxableBasis
* reference
* jeLineNum
* source
* invoiceDate
* fbtSurchargeAmount
* distBalanceAccountValue
* modifiedFlag
* convertedAmount
* manualFlag
* periodEndDate
* fbtTaxAmount
* jeHeaderId
* jeName
* fbtCurrency
* conversionType
* distCodeCombinationId
* periodStartDate
* distributionAmt
* settlementId
* lastUpdateLogin
* periodName


 * bsrCode
* legalEntityId
* settlementDate
* returnGenerateFlag
* periodEndDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* settlementId
* periodStartDate
* depositDate
* consolidatedAmount
* invSupplierId
* creationDate
* projectedAmount
* invOuId
* lastUpdateDate
* createdBy
* branchName
* itChallan
* bankName
* invSupplierSiteId
* lastUpdatedBy


 * bsrCode
* legalEntityId
* settlementDate
* returnGenerateFlag
* periodEndDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* settlementId
* periodStartDate
* depositDate
* consolidatedAmount
* invSupplierId
* creationDate
* projectedAmount
* invOuId
* lastUpdateDate
* createdBy
* branchName
* itChallan
* bankName
* invSupplierSiteId
* lastUpdatedBy


 * fringeBenefitTypeCode
* createdBy
* surchargeRate
* legalEntityId
* eduCessRate
* naturalAccountValue
* shCessRate
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* fbtRate
* businessTypeCode
* taxableBasis
* creationDate
* lastUpdateDate
* fbtAccountCcid
* assessmentStatusCode


 * fbtAccountCcid
* createdBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* periodEndDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateDate
* businessTypeCode
* legalEntityId
* fbtRate
* periodStartDate
* shCessRate
* eduCessRate
* assessmentStatusCode
* creationDate
* fbtYear
* surchargeRate


 * fbtAccountCcid
* createdBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* periodEndDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateDate
* businessTypeCode
* legalEntityId
* fbtRate
* periodStartDate
* shCessRate
* eduCessRate
* assessmentStatusCode
* creationDate
* fbtYear
* surchargeRate


 * fringeBenefitTypeCode
* createdBy
* surchargeRate
* legalEntityId
* eduCessRate
* naturalAccountValue
* shCessRate
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* fbtRate
* businessTypeCode
* taxableBasis
* creationDate
* lastUpdateDate
* fbtAccountCcid
* assessmentStatusCode


 * createdBy
* creationDate
* fringeBenefitTypeCode
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdateDate
* legalEntityId
* taxableBasis
* lastUpdatedBy
* naturalAccountValue
* fbtYear


 * createdBy
* creationDate
* fringeBenefitTypeCode
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdateDate
* legalEntityId
* taxableBasis
* lastUpdatedBy
* naturalAccountValue
* fbtYear


 * requestId
* sourceDocumentId
* sourceDocumentDate
* certificateId
* sourceDocumentAmt
* settlementId


 * requestId
* sourceDocumentId
* sourceDocumentDate
* certificateId
* sourceDocumentAmt
* settlementId


 * lastUpdateLogin
* creationDate
* finYear
* objectVersionNumber
* legalEntityId
* lastUpdatedBy
* endDate
* createdBy
* inclusiveTaxFlag
* startDate
* lastUpdateDate


 * lastUpdateLogin
* creationDate
* finYear
* objectVersionNumber
* legalEntityId
* lastUpdatedBy
* endDate
* createdBy
* inclusiveTaxFlag
* startDate
* lastUpdateDate


 * mappingId
* orgId
* inclusiveFlag
* lastUpdatedBy
* useEbsTax
* lastUpdateLogin
* taxableEvent
* externalTaxCode
* creationDate
* createdBy
* lastUpdateDate
* taxId


 * mappingId
* orgId
* inclusiveFlag
* lastUpdatedBy
* useEbsTax
* lastUpdateLogin
* taxableEvent
* externalTaxCode
* creationDate
* createdBy
* lastUpdateDate
* taxId


 * createdBy
* invalidValue
* attribute8
* attribute1
* attribute12
* attributeCategory
* interfaceSourceLineId
* errorType
* attribute7
* attribute14
* attribute5
* errorMessage
* attribute3
* attribute4
* attribute15
* attribute11
* attribute10
* lastUpdateLogin
* creationDate
* requestId
* attribute2
* interfaceErrorId
* lastUpdatedBy
* interfaceLineId
* attribute13
* attribute6
* attribute9
* lastUpdateDate


 * createdBy
* invalidValue
* attribute8
* attribute1
* attribute12
* attributeCategory
* interfaceSourceLineId
* errorType
* attribute7
* attribute14
* attribute5
* errorMessage
* attribute3
* attribute4
* attribute15
* attribute11
* attribute10
* lastUpdateLogin
* creationDate
* requestId
* attribute2
* interfaceErrorId
* lastUpdatedBy
* interfaceLineId
* attribute13
* attribute6
* attribute9
* lastUpdateDate


 * attribute7
* batchSourceName
* taxableEvent
* importStatus
* reference
* attribute1
* attribute8
* attribute12
* createdBy
* creationDate
* attribute6
* exciseInvoiceNo
* attribute10
* internalTrxId
* requestId
* serviceTypeCode
* lastUpdatedBy
* partyId
* stInvNumber
* attribute14
* attribute9
* interfaceLineId
* attributeCategory
* importProcess
* vatInvoiceNo
* attribute3
* partySiteId
* locationId
* internalTrxLineId
* attribute4
* orgId
* attribute13
* importModule
* transactionNum
* taxableBasis
* organizationId
* inclusiveTaxAmount
* exclusiveTaxAmount
* transactionLineNum
* transactionId
* taxCategoryId
* attribute2
* errorFlag
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute15
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute5
* attribute11


 * attribute7
* batchSourceName
* taxableEvent
* importStatus
* reference
* attribute1
* attribute8
* attribute12
* createdBy
* creationDate
* attribute6
* exciseInvoiceNo
* attribute10
* internalTrxId
* requestId
* serviceTypeCode
* lastUpdatedBy
* partyId
* stInvNumber
* attribute14
* attribute9
* interfaceLineId
* attributeCategory
* importProcess
* vatInvoiceNo
* attribute3
* partySiteId
* locationId
* internalTrxLineId
* attribute4
* orgId
* attribute13
* importModule
* transactionNum
* taxableBasis
* organizationId
* inclusiveTaxAmount
* exclusiveTaxAmount
* transactionLineNum
* transactionId
* taxCategoryId
* attribute2
* errorFlag
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute15
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute5
* attribute11


 * precedence9
* funcTaxAmount
* createdBy
* importModule
* precedence5
* precedence6
* codeCombinationId
* uom
* transactionLineNum
* interfaceLineId
* taxLineNo
* partyId
* precedence1
* precedence2
* qtyRate
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateDate
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* transactionNum
* taxRate
* precedence4
* precedence3
* precedence7
* taxId
* precedence8
* taxAmount
* precedence10
* inclusiveTaxFlag
* externalTaxCode
* partySiteId
* interfaceTaxLineId
* baseTaxAmount


 * precedence9
* funcTaxAmount
* createdBy
* importModule
* precedence5
* precedence6
* codeCombinationId
* uom
* transactionLineNum
* interfaceLineId
* taxLineNo
* partyId
* precedence1
* precedence2
* qtyRate
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateDate
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* transactionNum
* taxRate
* precedence4
* precedence3
* precedence7
* taxId
* precedence8
* taxAmount
* precedence10
* inclusiveTaxFlag
* externalTaxCode
* partySiteId
* interfaceTaxLineId
* baseTaxAmount


 * createdBy
* modvatFlag
* lastUpdateLogin
* itemClass
* organizationId
* itemTradingFlag
* creationDate
* lastUpdateDate
* itemFolio
* objectVersionNumber
* inventoryItemId
* itemTariff
* synchronizationNumber
* exciseFlag
* lastUpdatedBy


 * createdBy
* modvatFlag
* lastUpdateLogin
* itemClass
* organizationId
* itemTradingFlag
* creationDate
* lastUpdateDate
* itemFolio
* objectVersionNumber
* inventoryItemId
* itemTariff
* synchronizationNumber
* exciseFlag
* lastUpdatedBy


 * creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* inventoryItemId
* createdBy
* lastUpdatedBy
* taxCategoryList
* taxCategoryId
* objectVersionNumber
* lastUpdateDate


 * creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* inventoryItemId
* createdBy
* lastUpdatedBy
* taxCategoryList
* taxCategoryId
* objectVersionNumber
* lastUpdateDate


 * organizationId
* objectVersionNumber
* description
* taxCategoryList
* createdBy
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* creationDate
* lastUpdatedBy


 * organizationId
* objectVersionNumber
* description
* taxCategoryList
* createdBy
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* creationDate
* lastUpdatedBy


 * bonded
* trading
* locationId
* creationDate
* objectVersionNumber
* lastUpdateLogin
* organizationId
* createdBy
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* subInventoryName


 * bonded
* trading
* locationId
* creationDate
* objectVersionNumber
* lastUpdateLogin
* organizationId
* createdBy
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* subInventoryName


 * objectVersionNumber
* organizationId
* createdBy
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdatedBy
* locationId
* lastUpdateDate


 * objectVersionNumber
* organizationId
* createdBy
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdatedBy
* locationId
* lastUpdateDate


 * creationDate
* serialNo
* dueDate
* objectVersionNumber
* transactionHeaderId
* lastUpdateLogin
* extensionDays
* lastUpdateDate
* transactionName
* status
* createdBy
* lastUpdatedBy


 * creationDate
* serialNo
* dueDate
* objectVersionNumber
* transactionHeaderId
* lastUpdateLogin
* extensionDays
* lastUpdateDate
* transactionName
* status
* createdBy
* lastUpdatedBy


 * vendorCustomerId
* lastUpdatedBy
* transactionName
* transactionDate
* originalDueDate
* userReference
* lastUpdateLogin
* creationDate
* transactionHeaderId
* objectVersionNumber
* extendedDueDate
* createdBy
* lastUpdateDate


 * vendorCustomerId
* lastUpdatedBy
* transactionName
* transactionDate
* originalDueDate
* userReference
* lastUpdateLogin
* creationDate
* transactionHeaderId
* objectVersionNumber
* extendedDueDate
* createdBy
* lastUpdateDate


 * cenvatClaimedPtg
* lastUpdateLogin
* inventoryItemId
* shcessCenvatAmtFor2Claim
* shcessCenvatClaimedAmt
* lastUpdateDate
* cenvatAmtFor2ndClaim
* cenvatAmount
* vatClaimedPtg
* otherCenvatAmt
* transactionTempId
* organizationId
* cenvatQtyAvailable
* creationDate
* vatInvoiceNo
* otherCenvatClaimedAmt
* vatQty
* createdBy
* shipmentLineId
* receiptNumber
* cenvatClaimedAmt
* shcessCenvatAmt
* lastUpdatedBy
* quantity
* matchReceiptId
* qtyApply
* otherCenvatAmtFor2ndClaim


 * cenvatClaimedPtg
* lastUpdateLogin
* inventoryItemId
* shcessCenvatAmtFor2Claim
* shcessCenvatClaimedAmt
* lastUpdateDate
* cenvatAmtFor2ndClaim
* cenvatAmount
* vatClaimedPtg
* otherCenvatAmt
* transactionTempId
* organizationId
* cenvatQtyAvailable
* creationDate
* vatInvoiceNo
* otherCenvatClaimedAmt
* vatQty
* createdBy
* shipmentLineId
* receiptNumber
* cenvatClaimedAmt
* shcessCenvatAmt
* lastUpdatedBy
* quantity
* matchReceiptId
* qtyApply
* otherCenvatAmtFor2ndClaim


 * userJeSourceName
* userCurrencyConversionType
* reference23
* userJeCategoryName
* reference24
* dateCreated
* currencyConversionDate
* journalEntryId
* reference1
* createdBy
* reference10
* transactionTempId
* currencyConversionRate
* reference25
* reference27
* lastUpdateLogin
* creationDate
* codeCombinationId
* setOfBooksId
* lastUpdateDate
* status
* currencyCode
* transactionDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* enteredDr
* accountingDate
* reference26
* enteredCr


 * userJeSourceName
* userCurrencyConversionType
* reference23
* userJeCategoryName
* reference24
* dateCreated
* currencyConversionDate
* journalEntryId
* reference1
* createdBy
* reference10
* transactionTempId
* currencyConversionRate
* reference25
* reference27
* lastUpdateLogin
* creationDate
* codeCombinationId
* setOfBooksId
* lastUpdateDate
* status
* currencyCode
* transactionDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* enteredDr
* accountingDate
* reference26
* enteredCr


 * transactionDate
* vatInvoiceNo
* fromSubinventory
* taxAmount
* sellingPrice
* createdBy
* gstAssessableValue
* transactionUom
* lastUpdateLogin
* gstInvoiceNo
* toSubinventory
* vatAssessableValue
* transactionTypeId
* amtRegister
* transactionHeaderId
* inventoryItemId
* locationId
* toOrganization
* transactionId
* fromOrganization
* creationDate
* transactionCommitDate
* taxcategoryId
* exciseInvoiceNo
* lastUpdatedBy
* quantity
* qtyRegister
* lastUpdateDate
* transactionTempId
* assessableValue


 * transactionDate
* vatInvoiceNo
* fromSubinventory
* taxAmount
* sellingPrice
* createdBy
* gstAssessableValue
* transactionUom
* lastUpdateLogin
* gstInvoiceNo
* toSubinventory
* vatAssessableValue
* transactionTypeId
* amtRegister
* transactionHeaderId
* inventoryItemId
* locationId
* toOrganization
* transactionId
* fromOrganization
* creationDate
* transactionCommitDate
* taxcategoryId
* exciseInvoiceNo
* lastUpdatedBy
* quantity
* qtyRegister
* lastUpdateDate
* transactionTempId
* assessableValue


 * costElementId
* createdBy
* levelType
* transactionInterfaceId
* organizationId
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateDate
* valueChange
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin


 * costElementId
* createdBy
* levelType
* transactionInterfaceId
* organizationId
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateDate
* valueChange
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin


 * transactionDate
* createdBy
* lastUpdatedBy
* organizationId
* transactionHeaderId
* sourceLineId
* transactionReference
* lastUpdateDate
* transactionQuantity
* lockFlag
* transactionTypeId
* transactionId
* costGroupId
* overheadAccount
* materialOverheadAccount
* transactionSourceTypeId
* sourceHeaderId
* lastUpdateLogin
* resourceAccount
* transactionInterfaceId
* revision
* transactionMode
* transactionSourceName
* creationDate
* transactionUom
* rcvTransactionId
* outsideProcessingAccount
* processFlag
* inventoryItemId
* sourceCode
* materialAccount


 * transactionDate
* createdBy
* lastUpdatedBy
* organizationId
* transactionHeaderId
* sourceLineId
* transactionReference
* lastUpdateDate
* transactionQuantity
* lockFlag
* transactionTypeId
* transactionId
* costGroupId
* overheadAccount
* materialOverheadAccount
* transactionSourceTypeId
* sourceHeaderId
* lastUpdateLogin
* resourceAccount
* transactionInterfaceId
* revision
* transactionMode
* transactionSourceName
* creationDate
* transactionUom
* rcvTransactionId
* outsideProcessingAccount
* processFlag
* inventoryItemId
* sourceCode
* materialAccount


 * lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute3
* attribute6
* creationDate
* attribute9
* attribute7
* attributeCategory
* lcAmmendmentId
* lastShipDate
* attribute13
* attribute11
* attribute1
* amendmentAmount
* lcAmendmentNumber
* attribute5
* attribute14
* objectVersionNumber
* attribute4
* createdBy
* attribute8
* lcNumber
* description
* lastNegotiationDate
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute12
* amendmentDate
* attribute15
* attribute2
* attribute10


 * lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute3
* attribute6
* creationDate
* attribute9
* attribute7
* attributeCategory
* lcAmmendmentId
* lastShipDate
* attribute13
* attribute11
* attribute1
* amendmentAmount
* lcAmendmentNumber
* attribute5
* attribute14
* objectVersionNumber
* attribute4
* createdBy
* attribute8
* lcNumber
* description
* lastNegotiationDate
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute12
* amendmentDate
* attribute15
* attribute2
* attribute10


 * issBankAddress
* attribute6
* customerId
* negBankAddress
* creationDate
* lcType
* lastUpdatedBy
* endDate
* attribute12
* startDate
* creditPeriod
* attributeCategory
* lcNumber
* lastShipDate
* lcBalanceAmount
* attribute2
* negBankName
* issBranchName
* attribute11
* attribute8
* referenceNumber
* negBranchName
* attribute9
* lastNegotiationDate
* issBankName
* attribute7
* lcOriginalAmount
* lastUpdateDate
* createdBy
* attribute4
* negotiationDays
* attribute5
* attribute10
* attribute13
* description
* objectVersionNumber
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute1
* attribute15
* attribute3
* attribute14
* remarks


 * issBankAddress
* attribute6
* customerId
* negBankAddress
* creationDate
* lcType
* lastUpdatedBy
* endDate
* attribute12
* startDate
* creditPeriod
* attributeCategory
* lcNumber
* lastShipDate
* lcBalanceAmount
* attribute2
* negBankName
* issBranchName
* attribute11
* attribute8
* referenceNumber
* negBranchName
* attribute9
* lastNegotiationDate
* issBankName
* attribute7
* lcOriginalAmount
* lastUpdateDate
* createdBy
* attribute4
* negotiationDays
* attribute5
* attribute10
* attribute13
* description
* objectVersionNumber
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute1
* attribute15
* attribute3
* attribute14
* remarks


 * lcType
* lcNumber
* orderLineId
* createdBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute2
* deliveryDetailId
* attribute1
* objectVersionNumber
* amount
* releaseFlag
* qtyMatched
* qtyReleased
* slno
* customerId
* lastUpdateDate
* orderHeaderId
* lastUpdatedBy
* creationDate
* matchingId


 * lcType
* lcNumber
* orderLineId
* createdBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute2
* deliveryDetailId
* attribute1
* objectVersionNumber
* amount
* releaseFlag
* qtyMatched
* qtyReleased
* slno
* customerId
* lastUpdateDate
* orderHeaderId
* lastUpdatedBy
* creationDate
* matchingId


 * registerId
* lastUpdateDate
* createdBy
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* creationDate
* orderFlag
* objectVersionNumber
* orderTypeId


 * registerId
* lastUpdateDate
* createdBy
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* creationDate
* orderFlag
* objectVersionNumber
* orderTypeId


 * registerId
* createdBy
* locationId
* registerCode
* objectVersionNumber
* creationDate
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* louFlag
* bondNumber
* bondExpiryDate
* amount
* lastUpdatedBy
* organizationId


 * registerId
* createdBy
* locationId
* registerCode
* objectVersionNumber
* creationDate
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* louFlag
* bondNumber
* bondExpiryDate
* amount
* lastUpdatedBy
* organizationId


 * transactionAmount
* lastUpdateDate
* shCessAmount
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* transactionId
* deleteFlag
* orderFlag
* rg23dRegisterBalance
* pickingHeaderId
* expApprovalNum
* eduCessAmount
* transactionName
* orderHeaderId
* createdBy
* registerBalance
* registerId
* pickingLineId
* parentTransactionId
* creationDate
* objectVersionNumber


 * transactionAmount
* lastUpdateDate
* shCessAmount
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* transactionId
* deleteFlag
* orderFlag
* rg23dRegisterBalance
* pickingHeaderId
* expApprovalNum
* eduCessAmount
* transactionName
* orderHeaderId
* createdBy
* registerBalance
* registerId
* pickingLineId
* parentTransactionId
* creationDate
* objectVersionNumber


 * shipToSiteUseId
* orderHeaderId
* setOfBooksId
* creationDate
* deliveryId
* dateConfirmed
* deliveryDetailId
* pickingHeaderId
* lastUpdateLogin
* dateReleased
* createdBy
* lastUpdateDate
* statusCode
* lastUpdatedBy
* objectVersionNumber
* sourceHeaderId


 * shipToSiteUseId
* orderHeaderId
* setOfBooksId
* creationDate
* deliveryId
* dateConfirmed
* deliveryDetailId
* pickingHeaderId
* lastUpdateLogin
* dateReleased
* createdBy
* lastUpdateDate
* statusCode
* lastUpdatedBy
* objectVersionNumber
* sourceHeaderId


 * receivedFlag
* attribute15
* inventoryItemId
* attribute6
* attribute9
* attribute2
* taxCategoryId
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute12
* quantity
* assessableValue
* createdBy
* exciseDutyRate
* attribute5
* rmaLineNumber
* attribute3
* lastUpdateLogin
* taxAmount
* attribute8
* attribute14
* serviceTypeCode
* allowExciseCreditFlag
* attribute4
* attribute7
* attribute13
* rmaHeaderId
* allowSalesCreditFlag
* rmaLineId
* creationDate
* attribute10
* ratePerUnit
* attributeCategory
* lastUpdateDate
* pickingLineId
* objectVersionNumber
* rmaNumber
* shipToOrgId
* sellingPrice
* deliveryDetailId
* attribute1
* uom
* gstAssessableValue
* attribute11


 * receivedFlag
* attribute15
* inventoryItemId
* attribute6
* attribute9
* attribute2
* taxCategoryId
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute12
* quantity
* assessableValue
* createdBy
* exciseDutyRate
* attribute5
* rmaLineNumber
* attribute3
* lastUpdateLogin
* taxAmount
* attribute8
* attribute14
* serviceTypeCode
* allowExciseCreditFlag
* attribute4
* attribute7
* attribute13
* rmaHeaderId
* allowSalesCreditFlag
* rmaLineId
* creationDate
* attribute10
* ratePerUnit
* attributeCategory
* lastUpdateDate
* pickingLineId
* objectVersionNumber
* rmaNumber
* shipToOrgId
* sellingPrice
* deliveryDetailId
* attribute1
* uom
* gstAssessableValue
* attribute11


 * creationDate
* taxLineNo
* lastUpdatedBy
* qtyRate
* precedence8
* rmaLineId
* taxAmount
* precedence2
* precedence7
* precedence10
* baseTaxAmount
* lastUpdateLogin
* precedence9
* precedence5
* createdBy
* taxRate
* uom
* taxId
* deliveryDetailId
* precedence4
* precedence1
* precedence6
* lastUpdateDate
* objectVersionNumber
* funcTaxAmount
* precedence3


 * creationDate
* taxLineNo
* lastUpdatedBy
* qtyRate
* precedence8
* rmaLineId
* taxAmount
* precedence2
* precedence7
* precedence10
* baseTaxAmount
* lastUpdateLogin
* precedence9
* precedence5
* createdBy
* taxRate
* uom
* taxId
* deliveryDetailId
* precedence4
* precedence1
* precedence6
* lastUpdateDate
* objectVersionNumber
* funcTaxAmount
* precedence3


 * exciseExemptDate
* quantity
* headerId
* objectVersionNumber
* attribute3
* shipmentScheduleLineId
* atoFlag
* attribute1
* attribute12
* taxAmount
* attributeCategory
* attribute14
* shipmentLineNumber
* attribute2
* lineTotAmount
* vatReversalPrice
* lineNumber
* lastUpdateDate
* gstAssessableValue
* splitFromLineId
* serviceTypeCode
* sellingPrice
* attribute6
* attribute8
* creationDate
* attribute4
* lcFlag
* vatExemptionFlag
* lastUpdateLogin
* assessableValue
* shipmentScheduleFlag
* unitCode
* lineId
* attribute10
* createdBy
* inventoryItemId
* attribute9
* vatExemptionType
* lastUpdatedBy
* vatExemptionDate
* exciseExemptRefno
* vatExemptionRefno
* taxCategoryId
* exciseExemptType
* attribute13
* attribute7
* attribute11
* shipToOrgId
* attribute5
* lineAmount
* attribute15
* vatAssessableValue


 * exciseExemptDate
* quantity
* headerId
* objectVersionNumber
* attribute3
* shipmentScheduleLineId
* atoFlag
* attribute1
* attribute12
* taxAmount
* attributeCategory
* attribute14
* shipmentLineNumber
* attribute2
* lineTotAmount
* vatReversalPrice
* lineNumber
* lastUpdateDate
* gstAssessableValue
* splitFromLineId
* serviceTypeCode
* sellingPrice
* attribute6
* attribute8
* creationDate
* attribute4
* lcFlag
* vatExemptionFlag
* lastUpdateLogin
* assessableValue
* shipmentScheduleFlag
* unitCode
* lineId
* attribute10
* createdBy
* inventoryItemId
* attribute9
* vatExemptionType
* lastUpdatedBy
* vatExemptionDate
* exciseExemptRefno
* vatExemptionRefno
* taxCategoryId
* exciseExemptType
* attribute13
* attribute7
* attribute11
* shipToOrgId
* attribute5
* lineAmount
* attribute15
* vatAssessableValue


 * objectVersionNumber
* precedence7
* taxLineNo
* qtyRate
* uom
* lastUpdateDate
* precedence8
* precedence2
* precedence4
* lastUpdateLogin
* lineId
* precedence6
* taxId
* taxAmount
* precedence5
* precedence3
* precedence10
* precedence1
* taxCategoryId
* createdBy
* creationDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* taxRate
* precedence9
* baseTaxAmount
* funcTaxAmount
* headerId


 * objectVersionNumber
* precedence7
* taxLineNo
* qtyRate
* uom
* lastUpdateDate
* precedence8
* precedence2
* precedence4
* lastUpdateLogin
* lineId
* precedence6
* taxId
* taxAmount
* precedence5
* precedence3
* precedence10
* precedence1
* taxCategoryId
* createdBy
* creationDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* taxRate
* precedence9
* baseTaxAmount
* funcTaxAmount
* headerId


 * addLess
* rg23aAmount
* docNum
* plaClBal
* lineLocationId
* rg23cAmount
* plaAmount
* docType
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* createdBy
* recordSequence
* transactionId
* description
* rg23aOpBal
* objectVersionNumber
* pickingLineId
* expectedDate
* rg23aClBal
* exciseAmount
* plaOpBal
* rg23cOpBal
* remarks
* shipmentLineId
* lastUpdateLogin
* orderLineId
* creationDate
* rg23cClBal


 * addLess
* rg23aAmount
* docNum
* plaClBal
* lineLocationId
* rg23cAmount
* plaAmount
* docType
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* createdBy
* recordSequence
* transactionId
* description
* rg23aOpBal
* objectVersionNumber
* pickingLineId
* expectedDate
* rg23aClBal
* exciseAmount
* plaOpBal
* rg23cOpBal
* remarks
* shipmentLineId
* lastUpdateLogin
* orderLineId
* creationDate
* rg23cClBal


 * taxRate
* precedence5
* baseTaxAmount
* uom
* taxAmount
* precedence1
* precedence7
* pickingLineId
* precedence6
* precedence2
* createdBy
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* orderLineId
* lastUpdatedBy
* objectVersionNumber
* precedence9
* precedence10
* deliveryDetailId
* taxLineNo
* creationDate
* precedence4
* precedence3
* qtyRate
* funcTaxAmount
* taxId
* precedence8


 * taxRate
* precedence5
* baseTaxAmount
* uom
* taxAmount
* precedence1
* precedence7
* pickingLineId
* precedence6
* precedence2
* createdBy
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* orderLineId
* lastUpdatedBy
* objectVersionNumber
* precedence9
* precedence10
* deliveryDetailId
* taxLineNo
* creationDate
* precedence4
* precedence3
* qtyRate
* funcTaxAmount
* taxId
* precedence8


 * basicExciseDutyAmount
* attribute2
* addExciseDutyAmount
* attribute6
* lastUpdatedBy
* createdBy
* gstInvoiceDate
* gstInvoiceNo
* attribute15
* vatExemptionType
* attribute12
* exciseInvoiceNo
* orderLineId
* attribute5
* taxAmount
* preprintedExciseInvNo
* orderTypeId
* ar3FormDate
* vatInvoiceNo
* lastUpdateDate
* subinventory
* register
* attribute11
* vatInvoiceDate
* vatExemptionDate
* vatAssessableValue
* excExemptRefDate
* othExciseDutyAmount
* exciseInvoiceDate
* customerId
* shippableFlag
* attribute9
* gstAssessableValue
* pickingLineId
* ar3FormNo
* attribute4
* orderHeaderId
* organizationId
* quantity
* pickingHeaderId
* shipToOrgId
* inventoryItemId
* attribute8
* orgId
* exciseExemptRefno
* exciseExemptDate
* taxCategoryId
* excExemptCertFlag
* lastUpdateLogin
* deliveryId
* vatExemptionRefno
* unitCode
* attribute14
* attribute7
* attribute1
* attribute3
* attribute10
* attributeCategory
* ct3FormFlag
* creationDate
* deliveryDetailId
* vatExemptionFlag
* objectVersionNumber
* locationId
* splitFromDeliveryDetailId
* exciseAmount
* sellingPrice
* assessableValue
* attribute13
* exciseExemptType


 * basicExciseDutyAmount
* attribute2
* addExciseDutyAmount
* attribute6
* lastUpdatedBy
* createdBy
* gstInvoiceDate
* gstInvoiceNo
* attribute15
* vatExemptionType
* attribute12
* exciseInvoiceNo
* orderLineId
* attribute5
* taxAmount
* preprintedExciseInvNo
* orderTypeId
* ar3FormDate
* vatInvoiceNo
* lastUpdateDate
* subinventory
* register
* attribute11
* vatInvoiceDate
* vatExemptionDate
* vatAssessableValue
* excExemptRefDate
* othExciseDutyAmount
* exciseInvoiceDate
* customerId
* shippableFlag
* attribute9
* gstAssessableValue
* pickingLineId
* ar3FormNo
* attribute4
* orderHeaderId
* organizationId
* quantity
* pickingHeaderId
* shipToOrgId
* inventoryItemId
* attribute8
* orgId
* exciseExemptRefno
* exciseExemptDate
* taxCategoryId
* excExemptCertFlag
* lastUpdateLogin
* deliveryId
* vatExemptionRefno
* unitCode
* attribute14
* attribute7
* attribute1
* attribute3
* attribute10
* attributeCategory
* ct3FormFlag
* creationDate
* deliveryDetailId
* vatExemptionFlag
* objectVersionNumber
* locationId
* splitFromDeliveryDetailId
* exciseAmount
* sellingPrice
* assessableValue
* attribute13
* exciseExemptType


 * cmAdjsDtlId
* rcvTransactionId
* adjustCost
* deleteMark
* costAnalysisCode
* lastUpdateLogin
* invoiceDistributionId
* costCmpntclsId
* lastUpdateDate
* periodCode
* objectVersionNumber
* whseCode
* createdBy
* calendarCode
* costMthdCode
* lastUpdatedBy
* invoiceId
* costAdjustId
* creationDate
* itemId


 * cmAdjsDtlId
* rcvTransactionId
* adjustCost
* deleteMark
* costAnalysisCode
* lastUpdateLogin
* invoiceDistributionId
* costCmpntclsId
* lastUpdateDate
* periodCode
* objectVersionNumber
* whseCode
* createdBy
* calendarCode
* costMthdCode
* lastUpdatedBy
* invoiceId
* costAdjustId
* creationDate
* itemId


 * transDate
* actQuantity
* planQuantity
* organizationId
* issueRecptFlag
* createdBy
* mainRcptFlag
* processingCharge
* modvatClaimed
* itemId
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* unitPrice
* excisePayable
* ospDetailId
* uomCode
* inventoryItemId
* objectVersionNumber
* ospHeaderId
* creationDate
* lastUpdatedBy


 * transDate
* actQuantity
* planQuantity
* organizationId
* issueRecptFlag
* createdBy
* mainRcptFlag
* processingCharge
* modvatClaimed
* itemId
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* unitPrice
* excisePayable
* ospDetailId
* uomCode
* inventoryItemId
* objectVersionNumber
* ospHeaderId
* creationDate
* lastUpdatedBy


 * creationDate
* rate
* lastUpdatedBy
* createdBy
* lastUpdateDate
* formName
* processingCharge
* objectVersionNumber
* lastUpdateLogin


 * creationDate
* rate
* lastUpdatedBy
* createdBy
* lastUpdateDate
* formName
* processingCharge
* objectVersionNumber
* lastUpdateLogin


 * lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdatedBy
* payableExcise
* formulaIdRef
* extendedDueDate
* whseCode
* creationDate
* batchStatus
* objectVersionNumber
* formNumber
* userReference
* createdBy
* totModvatClaimed
* orgnCode
* poId
* finalReceipt
* originalDueDate
* batchCloseDate
* formName
* receivableExcise
* lastUpdateDate
* organizationId
* transactionDate
* finYear
* ospHeaderId
* totExcisePaid
* registerSelected
* postRg23Ii


 * lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdatedBy
* payableExcise
* formulaIdRef
* extendedDueDate
* whseCode
* creationDate
* batchStatus
* objectVersionNumber
* formNumber
* userReference
* createdBy
* totModvatClaimed
* orgnCode
* poId
* finalReceipt
* originalDueDate
* batchCloseDate
* formName
* receivableExcise
* lastUpdateDate
* organizationId
* transactionDate
* finYear
* ospHeaderId
* totExcisePaid
* registerSelected
* postRg23Ii


 * additionalExcise
* lastUpdateDate
* otherExcise
* objectVersionNumber
* ospTransId
* lastUpdatedBy
* regName
* basicExcise
* lastUpdateLogin
* creationDate
* createdBy


 * additionalExcise
* lastUpdateDate
* otherExcise
* objectVersionNumber
* ospTransId
* lastUpdatedBy
* regName
* basicExcise
* lastUpdateLogin
* creationDate
* createdBy


 * transactionName
* dueDate
* createdBy
* extensionDays
* serialNo
* creationDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateDate
* transactionHeaderId
* lastUpdateLogin
* status
* objectVersionNumber


 * transactionName
* dueDate
* createdBy
* extensionDays
* serialNo
* creationDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateDate
* transactionHeaderId
* lastUpdateLogin
* status
* objectVersionNumber


 * transactionName
* transactionHeaderId
* extendedDueDate
* transactionDate
* originalDueDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdateDate
* createdBy
* userReference
* creationDate
* objectVersionNumber
* vendorCustomerId


 * transactionName
* transactionHeaderId
* extendedDueDate
* transactionDate
* originalDueDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdateDate
* createdBy
* userReference
* creationDate
* objectVersionNumber
* vendorCustomerId


 * parentDraftInvoiceId
* draftInvoiceNum
* lineAmt
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* locationId
* creationDate
* serviceTypeCode
* projectId
* draftInvoiceLineId
* lastUpdateLogin
* taxCategoryId
* objectVersionNumber
* parentDraftInvoiceLineId
* draftInvoiceId
* organizationId
* lineTaxAmt
* createdBy
* lineNum


 * parentDraftInvoiceId
* draftInvoiceNum
* lineAmt
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* locationId
* creationDate
* serviceTypeCode
* projectId
* draftInvoiceLineId
* lastUpdateLogin
* taxCategoryId
* objectVersionNumber
* parentDraftInvoiceLineId
* draftInvoiceId
* organizationId
* lineTaxAmt
* createdBy
* lineNum


 * exciseInvoiceDate
* exciseRegisterType
* exciseCessAmt
* parentDraftInvoiceId
* organizationId
* vatInvoiceNo
* lastUpdateLogin
* processExciseFlag
* exciseShCessAmt
* vatInvoiceDate
* createdBy
* processVatFlag
* exciseRegisterId
* projectId
* lastUpdateDate
* draftInvoiceId
* exciseInvoiceNo
* objectVersionNumber
* draftInvoiceNum
* basicExciseAmt
* locationId
* otherExciseAmt
* additionalExciseAmt
* creationDate
* lastUpdatedBy


 * exciseInvoiceDate
* exciseRegisterType
* exciseCessAmt
* parentDraftInvoiceId
* organizationId
* vatInvoiceNo
* lastUpdateLogin
* processExciseFlag
* exciseShCessAmt
* vatInvoiceDate
* createdBy
* processVatFlag
* exciseRegisterId
* projectId
* lastUpdateDate
* draftInvoiceId
* exciseInvoiceNo
* objectVersionNumber
* draftInvoiceNum
* basicExciseAmt
* locationId
* otherExciseAmt
* additionalExciseAmt
* creationDate
* lastUpdatedBy


 * setupValue4Usage
* createdBy
* setupValue5Usage
* objectVersionNumber
* attribute4Usage
* creationDate
* attribute1Usage
* contextId
* context
* attribute2Usage
* setupValue1Usage
* setupValue3Usage
* attribute3Usage
* setupValue2Usage
* zdEditionName
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute5Usage
* lastUpdateLogin
* zdSync
* lastUpdateDate


 * setupValue4Usage
* createdBy
* setupValue5Usage
* objectVersionNumber
* attribute4Usage
* creationDate
* attribute1Usage
* contextId
* context
* attribute2Usage
* setupValue1Usage
* setupValue3Usage
* attribute3Usage
* setupValue2Usage
* zdEditionName
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute5Usage
* lastUpdateLogin
* zdSync
* lastUpdateDate


 * createdBy
* lastUpdateDate
* setupPreferenceId
* distributionRule
* lastUpdatedBy
* zdSync
* contextId
* preference
* creationDate
* zdEditionName
* objectVersionNumber
* lastUpdateLogin


 * createdBy
* lastUpdateDate
* setupPreferenceId
* distributionRule
* lastUpdatedBy
* zdSync
* contextId
* preference
* creationDate
* zdEditionName
* objectVersionNumber
* lastUpdateLogin


 * contextId
* objectVersionNumber
* setupValue3
* lastUpdateDate
* orgId
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute4
* attribute5
* setupValue5
* creationDate
* setupValue1
* setupValue2
* setupValueId
* createdBy
* context
* attribute2
* attribute3
* attribute1
* setupValue4


 * contextId
* objectVersionNumber
* setupValue3
* lastUpdateDate
* orgId
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute4
* attribute5
* setupValue5
* creationDate
* setupValue1
* setupValue2
* setupValueId
* createdBy
* context
* attribute2
* attribute3
* attribute1
* setupValue4


 * acctExchangeRate
* personType
* quantity
* rawCostRate
* cdlSystemReference1
* origExpTxnReference3
* vendorId
* documentType
* projfuncCurrencyCode
* employeeNumber
* attributeCategory
* expenditureType
* poHeaderId
* origExpTxnReference2
* wipResourceId
* cdlSystemReference2
* transactionSource
* projectNumber
* expenditureId
* accrualFlag
* projectBurdenedCost
* expenditureItemId
* organizationId
* expenditureComment
* siAssetsAdditionFlag
* billableFlag
* taskId
* origUserExpTxnReference
* expenditureItemDate
* rawCost
* projectRateDate
* attribute3
* unmatchedNegativeTxnFlag
* expenditureEndingDate
* acctExchangeRoundingLimit
* attribute8
* cdlSystemReference5
* poNumber
* drCodeCombinationId
* attribute2
* documentDistributionType
* burdenedCostRate
* acctRateDate
* receiptCurrencyAmount
* attribute1
* organizationName
* acctBurdenedCost
* receiptExchangeRate
* projfuncCostRateType
* attribute4
* fcDocumentType
* cdlSystemReference4
* attribute6
* cdlSystemReference3
* createdBy
* lastUpdateDate
* burdenedCost
* adjustedTxnInterfaceId
* projfuncCostExchangeRate
* personBusinessGroupId
* requestId
* denomBurdenedCost
* interfaceId
* projectRateType
* scXferCode
* creationDate
* glDate
* workTypeId
* txnInterfaceId
* unitOfMeasure
* paAdditionFlag
* denomCurrencyCode
* poPriceType
* assignmentId
* crCodeCombinationId
* receiptCurrencyCode
* vendorNumber
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute5
* personId
* nonLaborResourceOrgName
* orgId
* systemLinkage
* reversedOrigTxnReference
* projectExchangeRate
* projectCurrencyCode
* workTypeName
* poLineNum
* transactionRejectionCode
* poLineId
* origTransactionReference
* acctRateType
* personBusinessGroupName
* attribute9
* assignmentName
* acctRawCost
* taskNumber
* projectId
* overrideToOrganizationId
* denomRawCost
* attribute7
* attribute10
* projectRawCost
* batchName
* origExpTxnReference1
* transactionStatusCode
* nonLaborResourceOrgId
* overrideToOrganizationName
* projfuncCostRateDate
* nonLaborResource
* inventoryItemId
* adjustedExpenditureItemId
* userTransactionSource
* netZeroAdjustmentFlag


 * acctExchangeRate
* personType
* quantity
* rawCostRate
* cdlSystemReference1
* origExpTxnReference3
* vendorId
* documentType
* projfuncCurrencyCode
* employeeNumber
* attributeCategory
* expenditureType
* poHeaderId
* origExpTxnReference2
* wipResourceId
* cdlSystemReference2
* transactionSource
* projectNumber
* expenditureId
* accrualFlag
* projectBurdenedCost
* expenditureItemId
* organizationId
* expenditureComment
* siAssetsAdditionFlag
* billableFlag
* taskId
* origUserExpTxnReference
* expenditureItemDate
* rawCost
* projectRateDate
* attribute3
* unmatchedNegativeTxnFlag
* expenditureEndingDate
* acctExchangeRoundingLimit
* attribute8
* cdlSystemReference5
* poNumber
* drCodeCombinationId
* attribute2
* documentDistributionType
* burdenedCostRate
* acctRateDate
* receiptCurrencyAmount
* attribute1
* organizationName
* acctBurdenedCost
* receiptExchangeRate
* projfuncCostRateType
* attribute4
* fcDocumentType
* cdlSystemReference4
* attribute6
* cdlSystemReference3
* createdBy
* lastUpdateDate
* burdenedCost
* adjustedTxnInterfaceId
* projfuncCostExchangeRate
* personBusinessGroupId
* requestId
* denomBurdenedCost
* interfaceId
* projectRateType
* scXferCode
* creationDate
* glDate
* workTypeId
* txnInterfaceId
* unitOfMeasure
* paAdditionFlag
* denomCurrencyCode
* poPriceType
* assignmentId
* crCodeCombinationId
* receiptCurrencyCode
* vendorNumber
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute5
* personId
* nonLaborResourceOrgName
* orgId
* systemLinkage
* reversedOrigTxnReference
* projectExchangeRate
* projectCurrencyCode
* workTypeName
* poLineNum
* transactionRejectionCode
* poLineId
* origTransactionReference
* acctRateType
* personBusinessGroupName
* attribute9
* assignmentName
* acctRawCost
* taskNumber
* projectId
* overrideToOrganizationId
* denomRawCost
* attribute7
* attribute10
* projectRawCost
* batchName
* origExpTxnReference1
* transactionStatusCode
* nonLaborResourceOrgId
* overrideToOrganizationName
* projfuncCostRateDate
* nonLaborResource
* inventoryItemId
* adjustedExpenditureItemId
* userTransactionSource
* netZeroAdjustmentFlag


 * poLineId
* lineLocationId
* fromLineId
* lastUpdateDate
* poHeaderId
* fromHeaderId
* fromLineLocationId
* createdBy
* shipmentNum
* copyDocumentId
* itemId
* creationDate
* lineNum
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* objectVersionNumber


 * poLineId
* lineLocationId
* fromLineId
* lastUpdateDate
* poHeaderId
* fromHeaderId
* fromLineLocationId
* createdBy
* shipmentNum
* copyDocumentId
* itemId
* creationDate
* lineNum
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* objectVersionNumber


 * shipmentNum
* fromHeaderId
* lineNum
* itemId
* poLineId
* fromLineLocationId
* copyDocumentId
* poHeaderId
* lineLocationId
* fromLineId


 * shipmentNum
* fromHeaderId
* lineNum
* itemId
* poLineId
* fromLineLocationId
* copyDocumentId
* poHeaderId
* lineLocationId
* fromLineId


 * lastUpdateLogin
* objectVersionNumber
* shipmentNum
* creationDate
* lastUpdateDate
* lineLocationId
* poLineId
* lineNum
* itemId
* fromTypeLookupCode
* type
* createdBy
* lastUpdatedBy
* fromHeaderId
* poHeaderId


 * lastUpdateLogin
* objectVersionNumber
* shipmentNum
* creationDate
* lastUpdateDate
* lineLocationId
* poLineId
* lineNum
* itemId
* fromTypeLookupCode
* type
* createdBy
* lastUpdatedBy
* fromHeaderId
* poHeaderId


 * attribute4
* itemId
* creationDate
* attribute1
* attribute5
* vendorSiteId
* attribute12
* attribute6
* attribute11
* attribute8
* createdBy
* attribute10
* attribute7
* taxModifiedFlag
* poLineId
* objectVersionNumber
* serviceTypeCode
* vendorId
* attribute3
* attribute13
* totalAmount
* attribute9
* attribute15
* quantity
* taxAmount
* lastUpdateLogin
* currency
* priceOverride
* lineFocusId
* attribute14
* poHeaderId
* taxCategoryId
* attribute2
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* attributeCategory
* lineLocationId


 * attribute4
* itemId
* creationDate
* attribute1
* attribute5
* vendorSiteId
* attribute12
* attribute6
* attribute11
* attribute8
* createdBy
* attribute10
* attribute7
* taxModifiedFlag
* poLineId
* objectVersionNumber
* serviceTypeCode
* vendorId
* attribute3
* attribute13
* totalAmount
* attribute9
* attribute15
* quantity
* taxAmount
* lastUpdateLogin
* currency
* priceOverride
* lineFocusId
* attribute14
* poHeaderId
* taxCategoryId
* attribute2
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* attributeCategory
* lineLocationId


 * lastUpdateDate
* assemblyItemId
* bomDate
* createdBy
* creationDate
* componentItemId
* lastUpdatedBy
* componentQuantity
* objectVersionNumber
* lastUpdateLogin
* revision


 * lastUpdateDate
* assemblyItemId
* bomDate
* createdBy
* creationDate
* componentItemId
* lastUpdatedBy
* componentQuantity
* objectVersionNumber
* lastUpdateLogin
* revision


 * lastUpdateDate
* inventoryItemId
* uomCode
* objectVersionNumber
* quantity
* programUpdateDate
* programApplicationId
* programLoginId
* excisePayable
* ospHeaderId
* ospDetailId
* creationDate
* createdBy
* unitPrice
* issueRecptFlag
* modvatClaimed
* lastUpdatedBy
* organizationId
* processingCharge
* lastUpdateLogin
* requestId
* programId


 * lastUpdateDate
* inventoryItemId
* uomCode
* objectVersionNumber
* quantity
* programUpdateDate
* programApplicationId
* programLoginId
* excisePayable
* ospHeaderId
* ospDetailId
* creationDate
* createdBy
* unitPrice
* issueRecptFlag
* modvatClaimed
* lastUpdatedBy
* organizationId
* processingCharge
* lastUpdateLogin
* requestId
* programId


 * finalReceipt
* payableExcise
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateDate
* extendedDueDate
* createdBy
* programId
* parentHeaderId
* programApplicationId
* ospHeaderId
* objectVersionNumber
* registerSelected
* lastUpdateLogin
* organizationId
* locationId
* transactionTypeId
* transactionDate
* ospVendorId
* originalDueDate
* programLoginId
* receivableExcise
* totExcisePaid
* creationDate
* totModvatClaimed
* userReference
* requestId
* programUpdateDate


 * finalReceipt
* payableExcise
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateDate
* extendedDueDate
* createdBy
* programId
* parentHeaderId
* programApplicationId
* ospHeaderId
* objectVersionNumber
* registerSelected
* lastUpdateLogin
* organizationId
* locationId
* transactionTypeId
* transactionDate
* ospVendorId
* originalDueDate
* programLoginId
* receivableExcise
* totExcisePaid
* creationDate
* totModvatClaimed
* userReference
* requestId
* programUpdateDate


 * formNumGeneratorId
* objectVersionNumber
* locationId
* formNumber
* createdBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* creationDate
* organizationId
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateDate
* finYear


 * formNumGeneratorId
* objectVersionNumber
* locationId
* formNumber
* createdBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* creationDate
* organizationId
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateDate
* finYear


 * drRegister
* objectVersionNumber
* finYear
* createdBy
* ospSi
* creationDate
* primaryFlag
* formNumber
* printOriginal
* processTime
* printCnt
* formId
* vendorSiteId
* crRegRegisterId
* poHeaderId
* vendorId
* lastUpdateLogin
* locationId
* receiptDate
* othDocId
* crRegEntryDate
* drRegSlno
* printDuplicate
* cancelFlag
* crRegister
* drRegEntryDate
* source
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateDate
* issueApproved
* organizationId
* issueDate
* receiptApproved
* crRegSlno
* primaryFormId
* drRegRegisterId


 * drRegister
* objectVersionNumber
* finYear
* createdBy
* ospSi
* creationDate
* primaryFlag
* formNumber
* printOriginal
* processTime
* printCnt
* formId
* vendorSiteId
* crRegRegisterId
* poHeaderId
* vendorId
* lastUpdateLogin
* locationId
* receiptDate
* othDocId
* crRegEntryDate
* drRegSlno
* printDuplicate
* cancelFlag
* crRegister
* drRegEntryDate
* source
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateDate
* issueApproved
* organizationId
* issueDate
* receiptApproved
* crRegSlno
* primaryFormId
* drRegRegisterId


 * itemId
* ospItemDtlId
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* objectVersionNumber
* lastUpdateDate
* uomCode
* createdBy
* organizationId
* quantity
* ospItemId
* lastUpdatedBy


 * itemId
* ospItemDtlId
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* objectVersionNumber
* lastUpdateDate
* uomCode
* createdBy
* organizationId
* quantity
* ospItemId
* lastUpdatedBy


 * organizationId
* lastUpdateDate
* ospItemId
* ospUomCode
* lastUpdateLogin
* createdBy
* ospItemHdrId
* creationDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* objectVersionNumber


 * organizationId
* lastUpdateDate
* ospItemId
* ospUomCode
* lastUpdateLogin
* createdBy
* ospItemHdrId
* creationDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* objectVersionNumber


 * creationDate
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* objectVersionNumber
* lineId
* dispatchQty
* createdBy
* drRegister
* lastUpdateLogin
* drRegEntryDate
* detailLineId
* formId
* drRegSlno
* drRegRegisterId


 * creationDate
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* objectVersionNumber
* lineId
* dispatchQty
* createdBy
* drRegister
* lastUpdateLogin
* drRegEntryDate
* detailLineId
* formId
* drRegSlno
* drRegRegisterId


 * parentItemId
* createdBy
* compQtyPa
* objectVersionNumber
* lineId
* assemblyId
* creationDate
* formId
* itemUom
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* exciseRate
* wipLineId
* dispatchedQty
* tariffCode
* poDistributionId
* wipOperationSequenceNum
* balParentItemQty
* sourceCode
* wipEntityId
* scrapQty
* poLineId
* itemId
* lastUpdatedBy
* despatchQty
* wipRepetitiveScheduleId
* processReqd
* originalQty
* itemValue
* returnQty
* identification


 * parentItemId
* createdBy
* compQtyPa
* objectVersionNumber
* lineId
* assemblyId
* creationDate
* formId
* itemUom
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* exciseRate
* wipLineId
* dispatchedQty
* tariffCode
* poDistributionId
* wipOperationSequenceNum
* balParentItemQty
* sourceCode
* wipEntityId
* scrapQty
* poLineId
* itemId
* lastUpdatedBy
* despatchQty
* wipRepetitiveScheduleId
* processReqd
* originalQty
* itemValue
* returnQty
* identification


 * assessableValue
* poHeaderId
* fromHeaderId
* createdBy
* processingTime
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* fromLineId
* lastUpdateDate
* priceOverride
* lineLocationId
* objectVersionNumber
* lastUpdatedBy
* poLineId
* uomCode
* errorFlag
* errorMessage


 * assessableValue
* poHeaderId
* fromHeaderId
* createdBy
* processingTime
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* fromLineId
* lastUpdateDate
* priceOverride
* lineLocationId
* objectVersionNumber
* lastUpdatedBy
* poLineId
* uomCode
* errorFlag
* errorMessage


 * vendorId
* objectVersionNumber
* organizationId
* receiptNumber
* excise
* octroi
* lineAmount
* lineNum
* poCreationDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateDate
* invoiceId
* transactionType
* poReleaseNum
* runNo
* serviceTax
* additionalCvd
* lastUpdateLogin
* receiptDate
* purchaseTax
* vendorSiteId
* customs
* poDistributionId
* exchangeRate
* cvd
* requisitionLineId
* orgId
* rcvTransactionId
* creationDate
* turnoverTax
* voucherNum
* reqNumber
* cst
* poHeaderId
* entryTax
* invoiceCurrencyCode
* createdBy
* poNumber
* vat
* invoiceNum
* distributionLineNumber
* lst
* others
* locationId
* invoiceDate
* freight
* requisitionHeaderId


 * vendorId
* objectVersionNumber
* organizationId
* receiptNumber
* excise
* octroi
* lineAmount
* lineNum
* poCreationDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateDate
* invoiceId
* transactionType
* poReleaseNum
* runNo
* serviceTax
* additionalCvd
* lastUpdateLogin
* receiptDate
* purchaseTax
* vendorSiteId
* customs
* poDistributionId
* exchangeRate
* cvd
* requisitionLineId
* orgId
* rcvTransactionId
* creationDate
* turnoverTax
* voucherNum
* reqNumber
* cst
* poHeaderId
* entryTax
* invoiceCurrencyCode
* createdBy
* poNumber
* vat
* invoiceNum
* distributionLineNumber
* lst
* others
* locationId
* invoiceDate
* freight
* requisitionHeaderId


 * taxLineNo
* precedence1
* precedence6
* taxCategoryId
* precedence5
* modvatFlag
* precedence8
* precedence4
* requisitionLineId
* taxType
* precedence7
* taxTargetAmount
* uom
* precedence10
* precedence3
* taxRate
* currency
* vendorId
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* taxId
* createdBy
* qtyRate
* precedence9
* taxAmount
* lastUpdateDate
* precedence2
* lastUpdatedBy
* requisitionHeaderId
* objectVersionNumber


 * taxLineNo
* precedence1
* precedence6
* taxCategoryId
* precedence5
* modvatFlag
* precedence8
* precedence4
* requisitionLineId
* taxType
* precedence7
* taxTargetAmount
* uom
* precedence10
* precedence3
* taxRate
* currency
* vendorId
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* taxId
* createdBy
* qtyRate
* precedence9
* taxAmount
* lastUpdateDate
* precedence2
* lastUpdatedBy
* requisitionHeaderId
* objectVersionNumber


 * taxAmount
* suggestedVendorLocation
* objectVersionNumber
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* taxModifiedFlag
* creationDate
* currencyCode
* requisitionHeaderId
* totalAmount
* lastUpdateLogin
* requisitionLineId
* createdBy
* taxCategoryId
* suggestedVendorName


 * taxAmount
* suggestedVendorLocation
* objectVersionNumber
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* taxModifiedFlag
* creationDate
* currencyCode
* requisitionHeaderId
* totalAmount
* lastUpdateLogin
* requisitionLineId
* createdBy
* taxCategoryId
* suggestedVendorName


 * precedence8
* precedence4
* taxId
* precedence10
* taxRate
* taxAmount
* createdBy
* lastUpdatedBy
* precedence1
* lineFocusId
* lineLocationId
* qtyRate
* modvatFlag
* creationDate
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* taxType
* poLineId
* precedence9
* currency
* taxLineNo
* poHeaderId
* precedence6
* precedence2
* taxCategoryId
* uom
* precedence7
* taxTargetAmount
* precedence3
* precedence5
* objectVersionNumber
* vendorId


 * precedence8
* precedence4
* taxId
* precedence10
* taxRate
* taxAmount
* createdBy
* lastUpdatedBy
* precedence1
* lineFocusId
* lineLocationId
* qtyRate
* modvatFlag
* creationDate
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* taxType
* poLineId
* precedence9
* currency
* taxLineNo
* poHeaderId
* precedence6
* precedence2
* taxCategoryId
* uom
* precedence7
* taxTargetAmount
* precedence3
* precedence5
* objectVersionNumber
* vendorId


 * objectVersionNumber
* exciseInvoiceNo
* createdBy
* lastUpdateDate
* rmaRtnId
* organizationId
* inventoryItemId
* lastUpdateLogin
* rmaRtnDate
* oExciseInvoiceDate
* rtnTaxAmount
* rmaNum
* exciseInvoiceDate
* oExciseInvoiceNo
* rmaLineId
* lastUpdatedBy
* locationId
* rmaRtnQty
* creationDate
* rmaLineNum
* rmaInterfaceRef


 * objectVersionNumber
* exciseInvoiceNo
* createdBy
* lastUpdateDate
* rmaRtnId
* organizationId
* inventoryItemId
* lastUpdateLogin
* rmaRtnDate
* oExciseInvoiceDate
* rtnTaxAmount
* rmaNum
* exciseInvoiceDate
* oExciseInvoiceNo
* rmaLineId
* lastUpdatedBy
* locationId
* rmaRtnQty
* creationDate
* rmaLineNum
* rmaInterfaceRef


 * precedence5
* precedence9
* precedence2
* lastUpdatedBy
* uom
* precedence7
* lastUpdateDate
* taxType
* precedence8
* rmaRtnId
* precedence3
* createdBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* creationDate
* taxId
* qtyRate
* taxLineNo
* taxRate
* taxAmount
* precedence10
* precedence4
* precedence1
* precedence6
* objectVersionNumber


 * precedence5
* precedence9
* precedence2
* lastUpdatedBy
* uom
* precedence7
* lastUpdateDate
* taxType
* precedence8
* rmaRtnId
* precedence3
* createdBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* creationDate
* taxId
* qtyRate
* taxLineNo
* taxRate
* taxAmount
* precedence10
* precedence4
* precedence1
* precedence6
* objectVersionNumber


 * createdBy
* qtyRate
* poHeaderId
* taxType
* precedence6
* taxCategoryId
* precedence3
* precedence4
* taxAmount
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* poLineId
* uom
* precedence1
* taxId
* precedence8
* lineFocusId
* precedence2
* precedence10
* precedence9
* creationDate
* objectVersionNumber
* vendorId
* modvatFlag
* taxTargetAmount
* precedence5
* lastUpdateLogin
* taxLineNo
* precedence7
* currency
* taxRate
* lineLocationId


 * createdBy
* qtyRate
* poHeaderId
* taxType
* precedence6
* taxCategoryId
* precedence3
* precedence4
* taxAmount
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* poLineId
* uom
* precedence1
* taxId
* precedence8
* lineFocusId
* precedence2
* precedence10
* precedence9
* creationDate
* objectVersionNumber
* vendorId
* modvatFlag
* taxTargetAmount
* precedence5
* lastUpdateLogin
* taxLineNo
* precedence7
* currency
* taxRate
* lineLocationId


 * lastUpdateDate
* transactionId
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* processDate
* errorFlag
* creationDate
* cenvatPercent
* shipmentLineId
* attribute2
* createdBy
* processFlag
* errorDescription
* attribute1
* batchIdentifier
* unclaimedCenvatAmount
* objectVersionNumber
* quantity


 * lastUpdateDate
* transactionId
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* processDate
* errorFlag
* creationDate
* cenvatPercent
* shipmentLineId
* attribute2
* createdBy
* processFlag
* errorDescription
* attribute1
* batchIdentifier
* unclaimedCenvatAmount
* objectVersionNumber
* quantity


 * objectVersionNumber
* otherCenvatAmtFor2ndClaim
* nonBondedDeliveryFlag
* unclaimedCenvatAmount
* cenvatSequence
* cenvatClaimedAmt
* createdBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* cenvatAmtFor2ndClaim
* vendorId
* vendorChangedFlag
* lastUpdatedBy
* creationDate
* quantityFor2ndClaim
* cenvatAmount
* onlineClaimFlag
* cenvatClaimedPtg
* transactionId
* shcessCenvatAmtFor2Claim
* lastUpdateDate
* vendorSiteId
* unclaimCenvatDate
* partialCenvatClaim
* otherCenvatAmt
* shcessCenvatAmt
* shipmentLineId
* shcessCenvatClaimedAmt
* unclaimCenvatFlag
* otherCenvatClaimedAmt


 * objectVersionNumber
* otherCenvatAmtFor2ndClaim
* nonBondedDeliveryFlag
* unclaimedCenvatAmount
* cenvatSequence
* cenvatClaimedAmt
* createdBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* cenvatAmtFor2ndClaim
* vendorId
* vendorChangedFlag
* lastUpdatedBy
* creationDate
* quantityFor2ndClaim
* cenvatAmount
* onlineClaimFlag
* cenvatClaimedPtg
* transactionId
* shcessCenvatAmtFor2Claim
* lastUpdateDate
* vendorSiteId
* unclaimCenvatDate
* partialCenvatClaim
* otherCenvatAmt
* shcessCenvatAmt
* shipmentLineId
* shcessCenvatClaimedAmt
* unclaimCenvatFlag
* otherCenvatClaimedAmt


 * attribute12
* receiptSourceCode
* attribute14
* attributeCategory
* createdBy
* attribute11
* applyHeaderFlag
* organizationId
* creationDate
* shipmentHeaderId
* attribute8
* exciseInvoiceNo
* attribute10
* onlineClaimFlag
* lastUpdateDate
* customerSiteId
* attribute15
* objectVersionNumber
* exciseInvoiceDate
* attribute1
* attribute9
* vendorSiteId
* customerId
* thirdPartyFlag
* attribute4
* attribute2
* attribute6
* rmaType
* attribute13
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute5
* vendorId
* attribute7
* receiptNum
* shippedDate
* shipmentNum
* attribute3


 * attribute12
* receiptSourceCode
* attribute14
* attributeCategory
* createdBy
* attribute11
* applyHeaderFlag
* organizationId
* creationDate
* shipmentHeaderId
* attribute8
* exciseInvoiceNo
* attribute10
* onlineClaimFlag
* lastUpdateDate
* customerSiteId
* attribute15
* objectVersionNumber
* exciseInvoiceDate
* attribute1
* attribute9
* vendorSiteId
* customerId
* thirdPartyFlag
* attribute4
* attribute2
* attribute6
* rmaType
* attribute13
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute5
* vendorId
* attribute7
* receiptNum
* shippedDate
* shipmentNum
* attribute3


 * lastUpdateDate
* exciseInvoiceDate
* createdBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* objectVersionNumber
* creationDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* shipmentHeaderId
* interfaceTransactionId
* rmaType
* onlineClaimFlag
* exciseInvoiceNo
* paddr


 * lastUpdateDate
* exciseInvoiceDate
* createdBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* objectVersionNumber
* creationDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* shipmentHeaderId
* interfaceTransactionId
* rmaType
* onlineClaimFlag
* exciseInvoiceNo
* paddr


 * currencyConversionType
* enteredDr
* currencyConversionRate
* codeCombinationId
* acctNature
* currencyConversionDate
* journalEntryId
* referenceId
* createdBy
* transactionDate
* lastUpdateDate
* acctType
* transactionId
* lastUpdatedBy
* referenceName
* creationDate
* sourceName
* currencyCode
* lastUpdateLogin
* organizationCode
* periodName
* receiptNum
* enteredCr
* shipmentLineId
* transactionType
* categoryName
* objectVersionNumber


 * currencyConversionType
* enteredDr
* currencyConversionRate
* codeCombinationId
* acctNature
* currencyConversionDate
* journalEntryId
* referenceId
* createdBy
* transactionDate
* lastUpdateDate
* acctType
* transactionId
* lastUpdatedBy
* referenceName
* creationDate
* sourceName
* currencyCode
* lastUpdateLogin
* organizationCode
* periodName
* receiptNum
* enteredCr
* shipmentLineId
* transactionType
* categoryName
* objectVersionNumber


 * lastUpdateDate
* precedence9
* taxAmount
* taxLineNo
* uom
* precedence5
* taxId
* taxName
* qtyRate
* modvatFlag
* createdBy
* modvatClaimedAmount
* taxModifiedManually
* taxRate
* precedence2
* precedence7
* claimedAmount
* attributeDesc
* currency
* attribute4
* creationDate
* claimableAmount
* boeCopiedFlag
* lastUpdatedBy
* precedence3
* assessableValue
* attribute3
* attribute1
* vendorSiteId
* attribute2
* attribute5
* precedence10
* precedence8
* transactionId
* shipmentLineId
* precedence4
* thirdPartyFlag
* shipmentHeaderId
* taxTargetAmount
* vendorId
* precedence1
* objectVersionNumber
* taxType
* precedence6
* lastUpdateLogin


 * lastUpdateDate
* precedence9
* taxAmount
* taxLineNo
* uom
* precedence5
* taxId
* taxName
* qtyRate
* modvatFlag
* createdBy
* modvatClaimedAmount
* taxModifiedManually
* taxRate
* precedence2
* precedence7
* claimedAmount
* attributeDesc
* currency
* attribute4
* creationDate
* claimableAmount
* boeCopiedFlag
* lastUpdatedBy
* precedence3
* assessableValue
* attribute3
* attribute1
* vendorSiteId
* attribute2
* attribute5
* precedence10
* precedence8
* transactionId
* shipmentLineId
* precedence4
* thirdPartyFlag
* shipmentHeaderId
* taxTargetAmount
* vendorId
* precedence1
* objectVersionNumber
* taxType
* precedence6
* lastUpdateLogin


 * transactionId
* attribute15
* processThirdPartyInv
* attribute14
* receiptNum
* organizationId
* processReceiving
* attribute2
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute13
* attribute10
* attributeCategory
* attribute12
* qtyReceived
* attribute11
* mfgTrading
* objectVersionNumber
* claimModvatFlag
* attribute1
* processModvat
* attribute7
* lastUpdateDate
* processDelivery
* shipmentLineId
* exciseInvoiceNo
* exciseInvoiceDate
* processRtv
* creationDate
* inventoryItemId
* taxAmount
* onlineClaimFlag
* gstInvoiceNo
* attribute6
* createdBy
* lastUpdatedBy
* rmaType
* shipmentHeaderId
* processPopulateCenvat
* boeNumber
* taxModifiedFlag
* processRtr
* processRg
* gstInvoiceDate
* attribute3
* boeAppliedFlag
* attribute8
* attribute5
* attribute9
* lineLocationId
* attribute4


 * transactionId
* attribute15
* processThirdPartyInv
* attribute14
* receiptNum
* organizationId
* processReceiving
* attribute2
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute13
* attribute10
* attributeCategory
* attribute12
* qtyReceived
* attribute11
* mfgTrading
* objectVersionNumber
* claimModvatFlag
* attribute1
* processModvat
* attribute7
* lastUpdateDate
* processDelivery
* shipmentLineId
* exciseInvoiceNo
* exciseInvoiceDate
* processRtv
* creationDate
* inventoryItemId
* taxAmount
* onlineClaimFlag
* gstInvoiceNo
* attribute6
* createdBy
* lastUpdatedBy
* rmaType
* shipmentHeaderId
* processPopulateCenvat
* boeNumber
* taxModifiedFlag
* processRtr
* processRg
* gstInvoiceDate
* attribute3
* boeAppliedFlag
* attribute8
* attribute5
* attribute9
* lineLocationId
* attribute4


 * createdBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdatedBy
* accrualAmount
* creationDate
* transactionId
* objectVersionNumber
* lastUpdateDate


 * createdBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdatedBy
* accrualAmount
* creationDate
* transactionId
* objectVersionNumber
* lastUpdateDate


 * transactionType
* installmentAmount
* creationDate
* claimedAmount
* trxTaxId
* claimedDate
* scheduledDate
* installmentNo
* shipmentHeaderId
* claimScheduleId
* rcvRgmLineId
* transactionId
* lastUpdatedBy
* shipmentLineId
* createdBy
* lastUpdateDate
* taxId
* lastUpdateLogin
* regimeCode
* status
* manualClaimFlag
* taxType
* remarks
* parentTransactionType
* objectVersionNumber
* taxTransactionId


 * transactionType
* installmentAmount
* creationDate
* claimedAmount
* trxTaxId
* claimedDate
* scheduledDate
* installmentNo
* shipmentHeaderId
* claimScheduleId
* rcvRgmLineId
* transactionId
* lastUpdatedBy
* shipmentLineId
* createdBy
* lastUpdateDate
* taxId
* lastUpdateLogin
* regimeCode
* status
* manualClaimFlag
* taxType
* remarks
* parentTransactionType
* objectVersionNumber
* taxTransactionId


 * vendorId
* rcvRgmLineId
* locationId
* organizationId
* receiptNum
* correctReceiveQty
* receiptDate
* recoverableAmount
* rtvQty
* regimeItemClass
* attribute2
* attribute9
* attribute4
* lastUpdatedBy
* objectVersionNumber
* attribute14
* attribute5
* attribute3
* transactionId
* attribute13
* createdBy
* termId
* attribute15
* attribute12
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute1
* lastUpdateDate
* recoveredAmount
* receiveQty
* shipmentLineId
* receiptSourceCode
* processStatusFlag
* attribute10
* attributeCategory
* batchNum
* vendorSiteId
* regimeCode
* attribute8
* attribute6
* correctRtvQty
* creationDate
* inventoryItemId
* invoiceNo
* invoiceDate
* shipmentHeaderId
* attribute11
* attribute7


 * vendorId
* rcvRgmLineId
* locationId
* organizationId
* receiptNum
* correctReceiveQty
* receiptDate
* recoverableAmount
* rtvQty
* regimeItemClass
* attribute2
* attribute9
* attribute4
* lastUpdatedBy
* objectVersionNumber
* attribute14
* attribute5
* attribute3
* transactionId
* attribute13
* createdBy
* termId
* attribute15
* attribute12
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute1
* lastUpdateDate
* recoveredAmount
* receiveQty
* shipmentLineId
* receiptSourceCode
* processStatusFlag
* attribute10
* attributeCategory
* batchNum
* vendorSiteId
* regimeCode
* attribute8
* attribute6
* correctRtvQty
* creationDate
* inventoryItemId
* invoiceNo
* invoiceDate
* shipmentHeaderId
* attribute11
* attribute7


 * vendorId
* regimeCode
* vendorSiteId
* lastUpdateLogin
* invoiceDate
* objectVersionNumber
* batchNum
* createdBy
* invoiceNo
* locationId
* lastUpdatedBy
* organizationId
* creationDate
* batchGroupId
* lastUpdateDate


 * vendorId
* regimeCode
* vendorSiteId
* lastUpdateLogin
* invoiceDate
* objectVersionNumber
* batchNum
* createdBy
* invoiceNo
* locationId
* lastUpdatedBy
* organizationId
* creationDate
* batchGroupId
* lastUpdateDate


 * vendorSiteId
* lastUpdatedBy
* creationDate
* transactionId
* vatBatchNum
* rtvExciseRate
* exciseBatchGroupId
* vatBatchGroupId
* exciseBatchNum
* objectVersionNumber
* shipmentLineId
* lastUpdateDate
* parentTransactionId
* exciseBasisAmt
* lastUpdateLogin
* shipmentHeaderId
* receiptExciseRate
* vendorId
* createdBy


 * vendorSiteId
* lastUpdatedBy
* creationDate
* transactionId
* vatBatchNum
* rtvExciseRate
* exciseBatchGroupId
* vatBatchGroupId
* exciseBatchNum
* objectVersionNumber
* shipmentLineId
* lastUpdateDate
* parentTransactionId
* exciseBasisAmt
* lastUpdateLogin
* shipmentHeaderId
* receiptExciseRate
* vendorId
* createdBy


 * objectVersionNumber
* lastUpdateLogin
* rgRegisterPartI
* lastUpdateDate
* parentTransactionId
* shipmentLineId
* lastUpdatedBy
* transactionId
* createdBy
* exciseInvoiceNo
* exciseInvoiceDate
* creationDate


 * objectVersionNumber
* lastUpdateLogin
* rgRegisterPartI
* lastUpdateDate
* parentTransactionId
* shipmentLineId
* lastUpdatedBy
* transactionId
* createdBy
* exciseInvoiceNo
* exciseInvoiceDate
* creationDate


 * requestId
* attribute5
* attribute10
* attribute3
* setOfBooksId
* reference4
* currencyConversionRate
* accountingDate
* attribute1
* enteredCr
* jeCategoryName
* reference8
* creationDate
* accountedDr
* transactionDate
* sourceDocQuantity
* attribute13
* chartOfAccountsId
* jeLineDescription
* reference9
* attribute14
* attribute8
* reference5
* currencyConversionDate
* dateCreatedInGl
* attribute9
* currencyCode
* ussglTransactionCode
* attributeCategory
* reference10
* programLoginId
* attribute2
* programId
* objectVersionNumber
* budgetVersionId
* lastUpdatedBy
* programApplicationId
* reference3
* createdBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* reverseJournalFlag
* codeCombinationId
* subledEntryId
* reference1
* periodName
* jeBatchName
* lastUpdateDate
* encumbranceTypeId
* reversalPeriodName
* userCurrencyConversionType
* actualFlag
* jeHeaderName
* functionalCurrencyCode
* reference7
* enteredDr
* jeBatchDescription
* attribute15
* programUpdateDate
* accountedCr
* attribute7
* fromType
* jeSourceName
* rcvTransactionId
* attribute4
* attribute12
* reference2
* attribute6
* attribute11
* reference6


 * requestId
* attribute5
* attribute10
* attribute3
* setOfBooksId
* reference4
* currencyConversionRate
* accountingDate
* attribute1
* enteredCr
* jeCategoryName
* reference8
* creationDate
* accountedDr
* transactionDate
* sourceDocQuantity
* attribute13
* chartOfAccountsId
* jeLineDescription
* reference9
* attribute14
* attribute8
* reference5
* currencyConversionDate
* dateCreatedInGl
* attribute9
* currencyCode
* ussglTransactionCode
* attributeCategory
* reference10
* programLoginId
* attribute2
* programId
* objectVersionNumber
* budgetVersionId
* lastUpdatedBy
* programApplicationId
* reference3
* createdBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* reverseJournalFlag
* codeCombinationId
* subledEntryId
* reference1
* periodName
* jeBatchName
* lastUpdateDate
* encumbranceTypeId
* reversalPeriodName
* userCurrencyConversionType
* actualFlag
* jeHeaderName
* functionalCurrencyCode
* reference7
* enteredDr
* jeBatchDescription
* attribute15
* programUpdateDate
* accountedCr
* attribute7
* fromType
* jeSourceName
* rcvTransactionId
* attribute4
* attribute12
* reference2
* attribute6
* attribute11
* reference6


 * processFlag
* batchId
* lastUpdatedBy
* objectVersionNumber
* shipmentHeaderId
* programApplicationId
* createdBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* requestId
* processMessage
* programId
* creationDate
* dummyFlag
* lastUpdateDate
* programLoginId


 * processFlag
* batchId
* lastUpdatedBy
* objectVersionNumber
* shipmentHeaderId
* programApplicationId
* createdBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* requestId
* processMessage
* programId
* creationDate
* dummyFlag
* lastUpdateDate
* programLoginId


 * lastUpdateLogin
* taxId
* objectVersionNumber
* creationDate
* taxRate
* createdBy
* taxAmount
* taxType
* taxableBasis
* lastUpdatedBy
* batchInvoiceId
* batchLineId
* rcvTransactionId
* lineNumber
* lastUpdateDate


 * lastUpdateLogin
* taxId
* objectVersionNumber
* creationDate
* taxRate
* createdBy
* taxAmount
* taxType
* taxableBasis
* lastUpdatedBy
* batchInvoiceId
* batchLineId
* rcvTransactionId
* lineNumber
* lastUpdateDate


 * lastUpdateLogin
* creationDate
* vendorSiteId
* createdBy
* invoiceAmount
* lastUpdateDate
* vendorId
* programLoginId
* invoiceNum
* invoiceCurrencyCode
* programApplicationId
* lastUpdatedBy
* programId
* invoiceId
* batchId
* batchInvoiceId
* shipmentHeaderId
* objectVersionNumber
* requestId


 * lastUpdateLogin
* creationDate
* vendorSiteId
* createdBy
* invoiceAmount
* lastUpdateDate
* vendorId
* programLoginId
* invoiceNum
* invoiceCurrencyCode
* programApplicationId
* lastUpdatedBy
* programId
* invoiceId
* batchId
* batchInvoiceId
* shipmentHeaderId
* objectVersionNumber
* requestId


 * attribute3
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* itemExcisable
* processDate
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* locSubinvType
* cenvatAmount
* parentTransactionType
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* attribute5
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* attribute1
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* itemCenvatable
* attribute9
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* parentTransactionId
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute7
* transactionDate
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* vatInvGenStatus
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* attribute15
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* locSubinvType
* cenvatAmount
* parentTransactionType
* invItemFlag
* attribute5
* boeAppliedFlag
* attribute1
* lastUpdatedBy
* transactionType
* itemClass
* itemCenvatable
* attribute9
* taxTransactionId
* vatInvoiceDate
* gstInvoiceDate
* costingMethod
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* attribute10
* vatInvoiceNo
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* exciseInvGenNumber
* organizationType
* processStatus
* processVatStatus
* exciseInTrading
* shipmentHeaderId
* receiptNum
* invAssetFlag
* opmCostingFlag
* processMessage
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* currencyConversionRate
* attribute12
* destinationTypeCode
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* lastUpdateDate
* attribute7
* transactionDate
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* adhocFlag
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* reverseChargeFlag
* createdBy
* serviceTypeCode
* requestId
* programId
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* debitAmt
* lastUpdateDate
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* plaBalance
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* regimeId
* balanceDate
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* requestId
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* programApplicationId
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* programLoginId
* regimeId
* toDate
* certificateNum
* objectVersionNumber
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdateDate
* issueDate
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* organizationId
* partyId
* partySiteId
* taxAuthoritySiteId
* createdBy
* finYear
* requestId
* creationDate
* programApplicationId
* fromDate
* printFlag
* orgTanNo
* certificateId
* programId
* taxAuthorityId
* programLoginId
* regimeId
* toDate
* certificateNum
* objectVersionNumber
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* lastUpdateDate
* issueDate
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* programApplicationId
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* lastUpdatedBy
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* objectVersionNumber
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* createdBy
* programId


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* programLoginId
* programApplicationId
* lastUpdateDate
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* lastUpdateLogin
* requestDate
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* regimeId
* trxTillDate
* batchId
* objectVersionNumber
* requestId
* trxFromDate
* createdBy
* programId


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* transferId
* objectVersionNumber
* transferType
* createdBy
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* lastUpdatedBy
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* lastUpdateDate
* debitBalance
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* createdBy
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* transferAmount
* lastUpdateDate
* debitBalance
* parentTaxType
* createdBy
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* objectVersionNumber
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* taxType
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
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* effectiveFrom
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdatedBy
* createdBy
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* creationDate
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* regimeId
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* partyId
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* lastUpdateLogin
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* vatAcctErrMessage
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* createdBy
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* lastUpdateLogin
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* createdBy
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* claimInterval
* lastUpdatedBy


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* lastUpdateLogin
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* objectVersionNumber
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* lastUpdatedBy


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* partyPanNo
* objectVersionNumber
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* lastUpdateLogin
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* regimeId
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* createdBy
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* sourceDocumentId
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* lastUpdateDate
* accountName
* trxReferenceContext
* createdBy
* balancingAccountId
* lastUpdateLogin
* sourceTableName
* locationId
* attribute13
* referenceId
* batchId
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute4
* attribute2
* transactionDate
* regimeCode
* taxType
* trxReference5
* attribute1
* attributeCategory
* trxCreditAmount
* creditAmount
* attribute15
* settledAmount
* sourceTrxType
* creationDate
* attribute3
* trxDebitAmount
* objectVersionNumber
* organizationType
* settledFlag
* regimePrimaryRegno
* attribute9
* attribute7
* trxReference1
* trxReference2
* trxCurrency
* currConvDate
* attribute10
* attribute11
* invoiceDate
* invOrganizationId
* attribute6
* serviceTypeCode
* attribute12
* trxReference4
* currConvRate
* settlementId
* attribute8
* repositoryId
* attributeContext
* assessableValue
* trxReference3
* chargeAccountId
* attribute14
* debitAmount
* source
* attribute5
* invoiceNo


 * lastUpdateLogin
* taxType
* taxId
* currConvDate
* invoiceId
* recoverableAmount
* recoverablePtg
* createdBy
* lastUpdateDate
* recoveredAmount
* organizationId
* reversalFlag
* trxTaxAmount
* objectVersionNumber
* partySiteId
* trxCurrency
* batchId
* lineId
* partyId
* currConvRate
* partyType
* taxAmount
* taxRate
* taxableBasis
* referenceId
* itemLineId
* creationDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* parentReferenceId
* source
* discountedAmount
* itemId


 * lastUpdateLogin
* taxType
* taxId
* currConvDate
* invoiceId
* recoverableAmount
* recoverablePtg
* createdBy
* lastUpdateDate
* recoveredAmount
* organizationId
* reversalFlag
* trxTaxAmount
* objectVersionNumber
* partySiteId
* trxCurrency
* batchId
* lineId
* partyId
* currConvRate
* partyType
* taxAmount
* taxRate
* taxableBasis
* referenceId
* itemLineId
* creationDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* parentReferenceId
* source
* discountedAmount
* itemId


 * reversalAmount
* batchId
* attribute5
* locationId
* remarks
* lineNum
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdatedBy
* invoiceId
* lastUpdateDate
* refundType
* attribute7
* batchName
* openAmt
* attribute6
* customerTrxLineId
* accountingDate
* attribute14
* source
* rcvSvcTax
* matchType
* attribute11
* organizationId
* creationDate
* maxClaimPaymentId
* taxToBeAdjusted
* attribute3
* originalLineAmt
* createdBy
* partyId
* attribute13
* attribute1
* attribute2
* attribute8
* attribute10
* attribute9
* reversalSetupFlag
* authorizationDate
* attributeCategory
* reversalId
* dateOfReversal
* attribute12
* attribute4
* attribute15
* partySiteId
* authorizationDetails


 * reversalAmount
* batchId
* attribute5
* locationId
* remarks
* lineNum
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdatedBy
* invoiceId
* lastUpdateDate
* refundType
* attribute7
* batchName
* openAmt
* attribute6
* customerTrxLineId
* accountingDate
* attribute14
* source
* rcvSvcTax
* matchType
* attribute11
* organizationId
* creationDate
* maxClaimPaymentId
* taxToBeAdjusted
* attribute3
* originalLineAmt
* createdBy
* partyId
* attribute13
* attribute1
* attribute2
* attribute8
* attribute10
* attribute9
* reversalSetupFlag
* authorizationDate
* attributeCategory
* reversalId
* dateOfReversal
* attribute12
* attribute4
* attribute15
* partySiteId
* authorizationDetails


 * newSectionCode
* oldSectionCode
* mappingId


 * newSectionCode
* oldSectionCode
* mappingId


 * sourceLineId
* organizationId
* deliveryDetailId
* processedFlag
* inventoryItemId
* sourceHeaderId
* sourceHeaderTypeId
* splitFromDeliveryDetailId
* shippedQuantity


 * sourceLineId
* organizationId
* deliveryDetailId
* processedFlag
* inventoryItemId
* sourceHeaderId
* sourceHeaderTypeId
* splitFromDeliveryDetailId
* shippedQuantity


 * creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* exceptionName
* createdBy
* exceptionId
* deliveryId
* lastUpdateDate
* exceptionEntity
* errorMessage
* lastUpdatedBy
* deliveryDetailId
* exceptionType


 * creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* exceptionName
* createdBy
* exceptionId
* deliveryId
* lastUpdateDate
* exceptionEntity
* errorMessage
* lastUpdatedBy
* deliveryDetailId
* exceptionType


 * ref7
* ref2
* ref3
* ref4
* ref8
* checkNumber
* ref6
* ref9
* checkrunName
* ref1
* ref5
* paymentType
* ref10


 * ref7
* ref2
* ref3
* ref4
* ref8
* checkNumber
* ref6
* ref9
* checkrunName
* ref1
* ref5
* paymentType
* ref10


 * dueDate
* saNr
* sadId
* month


 * dueDate
* saNr
* sadId
* month


 * attribute6
* lastUpdateLogin
* bankAccountId
* attribute13
* createdBy
* attribute18
* lastUpdatedBy
* inactiveDate
* attributeCategory
* attribute5
* contractId
* attribute7
* attribute8
* attribute3
* attribute4
* attribute17
* attribute2
* attribute11
* attribute12
* creationDate
* orgId
* attribute14
* attribute20
* attribute19
* attribute16
* attribute9
* attribute10
* attribute15
* attribute1
* lastUpdateDate


 * attribute6
* lastUpdateLogin
* bankAccountId
* attribute13
* createdBy
* attribute18
* lastUpdatedBy
* inactiveDate
* attributeCategory
* attribute5
* contractId
* attribute7
* attribute8
* attribute3
* attribute4
* attribute17
* attribute2
* attribute11
* attribute12
* creationDate
* orgId
* attribute14
* attribute20
* attribute19
* attribute16
* attribute9
* attribute10
* attribute15
* attribute1
* lastUpdateDate


 * contractId
* previousInterval
* securityFixedCode
* programUpdateDate
* attribute13
* requestId
* branchId
* attribute18
* orgId
* intervalEnd
* attribute10
* creationDate
* attribute5
* apIntervalStart
* createdBy
* attribute1
* attribute8
* lastUsedTimestamp
* attributeCategory
* programId
* intervalStart
* clientName
* lastUsedInterval
* attribute11
* attribute16
* attribute4
* attribute17
* attribute15
* lastBatchFormatted
* attribute12
* attribute14
* attribute6
* attribute19
* attribute7
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute2
* attribute9
* attribute3
* apIntervalEnd
* inactiveDate
* clientNumber
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute20
* programApplicationId
* lastUpdateLogin


 * contractId
* previousInterval
* securityFixedCode
* programUpdateDate
* attribute13
* requestId
* branchId
* attribute18
* orgId
* intervalEnd
* attribute10
* creationDate
* attribute5
* apIntervalStart
* createdBy
* attribute1
* attribute8
* lastUsedTimestamp
* attributeCategory
* programId
* intervalStart
* clientName
* lastUsedInterval
* attribute11
* attribute16
* attribute4
* attribute17
* attribute15
* lastBatchFormatted
* attribute12
* attribute14
* attribute6
* attribute19
* attribute7
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute2
* attribute9
* attribute3
* apIntervalEnd
* inactiveDate
* clientNumber
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute20
* programApplicationId
* lastUpdateLogin


 * lineType
* recordSequence
* dataLine
* batchId


 * lineType
* recordSequence
* dataLine
* batchId


 * checkrunName


 * checkrunName


 * remitBatchId
* remitBatchName


 * remitBatchId
* remitBatchName


 * jedeAddressLine2
* jedeCheckrunName
* jedeCity
* jedeBankName
* jedeAddressLine3
* jedeBankBlz
* jedeAddressLine1
* jedeNumberOfPayments
* jedePostalCode
* jedeAccountSum
* jedeBlzSum
* jedeCreationDate
* jedeDisketteNumber
* jedeBankAccountNumber
* jedeCompanyName
* jedeContraAmount
* jedeCurrencyCode


 * jedeAddressLine2
* jedeCheckrunName
* jedeCity
* jedeBankName
* jedeAddressLine3
* jedeBankBlz
* jedeAddressLine1
* jedeNumberOfPayments
* jedePostalCode
* jedeAccountSum
* jedeBlzSum
* jedeCreationDate
* jedeDisketteNumber
* jedeBankAccountNumber
* jedeCompanyName
* jedeContraAmount
* jedeCurrencyCode


 * jedeNumberOfReceipts
* jedeCreationDate
* jedeBankAccountNumber
* jedeAddressLine2
* jedeCity
* jedeRemitBatchId
* jedeBankName
* jedeAccountSum
* jedeAddressLine3
* jedePostalCode
* jedeAddressLine1
* jedeBankBlz
* jedeContraAmount
* jedeBlzSum
* jedeCompanyName


 * jedeNumberOfReceipts
* jedeCreationDate
* jedeBankAccountNumber
* jedeAddressLine2
* jedeCity
* jedeRemitBatchId
* jedeBankName
* jedeAccountSum
* jedeAddressLine3
* jedePostalCode
* jedeAddressLine1
* jedeBankBlz
* jedeContraAmount
* jedeBlzSum
* jedeCompanyName


 * recordId
* buffer


 * recordId
* buffer


 * paymentCategoryId
* agreementType
* importMonth
* creationDate
* paymentMeans
* importCode
* paymentChannel
* partyId
* foreignPaymentFlag
* settlementCode
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateDate
* paymentCategory
* createdBy
* supplierMessage
* bankCode


 * paymentCategoryId
* agreementType
* importMonth
* creationDate
* paymentMeans
* importCode
* paymentChannel
* partyId
* foreignPaymentFlag
* settlementCode
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateDate
* paymentCategory
* createdBy
* supplierMessage
* bankCode


 * orgId
* step
* message


 * orgId
* step
* message


 * ascendantLt75Att
* disableAscenBt3365Att
* disabled
* vendorNif
* disDescBt3365AttRed
* disableDescGt65Att
* invoiceDate
* spouseMaintenanceAmt
* concReqId
* contractType
* expenses
* disableAscenGt65Attr
* descendantLt3
* withholdableAmtInKindSign
* residenceLoanComm
* ascendantLt75
* ascendantGt75Att
* disableAscenGt65
* invoiceId
* descendantBt1625
* descendantLt3Attrib
* zipLegal
* disableDescBt3365
* earnedAmounts
* disableDescBt3365Att
* disableDescBt3365Red
* child1Calculation
* childrenMaintenanceAmt
* orgId
* invDocSeqNum
* child3Calculation
* descOtherChildrenAtt
* netAmount
* descendantBt316
* legalEntityId
* subRemunType
* descendantTotal
* familySituation
* disableAscenBt3365
* yearDue
* disableDescGt65
* geographicMobility
* geographicMobility2014
* cityLegal
* birthYear
* taxRate
* vendorName
* descOtherChildren
* disAscenBt3365AttRed
* numChildren
* child2Calculation
* ascendantGt75
* sign
* withholdableAmtInKind
* withholdingTaxAmount
* partnerFiscalCode
* invoicePaymentId
* datePaid
* withheldPymtAmtInKind
* invoiceNum
* glDate
* taxName
* withheldAmtInKind
* finInd
* remunType
* zipElectronic
* disableAscenBt3365Red
* deductions


 * ascendantLt75Att
* disableAscenBt3365Att
* disabled
* vendorNif
* disDescBt3365AttRed
* disableDescGt65Att
* invoiceDate
* spouseMaintenanceAmt
* concReqId
* contractType
* expenses
* disableAscenGt65Attr
* descendantLt3
* withholdableAmtInKindSign
* residenceLoanComm
* ascendantLt75
* ascendantGt75Att
* disableAscenGt65
* invoiceId
* descendantBt1625
* descendantLt3Attrib
* zipLegal
* disableDescBt3365
* earnedAmounts
* disableDescBt3365Att
* disableDescBt3365Red
* child1Calculation
* childrenMaintenanceAmt
* orgId
* invDocSeqNum
* child3Calculation
* descOtherChildrenAtt
* netAmount
* descendantBt316
* legalEntityId
* subRemunType
* descendantTotal
* familySituation
* disableAscenBt3365
* yearDue
* disableDescGt65
* geographicMobility
* geographicMobility2014
* cityLegal
* birthYear
* taxRate
* vendorName
* descOtherChildren
* disAscenBt3365AttRed
* numChildren
* child2Calculation
* ascendantGt75
* sign
* withholdableAmtInKind
* withholdingTaxAmount
* partnerFiscalCode
* invoicePaymentId
* datePaid
* withheldPymtAmtInKind
* invoiceNum
* glDate
* taxName
* withheldAmtInKind
* finInd
* remunType
* zipElectronic
* disableAscenBt3365Red
* deductions


 * finInd
* viaPublica
* comentario
* escalera
* setOfBooksId
* refCatastral
* sigla
* tipo
* piso
* codigoPostal
* nombre
* nif
* puerta
* flagArrenda
* importe
* numero
* municipio
* orgId


 * finInd
* viaPublica
* comentario
* escalera
* setOfBooksId
* refCatastral
* sigla
* tipo
* piso
* codigoPostal
* nombre
* nif
* puerta
* flagArrenda
* importe
* numero
* municipio
* orgId


 * printMode
* periodo
* formerlyDeclaredAmount
* nombre
* finInd
* setOfBooksId
* ejercicio
* runningTotal
* printYear
* nifComunitario
* orgId
* baseImponible
* printPeriod
* claveOperacion
* operacionTriangular


 * printMode
* periodo
* formerlyDeclaredAmount
* nombre
* finInd
* setOfBooksId
* ejercicio
* runningTotal
* printYear
* nifComunitario
* orgId
* baseImponible
* printPeriod
* claveOperacion
* operacionTriangular


 * orgId
* nombre
* claveOperacion
* municipio
* codigoPostal
* nif
* importe
* finInd
* direccion
* setOfBooksId


 * orgId
* nombre
* claveOperacion
* municipio
* codigoPostal
* nif
* importe
* finInd
* direccion
* setOfBooksId


 * responseErrCode
* bankAccountId
* invoicePaymentId
* billingTradingPartnerId
* billingTpAddressId
* startExpenseDate
* esCorrectionPeriod
* propertyLocation
* eventClassCode
* taxableItemSourceId
* taxDisplayType
* registerType
* lastUpdateLogin
* correctionFlag
* documentSubType
* reportingCode
* trxTypeMng
* taxableAmtFunclCurr
* adjustedDocTrxId
* tax
* glDate
* trxLineDescription
* billingTpSiteId
* taxAmtFunclCurr
* taxRecoverableFlag
* amountApplied
* taxRecoveryRate
* periodName
* trxLineType
* taxpayerId
* actgSourceId
* paymentDate
* repContextEntityName
* taxRateRegisterTypeCode
* intraCommunityType
* specialRegime
* merchantPartyName
* exemptionReason
* billingTpTaxRegNum
* merchantPartyReference
* issueDate
* appliedToEventClassCode
* ledgerName
* lastUpdateDate
* adjustedDocNumber
* repEntityId
* arCashReceiptReverseStatus
* fileNumber
* offsetFlag
* appliedToTrxNumber
* creationDate
* dataType
* taxAmt
* keyType
* origTaxableAmt
* taxRate
* surchargeRate
* requestId
* trxLineId
* rectifiedTaxAmt
* triangulation
* transactionStatus
* appliedToTrxId
* lastUpdatedBy
* glTransferFlag
* taxInvoiceDate
* surchargeAmount
* responseErrorDesc
* applicationId
* trxLineNumber
* docSeqValue
* createdBy
* billingTpTaxReportingFlag
* appliedToEntityCode
* taxRateCode
* propertyRental
* selfAssessedFlag
* trxLineClass
* appliedToApplicationId
* taxRateVatTrxTypeCode
* esCorrectionYear
* taxRateId
* rectifiedSurchargeAmt
* assessableValue
* taxExemptionId
* trxDescription
* merchantPartyDocumentNumber
* offsetTaxRateCode
* invoiceReportType
* billFromPartyId
* billingTpName
* trxId
* taxablePaidAmt
* merchantPartyTaxRegNumber
* adjustedDocApplicationId
* invoiceIdentifier
* countryCode
* taxableAmt
* exemptReasonCode
* ledgerId
* checkNumber
* origTaxableAmtTaxCurr
* adjustedDocEntityCode
* intraEuTrxTypeCode
* responseError
* trxDate
* merchantPartyTaxpayerId
* reverseFlag
* taxLineNumber
* accountingDate
* bankAccountNum
* cancelFlag
* rectifiedTaxableAmt
* arCashReceiptReverseDate
* intraCommType
* adjustedDocEventClassCode
* billingTpTaxpayerId
* docSeqName
* taxAmtIncludedFlag
* trxLineAmt
* declaredKey
* postedFlag
* partyAddress
* extractSourceLedger
* trxNumber
* appliedFromLineId
* rectifiedType
* appliedFromTrxNumber
* cancelledDate
* adjustedDocDate
* taxPaidAmt
* docSeqId
* paymentMethod
* transactionDeadline
* ibanNumber


 * responseErrCode
* bankAccountId
* invoicePaymentId
* billingTradingPartnerId
* billingTpAddressId
* startExpenseDate
* esCorrectionPeriod
* propertyLocation
* eventClassCode
* taxableItemSourceId
* taxDisplayType
* registerType
* lastUpdateLogin
* correctionFlag
* documentSubType
* reportingCode
* trxTypeMng
* taxableAmtFunclCurr
* adjustedDocTrxId
* tax
* glDate
* trxLineDescription
* billingTpSiteId
* taxAmtFunclCurr
* taxRecoverableFlag
* amountApplied
* taxRecoveryRate
* periodName
* trxLineType
* taxpayerId
* actgSourceId
* paymentDate
* repContextEntityName
* taxRateRegisterTypeCode
* intraCommunityType
* specialRegime
* merchantPartyName
* exemptionReason
* billingTpTaxRegNum
* merchantPartyReference
* issueDate
* appliedToEventClassCode
* ledgerName
* lastUpdateDate
* adjustedDocNumber
* repEntityId
* arCashReceiptReverseStatus
* fileNumber
* offsetFlag
* appliedToTrxNumber
* creationDate
* dataType
* taxAmt
* keyType
* origTaxableAmt
* taxRate
* surchargeRate
* requestId
* trxLineId
* rectifiedTaxAmt
* triangulation
* transactionStatus
* appliedToTrxId
* lastUpdatedBy
* glTransferFlag
* taxInvoiceDate
* surchargeAmount
* responseErrorDesc
* applicationId
* trxLineNumber
* docSeqValue
* createdBy
* billingTpTaxReportingFlag
* appliedToEntityCode
* taxRateCode
* propertyRental
* selfAssessedFlag
* trxLineClass
* appliedToApplicationId
* taxRateVatTrxTypeCode
* esCorrectionYear
* taxRateId
* rectifiedSurchargeAmt
* assessableValue
* taxExemptionId
* trxDescription
* merchantPartyDocumentNumber
* offsetTaxRateCode
* invoiceReportType
* billFromPartyId
* billingTpName
* trxId
* taxablePaidAmt
* merchantPartyTaxRegNumber
* adjustedDocApplicationId
* invoiceIdentifier
* countryCode
* taxableAmt
* exemptReasonCode
* ledgerId
* checkNumber
* origTaxableAmtTaxCurr
* adjustedDocEntityCode
* intraEuTrxTypeCode
* responseError
* trxDate
* merchantPartyTaxpayerId
* reverseFlag
* taxLineNumber
* accountingDate
* bankAccountNum
* cancelFlag
* rectifiedTaxableAmt
* arCashReceiptReverseDate
* intraCommType
* adjustedDocEventClassCode
* billingTpTaxpayerId
* docSeqName
* taxAmtIncludedFlag
* trxLineAmt
* declaredKey
* postedFlag
* partyAddress
* extractSourceLedger
* trxNumber
* appliedFromLineId
* rectifiedType
* appliedFromTrxNumber
* cancelledDate
* adjustedDocDate
* taxPaidAmt
* docSeqId
* paymentMethod
* transactionDeadline
* ibanNumber


 * value


 * value


 * z7
* adrComplEt
* siretEntr
* adrInsee
* z11
* adrBurDist
* z1
* setOfBooksId
* typeEnreg
* z9
* codeApe
* adrInseeEt
* adrConcat
* z6
* siretEtab
* adrCompl
* adrBurDistEt
* adrCommune
* adrCommuneEt
* raisonSociale
* z0942
* z5
* typeFichier
* z3
* adrConcatEt
* adrCpostal
* z4
* z10
* z01
* adrCpostalEt
* z0941


 * z7
* adrComplEt
* siretEntr
* adrInsee
* z11
* adrBurDist
* z1
* setOfBooksId
* typeEnreg
* z9
* codeApe
* adrInseeEt
* adrConcat
* z6
* siretEtab
* adrCompl
* adrBurDistEt
* adrCommune
* adrCommuneEt
* raisonSociale
* z0942
* z5
* typeFichier
* z3
* adrConcatEt
* adrCpostal
* z4
* z10
* z01
* adrCpostalEt
* z0941


 * z11
* lastUpdatedBy
* adrComplEt
* adrInseeEt
* setOfBooksId
* typeFichier
* lastUpdateDate
* adrInsee
* z1
* adrConcatEt
* adrCompl
* createdBy
* z7
* z10
* z9
* adrCommune
* adrBurDistEt
* lastUpdateLogin
* adrConcat
* adrCpostal
* siretEtab
* z5
* z01
* z0942
* z6
* codeApe
* z3
* adrCpostalEt
* creationDate
* adrCommuneEt
* raisonSociale
* adrBurDist
* typeEnreg
* z0941
* z4
* siretEntr


 * z11
* lastUpdatedBy
* adrComplEt
* adrInseeEt
* setOfBooksId
* typeFichier
* lastUpdateDate
* adrInsee
* z1
* adrConcatEt
* adrCompl
* createdBy
* z7
* z10
* z9
* adrCommune
* adrBurDistEt
* lastUpdateLogin
* adrConcat
* adrCpostal
* siretEtab
* z5
* z01
* z0942
* z6
* codeApe
* z3
* adrCpostalEt
* creationDate
* adrCommuneEt
* raisonSociale
* adrBurDist
* typeEnreg
* z0941
* z4
* siretEntr


 * setOfBooksId
* z02
* typeDas
* codeApe
* z01942
* z5
* raisonSociale
* siret01Jan
* codeTaxeSal
* validite
* typeEnreg
* z4
* adrInsee
* adrCpostal
* z6
* z01941
* adrCommune
* numEnr
* nicEtab
* adrConcat
* z1
* z3
* adrCompl
* adrBurDist
* sirenEtab
* profession
* nic01Jan
* section


 * setOfBooksId
* z02
* typeDas
* codeApe
* z01942
* z5
* raisonSociale
* siret01Jan
* codeTaxeSal
* validite
* typeEnreg
* z4
* adrInsee
* adrCpostal
* z6
* z01941
* adrCommune
* numEnr
* nicEtab
* adrConcat
* z1
* z3
* adrCompl
* adrBurDist
* sirenEtab
* profession
* nic01Jan
* section


 * adrBurDist
* sirenEtab
* adrCommune
* z5
* adrInsee
* z02
* nic01Jan
* raisonSociale
* siret01Jan
* typeDas
* nicEtab
* adrCpostal
* numEnr
* lastUpdateLogin
* codeTaxeSal
* z01942
* creationDate
* adrCompl
* z4
* lastUpdateDate
* z1
* typeEnreg
* setOfBooksId
* profession
* codeApe
* z6
* validite
* section
* z3
* lastUpdatedBy
* z01941
* createdBy
* adrConcat


 * adrBurDist
* sirenEtab
* adrCommune
* z5
* adrInsee
* z02
* nic01Jan
* raisonSociale
* siret01Jan
* typeDas
* nicEtab
* adrCpostal
* numEnr
* lastUpdateLogin
* codeTaxeSal
* z01942
* creationDate
* adrCompl
* z4
* lastUpdateDate
* z1
* typeEnreg
* setOfBooksId
* profession
* codeApe
* z6
* validite
* section
* z3
* lastUpdatedBy
* z01941
* createdBy
* adrConcat


 * vendorSiteId
* nom
* vendorName
* adrVoie
* setOfBooksId
* invoiceAmount
* profession
* z5
* z4
* prenom
* natAvanNour
* natTvaDispe
* raisonSociale
* dauAr
* ddaDa
* invoiceDate
* segment1
* adrCompl
* adrType
* section
* type1099
* dcoCo
* natTvaRedui
* checkNumber
* adrNum
* vendorSiteCode
* typeDas
* natAvanLoge
* nicEtab
* adrCommune
* natReteAllo
* validite
* dhonH
* avan
* invoiceNum
* inde
* tvaNette
* adrInsee
* drisR
* sirenEtab
* natAvanVoit
* natReteRemb
* z1
* djeJp
* adrBurDist
* taxIdentificationNum
* adrCpostal
* z2
* natRetePris
* rete
* typeEnreg
* natAvanAutr
* z6
* dcomC
* age11
* z3
* ddiI
* siretBenef


 * vendorSiteId
* nom
* vendorName
* adrVoie
* setOfBooksId
* invoiceAmount
* profession
* z5
* z4
* prenom
* natAvanNour
* natTvaDispe
* raisonSociale
* dauAr
* ddaDa
* invoiceDate
* segment1
* adrCompl
* adrType
* section
* type1099
* dcoCo
* natTvaRedui
* checkNumber
* adrNum
* vendorSiteCode
* typeDas
* natAvanLoge
* nicEtab
* adrCommune
* natReteAllo
* validite
* dhonH
* avan
* invoiceNum
* inde
* tvaNette
* adrInsee
* drisR
* sirenEtab
* natAvanVoit
* natReteRemb
* z1
* djeJp
* adrBurDist
* taxIdentificationNum
* adrCpostal
* z2
* natRetePris
* rete
* typeEnreg
* natAvanAutr
* z6
* dcomC
* age11
* z3
* ddiI
* siretBenef


 * section
* typeDas
* z3
* adrBurDist
* djeJp
* natTvaRedui
* ddaDa
* tvaNette
* taxIdentificationNum
* prenom
* adrType
* natAvanAutr
* checkNumber
* natRetePris
* invoiceAmount
* dauAr
* z6
* typeEnreg
* profession
* adrCpostal
* avan
* natAvanVoit
* adrNum
* natReteRemb
* natTvaDispe
* adrCommune
* lastUpdatedBy
* rete
* vendorName
* raisonSociale
* inde
* adrVoie
* lastUpdateDate
* adrInsee
* setOfBooksId
* createdBy
* siretBenef
* z2
* invoiceNum
* lastUpdateLogin
* drisR
* z1
* age11
* validite
* segment1
* vendorSiteId
* natReteAllo
* natAvanNour
* z4
* natAvanLoge
* nicEtab
* dhonH
* dcomC
* adrCompl
* vendorSiteCode
* ddiI
* z5
* invoiceDate
* sirenEtab
* dcoCo
* nom
* type1099
* creationDate


 * section
* typeDas
* z3
* adrBurDist
* djeJp
* natTvaRedui
* ddaDa
* tvaNette
* taxIdentificationNum
* prenom
* adrType
* natAvanAutr
* checkNumber
* natRetePris
* invoiceAmount
* dauAr
* z6
* typeEnreg
* profession
* adrCpostal
* avan
* natAvanVoit
* adrNum
* natReteRemb
* natTvaDispe
* adrCommune
* lastUpdatedBy
* rete
* vendorName
* raisonSociale
* inde
* adrVoie
* lastUpdateDate
* adrInsee
* setOfBooksId
* createdBy
* siretBenef
* z2
* invoiceNum
* lastUpdateLogin
* drisR
* z1
* age11
* validite
* segment1
* vendorSiteId
* natReteAllo
* natAvanNour
* z4
* natAvanLoge
* nicEtab
* dhonH
* dcomC
* adrCompl
* vendorSiteCode
* ddiI
* z5
* invoiceDate
* sirenEtab
* dcoCo
* nom
* type1099
* creationDate


 * z6
* vendorSiteId
* z5
* lastUpdateLogin
* vendorSiteCode
* establishmentId
* adrVoie
* natReteRemb
* sectionDas
* z3
* legalEntityId
* profession
* raisonSociale
* natAvanLoge
* adrCompl
* adrInsee
* avan
* natTvaRedui
* natTvaDispe
* age11
* setOfBooksId
* dcomC
* typeEnreg
* invoiceAmount
* rete
* natAvanNour
* natAvanVoit
* z2
* validite
* invoiceNum
* ddiI
* dauAr
* natAvanAutr
* tvaNette
* dhonH
* z1
* invoiceDate
* createdBy
* lastUpdateDate
* natRetePris
* ddaDa
* creationDate
* adrCpostal
* z4
* sirenEtab
* adrType
* checkNumber
* nicEtab
* adrNum
* drisR
* adrBurDist
* segment1
* dcoCo
* taxIdentificationNum
* inde
* prenom
* type1099
* natReteAllo
* vendorName
* typeDas
* nom
* siretBenef
* adrCommune
* djeJp
* lastUpdatedBy


 * z6
* vendorSiteId
* z5
* lastUpdateLogin
* vendorSiteCode
* establishmentId
* adrVoie
* natReteRemb
* sectionDas
* z3
* legalEntityId
* profession
* raisonSociale
* natAvanLoge
* adrCompl
* adrInsee
* avan
* natTvaRedui
* natTvaDispe
* age11
* setOfBooksId
* dcomC
* typeEnreg
* invoiceAmount
* rete
* natAvanNour
* natAvanVoit
* z2
* validite
* invoiceNum
* ddiI
* dauAr
* natAvanAutr
* tvaNette
* dhonH
* z1
* invoiceDate
* createdBy
* lastUpdateDate
* natRetePris
* ddaDa
* creationDate
* adrCpostal
* z4
* sirenEtab
* adrType
* checkNumber
* nicEtab
* adrNum
* drisR
* adrBurDist
* segment1
* dcoCo
* taxIdentificationNum
* inde
* prenom
* type1099
* natReteAllo
* vendorName
* typeDas
* nom
* siretBenef
* adrCommune
* djeJp
* lastUpdatedBy


 * adrConcat
* numEnr
* profession
* creationDate
* nicEtab
* z1
* z01941
* z02
* adrInsee
* lastUpdateLogin
* z01942
* lastUpdateDate
* sirenEtab
* z6
* raisonSociale
* adrBurDist
* adrCompl
* establishmentId
* setOfBooksId
* sectionDas
* codeApe
* createdBy
* validite
* codeTaxeSal
* lastUpdatedBy
* adrCpostal
* typeEnreg
* z4
* z5
* legalEntityId
* siret01Jan
* typeDas
* z3
* adrCommune
* nic01Jan


 * adrConcat
* numEnr
* profession
* creationDate
* nicEtab
* z1
* z01941
* z02
* adrInsee
* lastUpdateLogin
* z01942
* lastUpdateDate
* sirenEtab
* z6
* raisonSociale
* adrBurDist
* adrCompl
* establishmentId
* setOfBooksId
* sectionDas
* codeApe
* createdBy
* validite
* codeTaxeSal
* lastUpdatedBy
* adrCpostal
* typeEnreg
* z4
* z5
* legalEntityId
* siret01Jan
* typeDas
* z3
* adrCommune
* nic01Jan


 * adrBurDist
* ddiI
* dcomC
* age11
* remunerationsNet
* dhonH
* totalRet
* createdBy
* contacteTph
* z3
* adrType
* sirenEnt
* typeEnreg
* z4
* contacteNom
* creationDate
* vendorSiteCode
* taxeSal
* sectionDas
* natTvaDispe
* natAvanVoit
* nom
* sirenEtab
* adrVoie
* z0
* establishmentId
* setOfBooksId
* invoiceNum
* nomResp
* vendorName
* tphFoncResp
* type1099
* baseBruteFisc
* siretBenef
* segment1
* dauAr
* validite
* taxIdentificationNum
* contactePrenom
* lastUpdatedBy
* prenom
* raisonSociale
* natTvaRedui
* natReteAllo
* effectifEtab
* totalImpos
* vendorSiteId
* adrCompl
* inde
* adrCommune
* totalBaseImpos2
* typeDas
* avantagesNat
* effectifEnt
* djeJp
* z1
* adrInsee
* nbre200
* nicEtab
* nbre210
* z5
* drisR
* natReteRemb
* invoiceAmount
* natAvanLoge
* totalBaseImpos1
* lastUpdateDate
* ddaDa
* rete
* prenomResp
* z6
* profession
* natRetePris
* nbreEtab
* dcoCo
* chequeVac
* avan
* invoiceDate
* z2
* checkNumber
* lastUpdateLogin
* natAvanNour
* fraisProf
* legalEntityId
* tvaNette
* adrCpostal
* natAvanAutr
* adrNum


 * adrBurDist
* ddiI
* dcomC
* age11
* remunerationsNet
* dhonH
* totalRet
* createdBy
* contacteTph
* z3
* adrType
* sirenEnt
* typeEnreg
* z4
* contacteNom
* creationDate
* vendorSiteCode
* taxeSal
* sectionDas
* natTvaDispe
* natAvanVoit
* nom
* sirenEtab
* adrVoie
* z0
* establishmentId
* setOfBooksId
* invoiceNum
* nomResp
* vendorName
* tphFoncResp
* type1099
* baseBruteFisc
* siretBenef
* segment1
* dauAr
* validite
* taxIdentificationNum
* contactePrenom
* lastUpdatedBy
* prenom
* raisonSociale
* natTvaRedui
* natReteAllo
* effectifEtab
* totalImpos
* vendorSiteId
* adrCompl
* inde
* adrCommune
* totalBaseImpos2
* typeDas
* avantagesNat
* effectifEnt
* djeJp
* z1
* adrInsee
* nbre200
* nicEtab
* nbre210
* z5
* drisR
* natReteRemb
* invoiceAmount
* natAvanLoge
* totalBaseImpos1
* lastUpdateDate
* ddaDa
* rete
* prenomResp
* z6
* profession
* natRetePris
* nbreEtab
* dcoCo
* chequeVac
* avan
* invoiceDate
* z2
* checkNumber
* lastUpdateLogin
* natAvanNour
* fraisProf
* legalEntityId
* tvaNette
* adrCpostal
* natAvanAutr
* adrNum


 * z6
* creationDate
* setOfBooksId
* z7
* adrComplEt
* z10
* z5
* lastUpdatedBy
* adrCommune
* z9
* adrCommuneEt
* adrCpostal
* adrCompl
* z4
* z0942
* siretEntr
* z3
* adrBurDist
* siretEtab
* raisonSociale
* z1
* lastUpdateLogin
* z11
* adrInsee
* adrConcatEt
* adrInseeEt
* adrCpostalEt
* z0941
* adrBurDistEt
* legalEntityId
* adrConcat
* z01
* codeApe
* createdBy
* typeFichier
* lastUpdateDate
* typeEnreg


 * z6
* creationDate
* setOfBooksId
* z7
* adrComplEt
* z10
* z5
* lastUpdatedBy
* adrCommune
* z9
* adrCommuneEt
* adrCpostal
* adrCompl
* z4
* z0942
* siretEntr
* z3
* adrBurDist
* siretEtab
* raisonSociale
* z1
* lastUpdateLogin
* z11
* adrInsee
* adrConcatEt
* adrInseeEt
* adrCpostalEt
* z0941
* adrBurDistEt
* legalEntityId
* adrConcat
* z01
* codeApe
* createdBy
* typeFichier
* lastUpdateDate
* typeEnreg


 * segment1
* typeEnreg
* adrInsee
* nom
* z2
* adrVoie
* lastUpdateDate
* adrCompl
* invoiceNum
* natReteRemb
* sirenEtab
* rete
* vendorSiteCode
* adrType
* legalEntityId
* natTvaDispe
* adrBurDist
* z1
* natAvanAutr
* djeJp
* tvaNette
* checkNumber
* vendorSiteId
* age11
* establishmentId
* invoiceDate
* sectionDas
* z3
* z4
* z6
* prenom
* profession
* ddiI
* inde
* typeDas
* natAvanNour
* natRetePris
* taxIdentificationNum
* natAvanLoge
* ddaDa
* nicEtab
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdatedBy
* setOfBooksId
* validite
* siretBenef
* dhonH
* dauAr
* drisR
* adrNum
* creationDate
* dcomC
* natAvanVoit
* createdBy
* z5
* natTvaRedui
* raisonSociale
* vendorName
* dcoCo
* adrCommune
* avan
* type1099
* adrCpostal
* invoiceAmount
* natReteAllo


 * segment1
* typeEnreg
* adrInsee
* nom
* z2
* adrVoie
* lastUpdateDate
* adrCompl
* invoiceNum
* natReteRemb
* sirenEtab
* rete
* vendorSiteCode
* adrType
* legalEntityId
* natTvaDispe
* adrBurDist
* z1
* natAvanAutr
* djeJp
* tvaNette
* checkNumber
* vendorSiteId
* age11
* establishmentId
* invoiceDate
* sectionDas
* z3
* z4
* z6
* prenom
* profession
* ddiI
* inde
* typeDas
* natAvanNour
* natRetePris
* taxIdentificationNum
* natAvanLoge
* ddaDa
* nicEtab
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdatedBy
* setOfBooksId
* validite
* siretBenef
* dhonH
* dauAr
* drisR
* adrNum
* creationDate
* dcomC
* natAvanVoit
* createdBy
* z5
* natTvaRedui
* raisonSociale
* vendorName
* dcoCo
* adrCommune
* avan
* type1099
* adrCpostal
* invoiceAmount
* natReteAllo


 * chequeVac
* totalRet
* baseBruteFisc
* typeEnreg
* z2
* totalImpos
* contacteTph
* z5
* avan
* effectifEtab
* prenomResp
* contactePrenom
* nicEtab
* ddiI
* z3
* dcoCo
* contacteNom
* fraisProf
* setOfBooksId
* ddaDa
* rete
* nomResp
* taxeSal
* z1
* avantagesNat
* sirenEtab
* tphFoncResp
* dauAr
* typeDas
* section
* djeJp
* dcomC
* inde
* remunerationsNet
* z4
* totalBaseImpos2
* validite
* drisR
* taxIdentificationNum
* totalBaseImpos1
* dhonH


 * chequeVac
* totalRet
* baseBruteFisc
* typeEnreg
* z2
* totalImpos
* contacteTph
* z5
* avan
* effectifEtab
* prenomResp
* contactePrenom
* nicEtab
* ddiI
* z3
* dcoCo
* contacteNom
* fraisProf
* setOfBooksId
* ddaDa
* rete
* nomResp
* taxeSal
* z1
* avantagesNat
* sirenEtab
* tphFoncResp
* dauAr
* typeDas
* section
* djeJp
* dcomC
* inde
* remunerationsNet
* z4
* totalBaseImpos2
* validite
* drisR
* taxIdentificationNum
* totalBaseImpos1
* dhonH


 * dauAr
* lastUpdateLogin
* ddiI
* z4
* montantsCalcules
* inde
* rete
* avan
* validite
* remunerationsNet
* nomResp
* typeDas
* tphFoncResp
* contacteTph
* createdBy
* z1
* contacteNom
* section
* z3
* dcoCo
* dcomC
* typeEnreg
* contactePrenom
* sirenEtab
* z2
* setOfBooksId
* baseBruteFisc
* fraisProf
* dhonH
* ddaDa
* effectifEtab
* taxIdentificationNum
* totalImpos
* taxeSal
* djeJp
* avantagesNat
* totalBaseImpos1
* drisR
* nicEtab
* lastUpdateDate
* chequeVac
* totalBaseImpos2
* totalRet
* lastUpdatedBy
* creationDate
* prenomResp
* z5


 * dauAr
* lastUpdateLogin
* ddiI
* z4
* montantsCalcules
* inde
* rete
* avan
* validite
* remunerationsNet
* nomResp
* typeDas
* tphFoncResp
* contacteTph
* createdBy
* z1
* contacteNom
* section
* z3
* dcoCo
* dcomC
* typeEnreg
* contactePrenom
* sirenEtab
* z2
* setOfBooksId
* baseBruteFisc
* fraisProf
* dhonH
* ddaDa
* effectifEtab
* taxIdentificationNum
* totalImpos
* taxeSal
* djeJp
* avantagesNat
* totalBaseImpos1
* drisR
* nicEtab
* lastUpdateDate
* chequeVac
* totalBaseImpos2
* totalRet
* lastUpdatedBy
* creationDate
* prenomResp
* z5


 * totalBaseImpos1
* totalRet
* taxeSal
* setOfBooksId
* rete
* z0
* ddiI
* ddaDa
* inde
* z2
* dcoCo
* remunerationsNet
* dcomC
* dhonH
* chequeVac
* z3
* totalBaseImpos2
* baseBruteFisc
* dauAr
* z1
* nbreEtab
* drisR
* djeJp
* totalImpos
* typeEnreg
* nbre200
* avantagesNat
* avan
* nbre210
* effectifEnt
* sirenEnt
* fraisProf
* z4


 * totalBaseImpos1
* totalRet
* taxeSal
* setOfBooksId
* rete
* z0
* ddiI
* ddaDa
* inde
* z2
* dcoCo
* remunerationsNet
* dcomC
* dhonH
* chequeVac
* z3
* totalBaseImpos2
* baseBruteFisc
* dauAr
* z1
* nbreEtab
* drisR
* djeJp
* totalImpos
* typeEnreg
* nbre200
* avantagesNat
* avan
* nbre210
* effectifEnt
* sirenEnt
* fraisProf
* z4


 * avantagesNat
* totalBaseImpos1
* z0
* z3
* totalRet
* taxeSal
* remunerationsNet
* createdBy
* ddiI
* z4
* nbre210
* drisR
* dcoCo
* lastUpdateLogin
* dhonH
* fraisProf
* nbre200
* inde
* chequeVac
* setOfBooksId
* lastUpdateDate
* baseBruteFisc
* creationDate
* sirenEnt
* dcomC
* nbreEtab
* ddaDa
* djeJp
* dauAr
* z2
* rete
* totalImpos
* typeEnreg
* avan
* effectifEnt
* z1
* totalBaseImpos2
* lastUpdatedBy


 * avantagesNat
* totalBaseImpos1
* z0
* z3
* totalRet
* taxeSal
* remunerationsNet
* createdBy
* ddiI
* z4
* nbre210
* drisR
* dcoCo
* lastUpdateLogin
* dhonH
* fraisProf
* nbre200
* inde
* chequeVac
* setOfBooksId
* lastUpdateDate
* baseBruteFisc
* creationDate
* sirenEnt
* dcomC
* nbreEtab
* ddaDa
* djeJp
* dauAr
* z2
* rete
* totalImpos
* typeEnreg
* avan
* effectifEnt
* z1
* totalBaseImpos2
* lastUpdatedBy


 * taxPayerId
* vatRegistrationNumber
* zip
* province
* createdBy
* addressLine1
* city
* addressLine2
* invTrxNumber
* custSupNumber
* country
* lastUpdatedBy
* invTrxCurrencyCode
* invTrxType
* supplierSiteCode
* creationDate
* custSupTypeCode
* invTrxId
* lastUpdateDate
* custSupName
* state
* addressLine3
* invTrxDate
* invTrxAmount
* requestId
* profession
* lastUpdateLogin
* acctdInvTrxAmount


 * taxPayerId
* vatRegistrationNumber
* zip
* province
* createdBy
* addressLine1
* city
* addressLine2
* invTrxNumber
* custSupNumber
* country
* lastUpdatedBy
* invTrxCurrencyCode
* invTrxType
* supplierSiteCode
* creationDate
* custSupTypeCode
* invTrxId
* lastUpdateDate
* custSupName
* state
* addressLine3
* invTrxDate
* invTrxAmount
* requestId
* profession
* lastUpdateLogin
* acctdInvTrxAmount


 * attribute4
* attribute3
* attribute11
* attribute14
* attribute7
* attribute13
* excludeFlag
* lastUpdatedBy
* attributeCategory
* attribute1
* trnovrRuleId
* createdBy
* attribute5
* attribute8
* lookupCode
* attribute9
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute2
* lookupType
* trnovrRuleLineId
* attribute15
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute6
* creationDate
* applicationId
* attribute12
* attribute10


 * attribute4
* attribute3
* attribute11
* attribute14
* attribute7
* attribute13
* excludeFlag
* lastUpdatedBy
* attributeCategory
* attribute1
* trnovrRuleId
* createdBy
* attribute5
* attribute8
* lookupCode
* attribute9
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute2
* lookupType
* trnovrRuleLineId
* attribute15
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute6
* creationDate
* applicationId
* attribute12
* attribute10


 * attribute15
* trnovrRuleName
* description
* attribute1
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute2
* attribute4
* attribute6
* attribute10
* attribute9
* attribute8
* enabledFlag
* attribute5
* attribute11
* applicationId
* attribute3
* legalEntityId
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute12
* attribute14
* creationDate
* attributeCategory
* createdBy
* attribute7
* attribute13
* lastUpdateLogin
* trnovrRuleId


 * attribute15
* trnovrRuleName
* description
* attribute1
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute2
* attribute4
* attribute6
* attribute10
* attribute9
* attribute8
* enabledFlag
* attribute5
* attribute11
* applicationId
* attribute3
* legalEntityId
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute12
* attribute14
* creationDate
* attributeCategory
* createdBy
* attribute7
* attribute13
* lastUpdateLogin
* trnovrRuleId


 * periodName
* creationDate
* periodYear
* lastUpdateLogin
* maxRecoverableAmt
* minRecoverableAmt
* vatAggregateLimitAmt
* createdBy
* periodSetName
* lastUpdatedBy
* periodNum
* lastUpdateDate
* maxRecoverablePercentage


 * periodName
* creationDate
* periodYear
* lastUpdateLogin
* maxRecoverableAmt
* minRecoverableAmt
* vatAggregateLimitAmt
* createdBy
* periodSetName
* lastUpdatedBy
* periodNum
* lastUpdateDate
* maxRecoverablePercentage


 * provinceCode
* b2bInvoiceThreshold
* noOfDetailedRecords
* requestId
* declrOfIncorpComp
* reportMode
* vatReportingEntityId
* lastUpdateDate
* orgId
* endDateToExtrCmDm
* trxAccountingStatus
* protocolNum
* lastUpdatedBy
* transmissionCode
* createdBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* yearOfDeclaration
* b2cInvoiceThreshold
* typeOfUpload
* startDateToExtrB2cTrx
* creationDate


 * provinceCode
* b2bInvoiceThreshold
* noOfDetailedRecords
* requestId
* declrOfIncorpComp
* reportMode
* vatReportingEntityId
* lastUpdateDate
* orgId
* endDateToExtrCmDm
* trxAccountingStatus
* protocolNum
* lastUpdatedBy
* transmissionCode
* createdBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* yearOfDeclaration
* b2cInvoiceThreshold
* typeOfUpload
* startDateToExtrB2cTrx
* creationDate


 * creationDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* countryCode
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* repExclusionDateFrom
* createdBy
* italianCountryCode
* repExclusionDateTo


 * creationDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* countryCode
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* repExclusionDateFrom
* createdBy
* italianCountryCode
* repExclusionDateTo


 * declarationId
* yearOfDeclaration
* declarationTypeCode
* lastUpdatedBy
* creationDate
* createdBy
* vatReportingEntityId
* lastUpdateLogin
* orgId
* vatReportingEntityId#1
* freezeIndicatorFlag
* lastUpdateDate


 * declarationId
* yearOfDeclaration
* declarationTypeCode
* lastUpdatedBy
* creationDate
* createdBy
* vatReportingEntityId
* lastUpdateLogin
* orgId
* vatReportingEntityId#1
* freezeIndicatorFlag
* lastUpdateDate


 * createdBy
* source
* creationDate
* transmissionType
* endDate
* lastUpdateDate
* requestId
* vatReportingEntityId
* lastUpdateLogin
* reportMode
* lastUpdatedBy
* year
* startDate


 * createdBy
* source
* creationDate
* transmissionType
* endDate
* lastUpdateDate
* requestId
* vatReportingEntityId
* lastUpdateLogin
* reportMode
* lastUpdatedBy
* year
* startDate


 * glDate
* offsetFlag
* partyZip#1
* trxLineType
* vatNotExposedFlag
* taxableAmt
* invRank
* partyPeCountry
* trxNum
* partyCountry
* invoiceDistributionId
* partyTaxRepVatRegNum
* indvPartyFirstName
* requestId
* eftNum
* partyPeCity
* partyPeProvince
* addiInfo2
* taxAmt
* partyPeZip
* partyTaxRepLeName
* customBillId
* recoveryRate
* partyAddress
* addiInfo1
* natureOfVat
* trxDate
* partyProvince
* partyName
* reportExclusionFlag
* taxRateId
* partyPeZip#1
* partyTaxRepName
* taxRate
* taxRateCode
* partyType
* partyTaxRepSurName
* partySiteId
* vatRegistrationNum
* chargeApplicableToDistId
* taxPayerId
* partyZip
* trxId
* partyTaxRepCountry
* recType
* invDocumentType
* partyPeAddress
* trxType
* productType
* taxLineId
* indvPartyLastName
* partyId
* trxLineId
* partyCity
* trxLineNumber


 * glDate
* offsetFlag
* partyZip#1
* trxLineType
* vatNotExposedFlag
* taxableAmt
* invRank
* partyPeCountry
* trxNum
* partyCountry
* invoiceDistributionId
* partyTaxRepVatRegNum
* indvPartyFirstName
* requestId
* eftNum
* partyPeCity
* partyPeProvince
* addiInfo2
* taxAmt
* partyPeZip
* partyTaxRepLeName
* customBillId
* recoveryRate
* partyAddress
* addiInfo1
* natureOfVat
* trxDate
* partyProvince
* partyName
* reportExclusionFlag
* taxRateId
* partyPeZip#1
* partyTaxRepName
* taxRate
* taxRateCode
* partyType
* partyTaxRepSurName
* partySiteId
* vatRegistrationNum
* chargeApplicableToDistId
* taxPayerId
* partyZip
* trxId
* partyTaxRepCountry
* recType
* invDocumentType
* partyPeAddress
* trxType
* productType
* taxLineId
* indvPartyLastName
* partyId
* trxLineId
* partyCity
* trxLineNumber


 * eftNum
* transIdentificationNumber
* transProgressiveNumber
* requestId


 * eftNum
* transIdentificationNumber
* transProgressiveNumber
* requestId


 * receiptProtocolNumberPart1
* amendedLetterId
* letterType
* setOfBooksId
* customFlag
* issueDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdateDate
* year
* exportGoodsFlag
* salesSanMarinoFlag
* goodsDescription
* effectiveFrom
* printFlag
* legalEntityId
* issueFlag
* exemptionLetterId
* effectiveTo
* trxEqualExportGoodsFlag
* lastUpdatedBy
* receiptProtocolNumberPart2
* vatYearDeclTransFlag
* extraordinaryOperationsFlag
* limitAmount
* intraEuSalesGoodsFlag
* vendorId
* clauseRef
* creationDate
* createdBy


 * receiptProtocolNumberPart1
* amendedLetterId
* letterType
* setOfBooksId
* customFlag
* issueDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdateDate
* year
* exportGoodsFlag
* salesSanMarinoFlag
* goodsDescription
* effectiveFrom
* printFlag
* legalEntityId
* issueFlag
* exemptionLetterId
* effectiveTo
* trxEqualExportGoodsFlag
* lastUpdatedBy
* receiptProtocolNumberPart2
* vatYearDeclTransFlag
* extraordinaryOperationsFlag
* limitAmount
* intraEuSalesGoodsFlag
* vendorId
* clauseRef
* creationDate
* createdBy


 * year
* seqNo
* legalEntityId


 * year
* seqNo
* legalEntityId


 * packslipDate
* packslipNumber
* shipmentHeaderId


 * packslipDate
* packslipNumber
* shipmentHeaderId


 * transactionId
* packslipNumber
* packslipDate


 * transactionId
* packslipNumber
* packslipDate


 * transmissionType
* reportMode
* lastUpdatedBy
* createdBy
* creationDate
* smB2bThreshold
* fpEmail
* listingB2cThreshold
* orgId
* noOfEftRecords
* documentProtocolNum
* monthOfDeclaration
* activityCode
* vatReportingEntityId
* fpPhoneNum
* blkB2bThreshold
* listingB2bThreshold
* trxAccountingStatus
* lastUpdateLogin
* yearOfDeclaration
* requestId
* transmissionProtocolNum
* fpFax
* listingTourismThreshold
* lastUpdateDate
* declarationTypeCode


 * transmissionType
* reportMode
* lastUpdatedBy
* createdBy
* creationDate
* smB2bThreshold
* fpEmail
* listingB2cThreshold
* orgId
* noOfEftRecords
* documentProtocolNum
* monthOfDeclaration
* activityCode
* vatReportingEntityId
* fpPhoneNum
* blkB2bThreshold
* listingB2bThreshold
* trxAccountingStatus
* lastUpdateLogin
* yearOfDeclaration
* requestId
* transmissionProtocolNum
* fpFax
* listingTourismThreshold
* lastUpdateDate
* declarationTypeCode


 * trxNum
* taxAmt
* partyAddress
* taxPayerId
* partyId
* selfInvFlag
* taxableAmt
* indvPartyFirstName
* indvPartyDob
* partyName
* recapInvFlag
* trxId
* rentalFlag
* reportSection
* trxDate
* requestId
* eftNum
* indvPartyLastName
* country
* rankInSection
* vatRegistrationNum
* createdBy
* glDate
* indvPartyBirthCity
* lastUpdateDate
* orgId
* partyType
* lastUpdatedBy
* vatNotExpFlag
* partySiteId
* creationDate
* indvPartyProvince
* lastUpdateLogin
* reverseChargeFlag
* partyCity


 * trxNum
* taxAmt
* partyAddress
* taxPayerId
* partyId
* selfInvFlag
* taxableAmt
* indvPartyFirstName
* indvPartyDob
* partyName
* recapInvFlag
* trxId
* rentalFlag
* reportSection
* trxDate
* requestId
* eftNum
* indvPartyLastName
* country
* rankInSection
* vatRegistrationNum
* createdBy
* glDate
* indvPartyBirthCity
* lastUpdateDate
* orgId
* partyType
* lastUpdatedBy
* vatNotExpFlag
* partySiteId
* creationDate
* indvPartyProvince
* lastUpdateLogin
* reverseChargeFlag
* partyCity


 * recapInvFlag
* trxLineId
* taxableAmt
* country
* trxLineType
* trxId
* taxRateId
* taxLineId
* reportExclusionFlag
* taxPayerId
* indvPartyBirthCity
* trxType
* listingColumnCode
* foreignTrxFlag
* invoiceDistributionId
* applicationId
* createdBy
* partyName
* partyCity
* tourismFlag
* reverseChargeFlag
* vatNotExpFlag
* belowThresholdFlag
* creationDate
* partySiteId
* trxLineNum#1
* indvPartyProvince
* orgId
* rentalFlag
* lastUpdatedBy
* glDate
* partyAddress
* partyType
* chargeApplicableToDistId
* customBillId
* indvPartyDob
* partyId
* trxDate
* indvPartyFirstName
* productType
* lastUpdateDate
* taxCodeId
* taxAmt
* trxNum
* isAboveThresholdFlag
* trxLineNum
* indvPartyLastName
* offsetFlag
* selfInvFlag
* errorFlag
* requestId
* vatRegistrationNum
* lastUpdateLogin


 * recapInvFlag
* trxLineId
* taxableAmt
* country
* trxLineType
* trxId
* taxRateId
* taxLineId
* reportExclusionFlag
* taxPayerId
* indvPartyBirthCity
* trxType
* listingColumnCode
* foreignTrxFlag
* invoiceDistributionId
* applicationId
* createdBy
* partyName
* partyCity
* tourismFlag
* reverseChargeFlag
* vatNotExpFlag
* belowThresholdFlag
* creationDate
* partySiteId
* trxLineNum#1
* indvPartyProvince
* orgId
* rentalFlag
* lastUpdatedBy
* glDate
* partyAddress
* partyType
* chargeApplicableToDistId
* customBillId
* indvPartyDob
* partyId
* trxDate
* indvPartyFirstName
* productType
* lastUpdateDate
* taxCodeId
* taxAmt
* trxNum
* isAboveThresholdFlag
* trxLineNum
* indvPartyLastName
* offsetFlag
* selfInvFlag
* errorFlag
* requestId
* vatRegistrationNum
* lastUpdateLogin


 * creationDate
* vatReportingEntityId
* orgId
* applicationId
* documentSequenceId
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* createdBy
* yearOfDeclaration
* lastUpdateLogin


 * creationDate
* vatReportingEntityId
* orgId
* applicationId
* documentSequenceId
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* createdBy
* yearOfDeclaration
* lastUpdateLogin


 * lastUpdateLogin
* yearOfDeclaration
* defaultPaymentMode
* lastUpdatedBy
* vatReportingEntityId
* orgId
* creationDate
* createdBy
* lastUpdateDate
* freezeIndicatorFlag


 * lastUpdateLogin
* yearOfDeclaration
* defaultPaymentMode
* lastUpdatedBy
* vatReportingEntityId
* orgId
* creationDate
* createdBy
* lastUpdateDate
* freezeIndicatorFlag


 * applicationId
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* docSequenceId
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateDate
* declarationId
* createdBy
* orgId


 * applicationId
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* docSequenceId
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateDate
* declarationId
* createdBy
* orgId


 * taxRateId#1
* listingColumnCode
* taxRateId
* orgId
* lastUpdatedBy
* taxId
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* creationDate
* declarationId
* applicationId
* listingColumnCode#1
* createdBy


 * taxRateId#1
* listingColumnCode
* taxRateId
* orgId
* lastUpdatedBy
* taxId
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* creationDate
* declarationId
* applicationId
* listingColumnCode#1
* createdBy


 * origTrxDate
* recordType
* assessableAmt
* origTrxAcctgStatus
* indvPartyCity
* trxId
* origTrxNum
* partyName
* origTrxId
* orgId
* indvPartyDob
* eftProgressionNum
* vatAmt
* contractIdentification
* origTrxGlDate
* trxAccountingStatus
* vatReportingEntityId
* partyType
* creationDate
* applicationId
* lastUpdateLogin
* country
* belowThresholdFlag
* indvPartyProvince
* companyCity
* trxDate
* indvPartyFirstName
* lastUpdatedBy
* eftSequentialNum
* paymentMode
* vatRegistrationNum
* origTrxPaymentMethod
* partyId
* trxType
* indvPartyLastName
* createdBy
* trxNum
* taxPayerId
* lastUpdateDate
* requestId
* trxGlDate
* companyAddress
* paymentMethod


 * origTrxDate
* recordType
* assessableAmt
* origTrxAcctgStatus
* indvPartyCity
* trxId
* origTrxNum
* partyName
* origTrxId
* orgId
* indvPartyDob
* eftProgressionNum
* vatAmt
* contractIdentification
* origTrxGlDate
* trxAccountingStatus
* vatReportingEntityId
* partyType
* creationDate
* applicationId
* lastUpdateLogin
* country
* belowThresholdFlag
* indvPartyProvince
* companyCity
* trxDate
* indvPartyFirstName
* lastUpdatedBy
* eftSequentialNum
* paymentMode
* vatRegistrationNum
* origTrxPaymentMethod
* partyId
* trxType
* indvPartyLastName
* createdBy
* trxNum
* taxPayerId
* lastUpdateDate
* requestId
* trxGlDate
* companyAddress
* paymentMethod


 * country
* trxAccountingStatus
* vatRegistrationNum
* trxLineNum
* trxLineType
* vatAmt
* trxLineId
* lastUpdateDate
* createdBy
* paymentMode
* companyCity
* assessableAmt
* lastUpdatedBy
* partyId
* isAboveThreshold
* creationDate
* taxPayerId
* trxGlDate
* indvPartyFirstName
* requestId
* paymentMethod
* recordType
* trxNum
* trxType
* orgId
* indvPartyCity
* companyAddress
* origTrxMissingFlag
* applicationId
* paymentModeErrFlag
* indvPartyDob
* partyName
* indvPartyProvince
* partialAdjInvFlag
* reportExclusionFlag
* indvPartyLastName
* lastUpdateLogin
* inconstCmDmApplFlag
* adjInvFlag
* origTrxId
* contractIdentification
* belowThresholdFlag
* trxId
* vatReportingEntityId
* trxDate
* partyType


 * country
* trxAccountingStatus
* vatRegistrationNum
* trxLineNum
* trxLineType
* vatAmt
* trxLineId
* lastUpdateDate
* createdBy
* paymentMode
* companyCity
* assessableAmt
* lastUpdatedBy
* partyId
* isAboveThreshold
* creationDate
* taxPayerId
* trxGlDate
* indvPartyFirstName
* requestId
* paymentMethod
* recordType
* trxNum
* trxType
* orgId
* indvPartyCity
* companyAddress
* origTrxMissingFlag
* applicationId
* paymentModeErrFlag
* indvPartyDob
* partyName
* indvPartyProvince
* partialAdjInvFlag
* reportExclusionFlag
* indvPartyLastName
* lastUpdateLogin
* inconstCmDmApplFlag
* adjInvFlag
* origTrxId
* contractIdentification
* belowThresholdFlag
* trxId
* vatReportingEntityId
* trxDate
* partyType


 * lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* createdBy
* document
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* vatRegisterId


 * lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* createdBy
* document
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* vatRegisterId


 * lastUpdatedBy
* createdBy
* lastUpdateDate
* endDate
* creationDate
* startDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* vatRegisterId
* vatRegisterType


 * lastUpdatedBy
* createdBy
* lastUpdateDate
* endDate
* creationDate
* startDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* vatRegisterId
* vatRegisterType


 * vatRegisterName
* lastUpdateLogin
* language
* sourceLang
* vatRegisterId
* lastUpdateDate
* creationDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* createdBy


 * vatRegisterName
* lastUpdateLogin
* language
* sourceLang
* vatRegisterId
* lastUpdateDate
* creationDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* createdBy


 * month
* originalLimitAmount
* adjustedLimitAmount
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdateDate
* setOfBooksId
* year
* createdBy
* lastUpdatedBy
* creationDate
* legalEntityId
* vatPlafondType
* adjustmentAmount


 * month
* originalLimitAmount
* adjustedLimitAmount
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdateDate
* setOfBooksId
* year
* createdBy
* lastUpdatedBy
* creationDate
* legalEntityId
* vatPlafondType
* adjustmentAmount


 * dateCreated
* totPayments
* lastUpdateLogin
* mediumId
* lastPaymentNumber
* checkrunName
* payerBankAccount
* lastUpdateDate
* mediumSeqno
* creationDate
* batchFormat
* createdBy
* totPaymentAmount
* batchId
* lastUpdatedBy
* totBankAccounts
* totRecords
* firstPaymentNumber
* noOfCancellations


 * dateCreated
* totPayments
* lastUpdateLogin
* mediumId
* lastPaymentNumber
* checkrunName
* payerBankAccount
* lastUpdateDate
* mediumSeqno
* creationDate
* batchFormat
* createdBy
* totPaymentAmount
* batchId
* lastUpdatedBy
* totBankAccounts
* totRecords
* firstPaymentNumber
* noOfCancellations


 * batchId
* createdBy
* creationDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* infoRecord
* rowSeqno
* lastUpdateDate


 * batchId
* createdBy
* creationDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* infoRecord
* rowSeqno
* lastUpdateDate


 * mediumId
* dateDuplicate
* dateSent
* mediumNumber
* notes
* eftUserNumber
* createdBy
* mediumIdentification
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdateDate
* creationDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* dateGenerated
* batchFormat
* mediumType


 * mediumId
* dateDuplicate
* dateSent
* mediumNumber
* notes
* eftUserNumber
* createdBy
* mediumIdentification
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdateDate
* creationDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* dateGenerated
* batchFormat
* mediumType


 * lastUpdateLogin
* checkNumber
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* creationDate
* checkrunName
* createdBy


 * lastUpdateLogin
* checkNumber
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* creationDate
* checkrunName
* createdBy


 * bankdato
* wSessionid
* konto
* bilagnr
* beskriv
* kilde
* sortkonto
* hoveddato
* betType
* kundeLev
* betBunke
* postertdato
* wEntryid
* amount


 * bankdato
* wSessionid
* konto
* bilagnr
* beskriv
* kilde
* sortkonto
* hoveddato
* betType
* kundeLev
* betBunke
* postertdato
* wEntryid
* amount


 * buffer
* wSessionid
* wEntryid
* recType


 * buffer
* wSessionid
* wEntryid
* recType


 * meldingNr
* melding


 * meldingNr
* melding


 * checkNumber
* buffer
* paymentNum
* wSessionid
* wEntryid
* recType


 * checkNumber
* buffer
* paymentNum
* wSessionid
* wEntryid
* recType


 * amount
* recordId
* account


 * amount
* recordId
* account


 * lineNumber
* text


 * lineNumber
* text


 * creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* orderNumber
* dDate
* msgPeriodEnd
* lastUpdatedBy
* createdBy
* periodEnd
* coordinator
* phone
* msgReceiptType
* fax
* lastUpdateDate
* msgPeriodStart
* periodStart


 * creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* orderNumber
* dDate
* msgPeriodEnd
* lastUpdatedBy
* createdBy
* periodEnd
* coordinator
* phone
* msgReceiptType
* fax
* lastUpdateDate
* msgPeriodStart
* periodStart


 * orderNumber
* lastUpdateLogin
* msgReceiptType
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateDate
* createdBy
* creationDate
* msgPeriod


 * orderNumber
* lastUpdateLogin
* msgReceiptType
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateDate
* createdBy
* creationDate
* msgPeriod


 * errorMessage
* creationDate
* receiptType
* errorCode
* lastUpdatedBy
* recordId
* orderNumber
* period
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdateDate
* periodStart
* periodEnd
* createdBy


 * errorMessage
* creationDate
* receiptType
* errorCode
* lastUpdatedBy
* recordId
* orderNumber
* period
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdateDate
* periodStart
* periodEnd
* createdBy


 * accountingDate
* poDistributionId
* setOfBooksId
* exchangeRateVariance
* attribute15
* baseQuantityVariance
* distMatchType
* incomeTaxRegion
* reversalFlag
* attributeCategory
* postedFlag
* distributionLineNumber
* matchedUomLookupCode
* attribute8
* countryOfSupply
* vatCode
* arInvoiceId
* rateVarCodeCombinationId
* lastUpdatedBy
* taskId
* rcvTransactionId
* baseAmountEncumbered
* amountToPost
* cashJeBatchId
* jeBatchId
* wEntryid
* merchantTaxRegNumber
* priceAdjustmentFlag
* invoiceId
* programApplicationId
* amount
* attribute13
* lastUpdateDate
* unitPrice
* createdBy
* attribute9
* taxRecoveryOverrideFlag
* merchantReference
* assetsAdditionFlag
* attribute3
* projectAccountingContext
* exchangeRateType
* paQuantity
* paCcArInvoiceLineNum
* attribute5
* baseInvoicePriceVariance
* attribute10
* ussglTrxCodeContext
* expenditureType
* batchId
* priceVarCodeCombinationId
* attribute4
* awardId
* taxCodeId
* wSessionid
* creditCardTrxId
* accountingEventId
* distCodeCombinationId
* encumberedFlag
* attribute12
* assetsTrackingFlag
* parentReversalId
* invoiceDistributionId
* type1099
* earliestSettlementDate
* exchangeDate
* attribute1
* attribute2
* quantityVariance
* programUpdateDate
* paIcProcessedFlag
* periodName
* paCcProcessedCode
* description
* attribute11
* arInvoiceLineNum
* attribute14
* cashPostedFlag
* baseAmount
* quantityInvoiced
* postedAmount
* gmsBurdenableRawCost
* baseAmountToPost
* paAdditionFlag
* parentInvoiceId
* expenditureItemDate
* postedBaseAmount
* amountEncumbered
* statAmount
* merchantTaxpayerId
* attribute6
* accrualPostedFlag
* prepayDistributionId
* taxCodeOverrideFlag
* quantityUnencumbered
* lastUpdateLogin
* prepayAmountRemaining
* projectId
* matchStatusFlag
* lineTypeLookupCode
* paCcArInvoiceId
* creationDate
* attribute7
* invoicePriceVariance
* finalMatchFlag
* acctsPayCodeCombinationId
* ussglTransactionCode
* packetId
* taxRecoveryRate
* programId
* merchantName
* merchantDocumentNumber
* taxRecoverableFlag
* requestId
* reqDistributionId
* exchangeRate
* expenditureOrganizationId


 * accountingDate
* poDistributionId
* setOfBooksId
* exchangeRateVariance
* attribute15
* baseQuantityVariance
* distMatchType
* incomeTaxRegion
* reversalFlag
* attributeCategory
* postedFlag
* distributionLineNumber
* matchedUomLookupCode
* attribute8
* countryOfSupply
* vatCode
* arInvoiceId
* rateVarCodeCombinationId
* lastUpdatedBy
* taskId
* rcvTransactionId
* baseAmountEncumbered
* amountToPost
* cashJeBatchId
* jeBatchId
* wEntryid
* merchantTaxRegNumber
* priceAdjustmentFlag
* invoiceId
* programApplicationId
* amount
* attribute13
* lastUpdateDate
* unitPrice
* createdBy
* attribute9
* taxRecoveryOverrideFlag
* merchantReference
* assetsAdditionFlag
* attribute3
* projectAccountingContext
* exchangeRateType
* paQuantity
* paCcArInvoiceLineNum
* attribute5
* baseInvoicePriceVariance
* attribute10
* ussglTrxCodeContext
* expenditureType
* batchId
* priceVarCodeCombinationId
* attribute4
* awardId
* taxCodeId
* wSessionid
* creditCardTrxId
* accountingEventId
* distCodeCombinationId
* encumberedFlag
* attribute12
* assetsTrackingFlag
* parentReversalId
* invoiceDistributionId
* type1099
* earliestSettlementDate
* exchangeDate
* attribute1
* attribute2
* quantityVariance
* programUpdateDate
* paIcProcessedFlag
* periodName
* paCcProcessedCode
* description
* attribute11
* arInvoiceLineNum
* attribute14
* cashPostedFlag
* baseAmount
* quantityInvoiced
* postedAmount
* gmsBurdenableRawCost
* baseAmountToPost
* paAdditionFlag
* parentInvoiceId
* expenditureItemDate
* postedBaseAmount
* amountEncumbered
* statAmount
* merchantTaxpayerId
* attribute6
* accrualPostedFlag
* prepayDistributionId
* taxCodeOverrideFlag
* quantityUnencumbered
* lastUpdateLogin
* prepayAmountRemaining
* projectId
* matchStatusFlag
* lineTypeLookupCode
* paCcArInvoiceId
* creationDate
* attribute7
* invoicePriceVariance
* finalMatchFlag
* acctsPayCodeCombinationId
* ussglTransactionCode
* packetId
* taxRecoveryRate
* programId
* merchantName
* merchantDocumentNumber
* taxRecoverableFlag
* requestId
* reqDistributionId
* exchangeRate
* expenditureOrganizationId


 * applicationColumnName
* lastUpdateDate
* invCodeCombinationId
* segmentName
* idFlexNum
* lastUpdatedBy
* forSegmentValue
* taxRate
* createdBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* setOfBooksId
* creationDate
* taxCodeAllowed
* inactiveDate


 * applicationColumnName
* lastUpdateDate
* invCodeCombinationId
* segmentName
* idFlexNum
* lastUpdatedBy
* forSegmentValue
* taxRate
* createdBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* setOfBooksId
* creationDate
* taxCodeAllowed
* inactiveDate


 * taxCodeAllowed
* createdBy
* segmentName
* forSegmentValue
* lastUpdateDate
* description
* lastUpdateLogin
* sourceLang
* creationDate
* language
* lastUpdatedBy


 * taxCodeAllowed
* createdBy
* segmentName
* forSegmentValue
* lastUpdateDate
* description
* lastUpdateLogin
* sourceLang
* creationDate
* language
* lastUpdatedBy


 * invoiceId
* vendorSiteId
* dueDate
* wSessionid
* printedStatus
* checkrunName
* kjoredato
* ahTransSekvnr
* sekvenskontrollfelt
* buffer3
* buffer4
* buffer2
* kid
* transtype
* buffer1
* wEntryid


 * invoiceId
* vendorSiteId
* dueDate
* wSessionid
* printedStatus
* checkrunName
* kjoredato
* ahTransSekvnr
* sekvenskontrollfelt
* buffer3
* buffer4
* buffer2
* kid
* transtype
* buffer1
* wEntryid


 * seq
* buffer2
* buffer


 * seq
* buffer2
* buffer


 * type
* textString
* requestId
* requestType
* printSequenceNum
* orgId


 * type
* textString
* requestId
* requestType
* printSequenceNum
* orgId


 * keyVersion
* certificationNumber
* zdSync
* appsVersion
* privateKey
* zdEditionName
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* certificationApplicationDate
* createdBy
* lastUpdatedBy
* certificationIssueDate
* lastUpdateDate


 * keyVersion
* certificationNumber
* zdSync
* appsVersion
* privateKey
* zdEditionName
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* certificationApplicationDate
* createdBy
* lastUpdatedBy
* certificationIssueDate
* lastUpdateDate


 * lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* externalHashKey
* lastUpdateDate
* jePtInterfaceLinkId
* signature
* createdBy
* externalTrxNum
* keyVersion
* certificationNumber
* systemEntryDate
* externalTrxAmt
* externalRefLink
* creationDate
* externalTrxDate


 * lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* externalHashKey
* lastUpdateDate
* jePtInterfaceLinkId
* signature
* createdBy
* externalTrxNum
* keyVersion
* certificationNumber
* systemEntryDate
* externalTrxAmt
* externalRefLink
* creationDate
* externalTrxDate


 * count
* netInvAmounts
* sequenceNum
* fiNum


 * count
* netInvAmounts
* sequenceNum
* fiNum


 * externalTrxNum
* externalRefLink
* keyVersion
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* signature
* externalTrxDate
* systemEntryDate
* certificationNumber
* createdBy
* customerTrxId
* creationDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* externalTrxAmt
* externalHashKey


 * externalTrxNum
* externalRefLink
* keyVersion
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* signature
* externalTrxDate
* systemEntryDate
* certificationNumber
* createdBy
* customerTrxId
* creationDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* externalTrxAmt
* externalHashKey


 * systemEntryDate
* signature
* externalRefLink
* trxHeaderId
* keyVersion
* externalTrxDate
* externalTrxNum
* externalHashKey
* externalTrxAmt
* previousCustTrxId
* certificationNumber


 * systemEntryDate
* signature
* externalRefLink
* trxHeaderId
* keyVersion
* externalTrxDate
* externalTrxNum
* externalHashKey
* externalTrxAmt
* previousCustTrxId
* certificationNumber


 * wSessionid
* wEntryid
* buffer
* checkNumber
* eftProgram
* recType


 * wSessionid
* wEntryid
* buffer
* checkNumber
* eftProgram
* recType


 * setOfBooksId
* postedToGlFlag
* codeCombinationId
* beginBalEnteredDr
* currencyCode
* creationDate
* beginBalAccountedCr
* periodNetEnteredCr
* createdBy
* beginBalEnteredCr
* periodNetAccountedDr
* periodName
* beginBalAccountedDr
* periodNetEnteredDr
* lastUpdateDate
* periodNetAccountedCr
* lastUpdatedBy
* vendorSiteId
* vendorId


 * setOfBooksId
* postedToGlFlag
* codeCombinationId
* beginBalEnteredDr
* currencyCode
* creationDate
* beginBalAccountedCr
* periodNetEnteredCr
* createdBy
* beginBalEnteredCr
* periodNetAccountedDr
* periodName
* beginBalAccountedDr
* periodNetEnteredDr
* lastUpdateDate
* periodNetAccountedCr
* lastUpdatedBy
* vendorSiteId
* vendorId


 * liabilityNatacc
* liabilityAccount
* invoiceType
* requestId
* organizationName
* createdBy
* lineNumber
* invoiceId
* liabilityCcid
* lastUpdateLogin
* liabilityNataccDesc
* creationDate
* lineType
* distributionCcid
* lastUpdateDate
* invoiceDistributionId
* accountingDate
* distributionNataccDesc
* distributionNatacc
* distType
* distNumber
* functionalCurrencyCode
* distributionAccountDesc
* lastUpdatedBy
* distributionAccount
* liabilityDesc


 * liabilityNatacc
* liabilityAccount
* invoiceType
* requestId
* organizationName
* createdBy
* lineNumber
* invoiceId
* liabilityCcid
* lastUpdateLogin
* liabilityNataccDesc
* creationDate
* lineType
* distributionCcid
* lastUpdateDate
* invoiceDistributionId
* accountingDate
* distributionNataccDesc
* distributionNatacc
* distType
* distNumber
* functionalCurrencyCode
* distributionAccountDesc
* lastUpdatedBy
* distributionAccount
* liabilityDesc


 * taxCodeId
* lastUpdateLogin
* balanceDesc
* codeCombinationId
* creationDate
* lineNumber
* lastUpdatedBy
* acctFlexDesc
* acctFlexField
* balance
* createdBy
* requestId
* lineTypeField
* accountingEventId
* accountDesc
* setOfBooksId
* lastUpdateDate
* account
* aeLineId


 * taxCodeId
* lastUpdateLogin
* balanceDesc
* codeCombinationId
* creationDate
* lineNumber
* lastUpdatedBy
* acctFlexDesc
* acctFlexField
* balance
* createdBy
* requestId
* lineTypeField
* accountingEventId
* accountDesc
* setOfBooksId
* lastUpdateDate
* account
* aeLineId


 * vendorSiteId
* beginBalAccountedDr
* beginBalAccountedCr
* lastUpdateDate
* currencyCode
* periodNetAccountedDr
* creationDate
* periodNetEnteredDr
* vendorId
* postedToGlFlag
* periodNetAccountedCr
* periodName
* beginBalEnteredDr
* setOfBooksId
* beginBalEnteredCr
* codeCombinationId
* lastUpdatedBy
* createdBy
* periodNetEnteredCr


 * vendorSiteId
* beginBalAccountedDr
* beginBalAccountedCr
* lastUpdateDate
* currencyCode
* periodNetAccountedDr
* creationDate
* periodNetEnteredDr
* vendorId
* postedToGlFlag
* periodNetAccountedCr
* periodName
* beginBalEnteredDr
* setOfBooksId
* beginBalEnteredCr
* codeCombinationId
* lastUpdatedBy
* createdBy
* periodNetEnteredCr


 * transNumber
* createdBy
* dateCreated
* accountedCr
* balanceDesc
* account
* accountingDate
* accountingEventId
* accountDesc
* accountedDr
* setOfBooksId
* vendorSiteId
* acctFlexDesc
* postedToGlFlag
* transDescription
* currencyCode
* codeCombinationId
* enteredCr
* acctFlexField
* subledgerDocSequenceValue
* subledgerDocSequenceId
* enteredDr
* balance
* vendorId
* transType


 * transNumber
* createdBy
* dateCreated
* accountedCr
* balanceDesc
* account
* accountingDate
* accountingEventId
* accountDesc
* accountedDr
* setOfBooksId
* vendorSiteId
* acctFlexDesc
* postedToGlFlag
* transDescription
* currencyCode
* codeCombinationId
* enteredCr
* acctFlexField
* subledgerDocSequenceValue
* subledgerDocSequenceId
* enteredDr
* balance
* vendorId
* transType


 * setOfBooksId
* beginBalAccountedDr
* customerSiteId
* beginBalAccountedCr
* periodNetEnteredDr
* createdBy
* periodNetAccountedDr
* postedToGlFlag
* beginBalEnteredDr
* customerId
* beginBalEnteredCr
* periodNetEnteredCr
* currencyCode
* creationDate
* lastUpdateDate
* periodNetAccountedCr
* periodName
* lastUpdatedBy
* codeCombinationId


 * setOfBooksId
* beginBalAccountedDr
* customerSiteId
* beginBalAccountedCr
* periodNetEnteredDr
* createdBy
* periodNetAccountedDr
* postedToGlFlag
* beginBalEnteredDr
* customerId
* beginBalEnteredCr
* periodNetEnteredCr
* currencyCode
* creationDate
* lastUpdateDate
* periodNetAccountedCr
* periodName
* lastUpdatedBy
* codeCombinationId


 * acctdCr
* vatTaxId
* creationDate
* lastUpdateDate
* postedToGlFlag
* codeCombinationId
* balanceDesc
* description
* lineType
* acctFlexField
* enteredDr
* acctdDr
* contraHeaderId
* lineNumber
* lastUpdatedBy
* requestId
* account
* balance
* memoLineId
* enteredCr
* taxName
* lastUpdateLogin
* accountDesc
* acctFlexDesc
* linkLineNum
* createdBy


 * acctdCr
* vatTaxId
* creationDate
* lastUpdateDate
* postedToGlFlag
* codeCombinationId
* balanceDesc
* description
* lineType
* acctFlexField
* enteredDr
* acctdDr
* contraHeaderId
* lineNumber
* lastUpdatedBy
* requestId
* account
* balance
* memoLineId
* enteredCr
* taxName
* lastUpdateLogin
* accountDesc
* acctFlexDesc
* linkLineNum
* createdBy


 * postedToGlFlag
* periodName
* lastUpdateDate
* setOfBooksId
* periodNetAccountedDr
* periodNetAccountedCr
* codeCombinationId
* beginBalEnteredDr
* periodNetEnteredDr
* beginBalAccountedDr
* creationDate
* beginBalAccountedCr
* lastUpdatedBy
* customerSiteId
* createdBy
* beginBalEnteredCr
* customerId
* periodNetEnteredCr
* currencyCode


 * postedToGlFlag
* periodName
* lastUpdateDate
* setOfBooksId
* periodNetAccountedDr
* periodNetAccountedCr
* codeCombinationId
* beginBalEnteredDr
* periodNetEnteredDr
* beginBalAccountedDr
* creationDate
* beginBalAccountedCr
* lastUpdatedBy
* customerSiteId
* createdBy
* beginBalEnteredCr
* customerId
* periodNetEnteredCr
* currencyCode


 * agreementName
* contraHeaderId
* dateCreated
* accountDesc
* purchaseOrder
* subledgerDocSequenceValue
* balanceDesc
* setOfBooksId
* codeCombinationId
* customerId
* account
* transType
* enteredCr
* accountedCr
* customerSiteId
* acctFlexField
* acctFlexDesc
* accountedDr
* postedToGlFlag
* balance
* transNumber
* transDescription
* accountClass
* currencyCode
* accountingDate
* subledgerDocSequenceId
* transactionId
* enteredDr
* createdBy


 * agreementName
* contraHeaderId
* dateCreated
* accountDesc
* purchaseOrder
* subledgerDocSequenceValue
* balanceDesc
* setOfBooksId
* codeCombinationId
* customerId
* account
* transType
* enteredCr
* accountedCr
* customerSiteId
* acctFlexField
* acctFlexDesc
* accountedDr
* postedToGlFlag
* balance
* transNumber
* transDescription
* accountClass
* currencyCode
* accountingDate
* subledgerDocSequenceId
* transactionId
* enteredDr
* createdBy


 * startDateActive
* description
* creationDate
* orgId
* lookupCode
* endDateActive
* lastUpdateDate
* lookupType
* lastUpdateLogin
* meaning
* enabledFlag
* lastUpdatedBy
* createdBy


 * startDateActive
* description
* creationDate
* orgId
* lookupCode
* endDateActive
* lastUpdateDate
* lookupType
* lastUpdateLogin
* meaning
* enabledFlag
* lastUpdatedBy
* createdBy


 * dailyInterestCharge
* daysOfInterest
* paymentDate
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* outstandingAmount
* type
* receivableApplicationId
* interestRate
* paymentScheduleId
* interestCharged
* interestInvoiceId
* daysOverdueLate
* lastUpdateDate
* createdBy
* orgId
* interestInvoiceLineId
* lastUpdatedBy


 * dailyInterestCharge
* daysOfInterest
* paymentDate
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* outstandingAmount
* type
* receivableApplicationId
* interestRate
* paymentScheduleId
* interestCharged
* interestInvoiceId
* daysOverdueLate
* lastUpdateDate
* createdBy
* orgId
* interestInvoiceLineId
* lastUpdatedBy


 * orgId
* glDate
* lastUpdateDate
* creationDate
* batchName
* calculateInterestToDate
* transferredFlag
* interestBatchId
* createdBy
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin


 * orgId
* glDate
* lastUpdateDate
* creationDate
* batchName
* calculateInterestToDate
* transferredFlag
* interestBatchId
* createdBy
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin


 * createdBy
* creationDate
* exchangeRate
* collectorId
* interestInvoiceId
* lastUpdateDate
* exchangeRateType
* orgId
* lastUpdateLogin
* interestBatchId
* customerSiteUseId
* customerProfileId
* customerId
* currencyCode
* lastUpdatedBy


 * createdBy
* creationDate
* exchangeRate
* collectorId
* interestInvoiceId
* lastUpdateDate
* exchangeRateType
* orgId
* lastUpdateLogin
* interestBatchId
* customerSiteUseId
* customerProfileId
* customerId
* currencyCode
* lastUpdatedBy


 * creationDate
* jgzzInvoiceInfo16
* jgzzInvoiceInfo18
* lastUpdatedBy
* jgzzInvoiceInfo11
* jgzzInvoiceInfo26
* createdBy
* jgzzInvoiceInfo14
* jgzzInvoiceInfo5
* jgzzInvoiceInfo24
* jgzzInvoiceInfo13
* jgzzInvoiceInfo15
* lastUpdateDate
* jgzzInvoiceInfo8
* jgzzInvoiceInfo10
* jgzzInvoiceInfo17
* jgzzAttributeCategory
* invoiceId
* jgzzInvoiceInfo30
* jgzzInvoiceInfo3
* jgzzInvoiceInfo6
* jgzzInvoiceInfo28
* jgzzInvoiceInfo12
* jgzzInvoiceInfo20
* lastUpdateLogin
* jgzzInvoiceInfo21
* jgzzInvoiceInfo22
* jgzzInvoiceInfo4
* jgzzInvoiceInfo29
* jgzzInvoiceInfo1
* jgzzInvoiceInfo7
* jgzzInvoiceInfo9
* jgzzInvoiceInfo27
* jgzzInvoiceInfo23
* jgzzInvoiceInfo2
* jgzzInvoiceInfo25
* jgzzInvoiceInfo19


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* jgzzInvoiceInfo16
* jgzzInvoiceInfo18
* lastUpdatedBy
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* jgzzInvoiceInfo5
* jgzzInvoiceInfo24
* jgzzInvoiceInfo13
* jgzzInvoiceInfo15
* lastUpdateDate
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* jgzzInvoiceInfo10
* jgzzInvoiceInfo17
* jgzzAttributeCategory
* invoiceId
* jgzzInvoiceInfo30
* jgzzInvoiceInfo3
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* jgzzInvoiceInfo28
* jgzzInvoiceInfo12
* jgzzInvoiceInfo20
* lastUpdateLogin
* jgzzInvoiceInfo21
* jgzzInvoiceInfo22
* jgzzInvoiceInfo4
* jgzzInvoiceInfo29
* jgzzInvoiceInfo1
* jgzzInvoiceInfo7
* jgzzInvoiceInfo9
* jgzzInvoiceInfo27
* jgzzInvoiceInfo23
* jgzzInvoiceInfo2
* jgzzInvoiceInfo25
* jgzzInvoiceInfo19


 * dummy


 * dummy


 * dummy


 * dummy


 * jgzzFormatInfo10
* lastUpdateDate
* checkFormatId
* jgzzFormatInfo11
* jgzzFormatInfo18
* jgzzFormatInfo22
* jgzzFormatInfo1
* jgzzFormatInfo8
* jgzzFormatInfo23
* jgzzFormatInfo14
* jgzzFormatInfo12
* jgzzFormatInfo20
* jgzzFormatInfo24
* jgzzFormatInfo2
* jgzzFormatInfo25
* jgzzFormatInfo29
* jgzzFormatInfo27
* jgzzFormatInfo6
* jgzzFormatInfo3
* jgzzFormatInfo4
* lastUpdatedBy
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* jgzzFormatInfo28
* jgzzFormatInfo7
* jgzzFormatInfo16
* jgzzFormatInfo30
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* jgzzFormatInfo21
* jgzzFormatInfo9
* jgzzAttributeCategory
* lastUpdateLogin
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* jgzzFormatInfo12
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* jgzzFormatInfo24
* jgzzFormatInfo2
* jgzzFormatInfo25
* jgzzFormatInfo29
* jgzzFormatInfo27
* jgzzFormatInfo6
* jgzzFormatInfo3
* jgzzFormatInfo4
* lastUpdatedBy
* jgzzFormatInfo26
* jgzzFormatInfo28
* jgzzFormatInfo7
* jgzzFormatInfo16
* jgzzFormatInfo30
* jgzzFormatInfo13
* jgzzFormatInfo21
* jgzzFormatInfo9
* jgzzAttributeCategory
* lastUpdateLogin
* jgzzFormatInfo17
* jgzzFormatInfo15
* jgzzFormatInfo19
* createdBy
* jgzzFormatInfo5
* creationDate


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* jgzzPsInfo14
* jgzzPsInfo4
* jgzzPsInfo23
* jgzzPsInfo6
* jgzzPsInfo11
* jgzzPsInfo22
* jgzzPsInfo26
* jgzzPsInfo12
* jgzzPsInfo1
* jgzzPsInfo13
* jgzzPsInfo27
* lastUpdateDate
* jgzzPsInfo2
* invoiceId
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* createdBy
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* lastUpdatedBy
* jgzzPsInfo5
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* jgzzPsInfo17
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* jgzzPsInfo16
* jgzzPsInfo25
* jgzzPsInfo28
* jgzzPsInfo19
* jgzzPsInfo24
* jgzzPsInfo20
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* jgzzPsInfo18
* lastUpdateLogin
* jgzzAttributeCategory
* jgzzPsInfo21
* jgzzPsInfo30
* jgzzPsInfo15
* jgzzPsInfo10
* jgzzPsInfo7


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* jgzzPsInfo14
* jgzzPsInfo4
* jgzzPsInfo23
* jgzzPsInfo6
* jgzzPsInfo11
* jgzzPsInfo22
* jgzzPsInfo26
* jgzzPsInfo12
* jgzzPsInfo1
* jgzzPsInfo13
* jgzzPsInfo27
* lastUpdateDate
* jgzzPsInfo2
* invoiceId
* jgzzPsInfo29
* createdBy
* jgzzPsInfo3
* lastUpdatedBy
* jgzzPsInfo5
* jgzzPsInfo8
* jgzzPsInfo17
* creationDate
* jgzzPsInfo16
* jgzzPsInfo25
* jgzzPsInfo28
* jgzzPsInfo19
* jgzzPsInfo24
* jgzzPsInfo20
* jgzzPsInfo9
* jgzzPsInfo18
* lastUpdateLogin
* jgzzAttributeCategory
* jgzzPsInfo21
* jgzzPsInfo30
* jgzzPsInfo15
* jgzzPsInfo10
* jgzzPsInfo7


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* jgzzSystemInfo20
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* jgzzSystemInfo4
* jgzzSystemInfo15
* jgzzSystemInfo22
* jgzzSystemInfo21
* jgzzSystemInfo11
* jgzzSystemInfo23
* jgzzSystemInfo19
* jgzzSystemInfo17
* jgzzSystemInfo28
* jgzzSystemInfo25
* jgzzSystemInfo29
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* jgzzSystemInfo14
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* jgzzSystemInfo1
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* jgzzSystemInfo12
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* jgzzSystemInfo30
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* jgzzSystemInfo7
* jgzzCountryCode
* jgzzSystemInfo26
* jgzzSystemInfo9
* jgzzSystemInfo16
* jgzzSystemInfo8
* jgzzSystemInfo3
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* jgzzSystemInfo5
* jgzzSystemInfo6


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* jgzzSystemInfo20
* createdBy
* jgzzSystemInfo24
* creationDate
* jgzzSystemInfo4
* jgzzSystemInfo15
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* jgzzSystemInfo21
* jgzzSystemInfo11
* jgzzSystemInfo23
* jgzzSystemInfo19
* jgzzSystemInfo17
* jgzzSystemInfo28
* jgzzSystemInfo25
* jgzzSystemInfo29
* jgzzSystemInfo13
* jgzzSystemInfo14
* orgId
* jgzzSystemInfo1
* lastUpdateDate
* jgzzSystemInfo18
* jgzzSystemInfo12
* jgzzEftType
* jgzzSystemInfo30
* jgzzSystemInfo27
* jgzzSystemInfo2
* jgzzSystemInfo10
* jgzzSystemInfo7
* jgzzCountryCode
* jgzzSystemInfo26
* jgzzSystemInfo9
* jgzzSystemInfo16
* jgzzSystemInfo8
* jgzzSystemInfo3
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* jgzzSystemInfo5
* jgzzSystemInfo6


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* jgzzEftType
* createdBy
* lastUpdatedBy
* creationDate
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* orgId
* sourceLang
* language
* lastUpdateDate


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* jgzzEftType
* createdBy
* lastUpdatedBy
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* jgzzCountryCode
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* sourceLang
* language
* lastUpdateDate


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* jgzzSiteInfo28
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* jgzzSiteInfo3
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* jgzzSiteInfo26
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* lastUpdatedBy
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* lastUpdateDate
* jgzzSiteInfo6
* jgzzSiteInfo9
* jgzzSiteInfo19
* jgzzSiteInfo16
* jgzzSiteInfo11
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* jgzzSiteInfo5
* jgzzSiteInfo2
* jgzzSiteInfo4
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* jgzzSiteInfo25
* jgzzSiteInfo28
* jgzzSiteInfo1
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* sourceType
* maximumOrderQuantity
* fixedLotMultiplier
* volDiscountExemptFlag
* unearnedRevenueCr
* expenseBillableFlag
* numBaseAttribute3
* contractItemTypeCode
* maxMinmaxQuantity
* overrunPercentage
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* preprocessingLeadTime
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* textBaseAttribute90
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* numBaseAttribute64
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* recoveredPartDispCode
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* textBaseAttribute70
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* textBaseAttribute86
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* workPhone
* textBaseAttribute5
* overcompletionToleranceValue
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* programUpdateDate
* createdBy
* rn


 * creationDate
* organizationId
* visitId
* programApplicationId
* lastUpdatedBy
* requestId
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdateDate
* programId
* programUpdateDate
* createdBy
* rn


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* programApplicationId
* lastUpdateLogin
* requestId
* programUpdateDate
* rn
* lastUpdatedBy
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* organizationId
* creationDate
* createdBy
* lastUpdateDate


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* programApplicationId
* lastUpdateLogin
* requestId
* programUpdateDate
* rn
* lastUpdatedBy
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* organizationId
* creationDate
* createdBy
* lastUpdateDate


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* programApplicationId
* createdBy
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* requestId
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* lastUpdatedBy
* rn
* billSequenceId
* programUpdateDate
* programId


 * creationDate
* programApplicationId
* createdBy
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* requestId
* organizationId
* lastUpdatedBy
* rn
* billSequenceId
* programUpdateDate
* programId


 * createdBy
* wipEntityId
* creationDate
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* organizationId
* rn


 * createdBy
* wipEntityId
* creationDate
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* organizationId
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* lastUpdatedBy
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* programUpdateDate
* organizationId
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* programApplicationId
* bcodLineId
* lastUpdatedBy
* createdBy
* oeLineId
* programUpdateDate
* organizationId
* headerId
* rn


 * lastUpdateLogin
* createdBy
* programApplicationId
* organizationId
* requestId
* lastUpdateDate
* programUpdateDate
* creationDate
* demandId
* lastUpdatedBy
* rn
* reservationType
* programId


 * lastUpdateLogin
* createdBy
* programApplicationId
* organizationId
* requestId
* lastUpdateDate
* programUpdateDate
* creationDate
* demandId
* lastUpdatedBy
* rn
* reservationType
* programId


 * programId
* programApplicationId
* requestId
* lastUpdatedBy
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* lastUpdateDate
* createdBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* rn
* creationDate
* departmentId
* programUpdateDate


 * programId
* programApplicationId
* requestId
* lastUpdatedBy
* resourceId
* lastUpdateDate
* createdBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* rn
* creationDate
* departmentId
* programUpdateDate


 * lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* programId
* createdBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* requestId
* wjsNetQtyFlag
* wipEntityId
* programUpdateDate
* wjsMpsNetQtyFlag
* programApplicationId
* jobType
* rn
* organizationId
* creationDate


 * lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* programId
* createdBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* requestId
* wjsNetQtyFlag
* wipEntityId
* programUpdateDate
* wjsMpsNetQtyFlag
* programApplicationId
* jobType
* rn
* organizationId
* creationDate


 * programUpdateDate
* organizationId
* createdBy
* lastUpdatedBy
* requestId
* creationDate
* lastUpdateDate
* programApplicationId
* programId
* assetRebuildItemId
* lastUpdateLogin
* rn
* assetActivityId


 * programUpdateDate
* organizationId
* createdBy
* lastUpdatedBy
* requestId
* creationDate
* lastUpdateDate
* programApplicationId
* programId
* assetRebuildItemId
* lastUpdateLogin
* rn
* assetActivityId


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* assetGroupItemId
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* programId
* equipmentItemId
* lastUpdateLogin
* programApplicationId
* assetActivityId
* creationDate
* requestId
* rn
* organizationId
* createdBy
* assetNumberId


 * programUpdateDate
* assetGroupItemId
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* programId
* equipmentItemId
* lastUpdateLogin
* programApplicationId
* assetActivityId
* creationDate
* requestId
* rn
* organizationId
* createdBy
* assetNumberId


 * organizationId
* lastUpdateDate
* programUpdateDate
* createdBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* programId
* forecastId
* lastUpdatedBy
* rn
* requestId
* creationDate
* programApplicationId


 * organizationId
* lastUpdateDate
* programUpdateDate
* createdBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* programId
* forecastId
* lastUpdatedBy
* rn
* requestId
* creationDate
* programApplicationId


 * lastUpdateLogin
* programId
* wipEntityId
* rn
* requestId
* lastUpdatedBy
* programUpdateDate
* organizationId
* programApplicationId
* createdBy
* lastUpdateDate
* creationDate
* forecastId


 * lastUpdateLogin
* programId
* wipEntityId
* rn
* requestId
* lastUpdatedBy
* programUpdateDate
* organizationId
* programApplicationId
* createdBy
* lastUpdateDate
* creationDate
* forecastId


 * woRelationshipId
* rn
* creationDate
* childWipEntityId
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* createdBy
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 * woRelationshipId
* rn
* creationDate
* childWipEntityId
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* createdBy
* lastUpdatedBy
* parentWipEntityId
* relationshipType


 * createdBy
* creationDate
* repairPoHeaderId
* wipId
* rn
* lastUpdatedBy
* organizationId
* lastUpdateDate


 * createdBy
* creationDate
* repairPoHeaderId
* wipId
* rn
* lastUpdatedBy
* organizationId
* lastUpdateDate


 * lastUpdateLogin
* createdBy
* wipEntityId
* programId
* wjsNetQtyFlag
* organizationId
* programUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* programApplicationId
* creationDate
* lastUpdateDate
* requestId
* rn


 * lastUpdateLogin
* createdBy
* wipEntityId
* programId
* wjsNetQtyFlag
* organizationId
* programUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* programApplicationId
* creationDate
* lastUpdateDate
* requestId
* rn


 * rn
* creationDate
* createdBy
* transactionId
* lastUpdateDate
* inventoryItemId
* organizationId
* forecastDesignator
* lastUpdatedBy


 * rn
* creationDate
* createdBy
* transactionId
* lastUpdateDate
* inventoryItemId
* organizationId
* forecastDesignator
* lastUpdatedBy


 * forecastDesignator
* lastUpdatedBy
* createdBy
* forecastSet
* creationDate
* rn
* organizationId
* lastUpdateDate


 * forecastDesignator
* lastUpdatedBy
* createdBy
* forecastSet
* creationDate
* rn
* organizationId
* lastUpdateDate


 * lastUpdatedBy
* creationDate
* componentSequenceId
* organizationId
* lastUpdateDate
* programUpdateDate
* programId
* billSequenceId
* createdBy
* rn
* requestId
* programApplicationId
* lastUpdateLogin


 * lastUpdatedBy
* creationDate
* componentSequenceId
* organizationId
* lastUpdateDate
* programUpdateDate
* programId
* billSequenceId
* createdBy
* rn
* requestId
* programApplicationId
* lastUpdateLogin


 * programUpdateDate
* categorySetId
* lastUpdatedBy
* programApplicationId
* lastUpdateLogin
* requestId
* programId
* inventoryItemId
* organizationId
* categoryId
* createdBy
* lastUpdateDate
* creationDate
* rn


 * programUpdateDate
* categorySetId
* lastUpdatedBy
* programApplicationId
* lastUpdateLogin
* requestId
* programId
* inventoryItemId
* organizationId
* categoryId
* createdBy
* lastUpdateDate
* creationDate
* rn


 * organizationId
* relatedItemId
* createdBy
* inventoryItemId
* creationDate
* relationshipTypeId
* rn
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy


 * organizationId
* relatedItemId
* createdBy
* inventoryItemId
* creationDate
* relationshipTypeId
* rn
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy


 * organizationId
* wjsNetQtyFlag
* wipEntityId
* wjsMpsNetQtyFlag
* rn
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* programApplicationId
* requestId
* lastUpdateDate
* fromOpSeqNum
* programUpdateDate
* programId
* creationDate
* toOpSeqNum
* createdBy


 * organizationId
* wjsNetQtyFlag
* wipEntityId
* wjsMpsNetQtyFlag
* rn
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* programApplicationId
* requestId
* lastUpdateDate
* fromOpSeqNum
* programUpdateDate
* programId
* creationDate
* toOpSeqNum
* createdBy


 * lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* rn
* operationSeqNum
* organizationId
* createdBy
* resourceSeqNum
* serialNumber
* lastUpdateLogin
* creationDate
* resInstanceId
* wipEntityId
* entityType
* operationSequenceId


 * lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* rn
* operationSeqNum
* organizationId
* createdBy
* resourceSeqNum
* serialNumber
* lastUpdateLogin
* creationDate
* resInstanceId
* wipEntityId
* entityType
* operationSequenceId


 * rn
* createdBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* wjsNetQtyFlag
* programUpdateDate
* resourceSeqNum
* wjsMpsNetQtyFlag
* creationDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* requestId
* programApplicationId
* wipEntityId
* operationSeqNum
* organizationId
* lastUpdateDate
* programId


 * rn
* createdBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* wjsNetQtyFlag
* programUpdateDate
* resourceSeqNum
* wjsMpsNetQtyFlag
* creationDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* requestId
* programApplicationId
* wipEntityId
* operationSeqNum
* organizationId
* lastUpdateDate
* programId


 * organizationId
* wjsMpsNetQtyFlag
* creationDate
* requestId
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdatedBy
* wipEntityId
* lastUpdateDate
* operationSeqNum
* programId
* rn
* wjsNetQtyFlag
* programApplicationId
* programUpdateDate
* createdBy


 * organizationId
* wjsMpsNetQtyFlag
* creationDate
* requestId
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdatedBy
* wipEntityId
* lastUpdateDate
* operationSeqNum
* programId
* rn
* wjsNetQtyFlag
* programApplicationId
* programUpdateDate
* createdBy


 * lastUpdatedBy
* createdBy
* operationSeqNum
* sourcePhantomId
* wjsMpsNetQtyFlag
* lastUpdateLogin
* programId
* componentItemId
* programUpdateDate
* rn
* primaryComponentId
* wjsNetQtyFlag
* wipEntityId
* organizationId
* requestId
* creationDate
* programApplicationId
* lastUpdateDate


 * lastUpdatedBy
* createdBy
* operationSeqNum
* sourcePhantomId
* wjsMpsNetQtyFlag
* lastUpdateLogin
* programId
* componentItemId
* programUpdateDate
* rn
* primaryComponentId
* wjsNetQtyFlag
* wipEntityId
* organizationId
* requestId
* creationDate
* programApplicationId
* lastUpdateDate


 * visitId
* programId
* programUpdateDate
* rn
* createdBy
* milestone
* lastUpdateLogin
* organizationId
* lastUpdatedBy
* creationDate
* requestId
* programApplicationId
* lastUpdateDate


 * visitId
* programId
* programUpdateDate
* rn
* createdBy
* milestone
* lastUpdateLogin
* organizationId
* lastUpdatedBy
* creationDate
* requestId
* programApplicationId
* lastUpdateDate


 * transactionActionId
* rcvTransactionId
* lastUpdatedBy
* primaryQuantity
* transactionSourceTypeId
* requestId
* taskId
* owningOrganizationId
* planningTpType
* programId
* lastUpdateDate
* transactionSourceId
* programApplicationId
* transactionId
* lastUpdateLogin
* planningOrganizationId
* programUpdateDate
* creationDate
* owningTpType
* createdBy
* projectId
* inventoryItemId
* endItemUnitNumber
* postingFlag
* subinventoryCode
* organizationId
* rn


 * transactionActionId
* rcvTransactionId
* lastUpdatedBy
* primaryQuantity
* transactionSourceTypeId
* requestId
* taskId
* owningOrganizationId
* planningTpType
* programId
* lastUpdateDate
* transactionSourceId
* programApplicationId
* transactionId
* lastUpdateLogin
* planningOrganizationId
* programUpdateDate
* creationDate
* owningTpType
* createdBy
* projectId
* inventoryItemId
* endItemUnitNumber
* postingFlag
* subinventoryCode
* organizationId
* rn


 * requestId
* organizationId
* transactionQuantity
* lastUpdateLogin
* subinventoryCode
* createdBy
* programApplicationId
* lotNumber
* creationDate
* programUpdateDate
* projectId
* lastUpdatedBy
* planningTpType
* programId
* rn
* snapRowOldrn
* lastUpdateDate
* inventoryItemId
* taskId
* owningOrganizationId
* planningOrganizationId
* owningTpType
* locatorId
* transactionId


 * requestId
* organizationId
* transactionQuantity
* lastUpdateLogin
* subinventoryCode
* createdBy
* programApplicationId
* lotNumber
* creationDate
* programUpdateDate
* projectId
* lastUpdatedBy
* planningTpType
* programId
* rn
* snapRowOldrn
* lastUpdateDate
* inventoryItemId
* taskId
* owningOrganizationId
* planningOrganizationId
* owningTpType
* locatorId
* transactionId


 * lastUpdateDate
* programId
* programApplicationId
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* billSequenceId
* assemblyItemId
* rn
* organizationId
* lastUpdatedBy
* programUpdateDate
* operationSequenceId
* createdBy
* requestId
* routingSequenceId
* componentSequenceId


 * lastUpdateDate
* programId
* programApplicationId
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* billSequenceId
* assemblyItemId
* rn
* organizationId
* lastUpdatedBy
* programUpdateDate
* operationSequenceId
* createdBy
* requestId
* routingSequenceId
* componentSequenceId


 * lastUpdateLogin
* cummulativePct
* createdBy
* lastUpdatedBy
* planningPct
* disableDate
* transitionType
* originalSystemReference
* toOpSeqId
* lastUpdateDate
* organizationId
* effectivityDate
* rn
* creationDate
* fromOpSeqId


 * lastUpdateLogin
* cummulativePct
* createdBy
* lastUpdatedBy
* planningPct
* disableDate
* transitionType
* originalSystemReference
* toOpSeqId
* lastUpdateDate
* organizationId
* effectivityDate
* rn
* creationDate
* fromOpSeqId


 * creationDate
* substituteGroupNum
* organizationId
* lastUpdatedBy
* routingSequenceId
* lastUpdateLogin
* programApplicationId
* lastUpdateDate
* rn
* operationSequenceId
* createdBy
* scheduleSeqNum
* resourceId
* requestId
* principalFlag
* programId
* programUpdateDate
* resourceSeqNum


 * creationDate
* substituteGroupNum
* organizationId
* lastUpdatedBy
* routingSequenceId
* lastUpdateLogin
* programApplicationId
* lastUpdateDate
* rn
* operationSequenceId
* createdBy
* scheduleSeqNum
* resourceId
* requestId
* principalFlag
* programId
* programUpdateDate
* resourceSeqNum


 * lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdatedBy
* requestId
* rn
* lastUpdateDate
* programApplicationId
* creationDate
* programId
* programUpdateDate
* createdBy
* organizationId
* operationSequenceId
* routingSequenceId


 * lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdatedBy
* requestId
* rn
* lastUpdateDate
* programApplicationId
* creationDate
* programId
* programUpdateDate
* createdBy
* organizationId
* operationSequenceId
* routingSequenceId


 * programUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* createdBy
* operationSequenceId
* routingSequenceId
* lastUpdateDate
* creationDate
* programApplicationId
* rn
* requestId
* programId
* organizationId


 * programUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* createdBy
* operationSequenceId
* routingSequenceId
* lastUpdateDate
* creationDate
* programApplicationId
* rn
* requestId
* programId
* organizationId


 * lastUpdateDate
* createdBy
* atoLineId
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* programUpdateDate
* organizationId
* lastUpdatedBy
* requestId
* programId
* rn
* lineId
* programApplicationId


 * lastUpdateDate
* createdBy
* atoLineId
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* programUpdateDate
* organizationId
* lastUpdatedBy
* requestId
* programId
* rn
* lineId
* programApplicationId


 * billSequenceId
* creationDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* programApplicationId
* lineId
* programUpdateDate
* organizationId
* requestId
* createdBy
* rn
* inventoryItemId
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* programId
* routingSequenceId


 * billSequenceId
* creationDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* programApplicationId
* lineId
* programUpdateDate
* organizationId
* requestId
* createdBy
* rn
* inventoryItemId
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* programId
* routingSequenceId


 * inventoryItemId
* programId
* wipEntityId
* repetitiveScheduleId
* organizationId
* requestId
* rn
* lastUpdateDate
* programApplicationId
* lastUpdatedBy
* operationSeqNum
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* programUpdateDate
* createdBy


 * inventoryItemId
* programId
* wipEntityId
* repetitiveScheduleId
* organizationId
* requestId
* rn
* lastUpdateDate
* programApplicationId
* lastUpdatedBy
* operationSeqNum
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* programUpdateDate
* createdBy


 * repetitiveScheduleId
* rn
* requestId
* lastUpdateLogin
* programId
* createdBy
* lastUpdateDate
* programUpdateDate
* programApplicationId
* lastUpdatedBy
* creationDate
* organizationId


 * repetitiveScheduleId
* rn
* requestId
* lastUpdateLogin
* programId
* createdBy
* lastUpdateDate
* programUpdateDate
* programApplicationId
* lastUpdatedBy
* creationDate
* organizationId


 * createdBy
* programApplicationId
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* repetitiveScheduleId
* creationDate
* requestId
* lastUpdateLogin
* programId
* programUpdateDate
* rn


 * createdBy
* programApplicationId
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* repetitiveScheduleId
* creationDate
* requestId
* lastUpdateLogin
* programId
* programUpdateDate
* rn


 * lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdatedBy
* fromTime
* lastUpdateDate
* fromDate
* rn
* toTime
* programId
* createdBy
* departmentId
* shiftNum
* programApplicationId
* resourceId
* actionType
* creationDate
* requestId
* toDate
* programUpdateDate
* simulationSet


 * lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdatedBy
* fromTime
* lastUpdateDate
* fromDate
* rn
* toTime
* programId
* createdBy
* departmentId
* shiftNum
* programApplicationId
* resourceId
* actionType
* creationDate
* requestId
* toDate
* programUpdateDate
* simulationSet


 * shiftNum
* resInstanceId
* lastUpdateDate
* serialNumber
* createdBy
* fromTime
* departmentId
* resourceId
* creationDate
* rn
* toDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* toTime
* actionType
* simulationSet
* fromDate
* lastUpdateLogin


 * shiftNum
* resInstanceId
* lastUpdateDate
* serialNumber
* createdBy
* fromTime
* departmentId
* resourceId
* creationDate
* rn
* toDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* toTime
* actionType
* simulationSet
* fromDate
* lastUpdateLogin


 * creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* rn
* serialNumber
* lastUpdateDate
* jobType
* resourceSeqNum
* organizationId
* lastUpdatedBy
* entityType
* operationSequenceId
* operationSeqNum
* resInstanceId
* wipEntityId
* createdBy


 * creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* rn
* serialNumber
* lastUpdateDate
* jobType
* resourceSeqNum
* organizationId
* lastUpdatedBy
* entityType
* operationSequenceId
* operationSeqNum
* resInstanceId
* wipEntityId
* createdBy


 * order2OrganizationId
* createdBy
* order1OrganizationId
* order1InventoryItemId
* lastUpdateDate
* reservedQuantity
* lastUpdatedBy
* order2Type
* creationDate
* order1Type
* order2Id
* order2InventoryItemId
* order1Id
* reservationType
* rn


 * order2OrganizationId
* createdBy
* order1OrganizationId
* order1InventoryItemId
* lastUpdateDate
* reservedQuantity
* lastUpdatedBy
* order2Type
* creationDate
* order1Type
* order2Id
* order2InventoryItemId
* order1Id
* reservationType
* rn


 * jobType
* operationSeqNum
* programUpdateDate
* rn
* requestId
* programApplicationId
* wipEntityId
* creationDate
* organizationId
* cummulativeQuantity
* operationSequenceId
* programId
* resourceSeqNum
* entityType
* lastUpdatedBy
* wjsMpsNetQtyFlag
* lastUpdateLogin
* createdBy
* lastUpdateDate
* wjsNetQtyFlag


 * jobType
* operationSeqNum
* programUpdateDate
* rn
* requestId
* programApplicationId
* wipEntityId
* creationDate
* organizationId
* cummulativeQuantity
* operationSequenceId
* programId
* resourceSeqNum
* entityType
* lastUpdatedBy
* wjsMpsNetQtyFlag
* lastUpdateLogin
* createdBy
* lastUpdateDate
* wjsNetQtyFlag


 * lastUpdatedBy
* mpsTransactionId
* createdBy
* supplyDemandType
* programUpdateDate
* scheduleOriginationType
* rn
* organizationId
* creationDate
* lastUpdateDate
* requestId
* inventoryItemId
* programApplicationId
* programId
* lastUpdateLogin


 * lastUpdatedBy
* mpsTransactionId
* createdBy
* supplyDemandType
* programUpdateDate
* scheduleOriginationType
* rn
* organizationId
* creationDate
* lastUpdateDate
* requestId
* inventoryItemId
* programApplicationId
* programId
* lastUpdateLogin


 * aslId
* lastUpdatedBy
* fromDate
* requestId
* lastUpdateDate
* usingOrganizationId
* createdBy
* programApplicationId
* rn
* lastUpdateLogin
* programUpdateDate
* programId
* creationDate


 * aslId
* lastUpdatedBy
* fromDate
* requestId
* lastUpdateDate
* usingOrganizationId
* createdBy
* programApplicationId
* rn
* lastUpdateLogin
* programUpdateDate
* programId
* creationDate


 * rn
* lastUpdateDate
* organizationId
* createdBy
* programId
* creationDate
* programUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* billSequenceId
* requestId
* componentSequenceId
* programApplicationId
* substituteComponentId


 * rn
* lastUpdateDate
* organizationId
* createdBy
* programId
* creationDate
* programUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* billSequenceId
* requestId
* componentSequenceId
* programApplicationId
* substituteComponentId


 * programApplicationId
* lastUpdateDate
* resourceSeqNum
* principalFlag
* operationSequenceId
* programUpdateDate
* organizationId
* substituteGroupNum
* creationDate
* scheduleSeqNum
* resourceId
* lastUpdatedBy
* routingSequenceId
* requestId
* alternateNumber
* rn
* createdBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* programId


 * programApplicationId
* lastUpdateDate
* resourceSeqNum
* principalFlag
* operationSequenceId
* programUpdateDate
* organizationId
* substituteGroupNum
* creationDate
* scheduleSeqNum
* resourceId
* lastUpdatedBy
* routingSequenceId
* requestId
* alternateNumber
* rn
* createdBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* programId


 * currOpSeqId
* transactionId
* supplyTypeCode
* programApplicationId
* createdBy
* rn
* requestId
* organizationId
* programUpdateDate
* lastUpdateDate
* supplySourceId
* creationDate
* inventoryItemId
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdatedBy
* programId


 * currOpSeqId
* transactionId
* supplyTypeCode
* programApplicationId
* createdBy
* rn
* requestId
* organizationId
* programUpdateDate
* lastUpdateDate
* supplySourceId
* creationDate
* inventoryItemId
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdatedBy
* programId


 * stopId
* rn


 * stopId
* rn


 * tripId
* rn


 * tripId
* rn


 * taskId
* txnSourceId
* createdBy
* programApplicationId
* programId
* planningTpType
* owningTpType
* planningOrganizationId
* creationDate
* programUpdateDate
* rn
* lastUpdateLogin
* owningOrganizationId
* primaryQuantity
* projectId
* transactionTypeId
* inventoryItemId
* headerId
* transactionSourceTypeId
* organizationId
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateDate
* requestId


 * taskId
* txnSourceId
* createdBy
* programApplicationId
* programId
* planningTpType
* owningTpType
* planningOrganizationId
* creationDate
* programUpdateDate
* rn
* lastUpdateLogin
* owningOrganizationId
* primaryQuantity
* projectId
* transactionTypeId
* inventoryItemId
* headerId
* transactionSourceTypeId
* organizationId
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateDate
* requestId


 * transactionId
* programId
* organizationId
* createdBy
* lastUpdatedBy
* programApplicationId
* lastUpdateLogin
* rn
* lastUpdateDate
* programUpdateDate
* creationDate
* requestId


 * transactionId
* programId
* organizationId
* createdBy
* lastUpdatedBy
* programApplicationId
* lastUpdateLogin
* rn
* lastUpdateDate
* programUpdateDate
* creationDate
* requestId


 * lastUpdateDate
* programApplicationId
* createdBy
* rn
* programUpdateDate
* transactionId
* requestId
* lastUpdatedBy
* programId
* organizationId
* lastUpdateLogin
* creationDate


 * lastUpdateDate
* programApplicationId
* createdBy
* rn
* programUpdateDate
* transactionId
* requestId
* lastUpdatedBy
* programId
* organizationId
* lastUpdateLogin
* creationDate


 * operationSeqNum
* lastUpdateLogin
* operationSequenceId
* organizationId
* stMpsNetFlag
* wjsNetQtyFlag
* creationDate
* programUpdateDate
* requestId
* wipEntityId
* wjsMpsNetQtyFlag
* createdBy
* rn
* lastUpdateDate
* mrpNetFlag
* stNmpsFlag
* inventoryItemId
* lastUpdatedBy
* nstNmpsFlag
* entityType
* programId
* nstMpsFlag
* stMpsFlag
* programApplicationId
* jobType


 * operationSeqNum
* lastUpdateLogin
* operationSequenceId
* organizationId
* stMpsNetFlag
* wjsNetQtyFlag
* creationDate
* programUpdateDate
* requestId
* wipEntityId
* wjsMpsNetQtyFlag
* createdBy
* rn
* lastUpdateDate
* mrpNetFlag
* stNmpsFlag
* inventoryItemId
* lastUpdatedBy
* nstNmpsFlag
* entityType
* programId
* nstMpsFlag
* stMpsFlag
* programApplicationId
* jobType


 * wipEntityId
* nstMpsFlag
* inventoryItemId
* wjsNetQtyFlag
* stMpsFlag
* lastUpdatedBy
* requestId
* stMpsNetFlag
* lastUpdateLogin
* programApplicationId
* programId
* wjsMpsNetQtyFlag
* stNmpsFlag
* entityType
* operationSequenceId
* rn
* jobType
* lastUpdateDate
* mrpNetFlag
* createdBy
* nstNmpsFlag
* operationSeqNum
* programUpdateDate
* organizationId
* creationDate


 * wipEntityId
* nstMpsFlag
* inventoryItemId
* wjsNetQtyFlag
* stMpsFlag
* lastUpdatedBy
* requestId
* stMpsNetFlag
* lastUpdateLogin
* programApplicationId
* programId
* wjsMpsNetQtyFlag
* stNmpsFlag
* entityType
* operationSequenceId
* rn
* jobType
* lastUpdateDate
* mrpNetFlag
* createdBy
* nstNmpsFlag
* operationSeqNum
* programUpdateDate
* organizationId
* creationDate


 * rn
* creationDate
* programApplicationId
* programUpdateDate
* createdBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdateDate
* lineId
* lastUpdatedBy
* requestId
* programId


 * rn
* creationDate
* programApplicationId
* programUpdateDate
* createdBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdateDate
* lineId
* lastUpdatedBy
* requestId
* programId


 * programId
* toOpSeqNum
* organizationId
* requestId
* rn
* fromOpSeqNum
* programUpdateDate
* programApplicationId
* createdBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* workorderId
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* creationDate


 * programId
* toOpSeqNum
* organizationId
* requestId
* rn
* fromOpSeqNum
* programUpdateDate
* programApplicationId
* createdBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* workorderId
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* creationDate


 * requestId
* programApplicationId
* programUpdateDate
* rn
* creationDate
* organizationId
* createdBy
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* programId
* taskLinkId


 * requestId
* programApplicationId
* programUpdateDate
* rn
* creationDate
* organizationId
* createdBy
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* programId
* taskLinkId


 * priorOperation
* rn
* wipEntityId
* organizationId
* lastUpdateDate
* nextOperation
* createdBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdatedBy
* creationDate


 * priorOperation
* rn
* wipEntityId
* organizationId
* lastUpdateDate
* nextOperation
* createdBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdatedBy
* creationDate


 * lastUpdateDate
* programApplicationId
* lastUpdatedBy
* requestId
* resourceSeqNum
* programId
* createdBy
* rn
* programUpdateDate
* operationSeqNum
* lastUpdateLogin
* wipEntityId
* repetitiveScheduleId
* creationDate


 * lastUpdateDate
* programApplicationId
* lastUpdatedBy
* requestId
* resourceSeqNum
* programId
* createdBy
* rn
* programUpdateDate
* operationSeqNum
* lastUpdateLogin
* wipEntityId
* repetitiveScheduleId
* creationDate


 * programId
* operationSequenceId
* lastUpdateDate
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* createdBy
* wjsNetQtyFlag
* wjsMpsNetQtyFlag
* requestId
* resourceSeqNum
* wipEntityId
* organizationId
* programApplicationId
* rn
* lastUpdatedBy
* operationSeqNum
* programUpdateDate
* entityType


 * programId
* operationSequenceId
* lastUpdateDate
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* createdBy
* wjsNetQtyFlag
* wjsMpsNetQtyFlag
* requestId
* resourceSeqNum
* wipEntityId
* organizationId
* programApplicationId
* rn
* lastUpdatedBy
* operationSeqNum
* programUpdateDate
* entityType


 * programUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* programId
* programApplicationId
* lastUpdateDate
* operationSeqNum
* creationDate
* requestId
* rn
* wipEntityId
* repetitiveScheduleId
* createdBy
* lastUpdateLogin


 * programUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* programId
* programApplicationId
* lastUpdateDate
* operationSeqNum
* creationDate
* requestId
* rn
* wipEntityId
* repetitiveScheduleId
* createdBy
* lastUpdateLogin


 * repetitiveScheduleId
* programApplicationId
* requestId
* programUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* programId
* inventoryItemId
* creationDate
* createdBy
* wipEntityId
* lastUpdateDate
* rn
* operationSeqNum


 * repetitiveScheduleId
* programApplicationId
* requestId
* programUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* programId
* inventoryItemId
* creationDate
* createdBy
* wipEntityId
* lastUpdateDate
* rn
* operationSeqNum


 * firmPlanStatusType
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUnitStartDate
* firstUnitCompletionDate
* compileDesignator
* minimumFirmRate
* creationDate
* inventoryItemId
* processingDays
* dailyRate
* createdBy
* organizationId
* requestId
* programApplicationId
* programId
* firstUnitStartDate
* programUpdateDate
* taskId
* revision
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUnitCompletionDate
* projectId
* lastUpdatedBy


 * firmPlanStatusType
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUnitStartDate
* firstUnitCompletionDate
* compileDesignator
* minimumFirmRate
* creationDate
* inventoryItemId
* processingDays
* dailyRate
* createdBy
* organizationId
* requestId
* programApplicationId
* programId
* firstUnitStartDate
* programUpdateDate
* taskId
* revision
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUnitCompletionDate
* projectId
* lastUpdatedBy


 * createdBy
* orValues
* lastUpdateDate
* fieldName
* folderId
* lastUpdateLogin
* sequence
* lastUpdatedBy
* hiddenValues
* creationDate


 * createdBy
* orValues
* lastUpdateDate
* fieldName
* folderId
* lastUpdateLogin
* sequence
* lastUpdatedBy
* hiddenValues
* creationDate


 * mrpBisAvDiscount
* stagingCopyEnabled
* instanceId
* mrpBisPriceList
* mscAltOpRes
* allowReleaseFlag
* msoSupCapPenalty
* mscBatchableFlag
* msoOrgDmdPenalty
* mscMaxCapacity
* lastUpdateLogin
* crpSpreadLoad
* lastUpdateDate
* msoOrgItemPenalty
* creationDate
* mscSimulResSeq
* msoItemCapPenalty
* msoSoPenalty
* mscFcstPriorityFlexNum
* mscMinCapacity
* itemNameFromKfv
* msoResPenalty
* a2mDblink
* mrpShipArriveFlag
* lastUpdatedBy
* mscBomSubstPriority
* mscUnitOfMeasure
* mscAggregResName
* mscAltBomCost
* allowAtpFlag
* collStatus
* validationOrgId
* mscBatchingWindow
* bomHourUomCode
* msoFcstPenalty
* mscDmdPriorityFlexNum
* mscAltResPriority
* m2aDblink
* snStatus
* mrpMpsConsumption
* msoItemDmdPenalty
* stagingCopyComplete
* msoOrgTrspPenalty
* createdBy
* lrd
* instanceCode
* mscSoOffsetDays
* msoOrgResPenalty
* rpSourceInd
* lrn
* msoTrspPenalty


 * mrpBisAvDiscount
* stagingCopyEnabled
* instanceId
* mrpBisPriceList
* mscAltOpRes
* allowReleaseFlag
* msoSupCapPenalty
* mscBatchableFlag
* msoOrgDmdPenalty
* mscMaxCapacity
* lastUpdateLogin
* crpSpreadLoad
* lastUpdateDate
* msoOrgItemPenalty
* creationDate
* mscSimulResSeq
* msoItemCapPenalty
* msoSoPenalty
* mscFcstPriorityFlexNum
* mscMinCapacity
* itemNameFromKfv
* msoResPenalty
* a2mDblink
* mrpShipArriveFlag
* lastUpdatedBy
* mscBomSubstPriority
* mscUnitOfMeasure
* mscAggregResName
* mscAltBomCost
* allowAtpFlag
* collStatus
* validationOrgId
* mscBatchingWindow
* bomHourUomCode
* msoFcstPenalty
* mscDmdPriorityFlexNum
* mscAltResPriority
* m2aDblink
* snStatus
* mrpMpsConsumption
* msoItemDmdPenalty
* stagingCopyComplete
* msoOrgTrspPenalty
* createdBy
* lrd
* instanceCode
* mscSoOffsetDays
* msoOrgResPenalty
* rpSourceInd
* lrn
* msoTrspPenalty


 * operationOffsetPercent
* programApplicationId
* organizationId
* requestId
* programId
* compileDesignator
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdateDate
* usingAssemblyItemId
* operationUsageQuantity
* creationDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* programUpdateDate
* optionalComponent
* inventoryItemId
* operationSeqNum
* createdBy
* wipSupplyType


 * operationOffsetPercent
* programApplicationId
* organizationId
* requestId
* programId
* compileDesignator
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdateDate
* usingAssemblyItemId
* operationUsageQuantity
* creationDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* programUpdateDate
* optionalComponent
* inventoryItemId
* operationSeqNum
* createdBy
* wipSupplyType


 * assignmentSetName
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute15
* attributeCategory
* creationDate
* programUpdateDate
* description
* attribute11
* attribute13
* attribute9
* attribute4
* attribute10
* attribute6
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute7
* attribute8
* attribute14
* attribute5
* attribute12
* requestId
* attribute3
* createdBy
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute2
* assignmentSetId
* attribute1
* programId
* programApplicationId


 * assignmentSetName
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute15
* attributeCategory
* creationDate
* programUpdateDate
* description
* attribute11
* attribute13
* attribute9
* attribute4
* attribute10
* attribute6
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute7
* attribute8
* attribute14
* attribute5
* attribute12
* requestId
* attribute3
* createdBy
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute2
* assignmentSetId
* attribute1
* programId
* programApplicationId


 * summaryFlag
* postprocessingLeadTime
* fromOrganizationCode
* class
* atpFlag
* owningDepartmentId
* nonatpFlag
* organizationId
* origCustomerName
* atpRuleId
* volumeUom
* atpComponentFlag
* fromLocationId
* weightUom
* destInvItemId
* unallocatedQuantity
* origDemandClass
* scaleMultiple
* lastUpdateDate
* totalBucketedDemandQuantity
* adjustedCumQuantity
* requestItemId
* uomCode
* variableLeadTime
* supplierSiteName
* adjustedAvailabilityQuantity
* fromOrganizationId
* recordType
* usage
* owningDepartment
* originalItemId
* errorCode
* actualSupplyDemandDate
* creationDate
* roundingDirection
* supplyDemandSourceTypeName
* parentPeggingId
* supplyDemandQuantity
* requiredQuantity
* organizationType
* periodEndDate
* sourceType
* number1
* atpRule
* cumulativeQuantity
* modelSdFlag
* operationSequenceId
* customerId
* intransitCalCode
* backwardForwardQuantity
* organizationCode
* scenarioId
* inventoryItemName
* departmentId
* identifier3
* origRequestDate
* assignedUnits
* backwardQuantity
* roundingControl
* weightCapacity
* originalSupplyDemandType
* scalingType
* supplierName
* actualAllocationPercent
* planId
* toLocationCode
* identifier1
* reverseCumYield
* toOrganizationId
* criticalPath
* substitutionWindow
* sessionId
* processingLeadTime
* customerSiteId
* toOrganizationCode
* char1
* manufacturingCalCode
* supplyDemandDate
* periodQuantity
* baseModelId
* infiniteTimeFence
* identifier2
* componentYieldFactor
* dispositionType
* supplyDemandType
* shipMethod
* preprocessingLeadTime
* allocationPercent
* originalDemandQuantity
* supplyAdjustmentQuantity
* supplierId
* customerSiteName
* origCustomerSiteName
* ptfDate
* constraintDate
* departmentCode
* sourcingRuleName
* shippingCalCode
* resourceId
* peggingType
* dispositionName
* atpLevel
* demandClass
* allocatedQuantity
* efficiency
* fixedLeadTime
* aggregateTimeFenceDate
* createdBy
* demandAdjustmentQuantity
* fromLocationCode
* lastUpdateLogin
* intransitLeadTime
* supplierSiteId
* planName
* scaleRoundingVariance
* orderLineId
* offset
* allocatedSupplyQuantity
* batchFlag
* constraintType
* identifier4
* receivingCalCode
* inventoryItemId
* componentIdentifier
* volumeCapacity
* toLocationId
* baseModelName
* constrainedPath
* allocationRule
* infiniteTimeFenceType
* pfDisplayFlag
* originalDemandDate
* atpRuleName
* totalDemandQuantity
* basisType
* requiredDate
* endPeggingId
* totalSupplyQuantity
* customerName
* supplyDemandSourceType
* receivingOrganizationId
* resourceCode
* constraintFlag
* periodStartDate
* batchableFlag
* requestItemName
* lastUpdatedBy
* utilization
* peggingId
* supplierAtpDate


 * summaryFlag
* postprocessingLeadTime
* fromOrganizationCode
* class
* atpFlag
* owningDepartmentId
* nonatpFlag
* organizationId
* origCustomerName
* atpRuleId
* volumeUom
* atpComponentFlag
* fromLocationId
* weightUom
* destInvItemId
* unallocatedQuantity
* origDemandClass
* scaleMultiple
* lastUpdateDate
* totalBucketedDemandQuantity
* adjustedCumQuantity
* requestItemId
* uomCode
* variableLeadTime
* supplierSiteName
* adjustedAvailabilityQuantity
* fromOrganizationId
* recordType
* usage
* owningDepartment
* originalItemId
* errorCode
* actualSupplyDemandDate
* creationDate
* roundingDirection
* supplyDemandSourceTypeName
* parentPeggingId
* supplyDemandQuantity
* requiredQuantity
* organizationType
* periodEndDate
* sourceType
* number1
* atpRule
* cumulativeQuantity
* modelSdFlag
* operationSequenceId
* customerId
* intransitCalCode
* backwardForwardQuantity
* organizationCode
* scenarioId
* inventoryItemName
* departmentId
* identifier3
* origRequestDate
* assignedUnits
* backwardQuantity
* roundingControl
* weightCapacity
* originalSupplyDemandType
* scalingType
* supplierName
* actualAllocationPercent
* planId
* toLocationCode
* identifier1
* reverseCumYield
* toOrganizationId
* criticalPath
* substitutionWindow
* sessionId
* processingLeadTime
* customerSiteId
* toOrganizationCode
* char1
* manufacturingCalCode
* supplyDemandDate
* periodQuantity
* baseModelId
* infiniteTimeFence
* identifier2
* componentYieldFactor
* dispositionType
* supplyDemandType
* shipMethod
* preprocessingLeadTime
* allocationPercent
* originalDemandQuantity
* supplyAdjustmentQuantity
* supplierId
* customerSiteName
* origCustomerSiteName
* ptfDate
* constraintDate
* departmentCode
* sourcingRuleName
* shippingCalCode
* resourceId
* peggingType
* dispositionName
* atpLevel
* demandClass
* allocatedQuantity
* efficiency
* fixedLeadTime
* aggregateTimeFenceDate
* createdBy
* demandAdjustmentQuantity
* fromLocationCode
* lastUpdateLogin
* intransitLeadTime
* supplierSiteId
* planName
* scaleRoundingVariance
* orderLineId
* offset
* allocatedSupplyQuantity
* batchFlag
* constraintType
* identifier4
* receivingCalCode
* inventoryItemId
* componentIdentifier
* volumeCapacity
* toLocationId
* baseModelName
* constrainedPath
* allocationRule
* infiniteTimeFenceType
* pfDisplayFlag
* originalDemandDate
* atpRuleName
* totalDemandQuantity
* basisType
* requiredDate
* endPeggingId
* totalSupplyQuantity
* customerName
* supplyDemandSourceType
* receivingOrganizationId
* resourceCode
* constraintFlag
* periodStartDate
* batchableFlag
* requestItemName
* lastUpdatedBy
* utilization
* peggingId
* supplierAtpDate


 * fixedLt
* organizationId
* intransitLeadTime
* deliveryLeadTime
* variableLt
* exception5
* exception11
* bomItemType
* wipSupplyType
* firstValidShipArrivalDate
* shipMethodText
* reqItemAvailableDateQty
* sequenceNumber
* insertFlag
* exception14
* promiseDate
* optionNumber
* exception12
* callingModule
* projectId
* orderNumber
* arrivalSetName
* exception3
* quantityOrdered
* arrivalSetId
* endPeggingId
* sessionId
* oldDemandClass
* srInstanceId
* scenarioId
* requestItemName
* availableQtyOrigUom
* latestAcceptableDate
* planId
* customerContact
* cascadeModelInfoToComp
* firmShipDate
* attribute21
* vendorSiteName
* orderLineNumber
* atoParentModelLineId
* statusFlag
* firmSourceOrgCode
* lastUpdateDate
* creationDate
* internalOrgId
* oldSourceOrganizationCode
* shipMethod
* inventoryItemName
* availableQuantity
* exception1
* customerSiteId
* atpFlag
* lastUpdatedBy
* customerCity
* firmSourceOrgId
* inventoryItemId
* sourceOrganizationCode
* createdBy
* partySiteId
* itemDesc
* firmArrivalDate
* exception4
* reqItemDetailFlag
* salesRep
* parentLineId
* action
* customerId
* exception2
* lastUpdateLogin
* uomCode
* taskNumber
* flowStatusCode
* exception15
* topModelLineId
* exception9
* sourceOrganizationId
* exception6
* diagnosticAtpFlag
* exception7
* demandClass
* groupArrivalDate
* customerPostalCode
* groupShipDate
* primaryUom
* demandSourceDelivery
* exception8
* vendorName
* requestedDateQtyOrigUom
* customerState
* projectNumber
* componentCode
* matchItemId
* validationOrg
* vendorId
* mandatoryItemFlag
* reqItemReqDateQty
* atpComponentsFlag
* shipmentNumber
* shipSetName
* atoModelLineId
* oeFlag
* exception13
* firmFlag
* substitutionTypCode
* pickComponentsFlag
* requestItemId
* partOfSet
* customerLocation
* orderLineId
* organizationCode
* componentSequenceId
* destinationTimeZone
* shipSetId
* reqItemAvailableDate
* attribute06
* orderHeaderId
* demandSourceType
* oldSourceOrganizationId
* assignmentSetId
* substFlag
* compileDesignator
* requestedShipDate
* scheduledArrivalDate
* requestedArrivalDate
* customerCountry
* instanceId1
* taskId
* freightCarrier
* scheduledShipDate
* atpLeadTime
* customerName
* exception10
* overrideFlag
* errorMessage
* mdiRowid
* includedItemFlag
* vendorSiteId
* sourceDocId
* originalRequestDate
* errorCode
* requestedDateQuantity
* configItemLineId
* oldLineScheduleDate
* lineNumber
* oldInventoryItemId
* ossErrorCode
* matchedItemName


 * fixedLt
* organizationId
* intransitLeadTime
* deliveryLeadTime
* variableLt
* exception5
* exception11
* bomItemType
* wipSupplyType
* firstValidShipArrivalDate
* shipMethodText
* reqItemAvailableDateQty
* sequenceNumber
* insertFlag
* exception14
* promiseDate
* optionNumber
* exception12
* callingModule
* projectId
* orderNumber
* arrivalSetName
* exception3
* quantityOrdered
* arrivalSetId
* endPeggingId
* sessionId
* oldDemandClass
* srInstanceId
* scenarioId
* requestItemName
* availableQtyOrigUom
* latestAcceptableDate
* planId
* customerContact
* cascadeModelInfoToComp
* firmShipDate
* attribute21
* vendorSiteName
* orderLineNumber
* atoParentModelLineId
* statusFlag
* firmSourceOrgCode
* lastUpdateDate
* creationDate
* internalOrgId
* oldSourceOrganizationCode
* shipMethod
* inventoryItemName
* availableQuantity
* exception1
* customerSiteId
* atpFlag
* lastUpdatedBy
* customerCity
* firmSourceOrgId
* inventoryItemId
* sourceOrganizationCode
* createdBy
* partySiteId
* itemDesc
* firmArrivalDate
* exception4
* reqItemDetailFlag
* salesRep
* parentLineId
* action
* customerId
* exception2
* lastUpdateLogin
* uomCode
* taskNumber
* flowStatusCode
* exception15
* topModelLineId
* exception9
* sourceOrganizationId
* exception6
* diagnosticAtpFlag
* exception7
* demandClass
* groupArrivalDate
* customerPostalCode
* groupShipDate
* primaryUom
* demandSourceDelivery
* exception8
* vendorName
* requestedDateQtyOrigUom
* customerState
* projectNumber
* componentCode
* matchItemId
* validationOrg
* vendorId
* mandatoryItemFlag
* reqItemReqDateQty
* atpComponentsFlag
* shipmentNumber
* shipSetName
* atoModelLineId
* oeFlag
* exception13
* firmFlag
* substitutionTypCode
* pickComponentsFlag
* requestItemId
* partOfSet
* customerLocation
* orderLineId
* organizationCode
* componentSequenceId
* destinationTimeZone
* shipSetId
* reqItemAvailableDate
* attribute06
* orderHeaderId
* demandSourceType
* oldSourceOrganizationId
* assignmentSetId
* substFlag
* compileDesignator
* requestedShipDate
* scheduledArrivalDate
* requestedArrivalDate
* customerCountry
* instanceId1
* taskId
* freightCarrier
* scheduledShipDate
* atpLeadTime
* customerName
* exception10
* overrideFlag
* errorMessage
* mdiRowid
* includedItemFlag
* vendorSiteId
* sourceDocId
* originalRequestDate
* errorCode
* requestedDateQuantity
* configItemLineId
* oldLineScheduleDate
* lineNumber
* oldInventoryItemId
* ossErrorCode
* matchedItemName


 * supplierId
* resourceId
* supplyDemandSourceType
* organizationId
* departmentId
* reservationQuantity
* uom
* volumeCapacity
* sourceIdentifier1
* lastUpdatedBy
* productFamilyItemId
* sourceIdentifier3
* supplyDemandType
* inventoryItemId
* supplyDemandQuantity
* weightCapacity
* toOrganizationId
* volumeUom
* fromOrganizationId
* supplyDemandDate
* sourceIdentifier2
* weightUom
* supplierSiteId
* planId
* createdBy
* lastUpdateDate
* creationDate
* sourceIdentifier4
* demandClass
* shipMethod
* refreshNumber
* fromLocationId
* toLocationId


 * supplierId
* resourceId
* supplyDemandSourceType
* organizationId
* departmentId
* reservationQuantity
* uom
* volumeCapacity
* sourceIdentifier1
* lastUpdatedBy
* productFamilyItemId
* sourceIdentifier3
* supplyDemandType
* inventoryItemId
* supplyDemandQuantity
* weightCapacity
* toOrganizationId
* volumeUom
* fromOrganizationId
* supplyDemandDate
* sourceIdentifier2
* weightUom
* supplierSiteId
* planId
* createdBy
* lastUpdateDate
* creationDate
* sourceIdentifier4
* demandClass
* shipMethod
* refreshNumber
* fromLocationId
* toLocationId


 * whereClause4
* detailWarning
* character2
* lastUpdatedBy
* description
* number2
* userDefined
* number1
* number3
* flexcode1
* fromClause
* createdBy
* character1
* requestId
* creationDate
* summaryWarning
* module
* programUpdateDate
* flexcode2
* whereClause2
* flexcode3
* active
* lastUpdateDate
* whereClause5
* programApplicationId
* lastUpdateLogin
* whereClause3
* error
* statementId
* whereClause1
* character3
* programId


 * whereClause4
* detailWarning
* character2
* lastUpdatedBy
* description
* number2
* userDefined
* number1
* number3
* flexcode1
* fromClause
* createdBy
* character1
* requestId
* creationDate
* summaryWarning
* module
* programUpdateDate
* flexcode2
* whereClause2
* flexcode3
* active
* lastUpdateDate
* whereClause5
* programApplicationId
* lastUpdateLogin
* whereClause3
* error
* statementId
* whereClause1
* character3
* programId


 * lastUpdateLogin
* programId
* status
* updated
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateDate
* inventoryItemId
* requestId
* createdBy
* quantityAvailable
* programApplicationId
* organizationId
* scheduleDate
* transactionId
* compileDesignator
* programUpdateDate
* creationDate


 * lastUpdateLogin
* programId
* status
* updated
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateDate
* inventoryItemId
* requestId
* createdBy
* quantityAvailable
* programApplicationId
* organizationId
* scheduleDate
* transactionId
* compileDesignator
* programUpdateDate
* creationDate


 * createdBy
* usageQuantity
* compileDesignator
* componentSequenceId
* inventoryItemId
* alternateBomDesignator
* lastUpdatedBy
* programId
* lastUpdateDate
* fromEndItemUnitNumber
* organizationId
* operationSeqNum
* programApplicationId
* useUpCode
* operationOffsetPercent
* wipSupplyType
* effectivityDate
* changeNotice
* suggestedEffectivityDate
* creationDate
* usingAssemblyId
* drivingItemId
* disableDate
* optionalComponent
* requestId
* programUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* revision
* toEndItemUnitNumber
* oldEffectivityDate


 * createdBy
* usageQuantity
* compileDesignator
* componentSequenceId
* inventoryItemId
* alternateBomDesignator
* lastUpdatedBy
* programId
* lastUpdateDate
* fromEndItemUnitNumber
* organizationId
* operationSeqNum
* programApplicationId
* useUpCode
* operationOffsetPercent
* wipSupplyType
* effectivityDate
* changeNotice
* suggestedEffectivityDate
* creationDate
* usingAssemblyId
* drivingItemId
* disableDate
* optionalComponent
* requestId
* programUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* revision
* toEndItemUnitNumber
* oldEffectivityDate


 * number1


 * number1


 * programApplicationId
* organizationId
* creationDate
* operationSeqNum
* lastUpdatedBy
* createdBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* usingAssemblyItemId
* itemQuantity
* programUpdateDate
* lastUpdateDate
* inventoryItemId
* programId
* compileDesignator
* requestId
* substituteItemId


 * programApplicationId
* organizationId
* creationDate
* operationSeqNum
* lastUpdatedBy
* createdBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* usingAssemblyItemId
* itemQuantity
* programUpdateDate
* lastUpdateDate
* inventoryItemId
* programId
* compileDesignator
* requestId
* substituteItemId


 * demandHeaderId
* parentDemandId
* primaryUomQuantity
* requirementDate
* demandClass
* completedQuantity
* demandSourceDelivery
* inventoryItemId
* demandSourceType
* organizationId
* demandId
* refreshNumber
* subinventory
* reservationQuantity
* reservationType
* demandSourceLine
* salesContact


 * demandHeaderId
* parentDemandId
* primaryUomQuantity
* requirementDate
* demandClass
* completedQuantity
* demandSourceDelivery
* inventoryItemId
* demandSourceType
* organizationId
* demandId
* refreshNumber
* subinventory
* reservationQuantity
* reservationType
* demandSourceLine
* salesContact


 * attribute5
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute4
* lastUpdateDate
* attributeCategory
* useNewPlanner
* compileDesignator
* attribute12
* drpPlan
* programId
* attribute14
* production
* attribute2
* attribute10
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute3
* attribute8
* disableDate
* attribute11
* attribute9
* requestId
* attribute1
* attribute7
* attribute13
* attribute15
* organizationSelection
* creationDate
* feedbackFlag
* attribute6
* createdBy
* description
* organizationId
* programApplicationId
* programUpdateDate


 * attribute5
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute4
* lastUpdateDate
* attributeCategory
* useNewPlanner
* compileDesignator
* attribute12
* drpPlan
* programId
* attribute14
* production
* attribute2
* attribute10
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute3
* attribute8
* disableDate
* attribute11
* attribute9
* requestId
* attribute1
* attribute7
* attribute13
* attribute15
* organizationSelection
* creationDate
* feedbackFlag
* attribute6
* createdBy
* description
* organizationId
* programApplicationId
* programUpdateDate


 * compileDesignator
* lastUpdatedBy
* endUsage
* programUpdateDate
* inventoryItemId
* usage
* lastUpdateLogin
* programApplicationId
* programId
* organizationId
* lastUpdateDate
* createdBy
* setBackTime
* requestId
* endAssemblyId
* usingAssemblyId
* creationDate


 * compileDesignator
* lastUpdatedBy
* endUsage
* programUpdateDate
* inventoryItemId
* usage
* lastUpdateLogin
* programApplicationId
* programId
* organizationId
* lastUpdateDate
* createdBy
* setBackTime
* requestId
* endAssemblyId
* usingAssemblyId
* creationDate


 * quantity
* promiseDate
* inventoryItemId
* defectiveItemQty
* repairProgram
* repairSupplierId
* batchId
* sourceOrgId
* transactionId
* repairSupplierOrgId
* defectiveItemId
* destinationOrgId


 * quantity
* promiseDate
* inventoryItemId
* defectiveItemQty
* repairProgram
* repairSupplierId
* batchId
* sourceOrgId
* transactionId
* repairSupplierOrgId
* defectiveItemId
* destinationOrgId


 * compileDesignator
* requestId
* number2
* char2
* lineId
* departmentId
* supplierId
* char1
* lastUpdatedBy
* exceptionId
* supplierSiteId
* date4
* number4
* resourceId
* inventoryItemId
* exceptionType
* programApplicationId
* date1
* quantity
* programUpdateDate
* date2
* organizationId
* creationDate
* lastUpdateDate
* programId
* number1
* createdBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* date3
* number3


 * compileDesignator
* requestId
* number2
* char2
* lineId
* departmentId
* supplierId
* char1
* lastUpdatedBy
* exceptionId
* supplierSiteId
* date4
* number4
* resourceId
* inventoryItemId
* exceptionType
* programApplicationId
* date1
* quantity
* programUpdateDate
* date2
* organizationId
* creationDate
* lastUpdateDate
* programId
* number1
* createdBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* date3
* number3


 * fileName
* copyFlag
* fileType
* organizationId
* lastUpdateDate
* fileCreationDate
* rowCount
* fileSize
* lastUpdateLogin
* newPlanner
* creationDate
* compileDesignator
* newSnapshot
* createdBy
* lastUpdatedBy


 * fileName
* copyFlag
* fileType
* organizationId
* lastUpdateDate
* fileCreationDate
* rowCount
* fileSize
* lastUpdateLogin
* newPlanner
* creationDate
* compileDesignator
* newSnapshot
* createdBy
* lastUpdatedBy


 * plannedQuantity
* primaryItemId
* organizationId
* scheduledCompletionDate
* billSequenceId
* wipEntityId
* rn
* quantityCompleted
* scheduledStartDate
* wipSupplyType
* status
* planLevel


 * plannedQuantity
* primaryItemId
* organizationId
* scheduledCompletionDate
* billSequenceId
* wipEntityId
* rn
* quantityCompleted
* scheduledStartDate
* wipSupplyType
* status
* planLevel


 * attribute9
* inventoryItemId
* attribute15
* oldTransactionId
* attribute12
* lineId
* forecastTrend
* demandUsageStartDate
* attribute4
* endPlanningBomPercent
* bucketType
* attribute10
* forecastDate
* attribute13
* shipId
* creationDate
* comments
* originationType
* attribute1
* demandClass
* transactionId
* attributeCategory
* attribute11
* organizationId
* requestId
* lastUpdateLogin
* billId
* ddfContext
* sourceForecastDesignator
* forecastMad
* attribute8
* focusType
* attribute7
* endItemId
* sourceCode
* programApplicationId
* confidencePercentage
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute2
* attribute5
* attribute14
* rateEndDate
* currentForecastQuantity
* createdBy
* customerId
* sourceLineId
* programUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* projectId
* forecastRuleId
* originalForecastQuantity
* attribute6
* attribute3
* sourceOrganizationId
* programId
* toUpdate
* taskId
* forecastDesignator


 * attribute9
* inventoryItemId
* attribute15
* oldTransactionId
* attribute12
* lineId
* forecastTrend
* demandUsageStartDate
* attribute4
* endPlanningBomPercent
* bucketType
* attribute10
* forecastDate
* attribute13
* shipId
* creationDate
* comments
* originationType
* attribute1
* demandClass
* transactionId
* attributeCategory
* attribute11
* organizationId
* requestId
* lastUpdateLogin
* billId
* ddfContext
* sourceForecastDesignator
* forecastMad
* attribute8
* focusType
* attribute7
* endItemId
* sourceCode
* programApplicationId
* confidencePercentage
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute2
* attribute5
* attribute14
* rateEndDate
* currentForecastQuantity
* createdBy
* customerId
* sourceLineId
* programUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* projectId
* forecastRuleId
* originalForecastQuantity
* attribute6
* attribute3
* sourceOrganizationId
* programId
* toUpdate
* taskId
* forecastDesignator


 * programApplicationId
* attribute1
* createdBy
* requestId
* programId
* backwardUpdateTimeFence
* attribute8
* attribute15
* lastUpdateLogin
* forecastSet
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute2
* attribute3
* attributeCategory
* forecastDesignator
* bucketType
* attribute6
* attribute7
* programUpdateDate
* attribute9
* creationDate
* customerId
* billId
* demandClass
* ddfContext
* organizationId
* attribute10
* lastUpdateDate
* outlierUpdatePercentage
* attribute4
* disableDate
* attribute5
* updateType
* shipId
* apsCollectionFlag
* attribute13
* attribute14
* attribute11
* attribute12
* consumeForecast
* description
* forewardUpdateTimeFence


 * programApplicationId
* attribute1
* createdBy
* requestId
* programId
* backwardUpdateTimeFence
* attribute8
* attribute15
* lastUpdateLogin
* forecastSet
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute2
* attribute3
* attributeCategory
* forecastDesignator
* bucketType
* attribute6
* attribute7
* programUpdateDate
* attribute9
* creationDate
* customerId
* billId
* demandClass
* ddfContext
* organizationId
* attribute10
* lastUpdateDate
* outlierUpdatePercentage
* attribute4
* disableDate
* attribute5
* updateType
* shipId
* apsCollectionFlag
* attribute13
* attribute14
* attribute11
* attribute12
* consumeForecast
* description
* forewardUpdateTimeFence


 * attribute9
* lineId
* quantity
* forecastDesignator
* programUpdateDate
* attribute4
* attribute6
* lastUpdateDate
* taskId
* attribute13
* attribute2
* attribute14
* forecastDate
* errorMessage
* comments
* processStatus
* programId
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute12
* workdayControl
* action
* sourceCode
* sourceLineId
* attribute3
* inventoryItemId
* organizationId
* lastUpdatedBy
* creationDate
* attribute7
* confidencePercentage
* attribute11
* projectId
* bucketType
* createdBy
* requestId
* attribute10
* attribute8
* programApplicationId
* attributeCategory
* forecastEndDate
* attribute1
* attribute5
* attribute15
* transactionId


 * attribute9
* lineId
* quantity
* forecastDesignator
* programUpdateDate
* attribute4
* attribute6
* lastUpdateDate
* taskId
* attribute13
* attribute2
* attribute14
* forecastDate
* errorMessage
* comments
* processStatus
* programId
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute12
* workdayControl
* action
* sourceCode
* sourceLineId
* attribute3
* inventoryItemId
* organizationId
* lastUpdatedBy
* creationDate
* attribute7
* confidencePercentage
* attribute11
* projectId
* bucketType
* createdBy
* requestId
* attribute10
* attribute8
* programApplicationId
* attributeCategory
* forecastEndDate
* attribute1
* attribute5
* attribute15
* transactionId


 * attribute11
* attribute2
* attribute9
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute13
* attribute5
* attribute12
* attribute10
* programUpdateDate
* attribute6
* attribute7
* attribute1
* attribute3
* alternateBomDesignator
* attribute15
* attributeCategory
* attribute4
* programId
* organizationId
* attribute8
* creationDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute14
* lastUpdateDate
* forecastDesignator
* programApplicationId
* requestId
* inventoryItemId
* createdBy
* forecastMad


 * attribute11
* attribute2
* attribute9
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute13
* attribute5
* attribute12
* attribute10
* programUpdateDate
* attribute6
* attribute7
* attribute1
* attribute3
* alternateBomDesignator
* attribute15
* attributeCategory
* attribute4
* programId
* organizationId
* attribute8
* creationDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute14
* lastUpdateDate
* forecastDesignator
* programApplicationId
* requestId
* inventoryItemId
* createdBy
* forecastMad


 * organizationId
* forecastUpdateDate
* customerId
* programId
* transactionId
* updateQuantity
* shipId
* lastUpdateLogin
* creationDate
* updateSalesOrder
* demandClass
* salesOrderScheduleDate
* programUpdateDate
* lineNum
* updateSeqNum
* lastUpdatedBy
* programApplicationId
* salesOrderQuantity
* requestId
* forecastDesignator
* billId
* createdBy
* inventoryItemId
* lastUpdateDate


 * organizationId
* forecastUpdateDate
* customerId
* programId
* transactionId
* updateQuantity
* shipId
* lastUpdateLogin
* creationDate
* updateSalesOrder
* demandClass
* salesOrderScheduleDate
* programUpdateDate
* lineNum
* updateSeqNum
* lastUpdatedBy
* programApplicationId
* salesOrderQuantity
* requestId
* forecastDesignator
* billId
* createdBy
* inventoryItemId
* lastUpdateDate


 * lastUpdateDate
* demandDate
* organizationId
* demandId
* demandQuantity
* creationDate
* demandClass
* lastUpdateLogin
* compileDesignator
* supplyDate
* supplyType
* projectId
* allocatedQuantity
* dispositionId
* prevPeggingId
* supplyQuantity
* taskId
* endItemUsage
* createdBy
* endPeggingId
* transactionId
* lastUpdatedBy
* peggingId
* status
* endItemUnitNumber
* inventoryItemId
* updated
* endOriginationType


 * lastUpdateDate
* demandDate
* organizationId
* demandId
* demandQuantity
* creationDate
* demandClass
* lastUpdateLogin
* compileDesignator
* supplyDate
* supplyType
* projectId
* allocatedQuantity
* dispositionId
* prevPeggingId
* supplyQuantity
* taskId
* endItemUsage
* createdBy
* endPeggingId
* transactionId
* lastUpdatedBy
* peggingId
* status
* endItemUnitNumber
* inventoryItemId
* updated
* endOriginationType


 * usingAssemblyDemandDate
* oldDemandQuantity
* createdBy
* compileDesignator
* reservationId
* projectId
* programId
* reserveQuantity
* originationType
* firmDate
* taskId
* updated
* planningGroup
* lendingProjectId
* assemblyDemandCompDate
* programApplicationId
* lastUpdatedBy
* usingAssemblyItemId
* lendingTaskId
* demandClass
* inventoryItemId
* programUpdateDate
* requestId
* lastUpdateDate
* usingRequirementsQuantity
* status
* organizationId
* applied
* dailyDemandRate
* sourceOrganizationId
* firmQuantity
* demandId
* endItemUnitNumber
* demandType
* lastUpdateLogin
* demandScheduleName
* dispositionId
* creationDate
* oldDemandDate


 * usingAssemblyDemandDate
* oldDemandQuantity
* createdBy
* compileDesignator
* reservationId
* projectId
* programId
* reserveQuantity
* originationType
* firmDate
* taskId
* updated
* planningGroup
* lendingProjectId
* assemblyDemandCompDate
* programApplicationId
* lastUpdatedBy
* usingAssemblyItemId
* lendingTaskId
* demandClass
* inventoryItemId
* programUpdateDate
* requestId
* lastUpdateDate
* usingRequirementsQuantity
* status
* organizationId
* applied
* dailyDemandRate
* sourceOrganizationId
* firmQuantity
* demandId
* endItemUnitNumber
* demandType
* lastUpdateLogin
* demandScheduleName
* dispositionId
* creationDate
* oldDemandDate


 * organizationId
* lastUpdateLogin
* programId
* programUpdateDate
* creationDate
* projectId
* createdBy
* programApplicationId
* compileDesignator
* inventoryLotNumber
* requestId
* expiredLotQuantity
* lastUpdatedBy
* lotSubInventoryCode
* planningGroup
* inventoryItemId
* expiredLotId
* lotExpirationDate
* lotQuantity
* endItemUnitNumber
* lastUpdateDate
* taskId


 * organizationId
* lastUpdateLogin
* programId
* programUpdateDate
* creationDate
* projectId
* createdBy
* programApplicationId
* compileDesignator
* inventoryLotNumber
* requestId
* expiredLotQuantity
* lastUpdatedBy
* lotSubInventoryCode
* planningGroup
* inventoryItemId
* expiredLotId
* lotExpirationDate
* lotQuantity
* endItemUnitNumber
* lastUpdateDate
* taskId


 * uomCode
* outReqQuantity
* loadType
* quantity
* outReqTransactionId
* organizationId
* inventoryItemId
* promiseDate
* deliverToLocationId
* batchId
* inReqQuantity
* inReqTransactionId
* transactionId
* srcOrganizationId


 * uomCode
* outReqQuantity
* loadType
* quantity
* outReqTransactionId
* organizationId
* inventoryItemId
* promiseDate
* deliverToLocationId
* batchId
* inReqQuantity
* inReqTransactionId
* transactionId
* srcOrganizationId


 * lineId
* projectId
* planningGroup
* inventoryItemId
* programUpdateDate
* resourceId
* programApplicationId
* organizationId
* programId
* requestId
* creationDate
* version
* departmentId
* lastUpdateLogin
* supplierSiteId
* compileDesignator
* lastUpdatedBy
* exceptionType
* supplierId
* display
* exceptionCount
* taskId
* lastUpdateDate
* updated
* createdBy
* status


 * lineId
* projectId
* planningGroup
* inventoryItemId
* programUpdateDate
* resourceId
* programApplicationId
* organizationId
* programId
* requestId
* creationDate
* version
* departmentId
* lastUpdateLogin
* supplierSiteId
* compileDesignator
* lastUpdatedBy
* exceptionType
* supplierId
* display
* exceptionCount
* taskId
* lastUpdateDate
* updated
* createdBy
* status


 * endItemUnitNumber
* compileDesignator
* organizationId
* lastUpdateLogin
* createdBy
* lineId
* receivingDocumentDesignator
* programUpdateDate
* projectId
* expectedScrapQuantity
* lastUpdatedBy
* sourceOrganizationId
* printDate
* vendorId
* deliveryNeedDate
* orderType
* inventoryItemId
* deliveryScheduleDate
* vendorSiteId
* requestId
* poNumber
* programId
* purchLineNum
* transactionId
* poUomDeliveryBalance
* revision
* programApplicationId
* deliveryStatusType
* lastUpdateDate
* uomCode
* firmPlannedStatusType
* demandClass
* creationDate
* purchaseOrderId
* taskId
* deliveryBalance
* deliveryPrice
* planningGroup


 * endItemUnitNumber
* compileDesignator
* organizationId
* lastUpdateLogin
* createdBy
* lineId
* receivingDocumentDesignator
* programUpdateDate
* projectId
* expectedScrapQuantity
* lastUpdatedBy
* sourceOrganizationId
* printDate
* vendorId
* deliveryNeedDate
* orderType
* inventoryItemId
* deliveryScheduleDate
* vendorSiteId
* requestId
* poNumber
* programId
* purchLineNum
* transactionId
* poUomDeliveryBalance
* revision
* programApplicationId
* deliveryStatusType
* lastUpdateDate
* uomCode
* firmPlannedStatusType
* demandClass
* creationDate
* purchaseOrderId
* taskId
* deliveryBalance
* deliveryPrice
* planningGroup


 * allocationPercent
* organizationId
* lastUpdatedBy
* assignmentSetId
* vendorSiteId
* compileDesignator
* assignmentId
* rank
* assignmentType
* createdBy
* lastUpdateDate
* sourcingRuleType
* effectiveDate
* creationDate
* vendorId
* inventoryItemId
* lastUpdateLogin
* historicalAllocQty
* avgTransitLeadTime
* disableDate
* sourceType
* quantity
* sourcingRuleId
* shipMethod
* sourceOrganizationId


 * allocationPercent
* organizationId
* lastUpdatedBy
* assignmentSetId
* vendorSiteId
* compileDesignator
* assignmentId
* rank
* assignmentType
* createdBy
* lastUpdateDate
* sourcingRuleType
* effectiveDate
* creationDate
* vendorId
* inventoryItemId
* lastUpdateLogin
* historicalAllocQty
* avgTransitLeadTime
* disableDate
* sourceType
* quantity
* sourcingRuleId
* shipMethod
* sourceOrganizationId


 * attribute7
* attribute9
* attribute13
* lastUpdatedBy
* organizationId
* attribute14
* deliveryCalendarCode
* attribute11
* minimumOrderQuantity
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute1
* attribute10
* requestId
* attribute12
* fixedLotMultiplier
* attribute2
* inventoryItemId
* attributeCategory
* attribute4
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute6
* supplierSiteId
* attribute3
* attribute8
* supplierId
* creationDate
* programApplicationId
* compileDesignator
* createdBy
* attribute5
* processingLeadTime
* programId
* attribute15
* usingOrganizationId
* programUpdateDate


 * attribute7
* attribute9
* attribute13
* lastUpdatedBy
* organizationId
* attribute14
* deliveryCalendarCode
* attribute11
* minimumOrderQuantity
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute1
* attribute10
* requestId
* attribute12
* fixedLotMultiplier
* attribute2
* inventoryItemId
* attributeCategory
* attribute4
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute6
* supplierSiteId
* attribute3
* attribute8
* supplierId
* creationDate
* programApplicationId
* compileDesignator
* createdBy
* attribute5
* processingLeadTime
* programId
* attribute15
* usingOrganizationId
* programUpdateDate


 * compileDesignator
* requestId
* lineId
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdatedBy
* statusCode
* creationDate
* scheduleCompletionDate
* programUpdateDate
* wipJobType
* endItemUnitNumber
* demandClass
* alternateRoutingDesignator
* lastUpdateDate
* planningGroup
* firmPlannedStatusType
* expectedScrapQuantity
* taskId
* wipEntityId
* jobQuantity
* organizationId
* startDate
* revision
* programId
* createdBy
* wipEntityName
* entityType
* scheduleGroupId
* buildSequence
* alternateBomDesignator
* quantityCompleted
* inventoryItemId
* quantityScrapped
* programApplicationId
* projectId


 * compileDesignator
* requestId
* lineId
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdatedBy
* statusCode
* creationDate
* scheduleCompletionDate
* programUpdateDate
* wipJobType
* endItemUnitNumber
* demandClass
* alternateRoutingDesignator
* lastUpdateDate
* planningGroup
* firmPlannedStatusType
* expectedScrapQuantity
* taskId
* wipEntityId
* jobQuantity
* organizationId
* startDate
* revision
* programId
* createdBy
* wipEntityName
* entityType
* scheduleGroupId
* buildSequence
* alternateBomDesignator
* quantityCompleted
* inventoryItemId
* quantityScrapped
* programApplicationId
* projectId


 * creationDate
* demandId
* organizationId
* locatorId
* programUpdateDate
* kanbanPlanId
* demandDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* programId
* kanbanItemFlag
* lastUpdateDate
* subinventory
* assemblyItemId
* assemblyLocatorId
* orderType
* programApplicationId
* assemblySubinventory
* inventoryItemId
* lastUpdatedLogin
* requestId
* createdBy
* demandQuantity
* assemblyOrgId


 * creationDate
* demandId
* organizationId
* locatorId
* programUpdateDate
* kanbanPlanId
* demandDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* programId
* kanbanItemFlag
* lastUpdateDate
* subinventory
* assemblyItemId
* assemblyLocatorId
* orderType
* programApplicationId
* assemblySubinventory
* inventoryItemId
* lastUpdatedLogin
* requestId
* createdBy
* demandQuantity
* assemblyOrgId


 * disableDate
* planCutoffDate
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute2
* planCompletionDate
* bomEffectivityDate
* programId
* attribute9
* attribute1
* description
* programUpdateDate
* creationDate
* attributeCategory
* organizationId
* attribute8
* planStartDate
* inputDesignator
* attribute3
* attribute5
* attribute15
* inputType
* attribute4
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute14
* kanbanPlanId
* attribute12
* attribute13
* requestId
* createdBy
* attribute11
* kanbanDesignator
* attribute6
* attribute10
* programApplicationId
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute7


 * disableDate
* planCutoffDate
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute2
* planCompletionDate
* bomEffectivityDate
* programId
* attribute9
* attribute1
* description
* programUpdateDate
* creationDate
* attributeCategory
* organizationId
* attribute8
* planStartDate
* inputDesignator
* attribute3
* attribute5
* attribute15
* inputType
* attribute4
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute14
* kanbanPlanId
* attribute12
* attribute13
* requestId
* createdBy
* attribute11
* kanbanDesignator
* attribute6
* attribute10
* programApplicationId
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute7


 * lastUpdateDate
* errorMessage
* loadDestination
* creationDate
* selectionListName
* selectionListType
* createdBy
* forecastDesignator
* loadSource
* lastUpdateLogin
* scheduleDesignator
* lastUpdatedBy
* sourceScheduleDesignator
* organizationId
* processStatus
* sourceForecastDesignator
* sourceOrganizationId
* queryId


 * lastUpdateDate
* errorMessage
* loadDestination
* creationDate
* selectionListName
* selectionListType
* createdBy
* forecastDesignator
* loadSource
* lastUpdateLogin
* scheduleDesignator
* lastUpdatedBy
* sourceScheduleDesignator
* organizationId
* processStatus
* sourceForecastDesignator
* sourceOrganizationId
* queryId


 * creationDate
* selectionListName
* createdBy
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* selectionListType
* description
* organizationId
* lastUpdateDate


 * creationDate
* selectionListName
* createdBy
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* selectionListType
* description
* organizationId
* lastUpdateDate


 * componentYield
* planId
* itemNum
* componentItemId
* componentCategoryId
* replenishmentLeadTime
* componentUsage
* basisType
* organizationId
* fromLocatorId
* alternateDesignator
* lastUpdateDate
* fromSubinventory
* planningFactor
* programUpdateDate
* kanbanItemFlag
* netPlanningPercent
* toLocatorId
* creationDate
* levelsBelow
* operationYield
* requestId
* programApplicationId
* programId
* selectedFlag
* lastUpdatedLogin
* createdBy
* wipSupplyType
* lowLevelCode
* toSubinventory
* assemblyItemId
* supplySourceType
* lastUpdatedBy


 * componentYield
* planId
* itemNum
* componentItemId
* componentCategoryId
* replenishmentLeadTime
* componentUsage
* basisType
* organizationId
* fromLocatorId
* alternateDesignator
* lastUpdateDate
* fromSubinventory
* planningFactor
* programUpdateDate
* kanbanItemFlag
* netPlanningPercent
* toLocatorId
* creationDate
* levelsBelow
* operationYield
* requestId
* programApplicationId
* programId
* selectedFlag
* lastUpdatedLogin
* createdBy
* wipSupplyType
* lowLevelCode
* toSubinventory
* assemblyItemId
* supplySourceType
* lastUpdatedBy


 * quantity36
* quantity19
* quantity34
* bucketType
* quantity10
* quantity22
* lastUpdateDate
* quantity29
* horizontalPlanType
* quantity20
* organizationId
* quantity6
* planOrganizationId
* quantity3
* quantity21
* itemSegments
* quantity30
* quantity13
* lastUpdatedBy
* organizationCode
* quantity33
* quantity16
* quantity9
* creationDate
* createdBy
* quantity32
* quantity11
* inventoryItemId
* quantity2
* quantity1
* quantity26
* quantity18
* quantity27
* quantity25
* quantity12
* quantity28
* quantity5
* quantity8
* quantity14
* quantity23
* compileDesignator
* horizontalPlanTypeText
* quantity31
* planId
* quantity17
* quantity35
* quantity24
* quantity7
* quantity15
* quantity4


 * quantity36
* quantity19
* quantity34
* bucketType
* quantity10
* quantity22
* lastUpdateDate
* quantity29
* horizontalPlanType
* quantity20
* organizationId
* quantity6
* planOrganizationId
* quantity3
* quantity21
* itemSegments
* quantity30
* quantity13
* lastUpdatedBy
* organizationCode
* quantity33
* quantity16
* quantity9
* creationDate
* createdBy
* quantity32
* quantity11
* inventoryItemId
* quantity2
* quantity1
* quantity26
* quantity18
* quantity27
* quantity25
* quantity12
* quantity28
* quantity5
* quantity8
* quantity14
* quantity23
* compileDesignator
* horizontalPlanTypeText
* quantity31
* planId
* quantity17
* quantity35
* quantity24
* quantity7
* quantity15
* quantity4


 * tokenValue1
* creationDate
* rowCount
* startDate
* endDate
* lastUpdateDate
* translateToken2
* transactionId
* lastUpdateLogin
* token1
* tokenValue2
* lastUpdatedBy
* createdBy
* translateToken1
* requestId
* messageName
* token2


 * tokenValue1
* creationDate
* rowCount
* startDate
* endDate
* lastUpdateDate
* translateToken2
* transactionId
* lastUpdateLogin
* token1
* tokenValue2
* lastUpdatedBy
* createdBy
* translateToken1
* requestId
* messageName
* token2


 * resourceId
* attribute5
* toTime
* simulationSet
* attribute2
* attribute10
* attribute15
* shiftDate
* attributeCategory
* shiftNum
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute7
* requestId
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute9
* attribute14
* fromTime
* lastUpdatedBy
* creationDate
* departmentId
* createdBy
* programApplicationId
* attribute13
* attribute12
* attribute3
* programId
* programUpdateDate
* organizationId
* instanceId
* attribute11
* serialNumber
* attribute1
* attribute8
* attribute6
* attribute4
* capacityUnits


 * resourceId
* attribute5
* toTime
* simulationSet
* attribute2
* attribute10
* attribute15
* shiftDate
* attributeCategory
* shiftNum
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute7
* requestId
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute9
* attribute14
* fromTime
* lastUpdatedBy
* creationDate
* departmentId
* createdBy
* programApplicationId
* attribute13
* attribute12
* attribute3
* programId
* programUpdateDate
* organizationId
* instanceId
* attribute11
* serialNumber
* attribute1
* attribute8
* attribute6
* attribute4
* capacityUnits


 * organizationId
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdatedBy
* compileDesignator
* endItemUnitNumber
* creationDate
* nettableQuantity
* planningGroup
* createdBy
* inventoryItemId
* lastUpdateDate
* subInventoryCode
* projectId
* taskId
* nonnettableQuantity
* transactionId


 * organizationId
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdatedBy
* compileDesignator
* endItemUnitNumber
* creationDate
* nettableQuantity
* planningGroup
* createdBy
* inventoryItemId
* lastUpdateDate
* subInventoryCode
* projectId
* taskId
* nonnettableQuantity
* transactionId


 * toSrInstanceId
* groupCode
* itemId
* transactionId
* partCondition
* salesOrderNumber
* shipMethod
* needByDate
* chargeAccountId
* suggestedVendorId
* srcOperatingUnit
* taskId
* uomCode
* toOperatingUnit
* toOrganizationId
* shipDate
* projectId
* itemRevision
* preparerId
* srInstanceId
* batchId
* suggestedVendorSite
* earliestShipDate
* deliverToRequestorId
* firmDemandFlag
* deliverToLocationId
* planType
* salesOrderLineId
* endItemNumber
* quantity
* loadType
* srcOrganizationId


 * toSrInstanceId
* groupCode
* itemId
* transactionId
* partCondition
* salesOrderNumber
* shipMethod
* needByDate
* chargeAccountId
* suggestedVendorId
* srcOperatingUnit
* taskId
* uomCode
* toOperatingUnit
* toOrganizationId
* shipDate
* projectId
* itemRevision
* preparerId
* srInstanceId
* batchId
* suggestedVendorSite
* earliestShipDate
* deliverToRequestorId
* firmDemandFlag
* deliverToLocationId
* planType
* salesOrderLineId
* endItemNumber
* quantity
* loadType
* srcOrganizationId


 * repetitiveHorizon2
* repetitiveBucketSize1
* considerWip
* snapshotLock
* periodType
* repetitiveHorizon1
* planDateDefaultType
* considerPo
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateDate
* programId
* demandTimeFenceFlag
* partIncludeType
* attribute5
* attribute2
* requestId
* attribute3
* attribute4
* includeMdsDays
* createdBy
* repetitiveAnchorDate
* attribute14
* attribute6
* attribute15
* includeRepSupplyDays
* attribute9
* considerReservations
* attribute12
* lastUpdateLogin
* organizationId
* repetitiveBucketSize3
* attribute13
* programUpdateDate
* planningTimeFenceFlag
* programApplicationId
* attribute7
* creationDate
* defaultAbcAssignmentGroup
* operationScheduleType
* attribute8
* planSafetyStock
* attribute1
* attribute10
* attribute11
* attributeCategory
* reschedAssumption
* repetitiveBucketSize2


 * repetitiveHorizon2
* repetitiveBucketSize1
* considerWip
* snapshotLock
* periodType
* repetitiveHorizon1
* planDateDefaultType
* considerPo
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateDate
* programId
* demandTimeFenceFlag
* partIncludeType
* attribute5
* attribute2
* requestId
* attribute3
* attribute4
* includeMdsDays
* createdBy
* repetitiveAnchorDate
* attribute14
* attribute6
* attribute15
* includeRepSupplyDays
* attribute9
* considerReservations
* attribute12
* lastUpdateLogin
* organizationId
* repetitiveBucketSize3
* attribute13
* programUpdateDate
* planningTimeFenceFlag
* programApplicationId
* attribute7
* creationDate
* defaultAbcAssignmentGroup
* operationScheduleType
* attribute8
* planSafetyStock
* attribute1
* attribute10
* attribute11
* attributeCategory
* reschedAssumption
* repetitiveBucketSize2


 * compileDesignator
* remainingImplUnits
* optionalComponent
* operationSeqNum
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* drivingItemId
* programApplicationId
* suggestedEffectivityDate
* inventoryItemId
* engineeringChangeType
* useUpCode
* createdBy
* effectivityDate
* requestId
* changeNotice
* operationOffsetPercent
* absoluteQuantity
* programId
* creationDate
* ecnId
* engChangeUsingAssyId
* wipSupplyType
* oldEffectivityDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* programUpdateDate
* organizationId
* revision


 * compileDesignator
* remainingImplUnits
* optionalComponent
* operationSeqNum
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* drivingItemId
* programApplicationId
* suggestedEffectivityDate
* inventoryItemId
* engineeringChangeType
* useUpCode
* createdBy
* effectivityDate
* requestId
* changeNotice
* operationOffsetPercent
* absoluteQuantity
* programId
* creationDate
* ecnId
* engChangeUsingAssyId
* wipSupplyType
* oldEffectivityDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* programUpdateDate
* organizationId
* revision


 * attribute13
* billsOfResources
* attributeCategory
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdateDate
* programApplicationId
* attribute2
* attribute6
* programUpdateDate
* planLevel
* planSafetyStock
* attribute14
* attribute4
* compileDesignator
* attribute15
* attribute12
* netWip
* attribute11
* attribute1
* lastUpdatedBy
* netPurchasing
* attribute5
* attribute8
* attribute9
* billOfResources
* creationDate
* attribute3
* netReservations
* organizationId
* createdBy
* simulationSet
* attribute10
* attribute7
* programId
* plannedOrganization
* requestId


 * attribute13
* billsOfResources
* attributeCategory
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdateDate
* programApplicationId
* attribute2
* attribute6
* programUpdateDate
* planLevel
* planSafetyStock
* attribute14
* attribute4
* compileDesignator
* attribute15
* attribute12
* netWip
* attribute11
* attribute1
* lastUpdatedBy
* netPurchasing
* attribute5
* attribute8
* attribute9
* billOfResources
* creationDate
* attribute3
* netReservations
* organizationId
* createdBy
* simulationSet
* attribute10
* attribute7
* programId
* plannedOrganization
* requestId


 * lastUpdateDate
* inputType
* inputName
* attribute2
* attribute4
* attribute10
* attribute8
* attribute9
* programUpdateDate
* creationDate
* attribute11
* attribute14
* inputOrganizationId
* planLevel
* attribute6
* organizationId
* attribute1
* attribute12
* attribute13
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdatedBy
* programApplicationId
* attributeCategory
* attribute15
* compileDesignator
* attribute7
* createdBy
* programId
* attribute5
* attribute3
* requestId


 * lastUpdateDate
* inputType
* inputName
* attribute2
* attribute4
* attribute10
* attribute8
* attribute9
* programUpdateDate
* creationDate
* attribute11
* attribute14
* inputOrganizationId
* planLevel
* attribute6
* organizationId
* attribute1
* attribute12
* attribute13
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdatedBy
* programApplicationId
* attributeCategory
* attribute15
* compileDesignator
* attribute7
* createdBy
* programId
* attribute5
* attribute3
* requestId


 * programUpdateDate
* setbackDays
* departmentId
* organizationId
* resourceOffsetPercent
* effectivityDate
* resourceId
* programId
* creationDate
* sourceItemId
* disableDate
* lineId
* operationSeqNum
* usingAssemblyItemId
* requestId
* resourceSeqNum
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* assemblyUsage
* lastUpdateDate
* resourceUnits
* basis
* runtimeQuantity
* alternateRoutingDesignator
* compileDesignator
* programApplicationId
* createdBy


 * programUpdateDate
* setbackDays
* departmentId
* organizationId
* resourceOffsetPercent
* effectivityDate
* resourceId
* programId
* creationDate
* sourceItemId
* disableDate
* lineId
* operationSeqNum
* usingAssemblyItemId
* requestId
* resourceSeqNum
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* assemblyUsage
* lastUpdateDate
* resourceUnits
* basis
* runtimeQuantity
* alternateRoutingDesignator
* compileDesignator
* programApplicationId
* createdBy


 * creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* startDate
* createdBy
* status
* processingSeconds
* planLevel
* endDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* requestId
* compileDesignator
* lastUpdateDate
* organizationId
* batchNumber
* batchStartDate


 * creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* startDate
* createdBy
* status
* processingSeconds
* planLevel
* endDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* requestId
* compileDesignator
* lastUpdateDate
* organizationId
* batchNumber
* batchStartDate


 * lastUpdateDate
* attribute1
* setupTime
* setupTimeType
* attribute6
* attribute12
* lastUpdateLogin
* shortageType
* attributeCategory
* overUtilizedPercent
* repVarianceType
* resourceExcessType
* organizationId
* utilizationChangeType
* attribute14
* attribute11
* attribute2
* attribute5
* underUtilizedPercent
* overpromisedType
* lastUpdatedBy
* excessQuantity
* attribute10
* creationDate
* attribute8
* attribute15
* attribute9
* exceptionSetName
* repetitiveVariance
* excessType
* attribute3
* utilizationChangePercent
* attribute7
* attribute13
* attribute4
* userTimeFence
* createdBy
* resourceShortageType


 * lastUpdateDate
* attribute1
* setupTime
* setupTimeType
* attribute6
* attribute12
* lastUpdateLogin
* shortageType
* attributeCategory
* overUtilizedPercent
* repVarianceType
* resourceExcessType
* organizationId
* utilizationChangeType
* attribute14
* attribute11
* attribute2
* attribute5
* underUtilizedPercent
* overpromisedType
* lastUpdatedBy
* excessQuantity
* attribute10
* creationDate
* attribute8
* attribute15
* attribute9
* exceptionSetName
* repetitiveVariance
* excessType
* attribute3
* utilizationChangePercent
* attribute7
* attribute13
* attribute4
* userTimeFence
* createdBy
* resourceShortageType


 * attribute7
* considerPo
* considerWip
* attribute12
* attribute10
* crpPlanCompletionDate
* scheduleType
* crpPlanStartDate
* currSimulationSet
* updateBom
* currReschedAssumption
* currReservationLevel
* maxWfExceptId
* attribute13
* cutoffDate
* minWfExceptId
* description
* attribute15
* creationDate
* currConsiderReservations
* currSnapshotLock
* onlinePlannerCompletionDate
* currPlanCapacityFlag
* demandTimeFenceFlag
* currHardPeggingLevel
* overwriteOption
* attribute5
* dataStartDate
* organizationSelection
* reservationLevel
* fullPegging
* planningTimeFenceFlag
* currPlanType
* appendPlannedOrders
* attribute2
* explosionStartDate
* createdBy
* attribute11
* onlinePlannerStartDate
* compileDesignator
* attribute4
* planType
* snapshotLock
* operationScheduleType
* attributeCategory
* planCapacityFlag
* currentPlannerLevel
* partIncludeType
* demandClass
* userPlanStartDate
* dataCompletionDate
* considerReservations
* currOperationScheduleType
* scheduleDesignator
* lastUpdatedBy
* currPlanningTimeFenceFlag
* currAppendPlannedOrders
* lastUpdateDate
* billOfResources
* hardPeggingLevel
* currScheduleType
* currUserPlanStartDate
* programId
* currConsiderWip
* attribute6
* currOverwriteOption
* currFullPegging
* currPartIncludeType
* programApplicationId
* attribute1
* compileDefinitionDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute8
* currAssignmentSetId
* planStartDate
* requestId
* currScheduleDesignator
* planSafetyStock
* explosionCompletionDate
* programUpdateDate
* attribute3
* attribute9
* currPlanSafetyStock
* planCompletionDate
* plannerBatchNumber
* currDemandTimeFenceFlag
* currConsiderPo
* simulationSet
* assignmentSetId
* currBillOfResources
* attribute14
* currCutoffDate
* useNewPlanner
* organizationId
* reschedAssumption


 * attribute7
* considerPo
* considerWip
* attribute12
* attribute10
* crpPlanCompletionDate
* scheduleType
* crpPlanStartDate
* currSimulationSet
* updateBom
* currReschedAssumption
* currReservationLevel
* maxWfExceptId
* attribute13
* cutoffDate
* minWfExceptId
* description
* attribute15
* creationDate
* currConsiderReservations
* currSnapshotLock
* onlinePlannerCompletionDate
* currPlanCapacityFlag
* demandTimeFenceFlag
* currHardPeggingLevel
* overwriteOption
* attribute5
* dataStartDate
* organizationSelection
* reservationLevel
* fullPegging
* planningTimeFenceFlag
* currPlanType
* appendPlannedOrders
* attribute2
* explosionStartDate
* createdBy
* attribute11
* onlinePlannerStartDate
* compileDesignator
* attribute4
* planType
* snapshotLock
* operationScheduleType
* attributeCategory
* planCapacityFlag
* currentPlannerLevel
* partIncludeType
* demandClass
* userPlanStartDate
* dataCompletionDate
* considerReservations
* currOperationScheduleType
* scheduleDesignator
* lastUpdatedBy
* currPlanningTimeFenceFlag
* currAppendPlannedOrders
* lastUpdateDate
* billOfResources
* hardPeggingLevel
* currScheduleType
* currUserPlanStartDate
* programId
* currConsiderWip
* attribute6
* currOverwriteOption
* currFullPegging
* currPartIncludeType
* programApplicationId
* attribute1
* compileDefinitionDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute8
* currAssignmentSetId
* planStartDate
* requestId
* currScheduleDesignator
* planSafetyStock
* explosionCompletionDate
* programUpdateDate
* attribute3
* attribute9
* currPlanSafetyStock
* planCompletionDate
* plannerBatchNumber
* currDemandTimeFenceFlag
* currConsiderPo
* simulationSet
* assignmentSetId
* currBillOfResources
* attribute14
* currCutoffDate
* useNewPlanner
* organizationId
* reschedAssumption


 * implementFirm
* releaseErrors
* endItemUnitNumber
* lastUpdateLogin
* implementedQuantity
* firmDate
* implementUomCode
* rescheduledFlag
* scheduleCompressionDays
* requestId
* sourceOrganizationId
* implementLineId
* vendorId
* newDockDate
* sourceItemId
* revision
* programUpdateDate
* compileDesignator
* implementAlternateBom
* implementVendorId
* sourceVendorSiteId
* organizationId
* planningGroup
* applied
* transactionId
* oldOrderQuantity
* implementTaskId
* orderType
* lastUnitStartDate
* rescheduleDays
* implementProjectId
* creationDate
* dispositionId
* loadType
* sourceSupplyScheduleName
* newScheduleDate
* implementStatusCode
* implementJobName
* implementVendorSiteId
* alternateRoutingDesignator
* lineId
* lastUnitCompletionDate
* oldWipStartDate
* newProcessingDays
* implementBuildSequence
* status
* purchLineNum
* programApplicationId
* nettingDate
* updated
* implementDockDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* dispositionStatusType
* implementEndItemUnitNumber
* implementWipClassCode
* sourceVendorId
* inventoryItemId
* demandClass
* implementLocationId
* taskId
* implementDemandClass
* newOrderPlacementDate
* newShipDate
* firmQuantity
* implementQuantity
* implementSourceOrgId
* oldDockDate
* newOrderQuantity
* implementDate
* vendorSiteId
* firmPlannedType
* oldOrderPlacementDate
* newWipStartDate
* implementScheduleGroupId
* firstUnitStartDate
* byProductUsingAssyId
* oldScheduleDate
* dailyRate
* quantityInProcess
* implementEmployeeId
* lastUpdateDate
* supplyAvailDate
* implementAlternateRouting
* createdBy
* projectId
* releaseStatus
* implementAs
* number1
* programId
* planningMakeBuyCode
* source
* alternateBomDesignator


 * implementFirm
* releaseErrors
* endItemUnitNumber
* lastUpdateLogin
* implementedQuantity
* firmDate
* implementUomCode
* rescheduledFlag
* scheduleCompressionDays
* requestId
* sourceOrganizationId
* implementLineId
* vendorId
* newDockDate
* sourceItemId
* revision
* programUpdateDate
* compileDesignator
* implementAlternateBom
* implementVendorId
* sourceVendorSiteId
* organizationId
* planningGroup
* applied
* transactionId
* oldOrderQuantity
* implementTaskId
* orderType
* lastUnitStartDate
* rescheduleDays
* implementProjectId
* creationDate
* dispositionId
* loadType
* sourceSupplyScheduleName
* newScheduleDate
* implementStatusCode
* implementJobName
* implementVendorSiteId
* alternateRoutingDesignator
* lineId
* lastUnitCompletionDate
* oldWipStartDate
* newProcessingDays
* implementBuildSequence
* status
* purchLineNum
* programApplicationId
* nettingDate
* updated
* implementDockDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* dispositionStatusType
* implementEndItemUnitNumber
* implementWipClassCode
* sourceVendorId
* inventoryItemId
* demandClass
* implementLocationId
* taskId
* implementDemandClass
* newOrderPlacementDate
* newShipDate
* firmQuantity
* implementQuantity
* implementSourceOrgId
* oldDockDate
* newOrderQuantity
* implementDate
* vendorSiteId
* firmPlannedType
* oldOrderPlacementDate
* newWipStartDate
* implementScheduleGroupId
* firstUnitStartDate
* byProductUsingAssyId
* oldScheduleDate
* dailyRate
* quantityInProcess
* implementEmployeeId
* lastUpdateDate
* supplyAvailDate
* implementAlternateRouting
* createdBy
* projectId
* releaseStatus
* implementAs
* number1
* programId
* planningMakeBuyCode
* source
* alternateBomDesignator


 * lastUpdatedBy
* createdBy
* regionId
* creationDate
* regionType
* lastUpdateLogin
* vendorSiteId
* zoneLevel
* lastUpdateDate


 * lastUpdatedBy
* createdBy
* regionId
* creationDate
* regionType
* lastUpdateLogin
* vendorSiteId
* zoneLevel
* lastUpdateDate


 * taskId
* inventoryItemId
* sourceCode
* plannedOrderId
* programId
* oldTaskId
* newOrderDate
* newOrderQuantity
* programApplicationId
* transactionId
* processStatus
* creationDate
* requestId
* dispositionId
* reliefType
* errorMessage
* organizationId
* demandClass
* oldOrderQuantity
* lastUpdateDate
* oldProjectId
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* dispositionType
* oldOrderDate
* createdBy
* programUpdateDate
* sourceLineId
* projectId
* oldDemandClass
* lineNum


 * taskId
* inventoryItemId
* sourceCode
* plannedOrderId
* programId
* oldTaskId
* newOrderDate
* newOrderQuantity
* programApplicationId
* transactionId
* processStatus
* creationDate
* requestId
* dispositionId
* reliefType
* errorMessage
* organizationId
* demandClass
* oldOrderQuantity
* lastUpdateDate
* oldProjectId
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* dispositionType
* oldOrderDate
* createdBy
* programUpdateDate
* sourceLineId
* projectId
* oldDemandClass
* lineNum


 * programUpdateDate
* createdBy
* programId
* periodStartDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* requestId
* creationDate
* programApplicationId
* lastUpdateDate
* organizationId


 * programUpdateDate
* createdBy
* programId
* periodStartDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* requestId
* creationDate
* programApplicationId
* lastUpdateDate
* organizationId


 * wipEntityId
* requestId
* firstUnitCompletionDate
* scheduleId
* dailyRate
* processingDays
* programUpdateDate
* inventoryItemId
* createdBy
* lastUnitStartDate
* programApplicationId
* lastUpdateLogin
* organizationId
* creationDate
* firstUnitStartDate
* projectId
* repetitiveLine
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* taskId
* programId
* compileDesignator
* firmPlannedStatusType
* statusCode
* revision
* completedUnits
* demandClass
* lastUnitCompletionDate


 * wipEntityId
* requestId
* firstUnitCompletionDate
* scheduleId
* dailyRate
* processingDays
* programUpdateDate
* inventoryItemId
* createdBy
* lastUnitStartDate
* programApplicationId
* lastUpdateLogin
* organizationId
* creationDate
* firstUnitStartDate
* projectId
* repetitiveLine
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* taskId
* programId
* compileDesignator
* firmPlannedStatusType
* statusCode
* revision
* completedUnits
* demandClass
* lastUnitCompletionDate


 * createdBy
* demandClass
* creationDate
* lastUpdateDate
* requestId
* lastUpdateLogin
* taskId
* parentDemandId
* programUpdateDate
* programApplicationId
* reservedQuantity
* programId
* organizationId
* nonnetQuantityReserved
* transactionId
* revision
* projectId
* lastUpdatedBy
* dispositionType
* inventoryItemId
* requirementDate
* compileDesignator
* subinventory
* dispositionId
* reservationDate
* planningGroup


 * createdBy
* demandClass
* creationDate
* lastUpdateDate
* requestId
* lastUpdateLogin
* taskId
* parentDemandId
* programUpdateDate
* programApplicationId
* reservedQuantity
* programId
* organizationId
* nonnetQuantityReserved
* transactionId
* revision
* projectId
* lastUpdatedBy
* dispositionType
* inventoryItemId
* requirementDate
* compileDesignator
* subinventory
* dispositionId
* reservationDate
* planningGroup


 * requestId
* programApplicationId
* programId
* createdBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* programUpdateDate
* periodStartDate
* updated
* inventoryItemId
* status
* lastUpdatedBy
* organizationId
* safetyStockQuantity
* compileDesignator
* creationDate
* lastUpdateDate


 * requestId
* programApplicationId
* programId
* createdBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* programUpdateDate
* periodStartDate
* updated
* inventoryItemId
* status
* lastUpdatedBy
* organizationId
* safetyStockQuantity
* compileDesignator
* creationDate
* lastUpdateDate


 * lineNum
* currentShipId
* currentBillId
* sourceCode
* sourceLineId
* salesOrderId
* programUpdateDate
* oldScheduleDate
* previousShipId
* previousDemandClass
* completedQuantity
* lastUpdateLogin
* previousAvailableToMrp
* newScheduleQuantity
* currentDemandClass
* currentAvailableToMrp
* programId
* processStatus
* inventoryItemId
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* previousBillId
* previousTerritoryId
* errorMessage
* programApplicationId
* lastExplodedRevision
* creationDate
* organizationId
* newScheduleDate
* requestId
* oldScheduleQuantity
* createdBy
* currentCustomerId
* baseModelId
* previousCustomerId
* orderedItemId
* currentTerritoryId
* updateSeqNum


 * lineNum
* currentShipId
* currentBillId
* sourceCode
* sourceLineId
* salesOrderId
* programUpdateDate
* oldScheduleDate
* previousShipId
* previousDemandClass
* completedQuantity
* lastUpdateLogin
* previousAvailableToMrp
* newScheduleQuantity
* currentDemandClass
* currentAvailableToMrp
* programId
* processStatus
* inventoryItemId
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* previousBillId
* previousTerritoryId
* errorMessage
* programApplicationId
* lastExplodedRevision
* creationDate
* organizationId
* newScheduleDate
* requestId
* oldScheduleQuantity
* createdBy
* currentCustomerId
* baseModelId
* previousCustomerId
* orderedItemId
* currentTerritoryId
* updateSeqNum


 * reliefType
* createdBy
* transactionId
* creationDate
* scheduleDate
* programApplicationId
* reliefQuantity
* lastUpdatedBy
* requestId
* lineNum
* orderDate
* lastUpdateDate
* dispositionType
* lastUpdateLogin
* programId
* programUpdateDate
* orderQuantity
* dispositionId


 * reliefType
* createdBy
* transactionId
* creationDate
* scheduleDate
* programApplicationId
* reliefQuantity
* lastUpdatedBy
* requestId
* lineNum
* orderDate
* lastUpdateDate
* dispositionType
* lastUpdateLogin
* programId
* programUpdateDate
* orderQuantity
* dispositionId


 * lastUpdateDate
* oldTransactionId
* attribute4
* sourceCode
* attribute8
* scheduleDesignator
* reservationId
* attribute12
* sourceScheduleDesignator
* originalScheduleQuantity
* attributeCategory
* sourceSalesOrderId
* attribute2
* lineId
* programId
* scheduleLevel
* taskId
* sourceOrganizationId
* forecastId
* ddfContext
* creationDate
* attribute14
* scheduleWorkdate
* endItemUnitNumber
* programApplicationId
* scheduleOriginationType
* attribute1
* attribute15
* supplyDemandType
* attribute3
* scheduleComments
* projectId
* attribute11
* requestId
* attribute9
* sourceLineId
* repetitiveDailyRate
* programUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* inventoryItemId
* organizationId
* attribute7
* rateEndDate
* attribute13
* sourceForecastDesignator
* scheduleQuantity
* attribute10
* mpsTransactionId
* createdBy
* lastUpdatedBy
* toUpdate
* referenceScheduleId
* attribute6
* scheduleDate
* attribute5


 * lastUpdateDate
* oldTransactionId
* attribute4
* sourceCode
* attribute8
* scheduleDesignator
* reservationId
* attribute12
* sourceScheduleDesignator
* originalScheduleQuantity
* attributeCategory
* sourceSalesOrderId
* attribute2
* lineId
* programId
* scheduleLevel
* taskId
* sourceOrganizationId
* forecastId
* ddfContext
* creationDate
* attribute14
* scheduleWorkdate
* endItemUnitNumber
* programApplicationId
* scheduleOriginationType
* attribute1
* attribute15
* supplyDemandType
* attribute3
* scheduleComments
* projectId
* attribute11
* requestId
* attribute9
* sourceLineId
* repetitiveDailyRate
* programUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* inventoryItemId
* organizationId
* attribute7
* rateEndDate
* attribute13
* sourceForecastDesignator
* scheduleQuantity
* attribute10
* mpsTransactionId
* createdBy
* lastUpdatedBy
* toUpdate
* referenceScheduleId
* attribute6
* scheduleDate
* attribute5


 * scheduleType
* attribute11
* inventoryAtpFlag
* programId
* attribute2
* disableDate
* demandClass
* attribute10
* attribute7
* scheduleDesignator
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute4
* mpsRelief
* attribute8
* attribute9
* programApplicationId
* creationDate
* organizationId
* programUpdateDate
* requestId
* attribute3
* attribute14
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute15
* organizationSelection
* attribute6
* attribute1
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute12
* description
* production
* attribute5
* attributeCategory
* createdBy
* useNewPlanner
* attribute13


 * scheduleType
* attribute11
* inventoryAtpFlag
* programId
* attribute2
* disableDate
* demandClass
* attribute10
* attribute7
* scheduleDesignator
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute4
* mpsRelief
* attribute8
* attribute9
* programApplicationId
* creationDate
* organizationId
* programUpdateDate
* requestId
* attribute3
* attribute14
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute15
* organizationSelection
* attribute6
* attribute1
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute12
* description
* production
* attribute5
* attributeCategory
* createdBy
* useNewPlanner
* attribute13


 * creationDate
* workdayControl
* programId
* scheduleQuantity
* processStatus
* attribute4
* attribute12
* transactionId
* attribute13
* scheduleComments
* newRateEndDate
* attribute10
* lastUpdateLogin
* requestId
* attribute6
* scheduleDate
* newScheduleDate
* rateEndDate
* attribute11
* attribute14
* inventoryItemId
* attribute5
* attribute3
* scheduleDesignator
* organizationId
* sourceCode
* attribute2
* attribute8
* programApplicationId
* taskId
* action
* attribute7
* attribute9
* attribute1
* lineId
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute15
* errorMessage
* sourceLineId
* programUpdateDate
* createdBy
* projectId


 * creationDate
* workdayControl
* programId
* scheduleQuantity
* processStatus
* attribute4
* attribute12
* transactionId
* attribute13
* scheduleComments
* newRateEndDate
* attribute10
* lastUpdateLogin
* requestId
* attribute6
* scheduleDate
* newScheduleDate
* rateEndDate
* attribute11
* attribute14
* inventoryItemId
* attribute5
* attribute3
* scheduleDesignator
* organizationId
* sourceCode
* attribute2
* attribute8
* programApplicationId
* taskId
* action
* attribute7
* attribute9
* attribute1
* lineId
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute15
* errorMessage
* sourceLineId
* programUpdateDate
* createdBy
* projectId


 * attribute9
* mpsExplosionLevel
* creationDate
* organizationId
* attributeCategory
* attribute8
* lastUpdateLogin
* requestId
* capacityModelId
* attribute15
* inventoryItemId
* attribute11
* programUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* scheduleDesignator
* attribute5
* attribute10
* attribute3
* attribute4
* attribute2
* attribute14
* programApplicationId
* attribute13
* attribute1
* attribute6
* lastUpdateDate
* programId
* attribute12
* attribute7
* createdBy


 * attribute9
* mpsExplosionLevel
* creationDate
* organizationId
* attributeCategory
* attribute8
* lastUpdateLogin
* requestId
* capacityModelId
* attribute15
* inventoryItemId
* attribute11
* programUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* scheduleDesignator
* attribute5
* attribute10
* attribute3
* attribute4
* attribute2
* attribute14
* programApplicationId
* attribute13
* attribute1
* attribute6
* lastUpdateDate
* programId
* attribute12
* attribute7
* createdBy


 * requestId
* programApplicationId
* programId
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdateDate
* programUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* message
* transactionId
* creationDate
* createdBy


 * requestId
* programApplicationId
* programId
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdateDate
* programUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* message
* transactionId
* creationDate
* createdBy


 * attribute10
* ruleId
* userDefined
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdatedBy
* creationDate
* attributeCategory
* description
* enabledFlag
* attribute2
* attribute12
* usageCode
* attribute8
* sequenceNumber
* createdBy
* zdEditionName
* attribute4
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute6
* meaning
* attribute1
* attribute11
* attribute15
* attribute3
* attribute14
* attribute13
* heuristicCode
* attribute9
* zdSync
* packageName
* attribute5
* attribute7
* defaultFlag


 * attribute10
* ruleId
* userDefined
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdatedBy
* creationDate
* attributeCategory
* description
* enabledFlag
* attribute2
* attribute12
* usageCode
* attribute8
* sequenceNumber
* createdBy
* zdEditionName
* attribute4
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute6
* meaning
* attribute1
* attribute11
* attribute15
* attribute3
* attribute14
* attribute13
* heuristicCode
* attribute9
* zdSync
* packageName
* attribute5
* attribute7
* defaultFlag


 * condition
* folderObject
* lastUpdatedBy
* createdBy
* fieldType
* lastUpdateDate
* toField
* andOr
* lastUpdateLogin
* hiddenFromField
* creationDate
* fromField
* fieldName
* countBy
* sequence
* folderId


 * condition
* folderObject
* lastUpdatedBy
* createdBy
* fieldType
* lastUpdateDate
* toField
* andOr
* lastUpdateLogin
* hiddenFromField
* creationDate
* fromField
* fieldName
* countBy
* sequence
* folderId


 * snapshotName
* lrn
* lastRefreshTimestamp


 * snapshotName
* lrn
* lastRefreshTimestamp


 * dependentTask2
* programApplicationId
* organizationId
* startDate
* lastUpdateDate
* task
* requestId
* completionDate
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* programUpdateDate
* dependencyAgainst
* requiresLock
* dependentTask
* requiresItems
* lastUpdatedBy
* createdBy
* compileDesignator
* programId


 * dependentTask2
* programApplicationId
* organizationId
* startDate
* lastUpdateDate
* task
* requestId
* completionDate
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* programUpdateDate
* dependencyAgainst
* requiresLock
* dependentTask
* requiresItems
* lastUpdatedBy
* createdBy
* compileDesignator
* programId


 * createdBy
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* lineId
* requestId
* processStatus
* lastUpdatedBy
* creationDate


 * lastUpdateLogin
* createdBy
* lineId
* processStatus
* lastUpdatedBy
* creationDate
* lastUpdateDate


 * lastUpdateLogin
* createdBy
* lineId
* processStatus
* lastUpdatedBy
* creationDate
* lastUpdateDate


 * createdBy
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* lineId
* requestId
* processStatus
* lastUpdatedBy
* creationDate


 * lastCalculatedDate
* programId
* sourcingRuleId
* createdBy
* inventoryItemId
* historicalAllocation
* organizationId
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdateDate
* vendorSiteId
* sourceOrgId
* creationDate
* vendorId
* requestId
* programUpdateDate
* programApplicationId


 * lastCalculatedDate
* programId
* sourcingRuleId
* createdBy
* inventoryItemId
* historicalAllocation
* organizationId
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdateDate
* vendorSiteId
* sourceOrgId
* creationDate
* vendorId
* requestId
* programUpdateDate
* programApplicationId


 * creationDate
* attribute5
* attribute9
* lastUpdateDate
* status
* attribute11
* programApplicationId
* attribute8
* attribute12
* sourcingRuleType
* programUpdateDate
* attribute13
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute10
* attribute14
* sourcingRuleName
* attribute6
* attribute4
* requestId
* createdBy
* attribute2
* organizationId
* sourcingRuleId
* description
* attribute1
* programId
* planningActive
* attribute15
* attribute7
* attribute3
* lastUpdatedBy
* attributeCategory


 * creationDate
* attribute5
* attribute9
* lastUpdateDate
* status
* attribute11
* programApplicationId
* attribute8
* attribute12
* sourcingRuleType
* programUpdateDate
* attribute13
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute10
* attribute14
* sourcingRuleName
* attribute6
* attribute4
* requestId
* createdBy
* attribute2
* organizationId
* sourcingRuleId
* description
* attribute1
* programId
* planningActive
* attribute15
* attribute7
* attribute3
* lastUpdatedBy
* attributeCategory


 * lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateDate
* numberOfRows
* creationDate
* createdBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* bindsize
* tableName


 * lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateDate
* numberOfRows
* creationDate
* createdBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* bindsize
* tableName


 * attribute3
* sourcingRuleType
* sourcingRuleId
* createdBy
* attribute1
* attribute5
* attribute9
* attribute4
* attributeCategory
* lastUpdatedBy
* programId
* programUpdateDate
* attribute6
* assignmentType
* organizationId
* creationDate
* attribute8
* requestId
* categorySetId
* secondaryInventory
* programApplicationId
* attribute2
* assignmentId
* attribute11
* customerId
* shipToSiteId
* attribute13
* attribute15
* attribute10
* inventoryItemId
* attribute12
* lastUpdateLogin
* assignmentSetId
* categoryId
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute14
* attribute7


 * attribute3
* sourcingRuleType
* sourcingRuleId
* createdBy
* attribute1
* attribute5
* attribute9
* attribute4
* attributeCategory
* lastUpdatedBy
* programId
* programUpdateDate
* attribute6
* assignmentType
* organizationId
* creationDate
* attribute8
* requestId
* categorySetId
* secondaryInventory
* programApplicationId
* attribute2
* assignmentId
* attribute11
* customerId
* shipToSiteId
* attribute13
* attribute15
* attribute10
* inventoryItemId
* attribute12
* lastUpdateLogin
* assignmentSetId
* categoryId
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute14
* attribute7


 * programApplicationId
* receiptOrganizationId
* attribute2
* attribute8
* lastUpdateLogin
* srReceiptId
* sourcingRuleId
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute4
* attribute11
* attribute13
* attribute7
* attribute5
* attribute12
* programId
* attribute10
* attribute3
* creationDate
* disableDate
* attribute1
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute9
* attribute6
* attribute14
* requestId
* createdBy
* attributeCategory
* programUpdateDate
* effectiveDate
* attribute15


 * programApplicationId
* receiptOrganizationId
* attribute2
* attribute8
* lastUpdateLogin
* srReceiptId
* sourcingRuleId
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute4
* attribute11
* attribute13
* attribute7
* attribute5
* attribute12
* programId
* attribute10
* attribute3
* creationDate
* disableDate
* attribute1
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute9
* attribute6
* attribute14
* requestId
* createdBy
* attributeCategory
* programUpdateDate
* effectiveDate
* attribute15


 * createdBy
* attribute3
* shipMethod
* attribute11
* attributeCategory
* attribute7
* attribute10
* attribute4
* oldRank
* attribute2
* vendorId
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute15
* secondaryInventory
* sourceType
* programUpdateDate
* attribute6
* vendorSiteId
* attribute12
* srSourceId
* attribute9
* lastUpdateLogin
* creationDate
* attribute14
* rank
* programId
* requestId
* programApplicationId
* allocationPercent
* srReceiptId
* attribute13
* attribute1
* sourceOrganizationId
* attribute5
* attribute8


 * createdBy
* attribute3
* shipMethod
* attribute11
* attributeCategory
* attribute7
* attribute10
* attribute4
* oldRank
* attribute2
* vendorId
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute15
* secondaryInventory
* sourceType
* programUpdateDate
* attribute6
* vendorSiteId
* attribute12
* srSourceId
* attribute9
* lastUpdateLogin
* creationDate
* attribute14
* rank
* programId
* requestId
* programApplicationId
* allocationPercent
* srReceiptId
* attribute13
* attribute1
* sourceOrganizationId
* attribute5
* attribute8


 * attribute3
* attribute14
* creationDate
* attribute4
* attribute1
* attribute7
* attribute13
* lastUpdatedBy
* programApplicationId
* subInventoryCode
* attribute10
* attribute11
* attributeCategory
* attribute2
* attribute9
* attribute8
* createdBy
* nettingType
* lastUpdateDate
* compileDesignator
* programId
* programUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute15
* organizationId
* attribute12
* attribute6
* requestId
* attribute5


 * attribute3
* attribute14
* creationDate
* attribute4
* attribute1
* attribute7
* attribute13
* lastUpdatedBy
* programApplicationId
* subInventoryCode
* attribute10
* attribute11
* attributeCategory
* attribute2
* attribute9
* attribute8
* createdBy
* nettingType
* lastUpdateDate
* compileDesignator
* programId
* programUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute15
* organizationId
* attribute12
* attribute6
* requestId
* attribute5


 * implementDemandClass
* lastUnitCompletionDate
* lastUpdateDate
* inventoryItemId
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* implementFirm
* implementProcessingDays
* processingDays
* sourceItemId
* compileDesignator
* lastUnitStartDate
* status
* lastUpdatedBy
* loadType
* implementLineId
* implementWipClassCode
* implementDailyRate
* updated
* firmPlannedStatusType
* loadFactorRate
* firstUnitStartDate
* repetitiveLine
* transactionId
* implementDate
* releaseErrors
* organizationId
* releaseStatus
* dailyRate
* firstUnitCompletionDate
* createdBy


 * implementDemandClass
* lastUnitCompletionDate
* lastUpdateDate
* inventoryItemId
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* implementFirm
* implementProcessingDays
* processingDays
* sourceItemId
* compileDesignator
* lastUnitStartDate
* status
* lastUpdatedBy
* loadType
* implementLineId
* implementWipClassCode
* implementDailyRate
* updated
* firmPlannedStatusType
* loadFactorRate
* firstUnitStartDate
* repetitiveLine
* transactionId
* implementDate
* releaseErrors
* organizationId
* releaseStatus
* dailyRate
* firstUnitCompletionDate
* createdBy


 * attribute9
* capacity
* attribute5
* requestId
* attribute2
* attribute7
* createdBy
* attribute14
* inventoryItemId
* usingOrganizationId
* attribute11
* lastUpdateLogin
* programApplicationId
* compileDesignator
* attribute1
* attribute4
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute12
* attribute10
* programId
* attribute6
* attribute3
* attribute8
* toDate
* programUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* creationDate
* organizationId
* supplierSiteId
* attribute15
* supplierId
* fromDate
* attributeCategory
* attribute13


 * attribute9
* capacity
* attribute5
* requestId
* attribute2
* attribute7
* createdBy
* attribute14
* inventoryItemId
* usingOrganizationId
* attribute11
* lastUpdateLogin
* programApplicationId
* compileDesignator
* attribute1
* attribute4
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute12
* attribute10
* programId
* attribute6
* attribute3
* attribute8
* toDate
* programUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* creationDate
* organizationId
* supplierSiteId
* attribute15
* supplierId
* fromDate
* attributeCategory
* attribute13


 * compileDesignator
* supplierSiteId
* creationDate
* attributeCategory
* attribute1
* attribute2
* attribute5
* createdBy
* attribute3
* lastUpdateLogin
* fenceDays
* supplierId
* organizationId
* usingOrganizationId
* lastUpdatedBy
* inventoryItemId
* attribute13
* attribute11
* attribute15
* attribute12
* attribute4
* programId
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute9
* attribute10
* tolerancePercentage
* attribute6
* requestId
* attribute14
* attribute7
* attribute8
* programApplicationId
* programUpdateDate


 * compileDesignator
* supplierSiteId
* creationDate
* attributeCategory
* attribute1
* attribute2
* attribute5
* createdBy
* attribute3
* lastUpdateLogin
* fenceDays
* supplierId
* organizationId
* usingOrganizationId
* lastUpdatedBy
* inventoryItemId
* attribute13
* attribute11
* attribute15
* attribute12
* attribute4
* programId
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute9
* attribute10
* tolerancePercentage
* attribute6
* requestId
* attribute14
* attribute7
* attribute8
* programApplicationId
* programUpdateDate


 * fixedLeadTime
* repetitiveType
* exceptionExcessDays
* uomCode
* planningMakeBuyCode
* safetyStockPercent
* organizationCode
* buildInWipFlag
* exceptionOverpromisedDays
* demandTimeFenceDate
* roundingControlType
* minimumOrderQuantity
* planStartDate
* exceptionRepVarianceDays
* purchasingEnabledFlag
* description
* safetyStockBucketDays
* cumulativeTotalLeadTime
* programId
* acceptableRateDecrease
* calculateAtp
* fixedDaysSupply
* planCompletionDate
* exceptionShortageDays
* inventoryItemId
* overrunPercentage
* acceptableRateIncrease
* inventoryType
* engineeringItemFlag
* nonnettableInventoryQuantity
* programUpdateDate
* endAssemblyPegging
* lastUpdateLogin
* planningTimeFenceDays
* lastUpdateDate
* preprocessingLeadTime
* inSourcePlan
* plannerCode
* revision
* maximumOrderQuantity
* planningTimeFenceDate
* buyerId
* excessQuantity
* fixedOrderQuantity
* shrinkageRate
* inventoryUseUpDate
* planLastRevisionDate
* baseItemId
* abcClass
* inventoryPlanningCode
* categoryId
* atoForecastControl
* planningExceptionSet
* standardCost
* fullLeadTime
* acceptableEarlyDelivery
* variableLeadTime
* organizationId
* lastUpdatedBy
* cumManufacturingLeadTime
* safetyStockCode
* mrpPlanningCode
* bomItemType
* fixedLotMultiplier
* programApplicationId
* creationDate
* compileDesignator
* createdBy
* demandTimeFenceDays
* primaryVendorId
* postprocessingLeadTime
* safetyStockQuantity
* plannerStatusCode
* exceptionCode
* fullPegging
* plannerBatchNumber
* lowLevelCode
* lotControlCode
* nettableInventoryQuantity
* effectivityControl
* wipSupplyType
* buyerName
* repetitiveVariance
* requestId


 * fixedLeadTime
* repetitiveType
* exceptionExcessDays
* uomCode
* planningMakeBuyCode
* safetyStockPercent
* organizationCode
* buildInWipFlag
* exceptionOverpromisedDays
* demandTimeFenceDate
* roundingControlType
* minimumOrderQuantity
* planStartDate
* exceptionRepVarianceDays
* purchasingEnabledFlag
* description
* safetyStockBucketDays
* cumulativeTotalLeadTime
* programId
* acceptableRateDecrease
* calculateAtp
* fixedDaysSupply
* planCompletionDate
* exceptionShortageDays
* inventoryItemId
* overrunPercentage
* acceptableRateIncrease
* inventoryType
* engineeringItemFlag
* nonnettableInventoryQuantity
* programUpdateDate
* endAssemblyPegging
* lastUpdateLogin
* planningTimeFenceDays
* lastUpdateDate
* preprocessingLeadTime
* inSourcePlan
* plannerCode
* revision
* maximumOrderQuantity
* planningTimeFenceDate
* buyerId
* excessQuantity
* fixedOrderQuantity
* shrinkageRate
* inventoryUseUpDate
* planLastRevisionDate
* baseItemId
* abcClass
* inventoryPlanningCode
* categoryId
* atoForecastControl
* planningExceptionSet
* standardCost
* fullLeadTime
* acceptableEarlyDelivery
* variableLeadTime
* organizationId
* lastUpdatedBy
* cumManufacturingLeadTime
* safetyStockCode
* mrpPlanningCode
* bomItemType
* fixedLotMultiplier
* programApplicationId
* creationDate
* compileDesignator
* createdBy
* demandTimeFenceDays
* primaryVendorId
* postprocessingLeadTime
* safetyStockQuantity
* plannerStatusCode
* exceptionCode
* fullPegging
* plannerBatchNumber
* lowLevelCode
* lotControlCode
* nettableInventoryQuantity
* effectivityControl
* wipSupplyType
* buyerName
* repetitiveVariance
* requestId


 * operationStartDate
* quantityRequired
* supplyDemandType
* wipEntityType
* operationOffsetDays
* lastUpdateLogin
* compileDesignator
* lastUpdateDate
* programUpdateDate
* jobReferenceItemId
* programId
* programApplicationId
* planningGroup
* wipEntityId
* requestId
* taskId
* creationDate
* operationSeqNum
* lastUpdatedBy
* organizationId
* netQuantity
* allocatedQuantity
* createdBy
* projectId
* quantityIssued
* inventoryItemId


 * operationStartDate
* quantityRequired
* supplyDemandType
* wipEntityType
* operationOffsetDays
* lastUpdateLogin
* compileDesignator
* lastUpdateDate
* programUpdateDate
* jobReferenceItemId
* programId
* programApplicationId
* planningGroup
* wipEntityId
* requestId
* taskId
* creationDate
* operationSeqNum
* lastUpdatedBy
* organizationId
* netQuantity
* allocatedQuantity
* createdBy
* projectId
* quantityIssued
* inventoryItemId


 * lastUpdateLogin
* hoursExpended
* lastUpdatedBy
* creationDate
* programApplicationId
* createdBy
* lastUpdateDate
* operationHoursRequired
* wipEntityId
* inventoryItemId
* operationSeqNum
* resourceId
* organizationId
* requestId
* departmentId
* wipJobType
* resourceSeqNum
* programUpdateDate
* resourceEndDate
* compileDesignator
* basisType
* resourceUnits
* firstUnitStartDate
* programId


 * lastUpdateLogin
* hoursExpended
* lastUpdatedBy
* creationDate
* programApplicationId
* createdBy
* lastUpdateDate
* operationHoursRequired
* wipEntityId
* inventoryItemId
* operationSeqNum
* resourceId
* organizationId
* requestId
* departmentId
* wipJobType
* resourceSeqNum
* programUpdateDate
* resourceEndDate
* compileDesignator
* basisType
* resourceUnits
* firstUnitStartDate
* programId


 * wipEntityId
* primaryComponentId
* rank
* programUpdateDate
* programApplicationId
* organizationId
* requestId
* planId
* lastUpdatedBy
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* alternateComponentId
* lastUpdateDate
* opSeqNum
* refreshId
* ratio
* createdBy
* programId


 * wipEntityId
* primaryComponentId
* rank
* programUpdateDate
* programApplicationId
* organizationId
* requestId
* planId
* lastUpdatedBy
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* alternateComponentId
* lastUpdateDate
* opSeqNum
* refreshId
* ratio
* createdBy
* programId


 * lastUpdatedBy
* date22
* creationDate
* date30
* date15
* date14
* date12
* date6
* date20
* date4
* date7
* date1
* date18
* date9
* bucketType
* lastUpdateDate
* date2
* date21
* date26
* date29
* date23
* date16
* date8
* date13
* date35
* date3
* date5
* plannedOrganization
* date19
* date36
* organizationId
* compileDesignator
* date37
* date25
* date27
* date34
* date28
* date32
* date31
* date10
* date11
* date33
* createdBy
* date24
* date17


 * lastUpdatedBy
* date22
* creationDate
* date30
* date15
* date14
* date12
* date6
* date20
* date4
* date7
* date1
* date18
* date9
* bucketType
* lastUpdateDate
* date2
* date21
* date26
* date29
* date23
* date16
* date8
* date13
* date35
* date3
* date5
* plannedOrganization
* date19
* date36
* organizationId
* compileDesignator
* date37
* date25
* date27
* date34
* date28
* date32
* date31
* date10
* date11
* date33
* createdBy
* date24
* date17


 * valueType
* lookupType
* valueHigh
* whereClause
* flexcode
* lastUpdateDate
* operatorType
* lastUpdatedBy
* criterion
* criterionType
* creationDate
* queryId
* columnName
* scheduledReceiptsCriteria
* listvalSql
* lowId
* highId
* lastUpdateLogin
* createdBy
* criterionId
* priority
* criteriaSet
* tableName
* plannedOrderCriteria
* minimumValue
* valueLow
* maximumValue
* repetitiveScheduleCriteria


 * valueType
* lookupType
* valueHigh
* whereClause
* flexcode
* lastUpdateDate
* operatorType
* lastUpdatedBy
* criterion
* criterionType
* creationDate
* queryId
* columnName
* scheduledReceiptsCriteria
* listvalSql
* lowId
* highId
* lastUpdateLogin
* createdBy
* criterionId
* priority
* criteriaSet
* tableName
* plannedOrderCriteria
* minimumValue
* valueLow
* maximumValue
* repetitiveScheduleCriteria


 * ordersPlannedOrders
* summarySalesOrders
* summaryIndependentDemand
* summaryFlowSchedules
* ordersForecast
* ordersFirmJobs
* summaryTotalSupply
* lastUpdateDate
* crpHourAvailable
* ordersScrap
* crpRepetitiveSchedules
* userId
* crpDailyRequiredRate
* summaryWindowWidth
* summaryPaybackDemand
* summaryForecast
* summaryExpLot
* createdBy
* summarySs
* ordersSalesOrders
* crpLineCost
* summaryPab
* ordersIndependentDemand
* defaultFlag
* summaryTransit
* lastUpdateLogin
* crpHoursAvailPerDay
* crpRequiredRate
* crpCumRoutingCapacityUtil
* lastUpdatedBy
* crpPlannedOrders
* crpNetHourAvailable
* summaryBeginningOnHand
* summaryPo
* summaryPoh
* ordersScheduledReceipts
* summaryAtp
* crpHoursRequiredPerDay
* crpAvailableRate
* crpNetAvailableRate
* jobClassCode
* summaryScrap
* crpCumRateCapacityUtil
* summaryWindowSize
* ordersFolderId
* crpDailyAvailableRate
* crpRequireHours
* summaryFieldWidth
* crpRoutingCapacityUtil
* crpDiscreteJobs
* creationDate
* summaryDecimalPlaces
* bucketType
* summaryWip
* ordersReleaseConfigs
* groupByCode
* crpCumHourAvailable
* summaryScheduledReceipts
* summaryReq
* summaryPlannedOrders
* ordersDefaultJobStatus
* summaryReceiving
* ordersDependentDemand
* crpResourceCost
* summaryPaybackSupply
* sourceList
* crpCumAvailableRate
* summaryCurrentReceipts
* crpNonStdJobOrders
* ordersReleasePhantoms
* crpFlowSchedules
* crpRateCapacityUtil
* summaryGrossRequirements
* summaryDisplayFactor
* indDemandType
* ordersCutoffDate
* categorySetId
* summaryDependentDemand


 * ordersPlannedOrders
* summarySalesOrders
* summaryIndependentDemand
* summaryFlowSchedules
* ordersForecast
* ordersFirmJobs
* summaryTotalSupply
* lastUpdateDate
* crpHourAvailable
* ordersScrap
* crpRepetitiveSchedules
* userId
* crpDailyRequiredRate
* summaryWindowWidth
* summaryPaybackDemand
* summaryForecast
* summaryExpLot
* createdBy
* summarySs
* ordersSalesOrders
* crpLineCost
* summaryPab
* ordersIndependentDemand
* defaultFlag
* summaryTransit
* lastUpdateLogin
* crpHoursAvailPerDay
* crpRequiredRate
* crpCumRoutingCapacityUtil
* lastUpdatedBy
* crpPlannedOrders
* crpNetHourAvailable
* summaryBeginningOnHand
* summaryPo
* summaryPoh
* ordersScheduledReceipts
* summaryAtp
* crpHoursRequiredPerDay
* crpAvailableRate
* crpNetAvailableRate
* jobClassCode
* summaryScrap
* crpCumRateCapacityUtil
* summaryWindowSize
* ordersFolderId
* crpDailyAvailableRate
* crpRequireHours
* summaryFieldWidth
* crpRoutingCapacityUtil
* crpDiscreteJobs
* creationDate
* summaryDecimalPlaces
* bucketType
* summaryWip
* ordersReleaseConfigs
* groupByCode
* crpCumHourAvailable
* summaryScheduledReceipts
* summaryReq
* summaryPlannedOrders
* ordersDefaultJobStatus
* summaryReceiving
* ordersDependentDemand
* crpResourceCost
* summaryPaybackSupply
* sourceList
* crpCumAvailableRate
* summaryCurrentReceipts
* crpNonStdJobOrders
* ordersReleasePhantoms
* crpFlowSchedules
* crpRateCapacityUtil
* summaryGrossRequirements
* summaryDisplayFactor
* indDemandType
* ordersCutoffDate
* categorySetId
* summaryDependentDemand


 * srAssignmentGroupId
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* abcClassId
* srInstanceId
* creationDate
* createdBy
* description
* organizationId
* abcClassName


 * srAssignmentGroupId
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* abcClassId
* srInstanceId
* creationDate
* createdBy
* description
* organizationId
* abcClassName


 * lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* defDispValue
* sequence
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* defaultValue
* activityType
* dataType
* createdBy
* displayName
* sql
* paramVersion
* displayed
* required
* name


 * lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* defDispValue
* sequence
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* defaultValue
* activityType
* dataType
* createdBy
* displayName
* sql
* paramVersion
* displayed
* required
* name


 * disableDate
* allocationRuleName
* createdBy
* creationDate
* effectiveDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdatedBy
* timePhaseId
* lastUpdateDate


 * disableDate
* allocationRuleName
* createdBy
* creationDate
* effectiveDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdatedBy
* timePhaseId
* lastUpdateDate


 * lastUpdateLogin
* assignmentId
* departmentId
* organizationId
* attribute3
* attribute15
* categoryName
* allocationRuleName
* attribute5
* attribute4
* assignmentType
* categorySetId
* resourceId
* attribute10
* lastUpdatedBy
* attributeCategory
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute8
* inventoryItemId
* attribute6
* attribute14
* attribute7
* attribute12
* attribute13
* attribute1
* attribute9
* creationDate
* resourceGroup
* attribute2
* createdBy
* srInstanceId
* attribute11


 * lastUpdateLogin
* assignmentId
* departmentId
* organizationId
* attribute3
* attribute15
* categoryName
* allocationRuleName
* attribute5
* attribute4
* assignmentType
* categorySetId
* resourceId
* attribute10
* lastUpdatedBy
* attributeCategory
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute8
* inventoryItemId
* attribute6
* attribute14
* attribute7
* attribute12
* attribute13
* attribute1
* attribute9
* creationDate
* resourceGroup
* attribute2
* createdBy
* srInstanceId
* attribute11


 * currFlag
* creationDate
* createdBy
* organizationId
* bucketIndex
* bktStartDate
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* planId
* bktEndDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* bucketType
* srInstanceId
* daysInBucket


 * currFlag
* creationDate
* createdBy
* organizationId
* bucketIndex
* bktStartDate
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* planId
* bktEndDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* bucketType
* srInstanceId
* daysInBucket


 * allocRuleId
* lastUpdatedBy
* priSupplyQty
* totalSupplyQty
* toSrInstanceId
* planId
* priDemandQty
* summaryFlag
* itemId
* firmCarryFwdBkts
* customerSiteId
* toOrgSeqId
* supplierSiteId
* srInstanceId
* customerId
* createdBy
* demandClass
* fixedLotMultiplier
* demandQty
* toOrganizationId
* lastUpdateDate
* assemblyItemId
* allocatedQty
* firmFlag
* priority
* organizationId
* lastUpdateLogin
* higherPriAllocatedQty
* supplierId
* higherPriDemandQty
* allocBktId
* creationDate


 * allocRuleId
* lastUpdatedBy
* priSupplyQty
* totalSupplyQty
* toSrInstanceId
* planId
* priDemandQty
* summaryFlag
* itemId
* firmCarryFwdBkts
* customerSiteId
* toOrgSeqId
* supplierSiteId
* srInstanceId
* customerId
* createdBy
* demandClass
* fixedLotMultiplier
* demandQty
* toOrganizationId
* lastUpdateDate
* assemblyItemId
* allocatedQty
* firmFlag
* priority
* organizationId
* lastUpdateLogin
* higherPriAllocatedQty
* supplierId
* higherPriDemandQty
* allocBktId
* creationDate


 * lastUpdateDate
* shipmentId
* inventoryItemId
* demandId
* priority
* maxEarlyDate
* needByDate
* createdBy
* planId
* creationDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* supplyDate
* maxLateDate
* allocationQty
* lastUpdateLogin


 * lastUpdateDate
* shipmentId
* inventoryItemId
* demandId
* priority
* maxEarlyDate
* needByDate
* createdBy
* planId
* creationDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* supplyDate
* maxLateDate
* allocationQty
* lastUpdateLogin


 * lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute14
* attribute11
* description
* createdBy
* creationDate
* attribute7
* attribute10
* attribute5
* attribute13
* attribute3
* attribute9
* attribute2
* allocationRuleName
* attribute15
* attribute8
* attributeCategory
* attribute4
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute1
* attribute6
* attribute12


 * lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute14
* attribute11
* description
* createdBy
* creationDate
* attribute7
* attribute10
* attribute5
* attribute13
* attribute3
* attribute9
* attribute2
* allocationRuleName
* attribute15
* attribute8
* attributeCategory
* attribute4
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute1
* attribute6
* attribute12


 * lastUpdatedBy
* attribute8
* attribute10
* creationDate
* attribute9
* class
* createdBy
* attribute4
* levelAllocPercent
* minAllocationPercent
* partnerSiteId
* allocationId
* attribute13
* attribute14
* attribute11
* attribute7
* attribute12
* lastUpdateLogin
* serviceLevel
* lastUpdateDate
* priority
* demandClass
* levelPriority
* attribute6
* allocationPercent
* attribute1
* attributeCategory
* attribute3
* attribute2
* timePhaseId
* attribute5
* attribute15
* minLevelAllocPercent
* partnerId
* levelId


 * lastUpdatedBy
* attribute8
* attribute10
* creationDate
* attribute9
* class
* createdBy
* attribute4
* levelAllocPercent
* minAllocationPercent
* partnerSiteId
* allocationId
* attribute13
* attribute14
* attribute11
* attribute7
* attribute12
* lastUpdateLogin
* serviceLevel
* lastUpdateDate
* priority
* demandClass
* levelPriority
* attribute6
* allocationPercent
* attribute1
* attributeCategory
* attribute3
* attribute2
* timePhaseId
* attribute5
* attribute15
* minLevelAllocPercent
* partnerId
* levelId


 * fieldName
* orValues
* folderId
* orderBySequence
* orValueDate
* objectSequence
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* hiddenValues
* lastUpdatedBy
* createdBy
* trxId
* orValue
* sequence
* lastUpdateDate


 * fieldName
* orValues
* folderId
* orderBySequence
* orValueDate
* objectSequence
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* hiddenValues
* lastUpdatedBy
* createdBy
* trxId
* orValue
* sequence
* lastUpdateDate


 * createdBy
* key
* memberOrder
* lastUpdateDate
* defaultset
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdatedBy
* name
* publicFlag
* module
* creationDate
* userid
* value


 * createdBy
* key
* memberOrder
* lastUpdateDate
* defaultset
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdatedBy
* name
* publicFlag
* module
* creationDate
* userid
* value


 * lastUpdateLogin
* sessionId
* lastUpdatedBy
* seqNum
* createdBy
* answerId
* answerText
* creationDate
* questionId
* lastUpdateDate


 * lastUpdateLogin
* sessionId
* lastUpdatedBy
* seqNum
* createdBy
* answerId
* answerText
* creationDate
* questionId
* lastUpdateDate


 * calendarCode
* fisPeriodStartDate
* mfgPeriodEndDate
* calendarDate
* mfgSeqNum
* mfgPeriodStartDate
* reportEndDate
* creationDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* mfgPeriodName
* mfgWeekStartDate
* mfgWeekEndDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* reportStartDate
* programId
* programApplicationId
* lastUpdateDate
* fisPeriodEndDate
* createdBy
* programLoginId
* requestId


 * calendarCode
* fisPeriodStartDate
* mfgPeriodEndDate
* calendarDate
* mfgSeqNum
* mfgPeriodStartDate
* reportEndDate
* creationDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* mfgPeriodName
* mfgWeekStartDate
* mfgWeekEndDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* reportStartDate
* programId
* programApplicationId
* lastUpdateDate
* fisPeriodEndDate
* createdBy
* programLoginId
* requestId


 * categorySetId1
* measureBlocks
* programApplicationId
* categorySetId4
* requestId
* periodSetName
* currencyConvType
* daysBack
* creationDate
* prevVersionType
* reportingCurrency
* categorySetId3
* timeGranularity
* createdBy
* categorySetId5
* orgCalFlag
* planRunResvCnt
* lastUpdateLogin
* calCode
* categorySetId2
* lastUpdateDate
* programId
* pgCategorySetId
* lastUpdatedBy
* daysForward
* programLoginId


 * categorySetId1
* measureBlocks
* programApplicationId
* categorySetId4
* requestId
* periodSetName
* currencyConvType
* daysBack
* creationDate
* prevVersionType
* reportingCurrency
* categorySetId3
* timeGranularity
* createdBy
* categorySetId5
* orgCalFlag
* planRunResvCnt
* lastUpdateLogin
* calCode
* categorySetId2
* lastUpdateDate
* programId
* pgCategorySetId
* lastUpdatedBy
* daysForward
* programLoginId


 * level9
* detailId
* level4
* level7
* creationDate
* level6
* level5
* detailId2
* lastUpdateLogin
* programApplicationId
* level10
* createdBy
* programId
* level8
* programLoginId
* lastUpdatedBy
* dimensionId
* lastUpdateDate
* requestId
* level2
* level3


 * level9
* detailId
* level4
* level7
* creationDate
* level6
* level5
* detailId2
* lastUpdateLogin
* programApplicationId
* level10
* createdBy
* programId
* level8
* programLoginId
* lastUpdatedBy
* dimensionId
* lastUpdateDate
* requestId
* level2
* level3


 * sourceColumnName
* programLoginId
* programId
* lastUpdatedBy
* aggregationMethod
* programApplicationId
* factType
* columnName
* lastUpdateDate
* requestId
* lastUpdateLogin
* creationDate
* createdBy
* columnTitle


 * sourceColumnName
* programLoginId
* programId
* lastUpdatedBy
* aggregationMethod
* programApplicationId
* factType
* columnName
* lastUpdateDate
* requestId
* lastUpdateLogin
* creationDate
* createdBy
* columnTitle


 * programId
* customAttribute13
* creationDate
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* programApplicationId
* customAttribute11
* customAttribute10
* customAttribute1
* customAttribute2
* customAttribute3
* customAttribute5
* createdBy
* requestId
* customAttribute12
* programLoginId
* customAttribute4
* customAttribute14
* lastUpdateLogin
* customAttribute8
* customAttribute9
* customAttribute15
* customAttribute6
* transactionId
* recordType
* customAttribute7
* srInstanceId


 * programId
* customAttribute13
* creationDate
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* programApplicationId
* customAttribute11
* customAttribute10
* customAttribute1
* customAttribute2
* customAttribute3
* customAttribute5
* createdBy
* requestId
* customAttribute12
* programLoginId
* customAttribute4
* customAttribute14
* lastUpdateLogin
* customAttribute8
* customAttribute9
* customAttribute15
* customAttribute6
* transactionId
* recordType
* customAttribute7
* srInstanceId


 * srInstanceId
* sourceVersion
* lastUpdateLogin
* planCutoffDate
* uploadMode
* directory
* importLevel
* sourcePlanRunId
* exportLevel
* transferStatus
* planCompletionDate
* programLoginId
* lastUpdatedBy
* sourceDblink
* createdBy
* programApplicationId
* programId
* planRunId
* planId
* transferId
* planName
* planType
* creationDate
* organizationId
* planStartDate
* lastUpdateDate
* requestId
* planDescription


 * lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdatedBy
* programApplicationId
* factType
* fileName
* lastUpdateDate
* programId
* programLoginId
* overwriteAfterDate
* requestId
* fileData
* transferId
* createdBy
* creationDate


 * lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdatedBy
* programApplicationId
* factType
* fileName
* lastUpdateDate
* programId
* programLoginId
* overwriteAfterDate
* requestId
* fileData
* transferId
* createdBy
* creationDate


 * srInstanceId
* sourceVersion
* lastUpdateLogin
* planCutoffDate
* uploadMode
* directory
* importLevel
* sourcePlanRunId
* exportLevel
* transferStatus
* planCompletionDate
* programLoginId
* lastUpdatedBy
* sourceDblink
* createdBy
* programApplicationId
* programId
* planRunId
* planId
* transferId
* planName
* planType
* creationDate
* organizationId
* planStartDate
* lastUpdateDate
* requestId
* planDescription


 * partName
* programLoginId
* lastUpdatedBy
* currentStep
* workerName
* lastUpdateDate
* planRunId
* workerRequestId
* requestId
* programId
* createdBy
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* programApplicationId


 * partName
* programLoginId
* lastUpdatedBy
* currentStep
* workerName
* lastUpdateDate
* planRunId
* workerRequestId
* requestId
* programId
* createdBy
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* programApplicationId


 * lastUpdateLogin
* creationDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* createdBy
* instanceId
* nodeId
* lastUpdateDate
* m2aDblink


 * lastUpdateLogin
* creationDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* createdBy
* instanceId
* nodeId
* lastUpdateDate
* m2aDblink


 * gmtDifference
* appsVer
* attribute2
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute15
* soTblStatus
* attribute11
* lastTgtContCollTime
* summaryRefreshNumber
* collectAllCategorySets
* lrtype
* creationDate
* stagingCopyComplete
* m2aDblink
* lastIbucCollDate
* attribute14
* lastUpdateDate
* currency
* resourceVolumeUom
* stStatus
* cleansedFlag
* programApplicationId
* assignmentSetId
* stagingCopyEnabled
* ibuccpLcid
* instanceCode
* allowAtpFlag
* programUpdateDate
* validationOrgId
* lrSourcingFlag
* attribute13
* allowReleaseFlag
* attribute4
* collectionsStartTime
* lbjDetails
* attribute5
* resourceMassUom
* enableFlag
* companyId
* programId
* attribute6
* snapRefStartTime
* createdBy
* pjmEnabled
* appsLrn
* attributeCategory
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute10
* attribute3
* soLrtype
* pullWrkrStartTime
* lcid
* p6DeleteFlag
* attribute1
* attribute9
* instanceType
* planStatusCounter
* dbsVer
* suppliesLoadFlag
* lrid
* instanceId
* attribute7
* attribute8
* a2mDblink
* requestId
* summaryFlag
* attribute12


 * gmtDifference
* appsVer
* attribute2
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute15
* soTblStatus
* attribute11
* lastTgtContCollTime
* summaryRefreshNumber
* collectAllCategorySets
* lrtype
* creationDate
* stagingCopyComplete
* m2aDblink
* lastIbucCollDate
* attribute14
* lastUpdateDate
* currency
* resourceVolumeUom
* stStatus
* cleansedFlag
* programApplicationId
* assignmentSetId
* stagingCopyEnabled
* ibuccpLcid
* instanceCode
* allowAtpFlag
* programUpdateDate
* validationOrgId
* lrSourcingFlag
* attribute13
* allowReleaseFlag
* attribute4
* collectionsStartTime
* lbjDetails
* attribute5
* resourceMassUom
* enableFlag
* companyId
* programId
* attribute6
* snapRefStartTime
* createdBy
* pjmEnabled
* appsLrn
* attributeCategory
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute10
* attribute3
* soLrtype
* pullWrkrStartTime
* lcid
* p6DeleteFlag
* attribute1
* attribute9
* instanceType
* planStatusCounter
* dbsVer
* suppliesLoadFlag
* lrid
* instanceId
* attribute7
* attribute8
* a2mDblink
* requestId
* summaryFlag
* attribute12


 * creationDate
* displayOrder
* lastUpdateLogin
* endDays
* requestId
* orderType
* attribute11
* usingOrganizationId
* attributeCategory
* attribute8
* inventoryItemId
* authorizationCode
* attribute9
* collectedFlag
* attribute6
* attribute14
* percentagePurchasePrice
* lastUpdatedBy
* srInstanceId
* planId
* programUpdateDate
* lastUpdateDate
* programId
* attribute3
* attribute12
* attribute2
* organizationId
* attribute10
* aslLiabilityAgreementBasis
* startDays
* refreshNumber
* attribute15
* supplierSiteId
* programApplicationId
* attribute7
* attribute13
* attribute1
* attribute5
* includeLiabilityAgreement
* attribute4
* cutoffDays
* transactionId
* supplierId
* parentId
* createdBy


 * creationDate
* displayOrder
* lastUpdateLogin
* endDays
* requestId
* orderType
* attribute11
* usingOrganizationId
* attributeCategory
* attribute8
* inventoryItemId
* authorizationCode
* attribute9
* collectedFlag
* attribute6
* attribute14
* percentagePurchasePrice
* lastUpdatedBy
* srInstanceId
* planId
* programUpdateDate
* lastUpdateDate
* programId
* attribute3
* attribute12
* attribute2
* organizationId
* attribute10
* aslLiabilityAgreementBasis
* startDays
* refreshNumber
* attribute15
* supplierSiteId
* programApplicationId
* attribute7
* attribute13
* attribute1
* attribute5
* includeLiabilityAgreement
* attribute4
* cutoffDays
* transactionId
* supplierId
* parentId
* createdBy


 * createdBy
* description
* attribute14
* attribute9
* attributeCategory
* attribute6
* srInstanceId
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute12
* attribute1
* attribute5
* deletedFlag
* attribute11
* programApplicationId
* requestId
* assignmentAssociationType
* lastUpdateDate
* assignmentSetId
* creationDate
* attribute8
* attribute10
* attribute15
* programUpdateDate
* attribute3
* collectedFlag
* attribute2
* refreshNumber
* assignmentSetName
* attribute7
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute13
* attribute4
* srAssignmentSetId
* programId


 * createdBy
* description
* attribute14
* attribute9
* attributeCategory
* attribute6
* srInstanceId
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute12
* attribute1
* attribute5
* deletedFlag
* attribute11
* programApplicationId
* requestId
* assignmentAssociationType
* lastUpdateDate
* assignmentSetId
* creationDate
* attribute8
* attribute10
* attribute15
* programUpdateDate
* attribute3
* collectedFlag
* attribute2
* refreshNumber
* assignmentSetName
* attribute7
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute13
* attribute4
* srAssignmentSetId
* programId


 * attribute4
* attributeCategory
* includeNonstdWipDemand
* attribute5
* includeUserDefinedSupply
* includeRepWipDemand
* includeFlowScheduleReceipts
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute2
* attribute15
* pastDueDemandCutoffFence
* description
* forwardConsumptionFlag
* attribute9
* accumulateAvailableFlag
* includeUserDefinedDemand
* includeRepMps
* acceptableLateFence
* attribute1
* aggregateTimeFenceCode
* attribute6
* ruleId
* ruleName
* demandClassAtpFlag
* lastUpdateDate
* includeRepWipReceipts
* pastDueSupplyCutoffFence
* includeOnhandAvailable
* userAtpSupplyTableName
* programApplicationId
* includeInternalOrders
* requestId
* includeFlowScheduleDemand
* userAtpDemandTableName
* infiniteSupplyFenceCode
* srInstanceId
* includeInterorgTransfers
* programId
* attribute8
* attribute11
* attribute10
* includeDiscreteWipReceipts
* includeDiscreteWipDemand
* includeSupplierReqs
* programUpdateDate
* defaultAtpSources
* infiniteSupplyTimeFence
* includeDiscreteMps
* includeNonstdWipReceipts
* backwardConsumptionFlag
* createdBy
* acceptableEarlyFence
* attribute12
* includeSalesOrders
* attribute14
* mpsDesignator
* includeInternalReqs
* includePurchaseOrders
* attribute13
* attribute7
* aggregateTimeFence
* creationDate
* attribute3
* accumulationWindow


 * attribute4
* attributeCategory
* includeNonstdWipDemand
* attribute5
* includeUserDefinedSupply
* includeRepWipDemand
* includeFlowScheduleReceipts
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute2
* attribute15
* pastDueDemandCutoffFence
* description
* forwardConsumptionFlag
* attribute9
* accumulateAvailableFlag
* includeUserDefinedDemand
* includeRepMps
* acceptableLateFence
* attribute1
* aggregateTimeFenceCode
* attribute6
* ruleId
* ruleName
* demandClassAtpFlag
* lastUpdateDate
* includeRepWipReceipts
* pastDueSupplyCutoffFence
* includeOnhandAvailable
* userAtpSupplyTableName
* programApplicationId
* includeInternalOrders
* requestId
* includeFlowScheduleDemand
* userAtpDemandTableName
* infiniteSupplyFenceCode
* srInstanceId
* includeInterorgTransfers
* programId
* attribute8
* attribute11
* attribute10
* includeDiscreteWipReceipts
* includeDiscreteWipDemand
* includeSupplierReqs
* programUpdateDate
* defaultAtpSources
* infiniteSupplyTimeFence
* includeDiscreteMps
* includeNonstdWipReceipts
* backwardConsumptionFlag
* createdBy
* acceptableEarlyFence
* attribute12
* includeSalesOrders
* attribute14
* mpsDesignator
* includeInternalReqs
* includePurchaseOrders
* attribute13
* attribute7
* aggregateTimeFence
* creationDate
* attribute3
* accumulationWindow


 * lastUpdateLogin
* profileValue
* sessionId
* lastUpdatedBy
* profileName
* createdBy
* lastUpdateDate
* creationDate


 * lastUpdateLogin
* profileValue
* sessionId
* lastUpdatedBy
* profileName
* createdBy
* lastUpdateDate
* creationDate


 * srInstanceId
* createdBy
* requestId
* organizationId
* lastUpdateDate
* programUpdateDate
* updated
* lastUpdateLogin
* programId
* transactionId
* creationDate
* planId
* scheduleDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* inventoryItemId
* programApplicationId
* status
* quantityAvailable


 * srInstanceId
* createdBy
* requestId
* organizationId
* lastUpdateDate
* programUpdateDate
* updated
* lastUpdateLogin
* programId
* transactionId
* creationDate
* planId
* scheduleDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* inventoryItemId
* programApplicationId
* status
* quantityAvailable


 * attribute2
* creationDate
* planId
* attribute1
* attributeCategory
* organizationId
* attribute12
* billOfResources
* srInstanceId
* attribute13
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute4
* attribute11
* createdBy
* refreshNumber
* requestId
* programUpdateDate
* attribute7
* attribute15
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute14
* programApplicationId
* attribute5
* programId
* disableDate
* rollupStartDate
* lastUpdateDate
* rollupCompletionDate
* attribute3
* attribute9
* description
* attribute6
* attribute10
* attribute8


 * attribute2
* creationDate
* planId
* attribute1
* attributeCategory
* organizationId
* attribute12
* billOfResources
* srInstanceId
* attribute13
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute4
* attribute11
* createdBy
* refreshNumber
* requestId
* programUpdateDate
* attribute7
* attribute15
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute14
* programApplicationId
* attribute5
* programId
* disableDate
* rollupStartDate
* lastUpdateDate
* rollupCompletionDate
* attribute3
* attribute9
* description
* attribute6
* attribute10
* attribute8


 * name
* requestId
* programId
* versionNo
* shortName
* currentPlanFlag
* programUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* creationDate
* srInstanceId
* lastUpdateDate
* businessPlanId
* description
* lastUpdatedBy
* programApplicationId
* createdBy
* refreshNumber


 * name
* requestId
* programId
* versionNo
* shortName
* currentPlanFlag
* programUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* creationDate
* srInstanceId
* lastUpdateDate
* businessPlanId
* description
* lastUpdatedBy
* programApplicationId
* createdBy
* refreshNumber


 * lastUpdateLogin
* inventoryCost
* lastUpdatedBy
* planId
* lastUpdateDate
* mdsPrice
* srCategoryId
* productionCost
* purchasingCost
* demandPenaltyCost
* carryingCost
* organizationId
* srInstanceId
* categoryName
* creationDate
* mdsCost
* createdBy
* categorySetId
* detailDate


 * lastUpdateLogin
* inventoryCost
* lastUpdatedBy
* planId
* lastUpdateDate
* mdsPrice
* srCategoryId
* productionCost
* purchasingCost
* demandPenaltyCost
* carryingCost
* organizationId
* srInstanceId
* categoryName
* creationDate
* mdsCost
* createdBy
* categorySetId
* detailDate


 * createdBy
* inventoryCost
* mdsPrice
* creationDate
* mdsCost
* purchasingCost
* organizationId
* lastUpdateLogin
* detailDate
* carryingCost
* demandPenaltyCost
* planId
* srInstanceId
* inventoryValue
* lastUpdateDate
* productionCost
* lastUpdatedBy
* plannerCode


 * createdBy
* inventoryCost
* mdsPrice
* creationDate
* mdsCost
* purchasingCost
* organizationId
* lastUpdateLogin
* detailDate
* carryingCost
* demandPenaltyCost
* planId
* srInstanceId
* inventoryValue
* lastUpdateDate
* productionCost
* lastUpdatedBy
* plannerCode


 * createdBy
* requestId
* organizationId
* facilityCost
* lastUpdateLogin
* facilityCostType
* planId
* detailDate
* programId
* lastUpdateDate
* programApplicationId
* programLoginId
* srInstanceId
* creationDate
* lastUpdatedBy


 * createdBy
* requestId
* organizationId
* facilityCost
* lastUpdateLogin
* facilityCostType
* planId
* detailDate
* programId
* lastUpdateDate
* programApplicationId
* programLoginId
* srInstanceId
* creationDate
* lastUpdatedBy


 * unitOfMeasureClass
* timeDimensionId
* dimension2Id
* dimension5Id
* createdBy
* measureId
* measureShortName
* lastUpdateLogin
* programId
* orgDimensionId
* dimension1Id
* creationDate
* programUpdateDate
* lastUpdateDate
* refreshNumber
* programApplicationId
* description
* dimension3Id
* lastUpdatedBy
* requestId
* srInstanceId
* dimension4Id
* measureName


 * unitOfMeasureClass
* timeDimensionId
* dimension2Id
* dimension5Id
* createdBy
* measureId
* measureShortName
* lastUpdateLogin
* programId
* orgDimensionId
* dimension1Id
* creationDate
* programUpdateDate
* lastUpdateDate
* refreshNumber
* programApplicationId
* description
* dimension3Id
* lastUpdatedBy
* requestId
* srInstanceId
* dimension4Id
* measureName


 * startDate
* createdBy
* description
* context
* periodYear
* attribute3
* enteredPeriodName
* adjustmentPeriodFlag
* lastUpdateDate
* organizationId
* creationDate
* attribute4
* periodType
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute2
* attribute7
* attribute1
* attribute8
* yearStartDate
* periodSetName
* quarterStartDate
* attribute5
* periodName
* quarterNum
* lastUpdatedBy
* srInstanceId
* endDate
* periodNum
* attribute6


 * startDate
* createdBy
* description
* context
* periodYear
* attribute3
* enteredPeriodName
* adjustmentPeriodFlag
* lastUpdateDate
* organizationId
* creationDate
* attribute4
* periodType
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute2
* attribute7
* attribute1
* attribute8
* yearStartDate
* periodSetName
* quarterStartDate
* attribute5
* periodName
* quarterNum
* lastUpdatedBy
* srInstanceId
* endDate
* periodNum
* attribute6


 * programUpdateDate
* createdBy
* lateSupplyCount
* lastUpdateDate
* planId
* programApplicationId
* totalResourceAvail
* programId
* keyDate
* totalResourceReq
* totalSupplyCount
* totalDaysLate
* srInstanceId
* totalResSetupTime
* creationDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* requestId
* lastUpdateLogin


 * programUpdateDate
* createdBy
* lateSupplyCount
* lastUpdateDate
* planId
* programApplicationId
* totalResourceAvail
* programId
* keyDate
* totalResourceReq
* totalSupplyCount
* totalDaysLate
* srInstanceId
* totalResSetupTime
* creationDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* requestId
* lastUpdateLogin


 * lastUpdatedBy
* utilSum
* resourceDate
* organizationId
* planId
* srInstanceId
* utilization
* utilCount
* creationDate
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* createdBy


 * lastUpdatedBy
* utilSum
* resourceDate
* organizationId
* planId
* srInstanceId
* utilization
* utilCount
* creationDate
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* createdBy


 * utilByWtVol
* departmentId
* resourceInstDate
* detailLevel
* createdBy
* resInstanceId
* requiredHours
* equipmentItemId
* lastUpdatedBy
* programApplicationId
* lastUpdateDate
* utilization
* serialNumber
* availableHours
* programId
* planId
* programUpdateDate
* requestId
* batchCount
* resourceId
* lastUpdateLogin
* periodType
* creationDate
* srInstanceId
* organizationId


 * utilByWtVol
* departmentId
* resourceInstDate
* detailLevel
* createdBy
* resInstanceId
* requiredHours
* equipmentItemId
* lastUpdatedBy
* programApplicationId
* lastUpdateDate
* utilization
* serialNumber
* availableHours
* programId
* planId
* programUpdateDate
* requestId
* batchCount
* resourceId
* lastUpdateLogin
* periodType
* creationDate
* srInstanceId
* organizationId


 * resourceId
* programUpdateDate
* createdBy
* resourceGroup
* setupHours
* programId
* programApplicationId
* batchCount
* utilByWtVol
* availableHours
* lastUpdateDate
* srInstanceId
* planId
* requiredHours
* periodType
* requestId
* detailLevel
* lastUpdateLogin
* creationDate
* departmentId
* lastUpdatedBy
* overutilizationCost
* resourceDate
* utilization
* organizationId
* departmentClass
* resourceCost


 * resourceId
* programUpdateDate
* createdBy
* resourceGroup
* setupHours
* programId
* programApplicationId
* batchCount
* utilByWtVol
* availableHours
* lastUpdateDate
* srInstanceId
* planId
* requiredHours
* periodType
* requestId
* detailLevel
* lastUpdateLogin
* creationDate
* departmentId
* lastUpdatedBy
* overutilizationCost
* resourceDate
* utilization
* organizationId
* departmentClass
* resourceCost


 * inventoryItemId
* organizationId
* lastUpdateLogin
* planId
* requiredQuantity
* lastUpdatedBy
* creationDate
* periodType
* srInstanceId
* detailDate
* supplierSiteId
* lastUpdateDate
* availableCapacity
* createdBy
* detailLevel
* utilization
* overcapCost
* supplierId


 * inventoryItemId
* organizationId
* lastUpdateLogin
* planId
* requiredQuantity
* lastUpdatedBy
* creationDate
* periodType
* srInstanceId
* detailDate
* supplierSiteId
* lastUpdateDate
* availableCapacity
* createdBy
* detailLevel
* utilization
* overcapCost
* supplierId


 * computingFunctionId
* unitOfMeasure
* defaultNotifyRespShortName
* dimension3LevelId
* dimension2LevelId
* defaultNotifyRespId
* dimension4LevelId
* programUpdateDate
* targetLevelId
* srInstanceId
* dimension1LevelId
* programApplicationId
* workflowItemType
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* programId
* createdBy
* creationDate
* lastUpdateDate
* targetLevelShortName
* refreshNumber
* targetLevelName
* dimension5LevelId
* description
* timeLevelId
* orgLevelId
* systemFlag
* workflowProcessShortName
* requestId
* measureId
* reportFunctionId


 * computingFunctionId
* unitOfMeasure
* defaultNotifyRespShortName
* dimension3LevelId
* dimension2LevelId
* defaultNotifyRespId
* dimension4LevelId
* programUpdateDate
* targetLevelId
* srInstanceId
* dimension1LevelId
* programApplicationId
* workflowItemType
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* programId
* createdBy
* creationDate
* lastUpdateDate
* targetLevelShortName
* refreshNumber
* targetLevelName
* dimension5LevelId
* description
* timeLevelId
* orgLevelId
* systemFlag
* workflowProcessShortName
* requestId
* measureId
* reportFunctionId


 * timeLevelValueId
* notifyResp1Id
* targetId
* range3Low
* businessPlanId
* target
* notifyResp3Id
* range2Low
* notifyResp1ShortName
* refreshNumber
* dim1LevelValueId
* lastUpdateLogin
* notifyResp2Id
* notifyResp3ShortName
* dim5LevelValueId
* dim4LevelValueId
* targetLevelId
* programApplicationId
* srInstanceId
* range1Low
* dim2LevelValueId
* lastUpdatedBy
* programId
* orgLevelValueId
* range1High
* lastUpdateDate
* range3High
* createdBy
* range2High
* notifyResp2ShortName
* programUpdateDate
* creationDate
* dim3LevelValueId
* requestId


 * timeLevelValueId
* notifyResp1Id
* targetId
* range3Low
* businessPlanId
* target
* notifyResp3Id
* range2Low
* notifyResp1ShortName
* refreshNumber
* dim1LevelValueId
* lastUpdateLogin
* notifyResp2Id
* notifyResp3ShortName
* dim5LevelValueId
* dim4LevelValueId
* targetLevelId
* programApplicationId
* srInstanceId
* range1Low
* dim2LevelValueId
* lastUpdatedBy
* programId
* orgLevelValueId
* range1High
* lastUpdateDate
* range3High
* createdBy
* range2High
* notifyResp2ShortName
* programUpdateDate
* creationDate
* dim3LevelValueId
* requestId


 * srInstanceId
* allocationPercent
* planId
* inventoryItemId
* sourceOrgInstanceId
* sourcingLevel
* assignmentSetId
* sourcingRuleType
* rank
* compileDesignator
* owningOrgId
* regionId
* regionType
* bomItemType
* sourceType
* customerId
* disableDate
* organizationId
* sourcingRuleId
* customerSiteId
* primaryUomCode
* planningMakeBuyCode
* mrpPlanningCode
* sourcingRuleName
* sourceOrganizationId
* assignmentType
* shipMethod
* effectiveDate
* assignmentId
* srDescription


 * srInstanceId
* allocationPercent
* planId
* inventoryItemId
* sourceOrgInstanceId
* sourcingLevel
* assignmentSetId
* sourcingRuleType
* rank
* compileDesignator
* owningOrgId
* regionId
* regionType
* bomItemType
* sourceType
* customerId
* disableDate
* organizationId
* sourcingRuleId
* customerSiteId
* primaryUomCode
* planningMakeBuyCode
* mrpPlanningCode
* sourcingRuleName
* sourceOrganizationId
* assignmentType
* shipMethod
* effectiveDate
* assignmentId
* srDescription


 * usageQuantity
* inventoryItemId
* bomDisableDate
* inventoryItemUom
* lastUpdatedBy
* bomBodId
* errorMsg
* bomEffectivityDate
* creationDate
* supplierName
* planId
* assemblyItemId
* inventoryItemName
* assemblyItemUom
* srInstanceId
* partyId
* supplierId
* createdBy
* lastUpdateDate
* batchId
* assemblyItemName
* sourcingEffectivityDate
* rowStatus
* avgTransitLeadTime
* sourcingDisableDate


 * usageQuantity
* inventoryItemId
* bomDisableDate
* inventoryItemUom
* lastUpdatedBy
* bomBodId
* errorMsg
* bomEffectivityDate
* creationDate
* supplierName
* planId
* assemblyItemId
* inventoryItemName
* assemblyItemUom
* srInstanceId
* partyId
* supplierId
* createdBy
* lastUpdateDate
* batchId
* assemblyItemName
* sourcingEffectivityDate
* rowStatus
* avgTransitLeadTime
* sourcingDisableDate


 * createdBy
* attribute5
* attribute15
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute8
* programId
* programUpdateDate
* resourceDepartmentHours
* resourceUnits
* srInstanceId
* lastUpdateDate
* resourceId
* refreshNumber
* attributeCategory
* attribute1
* srTransactionId
* attribute9
* attribute6
* departmentId
* organizationId
* attribute14
* assemblyItemId
* operationSequenceId
* attribute10
* sourceItemId
* setbackDays
* originationType
* lastUpdateLogin
* requestId
* transactionId
* creationDate
* resourceSeqNum
* attribute4
* planId
* basis
* attribute11
* programApplicationId
* attribute7
* billOfResources
* operationSeqNum
* assemblyUsage
* attribute12
* attribute13
* attribute3
* attribute2


 * createdBy
* attribute5
* attribute15
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute8
* programId
* programUpdateDate
* resourceDepartmentHours
* resourceUnits
* srInstanceId
* lastUpdateDate
* resourceId
* refreshNumber
* attributeCategory
* attribute1
* srTransactionId
* attribute9
* attribute6
* departmentId
* organizationId
* attribute14
* assemblyItemId
* operationSequenceId
* attribute10
* sourceItemId
* setbackDays
* originationType
* lastUpdateLogin
* requestId
* transactionId
* creationDate
* resourceSeqNum
* attribute4
* planId
* basis
* attribute11
* programApplicationId
* attribute7
* billOfResources
* operationSeqNum
* assemblyUsage
* attribute12
* attribute13
* attribute3
* attribute2


 * patchNumber
* appliedDate
* creationDate
* area
* lastUpdateDate
* rupNumber
* createdBy
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin


 * patchNumber
* appliedDate
* creationDate
* area
* lastUpdateDate
* rupNumber
* createdBy
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin


 * seqNum
* lastUpdateDate
* weekStartDate
* nextDate
* refreshNumber
* programUpdateDate
* programId
* lastUpdateLogin
* createdBy
* calendarCode
* programApplicationId
* srInstanceId
* priorDate
* creationDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* requestId
* exceptionSetId


 * seqNum
* lastUpdateDate
* weekStartDate
* nextDate
* refreshNumber
* programUpdateDate
* programId
* lastUpdateLogin
* createdBy
* calendarCode
* programApplicationId
* srInstanceId
* priorDate
* creationDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* requestId
* exceptionSetId


 * lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdatedBy
* calendarCode
* creationDate
* createdBy
* lastUpdateDate
* requestId
* programId
* programApplicationId
* yearStartDate
* exceptionSetId
* srInstanceId
* refreshNumber
* programUpdateDate


 * lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdatedBy
* calendarCode
* creationDate
* createdBy
* lastUpdateDate
* requestId
* programId
* programApplicationId
* yearStartDate
* exceptionSetId
* srInstanceId
* refreshNumber
* programUpdateDate


 * associationLevel
* lastUpdateDate
* associationType
* createdBy
* calendarCode
* lastUpdateLogin
* srInstanceId
* partnerId
* shipMethodCode
* calendarType
* carrierPartnerId
* refreshNumber
* creationDate
* partnerSiteId
* lastUpdatedBy
* partnerType
* organizationId


 * associationLevel
* lastUpdateDate
* associationType
* createdBy
* calendarCode
* lastUpdateLogin
* srInstanceId
* partnerId
* shipMethodCode
* calendarType
* carrierPartnerId
* refreshNumber
* creationDate
* partnerSiteId
* lastUpdatedBy
* partnerType
* organizationId


 * srInstanceId
* attribute6
* programId
* attribute14
* programUpdateDate
* calendarEndDate
* description
* refreshNumber
* calendarDate
* attribute4
* attribute11
* attribute8
* attribute9
* requestId
* attribute15
* attribute3
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute2
* nextDate
* priorDate
* calendarStartDate
* createdBy
* creationDate
* deletedFlag
* programApplicationId
* attributeCategory
* attribute1
* lastUpdateDate
* exceptionSetId
* attribute5
* attribute12
* calendarCode
* attribute7
* nextSeqNum
* lastUpdateLogin
* seqNum
* attribute10
* priorSeqNum
* attribute13


 * srInstanceId
* attribute6
* programId
* attribute14
* programUpdateDate
* calendarEndDate
* description
* refreshNumber
* calendarDate
* attribute4
* attribute11
* attribute8
* attribute9
* requestId
* attribute15
* attribute3
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute2
* nextDate
* priorDate
* calendarStartDate
* createdBy
* creationDate
* deletedFlag
* programApplicationId
* attributeCategory
* attribute1
* lastUpdateDate
* exceptionSetId
* attribute5
* attribute12
* calendarCode
* attribute7
* nextSeqNum
* lastUpdateLogin
* seqNum
* attribute10
* priorSeqNum
* attribute13


 * srInstanceId
* exceptionSetId
* lastUpdatedBy
* createdBy
* refreshId
* exceptionDate
* exceptionType
* calendarCode
* requestId
* programId
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdateDate
* creationDate
* programUpdateDate
* programApplicationId


 * srInstanceId
* exceptionSetId
* lastUpdatedBy
* createdBy
* refreshId
* exceptionDate
* exceptionType
* calendarCode
* requestId
* programId
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdateDate
* creationDate
* programUpdateDate
* programApplicationId


 * calendarType
* programUpdateDate
* attribute14
* calendarCode
* monthStartDate
* attribute8
* quarterEndDate
* lastUpdateDate
* deletedFlag
* creationDate
* requestId
* attribute3
* attribute13
* refreshNumber
* attribute5
* attribute11
* attribute12
* monthEndDate
* yearEndDate
* attribute1
* attributeCategory
* srInstanceId
* yearDescription
* quarterStartDate
* programId
* refreshId
* attribute9
* attribute15
* month
* attribute4
* attribute6
* monthDescription
* year
* attribute10
* attribute7
* quarterDescription
* lastUpdateLogin
* quarter
* attribute2
* yearStartDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* programApplicationId
* createdBy


 * calendarType
* programUpdateDate
* attribute14
* calendarCode
* monthStartDate
* attribute8
* quarterEndDate
* lastUpdateDate
* deletedFlag
* creationDate
* requestId
* attribute3
* attribute13
* refreshNumber
* attribute5
* attribute11
* attribute12
* monthEndDate
* yearEndDate
* attribute1
* attributeCategory
* srInstanceId
* yearDescription
* quarterStartDate
* programId
* refreshId
* attribute9
* attribute15
* month
* attribute4
* attribute6
* monthDescription
* year
* attribute10
* attribute7
* quarterDescription
* lastUpdateLogin
* quarter
* attribute2
* yearStartDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* programApplicationId
* createdBy


 * attribute7
* attribute14
* daysOn
* programUpdateDate
* programApplicationId
* shiftName
* calendarCode
* attribute13
* refreshNumber
* attributeCategory
* attribute12
* daysOff
* attribute15
* srInstanceId
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* requestId
* attribute5
* programId
* lastUpdatedBy
* creationDate
* attribute11
* description
* createdBy
* attribute1
* attribute3
* attribute8
* shiftNum
* attribute6
* attribute4
* attribute9
* attribute10
* attribute2


 * attribute7
* attribute14
* daysOn
* programUpdateDate
* programApplicationId
* shiftName
* calendarCode
* attribute13
* refreshNumber
* attributeCategory
* attribute12
* daysOff
* attribute15
* srInstanceId
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* requestId
* attribute5
* programId
* lastUpdatedBy
* creationDate
* attribute11
* description
* createdBy
* attribute1
* attribute3
* attribute8
* shiftNum
* attribute6
* attribute4
* attribute9
* attribute10
* attribute2


 * createdBy
* requestId
* weekStartDay
* firstWorkingDate
* calendarStartDate
* programApplicationId
* quarterlyCalendarType
* refreshNumber
* lastUpdateLogin
* programId
* lastUpdatedBy
* daysOn
* refreshId
* lastWorkingDate
* daysOff
* calendarEndDate
* description
* srInstanceId
* calendarCode
* programUpdateDate
* creationDate
* calendarType
* lastUpdateDate
* overwriteFlag


 * createdBy
* requestId
* weekStartDay
* firstWorkingDate
* calendarStartDate
* programApplicationId
* quarterlyCalendarType
* refreshNumber
* lastUpdateLogin
* programId
* lastUpdatedBy
* daysOn
* refreshId
* lastWorkingDate
* daysOff
* calendarEndDate
* description
* srInstanceId
* calendarCode
* programUpdateDate
* creationDate
* calendarType
* lastUpdateDate
* overwriteFlag


 * modeOfTransport
* refreshNumber
* carrierId
* srInstanceId
* lastUpdateDate
* shipMethodCode
* createdBy
* planId
* lastUpdateLogin
* creationDate
* serviceLevel
* lastUpdatedBy


 * modeOfTransport
* refreshNumber
* carrierId
* srInstanceId
* lastUpdateDate
* shipMethodCode
* createdBy
* planId
* lastUpdateLogin
* creationDate
* serviceLevel
* lastUpdatedBy


 * srInstanceId
* srCategorySetId
* categorySetId


 * srInstanceId
* srCategorySetId
* categorySetId


 * categorySetName
* attribute12
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute7
* description
* createdBy
* attribute1
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute9
* attribute15
* requestId
* srInstanceId
* attribute2
* refreshNumber
* programId
* attribute14
* attribute6
* attribute13
* controlLevel
* attribute4
* attribute3
* srCategorySetId
* attribute5
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute11
* defaultFlag
* programUpdateDate
* attributeCategory
* attribute8
* creationDate
* programApplicationId
* attribute10
* categorySetId


 * categorySetName
* attribute12
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute7
* description
* createdBy
* attribute1
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute9
* attribute15
* requestId
* srInstanceId
* attribute2
* refreshNumber
* programId
* attribute14
* attribute6
* attribute13
* controlLevel
* attribute4
* attribute3
* srCategorySetId
* attribute5
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute11
* defaultFlag
* programUpdateDate
* attributeCategory
* attribute8
* creationDate
* programApplicationId
* attribute10
* categorySetId


 * srCategorySetId
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdateDate
* createdBy
* lastUpdatedBy
* categorySetId
* creationDate
* srInstanceId


 * srCategorySetId
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdateDate
* createdBy
* lastUpdatedBy
* categorySetId
* creationDate
* srInstanceId


 * calendarCheck
* mdsLrn
* mps
* mpsSnFlag
* eamForecasts
* borSnFlag
* createdBy
* nosnapFlag
* externalRepair
* bomSnFlag
* borLrn
* itemSnFlag
* supcapSnFlag
* paybackDemandSupply
* supplierResponse
* cmroFcEndDate
* cmroForecasts
* atpRules
* creationDate
* ohSnFlag
* nra
* trip
* userSupplyDemand
* bor
* cmroClosedWo
* kpiTargetsBis
* uom
* item
* forecast
* wipSnFlag
* supplier
* deliveryDtlSwapFlag
* internalRepair
* salesOrder
* planners
* userSupplyDemandLrn
* cmro
* po
* workers
* oh
* poLrn
* wipLrn
* salesChannel
* subInventories
* mdsSnFlag
* projects
* reservationsLrn
* itemLrn
* orgGroup
* reservations
* suprepSnFlag
* safStockLrn
* currencyConversion
* eamFcEndDate
* deleteOdsData
* eamInfo
* collectionsStartTime
* supplierCapacityLrn
* nraLrn
* threshold
* ibucHistory
* eamFcStDate
* fiscalCalendar
* sourcing
* dsMode
* sourcingDtlSwapFlag
* udmdSnFlag
* tripSnFlag
* fcstSnFlag
* ohLrn
* sourcingHistory
* usupSnFlag
* pullWrkrStartTime
* parameter
* lastUpdatedBy
* poReceipts
* wip
* notesAttach
* instanceId
* userCompAssociation
* calendarLrn
* bom
* cmroFcStDate
* customer
* mpsLrn
* retFcst
* soSnFlag
* supplierCapacity
* soLrn
* poSnFlag
* mds
* forecastLrn
* unitNumbers
* ospSupply
* bomLrn
* uomLrn
* demandClass
* deliveryDetails
* unitNoLrn
* itemSubstitutes
* safetyStock
* lastUpdateDate


 * calendarCheck
* mdsLrn
* mps
* mpsSnFlag
* eamForecasts
* borSnFlag
* createdBy
* nosnapFlag
* externalRepair
* bomSnFlag
* borLrn
* itemSnFlag
* supcapSnFlag
* paybackDemandSupply
* supplierResponse
* cmroFcEndDate
* cmroForecasts
* atpRules
* creationDate
* ohSnFlag
* nra
* trip
* userSupplyDemand
* bor
* cmroClosedWo
* kpiTargetsBis
* uom
* item
* forecast
* wipSnFlag
* supplier
* deliveryDtlSwapFlag
* internalRepair
* salesOrder
* planners
* userSupplyDemandLrn
* cmro
* po
* workers
* oh
* poLrn
* wipLrn
* salesChannel
* subInventories
* mdsSnFlag
* projects
* reservationsLrn
* itemLrn
* orgGroup
* reservations
* suprepSnFlag
* safStockLrn
* currencyConversion
* eamFcEndDate
* deleteOdsData
* eamInfo
* collectionsStartTime
* supplierCapacityLrn
* nraLrn
* threshold
* ibucHistory
* eamFcStDate
* fiscalCalendar
* sourcing
* dsMode
* sourcingDtlSwapFlag
* udmdSnFlag
* tripSnFlag
* fcstSnFlag
* ohLrn
* sourcingHistory
* usupSnFlag
* pullWrkrStartTime
* parameter
* lastUpdatedBy
* poReceipts
* wip
* notesAttach
* instanceId
* userCompAssociation
* calendarLrn
* bom
* cmroFcStDate
* customer
* mpsLrn
* retFcst
* soSnFlag
* supplierCapacity
* soLrn
* poSnFlag
* mds
* forecastLrn
* unitNumbers
* ospSupply
* bomLrn
* uomLrn
* demandClass
* deliveryDetails
* unitNoLrn
* itemSubstitutes
* safetyStock
* lastUpdateDate


 * organizationId


 * organizationId


 * createdBy
* refreshNumber
* attribute12
* attribute15
* companyId
* attribute7
* attribute11
* attribute13
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute8
* attribute5
* attribute9
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute6
* companyName
* attributeCategory
* attribute3
* creationDate
* disableDate
* attribute10
* attribute1
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute4
* attribute2
* attribute14


 * createdBy
* refreshNumber
* attribute12
* attribute15
* companyId
* attribute7
* attribute11
* attribute13
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute8
* attribute5
* attribute9
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute6
* companyName
* attributeCategory
* attribute3
* creationDate
* disableDate
* attribute10
* attribute1
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute4
* attribute2
* attribute14


 * companyId
* srCompanyId
* srInstanceId
* partnerType


 * companyId
* srCompanyId
* srInstanceId
* partnerType


 * creationDate
* startDate
* lastUpdateDate
* relationshipId
* objectId
* lastUpdatedBy
* relationshipType
* subjectId
* createdBy
* endDate


 * creationDate
* startDate
* lastUpdateDate
* relationshipId
* objectId
* lastUpdatedBy
* relationshipType
* subjectId
* createdBy
* endDate


 * srCompanySiteId
* partnerType
* srCompanyId
* companySiteId
* srInstanceId


 * srCompanySiteId
* partnerType
* srCompanyId
* companySiteId
* srInstanceId


 * address3
* address2
* longitude
* address1
* county
* attribute9
* attribute5
* attribute4
* disableDate
* attribute11
* companySiteId
* attribute2
* programId
* city
* attributeCategory
* attribute10
* state
* province
* attribute8
* requestId
* deletedFlag
* attribute15
* planningEnabled
* attribute1
* creationDate
* address4
* attribute7
* attribute13
* programUpdateDate
* createdBy
* country
* location
* lastUpdateLogin
* companySiteName
* lastUpdateDate
* refreshNumber
* attribute3
* attribute12
* postalCode
* companyId
* attribute14
* lastUpdatedBy
* srInstanceId
* latitude
* attribute6


 * address3
* address2
* longitude
* address1
* county
* attribute9
* attribute5
* attribute4
* disableDate
* attribute11
* companySiteId
* attribute2
* programId
* city
* attributeCategory
* attribute10
* state
* province
* attribute8
* requestId
* deletedFlag
* attribute15
* planningEnabled
* attribute1
* creationDate
* address4
* attribute7
* attribute13
* programUpdateDate
* createdBy
* country
* location
* lastUpdateLogin
* companySiteName
* lastUpdateDate
* refreshNumber
* attribute3
* attribute12
* postalCode
* companyId
* attribute14
* lastUpdatedBy
* srInstanceId
* latitude
* attribute6


 * companyId
* srInstanceId
* userId


 * companyId
* srInstanceId
* userId


 * planId
* attribute4
* organizationId
* substituteItemId
* usageQuantity
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute7
* createdBy
* attribute10
* attribute2
* attributeCategory
* attribute12
* roundingDirection
* programId
* attribute8
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute14
* componentSequenceId
* attribute6
* attribute11
* newPlanId
* srInstanceId
* applied
* creationDate
* attribute15
* programUpdateDate
* attribute1
* billSequenceId
* programApplicationId
* priority
* attribute5
* attribute3
* simulationSetId
* refreshNumber
* attribute13
* requestId
* attribute9
* lastUpdatedBy
* newPlanList


 * planId
* attribute4
* organizationId
* substituteItemId
* usageQuantity
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute7
* createdBy
* attribute10
* attribute2
* attributeCategory
* attribute12
* roundingDirection
* programId
* attribute8
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute14
* componentSequenceId
* attribute6
* attribute11
* newPlanId
* srInstanceId
* applied
* creationDate
* attribute15
* programUpdateDate
* attribute1
* billSequenceId
* programApplicationId
* priority
* attribute5
* attribute3
* simulationSetId
* refreshNumber
* attribute13
* requestId
* attribute9
* lastUpdatedBy
* newPlanList


 * programId
* attribute9
* inventoryItemId
* currFlag
* planId
* attribute7
* bucketType
* requestId
* attribute6
* supplierSiteId
* attribute5
* daysInBkt
* attribute15
* attribute3
* lastUpdatedBy
* programApplicationId
* creationDate
* attribute11
* programUpdateDate
* attribute10
* attribute14
* attribute13
* bucketIndex
* srInstanceId
* bktStartDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* createdBy
* attribute8
* attributeCategory
* customerId
* planType
* bktEndDate
* customerSiteId
* supplierId
* attribute2
* attribute12
* organizationId
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute1
* attribute4


 * programId
* attribute9
* inventoryItemId
* currFlag
* planId
* attribute7
* bucketType
* requestId
* attribute6
* supplierSiteId
* attribute5
* daysInBkt
* attribute15
* attribute3
* lastUpdatedBy
* programApplicationId
* creationDate
* attribute11
* programUpdateDate
* attribute10
* attribute14
* attribute13
* bucketIndex
* srInstanceId
* bktStartDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* createdBy
* attribute8
* attributeCategory
* customerId
* planType
* bktEndDate
* customerSiteId
* supplierId
* attribute2
* attribute12
* organizationId
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute1
* attribute4


 * atoModelLineId
* atoParentModelLineId
* parentLineId
* sessionId
* quantity
* wipSupplyType
* inventoryItemId
* matchItemId
* topModelLineId
* bomItemType
* creationDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* planId
* lastUpdateDate
* refreshNumber
* createdBy
* srInstanceId
* lineId
* srInventoryItemId
* ossErrorCode


 * atoModelLineId
* atoParentModelLineId
* parentLineId
* sessionId
* quantity
* wipSupplyType
* inventoryItemId
* matchItemId
* topModelLineId
* bomItemType
* creationDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* planId
* lastUpdateDate
* refreshNumber
* createdBy
* srInstanceId
* lineId
* srInventoryItemId
* ossErrorCode


 * supplierId
* lastUpdateDate
* makeFlag
* createdBy
* supplierSiteCode
* srInstanceId
* lineId
* sessionId
* inventoryItemId
* lastUpdatedBy
* organizationId
* creationDate
* refreshNumber
* statusFlag
* planId
* atoLineId


 * supplierId
* lastUpdateDate
* makeFlag
* createdBy
* supplierSiteCode
* srInstanceId
* lineId
* sessionId
* inventoryItemId
* lastUpdatedBy
* organizationId
* creationDate
* refreshNumber
* statusFlag
* planId
* atoLineId


 * lastUpdatedBy
* fromCurrency
* srInstanceId
* convRate
* creationDate
* createdBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastCollInstanceId
* convDate
* convType
* rn
* toCurrency
* lastUpdateDate


 * lastUpdatedBy
* fromCurrency
* srInstanceId
* convRate
* creationDate
* createdBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastCollInstanceId
* convDate
* convType
* rn
* toCurrency
* lastUpdateDate


 * inventoryItemId
* programApplicationId
* attribute2
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* sourceOrgInstanceId
* attribute5
* lastUpdateDate
* srInstanceId
* requestId
* attribute7
* attribute10
* attribute8
* supplyType
* supplierId
* supplierSiteId
* attribute3
* createdBy
* creationDate
* sourceOrganizationId
* programId
* attribute1
* attribute6
* attribute4
* supplyDate
* attribute9
* programLoginId
* organizationId


 * inventoryItemId
* programApplicationId
* attribute2
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* sourceOrgInstanceId
* attribute5
* lastUpdateDate
* srInstanceId
* requestId
* attribute7
* attribute10
* attribute8
* supplyType
* supplierId
* supplierSiteId
* attribute3
* createdBy
* creationDate
* sourceOrganizationId
* programId
* attribute1
* attribute6
* attribute4
* supplyDate
* attribute9
* programLoginId
* organizationId


 * lastUpdatedBy
* attribute5
* attribute6
* attribute10
* description
* lastUpdateDate
* requestId
* fromDate
* programApplicationId
* creationDate
* attribute8
* meaning
* createdBy
* attribute13
* attributeCategory
* attribute12
* attribute11
* enabledFlag
* srInstanceId
* attribute9
* attribute2
* attribute7
* attribute15
* programId
* demandClass
* attribute4
* programUpdateDate
* attribute3
* attribute1
* attribute14
* lastUpdateLogin
* toDate


 * lastUpdatedBy
* attribute5
* attribute6
* attribute10
* description
* lastUpdateDate
* requestId
* fromDate
* programApplicationId
* creationDate
* attribute8
* meaning
* createdBy
* attribute13
* attributeCategory
* attribute12
* attribute11
* enabledFlag
* srInstanceId
* attribute9
* attribute2
* attribute7
* attribute15
* programId
* demandClass
* attribute4
* programUpdateDate
* attribute3
* attribute1
* attribute14
* lastUpdateLogin
* toDate


 * srInstanceId
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateDate
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* planId
* demandCount
* createdBy
* organizationId


 * srInstanceId
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateDate
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* planId
* demandCount
* createdBy
* organizationId


 * budget2Cum
* returnsHistory
* programLoginId
* attribute2
* regionId
* lastUpdatedBy
* bookingHistoryRdValue
* actualBacklogValue
* lastUpdateDate
* shipmentHistoryValue
* requestId
* salesFcstValue
* attribute1
* inventoryItemId
* budget
* customerSiteId
* organizationId
* mktgFcst
* attribute4
* consenFcstAccrcyMape13week
* actualBacklog
* shipmentHistory
* owningOrgId
* owningInstId
* lastUpdateLogin
* salesFcstValue2
* budget2
* shipmentHistoryCum
* mktgFcstValue2
* bookingFcstCum
* inventoryHistoryValue2
* mktgFcstCum
* projectedBacklog
* bookingFcst
* shipmentFcstValue2
* actualBacklogValue2
* bookingHistoryValue2
* attribute3
* mktgFcstValue
* bookingFcstValue2
* bookingHistoryCum
* shipmentFcst
* bookingHistoryRdValue2
* salesFcst
* inventoryHistory
* bookingFcstValue
* programId
* consenFcstAccrcyMape4week
* endDate
* demandClass
* shipmentFcstCum
* inventoryHistoryValue
* programApplicationId
* creationDate
* consenFcstAccrcyMape8week
* customerId
* budgetCum
* shipmentFcstValue
* shipmentHistoryValue2
* attribute5
* salesFcstCum
* createdBy
* bookingHistory
* productionHistory
* srInstanceId
* bookingHistoryValue
* bookingHistoryRd


 * budget2Cum
* returnsHistory
* programLoginId
* attribute2
* regionId
* lastUpdatedBy
* bookingHistoryRdValue
* actualBacklogValue
* lastUpdateDate
* shipmentHistoryValue
* requestId
* salesFcstValue
* attribute1
* inventoryItemId
* budget
* customerSiteId
* organizationId
* mktgFcst
* attribute4
* consenFcstAccrcyMape13week
* actualBacklog
* shipmentHistory
* owningOrgId
* owningInstId
* lastUpdateLogin
* salesFcstValue2
* budget2
* shipmentHistoryCum
* mktgFcstValue2
* bookingFcstCum
* inventoryHistoryValue2
* mktgFcstCum
* projectedBacklog
* bookingFcst
* shipmentFcstValue2
* actualBacklogValue2
* bookingHistoryValue2
* attribute3
* mktgFcstValue
* bookingFcstValue2
* bookingHistoryCum
* shipmentFcst
* bookingHistoryRdValue2
* salesFcst
* inventoryHistory
* bookingFcstValue
* programId
* consenFcstAccrcyMape4week
* endDate
* demandClass
* shipmentFcstCum
* inventoryHistoryValue
* programApplicationId
* creationDate
* consenFcstAccrcyMape8week
* customerId
* budgetCum
* shipmentFcstValue
* shipmentHistoryValue2
* attribute5
* salesFcstCum
* createdBy
* bookingHistory
* productionHistory
* srInstanceId
* bookingHistoryValue
* bookingHistoryRd


 * attributeCategory
* utilizationChangePercent
* creationDate
* setupTimePercent
* planId
* departmentDescription
* overutilizedPercent
* sdsSchedulingWindow
* aggregateResourceId
* maxCapacity
* departmentId
* resourceGroupCode
* deptOverheadCost
* owningDepartmentId
* attribute6
* disableDate
* planningExceptionSet
* batchingWindow
* scheduleToInstance
* srInstanceId
* resourceCode
* applied
* attribute14
* uomClassType
* startTime
* attribute9
* chargeableFlag
* userTimeFence
* stopTime
* attribute1
* attribute8
* lastKnownSetup
* programId
* atpRuleId
* departmentClass
* resourceDescription
* resourceType
* availFactor
* organizationId
* minRate
* attribute2
* attribute5
* bottleneckFlag
* simulationSetId
* programApplicationId
* resourceOverUtilCost
* setupTimeType
* attribute13
* available24HoursFlag
* requestId
* lastUpdateLogin
* capacityTolerance
* premiumCapacityPercent
* resourceBalanceFlag
* efficiency
* criticalResourceFlag
* programUpdateDate
* attribute15
* minCapacity
* underutilizedPercent
* idleTimeTolerance
* createdBy
* lineFlag
* attribute3
* newPlanList
* batchingPenalty
* departmentCode
* attribute12
* resourceShortageType
* attribute7
* resourceCost
* unitOfMeasure
* refreshNumber
* resourceGroupName
* attribute4
* lastUpdatedBy
* resourceIncludeFlag
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute11
* batchableFlag
* attribute10
* ctpFlag
* maxRate
* utilizationChangeType
* resourceExcessType
* aggregateResourceFlag
* capacityUnits
* resourceId
* utilization
* newPlanId


 * attributeCategory
* utilizationChangePercent
* creationDate
* setupTimePercent
* planId
* departmentDescription
* overutilizedPercent
* sdsSchedulingWindow
* aggregateResourceId
* maxCapacity
* departmentId
* resourceGroupCode
* deptOverheadCost
* owningDepartmentId
* attribute6
* disableDate
* planningExceptionSet
* batchingWindow
* scheduleToInstance
* srInstanceId
* resourceCode
* applied
* attribute14
* uomClassType
* startTime
* attribute9
* chargeableFlag
* userTimeFence
* stopTime
* attribute1
* attribute8
* lastKnownSetup
* programId
* atpRuleId
* departmentClass
* resourceDescription
* resourceType
* availFactor
* organizationId
* minRate
* attribute2
* attribute5
* bottleneckFlag
* simulationSetId
* programApplicationId
* resourceOverUtilCost
* setupTimeType
* attribute13
* available24HoursFlag
* requestId
* lastUpdateLogin
* capacityTolerance
* premiumCapacityPercent
* resourceBalanceFlag
* efficiency
* criticalResourceFlag
* programUpdateDate
* attribute15
* minCapacity
* underutilizedPercent
* idleTimeTolerance
* createdBy
* lineFlag
* attribute3
* newPlanList
* batchingPenalty
* departmentCode
* attribute12
* resourceShortageType
* attribute7
* resourceCost
* unitOfMeasure
* refreshNumber
* resourceGroupName
* attribute4
* lastUpdatedBy
* resourceIncludeFlag
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute11
* batchableFlag
* attribute10
* ctpFlag
* maxRate
* utilizationChangeType
* resourceExcessType
* aggregateResourceFlag
* capacityUnits
* resourceId
* utilization
* newPlanId


 * attribute15
* organizationId
* attribute13
* equipmentItemId
* createdBy
* attribute9
* serialNumber
* refreshNumber
* effectiveStartDate
* attribute7
* attribute14
* deptResourceInstId
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* programUpdateDate
* programId
* creationDate
* attribute1
* attribute11
* attribute6
* planId
* requestId
* attribute5
* srInstanceId
* attributeCategory
* lastKnownSetup
* attribute12
* attribute3
* programApplicationId
* attribute10
* attribute8
* departmentId
* effectiveEndDate
* attribute2
* resInstanceId
* attribute4
* resourceId
* lastUpdateLogin


 * attribute15
* organizationId
* attribute13
* equipmentItemId
* createdBy
* attribute9
* serialNumber
* refreshNumber
* effectiveStartDate
* attribute7
* attribute14
* deptResourceInstId
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* programUpdateDate
* programId
* creationDate
* attribute1
* attribute11
* attribute6
* planId
* requestId
* attribute5
* srInstanceId
* attributeCategory
* lastKnownSetup
* attribute12
* attribute3
* programApplicationId
* attribute10
* attribute8
* departmentId
* effectiveEndDate
* attribute2
* resInstanceId
* attribute4
* resourceId
* lastUpdateLogin


 * lastUpdateDate
* derivedOrderType
* creationDate
* createdBy
* derivedBaseTable
* origBaseTable
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* origOrderType


 * lastUpdateDate
* derivedOrderType
* creationDate
* createdBy
* derivedBaseTable
* origBaseTable
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* origOrderType


 * forecastSetId
* attribute7
* organizationId
* attribute14
* inventoryAtpFlag
* collectedFlag
* programApplicationId
* createdBy
* designatorId
* attribute13
* updateType
* srcSimFcstId
* srcDesignator
* consumeForecast
* bucketType
* attribute9
* attribute11
* lastUpdateLogin
* organizationSelection
* attribute6
* disableDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* backwardUpdateTimeFence
* forwardUpdateTimeFence
* designatorType
* designator
* description
* demandClass
* programId
* attribute4
* attribute3
* attribute10
* shipId
* launchWorkflowFlag
* purgeCurrentPlan
* production
* copyDesignatorId
* customerId
* attribute1
* srInstanceId
* lastUpdateDate
* recommendationRelease
* attribute2
* programUpdateDate
* mpsRelief
* attributeCategory
* attribute15
* attribute5
* srcDescription
* attribute12
* outlierUpdatePercentage
* refreshNumber
* attribute8
* creationDate
* requestId
* probability
* billId


 * forecastSetId
* attribute7
* organizationId
* attribute14
* inventoryAtpFlag
* collectedFlag
* programApplicationId
* createdBy
* designatorId
* attribute13
* updateType
* srcSimFcstId
* srcDesignator
* consumeForecast
* bucketType
* attribute9
* attribute11
* lastUpdateLogin
* organizationSelection
* attribute6
* disableDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* backwardUpdateTimeFence
* forwardUpdateTimeFence
* designatorType
* designator
* description
* demandClass
* programId
* attribute4
* attribute3
* attribute10
* shipId
* launchWorkflowFlag
* purgeCurrentPlan
* production
* copyDesignatorId
* customerId
* attribute1
* srInstanceId
* lastUpdateDate
* recommendationRelease
* attribute2
* programUpdateDate
* mpsRelief
* attributeCategory
* attribute15
* attribute5
* srcDescription
* attribute12
* outlierUpdatePercentage
* refreshNumber
* attribute8
* creationDate
* requestId
* probability
* billId


 * toOrganizationId
* srInstanceId
* receiptRuleId
* lastUpdatedBy
* allocationPercent
* maxOrderQty
* resSafetyQty
* timePhaseId
* rank
* lastUpdateLogin
* minOrderQty
* resSafetyPercent
* dmdPriority
* createdBy
* hiddenSort
* creationDate
* lastUpdateDate
* fixedLotMultiplier


 * toOrganizationId
* srInstanceId
* receiptRuleId
* lastUpdatedBy
* allocationPercent
* maxOrderQty
* resSafetyQty
* timePhaseId
* rank
* lastUpdateLogin
* minOrderQty
* resSafetyPercent
* dmdPriority
* createdBy
* hiddenSort
* creationDate
* lastUpdateDate
* fixedLotMultiplier


 * resSafetyPercent
* ruleId
* disableDate
* dmdPriOverride
* creationDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdateDate
* createdBy
* resSafetyQty
* fairShareAlloc
* effectiveDate
* timePhaseId


 * resSafetyPercent
* ruleId
* disableDate
* dmdPriOverride
* creationDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdateDate
* createdBy
* resSafetyQty
* fairShareAlloc
* effectiveDate
* timePhaseId


 * lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdatedBy
* createdBy
* ruleId
* name
* planningActive
* creationDate
* lastUpdateDate
* description
* planType


 * lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdatedBy
* createdBy
* ruleId
* name
* planningActive
* creationDate
* lastUpdateDate
* description
* planType


 * lastUpdatedBy
* ruleSetId
* meaning
* enabledFlag
* defaultFlag
* description
* createdBy
* lastUpdateDate
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin


 * lastUpdatedBy
* ruleSetId
* meaning
* enabledFlag
* defaultFlag
* description
* createdBy
* lastUpdateDate
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin


 * srInstanceId
* rank
* dmdPriOverride
* effectiveDate
* lastUpdateDate
* maxOrderQty
* srcSrInstanceId
* fairShareAlloc
* creationDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* inventoryItemId
* planId
* lastUpdateLogin
* dmdPriority
* srcOrganizationId
* allocationPercent
* orderSize
* resSafetyQty
* organizationId
* resSafetyPercent
* disableDate
* assignmentSetId
* minOrderQty
* allocationRuleId
* createdBy


 * srInstanceId
* rank
* dmdPriOverride
* effectiveDate
* lastUpdateDate
* maxOrderQty
* srcSrInstanceId
* fairShareAlloc
* creationDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* inventoryItemId
* planId
* lastUpdateLogin
* dmdPriority
* srcOrganizationId
* allocationPercent
* orderSize
* resSafetyQty
* organizationId
* resSafetyPercent
* disableDate
* assignmentSetId
* minOrderQty
* allocationRuleId
* createdBy


 * demandClass
* creationDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* createdBy
* ruleSetId
* demandType
* priority
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin


 * demandClass
* creationDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* createdBy
* ruleSetId
* demandType
* priority
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin


 * ruleType
* demandType
* creationDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* ruleSetId
* createdBy
* lastUpdateDate
* demandClass
* priority
* lastUpdateLogin


 * ruleType
* demandType
* creationDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* ruleSetId
* createdBy
* lastUpdateDate
* demandClass
* priority
* lastUpdateLogin


 * fieldName
* fieldId
* vcpLookupCode
* e1Value
* createdBy
* creationDate
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* vcpValue
* lastUpdatedBy
* fieldCode
* e1LookupCode


 * fieldName
* fieldId
* vcpLookupCode
* e1Value
* createdBy
* creationDate
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* vcpValue
* lastUpdatedBy
* fieldCode
* e1LookupCode


 * srInstanceId
* fieldCode
* creationDate
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* e1Value
* createdBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* vcpValue


 * srInstanceId
* fieldCode
* creationDate
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* e1Value
* createdBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* vcpValue


 * createdBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* paramCode
* paramValue
* creationDate
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* srInstanceId


 * createdBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* paramCode
* paramValue
* creationDate
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* srInstanceId


 * attr19Code
* creationDate
* key3Value
* attr18Code
* attr20Code
* attr15Value
* attr2Value
* key4Value
* attr4Value
* attr10Value
* key5Code
* attr4Code
* attr8Code
* key1Value
* attr11Code
* attr16Value
* attr5Code
* attr16Code
* lastUpdateLogin
* attr2Code
* attr12Code
* attr24Code
* lastUpdatedBy
* attr17Value
* attr22Code
* attr24Value
* attr6Value
* attr21Value
* attr1Code
* createdBy
* attr17Code
* key3Code
* key2Code
* attr15Code
* attr7Code
* attr11Value
* attr10Code
* attr13Value
* attr14Code
* attr9Value
* attr18Value
* attr21Code
* attr20Value
* attr23Code
* key2Value
* key1Code
* attr9Code
* attr13Code
* attr1Value
* lastUpdateDate
* attr22Value
* attr8Value
* attr12Value
* key4Code
* attr19Value
* attr25Value
* attr3Code
* attr7Value
* attr3Value
* attr23Value
* attr6Code
* key5Value
* attr5Value
* attr14Value
* attr25Code


 * attr19Code
* creationDate
* key3Value
* attr18Code
* attr20Code
* attr15Value
* attr2Value
* key4Value
* attr4Value
* attr10Value
* key5Code
* attr4Code
* attr8Code
* key1Value
* attr11Code
* attr16Value
* attr5Code
* attr16Code
* lastUpdateLogin
* attr2Code
* attr12Code
* attr24Code
* lastUpdatedBy
* attr17Value
* attr22Code
* attr24Value
* attr6Value
* attr21Value
* attr1Code
* createdBy
* attr17Code
* key3Code
* key2Code
* attr15Code
* attr7Code
* attr11Value
* attr10Code
* attr13Value
* attr14Code
* attr9Value
* attr18Value
* attr21Code
* attr20Value
* attr23Code
* key2Value
* key1Code
* attr9Code
* attr13Code
* attr1Value
* lastUpdateDate
* attr22Value
* attr8Value
* attr12Value
* key4Code
* attr19Value
* attr25Value
* attr3Code
* attr7Value
* attr3Value
* attr23Value
* attr6Code
* key5Value
* attr5Value
* attr14Value
* attr25Code


 * requiredFlag
* isLookupValue
* groupCode
* paramValue
* extractOrder
* defaultValue
* displayOrder
* paramName
* paramCode
* lastUpdateLogin
* paramDatatype
* lastUpdateDate
* createdBy
* lastUpdatedBy
* groupName
* lookupCode
* creationDate


 * requiredFlag
* isLookupValue
* groupCode
* paramValue
* extractOrder
* defaultValue
* displayOrder
* paramName
* paramCode
* lastUpdateLogin
* paramDatatype
* lastUpdateDate
* createdBy
* lastUpdatedBy
* groupName
* lookupCode
* creationDate


 * attr11Name
* attr17Name
* attr4DataType
* attr6LookupType
* key5Name
* attr2Code
* attr11LookupType
* attr10Name
* attr12ReqFlag
* attr24Code
* attr20ReqFlag
* key5DataType
* attr10ReqFlag
* attr23ReqFlag
* attr3Code
* attr21LookupType
* attr11Code
* attr12Code
* key3DataType
* attr14LookupType
* attr12Name
* attr16Name
* attr10LookupType
* attr23DataType
* lastUpdatedBy
* attr3LookupType
* attr16DataType
* attr6ReqFlag
* attr13LookupType
* attr25DataType
* attr22Code
* attr5Name
* attr22LookupType
* attr15ReqFlag
* attr4Name
* attr9LookupType
* attr19DataType
* attr22Name
* attr7DataType
* attr25Name
* attr25LookupType
* attr8ReqFlag
* attr3ReqFlag
* attr18Name
* attr1ReqFlag
* attr14Code
* attr18ReqFlag
* attr21ReqFlag
* attr4ReqFlag
* attr4LookupType
* attr20Code
* key2Name
* attr11DataType
* attr2Name
* attr15Code
* attr17ReqFlag
* key3Code
* key4Name
* attr20Name
* attr10Code
* key1Name
* key1DataType
* attr6Code
* attr19Code
* attr4Code
* attr15Name
* attr8LookupType
* attr2LookupType
* attr6Name
* attr1Code
* attr9DataType
* attr15DataType
* attr14ReqFlag
* attr18DataType
* attr9Code
* attr17Code
* attr1Name
* attr12DataType
* attr13Name
* attr8Name
* attr24Name
* attr16Code
* attr21DataType
* attr2ReqFlag
* attr23LookupType
* createdBy
* attr20LookupType
* attr23Code
* attr19LookupType
* attr9ReqFlag
* attr25ReqFlag
* attr23Name
* attr13Code
* attr8DataType
* attr5ReqFlag
* attr19ReqFlag
* attr18LookupType
* attr7LookupType
* attr7ReqFlag
* attr17DataType
* key5Code
* attr22DataType
* attr7Name
* attr20DataType
* attr22ReqFlag
* key2Code
* attr19Name
* attr18Code
* attr7Code
* attr17LookupType
* attr3Name
* attr3DataType
* attr21Code
* key4Code
* attr8Code
* attr11ReqFlag
* key1Code
* attr14Name
* attr6DataType
* attr24DataType
* creationDate
* lastUpdateDate
* attr1LookupType
* attr24ReqFlag
* attr12LookupType
* key2DataType
* attr5DataType
* attr21Name
* attr14DataType
* lastUpdateLogin
* entityCode
* attr1DataType
* key3Name
* attr13DataType
* attr15LookupType
* attr5LookupType
* attr13ReqFlag
* attr16ReqFlag
* key4DataType
* attr2DataType
* attr16LookupType
* attr5Code
* attr24LookupType
* attr25Code
* attr9Name
* attr10DataType


 * attr11Name
* attr17Name
* attr4DataType
* attr6LookupType
* key5Name
* attr2Code
* attr11LookupType
* attr10Name
* attr12ReqFlag
* attr24Code
* attr20ReqFlag
* key5DataType
* attr10ReqFlag
* attr23ReqFlag
* attr3Code
* attr21LookupType
* attr11Code
* attr12Code
* key3DataType
* attr14LookupType
* attr12Name
* attr16Name
* attr10LookupType
* attr23DataType
* lastUpdatedBy
* attr3LookupType
* attr16DataType
* attr6ReqFlag
* attr13LookupType
* attr25DataType
* attr22Code
* attr5Name
* attr22LookupType
* attr15ReqFlag
* attr4Name
* attr9LookupType
* attr19DataType
* attr22Name
* attr7DataType
* attr25Name
* attr25LookupType
* attr8ReqFlag
* attr3ReqFlag
* attr18Name
* attr1ReqFlag
* attr14Code
* attr18ReqFlag
* attr21ReqFlag
* attr4ReqFlag
* attr4LookupType
* attr20Code
* key2Name
* attr11DataType
* attr2Name
* attr15Code
* attr17ReqFlag
* key3Code
* key4Name
* attr20Name
* attr10Code
* key1Name
* key1DataType
* attr6Code
* attr19Code
* attr4Code
* attr15Name
* attr8LookupType
* attr2LookupType
* attr6Name
* attr1Code
* attr9DataType
* attr15DataType
* attr14ReqFlag
* attr18DataType
* attr9Code
* attr17Code
* attr1Name
* attr12DataType
* attr13Name
* attr8Name
* attr24Name
* attr16Code
* attr21DataType
* attr2ReqFlag
* attr23LookupType
* createdBy
* attr20LookupType
* attr23Code
* attr19LookupType
* attr9ReqFlag
* attr25ReqFlag
* attr23Name
* attr13Code
* attr8DataType
* attr5ReqFlag
* attr19ReqFlag
* attr18LookupType
* attr7LookupType
* attr7ReqFlag
* attr17DataType
* key5Code
* attr22DataType
* attr7Name
* attr20DataType
* attr22ReqFlag
* key2Code
* attr19Name
* attr18Code
* attr7Code
* attr17LookupType
* attr3Name
* attr3DataType
* attr21Code
* key4Code
* attr8Code
* attr11ReqFlag
* key1Code
* attr14Name
* attr6DataType
* attr24DataType
* creationDate
* lastUpdateDate
* attr1LookupType
* attr24ReqFlag
* attr12LookupType
* key2DataType
* attr5DataType
* attr21Name
* attr14DataType
* lastUpdateLogin
* entityCode
* attr1DataType
* key3Name
* attr13DataType
* attr15LookupType
* attr5LookupType
* attr13ReqFlag
* attr16ReqFlag
* key4DataType
* attr2DataType
* attr16LookupType
* attr5Code
* attr24LookupType
* attr25Code
* attr9Name
* attr10DataType


 * lastUpdatedBy
* entityCode
* creationDate
* keyCount
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* createdBy
* entityName
* attrCount


 * lastUpdatedBy
* entityCode
* creationDate
* keyCount
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* createdBy
* entityName
* attrCount


 * attr10Value
* attr3Value
* attr18Value
* attr4Value
* attr7Value
* attr17Value
* attr25Value
* createdBy
* lastUpdatedBy
* attr16Value
* attr20Value
* lastUpdateDate
* errors
* creationDate
* key4Value
* srInstanceId
* attr1Value
* attr13Value
* attr8Value
* attr5Value
* attr9Value
* key3Value
* attr6Value
* entityCode
* attr19Value
* attr15Value
* attr22Value
* attr24Value
* key5Value
* attr2Value
* attr11Value
* lastUpdateLogin
* key2Value
* attr14Value
* attr21Value
* attr12Value
* attr23Value
* key1Value


 * attr10Value
* attr3Value
* attr18Value
* attr4Value
* attr7Value
* attr17Value
* attr25Value
* createdBy
* lastUpdatedBy
* attr16Value
* attr20Value
* lastUpdateDate
* errors
* creationDate
* key4Value
* srInstanceId
* attr1Value
* attr13Value
* attr8Value
* attr5Value
* attr9Value
* key3Value
* attr6Value
* entityCode
* attr19Value
* attr15Value
* attr22Value
* attr24Value
* key5Value
* attr2Value
* attr11Value
* lastUpdateLogin
* key2Value
* attr14Value
* attr21Value
* attr12Value
* attr23Value
* key1Value


 * lastUpdatedBy
* requestId
* programId
* programUpdateDate
* propagated
* lastUpdateLogin
* source
* creationDate
* programApplicationId
* errorId
* messageSent
* errorText
* severity
* lastUpdateDate
* tableName
* createdBy
* transactionId
* messageId
* instanceCode
* rrow


 * lastUpdatedBy
* requestId
* programId
* programUpdateDate
* propagated
* lastUpdateLogin
* source
* creationDate
* programApplicationId
* errorId
* messageSent
* errorText
* severity
* lastUpdateDate
* tableName
* createdBy
* transactionId
* messageId
* instanceCode
* rrow


 * lovType
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* creationDate
* fieldType
* exceptionType
* thresholdValue
* criteria
* numberType
* lastUpdateDate
* createdBy
* exceptionGroup
* thresholdValueUom


 * lovType
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* creationDate
* fieldType
* exceptionType
* thresholdValue
* criteria
* numberType
* lastUpdateDate
* createdBy
* exceptionGroup
* thresholdValueUom


 * excepTimefence
* excepGroupId#1
* description
* creationDate
* createdBy
* excepGroupName
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* excepGroupId
* lastUpdateLogin


 * excepTimefence
* excepGroupId#1
* description
* creationDate
* createdBy
* excepGroupName
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* excepGroupId
* lastUpdateLogin


 * exceptionTypeLookupCode
* creationDate
* userId
* lastUpdatedBy
* createdBy
* lastUpdateDate
* rank
* lastUpdateLogin


 * exceptionTypeLookupCode
* creationDate
* userId
* lastUpdatedBy
* createdBy
* lastUpdateDate
* rank
* lastUpdateLogin


 * attribute15
* createdBy
* companySiteId
* lastUpdatedBy
* supplierId
* attribute12
* attribute13
* attribute14
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute7
* exceptionType
* attribute9
* value
* attribute6
* attribute10
* creationDate
* attribute3
* customerSiteId
* attribute2
* attribute8
* assignedToCode
* attribute5
* supplierSiteId
* inventoryItemId
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute1
* companyId
* attribute11
* customerId
* attribute4
* thresholdValueId
* context


 * attribute15
* createdBy
* companySiteId
* lastUpdatedBy
* supplierId
* attribute12
* attribute13
* attribute14
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute7
* exceptionType
* attribute9
* value
* attribute6
* attribute10
* creationDate
* attribute3
* customerSiteId
* attribute2
* attribute8
* assignedToCode
* attribute5
* supplierSiteId
* inventoryItemId
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute1
* companyId
* attribute11
* customerId
* attribute4
* thresholdValueId
* context


 * fromDay
* lastUpdatedBy
* toDay
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute1
* attribute5
* attribute6
* attribute11
* creationDate
* exceptionType
* attribute13
* attribute2
* lastUpdateDate
* createdBy
* attribute9
* attribute8
* companyId
* attribute7
* attribute15
* attribute4
* attribute12
* attribute14
* attribute10
* attribute3
* context


 * fromDay
* lastUpdatedBy
* toDay
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute1
* attribute5
* attribute6
* attribute11
* creationDate
* exceptionType
* attribute13
* attribute2
* lastUpdateDate
* createdBy
* attribute9
* attribute8
* companyId
* attribute7
* attribute15
* attribute4
* attribute12
* attribute14
* attribute10
* attribute3
* context


 * lastUpdateDate
* creationDate
* createdBy
* lastUpdatedBy
* categoryId
* organizationId
* lastUpdateLogin
* excepGroupId
* srInstanceId


 * lastUpdateDate
* creationDate
* createdBy
* lastUpdatedBy
* categoryId
* organizationId
* lastUpdateLogin
* excepGroupId
* srInstanceId


 * lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateDate
* excepGroupId
* createdBy
* srInstanceId
* organizationId
* creationDate


 * lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateDate
* excepGroupId
* createdBy
* srInstanceId
* organizationId
* creationDate


 * srShipToLocId
* srCustomerId
* shipTo
* scenarioId
* newCombination
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdatedBy
* srZoneId
* srOrganizationId
* srInstanceId
* planId
* srInventoryItemId
* createdBy
* lastUpdateDate
* creationDate
* inventoryItemId
* demandClass
* forecastSourceType


 * srShipToLocId
* srCustomerId
* shipTo
* scenarioId
* newCombination
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdatedBy
* srZoneId
* srOrganizationId
* srInstanceId
* planId
* srInventoryItemId
* createdBy
* lastUpdateDate
* creationDate
* inventoryItemId
* demandClass
* forecastSourceType


 * fcstParamKey
* creationDate
* createdBy
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* forecastMethod
* lastUpdateDate
* defaultValue
* refreshNumber


 * fcstParamKey
* creationDate
* createdBy
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* forecastMethod
* lastUpdateDate
* defaultValue
* refreshNumber


 * lastUpdateDate
* forecastMethodSource
* lastUpdatedBy
* value
* fcstParamKey
* forecastRuleId
* forecastMethod
* createdBy
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin


 * lastUpdateDate
* forecastMethodSource
* lastUpdatedBy
* value
* fcstParamKey
* forecastRuleId
* forecastMethod
* createdBy
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin


 * fileCreationDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* createdBy
* attachmentId
* requestId
* creationDate
* rowCount
* lastUpdateDate
* fileType
* fileSize
* lastUpdateLogin
* planId
* loadId
* fileName
* copyFlag
* headerId
* netchange


 * fileCreationDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* createdBy
* attachmentId
* requestId
* creationDate
* rowCount
* lastUpdateDate
* fileType
* fileSize
* lastUpdateLogin
* planId
* loadId
* fileName
* copyFlag
* headerId
* netchange


 * creationDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* columnName
* sequenceNum
* planId
* fileName
* lastUpdateDate
* columnType
* isPartOfUniqueKey
* createdBy


 * creationDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* columnName
* sequenceNum
* planId
* fileName
* lastUpdateDate
* columnType
* isPartOfUniqueKey
* createdBy


 * creationDate
* salesForecastFile
* description
* servAdjustmentFactorValue
* servAdjustmentFactorFile
* calendarType
* salesForecastScheduleId
* forecastHorizonType
* lastUpdateLogin
* salesForecastSource
* histBasisIntermittencyPpf
* forecastBucketType
* fcstMethodPpf
* enableProdPopulationFcst
* fcstFrequency
* histBasisType
* historyRange
* servAdjustmentFactor
* historyBasis
* enableUsageShipFcst
* lastUpdateDate
* forecastHorizon
* fcstFrequencyTypePpf
* fcstAccuracyMetric
* forecastBasis
* fcstFrequencyType
* scheduleSrInstanceId
* fcstAccuracyMetricPpf
* forecastBucket
* forecastRuleId
* historyRangeType
* fcstFrequencyPpf
* histBasisTypePpf
* createdBy
* forecastRuleName
* salesForecastHistoryBasis
* lastUpdatedBy
* forecastMethod
* histBasisIntermittency


 * creationDate
* salesForecastFile
* description
* servAdjustmentFactorValue
* servAdjustmentFactorFile
* calendarType
* salesForecastScheduleId
* forecastHorizonType
* lastUpdateLogin
* salesForecastSource
* histBasisIntermittencyPpf
* forecastBucketType
* fcstMethodPpf
* enableProdPopulationFcst
* fcstFrequency
* histBasisType
* historyRange
* servAdjustmentFactor
* historyBasis
* enableUsageShipFcst
* lastUpdateDate
* forecastHorizon
* fcstFrequencyTypePpf
* fcstAccuracyMetric
* forecastBasis
* fcstFrequencyType
* scheduleSrInstanceId
* fcstAccuracyMetricPpf
* forecastBucket
* forecastRuleId
* historyRangeType
* fcstFrequencyPpf
* histBasisTypePpf
* createdBy
* forecastRuleName
* salesForecastHistoryBasis
* lastUpdatedBy
* forecastMethod
* histBasisIntermittency


 * forecastDemandId
* consumedQty
* demandClass
* organizationId
* consumptionDate
* customerId
* planId
* shipId
* forecastQty
* salesOrderNumber
* wipSupplyType
* creationDate
* inventoryItemId
* salesOrderDate
* lastUpdateDate
* overconsumptionQty
* lastUpdatedBy
* parentItemId
* lastUpdateLogin
* designatorId
* originalItemId
* zoneId
* createdBy
* salesOrderId
* srInstanceId
* salesOrderQty
* billId
* usageQuantity


 * forecastDemandId
* consumedQty
* demandClass
* organizationId
* consumptionDate
* customerId
* planId
* shipId
* forecastQty
* salesOrderNumber
* wipSupplyType
* creationDate
* inventoryItemId
* salesOrderDate
* lastUpdateDate
* overconsumptionQty
* lastUpdatedBy
* parentItemId
* lastUpdateLogin
* designatorId
* originalItemId
* zoneId
* createdBy
* salesOrderId
* srInstanceId
* salesOrderQty
* billId
* usageQuantity


 * companyId
* attribute15
* attribute9
* attribute6
* attribute8
* attribute1
* attribute7
* attribute12
* attribute11
* attribute5
* context
* contactUser
* attribute14
* attribute3
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute13
* attribute2
* disableDate
* creationDate
* attribute4
* createdBy
* attribute10
* effectiveDate
* groupId


 * companyId
* attribute15
* attribute9
* attribute6
* attribute8
* attribute1
* attribute7
* attribute12
* attribute11
* attribute5
* context
* contactUser
* attribute14
* attribute3
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute13
* attribute2
* disableDate
* creationDate
* attribute4
* createdBy
* attribute10
* effectiveDate
* groupId


 * lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* createdBy
* planId
* lastUpdateDate
* creationDate
* groupId


 * lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* createdBy
* planId
* lastUpdateDate
* creationDate
* groupId


 * groupType
* ownerContact
* attribute7
* description
* attribute6
* disableDate
* attribute13
* createdBy
* attribute3
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute1
* groupId
* contractDocUrl
* creationDate
* attribute11
* attribute15
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute2
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute9
* groupOwnerId
* attribute5
* effectiveDate
* context
* groupName
* attribute12
* attribute4
* attribute10
* attribute8
* attribute14


 * groupType
* ownerContact
* attribute7
* description
* attribute6
* disableDate
* attribute13
* createdBy
* attribute3
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute1
* groupId
* contractDocUrl
* creationDate
* attribute11
* attribute15
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute2
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute9
* groupOwnerId
* attribute5
* effectiveDate
* context
* groupName
* attribute12
* attribute4
* attribute10
* attribute8
* attribute14


 * planId
* bucketIndex
* seqNum
* bucketType
* bktStartDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* weekEndDate
* periodStartDate
* createdBy
* weekLastWorkDate
* lastUpdateDate
* periodLastWorkDate
* creationDate
* bktEndDate
* periodEndDate
* weekStartDate


 * planId
* bucketIndex
* seqNum
* bucketType
* bktStartDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* weekEndDate
* periodStartDate
* createdBy
* weekLastWorkDate
* lastUpdateDate
* periodLastWorkDate
* creationDate
* bktEndDate
* periodEndDate
* weekStartDate


 * measureCode
* demandTypes
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* createdBy
* aggrMethodOther
* dependentMeasures
* expression
* lastUpdateDate
* aggrOrder
* editable
* creatable
* aggrMethodTime
* hpTypeCode
* columnName
* supplyTypes
* creationDate


 * measureCode
* demandTypes
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* createdBy
* aggrMethodOther
* dependentMeasures
* expression
* lastUpdateDate
* aggrOrder
* editable
* creatable
* aggrMethodTime
* hpTypeCode
* columnName
* supplyTypes
* creationDate


 * departmentCode
* itemName
* inventoryItemId
* baseItemId
* lastUpdateDate
* categorySetId
* srCategoryId
* categoryName
* lastUpdatedBy
* queryId
* rowIndex
* srInstanceId
* aggregateLevel
* planId
* creationDate
* resourceCode
* dataFlag
* organizationId
* lastUpdateLogin
* organizationCode
* createdBy
* departmentId
* resourceId


 * departmentCode
* itemName
* inventoryItemId
* baseItemId
* lastUpdateDate
* categorySetId
* srCategoryId
* categoryName
* lastUpdatedBy
* queryId
* rowIndex
* srInstanceId
* aggregateLevel
* planId
* creationDate
* resourceCode
* dataFlag
* organizationId
* lastUpdateLogin
* organizationCode
* createdBy
* departmentId
* resourceId


 * timeLevel
* newValue
* hpTypeCode
* lastUpdateDate
* createdBy
* creationDate
* analysisDate
* rowIndex
* queryId
* lastUpdatedBy
* oldValue
* processStatus
* columnName
* lastUpdateLogin


 * timeLevel
* newValue
* hpTypeCode
* lastUpdateDate
* createdBy
* creationDate
* analysisDate
* rowIndex
* queryId
* lastUpdatedBy
* oldValue
* processStatus
* columnName
* lastUpdateLogin


 * locationId
* serviceLineId
* serviceEndDate
* zone
* refreshId
* expirationDate
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* contractNumModifier
* contractNumber
* creationDate
* regionId
* inventoryItemId
* lastUpdateLogin
* serviceStartDate
* createdBy
* contractId
* quantity
* installDate
* cotermDate
* itemInstanceId
* stsCode
* serviceName


 * locationId
* serviceLineId
* serviceEndDate
* zone
* refreshId
* expirationDate
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* contractNumModifier
* contractNumber
* creationDate
* regionId
* inventoryItemId
* lastUpdateLogin
* serviceStartDate
* createdBy
* contractId
* quantity
* installDate
* cotermDate
* itemInstanceId
* stsCode
* serviceName


 * requestId
* programUpdateDate
* lastUpdateDate
* programApplicationId
* freeFlag
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdatedBy
* programId
* creationDate
* instanceId
* createdBy


 * requestId
* programUpdateDate
* lastUpdateDate
* programApplicationId
* freeFlag
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdatedBy
* programId
* creationDate
* instanceId
* createdBy


 * attribute6
* ohLrn
* orgGroup
* soLrn
* attribute3
* attribute7
* programId
* supplierCapacityLrn
* mpsLrn
* attribute11
* bomLrn
* programApplicationId
* itemLrn
* requestId
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute13
* calendarLrn
* attributeCategory
* attribute5
* tripLrn
* nraLrn
* attribute2
* wipLrn
* uomLrn
* enabledFlag
* attribute15
* programUpdateDate
* iroLrn
* attribute9
* unitNoLrn
* lastSuccIroRefTime
* poLrn
* userSupplyDemandLrn
* attribute4
* srInstanceId
* eroLrn
* mdsLrn
* attribute14
* reservationsLrn
* organizationId
* organizationType
* dpEnabledFlag
* safStockLrn
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastSuccResRefTime
* forecastLrn
* createdBy
* attribute10
* attribute8
* attribute12
* lastSuccAslRefTime
* lastUpdatedBy
* orgLrn
* attribute1
* borLrn
* lastSuccItemRefTime


 * attribute6
* ohLrn
* orgGroup
* soLrn
* attribute3
* attribute7
* programId
* supplierCapacityLrn
* mpsLrn
* attribute11
* bomLrn
* programApplicationId
* itemLrn
* requestId
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute13
* calendarLrn
* attributeCategory
* attribute5
* tripLrn
* nraLrn
* attribute2
* wipLrn
* uomLrn
* enabledFlag
* attribute15
* programUpdateDate
* iroLrn
* attribute9
* unitNoLrn
* lastSuccIroRefTime
* poLrn
* userSupplyDemandLrn
* attribute4
* srInstanceId
* eroLrn
* mdsLrn
* attribute14
* reservationsLrn
* organizationId
* organizationType
* dpEnabledFlag
* safStockLrn
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastSuccResRefTime
* forecastLrn
* createdBy
* attribute10
* attribute8
* attribute12
* lastSuccAslRefTime
* lastUpdatedBy
* orgLrn
* attribute1
* borLrn
* lastSuccItemRefTime


 * longProperty
* zdSync
* model
* entityName
* shortProperty
* zdEditionName
* apiId


 * longProperty
* zdSync
* model
* entityName
* shortProperty
* zdEditionName
* apiId


 * tvTableType
* zdEditionName
* zdSync
* model
* tableName
* position
* parentTable
* packageName
* apiId


 * tvTableType
* zdEditionName
* zdSync
* model
* tableName
* position
* parentTable
* packageName
* apiId


 * model
* createSequence
* entityName
* zdSync
* zdEditionName
* tableName
* apiId
* packageName
* createtableSql
* xmlTag


 * model
* createSequence
* entityName
* zdSync
* zdEditionName
* tableName
* apiId
* packageName
* createtableSql
* xmlTag


 * packageName
* description
* zdEditionName
* zdSync
* apiId
* model


 * packageName
* description
* zdEditionName
* zdSync
* apiId
* model


 * demandPlanId
* createdBy
* srInstanceId
* lastUpdatedBy
* creationDate
* lastUpdateDate
* snoPlanId
* demandPlanName


 * demandPlanId
* createdBy
* srInstanceId
* lastUpdatedBy
* creationDate
* lastUpdateDate
* snoPlanId
* demandPlanName


 * planId
* xmldata
* reqId
* apiId
* packageName


 * planId
* xmldata
* reqId
* apiId
* packageName


 * apiId
* reqId
* xmldata
* planId
* packageName


 * apiId
* reqId
* xmldata
* planId
* packageName


 * executeSequence
* model
* zdSync
* zdEditionName
* whereClause
* extractSqlThirdPart
* copyToStrategicSql
* packageName
* apiId
* extractSqlSecondPart
* entityName
* postProcessor
* deletePlanningTargetSql
* extractSqlFirstPart


 * executeSequence
* model
* zdSync
* zdEditionName
* whereClause
* extractSqlThirdPart
* copyToStrategicSql
* packageName
* apiId
* extractSqlSecondPart
* entityName
* postProcessor
* deletePlanningTargetSql
* extractSqlFirstPart


 * description
* apiId
* zdEditionName
* zdSync


 * description
* apiId
* zdEditionName
* zdSync


 * memberTableName
* entityName
* model
* zdSync
* apiId
* tableName
* zdEditionName
* tvTableName


 * memberTableName
* entityName
* model
* zdSync
* apiId
* tableName
* zdEditionName
* tvTableName


 * attribute9
* fromRegionId
* attribute2
* weightCapacity
* creationDate
* shipmentVolumeUom
* fromLocationName
* toRegionId
* weightUom
* shipmentVolume
* toLocationDescr
* volumeCapacity
* transportCapOverUtilCost
* intransitTime
* shipmentWeightUom
* fromLocationId
* defaultFlag
* attribute5
* costPerVolumeUnit
* refreshNumber
* collectedFlag
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute11
* toOrganizationId
* shipMethodText
* planId
* shipmentWeight
* volumeUom
* attribute14
* transactionId
* fromLocationDescr
* currency
* costPerWeightUnit
* srInstanceId2
* shipMethod
* attribute8
* attributeCategory
* fromOrganizationId
* createdBy
* attribute12
* attribute3
* attribute7
* attribute1
* programId
* attribute10
* attribute13
* lastUpdateLogin
* toLocationId
* programApplicationId
* requestId
* programUpdateDate
* leadtimeVariability
* attribute15
* attribute4
* lastUpdateDate
* timeUomCode
* attribute6
* toLocationName
* srInstanceId


 * attribute9
* fromRegionId
* attribute2
* weightCapacity
* creationDate
* shipmentVolumeUom
* fromLocationName
* toRegionId
* weightUom
* shipmentVolume
* toLocationDescr
* volumeCapacity
* transportCapOverUtilCost
* intransitTime
* shipmentWeightUom
* fromLocationId
* defaultFlag
* attribute5
* costPerVolumeUnit
* refreshNumber
* collectedFlag
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute11
* toOrganizationId
* shipMethodText
* planId
* shipmentWeight
* volumeUom
* attribute14
* transactionId
* fromLocationDescr
* currency
* costPerWeightUnit
* srInstanceId2
* shipMethod
* attribute8
* attributeCategory
* fromOrganizationId
* createdBy
* attribute12
* attribute3
* attribute7
* attribute1
* programId
* attribute10
* attribute13
* lastUpdateLogin
* toLocationId
* programApplicationId
* requestId
* programUpdateDate
* leadtimeVariability
* attribute15
* attribute4
* lastUpdateDate
* timeUomCode
* attribute6
* toLocationName
* srInstanceId


 * lastUpdatedBy
* budgetValue
* srCategoryId
* lastUpdateLogin
* srInstanceId
* lastUpdateDate
* createdBy
* creationDate
* categoryInstanceId
* organizationId
* budgetId


 * lastUpdatedBy
* budgetValue
* srCategoryId
* lastUpdateLogin
* srInstanceId
* lastUpdateDate
* createdBy
* creationDate
* categoryInstanceId
* organizationId
* budgetId


 * lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* name
* lastUpdateLogin
* description
* budgetId
* createdBy
* creationDate


 * lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* name
* lastUpdateLogin
* description
* budgetId
* createdBy
* creationDate


 * minQuantityDos
* createdBy
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdatedBy
* organizationId
* minQuantity
* maxQuantity
* inventoryItemId
* targetQuantity
* lastUpdateDate
* planId
* srInstanceId
* inventoryDate
* maxQuantityDos
* targetQuantityDos


 * minQuantityDos
* createdBy
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdatedBy
* organizationId
* minQuantity
* maxQuantity
* inventoryItemId
* targetQuantity
* lastUpdateDate
* planId
* srInstanceId
* inventoryDate
* maxQuantityDos
* targetQuantityDos


 * shrinkageRate
* failureImpact
* planningMakeBuyCode
* annualSalesQty
* eoFlag
* category6
* maximumOrderQuantity
* coefficientOfVariation
* avgDemandBeyondPh
* daysTgtInvWindow
* regionInstanceId
* returnForecastTimeFence
* standardCost
* postprocessingLeadTime
* mrslIngredient
* forecastRuleForReturns
* category3
* vmiFixedOrderQuantity
* atpFlag
* obsolescenceDate
* customerInstanceId
* fixedOrderQuantity
* lastUpdateDate
* userAttribute6
* inventoryUseUpDate
* category1
* categorySet5
* categoryOverride3
* defectiveItemCost
* repairCost
* categorySet4
* reliability
* convergence
* maxUsageFactor
* userAttribute10
* listPrice
* userAttribute1
* meanInterArrival
* vmiMaximumDays
* serviceLevel
* customerSiteId
* categoryOverride4
* creationDate
* prePositionPoint
* categorySet7
* userAttribute8
* userAttribute14
* repairLeadTime
* category5
* atoForecastControl
* safetyStockBucketDays
* interarrivalDistMethod
* repairYield
* planningTimeFenceDays
* excessHorizon
* categorySet1
* customerId
* variableLeadTime
* intermittentDemand
* daysMaxInvSupply
* category7
* dmdSatisfiedPercent
* vmiMinimumUnits
* atpComponentsFlag
* divergence
* categorySet6
* lastUpdatedBy
* categorySet3
* planningExceptionSet
* newPlannedOrder
* userAttribute7
* annualShipValue
* consignedFlag
* computeSs
* averageDailyDemand
* categorySet8
* carryingCost
* basisAvgDailyDemand
* annualCarryingCost
* consumptionTimeTarget
* avgReturnsBeyondPh
* mrpPlanningCode
* lifeTimeBuyDate
* userAttribute11
* endOfLifeDate
* abcClassName
* userAttribute2
* regionId
* annualShipCount
* criticalityCategory
* plannerCode
* userAttribute3
* categoryOverride1
* userAttribute5
* planId
* createdBy
* category8
* safetyStockPercent
* continousTransfer
* weightUom
* roundingControlType
* categorySet2
* annualShipQty
* stdDeviationInterArrival
* fixedDaysSupply
* createSupplyFlag
* organizationId
* fullLeadTime
* criticalComponentFlag
* daysTgtInvSupply
* unitVolume
* rebuildActivity
* demandTimeFenceDays
* region
* unitWeight
* demandFulfillmentLt
* pipFlag
* categoryOverride2
* lastUpdateLogin
* leadtimeVariability
* updatedColumnsCount
* scrapRate
* minimumOrderQuantity
* volumeUom
* forecastRuleForDemands
* annualSalesValue
* vmiMaximumUnits
* daysMaxInvWindow
* minRemShelfLifeDays
* invDaysIncrement
* category4
* srInstanceId
* category2
* ropSafetyStock
* preprocessingLeadTime
* standardDeviation
* userAttribute13
* fixedLotMultiplier
* unsatisfiedDemandFactor
* categoryOverride7
* fixedLeadTime
* buyerName
* userAttribute12
* annualSalesCount
* abcClass
* categoryOverride6
* stdDeviationForDemand
* minSupDemPercent
* orderCost
* repairModule
* categoryOverride8
* safetyStockMrsl
* inventoryItemId
* intermittencyThreshold
* lotsExpiration
* safetyLeadTime
* userAttribute15
* orderPeriod
* vmiMinimumDays
* computeEoq
* categoryOverride5
* crossDock
* simulationSetId
* userAttribute4
* mrslIngredientId
* drpPlanned
* minShelfLifeDays
* userAttribute9
* annualUsage
* safetyStockCode
* substitutionWindow


 * shrinkageRate
* failureImpact
* planningMakeBuyCode
* annualSalesQty
* eoFlag
* category6
* maximumOrderQuantity
* coefficientOfVariation
* avgDemandBeyondPh
* daysTgtInvWindow
* regionInstanceId
* returnForecastTimeFence
* standardCost
* postprocessingLeadTime
* mrslIngredient
* forecastRuleForReturns
* category3
* vmiFixedOrderQuantity
* atpFlag
* obsolescenceDate
* customerInstanceId
* fixedOrderQuantity
* lastUpdateDate
* userAttribute6
* inventoryUseUpDate
* category1
* categorySet5
* categoryOverride3
* defectiveItemCost
* repairCost
* categorySet4
* reliability
* convergence
* maxUsageFactor
* userAttribute10
* listPrice
* userAttribute1
* meanInterArrival
* vmiMaximumDays
* serviceLevel
* customerSiteId
* categoryOverride4
* creationDate
* prePositionPoint
* categorySet7
* userAttribute8
* userAttribute14
* repairLeadTime
* category5
* atoForecastControl
* safetyStockBucketDays
* interarrivalDistMethod
* repairYield
* planningTimeFenceDays
* excessHorizon
* categorySet1
* customerId
* variableLeadTime
* intermittentDemand
* daysMaxInvSupply
* category7
* dmdSatisfiedPercent
* vmiMinimumUnits
* atpComponentsFlag
* divergence
* categorySet6
* lastUpdatedBy
* categorySet3
* planningExceptionSet
* newPlannedOrder
* userAttribute7
* annualShipValue
* consignedFlag
* computeSs
* averageDailyDemand
* categorySet8
* carryingCost
* basisAvgDailyDemand
* annualCarryingCost
* consumptionTimeTarget
* avgReturnsBeyondPh
* mrpPlanningCode
* lifeTimeBuyDate
* userAttribute11
* endOfLifeDate
* abcClassName
* userAttribute2
* regionId
* annualShipCount
* criticalityCategory
* plannerCode
* userAttribute3
* categoryOverride1
* userAttribute5
* planId
* createdBy
* category8
* safetyStockPercent
* continousTransfer
* weightUom
* roundingControlType
* categorySet2
* annualShipQty
* stdDeviationInterArrival
* fixedDaysSupply
* createSupplyFlag
* organizationId
* fullLeadTime
* criticalComponentFlag
* daysTgtInvSupply
* unitVolume
* rebuildActivity
* demandTimeFenceDays
* region
* unitWeight
* demandFulfillmentLt
* pipFlag
* categoryOverride2
* lastUpdateLogin
* leadtimeVariability
* updatedColumnsCount
* scrapRate
* minimumOrderQuantity
* volumeUom
* forecastRuleForDemands
* annualSalesValue
* vmiMaximumUnits
* daysMaxInvWindow
* minRemShelfLifeDays
* invDaysIncrement
* category4
* srInstanceId
* category2
* ropSafetyStock
* preprocessingLeadTime
* standardDeviation
* userAttribute13
* fixedLotMultiplier
* unsatisfiedDemandFactor
* categoryOverride7
* fixedLeadTime
* buyerName
* userAttribute12
* annualSalesCount
* abcClass
* categoryOverride6
* stdDeviationForDemand
* minSupDemPercent
* orderCost
* repairModule
* categoryOverride8
* safetyStockMrsl
* inventoryItemId
* intermittencyThreshold
* lotsExpiration
* safetyLeadTime
* userAttribute15
* orderPeriod
* vmiMinimumDays
* computeEoq
* categoryOverride5
* crossDock
* simulationSetId
* userAttribute4
* mrslIngredientId
* drpPlanned
* minShelfLifeDays
* userAttribute9
* annualUsage
* safetyStockCode
* substitutionWindow


 * attribute8
* planId
* listPrice
* programUpdateDate
* inventoryItemId
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute10
* programId
* attribute15
* uomCode
* attribute1
* lastUpdateLogin
* leadTime
* attribute12
* customerId
* attribute3
* attribute7
* srInstanceId
* attribute4
* attribute9
* attribute2
* requestId
* refreshNumber
* attribute5
* customerSiteId
* createdBy
* attribute14
* attribute6
* plannerCode
* customerItemName
* attributeCategory
* creationDate
* lastUpdateDate
* programApplicationId
* attribute11
* description
* attribute13


 * attribute8
* planId
* listPrice
* programUpdateDate
* inventoryItemId
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute10
* programId
* attribute15
* uomCode
* attribute1
* lastUpdateLogin
* leadTime
* attribute12
* customerId
* attribute3
* attribute7
* srInstanceId
* attribute4
* attribute9
* attribute2
* requestId
* refreshNumber
* attribute5
* customerSiteId
* createdBy
* attribute14
* attribute6
* plannerCode
* customerItemName
* attributeCategory
* creationDate
* lastUpdateDate
* programApplicationId
* attribute11
* description
* attribute13


 * lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* creationDate
* currentInstallBase
* itemName
* failureRateId
* processFlag
* collectedFlag
* failureRate
* createdBy
* returnRate
* retirementRate
* lastUpdatedBy
* usingAssemblyName
* usingAssemblyId
* inventoryItemId


 * lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* creationDate
* currentInstallBase
* itemName
* failureRateId
* processFlag
* collectedFlag
* failureRate
* createdBy
* returnRate
* retirementRate
* lastUpdatedBy
* usingAssemblyName
* usingAssemblyId
* inventoryItemId


 * sourceOrganizationId
* zoneId
* planId
* srInventoryItemId
* sourceOrgInstanceId
* sourcingRuleType
* sourcingRuleName
* inventoryItemId
* vendorSiteId
* assignmentId
* owningOrgId
* disableDate
* customerSiteId
* assignmentSetId
* srDescription
* sourceType
* sourcingLevel
* sourceOrgCode
* assignmentType
* customerId
* srInstanceId
* rank
* effectiveDate
* sourcingRuleId
* organizationId
* vendorId
* allocationPercent
* categoryId
* shipMethod


 * sourceOrganizationId
* zoneId
* planId
* srInventoryItemId
* sourceOrgInstanceId
* sourcingRuleType
* sourcingRuleName
* inventoryItemId
* vendorSiteId
* assignmentId
* owningOrgId
* disableDate
* customerSiteId
* assignmentSetId
* srDescription
* sourceType
* sourcingLevel
* sourceOrgCode
* assignmentType
* customerId
* srInstanceId
* rank
* effectiveDate
* sourcingRuleId
* organizationId
* vendorId
* allocationPercent
* categoryId
* shipMethod


 * sourcingRuleType
* bomItemType
* assignmentId
* inventoryItemId
* sourcingRuleId
* sourceOrgInstanceId
* rank
* sourcingLevel
* categoryId
* zoneId
* vendorId
* sourceType
* planId
* effectiveDate
* primaryUomCode
* customerSiteId
* srInventoryItemId
* mrpPlanningCode
* compDrpPlanned
* planningMakeBuyCode
* sourceOrgCode
* compileDesignator
* compMrpPlanningCode
* organizationId
* assignmentType
* sourcingRuleName
* owningOrgId
* disableDate
* sourceOrganizationId
* srInstanceId
* allocationPercent
* assyDrpPlanned
* vendorSiteId
* srDescription
* customerId
* assignmentSetId


 * sourcingRuleType
* bomItemType
* assignmentId
* inventoryItemId
* sourcingRuleId
* sourceOrgInstanceId
* rank
* sourcingLevel
* categoryId
* zoneId
* vendorId
* sourceType
* planId
* effectiveDate
* primaryUomCode
* customerSiteId
* srInventoryItemId
* mrpPlanningCode
* compDrpPlanned
* planningMakeBuyCode
* sourceOrgCode
* compileDesignator
* compMrpPlanningCode
* organizationId
* assignmentType
* sourcingRuleName
* owningOrgId
* disableDate
* sourceOrganizationId
* srInstanceId
* allocationPercent
* assyDrpPlanned
* vendorSiteId
* srDescription
* customerId
* assignmentSetId


 * groupId
* inventoryItemId
* instanceCount


 * groupId
* inventoryItemId
* instanceCount


 * inventoryItemId
* srInventoryItemId
* srInstanceId


 * inventoryItemId
* srInventoryItemId
* srInstanceId


 * creationDate
* simulationSetId
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* createdBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* description
* simulationSetName


 * creationDate
* simulationSetId
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* createdBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* description
* simulationSetName


 * inventoryItemId
* srDescription
* srInstanceId
* assignmentSetId
* customerSiteId
* allocationPercent
* sourceOrgInstanceId
* compDrpPlanned
* sourcingRuleName
* compMrpPlanningCode
* sourceType
* sourcingRuleType
* compBomItemType
* compileDesignator
* customerId
* effectiveDate
* organizationId
* compPrimaryUomCode
* sourceOrganizationId
* planId
* rank
* assignmentId
* owningOrgId
* sourcingLevel
* sourcingRuleId
* regionId
* compPlanningMakeBuyCode
* assignmentType
* disableDate


 * inventoryItemId
* srDescription
* srInstanceId
* assignmentSetId
* customerSiteId
* allocationPercent
* sourceOrgInstanceId
* compDrpPlanned
* sourcingRuleName
* compMrpPlanningCode
* sourceType
* sourcingRuleType
* compBomItemType
* compileDesignator
* customerId
* effectiveDate
* organizationId
* compPrimaryUomCode
* sourceOrganizationId
* planId
* rank
* assignmentId
* owningOrgId
* sourcingLevel
* sourcingRuleId
* regionId
* compPlanningMakeBuyCode
* assignmentType
* disableDate


 * fixedLotMultiplier
* capacityType
* attribute5
* creationDate
* attribute3
* srInstanceId2
* attributeCategory
* supplierItemName
* maxMinmaxQuantity
* attribute14
* attribute4
* newPlanId
* attribute13
* supplierId
* attribute2
* attribute6
* programUpdateDate
* inventoryItemId
* supplierLeadTimeDate
* vmiRefreshFlag
* maxMinmaxDays
* replenishmentMethod
* vmiFlag
* purchasingUnitOfMeasure
* requestId
* applied
* enableVmiAutoReplenishFlag
* aslAttributeCreationDate
* description
* programId
* uomCode
* refreshNumber
* fixedOrderQuantity
* supplierSiteId
* itemPrice
* attribute12
* programApplicationId
* collectedFlag
* attribute8
* createdBy
* minMinmaxDays
* minimumOrderQuantity
* attribute11
* minMinmaxQuantity
* forecastHorizon
* attribute10
* attribute1
* lastUpdatedBy
* averageDailyDemand
* planId
* lastUpdateLogin
* vmiReplenishmentApproval
* newPlanList
* maximumOrderQuantity
* supplierCapOverUtilCost
* deliveryCalendarCode
* processingLeadTime
* attribute7
* organizationId
* attribute9
* includeLiabilityAgreement
* srInstanceId
* aslLiabilityAgreementBasis
* attribute15
* plannerCode
* usingOrganizationId
* lastUpdateDate
* simulationSetId


 * fixedLotMultiplier
* capacityType
* attribute5
* creationDate
* attribute3
* srInstanceId2
* attributeCategory
* supplierItemName
* maxMinmaxQuantity
* attribute14
* attribute4
* newPlanId
* attribute13
* supplierId
* attribute2
* attribute6
* programUpdateDate
* inventoryItemId
* supplierLeadTimeDate
* vmiRefreshFlag
* maxMinmaxDays
* replenishmentMethod
* vmiFlag
* purchasingUnitOfMeasure
* requestId
* applied
* enableVmiAutoReplenishFlag
* aslAttributeCreationDate
* description
* programId
* uomCode
* refreshNumber
* fixedOrderQuantity
* supplierSiteId
* itemPrice
* attribute12
* programApplicationId
* collectedFlag
* attribute8
* createdBy
* minMinmaxDays
* minimumOrderQuantity
* attribute11
* minMinmaxQuantity
* forecastHorizon
* attribute10
* attribute1
* lastUpdatedBy
* averageDailyDemand
* planId
* lastUpdateLogin
* vmiReplenishmentApproval
* newPlanList
* maximumOrderQuantity
* supplierCapOverUtilCost
* deliveryCalendarCode
* processingLeadTime
* attribute7
* organizationId
* attribute9
* includeLiabilityAgreement
* srInstanceId
* aslLiabilityAgreementBasis
* attribute15
* plannerCode
* usingOrganizationId
* lastUpdateDate
* simulationSetId


 * requestId
* itemTypeValueMeaning
* itemTypeId
* attribute12
* createdBy
* lastUpdatedBy
* programId
* attribute10
* attribute11
* attribute3
* attribute5
* attribute14
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute1
* attribute13
* attribute15
* attribute2
* attribute7
* attribute4
* zdEditionName
* attribute8
* attributeCategory
* creationDate
* itemTypeValue
* attribute6
* programUpdateDate
* programApplicationId
* zdSync
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute9
* itemTypeName


 * requestId
* itemTypeValueMeaning
* itemTypeId
* attribute12
* createdBy
* lastUpdatedBy
* programId
* attribute10
* attribute11
* attribute3
* attribute5
* attribute14
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute1
* attribute13
* attribute15
* attribute2
* attribute7
* attribute4
* zdEditionName
* attribute8
* attributeCategory
* creationDate
* itemTypeValue
* attribute6
* programUpdateDate
* programApplicationId
* zdSync
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute9
* itemTypeName


 * attribute4
* description
* attributeCategory
* inventoryItemId
* attribute5
* programApplicationId
* attribute3
* attribute15
* programUpdateDate
* attribute6
* attribute8
* attribute1
* attribute2
* attribute12
* requestId
* attribute13
* lastUpdatedBy
* programId
* attribute7
* attribute9
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute11
* attribute10
* itemName
* attribute14
* createdBy
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin


 * attribute4
* description
* attributeCategory
* inventoryItemId
* attribute5
* programApplicationId
* attribute3
* attribute15
* programUpdateDate
* attribute6
* attribute8
* attribute1
* attribute2
* attribute12
* requestId
* attribute13
* lastUpdatedBy
* programId
* attribute7
* attribute9
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute11
* attribute10
* itemName
* attribute14
* createdBy
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin


 * lateOrderCount
* lastUpdatedBy
* createdBy
* organizationId
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* srInstanceId
* creationDate
* planId


 * lateOrderCount
* lastUpdatedBy
* createdBy
* organizationId
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* srInstanceId
* creationDate
* planId


 * char4
* sourceCustomerSiteId
* char5
* programApplicationId
* creationDate
* sourceDemandSourceHeaderId
* sourceUsingAssemblyItemId
* number4
* date5
* number5
* date4
* programUpdateDate
* char9
* number3
* sourceShipToSiteUseId
* number1
* char10
* sourceInventoryItemId
* lastUpdateDate
* sourceOrgId
* sourceProjectId
* sourceSalesOrderLineId
* dataSourceType
* requestId
* createdBy
* char8
* localId
* char7
* date2
* date3
* sourceOriginalItemId
* stTransactionId
* char6
* number2
* char3
* char2
* programId
* date1
* sourceBillId
* sourceDispositionId
* entityName
* sourceBillToSiteUseId
* lastUpdatedBy
* sourceTaskId
* instanceId
* sourceCustomerId
* char1
* lastUpdateLogin
* sourceDemandId


 * char4
* sourceCustomerSiteId
* char5
* programApplicationId
* creationDate
* sourceDemandSourceHeaderId
* sourceUsingAssemblyItemId
* number4
* date5
* number5
* date4
* programUpdateDate
* char9
* number3
* sourceShipToSiteUseId
* number1
* char10
* sourceInventoryItemId
* lastUpdateDate
* sourceOrgId
* sourceProjectId
* sourceSalesOrderLineId
* dataSourceType
* requestId
* createdBy
* char8
* localId
* char7
* date2
* date3
* sourceOriginalItemId
* stTransactionId
* char6
* number2
* char3
* char2
* programId
* date1
* sourceBillId
* sourceDispositionId
* entityName
* sourceBillToSiteUseId
* lastUpdatedBy
* sourceTaskId
* instanceId
* sourceCustomerId
* char1
* lastUpdateLogin
* sourceDemandId


 * number1
* lastUpdatedBy
* char1
* date3
* programApplicationId
* sourceSourceOrgId
* stTransactionId
* date5
* requestId
* date4
* char8
* instanceId
* creationDate
* programUpdateDate
* char6
* lastUpdateDate
* number2
* createdBy
* number4
* char5
* char9
* date1
* sourcePrimarySupplierId
* sourceSrInventoryItemId
* date2
* dataSourceType
* number3
* sourceBaseItemId
* char2
* char4
* char7
* entityName
* char10
* lastUpdateLogin
* localId
* char3
* number5
* programId


 * number1
* lastUpdatedBy
* char1
* date3
* programApplicationId
* sourceSourceOrgId
* stTransactionId
* date5
* requestId
* date4
* char8
* instanceId
* creationDate
* programUpdateDate
* char6
* lastUpdateDate
* number2
* createdBy
* number4
* char5
* char9
* date1
* sourcePrimarySupplierId
* sourceSrInventoryItemId
* date2
* dataSourceType
* number3
* sourceBaseItemId
* char2
* char4
* char7
* entityName
* char10
* lastUpdateLogin
* localId
* char3
* number5
* programId


 * stTransactionId
* sourceInventoryItemId
* date2
* sourceSourcePartnerSiteId
* date3
* number1
* char5
* sourceSourceOrganizationId
* char2
* sourceOrgId
* lastUpdatedBy
* programUpdateDate
* sourceCategoryId
* char3
* char10
* creationDate
* date4
* number5
* sourceProjectId
* char6
* date5
* sourceAssignmentId
* sourceCostingGroupId
* sourceSrSourceId
* date1
* requestId
* sourceReceiptOrganizationId
* lastUpdateLogin
* sourceSrCategorySetId
* sourceAssignmentSetId
* sourceAbcClassId
* char4
* lastUpdateDate
* instanceId
* number3
* number2
* dataSourceType
* createdBy
* char9
* sourceCategorySetId
* entityName
* char1
* char7
* programId
* number4
* sourceSourcingRuleId
* sourceSrReceiptId
* char8
* sourceSrCategoryId
* localId
* programApplicationId
* sourceSourcePartnerId
* sourceTaskId


 * stTransactionId
* sourceInventoryItemId
* date2
* sourceSourcePartnerSiteId
* date3
* number1
* char5
* sourceSourceOrganizationId
* char2
* sourceOrgId
* lastUpdatedBy
* programUpdateDate
* sourceCategoryId
* char3
* char10
* creationDate
* date4
* number5
* sourceProjectId
* char6
* date5
* sourceAssignmentId
* sourceCostingGroupId
* sourceSrSourceId
* date1
* requestId
* sourceReceiptOrganizationId
* lastUpdateLogin
* sourceSrCategorySetId
* sourceAssignmentSetId
* sourceAbcClassId
* char4
* lastUpdateDate
* instanceId
* number3
* number2
* dataSourceType
* createdBy
* char9
* sourceCategorySetId
* entityName
* char1
* char7
* programId
* number4
* sourceSourcingRuleId
* sourceSrReceiptId
* char8
* sourceSrCategoryId
* localId
* programApplicationId
* sourceSourcePartnerId
* sourceTaskId


 * lastUpdatedBy
* createdBy
* sourceTaskId
* number4
* sourceResourceId
* number2
* sourceCoProductGroupId
* char2
* sourceLineId
* lastUpdateLogin
* char6
* sourceProjectId
* number3
* sourceSrTpId
* sourceResourceSeqNum
* char5
* stTransactionId
* sourceComponentSeqId
* sourceOwningDepartmentId
* sourceDrivingItemId
* number1
* programId
* sourceSrTpSiteId
* date1
* programApplicationId
* instanceId
* date4
* sourceAssemblyItemId
* sourceUsingAssemblyId
* sourceSourceOrgId
* sourceComponentId
* date5
* char10
* char4
* entityName
* char9
* requestId
* sourceCoProductId
* char3
* sourceInventoryItemId
* sourceBillSequenceId
* lastUpdateDate
* localId
* char7
* sourceRoutingSequenceId
* sourceWipEntityId
* char1
* sourceOperationSeqNum
* creationDate
* programUpdateDate
* number5
* char8
* sourceOrganizationId
* date2
* sourceDepartmentId
* sourceOperationSequenceId
* dataSourceType
* sourceCommonRoutingSeqId
* date3


 * lastUpdatedBy
* createdBy
* sourceTaskId
* number4
* sourceResourceId
* number2
* sourceCoProductGroupId
* char2
* sourceLineId
* lastUpdateLogin
* char6
* sourceProjectId
* number3
* sourceSrTpId
* sourceResourceSeqNum
* char5
* stTransactionId
* sourceComponentSeqId
* sourceOwningDepartmentId
* sourceDrivingItemId
* number1
* programId
* sourceSrTpSiteId
* date1
* programApplicationId
* instanceId
* date4
* sourceAssemblyItemId
* sourceUsingAssemblyId
* sourceSourceOrgId
* sourceComponentId
* date5
* char10
* char4
* entityName
* char9
* requestId
* sourceCoProductId
* char3
* sourceInventoryItemId
* sourceBillSequenceId
* lastUpdateDate
* localId
* char7
* sourceRoutingSequenceId
* sourceWipEntityId
* char1
* sourceOperationSeqNum
* creationDate
* programUpdateDate
* number5
* char8
* sourceOrganizationId
* date2
* sourceDepartmentId
* sourceOperationSequenceId
* dataSourceType
* sourceCommonRoutingSeqId
* date3


 * char7
* stTransactionId
* char4
* sourceRoutingSequenceId
* number4
* char2
* char5
* sourceVendorId
* sourceOrgId
* sourceDispositionId
* char3
* programId
* date4
* char10
* sourceVendorSiteId
* sourceSrMtlSupplyId
* sourceBillSequenceId
* char8
* sourceFromOrganizationId
* createdBy
* date2
* char9
* programApplicationId
* lastUpdatedBy
* sourceInventoryItemId
* date1
* lastUpdateDate
* number1
* sourceWipEntityId
* number3
* lastUpdateLogin
* localId
* char1
* programUpdateDate
* instanceId
* number2
* date3
* sourceProjectId
* entityName
* char6
* creationDate
* date5
* sourceScheduleGroupId
* dataSourceType
* number5
* sourceTaskId
* requestId


 * char7
* stTransactionId
* char4
* sourceRoutingSequenceId
* number4
* char2
* char5
* sourceVendorId
* sourceOrgId
* sourceDispositionId
* char3
* programId
* date4
* char10
* sourceVendorSiteId
* sourceSrMtlSupplyId
* sourceBillSequenceId
* char8
* sourceFromOrganizationId
* createdBy
* date2
* char9
* programApplicationId
* lastUpdatedBy
* sourceInventoryItemId
* date1
* lastUpdateDate
* number1
* sourceWipEntityId
* number3
* lastUpdateLogin
* localId
* char1
* programUpdateDate
* instanceId
* number2
* date3
* sourceProjectId
* entityName
* char6
* creationDate
* date5
* sourceScheduleGroupId
* dataSourceType
* number5
* sourceTaskId
* requestId


 * partnerId
* locationCode
* srInstanceId
* lastUpdateDate
* createdBy
* creationDate
* organizationId
* programApplicationId
* requestId
* programId
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* partnerSiteId
* programUpdateDate
* locationId


 * partnerId
* locationCode
* srInstanceId
* lastUpdateDate
* createdBy
* creationDate
* organizationId
* programApplicationId
* requestId
* programId
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* partnerSiteId
* programUpdateDate
* locationId


 * zone
* regionId
* mappingDone
* locationId


 * zone
* regionId
* mappingDone
* locationId


 * safetyStock
* aggregateLevel
* onHand
* purchaseOrder
* requisition
* dependentDemand
* manualDemand
* salesOrder
* lastUpdateDate
* forecast
* warehouseCapAvailable
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* forecastMds
* queryId
* workOrder
* totalSupply
* analysisDate
* plannedOrder
* totalDemand
* lastUpdatedBy
* createdBy
* scheduledReceipts
* rowIndex
* warehouseCapConsumed


 * safetyStock
* aggregateLevel
* onHand
* purchaseOrder
* requisition
* dependentDemand
* manualDemand
* salesOrder
* lastUpdateDate
* forecast
* warehouseCapAvailable
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* forecastMds
* queryId
* workOrder
* totalSupply
* analysisDate
* plannedOrder
* totalDemand
* lastUpdatedBy
* createdBy
* scheduledReceipts
* rowIndex
* warehouseCapConsumed


 * lastUpdatedBy
* toPlan
* compareCompletionDate
* reportId
* lastUpdateDate
* compareStartDate
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* createdBy
* fromPlan


 * lastUpdatedBy
* toPlan
* compareCompletionDate
* reportId
* lastUpdateDate
* compareStartDate
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* createdBy
* fromPlan


 * exceptionDetailId
* createdBy
* exceptionType
* compareKey
* exceptionGroup
* reportId
* status
* char1
* planId
* fromPlan
* creationDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdateDate
* idKey
* char2
* matchId


 * exceptionDetailId
* createdBy
* exceptionType
* compareKey
* exceptionGroup
* reportId
* status
* char1
* planId
* fromPlan
* creationDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdateDate
* idKey
* char2
* matchId


 * createdBy
* lastUpdateDate
* criteriaId
* lastUpdatedBy
* publicFlag
* criteriaName
* exceptionType
* optionsFlag
* exceptionGroup
* userId
* creationDate
* allExceptions
* groupById
* autoQueryFlag
* lastUpdateLogin


 * createdBy
* lastUpdateDate
* criteriaId
* lastUpdatedBy
* publicFlag
* criteriaName
* exceptionType
* optionsFlag
* exceptionGroup
* userId
* creationDate
* allExceptions
* groupById
* autoQueryFlag
* lastUpdateLogin


 * srInstanceId
* planId
* organizationId
* inventoryItemId


 * srInstanceId
* planId
* organizationId
* inventoryItemId


 * graceDuration
* gracePeriod
* graceEndDate
* contractId


 * graceDuration
* gracePeriod
* graceEndDate
* contractId


 * organizationId
* lastUpdatedBy
* creationDate
* createdBy
* planId
* srInstanceId
* inventoryItemId
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin


 * organizationId
* lastUpdatedBy
* creationDate
* createdBy
* planId
* srInstanceId
* inventoryItemId
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin


 * operationSequenceId
* srInstanceId
* creationDate
* organizationId
* lastUpdateLogin
* programApplicationId
* requestId
* componentSequenceId
* routingSequenceId
* planId
* refreshNumber
* lastUpdateDate
* createdBy
* programUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* billSequenceId
* programId


 * operationSequenceId
* srInstanceId
* creationDate
* organizationId
* lastUpdateLogin
* programApplicationId
* requestId
* componentSequenceId
* routingSequenceId
* planId
* refreshNumber
* lastUpdateDate
* createdBy
* programUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* billSequenceId
* programId


 * attribute14
* cummulativePct
* toRoutingSequenceId
* fromItemId
* attribute11
* lastUpdatedBy
* creationDate
* applyToCharges
* toOpSeqId
* dependencyType
* transferUom
* srInstanceId
* transferPct
* attribute3
* organizationId
* effectivityDate
* planId
* attribute1
* attribute10
* attribute2
* lastUpdateDate
* minimumTimeOffset
* newPlanId
* simulationSetId
* attribute4
* attribute7
* transitionType
* attribute15
* routingSequenceId
* refreshNumber
* attribute6
* attribute8
* attribute13
* applied
* maximumTimeOffset
* minimumTransferQty
* fromOpSeqNum
* fromOpSeqId
* attributeCategory
* newPlanList
* createdBy
* originalSystemReference
* lastUpdateLogin
* planningPct
* toOpSeqNum
* disableDate
* attribute5
* transferQty
* attribute12
* attribute9


 * attribute14
* cummulativePct
* toRoutingSequenceId
* fromItemId
* attribute11
* lastUpdatedBy
* creationDate
* applyToCharges
* toOpSeqId
* dependencyType
* transferUom
* srInstanceId
* transferPct
* attribute3
* organizationId
* effectivityDate
* planId
* attribute1
* attribute10
* attribute2
* lastUpdateDate
* minimumTimeOffset
* newPlanId
* simulationSetId
* attribute4
* attribute7
* transitionType
* attribute15
* routingSequenceId
* refreshNumber
* attribute6
* attribute8
* attribute13
* applied
* maximumTimeOffset
* minimumTransferQty
* fromOpSeqNum
* fromOpSeqId
* attributeCategory
* newPlanList
* createdBy
* originalSystemReference
* lastUpdateLogin
* planningPct
* toOpSeqNum
* disableDate
* attribute5
* transferQty
* attribute12
* attribute9


 * srInstanceId
* respApplicationId
* lastUpdateDate
* creationDate
* effectiveFromDate
* organizationId
* lastUpdateLogin
* createdBy
* effectiveToDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* responsibilityId


 * srInstanceId
* respApplicationId
* lastUpdateDate
* creationDate
* effectiveFromDate
* organizationId
* lastUpdateLogin
* createdBy
* effectiveToDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* responsibilityId


 * valueLovName
* valueType
* columnName
* dependentColumn
* lastUpdateDate
* createdBy
* zdEditionName
* operationLovSql
* tableName
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* zdSync
* lastUpdatedBy


 * valueLovName
* valueType
* columnName
* dependentColumn
* lastUpdateDate
* createdBy
* zdEditionName
* operationLovSql
* tableName
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* zdSync
* lastUpdatedBy


 * language
* zdSync
* fieldName
* createdBy
* tableName
* sourceLang
* creationDate
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* columnName
* lastUpdateLogin
* zdEditionName


 * language
* zdSync
* fieldName
* createdBy
* tableName
* sourceLang
* creationDate
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* columnName
* lastUpdateLogin
* zdEditionName


 * componentName
* viewId
* viewLayoutId
* viewName
* createdBy
* accessMode
* savedData
* userId
* viewLayoutName
* defaultUserList
* createdOn
* grandTotalFlag
* lastUpdatedBy
* componentId
* lastUpdatedOn
* defaultFlag


 * componentName
* viewId
* viewLayoutId
* viewName
* createdBy
* accessMode
* savedData
* userId
* viewLayoutName
* defaultUserList
* createdOn
* grandTotalFlag
* lastUpdatedBy
* componentId
* lastUpdatedOn
* defaultFlag


 * documentNumber
* supplierName
* responseNumber
* version
* supplierSiteName
* customerName
* externalLocationCode
* receiptDate
* uomCode
* shipDate
* refHeaderId
* publisherName
* designator
* quantity
* comments
* shipToPartySiteName
* itemName
* publisherSiteName
* customerSiteName
* sourceLocationCode
* shipToPartyName
* bucketType
* publisherOrderType
* shipFromPartyName
* shipFromPartySiteName
* keyDate


 * documentNumber
* supplierName
* responseNumber
* version
* supplierSiteName
* customerName
* externalLocationCode
* receiptDate
* uomCode
* shipDate
* refHeaderId
* publisherName
* designator
* quantity
* comments
* shipToPartySiteName
* itemName
* publisherSiteName
* customerSiteName
* sourceLocationCode
* shipToPartyName
* bucketType
* publisherOrderType
* shipFromPartyName
* shipFromPartySiteName
* keyDate


 * categorySetName
* planId
* inventoryItemId
* srInstanceCode
* taskId
* supplyResAssignmentId
* mdsName
* supplyItemName
* supplyOrderType
* demandId
* sourceTaskId
* sourceWbsId
* supplyDueDate
* lastUpdateDate
* supplyActualStartDate
* supplyShipDate
* endPeggingId
* demandActivityId
* nonPrimaveraDemandFlag
* supplyPeggedOrderNumber
* supplyDockDate
* peggingId
* suppliesPeggedItemFlag
* projectId
* categoryName
* resourceAssignmentId
* supplyPeggedActivityId
* demandPeggedOrderNumber
* sourceProjectId
* supplyQuantity
* supplyUpdatedArrivalDate
* demandPeggedAvlDate
* creationDate
* supplyItemId
* lastUpdatedBy
* supplyWbsId
* demandPeggedOrderType
* organizationId
* supplyStartDate
* supplyOrganization
* supplyOrderNumber
* createdBy
* planName
* supplyOrderDate
* demandSupplyFlag
* supplyProjectId
* supplyDetailFlag
* srInstanceId
* prevPeggingId


 * categorySetName
* planId
* inventoryItemId
* srInstanceCode
* taskId
* supplyResAssignmentId
* mdsName
* supplyItemName
* supplyOrderType
* demandId
* sourceTaskId
* sourceWbsId
* supplyDueDate
* lastUpdateDate
* supplyActualStartDate
* supplyShipDate
* endPeggingId
* demandActivityId
* nonPrimaveraDemandFlag
* supplyPeggedOrderNumber
* supplyDockDate
* peggingId
* suppliesPeggedItemFlag
* projectId
* categoryName
* resourceAssignmentId
* supplyPeggedActivityId
* demandPeggedOrderNumber
* sourceProjectId
* supplyQuantity
* supplyUpdatedArrivalDate
* demandPeggedAvlDate
* creationDate
* supplyItemId
* lastUpdatedBy
* supplyWbsId
* demandPeggedOrderType
* organizationId
* supplyStartDate
* supplyOrganization
* supplyOrderNumber
* createdBy
* planName
* supplyOrderDate
* demandSupplyFlag
* supplyProjectId
* supplyDetailFlag
* srInstanceId
* prevPeggingId


 * wbsId
* projectNumber
* resourceAssignmentId
* srInstanceCode
* mdsName
* lastUpdateDate
* sourceTaskId
* taskNumber
* createdBy
* sourceProjectId
* sourceWbsId
* creationDate
* lastUpdatedBy


 * wbsId
* projectNumber
* resourceAssignmentId
* srInstanceCode
* mdsName
* lastUpdateDate
* sourceTaskId
* taskNumber
* createdBy
* sourceProjectId
* sourceWbsId
* creationDate
* lastUpdatedBy


 * considerWip
* attribute2
* attribute7
* programApplicationId
* reschedAssumption
* demandTimeFenceFlag
* attribute10
* repetitiveHorizon2
* includePastDueForecast
* attribute11
* collectedFlag
* creationDate
* attribute1
* programId
* includeRepSupplyDays
* attribute6
* operationScheduleType
* repetitiveBucketSize3
* attributeCategory
* srInstanceId
* planningTimeFenceFlag
* partIncludeType
* netOnHand
* defaultAbcAssignmentGroup
* considerPo
* includeMdsDays
* attribute3
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute5
* attribute12
* repetitiveAnchorDate
* attribute14
* createdBy
* repetitiveHorizon1
* periodType
* repetitiveBucketSize2
* networkSchedulingMethod
* considerReservations
* attribute13
* attribute9
* planSafetyStock
* lastUpdateLogin
* requestId
* organizationId
* lastUpdatedBy
* programUpdateDate
* attribute15
* attribute8
* repetitiveBucketSize1
* snapshotLock
* planDateDefaultType
* attribute4


 * considerWip
* attribute2
* attribute7
* programApplicationId
* reschedAssumption
* demandTimeFenceFlag
* attribute10
* repetitiveHorizon2
* includePastDueForecast
* attribute11
* collectedFlag
* creationDate
* attribute1
* programId
* includeRepSupplyDays
* attribute6
* operationScheduleType
* repetitiveBucketSize3
* attributeCategory
* srInstanceId
* planningTimeFenceFlag
* partIncludeType
* netOnHand
* defaultAbcAssignmentGroup
* considerPo
* includeMdsDays
* attribute3
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute5
* attribute12
* repetitiveAnchorDate
* attribute14
* createdBy
* repetitiveHorizon1
* periodType
* repetitiveBucketSize2
* networkSchedulingMethod
* considerReservations
* attribute13
* attribute9
* planSafetyStock
* lastUpdateLogin
* requestId
* organizationId
* lastUpdatedBy
* programUpdateDate
* attribute15
* attribute8
* repetitiveBucketSize1
* snapshotLock
* planDateDefaultType
* attribute4


 * lastUpdateLogin
* email
* creationDate
* enabledFlag
* displayName
* lastUpdatedBy
* srInstanceId
* requestId
* programApplicationId
* programUpdateDate
* partnerId
* partnerType
* lastUpdateDate
* createdBy
* programId
* partnerSiteId
* fax
* name
* refreshNumber


 * lastUpdateLogin
* email
* creationDate
* enabledFlag
* displayName
* lastUpdatedBy
* srInstanceId
* requestId
* programApplicationId
* programUpdateDate
* partnerId
* partnerType
* lastUpdateDate
* createdBy
* programId
* partnerSiteId
* fax
* name
* refreshNumber


 * inventoryItemId
* categorySetId
* plannerCodeId
* resourceId
* projectId
* reportPeriodFrom
* srInstanceId
* productCategoryId
* supplierId
* userId
* createdBy
* reportPeriodTo
* resourceGroupId
* creationDate
* buyerNameId
* reportDateRec
* lastUpdateLogin
* organizationId
* lastUpdatedBy
* planName
* lastUpdateDate
* planId
* abcClassId
* planningGroupId
* deptLineId


 * inventoryItemId
* categorySetId
* plannerCodeId
* resourceId
* projectId
* reportPeriodFrom
* srInstanceId
* productCategoryId
* supplierId
* userId
* createdBy
* reportPeriodTo
* resourceGroupId
* creationDate
* buyerNameId
* reportDateRec
* lastUpdateLogin
* organizationId
* lastUpdatedBy
* planName
* lastUpdateDate
* planId
* abcClassId
* planningGroupId
* deptLineId


 * vdate2
* vchar3
* number2
* number3
* vdate1
* number1
* lastUpdatedBy
* userId
* vchar1
* number5
* creationDate
* vchar4
* createdBy
* vchar6
* lastUpdateDate
* parmType
* vdate3
* number4
* number6
* lastUpdateLogin
* vchar2
* vchar5


 * vdate2
* vchar3
* number2
* number3
* vdate1
* number1
* lastUpdatedBy
* userId
* vchar1
* number5
* creationDate
* vchar4
* createdBy
* vchar6
* lastUpdateDate
* parmType
* vdate3
* number4
* number6
* lastUpdateLogin
* vchar2
* vchar5


 * creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* programId
* priorDate
* createdBy
* lastUpdatedBy
* programApplicationId
* periodStartDate
* exceptionSetId
* srInstanceId
* calendarCode
* refreshNumber
* requestId
* programUpdateDate
* lastUpdateDate
* periodSequenceNum
* periodName
* nextDate


 * creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* programId
* priorDate
* createdBy
* lastUpdatedBy
* programApplicationId
* periodStartDate
* exceptionSetId
* srInstanceId
* calendarCode
* refreshNumber
* requestId
* programUpdateDate
* lastUpdateDate
* periodSequenceNum
* periodName
* nextDate


 * groupId
* unsavedFlag
* simulationSetId
* queryId
* executionDate
* favoriteFlag
* autoRelease
* adfFlag
* executeFlag
* queryType
* creationDate
* description
* createdBy
* lastUpdatedBy
* immUpdatedColumn
* lastUpdateDate
* viewFormat
* publicFlag
* requestIdSet
* queryName
* updatedFlag
* andOrFlag
* origQueryId
* scheduleDesignatorId
* lastUpdateLogin
* planType


 * groupId
* unsavedFlag
* simulationSetId
* queryId
* executionDate
* favoriteFlag
* autoRelease
* adfFlag
* executeFlag
* queryType
* creationDate
* description
* createdBy
* lastUpdatedBy
* immUpdatedColumn
* lastUpdateDate
* viewFormat
* publicFlag
* requestIdSet
* queryName
* updatedFlag
* andOrFlag
* origQueryId
* scheduleDesignatorId
* lastUpdateLogin
* planType


 * creationDate
* createdBy
* attributeCategory
* attribute8
* attribute6
* daysInBkt
* attribute3
* attribute7
* srInstanceId
* attribute2
* attribute10
* attribute15
* planId
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute1
* attribute4
* requestId
* attribute5
* programId
* bktStartDate
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute13
* currFlag
* lastUpdatedBy
* programUpdateDate
* bktEndDate
* attribute9
* attribute12
* bucketType
* organizationId
* attribute11
* bucketIndex
* programApplicationId
* attribute14


 * creationDate
* createdBy
* attributeCategory
* attribute8
* attribute6
* daysInBkt
* attribute3
* attribute7
* srInstanceId
* attribute2
* attribute10
* attribute15
* planId
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute1
* attribute4
* requestId
* attribute5
* programId
* bktStartDate
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute13
* currFlag
* lastUpdatedBy
* programUpdateDate
* bktEndDate
* attribute9
* attribute12
* bucketType
* organizationId
* attribute11
* bucketIndex
* programApplicationId
* attribute14


 * srInstanceId
* srCategoryId
* attribute4
* lastUpdateDate
* planId
* attribute11
* attribute5
* lastUpdatedBy
* programApplicationId
* attribute2
* refreshNumber
* attribute13
* organizationId
* attribute3
* lastUpdateLogin
* creationDate
* attribute9
* categorySetId
* attribute8
* attribute15
* attribute6
* programUpdateDate
* attribute14
* attribute10
* attributeCategory
* attribute1
* attribute7
* attribute12
* createdBy
* requestId
* programId


 * srInstanceId
* srCategoryId
* attribute4
* lastUpdateDate
* planId
* attribute11
* attribute5
* lastUpdatedBy
* programApplicationId
* attribute2
* refreshNumber
* attribute13
* organizationId
* attribute3
* lastUpdateLogin
* creationDate
* attribute9
* categorySetId
* attribute8
* attribute15
* attribute6
* programUpdateDate
* attribute14
* attribute10
* attributeCategory
* attribute1
* attribute7
* attribute12
* createdBy
* requestId
* programId


 * creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdateDate
* inMfgSch
* excpType
* createdBy
* inAscpPlan
* inIoPlan
* inMntSch
* zdEditionName
* inSrpPlan
* inDrpPlan
* lastUpdatedBy
* zdSync
* excpGroup
* isException


 * creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdateDate
* inMfgSch
* excpType
* createdBy
* inAscpPlan
* inIoPlan
* inMntSch
* zdEditionName
* inSrpPlan
* inDrpPlan
* lastUpdatedBy
* zdSync
* excpGroup
* isException


 * lastUpdateLogin
* creationDate
* requestId
* createdBy
* weekEndDate
* planId
* programApplicationId
* periodStartDate
* programLoginId
* lastUpdateDate
* periodEndDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* programId
* weekStartDate


 * lastUpdateLogin
* creationDate
* requestId
* createdBy
* weekEndDate
* planId
* programApplicationId
* periodStartDate
* programLoginId
* lastUpdateDate
* periodEndDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* programId
* weekStartDate


 * inRpPlan
* inSrpPlan
* lastUpdateDate
* zdEditionName
* inDrpPlan
* lastUpdatedBy
* inIoPlan
* creationDate
* zdSync
* createdBy
* orderType
* lastUpdateLogin
* inAscpPlan
* orderGroup


 * inRpPlan
* inSrpPlan
* lastUpdateDate
* zdEditionName
* inDrpPlan
* lastUpdatedBy
* inIoPlan
* creationDate
* zdSync
* createdBy
* orderType
* lastUpdateLogin
* inAscpPlan
* orderGroup


 * organizationId
* kpiId
* srInstanceId
* planId
* kpiValue


 * organizationId
* kpiId
* srInstanceId
* planId
* kpiValue


 * srInstanceId
* planId
* status
* organizationId
* statusDate
* number1


 * srInstanceId
* planId
* status
* organizationId
* statusDate
* number1


 * prioritizeSupplies
* calendarCode
* attribute14
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute9
* creationDate
* programUpdateDate
* minimizeSupplyLeadTime
* productionScheduleId
* currMinSupplyLeadTime
* netWip
* soLrn
* planCompletionDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* programApplicationId
* organizationCode
* attribute3
* currFrozenHorizonDays
* lastUpdateLogin
* billOfResources
* netReservations
* includeProductionSchedule
* attribute10
* createdBy
* planId
* dsEnabledFlag
* attribute1
* includeSalesorder
* netPurchasing
* currRespectMaxAcceptDays
* attribute15
* attribute4
* organizationId
* respectMaxAcceptableDays
* requestId
* contact
* frozenHorizonDays
* organizationDescription
* collabRole
* simulationSet
* currDsEnabledFlag
* attribute8
* srInstanceId
* attribute12
* planSafetyStock
* attribute2
* programId
* attributeCategory
* attribute11
* attribute7
* attribute13
* netOnHand
* forecastCalendar
* planLevel
* attribute5
* firmHorizonDays
* attribute6


 * prioritizeSupplies
* calendarCode
* attribute14
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute9
* creationDate
* programUpdateDate
* minimizeSupplyLeadTime
* productionScheduleId
* currMinSupplyLeadTime
* netWip
* soLrn
* planCompletionDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* programApplicationId
* organizationCode
* attribute3
* currFrozenHorizonDays
* lastUpdateLogin
* billOfResources
* netReservations
* includeProductionSchedule
* attribute10
* createdBy
* planId
* dsEnabledFlag
* attribute1
* includeSalesorder
* netPurchasing
* currRespectMaxAcceptDays
* attribute15
* attribute4
* organizationId
* respectMaxAcceptableDays
* requestId
* contact
* frozenHorizonDays
* organizationDescription
* collabRole
* simulationSet
* currDsEnabledFlag
* attribute8
* srInstanceId
* attribute12
* planSafetyStock
* attribute2
* programId
* attributeCategory
* attribute11
* attribute7
* attribute13
* netOnHand
* forecastCalendar
* planLevel
* attribute5
* firmHorizonDays
* attribute6


 * programApplicationId
* planId
* lastUpdateLogin
* programUpdateDate
* planName
* lastUpdatedBy
* freeFlag
* programId
* createdBy
* requestId
* partitionNumber
* lastUpdateDate
* creationDate


 * programApplicationId
* planId
* lastUpdateLogin
* programUpdateDate
* planName
* lastUpdatedBy
* freeFlag
* programId
* createdBy
* requestId
* partitionNumber
* lastUpdateDate
* creationDate


 * planId
* createdBy
* profileValue
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdatedBy
* profileCode
* lastUpdateDate
* creationDate


 * planId
* createdBy
* profileValue
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdatedBy
* profileCode
* lastUpdateDate
* creationDate


 * lastUpdateDate
* createdBy
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* creationDate
* fileId
* planId
* queryId
* appliedTo


 * lastUpdateDate
* createdBy
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* creationDate
* fileId
* planId
* queryId
* appliedTo


 * requestId
* srInstanceId
* programId
* appsLrn
* refreshNumber
* programApplicationId
* programUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* createdBy
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateDate
* creationDate
* planId


 * requestId
* srInstanceId
* programId
* appsLrn
* refreshNumber
* programApplicationId
* programUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* createdBy
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateDate
* creationDate
* planId


 * publisher
* planId
* archiveFlag
* lastRunFlag
* programId
* planName
* planRunVersion
* organizationId
* planRunName
* planCutoffDate
* planningHubFlag
* endDate
* requestId
* refreshMode
* createdBy
* planCompletionDate
* scenarioName
* programApplicationId
* planType
* planDescription
* lastUpdateLogin
* tempTransferId
* startDate
* creationDate
* planStartDate
* lcid
* localArchiveFlag
* lastUpdateDate
* planRunId
* srInstanceId
* programLoginId
* lastUpdatedBy


 * publisher
* planId
* archiveFlag
* lastRunFlag
* programId
* planName
* planRunVersion
* organizationId
* planRunName
* planCutoffDate
* planningHubFlag
* endDate
* requestId
* refreshMode
* createdBy
* planCompletionDate
* scenarioName
* programApplicationId
* planType
* planDescription
* lastUpdateLogin
* tempTransferId
* startDate
* creationDate
* planStartDate
* lcid
* localArchiveFlag
* lastUpdateDate
* planRunId
* srInstanceId
* programLoginId
* lastUpdatedBy


 * creationDate
* mapeValue
* designatorType
* createdBy
* attribute10
* includePo
* attribute13
* attribute8
* programUpdateDate
* attribute5
* attribute2
* backwardDays
* attribute4
* includePlnOrd
* inputScheduleId
* attribute15
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute1
* probability
* programId
* requestId
* demandVariabilityType
* planId
* attribute9
* attribute6
* scenarioSet
* organizationId
* lastUpdateDate
* srInstanceId
* lastUpdatedBy
* attributeCategory
* attribute3
* programApplicationId
* attribute12
* inputType
* interplantDemandFlag
* consumeByForecastBucket
* attribute14
* attribute7
* shipTo
* attribute11
* spreadForecastEvenly
* explodeForecast
* includeTargetDemands
* forwardDays


 * creationDate
* mapeValue
* designatorType
* createdBy
* attribute10
* includePo
* attribute13
* attribute8
* programUpdateDate
* attribute5
* attribute2
* backwardDays
* attribute4
* includePlnOrd
* inputScheduleId
* attribute15
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute1
* probability
* programId
* requestId
* demandVariabilityType
* planId
* attribute9
* attribute6
* scenarioSet
* organizationId
* lastUpdateDate
* srInstanceId
* lastUpdatedBy
* attributeCategory
* attribute3
* programApplicationId
* attribute12
* inputType
* interplantDemandFlag
* consumeByForecastBucket
* attribute14
* attribute7
* shipTo
* attribute11
* spreadForecastEvenly
* explodeForecast
* includeTargetDemands
* forwardDays


 * srInstanceId
* currentEmployeeFlag
* programId
* description
* attribute4
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute6
* attribute7
* attribute13
* attribute10
* requestId
* attribute5
* attribute8
* programApplicationId
* createdBy
* organizationId
* attribute11
* attribute15
* attribute1
* userName
* attribute3
* attribute12
* attributeCategory
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute14
* employeeId
* plannerCode
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute2
* attribute9
* creationDate
* disableDate
* programUpdateDate
* electronicMailAddress
* refreshNumber


 * srInstanceId
* currentEmployeeFlag
* programId
* description
* attribute4
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute6
* attribute7
* attribute13
* attribute10
* requestId
* attribute5
* attribute8
* programApplicationId
* createdBy
* organizationId
* attribute11
* attribute15
* attribute1
* userName
* attribute3
* attribute12
* attributeCategory
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute14
* employeeId
* plannerCode
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute2
* attribute9
* creationDate
* disableDate
* programUpdateDate
* electronicMailAddress
* refreshNumber


 * activityId
* skip
* createdBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* timeOut
* processScope
* status
* activityType
* runSequence
* creationDate
* alternateOwner
* activitySequence
* lastUpdatedBy
* owner
* planId
* processId
* lastUpdateDate


 * activityId
* skip
* createdBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* timeOut
* processScope
* status
* activityType
* runSequence
* creationDate
* alternateOwner
* activitySequence
* lastUpdatedBy
* owner
* planId
* processId
* lastUpdateDate


 * createdBy
* processVersion
* currRunSequence
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* processName
* processFlowId
* lastUpdateLogin
* processId
* creationDate
* description


 * createdBy
* processVersion
* currRunSequence
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* processName
* processFlowId
* lastUpdateLogin
* processId
* creationDate
* description


 * simulationSet
* currStartDate
* budgetId
* enforceConstraints
* sopEnabled
* organizationSelection
* attribute4
* currServiceLevelSetId
* dailyResAggregationLevel
* plannedBucketType
* transportCapOverUtilCost
* plannedRefreshes
* criteriaChanged
* planId
* tgtTlUtilPct
* partIncludeType
* refreshNumber
* safetyStockValueType
* computeSsEoq
* slackAllowedFlag2
* currEnforceDemDueDates
* periodCutoffBucket
* organizationId
* enforceCategoryLevel
* attribute6
* revision
* periodMwoAggrLvl
* pubCapToCmro
* supLtVarPercent
* assignmentSetId
* programApplicationId
* previousRunPlanId
* currOlsHorizonDays
* supplierCapOverUtilCost
* currCutoffDate
* optimizeFlag
* saveToDb
* penaltyCost6
* calculateSdsDaysTime
* autoReleaseRp
* useFixedPeriodBkts
* scheduleDaysBefore
* enforceSlConstraints
* penaltyCost4
* considerWip
* slackAllowedFlag4
* dataCompletionDate
* weeklyItemAggregationLevel
* lastUpdateDate
* enforcePurLtConstraints
* planSafetyStock
* releaseSo
* dailyResourceConstraints
* circSrcingSurplusDays
* fairShareBanding
* enforceFulfillmentLt
* attribute3
* substitutionDesignator
* minTlUtilPct
* attribute7
* plannedBucket
* currEnfFulfillmentLt
* enforceSupCapConstraints
* enforceUserSafetyStocks
* calculateLiability
* periodTransConstraints
* minWfExceptId
* applied
* privatePlan
* planRunDate
* planningEngineType
* attribute15
* currEnforceSrcConstraints
* currSplitDemands
* simulationSetId
* scheduleByDateType
* displayKpi
* currPriorityPegging
* currFullPegging
* forwardDays
* kpiRefresh
* plannedResources
* bottleneckResGroup
* loadedFlag
* dailyCutoffBucket
* lotForLotFlag
* includeCriticalComponents
* slackAllowedFlag7
* lotForLot
* dailyAllocBuckets
* penaltyCost7
* currOverwriteOption
* attribute9
* attribute8
* serviceLevelSetId
* objectiveWeight7
* demandFulfillmentLt
* slackAllowedFlag5
* newPlanList
* savedFlag
* newPlanId
* transitLtVarPercent
* includeAllItems
* enableSafetyStockRes
* maxResourceUtilization
* currDemPriorityRuleId
* dailyMaterialConstraints
* dataStartDate
* productAggLevel
* autoReleaseTimeFence
* computeConstraints
* enforceWrhCpty
* dsSubsetHorizonDays
* mfgLtVarPercent
* periodRtgAggregationLevel
* budgetValue
* objectiveWeight10
* forecastConsumptionMethod
* defaultAllocMethod
* forecastUom
* shipmentConsolidationDays
* currConsiderReservations
* currDemandTimeFenceFlag
* safetyStkThresholdPct
* currSubsetDesignatorId
* requestId
* archiveDetails
* includePlannedOrder
* reservationLevel
* calculateSdsPeriodsTime
* useSubstituteComponents
* companyAggLevel
* enforceBudgetConstraints
* buildReadyPct
* includeAllCategories
* dsHorizonDays
* parentPlanId
* penaltyCost1
* dailyMwoAggrLvl
* autoReleaseMethod
* demandPrioritySensitivity
* snapshotSource
* slackAllowedFlag1
* ascpPlanId
* useAlternateBomRouting
* latestRefreshNumber
* demPriorityRuleId
* forecastBucketUom
* penaltyCost8
* historyRange
* penaltyCost2
* slackAllowedFlag9
* currSnapshotLock
* onlinePlannerStartDate
* dmdPriRuleSetId
* useAlternateResources
* performFairShareAlloc
* planningMode
* dmdLatenessPenaltyCost
* objectiveWeight8
* operationScheduleType
* supplyInclusionOption
* attribute14
* attributeCategory
* currIncludeWo
* demandTimeFenceFlag
* currScheduleType
* attribute12
* weeklyCutoffBucket
* description
* userUpdateFirm
* sdsDmdPenalty
* planCapacityFlag
* currPlannedResources
* penaltyCost3
* itemSimulationSetId
* currPlanType
* srInstanceId
* createdBy
* olsFrozenHorizonDays
* currBillOfResources
* enableClosestQtyPegging
* objectiveWeight3
* explodeForecast
* currPartIncludeType
* currAssignmentSetId
* onlineReplan
* onlinePlannerCompletionDate
* planInventoryPoint
* periodResourceConstraints
* generateInlineForecast
* prioritizeExstSupplies
* backwardDays
* resourceOverUtilCost
* scheduleFlag
* calendarType
* currConsiderWip
* publishFcstVersion
* basePlanId
* currPlanSafetyStock
* creationDate
* dailyItemAggregationLevel
* slackAllowedFlag6
* purge
* archiveFlag
* currConsiderPo
* wksPerWklyAllocBucket
* manualFcstOverwriteOption
* hasRun
* generateWorksheet
* fullPegging
* enforcePurchLeadTime
* appendPlannedOrders
* categorySetId
* penaltyCost10
* tpAggLevel
* lastActionSessionId
* weeklyTransConstraints
* weeklyMwoAggrLvl
* copyPlan
* demandCollectionsDate
* constrainedMode
* currSimulationSet
* scheduleDesignator
* includeWo
* attribute11
* attribute13
* useAlternateSources
* currPlanningTimeFenceFlag
* objectiveWeight5
* enforceSrcConstraints
* compileDesignator
* includeReschedules
* currClosestQtyPeg
* currIncludePlannedOrder
* useFixedPeriodAllocBkts
* currScheduleSubsetType
* attribute5
* currBackwardDays
* planVersion
* planningTimeFenceFlag
* planType
* copyPlanId
* attribute1
* overwriteOption
* planStartDate
* reallocSurplusDays
* currAppendPlannedOrders
* objectiveWeight9
* programUpdateDate
* currDsHorizonDays
* releaseReschedules
* scheduleType
* includedItems
* splitDemands
* currEnforceCapConstraints
* attribute2
* qtrlyCutoffBucket
* considerReservations
* periodMaterialConstraints
* summaryFlag
* scheduleSubsetType
* dailyTransConstraints
* hourCutoffBucket
* penaltyCost5
* startDate
* cutoffDate
* supplySchedItf
* customerAllocMethod
* currHardPeggingLevel
* currIncludedItems
* lastUpdateLogin
* objectiveWeight4
* historyRangeUom
* weeklyMaterialConstraints
* rpUserId
* applyOrderModifiers
* snapshotLock
* dailyRtgAggregationLevel
* forecastAssignmentSetId
* warehouseCapGranularity
* objectiveWeight1
* scheduleBy
* deriveReturnFcstFromWo
* status
* maxWfExceptId
* serviceLevel
* programId
* currReservationLevel
* slackAllowedFlag3
* objectiveWeight2
* enforceDemDueDates
* enforceCapConstraints
* commonSupplyDemands
* slackAllowedFlag10
* lastActionBy
* minCutoffBucket
* lastUpdatedBy
* currBottleneckResGroup
* currScheduleDesignator
* releaseFlag
* enablePriorityPegging
* currOperationScheduleType
* currEnforceSlConstraints
* enableSoSplit
* ascpPlanVersion
* currForwardDays
* assignmentSetOutId
* lastPlanAction
* weeklyResAggregationLevel
* productionFlag
* earlyBuildPenalty
* subsetDesignatorId
* slackAllowedFlag8
* weeklyRtgAggregationLevel
* considerPo
* attribute10
* penaltyCost9
* loadSchedulingDays
* forecast
* publishSupplyCommitVersion
* runBatchSimulation
* useEndItemSubstitutions
* hardPeggingLevel
* weeklyResourceConstraints
* itfHorizDays
* forecastBucket
* calculateSdsWeeksTime
* periodItemAggregationLevel
* forecastAllocationMethod
* firmOutsideSubset
* circularSrc
* periodResAggregationLevel
* useOrgPriorityOverride
* planCompletionDate
* loadSchedTimeFenceDays
* safetyStkChangeInterval
* monthlyCutoffBucket
* currPlanCapacityFlag
* billOfResources
* supplierAllocMethod
* scheduleStartTime
* excepGroupId
* objectiveWeight6


 * simulationSet
* currStartDate
* budgetId
* enforceConstraints
* sopEnabled
* organizationSelection
* attribute4
* currServiceLevelSetId
* dailyResAggregationLevel
* plannedBucketType
* transportCapOverUtilCost
* plannedRefreshes
* criteriaChanged
* planId
* tgtTlUtilPct
* partIncludeType
* refreshNumber
* safetyStockValueType
* computeSsEoq
* slackAllowedFlag2
* currEnforceDemDueDates
* periodCutoffBucket
* organizationId
* enforceCategoryLevel
* attribute6
* revision
* periodMwoAggrLvl
* pubCapToCmro
* supLtVarPercent
* assignmentSetId
* programApplicationId
* previousRunPlanId
* currOlsHorizonDays
* supplierCapOverUtilCost
* currCutoffDate
* optimizeFlag
* saveToDb
* penaltyCost6
* calculateSdsDaysTime
* autoReleaseRp
* useFixedPeriodBkts
* scheduleDaysBefore
* enforceSlConstraints
* penaltyCost4
* considerWip
* slackAllowedFlag4
* dataCompletionDate
* weeklyItemAggregationLevel
* lastUpdateDate
* enforcePurLtConstraints
* planSafetyStock
* releaseSo
* dailyResourceConstraints
* circSrcingSurplusDays
* fairShareBanding
* enforceFulfillmentLt
* attribute3
* substitutionDesignator
* minTlUtilPct
* attribute7
* plannedBucket
* currEnfFulfillmentLt
* enforceSupCapConstraints
* enforceUserSafetyStocks
* calculateLiability
* periodTransConstraints
* minWfExceptId
* applied
* privatePlan
* planRunDate
* planningEngineType
* attribute15
* currEnforceSrcConstraints
* currSplitDemands
* simulationSetId
* scheduleByDateType
* displayKpi
* currPriorityPegging
* currFullPegging
* forwardDays
* kpiRefresh
* plannedResources
* bottleneckResGroup
* loadedFlag
* dailyCutoffBucket
* lotForLotFlag
* includeCriticalComponents
* slackAllowedFlag7
* lotForLot
* dailyAllocBuckets
* penaltyCost7
* currOverwriteOption
* attribute9
* attribute8
* serviceLevelSetId
* objectiveWeight7
* demandFulfillmentLt
* slackAllowedFlag5
* newPlanList
* savedFlag
* newPlanId
* transitLtVarPercent
* includeAllItems
* enableSafetyStockRes
* maxResourceUtilization
* currDemPriorityRuleId
* dailyMaterialConstraints
* dataStartDate
* productAggLevel
* autoReleaseTimeFence
* computeConstraints
* enforceWrhCpty
* dsSubsetHorizonDays
* mfgLtVarPercent
* periodRtgAggregationLevel
* budgetValue
* objectiveWeight10
* forecastConsumptionMethod
* defaultAllocMethod
* forecastUom
* shipmentConsolidationDays
* currConsiderReservations
* currDemandTimeFenceFlag
* safetyStkThresholdPct
* currSubsetDesignatorId
* requestId
* archiveDetails
* includePlannedOrder
* reservationLevel
* calculateSdsPeriodsTime
* useSubstituteComponents
* companyAggLevel
* enforceBudgetConstraints
* buildReadyPct
* includeAllCategories
* dsHorizonDays
* parentPlanId
* penaltyCost1
* dailyMwoAggrLvl
* autoReleaseMethod
* demandPrioritySensitivity
* snapshotSource
* slackAllowedFlag1
* ascpPlanId
* useAlternateBomRouting
* latestRefreshNumber
* demPriorityRuleId
* forecastBucketUom
* penaltyCost8
* historyRange
* penaltyCost2
* slackAllowedFlag9
* currSnapshotLock
* onlinePlannerStartDate
* dmdPriRuleSetId
* useAlternateResources
* performFairShareAlloc
* planningMode
* dmdLatenessPenaltyCost
* objectiveWeight8
* operationScheduleType
* supplyInclusionOption
* attribute14
* attributeCategory
* currIncludeWo
* demandTimeFenceFlag
* currScheduleType
* attribute12
* weeklyCutoffBucket
* description
* userUpdateFirm
* sdsDmdPenalty
* planCapacityFlag
* currPlannedResources
* penaltyCost3
* itemSimulationSetId
* currPlanType
* srInstanceId
* createdBy
* olsFrozenHorizonDays
* currBillOfResources
* enableClosestQtyPegging
* objectiveWeight3
* explodeForecast
* currPartIncludeType
* currAssignmentSetId
* onlineReplan
* onlinePlannerCompletionDate
* planInventoryPoint
* periodResourceConstraints
* generateInlineForecast
* prioritizeExstSupplies
* backwardDays
* resourceOverUtilCost
* scheduleFlag
* calendarType
* currConsiderWip
* publishFcstVersion
* basePlanId
* currPlanSafetyStock
* creationDate
* dailyItemAggregationLevel
* slackAllowedFlag6
* purge
* archiveFlag
* currConsiderPo
* wksPerWklyAllocBucket
* manualFcstOverwriteOption
* hasRun
* generateWorksheet
* fullPegging
* enforcePurchLeadTime
* appendPlannedOrders
* categorySetId
* penaltyCost10
* tpAggLevel
* lastActionSessionId
* weeklyTransConstraints
* weeklyMwoAggrLvl
* copyPlan
* demandCollectionsDate
* constrainedMode
* currSimulationSet
* scheduleDesignator
* includeWo
* attribute11
* attribute13
* useAlternateSources
* currPlanningTimeFenceFlag
* objectiveWeight5
* enforceSrcConstraints
* compileDesignator
* includeReschedules
* currClosestQtyPeg
* currIncludePlannedOrder
* useFixedPeriodAllocBkts
* currScheduleSubsetType
* attribute5
* currBackwardDays
* planVersion
* planningTimeFenceFlag
* planType
* copyPlanId
* attribute1
* overwriteOption
* planStartDate
* reallocSurplusDays
* currAppendPlannedOrders
* objectiveWeight9
* programUpdateDate
* currDsHorizonDays
* releaseReschedules
* scheduleType
* includedItems
* splitDemands
* currEnforceCapConstraints
* attribute2
* qtrlyCutoffBucket
* considerReservations
* periodMaterialConstraints
* summaryFlag
* scheduleSubsetType
* dailyTransConstraints
* hourCutoffBucket
* penaltyCost5
* startDate
* cutoffDate
* supplySchedItf
* customerAllocMethod
* currHardPeggingLevel
* currIncludedItems
* lastUpdateLogin
* objectiveWeight4
* historyRangeUom
* weeklyMaterialConstraints
* rpUserId
* applyOrderModifiers
* snapshotLock
* dailyRtgAggregationLevel
* forecastAssignmentSetId
* warehouseCapGranularity
* objectiveWeight1
* scheduleBy
* deriveReturnFcstFromWo
* status
* maxWfExceptId
* serviceLevel
* programId
* currReservationLevel
* slackAllowedFlag3
* objectiveWeight2
* enforceDemDueDates
* enforceCapConstraints
* commonSupplyDemands
* slackAllowedFlag10
* lastActionBy
* minCutoffBucket
* lastUpdatedBy
* currBottleneckResGroup
* currScheduleDesignator
* releaseFlag
* enablePriorityPegging
* currOperationScheduleType
* currEnforceSlConstraints
* enableSoSplit
* ascpPlanVersion
* currForwardDays
* assignmentSetOutId
* lastPlanAction
* weeklyResAggregationLevel
* productionFlag
* earlyBuildPenalty
* subsetDesignatorId
* slackAllowedFlag8
* weeklyRtgAggregationLevel
* considerPo
* attribute10
* penaltyCost9
* loadSchedulingDays
* forecast
* publishSupplyCommitVersion
* runBatchSimulation
* useEndItemSubstitutions
* hardPeggingLevel
* weeklyResourceConstraints
* itfHorizDays
* forecastBucket
* calculateSdsWeeksTime
* periodItemAggregationLevel
* forecastAllocationMethod
* firmOutsideSubset
* circularSrc
* periodResAggregationLevel
* useOrgPriorityOverride
* planCompletionDate
* loadSchedTimeFenceDays
* safetyStkChangeInterval
* monthlyCutoffBucket
* currPlanCapacityFlag
* billOfResources
* supplierAllocMethod
* scheduleStartTime
* excepGroupId
* objectiveWeight6


 * workdayTime
* minimizeChangeoverFlag
* schedulingBucketUnits
* modelHorizon
* planId
* useUnitsOfEffort
* releaseFlag
* activeItemFilter
* schedulingBucketFence
* useRmoFlag
* allowWoOffloadFlag
* criticalComponentsFlag
* bottleneckResourceGroup
* safetyCostFactor
* costTimeUnit
* lastUpdatedBy
* dataHorizon
* includeCmroWorkorders
* includeEamWorkorders
* horizonUnits
* createItemFolders
* offloadThresholdWindow
* includeSupplies
* incScenarioFile
* creationDate
* createdBy
* demandForecastFence
* shipCompleteFlag
* stockoutCostFactor
* startTime
* programUpdateDate
* remCroResiProdn
* requestId
* programId
* preBuildPolicy
* lastUpdateDate
* decimalPrecision
* fixedProductionFence
* changeoverCostFactor
* refPlanId
* offsetDays
* programApplicationId
* offloadThreshold
* fixedProductionUnits
* includePastDueSalesorders
* minimumCycleTime
* supplyTolOffset
* workdayDay
* createSupplyFolders
* prgramApplicationId
* idealSequenceBase
* createWorkorderFolders
* enableSafetyCover
* firstCycleStartDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* createDemandFolders
* simulationSet
* demandBuildStrategy
* inventoryCostFactor
* createUpdateDate
* includeDemands
* enforceCroCycle
* impClosedVisitWo
* considerEamSchedule
* schedulingBucket
* enforceHorizonStart
* purchaseLeadTimeOffset
* globalBuildStrategy
* useAdjacentOperations


 * workdayTime
* minimizeChangeoverFlag
* schedulingBucketUnits
* modelHorizon
* planId
* useUnitsOfEffort
* releaseFlag
* activeItemFilter
* schedulingBucketFence
* useRmoFlag
* allowWoOffloadFlag
* criticalComponentsFlag
* bottleneckResourceGroup
* safetyCostFactor
* costTimeUnit
* lastUpdatedBy
* dataHorizon
* includeCmroWorkorders
* includeEamWorkorders
* horizonUnits
* createItemFolders
* offloadThresholdWindow
* includeSupplies
* incScenarioFile
* creationDate
* createdBy
* demandForecastFence
* shipCompleteFlag
* stockoutCostFactor
* startTime
* programUpdateDate
* remCroResiProdn
* requestId
* programId
* preBuildPolicy
* lastUpdateDate
* decimalPrecision
* fixedProductionFence
* changeoverCostFactor
* refPlanId
* offsetDays
* programApplicationId
* offloadThreshold
* fixedProductionUnits
* includePastDueSalesorders
* minimumCycleTime
* supplyTolOffset
* workdayDay
* createSupplyFolders
* prgramApplicationId
* idealSequenceBase
* createWorkorderFolders
* enableSafetyCover
* firstCycleStartDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* createDemandFolders
* simulationSet
* demandBuildStrategy
* inventoryCostFactor
* createUpdateDate
* includeDemands
* enforceCroCycle
* impClosedVisitWo
* considerEamSchedule
* schedulingBucket
* enforceHorizonStart
* purchaseLeadTimeOffset
* globalBuildStrategy
* useAdjacentOperations


 * attribute4
* transactionDate
* creationDate
* attribute2
* refreshNumber
* inventoryItemId
* transactionQty
* programApplicationId
* attribute3
* programId
* receiptId
* attribute12
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute8
* lastUpdateDate
* createdBy
* supplierSiteId
* attribute6
* attribute7
* programUpdateDate
* supplierId
* attributeCategory
* attribute13
* attribute1
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute5
* srInstanceId
* attribute9
* attribute11
* attribute10
* requestId
* organizationId
* attribute14
* attribute15


 * attribute4
* transactionDate
* creationDate
* attribute2
* refreshNumber
* inventoryItemId
* transactionQty
* programApplicationId
* attribute3
* programId
* receiptId
* attribute12
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute8
* lastUpdateDate
* createdBy
* supplierSiteId
* attribute6
* attribute7
* programUpdateDate
* supplierId
* attributeCategory
* attribute13
* attribute1
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute5
* srInstanceId
* attribute9
* attribute11
* attribute10
* requestId
* organizationId
* attribute14
* attribute15


 * suggestedVendorSite
* deliverToLocationId
* itemId
* authorizationStatus
* destinationTypeCode
* lastUpdateDate
* suggestedVendorId
* needByDate
* itemRevision
* uomCode
* creationDate
* taskId
* projectAccountingContext
* preparerId
* vmiFlag
* suggestedVendorSiteId
* lastUpdatedBy
* autosourceFlag
* interfaceSourceCode
* sourceLineId
* orgId
* groupCode
* chargeAccountId
* lastUpdateLogin
* endItemUnitNumber
* quantity
* createdBy
* sourceTypeCode
* batchId
* deliverToRequestorId
* lineTypeId
* destinationOrganizationId
* srInstanceId
* projectId
* sourceOrganizationId


 * suggestedVendorSite
* deliverToLocationId
* itemId
* authorizationStatus
* destinationTypeCode
* lastUpdateDate
* suggestedVendorId
* needByDate
* itemRevision
* uomCode
* creationDate
* taskId
* projectAccountingContext
* preparerId
* vmiFlag
* suggestedVendorSiteId
* lastUpdatedBy
* autosourceFlag
* interfaceSourceCode
* sourceLineId
* orgId
* groupCode
* chargeAccountId
* lastUpdateLogin
* endItemUnitNumber
* quantity
* createdBy
* sourceTypeCode
* batchId
* deliverToRequestorId
* lineTypeId
* destinationOrganizationId
* srInstanceId
* projectId
* sourceOrganizationId


 * quantity
* creationDate
* planId
* programApplicationId
* batchId
* purchaseOrderId
* needByDate
* lastUpdateDate
* uom
* processId
* lastUpdatedBy
* createdBy
* poNumber
* lineId
* programUpdateDate
* sourceLineId
* programId
* srInstanceId
* lastUpdateLogin
* requestId


 * quantity
* creationDate
* planId
* programApplicationId
* batchId
* purchaseOrderId
* needByDate
* lastUpdateDate
* uom
* processId
* lastUpdatedBy
* createdBy
* poNumber
* lineId
* programUpdateDate
* sourceLineId
* programId
* srInstanceId
* lastUpdateLogin
* requestId


 * objectTypeText
* priority
* viewFormat
* detailQueryId
* objectType
* folderObject
* viewFormatDetail1
* sourceType
* lastUpdatedBy
* andOrFlag
* createdBy
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* activeFlag
* viewFormatDetail2
* lastUpdateDate
* frequency
* sequenceId
* srInstanceId
* queryId
* customizedText


 * folderObject
* fieldName
* sourceType
* groupBy
* objectType
* fieldPrompt
* lastUpdateLogin
* creationDate
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* fieldName2
* zdEditionName
* createdBy
* zdSync


 * folderObject
* fieldName
* sourceType
* groupBy
* objectType
* fieldPrompt
* lastUpdateLogin
* creationDate
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* fieldName2
* zdEditionName
* createdBy
* zdSync


 * objectTypeText
* priority
* viewFormat
* detailQueryId
* objectType
* folderObject
* viewFormatDetail1
* sourceType
* lastUpdatedBy
* andOrFlag
* createdBy
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* activeFlag
* viewFormatDetail2
* lastUpdateDate
* frequency
* sequenceId
* srInstanceId
* queryId
* customizedText


 * displayValue
* lastUpdateDate
* paramValue
* parametersequence
* lastUpdateLogin
* processId
* activityId
* createdBy
* lastUpdatedBy
* creationDate
* paramName
* activityType
* runSequence


 * displayValue
* lastUpdateDate
* paramValue
* parametersequence
* lastUpdateLogin
* processId
* activityId
* createdBy
* lastUpdatedBy
* creationDate
* paramName
* activityType
* runSequence


 * createdBy
* totalProductCycleTime
* routingSequenceId
* programApplicationId
* processSequenceId
* programUpdateDate
* recipe
* primaryLineFlag
* itemId
* lastUpdateDate
* applied
* effectivityDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* requestId
* creationDate
* minimumQuantity
* programId
* preference
* maximumQuantity
* activityItemId
* disableDate
* planId
* lineId
* refreshNumber
* simulationSetId
* repairable
* organizationId
* itemProcessCost
* newPlanList
* lastUpdateLogin
* loadDistributionPriority
* srInstanceId
* productionLineRate
* newPlanId
* billSequenceId


 * createdBy
* totalProductCycleTime
* routingSequenceId
* programApplicationId
* processSequenceId
* programUpdateDate
* recipe
* primaryLineFlag
* itemId
* lastUpdateDate
* applied
* effectivityDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* requestId
* creationDate
* minimumQuantity
* programId
* preference
* maximumQuantity
* activityItemId
* disableDate
* planId
* lineId
* refreshNumber
* simulationSetId
* repairable
* organizationId
* itemProcessCost
* newPlanList
* lastUpdateLogin
* loadDistributionPriority
* srInstanceId
* productionLineRate
* newPlanId
* billSequenceId


 * activitySequence
* activityType
* lastUpdatedDate
* lastUpdatedLogin
* createdBy
* processFlowId
* processScope
* lastUpdatedBy
* activityId
* creationDate


 * activitySequence
* activityType
* lastUpdatedDate
* lastUpdatedLogin
* createdBy
* processFlowId
* processScope
* lastUpdatedBy
* activityId
* creationDate


 * createdBy
* lastUpdatedBy
* processFlowName
* lastUpdateDate
* processVersion
* lastUpdateLogin
* processFlowId
* creationDate


 * createdBy
* lastUpdatedBy
* processFlowName
* lastUpdateDate
* processVersion
* lastUpdateLogin
* processFlowId
* creationDate


 * processId
* skipCompletedActivities
* actualStartDate
* scheduledStartDate
* createdBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* conversationId
* creationDate
* lastUpdateDate
* runSequence
* instanceId
* lastUpdatedBy


 * processId
* skipCompletedActivities
* actualStartDate
* scheduledStartDate
* createdBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* conversationId
* creationDate
* lastUpdateDate
* runSequence
* instanceId
* lastUpdatedBy


 * profileOptionName
* profileOptionValue
* lastUpdateLogin
* levelName
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateDate
* createdBy
* creationDate
* preferenceSetName
* levelType
* applicationName


 * profileOptionName
* profileOptionValue
* lastUpdateLogin
* levelName
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateDate
* createdBy
* creationDate
* preferenceSetName
* levelType
* applicationName


 * createdBy
* poQuantity
* creationDate
* uom
* action
* operatingUnit
* firmPlannedType
* poRemovePromise
* lastUpdatedBy
* oldNeedByDate
* newNeedByDate
* lastUpdateDate
* poHeaderId
* poDistributionId
* srInstanceId
* poNumber
* poReleaseFirm
* poLineId
* poLineLocationId
* batchId


 * createdBy
* poQuantity
* creationDate
* uom
* action
* operatingUnit
* firmPlannedType
* poRemovePromise
* lastUpdatedBy
* oldNeedByDate
* newNeedByDate
* lastUpdateDate
* poHeaderId
* poDistributionId
* srInstanceId
* poNumber
* poReleaseFirm
* poLineId
* poLineLocationId
* batchId


 * char13
* date1
* number1
* programApplicationId
* number10
* date6
* number16
* char14
* char9
* number4
* number13
* createdBy
* date2
* char7
* char11
* date8
* char4
* char10
* number7
* number15
* number14
* queryId
* date5
* date3
* date7
* char1
* lastUpdateDate
* char8
* programId
* number11
* number12
* number2
* char12
* char5
* char2
* number9
* number3
* char15
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* programUpdateDate
* creationDate
* number8
* number6
* number5
* char3
* requestId
* char6
* date4


 * char13
* date1
* number1
* programApplicationId
* number10
* date6
* number16
* char14
* char9
* number4
* number13
* createdBy
* date2
* char7
* char11
* date8
* char4
* char10
* number7
* number15
* number14
* queryId
* date5
* date3
* date7
* char1
* lastUpdateDate
* char8
* programId
* number11
* number12
* number2
* char12
* char5
* char2
* number9
* number3
* char15
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* programUpdateDate
* creationDate
* number8
* number6
* number5
* char3
* requestId
* char6
* date4


 * lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateDate
* createdBy
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* questionCode
* questionId
* answerId
* packageName
* questionType


 * lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateDate
* createdBy
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* questionCode
* questionId
* answerId
* packageName
* questionType


 * translated
* sourceLang
* userQuestionName
* language
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* description
* questionId
* createdBy


 * translated
* sourceLang
* userQuestionName
* language
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* description
* questionId
* createdBy


 * srInstanceId
* defectiveItemCost
* userAttribute13
* planId
* endOfLifeDate
* returnForecastTimeFence
* lastUpdateLogin
* stdDeviationForDemand
* regionId
* averageDailyDemand
* userAttribute2
* organizationId
* userAttribute10
* region
* forecastRuleForDemands
* stdDeviationInterArrival
* userAttribute8
* userAttribute1
* coefficientOfVariation
* lastUpdatedBy
* basisAvgDailyDemand
* lifeTimeBuyDate
* userAttribute4
* userAttribute12
* userAttribute14
* userAttribute11
* avgReturnsBeyondPh
* interarrivalDistMethod
* userAttribute15
* meanInterArrival
* userAttribute5
* userAttribute9
* userAttribute3
* forecastRuleForReturns
* userAttribute7
* regionInstanceId
* lastUpdateDate
* inventoryItemId
* standardDeviation
* creationDate
* createdBy
* avgDemandBeyondPh
* updatedColumnsCount
* userAttribute6
* simulationSetId


 * srInstanceId
* defectiveItemCost
* userAttribute13
* planId
* endOfLifeDate
* returnForecastTimeFence
* lastUpdateLogin
* stdDeviationForDemand
* regionId
* averageDailyDemand
* userAttribute2
* organizationId
* userAttribute10
* region
* forecastRuleForDemands
* stdDeviationInterArrival
* userAttribute8
* userAttribute1
* coefficientOfVariation
* lastUpdatedBy
* basisAvgDailyDemand
* lifeTimeBuyDate
* userAttribute4
* userAttribute12
* userAttribute14
* userAttribute11
* avgReturnsBeyondPh
* interarrivalDistMethod
* userAttribute15
* meanInterArrival
* userAttribute5
* userAttribute9
* userAttribute3
* forecastRuleForReturns
* userAttribute7
* regionInstanceId
* lastUpdateDate
* inventoryItemId
* standardDeviation
* creationDate
* createdBy
* avgDemandBeyondPh
* updatedColumnsCount
* userAttribute6
* simulationSetId


 * zoneLevel
* lastUpdateLogin
* regionType
* refreshNumber
* lastUpdatedBy
* regionId
* lastUpdateDate
* vendorSiteId
* srInstanceId
* createdBy
* creationDate


 * zoneLevel
* lastUpdateLogin
* regionType
* refreshNumber
* lastUpdatedBy
* regionId
* lastUpdateDate
* vendorSiteId
* srInstanceId
* createdBy
* creationDate


 * attribute9
* exceptionId
* relationId
* attribute10
* attribute12
* attribute15
* relatedExceptionId
* attribute1
* attribute8
* linkType
* attribute2
* url
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute6
* attribute7
* attribute14
* attribute4
* attribute13
* attribute5
* context
* attribute3
* createdBy
* attribute11
* urlname
* lastUpdateDate
* creationDate


 * attribute9
* exceptionId
* relationId
* attribute10
* attribute12
* attribute15
* relatedExceptionId
* attribute1
* attribute8
* linkType
* attribute2
* url
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute6
* attribute7
* attribute14
* attribute4
* attribute13
* attribute5
* context
* attribute3
* createdBy
* attribute11
* urlname
* lastUpdateDate
* creationDate


 * lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* programUpdateDate
* requestId
* programId
* srInstanceId
* periodStartDate
* lastUpdateDate
* organizationId
* createdBy
* programApplicationId
* creationDate


 * lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* programUpdateDate
* requestId
* programId
* srInstanceId
* periodStartDate
* lastUpdateDate
* organizationId
* createdBy
* programApplicationId
* creationDate


 * prioritySequence
* creationDate
* createdBy
* planId
* lastUpdatedBy
* resourcePriorityCode
* lastUpdatedDate


 * prioritySequence
* creationDate
* createdBy
* planId
* lastUpdatedBy
* resourcePriorityCode
* lastUpdatedDate


 * attribute9
* requestId
* simulationSet
* attribute4
* resourceId
* attribute3
* attribute10
* fromDate
* attribute14
* serialNumber
* resInstanceId
* attribute5
* attribute13
* fromTime
* programId
* attribute6
* attribute15
* attribute8
* lastUpdateLogin
* programUpdateDate
* attribute11
* toDate
* actionType
* shiftNum
* lastUpdatedBy
* departmentId
* createdBy
* creationDate
* attribute12
* programApplicationId
* refreshNumber
* capacityChange
* lastUpdateDate
* srInstanceId
* toTime
* attribute7
* attributeCategory
* attribute2
* attribute1


 * attribute9
* requestId
* simulationSet
* attribute4
* resourceId
* attribute3
* attribute10
* fromDate
* attribute14
* serialNumber
* resInstanceId
* attribute5
* attribute13
* fromTime
* programId
* attribute6
* attribute15
* attribute8
* lastUpdateLogin
* programUpdateDate
* attribute11
* toDate
* actionType
* shiftNum
* lastUpdatedBy
* departmentId
* createdBy
* creationDate
* attribute12
* programApplicationId
* refreshNumber
* capacityChange
* lastUpdateDate
* srInstanceId
* toTime
* attribute7
* attributeCategory
* attribute2
* attribute1


 * nonStandardJobs
* rowIndex
* plannedOrder
* availableHours
* lastUpdateDate
* totalResourceCost
* queryId
* requiredHours
* workOrder
* creationDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* analysisDate
* availHoursPremium
* createdBy
* lastUpdateLogin


 * nonStandardJobs
* rowIndex
* plannedOrder
* availableHours
* lastUpdateDate
* totalResourceCost
* queryId
* requiredHours
* workOrder
* creationDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* analysisDate
* availHoursPremium
* createdBy
* lastUpdateLogin


 * parentId
* createdBy
* toTime
* resourceId
* lastUpdateLogin
* fromTime
* lastUpdateDate
* transactionId
* fromTime2
* changeFlag
* lastUpdatedBy
* organizationId
* shiftDate
* shiftNum
* capacityUnits
* planId
* srInstanceId
* departmentId
* creationDate
* queryId
* toTime2


 * parentId
* createdBy
* toTime
* resourceId
* lastUpdateLogin
* fromTime
* lastUpdateDate
* transactionId
* fromTime2
* changeFlag
* lastUpdatedBy
* organizationId
* shiftDate
* shiftNum
* capacityUnits
* planId
* srInstanceId
* departmentId
* creationDate
* queryId
* toTime2


 * nonnetQuantityReserved
* refreshNumber
* requestId
* projectId
* lastUpdatedBy
* reservationDate
* requirementDate
* subinventory
* dispositionType
* repairPoHeaderId
* programApplicationId
* supplySourceLineId
* planId
* inventoryItemId
* transactionId
* dispositionId
* demandClass
* demandSourceLineId
* organizationId
* planningGroup
* createdBy
* lotNumber
* programId
* lastUpdateLogin
* supplySourceTypeId
* serialNumber
* repairLineId
* parentDemandId
* lastUpdateDate
* reservedQuantity
* programUpdateDate
* reservationType
* supplySourceHeaderId
* taskId
* creationDate
* srInstanceId
* revision


 * nonnetQuantityReserved
* refreshNumber
* requestId
* projectId
* lastUpdatedBy
* reservationDate
* requirementDate
* subinventory
* dispositionType
* repairPoHeaderId
* programApplicationId
* supplySourceLineId
* planId
* inventoryItemId
* transactionId
* dispositionId
* demandClass
* demandSourceLineId
* organizationId
* planningGroup
* createdBy
* lotNumber
* programId
* lastUpdateLogin
* supplySourceTypeId
* serialNumber
* repairLineId
* parentDemandId
* lastUpdateDate
* reservedQuantity
* programUpdateDate
* reservationType
* supplySourceHeaderId
* taskId
* creationDate
* srInstanceId
* revision


 * planId
* endDate
* batchCapacityUsed
* attribute14
* createdBy
* departmentId
* attribute15
* lastUpdateDate
* batchNumber
* attribute6
* attribute8
* attribute13
* attribute7
* startDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* resourceHours
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute5
* resourceId
* attribute4
* attribute2
* attribute11
* attribute10
* organizationId
* attribute3
* attributeCategory
* programId
* programApplicationId
* requestId
* programUpdateDate
* creationDate
* srInstanceId
* attribute1
* attribute9
* attribute12


 * planId
* endDate
* batchCapacityUsed
* attribute14
* createdBy
* departmentId
* attribute15
* lastUpdateDate
* batchNumber
* attribute6
* attribute8
* attribute13
* attribute7
* startDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* resourceHours
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute5
* resourceId
* attribute4
* attribute2
* attribute11
* attribute10
* organizationId
* attribute3
* attributeCategory
* programId
* programApplicationId
* requestId
* programUpdateDate
* creationDate
* srInstanceId
* attribute1
* attribute9
* attribute12


 * attribute5
* attribute1
* attribute3
* toTime
* lastUpdateLogin
* programApplicationId
* resourceId
* lastUpdateDate
* fromTime
* attributeCategory
* attribute11
* attribute8
* programUpdateDate
* attribute4
* simulationSet
* departmentId
* fromDate
* srInstanceId
* lastUpdatedBy
* programId
* creationDate
* toDate
* shiftNum
* attribute9
* capacityChange
* attribute2
* attribute7
* attribute14
* attribute15
* refreshNumber
* attribute6
* requestId
* attribute10
* createdBy
* attribute12
* attribute13
* actionType


 * attribute5
* attribute1
* attribute3
* toTime
* lastUpdateLogin
* programApplicationId
* resourceId
* lastUpdateDate
* fromTime
* attributeCategory
* attribute11
* attribute8
* programUpdateDate
* attribute4
* simulationSet
* departmentId
* fromDate
* srInstanceId
* lastUpdatedBy
* programId
* creationDate
* toDate
* shiftNum
* attribute9
* capacityChange
* attribute2
* attribute7
* attribute14
* attribute15
* refreshNumber
* attribute6
* requestId
* attribute10
* createdBy
* attribute12
* attribute13
* actionType


 * attribute8
* resTransactionId
* attribute15
* creationDate
* attribute3
* attribute5
* attribute4
* refreshNumber
* programUpdateDate
* supplyId
* programApplicationId
* chargeStartDatetime
* attribute13
* attribute1
* lastUpdateDate
* requestId
* attribute6
* planId
* organizationId
* chargeNumber
* chargeQuantity
* attribute2
* attribute14
* srInstanceId
* attribute9
* assemblyItemId
* chargeEndDatetime
* attributeCategory
* lastUpdatedBy
* createdBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* programId
* attribute10
* attribute12
* attribute7
* attribute11


 * attribute8
* resTransactionId
* attribute15
* creationDate
* attribute3
* attribute5
* attribute4
* refreshNumber
* programUpdateDate
* supplyId
* programApplicationId
* chargeStartDatetime
* attribute13
* attribute1
* lastUpdateDate
* requestId
* attribute6
* planId
* organizationId
* chargeNumber
* chargeQuantity
* attribute2
* attribute14
* srInstanceId
* attribute9
* assemblyItemId
* chargeEndDatetime
* attributeCategory
* lastUpdatedBy
* createdBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* programId
* attribute10
* attribute12
* attribute7
* attribute11


 * fromDate
* attribute15
* enabledFlag
* requestId
* attribute3
* attribute10
* toDate
* groupCode
* description
* createdBy
* lastUpdateDate
* attributeCategory
* srInstanceId
* creationDate
* attribute5
* attribute14
* meaning
* attribute7
* programId
* programApplicationId
* programUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute8
* attribute12
* attribute9
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute2
* attribute6
* attribute4
* attribute13
* attribute11
* attribute1


 * fromDate
* attribute15
* enabledFlag
* requestId
* attribute3
* attribute10
* toDate
* groupCode
* description
* createdBy
* lastUpdateDate
* attributeCategory
* srInstanceId
* creationDate
* attribute5
* attribute14
* meaning
* attribute7
* programId
* programApplicationId
* programUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute8
* attribute12
* attribute9
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute2
* attribute6
* attribute4
* attribute13
* attribute11
* attribute1


 * resourceType
* creationDate
* minChangeBetCycles
* chgoverPrebuildMax
* resourceId
* offloadWindowUnit
* cro
* srInstanceId
* minCycleTimeUnit
* organizationId
* invReleaseInterval
* availableSpots
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* minCycleTime
* invRelIntervalUnit
* lastUpdateDate
* chgoverPrebuildMaxUom
* offloadPercentage
* departmentId
* minimizeIdleTime
* createdBy
* scheduleObjective
* offloadWindow


 * resourceType
* creationDate
* minChangeBetCycles
* chgoverPrebuildMax
* resourceId
* offloadWindowUnit
* cro
* srInstanceId
* minCycleTimeUnit
* organizationId
* invReleaseInterval
* availableSpots
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* minCycleTime
* invRelIntervalUnit
* lastUpdateDate
* chgoverPrebuildMaxUom
* offloadPercentage
* departmentId
* minimizeIdleTime
* createdBy
* scheduleObjective
* offloadWindow


 * srInstanceId
* organizationId
* lastUpdateDate
* upstreamDepartmentId
* createdBy
* upstreamResourceId
* directOnly
* resourceRelshipId
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* creationDate
* rank
* downstreamResourceId
* downstreamDepartmentId


 * srInstanceId
* organizationId
* lastUpdateDate
* upstreamDepartmentId
* createdBy
* upstreamResourceId
* directOnly
* resourceRelshipId
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* creationDate
* rank
* downstreamResourceId
* downstreamDepartmentId


 * createdBy
* organizationId
* attribute13
* creationDate
* attribute3
* attributeCategory
* attribute11
* refreshNumber
* planId
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute7
* programUpdateDate
* srInstanceId
* setupDescription
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute14
* attribute12
* attribute5
* attribute1
* setupCode
* resourceId
* attribute4
* attribute8
* attribute2
* attribute10
* programApplicationId
* attribute15
* operationDesc
* programId
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute9
* version
* requestId
* setupId
* attribute6


 * createdBy
* organizationId
* attribute13
* creationDate
* attribute3
* attributeCategory
* attribute11
* refreshNumber
* planId
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute7
* programUpdateDate
* srInstanceId
* setupDescription
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute14
* attribute12
* attribute5
* attribute1
* setupCode
* resourceId
* attribute4
* attribute8
* attribute2
* attribute10
* programApplicationId
* attribute15
* operationDesc
* programId
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute9
* version
* requestId
* setupId
* attribute6


 * createdBy
* attributeCategory
* attribute9
* requestId
* attribute10
* attribute12
* srInstanceId
* attribute7
* lastUpdatedBy
* refreshNumber
* attribute6
* resourceId
* lastUpdateLogin
* capacityUnits
* creationDate
* attribute4
* attribute14
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute2
* attribute11
* attribute5
* attribute1
* attribute13
* programUpdateDate
* attribute3
* attribute8
* departmentId
* programApplicationId
* shiftNum
* attribute15
* programId


 * createdBy
* attributeCategory
* attribute9
* requestId
* attribute10
* attribute12
* srInstanceId
* attribute7
* lastUpdatedBy
* refreshNumber
* attribute6
* resourceId
* lastUpdateLogin
* capacityUnits
* creationDate
* attribute4
* attribute14
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute2
* attribute11
* attribute5
* attribute1
* attribute13
* programUpdateDate
* attribute3
* attribute8
* departmentId
* programApplicationId
* shiftNum
* attribute15
* programId


 * attribute10
* seqNum
* srInstanceId
* attribute5
* attribute14
* priorDate
* attributeCategory
* attribute1
* attribute11
* calendarStartDate
* nextSeqNum
* exceptionSetId
* lastUpdateLogin
* programUpdateDate
* deletedFlag
* priorSeqNum
* refreshNumber
* createdBy
* programApplicationId
* attribute2
* description
* nextDate
* attribute7
* attribute15
* attribute8
* attribute9
* attribute4
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* creationDate
* calendarEndDate
* requestId
* attribute3
* calendarCode
* programId
* attribute6
* attribute12
* calendarDate
* attribute13


 * attribute10
* seqNum
* srInstanceId
* attribute5
* attribute14
* priorDate
* attributeCategory
* attribute1
* attribute11
* calendarStartDate
* nextSeqNum
* exceptionSetId
* lastUpdateLogin
* programUpdateDate
* deletedFlag
* priorSeqNum
* refreshNumber
* createdBy
* programApplicationId
* attribute2
* description
* nextDate
* attribute7
* attribute15
* attribute8
* attribute9
* attribute4
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* creationDate
* calendarEndDate
* requestId
* attribute3
* calendarCode
* programId
* attribute6
* attribute12
* calendarDate
* attribute13


 * creationDate
* kpiTypeId
* lastUpdateDate
* userId
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdatedBy
* favoriteListId
* metricId
* topN
* createdBy
* favoriteListName
* favoriteListType


 * creationDate
* kpiTypeId
* lastUpdateDate
* userId
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdatedBy
* favoriteListId
* metricId
* topN
* createdBy
* favoriteListName
* favoriteListType


 * favoriteType
* favoriteListId
* lastUpdatedBy
* resourceId
* resourceCode
* departmentCode
* createdBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* inventoryItemId
* srInstanceId
* supplierId
* lastUpdateDate
* creationDate
* favoriteId
* favoriteOrder
* organizationId
* supplierSiteId
* departmentId


 * favoriteType
* favoriteListId
* lastUpdatedBy
* resourceId
* resourceCode
* departmentCode
* createdBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* inventoryItemId
* srInstanceId
* supplierId
* lastUpdateDate
* creationDate
* favoriteId
* favoriteOrder
* organizationId
* supplierSiteId
* departmentId


 * lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* planId
* createdBy
* userId
* lastUpdateDate
* creationDate


 * lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* planId
* createdBy
* userId
* lastUpdateDate
* creationDate


 * releaseSessionId
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* releaseCode
* lastUpdatedBy
* creationDate
* createdBy
* instanceId
* releaseOrderCount
* releaseRequestId


 * releaseSessionId
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* releaseCode
* lastUpdatedBy
* creationDate
* createdBy
* instanceId
* releaseOrderCount
* releaseRequestId


 * releaseSessionId
* status
* createdBy
* completionPcnt
* lastUpdatedBy
* creationDate
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin


 * releaseSessionId
* status
* createdBy
* completionPcnt
* lastUpdatedBy
* creationDate
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin


 * srInstanceId
* tableName
* includeDownPeg
* criteriaCondition
* newPlanId
* keyValues
* criteriaValue
* simulationSetId
* lastUpdateDate
* criteriaId
* savedQueryKeys
* createdDate
* includeUpPeg
* lastUpdatedBy
* planId
* createdBy
* applied


 * srInstanceId
* tableName
* includeDownPeg
* criteriaCondition
* newPlanId
* keyValues
* criteriaValue
* simulationSetId
* lastUpdateDate
* criteriaId
* savedQueryKeys
* createdDate
* includeUpPeg
* lastUpdatedBy
* planId
* createdBy
* applied


 * createdBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* simulationSetId
* defaultFlag
* simulationSetName
* planId
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* creationDate


 * createdBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* simulationSetId
* defaultFlag
* simulationSetName
* planId
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* creationDate


 * lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdatedLogin
* metricLayoutId
* leftColumnMetrics
* rightColumnMetrics
* defaultFlag
* createdBy
* createdOn
* layoutName
* lastUpdatedOn
* userId


 * lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdatedLogin
* metricLayoutId
* leftColumnMetrics
* rightColumnMetrics
* defaultFlag
* createdBy
* createdOn
* layoutName
* lastUpdatedOn
* userId


 * lastUpdatedLogin
* userId
* creationDate
* filterCondition
* createdBy
* description
* displayType
* lastUpdateDate
* metricId
* name
* lastUpdatedBy
* selectedMeasures
* graphType
* dimensionality


 * lastUpdatedLogin
* userId
* creationDate
* filterCondition
* createdBy
* description
* displayType
* lastUpdateDate
* metricId
* name
* lastUpdatedBy
* selectedMeasures
* graphType
* dimensionality


 * demandVarSsPercent
* itemTypeValue
* programId
* newPlanId
* inventoryItemId
* lastUpdatedBy
* userDefinedSafetyStocks
* taskId
* requestId
* organizationId
* lastUpdateLogin
* targetDaysOfSupply
* reservedSafetyStockQty
* updated
* srInstanceId
* inventoryLevel
* projectId
* programUpdateDate
* transitLtvarSsPercent
* programApplicationId
* applied
* userDefinedDos
* newPlanList
* safetyStockQuantity
* supLtvarSsPercent
* totalUnpooledSafetyStock
* status
* periodStartDate
* unitNumber
* creationDate
* planningGroup
* createdBy
* mfgLtvarSsPercent
* achievedDaysOfSupply
* targetSafetyStock
* simulationSetId
* refreshNumber
* planId
* lastUpdateDate
* itemTypeId


 * demandVarSsPercent
* itemTypeValue
* programId
* newPlanId
* inventoryItemId
* lastUpdatedBy
* userDefinedSafetyStocks
* taskId
* requestId
* organizationId
* lastUpdateLogin
* targetDaysOfSupply
* reservedSafetyStockQty
* updated
* srInstanceId
* inventoryLevel
* projectId
* programUpdateDate
* transitLtvarSsPercent
* programApplicationId
* applied
* userDefinedDos
* newPlanList
* safetyStockQuantity
* supLtvarSsPercent
* totalUnpooledSafetyStock
* status
* periodStartDate
* unitNumber
* creationDate
* planningGroup
* createdBy
* mfgLtvarSsPercent
* achievedDaysOfSupply
* targetSafetyStock
* simulationSetId
* refreshNumber
* planId
* lastUpdateDate
* itemTypeId


 * demandId
* origScheduleShipDate
* headerId
* lineNumber
* orgId
* deliveryLeadTime
* scheduleShipDate
* origShipMethod
* operatingUnit
* earliestShipDate
* lastUpdateDate
* origScheduleArrivalDate
* orderNumber
* creationDate
* srInstanceId
* inventoryItemId
* returnStatus
* batchId
* lineId
* shipMethod
* origOrgId
* quantity
* lastUpdatedBy
* firmFlag
* origLeadTime
* scheduleArrivalDate
* origItemId
* planId
* createdBy
* sourceType


 * demandId
* origScheduleShipDate
* headerId
* lineNumber
* orgId
* deliveryLeadTime
* scheduleShipDate
* origShipMethod
* operatingUnit
* earliestShipDate
* lastUpdateDate
* origScheduleArrivalDate
* orderNumber
* creationDate
* srInstanceId
* inventoryItemId
* returnStatus
* batchId
* lineId
* shipMethod
* origOrgId
* quantity
* lastUpdatedBy
* firmFlag
* origLeadTime
* scheduleArrivalDate
* origItemId
* planId
* createdBy
* sourceType


 * srInstanceId
* organizationId
* shipToSiteUseId
* customerId
* planId
* inventoryItemId


 * srInstanceId
* organizationId
* shipToSiteUseId
* customerId
* planId
* inventoryItemId


 * owner
* completedOn
* activityName
* scenarioSetId
* creationDate
* actComment
* lastUpdatedBy
* alternateOwner
* priority
* lastUpdateLogin
* createdBy
* lastUpdateDate
* description
* scenarioId
* status
* finishBy
* activityId


 * owner
* completedOn
* activityName
* scenarioSetId
* creationDate
* actComment
* lastUpdatedBy
* alternateOwner
* priority
* lastUpdateLogin
* createdBy
* lastUpdateDate
* description
* scenarioId
* status
* finishBy
* activityId


 * creationDate
* lastUpdateDate
* status
* scenarioId
* runDate
* archiveFlag
* planHorizon
* planType
* lastUpdatedBy
* planRunId
* createdBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* localArchiveFlag
* planId
* purgeFlag


 * creationDate
* lastUpdateDate
* status
* scenarioId
* runDate
* archiveFlag
* planHorizon
* planType
* lastUpdatedBy
* planRunId
* createdBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* localArchiveFlag
* planId
* purgeFlag


 * lastUpdatedBy
* createdBy
* scenarioSetId
* lastUpdateDate
* creationDate
* scenarioId
* lastUpdateLogin


 * lastUpdatedBy
* createdBy
* scenarioSetId
* lastUpdateDate
* creationDate
* scenarioId
* lastUpdateLogin


 * createdBy
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* scenarioSetId
* scenarioSetName
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* description


 * createdBy
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* scenarioSetId
* scenarioSetName
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* description


 * lastUpdateDate
* scenarioId
* userId
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdatedBy
* createdBy
* creationDate


 * lastUpdateDate
* scenarioId
* userId
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdatedBy
* createdBy
* creationDate


 * creationDate
* description
* scnVersion
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* parentScnId
* validTo
* owner
* scenarioId
* createdBy
* scnComment
* gsNameOrig
* scenarioName
* gsName
* validFrom
* wcFlag
* scnAccess
* lastUpdateDate


 * creationDate
* description
* scnVersion
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* parentScnId
* validTo
* owner
* scenarioId
* createdBy
* scnComment
* gsNameOrig
* scenarioName
* gsName
* validFrom
* wcFlag
* scnAccess
* lastUpdateDate


 * lastUpdateLogin
* attribute13
* programId
* programUpdateDate
* sequenceNumber
* usageCode
* ruleId
* attribute3
* attribute2
* meaning
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute6
* attribute5
* zdEditionName
* attribute15
* userDefined
* attribute7
* programApplicationId
* creationDate
* attribute9
* packageName
* attributeCategory
* description
* attribute10
* createdBy
* zdSync
* attribute12
* attribute14
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute8
* requestId
* heuristicCode
* enabledFlag
* attribute11
* defaultFlag
* attribute4
* attribute1


 * lastUpdateLogin
* attribute13
* programId
* programUpdateDate
* sequenceNumber
* usageCode
* ruleId
* attribute3
* attribute2
* meaning
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute6
* attribute5
* zdEditionName
* attribute15
* userDefined
* attribute7
* programApplicationId
* creationDate
* attribute9
* packageName
* attributeCategory
* description
* attribute10
* createdBy
* zdSync
* attribute12
* attribute14
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute8
* requestId
* heuristicCode
* enabledFlag
* attribute11
* defaultFlag
* attribute4
* attribute1


 * orderNumber
* customerSiteId
* supplierSiteId
* lastUpdateDate
* itemId
* creationDate
* effectiveToDate
* orderType
* companyId
* srInstanceId
* orderTypeMeaning
* supplierId
* itemName
* createdBy
* orgId
* effectiveFromDate
* privilege
* lastUpdateLogin
* programId
* granteeType
* customerId
* granteeKey
* categoryId
* categoryName
* lastUpdatedBy
* ruleId


 * orderNumber
* customerSiteId
* supplierSiteId
* lastUpdateDate
* itemId
* creationDate
* effectiveToDate
* orderType
* companyId
* srInstanceId
* orderTypeMeaning
* supplierId
* itemName
* createdBy
* orgId
* effectiveFromDate
* privilege
* lastUpdateLogin
* programId
* granteeType
* customerId
* granteeKey
* categoryId
* categoryName
* lastUpdatedBy
* ruleId


 * producerTransId
* minimumTransferQty
* programUpdateDate
* segmentEndDate
* attribute3
* consumerOpSeqNum
* attribute11
* maximumTimeOffset
* consumerOpSeqId
* attribute9
* segmentStartDate
* attribute10
* consumerStartDate
* attribute2
* programApplicationId
* attribute1
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* producerOpSeqId
* attribute8
* toRoutingSequenceId
* refreshNumber
* dependencyType
* attributeCategory
* attribute5
* segmentQuantity
* attribute12
* actualTimeOffset
* fromResTransactionId
* fromRoutingSequenceId
* attribute13
* planId
* createdBy
* consumerSrInstanceId
* minimumTimeOffset
* consumerResSeqNum
* requestId
* producerSrInstanceId
* consumerEndDate
* consumerTransId
* attribute6
* lastUpdatedBy
* programId
* attribute15
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute14
* inventoryItemId
* allocationType
* attribute7
* toResTransactionId
* producerOpSeqNum
* producerResSeqNum
* attribute4


 * producerTransId
* minimumTransferQty
* programUpdateDate
* segmentEndDate
* attribute3
* consumerOpSeqNum
* attribute11
* maximumTimeOffset
* consumerOpSeqId
* attribute9
* segmentStartDate
* attribute10
* consumerStartDate
* attribute2
* programApplicationId
* attribute1
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* producerOpSeqId
* attribute8
* toRoutingSequenceId
* refreshNumber
* dependencyType
* attributeCategory
* attribute5
* segmentQuantity
* attribute12
* actualTimeOffset
* fromResTransactionId
* fromRoutingSequenceId
* attribute13
* planId
* createdBy
* consumerSrInstanceId
* minimumTimeOffset
* consumerResSeqNum
* requestId
* producerSrInstanceId
* consumerEndDate
* consumerTransId
* attribute6
* lastUpdatedBy
* programId
* attribute15
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute14
* inventoryItemId
* allocationType
* attribute7
* toResTransactionId
* producerOpSeqNum
* producerResSeqNum
* attribute4


 * selectedFlag
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* excepGroupId
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* createdBy
* exceptionType


 * selectedFlag
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* excepGroupId
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* createdBy
* exceptionType


 * programApplicationId
* organizationId
* requestId
* toItem
* programUpdateDate
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* planId
* lastUpdatedBy
* programId
* standardOperationCode
* lastUpdateDate
* resourceId
* duration
* fromItem
* createdBy
* srInstanceId


 * programApplicationId
* organizationId
* requestId
* toItem
* programUpdateDate
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* planId
* lastUpdatedBy
* programId
* standardOperationCode
* lastUpdateDate
* resourceId
* duration
* fromItem
* createdBy
* srInstanceId


 * lastUpdateDate
* attribute1
* planId
* creationDate
* attribute4
* attribute11
* createdBy
* userDefined3
* attribute12
* lineId
* disableDate
* serialTxnId
* userDefined6
* attribute10
* parentHeaderId
* attribute14
* attribute13
* userDefined5
* lastUpdateLogin
* context
* attribute2
* serialNumber
* userDefined4
* userDefined7
* attribute5
* attribute8
* attribute7
* userDefined1
* userDefined8
* userDefined2
* lastUpdatedBy
* attachmentUrl
* userDefined10
* attribute3
* attribute6
* attribute9
* attribute15
* userDefined9


 * lastUpdateDate
* attribute1
* planId
* creationDate
* attribute4
* attribute11
* createdBy
* userDefined3
* attribute12
* lineId
* disableDate
* serialTxnId
* userDefined6
* attribute10
* parentHeaderId
* attribute14
* attribute13
* userDefined5
* lastUpdateLogin
* context
* attribute2
* serialNumber
* userDefined4
* userDefined7
* attribute5
* attribute8
* attribute7
* userDefined1
* userDefined8
* userDefined2
* lastUpdatedBy
* attachmentUrl
* userDefined10
* attribute3
* attribute6
* attribute9
* attribute15
* userDefined9


 * attribute2
* serviceLevelSetName
* serviceLevelSetId
* attribute11
* attribute8
* defaultFlag
* attribute1
* attribute4
* attributeCategory
* attribute6
* deletedFlag
* attribute14
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute7
* creationDate
* attribute12
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* programApplicationId
* attribute13
* programId
* attribute5
* createdBy
* programUpdateDate
* attribute3
* requestId
* refreshNumber
* attribute15
* description
* attribute10
* attribute9


 * attribute2
* serviceLevelSetName
* serviceLevelSetId
* attribute11
* attribute8
* defaultFlag
* attribute1
* attribute4
* attributeCategory
* attribute6
* deletedFlag
* attribute14
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute7
* creationDate
* attribute12
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* programApplicationId
* attribute13
* programId
* attribute5
* createdBy
* programUpdateDate
* attribute3
* requestId
* refreshNumber
* attribute15
* description
* attribute10
* attribute9


 * lastUpdatedBy
* inventoryItemId
* customerId
* serviceLevelId
* demandClass
* srInstanceId
* srCategoryId
* lastUpdateLogin
* organizationId
* creationDate
* definitionLevel
* planId
* customerSiteId
* lastUpdateDate
* createdBy
* categorySetId
* serviceLevel
* demandFulfillmentLeadTime
* serviceLevelSetId


 * lastUpdatedBy
* inventoryItemId
* customerId
* serviceLevelId
* demandClass
* srInstanceId
* srCategoryId
* lastUpdateLogin
* organizationId
* creationDate
* definitionLevel
* planId
* customerSiteId
* lastUpdateDate
* createdBy
* categorySetId
* serviceLevel
* demandFulfillmentLeadTime
* serviceLevelSetId


 * attribute9
* origTransitionTime
* attribute3
* requestId
* attribute5
* attribute8
* attribute1
* attribute15
* creationDate
* standardOperationId
* resourceId
* attribute12
* attribute11
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute13
* attribute4
* programUpdateDate
* refreshNumber
* programApplicationId
* attribute6
* attribute7
* attribute14
* lastUpdateDate
* ringSequenceNumber
* attribute2
* toSetupId
* lastUpdatedBy
* standardOperationCode
* attributeCategory
* departmentId
* planId
* transitionPenalty
* attribute10
* srInstanceId
* fromSetupId
* createdBy
* transitionUom
* programId
* organizationId
* transitionTime


 * attribute9
* origTransitionTime
* attribute3
* requestId
* attribute5
* attribute8
* attribute1
* attribute15
* creationDate
* standardOperationId
* resourceId
* attribute12
* attribute11
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute13
* attribute4
* programUpdateDate
* refreshNumber
* programApplicationId
* attribute6
* attribute7
* attribute14
* lastUpdateDate
* ringSequenceNumber
* attribute2
* toSetupId
* lastUpdatedBy
* standardOperationCode
* attributeCategory
* departmentId
* planId
* transitionPenalty
* attribute10
* srInstanceId
* fromSetupId
* createdBy
* transitionUom
* programId
* organizationId
* transitionTime


 * exceptionSetId
* seqNum
* creationDate
* nextDate
* createdBy
* shiftNum
* lastUpdatedBy
* refreshNumber
* lastUpdateLogin
* priorDate
* programApplicationId
* programId
* calendarCode
* priorSeqNum
* srInstanceId
* programUpdateDate
* lastUpdateDate
* nextSeqNum
* shiftDate
* requestId


 * exceptionSetId
* seqNum
* creationDate
* nextDate
* createdBy
* shiftNum
* lastUpdatedBy
* refreshNumber
* lastUpdateLogin
* priorDate
* programApplicationId
* programId
* calendarCode
* priorSeqNum
* srInstanceId
* programUpdateDate
* lastUpdateDate
* nextSeqNum
* shiftDate
* requestId


 * attribute6
* attribute9
* srInstanceId
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute5
* createdBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* shiftNum
* refreshNumber
* attribute12
* attribute8
* attributeCategory
* attribute7
* attribute15
* attribute4
* attribute11
* programId
* attribute13
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute10
* attribute3
* programUpdateDate
* attribute2
* attribute14
* programApplicationId
* exceptionType
* attribute1
* creationDate
* requestId
* calendarCode
* exceptionSetId
* exceptionDate


 * attribute6
* attribute9
* srInstanceId
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute5
* createdBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* shiftNum
* refreshNumber
* attribute12
* attribute8
* attributeCategory
* attribute7
* attribute15
* attribute4
* attribute11
* programId
* attribute13
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute10
* attribute3
* programUpdateDate
* attribute2
* attribute14
* programApplicationId
* exceptionType
* attribute1
* creationDate
* requestId
* calendarCode
* exceptionSetId
* exceptionDate


 * attribute1
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute7
* attributeCategory
* attribute13
* refreshNumber
* srInstanceId
* attribute9
* creationDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute4
* attribute3
* programApplicationId
* attribute12
* attribute15
* shiftNum
* programUpdateDate
* attribute14
* calendarCode
* requestId
* toTime
* createdBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute6
* attribute5
* attribute8
* attribute2
* programId
* attribute10
* attribute11
* fromTime


 * attribute1
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute7
* attributeCategory
* attribute13
* refreshNumber
* srInstanceId
* attribute9
* creationDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute4
* attribute3
* programApplicationId
* attribute12
* attribute15
* shiftNum
* programUpdateDate
* attribute14
* calendarCode
* requestId
* toTime
* createdBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute6
* attribute5
* attribute8
* attribute2
* programId
* attribute10
* attribute11
* fromTime


 * fromOrganizationId
* firmFlag
* tripName
* weightUomCode
* plannedFlag
* creationDate
* shipMethod
* status
* srInstanceId
* dockDate
* leadTime
* shipDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* toOrganizationId
* planId
* volumeCapacity
* lastUpdateLogin
* createdBy
* weight
* lastUpdateDate
* weightCapacity
* releasedFlag
* volumeUomCode
* toSrInstanceId
* volume
* applied
* shipmentId


 * fromOrganizationId
* firmFlag
* tripName
* weightUomCode
* plannedFlag
* creationDate
* shipMethod
* status
* srInstanceId
* dockDate
* leadTime
* shipDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* toOrganizationId
* planId
* volumeCapacity
* lastUpdateLogin
* createdBy
* weight
* lastUpdateDate
* weightCapacity
* releasedFlag
* volumeUomCode
* toSrInstanceId
* volume
* applied
* shipmentId


 * programId
* attribute12
* attribute6
* attribute15
* programUpdateDate
* srInstanceId
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdateDate
* programApplicationId
* creationDate
* useInWipFlag
* attribute4
* description
* attributeCategory
* attribute8
* attribute10
* attribute1
* organizationId
* simulationSet
* refreshNumber
* attribute5
* createdBy
* attribute3
* attribute9
* attribute13
* attribute2
* requestId
* attribute14
* attribute11
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute7


 * programId
* attribute12
* attribute6
* attribute15
* programUpdateDate
* srInstanceId
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdateDate
* programApplicationId
* creationDate
* useInWipFlag
* attribute4
* description
* attributeCategory
* attribute8
* attribute10
* attribute1
* organizationId
* simulationSet
* refreshNumber
* attribute5
* createdBy
* attribute3
* attribute9
* attribute13
* attribute2
* requestId
* attribute14
* attribute11
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute7


 * lastUpdateLogin
* requestId
* dependentTask
* task
* lastUpdatedBy
* requiresLock
* startDate
* lastUpdateDate
* dependencyAgainst
* programApplicationId
* dependentTask2
* planId
* creationDate
* createdBy
* programId
* requiresItems
* programUpdateDate
* completionDate


 * lastUpdateLogin
* requestId
* dependentTask
* task
* lastUpdatedBy
* requiresLock
* startDate
* lastUpdateDate
* dependencyAgainst
* programApplicationId
* dependentTask2
* planId
* creationDate
* createdBy
* programId
* requiresItems
* programUpdateDate
* completionDate


 * uomCode
* releaseId
* lastUpdateDate
* returnStatus
* salesOrderNumber
* atpOverride
* releaseNumber
* scheduleArrivalDate
* srCustomerSiteId
* lastUpdatedBy
* srCustomerId
* quantity
* scheduleShipDate
* endOrderRelNumber
* oeTransactionType
* scheduleDateChange
* orderNumber
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* oeLineId
* requestDate
* endOrderLineNumber
* srItemId
* createdBy
* oeHeaderId
* endOrderNumber
* srInstanceId
* lineNumber
* action
* errorMessage
* shipFromOrgId


 * uomCode
* releaseId
* lastUpdateDate
* returnStatus
* salesOrderNumber
* atpOverride
* releaseNumber
* scheduleArrivalDate
* srCustomerSiteId
* lastUpdatedBy
* srCustomerId
* quantity
* scheduleShipDate
* endOrderRelNumber
* oeTransactionType
* scheduleDateChange
* orderNumber
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* oeLineId
* requestDate
* endOrderLineNumber
* srItemId
* createdBy
* oeHeaderId
* endOrderNumber
* srInstanceId
* lineNumber
* action
* errorMessage
* shipFromOrgId


 * organizationId
* lastUpdateLogin
* resourceSequence
* srInstanceId
* creationDate
* resourceId
* planId
* solverGroupId
* departmentId
* createdBy
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy


 * organizationId
* lastUpdateLogin
* resourceSequence
* srInstanceId
* creationDate
* resourceId
* planId
* solverGroupId
* departmentId
* createdBy
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy


 * srInstanceId
* idealSequenceBase
* ssvcScaleFactor
* demBuildStrategy
* remCroResiProdn
* useBreakPoint
* solverGroupName
* lastUpdateDate
* solverGroupId
* organizationId
* cocScaleFactor
* invSocScaleFactor
* lastUpdatedBy
* groupSequence
* invCcScaleFactor
* lastUpdateLogin
* createdBy
* description
* useCro
* enforceCroCycle
* creationDate
* planId


 * srInstanceId
* idealSequenceBase
* ssvcScaleFactor
* demBuildStrategy
* remCroResiProdn
* useBreakPoint
* solverGroupName
* lastUpdateDate
* solverGroupId
* organizationId
* cocScaleFactor
* invSocScaleFactor
* lastUpdatedBy
* groupSequence
* invCcScaleFactor
* lastUpdateLogin
* createdBy
* description
* useCro
* enforceCroCycle
* creationDate
* planId


 * folderObject
* lastUpdatedBy
* fieldName1
* folderId
* fieldName2
* orderby3
* creationDate
* fieldName3
* orderby2
* lastUpdateDate
* createdBy
* orderby1
* lastUpdateLogin


 * folderObject
* lastUpdatedBy
* fieldName1
* folderId
* fieldName2
* orderby3
* creationDate
* fieldName3
* orderby2
* lastUpdateDate
* createdBy
* orderby1
* lastUpdateLogin


 * inventoryItemId
* sourceSrInstanceId
* requestId
* supplierId
* programUpdateDate
* supplierSiteId
* creationDate
* srInstanceId
* organizationId
* lastUpdatedBy
* programApplicationId
* lastCalculatedDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* historicalAllocation
* lastUpdateDate
* programId
* refreshNumber
* sourceOrgId
* createdBy
* sourcingRuleId


 * inventoryItemId
* sourceSrInstanceId
* requestId
* supplierId
* programUpdateDate
* supplierSiteId
* creationDate
* srInstanceId
* organizationId
* lastUpdatedBy
* programApplicationId
* lastCalculatedDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* historicalAllocation
* lastUpdateDate
* programId
* refreshNumber
* sourceOrgId
* createdBy
* sourcingRuleId


 * programId
* attribute12
* lastUpdatedBy
* programUpdateDate
* requestId
* sourcingAssociationType
* description
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute6
* status
* attributeCategory
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute9
* collectedFlag
* attribute10
* attribute8
* attribute13
* creationDate
* attribute7
* planningActive
* sourcingRuleType
* srSourcingRuleId
* sourcingRuleId
* attribute1
* attribute15
* createdBy
* attribute14
* srInstanceId
* programApplicationId
* sourcingRuleName
* attribute3
* attribute4
* attribute2
* refreshNumber
* attribute5
* deletedFlag
* attribute11
* organizationId


 * programId
* attribute12
* lastUpdatedBy
* programUpdateDate
* requestId
* sourcingAssociationType
* description
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute6
* status
* attributeCategory
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute9
* collectedFlag
* attribute10
* attribute8
* attribute13
* creationDate
* attribute7
* planningActive
* sourcingRuleType
* srSourcingRuleId
* sourcingRuleId
* attribute1
* attribute15
* createdBy
* attribute14
* srInstanceId
* programApplicationId
* sourcingRuleName
* attribute3
* attribute4
* attribute2
* refreshNumber
* attribute5
* deletedFlag
* attribute11
* organizationId


 * bindsize
* creationDate
* numberOfRows
* lastUpdateLogin
* createdBy
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* tableName


 * bindsize
* creationDate
* numberOfRows
* lastUpdateLogin
* createdBy
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* tableName


 * lastUpdatedBy
* assignmentId
* categoryName
* attribute10
* shipToSiteId
* attribute8
* refreshNumber
* requestId
* categorySetId
* creationDate
* itemTypeId
* sourcingRuleType
* attribute11
* assignmentType
* regionId
* srInstanceId
* srAssignmentId
* partnerId
* createdBy
* programUpdateDate
* allocationRuleId
* srAssignmentInstanceId
* organizationId
* attribute2
* programId
* attribute4
* attribute13
* attribute14
* attribute5
* attribute15
* programApplicationId
* attribute12
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute7
* attribute6
* attribute1
* assignmentSetId
* deletedFlag
* inventoryItemId
* attributeCategory
* sourcingRuleId
* attribute9
* itemTypeValue
* attribute3
* collectedFlag


 * lastUpdatedBy
* assignmentId
* categoryName
* attribute10
* shipToSiteId
* attribute8
* refreshNumber
* requestId
* categorySetId
* creationDate
* itemTypeId
* sourcingRuleType
* attribute11
* assignmentType
* regionId
* srInstanceId
* srAssignmentId
* partnerId
* createdBy
* programUpdateDate
* allocationRuleId
* srAssignmentInstanceId
* organizationId
* attribute2
* programId
* attribute4
* attribute13
* attribute14
* attribute5
* attribute15
* programApplicationId
* attribute12
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute7
* attribute6
* attribute1
* assignmentSetId
* deletedFlag
* inventoryItemId
* attributeCategory
* sourcingRuleId
* attribute9
* itemTypeValue
* attribute3
* collectedFlag


 * lookupType
* createdBy
* attribute8
* lookupCode
* programApplicationId
* attribute6
* attribute11
* attribute5
* attribute3
* attribute12
* lastUpdateLogin
* creationDate
* toDate
* srInstanceId
* attribute15
* refreshNumber
* meaning
* programId
* attribute4
* attribute7
* attribute1
* enabledFlag
* attributeCategory
* programUpdateDate
* lastUpdateDate
* description
* lastUpdatedBy
* requestId
* attribute13
* attribute9
* attribute10
* attribute2
* attribute14
* fromDate


 * lookupType
* createdBy
* attribute8
* lookupCode
* programApplicationId
* attribute6
* attribute11
* attribute5
* attribute3
* attribute12
* lastUpdateLogin
* creationDate
* toDate
* srInstanceId
* attribute15
* refreshNumber
* meaning
* programId
* attribute4
* attribute7
* attribute1
* enabledFlag
* attributeCategory
* programUpdateDate
* lastUpdateDate
* description
* lastUpdatedBy
* requestId
* attribute13
* attribute9
* attribute10
* attribute2
* attribute14
* fromDate


 * zoneInstId
* rankId
* srInstId
* partclassSetId
* simulationSetId
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* zoneId
* lastUpdatedBy
* orgId
* creationDate
* createdBy
* partclassId


 * zoneInstId
* rankId
* srInstId
* partclassSetId
* simulationSetId
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* zoneId
* lastUpdatedBy
* orgId
* creationDate
* createdBy
* partclassId


 * simulationSetId
* srInstId
* orgId
* createdBy
* stockingThreshold
* lastUpdatedBy
* partclassId
* creationDate
* zoneId
* zoneInstId
* historyRange
* historyMeasureId
* lastUpdateDate
* partclassSetId
* lastUpdateLogin


 * simulationSetId
* srInstId
* orgId
* createdBy
* stockingThreshold
* lastUpdatedBy
* partclassId
* creationDate
* zoneId
* zoneInstId
* historyRange
* historyMeasureId
* lastUpdateDate
* partclassSetId
* lastUpdateLogin


 * srInstanceId
* attribute1
* attribute12
* requestId
* receiptPartnerSiteId
* disableDate
* attribute15
* collectedFlag
* srReceiptOrg
* lastUpdatedBy
* attributeCategory
* attribute5
* attribute6
* effectiveDate
* programId
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* refreshNumber
* attribute11
* sourcingRuleId
* programUpdateDate
* attribute8
* attribute3
* programApplicationId
* attribute7
* deletedFlag
* srReceiptId
* attribute2
* srSrReceiptId
* attribute9
* receiptPartnerId
* createdBy
* attribute13
* attribute14
* receiptOrgInstanceId
* attribute4
* attribute10
* lastUpdateDate


 * srInstanceId
* attribute1
* attribute12
* requestId
* receiptPartnerSiteId
* disableDate
* attribute15
* collectedFlag
* srReceiptOrg
* lastUpdatedBy
* attributeCategory
* attribute5
* attribute6
* effectiveDate
* programId
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* refreshNumber
* attribute11
* sourcingRuleId
* programUpdateDate
* attribute8
* attribute3
* programApplicationId
* attribute7
* deletedFlag
* srReceiptId
* attribute2
* srSrReceiptId
* attribute9
* receiptPartnerId
* createdBy
* attribute13
* attribute14
* receiptOrgInstanceId
* attribute4
* attribute10
* lastUpdateDate


 * transferLotMultiple
* sourcePartnerSiteId
* creationDate
* programId
* programApplicationId
* circularSrc
* srSrSourceId
* attribute3
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* programUpdateDate
* rank
* sourcePartnerId
* attribute10
* attribute7
* requestId
* attribute12
* refreshNumber
* collectedFlag
* minTransferQty
* attributeCategory
* replenishmentType
* attribute8
* attribute13
* attribute4
* fromRegionId
* sourceType
* lastUpdateDate
* fixedTransferQty
* circularSrcRank
* createdBy
* srReceiptId
* transferType
* deletedFlag
* attribute1
* attribute6
* srInstanceId
* attribute9
* shipMethod
* attribute15
* attribute11
* srSourceId
* sourceOrgInstanceId
* sourceOrganizationId
* allocationPercent
* maxTransferQty
* attribute5
* attribute2
* attribute14


 * transferLotMultiple
* sourcePartnerSiteId
* creationDate
* programId
* programApplicationId
* circularSrc
* srSrSourceId
* attribute3
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* programUpdateDate
* rank
* sourcePartnerId
* attribute10
* attribute7
* requestId
* attribute12
* refreshNumber
* collectedFlag
* minTransferQty
* attributeCategory
* replenishmentType
* attribute8
* attribute13
* attribute4
* fromRegionId
* sourceType
* lastUpdateDate
* fixedTransferQty
* circularSrcRank
* createdBy
* srReceiptId
* transferType
* deletedFlag
* attribute1
* attribute6
* srInstanceId
* attribute9
* shipMethod
* attribute15
* attribute11
* srSourceId
* sourceOrgInstanceId
* sourceOrganizationId
* allocationPercent
* maxTransferQty
* attribute5
* attribute2
* attribute14


 * rn
* srInventoryItemId
* sampleDate
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* zone
* regionId
* quantity
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* createdBy


 * rn
* srInventoryItemId
* sampleDate
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* zone
* regionId
* quantity
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* createdBy


 * lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* groupId
* lastUpdatedBy
* groupName
* creationDate
* createdBy


 * lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* groupId
* lastUpdatedBy
* groupName
* creationDate
* createdBy


 * userId
* lastUpdatedBy
* createdBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* groupId
* creationDate
* lastUpdateDate


 * userId
* lastUpdatedBy
* createdBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* groupId
* creationDate
* lastUpdateDate


 * parentValue
* levelName
* value
* lastUpdatedBy
* programApplicationId
* creationDate
* programLoginId
* requestId
* createdBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* programId
* lastUpdateDate
* hierarchyName


 * createdBy
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* level9Name
* lastUpdatedBy
* level10Name
* level7Name
* level8Name
* level2Name
* lastUpdateDate
* programLoginId
* level6Name
* dimensionId
* level5Name
* requestId
* level4Name
* programId
* hierarchyName
* level3Name
* programApplicationId


 * createdBy
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* level9Name
* lastUpdatedBy
* level10Name
* level7Name
* level8Name
* level2Name
* lastUpdateDate
* programLoginId
* level6Name
* dimensionId
* level5Name
* requestId
* level4Name
* programId
* hierarchyName
* level3Name
* programApplicationId


 * parentValue
* levelName
* value
* lastUpdatedBy
* programApplicationId
* creationDate
* programLoginId
* requestId
* createdBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* programId
* lastUpdateDate
* hierarchyName


 * programApplicationId
* deletedFlag
* createdBy
* validationOrgId
* messageId
* errorText
* programId
* dataSourceType
* stTransactionId
* creationDate
* wsmCreateLbjCopyRouting
* srInstanceCode
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* processFlag
* programUpdateDate
* mscOrgForBomExplosion
* requestId
* refreshId
* lastUpdatedBy
* srInstanceId


 * programApplicationId
* deletedFlag
* createdBy
* validationOrgId
* messageId
* errorText
* programId
* dataSourceType
* stTransactionId
* creationDate
* wsmCreateLbjCopyRouting
* srInstanceCode
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* processFlag
* programUpdateDate
* mscOrgForBomExplosion
* requestId
* refreshId
* lastUpdatedBy
* srInstanceId


 * lastUpdatedBy
* description
* programId
* programUpdateDate
* creationDate
* refreshId
* lastUpdateDate
* srInstanceId
* assignmentSetName
* createdBy
* srAssignmentSetId
* lastUpdateLogin
* requestId
* programApplicationId
* deletedFlag


 * lastUpdatedBy
* description
* programId
* programUpdateDate
* creationDate
* refreshId
* lastUpdateDate
* srInstanceId
* assignmentSetName
* createdBy
* srAssignmentSetId
* lastUpdateLogin
* requestId
* programApplicationId
* deletedFlag


 * defaultAtpSources
* pastDueSupplyCutoffFence
* includeDiscreteWipReceipts
* includeNonstdWipReceipts
* includeRepMps
* aggregateTimeFenceCode
* includeRepWipDemand
* includeInternalReqs
* includeInternalOrders
* includeDiscreteMps
* includeNonstdWipDemand
* includeUserDefinedSupply
* includeSupplierReqs
* lastUpdatedBy
* programId
* includeDiscreteWipDemand
* includeRepWipReceipts
* accumulationWindow
* infiniteSupplyTimeFence
* pastDueDemandCutoffFence
* creationDate
* accumulateAvailableFlag
* includeFlowScheduleReceipts
* userAtpSupplyTableName
* refreshId
* mpsDesignator
* aggregateTimeFence
* demandClassAtpFlag
* includeSalesOrders
* includeUserDefinedDemand
* description
* userAtpDemandTableName
* acceptableLateFence
* lastUpdateLogin
* includePurchaseOrders
* srInstanceId
* ruleId
* acceptableEarlyFence
* includeInterorgTransfers
* ruleName
* forwardConsumptionFlag
* createdBy
* includeOnhandAvailable
* backwardConsumptionFlag
* requestId
* infiniteSupplyFenceCode
* includeFlowScheduleDemand
* lastUpdateDate
* programApplicationId
* programUpdateDate


 * defaultAtpSources
* pastDueSupplyCutoffFence
* includeDiscreteWipReceipts
* includeNonstdWipReceipts
* includeRepMps
* aggregateTimeFenceCode
* includeRepWipDemand
* includeInternalReqs
* includeInternalOrders
* includeDiscreteMps
* includeNonstdWipDemand
* includeUserDefinedSupply
* includeSupplierReqs
* lastUpdatedBy
* programId
* includeDiscreteWipDemand
* includeRepWipReceipts
* accumulationWindow
* infiniteSupplyTimeFence
* pastDueDemandCutoffFence
* creationDate
* accumulateAvailableFlag
* includeFlowScheduleReceipts
* userAtpSupplyTableName
* refreshId
* mpsDesignator
* aggregateTimeFence
* demandClassAtpFlag
* includeSalesOrders
* includeUserDefinedDemand
* description
* userAtpDemandTableName
* acceptableLateFence
* lastUpdateLogin
* includePurchaseOrders
* srInstanceId
* ruleId
* acceptableEarlyFence
* includeInterorgTransfers
* ruleName
* forwardConsumptionFlag
* createdBy
* includeOnhandAvailable
* backwardConsumptionFlag
* requestId
* infiniteSupplyFenceCode
* includeFlowScheduleDemand
* lastUpdateDate
* programApplicationId
* programUpdateDate


 * programApplicationId
* requestId
* createdBy
* programUpdateDate
* billOfResources
* rollupStartDate
* programId
* deletedFlag
* srInstanceId
* refreshId
* lastUpdatedBy
* rollupCompletionDate
* organizationId
* lastUpdateDate
* disableDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* creationDate
* description


 * programApplicationId
* requestId
* createdBy
* programUpdateDate
* billOfResources
* rollupStartDate
* programId
* deletedFlag
* srInstanceId
* refreshId
* lastUpdatedBy
* rollupCompletionDate
* organizationId
* lastUpdateDate
* disableDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* creationDate
* description


 * programUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* requestId
* srInstanceId
* versionNo
* refreshId
* programApplicationId
* currentPlanFlag
* creationDate
* name
* lastUpdateDate
* programId
* deletedFlag
* createdBy
* businessPlanId
* lastUpdatedBy
* shortName
* description


 * programUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* requestId
* srInstanceId
* versionNo
* refreshId
* programApplicationId
* currentPlanFlag
* creationDate
* name
* lastUpdateDate
* programId
* deletedFlag
* createdBy
* businessPlanId
* lastUpdatedBy
* shortName
* description


 * description
* creationDate
* enteredPeriodName
* programUpdateDate
* yearStartDate
* periodName
* periodYear
* quarterNum
* periodNum
* programApplicationId
* srInstanceId
* startDate
* context
* refreshId
* periodSetName
* lastUpdateLogin
* programId
* periodType
* adjustmentPeriodFlag
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateDate
* createdBy
* quarterStartDate
* requestId
* endDate
* organizationId


 * description
* creationDate
* enteredPeriodName
* programUpdateDate
* yearStartDate
* periodName
* periodYear
* quarterNum
* periodNum
* programApplicationId
* srInstanceId
* startDate
* context
* refreshId
* periodSetName
* lastUpdateLogin
* programId
* periodType
* adjustmentPeriodFlag
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateDate
* createdBy
* quarterStartDate
* requestId
* endDate
* organizationId


 * dimension2Id
* deletedFlag
* lastUpdateLogin
* refreshId
* dimension5Id
* measureShortName
* dimension4Id
* requestId
* measureId
* dimension1Id
* timeDimensionId
* lastUpdateDate
* programApplicationId
* srInstanceId
* measureName
* description
* programUpdateDate
* orgDimensionId
* dimension3Id
* programId
* createdBy
* creationDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* unitOfMeasureClass


 * dimension2Id
* deletedFlag
* lastUpdateLogin
* refreshId
* dimension5Id
* measureShortName
* dimension4Id
* requestId
* measureId
* dimension1Id
* timeDimensionId
* lastUpdateDate
* programApplicationId
* srInstanceId
* measureName
* description
* programUpdateDate
* orgDimensionId
* dimension3Id
* programId
* createdBy
* creationDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* unitOfMeasureClass


 * defaultNotifyRespShortName
* workflowItemType
* workflowProcessShortName
* defaultNotifyRespId
* programApplicationId
* measureId
* description
* dimension5LevelId
* dimension1LevelId
* deletedFlag
* createdBy
* targetLevelShortName
* systemFlag
* targetLevelName
* dimension2LevelId
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* refreshId
* srInstanceId
* programId
* reportFunctionId
* timeLevelId
* orgLevelId
* creationDate
* dimension3LevelId
* lastUpdatedBy
* targetLevelId
* unitOfMeasure
* dimension4LevelId
* requestId
* programUpdateDate
* computingFunctionId


 * defaultNotifyRespShortName
* workflowItemType
* workflowProcessShortName
* defaultNotifyRespId
* programApplicationId
* measureId
* description
* dimension5LevelId
* dimension1LevelId
* deletedFlag
* createdBy
* targetLevelShortName
* systemFlag
* targetLevelName
* dimension2LevelId
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* refreshId
* srInstanceId
* programId
* reportFunctionId
* timeLevelId
* orgLevelId
* creationDate
* dimension3LevelId
* lastUpdatedBy
* targetLevelId
* unitOfMeasure
* dimension4LevelId
* requestId
* programUpdateDate
* computingFunctionId


 * lastUpdateLogin
* notifyResp2Id
* targetId
* srInstanceId
* range1High
* range2High
* notifyResp2ShortName
* programApplicationId
* dim1LevelValueId
* notifyResp3ShortName
* programId
* range1Low
* notifyResp1ShortName
* dim4LevelValueId
* orgLevelValueId
* lastUpdateDate
* range3High
* timeLevelValueId
* notifyResp1Id
* notifyResp3Id
* refreshId
* lastUpdatedBy
* range3Low
* requestId
* businessPlanId
* dim2LevelValueId
* programUpdateDate
* target
* range2Low
* dim3LevelValueId
* targetLevelId
* createdBy
* dim5LevelValueId
* deletedFlag
* creationDate


 * lastUpdateLogin
* notifyResp2Id
* targetId
* srInstanceId
* range1High
* range2High
* notifyResp2ShortName
* programApplicationId
* dim1LevelValueId
* notifyResp3ShortName
* programId
* range1Low
* notifyResp1ShortName
* dim4LevelValueId
* orgLevelValueId
* lastUpdateDate
* range3High
* timeLevelValueId
* notifyResp1Id
* notifyResp3Id
* refreshId
* lastUpdatedBy
* range3Low
* requestId
* businessPlanId
* dim2LevelValueId
* programUpdateDate
* target
* range2Low
* dim3LevelValueId
* targetLevelId
* createdBy
* dim5LevelValueId
* deletedFlag
* creationDate


 * originationType
* srInstanceId
* assemblyItemId
* basis
* createdBy
* setbackDays
* lastUpdatedBy
* srTransactionId
* assemblyUsage
* resourceUnits
* lastUpdateDate
* programId
* programUpdateDate
* lineId
* resourceSeqNum
* departmentId
* sourceItemId
* organizationId
* creationDate
* requestId
* refreshId
* billOfResources
* resourceDepartmentHours
* lastUpdateLogin
* operationSeqNum
* programApplicationId
* deletedFlag
* resourceId
* operationSequenceId


 * originationType
* srInstanceId
* assemblyItemId
* basis
* createdBy
* setbackDays
* lastUpdatedBy
* srTransactionId
* assemblyUsage
* resourceUnits
* lastUpdateDate
* programId
* programUpdateDate
* lineId
* resourceSeqNum
* departmentId
* sourceItemId
* organizationId
* creationDate
* requestId
* refreshId
* billOfResources
* resourceDepartmentHours
* lastUpdateLogin
* operationSeqNum
* programApplicationId
* deletedFlag
* resourceId
* operationSequenceId


 * requestId
* nextDate
* seqNum
* lastUpdateDate
* createdBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdatedBy
* weekStartDate
* creationDate
* refreshId
* programId
* exceptionSetId
* priorDate
* programUpdateDate
* srInstanceId
* deletedFlag
* programApplicationId
* calendarCode


 * requestId
* nextDate
* seqNum
* lastUpdateDate
* createdBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdatedBy
* weekStartDate
* creationDate
* refreshId
* programId
* exceptionSetId
* priorDate
* programUpdateDate
* srInstanceId
* deletedFlag
* programApplicationId
* calendarCode


 * exceptionSetId
* refreshId
* srInstanceId
* yearStartDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* programId
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* calendarCode
* createdBy
* deletedFlag
* requestId
* programApplicationId
* programUpdateDate
* creationDate


 * exceptionSetId
* refreshId
* srInstanceId
* yearStartDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* programId
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* calendarCode
* createdBy
* deletedFlag
* requestId
* programApplicationId
* programUpdateDate
* creationDate


 * stTransactionId
* partnerSiteCode
* deletedFlag
* srInstanceId
* processFlag
* lastUpdateLogin
* calendarCode
* programApplicationId
* organizationCode
* refreshId
* createdBy
* srInstanceCode
* associationLevel
* partnerType
* requestId
* partnerId
* messageId
* associationType
* programUpdateDate
* organizationId
* creationDate
* programId
* companyName
* carrierPartnerId
* calendarType
* partnerSiteId
* errorText
* lastUpdateDate
* shipMethodCode
* lastUpdatedBy
* dataSourceType
* carrierPartnerCode
* partnerName
* batchId


 * stTransactionId
* partnerSiteCode
* deletedFlag
* srInstanceId
* processFlag
* lastUpdateLogin
* calendarCode
* programApplicationId
* organizationCode
* refreshId
* createdBy
* srInstanceCode
* associationLevel
* partnerType
* requestId
* partnerId
* messageId
* associationType
* programUpdateDate
* organizationId
* creationDate
* programId
* companyName
* carrierPartnerId
* calendarType
* partnerSiteId
* errorText
* lastUpdateDate
* shipMethodCode
* lastUpdatedBy
* dataSourceType
* carrierPartnerCode
* partnerName
* batchId


 * requestId
* exceptionType
* programId
* refreshId
* errorText
* deletedFlag
* lastUpdateLogin
* dataSourceType
* exceptionSetId
* lastUpdateDate
* creationDate
* programUpdateDate
* stTransactionId
* createdBy
* messageId
* srInstanceId
* programApplicationId
* calendarCode
* exceptionDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* processFlag
* srInstanceCode
* companyName
* companyId


 * requestId
* exceptionType
* programId
* refreshId
* errorText
* deletedFlag
* lastUpdateLogin
* dataSourceType
* exceptionSetId
* lastUpdateDate
* creationDate
* programUpdateDate
* stTransactionId
* createdBy
* messageId
* srInstanceId
* programApplicationId
* calendarCode
* exceptionDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* processFlag
* srInstanceCode
* companyName
* companyId


 * attribute3
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute14
* yearDescription
* attributeCategory
* attribute11
* attribute6
* messageId
* dataSourceType
* monthDescription
* yearStartDate
* year
* createdBy
* srInstanceId
* attribute9
* attribute5
* batchId
* programId
* stTransactionId
* deletedFlag
* attribute8
* programUpdateDate
* srInstanceCode
* refreshId
* attribute7
* lastUpdateLogin
* quarter
* yearEndDate
* processFlag
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute4
* attribute10
* monthStartDate
* attribute1
* quarterStartDate
* monthEndDate
* errorText
* creationDate
* attribute2
* quarterEndDate
* calendarType
* month
* attribute15
* attribute12
* attribute13
* programApplicationId
* calendarCode
* quarterDescription
* requestId


 * attribute3
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute14
* yearDescription
* attributeCategory
* attribute11
* attribute6
* messageId
* dataSourceType
* monthDescription
* yearStartDate
* year
* createdBy
* srInstanceId
* attribute9
* attribute5
* batchId
* programId
* stTransactionId
* deletedFlag
* attribute8
* programUpdateDate
* srInstanceCode
* refreshId
* attribute7
* lastUpdateLogin
* quarter
* yearEndDate
* processFlag
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute4
* attribute10
* monthStartDate
* attribute1
* quarterStartDate
* monthEndDate
* errorText
* creationDate
* attribute2
* quarterEndDate
* calendarType
* month
* attribute15
* attribute12
* attribute13
* programApplicationId
* calendarCode
* quarterDescription
* requestId


 * messageId
* companyId
* companyName
* calendarCode
* dataSourceType
* programId
* creationDate
* srInstanceCode
* daysOn
* description
* requestId
* shiftNum
* processFlag
* programApplicationId
* errorText
* programUpdateDate
* stTransactionId
* deletedFlag
* lastUpdatedBy
* refreshId
* createdBy
* srInstanceId
* lastUpdateDate
* shiftName
* lastUpdateLogin
* daysOff


 * messageId
* companyId
* companyName
* calendarCode
* dataSourceType
* programId
* creationDate
* srInstanceCode
* daysOn
* description
* requestId
* shiftNum
* processFlag
* programApplicationId
* errorText
* programUpdateDate
* stTransactionId
* deletedFlag
* lastUpdatedBy
* refreshId
* createdBy
* srInstanceId
* lastUpdateDate
* shiftName
* lastUpdateLogin
* daysOff


 * daysOn
* companyName
* messageId
* weekStartDay
* daysOff
* quarterlyCalendarType
* lastUpdateLogin
* requestId
* deletedFlag
* processFlag
* programId
* srInstanceCode
* calendarCode
* createdBy
* dataSourceType
* calendarEndDate
* description
* lastUpdatedBy
* calendarStartDate
* programUpdateDate
* programApplicationId
* lastUpdateDate
* refreshId
* overwriteFlag
* stTransactionId
* errorText
* creationDate
* companyId
* srInstanceId


 * daysOn
* companyName
* messageId
* weekStartDay
* daysOff
* quarterlyCalendarType
* lastUpdateLogin
* requestId
* deletedFlag
* processFlag
* programId
* srInstanceCode
* calendarCode
* createdBy
* dataSourceType
* calendarEndDate
* description
* lastUpdatedBy
* calendarStartDate
* programUpdateDate
* programApplicationId
* lastUpdateDate
* refreshId
* overwriteFlag
* stTransactionId
* errorText
* creationDate
* companyId
* srInstanceId


 * modeOfTransport
* deletedFlag
* shipMethodCode
* carrierId
* srInstanceId
* serviceLevel
* refreshId


 * modeOfTransport
* deletedFlag
* shipMethodCode
* carrierId
* srInstanceId
* serviceLevel
* refreshId


 * companyId
* programId
* lastUpdateLogin
* processFlag
* programApplicationId
* createdBy
* programUpdateDate
* errorText
* deletedFlag
* sourceSrCategorySetId
* lastUpdateDate
* controlLevel
* lastUpdatedBy
* requestId
* defaultFlag
* refreshId
* description
* companyName
* batchId
* srInstanceCode
* messageId
* srInstanceId
* dataSourceType
* categorySetName
* creationDate
* srCategorySetId
* stTransactionId
* categorySetId


 * companyId
* programId
* lastUpdateLogin
* processFlag
* programApplicationId
* createdBy
* programUpdateDate
* errorText
* deletedFlag
* sourceSrCategorySetId
* lastUpdateDate
* controlLevel
* lastUpdatedBy
* requestId
* defaultFlag
* refreshId
* description
* companyName
* batchId
* srInstanceCode
* messageId
* srInstanceId
* dataSourceType
* categorySetName
* creationDate
* srCategorySetId
* stTransactionId
* categorySetId


 * creationDate
* primaryFlag
* deletedFlag
* programApplicationId
* sourceCoProductGroupId
* sourceComponentId
* organizationCode
* sourceCoProductId
* coProductGroupId
* split
* createdBy
* srInstanceCode
* programUpdateDate
* batchId
* programId
* coProductName
* requestId
* lastUpdateLogin
* componentName
* refreshId
* dataSourceType
* lastUpdatedBy
* componentId
* messageId
* stTransactionId
* errorText
* lastUpdateDate
* srInstanceId
* companyName
* processFlag
* coProductId


 * creationDate
* primaryFlag
* deletedFlag
* programApplicationId
* sourceCoProductGroupId
* sourceComponentId
* organizationCode
* sourceCoProductId
* coProductGroupId
* split
* createdBy
* srInstanceCode
* programUpdateDate
* batchId
* programId
* coProductName
* requestId
* lastUpdateLogin
* componentName
* refreshId
* dataSourceType
* lastUpdatedBy
* componentId
* messageId
* stTransactionId
* errorText
* lastUpdateDate
* srInstanceId
* companyName
* processFlag
* coProductId


 * companyName
* userGuid
* programApplicationId
* startDate
* requestId
* programId
* stTransactionId
* userName
* refreshId
* srCompanyId
* collectionParameter
* lastUpdateLogin
* creationDate
* srInstanceId
* batchId
* lastUpdateDate
* dataSourceType
* description
* emailAddress
* endDate
* partnerType
* createdBy
* processFlag
* srInstanceCode
* lastUpdatedBy
* programUpdateDate
* messageId
* errorText
* fax


 * companyName
* userGuid
* programApplicationId
* startDate
* requestId
* programId
* stTransactionId
* userName
* refreshId
* srCompanyId
* collectionParameter
* lastUpdateLogin
* creationDate
* srInstanceId
* batchId
* lastUpdateDate
* dataSourceType
* description
* emailAddress
* endDate
* partnerType
* createdBy
* processFlag
* srInstanceCode
* lastUpdatedBy
* programUpdateDate
* messageId
* errorText
* fax


 * alternateBomDesignator
* componentName
* lastUpdateDate
* requestId
* programUpdateDate
* usageQuantity
* deletedFlag
* lastUpdateLogin
* stTransactionId
* companyId
* priority
* billSequenceId
* creationDate
* subItemName
* errorText
* roundingDirection
* bomName
* dataSourceType
* programId
* componentSequenceId
* companyName
* substituteItemId
* organizationId
* processFlag
* batchId
* refreshId
* effectivityDate
* assemblyName
* messageId
* programApplicationId
* srInstanceId
* operationSeqCode
* lastUpdatedBy
* organizationCode
* srInstanceCode
* createdBy


 * alternateBomDesignator
* componentName
* lastUpdateDate
* requestId
* programUpdateDate
* usageQuantity
* deletedFlag
* lastUpdateLogin
* stTransactionId
* companyId
* priority
* billSequenceId
* creationDate
* subItemName
* errorText
* roundingDirection
* bomName
* dataSourceType
* programId
* componentSequenceId
* companyName
* substituteItemId
* organizationId
* processFlag
* batchId
* refreshId
* effectivityDate
* assemblyName
* messageId
* programApplicationId
* srInstanceId
* operationSeqCode
* lastUpdatedBy
* organizationCode
* srInstanceCode
* createdBy


 * dataSourceType
* convRate
* programId
* requestId
* errorText
* creationDate
* stTransactionId
* programUpdateDate
* batchId
* convType
* lastUpdateLogin
* createdBy
* programApplicationId
* fromCurrency
* convDate
* lastUpdateDate
* srInstanceId
* toCurrency
* deletedFlag
* lastUpdatedBy
* rn
* messageId
* srInstanceCode
* processFlag


 * dataSourceType
* convRate
* programId
* requestId
* errorText
* creationDate
* stTransactionId
* programUpdateDate
* batchId
* convType
* lastUpdateLogin
* createdBy
* programApplicationId
* fromCurrency
* convDate
* lastUpdateDate
* srInstanceId
* toCurrency
* deletedFlag
* lastUpdatedBy
* rn
* messageId
* srInstanceCode
* processFlag


 * lastUpdateDate
* programId
* attribute12
* attribute13
* batchId
* createdBy
* processFlag
* companyName
* attribute7
* stTransactionId
* attribute5
* lastUpdateLogin
* programUpdateDate
* attributeCategory
* attribute6
* refreshId
* attribute4
* fromDate
* srInstanceCode
* attribute15
* demandClass
* attribute2
* description
* errorText
* meaning
* creationDate
* attribute1
* requestId
* deletedFlag
* dataSourceType
* attribute11
* attribute14
* messageId
* attribute8
* programApplicationId
* attribute9
* enabledFlag
* srInstanceId
* attribute10
* toDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute3


 * lastUpdateDate
* programId
* attribute12
* attribute13
* batchId
* createdBy
* processFlag
* companyName
* attribute7
* stTransactionId
* attribute5
* lastUpdateLogin
* programUpdateDate
* attributeCategory
* attribute6
* refreshId
* attribute4
* fromDate
* srInstanceCode
* attribute15
* demandClass
* attribute2
* description
* errorText
* meaning
* creationDate
* attribute1
* requestId
* deletedFlag
* dataSourceType
* attribute11
* attribute14
* messageId
* attribute8
* programApplicationId
* attribute9
* enabledFlag
* srInstanceId
* attribute10
* toDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute3


 * batchId
* srInstanceId
* departmentClass
* resourceCode
* lastUpdatedBy
* organizationId
* companyName
* effectiveStartDate
* dataSourceType
* stTransactionId
* errorText
* lastKnownSetupCode
* lastUpdateLogin
* effectiveEndDate
* companyId
* departmentId
* serialNumber
* createdBy
* deletedFlag
* programId
* lastUpdateDate
* organizationCode
* equipmentItemName
* requestId
* programUpdateDate
* resourceId
* resInstanceId
* messageId
* refreshId
* orgainzationCode
* lastKnownSetup
* processFlag
* programApplicationId
* equipmentItemId
* departmentCode
* creationDate
* srInstanceCode


 * batchId
* srInstanceId
* departmentClass
* resourceCode
* lastUpdatedBy
* organizationId
* companyName
* effectiveStartDate
* dataSourceType
* stTransactionId
* errorText
* lastKnownSetupCode
* lastUpdateLogin
* effectiveEndDate
* companyId
* departmentId
* serialNumber
* createdBy
* deletedFlag
* programId
* lastUpdateDate
* organizationCode
* equipmentItemName
* requestId
* programUpdateDate
* resourceId
* resInstanceId
* messageId
* refreshId
* orgainzationCode
* lastKnownSetup
* processFlag
* programApplicationId
* equipmentItemId
* departmentCode
* creationDate
* srInstanceCode


 * inventoryAtpFlag
* forecastSet
* processFlag
* disableDate
* refreshId
* shipId
* designatorType
* requestId
* srInstanceId
* outlierUpdatePercentage
* organizationId
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* customerId
* messageId
* srOrganizationId
* billToSiteCode
* deletedFlag
* bucketType
* stTransactionId
* srcDesignator
* errorText
* shipToSiteCode
* srcDescription
* creationDate
* description
* programUpdateDate
* srcSimFcstId
* organizationSelection
* recommendationRelease
* updateType
* sellerFlag
* billId
* designator
* companyName
* demandClass
* srInstanceCode
* organizationCode
* backwardUpdateTimeFence
* customerName
* lastUpdateLogin
* probability
* consumeForecast
* dataSourceType
* designatorId
* forecastSetId
* srDesignator
* mpsRelief
* programId
* forwardUpdateTimeFence
* production
* batchId
* programApplicationId
* createdBy
* companyId


 * inventoryAtpFlag
* forecastSet
* processFlag
* disableDate
* refreshId
* shipId
* designatorType
* requestId
* srInstanceId
* outlierUpdatePercentage
* organizationId
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* customerId
* messageId
* srOrganizationId
* billToSiteCode
* deletedFlag
* bucketType
* stTransactionId
* srcDesignator
* errorText
* shipToSiteCode
* srcDescription
* creationDate
* description
* programUpdateDate
* srcSimFcstId
* organizationSelection
* recommendationRelease
* updateType
* sellerFlag
* billId
* designator
* companyName
* demandClass
* srInstanceCode
* organizationCode
* backwardUpdateTimeFence
* customerName
* lastUpdateLogin
* probability
* consumeForecast
* dataSourceType
* designatorId
* forecastSetId
* srDesignator
* mpsRelief
* programId
* forwardUpdateTimeFence
* production
* batchId
* programApplicationId
* createdBy
* companyId


 * companyName
* srInstanceId
* context
* attribute5
* dataSourceType
* attribute8
* attribute14
* attribute13
* deletedFlag
* attribute12
* contactUserName
* srInstanceCode
* programUpdateDate
* contactUserId
* lastUpdateLogin
* groupName
* processFlag
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute3
* programId
* requestId
* attribute10
* attribute11
* attribute6
* disableDate
* creationDate
* groupId
* effectiveDate
* attribute9
* messageId
* attribute2
* companyId
* attribute7
* stTransactionId
* createdBy
* postingPartyId
* attribute4
* attribute15
* errorText
* lastUpdatedBy
* batchId
* programApplicationId
* attribute1


 * companyName
* srInstanceId
* context
* attribute5
* dataSourceType
* attribute8
* attribute14
* attribute13
* deletedFlag
* attribute12
* contactUserName
* srInstanceCode
* programUpdateDate
* contactUserId
* lastUpdateLogin
* groupName
* processFlag
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute3
* programId
* requestId
* attribute10
* attribute11
* attribute6
* disableDate
* creationDate
* groupId
* effectiveDate
* attribute9
* messageId
* attribute2
* companyId
* attribute7
* stTransactionId
* createdBy
* postingPartyId
* attribute4
* attribute15
* errorText
* lastUpdatedBy
* batchId
* programApplicationId
* attribute1


 * groupType
* creationDate
* errorText
* attribute10
* attribute12
* deletedFlag
* effectiveDate
* disableDate
* stTransactionId
* contractDocUrl
* attribute4
* attribute13
* dataSourceType
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute14
* programUpdateDate
* attribute1
* srInstanceCode
* description
* contactUserName
* groupOwnerId
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute11
* programApplicationId
* processFlag
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute8
* groupId
* requestId
* attribute3
* attribute6
* attribute5
* attribute7
* srInstanceId
* batchId
* groupName
* attribute15
* programId
* attribute9
* contactUserId
* createdBy
* attribute2
* messageId
* context


 * groupType
* creationDate
* errorText
* attribute10
* attribute12
* deletedFlag
* effectiveDate
* disableDate
* stTransactionId
* contractDocUrl
* attribute4
* attribute13
* dataSourceType
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute14
* programUpdateDate
* attribute1
* srInstanceCode
* description
* contactUserName
* groupOwnerId
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute11
* programApplicationId
* processFlag
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute8
* groupId
* requestId
* attribute3
* attribute6
* attribute5
* attribute7
* srInstanceId
* batchId
* groupName
* attribute15
* programId
* attribute9
* contactUserId
* createdBy
* attribute2
* messageId
* context


 * availabilityDate
* toLocationCode
* lastUpdateDate
* costPerVolumeUnit
* fromRegionId
* toCity
* toRegionId
* toOrganizationCode
* lastUpdatedBy
* fromState
* toOrganizationId
* fromCountryCode
* timeUomCode
* toPostalCodeTo
* fromLocationId
* toCountryCode
* toCityCode
* fromRegionType
* fromCityCode
* srInstanceId2
* shipMethodText
* volumeUom
* leadtimeVariability
* fromZone
* creationDate
* requestId
* shipmentWeightUom
* fromOrganizationId
* intransitTime
* dataSourceType
* currency
* toStateCode
* instransitTime
* shipmentVolumeUom
* transportCapOverUtilCost
* toState
* shipmentVolume
* srInstanceCode
* fromOrganizationCode
* toRegionType
* defaultFlag
* fromPostalCodeTo
* deletedFlag
* programUpdateDate
* toZone
* weightUom
* shipmentWeight
* messageId
* costPerWeightUnit
* fromCity
* weightCapacity
* batchId
* programId
* refreshId
* fromPostalCodeFrom
* processFlag
* toCountry
* programApplicationId
* lastUpdateLogin
* stTransactionId
* volumeCapacity
* errorText
* fromLocationCode
* fromCountry
* srInstanceId
* fromStateCode
* shipMethod
* createdBy
* companyName
* toPostalCodeFrom
* toLocationId


 * availabilityDate
* toLocationCode
* lastUpdateDate
* costPerVolumeUnit
* fromRegionId
* toCity
* toRegionId
* toOrganizationCode
* lastUpdatedBy
* fromState
* toOrganizationId
* fromCountryCode
* timeUomCode
* toPostalCodeTo
* fromLocationId
* toCountryCode
* toCityCode
* fromRegionType
* fromCityCode
* srInstanceId2
* shipMethodText
* volumeUom
* leadtimeVariability
* fromZone
* creationDate
* requestId
* shipmentWeightUom
* fromOrganizationId
* intransitTime
* dataSourceType
* currency
* toStateCode
* instransitTime
* shipmentVolumeUom
* transportCapOverUtilCost
* toState
* shipmentVolume
* srInstanceCode
* fromOrganizationCode
* toRegionType
* defaultFlag
* fromPostalCodeTo
* deletedFlag
* programUpdateDate
* toZone
* weightUom
* shipmentWeight
* messageId
* costPerWeightUnit
* fromCity
* weightCapacity
* batchId
* programId
* refreshId
* fromPostalCodeFrom
* processFlag
* toCountry
* programApplicationId
* lastUpdateLogin
* stTransactionId
* volumeCapacity
* errorText
* fromLocationCode
* fromCountry
* srInstanceId
* fromStateCode
* shipMethod
* createdBy
* companyName
* toPostalCodeFrom
* toLocationId


 * mrpPlanningCode
* excessHorizon
* returnForecastTimeFence
* zone
* interarrivalDistMethod
* requestId
* userAttribute6
* vmiMinimumDays
* forecastRuleForDemands
* obsolescenceDate
* userAttribute3
* annualSalesQty
* standardDeviation
* annualShipQty
* fullLeadTime
* failureImpact
* serviceLevel
* averageDailyDemand
* pipFlag
* defectiveItemCost
* userAttribute2
* orderCost
* organizationCode
* leadtimeVariability
* daysTgtInvWindow
* standardCost
* atpComponentsFlag
* inventoryUseUpDate
* unitVolume
* plannerCode
* criticalComponentFlag
* roundingControlType
* drpPlanned
* unsatisfiedDemandFactor
* lastUpdateLogin
* ropSafetyStock
* dmdSatisfiedPercent
* lifeTimeBuyDate
* postprocessingLeadTime
* repairCost
* divergence
* planningExceptionSet
* fixedDaysSupply
* avgDemandBeyondPh
* crossDock
* userAttribute10
* safetyStockCode
* vmiMaximumUnits
* coefficientOfVariation
* annualSalesValue
* vmiFixedOrderQuantity
* consignedFlag
* customerName
* safetyStockPercent
* weightUom
* carryingCost
* minimumOrderQuantity
* userAttribute11
* atpFlag
* vmiMaximumDays
* userAttribute1
* planningTimeFenceDays
* endOfLifeDate
* continousTransfer
* createSupplyFlag
* simulationSetName
* computeSs
* listPrice
* planningMakeBuyCode
* stdDeviationForDemand
* itemName
* userAttribute14
* preprocessingLeadTime
* category
* shrinkageRate
* meanInterArrival
* minShelfLifeDays
* creationDate
* repairYield
* annualShipCount
* daysTgtInvSupply
* forecastRuleForReturns
* intermittentDemand
* lastUpdatedBy
* basisAvgDailyDemand
* vmiMinimumUnits
* userAttribute15
* userAttribute12
* userAttribute4
* avgReturnsBeyondPh
* computeEoq
* stdDeviationInterArrival
* minSupDemPercent
* demandTimeFenceDays
* reliability
* variableLeadTime
* createdBy
* annualShipValue
* convergence
* userAttribute13
* fixedLeadTime
* substitutionWindow
* minRemShelfLifeDays
* userAttribute5
* repairLeadTime
* maxUsageFactor
* customerSiteName
* userAttribute9
* maximumOrderQuantity
* daysMaxInvSupply
* srInstanceCode
* eoFlag
* safetyStockBucketDays
* volumeUom
* fixedOrderQuantity
* lotsExpiration
* abcClassName
* userAttribute8
* atoForecastControl
* annualSalesCount
* demandFulfillmentLt
* fixedLotMultiplier
* unitWeight
* userAttribute7
* lastUpdateDate
* daysMaxInvWindow


 * mrpPlanningCode
* excessHorizon
* returnForecastTimeFence
* zone
* interarrivalDistMethod
* requestId
* userAttribute6
* vmiMinimumDays
* forecastRuleForDemands
* obsolescenceDate
* userAttribute3
* annualSalesQty
* standardDeviation
* annualShipQty
* fullLeadTime
* failureImpact
* serviceLevel
* averageDailyDemand
* pipFlag
* defectiveItemCost
* userAttribute2
* orderCost
* organizationCode
* leadtimeVariability
* daysTgtInvWindow
* standardCost
* atpComponentsFlag
* inventoryUseUpDate
* unitVolume
* plannerCode
* criticalComponentFlag
* roundingControlType
* drpPlanned
* unsatisfiedDemandFactor
* lastUpdateLogin
* ropSafetyStock
* dmdSatisfiedPercent
* lifeTimeBuyDate
* postprocessingLeadTime
* repairCost
* divergence
* planningExceptionSet
* fixedDaysSupply
* avgDemandBeyondPh
* crossDock
* userAttribute10
* safetyStockCode
* vmiMaximumUnits
* coefficientOfVariation
* annualSalesValue
* vmiFixedOrderQuantity
* consignedFlag
* customerName
* safetyStockPercent
* weightUom
* carryingCost
* minimumOrderQuantity
* userAttribute11
* atpFlag
* vmiMaximumDays
* userAttribute1
* planningTimeFenceDays
* endOfLifeDate
* continousTransfer
* createSupplyFlag
* simulationSetName
* computeSs
* listPrice
* planningMakeBuyCode
* stdDeviationForDemand
* itemName
* userAttribute14
* preprocessingLeadTime
* category
* shrinkageRate
* meanInterArrival
* minShelfLifeDays
* creationDate
* repairYield
* annualShipCount
* daysTgtInvSupply
* forecastRuleForReturns
* intermittentDemand
* lastUpdatedBy
* basisAvgDailyDemand
* vmiMinimumUnits
* userAttribute15
* userAttribute12
* userAttribute4
* avgReturnsBeyondPh
* computeEoq
* stdDeviationInterArrival
* minSupDemPercent
* demandTimeFenceDays
* reliability
* variableLeadTime
* createdBy
* annualShipValue
* convergence
* userAttribute13
* fixedLeadTime
* substitutionWindow
* minRemShelfLifeDays
* userAttribute5
* repairLeadTime
* maxUsageFactor
* customerSiteName
* userAttribute9
* maximumOrderQuantity
* daysMaxInvSupply
* srInstanceCode
* eoFlag
* safetyStockBucketDays
* volumeUom
* fixedOrderQuantity
* lotsExpiration
* abcClassName
* userAttribute8
* atoForecastControl
* annualSalesCount
* demandFulfillmentLt
* fixedLotMultiplier
* unitWeight
* userAttribute7
* lastUpdateDate
* daysMaxInvWindow


 * lastUpdateLogin
* refreshNumber
* deletedFlag
* srInstanceId
* programApplicationId
* lastUpdatedBy
* createdBy
* requestId
* errorText
* customerSiteName
* uomCode
* companyId
* refreshId
* srInstanceCode
* customerItemName
* description
* lastUpdateDate
* leadTime
* itemName
* plannerCode
* programId
* customerId
* stTransactionId
* messageId
* companyName
* listPrice
* customerName
* processFlag
* customerSiteId
* inventoryItemId
* creationDate
* programUpdateDate
* batchId
* dataSourceType


 * lastUpdateLogin
* refreshNumber
* deletedFlag
* srInstanceId
* programApplicationId
* lastUpdatedBy
* createdBy
* requestId
* errorText
* customerSiteName
* uomCode
* companyId
* refreshId
* srInstanceCode
* customerItemName
* description
* lastUpdateDate
* leadTime
* itemName
* plannerCode
* programId
* customerId
* stTransactionId
* messageId
* companyName
* listPrice
* customerName
* processFlag
* customerSiteId
* inventoryItemId
* creationDate
* programUpdateDate
* batchId
* dataSourceType


 * sourceOrgInstanceCode
* categorySetId
* sourceType
* description
* receiptOrgInstanceId
* sourceOrganizationCode
* sourcePartnerName
* companyName
* lastUpdateLogin
* organizationCode
* disableDate
* itemName
* sourceOrganizationId
* assignmentSetId
* programUpdateDate
* sourceReceiptOrganizationId
* receiptOrganizationId
* sourceSrSourceId
* effectiveDate
* requestId
* programId
* inventoryItemId
* refreshId
* sourceAssignmentSetId
* receiptOrganizationCode
* sourceSourcingRuleId
* sourcingRuleId
* srInstanceCode
* stTransactionId
* deletedFlag
* lastUpdatedBy
* sourcePartnerId
* categoryId
* messageId
* planningActive
* programApplicationId
* sourceSrReceiptId
* assignmentId
* creationDate
* sourceSourcePartnerId
* sourcePartnerSiteCode
* companyId
* sourceInventoryItemId
* srInstanceId
* createdBy
* sourceCategoryId
* srSourceId
* sourceCategorySetId
* sourcingRuleName
* processFlag
* allocationPercent
* shipMethod
* sourceSourceOrganizationId
* rank
* organizationId
* sourceOrgId
* sourceAssignmentId
* assignmentType
* receiptOrgInstanceCode
* assignmentSetName
* sourcePartnerSiteId
* sourceSourcePartnerSiteId
* batchId
* srReceiptId
* lastUpdateDate
* dataSourceType
* sourceOrgInstanceId
* categoryName
* errorText


 * sourceOrgInstanceCode
* categorySetId
* sourceType
* description
* receiptOrgInstanceId
* sourceOrganizationCode
* sourcePartnerName
* companyName
* lastUpdateLogin
* organizationCode
* disableDate
* itemName
* sourceOrganizationId
* assignmentSetId
* programUpdateDate
* sourceReceiptOrganizationId
* receiptOrganizationId
* sourceSrSourceId
* effectiveDate
* requestId
* programId
* inventoryItemId
* refreshId
* sourceAssignmentSetId
* receiptOrganizationCode
* sourceSourcingRuleId
* sourcingRuleId
* srInstanceCode
* stTransactionId
* deletedFlag
* lastUpdatedBy
* sourcePartnerId
* categoryId
* messageId
* planningActive
* programApplicationId
* sourceSrReceiptId
* assignmentId
* creationDate
* sourceSourcePartnerId
* sourcePartnerSiteCode
* companyId
* sourceInventoryItemId
* srInstanceId
* createdBy
* sourceCategoryId
* srSourceId
* sourceCategorySetId
* sourcingRuleName
* processFlag
* allocationPercent
* shipMethod
* sourceSourceOrganizationId
* rank
* organizationId
* sourceOrgId
* sourceAssignmentId
* assignmentType
* receiptOrgInstanceCode
* assignmentSetName
* sourcePartnerSiteId
* sourceSourcePartnerSiteId
* batchId
* srReceiptId
* lastUpdateDate
* dataSourceType
* sourceOrgInstanceId
* categoryName
* errorText


 * minimumOrderQuantity
* srInstanceId
* maximumOrderQuantity
* supplierCapOverUtilCost
* usingOrganizationId
* companyName
* lastUpdateDate
* enableVmiAutoReplenishFlag
* aslId
* minMinmaxDays
* fixedOrderQuantity
* vmiFlag
* createdBy
* fixedLotMultiple
* itemName
* deliveryCalendarCode
* inventoryItemId
* programUpdateDate
* supplierItemName
* supplierCompanySiteId
* dataSourceType
* usingOrganizationCode
* companyId
* supplierCompanyId
* forecastHorizon
* aslAttributeCreationDate
* purchasingUnitOfMeasure
* errorText
* programId
* maxMinmaxDays
* srInstanceId2
* stTransactionId
* supplierSiteId
* vmiReplenishmentApproval
* creationDate
* minMinmaxQuantity
* processingLeadTime
* aslLevel
* supplierId
* vendorSiteCode
* lastUpdatedBy
* refreshId
* requestId
* itemPrice
* processFlag
* batchId
* maxMinmaxQuantity
* messageId
* replenishmentMethod
* organizationId
* organizationCode
* programApplicationId
* deletedFlag
* lastUpdateLogin
* plannerCode
* vendorName
* srInstanceCode


 * minimumOrderQuantity
* srInstanceId
* maximumOrderQuantity
* supplierCapOverUtilCost
* usingOrganizationId
* companyName
* lastUpdateDate
* enableVmiAutoReplenishFlag
* aslId
* minMinmaxDays
* fixedOrderQuantity
* vmiFlag
* createdBy
* fixedLotMultiple
* itemName
* deliveryCalendarCode
* inventoryItemId
* programUpdateDate
* supplierItemName
* supplierCompanySiteId
* dataSourceType
* usingOrganizationCode
* companyId
* supplierCompanyId
* forecastHorizon
* aslAttributeCreationDate
* purchasingUnitOfMeasure
* errorText
* programId
* maxMinmaxDays
* srInstanceId2
* stTransactionId
* supplierSiteId
* vmiReplenishmentApproval
* creationDate
* minMinmaxQuantity
* processingLeadTime
* aslLevel
* supplierId
* vendorSiteCode
* lastUpdatedBy
* refreshId
* requestId
* itemPrice
* processFlag
* batchId
* maxMinmaxQuantity
* messageId
* replenishmentMethod
* organizationId
* organizationCode
* programApplicationId
* deletedFlag
* lastUpdateLogin
* plannerCode
* vendorName
* srInstanceCode


 * resourceSeqNum
* resourceId
* resInstanceId
* wipEntityName
* batchId
* operationSequenceId
* dataSourceType
* parentSeqNum
* srInstanceCode
* startDate
* organizationId
* programApplicationId
* stTransactionId
* programUpdateDate
* resourceCode
* companyName
* requestId
* orgainzationCode
* errorText
* resInstanceCode
* departmentId
* messageId
* batchNumber
* lastUpdatedBy
* equipmentItemId
* wipEntityId
* operationSeqCode
* processFlag
* programId
* refreshId
* createdBy
* deletedFlag
* lastUpdateDate
* operationSeqNum
* serialNumber
* completionDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* srInstanceId
* companyId
* creationDate


 * resourceSeqNum
* resourceId
* resInstanceId
* wipEntityName
* batchId
* operationSequenceId
* dataSourceType
* parentSeqNum
* srInstanceCode
* startDate
* organizationId
* programApplicationId
* stTransactionId
* programUpdateDate
* resourceCode
* companyName
* requestId
* orgainzationCode
* errorText
* resInstanceCode
* departmentId
* messageId
* batchNumber
* lastUpdatedBy
* equipmentItemId
* wipEntityId
* operationSeqCode
* processFlag
* programId
* refreshId
* createdBy
* deletedFlag
* lastUpdateDate
* operationSeqNum
* serialNumber
* completionDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* srInstanceId
* companyId
* creationDate


 * refreshId
* stTransactionId
* programUpdateDate
* fromOpEffectivityDate
* toWipEntityId
* srInstanceId
* dataSourceType
* requestId
* topWipEntityId
* transferUom
* transferPct
* applyToCharges
* transitionType
* lastUpdatedBy
* alternateRoutingDesignator
* fromOpSeqId
* lastUpdateLogin
* wipEntityName
* wipEntityId
* processFlag
* programId
* companyName
* deletedFlag
* toOpSeqNum
* errorText
* fromItemId
* toOperationSeqCode
* fromOperationSeqCode
* assemblyName
* srInstanceCode
* minimumTransferQty
* dependencyType
* routingName
* fromItemName
* planningPct
* minimumTimeOffset
* maximumTimeOffset
* toOpSeqId
* recommended
* fromOpSeqNum
* transferQty
* messageId
* createdBy
* toWipEntityName
* lastUpdateDate
* programApplicationId
* creationDate
* toOpEffectivityDate
* organizationId
* routingSequenceId
* organizationCode
* batchId


 * refreshId
* stTransactionId
* programUpdateDate
* fromOpEffectivityDate
* toWipEntityId
* srInstanceId
* dataSourceType
* requestId
* topWipEntityId
* transferUom
* transferPct
* applyToCharges
* transitionType
* lastUpdatedBy
* alternateRoutingDesignator
* fromOpSeqId
* lastUpdateLogin
* wipEntityName
* wipEntityId
* processFlag
* programId
* companyName
* deletedFlag
* toOpSeqNum
* errorText
* fromItemId
* toOperationSeqCode
* fromOperationSeqCode
* assemblyName
* srInstanceCode
* minimumTransferQty
* dependencyType
* routingName
* fromItemName
* planningPct
* minimumTimeOffset
* maximumTimeOffset
* toOpSeqId
* recommended
* fromOpSeqNum
* transferQty
* messageId
* createdBy
* toWipEntityName
* lastUpdateDate
* programApplicationId
* creationDate
* toOpEffectivityDate
* organizationId
* routingSequenceId
* organizationCode
* batchId


 * programUpdateDate
* processFlag
* batchId
* srTpSiteId
* companyName
* requestId
* locationCode
* srInstanceId
* refreshId
* lastUpdateLogin
* errorText
* sourceLocationId
* partnerId
* srInstanceCode
* programApplicationId
* dataSourceType
* organizatonId
* organizationId
* sourceSrTpId
* partnerSiteId
* messageId
* locationId
* partnerType
* lastUpdatedBy
* sourceSrTpSiteId
* creationDate
* partnerName
* srTpId
* companyId
* lastUpdateDate
* programId
* organizationCode
* stTransactionId
* deletedFlag
* createdBy
* tpSiteCode


 * programUpdateDate
* processFlag
* batchId
* srTpSiteId
* companyName
* requestId
* locationCode
* srInstanceId
* refreshId
* lastUpdateLogin
* errorText
* sourceLocationId
* partnerId
* srInstanceCode
* programApplicationId
* dataSourceType
* organizatonId
* organizationId
* sourceSrTpId
* partnerSiteId
* messageId
* locationId
* partnerType
* lastUpdatedBy
* sourceSrTpSiteId
* creationDate
* partnerName
* srTpId
* companyId
* lastUpdateDate
* programId
* organizationCode
* stTransactionId
* deletedFlag
* createdBy
* tpSiteCode


 * attribute2
* createdBy
* messageId
* borrowProjectId
* attribute9
* quantity
* creationDate
* stTransactionId
* batchId
* organizationId
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute3
* attribute11
* scheduledPaybackDate
* lendingTaskId
* attribute14
* attribute13
* borrowTaskId
* planningGroup
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute15
* inventoryItemId
* lendingProjectId
* programApplicationId
* errorText
* programId
* processFlag
* attribute5
* srInstanceCode
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute4
* attribute7
* attribute8
* comments
* dataSourceType
* srInstanceId
* requestId
* programUpdateDate
* attribute6
* attribute1
* attribute12
* lendingProjPlanningGroup
* endItemUnitNumber
* refreshId
* attribute10


 * attribute2
* createdBy
* messageId
* borrowProjectId
* attribute9
* quantity
* creationDate
* stTransactionId
* batchId
* organizationId
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute3
* attribute11
* scheduledPaybackDate
* lendingTaskId
* attribute14
* attribute13
* borrowTaskId
* planningGroup
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute15
* inventoryItemId
* lendingProjectId
* programApplicationId
* errorText
* programId
* processFlag
* attribute5
* srInstanceCode
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute4
* attribute7
* attribute8
* comments
* dataSourceType
* srInstanceId
* requestId
* programUpdateDate
* attribute6
* attribute1
* attribute12
* lendingProjPlanningGroup
* endItemUnitNumber
* refreshId
* attribute10


 * srInstanceId
* dataSourceType
* cummulativePct
* maximumTimeOffset
* transferPct
* fromOpSeqNum
* fromOpDisableDate
* programId
* companyName
* attribute14
* attribute9
* stTransactionId
* lastUpdateDate
* messageId
* programUpdateDate
* attribute1
* toRoutingName
* processFlag
* refreshId
* toOpSeqNum
* dependencyType
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute15
* routingName
* programApplicationId
* transferQty
* attribute8
* attribute11
* createdBy
* planningPct
* fromOperationSeqCode
* assemblyName
* requestId
* toOpSeqId
* toOpDisableDate
* planId
* attribute7
* attribute10
* attribute3
* originalSystemReference
* creationDate
* deletedFlag
* attribute2
* toOperationSeqCode
* disableDate
* attributeCategory
* efectivityDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute5
* srInstanceCode
* transferUom
* errorText
* fromItemId
* attribute13
* toOpEffectivityDate
* batchId
* toRoutingSequenceId
* attribute12
* transitionType
* routingSequenceId
* minimumTransferQty
* applyToCharges
* alternateRoutingDesignator
* organizationId
* toAltRoutingDesignator
* attribute6
* fromOpEffectivityDate
* attribute4
* fromItemName
* toAssemblyItemName
* minimumTimeOffset
* organizationCode
* fromOpSeqId


 * srInstanceId
* dataSourceType
* cummulativePct
* maximumTimeOffset
* transferPct
* fromOpSeqNum
* fromOpDisableDate
* programId
* companyName
* attribute14
* attribute9
* stTransactionId
* lastUpdateDate
* messageId
* programUpdateDate
* attribute1
* toRoutingName
* processFlag
* refreshId
* toOpSeqNum
* dependencyType
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute15
* routingName
* programApplicationId
* transferQty
* attribute8
* attribute11
* createdBy
* planningPct
* fromOperationSeqCode
* assemblyName
* requestId
* toOpSeqId
* toOpDisableDate
* planId
* attribute7
* attribute10
* attribute3
* originalSystemReference
* creationDate
* deletedFlag
* attribute2
* toOperationSeqCode
* disableDate
* attributeCategory
* efectivityDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute5
* srInstanceCode
* transferUom
* errorText
* fromItemId
* attribute13
* toOpEffectivityDate
* batchId
* toRoutingSequenceId
* attribute12
* transitionType
* routingSequenceId
* minimumTransferQty
* applyToCharges
* alternateRoutingDesignator
* organizationId
* toAltRoutingDesignator
* attribute6
* fromOpEffectivityDate
* attribute4
* fromItemName
* toAssemblyItemName
* minimumTimeOffset
* organizationCode
* fromOpSeqId


 * planDateDefaultType
* requestId
* demandTimeFenceFlag
* repetitiveBucketSize3
* lastUpdateDate
* partIncludeType
* reschedAssumption
* deletedFlag
* repetitiveBucketSize2
* programUpdateDate
* organizationId
* planSafetyStock
* considerReservations
* lastUpdateLogin
* repetitiveBucketSize1
* considerWip
* refreshId
* periodType
* defaultAbcAssignmentGroup
* snapshotLock
* includeMdsDays
* lastUpdatedBy
* considerPo
* planningTimeFenceFlag
* operationScheduleType
* creationDate
* repetitiveAnchorDate
* programId
* srInstanceId
* includeRepSupplyDays
* createdBy
* programApplicationId
* repetitiveHorizon1
* repetitiveHorizon2


 * planDateDefaultType
* requestId
* demandTimeFenceFlag
* repetitiveBucketSize3
* lastUpdateDate
* partIncludeType
* reschedAssumption
* deletedFlag
* repetitiveBucketSize2
* programUpdateDate
* organizationId
* planSafetyStock
* considerReservations
* lastUpdateLogin
* repetitiveBucketSize1
* considerWip
* refreshId
* periodType
* defaultAbcAssignmentGroup
* snapshotLock
* includeMdsDays
* lastUpdatedBy
* considerPo
* planningTimeFenceFlag
* operationScheduleType
* creationDate
* repetitiveAnchorDate
* programId
* srInstanceId
* includeRepSupplyDays
* createdBy
* programApplicationId
* repetitiveHorizon1
* repetitiveHorizon2


 * requestId
* enabledFlag
* partnerName
* batchId
* programUpdateDate
* creationDate
* stTransactionId
* processFlag
* partnerSiteId
* fax
* companyName
* srInstanceCode
* refreshId
* partnerId
* createdBy
* messageId
* displayName
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* programId
* companyId
* partnerType
* tpSiteCode
* name
* deletedFlag
* dataSourceType
* email
* lastUpdateDate
* programApplicationId
* errorText
* srInstanceId


 * requestId
* enabledFlag
* partnerName
* batchId
* programUpdateDate
* creationDate
* stTransactionId
* processFlag
* partnerSiteId
* fax
* companyName
* srInstanceCode
* refreshId
* partnerId
* createdBy
* messageId
* displayName
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* programId
* companyId
* partnerType
* tpSiteCode
* name
* deletedFlag
* dataSourceType
* email
* lastUpdateDate
* programApplicationId
* errorText
* srInstanceId


 * periodStartDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* refreshId
* createdBy
* calendarCode
* deletedFlag
* lastUpdateLogin
* periodName
* creationDate
* programId
* srInstanceId
* requestId
* nextDate
* priorDate
* programApplicationId
* programUpdateDate
* periodSequenceNum
* exceptionSetId
* lastUpdateDate


 * periodStartDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* refreshId
* createdBy
* calendarCode
* deletedFlag
* lastUpdateLogin
* periodName
* creationDate
* programId
* srInstanceId
* requestId
* nextDate
* priorDate
* programApplicationId
* programUpdateDate
* periodSequenceNum
* exceptionSetId
* lastUpdateDate


 * dataSourceType
* programApplicationId
* messageId
* attribute10
* stTransactionId
* attribute15
* disableDate
* attribute4
* organizationCode
* attributeCategory
* attribute3
* attribute5
* plannerCode
* refreshId
* creationDate
* srInstanceCode
* electronicMailAddress
* errorText
* attribute8
* attribute1
* srInstanceId
* companyName
* attribute11
* employeeId
* attribute13
* requestId
* deletedFlag
* currentEmployeeFlag
* processFlag
* attribute12
* programUpdateDate
* userName
* attribute2
* programId
* description
* attribute14
* organizationId
* createdBy
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute9
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute7
* attribute6
* lastUpdateDate
* batchId


 * dataSourceType
* programApplicationId
* messageId
* attribute10
* stTransactionId
* attribute15
* disableDate
* attribute4
* organizationCode
* attributeCategory
* attribute3
* attribute5
* plannerCode
* refreshId
* creationDate
* srInstanceCode
* electronicMailAddress
* errorText
* attribute8
* attribute1
* srInstanceId
* companyName
* attribute11
* employeeId
* attribute13
* requestId
* deletedFlag
* currentEmployeeFlag
* processFlag
* attribute12
* programUpdateDate
* userName
* attribute2
* programId
* description
* attribute14
* organizationId
* createdBy
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute9
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute7
* attribute6
* lastUpdateDate
* batchId


 * priceListName
* primaryUomCode
* startDate
* priority
* endDate
* price
* srInstanceCode
* itemName
* productUomCode
* primaryUomFlag


 * priceListName
* primaryUomCode
* startDate
* priority
* endDate
* price
* srInstanceCode
* itemName
* productUomCode
* primaryUomFlag


 * applicationName
* lastUpdatedBy
* errorText
* profileOptionName
* lastUpdateLogin
* preferenceSetName
* profileOptionValue
* creationDate
* lastUpdateDate
* processFlag
* levelType
* createdBy
* levelName


 * applicationName
* lastUpdatedBy
* errorText
* profileOptionName
* lastUpdateLogin
* preferenceSetName
* profileOptionValue
* creationDate
* lastUpdateDate
* processFlag
* levelType
* createdBy
* levelName


 * taskNumber
* stTransactionId
* endDate
* srInstanceCode
* sourceProjectId
* requestId
* deletedFlag
* creationDate
* seibanNumberFlag
* wipAcctClassCode
* createdBy
* companyName
* projectNumber
* organizationCode
* costingGroupId
* programApplicationId
* programId
* sourceTaskId
* batchId
* materialAccount
* sourceOrgId
* lastUpdateLogin
* startDate
* projectId
* programUpdateDate
* errorText
* organizationId
* companyId
* costingGroupCode
* taskId
* planningGroup
* processFlag
* projectStartDate
* lastUpdateDate
* manager
* dataSourceType
* managerContact
* projectDescription
* srInstanceId
* lastUpdatedBy
* taskName
* description
* refreshId
* messageId
* projectCompletionDate
* sourceCostingGroupId


 * taskNumber
* stTransactionId
* endDate
* srInstanceCode
* sourceProjectId
* requestId
* deletedFlag
* creationDate
* seibanNumberFlag
* wipAcctClassCode
* createdBy
* companyName
* projectNumber
* organizationCode
* costingGroupId
* programApplicationId
* programId
* sourceTaskId
* batchId
* materialAccount
* sourceOrgId
* lastUpdateLogin
* startDate
* projectId
* programUpdateDate
* errorText
* organizationId
* companyId
* costingGroupCode
* taskId
* planningGroup
* processFlag
* projectStartDate
* lastUpdateDate
* manager
* dataSourceType
* managerContact
* projectDescription
* srInstanceId
* lastUpdatedBy
* taskName
* description
* refreshId
* messageId
* projectCompletionDate
* sourceCostingGroupId


 * projectNumberSortOrder
* projectName
* deletedFlag
* requestId
* programId
* lastUpdatedBy
* createdBy
* projectNumber
* programApplicationId
* projectDescription
* startDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* organizationId
* creationDate
* managerContact
* wipAcctClassCode
* seibanNumberFlag
* completionDate
* programUpdateDate
* srInstanceId
* refreshId
* materialAccount
* costingGroupId
* planningGroup
* operatingUnit
* lastUpdateDate
* projectId


 * projectNumberSortOrder
* projectName
* deletedFlag
* requestId
* programId
* lastUpdatedBy
* createdBy
* projectNumber
* programApplicationId
* projectDescription
* startDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* organizationId
* creationDate
* managerContact
* wipAcctClassCode
* seibanNumberFlag
* completionDate
* programUpdateDate
* srInstanceId
* refreshId
* materialAccount
* costingGroupId
* planningGroup
* operatingUnit
* lastUpdateDate
* projectId


 * city
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* programUpdateDate
* vendorName
* createdBy
* regionType
* vendorSiteCode
* programId
* zoneLevel
* processFlag
* countryCode
* postalCodeTo
* vendorSiteId
* stateCode
* postalCodeFrom
* refreshId
* requestId
* errorText
* regionId
* stTransactionId
* deletedFlag
* state
* lastUpdateDate
* creationDate
* srInstanceCode
* companyName
* srInstanceId
* zone
* cityCode
* country
* batchId
* messageId
* dataSourceType
* programApplicationId


 * city
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* programUpdateDate
* vendorName
* createdBy
* regionType
* vendorSiteCode
* programId
* zoneLevel
* processFlag
* countryCode
* postalCodeTo
* vendorSiteId
* stateCode
* postalCodeFrom
* refreshId
* requestId
* errorText
* regionId
* stTransactionId
* deletedFlag
* state
* lastUpdateDate
* creationDate
* srInstanceCode
* companyName
* srInstanceId
* zone
* cityCode
* country
* batchId
* messageId
* dataSourceType
* programApplicationId


 * processFlag
* fromTime
* messageId
* departmentId
* shiftNum
* lastUpdateLogin
* simulationSet
* srInstanceCode
* refreshId
* actionType
* deletedFlag
* programUpdateDate
* dataSourceType
* companyName
* organizationId
* serialNumber
* requestId
* fromDate
* toTime
* resInstanceCode
* companyId
* programApplicationId
* createdBy
* capacityChange
* departmentCode
* stTransactionId
* resInstanceId
* programId
* resourceCode
* orgainzationCode
* batchId
* lastUpdatedBy
* creationDate
* resourceId
* srInstanceId
* toDate
* lastUpdateDate
* errorText


 * processFlag
* fromTime
* messageId
* departmentId
* shiftNum
* lastUpdateLogin
* simulationSet
* srInstanceCode
* refreshId
* actionType
* deletedFlag
* programUpdateDate
* dataSourceType
* companyName
* organizationId
* serialNumber
* requestId
* fromDate
* toTime
* resInstanceCode
* companyId
* programApplicationId
* createdBy
* capacityChange
* departmentCode
* stTransactionId
* resInstanceId
* programId
* resourceCode
* orgainzationCode
* batchId
* lastUpdatedBy
* creationDate
* resourceId
* srInstanceId
* toDate
* lastUpdateDate
* errorText


 * supplyOrgCode
* processFlag
* dispositionType
* companyName
* supplySourceTypeId
* lotNumber
* inventoryItemId
* projectNumber
* planningGroup
* dispositionId
* demandSourceLineId
* serialNumber
* reservedQuantity
* programId
* transactionType
* projectId
* messageId
* errorText
* organizationId
* refreshId
* salesOrderNumber
* lastUpdatedBy
* programApplicationId
* batchId
* demandOrderNumber
* dataSourceType
* organizationCode
* repairPoHeaderId
* demandClass
* lineNum
* supplySourceHeaderId
* parentDemandId
* reservationType
* srInstanceCode
* creationDate
* availableToMrp
* createdBy
* purchLineNum
* supplyOrderNumber
* deletedFlag
* lastUpdateDate
* supplySourceLineId
* srInstanceId
* order2InventoryItemId
* requestId
* revision
* lastUpdateLogin
* requirementDate
* itemName
* transactionId
* stTransactionId
* subinventory
* order2OrganizationId
* taskId
* taskNumber
* reservationFlag
* programUpdateDate


 * supplyOrgCode
* processFlag
* dispositionType
* companyName
* supplySourceTypeId
* lotNumber
* inventoryItemId
* projectNumber
* planningGroup
* dispositionId
* demandSourceLineId
* serialNumber
* reservedQuantity
* programId
* transactionType
* projectId
* messageId
* errorText
* organizationId
* refreshId
* salesOrderNumber
* lastUpdatedBy
* programApplicationId
* batchId
* demandOrderNumber
* dataSourceType
* organizationCode
* repairPoHeaderId
* demandClass
* lineNum
* supplySourceHeaderId
* parentDemandId
* reservationType
* srInstanceCode
* creationDate
* availableToMrp
* createdBy
* purchLineNum
* supplyOrderNumber
* deletedFlag
* lastUpdateDate
* supplySourceLineId
* srInstanceId
* order2InventoryItemId
* requestId
* revision
* lastUpdateLogin
* requirementDate
* itemName
* transactionId
* stTransactionId
* subinventory
* order2OrganizationId
* taskId
* taskNumber
* reservationFlag
* programUpdateDate


 * creationDate
* deletedFlag
* createdBy
* dataSourceType
* companyId
* srInstanceCode
* organizationCode
* organizationId
* srInstanceId
* toDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* refreshId
* messageId
* resourceCode
* stTransactionId
* lastUpdateDate
* programId
* capacityChange
* shiftNum
* companyName
* toTime
* simulationSet
* processFlag
* shiftName
* programUpdateDate
* actionType
* batchId
* requestId
* departmentCode
* fromDate
* resourceId
* lastUpdateLogin
* errorText
* departmentId
* fromTime
* programApplicationId


 * creationDate
* deletedFlag
* createdBy
* dataSourceType
* companyId
* srInstanceCode
* organizationCode
* organizationId
* srInstanceId
* toDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* refreshId
* messageId
* resourceCode
* stTransactionId
* lastUpdateDate
* programId
* capacityChange
* shiftNum
* companyName
* toTime
* simulationSet
* processFlag
* shiftName
* programUpdateDate
* actionType
* batchId
* requestId
* departmentCode
* fromDate
* resourceId
* lastUpdateLogin
* errorText
* departmentId
* fromTime
* programApplicationId


 * lastUpdateLogin
* departmentId
* lastUpdateDate
* programId
* chargeEndDatetime
* orgainzationCode
* messageId
* deletedFlag
* chargeQuantity
* alternateNum
* lastUpdatedBy
* stTransactionId
* operationSequenceId
* operationSeqNum
* routingName
* routingSequenceId
* companyName
* errorText
* dataSourceType
* srInstanceId
* creationDate
* createdBy
* refreshId
* resourceCode
* organizationId
* srInstanceCode
* requestId
* programApplicationId
* batchId
* resourceSeqNum
* chargeStartDatetime
* wipEntityName
* companyId
* chargeNumber
* operationSeqCode
* processFlag
* resourceId
* wipEntityId
* programUpdateDate


 * lastUpdateLogin
* departmentId
* lastUpdateDate
* programId
* chargeEndDatetime
* orgainzationCode
* messageId
* deletedFlag
* chargeQuantity
* alternateNum
* lastUpdatedBy
* stTransactionId
* operationSequenceId
* operationSeqNum
* routingName
* routingSequenceId
* companyName
* errorText
* dataSourceType
* srInstanceId
* creationDate
* createdBy
* refreshId
* resourceCode
* organizationId
* srInstanceCode
* requestId
* programApplicationId
* batchId
* resourceSeqNum
* chargeStartDatetime
* wipEntityName
* companyId
* chargeNumber
* operationSeqCode
* processFlag
* resourceId
* wipEntityId
* programUpdateDate


 * attribute5
* attribute2
* description
* meaning
* refreshId
* creationDate
* attribute10
* attribute9
* lastUpdateDate
* requestId
* programId
* srInstanceCode
* attribute11
* batchId
* stTransactionId
* enabledFlag
* groupCode
* attributeCategory
* attribute14
* processFlag
* createdBy
* attribute4
* attribute1
* attribute15
* attribute3
* toDate
* attribute8
* attribute7
* messageId
* companyName
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* srInstanceId
* dataSourceType
* attribute6
* fromDate
* deletedFlag
* errorText
* programApplicationId
* programUpdateDate
* attribute12
* attribute13


 * attribute5
* attribute2
* description
* meaning
* refreshId
* creationDate
* attribute10
* attribute9
* lastUpdateDate
* requestId
* programId
* srInstanceCode
* attribute11
* batchId
* stTransactionId
* enabledFlag
* groupCode
* attributeCategory
* attribute14
* processFlag
* createdBy
* attribute4
* attribute1
* attribute15
* attribute3
* toDate
* attribute8
* attribute7
* messageId
* companyName
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* srInstanceId
* dataSourceType
* attribute6
* fromDate
* deletedFlag
* errorText
* programApplicationId
* programUpdateDate
* attribute12
* attribute13


 * resourceId
* programUpdateDate
* operationDesc
* companyName
* version
* processFlag
* stTransactionId
* resourceCode
* creationDate
* refreshId
* programApplicationId
* setupDescription
* lastUpdateDate
* requestId
* messageId
* srInstanceId
* programId
* lastUpdatedBy
* srInstanceCode
* createdBy
* setupId
* deletedFlag
* companyId
* lastUpdateLogin
* dataSourceType
* organizationCode
* setupCode
* batchId
* organizationId
* errorText


 * resourceId
* programUpdateDate
* operationDesc
* companyName
* version
* processFlag
* stTransactionId
* resourceCode
* creationDate
* refreshId
* programApplicationId
* setupDescription
* lastUpdateDate
* requestId
* messageId
* srInstanceId
* programId
* lastUpdatedBy
* srInstanceCode
* createdBy
* setupId
* deletedFlag
* companyId
* lastUpdateLogin
* dataSourceType
* organizationCode
* setupCode
* batchId
* organizationId
* errorText


 * departmentCode
* shiftNum
* batchId
* programApplicationId
* resourceCode
* programId
* errorText
* programUpdateDate
* deletedFlag
* lastUpdatedBy
* refreshId
* stTransactionId
* dataSourceType
* srInstanceCode
* srInstanceId
* resourceId
* messageId
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* createdBy
* companyId
* capacityUnits
* lastUpdateDate
* requestId
* companyName
* shiftName
* organizationCode
* processFlag
* departmentId


 * departmentCode
* shiftNum
* batchId
* programApplicationId
* resourceCode
* programId
* errorText
* programUpdateDate
* deletedFlag
* lastUpdatedBy
* refreshId
* stTransactionId
* dataSourceType
* srInstanceCode
* srInstanceId
* resourceId
* messageId
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* createdBy
* companyId
* capacityUnits
* lastUpdateDate
* requestId
* companyName
* shiftName
* organizationCode
* processFlag
* departmentId


 * requestId
* cfmRoutingFlag
* creationDate
* lineId
* organizationCode
* sourceAssemblyItemId
* sourceRoutingSequenceId
* firstOpSeqNum
* sourceTaskId
* routingQuantity
* sourceCommonRoutingSeqId
* commonRoutingSequenceId
* companyId
* lastOperationSeqCode
* lineCode
* companyName
* taskId
* deletedFlag
* uomCode
* autoStepQtyFlag
* alternateBomDesignator
* routingType
* lastUpdatedBy
* commonRoutingName
* lastOpSeqNum
* routingName
* lastUpdateLogin
* taskNumber
* batchId
* refreshId
* alternateRoutingDesignator
* assemblyItemId
* srInstanceCode
* messageId
* projectId
* lastUpdateDate
* createdBy
* priority
* sourceProjectId
* sourceBillSequenceId
* projectNumber
* routingComment
* alternateRoutingDesignator#1
* completionSubinventory
* mixedModelMapFlag
* sourceOrganizationId
* srInstanceId
* completionLocatorId
* sourceLineId
* organizationId
* ctpFlag
* processFlag
* errorText
* billSequenceId
* assemblyName
* programApplicationId
* bomName
* programUpdateDate
* dataSourceType
* firstOperationSeqCode
* itemProcessCost
* routingSequenceId
* programId
* stTransactionId
* totalProductCycleTime


 * requestId
* cfmRoutingFlag
* creationDate
* lineId
* organizationCode
* sourceAssemblyItemId
* sourceRoutingSequenceId
* firstOpSeqNum
* sourceTaskId
* routingQuantity
* sourceCommonRoutingSeqId
* commonRoutingSequenceId
* companyId
* lastOperationSeqCode
* lineCode
* companyName
* taskId
* deletedFlag
* uomCode
* autoStepQtyFlag
* alternateBomDesignator
* routingType
* lastUpdatedBy
* commonRoutingName
* lastOpSeqNum
* routingName
* lastUpdateLogin
* taskNumber
* batchId
* refreshId
* alternateRoutingDesignator
* assemblyItemId
* srInstanceCode
* messageId
* projectId
* lastUpdateDate
* createdBy
* priority
* sourceProjectId
* sourceBillSequenceId
* projectNumber
* routingComment
* alternateRoutingDesignator#1
* completionSubinventory
* mixedModelMapFlag
* sourceOrganizationId
* srInstanceId
* completionLocatorId
* sourceLineId
* organizationId
* ctpFlag
* processFlag
* errorText
* billSequenceId
* assemblyName
* programApplicationId
* bomName
* programUpdateDate
* dataSourceType
* firstOperationSeqCode
* itemProcessCost
* routingSequenceId
* programId
* stTransactionId
* totalProductCycleTime


 * taskId
* lastUpdateLogin
* companyName
* organizationCode
* dataSourceType
* batchId
* projectId
* periodStartDate
* planningGroup
* safetyStockQuantity
* messageId
* programApplicationId
* srInstanceId
* itemName
* lastUpdatedBy
* processFlag
* projectNumber
* stTransactionId
* inventoryItemId
* deletedFlag
* itemTypeValue
* updated
* creationDate
* taskNumber
* createdBy
* itemTypeId
* srInstanceCode
* refreshId
* organizationId
* status
* programId
* errorText
* lastUpdateDate
* requestId
* programUpdateDate


 * taskId
* lastUpdateLogin
* companyName
* organizationCode
* dataSourceType
* batchId
* projectId
* periodStartDate
* planningGroup
* safetyStockQuantity
* messageId
* programApplicationId
* srInstanceId
* itemName
* lastUpdatedBy
* processFlag
* projectNumber
* stTransactionId
* inventoryItemId
* deletedFlag
* itemTypeValue
* updated
* creationDate
* taskNumber
* createdBy
* itemTypeId
* srInstanceCode
* refreshId
* organizationId
* status
* programId
* errorText
* lastUpdateDate
* requestId
* programUpdateDate


 * serialNumber
* attribute5
* userDefined8
* inventoryItemId
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute11
* publisherSiteId
* userDefined4
* lineId
* attribute7
* requestId
* attribute10
* attribute8
* parentHeaderId
* publisherId
* userDefined10
* userDefined5
* errMsg
* attribute15
* userDefined1
* attribute12
* userDefined7
* publisherSite
* context
* attribute2
* attribute13
* serialTxnId
* attachmentUrl
* userDefined2
* orderType
* createdBy
* publisherItemName
* userDefined9
* attribute3
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute14
* masterItemName
* syncIndicator
* userDefined6
* creationDate
* attribute4
* rowStatus
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute1
* attribute6
* attribute9
* userDefined3
* publisherCompany


 * serialNumber
* attribute5
* userDefined8
* inventoryItemId
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute11
* publisherSiteId
* userDefined4
* lineId
* attribute7
* requestId
* attribute10
* attribute8
* parentHeaderId
* publisherId
* userDefined10
* userDefined5
* errMsg
* attribute15
* userDefined1
* attribute12
* userDefined7
* publisherSite
* context
* attribute2
* attribute13
* serialTxnId
* attachmentUrl
* userDefined2
* orderType
* createdBy
* publisherItemName
* userDefined9
* attribute3
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute14
* masterItemName
* syncIndicator
* userDefined6
* creationDate
* attribute4
* rowStatus
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute1
* attribute6
* attribute9
* userDefined3
* publisherCompany


 * fromSetupId
* companyName
* standardOperationId
* errorText
* deletedFlag
* departmentCode
* resourceId
* srInstanceCode
* messageId
* lastUpdateLogin
* refreshId
* processFlag
* requestId
* companyId
* fromSetupCode
* dataSourceType
* toSetupCode
* srInstanceId
* creationDate
* transitionPenalty
* organizationId
* programApplicationId
* transitionUom
* lastUpdateDate
* batchId
* stTransactionId
* resourceCode
* programId
* lastUpdatedBy
* createdBy
* toSetupId
* standardOperationCode
* programUpdateDate
* transitionTime
* organizationCode


 * fromSetupId
* companyName
* standardOperationId
* errorText
* deletedFlag
* departmentCode
* resourceId
* srInstanceCode
* messageId
* lastUpdateLogin
* refreshId
* processFlag
* requestId
* companyId
* fromSetupCode
* dataSourceType
* toSetupCode
* srInstanceId
* creationDate
* transitionPenalty
* organizationId
* programApplicationId
* transitionUom
* lastUpdateDate
* batchId
* stTransactionId
* resourceCode
* programId
* lastUpdatedBy
* createdBy
* toSetupId
* standardOperationCode
* programUpdateDate
* transitionTime
* organizationCode


 * programApplicationId
* exceptionType
* createdBy
* deletedFlag
* dataSourceType
* programUpdateDate
* calendarCode
* creationDate
* errorText
* lastUpdateLogin
* srInstanceCode
* companyName
* lastUpdatedBy
* shiftNum
* exceptionDate
* messageId
* stTransactionId
* refreshId
* shiftName
* lastUpdateDate
* companyId
* processFlag
* requestId
* exceptionSetId
* programId
* srInstanceId


 * programApplicationId
* exceptionType
* createdBy
* deletedFlag
* dataSourceType
* programUpdateDate
* calendarCode
* creationDate
* errorText
* lastUpdateLogin
* srInstanceCode
* companyName
* lastUpdatedBy
* shiftNum
* exceptionDate
* messageId
* stTransactionId
* refreshId
* shiftName
* lastUpdateDate
* companyId
* processFlag
* requestId
* exceptionSetId
* programId
* srInstanceId


 * errorText
* lastUpdateDate
* srInstanceCode
* createdBy
* shiftNum
* dataSourceType
* programId
* companyId
* shiftName
* messageId
* calendarCode
* processFlag
* programUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* refreshId
* srInstanceId
* lastUpdatedBy
* stTransactionId
* deletedFlag
* companyName
* programApplicationId
* toTime
* creationDate
* fromTime
* requestId


 * errorText
* lastUpdateDate
* srInstanceCode
* createdBy
* shiftNum
* dataSourceType
* programId
* companyId
* shiftName
* messageId
* calendarCode
* processFlag
* programUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* refreshId
* srInstanceId
* lastUpdatedBy
* stTransactionId
* deletedFlag
* companyName
* programApplicationId
* toTime
* creationDate
* fromTime
* requestId


 * description
* deletedFlag
* organizationId
* refreshId
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdateDate
* srInstanceId
* useInWipFlag
* createdBy
* requestId
* programApplicationId
* programUpdateDate
* simulationSet
* lastUpdatedBy
* programId


 * description
* deletedFlag
* organizationId
* refreshId
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdateDate
* srInstanceId
* useInWipFlag
* createdBy
* requestId
* programApplicationId
* programUpdateDate
* simulationSet
* lastUpdatedBy
* programId


 * inventoryItemId
* customerName
* categoryName
* programId
* assignmentId
* assignmentSetId
* categorySetIdentifier
* programApplicationId
* srAssignmentId
* srInstanceId
* regionId
* shipToSiteId
* srAssignmentInstanceId
* sourcingRuleType
* creationDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* sourcingRuleId
* lastUpdateLogin
* location
* assignmentType
* organizationId
* partnerId
* programUpdateDate
* lastUpdateDate
* siteUseCode
* categoryId
* createdBy
* requestId
* refreshId
* deletedFlag
* categorySetName


 * inventoryItemId
* customerName
* categoryName
* programId
* assignmentId
* assignmentSetId
* categorySetIdentifier
* programApplicationId
* srAssignmentId
* srInstanceId
* regionId
* shipToSiteId
* srAssignmentInstanceId
* sourcingRuleType
* creationDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* sourcingRuleId
* lastUpdateLogin
* location
* assignmentType
* organizationId
* partnerId
* programUpdateDate
* lastUpdateDate
* siteUseCode
* categoryId
* createdBy
* requestId
* refreshId
* deletedFlag
* categorySetName


 * attributeCategory
* requestId
* attribute14
* lastUpdatedBy
* batchId
* attribute7
* messageId
* meaning
* lookupType
* programApplicationId
* enabledFlag
* processFlag
* attribute15
* attribute2
* attribute9
* stTransactionId
* srInstanceId
* dataSourceType
* attribute12
* srInstanceCode
* creationDate
* attribute8
* refreshId
* programId
* programUpdateDate
* description
* lastUpdateDate
* createdBy
* errorText
* deletedFlag
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute1
* attribute4
* lookupCode
* attribute13
* companyName
* attribute5
* attribute11
* attribute3
* attribute10
* toDate
* fromDate
* attribute6


 * attributeCategory
* requestId
* attribute14
* lastUpdatedBy
* batchId
* attribute7
* messageId
* meaning
* lookupType
* programApplicationId
* enabledFlag
* processFlag
* attribute15
* attribute2
* attribute9
* stTransactionId
* srInstanceId
* dataSourceType
* attribute12
* srInstanceCode
* creationDate
* attribute8
* refreshId
* programId
* programUpdateDate
* description
* lastUpdateDate
* createdBy
* errorText
* deletedFlag
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute1
* attribute4
* lookupCode
* attribute13
* companyName
* attribute5
* attribute11
* attribute3
* attribute10
* toDate
* fromDate
* attribute6


 * lastUpdateDate
* receiptPartnerId
* sourcingRuleId
* programUpdateDate
* receiptPartnerSiteId
* requestId
* srReceiptId
* effectiveDate
* receiptOrgInstanceId
* srInstanceId
* lastUpdatedBy
* deletedFlag
* disableDate
* programId
* srSrReceiptOrg
* lastUpdateLogin
* refreshId
* programApplicationId
* createdBy
* creationDate


 * lastUpdateDate
* receiptPartnerId
* sourcingRuleId
* programUpdateDate
* receiptPartnerSiteId
* requestId
* srReceiptId
* effectiveDate
* receiptOrgInstanceId
* srInstanceId
* lastUpdatedBy
* deletedFlag
* disableDate
* programId
* srSrReceiptOrg
* lastUpdateLogin
* refreshId
* programApplicationId
* createdBy
* creationDate


 * sourceOrgInstanceId
* srInstanceId
* programApplicationId
* rank
* programId
* sourceOrganizationId
* sourceType
* vendorSiteCode
* srSourceId
* programUpdateDate
* srSrSourceId
* allocationPercent
* deletedFlag
* vendorName
* creationDate
* sourcePartnerId
* lastUpdateLogin
* refreshId
* srReceiptId
* lastUpdateDate
* shipMethod
* sourcePartnerSiteId
* secondaryInventory
* createdBy
* requestId
* lastUpdatedBy


 * sourceOrgInstanceId
* srInstanceId
* programApplicationId
* rank
* programId
* sourceOrganizationId
* sourceType
* vendorSiteCode
* srSourceId
* programUpdateDate
* srSrSourceId
* allocationPercent
* deletedFlag
* vendorName
* creationDate
* sourcePartnerId
* lastUpdateLogin
* refreshId
* srReceiptId
* lastUpdateDate
* shipMethod
* sourcePartnerSiteId
* secondaryInventory
* createdBy
* requestId
* lastUpdatedBy


 * resourceCode
* creationDate
* resourceUsage
* resourceId
* createdBy
* departmentId
* substituteGroupNum
* organizationCode
* refreshId
* companyId
* errorText
* lastUpdateDate
* programId
* operationCode
* resourceSeqNum
* lastUpdatedBy
* resourceUnits
* companyName
* scheduleFlag
* srInstanceId
* programApplicationId
* messageId
* processFlag
* standardOperationId
* organizationId
* lastUpdateLogin
* batchId
* deletedFlag
* srInstanceCode
* resourceSeqCode
* standardOperationCode
* departmentCode
* basisType
* dataSourceType
* programUpdateDate
* uomCode
* requestId


 * resourceCode
* creationDate
* resourceUsage
* resourceId
* createdBy
* departmentId
* substituteGroupNum
* organizationCode
* refreshId
* companyId
* errorText
* lastUpdateDate
* programId
* operationCode
* resourceSeqNum
* lastUpdatedBy
* resourceUnits
* companyName
* scheduleFlag
* srInstanceId
* programApplicationId
* messageId
* processFlag
* standardOperationId
* organizationId
* lastUpdateLogin
* batchId
* deletedFlag
* srInstanceCode
* resourceSeqCode
* standardOperationCode
* departmentCode
* basisType
* dataSourceType
* programUpdateDate
* uomCode
* requestId


 * lastUpdatedBy
* disableDate
* dataSourceType
* srCustomerAcctId
* projectId
* nettingType
* deletedFlag
* srResourceName
* messageId
* srInstanceId
* description
* createdBy
* processFlag
* programId
* batchId
* taskNumber
* stTransactionId
* errorText
* creationDate
* companyName
* organizationCode
* inventoryAtpCode
* lastUpdateDate
* srInstanceCode
* refreshId
* organizationId
* projectNumber
* demandClass
* taskId
* programUpdateDate
* requestId
* companyId
* subInventoryCode
* conditionType
* programApplicationId
* lastUpdateLogin


 * lastUpdatedBy
* disableDate
* dataSourceType
* srCustomerAcctId
* projectId
* nettingType
* deletedFlag
* srResourceName
* messageId
* srInstanceId
* description
* createdBy
* processFlag
* programId
* batchId
* taskNumber
* stTransactionId
* errorText
* creationDate
* companyName
* organizationCode
* inventoryAtpCode
* lastUpdateDate
* srInstanceCode
* refreshId
* organizationId
* projectNumber
* demandClass
* taskId
* programUpdateDate
* requestId
* companyId
* subInventoryCode
* conditionType
* programApplicationId
* lastUpdateLogin


 * vendorSiteCode
* createdBy
* organizationCode
* deletedFlag
* companyId
* programUpdateDate
* organizationId
* batchId
* programApplicationId
* companyName
* srInstanceCode
* vendorName
* lastUpdateDate
* processFlag
* lastUpdatedBy
* supplierId
* creationDate
* refreshId
* bucketType
* rowStatus
* itemName
* dataSourceType
* stTransactionId
* inventoryItemId
* programId
* toDate
* supplierSiteId
* usingOrganizationId
* srInstanceId
* fromDate
* messageId
* capacity
* requestId
* errorText
* lastUpdateLogin


 * vendorSiteCode
* createdBy
* organizationCode
* deletedFlag
* companyId
* programUpdateDate
* organizationId
* batchId
* programApplicationId
* companyName
* srInstanceCode
* vendorName
* lastUpdateDate
* processFlag
* lastUpdatedBy
* supplierId
* creationDate
* refreshId
* bucketType
* rowStatus
* itemName
* dataSourceType
* stTransactionId
* inventoryItemId
* programId
* toDate
* supplierSiteId
* usingOrganizationId
* srInstanceId
* fromDate
* messageId
* capacity
* requestId
* errorText
* lastUpdateLogin


 * srInstanceId
* itemName
* stTransactionId
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* errorText
* supplierId
* usingOrganizationId
* dataSourceType
* batchId
* lastUpdateLogin
* fenceDays
* creationDate
* organizationCode
* processFlag
* companyName
* programUpdateDate
* srInstanceCode
* requestId
* programId
* refreshId
* programApplicationId
* supplierSiteId
* deletedFlag
* vendorSiteCode
* createdBy
* tolerancePercentage
* companyId
* messageId
* organizationId
* inventoryItemId
* vendorName


 * srInstanceId
* itemName
* stTransactionId
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* errorText
* supplierId
* usingOrganizationId
* dataSourceType
* batchId
* lastUpdateLogin
* fenceDays
* creationDate
* organizationCode
* processFlag
* companyName
* programUpdateDate
* srInstanceCode
* requestId
* programId
* refreshId
* programApplicationId
* supplierSiteId
* deletedFlag
* vendorSiteCode
* createdBy
* tolerancePercentage
* companyId
* messageId
* organizationId
* inventoryItemId
* vendorName


 * statusCode
* refreshId
* srInstanceId
* deletedFlag
* stopId
* tripId
* stopLocationId
* stopSequenceNumber
* plannedDepartureDate
* plannedArrivalDate


 * statusCode
* refreshId
* srInstanceId
* deletedFlag
* stopId
* tripId
* stopLocationId
* stopSequenceNumber
* plannedDepartureDate
* plannedArrivalDate


 * statusCode
* weightUom
* srInstanceId
* tripId
* name
* volumeCapacity
* volumeUom
* refreshId
* deletedFlag
* weightCapacity
* shipMethodCode
* plannedFlag


 * statusCode
* weightUom
* srInstanceId
* tripId
* name
* volumeCapacity
* volumeUom
* refreshId
* deletedFlag
* weightCapacity
* shipMethodCode
* plannedFlag


 * deletedFlag
* endItemId
* lastUpdateLogin
* masterOrganizationId
* createdBy
* programApplicationId
* programUpdateDate
* comments
* creationDate
* unitNumber
* refreshId
* programId
* requestId
* lastUpdateDate
* srInstanceId
* lastUpdatedBy


 * deletedFlag
* endItemId
* lastUpdateLogin
* masterOrganizationId
* createdBy
* programApplicationId
* programUpdateDate
* comments
* creationDate
* unitNumber
* refreshId
* programId
* requestId
* lastUpdateDate
* srInstanceId
* lastUpdatedBy


 * uomCode
* srInstanceId
* uomClass
* programId
* lastUpdateLogin
* companyName
* disableDate
* srInstanceCode
* description
* requestId
* refreshId
* createdBy
* baseUomFlag
* stTransactionId
* dataSourceType
* companyId
* batchId
* creationDate
* errorText
* unitOfMeasure
* lastUpdateDate
* programApplicationId
* processFlag
* deletedFlag
* lastUpdatedBy
* messageId
* programUpdateDate


 * uomCode
* srInstanceId
* uomClass
* programId
* lastUpdateLogin
* companyName
* disableDate
* srInstanceCode
* description
* requestId
* refreshId
* createdBy
* baseUomFlag
* stTransactionId
* dataSourceType
* companyId
* batchId
* creationDate
* errorText
* unitOfMeasure
* lastUpdateDate
* programApplicationId
* processFlag
* deletedFlag
* lastUpdatedBy
* messageId
* programUpdateDate


 * programId
* deletedFlag
* toUomClass
* lastUpdateDate
* inventoryItemId
* srInstanceId
* requestId
* srInstanceCode
* fromUomClass
* programUpdateDate
* processFlag
* organizationCode
* messageId
* toUnitOfMeasure
* lastUpdatedBy
* stTransactionId
* itemName
* lastUpdateLogin
* programApplicationId
* refreshId
* companyName
* dataSourceType
* organizationId
* companyId
* toUomCode
* errorText
* fromUnitOfMeasure
* conversionRate
* creationDate
* batchId
* fromUomCode
* disableDate
* createdBy


 * programId
* deletedFlag
* toUomClass
* lastUpdateDate
* inventoryItemId
* srInstanceId
* requestId
* srInstanceCode
* fromUomClass
* programUpdateDate
* processFlag
* organizationCode
* messageId
* toUnitOfMeasure
* lastUpdatedBy
* stTransactionId
* itemName
* lastUpdateLogin
* programApplicationId
* refreshId
* companyName
* dataSourceType
* organizationId
* companyId
* toUomCode
* errorText
* fromUnitOfMeasure
* conversionRate
* creationDate
* batchId
* fromUomCode
* disableDate
* createdBy


 * uomCode
* itemName
* errorText
* lastUpdateLogin
* programId
* unitOfMeasure
* companyName
* uomClass
* programApplicationId
* dataSourceType
* defaultConversionFlag
* refreshId
* deletedFlag
* requestId
* lastUpdatedBy
* creationDate
* srInstanceCode
* lastUpdateDate
* createdBy
* stTransactionId
* disableDate
* processFlag
* inventoryItemId
* companyId
* srInstanceId
* messageId
* conversionRate
* programUpdateDate
* organizationId
* batchId
* organizationCode


 * uomCode
* itemName
* errorText
* lastUpdateLogin
* programId
* unitOfMeasure
* companyName
* uomClass
* programApplicationId
* dataSourceType
* defaultConversionFlag
* refreshId
* deletedFlag
* requestId
* lastUpdatedBy
* creationDate
* srInstanceCode
* lastUpdateDate
* createdBy
* stTransactionId
* disableDate
* processFlag
* inventoryItemId
* companyId
* srInstanceId
* messageId
* conversionRate
* programUpdateDate
* organizationId
* batchId
* organizationCode


 * lastUpdateDate
* shiftNum
* seqNum
* dataSourceType
* requestId
* programUpdateDate
* errorText
* deletedFlag
* stTransactionId
* srInstanceCode
* createdBy
* refreshId
* messageId
* lastUpdateLogin
* processFlag
* daysOn
* companyId
* srInstanceId
* lastUpdatedBy
* programApplicationId
* companyName
* programId
* calendarCode
* daysOff
* creationDate
* description
* shiftName


 * lastUpdateDate
* shiftNum
* seqNum
* dataSourceType
* requestId
* programUpdateDate
* errorText
* deletedFlag
* stTransactionId
* srInstanceCode
* createdBy
* refreshId
* messageId
* lastUpdateLogin
* processFlag
* daysOn
* companyId
* srInstanceId
* lastUpdatedBy
* programApplicationId
* companyName
* programId
* calendarCode
* daysOff
* creationDate
* description
* shiftName


 * refreshNumber
* uomCode
* resourceUnits
* creationDate
* createdBy
* programId
* standardOperationId
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdateDate
* resourceSeqNum
* basisType
* requestId
* resourceId
* programApplicationId
* programUpdateDate
* substituteGroupNum
* operationCode
* departmentId
* srInstanceId
* organizationId
* planId
* scheduleFlag
* resourceUsage
* lastUpdatedBy


 * refreshNumber
* uomCode
* resourceUnits
* creationDate
* createdBy
* programId
* standardOperationId
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdateDate
* resourceSeqNum
* basisType
* requestId
* resourceId
* programApplicationId
* programUpdateDate
* substituteGroupNum
* operationCode
* departmentId
* srInstanceId
* organizationId
* planId
* scheduleFlag
* resourceUsage
* lastUpdatedBy


 * parentSeqNum
* tearDown
* programId
* totalResourceHours
* activityGroupId
* creationDate
* firmEndDate
* stepQuantityUom
* cummulativeQuantity
* earliestCompletionDate
* transactionId
* updated
* yield
* usageRate
* assignedUnits
* stdOpCode
* programUpdateDate
* wipEntityId
* principalFlag
* startDate
* applied
* origResourceSeqNum
* breakableActivityFlag
* minimumCapacity
* uepcd
* quantityWaitingToMove
* aggregateResourceId
* maximumCapacity
* operationSeqNum
* ulpsd
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* supplyType
* bktStartDate
* substResFlag
* operationSequenceId
* capacityConsumedRatio
* planId
* unbucketedStartDate
* earliestStartDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* maximumAssignedUnits
* supplyId
* routingSequenceId
* createdBy
* unbucketedEndDate
* organizationId
* fromSetupId
* stepQuantity
* srInstanceId
* status
* refreshNumber
* batchNumber
* eacd
* minimumTransferQuantity
* hoursExpended
* groupSequenceId
* actualStartDate
* resourceId
* bktEndDate
* quantityInQueue
* setUp
* quantityRunning
* touchTime
* setupId
* resourceSeqNum
* resourceHours
* programApplicationId
* quantityCompleted
* assemblyItemId
* departmentId
* endDate
* recordSource
* loadRate
* firmStartDate
* parentId
* requestId
* groupSequenceNumber
* scheduleFlag
* remainingCapacity
* overloadedCapacity
* basisType
* firmFlag
* reverseCumulativeYield
* unadjustedResourceHours
* dailyResourceHours
* uepsd
* scheduledDemandId
* sourceItemId
* ulpcd
* alternateNum
* jitEndDate


 * parentSeqNum
* tearDown
* programId
* totalResourceHours
* activityGroupId
* creationDate
* firmEndDate
* stepQuantityUom
* cummulativeQuantity
* earliestCompletionDate
* transactionId
* updated
* yield
* usageRate
* assignedUnits
* stdOpCode
* programUpdateDate
* wipEntityId
* principalFlag
* startDate
* applied
* origResourceSeqNum
* breakableActivityFlag
* minimumCapacity
* uepcd
* quantityWaitingToMove
* aggregateResourceId
* maximumCapacity
* operationSeqNum
* ulpsd
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* supplyType
* bktStartDate
* substResFlag
* operationSequenceId
* capacityConsumedRatio
* planId
* unbucketedStartDate
* earliestStartDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* maximumAssignedUnits
* supplyId
* routingSequenceId
* createdBy
* unbucketedEndDate
* organizationId
* fromSetupId
* stepQuantity
* srInstanceId
* status
* refreshNumber
* batchNumber
* eacd
* minimumTransferQuantity
* hoursExpended
* groupSequenceId
* actualStartDate
* resourceId
* bktEndDate
* quantityInQueue
* setUp
* quantityRunning
* touchTime
* setupId
* resourceSeqNum
* resourceHours
* programApplicationId
* quantityCompleted
* assemblyItemId
* departmentId
* endDate
* recordSource
* loadRate
* firmStartDate
* parentId
* requestId
* groupSequenceNumber
* scheduleFlag
* remainingCapacity
* overloadedCapacity
* basisType
* firmFlag
* reverseCumulativeYield
* unadjustedResourceHours
* dailyResourceHours
* uepsd
* scheduledDemandId
* sourceItemId
* ulpcd
* alternateNum
* jitEndDate


 * fromOrganizationId
* coproductsSupply
* intransitLeadTime
* routingSequenceId
* lastUnitStartDate
* wipEntityName
* implementDestOrgId
* earliestCompletionDate
* shipMethod
* rescheduleDays
* ulpsd
* volumeCapacityUsed
* rescheduleFlag
* oldDockDate
* lateSupplyQty
* sourceSupplierId
* expirationQuantity
* ulpcd
* schedulePriority
* qtyScrapped
* owningTpType
* oldFirmDate
* oldLastUnitCompletionDate
* sourceSrInstanceId
* quantityPerAssembly
* implementAlternateRouting
* loadFactorRate
* scoSupplyDate
* projectId
* implementDailyRate
* implementWipClassCode
* purchLineNum
* refreshNumber
* implementAlternateRouting#1
* implementAlternateBom#1
* implementLocationId
* poDistributionId
* customerId
* assetItemId
* lotNumber
* oldNewOrderQuantity
* implementScheduleGroupId
* scheduleGroupId
* poLineId
* eacd
* firmQuantity
* oldDailyRate
* implementProcessingDays
* promisedDate
* requestedCompletionDate
* implementDestInstId
* quantityInProcess
* processSeqId
* status
* acceptanceRequiredFlag
* newScheduleDate
* implementEmployeeId
* intransitCalendar
* implementLineId
* firmDate
* daysLate
* requestId
* alternateBomDesignator
* operationSeqNum
* expirationDate
* nonNettableQty
* implementBuildSequence
* lastUpdatedBy
* taskId
* releaseErrors
* unbucketedNewSchedDate
* newWipStartDate
* sourceItemId
* number1
* supplyIsShared
* implementProjectId
* deliveryPrice
* programApplicationId
* planningPartnerSiteId
* transactionId
* sourceSupplierSiteId
* supplierSiteId
* implementTaskId
* scheduledDemandId
* implementDate
* newShipDate
* implementShipMethod
* buildSequence
* implementJobName
* implementUnitNumber
* actualStartDate
* releaseStatus
* programUpdateDate
* oldShipDate
* shipToSiteId
* planningTpType
* quantityIssued
* unbucketedDemandDate
* needByDate
* demandClass
* oldQtyCompleted
* assetSerialNumber
* wipStatusCode
* scoSupplyFlag
* shipmentId
* implementQuantity
* implementedQuantity
* jobOpSeqNum
* oldFirstUnitStartDate
* wsmFaultyNetwork
* vmiFlag
* parentId
* billSequenceId
* oldNewScheduleDate
* dispositionStatusType
* implementSrInstanceId
* implementSupplierId
* newProcessingDays
* uepsd
* minStartDate
* oldScheduleDate
* recordSource
* implementUomCode
* updated
* originalQuantity
* alternateRoutingDesignator#1
* srInstanceId
* firstUnitCompletionDate
* orderNumber
* alternateRoutingDesignator
* newOrderQuantity
* loadType
* planId
* orderType
* implementAs
* creationDate
* dispositionId
* unitNumber
* lastUpdateDate
* revision
* jumpOpSeqNum
* srMtlSupplyId
* firmPlannedType
* weightCapacityUsed
* scheduleGroupName
* explosionDate
* inventoryItemId
* newOrderPlacementDate
* implementDockDate
* sourceOrganizationId
* implementAlternateBom
* oldWipStartDate
* expectedScrapQty
* implementDemandClass
* dailyRate
* programId
* sourceSupplyId
* planningGroup
* implementShipDate
* poLineLocationId
* uepcd
* origIntransitLeadTime
* alternateBomDesignator#1
* scheduleDesignatorId
* wipStartQuantity
* qtyCompleted
* requestedStartDate
* implementSupplierSiteId
* implementWipStartDate
* subinventoryCode
* topTransactionId
* origShipMethod
* scheduleCompressDays
* receivingCalendar
* orderLineNumber
* firstUnitStartDate
* oldOrderPlacementDate
* newDockDate
* endOrderLineNumber
* cfmRoutingFlag
* oldOrderQuantity
* implementSourceOrgId
* owningPartnerSiteId
* substItemFlag
* oldNeedByDate
* oldFirmQuantity
* lineId
* lastUpdateLogin
* implementFirm
* organizationId
* supplierId
* applied
* byProductUsingAssyId
* earliestStartDate
* originalNeedByDate
* shipCalendar
* endOrderNumber
* implementStatusCode
* wipSupplyType
* lastUnitCompletionDate
* createdBy
* lateSupplyDate


 * fromOrganizationId
* coproductsSupply
* intransitLeadTime
* routingSequenceId
* lastUnitStartDate
* wipEntityName
* implementDestOrgId
* earliestCompletionDate
* shipMethod
* rescheduleDays
* ulpsd
* volumeCapacityUsed
* rescheduleFlag
* oldDockDate
* lateSupplyQty
* sourceSupplierId
* expirationQuantity
* ulpcd
* schedulePriority
* qtyScrapped
* owningTpType
* oldFirmDate
* oldLastUnitCompletionDate
* sourceSrInstanceId
* quantityPerAssembly
* implementAlternateRouting
* loadFactorRate
* scoSupplyDate
* projectId
* implementDailyRate
* implementWipClassCode
* purchLineNum
* refreshNumber
* implementAlternateRouting#1
* implementAlternateBom#1
* implementLocationId
* poDistributionId
* customerId
* assetItemId
* lotNumber
* oldNewOrderQuantity
* implementScheduleGroupId
* scheduleGroupId
* poLineId
* eacd
* firmQuantity
* oldDailyRate
* implementProcessingDays
* promisedDate
* requestedCompletionDate
* implementDestInstId
* quantityInProcess
* processSeqId
* status
* acceptanceRequiredFlag
* newScheduleDate
* implementEmployeeId
* intransitCalendar
* implementLineId
* firmDate
* daysLate
* requestId
* alternateBomDesignator
* operationSeqNum
* expirationDate
* nonNettableQty
* implementBuildSequence
* lastUpdatedBy
* taskId
* releaseErrors
* unbucketedNewSchedDate
* newWipStartDate
* sourceItemId
* number1
* supplyIsShared
* implementProjectId
* deliveryPrice
* programApplicationId
* planningPartnerSiteId
* transactionId
* sourceSupplierSiteId
* supplierSiteId
* implementTaskId
* scheduledDemandId
* implementDate
* newShipDate
* implementShipMethod
* buildSequence
* implementJobName
* implementUnitNumber
* actualStartDate
* releaseStatus
* programUpdateDate
* oldShipDate
* shipToSiteId
* planningTpType
* quantityIssued
* unbucketedDemandDate
* needByDate
* demandClass
* oldQtyCompleted
* assetSerialNumber
* wipStatusCode
* scoSupplyFlag
* shipmentId
* implementQuantity
* implementedQuantity
* jobOpSeqNum
* oldFirstUnitStartDate
* wsmFaultyNetwork
* vmiFlag
* parentId
* billSequenceId
* oldNewScheduleDate
* dispositionStatusType
* implementSrInstanceId
* implementSupplierId
* newProcessingDays
* uepsd
* minStartDate
* oldScheduleDate
* recordSource
* implementUomCode
* updated
* originalQuantity
* alternateRoutingDesignator#1
* srInstanceId
* firstUnitCompletionDate
* orderNumber
* alternateRoutingDesignator
* newOrderQuantity
* loadType
* planId
* orderType
* implementAs
* creationDate
* dispositionId
* unitNumber
* lastUpdateDate
* revision
* jumpOpSeqNum
* srMtlSupplyId
* firmPlannedType
* weightCapacityUsed
* scheduleGroupName
* explosionDate
* inventoryItemId
* newOrderPlacementDate
* implementDockDate
* sourceOrganizationId
* implementAlternateBom
* oldWipStartDate
* expectedScrapQty
* implementDemandClass
* dailyRate
* programId
* sourceSupplyId
* planningGroup
* implementShipDate
* poLineLocationId
* uepcd
* origIntransitLeadTime
* alternateBomDesignator#1
* scheduleDesignatorId
* wipStartQuantity
* qtyCompleted
* requestedStartDate
* implementSupplierSiteId
* implementWipStartDate
* subinventoryCode
* topTransactionId
* origShipMethod
* scheduleCompressDays
* receivingCalendar
* orderLineNumber
* firstUnitStartDate
* oldOrderPlacementDate
* newDockDate
* endOrderLineNumber
* cfmRoutingFlag
* oldOrderQuantity
* implementSourceOrgId
* owningPartnerSiteId
* substItemFlag
* oldNeedByDate
* oldFirmQuantity
* lineId
* lastUpdateLogin
* implementFirm
* organizationId
* supplierId
* applied
* byProductUsingAssyId
* earliestStartDate
* originalNeedByDate
* shipCalendar
* endOrderNumber
* implementStatusCode
* wipSupplyType
* lastUnitCompletionDate
* createdBy
* lateSupplyDate


 * createdBy
* programId
* includeNonNettable
* attribute7
* organizationId
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute8
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute3
* programUpdateDate
* programApplicationId
* refreshNumber
* inventoryAtpCode
* lastUpdateDate
* srInstanceId
* attribute6
* attribute11
* attribute14
* attribute2
* attribute12
* planId
* attributeCategory
* attribute5
* creationDate
* description
* attribute13
* attribute15
* nettingType
* subInventoryCode
* attribute1
* attribute4
* requestId
* attribute10
* srResourceName
* srCustomerAcctId
* conditionType
* attribute9


 * createdBy
* programId
* includeNonNettable
* attribute7
* organizationId
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute8
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute3
* programUpdateDate
* programApplicationId
* refreshNumber
* inventoryAtpCode
* lastUpdateDate
* srInstanceId
* attribute6
* attribute11
* attribute14
* attribute2
* attribute12
* planId
* attributeCategory
* attribute5
* creationDate
* description
* attribute13
* attribute15
* nettingType
* subInventoryCode
* attribute1
* attribute4
* requestId
* attribute10
* srResourceName
* srCustomerAcctId
* conditionType
* attribute9


 * programId
* attribute9
* programUpdateDate
* requestId
* attributeCategory
* attribute8
* subsetDesignatorId
* creationDate
* attribute4
* attribute3
* refreshNumber
* organizationId
* createdBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute10
* attribute1
* lastUpdatedBy
* programApplicationId
* attribute7
* attribute12
* departmentId
* attribute13
* attribute2
* attribute6
* resourceId
* srInstanceId
* attribute15
* attribute11
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute5
* attribute14


 * programId
* attribute9
* programUpdateDate
* requestId
* attributeCategory
* attribute8
* subsetDesignatorId
* creationDate
* attribute4
* attribute3
* refreshNumber
* organizationId
* createdBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute10
* attribute1
* lastUpdatedBy
* programApplicationId
* attribute7
* attribute12
* departmentId
* attribute13
* attribute2
* attribute6
* resourceId
* srInstanceId
* attribute15
* attribute11
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute5
* attribute14


 * attribute8
* creationDate
* attribute10
* attribute7
* lastUpdateLogin
* programId
* attribute2
* refreshNumber
* srInstanceId
* organizationId
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateDate
* name
* description
* requestId
* attribute3
* attribute13
* attribute1
* programApplicationId
* createdBy
* attribute14
* subsetDesignatorId
* attribute6
* attributeCategory
* attribute11
* attribute12
* programUpdateDate
* attribute4
* attribute5
* attribute9
* attribute15


 * attribute8
* creationDate
* attribute10
* attribute7
* lastUpdateLogin
* programId
* attribute2
* refreshNumber
* srInstanceId
* organizationId
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateDate
* name
* description
* requestId
* attribute3
* attribute13
* attribute1
* programApplicationId
* createdBy
* attribute14
* subsetDesignatorId
* attribute6
* attributeCategory
* attribute11
* attribute12
* programUpdateDate
* attribute4
* attribute5
* attribute9
* attribute15


 * categoryId
* attribute3
* attribute7
* subscriberAddressId
* keyDate
* postingPartyId
* customerSiteId
* shipDate
* endOrderLineNumber
* publisherName
* projectNumber
* shippingControlCode
* billOfLadingNumber
* plannerCode
* assemblyItemId
* endOrderPublisherName
* tradingPartnerItemName
* productionSequence
* supplierItemDescription
* totalPrimaryQuantity
* promisedDate
* attribute8
* bucketTypeDesc
* customerSiteName
* endOrderType
* attribute11
* endDate
* supplierName
* originalPromisedDate
* primaryUom
* transactionId
* baseItemId
* attribute1
* attribute10
* releaseStatus
* lastUpdateLogin
* postingPartyName
* plannedWipStartDate
* attribute13
* ownerItemDescription
* sourceDeliveryId
* subscriberOrgId
* number1
* publisherAddressId
* ownerItemName
* publisherOrgId
* totalTpQuantity
* publisherAddress
* srDeliveryStatusCode
* tpItemDescription
* wipStartDate
* requestId
* linkTransId
* publisherSiteId
* subinventoryCode
* containerType
* attribute6
* receiptDate
* supplierItemName
* endOrderPublisherId
* shipToPartySiteName
* bucketType
* context
* endOrderTypeDesc
* itemDescription
* vmiFlag
* designator
* endAssemblyItemName
* attribute9
* newOrderPlacementDate
* attribute4
* seqPlanCompletionFlag
* startDate
* shipFromPartySiteId
* averageAnnualDemand
* refLineId
* version
* creationDate
* refHeaderId
* responseNumber
* inventoryItemId
* endOrderRelNumber
* newScheduleDate
* endOrderPublisherSiteId
* publisherItemName
* tpOrderType
* shippingControl
* shipFromPartyAddressId
* vehicleNumber
* tpUomCode
* attribute14
* inputPlanId
* categoryName
* pubItemDescription
* shipFromAddress
* itemName
* newShipDate
* attachmentUrl
* programUpdateDate
* internalFlag
* shipToPartyId
* shipToPartyAddressId
* customerItemName
* documentNumber
* containerQty
* planId
* comments
* inventoryStatus
* promiseShipDate
* tpOrderTypeDesc
* shipFromPartySiteName
* shipMethod
* supplierAddress
* carrierCode
* customerItemDescription
* pubItemDescriptiion
* uomCode
* totalQuantity
* demandClass
* newScheduleEndDate
* plannedWipEndDate
* tpQuantity
* supplierId
* quantityInProcess
* planningGroup
* lastRefreshNumber
* owningSiteName
* publisherOrderTypeDesc
* supplierSiteId
* shipToPartyName
* needByDate
* baseItemName
* srInstanceId
* supplierSiteName
* shipToAddress
* lastUpdateDate
* acceptanceRequiredFlag
* owningSiteId
* shipFromPartyName
* publisherOrderType
* attribute15
* attribute2
* quantity
* shipToPartySiteId
* ackFlag
* shipFromPartyId
* endOrderNumber
* programId
* endOrderPublisherSiteName
* implementedQuantity
* lineCode
* lastUpdatedBy
* newDockDate
* customerId
* customerName
* taskNumber
* wipEndDate
* lineNumber
* trackingNumber
* primaryQuantity
* attribute5
* releaseNumber
* serialNumber
* customerAddress
* createdBy
* programApplicationId
* publisherId
* unitNumber
* publisherSiteName
* orderNumber
* attribute12
* processedFlag
* requestDate


 * categoryId
* attribute3
* attribute7
* subscriberAddressId
* keyDate
* postingPartyId
* customerSiteId
* shipDate
* endOrderLineNumber
* publisherName
* projectNumber
* shippingControlCode
* billOfLadingNumber
* plannerCode
* assemblyItemId
* endOrderPublisherName
* tradingPartnerItemName
* productionSequence
* supplierItemDescription
* totalPrimaryQuantity
* promisedDate
* attribute8
* bucketTypeDesc
* customerSiteName
* endOrderType
* attribute11
* endDate
* supplierName
* originalPromisedDate
* primaryUom
* transactionId
* baseItemId
* attribute1
* attribute10
* releaseStatus
* lastUpdateLogin
* postingPartyName
* plannedWipStartDate
* attribute13
* ownerItemDescription
* sourceDeliveryId
* subscriberOrgId
* number1
* publisherAddressId
* ownerItemName
* publisherOrgId
* totalTpQuantity
* publisherAddress
* srDeliveryStatusCode
* tpItemDescription
* wipStartDate
* requestId
* linkTransId
* publisherSiteId
* subinventoryCode
* containerType
* attribute6
* receiptDate
* supplierItemName
* endOrderPublisherId
* shipToPartySiteName
* bucketType
* context
* endOrderTypeDesc
* itemDescription
* vmiFlag
* designator
* endAssemblyItemName
* attribute9
* newOrderPlacementDate
* attribute4
* seqPlanCompletionFlag
* startDate
* shipFromPartySiteId
* averageAnnualDemand
* refLineId
* version
* creationDate
* refHeaderId
* responseNumber
* inventoryItemId
* endOrderRelNumber
* newScheduleDate
* endOrderPublisherSiteId
* publisherItemName
* tpOrderType
* shippingControl
* shipFromPartyAddressId
* vehicleNumber
* tpUomCode
* attribute14
* inputPlanId
* categoryName
* pubItemDescription
* shipFromAddress
* itemName
* newShipDate
* attachmentUrl
* programUpdateDate
* internalFlag
* shipToPartyId
* shipToPartyAddressId
* customerItemName
* documentNumber
* containerQty
* planId
* comments
* inventoryStatus
* promiseShipDate
* tpOrderTypeDesc
* shipFromPartySiteName
* shipMethod
* supplierAddress
* carrierCode
* customerItemDescription
* pubItemDescriptiion
* uomCode
* totalQuantity
* demandClass
* newScheduleEndDate
* plannedWipEndDate
* tpQuantity
* supplierId
* quantityInProcess
* planningGroup
* lastRefreshNumber
* owningSiteName
* publisherOrderTypeDesc
* supplierSiteId
* shipToPartyName
* needByDate
* baseItemName
* srInstanceId
* supplierSiteName
* shipToAddress
* lastUpdateDate
* acceptanceRequiredFlag
* owningSiteId
* shipFromPartyName
* publisherOrderType
* attribute15
* attribute2
* quantity
* shipToPartySiteId
* ackFlag
* shipFromPartyId
* endOrderNumber
* programId
* endOrderPublisherSiteName
* implementedQuantity
* lineCode
* lastUpdatedBy
* newDockDate
* customerId
* customerName
* taskNumber
* wipEndDate
* lineNumber
* trackingNumber
* primaryQuantity
* attribute5
* releaseNumber
* serialNumber
* customerAddress
* createdBy
* programApplicationId
* publisherId
* unitNumber
* publisherSiteName
* orderNumber
* attribute12
* processedFlag
* requestDate


 * wipEndDateNew
* shipDateOld
* planId
* publisherItemName
* ownerItemDescription
* orderNumber
* lineNumber
* commentsNew
* publisherOrderType
* keyDateOld
* plannedWipStartDateOld
* lastUpdatedBy
* endOrderNumber
* publisherOrderTypeDesc
* transactionId
* bucketTypeNew
* newOrderPlacementDateNew
* wipEndDateOld
* newScheduleDateNew
* receiptDateOld
* requestDateNew
* itemDescription
* endOrderRelNumber
* useForComparison
* keyDateNew
* newOrderPlacementDateOld
* customerItemDescription
* ownerItemName
* publisherName
* supplierSiteName
* tradingPartnerItemName
* historyId
* newScheduleDateOld
* bucketTypeOld
* plannedWipEndDateOld
* dmltype
* originalPromisedDateOld
* customerName
* commentsOld
* lastRefreshNumberNew
* customerSiteName
* designatorOld
* receiptDateNew
* plannedWipEndDateNew
* wipStartDateNew
* quantityOld
* supplierItemName
* itemName
* supplierName
* plannedWipStartDateNew
* publisherSiteName
* releaseNumber
* versionOld
* shipDateNew
* designatorNew
* wipStartDateOld
* tpItemDescription
* quantityNew
* originalPromisedDateNew
* lastRefreshNumberOld
* supplierItemDescription
* versionNew
* customerItemName
* endOrderLineNumber
* pubItemDescription
* lastUpdateDate
* requestDateOld


 * wipEndDateNew
* shipDateOld
* planId
* publisherItemName
* ownerItemDescription
* orderNumber
* lineNumber
* commentsNew
* publisherOrderType
* keyDateOld
* plannedWipStartDateOld
* lastUpdatedBy
* endOrderNumber
* publisherOrderTypeDesc
* transactionId
* bucketTypeNew
* newOrderPlacementDateNew
* wipEndDateOld
* newScheduleDateNew
* receiptDateOld
* requestDateNew
* itemDescription
* endOrderRelNumber
* useForComparison
* keyDateNew
* newOrderPlacementDateOld
* customerItemDescription
* ownerItemName
* publisherName
* supplierSiteName
* tradingPartnerItemName
* historyId
* newScheduleDateOld
* bucketTypeOld
* plannedWipEndDateOld
* dmltype
* originalPromisedDateOld
* customerName
* commentsOld
* lastRefreshNumberNew
* customerSiteName
* designatorOld
* receiptDateNew
* plannedWipEndDateNew
* wipStartDateNew
* quantityOld
* supplierItemName
* itemName
* supplierName
* plannedWipStartDateNew
* publisherSiteName
* releaseNumber
* versionOld
* shipDateNew
* designatorNew
* wipStartDateOld
* tpItemDescription
* quantityNew
* originalPromisedDateNew
* lastRefreshNumberOld
* supplierItemDescription
* versionNew
* customerItemName
* endOrderLineNumber
* pubItemDescription
* lastUpdateDate
* requestDateOld


 * quantity
* uom
* bucketType
* attribute5
* orderIdentifier
* newOrderPlacementDate
* context
* endOrderType
* shipToPartyName
* refLineId
* itemName
* shipFromPartyName
* attribute9
* inventoryItemId
* containerType
* attribute13
* attribute4
* customerAddress
* requestDate
* newDockDate
* wipStartDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* syncIndicator
* attribute15
* version
* containerQty
* attribute6
* attachmentUrl
* supplierSite
* vehicleNumber
* attribute10
* rowStatus
* orderType
* publisherAddress
* endDate
* subscribersXrefName
* lineNumber
* carrierCode
* attribute8
* refReleaseNumber
* billOfLadingNumber
* serialNumber
* shipDate
* shipFromPartySite
* peggingOrderIdentifier
* createdBy
* attribute7
* customerItemName
* publisherSiteId
* programApplicationId
* attribute11
* documentNumber
* shipToAddress
* publisherCompany
* lineId
* keyDate
* originalPromisedDate
* shipToPartySite
* releaseNumber
* vmiFlag
* supplierAddress
* newShipDate
* wipEndDate
* errMsg
* creationDate
* attribute2
* startDate
* shipToPartyAddress
* receiptDate
* shippingControl
* programUpdateDate
* supplierItemName
* lastUpdatedBy
* subscriberAddress
* refHeaderId
* designator
* newScheduleDate
* responseNumber
* postingPartyName
* requestId
* demandClass
* customerSite
* programId
* lastUpdateDate
* publisherSite
* parentHeaderId
* attribute12
* ownerItemName
* shipFromPartyAddress
* endOrderPublisherSite
* comments
* endOrderPublisherName
* supplierCompany
* customerCompany
* subinventoryCode
* trackingNumber
* refLineNumber
* attribute1
* attribute3
* attribute14
* keyEndDate
* newScheduleEndDate


 * quantity
* uom
* bucketType
* attribute5
* orderIdentifier
* newOrderPlacementDate
* context
* endOrderType
* shipToPartyName
* refLineId
* itemName
* shipFromPartyName
* attribute9
* inventoryItemId
* containerType
* attribute13
* attribute4
* customerAddress
* requestDate
* newDockDate
* wipStartDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* syncIndicator
* attribute15
* version
* containerQty
* attribute6
* attachmentUrl
* supplierSite
* vehicleNumber
* attribute10
* rowStatus
* orderType
* publisherAddress
* endDate
* subscribersXrefName
* lineNumber
* carrierCode
* attribute8
* refReleaseNumber
* billOfLadingNumber
* serialNumber
* shipDate
* shipFromPartySite
* peggingOrderIdentifier
* createdBy
* attribute7
* customerItemName
* publisherSiteId
* programApplicationId
* attribute11
* documentNumber
* shipToAddress
* publisherCompany
* lineId
* keyDate
* originalPromisedDate
* shipToPartySite
* releaseNumber
* vmiFlag
* supplierAddress
* newShipDate
* wipEndDate
* errMsg
* creationDate
* attribute2
* startDate
* shipToPartyAddress
* receiptDate
* shippingControl
* programUpdateDate
* supplierItemName
* lastUpdatedBy
* subscriberAddress
* refHeaderId
* designator
* newScheduleDate
* responseNumber
* postingPartyName
* requestId
* demandClass
* customerSite
* programId
* lastUpdateDate
* publisherSite
* parentHeaderId
* attribute12
* ownerItemName
* shipFromPartyAddress
* endOrderPublisherSite
* comments
* endOrderPublisherName
* supplierCompany
* customerCompany
* subinventoryCode
* trackingNumber
* refLineNumber
* attribute1
* attribute3
* attribute14
* keyEndDate
* newScheduleEndDate


 * fromDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute12
* attributeCategory
* attribute13
* status
* programId
* attribute8
* newPlanId
* attribute11
* attribute4
* newPlanList
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute5
* programApplicationId
* attribute6
* collectedFlag
* planId
* srInstanceId
* attribute3
* supplierId
* lastUpdatedBy
* simulationSetId
* applied
* programUpdateDate
* attribute1
* attribute10
* creationDate
* requestId
* inventoryItemId
* supplierSiteId
* capacity
* createdBy
* attribute7
* refreshNumber
* toDate
* transactionId
* organizationId
* attribute15
* usingOrganizationId
* attribute9
* attribute2
* parentId
* attribute14


 * fromDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute12
* attributeCategory
* attribute13
* status
* programId
* attribute8
* newPlanId
* attribute11
* attribute4
* newPlanList
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute5
* programApplicationId
* attribute6
* collectedFlag
* planId
* srInstanceId
* attribute3
* supplierId
* lastUpdatedBy
* simulationSetId
* applied
* programUpdateDate
* attribute1
* attribute10
* creationDate
* requestId
* inventoryItemId
* supplierSiteId
* capacity
* createdBy
* attribute7
* refreshNumber
* toDate
* transactionId
* organizationId
* attribute15
* usingOrganizationId
* attribute9
* attribute2
* parentId
* attribute14


 * supplierId
* usingOrganizationId
* attribute12
* createdBy
* attribute7
* attributeCategory
* inventoryItemId
* attribute11
* transactionId
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute5
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute4
* attribute15
* supplierSiteId
* attribute8
* attribute9
* programId
* programApplicationId
* fenceDays
* requestId
* attribute3
* attribute6
* collectedFlag
* srInstanceId
* attribute2
* planId
* refreshNumber
* parentId
* attribute10
* attribute13
* applied
* organizationId
* status
* attribute1
* attribute14
* tolerancePercentage
* lastUpdatedBy
* programUpdateDate
* creationDate


 * supplierId
* usingOrganizationId
* attribute12
* createdBy
* attribute7
* attributeCategory
* inventoryItemId
* attribute11
* transactionId
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute5
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute4
* attribute15
* supplierSiteId
* attribute8
* attribute9
* programId
* programApplicationId
* fenceDays
* requestId
* attribute3
* attribute6
* collectedFlag
* srInstanceId
* attribute2
* planId
* refreshNumber
* parentId
* attribute10
* attribute13
* applied
* organizationId
* status
* attribute1
* attribute14
* tolerancePercentage
* lastUpdatedBy
* programUpdateDate
* creationDate


 * createdBy
* supplierSiteId
* creationDate
* lateness
* supplierId
* lastUpdateLogin
* leadtimeVariability
* srInstanceId
* requestId
* lastUpdatedBy
* planId
* inventoryItemId
* srInstanceId2
* transactionId
* probability
* organizationId
* lastUpdateDate


 * createdBy
* supplierSiteId
* creationDate
* lateness
* supplierId
* lastUpdateLogin
* leadtimeVariability
* srInstanceId
* requestId
* lastUpdatedBy
* planId
* inventoryItemId
* srInstanceId2
* transactionId
* probability
* organizationId
* lastUpdateDate


 * lastUpdateDate
* selectedFlag
* itemTypeValue
* organizationId
* orderType
* createdBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* srInstanceId
* createdDate
* planId
* lastUpdatedBy


 * lastUpdateDate
* selectedFlag
* itemTypeValue
* organizationId
* orderType
* createdBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* srInstanceId
* createdDate
* planId
* lastUpdatedBy


 * partnerType
* tpId
* srCustAccountNumber
* srTpId
* srInstanceId
* srCompanyId
* resourceType
* aggregateDemandFlag


 * partnerType
* tpId
* srCustAccountNumber
* srTpId
* srInstanceId
* srCompanyId
* resourceType
* aggregateDemandFlag


 * partnerType
* srCompanyId
* locationId
* srCustAcctId
* srTpSiteId
* tpSiteId
* operatingUnit
* srInstanceId


 * partnerType
* srCompanyId
* locationId
* srCustAcctId
* srTpSiteId
* tpSiteId
* operatingUnit
* srInstanceId


 * creationDate
* lastUpdateDate
* mapId
* companyKey
* createdBy
* mapType
* tpKey
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin


 * creationDate
* lastUpdateDate
* mapId
* companyKey
* createdBy
* mapType
* tpKey
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin


 * srTpSiteId
* attribute9
* longitude
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute15
* partnerAddress
* state
* lastUpdatedBy
* programApplicationId
* attribute10
* attribute5
* attribute7
* programId
* partnerType
* createdBy
* shippingControl
* attribute11
* srInstanceId
* partnerSiteId
* attribute6
* partnerId
* attribute2
* attribute12
* country
* location
* deletedFlag
* postalCode
* attribute4
* srTpId
* tpSiteCode
* lastUpdateDate
* operatingUnitName
* city
* attribute14
* attribute3
* attribute1
* requestId
* attribute13
* latitude
* refreshNumber
* creationDate
* programUpdateDate
* attributeCategory


 * srTpSiteId
* attribute9
* longitude
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute15
* partnerAddress
* state
* lastUpdatedBy
* programApplicationId
* attribute10
* attribute5
* attribute7
* programId
* partnerType
* createdBy
* shippingControl
* attribute11
* srInstanceId
* partnerSiteId
* attribute6
* partnerId
* attribute2
* attribute12
* country
* location
* deletedFlag
* postalCode
* attribute4
* srTpId
* tpSiteCode
* lastUpdateDate
* operatingUnitName
* city
* attribute14
* attribute3
* attribute1
* requestId
* attribute13
* latitude
* refreshNumber
* creationDate
* programUpdateDate
* attributeCategory


 * modeledSupplierId
* requestId
* expenseAccount
* refreshNumber
* attribute9
* modeledCustomerSiteId
* resourceCapOverutilCost
* customerType
* attribute13
* inheritPhantomOpSeq
* defaultDemandClass
* partnerType
* lastUpdatedBy
* orgSupplierMapped
* calendarCode
* maximumVolume
* weightUom
* transportCapOverUtilCost
* attribute8
* acceptDemandsFromUnmetPo
* operatingUnitName
* demandLatenessCost
* attribute2
* modeledSupplierSiteId
* subcontractingSourceOrg
* attribute12
* projectControlLevel
* attributeCategory
* inheritOcOpSeqNum
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute6
* lastUpdateDate
* srSetOfBooksId
* usePhantomRoutings
* createdBy
* attribute14
* legalEntityName
* serviceLevel
* supplierCapOverutilCost
* srTpId
* programUpdateDate
* programId
* organizationCode
* partnerName
* attribute15
* operatingUnit
* attribute3
* srInstanceId
* attribute11
* partnerId
* disableDate
* srChartOfAccountsId
* attribute10
* volumeUom
* srLegalEntity
* customerClassCode
* sourceOrgId
* modeledCustomerId
* partnerNumber
* attribute4
* attribute1
* currencyCode
* calendarExceptionSetId
* attribute7
* businessGroupName
* programApplicationId
* maximumWeight
* status
* projectReferenceEnabled
* attribute5
* materialAccount
* srBusinessGroupId
* creationDate
* companyId
* defaultAtpRuleId
* organizationType
* masterOrganization


 * modeledSupplierId
* requestId
* expenseAccount
* refreshNumber
* attribute9
* modeledCustomerSiteId
* resourceCapOverutilCost
* customerType
* attribute13
* inheritPhantomOpSeq
* defaultDemandClass
* partnerType
* lastUpdatedBy
* orgSupplierMapped
* calendarCode
* maximumVolume
* weightUom
* transportCapOverUtilCost
* attribute8
* acceptDemandsFromUnmetPo
* operatingUnitName
* demandLatenessCost
* attribute2
* modeledSupplierSiteId
* subcontractingSourceOrg
* attribute12
* projectControlLevel
* attributeCategory
* inheritOcOpSeqNum
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute6
* lastUpdateDate
* srSetOfBooksId
* usePhantomRoutings
* createdBy
* attribute14
* legalEntityName
* serviceLevel
* supplierCapOverutilCost
* srTpId
* programUpdateDate
* programId
* organizationCode
* partnerName
* attribute15
* operatingUnit
* attribute3
* srInstanceId
* attribute11
* partnerId
* disableDate
* srChartOfAccountsId
* attribute10
* volumeUom
* srLegalEntity
* customerClassCode
* sourceOrgId
* modeledCustomerId
* partnerNumber
* attribute4
* attribute1
* currencyCode
* calendarExceptionSetId
* attribute7
* businessGroupName
* programApplicationId
* maximumWeight
* status
* projectReferenceEnabled
* attribute5
* materialAccount
* srBusinessGroupId
* creationDate
* companyId
* defaultAtpRuleId
* organizationType
* masterOrganization


 * msgNum
* metadataObject
* msgText
* langId


 * msgNum
* metadataObject
* msgText
* langId


 * creationDate
* ebsSrInstanceId
* orderType
* lastUpdateDate
* otmReleaseGid
* lastUpdateLogin
* otmDomainName
* poLineLocationId
* otmReleaseLineGid
* updatedArrivalDate
* createdBy
* updatedDueDate
* wshDeliveryDetailId
* transUpdateId
* lastUpdatedBy
* poLineId


 * creationDate
* ebsSrInstanceId
* orderType
* lastUpdateDate
* otmReleaseGid
* lastUpdateLogin
* otmDomainName
* poLineLocationId
* otmReleaseLineGid
* updatedArrivalDate
* createdBy
* updatedDueDate
* wshDeliveryDetailId
* transUpdateId
* lastUpdatedBy
* poLineId


 * creationDate
* srInstanceId
* stopLocationId
* lastUpdateLogin
* createdBy
* lastUpdatedBy
* plannedArrivalDate
* plannedDepartureDate
* stopId
* refreshNumber
* tripId
* planId
* statusCode
* lastUpdateDate
* stopSequenceNumber


 * creationDate
* srInstanceId
* stopLocationId
* lastUpdateLogin
* createdBy
* lastUpdatedBy
* plannedArrivalDate
* plannedDepartureDate
* stopId
* refreshNumber
* tripId
* planId
* statusCode
* lastUpdateDate
* stopSequenceNumber


 * tripId
* weightUom
* lastUpdateDate
* shipMethodCode
* creationDate
* volumeCapacity
* lastUpdatedBy
* srInstanceId
* refreshNumber
* volumeUom
* planId
* plannedFlag
* lastUpdateLogin
* weightCapacity
* name
* statusCode
* createdBy


 * tripId
* weightUom
* lastUpdateDate
* shipMethodCode
* creationDate
* volumeCapacity
* lastUpdatedBy
* srInstanceId
* refreshNumber
* volumeUom
* planId
* plannedFlag
* lastUpdateLogin
* weightCapacity
* name
* statusCode
* createdBy


 * oldValueId
* columnChangedText
* createdBy
* creationDate
* undoId
* lastUpdateLogin
* columnType
* newValueId
* oldValue
* planId
* newValue
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* columnChanged


 * oldValueId
* columnChangedText
* createdBy
* creationDate
* undoId
* lastUpdateLogin
* columnType
* newValueId
* oldValue
* planId
* newValue
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* columnChanged


 * planId
* bookmarkName
* action
* transactionId
* lastUpdateLogin
* createdBy
* creationDate
* parentId
* lastUpdatedBy
* srInstanceId
* tableChanged
* undoId
* lastUpdateDate


 * planId
* bookmarkName
* action
* transactionId
* lastUpdateLogin
* createdBy
* creationDate
* parentId
* lastUpdatedBy
* srInstanceId
* tableChanged
* undoId
* lastUpdateDate


 * attribute1
* attribute9
* programId
* creationDate
* refreshNumber
* masterOrganizationId
* comments
* lastUpdateDate
* attributeCategory
* attribute13
* srInstanceId
* attribute4
* createdBy
* unitNumber
* attribute10
* attribute8
* attribute11
* programUpdateDate
* attribute3
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute12
* programApplicationId
* attribute6
* attribute2
* attribute7
* attribute15
* requestId
* attribute14
* endItemId
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute5


 * attribute1
* attribute9
* programId
* creationDate
* refreshNumber
* masterOrganizationId
* comments
* lastUpdateDate
* attributeCategory
* attribute13
* srInstanceId
* attribute4
* createdBy
* unitNumber
* attribute10
* attribute8
* attribute11
* programUpdateDate
* attribute3
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute12
* programApplicationId
* attribute6
* attribute2
* attribute7
* attribute15
* requestId
* attribute14
* endItemId
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute5


 * attribute3
* attribute6
* attribute15
* creationDate
* attribute13
* attribute5
* attribute8
* unitOfMeasure
* description
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute9
* attribute10
* attribute1
* createdBy
* baseUomFlag
* programUpdateDate
* disableDate
* refreshNumber
* programId
* attribute12
* uomClass
* attributeCategory
* srInstanceId
* uomCode
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute4
* attribute2
* attribute11
* attribute14
* requestId
* programApplicationId
* attribute7


 * attribute3
* attribute6
* attribute15
* creationDate
* attribute13
* attribute5
* attribute8
* unitOfMeasure
* description
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute9
* attribute10
* attribute1
* createdBy
* baseUomFlag
* programUpdateDate
* disableDate
* refreshNumber
* programId
* attribute12
* uomClass
* attributeCategory
* srInstanceId
* uomCode
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute4
* attribute2
* attribute11
* attribute14
* requestId
* programApplicationId
* attribute7


 * attribute1
* attribute5
* attribute9
* srInstanceId
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute14
* attribute8
* fromUnitOfMeasure
* attribute4
* creationDate
* attribute3
* attribute11
* attributeCategory
* attribute13
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute2
* fromUomCode
* attribute6
* toUnitOfMeasure
* toUomCode
* toUomClass
* inventoryItemId
* lastUpdateLogin
* disableDate
* programApplicationId
* requestId
* refreshNumber
* fromUomClass
* conversionRate
* createdBy
* attribute10
* attribute12
* attribute7
* programUpdateDate
* programId
* attribute15


 * attribute1
* attribute5
* attribute9
* srInstanceId
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute14
* attribute8
* fromUnitOfMeasure
* attribute4
* creationDate
* attribute3
* attribute11
* attributeCategory
* attribute13
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute2
* fromUomCode
* attribute6
* toUnitOfMeasure
* toUomCode
* toUomClass
* inventoryItemId
* lastUpdateLogin
* disableDate
* programApplicationId
* requestId
* refreshNumber
* fromUomClass
* conversionRate
* createdBy
* attribute10
* attribute12
* attribute7
* programUpdateDate
* programId
* attribute15


 * unitOfMeasure
* attribute15
* disableDate
* requestId
* attribute4
* programApplicationId
* lastUpdateDate
* conversionRate
* attribute2
* creationDate
* attribute13
* attribute8
* attribute9
* attribute3
* attribute14
* srInstanceId
* attribute7
* defaultConversionFlags
* attribute5
* attribute1
* uomCode
* lastUpdateLogin
* inventoryItemId
* refreshNumber
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute10
* attribute11
* attributeCategory
* attribute6
* programUpdateDate
* uomClass
* programId
* attribute12
* createdBy


 * unitOfMeasure
* attribute15
* disableDate
* requestId
* attribute4
* programApplicationId
* lastUpdateDate
* conversionRate
* attribute2
* creationDate
* attribute13
* attribute8
* attribute9
* attribute3
* attribute14
* srInstanceId
* attribute7
* defaultConversionFlags
* attribute5
* attribute1
* uomCode
* lastUpdateLogin
* inventoryItemId
* refreshNumber
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute10
* attribute11
* attributeCategory
* attribute6
* programUpdateDate
* uomClass
* programId
* attribute12
* createdBy


 * lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* actionType
* lastUpdatedBy
* actionId
* action
* createdBy
* planId
* tableName
* planVersion
* editVersion
* creationDate
* basePlanId


 * lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* actionType
* lastUpdatedBy
* actionId
* action
* createdBy
* planId
* tableName
* planVersion
* editVersion
* creationDate
* basePlanId


 * name
* globalFlag
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute14
* attribute11
* calculationDatatype
* attribute2
* creationDate
* attribute12
* attribute10
* expressionId
* attribute6
* attribute9
* componentType
* displayLength
* attribute5
* regionCode
* expression1
* context
* attribute4
* attribute1
* attribute3
* description
* attribute8
* lastUpdatedBy
* createdBy
* companyId
* attribute13
* attribute15
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute7


 * name
* globalFlag
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute14
* attribute11
* calculationDatatype
* attribute2
* creationDate
* attribute12
* attribute10
* expressionId
* attribute6
* attribute9
* componentType
* displayLength
* attribute5
* regionCode
* expression1
* context
* attribute4
* attribute1
* attribute3
* description
* attribute8
* lastUpdatedBy
* createdBy
* companyId
* attribute13
* attribute15
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute7


 * expressionId
* createdBy
* attribute9
* attribute3
* attribute13
* exceptionColumn
* componentValue1
* componentValue2
* attribute7
* rollingNumber
* rollingType
* attribute2
* attribute6
* attribute10
* attribute12
* label
* componentType
* seqNum
* attribute1
* attribute15
* attribute8
* akAttributeCode
* lastUpdateLogin
* context
* creationDate
* rollingDateFlag
* lastUpdateDate
* exceptionId
* attribute5
* componentId
* attribute11
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute14
* attribute4
* dateFilterFlag


 * expressionId
* createdBy
* attribute9
* attribute3
* attribute13
* exceptionColumn
* componentValue1
* componentValue2
* attribute7
* rollingNumber
* rollingType
* attribute2
* attribute6
* attribute10
* attribute12
* label
* componentType
* seqNum
* attribute1
* attribute15
* attribute8
* akAttributeCode
* lastUpdateLogin
* context
* creationDate
* rollingDateFlag
* lastUpdateDate
* exceptionId
* attribute5
* componentId
* attribute11
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute14
* attribute4
* dateFilterFlag


 * lastUpdatedBy
* attribute4
* lastUpdateLogin
* showExceptionDtlFlag
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute13
* notificationEntryId
* attribute5
* attribute9
* creationDate
* exceptionId
* attribute8
* attribute14
* attribute2
* attribute7
* createdBy
* attribute3
* attribute1
* context
* sendNtfFlag
* attribute10
* wfRoleType
* attribute15
* attribute6
* wfRole
* attribute12
* attribute11


 * lastUpdatedBy
* attribute4
* lastUpdateLogin
* showExceptionDtlFlag
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute13
* notificationEntryId
* attribute5
* attribute9
* creationDate
* exceptionId
* attribute8
* attribute14
* attribute2
* attribute7
* createdBy
* attribute3
* attribute1
* context
* sendNtfFlag
* attribute10
* wfRoleType
* attribute15
* attribute6
* wfRole
* attribute12
* attribute11


 * event
* refreshNumber
* createdBy
* attribute15
* notificationText
* attribute1
* attribute13
* exceptionId
* startDate
* attribute7
* attribute6
* attribute10
* context
* attribute8
* attribute5
* requestId
* regionCode
* companyId
* creationDate
* attribute9
* fullDataFlag
* lastRunDate
* securityFlag
* repeatInterval
* attribute2
* wfLaunchFlag
* repeatType
* startFlag
* description
* lastUpdateLogin
* name
* wfProcess
* lastUpdateDate
* repeatEndTime
* attribute4
* attribute11
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute12
* attribute3
* wfItemType
* recurrenceFlag
* attribute14


 * event
* refreshNumber
* createdBy
* attribute15
* notificationText
* attribute1
* attribute13
* exceptionId
* startDate
* attribute7
* attribute6
* attribute10
* context
* attribute8
* attribute5
* requestId
* regionCode
* companyId
* creationDate
* attribute9
* fullDataFlag
* lastRunDate
* securityFlag
* repeatInterval
* attribute2
* wfLaunchFlag
* repeatType
* startFlag
* description
* lastUpdateLogin
* name
* wfProcess
* lastUpdateDate
* repeatEndTime
* attribute4
* attribute11
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute12
* attribute3
* wfItemType
* recurrenceFlag
* attribute14


 * lastUpdatedBy
* organizationId
* lastUpdateDate
* planId
* noteId
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* status
* assignedTo
* dueBy
* entityType
* srInstanceId
* demandId
* createdBy
* inventoryItemId
* transactionId
* noteText1


 * lastUpdatedBy
* organizationId
* lastUpdateDate
* planId
* noteId
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* status
* assignedTo
* dueBy
* entityType
* srInstanceId
* demandId
* createdBy
* inventoryItemId
* transactionId
* noteText1


 * defaultValue
* prefTab
* zdSync
* prompt
* number1
* zdEditionName
* preferenceKey
* planType


 * defaultValue
* prefTab
* zdSync
* prompt
* number1
* zdEditionName
* preferenceKey
* planType


 * value
* preferenceId
* key


 * value
* preferenceId
* key


 * userId
* preferenceId
* name
* description
* defaultFlag
* planType


 * userId
* preferenceId
* name
* description
* defaultFlag
* planType


 * srInstanceId
* organizationId
* usingOrganizationId
* vmiType
* planId
* inventoryItemId
* supplierId
* averageDailyDemand
* supplierSiteId


 * srInstanceId
* organizationId
* usingOrganizationId
* vmiType
* planId
* inventoryItemId
* supplierId
* averageDailyDemand
* supplierSiteId


 * srCategoryId
* categorySetId
* organizationId
* srInstanceId
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateDate
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* warehouseCapacityId
* availableCapacity
* createdBy
* capacityUom


 * srCategoryId
* categorySetId
* organizationId
* srInstanceId
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateDate
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* warehouseCapacityId
* availableCapacity
* createdBy
* capacityUom


 * lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* startTime
* webServiceId
* planId
* users
* createdBy
* lastUpdatedBy
* creationDate
* url
* status


 * lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* startTime
* webServiceId
* planId
* users
* createdBy
* lastUpdatedBy
* creationDate
* url
* status


 * weekStartDate


 * weekStartDate


 * iqiValue
* srCategoryId
* planId
* stockDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* srInstanceId
* organizationId
* inventoryItemId
* avgCycleStock
* categorySetId
* avgDailyDemand
* createdBy
* requiredCapacity
* creationDate
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin


 * iqiValue
* srCategoryId
* planId
* stockDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* srInstanceId
* organizationId
* inventoryItemId
* avgCycleStock
* categorySetId
* avgDailyDemand
* createdBy
* requiredCapacity
* creationDate
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin


 * componentSeqId
* lastUpdatedBy
* creationDate
* parentSeqNum
* appliedResourceValue
* lastUpdateDate
* processPhase
* componentYieldFactor
* resourceIdOld
* loadType
* groupId
* primaryComponentId
* serialNumber
* srInstanceId
* jobOpSeqNum
* groupSequenceId
* assignedUnits
* appliedResourceUnits
* lastUnitStartDate
* completionDate
* programUpdateDate
* scheduledQuantity
* parentHeaderId
* mrpNetFlag
* countPointType
* eamFlag
* firmFlag
* uomCode
* wipEntityId
* organizationId
* standardRateFlag
* resourceHours
* activityId
* resourceSeqNum
* alternateNum
* inventoryItemIdNew
* quantityPerAssembly
* unadjustedResourceHours
* scheduledFlag
* dateRequired
* origResourceSeqNum
* departmentId
* createdBy
* supplySubinventory
* minimumTransferQuantity
* lastUpdateLogin
* mpsDateRequired
* quantityIssued
* autochargeType
* firstUnitCompletionDate
* scheduleSeqNum
* chargeNumber
* substitutionType
* batchId
* standardOperationId
* resourceInstanceId
* wipSupplyType
* backflushFlag
* firstUnitStartDate
* requiredQuantity
* interfaceId
* lastUnitCompletionDate
* startDate
* supplyLocatorId
* requestId
* sourcePhantomId
* description
* maximumAssignedUnits
* cfmRoutingFlag
* setupId
* groupSequenceNumber
* resourceIdNew
* basisType
* organizationType
* inventoryItemIdOld
* processStatus
* programApplicationId
* operationSeqId
* nextRoutingOpSeqNum
* operationSeqNum
* usageRateOrAmount
* programId
* mpsRequiredQuantity


 * componentSeqId
* lastUpdatedBy
* creationDate
* parentSeqNum
* appliedResourceValue
* lastUpdateDate
* processPhase
* componentYieldFactor
* resourceIdOld
* loadType
* groupId
* primaryComponentId
* serialNumber
* srInstanceId
* jobOpSeqNum
* groupSequenceId
* assignedUnits
* appliedResourceUnits
* lastUnitStartDate
* completionDate
* programUpdateDate
* scheduledQuantity
* parentHeaderId
* mrpNetFlag
* countPointType
* eamFlag
* firmFlag
* uomCode
* wipEntityId
* organizationId
* standardRateFlag
* resourceHours
* activityId
* resourceSeqNum
* alternateNum
* inventoryItemIdNew
* quantityPerAssembly
* unadjustedResourceHours
* scheduledFlag
* dateRequired
* origResourceSeqNum
* departmentId
* createdBy
* supplySubinventory
* minimumTransferQuantity
* lastUpdateLogin
* mpsDateRequired
* quantityIssued
* autochargeType
* firstUnitCompletionDate
* scheduleSeqNum
* chargeNumber
* substitutionType
* batchId
* standardOperationId
* resourceInstanceId
* wipSupplyType
* backflushFlag
* firstUnitStartDate
* requiredQuantity
* interfaceId
* lastUnitCompletionDate
* startDate
* supplyLocatorId
* requestId
* sourcePhantomId
* description
* maximumAssignedUnits
* cfmRoutingFlag
* setupId
* groupSequenceNumber
* resourceIdNew
* basisType
* organizationType
* inventoryItemIdOld
* processStatus
* programApplicationId
* operationSeqId
* nextRoutingOpSeqNum
* operationSeqNum
* usageRateOrAmount
* programId
* mpsRequiredQuantity


 * uomCode
* alternateBomDesignator
* processingWorkDays
* processPhase
* firmFlag
* firstUnitStartDate
* requestedCompletionDate
* sourceLineId
* alternateRoutingDesignator
* maintenanceObjectSource
* jobName
* headerId
* taskId
* dailyProductionRate
* srInstanceId
* billRtgExplosionFlag
* statusType
* sourceCode
* routingRevisionDate
* cfmRoutingFlag
* demandClass
* lineId
* lastUpdateLogin
* routingReferenceId
* wipEntityId
* processStatus
* lastUpdatedBy
* organizationType
* primaryItemId
* netQuantity
* endItemUnitNumber
* groupId
* projectId
* loadType
* schedulePriority
* createdBy
* firmPlannedFlag
* scheduleGroupId
* creationDate
* classCode
* lastUnitCompletionDate
* bomRevisionDate
* buildSequence
* organizationId
* lastUpdateDate
* bomReferenceId
* startQuantity


 * uomCode
* alternateBomDesignator
* processingWorkDays
* processPhase
* firmFlag
* firstUnitStartDate
* requestedCompletionDate
* sourceLineId
* alternateRoutingDesignator
* maintenanceObjectSource
* jobName
* headerId
* taskId
* dailyProductionRate
* srInstanceId
* billRtgExplosionFlag
* statusType
* sourceCode
* routingRevisionDate
* cfmRoutingFlag
* demandClass
* lineId
* lastUpdateLogin
* routingReferenceId
* wipEntityId
* processStatus
* lastUpdatedBy
* organizationType
* primaryItemId
* netQuantity
* endItemUnitNumber
* groupId
* projectId
* loadType
* schedulePriority
* createdBy
* firmPlannedFlag
* scheduleGroupId
* creationDate
* classCode
* lastUnitCompletionDate
* bomRevisionDate
* buildSequence
* organizationId
* lastUpdateDate
* bomReferenceId
* startQuantity


 * orgSumLevel
* ascpPlanId
* summaryPaybackDemand
* orderRunningTotalDemand
* preferenceName
* summaryTotalSupply
* atpDispDecimal
* summaryMinInvLvl
* orderSs
* atpDmdpAlcNet
* hpSupDispGraph
* crpSumOfCapChanges
* summaryReceiving
* orderReq
* crpAtpRequirementsRtg
* crpCumRateCapacityUtil
* summarySs
* supplierCapAvail
* summaryReqShipments
* summaryProjectedSs
* summaryKitDemand
* shiftDays
* summaryFieldWidth
* summaryScrap
* hpSupDispDecimal
* summaryArrivals
* atpDmdpAlcCum
* crpLineCost
* hpTpDispGraph
* plannerCode
* summaryDecimalPlaces
* summaryShipments
* orderReplenishment
* gcResourceLimit
* summaryGrossRequirements
* summaryCurrentReceipts
* namedSet
* summaryUnconstTotDmd
* summaryExternalDemand
* summaryPlan
* atpPrctUnalcCum
* orderGrossRequirements
* crpAvailableRate
* ordersReleasePhantoms
* orderPoAck
* summaryTotalRequisitions
* crpResourceCost
* atpPrctAlcSupply
* atpDmdpPfDmdSpread
* recommendationDays
* summaryUserDefined
* hpSupWeeks
* defaultTab
* hpTpDispFactor
* atpDmdpAlcDmd
* sourceList
* summaryAsn
* orderTransit
* categorySetId
* defOutboundShipment
* summaryForecast
* crpHoursAvailPerDay
* showGraph
* summaryActualProdn
* summaryTargetQuantity
* summaryPab
* atpPrctAlcNet
* preferenceDescription
* summaryPlProdnForDmd
* hpSupDispFactor
* ioPlanId
* crpDailyRequiredRate
* summaryDisplayPeriods
* createdBy
* prodSumLevel
* summaryDispPfDetails
* userId
* lastUpdateLogin
* hpSupDays
* summaryUnallocatedOnhand
* orderPurchasePlan
* summarySellerForecast
* orderHistSales
* supplierPurchaseReqs
* jobClassCode
* atpDispGraph
* orderPo
* orderSalesOrders
* defaultRightTab
* orgSumLevelTp
* atpPrctUnalcSupply
* crpCumSumOfChanges
* summaryCumulativeConsumed
* summaryScheduledReceipts
* indDemandType
* summaryUnconstKitDmd
* orderSellerForecast
* orderRunningTotalForecast
* hpCapDispGraph
* summaryAllocatedOnhand
* summaryReturns
* summaryPoh
* summaryRequestedArrivals
* summaryPo
* blockZeroResRequirements
* publicFlag
* defaultFlag
* atpPrctAlcDmd
* summaryMaxInvLvl
* hpCapDays
* summaryDependentDemand
* summaryBeginningOnHand
* summaryDisplayWeeks
* orderAlcatPrjtAvlBal
* summaryDefOutboundShipment
* summaryActProdForDmd
* totalSupply
* showDepDemands
* summaryReturnsForecast
* summaryTotalPlannedOrders
* summaryHistSales
* atpPrctAlcBackw
* creationDate
* actionsExpandAll
* crpRepetitiveSchedules
* gcSupplyLimit
* summaryExpLot
* transWeightCapacityAvail
* summaryPaybackSupply
* hpTpWeeks
* crpRequireHours
* atpDispWeeks
* summarySellThroFcst
* summaryOriginal
* orderReceiving
* orderSuppcap
* transWeightCapacityReq
* orderAllocatedOnhand
* returnsForecast
* categoryName
* summaryFlowSchedules
* orderAllocatedSupply
* summaryTotalDemand
* ordersReleaseVmiItems
* summaryUnalctPrjtAvlBal
* summaryTotalNonForecast
* summaryExternalSupply
* crpRequiredRate
* gradHpLoad
* supplierCumCapacityUtil
* orderSellThroFcst
* defaultLeftTab
* orderReleasePlan
* orderRunningTotalSupply
* transVolumeLoadRatio
* crpDiscreteJobs
* runningTotalSellThroFcst
* summaryOutboundIntransit
* orderUnalctPrjtAvlBal
* defaultSet
* orderProjectedSs
* summaryConsumed
* summaryCumulativeOriginal
* orderPlan
* summaryPurchasePlan
* atpDispFactor
* summaryCommittedDmd
* orderTotalSupply
* includeSo
* transVolumeCapacityReq
* crpCumRoutingCapacityUtil
* summaryReplenishment
* sortByFlag
* atpDispDays
* summaryTransit
* summaryCumulativeCurrent
* groupByCode
* atpPerctAlcActperct
* atpPrctAlcDmdadj
* summaryWip
* summaryIncludeSubst
* atpPrctAlcCum
* orderAsn
* preferenceSetType
* supplierNetCapAvail
* crpPlannedOrders
* mscHpLayout
* hpCapDispDecimal
* autoPlanId
* orderWip
* ordersFolderId
* runningTotalForecast
* atpPrctAlcPerct
* showItemDescInPegging
* summaryTotalIntransit
* summaryDisplayFactor
* atpDmdpAlcBkfwd
* ioQueryId
* atpPrctPfDmdSpread
* runningTotalHistSales
* summaryUnconstOthDmd
* planType
* runningTotalDemand
* atpPrctAlcAdjcum
* summaryIndependentDemand
* ordersCutoffDate
* supplierPlannedOrders
* autoQueryId
* supplierRequiredCap
* summaryCurrent
* atpDmdpAlcSupply
* transWeightLoadRatio
* summaryPfMemberData
* hpCapDispFactor
* hpCapWeeks
* summaryProdForecast
* lastUpdatedBy
* summaryDisplayDays
* atpDmdpAlcTotsup
* summaryUnconstPab
* showGroupingSeparator
* summaryExpiredForecast
* crpAtpRequirementsRate
* summaryActProdForFcst
* summaryAtp
* runningTotalSupply
* hpTpDays
* atpPrctBucketedData
* orderUnallocatedOnhand
* crpDailyAvailableRate
* summarySalesOrders
* crpNetHourAvailable
* crpNetAvailableRate
* retainFolderCriteria
* summaryAllocatedSupply
* summaryAlcatPrjtAvlBal
* exceptionsQueryId
* showSsDemands
* summaryReq
* summaryReleasePlan
* crpCumHourAvailable
* crpFlowSchedules
* orderRunningTotalHistSales
* summaryInternalSupply
* crpHoursRequiredPerDay
* crpHourAvailable
* summaryGlobalForecasting
* drpPlanId
* ordersDefaultJobStatus
* crpNonStdJobOrders
* orderPab
* atpHpLayout
* summaryDefaultDisplay
* netForecast
* atpDmdpBucketedData
* atpPrctAlcAdjavail
* summaryInboundIntransit
* supplierPurchaseOrders
* ordersFirmJobs
* summaryPlannedProduction
* atpPrctUnalcNet
* summaryOtherDemand
* atpPrctUnalcDmd
* summaryPlannedOrders
* ascpQueryId
* atpDmdpAlcSupadj
* preferenceId
* ordersReleaseConfigs
* summaryPoAck
* crpRoutingCapacityUtil
* supplierCapacityUtil
* drpQueryId
* atpPrctShowTotal
* crpCumAvailableRate
* supplierCumCapAvail
* hpTpDispDecimal
* atpDmdShowTotal
* summaryMaximumQuantity
* crpRateCapacityUtil
* summarySuppcap
* showResOper
* summarySsDaysSupply
* summaryPlProdnForFcst
* transVolumeCapacityAvail
* orderForecast
* lastUpdateDate
* sceUserId


 * orgSumLevel
* ascpPlanId
* summaryPaybackDemand
* orderRunningTotalDemand
* preferenceName
* summaryTotalSupply
* atpDispDecimal
* summaryMinInvLvl
* orderSs
* atpDmdpAlcNet
* hpSupDispGraph
* crpSumOfCapChanges
* summaryReceiving
* orderReq
* crpAtpRequirementsRtg
* crpCumRateCapacityUtil
* summarySs
* supplierCapAvail
* summaryReqShipments
* summaryProjectedSs
* summaryKitDemand
* shiftDays
* summaryFieldWidth
* summaryScrap
* hpSupDispDecimal
* summaryArrivals
* atpDmdpAlcCum
* crpLineCost
* hpTpDispGraph
* plannerCode
* summaryDecimalPlaces
* summaryShipments
* orderReplenishment
* gcResourceLimit
* summaryGrossRequirements
* summaryCurrentReceipts
* namedSet
* summaryUnconstTotDmd
* summaryExternalDemand
* summaryPlan
* atpPrctUnalcCum
* orderGrossRequirements
* crpAvailableRate
* ordersReleasePhantoms
* orderPoAck
* summaryTotalRequisitions
* crpResourceCost
* atpPrctAlcSupply
* atpDmdpPfDmdSpread
* recommendationDays
* summaryUserDefined
* hpSupWeeks
* defaultTab
* hpTpDispFactor
* atpDmdpAlcDmd
* sourceList
* summaryAsn
* orderTransit
* categorySetId
* defOutboundShipment
* summaryForecast
* crpHoursAvailPerDay
* showGraph
* summaryActualProdn
* summaryTargetQuantity
* summaryPab
* atpPrctAlcNet
* preferenceDescription
* summaryPlProdnForDmd
* hpSupDispFactor
* ioPlanId
* crpDailyRequiredRate
* summaryDisplayPeriods
* createdBy
* prodSumLevel
* summaryDispPfDetails
* userId
* lastUpdateLogin
* hpSupDays
* summaryUnallocatedOnhand
* orderPurchasePlan
* summarySellerForecast
* orderHistSales
* supplierPurchaseReqs
* jobClassCode
* atpDispGraph
* orderPo
* orderSalesOrders
* defaultRightTab
* orgSumLevelTp
* atpPrctUnalcSupply
* crpCumSumOfChanges
* summaryCumulativeConsumed
* summaryScheduledReceipts
* indDemandType
* summaryUnconstKitDmd
* orderSellerForecast
* orderRunningTotalForecast
* hpCapDispGraph
* summaryAllocatedOnhand
* summaryReturns
* summaryPoh
* summaryRequestedArrivals
* summaryPo
* blockZeroResRequirements
* publicFlag
* defaultFlag
* atpPrctAlcDmd
* summaryMaxInvLvl
* hpCapDays
* summaryDependentDemand
* summaryBeginningOnHand
* summaryDisplayWeeks
* orderAlcatPrjtAvlBal
* summaryDefOutboundShipment
* summaryActProdForDmd
* totalSupply
* showDepDemands
* summaryReturnsForecast
* summaryTotalPlannedOrders
* summaryHistSales
* atpPrctAlcBackw
* creationDate
* actionsExpandAll
* crpRepetitiveSchedules
* gcSupplyLimit
* summaryExpLot
* transWeightCapacityAvail
* summaryPaybackSupply
* hpTpWeeks
* crpRequireHours
* atpDispWeeks
* summarySellThroFcst
* summaryOriginal
* orderReceiving
* orderSuppcap
* transWeightCapacityReq
* orderAllocatedOnhand
* returnsForecast
* categoryName
* summaryFlowSchedules
* orderAllocatedSupply
* summaryTotalDemand
* ordersReleaseVmiItems
* summaryUnalctPrjtAvlBal
* summaryTotalNonForecast
* summaryExternalSupply
* crpRequiredRate
* gradHpLoad
* supplierCumCapacityUtil
* orderSellThroFcst
* defaultLeftTab
* orderReleasePlan
* orderRunningTotalSupply
* transVolumeLoadRatio
* crpDiscreteJobs
* runningTotalSellThroFcst
* summaryOutboundIntransit
* orderUnalctPrjtAvlBal
* defaultSet
* orderProjectedSs
* summaryConsumed
* summaryCumulativeOriginal
* orderPlan
* summaryPurchasePlan
* atpDispFactor
* summaryCommittedDmd
* orderTotalSupply
* includeSo
* transVolumeCapacityReq
* crpCumRoutingCapacityUtil
* summaryReplenishment
* sortByFlag
* atpDispDays
* summaryTransit
* summaryCumulativeCurrent
* groupByCode
* atpPerctAlcActperct
* atpPrctAlcDmdadj
* summaryWip
* summaryIncludeSubst
* atpPrctAlcCum
* orderAsn
* preferenceSetType
* supplierNetCapAvail
* crpPlannedOrders
* mscHpLayout
* hpCapDispDecimal
* autoPlanId
* orderWip
* ordersFolderId
* runningTotalForecast
* atpPrctAlcPerct
* showItemDescInPegging
* summaryTotalIntransit
* summaryDisplayFactor
* atpDmdpAlcBkfwd
* ioQueryId
* atpPrctPfDmdSpread
* runningTotalHistSales
* summaryUnconstOthDmd
* planType
* runningTotalDemand
* atpPrctAlcAdjcum
* summaryIndependentDemand
* ordersCutoffDate
* supplierPlannedOrders
* autoQueryId
* supplierRequiredCap
* summaryCurrent
* atpDmdpAlcSupply
* transWeightLoadRatio
* summaryPfMemberData
* hpCapDispFactor
* hpCapWeeks
* summaryProdForecast
* lastUpdatedBy
* summaryDisplayDays
* atpDmdpAlcTotsup
* summaryUnconstPab
* showGroupingSeparator
* summaryExpiredForecast
* crpAtpRequirementsRate
* summaryActProdForFcst
* summaryAtp
* runningTotalSupply
* hpTpDays
* atpPrctBucketedData
* orderUnallocatedOnhand
* crpDailyAvailableRate
* summarySalesOrders
* crpNetHourAvailable
* crpNetAvailableRate
* retainFolderCriteria
* summaryAllocatedSupply
* summaryAlcatPrjtAvlBal
* exceptionsQueryId
* showSsDemands
* summaryReq
* summaryReleasePlan
* crpCumHourAvailable
* crpFlowSchedules
* orderRunningTotalHistSales
* summaryInternalSupply
* crpHoursRequiredPerDay
* crpHourAvailable
* summaryGlobalForecasting
* drpPlanId
* ordersDefaultJobStatus
* crpNonStdJobOrders
* orderPab
* atpHpLayout
* summaryDefaultDisplay
* netForecast
* atpDmdpBucketedData
* atpPrctAlcAdjavail
* summaryInboundIntransit
* supplierPurchaseOrders
* ordersFirmJobs
* summaryPlannedProduction
* atpPrctUnalcNet
* summaryOtherDemand
* atpPrctUnalcDmd
* summaryPlannedOrders
* ascpQueryId
* atpDmdpAlcSupadj
* preferenceId
* ordersReleaseConfigs
* summaryPoAck
* crpRoutingCapacityUtil
* supplierCapacityUtil
* drpQueryId
* atpPrctShowTotal
* crpCumAvailableRate
* supplierCumCapAvail
* hpTpDispDecimal
* atpDmdShowTotal
* summaryMaximumQuantity
* crpRateCapacityUtil
* summarySuppcap
* showResOper
* summarySsDaysSupply
* summaryPlProdnForFcst
* transVolumeCapacityAvail
* orderForecast
* lastUpdateDate
* sceUserId


 * programApplicationId
* description
* refreshId
* daysOff
* calendarCode
* createdBy
* shiftNum
* programId
* creationDate
* lastUpdateDate
* programUpdateDate
* srInstanceId
* daysOn
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* seqNum
* requestId


 * programApplicationId
* description
* refreshId
* daysOff
* calendarCode
* createdBy
* shiftNum
* programId
* creationDate
* lastUpdateDate
* programUpdateDate
* srInstanceId
* daysOn
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* seqNum
* requestId


 * queryId
* lastUpdateDate
* char2
* char4
* sequence
* lastUpdatedBy
* createdBy
* char3
* attributeName
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* char1


 * queryId
* lastUpdateDate
* char2
* char4
* sequence
* lastUpdatedBy
* createdBy
* char3
* attributeName
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* char1


 * originalLabel
* createdBy
* parameterName
* customLabel
* selectedFlag
* creationDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* planId
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* paramSequence


 * originalLabel
* createdBy
* parameterName
* customLabel
* selectedFlag
* creationDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* planId
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* paramSequence


 * userAttribute9
* exceptionType
* number4
* userAttribute6
* supplierSiteName
* version
* endOrderRelNumber
* exceptionDetailId
* orderCreationDate2
* leadTime
* userAttribute17
* lineNumber
* date3
* supplierId
* userAttribute16
* lastUpdateDate
* customerItemName
* lastUpdatedBy
* transactionId3
* customerName
* userAttribute19
* userAttribute1
* companyName
* itemMinQty
* createdBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* date7
* transactionId1
* date2
* number6
* supplierItemName
* supplierName
* endOrderLineNumber
* exceptionTypeName
* inventoryItemId
* companySiteName
* transactionId2
* exceptionBasis
* userAttribute12
* date1
* userAttribute20
* exceptionGroup
* orderCreationDate1
* number3
* supplierSiteId
* number9
* number2
* companyId
* number5
* date4
* creationDate
* number8
* number10
* companySiteId
* customerId
* srInstanceId
* orderNumber
* tradingPartnerItemName
* userAttribute7
* replenishmentMethod
* userAttribute18
* releaseNumber
* userAttribute2
* userAttribute4
* date6
* number1
* userAttribute5
* owningCompanyId
* number7
* userAttribute13
* date5
* threshold
* itemDescription
* userAttribute10
* planId
* customerSiteId
* userAttribute8
* userAttribute14
* userAttribute3
* itemName
* endOrderNumber
* userAttribute11
* customerSiteName
* exceptionGroupName
* userAttribute15
* itemMaxQty


 * userAttribute9
* exceptionType
* number4
* userAttribute6
* supplierSiteName
* version
* endOrderRelNumber
* exceptionDetailId
* orderCreationDate2
* leadTime
* userAttribute17
* lineNumber
* date3
* supplierId
* userAttribute16
* lastUpdateDate
* customerItemName
* lastUpdatedBy
* transactionId3
* customerName
* userAttribute19
* userAttribute1
* companyName
* itemMinQty
* createdBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* date7
* transactionId1
* date2
* number6
* supplierItemName
* supplierName
* endOrderLineNumber
* exceptionTypeName
* inventoryItemId
* companySiteName
* transactionId2
* exceptionBasis
* userAttribute12
* date1
* userAttribute20
* exceptionGroup
* orderCreationDate1
* number3
* supplierSiteId
* number9
* number2
* companyId
* number5
* date4
* creationDate
* number8
* number10
* companySiteId
* customerId
* srInstanceId
* orderNumber
* tradingPartnerItemName
* userAttribute7
* replenishmentMethod
* userAttribute18
* releaseNumber
* userAttribute2
* userAttribute4
* date6
* number1
* userAttribute5
* owningCompanyId
* number7
* userAttribute13
* date5
* threshold
* itemDescription
* userAttribute10
* planId
* customerSiteId
* userAttribute8
* userAttribute14
* userAttribute3
* itemName
* endOrderNumber
* userAttribute11
* customerSiteName
* exceptionGroupName
* userAttribute15
* itemMaxQty


 * creationDate
* orgId
* customerSiteId
* categoryName
* ruleId
* supplierSiteId
* granteeType
* privilege
* customerId
* effectiveFromDate
* orderNumber
* lastUpdateLogin
* companyId
* granteeKey
* orderTypeMeaning
* itemId
* itemName
* programId
* categoryId
* createdBy
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* orderType
* effectiveToDate
* supplierId


 * creationDate
* orgId
* customerSiteId
* categoryName
* ruleId
* supplierSiteId
* granteeType
* privilege
* customerId
* effectiveFromDate
* orderNumber
* lastUpdateLogin
* companyId
* granteeKey
* orderTypeMeaning
* itemId
* itemName
* programId
* categoryId
* createdBy
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* orderType
* effectiveToDate
* supplierId


 * attribute11
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute5
* attribute8
* attribute12
* organizationId
* programApplicationId
* attribute7
* attribute14
* createdBy
* lastUpdateDate
* programUpdateDate
* instanceId
* requestId
* attribute4
* attribute15
* attribute2
* attributeCategory
* attribute6
* attribute1
* attribute3
* attribute9
* attribute13
* programId
* attribute10


 * attribute11
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute5
* attribute8
* attribute12
* organizationId
* programApplicationId
* attribute7
* attribute14
* createdBy
* lastUpdateDate
* programUpdateDate
* instanceId
* requestId
* attribute4
* attribute15
* attribute2
* attributeCategory
* attribute6
* attribute1
* attribute3
* attribute9
* attribute13
* programId
* attribute10


 * srComponentPk
* createdBy
* creationDate
* capUsgRatioObj
* lastUpdatedBy
* srInstanceId
* resComp
* effectivityDate
* lastCollectedDate
* leadTime
* lastUpdateDate
* planType
* disableDate
* capacityUsageRatio
* bomType
* srAssemblyPk


 * srComponentPk
* createdBy
* creationDate
* capUsgRatioObj
* lastUpdatedBy
* srInstanceId
* resComp
* effectivityDate
* lastCollectedDate
* leadTime
* lastUpdateDate
* planType
* disableDate
* capacityUsageRatio
* bomType
* srAssemblyPk


 * srComponentPk
* createdBy
* effectivityDate
* srOrganizationPk
* instance
* creationDate
* srAssemblyPk
* disableDate
* planningFactor
* quantityPer
* programId
* lastUpdateDate
* optionalFlag
* requestId
* lastUpdatedBy
* programUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* programApplicationId


 * srComponentPk
* createdBy
* effectivityDate
* srOrganizationPk
* instance
* creationDate
* srAssemblyPk
* disableDate
* planningFactor
* quantityPer
* programId
* lastUpdateDate
* optionalFlag
* requestId
* lastUpdatedBy
* programUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* programApplicationId


 * requestedDate
* orderSourceId
* srSalesRepPk
* customer
* srUserDefined1Pk
* programId
* srUserDefined2Pk
* lastRefreshNum
* amount
* item
* lastUpdatedBy
* salesRep
* requestId
* qtyOrdered
* bookedDate
* scheduledDate
* srParentItemPk
* srDemandClassPk
* srSalesChannelPk
* srInvOrgPk
* instance
* shipToLoc
* scheduledArrivalDate
* createdByRefreshNum
* userDefined1
* userDefined2
* createdBy
* actionCode
* srShipToLocPk
* lastUpdateDate
* creationDate
* srItemPk
* srCustomerPk
* salesChannel
* invOrg
* programUpdateDate
* promisedDate
* programApplicationId
* srOriginalItemPk
* lastUpdateLogin


 * requestedDate
* orderSourceId
* srSalesRepPk
* customer
* srUserDefined1Pk
* programId
* srUserDefined2Pk
* lastRefreshNum
* amount
* item
* lastUpdatedBy
* salesRep
* requestId
* qtyOrdered
* bookedDate
* scheduledDate
* srParentItemPk
* srDemandClassPk
* srSalesChannelPk
* srInvOrgPk
* instance
* shipToLoc
* scheduledArrivalDate
* createdByRefreshNum
* userDefined1
* userDefined2
* createdBy
* actionCode
* srShipToLocPk
* lastUpdateDate
* creationDate
* srItemPk
* srCustomerPk
* salesChannel
* invOrg
* programUpdateDate
* promisedDate
* programApplicationId
* srOriginalItemPk
* lastUpdateLogin


 * owner
* commentId
* revision
* status
* scenarioId
* createdBy
* dueDate
* demandPlanId
* lastUpdateDate
* type
* creationDate
* reasonId
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* commentText


 * owner
* commentId
* revision
* status
* scenarioId
* createdBy
* dueDate
* demandPlanId
* lastUpdateDate
* type
* creationDate
* reasonId
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* commentText


 * concRequestId
* parameterCode
* submissionType
* parameterNumber
* csCollParameterId
* parameterMeaning


 * concRequestId
* parameterCode
* submissionType
* parameterNumber
* csCollParameterId
* parameterMeaning


 * attribute39
* attribute53
* creationDate
* csDefinitionId
* attribute30
* attribute56
* attribute11
* createdByRefreshNum
* attribute26
* attribute32
* attribute33
* attribute57
* attribute47
* attribute51
* programUpdateDate
* attribute49
* attribute16
* attribute42
* attribute23
* attribute19
* attribute43
* attribute55
* attribute15
* liabilityUserFlag
* attribute41
* attribute2
* attribute40
* attribute9
* attribute59
* requestId
* attribute22
* attribute48
* attribute38
* actionCode
* createdBy
* attribute60
* attribute46
* csDataId
* attribute1
* attribute7
* attribute17
* attribute58
* attribute5
* programId
* attribute28
* attribute8
* attribute18
* lastRefreshNum
* attribute6
* attribute35
* csName
* programApplicationId
* attribute20
* attribute21
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute45
* attribute24
* attribute10
* attribute3
* attribute31
* attribute29
* attribute50
* attribute36
* attribute44
* attribute13
* attribute52
* attribute14
* attribute25
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute27
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute34
* attribute37
* attribute12
* attribute4
* attribute54


 * csDataId
* creationDate
* programUpdateDate
* lastUpdateDate
* requestId
* programApplicationId
* demandPlanId
* csName
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* programId
* csDefinitionId
* createdBy


 * csDataId
* creationDate
* programUpdateDate
* lastUpdateDate
* requestId
* programApplicationId
* demandPlanId
* csName
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* programId
* csDefinitionId
* createdBy


 * lastRefreshNum
* creationDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdateDate
* instance
* createdBy
* programApplicationId
* programId
* csDataHeaderId
* csDefinitionId
* requestId
* programUpdateDate
* csName


 * lastRefreshNum
* creationDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdateDate
* instance
* createdBy
* programApplicationId
* programId
* csDataHeaderId
* csDefinitionId
* requestId
* programUpdateDate
* csName


 * attribute39
* attribute53
* creationDate
* csDefinitionId
* attribute30
* attribute56
* attribute11
* createdByRefreshNum
* attribute26
* attribute32
* attribute33
* attribute57
* attribute47
* attribute51
* programUpdateDate
* attribute49
* attribute16
* attribute42
* attribute23
* attribute19
* attribute43
* attribute55
* attribute15
* liabilityUserFlag
* attribute41
* attribute2
* attribute40
* attribute9
* attribute59
* requestId
* attribute22
* attribute48
* attribute38
* actionCode
* createdBy
* attribute60
* attribute46
* csDataId
* attribute1
* attribute7
* attribute17
* attribute58
* attribute5
* programId
* attribute28
* attribute8
* attribute18
* lastRefreshNum
* attribute6
* attribute35
* csName
* programApplicationId
* attribute20
* attribute21
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute45
* attribute24
* attribute10
* attribute3
* attribute31
* attribute29
* attribute50
* attribute36
* attribute44
* attribute13
* attribute52
* attribute14
* attribute25
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute27
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute34
* attribute37
* attribute12
* attribute4
* attribute54


 * lastUpdatedBy
* creationDate
* conversionRate
* programApplicationId
* requestId
* fromCurrency
* programUpdateDate
* createdBy
* programId
* conversionDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* toCurrency
* lastUpdateDate


 * programUpdateDate
* instance
* requestId
* programId
* creationDate
* createdBy
* programApplicationId
* createdByRefreshNum
* levelId
* levelValue
* lastUpdateLogin
* levelPk
* srLevelPk
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastRefreshNum


 * programUpdateDate
* instance
* requestId
* programId
* creationDate
* createdBy
* programApplicationId
* createdByRefreshNum
* levelId
* levelValue
* lastUpdateLogin
* levelPk
* srLevelPk
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastRefreshNum


 * accntClassType


 * accntClassType


 * creationDate
* organizationId
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* createdBy
* organizationCode
* lastUpdateDate


 * creationDate
* organizationId
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* createdBy
* organizationCode
* lastUpdateDate


 * week4AbsPctErr
* ebsBhBookQtyRd
* prtyDemand
* week8AbsPctErr
* actualProd
* projBacklog
* budget
* level4
* fcstBooking
* mktgFcst
* ebsBhBookQtyBd
* totalBacklog
* dkeyItem
* fcstShipment
* cPred
* acryMapePctErr
* salesFcst
* fcstHypAnnualPlan
* actualOnHand
* level2
* fcstConsensus
* dkeySite
* sdate
* recordType
* ebsReturnHistory
* fcstHypFinancial
* level3
* week13AbsPctErr
* ebsShShipQtySd
* level1


 * week4AbsPctErr
* ebsBhBookQtyRd
* prtyDemand
* week8AbsPctErr
* actualProd
* projBacklog
* budget
* level4
* fcstBooking
* mktgFcst
* ebsBhBookQtyBd
* totalBacklog
* dkeyItem
* fcstShipment
* cPred
* acryMapePctErr
* salesFcst
* fcstHypAnnualPlan
* actualOnHand
* level2
* fcstConsensus
* dkeySite
* sdate
* recordType
* ebsReturnHistory
* fcstHypFinancial
* level3
* week13AbsPctErr
* ebsShShipQtySd
* level1


 * srOrganizationId
* srComponentItemId
* disableDate
* quantityPer
* srAssemblyItemId
* lastUpdateLogin
* planningFactor
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* creationDate
* createdBy
* srInstanceId
* optionalFlag
* effectivityDate


 * srOrganizationId
* srComponentItemId
* disableDate
* quantityPer
* srAssemblyItemId
* lastUpdateLogin
* planningFactor
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* creationDate
* createdBy
* srInstanceId
* optionalFlag
* effectivityDate


 * calendarType
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* creationDate
* lastUpdateDate
* instance
* calendarCode
* createdBy


 * optionId
* componentQty
* orgCode
* disableDate
* ctoChildCode
* ctoEndDate
* ctoType
* parentItemCode
* ctoParentCode
* optionSrId
* optionCode
* baseModelSrId
* ctoCode
* baseModelId
* parentItemId
* plngPctExisting
* effectivityDate
* atoForecastControl
* baseModelCode
* topAtoModelId
* ctoStartDate
* parentItemSrId
* optionalFlag


 * optionId
* componentQty
* orgCode
* disableDate
* ctoChildCode
* ctoEndDate
* ctoType
* parentItemCode
* ctoParentCode
* optionSrId
* optionCode
* baseModelSrId
* ctoCode
* baseModelId
* parentItemId
* plngPctExisting
* effectivityDate
* atoForecastControl
* baseModelCode
* topAtoModelId
* ctoStartDate
* parentItemSrId
* optionalFlag


 * lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdatedBy
* createdBy
* endDate
* numOfDays
* creationDate
* lastUpdateDate
* startDate
* datet


 * lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdatedBy
* createdBy
* endDate
* numOfDays
* creationDate
* lastUpdateDate
* startDate
* datet


 * bucketStartDate
* bucketEndDate
* lastUpdateDate
* creationDate
* createdBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* dayDate
* bucketDate
* lastUpdatedBy


 * bucketStartDate
* bucketEndDate
* lastUpdateDate
* creationDate
* createdBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* dayDate
* bucketDate
* lastUpdatedBy


 * level1
* level2SrPk
* level2
* ebsUsgQty
* level1SrPk
* sdate


 * level1
* level2SrPk
* level2
* ebsUsgQty
* level1SrPk
* sdate


 * lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateDate
* createdBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* tableName
* creationDate
* columnName
* ebsEntity
* internalName
* demantraEntity


 * lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateDate
* createdBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* tableName
* creationDate
* columnName
* ebsEntity
* internalName
* demantraEntity


 * part3
* lastUpdateLogin
* entityName
* creationDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* createdBy
* lastUpdateDate
* part1
* zdSync
* part2
* version
* zdEditionName


 * part3
* lastUpdateLogin
* entityName
* creationDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* createdBy
* lastUpdateDate
* part1
* zdSync
* part2
* version
* zdEditionName


 * level1SrPk
* level2
* level1
* level2SrPk
* sdate
* ebsUsgQty


 * level1SrPk
* level2
* level1
* level2SrPk
* sdate
* ebsUsgQty


 * lastUpdateLogin
* tableLabel
* creationDate
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* createdBy
* groupTableId


 * lastUpdateLogin
* tableLabel
* creationDate
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* createdBy
* groupTableId


 * level1SrPk
* sdate2
* ebsInsQty
* ownerPartyId
* sdate1
* level1


 * level1SrPk
* sdate2
* ebsInsQty
* ownerPartyId
* sdate1
* level1


 * parameterName
* parameterValue
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* createdBy
* instanceId
* creationDate
* lastUpdatedBy


 * srOrganizationId
* lastUpdateLogin
* disableDateS
* optionalFlagS
* id
* plngPctExistingS
* topAtoModelId
* createdBy
* parentComponentCode
* creationDate
* effectivityDateS
* lastUpdateDate
* plngPctExisting
* componentItemId
* isIn
* lastUpdatedBy
* componentCodeS
* disableDate
* componentCode
* planningFactor
* componentCodeLegacy
* effectivityDate
* optionalFlag
* planningFactorS
* parentItemIdS
* srInstanceId
* isBaseModel
* baseModelId
* parentItemId


 * srOrganizationId
* lastUpdateLogin
* disableDateS
* optionalFlagS
* id
* plngPctExistingS
* topAtoModelId
* createdBy
* parentComponentCode
* creationDate
* effectivityDateS
* lastUpdateDate
* plngPctExisting
* componentItemId
* isIn
* lastUpdatedBy
* componentCodeS
* disableDate
* componentCode
* planningFactor
* componentCodeLegacy
* effectivityDate
* optionalFlag
* planningFactorS
* parentItemIdS
* srInstanceId
* isBaseModel
* baseModelId
* parentItemId


 * creationDate
* processFlag
* srInstanceId
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdatedBy
* createdBy
* inventoryItemId
* lastUpdateDate


 * creationDate
* processFlag
* srInstanceId
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdatedBy
* createdBy
* inventoryItemId
* lastUpdateDate


 * inventoryItemId


 * inventoryItemId


 * lastUpdateLogin
* creationDate
* priceListName
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateDate
* createdBy


 * lastUpdateLogin
* creationDate
* priceListName
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateDate
* createdBy


 * creationDate
* createdBy
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* zdEditionName
* zdSync
* lastUpdateDate
* queryId
* query


 * creationDate
* createdBy
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* zdEditionName
* zdSync
* lastUpdateDate
* queryId
* query


 * level1
* level5
* level2
* level4
* ebsReturnHistory
* level4SrPk
* sdate
* level3


 * level1
* level5
* level2
* level4
* ebsReturnHistory
* level4SrPk
* sdate
* level3


 * rmaTypes


 * rmaTypes


 * revenue
* ebsShipHistShipQtyRd
* ebsItemSrPk
* actualQty
* shipmentsCount
* salesDate
* dmItemCode
* ebsBookHistReqQtyRd
* ebsBookHistReqQtyBd
* ebsBookHistBookQtyRd
* ebsShipHistShipQtySd
* orderSourceId
* srInstanceId
* ebsBookHistBookQtyBd
* ebsShipHistReqQtyRd
* ebsOrgSrPk
* dmOrgCode


 * revenue
* ebsShipHistShipQtyRd
* ebsItemSrPk
* actualQty
* shipmentsCount
* salesDate
* dmItemCode
* ebsBookHistReqQtyRd
* ebsBookHistReqQtyBd
* ebsBookHistBookQtyRd
* ebsShipHistShipQtySd
* orderSourceId
* srInstanceId
* ebsBookHistBookQtyBd
* ebsShipHistReqQtyRd
* ebsOrgSrPk
* dmOrgCode


 * stgSeriesColName
* seriesId
* msdSrItemPkCol
* identifier
* createdBy
* creationDate
* lastUpdateDate
* gmpSourceDateCol
* gmpCustomViewName
* sourceViewHint2
* customViewName
* zdEditionName
* msdSourceDateCol
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* psViewName
* seriesType
* gmpSrItemPkCol
* extraWhere
* seriesName
* zdSync
* sourceViewHint


 * stgSeriesColName
* seriesId
* msdSrItemPkCol
* identifier
* createdBy
* creationDate
* lastUpdateDate
* gmpSourceDateCol
* gmpCustomViewName
* sourceViewHint2
* customViewName
* zdEditionName
* msdSourceDateCol
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* psViewName
* seriesType
* gmpSrItemPkCol
* extraWhere
* seriesName
* zdSync
* sourceViewHint


 * parameterValue
* creationDate
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* parameterName
* createdBy


 * parameterValue
* creationDate
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* parameterName
* createdBy


 * level2SrPk
* level1
* level2
* ebsRetQty
* level1SrPk
* sdate


 * level2SrPk
* level1
* level2
* ebsRetQty
* level1SrPk
* sdate


 * level3
* level4
* ebsReturnHistory
* sdate
* level2
* level1
* level5
* level4SrPk


 * level3
* level4
* ebsReturnHistory
* sdate
* level2
* level1
* level5
* level4SrPk


 * supplyPlanId
* lastUpdatedBy
* supplyPlanCode
* creationDate
* supplyPlanDesc
* lastUpdateDate
* createdBy
* lastUpdateLogin


 * supplyPlanId
* lastUpdatedBy
* supplyPlanCode
* creationDate
* supplyPlanDesc
* lastUpdateDate
* createdBy
* lastUpdateLogin


 * creationDate
* quarter
* lastUpdateDate
* yearStartDate
* week
* weekStartDate
* yearEndDate
* monthEndDate
* yearDescription
* quarterDescription
* calendarCode
* weekEndDate
* quarterEndDate
* calendarType
* monthStartDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* createdBy
* instance
* quarterStartDate
* day
* lastUpdatedBy
* weekDescription
* month
* dayDescription
* year
* monthDescription


 * creationDate
* quarter
* lastUpdateDate
* yearStartDate
* week
* weekStartDate
* yearEndDate
* monthEndDate
* yearDescription
* quarterDescription
* calendarCode
* weekEndDate
* quarterEndDate
* calendarType
* monthStartDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* createdBy
* instance
* quarterStartDate
* day
* lastUpdatedBy
* weekDescription
* month
* dayDescription
* year
* monthDescription


 * createdBy
* creationDate
* name
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* id


 * createdBy
* creationDate
* name
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* id


 * transferId
* integrationType
* queryName
* createdBy
* exportType
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* creationDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* id
* fromDate
* applicationId
* untilDate
* presentationType


 * lorder
* id
* createdBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdatedBy
* levelId
* creationDate
* lastUpdateDate


 * lorder
* id
* createdBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdatedBy
* levelId
* creationDate
* lastUpdateDate


 * transferId
* integrationType
* queryName
* createdBy
* exportType
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* creationDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* id
* fromDate
* applicationId
* untilDate
* presentationType


 * planStartDate
* roundoffDecimalPlaces
* calendarCode
* previousPlanStartDate
* organizationId
* attribute14
* creationDate
* attribute2
* dpBuildErrorFlag
* deletePlanFlag
* liabPlanName
* mMinTimLvlId
* stripeLevelId
* liabilityRevisionNum
* categorySetId
* calendarType
* roundoffThreashold
* attribute12
* validFlag
* averageDiscount
* lastUpdateLogin
* cMinTimLvlId
* useOrgSpecificBomFlag
* templateId
* amtThreshold
* stripeStreamDesig
* programId
* attribute10
* enableFcstExplosion
* attribute6
* buildStripeStreamDesig
* zdEditionName
* dpBuildRefreshNum
* buildStripeStreamRefNum
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute15
* buildStripeStreamName
* templateFlag
* prevLiabPubPlanStartDate
* historyStartDate
* gMinTimLvlId
* demandPlanId
* stripeStreamName
* attribute13
* programUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* zdSync
* programApplicationId
* createdBy
* liabPlanId
* attribute5
* stripeInstance
* roundingLevelId
* deleteRequestId
* lowestPeriodType
* attribute7
* attribute9
* stripeSrLevelPk
* attribute8
* srInstanceId
* periodSetName
* description
* attribute4
* fMinTimLvlId
* attribute1
* demandPlanName
* attribute11
* amtDecimalPlaces
* planEndDate
* defaultTemplate
* attribute3
* attributeCategory
* planType
* buildStripeLevelPk
* requestId
* baseUom


 * planStartDate
* roundoffDecimalPlaces
* calendarCode
* previousPlanStartDate
* organizationId
* attribute14
* creationDate
* attribute2
* dpBuildErrorFlag
* deletePlanFlag
* liabPlanName
* mMinTimLvlId
* stripeLevelId
* liabilityRevisionNum
* categorySetId
* calendarType
* roundoffThreashold
* attribute12
* validFlag
* averageDiscount
* lastUpdateLogin
* cMinTimLvlId
* useOrgSpecificBomFlag
* templateId
* amtThreshold
* stripeStreamDesig
* programId
* attribute10
* enableFcstExplosion
* attribute6
* buildStripeStreamDesig
* zdEditionName
* dpBuildRefreshNum
* buildStripeStreamRefNum
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute15
* buildStripeStreamName
* templateFlag
* prevLiabPubPlanStartDate
* historyStartDate
* gMinTimLvlId
* demandPlanId
* stripeStreamName
* attribute13
* programUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* zdSync
* programApplicationId
* createdBy
* liabPlanId
* attribute5
* stripeInstance
* roundingLevelId
* deleteRequestId
* lowestPeriodType
* attribute7
* attribute9
* stripeSrLevelPk
* attribute8
* srInstanceId
* periodSetName
* description
* attribute4
* fMinTimLvlId
* attribute1
* demandPlanName
* attribute11
* amtDecimalPlaces
* planEndDate
* defaultTemplate
* attribute3
* attributeCategory
* planType
* buildStripeLevelPk
* requestId
* baseUom


 * language
* description
* lastUpdateDate
* sourceLang
* creationDate
* requestId
* programId
* programApplicationId
* lastUpdateLogin
* programUpdateDate
* createdBy
* demandPlanId
* lastUpdatedBy


 * language
* description
* lastUpdateDate
* sourceLang
* creationDate
* requestId
* programId
* programApplicationId
* lastUpdateLogin
* programUpdateDate
* createdBy
* demandPlanId
* lastUpdatedBy


 * createdBy
* programId
* lastUpdatedBy
* requestId
* programApplicationId
* calendarCode
* deleteableFlag
* demandPlanId
* lastUpdateLogin
* zdEditionName
* lastUpdateDate
* creationDate
* zdSync
* calendarType
* programUpdateDate
* enableNonseedFlag


 * createdBy
* programId
* lastUpdatedBy
* requestId
* programApplicationId
* calendarCode
* deleteableFlag
* demandPlanId
* lastUpdateLogin
* zdEditionName
* lastUpdateDate
* creationDate
* zdSync
* calendarType
* programUpdateDate
* enableNonseedFlag


 * createdBy
* zdEditionName
* demandPlanId
* deleteableFlag
* enableNonseedFlag
* dpDimensionCode
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* requestId
* zdSync
* lastUpdateDate
* programId
* dimensionCode
* lastUpdatedBy
* programApplicationId
* programUpdateDate


 * createdBy
* zdEditionName
* demandPlanId
* deleteableFlag
* enableNonseedFlag
* dpDimensionCode
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* requestId
* zdSync
* lastUpdateDate
* programId
* dimensionCode
* lastUpdatedBy
* programApplicationId
* programUpdateDate


 * programUpdateDate
* createdBy
* programId
* requestId
* dimensionCode
* selectionType
* lastUpdatedBy
* demandPlanId
* supplyPlanName
* enabledFlag
* programApplicationId
* mandatoryFlag
* selectionComponent
* selectionSequence
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* selectionValue
* supplyPlanFlag
* documentId
* lastUpdateDate


 * programUpdateDate
* createdBy
* programId
* requestId
* dimensionCode
* selectionType
* lastUpdatedBy
* demandPlanId
* supplyPlanName
* enabledFlag
* programApplicationId
* mandatoryFlag
* selectionComponent
* selectionSequence
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* selectionValue
* supplyPlanFlag
* documentId
* lastUpdateDate


 * lastUpdateLogin
* deleteableFlag
* lastUpdateDate
* eventId
* createdBy
* lastUpdatedBy
* dpEventId
* zdSync
* demandPlanId
* creationDate
* programUpdateDate
* zdEditionName
* requestId
* programApplicationId
* programId
* enableNonseedFlag


 * lastUpdateLogin
* deleteableFlag
* lastUpdateDate
* eventId
* createdBy
* lastUpdatedBy
* dpEventId
* zdSync
* demandPlanId
* creationDate
* programUpdateDate
* zdEditionName
* requestId
* programApplicationId
* programId
* enableNonseedFlag


 * sharedDbPrefix
* owaVirtualPathName
* lastUpdateLogin
* setup3
* eadName
* lastUpdatedBy
* creationDate
* requestId
* expressMachinePort
* programApplicationId
* expressConnectString
* lastUpdateDate
* programId
* demandPlanId
* organizationId
* sharedDbLocation
* setup1
* createdBy
* setup2
* setup5
* codeLocation
* setup4
* programUpdateDate


 * sharedDbPrefix
* owaVirtualPathName
* lastUpdateLogin
* setup3
* eadName
* lastUpdatedBy
* creationDate
* requestId
* expressMachinePort
* programApplicationId
* expressConnectString
* lastUpdateDate
* programId
* demandPlanId
* organizationId
* sharedDbLocation
* setup1
* createdBy
* setup2
* setup5
* codeLocation
* setup4
* programUpdateDate


 * parameterComponent
* lastUpdatedBy
* formulaId
* programId
* lastUpdateLogin
* parameterSequence
* requestId
* programUpdateDate
* mandatoryFlag
* creationDate
* demandPlanId
* whereUsed
* lastUpdateDate
* supplyPlanFlag
* parameterType
* supplyPlanName
* createdBy
* parameterValue
* enabledFlag
* programApplicationId


 * parameterComponent
* lastUpdatedBy
* formulaId
* programId
* lastUpdateLogin
* parameterSequence
* requestId
* programUpdateDate
* mandatoryFlag
* creationDate
* demandPlanId
* whereUsed
* lastUpdateDate
* supplyPlanFlag
* parameterType
* supplyPlanName
* createdBy
* parameterValue
* enabledFlag
* programApplicationId


 * isby
* programUpdateDate
* customType
* customSubtype
* supplyPlanFlag
* formulaId
* startPeriod
* numerator
* customField1
* validFlag
* creationSequence
* formulaDesc
* customField2
* programId
* lastUpdatedBy
* creationDate
* programApplicationId
* uploadFormulaId
* customAddtlcalc
* createdBy
* denominator
* equation
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* demandPlanId
* formulaName
* supplyPlanName
* requestId
* format


 * isby
* programUpdateDate
* customType
* customSubtype
* supplyPlanFlag
* formulaId
* startPeriod
* numerator
* customField1
* validFlag
* creationSequence
* formulaDesc
* customField2
* programId
* lastUpdatedBy
* creationDate
* programApplicationId
* uploadFormulaId
* customAddtlcalc
* createdBy
* denominator
* equation
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* demandPlanId
* formulaName
* supplyPlanName
* requestId
* format


 * lastUpdateDate
* demandPlanId
* lastUpdatedBy
* programApplicationId
* hierarchyId
* programId
* programUpdateDate
* creationDate
* requestId
* dpDimensionCode
* createdBy
* zdSync
* enableNonseedFlag
* lastUpdateLogin
* deleteableFlag
* zdEditionName


 * lastUpdateDate
* demandPlanId
* lastUpdatedBy
* programApplicationId
* hierarchyId
* programId
* programUpdateDate
* creationDate
* requestId
* dpDimensionCode
* createdBy
* zdSync
* enableNonseedFlag
* lastUpdateLogin
* deleteableFlag
* zdEditionName


 * demandPlanId
* srOrganizationId
* lastUpdatedBy
* creationDate
* programApplicationId
* requestId
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdateDate
* createdBy
* srInstanceId
* programId
* programUpdateDate


 * demandPlanId
* deleteableFlag
* requestId
* startDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* parameterId
* parameterType
* createdBy
* outputScenarioId
* postCalculation
* programApplicationId
* roundingFlag
* capacityUsageRatio
* quantityUsed
* zdEditionName
* revision
* forecastDateUsed
* dependentDemandDesc
* parameterName
* streamType
* calculatedOrder
* forecastUsed
* factType
* lastUpdateLogin
* excludeFromRollingCycle
* equation
* numberOfPeriod
* zdSync
* programUpdateDate
* ascpStreamFlag
* supplyPlanFlag
* creationDate
* alloAggBasisStreamId
* forecastBasedOn
* periodType
* programId
* inputDemandPlanId
* lastUpdateDate
* scnBuildRefreshNum
* archivedForParameter
* endDate
* enableNonseedFlag
* inputScenarioId
* viewName
* priceListName
* amountUsed


 * createdBy
* lastUpdatedBy
* requestId
* programApplicationId
* parameterName
* lastUpdateDate
* creationDate
* parameterType
* programId
* demandPlanId
* lastUpdateLogin
* programUpdateDate
* dataType
* refreshNum


 * createdBy
* lastUpdatedBy
* requestId
* programApplicationId
* parameterName
* lastUpdateDate
* creationDate
* parameterType
* programId
* demandPlanId
* lastUpdateLogin
* programUpdateDate
* dataType
* refreshNum


 * demandPlanId
* deleteableFlag
* requestId
* startDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* parameterId
* parameterType
* createdBy
* outputScenarioId
* postCalculation
* programApplicationId
* roundingFlag
* capacityUsageRatio
* quantityUsed
* zdEditionName
* revision
* forecastDateUsed
* dependentDemandDesc
* parameterName
* streamType
* calculatedOrder
* forecastUsed
* factType
* lastUpdateLogin
* excludeFromRollingCycle
* equation
* numberOfPeriod
* zdSync
* programUpdateDate
* ascpStreamFlag
* supplyPlanFlag
* creationDate
* alloAggBasisStreamId
* forecastBasedOn
* periodType
* programId
* inputDemandPlanId
* lastUpdateDate
* scnBuildRefreshNum
* archivedForParameter
* endDate
* enableNonseedFlag
* inputScenarioId
* viewName
* priceListName
* amountUsed


 * organizationId
* componentSequenceId
* billSequenceId
* dateTo
* planningFactor
* programApplicationId
* creationDate
* origComponentSequenceId
* demandPlanId
* inventoryItemId
* requestId
* baseModelItemId
* createdBy
* dpScenarioId
* programUpdateDate
* srInstanceId
* lastUpdateLogin
* planPercentageType
* assemblyItemId
* dateFrom
* programId


 * organizationId
* componentSequenceId
* billSequenceId
* dateTo
* planningFactor
* programApplicationId
* creationDate
* origComponentSequenceId
* demandPlanId
* inventoryItemId
* requestId
* baseModelItemId
* createdBy
* dpScenarioId
* programUpdateDate
* srInstanceId
* lastUpdateLogin
* planPercentageType
* assemblyItemId
* dateFrom
* programId


 * item
* parentItem
* topAtoModel
* planningFactor
* serial
* organization
* dateFrom
* dateTo


 * item
* parentItem
* topAtoModel
* planningFactor
* serial
* organization
* dateFrom
* dateTo


 * srOrganizationPk
* lastUpdateDate
* dateFrom
* demandPlanId
* planPercentType
* createdBy
* creationDate
* requestId
* componentItemLevelPk
* programApplicationId
* instance
* dpScenarioId
* assemblyItemLevelPk
* lastUpdatedBy
* srAssemblyItemPk
* revision
* programUpdateDate
* dateTo
* planningFactor
* organizationLevelPk
* componentSequenceId
* lastUpdateLogin
* srComponentItemPk
* programId


 * srOrganizationPk
* lastUpdateDate
* dateFrom
* demandPlanId
* planPercentType
* createdBy
* creationDate
* requestId
* componentItemLevelPk
* programApplicationId
* instance
* dpScenarioId
* assemblyItemLevelPk
* lastUpdatedBy
* srAssemblyItemPk
* revision
* programUpdateDate
* dateTo
* planningFactor
* organizationLevelPk
* componentSequenceId
* lastUpdateLogin
* srComponentItemPk
* programId


 * lastUpdateDate
* zdSync
* enableNonseedFlag
* createdBy
* requestId
* dpPriceListId
* demandPlanId
* deleteableFlag
* programApplicationId
* programUpdateDate
* priceListName
* programId
* creationDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* zdEditionName


 * salesRepLvlPk
* baselineDependentQty
* customerLvlVal
* lastUpdateDate
* revision
* productLvlId
* instance
* userDefined2LvlPk
* organizationLvlVal
* userDefined1LvlVal
* baselineAmount
* saleschannelLvlId
* demandClassLvlPk
* programId
* baselineTotalQty
* comments
* forecastError
* parentRevision
* demandClassLvlId
* dependentQuantity
* srGeographyLvlPk
* organizationLvlPk
* srCustomerLvlPk
* timeLvlValTo
* srUserDefined1LvlPk
* srProductLvlPk
* totalQuantity
* programUpdateDate
* scenarioId
* saleschannelLvlPk
* lastUpdateLogin
* geographyLvlVal
* userDefined1LvlPk
* amount
* customerLvlPk
* srSaleschannelLvlPk
* creationDate
* organizationLvlId
* srSalesRepLvlPk
* requestId
* adjustmentReason
* programApplicationId
* entryId
* geographyLvlId
* createdBy
* baselineQuantity
* timeLvlValFrom
* lastUpdatedBy
* timeLvlId
* geographyLvlPk
* salesRepLvlId
* customerLvlId
* srOrganizationLvlPk
* scenarioName
* salesRepLvlVal
* demandClass
* userDefined1LvlId
* demandPlanId
* productLvlVal
* productLvlPk
* forecastPriority
* priority
* srUserDefined2LvlPk
* totalQuantityUom
* saleschannelLvlVal
* userDefined2LvlId
* quantity
* userDefined2LvlVal


 * salesRepLvlPk
* baselineDependentQty
* customerLvlVal
* lastUpdateDate
* revision
* productLvlId
* instance
* userDefined2LvlPk
* organizationLvlVal
* userDefined1LvlVal
* baselineAmount
* saleschannelLvlId
* demandClassLvlPk
* programId
* baselineTotalQty
* comments
* forecastError
* parentRevision
* demandClassLvlId
* dependentQuantity
* srGeographyLvlPk
* organizationLvlPk
* srCustomerLvlPk
* timeLvlValTo
* srUserDefined1LvlPk
* srProductLvlPk
* totalQuantity
* programUpdateDate
* scenarioId
* saleschannelLvlPk
* lastUpdateLogin
* geographyLvlVal
* userDefined1LvlPk
* amount
* customerLvlPk
* srSaleschannelLvlPk
* creationDate
* organizationLvlId
* srSalesRepLvlPk
* requestId
* adjustmentReason
* programApplicationId
* entryId
* geographyLvlId
* createdBy
* baselineQuantity
* timeLvlValFrom
* lastUpdatedBy
* timeLvlId
* geographyLvlPk
* salesRepLvlId
* customerLvlId
* srOrganizationLvlPk
* scenarioName
* salesRepLvlVal
* demandClass
* userDefined1LvlId
* demandPlanId
* productLvlVal
* productLvlPk
* forecastPriority
* priority
* srUserDefined2LvlPk
* totalQuantityUom
* saleschannelLvlVal
* userDefined2LvlId
* quantity
* userDefined2LvlVal


 * enableNonseedFlag
* programUpdateDate
* eventId
* demandPlanId
* programId
* eventAssociationPriority
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* requestId
* lastUpdateLogin
* scenarioId
* deleteableFlag
* zdEditionName
* programApplicationId
* creationDate
* createdBy
* zdSync


 * enableNonseedFlag
* programUpdateDate
* eventId
* demandPlanId
* programId
* eventAssociationPriority
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* requestId
* lastUpdateLogin
* scenarioId
* deleteableFlag
* zdEditionName
* programApplicationId
* creationDate
* createdBy
* zdSync


 * lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdatedBy
* createdBy
* zdSync
* requestId
* demandPlanId
* levelId
* zdEditionName
* programUpdateDate
* creationDate
* programApplicationId
* enableNonseedFlag
* scenarioId
* programId
* deleteableFlag
* lastUpdateDate


 * lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdatedBy
* createdBy
* zdSync
* requestId
* demandPlanId
* levelId
* zdEditionName
* programUpdateDate
* creationDate
* programApplicationId
* enableNonseedFlag
* scenarioId
* programId
* deleteableFlag
* lastUpdateDate


 * lastUpdatedBy
* demandPlanId
* scenarioId
* errorType
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* planStartDate
* revisionName
* creationDate
* revision
* createdBy


 * scenarioId
* priceListName
* createdBy
* zdSync
* attribute3
* enableNonseedFlag
* zdEditionName
* attribute11
* creationDate
* deleteableFlag
* programUpdateDate
* attribute2
* outputPeriodType
* attribute13
* demandPlanId
* attribute8
* scenarioType
* attribute9
* supplyPlanName
* oldSupplyPlanName
* horizonEndDate
* horizonStartDate
* associateParameter
* forecastBasedOn
* scType
* lastUpdateDate
* returnForecast
* attribute12
* lastUpdatedBy
* supplyPlanId
* scenarioDesignator
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute7
* attribute10
* scenarioName
* attribute6
* errorType
* attribute1
* description
* dmdPriorityScenarioId
* historyStartDate
* consumeFlag
* lastRevision
* attribute4
* programId
* attribute14
* requestId
* parameterName
* historyEndDate
* enableFlag
* programApplicationId
* supplyPlanFlag
* attribute5
* publishFlag
* forecastDateUsed
* attributeCategory
* attribute15
* status
* oldSupplyPlanId


 * scenarioId
* priceListName
* createdBy
* zdSync
* attribute3
* enableNonseedFlag
* zdEditionName
* attribute11
* creationDate
* deleteableFlag
* programUpdateDate
* attribute2
* outputPeriodType
* attribute13
* demandPlanId
* attribute8
* scenarioType
* attribute9
* supplyPlanName
* oldSupplyPlanName
* horizonEndDate
* horizonStartDate
* associateParameter
* forecastBasedOn
* scType
* lastUpdateDate
* returnForecast
* attribute12
* lastUpdatedBy
* supplyPlanId
* scenarioDesignator
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute7
* attribute10
* scenarioName
* attribute6
* errorType
* attribute1
* description
* dmdPriorityScenarioId
* historyStartDate
* consumeFlag
* lastRevision
* attribute4
* programId
* attribute14
* requestId
* parameterName
* historyEndDate
* enableFlag
* programApplicationId
* supplyPlanFlag
* attribute5
* publishFlag
* forecastDateUsed
* attributeCategory
* attribute15
* status
* oldSupplyPlanId


 * lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdateDate
* demandPlanId
* programUpdateDate
* programId
* scenarioId
* lastUpdatedBy
* creationDate
* requestId
* language
* programApplicationId
* createdBy
* sourceLang
* description


 * lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdateDate
* demandPlanId
* programUpdateDate
* programId
* scenarioId
* lastUpdatedBy
* creationDate
* requestId
* language
* programApplicationId
* createdBy
* sourceLang
* description


 * programApplicationId
* createdBy
* endTime
* bucketType
* inventoryItemId
* programUpdateDate
* pfName
* startTime
* unitPrice
* demandClass
* creationDate
* programId
* dpUomCode
* srCustomerId
* mapeInSample
* srZoneId
* ascpUomCode
* srInstanceId
* intermittentDemand
* demandPlanId
* forecastError
* quantity
* avgDemand
* scenarioId
* requestId
* srOrganizationId
* demandId
* srInventoryItemId
* srShipToLocId
* priority
* lastUpdateLogin
* mapeOutSample
* forecastVolatility
* errorType


 * programApplicationId
* createdBy
* endTime
* bucketType
* inventoryItemId
* programUpdateDate
* pfName
* startTime
* unitPrice
* demandClass
* creationDate
* programId
* dpUomCode
* srCustomerId
* mapeInSample
* srZoneId
* ascpUomCode
* srInstanceId
* intermittentDemand
* demandPlanId
* forecastError
* quantity
* avgDemand
* scenarioId
* requestId
* srOrganizationId
* demandId
* srInventoryItemId
* srShipToLocId
* priority
* lastUpdateLogin
* mapeOutSample
* forecastVolatility
* errorType


 * programApplicationId
* demandPlanId
* hierarchyId
* creationDate
* dimensionCode
* lastUpdateLogin
* selectionType
* requestId
* programId
* lastUpdatedBy
* enabledFlag
* programUpdateDate
* sequenceNumber
* lastUpdateDate
* createdBy
* documentId
* selectionScript
* mandatoryFlag
* axis


 * createdBy
* description
* lastUpdateDate
* programId
* lastUpdatedBy
* creationDate
* programUpdateDate
* demandPlanId
* scriptInit
* requestId
* scriptPrepage
* openOnStartup
* validFlag
* lastUpdateLogin
* documentId
* scriptPostpage
* type
* programApplicationId
* scriptCleanup
* documentName
* subType


 * createdBy
* description
* lastUpdateDate
* programId
* lastUpdatedBy
* creationDate
* programUpdateDate
* demandPlanId
* scriptInit
* requestId
* scriptPrepage
* openOnStartup
* validFlag
* lastUpdateLogin
* documentId
* scriptPostpage
* type
* programApplicationId
* scriptCleanup
* documentName
* subType


 * supplyPlanId
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* programId
* programApplicationId
* creationDate
* createdBy
* demandPlanName
* requestId
* lastUpdatedBy
* supplyPlanName
* programUpdateDate


 * supplyPlanId
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* programId
* programApplicationId
* creationDate
* createdBy
* demandPlanName
* requestId
* lastUpdatedBy
* supplyPlanName
* programUpdateDate


 * eventId
* srProductLvlPk
* instance
* endTime
* lastUpdatedBy
* programApplicationId
* programId
* programUpdateDate
* spreadProductLvlVal
* productLvlId
* lastUpdateDate
* spreadProductLvlId
* lastUpdateLogin
* creationDate
* requestId
* createdBy
* seqId
* productLvlVal
* startTime


 * eventId
* srProductLvlPk
* instance
* endTime
* lastUpdatedBy
* programApplicationId
* programId
* programUpdateDate
* spreadProductLvlVal
* productLvlId
* lastUpdateDate
* spreadProductLvlId
* lastUpdateLogin
* creationDate
* requestId
* createdBy
* seqId
* productLvlVal
* startTime


 * attribute6
* srProductLvlPk
* lastUpdatedBy
* salesRepLvlVal
* lastUpdateLogin
* saleschannelLvlId
* srSpreadProductLvlPk
* eventName
* periodType
* organizationLvlVal
* userDefined2LvlId
* userDefined2LvlVal
* attribute12
* productLvlId
* attribute1
* srUserDefined2LvlPk
* saleschannelLvlVal
* programApplicationId
* eventId
* productEndTime
* attribute4
* attribute15
* priority
* introductionType
* instance
* srSaleschannelLvlPk
* srCustomerLvlPk
* spreadProductLvlId
* geographyLvlId
* spreadProduct
* attribute11
* programUpdateDate
* srGeographyLvlPk
* customerLvlVal
* eventPriority
* attribute9
* srSalesRepLvlPk
* lastUpdateDate
* eventType
* customerLvlId
* attribute5
* srOrganizationLvlPk
* productLvlVal
* attributeCategory
* userDefined1LvlVal
* productStartTime
* creationDate
* spreadProductLvlVal
* userDefined1LvlId
* forecastBasis
* autoUpdateSsFlag
* programId
* srUserDefined1LvlPk
* geographyLvlVal
* requestId
* salesRepLvlId
* attribute13
* description
* attribute10
* eventDescription
* attribute2
* attribute7
* modificationType
* attribute8
* attribute14
* createdBy
* attribute3
* organizationLvlId


 * attribute6
* srProductLvlPk
* lastUpdatedBy
* salesRepLvlVal
* lastUpdateLogin
* saleschannelLvlId
* srSpreadProductLvlPk
* eventName
* periodType
* organizationLvlVal
* userDefined2LvlId
* userDefined2LvlVal
* attribute12
* productLvlId
* attribute1
* srUserDefined2LvlPk
* saleschannelLvlVal
* programApplicationId
* eventId
* productEndTime
* attribute4
* attribute15
* priority
* introductionType
* instance
* srSaleschannelLvlPk
* srCustomerLvlPk
* spreadProductLvlId
* geographyLvlId
* spreadProduct
* attribute11
* programUpdateDate
* srGeographyLvlPk
* customerLvlVal
* eventPriority
* attribute9
* srSalesRepLvlPk
* lastUpdateDate
* eventType
* customerLvlId
* attribute5
* srOrganizationLvlPk
* productLvlVal
* attributeCategory
* userDefined1LvlVal
* productStartTime
* creationDate
* spreadProductLvlVal
* userDefined1LvlId
* forecastBasis
* autoUpdateSsFlag
* programId
* srUserDefined1LvlPk
* geographyLvlVal
* requestId
* salesRepLvlId
* attribute13
* description
* attribute10
* eventDescription
* attribute2
* attribute7
* modificationType
* attribute8
* attribute14
* createdBy
* attribute3
* organizationLvlId


 * srProductLvlPk
* eventId
* programApplicationId
* lag
* programUpdateDate
* startTime
* qtyModificationFactor
* requestId
* creationDate
* endTime
* seqId
* qtyModificationType
* productLvlId
* lastUpdateLogin
* productLvlVal
* lastUpdatedBy
* instance
* npiProdRelationship
* relationId
* lastUpdateDate
* programId
* createdBy


 * srProductLvlPk
* eventId
* programApplicationId
* lag
* programUpdateDate
* startTime
* qtyModificationFactor
* requestId
* creationDate
* endTime
* seqId
* qtyModificationType
* productLvlId
* lastUpdateLogin
* productLvlVal
* lastUpdatedBy
* instance
* npiProdRelationship
* relationId
* lastUpdateDate
* programId
* createdBy


 * organizationLvlId
* lastUpdatedBy
* srOrganizationLvlPk
* userDefined1LvlId
* srGeographyLvlPk
* userDefined1LvlVal
* userDefined1LvlPk
* timeLvlValFrom
* srUserDefined2LvlPk
* lastUpdateLogin
* srSaleschannelLvlPk
* geographyLvlId
* creationDate
* saleschannelLvlId
* srUserDefined1LvlPk
* qtyModificationFactor
* productLvlVal
* organizationLvlVal
* priceModificationType
* lastUpdateDate
* demandClassLvlVal
* priceModificationFactor
* srProductLvlPk
* userDefined2LvlPk
* eventId
* userDefined2LvlVal
* requestId
* qtyModificationType
* programApplicationId
* saleschannelLvlVal
* srDemandClassLvlPk
* detailId
* demandClassLvlId
* createdBy
* productLvlId
* salesrepLvlId
* programId
* programUpdateDate
* userDefined2LvlId
* instance
* seqId
* srSalesrepLvlPk
* timeLvlId
* salesrepLvlVal
* geographyLvlVal
* relationId
* timeLvlValTo


 * organizationLvlId
* lastUpdatedBy
* srOrganizationLvlPk
* userDefined1LvlId
* srGeographyLvlPk
* userDefined1LvlVal
* userDefined1LvlPk
* timeLvlValFrom
* srUserDefined2LvlPk
* lastUpdateLogin
* srSaleschannelLvlPk
* geographyLvlId
* creationDate
* saleschannelLvlId
* srUserDefined1LvlPk
* qtyModificationFactor
* productLvlVal
* organizationLvlVal
* priceModificationType
* lastUpdateDate
* demandClassLvlVal
* priceModificationFactor
* srProductLvlPk
* userDefined2LvlPk
* eventId
* userDefined2LvlVal
* requestId
* qtyModificationType
* programApplicationId
* saleschannelLvlVal
* srDemandClassLvlPk
* detailId
* demandClassLvlId
* createdBy
* productLvlId
* salesrepLvlId
* programId
* programUpdateDate
* userDefined2LvlId
* instance
* seqId
* srSalesrepLvlPk
* timeLvlId
* salesrepLvlVal
* geographyLvlVal
* relationId
* timeLvlValTo


 * forecastTypeId
* item
* creationDate
* instance
* avgDiscount
* listPrice
* itemTypeId
* programUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* programApplicationId
* lastUpdateDate
* lastRefreshNum
* actionCode
* requestId
* programId
* srItemPk
* baseUom
* createdByRefreshNum
* createdBy


 * forecastTypeId
* item
* creationDate
* instance
* avgDiscount
* listPrice
* itemTypeId
* programUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* programApplicationId
* lastUpdateDate
* lastRefreshNum
* actionCode
* requestId
* programId
* srItemPk
* baseUom
* createdByRefreshNum
* createdBy


 * lastUpdateDate
* relatedItem
* requestId
* relationshipTypeId
* programUpdateDate
* inventoryItem
* programId
* instanceId
* inventoryItemId
* startDate
* programApplicationId
* endDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* relatedItemId
* createdBy
* lastUpdatedBy
* creationDate


 * lastUpdateDate
* relatedItem
* requestId
* relationshipTypeId
* programUpdateDate
* inventoryItem
* programId
* instanceId
* inventoryItemId
* startDate
* programApplicationId
* endDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* relatedItemId
* createdBy
* lastUpdatedBy
* creationDate


 * programUpdateDate
* attribute1
* levelId
* attribute2
* creationDate
* requestId
* attribute3
* attribute4
* lastUpdatedBy
* parentLevelId
* srParentLevelPk
* lastRefreshNum
* instance
* lastUpdateDate
* programApplicationId
* lastUpdateLogin
* dpEnabledFlag
* createdByRefreshNum
* attribute5
* srLevelPk
* createdBy
* programId
* actionCode


 * createdBy
* lastRefreshNum
* attribute3
* attribute4
* planId
* parentLevelId
* attribute2
* creationDate
* programApplicationId
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute5
* lastUpdateDate
* requestId
* createdByRefreshNum
* lastUpdatedBy
* programId
* actionCode
* srLevelPk
* srParentLevelPk
* attribute1
* programUpdateDate
* levelId


 * createdBy
* lastRefreshNum
* attribute3
* attribute4
* planId
* parentLevelId
* attribute2
* creationDate
* programApplicationId
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute5
* lastUpdateDate
* requestId
* createdByRefreshNum
* lastUpdatedBy
* programId
* actionCode
* srLevelPk
* srParentLevelPk
* attribute1
* programUpdateDate
* levelId


 * programUpdateDate
* attribute1
* levelId
* attribute2
* creationDate
* requestId
* attribute3
* attribute4
* lastUpdatedBy
* parentLevelId
* srParentLevelPk
* lastRefreshNum
* instance
* lastUpdateDate
* programApplicationId
* lastUpdateLogin
* dpEnabledFlag
* createdByRefreshNum
* attribute5
* srLevelPk
* createdBy
* programId
* actionCode


 * srLevelPk
* creationDate
* orgSrLevelPk
* programId
* instance
* requestId
* lastUpdatedBy
* orgLevelId
* lastUpdateDate
* levelId
* createdBy
* programUpdateDate
* programApplicationId
* lastUpdateLogin


 * srLevelPk
* creationDate
* orgSrLevelPk
* programId
* instance
* requestId
* lastUpdatedBy
* orgLevelId
* lastUpdateDate
* levelId
* createdBy
* programUpdateDate
* programApplicationId
* lastUpdateLogin


 * attribute1
* parentLevelId
* levelValue
* programApplicationId
* levelPk
* attribute2
* createdBy
* instance
* attribute3
* srLevelPk
* lastUpdateDate
* parentLevelValuePk
* parentLevelValue
* lastRefreshNum
* attribute5
* lastUpdateLogin
* levelValuePk
* createdByRefreshNum
* programUpdateDate
* attribute4
* lastUpdatedBy
* actionCode
* systemAttribute2
* requestId
* levelValueDesc
* levelId
* creationDate
* systemAttribute1
* dpEnabledFlag
* programId


 * programId
* demandPlanId
* dpEnabledFlag
* requestId
* programUpdateDate
* lastUpdateDate
* levelId
* systemAttribute2
* instance
* createdBy
* creationDate
* srLevelPk
* levelPk
* lastUpdateLogin
* programApplicationId
* systemAttribute1
* lastUpdatedBy


 * programId
* demandPlanId
* dpEnabledFlag
* requestId
* programUpdateDate
* lastUpdateDate
* levelId
* systemAttribute2
* instance
* createdBy
* creationDate
* srLevelPk
* levelPk
* lastUpdateLogin
* programApplicationId
* systemAttribute1
* lastUpdatedBy


 * lastUpdatedBy
* programApplicationId
* requestId
* instance
* levelPk
* programId
* levelId
* creationDate
* programUpdateDate
* createdBy
* systemAttribute2
* srLevelPk
* lastUpdateDate
* dpEnabledFlag
* systemAttribute1
* demandPlanId
* lastUpdateLogin


 * lastUpdatedBy
* programApplicationId
* requestId
* instance
* levelPk
* programId
* levelId
* creationDate
* programUpdateDate
* createdBy
* systemAttribute2
* srLevelPk
* lastUpdateDate
* dpEnabledFlag
* systemAttribute1
* demandPlanId
* lastUpdateLogin


 * planId
* actionCode
* programApplicationId
* lastUpdateDate
* createdBy
* programUpdateDate
* levelId
* attribute3
* creationDate
* levelPk
* createdByRefreshNum
* attribute4
* levelValueDesc
* attribute5
* attribute1
* requestId
* levelValue
* programId
* srLevelPk
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastRefreshNum
* attribute2
* lastUpdateLogin


 * planId
* actionCode
* programApplicationId
* lastUpdateDate
* createdBy
* programUpdateDate
* levelId
* attribute3
* creationDate
* levelPk
* createdByRefreshNum
* attribute4
* levelValueDesc
* attribute5
* attribute1
* requestId
* levelValue
* programId
* srLevelPk
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastRefreshNum
* attribute2
* lastUpdateLogin


 * attribute1
* parentLevelId
* levelValue
* programApplicationId
* levelPk
* attribute2
* createdBy
* instance
* attribute3
* srLevelPk
* lastUpdateDate
* parentLevelValuePk
* parentLevelValue
* lastRefreshNum
* attribute5
* lastUpdateLogin
* levelValuePk
* createdByRefreshNum
* programUpdateDate
* attribute4
* lastUpdatedBy
* actionCode
* systemAttribute2
* requestId
* levelValueDesc
* levelId
* creationDate
* systemAttribute1
* dpEnabledFlag
* programId


 * char5
* createdBy
* char7
* char8
* char10
* number3
* levelId
* char2
* requestId
* number5
* char4
* programApplicationId
* creationDate
* programId
* char6
* date2
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* instanceId
* char1
* char3
* char9
* number4
* dataSourceType
* date1
* date3
* date5
* lastUpdateDate
* number2
* date4
* programUpdateDate
* localId
* number1


 * char5
* createdBy
* char7
* char8
* char10
* number3
* levelId
* char2
* requestId
* number5
* char4
* programApplicationId
* creationDate
* programId
* char6
* date2
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* instanceId
* char1
* char3
* char9
* number4
* dataSourceType
* date1
* date3
* date5
* lastUpdateDate
* number2
* date4
* programUpdateDate
* localId
* number1


 * lastUpdateLogin
* invOrg
* bucketType
* srItemPk
* srCustomerPk
* lastRefreshNum
* lastUpdateDate
* rateEndDate
* customer
* srUserDefined1Pk
* createdByRefreshNum
* forecastDate
* programUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* salesChannel
* programId
* originalQuantity
* forecastSet
* prdLevelId
* requestId
* srUserDefined2Pk
* userDefined2
* srShipToLocPk
* srInvOrgPk
* createdBy
* currentQuantity
* actionCode
* item
* srSalesChannelPk
* creationDate
* srDemandClassPk
* programApplicationId
* instance
* userDefined1
* forecastDesignator
* shipToLoc


 * lastUpdateLogin
* invOrg
* bucketType
* srItemPk
* srCustomerPk
* lastRefreshNum
* lastUpdateDate
* rateEndDate
* customer
* srUserDefined1Pk
* createdByRefreshNum
* forecastDate
* programUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* salesChannel
* programId
* originalQuantity
* forecastSet
* prdLevelId
* requestId
* srUserDefined2Pk
* userDefined2
* srShipToLocPk
* srInvOrgPk
* createdBy
* currentQuantity
* actionCode
* item
* srSalesChannelPk
* creationDate
* srDemandClassPk
* programApplicationId
* instance
* userDefined1
* forecastDesignator
* shipToLoc


 * instance
* calendarType
* programUpdateDate
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* srOrgPk
* createdBy
* requestId
* calendarCode
* programId
* lastUpdatedBy
* programApplicationId
* lastUpdateDate


 * srDemandClassLvlPk
* salesRepLvlId
* price
* instance
* lastUpdateLogin
* createdByRefreshNum
* programUpdateDate
* saleschannelLvlId
* userDefined2LvlId
* startDate
* demandClassLvlId
* srSaleschannelLvlPk
* userDefined1LvlId
* lastRefreshNum
* actionCode
* srGeographyLvlPk
* programApplicationId
* srOrganizationLvlPk
* priority
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* productLvlId
* srUserDefined1LvlPk
* srUserDefined2LvlPk
* srProductLvlPk
* requestId
* geographyLvlId
* programId
* srSalesRepLvlPk
* createdBy
* endDate
* organizationLvlId
* priceListName
* creationDate


 * srDemandClassLvlPk
* salesRepLvlId
* price
* instance
* lastUpdateLogin
* createdByRefreshNum
* programUpdateDate
* saleschannelLvlId
* userDefined2LvlId
* startDate
* demandClassLvlId
* srSaleschannelLvlPk
* userDefined1LvlId
* lastRefreshNum
* actionCode
* srGeographyLvlPk
* programApplicationId
* srOrganizationLvlPk
* priority
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* productLvlId
* srUserDefined1LvlPk
* srUserDefined2LvlPk
* srProductLvlPk
* requestId
* geographyLvlId
* programId
* srSalesRepLvlPk
* createdBy
* endDate
* organizationLvlId
* priceListName
* creationDate


 * scenarioId
* reasonCode
* revision
* creationDate
* createdBy
* demandPlanId
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdatedBy
* reasonId
* lastUpdateDate


 * scenarioId
* reasonCode
* revision
* creationDate
* createdBy
* demandPlanId
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdatedBy
* reasonId
* lastUpdateDate


 * timLvlId
* lastUpdateLogin
* dcsLvlPk
* chnLvlPk
* timLvlVal
* prdLvlPk
* ud2LvlId
* revision
* demandPlanId
* repLvlId
* lastUpdateDate
* ud1LvlPk
* orgLvlId
* creationDate
* orgLvlPk
* createdBy
* scenarioId
* geoLvlId
* ud1LvlId
* geoLvlPk
* dcsLvlId
* ud2LvlPk
* commentId
* chnLvlId
* prdLvlId
* repLvlPk
* lastUpdatedBy


 * timLvlId
* lastUpdateLogin
* dcsLvlPk
* chnLvlPk
* timLvlVal
* prdLvlPk
* ud2LvlId
* revision
* demandPlanId
* repLvlId
* lastUpdateDate
* ud1LvlPk
* orgLvlId
* creationDate
* orgLvlPk
* createdBy
* scenarioId
* geoLvlId
* ud1LvlId
* geoLvlPk
* dcsLvlId
* ud2LvlPk
* commentId
* chnLvlId
* prdLvlId
* repLvlPk
* lastUpdatedBy


 * parameterValue
* parameterName
* instanceId


 * parameterValue
* parameterName
* instanceId


 * bookedDate
* createdByRefreshNum
* promisedDate
* createdBy
* orderSourceId
* lastUpdateLogin
* userDefined2
* amount
* qtyShipped
* scheduledShipDate
* lastRefreshNum
* srInvOrgPk
* srUserDefined1Pk
* srItemPk
* item
* lastUpdateDate
* srUserDefined2Pk
* requestedDate
* actionCode
* srDemandClassPk
* srOriginalItemPk
* programUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* creationDate
* srShipToLocPk
* programId
* srParentItemPk
* srSalesRepPk
* salesChannel
* requestId
* salesRep
* customer
* shippedDate
* invOrg
* srCustomerPk
* shipToLoc
* instance
* userDefined1
* srSalesChannelPk
* scheduledArrivalDate
* programApplicationId


 * bookedDate
* createdByRefreshNum
* promisedDate
* createdBy
* orderSourceId
* lastUpdateLogin
* userDefined2
* amount
* qtyShipped
* scheduledShipDate
* lastRefreshNum
* srInvOrgPk
* srUserDefined1Pk
* srItemPk
* item
* lastUpdateDate
* srUserDefined2Pk
* requestedDate
* actionCode
* srDemandClassPk
* srOriginalItemPk
* programUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* creationDate
* srShipToLocPk
* programId
* srParentItemPk
* srSalesRepPk
* salesChannel
* requestId
* salesRep
* customer
* shippedDate
* invOrg
* srCustomerPk
* shipToLoc
* instance
* userDefined1
* srSalesChannelPk
* scheduledArrivalDate
* programApplicationId


 * demandPlanId
* disableDate
* srInstanceId
* srComponentPk
* bomType
* effectivityDate
* lastUpdateDate
* creationDate
* planType
* lastUpdatedBy
* resComp
* createdBy
* srAssemblyPk


 * demandPlanId
* disableDate
* srInstanceId
* srComponentPk
* bomType
* effectivityDate
* lastUpdateDate
* creationDate
* planType
* lastUpdatedBy
* resComp
* createdBy
* srAssemblyPk


 * childCode
* assetGroup
* effectivityDate
* parentCode
* maintenanceTypeCode
* organizationCode
* visitType
* spfCode
* maintenanceTypeDesc
* transitVisit
* baseModelCode
* parentItemCode
* demandType
* visitStageType
* classCode


 * childCode
* assetGroup
* effectivityDate
* parentCode
* maintenanceTypeCode
* organizationCode
* visitType
* spfCode
* maintenanceTypeDesc
* transitVisit
* baseModelCode
* parentItemCode
* demandType
* visitStageType
* classCode


 * latestRev
* effectiveDate
* activeInFuture
* chainId
* superseededItemId
* inventoryItemId
* sequenceId
* disableDate
* srInventoryItemId


 * latestRev
* effectiveDate
* activeInFuture
* chainId
* superseededItemId
* inventoryItemId
* sequenceId
* disableDate
* srInventoryItemId


 * tEpOrganizationEpId
* inventoryItemId
* sdate
* srOrganizationId
* tEpItemEpId
* srInstanceId


 * tEpOrganizationEpId
* inventoryItemId
* sdate
* srOrganizationId
* tEpItemEpId
* srInstanceId


 * ebsBaseModelSrPk
* retainRecord
* disableDate
* sequenceId
* dmItemSrPk
* effectiveDate


 * chainId
* latestRev
* dmItemSrPk
* srInstanceId
* ebsBaseModelSrPk
* disableDate
* effectiveDate


 * chainId
* latestRev
* dmItemSrPk
* srInstanceId
* ebsBaseModelSrPk
* disableDate
* effectiveDate


 * dmOrgCode
* ebsBaseModelCode
* dmOrgSrPk
* ebsBaseModelSrPk


 * operatingFleet
* quantity
* maintenanceTypeDesc
* materialCode
* visitType
* createdBy
* errorText
* orgCode
* originatingMr
* operatingOrgDesc
* operatingOrg
* operationsTypeCode
* lastUpdatedBy
* transitVisit
* maintenanceTypeCode
* srOrgPk
* lastUpdateDate
* usgDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* processFlag
* operationsTypeDesc
* creationDate
* visitStageType
* materialSrPk


 * operatingFleet
* quantity
* maintenanceTypeDesc
* materialCode
* visitType
* createdBy
* errorText
* orgCode
* originatingMr
* operatingOrgDesc
* operatingOrg
* operationsTypeCode
* lastUpdatedBy
* transitVisit
* maintenanceTypeCode
* srOrgPk
* lastUpdateDate
* usgDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* processFlag
* operationsTypeDesc
* creationDate
* visitStageType
* materialSrPk


 * bomResourceCode
* srOrgPk
* creationDate
* processFlag
* operatingOrgDesc
* lastUpdatedBy
* quantity
* cmroResourceCode
* operatingFleet
* lastUpdateDate
* resourceSrPk
* originatingMr
* usgDate
* visitStageType
* operationsTypeDesc
* operatingOrg
* operationsTypeCode
* createdBy
* visitType
* errorText
* transitVisit
* orgCode
* lastUpdateLogin
* maintenanceTypeCode
* maintenanceTypeDesc


 * bomResourceCode
* srOrgPk
* creationDate
* processFlag
* operatingOrgDesc
* lastUpdatedBy
* quantity
* cmroResourceCode
* operatingFleet
* lastUpdateDate
* resourceSrPk
* originatingMr
* usgDate
* visitStageType
* operationsTypeDesc
* operatingOrg
* operationsTypeCode
* createdBy
* visitType
* errorText
* transitVisit
* orgCode
* lastUpdateLogin
* maintenanceTypeCode
* maintenanceTypeDesc


 * operatingOrgDesc
* orgCode
* originatingMr
* transitVisit
* operationsTypeCode
* operationsTypeDesc
* lastUpdatedBy
* processFlag
* createdBy
* maintenanceTypeDesc
* operatingFleet
* operatingOrg
* visitStageType
* srOrgPk
* lastUpdateLogin
* maintenanceTypeCode
* lastUpdateDate
* creationDate
* visitType
* sdate
* errorText
* quantity


 * operatingOrgDesc
* orgCode
* originatingMr
* transitVisit
* operationsTypeCode
* operationsTypeDesc
* lastUpdatedBy
* processFlag
* createdBy
* maintenanceTypeDesc
* operatingFleet
* operatingOrg
* visitStageType
* srOrgPk
* lastUpdateLogin
* maintenanceTypeCode
* lastUpdateDate
* creationDate
* visitType
* sdate
* errorText
* quantity


 * lastUpdatedBy
* creationDate
* dmItemSrPk
* usageDate
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* processFlag
* dmOrgSrPk
* errorText
* usageAggrLevel
* dmOrgCode
* quantity
* ebsBaseModelCode
* usageHistType
* createdBy
* ebsBaseModelSrPk
* dmItemCode


 * lastUpdatedBy
* creationDate
* dmItemSrPk
* usageDate
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* processFlag
* dmOrgSrPk
* errorText
* usageAggrLevel
* dmOrgCode
* quantity
* ebsBaseModelCode
* usageHistType
* createdBy
* ebsBaseModelSrPk
* dmItemCode


 * errorText
* parentItem
* salesChannel
* item
* bookedDate
* invOrg
* userDefined1
* shipToLoc
* lastUpdateLogin
* messageId
* stTransactionId
* programId
* originalItem
* srItemPk
* srSalesRepPk
* scheduledDate
* demandClassLvlVal
* lastUpdateDate
* srSalesChannelPk
* srCustomerPk
* srDemandClassPk
* srUserDefined2Pk
* programApplicationId
* salesRep
* promisedDate
* processFlag
* createdBy
* requestedDate
* qtyOrdered
* srInvOrgPk
* srInstanceCode
* instance
* userDefined2
* srUserDefined1Pk
* srOriginalItemPk
* batchId
* srShipToLocPk
* programUpdateDate
* userDefinedLevel2
* userDefinedLevel1
* dataSourceType
* srParentItemPk
* scheduledArrivalDate
* customer
* amount
* requestId
* lastUpdatedBy
* orderSourceId
* creationDate


 * errorText
* parentItem
* salesChannel
* item
* bookedDate
* invOrg
* userDefined1
* shipToLoc
* lastUpdateLogin
* messageId
* stTransactionId
* programId
* originalItem
* srItemPk
* srSalesRepPk
* scheduledDate
* demandClassLvlVal
* lastUpdateDate
* srSalesChannelPk
* srCustomerPk
* srDemandClassPk
* srUserDefined2Pk
* programApplicationId
* salesRep
* promisedDate
* processFlag
* createdBy
* requestedDate
* qtyOrdered
* srInvOrgPk
* srInstanceCode
* instance
* userDefined2
* srUserDefined1Pk
* srOriginalItemPk
* batchId
* srShipToLocPk
* programUpdateDate
* userDefinedLevel2
* userDefinedLevel1
* dataSourceType
* srParentItemPk
* scheduledArrivalDate
* customer
* amount
* requestId
* lastUpdatedBy
* orderSourceId
* creationDate


 * csDefinitionId
* attribute10
* attribute16
* attribute60
* attribute25
* attribute15
* attribute21
* attribute37
* dataSourceType
* attribute52
* processFlag
* csName
* attribute35
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute45
* attribute46
* attribute50
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute23
* deleteFlag
* attribute19
* attribute40
* attribute51
* stTransactionId
* attribute9
* creationDate
* attribute17
* batchId
* attribute14
* attribute6
* attribute39
* attribute26
* attribute47
* attribute48
* attribute6Val
* attribute54
* programId
* attribute13
* attribute18Val
* attribute31
* attribute8
* attribute22
* attribute56
* attribute4
* attribute2Val
* attribute24
* attribute5
* programApplicationId
* attribute20
* processStatus
* csStDataId
* attribute42
* attribute12
* attribute44
* attribute57
* attribute3
* attribute41
* attribute11
* attribute26Val
* attribute27
* attribute32
* attribute34
* programUpdateDate
* csDefinitionName
* attribute30
* attribute22Val
* srInstanceCode
* requestId
* attribute28
* attribute14Val
* attribute58
* attribute43
* createdBy
* messageId
* attribute38
* attribute53
* errorDesc
* attribute55
* attribute18
* attribute49
* attribute2
* attribute1
* attribute7
* attribute29
* errorText
* attribute59
* attribute50Val
* attribute36
* attribute30Val
* attribute10Val
* attribute33
* lastUpdateDate


 * csDefinitionId
* attribute10
* attribute16
* attribute60
* attribute25
* attribute15
* attribute21
* attribute37
* dataSourceType
* attribute52
* processFlag
* csName
* attribute35
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute45
* attribute46
* attribute50
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute23
* deleteFlag
* attribute19
* attribute40
* attribute51
* stTransactionId
* attribute9
* creationDate
* attribute17
* batchId
* attribute14
* attribute6
* attribute39
* attribute26
* attribute47
* attribute48
* attribute6Val
* attribute54
* programId
* attribute13
* attribute18Val
* attribute31
* attribute8
* attribute22
* attribute56
* attribute4
* attribute2Val
* attribute24
* attribute5
* programApplicationId
* attribute20
* processStatus
* csStDataId
* attribute42
* attribute12
* attribute44
* attribute57
* attribute3
* attribute41
* attribute11
* attribute26Val
* attribute27
* attribute32
* attribute34
* programUpdateDate
* csDefinitionName
* attribute30
* attribute22Val
* srInstanceCode
* requestId
* attribute28
* attribute14Val
* attribute58
* attribute43
* createdBy
* messageId
* attribute38
* attribute53
* errorDesc
* attribute55
* attribute18
* attribute49
* attribute2
* attribute1
* attribute7
* attribute29
* errorText
* attribute59
* attribute50Val
* attribute36
* attribute30Val
* attribute10Val
* attribute33
* lastUpdateDate


 * instanceCode
* lastUpdateLogin
* stTransactionId
* fromCurrency
* conversionDate
* dataSourceType
* instance
* messageId
* programUpdateDate
* conversionRate
* errorText
* srInstanceCode
* programApplicationId
* createdBy
* processFlag
* requestId
* toCurrency
* creationDate
* batchId
* lastUpdatedBy
* programId
* lastUpdateDate


 * instanceCode
* lastUpdateLogin
* stTransactionId
* fromCurrency
* conversionDate
* dataSourceType
* instance
* messageId
* programUpdateDate
* conversionRate
* errorText
* srInstanceCode
* programApplicationId
* createdBy
* processFlag
* requestId
* toCurrency
* creationDate
* batchId
* lastUpdatedBy
* programId
* lastUpdateDate


 * programId
* forecastTypeId
* errorText
* requestId
* instance
* programApplicationId
* srItemPk
* baseUom
* srInstanceCode
* dataSourceType
* stTransactionId
* lastUpdatedBy
* item
* programUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* listPrice
* creationDate
* lastUpdateDate
* batchId
* createdBy
* avgDiscount
* itemTypeId
* processFlag


 * programId
* forecastTypeId
* errorText
* requestId
* instance
* programApplicationId
* srItemPk
* baseUom
* srInstanceCode
* dataSourceType
* stTransactionId
* lastUpdatedBy
* item
* programUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* listPrice
* creationDate
* lastUpdateDate
* batchId
* createdBy
* avgDiscount
* itemTypeId
* processFlag


 * instanceId
* relatedItemId
* processFlag
* lastUpdateDate
* creationDate
* relatedItem
* lastUpdatedBy
* requestId
* dataSourceType
* stTransactionId
* programId
* inventoryItem
* startDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* relationshipType
* endDate
* relationshipTypeId
* errorText
* srInstanceCode
* programApplicationId
* programUpdateDate
* inventoryItemId
* messageId
* batchId
* createdBy


 * instanceId
* relatedItemId
* processFlag
* lastUpdateDate
* creationDate
* relatedItem
* lastUpdatedBy
* requestId
* dataSourceType
* stTransactionId
* programId
* inventoryItem
* startDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* relationshipType
* endDate
* relationshipTypeId
* errorText
* srInstanceCode
* programApplicationId
* programUpdateDate
* inventoryItemId
* messageId
* batchId
* createdBy


 * messageId
* attribute1
* lastUpdatedBy
* processFlag
* srParentLevelPk
* instance
* parentLevelName
* dpEnabledFlag
* srInstanceCode
* programApplicationId
* errorText
* createdBy
* attribute5
* lastUpdateDate
* levelName
* attribute2
* requestId
* levelId
* attribute4
* stTransactionId
* batchId
* srParentLevelValue
* attribute3
* srLevelPk
* parentLevelId
* srLevelValue1
* creationDate
* programId
* lastUpdateLogin
* srLevelValue
* programUpdateDate
* dataSourceType


 * attribute5
* programUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* levelId
* attribute1
* attribute3
* processFlag
* messageId
* creationDate
* srLevelValue1
* batchId
* srLevelValue
* lastUpdateDate
* programId
* systemFlag
* levelName
* srParentLevelPk
* attribute4
* errorText
* parentLevelId
* parentLevelName
* requestId
* stTransactionId
* programApplicationId
* lastUpdatedBy
* srInstanceCode
* srParentLevelValue
* attribute2
* createdBy
* srLevelPk
* dataSourceType
* planId


 * processFlag
* requestId
* programUpdateDate
* levelName
* orgLevelName
* srInstanceCode
* batchId
* lastUpdateDate
* programId
* lastUpdatedBy
* levelId
* dataSourceType
* instance
* orgLevelId
* lastUpdateLogin
* messageId
* srLevelPk
* createdBy
* errorText
* orgSrLevelPk
* programApplicationId
* levelValue
* orgLevelValue
* stTransactionId
* creationDate


 * processFlag
* requestId
* programUpdateDate
* levelName
* orgLevelName
* srInstanceCode
* batchId
* lastUpdateDate
* programId
* lastUpdatedBy
* levelId
* dataSourceType
* instance
* orgLevelId
* lastUpdateLogin
* messageId
* srLevelPk
* createdBy
* errorText
* orgSrLevelPk
* programApplicationId
* levelValue
* orgLevelValue
* stTransactionId
* creationDate


 * errorText
* instance
* systemAttribute1
* attribute2
* requestId
* srLevelPk
* programUpdateDate
* createdBy
* dpEnabledFlag
* levelValueDesc
* parentLevelId
* programApplicationId
* levelName
* attribute4
* processFlag
* levelValue
* systemAttribute2
* attribute1
* programId
* parentLevelValue
* levelId
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute5
* srInstanceCode
* messageId
* attribute3
* dataSourceType
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* stTransactionId
* batchId
* lastUpdateDate


 * processFlag
* createdBy
* dataSourceType
* stTransactionId
* lastUpdatedBy
* levelValueDesc
* systemFlag
* levelId
* requestId
* programId
* batchId
* srInstanceCode
* lastUpdateLogin
* messageId
* srLevelPk
* creationDate
* levelName
* programUpdateDate
* programApplicationId
* lastUpdateDate
* parentLevelValue
* planId
* parentLevelId
* errorText
* levelValue


 * processFlag
* createdBy
* dataSourceType
* stTransactionId
* lastUpdatedBy
* levelValueDesc
* systemFlag
* levelId
* requestId
* programId
* batchId
* srInstanceCode
* lastUpdateLogin
* messageId
* srLevelPk
* creationDate
* levelName
* programUpdateDate
* programApplicationId
* lastUpdateDate
* parentLevelValue
* planId
* parentLevelId
* errorText
* levelValue


 * errorText
* instance
* systemAttribute1
* attribute2
* requestId
* srLevelPk
* programUpdateDate
* createdBy
* dpEnabledFlag
* levelValueDesc
* parentLevelId
* programApplicationId
* levelName
* attribute4
* processFlag
* levelValue
* systemAttribute2
* attribute1
* programId
* parentLevelValue
* levelId
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute5
* srInstanceCode
* messageId
* attribute3
* dataSourceType
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* stTransactionId
* batchId
* lastUpdateDate


 * instance
* customer
* userDefinedLevel2
* programApplicationId
* srUserDefined1Pk
* forecastSet
* srShipToLocPk
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdatedBy
* userDefinedLevel1
* forecastDesignator
* creationDate
* shipToLoc
* forecastDate
* prdLevelId
* userDefined2
* srInstanceCode
* salesChannel
* batchId
* srInvOrgPk
* demandClassLvlVal
* userDefined1
* bucketType
* rateEndDate
* srUserDefined2Pk
* originalQuantity
* srDemandClassPk
* messageId
* programId
* programUpdateDate
* srCustomerPk
* stTransactionId
* invOrg
* srItemPk
* item
* srSalesChannelPk
* createdBy
* currentQuantity
* errorText
* requestId
* lastUpdateDate
* processFlag
* dataSourceType
* prdLevelName


 * instance
* customer
* userDefinedLevel2
* programApplicationId
* srUserDefined1Pk
* forecastSet
* srShipToLocPk
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdatedBy
* userDefinedLevel1
* forecastDesignator
* creationDate
* shipToLoc
* forecastDate
* prdLevelId
* userDefined2
* srInstanceCode
* salesChannel
* batchId
* srInvOrgPk
* demandClassLvlVal
* userDefined1
* bucketType
* rateEndDate
* srUserDefined2Pk
* originalQuantity
* srDemandClassPk
* messageId
* programId
* programUpdateDate
* srCustomerPk
* stTransactionId
* invOrg
* srItemPk
* item
* srSalesChannelPk
* createdBy
* currentQuantity
* errorText
* requestId
* lastUpdateDate
* processFlag
* dataSourceType
* prdLevelName


 * programApplicationId
* lastUpdateDate
* calendarCode
* instance
* creationDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* programUpdateDate
* createdBy
* requestId
* lastUpdateLogin
* calendarType
* programId
* srOrgPk


 * programApplicationId
* lastUpdateDate
* calendarCode
* instance
* creationDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* programUpdateDate
* createdBy
* requestId
* lastUpdateLogin
* calendarType
* programId
* srOrgPk


 * price
* stTransactionId
* srGeographyLvlPk
* programId
* errorText
* srDemandClassLvlPk
* dataSourceType
* saleschannelLvl
* lastUpdateDate
* endDate
* srProductLvlPk
* srInstanceCode
* processFlag
* demandClassLvlId
* startDate
* messageId
* userDefined2LvlId
* srUserDefined2LvlVal
* lastUpdatedBy
* geographyLvlId
* srDemandClassLvlVal
* srOrganizationLvlPk
* priority
* srOrganizationLvlVal
* userDefined1LvlId
* srProductLvlVal
* salesRepLvlId
* createdBy
* srGeographyLvlVal
* userDefined1Lvl
* srSalesRepLvlPk
* primaryUomFlag
* geographyLvl
* userDefined2Lvl
* srSaleschannelLvlVal
* validFlag
* priceListName
* creationDate
* productLvlId
* organizationLvl
* batchId
* lastUpdateLogin
* srSaleschannelLvlPk
* requestId
* srUserDefined1LvlPk
* programApplicationId
* salesRepLvl
* organizationLvlId
* programUpdateDate
* productLvl
* demandClassLvl
* priceListUom
* saleschannelLvlId
* srUserDefined2LvlPk
* instance
* srSalesRepLvlVal
* srUserDefined1LvlVal


 * price
* stTransactionId
* srGeographyLvlPk
* programId
* errorText
* srDemandClassLvlPk
* dataSourceType
* saleschannelLvl
* lastUpdateDate
* endDate
* srProductLvlPk
* srInstanceCode
* processFlag
* demandClassLvlId
* startDate
* messageId
* userDefined2LvlId
* srUserDefined2LvlVal
* lastUpdatedBy
* geographyLvlId
* srDemandClassLvlVal
* srOrganizationLvlPk
* priority
* srOrganizationLvlVal
* userDefined1LvlId
* srProductLvlVal
* salesRepLvlId
* createdBy
* srGeographyLvlVal
* userDefined1Lvl
* srSalesRepLvlPk
* primaryUomFlag
* geographyLvl
* userDefined2Lvl
* srSaleschannelLvlVal
* validFlag
* priceListName
* creationDate
* productLvlId
* organizationLvl
* batchId
* lastUpdateLogin
* srSaleschannelLvlPk
* requestId
* srUserDefined1LvlPk
* programApplicationId
* salesRepLvl
* organizationLvlId
* programUpdateDate
* productLvl
* demandClassLvl
* priceListUom
* saleschannelLvlId
* srUserDefined2LvlPk
* instance
* srSalesRepLvlVal
* srUserDefined1LvlVal


 * lastUpdateLogin
* parameterValue
* dataSourceType
* processFlag
* programUpdateDate
* parameterName
* messageId
* lastUpdateDate
* srInstanceCode
* requestId
* lastUpdatedBy
* createdBy
* creationDate
* instance
* stTransactionId
* errorText
* programApplicationId
* programId


 * lastUpdateLogin
* parameterValue
* dataSourceType
* processFlag
* programUpdateDate
* parameterName
* messageId
* lastUpdateDate
* srInstanceCode
* requestId
* lastUpdatedBy
* createdBy
* creationDate
* instance
* stTransactionId
* errorText
* programApplicationId
* programId


 * demandClassLvlVal
* srItemPk
* parentItem
* srInstanceCode
* orderSourceId
* shippedDate
* programId
* messageId
* srDemandClassPk
* scheduledArrivalDate
* srUserDefined2Pk
* lastUpdateDate
* userDefinedLevel1
* requestedDate
* qtyShipped
* scheduledShipDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdatedBy
* srOriginalItemPk
* userDefined2
* instance
* bookedDate
* creationDate
* srParentItemPk
* customer
* errorText
* srSalesChannelPk
* batchId
* srCustomerPk
* promisedDate
* originalItem
* dataSourceType
* shipToLoc
* salesRep
* item
* amount
* createdBy
* srUserDefined1Pk
* stTransactionId
* processFlag
* userDefinedLevel2
* userDefined1
* srSalesRepPk
* programApplicationId
* invOrg
* salesChannel
* requestId
* programUpdateDate
* srShipToLocPk
* srInvOrgPk


 * demandClassLvlVal
* srItemPk
* parentItem
* srInstanceCode
* orderSourceId
* shippedDate
* programId
* messageId
* srDemandClassPk
* scheduledArrivalDate
* srUserDefined2Pk
* lastUpdateDate
* userDefinedLevel1
* requestedDate
* qtyShipped
* scheduledShipDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdatedBy
* srOriginalItemPk
* userDefined2
* instance
* bookedDate
* creationDate
* srParentItemPk
* customer
* errorText
* srSalesChannelPk
* batchId
* srCustomerPk
* promisedDate
* originalItem
* dataSourceType
* shipToLoc
* salesRep
* item
* amount
* createdBy
* srUserDefined1Pk
* stTransactionId
* processFlag
* userDefinedLevel2
* userDefined1
* srSalesRepPk
* programApplicationId
* invOrg
* salesChannel
* requestId
* programUpdateDate
* srShipToLocPk
* srInvOrgPk


 * organizationId
* sdate
* planId
* plannedShipments
* assetGroup
* constrainedFcst
* dependentDemand
* woSupplyId
* organizationCode
* classCode
* srInstanceId
* workOrderDemand
* itemCode
* inventoryItemId


 * woSupplyId
* classCode
* resourceCode
* organizationId
* assetGroup
* resourceId
* departmentId
* sdate
* requiredResPlan
* planId
* srInstanceId
* organizationCode


 * woSupplyId
* classCode
* resourceCode
* organizationId
* assetGroup
* resourceId
* departmentId
* sdate
* requiredResPlan
* planId
* srInstanceId
* organizationCode


 * siteCode
* beginningOnhand
* woSupplyId
* organizationId
* inventoryItemId
* itemCode
* planId
* srInstanceId
* classCode
* requiredSupplierCap
* intransitDefectives
* assetGroup
* beginningOnhandDefectives
* organizationCode
* prodPlan
* sdate


 * siteCode
* beginningOnhand
* woSupplyId
* organizationId
* inventoryItemId
* itemCode
* planId
* srInstanceId
* classCode
* requiredSupplierCap
* intransitDefectives
* assetGroup
* beginningOnhandDefectives
* organizationCode
* prodPlan
* sdate


 * quarterDescription
* week
* processFlag
* weekStartDate
* yearDescription
* yearStartDate
* creationDate
* monthDescription
* programUpdateDate
* messageId
* srInstanceCode
* weekEndDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* monthEndDate
* createdBy
* month
* weekDescription
* quarterStartDate
* dataSourceType
* stTransactionId
* seqNum
* instance
* errorText
* calendarType
* quarterEndDate
* monthStartDate
* calendarCode
* requestId
* yearEndDate
* dayDescription
* lastUpdateDate
* quarter
* day
* year
* lastUpdateLogin
* programApplicationId
* programId
* batchId


 * quarterDescription
* week
* processFlag
* weekStartDate
* yearDescription
* yearStartDate
* creationDate
* monthDescription
* programUpdateDate
* messageId
* srInstanceCode
* weekEndDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* monthEndDate
* createdBy
* month
* weekDescription
* quarterStartDate
* dataSourceType
* stTransactionId
* seqNum
* instance
* errorText
* calendarType
* quarterEndDate
* monthStartDate
* calendarCode
* requestId
* yearEndDate
* dayDescription
* lastUpdateDate
* quarter
* day
* year
* lastUpdateLogin
* programApplicationId
* programId
* batchId


 * programId
* programUpdateDate
* baseUomFlag
* requestId
* batchId
* fromUomClass
* lastUpdateLogin
* toUomCode
* instance
* srInstanceCode
* conversionRate
* lastUpdatedBy
* errorText
* processFlag
* lastUpdateDate
* srItemPk
* creationDate
* createdBy
* dataSourceType
* stTransactionId
* fromUomCode
* toUomClass
* programApplicationId
* messageId
* item


 * programId
* programUpdateDate
* baseUomFlag
* requestId
* batchId
* fromUomClass
* lastUpdateLogin
* toUomCode
* instance
* srInstanceCode
* conversionRate
* lastUpdatedBy
* errorText
* processFlag
* lastUpdateDate
* srItemPk
* creationDate
* createdBy
* dataSourceType
* stTransactionId
* fromUomCode
* toUomClass
* programApplicationId
* messageId
* item


 * lastUpdateDate
* creationDate
* createdBy
* programUpdateDate
* displayedFlag
* attributeType
* enabledFlag
* programApplicationId
* programId
* templateId
* attributePrompt
* attributeName
* lovName
* lastUpdateLogin
* insertAllowedFlag
* requestId
* lastUpdatedBy
* enableNonseedFlag


 * lastUpdateDate
* creationDate
* createdBy
* programUpdateDate
* displayedFlag
* attributeType
* enabledFlag
* programApplicationId
* programId
* templateId
* attributePrompt
* attributeName
* lovName
* lastUpdateLogin
* insertAllowedFlag
* requestId
* lastUpdatedBy
* enableNonseedFlag


 * createdBy
* programId
* weekDescription
* calendarType
* yearDescription
* yearEndDate
* lastUpdateDate
* monthDescription
* monthEndDate
* seqNum
* lastUpdateLogin
* creationDate
* quarter
* requestId
* calendarCode
* lastUpdatedBy
* quarterEndDate
* month
* instance
* yearStartDate
* monthStartDate
* week
* day
* programUpdateDate
* dayDescription
* quarterDescription
* year
* weekStartDate
* quarterStartDate
* weekEndDate
* workingDay
* programApplicationId


 * week
* quarterEndDate
* quarterStartDate
* quarter
* quarterDescription
* yearStartDate
* monthStartDate
* dayDescription
* calendarType
* yearDescription
* monthEndDate
* day
* seqNum
* weekDescription
* weekEndDate
* workingDay
* month
* weekStartDate
* calendarCode
* monthDescription
* yearEndDate
* year


 * week
* quarterEndDate
* quarterStartDate
* quarter
* quarterDescription
* yearStartDate
* monthStartDate
* dayDescription
* calendarType
* yearDescription
* monthEndDate
* day
* seqNum
* weekDescription
* weekEndDate
* workingDay
* month
* weekStartDate
* calendarCode
* monthDescription
* yearEndDate
* year


 * createdBy
* programId
* weekDescription
* calendarType
* yearDescription
* yearEndDate
* lastUpdateDate
* monthDescription
* monthEndDate
* seqNum
* lastUpdateLogin
* creationDate
* quarter
* requestId
* calendarCode
* lastUpdatedBy
* quarterEndDate
* month
* instance
* yearStartDate
* monthStartDate
* week
* day
* programUpdateDate
* dayDescription
* quarterDescription
* year
* weekStartDate
* quarterStartDate
* weekEndDate
* workingDay
* programApplicationId


 * toUomClass
* creationDate
* createdByRefreshNum
* fromUomClass
* baseUomFlag
* lastUpdateDate
* requestId
* programApplicationId
* item
* srItemPk
* createdBy
* lastUpdatedBy
* actionCode
* conversionRate
* lastUpdateLogin
* programUpdateDate
* instance
* toUomCode
* programId
* lastRefreshNum
* fromUomCode


 * toUomClass
* creationDate
* createdByRefreshNum
* fromUomClass
* baseUomFlag
* lastUpdateDate
* requestId
* programApplicationId
* item
* srItemPk
* createdBy
* lastUpdatedBy
* actionCode
* conversionRate
* lastUpdateLogin
* programUpdateDate
* instance
* toUomCode
* programId
* lastRefreshNum
* fromUomCode


 * clientCode
* programApplicationId
* numberOfDays
* upgradeDate
* programId
* requestId
* lastReceiptDate
* organizationId
* transactionQuantity
* programUpdateDate
* transactionActionId
* lastInvoicedDate
* transactionDate
* locatorId
* currentOnhand


 * clientCode
* programApplicationId
* numberOfDays
* upgradeDate
* programId
* requestId
* lastReceiptDate
* organizationId
* transactionQuantity
* programUpdateDate
* transactionActionId
* lastInvoicedDate
* transactionDate
* locatorId
* currentOnhand


 * assignmentGroupId
* attribute12
* abcClassId
* itemSeqNumber
* attribute13
* programApplicationId
* sequenceNumber
* programId
* attribute15
* requestId
* lastUpdateDate
* percentOfItems
* attribute7
* creationDate
* percentOfValue
* attribute5
* programUpdateDate
* attribute11
* attribute10
* attribute4
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute3
* attribute6
* createdBy
* attribute8
* attribute14
* attribute9
* attribute2
* attributeCategory
* attribute1


 * assignmentGroupId
* attribute12
* abcClassId
* itemSeqNumber
* attribute13
* programApplicationId
* sequenceNumber
* programId
* attribute15
* requestId
* lastUpdateDate
* percentOfItems
* attribute7
* creationDate
* percentOfValue
* attribute5
* programUpdateDate
* attribute11
* attribute10
* attribute4
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute3
* attribute6
* createdBy
* attribute8
* attribute14
* attribute9
* attribute2
* attributeCategory
* attribute1


 * attribute6
* organizationId
* attribute8
* programId
* attribute10
* programApplicationId
* secondaryInventory
* attribute12
* attribute4
* createdBy
* attribute3
* attribute2
* attribute13
* creationDate
* attribute14
* lastUpdatedBy
* compileId
* attribute15
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute11
* requestId
* attribute9
* classificationMethodType
* attribute1
* attribute7
* attribute5
* attributeCategory
* assignmentGroupId
* assignmentGroupName
* programUpdateDate
* itemScopeType


 * attribute6
* organizationId
* attribute8
* programId
* attribute10
* programApplicationId
* secondaryInventory
* attribute12
* attribute4
* createdBy
* attribute3
* attribute2
* attribute13
* creationDate
* attribute14
* lastUpdatedBy
* compileId
* attribute15
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute11
* requestId
* attribute9
* classificationMethodType
* attribute1
* attribute7
* attribute5
* attributeCategory
* assignmentGroupId
* assignmentGroupName
* programUpdateDate
* itemScopeType


 * abcClassId
* requestId
* createdBy
* programUpdateDate
* lastUpdateDate
* inventoryItemId
* assignmentGroupId
* programApplicationId
* lastUpdatedBy
* programId
* creationDate


 * abcClassId
* requestId
* createdBy
* programUpdateDate
* lastUpdateDate
* inventoryItemId
* assignmentGroupId
* programApplicationId
* lastUpdatedBy
* programId
* creationDate


 * programUpdateDate
* lastUpdateDate
* description
* abcClassId
* creationDate
* abcClassName
* programId
* disableDate
* createdBy
* organizationId
* lastUpdatedBy
* requestId
* programApplicationId


 * programUpdateDate
* lastUpdateDate
* description
* abcClassId
* creationDate
* abcClassName
* programId
* disableDate
* createdBy
* organizationId
* lastUpdatedBy
* requestId
* programApplicationId


 * cutoffDate
* programUpdateDate
* attribute9
* attribute15
* secondaryInventory
* compileStatus
* mrpForecastName
* scheduleDesignator
* programId
* attribute5
* costType
* creationDate
* description
* organizationId
* cumulativeValue
* attribute14
* attribute6
* attribute11
* compileId
* attribute8
* attribute12
* attribute4
* compileName
* compileDate
* itemScopeCode
* costCode
* programApplicationId
* lastUpdatedBy
* attributeCategory
* attribute3
* compileItems
* startDate
* createdBy
* compileType
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute2
* requestId
* attribute1
* mrpPlanName
* cumulativeQuantity
* scheduleType
* attribute10
* attribute7
* attribute13


 * cutoffDate
* programUpdateDate
* attribute9
* attribute15
* secondaryInventory
* compileStatus
* mrpForecastName
* scheduleDesignator
* programId
* attribute5
* costType
* creationDate
* description
* organizationId
* cumulativeValue
* attribute14
* attribute6
* attribute11
* compileId
* attribute8
* attribute12
* attribute4
* compileName
* compileDate
* itemScopeCode
* costCode
* programApplicationId
* lastUpdatedBy
* attributeCategory
* attribute3
* compileItems
* startDate
* createdBy
* compileType
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute2
* requestId
* attribute1
* mrpPlanName
* cumulativeQuantity
* scheduleType
* attribute10
* attribute7
* attribute13


 * cumulativeValue
* compileQuantity
* inventoryType
* programUpdateDate
* compileValue
* requestId
* organizationId
* sequenceNumber
* cumulativeQuantity
* lastUpdateLogin
* programId
* inventoryItemId
* programApplicationId
* secondaryInventory
* compileId
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateDate
* creationDate
* createdBy


 * cumulativeValue
* compileQuantity
* inventoryType
* programUpdateDate
* compileValue
* requestId
* organizationId
* sequenceNumber
* cumulativeQuantity
* lastUpdateLogin
* programId
* inventoryItemId
* programApplicationId
* secondaryInventory
* compileId
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateDate
* creationDate
* createdBy


 * transactionId
* organizationId
* layerId
* programUpdateDate
* userEntered
* programApplicationId
* resourceId
* requestId
* lastUpdatedBy
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdateDate
* createdBy
* actualCost
* levelType
* programId
* costElementId


 * transactionId
* organizationId
* layerId
* programUpdateDate
* userEntered
* programApplicationId
* resourceId
* requestId
* lastUpdatedBy
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdateDate
* createdBy
* actualCost
* levelType
* programId
* costElementId


 * category
* lpn
* revision
* transactionDate
* transactionExtracted
* transactionUom
* entityId
* secondaryQuantity
* creationDate
* inventoryItemId
* itemDescription
* locator
* transactionTypeId
* categoryId
* transferSubinventory
* secondaryUom
* xmlDocumentId
* transactionSourceTypeId
* primaryQuantity
* transactionQuantity
* organizationId
* item
* transactionActionId
* transactionType
* transactionSource
* subinventory
* transferLpn
* warehouse
* transferWarehouse
* contentLpn
* transactionNumber
* primaryUom
* transferLocator


 * category
* lpn
* revision
* transactionDate
* transactionExtracted
* transactionUom
* entityId
* secondaryQuantity
* creationDate
* inventoryItemId
* itemDescription
* locator
* transactionTypeId
* categoryId
* transferSubinventory
* secondaryUom
* xmlDocumentId
* transactionSourceTypeId
* primaryQuantity
* transactionQuantity
* organizationId
* item
* transactionActionId
* transactionType
* transactionSource
* subinventory
* transferLpn
* warehouse
* transferWarehouse
* contentLpn
* transactionNumber
* primaryUom
* transferLocator


 * lastUpdateLogin
* aggregateTimeFence
* includeNonstdWipReceipts
* description
* attribute9
* userAtpSupplyTableName
* includeVendorReqs
* lastUpdatedBy
* creationDate
* infiniteSupplyTimeFence
* ruleName
* attribute10
* defaultAtpSources
* includePurchaseOrders
* attribute8
* attribute14
* pastDueDemandCutoffFence
* includeDiscreteWipReceipts
* includeInternalReqs
* attribute11
* includeDiscreteMps
* includeNonstdWipDemand
* includeInternalOrders
* forwardConsumptionFlag
* attribute1
* includeSalesOrders
* aggregateTimeFenceCode
* mpsDesignator
* attribute4
* includeUserDefinedSupply
* includeFlowScheduleDemand
* lastUpdateDate
* accumulationWindow
* programUpdateDate
* userAtpDemandTableName
* attribute15
* programId
* includeDiscreteWipDemand
* attribute7
* requestId
* programApplicationId
* includeRepWipDemand
* attribute12
* attribute6
* accumulateAvailableFlag
* includeRepWipReceipts
* includeFlowScheduleReceipts
* pastDueSupplyCutoffFence
* attribute13
* includeInterorgTransfers
* demandClassAtpFlag
* includeUserDefinedDemand
* backwardConsumptionFlag
* attribute2
* includeOnhandAvailable
* acceptableEarlyFence
* attribute3
* attributeCategory
* attribute5
* includeRepMps
* createdBy
* ruleId
* acceptableLateFence
* infiniteSupplyFenceCode


 * lastUpdateLogin
* aggregateTimeFence
* includeNonstdWipReceipts
* description
* attribute9
* userAtpSupplyTableName
* includeVendorReqs
* lastUpdatedBy
* creationDate
* infiniteSupplyTimeFence
* ruleName
* attribute10
* defaultAtpSources
* includePurchaseOrders
* attribute8
* attribute14
* pastDueDemandCutoffFence
* includeDiscreteWipReceipts
* includeInternalReqs
* attribute11
* includeDiscreteMps
* includeNonstdWipDemand
* includeInternalOrders
* forwardConsumptionFlag
* attribute1
* includeSalesOrders
* aggregateTimeFenceCode
* mpsDesignator
* attribute4
* includeUserDefinedSupply
* includeFlowScheduleDemand
* lastUpdateDate
* accumulationWindow
* programUpdateDate
* userAtpDemandTableName
* attribute15
* programId
* includeDiscreteWipDemand
* attribute7
* requestId
* programApplicationId
* includeRepWipDemand
* attribute12
* attribute6
* accumulateAvailableFlag
* includeRepWipReceipts
* includeFlowScheduleReceipts
* pastDueSupplyCutoffFence
* attribute13
* includeInterorgTransfers
* demandClassAtpFlag
* includeUserDefinedDemand
* backwardConsumptionFlag
* attribute2
* includeOnhandAvailable
* acceptableEarlyFence
* attribute3
* attributeCategory
* attribute5
* includeRepMps
* createdBy
* ruleId
* acceptableLateFence
* infiniteSupplyFenceCode


 * billingRuleHeaderId
* lastUpdatedBy
* creationDate
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* createdBy
* serviceAgreementId


 * billingRuleHeaderId
* lastUpdatedBy
* creationDate
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* createdBy
* serviceAgreementId


 * lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdatedBy
* billingRuleHeaderId
* name
* language
* description
* createdBy
* sourceLang
* creationDate


 * lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdatedBy
* billingRuleHeaderId
* name
* language
* description
* createdBy
* sourceLang
* creationDate


 * billingRuleLineId
* billingRuleHeaderId
* lastUpdatedBy
* inventoryItemId
* clientCode
* billingSourceId
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* createdBy
* serviceAgreementLineId
* clientNumber
* lastUpdateDate


 * billingRuleLineId
* billingRuleHeaderId
* lastUpdatedBy
* inventoryItemId
* clientCode
* billingSourceId
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* createdBy
* serviceAgreementLineId
* clientNumber
* lastUpdateDate


 * billingSourceCode
* lastUpdatedBy
* billingSourceId
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdateDate
* creationDate
* procedureCode
* createdBy


 * billingSourceCode
* lastUpdatedBy
* billingSourceId
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdateDate
* creationDate
* procedureCode
* createdBy


 * lastUpdateDate
* billingSourceId
* creationDate
* createdBy
* sourceLang
* name
* lastUpdateLogin
* description
* lastUpdatedBy
* language


 * lastUpdateDate
* billingSourceId
* creationDate
* createdBy
* sourceLang
* name
* lastUpdateLogin
* description
* lastUpdatedBy
* language


 * inventoryItemId
* programId
* createdBy
* onhand
* wip
* cogs
* lastUpdatedBy
* intransit
* lastUpdateLogin
* bopOnhand
* bopIntransit
* creationDate
* organizationId
* lastUpdateDate
* programUpdateDate
* requestId
* bopWip
* acctPeriodId
* programApplicationId


 * inventoryItemId
* programId
* createdBy
* onhand
* wip
* cogs
* lastUpdatedBy
* intransit
* lastUpdateLogin
* bopOnhand
* bopIntransit
* creationDate
* organizationId
* lastUpdateDate
* programUpdateDate
* requestId
* bopWip
* acctPeriodId
* programApplicationId


 * attribute3
* segment14
* attribute13
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute2
* attribute12
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute5
* attribute14
* attribute9
* segment17
* attribute10
* segment15
* segment8
* supplierEnabledFlag
* categoryId
* attribute1
* segment3
* attribute15
* programApplicationId
* segment11
* disableDate
* segment6
* requestId
* startDateActive
* attribute8
* attribute11
* zdSync
* segment2
* segment9
* segment7
* summaryFlag
* attribute4
* webStatus
* enabledFlag
* attribute7
* lastUpdateDate
* creationDate
* zdEditionName
* attributeCategory
* segment4
* structureId
* segment19
* createdBy
* programId
* segment18
* endDateActive
* segment12
* attribute6
* segment16
* segment20
* segment13
* programUpdateDate
* description
* segment1
* segment5
* segment10


 * attribute3
* segment14
* attribute13
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute2
* attribute12
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute5
* attribute14
* attribute9
* segment17
* attribute10
* segment15
* segment8
* supplierEnabledFlag
* categoryId
* attribute1
* segment3
* attribute15
* programApplicationId
* segment11
* disableDate
* segment6
* requestId
* startDateActive
* attribute8
* attribute11
* zdSync
* segment2
* segment9
* segment7
* summaryFlag
* attribute4
* webStatus
* enabledFlag
* attribute7
* lastUpdateDate
* creationDate
* zdEditionName
* attributeCategory
* segment4
* structureId
* segment19
* createdBy
* programId
* segment18
* endDateActive
* segment12
* attribute6
* segment16
* segment20
* segment13
* programUpdateDate
* description
* segment1
* segment5
* segment10


 * categoryId
* description
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdatedBy
* language
* createdBy
* zdSync
* zdEditionName
* lastUpdateDate
* sourceLang
* creationDate


 * categoryId
* description
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdatedBy
* language
* createdBy
* zdSync
* zdEditionName
* lastUpdateDate
* sourceLang
* creationDate


 * programId
* createdBy
* lastUpdatedBy
* categorySetId
* programApplicationId
* creationDate
* parentCategoryId
* zdSync
* categoryId
* requestId
* lastUpdateDate
* programUpdateDate
* zdEditionName
* lastUpdateLogin


 * programId
* createdBy
* lastUpdatedBy
* categorySetId
* programApplicationId
* creationDate
* parentCategoryId
* zdSync
* categoryId
* requestId
* lastUpdateDate
* programUpdateDate
* zdEditionName
* lastUpdateLogin


 * structureId
* lastUpdateDate
* multItemCatUpdateableFlag
* raiseCatalogCatChgEvent
* lastUpdateLogin
* zdSync
* raiseItemCatAssignEvent
* controlLevel
* zdEditionName
* requestId
* programUpdateDate
* validateFlag
* lastUpdatedBy
* creationDate
* multItemCatAssignFlag
* createdBy
* programId
* categorySetId
* raiseAltCatHierChgEvent
* defaultCategoryId
* programApplicationId
* validateFlagUpdateableFlag
* userCreationAllowedFlag
* hierarchyEnabled
* controlLevelUpdateableFlag


 * structureId
* lastUpdateDate
* multItemCatUpdateableFlag
* raiseCatalogCatChgEvent
* lastUpdateLogin
* zdSync
* raiseItemCatAssignEvent
* controlLevel
* zdEditionName
* requestId
* programUpdateDate
* validateFlag
* lastUpdatedBy
* creationDate
* multItemCatAssignFlag
* createdBy
* programId
* categorySetId
* raiseAltCatHierChgEvent
* defaultCategoryId
* programApplicationId
* validateFlagUpdateableFlag
* userCreationAllowedFlag
* hierarchyEnabled
* controlLevelUpdateableFlag


 * lastUpdateLogin
* zdSync
* language
* lastUpdatedBy
* createdBy
* sourceLang
* zdEditionName
* categorySetName
* creationDate
* categorySetId
* lastUpdateDate
* description


 * lastUpdateLogin
* zdSync
* language
* lastUpdatedBy
* createdBy
* sourceLang
* zdEditionName
* categorySetName
* creationDate
* categorySetId
* lastUpdateDate
* description


 * accountSegment16
* accountSegment24
* organizationId
* itemSegment18
* locatorSegment11
* accountSegment23
* countDate
* accountSegment11
* processFlag
* itemSegment19
* secondaryUom
* accountSegment29
* itemSegment7
* attribute1
* attribute3
* lockFlag
* deleteFlag
* locatorSegment18
* locatorSegment6
* attributeCategory
* attribute2
* attribute13
* projectId
* accountSegment4
* attribute9
* lotNumber
* itemSegment10
* accountSegment27
* countQuantity
* accountSegment22
* attribute10
* itemSegment5
* accountSegment25
* revision
* attribute6
* accountSegment12
* itemSegment15
* locatorSegment5
* attribute4
* itemSegment14
* accountSegment2
* locatorSegment14
* costGroupName
* subinventory
* outermostLpnId
* locatorSegment15
* accountSegment19
* secondarySystemQuantity
* systemQuantity
* locatorSegment12
* attribute12
* locatorSegment9
* statusFlag
* accountSegment13
* actionCode
* itemSegment6
* parentLpnId
* cycleCountHeaderId
* attribute14
* taskId
* attribute11
* errorFlag
* costGroupId
* accountSegment9
* itemSegment16
* transactionReason
* locatorSegment1
* primaryUomQuantity
* employeeFullName
* locatorId
* accountSegment1
* itemSegment12
* creationDate
* accountSegment10
* accountSegment7
* cycleCountHeaderName
* accountSegment8
* ccEntryInterfaceId
* transactionReasonId
* parentLpn
* locatorSegment4
* ccEntryInterfaceGroupId
* programApplicationId
* accountSegment6
* accountSegment26
* lastUpdateDate
* itemSegment11
* secondaryUnitOfMeasure
* accountSegment21
* programUpdateDate
* itemSegment13
* itemSegment2
* adjustmentAccountId
* createdBy
* validFlag
* attribute7
* locatorSegment3
* lastUpdatedBy
* itemSegment17
* locatorSegment17
* locatorSegment20
* accountSegment20
* processMode
* itemSegment1
* accountSegment15
* requestId
* secondaryCountQuantity
* lastUpdateLogin
* locatorSegment16
* countUom
* countUnitOfMeasure
* accountSegment28
* accountSegment5
* cycleCountEntryId
* itemSegment9
* accountSegment30
* attribute5
* accountSegment14
* itemSegment20
* locatorSegment8
* attribute8
* attribute15
* itemSegment4
* itemSegment8
* serialNumber
* accountSegment17
* reference
* locatorSegment10
* locatorSegment13
* accountSegment3
* locatorSegment7
* locatorSegment19
* lotExpirationDate
* inventoryItemId
* accountSegment18
* employeeId
* programId
* locatorSegment2
* countListSequence
* itemSegment3


 * itemSegment1
* countListSequence
* cycleCountHeaderName
* actionCode
* subinventory
* locatorId
* countUom
* countQuantity
* lotNumber
* countDate
* employeeFullName
* employeeId
* creationDate
* createdBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdateDate
* accountSegment19
* locatorSegment18
* locatorSegment6
* attributeCategory
* attribute2
* attribute13
* projectId
* organizationId
* attribute9
* itemSegment18
* itemSegment10
* accountSegment27
* locatorSegment11
* accountSegment22
* attribute10
* itemSegment5
* accountSegment25
* revision
* attribute6
* accountSegment12
* itemSegment15
* locatorSegment5
* attribute4
* itemSegment14
* accountSegment2
* locatorSegment14
* costGroupName
* accountSegment23
* outermostLpnId
* locatorSegment15
* accountSegment16
* secondarySystemQuantity
* systemQuantity
* locatorSegment12
* attribute12
* locatorSegment9
* statusFlag
* accountSegment13
* accountSegment24
* itemSegment6
* parentLpnId
* cycleCountHeaderId
* attribute14
* taskId
* attribute11
* errorFlag
* costGroupId
* accountSegment9
* itemSegment16
* transactionReason
* locatorSegment1
* primaryUomQuantity
* accountSegment11
* accountSegment4
* accountSegment1
* itemSegment12
* processFlag
* accountSegment10
* accountSegment7
* itemSegment19
* accountSegment8
* ccEntryInterfaceId
* transactionReasonId
* parentLpn
* locatorSegment4
* ccEntryInterfaceGroupId
* programApplicationId
* accountSegment6
* accountSegment26
* secondaryUom
* itemSegment11
* secondaryUnitOfMeasure
* accountSegment21
* programUpdateDate
* itemSegment13
* itemSegment2
* itemSegment3
* accountSegment29
* validFlag
* attribute7
* locatorSegment3
* itemSegment7
* itemSegment17
* locatorSegment17
* locatorSegment20
* accountSegment20
* processMode
* attribute1
* accountSegment15
* requestId
* secondaryCountQuantity
* attribute3
* locatorSegment16
* lockFlag
* countUnitOfMeasure
* accountSegment28
* accountSegment5
* cycleCountEntryId
* itemSegment9
* accountSegment30
* attribute5
* accountSegment14
* itemSegment20
* locatorSegment8
* attribute8
* attribute15
* itemSegment4
* itemSegment8
* serialNumber
* accountSegment17
* reference
* locatorSegment10
* locatorSegment13
* accountSegment3
* locatorSegment7
* locatorSegment19
* lotExpirationDate
* inventoryItemId
* accountSegment18
* deleteFlag
* programId
* locatorSegment2
* adjustmentAccountId
* lastUpdatedBy


 * lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* cycleCountScheduleId
* creationDate
* requestId
* programApplicationId
* programUpdateDate
* cycleCountEntryId
* createdBy
* programId
* lastUpdateDate
* countDueDate


 * lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* cycleCountScheduleId
* creationDate
* requestId
* programApplicationId
* programUpdateDate
* cycleCountEntryId
* createdBy
* programId
* lastUpdateDate
* countDueDate


 * locatorId
* creationDate
* lastUpdateDate
* createdBy
* serialNumber
* attribute10
* zeroCountFlag
* countDueDate
* attribute3
* programId
* attribute7
* attribute13
* inventoryItemId
* cycleCountHeaderId
* subinventory
* attribute14
* countRequestsGeneratedFlag
* attribute15
* attribute5
* attribute8
* programApplicationId
* attribute12
* lotNumber
* scheduleStatus
* scheduleCompletionDate
* attribute1
* attribute6
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* cycleCountScheduleId
* attribute4
* requestSourceType
* processFlag
* attribute9
* attributeCategory
* attribute2
* attribute11
* revision
* programUpdateDate
* scheduleDate
* requestId


 * locatorId
* creationDate
* lastUpdateDate
* createdBy
* serialNumber
* attribute10
* zeroCountFlag
* countDueDate
* attribute3
* programId
* attribute7
* attribute13
* inventoryItemId
* cycleCountHeaderId
* subinventory
* attribute14
* countRequestsGeneratedFlag
* attribute15
* attribute5
* attribute8
* programApplicationId
* attribute12
* lotNumber
* scheduleStatus
* scheduleCompletionDate
* attribute1
* attribute6
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* cycleCountScheduleId
* attribute4
* requestSourceType
* processFlag
* attribute9
* attributeCategory
* attribute2
* attribute11
* revision
* programUpdateDate
* scheduleDate
* requestId


 * programUpdateDate
* posAdjustmentQty
* cycleCountEntryId
* creationDate
* approvalCondition
* requestId
* lastUpdateLogin
* createdBy
* numberOfCounts
* negAdjustmentQty
* programId
* serialNumber
* lastUpdatedBy
* programApplicationId
* unitStatusCurrent
* unitStatusPrior
* lastUpdateDate
* unitStatusFirst


 * programUpdateDate
* posAdjustmentQty
* cycleCountEntryId
* creationDate
* approvalCondition
* requestId
* lastUpdateLogin
* createdBy
* numberOfCounts
* negAdjustmentQty
* programId
* serialNumber
* lastUpdatedBy
* programApplicationId
* unitStatusCurrent
* unitStatusPrior
* lastUpdateDate
* unitStatusFirst


 * creationDate
* lastUpdateDate
* scheduleOrder
* lastUpdatedBy
* subinventory
* createdBy
* disableFlag
* lastUpdateLogin
* numCountsPerYear
* locLastScheduleDate
* cycleCountHeaderId


 * creationDate
* lastUpdateDate
* scheduleOrder
* lastUpdatedBy
* subinventory
* createdBy
* disableFlag
* lastUpdateLogin
* numCountsPerYear
* locLastScheduleDate
* cycleCountHeaderId


 * inventoryItemId
* parentLotNumber
* lastChildLotNumberSeq
* createdBy
* lastUpdateDate
* organizationId
* lastUpdatedBy
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin


 * inventoryItemId
* parentLotNumber
* lastChildLotNumberSeq
* createdBy
* lastUpdateDate
* organizationId
* lastUpdatedBy
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin


 * masterContainerSegment14
* detailContainerSegment20
* detailContainerSegment8
* lastUpdatedBy
* containerItemOrgId
* masterContainerSegment18
* programUpdateDate
* masterContainerSegment8
* attribute15
* masterContainerSegment12
* masterContainerSegment19
* detailContainerSegment14
* masterContainerSegment9
* detailContainerSegment13
* detailContainerSegment12
* attribute4
* attributeCategory
* lastUpdateLogin
* minFillPercentage
* address2
* customerId
* detailContainerSegment1
* masterContainerSegment4
* detailContainerSegment5
* detailContainer
* attribute5
* commodityCode
* attribute13
* masterContainerSegment7
* processMode
* customerItemNumber
* detailContainerSegment18
* masterContainerSegment11
* programApplicationId
* masterContainerSegment20
* detailContainerSegment3
* attribute14
* detailContainerSegment17
* masterContainerSegment6
* creationDate
* customerItemDesc
* detailContainerSegment2
* lastUpdateDate
* addressId
* detailContainerSegment6
* requestId
* detailContainerSegment16
* customerNumber
* containerItemOrgName
* masterContainerSegment10
* attribute8
* masterContainerSegment15
* attribute2
* attribute3
* detailContainerSegment9
* attribute10
* customerCategoryCode
* itemDefinitionLevel
* masterContainerSegment3
* lockFlag
* errorExplanation
* country
* detailContainerSegment11
* depPlanRequiredFlag
* attribute9
* masterContainerSegment1
* transactionType
* attribute7
* detailContainerSegment7
* detailContainerSegment15
* demandTolerancePositive
* state
* commodityCodeId
* inactiveFlag
* detailContainerSegment4
* city
* county
* errorCode
* masterContainerItemId
* customerName
* attribute11
* processFlag
* modelCustomerItemNumber
* masterContainer
* masterContainerSegment13
* createdBy
* attribute12
* address1
* attribute1
* detailContainerItemId
* masterContainerSegment16
* detailContainerSegment19
* address3
* detailContainerSegment10
* address4
* demandToleranceNegative
* containerItemOrgCode
* modelCustomerItemId
* customerCategory
* masterContainerSegment17
* depPlanPriorBldFlag
* masterContainerSegment5
* itemDefinitionLevelDesc
* programId
* postalCode
* masterContainerSegment2
* attribute6


 * masterContainerSegment14
* detailContainerSegment20
* detailContainerSegment8
* lastUpdatedBy
* containerItemOrgId
* masterContainerSegment18
* programUpdateDate
* masterContainerSegment8
* attribute15
* masterContainerSegment12
* masterContainerSegment19
* detailContainerSegment14
* masterContainerSegment9
* detailContainerSegment13
* detailContainerSegment12
* attribute4
* attributeCategory
* lastUpdateLogin
* minFillPercentage
* address2
* customerId
* detailContainerSegment1
* masterContainerSegment4
* detailContainerSegment5
* detailContainer
* attribute5
* commodityCode
* attribute13
* masterContainerSegment7
* processMode
* customerItemNumber
* detailContainerSegment18
* masterContainerSegment11
* programApplicationId
* masterContainerSegment20
* detailContainerSegment3
* attribute14
* detailContainerSegment17
* masterContainerSegment6
* creationDate
* customerItemDesc
* detailContainerSegment2
* lastUpdateDate
* addressId
* detailContainerSegment6
* requestId
* detailContainerSegment16
* customerNumber
* containerItemOrgName
* masterContainerSegment10
* attribute8
* masterContainerSegment15
* attribute2
* attribute3
* detailContainerSegment9
* attribute10
* customerCategoryCode
* itemDefinitionLevel
* masterContainerSegment3
* lockFlag
* errorExplanation
* country
* detailContainerSegment11
* depPlanRequiredFlag
* attribute9
* masterContainerSegment1
* transactionType
* attribute7
* detailContainerSegment7
* detailContainerSegment15
* demandTolerancePositive
* state
* commodityCodeId
* inactiveFlag
* detailContainerSegment4
* city
* county
* errorCode
* masterContainerItemId
* customerName
* attribute11
* processFlag
* modelCustomerItemNumber
* masterContainer
* masterContainerSegment13
* createdBy
* attribute12
* address1
* attribute1
* detailContainerItemId
* masterContainerSegment16
* detailContainerSegment19
* address3
* detailContainerSegment10
* address4
* demandToleranceNegative
* containerItemOrgCode
* modelCustomerItemId
* customerCategory
* masterContainerSegment17
* depPlanPriorBldFlag
* masterContainerSegment5
* itemDefinitionLevelDesc
* programId
* postalCode
* masterContainerSegment2
* attribute6


 * attribute12
* inventoryItemSegment1
* createdBy
* customerNumber
* attribute6
* inventoryItemSegment11
* programApplicationId
* processMode
* inventoryItemSegment14
* address4
* inactiveFlag
* attribute4
* inventoryItemSegment10
* preferenceNumber
* programUpdateDate
* inventoryItemSegment5
* postalCode
* inventoryItemId
* state
* lastUpdatedBy
* customerName
* creationDate
* itemDefinitionLevelDesc
* customerId
* inventoryItemSegment16
* attribute9
* requestId
* inventoryItemSegment3
* customerCategory
* addressId
* address2
* attribute8
* attribute15
* masterOrganizationCode
* masterOrganizationId
* inventoryItemSegment9
* inventoryItemSegment19
* inventoryItemSegment17
* address1
* lastUpdateDate
* inventoryItemSegment7
* attribute2
* attribute11
* customerItemId
* attribute10
* inventoryItemSegment8
* address3
* city
* attribute13
* inventoryItemSegment6
* masterOrganizationName
* attribute7
* attribute5
* inventoryItemSegment12
* inventoryItemSegment13
* lockFlag
* attribute14
* inventoryItem
* inventoryItemSegment20
* errorCode
* inventoryItemSegment18
* processFlag
* lastUpdateLogin
* county
* inventoryItemSegment15
* programId
* inventoryItemSegment4
* attribute3
* attributeCategory
* transactionType
* attribute1
* country
* customerItemNumber
* itemDefinitionLevel
* customerCategoryCode
* inventoryItemSegment2
* errorExplanation


 * attribute12
* inventoryItemSegment1
* createdBy
* customerNumber
* attribute6
* inventoryItemSegment11
* programApplicationId
* processMode
* inventoryItemSegment14
* address4
* inactiveFlag
* attribute4
* inventoryItemSegment10
* preferenceNumber
* programUpdateDate
* inventoryItemSegment5
* postalCode
* inventoryItemId
* state
* lastUpdatedBy
* customerName
* creationDate
* itemDefinitionLevelDesc
* customerId
* inventoryItemSegment16
* attribute9
* requestId
* inventoryItemSegment3
* customerCategory
* addressId
* address2
* attribute8
* attribute15
* masterOrganizationCode
* masterOrganizationId
* inventoryItemSegment9
* inventoryItemSegment19
* inventoryItemSegment17
* address1
* lastUpdateDate
* inventoryItemSegment7
* attribute2
* attribute11
* customerItemId
* attribute10
* inventoryItemSegment8
* address3
* city
* attribute13
* inventoryItemSegment6
* masterOrganizationName
* attribute7
* attribute5
* inventoryItemSegment12
* inventoryItemSegment13
* lockFlag
* attribute14
* inventoryItem
* inventoryItemSegment20
* errorCode
* inventoryItemSegment18
* processFlag
* lastUpdateLogin
* county
* inventoryItemSegment15
* programId
* inventoryItemSegment4
* attribute3
* attributeCategory
* transactionType
* attribute1
* country
* customerItemNumber
* itemDefinitionLevel
* customerCategoryCode
* inventoryItemSegment2
* errorExplanation


 * attribute13
* description
* attribute9
* attribute15
* attribute4
* sourceLang
* creationDate
* classificationType
* attribute6
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* programApplicationId
* classificationCodeTl
* attribute7
* disableDate
* lastUpdateDate
* createdBy
* programUpdateDate
* attribute12
* attribute3
* requestId
* attribute2
* language
* classificationCode
* attribute1
* attribute5
* attributeCategory
* programId
* attribute8
* attribute14
* attribute11
* attribute10


 * attribute13
* description
* attribute9
* attribute15
* attribute4
* sourceLang
* creationDate
* classificationType
* attribute6
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* programApplicationId
* classificationCodeTl
* attribute7
* disableDate
* lastUpdateDate
* createdBy
* programUpdateDate
* attribute12
* attribute3
* requestId
* attribute2
* language
* classificationCode
* attribute1
* attribute5
* attributeCategory
* programId
* attribute8
* attribute14
* attribute11
* attribute10


 * lpnSuffix
* attribute1
* attribute7
* attribute6
* attributeCategory
* lpnPrefix
* attribute12
* attribute9
* groupByShipMethodFlag
* ucc128SuffixFlag
* lastUpdateDate
* creationDate
* attribute8
* clientNumber
* totalLpnLength
* autocreateDelOrdersFlag
* attribute15
* attribute5
* attribute3
* attribute14
* deliveryReportSetId
* clientCode
* lastUpdateLogin
* groupByFreightTermsFlag
* createdBy
* receiptAsnExistsCode
* lpnStartingNumber
* groupByFobFlag
* groupByCustomerFlag
* otmEnabled
* attribute11
* attribute2
* attribute13
* tradingPartnerSiteId
* clientId
* shipConfirmRuleId
* attribute10
* rmaReceiptRoutingId
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute4


 * lpnSuffix
* attribute1
* attribute7
* attribute6
* attributeCategory
* lpnPrefix
* attribute12
* attribute9
* groupByShipMethodFlag
* ucc128SuffixFlag
* lastUpdateDate
* creationDate
* attribute8
* clientNumber
* totalLpnLength
* autocreateDelOrdersFlag
* attribute15
* attribute5
* attribute3
* attribute14
* deliveryReportSetId
* clientCode
* lastUpdateLogin
* groupByFreightTermsFlag
* createdBy
* receiptAsnExistsCode
* lpnStartingNumber
* groupByFobFlag
* groupByCustomerFlag
* otmEnabled
* attribute11
* attribute2
* attribute13
* tradingPartnerSiteId
* clientId
* shipConfirmRuleId
* attribute10
* rmaReceiptRoutingId
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute4


 * programId
* attribute13
* description
* lastUpdateLogin
* programApplicationId
* attribute11
* attributeCategory
* attribute1
* requestId
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute12
* attribute15
* attribute14
* attribute4
* commodityCode
* commodityCodeId
* attribute10
* attribute5
* creationDate
* createdBy
* attribute2
* attribute7
* attribute8
* attribute9
* attribute3
* attribute6
* lastUpdatedBy
* inactiveDate
* programUpdateDate


 * programId
* attribute13
* description
* lastUpdateLogin
* programApplicationId
* attribute11
* attributeCategory
* attribute1
* requestId
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute12
* attribute15
* attribute14
* attribute4
* commodityCode
* commodityCodeId
* attribute10
* attribute5
* creationDate
* createdBy
* attribute2
* attribute7
* attribute8
* attribute9
* attribute3
* attribute6
* lastUpdatedBy
* inactiveDate
* programUpdateDate


 * createdBy
* consumptionDate
* requestId
* errorCode
* poHeaderId
* organizationId
* primaryUom
* planningTpType
* owningTpType
* owningOrganizationId
* lastUpdateDate
* notificationId
* lastUpdatedBy
* recordId
* actionCode
* agentId
* revision
* purchasingUom
* creationDate
* lastNotificationDate
* programUpdateDate
* inventoryItemId
* planningOrganizationId
* programApplicationId
* programId
* recordType
* lastUpdateLogin
* errorType


 * createdBy
* consumptionDate
* requestId
* errorCode
* poHeaderId
* organizationId
* primaryUom
* planningTpType
* owningTpType
* owningOrganizationId
* lastUpdateDate
* notificationId
* lastUpdatedBy
* recordId
* actionCode
* agentId
* revision
* purchasingUom
* creationDate
* lastNotificationDate
* programUpdateDate
* inventoryItemId
* planningOrganizationId
* programApplicationId
* programId
* recordType
* lastUpdateLogin
* errorType


 * consumptionPoHeaderId
* taxCodeId
* programApplicationId
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* rate
* interfaceDistributionRef
* taxRecoveryRate
* varianceAccountId
* transactionId
* batchId
* organizationId
* transactionDate
* globalAgreementFlag
* accrualAccountId
* rateType
* needByDate
* inventoryItemId
* consumptionProcessedFlag
* poDistributionId
* owningOrganizationId
* poLineId
* programId
* taxRate
* parentTransactionId
* transactionSourceId
* programUpdateDate
* creationDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* blanketPrice
* requestId
* secondaryNetQty
* netQty
* recoverableTax
* consumptionReleaseId
* nonRecoverableTax
* errorExplanation
* createdBy
* chargeAccountId
* errorCode


 * consumptionPoHeaderId
* taxCodeId
* programApplicationId
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* rate
* interfaceDistributionRef
* taxRecoveryRate
* varianceAccountId
* transactionId
* batchId
* organizationId
* transactionDate
* globalAgreementFlag
* accrualAccountId
* rateType
* needByDate
* inventoryItemId
* consumptionProcessedFlag
* poDistributionId
* owningOrganizationId
* poLineId
* programId
* taxRate
* parentTransactionId
* transactionSourceId
* programUpdateDate
* creationDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* blanketPrice
* requestId
* secondaryNetQty
* netQty
* recoverableTax
* consumptionReleaseId
* nonRecoverableTax
* errorExplanation
* createdBy
* chargeAccountId
* errorCode


 * lastUpdatedBy
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* organizationCode
* status
* options
* xml
* lastEntityNumber
* groupCode
* siteId
* lastUpdateDate
* createdBy


 * lastUpdatedBy
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* organizationCode
* status
* options
* xml
* lastEntityNumber
* groupCode
* siteId
* lastUpdateDate
* createdBy


 * programId
* programApplicationId
* programUpdateDate
* attribute15
* attribute11
* createdBy
* attribute8
* validateFlag
* attribute1
* attribute14
* attribute2
* attribute4
* attribute7
* zdEditionName
* zdSync
* lastUpdatedBy
* requestId
* attributeCategory
* attribute13
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute3
* attribute10
* attribute6
* description
* attribute9
* disableDate
* crossReferenceType
* attribute5
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute12
* creationDate


 * programId
* programApplicationId
* programUpdateDate
* attribute15
* attribute11
* createdBy
* attribute8
* validateFlag
* attribute1
* attribute14
* attribute2
* attribute4
* attribute7
* zdEditionName
* zdSync
* lastUpdatedBy
* requestId
* attributeCategory
* attribute13
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute3
* attribute10
* attribute6
* description
* attribute9
* disableDate
* crossReferenceType
* attribute5
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute12
* creationDate


 * attribute8
* programId
* attribute12
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute13
* programApplicationId
* attribute10
* endDateActive
* attribute4
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute6
* attributeCategory
* revisionId
* description
* attribute9
* crossReferenceType
* attribute5
* attribute14
* attribute7
* attribute15
* crossReference
* uomCode
* startDateActive
* orgIndependentFlag
* attribute1
* programUpdateDate
* creationDate
* createdBy
* crossReferenceId
* epcGtinSerial
* sourceSystemId
* objectVersionNumber
* attribute11
* requestId
* attribute2
* inventoryItemId
* attribute3
* organizationId


 * attribute8
* programId
* attribute12
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute13
* programApplicationId
* attribute10
* endDateActive
* attribute4
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute6
* attributeCategory
* revisionId
* description
* attribute9
* crossReferenceType
* attribute5
* attribute14
* attribute7
* attribute15
* crossReference
* uomCode
* startDateActive
* orgIndependentFlag
* attribute1
* programUpdateDate
* creationDate
* createdBy
* crossReferenceId
* epcGtinSerial
* sourceSystemId
* objectVersionNumber
* attribute11
* requestId
* attribute2
* inventoryItemId
* attribute3
* organizationId


 * createdBy
* attribute15
* uomCode
* unitOfMeasureTl
* itemNumber
* attribute4
* crossReferenceId
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute12
* attribute8
* attribute11
* attribute13
* organizationId
* crossReference
* uomLanguage
* programUpdateDate
* attribute10
* transactionType
* organizationCode
* inventoryItemId
* attribute6
* attribute7
* revision
* programApplicationId
* crossReferenceType
* lastUpdateLogin
* creationDate
* revisionId
* requestId
* transactionId
* attributeCategory
* processFlag
* attribute5
* programId
* lastUpdatedBy
* orgIndependentFlag
* attribute14
* setProcessId
* epcGtinSerial
* attribute3
* attribute2
* attribute1
* description
* attribute9


 * createdBy
* attribute15
* uomCode
* unitOfMeasureTl
* itemNumber
* attribute4
* crossReferenceId
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute12
* attribute8
* attribute11
* attribute13
* organizationId
* crossReference
* uomLanguage
* programUpdateDate
* attribute10
* transactionType
* organizationCode
* inventoryItemId
* attribute6
* attribute7
* revision
* programApplicationId
* crossReferenceType
* lastUpdateLogin
* creationDate
* revisionId
* requestId
* transactionId
* attributeCategory
* processFlag
* attribute5
* programId
* lastUpdatedBy
* orgIndependentFlag
* attribute14
* setProcessId
* epcGtinSerial
* attribute3
* attribute2
* attribute1
* description
* attribute9


 * lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* language
* description
* sourceLang
* lastUpdateDate
* crossReferenceId
* creationDate
* createdBy


 * lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* language
* description
* sourceLang
* lastUpdateDate
* crossReferenceId
* creationDate
* createdBy


 * insertionFlag
* paybackVarianceAmount
* layerId
* creationDate
* programApplicationId
* userEntered
* priorCost
* createdBy
* programUpdateDate
* costElementId
* levelType
* programId
* lastUpdateDate
* varianceAmount
* actualCost
* requestId
* transactionActionId
* transactionCostedDate
* onhandVarianceAmount
* newCost
* organizationId
* transactionId
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* inventoryItemId


 * insertionFlag
* paybackVarianceAmount
* layerId
* creationDate
* programApplicationId
* userEntered
* priorCost
* createdBy
* programUpdateDate
* costElementId
* levelType
* programId
* lastUpdateDate
* varianceAmount
* actualCost
* requestId
* transactionActionId
* transactionCostedDate
* onhandVarianceAmount
* newCost
* organizationId
* transactionId
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* inventoryItemId


 * lastUpdateLogin
* layerCost
* paybackVarianceAmount
* layerQuantity
* creationDate
* transactionId
* programApplicationId
* onhandVarianceAmount
* varianceAmount
* requestId
* userEntered
* costElementId
* programUpdateDate
* lastUpdateDate
* levelType
* inventoryItemId
* invLayerId
* actualCost
* createdBy
* layerId
* organizationId
* programId
* lastUpdatedBy


 * lastUpdateLogin
* layerCost
* paybackVarianceAmount
* layerQuantity
* creationDate
* transactionId
* programApplicationId
* onhandVarianceAmount
* varianceAmount
* requestId
* userEntered
* costElementId
* programUpdateDate
* lastUpdateDate
* levelType
* inventoryItemId
* invLayerId
* actualCost
* createdBy
* layerId
* organizationId
* programId
* lastUpdatedBy


 * levelType
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdatedBy
* organizationId
* newAverageCost
* costElementId
* programUpdateDate
* inventoryItemId
* createdBy
* percentageChange
* valueChange
* lastUpdateDate
* creationDate
* requestId
* programApplicationId
* transactionId
* transactionCost
* programId


 * levelType
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdatedBy
* organizationId
* newAverageCost
* costElementId
* programUpdateDate
* inventoryItemId
* createdBy
* percentageChange
* valueChange
* lastUpdateDate
* creationDate
* requestId
* programApplicationId
* transactionId
* transactionCost
* programId


 * attribute10
* attribute12
* attributeCategory
* programUpdateDate
* inactiveFlag
* attribute5
* attribute7
* attribute15
* inventoryItemId
* programId
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute11
* attribute9
* attribute14
* programApplicationId
* attribute2
* requestId
* preferenceNumber
* attribute8
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute13
* lastUpdateDate
* creationDate
* customerItemId
* attribute3
* createdBy
* attribute6
* attribute4
* attribute1
* masterOrganizationId


 * attribute10
* attribute12
* attributeCategory
* programUpdateDate
* inactiveFlag
* attribute5
* attribute7
* attribute15
* inventoryItemId
* programId
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute11
* attribute9
* attribute14
* programApplicationId
* attribute2
* requestId
* preferenceNumber
* attribute8
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute13
* lastUpdateDate
* creationDate
* customerItemId
* attribute3
* createdBy
* attribute6
* attribute4
* attribute1
* masterOrganizationId


 * lastUpdateDate
* inactiveFlag
* customerItemId
* attribute5
* demandToleranceNegative
* customerId
* detailContainerItemId
* attribute13
* attribute8
* containerItemOrgId
* customerItemNumber
* modelCustomerItemId
* attribute12
* demandTolerancePositive
* creationDate
* itemDefinitionLevel
* minFillPercentage
* attribute10
* attribute3
* attribute14
* attribute2
* depPlanPriorBldFlag
* attribute15
* lastUpdateLogin
* programId
* customerItemDesc
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute6
* createdBy
* commodityCodeId
* attributeCategory
* masterContainerItemId
* programApplicationId
* attribute1
* depPlanRequiredFlag
* customerCategoryCode
* attribute4
* addressId
* programUpdateDate
* attribute7
* attribute11
* requestId
* attribute9


 * lastUpdateDate
* inactiveFlag
* customerItemId
* attribute5
* demandToleranceNegative
* customerId
* detailContainerItemId
* attribute13
* attribute8
* containerItemOrgId
* customerItemNumber
* modelCustomerItemId
* attribute12
* demandTolerancePositive
* creationDate
* itemDefinitionLevel
* minFillPercentage
* attribute10
* attribute3
* attribute14
* attribute2
* depPlanPriorBldFlag
* attribute15
* lastUpdateLogin
* programId
* customerItemDesc
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute6
* createdBy
* commodityCodeId
* attributeCategory
* masterContainerItemId
* programApplicationId
* attribute1
* depPlanRequiredFlag
* customerCategoryCode
* attribute4
* addressId
* programUpdateDate
* attribute7
* attribute11
* requestId
* attribute9


 * abcAssignmentGroupId
* lastUpdateLogin
* numCountsPerYear
* hitMissTolerancePositive
* hitMissToleranceNegative
* programApplicationId
* approvalTolerancePositive
* programId
* approvalToleranceNegative
* costToleranceNegative
* costTolerancePositive
* requestId
* creationDate
* organizationId
* programUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* cycleCountHeaderId
* lastUpdateDate
* abcClassId
* createdBy


 * abcAssignmentGroupId
* lastUpdateLogin
* numCountsPerYear
* hitMissTolerancePositive
* hitMissToleranceNegative
* programApplicationId
* approvalTolerancePositive
* programId
* approvalToleranceNegative
* costToleranceNegative
* costTolerancePositive
* requestId
* creationDate
* organizationId
* programUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* cycleCountHeaderId
* lastUpdateDate
* abcClassId
* createdBy


 * countTypeCode
* countSecondaryUomFirst
* attribute10
* subinventory
* attribute5
* itemUnitCost
* approvalCondition
* lastUpdateDate
* secondarySystemQtyCurrent
* organizationId
* countQuantityCurrent
* secondarySystemQtyPrior
* systemQuantityFirst
* numberOfCounts
* adjustmentDate
* referencePrior
* systemQuantityCurrent
* lotNumber
* attribute12
* parentLpnId
* adjustmentQuantity
* entryStatusCode
* attribute13
* attribute7
* primaryUomQuantityFirst
* countSecondaryUomPrior
* secondaryUomQuantityCurrent
* programApplicationId
* cycleCountHeaderId
* locatorId
* attribute4
* requestId
* attributeCategory
* countQuantityPrior
* cycleCountEntryId
* secondaryUomQuantityPrior
* secondarySystemQtyFirst
* lastUpdatedBy
* creationDate
* inventoryItemId
* negAdjustmentQuantity
* lotExpirationDate
* countedByEmployeeIdDummy
* primaryUomQuantityPrior
* attribute6
* programId
* countDueDate
* attribute8
* referenceCurrent
* inventoryAdjustmentAccount
* countDateFirst
* countDateCurrent
* lotControl
* countSecondaryUomCurrent
* countUomPrior
* approverEmployeeId
* primaryUomQuantityCurrent
* serialDetail
* countedByEmployeeIdCurrent
* attribute15
* countUomCurrent
* attribute3
* createdBy
* negAdjustmentAmount
* standardOperationId
* attribute14
* systemQuantityPrior
* attribute1
* countQuantityFirst
* attribute11
* secondaryUomQuantityFirst
* adjustmentAmount
* approvalDate
* taskPriority
* countDatePrior
* lastUpdateLogin
* countDateDummy
* transactionReasonId
* countListSequence
* countedByEmployeeIdPrior
* attribute2
* serialNumber
* countedByEmployeeIdFirst
* countUomFirst
* attribute9
* costGroupId
* referenceFirst
* revision
* programUpdateDate
* outermostLpnId
* secondaryAdjustmentQuantity
* approvalType
* exportFlag


 * countTypeCode
* countSecondaryUomFirst
* attribute10
* subinventory
* attribute5
* itemUnitCost
* approvalCondition
* lastUpdateDate
* secondarySystemQtyCurrent
* organizationId
* countQuantityCurrent
* secondarySystemQtyPrior
* systemQuantityFirst
* numberOfCounts
* adjustmentDate
* referencePrior
* systemQuantityCurrent
* lotNumber
* attribute12
* parentLpnId
* adjustmentQuantity
* entryStatusCode
* attribute13
* attribute7
* primaryUomQuantityFirst
* countSecondaryUomPrior
* secondaryUomQuantityCurrent
* programApplicationId
* cycleCountHeaderId
* locatorId
* attribute4
* requestId
* attributeCategory
* countQuantityPrior
* cycleCountEntryId
* secondaryUomQuantityPrior
* secondarySystemQtyFirst
* lastUpdatedBy
* creationDate
* inventoryItemId
* negAdjustmentQuantity
* lotExpirationDate
* countedByEmployeeIdDummy
* primaryUomQuantityPrior
* attribute6
* programId
* countDueDate
* attribute8
* referenceCurrent
* inventoryAdjustmentAccount
* countDateFirst
* countDateCurrent
* lotControl
* countSecondaryUomCurrent
* countUomPrior
* approverEmployeeId
* primaryUomQuantityCurrent
* serialDetail
* countedByEmployeeIdCurrent
* attribute15
* countUomCurrent
* attribute3
* createdBy
* negAdjustmentAmount
* standardOperationId
* attribute14
* systemQuantityPrior
* attribute1
* countQuantityFirst
* attribute11
* secondaryUomQuantityFirst
* adjustmentAmount
* approvalDate
* taskPriority
* countDatePrior
* lastUpdateLogin
* countDateDummy
* transactionReasonId
* countListSequence
* countedByEmployeeIdPrior
* attribute2
* serialNumber
* countedByEmployeeIdFirst
* countUomFirst
* attribute9
* costGroupId
* referenceFirst
* revision
* programUpdateDate
* outermostLpnId
* secondaryAdjustmentQuantity
* approvalType
* exportFlag


 * lastUpdateDate
* serialDiscrepancyOption
* orientationCode
* hitMissTolerancePositive
* lastUpdatedBy
* approvalTolerancePositive
* programId
* attribute1
* unscheduledCountEntry
* attribute6
* hitMissToleranceNegative
* daysUntilLate
* scheduleEmptyLocations
* headerNextScheduleDate
* programApplicationId
* approvalToleranceNegative
* attribute7
* attribute11
* attribute15
* nextUserCountSequence
* serialAdjustmentOption
* attribute10
* automaticRecountFlag
* serialDetailOption
* attributeCategory
* approvalOptionCode
* attribute4
* scheduleIntervalTime
* programUpdateDate
* costTolerancePositive
* attribute12
* cycleCountHeaderId
* attribute2
* attribute9
* inventoryAdjustmentAccount
* headerLastScheduleDate
* attribute14
* disableDate
* abcAssignmentGroupId
* defaultNumCountsPerYear
* onhandVisibleFlag
* attribute3
* lastUpdateLogin
* autoscheduleEnabledFlag
* creationDate
* costToleranceNegative
* attribute5
* description
* cycleCountCalendar
* containerDiscrepancyOption
* maximumAutoRecounts
* serialCountOption
* zeroCountFlag
* requestId
* cycleCountType
* attribute8
* cycleCountHeaderName
* abcInitializationStatus
* attribute13
* createdBy
* calendarExceptionSet
* containerAdjustmentOption
* organizationId
* containerEnabledFlag


 * lastUpdateDate
* serialDiscrepancyOption
* orientationCode
* hitMissTolerancePositive
* lastUpdatedBy
* approvalTolerancePositive
* programId
* attribute1
* unscheduledCountEntry
* attribute6
* hitMissToleranceNegative
* daysUntilLate
* scheduleEmptyLocations
* headerNextScheduleDate
* programApplicationId
* approvalToleranceNegative
* attribute7
* attribute11
* attribute15
* nextUserCountSequence
* serialAdjustmentOption
* attribute10
* automaticRecountFlag
* serialDetailOption
* attributeCategory
* approvalOptionCode
* attribute4
* scheduleIntervalTime
* programUpdateDate
* costTolerancePositive
* attribute12
* cycleCountHeaderId
* attribute2
* attribute9
* inventoryAdjustmentAccount
* headerLastScheduleDate
* attribute14
* disableDate
* abcAssignmentGroupId
* defaultNumCountsPerYear
* onhandVisibleFlag
* attribute3
* lastUpdateLogin
* autoscheduleEnabledFlag
* creationDate
* costToleranceNegative
* attribute5
* description
* cycleCountCalendar
* containerDiscrepancyOption
* maximumAutoRecounts
* serialCountOption
* zeroCountFlag
* requestId
* cycleCountType
* attribute8
* cycleCountHeaderName
* abcInitializationStatus
* attribute13
* createdBy
* calendarExceptionSet
* containerAdjustmentOption
* organizationId
* containerEnabledFlag


 * approvalToleranceNegative
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute14
* attribute1
* attribute12
* attributeCategory
* createdBy
* itemLastScheduleDate
* programApplicationId
* attribute6
* attribute13
* attribute11
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute10
* attribute15
* attribute8
* controlGroupFlag
* programId
* scheduleOrder
* cycleCountHeaderId
* requestId
* attribute7
* inventoryItemId
* lastUpdateLogin
* programUpdateDate
* abcClassId
* attribute9
* attribute3
* approvalTolerancePositive
* attribute4
* attribute5
* attribute2
* creationDate


 * approvalToleranceNegative
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute14
* attribute1
* attribute12
* attributeCategory
* createdBy
* itemLastScheduleDate
* programApplicationId
* attribute6
* attribute13
* attribute11
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute10
* attribute15
* attribute8
* controlGroupFlag
* programId
* scheduleOrder
* cycleCountHeaderId
* requestId
* attribute7
* inventoryItemId
* lastUpdateLogin
* programUpdateDate
* abcClassId
* attribute9
* attribute3
* approvalTolerancePositive
* attribute4
* attribute5
* attribute2
* creationDate


 * functionalAreaId
* lastUpdateDate
* categorySetId
* lastUpdatedBy
* zdSync
* zdEditionName
* programApplicationId
* programUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* requestId
* programId
* creationDate
* createdBy


 * functionalAreaId
* lastUpdateDate
* categorySetId
* lastUpdatedBy
* zdSync
* zdEditionName
* programApplicationId
* programUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* requestId
* programId
* creationDate
* createdBy


 * billToSiteUseId
* attribute15
* supplySourceType
* orderedItemId
* completedQuantity
* serialNumber
* configGroupId
* atpLeadTime
* attribute13
* parentComponentSeqId
* description
* userLineNum
* bomLevel
* lastUpdateDate
* demandSourceHeaderId
* programUpdateDate
* reservationType
* configStatus
* attribute8
* requestId
* scheduleId
* requirementDate
* attributeCategory
* createdBy
* duplicatedConfigItemId
* attribute9
* creationDate
* attribute3
* rowStatusFlag
* lineItemReservationQty
* updatedFlag
* subinventory
* uomCode
* revision
* availableToMrp
* demandClass
* autodetailGroupId
* explosionEffectivityDate
* rtoModelSourceLine
* attribute7
* lotNumber
* customerId
* demandId
* attribute2
* programId
* demandType
* lastUpdatedBy
* reservationQuantity
* duplicatedConfigDemandId
* locatorId
* attribute4
* demandSourceType
* supplyGroupId
* userDelivery
* operationSeqNum
* demandSourceDelivery
* externalSourceCode
* availableToAtp
* attribute10
* programApplicationId
* rtoPreviousQty
* mrpDate
* attribute1
* orderChangeReportFlag
* organizationId
* demandSourceName
* demandSourceLine
* masterReservationQty
* mrpQuantity
* attribute11
* externalSourceLineId
* attribute6
* inventoryItemId
* attribute12
* lineItemQuantity
* primaryUomQuantity
* attribute14
* attribute5
* explosionGroupId
* shipToSiteUseId
* parentDemandId
* lastUpdateLogin
* supplySourceHeaderId
* nColumn1
* estimatedReleaseDate
* componentSequenceId
* territoryId


 * locSegment1
* oldLocSegment6
* locSegment18
* demandHeaderSegment5
* intransitLeadTime
* oldLocSegment5
* demandHeaderSegment1
* latestAcceptableDate
* demandHeaderSegment3
* lineItemUnitOfMeasure
* demandHeaderSegment8
* actionCode
* lastUpdateLogin
* itemSegment9
* oldLocSegment20
* explosionEffectivityDate
* oldLocSegment17
* infiniteTimeFenceDate
* demandHeaderSegment27
* atpCalendarOrganizationId
* itemSegment20
* attribute7
* attribute2
* itemSegment17
* bomLevel
* itemSegment12
* locSegment17
* demandId
* locSegment11
* transactionMode
* orderedItemId
* processFlag
* itemSegment8
* atpLeadTime
* itemSegment3
* supplyGroupId
* rtoPreviousQty
* oldLocSegment9
* oldLocSegment3
* detailReserveFlag
* itemSegment10
* nColumn1
* lineItemQuantity
* autodetailGroupId
* attribute3
* requestAtpDateQuantity
* parentComponentSeqId
* explosionGroupId
* demandHeaderSegment28
* departmentId
* earliestAtpDateQuantity
* attribute6
* lockFlag
* itemSegment2
* nColumn4
* checkAtr
* oldLocatorId
* itemSegment4
* locSegment7
* organizationName
* demandHeaderSegment12
* locSegment12
* dColumn5
* cColumn2
* attribute9
* demandClass
* externalSourceLineId
* locSegment2
* oldLotNumber
* oldLocSegment4
* demandHeaderSegment9
* atpComponentsFlag
* demandHeaderSegment20
* demandHeaderSegment13
* oldLocSegment11
* creationDate
* quantityOnHand
* itemSegment6
* componentSequenceId
* reservationType
* attributeCategory
* createdBy
* dColumn3
* transactionProcessOrder
* demandHeaderSegment15
* demandHeaderSegment21
* locSegment6
* atpGroupId
* dColumn4
* vendorId
* demandType
* singleLotFlag
* oldSubinventory
* attribute10
* errExplanation
* dColumn2
* locSegment20
* oldLocSegment16
* demandSourceLine
* demandHeaderSegment26
* locSegment9
* configStatus
* itemSegment7
* oldLocSegment19
* territoryId
* attribute5
* cColumn7
* oldLocSegment12
* lotExpirationCutoffDate
* autodetailedQuantity
* oldLocSegment13
* subinventory
* revision
* autoscheduleDemandQuantity
* demandHeaderSegment30
* demandHeaderSegment23
* attribute12
* vendorSiteId
* nColumn3
* locSegment4
* demandSourceHeaderId
* inventoryItemId
* serialNumber
* availableToReserve
* resourceId
* locSegment8
* oldLocSegment10
* dColumn1
* lastUpdateDate
* oldLocSegment15
* scheduleGroupId
* reserveLevel
* cColumn6
* demandSourceName
* demandHeaderSegment4
* requirementDate
* locSegment16
* cColumn4
* groupAvailableDate
* demandHeaderSegment7
* locSegment3
* locSegment19
* rtoModelSourceLine
* attribute1
* demandSourceType
* demandHeaderSegment18
* organizationId
* supplyHeaderId
* oldLocSegment2
* demandHeaderSegment24
* lastUpdatedBy
* demandHeaderSegment10
* userLineNum
* errorCode
* demandHeaderSegment2
* demandHeaderSegment19
* demandHeaderSegment16
* earliestAtpDate
* reservationQuantity
* itemSegment18
* locSegment15
* partialsAllowedFlag
* itemSegment5
* attribute4
* itemSegment14
* billToSiteUseId
* itemSegment1
* locSegment14
* cColumn3
* oldRevision
* itemSegment11
* groupAtpCheck
* lineItemUom
* supplySourceType
* lotNumber
* attribute15
* attribute11
* primaryUom
* demandHeaderSegment29
* attribute8
* oldLocSegment14
* primaryUomQuantity
* attribute14
* oldLocSegment18
* nColumn2
* cColumn1
* demandHeaderSegment11
* externalSourceCode
* cColumn5
* demandHeaderSegment25
* lineItemReservationQty
* itemSegment13
* atpCheck
* oldSerialNumber
* validateRows
* demandHeaderSegment6
* cColumn8
* itemSegment16
* itemSegment19
* oldLocSegment8
* locatorId
* locSegment10
* accumulationWindow
* demandSourceDelivery
* autodetailExpenseSubinvFlag
* attribute13
* shipMethod
* oldLocSegment7
* sessionId
* demandHeaderSegment14
* nColumn5
* demandHeaderSegment17
* requestAtpDate
* customerId
* demandHeaderSegment22
* itemSegment15
* locSegment5
* oldLocSegment1
* userDelivery
* locSegment13
* requestDateAtpQuantity
* description
* atpRuleId
* shipToSiteUseId


 * locSegment1
* oldLocSegment6
* locSegment18
* demandHeaderSegment5
* intransitLeadTime
* oldLocSegment5
* demandHeaderSegment1
* latestAcceptableDate
* demandHeaderSegment3
* lineItemUnitOfMeasure
* demandHeaderSegment8
* actionCode
* lastUpdateLogin
* itemSegment9
* oldLocSegment20
* explosionEffectivityDate
* oldLocSegment17
* infiniteTimeFenceDate
* demandHeaderSegment27
* atpCalendarOrganizationId
* itemSegment20
* attribute7
* attribute2
* itemSegment17
* bomLevel
* itemSegment12
* locSegment17
* demandId
* locSegment11
* transactionMode
* orderedItemId
* processFlag
* itemSegment8
* atpLeadTime
* itemSegment3
* supplyGroupId
* rtoPreviousQty
* oldLocSegment9
* oldLocSegment3
* detailReserveFlag
* itemSegment10
* nColumn1
* lineItemQuantity
* autodetailGroupId
* attribute3
* requestAtpDateQuantity
* parentComponentSeqId
* explosionGroupId
* demandHeaderSegment28
* departmentId
* earliestAtpDateQuantity
* attribute6
* lockFlag
* itemSegment2
* nColumn4
* checkAtr
* oldLocatorId
* itemSegment4
* locSegment7
* organizationName
* demandHeaderSegment12
* locSegment12
* dColumn5
* cColumn2
* attribute9
* demandClass
* externalSourceLineId
* locSegment2
* oldLotNumber
* oldLocSegment4
* demandHeaderSegment9
* atpComponentsFlag
* demandHeaderSegment20
* demandHeaderSegment13
* oldLocSegment11
* creationDate
* quantityOnHand
* itemSegment6
* componentSequenceId
* reservationType
* attributeCategory
* createdBy
* dColumn3
* transactionProcessOrder
* demandHeaderSegment15
* demandHeaderSegment21
* locSegment6
* atpGroupId
* dColumn4
* vendorId
* demandType
* singleLotFlag
* oldSubinventory
* attribute10
* errExplanation
* dColumn2
* locSegment20
* oldLocSegment16
* demandSourceLine
* demandHeaderSegment26
* locSegment9
* configStatus
* itemSegment7
* oldLocSegment19
* territoryId
* attribute5
* cColumn7
* oldLocSegment12
* lotExpirationCutoffDate
* autodetailedQuantity
* oldLocSegment13
* subinventory
* revision
* autoscheduleDemandQuantity
* demandHeaderSegment30
* demandHeaderSegment23
* attribute12
* vendorSiteId
* nColumn3
* locSegment4
* demandSourceHeaderId
* inventoryItemId
* serialNumber
* availableToReserve
* resourceId
* locSegment8
* oldLocSegment10
* dColumn1
* lastUpdateDate
* oldLocSegment15
* scheduleGroupId
* reserveLevel
* cColumn6
* demandSourceName
* demandHeaderSegment4
* requirementDate
* locSegment16
* cColumn4
* groupAvailableDate
* demandHeaderSegment7
* locSegment3
* locSegment19
* rtoModelSourceLine
* attribute1
* demandSourceType
* demandHeaderSegment18
* organizationId
* supplyHeaderId
* oldLocSegment2
* demandHeaderSegment24
* lastUpdatedBy
* demandHeaderSegment10
* userLineNum
* errorCode
* demandHeaderSegment2
* demandHeaderSegment19
* demandHeaderSegment16
* earliestAtpDate
* reservationQuantity
* itemSegment18
* locSegment15
* partialsAllowedFlag
* itemSegment5
* attribute4
* itemSegment14
* billToSiteUseId
* itemSegment1
* locSegment14
* cColumn3
* oldRevision
* itemSegment11
* groupAtpCheck
* lineItemUom
* supplySourceType
* lotNumber
* attribute15
* attribute11
* primaryUom
* demandHeaderSegment29
* attribute8
* oldLocSegment14
* primaryUomQuantity
* attribute14
* oldLocSegment18
* nColumn2
* cColumn1
* demandHeaderSegment11
* externalSourceCode
* cColumn5
* demandHeaderSegment25
* lineItemReservationQty
* itemSegment13
* atpCheck
* oldSerialNumber
* validateRows
* demandHeaderSegment6
* cColumn8
* itemSegment16
* itemSegment19
* oldLocSegment8
* locatorId
* locSegment10
* accumulationWindow
* demandSourceDelivery
* autodetailExpenseSubinvFlag
* attribute13
* shipMethod
* oldLocSegment7
* sessionId
* demandHeaderSegment14
* nColumn5
* demandHeaderSegment17
* requestAtpDate
* customerId
* demandHeaderSegment22
* itemSegment15
* locSegment5
* oldLocSegment1
* userDelivery
* locSegment13
* requestDateAtpQuantity
* description
* atpRuleId
* shipToSiteUseId


 * billToSiteUseId
* attribute15
* supplySourceType
* orderedItemId
* completedQuantity
* serialNumber
* configGroupId
* atpLeadTime
* attribute13
* parentComponentSeqId
* description
* userLineNum
* bomLevel
* lastUpdateDate
* demandSourceHeaderId
* programUpdateDate
* reservationType
* configStatus
* attribute8
* requestId
* scheduleId
* requirementDate
* attributeCategory
* createdBy
* duplicatedConfigItemId
* attribute9
* creationDate
* attribute3
* rowStatusFlag
* lineItemReservationQty
* updatedFlag
* subinventory
* uomCode
* revision
* availableToMrp
* demandClass
* autodetailGroupId
* explosionEffectivityDate
* rtoModelSourceLine
* attribute7
* lotNumber
* customerId
* demandId
* attribute2
* programId
* demandType
* lastUpdatedBy
* reservationQuantity
* duplicatedConfigDemandId
* locatorId
* attribute4
* demandSourceType
* supplyGroupId
* userDelivery
* operationSeqNum
* demandSourceDelivery
* externalSourceCode
* availableToAtp
* attribute10
* programApplicationId
* rtoPreviousQty
* mrpDate
* attribute1
* orderChangeReportFlag
* organizationId
* demandSourceName
* demandSourceLine
* masterReservationQty
* mrpQuantity
* attribute11
* externalSourceLineId
* attribute6
* inventoryItemId
* attribute12
* lineItemQuantity
* primaryUomQuantity
* attribute14
* attribute5
* explosionGroupId
* shipToSiteUseId
* parentDemandId
* lastUpdateLogin
* supplySourceHeaderId
* nColumn1
* estimatedReleaseDate
* componentSequenceId
* territoryId


 * programApplicationId
* inventoryItemId
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* creationDate
* programUpdateDate
* createdBy
* transactionId
* elementSequence
* requestId
* elementValue
* elementName
* setProcessId
* defaultElementFlag
* processFlag
* programId
* lastUpdateLogin
* itemNumber


 * programApplicationId
* inventoryItemId
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* creationDate
* programUpdateDate
* createdBy
* transactionId
* elementSequence
* requestId
* elementValue
* elementName
* setProcessId
* defaultElementFlag
* processFlag
* programId
* lastUpdateLogin
* itemNumber


 * elementSequence
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* elementValue
* inventoryItemId
* programUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* defaultElementFlag
* programApplicationId
* programId
* lastUpdateDate
* requestId
* createdBy
* elementName


 * elementSequence
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* elementValue
* inventoryItemId
* programUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* defaultElementFlag
* programApplicationId
* programId
* lastUpdateDate
* requestId
* createdBy
* elementName


 * programApplicationId
* elementSequence
* itemCatalogGroupId
* requiredElementFlag
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* defaultElementFlag
* elementName
* programId
* lastUpdateDate
* creationDate
* createdBy
* programUpdateDate
* description
* requestId


 * programApplicationId
* elementSequence
* itemCatalogGroupId
* requiredElementFlag
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* defaultElementFlag
* elementName
* programId
* lastUpdateDate
* creationDate
* createdBy
* programUpdateDate
* description
* requestId


 * attribute2
* requestId
* attribute14
* activityAssociationId
* owningDepartmentId
* serialNumber
* wipEntityId
* attribute6
* taggingRequiredFlag
* sourceTmplId
* lastUpdateDate
* activitySourceCode
* prevScheduledStartDate
* programUpdateDate
* inventoryItemId
* lastScheduledEndDate
* lastServiceEndDate
* attribute4
* attribute8
* attribute7
* attribute9
* priorityCode
* creationOrganizationId
* maintenanceObjectType
* prevScheduledEndDate
* classCode
* organizationId
* prevPmSuggestedEndDate
* createdBy
* maintenanceObjectId
* attribute10
* prevServiceEndDate
* lastScheduledStartDate
* attribute1
* attribute12
* endDateActive
* attribute15
* activityCauseCode
* lastPmSuggestedEndDate
* attribute5
* attribute3
* prevPmSuggestedStartDate
* programApplicationId
* prevServiceStartDate
* lastPmSuggestedStartDate
* attributeCategory
* shutdownTypeCode
* activityTypeCode
* startDateActive
* tmplFlag
* attribute13
* creationDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastServiceStartDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* assetActivityId
* programId
* attribute11


 * attribute2
* requestId
* attribute14
* activityAssociationId
* owningDepartmentId
* serialNumber
* wipEntityId
* attribute6
* taggingRequiredFlag
* sourceTmplId
* lastUpdateDate
* activitySourceCode
* prevScheduledStartDate
* programUpdateDate
* inventoryItemId
* lastScheduledEndDate
* lastServiceEndDate
* attribute4
* attribute8
* attribute7
* attribute9
* priorityCode
* creationOrganizationId
* maintenanceObjectType
* prevScheduledEndDate
* classCode
* organizationId
* prevPmSuggestedEndDate
* createdBy
* maintenanceObjectId
* attribute10
* prevServiceEndDate
* lastScheduledStartDate
* attribute1
* attribute12
* endDateActive
* attribute15
* activityCauseCode
* lastPmSuggestedEndDate
* attribute5
* attribute3
* prevPmSuggestedStartDate
* programApplicationId
* prevServiceStartDate
* lastPmSuggestedStartDate
* attributeCategory
* shutdownTypeCode
* activityTypeCode
* startDateActive
* tmplFlag
* attribute13
* creationDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastServiceStartDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* assetActivityId
* programId
* attribute11


 * createdBy
* creationOrganizationId
* associationId
* creationDate
* inventoryItemId
* applicationId
* descriptiveFlexfieldName
* lastUpdateLogin
* descriptiveFlexContextCode
* lastUpdateDate
* organizationId
* enabledFlag
* lastUpdatedBy


 * createdBy
* creationOrganizationId
* associationId
* creationDate
* inventoryItemId
* applicationId
* descriptiveFlexfieldName
* lastUpdateLogin
* descriptiveFlexContextCode
* lastUpdateDate
* organizationId
* enabledFlag
* lastUpdatedBy


 * cAttribute8
* nAttribute3
* cAttribute20
* cAttribute1
* nAttribute5
* cAttribute9
* attributeCategory
* dAttribute9
* cAttribute5
* creationDate
* cAttribute13
* cAttribute15
* programId
* lastUpdatedBy
* serialNumber
* nAttribute8
* dAttribute10
* lastUpdateLogin
* nAttribute10
* dAttribute3
* requestId
* cAttribute3
* dAttribute2
* maintenanceObjectId
* programApplicationId
* dAttribute8
* inventoryItemId
* cAttribute4
* cAttribute14
* cAttribute18
* cAttribute10
* cAttribute17
* nAttribute2
* cAttribute16
* cAttribute2
* descriptiveFlexfieldName
* dAttribute1
* lastUpdateDate
* programUpdateDate
* cAttribute12
* maintenanceObjectType
* cAttribute6
* organizationId
* dAttribute6
* nAttribute7
* dAttribute4
* dAttribute7
* nAttribute4
* nAttribute6
* cAttribute7
* associationId
* nAttribute9
* creationOrganizationId
* applicationId
* cAttribute11
* nAttribute1
* cAttribute19
* createdBy
* dAttribute5


 * cAttribute8
* nAttribute3
* cAttribute20
* cAttribute1
* nAttribute5
* cAttribute9
* attributeCategory
* dAttribute9
* cAttribute5
* creationDate
* cAttribute13
* cAttribute15
* programId
* lastUpdatedBy
* serialNumber
* nAttribute8
* dAttribute10
* lastUpdateLogin
* nAttribute10
* dAttribute3
* requestId
* cAttribute3
* dAttribute2
* maintenanceObjectId
* programApplicationId
* dAttribute8
* inventoryItemId
* cAttribute4
* cAttribute14
* cAttribute18
* cAttribute10
* cAttribute17
* nAttribute2
* cAttribute16
* cAttribute2
* descriptiveFlexfieldName
* dAttribute1
* lastUpdateDate
* programUpdateDate
* cAttribute12
* maintenanceObjectType
* cAttribute6
* organizationId
* dAttribute6
* nAttribute7
* dAttribute4
* dAttribute7
* nAttribute4
* nAttribute6
* cAttribute7
* associationId
* nAttribute9
* creationOrganizationId
* applicationId
* cAttribute11
* nAttribute1
* cAttribute19
* createdBy
* dAttribute5


 * instanceNumber
* timeSinceRepair
* nAttribute10
* maintainableFlag
* cyclesSinceOverhaul
* descriptiveText
* cAttribute19
* timeSinceOverhaul
* timeSinceNew
* cyclesSinceMark
* cAttribute27
* timeSinceMark
* cAttribute22
* parentSerialNumber
* nAttribute4
* cAttribute24
* pnLocationId
* lastUpdatedBy
* cAttribute3
* owningDepartmentId
* cAttribute16
* parentInventoryItemId
* dAttribute8
* cAttribute25
* serialAttributeCategory
* nAttribute1
* cAttribute29
* cyclesSinceNew
* nAttribute9
* cAttribute8
* lastUpdateLogin
* cyclesSinceRepair
* nAttribute5
* cAttribute26
* checkinStatus
* interfaceHeaderId
* importMode
* currentStatus
* lastUpdateDate
* cAttribute15
* locationCodes
* creationDate
* dAttribute4
* errorCode
* cAttribute10
* dAttribute2
* interfaceGroupId
* eqpSerialNumber
* nAttribute3
* prodOrganizationCode
* cAttribute28
* cAttribute30
* createdBy
* cAttribute21
* dAttribute7
* supplierWarrantyExpDate
* cAttribute17
* processFlag
* parentInstanceNumber
* operationalLogFlag
* cAttribute2
* assetCriticalityCode
* categoryId
* activeEndDate
* cyclesSinceVisit
* vendorSerialNumber
* nAttribute8
* cAttribute5
* currentOrganizationId
* dAttribute5
* cAttribute6
* owningDepartmentCode
* dAttribute6
* cAttribute11
* requestId
* vendorLotNumber
* cAttribute18
* cAttribute9
* faAssetId
* cAttribute4
* timeSinceVisit
* dAttribute9
* nAttribute7
* cAttribute20
* equipmentItemId
* dAttribute1
* nAttribute2
* cAttribute12
* wipAccountingClassCode
* assetCriticalityId
* batchName
* programId
* activeStartDate
* statusId
* faAssetNumber
* importScope
* dAttribute10
* cAttribute7
* cAttribute1
* dAttribute3
* inventoryItemId
* nAttribute6
* serialNumber
* prodOrganizationId
* organizationCode
* territoryCode
* batchId
* cAttribute23
* programUpdateDate
* errorMessage
* programApplicationId
* originationDate
* cAttribute13
* eamLocationId
* cAttribute14
* networkAssetFlag


 * instanceNumber
* timeSinceRepair
* nAttribute10
* maintainableFlag
* cyclesSinceOverhaul
* descriptiveText
* cAttribute19
* timeSinceOverhaul
* timeSinceNew
* cyclesSinceMark
* cAttribute27
* timeSinceMark
* cAttribute22
* parentSerialNumber
* nAttribute4
* cAttribute24
* pnLocationId
* lastUpdatedBy
* cAttribute3
* owningDepartmentId
* cAttribute16
* parentInventoryItemId
* dAttribute8
* cAttribute25
* serialAttributeCategory
* nAttribute1
* cAttribute29
* cyclesSinceNew
* nAttribute9
* cAttribute8
* lastUpdateLogin
* cyclesSinceRepair
* nAttribute5
* cAttribute26
* checkinStatus
* interfaceHeaderId
* importMode
* currentStatus
* lastUpdateDate
* cAttribute15
* locationCodes
* creationDate
* dAttribute4
* errorCode
* cAttribute10
* dAttribute2
* interfaceGroupId
* eqpSerialNumber
* nAttribute3
* prodOrganizationCode
* cAttribute28
* cAttribute30
* createdBy
* cAttribute21
* dAttribute7
* supplierWarrantyExpDate
* cAttribute17
* processFlag
* parentInstanceNumber
* operationalLogFlag
* cAttribute2
* assetCriticalityCode
* categoryId
* activeEndDate
* cyclesSinceVisit
* vendorSerialNumber
* nAttribute8
* cAttribute5
* currentOrganizationId
* dAttribute5
* cAttribute6
* owningDepartmentCode
* dAttribute6
* cAttribute11
* requestId
* vendorLotNumber
* cAttribute18
* cAttribute9
* faAssetId
* cAttribute4
* timeSinceVisit
* dAttribute9
* nAttribute7
* cAttribute20
* equipmentItemId
* dAttribute1
* nAttribute2
* cAttribute12
* wipAccountingClassCode
* assetCriticalityId
* batchName
* programId
* activeStartDate
* statusId
* faAssetNumber
* importScope
* dAttribute10
* cAttribute7
* cAttribute1
* dAttribute3
* inventoryItemId
* nAttribute6
* serialNumber
* prodOrganizationId
* organizationCode
* territoryCode
* batchId
* cAttribute23
* programUpdateDate
* errorMessage
* programApplicationId
* originationDate
* cAttribute13
* eamLocationId
* cAttribute14
* networkAssetFlag


 * applicationId
* attributeCategory
* interfaceGroupId
* associationId
* interfaceHeaderId
* interfaceLineId
* errorMessage
* applicationColumnName
* lineType
* creationDate
* errorNumber
* createdBy
* processStatus
* endUserColumnName
* attributeNumberValue
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateDate
* descriptiveFlexfieldName
* attributeVarchar2Value
* lastUpdateLogin
* attributeDateValue


 * applicationId
* attributeCategory
* interfaceGroupId
* associationId
* interfaceHeaderId
* interfaceLineId
* errorMessage
* applicationColumnName
* lineType
* creationDate
* errorNumber
* createdBy
* processStatus
* endUserColumnName
* attributeNumberValue
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateDate
* descriptiveFlexfieldName
* attributeVarchar2Value
* lastUpdateLogin
* attributeDateValue


 * locationCodes
* organizationId
* lastUpdateDate
* locationId
* requestId
* creationDate
* description
* startDate
* programUpdateDate
* programId
* endDate
* createdBy
* creationOrganizationId
* programApplicationId
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdatedBy


 * locationCodes
* organizationId
* lastUpdateDate
* locationId
* requestId
* creationDate
* description
* startDate
* programUpdateDate
* programId
* endDate
* createdBy
* creationOrganizationId
* programApplicationId
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdatedBy


 * organizationId
* attribute5
* maintenanceObjectId
* attribute11
* attribute7
* networkAssociationId
* lastUpdateDate
* networkSerialNumber
* serialNumber
* startDateActive
* maintenanceObjectType
* programId
* networkItemId
* attribute4
* endDateActive
* attribute14
* costDistributionPer
* attribute15
* networkObjectType
* seqNum
* attribute2
* programApplicationId
* networkObjectId
* requestId
* programUpdateDate
* attribute13
* lastUpdateLogin
* attributeCategory
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute9
* attribute6
* attribute8
* creationDate
* attribute3
* attribute10
* attribute12
* createdBy
* inventoryItemId
* attribute1


 * organizationId
* attribute5
* maintenanceObjectId
* attribute11
* attribute7
* networkAssociationId
* lastUpdateDate
* networkSerialNumber
* serialNumber
* startDateActive
* maintenanceObjectType
* programId
* networkItemId
* attribute4
* endDateActive
* attribute14
* costDistributionPer
* attribute15
* networkObjectType
* seqNum
* attribute2
* programApplicationId
* networkObjectId
* requestId
* programUpdateDate
* attribute13
* lastUpdateLogin
* attributeCategory
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute9
* attribute6
* attribute8
* creationDate
* attribute3
* attribute10
* attribute12
* createdBy
* inventoryItemId
* attribute1


 * attribute12
* attributeCategory
* attribute7
* attribute15
* objectNumber
* attribute4
* attribute8
* attribute6
* creationDate
* objectType
* attribute3
* lastUpdateLogin
* objectDescription
* requestId
* attribute13
* attribute11
* programUpdateDate
* createdBy
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateDate
* objectId
* attribute5
* programId
* attribute2
* attribute14
* attribute10
* attribute9
* programApplicationId
* attribute1
* lastPrintDate


 * attribute12
* attributeCategory
* attribute7
* attribute15
* objectNumber
* attribute4
* attribute8
* attribute6
* creationDate
* objectType
* attribute3
* lastUpdateLogin
* objectDescription
* requestId
* attribute13
* attribute11
* programUpdateDate
* createdBy
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateDate
* objectId
* attribute5
* programId
* attribute2
* attribute14
* attribute10
* attribute9
* programApplicationId
* attribute1
* lastPrintDate


 * requestId
* lastUpdateLogin
* contextColumnValueId
* creationDate
* descriptiveFlexContextCode
* descriptiveFlexfieldName
* contextColumnName
* categorySetId
* organizationId
* programId
* lastUpdatedBy
* createdBy
* programApplicationId
* programUpdateDate
* lastUpdateDate


 * requestId
* lastUpdateLogin
* contextColumnValueId
* creationDate
* descriptiveFlexContextCode
* descriptiveFlexfieldName
* contextColumnName
* categorySetId
* organizationId
* programId
* lastUpdatedBy
* createdBy
* programApplicationId
* programUpdateDate
* lastUpdateDate


 * attribute15
* requestId
* forecastType
* attribute6
* attribute14
* periodType
* trendFactor
* forecastRuleId
* maximumPastPeriods
* attribute1
* lastUpdateDate
* includeSeasonalityModel
* attribute3
* attribute10
* lastUpdateLogin
* includeTrendModel
* attribute8
* programId
* alphaSmoothingFactor
* seasonalityFactor
* forecastRuleName
* description
* programUpdateDate
* creationDate
* includeWipIssues
* attribute2
* createdBy
* attribute7
* attribute11
* attribute13
* attribute9
* attribute5
* includeMiscellaneousIssues
* includeSalesOrders
* lastUpdatedBy
* includeInterorgIssues
* attribute12
* attributeCategory
* programApplicationId
* attribute4


 * attribute15
* requestId
* forecastType
* attribute6
* attribute14
* periodType
* trendFactor
* forecastRuleId
* maximumPastPeriods
* attribute1
* lastUpdateDate
* includeSeasonalityModel
* attribute3
* attribute10
* lastUpdateLogin
* includeTrendModel
* attribute8
* programId
* alphaSmoothingFactor
* seasonalityFactor
* forecastRuleName
* description
* programUpdateDate
* creationDate
* includeWipIssues
* attribute2
* createdBy
* attribute7
* attribute11
* attribute13
* attribute9
* attribute5
* includeMiscellaneousIssues
* includeSalesOrders
* lastUpdatedBy
* includeInterorgIssues
* attribute12
* attributeCategory
* programApplicationId
* attribute4


 * auditCommitId
* disableDate
* dispositionId
* auditTransactionType
* auditSessionId
* auditUserName
* auditTimestamp
* auditTrueNulls
* auditSequenceId
* rowKey
* organizationId
* distributionAccount


 * auditCommitId
* disableDate
* dispositionId
* auditTransactionType
* auditSessionId
* auditUserName
* auditTimestamp
* auditTrueNulls
* auditSequenceId
* rowKey
* organizationId
* distributionAccount


 * creationDate
* itemCatalogGroupId
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* createdBy
* description
* requestId
* aliasName
* lastUpdateLogin
* programUpdateDate
* programApplicationId
* programId


 * creationDate
* itemCatalogGroupId
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* createdBy
* description
* requestId
* aliasName
* lastUpdateLogin
* programUpdateDate
* programApplicationId
* programId


 * itemCatalogGroupId
* programId
* createdBy
* programUpdateDate
* lastUpdateDate
* categoryId
* categorySetId
* programApplicationId
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdatedBy
* creationDate
* structureId
* requestId


 * itemCatalogGroupId
* programId
* createdBy
* programUpdateDate
* lastUpdateDate
* categoryId
* categorySetId
* programApplicationId
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdatedBy
* creationDate
* structureId
* requestId


 * tableName
* creationDate
* requestId
* boIdentifier
* lastUpdatedBy
* uniqueId
* lastUpdateLogin
* columnName
* organizationId
* transactionId
* lastUpdateDate
* programUpdateDate
* entityIdentifier
* messageType
* errorMessage
* programApplicationId
* createdBy
* messageName
* programId


 * tableName
* creationDate
* requestId
* boIdentifier
* lastUpdatedBy
* uniqueId
* lastUpdateLogin
* columnName
* organizationId
* transactionId
* lastUpdateDate
* programUpdateDate
* entityIdentifier
* messageType
* errorMessage
* programApplicationId
* createdBy
* messageName
* programId


 * packslipDate
* shipmentHeaderId
* packslipNumber


 * packslipDate
* shipmentHeaderId
* packslipNumber


 * userAttributeNameGui
* userAttributeName
* mandatoryFlag
* statusControlCode
* lastUpdateLogin
* updateMessageName
* sequenceGui
* levelUpdateableFlag
* validationCode
* requiredMessageName
* sequence
* lastUpdateDate
* createdBy
* creationDate
* prefieldFlag
* attributeName
* lastUpdatedBy
* postFieldFlag
* dataType
* attributeGroupIdGui
* controlLevel
* postChangeFlag
* zdSync
* attributeGroupId
* zdEditionName


 * userAttributeNameGui
* userAttributeName
* mandatoryFlag
* statusControlCode
* lastUpdateLogin
* updateMessageName
* sequenceGui
* levelUpdateableFlag
* validationCode
* requiredMessageName
* sequence
* lastUpdateDate
* createdBy
* creationDate
* prefieldFlag
* attributeName
* lastUpdatedBy
* postFieldFlag
* dataType
* attributeGroupIdGui
* controlLevel
* postChangeFlag
* zdSync
* attributeGroupId
* zdEditionName


 * transactionType
* categoryId
* categorySetId
* requestId
* lastUpdateLogin
* bundleCollectionId
* sourceSystemId
* revisionId
* bundleId
* createdBy
* inventoryItemId
* entityType
* creationDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* sourceSystemReference
* messageCode
* lastUpdateDate
* messageType
* organizationId


 * transactionType
* categoryId
* categorySetId
* requestId
* lastUpdateLogin
* bundleCollectionId
* sourceSystemId
* revisionId
* bundleId
* createdBy
* inventoryItemId
* entityType
* creationDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* sourceSystemReference
* messageCode
* lastUpdateDate
* messageType
* organizationId


 * itemNumGenMethodType
* requestId
* suffix
* enableKeyAttrsDesc
* segment12
* transactionId
* attribute9
* lastUpdateDate
* setProcessId
* attribute12
* endDateActive
* newItemReqChangeTypeId
* itemDescGenerationFunction
* enabledFlag
* segment14
* attribute15
* segment10
* attributeCategory
* segment19
* parentCatalogGroupName
* segment7
* itemCatalogGroupId
* itemCatalogName
* segment17
* programUpdateDate
* attribute10
* segment6
* segment18
* attribute7
* segment20
* itemDescFunctionId
* createdBy
* segment15
* attribute5
* segment5
* attribute4
* parentCatalogGroupId
* startDateActive
* itemNumActionId
* summaryFlag
* itemNumFunctionId
* itemDescGenMethodType
* incrementBy
* segment9
* attribute13
* itemNumGenerationFunction
* attribute2
* segment1
* segment8
* programId
* itemCreationAllowedFlag
* segment4
* lastUpdateLogin
* inactiveDate
* processStatus
* segment2
* attribute14
* attribute8
* segment13
* prefix
* lastUpdatedBy
* transactionType
* startingNumber
* description
* attribute3
* creationDate
* attribute6
* segment11
* attribute11
* segment16
* itemDescActionId
* attribute1
* newItemRequestName
* newItemRequestType
* segment3
* itemNumSeqName
* enableKeyAttrsNum
* programApplicationId


 * itemNumGenMethodType
* requestId
* suffix
* enableKeyAttrsDesc
* segment12
* transactionId
* attribute9
* lastUpdateDate
* setProcessId
* attribute12
* endDateActive
* newItemReqChangeTypeId
* itemDescGenerationFunction
* enabledFlag
* segment14
* attribute15
* segment10
* attributeCategory
* segment19
* parentCatalogGroupName
* segment7
* itemCatalogGroupId
* itemCatalogName
* segment17
* programUpdateDate
* attribute10
* segment6
* segment18
* attribute7
* segment20
* itemDescFunctionId
* createdBy
* segment15
* attribute5
* segment5
* attribute4
* parentCatalogGroupId
* startDateActive
* itemNumActionId
* summaryFlag
* itemNumFunctionId
* itemDescGenMethodType
* incrementBy
* segment9
* attribute13
* itemNumGenerationFunction
* attribute2
* segment1
* segment8
* programId
* itemCreationAllowedFlag
* segment4
* lastUpdateLogin
* inactiveDate
* processStatus
* segment2
* attribute14
* attribute8
* segment13
* prefix
* lastUpdatedBy
* transactionType
* startingNumber
* description
* attribute3
* creationDate
* attribute6
* segment11
* attribute11
* segment16
* itemDescActionId
* attribute1
* newItemRequestName
* newItemRequestType
* segment3
* itemNumSeqName
* enableKeyAttrsNum
* programApplicationId


 * segment9
* endDateActive
* segment7
* segment13
* attribute14
* summaryFlag
* newItemRequestReqd
* attribute5
* attribute2
* segment8
* zdSync
* segment18
* segment5
* newItemReqChangeTypeId
* creationDate
* segment1
* lastUpdateLogin
* segment6
* description
* segment4
* inactiveDate
* segment15
* itemCreationAllowedFlag
* parentCatalogGroupId
* segment14
* segment16
* segment11
* segment19
* currentNumber
* itemCatalogGroupId
* startDateActive
* startingNumber
* attributeCategory
* createdBy
* enabledFlag
* attribute4
* attribute11
* prefix
* itemNumGenMethod
* attribute1
* programId
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute9
* attribute3
* segment3
* attribute7
* requestId
* programApplicationId
* incrementBy
* itemNumSeqName
* segment2
* attribute13
* segment20
* programUpdateDate
* attribute15
* segment10
* suffix
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute8
* itemNumActionId
* zdEditionName
* itemDescActionId
* attribute10
* attribute12
* segment17
* attribute6
* segment12
* itemDescGenMethod


 * segment9
* endDateActive
* segment7
* segment13
* attribute14
* summaryFlag
* newItemRequestReqd
* attribute5
* attribute2
* segment8
* zdSync
* segment18
* segment5
* newItemReqChangeTypeId
* creationDate
* segment1
* lastUpdateLogin
* segment6
* description
* segment4
* inactiveDate
* segment15
* itemCreationAllowedFlag
* parentCatalogGroupId
* segment14
* segment16
* segment11
* segment19
* currentNumber
* itemCatalogGroupId
* startDateActive
* startingNumber
* attributeCategory
* createdBy
* enabledFlag
* attribute4
* attribute11
* prefix
* itemNumGenMethod
* attribute1
* programId
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute9
* attribute3
* segment3
* attribute7
* requestId
* programApplicationId
* incrementBy
* itemNumSeqName
* segment2
* attribute13
* segment20
* programUpdateDate
* attribute15
* segment10
* suffix
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute8
* itemNumActionId
* zdEditionName
* itemDescActionId
* attribute10
* attribute12
* segment17
* attribute6
* segment12
* itemDescGenMethod


 * itemCatalogGroupId
* sourceLang
* lastUpdatedBy
* createdBy
* lastUpdateDate
* description
* language
* creationDate
* zdEditionName
* lastUpdateLogin
* zdSync


 * itemCatalogGroupId
* sourceLang
* lastUpdatedBy
* createdBy
* lastUpdateDate
* description
* language
* creationDate
* zdEditionName
* lastUpdateLogin
* zdSync


 * organizationId
* lastUpdateDate
* categorySetId
* requestId
* inventoryItemId
* programUpdateDate
* creationDate
* categoryId
* programId
* createdBy
* programApplicationId
* lastUpdatedBy
* whUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin


 * organizationId
* sourceSystemReference
* programApplicationId
* oldCategoryId
* lastUpdatedBy
* programUpdateDate
* creationDate
* createdBy
* categoryName
* transactionType
* setProcessId
* oldCategoryName
* categoryId
* categorySetId
* requestId
* bundleId
* categorySetName
* lastUpdateDate
* organizationCode
* inventoryItemId
* changeId
* lastUpdateLogin
* programId
* itemNumber
* transactionId
* processFlag
* changeLineId
* sourceSystemId


 * organizationId
* sourceSystemReference
* programApplicationId
* oldCategoryId
* lastUpdatedBy
* programUpdateDate
* creationDate
* createdBy
* categoryName
* transactionType
* setProcessId
* oldCategoryName
* categoryId
* categorySetId
* requestId
* bundleId
* categorySetName
* lastUpdateDate
* organizationCode
* inventoryItemId
* changeId
* lastUpdateLogin
* programId
* itemNumber
* transactionId
* processFlag
* changeLineId
* sourceSystemId


 * organizationId
* lastUpdateDate
* categorySetId
* requestId
* inventoryItemId
* programUpdateDate
* creationDate
* categoryId
* programId
* createdBy
* programApplicationId
* lastUpdatedBy
* whUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin


 * locatorName1
* materialSubElem
* categoryName5
* categoryName1
* itemNumber
* categoryId4
* materialOhSubElem
* subinventory4
* transactionType
* inventoryItemId
* categorySetId4
* organizationId
* materialCost
* subinventory1
* categoryName2
* locatorId1
* materialOhCost
* transactionId
* materialSubElemId
* locatorName3
* locatorId3
* organizationCode
* subinventory5
* locatorName5
* subinventory2
* categoryId3
* locatorName4
* categoryName3
* categoryName4
* categorySetId5
* categorySetId3
* locatorId5
* categorySetName2
* categorySetName3
* locatorName2
* categoryId5
* locatorId2
* categoryId1
* categorySetName1
* materialOhSubElemId
* categorySetName4
* locatorId4
* categorySetId2
* categorySetName5
* processFlag
* subinventory3
* categorySetId1
* categoryId2


 * locatorName1
* materialSubElem
* categoryName5
* categoryName1
* itemNumber
* categoryId4
* materialOhSubElem
* subinventory4
* transactionType
* inventoryItemId
* categorySetId4
* organizationId
* materialCost
* subinventory1
* categoryName2
* locatorId1
* materialOhCost
* transactionId
* materialSubElemId
* locatorName3
* locatorId3
* organizationCode
* subinventory5
* locatorName5
* subinventory2
* categoryId3
* locatorName4
* categoryName3
* categoryName4
* categorySetId5
* categorySetId3
* locatorId5
* categorySetName2
* categorySetName3
* locatorName2
* categoryId5
* locatorId2
* categoryId1
* categorySetName1
* materialOhSubElemId
* categorySetName4
* locatorId4
* categorySetId2
* categorySetName5
* processFlag
* subinventory3
* categorySetId1
* categoryId2


 * lastUpdatedBy
* creationDate
* programUpdateDate
* programId
* defaultType
* requestId
* inventoryItemId
* locatorId
* subinventoryCode
* lastUpdateLogin
* organizationId
* createdBy
* lastUpdateDate
* programApplicationId


 * lastUpdatedBy
* creationDate
* programUpdateDate
* programId
* defaultType
* requestId
* inventoryItemId
* locatorId
* subinventoryCode
* lastUpdateLogin
* organizationId
* createdBy
* lastUpdateDate
* programApplicationId


 * ecnInitiationDate
* revisionReason
* attribute10
* createdBy
* revisedItemSequenceId
* currentPhaseId
* programId
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute8
* revisionLabel
* attribute2
* attribute12
* implementationDate
* implementedSerialNumber
* attribute7
* attribute14
* organizationId
* attribute3
* attribute9
* objectVersionNumber
* attribute11
* attributeCategory
* attribute6
* attribute15
* effectivityDate
* changeNotice
* description
* revisionId
* inventoryItemId
* requestId
* programApplicationId
* revision
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute1
* attribute5
* attribute13
* lastUpdateDate
* creationDate
* attribute4
* lifecycleId
* programUpdateDate


 * ecnInitiationDate
* revisionReason
* attribute10
* createdBy
* revisedItemSequenceId
* currentPhaseId
* programId
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute8
* revisionLabel
* attribute2
* attribute12
* implementationDate
* implementedSerialNumber
* attribute7
* attribute14
* organizationId
* attribute3
* attribute9
* objectVersionNumber
* attribute11
* attributeCategory
* attribute6
* attribute15
* effectivityDate
* changeNotice
* description
* revisionId
* inventoryItemId
* requestId
* programApplicationId
* revision
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute1
* attribute5
* attribute13
* lastUpdateDate
* creationDate
* attribute4
* lifecycleId
* programUpdateDate


 * attribute10
* changeId
* revisionLabel
* description
* attribute7
* attribute8
* revisedItemSequenceId
* processFlag
* attribute14
* transactionId
* attribute11
* inventoryItemId
* attribute13
* bundleId
* attribute3
* sourceSystemReference
* attribute6
* transactionType
* attribute15
* attribute12
* attribute5
* currentPhaseId
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute4
* effectivityDate
* setProcessId
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute9
* attribute2
* interfaceTableUniqueId
* organizationCode
* templateId
* ecnInitiationDate
* attribute1
* programUpdateDate
* createdBy
* implementationDate
* programId
* itemNumber
* implementedSerialNumber
* revisionId
* templateName
* revisionReason
* sourceSystemId
* lifecycleId
* lastUpdateLogin
* organizationId
* revision
* changeNotice
* attributeCategory
* creationDate
* requestId
* programApplicationId


 * attribute10
* changeId
* revisionLabel
* description
* attribute7
* attribute8
* revisedItemSequenceId
* processFlag
* attribute14
* transactionId
* attribute11
* inventoryItemId
* attribute13
* bundleId
* attribute3
* sourceSystemReference
* attribute6
* transactionType
* attribute15
* attribute12
* attribute5
* currentPhaseId
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute4
* effectivityDate
* setProcessId
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute9
* attribute2
* interfaceTableUniqueId
* organizationCode
* templateId
* ecnInitiationDate
* attribute1
* programUpdateDate
* createdBy
* implementationDate
* programId
* itemNumber
* implementedSerialNumber
* revisionId
* templateName
* revisionReason
* sourceSystemId
* lifecycleId
* lastUpdateLogin
* organizationId
* revision
* changeNotice
* attributeCategory
* creationDate
* requestId
* programApplicationId


 * language
* creationDate
* createdBy
* lastUpdatedBy
* revisionId
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdateDate
* sourceLang
* organizationId
* inventoryItemId
* description


 * language
* creationDate
* createdBy
* lastUpdatedBy
* revisionId
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdateDate
* sourceLang
* organizationId
* inventoryItemId
* description


 * disableDate
* attribute7
* zdSync
* attribute11
* attribute6
* attribute1
* attribute13
* requestId
* zdEditionName
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdatedBy
* inventoryItemStatusCodeTl
* attribute12
* programId
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute14
* attribute2
* attributeCategory
* sourceLang
* programUpdateDate
* creationDate
* programApplicationId
* language
* createdBy
* attribute5
* attribute8
* attribute10
* inventoryItemStatusCode
* attribute4
* attribute9
* description
* attribute3
* attribute15


 * disableDate
* attribute7
* zdSync
* attribute11
* attribute6
* attribute1
* attribute13
* requestId
* zdEditionName
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdatedBy
* inventoryItemStatusCodeTl
* attribute12
* programId
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute14
* attribute2
* attributeCategory
* sourceLang
* programUpdateDate
* creationDate
* programApplicationId
* language
* createdBy
* attribute5
* attribute8
* attribute10
* inventoryItemStatusCode
* attribute4
* attribute9
* description
* attribute3
* attribute15


 * organizationId
* creationDate
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* programId
* inventoryItemId
* defaultType
* requestId
* programUpdateDate
* programApplicationId
* createdBy
* lastUpdatedBy
* subinventoryCode


 * organizationId
* creationDate
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* programId
* inventoryItemId
* defaultType
* requestId
* programUpdateDate
* programApplicationId
* createdBy
* lastUpdatedBy
* subinventoryCode


 * lastUpdatedBy
* organizationCode
* createdBy
* encumbranceAccount
* locatorId5
* attribute15
* attribute5
* inventoryItemId
* requestId
* attribute14
* attribute4
* attribute11
* locatorName1
* attribute7
* locatorName4
* programUpdateDate
* creationDate
* programApplicationId
* itemNumber
* organizationId
* primarySubinventoryFlag
* locatorId1
* transactionId
* secondaryInventory
* attribute6
* processFlag
* locatorId2
* attribute2
* attribute13
* pickingOrder
* programId
* inventoryPlanningCode
* attribute9
* attributeCategory
* locatorName3
* attribute8
* lastUpdateLogin
* maximumOrderQuantity
* attribute3
* locatorName5
* locatorId3
* sourceType
* sourceSubinventory
* attribute1
* locatorName2
* attribute10
* transactionType
* maxMinmaxQuantity
* lastUpdateDate
* sourceOrgCode
* minMinmaxQuantity
* fixedLotMultiple
* attribute12
* locatorId4
* sourceOrganizationId
* minimumOrderQuantity


 * lastUpdatedBy
* organizationCode
* createdBy
* encumbranceAccount
* locatorId5
* attribute15
* attribute5
* inventoryItemId
* requestId
* attribute14
* attribute4
* attribute11
* locatorName1
* attribute7
* locatorName4
* programUpdateDate
* creationDate
* programApplicationId
* itemNumber
* organizationId
* primarySubinventoryFlag
* locatorId1
* transactionId
* secondaryInventory
* attribute6
* processFlag
* locatorId2
* attribute2
* attribute13
* pickingOrder
* programId
* inventoryPlanningCode
* attribute9
* attributeCategory
* locatorName3
* attribute8
* lastUpdateLogin
* maximumOrderQuantity
* attribute3
* locatorName5
* locatorId3
* sourceType
* sourceSubinventory
* attribute1
* locatorName2
* attribute10
* transactionType
* maxMinmaxQuantity
* lastUpdateDate
* sourceOrgCode
* minMinmaxQuantity
* fixedLotMultiple
* attribute12
* locatorId4
* sourceOrganizationId
* minimumOrderQuantity


 * templateId
* sequence
* attributeGroupId
* lastUpdatedBy
* requestId
* programId
* lastUpdateLogin
* reportUserValue
* creationDate
* attributeName
* attributeGroupIdGui
* attributeValue
* createdBy
* zdEditionName
* programApplicationId
* sequenceGui
* zdSync
* enabledFlag
* lastUpdateDate
* programUpdateDate


 * templateId
* sequence
* attributeGroupId
* lastUpdatedBy
* requestId
* programId
* lastUpdateLogin
* reportUserValue
* creationDate
* attributeName
* attributeGroupIdGui
* attributeValue
* createdBy
* zdEditionName
* programApplicationId
* sequenceGui
* zdSync
* enabledFlag
* lastUpdateDate
* programUpdateDate


 * globalAttribute26
* attribute6
* lastUpdateLogin
* globalAttribute10
* globalAttribute13
* globalAttribute18
* globalAttribute25
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute15
* description
* attribute5
* attribute14
* globalAttribute22
* globalAttribute33
* attribute8
* globalAttribute16
* globalAttribute5
* globalAttribute15
* globalAttribute32
* globalAttribute37
* globalAttribute6
* globalAttribute14
* templateId
* createdBy
* globalAttribute11
* zdSync
* programId
* creationDate
* globalAttribute38
* globalAttribute29
* attribute12
* attribute3
* globalAttributeCategory
* attribute7
* globalAttribute39
* globalAttribute1
* globalAttribute21
* globalAttribute23
* attribute10
* attribute11
* globalAttribute7
* attribute2
* zdEditionName
* globalAttribute12
* globalAttribute35
* programUpdateDate
* globalAttribute20
* globalAttribute17
* globalAttribute27
* globalAttribute36
* requestId
* globalAttribute4
* attribute13
* attribute4
* attribute9
* globalAttribute28
* attribute1
* globalAttribute2
* globalAttribute9
* programApplicationId
* contextOrganizationId
* globalAttribute24
* templateName
* globalAttribute8
* attributeCategory
* globalAttribute3
* lastUpdatedBy
* globalAttribute34
* globalAttribute19
* globalAttribute40
* globalAttribute30
* globalAttribute31


 * globalAttribute26
* attribute6
* lastUpdateLogin
* globalAttribute10
* globalAttribute13
* globalAttribute18
* globalAttribute25
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute15
* description
* attribute5
* attribute14
* globalAttribute22
* globalAttribute33
* attribute8
* globalAttribute16
* globalAttribute5
* globalAttribute15
* globalAttribute32
* globalAttribute37
* globalAttribute6
* globalAttribute14
* templateId
* createdBy
* globalAttribute11
* zdSync
* programId
* creationDate
* globalAttribute38
* globalAttribute29
* attribute12
* attribute3
* globalAttributeCategory
* attribute7
* globalAttribute39
* globalAttribute1
* globalAttribute21
* globalAttribute23
* attribute10
* attribute11
* globalAttribute7
* attribute2
* zdEditionName
* globalAttribute12
* globalAttribute35
* programUpdateDate
* globalAttribute20
* globalAttribute17
* globalAttribute27
* globalAttribute36
* requestId
* globalAttribute4
* attribute13
* attribute4
* attribute9
* globalAttribute28
* attribute1
* globalAttribute2
* globalAttribute9
* programApplicationId
* contextOrganizationId
* globalAttribute24
* templateName
* globalAttribute8
* attributeCategory
* globalAttribute3
* lastUpdatedBy
* globalAttribute34
* globalAttribute19
* globalAttribute40
* globalAttribute30
* globalAttribute31


 * language
* zdEditionName
* createdBy
* lastUpdateDate
* creationDate
* zdSync
* templateId
* templateName
* description
* sourceLang
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin


 * language
* zdEditionName
* createdBy
* lastUpdateDate
* creationDate
* zdSync
* templateId
* templateName
* description
* sourceLang
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin


 * programUpdateDate
* inventoryItemId
* sourceType
* attribute9
* cardStatus
* attribute3
* attribute12
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastPrintDate
* sourceWipEntityId
* attribute14
* supplierSiteId
* programId
* attributeCategory
* programApplicationId
* kanbanSize
* creationDate
* subinventoryName
* requestId
* errorCode
* documentHeaderId
* sourceSubinventory
* attribute13
* attribute7
* createdBy
* attribute15
* kanbanCardId
* sourceOrganizationId
* attribute5
* attribute1
* attribute2
* attribute10
* supplierId
* documentDetailId
* attribute11
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute6
* wipLineId
* lastUpdateDate
* replenishmentCycleId
* kanbanCardNumber
* supplyStatus
* sourceLocatorId
* kanbanActivityId
* attribute4
* organizationId
* locatorId
* kanbanCardType
* attribute8
* documentType


 * programUpdateDate
* inventoryItemId
* sourceType
* attribute9
* cardStatus
* attribute3
* attribute12
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastPrintDate
* sourceWipEntityId
* attribute14
* supplierSiteId
* programId
* attributeCategory
* programApplicationId
* kanbanSize
* creationDate
* subinventoryName
* requestId
* errorCode
* documentHeaderId
* sourceSubinventory
* attribute13
* attribute7
* createdBy
* attribute15
* kanbanCardId
* sourceOrganizationId
* attribute5
* attribute1
* attribute2
* attribute10
* supplierId
* documentDetailId
* attribute11
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute6
* wipLineId
* lastUpdateDate
* replenishmentCycleId
* kanbanCardNumber
* supplyStatus
* sourceLocatorId
* kanbanActivityId
* attribute4
* organizationId
* locatorId
* kanbanCardType
* attribute8
* documentType


 * reportId
* pullSequenceId
* kanbanCardId


 * reportId
* pullSequenceId
* kanbanCardId


 * sourceType
* lastUpdateLogin
* createdBy
* programId
* supplyStatus
* attribute5
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute3
* sourceLocatorId
* errorCode
* kanbanCardType
* sourceOrganizationId
* requestId
* supplierSiteId
* attribute9
* attribute4
* programApplicationId
* disableDate
* attribute1
* attribute2
* subinventoryName
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute14
* locatorId
* lastPrintDate
* replenishmentCount
* moveStatus
* pullSequenceId
* inventoryItemId
* creationDate
* maxReplenishments
* attribute6
* attribute8
* attribute11
* kanbanCardNumber
* wipLineId
* attribute13
* organizationId
* cardStatus
* replacementFlag
* attribute15
* supplierId
* programUpdateDate
* attribute10
* attribute7
* sourceSubinventory
* lastStatusChangeDate
* kanbanCardId
* kanbanSize
* attributeCategory
* currentReplnshCycleId
* attribute12


 * sourceType
* lastUpdateLogin
* createdBy
* programId
* supplyStatus
* attribute5
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute3
* sourceLocatorId
* errorCode
* kanbanCardType
* sourceOrganizationId
* requestId
* supplierSiteId
* attribute9
* attribute4
* programApplicationId
* disableDate
* attribute1
* attribute2
* subinventoryName
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute14
* locatorId
* lastPrintDate
* replenishmentCount
* moveStatus
* pullSequenceId
* inventoryItemId
* creationDate
* maxReplenishments
* attribute6
* attribute8
* attribute11
* kanbanCardNumber
* wipLineId
* attribute13
* organizationId
* cardStatus
* replacementFlag
* attribute15
* supplierId
* programUpdateDate
* attribute10
* attribute7
* sourceSubinventory
* lastStatusChangeDate
* kanbanCardId
* kanbanSize
* attributeCategory
* currentReplnshCycleId
* attribute12


 * attribute6
* consolidationGroup
* planEndDate
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute3
* lastImplementedPlan
* noOfTempCards
* attribute11
* calculateKanbanFlag
* avgDependentDemand
* createdBy
* attribute13
* attribute14
* wipLineId
* pointOfSupplyX
* attribute5
* attribute4
* fixedLotMultiplier
* supplierId
* pointOfSupplyY
* programId
* consolidation
* programUpdateDate
* sourceLocatorId
* sourceOrganizationId
* pointOfUseY
* programApplicationId
* tempExpiryDate
* subinventoryName
* sourceType
* attributeCategory
* futureCardSize
* numberOfCards
* attribute12
* planningUpdateStatus
* sourceSubinventory
* lastUpdatedBy
* locatorId
* safetyStockDays
* attribute1
* supplierSiteId
* replenishmentType
* planningEffectivity
* replenishmentLeadTime
* allocationPercent
* attribute8
* lastUpdateLogin
* releaseKanbanFlag
* autoRequest
* updatedFlag
* attribute15
* aggregationType
* attribute7
* attribute2
* avgIndependentDemand
* inventoryItemId
* organizationId
* autoAllocateFlag
* pullSequenceId
* noOfTempCycles
* invHealthStatus
* futureNoOfCards
* minimumOrderQuantity
* creationDate
* attribute10
* pointOfUseX
* kanbanSize
* planStartDate
* requestId
* kanbanPlanId
* attribute9
* invHealthLastUpdateDate


 * attribute6
* consolidationGroup
* planEndDate
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute3
* lastImplementedPlan
* noOfTempCards
* attribute11
* calculateKanbanFlag
* avgDependentDemand
* createdBy
* attribute13
* attribute14
* wipLineId
* pointOfSupplyX
* attribute5
* attribute4
* fixedLotMultiplier
* supplierId
* pointOfSupplyY
* programId
* consolidation
* programUpdateDate
* sourceLocatorId
* sourceOrganizationId
* pointOfUseY
* programApplicationId
* tempExpiryDate
* subinventoryName
* sourceType
* attributeCategory
* futureCardSize
* numberOfCards
* attribute12
* planningUpdateStatus
* sourceSubinventory
* lastUpdatedBy
* locatorId
* safetyStockDays
* attribute1
* supplierSiteId
* replenishmentType
* planningEffectivity
* replenishmentLeadTime
* allocationPercent
* attribute8
* lastUpdateLogin
* releaseKanbanFlag
* autoRequest
* updatedFlag
* attribute15
* aggregationType
* attribute7
* attribute2
* avgIndependentDemand
* inventoryItemId
* organizationId
* autoAllocateFlag
* pullSequenceId
* noOfTempCycles
* invHealthStatus
* futureNoOfCards
* minimumOrderQuantity
* creationDate
* attribute10
* pointOfUseX
* kanbanSize
* planStartDate
* requestId
* kanbanPlanId
* attribute9
* invHealthLastUpdateDate


 * inventoryItemId
* updateReasonId
* primaryQuantity
* createdBy
* attribute5
* initialGradeFlag
* gradeUpdateDate
* attribute7
* organizationId
* attribute2
* attribute15
* secondaryQuantity
* attribute14
* attribute6
* lastUpdateDate
* lotNumber
* attribute13
* attributeCategory
* fromMobileAppsFlag
* updateMethod
* attribute3
* attribute12
* gradeUpdateId
* newGradeCode
* oldGradeCode
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute11
* attribute1
* attribute4
* attribute10
* attribute9
* creationDate
* attribute8


 * inventoryItemId
* updateReasonId
* primaryQuantity
* createdBy
* attribute5
* initialGradeFlag
* gradeUpdateDate
* attribute7
* organizationId
* attribute2
* attribute15
* secondaryQuantity
* attribute14
* attribute6
* lastUpdateDate
* lotNumber
* attribute13
* attributeCategory
* fromMobileAppsFlag
* updateMethod
* attribute3
* attribute12
* gradeUpdateId
* newGradeCode
* oldGradeCode
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute11
* attribute1
* attribute4
* attribute10
* attribute9
* creationDate
* attribute8


 * attribute11
* cAttribute4
* attribute3
* nAttribute10
* gradeCode
* nAttribute8
* attribute4
* nAttribute6
* nAttribute12
* changeDate
* dAttribute9
* dAttribute15
* dAttribute2
* availabilityType
* attribute12
* cAttribute3
* cAttribute16
* lotAttributeCategory
* attribute15
* width
* lastUpdateDate
* cAttribute19
* createdBy
* dateCode
* cAttribute21
* nAttribute9
* curlWrinkleFold
* bestByDate
* nAttribute15
* nAttribute21
* inventoryAtpCode
* dAttribute10
* cAttribute24
* nAttribute29
* attribute10
* nAttribute2
* dAttribute17
* nAttribute11
* nAttribute18
* nAttribute22
* nAttribute23
* cAttribute15
* cAttribute6
* dAttribute3
* nAttribute7
* cAttribute22
* nAttribute27
* dAttribute8
* parentLotNumber
* lastUpdateLogin
* dAttribute14
* genObjectId
* lotNumber
* disableFlag
* vendorId
* cAttribute29
* cAttribute12
* cAttribute8
* dAttribute7
* dAttribute18
* holdDate
* cAttribute9
* cAttribute7
* originationType
* cAttribute25
* attribute5
* nAttribute25
* creationDate
* dAttribute12
* attribute1
* cAttribute1
* volumeUom
* nAttribute14
* dAttribute19
* length
* itemSize
* cAttribute28
* cAttribute2
* nAttribute20
* expirationDate
* age
* programUpdateDate
* cAttribute27
* cAttribute30
* cAttribute23
* nAttribute30
* placeOfOrigin
* thickness
* widthUom
* cAttribute20
* requestId
* dAttribute5
* dAttribute11
* originationDate
* cAttribute26
* countryOfOrigin
* attribute6
* dAttribute20
* nAttribute13
* territoryCode
* cAttribute11
* lastUpdatedBy
* cAttribute5
* nAttribute4
* dAttribute6
* attribute2
* cAttribute17
* attribute13
* volume
* programApplicationId
* attributeCategory
* attribute7
* attribute14
* retestDate
* lengthUom
* expirationActionDate
* nAttribute3
* nAttribute17
* statusId
* programId
* organizationId
* nAttribute16
* expirationActionCode
* description
* thicknessUom
* color
* attribute8
* nAttribute19
* cAttribute13
* cAttribute14
* nAttribute24
* reservableType
* nAttribute5
* dAttribute16
* attribute9
* nAttribute28
* maturityDate
* dAttribute4
* dAttribute13
* cAttribute18
* dAttribute1
* nAttribute26
* killDate
* recycledContent
* samplingEventId
* inventoryItemId
* cAttribute10
* supplierLotNumber
* vendorName
* nAttribute1


 * attribute11
* cAttribute4
* attribute3
* nAttribute10
* gradeCode
* nAttribute8
* attribute4
* nAttribute6
* nAttribute12
* changeDate
* dAttribute9
* dAttribute15
* dAttribute2
* availabilityType
* attribute12
* cAttribute3
* cAttribute16
* lotAttributeCategory
* attribute15
* width
* lastUpdateDate
* cAttribute19
* createdBy
* dateCode
* cAttribute21
* nAttribute9
* curlWrinkleFold
* bestByDate
* nAttribute15
* nAttribute21
* inventoryAtpCode
* dAttribute10
* cAttribute24
* nAttribute29
* attribute10
* nAttribute2
* dAttribute17
* nAttribute11
* nAttribute18
* nAttribute22
* nAttribute23
* cAttribute15
* cAttribute6
* dAttribute3
* nAttribute7
* cAttribute22
* nAttribute27
* dAttribute8
* parentLotNumber
* lastUpdateLogin
* dAttribute14
* genObjectId
* lotNumber
* disableFlag
* vendorId
* cAttribute29
* cAttribute12
* cAttribute8
* dAttribute7
* dAttribute18
* holdDate
* cAttribute9
* cAttribute7
* originationType
* cAttribute25
* attribute5
* nAttribute25
* creationDate
* dAttribute12
* attribute1
* cAttribute1
* volumeUom
* nAttribute14
* dAttribute19
* length
* itemSize
* cAttribute28
* cAttribute2
* nAttribute20
* expirationDate
* age
* programUpdateDate
* cAttribute27
* cAttribute30
* cAttribute23
* nAttribute30
* placeOfOrigin
* thickness
* widthUom
* cAttribute20
* requestId
* dAttribute5
* dAttribute11
* originationDate
* cAttribute26
* countryOfOrigin
* attribute6
* dAttribute20
* nAttribute13
* territoryCode
* cAttribute11
* lastUpdatedBy
* cAttribute5
* nAttribute4
* dAttribute6
* attribute2
* cAttribute17
* attribute13
* volume
* programApplicationId
* attributeCategory
* attribute7
* attribute14
* retestDate
* lengthUom
* expirationActionDate
* nAttribute3
* nAttribute17
* statusId
* programId
* organizationId
* nAttribute16
* expirationActionCode
* description
* thicknessUom
* color
* attribute8
* nAttribute19
* cAttribute13
* cAttribute14
* nAttribute24
* reservableType
* nAttribute5
* dAttribute16
* attribute9
* nAttribute28
* maturityDate
* dAttribute4
* dAttribute13
* cAttribute18
* dAttribute1
* nAttribute26
* killDate
* recycledContent
* samplingEventId
* inventoryItemId
* cAttribute10
* supplierLotNumber
* vendorName
* nAttribute1


 * category
* locator
* xmlDocumentId
* lot
* primaryQuantity
* item
* itemDescription
* revision
* onhandStatus
* snapshotDate
* primaryUom
* parentLpn
* containerizedFlag
* serial
* itemId
* warehouseId
* warehouse
* subinventory
* lpn
* secondaryUom
* secondaryQuantity


 * category
* locator
* xmlDocumentId
* lot
* primaryQuantity
* item
* itemDescription
* revision
* onhandStatus
* snapshotDate
* primaryUom
* parentLpn
* containerizedFlag
* serial
* itemId
* warehouseId
* warehouse
* subinventory
* lpn
* secondaryUom
* secondaryQuantity


 * lastUpdateLogin
* manufacturerName
* creationDate
* attribute8
* programUpdateDate
* manufacturerId
* lastUpdatedBy
* attributeCategory
* requestId
* programId
* createdBy
* attribute2
* attribute14
* attribute6
* attribute10
* lastUpdateDate
* description
* attribute5
* attribute11
* attribute13
* attribute4
* attribute12
* attribute7
* attribute3
* attribute15
* attribute9
* programApplicationId
* attribute1


 * lastUpdateLogin
* manufacturerName
* creationDate
* attribute8
* programUpdateDate
* manufacturerId
* lastUpdatedBy
* attributeCategory
* requestId
* programId
* createdBy
* attribute2
* attribute14
* attribute6
* attribute10
* lastUpdateDate
* description
* attribute5
* attribute11
* attribute13
* attribute4
* attribute12
* attribute7
* attribute3
* attribute15
* attribute9
* programApplicationId
* attribute1


 * attribute8
* programApplicationId
* attribute2
* attribute7
* attribute12
* gradeCode
* availabilityType
* primaryOnhand
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute3
* lastUpdatedBy
* fromMobileAppsFlag
* organizationId
* attribute9
* lotNumber
* secondaryOnhand
* attribute11
* initialStatusFlag
* zoneCode
* attribute6
* attribute14
* groupId
* programId
* updateMethod
* pendingStatus
* inventoryAtpCode
* attribute5
* lpnId
* attribute10
* reservableType
* creationDate
* createdBy
* attribute4
* serialNumber
* updateReasonId
* statusUpdateId
* locatorId
* statusId
* inventoryItemId
* attributeCategory
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute15
* attribute13
* attribute1


 * attribute8
* programApplicationId
* attribute2
* attribute7
* attribute12
* gradeCode
* availabilityType
* primaryOnhand
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute3
* lastUpdatedBy
* fromMobileAppsFlag
* organizationId
* attribute9
* lotNumber
* secondaryOnhand
* attribute11
* initialStatusFlag
* zoneCode
* attribute6
* attribute14
* groupId
* programId
* updateMethod
* pendingStatus
* inventoryAtpCode
* attribute5
* lpnId
* attribute10
* reservableType
* creationDate
* createdBy
* attribute4
* serialNumber
* updateReasonId
* statusUpdateId
* locatorId
* statusId
* inventoryItemId
* attributeCategory
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute15
* attribute13
* attribute1


 * attribute2
* statusId
* lastUpdatedBy
* requestId
* attribute4
* attribute7
* locatorControl
* attribute10
* inventoryAtpCode
* attribute1
* createdBy
* serialControl
* attribute14
* attribute6
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute12
* programUpdateDate
* attribute3
* attribute5
* zoneControl
* attribute13
* availabilityType
* lpnControl
* zdEditionName
* attribute9
* attributeCategory
* onhandControl
* attribute15
* attribute11
* zdSync
* programApplicationId
* lotControl
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute8
* programId
* reservableType
* enabledFlag
* creationDate


 * attribute2
* statusId
* lastUpdatedBy
* requestId
* attribute4
* attribute7
* locatorControl
* attribute10
* inventoryAtpCode
* attribute1
* createdBy
* serialControl
* attribute14
* attribute6
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute12
* programUpdateDate
* attribute3
* attribute5
* zoneControl
* attribute13
* availabilityType
* lpnControl
* zdEditionName
* attribute9
* attributeCategory
* onhandControl
* attribute15
* attribute11
* zdSync
* programApplicationId
* lotControl
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute8
* programId
* reservableType
* enabledFlag
* creationDate


 * waybillAirbill
* parentTransactionId
* logicalTransactionsCreated
* numberOfContainers
* ussglTransactionCode
* transactionReference
* priorCostedQuantity
* transactionTypeId
* transactionCost
* repetitiveLineId
* attribute9
* receivingDocument
* attribute15
* xmlDocumentId
* pickingLineId
* transactionSourceTypeId
* resourceAccount
* cogsRecognitionPercent
* attribute12
* lastUpdateLogin
* transactionUom
* attribute6
* pickSlipDate
* originalTransactionTempId
* attribute13
* xfrOwningOrganizationId
* transferPrice
* createdBy
* vendorLotNumber
* currencyConversionRate
* shipmentCosted
* invoicedFlag
* transactionSetId
* varianceAmount
* toTaskId
* departmentId
* transferOrganizationType
* distributionAccountId
* actualCost
* sourceTaskId
* transferCostDistAccount
* currencyConversionDate
* sourceCode
* secondaryUomCode
* logicalTrxTypeCode
* newCost
* expenditureType
* pmCostCollectorGroupId
* mvtStatStatus
* transactionSourceId
* orgCostGroupId
* fobPoint
* mccCode
* intercompanyCost
* attribute7
* transferOwningTpType
* transactionExtracted
* programId
* intransitAccount
* attribute5
* attribute11
* rcvTransactionId
* sourceLineId
* transactionId
* commonRoutingSeqId
* valueChange
* transferCost
* moveTransactionId
* organizationId
* transferPriorCostedQuantity
* expenseAccountId
* freightCode
* costUpdateId
* currencyConversionType
* flowSchedule
* planningOrganizationId
* quantityAdjusted
* trxSourceLineId
* attribute8
* trxSourceDeliveryId
* lpnId
* materialOverheadAccount
* pickStrategyId
* transferTransactionId
* lastUpdatedBy
* errorExplanation
* transferSubinventory
* overcompletionPrimaryQty
* pmCostCollected
* transactionQuantity
* transactionGroupId
* overcompletionTransactionQty
* sourceProjectId
* planningTpType
* operationSeqNum
* shipmentNumber
* contentLpnId
* attribute4
* revision
* transferLpnId
* costedFlag
* paExpenditureOrgId
* primaryQuantity
* outsideProcessingAccount
* inventoryItemId
* periodicPrimaryQuantity
* locatorId
* costGroupId
* intercompanyCurrencyCode
* intercompanyPricingOption
* costTypeId
* programUpdateDate
* lastUpdateDate
* finalCompletionFlag
* completionTransactionId
* reasonId
* materialExpenseAccount
* employeeCode
* costCategoryId
* owningOrganizationId
* attribute2
* percentageChange
* putAwayStrategyId
* overheadAccount
* masterScheduleUpdateCode
* transferCostGroupId
* shortageProcessCode
* transferOrganizationId
* cycleCountId
* transportationCost
* attributeCategory
* subinventoryCode
* logicalTransaction
* qaCollectionId
* moveOrderLineId
* organizationType
* rmaLineId
* projectId
* shipToLocationId
* soIssueAccountType
* taskGroupId
* errorCode
* transactionBatchId
* owningTpType
* acctPeriodId
* pickRuleId
* overcompletionTransactionId
* movementId
* transactionBatchSeq
* transactionSourceName
* attribute3
* transferPlanningTpType
* attribute1
* transactionMode
* attribute10
* trxFlowHeaderId
* toProjectId
* encumbranceAmount
* materialAccount
* opmCostedFlag
* taskId
* transferPercentage
* transportationDistAccount
* programApplicationId
* encumbranceAccount
* commonBomSeqId
* xfrPlanningOrganizationId
* reservationId
* transactionDate
* creationDate
* requestId
* physicalAdjustmentId
* currencyCode
* attribute14
* pickSlipNumber
* priorCost
* putAwayRuleId
* transferLocatorId
* secondaryTransactionQuantity
* transactionActionId
* transactionGroupSeq


 * waybillAirbill
* parentTransactionId
* logicalTransactionsCreated
* numberOfContainers
* ussglTransactionCode
* transactionReference
* priorCostedQuantity
* transactionTypeId
* transactionCost
* repetitiveLineId
* attribute9
* receivingDocument
* attribute15
* xmlDocumentId
* pickingLineId
* transactionSourceTypeId
* resourceAccount
* cogsRecognitionPercent
* attribute12
* lastUpdateLogin
* transactionUom
* attribute6
* pickSlipDate
* originalTransactionTempId
* attribute13
* xfrOwningOrganizationId
* transferPrice
* createdBy
* vendorLotNumber
* currencyConversionRate
* shipmentCosted
* invoicedFlag
* transactionSetId
* varianceAmount
* toTaskId
* departmentId
* transferOrganizationType
* distributionAccountId
* actualCost
* sourceTaskId
* transferCostDistAccount
* currencyConversionDate
* sourceCode
* secondaryUomCode
* logicalTrxTypeCode
* newCost
* expenditureType
* pmCostCollectorGroupId
* mvtStatStatus
* transactionSourceId
* orgCostGroupId
* fobPoint
* mccCode
* intercompanyCost
* attribute7
* transferOwningTpType
* transactionExtracted
* programId
* intransitAccount
* attribute5
* attribute11
* rcvTransactionId
* sourceLineId
* transactionId
* commonRoutingSeqId
* valueChange
* transferCost
* moveTransactionId
* organizationId
* transferPriorCostedQuantity
* expenseAccountId
* freightCode
* costUpdateId
* currencyConversionType
* flowSchedule
* planningOrganizationId
* quantityAdjusted
* trxSourceLineId
* attribute8
* trxSourceDeliveryId
* lpnId
* materialOverheadAccount
* pickStrategyId
* transferTransactionId
* lastUpdatedBy
* errorExplanation
* transferSubinventory
* overcompletionPrimaryQty
* pmCostCollected
* transactionQuantity
* transactionGroupId
* overcompletionTransactionQty
* sourceProjectId
* planningTpType
* operationSeqNum
* shipmentNumber
* contentLpnId
* attribute4
* revision
* transferLpnId
* costedFlag
* paExpenditureOrgId
* primaryQuantity
* outsideProcessingAccount
* inventoryItemId
* periodicPrimaryQuantity
* locatorId
* costGroupId
* intercompanyCurrencyCode
* intercompanyPricingOption
* costTypeId
* programUpdateDate
* lastUpdateDate
* finalCompletionFlag
* completionTransactionId
* reasonId
* materialExpenseAccount
* employeeCode
* costCategoryId
* owningOrganizationId
* attribute2
* percentageChange
* putAwayStrategyId
* overheadAccount
* masterScheduleUpdateCode
* transferCostGroupId
* shortageProcessCode
* transferOrganizationId
* cycleCountId
* transportationCost
* attributeCategory
* subinventoryCode
* logicalTransaction
* qaCollectionId
* moveOrderLineId
* organizationType
* rmaLineId
* projectId
* shipToLocationId
* soIssueAccountType
* taskGroupId
* errorCode
* transactionBatchId
* owningTpType
* acctPeriodId
* pickRuleId
* overcompletionTransactionId
* movementId
* transactionBatchSeq
* transactionSourceName
* attribute3
* transferPlanningTpType
* attribute1
* transactionMode
* attribute10
* trxFlowHeaderId
* toProjectId
* encumbranceAmount
* materialAccount
* opmCostedFlag
* taskId
* transferPercentage
* transportationDistAccount
* programApplicationId
* encumbranceAccount
* commonBomSeqId
* xfrPlanningOrganizationId
* reservationId
* transactionDate
* creationDate
* requestId
* physicalAdjustmentId
* currencyCode
* attribute14
* pickSlipNumber
* priorCost
* putAwayRuleId
* transferLocatorId
* secondaryTransactionQuantity
* transactionActionId
* transactionGroupSeq


 * transferCost
* scheduleGroup
* postingFlag
* kanbanCardId
* transactionBatchSeq
* demandClass
* currencyConversionRate
* moveOrderLineId
* itemShelfLifeCode
* pickSlipDate
* sourceCode
* encumbranceAccount
* negativeReqFlag
* organizationId
* demandSourceLine
* lotNumber
* scheduleUpdateCode
* shipToLocation
* shippableFlag
* attribute8
* lotExpirationDate
* itemSerialControlCode
* intransitAccount
* transportationCost
* fobPoint
* itemShelfLifeDays
* expenditureType
* overheadAccount
* attribute11
* commonBomSeqId
* rcvTransactionId
* locatorId
* mccCode
* rebuildItemId
* createdBy
* paExpenditureOrgId
* newAverageCost
* transferOrganizationType
* errorExplanation
* bomRevision
* itemInventoryAssetFlag
* toTaskId
* lastUpdateLogin
* transactionDate
* errorCode
* parentLineId
* transferToLocation
* overcompletionTransactionQty
* setupTeardownCode
* lockFlag
* itemSegments
* owningTpType
* secondaryTransactionQuantity
* programId
* shippedQuantity
* rebuildActivityId
* programApplicationId
* taskPriority
* scheduledFlag
* nextLotNumber
* sourceProjectId
* attribute1
* attribute3
* resourceAccount
* sourceTaskId
* attribute4
* organizationType
* wmsTaskType
* transferCostGroupId
* rmaLineId
* transactionQuantity
* creationDate
* attribute7
* itemTrxEnabledFlag
* serialAllocatedFlag
* operationSeqNum
* pickRuleId
* transactionUom
* scheduleNumber
* itemDescription
* currentLocatorControlCode
* attribute9
* completionTransactionId
* taskGroupId
* valueChange
* relieveHighLevelRsvFlag
* trxFlowHeaderId
* departmentCode
* pickSlipNumber
* alternateBomDesignator
* currencyConversionDate
* transactionReference
* attributeCategory
* physicalAdjustmentId
* attribute10
* transactionLineNumber
* pickStrategyId
* overcompletionPrimaryQty
* standardOperationId
* planningTpType
* transportationAccount
* lotAlphaPrefix
* owningOrganizationId
* allowedUnitsLookupCode
* transactionSourceName
* transferSecondaryQuantity
* attribute14
* alternateRoutingDesignator
* qaCollectionId
* programUpdateDate
* customerShipId
* materialExpenseAccount
* requestId
* currencyCode
* currencyConversionType
* classCode
* requisitionLineId
* expectedArrivalDate
* supplyLocatorId
* finalCompletionFlag
* transferSecondaryUom
* materialAllocationTempId
* primaryQuantity
* moveOrderHeaderId
* originalTransactionTempId
* demandSourceDelivery
* primarySwitch
* acctPeriodId
* transactionActionId
* attribute13
* distributionAccountId
* materialAccount
* transferSubinventory
* bomRevisionDate
* transactionBatchId
* relieveReservationsFlag
* percentageChange
* cycleCountId
* transactionTypeId
* rebuildJobName
* itemLocationControlCode
* movementId
* revision
* requisitionDistributionId
* employeeCode
* fulfillmentBase
* attribute6
* transferPlanningTpType
* itemLotControlCode
* secondaryUomCode
* validSubinventoryFlag
* trxSourceDeliveryId
* itemOrdering
* reasonId
* moveTransactionId
* itemRestrictSubinvCode
* transferLpnId
* itemUomClass
* inventoryItemId
* lpnId
* wipCommitFlag
* transferPrice
* rebuildSerialNumber
* itemRestrictLocatorsCode
* nextSerialNumber
* flowSchedule
* pickingLineId
* reservationQuantity
* attribute15
* freightCode
* encumbranceAmount
* reservationId
* commonRoutingSeqId
* repetitiveLineId
* attribute5
* putAwayStrategyId
* departmentId
* toProjectId
* endItemUnitNumber
* overcompletionTransactionId
* itemPrimaryUomCode
* locatorSegments
* processFlag
* wipSupplyType
* routingRevision
* transactionStatus
* cartonizationId
* supplySubinventory
* transactionSequenceId
* transferOwningTpType
* nestedParentLineId
* planningOrganizationId
* sourceLineId
* demandSourceHeaderId
* lineTypeCode
* buildSequence
* projectId
* subinventoryCode
* transactionMode
* trxSourceLineId
* serialAlphaPrefix
* xfrOwningOrganizationId
* transactionSourceId
* requiredFlag
* shipmentNumber
* attribute2
* serialNumber
* validLocatorFlag
* operationPlanId
* lastUpdateDate
* transactionCost
* xfrPlanningOrganizationId
* materialOverheadAccount
* orgCostGroupId
* transferOrganization
* costGroupId
* transferPercentage
* putAwayRuleId
* outsideProcessingAccount
* parentTransactionTempId
* receivingDocument
* scheduleId
* sourceLotNumber
* ussglTransactionCode
* scheduledPaybackDate
* itemRevisionQtyControlCode
* taskId
* vendorLotNumber
* containerItemId
* wmsTaskStatus
* wipEntityType
* costTypeId
* allocatedLpnId
* attribute12
* lastUpdatedBy
* containers
* demandId
* logicalTrxTypeCode
* routingRevisionDate
* contentLpnId
* transactionHeaderId
* transactionTempId
* transactionSourceTypeId
* waybillAirbill
* numberOfLotsEntered


 * transferCost
* scheduleGroup
* postingFlag
* kanbanCardId
* transactionBatchSeq
* demandClass
* currencyConversionRate
* moveOrderLineId
* itemShelfLifeCode
* pickSlipDate
* sourceCode
* encumbranceAccount
* negativeReqFlag
* organizationId
* demandSourceLine
* lotNumber
* scheduleUpdateCode
* shipToLocation
* shippableFlag
* attribute8
* lotExpirationDate
* itemSerialControlCode
* intransitAccount
* transportationCost
* fobPoint
* itemShelfLifeDays
* expenditureType
* overheadAccount
* attribute11
* commonBomSeqId
* rcvTransactionId
* locatorId
* mccCode
* rebuildItemId
* createdBy
* paExpenditureOrgId
* newAverageCost
* transferOrganizationType
* errorExplanation
* bomRevision
* itemInventoryAssetFlag
* toTaskId
* lastUpdateLogin
* transactionDate
* errorCode
* parentLineId
* transferToLocation
* overcompletionTransactionQty
* setupTeardownCode
* lockFlag
* itemSegments
* owningTpType
* secondaryTransactionQuantity
* programId
* shippedQuantity
* rebuildActivityId
* programApplicationId
* taskPriority
* scheduledFlag
* nextLotNumber
* sourceProjectId
* attribute1
* attribute3
* resourceAccount
* sourceTaskId
* attribute4
* organizationType
* wmsTaskType
* transferCostGroupId
* rmaLineId
* transactionQuantity
* creationDate
* attribute7
* itemTrxEnabledFlag
* serialAllocatedFlag
* operationSeqNum
* pickRuleId
* transactionUom
* scheduleNumber
* itemDescription
* currentLocatorControlCode
* attribute9
* completionTransactionId
* taskGroupId
* valueChange
* relieveHighLevelRsvFlag
* trxFlowHeaderId
* departmentCode
* pickSlipNumber
* alternateBomDesignator
* currencyConversionDate
* transactionReference
* attributeCategory
* physicalAdjustmentId
* attribute10
* transactionLineNumber
* pickStrategyId
* overcompletionPrimaryQty
* standardOperationId
* planningTpType
* transportationAccount
* lotAlphaPrefix
* owningOrganizationId
* allowedUnitsLookupCode
* transactionSourceName
* transferSecondaryQuantity
* attribute14
* alternateRoutingDesignator
* qaCollectionId
* programUpdateDate
* customerShipId
* materialExpenseAccount
* requestId
* currencyCode
* currencyConversionType
* classCode
* requisitionLineId
* expectedArrivalDate
* supplyLocatorId
* finalCompletionFlag
* transferSecondaryUom
* materialAllocationTempId
* primaryQuantity
* moveOrderHeaderId
* originalTransactionTempId
* demandSourceDelivery
* primarySwitch
* acctPeriodId
* transactionActionId
* attribute13
* distributionAccountId
* materialAccount
* transferSubinventory
* bomRevisionDate
* transactionBatchId
* relieveReservationsFlag
* percentageChange
* cycleCountId
* transactionTypeId
* rebuildJobName
* itemLocationControlCode
* movementId
* revision
* requisitionDistributionId
* employeeCode
* fulfillmentBase
* attribute6
* transferPlanningTpType
* itemLotControlCode
* secondaryUomCode
* validSubinventoryFlag
* trxSourceDeliveryId
* itemOrdering
* reasonId
* moveTransactionId
* itemRestrictSubinvCode
* transferLpnId
* itemUomClass
* inventoryItemId
* lpnId
* wipCommitFlag
* transferPrice
* rebuildSerialNumber
* itemRestrictLocatorsCode
* nextSerialNumber
* flowSchedule
* pickingLineId
* reservationQuantity
* attribute15
* freightCode
* encumbranceAmount
* reservationId
* commonRoutingSeqId
* repetitiveLineId
* attribute5
* putAwayStrategyId
* departmentId
* toProjectId
* endItemUnitNumber
* overcompletionTransactionId
* itemPrimaryUomCode
* locatorSegments
* processFlag
* wipSupplyType
* routingRevision
* transactionStatus
* cartonizationId
* supplySubinventory
* transactionSequenceId
* transferOwningTpType
* nestedParentLineId
* planningOrganizationId
* sourceLineId
* demandSourceHeaderId
* lineTypeCode
* buildSequence
* projectId
* subinventoryCode
* transactionMode
* trxSourceLineId
* serialAlphaPrefix
* xfrOwningOrganizationId
* transactionSourceId
* requiredFlag
* shipmentNumber
* attribute2
* serialNumber
* validLocatorFlag
* operationPlanId
* lastUpdateDate
* transactionCost
* xfrPlanningOrganizationId
* materialOverheadAccount
* orgCostGroupId
* transferOrganization
* costGroupId
* transferPercentage
* putAwayRuleId
* outsideProcessingAccount
* parentTransactionTempId
* receivingDocument
* scheduleId
* sourceLotNumber
* ussglTransactionCode
* scheduledPaybackDate
* itemRevisionQtyControlCode
* taskId
* vendorLotNumber
* containerItemId
* wmsTaskStatus
* wipEntityType
* costTypeId
* allocatedLpnId
* attribute12
* lastUpdatedBy
* containers
* demandId
* logicalTrxTypeCode
* routingRevisionDate
* contentLpnId
* transactionHeaderId
* transactionTempId
* transactionSourceTypeId
* waybillAirbill
* numberOfLotsEntered


 * creationDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* organizationId
* templateId
* lastUpdateDate
* inventoryItemId
* createdBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* context
* transactionTypeId


 * creationDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* organizationId
* templateId
* lastUpdateDate
* inventoryItemId
* createdBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* context
* transactionTypeId


 * mfgPartNum
* attributeCategory
* attribute13
* startDate
* programApplicationId
* approvalStatus
* attribute6
* programId
* attribute15
* attribute4
* description
* organizationId
* attribute11
* attribute12
* createdBy
* endDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* mrpPlanningCode
* attribute2
* attribute7
* creationDate
* attribute9
* firstArticleStatus
* attribute3
* manufacturerId
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute8
* programUpdateDate
* attribute10
* attribute1
* inventoryItemId
* requestId
* attribute14
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute5


 * mfgPartNum
* attributeCategory
* attribute13
* startDate
* programApplicationId
* approvalStatus
* attribute6
* programId
* attribute15
* attribute4
* description
* organizationId
* attribute11
* attribute12
* createdBy
* endDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* mrpPlanningCode
* attribute2
* attribute7
* creationDate
* attribute9
* firstArticleStatus
* attribute3
* manufacturerId
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute8
* programUpdateDate
* attribute10
* attribute1
* inventoryItemId
* requestId
* attribute14
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute5


 * hierarchyEndOnHandQty
* orgReceivedQty
* requestId
* orgEndOnHandQty
* bucketStartDate
* organizationId
* hierarchyName
* inventoryItemId
* programApplicationId
* dataSetName
* programUpdateDate
* orgDeltaQty
* lastUpdateDate
* hierarchyDeltaQty
* lastUpdatedBy
* bucketSizeCode
* organizationCode
* bucketEndDate
* parentOrganizationId
* programId
* parentOrganizationCode
* bucketName
* inventoryItemCode
* createdBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* creationDate
* hierarchyId
* orgIssuedQty


 * hierarchyEndOnHandQty
* orgReceivedQty
* requestId
* orgEndOnHandQty
* bucketStartDate
* organizationId
* hierarchyName
* inventoryItemId
* programApplicationId
* dataSetName
* programUpdateDate
* orgDeltaQty
* lastUpdateDate
* hierarchyDeltaQty
* lastUpdatedBy
* bucketSizeCode
* organizationCode
* bucketEndDate
* parentOrganizationId
* programId
* parentOrganizationCode
* bucketName
* inventoryItemCode
* createdBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* creationDate
* hierarchyId
* orgIssuedQty


 * logoffDate
* clientPortNumber
* clientMachineName
* serverPortNumber
* serverMachineName
* eventMessage
* logonDate
* userId


 * logoffDate
* clientPortNumber
* clientMachineName
* serverPortNumber
* serverMachineName
* eventMessage
* logonDate
* userId


 * isConsigned
* primaryTransactionQuantity
* lastUpdatedBy
* subinventoryCode
* costGroupId
* secondaryTransactionQuantity
* organizationType
* createdBy
* revision
* containerizedFlag
* taskId
* summarizedFlag
* dateReceived
* createTransactionId
* planningTpType
* projectId
* requestId
* statusId
* creationDate
* owningOrganizationId
* origDateReceived
* organizationId
* locatorId
* userId
* secondaryUomCode
* inventoryItemId
* lastUpdateLogin
* onhandQuantitiesId
* lotNumber
* updateTransactionId
* consolidationDate
* owningTpType
* transactionQuantity
* lastUpdateDate
* planningOrganizationId
* transactionUomCode


 * isConsigned
* primaryTransactionQuantity
* lastUpdatedBy
* subinventoryCode
* costGroupId
* secondaryTransactionQuantity
* organizationType
* createdBy
* revision
* containerizedFlag
* taskId
* summarizedFlag
* dateReceived
* createTransactionId
* planningTpType
* projectId
* requestId
* statusId
* creationDate
* owningOrganizationId
* origDateReceived
* organizationId
* locatorId
* userId
* secondaryUomCode
* inventoryItemId
* lastUpdateLogin
* onhandQuantitiesId
* lotNumber
* updateTransactionId
* consolidationDate
* owningTpType
* transactionQuantity
* lastUpdateDate
* planningOrganizationId
* transactionUomCode


 * outsideUnitPrice
* attribute9
* containerTypeCode
* orderHeaderId
* invoiceReference
* transportMode
* zoneCode
* attribute1
* ediSentFlag
* requisitionHeaderId
* mtlTransactionId
* originTerritoryCode
* poHeaderId
* commodityCode
* totalWeightUomCode
* itemCost
* statAdjAmount
* originTerritoryEuCode
* invoiceId
* attribute3
* parentMovementId
* shipmentLineId
* fromOrganizationId
* attribute11
* billToSiteUseId
* distributionLineNumber
* orderLineId
* reportReference
* documentSourceType
* attribute6
* financialDocumentFlag
* vendorSiteId
* documentUnitPrice
* attribute12
* transactingToOrg
* movementId
* vendorSite
* receiptReference
* customerLocation
* billToSite
* preferenceCode
* lastUpdateLogin
* documentLineExtValue
* categoryId
* invoiceLineReference
* destinationTerritoryCode
* attribute8
* vendorNumber
* attributeCategory
* lastUpdatedBy
* creationMethod
* invoiceBatchReference
* currencyCode
* pickingLineId
* attribute14
* attribute7
* setOfBooksPeriod
* attribute5
* shipToName
* lastUpdateDate
* transactingFromOrg
* eslDropShipmentCode
* pickingLineDetailId
* taricCode
* poLineLocationId
* affiliationReferenceCode
* ediTransactionDate
* poLineId
* pickSlipReference
* requisitionLineId
* commodityDescription
* customerNumber
* invoiceUnitPrice
* movementType
* shipmentHeaderId
* transactionUomCode
* outsideCode
* customerName
* shipToSite
* alternateQuantity
* customerTrxLineId
* billToNumber
* toOrganizationId
* port
* documentLineReference
* statAdjPercent
* weightMethod
* attribute13
* inventoryItemId
* vendorId
* entityOrgId
* destinationTerritoryEuCode
* organizationId
* statMethod
* documentReference
* currencyConversionDate
* reportDate
* dispatchTerritoryEuCode
* attribute2
* billToCustomerId
* statExtValue
* usageType
* createdBy
* triangulationCountryCode
* invoiceLineExtValue
* deliveryTerms
* vendorName
* transactionDate
* customerVatNumber
* attribute10
* attribute4
* alternateUomCode
* area
* movementStatus
* currencyConversionRate
* rcvTransactionId
* movementAmount
* statType
* transactionQuantity
* periodName
* shipmentLineReference
* unitWeight
* primaryQuantity
* oilReferenceCode
* invoiceBatchId
* invoiceQuantity
* ediTransactionReference
* shipToNumber
* shipmentReference
* invoiceDateReference
* outsideExtValue
* statisticalProcedureCode
* dispatchTerritoryCode
* triangulationCountryEuCode
* totalWeight
* flowIndicatorCode
* csaCode
* currencyConversionType
* shipToSiteUseId
* billToName
* comments
* attribute15
* creationDate
* shipToCustomerId
* itemDescription
* transactionNature


 * outsideUnitPrice
* attribute9
* containerTypeCode
* orderHeaderId
* invoiceReference
* transportMode
* zoneCode
* attribute1
* ediSentFlag
* requisitionHeaderId
* mtlTransactionId
* originTerritoryCode
* poHeaderId
* commodityCode
* totalWeightUomCode
* itemCost
* statAdjAmount
* originTerritoryEuCode
* invoiceId
* attribute3
* parentMovementId
* shipmentLineId
* fromOrganizationId
* attribute11
* billToSiteUseId
* distributionLineNumber
* orderLineId
* reportReference
* documentSourceType
* attribute6
* financialDocumentFlag
* vendorSiteId
* documentUnitPrice
* attribute12
* transactingToOrg
* movementId
* vendorSite
* receiptReference
* customerLocation
* billToSite
* preferenceCode
* lastUpdateLogin
* documentLineExtValue
* categoryId
* invoiceLineReference
* destinationTerritoryCode
* attribute8
* vendorNumber
* attributeCategory
* lastUpdatedBy
* creationMethod
* invoiceBatchReference
* currencyCode
* pickingLineId
* attribute14
* attribute7
* setOfBooksPeriod
* attribute5
* shipToName
* lastUpdateDate
* transactingFromOrg
* eslDropShipmentCode
* pickingLineDetailId
* taricCode
* poLineLocationId
* affiliationReferenceCode
* ediTransactionDate
* poLineId
* pickSlipReference
* requisitionLineId
* commodityDescription
* customerNumber
* invoiceUnitPrice
* movementType
* shipmentHeaderId
* transactionUomCode
* outsideCode
* customerName
* shipToSite
* alternateQuantity
* customerTrxLineId
* billToNumber
* toOrganizationId
* port
* documentLineReference
* statAdjPercent
* weightMethod
* attribute13
* inventoryItemId
* vendorId
* entityOrgId
* destinationTerritoryEuCode
* organizationId
* statMethod
* documentReference
* currencyConversionDate
* reportDate
* dispatchTerritoryEuCode
* attribute2
* billToCustomerId
* statExtValue
* usageType
* createdBy
* triangulationCountryCode
* invoiceLineExtValue
* deliveryTerms
* vendorName
* transactionDate
* customerVatNumber
* attribute10
* attribute4
* alternateUomCode
* area
* movementStatus
* currencyConversionRate
* rcvTransactionId
* movementAmount
* statType
* transactionQuantity
* periodName
* shipmentLineReference
* unitWeight
* primaryQuantity
* oilReferenceCode
* invoiceBatchId
* invoiceQuantity
* ediTransactionReference
* shipToNumber
* shipmentReference
* invoiceDateReference
* outsideExtValue
* statisticalProcedureCode
* dispatchTerritoryCode
* triangulationCountryEuCode
* totalWeight
* flowIndicatorCode
* csaCode
* currencyConversionType
* shipToSiteUseId
* billToName
* comments
* attribute15
* creationDate
* shipToCustomerId
* itemDescription
* transactionNature


 * programId
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute13
* attribute15
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute1
* attribute4
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastPrintDate
* objectId
* createdBy
* programApplicationId
* genealogyEventType
* genealogyEventDate
* attribute10
* attribute3
* creationDate
* attribute11
* attribute7
* attribute5
* attribute9
* attribute2
* attribute12
* requestId
* attribute6
* attributeCategory
* attribute8
* attribute14
* programUpdateDate
* transactionId


 * programId
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute13
* attribute15
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute1
* attribute4
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastPrintDate
* objectId
* createdBy
* programApplicationId
* genealogyEventType
* genealogyEventDate
* attribute10
* attribute3
* creationDate
* attribute11
* attribute7
* attribute5
* attribute9
* attribute2
* attribute12
* requestId
* attribute6
* attributeCategory
* attribute8
* attribute14
* programUpdateDate
* transactionId


 * startDateActive
* lastUpdateDate
* objectId
* endDateActive
* attribute9
* lastUpdateLogin
* originTxnId
* attribute10
* parentObjectId
* attribute5
* requestId
* attribute2
* attribute4
* programId
* objectType2
* updateTxnId
* createdBy
* attribute6
* attribute11
* attribute12
* attribute15
* objectType
* genealogyOrigin
* parentObjectId2
* attribute8
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute1
* creationDate
* attribute7
* parentObjectType2
* genealogyType
* attributeCategory
* attribute3
* programApplicationId
* parentObjectType
* objectId2
* attribute14
* attribute13
* programUpdateDate


 * endDateActive
* programUpdateDate
* serialNumber
* programId
* genealogyOrigin
* attributeCategory
* attribute3
* attribute12
* inventoryItemId
* objectType
* parentInventoryItemId
* parentOrganizationCode
* attribute2
* creationDate
* returnToInventory
* attribute15
* attribute5
* startDateActive
* attribute7
* organizationCode
* attribute14
* batchId
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* parentObjectType
* groupId
* genealogyType
* programApplicationId
* attribute11
* attribute4
* attribute9
* attribute8
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute13
* processStatus
* interfaceHeaderId
* locatorId
* createdBy
* errorMessage
* organizationId
* importMode
* attribute1
* originTxnId
* errorCode
* updateTxnId
* attribute6
* attribute10
* parentOrganizationId
* parentSerialNumber
* subinventoryCode
* objectId
* parentObjectId
* requestId


 * endDateActive
* programUpdateDate
* serialNumber
* programId
* genealogyOrigin
* attributeCategory
* attribute3
* attribute12
* inventoryItemId
* objectType
* parentInventoryItemId
* parentOrganizationCode
* attribute2
* creationDate
* returnToInventory
* attribute15
* attribute5
* startDateActive
* attribute7
* organizationCode
* attribute14
* batchId
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* parentObjectType
* groupId
* genealogyType
* programApplicationId
* attribute11
* attribute4
* attribute9
* attribute8
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute13
* processStatus
* interfaceHeaderId
* locatorId
* createdBy
* errorMessage
* organizationId
* importMode
* attribute1
* originTxnId
* errorCode
* updateTxnId
* attribute6
* attribute10
* parentOrganizationId
* parentSerialNumber
* subinventoryCode
* objectId
* parentObjectId
* requestId


 * startDateActive
* lastUpdateDate
* objectId
* endDateActive
* attribute9
* lastUpdateLogin
* originTxnId
* attribute10
* parentObjectId
* attribute5
* requestId
* attribute2
* attribute4
* programId
* objectType2
* updateTxnId
* createdBy
* attribute6
* attribute11
* attribute12
* attribute15
* objectType
* genealogyOrigin
* parentObjectId2
* attribute8
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute1
* creationDate
* attribute7
* parentObjectType2
* genealogyType
* attributeCategory
* attribute3
* programApplicationId
* parentObjectType
* objectId2
* attribute14
* attribute13
* programUpdateDate


 * subinventoryCode
* transactionQuantity
* lastUpdatedBy
* planningOrganizationId
* statusId
* secondaryTransactionQuantity
* updateTransactionId
* owningTpType
* taskId
* isConsigned
* transactionUomCode
* costGroupId
* primaryTransactionQuantity
* revision
* owningOrganizationId
* lastUpdateDate
* creationDate
* planningTpType
* organizationId
* origDateReceived
* organizationType
* lastUpdateLogin
* lotNumber
* dateReceived
* secondaryUomCode
* createdBy
* projectId
* onhandQuantitiesId
* createTransactionId
* containerizedFlag
* inventoryItemId
* lpnId
* locatorId


 * subinventoryCode
* transactionQuantity
* lastUpdatedBy
* planningOrganizationId
* statusId
* secondaryTransactionQuantity
* updateTransactionId
* owningTpType
* taskId
* isConsigned
* transactionUomCode
* costGroupId
* primaryTransactionQuantity
* revision
* owningOrganizationId
* lastUpdateDate
* creationDate
* planningTpType
* organizationId
* origDateReceived
* organizationType
* lastUpdateLogin
* lotNumber
* dateReceived
* secondaryUomCode
* createdBy
* projectId
* onhandQuantitiesId
* createTransactionId
* containerizedFlag
* inventoryItemId
* lpnId
* locatorId


 * dColumn3
* lastUpdatedBy
* organizationId
* dColumn1
* cColumn5
* seqNum
* nColumn5
* nColumn4
* cColumn1
* cColumn7
* lotNumber
* cColumn2
* nColumn1
* subinventory
* nColumn3
* creationDate
* locatorId
* dColumn4
* dColumn2
* lastUpdateDate
* cColumn8
* createdBy
* quantity
* revision
* cColumn6
* inventoryItemId
* cColumn3
* cColumn4
* dColumn5
* lastUpdateLogin
* nColumn2


 * dColumn3
* lastUpdatedBy
* organizationId
* dColumn1
* cColumn5
* seqNum
* nColumn5
* nColumn4
* cColumn1
* cColumn7
* lotNumber
* cColumn2
* nColumn1
* subinventory
* nColumn3
* creationDate
* locatorId
* dColumn4
* dColumn2
* lastUpdateDate
* cColumn8
* createdBy
* quantity
* revision
* cColumn6
* inventoryItemId
* cColumn3
* cColumn4
* dColumn5
* lastUpdateLogin
* nColumn2


 * reportId
* organizationId
* orgReportOrder


 * reportId
* organizationId
* orgReportOrder


 * transactionId
* costTypeId
* priorBuyCost
* newBuyQuantity
* newMakeCost
* transferCost
* shipmentNumber
* costGroupId
* inventoryItemId
* varianceAmount
* newBuyCost
* transportationCost
* newOnhandQuantity
* pacPeriodId
* costElementId
* wipVariance
* userEntered
* levelType
* transferTransactionId
* newCost
* actualCost
* priorMakeCost
* transactionCostedDate
* newMakeQuantity
* costLayerId
* insertionFlag
* mohAbsorptionCost
* priorCost


 * transactionId
* costTypeId
* priorBuyCost
* newBuyQuantity
* newMakeCost
* transferCost
* shipmentNumber
* costGroupId
* inventoryItemId
* varianceAmount
* newBuyCost
* transportationCost
* newOnhandQuantity
* pacPeriodId
* costElementId
* wipVariance
* userEntered
* levelType
* transferTransactionId
* newCost
* actualCost
* priorMakeCost
* transactionCostedDate
* newMakeQuantity
* costLayerId
* insertionFlag
* mohAbsorptionCost
* priorCost


 * costLayerId
* userEntered
* lastUpdatedBy
* insertionFlag
* inventoryItemId
* pacPeriodId
* varianceAmount
* costGroupId
* priorMakeCost
* newMakeCost
* costTypeId
* onhandVarianceAmount
* requestId
* lastUpdateLogin
* priorBuyCost
* programId
* transactionId
* newCost
* transactionCostedDate
* programUpdateDate
* actualCost
* creationDate
* wipVariance
* levelType
* txnCategory
* costElementId
* priorCost
* programApplicationId
* newBuyCost
* lastUpdateDate
* createdBy


 * costLayerId
* userEntered
* lastUpdatedBy
* insertionFlag
* inventoryItemId
* pacPeriodId
* varianceAmount
* costGroupId
* priorMakeCost
* newMakeCost
* costTypeId
* onhandVarianceAmount
* requestId
* lastUpdateLogin
* priorBuyCost
* programId
* transactionId
* newCost
* transactionCostedDate
* programUpdateDate
* actualCost
* creationDate
* wipVariance
* levelType
* txnCategory
* costElementId
* priorCost
* programApplicationId
* newBuyCost
* lastUpdateDate
* createdBy


 * lastUpdatedBy
* requestId
* programUpdateDate
* transactionId
* createdBy
* programId
* lastUpdateLogin
* pacPeriodId
* actualCost
* costElementId
* programApplicationId
* userEntered
* costGroupId
* creationDate
* costTypeId
* lastUpdateDate
* resourceId
* levelType


 * lastUpdatedBy
* requestId
* programUpdateDate
* transactionId
* createdBy
* programId
* lastUpdateLogin
* pacPeriodId
* actualCost
* costElementId
* programApplicationId
* userEntered
* costGroupId
* creationDate
* costTypeId
* lastUpdateDate
* resourceId
* levelType


 * costGroupId
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdateDate
* transactionId
* createdBy
* percentageChange
* wipVariance
* lastUpdatedBy
* requestId
* pacPeriodId
* transactionCost
* costElementId
* costTypeId
* programApplicationId
* levelType
* inventoryItemId
* newPeriodicCost
* creationDate
* programId
* programUpdateDate
* valueChange


 * costGroupId
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdateDate
* transactionId
* createdBy
* percentageChange
* wipVariance
* lastUpdatedBy
* requestId
* pacPeriodId
* transactionCost
* costElementId
* costTypeId
* programApplicationId
* levelType
* inventoryItemId
* newPeriodicCost
* creationDate
* programId
* programUpdateDate
* valueChange


 * purchasePriceVarAccount
* costOfSalesAccount
* organizationCode
* interorgTransferCrAccount
* auditUserName
* auditCommitId
* auditTrueNulls
* invoicePriceVarAccount
* auditTimestamp
* auditSessionId
* auditSequenceId
* stockLocatorControlCode
* calendarCode
* generalLedgerUpdateCode
* intransitInvAccount
* apAccrualAccount
* rowKey
* interorgPriceVarAccount
* interorgReceivablesAccount
* masterOrganizationId
* organizationId
* salesAccount
* interorgPayablesAccount
* auditTransactionType


 * purchasePriceVarAccount
* costOfSalesAccount
* organizationCode
* interorgTransferCrAccount
* auditUserName
* auditCommitId
* auditTrueNulls
* invoicePriceVarAccount
* auditTimestamp
* auditSessionId
* auditSequenceId
* stockLocatorControlCode
* calendarCode
* generalLedgerUpdateCode
* intransitInvAccount
* apAccrualAccount
* rowKey
* interorgPriceVarAccount
* interorgReceivablesAccount
* masterOrganizationId
* organizationId
* salesAccount
* interorgPayablesAccount
* auditTransactionType


 * lastUpdateDate
* programUpdateDate
* implementedDate
* programId
* effectiveDate
* statusCode
* lastUpdatedBy
* changeLineId
* requestId
* createdBy
* phaseId
* inventoryItemId
* pendingFlag
* lifecycleId
* organizationId
* lastUpdateLogin
* changeId
* creationDate
* programApplicationId
* revisionId


 * lastUpdateDate
* programUpdateDate
* implementedDate
* programId
* effectiveDate
* statusCode
* lastUpdatedBy
* changeLineId
* requestId
* createdBy
* phaseId
* inventoryItemId
* pendingFlag
* lifecycleId
* organizationId
* lastUpdateLogin
* changeId
* creationDate
* programApplicationId
* revisionId


 * programUpdateDate
* tempApprover
* adjustmentQuantity
* requestId
* serialNumber
* subinventoryName
* lotSerialControls
* costGroupId
* inventoryItemId
* lotNumber
* creationDate
* lotExpirationDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* parentLpnId
* adjustmentId
* physicalInventoryId
* glAdjustAccount
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* programId
* secondarySystemQty
* locatorId
* automaticApprovalCode
* outermostLpnId
* organizationId
* approvedByEmployeeId
* revision
* secondaryAdjustmentQty
* actualCost
* programApplicationId
* countQuantity
* systemQuantity
* createdBy
* approvalStatus
* secondaryCountQty


 * programUpdateDate
* tempApprover
* adjustmentQuantity
* requestId
* serialNumber
* subinventoryName
* lotSerialControls
* costGroupId
* inventoryItemId
* lotNumber
* creationDate
* lotExpirationDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* parentLpnId
* adjustmentId
* physicalInventoryId
* glAdjustAccount
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* programId
* secondarySystemQty
* locatorId
* automaticApprovalCode
* outermostLpnId
* organizationId
* approvedByEmployeeId
* revision
* secondaryAdjustmentQty
* actualCost
* programApplicationId
* countQuantity
* systemQuantity
* createdBy
* approvalStatus
* secondaryCountQty


 * approvalRequired
* physicalInventoryName
* programApplicationId
* programId
* attribute6
* approvalToleranceNeg
* lastAdjustmentDate
* creationDate
* createdBy
* defaultGlAdjustAccount
* dynamicTagEntryFlag
* totalAdjustmentValue
* attributeCategory
* attribute1
* freezeDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* requestId
* attribute13
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute5
* lastUpdateDate
* excludeZeroBalance
* tagNumberIncrements
* attribute10
* attribute12
* attribute2
* costVarianceNeg
* attribute4
* numberOfSkus
* programUpdateDate
* attribute14
* physicalInventoryId
* description
* costVariancePos
* attribute7
* attribute3
* nextTagNumber
* approvalTolerancePos
* attribute9
* allSubinventoriesFlag
* attribute11
* organizationId
* attribute8
* physicalInventoryDate
* attribute15
* excludeNegativeBalance


 * approvalRequired
* physicalInventoryName
* programApplicationId
* programId
* attribute6
* approvalToleranceNeg
* lastAdjustmentDate
* creationDate
* createdBy
* defaultGlAdjustAccount
* dynamicTagEntryFlag
* totalAdjustmentValue
* attributeCategory
* attribute1
* freezeDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* requestId
* attribute13
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute5
* lastUpdateDate
* excludeZeroBalance
* tagNumberIncrements
* attribute10
* attribute12
* attribute2
* costVarianceNeg
* attribute4
* numberOfSkus
* programUpdateDate
* attribute14
* physicalInventoryId
* description
* costVariancePos
* attribute7
* attribute3
* nextTagNumber
* approvalTolerancePos
* attribute9
* allSubinventoriesFlag
* attribute11
* organizationId
* attribute8
* physicalInventoryDate
* attribute15
* excludeNegativeBalance


 * standardSecondaryUom
* inventoryItemId
* lotNumber
* attribute12
* attribute15
* outermostLpnId
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute14
* attribute11
* programApplicationId
* adjustmentId
* tagQuantity
* attribute8
* subinventory
* attribute7
* lastUpdateDate
* createdBy
* attributeCategory
* programUpdateDate
* attribute13
* standardUom
* costGroupId
* programId
* tagQtyAtStdSecondaryUom
* lotSerialControls
* tagSecondaryUom
* attribute5
* lotExpirationDate
* attribute6
* tagId
* tagQuantityAtStandardUom
* parentLpnId
* lastUpdateLogin
* locatorId
* revision
* attribute3
* serialNum
* requestId
* tagSecondaryQuantity
* countedByEmployeeId
* attribute10
* attribute1
* attribute4
* tagUom
* attribute2
* voidFlag
* physicalInventoryId
* tagNumber
* attribute9
* organizationId
* creationDate


 * standardSecondaryUom
* inventoryItemId
* lotNumber
* attribute12
* attribute15
* outermostLpnId
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute14
* attribute11
* programApplicationId
* adjustmentId
* tagQuantity
* attribute8
* subinventory
* attribute7
* lastUpdateDate
* createdBy
* attributeCategory
* programUpdateDate
* attribute13
* standardUom
* costGroupId
* programId
* tagQtyAtStdSecondaryUom
* lotSerialControls
* tagSecondaryUom
* attribute5
* lotExpirationDate
* attribute6
* tagId
* tagQuantityAtStandardUom
* parentLpnId
* lastUpdateLogin
* locatorId
* revision
* attribute3
* serialNum
* requestId
* tagSecondaryQuantity
* countedByEmployeeId
* attribute10
* attribute1
* attribute4
* tagUom
* attribute2
* voidFlag
* physicalInventoryId
* tagNumber
* attribute9
* organizationId
* creationDate


 * programId
* physicalInventoryId
* lastUpdatedBy
* organizationId
* lastUpdateDate
* creationDate
* requestId
* programApplicationId
* subinventory
* createdBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* programUpdateDate


 * programId
* physicalInventoryId
* lastUpdatedBy
* organizationId
* lastUpdateDate
* creationDate
* requestId
* programApplicationId
* subinventory
* createdBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* programUpdateDate


 * status
* id
* pickSlipIdentifier
* pickSlipNumber
* pickSlipBatchId
* pickSlipCount


 * status
* id
* pickSlipIdentifier
* pickSlipNumber
* pickSlipBatchId
* pickSlipCount


 * lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateDate
* revisionRule
* requestId
* createdBy
* creationDate
* serialNumberRule
* description
* locatorRule
* programApplicationId
* migratedInd
* subinventoryRule
* programId
* pickingRuleId
* programUpdateDate
* lotRule
* pickingRuleName
* lastUpdateLogin


 * lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateDate
* revisionRule
* requestId
* createdBy
* creationDate
* serialNumberRule
* description
* locatorRule
* programApplicationId
* migratedInd
* subinventoryRule
* programId
* pickingRuleId
* programUpdateDate
* lotRule
* pickingRuleName
* lastUpdateLogin


 * attribute15
* programApplicationId
* organizationId
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* requestId
* attribute4
* createdBy
* programUpdateDate
* description
* attributeCategory
* attribute1
* attribute13
* attribute12
* electronicMailAddress
* attribute6
* attribute10
* employeeId
* attribute7
* lastUpdatedBy
* programId
* disableDate
* attribute9
* attribute3
* attribute5
* attribute11
* plannerCode
* creationDate
* attribute14
* attribute2
* attribute8


 * attribute15
* programApplicationId
* organizationId
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* requestId
* attribute4
* createdBy
* programUpdateDate
* description
* attributeCategory
* attribute1
* attribute13
* attribute12
* electronicMailAddress
* attribute6
* attribute10
* employeeId
* attribute7
* lastUpdatedBy
* programId
* disableDate
* attribute9
* attribute3
* attribute5
* attribute11
* plannerCode
* creationDate
* attribute14
* attribute2
* attribute8


 * packslipDate
* packslipNumber
* transactionId


 * packslipDate
* packslipNumber
* transactionId


 * pullSequenceId
* lastUpdateLogin
* numberOfCards
* createdBy
* lastUpdateDate
* supplierId
* futureNoOfCards
* supplierSiteId
* sourcingPercentage
* organizationId
* lastUpdatedBy
* creationDate


 * pullSequenceId
* lastUpdateLogin
* numberOfCards
* createdBy
* lastUpdateDate
* supplierId
* futureNoOfCards
* supplierSiteId
* sourcingPercentage
* organizationId
* lastUpdatedBy
* creationDate


 * attrChar7
* attrNum2
* attrNum4
* attrNum5
* objectVersionNumber
* programUpdateDate
* endDate
* attrNum10
* creationDate
* attrChar8
* attrNum9
* attrChar1
* relatedItemId
* attrDate4
* lastUpdateLogin
* attrDate10
* lastUpdateDate
* attrDate2
* attrChar3
* attrChar6
* reciprocalFlag
* attrDate7
* startDate
* programApplicationId
* attrContext
* attrChar2
* attrNum7
* attrDate5
* relationshipTypeId
* requestId
* inventoryItemId
* attrDate1
* attrChar5
* attrDate3
* attrNum1
* attrDate6
* organizationId
* attrDate8
* lastUpdatedBy
* planningEnabledFlag
* attrChar10
* programId
* createdBy
* attrNum3
* attrChar9
* attrNum6
* attrNum8
* attrChar4
* attrDate9


 * customerId
* organizationId
* endDate
* relationshipTypeId
* creationDate
* siteUseId
* startDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* plnInfoId
* lastUpdateDate
* inventoryItemId
* lastUpdatedBy
* createdBy
* relatedItemId


 * customerId
* organizationId
* endDate
* relationshipTypeId
* creationDate
* siteUseId
* startDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* plnInfoId
* lastUpdateDate
* inventoryItemId
* lastUpdatedBy
* createdBy
* relatedItemId


 * attrDate3
* relatedItemId
* organizationId
* attrChar9
* attrNum8
* attrChar5
* relatedItemIdUpdVal
* attrChar7
* attrNum10
* creationDate
* setProcessId
* attrNum2
* transactionType
* requestId
* transactionId
* relationshipTypeId
* attrDate4
* attrNum4
* reciprocalFlag
* relatedItemNumber
* attrDate8
* attrChar3
* programApplicationId
* createdBy
* attrDate5
* attrDate2
* attrNum5
* attrChar4
* attrDate10
* attrNum6
* attrNum1
* startDate
* programUpdateDate
* programId
* inventoryItemId
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateDate
* attrChar10
* attrDate6
* processFlag
* attrChar1
* endDate
* attrChar6
* relationshipTypeIdUpdVal
* attrContext
* planningEnabledFlag
* itemNumber
* attrChar2
* lastUpdateLogin
* attrDate7
* attrNum7
* attrDate9
* attrChar8
* attrNum9
* attrNum3
* attrDate1
* organizationCode


 * attrDate3
* relatedItemId
* organizationId
* attrChar9
* attrNum8
* attrChar5
* relatedItemIdUpdVal
* attrChar7
* attrNum10
* creationDate
* setProcessId
* attrNum2
* transactionType
* requestId
* transactionId
* relationshipTypeId
* attrDate4
* attrNum4
* reciprocalFlag
* relatedItemNumber
* attrDate8
* attrChar3
* programApplicationId
* createdBy
* attrDate5
* attrDate2
* attrNum5
* attrChar4
* attrDate10
* attrNum6
* attrNum1
* startDate
* programUpdateDate
* programId
* inventoryItemId
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateDate
* attrChar10
* attrDate6
* processFlag
* attrChar1
* endDate
* attrChar6
* relationshipTypeIdUpdVal
* attrContext
* planningEnabledFlag
* itemNumber
* attrChar2
* lastUpdateLogin
* attrDate7
* attrNum7
* attrDate9
* attrChar8
* attrNum9
* attrNum3
* attrDate1
* organizationCode


 * attrChar7
* attrNum2
* attrNum4
* attrNum5
* objectVersionNumber
* programUpdateDate
* endDate
* attrNum10
* creationDate
* attrChar8
* attrNum9
* attrChar1
* relatedItemId
* attrDate4
* lastUpdateLogin
* attrDate10
* lastUpdateDate
* attrDate2
* attrChar3
* attrChar6
* reciprocalFlag
* attrDate7
* startDate
* programApplicationId
* attrContext
* attrChar2
* attrNum7
* attrDate5
* relationshipTypeId
* requestId
* inventoryItemId
* attrDate1
* attrChar5
* attrDate3
* attrNum1
* attrDate6
* organizationId
* attrDate8
* lastUpdatedBy
* planningEnabledFlag
* attrChar10
* programId
* createdBy
* attrNum3
* attrChar9
* attrNum6
* attrNum8
* attrChar4
* attrDate9


 * plnInfoId
* createdBy
* relatedItemId
* relationshipTypeId
* creationDate
* inventoryItemId
* substitutionSet
* partialFulfillmentFlag
* endDate
* lastUpdateDate
* startDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* organizationId
* allCustomersFlag
* lastUpdateLogin


 * plnInfoId
* createdBy
* relatedItemId
* relationshipTypeId
* creationDate
* inventoryItemId
* substitutionSet
* partialFulfillmentFlag
* endDate
* lastUpdateDate
* startDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* organizationId
* allCustomersFlag
* lastUpdateLogin


 * defaultLineItems
* countDate
* supplyCutoffDate
* programUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* processStatus
* creationDate
* errorFlag
* programApplicationId
* deliveryLocationId
* countMode
* replenishmentCountName
* processMode
* organizationId
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* replenishmentHeaderId
* createdBy
* programId
* defaultCountTypeCode
* subinventoryCode
* requisitionApprovalType
* requestId


 * createdBy
* processMode
* supplyCutoffDate
* errorFlag
* deliveryLocationId
* programId
* organizationId
* replenishmentCountName
* creationDate
* replenishmentHeaderId
* lastUpdatedBy
* countDate
* processStatus
* requestId
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* organizationCode
* subinventoryCode
* programUpdateDate
* deliveryLocationCode
* programApplicationId


 * createdBy
* processMode
* supplyCutoffDate
* errorFlag
* deliveryLocationId
* programId
* organizationId
* replenishmentCountName
* creationDate
* replenishmentHeaderId
* lastUpdatedBy
* countDate
* processStatus
* requestId
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* organizationCode
* subinventoryCode
* programUpdateDate
* deliveryLocationCode
* programApplicationId


 * defaultLineItems
* countDate
* supplyCutoffDate
* programUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* processStatus
* creationDate
* errorFlag
* programApplicationId
* deliveryLocationId
* countMode
* replenishmentCountName
* processMode
* organizationId
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* replenishmentHeaderId
* createdBy
* programId
* defaultCountTypeCode
* subinventoryCode
* requisitionApprovalType
* requestId


 * encumbranceAccount
* errorFlag
* creationDate
* primaryUomCountQuantity
* replenishmentLineId
* sourceOrganizationId
* organizationId
* lastUpdateLogin
* programApplicationId
* inventoryItemId
* countTypeCode
* createdBy
* reference
* primaryUomCode
* expenseAccount
* locatorId
* secondaryUomCountQuantity
* supplyQuantity
* reorderQuantity
* taskId
* replenishmentHeaderId
* requestId
* programId
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateDate
* countQuantity
* secondaryUomCode
* sourceSubinventory
* countUomCode
* sourceType
* programUpdateDate


 * segment17
* locatorSegment3
* programId
* segment18
* segment14
* locatorId
* locatorSegment17
* locatorSegment6
* locatorSegment18
* locatorSegment12
* locatorSegment16
* locatorSegment10
* segment1
* locatorSegment14
* locatorSegment9
* segment12
* programUpdateDate
* segment16
* segment10
* organizationId
* createdBy
* segment3
* segment13
* segment5
* creationDate
* countUnitOfMeasure
* programApplicationId
* reference
* locatorSegment7
* locatorSegment8
* lastUpdateLogin
* segment11
* segment9
* inventoryItemId
* segment15
* segment20
* requestId
* countUomCode
* locatorSegment13
* segment19
* locatorSegment19
* locatorSegment1
* segment2
* locatorSegment15
* lastUpdatedBy
* errorFlag
* taskId
* locatorSegment5
* replenishmentHeaderId
* locatorSegment20
* countQuantity
* segment8
* segment6
* replenishmentLineId
* lastUpdateDate
* locatorSegment2
* countTypeCode
* segment4
* locatorSegment4
* segment7
* locatorSegment11


 * segment17
* locatorSegment3
* programId
* segment18
* segment14
* locatorId
* locatorSegment17
* locatorSegment6
* locatorSegment18
* locatorSegment12
* locatorSegment16
* locatorSegment10
* segment1
* locatorSegment14
* locatorSegment9
* segment12
* programUpdateDate
* segment16
* segment10
* organizationId
* createdBy
* segment3
* segment13
* segment5
* creationDate
* countUnitOfMeasure
* programApplicationId
* reference
* locatorSegment7
* locatorSegment8
* lastUpdateLogin
* segment11
* segment9
* inventoryItemId
* segment15
* segment20
* requestId
* countUomCode
* locatorSegment13
* segment19
* locatorSegment19
* locatorSegment1
* segment2
* locatorSegment15
* lastUpdatedBy
* errorFlag
* taskId
* locatorSegment5
* replenishmentHeaderId
* locatorSegment20
* countQuantity
* segment8
* segment6
* replenishmentLineId
* lastUpdateDate
* locatorSegment2
* countTypeCode
* segment4
* locatorSegment4
* segment7
* locatorSegment11


 * encumbranceAccount
* errorFlag
* creationDate
* primaryUomCountQuantity
* replenishmentLineId
* sourceOrganizationId
* organizationId
* lastUpdateLogin
* programApplicationId
* inventoryItemId
* countTypeCode
* createdBy
* reference
* primaryUomCode
* expenseAccount
* locatorId
* secondaryUomCountQuantity
* supplyQuantity
* reorderQuantity
* taskId
* replenishmentHeaderId
* requestId
* programId
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateDate
* countQuantity
* secondaryUomCode
* sourceSubinventory
* countUomCode
* sourceType
* programUpdateDate


 * attribute13
* requirementDate
* organizationId
* attribute14
* lotNumber
* attribute8
* demandSourceLineId
* primaryReservationQuantity
* supplySourceName
* origSupplySourceTypeId
* attribute9
* attribute11
* shipReadyFlag
* attribute10
* costGroupId
* primaryUomId
* lastUpdateDate
* demandSourceDelivery
* crossdockFlag
* origSupplySourceLineDetail
* lpnId
* attribute1
* demandSourceHeaderId
* primaryUomCode
* attribute6
* lotNumberId
* origSupplySourceLineId
* supplySourceLineDetail
* supplySourceTypeId
* serialNumberId
* nColumn1
* secondaryUomCode
* attribute4
* demandSourceTypeId
* exceptionCode
* lastUpdateLogin
* autoDetailed
* serialNumber
* requestId
* reservationId
* attribute7
* containerLpnId
* demandShipDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* serialReservationQuantity
* origSupplySourceHeaderId
* subinventoryId
* creationDate
* attribute12
* detailedQuantity
* origDemandSourceHeaderId
* demandSourceName
* supplyReceiptDate
* attribute3
* subinventoryCode
* attributeCategory
* secondaryDetailedQuantity
* locatorId
* reservationQuantity
* attribute5
* demandSourceLineDetail
* inventoryItemId
* autodetailGroupId
* origDemandSourceLineDetail
* programUpdateDate
* createdBy
* origDemandSourceLineId
* taskId
* secondaryUomId
* supplySourceLineId
* pickSlipNumber
* programApplicationId
* externalSourceCode
* programId
* reservationUomCode
* attribute2
* secondaryReservationQuantity
* partialQuantitiesAllowed
* externalSourceLineId
* crossdockCriteriaId
* attribute15
* revision
* reservationUomId
* supplySourceHeaderId
* stagedFlag
* origDemandSourceTypeId
* projectId


 * serialNumberId
* itemSegment12
* locSegment14
* locSegment7
* toLocSegment1
* partialQuantitiesAllowed
* attribute8
* supplySourceName
* locSegment10
* itemSegment14
* errorCode
* toLocatorId
* toSerialNumber
* itemSegment5
* toLotNumberId
* toLocSegment7
* lotNumber
* organizationId
* validationFlag
* attribute11
* attribute9
* attribute12
* reservationQuantity
* lastUpdateLogin
* itemSegment15
* toLocSegment6
* toDemandSourceName
* toLocSegment9
* inventoryItemId
* toLocSegment20
* attribute14
* toLocSegment16
* toLocSegment18
* itemSegment7
* creationDate
* attribute13
* locSegment12
* attribute1
* toLocSegment4
* lastUpdateDate
* itemSegment16
* locSegment1
* secondaryUomCode
* toLocSegment17
* revision
* demandSourceHeaderId
* toSupplySourceHeaderId
* attributeCategory
* locSegment16
* toSubinventoryId
* itemSegment1
* lockFlag
* reservationBatchId
* toLocSegment8
* primaryUomId
* toSubinventoryCode
* toLocSegment2
* toLocSegment5
* itemSegment18
* toLotNumber
* itemSegment2
* shipReadyFlag
* itemSegment19
* toDemandSourceTypeId
* toLocSegment12
* locSegment15
* attribute3
* lpnId
* toLocSegment10
* supplySourceLineDetail
* locSegment11
* attribute7
* programId
* toSupplySourceName
* supplySourceLineId
* primaryReservationQuantity
* locSegment17
* demandSourceName
* demandSourceTypeId
* primaryUomCode
* locSegment6
* itemSegment8
* toLocSegment15
* toLocSegment14
* secondaryUomId
* toRevision
* reservationActionCode
* attribute4
* lotNumberId
* createdBy
* itemSegment10
* itemSegment9
* subinventoryCode
* toOrganizationId
* programApplicationId
* demandSourceLineId
* toLocSegment19
* lastUpdatedBy
* itemSegment13
* subinventoryId
* programUpdateDate
* supplySourceHeaderId
* locSegment5
* requestId
* locSegment19
* requirementDate
* attribute15
* toSupplySourceLineId
* attribute6
* attribute2
* itemSegment11
* attribute10
* locSegment3
* itemSegment17
* toSerialNumberId
* locSegment20
* toDemandSourceLineId
* externalSourceLineId
* itemSegment3
* reservationInterfaceId
* itemSegment20
* toLocSegment11
* serialNumber
* toLocSegment13
* itemSegment4
* locSegment2
* secondaryReservationQuantity
* toDemandSourceHeaderId
* projectId
* attribute5
* locSegment13
* taskId
* locSegment9
* locatorId
* locSegment18
* externalSourceCode
* locSegment8
* transactionMode
* toLpnId
* itemSegment6
* toSupplySourceLineDetail
* toSupplySourceTypeId
* supplySourceTypeId
* locSegment4
* toLocSegment3
* reservationUomId
* projectPlanningGroup
* errorExplanation
* rowStatusCode
* reservationUomCode


 * serialNumberId
* itemSegment12
* locSegment14
* locSegment7
* toLocSegment1
* partialQuantitiesAllowed
* attribute8
* supplySourceName
* locSegment10
* itemSegment14
* errorCode
* toLocatorId
* toSerialNumber
* itemSegment5
* toLotNumberId
* toLocSegment7
* lotNumber
* organizationId
* validationFlag
* attribute11
* attribute9
* attribute12
* reservationQuantity
* lastUpdateLogin
* itemSegment15
* toLocSegment6
* toDemandSourceName
* toLocSegment9
* inventoryItemId
* toLocSegment20
* attribute14
* toLocSegment16
* toLocSegment18
* itemSegment7
* creationDate
* attribute13
* locSegment12
* attribute1
* toLocSegment4
* lastUpdateDate
* itemSegment16
* locSegment1
* secondaryUomCode
* toLocSegment17
* revision
* demandSourceHeaderId
* toSupplySourceHeaderId
* attributeCategory
* locSegment16
* toSubinventoryId
* itemSegment1
* lockFlag
* reservationBatchId
* toLocSegment8
* primaryUomId
* toSubinventoryCode
* toLocSegment2
* toLocSegment5
* itemSegment18
* toLotNumber
* itemSegment2
* shipReadyFlag
* itemSegment19
* toDemandSourceTypeId
* toLocSegment12
* locSegment15
* attribute3
* lpnId
* toLocSegment10
* supplySourceLineDetail
* locSegment11
* attribute7
* programId
* toSupplySourceName
* supplySourceLineId
* primaryReservationQuantity
* locSegment17
* demandSourceName
* demandSourceTypeId
* primaryUomCode
* locSegment6
* itemSegment8
* toLocSegment15
* toLocSegment14
* secondaryUomId
* toRevision
* reservationActionCode
* attribute4
* lotNumberId
* createdBy
* itemSegment10
* itemSegment9
* subinventoryCode
* toOrganizationId
* programApplicationId
* demandSourceLineId
* toLocSegment19
* lastUpdatedBy
* itemSegment13
* subinventoryId
* programUpdateDate
* supplySourceHeaderId
* locSegment5
* requestId
* locSegment19
* requirementDate
* attribute15
* toSupplySourceLineId
* attribute6
* attribute2
* itemSegment11
* attribute10
* locSegment3
* itemSegment17
* toSerialNumberId
* locSegment20
* toDemandSourceLineId
* externalSourceLineId
* itemSegment3
* reservationInterfaceId
* itemSegment20
* toLocSegment11
* serialNumber
* toLocSegment13
* itemSegment4
* locSegment2
* secondaryReservationQuantity
* toDemandSourceHeaderId
* projectId
* attribute5
* locSegment13
* taskId
* locSegment9
* locatorId
* locSegment18
* externalSourceCode
* locSegment8
* transactionMode
* toLpnId
* itemSegment6
* toSupplySourceLineDetail
* toSupplySourceTypeId
* supplySourceTypeId
* locSegment4
* toLocSegment3
* reservationUomId
* projectPlanningGroup
* errorExplanation
* rowStatusCode
* reservationUomCode


 * attribute13
* requirementDate
* organizationId
* attribute14
* lotNumber
* attribute8
* demandSourceLineId
* primaryReservationQuantity
* supplySourceName
* origSupplySourceTypeId
* attribute9
* attribute11
* shipReadyFlag
* attribute10
* costGroupId
* primaryUomId
* lastUpdateDate
* demandSourceDelivery
* crossdockFlag
* origSupplySourceLineDetail
* lpnId
* attribute1
* demandSourceHeaderId
* primaryUomCode
* attribute6
* lotNumberId
* origSupplySourceLineId
* supplySourceLineDetail
* supplySourceTypeId
* serialNumberId
* nColumn1
* secondaryUomCode
* attribute4
* demandSourceTypeId
* exceptionCode
* lastUpdateLogin
* autoDetailed
* serialNumber
* requestId
* reservationId
* attribute7
* containerLpnId
* demandShipDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* serialReservationQuantity
* origSupplySourceHeaderId
* subinventoryId
* creationDate
* attribute12
* detailedQuantity
* origDemandSourceHeaderId
* demandSourceName
* supplyReceiptDate
* attribute3
* subinventoryCode
* attributeCategory
* secondaryDetailedQuantity
* locatorId
* reservationQuantity
* attribute5
* demandSourceLineDetail
* inventoryItemId
* autodetailGroupId
* origDemandSourceLineDetail
* programUpdateDate
* createdBy
* origDemandSourceLineId
* taskId
* secondaryUomId
* supplySourceLineId
* pickSlipNumber
* programApplicationId
* externalSourceCode
* programId
* reservationUomCode
* attribute2
* secondaryReservationQuantity
* partialQuantitiesAllowed
* externalSourceLineId
* crossdockCriteriaId
* attribute15
* revision
* reservationUomId
* supplySourceHeaderId
* stagedFlag
* origDemandSourceTypeId
* projectId


 * attribute15
* createdBy
* attribute5
* processRevision
* attribute3
* attribute2
* changeNotice
* attribute12
* attribute13
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute8
* attribute9
* attribute11
* implementationDate
* requestId
* attribute7
* attribute1
* programApplicationId
* revisedItemSequenceId
* organizationId
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute6
* attribute10
* creationDate
* programId
* inventoryItemId
* implementedSerialNumber
* effectivityDate
* lastUpdateDate
* attributeCategory
* programUpdateDate
* attribute14
* attribute4
* ecnInitiationDate


 * attribute15
* createdBy
* attribute5
* processRevision
* attribute3
* attribute2
* changeNotice
* attribute12
* attribute13
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute8
* attribute9
* attribute11
* implementationDate
* requestId
* attribute7
* attribute1
* programApplicationId
* revisedItemSequenceId
* organizationId
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute6
* attribute10
* creationDate
* programId
* inventoryItemId
* implementedSerialNumber
* effectivityDate
* lastUpdateDate
* attributeCategory
* programUpdateDate
* attribute14
* attribute4
* ecnInitiationDate


 * attribute14
* creationDate
* createdBy
* attribute8
* attribute9
* organizationCode
* attribute2
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute1
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute7
* attribute13
* attribute12
* ecnInitiationDate
* attribute15
* transactionType
* processRevision
* changeNotice
* attribute6
* inventoryItemNumber
* implementationDate
* programApplicationId
* processFlag
* lastUpdatedBy
* implementedSerialNumber
* attributeCategory
* attribute10
* attribute11
* programUpdateDate
* attribute3
* inventoryItemId
* transactionId
* programId
* batchId
* organizationId
* effectivityDate
* attribute5
* attribute4
* requestId
* originalSystemReference


 * attribute14
* creationDate
* createdBy
* attribute8
* attribute9
* organizationCode
* attribute2
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute1
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute7
* attribute13
* attribute12
* ecnInitiationDate
* attribute15
* transactionType
* processRevision
* changeNotice
* attribute6
* inventoryItemNumber
* implementationDate
* programApplicationId
* processFlag
* lastUpdatedBy
* implementedSerialNumber
* attributeCategory
* attribute10
* attribute11
* programUpdateDate
* attribute3
* inventoryItemId
* transactionId
* programId
* batchId
* organizationId
* effectivityDate
* attribute5
* attribute4
* requestId
* originalSystemReference


 * requestId
* segment5
* enabledFlag
* creationDate
* segment2
* segment6
* lastUpdateDate
* salesOrderId
* segment15
* createdBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* segment1
* programId
* segment17
* segment12
* startDateActive
* segment8
* segment11
* programApplicationId
* segment7
* summaryFlag
* sourceCode
* segment3
* segment18
* segment19
* segment4
* segment14
* orderType
* segment10
* segment16
* endDateActive
* segment9
* segment13
* segment20
* lastUpdatedBy
* programUpdateDate


 * requestId
* segment5
* enabledFlag
* creationDate
* segment2
* segment6
* lastUpdateDate
* salesOrderId
* segment15
* createdBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* segment1
* programId
* segment17
* segment12
* startDateActive
* segment8
* segment11
* programApplicationId
* segment7
* summaryFlag
* sourceCode
* segment3
* segment18
* segment19
* segment4
* segment14
* orderType
* segment10
* segment16
* endDateActive
* segment9
* segment13
* segment20
* lastUpdatedBy
* programUpdateDate


 * periodNum
* createdBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* periodTypeCode
* seasonalityIndex
* lastUpdatedBy
* forecastRuleId
* lastUpdateDate
* creationDate


 * periodNum
* createdBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* periodTypeCode
* seasonalityIndex
* lastUpdatedBy
* forecastRuleId
* lastUpdateDate
* creationDate


 * lastUpdateLogin
* createdBy
* requestId
* itemNumber
* creationDate
* subinventoryCode
* organizationId
* lastUpdatedBy
* organizationCode
* statusId
* primaryLocatorFlag
* programId
* inventoryItemId
* secondaryLocator
* pickingOrder
* programUpdateDate
* locationName
* lastUpdateDate
* processFlag
* programApplicationId
* transactionId


 * lastUpdateLogin
* createdBy
* requestId
* itemNumber
* creationDate
* subinventoryCode
* organizationId
* lastUpdatedBy
* organizationCode
* statusId
* primaryLocatorFlag
* programId
* inventoryItemId
* secondaryLocator
* pickingOrder
* programUpdateDate
* locationName
* lastUpdateDate
* processFlag
* programApplicationId
* transactionId


 * inventoryAtpCode
* maintainableFlag
* cAttribute30
* nAttribute19
* nAttribute8
* cAttribute24
* owningOrganizationId
* timeSinceVisit
* dAttribute20
* nAttribute16
* originationDate
* cAttribute1
* cAttribute4
* inspectionStatus
* nAttribute30
* endItemUnitNumber
* initializationDate
* prodOrganizationId
* currentLocatorId
* nAttribute18
* lpnTxnErrorFlag
* nAttribute2
* nAttribute4
* owningDepartmentId
* cAttribute11
* dAttribute9
* nAttribute14
* cAttribute19
* statusId
* territoryCode
* programId
* parentSerialNumber
* cAttribute26
* nAttribute1
* genObjectId
* lastUpdatedBy
* cAttribute25
* timeSinceMark
* availabilityType
* dAttribute17
* equipmentItemId
* cAttribute15
* planningOrganizationId
* cyclesSinceNew
* countryOfOrigin
* originalUnitVendorId
* numberOfRepairs
* dAttribute4
* nAttribute13
* timeSinceNew
* dAttribute3
* currentStatus
* timeSinceRepair
* attribute12
* nAttribute6
* vendorSerialNumber
* attribute10
* cAttribute27
* dAttribute10
* eqpSerialNumber
* dAttribute19
* reservedOrderId
* cAttribute7
* attribute9
* lastTxnSourceId
* cAttribute21
* lastTxnSourceName
* attribute4
* attribute13
* cAttribute6
* faAssetId
* eamLinearLocationId
* wipEntityId
* owningTpType
* attribute8
* lastReceiptIssueType
* operationalLogFlag
* attribute5
* lastTransactionId
* cyclesSinceRepair
* nAttribute21
* previousStatus
* dAttribute12
* lotNumber
* attribute7
* onhandQuantitiesId
* currentOrganizationId
* nAttribute22
* descriptiveText
* reservationId
* requestId
* cAttribute22
* vendorLotNumber
* operationSeqNum
* attribute11
* cAttribute20
* cAttribute14
* nAttribute26
* dAttribute15
* lastTxnSourceTypeId
* cAttribute16
* nAttribute12
* revision
* nAttribute9
* parentItemId
* attribute3
* organizationType
* serialNumber
* programUpdateDate
* cyclesSinceOverhaul
* lastUpdateLogin
* cAttribute5
* eamLocationId
* categoryId
* cAttribute29
* cAttribute23
* dAttribute5
* dAttribute7
* reservableType
* inventoryItemId
* creationDate
* attribute6
* nAttribute7
* cAttribute9
* dAttribute6
* nAttribute15
* fixedAssetTag
* nAttribute17
* cAttribute13
* nAttribute28
* assetCriticalityCode
* parentLotNumber
* shipDate
* nAttribute10
* nAttribute11
* dAttribute14
* currentSubinventoryCode
* cAttribute8
* attribute15
* dAttribute8
* dAttribute18
* planningTpType
* lotLineMarkId
* serialAttributeCategory
* networkAssetFlag
* programApplicationId
* lpnId
* groupMarkId
* timeSinceOverhaul
* nAttribute25
* nAttribute20
* attributeCategory
* attribute1
* nAttribute5
* cAttribute17
* nAttribute27
* wipAccountingClassCode
* attribute2
* dAttribute13
* mccCode
* cAttribute28
* dAttribute16
* operationalStatusFlag
* cAttribute3
* eamInstantiationFlag
* costGroupId
* completionDate
* cAttribute12
* cyclesSinceVisit
* lastUpdateDate
* dAttribute2
* dAttribute1
* createdBy
* nAttribute3
* cAttribute18
* cAttribute2
* cAttribute10
* lineMarkId
* nAttribute29
* dAttribute11
* originalWipEntityId
* pnLocationId
* intraoperationStepType
* nAttribute24
* attribute14
* dependentAssetFlag
* nAttribute23
* cyclesSinceMark


 * cAttribute1
* attribute7
* attribute15
* cAttribute29
* attribute1
* nAttribute30
* attribute11
* nAttribute21
* fmSerialNumber
* dAttribute14
* dAttribute18
* cAttribute28
* cAttribute26
* nAttribute13
* timeSinceMark
* cAttribute5
* cAttribute6
* nAttribute12
* dAttribute12
* transactionInterfaceId
* cAttribute20
* nAttribute10
* dAttribute10
* attribute12
* cAttribute19
* parentObjectId2
* nAttribute6
* attribute8
* timeSinceRepair
* processFlag
* toSerialNumber
* sourceCode
* serialAttributeCategory
* dAttribute9
* attribute4
* cAttribute25
* nAttribute5
* statusId
* timeSinceNew
* dAttribute17
* cyclesSinceMark
* attribute13
* cAttribute10
* numberOfRepairs
* cAttribute22
* nAttribute11
* cAttribute2
* errorCode
* programApplicationId
* dAttribute15
* dAttribute5
* territoryCode
* nAttribute3
* nAttribute26
* requestId
* cAttribute17
* attribute10
* cAttribute9
* cAttribute14
* cAttribute12
* parentObjectType2
* programUpdateDate
* cAttribute4
* parentObjectType
* programId
* nAttribute25
* parentObjectNumber
* originationDate
* parentItemId
* cAttribute21
* dAttribute1
* nAttribute14
* attribute5
* dAttribute20
* cAttribute23
* dAttribute7
* createdBy
* attributeCategory
* dAttribute2
* countryOfOrigin
* dAttribute19
* vendorSerialNumber
* nAttribute2
* parentObjectId
* nAttribute4
* nAttribute18
* cAttribute7
* lastUpdatedBy
* nAttribute24
* cAttribute30
* timeSinceOverhaul
* dAttribute16
* dAttribute8
* nAttribute7
* dAttribute4
* nAttribute28
* productTransactionId
* cAttribute13
* cAttribute16
* productCode
* cyclesSinceOverhaul
* creationDate
* cAttribute8
* nAttribute8
* sourceLineId
* dAttribute11
* lastUpdateLogin
* cAttribute27
* parentObjectNumber2
* nAttribute22
* statusName
* dAttribute13
* cyclesSinceNew
* nAttribute1
* nAttribute9
* cyclesSinceVisit
* nAttribute15
* nAttribute16
* timeSinceVisit
* nAttribute17
* cyclesSinceRepair
* cAttribute24
* dAttribute3
* cAttribute11
* cAttribute18
* cAttribute15
* attribute2
* parentSerialNumber
* attribute9
* vendorLotNumber
* dAttribute6
* nAttribute19
* cAttribute3
* nAttribute20
* nAttribute29
* attribute3
* attribute6
* lastUpdateDate
* nAttribute27
* nAttribute23
* attribute14


 * cAttribute1
* attribute7
* attribute15
* cAttribute29
* attribute1
* nAttribute30
* attribute11
* nAttribute21
* fmSerialNumber
* dAttribute14
* dAttribute18
* cAttribute28
* cAttribute26
* nAttribute13
* timeSinceMark
* cAttribute5
* cAttribute6
* nAttribute12
* dAttribute12
* transactionInterfaceId
* cAttribute20
* nAttribute10
* dAttribute10
* attribute12
* cAttribute19
* parentObjectId2
* nAttribute6
* attribute8
* timeSinceRepair
* processFlag
* toSerialNumber
* sourceCode
* serialAttributeCategory
* dAttribute9
* attribute4
* cAttribute25
* nAttribute5
* statusId
* timeSinceNew
* dAttribute17
* cyclesSinceMark
* attribute13
* cAttribute10
* numberOfRepairs
* cAttribute22
* nAttribute11
* cAttribute2
* errorCode
* programApplicationId
* dAttribute15
* dAttribute5
* territoryCode
* nAttribute3
* nAttribute26
* requestId
* cAttribute17
* attribute10
* cAttribute9
* cAttribute14
* cAttribute12
* parentObjectType2
* programUpdateDate
* cAttribute4
* parentObjectType
* programId
* nAttribute25
* parentObjectNumber
* originationDate
* parentItemId
* cAttribute21
* dAttribute1
* nAttribute14
* attribute5
* dAttribute20
* cAttribute23
* dAttribute7
* createdBy
* attributeCategory
* dAttribute2
* countryOfOrigin
* dAttribute19
* vendorSerialNumber
* nAttribute2
* parentObjectId
* nAttribute4
* nAttribute18
* cAttribute7
* lastUpdatedBy
* nAttribute24
* cAttribute30
* timeSinceOverhaul
* dAttribute16
* dAttribute8
* nAttribute7
* dAttribute4
* nAttribute28
* productTransactionId
* cAttribute13
* cAttribute16
* productCode
* cyclesSinceOverhaul
* creationDate
* cAttribute8
* nAttribute8
* sourceLineId
* dAttribute11
* lastUpdateLogin
* cAttribute27
* parentObjectNumber2
* nAttribute22
* statusName
* dAttribute13
* cyclesSinceNew
* nAttribute1
* nAttribute9
* cyclesSinceVisit
* nAttribute15
* nAttribute16
* timeSinceVisit
* nAttribute17
* cyclesSinceRepair
* cAttribute24
* dAttribute3
* cAttribute11
* cAttribute18
* cAttribute15
* attribute2
* parentSerialNumber
* attribute9
* vendorLotNumber
* dAttribute6
* nAttribute19
* cAttribute3
* nAttribute20
* nAttribute29
* attribute3
* attribute6
* lastUpdateDate
* nAttribute27
* nAttribute23
* attribute14


 * inventoryAtpCode
* maintainableFlag
* cAttribute30
* nAttribute19
* nAttribute8
* cAttribute24
* owningOrganizationId
* timeSinceVisit
* dAttribute20
* nAttribute16
* originationDate
* cAttribute1
* cAttribute4
* inspectionStatus
* nAttribute30
* endItemUnitNumber
* initializationDate
* prodOrganizationId
* currentLocatorId
* nAttribute18
* lpnTxnErrorFlag
* nAttribute2
* nAttribute4
* owningDepartmentId
* cAttribute11
* dAttribute9
* nAttribute14
* cAttribute19
* statusId
* territoryCode
* programId
* parentSerialNumber
* cAttribute26
* nAttribute1
* genObjectId
* lastUpdatedBy
* cAttribute25
* timeSinceMark
* availabilityType
* dAttribute17
* equipmentItemId
* cAttribute15
* planningOrganizationId
* cyclesSinceNew
* countryOfOrigin
* originalUnitVendorId
* numberOfRepairs
* dAttribute4
* nAttribute13
* timeSinceNew
* dAttribute3
* currentStatus
* timeSinceRepair
* attribute12
* nAttribute6
* vendorSerialNumber
* attribute10
* cAttribute27
* dAttribute10
* eqpSerialNumber
* dAttribute19
* reservedOrderId
* cAttribute7
* attribute9
* lastTxnSourceId
* cAttribute21
* lastTxnSourceName
* attribute4
* attribute13
* cAttribute6
* faAssetId
* eamLinearLocationId
* wipEntityId
* owningTpType
* attribute8
* lastReceiptIssueType
* operationalLogFlag
* attribute5
* lastTransactionId
* cyclesSinceRepair
* nAttribute21
* previousStatus
* dAttribute12
* lotNumber
* attribute7
* onhandQuantitiesId
* currentOrganizationId
* nAttribute22
* descriptiveText
* reservationId
* requestId
* cAttribute22
* vendorLotNumber
* operationSeqNum
* attribute11
* cAttribute20
* cAttribute14
* nAttribute26
* dAttribute15
* lastTxnSourceTypeId
* cAttribute16
* nAttribute12
* revision
* nAttribute9
* parentItemId
* attribute3
* organizationType
* serialNumber
* programUpdateDate
* cyclesSinceOverhaul
* lastUpdateLogin
* cAttribute5
* eamLocationId
* categoryId
* cAttribute29
* cAttribute23
* dAttribute5
* dAttribute7
* reservableType
* inventoryItemId
* creationDate
* attribute6
* nAttribute7
* cAttribute9
* dAttribute6
* nAttribute15
* fixedAssetTag
* nAttribute17
* cAttribute13
* nAttribute28
* assetCriticalityCode
* parentLotNumber
* shipDate
* nAttribute10
* nAttribute11
* dAttribute14
* currentSubinventoryCode
* cAttribute8
* attribute15
* dAttribute8
* dAttribute18
* planningTpType
* lotLineMarkId
* serialAttributeCategory
* networkAssetFlag
* programApplicationId
* lpnId
* groupMarkId
* timeSinceOverhaul
* nAttribute25
* nAttribute20
* attributeCategory
* attribute1
* nAttribute5
* cAttribute17
* nAttribute27
* wipAccountingClassCode
* attribute2
* dAttribute13
* mccCode
* cAttribute28
* dAttribute16
* operationalStatusFlag
* cAttribute3
* eamInstantiationFlag
* costGroupId
* completionDate
* cAttribute12
* cyclesSinceVisit
* lastUpdateDate
* dAttribute2
* dAttribute1
* createdBy
* nAttribute3
* cAttribute18
* cAttribute2
* cAttribute10
* lineMarkId
* nAttribute29
* dAttribute11
* originalWipEntityId
* pnLocationId
* intraoperationStepType
* nAttribute24
* attribute14
* dependentAssetFlag
* nAttribute23
* cyclesSinceMark


 * territoryCode
* cAttribute15
* cAttribute21
* dAttribute17
* attribute8
* endItemUnitNumber
* nAttribute6
* nAttribute30
* cAttribute24
* countryOfOrigin
* cyclesSinceNew
* timeSinceNew
* nAttribute26
* vendorLotNumber
* cAttribute25
* toSerialNumber
* parentObjectType
* productTransactionId
* nAttribute23
* dAttribute15
* cyclesSinceMark
* timeSinceVisit
* lastConsumedSerial
* cAttribute1
* dAttribute18
* dAttribute20
* dAttribute13
* cyclesSinceRepair
* dAttribute4
* cAttribute8
* attribute2
* vendorSerialNumber
* dAttribute5
* cAttribute30
* attribute3
* attribute7
* timeSinceOverhaul
* requestId
* creationDate
* nAttribute24
* attribute12
* dAttribute11
* nAttribute5
* cAttribute27
* fmSerialNumber
* nAttribute14
* attribute5
* cAttribute4
* attribute1
* dAttribute12
* cAttribute16
* dAttribute8
* nAttribute15
* programApplicationId
* dAttribute16
* dAttribute1
* nAttribute12
* cyclesSinceOverhaul
* parentObjectNumber2
* attribute13
* nAttribute21
* createdBy
* dAttribute10
* attribute11
* cAttribute28
* nAttribute3
* statusId
* errorCode
* cAttribute5
* parentObjectId2
* nAttribute27
* nAttribute29
* dAttribute7
* dAttribute19
* cAttribute20
* nAttribute16
* nAttribute18
* nAttribute4
* cAttribute14
* cyclesSinceVisit
* cAttribute13
* cAttribute17
* programUpdateDate
* timeSinceMark
* serialPrefix
* nAttribute13
* lastUpdateLogin
* nAttribute20
* dAttribute14
* nAttribute1
* attributeCategory
* cAttribute23
* dAttribute9
* transactionTempId
* cAttribute12
* nAttribute25
* lastUpdatedBy
* dAttribute3
* nAttribute9
* nAttribute2
* timeSinceRepair
* attribute15
* cAttribute2
* cAttribute6
* nAttribute10
* parentObjectId
* parentItemId
* serialAttributeCategory
* attribute14
* originationDate
* numerOfRepairs
* attribute4
* cAttribute9
* nAttribute7
* programId
* cAttribute19
* dffUpdatedFlag
* cAttribute18
* cAttribute3
* groupHeaderId
* cAttribute11
* numberOfRepairs
* attribute10
* productCode
* objectType2
* parentSerialNumber
* attribute6
* lastUpdateDate
* nAttribute8
* dAttribute6
* nAttribute28
* cAttribute26
* cAttribute22
* objectNumber2
* nAttribute19
* nAttribute11
* attribute9
* dAttribute2
* nAttribute17
* parentObjectType2
* cAttribute7
* cAttribute29
* parentObjectNumber
* nAttribute22
* cAttribute10


 * territoryCode
* cAttribute15
* cAttribute21
* dAttribute17
* attribute8
* endItemUnitNumber
* nAttribute6
* nAttribute30
* cAttribute24
* countryOfOrigin
* cyclesSinceNew
* timeSinceNew
* nAttribute26
* vendorLotNumber
* cAttribute25
* toSerialNumber
* parentObjectType
* productTransactionId
* nAttribute23
* dAttribute15
* cyclesSinceMark
* timeSinceVisit
* lastConsumedSerial
* cAttribute1
* dAttribute18
* dAttribute20
* dAttribute13
* cyclesSinceRepair
* dAttribute4
* cAttribute8
* attribute2
* vendorSerialNumber
* dAttribute5
* cAttribute30
* attribute3
* attribute7
* timeSinceOverhaul
* requestId
* creationDate
* nAttribute24
* attribute12
* dAttribute11
* nAttribute5
* cAttribute27
* fmSerialNumber
* nAttribute14
* attribute5
* cAttribute4
* attribute1
* dAttribute12
* cAttribute16
* dAttribute8
* nAttribute15
* programApplicationId
* dAttribute16
* dAttribute1
* nAttribute12
* cyclesSinceOverhaul
* parentObjectNumber2
* attribute13
* nAttribute21
* createdBy
* dAttribute10
* attribute11
* cAttribute28
* nAttribute3
* statusId
* errorCode
* cAttribute5
* parentObjectId2
* nAttribute27
* nAttribute29
* dAttribute7
* dAttribute19
* cAttribute20
* nAttribute16
* nAttribute18
* nAttribute4
* cAttribute14
* cyclesSinceVisit
* cAttribute13
* cAttribute17
* programUpdateDate
* timeSinceMark
* serialPrefix
* nAttribute13
* lastUpdateLogin
* nAttribute20
* dAttribute14
* nAttribute1
* attributeCategory
* cAttribute23
* dAttribute9
* transactionTempId
* cAttribute12
* nAttribute25
* lastUpdatedBy
* dAttribute3
* nAttribute9
* nAttribute2
* timeSinceRepair
* attribute15
* cAttribute2
* cAttribute6
* nAttribute10
* parentObjectId
* parentItemId
* serialAttributeCategory
* attribute14
* originationDate
* numerOfRepairs
* attribute4
* cAttribute9
* nAttribute7
* programId
* cAttribute19
* dffUpdatedFlag
* cAttribute18
* cAttribute3
* groupHeaderId
* cAttribute11
* numberOfRepairs
* attribute10
* productCode
* objectType2
* parentSerialNumber
* attribute6
* lastUpdateDate
* nAttribute8
* dAttribute6
* nAttribute28
* cAttribute26
* cAttribute22
* objectNumber2
* nAttribute19
* nAttribute11
* attribute9
* dAttribute2
* nAttribute17
* parentObjectType2
* cAttribute7
* cAttribute29
* parentObjectNumber
* nAttribute22
* cAttribute10


 * inventoryItemId
* organizationId
* creationDate
* templateId
* createdBy
* transactionTypeId
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateDate
* context
* lastUpdateLogin


 * inventoryItemId
* organizationId
* creationDate
* templateId
* createdBy
* transactionTypeId
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateDate
* context
* lastUpdateLogin


 * lastUpdateDate
* detailSumFlag
* lastUpdatedBy
* organizationId
* shortStatement
* createdBy
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin


 * lastUpdateDate
* detailSumFlag
* lastUpdatedBy
* organizationId
* shortStatement
* createdBy
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin


 * lastUpdateLogin
* creationDate
* quantityOpen
* objectDetailId
* inventoryItemId
* seqNum
* lastUpdatedBy
* objectType
* organizationId
* uomCode
* lastUpdateDate
* objectId
* createdBy


 * lastUpdateLogin
* creationDate
* quantityOpen
* objectDetailId
* inventoryItemId
* seqNum
* lastUpdatedBy
* objectType
* organizationId
* uomCode
* lastUpdateDate
* objectId
* createdBy


 * programId
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdatedBy
* attributeName
* inventoryItemStatusCode
* attributeValue
* lastUpdateDate
* programApplicationId
* programUpdateDate
* creationDate
* createdBy
* requestId


 * programId
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdatedBy
* attributeName
* inventoryItemStatusCode
* attributeValue
* lastUpdateDate
* programApplicationId
* programUpdateDate
* creationDate
* createdBy
* requestId


 * programId
* toOrgPrimaryQuantity
* costGroupId
* mrpPrimaryQuantity
* supplyTypeCode
* mrpToOrganizationId
* fromSubinventory
* itemId
* mrpDestinationTypeCode
* shipmentLineId
* lastUpdateDate
* toSubinventory
* supplySourceId
* toOrgPrimaryUom
* poHeaderId
* quantity
* fromOrganizationId
* programApplicationId
* locationId
* reqHeaderId
* mrpExpectedDeliveryDate
* intransitOwningOrgId
* rcvTransactionId
* unitOfMeasure
* changeType
* receiptDate
* mrpToSubinventory
* changeFlag
* requestId
* excludeFromPlanning
* creationDate
* poLineLocationId
* poDistributionId
* reqLineId
* programUpdateDate
* mrpPrimaryUom
* needByDate
* expectedDeliveryDate
* toOrganizationId
* lastUpdatedBy
* destinationTypeCode
* categoryId
* itemRevision
* createdBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* poReleaseId
* poLineId
* shipmentHeaderId


 * programId
* toOrgPrimaryQuantity
* costGroupId
* mrpPrimaryQuantity
* supplyTypeCode
* mrpToOrganizationId
* fromSubinventory
* itemId
* mrpDestinationTypeCode
* shipmentLineId
* lastUpdateDate
* toSubinventory
* supplySourceId
* toOrgPrimaryUom
* poHeaderId
* quantity
* fromOrganizationId
* programApplicationId
* locationId
* reqHeaderId
* mrpExpectedDeliveryDate
* intransitOwningOrgId
* rcvTransactionId
* unitOfMeasure
* changeType
* receiptDate
* mrpToSubinventory
* changeFlag
* requestId
* excludeFromPlanning
* creationDate
* poLineLocationId
* poDistributionId
* reqLineId
* programUpdateDate
* mrpPrimaryUom
* needByDate
* expectedDeliveryDate
* toOrganizationId
* lastUpdatedBy
* destinationTypeCode
* categoryId
* itemRevision
* createdBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* poReleaseId
* poLineId
* shipmentHeaderId


 * paymentTermsId
* weightUomCode
* substitutionWindowCode
* productFamilyItemId
* styleItemId
* volDiscountExemptFlag
* endDateActive
* buildInWipFlag
* expenseBillableFlag
* preventiveMaintenanceFlag
* bulkPickedFlag
* soAuthorizationFlag
* lotSplitEnabled
* assetCategoryId
* childLotValidationFlag
* asnAutoexpireFlag
* internalVolume
* planningMakeBuyCode
* forecastHorizon
* configOrgs
* unitVolume
* baseWarrantyServiceId
* repairYield
* couponExemptFlag
* attribute1
* planningExceptionSet
* globalAttribute15
* attribute15
* secondaryDefaultInd
* inventoryItemStatusCode
* globalAttribute13
* unitHeight
* globalAttribute34
* holdDays
* acceptableRateIncrease
* collateralFlag
* sourceSubinventory
* summaryFlag
* chargePeriodicityCode
* marketPrice
* carryingCost
* globalAttribute31
* attribute18
* divergence
* roundingControlType
* childLotPrefix
* attribute12
* plannedInvPointFlag
* segment18
* segment8
* cycleCountEnabledFlag
* warrantyVendorId
* mccClassificationType
* fixedLeadTime
* coverageScheduleId
* primaryUomCode
* serviceDuration
* salesAccount
* lifecycleId
* postprocessingLeadTime
* eamActivityTypeCode
* purchasingItemFlag
* subscriptionDependFlag
* attribute6
* allowExpressDeliveryFlag
* shipModelCompleteFlag
* lastUpdatedBy
* replenishToOrderFlag
* defaultLotStatusId
* mccControlCode
* responseTimePeriodCode
* repairProgram
* sourceType
* attribute30
* attribute20
* lastUpdateDate
* globalAttribute18
* segment5
* eventFlag
* indivisibleFlag
* inspectionRequiredFlag
* globalAttribute30
* attribute7
* outsideOperationUomType
* restrictLocatorsCode
* containerItemFlag
* serialStatusEnabled
* endAssemblyPeggingFlag
* planningTimeFenceCode
* segment10
* autoCreatedConfigFlag
* returnableFlag
* lotControlCode
* atoForecastControl
* serviceableComponentFlag
* lotSubstitutionEnabled
* stockEnabledFlag
* vmiForecastType
* attribute3
* atpFlag
* revisionQtyControlCode
* childLotStartingNumber
* dualUomDeviationHigh
* commsActivationReqdFlag
* fixedDaysSupply
* releaseTimeFenceDays
* processSupplySubinventory
* downloadableFlag
* contractItemTypeCode
* servImportanceLevel
* demandTimeFenceDays
* mrpSafetyStockCode
* egoMasterItemsDffCtx
* configMatch
* globalAttribute21
* expenseAccount
* globalAttribute22
* creationDate
* segment9
* gdsnOutboundEnabledFlag
* servBillingEnabledFlag
* unitLength
* vendorWarrantyFlag
* allowedUnitsLookupCode
* approvalStatus
* negativeMeasurementError
* engItemFlag
* globalAttribute8
* fixedLotMultiplier
* lastSubmittedNirId
* attribute25
* segment11
* processCostingEnabledFlag
* inventoryItemId
* receiptRequiredFlag
* globalAttribute9
* daysEarlyReceiptAllowed
* shelfLifeDays
* bomEnabledFlag
* globalAttribute38
* attribute13
* globalAttribute12
* globalAttribute36
* attribute16
* buyerId
* ontPricingQtySource
* serviceItemFlag
* dimensionUomCode
* maxMinmaxQuantity
* invoiceCloseTolerance
* expirationActionCode
* globalAttribute7
* vmiMinimumUnits
* qtyRcvExceptionCode
* receiptDaysExceptionCode
* minimumOrderQuantity
* materialBillableFlag
* maxWarrantyAmount
* consignedFlag
* hazardClassId
* attribute8
* timeBillableFlag
* minimumFillPercent
* unNumberId
* bomItemType
* globalAttribute3
* attributeCategory
* wipSupplySubinventory
* globalAttribute2
* leadTimeLotSize
* segment6
* createSupplyFlag
* dualUomDeviationLow
* segment20
* pickComponentsFlag
* vmiFixedOrderQuantity
* casNumber
* globalAttribute19
* repetitivePlanningFlag
* attribute22
* globalAttribute16
* globalAttribute39
* minMinmaxQuantity
* processSupplyLocatorId
* receiveCloseTolerance
* pickingRuleId
* defaultIncludeInRollupFlag
* releaseTimeFenceCode
* whUpdateDate
* lotStatusEnabled
* eamItemType
* equipmentType
* underShipmentTolerance
* subcontractingComponent
* segment19
* purchasingTaxCode
* autoSerialAlphaPrefix
* globalAttribute24
* effectivityControl
* attribute9
* programApplicationId
* operationSlackPenalty
* lotMergeEnabled
* outsideOperationFlag
* criticalComponentFlag
* internalOrderFlag
* unitWidth
* overrunPercentage
* maximumLoadWeight
* optionSpecificSourced
* wipSupplyLocatorId
* acceptableRateDecrease
* serviceableProductFlag
* catalogStatusFlag
* secondarySpecialistId
* financingAllowedFlag
* assetCreationCode
* segment4
* trackingQuantityInd
* baseItemId
* preprocessingLeadTime
* allowSubstituteReceiptsFlag
* electronicFlag
* attribute4
* globalAttribute6
* inventoryPlanningCode
* engineeringDate
* startAutoLotNumber
* segment15
* rfqRequiredFlag
* locationControlCode
* soTransactionsFlag
* accountingRuleId
* customerOrderFlag
* globalAttribute25
* cumulativeTotalLeadTime
* allowItemDescUpdateFlag
* copyLotAttributeFlag
* startDateActive
* segment16
* globalAttribute11
* autoLotAlphaPrefix
* minimumLicenseQuantity
* hazardousMaterialFlag
* prepositionPoint
* globalAttribute29
* processYieldLocatorId
* configModelType
* overShipmentTolerance
* startAutoSerialNumber
* qtyRcvTolerance
* customerOrderEnabledFlag
* taxCode
* defaultGrade
* checkShortagesFlag
* segment17
* underReturnTolerance
* outsourcedAssembly
* mrpSafetyStockPercent
* plannerCode
* demandTimeFenceCode
* processQualityEnabledFlag
* secondaryUomCode
* shippableItemFlag
* encumbranceAccount
* currentPhaseId
* servReqEnabledCode
* daysMaxInvWindow
* attribute11
* itemCatalogGroupId
* repairLeadtime
* attribute27
* invoicingRuleId
* attribute5
* ibItemInstanceClass
* shelfLifeCode
* segment12
* eamActivitySourceCode
* mrpCalculateAtpFlag
* daysMaxInvSupply
* globalAttribute5
* maturityDays
* responseTimeValue
* atpComponentsFlag
* serialTaggingFlag
* globalAttribute33
* lotTranslateEnabled
* inventoryItemFlag
* lastUpdateLogin
* returnInspectionRequirement
* retestInterval
* orderableOnWebFlag
* attribute24
* inventoryCarryPenalty
* unitOfIssue
* ibItemTrackingLevel
* daysTgtInvWindow
* reservableType
* receivingRoutingId
* atpRuleId
* processYieldSubinventory
* stdLotSize
* programUpdateDate
* childLotFlag
* processExecutionEnabledFlag
* serviceStartingDelay
* invoiceableItemFlag
* tradeItemDescriptor
* planningTimeFenceDays
* recoveredPartDispCode
* fixedOrderQuantity
* globalAttribute26
* globalAttributeCategory
* engineeringItemId
* primaryUnitOfMeasure
* attribute17
* priceTolerancePercent
* vmiMaximumDays
* allowUnorderedReceiptsFlag
* serviceableItemClassId
* safetyStockBucketDays
* programId
* vmiMaximumUnits
* globalAttribute10
* orderCost
* serviceDurationPeriodCode
* description
* styleItemFlag
* recipeEnabledFlag
* invoiceEnabledFlag
* objectVersionNumber
* wipSupplyType
* engineeringEcnCode
* mtlTransactionsEnabledFlag
* taxableFlag
* globalAttribute27
* globalAttribute28
* eamActNotificationFlag
* globalAttribute40
* defaultShippingOrg
* attribute28
* convergence
* defaultMaterialStatusId
* segment2
* defectTrackingOnFlag
* globalAttribute17
* attribute26
* segment13
* positiveMeasurementError
* usageItemFlag
* excludeFromBudgetFlag
* vehicleItemFlag
* attribute21
* organizationId
* inventoryAssetFlag
* segment14
* costOfSalesAccount
* shrinkageRate
* commsNlTrackableFlag
* sourceOrganizationId
* lotDivisibleFlag
* maximumOrderQuantity
* newRevisionCode
* unitWeight
* attribute14
* daysLateReceiptAllowed
* attribute29
* overcompletionToleranceType
* requestId
* variableLeadTime
* segment1
* globalAttribute35
* globalAttribute1
* webStatus
* segment7
* serialNumberControlCode
* globalAttribute4
* daysTgtInvSupply
* acceptableEarlyDays
* expirationActionInterval
* internalOrderEnabledFlag
* substitutionWindowDays
* prorateServiceFlag
* modelConfigClauseName
* createdBy
* costingEnabledFlag
* vmiMinimumDays
* drpPlannedFlag
* overcompletionToleranceValue
* defaultSoSourceType
* mccTrackingCode
* restrictSubinventoriesCode
* parentChildGenerationFlag
* roundingFactor
* attribute23
* dualUomControl
* attribute2
* cumManufacturingLeadTime
* mustUseApprovedVendorFlag
* listPricePerUnit
* globalAttribute37
* containerTypeCode
* attribute19
* attribute10
* mrpPlanningCode
* overReturnTolerance
* primarySpecialistId
* defaultSerialStatusId
* gradeControlFlag
* enabledFlag
* autoReduceMps
* volumeUomCode
* itemType
* globalAttribute20
* globalAttribute14
* segment3
* eamActShutdownStatus
* globalAttribute23
* globalAttribute32
* backOrderableFlag
* continousTransfer
* fullLeadTime
* enforceShipToLocationCode
* purchasingEnabledFlag
* eamActivityCauseCode


 * paymentTermsId
* weightUomCode
* substitutionWindowCode
* productFamilyItemId
* styleItemId
* volDiscountExemptFlag
* endDateActive
* buildInWipFlag
* expenseBillableFlag
* preventiveMaintenanceFlag
* bulkPickedFlag
* soAuthorizationFlag
* lotSplitEnabled
* assetCategoryId
* childLotValidationFlag
* asnAutoexpireFlag
* internalVolume
* planningMakeBuyCode
* forecastHorizon
* configOrgs
* unitVolume
* baseWarrantyServiceId
* repairYield
* couponExemptFlag
* attribute1
* planningExceptionSet
* globalAttribute15
* attribute15
* secondaryDefaultInd
* inventoryItemStatusCode
* globalAttribute13
* unitHeight
* globalAttribute34
* holdDays
* acceptableRateIncrease
* collateralFlag
* sourceSubinventory
* summaryFlag
* chargePeriodicityCode
* marketPrice
* carryingCost
* globalAttribute31
* attribute18
* divergence
* roundingControlType
* childLotPrefix
* attribute12
* plannedInvPointFlag
* segment18
* segment8
* cycleCountEnabledFlag
* warrantyVendorId
* mccClassificationType
* fixedLeadTime
* coverageScheduleId
* primaryUomCode
* serviceDuration
* salesAccount
* lifecycleId
* postprocessingLeadTime
* eamActivityTypeCode
* purchasingItemFlag
* subscriptionDependFlag
* attribute6
* allowExpressDeliveryFlag
* shipModelCompleteFlag
* lastUpdatedBy
* replenishToOrderFlag
* defaultLotStatusId
* mccControlCode
* responseTimePeriodCode
* repairProgram
* sourceType
* attribute30
* attribute20
* lastUpdateDate
* globalAttribute18
* segment5
* eventFlag
* indivisibleFlag
* inspectionRequiredFlag
* globalAttribute30
* attribute7
* outsideOperationUomType
* restrictLocatorsCode
* containerItemFlag
* serialStatusEnabled
* endAssemblyPeggingFlag
* planningTimeFenceCode
* segment10
* autoCreatedConfigFlag
* returnableFlag
* lotControlCode
* atoForecastControl
* serviceableComponentFlag
* lotSubstitutionEnabled
* stockEnabledFlag
* vmiForecastType
* attribute3
* atpFlag
* revisionQtyControlCode
* childLotStartingNumber
* dualUomDeviationHigh
* commsActivationReqdFlag
* fixedDaysSupply
* releaseTimeFenceDays
* processSupplySubinventory
* downloadableFlag
* contractItemTypeCode
* servImportanceLevel
* demandTimeFenceDays
* mrpSafetyStockCode
* egoMasterItemsDffCtx
* configMatch
* globalAttribute21
* expenseAccount
* globalAttribute22
* creationDate
* segment9
* gdsnOutboundEnabledFlag
* servBillingEnabledFlag
* unitLength
* vendorWarrantyFlag
* allowedUnitsLookupCode
* approvalStatus
* negativeMeasurementError
* engItemFlag
* globalAttribute8
* fixedLotMultiplier
* lastSubmittedNirId
* attribute25
* segment11
* processCostingEnabledFlag
* inventoryItemId
* receiptRequiredFlag
* globalAttribute9
* daysEarlyReceiptAllowed
* shelfLifeDays
* bomEnabledFlag
* globalAttribute38
* attribute13
* globalAttribute12
* globalAttribute36
* attribute16
* buyerId
* ontPricingQtySource
* serviceItemFlag
* dimensionUomCode
* maxMinmaxQuantity
* invoiceCloseTolerance
* expirationActionCode
* globalAttribute7
* vmiMinimumUnits
* qtyRcvExceptionCode
* receiptDaysExceptionCode
* minimumOrderQuantity
* materialBillableFlag
* maxWarrantyAmount
* consignedFlag
* hazardClassId
* attribute8
* timeBillableFlag
* minimumFillPercent
* unNumberId
* bomItemType
* globalAttribute3
* attributeCategory
* wipSupplySubinventory
* globalAttribute2
* leadTimeLotSize
* segment6
* createSupplyFlag
* dualUomDeviationLow
* segment20
* pickComponentsFlag
* vmiFixedOrderQuantity
* casNumber
* globalAttribute19
* repetitivePlanningFlag
* attribute22
* globalAttribute16
* globalAttribute39
* minMinmaxQuantity
* processSupplyLocatorId
* receiveCloseTolerance
* pickingRuleId
* defaultIncludeInRollupFlag
* releaseTimeFenceCode
* whUpdateDate
* lotStatusEnabled
* eamItemType
* equipmentType
* underShipmentTolerance
* subcontractingComponent
* segment19
* purchasingTaxCode
* autoSerialAlphaPrefix
* globalAttribute24
* effectivityControl
* attribute9
* programApplicationId
* operationSlackPenalty
* lotMergeEnabled
* outsideOperationFlag
* criticalComponentFlag
* internalOrderFlag
* unitWidth
* overrunPercentage
* maximumLoadWeight
* optionSpecificSourced
* wipSupplyLocatorId
* acceptableRateDecrease
* serviceableProductFlag
* catalogStatusFlag
* secondarySpecialistId
* financingAllowedFlag
* assetCreationCode
* segment4
* trackingQuantityInd
* baseItemId
* preprocessingLeadTime
* allowSubstituteReceiptsFlag
* electronicFlag
* attribute4
* globalAttribute6
* inventoryPlanningCode
* engineeringDate
* startAutoLotNumber
* segment15
* rfqRequiredFlag
* locationControlCode
* soTransactionsFlag
* accountingRuleId
* customerOrderFlag
* globalAttribute25
* cumulativeTotalLeadTime
* allowItemDescUpdateFlag
* copyLotAttributeFlag
* startDateActive
* segment16
* globalAttribute11
* autoLotAlphaPrefix
* minimumLicenseQuantity
* hazardousMaterialFlag
* prepositionPoint
* globalAttribute29
* processYieldLocatorId
* configModelType
* overShipmentTolerance
* startAutoSerialNumber
* qtyRcvTolerance
* customerOrderEnabledFlag
* taxCode
* defaultGrade
* checkShortagesFlag
* segment17
* underReturnTolerance
* outsourcedAssembly
* mrpSafetyStockPercent
* plannerCode
* demandTimeFenceCode
* processQualityEnabledFlag
* secondaryUomCode
* shippableItemFlag
* encumbranceAccount
* currentPhaseId
* servReqEnabledCode
* daysMaxInvWindow
* attribute11
* itemCatalogGroupId
* repairLeadtime
* attribute27
* invoicingRuleId
* attribute5
* ibItemInstanceClass
* shelfLifeCode
* segment12
* eamActivitySourceCode
* mrpCalculateAtpFlag
* daysMaxInvSupply
* globalAttribute5
* maturityDays
* responseTimeValue
* atpComponentsFlag
* serialTaggingFlag
* globalAttribute33
* lotTranslateEnabled
* inventoryItemFlag
* lastUpdateLogin
* returnInspectionRequirement
* retestInterval
* orderableOnWebFlag
* attribute24
* inventoryCarryPenalty
* unitOfIssue
* ibItemTrackingLevel
* daysTgtInvWindow
* reservableType
* receivingRoutingId
* atpRuleId
* processYieldSubinventory
* stdLotSize
* programUpdateDate
* childLotFlag
* processExecutionEnabledFlag
* serviceStartingDelay
* invoiceableItemFlag
* tradeItemDescriptor
* planningTimeFenceDays
* recoveredPartDispCode
* fixedOrderQuantity
* globalAttribute26
* globalAttributeCategory
* engineeringItemId
* primaryUnitOfMeasure
* attribute17
* priceTolerancePercent
* vmiMaximumDays
* allowUnorderedReceiptsFlag
* serviceableItemClassId
* safetyStockBucketDays
* programId
* vmiMaximumUnits
* globalAttribute10
* orderCost
* serviceDurationPeriodCode
* description
* styleItemFlag
* recipeEnabledFlag
* invoiceEnabledFlag
* objectVersionNumber
* wipSupplyType
* engineeringEcnCode
* mtlTransactionsEnabledFlag
* taxableFlag
* globalAttribute27
* globalAttribute28
* eamActNotificationFlag
* globalAttribute40
* defaultShippingOrg
* attribute28
* convergence
* defaultMaterialStatusId
* segment2
* defectTrackingOnFlag
* globalAttribute17
* attribute26
* segment13
* positiveMeasurementError
* usageItemFlag
* excludeFromBudgetFlag
* vehicleItemFlag
* attribute21
* organizationId
* inventoryAssetFlag
* segment14
* costOfSalesAccount
* shrinkageRate
* commsNlTrackableFlag
* sourceOrganizationId
* lotDivisibleFlag
* maximumOrderQuantity
* newRevisionCode
* unitWeight
* attribute14
* daysLateReceiptAllowed
* attribute29
* overcompletionToleranceType
* requestId
* variableLeadTime
* segment1
* globalAttribute35
* globalAttribute1
* webStatus
* segment7
* serialNumberControlCode
* globalAttribute4
* daysTgtInvSupply
* acceptableEarlyDays
* expirationActionInterval
* internalOrderEnabledFlag
* substitutionWindowDays
* prorateServiceFlag
* modelConfigClauseName
* createdBy
* costingEnabledFlag
* vmiMinimumDays
* drpPlannedFlag
* overcompletionToleranceValue
* defaultSoSourceType
* mccTrackingCode
* restrictSubinventoriesCode
* parentChildGenerationFlag
* roundingFactor
* attribute23
* dualUomControl
* attribute2
* cumManufacturingLeadTime
* mustUseApprovedVendorFlag
* listPricePerUnit
* globalAttribute37
* containerTypeCode
* attribute19
* attribute10
* mrpPlanningCode
* overReturnTolerance
* primarySpecialistId
* defaultSerialStatusId
* gradeControlFlag
* enabledFlag
* autoReduceMps
* volumeUomCode
* itemType
* globalAttribute20
* globalAttribute14
* segment3
* eamActShutdownStatus
* globalAttribute23
* globalAttribute32
* backOrderableFlag
* continousTransfer
* fullLeadTime
* enforceShipToLocationCode
* purchasingEnabledFlag
* eamActivityCauseCode


 * criticalComponentFlag
* copyOrganizationCode
* globalAttributeCategory
* rfqRequiredFlag
* trackingQuantityInd
* serviceableComponentFlag
* mustUseApprovedVendorFlag
* itemType
* underShipmentTolerance
* globalAttribute3
* lastUpdateDate
* lotTranslateEnabled
* subscriptionDependFlag
* inventoryItemFlag
* effectivityControl
* continousTransfer
* serialNumberControlCode
* acceptableEarlyDays
* weightUomCode
* dualUomControl
* acceptableRateDecrease
* materialOhSubElemId
* vehicleItemFlag
* shelfLifeCode
* expenseAccount
* enabledFlag
* attribute18
* processFlag
* transactionId
* segment14
* drpPlannedFlag
* expirationActionCode
* primarySpecialistId
* globalAttribute29
* segment15
* itemCatalogGroupName
* globalAttribute23
* itemNumber
* processYieldLocatorId
* coverageScheduleId
* shippableItemFlag
* encumbranceAccount
* materialCost
* internalOrderFlag
* orderCost
* daysEarlyReceiptAllowed
* wipSupplyLocatorId
* defaultGrade
* cumulativeTotalLeadTime
* autoReduceMps
* bomEnabledFlag
* processQualityEnabledFlag
* globalAttribute31
* itemCatalogGroupId
* roundingControlType
* attribute15
* defaultIncludeInRollupFlag
* attribute27
* segment18
* vmiMaximumUnits
* startDateActive
* materialSubElemId
* stockEnabledFlag
* startAutoSerialNumber
* maxMinmaxQuantity
* globalAttribute16
* templateName
* paymentTermsId
* styleItemFlag
* serviceDurationPeriodCode
* configMatch
* fixedOrderQuantity
* attribute23
* lotDivisibleFlag
* serviceItemFlag
* attribute28
* operation
* unitWidth
* fixedLotMultiplier
* segment10
* transactionType
* primaryUomCode
* configModelType
* forecastHorizon
* buildInWipFlag
* substitutionWindowCode
* secondarySpecialistId
* allowUnorderedReceiptsFlag
* contractItemTypeCode
* globalAttribute27
* createdBy
* indivisibleFlag
* catalogStatusFlag
* timeBillableFlag
* shrinkageRate
* requestId
* segment12
* organizationCode
* ibItemInstanceClass
* minMinmaxQuantity
* vmiFixedOrderQuantity
* globalAttribute5
* productFamilyItemId
* globalAttribute35
* subcontractingComponent
* inventoryCarryPenalty
* purchasingTaxCode
* demandSourceType
* longDescription
* baseItemId
* revision
* attribute2
* atpFlag
* customerOrderEnabledFlag
* priceTolerancePercent
* returnInspectionRequirement
* defaultSerialStatusId
* attribute8
* convergence
* description
* acceptableRateIncrease
* replenishToOrderFlag
* downloadableFlag
* eamActNotificationFlag
* segment11
* lastUpdatedBy
* segment16
* containerItemFlag
* atpComponentsFlag
* globalAttribute12
* variableLeadTime
* consignedFlag
* sourceOrganizationId
* segment5
* unitLength
* underReturnTolerance
* demandTimeFenceCode
* outsourcedAssembly
* attribute10
* reservableType
* segment2
* cycleCountEnabledFlag
* mtlTransactionsEnabledFlag
* restrictLocatorsCode
* attribute24
* serviceableProductFlag
* globalAttribute2
* eamActivityCauseCode
* segment17
* globalAttribute28
* setProcessId
* planningExceptionSet
* lastUpdateLogin
* soTransactionsFlag
* costingEnabledFlag
* segment7
* leadTimeLotSize
* pickComponentsFlag
* daysMaxInvSupply
* maturityDays
* pickingRuleId
* responseTimeValue
* servImportanceLevel
* attribute14
* bomItemType
* secondaryDefaultInd
* equipmentType
* safetyStockBucketDays
* enforceShipToLocationCode
* unNumberId
* atoForecastControl
* taxableFlag
* volDiscountExemptFlag
* dualUomDeviationHigh
* childLotValidationFlag
* gradeControlFlag
* roundingFactor
* plannedInvPointFlag
* inventoryItemStatusCode
* attribute7
* outsideOperationFlag
* globalAttribute4
* releaseTimeFenceCode
* daysTgtInvWindow
* segment19
* inspectionRequiredFlag
* inventoryPlanningCode
* repairYield
* summaryFlag
* invoiceCloseTolerance
* defaultSoSourceType
* childLotFlag
* segment3
* globalAttribute33
* segment13
* attribute4
* webStatus
* backOrderableFlag
* attribute12
* commsActivationReqdFlag
* baseWarrantyServiceId
* globalAttribute32
* globalAttribute37
* globalAttribute13
* allowedUnitsLookupCode
* unitHeight
* soAuthorizationFlag
* whUpdateDate
* vmiForecastType
* changeId
* demandTimeFenceDays
* shipModelCompleteFlag
* configOrgs
* globalAttribute7
* attribute21
* interfaceTableUniqueId
* vmiMaximumDays
* segment1
* maximumOrderQuantity
* attribute1
* unitVolume
* attribute29
* serialStatusEnabled
* attribute19
* attribute26
* maximumLoadWeight
* allowExpressDeliveryFlag
* orderableOnWebFlag
* materialSubElem
* lotMergeEnabled
* recipeEnabledFlag
* eamActivitySourceCode
* vmiMinimumDays
* globalTradeItemNumber
* programId
* serviceableItemClassId
* taxCode
* servReqEnabledCode
* globalAttribute34
* chargePeriodicityCode
* primaryUnitOfMeasure
* autoCreatedConfigFlag
* globalAttribute9
* atpRuleId
* fixedLeadTime
* parentChildGenerationFlag
* attribute22
* negativeMeasurementError
* globalAttribute19
* repairProgram
* mrpCalculateAtpFlag
* mrpSafetyStockPercent
* repetitivePlanningFlag
* restrictSubinventoriesCode
* warrantyVendorId
* attribute16
* planningMakeBuyCode
* operationSlackPenalty
* wipSupplyType
* internalOrderEnabledFlag
* globalAttribute20
* bulkPickedFlag
* endDateActive
* invoicingRuleId
* hazardousMaterialFlag
* fullLeadTime
* receivingRoutingId
* globalAttribute24
* segment20
* endAssemblyPeggingFlag
* organizationId
* stdLotSize
* engineeringItemId
* eamActivityTypeCode
* eventFlag
* createSupplyFlag
* programApplicationId
* daysLateReceiptAllowed
* globalAttribute1
* minimumFillPercent
* globalAttribute21
* wipSupplySubinventory
* eamItemType
* inventoryItemId
* attribute9
* locationControlCode
* processExecutionEnabledFlag
* styleItemId
* gpcCode
* globalAttribute17
* serviceDuration
* globalAttribute38
* financingAllowedFlag
* lotSubstitutionEnabled
* expenseBillableFlag
* attribute25
* repairLeadtime
* tradeItemDescriptor
* changeLineId
* costOfSalesAccount
* childLotPrefix
* marketPrice
* receiveCloseTolerance
* accountingRuleId
* globalAttribute30
* overcompletionToleranceType
* autoSerialAlphaPrefix
* processCostingEnabledFlag
* mrpPlanningCode
* confirmStatus
* templateId
* defaultShippingOrg
* receiptRequiredFlag
* vendorWarrantyFlag
* autoLotAlphaPrefix
* setId
* carryingCost
* postprocessingLeadTime
* globalAttribute11
* unitWeight
* materialOhSubElem
* globalAttribute26
* responseTimePeriodCode
* cumManufacturingLeadTime
* releaseTimeFenceDays
* overShipmentTolerance
* globalAttribute40
* globalAttribute22
* creationDate
* revisionImportPolicy
* defectTrackingOnFlag
* preprocessingLeadTime
* attribute5
* sourceSystemId
* prepositionPoint
* daysMaxInvWindow
* revisionQtyControlCode
* invoiceableItemFlag
* copyOrganizationId
* excludeFromBudgetFlag
* segment8
* engineeringDate
* attribute20
* bundleId
* globalAttribute36
* internalVolume
* hazardClassId
* materialOhRate
* servBillingEnabledFlag
* globalAttribute6
* preventiveMaintenanceFlag
* startAutoLotNumber
* overReturnTolerance
* globalAttribute25
* segment4
* topItemFlag
* outsideOperationUomType
* demandSourceLine
* modelConfigClauseName
* ontPricingQtySource
* dimensionUomCode
* defaultMaterialStatusId
* messageId
* segment9
* gdsnOutboundEnabledFlag
* expirationActionInterval
* containerTypeCode
* attribute6
* prorateServiceFlag
* minimumLicenseQuantity
* defaultLotStatusId
* lotSplitEnabled
* couponExemptFlag
* casNumber
* qtyRcvTolerance
* processSupplySubinventory
* serviceStartingDelay
* volumeUomCode
* copyItemId
* purchasingItemFlag
* purchasingEnabledFlag
* qtyRcvExceptionCode
* materialBillableFlag
* assetCreationCode
* attribute17
* lotStatusEnabled
* assetCategoryId
* invoiceEnabledFlag
* copyLotAttributeFlag
* sourceSubinventory
* sourceSystemReferenceDesc
* asnAutoexpireFlag
* checkShortagesFlag
* returnableFlag
* globalAttribute8
* eamActShutdownStatus
* maxWarrantyAmount
* allowSubstituteReceiptsFlag
* dualUomDeviationLow
* currentPhaseId
* fixedDaysSupply
* attributeCategory
* segment6
* usageItemFlag
* ibItemTrackingLevel
* vmiMinimumUnits
* globalAttribute15
* attribute3
* daysTgtInvSupply
* lotControlCode
* inventoryAssetFlag
* shelfLifeDays
* globalAttribute10
* overcompletionToleranceValue
* copyRevisionId
* commsNlTrackableFlag
* plannerCode
* customerOrderFlag
* engineeringEcnCode
* unitOfIssue
* lifecycleId
* attribute13
* copyItemNumber
* listPricePerUnit
* childLotStartingNumber
* mccClassificationType
* receiptDaysExceptionCode
* gtinDescription
* collateralFlag
* minimumOrderQuantity
* engItemFlag
* sourceType
* holdDays
* recoveredPartDispCode
* buyerId
* electronicFlag
* secondaryUomCode
* demandSourceHeaderId
* globalAttribute14
* attribute11
* planningTimeFenceDays
* processYieldSubinventory
* mrpSafetyStockCode
* newRevisionCode
* styleItemNumber
* overrunPercentage
* divergence
* attribute30
* retestInterval
* allowItemDescUpdateFlag
* planningTimeFenceCode
* substitutionWindowDays
* positiveMeasurementError
* globalAttribute39
* messageTimestamp
* programUpdateDate
* processSupplyLocatorId
* globalAttribute18
* salesAccount
* sourceSystemReference


 * criticalComponentFlag
* copyOrganizationCode
* globalAttributeCategory
* rfqRequiredFlag
* trackingQuantityInd
* serviceableComponentFlag
* mustUseApprovedVendorFlag
* itemType
* underShipmentTolerance
* globalAttribute3
* lastUpdateDate
* lotTranslateEnabled
* subscriptionDependFlag
* inventoryItemFlag
* effectivityControl
* continousTransfer
* serialNumberControlCode
* acceptableEarlyDays
* weightUomCode
* dualUomControl
* acceptableRateDecrease
* materialOhSubElemId
* vehicleItemFlag
* shelfLifeCode
* expenseAccount
* enabledFlag
* attribute18
* processFlag
* transactionId
* segment14
* drpPlannedFlag
* expirationActionCode
* primarySpecialistId
* globalAttribute29
* segment15
* itemCatalogGroupName
* globalAttribute23
* itemNumber
* processYieldLocatorId
* coverageScheduleId
* shippableItemFlag
* encumbranceAccount
* materialCost
* internalOrderFlag
* orderCost
* daysEarlyReceiptAllowed
* wipSupplyLocatorId
* defaultGrade
* cumulativeTotalLeadTime
* autoReduceMps
* bomEnabledFlag
* processQualityEnabledFlag
* globalAttribute31
* itemCatalogGroupId
* roundingControlType
* attribute15
* defaultIncludeInRollupFlag
* attribute27
* segment18
* vmiMaximumUnits
* startDateActive
* materialSubElemId
* stockEnabledFlag
* startAutoSerialNumber
* maxMinmaxQuantity
* globalAttribute16
* templateName
* paymentTermsId
* styleItemFlag
* serviceDurationPeriodCode
* configMatch
* fixedOrderQuantity
* attribute23
* lotDivisibleFlag
* serviceItemFlag
* attribute28
* operation
* unitWidth
* fixedLotMultiplier
* segment10
* transactionType
* primaryUomCode
* configModelType
* forecastHorizon
* buildInWipFlag
* substitutionWindowCode
* secondarySpecialistId
* allowUnorderedReceiptsFlag
* contractItemTypeCode
* globalAttribute27
* createdBy
* indivisibleFlag
* catalogStatusFlag
* timeBillableFlag
* shrinkageRate
* requestId
* segment12
* organizationCode
* ibItemInstanceClass
* minMinmaxQuantity
* vmiFixedOrderQuantity
* globalAttribute5
* productFamilyItemId
* globalAttribute35
* subcontractingComponent
* inventoryCarryPenalty
* purchasingTaxCode
* demandSourceType
* longDescription
* baseItemId
* revision
* attribute2
* atpFlag
* customerOrderEnabledFlag
* priceTolerancePercent
* returnInspectionRequirement
* defaultSerialStatusId
* attribute8
* convergence
* description
* acceptableRateIncrease
* replenishToOrderFlag
* downloadableFlag
* eamActNotificationFlag
* segment11
* lastUpdatedBy
* segment16
* containerItemFlag
* atpComponentsFlag
* globalAttribute12
* variableLeadTime
* consignedFlag
* sourceOrganizationId
* segment5
* unitLength
* underReturnTolerance
* demandTimeFenceCode
* outsourcedAssembly
* attribute10
* reservableType
* segment2
* cycleCountEnabledFlag
* mtlTransactionsEnabledFlag
* restrictLocatorsCode
* attribute24
* serviceableProductFlag
* globalAttribute2
* eamActivityCauseCode
* segment17
* globalAttribute28
* setProcessId
* planningExceptionSet
* lastUpdateLogin
* soTransactionsFlag
* costingEnabledFlag
* segment7
* leadTimeLotSize
* pickComponentsFlag
* daysMaxInvSupply
* maturityDays
* pickingRuleId
* responseTimeValue
* servImportanceLevel
* attribute14
* bomItemType
* secondaryDefaultInd
* equipmentType
* safetyStockBucketDays
* enforceShipToLocationCode
* unNumberId
* atoForecastControl
* taxableFlag
* volDiscountExemptFlag
* dualUomDeviationHigh
* childLotValidationFlag
* gradeControlFlag
* roundingFactor
* plannedInvPointFlag
* inventoryItemStatusCode
* attribute7
* outsideOperationFlag
* globalAttribute4
* releaseTimeFenceCode
* daysTgtInvWindow
* segment19
* inspectionRequiredFlag
* inventoryPlanningCode
* repairYield
* summaryFlag
* invoiceCloseTolerance
* defaultSoSourceType
* childLotFlag
* segment3
* globalAttribute33
* segment13
* attribute4
* webStatus
* backOrderableFlag
* attribute12
* commsActivationReqdFlag
* baseWarrantyServiceId
* globalAttribute32
* globalAttribute37
* globalAttribute13
* allowedUnitsLookupCode
* unitHeight
* soAuthorizationFlag
* whUpdateDate
* vmiForecastType
* changeId
* demandTimeFenceDays
* shipModelCompleteFlag
* configOrgs
* globalAttribute7
* attribute21
* interfaceTableUniqueId
* vmiMaximumDays
* segment1
* maximumOrderQuantity
* attribute1
* unitVolume
* attribute29
* serialStatusEnabled
* attribute19
* attribute26
* maximumLoadWeight
* allowExpressDeliveryFlag
* orderableOnWebFlag
* materialSubElem
* lotMergeEnabled
* recipeEnabledFlag
* eamActivitySourceCode
* vmiMinimumDays
* globalTradeItemNumber
* programId
* serviceableItemClassId
* taxCode
* servReqEnabledCode
* globalAttribute34
* chargePeriodicityCode
* primaryUnitOfMeasure
* autoCreatedConfigFlag
* globalAttribute9
* atpRuleId
* fixedLeadTime
* parentChildGenerationFlag
* attribute22
* negativeMeasurementError
* globalAttribute19
* repairProgram
* mrpCalculateAtpFlag
* mrpSafetyStockPercent
* repetitivePlanningFlag
* restrictSubinventoriesCode
* warrantyVendorId
* attribute16
* planningMakeBuyCode
* operationSlackPenalty
* wipSupplyType
* internalOrderEnabledFlag
* globalAttribute20
* bulkPickedFlag
* endDateActive
* invoicingRuleId
* hazardousMaterialFlag
* fullLeadTime
* receivingRoutingId
* globalAttribute24
* segment20
* endAssemblyPeggingFlag
* organizationId
* stdLotSize
* engineeringItemId
* eamActivityTypeCode
* eventFlag
* createSupplyFlag
* programApplicationId
* daysLateReceiptAllowed
* globalAttribute1
* minimumFillPercent
* globalAttribute21
* wipSupplySubinventory
* eamItemType
* inventoryItemId
* attribute9
* locationControlCode
* processExecutionEnabledFlag
* styleItemId
* gpcCode
* globalAttribute17
* serviceDuration
* globalAttribute38
* financingAllowedFlag
* lotSubstitutionEnabled
* expenseBillableFlag
* attribute25
* repairLeadtime
* tradeItemDescriptor
* changeLineId
* costOfSalesAccount
* childLotPrefix
* marketPrice
* receiveCloseTolerance
* accountingRuleId
* globalAttribute30
* overcompletionToleranceType
* autoSerialAlphaPrefix
* processCostingEnabledFlag
* mrpPlanningCode
* confirmStatus
* templateId
* defaultShippingOrg
* receiptRequiredFlag
* vendorWarrantyFlag
* autoLotAlphaPrefix
* setId
* carryingCost
* postprocessingLeadTime
* globalAttribute11
* unitWeight
* materialOhSubElem
* globalAttribute26
* responseTimePeriodCode
* cumManufacturingLeadTime
* releaseTimeFenceDays
* overShipmentTolerance
* globalAttribute40
* globalAttribute22
* creationDate
* revisionImportPolicy
* defectTrackingOnFlag
* preprocessingLeadTime
* attribute5
* sourceSystemId
* prepositionPoint
* daysMaxInvWindow
* revisionQtyControlCode
* invoiceableItemFlag
* copyOrganizationId
* excludeFromBudgetFlag
* segment8
* engineeringDate
* attribute20
* bundleId
* globalAttribute36
* internalVolume
* hazardClassId
* materialOhRate
* servBillingEnabledFlag
* globalAttribute6
* preventiveMaintenanceFlag
* startAutoLotNumber
* overReturnTolerance
* globalAttribute25
* segment4
* topItemFlag
* outsideOperationUomType
* demandSourceLine
* modelConfigClauseName
* ontPricingQtySource
* dimensionUomCode
* defaultMaterialStatusId
* messageId
* segment9
* gdsnOutboundEnabledFlag
* expirationActionInterval
* containerTypeCode
* attribute6
* prorateServiceFlag
* minimumLicenseQuantity
* defaultLotStatusId
* lotSplitEnabled
* couponExemptFlag
* casNumber
* qtyRcvTolerance
* processSupplySubinventory
* serviceStartingDelay
* volumeUomCode
* copyItemId
* purchasingItemFlag
* purchasingEnabledFlag
* qtyRcvExceptionCode
* materialBillableFlag
* assetCreationCode
* attribute17
* lotStatusEnabled
* assetCategoryId
* invoiceEnabledFlag
* copyLotAttributeFlag
* sourceSubinventory
* sourceSystemReferenceDesc
* asnAutoexpireFlag
* checkShortagesFlag
* returnableFlag
* globalAttribute8
* eamActShutdownStatus
* maxWarrantyAmount
* allowSubstituteReceiptsFlag
* dualUomDeviationLow
* currentPhaseId
* fixedDaysSupply
* attributeCategory
* segment6
* usageItemFlag
* ibItemTrackingLevel
* vmiMinimumUnits
* globalAttribute15
* attribute3
* daysTgtInvSupply
* lotControlCode
* inventoryAssetFlag
* shelfLifeDays
* globalAttribute10
* overcompletionToleranceValue
* copyRevisionId
* commsNlTrackableFlag
* plannerCode
* customerOrderFlag
* engineeringEcnCode
* unitOfIssue
* lifecycleId
* attribute13
* copyItemNumber
* listPricePerUnit
* childLotStartingNumber
* mccClassificationType
* receiptDaysExceptionCode
* gtinDescription
* collateralFlag
* minimumOrderQuantity
* engItemFlag
* sourceType
* holdDays
* recoveredPartDispCode
* buyerId
* electronicFlag
* secondaryUomCode
* demandSourceHeaderId
* globalAttribute14
* attribute11
* planningTimeFenceDays
* processYieldSubinventory
* mrpSafetyStockCode
* newRevisionCode
* styleItemNumber
* overrunPercentage
* divergence
* attribute30
* retestInterval
* allowItemDescUpdateFlag
* planningTimeFenceCode
* substitutionWindowDays
* positiveMeasurementError
* globalAttribute39
* messageTimestamp
* programUpdateDate
* processSupplyLocatorId
* globalAttribute18
* salesAccount
* sourceSystemReference


 * description
* creationDate
* sourceLang
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* organizationId
* inventoryItemId
* language
* createdBy
* longDescription


 * description
* creationDate
* sourceLang
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* organizationId
* inventoryItemId
* language
* createdBy
* longDescription


 * transactionTypeId
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* createdBy
* lastUpdatedBy
* reasonId
* responsibilityId
* lastUpdateDate


 * transactionTypeId
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* createdBy
* lastUpdatedBy
* reasonId
* responsibilityId
* lastUpdateDate


 * activityId
* currencyConversionRate
* encumbranceTypeId
* requestId
* currencyCode
* transactionId
* lastUpdatedBy
* costElementId
* primaryQuantity
* programId
* creationDate
* inventoryItemId
* baseTransactionValue
* rateOrAmount
* transactionSourceId
* currencyConversionType
* programApplicationId
* ussglTransactionCode
* resourceId
* transactionSourceTypeId
* programUpdateDate
* lastUpdateDate
* transactionDate
* currencyConversionDate
* glSlLinkId
* referenceAccount
* glBatchId
* accountingLineType
* createdBy
* organizationId
* transactionValue
* basisType
* invSubLedgerId
* contraSetId
* lastUpdateLogin
* repetitiveScheduleId


 * activityId
* currencyConversionRate
* encumbranceTypeId
* requestId
* currencyCode
* transactionId
* lastUpdatedBy
* costElementId
* primaryQuantity
* programId
* creationDate
* inventoryItemId
* baseTransactionValue
* rateOrAmount
* transactionSourceId
* currencyConversionType
* programApplicationId
* ussglTransactionCode
* resourceId
* transactionSourceTypeId
* programUpdateDate
* lastUpdateDate
* transactionDate
* currencyConversionDate
* glSlLinkId
* referenceAccount
* glBatchId
* accountingLineType
* createdBy
* organizationId
* transactionValue
* basisType
* invSubLedgerId
* contraSetId
* lastUpdateLogin
* repetitiveScheduleId


 * widthUom
* parentObjectId
* attributeCategory
* nAttribute13
* dAttribute19
* nAttribute14
* retestDate
* cAttribute13
* cAttribute23
* cAttribute25
* thicknessUom
* parentItemId
* nAttribute8
* cAttribute9
* organizationId
* nAttribute12
* territoryCode
* dAttribute9
* attribute15
* attribute4
* attribute9
* dateCode
* transactionSourceId
* dAttribute13
* nAttribute20
* nAttribute6
* dAttribute11
* creationDate
* length
* vendorId
* attribute13
* dAttribute7
* volumeUom
* itemSize
* cAttribute22
* dAttribute4
* attribute5
* cAttribute27
* cAttribute20
* nAttribute3
* nAttribute19
* cAttribute16
* cAttribute1
* attribute7
* cAttribute12
* cAttribute18
* nAttribute5
* dAttribute17
* transactionDate
* cAttribute6
* cAttribute17
* attribute1
* productCode
* cAttribute15
* attribute6
* nAttribute15
* cAttribute21
* cAttribute2
* nAttribute11
* nAttribute4
* reasonId
* parentObjectNumber
* dAttribute15
* lotAttributeCategory
* expirationActionDate
* cAttribute4
* gradeCode
* cAttribute10
* nAttribute21
* parentObjectId2
* attribute8
* createdBy
* parentObjectNumber2
* maturityDate
* dAttribute6
* dAttribute8
* dAttribute1
* lotNumber
* statusId
* cAttribute19
* nAttribute29
* dAttribute10
* dAttribute18
* cAttribute5
* primaryQuantity
* countryOfOrigin
* volume
* nAttribute1
* attribute12
* cAttribute11
* originationType
* placeOfOrigin
* nAttribute7
* holdDate
* nAttribute16
* expirationActionCode
* parentObjectType2
* nAttribute22
* nAttribute10
* dAttribute14
* cAttribute8
* nAttribute18
* nAttribute27
* nAttribute2
* transactionId
* parentObjectType
* curlWrinkleFold
* dAttribute2
* nAttribute17
* serialTransactionId
* parentLotNumber
* cAttribute14
* vendorName
* width
* transactionSourceTypeId
* nAttribute28
* cAttribute28
* nAttribute25
* nAttribute30
* lastUpdateDate
* productTransactionId
* killDate
* recycledContent
* lengthUom
* nAttribute9
* attribute11
* thickness
* nAttribute23
* supplierLotNumber
* inventoryItemId
* age
* lastUpdateLogin
* cAttribute29
* lastUpdatedBy
* description
* transactionSourceName
* color
* attribute3
* attribute14
* transactionQuantity
* dAttribute12
* dAttribute16
* attribute2
* cAttribute3
* originationDate
* dAttribute5
* attribute10
* cAttribute24
* dAttribute3
* nAttribute24
* cAttribute7
* dAttribute20
* changeDate
* cAttribute26
* secondaryTransactionQuantity
* cAttribute30
* nAttribute26
* bestByDate


 * widthUom
* parentObjectId
* attributeCategory
* nAttribute13
* dAttribute19
* nAttribute14
* retestDate
* cAttribute13
* cAttribute23
* cAttribute25
* thicknessUom
* parentItemId
* nAttribute8
* cAttribute9
* organizationId
* nAttribute12
* territoryCode
* dAttribute9
* attribute15
* attribute4
* attribute9
* dateCode
* transactionSourceId
* dAttribute13
* nAttribute20
* nAttribute6
* dAttribute11
* creationDate
* length
* vendorId
* attribute13
* dAttribute7
* volumeUom
* itemSize
* cAttribute22
* dAttribute4
* attribute5
* cAttribute27
* cAttribute20
* nAttribute3
* nAttribute19
* cAttribute16
* cAttribute1
* attribute7
* cAttribute12
* cAttribute18
* nAttribute5
* dAttribute17
* transactionDate
* cAttribute6
* cAttribute17
* attribute1
* productCode
* cAttribute15
* attribute6
* nAttribute15
* cAttribute21
* cAttribute2
* nAttribute11
* nAttribute4
* reasonId
* parentObjectNumber
* dAttribute15
* lotAttributeCategory
* expirationActionDate
* cAttribute4
* gradeCode
* cAttribute10
* nAttribute21
* parentObjectId2
* attribute8
* createdBy
* parentObjectNumber2
* maturityDate
* dAttribute6
* dAttribute8
* dAttribute1
* lotNumber
* statusId
* cAttribute19
* nAttribute29
* dAttribute10
* dAttribute18
* cAttribute5
* primaryQuantity
* countryOfOrigin
* volume
* nAttribute1
* attribute12
* cAttribute11
* originationType
* placeOfOrigin
* nAttribute7
* holdDate
* nAttribute16
* expirationActionCode
* parentObjectType2
* nAttribute22
* nAttribute10
* dAttribute14
* cAttribute8
* nAttribute18
* nAttribute27
* nAttribute2
* transactionId
* parentObjectType
* curlWrinkleFold
* dAttribute2
* nAttribute17
* serialTransactionId
* parentLotNumber
* cAttribute14
* vendorName
* width
* transactionSourceTypeId
* nAttribute28
* cAttribute28
* nAttribute25
* nAttribute30
* lastUpdateDate
* productTransactionId
* killDate
* recycledContent
* lengthUom
* nAttribute9
* attribute11
* thickness
* nAttribute23
* supplierLotNumber
* inventoryItemId
* age
* lastUpdateLogin
* cAttribute29
* lastUpdatedBy
* description
* transactionSourceName
* color
* attribute3
* attribute14
* transactionQuantity
* dAttribute12
* dAttribute16
* attribute2
* cAttribute3
* originationDate
* dAttribute5
* attribute10
* cAttribute24
* dAttribute3
* nAttribute24
* cAttribute7
* dAttribute20
* changeDate
* cAttribute26
* secondaryTransactionQuantity
* cAttribute30
* nAttribute26
* bestByDate


 * cAttribute18
* errorCode
* sublotNum
* maturityDate
* cAttribute4
* dAttribute12
* productTransactionId
* programId
* attribute15
* cAttribute9
* nAttribute3
* attribute10
* nAttribute30
* lengthUom
* age
* cAttribute16
* dAttribute18
* cAttribute25
* volumeUom
* processFlag
* nAttribute21
* dAttribute3
* volume
* nAttribute24
* originationDate
* productCode
* parentObjectNumber
* width
* dAttribute10
* attribute13
* nAttribute29
* programApplicationId
* nAttribute22
* serialTransactionTempId
* cAttribute28
* cAttribute5
* widthUom
* nAttribute11
* dAttribute5
* nAttribute16
* cAttribute10
* cAttribute20
* cAttribute21
* dAttribute19
* attribute2
* lotExpirationDate
* curlWrinkleFold
* transactionInterfaceId
* holdDate
* parentObjectType2
* nAttribute17
* transactionQuantity
* retestDate
* dAttribute17
* cAttribute24
* expirationActionCode
* lotNumber
* primaryQuantity
* nAttribute1
* programUpdateDate
* nAttribute8
* parentObjectId
* nAttribute20
* nAttribute18
* nAttribute13
* cAttribute26
* parentObjectId2
* nAttribute5
* cAttribute15
* cAttribute23
* nAttribute23
* attribute4
* killDate
* cAttribute19
* dAttribute2
* createdBy
* cAttribute27
* lastUpdateLogin
* nAttribute28
* nAttribute19
* placeOfOrigin
* cAttribute7
* cAttribute14
* dAttribute9
* requestId
* nAttribute27
* secondaryTransactionQuantity
* cAttribute3
* cAttribute12
* attributeCategory
* nAttribute2
* cAttribute1
* lastUpdateDate
* nAttribute9
* expirationActionDate
* recycledContent
* dAttribute4
* reasonCode
* sourceLineId
* attribute5
* attribute7
* gradeCode
* cAttribute22
* nAttribute6
* cAttribute30
* dAttribute15
* reasonId
* vendorId
* length
* cAttribute11
* dAttribute16
* description
* dAttribute11
* nAttribute12
* parentLotNumber
* nAttribute14
* dateCode
* attribute1
* cAttribute13
* attribute9
* lotAttributeCategory
* dAttribute6
* statusId
* attribute3
* nAttribute4
* attribute6
* attribute12
* originationType
* changeDate
* vendorName
* thicknessUom
* nAttribute26
* dAttribute7
* sourceCode
* cAttribute2
* bestByDate
* cAttribute17
* nAttribute25
* supplierLotNumber
* cAttribute6
* dAttribute8
* dAttribute14
* lastUpdatedBy
* itemSize
* cAttribute29
* parentObjectType
* color
* territoryCode
* creationDate
* nAttribute15
* countryOfOrigin
* parentObjectNumber2
* cAttribute8
* parentItemId
* attribute14
* dAttribute1
* attribute11
* nAttribute10
* attribute8
* dAttribute13
* nAttribute7
* thickness
* dAttribute20


 * cAttribute18
* errorCode
* sublotNum
* maturityDate
* cAttribute4
* dAttribute12
* productTransactionId
* programId
* attribute15
* cAttribute9
* nAttribute3
* attribute10
* nAttribute30
* lengthUom
* age
* cAttribute16
* dAttribute18
* cAttribute25
* volumeUom
* processFlag
* nAttribute21
* dAttribute3
* volume
* nAttribute24
* originationDate
* productCode
* parentObjectNumber
* width
* dAttribute10
* attribute13
* nAttribute29
* programApplicationId
* nAttribute22
* serialTransactionTempId
* cAttribute28
* cAttribute5
* widthUom
* nAttribute11
* dAttribute5
* nAttribute16
* cAttribute10
* cAttribute20
* cAttribute21
* dAttribute19
* attribute2
* lotExpirationDate
* curlWrinkleFold
* transactionInterfaceId
* holdDate
* parentObjectType2
* nAttribute17
* transactionQuantity
* retestDate
* dAttribute17
* cAttribute24
* expirationActionCode
* lotNumber
* primaryQuantity
* nAttribute1
* programUpdateDate
* nAttribute8
* parentObjectId
* nAttribute20
* nAttribute18
* nAttribute13
* cAttribute26
* parentObjectId2
* nAttribute5
* cAttribute15
* cAttribute23
* nAttribute23
* attribute4
* killDate
* cAttribute19
* dAttribute2
* createdBy
* cAttribute27
* lastUpdateLogin
* nAttribute28
* nAttribute19
* placeOfOrigin
* cAttribute7
* cAttribute14
* dAttribute9
* requestId
* nAttribute27
* secondaryTransactionQuantity
* cAttribute3
* cAttribute12
* attributeCategory
* nAttribute2
* cAttribute1
* lastUpdateDate
* nAttribute9
* expirationActionDate
* recycledContent
* dAttribute4
* reasonCode
* sourceLineId
* attribute5
* attribute7
* gradeCode
* cAttribute22
* nAttribute6
* cAttribute30
* dAttribute15
* reasonId
* vendorId
* length
* cAttribute11
* dAttribute16
* description
* dAttribute11
* nAttribute12
* parentLotNumber
* nAttribute14
* dateCode
* attribute1
* cAttribute13
* attribute9
* lotAttributeCategory
* dAttribute6
* statusId
* attribute3
* nAttribute4
* attribute6
* attribute12
* originationType
* changeDate
* vendorName
* thicknessUom
* nAttribute26
* dAttribute7
* sourceCode
* cAttribute2
* bestByDate
* cAttribute17
* nAttribute25
* supplierLotNumber
* cAttribute6
* dAttribute8
* dAttribute14
* lastUpdatedBy
* itemSize
* cAttribute29
* parentObjectType
* color
* territoryCode
* creationDate
* nAttribute15
* countryOfOrigin
* parentObjectNumber2
* cAttribute8
* parentItemId
* attribute14
* dAttribute1
* attribute11
* nAttribute10
* attribute8
* dAttribute13
* nAttribute7
* thickness
* dAttribute20


 * attribute15
* color
* nAttribute24
* nAttribute29
* attribute11
* attribute9
* nAttribute11
* dAttribute17
* cAttribute13
* itemSize
* attribute1
* dAttribute12
* attribute4
* bestByDate
* programUpdateDate
* cAttribute22
* qcGrade
* nAttribute20
* dAttribute1
* lastUpdateLogin
* nAttribute4
* attribute2
* dAttribute9
* nAttribute1
* dAttribute20
* groupHeaderId
* widthUom
* attribute5
* lotExpirationDate
* nAttribute21
* transactionTempId
* cAttribute19
* cAttribute5
* parentObjectType2
* cAttribute10
* cAttribute20
* thickness
* reasonCode
* nAttribute17
* recycledContent
* lotNumber
* nAttribute13
* createdBy
* holdDate
* parentLotNumber
* requestId
* attribute6
* cAttribute3
* nAttribute28
* cAttribute8
* dAttribute16
* supplierLotNumber
* expirationActionDate
* lastUpdateDate
* cAttribute24
* nAttribute8
* programApplicationId
* vendorId
* dAttribute10
* dateCode
* cAttribute29
* primaryQuantity
* nAttribute7
* cAttribute30
* volume
* cAttribute9
* cAttribute11
* dAttribute8
* sublotNum
* cAttribute27
* nAttribute5
* nAttribute3
* nAttribute19
* nAttribute16
* nAttribute14
* gradeCode
* parentObjectNumber
* cAttribute18
* maturityDate
* dAttribute3
* attribute10
* dAttribute19
* parentObjectId2
* description
* changeDate
* attribute8
* nAttribute26
* programId
* volumeUom
* dAttribute18
* nAttribute15
* nAttribute30
* curlWrinkleFold
* length
* nAttribute2
* dAttribute14
* attribute13
* attribute14
* cAttribute14
* killDate
* retestDate
* transactionQuantity
* pickRuleId
* dAttribute4
* dAttribute6
* lastUpdatedBy
* cAttribute28
* vendorName
* countryOfOrigin
* nAttribute10
* originationDate
* nAttribute25
* cAttribute26
* reasonId
* nAttribute6
* width
* statusId
* attribute3
* cAttribute23
* age
* dAttribute15
* secondaryQuantity
* errorCode
* dAttribute2
* dAttribute11
* expirationActionCode
* parentObjectNumber2
* cAttribute2
* nAttribute9
* thicknessUom
* nAttribute18
* cAttribute25
* cAttribute16
* cAttribute17
* lotAttributeCategory
* creationDate
* cAttribute21
* attribute7
* cAttribute15
* secondaryUnitOfMeasure
* cAttribute1
* putAwayRuleId
* cAttribute6
* parentObjectId
* cAttribute4
* parentObjectType
* dAttribute13
* cAttribute12
* lengthUom
* attribute12
* placeOfOrigin
* productCode
* nAttribute22
* nAttribute23
* attributeCategory
* dAttribute5
* serialTransactionTempId
* productTransactionId
* dAttribute7
* parentItemId
* territoryCode
* nAttribute27
* cAttribute7
* nAttribute12
* originationType


 * attribute15
* color
* nAttribute24
* nAttribute29
* attribute11
* attribute9
* nAttribute11
* dAttribute17
* cAttribute13
* itemSize
* attribute1
* dAttribute12
* attribute4
* bestByDate
* programUpdateDate
* cAttribute22
* qcGrade
* nAttribute20
* dAttribute1
* lastUpdateLogin
* nAttribute4
* attribute2
* dAttribute9
* nAttribute1
* dAttribute20
* groupHeaderId
* widthUom
* attribute5
* lotExpirationDate
* nAttribute21
* transactionTempId
* cAttribute19
* cAttribute5
* parentObjectType2
* cAttribute10
* cAttribute20
* thickness
* reasonCode
* nAttribute17
* recycledContent
* lotNumber
* nAttribute13
* createdBy
* holdDate
* parentLotNumber
* requestId
* attribute6
* cAttribute3
* nAttribute28
* cAttribute8
* dAttribute16
* supplierLotNumber
* expirationActionDate
* lastUpdateDate
* cAttribute24
* nAttribute8
* programApplicationId
* vendorId
* dAttribute10
* dateCode
* cAttribute29
* primaryQuantity
* nAttribute7
* cAttribute30
* volume
* cAttribute9
* cAttribute11
* dAttribute8
* sublotNum
* cAttribute27
* nAttribute5
* nAttribute3
* nAttribute19
* nAttribute16
* nAttribute14
* gradeCode
* parentObjectNumber
* cAttribute18
* maturityDate
* dAttribute3
* attribute10
* dAttribute19
* parentObjectId2
* description
* changeDate
* attribute8
* nAttribute26
* programId
* volumeUom
* dAttribute18
* nAttribute15
* nAttribute30
* curlWrinkleFold
* length
* nAttribute2
* dAttribute14
* attribute13
* attribute14
* cAttribute14
* killDate
* retestDate
* transactionQuantity
* pickRuleId
* dAttribute4
* dAttribute6
* lastUpdatedBy
* cAttribute28
* vendorName
* countryOfOrigin
* nAttribute10
* originationDate
* nAttribute25
* cAttribute26
* reasonId
* nAttribute6
* width
* statusId
* attribute3
* cAttribute23
* age
* dAttribute15
* secondaryQuantity
* errorCode
* dAttribute2
* dAttribute11
* expirationActionCode
* parentObjectNumber2
* cAttribute2
* nAttribute9
* thicknessUom
* nAttribute18
* cAttribute25
* cAttribute16
* cAttribute17
* lotAttributeCategory
* creationDate
* cAttribute21
* attribute7
* cAttribute15
* secondaryUnitOfMeasure
* cAttribute1
* putAwayRuleId
* cAttribute6
* parentObjectId
* cAttribute4
* parentObjectType
* dAttribute13
* cAttribute12
* lengthUom
* attribute12
* placeOfOrigin
* productCode
* nAttribute22
* nAttribute23
* attributeCategory
* dAttribute5
* serialTransactionTempId
* productTransactionId
* dAttribute7
* parentItemId
* territoryCode
* nAttribute27
* cAttribute7
* nAttribute12
* originationType


 * sourceProjectId
* planningOrganizationId
* planningTpType
* xferLocSegment1
* expenditureType
* programUpdateDate
* xferLocSegment15
* transactionGroupSeq
* currencyConversionType
* relieveHighLevelRsvFlag
* subinventoryCode
* dspSegment11
* locSegment17
* locSegment5
* contentLpnId
* demandClass
* rebuildActivityId
* pickingLineId
* waybillAirbill
* dstSegment8
* wipEntityType
* dstSegment9
* xferLocSegment2
* shippableFlag
* dstSegment20
* expectedArrivalDate
* xferLocSegment12
* attribute2
* scheduleNumber
* sourceLineId
* attribute9
* transactionDate
* dstSegment30
* containers
* substitutionTypeId
* requiredFlag
* dstSegment7
* shipToLocationId
* transferLocator
* dstSegment19
* dspSegment5
* validationRequired
* locSegment13
* itemSegment14
* attribute10
* createdBy
* errorCode
* programApplicationId
* itemSegment16
* locatorId
* attributeCategory
* dstSegment4
* locSegment14
* percentageChange
* reasonId
* attribute7
* routingRevision
* materialExpenseAccount
* transactionSourceName
* orgCostGroupId
* locSegment8
* valueChange
* rebuildItemId
* resourceAccount
* xferLocSegment4
* scheduleGroup
* repetitiveLineId
* dspSegment29
* currencyCode
* dstSegment18
* bomRevision
* dspSegment25
* dspSegment17
* acctPeriodId
* freightCode
* paExpenditureOrgId
* movementId
* dspSegment1
* dstSegment11
* demandId
* transactionHeaderId
* itemSegment2
* transactionSequenceId
* operationSeqNum
* dstSegment24
* currencyConversionRate
* dspSegment2
* scheduleId
* dspSegment16
* locSegment2
* attribute4
* locSegment3
* currencyConversionDate
* xferLocSegment16
* itemSegment15
* primaryQuantity
* dspSegment28
* customerShipId
* moveTransactionId
* completionTransactionId
* endItemUnitNumber
* demandSourceLine
* lineItemNum
* ussglTransactionCode
* costTypeId
* locSegment19
* overheadAccount
* dspSegment8
* lockFlag
* itemSegment10
* distributionAccountId
* dstSegment21
* transactionMode
* xferLocSegment19
* itemSegment20
* transactionSourceTypeId
* employeeCode
* xmlDocumentId
* requestId
* attribute3
* locSegment20
* itemSegment3
* dspSegment24
* toProjectId
* demandSourceHeaderId
* transferPlanningTpType
* shipmentNumber
* inventoryItem
* itemSegment7
* transferCostGroupId
* transferPrice
* sourceTaskId
* itemSegment17
* rebuildJobName
* trxSourceDeliveryId
* dspSegment26
* xferLocSegment7
* locSegment18
* demandSourceDelivery
* dspSegment15
* dspSegment13
* dspSegment21
* dstSegment14
* locSegment10
* dspSegment10
* attribute14
* xferLocSegment10
* secondaryUomCode
* creationDate
* alternateBomDesignator
* transferOwningTpType
* dstSegment6
* xferLocSegment11
* itemSegment8
* dstSegment29
* dstSegment27
* itemSegment18
* dspSegment23
* organizationId
* buildSequence
* locatorName
* dspSegment3
* dspSegment9
* encumbranceAmount
* xferLocSegment9
* dstSegment1
* transactionQuantity
* itemSegment9
* locSegment9
* taskId
* lpnId
* scheduleUpdateCode
* owningTpType
* locSegment4
* locSegment7
* setupTeardownCode
* relieveReservationsFlag
* itemSegment5
* itemSegment6
* locSegment11
* transactionTypeId
* dspSegment6
* qaCollectionId
* transactionBatchId
* inventoryItemId
* attribute12
* transactionSourceId
* xferLocSegment20
* dspSegment20
* dspSegment22
* xferLocSegment18
* attribute13
* sourceCode
* locSegment12
* dstSegment25
* representativeLotNumber
* overcompletionPrimaryQty
* locSegment15
* xferLocSegment5
* dspSegment27
* requisitionLineId
* mrpCode
* substitutionItemId
* attribute11
* transferSubinventory
* dstSegment13
* costGroupId
* overcompletionTransactionQty
* lastUpdateLogin
* xferLocSegment17
* itemSegment4
* transportationAccount
* outsideProcessingAccount
* attribute1
* bomRevisionDate
* attribute6
* dstSegment12
* dstSegment23
* scheduledPaybackDate
* vendorLotNumber
* locSegment1
* departmentId
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute15
* reservationQuantity
* dspSegment14
* accountingClass
* locSegment6
* dspSegment19
* transferLpnId
* dstSegment3
* alternateRoutingDesignator
* sourceLotNumber
* dstSegment28
* rcvTransactionId
* trxSourceLineId
* programId
* transferPercentage
* transactionCost
* itemSegment12
* organizationType
* xfrOwningOrganizationId
* itemSegment19
* materialOverheadAccount
* transferOrganization
* xferLocSegment6
* xferLocSegment13
* transferCost
* secondaryTransactionQuantity
* finalCompletionFlag
* rebuildSerialNumber
* dstSegment16
* requisitionDistributionId
* transactionReference
* dstSegment17
* shippedQuantity
* owningOrganizationId
* dspSegment4
* encumbranceAccount
* xferLocSegment14
* transactionInterfaceId
* transactionBatchSeq
* parentId
* errorExplanation
* itemSegment13
* transactionGroupId
* xfrPlanningOrganizationId
* itemSegment1
* dstSegment5
* dstSegment22
* wipSupplyType
* dstSegment15
* toTaskId
* xferLocSegment3
* itemSegment11
* mccCode
* dspSegment12
* dspSegment7
* transportationCost
* scheduledFlag
* dstSegment2
* dstSegment26
* locSegment16
* newAverageCost
* dspSegment30
* transferOrganizationType
* attribute8
* routingRevisionDate
* xferLocSegment8
* lastUpdatedBy
* negativeReqFlag
* projectId
* overcompletionTransactionId
* primarySwitch
* dspSegment18
* transactionActionId
* processFlag
* revision
* materialAccount
* kanbanCardId
* receivingDocument
* transactionUom
* flowSchedule
* dstSegment10
* attribute5
* sourceHeaderId


 * sourceCode
* inventoryItem
* transactionQuantity
* transactionUom
* transactionDate
* subinventoryCode
* locator
* accountCodeCombination
* locSegment1
* locSegment2
* locSegment3
* locSegment4
* locSegment5
* locSegment6
* locSegment19
* locSegment20
* sourceHeaderId
* sourceLineId
* processFlag
* lockFlag
* organizationId
* inventoryItemId
* transactionTypeId
* transactionActionId
* transactionSourceTypeId
* distributionAccountId
* transactionInterfaceId
* transactionSourceId
* wipEntityType
* operationSeqNum
* transactionMode
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* creationDate
* createdBy
* dstSegment25
* scheduleUpdateCode
* xferLocSegment7
* itemSegment19
* rebuildSerialNumber
* transactionSourceName
* dstSegment23
* itemSegment10
* demandSourceLine
* xferLocSegment8
* dstSegment18
* transferPlanningTpType
* xferLocSegment10
* xferLocSegment11
* costTypeId
* xfrPlanningOrganizationId
* xmlDocumentId
* materialOverheadAccount
* buildSequence
* dspSegment8
* dstSegment22
* attribute10
* dspSegment21
* dstSegment7
* transferSubinventory
* attribute11
* locatorName
* locSegment14
* pickingLineId
* locSegment13
* attribute15
* xferLocSegment12
* dspSegment30
* outsideProcessingAccount
* flowSchedule
* xferLocSegment4
* transactionHeaderId
* dspSegment3
* xferLocSegment20
* itemSegment20
* transferLocator
* dstSegment20
* dspSegment26
* dspSegment2
* mrpCode
* itemSegment12
* shippedQuantity
* finalCompletionFlag
* materialAccount
* dspSegment6
* demandClass
* transferLpnId
* transferOrganization
* expectedArrivalDate
* dstSegment28
* transferOwningTpType
* dspSegment7
* dspSegment25
* transactionGroupId
* dspSegment1
* dstSegment10
* primaryQuantity
* toProjectId
* locSegment16
* employeeCode
* lastUpdateLogin
* dspSegment18
* transferCostGroupId
* dspSegment15
* receivingDocument
* overcompletionPrimaryQty
* demandSourceDelivery
* dstSegment5
* dstSegment13
* departmentId
* expenditureType
* containers
* dspSegment4
* substitutionTypeId
* organizationType
* currencyConversionDate
* dstSegment11
* scheduleGroup
* requiredFlag
* reservationQuantity
* waybillAirbill
* transactionCost
* xferLocSegment2
* shipToLocationId
* lpnId
* currencyCode
* lineItemNum
* taskId
* dstSegment15
* vendorLotNumber
* itemSegment1
* trxSourceLineId
* accountingClass
* dspSegment16
* attribute9
* xferLocSegment15
* planningTpType
* attributeCategory
* dstSegment17
* owningOrganizationId
* dstSegment16
* toTaskId
* locSegment10
* locSegment11
* attribute14
* parentId
* dstSegment6
* xferLocSegment3
* transactionGroupSeq
* dstSegment3
* freightCode
* dspSegment19
* overcompletionTransactionQty
* xferLocSegment9
* currencyConversionRate
* xferLocSegment14
* itemSegment16
* paExpenditureOrgId
* ussglTransactionCode
* transferPrice
* dspSegment17
* dspSegment24
* repetitiveLineId
* rcvTransactionId
* locSegment9
* completionTransactionId
* itemSegment11
* dstSegment24
* owningTpType
* locatorId
* transactionReference
* mccCode
* dstSegment19
* rebuildJobName
* dspSegment13
* alternateBomDesignator
* alternateRoutingDesignator
* xferLocSegment5
* wipSupplyType
* transferPercentage
* reasonId
* transactionBatchSeq
* percentageChange
* demandSourceHeaderId
* attribute4
* dstSegment14
* rebuildActivityId
* dstSegment12
* contentLpnId
* locSegment8
* itemSegment8
* programUpdateDate
* xferLocSegment1
* negativeReqFlag
* scheduledPaybackDate
* itemSegment13
* relieveReservationsFlag
* locSegment15
* dstSegment1
* dstSegment21
* dspSegment29
* representativeLotNumber
* secondaryTransactionQuantity
* links
* dstSegment30
* resourceAccount
* bomRevisionDate
* dspSegment23
* attribute3
* scheduleNumber
* xferLocSegment18
* transportationAccount
* dspSegment5
* encumbranceAccount
* overcompletionTransactionId
* shippableFlag
* scheduledFlag
* dstSegment2
* attribute1
* overheadAccount
* projectId
* planningOrganizationId
* attribute5
* endItemUnitNumber
* transferCost
* dspSegment20
* dstSegment4
* dspSegment14
* itemSegment9
* attribute2
* trxSourceDeliveryId
* locSegment12
* currencyConversionType
* dspSegment22
* qaCollectionId
* bomRevision
* xferLocSegment13
* sourceLotNumber
* dspSegment10
* dspSegment27
* encumbranceAmount
* itemSegment15
* xfrOwningOrganizationId
* itemSegment5
* revision
* transactionBatchId
* dstSegment26
* dstSegment27
* attribute7
* transactionSequenceId
* locSegment17
* transferOrganizationType
* itemSegment14
* costGroupId
* itemSegment7
* xferLocSegment6
* sourceTaskId
* substitutionItemId
* orgCostGroupId
* newAverageCost
* acctPeriodId
* dspSegment12
* dstSegment29
* scheduleId
* itemSegment2
* validationRequired
* relieveHighLevelRsvFlag
* secondaryUomCode
* routingRevision
* transportationCost
* dspSegment9
* attribute8
* requestId
* errorCode
* xferLocSegment16
* itemSegment18
* customerShipId
* locSegment18
* primarySwitch
* itemSegment6
* dstSegment9
* xferLocSegment19
* requisitionDistributionId
* itemSegment4
* dspSegment28
* programId
* itemSegment17
* valueChange
* attribute6
* itemSegment3
* requisitionLineId
* dspSegment11
* shipmentNumber
* moveTransactionId
* attribute13
* errorExplanation
* setupTeardownCode
* rebuildItemId
* attribute12
* dstSegment8
* materialExpenseAccount
* programApplicationId
* xferLocSegment17
* locSegment7
* sourceProjectId
* routingRevisionDate


 * sourceCode
* inventoryItem
* transactionQuantity
* transactionUom
* transactionDate
* subinventoryCode
* locator
* accountCodeCombination
* locSegment1
* locSegment2
* locSegment3
* locSegment4
* locSegment5
* locSegment6
* locSegment19
* locSegment20
* sourceHeaderId
* sourceLineId
* processFlag
* lockFlag
* organizationId
* inventoryItemId
* transactionTypeId
* transactionActionId
* transactionSourceTypeId
* distributionAccountId
* transactionInterfaceId
* transactionSourceId
* wipEntityType
* operationSeqNum
* transactionMode
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* creationDate
* createdBy
* dstSegment25
* scheduleUpdateCode
* xferLocSegment7
* itemSegment19
* rebuildSerialNumber
* transactionSourceName
* dstSegment23
* itemSegment10
* demandSourceLine
* xferLocSegment8
* dstSegment18
* transferPlanningTpType
* xferLocSegment10
* xferLocSegment11
* costTypeId
* xfrPlanningOrganizationId
* xmlDocumentId
* materialOverheadAccount
* buildSequence
* dspSegment8
* dstSegment22
* attribute10
* dspSegment21
* dstSegment7
* transferSubinventory
* attribute11
* locatorName
* locSegment14
* pickingLineId
* locSegment13
* attribute15
* xferLocSegment12
* dspSegment30
* outsideProcessingAccount
* flowSchedule
* xferLocSegment4
* transactionHeaderId
* dspSegment3
* xferLocSegment20
* itemSegment20
* transferLocator
* dstSegment20
* dspSegment26
* dspSegment2
* mrpCode
* itemSegment12
* shippedQuantity
* finalCompletionFlag
* materialAccount
* dspSegment6
* demandClass
* transferLpnId
* transferOrganization
* expectedArrivalDate
* dstSegment28
* transferOwningTpType
* dspSegment7
* dspSegment25
* transactionGroupId
* dspSegment1
* dstSegment10
* primaryQuantity
* toProjectId
* locSegment16
* employeeCode
* lastUpdateLogin
* dspSegment18
* transferCostGroupId
* dspSegment15
* receivingDocument
* overcompletionPrimaryQty
* demandSourceDelivery
* dstSegment5
* dstSegment13
* departmentId
* expenditureType
* containers
* dspSegment4
* substitutionTypeId
* organizationType
* currencyConversionDate
* dstSegment11
* scheduleGroup
* requiredFlag
* reservationQuantity
* waybillAirbill
* transactionCost
* xferLocSegment2
* shipToLocationId
* lpnId
* currencyCode
* lineItemNum
* taskId
* dstSegment15
* vendorLotNumber
* itemSegment1
* trxSourceLineId
* accountingClass
* dspSegment16
* attribute9
* xferLocSegment15
* planningTpType
* attributeCategory
* dstSegment17
* owningOrganizationId
* dstSegment16
* toTaskId
* locSegment10
* locSegment11
* attribute14
* parentId
* dstSegment6
* xferLocSegment3
* transactionGroupSeq
* dstSegment3
* freightCode
* dspSegment19
* overcompletionTransactionQty
* xferLocSegment9
* currencyConversionRate
* xferLocSegment14
* itemSegment16
* paExpenditureOrgId
* ussglTransactionCode
* transferPrice
* dspSegment17
* dspSegment24
* repetitiveLineId
* rcvTransactionId
* locSegment9
* completionTransactionId
* itemSegment11
* dstSegment24
* owningTpType
* locatorId
* transactionReference
* mccCode
* dstSegment19
* rebuildJobName
* dspSegment13
* alternateBomDesignator
* alternateRoutingDesignator
* xferLocSegment5
* wipSupplyType
* transferPercentage
* reasonId
* transactionBatchSeq
* percentageChange
* demandSourceHeaderId
* attribute4
* dstSegment14
* rebuildActivityId
* dstSegment12
* contentLpnId
* locSegment8
* itemSegment8
* programUpdateDate
* xferLocSegment1
* negativeReqFlag
* scheduledPaybackDate
* itemSegment13
* relieveReservationsFlag
* locSegment15
* dstSegment1
* dstSegment21
* dspSegment29
* representativeLotNumber
* secondaryTransactionQuantity
* links
* dstSegment30
* resourceAccount
* bomRevisionDate
* dspSegment23
* attribute3
* scheduleNumber
* xferLocSegment18
* transportationAccount
* dspSegment5
* encumbranceAccount
* overcompletionTransactionId
* shippableFlag
* scheduledFlag
* dstSegment2
* attribute1
* overheadAccount
* projectId
* planningOrganizationId
* attribute5
* endItemUnitNumber
* transferCost
* dspSegment20
* dstSegment4
* dspSegment14
* itemSegment9
* attribute2
* trxSourceDeliveryId
* locSegment12
* currencyConversionType
* dspSegment22
* qaCollectionId
* bomRevision
* xferLocSegment13
* sourceLotNumber
* dspSegment10
* dspSegment27
* encumbranceAmount
* itemSegment15
* xfrOwningOrganizationId
* itemSegment5
* revision
* transactionBatchId
* dstSegment26
* dstSegment27
* attribute7
* transactionSequenceId
* locSegment17
* transferOrganizationType
* itemSegment14
* costGroupId
* itemSegment7
* xferLocSegment6
* sourceTaskId
* substitutionItemId
* orgCostGroupId
* newAverageCost
* acctPeriodId
* dspSegment12
* dstSegment29
* scheduleId
* itemSegment2
* validationRequired
* relieveHighLevelRsvFlag
* secondaryUomCode
* routingRevision
* transportationCost
* dspSegment9
* attribute8
* requestId
* errorCode
* xferLocSegment16
* itemSegment18
* customerShipId
* locSegment18
* primarySwitch
* itemSegment6
* dstSegment9
* xferLocSegment19
* requisitionDistributionId
* itemSegment4
* dspSegment28
* programId
* itemSegment17
* valueChange
* attribute6
* itemSegment3
* requisitionLineId
* dspSegment11
* shipmentNumber
* moveTransactionId
* attribute13
* errorExplanation
* setupTeardownCode
* rebuildItemId
* attribute12
* dstSegment8
* materialExpenseAccount
* programApplicationId
* xferLocSegment17
* locSegment7
* sourceProjectId
* routingRevisionDate


 * sourceCode
* inventoryItem
* transactionQuantity
* transactionUom
* transactionDate
* subinventoryCode
* locator
* accountCodeCombination
* locSegment1
* locSegment2
* locSegment3
* locSegment4
* locSegment5
* locSegment6
* locSegment19
* locSegment20
* sourceHeaderId
* sourceLineId
* processFlag
* lockFlag
* organizationId
* inventoryItemId
* transactionTypeId
* transactionActionId
* transactionSourceTypeId
* distributionAccountId
* transactionInterfaceId
* transactionSourceId
* wipEntityType
* operationSeqNum
* transactionMode
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* creationDate
* createdBy
* dstSegment25
* scheduleUpdateCode
* xferLocSegment7
* itemSegment19
* rebuildSerialNumber
* transactionSourceName
* dstSegment23
* itemSegment10
* demandSourceLine
* xferLocSegment8
* dstSegment18
* transferPlanningTpType
* xferLocSegment10
* xferLocSegment11
* costTypeId
* xfrPlanningOrganizationId
* xmlDocumentId
* materialOverheadAccount
* buildSequence
* dspSegment8
* dstSegment22
* attribute10
* dspSegment21
* dstSegment7
* transferSubinventory
* attribute11
* locatorName
* locSegment14
* pickingLineId
* locSegment13
* attribute15
* xferLocSegment12
* dspSegment30
* outsideProcessingAccount
* flowSchedule
* xferLocSegment4
* transactionHeaderId
* dspSegment3
* xferLocSegment20
* itemSegment20
* transferLocator
* dstSegment20
* dspSegment26
* dspSegment2
* mrpCode
* itemSegment12
* shippedQuantity
* finalCompletionFlag
* materialAccount
* dspSegment6
* demandClass
* transferLpnId
* transferOrganization
* expectedArrivalDate
* dstSegment28
* transferOwningTpType
* dspSegment7
* dspSegment25
* transactionGroupId
* dspSegment1
* dstSegment10
* primaryQuantity
* toProjectId
* locSegment16
* employeeCode
* lastUpdateLogin
* dspSegment18
* transferCostGroupId
* dspSegment15
* receivingDocument
* overcompletionPrimaryQty
* demandSourceDelivery
* dstSegment5
* dstSegment13
* departmentId
* expenditureType
* containers
* dspSegment4
* substitutionTypeId
* organizationType
* currencyConversionDate
* dstSegment11
* scheduleGroup
* requiredFlag
* reservationQuantity
* waybillAirbill
* transactionCost
* xferLocSegment2
* shipToLocationId
* lpnId
* currencyCode
* lineItemNum
* taskId
* dstSegment15
* vendorLotNumber
* itemSegment1
* trxSourceLineId
* accountingClass
* dspSegment16
* attribute9
* xferLocSegment15
* planningTpType
* attributeCategory
* dstSegment17
* owningOrganizationId
* dstSegment16
* toTaskId
* locSegment10
* locSegment11
* attribute14
* parentId
* dstSegment6
* xferLocSegment3
* transactionGroupSeq
* dstSegment3
* freightCode
* dspSegment19
* overcompletionTransactionQty
* xferLocSegment9
* currencyConversionRate
* xferLocSegment14
* itemSegment16
* paExpenditureOrgId
* ussglTransactionCode
* transferPrice
* dspSegment17
* dspSegment24
* repetitiveLineId
* rcvTransactionId
* locSegment9
* completionTransactionId
* itemSegment11
* dstSegment24
* owningTpType
* locatorId
* transactionReference
* mccCode
* dstSegment19
* rebuildJobName
* dspSegment13
* alternateBomDesignator
* alternateRoutingDesignator
* xferLocSegment5
* wipSupplyType
* transferPercentage
* reasonId
* transactionBatchSeq
* percentageChange
* demandSourceHeaderId
* attribute4
* dstSegment14
* rebuildActivityId
* dstSegment12
* contentLpnId
* locSegment8
* itemSegment8
* programUpdateDate
* xferLocSegment1
* negativeReqFlag
* scheduledPaybackDate
* itemSegment13
* relieveReservationsFlag
* locSegment15
* dstSegment1
* dstSegment21
* dspSegment29
* representativeLotNumber
* secondaryTransactionQuantity
* links
* dstSegment30
* resourceAccount
* bomRevisionDate
* dspSegment23
* attribute3
* scheduleNumber
* xferLocSegment18
* transportationAccount
* dspSegment5
* encumbranceAccount
* overcompletionTransactionId
* shippableFlag
* scheduledFlag
* dstSegment2
* attribute1
* overheadAccount
* projectId
* planningOrganizationId
* attribute5
* endItemUnitNumber
* transferCost
* dspSegment20
* dstSegment4
* dspSegment14
* itemSegment9
* attribute2
* trxSourceDeliveryId
* locSegment12
* currencyConversionType
* dspSegment22
* qaCollectionId
* bomRevision
* xferLocSegment13
* sourceLotNumber
* dspSegment10
* dspSegment27
* encumbranceAmount
* itemSegment15
* xfrOwningOrganizationId
* itemSegment5
* revision
* transactionBatchId
* dstSegment26
* dstSegment27
* attribute7
* transactionSequenceId
* locSegment17
* transferOrganizationType
* itemSegment14
* costGroupId
* itemSegment7
* xferLocSegment6
* sourceTaskId
* substitutionItemId
* orgCostGroupId
* newAverageCost
* acctPeriodId
* dspSegment12
* dstSegment29
* scheduleId
* itemSegment2
* validationRequired
* relieveHighLevelRsvFlag
* secondaryUomCode
* routingRevision
* transportationCost
* dspSegment9
* attribute8
* requestId
* errorCode
* xferLocSegment16
* itemSegment18
* customerShipId
* locSegment18
* primarySwitch
* itemSegment6
* dstSegment9
* xferLocSegment19
* requisitionDistributionId
* itemSegment4
* dspSegment28
* programId
* itemSegment17
* valueChange
* attribute6
* itemSegment3
* requisitionLineId
* dspSegment11
* shipmentNumber
* moveTransactionId
* attribute13
* errorExplanation
* setupTeardownCode
* rebuildItemId
* attribute12
* dstSegment8
* materialExpenseAccount
* programApplicationId
* xferLocSegment17
* locSegment7
* sourceProjectId
* routingRevisionDate


 * sourceCode
* inventoryItem
* transactionQuantity
* transactionUom
* transactionDate
* subinventoryCode
* locator
* accountCodeCombination
* locSegment1
* locSegment2
* locSegment3
* locSegment4
* locSegment5
* locSegment6
* locSegment19
* locSegment20
* sourceHeaderId
* sourceLineId
* processFlag
* lockFlag
* organizationId
* inventoryItemId
* transactionTypeId
* transactionActionId
* transactionSourceTypeId
* distributionAccountId
* transactionInterfaceId
* transactionSourceId
* wipEntityType
* operationSeqNum
* locatorId
* transactionMode
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* creationDate
* createdBy
* dstSegment25
* xferLocSegment7
* itemSegment19
* rebuildSerialNumber
* transactionSourceName
* dstSegment23
* itemSegment10
* demandSourceLine
* xferLocSegment8
* dstSegment18
* transferPlanningTpType
* xferLocSegment10
* xferLocSegment11
* costTypeId
* xfrPlanningOrganizationId
* xmlDocumentId
* materialOverheadAccount
* buildSequence
* dspSegment8
* dstSegment22
* attribute10
* dspSegment21
* dstSegment7
* transferSubinventory
* attribute11
* locatorName
* locSegment14
* pickingLineId
* locSegment13
* attribute15
* xferLocSegment12
* dspSegment30
* outsideProcessingAccount
* flowSchedule
* xferLocSegment4
* transactionHeaderId
* dspSegment3
* xferLocSegment20
* itemSegment20
* transferLocator
* dstSegment20
* dspSegment26
* dspSegment2
* mrpCode
* itemSegment12
* shippedQuantity
* finalCompletionFlag
* materialAccount
* dspSegment6
* demandClass
* transferLpnId
* transferOrganization
* expectedArrivalDate
* dstSegment28
* transferOwningTpType
* dspSegment7
* dspSegment25
* transactionGroupId
* dspSegment1
* dstSegment10
* primaryQuantity
* toProjectId
* locSegment16
* employeeCode
* lastUpdateLogin
* dspSegment18
* transferCostGroupId
* dspSegment15
* receivingDocument
* overcompletionPrimaryQty
* demandSourceDelivery
* dstSegment5
* dstSegment13
* departmentId
* expenditureType
* containers
* dspSegment4
* substitutionTypeId
* organizationType
* currencyConversionDate
* dstSegment11
* scheduleGroup
* requiredFlag
* reservationQuantity
* waybillAirbill
* transactionCost
* xferLocSegment2
* shipToLocationId
* lpnId
* currencyCode
* lineItemNum
* taskId
* dstSegment15
* vendorLotNumber
* itemSegment1
* trxSourceLineId
* accountingClass
* dspSegment16
* attribute9
* xferLocSegment15
* planningTpType
* attributeCategory
* dstSegment17
* owningOrganizationId
* dstSegment16
* toTaskId
* locSegment10
* locSegment11
* attribute14
* parentId
* dstSegment6
* xferLocSegment3
* transactionGroupSeq
* dstSegment3
* freightCode
* dspSegment19
* overcompletionTransactionQty
* xferLocSegment9
* currencyConversionRate
* xferLocSegment14
* itemSegment16
* paExpenditureOrgId
* ussglTransactionCode
* transferPrice
* dspSegment17
* dspSegment24
* repetitiveLineId
* rcvTransactionId
* locSegment9
* completionTransactionId
* itemSegment11
* dstSegment24
* owningTpType
* scheduleUpdateCode
* transactionReference
* mccCode
* dstSegment19
* rebuildJobName
* dspSegment13
* alternateBomDesignator
* alternateRoutingDesignator
* xferLocSegment5
* wipSupplyType
* transferPercentage
* reasonId
* transactionBatchSeq
* percentageChange
* demandSourceHeaderId
* attribute4
* dstSegment14
* rebuildActivityId
* dstSegment12
* contentLpnId
* locSegment8
* itemSegment8
* programUpdateDate
* xferLocSegment1
* negativeReqFlag
* scheduledPaybackDate
* itemSegment13
* relieveReservationsFlag
* locSegment15
* dstSegment1
* dstSegment21
* dspSegment29
* representativeLotNumber
* secondaryTransactionQuantity
* links
* dstSegment30
* resourceAccount
* bomRevisionDate
* dspSegment23
* attribute3
* scheduleNumber
* xferLocSegment18
* transportationAccount
* dspSegment5
* encumbranceAccount
* overcompletionTransactionId
* shippableFlag
* scheduledFlag
* dstSegment2
* attribute1
* overheadAccount
* projectId
* planningOrganizationId
* attribute5
* endItemUnitNumber
* transferCost
* dspSegment20
* dstSegment4
* dspSegment14
* itemSegment9
* attribute2
* trxSourceDeliveryId
* locSegment12
* currencyConversionType
* dspSegment22
* qaCollectionId
* bomRevision
* xferLocSegment13
* sourceLotNumber
* dspSegment10
* dspSegment27
* encumbranceAmount
* itemSegment15
* xfrOwningOrganizationId
* itemSegment5
* revision
* transactionBatchId
* dstSegment26
* dstSegment27
* attribute7
* transactionSequenceId
* locSegment17
* transferOrganizationType
* itemSegment14
* costGroupId
* itemSegment7
* xferLocSegment6
* sourceTaskId
* substitutionItemId
* orgCostGroupId
* newAverageCost
* acctPeriodId
* dspSegment12
* dstSegment29
* scheduleId
* itemSegment2
* validationRequired
* relieveHighLevelRsvFlag
* secondaryUomCode
* routingRevision
* transportationCost
* dspSegment9
* attribute8
* requestId
* errorCode
* xferLocSegment16
* itemSegment18
* customerShipId
* locSegment18
* primarySwitch
* itemSegment6
* dstSegment9
* xferLocSegment19
* requisitionDistributionId
* itemSegment4
* dspSegment28
* programId
* itemSegment17
* valueChange
* attribute6
* itemSegment3
* requisitionLineId
* dspSegment11
* shipmentNumber
* moveTransactionId
* attribute13
* errorExplanation
* setupTeardownCode
* rebuildItemId
* attribute12
* dstSegment8
* materialExpenseAccount
* programApplicationId
* xferLocSegment17
* locSegment7
* sourceProjectId
* routingRevisionDate


 * sourceCode
* inventoryItem
* transactionQuantity
* transactionUom
* transactionDate
* subinventoryCode
* locator
* accountCodeCombination
* locSegment1
* locSegment2
* locSegment3
* locSegment4
* locSegment5
* locSegment6
* locSegment19
* locSegment20
* sourceHeaderId
* sourceLineId
* processFlag
* lockFlag
* organizationId
* inventoryItemId
* transactionTypeId
* transactionActionId
* transactionSourceTypeId
* distributionAccountId
* transactionInterfaceId
* transactionSourceId
* wipEntityType
* operationSeqNum
* locatorId
* transactionMode
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* creationDate
* createdBy
* dstSegment25
* xferLocSegment7
* itemSegment19
* rebuildSerialNumber
* transactionSourceName
* dstSegment23
* itemSegment10
* demandSourceLine
* xferLocSegment8
* dstSegment18
* transferPlanningTpType
* xferLocSegment10
* xferLocSegment11
* costTypeId
* xfrPlanningOrganizationId
* xmlDocumentId
* materialOverheadAccount
* buildSequence
* dspSegment8
* dstSegment22
* attribute10
* dspSegment21
* dstSegment7
* transferSubinventory
* attribute11
* locatorName
* locSegment14
* pickingLineId
* locSegment13
* attribute15
* xferLocSegment12
* dspSegment30
* outsideProcessingAccount
* flowSchedule
* xferLocSegment4
* transactionHeaderId
* dspSegment3
* xferLocSegment20
* itemSegment20
* transferLocator
* dstSegment20
* dspSegment26
* dspSegment2
* mrpCode
* itemSegment12
* shippedQuantity
* finalCompletionFlag
* materialAccount
* dspSegment6
* demandClass
* transferLpnId
* transferOrganization
* expectedArrivalDate
* dstSegment28
* transferOwningTpType
* dspSegment7
* dspSegment25
* transactionGroupId
* dspSegment1
* dstSegment10
* primaryQuantity
* toProjectId
* locSegment16
* employeeCode
* lastUpdateLogin
* dspSegment18
* transferCostGroupId
* dspSegment15
* receivingDocument
* overcompletionPrimaryQty
* demandSourceDelivery
* dstSegment5
* dstSegment13
* departmentId
* expenditureType
* containers
* dspSegment4
* substitutionTypeId
* organizationType
* currencyConversionDate
* dstSegment11
* scheduleGroup
* requiredFlag
* reservationQuantity
* waybillAirbill
* transactionCost
* xferLocSegment2
* shipToLocationId
* lpnId
* currencyCode
* lineItemNum
* taskId
* dstSegment15
* vendorLotNumber
* itemSegment1
* trxSourceLineId
* accountingClass
* dspSegment16
* attribute9
* xferLocSegment15
* planningTpType
* attributeCategory
* dstSegment17
* owningOrganizationId
* dstSegment16
* toTaskId
* locSegment10
* locSegment11
* attribute14
* parentId
* dstSegment6
* xferLocSegment3
* transactionGroupSeq
* dstSegment3
* freightCode
* dspSegment19
* overcompletionTransactionQty
* xferLocSegment9
* currencyConversionRate
* xferLocSegment14
* itemSegment16
* paExpenditureOrgId
* ussglTransactionCode
* transferPrice
* dspSegment17
* dspSegment24
* repetitiveLineId
* rcvTransactionId
* locSegment9
* completionTransactionId
* itemSegment11
* dstSegment24
* owningTpType
* scheduleUpdateCode
* transactionReference
* mccCode
* dstSegment19
* rebuildJobName
* dspSegment13
* alternateBomDesignator
* alternateRoutingDesignator
* xferLocSegment5
* wipSupplyType
* transferPercentage
* reasonId
* transactionBatchSeq
* percentageChange
* demandSourceHeaderId
* attribute4
* dstSegment14
* rebuildActivityId
* dstSegment12
* contentLpnId
* locSegment8
* itemSegment8
* programUpdateDate
* xferLocSegment1
* negativeReqFlag
* scheduledPaybackDate
* itemSegment13
* relieveReservationsFlag
* locSegment15
* dstSegment1
* dstSegment21
* dspSegment29
* representativeLotNumber
* secondaryTransactionQuantity
* links
* dstSegment30
* resourceAccount
* bomRevisionDate
* dspSegment23
* attribute3
* scheduleNumber
* xferLocSegment18
* transportationAccount
* dspSegment5
* encumbranceAccount
* overcompletionTransactionId
* shippableFlag
* scheduledFlag
* dstSegment2
* attribute1
* overheadAccount
* projectId
* planningOrganizationId
* attribute5
* endItemUnitNumber
* transferCost
* dspSegment20
* dstSegment4
* dspSegment14
* itemSegment9
* attribute2
* trxSourceDeliveryId
* locSegment12
* currencyConversionType
* dspSegment22
* qaCollectionId
* bomRevision
* xferLocSegment13
* sourceLotNumber
* dspSegment10
* dspSegment27
* encumbranceAmount
* itemSegment15
* xfrOwningOrganizationId
* itemSegment5
* revision
* transactionBatchId
* dstSegment26
* dstSegment27
* attribute7
* transactionSequenceId
* locSegment17
* transferOrganizationType
* itemSegment14
* costGroupId
* itemSegment7
* xferLocSegment6
* sourceTaskId
* substitutionItemId
* orgCostGroupId
* newAverageCost
* acctPeriodId
* dspSegment12
* dstSegment29
* scheduleId
* itemSegment2
* validationRequired
* relieveHighLevelRsvFlag
* secondaryUomCode
* routingRevision
* transportationCost
* dspSegment9
* attribute8
* requestId
* errorCode
* xferLocSegment16
* itemSegment18
* customerShipId
* locSegment18
* primarySwitch
* itemSegment6
* dstSegment9
* xferLocSegment19
* requisitionDistributionId
* itemSegment4
* dspSegment28
* programId
* itemSegment17
* valueChange
* attribute6
* itemSegment3
* requisitionLineId
* dspSegment11
* shipmentNumber
* moveTransactionId
* attribute13
* errorExplanation
* setupTeardownCode
* rebuildItemId
* attribute12
* dstSegment8
* materialExpenseAccount
* programApplicationId
* xferLocSegment17
* locSegment7
* sourceProjectId
* routingRevisionDate


 * sourceCode
* inventoryItem
* transactionQuantity
* transactionUom
* transactionDate
* subinventoryCode
* locator
* transferSubinventory
* transferLocator
* locSegment1
* locSegment2
* locSegment3
* locSegment4
* locSegment5
* locSegment6
* locSegment19
* locSegment20
* sourceHeaderId
* sourceLineId
* processFlag
* lockFlag
* organizationId
* inventoryItemId
* transactionTypeId
* transactionActionId
* transactionSourceTypeId
* distributionAccountId
* transactionInterfaceId
* transactionSourceId
* wipEntityType
* operationSeqNum
* transactionMode
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* creationDate
* createdBy
* accountCodeCombination
* dspSegment18
* itemSegment19
* rebuildSerialNumber
* transactionSourceName
* dstSegment23
* itemSegment10
* demandSourceLine
* xferLocSegment8
* dstSegment18
* transferPlanningTpType
* xferLocSegment10
* xferLocSegment11
* costTypeId
* xfrPlanningOrganizationId
* xmlDocumentId
* materialOverheadAccount
* buildSequence
* dspSegment8
* dstSegment22
* attribute10
* dspSegment21
* dstSegment7
* dstSegment25
* attribute11
* locatorName
* locSegment14
* pickingLineId
* locSegment13
* attribute15
* xferLocSegment12
* dspSegment30
* outsideProcessingAccount
* flowSchedule
* xferLocSegment4
* transactionHeaderId
* dspSegment3
* xferLocSegment20
* itemSegment20
* scheduleUpdateCode
* dstSegment20
* dspSegment26
* dspSegment2
* mrpCode
* itemSegment12
* shippedQuantity
* finalCompletionFlag
* materialAccount
* dspSegment6
* demandClass
* transferLpnId
* transferOrganization
* expectedArrivalDate
* dstSegment28
* transferOwningTpType
* dspSegment7
* dspSegment25
* transactionGroupId
* dspSegment1
* dstSegment10
* primaryQuantity
* toProjectId
* locSegment16
* employeeCode
* lastUpdateLogin
* xferLocSegment7
* transferCostGroupId
* dspSegment15
* receivingDocument
* overcompletionPrimaryQty
* demandSourceDelivery
* dstSegment5
* dstSegment13
* departmentId
* expenditureType
* containers
* dspSegment4
* substitutionTypeId
* organizationType
* currencyConversionDate
* dstSegment11
* scheduleGroup
* requiredFlag
* reservationQuantity
* waybillAirbill
* transactionCost
* xferLocSegment2
* shipToLocationId
* lpnId
* currencyCode
* lineItemNum
* taskId
* dstSegment15
* vendorLotNumber
* itemSegment1
* trxSourceLineId
* accountingClass
* dspSegment16
* attribute9
* xferLocSegment15
* planningTpType
* attributeCategory
* dstSegment17
* owningOrganizationId
* dstSegment16
* toTaskId
* locSegment10
* locSegment11
* attribute14
* parentId
* dstSegment6
* xferLocSegment3
* transactionGroupSeq
* dstSegment3
* freightCode
* dspSegment19
* overcompletionTransactionQty
* xferLocSegment9
* currencyConversionRate
* xferLocSegment14
* itemSegment16
* paExpenditureOrgId
* ussglTransactionCode
* transferPrice
* dspSegment17
* dspSegment24
* repetitiveLineId
* rcvTransactionId
* locSegment9
* completionTransactionId
* itemSegment11
* dstSegment24
* owningTpType
* locatorId
* transactionReference
* mccCode
* dstSegment19
* rebuildJobName
* dspSegment13
* alternateBomDesignator
* alternateRoutingDesignator
* xferLocSegment5
* wipSupplyType
* transferPercentage
* reasonId
* transactionBatchSeq
* percentageChange
* demandSourceHeaderId
* attribute4
* dstSegment14
* rebuildActivityId
* dstSegment12
* contentLpnId
* locSegment8
* itemSegment8
* programUpdateDate
* xferLocSegment1
* negativeReqFlag
* scheduledPaybackDate
* itemSegment13
* relieveReservationsFlag
* locSegment15
* dstSegment1
* dstSegment21
* dspSegment29
* representativeLotNumber
* secondaryTransactionQuantity
* routingRevisionDate
* dstSegment30
* resourceAccount
* bomRevisionDate
* dspSegment23
* attribute3
* scheduleNumber
* xferLocSegment18
* transportationAccount
* dspSegment5
* encumbranceAccount
* overcompletionTransactionId
* shippableFlag
* scheduledFlag
* dstSegment2
* attribute1
* overheadAccount
* projectId
* planningOrganizationId
* attribute5
* endItemUnitNumber
* transferCost
* dspSegment20
* dstSegment4
* dspSegment14
* itemSegment9
* attribute2
* trxSourceDeliveryId
* locSegment12
* currencyConversionType
* dspSegment22
* qaCollectionId
* bomRevision
* xferLocSegment13
* sourceLotNumber
* dspSegment10
* dspSegment27
* encumbranceAmount
* itemSegment15
* xfrOwningOrganizationId
* itemSegment5
* revision
* transactionBatchId
* dstSegment26
* dstSegment27
* attribute7
* transactionSequenceId
* locSegment17
* transferOrganizationType
* itemSegment14
* costGroupId
* itemSegment7
* xferLocSegment6
* sourceTaskId
* substitutionItemId
* orgCostGroupId
* newAverageCost
* acctPeriodId
* dspSegment12
* dstSegment29
* scheduleId
* itemSegment2
* validationRequired
* relieveHighLevelRsvFlag
* secondaryUomCode
* routingRevision
* transportationCost
* dspSegment9
* attribute8
* requestId
* errorCode
* xferLocSegment16
* itemSegment18
* customerShipId
* locSegment18
* primarySwitch
* itemSegment6
* dstSegment9
* xferLocSegment19
* requisitionDistributionId
* itemSegment4
* dspSegment28
* programId
* itemSegment17
* valueChange
* attribute6
* itemSegment3
* requisitionLineId
* dspSegment11
* shipmentNumber
* moveTransactionId
* attribute13
* errorExplanation
* setupTeardownCode
* rebuildItemId
* attribute12
* dstSegment8
* materialExpenseAccount
* programApplicationId
* xferLocSegment17
* locSegment7
* sourceProjectId
* links


 * sourceCode
* inventoryItem
* transactionQuantity
* transactionUom
* transactionDate
* subinventoryCode
* locator
* accountCodeCombination
* locSegment1
* locSegment2
* locSegment3
* locSegment4
* locSegment5
* locSegment6
* locSegment19
* locSegment20
* sourceHeaderId
* sourceLineId
* processFlag
* lockFlag
* organizationId
* inventoryItemId
* transactionTypeId
* transactionActionId
* transactionSourceTypeId
* distributionAccountId
* transactionInterfaceId
* transactionSourceId
* wipEntityType
* operationSeqNum
* transactionMode
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* creationDate
* createdBy
* employeeCode
* scheduleUpdateCode
* xferLocSegment7
* itemSegment19
* rebuildSerialNumber
* transactionSourceName
* dstSegment23
* itemSegment10
* demandSourceLine
* xferLocSegment8
* dstSegment18
* transferPlanningTpType
* xferLocSegment10
* xferLocSegment11
* costTypeId
* xfrPlanningOrganizationId
* dspSegment18
* materialOverheadAccount
* buildSequence
* dspSegment8
* dstSegment22
* attribute10
* dspSegment21
* dstSegment7
* transferSubinventory
* attribute11
* locatorName
* locSegment14
* pickingLineId
* locSegment13
* attribute15
* xferLocSegment12
* dspSegment30
* outsideProcessingAccount
* flowSchedule
* xferLocSegment4
* transactionHeaderId
* dspSegment3
* xmlDocumentId
* itemSegment20
* transferLocator
* dstSegment20
* dspSegment26
* dspSegment2
* mrpCode
* itemSegment12
* shippedQuantity
* finalCompletionFlag
* materialAccount
* dspSegment6
* demandClass
* xferLocSegment20
* transferOrganization
* expectedArrivalDate
* dstSegment28
* transferOwningTpType
* dspSegment7
* dspSegment25
* transactionGroupId
* dspSegment1
* dstSegment10
* transferLpnId
* toProjectId
* locSegment16
* primaryQuantity
* lastUpdateLogin
* dstSegment25
* transferCostGroupId
* dspSegment15
* receivingDocument
* overcompletionPrimaryQty
* demandSourceDelivery
* dstSegment5
* dstSegment13
* departmentId
* expenditureType
* containers
* dspSegment4
* substitutionTypeId
* organizationType
* currencyConversionDate
* dstSegment11
* scheduleGroup
* requiredFlag
* reservationQuantity
* waybillAirbill
* transactionCost
* xferLocSegment2
* shipToLocationId
* lpnId
* currencyCode
* lineItemNum
* taskId
* dstSegment15
* vendorLotNumber
* itemSegment1
* trxSourceLineId
* accountingClass
* dspSegment16
* attribute9
* xferLocSegment15
* planningTpType
* attributeCategory
* dstSegment17
* owningOrganizationId
* dstSegment16
* toTaskId
* locSegment10
* locSegment11
* attribute14
* parentId
* dstSegment6
* xferLocSegment3
* transactionGroupSeq
* dstSegment3
* freightCode
* dspSegment19
* overcompletionTransactionQty
* xferLocSegment9
* currencyConversionRate
* xferLocSegment14
* itemSegment16
* paExpenditureOrgId
* ussglTransactionCode
* transferPrice
* dspSegment17
* dspSegment24
* repetitiveLineId
* rcvTransactionId
* locSegment9
* completionTransactionId
* itemSegment11
* dstSegment24
* owningTpType
* locatorId
* transactionReference
* mccCode
* dstSegment19
* rebuildJobName
* dspSegment13
* alternateBomDesignator
* alternateRoutingDesignator
* xferLocSegment5
* wipSupplyType
* transferPercentage
* reasonId
* transactionBatchSeq
* percentageChange
* demandSourceHeaderId
* attribute4
* dstSegment14
* rebuildActivityId
* dstSegment12
* contentLpnId
* locSegment8
* itemSegment8
* programUpdateDate
* xferLocSegment1
* negativeReqFlag
* scheduledPaybackDate
* itemSegment13
* relieveReservationsFlag
* locSegment15
* dstSegment1
* dstSegment21
* dspSegment29
* representativeLotNumber
* secondaryTransactionQuantity
* routingRevisionDate
* dstSegment30
* resourceAccount
* bomRevisionDate
* dspSegment23
* attribute3
* scheduleNumber
* xferLocSegment18
* transportationAccount
* dspSegment5
* encumbranceAccount
* overcompletionTransactionId
* shippableFlag
* scheduledFlag
* dstSegment2
* attribute1
* overheadAccount
* projectId
* planningOrganizationId
* attribute5
* endItemUnitNumber
* transferCost
* dspSegment20
* dstSegment4
* dspSegment14
* itemSegment9
* attribute2
* trxSourceDeliveryId
* locSegment12
* currencyConversionType
* dspSegment22
* qaCollectionId
* bomRevision
* xferLocSegment13
* sourceLotNumber
* dspSegment10
* dspSegment27
* encumbranceAmount
* itemSegment15
* xfrOwningOrganizationId
* itemSegment5
* revision
* transactionBatchId
* dstSegment26
* dstSegment27
* attribute7
* transactionSequenceId
* locSegment17
* transferOrganizationType
* itemSegment14
* costGroupId
* itemSegment7
* xferLocSegment6
* sourceTaskId
* substitutionItemId
* orgCostGroupId
* newAverageCost
* acctPeriodId
* dspSegment12
* dstSegment29
* scheduleId
* itemSegment2
* validationRequired
* relieveHighLevelRsvFlag
* secondaryUomCode
* routingRevision
* transportationCost
* dspSegment9
* attribute8
* requestId
* errorCode
* xferLocSegment16
* itemSegment18
* customerShipId
* locSegment18
* primarySwitch
* itemSegment6
* dstSegment9
* xferLocSegment19
* requisitionDistributionId
* itemSegment4
* dspSegment28
* programId
* itemSegment17
* valueChange
* attribute6
* itemSegment3
* requisitionLineId
* dspSegment11
* shipmentNumber
* moveTransactionId
* attribute13
* errorExplanation
* setupTeardownCode
* rebuildItemId
* attribute12
* dstSegment8
* materialExpenseAccount
* programApplicationId
* xferLocSegment17
* locSegment7
* sourceProjectId
* links


 * locatorId
* lineId
* subinventoryCode
* organizationId
* subLocType
* lpnId
* lpn
* transferType
* name
* transferQuantity
* toReservationId
* fromReservationId
* headerId
* secondaryTransferQuantity
* typeId
* lineDetail
* revision
* lotNumber


 * locatorId
* lineId
* subinventoryCode
* organizationId
* subLocType
* lpnId
* lpn
* transferType
* name
* transferQuantity
* toReservationId
* fromReservationId
* headerId
* secondaryTransferQuantity
* typeId
* lineDetail
* revision
* lotNumber


 * organizationName
* valueChange
* lastUpdateDate
* organizationId
* errorExplanation
* createdBy
* levelName
* levelType
* programApplicationId
* organizationCode
* newAverageCost
* requestId
* errorCode
* programId
* costElementId
* lastUpdateLogin
* percentageChange
* lastUpdatedBy
* costElement
* creationDate
* programUpdateDate
* transactionInterfaceId
* transactionCost


 * organizationName
* valueChange
* lastUpdateDate
* organizationId
* errorExplanation
* createdBy
* levelName
* levelType
* programApplicationId
* organizationCode
* newAverageCost
* requestId
* errorCode
* programId
* costElementId
* lastUpdateLogin
* percentageChange
* lastUpdatedBy
* costElement
* creationDate
* programUpdateDate
* transactionInterfaceId
* transactionCost


 * attribute12
* shipToLocationId
* attribute1
* referenceDetailId
* fromSubinventoryCode
* organizationId
* attribute13
* requestNumber
* attribute6
* toSubinventoryCode
* toAccountId
* programId
* attribute15
* description
* freightCode
* requestId
* groupingRuleId
* attributeCategory
* autoReceiptFlag
* headerStatus
* attribute8
* attribute14
* statusDate
* attribute7
* attribute10
* referenceId
* dateRequired
* createdBy
* attribute9
* creationDate
* lastUpdateDate
* headerId
* transactionTypeId
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute11
* attribute5
* programApplicationId
* moveOrderType
* attribute3
* attribute4
* lastUpdatedBy
* assignmentId
* programUpdateDate
* attribute2
* shipmentMethod


 * attribute12
* shipToLocationId
* attribute1
* referenceDetailId
* fromSubinventoryCode
* organizationId
* attribute13
* requestNumber
* attribute6
* toSubinventoryCode
* toAccountId
* programId
* attribute15
* description
* freightCode
* requestId
* groupingRuleId
* attributeCategory
* autoReceiptFlag
* headerStatus
* attribute8
* attribute14
* statusDate
* attribute7
* attribute10
* referenceId
* dateRequired
* createdBy
* attribute9
* creationDate
* lastUpdateDate
* headerId
* transactionTypeId
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute11
* attribute5
* programApplicationId
* moveOrderType
* attribute3
* attribute4
* lastUpdatedBy
* assignmentId
* programUpdateDate
* attribute2
* shipmentMethod


 * attribute13
* wipSupplyType
* toAccountId
* pickSlipDate
* reference
* attribute1
* quantityDetailed
* lineId
* quantity
* requiredQuantity
* attributeCategory
* lastUpdatedBy
* modelQuantity
* attribute5
* txnSourceLineDetailId
* fromSubinventoryId
* shipSetId
* revision
* lastUpdateLogin
* containerItemId
* attribute15
* attribute4
* gradeCode
* headerId
* secondaryQuantityDetailed
* cartonGroupingId
* dateRequired
* putAwayStrategyId
* lpnId
* toLocatorId
* uomCode
* toSubinventoryCode
* statusDate
* toSubinventoryId
* secondaryRequiredQuantity
* primaryQuantity
* toLpnId
* transactionSourceTypeId
* secondaryQuantityDelivered
* lineNumber
* attribute10
* txnSourceLineId
* pickStrategyId
* toOrganizationId
* taskId
* toCostGroupId
* organizationId
* referenceDetailId
* attribute8
* programUpdateDate
* secondaryQuantity
* operationSeqNum
* requestId
* pickSlipNumber
* unitNumber
* inventoryItemId
* attribute7
* createdBy
* fromLocatorId
* lastUpdateDate
* backorderDeliveryDetailId
* creationDate
* attribute14
* assignmentId
* repetitiveScheduleId
* serialNumberStart
* shipToLocationId
* secondaryUomCode
* transactionHeaderId
* shipModelId
* attribute3
* serialNumberEnd
* attribute9
* attribute11
* wmsProcessFlag
* quantityDelivered
* referenceTypeCode
* crossdockType
* txnSourceId
* fromSubinventoryCode
* lotNumber
* referenceId
* projectId
* programId
* transactionTypeId
* inspectionStatus
* pickMethodologyId
* attribute2
* attribute12
* reasonId
* wipEntityId
* attribute6
* lineStatus
* fromCostGroupId
* programApplicationId


 * attribute13
* wipSupplyType
* toAccountId
* pickSlipDate
* reference
* attribute1
* quantityDetailed
* lineId
* quantity
* requiredQuantity
* attributeCategory
* lastUpdatedBy
* modelQuantity
* attribute5
* txnSourceLineDetailId
* fromSubinventoryId
* shipSetId
* revision
* lastUpdateLogin
* containerItemId
* attribute15
* attribute4
* gradeCode
* headerId
* secondaryQuantityDetailed
* cartonGroupingId
* dateRequired
* putAwayStrategyId
* lpnId
* toLocatorId
* uomCode
* toSubinventoryCode
* statusDate
* toSubinventoryId
* secondaryRequiredQuantity
* primaryQuantity
* toLpnId
* transactionSourceTypeId
* secondaryQuantityDelivered
* lineNumber
* attribute10
* txnSourceLineId
* pickStrategyId
* toOrganizationId
* taskId
* toCostGroupId
* organizationId
* referenceDetailId
* attribute8
* programUpdateDate
* secondaryQuantity
* operationSeqNum
* requestId
* pickSlipNumber
* unitNumber
* inventoryItemId
* attribute7
* createdBy
* fromLocatorId
* lastUpdateDate
* backorderDeliveryDetailId
* creationDate
* attribute14
* assignmentId
* repetitiveScheduleId
* serialNumberStart
* shipToLocationId
* secondaryUomCode
* transactionHeaderId
* shipModelId
* attribute3
* serialNumberEnd
* attribute9
* attribute11
* wmsProcessFlag
* quantityDelivered
* referenceTypeCode
* crossdockType
* txnSourceId
* fromSubinventoryCode
* lotNumber
* referenceId
* projectId
* programId
* transactionTypeId
* inspectionStatus
* pickMethodologyId
* attribute2
* attribute12
* reasonId
* wipEntityId
* attribute6
* lineStatus
* fromCostGroupId
* programApplicationId


 * attribute12
* documentNumber
* transactionId
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute11
* creationDate
* requestId
* attribute2
* internalControlNumber
* createdBy
* documentDirection
* entityNumber
* attribute8
* attribute6
* attribute7
* applicationId
* attribute14
* actionType
* attribute13
* attribute4
* responsibilityId
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute1
* itemType
* attribute15
* programId
* documentType
* transactionStatus
* attribute5
* tradingPartnerId
* attribute9
* programUpdateDate
* eventKey
* ecxMessageId
* eventName
* attribute10
* userId
* lastUpdatedBy
* documentRevision
* clientCode
* attribute3
* attributeCategory
* entityType
* programApplicationId


 * attribute12
* documentNumber
* transactionId
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute11
* creationDate
* requestId
* attribute2
* internalControlNumber
* createdBy
* documentDirection
* entityNumber
* attribute8
* attribute6
* attribute7
* applicationId
* attribute14
* actionType
* attribute13
* attribute4
* responsibilityId
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute1
* itemType
* attribute15
* programId
* documentType
* transactionStatus
* attribute5
* tradingPartnerId
* attribute9
* programUpdateDate
* eventKey
* ecxMessageId
* eventName
* attribute10
* userId
* lastUpdatedBy
* documentRevision
* clientCode
* attribute3
* attributeCategory
* entityType
* programApplicationId


 * lastUpdateLogin
* dAttribute2
* dAttribute27
* timeSinceNew
* cAttribute1
* nAttribute11
* territoryCode
* cAttribute20
* nAttribute17
* attribute2
* dAttribute20
* subinventoryCode
* attribute11
* dAttribute22
* transactionId
* dAttribute15
* numberOfRepairs
* nAttribute8
* dAttribute11
* createdBy
* serialNumber
* timeSinceMark
* nAttribute20
* dAttribute23
* nAttribute4
* creationDate
* dAttribute14
* nAttribute2
* parentObjectId2
* cAttribute5
* dAttribute21
* locatorId
* cAttribute15
* nAttribute26
* cAttribute21
* cAttribute6
* attributeCategory
* cAttribute12
* nAttribute23
* attribute13
* dAttribute10
* dAttribute18
* attribute1
* cAttribute19
* statusId
* dAttribute7
* dAttribute1
* nAttribute5
* originationDate
* cAttribute17
* nAttribute10
* productCode
* cAttribute27
* nAttribute13
* nAttribute7
* nAttribute30
* transactionSourceId
* parentItemId
* cAttribute3
* transactionDate
* timeSinceRepair
* nAttribute16
* cAttribute10
* dAttribute12
* cAttribute22
* dAttribute16
* parentObjectType2
* dAttribute28
* cAttribute30
* nAttribute6
* lastUpdateDate
* transactionSourceTypeId
* nAttribute22
* nAttribute29
* cyclesSinceVisit
* nAttribute15
* nAttribute27
* attribute4
* nAttribute21
* transactionSourceName
* nAttribute24
* dAttribute24
* attribute5
* cAttribute16
* cyclesSinceOverhaul
* dAttribute6
* cAttribute11
* cAttribute25
* dAttribute17
* attribute10
* attribute14
* cAttribute24
* dAttribute4
* dAttribute9
* attribute9
* attribute8
* cyclesSinceNew
* cAttribute2
* attribute12
* cAttribute26
* cAttribute18
* cAttribute23
* dAttribute26
* dAttribute8
* cyclesSinceRepair
* countryOfOrigin
* dAttribute25
* cyclesSinceMark
* parentObjectNumber
* parentObjectType
* dAttribute5
* cAttribute7
* nAttribute1
* cAttribute9
* cAttribute28
* nAttribute25
* productTransactionId
* cAttribute8
* cAttribute29
* nAttribute18
* timeSinceOverhaul
* serialAttributeCategory
* receiptIssueType
* nAttribute14
* nAttribute9
* customerId
* dAttribute3
* attribute15
* inventoryItemId
* cAttribute4
* lastUpdatedBy
* nAttribute28
* attribute7
* parentObjectNumber2
* organizationId
* dAttribute30
* cAttribute13
* parentObjectId
* dAttribute29
* nAttribute3
* dAttribute13
* cAttribute14
* nAttribute19
* dAttribute19
* nAttribute12
* attribute3
* timeSinceVisit
* shipId
* attribute6


 * lastUpdateLogin
* dAttribute2
* dAttribute27
* timeSinceNew
* cAttribute1
* nAttribute11
* territoryCode
* cAttribute20
* nAttribute17
* attribute2
* dAttribute20
* subinventoryCode
* attribute11
* dAttribute22
* transactionId
* dAttribute15
* numberOfRepairs
* nAttribute8
* dAttribute11
* createdBy
* serialNumber
* timeSinceMark
* nAttribute20
* dAttribute23
* nAttribute4
* creationDate
* dAttribute14
* nAttribute2
* parentObjectId2
* cAttribute5
* dAttribute21
* locatorId
* cAttribute15
* nAttribute26
* cAttribute21
* cAttribute6
* attributeCategory
* cAttribute12
* nAttribute23
* attribute13
* dAttribute10
* dAttribute18
* attribute1
* cAttribute19
* statusId
* dAttribute7
* dAttribute1
* nAttribute5
* originationDate
* cAttribute17
* nAttribute10
* productCode
* cAttribute27
* nAttribute13
* nAttribute7
* nAttribute30
* transactionSourceId
* parentItemId
* cAttribute3
* transactionDate
* timeSinceRepair
* nAttribute16
* cAttribute10
* dAttribute12
* cAttribute22
* dAttribute16
* parentObjectType2
* dAttribute28
* cAttribute30
* nAttribute6
* lastUpdateDate
* transactionSourceTypeId
* nAttribute22
* nAttribute29
* cyclesSinceVisit
* nAttribute15
* nAttribute27
* attribute4
* nAttribute21
* transactionSourceName
* nAttribute24
* dAttribute24
* attribute5
* cAttribute16
* cyclesSinceOverhaul
* dAttribute6
* cAttribute11
* cAttribute25
* dAttribute17
* attribute10
* attribute14
* cAttribute24
* dAttribute4
* dAttribute9
* attribute9
* attribute8
* cyclesSinceNew
* cAttribute2
* attribute12
* cAttribute26
* cAttribute18
* cAttribute23
* dAttribute26
* dAttribute8
* cyclesSinceRepair
* countryOfOrigin
* dAttribute25
* cyclesSinceMark
* parentObjectNumber
* parentObjectType
* dAttribute5
* cAttribute7
* nAttribute1
* cAttribute9
* cAttribute28
* nAttribute25
* productTransactionId
* cAttribute8
* cAttribute29
* nAttribute18
* timeSinceOverhaul
* serialAttributeCategory
* receiptIssueType
* nAttribute14
* nAttribute9
* customerId
* dAttribute3
* attribute15
* inventoryItemId
* cAttribute4
* lastUpdatedBy
* nAttribute28
* attribute7
* parentObjectNumber2
* organizationId
* dAttribute30
* cAttribute13
* parentObjectId
* dAttribute29
* nAttribute3
* dAttribute13
* cAttribute14
* nAttribute19
* dAttribute19
* nAttribute12
* attribute3
* timeSinceVisit
* shipId
* attribute6


 * requestId
* programId
* programUpdateDate
* unitOfMeasure
* unitOfMeasureTl
* createdBy
* programApplicationId
* zdSync
* baseUomFlag
* attribute6
* creationDate
* attribute2
* lastUpdateLogin
* language
* attribute14
* attribute15
* uomClass
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute7
* attribute13
* disableDate
* sourceLang
* attribute8
* attribute11
* attributeCategory
* description
* attribute5
* attribute9
* zdEditionName
* uomCode
* attribute3
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute12
* attribute1
* attribute4
* attribute10


 * requestId
* programId
* programUpdateDate
* unitOfMeasure
* unitOfMeasureTl
* createdBy
* programApplicationId
* zdSync
* baseUomFlag
* attribute6
* creationDate
* attribute2
* lastUpdateLogin
* language
* attribute14
* attribute15
* uomClass
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute7
* attribute13
* disableDate
* sourceLang
* attribute8
* attribute11
* attributeCategory
* description
* attribute5
* attribute9
* zdEditionName
* uomCode
* attribute3
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute12
* attribute1
* attribute4
* attribute10


 * lastUpdateLogin
* createdBy
* lastUpdateDate
* fromUomClass
* lastUpdatedBy
* disableDate
* requestId
* inventoryItemId
* toUnitOfMeasure
* programUpdateDate
* fromUomCode
* toUomClass
* conversionRate
* programApplicationId
* fromUnitOfMeasure
* toUomCode
* programId
* creationDate


 * lastUpdateLogin
* createdBy
* lastUpdateDate
* fromUomClass
* lastUpdatedBy
* disableDate
* requestId
* inventoryItemId
* toUnitOfMeasure
* programUpdateDate
* fromUomCode
* toUomClass
* conversionRate
* programApplicationId
* fromUnitOfMeasure
* toUomCode
* programId
* creationDate


 * lastUpdateDate
* disableDate
* uomClass
* createdBy
* zdSync
* attribute12
* attribute11
* programApplicationId
* attribute9
* sourceLang
* attribute1
* attribute2
* attribute6
* programId
* requestId
* lastUpdateLogin
* creationDate
* attribute15
* lastUpdatedBy
* programUpdateDate
* zdEditionName
* language
* attribute4
* attribute14
* attribute13
* attribute3
* attributeCategory
* attribute5
* attribute8
* attribute10
* uomClassTl
* attribute7
* description


 * lastUpdateDate
* disableDate
* uomClass
* createdBy
* zdSync
* attribute12
* attribute11
* programApplicationId
* attribute9
* sourceLang
* attribute1
* attribute2
* attribute6
* programId
* requestId
* lastUpdateLogin
* creationDate
* attribute15
* lastUpdatedBy
* programUpdateDate
* zdEditionName
* language
* attribute4
* attribute14
* attribute13
* attribute3
* attributeCategory
* attribute5
* attribute8
* attribute10
* uomClassTl
* attribute7
* description


 * lastUpdateDate
* unitOfMeasure
* creationDate
* programApplicationId
* uomClass
* programId
* length
* conversionRate
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* requestId
* dimensionUom
* uomCode
* inventoryItemId
* height
* programUpdateDate
* createdBy
* defaultConversionFlag
* width
* disableDate


 * auditSequenceId
* auditCommitId
* auditSessionId
* auditTrueNulls
* conversionRate
* rowKey
* auditTimestamp
* disableDate
* unitOfMeasure
* auditUserName
* auditTransactionType
* inventoryItemId


 * auditSequenceId
* auditCommitId
* auditSessionId
* auditTrueNulls
* conversionRate
* rowKey
* auditTimestamp
* disableDate
* unitOfMeasure
* auditUserName
* auditTransactionType
* inventoryItemId


 * lastUpdateDate
* unitOfMeasure
* creationDate
* programApplicationId
* uomClass
* programId
* length
* conversionRate
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* requestId
* dimensionUom
* uomCode
* inventoryItemId
* height
* programUpdateDate
* createdBy
* defaultConversionFlag
* width
* disableDate


 * sourceTypeId
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* primaryUomQuantity
* creationDate
* requirementDate
* sourceId
* demandClass
* organizationId
* createdBy
* sourceName
* inventoryItemId
* lastUpdateDate


 * sourceTypeId
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* primaryUomQuantity
* creationDate
* requirementDate
* sourceId
* demandClass
* organizationId
* createdBy
* sourceName
* inventoryItemId
* lastUpdateDate


 * sourceName
* lastUpdateLogin
* sourceId
* lastUpdatedBy
* sourceTypeId
* expectedDeliveryDate
* creationDate
* primaryUomQuantity
* lastUpdateDate
* createdBy
* organizationId
* inventoryItemId
* demandClass


 * sourceName
* lastUpdateLogin
* sourceId
* lastUpdatedBy
* sourceTypeId
* expectedDeliveryDate
* creationDate
* primaryUomQuantity
* lastUpdateDate
* createdBy
* organizationId
* inventoryItemId
* demandClass
 * groupName
* sequence
* description
* id
* icon
* groupCode


 * reportId
* module
* reportName
* reportType
* subModule
* createdBy
* description
* creationDate
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* updateColumName
* links


 * creationDate
* requestId
* errorFlag
* lineId
* lastUpdateDate
* errorMessage
* filename
* implicit
* acceptDate
* headerId
* action
* orgId
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdatedBy
* requestDate
* createdBy


 * creationDate
* requestId
* errorFlag
* lineId
* lastUpdateDate
* errorMessage
* filename
* implicit
* acceptDate
* headerId
* action
* orgId
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdatedBy
* requestDate
* createdBy


 * dateParam1
* holdTypeId
* charParam2
* attribute9
* orderSourceId
* attribute12
* requestId
* charParam3
* attribute6
* attribute5
* interfaceStatus
* dateParam5
* context
* charParam1
* attribute10
* holdId
* origSysLineRef
* dateParam4
* statusFlag
* holdUntilDate
* holdTypeCode
* comments
* attribute3
* attribute1
* changeSequence
* charParam5
* orgId
* attribute4
* errorFlag
* attribute13
* charParam4
* operationCode
* releaseReasonCode
* attribute8
* dateParam2
* attribute11
* soldToOrgId
* origSysShipmentRef
* origSysDocumentRef
* soldToOrg
* attribute14
* attribute7
* fulfillmentSetName
* attribute2
* attribute15
* dateParam3
* instId


 * dateParam1
* holdTypeId
* charParam2
* attribute9
* orderSourceId
* attribute12
* requestId
* charParam3
* attribute6
* attribute5
* interfaceStatus
* dateParam5
* context
* charParam1
* attribute10
* holdId
* origSysLineRef
* dateParam4
* statusFlag
* holdUntilDate
* holdTypeCode
* comments
* attribute3
* attribute1
* changeSequence
* charParam5
* orgId
* attribute4
* errorFlag
* attribute13
* charParam4
* operationCode
* releaseReasonCode
* attribute8
* dateParam2
* attribute11
* soldToOrgId
* origSysShipmentRef
* origSysDocumentRef
* soldToOrg
* attribute14
* attribute7
* fulfillmentSetName
* attribute2
* attribute15
* dateParam3
* instId


 * creationDate
* approverSequence
* transactionPhaseCode
* role
* lastUpdateDate
* transactionId
* approvalStatus
* createdBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* transactionTypeId
* lastUpdatedBy


 * creationDate
* approverSequence
* transactionPhaseCode
* role
* lastUpdateDate
* transactionId
* approvalStatus
* createdBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* transactionTypeId
* lastUpdatedBy


 * entityNumber
* entityNumber2
* oldContextValue
* soldToOrgId
* entityId
* reasonCode
* newContextValue
* userId
* oldAttributeValue
* histCreationDate
* orgId
* orderTypeId
* newAttributeValue
* responsibilityId
* changeComments
* reason
* orderNumber
* attributeId


 * entityNumber
* entityNumber2
* oldContextValue
* soldToOrgId
* entityId
* reasonCode
* newContextValue
* userId
* oldAttributeValue
* histCreationDate
* orgId
* orderTypeId
* newAttributeValue
* responsibilityId
* changeComments
* reason
* orderNumber
* attributeId


 * origSysBillPlanHdrRef
* createdBy
* requestId
* lastReviewedExtdPrice
* sourceOrderHeaderId
* creationDate
* lastUpdateDate
* billingPeriod
* billingPlanStatus
* lastUpdateLogin
* billingFrequency
* programUpdateDate
* billWithSourceLine
* billingAmount
* sourceOrderLineId
* lockControl
* startDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* typeOfBilling
* billingPlanHeaderId
* programId
* programApplicationId


 * origSysBillPlanHdrRef
* createdBy
* requestId
* lastReviewedExtdPrice
* sourceOrderHeaderId
* creationDate
* lastUpdateDate
* billingPeriod
* billingPlanStatus
* lastUpdateLogin
* billingFrequency
* programUpdateDate
* billWithSourceLine
* billingAmount
* sourceOrderLineId
* lockControl
* startDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* typeOfBilling
* billingPlanHeaderId
* programId
* programApplicationId


 * lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* billingPlanLineId
* programApplicationId
* lastUpdatedBy
* billedLineId
* billingPlanHeaderId
* origSysBillPlanLineRef
* description
* lockControl
* billDate
* billAmount
* programUpdateDate
* createdBy
* creationDate
* sequenceNumber
* origSysBillPlanHdrRef
* requestId
* programId


 * lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* billingPlanLineId
* programApplicationId
* lastUpdatedBy
* billedLineId
* billingPlanHeaderId
* origSysBillPlanLineRef
* description
* lockControl
* billDate
* billAmount
* programUpdateDate
* createdBy
* creationDate
* sequenceNumber
* origSysBillPlanHdrRef
* requestId
* programId


 * periodName
* periodEnd
* currencyCode
* closingBacklog
* bookings
* periodYear
* periodNum
* adjustments
* ouId
* periodStart
* billings


 * periodName
* periodEnd
* currencyCode
* closingBacklog
* bookings
* periodYear
* periodNum
* adjustments
* ouId
* periodStart
* billings


 * requestId
* lastUpdatedBy
* netSales
* lastUpdateDate
* transactionDate
* customerId
* programUpdateDate
* creationDate
* programApplicationId
* headerId
* returnFlag
* organizationId
* inventoryItemId
* programId
* lastUpdateLogin
* createdBy
* delFlag
* lineId


 * organizationName
* delSales
* yearPeriod
* quarterPeriod
* operatingUnitId
* setOfBooksName
* locationCode
* region
* itemDescription
* area
* monthPeriod
* lineId
* inventoryItemId
* customerName
* categoryDesc
* legalEntityId
* customerId
* setOfBooksId
* netSales
* locationId
* transactionDate
* organizationId
* retSales
* operatingUnitName
* legalEntityName
* country
* inventoryItemName
* periodSetName
* categoryId
* salesChannelCode
* headerId


 * organizationName
* delSales
* yearPeriod
* quarterPeriod
* operatingUnitId
* setOfBooksName
* locationCode
* region
* itemDescription
* area
* monthPeriod
* lineId
* inventoryItemId
* customerName
* categoryDesc
* legalEntityId
* customerId
* setOfBooksId
* netSales
* locationId
* transactionDate
* organizationId
* retSales
* operatingUnitName
* legalEntityName
* country
* inventoryItemName
* periodSetName
* categoryId
* salesChannelCode
* headerId


 * requestId
* lastUpdatedBy
* netSales
* lastUpdateDate
* transactionDate
* customerId
* programUpdateDate
* creationDate
* programApplicationId
* headerId
* returnFlag
* organizationId
* inventoryItemId
* programId
* lastUpdateLogin
* createdBy
* delFlag
* lineId


 * organizationId
* ytdSales
* onTimeDeliveries
* periodEnd
* periodBillings
* periodBookings
* creationDate
* orderLines
* periodStart
* returnLines
* currentBacklog
* customerId
* currencyCode


 * organizationId
* ytdSales
* onTimeDeliveries
* periodEnd
* periodBillings
* periodBookings
* creationDate
* orderLines
* periodStart
* returnLines
* currentBacklog
* customerId
* currencyCode


 * lastUpdateLogin
* customerPaymentTermId
* salesDocumentName
* soldToOrgId
* creditCardExpirationDate
* draftSubmittedFlag
* blanketNumber
* pricingDate
* attribute5
* soldToContactId
* conversionRateDate
* creationDate
* globalAttributeCategory
* quoteNumber
* freightCarrierCode
* tpAttribute4
* returnReasonCode
* globalAttribute8
* attribute1
* attribute9
* customerSignatureDate
* globalAttribute20
* orderSourceId
* tpAttribute9
* priceListId
* attribute18
* sourceDocumentTypeId
* bookedDate
* invoiceToContactId
* shipFromOrgId
* conversionTypeCode
* supplierSignatureDate
* requestId
* attribute8
* globalAttribute4
* agreementId
* customerPreferenceSetCode
* xmlMessageId
* globalAttribute16
* lastAckDate
* shipToleranceAbove
* creditCardNumber
* paymentAmount
* sourceDocumentVersionNumber
* attribute6
* transactionPhaseCode
* customerSignature
* tpAttribute8
* dropShipFlag
* programId
* attribute19
* firstAckCode
* taxExemptNumber
* globalAttribute5
* headerId
* conversionRate
* firstAckDate
* accountingRuleId
* partialShipmentsAllowed
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute20
* globalAttribute1
* earliestScheduleLimit
* userStatusCode
* globalAttribute12
* globalAttribute17
* tpAttribute7
* tpAttribute12
* accountingRuleDuration
* priceRequestCode
* latestScheduleLimit
* globalAttribute13
* deliverToOrgId
* orderDateTypeCode
* invoicingRuleId
* globalAttribute11
* tpAttribute2
* attribute15
* versionNumber
* creditCardCode
* globalAttribute10
* tpContext
* shippingInstructions
* instId
* lastAckCode
* globalAttribute15
* soldToSiteUseId
* tpAttribute6
* tpAttribute15
* globalAttribute19
* deliverToContactId
* demandClassCode
* globalAttribute2
* sourceDocumentId
* globalAttribute6
* packingInstructions
* fobPointCode
* attribute7
* shipToOrgId
* tpAttribute1
* shipmentPriorityCode
* programUpdateDate
* attribute13
* tpAttribute11
* batchId
* flowStatusCode
* creditCardApprovalDate
* attribute14
* attribute16
* attribute17
* attribute10
* tpAttribute5
* globalAttribute9
* orderCategoryCode
* expirationDate
* tpAttribute14
* orderedDate
* attribute11
* orgId
* attribute12
* shipToContactId
* tpAttribute10
* tpAttribute13
* shippingMethodCode
* globalAttribute3
* programApplicationId
* tpAttribute3
* upgradedFlag
* context
* salesDocumentTypeCode
* orderNumber
* attribute2
* quoteDate
* openFlag
* changeSequence
* soldFromOrgId
* custPoNumber
* creditCardApprovalCode
* attribute3
* transactionalCurrCode
* bookedFlag
* checkNumber
* salesChannelCode
* shipToleranceBelow
* paymentTermId
* lastUpdateDate
* orderFirmedDate
* freightTermsCode
* globalAttribute18
* requestDate
* createdBy
* cancelledFlag
* salesrepId
* invoiceToOrgId
* globalAttribute7
* taxExemptReasonCode
* lockControl
* taxExemptFlag
* taxPointCode
* marketingSourceCodeId
* orderTypeId
* origSysDocumentRef
* attribute4
* creditCardHolderName
* supplierSignature
* globalAttribute14
* paymentTypeCode


 * lastUpdateLogin
* customerPaymentTermId
* salesDocumentName
* soldToOrgId
* creditCardExpirationDate
* draftSubmittedFlag
* blanketNumber
* pricingDate
* attribute5
* soldToContactId
* conversionRateDate
* creationDate
* globalAttributeCategory
* quoteNumber
* freightCarrierCode
* tpAttribute4
* returnReasonCode
* globalAttribute8
* attribute1
* attribute9
* customerSignatureDate
* globalAttribute20
* orderSourceId
* tpAttribute9
* priceListId
* attribute18
* sourceDocumentTypeId
* bookedDate
* invoiceToContactId
* shipFromOrgId
* conversionTypeCode
* supplierSignatureDate
* requestId
* attribute8
* globalAttribute4
* agreementId
* customerPreferenceSetCode
* xmlMessageId
* globalAttribute16
* lastAckDate
* shipToleranceAbove
* creditCardNumber
* paymentAmount
* sourceDocumentVersionNumber
* attribute6
* transactionPhaseCode
* customerSignature
* tpAttribute8
* dropShipFlag
* programId
* attribute19
* firstAckCode
* taxExemptNumber
* globalAttribute5
* headerId
* conversionRate
* firstAckDate
* accountingRuleId
* partialShipmentsAllowed
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute20
* globalAttribute1
* earliestScheduleLimit
* userStatusCode
* globalAttribute12
* globalAttribute17
* tpAttribute7
* tpAttribute12
* accountingRuleDuration
* priceRequestCode
* latestScheduleLimit
* globalAttribute13
* deliverToOrgId
* orderDateTypeCode
* invoicingRuleId
* globalAttribute11
* tpAttribute2
* attribute15
* versionNumber
* creditCardCode
* globalAttribute10
* tpContext
* shippingInstructions
* instId
* lastAckCode
* globalAttribute15
* soldToSiteUseId
* tpAttribute6
* tpAttribute15
* globalAttribute19
* deliverToContactId
* demandClassCode
* globalAttribute2
* sourceDocumentId
* globalAttribute6
* packingInstructions
* fobPointCode
* attribute7
* shipToOrgId
* tpAttribute1
* shipmentPriorityCode
* programUpdateDate
* attribute13
* tpAttribute11
* batchId
* flowStatusCode
* creditCardApprovalDate
* attribute14
* attribute16
* attribute17
* attribute10
* tpAttribute5
* globalAttribute9
* orderCategoryCode
* expirationDate
* tpAttribute14
* orderedDate
* attribute11
* orgId
* attribute12
* shipToContactId
* tpAttribute10
* tpAttribute13
* shippingMethodCode
* globalAttribute3
* programApplicationId
* tpAttribute3
* upgradedFlag
* context
* salesDocumentTypeCode
* orderNumber
* attribute2
* quoteDate
* openFlag
* changeSequence
* soldFromOrgId
* custPoNumber
* creditCardApprovalCode
* attribute3
* transactionalCurrCode
* bookedFlag
* checkNumber
* salesChannelCode
* shipToleranceBelow
* paymentTermId
* lastUpdateDate
* orderFirmedDate
* freightTermsCode
* globalAttribute18
* requestDate
* createdBy
* cancelledFlag
* salesrepId
* invoiceToOrgId
* globalAttribute7
* taxExemptReasonCode
* lockControl
* taxExemptFlag
* taxPointCode
* marketingSourceCodeId
* orderTypeId
* origSysDocumentRef
* attribute4
* creditCardHolderName
* supplierSignature
* globalAttribute14
* paymentTypeCode


 * revisionChangeReasonCode
* enforceFreightTermFlag
* orderNumber
* defaultDiscountAmount
* blanketMaxAmount
* startDateActive
* enforceAccountingRuleFlag
* revisionChangeDate
* enforceShippingMethodFlag
* onHoldFlag
* returnedAmount
* enforcePaymentTermFlag
* revisionChangeComments
* enforceShipToFlag
* enforceInvoicingRuleFlag
* fulfilledAmount
* newPriceListId
* instId
* blanketMinAmount
* defaultDiscountPercent
* overrideAmountFlag
* releasedAmount
* endDateActive
* enforceInvoiceToFlag
* newModifierListId
* enforcePriceListFlag


 * revisionChangeReasonCode
* enforceFreightTermFlag
* orderNumber
* defaultDiscountAmount
* blanketMaxAmount
* startDateActive
* enforceAccountingRuleFlag
* revisionChangeDate
* enforceShippingMethodFlag
* onHoldFlag
* returnedAmount
* enforcePaymentTermFlag
* revisionChangeComments
* enforceShipToFlag
* enforceInvoicingRuleFlag
* fulfilledAmount
* newPriceListId
* instId
* blanketMinAmount
* defaultDiscountPercent
* overrideAmountFlag
* releasedAmount
* endDateActive
* enforceInvoiceToFlag
* newModifierListId
* enforcePriceListFlag


 * creditCardApprovalCode
* newModifierListId
* freightTermsCode
* histCreationDate
* tpAttribute4
* onHoldFlag
* creditCardNumber
* origSysDocumentRef
* paymentTermId
* creditCardHolderName
* enforceAccountingRuleFlag
* upgradedFlag
* histTypeCode
* creationDate
* globalAttribute14
* custPoNumber
* itemRelationshipType
* attribute17
* tpAttribute14
* histComments
* orderNumber
* soldFromOrgId
* enforceInvoiceToFlag
* shipToOrgId
* attribute5
* overrideAmountFlag
* fulfilledAmount
* shipmentPriorityCode
* enforceShipToFlag
* enforcePriceListFlag
* draftSubmittedFlag
* orderFirmedDate
* tpAttribute3
* globalAttribute13
* invoicingRuleId
* tpAttribute6
* revisionChangeReasonCode
* deliverToContactId
* defaultDiscountAmount
* quoteDate
* shipFromOrgId
* attribute16
* globalAttribute17
* bookedDate
* tpAttribute2
* accountingRuleDuration
* releasedAmount
* pricingDate
* returnReasonCode
* sourceDocumentId
* tpAttribute9
* lastUpdateLogin
* revisionChangeDate
* soldToContactId
* quoteNumber
* taxExemptFlag
* creditCardCode
* salesChannelCode
* accountingRuleId
* supplierSignature
* tpAttribute10
* deliverToOrgId
* soldToOrgId
* attribute8
* creditCardExpirationDate
* expirationDate
* programApplicationId
* tpAttribute5
* transactionalCurrCode
* conversionTypeCode
* fobPointCode
* reasonId
* revisionChangeComments
* salesrepId
* shippingMethodCode
* globalAttribute15
* tpAttribute1
* priceListId
* attribute4
* bookedFlag
* freightCarrierCode
* attribute18
* orderSourceId
* openFlag
* globalAttribute19
* attribute1
* instId
* partialShipmentsAllowed
* globalAttribute1
* invoiceToOrgId
* globalAttribute5
* tpAttribute8
* globalAttribute9
* firstAckCode
* tpAttribute12
* blanketMinAmount
* requestDate
* changeSequence
* responsibilityId
* blanketNumber
* orderTypeId
* invoiceToContactId
* globalAttribute12
* globalAttribute10
* tpAttribute13
* cancelledFlag
* reasonCode
* priceRequestCode
* taxExemptNumber
* earliestScheduleLimit
* attribute20
* auditFlag
* attribute15
* lastAckDate
* attribute14
* globalAttribute18
* createdBy
* shippingInstructions
* conversionRateDate
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute2
* shipToleranceAbove
* attribute19
* orderCategoryCode
* programUpdateDate
* globalAttribute20
* attribute10
* enforcePaymentTermFlag
* tpContext
* orderedDate
* requestId
* sourceDocumentTypeId
* versionFlag
* globalAttribute11
* supplierSignatureDate
* tpAttribute15
* tpAttribute7
* paymentTypeCode
* enforceFreightTermFlag
* orgId
* transactionPhaseCode
* tpAttribute11
* customerPreferenceSetCode
* salesDocumentName
* customerSignature
* startDateActive
* attribute9
* lockControl
* phaseChangeFlag
* globalAttributeCategory
* globalAttribute3
* orderDateTypeCode
* shipToContactId
* checkNumber
* userStatusCode
* globalAttribute6
* paymentAmount
* firstAckDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* context
* salesDocumentTypeCode
* taxExemptReasonCode
* defaultDiscountPercent
* lastAckCode
* attribute11
* endDateActive
* enforceShippingMethodFlag
* latestScheduleLimit
* customerSignatureDate
* attribute6
* headerId
* attribute3
* flowStatusCode
* soldToSiteUseId
* globalAttribute7
* newPriceListId
* attribute12
* programId
* creditCardApprovalDate
* globalAttribute2
* sourceDocumentVersionNumber
* packingInstructions
* returnedAmount
* enforceInvoicingRuleFlag
* globalAttribute4
* versionNumber
* conversionRate
* globalAttribute16
* agreementId
* demandClassCode
* histCreatedBy
* attribute7
* taxPointCode
* marketingSourceCodeId
* blanketMaxAmount
* globalAttribute8
* shipToleranceBelow
* attribute13


 * creditCardApprovalCode
* newModifierListId
* freightTermsCode
* histCreationDate
* tpAttribute4
* onHoldFlag
* creditCardNumber
* origSysDocumentRef
* paymentTermId
* creditCardHolderName
* enforceAccountingRuleFlag
* upgradedFlag
* histTypeCode
* creationDate
* globalAttribute14
* custPoNumber
* itemRelationshipType
* attribute17
* tpAttribute14
* histComments
* orderNumber
* soldFromOrgId
* enforceInvoiceToFlag
* shipToOrgId
* attribute5
* overrideAmountFlag
* fulfilledAmount
* shipmentPriorityCode
* enforceShipToFlag
* enforcePriceListFlag
* draftSubmittedFlag
* orderFirmedDate
* tpAttribute3
* globalAttribute13
* invoicingRuleId
* tpAttribute6
* revisionChangeReasonCode
* deliverToContactId
* defaultDiscountAmount
* quoteDate
* shipFromOrgId
* attribute16
* globalAttribute17
* bookedDate
* tpAttribute2
* accountingRuleDuration
* releasedAmount
* pricingDate
* returnReasonCode
* sourceDocumentId
* tpAttribute9
* lastUpdateLogin
* revisionChangeDate
* soldToContactId
* quoteNumber
* taxExemptFlag
* creditCardCode
* salesChannelCode
* accountingRuleId
* supplierSignature
* tpAttribute10
* deliverToOrgId
* soldToOrgId
* attribute8
* creditCardExpirationDate
* expirationDate
* programApplicationId
* tpAttribute5
* transactionalCurrCode
* conversionTypeCode
* fobPointCode
* reasonId
* revisionChangeComments
* salesrepId
* shippingMethodCode
* globalAttribute15
* tpAttribute1
* priceListId
* attribute4
* bookedFlag
* freightCarrierCode
* attribute18
* orderSourceId
* openFlag
* globalAttribute19
* attribute1
* instId
* partialShipmentsAllowed
* globalAttribute1
* invoiceToOrgId
* globalAttribute5
* tpAttribute8
* globalAttribute9
* firstAckCode
* tpAttribute12
* blanketMinAmount
* requestDate
* changeSequence
* responsibilityId
* blanketNumber
* orderTypeId
* invoiceToContactId
* globalAttribute12
* globalAttribute10
* tpAttribute13
* cancelledFlag
* reasonCode
* priceRequestCode
* taxExemptNumber
* earliestScheduleLimit
* attribute20
* auditFlag
* attribute15
* lastAckDate
* attribute14
* globalAttribute18
* createdBy
* shippingInstructions
* conversionRateDate
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute2
* shipToleranceAbove
* attribute19
* orderCategoryCode
* programUpdateDate
* globalAttribute20
* attribute10
* enforcePaymentTermFlag
* tpContext
* orderedDate
* requestId
* sourceDocumentTypeId
* versionFlag
* globalAttribute11
* supplierSignatureDate
* tpAttribute15
* tpAttribute7
* paymentTypeCode
* enforceFreightTermFlag
* orgId
* transactionPhaseCode
* tpAttribute11
* customerPreferenceSetCode
* salesDocumentName
* customerSignature
* startDateActive
* attribute9
* lockControl
* phaseChangeFlag
* globalAttributeCategory
* globalAttribute3
* orderDateTypeCode
* shipToContactId
* checkNumber
* userStatusCode
* globalAttribute6
* paymentAmount
* firstAckDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* context
* salesDocumentTypeCode
* taxExemptReasonCode
* defaultDiscountPercent
* lastAckCode
* attribute11
* endDateActive
* enforceShippingMethodFlag
* latestScheduleLimit
* customerSignatureDate
* attribute6
* headerId
* attribute3
* flowStatusCode
* soldToSiteUseId
* globalAttribute7
* newPriceListId
* attribute12
* programId
* creditCardApprovalDate
* globalAttribute2
* sourceDocumentVersionNumber
* packingInstructions
* returnedAmount
* enforceInvoicingRuleFlag
* globalAttribute4
* versionNumber
* conversionRate
* globalAttribute16
* agreementId
* demandClassCode
* histCreatedBy
* attribute7
* taxPointCode
* marketingSourceCodeId
* blanketMaxAmount
* globalAttribute8
* shipToleranceBelow
* attribute13


 * taxRate
* unitSellingPrice
* subinventory
* globalAttribute17
* cancelledQuantity2
* deliveryLeadTime
* tpAttribute5
* origSysDocumentRef
* serviceTxnComments
* globalAttribute12
* shipmentNumber
* inventoryItemId
* tpAttribute2
* componentSequenceId
* lineTypeId
* industryAttribute20
* blanketNumber
* explosionDate
* tpAttribute8
* shippingQuantityUom2
* attribute18
* taskId
* tpAttribute11
* returnAttribute11
* attribute5
* custProductionSeqNum
* returnAttribute7
* marketingSourceCodeId
* origSysLineRef
* splitBy
* intmedShipToContactId
* sourceDocumentTypeId
* priceRequestCode
* overShipResolvedFlag
* orderedQuantity
* lastAckCode
* optionFlag
* upgradedFlag
* serviceEndDate
* pricingQuantityUom
* industryAttribute12
* salesDocumentTypeCode
* globalAttribute16
* overrideAtpDateCode
* lateDemandPenaltyFactor
* shipToleranceAbove
* agreementId
* shippingInstructions
* programApplicationId
* itemSubstitutionTypeCode
* serviceTxnReasonCode
* attribute2
* globalAttribute15
* industryAttribute13
* userItemDescription
* mfgLeadTime
* freightCarrierCode
* configurationId
* demandBucketTypeCode
* authorizedToShipFlag
* globalAttribute3
* industryAttribute27
* unitSellingPercent
* attribute11
* orderedQuantity2
* attribute17
* pricingAttribute5
* unitListPricePerPqty
* modelGroupNumber
* vehCusItemCumKeyId
* taxExemptFlag
* requestId
* orgId
* globalAttribute7
* unitListPercent
* blanketVersionNumber
* attribute10
* globalAttribute2
* shippingInterfacedFlag
* sourceDocumentVersionNumber
* customerItemNetPrice
* intmedShipToOrgId
* industryAttribute4
* origSysShipmentRef
* attribute15
* shippingMethodCode
* scheduleShipDate
* taxExemptNumber
* taxValue
* flowStatusCode
* shipmentPriorityCode
* fobPointCode
* tpAttribute4
* serviceReferenceTypeCode
* orderedItemId
* shipToOrgId
* pricingDate
* programId
* returnAttribute13
* tpAttribute3
* taxCode
* returnAttribute8
* globalAttribute19
* industryAttribute2
* industryAttribute30
* invoiceToContactId
* shippingQuantityUom
* tpAttribute10
* latestAcceptableDate
* serviceDuration
* returnAttribute14
* customerDockCode
* attribute13
* pricingAttribute8
* pricingQuantity
* accountingRuleDuration
* accountingRuleId
* actualArrivalDate
* tpAttribute7
* tpAttribute12
* pricingAttribute9
* orderedQuantityUom2
* projectId
* industryAttribute24
* originalOrderedItemId
* pricingAttribute2
* attribute6
* industryAttribute8
* referenceHeaderId
* componentCode
* openFlag
* transactionPhaseCode
* depPlanRequiredFlag
* earliestAcceptableDate
* scheduleStatusCode
* overShipReasonCode
* customerShipmentNumber
* fulfillmentMethodCode
* scheduleArrivalDate
* priceListId
* tpAttribute9
* referenceType
* unitListPrice
* serviceCoterminateFlag
* actualShipmentDate
* blanketLineNumber
* industryAttribute16
* attribute12
* orderQuantityUom
* invoiceToOrgId
* returnAttribute12
* shipToContactId
* globalAttribute14
* industryAttribute5
* globalAttribute4
* salesrepId
* originalItemIdentifierType
* unitCost
* configRevNbr
* customerLineNumber
* industryAttribute17
* custModelSerialNumber
* taxExemptReasonCode
* serviceStartDate
* industryAttribute7
* splitFromLineId
* globalAttribute6
* globalAttribute9
* globalAttribute13
* creditInvoiceLineId
* headerId
* firstAckDate
* visibleDemandFlag
* globalAttribute18
* orderedItem
* mfgComponentSequenceId
* reSourceFlag
* returnReasonCode
* taxPointCode
* shipSetId
* pricingAttribute7
* industryAttribute11
* industryAttribute19
* demandClassCode
* pricingAttribute4
* tpAttribute1
* soldToOrgId
* industryAttribute18
* optionNumber
* programUpdateDate
* calculatePriceFlag
* globalAttribute10
* tpContext
* orderFirmedDate
* shippedQuantity2
* industryAttribute10
* fulfilledQuantity
* deliverToContactId
* packingInstructions
* modelRemnantFlag
* lastAckDate
* industryAttribute14
* componentNumber
* customerPaymentTermId
* pricingAttribute6
* deliverToOrgId
* returnAttribute6
* shipToleranceBelow
* industryAttribute26
* topModelLineId
* endItemUnitNumber
* preferredGrade
* globalAttribute1
* industryContext
* industryAttribute22
* customerJob
* lineNumber
* revenueAmount
* invoicedQuantity
* attribute14
* returnAttribute4
* unitPercentBasePrice
* pricingContext
* pricingAttribute10
* sourceTypeCode
* lockControl
* invoicingRuleId
* sortOrder
* promiseDate
* pricingAttribute1
* industryAttribute3
* firstAckCode
* attribute20
* tpAttribute13
* custPoNumber
* unitSellingPricePerPqty
* serviceReferenceSystemId
* context
* serviceReferenceLineId
* returnAttribute15
* createdBy
* attribute9
* servicePeriod
* lineCategoryCode
* creationDate
* actualFulfillmentDate
* lastUpdateDate
* bookedFlag
* invoiceInterfaceStatusCode
* linkToLineId
* orderSourceId
* shippedQuantity
* configHeaderId
* industryAttribute9
* configDisplaySequence
* returnAttribute9
* tpAttribute6
* attribute19
* attribute16
* lastUpdateLogin
* fulfilledQuantity2
* originalInventoryItemId
* pricingAttribute3
* customerProductionLine
* taxDate
* industryAttribute25
* industryAttribute6
* itemIdentifierType
* autoSelectedQuantity
* sourceDocumentLineId
* attribute4
* returnAttribute10
* industryAttribute28
* shippingQuantity
* itemRevision
* industryAttribute15
* serviceNumber
* cancelledQuantity
* instId
* returnContext
* returnAttribute2
* fulfillmentDate
* tpAttribute15
* attribute7
* shipModelCompleteFlag
* lastUpdatedBy
* itemTypeCode
* changeSequence
* originalOrderedItem
* requestDate
* lineSetId
* shippableFlag
* paymentTermId
* freightTermsCode
* globalAttribute11
* arrivalSetId
* attribute1
* soldFromOrgId
* globalAttribute5
* referenceCustomerTrxLineId
* industryAttribute29
* globalAttribute20
* customerTrxLineId
* globalAttribute8
* planningPriority
* industryAttribute21
* referenceLineId
* sourceDocumentId
* dropShipFlag
* lineId
* shippingQuantity2
* industryAttribute1
* attribute3
* industryAttribute23
* itemRelationshipType
* commitmentId
* attribute8
* returnAttribute5
* globalAttributeCategory
* returnAttribute1
* atoLineId
* returnAttribute3
* rlaScheduleTypeCode
* cancelledFlag
* fulfilledFlag
* tpAttribute14
* shipFromOrgId


 * taxRate
* unitSellingPrice
* subinventory
* globalAttribute17
* cancelledQuantity2
* deliveryLeadTime
* tpAttribute5
* origSysDocumentRef
* serviceTxnComments
* globalAttribute12
* shipmentNumber
* inventoryItemId
* tpAttribute2
* componentSequenceId
* lineTypeId
* industryAttribute20
* blanketNumber
* explosionDate
* tpAttribute8
* shippingQuantityUom2
* attribute18
* taskId
* tpAttribute11
* returnAttribute11
* attribute5
* custProductionSeqNum
* returnAttribute7
* marketingSourceCodeId
* origSysLineRef
* splitBy
* intmedShipToContactId
* sourceDocumentTypeId
* priceRequestCode
* overShipResolvedFlag
* orderedQuantity
* lastAckCode
* optionFlag
* upgradedFlag
* serviceEndDate
* pricingQuantityUom
* industryAttribute12
* salesDocumentTypeCode
* globalAttribute16
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* lateDemandPenaltyFactor
* shipToleranceAbove
* agreementId
* shippingInstructions
* programApplicationId
* itemSubstitutionTypeCode
* serviceTxnReasonCode
* attribute2
* globalAttribute15
* industryAttribute13
* userItemDescription
* mfgLeadTime
* freightCarrierCode
* configurationId
* demandBucketTypeCode
* authorizedToShipFlag
* globalAttribute3
* industryAttribute27
* unitSellingPercent
* attribute11
* orderedQuantity2
* attribute17
* pricingAttribute5
* unitListPricePerPqty
* modelGroupNumber
* vehCusItemCumKeyId
* taxExemptFlag
* requestId
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* globalAttribute7
* unitListPercent
* blanketVersionNumber
* attribute10
* globalAttribute2
* shippingInterfacedFlag
* sourceDocumentVersionNumber
* customerItemNetPrice
* intmedShipToOrgId
* industryAttribute4
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* attribute15
* shippingMethodCode
* scheduleShipDate
* taxExemptNumber
* taxValue
* flowStatusCode
* shipmentPriorityCode
* fobPointCode
* tpAttribute4
* serviceReferenceTypeCode
* orderedItemId
* shipToOrgId
* pricingDate
* programId
* returnAttribute13
* tpAttribute3
* taxCode
* returnAttribute8
* globalAttribute19
* industryAttribute2
* industryAttribute30
* invoiceToContactId
* shippingQuantityUom
* tpAttribute10
* latestAcceptableDate
* serviceDuration
* returnAttribute14
* customerDockCode
* attribute13
* pricingAttribute8
* pricingQuantity
* accountingRuleDuration
* accountingRuleId
* actualArrivalDate
* tpAttribute7
* tpAttribute12
* pricingAttribute9
* orderedQuantityUom2
* projectId
* industryAttribute24
* originalOrderedItemId
* pricingAttribute2
* attribute6
* industryAttribute8
* referenceHeaderId
* componentCode
* openFlag
* transactionPhaseCode
* depPlanRequiredFlag
* earliestAcceptableDate
* scheduleStatusCode
* overShipReasonCode
* customerShipmentNumber
* fulfillmentMethodCode
* scheduleArrivalDate
* priceListId
* tpAttribute9
* referenceType
* unitListPrice
* serviceCoterminateFlag
* actualShipmentDate
* blanketLineNumber
* industryAttribute16
* attribute12
* orderQuantityUom
* invoiceToOrgId
* returnAttribute12
* shipToContactId
* globalAttribute14
* industryAttribute5
* globalAttribute4
* salesrepId
* originalItemIdentifierType
* unitCost
* configRevNbr
* customerLineNumber
* industryAttribute17
* custModelSerialNumber
* taxExemptReasonCode
* serviceStartDate
* industryAttribute7
* splitFromLineId
* globalAttribute6
* globalAttribute9
* globalAttribute13
* creditInvoiceLineId
* headerId
* firstAckDate
* visibleDemandFlag
* globalAttribute18
* orderedItem
* mfgComponentSequenceId
* reSourceFlag
* returnReasonCode
* taxPointCode
* shipSetId
* pricingAttribute7
* industryAttribute11
* industryAttribute19
* demandClassCode
* pricingAttribute4
* tpAttribute1
* soldToOrgId
* industryAttribute18
* optionNumber
* programUpdateDate
* calculatePriceFlag
* globalAttribute10
* tpContext
* orderFirmedDate
* shippedQuantity2
* industryAttribute10
* fulfilledQuantity
* deliverToContactId
* packingInstructions
* modelRemnantFlag
* lastAckDate
* industryAttribute14
* componentNumber
* customerPaymentTermId
* pricingAttribute6
* deliverToOrgId
* returnAttribute6
* shipToleranceBelow
* industryAttribute26
* topModelLineId
* endItemUnitNumber
* preferredGrade
* globalAttribute1
* industryContext
* industryAttribute22
* customerJob
* lineNumber
* revenueAmount
* invoicedQuantity
* attribute14
* returnAttribute4
* unitPercentBasePrice
* pricingContext
* pricingAttribute10
* sourceTypeCode
* lockControl
* invoicingRuleId
* sortOrder
* promiseDate
* pricingAttribute1
* industryAttribute3
* firstAckCode
* attribute20
* tpAttribute13
* custPoNumber
* unitSellingPricePerPqty
* serviceReferenceSystemId
* context
* serviceReferenceLineId
* returnAttribute15
* createdBy
* attribute9
* servicePeriod
* lineCategoryCode
* creationDate
* actualFulfillmentDate
* lastUpdateDate
* bookedFlag
* invoiceInterfaceStatusCode
* linkToLineId
* orderSourceId
* shippedQuantity
* configHeaderId
* industryAttribute9
* configDisplaySequence
* returnAttribute9
* tpAttribute6
* attribute19
* attribute16
* lastUpdateLogin
* fulfilledQuantity2
* originalInventoryItemId
* pricingAttribute3
* customerProductionLine
* taxDate
* industryAttribute25
* industryAttribute6
* itemIdentifierType
* autoSelectedQuantity
* sourceDocumentLineId
* attribute4
* returnAttribute10
* industryAttribute28
* shippingQuantity
* itemRevision
* industryAttribute15
* serviceNumber
* cancelledQuantity
* instId
* returnContext
* returnAttribute2
* fulfillmentDate
* tpAttribute15
* attribute7
* shipModelCompleteFlag
* lastUpdatedBy
* itemTypeCode
* changeSequence
* originalOrderedItem
* requestDate
* lineSetId
* shippableFlag
* paymentTermId
* freightTermsCode
* globalAttribute11
* arrivalSetId
* attribute1
* soldFromOrgId
* globalAttribute5
* referenceCustomerTrxLineId
* industryAttribute29
* globalAttribute20
* customerTrxLineId
* globalAttribute8
* planningPriority
* industryAttribute21
* referenceLineId
* sourceDocumentId
* dropShipFlag
* lineId
* shippingQuantity2
* industryAttribute1
* attribute3
* industryAttribute23
* itemRelationshipType
* commitmentId
* attribute8
* returnAttribute5
* globalAttributeCategory
* returnAttribute1
* atoLineId
* returnAttribute3
* rlaScheduleTypeCode
* cancelledFlag
* fulfilledFlag
* tpAttribute14
* shipFromOrgId


 * enforceAccountingRuleFlag
* returnedQuantity
* lineId
* enforceFreightTermFlag
* enforceShipToFlag
* minReleaseQuantity
* enforceInvoiceToFlag
* instId
* qpListLineId
* overrideReleaseControlsFlag
* releasedQuantity
* endDateActive
* maxReleaseAmount
* enforceShippingMethodFlag
* startDateActive
* maxReleaseQuantity
* fulfilledQuantity
* orderNumber
* returnedAmount
* enforceInvoicingRuleFlag
* enforcePaymentTermFlag
* blanketLineMaxAmount
* modifierListLineId
* fulfilledAmount
* blanketLineMinAmount
* overrideBlanketControlsFlag
* blanketMinQuantity
* lineNumber
* releasedAmount
* minReleaseAmount
* enforcePriceListFlag
* blanketMaxQuantity


 * enforceAccountingRuleFlag
* returnedQuantity
* lineId
* enforceFreightTermFlag
* enforceShipToFlag
* minReleaseQuantity
* enforceInvoiceToFlag
* instId
* qpListLineId
* overrideReleaseControlsFlag
* releasedQuantity
* endDateActive
* maxReleaseAmount
* enforceShippingMethodFlag
* startDateActive
* maxReleaseQuantity
* fulfilledQuantity
* orderNumber
* returnedAmount
* enforceInvoicingRuleFlag
* enforcePaymentTermFlag
* blanketLineMaxAmount
* modifierListLineId
* fulfilledAmount
* blanketLineMinAmount
* overrideBlanketControlsFlag
* blanketMinQuantity
* lineNumber
* releasedAmount
* minReleaseAmount
* enforcePriceListFlag
* blanketMaxQuantity


 * shipmentNumber
* pricingQuantityUom
* shipFromOrgId
* planningPriority
* itemRelationshipType
* lineId
* globalAttribute19
* globalAttribute11
* industryAttribute18
* cancelledFlag
* taxPointCode
* loadSeqNumber
* configHeaderId
* taxCode
* blanketVersionNumber
* orderQuantityUom
* taxRate
* sourceDocumentId
* reSourceFlag
* industryAttribute21
* attribute3
* industryAttribute10
* tpAttribute7
* industryAttribute5
* industryAttribute29
* serviceReferenceTypeCode
* tpAttribute3
* headerId
* globalAttribute20
* creditInvoiceLineId
* phaseChangeFlag
* returnAttribute11
* fulfilledQuantity
* attribute18
* soldToOrgId
* taskId
* unitListPrice
* fulfillmentMethodCode
* attribute19
* lastUpdateDate
* blanketLineMinAmount
* shippingMethodCode
* returnAttribute15
* splitFromLineId
* revenueAmount
* globalAttribute3
* shipToleranceAbove
* deliveryLeadTime
* shipToleranceBelow
* customerJob
* enforceShippingMethodFlag
* invoiceToOrgId
* invoicedQuantity
* lateDemandPenaltyFactor
* origSysDocumentRef
* industryAttribute23
* returnAttribute9
* wfResultCode
* lineNumber
* scheduleStatusCode
* referenceHeaderId
* attribute10
* pricingAttribute2
* unitListPricePerPqty
* globalAttribute7
* versionNumber
* tpAttribute11
* projectId
* requestId
* orderNumber
* globalAttribute18
* returnAttribute12
* dropShipFlag
* minReleaseAmount
* globalAttributeCategory
* serviceNumber
* shippingQuantity
* returnAttribute1
* industryAttribute13
* histTypeCode
* enforceInvoiceToFlag
* industryAttribute4
* unitSellingPricePerPqty
* shippingQuantityUom2
* attribute4
* sourceDocumentVersionNumber
* latestCancelledQuantity
* programUpdateDate
* endItemUnitNumber
* industryAttribute2
* customerShipmentNumber
* referenceCustomerTrxLineId
* orderedQuantity2
* returnAttribute13
* pricingQuantity
* soldFromOrgId
* attribute11
* auditFlag
* shipToOrgId
* shipToContactId
* globalAttribute8
* attribute7
* attribute12
* histComments
* globalAttribute4
* unitPercentBasePrice
* pricingDate
* globalAttribute12
* tpAttribute1
* unitSellingPercent
* enforceAccountingRuleFlag
* attribute17
* customerTrxLineId
* returnAttribute14
* originalOrderedItemId
* userItemDescription
* freightTermsCode
* deliverToContactId
* shippingInstructions
* deliverToOrgId
* cancelledQuantity2
* taxExemptNumber
* industryAttribute15
* openFlag
* returnAttribute3
* releasedQuantity
* tpAttribute8
* itemRevision
* industryAttribute19
* inventoryItemId
* serviceStartDate
* pricingAttribute8
* serviceEndDate
* pricingAttribute1
* overShipReasonCode
* industryContext
* tpAttribute6
* packingInstructions
* itemInput
* transactionPhaseCode
* tpAttribute9
* customerDockCode
* tpContext
* custPoNumber
* changeSequence
* blanketMaxQuantity
* attribute14
* linkToLineId
* versionFlag
* industryAttribute28
* lineTypeId
* serviceReferenceSystemId
* attribute6
* sourceTypeCode
* enforceInvoicingRuleFlag
* returnedQuantity
* industryAttribute25
* referenceLineId
* createdBy
* returnAttribute4
* returnAttribute8
* returnAttribute10
* fulfilledFlag
* context
* earliestAcceptableDate
* actualShipmentDate
* globalAttribute6
* returnedAmount
* industryAttribute22
* reasonCode
* referenceType
* customerItemNetPrice
* modelGroupNumber
* orderFirmedDate
* componentNumber
* tpAttribute15
* responsibilityId
* tpAttribute2
* fobPointCode
* attribute8
* attribute20
* lastUpdateLogin
* industryAttribute9
* unitListPercent
* returnAttribute6
* atoLineId
* creationDate
* attribute15
* globalAttribute9
* lastUpdatedBy
* orderedQuantity
* industryAttribute3
* programId
* globalAttribute15
* invoiceToContactId
* industryAttribute24
* originalOrderedItem
* enforceShipToFlag
* lastAckCode
* enforcePriceListFlag
* orderSourceId
* overrideAtpDateCode
* shipmentPriorityCode
* returnAttribute5
* promiseDate
* calculatePriceFlag
* depPlanRequiredFlag
* industryAttribute27
* returnReasonCode
* preferredGrade
* itemIdentifierType
* freightCarrierCode
* overrideBlanketControlsFlag
* customerPaymentTermId
* shippingQuantity2
* attribute16
* histCreatedBy
* attribute9
* itemTypeCode
* fulfillmentDate
* unitSellingPrice
* shipModelCompleteFlag
* configRevNbr
* taxExemptFlag
* mfgComponentSequenceId
* maxReleaseQuantity
* paymentTermId
* serviceReferenceLineId
* blanketNumber
* modifierListLineId
* industryAttribute11
* overShipResolvedFlag
* priceRequestCode
* configurationId
* invoiceInterfaceStatusCode
* actualFulfillmentDate
* commitmentId
* tpAttribute10
* tpAttribute14
* blanketLineNumber
* lineCategoryCode
* blanketMinQuantity
* latestAcceptableDate
* wfActivityCode
* endDateActive
* industryAttribute26
* origSysLineRef
* globalAttribute14
* pricingAttribute4
* demandClassCode
* pricingAttribute6
* serviceTxnComments
* pricingAttribute5
* bookedFlag
* salesrepId
* vehCusItemCumKeyId
* pricingAttribute10
* tpAttribute5
* customerProductionLine
* industryAttribute14
* histCreationDate
* accountingRuleDuration
* salesDocumentTypeCode
* taxExemptReasonCode
* scheduleShipDate
* orderedItemId
* sourceDocumentTypeId
* industryAttribute17
* intmedShipToOrgId
* overrideReleaseControlsFlag
* returnContext
* serviceCoterminateFlag
* componentSequenceId
* fulfilledAmount
* actualArrivalDate
* releasedAmount
* visibleDemandFlag
* accountingRuleId
* attribute2
* shipSetId
* authorizedToShipFlag
* sortOrder
* splitBy
* enforcePaymentTermFlag
* originalItemIdentifierType
* fulfilledQuantity2
* subinventory
* startDateActive
* firstAckDate
* industryAttribute20
* instId
* firstAckCode
* orgId
* optionNumber
* customerLineNumber
* industryAttribute1
* returnAttribute7
* globalAttribute2
* itemSubstitutionTypeCode
* autoSelectedQuantity
* globalAttribute13
* servicePeriod
* tpAttribute13
* demandBucketTypeCode
* taxValue
* custModelSerialNumber
* customerItemId
* returnAttribute2
* arrivalSetId
* reasonId
* priceListId
* agreementId
* enforceFreightTermFlag
* shippingInterfacedFlag
* invoiceCompleteFlag
* globalAttribute17
* globalAttribute1
* pricingAttribute9
* attribute1
* configDisplaySequence
* topModelLineId
* invoicingRuleId
* globalAttribute16
* componentCode
* servicedLineId
* blanketLineMaxAmount
* rlaScheduleTypeCode
* serviceDuration
* cancelledQuantity
* pricingContext
* optionFlag
* shippableFlag
* attribute13
* industryAttribute8
* industryAttribute6
* orderedItem
* explosionDate
* industryAttribute7
* custProductionSeqNum
* taxDate
* tpAttribute12
* flowStatusCode
* lastAckDate
* shippedQuantity2
* shippedQuantity
* scheduleArrivalDate
* shippingQuantityUom
* lineSetId
* industryAttribute16
* intmedShipToContactId
* minReleaseQuantity
* qpListLineId
* industryAttribute12
* programApplicationId
* requestDate
* customerItemRevision
* pricingAttribute7
* maxReleaseAmount
* modelRemnantFlag
* serviceTxnReasonCode
* attribute5
* originalInventoryItemId
* origSysShipmentRef
* itemId
* deliveryId
* tpAttribute4
* globalAttribute5
* pricingAttribute3
* sourceDocumentLineId
* globalAttribute10
* orderedQuantityUom2
* industryAttribute30


 * shipmentNumber
* pricingQuantityUom
* shipFromOrgId
* planningPriority
* itemRelationshipType
* lineId
* globalAttribute19
* globalAttribute11
* industryAttribute18
* cancelledFlag
* taxPointCode
* loadSeqNumber
* configHeaderId
* taxCode
* blanketVersionNumber
* orderQuantityUom
* taxRate
* sourceDocumentId
* reSourceFlag
* industryAttribute21
* attribute3
* industryAttribute10
* tpAttribute7
* industryAttribute5
* industryAttribute29
* serviceReferenceTypeCode
* tpAttribute3
* headerId
* globalAttribute20
* creditInvoiceLineId
* phaseChangeFlag
* returnAttribute11
* fulfilledQuantity
* attribute18
* soldToOrgId
* taskId
* unitListPrice
* fulfillmentMethodCode
* attribute19
* lastUpdateDate
* blanketLineMinAmount
* shippingMethodCode
* returnAttribute15
* splitFromLineId
* revenueAmount
* globalAttribute3
* shipToleranceAbove
* deliveryLeadTime
* shipToleranceBelow
* customerJob
* enforceShippingMethodFlag
* invoiceToOrgId
* invoicedQuantity
* lateDemandPenaltyFactor
* origSysDocumentRef
* industryAttribute23
* returnAttribute9
* wfResultCode
* lineNumber
* scheduleStatusCode
* referenceHeaderId
* attribute10
* pricingAttribute2
* unitListPricePerPqty
* globalAttribute7
* versionNumber
* tpAttribute11
* projectId
* requestId
* orderNumber
* globalAttribute18
* returnAttribute12
* dropShipFlag
* minReleaseAmount
* globalAttributeCategory
* serviceNumber
* shippingQuantity
* returnAttribute1
* industryAttribute13
* histTypeCode
* enforceInvoiceToFlag
* industryAttribute4
* unitSellingPricePerPqty
* shippingQuantityUom2
* attribute4
* sourceDocumentVersionNumber
* latestCancelledQuantity
* programUpdateDate
* endItemUnitNumber
* industryAttribute2
* customerShipmentNumber
* referenceCustomerTrxLineId
* orderedQuantity2
* returnAttribute13
* pricingQuantity
* soldFromOrgId
* attribute11
* auditFlag
* shipToOrgId
* shipToContactId
* globalAttribute8
* attribute7
* attribute12
* histComments
* globalAttribute4
* unitPercentBasePrice
* pricingDate
* globalAttribute12
* tpAttribute1
* unitSellingPercent
* enforceAccountingRuleFlag
* attribute17
* customerTrxLineId
* returnAttribute14
* originalOrderedItemId
* userItemDescription
* freightTermsCode
* deliverToContactId
* shippingInstructions
* deliverToOrgId
* cancelledQuantity2
* taxExemptNumber
* industryAttribute15
* openFlag
* returnAttribute3
* releasedQuantity
* tpAttribute8
* itemRevision
* industryAttribute19
* inventoryItemId
* serviceStartDate
* pricingAttribute8
* serviceEndDate
* pricingAttribute1
* overShipReasonCode
* industryContext
* tpAttribute6
* packingInstructions
* itemInput
* transactionPhaseCode
* tpAttribute9
* customerDockCode
* tpContext
* custPoNumber
* changeSequence
* blanketMaxQuantity
* attribute14
* linkToLineId
* versionFlag
* industryAttribute28
* lineTypeId
* serviceReferenceSystemId
* attribute6
* sourceTypeCode
* enforceInvoicingRuleFlag
* returnedQuantity
* industryAttribute25
* referenceLineId
* createdBy
* returnAttribute4
* returnAttribute8
* returnAttribute10
* fulfilledFlag
* context
* earliestAcceptableDate
* actualShipmentDate
* globalAttribute6
* returnedAmount
* industryAttribute22
* reasonCode
* referenceType
* customerItemNetPrice
* modelGroupNumber
* orderFirmedDate
* componentNumber
* tpAttribute15
* responsibilityId
* tpAttribute2
* fobPointCode
* attribute8
* attribute20
* lastUpdateLogin
* industryAttribute9
* unitListPercent
* returnAttribute6
* atoLineId
* creationDate
* attribute15
* globalAttribute9
* lastUpdatedBy
* orderedQuantity
* industryAttribute3
* programId
* globalAttribute15
* invoiceToContactId
* industryAttribute24
* originalOrderedItem
* enforceShipToFlag
* lastAckCode
* enforcePriceListFlag
* orderSourceId
* overrideAtpDateCode
* shipmentPriorityCode
* returnAttribute5
* promiseDate
* calculatePriceFlag
* depPlanRequiredFlag
* industryAttribute27
* returnReasonCode
* preferredGrade
* itemIdentifierType
* freightCarrierCode
* overrideBlanketControlsFlag
* customerPaymentTermId
* shippingQuantity2
* attribute16
* histCreatedBy
* attribute9
* itemTypeCode
* fulfillmentDate
* unitSellingPrice
* shipModelCompleteFlag
* configRevNbr
* taxExemptFlag
* mfgComponentSequenceId
* maxReleaseQuantity
* paymentTermId
* serviceReferenceLineId
* blanketNumber
* modifierListLineId
* industryAttribute11
* overShipResolvedFlag
* priceRequestCode
* configurationId
* invoiceInterfaceStatusCode
* actualFulfillmentDate
* commitmentId
* tpAttribute10
* tpAttribute14
* blanketLineNumber
* lineCategoryCode
* blanketMinQuantity
* latestAcceptableDate
* wfActivityCode
* endDateActive
* industryAttribute26
* origSysLineRef
* globalAttribute14
* pricingAttribute4
* demandClassCode
* pricingAttribute6
* serviceTxnComments
* pricingAttribute5
* bookedFlag
* salesrepId
* vehCusItemCumKeyId
* pricingAttribute10
* tpAttribute5
* customerProductionLine
* industryAttribute14
* histCreationDate
* accountingRuleDuration
* salesDocumentTypeCode
* taxExemptReasonCode
* scheduleShipDate
* orderedItemId
* sourceDocumentTypeId
* industryAttribute17
* intmedShipToOrgId
* overrideReleaseControlsFlag
* returnContext
* serviceCoterminateFlag
* componentSequenceId
* fulfilledAmount
* actualArrivalDate
* releasedAmount
* visibleDemandFlag
* accountingRuleId
* attribute2
* shipSetId
* authorizedToShipFlag
* sortOrder
* splitBy
* enforcePaymentTermFlag
* originalItemIdentifierType
* fulfilledQuantity2
* subinventory
* startDateActive
* firstAckDate
* industryAttribute20
* instId
* firstAckCode
* orgId
* optionNumber
* customerLineNumber
* industryAttribute1
* returnAttribute7
* globalAttribute2
* itemSubstitutionTypeCode
* autoSelectedQuantity
* globalAttribute13
* servicePeriod
* tpAttribute13
* demandBucketTypeCode
* taxValue
* custModelSerialNumber
* customerItemId
* returnAttribute2
* arrivalSetId
* reasonId
* priceListId
* agreementId
* enforceFreightTermFlag
* shippingInterfacedFlag
* invoiceCompleteFlag
* globalAttribute17
* globalAttribute1
* pricingAttribute9
* attribute1
* configDisplaySequence
* topModelLineId
* invoicingRuleId
* globalAttribute16
* componentCode
* servicedLineId
* blanketLineMaxAmount
* rlaScheduleTypeCode
* serviceDuration
* cancelledQuantity
* pricingContext
* optionFlag
* shippableFlag
* attribute13
* industryAttribute8
* industryAttribute6
* orderedItem
* explosionDate
* industryAttribute7
* custProductionSeqNum
* taxDate
* tpAttribute12
* flowStatusCode
* lastAckDate
* shippedQuantity2
* shippedQuantity
* scheduleArrivalDate
* shippingQuantityUom
* lineSetId
* industryAttribute16
* intmedShipToContactId
* minReleaseQuantity
* qpListLineId
* industryAttribute12
* programApplicationId
* requestDate
* customerItemRevision
* pricingAttribute7
* maxReleaseAmount
* modelRemnantFlag
* serviceTxnReasonCode
* attribute5
* originalInventoryItemId
* origSysShipmentRef
* itemId
* deliveryId
* tpAttribute4
* globalAttribute5
* pricingAttribute3
* sourceDocumentLineId
* globalAttribute10
* orderedQuantityUom2
* industryAttribute30


 * parentRequestId
* date2
* orgId
* processed
* shipFromOrgId
* attribute2
* arrivalSetId
* date3
* attribute5
* date1
* childRequestId
* date4
* attribute3
* topModelLineId
* attribute4
* date5
* lineId
* attribute1
* shipSetId
* groupNumber
* scheduleArrivalDate
* scheduleShipDate
* processingOrder
* requestDate


 * parentRequestId
* date2
* orgId
* processed
* shipFromOrgId
* attribute2
* arrivalSetId
* date3
* attribute5
* date1
* childRequestId
* date4
* attribute3
* topModelLineId
* attribute4
* date5
* lineId
* attribute1
* shipSetId
* groupNumber
* scheduleArrivalDate
* scheduleShipDate
* processingOrder
* requestDate


 * numericAttribute5
* numericAttribute3
* charAttribute1
* requestId
* headerId
* lineId
* charAttribute3
* numericAttribute1
* charAttribute2
* charAttribute5
* charAttribute4
* numericAttribute2
* numericAttribute4


 * numericAttribute5
* numericAttribute3
* charAttribute1
* requestId
* headerId
* lineId
* charAttribute3
* numericAttribute1
* charAttribute2
* charAttribute5
* charAttribute4
* numericAttribute2
* numericAttribute4


 * includePaymentsAtRiskFlag
* auditUserName
* openArDays
* includeExternalExposureFlag
* auditTrueNulls
* auditSequenceId
* startDateActive
* creditHoldLevelCode
* ordersOnHoldFlag
* includeReturnsFlag
* creditCheckRuleId
* creditCheckLevelCode
* auditSessionId
* auditCommitId
* auditTimestamp
* shippingInterval
* endDateActive
* quickCrCheckFlag
* openArBalanceFlag
* inclFreightChargesFlag
* includeTaxFlag
* sendHoldNotificationsFlag
* uninvoicedOrdersFlag
* maximumDaysPastDue
* checkItemCategoriesFlag
* conversionType
* daysHonorManualRelease
* auditTransactionType
* name
* rowKey


 * includePaymentsAtRiskFlag
* auditUserName
* openArDays
* includeExternalExposureFlag
* auditTrueNulls
* auditSequenceId
* startDateActive
* creditHoldLevelCode
* ordersOnHoldFlag
* includeReturnsFlag
* creditCheckRuleId
* creditCheckLevelCode
* auditSessionId
* auditCommitId
* auditTimestamp
* shippingInterval
* endDateActive
* quickCrCheckFlag
* openArBalanceFlag
* inclFreightChargesFlag
* includeTaxFlag
* sendHoldNotificationsFlag
* uninvoicedOrdersFlag
* maximumDaysPastDue
* checkItemCategoriesFlag
* conversionType
* daysHonorManualRelease
* auditTransactionType
* name
* rowKey


 * attribute8
* attribute15
* attribute4
* lastUpdateLogin
* changeRequestCode
* statusFlag
* attribute6
* orgId
* orderSourceId
* attribute11
* instId
* changeSequence
* salesrep
* programUpdateDate
* origSysShipmentRef
* soldToOrg
* attribute3
* operationCode
* changeReason
* errorFlag
* attribute9
* salesGroupUpdatedFlag
* interfaceStatus
* soldToOrgId
* salesrepId
* attribute7
* percent
* attribute1
* quotaFlag
* attribute10
* attribute5
* salesCreditType
* createdBy
* changeComments
* creationDate
* salesGroupId
* programId
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute12
* lastUpdatedBy
* origSysLineRef
* context
* attribute13
* attribute2
* origSysCreditRef
* origSysDocumentRef
* attribute14
* salesCreditTypeId
* programApplicationId
* requestId


 * attribute8
* attribute15
* attribute4
* lastUpdateLogin
* changeRequestCode
* statusFlag
* attribute6
* orgId
* orderSourceId
* attribute11
* instId
* changeSequence
* salesrep
* programUpdateDate
* origSysShipmentRef
* soldToOrg
* attribute3
* operationCode
* changeReason
* errorFlag
* attribute9
* salesGroupUpdatedFlag
* interfaceStatus
* soldToOrgId
* salesrepId
* attribute7
* percent
* attribute1
* quotaFlag
* attribute10
* attribute5
* salesCreditType
* createdBy
* changeComments
* creationDate
* salesGroupId
* programId
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute12
* lastUpdatedBy
* origSysLineRef
* context
* attribute13
* attribute2
* origSysCreditRef
* origSysDocumentRef
* attribute14
* salesCreditTypeId
* programApplicationId
* requestId


 * custItemSettingId
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute5
* attribute14
* underShipmentTolerance
* creationDate
* attribute8
* attribute15
* inventoryOrgId
* lastUpdatedBy
* overShipmentTolerance
* attribute9
* attribute1
* attribute4
* createdBy
* overReturnTolerance
* customerId
* attribute2
* attribute6
* underReturnTolerance
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute3
* attribute7
* attribute13
* siteUseId
* context
* attribute12
* attribute10
* internalItemId
* attribute11


 * custItemSettingId
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute5
* attribute14
* underShipmentTolerance
* creationDate
* attribute8
* attribute15
* inventoryOrgId
* lastUpdatedBy
* overShipmentTolerance
* attribute9
* attribute1
* attribute4
* createdBy
* overReturnTolerance
* customerId
* attribute2
* attribute6
* underReturnTolerance
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute3
* attribute7
* attribute13
* siteUseId
* context
* attribute12
* attribute10
* internalItemId
* attribute11


 * period2TotalAmount
* programApplicationId
* soldToOrgId
* lastUpdateDate
* programId
* programUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* requestId
* period3TotalAmount
* orgId
* period1TotalAmount
* createdBy
* creationDate
* lastUpdatedBy


 * period2TotalAmount
* programApplicationId
* soldToOrgId
* lastUpdateDate
* programId
* programUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* requestId
* period3TotalAmount
* orgId
* period1TotalAmount
* createdBy
* creationDate
* lastUpdatedBy


 * globalAttribute17
* globalAttribute1
* newAddressIdDeliver
* attribute11
* isDeliverToAddress
* attribute15
* phoneAreaCode
* address4
* attribute14
* address3
* globalAttribute4
* globalAttribute19
* personMiddleName
* orgId
* newAddressIdShip
* attribute7
* postalCode
* parentCustomerRef
* isBillToAddress
* creationDate
* state
* lastUpdateLogin
* globalAttribute9
* currentCustomerId
* globalAttribute15
* rejectedFlag
* city
* attribute24
* newPartyNumber
* globalAttribute14
* phoneExtension
* personLastName
* newAccountId
* attribute18
* globalAttribute12
* attributeCategory
* newAddressIdSoldTo
* lastUpdatedBy
* partyNumber
* newAddressIdBill
* globalAttributeCategory
* province
* personNameSuffix
* globalAttribute3
* isSoldToAddress
* emailAddress
* globalAttribute10
* requestId
* locationNumber
* attribute12
* globalAttribute18
* attribute1
* errorFlag
* attribute9
* attribute22
* attribute5
* globalAttribute6
* newPartyId
* instId
* globalAttribute20
* globalAttribute5
* attribute20
* address2
* county
* globalAttribute11
* attribute4
* globalAttribute2
* siteNumber
* attribute19
* globalAttribute13
* currentCustomerNumber
* attribute23
* attribute16
* personFirstName
* attribute2
* customerInfoTypeCode
* customerNumber
* lastUpdateDate
* newAccountNumber
* attribute10
* organizationName
* country
* isShipToAddress
* globalAttribute7
* customerType
* address1
* attribute17
* createdBy
* attribute13
* globalAttribute16
* attribute8
* attribute3
* personTitle
* newContactId
* phoneCountryCode
* globalAttribute8
* phoneNumber
* attribute6
* attribute21
* customerInfoRef


 * globalAttribute17
* globalAttribute1
* newAddressIdDeliver
* attribute11
* isDeliverToAddress
* attribute15
* phoneAreaCode
* address4
* attribute14
* address3
* globalAttribute4
* globalAttribute19
* personMiddleName
* orgId
* newAddressIdShip
* attribute7
* postalCode
* parentCustomerRef
* isBillToAddress
* creationDate
* state
* lastUpdateLogin
* globalAttribute9
* currentCustomerId
* globalAttribute15
* rejectedFlag
* city
* attribute24
* newPartyNumber
* globalAttribute14
* phoneExtension
* personLastName
* newAccountId
* attribute18
* globalAttribute12
* attributeCategory
* newAddressIdSoldTo
* lastUpdatedBy
* partyNumber
* newAddressIdBill
* globalAttributeCategory
* province
* personNameSuffix
* globalAttribute3
* isSoldToAddress
* emailAddress
* globalAttribute10
* requestId
* locationNumber
* attribute12
* globalAttribute18
* attribute1
* errorFlag
* attribute9
* attribute22
* attribute5
* globalAttribute6
* newPartyId
* instId
* globalAttribute20
* globalAttribute5
* attribute20
* address2
* county
* globalAttribute11
* attribute4
* globalAttribute2
* siteNumber
* attribute19
* globalAttribute13
* currentCustomerNumber
* attribute23
* attribute16
* personFirstName
* attribute2
* customerInfoTypeCode
* customerNumber
* lastUpdateDate
* newAccountNumber
* attribute10
* organizationName
* country
* isShipToAddress
* globalAttribute7
* customerType
* address1
* attribute17
* createdBy
* attribute13
* globalAttribute16
* attribute8
* attribute3
* personTitle
* newContactId
* phoneCountryCode
* globalAttribute8
* phoneNumber
* attribute6
* attribute21
* customerInfoRef


 * creationDate
* poReleaseId
* requisitionLineId
* createdBy
* instId
* headerId
* dropShipSourceId
* orgId
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* poLineId
* poHeaderId
* requisitionHeaderId
* destinationOrganizationId
* lineLocationId
* lineId


 * creationDate
* poReleaseId
* requisitionLineId
* createdBy
* instId
* headerId
* dropShipSourceId
* orgId
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* poLineId
* poHeaderId
* requisitionHeaderId
* destinationOrganizationId
* lineLocationId
* lineId


 * createdBy
* lastUpdateItemkey
* programId
* programApplicationId
* parentDocumentId
* changeSequence
* lastUpdateLogin
* messageText
* itemKey
* orgId
* itemType
* lastUpdateDate
* orderTypeId
* lastUpdatedBy
* emTransactionTypeCode
* orderSourceId
* soldToOrgId
* headerId
* documentStatus
* requestId
* emConcRequestId
* programUpdateDate
* orderNumber
* documentDisposition
* creationDate
* documentId
* origSysDocumentRef


 * createdBy
* lastUpdateItemkey
* programId
* programApplicationId
* parentDocumentId
* changeSequence
* lastUpdateLogin
* messageText
* itemKey
* orgId
* itemType
* lastUpdateDate
* orderTypeId
* lastUpdatedBy
* emTransactionTypeCode
* orderSourceId
* soldToOrgId
* headerId
* documentStatus
* requestId
* emConcRequestId
* programUpdateDate
* orderNumber
* documentDisposition
* creationDate
* documentId
* origSysDocumentRef


 * updatedDate
* creationDate
* languageCode
* createdBy
* updatedBy
* lineId
* updatedLogin


 * updatedDate
* creationDate
* languageCode
* createdBy
* updatedBy
* lineId
* updatedLogin


 * fromQuantity
* shipFromOrgId
* holdLevel
* pickStatus#1
* holdName
* transactionAmount
* lineNumber
* actionType
* salesRepName
* origSalesRepName
* eidEndecaId
* primaryUom
* inventoryItemId
* flowStatusDesc
* requisitionNumber#1
* reservedStatus
* openFlag
* eidLoadType
* lineId
* lineFlex
* requisitionNumber
* displayCurrency
* reservedQuantity
* pickStatus
* eidRecordType
* primaryQuantity
* lineAttachment
* fromUom
* origLineNumber
* convertedAmount
* poReleaseNumber
* relatedPoNumber
* orderAmount
* lastUpdateDate


 * fromQuantity
* shipFromOrgId
* holdLevel
* pickStatus#1
* holdName
* transactionAmount
* lineNumber
* actionType
* salesRepName
* origSalesRepName
* eidEndecaId
* primaryUom
* inventoryItemId
* flowStatusDesc
* requisitionNumber#1
* reservedStatus
* openFlag
* eidLoadType
* lineId
* lineFlex
* requisitionNumber
* displayCurrency
* reservedQuantity
* pickStatus
* eidRecordType
* primaryQuantity
* lineAttachment
* fromUom
* origLineNumber
* convertedAmount
* poReleaseNumber
* relatedPoNumber
* orderAmount
* lastUpdateDate


 * lastUpdatedBy
* errorMessage
* lastUpdateLogin
* requestId
* creationDate
* batchId
* lastUpdateDate
* createdBy
* exposureSourceCode
* programUpdateDate
* exposureInterfaceId
* programId
* programApplicationId
* errorMessageName


 * lastUpdatedBy
* errorMessage
* lastUpdateLogin
* requestId
* creationDate
* batchId
* lastUpdateDate
* createdBy
* exposureSourceCode
* programUpdateDate
* exposureInterfaceId
* programId
* programApplicationId
* errorMessageName


 * exposureSourceCode
* exposureInterfaceId
* importStatusCode
* orgId
* billToCity
* exposureAmount
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* originalSystemReference
* billToSiteUseId
* exposureDate
* operationCode
* programId
* billToCustomerName
* programUpdateDate
* createdBy
* billToCountry
* lastUpdateDate
* billToAddress3
* currencyCode
* billToCustomerNumber
* billToAddress4
* lastUpdatedBy
* programApplicationId
* billToCounty
* billToPostalCode
* billToAddress2
* billToCustomerId
* billToState
* requestId
* batchId
* billToAddress1
* billToProvince


 * exposureSourceCode
* exposureInterfaceId
* importStatusCode
* orgId
* billToCity
* exposureAmount
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* originalSystemReference
* billToSiteUseId
* exposureDate
* operationCode
* programId
* billToCustomerName
* programUpdateDate
* createdBy
* billToCountry
* lastUpdateDate
* billToAddress3
* currencyCode
* billToCustomerNumber
* billToAddress4
* lastUpdatedBy
* programApplicationId
* billToCounty
* billToPostalCode
* billToAddress2
* billToCustomerId
* billToState
* requestId
* batchId
* billToAddress1
* billToProvince


 * lastUpdateDate
* syncReqdFlag
* createdBy
* creationDate
* flowStatusCode
* objectLevel
* lastUpdateLogin
* zdSync
* zdEditionName
* lastUpdatedBy


 * lastUpdateDate
* syncReqdFlag
* createdBy
* creationDate
* flowStatusCode
* objectLevel
* lastUpdateLogin
* zdSync
* zdEditionName
* lastUpdatedBy


 * globalAttribute16
* invoiceToOrgId
* interfaceStatus
* shipToAddress4
* blanketNumber
* flowStatusCode
* orgId
* taxPoint
* poAttribute1
* poAttribute11
* sourceDocumentTypeId
* shipFromCity
* ibCurrentLocationCode
* customerPaymentTermId
* invoiceToContactFirstName
* deliverToOrg
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* deliverToCustomer
* soldToOrgId
* soldToLocationState
* invoiceProvinceInt
* shipFromAddress1
* attribute20
* attribute7
* globalAttribute6
* tpAttribute10
* quoteDate
* soldToLocationAddress3
* priceListId
* globalAttribute9
* shippingMethod
* tpAttribute2
* globalAttribute20
* globalAttribute4
* globalAttribute7
* operationCode
* soldToProvince
* supplierSignatureDate
* shipFromEdiLocationCode
* creditCardApprovalDate
* deliverToState
* globalAttribute8
* packingInstructions
* poAttribute9
* poAttribute14
* attribute11
* creditCardNumber
* endCustomerSiteUseId
* accountingRuleId
* shipToCustomerId
* origSysDocumentRef
* acknowledgmentType
* supplierSignature
* shipToCustomer
* tpAttribute1
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* fobPointCode
* invoiceToOrg
* customerPaymentTerm
* deliverToCounty
* programApplicationId
* endCustomerAddress2
* attribute8
* poAttribute6
* endCustomerNumber
* tpAttribute15
* soldToContactLastName
* partialShipmentsAllowed
* poAttribute3
* attribute14
* salesrep
* invoiceToleranceBelow
* versionNumber
* deliverToProvince
* paymentAmount
* globalAttribute5
* tpAttribute12
* paymentTypeCode
* orderFirmedDate
* ibInstalledAtLocation#1
* buyerSellerFlag
* poRevisionDate
* invoiceToPartyNumber
* taxExemptReasonCode
* returnReasonCode
* endCustomerContactId
* endCustomerAddress4
* poAttribute15
* customerPreferenceSetCode
* attribute5
* pricingDate
* soldToLocationPostalCode
* orderCategoryCode
* transactionalCurrCode
* tpAttribute7
* attribute18
* invoiceCustomerId
* globalAttribute12
* customerSignature
* freightTermsCode
* shipToSiteInt
* attribute16
* invoiceToContactId
* shippingMethodCode
* checkNumber
* endCustomerName
* changeSequence
* ibOwner
* invoiceCustomerNumber
* shipToProvince
* tpAttribute3
* submissionDatetime
* tpAttribute11
* agreementId
* soldFromOrgId
* invoiceSite
* demandClassCode
* salesrepId
* bookedDate
* endCustomerCountry
* deliverToCustomerId
* shipToCustomerNumber
* attribute2
* globalAttribute13
* shipToCity
* xmlMessageId
* dropShipFlag
* custPoNumber
* soldToSiteUseId
* soldToCountry
* invoicingRuleId
* orderDateTypeCode
* shipFromAddressId
* shipToEdiLocationCode
* soldToEdiLocationCode
* attribute17
* endCustomerCounty
* firstAckCode
* customerNumber
* context
* poAttribute8
* endCustomerId
* globalAttribute11
* shipFromPostalCode
* invoiceCity
* tpAttribute8
* accountingRule
* shipToPostalCode
* shipmentPriorityCodeInt
* deliverToCountry
* taxExemptNumber
* tpAttribute9
* createdBy
* fobPoint
* paymentTermId
* bookedFlag
* shipToAddress3
* poAttribute5
* conversionRate
* orderedDate
* soldToLocationAddress1
* soldToLocationProvince
* shipToAddress1
* globalAttributeCategory
* globalAttribute15
* quoteNumber
* soldToAddress4
* shipFromAddress2
* endCustomerAddress1
* headerId
* errorFlag
* deliverToPostalCode
* poAttribute4
* orderedByContactFirstName
* invoiceAddress4
* taxExemptFlag
* globalAttribute2
* program
* shipToContact
* endCustomerContact
* invoiceToContactLastName
* poAttribute12
* orderNumber
* creditCardExpirationDate
* soldToLocationCounty
* deliverToContact
* shipFromCountry
* requestDate
* endCustomerProvince
* poAttribute2
* orderTypeId
* closedFlag
* openFlag
* endCustomerAddress3
* billToEdiLocationCode
* requestId
* agreement
* attribute15
* globalAttribute1
* globalAttribute3
* conversionType
* earliestScheduleLimit
* soldToOrg
* invoiceCountry
* orderSourceId
* tpContext
* agreementName
* shipToCounty
* attribute6
* shipToleranceAbove
* shipToPartyNumber
* invoiceCustomer
* shipFromRegion1
* soldToPostalCode
* soldToCity
* invoiceState
* attribute3
* headerPoContext
* firstAckDate
* customerName
* freightTerms
* remainderOrdersAllowed
* shipToleranceBelow
* endCustomerContactLastName
* shipFromOrg
* freightCarrierCode
* userStatusCode
* ibOwnerCode
* deliverToAddress2
* ibCurrentLocation#1
* attribute1
* shipmentPriority
* lastUpdateLogin
* ibInstalledAtLocationCode
* sourceDocumentId
* soldToPartyNumber
* creditCardCode
* taxPointCode
* attribute12
* tpAttribute13
* deliverToAddress1
* shipToOrg
* shipToContactFirstName
* transactionalCurr
* attribute13
* invoiceToContact
* deliverToAddress3
* invoiceAddress2
* endCustomerPostalCode
* shipmentPriorityCode
* tpAttribute4
* transactionPhaseCode
* programApplication
* programId
* tpAttribute6
* globalAttribute17
* poAttribute13
* deliverToAddress4
* deliverToPartyNumber
* lastUpdateDate
* shipToState
* invoiceAddressId
* programUpdateDate
* shipToContactId
* poAttribute7
* shipToOrgId
* taxExemptReason
* ibInstalledAtLocation
* deliverToCustomerNumber
* deliverToOrgId
* invoiceCounty
* invoicingRule
* poAttribute10
* shipFromOrgId
* soldToContact
* acknowledgementType
* creditCardHolderName
* shipToAddressCode
* soldToLocationCountry
* demandClass
* attribute9
* invoicePostalCode
* soldToContactId
* soldToAddress1
* shippingInstructions
* paymentTerm
* endCustomerCity
* soldToLocationCity
* soldToState
* accountingRuleDuration
* orderedByContactLastName
* soldToPhoneId
* deliverToCity
* shipToAddressId
* priceList
* salesChannelCode
* shipFromRegion3
* expirationDate
* lastAckDate
* invoiceToleranceAbove
* shipToCountry
* instId
* customerId
* soldToAddress2
* endCustomerState
* conversionRateDate
* soldToContactFirstName
* attribute4
* shipFromAddress3
* acknowledgmentFlag
* invoiceAddress3
* tpAttribute14
* endCustomerPartyNumber
* creationDate
* shipToAddress2
* attribute19
* customerSignatureDate
* globalAttribute18
* creditCardApprovalCode
* lastUpdatedBy
* soldToAddress3
* changeDate
* orderType
* endCustomerContactFirstNam
* globalAttribute10
* latestScheduleLimit
* orderSource
* soldToCounty
* lastAckCode
* invoiceAddress1
* shipFromRegion2
* cancelledFlag
* salesDocumentName
* globalAttribute19
* ibCurrentLocation
* tpAttribute5
* shipToContactLastName
* soldFromOrg
* invoiceSiteCode
* globalAttribute14
* attribute10
* deliverToContactId
* relatedPoNumber


 * globalAttribute16
* invoiceToOrgId
* interfaceStatus
* shipToAddress4
* blanketNumber
* flowStatusCode
* orgId
* taxPoint
* poAttribute1
* poAttribute11
* sourceDocumentTypeId
* shipFromCity
* ibCurrentLocationCode
* customerPaymentTermId
* invoiceToContactFirstName
* deliverToOrg
* soldToLocationAddress2
* conversionTypeCode
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* deliverToCustomer
* soldToOrgId
* soldToLocationState
* invoiceProvinceInt
* shipFromAddress1
* attribute20
* attribute7
* globalAttribute6
* tpAttribute10
* quoteDate
* soldToLocationAddress3
* priceListId
* globalAttribute9
* shippingMethod
* tpAttribute2
* globalAttribute20
* globalAttribute4
* globalAttribute7
* operationCode
* soldToProvince
* supplierSignatureDate
* shipFromEdiLocationCode
* creditCardApprovalDate
* deliverToState
* globalAttribute8
* packingInstructions
* poAttribute9
* poAttribute14
* attribute11
* creditCardNumber
* endCustomerSiteUseId
* accountingRuleId
* shipToCustomerId
* origSysDocumentRef
* acknowledgmentType
* supplierSignature
* shipToCustomer
* tpAttribute1
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* fobPointCode
* invoiceToOrg
* customerPaymentTerm
* deliverToCounty
* programApplicationId
* endCustomerAddress2
* attribute8
* poAttribute6
* endCustomerNumber
* tpAttribute15
* soldToContactLastName
* partialShipmentsAllowed
* poAttribute3
* attribute14
* salesrep
* invoiceToleranceBelow
* versionNumber
* deliverToProvince
* paymentAmount
* globalAttribute5
* tpAttribute12
* paymentTypeCode
* orderFirmedDate
* ibInstalledAtLocation#1
* buyerSellerFlag
* poRevisionDate
* invoiceToPartyNumber
* taxExemptReasonCode
* returnReasonCode
* endCustomerContactId
* endCustomerAddress4
* poAttribute15
* customerPreferenceSetCode
* attribute5
* pricingDate
* soldToLocationPostalCode
* orderCategoryCode
* transactionalCurrCode
* tpAttribute7
* attribute18
* invoiceCustomerId
* globalAttribute12
* customerSignature
* freightTermsCode
* shipToSiteInt
* attribute16
* invoiceToContactId
* shippingMethodCode
* checkNumber
* endCustomerName
* changeSequence
* ibOwner
* invoiceCustomerNumber
* shipToProvince
* tpAttribute3
* submissionDatetime
* tpAttribute11
* agreementId
* soldFromOrgId
* invoiceSite
* demandClassCode
* salesrepId
* bookedDate
* endCustomerCountry
* deliverToCustomerId
* shipToCustomerNumber
* attribute2
* globalAttribute13
* shipToCity
* xmlMessageId
* dropShipFlag
* custPoNumber
* soldToSiteUseId
* soldToCountry
* invoicingRuleId
* orderDateTypeCode
* shipFromAddressId
* shipToEdiLocationCode
* soldToEdiLocationCode
* attribute17
* endCustomerCounty
* firstAckCode
* customerNumber
* context
* poAttribute8
* endCustomerId
* globalAttribute11
* shipFromPostalCode
* invoiceCity
* tpAttribute8
* accountingRule
* shipToPostalCode
* shipmentPriorityCodeInt
* deliverToCountry
* taxExemptNumber
* tpAttribute9
* createdBy
* fobPoint
* paymentTermId
* bookedFlag
* shipToAddress3
* poAttribute5
* conversionRate
* orderedDate
* soldToLocationAddress1
* soldToLocationProvince
* shipToAddress1
* globalAttributeCategory
* globalAttribute15
* quoteNumber
* soldToAddress4
* shipFromAddress2
* endCustomerAddress1
* headerId
* errorFlag
* deliverToPostalCode
* poAttribute4
* orderedByContactFirstName
* invoiceAddress4
* taxExemptFlag
* globalAttribute2
* program
* shipToContact
* endCustomerContact
* invoiceToContactLastName
* poAttribute12
* orderNumber
* creditCardExpirationDate
* soldToLocationCounty
* deliverToContact
* shipFromCountry
* requestDate
* endCustomerProvince
* poAttribute2
* orderTypeId
* closedFlag
* openFlag
* endCustomerAddress3
* billToEdiLocationCode
* requestId
* agreement
* attribute15
* globalAttribute1
* globalAttribute3
* conversionType
* earliestScheduleLimit
* soldToOrg
* invoiceCountry
* orderSourceId
* tpContext
* agreementName
* shipToCounty
* attribute6
* shipToleranceAbove
* shipToPartyNumber
* invoiceCustomer
* shipFromRegion1
* soldToPostalCode
* soldToCity
* invoiceState
* attribute3
* headerPoContext
* firstAckDate
* customerName
* freightTerms
* remainderOrdersAllowed
* shipToleranceBelow
* endCustomerContactLastName
* shipFromOrg
* freightCarrierCode
* userStatusCode
* ibOwnerCode
* deliverToAddress2
* ibCurrentLocation#1
* attribute1
* shipmentPriority
* lastUpdateLogin
* ibInstalledAtLocationCode
* sourceDocumentId
* soldToPartyNumber
* creditCardCode
* taxPointCode
* attribute12
* tpAttribute13
* deliverToAddress1
* shipToOrg
* shipToContactFirstName
* transactionalCurr
* attribute13
* invoiceToContact
* deliverToAddress3
* invoiceAddress2
* endCustomerPostalCode
* shipmentPriorityCode
* tpAttribute4
* transactionPhaseCode
* programApplication
* programId
* tpAttribute6
* globalAttribute17
* poAttribute13
* deliverToAddress4
* deliverToPartyNumber
* lastUpdateDate
* shipToState
* invoiceAddressId
* programUpdateDate
* shipToContactId
* poAttribute7
* shipToOrgId
* taxExemptReason
* ibInstalledAtLocation
* deliverToCustomerNumber
* deliverToOrgId
* invoiceCounty
* invoicingRule
* poAttribute10
* shipFromOrgId
* soldToContact
* acknowledgementType
* creditCardHolderName
* shipToAddressCode
* soldToLocationCountry
* demandClass
* attribute9
* invoicePostalCode
* soldToContactId
* soldToAddress1
* shippingInstructions
* paymentTerm
* endCustomerCity
* soldToLocationCity
* soldToState
* accountingRuleDuration
* orderedByContactLastName
* soldToPhoneId
* deliverToCity
* shipToAddressId
* priceList
* salesChannelCode
* shipFromRegion3
* expirationDate
* lastAckDate
* invoiceToleranceAbove
* shipToCountry
* instId
* customerId
* soldToAddress2
* endCustomerState
* conversionRateDate
* soldToContactFirstName
* attribute4
* shipFromAddress3
* acknowledgmentFlag
* invoiceAddress3
* tpAttribute14
* endCustomerPartyNumber
* creationDate
* shipToAddress2
* attribute19
* customerSignatureDate
* globalAttribute18
* creditCardApprovalCode
* lastUpdatedBy
* soldToAddress3
* changeDate
* orderType
* endCustomerContactFirstNam
* globalAttribute10
* latestScheduleLimit
* orderSource
* soldToCounty
* lastAckCode
* invoiceAddress1
* shipFromRegion2
* cancelledFlag
* salesDocumentName
* globalAttribute19
* ibCurrentLocation
* tpAttribute5
* shipToContactLastName
* soldFromOrg
* invoiceSiteCode
* globalAttribute14
* attribute10
* deliverToContactId
* relatedPoNumber


 * transactionType
* dataLevelName
* orderSourceId
* origSysDocumentRef
* lastUpdateLogin
* orgId
* lastUpdatedBy
* attrUomDispValue
* dataSetId
* userDataLevelName
* programApplicationId
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* attrValueDate
* programId
* dataLevelId
* entity
* soldToOrgId
* headerId
* createdBy
* rowIdentifier
* creationDate
* attrValueNum
* attrGroupId
* attrGroupIntName
* attrDispValue
* attrGroupType
* requestId
* processStatus
* programUpdateDate
* attrValueUom
* attrIntName
* lastUpdateDate
* batchId


 * transactionType
* dataLevelName
* orderSourceId
* origSysDocumentRef
* lastUpdateLogin
* orgId
* lastUpdatedBy
* attrUomDispValue
* dataSetId
* userDataLevelName
* programApplicationId
* transactionId
* attrValueStr
* attrValueDate
* programId
* dataLevelId
* entity
* soldToOrgId
* headerId
* createdBy
* rowIdentifier
* creationDate
* attrValueNum
* attrGroupId
* attrGroupIntName
* attrDispValue
* attrGroupType
* requestId
* processStatus
* programUpdateDate
* attrValueUom
* attrIntName
* lastUpdateDate
* batchId


 * interfaceStatus
* tpAttribute8
* deliverToCounty
* orderTypeId
* forceApplyFlag
* attribute18
* endCustomerCounty
* poAttribute10
* endCustomerPartyNumber
* soldToLocationAddress3
* submissionDatetime
* readyFlag
* soldToPartyId
* attribute5
* soldToLocationProvince
* shipToAddress2
* soldToContact
* tpAttribute11
* shippingMethodCode
* priceListId
* endCustomerName
* ibOwnerCode
* deliverToPartySiteId
* tpAttribute5
* salesChannel
* endCustomerPartyId
* invoiceToPartyId
* batchId
* freightCarrierCode
* shipToContactRef
* soldToLocationState
* orderNumber
* attribute15
* instrumentSecurityCode
* invoiceToContact
* origBillAddressRef
* endCustomerPostalCode
* errorFlag
* endCustomerPartySiteUseId
* ibOwner
* fobPoint
* globalAttribute13
* invoiceAddress4
* endCustomerCity
* globalAttribute3
* endCustomerLocation
* deliverToContactRef
* shipToContact
* endCustomerOrgContactId
* shipToCustomer
* shipToProvince
* shipToCountry
* rejectedFlag
* orderedDate
* customerNumber
* lastUpdatedBy
* origSysCustomerRef
* globalAttribute12
* paymentTerm
* attribute13
* tpAttribute10
* attribute17
* invoiceCity
* programApplicationId
* requestDate
* globalAttribute6
* globalAttribute7
* globalAttribute20
* tpAttribute7
* origShipAddressRef
* userStatusCode
* changeRequestCode
* lastUpdateLogin
* partialShipmentsAllowed
* attribute10
* origDeliverAddressRef
* deliverToAddress1
* invoiceAddress2
* globalAttribute17
* globalAttribute9
* poAttribute2
* salesrep
* versionNumber
* shipToPartySiteId
* poAttribute8
* shipmentPriorityCode
* soldToPartyNumber
* poAttribute6
* attribute20
* lastUpdateDate
* ineligibleForHvop
* deliverToPartyNumber
* attribute7
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* deliverToOrg
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* shipToContactId
* poAttribute3
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* origSysDocumentRef
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* invoiceAddress1
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* globalAttribute16
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* attribute9
* quoteDate
* tpContext
* invoiceSiteCode
* globalAttributeCategory
* xmlTransactionTypeCode
* invoiceSite
* bookedFlag
* endCustomerContactId
* globalAttribute4
* attribute11
* createdBy
* orderDateTypeCode
* invoiceToOrgId
* paymentTypeCode
* invoiceCustomerId
* pricingDate
* ibCurrentLocation
* soldToOrgId
* poAttribute1
* packingInstructions
* shipmentPriority
* latestScheduleLimit
* xmlMessageId
* shipToCounty
* soldToLocationCity
* creditCardApprovalCode
* attribute2
* poAttribute4
* orderedByContactFirstName
* globalAttribute2
* ibCurrentLocationCode
* shipToPartySiteUseId
* globalAttribute18
* requestId
* soldToContactId
* invoiceCustomerNumber
* blanketNumber
* deliverToCustomerId
* invoiceToContactLastName
* dropShipFlag
* shipmentPriorityCodeInt
* attribute16
* invoiceAddress3
* transactionalCurrCode
* globalAttribute1
* shipToAddress3
* orderFirmedDate
* soldToSiteUseId
* tpAttribute3
* shipToCustomerNumber
* ibInstalledAtLocationCode
* freightTerms
* attributeStatus
* quoteNumber
* orderedByContactLastName
* attribute8
* poRevisionDate
* shipToOrg
* invoiceCustomer
* demandClassCode
* deliverToContact
* conversionRate
* poAttribute14
* shipToSiteInt
* invoiceCounty
* invoicingRule
* customerPreferenceSetCode
* shipToOrgId
* invoiceToContactId
* attribute14
* orgId
* soldToLocationAddress1
* shipToAddress4
* shipToContactFirstName
* returnReasonCode
* invoiceToPartySiteUseId
* changeComments
* transactionalCurr
* freightTermsCode
* ibInstalledAtLocation#1
* demandClass
* accountingRuleDuration
* shipToContactLastName
* shipToleranceAbove
* instId
* changeSequence
* soldToPhoneId
* tpAttribute2
* operationCode
* creditCardNumber
* paymentAmount
* endCustomerId
* orderType
* shipToState
* invoiceState
* shipToPostalCode
* attribute3
* agreement
* globalAttribute8
* attribute6
* shipToOrgContactId
* shippingMethod
* deliverToAddress3
* creditCardHolderName
* taxExemptFlag
* orderSourceId
* customerName
* endCustomerContact
* closedFlag
* customerPoNumber
* attribute12
* poAttribute11
* invoiceProvinceInt
* taxExemptNumber
* poAttribute15
* earliestScheduleLimit
* checkNumber
* invoiceToOrg
* tpAttribute13
* soldToOrg
* programUpdateDate
* attribute19
* invoicingRuleId
* shipFromOrg
* conversionRateDate
* tpAttribute9
* shipToCustomerId
* soldToLocationAddress2
* ibCurrentLocation#1
* customerSignatureDate
* endCustomerAddress3
* transactionPhaseCode
* shippingInstructions
* customerId
* deliverToCountry
* soldToOrgContactId
* endCustomerSiteUseId
* invoiceToPartySiteId
* taxPoint
* headerId
* deliverToPostalCode
* taxPointCode
* shipToAddress1
* invoiceToPartyNumber
* shipToPartyId
* salesChannelCode
* deliverToCustomer
* shipToPartyNumber
* supplierSignature
* deliverToState
* creditCardCode
* poAttribute12
* agreementId
* paymentTermId
* invoicePostalCode
* context
* taxExemptReason
* endCustomerNumber
* soldToLocationAddress4
* attribute1
* globalAttribute19
* attribute4
* cancelledFlag
* endCustomerState
* customerPaymentTermId
* invoiceToContactFirstName
* endCustomerCountry
* shipFromOrgId
* soldToContactRef
* deliverToContactId
* conversionTypeCode
* statusFlag
* poAttribute13
* taxExemptReasonCode
* endCustomerPartySiteId
* soldFromOrg
* salesrepId
* shipToleranceBelow
* orderSource
* tpAttribute12
* poAttribute5
* globalAttribute10
* invoiceCountry
* programId
* supplierSignatureDate
* deliverToPartySiteUseId
* globalAttribute14
* customerPaymentTerm
* creationDate
* soldFromOrgId
* poAttribute9
* changeReason
* globalAttribute11
* deliverToCity
* deliverToAddress4
* tpAttribute1
* fobPointCode
* endCustomerAddress1
* tpAttribute15
* deliverToPartyId
* customerSignature
* salesDocumentName
* soldToLocationCountry
* shipToCity
* responseFlag
* deliverToCustomerNumber
* accountingRule
* billToContactRef
* soldToLocationPostalCode
* globalAttribute5
* deliverToOrgId
* deliverToProvince
* tpAttribute4
* tpAttribute14
* priceList
* soldToLocationCounty
* origSoldAddressRef
* creditCardExpirationDate


 * interfaceStatus
* tpAttribute8
* deliverToCounty
* orderTypeId
* forceApplyFlag
* attribute18
* endCustomerCounty
* poAttribute10
* endCustomerPartyNumber
* soldToLocationAddress3
* submissionDatetime
* readyFlag
* soldToPartyId
* attribute5
* soldToLocationProvince
* shipToAddress2
* soldToContact
* tpAttribute11
* shippingMethodCode
* priceListId
* endCustomerName
* ibOwnerCode
* deliverToPartySiteId
* tpAttribute5
* salesChannel
* endCustomerPartyId
* invoiceToPartyId
* batchId
* freightCarrierCode
* shipToContactRef
* soldToLocationState
* orderNumber
* attribute15
* instrumentSecurityCode
* invoiceToContact
* origBillAddressRef
* endCustomerPostalCode
* errorFlag
* endCustomerPartySiteUseId
* ibOwner
* fobPoint
* globalAttribute13
* invoiceAddress4
* endCustomerCity
* globalAttribute3
* endCustomerLocation
* deliverToContactRef
* shipToContact
* endCustomerOrgContactId
* shipToCustomer
* shipToProvince
* shipToCountry
* rejectedFlag
* orderedDate
* customerNumber
* lastUpdatedBy
* origSysCustomerRef
* globalAttribute12
* paymentTerm
* attribute13
* tpAttribute10
* attribute17
* invoiceCity
* programApplicationId
* requestDate
* globalAttribute6
* globalAttribute7
* globalAttribute20
* tpAttribute7
* origShipAddressRef
* userStatusCode
* changeRequestCode
* lastUpdateLogin
* partialShipmentsAllowed
* attribute10
* origDeliverAddressRef
* deliverToAddress1
* invoiceAddress2
* globalAttribute17
* globalAttribute9
* poAttribute2
* salesrep
* versionNumber
* shipToPartySiteId
* poAttribute8
* shipmentPriorityCode
* soldToPartyNumber
* poAttribute6
* attribute20
* lastUpdateDate
* ineligibleForHvop
* deliverToPartyNumber
* attribute7
* globalAttribute15
* deliverToOrg
* deliverToOrgContactId
* shipToContactId
* poAttribute3
* poAttribute7
* endCustomerAddress4
* origSysDocumentRef
* creditCardApprovalDate
* expirationDate
* endCustomerProvince
* headerPoContext
* tpAttribute6
* deliverToAddress2
* invoiceToOrgContactId
* accountingRuleId
* orderCategory
* endCustomerAddress2
* ibInstalledAtLocation
* invoiceAddress1
* conversionType
* globalAttribute16
* priceRequestCode
* attribute9
* quoteDate
* tpContext
* invoiceSiteCode
* globalAttributeCategory
* xmlTransactionTypeCode
* invoiceSite
* bookedFlag
* endCustomerContactId
* globalAttribute4
* attribute11
* createdBy
* orderDateTypeCode
* invoiceToOrgId
* paymentTypeCode
* invoiceCustomerId
* pricingDate
* ibCurrentLocation
* soldToOrgId
* poAttribute1
* packingInstructions
* shipmentPriority
* latestScheduleLimit
* xmlMessageId
* shipToCounty
* soldToLocationCity
* creditCardApprovalCode
* attribute2
* poAttribute4
* orderedByContactFirstName
* globalAttribute2
* ibCurrentLocationCode
* shipToPartySiteUseId
* globalAttribute18
* requestId
* soldToContactId
* invoiceCustomerNumber
* blanketNumber
* deliverToCustomerId
* invoiceToContactLastName
* dropShipFlag
* shipmentPriorityCodeInt
* attribute16
* invoiceAddress3
* transactionalCurrCode
* globalAttribute1
* shipToAddress3
* orderFirmedDate
* soldToSiteUseId
* tpAttribute3
* shipToCustomerNumber
* ibInstalledAtLocationCode
* freightTerms
* attributeStatus
* quoteNumber
* orderedByContactLastName
* attribute8
* poRevisionDate
* shipToOrg
* invoiceCustomer
* demandClassCode
* deliverToContact
* conversionRate
* poAttribute14
* shipToSiteInt
* invoiceCounty
* invoicingRule
* customerPreferenceSetCode
* shipToOrgId
* invoiceToContactId
* attribute14
* orgId
* soldToLocationAddress1
* shipToAddress4
* shipToContactFirstName
* returnReasonCode
* invoiceToPartySiteUseId
* changeComments
* transactionalCurr
* freightTermsCode
* ibInstalledAtLocation#1
* demandClass
* accountingRuleDuration
* shipToContactLastName
* shipToleranceAbove
* instId
* changeSequence
* soldToPhoneId
* tpAttribute2
* operationCode
* creditCardNumber
* paymentAmount
* endCustomerId
* orderType
* shipToState
* invoiceState
* shipToPostalCode
* attribute3
* agreement
* globalAttribute8
* attribute6
* shipToOrgContactId
* shippingMethod
* deliverToAddress3
* creditCardHolderName
* taxExemptFlag
* orderSourceId
* customerName
* endCustomerContact
* closedFlag
* customerPoNumber
* attribute12
* poAttribute11
* invoiceProvinceInt
* taxExemptNumber
* poAttribute15
* earliestScheduleLimit
* checkNumber
* invoiceToOrg
* tpAttribute13
* soldToOrg
* programUpdateDate
* attribute19
* invoicingRuleId
* shipFromOrg
* conversionRateDate
* tpAttribute9
* shipToCustomerId
* soldToLocationAddress2
* ibCurrentLocation#1
* customerSignatureDate
* endCustomerAddress3
* transactionPhaseCode
* shippingInstructions
* customerId
* deliverToCountry
* soldToOrgContactId
* endCustomerSiteUseId
* invoiceToPartySiteId
* taxPoint
* headerId
* deliverToPostalCode
* taxPointCode
* shipToAddress1
* invoiceToPartyNumber
* shipToPartyId
* salesChannelCode
* deliverToCustomer
* shipToPartyNumber
* supplierSignature
* deliverToState
* creditCardCode
* poAttribute12
* agreementId
* paymentTermId
* invoicePostalCode
* context
* taxExemptReason
* endCustomerNumber
* soldToLocationAddress4
* attribute1
* globalAttribute19
* attribute4
* cancelledFlag
* endCustomerState
* customerPaymentTermId
* invoiceToContactFirstName
* endCustomerCountry
* shipFromOrgId
* soldToContactRef
* deliverToContactId
* conversionTypeCode
* statusFlag
* poAttribute13
* taxExemptReasonCode
* endCustomerPartySiteId
* soldFromOrg
* salesrepId
* shipToleranceBelow
* orderSource
* tpAttribute12
* poAttribute5
* globalAttribute10
* invoiceCountry
* programId
* supplierSignatureDate
* deliverToPartySiteUseId
* globalAttribute14
* customerPaymentTerm
* creationDate
* soldFromOrgId
* poAttribute9
* changeReason
* globalAttribute11
* deliverToCity
* deliverToAddress4
* tpAttribute1
* fobPointCode
* endCustomerAddress1
* tpAttribute15
* deliverToPartyId
* customerSignature
* salesDocumentName
* soldToLocationCountry
* shipToCity
* responseFlag
* deliverToCustomerNumber
* accountingRule
* billToContactRef
* soldToLocationPostalCode
* globalAttribute5
* deliverToOrgId
* deliverToProvince
* tpAttribute4
* tpAttribute14
* priceList
* soldToLocationCounty
* origSoldAddressRef
* creditCardExpirationDate


 * soldToOrgId
* orgId
* orderSourceId
* origSysDocumentRef
* largeOrder
* lineCount
* headerId
* requestId
* soldToOrg


 * soldToOrgId
* orgId
* orderSourceId
* origSysDocumentRef
* largeOrder
* lineCount
* headerId
* requestId
* soldToOrg


 * responsibilityId
* rowKey
* auditTrueNulls
* auditUserName
* auditSessionId
* authorizedActionCode
* startDateActive
* auditSequenceId
* auditTransactionType
* endDateActive
* auditTimestamp
* auditCommitId
* holdId


 * responsibilityId
* rowKey
* auditTrueNulls
* auditUserName
* auditSessionId
* authorizedActionCode
* startDateActive
* auditSequenceId
* auditTransactionType
* endDateActive
* auditTimestamp
* auditCommitId
* holdId


 * auditTimestamp
* rowKey
* auditTrueNulls
* auditSequenceId
* holdId
* auditCommitId
* auditSessionId
* auditTransactionType
* auditUserName
* typeCode


 * auditTimestamp
* rowKey
* auditTrueNulls
* auditSequenceId
* holdId
* auditCommitId
* auditSessionId
* auditTransactionType
* auditUserName
* typeCode


 * attribute8
* releaseReasonCode
* orderHoldId
* context
* lastUpdatedBy
* programApplicationId
* releasedOrderAmount
* holdReleaseId
* attribute3
* holdSourceId
* attribute15
* createdBy
* attribute14
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute1
* attribute12
* attribute2
* attribute9
* attribute7
* attribute6
* attribute10
* programId
* requestId
* attribute4
* releasedCurrCode
* attribute13
* lastUpdateDate
* releaseComment
* attribute5
* attribute11
* programUpdateDate


 * attribute8
* releaseReasonCode
* orderHoldId
* context
* lastUpdatedBy
* programApplicationId
* releasedOrderAmount
* holdReleaseId
* attribute3
* holdSourceId
* attribute15
* createdBy
* attribute14
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute1
* attribute12
* attribute2
* attribute9
* attribute7
* attribute6
* attribute10
* programId
* requestId
* attribute4
* releasedCurrCode
* attribute13
* lastUpdateDate
* releaseComment
* attribute5
* attribute11
* programUpdateDate


 * attribute13
* holdEntityCode
* lastUpdateDate
* programId
* programApplicationId
* attribute1
* creationDate
* programUpdateDate
* holdId
* holdUntilDate
* createdBy
* attribute15
* lastUpdateLogin
* holdComment
* attribute2
* attribute7
* attribute5
* attribute9
* attribute12
* context
* holdReleaseId
* requestId
* holdEntityId2
* attribute10
* attribute4
* attribute14
* holdSourceId
* releasedFlag
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute3
* attribute11
* holdEntityCode2
* attribute8
* orgId
* attribute6
* holdEntityId


 * attribute13
* holdEntityCode
* lastUpdateDate
* programId
* programApplicationId
* attribute1
* creationDate
* programUpdateDate
* holdId
* holdUntilDate
* createdBy
* attribute15
* lastUpdateLogin
* holdComment
* attribute2
* attribute7
* attribute5
* attribute9
* attribute12
* context
* holdReleaseId
* requestId
* holdEntityId2
* attribute10
* attribute4
* attribute14
* holdSourceId
* releasedFlag
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute3
* attribute11
* holdEntityCode2
* attribute8
* orgId
* attribute6
* holdEntityId


 * programUpdateDate
* createdBy
* deliveryId
* lastUpdateLogin
* indexNumber
* lastUpdateDate
* creationDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* programApplicationId
* invoiceNumberId
* requestId
* programId


 * programUpdateDate
* createdBy
* deliveryId
* lastUpdateLogin
* indexNumber
* lastUpdateDate
* creationDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* programApplicationId
* invoiceNumberId
* requestId
* programId


 * period1OrderedQuantity
* lastUpdatedBy
* primaryUomCode
* creationDate
* orgId
* soldToOrgId
* programApplicationId
* period2TotalAmount
* programUpdateDate
* requestId
* period3TotalAmount
* inventoryItemId
* period3OrderedQuantity
* period2OrderedQuantity
* lastUpdateLogin
* programId
* period1TotalAmount
* lastUpdateDate
* createdBy


 * period1OrderedQuantity
* lastUpdatedBy
* primaryUomCode
* creationDate
* orgId
* soldToOrgId
* programApplicationId
* period2TotalAmount
* programUpdateDate
* requestId
* period3TotalAmount
* inventoryItemId
* period3OrderedQuantity
* period2OrderedQuantity
* lastUpdateLogin
* programId
* period1TotalAmount
* lastUpdateDate
* createdBy


 * inventoryItemId
* itemCategoryId
* lastUpdatedBy
* orgId
* creationDate
* enableFlag
* orderabilityId
* createdBy
* lastUpdateDate
* itemLevel
* generallyAvailable


 * inventoryItemId
* itemCategoryId
* lastUpdatedBy
* orgId
* creationDate
* enableFlag
* orderabilityId
* createdBy
* lastUpdateDate
* itemLevel
* generallyAvailable


 * attribute6
* attribute9
* attribute12
* attribute4
* creationDate
* customerCategoryCode
* orderTypeId
* attribute1
* attribute3
* attribute15
* regionId
* billToLocationId
* attribute7
* attribute8
* orderabilityId
* salesChannelCode
* createdBy
* attribute20
* context
* attribute10
* attribute14
* enableFlag
* attribute18
* lastUpdatedBy
* shipToLocationId
* endCustomerId
* attribute11
* attribute16
* deliverToLocationId
* customerClassId
* attribute13
* attribute19
* attribute5
* customerId
* salesPersonId
* attribute2
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute17
* ruleLevel


 * attribute6
* attribute9
* attribute12
* attribute4
* creationDate
* customerCategoryCode
* orderTypeId
* attribute1
* attribute3
* attribute15
* regionId
* billToLocationId
* attribute7
* attribute8
* orderabilityId
* salesChannelCode
* createdBy
* attribute20
* context
* attribute10
* attribute14
* enableFlag
* attribute18
* lastUpdatedBy
* shipToLocationId
* endCustomerId
* attribute11
* attribute16
* deliverToLocationId
* customerClassId
* attribute13
* attribute19
* attribute5
* customerId
* salesPersonId
* attribute2
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute17
* ruleLevel


 * inventoryItemSegment13
* earliestAcceptableDate
* industryAttribute11
* serviceNumber
* pricingAttribute7
* programUpdateDate
* shipToPostalCode
* shippingMethod
* interfaceStatus
* dpwAssignedFlag
* taxExemptReasonCode
* tpAttribute15
* deliverToCity
* revenueAmount
* endCustomerId
* customerPaymentTerm
* itemInput
* serviceBillingProfile
* tpAttribute10
* shipToContactId
* originalOrderedItem
* inventoryItemSegment8
* shipFromAddress3
* fulfillmentSetName
* sourceDocumentId
* serviceBillOption
* cancelledFlag
* closedFlag
* deliverToAddress1
* shipToOrgId
* shipToleranceBelow
* fulfilledQuantity
* visibleDemandFlag
* autoSelectedQuantity
* subinventory
* taxValue
* arrivalSetName
* reservedQuantity
* programId
* sourceDocumentLineId
* industryAttribute24
* invoiceSetName
* globalAttribute18
* configRevNbr
* deliverToState
* origSysLineRef
* shippingQuantityUom2
* deliverToContact
* freightCarrierCode
* shipmentPriorityCode
* referenceCustomerTrxLineId
* overShipResolvedFlag
* returnAttribute4
* overShipReasonCode
* industryAttribute18
* projectId
* invoiceToContactId
* invoicingRule
* shippingQuantity
* lastUpdateDate
* serviceBillProfileId
* lineId
* inventoryItemId
* endCustomerContact
* invoiceToCustomerId
* returnAttribute11
* returnReasonCode
* splitFromLineRef
* globalAttribute1
* serviceCoverageTemplate
* globalAttribute5
* globalAttribute6
* returnAttribute7
* serviceStartDate
* referenceLine
* orderSource
* inventoryItemSegment6
* globalAttribute15
* invoiceCounty
* firstAckCode
* globalAttribute12
* unitListPercent
* customerItem
* lot
* industryAttribute14
* configHeaderId
* depPlanRequiredFlag
* industryContext
* ibCurrentLocationCode
* paymentTrx
* endCustomerAddress3
* agreementId
* pricingAttribute1
* shipToProvince
* industryAttribute21
* paymentTermId
* invoiceToPartyNumber
* taxRate
* endCustomerPartyNumber
* shipToContactFirstName
* shipFromAddress1
* serviceCovTemplateId
* industryAttribute19
* tpAttribute8
* inventoryItemSegment9
* pricingAttribute5
* lineType
* endCustomerNumber
* custProductionSeqNum
* deliverToOrg
* attribute3
* inventoryItemSegment14
* itemTypeCode
* blanketNumber
* invoiceToContact
* shippingQuantityUom
* inventoryItemSegment2
* materialCost
* shipToOrg
* industryAttribute26
* deliverToOrgId
* invoicingRuleId
* orderedQuantity2
* industryAttribute7
* outsideProcessingCost
* serviceEndDate
* tpAttribute4
* taxPointCode
* demandClass
* customerLineNumber
* shipFromCountry
* globalAttribute17
* inventoryItemSegment1
* customerJob
* intmedShipToOrgId
* returnAttribute14
* shippingQuantity2
* shipToCustomerNumber
* serviceCoterminateFlag
* tpAttribute7
* industryAttribute16
* serviceSubscriptionTemplate
* serviceFirstPeriodEnddate
* endCustomerAddress2
* dropShipFlag
* packingInstructions
* globalAttribute16
* endCustomerPostalCode
* returnAttribute1
* customerTrxLineId
* shipFromAddressId
* attribute14
* deliverToProvince
* tpAttribute6
* tpAttribute14
* globalAttribute7
* splitFromShipmentRef
* endCustomerCity
* paymentTrxId
* headerId
* invoiceCompleteFlag
* sourceTypeCode
* inventoryItemSegment11
* accountingRuleDuration
* changeSequence
* shipToCity
* pricingAttribute4
* globalAttribute3
* deliverToCustomerName
* invoiceInterfaceStatusCode
* industryAttribute10
* inventoryItemSegment12
* inventoryItemSegment3
* attribute19
* fobPoint
* endCustomerContactFirstNam
* calculatePriceFlag
* attribute15
* preferredGrade
* taskId
* inventoryItemSegment4
* endCustomerState
* deliverToAddress2
* orgId
* invoiceNumber
* lineTypeId
* itemSubstitutionTypeCode
* originalOrderedItemId
* unitSellingPricePqty
* explosionDate
* origSysDocumentRef
* unitSellingPricePerPqty
* shippedQuantity2
* deliverToCustomerId
* demandStream
* pricingQuantityUom
* returnAttribute3
* attribute16
* inventoryItemSegment17
* globalAttribute9
* shippingMethodCode
* tpAttribute1
* returnContext
* industryAttribute5
* soldToOrg
* authorizedToShipFlag
* shipToCounty
* ibCurrentLocation#1
* configDisplaySequence
* scheduleArrivalDate
* inventoryItemSegment18
* shippingInstructions
* shipmentPriority
* pricingAttribute6
* ibOwnerCode
* inventoryItemSegment19
* inventoryItemSegment20
* unitListPrice
* customerDock
* buyerSellerFlag
* splitFromLineId
* globalAttribute10
* customerItemNetPrice
* returnAttribute5
* returnAttribute9
* sourceDocumentTypeId
* customerItemId
* shipToAddressCode
* customerPaymentTermId
* industryAttribute6
* serviceTxnReasonCode
* endCustomerSiteUseId
* fobPointCode
* project
* optionNumber
* industryAttribute15
* taxPoint
* fulfillmentSetId
* industryAttribute27
* fulfillmentDate
* atoLineId
* attribute2
* lastAckDate
* deliverToCounty
* serviceReferenceTypeCode
* operationCode
* invoiceCity
* unitListPricePerPqty
* serviceReferenceLineId
* industryAttribute1
* arrivalSetId
* errorFlag
* taxCode
* shipFromEdiLocationCode
* planningProdSeqNum
* pricingAttribute3
* tpAttribute3
* shipToCountry
* accountingRule
* blanketLineNumber
* industryAttribute3
* shipSetId
* invoiceToleranceBelow
* shipToContactAreaCode3
* globalAttributeCategory
* industryAttribute29
* returnAttribute15
* industryAttribute25
* scheduleShipDate
* soldFromOrgId
* materialOverheadCost
* shipFromAddress2
* paymentTerm
* deliverToCustomerNumber
* splitBy
* salesrepId
* overheadCost
* inventoryItem
* shipSetName
* returnAttribute8
* orderQuantityUom
* submissionDatetime
* acknowledgmentFlag
* lineCategoryCode
* invoiceCountry
* serviceReferenceSystem
* attribute18
* attribute4
* pricingQuantity
* origSysShipmentRef
* globalAttribute14
* originalInventoryItemId
* ibInstalledAtLocation#1
* configLineRef
* endCustomerCountry
* configurationId
* shipToleranceAbove
* userItemDescription
* intmedShipToContactId
* unitSellingPrice
* accountingRuleId
* deliverToAddress3
* chargePeriodicityCode
* scheduleStatusCode
* shipToPartyNumber
* costTypeId
* endCustomerProvince
* orderedQuantityUom2
* servicePeriod
* globalAttribute19
* shipToAddress3
* invoiceSetId
* attribute12
* demandBucketTypeCode
* soldFromOrg
* rlaScheduleTypeCode
* attribute10
* shipmentNumber
* serviceReferenceOrder
* industryAttribute20
* tpAttribute2
* priceList
* industryAttribute17
* pricingAttribute8
* serviceSubsTemplateId
* customerProductionLine
* deliverToCountry
* invoiceAddress1
* componentCode
* context
* topModelLineId
* shipFromRegion3
* orderNumber
* invoiceToOrg
* serviceDuration
* commitmentId
* task
* shipFromRegion1
* itemRevision
* tax
* itemIdentifierType
* program
* shipModelCompleteFlag
* lineSetId
* endCustomerAddress1
* inventoryItemSegment10
* promiseDate
* industryAttribute30
* serviceBillOptionCode
* agreement
* custPoNumber
* shipToContactLastName
* shipToAddress4
* endCustomerContactId
* custModelSerialNumber
* serviceReferenceSystemId
* actualFulfillmentDate
* componentSequenceId
* invoiceProvince
* invoiceAddress2
* globalAttribute20
* commitment
* pricingContext
* requestDate
* sortOrder
* globalAttribute8
* shipToAddress2
* returnAttribute6
* taxExemptFlag
* pricingDate
* taxExemptReason
* latestAcceptableDate
* loadSeqNumber
* shipToState
* shipToAddressId
* actualArrivalDate
* requestId
* serviceFirstPeriodAmount
* createdBy
* costingDate
* industryAttribute28
* optionFlag
* ibInstalledAtLocationCode
* serviceTxnComments
* componentNumber
* industryAttribute22
* referenceHeaderId
* globalAttribute13
* shipFromOrg
* unitPercentBasePrice
* programApplicationId
* orderedItemId
* linkToLineRef
* deliveryLeadTime
* attribute13
* globalAttribute11
* tpAttribute12
* invoiceState
* instId
* globalAttribute4
* attribute20
* deliverToContactId
* tpContext
* industryAttribute2
* returnAttribute10
* lastUpdateLogin
* pricingAttribute2
* cancelledQuantity
* shipToContactJobTitle
* referenceHeader
* shipToContactAreaCode2
* inventoryItemSegment7
* flowStatusCode
* inventoryItemSegment16
* returnAttribute2
* salesrep
* endCustomerAddress4
* billToEdiLocationCode
* industryAttribute9
* invoiceToleranceAbove
* pricingAttribute10
* orderSourceId
* acknowledgmentType
* orderedQuantity
* shipToEdiLocationCode
* invoicePostalCode
* relatedPoNumber
* attribute11
* priceListId
* endCustomerCounty
* unitSellingPercent
* fulfilledQuantity2
* endCustomerContactLastName
* deliverToPostalCode
* shipFromRegion2
* shippedQuantity
* lineNumber
* resourceCost
* originalItemIdentifierType
* referenceLineId
* bookedFlag
* shipToAddress1
* actualShipmentDate
* attribute5
* attribute9
* returnAttribute13
* acknowledgementType
* serviceReferenceLine
* subscriptionEnableFlag
* freightTerms
* industryAttribute8
* shipFromOrgId
* contractPoNumber
* industryAttribute4
* modelGroupNumber
* ibCurrentLocation
* industryAttribute13
* invoiceToOrgId
* orderFirmedDate
* openFlag
* taxExemptNumber
* freightTermsCode
* ibOwner
* attribute1
* demandClassCode
* attribute7
* deliverToAddress4
* deliveryId
* deliverToCustomer
* invoicedQuantity
* returnAttribute12
* soldToOrgId
* attribute8
* taxDate
* deliverToPartyNumber
* invoiceToCustomerName
* invoiceAddress3
* shipFromPostalCode
* endCustomerName
* programApplication
* creationDate
* attribute17
* attribute6
* pricingAttribute9
* endItemUnitNumber
* orderedItem
* creditInvoiceLineId
* shipToContactAreaCode1
* changeDate
* shipToContact
* tpAttribute11
* tpAttribute13
* cancelledQuantity2
* invoiceAddress4
* lastAckCode
* costType
* demandBucketType
* itemRelationshipType
* tpAttribute5
* customerDockCode
* linePoContext
* reSourceFlag
* ibInstalledAtLocation
* servicedLineId
* inventoryItemSegment15
* customerItemRevision
* lastUpdatedBy
* referenceType
* invoiceAddressCode
* customerShipmentNumber
* invoiceAddressName
* shipToCustomerName
* tpAttribute9
* industryAttribute23
* scheduleItemDetail
* linkToLineId
* shipToCustomerId
* invoiceToCustomerNumber
* shipFromCity
* shipToAddressName
* firstAckDate
* inventoryItemSegment5
* industryAttribute12
* globalAttribute2
* vehCusItemCumKeyId


 * inventoryItemSegment13
* earliestAcceptableDate
* industryAttribute11
* serviceNumber
* pricingAttribute7
* programUpdateDate
* shipToPostalCode
* shippingMethod
* interfaceStatus
* dpwAssignedFlag
* taxExemptReasonCode
* tpAttribute15
* deliverToCity
* revenueAmount
* endCustomerId
* customerPaymentTerm
* itemInput
* serviceBillingProfile
* tpAttribute10
* shipToContactId
* originalOrderedItem
* inventoryItemSegment8
* shipFromAddress3
* fulfillmentSetName
* sourceDocumentId
* serviceBillOption
* cancelledFlag
* closedFlag
* deliverToAddress1
* shipToOrgId
* shipToleranceBelow
* fulfilledQuantity
* visibleDemandFlag
* autoSelectedQuantity
* subinventory
* taxValue
* arrivalSetName
* reservedQuantity
* programId
* sourceDocumentLineId
* industryAttribute24
* invoiceSetName
* globalAttribute18
* configRevNbr
* deliverToState
* origSysLineRef
* shippingQuantityUom2
* deliverToContact
* freightCarrierCode
* shipmentPriorityCode
* referenceCustomerTrxLineId
* overShipResolvedFlag
* returnAttribute4
* overShipReasonCode
* industryAttribute18
* projectId
* invoiceToContactId
* invoicingRule
* shippingQuantity
* lastUpdateDate
* serviceBillProfileId
* lineId
* inventoryItemId
* endCustomerContact
* invoiceToCustomerId
* returnAttribute11
* returnReasonCode
* splitFromLineRef
* globalAttribute1
* serviceCoverageTemplate
* globalAttribute5
* globalAttribute6
* returnAttribute7
* serviceStartDate
* referenceLine
* orderSource
* inventoryItemSegment6
* globalAttribute15
* invoiceCounty
* firstAckCode
* globalAttribute12
* unitListPercent
* customerItem
* lot
* industryAttribute14
* configHeaderId
* depPlanRequiredFlag
* industryContext
* ibCurrentLocationCode
* paymentTrx
* endCustomerAddress3
* agreementId
* pricingAttribute1
* shipToProvince
* industryAttribute21
* paymentTermId
* invoiceToPartyNumber
* taxRate
* endCustomerPartyNumber
* shipToContactFirstName
* shipFromAddress1
* serviceCovTemplateId
* industryAttribute19
* tpAttribute8
* inventoryItemSegment9
* pricingAttribute5
* lineType
* endCustomerNumber
* custProductionSeqNum
* deliverToOrg
* attribute3
* inventoryItemSegment14
* itemTypeCode
* blanketNumber
* invoiceToContact
* shippingQuantityUom
* inventoryItemSegment2
* materialCost
* shipToOrg
* industryAttribute26
* deliverToOrgId
* invoicingRuleId
* orderedQuantity2
* industryAttribute7
* outsideProcessingCost
* serviceEndDate
* tpAttribute4
* taxPointCode
* demandClass
* customerLineNumber
* shipFromCountry
* globalAttribute17
* inventoryItemSegment1
* customerJob
* intmedShipToOrgId
* returnAttribute14
* shippingQuantity2
* shipToCustomerNumber
* serviceCoterminateFlag
* tpAttribute7
* industryAttribute16
* serviceSubscriptionTemplate
* serviceFirstPeriodEnddate
* endCustomerAddress2
* dropShipFlag
* packingInstructions
* globalAttribute16
* endCustomerPostalCode
* returnAttribute1
* customerTrxLineId
* shipFromAddressId
* attribute14
* deliverToProvince
* tpAttribute6
* tpAttribute14
* globalAttribute7
* splitFromShipmentRef
* endCustomerCity
* paymentTrxId
* headerId
* invoiceCompleteFlag
* sourceTypeCode
* inventoryItemSegment11
* accountingRuleDuration
* changeSequence
* shipToCity
* pricingAttribute4
* globalAttribute3
* deliverToCustomerName
* invoiceInterfaceStatusCode
* industryAttribute10
* inventoryItemSegment12
* inventoryItemSegment3
* attribute19
* fobPoint
* endCustomerContactFirstNam
* calculatePriceFlag
* attribute15
* preferredGrade
* taskId
* inventoryItemSegment4
* endCustomerState
* deliverToAddress2
* orgId
* invoiceNumber
* lineTypeId
* itemSubstitutionTypeCode
* originalOrderedItemId
* unitSellingPricePqty
* explosionDate
* origSysDocumentRef
* unitSellingPricePerPqty
* shippedQuantity2
* deliverToCustomerId
* demandStream
* pricingQuantityUom
* returnAttribute3
* attribute16
* inventoryItemSegment17
* globalAttribute9
* shippingMethodCode
* tpAttribute1
* returnContext
* industryAttribute5
* soldToOrg
* authorizedToShipFlag
* shipToCounty
* ibCurrentLocation#1
* configDisplaySequence
* scheduleArrivalDate
* inventoryItemSegment18
* shippingInstructions
* shipmentPriority
* pricingAttribute6
* ibOwnerCode
* inventoryItemSegment19
* inventoryItemSegment20
* unitListPrice
* customerDock
* buyerSellerFlag
* splitFromLineId
* globalAttribute10
* customerItemNetPrice
* returnAttribute5
* returnAttribute9
* sourceDocumentTypeId
* customerItemId
* shipToAddressCode
* customerPaymentTermId
* industryAttribute6
* serviceTxnReasonCode
* endCustomerSiteUseId
* fobPointCode
* project
* optionNumber
* industryAttribute15
* taxPoint
* fulfillmentSetId
* industryAttribute27
* fulfillmentDate
* atoLineId
* attribute2
* lastAckDate
* deliverToCounty
* serviceReferenceTypeCode
* operationCode
* invoiceCity
* unitListPricePerPqty
* serviceReferenceLineId
* industryAttribute1
* arrivalSetId
* errorFlag
* taxCode
* shipFromEdiLocationCode
* planningProdSeqNum
* pricingAttribute3
* tpAttribute3
* shipToCountry
* accountingRule
* blanketLineNumber
* industryAttribute3
* shipSetId
* invoiceToleranceBelow
* shipToContactAreaCode3
* globalAttributeCategory
* industryAttribute29
* returnAttribute15
* industryAttribute25
* scheduleShipDate
* soldFromOrgId
* materialOverheadCost
* shipFromAddress2
* paymentTerm
* deliverToCustomerNumber
* splitBy
* salesrepId
* overheadCost
* inventoryItem
* shipSetName
* returnAttribute8
* orderQuantityUom
* submissionDatetime
* acknowledgmentFlag
* lineCategoryCode
* invoiceCountry
* serviceReferenceSystem
* attribute18
* attribute4
* pricingQuantity
* origSysShipmentRef
* globalAttribute14
* originalInventoryItemId
* ibInstalledAtLocation#1
* configLineRef
* endCustomerCountry
* configurationId
* shipToleranceAbove
* userItemDescription
* intmedShipToContactId
* unitSellingPrice
* accountingRuleId
* deliverToAddress3
* chargePeriodicityCode
* scheduleStatusCode
* shipToPartyNumber
* costTypeId
* endCustomerProvince
* orderedQuantityUom2
* servicePeriod
* globalAttribute19
* shipToAddress3
* invoiceSetId
* attribute12
* demandBucketTypeCode
* soldFromOrg
* rlaScheduleTypeCode
* attribute10
* shipmentNumber
* serviceReferenceOrder
* industryAttribute20
* tpAttribute2
* priceList
* industryAttribute17
* pricingAttribute8
* serviceSubsTemplateId
* customerProductionLine
* deliverToCountry
* invoiceAddress1
* componentCode
* context
* topModelLineId
* shipFromRegion3
* orderNumber
* invoiceToOrg
* serviceDuration
* commitmentId
* task
* shipFromRegion1
* itemRevision
* tax
* itemIdentifierType
* program
* shipModelCompleteFlag
* lineSetId
* endCustomerAddress1
* inventoryItemSegment10
* promiseDate
* industryAttribute30
* serviceBillOptionCode
* agreement
* custPoNumber
* shipToContactLastName
* shipToAddress4
* endCustomerContactId
* custModelSerialNumber
* serviceReferenceSystemId
* actualFulfillmentDate
* componentSequenceId
* invoiceProvince
* invoiceAddress2
* globalAttribute20
* commitment
* pricingContext
* requestDate
* sortOrder
* globalAttribute8
* shipToAddress2
* returnAttribute6
* taxExemptFlag
* pricingDate
* taxExemptReason
* latestAcceptableDate
* loadSeqNumber
* shipToState
* shipToAddressId
* actualArrivalDate
* requestId
* serviceFirstPeriodAmount
* createdBy
* costingDate
* industryAttribute28
* optionFlag
* ibInstalledAtLocationCode
* serviceTxnComments
* componentNumber
* industryAttribute22
* referenceHeaderId
* globalAttribute13
* shipFromOrg
* unitPercentBasePrice
* programApplicationId
* orderedItemId
* linkToLineRef
* deliveryLeadTime
* attribute13
* globalAttribute11
* tpAttribute12
* invoiceState
* instId
* globalAttribute4
* attribute20
* deliverToContactId
* tpContext
* industryAttribute2
* returnAttribute10
* lastUpdateLogin
* pricingAttribute2
* cancelledQuantity
* shipToContactJobTitle
* referenceHeader
* shipToContactAreaCode2
* inventoryItemSegment7
* flowStatusCode
* inventoryItemSegment16
* returnAttribute2
* salesrep
* endCustomerAddress4
* billToEdiLocationCode
* industryAttribute9
* invoiceToleranceAbove
* pricingAttribute10
* orderSourceId
* acknowledgmentType
* orderedQuantity
* shipToEdiLocationCode
* invoicePostalCode
* relatedPoNumber
* attribute11
* priceListId
* endCustomerCounty
* unitSellingPercent
* fulfilledQuantity2
* endCustomerContactLastName
* deliverToPostalCode
* shipFromRegion2
* shippedQuantity
* lineNumber
* resourceCost
* originalItemIdentifierType
* referenceLineId
* bookedFlag
* shipToAddress1
* actualShipmentDate
* attribute5
* attribute9
* returnAttribute13
* acknowledgementType
* serviceReferenceLine
* subscriptionEnableFlag
* freightTerms
* industryAttribute8
* shipFromOrgId
* contractPoNumber
* industryAttribute4
* modelGroupNumber
* ibCurrentLocation
* industryAttribute13
* invoiceToOrgId
* orderFirmedDate
* openFlag
* taxExemptNumber
* freightTermsCode
* ibOwner
* attribute1
* demandClassCode
* attribute7
* deliverToAddress4
* deliveryId
* deliverToCustomer
* invoicedQuantity
* returnAttribute12
* soldToOrgId
* attribute8
* taxDate
* deliverToPartyNumber
* invoiceToCustomerName
* invoiceAddress3
* shipFromPostalCode
* endCustomerName
* programApplication
* creationDate
* attribute17
* attribute6
* pricingAttribute9
* endItemUnitNumber
* orderedItem
* creditInvoiceLineId
* shipToContactAreaCode1
* changeDate
* shipToContact
* tpAttribute11
* tpAttribute13
* cancelledQuantity2
* invoiceAddress4
* lastAckCode
* costType
* demandBucketType
* itemRelationshipType
* tpAttribute5
* customerDockCode
* linePoContext
* reSourceFlag
* ibInstalledAtLocation
* servicedLineId
* inventoryItemSegment15
* customerItemRevision
* lastUpdatedBy
* referenceType
* invoiceAddressCode
* customerShipmentNumber
* invoiceAddressName
* shipToCustomerName
* tpAttribute9
* industryAttribute23
* scheduleItemDetail
* linkToLineId
* shipToCustomerId
* invoiceToCustomerNumber
* shipFromCity
* shipToAddressName
* firstAckDate
* inventoryItemSegment5
* industryAttribute12
* globalAttribute2
* vehCusItemCumKeyId


 * lineId
* setId
* systemRequiredFlag
* instId


 * lineId
* setId
* systemRequiredFlag
* instId


 * requestDate
* orderedQuantity
* shipToOrgId
* splitBy
* changeReasonCode
* requestId
* orderedQuantity2
* changeReasonComment
* splitIndex
* shipFromOrgId
* lineId


 * requestDate
* orderedQuantity
* shipToOrgId
* splitBy
* changeReasonCode
* requestId
* orderedQuantity2
* changeReasonComment
* splitIndex
* shipFromOrgId
* lineId


 * attrDispValue
* attrValueNum
* transactionType
* processStatus
* entity
* dataLevelId
* orderSourceId
* rowIdentifier
* dataSetId
* attrUomDispValue
* creationDate
* dataLevelName
* origSysShipmentRef
* attrValueStr
* attrGroupId
* programApplicationId
* attrIntName
* userDataLevelName
* lastUpdateLogin
* attrValueUom
* batchId
* lineId
* origSysDocumentRef
* attrGroupType
* origSysLineRef
* lastUpdateDate
* programId
* requestId
* programUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* soldToOrgId
* orgId
* attrGroupIntName
* createdBy
* attrValueDate
* transactionId


 * attrDispValue
* attrValueNum
* transactionType
* processStatus
* entity
* dataLevelId
* orderSourceId
* rowIdentifier
* dataSetId
* attrUomDispValue
* creationDate
* dataLevelName
* origSysShipmentRef
* attrValueStr
* attrGroupId
* programApplicationId
* attrIntName
* userDataLevelName
* lastUpdateLogin
* attrValueUom
* batchId
* lineId
* origSysDocumentRef
* attrGroupType
* origSysLineRef
* lastUpdateDate
* programId
* requestId
* programUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* soldToOrgId
* orgId
* attrGroupIntName
* createdBy
* attrValueDate
* transactionId


 * priceListId
* industryAttribute1
* endCustomerAddress2
* industryAttribute10
* agreement
* invoiceToPartyId
* shipToOrgContactId
* soldFromOrgId
* serviceAttribute8
* inventoryItemSegment3
* orderedQuantity2
* endCustomerLocation
* componentCode
* attribute19
* attribute7
* orderSourceId
* shipToCountry
* inventoryItemSegment13
* globalAttribute14
* endCustomerPartyNumber
* serviceTxnComments
* shippingInstructions
* overShipResolvedFlag
* attribute18
* attribute9
* closedFlag
* serviceTxnReasonCode
* serviceAttribute14
* cancelledFlag
* deliverToOrg
* globalAttribute4
* serviceBillOptionCode
* endCustomerSiteUseId
* taxValue
* scheduleShipDate
* origSysDocumentRef
* inventoryItemSegment18
* serviceEndDate
* customerPaymentTermId
* origSysLineRef
* taxExemptNumber
* fulfilledQuantity
* referenceHeader
* endCustomerContactId
* pricingAttribute5
* blanketNumber
* customerItemNetPrice
* serviceAttribute4
* invoiceToOrgContactId
* demandStream
* industryAttribute25
* cancelledQuantity2
* scheduleArrivalDate
* taskId
* lastUpdateDate
* fulfilledQuantity2
* invoiceToPartyNumber
* orderFirmedDate
* salesrep
* tpAttribute4
* shipSetName
* attribute8
* taxExemptFlag
* industryAttribute18
* inventoryItemSegment15
* industryAttribute16
* lastUpdateLogin
* lineCategoryCode
* interfaceStatus
* deliverToContact
* serviceAttribute13
* returnAttribute12
* serviceReferenceSystem
* agreementId
* serviceAttribute1
* taxCode
* industryAttribute27
* accountingRuleDuration
* orgId
* serviceCoterminateFlag
* modelGroupNumber
* industryAttribute3
* serviceAttribute12
* shipToAddress3
* globalAttribute7
* inventoryItemSegment9
* attribute5
* returnAttribute1
* shipFromOrg
* invoiceToPostalCode
* globalAttribute16
* tax
* scac
* returnAttribute11
* returnAttribute15
* origDeliverAddressRef
* customerPaymentTerm
* shippingQuantityUom2
* deliverToContactId
* splitFromLineId
* invoiceToCustomerNumber
* invoiceSetName
* taxPoint
* componentSequenceId
* serviceSubscriptionTemplate
* creditInvoiceLineId
* commitment
* configRevNbr
* inventoryItemSegment8
* inventoryItemSegment2
* pricingAttribute1
* programUpdateDate
* unitSellingPercent
* globalAttribute15
* industryAttribute14
* itemTypeCode
* latestAcceptableDate
* globalAttribute6
* requestDate
* industryAttribute22
* invoiceToState
* returnAttribute14
* serviceStartDate
* attribute13
* ibInstalledAtLocation
* shipToOrg
* globalAttribute3
* userItemDescription
* priceList
* returnContext
* taxExemptReasonCode
* shipToleranceAbove
* industryAttribute7
* atoLineId
* shipToPartySiteUseId
* inventoryItemSegment11
* promiseDate
* shipToContactRef
* accountingRuleId
* arrivalSetName
* scheduleItemDetail
* planningPriority
* globalAttribute8
* globalAttribute19
* lineType
* ibOwner
* ibInstalledAtLocation#1
* lineTypeId
* invoiceToPartySiteUseId
* deliverToCountry
* referenceLineId
* customerShipmentNumber
* industryAttribute29
* endCustomerCity
* invoiceToAddress2
* subscriptionEnableFlag
* orderQuantityUom
* shipToCounty
* shipToPostalCode
* serviceSubsTemplateId
* serviceBillProfileId
* lastUpdatedBy
* fulfillmentSetName
* deliverToAddress4
* project
* scheduleDate
* errorFlag
* deliverToOrgId
* shipToCustomerNumber
* invoiceToProvince
* unitListPrice
* inventoryItemSegment19
* calculatePriceFlag
* lineNumber
* linkToLineRef
* creationDate
* serviceAttribute7
* requestId
* endCustomerNumber
* globalAttribute10
* globalAttribute11
* globalAttribute13
* serviceDuration
* shipToContactFirstName
* servicedLineId
* actualArrivalDate
* customerPoNumber
* serviceBillingProfile
* customerLineNumber
* configHeaderId
* deliverToCustomerNumber
* industryAttribute12
* priceRequestCode
* shipToPartyId
* industryAttribute2
* pricingAttribute8
* shipToCustomerId
* deliverToState
* accountingRule
* tpAttribute14
* shipToContactAreaCode3
* industryAttribute6
* industryAttribute20
* attribute15
* deliverToCustomerName
* preferredGrade
* subinventory
* loadSeqNumber
* tpAttribute11
* invoiceToAddress1
* tpAttribute13
* taxPointCode
* shippingQuantity2
* invoiceToContactId
* invoiceToCustomerId
* referenceType
* deliverToContactRef
* overrideAtpDateCode
* serviceNumber
* taxExemptReason
* inventoryItemSegment4
* industryContext
* endCustomerName
* attribute11
* operationCode
* globalAttribute9
* createdBy
* inventoryItemSegment17
* attribute12
* endCustomerAddress3
* deliverToCity
* changeReason
* pricingAttribute4
* invoiceToCity
* unitListPricePerPqty
* linePoContext
* inventoryItemSegment6
* industryAttribute21
* shipToPartyNumber
* endCustomerAddress4
* serviceAttribute11
* customerJob
* commitmentId
* lateDemandPenaltyFactor
* programApplicationId
* shippedQuantity
* shipModelCompleteFlag
* industryAttribute28
* invoiceToCountry
* servicePeriod
* context
* freightCarrierCode
* attribute4
* globalAttribute20
* customerItemIdType
* attribute3
* paymentTermId
* unitListPercent
* lineId
* unitSellingPrice
* shipToCustomerName
* unitPercentBasePrice
* globalAttribute18
* tpAttribute2
* endCustomerPartyId
* splitFromShipmentRef
* deliverToPartyId
* industryAttribute11
* changeSequence
* industryAttribute9
* orderedQuantity
* serviceAttribute5
* deliverToProvince
* deliverToCounty
* globalAttribute12
* attribute16
* pricingDate
* globalAttribute1
* shipmentNumber
* tpAttribute9
* tpAttribute5
* ibCurrentLocation
* vehCusItemCumKeyId
* pricingAttribute2
* returnAttribute13
* inventoryItemSegment7
* changeComments
* industryAttribute30
* industryAttribute19
* invoicingRule
* tpAttribute10
* blanketLineNumber
* invoiceToPartySiteId
* inventoryItemSegment16
* billToContactRef
* industryAttribute4
* serviceAttribute6
* inventoryItemSegment10
* shipToAddress4
* pricingAttribute10
* shipmentPriorityCode
* deliverToAddress3
* invoiceSetId
* serviceAttribute10
* customerDockCode
* xmlTransactionTypeCode
* shipToOrgId
* changeRequestCode
* orderedQuantityUom2
* attribute6
* tpAttribute1
* tpAttribute12
* customerProductionLine
* optionNumber
* salesrepId
* task
* origBillAddressRef
* attribute20
* returnAttribute10
* invoicingRuleId
* returnAttribute9
* freightTermsCode
* shipToContactId
* shipFromOrgId
* serviceAttribute9
* shipToState
* endCustomerCountry
* configurationId
* endCustomerPartySiteUseId
* endCustomerPostalCode
* freightTerms
* programId
* explosionDate
* industryAttribute15
* contractPoNumber
* attribute10
* tpAttribute7
* serviceAttribute3
* endCustomerCounty
* customerItemRevision
* deliverToPartySiteId
* deliverToPostalCode
* industryAttribute13
* earliestAcceptableDate
* shipToleranceBelow
* attribute1
* industryAttribute26
* paymentTerm
* returnAttribute5
* ibOwnerCode
* endCustomerOrgContactId
* scheduleStatusCode
* inventoryItemId
* soldToOrg
* invoiceToOrgId
* endItemUnitNumber
* equipmentNumber
* returnAttribute8
* shipToProvince
* preExplodedFlag
* packingInstructions
* invoiceToAddress4
* deliveryLeadTime
* referenceHeaderId
* endCustomerState
* rejectedFlag
* equipmentId
* inventoryItemSegment20
* authorizedToShipFlag
* endCustomerProvince
* serviceReferenceTypeCode
* shipToAddress2
* serviceAttribute2
* invoiceToCounty
* deliverToOrgContactId
* pricingAttribute9
* instId
* cancelledQuantity
* soldToOrgId
* deliverToPartySiteUseId
* globalAttribute17
* globalAttribute5
* ibCurrentLocation#1
* demandBucketTypeCode
* origSysShipmentRef
* attributeStatus
* sortOrder
* attribute2
* itemRevision
* tpContext
* attribute17
* shipToCity
* taxDate
* shipToContactJobTitle
* industryAttribute8
* deliveryId
* arrivalSetId
* shippingQuantity
* serviceCoverageTemplate
* invoiceToAddress3
* shipToContact
* inventoryItem
* globalAttributeCategory
* shippingMethodCode
* actualShipmentDate
* demandBucketType
* custProductionSeqNum
* deliverToAddress1
* tpAttribute8
* endCustomerAddress1
* topModelLineRef
* customerItemId
* endCustomerId
* shipToContactAreaCode1
* ibInstalledAtLocationCode
* splitFromLineRef
* pricingAttribute6
* pricingQuantityUom
* demandClass
* industryAttribute17
* projectId
* inventoryItemSegment1
* serviceReferenceOrder
* optionFlag
* tpAttribute15
* custModelSerialNumber
* shippedQuantity2
* industryAttribute5
* invoiceToContact
* returnAttribute6
* containerNumber
* returnAttribute2
* tpAttribute3
* invoiceToOrg
* soldFromOrg
* statusFlag
* endCustomerPartySiteId
* fulfillmentSetId
* serviceCovTemplateId
* pricingContext
* inventoryItemSegment12
* origShipAddressRef
* dropShipFlag
* shipSetId
* deliverToPartyNumber
* shipToContactLastName
* industryAttribute24
* inventoryItemSegment5
* shipToPartySiteId
* pricingAttribute7
* invoiceToCustomerName
* fobPoint
* fulfilledFlag
* sourceTypeCode
* pricingAttribute3
* shipToContactAreaCode2
* inventoryItemSegment14
* shippingQuantityUom
* deliverToAddress2
* serviceAttribute15
* returnReasonCode
* pricingQuantity
* fobPointCode
* deliverToCustomerId
* shipToAddress1
* overShipReasonCode
* customerDock
* actualFulfillmentDate
* ibCurrentLocationCode
* unitSellingPricePerPqty
* returnAttribute7
* customerItemName
* serviceContext
* returnAttribute4
* industryAttribute23
* globalAttribute2
* endCustomerContact
* tpAttribute6
* returnAttribute3
* demandClassCode
* shippingMethod
* serviceReferenceLine
* referenceLine
* attribute14
* shipmentPriority


 * priceListId
* industryAttribute1
* endCustomerAddress2
* industryAttribute10
* agreement
* invoiceToPartyId
* shipToOrgContactId
* soldFromOrgId
* serviceAttribute8
* inventoryItemSegment3
* orderedQuantity2
* endCustomerLocation
* componentCode
* attribute19
* attribute7
* orderSourceId
* shipToCountry
* inventoryItemSegment13
* globalAttribute14
* endCustomerPartyNumber
* serviceTxnComments
* shippingInstructions
* overShipResolvedFlag
* attribute18
* attribute9
* closedFlag
* serviceTxnReasonCode
* serviceAttribute14
* cancelledFlag
* deliverToOrg
* globalAttribute4
* serviceBillOptionCode
* endCustomerSiteUseId
* taxValue
* scheduleShipDate
* origSysDocumentRef
* inventoryItemSegment18
* serviceEndDate
* customerPaymentTermId
* origSysLineRef
* taxExemptNumber
* fulfilledQuantity
* referenceHeader
* endCustomerContactId
* pricingAttribute5
* blanketNumber
* customerItemNetPrice
* serviceAttribute4
* invoiceToOrgContactId
* demandStream
* industryAttribute25
* cancelledQuantity2
* scheduleArrivalDate
* taskId
* lastUpdateDate
* fulfilledQuantity2
* invoiceToPartyNumber
* orderFirmedDate
* salesrep
* tpAttribute4
* shipSetName
* attribute8
* taxExemptFlag
* industryAttribute18
* inventoryItemSegment15
* industryAttribute16
* lastUpdateLogin
* lineCategoryCode
* interfaceStatus
* deliverToContact
* serviceAttribute13
* returnAttribute12
* serviceReferenceSystem
* agreementId
* serviceAttribute1
* taxCode
* industryAttribute27
* accountingRuleDuration
* orgId
* serviceCoterminateFlag
* modelGroupNumber
* industryAttribute3
* serviceAttribute12
* shipToAddress3
* globalAttribute7
* inventoryItemSegment9
* attribute5
* returnAttribute1
* shipFromOrg
* invoiceToPostalCode
* globalAttribute16
* tax
* scac
* returnAttribute11
* returnAttribute15
* origDeliverAddressRef
* customerPaymentTerm
* shippingQuantityUom2
* deliverToContactId
* splitFromLineId
* invoiceToCustomerNumber
* invoiceSetName
* taxPoint
* componentSequenceId
* serviceSubscriptionTemplate
* creditInvoiceLineId
* commitment
* configRevNbr
* inventoryItemSegment8
* inventoryItemSegment2
* pricingAttribute1
* programUpdateDate
* unitSellingPercent
* globalAttribute15
* industryAttribute14
* itemTypeCode
* latestAcceptableDate
* globalAttribute6
* requestDate
* industryAttribute22
* invoiceToState
* returnAttribute14
* serviceStartDate
* attribute13
* ibInstalledAtLocation
* shipToOrg
* globalAttribute3
* userItemDescription
* priceList
* returnContext
* taxExemptReasonCode
* shipToleranceAbove
* industryAttribute7
* atoLineId
* shipToPartySiteUseId
* inventoryItemSegment11
* promiseDate
* shipToContactRef
* accountingRuleId
* arrivalSetName
* scheduleItemDetail
* planningPriority
* globalAttribute8
* globalAttribute19
* lineType
* ibOwner
* ibInstalledAtLocation#1
* lineTypeId
* invoiceToPartySiteUseId
* deliverToCountry
* referenceLineId
* customerShipmentNumber
* industryAttribute29
* endCustomerCity
* invoiceToAddress2
* subscriptionEnableFlag
* orderQuantityUom
* shipToCounty
* shipToPostalCode
* serviceSubsTemplateId
* serviceBillProfileId
* lastUpdatedBy
* fulfillmentSetName
* deliverToAddress4
* project
* scheduleDate
* errorFlag
* deliverToOrgId
* shipToCustomerNumber
* invoiceToProvince
* unitListPrice
* inventoryItemSegment19
* calculatePriceFlag
* lineNumber
* linkToLineRef
* creationDate
* serviceAttribute7
* requestId
* endCustomerNumber
* globalAttribute10
* globalAttribute11
* globalAttribute13
* serviceDuration
* shipToContactFirstName
* servicedLineId
* actualArrivalDate
* customerPoNumber
* serviceBillingProfile
* customerLineNumber
* configHeaderId
* deliverToCustomerNumber
* industryAttribute12
* priceRequestCode
* shipToPartyId
* industryAttribute2
* pricingAttribute8
* shipToCustomerId
* deliverToState
* accountingRule
* tpAttribute14
* shipToContactAreaCode3
* industryAttribute6
* industryAttribute20
* attribute15
* deliverToCustomerName
* preferredGrade
* subinventory
* loadSeqNumber
* tpAttribute11
* invoiceToAddress1
* tpAttribute13
* taxPointCode
* shippingQuantity2
* invoiceToContactId
* invoiceToCustomerId
* referenceType
* deliverToContactRef
* overrideAtpDateCode
* serviceNumber
* taxExemptReason
* inventoryItemSegment4
* industryContext
* endCustomerName
* attribute11
* operationCode
* globalAttribute9
* createdBy
* inventoryItemSegment17
* attribute12
* endCustomerAddress3
* deliverToCity
* changeReason
* pricingAttribute4
* invoiceToCity
* unitListPricePerPqty
* linePoContext
* inventoryItemSegment6
* industryAttribute21
* shipToPartyNumber
* endCustomerAddress4
* serviceAttribute11
* customerJob
* commitmentId
* lateDemandPenaltyFactor
* programApplicationId
* shippedQuantity
* shipModelCompleteFlag
* industryAttribute28
* invoiceToCountry
* servicePeriod
* context
* freightCarrierCode
* attribute4
* globalAttribute20
* customerItemIdType
* attribute3
* paymentTermId
* unitListPercent
* lineId
* unitSellingPrice
* shipToCustomerName
* unitPercentBasePrice
* globalAttribute18
* tpAttribute2
* endCustomerPartyId
* splitFromShipmentRef
* deliverToPartyId
* industryAttribute11
* changeSequence
* industryAttribute9
* orderedQuantity
* serviceAttribute5
* deliverToProvince
* deliverToCounty
* globalAttribute12
* attribute16
* pricingDate
* globalAttribute1
* shipmentNumber
* tpAttribute9
* tpAttribute5
* ibCurrentLocation
* vehCusItemCumKeyId
* pricingAttribute2
* returnAttribute13
* inventoryItemSegment7
* changeComments
* industryAttribute30
* industryAttribute19
* invoicingRule
* tpAttribute10
* blanketLineNumber
* invoiceToPartySiteId
* inventoryItemSegment16
* billToContactRef
* industryAttribute4
* serviceAttribute6
* inventoryItemSegment10
* shipToAddress4
* pricingAttribute10
* shipmentPriorityCode
* deliverToAddress3
* invoiceSetId
* serviceAttribute10
* customerDockCode
* xmlTransactionTypeCode
* shipToOrgId
* changeRequestCode
* orderedQuantityUom2
* attribute6
* tpAttribute1
* tpAttribute12
* customerProductionLine
* optionNumber
* salesrepId
* task
* origBillAddressRef
* attribute20
* returnAttribute10
* invoicingRuleId
* returnAttribute9
* freightTermsCode
* shipToContactId
* shipFromOrgId
* serviceAttribute9
* shipToState
* endCustomerCountry
* configurationId
* endCustomerPartySiteUseId
* endCustomerPostalCode
* freightTerms
* programId
* explosionDate
* industryAttribute15
* contractPoNumber
* attribute10
* tpAttribute7
* serviceAttribute3
* endCustomerCounty
* customerItemRevision
* deliverToPartySiteId
* deliverToPostalCode
* industryAttribute13
* earliestAcceptableDate
* shipToleranceBelow
* attribute1
* industryAttribute26
* paymentTerm
* returnAttribute5
* ibOwnerCode
* endCustomerOrgContactId
* scheduleStatusCode
* inventoryItemId
* soldToOrg
* invoiceToOrgId
* endItemUnitNumber
* equipmentNumber
* returnAttribute8
* shipToProvince
* preExplodedFlag
* packingInstructions
* invoiceToAddress4
* deliveryLeadTime
* referenceHeaderId
* endCustomerState
* rejectedFlag
* equipmentId
* inventoryItemSegment20
* authorizedToShipFlag
* endCustomerProvince
* serviceReferenceTypeCode
* shipToAddress2
* serviceAttribute2
* invoiceToCounty
* deliverToOrgContactId
* pricingAttribute9
* instId
* cancelledQuantity
* soldToOrgId
* deliverToPartySiteUseId
* globalAttribute17
* globalAttribute5
* ibCurrentLocation#1
* demandBucketTypeCode
* origSysShipmentRef
* attributeStatus
* sortOrder
* attribute2
* itemRevision
* tpContext
* attribute17
* shipToCity
* taxDate
* shipToContactJobTitle
* industryAttribute8
* deliveryId
* arrivalSetId
* shippingQuantity
* serviceCoverageTemplate
* invoiceToAddress3
* shipToContact
* inventoryItem
* globalAttributeCategory
* shippingMethodCode
* actualShipmentDate
* demandBucketType
* custProductionSeqNum
* deliverToAddress1
* tpAttribute8
* endCustomerAddress1
* topModelLineRef
* customerItemId
* endCustomerId
* shipToContactAreaCode1
* ibInstalledAtLocationCode
* splitFromLineRef
* pricingAttribute6
* pricingQuantityUom
* demandClass
* industryAttribute17
* projectId
* inventoryItemSegment1
* serviceReferenceOrder
* optionFlag
* tpAttribute15
* custModelSerialNumber
* shippedQuantity2
* industryAttribute5
* invoiceToContact
* returnAttribute6
* containerNumber
* returnAttribute2
* tpAttribute3
* invoiceToOrg
* soldFromOrg
* statusFlag
* endCustomerPartySiteId
* fulfillmentSetId
* serviceCovTemplateId
* pricingContext
* inventoryItemSegment12
* origShipAddressRef
* dropShipFlag
* shipSetId
* deliverToPartyNumber
* shipToContactLastName
* industryAttribute24
* inventoryItemSegment5
* shipToPartySiteId
* pricingAttribute7
* invoiceToCustomerName
* fobPoint
* fulfilledFlag
* sourceTypeCode
* pricingAttribute3
* shipToContactAreaCode2
* inventoryItemSegment14
* shippingQuantityUom
* deliverToAddress2
* serviceAttribute15
* returnReasonCode
* pricingQuantity
* fobPointCode
* deliverToCustomerId
* shipToAddress1
* overShipReasonCode
* customerDock
* actualFulfillmentDate
* ibCurrentLocationCode
* unitSellingPricePerPqty
* returnAttribute7
* customerItemName
* serviceContext
* returnAttribute4
* industryAttribute23
* globalAttribute2
* endCustomerContact
* tpAttribute6
* returnAttribute3
* demandClassCode
* shippingMethod
* serviceReferenceLine
* referenceLine
* attribute14
* shipmentPriority


 * toSerialNumber
* lockControl
* lotNumber
* attribute1
* attribute10
* lineSetId
* quantity
* attribute4
* attribute9
* attribute13
* attribute15
* sublotNumber
* creationDate
* fromSerialNumber
* instId
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute7
* quantity2
* attribute5
* lotSerialId
* createdBy
* attribute11
* attribute12
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute3
* attribute8
* origSysLotserialRef
* attribute14
* lastUpdateDate
* lineId
* attribute6
* attribute2
* context


 * toSerialNumber
* lockControl
* lotNumber
* attribute1
* attribute10
* lineSetId
* quantity
* attribute4
* attribute9
* attribute13
* attribute15
* sublotNumber
* creationDate
* fromSerialNumber
* instId
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute7
* quantity2
* attribute5
* lotSerialId
* createdBy
* attribute11
* attribute12
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute3
* attribute8
* origSysLotserialRef
* attribute14
* lastUpdateDate
* lineId
* attribute6
* attribute2
* context


 * firstAckDate
* fromSerialNumber
* lastAckDate
* lastUpdateDate
* context
* origSysLotSerialRef
* interfaceStatus
* orderSourceId
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute12
* origSysLineRef
* attribute2
* programId
* attribute5
* lastUpdateLogin
* buyerSellerFlag
* errorFlag
* attribute4
* attribute13
* firstAckCode
* changeDate
* origSysShipmentRef
* toSerialNumber
* attribute6
* requestId
* programApplicationId
* attribute8
* attribute1
* programUpdateDate
* quantity2
* attribute10
* changeSequence
* operationCode
* instId
* origSysDocumentRef
* creationDate
* quantity
* attribute7
* attribute3
* attribute9
* lastAckCode
* orderSource
* attribute14
* acknowledgmentFlag
* lotNumber
* attribute15
* attribute11
* sublotNumber
* createdBy


 * firstAckDate
* fromSerialNumber
* lastAckDate
* lastUpdateDate
* context
* origSysLotSerialRef
* interfaceStatus
* orderSourceId
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute12
* origSysLineRef
* attribute2
* programId
* attribute5
* lastUpdateLogin
* buyerSellerFlag
* errorFlag
* attribute4
* attribute13
* firstAckCode
* changeDate
* origSysShipmentRef
* toSerialNumber
* attribute6
* requestId
* programApplicationId
* attribute8
* attribute1
* programUpdateDate
* quantity2
* attribute10
* changeSequence
* operationCode
* instId
* origSysDocumentRef
* creationDate
* quantity
* attribute7
* attribute3
* attribute9
* lastAckCode
* orderSource
* attribute14
* acknowledgmentFlag
* lotNumber
* attribute15
* attribute11
* sublotNumber
* createdBy


 * attribute12
* requestId
* lastUpdatedBy
* orgId
* programId
* createdBy
* attribute8
* lastUpdateDate
* errorFlag
* changeSequence
* attribute2
* soldToOrgId
* lastUpdateLogin
* sublotNumber
* origSysLotserialRef
* attribute4
* programApplicationId
* soldToOrg
* orderSourceId
* attribute6
* quantity2
* toSerialNumber
* changeRequestCode
* attribute15
* attribute5
* attribute11
* attribute7
* attribute9
* attribute1
* attribute14
* creationDate
* attribute13
* fromSerialNumber
* context
* attribute3
* programUpdateDate
* quantity
* instId
* origSysDocumentRef
* origSysShipmentRef
* attribute10
* interfaceStatus
* lotNumber
* operationCode
* statusFlag
* origSysLineRef


 * attribute12
* requestId
* lastUpdatedBy
* orgId
* programId
* createdBy
* attribute8
* lastUpdateDate
* errorFlag
* changeSequence
* attribute2
* soldToOrgId
* lastUpdateLogin
* sublotNumber
* origSysLotserialRef
* attribute4
* programApplicationId
* soldToOrg
* orderSourceId
* attribute6
* quantity2
* toSerialNumber
* changeRequestCode
* attribute15
* attribute5
* attribute11
* attribute7
* attribute9
* attribute1
* attribute14
* creationDate
* attribute13
* fromSerialNumber
* context
* attribute3
* programUpdateDate
* quantity
* instId
* origSysDocumentRef
* origSysShipmentRef
* attribute10
* interfaceStatus
* lotNumber
* operationCode
* statusFlag
* origSysLineRef


 * tpAttribute2
* attribute5
* soldToOrgId
* creditCardCode
* bookedFlag
* ibOwner
* versionNumber
* checkNumber
* tpAttribute1
* instId
* conversionTypeCode
* tpAttribute6
* endCustomerContactId
* taxExemptFlag
* attribute3
* attribute11
* shipmentPriorityCode
* customerPaymentTermId
* conversionRateDate
* programUpdateDate
* attribute19
* batchId
* fulfillmentSetName
* custPoNumber
* sourceDocumentTypeId
* partialShipmentsAllowed
* requestId
* creditCardExpirationDate
* attribute18
* ibInstalledAtLocation
* firstAckDate
* orderedDate
* sourceDocumentId
* creditCardApprovalCode
* salesChannelCode
* tpContext
* creditCardHolderName
* endCustomerId
* orderCategoryCode
* attribute8
* paymentAmount
* quoteDate
* freightTermsCode
* globalAttribute14
* lastUpdateLogin
* tpAttribute11
* orderFirmedDate
* openFlag
* agreementId
* attribute9
* orderTypeId
* attribute14
* latestScheduleLimit
* soldToPhoneId
* ibCurrentLocation#1
* globalAttribute1
* bookedDate
* taxExemptReasonCode
* deliverToOrgId
* paymentTypeCode
* globalAttribute16
* shippingInstructions
* globalAttributeCategory
* pricingDate
* globalAttribute3
* supplierSignature
* expirationDate
* orderDateTypeCode
* tpAttribute3
* tpAttribute15
* attribute16
* globalAttribute12
* deliverToContactId
* creationDate
* priceRequestCode
* invoiceToContactId
* attribute17
* salesrepId
* minisiteId
* defaultFulfillmentSet
* shipToleranceAbove
* accountingRuleId
* globalAttribute15
* tpAttribute12
* salesDocumentName
* shipToOrgId
* creditCardNumber
* sourceDocumentVersionNumber
* lastUpdateDate
* programApplicationId
* cancelledFlag
* globalAttribute4
* globalAttribute6
* tpAttribute9
* globalAttribute11
* packingInstructions
* orderNumber
* shippingMethodCode
* shipToContactId
* shipToleranceBelow
* lastUpdatedBy
* globalAttribute5
* lockControl
* returnReasonCode
* attribute12
* taxExemptNumber
* upgradedFlag
* xmlMessageId
* freightCarrierCode
* customerSignatureDate
* tpAttribute5
* accountingRuleDuration
* attribute1
* attribute4
* endCustomerSiteUseId
* conversionRate
* soldToContactId
* programId
* attribute6
* customerSignature
* lastAckDate
* orgId
* globalAttribute2
* attribute2
* attribute13
* globalAttribute18
* demandClassCode
* globalAttribute9
* attribute20
* globalAttribute10
* tpAttribute7
* origSysDocumentRef
* orderSourceId
* attribute7
* tpAttribute10
* lastAckCode
* customerPreferenceSetCode
* context
* blanketNumber
* transactionalCurrCode
* taxPointCode
* globalAttribute8
* headerId
* globalAttribute13
* globalAttribute19
* fobPointCode
* ibInstalledAtLocation#1
* lineSetName
* quoteNumber
* firstAckCode
* globalAttribute17
* changeSequence
* salesDocumentTypeCode
* priceListId
* attribute10
* flowStatusCode
* creditCardApprovalDate
* userStatusCode
* marketingSourceCodeId
* draftSubmittedFlag
* invoicingRuleId
* globalAttribute7
* tpAttribute13
* ibCurrentLocation
* createdBy
* soldToSiteUseId
* tpAttribute4
* soldFromOrgId
* requestDate
* dropShipFlag
* invoiceToOrgId
* shipFromOrgId
* tpAttribute8
* earliestScheduleLimit
* globalAttribute20
* paymentTermId
* attribute15
* transactionPhaseCode
* tpAttribute14
* supplierSignatureDate


 * nExtAttr9
* uomExtAttr5
* dExtAttr9
* dExtAttr10
* cExtAttr21
* cExtAttr24
* uomExtAttr9
* cExtAttr10
* cExtAttr38
* uomExtAttr19
* cExtAttr6
* cExtAttr15
* nExtAttr4
* cExtAttr27
* cExtAttr12
* nExtAttr13
* nExtAttr5
* nExtAttr8
* uomExtAttr13
* uomExtAttr4
* styleId
* cExtAttr20
* headerId
* pk5Value
* nExtAttr15
* cExtAttr36
* nExtAttr1
* cExtAttr30
* cExtAttr1
* cExtAttr34
* pk2Value
* lastUpdatedBy
* uomExtAttr8
* dataLevelId
* nExtAttr10
* nExtAttr20
* uomExtAttr14
* cExtAttr9
* uomExtAttr2
* uomExtAttr12
* cExtAttr16
* uomExtAttr18
* cExtAttr11
* nExtAttr2
* cExtAttr28
* cExtAttr5
* uomExtAttr20
* entity
* extensionId
* nExtAttr18
* attrGroupId
* pk3Value
* uomExtAttr16
* pk1Value
* cExtAttr37
* nExtAttr16
* pk4Value
* cExtAttr22
* nExtAttr11
* dExtAttr8
* cExtAttr25
* uomExtAttr15
* nExtAttr3
* cExtAttr8
* cExtAttr40
* cExtAttr39
* lastUpdateDate
* creationDate
* cExtAttr19
* uomExtAttr7
* requestId
* dExtAttr7
* nExtAttr12
* uomExtAttr17
* cExtAttr7
* dExtAttr3
* cExtAttr29
* cExtAttr31
* nExtAttr7
* createdBy
* cExtAttr17
* cExtAttr35
* uomExtAttr3
* dExtAttr2
* dExtAttr4
* typeLookupCode
* uomExtAttr6
* cExtAttr13
* cExtAttr33
* nExtAttr17
* uomExtAttr10
* cExtAttr26
* cExtAttr4
* cExtAttr18
* nExtAttr6
* nExtAttr14
* cExtAttr2
* uomExtAttr1
* cExtAttr3
* uomExtAttr11
* cExtAttr23
* cExtAttr32
* cExtAttr14
* dExtAttr5
* lastUpdateLogin
* nExtAttr19
* dExtAttr6
* dExtAttr1


 * nExtAttr9
* uomExtAttr5
* dExtAttr9
* dExtAttr10
* cExtAttr21
* cExtAttr24
* uomExtAttr9
* cExtAttr10
* cExtAttr38
* uomExtAttr19
* cExtAttr6
* cExtAttr15
* nExtAttr4
* cExtAttr27
* cExtAttr12
* nExtAttr13
* nExtAttr5
* nExtAttr8
* uomExtAttr13
* uomExtAttr4
* styleId
* cExtAttr20
* headerId
* pk5Value
* nExtAttr15
* cExtAttr36
* nExtAttr1
* cExtAttr30
* cExtAttr1
* cExtAttr34
* pk2Value
* lastUpdatedBy
* uomExtAttr8
* dataLevelId
* nExtAttr10
* nExtAttr20
* uomExtAttr14
* cExtAttr9
* uomExtAttr2
* uomExtAttr12
* cExtAttr16
* uomExtAttr18
* cExtAttr11
* nExtAttr2
* cExtAttr28
* cExtAttr5
* uomExtAttr20
* entity
* extensionId
* nExtAttr18
* attrGroupId
* pk3Value
* uomExtAttr16
* pk1Value
* cExtAttr37
* nExtAttr16
* pk4Value
* cExtAttr22
* nExtAttr11
* dExtAttr8
* cExtAttr25
* uomExtAttr15
* nExtAttr3
* cExtAttr8
* cExtAttr40
* cExtAttr39
* lastUpdateDate
* creationDate
* cExtAttr19
* uomExtAttr7
* requestId
* dExtAttr7
* nExtAttr12
* uomExtAttr17
* cExtAttr7
* dExtAttr3
* cExtAttr29
* cExtAttr31
* nExtAttr7
* createdBy
* cExtAttr17
* cExtAttr35
* uomExtAttr3
* dExtAttr2
* dExtAttr4
* typeLookupCode
* uomExtAttr6
* cExtAttr13
* cExtAttr33
* nExtAttr17
* uomExtAttr10
* cExtAttr26
* cExtAttr4
* cExtAttr18
* nExtAttr6
* nExtAttr14
* cExtAttr2
* uomExtAttr1
* cExtAttr3
* uomExtAttr11
* cExtAttr23
* cExtAttr32
* cExtAttr14
* dExtAttr5
* lastUpdateLogin
* nExtAttr19
* dExtAttr6
* dExtAttr1


 * language
* tlExtAttr13
* tlExtAttr6
* typeLookupCode
* lastUpdateLogin
* tlExtAttr24
* entity
* tlExtAttr19
* tlExtAttr11
* tlExtAttr33
* requestId
* lastUpdatedBy
* tlExtAttr28
* tlExtAttr21
* tlExtAttr34
* tlExtAttr23
* tlExtAttr32
* tlExtAttr35
* tlExtAttr14
* headerId
* tlExtAttr10
* tlExtAttr22
* tlExtAttr9
* sourceLang
* tlExtAttr15
* tlExtAttr36
* tlExtAttr8
* tlExtAttr37
* tlExtAttr1
* tlExtAttr5
* tlExtAttr25
* tlExtAttr29
* tlExtAttr27
* tlExtAttr38
* createdBy
* dataLevelId
* extensionId
* creationDate
* tlExtAttr4
* attrGroupId
* tlExtAttr18
* tlExtAttr7
* tlExtAttr12
* styleId
* tlExtAttr31
* tlExtAttr30
* tlExtAttr20
* lastUpdateDate
* tlExtAttr40
* tlExtAttr3
* tlExtAttr2
* tlExtAttr17
* tlExtAttr16
* tlExtAttr26
* tlExtAttr39


 * language
* tlExtAttr13
* tlExtAttr6
* typeLookupCode
* lastUpdateLogin
* tlExtAttr24
* entity
* tlExtAttr19
* tlExtAttr11
* tlExtAttr33
* requestId
* lastUpdatedBy
* tlExtAttr28
* tlExtAttr21
* tlExtAttr34
* tlExtAttr23
* tlExtAttr32
* tlExtAttr35
* tlExtAttr14
* headerId
* tlExtAttr10
* tlExtAttr22
* tlExtAttr9
* sourceLang
* tlExtAttr15
* tlExtAttr36
* tlExtAttr8
* tlExtAttr37
* tlExtAttr1
* tlExtAttr5
* tlExtAttr25
* tlExtAttr29
* tlExtAttr27
* tlExtAttr38
* createdBy
* dataLevelId
* extensionId
* creationDate
* tlExtAttr4
* attrGroupId
* tlExtAttr18
* tlExtAttr7
* tlExtAttr12
* styleId
* tlExtAttr31
* tlExtAttr30
* tlExtAttr20
* lastUpdateDate
* tlExtAttr40
* tlExtAttr3
* tlExtAttr2
* tlExtAttr17
* tlExtAttr16
* tlExtAttr26
* tlExtAttr39


 * tpAttribute2
* attribute5
* soldToOrgId
* creditCardCode
* bookedFlag
* ibOwner
* versionNumber
* checkNumber
* tpAttribute1
* instId
* conversionTypeCode
* tpAttribute6
* endCustomerContactId
* taxExemptFlag
* attribute3
* attribute11
* shipmentPriorityCode
* customerPaymentTermId
* conversionRateDate
* programUpdateDate
* attribute19
* batchId
* fulfillmentSetName
* custPoNumber
* sourceDocumentTypeId
* partialShipmentsAllowed
* requestId
* creditCardExpirationDate
* attribute18
* ibInstalledAtLocation
* firstAckDate
* orderedDate
* sourceDocumentId
* creditCardApprovalCode
* salesChannelCode
* tpContext
* creditCardHolderName
* endCustomerId
* orderCategoryCode
* attribute8
* paymentAmount
* quoteDate
* freightTermsCode
* globalAttribute14
* lastUpdateLogin
* tpAttribute11
* orderFirmedDate
* openFlag
* agreementId
* attribute9
* orderTypeId
* attribute14
* latestScheduleLimit
* soldToPhoneId
* ibCurrentLocation#1
* globalAttribute1
* bookedDate
* taxExemptReasonCode
* deliverToOrgId
* paymentTypeCode
* globalAttribute16
* shippingInstructions
* globalAttributeCategory
* pricingDate
* globalAttribute3
* supplierSignature
* expirationDate
* orderDateTypeCode
* tpAttribute3
* tpAttribute15
* attribute16
* globalAttribute12
* deliverToContactId
* creationDate
* priceRequestCode
* invoiceToContactId
* attribute17
* salesrepId
* minisiteId
* defaultFulfillmentSet
* shipToleranceAbove
* accountingRuleId
* globalAttribute15
* tpAttribute12
* salesDocumentName
* shipToOrgId
* creditCardNumber
* sourceDocumentVersionNumber
* lastUpdateDate
* programApplicationId
* cancelledFlag
* globalAttribute4
* globalAttribute6
* tpAttribute9
* globalAttribute11
* packingInstructions
* orderNumber
* shippingMethodCode
* shipToContactId
* shipToleranceBelow
* lastUpdatedBy
* globalAttribute5
* lockControl
* returnReasonCode
* attribute12
* taxExemptNumber
* upgradedFlag
* xmlMessageId
* freightCarrierCode
* customerSignatureDate
* tpAttribute5
* accountingRuleDuration
* attribute1
* attribute4
* endCustomerSiteUseId
* conversionRate
* soldToContactId
* programId
* attribute6
* customerSignature
* lastAckDate
* orgId
* globalAttribute2
* attribute2
* attribute13
* globalAttribute18
* demandClassCode
* globalAttribute9
* attribute20
* globalAttribute10
* tpAttribute7
* origSysDocumentRef
* orderSourceId
* attribute7
* tpAttribute10
* lastAckCode
* customerPreferenceSetCode
* context
* blanketNumber
* transactionalCurrCode
* taxPointCode
* globalAttribute8
* headerId
* globalAttribute13
* globalAttribute19
* fobPointCode
* ibInstalledAtLocation#1
* lineSetName
* quoteNumber
* firstAckCode
* globalAttribute17
* changeSequence
* salesDocumentTypeCode
* priceListId
* attribute10
* flowStatusCode
* creditCardApprovalDate
* userStatusCode
* marketingSourceCodeId
* draftSubmittedFlag
* invoicingRuleId
* globalAttribute7
* tpAttribute13
* ibCurrentLocation
* createdBy
* soldToSiteUseId
* tpAttribute4
* soldFromOrgId
* requestDate
* dropShipFlag
* invoiceToOrgId
* shipFromOrgId
* tpAttribute8
* earliestScheduleLimit
* globalAttribute20
* paymentTermId
* attribute15
* transactionPhaseCode
* tpAttribute14
* supplierSignatureDate


 * createdBy
* attribute4
* programId
* attribute8
* programApplicationId
* attribute1
* attribute6
* attribute15
* lineId
* releasedFlag
* orderHoldId
* attribute5
* attribute7
* creationDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute14
* context
* attribute13
* creditProfileLevel
* programUpdateDate
* attribute2
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdateDate
* headerId
* holdSourceId
* orgId
* attribute3
* requestId
* holdReleaseId
* instId
* attribute11
* attribute9
* attribute12
* attribute10


 * createdBy
* attribute4
* programId
* attribute8
* programApplicationId
* attribute1
* attribute6
* attribute15
* lineId
* releasedFlag
* orderHoldId
* attribute5
* attribute7
* creationDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute14
* context
* attribute13
* creditProfileLevel
* programUpdateDate
* attribute2
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdateDate
* headerId
* holdSourceId
* orgId
* attribute3
* requestId
* holdReleaseId
* instId
* attribute11
* attribute9
* attribute12
* attribute10


 * blanketVersionNumber
* industryAttribute28
* marketingSourceCodeId
* fulfilledQuantity2
* attribute14
* serviceBillProfileId
* accountingRuleId
* pricingDate
* industryAttribute21
* unitPercentBasePrice
* customerTrxLineId
* industryAttribute19
* attribute2
* headerId
* industryAttribute26
* industryAttribute5
* blanketNumber
* tpAttribute9
* fulfillmentBase
* earliestShipDate
* industryAttribute4
* intmedShipToOrgId
* pricingAttribute1
* shippableFlag
* context
* attribute12
* containerNumber
* tpAttribute12
* shippingInstructions
* revrecComments
* attribute17
* serviceReferenceTypeCode
* vrmLastUpdateDate
* industryAttribute18
* referenceHeaderId
* invoicedQuantity
* scheduleStatusCode
* industryAttribute6
* globalAttribute12
* mfgComponentSequenceId
* billingPlanHeaderId
* endItemUnitNumber
* globalAttribute20
* pricingAttribute8
* creationDate
* shipmentPriorityCode
* transactionPhaseCode
* invoiceToContactId
* sourceTypeCode
* globalAttribute10
* serviceCoterminateFlag
* actualFulfillmentDate
* accountingRuleDuration
* lastUpdateDate
* originalListPrice
* pricingAttribute2
* taxLineValue
* attribute9
* requireBillingValidation
* arrivalSetId
* returnAttribute15
* tpAttribute15
* pricingAttribute4
* componentNumber
* orderSourceId
* lastUpdateLogin
* industryAttribute27
* sourceDocumentTypeId
* tpAttribute6
* itemSubstitutionTypeCode
* userItemDescription
* depPlanRequiredFlag
* returnAttribute7
* itemIdentifierType
* changeSequence
* lastAckDate
* orderQuantityUom
* soldToOrgId
* lockControl
* endCustomerSiteUseId
* overShipResolvedFlag
* pricingAttribute7
* returnAttribute5
* tpAttribute14
* optionFlag
* earliestAcceptableDate
* origSysDocumentRef
* dropShipFlag
* pricingAttribute10
* visibleDemandFlag
* globalAttribute5
* configRevNbr
* serviceBillOptionCode
* soldFromOrgId
* serviceFirstPeriodEnddate
* industryContext
* globalAttribute19
* taxCode
* fobPointCode
* bypassSchFlag
* shippingQuantity2
* invoicingRuleId
* pricingQuantityUom
* itemRevision
* serviceSubsTemplateId
* shippingQuantityUom2
* industryAttribute8
* lastUpdatedBy
* orderedItemId
* attribute16
* tpAttribute7
* attribute1
* industryAttribute9
* referenceCustomerTrxLineId
* attribute6
* taxExemptFlag
* orderFirmedDate
* revrecExpirationDays
* industryAttribute30
* industryAttribute1
* subinventory
* unitSellingPercent
* returnReasonCode
* tpAttribute1
* attribute20
* serviceCreditEligibleCode
* attribute15
* globalAttribute11
* tpAttribute10
* ibOwner
* freightCarrierCode
* actualArrivalDate
* pricingAttribute3
* minisiteId
* firmDemandFlag
* shippingInterfacedFlag
* upgradedFlag
* custProductionSeqNum
* commitmentId
* revrecImplicitFlag
* inventoryItemId
* sortOrder
* serviceCovTemplateId
* globalAttribute14
* industryAttribute20
* industryAttribute10
* ibCurrentLocation
* serviceNumber
* acceptedQuantity
* orgId
* originalInventoryItemId
* fulfilledQuantity
* globalAttribute17
* customerDockCode
* tpAttribute4
* industryAttribute15
* requestDate
* unitListPricePerPqty
* itemTypeCode
* fulfillmentMethodCode
* agreementId
* pricingQuantity
* pricingAttribute6
* industryAttribute17
* linkToLineId
* tpAttribute11
* lineNumber
* serviceDuration
* tpAttribute3
* industryAttribute7
* customerProductionLine
* shipToleranceBelow
* returnAttribute3
* cancelledFlag
* ibInstalledAtLocation
* orderedQuantity2
* invoiceToOrgId
* shippedQuantity2
* serviceTxnComments
* returnContext
* shipFromOrgId
* deliveryLeadTime
* origSysShipmentRef
* orderedQuantityUom2
* industryAttribute24
* fulfillmentDate
* explosionDate
* programUpdateDate
* projectId
* revrecSignature
* unitListPercent
* configDisplaySequence
* globalAttribute13
* customerItemNetPrice
* pricingAttribute5
* priceRequestCode
* attribute3
* orderedQuantity
* tpAttribute5
* firstAckCode
* latestAcceptableDate
* globalAttribute18
* serviceReferenceLineId
* custModelSerialNumber
* globalAttribute8
* revrecSignatureDate
* planningPriority
* mfgLeadTime
* globalAttribute2
* shipToContactId
* attribute11
* returnAttribute4
* freightTermsCode
* authorizedToShipFlag
* returnAttribute14
* componentCode
* requestId
* unitListPrice
* priceListId
* revenueAmount
* sourceDocumentLineId
* pricingAttribute9
* taxExemptReasonCode
* shipModelCompleteFlag
* pricingContext
* customerPaymentTermId
* shippingQuantity
* shipSetId
* lineSetId
* shipToOrgId
* sourceOrderLineId
* splitFromLineId
* atoLineId
* attribute10
* topModelLineId
* unitSellingPricePerPqty
* promiseDate
* rlaScheduleTypeCode
* preferredGrade
* orderedItem
* originalOrderedItem
* industryAttribute16
* returnAttribute2
* bookedFlag
* shippedQuantity
* returnAttribute9
* unitSellingPrice
* lineTypeId
* globalAttribute1
* lateDemandPenaltyFactor
* tpAttribute13
* attribute7
* fulfilledFlag
* serviceStartDate
* chargePeriodicityCode
* salesrepId
* industryAttribute12
* taxRate
* globalAttribute7
* itemRelationshipType
* modelGroupNumber
* tpAttribute8
* globalAttribute6
* industryAttribute2
* autoSelectedQuantity
* contingencyId
* returnAttribute10
* createdBy
* paymentTypeCode
* lineCategoryCode
* globalAttribute3
* overShipReasonCode
* returnAttribute13
* splitBy
* attribute13
* taxValue
* servicePeriod
* configHeaderId
* endCustomerId
* returnAttribute8
* paymentTermId
* referenceLineId
* industryAttribute22
* attribute19
* salesDocumentTypeCode
* customerJob
* shipmentNumber
* optionNumber
* globalAttribute4
* lastAckCode
* serviceReferenceSystemId
* endCustomerContactId
* equipmentId
* globalAttribute15
* sourceDocumentVersionNumber
* firstAckDate
* scheduleArrivalDate
* customerLineNumber
* originalOrderedItemId
* reSourceFlag
* returnAttribute1
* globalAttributeCategory
* returnAttribute6
* lineId
* openFlag
* origSysLineRef
* creditInvoiceLineId
* instId
* serviceFirstPeriodAmount
* originalItemIdentifierType
* serviceEndDate
* referenceType
* shippingMethodCode
* taxPointCode
* flowStatusCode
* industryAttribute14
* deliverToContactId
* componentSequenceId
* packingInstructions
* calculatePriceFlag
* vehCusItemCumKeyId
* sourceDocumentId
* industryAttribute11
* tpAttribute2
* cancelledQuantity
* intmedShipToContactId
* demandClassCode
* customerShipmentNumber
* attribute18
* globalAttribute16
* deliverToOrgId
* returnAttribute11
* returnAttribute12
* programApplicationId
* cancelledQuantity2
* industryAttribute29
* unitCost
* demandBucketTypeCode
* globalAttribute9
* retrobillRequestId
* serviceTxnReasonCode
* attribute4
* custPoNumber
* blanketLineNumber
* actualShipmentDate
* scheduleShipDate
* industryAttribute23
* revrecEventCode
* attribute8
* shipToleranceAbove
* acceptedBy
* taxDate
* attribute5
* preExplodedFlag
* taskId
* ibCurrentLocation#1
* shippingQuantityUom
* tpContext
* configurationId
* industryAttribute3
* overrideAtpDateCode
* industryAttribute25
* taxExemptNumber
* invoiceInterfaceStatusCode
* revrecReferenceDocument
* ibInstalledAtLocation#1
* industryAttribute13
* programId
* modelRemnantFlag
* subscriptionEnableFlag


 * nExtAttr11
* uomExtAttr9
* dExtAttr7
* uomExtAttr19
* dExtAttr8
* attrGroupId
* cExtAttr31
* cExtAttr40
* lastUpdateDate
* uomExtAttr7
* nExtAttr7
* typeLookupCode
* extensionId
* cExtAttr15
* uomExtAttr4
* uomExtAttr15
* requestId
* cExtAttr35
* uomExtAttr2
* cExtAttr1
* cExtAttr6
* pk5Value
* cExtAttr7
* cExtAttr24
* dExtAttr10
* entity
* styleId
* cExtAttr37
* cExtAttr2
* cExtAttr19
* nExtAttr15
* uomExtAttr13
* cExtAttr5
* cExtAttr36
* dExtAttr9
* cExtAttr4
* uomExtAttr12
* dataLevelId
* cExtAttr18
* nExtAttr5
* nExtAttr20
* cExtAttr3
* cExtAttr33
* cExtAttr10
* uomExtAttr5
* dExtAttr6
* pk3Value
* cExtAttr29
* uomExtAttr1
* nExtAttr8
* cExtAttr8
* lineId
* uomExtAttr11
* uomExtAttr3
* nExtAttr10
* cExtAttr32
* uomExtAttr6
* nExtAttr6
* uomExtAttr17
* nExtAttr12
* nExtAttr14
* cExtAttr30
* lastUpdatedBy
* createdBy
* cExtAttr16
* cExtAttr27
* nExtAttr19
* dExtAttr2
* cExtAttr25
* cExtAttr17
* cExtAttr14
* uomExtAttr20
* nExtAttr18
* cExtAttr13
* cExtAttr9
* uomExtAttr10
* cExtAttr34
* cExtAttr38
* uomExtAttr16
* nExtAttr9
* cExtAttr22
* cExtAttr39
* nExtAttr16
* dExtAttr1
* cExtAttr11
* dExtAttr3
* dExtAttr4
* nExtAttr1
* cExtAttr12
* pk4Value
* dExtAttr5
* creationDate
* cExtAttr21
* uomExtAttr8
* pk1Value
* nExtAttr3
* cExtAttr23
* cExtAttr28
* nExtAttr17
* cExtAttr20
* lastUpdateLogin
* cExtAttr26
* nExtAttr4
* pk2Value
* uomExtAttr18
* nExtAttr2
* uomExtAttr14
* nExtAttr13


 * nExtAttr11
* uomExtAttr9
* dExtAttr7
* uomExtAttr19
* dExtAttr8
* attrGroupId
* cExtAttr31
* cExtAttr40
* lastUpdateDate
* uomExtAttr7
* nExtAttr7
* typeLookupCode
* extensionId
* cExtAttr15
* uomExtAttr4
* uomExtAttr15
* requestId
* cExtAttr35
* uomExtAttr2
* cExtAttr1
* cExtAttr6
* pk5Value
* cExtAttr7
* cExtAttr24
* dExtAttr10
* entity
* styleId
* cExtAttr37
* cExtAttr2
* cExtAttr19
* nExtAttr15
* uomExtAttr13
* cExtAttr5
* cExtAttr36
* dExtAttr9
* cExtAttr4
* uomExtAttr12
* dataLevelId
* cExtAttr18
* nExtAttr5
* nExtAttr20
* cExtAttr3
* cExtAttr33
* cExtAttr10
* uomExtAttr5
* dExtAttr6
* pk3Value
* cExtAttr29
* uomExtAttr1
* nExtAttr8
* cExtAttr8
* lineId
* uomExtAttr11
* uomExtAttr3
* nExtAttr10
* cExtAttr32
* uomExtAttr6
* nExtAttr6
* uomExtAttr17
* nExtAttr12
* nExtAttr14
* cExtAttr30
* lastUpdatedBy
* createdBy
* cExtAttr16
* cExtAttr27
* nExtAttr19
* dExtAttr2
* cExtAttr25
* cExtAttr17
* cExtAttr14
* uomExtAttr20
* nExtAttr18
* cExtAttr13
* cExtAttr9
* uomExtAttr10
* cExtAttr34
* cExtAttr38
* uomExtAttr16
* nExtAttr9
* cExtAttr22
* cExtAttr39
* nExtAttr16
* dExtAttr1
* cExtAttr11
* dExtAttr3
* dExtAttr4
* nExtAttr1
* cExtAttr12
* pk4Value
* dExtAttr5
* creationDate
* cExtAttr21
* uomExtAttr8
* pk1Value
* nExtAttr3
* cExtAttr23
* cExtAttr28
* nExtAttr17
* cExtAttr20
* lastUpdateLogin
* cExtAttr26
* nExtAttr4
* pk2Value
* uomExtAttr18
* nExtAttr2
* uomExtAttr14
* nExtAttr13


 * tlExtAttr26
* tlExtAttr7
* tlExtAttr8
* createdBy
* lastUpdateDate
* tlExtAttr19
* tlExtAttr38
* tlExtAttr12
* tlExtAttr31
* styleId
* tlExtAttr23
* tlExtAttr39
* tlExtAttr5
* tlExtAttr2
* tlExtAttr9
* tlExtAttr22
* lastUpdatedBy
* attrGroupId
* lineId
* tlExtAttr40
* tlExtAttr37
* tlExtAttr16
* tlExtAttr10
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* requestId
* tlExtAttr4
* tlExtAttr30
* tlExtAttr33
* dataLevelId
* extensionId
* tlExtAttr24
* tlExtAttr3
* language
* tlExtAttr35
* tlExtAttr13
* tlExtAttr28
* tlExtAttr14
* tlExtAttr15
* tlExtAttr17
* tlExtAttr34
* tlExtAttr6
* tlExtAttr27
* tlExtAttr11
* tlExtAttr36
* tlExtAttr1
* tlExtAttr32
* typeLookupCode
* tlExtAttr20
* tlExtAttr21
* tlExtAttr29
* tlExtAttr25
* entity
* sourceLang
* tlExtAttr18


 * tlExtAttr26
* tlExtAttr7
* tlExtAttr8
* createdBy
* lastUpdateDate
* tlExtAttr19
* tlExtAttr38
* tlExtAttr12
* tlExtAttr31
* styleId
* tlExtAttr23
* tlExtAttr39
* tlExtAttr5
* tlExtAttr2
* tlExtAttr9
* tlExtAttr22
* lastUpdatedBy
* attrGroupId
* lineId
* tlExtAttr40
* tlExtAttr37
* tlExtAttr16
* tlExtAttr10
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* requestId
* tlExtAttr4
* tlExtAttr30
* tlExtAttr33
* dataLevelId
* extensionId
* tlExtAttr24
* tlExtAttr3
* language
* tlExtAttr35
* tlExtAttr13
* tlExtAttr28
* tlExtAttr14
* tlExtAttr15
* tlExtAttr17
* tlExtAttr34
* tlExtAttr6
* tlExtAttr27
* tlExtAttr11
* tlExtAttr36
* tlExtAttr1
* tlExtAttr32
* typeLookupCode
* tlExtAttr20
* tlExtAttr21
* tlExtAttr29
* tlExtAttr25
* entity
* sourceLang
* tlExtAttr18


 * blanketVersionNumber
* industryAttribute28
* marketingSourceCodeId
* fulfilledQuantity2
* attribute14
* serviceBillProfileId
* accountingRuleId
* pricingDate
* industryAttribute21
* unitPercentBasePrice
* customerTrxLineId
* industryAttribute19
* attribute2
* headerId
* industryAttribute26
* industryAttribute5
* blanketNumber
* tpAttribute9
* fulfillmentBase
* earliestShipDate
* industryAttribute4
* intmedShipToOrgId
* pricingAttribute1
* shippableFlag
* context
* attribute12
* containerNumber
* tpAttribute12
* shippingInstructions
* revrecComments
* attribute17
* serviceReferenceTypeCode
* vrmLastUpdateDate
* industryAttribute18
* referenceHeaderId
* invoicedQuantity
* scheduleStatusCode
* industryAttribute6
* globalAttribute12
* mfgComponentSequenceId
* billingPlanHeaderId
* endItemUnitNumber
* globalAttribute20
* pricingAttribute8
* creationDate
* shipmentPriorityCode
* transactionPhaseCode
* invoiceToContactId
* sourceTypeCode
* globalAttribute10
* serviceCoterminateFlag
* actualFulfillmentDate
* accountingRuleDuration
* lastUpdateDate
* originalListPrice
* pricingAttribute2
* taxLineValue
* attribute9
* requireBillingValidation
* arrivalSetId
* returnAttribute15
* tpAttribute15
* pricingAttribute4
* componentNumber
* orderSourceId
* lastUpdateLogin
* industryAttribute27
* sourceDocumentTypeId
* tpAttribute6
* itemSubstitutionTypeCode
* userItemDescription
* depPlanRequiredFlag
* returnAttribute7
* itemIdentifierType
* changeSequence
* lastAckDate
* orderQuantityUom
* soldToOrgId
* lockControl
* endCustomerSiteUseId
* overShipResolvedFlag
* pricingAttribute7
* returnAttribute5
* tpAttribute14
* optionFlag
* earliestAcceptableDate
* origSysDocumentRef
* dropShipFlag
* pricingAttribute10
* visibleDemandFlag
* globalAttribute5
* configRevNbr
* serviceBillOptionCode
* soldFromOrgId
* serviceFirstPeriodEnddate
* industryContext
* globalAttribute19
* taxCode
* fobPointCode
* bypassSchFlag
* shippingQuantity2
* invoicingRuleId
* pricingQuantityUom
* itemRevision
* serviceSubsTemplateId
* shippingQuantityUom2
* industryAttribute8
* lastUpdatedBy
* orderedItemId
* attribute16
* tpAttribute7
* attribute1
* industryAttribute9
* referenceCustomerTrxLineId
* attribute6
* taxExemptFlag
* orderFirmedDate
* revrecExpirationDays
* industryAttribute30
* industryAttribute1
* subinventory
* unitSellingPercent
* returnReasonCode
* tpAttribute1
* attribute20
* serviceCreditEligibleCode
* attribute15
* globalAttribute11
* tpAttribute10
* ibOwner
* freightCarrierCode
* actualArrivalDate
* pricingAttribute3
* minisiteId
* firmDemandFlag
* shippingInterfacedFlag
* upgradedFlag
* custProductionSeqNum
* commitmentId
* revrecImplicitFlag
* inventoryItemId
* sortOrder
* serviceCovTemplateId
* globalAttribute14
* industryAttribute20
* industryAttribute10
* ibCurrentLocation
* serviceNumber
* acceptedQuantity
* orgId
* originalInventoryItemId
* fulfilledQuantity
* globalAttribute17
* customerDockCode
* tpAttribute4
* industryAttribute15
* requestDate
* unitListPricePerPqty
* itemTypeCode
* fulfillmentMethodCode
* agreementId
* pricingQuantity
* pricingAttribute6
* industryAttribute17
* linkToLineId
* tpAttribute11
* lineNumber
* serviceDuration
* tpAttribute3
* industryAttribute7
* customerProductionLine
* shipToleranceBelow
* returnAttribute3
* cancelledFlag
* ibInstalledAtLocation
* orderedQuantity2
* invoiceToOrgId
* shippedQuantity2
* serviceTxnComments
* returnContext
* shipFromOrgId
* deliveryLeadTime
* origSysShipmentRef
* orderedQuantityUom2
* industryAttribute24
* fulfillmentDate
* explosionDate
* programUpdateDate
* projectId
* revrecSignature
* unitListPercent
* configDisplaySequence
* globalAttribute13
* customerItemNetPrice
* pricingAttribute5
* priceRequestCode
* attribute3
* orderedQuantity
* tpAttribute5
* firstAckCode
* latestAcceptableDate
* globalAttribute18
* serviceReferenceLineId
* custModelSerialNumber
* globalAttribute8
* revrecSignatureDate
* planningPriority
* mfgLeadTime
* globalAttribute2
* shipToContactId
* attribute11
* returnAttribute4
* freightTermsCode
* authorizedToShipFlag
* returnAttribute14
* componentCode
* requestId
* unitListPrice
* priceListId
* revenueAmount
* sourceDocumentLineId
* pricingAttribute9
* taxExemptReasonCode
* shipModelCompleteFlag
* pricingContext
* customerPaymentTermId
* shippingQuantity
* shipSetId
* lineSetId
* shipToOrgId
* sourceOrderLineId
* splitFromLineId
* atoLineId
* attribute10
* topModelLineId
* unitSellingPricePerPqty
* promiseDate
* rlaScheduleTypeCode
* preferredGrade
* orderedItem
* originalOrderedItem
* industryAttribute16
* returnAttribute2
* bookedFlag
* shippedQuantity
* returnAttribute9
* unitSellingPrice
* lineTypeId
* globalAttribute1
* lateDemandPenaltyFactor
* tpAttribute13
* attribute7
* fulfilledFlag
* serviceStartDate
* chargePeriodicityCode
* salesrepId
* industryAttribute12
* taxRate
* globalAttribute7
* itemRelationshipType
* modelGroupNumber
* tpAttribute8
* globalAttribute6
* industryAttribute2
* autoSelectedQuantity
* contingencyId
* returnAttribute10
* createdBy
* paymentTypeCode
* lineCategoryCode
* globalAttribute3
* overShipReasonCode
* returnAttribute13
* splitBy
* attribute13
* taxValue
* servicePeriod
* configHeaderId
* endCustomerId
* returnAttribute8
* paymentTermId
* referenceLineId
* industryAttribute22
* attribute19
* salesDocumentTypeCode
* customerJob
* shipmentNumber
* optionNumber
* globalAttribute4
* lastAckCode
* serviceReferenceSystemId
* endCustomerContactId
* equipmentId
* globalAttribute15
* sourceDocumentVersionNumber
* firstAckDate
* scheduleArrivalDate
* customerLineNumber
* originalOrderedItemId
* reSourceFlag
* returnAttribute1
* globalAttributeCategory
* returnAttribute6
* lineId
* openFlag
* origSysLineRef
* creditInvoiceLineId
* instId
* serviceFirstPeriodAmount
* originalItemIdentifierType
* serviceEndDate
* referenceType
* shippingMethodCode
* taxPointCode
* flowStatusCode
* industryAttribute14
* deliverToContactId
* componentSequenceId
* packingInstructions
* calculatePriceFlag
* vehCusItemCumKeyId
* sourceDocumentId
* industryAttribute11
* tpAttribute2
* cancelledQuantity
* intmedShipToContactId
* demandClassCode
* customerShipmentNumber
* attribute18
* globalAttribute16
* deliverToOrgId
* returnAttribute11
* returnAttribute12
* programApplicationId
* cancelledQuantity2
* industryAttribute29
* unitCost
* demandBucketTypeCode
* globalAttribute9
* retrobillRequestId
* serviceTxnReasonCode
* attribute4
* custPoNumber
* blanketLineNumber
* actualShipmentDate
* scheduleShipDate
* industryAttribute23
* revrecEventCode
* attribute8
* shipToleranceAbove
* acceptedBy
* taxDate
* attribute5
* preExplodedFlag
* taskId
* ibCurrentLocation#1
* shippingQuantityUom
* tpContext
* configurationId
* industryAttribute3
* overrideAtpDateCode
* industryAttribute25
* taxExemptNumber
* invoiceInterfaceStatusCode
* revrecReferenceDocument
* ibInstalledAtLocation#1
* industryAttribute13
* programId
* modelRemnantFlag
* subscriptionEnableFlag


 * industryAttribute6
* serviceTxnReasonCode
* globalAttribute14
* returnAttribute14
* returnReasonCode
* globalAttribute9
* serviceCoterminateFlag
* sortOrder
* itemIdentifierType
* customerPaymentTermId
* attribute15
* itemSubstitutionTypeCode
* attribute16
* attribute8
* shipToContactId
* programUpdateDate
* returnAttribute3
* tpContext
* returnAttribute9
* itemRevision
* tpAttribute13
* serviceFirstPeriodAmount
* attribute10
* attribute13
* returnAttribute1
* tpAttribute11
* accountingRuleDuration
* custModelSerialNumber
* openFlag
* shippableFlag
* unitListPricePerPqty
* invoicedQuantity
* ibCurrentLocation
* lateDemandPenaltyFactor
* shipToleranceBelow
* scheduleStatusCode
* globalAttribute17
* pricingAttribute8
* ibOwner
* revrecExpirationDays
* origSysShipmentRef
* reasonCode
* customerJob
* shipSetId
* globalAttribute3
* customerItemRevision
* revrecImplicitFlag
* serviceBillOptionCode
* taxDate
* referenceHeaderId
* attribute3
* rlaScheduleTypeCode
* globalAttribute11
* deliverToOrgId
* histCreatedBy
* globalAttribute8
* industryAttribute16
* attribute12
* componentNumber
* pricingAttribute10
* visibleDemandFlag
* returnAttribute13
* industryAttribute14
* lineId
* soldToOrgId
* endItemUnitNumber
* revenueAmount
* commitmentId
* scheduleArrivalDate
* planningPriority
* invoiceToContactId
* configRevNbr
* origSysLineRef
* originalItemIdentifierType
* serviceCovTemplateId
* attribute7
* attribute6
* globalAttribute4
* industryAttribute21
* firmDemandFlag
* projectId
* industryAttribute20
* unitSellingPercent
* lastUpdatedBy
* returnAttribute5
* shippingQuantity
* industryAttribute1
* salesrepId
* sourceDocumentVersionNumber
* unitSellingPricePerPqty
* scheduleShipDate
* originalOrderedItem
* inventoryItemId
* lastAckCode
* histComments
* requestDate
* returnAttribute15
* industryAttribute30
* minisiteId
* returnContext
* deliveryLeadTime
* lastAckDate
* endCustomerId
* freightCarrierCode
* topModelLineId
* latestCancelledQuantity
* unitSellingPrice
* revrecEventCode
* tpAttribute2
* globalAttribute1
* industryAttribute10
* dropShipFlag
* globalAttribute20
* paymentTypeCode
* industryAttribute15
* phaseChangeFlag
* orderedQuantity
* tpAttribute7
* tpAttribute4
* originalOrderedItemId
* custPoNumber
* fulfillmentMethodCode
* industryAttribute11
* sourceDocumentTypeId
* serviceCreditEligibleCode
* versionFlag
* attribute14
* changeSequence
* invoicingRuleId
* configurationId
* customerShipmentNumber
* retrobillRequestId
* industryAttribute24
* tpAttribute5
* customerLineNumber
* taxCode
* lineNumber
* industryAttribute23
* serviceReferenceSystemId
* orderedItemId
* orderedQuantityUom2
* requestId
* fulfilledFlag
* returnAttribute8
* explosionDate
* shippedQuantity
* attribute17
* lastUpdateDate
* orderedItem
* returnAttribute4
* authorizedToShipFlag
* deliverToContactId
* industryAttribute13
* tpAttribute3
* programApplicationId
* shippingInterfacedFlag
* revrecReferenceDocument
* returnAttribute2
* shipmentPriorityCode
* priceListId
* cancelledQuantity2
* componentSequenceId
* earliestAcceptableDate
* arrivalSetId
* pricingAttribute2
* lineSetId
* serviceBillProfileId
* sourceDocumentId
* autoSelectedQuantity
* modelRemnantFlag
* tpAttribute8
* attribute1
* customerItemNetPrice
* bookedFlag
* tpAttribute1
* orderFirmedDate
* attribute5
* attribute11
* creationDate
* referenceCustomerTrxLineId
* customerItemId
* tpAttribute6
* serviceReferenceTypeCode
* preferredGrade
* industryAttribute5
* lineCategoryCode
* servicedLineId
* serviceFirstPeriodEnddate
* priceRequestCode
* shipmentNumber
* shippingQuantityUom
* serviceStartDate
* industryAttribute19
* wfActivityCode
* shippingInstructions
* contingencyId
* tpAttribute9
* createdBy
* returnAttribute11
* endCustomerContactId
* pricingQuantity
* actualShipmentDate
* subscriptionEnableFlag
* invoiceInterfaceStatusCode
* calculatePriceFlag
* itemInput
* returnAttribute10
* splitFromLineId
* industryAttribute27
* orderedQuantity2
* fulfilledQuantity
* cancelledFlag
* actualArrivalDate
* taxExemptFlag
* creditInvoiceLineId
* orderQuantityUom
* globalAttribute15
* pricingAttribute3
* industryAttribute22
* industryAttribute28
* acceptedBy
* blanketVersionNumber
* configHeaderId
* revrecComments
* origSysDocumentRef
* endCustomerSiteUseId
* serviceSubsTemplateId
* ibInstalledAtLocation#1
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* industryAttribute7
* demandClassCode
* tpAttribute15
* fobPointCode
* ibCurrentLocation#1
* industryAttribute3
* unitListPercent
* itemId
* attribute2
* subinventory
* wfResultCode
* industryAttribute4
* soldFromOrgId
* customerProductionLine
* context
* originalInventoryItemId
* tpAttribute14
* orderSourceId
* globalAttribute2
* sourceTypeCode
* industryContext
* orgId
* mfgComponentSequenceId
* packingInstructions
* transactionPhaseCode
* promiseDate
* responsibilityId
* earliestShipDate
* taxValue
* customerDockCode
* serviceReferenceLineId
* industryAttribute9
* customerTrxLineId
* pricingAttribute4
* pricingAttribute9
* attribute19
* ibInstalledAtLocation
* revrecSignature
* taxExemptReasonCode
* userItemDescription
* revrecSignatureDate
* versionNumber
* taxRate
* globalAttribute18
* vehCusItemCumKeyId
* invoiceToOrgId
* accountingRuleId
* serviceNumber
* attribute4
* histCreationDate
* atoLineId
* fulfilledQuantity2
* globalAttribute12
* industryAttribute25
* pricingAttribute5
* instId
* globalAttribute10
* componentCode
* taxExemptNumber
* industryAttribute8
* programId
* industryAttribute29
* shipFromOrgId
* flowStatusCode
* configDisplaySequence
* shipToleranceAbove
* paymentTermId
* acceptedQuantity
* taskId
* auditFlag
* chargePeriodicityCode
* industryAttribute18
* pricingAttribute7
* optionFlag
* deliveryId
* taxPointCode
* tpAttribute12
* shippingMethodCode
* sourceDocumentLineId
* histTypeCode
* actualFulfillmentDate
* headerId
* pricingDate
* globalAttributeCategory
* serviceTxnComments
* globalAttribute19
* firstAckDate
* itemRelationshipType
* lineTypeId
* unitPercentBasePrice
* salesDocumentTypeCode
* reSourceFlag
* attribute20
* originalListPrice
* industryAttribute2
* invoiceCompleteFlag
* blanketNumber
* pricingAttribute1
* reasonId
* agreementId
* depPlanRequiredFlag
* latestAcceptableDate
* returnAttribute7
* intmedShipToContactId
* equipmentId
* industryAttribute26
* globalAttribute6
* globalAttribute13
* serviceDuration
* loadSeqNumber
* pricingQuantityUom
* tpAttribute10
* demandBucketTypeCode
* optionNumber
* shipModelCompleteFlag
* globalAttribute7
* attribute18
* freightTermsCode
* attribute9
* lastUpdateLogin
* serviceEndDate
* industryAttribute12
* servicePeriod
* custProductionSeqNum
* returnAttribute6
* splitBy
* shippingQuantityUom2
* modelGroupNumber
* firstAckCode
* returnAttribute12
* referenceLineId
* containerNumber
* overShipResolvedFlag
* pricingAttribute6
* pricingContext
* blanketLineNumber
* itemTypeCode
* shippingQuantity2
* linkToLineId
* shipToOrgId
* shippedQuantity2
* overShipReasonCode
* fulfillmentDate
* cancelledQuantity
* referenceType
* globalAttribute5
* unitListPrice
* globalAttribute16
* intmedShipToOrgId
* industryAttribute17


 * industryAttribute6
* serviceTxnReasonCode
* globalAttribute14
* returnAttribute14
* returnReasonCode
* globalAttribute9
* serviceCoterminateFlag
* sortOrder
* itemIdentifierType
* customerPaymentTermId
* attribute15
* itemSubstitutionTypeCode
* attribute16
* attribute8
* shipToContactId
* programUpdateDate
* returnAttribute3
* tpContext
* returnAttribute9
* itemRevision
* tpAttribute13
* serviceFirstPeriodAmount
* attribute10
* attribute13
* returnAttribute1
* tpAttribute11
* accountingRuleDuration
* custModelSerialNumber
* openFlag
* shippableFlag
* unitListPricePerPqty
* invoicedQuantity
* ibCurrentLocation
* lateDemandPenaltyFactor
* shipToleranceBelow
* scheduleStatusCode
* globalAttribute17
* pricingAttribute8
* ibOwner
* revrecExpirationDays
* origSysShipmentRef
* reasonCode
* customerJob
* shipSetId
* globalAttribute3
* customerItemRevision
* revrecImplicitFlag
* serviceBillOptionCode
* taxDate
* referenceHeaderId
* attribute3
* rlaScheduleTypeCode
* globalAttribute11
* deliverToOrgId
* histCreatedBy
* globalAttribute8
* industryAttribute16
* attribute12
* componentNumber
* pricingAttribute10
* visibleDemandFlag
* returnAttribute13
* industryAttribute14
* lineId
* soldToOrgId
* endItemUnitNumber
* revenueAmount
* commitmentId
* scheduleArrivalDate
* planningPriority
* invoiceToContactId
* configRevNbr
* origSysLineRef
* originalItemIdentifierType
* serviceCovTemplateId
* attribute7
* attribute6
* globalAttribute4
* industryAttribute21
* firmDemandFlag
* projectId
* industryAttribute20
* unitSellingPercent
* lastUpdatedBy
* returnAttribute5
* shippingQuantity
* industryAttribute1
* salesrepId
* sourceDocumentVersionNumber
* unitSellingPricePerPqty
* scheduleShipDate
* originalOrderedItem
* inventoryItemId
* lastAckCode
* histComments
* requestDate
* returnAttribute15
* industryAttribute30
* minisiteId
* returnContext
* deliveryLeadTime
* lastAckDate
* endCustomerId
* freightCarrierCode
* topModelLineId
* latestCancelledQuantity
* unitSellingPrice
* revrecEventCode
* tpAttribute2
* globalAttribute1
* industryAttribute10
* dropShipFlag
* globalAttribute20
* paymentTypeCode
* industryAttribute15
* phaseChangeFlag
* orderedQuantity
* tpAttribute7
* tpAttribute4
* originalOrderedItemId
* custPoNumber
* fulfillmentMethodCode
* industryAttribute11
* sourceDocumentTypeId
* serviceCreditEligibleCode
* versionFlag
* attribute14
* changeSequence
* invoicingRuleId
* configurationId
* customerShipmentNumber
* retrobillRequestId
* industryAttribute24
* tpAttribute5
* customerLineNumber
* taxCode
* lineNumber
* industryAttribute23
* serviceReferenceSystemId
* orderedItemId
* orderedQuantityUom2
* requestId
* fulfilledFlag
* returnAttribute8
* explosionDate
* shippedQuantity
* attribute17
* lastUpdateDate
* orderedItem
* returnAttribute4
* authorizedToShipFlag
* deliverToContactId
* industryAttribute13
* tpAttribute3
* programApplicationId
* shippingInterfacedFlag
* revrecReferenceDocument
* returnAttribute2
* shipmentPriorityCode
* priceListId
* cancelledQuantity2
* componentSequenceId
* earliestAcceptableDate
* arrivalSetId
* pricingAttribute2
* lineSetId
* serviceBillProfileId
* sourceDocumentId
* autoSelectedQuantity
* modelRemnantFlag
* tpAttribute8
* attribute1
* customerItemNetPrice
* bookedFlag
* tpAttribute1
* orderFirmedDate
* attribute5
* attribute11
* creationDate
* referenceCustomerTrxLineId
* customerItemId
* tpAttribute6
* serviceReferenceTypeCode
* preferredGrade
* industryAttribute5
* lineCategoryCode
* servicedLineId
* serviceFirstPeriodEnddate
* priceRequestCode
* shipmentNumber
* shippingQuantityUom
* serviceStartDate
* industryAttribute19
* wfActivityCode
* shippingInstructions
* contingencyId
* tpAttribute9
* createdBy
* returnAttribute11
* endCustomerContactId
* pricingQuantity
* actualShipmentDate
* subscriptionEnableFlag
* invoiceInterfaceStatusCode
* calculatePriceFlag
* itemInput
* returnAttribute10
* splitFromLineId
* industryAttribute27
* orderedQuantity2
* fulfilledQuantity
* cancelledFlag
* actualArrivalDate
* taxExemptFlag
* creditInvoiceLineId
* orderQuantityUom
* globalAttribute15
* pricingAttribute3
* industryAttribute22
* industryAttribute28
* acceptedBy
* blanketVersionNumber
* configHeaderId
* revrecComments
* origSysDocumentRef
* endCustomerSiteUseId
* serviceSubsTemplateId
* ibInstalledAtLocation#1
* overrideAtpDateCode
* industryAttribute7
* demandClassCode
* tpAttribute15
* fobPointCode
* ibCurrentLocation#1
* industryAttribute3
* unitListPercent
* itemId
* attribute2
* subinventory
* wfResultCode
* industryAttribute4
* soldFromOrgId
* customerProductionLine
* context
* originalInventoryItemId
* tpAttribute14
* orderSourceId
* globalAttribute2
* sourceTypeCode
* industryContext
* orgId
* mfgComponentSequenceId
* packingInstructions
* transactionPhaseCode
* promiseDate
* responsibilityId
* earliestShipDate
* taxValue
* customerDockCode
* serviceReferenceLineId
* industryAttribute9
* customerTrxLineId
* pricingAttribute4
* pricingAttribute9
* attribute19
* ibInstalledAtLocation
* revrecSignature
* taxExemptReasonCode
* userItemDescription
* revrecSignatureDate
* versionNumber
* taxRate
* globalAttribute18
* vehCusItemCumKeyId
* invoiceToOrgId
* accountingRuleId
* serviceNumber
* attribute4
* histCreationDate
* atoLineId
* fulfilledQuantity2
* globalAttribute12
* industryAttribute25
* pricingAttribute5
* instId
* globalAttribute10
* componentCode
* taxExemptNumber
* industryAttribute8
* programId
* industryAttribute29
* shipFromOrgId
* flowStatusCode
* configDisplaySequence
* shipToleranceAbove
* paymentTermId
* acceptedQuantity
* taskId
* auditFlag
* chargePeriodicityCode
* industryAttribute18
* pricingAttribute7
* optionFlag
* deliveryId
* taxPointCode
* tpAttribute12
* shippingMethodCode
* sourceDocumentLineId
* histTypeCode
* actualFulfillmentDate
* headerId
* pricingDate
* globalAttributeCategory
* serviceTxnComments
* globalAttribute19
* firstAckDate
* itemRelationshipType
* lineTypeId
* unitPercentBasePrice
* salesDocumentTypeCode
* reSourceFlag
* attribute20
* originalListPrice
* industryAttribute2
* invoiceCompleteFlag
* blanketNumber
* pricingAttribute1
* reasonId
* agreementId
* depPlanRequiredFlag
* latestAcceptableDate
* returnAttribute7
* intmedShipToContactId
* equipmentId
* industryAttribute26
* globalAttribute6
* globalAttribute13
* serviceDuration
* loadSeqNumber
* pricingQuantityUom
* tpAttribute10
* demandBucketTypeCode
* optionNumber
* shipModelCompleteFlag
* globalAttribute7
* attribute18
* freightTermsCode
* attribute9
* lastUpdateLogin
* serviceEndDate
* industryAttribute12
* servicePeriod
* custProductionSeqNum
* returnAttribute6
* splitBy
* shippingQuantityUom2
* modelGroupNumber
* firstAckCode
* returnAttribute12
* referenceLineId
* containerNumber
* overShipResolvedFlag
* pricingAttribute6
* pricingContext
* blanketLineNumber
* itemTypeCode
* shippingQuantity2
* linkToLineId
* shipToOrgId
* shippedQuantity2
* overShipReasonCode
* fulfillmentDate
* cancelledQuantity
* referenceType
* globalAttribute5
* unitListPrice
* globalAttribute16
* intmedShipToOrgId
* industryAttribute17


 * pricingAttribute20
* pricingAttribute94
* headerId
* pricingAttribute28
* pricingAttribute51
* pricingAttribute64
* pricingAttribute87
* pricingAttribute30
* pricingAttribute22
* pricingAttribute68
* attribute7
* pricingAttribute96
* pricingAttribute82
* pricingAttribute21
* lastUpdatedBy
* pricingAttribute86
* pricingAttribute98
* pricingAttribute10
* pricingAttribute38
* pricingAttribute5
* pricingAttribute26
* pricingAttribute97
* pricingAttribute52
* pricingAttribute72
* attribute6
* pricingAttribute29
* pricingAttribute54
* pricingAttribute33
* pricingAttribute88
* pricingAttribute1
* pricingAttribute63
* pricingAttribute62
* pricingAttribute11
* pricingAttribute61
* pricingAttribute2
* pricingAttribute89
* pricingAttribute3
* attribute10
* pricingAttribute23
* pricingAttribute25
* pricingAttribute42
* pricingAttribute83
* pricingAttribute67
* pricingAttribute91
* instId
* pricingAttribute41
* pricingAttribute93
* pricingAttribute100
* pricingAttribute50
* pricingAttribute56
* createdBy
* pricingAttribute75
* attribute4
* attribute12
* pricingAttribute6
* pricingAttribute17
* pricingAttribute57
* attribute11
* pricingAttribute15
* pricingAttribute16
* pricingAttribute74
* pricingAttribute9
* pricingAttribute36
* pricingAttribute92
* pricingAttribute84
* pricingAttribute55
* pricingAttribute31
* pricingAttribute90
* context
* overrideFlag
* pricingAttribute44
* pricingAttribute59
* pricingAttribute77
* pricingAttribute34
* attribute2
* pricingAttribute70
* pricingAttribute80
* lineId
* requestId
* pricingAttribute24
* pricingAttribute4
* attribute1
* pricingAttribute19
* pricingAttribute49
* attribute9
* pricingAttribute13
* pricingAttribute40
* pricingAttribute18
* pricingAttribute47
* pricingAttribute66
* pricingAttribute73
* pricingAttribute43
* attribute15
* pricingAttribute12
* pricingAttribute37
* pricingContext
* programApplicationId
* attribute5
* pricingAttribute35
* orderPriceAttribId
* pricingAttribute65
* pricingAttribute48
* programId
* pricingAttribute71
* pricingAttribute45
* pricingAttribute8
* pricingAttribute60
* pricingAttribute53
* pricingAttribute27
* attribute13
* pricingAttribute39
* lastUpdateLogin
* creationDate
* pricingAttribute79
* pricingAttribute69
* programUpdateDate
* pricingAttribute7
* attribute3
* pricingAttribute76
* origSysAttsRef
* pricingAttribute32
* pricingAttribute58
* lockControl
* flexTitle
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute14
* pricingAttribute78
* attribute8
* pricingAttribute14
* pricingAttribute99
* pricingAttribute81
* pricingAttribute46
* pricingAttribute95
* pricingAttribute85


 * pricingAttribute20
* pricingAttribute94
* headerId
* pricingAttribute28
* pricingAttribute51
* pricingAttribute64
* pricingAttribute87
* pricingAttribute30
* pricingAttribute22
* pricingAttribute68
* attribute7
* pricingAttribute96
* pricingAttribute82
* pricingAttribute21
* lastUpdatedBy
* pricingAttribute86
* pricingAttribute98
* pricingAttribute10
* pricingAttribute38
* pricingAttribute5
* pricingAttribute26
* pricingAttribute97
* pricingAttribute52
* pricingAttribute72
* attribute6
* pricingAttribute29
* pricingAttribute54
* pricingAttribute33
* pricingAttribute88
* pricingAttribute1
* pricingAttribute63
* pricingAttribute62
* pricingAttribute11
* pricingAttribute61
* pricingAttribute2
* pricingAttribute89
* pricingAttribute3
* attribute10
* pricingAttribute23
* pricingAttribute25
* pricingAttribute42
* pricingAttribute83
* pricingAttribute67
* pricingAttribute91
* instId
* pricingAttribute41
* pricingAttribute93
* pricingAttribute100
* pricingAttribute50
* pricingAttribute56
* createdBy
* pricingAttribute75
* attribute4
* attribute12
* pricingAttribute6
* pricingAttribute17
* pricingAttribute57
* attribute11
* pricingAttribute15
* pricingAttribute16
* pricingAttribute74
* pricingAttribute9
* pricingAttribute36
* pricingAttribute92
* pricingAttribute84
* pricingAttribute55
* pricingAttribute31
* pricingAttribute90
* context
* overrideFlag
* pricingAttribute44
* pricingAttribute59
* pricingAttribute77
* pricingAttribute34
* attribute2
* pricingAttribute70
* pricingAttribute80
* lineId
* requestId
* pricingAttribute24
* pricingAttribute4
* attribute1
* pricingAttribute19
* pricingAttribute49
* attribute9
* pricingAttribute13
* pricingAttribute40
* pricingAttribute18
* pricingAttribute47
* pricingAttribute66
* pricingAttribute73
* pricingAttribute43
* attribute15
* pricingAttribute12
* pricingAttribute37
* pricingContext
* programApplicationId
* attribute5
* pricingAttribute35
* orderPriceAttribId
* pricingAttribute65
* pricingAttribute48
* programId
* pricingAttribute71
* pricingAttribute45
* pricingAttribute8
* pricingAttribute60
* pricingAttribute53
* pricingAttribute27
* attribute13
* pricingAttribute39
* lastUpdateLogin
* creationDate
* pricingAttribute79
* pricingAttribute69
* programUpdateDate
* pricingAttribute7
* attribute3
* pricingAttribute76
* origSysAttsRef
* pricingAttribute32
* pricingAttribute58
* lockControl
* flexTitle
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute14
* pricingAttribute78
* attribute8
* pricingAttribute14
* pricingAttribute99
* pricingAttribute81
* pricingAttribute46
* pricingAttribute95
* pricingAttribute85


 * invoicedFlag
* paymentCollectionEvent
* trxnExtensionId
* commitmentAppliedAmount
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute14
* requestId
* attribute3
* instId
* attribute13
* lineId
* programUpdateDate
* attribute5
* attribute15
* receiptMethodId
* paymentAmount
* paymentNumber
* creditCardNumber
* paymentLevelCode
* attribute2
* paymentSetId
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute6
* creditCardCode
* creditCardHolderName
* attribute12
* paymentPercentage
* attribute11
* deferPaymentProcessingFlag
* creditCardApprovalCode
* attribute7
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute9
* paymentTrxId
* attribute4
* lockControl
* prepaidAmount
* attribute1
* programId
* attribute8
* programApplicationId
* context
* creditCardExpirationDate
* headerId
* createdBy
* commitmentInterfacedAmount
* tangibleId
* checkNumber
* attribute10
* creationDate
* creditCardApprovalDate
* origSysPaymentRef
* paymentTypeCode


 * headerId
* responsibilityId
* lineId
* histCreationDate
* attribute11
* creditCardApprovalCode
* paymentSetId
* commitmentAppliedAmount
* tangibleId
* lastUpdateLogin
* programUpdateDate
* creditCardExpirationDate
* attribute14
* creditCardCode
* attribute3
* attribute1
* lockControl
* requestId
* attribute7
* creditCardHolderName
* attribute5
* attribute6
* lastUpdatedBy
* commitmentInterfacedAmount
* attribute2
* creditCardNumber
* receiptMethodId
* attribute13
* creditCardApprovalDate
* creationDate
* reasonCode
* histTypeCode
* lastUpdateDate
* paymentNumber
* histComments
* prepaidAmount
* createdBy
* programId
* attribute15
* paymentLevelCode
* paymentTypeCode
* attribute10
* attribute12
* paymentTrxId
* paymentAmount
* histCreatedBy
* checkNumber
* attribute9
* attribute4
* attribute8
* paymentCollectionEvent
* programApplicationId
* context


 * headerId
* responsibilityId
* lineId
* histCreationDate
* attribute11
* creditCardApprovalCode
* paymentSetId
* commitmentAppliedAmount
* tangibleId
* lastUpdateLogin
* programUpdateDate
* creditCardExpirationDate
* attribute14
* creditCardCode
* attribute3
* attribute1
* lockControl
* requestId
* attribute7
* creditCardHolderName
* attribute5
* attribute6
* lastUpdatedBy
* commitmentInterfacedAmount
* attribute2
* creditCardNumber
* receiptMethodId
* attribute13
* creditCardApprovalDate
* creationDate
* reasonCode
* histTypeCode
* lastUpdateDate
* paymentNumber
* histComments
* prepaidAmount
* createdBy
* programId
* attribute15
* paymentLevelCode
* paymentTypeCode
* attribute10
* attribute12
* paymentTrxId
* paymentAmount
* histCreatedBy
* checkNumber
* attribute9
* attribute4
* attribute8
* paymentCollectionEvent
* programApplicationId
* context


 * changeSequence
* origSysPaymentRef
* attribute7
* paymentNumber
* changeRequestCode
* requestId
* interfaceStatus
* attribute3
* creditCardHolderName
* creditCardCode
* attribute6
* attribute11
* operationCode
* instId
* origSysDocumentRef
* creditCardNumber
* creditCardApprovalDate
* creationDate
* paymentPercentage
* attribute9
* attribute5
* createdBy
* attribute13
* prepaidAmount
* programApplicationId
* attribute1
* paymentSetId
* attribute12
* attribute2
* lastUpdateDate
* creditCardExpirationDate
* lineId
* paymentAmount
* programUpdateDate
* errorFlag
* soldToOrgId
* trxnExtensionId
* attribute4
* statusFlag
* headerId
* paymentMethod
* paymentTrxId
* paymentCollectionEvent
* origSysShipmentRef
* attribute8
* orderSourceId
* commitment
* receiptMethodId
* attribute10
* origSysLineRef
* instrumentSecurityCode
* lastUpdatedBy
* context
* deferPaymentProcessingFlag
* attribute14
* checkNumber
* lastUpdateLogin
* programId
* attribute15
* soldToOrg
* creditCardApprovalCode
* orgId
* paymentTypeCode


 * changeSequence
* origSysPaymentRef
* attribute7
* paymentNumber
* changeRequestCode
* requestId
* interfaceStatus
* attribute3
* creditCardHolderName
* creditCardCode
* attribute6
* attribute11
* operationCode
* instId
* origSysDocumentRef
* creditCardNumber
* creditCardApprovalDate
* creationDate
* paymentPercentage
* attribute9
* attribute5
* createdBy
* attribute13
* prepaidAmount
* programApplicationId
* attribute1
* paymentSetId
* attribute12
* attribute2
* lastUpdateDate
* creditCardExpirationDate
* lineId
* paymentAmount
* programUpdateDate
* errorFlag
* soldToOrgId
* trxnExtensionId
* attribute4
* statusFlag
* headerId
* paymentMethod
* paymentTrxId
* paymentCollectionEvent
* origSysShipmentRef
* attribute8
* orderSourceId
* commitment
* receiptMethodId
* attribute10
* origSysLineRef
* instrumentSecurityCode
* lastUpdatedBy
* context
* deferPaymentProcessingFlag
* attribute14
* checkNumber
* lastUpdateLogin
* programId
* attribute15
* soldToOrg
* creditCardApprovalCode
* orgId
* paymentTypeCode


 * invoicedFlag
* paymentCollectionEvent
* trxnExtensionId
* commitmentAppliedAmount
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute14
* requestId
* attribute3
* instId
* attribute13
* lineId
* programUpdateDate
* attribute5
* attribute15
* receiptMethodId
* paymentAmount
* paymentNumber
* creditCardNumber
* paymentLevelCode
* attribute2
* paymentSetId
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute6
* creditCardCode
* creditCardHolderName
* attribute12
* paymentPercentage
* attribute11
* deferPaymentProcessingFlag
* creditCardApprovalCode
* attribute7
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute9
* paymentTrxId
* attribute4
* lockControl
* prepaidAmount
* attribute1
* programId
* attribute8
* programApplicationId
* context
* creditCardExpirationDate
* headerId
* createdBy
* commitmentInterfacedAmount
* tangibleId
* checkNumber
* attribute10
* creationDate
* creditCardApprovalDate
* origSysPaymentRef
* paymentTypeCode


 * lastUpdateLogin
* rltdPriceAdjId
* programUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* priceAdjAssocId
* instId
* createdBy
* lineId
* requestId
* creationDate
* programApplicationId
* lastUpdateDate
* programId
* priceAdjustmentId
* lockControl


 * lastUpdateLogin
* rltdPriceAdjId
* programUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* priceAdjAssocId
* instId
* createdBy
* lineId
* requestId
* creationDate
* programApplicationId
* lastUpdateDate
* programId
* priceAdjustmentId
* lockControl


 * creationDate
* priceAdjAttribId
* requestId
* programId
* comparisonOperator
* instId
* lastUpdateLogin
* lockControl
* groupingNumber
* pricingContext
* lastUpdatedBy
* pricingAttrValueTo
* pricingAttrValueFrom
* createdBy
* flexTitle
* programUpdateDate
* programApplicationId
* pricingAttribute
* lastUpdateDate
* priceAdjustmentId


 * creationDate
* priceAdjAttribId
* requestId
* programId
* comparisonOperator
* instId
* lastUpdateLogin
* lockControl
* groupingNumber
* pricingContext
* lastUpdatedBy
* pricingAttrValueTo
* pricingAttrValueFrom
* createdBy
* flexTitle
* programUpdateDate
* programApplicationId
* pricingAttribute
* lastUpdateDate
* priceAdjustmentId


 * estimatedFlag
* acAttribute13
* orgId
* soldToOrg
* acAttribute10
* programApplicationId
* discountName
* statusFlag
* versionNumber
* listLineId
* orderSourceId
* programUpdateDate
* attribute13
* priceAdjustmentId
* modifiedFrom
* changeReasonCode
* attribute1
* errorFlag
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute2
* adjustedAmount
* lastUpdatedBy
* operand
* origSysLineRef
* attribute5
* modifierName
* automaticFlag
* attribute12
* appliedFlag
* chargeTypeCode
* chargeSubtypeCode
* parentAdjustmentId
* discountLineId
* arithmeticOperator
* context
* pricingPhaseId
* acAttribute5
* operationCode
* updateAllowed
* changeReasonText
* updatedFlag
* createdBy
* attribute8
* acContext
* instId
* percent
* attribute3
* listHeaderId
* programId
* acAttribute9
* attribute11
* modifiedTo
* modifierMechanismTypeCode
* attribute10
* invoicedFlag
* acAttribute15
* attribute4
* listName
* taxCode
* taxRateId
* discountId
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* origSysDiscountRef
* changeSequence
* acAttribute4
* soldToOrgId
* attribute7
* attribute15
* adjustedAmountPerPqty
* acAttribute3
* origSysShipmentRef
* interfaceStatus
* acAttribute2
* attribute9
* attribute14
* requestId
* creditOrChargeFlag
* acAttribute6
* origSysDocumentRef
* acAttribute7
* acAttribute14
* includeOnReturnsFlag
* incInSalesPerformance
* acAttribute12
* changeRequestCode
* acAttribute11
* attribute6
* operandPerPqty
* listLineNumber
* acAttribute8
* acAttribute1
* listLineTypeCode
* costId


 * estimatedFlag
* acAttribute13
* orgId
* soldToOrg
* acAttribute10
* programApplicationId
* discountName
* statusFlag
* versionNumber
* listLineId
* orderSourceId
* programUpdateDate
* attribute13
* priceAdjustmentId
* modifiedFrom
* changeReasonCode
* attribute1
* errorFlag
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute2
* adjustedAmount
* lastUpdatedBy
* operand
* origSysLineRef
* attribute5
* modifierName
* automaticFlag
* attribute12
* appliedFlag
* chargeTypeCode
* chargeSubtypeCode
* parentAdjustmentId
* discountLineId
* arithmeticOperator
* context
* pricingPhaseId
* acAttribute5
* operationCode
* updateAllowed
* changeReasonText
* updatedFlag
* createdBy
* attribute8
* acContext
* instId
* percent
* attribute3
* listHeaderId
* programId
* acAttribute9
* attribute11
* modifiedTo
* modifierMechanismTypeCode
* attribute10
* invoicedFlag
* acAttribute15
* attribute4
* listName
* taxCode
* taxRateId
* discountId
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* origSysDiscountRef
* changeSequence
* acAttribute4
* soldToOrgId
* attribute7
* attribute15
* adjustedAmountPerPqty
* acAttribute3
* origSysShipmentRef
* interfaceStatus
* acAttribute2
* attribute9
* attribute14
* requestId
* creditOrChargeFlag
* acAttribute6
* origSysDocumentRef
* acAttribute7
* acAttribute14
* includeOnReturnsFlag
* incInSalesPerformance
* acAttribute12
* changeRequestCode
* acAttribute11
* attribute6
* operandPerPqty
* listLineNumber
* acAttribute8
* acAttribute1
* listLineTypeCode
* costId


 * chargeSubtypeCode
* programId
* operandPerPqty
* discountLineId
* taxRateId
* context
* acAttribute7
* acAttribute15
* adjustedAmountPerPqty
* redeemedFlag
* estimatedFlag
* parentAdjustmentId
* acAttribute9
* listLineTypeCode
* acAttribute3
* acAttribute6
* rebateType
* changeReasonCode
* substitutionAttribute
* benefitQty
* discountId
* instId
* creditOrChargeFlag
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* changeSequence
* lastUpdateDate
* acAttribute14
* prorationTypeCode
* attribute5
* attribute9
* taxExemptFlag
* listLineId
* createdBy
* automaticFlag
* retrobillRequestId
* attribute13
* attribute3
* taxExemptReasonCode
* modifiedFrom
* incInSalesPerformance
* requestId
* adjustedAmount
* appliedFlag
* changeReasonText
* redeemedDate
* rebateTransactionReference
* modifierLevelCode
* acContext
* priceAdjustmentId
* taxCode
* costId
* headerId
* attribute1
* attribute4
* acAttribute5
* programUpdateDate
* splitActionCode
* listHeaderId
* acAttribute8
* intercoInvoicedFlag
* rangeBreakQuantity
* pricingGroupSequence
* acAttribute13
* attribute12
* taxExemptNumber
* origSysDiscountRef
* invoicedAmount
* operand
* includeOnReturnsFlag
* chargeTypeCode
* acAttribute10
* benefitUomCode
* attribute2
* attribute10
* programApplicationId
* acAttribute4
* modifiedTo
* attribute7
* priceBreakTypeCode
* lastUpdatedBy
* acAttribute1
* lineId
* updatedFlag
* pricingPhaseId
* lockControl
* acAttribute12
* attribute11
* modifierMechanismTypeCode
* arithmeticOperator
* attribute6
* attribute15
* accrualConversionRate
* rebatePaymentSystemCode
* printOnInvoiceFlag
* invoicedFlag
* expirationDate
* attribute8
* updateAllowed
* accrualFlag
* sourceSystemCode
* acAttribute2
* listLineNo
* attribute14
* acAttribute11
* percent
* rebateTransactionTypeCode


 * chargeSubtypeCode
* programId
* operandPerPqty
* discountLineId
* taxRateId
* context
* acAttribute7
* acAttribute15
* adjustedAmountPerPqty
* redeemedFlag
* estimatedFlag
* parentAdjustmentId
* acAttribute9
* listLineTypeCode
* acAttribute3
* acAttribute6
* rebateType
* changeReasonCode
* substitutionAttribute
* benefitQty
* discountId
* instId
* creditOrChargeFlag
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* changeSequence
* lastUpdateDate
* acAttribute14
* prorationTypeCode
* attribute5
* attribute9
* taxExemptFlag
* listLineId
* createdBy
* automaticFlag
* retrobillRequestId
* attribute13
* attribute3
* taxExemptReasonCode
* modifiedFrom
* incInSalesPerformance
* requestId
* adjustedAmount
* appliedFlag
* changeReasonText
* redeemedDate
* rebateTransactionReference
* modifierLevelCode
* acContext
* priceAdjustmentId
* taxCode
* costId
* headerId
* attribute1
* attribute4
* acAttribute5
* programUpdateDate
* splitActionCode
* listHeaderId
* acAttribute8
* intercoInvoicedFlag
* rangeBreakQuantity
* pricingGroupSequence
* acAttribute13
* attribute12
* taxExemptNumber
* origSysDiscountRef
* invoicedAmount
* operand
* includeOnReturnsFlag
* chargeTypeCode
* acAttribute10
* benefitUomCode
* attribute2
* attribute10
* programApplicationId
* acAttribute4
* modifiedTo
* attribute7
* priceBreakTypeCode
* lastUpdatedBy
* acAttribute1
* lineId
* updatedFlag
* pricingPhaseId
* lockControl
* acAttribute12
* attribute11
* modifierMechanismTypeCode
* arithmeticOperator
* attribute6
* attribute15
* accrualConversionRate
* rebatePaymentSystemCode
* printOnInvoiceFlag
* invoicedFlag
* expirationDate
* attribute8
* updateAllowed
* accrualFlag
* sourceSystemCode
* acAttribute2
* listLineNo
* attribute14
* acAttribute11
* percent
* rebateTransactionTypeCode


 * pricingAttribute55
* pricingAttribute85
* pricingAttribute16
* pricingAttribute18
* attribute8
* pricingAttribute79
* pricingAttribute81
* pricingAttribute90
* pricingAttribute80
* pricingAttribute22
* pricingAttribute53
* attribute1
* pricingAttribute63
* pricingAttribute72
* pricingAttribute65
* pricingAttribute77
* pricingAttribute32
* pricingAttribute98
* pricingAttribute75
* pricingAttribute4
* pricingAttribute25
* pricingAttribute43
* pricingContext
* pricingAttribute5
* pricingAttribute68
* origSysDocumentRef
* pricingAttribute60
* pricingAttribute97
* overrideFlag
* pricingAttribute26
* origSysLineRef
* pricingAttribute33
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* pricingAttribute57
* flexTitle
* pricingAttribute37
* pricingAttribute7
* pricingAttribute35
* pricingAttribute51
* pricingAttribute1
* pricingAttribute2
* origSysShipmentRef
* pricingAttribute67
* pricingAttribute17
* pricingAttribute34
* lastUpdatedBy
* pricingAttribute49
* attribute11
* pricingAttribute54
* pricingAttribute50
* pricingAttribute11
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdateDate
* pricingAttribute70
* pricingAttribute99
* changeRequestCode
* pricingAttribute69
* statusFlag
* requestId
* pricingAttribute88
* attribute9
* pricingAttribute86
* attribute14
* instId
* creationDate
* pricingAttribute3
* pricingAttribute12
* pricingAttribute13
* pricingAttribute73
* soldToOrg
* pricingAttribute38
* pricingAttribute100
* pricingAttribute46
* attribute12
* attribute13
* pricingAttribute36
* pricingAttribute87
* pricingAttribute47
* pricingAttribute95
* operationCode
* pricingAttribute21
* orgId
* pricingAttribute20
* pricingAttribute39
* pricingAttribute89
* errorFlag
* pricingAttribute41
* context
* pricingAttribute66
* changeSequence
* pricingAttribute30
* pricingAttribute24
* pricingAttribute29
* pricingAttribute6
* pricingAttribute91
* createdBy
* programApplicationId
* pricingAttribute10
* pricingAttribute8
* pricingAttribute15
* pricingAttribute78
* pricingAttribute27
* pricingAttribute59
* origSysAttsRef
* attribute15
* programUpdateDate
* pricingAttribute52
* pricingAttribute84
* attribute5
* pricingAttribute76
* pricingAttribute82
* attribute6
* pricingAttribute31
* attribute2
* pricingAttribute64
* pricingAttribute92
* programId
* pricingAttribute62
* attribute7
* pricingAttribute93
* pricingAttribute19
* orderPriceAttribId
* soldToOrgId
* pricingAttribute74
* pricingAttribute40
* orderSourceId
* pricingAttribute23
* pricingAttribute56
* pricingAttribute96
* attribute10
* pricingAttribute83
* pricingAttribute94
* pricingAttribute14
* pricingAttribute48
* pricingAttribute28
* interfaceStatus
* attribute4
* pricingAttribute61
* pricingAttribute58
* attribute3
* pricingAttribute42
* pricingAttribute71


 * pricingAttribute55
* pricingAttribute85
* pricingAttribute16
* pricingAttribute18
* attribute8
* pricingAttribute79
* pricingAttribute81
* pricingAttribute90
* pricingAttribute80
* pricingAttribute22
* pricingAttribute53
* attribute1
* pricingAttribute63
* pricingAttribute72
* pricingAttribute65
* pricingAttribute77
* pricingAttribute32
* pricingAttribute98
* pricingAttribute75
* pricingAttribute4
* pricingAttribute25
* pricingAttribute43
* pricingContext
* pricingAttribute5
* pricingAttribute68
* origSysDocumentRef
* pricingAttribute60
* pricingAttribute97
* overrideFlag
* pricingAttribute26
* origSysLineRef
* pricingAttribute33
* pricingAttribute45
* pricingAttribute9
* pricingAttribute44
* pricingAttribute57
* flexTitle
* pricingAttribute37
* pricingAttribute7
* pricingAttribute35
* pricingAttribute51
* pricingAttribute1
* pricingAttribute2
* origSysShipmentRef
* pricingAttribute67
* pricingAttribute17
* pricingAttribute34
* lastUpdatedBy
* pricingAttribute49
* attribute11
* pricingAttribute54
* pricingAttribute50
* pricingAttribute11
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdateDate
* pricingAttribute70
* pricingAttribute99
* changeRequestCode
* pricingAttribute69
* statusFlag
* requestId
* pricingAttribute88
* attribute9
* pricingAttribute86
* attribute14
* instId
* creationDate
* pricingAttribute3
* pricingAttribute12
* pricingAttribute13
* pricingAttribute73
* soldToOrg
* pricingAttribute38
* pricingAttribute100
* pricingAttribute46
* attribute12
* attribute13
* pricingAttribute36
* pricingAttribute87
* pricingAttribute47
* pricingAttribute95
* operationCode
* pricingAttribute21
* orgId
* pricingAttribute20
* pricingAttribute39
* pricingAttribute89
* errorFlag
* pricingAttribute41
* context
* pricingAttribute66
* changeSequence
* pricingAttribute30
* pricingAttribute24
* pricingAttribute29
* pricingAttribute6
* pricingAttribute91
* createdBy
* programApplicationId
* pricingAttribute10
* pricingAttribute8
* pricingAttribute15
* pricingAttribute78
* pricingAttribute27
* pricingAttribute59
* origSysAttsRef
* attribute15
* programUpdateDate
* pricingAttribute52
* pricingAttribute84
* attribute5
* pricingAttribute76
* pricingAttribute82
* attribute6
* pricingAttribute31
* attribute2
* pricingAttribute64
* pricingAttribute92
* programId
* pricingAttribute62
* attribute7
* pricingAttribute93
* pricingAttribute19
* orderPriceAttribId
* soldToOrgId
* pricingAttribute74
* pricingAttribute40
* orderSourceId
* pricingAttribute23
* pricingAttribute56
* pricingAttribute96
* attribute10
* pricingAttribute83
* pricingAttribute94
* pricingAttribute14
* pricingAttribute48
* pricingAttribute28
* interfaceStatus
* attribute4
* pricingAttribute61
* pricingAttribute58
* attribute3
* pricingAttribute42
* pricingAttribute71


 * changeSequence
* origSysShipmentRef
* notificationFlag
* sourceDocumentTypeId
* attributeCode
* programApplicationId
* lastUpdatedBy
* programUpdateDate
* entityRef
* messageSourceCode
* entityId
* headerId
* sourceDocumentId
* lineId
* lastUpdateLogin
* processActivity
* transactionId
* messageStatusCode
* instId
* lastUpdateDate
* entityCode
* soldToOrgId
* messageText
* requestId
* originalSysDocumentRef
* sourceDocumentLineId
* createdBy
* orderSourceId
* orgId
* creationDate
* constraintId
* type
* language
* originalSysDocumentLineRef
* programId


 * changeSequence
* origSysShipmentRef
* notificationFlag
* sourceDocumentTypeId
* attributeCode
* programApplicationId
* lastUpdatedBy
* programUpdateDate
* entityRef
* messageSourceCode
* entityId
* headerId
* sourceDocumentId
* lineId
* lastUpdateLogin
* processActivity
* transactionId
* messageStatusCode
* instId
* lastUpdateDate
* entityCode
* soldToOrgId
* messageText
* requestId
* originalSysDocumentRef
* sourceDocumentLineId
* createdBy
* orderSourceId
* orgId
* creationDate
* constraintId
* type
* language
* originalSysDocumentLineRef
* programId


 * lastUpdateLogin
* language
* transactionId
* createdBy
* creationDate
* messageText
* instId
* lastUpdatedBy
* sourceLang
* lastUpdateDate


 * lastUpdateLogin
* language
* transactionId
* createdBy
* creationDate
* messageText
* instId
* lastUpdatedBy
* sourceLang
* lastUpdateDate


 * requestId
* purgeSetId
* expirationDate
* isPurgable
* lastUpdateDate
* programApplicationId
* lastUpdateLogon
* upgradedFlag
* priceListId
* programUpdateDate
* programId
* headerId
* errorText
* orderTypeName
* isPurged
* orderNumber
* lastUpdatedBy
* createdBy
* quoteNumber
* flowStatus
* creationDate
* customerNumber


 * requestId
* purgeSetId
* expirationDate
* isPurgable
* lastUpdateDate
* programApplicationId
* lastUpdateLogon
* upgradedFlag
* priceListId
* programUpdateDate
* programId
* headerId
* errorText
* orderTypeName
* isPurged
* orderNumber
* lastUpdatedBy
* createdBy
* quoteNumber
* flowStatus
* creationDate
* customerNumber


 * purgeSubmitDatetime
* purgedBy
* countSelected
* purgeSetPurged
* purgeSetDescription
* lastUpdateLogin
* purgeSetId
* selectedIds
* purgeSetSubmitDatetime
* purgeProcessed
* lastUpdateDate
* programUpdateDate
* ordersPerCommit
* purgeSetRequestId
* createdBy
* purgeSetName
* lastUpdatedBy
* programId
* whereCondition
* purgeRequestId
* creationDate
* programApplicationId


 * purgeSubmitDatetime
* purgedBy
* countSelected
* purgeSetPurged
* purgeSetDescription
* lastUpdateLogin
* purgeSetId
* selectedIds
* purgeSetSubmitDatetime
* purgeProcessed
* lastUpdateDate
* programUpdateDate
* ordersPerCommit
* purgeSetRequestId
* createdBy
* purgeSetName
* lastUpdatedBy
* programId
* whereCondition
* purgeRequestId
* creationDate
* programApplicationId


 * attribute1
* attribute3
* attribute20
* attribute16
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute19
* attribute4
* entityCode
* reasonCode
* context
* attribute11
* attribute5
* creationDate
* entityId
* attribute12
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute17
* lastUpdateDate
* comments
* headerId
* attribute7
* attribute10
* attribute8
* lineId
* reasonType
* attribute14
* attribute2
* attribute9
* createdBy
* attribute18
* reasonId
* versionNumber
* attribute13
* attribute15
* attribute6


 * attribute1
* attribute3
* attribute20
* attribute16
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute19
* attribute4
* entityCode
* reasonCode
* context
* attribute11
* attribute5
* creationDate
* entityId
* attribute12
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute17
* lastUpdateDate
* comments
* headerId
* attribute7
* attribute10
* attribute8
* lineId
* reasonType
* attribute14
* attribute2
* attribute9
* createdBy
* attribute18
* reasonId
* versionNumber
* attribute13
* attribute15
* attribute6


 * processFlag
* programApplicationId
* reservationRequestId
* creationDate
* createdBy
* reservationSetId
* programId
* lastUpdatedBy
* simulationRequestId
* programUpdateDate
* reservationSetName
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdateDate


 * processFlag
* programApplicationId
* reservationRequestId
* creationDate
* createdBy
* reservationSetId
* programId
* lastUpdatedBy
* simulationRequestId
* programUpdateDate
* reservationSetName
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdateDate


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* attribute12
* inventoryItemId
* subinventoryId
* origSysDocumentRef
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* attribute10
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* attribute6
* instId
* attribute4
* requestId
* soldToOrg
* attribute1
* attribute9
* origSysReservationRef
* interfaceStatus
* soldToOrgId
* attribute15
* changeSequence
* quantity2
* origSysShipmentRef
* attribute2
* attribute7
* quantity
* attributeCategory
* attribute3
* attribute8
* attribute14
* origSysLineRef


 * errorFlag
* attribute12
* inventoryItemId
* subinventoryId
* origSysDocumentRef
* locatorId
* orgId
* lotNumber
* operationCode
* attribute11
* attribute13
* lotNumberId
* attribute5
* revision
* orderSourceId
* attribute10
* subinventoryCode
* attribute6
* instId
* attribute4
* requestId
* soldToOrg
* attribute1
* attribute9
* origSysReservationRef
* interfaceStatus
* soldToOrgId
* attribute15
* changeSequence
* quantity2
* origSysShipmentRef
* attribute2
* attribute7
* quantity
* attributeCategory
* attribute3
* attribute8
* attribute14
* origSysLineRef


 * soldToOrgId
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute2
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute13
* attribute8
* attribute14
* attribute15
* inventoryItemId
* attribute6
* attribute9
* executionDate
* attribute3
* lastUpdateLogin
* creationDate
* orderTypeId
* attribute4
* attribute11
* createdBy
* attribute12
* retrobillRequestId
* programUpdatedDate
* executionMode
* programApplicationId
* attribute5
* attribute1
* name
* retrobillReasonCode
* context
* description
* attribute7
* attribute10
* requestId
* programId


 * soldToOrgId
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute2
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute13
* attribute8
* attribute14
* attribute15
* inventoryItemId
* attribute6
* attribute9
* executionDate
* attribute3
* lastUpdateLogin
* creationDate
* orderTypeId
* attribute4
* attribute11
* createdBy
* attribute12
* retrobillRequestId
* programUpdatedDate
* executionMode
* programApplicationId
* attribute5
* attribute1
* name
* retrobillReasonCode
* context
* description
* attribute7
* attribute10
* requestId
* programId


 * orderedQtyUom2
* createdBy
* derivedQtyUom
* reservationSetId
* programId
* derivedQty
* correctedQty2
* creationDate
* orderedQtyUom
* subinventory
* orderedQty2
* lastUpdateLogin
* derivedQty2
* shipFromOrgId
* lastUpdateDate
* headerId
* correctedQty
* lastUpdatedBy
* programUpdateDate
* programApplicationId
* lineSequence
* lotNumber
* lineId
* inventoryItemId
* revisionNumber
* orderedQty


 * orderedQtyUom2
* createdBy
* derivedQtyUom
* reservationSetId
* programId
* derivedQty
* correctedQty2
* creationDate
* orderedQtyUom
* subinventory
* orderedQty2
* lastUpdateLogin
* derivedQty2
* shipFromOrgId
* lastUpdateDate
* headerId
* correctedQty
* lastUpdatedBy
* programUpdateDate
* programApplicationId
* lineSequence
* lotNumber
* lineId
* inventoryItemId
* revisionNumber
* orderedQty


 * headerId
* origSysCreditRef
* salesCreditId
* lastUpdateLogin
* salesrepId
* lineId
* attribute5
* createdBy
* attribute3
* attribute1
* salesGroupId
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute7
* attribute11
* dwUpdateAdviceFlag
* percent
* attribute12
* salesCreditTypeId
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute10
* salesGroupUpdatedFlag
* attribute14
* attribute6
* whUpdateDate
* context
* attribute15
* attribute13
* attribute8
* instId
* attribute4
* attribute2
* lockControl
* creationDate
* attribute9


 * headerId
* origSysCreditRef
* salesCreditId
* lastUpdateLogin
* salesrepId
* lineId
* attribute5
* createdBy
* attribute3
* attribute1
* salesGroupId
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute7
* attribute11
* dwUpdateAdviceFlag
* percent
* attribute12
* salesCreditTypeId
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute10
* salesGroupUpdatedFlag
* attribute14
* attribute6
* whUpdateDate
* context
* attribute15
* attribute13
* attribute8
* instId
* attribute4
* attribute2
* lockControl
* creationDate
* attribute9


 * usedFlag
* inventoryItemId
* sessionId


 * usedFlag
* inventoryItemId
* sessionId


 * creationDate
* freightCarrierCode
* createdBy
* setId
* shipToOrgId
* shipToleranceAbove
* shipToleranceBelow
* instId
* scheduleShipDate
* updateLogin
* shipmentPriorityCode
* updatedBy
* setStatus
* shippingMethodCode
* orderedQuantityUom
* headerId
* setType
* inventoryItemId
* scheduleArrivalDate
* updateDate
* setName
* shipFromOrgId
* lineTypeId


 * setName
* setId
* headerId
* lastUpdateDate
* creationDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* lineId
* createdBy
* instId
* setType


 * setName
* setId
* headerId
* lastUpdateDate
* creationDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* lineId
* createdBy
* instId
* setType


 * creationDate
* freightCarrierCode
* createdBy
* setId
* shipToOrgId
* shipToleranceAbove
* shipToleranceBelow
* instId
* scheduleShipDate
* updateLogin
* shipmentPriorityCode
* updatedBy
* setStatus
* shippingMethodCode
* orderedQuantityUom
* headerId
* setType
* inventoryItemId
* scheduleArrivalDate
* updateDate
* setName
* shipFromOrgId
* lineTypeId


 * auditSessionId
* pickingCreditCheckRuleId
* auditUserName
* rowKey
* auditTimestamp
* auditTransactionType
* transactionTypeId
* auditCommitId
* costOfGoodsSoldAccount
* shippingCreditCheckRuleId
* auditSequenceId
* entryCreditCheckRuleId
* packingCreditCheckRuleId
* auditTrueNulls
* custTrxTypeId


 * auditSessionId
* pickingCreditCheckRuleId
* auditUserName
* rowKey
* auditTimestamp
* auditTransactionType
* transactionTypeId
* auditCommitId
* costOfGoodsSoldAccount
* shippingCreditCheckRuleId
* auditSequenceId
* entryCreditCheckRuleId
* packingCreditCheckRuleId
* auditTrueNulls
* custTrxTypeId


 * errorLevel
* creationDate
* type
* errorSqlcode
* comments
* errorType
* module
* headerId


 * errorLevel
* creationDate
* type
* errorSqlcode
* comments
* errorType
* module
* headerId


 * cycleId
* oldLineId
* oldLineDetailId
* pickingLineId
* module
* newLineId
* newLineNumber
* creationDate
* comments
* lastUpdateDate
* headerId
* returnQtyAvailable
* mtlSalesOrderId
* delivery


 * cycleId
* oldLineId
* oldLineDetailId
* pickingLineId
* module
* newLineId
* newLineNumber
* creationDate
* comments
* lastUpdateDate
* headerId
* returnQtyAvailable
* mtlSalesOrderId
* delivery


 * subinventory
* pickingLineId
* warehouseId
* attribute12
* actualDepartureDate
* componentSequenceId
* attribute10
* latestAcceptableDate
* includedItemFlag
* transactableFlag
* attribute13
* createdBy
* lineDetailId
* releasedFlag
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute5
* attribute7
* inventoryItemId
* dpwAssignedFlag
* attribute3
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute15
* attribute11
* inventoryLocationId
* shippableFlag
* shipMethodCode
* attribute6
* componentCode
* demandClassCode
* configurationItemFlag
* scheduleStatusCode
* quantity
* revision
* unitCode
* attribute4
* attribute2
* reservableFlag
* invoicedQuantity
* attribute8
* depPlanRequiredFlag
* receiptStatusCode
* departureId
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* attribute14
* context
* shippedQuantity
* requiredForRevenueFlag
* creationDate
* customerItemId
* lineId
* delivery
* scheduleDate
* attribute1


 * subinventory
* pickingLineId
* warehouseId
* attribute12
* actualDepartureDate
* componentSequenceId
* attribute10
* latestAcceptableDate
* includedItemFlag
* transactableFlag
* attribute13
* createdBy
* lineDetailId
* releasedFlag
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute5
* attribute7
* inventoryItemId
* dpwAssignedFlag
* attribute3
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute15
* attribute11
* inventoryLocationId
* shippableFlag
* shipMethodCode
* attribute6
* componentCode
* demandClassCode
* configurationItemFlag
* scheduleStatusCode
* quantity
* revision
* unitCode
* attribute4
* attribute2
* reservableFlag
* invoicedQuantity
* attribute8
* depPlanRequiredFlag
* receiptStatusCode
* departureId
* attribute9
* scheduleLevelCode
* attribute14
* context
* shippedQuantity
* requiredForRevenueFlag
* creationDate
* customerItemId
* lineId
* delivery
* scheduleDate
* attribute1


 * mileageRate
* mileagePayrollTaxCodeId
* lastUpdatedBy
* creationDate
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* createdBy
* reportLineId
* addonRateType
* mileageAmount


 * mileageRate
* mileagePayrollTaxCodeId
* lastUpdatedBy
* creationDate
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* createdBy
* reportLineId
* addonRateType
* mileageAmount


 * createdBy
* lastUpdateDate
* arcReqId
* reportLineId
* lastUpdatedBy
* addonRateType
* archiveDate
* creationDate
* mileageRate
* mileagePayrollTaxCodeId
* mileageAmount
* lastUpdateLogin


 * createdBy
* lastUpdateDate
* arcReqId
* reportLineId
* lastUpdatedBy
* addonRateType
* archiveDate
* creationDate
* mileageRate
* mileagePayrollTaxCodeId
* mileageAmount
* lastUpdateLogin


 * createdBy
* creationDate
* allocationPrefReason
* allocationPrefId
* personId
* distributionSetId
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin


 * createdBy
* creationDate
* allocationPrefReason
* allocationPrefId
* personId
* distributionSetId
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin


 * createdBy
* creationDate
* attribute4
* attendeeType
* attribute9
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* attribute8
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* groupId
* attribute1
* attribute5
* employeeId
* groupDetailId
* employerAddress
* amount
* attribute10
* taxId
* employer
* attribute11
* name
* employeeFlag
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute13
* attribute12
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute6
* attribute15
* attribute2
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* groupDetailId
* employerAddress
* amount
* attribute10
* taxId
* employer
* attribute11
* name
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* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute13
* attribute12
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute6
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* attribute2
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* groupId
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* dataCaptureRuleId
* createdBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdateDate
* creationDate
* groupName


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* groupId
* lastUpdatedBy
* dataCaptureRuleId
* createdBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdateDate
* creationDate
* groupName


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* createdBy
* attendeeType
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* employeeFlag
* lastUpdateLogin
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* title
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* attribute13
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* attribute6
* attendeeLineId
* employer
* attribute12
* attributeCategory
* attribute3
* employeeId
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute9
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* orgId
* attribute2


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* createdBy
* attendeeType
* attribute10
* employeeFlag
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute14
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* title
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* taxId
* attribute13
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* attribute6
* attendeeLineId
* employer
* attribute12
* attributeCategory
* attribute3
* employeeId
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute9
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* orgId
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* lastUpdatedBy
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* employerAddress
* creationDate
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* attribute11
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* attribute4
* attribute13
* title
* orgId
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute9
* attribute6
* attribute8
* attribute12
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* createdBy
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* attribute11
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* objectName
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* lastUpdateLogin
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* creationDate
* detectMerchantFlag
* detectAttendeeFlag
* detectExpCategoryFlag
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* detectLocationFieldsFlag
* detectDailyTripDistFlag
* detectFromLocationFlag
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* detectEndDateFlag
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* detectTicketNumFlag
* detectEmployeeFlag
* detectExpenseTypeFlag


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* detectReceiptAmtFlag
* createdBy
* ruleName
* lastUpdateLogin
* detectDistanceUomFlag
* lastUpdatedBy
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* lastUpdateDate
* duplicateDetectionAction
* creationDate
* detectMerchantFlag
* detectAttendeeFlag
* detectExpCategoryFlag
* detectVlpNumFlag
* detectLocationFieldsFlag
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* detectFromLocationFlag
* ruleId
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* creationDate
* lastUpdateDate


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* createdBy
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* startDate
* orgId
* creationDate
* lastUpdateDate


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* nightRateType
* amount
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* lunchFlag


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* lastUpdateLogin
* custAccommodationAmount
* createdBy
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* accommodationAmount
* custMealsAmount
* endDate
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* custPdmRate
* pdmRate
* pdmDestinationId
* mealsAmount
* breakfastFlag
* accommodationFlag
* startDate
* rateTypeCode
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* custNightRateAmount
* nightRateType
* amount
* dinnerFlag
* hotelName
* pdmDailyBreakupId
* lunchFlag


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* archiveDate
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* hotelName
* lastUpdatedBy
* reportLineId
* creationDate
* dinnerFlag
* custAccommodationAmount
* accommodationAmount
* numberOfMeals
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* endDate
* mealsAmount
* lunchFlag
* scheduleTypeCode
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* arcReqId
* pdmDailyBreakupId
* amount
* nightRateType
* pdmDestinationId
* startDate
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* accommodationFlag
* breakfastFlag
* rateTypeCode
* pdmRate


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* archiveDate
* custMealsAmount
* hotelName
* lastUpdatedBy
* reportLineId
* creationDate
* dinnerFlag
* custAccommodationAmount
* accommodationAmount
* numberOfMeals
* custPdmRate
* endDate
* mealsAmount
* lunchFlag
* scheduleTypeCode
* createdBy
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* arcReqId
* pdmDailyBreakupId
* amount
* nightRateType
* pdmDestinationId
* startDate
* custNightRateAmount
* accommodationFlag
* breakfastFlag
* rateTypeCode
* pdmRate


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* endDate
* locationId
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* createdBy
* startDate
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
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* locationId
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* createdBy
* startDate
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
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* lastUpdatedBy
* createdBy
* startDate
* pdmDestinationId
* endDate
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* locationId
* arcReqId
* reportLineId


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* lastUpdatedBy
* createdBy
* startDate
* pdmDestinationId
* endDate
* creationDate
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* createdBy
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* cityLocality


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* footnoteRateAmt
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* stateProvince
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* county
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* lastUpdateDate
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* responsibilityId
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* invoices
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* language
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* lastUpdatedBy
* zdSync
* lastUpdateDate
* description
* createdBy
* sourceLang
* language
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* lastUpdatedBy
* createdBy
* crtId
* lastUpdateDate
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* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin


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* creationDate
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 * lastUpdateLogin
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* sourceLang
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* name
* securityGroupId
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* createdBy
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* id
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* attribute7
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* createdBy
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* shortDescription
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* sourceLang
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* dExtAttr6
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* uomExtAttr3
* cExtAttr1
* cExtAttr22
* cExtAttr15
* nExtAttr19
* pk3Value
* uomExtAttr4
* nExtAttr16
* dExtAttr10
* cExtAttr19
* uomExtAttr10
* cExtAttr37
* dataLevelId
* dExtAttr4
* uomExtAttr17
* cExtAttr23
* cExtAttr5
* cExtAttr31
* cExtAttr8
* cExtAttr32
* cExtAttr27


 * cExtAttr20
* uomExtAttr5
* cExtAttr35
* pk5Value
* nExtAttr14
* cExtAttr28
* dExtAttr1
* cExtAttr7
* cExtAttr13
* nExtAttr20
* pk2Value
* dExtAttr9
* cExtAttr16
* cExtAttr25
* uomExtAttr20
* extensionId
* nExtAttr6
* uomExtAttr18
* cExtAttr18
* nExtAttr9
* nExtAttr18
* cExtAttr9
* uomExtAttr15
* attrGroupId
* cExtAttr38
* dExtAttr8
* uomExtAttr14
* lastUpdateLogin
* pk1Value
* uomExtAttr2
* uomExtAttr1
* lastUpdateDate
* cExtAttr29
* nExtAttr3
* nExtAttr13
* createdBy
* cExtAttr17
* nExtAttr7
* uomExtAttr19
* lastUpdatedBy
* uomExtAttr7
* uomExtAttr11
* udaTemplateId
* cExtAttr2
* cExtAttr30
* pk4Value
* cExtAttr4
* cExtAttr21
* uomExtAttr6
* nExtAttr10
* uomExtAttr9
* cExtAttr39
* nExtAttr5
* nExtAttr4
* deliverableId
* nExtAttr2
* dExtAttr7
* cExtAttr36
* nExtAttr1
* uomExtAttr8
* cExtAttr11
* uomExtAttr12
* dExtAttr3
* nExtAttr17
* creationDate
* cExtAttr12
* uomExtAttr16
* cExtAttr26
* cExtAttr24
* nExtAttr8
* cExtAttr33
* cExtAttr40
* uomExtAttr13
* cExtAttr34
* dExtAttr2
* dExtAttr5
* cExtAttr6
* cExtAttr3
* cExtAttr14
* nExtAttr11
* cExtAttr10
* nExtAttr12
* dExtAttr6
* nExtAttr15
* uomExtAttr3
* cExtAttr1
* cExtAttr22
* cExtAttr15
* nExtAttr19
* pk3Value
* uomExtAttr4
* nExtAttr16
* dExtAttr10
* cExtAttr19
* uomExtAttr10
* cExtAttr37
* dataLevelId
* dExtAttr4
* uomExtAttr17
* cExtAttr23
* cExtAttr5
* cExtAttr31
* cExtAttr8
* cExtAttr32
* cExtAttr27


 * lastUpdateLogin
* tlExtAttr3
* tlExtAttr5
* tlExtAttr39
* tlExtAttr40
* dataLevelId
* language
* tlExtAttr36
* tlExtAttr17
* tlExtAttr2
* tlExtAttr15
* tlExtAttr19
* tlExtAttr16
* tlExtAttr29
* attrGroupId
* tlExtAttr26
* tlExtAttr32
* lastUpdateDate
* tlExtAttr35
* createdBy
* tlExtAttr37
* tlExtAttr6
* tlExtAttr21
* tlExtAttr7
* tlExtAttr1
* tlExtAttr20
* tlExtAttr11
* tlExtAttr27
* tlExtAttr18
* tlExtAttr4
* tlExtAttr9
* tlExtAttr24
* tlExtAttr34
* tlExtAttr28
* tlExtAttr22
* tlExtAttr13
* tlExtAttr23
* extensionId
* deliverableId
* tlExtAttr25
* lastUpdatedBy
* tlExtAttr10
* udaTemplateId
* tlExtAttr33
* tlExtAttr38
* tlExtAttr14
* tlExtAttr31
* sourceLang
* tlExtAttr8
* tlExtAttr30
* tlExtAttr12
* creationDate


 * lastUpdateLogin
* tlExtAttr3
* tlExtAttr5
* tlExtAttr39
* tlExtAttr40
* dataLevelId
* language
* tlExtAttr36
* tlExtAttr17
* tlExtAttr2
* tlExtAttr15
* tlExtAttr19
* tlExtAttr16
* tlExtAttr29
* attrGroupId
* tlExtAttr26
* tlExtAttr32
* lastUpdateDate
* tlExtAttr35
* createdBy
* tlExtAttr37
* tlExtAttr6
* tlExtAttr21
* tlExtAttr7
* tlExtAttr1
* tlExtAttr20
* tlExtAttr11
* tlExtAttr27
* tlExtAttr18
* tlExtAttr4
* tlExtAttr9
* tlExtAttr24
* tlExtAttr34
* tlExtAttr28
* tlExtAttr22
* tlExtAttr13
* tlExtAttr23
* extensionId
* deliverableId
* tlExtAttr25
* lastUpdatedBy
* tlExtAttr10
* udaTemplateId
* tlExtAttr33
* tlExtAttr38
* tlExtAttr14
* tlExtAttr31
* sourceLang
* tlExtAttr8
* tlExtAttr30
* tlExtAttr12
* creationDate


 * businessDocumentVersion
* description
* statusChangeNotes
* origSystemReferenceCode
* amendmentOperation
* completionDate
* relativeStDateEventId
* externalPartyContactId
* disableNotificationsYn
* attribute8
* payHoldOverdueYn
* relativeStDateDuration
* createdBy
* attribute12
* priceGroup
* summaryAmendOperationCode
* recurringYn
* origSystemReferenceId1
* attribute2
* overdueNotificationId
* printDueDateMsgName
* dataItemNumber
* responsibleParty
* notifyEscalationValue
* origSystemReferenceId2
* externalPartyRole
* completedNotificationId
* objectVersionNumber
* attribute5
* attribute11
* notifyCompletedYn
* repeatingDayOfWeek
* raiseCompletionEventYn
* exhibitCode
* fixedStartDate
* attribute14
* attribute7
* attribute4
* udaTemplateId
* escalationAssignee
* lastAmendmentDate
* language
* attribute13
* deliverableId
* repeatingDuration
* endEventDate
* originalDeliverableId
* lastUpdatedBy
* scheduleType
* recurringDelParentId
* deliverableName
* attributeCategory
* priorNotificationId
* estimatedPrice
* notifyPriorDueDateValue
* payHoldPriorDueDateValue
* repeatingDayOfMonth
* comments
* escalationNotificationId
* actualDueDate
* externalPartyId
* displaySequence
* businessDocumentLineId
* creationDate
* delCategoryCode
* repeatingFrequencyUom
* deliverableType
* startEventDate
* attribute9
* businessDocumentId
* relativeEndDateUom
* attribute15
* manageYn
* internalPartyContactId
* relativeEndDateDuration
* attribute1
* notifyPriorDueDateUom
* notifyEscalationYn
* notifyPriorDueDateYn
* lastUpdateLogin
* notifyOverdueYn
* payHoldPriorDueDateUom
* attribute3
* relativeEndDateEventId
* amendmentNotes
* externalPartySiteId
* businessDocumentNumber
* fixedEndDate
* businessDocumentType
* fixedDueDateYn
* internalPartyId
* payHoldPriorDueDateYn
* attribute6
* deliverableStatus
* notifyEscalationUom
* requesterId
* attribute10
* lastUpdateDate
* relativeStDateUom


 * createdBy
* testCaseId
* objectCode
* maximumValue
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdatedBy
* objectType
* objectValue
* lastUpdateDate
* valueSwitcher
* creationDate
* upperCaseOnlyFlag
* minimumValue
* testVarValId
* validationType
* flexValueSetId


 * createdBy
* testCaseId
* objectCode
* maximumValue
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdatedBy
* objectType
* objectValue
* lastUpdateDate
* valueSwitcher
* creationDate
* upperCaseOnlyFlag
* minimumValue
* testVarValId
* validationType
* flexValueSetId


 * creationDate
* testCaseName
* templateName
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdateDate
* evalDraftRulesYn
* testCaseId
* lastUpdatedBy
* templateId
* createdBy


 * creationDate
* testCaseName
* templateName
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdateDate
* evalDraftRulesYn
* testCaseId
* lastUpdatedBy
* templateId
* createdBy


 * objectTypeCode
* creationDate
* enclosingFolderId
* lastUpdatedBy
* importReferenceId
* folderId
* intentCode
* programUpdateDate
* createdBy
* lastUpdateDate
* programApplicationId
* orgId
* lastUpdateLogin
* requestId
* programId
* origSysRef
* modelId


 * objectTypeCode
* creationDate
* enclosingFolderId
* lastUpdatedBy
* importReferenceId
* folderId
* intentCode
* programUpdateDate
* createdBy
* lastUpdateDate
* programApplicationId
* orgId
* lastUpdateLogin
* requestId
* programId
* origSysRef
* modelId


 * lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* createdBy
* lastUpdatedBy
* documentType
* templateId
* creationDate
* variableCode
* variableValue
* documentId


 * lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* createdBy
* lastUpdatedBy
* documentType
* templateId
* creationDate
* variableCode
* variableValue
* documentId


 * lastUpdatedBy
* objectVersionNumber
* memberId
* lastUpdateDate
* createdBy
* creationDate
* folderId
* lastUpdateLogin


 * lastUpdatedBy
* objectVersionNumber
* memberId
* lastUpdateDate
* createdBy
* creationDate
* folderId
* lastUpdateLogin


 * satCode
* attribute2
* orgId
* attribute1
* attribute9
* folderId
* attribute3
* attribute4
* attribute10
* lastUpdateDate
* objectVersionNumber
* attribute13
* attributeCategory
* creationDate
* attribute7
* createdBy
* attribute8
* attribute12
* attribute15
* attribute14
* lastUpdateLogin
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* attribute6
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute11


 * satCode
* attribute2
* orgId
* attribute1
* attribute9
* folderId
* attribute3
* attribute4
* attribute10
* lastUpdateDate
* objectVersionNumber
* attribute13
* attributeCategory
* creationDate
* attribute7
* createdBy
* attribute8
* attribute12
* attribute15
* attribute14
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute5
* attribute6
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute11


 * lastUpdateDate
* createdBy
* creationDate
* folderName
* description
* folderId
* lastUpdateLogin
* language
* sourceLang
* lastUpdatedBy


 * lastUpdateDate
* createdBy
* creationDate
* folderName
* description
* folderId
* lastUpdateLogin
* language
* sourceLang
* lastUpdatedBy


 * aaeId
* dnzChrId
* objectVersionNumber
* seededFlag
* creationDate
* value
* createdBy
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* zdSync
* cnlId
* securityGroupId
* zdEditionName
* pdpId
* id
* lastUpdateLogin
* applicationId


 * securityGroupId
* value
* lastUpdateLogin
* majorVersion
* createdBy
* lastUpdateDate
* id
* aaeId
* objectVersionNumber
* dnzChrId
* seededFlag
* cnlId
* creationDate
* pdpId
* lastUpdatedBy
* applicationId


 * securityGroupId
* value
* lastUpdateLogin
* majorVersion
* createdBy
* lastUpdateDate
* id
* aaeId
* objectVersionNumber
* dnzChrId
* seededFlag
* cnlId
* creationDate
* pdpId
* lastUpdatedBy
* applicationId


 * aaeId
* dnzChrId
* objectVersionNumber
* seededFlag
* creationDate
* value
* createdBy
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* zdSync
* cnlId
* securityGroupId
* zdEditionName
* pdpId
* id
* lastUpdateLogin
* applicationId


 * lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* dnzChrId
* chrIdReferred
* id
* cleId
* cleIdReferred
* creationDate
* createdBy
* isaAgreementId
* securityGroupId
* lastUpdatedBy
* chrId
* copiedOnlyYn
* objectVersionNumber


 * copiedOnlyYn
* lastUpdateDate
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* createdBy
* majorVersion
* id
* cleIdReferred
* objectVersionNumber
* dnzChrId
* securityGroupId
* isaAgreementId
* cleId
* chrId
* lastUpdatedBy
* chrIdReferred


 * copiedOnlyYn
* lastUpdateDate
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* createdBy
* majorVersion
* id
* cleIdReferred
* objectVersionNumber
* dnzChrId
* securityGroupId
* isaAgreementId
* cleId
* chrId
* lastUpdatedBy
* chrIdReferred


 * lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* dnzChrId
* chrIdReferred
* id
* cleId
* cleIdReferred
* creationDate
* createdBy
* isaAgreementId
* securityGroupId
* lastUpdatedBy
* chrId
* copiedOnlyYn
* objectVersionNumber


 * creationDate
* resourceId
* lastUpdateDate
* accessLevel
* id
* groupId
* lastUpdateLogin
* objectVersionNumber
* securityGroupId
* chrId
* createdBy
* lastUpdatedBy


 * objectVersionNumber
* lastUpdateLogin
* groupId
* accessLevel
* majorVersion
* creationDate
* createdBy
* lastUpdateDate
* id
* chrId
* lastUpdatedBy
* resourceId
* securityGroupId


 * objectVersionNumber
* lastUpdateLogin
* groupId
* accessLevel
* majorVersion
* creationDate
* createdBy
* lastUpdateDate
* id
* chrId
* lastUpdatedBy
* resourceId
* securityGroupId


 * creationDate
* resourceId
* lastUpdateDate
* accessLevel
* id
* groupId
* lastUpdateLogin
* objectVersionNumber
* securityGroupId
* chrId
* createdBy
* lastUpdatedBy


 * pk5Value
* cExtAttr20
* dExtAttr3
* cExtAttr1
* cExtAttr12
* cExtAttr19
* cExtAttr26
* cExtAttr38
* dExtAttr6
* cExtAttr28
* uomExtAttr1
* cExtAttr27
* nExtAttr2
* cExtAttr5
* nExtAttr4
* uomExtAttr11
* cExtAttr34
* nExtAttr9
* cExtAttr23
* attrGroupId
* pk4Value
* nExtAttr8
* uomExtAttr13
* catId
* uomExtAttr17
* uomExtAttr15
* cExtAttr3
* cExtAttr9
* dExtAttr10
* uomExtAttr3
* nExtAttr13
* cExtAttr24
* pk3Value
* cExtAttr33
* uomExtAttr16
* dExtAttr4
* nExtAttr6
* uomExtAttr2
* uomExtAttr18
* nExtAttr16
* nExtAttr7
* cExtAttr32
* nExtAttr11
* dExtAttr8
* cExtAttr39
* uomExtAttr8
* cExtAttr13
* cExtAttr17
* lastUpdateLogin
* nExtAttr1
* cExtAttr2
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* cExtAttr11
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* nExtAttr12
* classCode
* variableCode
* uomExtAttr4
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* cExtAttr35
* dExtAttr9
* cExtAttr10
* cExtAttr8
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* extensionId
* cExtAttr14
* cExtAttr16
* uomExtAttr10
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* cExtAttr22
* uomExtAttr12
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* createdBy
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* majorVersion
* nExtAttr20
* dataLevelId
* lastUpdatedBy
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* cExtAttr31
* cExtAttr36
* cExtAttr15
* cExtAttr29
* nExtAttr5
* uomExtAttr7
* dExtAttr1
* cExtAttr21
* cExtAttr6
* dExtAttr7
* cExtAttr18
* dExtAttr2
* cExtAttr30
* pk1Value
* pk2Value
* cExtAttr40
* uomExtAttr19


 * pk5Value
* cExtAttr20
* dExtAttr3
* cExtAttr1
* cExtAttr12
* cExtAttr19
* cExtAttr26
* cExtAttr38
* dExtAttr6
* cExtAttr28
* uomExtAttr1
* cExtAttr27
* nExtAttr2
* cExtAttr5
* nExtAttr4
* uomExtAttr11
* cExtAttr34
* nExtAttr9
* cExtAttr23
* attrGroupId
* pk4Value
* nExtAttr8
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* catId
* uomExtAttr17
* uomExtAttr15
* cExtAttr3
* cExtAttr9
* dExtAttr10
* uomExtAttr3
* nExtAttr13
* cExtAttr24
* pk3Value
* cExtAttr33
* uomExtAttr16
* dExtAttr4
* nExtAttr6
* uomExtAttr2
* uomExtAttr18
* nExtAttr16
* nExtAttr7
* cExtAttr32
* nExtAttr11
* dExtAttr8
* cExtAttr39
* uomExtAttr8
* cExtAttr13
* cExtAttr17
* lastUpdateLogin
* nExtAttr1
* cExtAttr2
* nExtAttr18
* cExtAttr11
* cExtAttr7
* nExtAttr19
* nExtAttr12
* classCode
* variableCode
* uomExtAttr4
* cExtAttr37
* cExtAttr4
* lastUpdateDate
* nExtAttr3
* nExtAttr15
* cExtAttr35
* dExtAttr9
* cExtAttr10
* cExtAttr8
* uomExtAttr14
* extensionId
* cExtAttr14
* cExtAttr16
* uomExtAttr10
* uomExtAttr6
* nExtAttr14
* dExtAttr5
* uomExtAttr9
* uomExtAttr20
* cExtAttr25
* cExtAttr22
* uomExtAttr12
* nExtAttr10
* nExtAttr17
* createdBy
* uomExtAttr5
* majorVersion
* nExtAttr20
* dataLevelId
* lastUpdatedBy
* creationDate
* cExtAttr31
* cExtAttr36
* cExtAttr15
* cExtAttr29
* nExtAttr5
* uomExtAttr7
* dExtAttr1
* cExtAttr21
* cExtAttr6
* dExtAttr7
* cExtAttr18
* dExtAttr2
* cExtAttr30
* pk1Value
* pk2Value
* cExtAttr40
* uomExtAttr19


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* cExtAttr32
* cExtAttr17
* createdBy
* cExtAttr21
* cExtAttr37
* uomExtAttr3
* uomExtAttr11
* cExtAttr9
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* uomExtAttr5
* nExtAttr10
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* nExtAttr9
* majorVersion
* pk2Value
* cExtAttr16
* catId
* dataLevelId
* cExtAttr19
* pk5Value
* uomExtAttr20
* dExtAttr4
* dExtAttr1
* cExtAttr6
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* uomExtAttr6
* cExtAttr27
* cExtAttr40
* nExtAttr17
* cExtAttr22
* dExtAttr6
* cExtAttr35
* uomExtAttr7
* uomExtAttr15
* nExtAttr2
* nExtAttr12
* pk1Value
* cExtAttr18
* nExtAttr11
* uomExtAttr4
* uomExtAttr14
* attrGroupId
* cExtAttr23
* cExtAttr36
* cExtAttr1
* uomExtAttr9
* cExtAttr25
* cExtAttr29
* extensionId
* cExtAttr28
* pk3Value
* cExtAttr34
* uomExtAttr16
* cExtAttr14
* cExtAttr10
* lastUpdateDate
* uomExtAttr12
* cExtAttr7
* cExtAttr15
* dExtAttr9
* cExtAttr8
* cExtAttr31
* nExtAttr7
* nExtAttr5
* nExtAttr13
* uomExtAttr8
* cExtAttr5
* uomExtAttr10
* nExtAttr14
* cExtAttr24
* nExtAttr15
* uomExtAttr1
* lastUpdatedBy
* dExtAttr8
* nExtAttr1
* nExtAttr19
* cExtAttr38
* dExtAttr2
* cExtAttr2
* variableCode
* creationDate
* nExtAttr18
* uomExtAttr18
* uomExtAttr13
* cExtAttr4
* nExtAttr4
* cExtAttr30
* cExtAttr33
* lastUpdateLogin
* cExtAttr39
* uomExtAttr2
* cExtAttr3
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* cExtAttr12
* uomExtAttr19
* cExtAttr13
* nExtAttr6
* dExtAttr10
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* dExtAttr7
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* cExtAttr26
* cExtAttr20
* nExtAttr3


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* cExtAttr32
* cExtAttr17
* createdBy
* cExtAttr21
* cExtAttr37
* uomExtAttr3
* uomExtAttr11
* cExtAttr9
* nExtAttr16
* uomExtAttr5
* nExtAttr10
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* nExtAttr9
* majorVersion
* pk2Value
* cExtAttr16
* catId
* dataLevelId
* cExtAttr19
* pk5Value
* uomExtAttr20
* dExtAttr4
* dExtAttr1
* cExtAttr6
* nExtAttr8
* uomExtAttr17
* uomExtAttr6
* cExtAttr27
* cExtAttr40
* nExtAttr17
* cExtAttr22
* dExtAttr6
* cExtAttr35
* uomExtAttr7
* uomExtAttr15
* nExtAttr2
* nExtAttr12
* pk1Value
* cExtAttr18
* nExtAttr11
* uomExtAttr4
* uomExtAttr14
* attrGroupId
* cExtAttr23
* cExtAttr36
* cExtAttr1
* uomExtAttr9
* cExtAttr25
* cExtAttr29
* extensionId
* cExtAttr28
* pk3Value
* cExtAttr34
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* cExtAttr14
* cExtAttr10
* lastUpdateDate
* uomExtAttr12
* cExtAttr7
* cExtAttr15
* dExtAttr9
* cExtAttr8
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* nExtAttr15
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* dExtAttr8
* nExtAttr1
* nExtAttr19
* cExtAttr38
* dExtAttr2
* cExtAttr2
* variableCode
* creationDate
* nExtAttr18
* uomExtAttr18
* uomExtAttr13
* cExtAttr4
* nExtAttr4
* cExtAttr30
* cExtAttr33
* lastUpdateLogin
* cExtAttr39
* uomExtAttr2
* cExtAttr3
* cExtAttr11
* cExtAttr12
* uomExtAttr19
* cExtAttr13
* nExtAttr6
* dExtAttr10
* pk4Value
* dExtAttr7
* dExtAttr3
* cExtAttr26
* cExtAttr20
* nExtAttr3


 * tlExtAttr40
* tlExtAttr19
* tlExtAttr26
* tlExtAttr20
* tlExtAttr17
* attrGroupId
* tlExtAttr13
* tlExtAttr38
* tlExtAttr32
* tlExtAttr2
* createdBy
* tlExtAttr36
* tlExtAttr30
* creationDate
* catId
* language
* tlExtAttr37
* tlExtAttr5
* dataLevelId
* tlExtAttr3
* tlExtAttr24
* tlExtAttr34
* tlExtAttr12
* tlExtAttr18
* variableCode
* tlExtAttr14
* tlExtAttr29
* tlExtAttr27
* tlExtAttr7
* tlExtAttr35
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* tlExtAttr10
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* tlExtAttr23
* tlExtAttr31
* tlExtAttr33
* lastUpdateDate
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* extensionId
* sourceLang
* tlExtAttr1
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* tlExtAttr16
* tlExtAttr39
* tlExtAttr6
* tlExtAttr9
* tlExtAttr11
* tlExtAttr22
* tlExtAttr28
* majorVersion
* tlExtAttr4
* tlExtAttr21
* classCode
* lastUpdatedBy


 * tlExtAttr40
* tlExtAttr19
* tlExtAttr26
* tlExtAttr20
* tlExtAttr17
* attrGroupId
* tlExtAttr13
* tlExtAttr38
* tlExtAttr32
* tlExtAttr2
* createdBy
* tlExtAttr36
* tlExtAttr30
* creationDate
* catId
* language
* tlExtAttr37
* tlExtAttr5
* dataLevelId
* tlExtAttr3
* tlExtAttr24
* tlExtAttr34
* tlExtAttr12
* tlExtAttr18
* variableCode
* tlExtAttr14
* tlExtAttr29
* tlExtAttr27
* tlExtAttr7
* tlExtAttr35
* tlExtAttr8
* tlExtAttr10
* tlExtAttr15
* tlExtAttr23
* tlExtAttr31
* tlExtAttr33
* lastUpdateDate
* tlExtAttr25
* extensionId
* sourceLang
* tlExtAttr1
* lastUpdateLogin
* tlExtAttr16
* tlExtAttr39
* tlExtAttr6
* tlExtAttr9
* tlExtAttr11
* tlExtAttr22
* tlExtAttr28
* majorVersion
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* classCode
* lastUpdatedBy


 * dataLevelId
* tlExtAttr16
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* phAdjustment
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* serviceItemYn
* phQpReferenceId
* creationDate
* configValidYn
* attribute13
* origSystemReference1
* itemToPriceYn
* cleIdRenewed
* lseId
* priceListLineId
* priceType
* origSystemSourceCode
* dnzChrId
* securityGroupId
* chrId
* shipToSiteUseId
* programId
* phEnforcePriceListYn
* exceptionYn
* attribute7
* attribute15
* dpasRating
* lastUpdatedBy
* upgOrigSystemRefId
* configTopModelLineId
* startDate
* priceNegotiated
* attribute3
* lastUpdateDate
* attributeCategory
* programApplicationId
* trnCode
* dateRenewed
* origSystemId1
* upgOrigSystemRef
* lastUpdateLogin
* phMinAmt
* lineListPrice
* id
* configHeaderId
* phValue
* annualizedFactor
* invRuleId
* priceLevelInd
* attribute4
* attribute10
* custAcctId
* phPricingType
* cancelledAmount
* priceNegotiatedRenewed
* attribute1
* phMinQty
* displaySequence
* requestId
* currencyCode
* attribute6
* cleIdRenewedTo
* lineNumber
* attribute9
* priceListId
* createdBy
* paymentInstructionType
* attribute11
* pricingDate
* templateUsed
* configRevisionNumber
* phPriceBreakBasis


 * attribute2
* paymentTermId
* termCancelSource
* attribute5
* hiddenInd
* configCompleteYn
* objectVersionNumber
* dateTerminated
* priceUnit
* phIntegratedWithQp
* endDate
* billToSiteUseId
* lineRenewalTypeCode
* priceUnitPercent
* priceBasisYn
* stsCode
* attribute14
* dateCancelled
* configItemType
* attribute12
* programUpdateDate
* currencyCodeRenewed
* invoiceLineLevelInd
* attribute8
* configItemId
* phAdjustment
* cleId
* serviceItemYn
* phQpReferenceId
* creationDate
* configValidYn
* attribute13
* origSystemReference1
* itemToPriceYn
* cleIdRenewed
* lseId
* priceListLineId
* priceType
* origSystemSourceCode
* dnzChrId
* securityGroupId
* chrId
* shipToSiteUseId
* programId
* phEnforcePriceListYn
* exceptionYn
* attribute7
* attribute15
* dpasRating
* lastUpdatedBy
* upgOrigSystemRefId
* configTopModelLineId
* startDate
* priceNegotiated
* attribute3
* lastUpdateDate
* attributeCategory
* programApplicationId
* trnCode
* dateRenewed
* origSystemId1
* upgOrigSystemRef
* lastUpdateLogin
* phMinAmt
* lineListPrice
* id
* configHeaderId
* phValue
* annualizedFactor
* invRuleId
* priceLevelInd
* attribute4
* attribute10
* custAcctId
* phPricingType
* cancelledAmount
* priceNegotiatedRenewed
* attribute1
* phMinQty
* displaySequence
* requestId
* currencyCode
* attribute6
* cleIdRenewedTo
* lineNumber
* attribute9
* priceListId
* createdBy
* paymentInstructionType
* attribute11
* pricingDate
* templateUsed
* configRevisionNumber
* phPriceBreakBasis


 * custAcctId
* uomCode
* lineNumber
* dnzChrId
* priceUnit
* cleIdRenewedTo
* programUpdateDate
* configCompleteYn
* phIntegratedWithQp
* lineListPrice
* dateTerminated
* origSystemSourceCode
* attribute1
* programId
* serviceItemYn
* securityGroupId
* requestId
* phMinQty
* attribute15
* configTopModelLineId
* trnCode
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute13
* dateCancelled
* invoiceLineLevelInd
* lseId
* attribute4
* upgOrigSystemRef
* priceType
* objectVersionNumber
* configItemType
* attribute14
* attribute5
* configValidYn
* upgOrigSystemRefId
* attribute9
* exceptionYn
* configItemId
* phPricingType
* attribute12
* phQpReferenceId
* dateRenewed
* priceListLineId
* cleIdRenewed
* origSystemReference1
* priceNegotiated
* phMinAmt
* shipToSiteUseId
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute6
* lastUpdateLogin
* cleId
* paymentTermId
* origSystemId1
* annualizedFactor
* priceListId
* displaySequence
* phEnforcePriceListYn
* priceUnitPercent
* endDate
* attribute10
* configHeaderId
* phPriceBreakBasis
* phAdjustment
* attribute11
* cancelledAmount
* currencyCodeRenewed
* invRuleId
* majorVersion
* hiddenInd
* currencyCode
* priceBasisYn
* attribute3
* attribute7
* billToSiteUseId
* paymentInstructionType
* priceLevelInd
* pricingDate
* attribute2
* attributeCategory
* phValue
* templateUsed
* chrId
* stsCode
* lineRenewalTypeCode
* createdBy
* startDate
* itemToPriceYn
* priceNegotiatedRenewed
* programApplicationId
* id
* attribute8
* termCancelSource
* creationDate
* dpasRating
* configRevisionNumber


 * custAcctId
* uomCode
* lineNumber
* dnzChrId
* priceUnit
* cleIdRenewedTo
* programUpdateDate
* configCompleteYn
* phIntegratedWithQp
* lineListPrice
* dateTerminated
* origSystemSourceCode
* attribute1
* programId
* serviceItemYn
* securityGroupId
* requestId
* phMinQty
* attribute15
* configTopModelLineId
* trnCode
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute13
* dateCancelled
* invoiceLineLevelInd
* lseId
* attribute4
* upgOrigSystemRef
* priceType
* objectVersionNumber
* configItemType
* attribute14
* attribute5
* configValidYn
* upgOrigSystemRefId
* attribute9
* exceptionYn
* configItemId
* phPricingType
* attribute12
* phQpReferenceId
* dateRenewed
* priceListLineId
* cleIdRenewed
* origSystemReference1
* priceNegotiated
* phMinAmt
* shipToSiteUseId
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute6
* lastUpdateLogin
* cleId
* paymentTermId
* origSystemId1
* annualizedFactor
* priceListId
* displaySequence
* phEnforcePriceListYn
* priceUnitPercent
* endDate
* attribute10
* configHeaderId
* phPriceBreakBasis
* phAdjustment
* attribute11
* cancelledAmount
* currencyCodeRenewed
* invRuleId
* majorVersion
* hiddenInd
* currencyCode
* priceBasisYn
* attribute3
* attribute7
* billToSiteUseId
* paymentInstructionType
* priceLevelInd
* pricingDate
* attribute2
* attributeCategory
* phValue
* templateUsed
* chrId
* stsCode
* lineRenewalTypeCode
* createdBy
* startDate
* itemToPriceYn
* priceNegotiatedRenewed
* programApplicationId
* id
* attribute8
* termCancelSource
* creationDate
* dpasRating
* configRevisionNumber


 * creationDate
* okeBoeDescription
* securityGroupId
* sfwtFlag
* block23text
* lastUpdatedBy
* sourceLang
* id
* name
* lastUpdateDate
* cognomen
* comments
* lastUpdateLogin
* createdBy
* itemDescription
* language


 * creationDate
* okeBoeDescription
* securityGroupId
* sfwtFlag
* block23text
* lastUpdatedBy
* sourceLang
* id
* name
* lastUpdateDate
* cognomen
* comments
* lastUpdateLogin
* createdBy
* itemDescription
* language


 * lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* sfwtFlag
* okeBoeDescription
* majorVersion
* language
* comments
* securityGroupId
* lastUpdateLogin
* itemDescription
* cognomen
* creationDate
* sourceLang
* createdBy
* id
* name
* block23text


 * lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* sfwtFlag
* okeBoeDescription
* majorVersion
* language
* comments
* securityGroupId
* lastUpdateLogin
* itemDescription
* cognomen
* creationDate
* sourceLang
* createdBy
* id
* name
* block23text


 * code
* minorityGroupLookupCode
* attribute3
* chrId
* attribute10
* object1Id1
* jtotObject1Code
* attribute6
* securityGroupId
* object1Id2
* attribute12
* lastUpdateLogin
* id
* lastUpdatedBy
* facility
* origSystemSourceCode
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute8
* attribute9
* attribute11
* attribute2
* dnzChrId
* attribute15
* cleId
* billToSiteUseId
* custAcctId
* attribute5
* objectVersionNumber
* origSystemId1
* origSystemReference1
* attribute7
* attribute14
* attributeCategory
* rleCode
* smallBusinessFlag
* primaryYn
* attribute13
* createdBy
* attribute1
* womenOwnedFlag
* cplId
* attribute4
* creationDate


 * code
* minorityGroupLookupCode
* attribute3
* chrId
* attribute10
* object1Id1
* jtotObject1Code
* attribute6
* securityGroupId
* object1Id2
* attribute12
* lastUpdateLogin
* id
* lastUpdatedBy
* facility
* origSystemSourceCode
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute8
* attribute9
* attribute11
* attribute2
* dnzChrId
* attribute15
* cleId
* billToSiteUseId
* custAcctId
* attribute5
* objectVersionNumber
* origSystemId1
* origSystemReference1
* attribute7
* attribute14
* attributeCategory
* rleCode
* smallBusinessFlag
* primaryYn
* attribute13
* createdBy
* attribute1
* womenOwnedFlag
* cplId
* attribute4
* creationDate


 * chrId
* jtotObject1Code
* attribute6
* dnzChrId
* attribute15
* attribute8
* securityGroupId
* object1Id1
* attributeCategory
* attribute12
* creationDate
* womenOwnedFlag
* lastUpdateLogin
* facility
* cplId
* attribute14
* attribute4
* billToSiteUseId
* attribute5
* code
* cleId
* attribute2
* smallBusinessFlag
* objectVersionNumber
* lastUpdatedBy
* id
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute1
* minorityGroupLookupCode
* custAcctId
* attribute9
* primaryYn
* attribute7
* object1Id2
* attribute11
* attribute3
* attribute13
* attribute10
* rleCode
* createdBy
* majorVersion


 * chrId
* jtotObject1Code
* attribute6
* dnzChrId
* attribute15
* attribute8
* securityGroupId
* object1Id1
* attributeCategory
* attribute12
* creationDate
* womenOwnedFlag
* lastUpdateLogin
* facility
* cplId
* attribute14
* attribute4
* billToSiteUseId
* attribute5
* code
* cleId
* attribute2
* smallBusinessFlag
* objectVersionNumber
* lastUpdatedBy
* id
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute1
* minorityGroupLookupCode
* custAcctId
* attribute9
* primaryYn
* attribute7
* object1Id2
* attribute11
* attribute3
* attribute13
* attribute10
* rleCode
* createdBy
* majorVersion


 * createdBy
* creationDate
* sfwtFlag
* alias
* cognomen
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* id
* securityGroupId
* language
* lastUpdatedBy
* sourceLang


 * createdBy
* creationDate
* sfwtFlag
* alias
* cognomen
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* id
* securityGroupId
* language
* lastUpdatedBy
* sourceLang


 * language
* lastUpdatedBy
* id
* alias
* lastUpdateLogin
* createdBy
* securityGroupId
* majorVersion
* sfwtFlag
* sourceLang
* lastUpdateDate
* cognomen
* creationDate


 * language
* lastUpdatedBy
* id
* alias
* lastUpdateLogin
* createdBy
* securityGroupId
* majorVersion
* sfwtFlag
* sourceLang
* lastUpdateDate
* cognomen
* creationDate


 * pdfId
* attribute11
* attribute1
* attribute9
* attribute14
* chrId
* id
* attribute8
* createdBy
* crtId
* attribute4
* attribute7
* attribute13
* attribute15
* attribute10
* attribute2
* attribute3
* objectVersionNumber
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute12
* attribute6
* attributeCategory
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* securityGroupId
* processId
* attribute5
* inProcessYn
* userId
* lastUpdateDate


 * attributeCategory
* attribute6
* chrId
* objectVersionNumber
* attribute4
* userId
* attribute5
* attribute8
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute12
* lastUpdateDate
* id
* attribute13
* createdBy
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute11
* crtId
* attribute9
* pdfId
* attribute15
* processId
* attribute7
* creationDate
* attribute10
* attribute14
* majorVersion
* inProcessYn
* attribute2
* attribute1
* attribute3
* securityGroupId


 * attributeCategory
* attribute6
* chrId
* objectVersionNumber
* attribute4
* userId
* attribute5
* attribute8
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute12
* lastUpdateDate
* id
* attribute13
* createdBy
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute11
* crtId
* attribute9
* pdfId
* attribute15
* processId
* attribute7
* creationDate
* attribute10
* attribute14
* majorVersion
* inProcessYn
* attribute2
* attribute1
* attribute3
* securityGroupId


 * pdfId
* attribute11
* attribute1
* attribute9
* attribute14
* chrId
* id
* attribute8
* createdBy
* crtId
* attribute4
* attribute7
* attribute13
* attribute15
* attribute10
* attribute2
* attribute3
* objectVersionNumber
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute12
* attribute6
* attributeCategory
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* securityGroupId
* processId
* attribute5
* inProcessYn
* userId
* lastUpdateDate


 * lastUpdateLogin
* attribute6
* attribute14
* attribute4
* attributeCategory
* attribute5
* attribute15
* object1Id2
* objectVersionNumber
* attribute8
* chrId
* rtyCode
* attribute2
* attribute12
* cleId
* id
* createdBy
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute3
* attribute1
* jtotObject1Code
* creationDate
* attribute9
* attribute13
* attribute7
* securityGroupId
* attribute11
* object1Id1
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute10


 * lastUpdateLogin
* attribute6
* attribute14
* attribute4
* attributeCategory
* attribute5
* attribute15
* object1Id2
* objectVersionNumber
* attribute8
* chrId
* rtyCode
* attribute2
* attribute12
* cleId
* id
* createdBy
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute3
* attribute1
* jtotObject1Code
* creationDate
* attribute9
* attribute13
* attribute7
* securityGroupId
* attribute11
* object1Id1
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute10


 * securityGroupId
* salesrepId1
* id
* createdBy
* dnzChrId
* salesrepId2
* creationDate
* salesCreditTypeId1
* salesCreditTypeId2
* chrId
* objectVersionNumber
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateDate
* percent
* cleId


 * percent
* salesCreditTypeId1
* salesrepId1
* createdBy
* objectVersionNumber
* salesCreditTypeId2
* securityGroupId
* salesrepId2
* creationDate
* id
* cleId
* majorVersion
* dnzChrId
* lastUpdatedBy
* chrId
* lastUpdateDate


 * percent
* salesCreditTypeId1
* salesrepId1
* createdBy
* objectVersionNumber
* salesCreditTypeId2
* securityGroupId
* salesrepId2
* creationDate
* id
* cleId
* majorVersion
* dnzChrId
* lastUpdatedBy
* chrId
* lastUpdateDate


 * securityGroupId
* salesrepId1
* id
* createdBy
* dnzChrId
* salesrepId2
* creationDate
* salesCreditTypeId1
* salesCreditTypeId2
* chrId
* objectVersionNumber
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateDate
* percent
* cleId


 * pdfId
* manualOverrideYn
* siteYn
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdatedBy
* objectVersionNumber
* creationDate
* lineCode
* userFunctionYn
* securityGroupId
* bgOuNone
* createdBy
* clsScsNone


 * pdfId
* manualOverrideYn
* siteYn
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdatedBy
* objectVersionNumber
* creationDate
* lineCode
* userFunctionYn
* securityGroupId
* bgOuNone
* createdBy
* clsScsNone


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* contractNumberPrefix
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* lastUpdateLogin
* endSeqNo
* operatingUnitId
* scsCode
* lastUpdateDate
* clsCode
* objectVersionNumber
* lineCode
* createdBy
* businessGroupId
* creationDate
* manualOverrideYn
* id
* lastUpdatedBy
* securityGroupId
* contractNumberSuffix
* numberFormatLength


 * docSequenceId
* contractNumberPrefix
* startSeqNo
* lastUpdateLogin
* endSeqNo
* operatingUnitId
* scsCode
* lastUpdateDate
* clsCode
* objectVersionNumber
* lineCode
* createdBy
* businessGroupId
* creationDate
* manualOverrideYn
* id
* lastUpdatedBy
* securityGroupId
* contractNumberSuffix
* numberFormatLength


 * createdBy
* objectVersionNumber
* securityGroupId
* chrId
* minorVersion
* lastUpdateLogin
* creationDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateDate
* majorVersion


 * majorVersion
* lastUpdatedBy
* chrId
* createdBy
* objectVersionNumber
* securityGroupId
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* minorVersion
* lastUpdateDate


 * majorVersion
* lastUpdatedBy
* chrId
* createdBy
* objectVersionNumber
* securityGroupId
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* minorVersion
* lastUpdateDate


 * createdBy
* objectVersionNumber
* securityGroupId
* chrId
* minorVersion
* lastUpdateLogin
* creationDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateDate
* majorVersion


 * reportId
* reportDate
* contractHeaderRowid


 * reportId
* reportDate
* contractHeaderRowid


 * newValue
* createdBy
* id
* lastUpdatedBy
* objectVersionNumber
* creationDate
* oleId
* attributeName
* securityGroupId
* lastUpdateLogin
* oieId
* oldValue
* lastUpdateDate


 * newValue
* createdBy
* id
* lastUpdatedBy
* objectVersionNumber
* creationDate
* oleId
* attributeName
* securityGroupId
* lastUpdateLogin
* oieId
* oldValue
* lastUpdateDate


 * documentType
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* documentNumber
* articleEffectiveDate
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* origSystemReferenceCode
* lockedByUserId
* validConfigYn
* origSystemReferenceId1
* creationDate
* lockTermsFlag
* templateId
* configRevisionNumber
* objectVersionNumber
* primaryTemplate
* documentId
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdateDate
* docNumberingScheme
* createdBy
* origSystemReferenceId2


 * documentType
* lastUpdatedBy
* documentNumber
* articleEffectiveDate
* configHeaderId
* origSystemReferenceCode
* lockedByUserId
* validConfigYn
* origSystemReferenceId1
* creationDate
* lockTermsFlag
* templateId
* configRevisionNumber
* objectVersionNumber
* primaryTemplate
* documentId
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdateDate
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* createdBy
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 * id
* docId
* action
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* docId
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* docType
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* lastUpdateDate
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* id
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* programId
* copId
* targetChrId
* statusCode
* programApplicationId
* name
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* batchId
* objectVersionNumber


 * programUpdateDate
* createdBy
* requestId
* creationDate
* lastUpdateDate
* jtotObject1Code
* object1Id2
* id
* object1Id1
* securityGroupId
* programId
* copId
* targetChrId
* statusCode
* programApplicationId
* name
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* batchId
* objectVersionNumber


 * createdBy
* programUpdateDate
* objectVersionNumber
* selectYn
* securityGroupId
* lastUpdateLogin
* activeYn
* messageCode
* parentOleId
* lastUpdatedBy
* objectChrId
* subjectCleId
* programId
* creationDate
* id
* processFlag
* lastUpdateDate
* objectCleId
* requestId
* subjectChrId
* programApplicationId
* oieId


 * createdBy
* programUpdateDate
* objectVersionNumber
* selectYn
* securityGroupId
* lastUpdateLogin
* activeYn
* messageCode
* parentOleId
* lastUpdatedBy
* objectChrId
* subjectCleId
* programId
* creationDate
* id
* processFlag
* lastUpdateDate
* objectCleId
* requestId
* subjectChrId
* programApplicationId
* oieId


 * code
* purpose
* zdEditionName
* opnType
* securityGroupId
* lastUpdateLogin
* objectVersionNumber
* createdBy
* lastUpdatedBy
* creationDate
* zdSync
* lastUpdateDate


 * code
* purpose
* zdEditionName
* opnType
* securityGroupId
* lastUpdateLogin
* objectVersionNumber
* createdBy
* lastUpdatedBy
* creationDate
* zdSync
* lastUpdateDate


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* language
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* zdSync
* zdEditionName
* opnType
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* meaning
* description
* code
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy


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* sfwtFlag
* language
* sourceLang
* zdSync
* zdEditionName
* opnType
* creationDate
* createdBy
* securityGroupId
* meaning
* description
* code
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy


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* lastUpdateDate
* objectVersionNumber
* zdSync
* createdBy
* pdpId
* dnzChrId
* securityGroupId
* seededFlag
* lastUpdateLogin
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* lastUpdatedBy
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* aaeId
* value
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* oceId
* lastUpdatedBy
* aaeId
* value
* pdpId
* applicationId
* securityGroupId
* majorVersion
* createdBy
* id
* objectVersionNumber
* seededFlag
* creationDate
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin


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* oceId
* lastUpdatedBy
* aaeId
* value
* pdpId
* applicationId
* securityGroupId
* majorVersion
* createdBy
* id
* objectVersionNumber
* seededFlag
* creationDate
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin


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* creationDate
* lastUpdateDate
* objectVersionNumber
* zdSync
* createdBy
* pdpId
* dnzChrId
* securityGroupId
* seededFlag
* lastUpdateLogin
* oceId
* lastUpdatedBy
* applicationId
* aaeId
* value
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* lastUpdateDate
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* objectVersionNumber
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* securityGroupId
* attributeCategory
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* successResourceId
* cnhId
* applicationId
* attribute3
* createdBy
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* failureResourceId
* creationDate
* zdEditionName
* attribute6
* dnzChrId
* pdfId
* attribute2
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* attribute9
* id
* attribute10
* seededFlag


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* enabledYn
* createdBy
* dnzChrId
* attribute10
* attribute14
* lastUpdateDate
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* attributeCategory
* attribute15
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute5
* applicationId
* creationDate
* attribute3
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* attribute12
* attribute4
* attribute1
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* successResourceId
* attribute2
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* attribute8
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* sourceLang
* zdEditionName
* creationDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
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* createdBy
* zdSync
* securityGroupId
* sfwtFlag


 * language
* sourceLang
* zdEditionName
* creationDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* comments
* id
* createdBy
* zdSync
* securityGroupId
* sfwtFlag


 * creationDate
* lastUpdateDate
* sfwtFlag
* securityGroupId
* id
* sourceLang
* language
* lastUpdateLogin
* majorVersion
* createdBy
* lastUpdatedBy
* comments


 * creationDate
* lastUpdateDate
* sfwtFlag
* securityGroupId
* id
* sourceLang
* language
* lastUpdateLogin
* majorVersion
* createdBy
* lastUpdatedBy
* comments


 * pricingType
* shipToLocationId
* cleId
* shipToOrganizationId
* startDate
* securityGroupId
* valueTo
* objectVersionNumber
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdatedBy
* integratedWithQp
* qpReferenceId
* programUpdateDate
* programId
* creationDate
* endDate
* value
* id
* requestId
* programApplicationId
* valueFrom
* createdBy
* lastUpdateDate


 * valueFrom
* endDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* majorVersion
* lastUpdateDate
* securityGroupId
* lastUpdatedBy
* shipToOrganizationId
* value
* integratedWithQp
* qpReferenceId
* createdBy
* programUpdateDate
* shipToLocationId
* id
* programId
* requestId
* startDate
* creationDate
* objectVersionNumber
* programApplicationId
* cleId
* pricingType
* valueTo


 * valueFrom
* endDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* majorVersion
* lastUpdateDate
* securityGroupId
* lastUpdatedBy
* shipToOrganizationId
* value
* integratedWithQp
* qpReferenceId
* createdBy
* programUpdateDate
* shipToLocationId
* id
* programId
* requestId
* startDate
* creationDate
* objectVersionNumber
* programApplicationId
* cleId
* pricingType
* valueTo


 * pricingType
* shipToLocationId
* cleId
* shipToOrganizationId
* startDate
* securityGroupId
* valueTo
* objectVersionNumber
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdatedBy
* integratedWithQp
* qpReferenceId
* programUpdateDate
* programId
* creationDate
* endDate
* value
* id
* requestId
* programApplicationId
* valueFrom
* createdBy
* lastUpdateDate


 * objectVersionNumber
* id
* createdBy
* patIdFrom
* programUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* bclId
* lastUpdateDate
* patId
* creationDate
* requestId
* cleId
* programId
* programApplicationId
* bslId
* lastUpdateLogin
* securityGroupId


 * bclId
* objectVersionNumber
* securityGroupId
* majorVersion
* id
* lastUpdateDate
* programUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* patId
* creationDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* programApplicationId
* requestId
* programId
* patIdFrom
* bslId
* cleId
* createdBy


 * bclId
* objectVersionNumber
* securityGroupId
* majorVersion
* id
* lastUpdateDate
* programUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* patId
* creationDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* programApplicationId
* requestId
* programId
* patIdFrom
* bslId
* cleId
* createdBy


 * objectVersionNumber
* id
* createdBy
* patIdFrom
* programUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* bclId
* lastUpdateDate
* patId
* creationDate
* requestId
* cleId
* programId
* programApplicationId
* bslId
* lastUpdateLogin
* securityGroupId


 * programApplicationId
* pricingAttrValueTo
* programId
* createdBy
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* securityGroupId
* creationDate
* flexTitle
* objectVersionNumber
* pricingAttribute
* programUpdateDate
* pricingContext
* lastUpdateDate
* requestId
* comparisonOperator
* id
* patId
* pricingAttrValueFrom


 * programId
* id
* pricingAttrValueFrom
* majorVersion
* pricingContext
* pricingAttribute
* createdBy
* comparisonOperator
* lastUpdateDate
* programApplicationId
* programUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* securityGroupId
* flexTitle
* creationDate
* patId
* objectVersionNumber
* lastUpdateLogin
* pricingAttrValueTo
* requestId


 * programId
* id
* pricingAttrValueFrom
* majorVersion
* pricingContext
* pricingAttribute
* createdBy
* comparisonOperator
* lastUpdateDate
* programApplicationId
* programUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* securityGroupId
* flexTitle
* creationDate
* patId
* objectVersionNumber
* lastUpdateLogin
* pricingAttrValueTo
* requestId


 * programApplicationId
* pricingAttrValueTo
* programId
* createdBy
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* securityGroupId
* creationDate
* flexTitle
* objectVersionNumber
* pricingAttribute
* programUpdateDate
* pricingContext
* lastUpdateDate
* requestId
* comparisonOperator
* id
* patId
* pricingAttrValueFrom


 * id
* benefitUomCode
* lastUpdatedBy
* listLineNo
* lastUpdateDate
* requestId
* chargeSubtypeCode
* arithmeticOperator
* estimatedFlag
* patId
* sourceSystemCode
* pricingGroupSequence
* listLineTypeCode
* lastUpdateLogin
* listLineId
* attribute3
* attribute14
* modifierLevelCode
* priceBreakTypeCode
* changeReasonCode
* attribute12
* attribute7
* substitutionAttribute
* listHeaderId
* expirationDate
* updatedFlag
* attribute13
* attribute8
* attribute11
* securityGroupId
* changeReasonText
* programApplicationId
* attribute5
* adjustedAmount
* appliedFlag
* pricingPhaseId
* accrualFlag
* attribute1
* creationDate
* attribute10
* accrualConversionRate
* modifiedTo
* modifierMechanismTypeCode
* context
* modifiedFrom
* attribute4
* programUpdateDate
* objectVersionNumber
* chargeTypeCode
* attribute9
* attribute2
* attribute6
* includeOnReturnsFlag
* chrId
* createdBy
* benefitQty
* programId
* attribute15
* bslId
* updateAllowed
* onInvoiceFlag
* rebateTransactionTypeCode
* automaticFlag
* prorationTypeCode
* bclId
* cleId
* rangeBreakQuantity
* operand


 * lastUpdateDate
* modifierLevelCode
* id
* chrId
* attribute10
* substitutionAttribute
* updatedFlag
* accrualFlag
* onInvoiceFlag
* listHeaderId
* attribute12
* programUpdateDate
* appliedFlag
* majorVersion
* createdBy
* benefitUomCode
* cleId
* updateAllowed
* objectVersionNumber
* attribute8
* bslId
* attribute6
* prorationTypeCode
* changeReasonCode
* bclId
* estimatedFlag
* modifiedFrom
* attribute11
* expirationDate
* rangeBreakQuantity
* listLineId
* pricingPhaseId
* sourceSystemCode
* adjustedAmount
* lastUpdatedBy
* listLineNo
* attribute15
* chargeTypeCode
* attribute14
* requestId
* creationDate
* patId
* arithmeticOperator
* attribute3
* context
* attribute9
* modifierMechanismTypeCode
* attribute4
* programId
* attribute5
* automaticFlag
* priceBreakTypeCode
* chargeSubtypeCode
* operand
* listLineTypeCode
* attribute2
* includeOnReturnsFlag
* pricingGroupSequence
* benefitQty
* changeReasonText
* rebateTransactionTypeCode
* attribute7
* modifiedTo
* accrualConversionRate
* attribute1
* attribute13
* lastUpdateLogin
* securityGroupId
* programApplicationId


 * lastUpdateDate
* modifierLevelCode
* id
* chrId
* attribute10
* substitutionAttribute
* updatedFlag
* accrualFlag
* onInvoiceFlag
* listHeaderId
* attribute12
* programUpdateDate
* appliedFlag
* majorVersion
* createdBy
* benefitUomCode
* cleId
* updateAllowed
* objectVersionNumber
* attribute8
* bslId
* attribute6
* prorationTypeCode
* changeReasonCode
* bclId
* estimatedFlag
* modifiedFrom
* attribute11
* expirationDate
* rangeBreakQuantity
* listLineId
* pricingPhaseId
* sourceSystemCode
* adjustedAmount
* lastUpdatedBy
* listLineNo
* attribute15
* chargeTypeCode
* attribute14
* requestId
* creationDate
* patId
* arithmeticOperator
* attribute3
* context
* attribute9
* modifierMechanismTypeCode
* attribute4
* programId
* attribute5
* automaticFlag
* priceBreakTypeCode
* chargeSubtypeCode
* operand
* listLineTypeCode
* attribute2
* includeOnReturnsFlag
* pricingGroupSequence
* benefitQty
* changeReasonText
* rebateTransactionTypeCode
* attribute7
* modifiedTo
* accrualConversionRate
* attribute1
* attribute13
* lastUpdateLogin
* securityGroupId
* programApplicationId


 * id
* benefitUomCode
* lastUpdatedBy
* listLineNo
* lastUpdateDate
* requestId
* chargeSubtypeCode
* arithmeticOperator
* estimatedFlag
* patId
* sourceSystemCode
* pricingGroupSequence
* listLineTypeCode
* lastUpdateLogin
* listLineId
* attribute3
* attribute14
* modifierLevelCode
* priceBreakTypeCode
* changeReasonCode
* attribute12
* attribute7
* substitutionAttribute
* listHeaderId
* expirationDate
* updatedFlag
* attribute13
* attribute8
* attribute11
* securityGroupId
* changeReasonText
* programApplicationId
* attribute5
* adjustedAmount
* appliedFlag
* pricingPhaseId
* accrualFlag
* attribute1
* creationDate
* attribute10
* accrualConversionRate
* modifiedTo
* modifierMechanismTypeCode
* context
* modifiedFrom
* attribute4
* programUpdateDate
* objectVersionNumber
* chargeTypeCode
* attribute9
* attribute2
* attribute6
* includeOnReturnsFlag
* chrId
* createdBy
* benefitQty
* programId
* attribute15
* bslId
* updateAllowed
* onInvoiceFlag
* rebateTransactionTypeCode
* automaticFlag
* prorationTypeCode
* bclId
* cleId
* rangeBreakQuantity
* operand


 * pricingAttribute88
* pricingAttribute66
* pricingAttribute8
* pricingAttribute13
* pricingAttribute36
* pricingAttribute22
* qualifierAttribute51
* qualifierAttribute89
* pricingAttribute93
* qualifierAttribute13
* pricingAttribute81
* pricingAttribute43
* qualifierAttribute62
* qualifierAttribute29
* pricingAttribute64
* qualifierAttribute56
* pricingAttribute90
* qualifierAttribute8
* pricingAttribute85
* qualifierAttribute18
* qualifierAttribute41
* qualifierAttribute95
* qualifierAttribute64
* qualifierAttribute82
* pricingAttribute17
* pricingAttribute89
* qualifierAttribute26
* qualifierAttribute60
* pricingAttribute14
* qualifierAttribute17
* pricingAttribute45
* lastUpdatedBy
* createdBy
* lastUpdateDate
* qualifierAttribute34
* qualifierAttribute37
* qualifierAttribute19
* pricingAttribute65
* pricingAttribute98
* qualifierAttribute31
* qualifierAttribute7
* pricingAttribute44
* pricingAttribute53
* pricingAttribute75
* qualifierAttribute27
* qualifierAttribute38
* qualifierAttribute81
* qualifierAttribute35
* pricingAttribute21
* pricingAttribute29
* qualifierAttribute63
* pricingAttribute31
* qualifierAttribute79
* pricingContext
* pricingAttribute58
* qualifierAttribute58
* pricingAttribute41
* flexTitle
* pricingAttribute67
* qualifierAttribute70
* lastUpdateLogin
* pricingAttribute37
* qualifierAttribute1
* qualifierAttribute32
* pricingAttribute30
* pricingAttribute55
* qualifierAttribute15
* pricingAttribute23
* pricingAttribute72
* programUpdateDate
* qualifierAttribute91
* qualifierAttribute14
* qualifierAttribute12
* qualifierAttribute96
* qualifierAttribute69
* pricingAttribute54
* pricingAttribute63
* pricingAttribute74
* pricingAttribute57
* pricingAttribute68
* pricingAttribute97
* qualifierAttribute28
* requestId
* pricingAttribute73
* pricingAttribute12
* qualifierAttribute49
* pricingAttribute20
* pricingAttribute95
* pricingAttribute38
* qualifierAttribute36
* pricingAttribute48
* qualifierAttribute57
* qualifierAttribute99
* pricingAttribute52
* qualifierAttribute4
* pricingAttribute51
* pricingAttribute28
* pricingAttribute7
* qualifierAttribute25
* pricingAttribute16
* pricingAttribute26
* qualifierAttribute9
* qualifierAttribute54
* qualifierAttribute66
* pricingAttribute35
* pricingAttribute49
* pricingAttribute100
* pricingAttribute11
* pricingAttribute76
* pricingAttribute99
* qualifierAttribute93
* qualifierAttribute5
* qualifierAttribute44
* pricingAttribute56
* qualifierAttribute3
* pricingAttribute15
* programApplicationId
* qualifierAttribute90
* qualifierAttribute16
* qualifierAttribute92
* qualifierAttribute52
* pricingAttribute80
* cleId
* pricingAttribute34
* qualifierAttribute72
* qualifierAttribute42
* qualifierAttribute30
* qualifierAttribute65
* qualifierAttribute83
* qualifierAttribute48
* pricingAttribute94
* pricingAttribute24
* qualifierAttribute55
* pricingAttribute87
* qualifierAttribute45
* qualifierAttribute78
* pricingAttribute92
* chrId
* pricingAttribute40
* qualifierAttribute40
* pricingAttribute27
* qualifierAttribute47
* pricingAttribute2
* qualifierAttribute94
* pricingAttribute91
* pricingAttribute69
* pricingAttribute82
* qualifierAttribute22
* pricingAttribute1
* qualifierAttribute24
* qualifierAttribute98
* pricingAttribute86
* qualifierAttribute76
* qualifierAttribute6
* qualifierAttribute75
* pricingAttribute25
* pricingAttribute77
* qualifierAttribute10
* pricingAttribute61
* pricingAttribute84
* qualifierAttribute23
* qualifierAttribute97
* qualifierAttribute2
* qualifierAttribute84
* pricingAttribute10
* pricingAttribute32
* qualifierAttribute100
* qualifierAttribute67
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* qualifierAttribute61
* pricingAttribute6
* qualifierAttribute53
* qualifierAttribute86
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* qualifierAttribute21
* pricingAttribute60
* creationDate
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* pricingAttribute71
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* pricingAttribute47
* qualifierAttribute73
* pricingAttribute50
* qualifierAttribute71
* qualifierAttribute77
* objectVersionNumber
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* pricingAttribute70
* id
* pricingAttribute96
* pricingAttribute5
* qualifierContext
* qualifierAttribute80
* qualifierAttribute87
* qualifierAttribute68
* pricingAttribute33
* qualifierAttribute33
* pricingAttribute3
* qualifierAttribute88
* pricingAttribute4
* qualifierAttribute39
* securityGroupId
* pricingAttribute19
* pricingAttribute79
* programId
* qualifierAttribute85
* pricingAttribute9
* pricingAttribute18
* pricingAttribute42
* pricingAttribute62
* qualifierAttribute74
* pricingAttribute46
* pricingAttribute39
* pricingAttribute83
* qualifierAttribute50
* qualifierAttribute59


 * pricingAttribute67
* pricingAttribute50
* pricingAttribute46
* pricingAttribute83
* id
* pricingAttribute12
* qualifierAttribute41
* qualifierAttribute97
* pricingAttribute8
* pricingAttribute27
* qualifierAttribute30
* pricingAttribute29
* qualifierAttribute95
* pricingAttribute97
* qualifierAttribute3
* qualifierAttribute71
* pricingAttribute17
* pricingAttribute24
* qualifierAttribute22
* qualifierAttribute61
* pricingAttribute73
* qualifierAttribute10
* pricingAttribute51
* qualifierAttribute26
* pricingAttribute59
* pricingAttribute100
* qualifierAttribute57
* pricingAttribute72
* pricingAttribute26
* pricingAttribute38
* pricingAttribute25
* qualifierAttribute38
* qualifierAttribute68
* pricingAttribute39
* qualifierAttribute49
* pricingAttribute79
* qualifierAttribute75
* pricingAttribute55
* qualifierAttribute62
* pricingAttribute91
* qualifierAttribute76
* pricingAttribute80
* qualifierAttribute100
* pricingAttribute49
* pricingAttribute57
* pricingAttribute77
* qualifierAttribute17
* pricingAttribute34
* pricingAttribute45
* qualifierAttribute39
* programApplicationId
* pricingAttribute75
* pricingAttribute35
* pricingAttribute2
* qualifierAttribute31
* qualifierAttribute1
* pricingContext
* qualifierAttribute44
* pricingAttribute44
* chrId
* qualifierAttribute60
* securityGroupId
* pricingAttribute14
* pricingAttribute64
* pricingAttribute78
* qualifierAttribute81
* createdBy
* pricingAttribute36
* pricingAttribute15
* pricingAttribute7
* qualifierAttribute36
* lastUpdateLogin
* qualifierAttribute32
* qualifierAttribute42
* qualifierAttribute28
* pricingAttribute6
* pricingAttribute95
* qualifierAttribute87
* qualifierAttribute96
* pricingAttribute54
* qualifierAttribute82
* pricingAttribute32
* qualifierAttribute23
* qualifierAttribute89
* pricingAttribute99
* qualifierAttribute47
* qualifierAttribute80
* requestId
* pricingAttribute1
* qualifierAttribute25
* pricingAttribute62
* qualifierAttribute69
* qualifierAttribute20
* qualifierAttribute64
* pricingAttribute94
* qualifierAttribute19
* qualifierAttribute53
* pricingAttribute47
* qualifierAttribute13
* qualifierAttribute99
* qualifierAttribute67
* qualifierAttribute27
* pricingAttribute66
* pricingAttribute20
* pricingAttribute16
* qualifierAttribute74
* qualifierAttribute83
* qualifierAttribute4
* pricingAttribute48
* qualifierAttribute43
* qualifierAttribute94
* pricingAttribute81
* qualifierAttribute77
* pricingAttribute63
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* majorVersion
* objectVersionNumber
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* pricingAttribute52
* qualifierAttribute18
* pricingAttribute4
* qualifierAttribute73
* qualifierAttribute24
* pricingAttribute71
* pricingAttribute76
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* qualifierAttribute84
* pricingAttribute68
* qualifierAttribute15
* pricingAttribute22
* pricingAttribute74
* pricingAttribute87
* qualifierAttribute9
* pricingAttribute58
* qualifierAttribute2
* flexTitle
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* qualifierAttribute8
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* qualifierAttribute11
* lastUpdateDate
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* qualifierAttribute86
* pricingAttribute5
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* pricingAttribute89
* qualifierAttribute65
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* pricingAttribute11
* qualifierAttribute63
* qualifierAttribute78
* pricingAttribute93
* qualifierAttribute70
* pricingAttribute10
* qualifierAttribute12
* pricingAttribute61
* qualifierAttribute52
* qualifierAttribute72
* qualifierAttribute91
* qualifierAttribute5
* cleId
* pricingAttribute40
* pricingAttribute33
* pricingAttribute28
* qualifierAttribute46
* pricingAttribute18
* pricingAttribute19
* pricingAttribute90
* lastUpdatedBy
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* pricingAttribute21
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* qualifierAttribute35
* qualifierAttribute85
* pricingAttribute23
* qualifierAttribute92
* qualifierAttribute33
* pricingAttribute65
* programUpdateDate
* qualifierAttribute34
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* pricingAttribute85
* programId
* pricingAttribute30
* qualifierAttribute50
* qualifierAttribute45
* pricingAttribute88
* pricingAttribute92
* pricingAttribute43
* pricingAttribute69
* qualifierAttribute54
* pricingAttribute70
* pricingAttribute53
* pricingAttribute82
* qualifierAttribute98
* qualifierAttribute59
* pricingAttribute86
* qualifierAttribute88
* pricingAttribute60
* qualifierAttribute48
* qualifierAttribute93
* pricingAttribute98
* qualifierAttribute29


 * pricingAttribute67
* pricingAttribute50
* pricingAttribute46
* pricingAttribute83
* id
* pricingAttribute12
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* qualifierAttribute97
* pricingAttribute8
* pricingAttribute27
* qualifierAttribute30
* pricingAttribute29
* qualifierAttribute95
* pricingAttribute97
* qualifierAttribute3
* qualifierAttribute71
* pricingAttribute17
* pricingAttribute24
* qualifierAttribute22
* qualifierAttribute61
* pricingAttribute73
* qualifierAttribute10
* pricingAttribute51
* qualifierAttribute26
* pricingAttribute59
* pricingAttribute100
* qualifierAttribute57
* pricingAttribute72
* pricingAttribute26
* pricingAttribute38
* pricingAttribute25
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* qualifierAttribute68
* pricingAttribute39
* qualifierAttribute49
* pricingAttribute79
* qualifierAttribute75
* pricingAttribute55
* qualifierAttribute62
* pricingAttribute91
* qualifierAttribute76
* pricingAttribute80
* qualifierAttribute100
* pricingAttribute49
* pricingAttribute57
* pricingAttribute77
* qualifierAttribute17
* pricingAttribute34
* pricingAttribute45
* qualifierAttribute39
* programApplicationId
* pricingAttribute75
* pricingAttribute35
* pricingAttribute2
* qualifierAttribute31
* qualifierAttribute1
* pricingContext
* qualifierAttribute44
* pricingAttribute44
* chrId
* qualifierAttribute60
* securityGroupId
* pricingAttribute14
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* pricingAttribute78
* qualifierAttribute81
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* pricingAttribute7
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* lastUpdateLogin
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* qualifierAttribute28
* pricingAttribute6
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* qualifierAttribute87
* qualifierAttribute96
* pricingAttribute54
* qualifierAttribute82
* pricingAttribute32
* qualifierAttribute23
* qualifierAttribute89
* pricingAttribute99
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* requestId
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* qualifierAttribute20
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* qualifierAttribute27
* pricingAttribute66
* pricingAttribute20
* pricingAttribute16
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* qualifierAttribute83
* qualifierAttribute4
* pricingAttribute48
* qualifierAttribute43
* qualifierAttribute94
* pricingAttribute81
* qualifierAttribute77
* pricingAttribute63
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* objectVersionNumber
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* qualifierAttribute18
* pricingAttribute4
* qualifierAttribute73
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* pricingAttribute68
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* pricingAttribute22
* pricingAttribute74
* pricingAttribute87
* qualifierAttribute9
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* flexTitle
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* pricingAttribute10
* qualifierAttribute12
* pricingAttribute61
* qualifierAttribute52
* qualifierAttribute72
* qualifierAttribute91
* qualifierAttribute5
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* pricingAttribute18
* pricingAttribute19
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* qualifierAttribute35
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* pricingAttribute30
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* qualifierAttribute45
* pricingAttribute88
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* pricingAttribute69
* qualifierAttribute54
* pricingAttribute70
* pricingAttribute53
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* qualifierAttribute98
* qualifierAttribute59
* pricingAttribute86
* qualifierAttribute88
* pricingAttribute60
* qualifierAttribute48
* qualifierAttribute93
* pricingAttribute98
* qualifierAttribute29


 * pricingAttribute88
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* pricingAttribute8
* pricingAttribute13
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* pricingAttribute22
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* qualifierAttribute89
* pricingAttribute93
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* pricingAttribute30
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* qualifierAttribute47
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* pricingAttribute84
* qualifierAttribute23
* qualifierAttribute97
* qualifierAttribute2
* qualifierAttribute84
* pricingAttribute10
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* qualifierAttribute100
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* pricingAttribute6
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* objectVersionNumber
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* id
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* qualifierAttribute80
* qualifierAttribute87
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* pricingAttribute33
* qualifierAttribute33
* pricingAttribute3
* qualifierAttribute88
* pricingAttribute4
* qualifierAttribute39
* securityGroupId
* pricingAttribute19
* pricingAttribute79
* programId
* qualifierAttribute85
* pricingAttribute9
* pricingAttribute18
* pricingAttribute42
* pricingAttribute62
* qualifierAttribute74
* pricingAttribute46
* pricingAttribute39
* pricingAttribute83
* qualifierAttribute50
* qualifierAttribute59


 * lastUpdateLogin
* securityGroupId
* lastUpdatedBy
* nameColumn
* zdEditionName
* seededFlag
* lastUpdateDate
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* creationDate
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* descriptionColumn
* defaultValue
* objectVersionNumber
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* requiredYn
* name
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* securityGroupId
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* nameColumn
* zdEditionName
* seededFlag
* lastUpdateDate
* pdfId
* dataType
* id
* creationDate
* createdBy
* descriptionColumn
* defaultValue
* objectVersionNumber
* jtotObjectCode
* requiredYn
* name
* applicationId
* zdSync


 * createdBy
* lastUpdatedBy
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* id
* language
* sourceLang
* description
* securityGroupId
* sfwtFlag
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdateDate
* zdSync
* creationDate
* name


 * createdBy
* lastUpdatedBy
* zdEditionName
* id
* language
* sourceLang
* description
* securityGroupId
* sfwtFlag
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdateDate
* zdSync
* creationDate
* name


 * zdSync
* attribute10
* securityGroupId
* wfProcessName
* endDate
* attribute2
* attribute7
* attribute5
* attribute15
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute8
* beginDate
* createdBy
* attribute14
* creationDate
* scriptName
* pdfType
* attribute13
* applicationId
* objectVersionNumber
* messageName
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute1
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* seededFlag
* procedureName
* attribute6
* attribute3
* attribute12
* zdEditionName
* id
* wfName
* attributeCategory
* lastUpdateLogin
* name
* attribute9
* usage
* packageName
* attribute11


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* attribute10
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* wfProcessName
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* applicationId
* objectVersionNumber
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* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute1
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* seededFlag
* procedureName
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* zdEditionName
* id
* wfName
* attributeCategory
* lastUpdateLogin
* name
* attribute9
* usage
* packageName
* attribute11


 * createdBy
* securityGroupId
* comments
* zdSync
* shortDescription
* sourceLang
* language
* lastUpdatedBy
* id
* zdEditionName
* description
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* sfwtFlag
* name
* lastUpdateDate


 * createdBy
* securityGroupId
* comments
* zdSync
* shortDescription
* sourceLang
* language
* lastUpdatedBy
* id
* zdEditionName
* description
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* sfwtFlag
* name
* lastUpdateDate


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* zdEditionName
* securityGroupId
* attribute10
* attribute5
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* zdSync
* objectVersionNumber
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute12
* attribute4
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* attribute11
* attribute14
* attribute6
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* attribute9
* id
* attribute3
* attribute7
* lastUpdatedBy
* attributeCategory
* attribute13
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* applicationId
* creationDate
* createdBy
* defaultYn
* attribute15
* beginDate


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* zdEditionName
* securityGroupId
* attribute10
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* zdSync
* objectVersionNumber
* lastUpdateLogin
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* attribute11
* attribute14
* attribute6
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* attribute9
* id
* attribute3
* attribute7
* lastUpdatedBy
* attributeCategory
* attribute13
* attribute1
* applicationId
* creationDate
* createdBy
* defaultYn
* attribute15
* beginDate


 * securityGroupId
* id
* zdSync
* language
* sourceLang
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* createdBy
* name
* zdEditionName
* shortDescription
* creationDate
* sfwtFlag


 * securityGroupId
* id
* zdSync
* language
* sourceLang
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* createdBy
* name
* zdEditionName
* shortDescription
* creationDate
* sfwtFlag


 * errorRecordType
* referenceColumn1
* messageName
* errorSeverity
* problemDetails
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* sectionName
* documentType
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* ruleId
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* creationDate
* errorSeverityName


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* referenceColumn1
* messageName
* errorSeverity
* problemDetails
* articleId
* referenceColumn2
* sequenceId
* problemShortDesc
* errorRecordTypeName
* title
* documentId
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* referenceColumn3
* suggestion
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* sectionName
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* ruleId
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* creationDate
* errorSeverityName


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* severity
* runSequence
* attribute1
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* pdfId
* attribute15
* zdSync
* attribute6
* qclId
* lastUpdateDate
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* attribute7
* securityGroupId
* attribute9
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* attributeCategory
* objectVersionNumber
* lastUpdateLogin
* createdBy
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* creationDate
* attribute11
* activeYn
* accessLevel
* attribute8
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute12


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* severity
* runSequence
* attribute1
* attribute5
* attribute10
* attribute13
* pdfId
* attribute15
* zdSync
* attribute6
* qclId
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute3
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* attribute7
* securityGroupId
* attribute9
* zdEditionName
* attributeCategory
* objectVersionNumber
* lastUpdateLogin
* createdBy
* attribute14
* creationDate
* attribute11
* activeYn
* accessLevel
* attribute8
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute12


 * attribute9
* objectVersionNumber
* createdBy
* lastUpdatedBy
* zdEditionName
* attribute11
* pdpId
* attribute12
* lastUpdateLogin
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* parmValue
* creationDate
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute14
* attribute8
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* attribute2
* attributeCategory
* attribute5
* zdSync
* attribute4
* qlpPdfId
* qlpRunSequence
* attribute1
* attribute3
* attribute13
* attribute15


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* objectVersionNumber
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* lastUpdatedBy
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* pdpId
* attribute12
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* qlpQclId
* attribute2
* attributeCategory
* attribute5
* zdSync
* attribute4
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* qlpRunSequence
* attribute1
* attribute3
* attribute13
* attribute15


 * scsCode
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
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* creationDate
* createdBy
* completionFlag
* chrId
* lastUpdateLogin
* securityGroupId
* requestId
* lineType


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* lastUpdateDate
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* dfltPriceListId
* creationDate
* createdBy
* completionFlag
* chrId
* lastUpdateLogin
* securityGroupId
* requestId
* lineType


 * lastUpdatedBy
* securityGroupId
* dnzChrId
* rulId
* tveId
* lastUpdateDate
* uomCode
* creationDate
* duration
* objectVersionNumber
* lastUpdateLogin
* createdBy


 * lastUpdateDate
* objectVersionNumber
* majorVersion
* securityGroupId
* duration
* creationDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* dnzChrId
* lastUpdateLogin
* createdBy
* uomCode
* tveId
* rulId


 * lastUpdateDate
* objectVersionNumber
* majorVersion
* securityGroupId
* duration
* creationDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* dnzChrId
* lastUpdateLogin
* createdBy
* uomCode
* tveId
* rulId


 * lastUpdatedBy
* securityGroupId
* dnzChrId
* rulId
* tveId
* lastUpdateDate
* uomCode
* creationDate
* duration
* objectVersionNumber
* lastUpdateLogin
* createdBy


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* lastUpdatedBy
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* objectVersionNumber
* objectId
* creationDate
* objectType
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* lastUpdatedBy
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* lastUpdateLogin
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* objectVersionNumber
* actionDate
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* createdBy
* userId
* contractVersionNum
* actionCode
* lastUpdateDate


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* forwardUserId
* lastUpdateLogin
* notes
* objectVersionNumber
* actionDate
* creationDate
* createdBy
* userId
* contractVersionNum
* actionCode
* lastUpdateDate


 * creationDate
* contractVersionNum
* contractId
* createdBy
* statusCode
* lastUpdatedBy
* changedByUserId
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdateDate
* statusChangeDate
* objectVersionNumber


 * creationDate
* contractVersionNum
* contractId
* createdBy
* statusCode
* lastUpdatedBy
* changedByUserId
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdateDate
* statusChangeDate
* objectVersionNumber


 * creationDate
* objectVersionNumber
* contractId
* customerLocationId
* programLoginId
* lastUpdateLogin
* partyId
* customerId
* partyLocationId
* partyRoleCode
* programApplicationId
* lastUpdateDate
* requestId
* createdBy
* lastUpdatedBy
* programId


 * creationDate
* objectVersionNumber
* contractId
* customerLocationId
* programLoginId
* lastUpdateLogin
* partyId
* customerId
* partyLocationId
* partyRoleCode
* programApplicationId
* lastUpdateDate
* requestId
* createdBy
* lastUpdatedBy
* programId


 * objectVersionNumber
* createdBy
* relationshipRole1Id
* lastUpdateLogin
* relatedContractId
* contractId
* creationDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateDate


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* lastUpdateLogin
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* contractId
* creationDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateDate


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* programApplicationId
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* contractName
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* lastUpdateLogin
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* lastUpdateDate
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* dataLevelId
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* contractType
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* lastUpdateDate
* tlExtAttr16
* tlExtAttr22
* tlExtAttr4
* tlExtAttr28
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* tlExtAttr34
* tlExtAttr15
* contractVersionNum
* tlExtAttr9
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* tlExtAttr1
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* creationDate
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* partyNameTxt
* creationDate
* programLoginId
* programApplicationId
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* partyRoleTxt
* requestId


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* contactRoleTxt
* partyId
* validFlag
* contractId
* partyRoleCode
* contactRoleId
* impPartyId
* contactIndex
* runId
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* attribute13
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* programApplicationId
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* physicalLocation
* terminationDate
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* attribute2
* attribute6
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* contractNumber
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* partyId
* programApplicationId
* impContractId
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* creationDate
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* programId
* impPartyId
* programLoginId
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* partyIndex
* partyNameTxt


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* partyId
* programApplicationId
* impContractId
* contractPartyId
* partyRoleCode
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* programId
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* programLoginId
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* programApplicationId
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* partyId
* createdBy
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* partyRoleCode
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* kHeaderId
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute11
* attribute14
* chgText
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute15
* chgStatusCode
* attributeCategory
* impactFundingFlag
* implementDate
* prevVersion
* receiveDate
* attribute3
* chgRequestId
* effectiveDate
* attribute13
* attribute5
* attribute8
* chgReasonCode
* requestedByPersonId
* requestedDate
* chgTypeCode
* creationDate
* createdBy
* attribute2
* approveDate


 * chgRequestNum
* lastChgLogId
* attribute4
* description
* attribute1
* newVersion
* attribute9
* attribute10
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute7
* attribute6
* attribute12
* kHeaderId
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute11
* attribute14
* chgText
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute15
* chgStatusCode
* attributeCategory
* impactFundingFlag
* implementDate
* prevVersion
* receiveDate
* attribute3
* chgRequestId
* effectiveDate
* attribute13
* attribute5
* attribute8
* chgReasonCode
* requestedByPersonId
* requestedDate
* chgTypeCode
* creationDate
* createdBy
* attribute2
* approveDate


 * weightUomCode
* expenditureOrganizationId
* volumeUomCode
* expectedDate
* exchangeRate
* attributeCategory
* quantity
* attribute15
* scheduleDesignator
* currencyCode
* inProcessFlag
* attribute14
* volume
* expenditureItemDate
* shipToOrgId
* shipFromLocationId
* attribute1
* rateType
* attribute4
* actionName
* uomCode
* paActionId
* attribute7
* unitPrice
* requisitionLineTypeId
* poCategoryId
* actionId
* attribute10
* attribute3
* createdBy
* destinationTypeCode
* actionType
* shipFromOrgId
* shipToLocationId
* promisedDate
* reference2
* lastUpdateDate
* rateDate
* deliverableId
* attribute12
* reference3
* taskId
* readyFlag
* lastUpdatedBy
* initiateDate
* attribute6
* attribute2
* creationDate
* weight
* attribute9
* expenditureType
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute13
* inspectionReqFlag
* attribute11
* attribute8
* reference1
* attribute5


 * weightUomCode
* expenditureOrganizationId
* volumeUomCode
* expectedDate
* exchangeRate
* attributeCategory
* quantity
* attribute15
* scheduleDesignator
* currencyCode
* inProcessFlag
* attribute14
* volume
* expenditureItemDate
* shipToOrgId
* shipFromLocationId
* attribute1
* rateType
* attribute4
* actionName
* uomCode
* paActionId
* attribute7
* unitPrice
* requisitionLineTypeId
* poCategoryId
* actionId
* attribute10
* attribute3
* createdBy
* destinationTypeCode
* actionType
* shipFromOrgId
* shipToLocationId
* promisedDate
* reference2
* lastUpdateDate
* rateDate
* deliverableId
* attribute12
* reference3
* taskId
* readyFlag
* lastUpdatedBy
* initiateDate
* attribute6
* attribute2
* creationDate
* weight
* attribute9
* expenditureType
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute13
* inspectionReqFlag
* attribute11
* attribute8
* reference1
* attribute5


 * sourceDeliverableId
* itemId
* createdBy
* sourceLineId
* attribute5
* attribute7
* attribute2
* attribute6
* attribute8
* attribute10
* projectId
* attribute13
* currencyCode
* unitPrice
* attributeCategory
* attribute4
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute1
* creationDate
* deliveryDate
* attribute15
* unitNumber
* lastUpdateDate
* deliverableNumber
* attribute9
* attribute14
* sourceCode
* sourceHeaderId
* inventoryOrgId
* attribute11
* lastUpdateLogin
* uomCode
* attribute12
* deliverableId
* quantity
* attribute3


 * sourceDeliverableId
* itemId
* createdBy
* sourceLineId
* attribute5
* attribute7
* attribute2
* attribute6
* attribute8
* attribute10
* projectId
* attribute13
* currencyCode
* unitPrice
* attributeCategory
* attribute4
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute1
* creationDate
* deliveryDate
* attribute15
* unitNumber
* lastUpdateDate
* deliverableNumber
* attribute9
* attribute14
* sourceCode
* sourceHeaderId
* inventoryOrgId
* attribute11
* lastUpdateLogin
* uomCode
* attribute12
* deliverableId
* quantity
* attribute3


 * sourceLang
* language
* description
* deliverableId
* lastUpdateLogin
* creationDate
* comments
* createdBy
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy


 * sourceLang
* language
* description
* deliverableId
* lastUpdateLogin
* creationDate
* comments
* createdBy
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy


 * creationDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* deliverableId
* lastUpdateLogin
* createdBy
* lastUpdateDate
* description
* dependentId


 * creationDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* deliverableId
* lastUpdateLogin
* createdBy
* lastUpdateDate
* description
* dependentId


 * attribute3
* attribute12
* contactPersonId
* attribute9
* createdBy
* name
* fundingPoolId
* currencyCode
* programId
* attribute1
* attribute10
* attributeCategory
* attribute13
* lastUpdatedBy
* description
* lastUpdateDate
* creationDate
* attribute8
* attribute4
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute2
* attribute14
* attribute7
* attribute15
* attribute11
* attribute5
* attribute6


 * attribute3
* attribute12
* contactPersonId
* attribute9
* createdBy
* name
* fundingPoolId
* currencyCode
* programId
* attribute1
* attribute10
* attributeCategory
* attribute13
* lastUpdatedBy
* description
* lastUpdateDate
* creationDate
* attribute8
* attribute4
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute2
* attribute14
* attribute7
* attribute15
* attribute11
* attribute5
* attribute6


 * lastUpdatedBy
* kHeaderId
* attribute1
* attribute8
* lineOfAccounting
* attribute14
* lastUpdateDate
* kLineId
* objectVersionNumber
* attribute3
* attribute9
* attribute7
* fiscalYear
* attribute2
* attribute5
* cancellationDate
* billingSequence
* attribute6
* attribute15
* attribute12
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute10
* createdBy
* appropriationCode
* creationDate
* attribute11
* fundAmount
* attribute4
* kAcrnDetailId
* acrn
* attributeCategory
* attribute13


 * attribute7
* kAcrnDetailId
* createdBy
* cancellationDate
* creationDate
* kHeaderId
* majorVersion
* lastUpdateDate
* acrn
* attribute3
* attribute9
* lastUpdateLogin
* lineOfAccounting
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute2
* attribute11
* attribute5
* attribute6
* attribute15
* attribute4
* attribute8
* kLineId
* attribute14
* appropriationCode
* attribute1
* attribute12
* attribute10
* fundAmount
* billingSequence
* objectVersionNumber
* attribute13
* fiscalYear
* attributeCategory


 * attribute7
* kAcrnDetailId
* createdBy
* cancellationDate
* creationDate
* kHeaderId
* majorVersion
* lastUpdateDate
* acrn
* attribute3
* attribute9
* lastUpdateLogin
* lineOfAccounting
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute2
* attribute11
* attribute5
* attribute6
* attribute15
* attribute4
* attribute8
* kLineId
* attribute14
* appropriationCode
* attribute1
* attribute12
* attribute10
* fundAmount
* billingSequence
* objectVersionNumber
* attribute13
* fiscalYear
* attributeCategory


 * lastUpdatedBy
* kHeaderId
* attribute1
* attribute8
* lineOfAccounting
* attribute14
* lastUpdateDate
* kLineId
* objectVersionNumber
* attribute3
* attribute9
* attribute7
* fiscalYear
* attribute2
* attribute5
* cancellationDate
* billingSequence
* attribute6
* attribute15
* attribute12
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute10
* createdBy
* appropriationCode
* creationDate
* attribute11
* fundAmount
* attribute4
* kAcrnDetailId
* acrn
* attributeCategory
* attribute13


 * attribute5
* billCurrencyCode
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute11
* initiatedFlag
* kHeaderId
* revenueAmount
* billLineId
* billItemId
* billFundRef2
* billTaskId
* kLineId
* attribute8
* billDescription
* attribute9
* attribute6
* attribute12
* billSerialNum
* billExchangeRate
* attribute2
* attribute3
* billQuantity
* attribute10
* paEventId
* attribute7
* deliverableId
* billBillOfLading
* billUnitPrice
* attribute1
* attribute13
* billOrganizationId
* attribute4
* attribute14
* lastUpdateDate
* billEventDate
* billingEventId
* billEventType
* billChgReqId
* billFundRef3
* billRateType
* creationDate
* billProjectId
* createdBy
* attribute15
* lastUpdateLogin
* billFundRef1
* billRateDate
* attributeCategory


 * attribute5
* billCurrencyCode
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute11
* initiatedFlag
* kHeaderId
* revenueAmount
* billLineId
* billItemId
* billFundRef2
* billTaskId
* kLineId
* attribute8
* billDescription
* attribute9
* attribute6
* attribute12
* billSerialNum
* billExchangeRate
* attribute2
* attribute3
* billQuantity
* attribute10
* paEventId
* attribute7
* deliverableId
* billBillOfLading
* billUnitPrice
* attribute1
* attribute13
* billOrganizationId
* attribute4
* attribute14
* lastUpdateDate
* billEventDate
* billingEventId
* billEventType
* billChgReqId
* billFundRef3
* billRateType
* creationDate
* billProjectId
* createdBy
* attribute15
* lastUpdateLogin
* billFundRef1
* billRateDate
* attributeCategory


 * lastUpdateLogin
* attribute2
* paymentInstruction
* attribute3
* attribute13
* attribute6
* attribute1
* attribute7
* createdBy
* attribute11
* attribute10
* attribute4
* billingMethodCode
* attribute15
* attribute5
* attribute9
* lastUpdateDate
* defaultFlag
* attribute8
* attribute12
* attributeCategory
* kHeaderId
* lastUpdatedBy
* creationDate
* attribute14


 * lastUpdatedBy
* attribute12
* billingMethodCode
* kHeaderId
* attribute10
* attribute11
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute8
* attribute15
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute4
* attribute9
* attribute5
* createdBy
* attribute6
* creationDate
* attribute13
* attribute1
* paymentInstruction
* attributeCategory
* majorVersion
* attribute7
* attribute14
* defaultFlag
* attribute2
* attribute3


 * lastUpdatedBy
* attribute12
* billingMethodCode
* kHeaderId
* attribute10
* attribute11
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute8
* attribute15
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute4
* attribute9
* attribute5
* createdBy
* attribute6
* creationDate
* attribute13
* attribute1
* paymentInstruction
* attributeCategory
* majorVersion
* attribute7
* attribute14
* defaultFlag
* attribute2
* attribute3


 * lastUpdateLogin
* attribute2
* paymentInstruction
* attribute3
* attribute13
* attribute6
* attribute1
* attribute7
* createdBy
* attribute11
* attribute10
* attribute4
* billingMethodCode
* attribute15
* attribute5
* attribute9
* lastUpdateDate
* defaultFlag
* attribute8
* attribute12
* attributeCategory
* kHeaderId
* lastUpdatedBy
* creationDate
* attribute14


 * attribute15
* type
* deliverableId
* attribute8
* attribute1
* wfItemType
* taskId
* lastUpdateLogin
* attributeCategory
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute3
* attribute7
* attribute14
* attribute2
* partyContact
* fundingSourceId
* attribute13
* priorityCode
* owner
* attribute9
* communicationDate
* attribute12
* communicationNum
* chgRequestId
* fundingRef1
* kLineId
* createdBy
* attribute10
* lastUpdateDate
* partyRole
* attribute5
* kHeaderId
* attribute4
* creationDate
* wfProcess
* wfItemKey
* attribute11
* kPartyId
* projectId
* reasonCode
* fundingRef2
* attribute6
* actionCode
* deleteInd
* fundingRef3
* text
* partyLocation


 * attribute15
* type
* deliverableId
* attribute8
* attribute1
* wfItemType
* taskId
* lastUpdateLogin
* attributeCategory
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute3
* attribute7
* attribute14
* attribute2
* partyContact
* fundingSourceId
* attribute13
* priorityCode
* owner
* attribute9
* communicationDate
* attribute12
* communicationNum
* chgRequestId
* fundingRef1
* kLineId
* createdBy
* attribute10
* lastUpdateDate
* partyRole
* attribute5
* kHeaderId
* attribute4
* creationDate
* wfProcess
* wfItemKey
* attribute11
* kPartyId
* projectId
* reasonCode
* fundingRef2
* attribute6
* actionCode
* deleteInd
* fundingRef3
* text
* partyLocation


 * shipToLocationId
* dropShippedFlag
* ndbScheduleDesignator
* billRateType
* availableForShipFlag
* billExchangeRate
* interimRptReqFlag
* attribute2
* readyToBill
* acqDocNumber
* subcontractedFlag
* statusDate
* attribute3
* createDemand
* attribute11
* poRef2
* uomCode
* kLineId
* defaultedFlag
* shippableFlag
* dependencyFlag
* promisedShipmentDate
* projectId
* wfItemKey
* totalNumOfCopies
* shipToOrgId
* billFundRef3
* deliverableNum
* poRef1
* billDescription
* frequency
* expenditureItemDate
* attribute8
* billEventDate
* shipFromLocationId
* readyToProcure
* submissionFlag
* completedFlag
* exportFlag
* volume
* billCurrencyCode
* exportLicenseNum
* cfeReqFlag
* requisitionLineTypeId
* billableFlag
* shippingRequestId
* unitNumber
* poCategoryId
* unitPrice
* inProcessFlag
* billLineId
* attribute9
* dataItemName
* asOfDate
* attribute7
* billTaskId
* attribute4
* billEventType
* dataItemSubtitle
* billOrganizationId
* attribute6
* mpsTransactionId
* lastUpdateLogin
* billChgReqId
* billUnitPrice
* attribute1
* attribute5
* billBillOfLading
* weightUomCode
* endDate
* lotAppliesFlag
* exchangeRate
* attribute14
* deliverableId
* priorityCode
* deliveryDate
* attribute12
* billQuantity
* destinationTypeCode
* direction
* expenditureOrganizationId
* startDate
* billItemId
* weight
* needByDate
* cdrlCategory
* lastUpdateDate
* billFundRef2
* volumeUomCode
* itemId
* billingEventId
* attributeCategory
* expenditureType
* inspectionReqFlag
* exportLicenseRes
* creationDate
* rateType
* parentDeliverableId
* billSerialNum
* expectedShipmentDate
* rateDate
* taskId
* billProjectId
* subRefId
* billFundRef1
* createdBy
* poRef3
* attribute13
* kHeaderId
* dateOfFirstSubmission
* customerApprovalReqFlag
* quantity
* countryOfOriginCode
* attribute10
* lastUpdatedBy
* shipFromOrgId
* revenueAmount
* inventoryOrgId
* billRateDate
* initiateShipmentDate
* currencyCode
* attribute15
* statusCode


 * shipToLocationId
* dropShippedFlag
* ndbScheduleDesignator
* billRateType
* availableForShipFlag
* billExchangeRate
* interimRptReqFlag
* attribute2
* readyToBill
* acqDocNumber
* subcontractedFlag
* statusDate
* attribute3
* createDemand
* attribute11
* poRef2
* uomCode
* kLineId
* defaultedFlag
* shippableFlag
* dependencyFlag
* promisedShipmentDate
* projectId
* wfItemKey
* totalNumOfCopies
* shipToOrgId
* billFundRef3
* deliverableNum
* poRef1
* billDescription
* frequency
* expenditureItemDate
* attribute8
* billEventDate
* shipFromLocationId
* readyToProcure
* submissionFlag
* completedFlag
* exportFlag
* volume
* billCurrencyCode
* exportLicenseNum
* cfeReqFlag
* requisitionLineTypeId
* billableFlag
* shippingRequestId
* unitNumber
* poCategoryId
* unitPrice
* inProcessFlag
* billLineId
* attribute9
* dataItemName
* asOfDate
* attribute7
* billTaskId
* attribute4
* billEventType
* dataItemSubtitle
* billOrganizationId
* attribute6
* mpsTransactionId
* lastUpdateLogin
* billChgReqId
* billUnitPrice
* attribute1
* attribute5
* billBillOfLading
* weightUomCode
* endDate
* lotAppliesFlag
* exchangeRate
* attribute14
* deliverableId
* priorityCode
* deliveryDate
* attribute12
* billQuantity
* destinationTypeCode
* direction
* expenditureOrganizationId
* startDate
* billItemId
* weight
* needByDate
* cdrlCategory
* lastUpdateDate
* billFundRef2
* volumeUomCode
* itemId
* billingEventId
* attributeCategory
* expenditureType
* inspectionReqFlag
* exportLicenseRes
* creationDate
* rateType
* parentDeliverableId
* billSerialNum
* expectedShipmentDate
* rateDate
* taskId
* billProjectId
* subRefId
* billFundRef1
* createdBy
* poRef3
* attribute13
* kHeaderId
* dateOfFirstSubmission
* customerApprovalReqFlag
* quantity
* countryOfOriginCode
* attribute10
* lastUpdatedBy
* shipFromOrgId
* revenueAmount
* inventoryOrgId
* billRateDate
* initiateShipmentDate
* currencyCode
* attribute15
* statusCode


 * submissionFlag
* billFundRef2
* expenditureItemDate
* billSerialNum
* billLineId
* itemId
* projectId
* dropShippedFlag
* exportLicenseNum
* createdBy
* poRef3
* billUnitPrice
* attribute8
* billingEventId
* customerApprovalReqFlag
* unitPrice
* attribute13
* attribute11
* mpsTransactionId
* interimRptReqFlag
* dependencyFlag
* shipToLocationId
* shipFromOrgId
* attribute5
* dateOfFirstSubmission
* billChgReqId
* parentDeliverableId
* attribute14
* exchangeRate
* subRefId
* billProjectId
* billTaskId
* weightUomCode
* inspectionReqFlag
* acqDocNumber
* rateDate
* rateType
* attribute15
* attribute9
* deliveryDate
* billableFlag
* deliverableId
* attribute2
* volume
* poCategoryId
* expenditureType
* majorVersion
* shipFromLocationId
* statusDate
* poRef2
* kLineId
* attribute3
* needByDate
* dataItemSubtitle
* ndbScheduleDesignator
* attributeCategory
* billQuantity
* inventoryOrgId
* currencyCode
* expenditureOrganizationId
* startDate
* countryOfOriginCode
* completedFlag
* billCurrencyCode
* volumeUomCode
* attribute7
* billItemId
* attribute1
* attribute10
* asOfDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* uomCode
* priorityCode
* expectedShipmentDate
* unitNumber
* creationDate
* cfeReqFlag
* exportFlag
* wfItemKey
* billEventDate
* billRateDate
* defaultedFlag
* destinationTypeCode
* cdrlCategory
* promisedShipmentDate
* totalNumOfCopies
* attribute4
* lotAppliesFlag
* initiateShipmentDate
* taskId
* attribute12
* createDemand
* billOrganizationId
* dataItemName
* direction
* availableForShipFlag
* poRef1
* deliverableNum
* statusCode
* billFundRef1
* shippingRequestId
* quantity
* billEventType
* revenueAmount
* subcontractedFlag
* billRateType
* billBillOfLading
* kHeaderId
* weight
* readyToBill
* requisitionLineTypeId
* frequency
* inProcessFlag
* shipToOrgId
* billExchangeRate
* readyToProcure
* exportLicenseRes
* billDescription
* billFundRef3
* attribute6
* lastUpdatedBy
* shippableFlag
* lastUpdateDate
* endDate


 * submissionFlag
* billFundRef2
* expenditureItemDate
* billSerialNum
* billLineId
* itemId
* projectId
* dropShippedFlag
* exportLicenseNum
* createdBy
* poRef3
* billUnitPrice
* attribute8
* billingEventId
* customerApprovalReqFlag
* unitPrice
* attribute13
* attribute11
* mpsTransactionId
* interimRptReqFlag
* dependencyFlag
* shipToLocationId
* shipFromOrgId
* attribute5
* dateOfFirstSubmission
* billChgReqId
* parentDeliverableId
* attribute14
* exchangeRate
* subRefId
* billProjectId
* billTaskId
* weightUomCode
* inspectionReqFlag
* acqDocNumber
* rateDate
* rateType
* attribute15
* attribute9
* deliveryDate
* billableFlag
* deliverableId
* attribute2
* volume
* poCategoryId
* expenditureType
* majorVersion
* shipFromLocationId
* statusDate
* poRef2
* kLineId
* attribute3
* needByDate
* dataItemSubtitle
* ndbScheduleDesignator
* attributeCategory
* billQuantity
* inventoryOrgId
* currencyCode
* expenditureOrganizationId
* startDate
* countryOfOriginCode
* completedFlag
* billCurrencyCode
* volumeUomCode
* attribute7
* billItemId
* attribute1
* attribute10
* asOfDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* uomCode
* priorityCode
* expectedShipmentDate
* unitNumber
* creationDate
* cfeReqFlag
* exportFlag
* wfItemKey
* billEventDate
* billRateDate
* defaultedFlag
* destinationTypeCode
* cdrlCategory
* promisedShipmentDate
* totalNumOfCopies
* attribute4
* lotAppliesFlag
* initiateShipmentDate
* taskId
* attribute12
* createDemand
* billOrganizationId
* dataItemName
* direction
* availableForShipFlag
* poRef1
* deliverableNum
* statusCode
* billFundRef1
* shippingRequestId
* quantity
* billEventType
* revenueAmount
* subcontractedFlag
* billRateType
* billBillOfLading
* kHeaderId
* weight
* readyToBill
* requisitionLineTypeId
* frequency
* inProcessFlag
* shipToOrgId
* billExchangeRate
* readyToProcure
* exportLicenseRes
* billDescription
* billFundRef3
* attribute6
* lastUpdatedBy
* shippableFlag
* lastUpdateDate
* endDate


 * sourceLang
* deliverableId
* lastUpdatedBy
* createdBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* description
* kHeaderId
* kLineId
* sfwtFlag
* language
* creationDate
* lastUpdateDate
* comments


 * sourceLang
* deliverableId
* lastUpdatedBy
* createdBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* description
* kHeaderId
* kLineId
* sfwtFlag
* language
* creationDate
* lastUpdateDate
* comments


 * sfwtFlag
* kHeaderId
* comments
* description
* sourceLang
* kLineId
* deliverableId
* lastUpdatedBy
* majorVersion
* language
* lastUpdateLogin
* creationDate
* lastUpdateDate
* createdBy


 * sfwtFlag
* kHeaderId
* comments
* description
* sourceLang
* kLineId
* deliverableId
* lastUpdatedBy
* majorVersion
* language
* lastUpdateLogin
* creationDate
* lastUpdateDate
* createdBy


 * creationDate
* lastUpdateDate
* objectName
* createdBy
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* kHeaderId
* sequence
* userLogId


 * creationDate
* lastUpdateDate
* objectName
* createdBy
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* kHeaderId
* sequence
* userLogId


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* text13
* number25
* number38
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* date16
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* printFormCode
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* number48
* date48
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* text49
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* date40
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* lastUpdateDate
* taskId
* objectVersionNumber
* fundAcrnAllocationId
* kLineId
* fundingSourceId
* amount
* createdBy
* kHeaderId
* billingPriorityPercent
* agreementVersion
* lastUpdateLogin
* insertUpdateFlag
* updatedInVersion
* previousAmount
* projectId
* createdInVersion
* lastUpdatedBy
* paFlag


 * billingPriorityPercent
* acrn
* agreementVersion
* createdBy
* creationDate
* createdInVersion
* objectVersionNumber
* fundAcrnAllocationId
* fundingSourceId
* majorVersion
* kLineId
* lastUpdateLogin
* insertUpdateFlag
* taskId
* paFlag
* kHeaderId
* lastUpdateDate
* updatedInVersion
* amount
* lastUpdatedBy
* previousAmount
* projectId


 * billingPriorityPercent
* acrn
* agreementVersion
* createdBy
* creationDate
* createdInVersion
* objectVersionNumber
* fundAcrnAllocationId
* fundingSourceId
* majorVersion
* kLineId
* lastUpdateLogin
* insertUpdateFlag
* taskId
* paFlag
* kHeaderId
* lastUpdateDate
* updatedInVersion
* amount
* lastUpdatedBy
* previousAmount
* projectId


 * acrn
* creationDate
* lastUpdateDate
* taskId
* objectVersionNumber
* fundAcrnAllocationId
* kLineId
* fundingSourceId
* amount
* createdBy
* kHeaderId
* billingPriorityPercent
* agreementVersion
* lastUpdateLogin
* insertUpdateFlag
* updatedInVersion
* previousAmount
* projectId
* createdInVersion
* lastUpdatedBy
* paFlag


 * attribute13
* attribute11
* paConversionRate
* previousAmount
* paAttribute9
* attribute4
* paAttribute6
* lastUpdateLogin
* fundingCategory
* updatedInVersion
* creationDate
* projectId
* fundingStatus
* paConversionType
* insertUpdateFlag
* fiscalYear
* lastUpdateDate
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* paAttribute4
* paAttribute8
* paAttribute1
* paAttribute5
* paAttribute10
* fundAllocationId
* paConversionDate
* attribute3
* reference3
* attribute7
* hardLimit
* attribute6
* attributeCategory
* paAttribute2
* paFlag
* revenueHardLimit
* attribute8
* attribute15
* amount
* attribute9
* attribute2
* paAttributeCategory
* fundingSourceId
* reference2
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute12
* attribute1
* paAttribute3
* kLineId
* fundType
* attribute10
* startDateActive
* agreementVersion
* createdBy
* createdInVersion
* attribute14
* objectId
* taskId
* reference1
* endDateActive
* attribute5


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* attribute9
* fiscalYear
* revenueHardLimit
* fundType
* paAttribute9
* objectId
* attribute5
* attributeCategory
* paAttribute2
* reference2
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* attribute14
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* fundAllocationId
* taskId
* paAttribute5
* attribute15
* attribute12
* paConversionDate
* attribute13
* majorVersion
* attribute11
* paAttribute7
* fundingStatus
* attribute10
* fundingCategory
* paConversionType
* attribute3
* insertUpdateFlag
* createdInVersion
* paAttribute10
* attribute2
* paAttribute6
* paAttribute3
* paAttribute8
* projectId
* hardLimit
* attribute4
* attribute1
* creationDate
* kLineId
* startDateActive
* updatedInVersion
* attribute6
* reference1
* lastUpdatedBy
* amount
* paAttribute1
* endDateActive
* agreementVersion
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute7
* paAttributeCategory
* fundingSourceId
* reference3
* lastUpdateDate
* previousAmount
* createdBy
* paConversionRate


 * attribute8
* attribute9
* fiscalYear
* revenueHardLimit
* fundType
* paAttribute9
* objectId
* attribute5
* attributeCategory
* paAttribute2
* reference2
* paFlag
* attribute14
* paAttribute4
* fundAllocationId
* taskId
* paAttribute5
* attribute15
* attribute12
* paConversionDate
* attribute13
* majorVersion
* attribute11
* paAttribute7
* fundingStatus
* attribute10
* fundingCategory
* paConversionType
* attribute3
* insertUpdateFlag
* createdInVersion
* paAttribute10
* attribute2
* paAttribute6
* paAttribute3
* paAttribute8
* projectId
* hardLimit
* attribute4
* attribute1
* creationDate
* kLineId
* startDateActive
* updatedInVersion
* attribute6
* reference1
* lastUpdatedBy
* amount
* paAttribute1
* endDateActive
* agreementVersion
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute7
* paAttributeCategory
* fundingSourceId
* reference3
* lastUpdateDate
* previousAmount
* createdBy
* paConversionRate


 * attribute13
* attribute11
* paConversionRate
* previousAmount
* paAttribute9
* attribute4
* paAttribute6
* lastUpdateLogin
* fundingCategory
* updatedInVersion
* creationDate
* projectId
* fundingStatus
* paConversionType
* insertUpdateFlag
* fiscalYear
* lastUpdateDate
* paAttribute7
* paAttribute4
* paAttribute8
* paAttribute1
* paAttribute5
* paAttribute10
* fundAllocationId
* paConversionDate
* attribute3
* reference3
* attribute7
* hardLimit
* attribute6
* attributeCategory
* paAttribute2
* paFlag
* revenueHardLimit
* attribute8
* attribute15
* amount
* attribute9
* attribute2
* paAttributeCategory
* fundingSourceId
* reference2
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute12
* attribute1
* paAttribute3
* kLineId
* fundType
* attribute10
* startDateActive
* agreementVersion
* createdBy
* createdInVersion
* attribute14
* objectId
* taskId
* reference1
* endDateActive
* attribute5


 * paAttribute2
* paAttribute10
* creationDate
* attribute6
* createdBy
* agreementFlag
* paAttribute24
* paAttribute5
* lastUpdateDate
* startDateActive
* administratorId
* paAttribute20
* description
* fundingStatus
* paAttribute1
* attribute5
* attribute9
* paAttribute16
* paAttribute21
* attribute14
* amount
* initialAmount
* attribute3
* attribute7
* kPartyId
* endDateActive
* poolPartyId
* kConversionRate
* attribute15
* lineOfAccount
* paAttribute8
* paAttribute23
* paAttribute22
* billingSequence
* paAttribute6
* attribute11
* kConversionDate
* customerOrderNumber
* attribute13
* attribute12
* lastUpdatedBy
* objectId
* paAttributeCategory
* paAttribute17
* paAttribute19
* paAttribute15
* attribute2
* paAttribute18
* lastUpdateLogin
* hardLimit
* paAttribute3
* attribute8
* attribute10
* agreementOrgId
* paAttribute14
* currencyCode
* paAttribute13
* paAttribute7
* advanceRequired
* attributeCategory
* kConversionType
* fundingSourceId
* attribute1
* paAttribute12
* agreementNumber
* objectType
* attribute4
* paAttribute11
* paAttribute9
* previousAmount
* paAttribute4
* fundingAcrossOu
* revenueHardLimit
* paAttribute25


 * fundingSourceId
* createdBy
* paAttribute24
* billingSequence
* majorVersion
* initialAmount
* attribute14
* advanceRequired
* paAttribute25
* paAttribute3
* paAttribute2
* attribute3
* kConversionType
* paAttributeCategory
* amount
* paAttribute8
* attribute15
* lastUpdatedBy
* hardLimit
* attribute7
* lastUpdateLogin
* objectId
* kConversionDate
* previousAmount
* paAttribute16
* paAttribute20
* kPartyId
* attributeCategory
* paAttribute5
* paAttribute23
* agreementNumber
* paAttribute6
* revenueHardLimit
* attribute5
* administratorId
* paAttribute22
* fundingAcrossOu
* attribute8
* startDateActive
* paAttribute17
* description
* customerOrderNumber
* paAttribute12
* agreementFlag
* paAttribute1
* paAttribute4
* paAttribute7
* paAttribute10
* creationDate
* objectType
* paAttribute18
* poolPartyId
* attribute4
* paAttribute13
* paAttribute14
* attribute12
* paAttribute19
* attribute10
* agreementOrgId
* paAttribute21
* fundingStatus
* endDateActive
* kConversionRate
* attribute9
* paAttribute15
* attribute11
* paAttribute9
* attribute2
* attribute13
* attribute1
* paAttribute11
* lastUpdateDate
* currencyCode
* attribute6
* lineOfAccount


 * fundingSourceId
* createdBy
* paAttribute24
* billingSequence
* majorVersion
* initialAmount
* attribute14
* advanceRequired
* paAttribute25
* paAttribute3
* paAttribute2
* attribute3
* kConversionType
* paAttributeCategory
* amount
* paAttribute8
* attribute15
* lastUpdatedBy
* hardLimit
* attribute7
* lastUpdateLogin
* objectId
* kConversionDate
* previousAmount
* paAttribute16
* paAttribute20
* kPartyId
* attributeCategory
* paAttribute5
* paAttribute23
* agreementNumber
* paAttribute6
* revenueHardLimit
* attribute5
* administratorId
* paAttribute22
* fundingAcrossOu
* attribute8
* startDateActive
* paAttribute17
* description
* customerOrderNumber
* paAttribute12
* agreementFlag
* paAttribute1
* paAttribute4
* paAttribute7
* paAttribute10
* creationDate
* objectType
* paAttribute18
* poolPartyId
* attribute4
* paAttribute13
* paAttribute14
* attribute12
* paAttribute19
* attribute10
* agreementOrgId
* paAttribute21
* fundingStatus
* endDateActive
* kConversionRate
* attribute9
* paAttribute15
* attribute11
* paAttribute9
* attribute2
* attribute13
* attribute1
* paAttribute11
* lastUpdateDate
* currencyCode
* attribute6
* lineOfAccount


 * paAttribute2
* paAttribute10
* creationDate
* attribute6
* createdBy
* agreementFlag
* paAttribute24
* paAttribute5
* lastUpdateDate
* startDateActive
* administratorId
* paAttribute20
* description
* fundingStatus
* paAttribute1
* attribute5
* attribute9
* paAttribute16
* paAttribute21
* attribute14
* amount
* initialAmount
* attribute3
* attribute7
* kPartyId
* endDateActive
* poolPartyId
* kConversionRate
* attribute15
* lineOfAccount
* paAttribute8
* paAttribute23
* paAttribute22
* billingSequence
* paAttribute6
* attribute11
* kConversionDate
* customerOrderNumber
* attribute13
* attribute12
* lastUpdatedBy
* objectId
* paAttributeCategory
* paAttribute17
* paAttribute19
* paAttribute15
* attribute2
* paAttribute18
* lastUpdateLogin
* hardLimit
* paAttribute3
* attribute8
* attribute10
* agreementOrgId
* paAttribute14
* currencyCode
* paAttribute13
* paAttribute7
* advanceRequired
* attributeCategory
* kConversionType
* fundingSourceId
* attribute1
* paAttribute12
* agreementNumber
* objectType
* attribute4
* paAttribute11
* paAttribute9
* previousAmount
* paAttribute4
* fundingAcrossOu
* revenueHardLimit
* paAttribute25


 * kNumberDisp
* ohRatesFinalFlag
* feeRate
* reportingFlag
* clientApproveReqFlag
* copiesRequired
* createdBy
* openFlag
* billWithoutDefFlag
* feePercent
* boaId
* dateSignByContractor
* vatCode
* progressPaymentLiqRate
* detailPaBillFlag
* progressPaymentFlag
* noCompetitionAuthorize
* awardCancelDate
* fixedFeeScheduleId
* sbPlanReqFlag
* nteWarningFlag
* billGroupId
* kHeaderId
* dateSignByCustomer
* exportFlag
* primeKAlias
* costShareFlag
* lastUpdatedBy
* kTypeCode
* financialCtrlVerifiedFlag
* feeOverrideScheduleId
* casFlag
* primeKNumber
* sbReportFlag
* priorityCode
* productLineCode
* techDataWhRate
* authorizeDate
* interimRptReqFlag
* propExpireDate
* owningOrganizationId
* dateNegotiated
* lastUpdateDate
* programId
* countryOfOriginCode
* propDeliveryLocation
* sicCode
* dateReceived
* costOfMoney
* awardDate
* withholdLimit
* dateIssued
* faaApproveDate
* alternateLiquidationRate
* projectId
* creationDate
* nteAmount
* authorizingReason
* dcaaAuditReqFlag
* lastUpdateLogin
* faaRejectDate
* propDueDateTime
* definitizedFlag
* defaultTaskId
* cqaFlag
* propDueTime
* cfeFlag
* progressPaymentRate
* fundingLevel
* penaltyClauseFlag
* humanSubjectFlag
* classifiedFlag
* lineValueTotal
* undefLineValueTotal
* dateDefinitized
* costOfSaleRate
* bookedFlag
* retentionPercent


 * creationDate
* feeRate
* authorizingReason
* authorizeDate
* dateDefinitized
* billWithoutDefFlag
* propDueDateTime
* costOfMoney
* billGroupId
* copiesRequired
* propDeliveryLocation
* classifiedFlag
* humanSubjectFlag
* primeKAlias
* propExpireDate
* detailPaBillFlag
* kNumberDisp
* undefLineValueTotal
* lastUpdatedBy
* clientApproveReqFlag
* nteAmount
* reportingFlag
* sbReportFlag
* openFlag
* programId
* projectId
* awardDate
* withholdLimit
* productLineCode
* kHeaderId
* vatCode
* feeOverrideScheduleId
* lastUpdateLogin
* createdBy
* noCompetitionAuthorize
* boaId
* lastUpdateDate
* dateReceived
* financialCtrlVerifiedFlag
* priorityCode
* dateIssued
* sicCode
* costOfSaleRate
* owningOrganizationId
* bookedFlag
* techDataWhRate
* fixedFeeScheduleId
* feePercent
* countryOfOriginCode
* lineValueTotal
* faaRejectDate
* progressPaymentFlag
* progressPaymentRate
* interimRptReqFlag
* majorVersion
* ohRatesFinalFlag
* faaApproveDate
* propDueTime
* dcaaAuditReqFlag
* progressPaymentLiqRate
* cfeFlag
* dateSignByContractor
* dateNegotiated
* primeKNumber
* casFlag
* alternateLiquidationRate
* retentionPercent
* exportFlag
* sbPlanReqFlag
* nteWarningFlag
* costShareFlag
* fundingLevel
* defaultTaskId
* cqaFlag
* definitizedFlag
* penaltyClauseFlag
* awardCancelDate
* kTypeCode
* dateSignByCustomer


 * creationDate
* feeRate
* authorizingReason
* authorizeDate
* dateDefinitized
* billWithoutDefFlag
* propDueDateTime
* costOfMoney
* billGroupId
* copiesRequired
* propDeliveryLocation
* classifiedFlag
* humanSubjectFlag
* primeKAlias
* propExpireDate
* detailPaBillFlag
* kNumberDisp
* undefLineValueTotal
* lastUpdatedBy
* clientApproveReqFlag
* nteAmount
* reportingFlag
* sbReportFlag
* openFlag
* programId
* projectId
* awardDate
* withholdLimit
* productLineCode
* kHeaderId
* vatCode
* feeOverrideScheduleId
* lastUpdateLogin
* createdBy
* noCompetitionAuthorize
* boaId
* lastUpdateDate
* dateReceived
* financialCtrlVerifiedFlag
* priorityCode
* dateIssued
* sicCode
* costOfSaleRate
* owningOrganizationId
* bookedFlag
* techDataWhRate
* fixedFeeScheduleId
* feePercent
* countryOfOriginCode
* lineValueTotal
* faaRejectDate
* progressPaymentFlag
* progressPaymentRate
* interimRptReqFlag
* majorVersion
* ohRatesFinalFlag
* faaApproveDate
* propDueTime
* dcaaAuditReqFlag
* progressPaymentLiqRate
* cfeFlag
* dateSignByContractor
* dateNegotiated
* primeKNumber
* casFlag
* alternateLiquidationRate
* retentionPercent
* exportFlag
* sbPlanReqFlag
* nteWarningFlag
* costShareFlag
* fundingLevel
* defaultTaskId
* cqaFlag
* definitizedFlag
* penaltyClauseFlag
* awardCancelDate
* kTypeCode
* dateSignByCustomer


 * kNumberDisp
* ohRatesFinalFlag
* feeRate
* reportingFlag
* clientApproveReqFlag
* copiesRequired
* createdBy
* openFlag
* billWithoutDefFlag
* feePercent
* boaId
* dateSignByContractor
* vatCode
* progressPaymentLiqRate
* detailPaBillFlag
* progressPaymentFlag
* noCompetitionAuthorize
* awardCancelDate
* fixedFeeScheduleId
* sbPlanReqFlag
* nteWarningFlag
* billGroupId
* kHeaderId
* dateSignByCustomer
* exportFlag
* primeKAlias
* costShareFlag
* lastUpdatedBy
* kTypeCode
* financialCtrlVerifiedFlag
* feeOverrideScheduleId
* casFlag
* primeKNumber
* sbReportFlag
* priorityCode
* productLineCode
* techDataWhRate
* authorizeDate
* interimRptReqFlag
* propExpireDate
* owningOrganizationId
* dateNegotiated
* lastUpdateDate
* programId
* countryOfOriginCode
* propDeliveryLocation
* sicCode
* dateReceived
* costOfMoney
* awardDate
* withholdLimit
* dateIssued
* faaApproveDate
* alternateLiquidationRate
* projectId
* creationDate
* nteAmount
* authorizingReason
* dcaaAuditReqFlag
* lastUpdateLogin
* faaRejectDate
* propDueDateTime
* definitizedFlag
* defaultTaskId
* cqaFlag
* propDueTime
* cfeFlag
* progressPaymentRate
* fundingLevel
* penaltyClauseFlag
* humanSubjectFlag
* classifiedFlag
* lineValueTotal
* undefLineValueTotal
* dateDefinitized
* costOfSaleRate
* bookedFlag
* retentionPercent


 * removeReasonCode
* attribute13
* attribute12
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute5
* kLineId
* holdTypeCode
* holdComment
* attribute6
* applyDate
* holdId
* attribute9
* attribute10
* creationDate
* attribute7
* attribute15
* attribute14
* holdStatusCode
* attribute11
* attribute3
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute8
* holdReasonCode
* wfProcess
* removeComment
* wfItemType
* wfItemKey
* attribute2
* createdBy
* removeDate
* scheduleRemoveDate
* attribute1
* attributeCategory
* lastUpdateDate
* kHeaderId
* deliverableId
* attribute4


 * removeReasonCode
* attribute13
* attribute12
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute5
* kLineId
* holdTypeCode
* holdComment
* attribute6
* applyDate
* holdId
* attribute9
* attribute10
* creationDate
* attribute7
* attribute15
* attribute14
* holdStatusCode
* attribute11
* attribute3
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute8
* holdReasonCode
* wfProcess
* removeComment
* wfItemType
* wfItemKey
* attribute2
* createdBy
* removeDate
* scheduleRemoveDate
* attribute1
* attributeCategory
* lastUpdateDate
* kHeaderId
* deliverableId
* attribute4


 * customerItemId
* awardFeePoolAmount
* taskId
* targetDateDefinitize
* paymentInstruction
* dataItemSubtitle
* frequency
* costOfSaleRate
* dateMaterialReq
* completedFlag
* asOfDate
* customerApprovalReqFlag
* maximumQuantity
* cdrlCategory
* finalPftAjtFormula
* initialFee
* lastUpdateLogin
* kLineId
* dataItemName
* maximumFee
* shippableFlag
* costUnderrunShareRatio
* countryOfOriginCode
* costOfMoney
* cScsFlag
* progressPaymentRate
* creationDate
* lineValue
* deliveryOrderFlag
* authority
* dateOfPriceRedetermin
* customerItemNumber
* feeOverrideScheduleId
* initialPrice
* exportFlag
* lineLiquidationRate
* definitizedFlag
* progressPaymentFlag
* createdBy
* targetFee
* billableFlag
* costOverrunShareRatio
* revisedPrice
* retentionPercent
* minimumFee
* nteWarningFlag
* deliveryDate
* parentLineId
* billGroupId
* copiesRequired
* lineQuantity
* undefUnitPrice
* endDate
* projectId
* dateOfFirstSubmission
* proposalDueDate
* priorityCode
* customersPercentInOrder
* feeAjtFormula
* requiringOffice
* appCode
* subjA133Flag
* exportLicenseNum
* uomCode
* nsnNumber
* discountForPayment
* fixedFee
* subcontractedFlag
* lastUpdateDate
* billUndefinitizedFlag
* levelOfEffortHours
* awardFee
* estimatedTotalQuantity
* ceilingCost
* undefLineValue
* dropShippedFlag
* inventoryItemId
* lastUpdatedBy
* inspectionReqFlag
* splitedFlag
* exportLicenseRes
* billingMethodCode
* withholdLimit
* finalFee
* feePercent
* nspFlag
* interimRptReqFlag
* fixedQuantity
* minimumQuantity
* laborCostIndex
* ceilingPrice
* fixedFeeScheduleId
* unitPrice
* copRequiredFlag
* scheduledDelvDefault
* dcaaAuditReqFlag
* prepaymentPercentage
* targetPrice
* financialCtrlFlag
* numberOfOptions
* feeRate
* prepaymentAmount
* cSsrFlag
* lineValueTotal
* progressPaymentLiqRate
* materialCostIndex
* targetCost
* undefLineValueTotal
* baseFee
* cfeReqFlag
* totalEstimatedCost


 * totalEstimatedCost
* undefLineValueTotal
* lineValue
* minimumFee
* billGroupId
* unitPrice
* proposalDueDate
* withholdLimit
* parentLineId
* revisedPrice
* billingMethodCode
* inventoryItemId
* authority
* dataItemName
* dataItemSubtitle
* targetDateDefinitize
* lastUpdateLogin
* cScsFlag
* uomCode
* retentionPercent
* cdrlCategory
* estimatedTotalQuantity
* feeRate
* completedFlag
* maximumQuantity
* costOfSaleRate
* costUnderrunShareRatio
* feePercent
* dropShippedFlag
* finalFee
* nspFlag
* exportFlag
* countryOfOriginCode
* scheduledDelvDefault
* majorVersion
* priorityCode
* billUndefinitizedFlag
* paymentInstruction
* targetPrice
* creationDate
* lastUpdateDate
* baseFee
* createdBy
* costOfMoney
* dcaaAuditReqFlag
* endDate
* copRequiredFlag
* subjA133Flag
* minimumQuantity
* nteWarningFlag
* targetCost
* materialCostIndex
* exportLicenseRes
* cSsrFlag
* inspectionReqFlag
* definitizedFlag
* prepaymentPercentage
* lineLiquidationRate
* initialFee
* deliveryDate
* interimRptReqFlag
* progressPaymentLiqRate
* levelOfEffortHours
* targetFee
* feeAjtFormula
* costOverrunShareRatio
* asOfDate
* progressPaymentRate
* fixedQuantity
* lastUpdatedBy
* kLineId
* customerItemId
* splitedFlag
* copiesRequired
* feeOverrideScheduleId
* initialPrice
* exportLicenseNum
* ceilingPrice
* dateMaterialReq
* appCode
* taskId
* dateOfPriceRedetermin
* fixedFee
* undefLineValue
* subcontractedFlag
* deliveryOrderFlag
* progressPaymentFlag
* laborCostIndex
* fixedFeeScheduleId
* frequency
* awardFee
* maximumFee
* finalPftAjtFormula
* projectId
* nsnNumber
* customersPercentInOrder
* cfeReqFlag
* billableFlag
* lineQuantity
* lineValueTotal
* requiringOffice
* shippableFlag
* dateOfFirstSubmission
* awardFeePoolAmount
* discountForPayment
* customerApprovalReqFlag
* ceilingCost
* prepaymentAmount
* customerItemNumber
* financialCtrlFlag
* undefUnitPrice
* numberOfOptions


 * totalEstimatedCost
* undefLineValueTotal
* lineValue
* minimumFee
* billGroupId
* unitPrice
* proposalDueDate
* withholdLimit
* parentLineId
* revisedPrice
* billingMethodCode
* inventoryItemId
* authority
* dataItemName
* dataItemSubtitle
* targetDateDefinitize
* lastUpdateLogin
* cScsFlag
* uomCode
* retentionPercent
* cdrlCategory
* estimatedTotalQuantity
* feeRate
* completedFlag
* maximumQuantity
* costOfSaleRate
* costUnderrunShareRatio
* feePercent
* dropShippedFlag
* finalFee
* nspFlag
* exportFlag
* countryOfOriginCode
* scheduledDelvDefault
* majorVersion
* priorityCode
* billUndefinitizedFlag
* paymentInstruction
* targetPrice
* creationDate
* lastUpdateDate
* baseFee
* createdBy
* costOfMoney
* dcaaAuditReqFlag
* endDate
* copRequiredFlag
* subjA133Flag
* minimumQuantity
* nteWarningFlag
* targetCost
* materialCostIndex
* exportLicenseRes
* cSsrFlag
* inspectionReqFlag
* definitizedFlag
* prepaymentPercentage
* lineLiquidationRate
* initialFee
* deliveryDate
* interimRptReqFlag
* progressPaymentLiqRate
* levelOfEffortHours
* targetFee
* feeAjtFormula
* costOverrunShareRatio
* asOfDate
* progressPaymentRate
* fixedQuantity
* lastUpdatedBy
* kLineId
* customerItemId
* splitedFlag
* copiesRequired
* feeOverrideScheduleId
* initialPrice
* exportLicenseNum
* ceilingPrice
* dateMaterialReq
* appCode
* taskId
* dateOfPriceRedetermin
* fixedFee
* undefLineValue
* subcontractedFlag
* deliveryOrderFlag
* progressPaymentFlag
* laborCostIndex
* fixedFeeScheduleId
* frequency
* awardFee
* maximumFee
* finalPftAjtFormula
* projectId
* nsnNumber
* customersPercentInOrder
* cfeReqFlag
* billableFlag
* lineQuantity
* lineValueTotal
* requiringOffice
* shippableFlag
* dateOfFirstSubmission
* awardFeePoolAmount
* discountForPayment
* customerApprovalReqFlag
* ceilingCost
* prepaymentAmount
* customerItemNumber
* financialCtrlFlag
* undefUnitPrice
* numberOfOptions


 * customerItemId
* awardFeePoolAmount
* taskId
* targetDateDefinitize
* paymentInstruction
* dataItemSubtitle
* frequency
* costOfSaleRate
* dateMaterialReq
* completedFlag
* asOfDate
* customerApprovalReqFlag
* maximumQuantity
* cdrlCategory
* finalPftAjtFormula
* initialFee
* lastUpdateLogin
* kLineId
* dataItemName
* maximumFee
* shippableFlag
* costUnderrunShareRatio
* countryOfOriginCode
* costOfMoney
* cScsFlag
* progressPaymentRate
* creationDate
* lineValue
* deliveryOrderFlag
* authority
* dateOfPriceRedetermin
* customerItemNumber
* feeOverrideScheduleId
* initialPrice
* exportFlag
* lineLiquidationRate
* definitizedFlag
* progressPaymentFlag
* createdBy
* targetFee
* billableFlag
* costOverrunShareRatio
* revisedPrice
* retentionPercent
* minimumFee
* nteWarningFlag
* deliveryDate
* parentLineId
* billGroupId
* copiesRequired
* lineQuantity
* undefUnitPrice
* endDate
* projectId
* dateOfFirstSubmission
* proposalDueDate
* priorityCode
* customersPercentInOrder
* feeAjtFormula
* requiringOffice
* appCode
* subjA133Flag
* exportLicenseNum
* uomCode
* nsnNumber
* discountForPayment
* fixedFee
* subcontractedFlag
* lastUpdateDate
* billUndefinitizedFlag
* levelOfEffortHours
* awardFee
* estimatedTotalQuantity
* ceilingCost
* undefLineValue
* dropShippedFlag
* inventoryItemId
* lastUpdatedBy
* inspectionReqFlag
* splitedFlag
* exportLicenseRes
* billingMethodCode
* withholdLimit
* finalFee
* feePercent
* nspFlag
* interimRptReqFlag
* fixedQuantity
* minimumQuantity
* laborCostIndex
* ceilingPrice
* fixedFeeScheduleId
* unitPrice
* copRequiredFlag
* scheduledDelvDefault
* dcaaAuditReqFlag
* prepaymentPercentage
* targetPrice
* financialCtrlFlag
* numberOfOptions
* feeRate
* prepaymentAmount
* cSsrFlag
* lineValueTotal
* progressPaymentLiqRate
* materialCostIndex
* targetCost
* undefLineValueTotal
* baseFee
* cfeReqFlag
* totalEstimatedCost


 * attribute7
* attribute8
* createdBy
* customerFurnishedFlag
* attributeCategory
* attribute5
* attribute11
* creationDate
* lastUpdateDate
* requiredFlag
* attribute2
* kLineId
* attribute3
* attribute4
* attribute14
* completedFlag
* kHeaderId
* attribute12
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute10
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute15
* attribute1
* attribute13
* printFormCode
* attribute6
* attribute9


 * attribute7
* attribute8
* createdBy
* customerFurnishedFlag
* attributeCategory
* attribute5
* attribute11
* creationDate
* lastUpdateDate
* requiredFlag
* attribute2
* kLineId
* attribute3
* attribute4
* attribute14
* completedFlag
* kHeaderId
* attribute12
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute10
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute15
* attribute1
* attribute13
* printFormCode
* attribute6
* attribute9


 * changeRequestId
* creationDate
* relatedEntityId
* lastUpdateDate
* version
* lastUpdateLogin
* chgRequestId
* kHeaderId
* createdBy
* lastUpdatedBy
* relatedEntityVersion


 * changeRequestId
* creationDate
* relatedEntityId
* lastUpdateDate
* version
* lastUpdateLogin
* chgRequestId
* kHeaderId
* createdBy
* lastUpdatedBy
* relatedEntityVersion


 * attributeCategory
* attribute3
* attribute9
* kHeaderId
* kLineId
* typeCode
* attribute12
* attribute7
* attribute11
* attribute8
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* createdBy
* attribute2
* attribute15
* attribute4
* attribute13
* deliverableId
* attribute10
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute5
* defaultFlag
* attribute14
* attribute1
* standardNotesId
* attribute6


 * attributeCategory
* attribute3
* attribute9
* kHeaderId
* kLineId
* typeCode
* attribute12
* attribute7
* attribute11
* attribute8
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* createdBy
* attribute2
* attribute15
* attribute4
* attribute13
* deliverableId
* attribute10
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute5
* defaultFlag
* attribute14
* attribute1
* standardNotesId
* attribute6


 * lastUpdateLogin
* attribute1
* typeCode
* attribute5
* majorVersion
* standardNotesId
* creationDate
* deliverableId
* defaultFlag
* attribute8
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute7
* attribute12
* attribute13
* attribute3
* attribute4
* attribute14
* attributeCategory
* kHeaderId
* attribute10
* attribute2
* attribute15
* createdBy
* kLineId
* attribute11
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute9
* attribute6


 * lastUpdateLogin
* attribute1
* typeCode
* attribute5
* majorVersion
* standardNotesId
* creationDate
* deliverableId
* defaultFlag
* attribute8
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute7
* attribute12
* attribute13
* attribute3
* attribute4
* attribute14
* attributeCategory
* kHeaderId
* attribute10
* attribute2
* attribute15
* createdBy
* kLineId
* attribute11
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute9
* attribute6


 * lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* name
* lastUpdateLogin
* text
* createdBy
* creationDate
* language
* sourceLang
* standardNotesId
* sfwtFlag
* description


 * lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* name
* lastUpdateLogin
* text
* createdBy
* creationDate
* language
* sourceLang
* standardNotesId
* sfwtFlag
* description


 * sfwtFlag
* lastUpdatedBy
* language
* createdBy
* majorVersion
* lastUpdateDate
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* name
* standardNotesId
* text
* description
* sourceLang


 * sfwtFlag
* lastUpdatedBy
* language
* createdBy
* majorVersion
* lastUpdateDate
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* name
* standardNotesId
* text
* description
* sourceLang


 * attribute6
* attribute1
* termCode
* attribute3
* attribute4
* attributeCategory
* creationDate
* attribute14
* attribute10
* attribute8
* kLineId
* attribute5
* attribute15
* attribute11
* attribute12
* termValuePk1
* attribute7
* kHeaderId
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute9
* lastUpdatedBy
* createdBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute2
* termValuePk2
* attribute13


 * attribute10
* termValuePk2
* creationDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute8
* attribute6
* attribute7
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute14
* termCode
* attribute15
* attribute9
* majorVersion
* attribute5
* attributeCategory
* attribute11
* termValuePk1
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute13
* kHeaderId
* attribute12
* kLineId
* createdBy
* attribute2
* attribute3
* attribute1
* attribute4


 * attribute10
* termValuePk2
* creationDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute8
* attribute6
* attribute7
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute14
* termCode
* attribute15
* attribute9
* majorVersion
* attribute5
* attributeCategory
* attribute11
* termValuePk1
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute13
* kHeaderId
* attribute12
* kLineId
* createdBy
* attribute2
* attribute3
* attribute1
* attribute4


 * attribute6
* attribute1
* termCode
* attribute3
* attribute4
* attributeCategory
* creationDate
* attribute14
* attribute10
* attribute8
* kLineId
* attribute5
* attribute15
* attribute11
* attribute12
* termValuePk1
* attribute7
* kHeaderId
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute9
* lastUpdatedBy
* createdBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute2
* termValuePk2
* attribute13


 * userAttribute02
* userAttribute09
* userAttribute10
* userAttribute03
* userAttribute26
* userAttribute01
* userAttribute16
* userAttribute28
* userAttribute06
* userAttribute22
* userAttribute27
* userAttribute04
* userAttribute12
* userAttribute20
* userAttribute29
* recordVersionNumber
* kUserAttributeId
* userAttribute21
* userAttribute14
* userAttribute23
* kLineId
* userAttribute15
* userAttributeContext
* userAttribute07
* userAttribute24
* userAttribute25
* userAttribute17
* userAttribute08
* userAttribute30
* creationDate
* userAttribute18
* userAttribute19
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* kHeaderId
* lastUpdateDate
* userAttribute13
* createdBy
* userAttribute05
* userAttribute11


 * userAttribute26
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdateDate
* userAttribute05
* kUserAttributeId
* userAttribute21
* userAttribute10
* userAttribute01
* creationDate
* userAttribute09
* userAttribute11
* userAttribute24
* userAttribute14
* userAttribute19
* userAttribute29
* recordVersionNumber
* kHeaderId
* lastUpdatedBy
* userAttribute08
* userAttribute25
* userAttribute15
* userAttribute27
* userAttribute12
* userAttribute28
* createdBy
* userAttribute18
* userAttribute30
* majorVersion
* userAttribute20
* userAttribute17
* userAttribute07
* userAttribute16
* userAttribute13
* userAttribute03
* userAttribute02
* userAttribute04
* userAttribute23
* userAttribute06
* userAttribute22
* kLineId
* userAttributeContext


 * userAttribute26
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdateDate
* userAttribute05
* kUserAttributeId
* userAttribute21
* userAttribute10
* userAttribute01
* creationDate
* userAttribute09
* userAttribute11
* userAttribute24
* userAttribute14
* userAttribute19
* userAttribute29
* recordVersionNumber
* kHeaderId
* lastUpdatedBy
* userAttribute08
* userAttribute25
* userAttribute15
* userAttribute27
* userAttribute12
* userAttribute28
* createdBy
* userAttribute18
* userAttribute30
* majorVersion
* userAttribute20
* userAttribute17
* userAttribute07
* userAttribute16
* userAttribute13
* userAttribute03
* userAttribute02
* userAttribute04
* userAttribute23
* userAttribute06
* userAttribute22
* kLineId
* userAttributeContext


 * userAttribute02
* userAttribute09
* userAttribute10
* userAttribute03
* userAttribute26
* userAttribute01
* userAttribute16
* userAttribute28
* userAttribute06
* userAttribute22
* userAttribute27
* userAttribute04
* userAttribute12
* userAttribute20
* userAttribute29
* recordVersionNumber
* kUserAttributeId
* userAttribute21
* userAttribute14
* userAttribute23
* kLineId
* userAttribute15
* userAttributeContext
* userAttribute07
* userAttribute24
* userAttribute25
* userAttribute17
* userAttribute08
* userAttribute30
* creationDate
* userAttribute18
* userAttribute19
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* kHeaderId
* lastUpdateDate
* userAttribute13
* createdBy
* userAttribute05
* userAttribute11


 * lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateDate
* kHeaderId
* createdBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* majorVersion
* versionReasonCode
* chgRequestId
* creationDate


 * lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateDate
* kHeaderId
* createdBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* majorVersion
* versionReasonCode
* chgRequestId
* creationDate


 * amount
* attribute15
* attribute12
* attribute6
* attribute10
* lastUpdateDate
* conversionType
* attribute1
* attribute4
* createdBy
* fundingPoolId
* attribute14
* attribute2
* attribute11
* attribute5
* attributeCategory
* attribute13
* attribute3
* currencyCode
* attribute9
* conversionRate
* attribute8
* attribute7
* initialAmount
* startDateActive
* endDateActive
* conversionDate
* creationDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* availableAmount
* partyId
* lastUpdateLogin
* poolPartyId


 * amount
* attribute15
* attribute12
* attribute6
* attribute10
* lastUpdateDate
* conversionType
* attribute1
* attribute4
* createdBy
* fundingPoolId
* attribute14
* attribute2
* attribute11
* attribute5
* attributeCategory
* attribute13
* attribute3
* currencyCode
* attribute9
* conversionRate
* attribute8
* attribute7
* initialAmount
* startDateActive
* endDateActive
* conversionDate
* creationDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* availableAmount
* partyId
* lastUpdateLogin
* poolPartyId


 * lastUpdateLogin
* programId
* startDate
* attribute6
* attribute14
* creationDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute5
* attribute13
* attribute15
* attribute7
* attribute2
* createdBy
* attribute1
* attribute3
* attributeCategory
* attribute10
* attribute4
* description
* attribute8
* recordVersionNumber
* lastUpdateDate
* endDate
* programNumber
* programName
* attribute9
* attribute11
* attribute12


 * lastUpdateLogin
* programId
* startDate
* attribute6
* attribute14
* creationDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute5
* attribute13
* attribute15
* attribute7
* attribute2
* createdBy
* attribute1
* attribute3
* attributeCategory
* attribute10
* attribute4
* description
* attribute8
* recordVersionNumber
* lastUpdateDate
* endDate
* programNumber
* programName
* attribute9
* attribute11
* attribute12


 * formId
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdatedBy
* createdBy
* creationDate
* name
* whereClause
* lastUpdateDate
* searchId
* userId


 * formId
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdatedBy
* createdBy
* creationDate
* name
* whereClause
* lastUpdateDate
* searchId
* userId


 * lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdatedBy
* dateExtended
* creationDate
* reason
* submissionDate
* lastUpdateDate
* deliverableId
* createdBy


 * lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdatedBy
* dateExtended
* creationDate
* reason
* submissionDate
* lastUpdateDate
* deliverableId
* createdBy


 * currentFlag
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdateBy
* lastUpdateDate
* kHeaderId
* version2
* version1
* objectName
* createdBy
* objectType
* objectId
* sequence
* v1data
* v2data
* prompt
* creationDate


 * currentFlag
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdateBy
* lastUpdateDate
* kHeaderId
* version2
* version1
* objectName
* createdBy
* objectType
* objectId
* sequence
* v1data
* v2data
* prompt
* creationDate


 * requestId
* eventTypeCode
* accountingEventId
* accountingDate
* sourceId
* objectVersionNumber
* lastUpdateLogin
* eventNumber
* createdBy
* programId
* lastUpdateDate
* orgId
* eventStatusCode
* programUpdateDate
* creationDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* programApplicationId
* sourceTable


 * requestId
* eventTypeCode
* accountingEventId
* accountingDate
* sourceId
* objectVersionNumber
* lastUpdateLogin
* eventNumber
* createdBy
* programId
* lastUpdateDate
* orgId
* eventStatusCode
* programUpdateDate
* creationDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* programApplicationId
* sourceTable


 * attribute2
* creationDate
* agrId
* attribute3
* source
* attDataType
* objectVersionNumber
* attributeCategory
* attribute13
* constants
* attribute7
* attribute6
* attribute12
* attribute4
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute1
* createdBy
* segmentNumber
* id
* attribute10
* lastUpdateDate
* segment
* attribute5
* attribute11
* sourceColumn
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute8
* attribute9
* attribute15
* attribute14
* wfAttributeName


 * attribute2
* creationDate
* agrId
* attribute3
* source
* attDataType
* objectVersionNumber
* attributeCategory
* attribute13
* constants
* attribute7
* attribute6
* attribute12
* attribute4
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute1
* createdBy
* segmentNumber
* id
* attribute10
* lastUpdateDate
* segment
* attribute5
* attribute11
* sourceColumn
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute8
* attribute9
* attribute15
* attribute14
* wfAttributeName


 * setOfBooksId
* createdBy
* creationDate
* id
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateDate
* aeLineType
* lastUpdateLogin
* objectVersionNumber
* orgId


 * setOfBooksId
* createdBy
* creationDate
* id
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateDate
* aeLineType
* lastUpdateLogin
* objectVersionNumber
* orgId


 * lastUpdatedBy
* createdBy
* id
* amount
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* dateBalance
* objectVersionNumber
* creationDate
* khrId
* accGroupId


 * lastUpdatedBy
* createdBy
* id
* amount
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* dateBalance
* objectVersionNumber
* creationDate
* khrId
* accGroupId


 * createdBy
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdateDate
* id
* accGroupCode
* creationDate
* codeCombinationId
* objectVersionNumber
* orgId
* setOfBooksId


 * createdBy
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdateDate
* id
* accGroupCode
* creationDate
* codeCombinationId
* objectVersionNumber
* orgId
* setOfBooksId


 * leftParentheses
* ruleType
* toDate
* createdBy
* rightOperandLiteral
* orgId
* aroCode
* version
* lastUpdateDate
* lineNumber
* fromDate
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* acroCode
* objectVersionNumber
* rightParentheses
* lastUpdatedBy
* id
* arloCode


 * leftParentheses
* ruleType
* toDate
* createdBy
* rightOperandLiteral
* orgId
* aroCode
* version
* lastUpdateDate
* lineNumber
* fromDate
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* acroCode
* objectVersionNumber
* rightParentheses
* lastUpdatedBy
* id
* arloCode


 * pdtId
* generateAccrualOverrideYn
* dealType
* currencyCode
* contractNumber
* stsCode
* contractId
* rowNumber
* currencyConversionType
* startDate
* currencyConversionDate
* generateAccrualYn
* currencyConversionRate


 * pdtId
* generateAccrualOverrideYn
* dealType
* currencyCode
* contractNumber
* stsCode
* contractId
* rowNumber
* currencyConversionType
* startDate
* currencyConversionDate
* generateAccrualYn
* currencyConversionRate


 * recSiteUsesPk
* styId
* currencyConversionRate
* formulaUsed
* kleId
* currencyCode
* payFinancialOptionsPk
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* requestId
* inventoryItemIdPk1
* assetBookPk2
* inventoryOrgIdPk2
* sourceIndicatorFlag
* createdBy
* factorInvestorFlag
* avlId
* customStatus
* programApplicationId
* jtfSalesRepsPk
* id
* accountingDate
* assetCategoryIdPk1
* factorInvestorCode
* programUpdateDate
* lastUpdateDate
* programId
* internalStatus
* pdtId
* orgId
* khrId
* enteredDate
* postToGl
* recTrxTypesPk
* sourceId
* amount
* glReversalFlag
* localProductYn
* tryId
* payVendorSitesPk
* currencyConversionType
* currencyConversionDate
* sourceTable
* memoYn
* creationDate


 * recSiteUsesPk
* styId
* currencyConversionRate
* formulaUsed
* kleId
* currencyCode
* payFinancialOptionsPk
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* requestId
* inventoryItemIdPk1
* assetBookPk2
* inventoryOrgIdPk2
* sourceIndicatorFlag
* createdBy
* factorInvestorFlag
* avlId
* customStatus
* programApplicationId
* jtfSalesRepsPk
* id
* accountingDate
* assetCategoryIdPk1
* factorInvestorCode
* programUpdateDate
* lastUpdateDate
* programId
* internalStatus
* pdtId
* orgId
* khrId
* enteredDate
* postToGl
* recTrxTypesPk
* sourceId
* amount
* glReversalFlag
* localProductYn
* tryId
* payVendorSitesPk
* currencyConversionType
* currencyConversionDate
* sourceTable
* memoYn
* creationDate


 * programId
* objectVersionNumber
* glTransferRunId
* aeCategory
* accountingErrorCode
* description
* sequenceId
* requestId
* creationDate
* aeHeaderId
* postToGlFlag
* periodName
* accountingDate
* programApplicationId
* lastUpdatedBy
* crossCurrencyFlag
* lastUpdateLogin
* programUpdateDate
* setOfBooksId
* accountingEventId
* glTransferFlag
* glTransferErrorCode
* sequenceValue
* glReversalFlag
* lastUpdateDate
* orgId
* createdBy


 * programId
* objectVersionNumber
* glTransferRunId
* aeCategory
* accountingErrorCode
* description
* sequenceId
* requestId
* creationDate
* aeHeaderId
* postToGlFlag
* periodName
* accountingDate
* programApplicationId
* lastUpdatedBy
* crossCurrencyFlag
* lastUpdateLogin
* programUpdateDate
* setOfBooksId
* accountingEventId
* glTransferFlag
* glTransferErrorCode
* sequenceValue
* glReversalFlag
* lastUpdateDate
* orgId
* createdBy


 * reference7
* reference1
* statAmount
* taxLinkId
* createdBy
* creationDate
* thirdPartySubId
* accountingErrorCode
* appliedToTrxHdrTable
* appliedToTrxHdrId
* programApplicationId
* glTransferErrorCode
* objectVersionNumber
* appliedFromTrxHdrTable
* lastUpdatedBy
* taxableEnteredDr
* aeLineTypeCode
* requestId
* lastUpdateDate
* aeLineNumber
* ussglTransactionCode
* aeHeaderId
* taxableEnteredCr
* taxCodeId
* sourceId
* appliedFromTrxHdrId
* reference5
* reference4
* currencyCode
* currencyConversionRate
* reference6
* glSlLinkId
* accountedDr
* codeCombinationId
* reference2
* reference9
* aeLineId
* currencyConversionType
* description
* subledgerDocSequenceId
* programId
* lastUpdateLogin
* taxableAccountedDr
* accountedCr
* subledgerDocSequenceValue
* reference3
* enteredCr
* taxableAccountedCr
* enteredDr
* accountOverlaySourceId
* reference8
* thirdPartyId
* reference10
* orgId
* sourceTable
* programUpdateDate
* currencyConversionDate


 * reference7
* reference1
* statAmount
* taxLinkId
* createdBy
* creationDate
* thirdPartySubId
* accountingErrorCode
* appliedToTrxHdrTable
* appliedToTrxHdrId
* programApplicationId
* glTransferErrorCode
* objectVersionNumber
* appliedFromTrxHdrTable
* lastUpdatedBy
* taxableEnteredDr
* aeLineTypeCode
* requestId
* lastUpdateDate
* aeLineNumber
* ussglTransactionCode
* aeHeaderId
* taxableEnteredCr
* taxCodeId
* sourceId
* appliedFromTrxHdrId
* reference5
* reference4
* currencyCode
* currencyConversionRate
* reference6
* glSlLinkId
* accountedDr
* codeCombinationId
* reference2
* reference9
* aeLineId
* currencyConversionType
* description
* subledgerDocSequenceId
* programId
* lastUpdateLogin
* taxableAccountedDr
* accountedCr
* subledgerDocSequenceValue
* reference3
* enteredCr
* taxableAccountedCr
* enteredDr
* accountOverlaySourceId
* reference8
* thirdPartyId
* reference10
* orgId
* sourceTable
* programUpdateDate
* currencyConversionDate


 * objectVersionNumber
* attribute6
* styId
* attribute11
* aesId
* tryId
* attribute15
* orgId
* accrualYn
* attribute12
* advanceArrears
* startDate
* facCode
* attribute10
* invCode
* sytCode
* attribute8
* attribute1
* factoringSyndFlag
* lastUpdatedBy
* postToGl
* lastUpdateLogin
* description
* priorYearYn
* attribute14
* version
* memoYn
* creationDate
* attributeCategory
* name
* id
* fmaId
* attribute5
* attribute7
* attribute13
* attribute3
* attribute2
* attribute9
* setOfBooksId
* lastUpdateDate
* endDate
* attribute4
* createdBy


 * objectVersionNumber
* attribute6
* styId
* attribute11
* aesId
* tryId
* attribute15
* orgId
* accrualYn
* attribute12
* advanceArrears
* startDate
* facCode
* attribute10
* invCode
* sytCode
* attribute8
* attribute1
* factoringSyndFlag
* lastUpdatedBy
* postToGl
* lastUpdateLogin
* description
* priorYearYn
* attribute14
* version
* memoYn
* creationDate
* attributeCategory
* name
* id
* fmaId
* attribute5
* attribute7
* attribute13
* attribute3
* attribute2
* attribute9
* setOfBooksId
* lastUpdateDate
* endDate
* attribute4
* createdBy


 * attribute7
* attribute12
* orgId
* creationDate
* accountBuilderYn
* attribute8
* attribute13
* description
* attribute15
* lastUpdateDate
* crdCode
* lastUpdatedBy
* aeLineType
* attribute3
* attribute9
* attribute6
* objectVersionNumber
* attribute5
* codeCombinationId
* percentage
* avlId
* sequenceNumber
* attribute11
* attributeCategory
* attribute1
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute14
* createdBy
* attribute4
* attribute10
* id
* attribute2


 * attribute7
* attribute12
* orgId
* creationDate
* accountBuilderYn
* attribute8
* attribute13
* description
* attribute15
* lastUpdateDate
* crdCode
* lastUpdatedBy
* aeLineType
* attribute3
* attribute9
* attribute6
* objectVersionNumber
* attribute5
* codeCombinationId
* percentage
* avlId
* sequenceNumber
* attribute11
* attributeCategory
* attribute1
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute14
* createdBy
* attribute4
* attribute10
* id
* attribute2


 * objectVersionNumber
* version
* creationDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateDate
* createdBy
* startDate
* orgId
* lastUpdateLogin
* endDate
* gtsId
* id
* name
* description


 * objectVersionNumber
* version
* creationDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateDate
* createdBy
* startDate
* orgId
* lastUpdateLogin
* endDate
* gtsId
* id
* name
* description


 * id
* orgId
* primaryKeyColumn
* objectVersionNumber
* creationDate
* createdBy
* selectColumn
* lastUpdatedBy
* source
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* aeLineType


 * id
* orgId
* primaryKeyColumn
* objectVersionNumber
* creationDate
* createdBy
* selectColumn
* lastUpdatedBy
* source
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* aeLineType


 * lastUpdateDate
* id
* bookTypeCode
* holdPeriodDays
* lastUpdatedBy
* objectVersionNumber
* orgId
* creationDate
* deprnRate
* lastUpdateLogin
* categoryId
* methodId
* createdBy


 * lastUpdateDate
* id
* bookTypeCode
* holdPeriodDays
* lastUpdatedBy
* objectVersionNumber
* orgId
* creationDate
* deprnRate
* lastUpdateLogin
* categoryId
* methodId
* createdBy


 * amortType
* amortHdrId
* trxReqId
* amortReportFlag
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateDate
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* createdBy


 * amortType
* amortHdrId
* trxReqId
* amortReportFlag
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateDate
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* createdBy


 * amortHdrId
* amortLineId
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdatedBy
* amortValue
* creationDate
* createdBy


 * amortHdrId
* amortLineId
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdatedBy
* amortValue
* creationDate
* createdBy


 * claimDescription
* creationDate
* createdBy
* damageDescription
* sourceLang
* id
* recommendedRepair
* language
* lastUpdateDate
* partName
* lastUpdatedBy
* sfwtFlag
* lastUpdateLogin


 * claimDescription
* creationDate
* createdBy
* damageDescription
* sourceLang
* id
* recommendedRepair
* language
* lastUpdateDate
* partName
* lastUpdatedBy
* sfwtFlag
* lastUpdateLogin


 * attribute15
* attribute13
* attribute11
* kleId
* lastUpdateLogin
* cdnCode
* attribute7
* programApplicationId
* objectVersionNumber
* lastUpdateDate
* requestId
* id
* attribute4
* attribute5
* attribute6
* creationDate
* dateReport
* programId
* attribute1
* ilnId
* attribute3
* clmId
* attribute12
* attribute9
* lastUpdatedBy
* orgId
* attributeCategory
* attribute8
* attribute10
* createdBy
* ispId
* programUpdateDate
* attribute14
* attribute2


 * attribute15
* attribute13
* attribute11
* kleId
* lastUpdateLogin
* cdnCode
* attribute7
* programApplicationId
* objectVersionNumber
* lastUpdateDate
* requestId
* id
* attribute4
* attribute5
* attribute6
* creationDate
* dateReport
* programId
* attribute1
* ilnId
* attribute3
* clmId
* attribute12
* attribute9
* lastUpdatedBy
* orgId
* attributeCategory
* attribute8
* attribute10
* createdBy
* ispId
* programUpdateDate
* attribute14
* attribute2


 * attribute9
* objectVersionNumber
* attribute5
* manufacturerName
* unitCost
* attribute12
* attribute7
* lastUpdatedBy
* invItemId
* creationDate
* lastUpdateDate
* supplierId
* attribute1
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute3
* assetId
* yearManufactured
* id
* numberOfUnits
* modelNumber
* attribute10
* attribute14
* attribute11
* attributeCategory
* attribute2
* attribute6
* createdBy
* attribute8
* attribute13
* primaryComponent
* attribute4
* attribute15


 * attribute9
* objectVersionNumber
* attribute5
* manufacturerName
* unitCost
* attribute12
* attribute7
* lastUpdatedBy
* invItemId
* creationDate
* lastUpdateDate
* supplierId
* attribute1
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute3
* assetId
* yearManufactured
* id
* numberOfUnits
* modelNumber
* attribute10
* attribute14
* attribute11
* attributeCategory
* attribute2
* attribute6
* createdBy
* attribute8
* attribute13
* primaryComponent
* attribute4
* attribute15


 * sourceLang
* createdBy
* lastUpdatedBy
* shortDescription
* id
* creationDate
* description
* language
* lastUpdateDate
* sfwtFlag
* lastUpdateLogin
* comments


 * sourceLang
* createdBy
* lastUpdatedBy
* shortDescription
* id
* creationDate
* description
* language
* lastUpdateDate
* sfwtFlag
* lastUpdateLogin
* comments


 * securityDepTrxApId
* attribute11
* isoId
* floorPrice
* arsCode
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute1
* attribute14
* imrId
* repurchaseAgmtYn
* programId
* attribute10
* programUpdateDate
* creationDate
* attribute3
* attribute7
* lastUpdateLogin
* attributeCategory
* attribute2
* orgId
* attribute13
* currencyCode
* rnaId
* attribute8
* dateReturnDue
* relocateAssetYn
* commmerciallyReasSaleYn
* dateTitleReturned
* attribute15
* requestId
* qteId
* dateReturnNotified
* objectVersionNumber
* likeKindYn
* attribute9
* art1Code
* dateHoldUntil
* voluntaryYn
* newItemNumber
* attribute5
* legalEntityId
* dateRepossessionRequired
* newItemPrice
* attribute4
* attribute12
* id
* assetFmvAmount
* programApplicationId
* assetRelocatedYn
* createdBy
* rmrId
* attribute6
* currencyConversionRate
* currencyConversionType
* dateRepossessionActual
* qteLineId
* lastUpdatedBy
* currencyConversionDate
* currencyConversionCode
* kleId
* dateReturned


 * securityDepTrxApId
* attribute11
* isoId
* floorPrice
* arsCode
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute1
* attribute14
* imrId
* repurchaseAgmtYn
* programId
* attribute10
* programUpdateDate
* creationDate
* attribute3
* attribute7
* lastUpdateLogin
* attributeCategory
* attribute2
* orgId
* attribute13
* currencyCode
* rnaId
* attribute8
* dateReturnDue
* relocateAssetYn
* commmerciallyReasSaleYn
* dateTitleReturned
* attribute15
* requestId
* qteId
* dateReturnNotified
* objectVersionNumber
* likeKindYn
* attribute9
* art1Code
* dateHoldUntil
* voluntaryYn
* newItemNumber
* attribute5
* legalEntityId
* dateRepossessionRequired
* newItemPrice
* attribute4
* attribute12
* id
* assetFmvAmount
* programApplicationId
* assetRelocatedYn
* createdBy
* rmrId
* attribute6
* currencyConversionRate
* currencyConversionType
* dateRepossessionActual
* qteLineId
* lastUpdatedBy
* currencyConversionDate
* currencyConversionCode
* kleId
* dateReturned


 * lastUpdatedBy
* sfwtFlag
* lastUpdateDate
* createdBy
* newItemDescription
* lastUpdateLogin
* id
* language
* comments
* creationDate
* sourceLang


 * lastUpdatedBy
* sfwtFlag
* lastUpdateDate
* createdBy
* newItemDescription
* lastUpdateLogin
* id
* language
* comments
* creationDate
* sourceLang


 * parentObjectId
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute4
* endOfTermValueDefault
* residualCost
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute3
* rateTemplateId
* structuredPricing
* attribute2
* attribute11
* custAcctId
* status
* attribute1
* leaseRateFactor
* oecPercentage
* attribute13
* assetNumber
* attributeCategory
* rateCardId
* attribute7
* targetArrears
* targetAmount
* attribute12
* createdBy
* attribute9
* objectVersionNumber
* creationDate
* endOfTermValue
* attribute5
* parentObjectCode
* oec
* origAssetId
* attribute8
* attribute6
* sourceKleId
* attribute15
* attribute14
* installSiteId
* attribute10
* id
* targetFrequency


 * parentObjectId
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute4
* endOfTermValueDefault
* residualCost
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute3
* rateTemplateId
* structuredPricing
* attribute2
* attribute11
* custAcctId
* status
* attribute1
* leaseRateFactor
* oecPercentage
* attribute13
* assetNumber
* attributeCategory
* rateCardId
* attribute7
* targetArrears
* targetAmount
* attribute12
* createdBy
* attribute9
* objectVersionNumber
* creationDate
* endOfTermValue
* attribute5
* parentObjectCode
* oec
* origAssetId
* attribute8
* attribute6
* sourceKleId
* attribute15
* attribute14
* installSiteId
* attribute10
* id
* targetFrequency


 * language
* description
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* id
* sfwtFlag
* lastUpdatedBy
* comments
* shortDescription
* sourceLang
* lastUpdateDate
* createdBy


 * language
* description
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* id
* sfwtFlag
* lastUpdatedBy
* comments
* shortDescription
* sourceLang
* lastUpdateDate
* createdBy


 * attribute12
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute9
* dateApproved
* attributeCategory
* attribute13
* acsCode
* orgId
* attribute6
* isqId
* ctpCode
* attribute8
* attribute15
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateDate
* currencyConversionType
* approvedYn
* attribute10
* currencyConversionCode
* attribute11
* currencyConversionRate
* id
* rpcId
* attribute5
* attribute4
* objectVersionNumber
* dateReported
* attribute1
* creationDate
* attribute7
* currencyCode
* dtyCode
* programId
* approvedBy
* estimatedRepairCost
* pztId
* attribute3
* currencyConversionDate
* sequenceNumber
* requestId
* acdId
* actualRepairCost
* programApplicationId
* cdnCode
* attribute2
* programUpdateDate
* attribute14
* createdBy


 * attribute12
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute9
* dateApproved
* attributeCategory
* attribute13
* acsCode
* orgId
* attribute6
* isqId
* ctpCode
* attribute8
* attribute15
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateDate
* currencyConversionType
* approvedYn
* attribute10
* currencyConversionCode
* attribute11
* currencyConversionRate
* id
* rpcId
* attribute5
* attribute4
* objectVersionNumber
* dateReported
* attribute1
* creationDate
* attribute7
* currencyCode
* dtyCode
* programId
* approvedBy
* estimatedRepairCost
* pztId
* attribute3
* currencyConversionDate
* sequenceNumber
* requestId
* acdId
* actualRepairCost
* programApplicationId
* cdnCode
* attribute2
* programUpdateDate
* attribute14
* createdBy


 * sfwtFlag
* createdBy
* description
* sourceLang
* chargeType
* lastUpdatedBy
* id
* language
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* creationDate


 * sfwtFlag
* createdBy
* description
* sourceLang
* chargeType
* lastUpdatedBy
* id
* language
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* creationDate


 * creationDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* origin
* language
* name
* destination
* sourceLang
* sfwtFlag
* id
* createdBy
* lastUpdateDate


 * creationDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* origin
* language
* name
* destination
* sourceLang
* sfwtFlag
* id
* createdBy
* lastUpdateDate


 * assetId
* programId
* chargeDate
* id
* attribute11
* interfaceAttribute9
* interfaceAttribute5
* styName
* attribute13
* interfaceAttribute7
* contractId
* createdBy
* objectVersionNumber
* customerRef
* attribute15
* creationDate
* customerId
* programApplicationId
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute12
* customerAddressRef
* attribute3
* programUpdateDate
* interfaceAttribute10
* attribute4
* interfaceAttribute2
* interfaceAttribute8
* amount
* attributeCategory
* interfaceAttribute14
* attribute9
* styId
* lastUpdateDate
* interfaceAttribute1
* interfaceAttribute4
* bghId
* attribute6
* interfaceAttribute12
* attribute2
* interfaceAttribute6
* orgId
* customerAddressId
* attribute8
* attribute7
* currencyCode
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute14
* interfaceAttribute3
* interfaceAttribute15
* sequenceNumber
* interfaceAttribute13
* requestId
* attribute10
* interfaceAttribute11
* attribute1
* attribute5


 * assetId
* programId
* chargeDate
* id
* attribute11
* interfaceAttribute9
* interfaceAttribute5
* styName
* attribute13
* interfaceAttribute7
* contractId
* createdBy
* objectVersionNumber
* customerRef
* attribute15
* creationDate
* customerId
* programApplicationId
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute12
* customerAddressRef
* attribute3
* programUpdateDate
* interfaceAttribute10
* attribute4
* interfaceAttribute2
* interfaceAttribute8
* amount
* attributeCategory
* interfaceAttribute14
* attribute9
* styId
* lastUpdateDate
* interfaceAttribute1
* interfaceAttribute4
* bghId
* attribute6
* interfaceAttribute12
* attribute2
* interfaceAttribute6
* orgId
* customerAddressId
* attribute8
* attribute7
* currencyCode
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute14
* interfaceAttribute3
* interfaceAttribute15
* sequenceNumber
* interfaceAttribute13
* requestId
* attribute10
* interfaceAttribute11
* attribute1
* attribute5


 * lastUpdatedBy
* attribute9
* attribute7
* creationDate
* programApplicationId
* attribute6
* objectVersionNumber
* programUpdateDate
* attribute3
* attribute2
* orgId
* attribute4
* createdBy
* programId
* attribute5
* attribute13
* attribute12
* attribute14
* attribute8
* dateTransmission
* trxStatusCode
* attributeCategory
* attribute10
* attribute11
* lastUpdateDate
* requestId
* lastUpdateLogin
* id
* sequenceNumber
* attribute1
* attribute15


 * lastUpdatedBy
* attribute9
* attribute7
* creationDate
* programApplicationId
* attribute6
* objectVersionNumber
* programUpdateDate
* attribute3
* attribute2
* orgId
* attribute4
* createdBy
* programId
* attribute5
* attribute13
* attribute12
* attribute14
* attribute8
* dateTransmission
* trxStatusCode
* attributeCategory
* attribute10
* attribute11
* lastUpdateDate
* requestId
* lastUpdateLogin
* id
* sequenceNumber
* attribute1
* attribute15


 * lastUpdateLogin
* creationDate
* batchNumber
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateDate
* processingSrlNumber
* activeFlag
* orgId
* programName
* userId
* progressStatus
* createdBy
* progShortName
* khrId
* concReqId


 * lastUpdateLogin
* creationDate
* batchNumber
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateDate
* processingSrlNumber
* activeFlag
* orgId
* programName
* userId
* progressStatus
* createdBy
* progShortName
* khrId
* concReqId


 * requestId
* lastUpdateLogin
* programUpdateDate
* endDate
* programApplicationId
* ibcId
* startDate
* createdBy
* version
* id
* comments
* lastUpdatedBy
* programId
* creationDate
* lossRate
* lastUpdateDate
* objectVersionNumber


 * requestId
* lastUpdateLogin
* programUpdateDate
* endDate
* programApplicationId
* ibcId
* startDate
* createdBy
* version
* id
* comments
* lastUpdatedBy
* programId
* creationDate
* lossRate
* lastUpdateDate
* objectVersionNumber


 * objectVersionNumber
* endDate
* attribute12
* monthsToBillAhead
* attribute9
* underPaymentAllocationCode
* attribute4
* lastUpdateLogin
* amountTolerancePercent
* attribute14
* orgId
* lastUpdateDate
* description
* name
* attribute1
* overPaymentAllocationCode
* attribute5
* attribute2
* defaultRule
* daysPastQuoteValidToleranc
* receiptMsmtchAllocationCode
* attribute8
* creationDate
* id
* attributeCategory
* attribute10
* cauId
* attribute6
* attribute3
* startDate
* createdBy
* attribute11
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute15
* attribute7
* numDaysHoldAdvPay
* attribute13


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* endDate
* attribute12
* monthsToBillAhead
* attribute9
* underPaymentAllocationCode
* attribute4
* lastUpdateLogin
* amountTolerancePercent
* attribute14
* orgId
* lastUpdateDate
* description
* name
* attribute1
* overPaymentAllocationCode
* attribute5
* attribute2
* defaultRule
* daysPastQuoteValidToleranc
* receiptMsmtchAllocationCode
* attribute8
* creationDate
* id
* attributeCategory
* attribute10
* cauId
* attribute6
* attribute3
* startDate
* createdBy
* attribute11
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute15
* attribute7
* numDaysHoldAdvPay
* attribute13


 * numberOfPeriods
* stubDays
* attribute3
* attribute6
* objectVersionNumber
* attribute4
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute14
* startDate
* attribute9
* missingPmtFlag
* cafId
* creationDate
* attribute15
* amount
* attribute7
* attribute8
* stubAmount
* attribute12
* attribute1
* rate
* attribute10
* createdBy
* attributeCategory
* attribute13
* attribute11
* id
* fqyCode
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute2
* levelSequence
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute5


 * numberOfPeriods
* stubDays
* attribute3
* attribute6
* objectVersionNumber
* attribute4
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute14
* startDate
* attribute9
* missingPmtFlag
* cafId
* creationDate
* attribute15
* amount
* attribute7
* attribute8
* stubAmount
* attribute12
* attribute1
* rate
* attribute10
* createdBy
* attributeCategory
* attribute13
* attribute11
* id
* fqyCode
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute2
* levelSequence
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute5


 * attribute6
* sourceId
* attribute3
* attribute7
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute12
* objectVersionNumber
* attribute11
* attribute2
* creationDate
* createdBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* id
* attribute10
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute14
* otyCode
* attribute15
* attribute13
* attribute4
* attributeCategory
* attribute9
* sourceTable
* attribute1
* attribute8
* attribute5


 * attribute6
* sourceId
* attribute3
* attribute7
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute12
* objectVersionNumber
* attribute11
* attribute2
* creationDate
* createdBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* id
* attribute10
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute14
* otyCode
* attribute15
* attribute13
* attribute4
* attributeCategory
* attribute9
* sourceTable
* attribute1
* attribute8
* attribute5


 * attribute14
* attribute1
* attribute13
* attribute8
* attribute4
* attribute10
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute3
* dueArrearsYn
* cftCode
* stsCode
* dnzQteId
* cfoId
* id
* attribute9
* creationDate
* attribute15
* attributeCategory
* objectVersionNumber
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute6
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute7
* attribute5
* createdBy
* attribute12
* dnzKhrId
* attribute11
* startDate
* styId
* numberOfAdvancePeriods
* attribute2


 * attribute14
* attribute1
* attribute13
* attribute8
* attribute4
* attribute10
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute3
* dueArrearsYn
* cftCode
* stsCode
* dnzQteId
* cfoId
* id
* attribute9
* creationDate
* attribute15
* attributeCategory
* objectVersionNumber
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute6
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute7
* attribute5
* createdBy
* attribute12
* dnzKhrId
* attribute11
* startDate
* styId
* numberOfAdvancePeriods
* attribute2


 * attribute8
* startDate
* attribute2
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute7
* attribute15
* attribute6
* attribute5
* attribute12
* attribute10
* lastUpdateDate
* ptpCode
* cfoId
* objectVersionNumber
* endDate
* attribute14
* attribute1
* attribute4
* attribute11
* attributeCategory
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute9
* id
* attribute13
* createdBy
* attribute3
* creationDate


 * attribute8
* startDate
* attribute2
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute7
* attribute15
* attribute6
* attribute5
* attribute12
* attribute10
* lastUpdateDate
* ptpCode
* cfoId
* objectVersionNumber
* endDate
* attribute14
* attribute1
* attribute4
* attribute11
* attributeCategory
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute9
* id
* attribute13
* createdBy
* attribute3
* creationDate


 * instChecklistType
* attribute13
* lastUpdateDate
* cklId
* attribute3
* orgId
* mandatoryFlag
* requestId
* userCompleteFlag
* attribute11
* attribute15
* programApplicationId
* functionValidateRsts
* todoItemCode
* adminNote
* attribute8
* functionValidateMsg
* attribute14
* dnzChecklistObjId
* attribute12
* programUpdateDate
* attribute6
* attribute7
* userNote
* appealFlag
* objectVersionNumber
* attribute1
* programId
* lastUpdateLogin
* functionId
* attribute2
* attributeCategory
* attribute4
* attribute5
* attribute9
* createdBy
* id
* creationDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute10


 * instChecklistType
* attribute13
* lastUpdateDate
* cklId
* attribute3
* orgId
* mandatoryFlag
* requestId
* userCompleteFlag
* attribute11
* attribute15
* programApplicationId
* functionValidateRsts
* todoItemCode
* adminNote
* attribute8
* functionValidateMsg
* attribute14
* dnzChecklistObjId
* attribute12
* programUpdateDate
* attribute6
* attribute7
* userNote
* appealFlag
* objectVersionNumber
* attribute1
* programId
* lastUpdateLogin
* functionId
* attribute2
* attributeCategory
* attribute4
* attribute5
* attribute9
* createdBy
* id
* creationDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute10


 * id
* attributeCategory
* attribute9
* orgId
* programApplicationId
* requestId
* cklId
* endDate
* objectVersionNumber
* attribute8
* lastUpdateDate
* checklistNumber
* attribute2
* attribute10
* attribute15
* programUpdateDate
* attribute14
* attribute5
* attribute11
* attribute12
* checklistObjTypeCode
* checklistObjId
* attribute3
* creationDate
* attribute1
* decisionDate
* programId
* statusCode
* checklistType
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute4
* attribute6
* lastUpdatedBy
* checklistPurposeCode
* attribute13
* attribute7
* shortDescription
* startDate
* description
* createdBy


 * id
* attributeCategory
* attribute9
* orgId
* programApplicationId
* requestId
* cklId
* endDate
* objectVersionNumber
* attribute8
* lastUpdateDate
* checklistNumber
* attribute2
* attribute10
* attribute15
* programUpdateDate
* attribute14
* attribute5
* attribute11
* attribute12
* checklistObjTypeCode
* checklistObjId
* attribute3
* creationDate
* attribute1
* decisionDate
* programId
* statusCode
* checklistType
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute4
* attribute6
* lastUpdatedBy
* checklistPurposeCode
* attribute13
* attribute7
* shortDescription
* startDate
* description
* createdBy


 * cnsldApInvId
* vpaId
* invoiceType
* createdBy
* attribute11
* dateInvoiced
* attribute5
* attribute2
* currencyConversionDate
* creationDate
* acctsPayCcId
* attribute3
* vendorId
* attribute7
* payGroupLookupCode
* tryId
* attribute6
* ipptId
* lastUpdatedBy
* invoiceNumber
* attribute9
* currencyConversionType
* legalEntityId
* programId
* attribute13
* orgId
* programApplicationId
* selfBillYn
* selfBillInvNum
* attribute10
* currencyConversionRate
* attributeCategory
* attribute8
* attribute12
* attribute4
* attribute14
* currencyCode
* amount
* paymentMethodCode
* lastUpdateDate
* requestId
* matchRequiredYn
* programUpdateDate
* ipvsId
* dateGl
* objectVersionNumber
* attribute15
* lastUpdateLogin
* setOfBooksId
* attribute1
* feeChargedYn
* vendorInvoiceNumber
* trxStatusCode


 * cnsldApInvId
* vpaId
* invoiceType
* createdBy
* attribute11
* dateInvoiced
* attribute5
* attribute2
* currencyConversionDate
* creationDate
* acctsPayCcId
* attribute3
* vendorId
* attribute7
* payGroupLookupCode
* tryId
* attribute6
* ipptId
* lastUpdatedBy
* invoiceNumber
* attribute9
* currencyConversionType
* legalEntityId
* programId
* attribute13
* orgId
* programApplicationId
* selfBillYn
* selfBillInvNum
* attribute10
* currencyConversionRate
* attributeCategory
* attribute8
* attribute12
* attribute4
* attribute14
* currencyCode
* amount
* paymentMethodCode
* lastUpdateDate
* requestId
* matchRequiredYn
* programUpdateDate
* ipvsId
* dateGl
* objectVersionNumber
* attribute15
* lastUpdateLogin
* setOfBooksId
* attribute1
* feeChargedYn
* vendorInvoiceNumber
* trxStatusCode


 * attribute3
* attribute5
* currencyCode
* attribute7
* attribute11
* orgId
* invoicePullYn
* attribute6
* attribute8
* programUpdateDate
* legalEntityId
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute14
* creationDate
* ixxId
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute15
* attribute1
* amount
* dueDate
* infId
* attributeCategory
* objectVersionNumber
* dateConsolidated
* programId
* trxStatusCode
* programApplicationId
* id
* attribute2
* requestId
* consolidatedInvoiceNumber
* ibtId
* attribute9
* attribute4
* attribute12
* setOfBooksId
* attribute10
* createdBy
* irmId
* attribute13


 * attribute3
* attribute5
* currencyCode
* attribute7
* attribute11
* orgId
* invoicePullYn
* attribute6
* attribute8
* programUpdateDate
* legalEntityId
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute14
* creationDate
* ixxId
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute15
* attribute1
* amount
* dueDate
* infId
* attributeCategory
* objectVersionNumber
* dateConsolidated
* programId
* trxStatusCode
* programApplicationId
* id
* attribute2
* requestId
* consolidatedInvoiceNumber
* ibtId
* attribute9
* attribute4
* attribute12
* setOfBooksId
* attribute10
* createdBy
* irmId
* attribute13


 * id
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdatedBy
* sourceLang
* sfwtFlag
* language
* creationDate
* lastUpdateDate
* createdBy
* privateLabelLogoUrl


 * id
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdatedBy
* sourceLang
* sfwtFlag
* language
* creationDate
* lastUpdateDate
* createdBy
* privateLabelLogoUrl


 * attributeCategory
* attribute9
* lastUpdatedBy
* programUpdateDate
* sequenceNumber
* attribute10
* taxAmount
* attribute13
* id
* llnIdParent
* orgId
* attribute6
* attribute1
* attribute12
* cnrId
* attribute8
* programApplicationId
* iltId
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* requestId
* attribute15
* programId
* createdBy
* objectVersionNumber
* amount
* creationDate
* lineType
* kleId
* attribute7
* attribute3
* attribute4
* khrId
* attribute14
* attribute11
* attribute2
* attribute5


 * attributeCategory
* attribute9
* lastUpdatedBy
* programUpdateDate
* sequenceNumber
* attribute10
* taxAmount
* attribute13
* id
* llnIdParent
* orgId
* attribute6
* attribute1
* attribute12
* cnrId
* attribute8
* programApplicationId
* iltId
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* requestId
* attribute15
* programId
* createdBy
* objectVersionNumber
* amount
* creationDate
* lineType
* kleId
* attribute7
* attribute3
* attribute4
* khrId
* attribute14
* attribute11
* attribute2
* attribute5


 * sfwtFlag
* lastUpdateDate
* id
* sourceLang
* lastUpdateLogin
* createdBy
* creationDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* language


 * sfwtFlag
* lastUpdateDate
* id
* sourceLang
* lastUpdateLogin
* createdBy
* creationDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* language


 * lateChargeAssessDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* lateChargeAssYn
* createdBy
* attributeCategory
* creationDate
* dateDisbursed
* attribute11
* styId
* programId
* attribute15
* receivablesInvoiceId
* payStatusCode
* attribute5
* lastUpdateDate
* investorDisbErrMg
* objectVersionNumber
* lateIntAssessDate
* id
* kleId
* attribute10
* attribute7
* attribute1
* attribute8
* lateIntAssYn
* taxAmount
* orgId
* attribute3
* investorDisbStatus
* selId
* attribute12
* attribute13
* amount
* attribute14
* programApplicationId
* programUpdateDate
* attribute6
* requestId
* attribute9
* llnId
* khrId
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute2
* attribute4


 * lateChargeAssessDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* lateChargeAssYn
* createdBy
* attributeCategory
* creationDate
* dateDisbursed
* attribute11
* styId
* programId
* attribute15
* receivablesInvoiceId
* payStatusCode
* attribute5
* lastUpdateDate
* investorDisbErrMg
* objectVersionNumber
* lateIntAssessDate
* id
* kleId
* attribute10
* attribute7
* attribute1
* attribute8
* lateIntAssYn
* taxAmount
* orgId
* attribute3
* investorDisbStatus
* selId
* attribute12
* attribute13
* amount
* attribute14
* programApplicationId
* programUpdateDate
* attribute6
* requestId
* attribute9
* llnId
* khrId
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute2
* attribute4


 * lastUpdateDate
* language
* lastUpdatedBy
* id
* createdBy
* creationDate
* sfwtFlag
* sourceLang
* lastUpdateLogin


 * lastUpdateDate
* language
* lastUpdatedBy
* id
* createdBy
* creationDate
* sfwtFlag
* sourceLang
* lastUpdateLogin


 * ibtId
* effectiveDateTo
* attribute12
* attribute4
* attribute11
* icaId
* attribute14
* attribute9
* infId
* attribute6
* attribute3
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute1
* objectVersionNumber
* attribute13
* legalEntityId
* attribute15
* id
* attribute2
* creationDate
* attribute8
* attributeCategory
* createdBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* currencyCode
* iuvId
* attribute10
* irmId
* attribute5
* lastUpdatedBy
* effectiveDateFrom
* iplId
* attribute7
* orgId


 * ibtId
* effectiveDateTo
* attribute12
* attribute4
* attribute11
* icaId
* attribute14
* attribute9
* infId
* attribute6
* attribute3
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute1
* objectVersionNumber
* attribute13
* legalEntityId
* attribute15
* id
* attribute2
* creationDate
* attribute8
* attributeCategory
* createdBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* currencyCode
* iuvId
* attribute10
* irmId
* attribute5
* lastUpdatedBy
* effectiveDateFrom
* iplId
* attribute7
* orgId


 * language
* name
* description
* lastUpdateDate
* sfwtFlag
* id
* privateLabelLogoUrl
* sourceLang
* creationDate
* createdBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdatedBy


 * language
* name
* description
* lastUpdateDate
* sfwtFlag
* id
* privateLabelLogoUrl
* sourceLang
* creationDate
* createdBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdatedBy


 * attribute7
* attribute6
* attribute9
* attribute15
* attributeCategory
* attribute4
* objectVersionNumber
* attribute11
* lastUpdatedBy
* id
* attribute8
* attribute5
* kleId
* attribute10
* clgId
* attribute3
* attribute13
* createdBy
* attribute1
* attribute12
* lastUpdateLogin
* creationDate
* attribute2
* attribute14
* lastUpdateDate


 * attribute7
* attribute6
* attribute9
* attribute15
* attributeCategory
* attribute4
* objectVersionNumber
* attribute11
* lastUpdatedBy
* id
* attribute8
* attribute5
* kleId
* attribute10
* clgId
* attribute3
* attribute13
* createdBy
* attribute1
* attribute12
* lastUpdateLogin
* creationDate
* attribute2
* attribute14
* lastUpdateDate


 * attribute4
* interestAccruedAmt
* requestId
* lastUpdateDate
* id
* interestBilledAmt
* attribute10
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute13
* interestAmt
* orgId
* attributeCategory
* attribute8
* attribute14
* actualPrincipalBalanceAmt
* terminationValueAmt
* attribute11
* actualPrincipalBalanceDate
* attribute9
* programUpdateDate
* attribute5
* attribute7
* createdBy
* interestBilledDate
* interestReceivedDate
* terminationDate
* attribute15
* creationDate
* interestReceivedAmt
* programApplicationId
* attribute6
* interestCalcDate
* attribute1
* lastUpdatedBy
* khrId
* interestAccruedDate
* kleId
* objectVersionNumber
* attribute2
* attribute3
* programId
* attribute12


 * attribute4
* interestAccruedAmt
* requestId
* lastUpdateDate
* id
* interestBilledAmt
* attribute10
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute13
* interestAmt
* orgId
* attributeCategory
* attribute8
* attribute14
* actualPrincipalBalanceAmt
* terminationValueAmt
* attribute11
* actualPrincipalBalanceDate
* attribute9
* programUpdateDate
* attribute5
* attribute7
* createdBy
* interestBilledDate
* interestReceivedDate
* terminationDate
* attribute15
* creationDate
* interestReceivedAmt
* programApplicationId
* attribute6
* interestCalcDate
* attribute1
* lastUpdatedBy
* khrId
* interestAccruedDate
* kleId
* objectVersionNumber
* attribute2
* attribute3
* programId
* attribute12


 * contractCapitalizedInterest
* customerAccountName
* contractHdrDff4
* supplierRetentionFundingAmt
* customerAccountStatus
* contractHdrDffCategory
* contractTotalMiscFund
* contractDaysInYear
* contractDiscount
* programUpdateDate
* customerDunsNumber
* vendorProgramId
* contractFinProdEffToDt
* genServAdminIndicator
* vendorName
* totalUpfrontTaxOnAssets
* contractSalesRegionId
* contractCapitalizedReduction
* customerCounty
* contractScheduledPrincBal
* customerStatus
* contractHdrDff7
* customerState
* customerAccDff11
* vendorTypeCode
* customerAlias
* contractUnbilledReceivables
* contractCrdtlineFundingAmt
* contractTotalActualInt
* contractCapitalizedFee
* contractLegalEntityId
* programId
* contractTemplateName
* contractAfterTaxYield
* totalNumOfEmployees
* contractCurrency
* ledger
* customerAccDff19
* customerAddress1
* contractCustPurchOrderNum
* contractFinProdTemplateId
* contractFeeIncome
* requestId
* customerAccDff15
* contractHdrDff1
* ledgerId
* customerAlias5
* customerAccDff3
* expenseFundedAmount
* accEngineTemplSetId
* contractSecuritizationType
* customerAccDff6
* contractDocumentId
* financialInfoFiscalYear
* customerPartySiteNumber
* customerAccDff10
* contractTradeinAmount
* custPaymentTermId
* contractHdrDff5
* contractStatusTypeCode
* customerPrimPhoneNumber
* customerSiteGlobLocNum
* contractPastDueAmt130
* customerYearEstablished
* customerCity
* customerAccountComments
* contractCapAmount
* contractInventoryOrgId
* contractLastIntCalcDate
* customerPrimPhCountryCode
* contractSubPreTaxIrr
* vendorNumber
* lastUpdateLogin
* contractAccDepreciation
* contractPastDueAmt3160
* contractEarliestBillDate
* totalDebitsForPrefunding
* rolloverFeeAmount
* contractCurrencyConvType
* contractBilledNonRentsFunc
* assetsFundedAmount
* contractGenAccrualOvrideYn
* contractStatus
* customerAddress4
* contractCurrencyConvRate
* contractInterestRate
* vendorProgramName
* contractHdrDff2
* programApplicationId
* contractRevolCreditEligYn
* customerAlias3
* customerPrimPhoneExtn
* customerAccDff4
* contractTotalAccruedInt
* contractOec
* customerAccDff7
* createdBy
* contractHdrDff3
* contractIdcAmount
* customerAddress2
* operatingUnit
* customerPartyType
* customerCountry
* contractHdrDff10
* contractHdrDff14
* contractFinProdStatusCode
* customerTaxReference
* contractPrefundEligYn
* customerPartyNumber
* contractInvestorAssignYn
* contractOperatingUnitId
* contractBookClassification
* customerPrimPhoneType
* totalPrefundingAmount
* customerFiscalYearendMonth
* contractFinancialProductId
* legalEntity
* lastUpdatedBy
* customerHomeCountry
* contractBilledNonRents
* contractMultiGaapEligYn
* customerAccDff17
* customerPrimPhonePurpose
* contractDateDealTransferd
* customerSicCodeType
* contractHdrDff11
* contractCrdtlineTrnsfrAmt
* customerAccDffCategory
* contractAssetCost
* customerPartySiteUseStatus
* contractTemplateIndicator
* netInvestmentFunctional
* customerPartySiteId
* contractAfterTaxIrr
* contractPastDueAmt120Plus
* contractBilledRentsFunc
* contractHdrDff8
* contractRentAmount
* contractCrdtlineLimit
* contractNextPaymentAmt
* customerAlias4
* contractSubImplIntRate
* contractBookClassCode
* contractVarIncomeAccrual
* contractPastDueAmt91120
* customerOrgNamePhonetic
* contractHdrDff15
* contractSubsidyAmount
* contractTermDuration
* contractAccrualStatus
* contractOrigSystemSource
* nextFiscYearPotentialRev
* customerSicCode
* reportingProduct
* contractAcceptanceDate
* contractDateDealActivated
* customerPartySiteLocId
* vendorPartyRole
* customerProvince
* customerAccDff16
* contractFinancedFee
* customerAccountId
* contractCreditActYn
* customerAccDff12
* customerPartySiteUseId
* customerAccDff18
* programLoginId
* contractAmountPrefunded
* contractStartDate
* vendorBillToSiteUseId
* contractSubAfterTaxYield
* customerType
* contractTradeinDate
* customerCompetitorYn
* contractEndDate
* contractUnbilledDueAmount
* custBillToSiteUseId
* customerSalesChannel
* customerLastStatusUpdDt
* contractCrdtlineNetrnsfrAmt
* netInvestment
* contractActualPrincBal
* customerPartyName
* contractImplInterestRate
* creationDate
* customerAccDff5
* customerAccDff14
* totalNumberOfAssets
* lastUpdateDate
* contractUnaccruedSubsidy
* contractBilledRents
* reportingProductId
* functionalCurrency
* contractFinancedAmount
* customerPartySiteName
* contractApprovedDate
* contractFinancialProduct
* contractSalesRep
* contractSignedDate
* contractTradeinDescription
* customerAccEstabDate
* contractPrefundedAmount
* totalAmountPaidToDealer
* customerPartySiteUseType
* currFiscYearPotentialRev
* contractPastDueAmt6190
* customerHqBranchInd
* customerAccDff8
* customerAddress3
* customerAccDff9
* contractStatusCode
* contractExpDeliveryDate
* contractTerminationDate
* contractHdrDff9
* contractHdrDff12
* contractFinProdDesc
* customerAccDff2
* customerAccountNumber
* customerAccDff13
* customerUrl
* operatingUnitShortCode
* customerPartySiteComments
* contractAccumulatedDep
* customerPrimPhAreaCode
* customerIdentifyingAdrFlag
* contractHdrDff13
* contractFinProdEffFromDt
* contractDaysToAccrue
* customerAccDff20
* contractResidualAmount
* contractHdrDff6
* contractCurrencyConvDate
* customerAlias2
* contractConvertedAccountYn
* contractSubAfterTaxIrr
* customerAccDff1
* customerPartySiteAddressee
* contractPreTaxIrr
* customerPartyId
* customerPartySiteStatus
* customerPostalCode
* contractTemplTypeCode
* contractCanceledTimestamp
* contractTotPastDueAmt
* contractTotBilledReceivable
* contractFirstActivityDate
* contractId
* contractNumber


 * contractCapitalizedInterest
* customerAccountName
* contractHdrDff4
* supplierRetentionFundingAmt
* customerAccountStatus
* contractHdrDffCategory
* contractTotalMiscFund
* contractDaysInYear
* contractDiscount
* programUpdateDate
* customerDunsNumber
* vendorProgramId
* contractFinProdEffToDt
* genServAdminIndicator
* vendorName
* totalUpfrontTaxOnAssets
* contractSalesRegionId
* contractCapitalizedReduction
* customerCounty
* contractScheduledPrincBal
* customerStatus
* contractHdrDff7
* customerState
* customerAccDff11
* vendorTypeCode
* customerAlias
* contractUnbilledReceivables
* contractCrdtlineFundingAmt
* contractTotalActualInt
* contractCapitalizedFee
* contractLegalEntityId
* programId
* contractTemplateName
* contractAfterTaxYield
* totalNumOfEmployees
* contractCurrency
* ledger
* customerAccDff19
* customerAddress1
* contractCustPurchOrderNum
* contractFinProdTemplateId
* contractFeeIncome
* requestId
* customerAccDff15
* contractHdrDff1
* ledgerId
* customerAlias5
* customerAccDff3
* expenseFundedAmount
* accEngineTemplSetId
* contractSecuritizationType
* customerAccDff6
* contractDocumentId
* financialInfoFiscalYear
* customerPartySiteNumber
* customerAccDff10
* contractTradeinAmount
* custPaymentTermId
* contractHdrDff5
* contractStatusTypeCode
* customerPrimPhoneNumber
* customerSiteGlobLocNum
* contractPastDueAmt130
* customerYearEstablished
* customerCity
* customerAccountComments
* contractCapAmount
* contractInventoryOrgId
* contractLastIntCalcDate
* customerPrimPhCountryCode
* contractSubPreTaxIrr
* vendorNumber
* lastUpdateLogin
* contractAccDepreciation
* contractPastDueAmt3160
* contractEarliestBillDate
* totalDebitsForPrefunding
* rolloverFeeAmount
* contractCurrencyConvType
* contractBilledNonRentsFunc
* assetsFundedAmount
* contractGenAccrualOvrideYn
* contractStatus
* customerAddress4
* contractCurrencyConvRate
* contractInterestRate
* vendorProgramName
* contractHdrDff2
* programApplicationId
* contractRevolCreditEligYn
* customerAlias3
* customerPrimPhoneExtn
* customerAccDff4
* contractTotalAccruedInt
* contractOec
* customerAccDff7
* createdBy
* contractHdrDff3
* contractIdcAmount
* customerAddress2
* operatingUnit
* customerPartyType
* customerCountry
* contractHdrDff10
* contractHdrDff14
* contractFinProdStatusCode
* customerTaxReference
* contractPrefundEligYn
* customerPartyNumber
* contractInvestorAssignYn
* contractOperatingUnitId
* contractBookClassification
* customerPrimPhoneType
* totalPrefundingAmount
* customerFiscalYearendMonth
* contractFinancialProductId
* legalEntity
* lastUpdatedBy
* customerHomeCountry
* contractBilledNonRents
* contractMultiGaapEligYn
* customerAccDff17
* customerPrimPhonePurpose
* contractDateDealTransferd
* customerSicCodeType
* contractHdrDff11
* contractCrdtlineTrnsfrAmt
* customerAccDffCategory
* contractAssetCost
* customerPartySiteUseStatus
* contractTemplateIndicator
* netInvestmentFunctional
* customerPartySiteId
* contractAfterTaxIrr
* contractPastDueAmt120Plus
* contractBilledRentsFunc
* contractHdrDff8
* contractRentAmount
* contractCrdtlineLimit
* contractNextPaymentAmt
* customerAlias4
* contractSubImplIntRate
* contractBookClassCode
* contractVarIncomeAccrual
* contractPastDueAmt91120
* customerOrgNamePhonetic
* contractHdrDff15
* contractSubsidyAmount
* contractTermDuration
* contractAccrualStatus
* contractOrigSystemSource
* nextFiscYearPotentialRev
* customerSicCode
* reportingProduct
* contractAcceptanceDate
* contractDateDealActivated
* customerPartySiteLocId
* vendorPartyRole
* customerProvince
* customerAccDff16
* contractFinancedFee
* customerAccountId
* contractCreditActYn
* customerAccDff12
* customerPartySiteUseId
* customerAccDff18
* programLoginId
* contractAmountPrefunded
* contractStartDate
* vendorBillToSiteUseId
* contractSubAfterTaxYield
* customerType
* contractTradeinDate
* customerCompetitorYn
* contractEndDate
* contractUnbilledDueAmount
* custBillToSiteUseId
* customerSalesChannel
* customerLastStatusUpdDt
* contractCrdtlineNetrnsfrAmt
* netInvestment
* contractActualPrincBal
* customerPartyName
* contractImplInterestRate
* creationDate
* customerAccDff5
* customerAccDff14
* totalNumberOfAssets
* lastUpdateDate
* contractUnaccruedSubsidy
* contractBilledRents
* reportingProductId
* functionalCurrency
* contractFinancedAmount
* customerPartySiteName
* contractApprovedDate
* contractFinancialProduct
* contractSalesRep
* contractSignedDate
* contractTradeinDescription
* customerAccEstabDate
* contractPrefundedAmount
* totalAmountPaidToDealer
* customerPartySiteUseType
* currFiscYearPotentialRev
* contractPastDueAmt6190
* customerHqBranchInd
* customerAccDff8
* customerAddress3
* customerAccDff9
* contractStatusCode
* contractExpDeliveryDate
* contractTerminationDate
* contractHdrDff9
* contractHdrDff12
* contractFinProdDesc
* customerAccDff2
* customerAccountNumber
* customerAccDff13
* customerUrl
* operatingUnitShortCode
* customerPartySiteComments
* contractAccumulatedDep
* customerPrimPhAreaCode
* customerIdentifyingAdrFlag
* contractHdrDff13
* contractFinProdEffFromDt
* contractDaysToAccrue
* customerAccDff20
* contractResidualAmount
* contractHdrDff6
* contractCurrencyConvDate
* customerAlias2
* contractConvertedAccountYn
* contractSubAfterTaxIrr
* customerAccDff1
* customerPartySiteAddressee
* contractPreTaxIrr
* customerPartyId
* customerPartySiteStatus
* customerPostalCode
* contractTemplTypeCode
* contractCanceledTimestamp
* contractTotPastDueAmt
* contractTotBilledReceivable
* contractFirstActivityDate
* contractId
* contractNumber


 * linePthEvgStartDate
* contractTermDuration
* feeOrServiceFrequencyCode
* inventoryUnitCost
* insurancePolicyTypeCode
* usagePeriod
* linePthBaseStreamTypeId
* contractLineDff13
* feeTypeCode
* faMgSalvageValue
* faMgDateInService
* feeTrxTaxYn
* invSupplierShipToSiteNum
* faTaxSalvageValuePercent
* insuranceFactorValue
* faCorporateBook
* faTaxBook
* contractFinancialProductId
* assetFilingLienStatus
* linePthEvgPayoutBasisCode
* assetFilingTitleRegisLoc
* assetFilingJurisdiction
* assetPropTaxLesseeReport
* ledgerId
* contractFinancialProduct
* feeRolloverQuoteNumber
* insuranceActivationDate
* interestCalculationBasis
* faCorpDepRate
* assetStIntendedUse
* linePthBaseStreamType
* linePthEvgStreamTypeId
* totalAssetAddonCost
* assetFilingTitleCustodian
* faCorpDepMethodName
* servicePaymentType
* assetFilingLienStatusCode
* faMgDepRate
* contractCurrency
* contractLineTypeId
* contractLineName
* assetStEquipmentAge
* contractLineDff8
* linePthBaseStreamTypeCode
* totalAssetCapFeeAmount
* serviceContractNumber
* contractStatus
* totalActiveLineFinancedAmt
* lineNetInvestmentFunc
* assetBillToSiteUseId
* feeType
* contractLineDff3
* totalAssetFinancedFeeAmt
* assetFilingSubJurisdiction
* totalAssetRolloverFeeAmt
* usageMinimumQty
* cntrctCustPartySiteName
* insuranceNameOfInsured
* faTaxDepMethodName
* lineRentAmount
* lineBilledRents
* contractBookClassCode
* contractStatusTypeCode
* assetResGuarantorTypeCode
* assetsFundedAmount
* insuranceQuoteNumber
* contractLineDff15
* programApplicationId
* insurancePolicyEffFrom
* insurancePolicyStatusCode
* lineOec
* contractCurrencyConvType
* faMgBook
* createdBy
* totalAssetSubsidyAmount
* faCorpCategoryId
* ibSerialNumber
* insurancePaymentFrequency
* contractLineTypeName
* faCorpDepMethodCode
* feeOrServAmountPerPeriod
* feeOrServiceEffectiveFrom
* insuranceProductId
* assetStSaleAndLeaseBack
* faTaxSalValueBasis
* cntrctCustAcctNumber
* inventoryTotalUnits
* insPolicyLessorPayeeYn
* inventoryItemName
* contractLineDff1
* feeInitialDirectCost
* insurancePolicyLocation
* faCorpSalValueBasis
* ibInstallSiteUseId
* revenueRecognitionMethod
* faTaxDepMethodCode
* usagePriceListId
* insuranceCalcPremium
* cntrctCustPartySiteUseId
* inventoryItemId
* insuranceTotPremium
* contractLineDffCategory
* contractInterestIndexId
* insurancePolicyType
* faCorpDepMethodId
* contractReportingProduct
* lineCapitalizedInterest
* linePthBasePayBasisCode
* contractId
* assetTerminationDate
* assetFilingLienholder
* assetBillToAddress
* contractLineDff5
* contractLineTypeCode
* usagePriceListName
* fixedAssetLineId
* feeRolloverContractNumber
* expenseFundedAmount
* assetFilingTitleIssuer
* linePthEvgStreamType
* contractLineDff14
* contractLineDff7
* totalAssetCapServiceAmount
* faMgDepMethodName
* assetFilingTitleType
* contractStartDate
* usageAvgMonthlyCounterFlag
* assetBillingBankAcctId
* contractReportingProductId
* feeOrServiceTotalAmount
* usageNoOfPeriod
* lastUpdateLogin
* faTaxBookTypeCode
* faCorpOrigCost
* lineCapAmount
* interestCalclationBasisCode
* assetFilingLienNumber
* totalAssetSubsidyOvrdAmt
* linePthEvgPyoutFormula
* faMgSalValueBasis
* contractLineStatus
* lineBilledNonRentsFunc
* assetStTransferOfTitle
* assetPropTaxBillMethod
* feeOrServiceName
* lineAccumulatedDepreciation
* linePthBasePayoutBasis
* insuranceSalesRep
* usageDefaultQuantity
* faAssetKeyId
* faTaxDepMethodId
* faCorpSalvageValue
* insurancePolicyId
* faCorpCategory
* assetResidualAmount
* faCorpDateInService
* feeOrServNumberOfPeriods
* contractCurrencyConvRate
* invSupplierInvoiceDate
* faAssetLocationName
* lineUnbilledDueAmount
* contractLineStatusCode
* assetBillingBank
* feeRolloverQuoteId
* lineAssetCost
* faManufacturerName
* faCorpSalvageValuePercent
* faCorpBookTypeCode
* assetFilingLienTypeCode
* linePthEvgPayoutBasis
* lineNetInvestment
* assetBillingPaymentMethod
* lineBilledNonRents
* invSupplierShipToSiteId
* contractNumber
* faCorpDepCost
* assetFilingLienType
* assetFilingTitleRegisNum
* usageBaseReadingUomCode
* cntrctCustomerPartyName
* contractLineDff10
* contractBookClassification
* legalEntity
* contractLineDff2
* assetResidualAmtGuarantee
* faTaxDepLifeInMonths
* assetFilingTitleNumber
* faMgOrigCost
* usagePeriodCode
* assetFilingTitleDate
* ibInstallSiteId
* contractLineDff11
* insuranceProduct
* insuranceCoveredAmount
* cntrctCustAcountId
* insurancePolicyEffTo
* functionalCurrency
* feeOrServiceFrequency
* programUpdateDate
* operatingUnitShortCode
* assetFilingPayeeSite
* faMgDepMethodId
* faMgDepLifeInMonths
* lastUpdateDate
* assetResGuarantorType
* lineSupplier
* faModelNumber
* operatingUnit
* faTaxSalvageValue
* faTaxDateInService
* inventoryItemDescription
* faTaxOrigCost
* assetFilingLienDate
* contractInterestIndex
* contractLegalEntityId
* assetDateFundingExpected
* assetFilingTitleLocation
* linePthEvgPyoutFormulaId
* faAssetKey
* insurancePolicyNumber
* faMgSalValueBasisCode
* contractStatusCode
* faAssetId
* assetFilingRegisExpDate
* contractLineDff4
* modelLineId
* inventoryItemOrgId
* faCorpDepLifeInMonths
* assetUpfrontTax
* faTaxSalValueBasisCode
* usageBaseReading
* usageType
* usageTypeCode
* cntrctCustPartySiteNum
* invSupplierInvoiceNumber
* contractLineId
* programLoginId
* lineCapitalizedReduction
* insuranceProvider
* faAssetLocationId
* assetFilingLienExpDate
* contractOperatingUnitId
* invSupplierInvoiceLineId
* insuranceCancellationDate
* faTaxDepCost
* programId
* assetFilingLienContDate
* ibInstallSite
* cntrctCustPartySiteId
* linePthEvgStreamTypeCode
* requestId
* usageLevelFlag
* contractLineDff12
* ibInstallSiteNumber
* lineSupplierNumber
* lineBilledRentsFunc
* contractLineDff6
* contractCurrencyConvDate
* insurancePolicyNumber#1
* revenueRecogntionMethodCode
* usageFixedQuantity
* contractLineDff9
* feeOrServiceEffectiveTo
* faTaxDepRate
* faMgSalvageValuePercent
* cntrctCustPartySiteLocId
* lastUpdatedBy
* assetPropTaxApplicable
* cntrctCustPartyNumber
* creationDate
* assetStPurchaseOfLease
* linePthBaseStartDate
* assetResidualPercent
* ledger
* insurancePolicyStatus
* assetStAssetUpfrontTax
* insPolicyLessorInsuredYn
* usageBaseReadingUom
* invSupplrShipToSiteUseId
* contractEndDate
* cntrctCustPartyId
* faCorpSalValueBasisCode
* lineSupplierId
* lineDiscount
* assetFilingLienContNumber
* invSupplierShipToSite
* assetFilingTitleTypeCode
* faMgBookTypeCode
* assetDateDeliveryExpected
* faMgDepCost
* faMgDepMethodCode
* lineResidualAmount
* totalAssetTradeinAmount


 * linePthEvgStartDate
* contractTermDuration
* feeOrServiceFrequencyCode
* inventoryUnitCost
* insurancePolicyTypeCode
* usagePeriod
* linePthBaseStreamTypeId
* contractLineDff13
* feeTypeCode
* faMgSalvageValue
* faMgDateInService
* feeTrxTaxYn
* invSupplierShipToSiteNum
* faTaxSalvageValuePercent
* insuranceFactorValue
* faCorporateBook
* faTaxBook
* contractFinancialProductId
* assetFilingLienStatus
* linePthEvgPayoutBasisCode
* assetFilingTitleRegisLoc
* assetFilingJurisdiction
* assetPropTaxLesseeReport
* ledgerId
* contractFinancialProduct
* feeRolloverQuoteNumber
* insuranceActivationDate
* interestCalculationBasis
* faCorpDepRate
* assetStIntendedUse
* linePthBaseStreamType
* linePthEvgStreamTypeId
* totalAssetAddonCost
* assetFilingTitleCustodian
* faCorpDepMethodName
* servicePaymentType
* assetFilingLienStatusCode
* faMgDepRate
* contractCurrency
* contractLineTypeId
* contractLineName
* assetStEquipmentAge
* contractLineDff8
* linePthBaseStreamTypeCode
* totalAssetCapFeeAmount
* serviceContractNumber
* contractStatus
* totalActiveLineFinancedAmt
* lineNetInvestmentFunc
* assetBillToSiteUseId
* feeType
* contractLineDff3
* totalAssetFinancedFeeAmt
* assetFilingSubJurisdiction
* totalAssetRolloverFeeAmt
* usageMinimumQty
* cntrctCustPartySiteName
* insuranceNameOfInsured
* faTaxDepMethodName
* lineRentAmount
* lineBilledRents
* contractBookClassCode
* contractStatusTypeCode
* assetResGuarantorTypeCode
* assetsFundedAmount
* insuranceQuoteNumber
* contractLineDff15
* programApplicationId
* insurancePolicyEffFrom
* insurancePolicyStatusCode
* lineOec
* contractCurrencyConvType
* faMgBook
* createdBy
* totalAssetSubsidyAmount
* faCorpCategoryId
* ibSerialNumber
* insurancePaymentFrequency
* contractLineTypeName
* faCorpDepMethodCode
* feeOrServAmountPerPeriod
* feeOrServiceEffectiveFrom
* insuranceProductId
* assetStSaleAndLeaseBack
* faTaxSalValueBasis
* cntrctCustAcctNumber
* inventoryTotalUnits
* insPolicyLessorPayeeYn
* inventoryItemName
* contractLineDff1
* feeInitialDirectCost
* insurancePolicyLocation
* faCorpSalValueBasis
* ibInstallSiteUseId
* revenueRecognitionMethod
* faTaxDepMethodCode
* usagePriceListId
* insuranceCalcPremium
* cntrctCustPartySiteUseId
* inventoryItemId
* insuranceTotPremium
* contractLineDffCategory
* contractInterestIndexId
* insurancePolicyType
* faCorpDepMethodId
* contractReportingProduct
* lineCapitalizedInterest
* linePthBasePayBasisCode
* contractId
* assetTerminationDate
* assetFilingLienholder
* assetBillToAddress
* contractLineDff5
* contractLineTypeCode
* usagePriceListName
* fixedAssetLineId
* feeRolloverContractNumber
* expenseFundedAmount
* assetFilingTitleIssuer
* linePthEvgStreamType
* contractLineDff14
* contractLineDff7
* totalAssetCapServiceAmount
* faMgDepMethodName
* assetFilingTitleType
* contractStartDate
* usageAvgMonthlyCounterFlag
* assetBillingBankAcctId
* contractReportingProductId
* feeOrServiceTotalAmount
* usageNoOfPeriod
* lastUpdateLogin
* faTaxBookTypeCode
* faCorpOrigCost
* lineCapAmount
* interestCalclationBasisCode
* assetFilingLienNumber
* totalAssetSubsidyOvrdAmt
* linePthEvgPyoutFormula
* faMgSalValueBasis
* contractLineStatus
* lineBilledNonRentsFunc
* assetStTransferOfTitle
* assetPropTaxBillMethod
* feeOrServiceName
* lineAccumulatedDepreciation
* linePthBasePayoutBasis
* insuranceSalesRep
* usageDefaultQuantity
* faAssetKeyId
* faTaxDepMethodId
* faCorpSalvageValue
* insurancePolicyId
* faCorpCategory
* assetResidualAmount
* faCorpDateInService
* feeOrServNumberOfPeriods
* contractCurrencyConvRate
* invSupplierInvoiceDate
* faAssetLocationName
* lineUnbilledDueAmount
* contractLineStatusCode
* assetBillingBank
* feeRolloverQuoteId
* lineAssetCost
* faManufacturerName
* faCorpSalvageValuePercent
* faCorpBookTypeCode
* assetFilingLienTypeCode
* linePthEvgPayoutBasis
* lineNetInvestment
* assetBillingPaymentMethod
* lineBilledNonRents
* invSupplierShipToSiteId
* contractNumber
* faCorpDepCost
* assetFilingLienType
* assetFilingTitleRegisNum
* usageBaseReadingUomCode
* cntrctCustomerPartyName
* contractLineDff10
* contractBookClassification
* legalEntity
* contractLineDff2
* assetResidualAmtGuarantee
* faTaxDepLifeInMonths
* assetFilingTitleNumber
* faMgOrigCost
* usagePeriodCode
* assetFilingTitleDate
* ibInstallSiteId
* contractLineDff11
* insuranceProduct
* insuranceCoveredAmount
* cntrctCustAcountId
* insurancePolicyEffTo
* functionalCurrency
* feeOrServiceFrequency
* programUpdateDate
* operatingUnitShortCode
* assetFilingPayeeSite
* faMgDepMethodId
* faMgDepLifeInMonths
* lastUpdateDate
* assetResGuarantorType
* lineSupplier
* faModelNumber
* operatingUnit
* faTaxSalvageValue
* faTaxDateInService
* inventoryItemDescription
* faTaxOrigCost
* assetFilingLienDate
* contractInterestIndex
* contractLegalEntityId
* assetDateFundingExpected
* assetFilingTitleLocation
* linePthEvgPyoutFormulaId
* faAssetKey
* insurancePolicyNumber
* faMgSalValueBasisCode
* contractStatusCode
* faAssetId
* assetFilingRegisExpDate
* contractLineDff4
* modelLineId
* inventoryItemOrgId
* faCorpDepLifeInMonths
* assetUpfrontTax
* faTaxSalValueBasisCode
* usageBaseReading
* usageType
* usageTypeCode
* cntrctCustPartySiteNum
* invSupplierInvoiceNumber
* contractLineId
* programLoginId
* lineCapitalizedReduction
* insuranceProvider
* faAssetLocationId
* assetFilingLienExpDate
* contractOperatingUnitId
* invSupplierInvoiceLineId
* insuranceCancellationDate
* faTaxDepCost
* programId
* assetFilingLienContDate
* ibInstallSite
* cntrctCustPartySiteId
* linePthEvgStreamTypeCode
* requestId
* usageLevelFlag
* contractLineDff12
* ibInstallSiteNumber
* lineSupplierNumber
* lineBilledRentsFunc
* contractLineDff6
* contractCurrencyConvDate
* insurancePolicyNumber#1
* revenueRecogntionMethodCode
* usageFixedQuantity
* contractLineDff9
* feeOrServiceEffectiveTo
* faTaxDepRate
* faMgSalvageValuePercent
* cntrctCustPartySiteLocId
* lastUpdatedBy
* assetPropTaxApplicable
* cntrctCustPartyNumber
* creationDate
* assetStPurchaseOfLease
* linePthBaseStartDate
* assetResidualPercent
* ledger
* insurancePolicyStatus
* assetStAssetUpfrontTax
* insPolicyLessorInsuredYn
* usageBaseReadingUom
* invSupplrShipToSiteUseId
* contractEndDate
* cntrctCustPartyId
* faCorpSalValueBasisCode
* lineSupplierId
* lineDiscount
* assetFilingLienContNumber
* invSupplierShipToSite
* assetFilingTitleTypeCode
* faMgBookTypeCode
* assetDateDeliveryExpected
* faMgDepCost
* faMgDepMethodCode
* lineResidualAmount
* totalAssetTradeinAmount


 * lastUpdateDate
* creationDate
* zdEditionName
* lastUpdateLogin
* objectVersionNumber
* cgrId
* createdBy
* id
* zdSync
* pmrId
* lastUpdatedBy


 * lastUpdateDate
* creationDate
* zdEditionName
* lastUpdateLogin
* objectVersionNumber
* cgrId
* createdBy
* id
* zdSync
* pmrId
* lastUpdatedBy


 * attribute15
* sequenceNumber
* attribute12
* attribute14
* ivmId
* attribute5
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute11
* createdBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute7
* creationDate
* attribute1
* attribute6
* attribute8
* attribute4
* id
* attribute3
* attribute9
* attributeCategory
* attribute13
* attribute2
* imsId
* attribute10
* objectVersionNumber


 * attribute15
* sequenceNumber
* attribute12
* attribute14
* ivmId
* attribute5
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute11
* createdBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute7
* creationDate
* attribute1
* attribute6
* attribute8
* attribute4
* id
* attribute3
* attribute9
* attributeCategory
* attribute13
* attribute2
* imsId
* attribute10
* objectVersionNumber


 * id
* name
* creationDate
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* createdBy
* objectVersionNumber
* zdEditionName
* lastUpdateLogin
* zdSync


 * id
* name
* creationDate
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* createdBy
* objectVersionNumber
* zdEditionName
* lastUpdateLogin
* zdSync


 * lastUpdateDate
* creationDate
* zdEditionName
* id
* language
* zdSync
* sourceLang
* lastUpdatedBy
* description
* sfwtFlag
* createdBy
* lastUpdateLogin


 * lastUpdateDate
* creationDate
* zdEditionName
* id
* language
* zdSync
* sourceLang
* lastUpdatedBy
* description
* sfwtFlag
* createdBy
* lastUpdateLogin


 * lifeInMonths
* creationDate
* attribute14
* legalEntityId
* depreciationCategory
* endDateActive
* attribute2
* recoverableCost
* adjustedRate
* rateAdjustmentFactor
* objectVersionNumber
* attribute5
* cost
* assetType
* attribute6
* attributeCategory
* salvageValue
* modelNumber
* basicRate
* attribute4
* lastUpdateDate
* status
* startDateActive
* attribute1
* lastUpdateLogin
* primaryUomCode
* currentUnits
* faCleId
* name
* attribute13
* createdBy
* corporateBook
* originalCost
* inServiceDate
* assetKeyId
* description
* newUsed
* attribute9
* id
* assetId
* deprnStartDate
* attribute7
* majorVersion
* adjustedCost
* attribute3
* attribute10
* dnzChrId
* assetNumber
* attribute8
* attribute11
* percentSalvageValue
* attribute15
* attribute12
* deprnMethodCode
* lastUpdatedBy


 * lifeInMonths
* creationDate
* attribute14
* legalEntityId
* depreciationCategory
* endDateActive
* attribute2
* recoverableCost
* adjustedRate
* rateAdjustmentFactor
* objectVersionNumber
* attribute5
* cost
* assetType
* attribute6
* attributeCategory
* salvageValue
* modelNumber
* basicRate
* attribute4
* lastUpdateDate
* status
* startDateActive
* attribute1
* lastUpdateLogin
* primaryUomCode
* currentUnits
* faCleId
* name
* attribute13
* createdBy
* corporateBook
* originalCost
* inServiceDate
* assetKeyId
* description
* newUsed
* attribute9
* id
* assetId
* deprnStartDate
* attribute7
* majorVersion
* adjustedCost
* attribute3
* attribute10
* dnzChrId
* assetNumber
* attribute8
* attribute11
* percentSalvageValue
* attribute15
* attribute12
* deprnMethodCode
* lastUpdatedBy


 * attribute14
* name
* ibCleId
* attribute10
* lastUpdateLogin
* majorVersion
* id
* attribute12
* lastUpdatedBy
* currentSerialNumber
* attribute1
* installSiteUseId
* attribute9
* creationDate
* attributeCategory
* createdBy
* description
* attribute7
* attribute13
* attribute6
* objectVersionNumber
* attribute2
* dnzChrId
* attribute3
* attribute4
* attribute11
* legalEntityId
* quantity
* lastUpdateDate
* inventoryItemId
* attribute8
* attribute15
* attribute5


 * attribute14
* name
* ibCleId
* attribute10
* lastUpdateLogin
* majorVersion
* id
* attribute12
* lastUpdatedBy
* currentSerialNumber
* attribute1
* installSiteUseId
* attribute9
* creationDate
* attributeCategory
* createdBy
* description
* attribute7
* attribute13
* attribute6
* objectVersionNumber
* attribute2
* dnzChrId
* attribute3
* attribute4
* attribute11
* legalEntityId
* quantity
* lastUpdateDate
* inventoryItemId
* attribute8
* attribute15
* attribute5


 * attribute14
* attribute8
* conversionOptionCode
* effectiveToDate
* variableRateYn
* catchupBasisCode
* attribute6
* conversionDate
* daysInAMonthCode
* catchupSettlementCode
* compoundFrequencyCode
* lastUpdateLogin
* minimumRate
* adderRate
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute2
* trqId
* rateChangeFrequencyCode
* effectiveFromDate
* rateChangeStartDate
* lastUpdateDate
* interestBasisCode
* calculationFormulaName
* createdBy
* attribute3
* principalBasisCode
* rateChangeValue
* attribute4
* rateDelayFrequency
* attribute13
* creationDate
* attribute10
* baseRate
* attribute12
* attribute15
* attribute9
* attribute7
* interestIndexId
* khrId
* attribute11
* rateDelayCode
* parameterTypeCode
* attribute5
* attribute1
* maximumRate
* daysInAYearCode
* proposedEffectiveDate
* nextConversionDate
* catchupStartDate
* conversionTypeCode


 * attribute14
* attribute8
* conversionOptionCode
* effectiveToDate
* variableRateYn
* catchupBasisCode
* attribute6
* conversionDate
* daysInAMonthCode
* catchupSettlementCode
* compoundFrequencyCode
* lastUpdateLogin
* minimumRate
* adderRate
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute2
* trqId
* rateChangeFrequencyCode
* effectiveFromDate
* rateChangeStartDate
* lastUpdateDate
* interestBasisCode
* calculationFormulaName
* createdBy
* attribute3
* principalBasisCode
* rateChangeValue
* attribute4
* rateDelayFrequency
* attribute13
* creationDate
* attribute10
* baseRate
* attribute12
* attribute15
* attribute9
* attribute7
* interestIndexId
* khrId
* attribute11
* rateDelayCode
* parameterTypeCode
* attribute5
* attribute1
* maximumRate
* daysInAYearCode
* proposedEffectiveDate
* nextConversionDate
* catchupStartDate
* conversionTypeCode


 * supplierId
* attribute6
* parentObjectCode
* defaultSubsidyAmount
* attributeCategory
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute4
* lastUpdateDate
* percentBasisValue
* id
* streamTypeId
* processingType
* value
* attribute5
* basis
* attribute11
* attribute1
* attribute7
* attribute2
* attribute9
* attribute13
* attribute14
* parentObjectId
* attribute12
* attribute3
* attribute15
* adjustmentSourceId
* attribute10
* attribute8
* lastUpdateLogin
* objectVersionNumber
* creationDate
* adjustmentSourceType
* createdBy


 * supplierId
* attribute6
* parentObjectCode
* defaultSubsidyAmount
* attributeCategory
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute4
* lastUpdateDate
* percentBasisValue
* id
* streamTypeId
* processingType
* value
* attribute5
* basis
* attribute11
* attribute1
* attribute7
* attribute2
* attribute9
* attribute13
* attribute14
* parentObjectId
* attribute12
* attribute3
* attribute15
* adjustmentSourceId
* attribute10
* attribute8
* lastUpdateLogin
* objectVersionNumber
* creationDate
* adjustmentSourceType
* createdBy


 * lastUpdateLogin
* id
* creationDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* sourceLang
* sfwtFlag
* createdBy
* shortDescription
* comments
* language
* lastUpdateDate
* description


 * lastUpdateLogin
* id
* creationDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* sourceLang
* sfwtFlag
* createdBy
* shortDescription
* comments
* language
* lastUpdateDate
* description


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* creditKhrId
* attribute12
* attribute6
* quoteId
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute4
* attributeCategory
* creditAmount
* attribute13
* attribute11
* approvedBy
* objectVersionNumber
* approvedDate
* status
* attribute5
* currencyCode
* attribute9
* attribute7
* creationDate
* lastUpdateDate
* requestedBy
* creditReqNumber
* requestedDate
* attribute14
* attribute3
* orgId
* createdBy
* attribute15
* attribute1
* attribute10
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute8
* creditReqId
* attribute2


 * id
* creditKhrId
* attribute12
* attribute6
* quoteId
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute4
* attributeCategory
* creditAmount
* attribute13
* attribute11
* approvedBy
* objectVersionNumber
* approvedDate
* status
* attribute5
* currencyCode
* attribute9
* attribute7
* creationDate
* lastUpdateDate
* requestedBy
* creditReqNumber
* requestedDate
* attribute14
* attribute3
* orgId
* createdBy
* attribute15
* attribute1
* attribute10
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute8
* creditReqId
* attribute2


 * attribute8
* attribute10
* attribute13
* attribute3
* attribute1
* id
* orgId
* name
* description
* objectVersionNumber
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute9
* attribute5
* attribute11
* createdBy
* attributeCategory
* attribute14
* attribute7
* attribute2
* attribute15
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute6
* attribute12
* attribute4
* creationDate
* lastUpdatedBy


 * attribute8
* attribute10
* attribute13
* attribute3
* attribute1
* id
* orgId
* name
* description
* objectVersionNumber
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute9
* attribute5
* attribute11
* createdBy
* attributeCategory
* attribute14
* attribute7
* attribute2
* attribute15
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute6
* attribute12
* attribute4
* creationDate
* lastUpdatedBy


 * lastUpdateDate
* creationDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute8
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute9
* attribute6
* id
* attribute4
* attribute2
* attribute12
* attribute11
* attribute3
* attributeCategory
* sequenceNumber
* attribute14
* attribute15
* attribute1
* attribute5
* createdBy
* cashSearchType
* attribute7
* description
* name
* orgId
* attribute13
* attribute10
* objectVersionNumber


 * lastUpdateDate
* creationDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute8
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute9
* attribute6
* id
* attribute4
* attribute2
* attribute12
* attribute11
* attribute3
* attributeCategory
* sequenceNumber
* attribute14
* attribute15
* attribute1
* attribute5
* createdBy
* cashSearchType
* attribute7
* description
* name
* orgId
* attribute13
* attribute10
* objectVersionNumber


 * attribute15
* attributeCategory
* attribute11
* attribute5
* shortFundAmount
* chrId
* process
* cureAmountId
* attribute8
* timesCured
* attribute4
* attribute6
* effectiveDate
* curesInPossession
* attribute12
* creationDate
* attribute10
* negotiatedAmount
* selectedOnRequest
* status
* orgId
* createdBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdateDate
* requestId
* showOnRequest
* attribute3
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* programUpdateDate
* objectVersionNumber
* delinquentAmount
* pastDueAmount
* attribute14
* receivedAmount
* paymentsRemaining
* cureAmount
* programApplicationId
* repurchaseAmount
* outstandingAmount
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute2
* eligibleCureAmount
* cureType
* programId
* attribute7
* qteId
* attribute9
* attribute1
* attribute13


 * attribute15
* attributeCategory
* attribute11
* attribute5
* shortFundAmount
* chrId
* process
* cureAmountId
* attribute8
* timesCured
* attribute4
* attribute6
* effectiveDate
* curesInPossession
* attribute12
* creationDate
* attribute10
* negotiatedAmount
* selectedOnRequest
* status
* orgId
* createdBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdateDate
* requestId
* showOnRequest
* attribute3
* crtId
* programUpdateDate
* objectVersionNumber
* delinquentAmount
* pastDueAmount
* attribute14
* receivedAmount
* paymentsRemaining
* cureAmount
* programApplicationId
* repurchaseAmount
* outstandingAmount
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute2
* eligibleCureAmount
* cureType
* programId
* attribute7
* qteId
* attribute9
* attribute1
* attribute13


 * attribute14
* creationDate
* requestId
* attribute6
* attribute9
* objectVersionNumber
* attribute2
* attribute12
* orgId
* createdBy
* attribute8
* attribute4
* balance
* attribute5
* attribute3
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute7
* attribute11
* programId
* attribute1
* attribute10
* cureFundSumId
* programUpdateDate
* attribute15
* attributeCategory
* attribute13
* programApplicationId
* lastUpdatedBy
* vendorId
* lastUpdateLogin


 * attribute14
* creationDate
* requestId
* attribute6
* attribute9
* objectVersionNumber
* attribute2
* attribute12
* orgId
* createdBy
* attribute8
* attribute4
* balance
* attribute5
* attribute3
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute7
* attribute11
* programId
* attribute1
* attribute10
* cureFundSumId
* programUpdateDate
* attribute15
* attributeCategory
* attribute13
* programApplicationId
* lastUpdatedBy
* vendorId
* lastUpdateLogin


 * attribute9
* attribute6
* attribute5
* attribute8
* fundType
* objectVersionNumber
* creationDate
* requestId
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute11
* attribute13
* attribute2
* curePaymentId
* cureRefundLineId
* attribute10
* attribute7
* attributeCategory
* attribute14
* createdBy
* amount
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute4
* transType
* attribute15
* cureFundTransId
* orgId
* programUpdateDate
* attribute1
* programApplicationId
* attribute3
* vendorId
* programId
* attribute12
* lastUpdateLogin


 * attribute9
* attribute6
* attribute5
* attribute8
* fundType
* objectVersionNumber
* creationDate
* requestId
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute11
* attribute13
* attribute2
* curePaymentId
* cureRefundLineId
* attribute10
* attribute7
* attributeCategory
* attribute14
* createdBy
* amount
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute4
* transType
* attribute15
* cureFundTransId
* orgId
* programUpdateDate
* attribute1
* programApplicationId
* attribute3
* vendorId
* programId
* attribute12
* lastUpdateLogin


 * objectVersionNumber
* attribute3
* programUpdateDate
* curedFlag
* chrId
* creationDate
* approvalReason
* orgId
* processStatus2
* transactionId
* programId
* attribute6
* attribute11
* attribute8
* attribute7
* createdBy
* attribute5
* attribute4
* attribute12
* attribute10
* attribute13
* cureRefundId
* processStatus
* programApplicationId
* attribute2
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute15
* attribute9
* lastUpdatedBy
* attributeCategory
* lastUpdateLogin
* curePaymentLineId
* attribute14
* amount
* approvalStatus
* attribute1
* rctId
* requestId
* curePaymentId
* status
* taiId


 * objectVersionNumber
* attribute3
* programUpdateDate
* curedFlag
* chrId
* creationDate
* approvalReason
* orgId
* processStatus2
* transactionId
* programId
* attribute6
* attribute11
* attribute8
* attribute7
* createdBy
* attribute5
* attribute4
* attribute12
* attribute10
* attribute13
* cureRefundId
* processStatus
* programApplicationId
* attribute2
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute15
* attribute9
* lastUpdatedBy
* attributeCategory
* lastUpdateLogin
* curePaymentLineId
* attribute14
* amount
* approvalStatus
* attribute1
* rctId
* requestId
* curePaymentId
* status
* taiId


 * attributeCategory
* negotiatedAmount
* attribute4
* attribute8
* creationDate
* refundDueDate
* objectVersionNumber
* currencyCode
* attribute11
* lastUpdatedBy
* receivedAmount
* attribute2
* attribute3
* attribute7
* vendorCureDue
* attribute14
* cureRefundHeaderId
* refundType
* programApplicationId
* paymentTermId
* vendorSiteId
* refundStatus
* attribute12
* programUpdateDate
* lastUpdateDate
* vendorSiteCureDue
* requestId
* offsetAmount
* attribute1
* attribute9
* refundHeaderNumber
* createdBy
* paymentMethod
* programId
* chrId
* attribute15
* disbursementAmount
* attribute6
* attribute13
* totalRefundDue
* attribute5
* attribute10
* lastUpdateLogin


 * attributeCategory
* negotiatedAmount
* attribute4
* attribute8
* creationDate
* refundDueDate
* objectVersionNumber
* currencyCode
* attribute11
* lastUpdatedBy
* receivedAmount
* attribute2
* attribute3
* attribute7
* vendorCureDue
* attribute14
* cureRefundHeaderId
* refundType
* programApplicationId
* paymentTermId
* vendorSiteId
* refundStatus
* attribute12
* programUpdateDate
* lastUpdateDate
* vendorSiteCureDue
* requestId
* offsetAmount
* attribute1
* attribute9
* refundHeaderNumber
* createdBy
* paymentMethod
* programId
* chrId
* attribute15
* disbursementAmount
* attribute6
* attribute13
* totalRefundDue
* attribute5
* attribute10
* lastUpdateLogin


 * language
* description
* sfwtFlag
* createdBy
* creationDate
* sourceLang
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* cureRefundHeaderId


 * language
* description
* sfwtFlag
* createdBy
* creationDate
* sourceLang
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* cureRefundHeaderId


 * attribute1
* receivedAmount
* chrId
* programApplicationId
* attribute3
* creationDate
* attribute2
* attribute8
* attribute9
* lastUpdatedBy
* objectVersionNumber
* vendorId
* attribute4
* lastUpdateDate
* programId
* cureRefundStageId
* attribute5
* attribute14
* createdBy
* attribute12
* attribute13
* status
* attribute10
* programUpdateDate
* attributeCategory
* requestId
* attribute15
* negotiatedAmount
* attribute6
* attribute11
* attribute7
* lastUpdateLogin


 * attribute1
* receivedAmount
* chrId
* programApplicationId
* attribute3
* creationDate
* attribute2
* attribute8
* attribute9
* lastUpdatedBy
* objectVersionNumber
* vendorId
* attribute4
* lastUpdateDate
* programId
* cureRefundStageId
* attribute5
* attribute14
* createdBy
* attribute12
* attribute13
* status
* attribute10
* programUpdateDate
* attributeCategory
* requestId
* attribute15
* negotiatedAmount
* attribute6
* attribute11
* attribute7
* lastUpdateLogin


 * amount
* programApplicationId
* cureRefundStageId
* offsetAmount
* cureRefundId
* createdBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute10
* chrId
* programUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* receivedAmount
* objectVersionNumber
* attribute12
* attribute7
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute14
* attribute4
* programId
* attribute11
* totalRefundDue
* attributeCategory
* attribute2
* attribute5
* creationDate
* orgId
* attribute1
* attribute15
* balance
* attribute6
* requestId
* refundDate
* status
* attribute8
* tapId
* refundNumber
* disbursementAmount
* cureRefundHeaderId
* taiId
* offsetContract
* attribute3
* attribute9
* attribute13
* vendorSiteId


 * amount
* programApplicationId
* cureRefundStageId
* offsetAmount
* cureRefundId
* createdBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute10
* chrId
* programUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* receivedAmount
* objectVersionNumber
* attribute12
* attribute7
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute14
* attribute4
* programId
* attribute11
* totalRefundDue
* attributeCategory
* attribute2
* attribute5
* creationDate
* orgId
* attribute1
* attribute15
* balance
* attribute6
* requestId
* refundDate
* status
* attribute8
* tapId
* refundNumber
* disbursementAmount
* cureRefundHeaderId
* taiId
* offsetContract
* attribute3
* attribute9
* attribute13
* vendorSiteId


 * outstandingAmount
* lastUpdateDate
* programId
* objectVersionNumber
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute5
* attribute4
* paymentsRemaining
* requestId
* attribute13
* curesInPossession
* cureAmountId
* attribute12
* status
* programUpdateDate
* attribute9
* cureReportAmountId
* timesCured
* createdBy
* requestType
* attribute7
* attributeCategory
* attribute3
* claimedCureAmount
* orgId
* attribute11
* cureReportId
* attribute6
* pastDueAmount
* creationDate
* attribute14
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute15
* eligibleCureAmount
* attribute10
* attribute2
* attribute8
* attribute1
* programApplicationId
* repurchaseAmount


 * outstandingAmount
* lastUpdateDate
* programId
* objectVersionNumber
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute5
* attribute4
* paymentsRemaining
* requestId
* attribute13
* curesInPossession
* cureAmountId
* attribute12
* status
* programUpdateDate
* attribute9
* cureReportAmountId
* timesCured
* createdBy
* requestType
* attribute7
* attributeCategory
* attribute3
* claimedCureAmount
* orgId
* attribute11
* cureReportId
* attribute6
* pastDueAmount
* creationDate
* attribute14
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute15
* eligibleCureAmount
* attribute10
* attribute2
* attribute8
* attribute1
* programApplicationId
* repurchaseAmount


 * requestId
* attribute5
* creationDate
* reportType
* approvalStatus
* attribute12
* attribute2
* attribute9
* expirationDate
* attribute7
* reportDate
* attribute10
* lastUpdatedBy
* createdBy
* lastUpdateDate
* orgId
* lastUpdateLogin
* approvalReason
* attribute1
* attribute8
* attribute11
* vendorSiteId
* programApplicationId
* attribute15
* attribute14
* attribute4
* objectVersionNumber
* attributeCategory
* attribute3
* vendorContactId
* programId
* attribute13
* cureReportId
* programUpdateDate
* attribute6
* currencyCode
* reportNumber
* vendorId


 * requestId
* attribute5
* creationDate
* reportType
* approvalStatus
* attribute12
* attribute2
* attribute9
* expirationDate
* attribute7
* reportDate
* attribute10
* lastUpdatedBy
* createdBy
* lastUpdateDate
* orgId
* lastUpdateLogin
* approvalReason
* attribute1
* attribute8
* attribute11
* vendorSiteId
* programApplicationId
* attribute15
* attribute14
* attribute4
* objectVersionNumber
* attributeCategory
* attribute3
* vendorContactId
* programId
* attribute13
* cureReportId
* programUpdateDate
* attribute6
* currencyCode
* reportNumber
* vendorId


 * attribute4
* attribute5
* attribute14
* attribute11
* attribute10
* attribute8
* lastUpdateDate
* attributeCategory
* source
* attribute9
* objectVersionNumber
* attribute6
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* zdSync
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute1
* id
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute15
* attribute7
* attribute3
* name
* endDate
* creationDate
* startDate
* version
* attribute2
* orgId
* createdBy
* attribute13
* fnctnCode


 * attribute4
* attribute5
* attribute14
* attribute11
* attribute10
* attribute8
* lastUpdateDate
* attributeCategory
* source
* attribute9
* objectVersionNumber
* attribute6
* attribute12
* zdEditionName
* zdSync
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute1
* id
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute15
* attribute7
* attribute3
* name
* endDate
* creationDate
* startDate
* version
* attribute2
* orgId
* createdBy
* attribute13
* fnctnCode


 * createdBy
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* zdEditionName
* lastUpdatedBy
* zdSync
* language
* id
* description
* creationDate
* sourceLang
* sfwtFlag


 * createdBy
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* zdEditionName
* lastUpdatedBy
* zdSync
* language
* id
* description
* creationDate
* sourceLang
* sfwtFlag


 * lastUpdatedBy
* dateEffectiveFrom
* orgId
* createdBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* creationDate
* dateEffectiveTo
* id
* icoId
* objectVersionNumber
* rmrId
* lastUpdateDate
* ilnId


 * lastUpdatedBy
* dateEffectiveFrom
* orgId
* createdBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* creationDate
* dateEffectiveTo
* id
* icoId
* objectVersionNumber
* rmrId
* lastUpdateDate
* ilnId


 * lastUpdatedBy
* disbRuleStyTypeId
* attribute11
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* attribute12
* createdBy
* disbRuleId
* attribute3
* streamTypePurpose
* attribute10
* objectVersionNumber
* attribute6
* attribute14
* attribute5
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute2
* attribute13
* attribute4
* attribute7
* attribute8
* attribute9
* creationDate
* attributeCategory
* attribute1
* attribute15


 * lastUpdatedBy
* disbRuleStyTypeId
* attribute11
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute12
* createdBy
* disbRuleId
* attribute3
* streamTypePurpose
* attribute10
* objectVersionNumber
* attribute6
* attribute14
* attribute5
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute2
* attribute13
* attribute4
* attribute7
* attribute8
* attribute9
* creationDate
* attributeCategory
* attribute1
* attribute15


 * attribute4
* attribute14
* disbRuleId
* attribute10
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute8
* lastUpdatedBy
* objectVersionNumber
* invoiceSeqStart
* lastUpdateLogin
* vendorId
* createdBy
* creationDate
* disbRuleVendorSiteId
* attribute12
* attribute6
* attribute11
* startDate
* attribute3
* attribute13
* vendorSiteId
* nextInvSeq
* attribute1
* attribute15
* attribute2
* attribute5
* attribute9
* invoiceSeqEnd
* attributeCategory
* attribute7
* endDate


 * attribute4
* attribute14
* disbRuleId
* attribute10
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute8
* lastUpdatedBy
* objectVersionNumber
* invoiceSeqStart
* lastUpdateLogin
* vendorId
* createdBy
* creationDate
* disbRuleVendorSiteId
* attribute12
* attribute6
* attribute11
* startDate
* attribute3
* attribute13
* vendorSiteId
* nextInvSeq
* attribute1
* attribute15
* attribute2
* attribute5
* attribute9
* invoiceSeqEnd
* attributeCategory
* attribute7
* endDate


 * feePercent
* attribute9
* feeAmount
* attribute2
* attribute6
* orgId
* attribute10
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute7
* creationDate
* dayOfMonth
* objectVersionNumber
* attribute8
* disbRuleId
* ruleName
* frequency
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute4
* attribute5
* consolidateByDueDate
* scheduledMonth
* attribute11
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute15
* endDate
* consolidateStrmType
* attribute3
* feeBasis
* attributeCategory
* startDate
* attribute14
* attribute12
* feeOption
* createdBy
* attribute13
* attribute1


 * feePercent
* attribute9
* feeAmount
* attribute2
* attribute6
* orgId
* attribute10
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute7
* creationDate
* dayOfMonth
* objectVersionNumber
* attribute8
* disbRuleId
* ruleName
* frequency
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute4
* attribute5
* consolidateByDueDate
* scheduledMonth
* attribute11
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute15
* endDate
* consolidateStrmType
* attribute3
* feeBasis
* attributeCategory
* startDate
* attribute14
* attribute12
* feeOption
* createdBy
* attribute13
* attribute1


 * description
* sourceLang
* createdBy
* creationDate
* lastUpdateDate
* language
* sfwtFlag
* disbRuleId
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin


 * description
* sourceLang
* createdBy
* creationDate
* lastUpdateDate
* language
* sfwtFlag
* disbRuleId
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin


 * ibInstallSite
* performanceDataFrom
* creationDate
* customerAccountId
* lastUpdateDate
* performanceMetric
* performanceMetricType
* contractNumber
* endecaId
* performanceDataTo
* createdBy
* contractLineName
* lastUpdateLogin
* ibSerialNumber
* lastUpdatedBy
* contractLineId
* ibInstallSiteNumber
* ibInstallSiteUseId
* contractId
* performanceUnitOfMeasure


 * ibInstallSite
* performanceDataFrom
* creationDate
* customerAccountId
* lastUpdateDate
* performanceMetric
* performanceMetricType
* contractNumber
* endecaId
* performanceDataTo
* createdBy
* contractLineName
* lastUpdateLogin
* ibSerialNumber
* lastUpdatedBy
* contractLineId
* ibInstallSiteNumber
* ibInstallSiteUseId
* contractId
* performanceUnitOfMeasure


 * vendorBillToSiteUseId
* contractType
* customerIdentifyingAdrFlag
* legalEntity
* customerPartyNumber
* customerPartySiteStatus
* customerPrimPhoneType
* customerUrl
* customerStatus
* contractBookClassCode
* ledger
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* contractNextPaymentAmt
* contractCurrency
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* contractHdrDff2
* totalNumberOfAssets
* functionalCurrency
* customerPartySiteName
* customerAlias3
* contractSubsidyAmount
* contractHdrDff4
* contractUnbilledDueAmount
* customerAccDff12
* customerPrimPhCountryCode
* contractTotOpenRecv
* contractTemplateIndicator
* contractPrefundEligYn
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* customerSicCode
* contractDaysInYear
* assetsFundedAmount
* contractCrdtlineTrnsfrAmt
* contractEndDate
* customerProvince
* programId
* customerPrimPhoneNumber
* contractSubAfterTaxIrr
* customerDunsNumber
* supplierRetentionFundingAmt
* customerAccDff16
* customerAccDff19
* customerAccountStatus
* nextFiscYearPotentialRev
* customerPartySiteAddressee
* contractResidualAmount
* contractImplInterestRate
* contractTemplateName
* contractUnbilledReceivables
* customerAccountComments
* contractFeeIncome
* customerOrgNamePhonetic
* locationId
* spec
* custBillToSiteUseId
* contractOec
* customerPartySiteLocId
* contractRevolCreditEligYn
* totalAmountPaidToDealer
* customerLastStatusUpdDt
* contractGenAccrualOvrideYn
* daysToEot
* customerAccDff8
* contractCapitalizedFee
* contractBilledRents
* customerSalesChannel
* customerPartySiteId
* contractHdrDff11
* contractDaysToAccrue
* contractSubImplIntRate
* customerAddress3
* contractCreditActYn
* customerPartySiteUseStatus
* programApplicationId
* customerIndustry
* contractAfterTaxYield
* customerPartySiteComments
* contractCrdtlineFundingAmt
* contractSubAfterTaxYield
* customerYearEstablished
* contractTotalAccruedInt
* contractEarliestBillDate
* customerAccDff2
* contractSignedDate
* customerAccDff20
* glPeriodYear
* customerAlias5
* customerAccDff17
* expenseFundedAmount
* customerCreditClass
* contractPrefundedAmount
* contractFinancialProduct
* residualPositionBucket
* contractHdrDff14
* nivBooking
* contractTermDuration
* totalDebitsForPrefunding
* contractAfterTaxIrr
* genServAdminIndicator
* contractDiscount
* contractInventoryOrgId
* contractCurrencyConvDate
* vendorNumber
* contractStatusCode
* customerAccDff3
* contractHdrDff8
* customerAccountNumber
* contractTotPastDueAmt
* periodOfOrigination
* contractMultiGaapEligYn
* customerPartyType
* contractInterestRate
* contractCanceledTimestamp
* totalPrefundingAmount
* contractTotBilledReceivable
* customerAccDffCategory
* contractDateDealActivated
* contractFirstActivityDate
* customerCompetitorYn
* customerAccDff14
* customerAddress1
* contractFinancialProductId
* contractTradeinAmount
* customerPartyName
* contractStatusTypeCode
* customerCreditRiskScore
* contractOperatingUnitId
* customerFiscalYearendMonth
* contractHdrDff3
* contractHdrDff13
* contractStartDate
* contractCapAmount
* contractHdrDff9
* contractHdrDff10
* contractAmountPrefunded
* customerAlias2
* contractHdrDff7
* contractBilledNonRentsFunc
* vendorProgramId
* customerAccDff13
* contractHdrDff5
* contractHdrDff15
* customerAlias4
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* contractSecuritizationType
* contractAccrualStatus
* vendorTypeCode
* contractPreTaxIrr
* customerPartySiteUseType
* customerAccDff6
* rolloverFeeAmount
* contractTotalMiscFund
* contractTemplTypeCode
* accEngineTemplSetId
* contractVarIncomeAccrual
* customerAddress2
* recAgingBucket
* periodOfExpiration
* contractCurrencyConvRate
* customerHomeCountry
* programUpdateDate
* contractSubPreTaxIrr
* contractBilledRentsFunc
* customerPrimPhonePurpose
* contractIdcAmount
* contractTradeinDate
* contractDocumentId
* customerSicCodeType
* netInvestmentFunctional
* contractPastDueAmt120Plus
* customerType
* glPeriodName
* nivTerminated
* contractLastIntCalcDate
* vendorName
* customerAccDff7
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdateDate
* contractTotalActualInt
* contractFinProdStatusCode
* customerAccDff15
* contractActualPrincBal
* nivExpiring
* vendorPartyRole
* customerAlias
* recordType
* customerCity
* contractCrdtlineLimit
* contractHdrDff6
* contractInvestorAssignYn
* contractUnaccruedSubsidy
* customerPartySiteUseId
* financialInfoFiscalYear
* contractScheduledPrincBal
* customerCreditRating
* contractLegalEntityId
* customerAccDff1
* contractAccDepreciation
* lastUpdatedBy
* contractFinProdDesc
* customerCreditScore
* custPaymentTermId
* ledgerId
* customerTaxReference
* netInvestment
* contractPastDueAmt3160
* contractId
* contractDateDealTransferd
* contractFinProdEffToDt
* customerState
* creationDate
* customerAccDff4
* contractFinProdEffFromDt
* contractStatus
* customerAccDff5
* contractHdrDffCategory
* customerAccDff10
* contractCrdtlineNetrnsfrAmt
* contractPastDueAmt130
* customerPostalCode
* contractAccumulatedDep
* contractPastDueAmt6190
* contractFinancedAmount
* contractAssetCost
* lowestGeographyType
* customerCountry
* contractCapitalizedInterest
* customerPrimPhAreaCode
* customerAccountName
* billToAcctProfileId
* contractCapitalizedReduction
* contractTradeinDescription
* contractBookClassification
* customerCounty
* reportingProduct
* customerPartyId
* contractHdrDff12
* createdBy
* customerAccountId
* contractCurrencyConvType
* contractLifecycle
* operatingUnitShortCode
* customerAccDff9
* contractCustPurchOrderNum
* contractBilledNonRents
* countryCode
* customerPartySiteNumber
* contractTerminationDate
* requestId
* customerSiteGlobLocNum
* contractRentAmount
* contractOrigSystemSource
* contractNumber
* totalUpfrontTaxOnAssets
* currFiscYearPotentialRev
* reportingProductId
* totalNumOfEmployees
* contractHdrDff1
* operatingUnit
* contractPastDueAmt91120
* customerPrimPhoneExtn
* contractFinancedFee
* contractExpDeliveryDate
* contractSalesRep
* endecaId
* programLoginId
* contractFinProdTemplateId
* customerHqBranchInd


 * vendorBillToSiteUseId
* contractType
* customerIdentifyingAdrFlag
* legalEntity
* customerPartyNumber
* customerPartySiteStatus
* customerPrimPhoneType
* customerUrl
* customerStatus
* contractBookClassCode
* ledger
* contractSalesRegionId
* contractNextPaymentAmt
* contractCurrency
* contractApprovedDate
* contractAcceptanceDate
* vendorProgramName
* customerAccDff18
* contractConvertedAccountYn
* customerAccEstabDate
* contractHdrDff2
* totalNumberOfAssets
* functionalCurrency
* customerPartySiteName
* customerAlias3
* contractSubsidyAmount
* contractHdrDff4
* contractUnbilledDueAmount
* customerAccDff12
* customerPrimPhCountryCode
* contractTotOpenRecv
* contractTemplateIndicator
* contractPrefundEligYn
* customerAccDff11
* customerSicCode
* contractDaysInYear
* assetsFundedAmount
* contractCrdtlineTrnsfrAmt
* contractEndDate
* customerProvince
* programId
* customerPrimPhoneNumber
* contractSubAfterTaxIrr
* customerDunsNumber
* supplierRetentionFundingAmt
* customerAccDff16
* customerAccDff19
* customerAccountStatus
* nextFiscYearPotentialRev
* customerPartySiteAddressee
* contractResidualAmount
* contractImplInterestRate
* contractTemplateName
* contractUnbilledReceivables
* customerAccountComments
* contractFeeIncome
* customerOrgNamePhonetic
* locationId
* spec
* custBillToSiteUseId
* contractOec
* customerPartySiteLocId
* contractRevolCreditEligYn
* totalAmountPaidToDealer
* customerLastStatusUpdDt
* contractGenAccrualOvrideYn
* daysToEot
* customerAccDff8
* contractCapitalizedFee
* contractBilledRents
* customerSalesChannel
* customerPartySiteId
* contractHdrDff11
* contractDaysToAccrue
* contractSubImplIntRate
* customerAddress3
* contractCreditActYn
* customerPartySiteUseStatus
* programApplicationId
* customerIndustry
* contractAfterTaxYield
* customerPartySiteComments
* contractCrdtlineFundingAmt
* contractSubAfterTaxYield
* customerYearEstablished
* contractTotalAccruedInt
* contractEarliestBillDate
* customerAccDff2
* contractSignedDate
* customerAccDff20
* glPeriodYear
* customerAlias5
* customerAccDff17
* expenseFundedAmount
* customerCreditClass
* contractPrefundedAmount
* contractFinancialProduct
* residualPositionBucket
* contractHdrDff14
* nivBooking
* contractTermDuration
* totalDebitsForPrefunding
* contractAfterTaxIrr
* genServAdminIndicator
* contractDiscount
* contractInventoryOrgId
* contractCurrencyConvDate
* vendorNumber
* contractStatusCode
* customerAccDff3
* contractHdrDff8
* customerAccountNumber
* contractTotPastDueAmt
* periodOfOrigination
* contractMultiGaapEligYn
* customerPartyType
* contractInterestRate
* contractCanceledTimestamp
* totalPrefundingAmount
* contractTotBilledReceivable
* customerAccDffCategory
* contractDateDealActivated
* contractFirstActivityDate
* customerCompetitorYn
* customerAccDff14
* customerAddress1
* contractFinancialProductId
* contractTradeinAmount
* customerPartyName
* contractStatusTypeCode
* customerCreditRiskScore
* contractOperatingUnitId
* customerFiscalYearendMonth
* contractHdrDff3
* contractHdrDff13
* contractStartDate
* contractCapAmount
* contractHdrDff9
* contractHdrDff10
* contractAmountPrefunded
* customerAlias2
* contractHdrDff7
* contractBilledNonRentsFunc
* vendorProgramId
* customerAccDff13
* contractHdrDff5
* contractHdrDff15
* customerAlias4
* customerAddress4
* contractSecuritizationType
* contractAccrualStatus
* vendorTypeCode
* contractPreTaxIrr
* customerPartySiteUseType
* customerAccDff6
* rolloverFeeAmount
* contractTotalMiscFund
* contractTemplTypeCode
* accEngineTemplSetId
* contractVarIncomeAccrual
* customerAddress2
* recAgingBucket
* periodOfExpiration
* contractCurrencyConvRate
* customerHomeCountry
* programUpdateDate
* contractSubPreTaxIrr
* contractBilledRentsFunc
* customerPrimPhonePurpose
* contractIdcAmount
* contractTradeinDate
* contractDocumentId
* customerSicCodeType
* netInvestmentFunctional
* contractPastDueAmt120Plus
* customerType
* glPeriodName
* nivTerminated
* contractLastIntCalcDate
* vendorName
* customerAccDff7
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdateDate
* contractTotalActualInt
* contractFinProdStatusCode
* customerAccDff15
* contractActualPrincBal
* nivExpiring
* vendorPartyRole
* customerAlias
* recordType
* customerCity
* contractCrdtlineLimit
* contractHdrDff6
* contractInvestorAssignYn
* contractUnaccruedSubsidy
* customerPartySiteUseId
* financialInfoFiscalYear
* contractScheduledPrincBal
* customerCreditRating
* contractLegalEntityId
* customerAccDff1
* contractAccDepreciation
* lastUpdatedBy
* contractFinProdDesc
* customerCreditScore
* custPaymentTermId
* ledgerId
* customerTaxReference
* netInvestment
* contractPastDueAmt3160
* contractId
* contractDateDealTransferd
* contractFinProdEffToDt
* customerState
* creationDate
* customerAccDff4
* contractFinProdEffFromDt
* contractStatus
* customerAccDff5
* contractHdrDffCategory
* customerAccDff10
* contractCrdtlineNetrnsfrAmt
* contractPastDueAmt130
* customerPostalCode
* contractAccumulatedDep
* contractPastDueAmt6190
* contractFinancedAmount
* contractAssetCost
* lowestGeographyType
* customerCountry
* contractCapitalizedInterest
* customerPrimPhAreaCode
* customerAccountName
* billToAcctProfileId
* contractCapitalizedReduction
* contractTradeinDescription
* contractBookClassification
* customerCounty
* reportingProduct
* customerPartyId
* contractHdrDff12
* createdBy
* customerAccountId
* contractCurrencyConvType
* contractLifecycle
* operatingUnitShortCode
* customerAccDff9
* contractCustPurchOrderNum
* contractBilledNonRents
* countryCode
* customerPartySiteNumber
* contractTerminationDate
* requestId
* customerSiteGlobLocNum
* contractRentAmount
* contractOrigSystemSource
* contractNumber
* totalUpfrontTaxOnAssets
* currFiscYearPotentialRev
* reportingProductId
* totalNumOfEmployees
* contractHdrDff1
* operatingUnit
* contractPastDueAmt91120
* customerPrimPhoneExtn
* contractFinancedFee
* contractExpDeliveryDate
* contractSalesRep
* endecaId
* programLoginId
* contractFinProdTemplateId
* customerHqBranchInd


 * customerExtCountry
* customerExtRiskScore
* accountNumber
* customerExtIndustry
* customerExtCity
* primaryExtAddress
* customerExtPartyId
* customerExtPartyName
* accountName
* customerExtCreditClass
* extReviewCycle
* lastUpdateLogin
* createdBy
* customerExtPartyNumber
* custAccountId
* customerExtSicCodeType
* creationDate
* customerExtCreditRating
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateDate
* customerExtState


 * customerExtCountry
* customerExtRiskScore
* accountNumber
* customerExtIndustry
* customerExtCity
* primaryExtAddress
* customerExtPartyId
* customerExtPartyName
* accountName
* customerExtCreditClass
* extReviewCycle
* lastUpdateLogin
* createdBy
* customerExtPartyNumber
* custAccountId
* customerExtSicCodeType
* creationDate
* customerExtCreditRating
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateDate
* customerExtState


 * contractId
* createdBy
* inventoryItemName
* inventoryItemId
* fmvValidTo
* faManufacturerName
* fairMarketPctValue
* faCorpCategory
* fmvBasis
* lastUpdateDate
* fairMarketCurrencyValue
* contractLineId
* faModelNumber
* faCorpCategoryId
* contractCurrency
* endecaId
* contractNumber
* creationDate
* contractLineName
* modelLineId
* faYearOfManufacture
* lastUpdateLogin
* fmvValidFrom
* fmvType
* fmvDate
* fmvSource
* fmvLevel
* lastUpdatedBy
* inventoryItemOrgId
* inventoryItemDescription


 * contractId
* createdBy
* inventoryItemName
* inventoryItemId
* fmvValidTo
* faManufacturerName
* fairMarketPctValue
* faCorpCategory
* fmvBasis
* lastUpdateDate
* fairMarketCurrencyValue
* contractLineId
* faModelNumber
* faCorpCategoryId
* contractCurrency
* endecaId
* contractNumber
* creationDate
* contractLineName
* modelLineId
* faYearOfManufacture
* lastUpdateLogin
* fmvValidFrom
* fmvType
* fmvDate
* fmvSource
* fmvLevel
* lastUpdatedBy
* inventoryItemOrgId
* inventoryItemDescription


 * faMgBookTypeCode
* insPolicyLessorPayeeYn
* lineNetInvestmentFunc
* serviceContractNumber
* faMgDateInService
* faCorpDepMethodCode
* feeType
* contractLineTypeCode
* cntrctCustPartySiteName
* insuranceNameOfInsured
* lineCapitalizedInterest
* ibInstallSiteId
* faTaxBookTypeCode
* linePthEvgStreamTypeCode
* assetStEquipmentAge
* invSupplierInvoiceDate
* recordType
* inventoryItemId
* lastUpdateDate
* cntrctCustAcountId
* lastUpdatedBy
* assetResGuarantorTypeCode
* assetStSaleAndLeaseBack
* requestId
* totalAssetFinancedFeeAmt
* inventoryItemDescription
* insuranceProvider
* feeOrServAmountPerPeriod
* assetUpfrontTax
* contractLineDff11
* faCorpSalValueBasisCode
* assetFilingTitleDate
* faAssetKey
* linePthBaseStreamTypeCode
* contractTermDuration
* legalEntity
* contractLineStatus
* feeTrxTaxYn
* inventoryUnitCost
* contractStartDate
* feeInitialDirectCost
* lineBilledRentsFunc
* assetTerminationDate
* assetDateDeliveryExpected
* insuranceCoveredAmount
* assetFilingLienDate
* contractLineDff13
* lineCapitalizedReduction
* assetFilingLienExpDate
* invSupplierShipToSite
* faTaxOrigCost
* faManufacturerName
* faTaxDepCost
* contractLineDff12
* usagePeriod
* assetFilingRegisExpDate
* lineAccumulatedDepreciation
* contractLineDff7
* linePthBasePayoutBasis
* contractLineDff5
* linePthEvgPyoutFormulaId
* usageDefaultQuantity
* assetFilingTitleTypeCode
* functionalCurrency
* insurancePolicyStatus
* assetClass
* feeOrServNumberOfPeriods
* assetBillingBank
* invSupplrShipToSiteUseId
* faCorpDepLifeInMonths
* contractLineDff14
* contractNumber
* lineAssetCost
* faTaxSalValueBasis
* linePthEvgStreamTypeId
* faMgDepLifeInMonths
* contractStatusTypeCode
* feeOrServiceEffectiveFrom
* cntrctCustPartySiteUseId
* contractLegalEntityId
* contractLineDff15
* assetBillingBankAcctId
* ibInstallSiteNumber
* faAssetLocationId
* servicePaymentType
* faCorpOrigCost
* ledger
* cntrctCustPartySiteNum
* assetFilingPayeeSite
* fixedAssetLineId
* faTaxSalvageValue
* insuranceCalcPremium
* contractLineDff9
* usageAvgMonthlyCounterFlag
* faTaxDateInService
* lineBilledNonRentsFunc
* lineSupplierId
* expenseFundedAmount
* assetFilingTitleCustodian
* linePthEvgPayoutBasisCode
* ibSerialNumber
* endecaId1
* programId
* assetFilingLienStatus
* contractFinancialProductId
* insPolicyLessorInsuredYn
* assetStAssetUpfrontTax
* daysToEot
* totalActiveLineFinancedAmt
* cntrctCustPartySiteLocId
* faMgSalvageValuePercent
* assetFilingLienType
* contractCurrencyConvType
* assetFilingTitleNumber
* totalAssetSubsidyAmount
* contractReportingProductId
* assetBillingBankAccount
* feeOrServiceName
* glPeriodYear
* contractCurrencyConvRate
* insuranceActivationDate
* insurancePolicyEffFrom
* assetResidualAmount
* contractLineDff1
* insurancePolicyNumber
* insurancePolicyType
* cntrctCustPartyNumber
* faMgDepMethodName
* usagePriceListName
* faAssetKeyId
* contractFinancialProduct
* assetsFundedAmount
* feeTypeCode
* feeRolloverContractNumber
* faMgDepRate
* contractOperatingUnitId
* insurancePolicyId
* contractId
* cntrctCustomerPartyName
* cntrctCustPartyId
* contractLineTypeId
* assetStTransferOfTitle
* contractInterestIndexId
* faCorpBookTypeCode
* insuranceQuoteNumber
* glPeriodName
* faMgSalValueBasisCode
* lineDiscount
* contractLineStatusCode
* faMgSalvageValue
* assetFilingJurisdiction
* operatingUnitShortCode
* feeOrServiceTotalAmount
* faMgDepMethodId
* faMgOrigCost
* inventoryItemOrgId
* faMgDepMethodCode
* contractBookClassCode
* linePthBaseStartDate
* insuranceFactorValue
* assetFilingTitleRegisLoc
* feeOrServiceFrequency
* faMgSalValueBasis
* usageNoOfPeriod
* assetPropTaxApplicable
* faModelNumber
* assetStPurchaseOfLease
* insuranceCancellationDate
* contractInterestIndex
* assetBillToSiteUseId
* contractLineDff8
* linePthEvgPyoutFormula
* totalAssetTradeinAmount
* faTaxDepMethodCode
* assetPropTaxBillMethod
* usageLevelFlag
* totalAssetCapFeeAmount
* linePthEvgStreamType
* usageMinimumQty
* ibInstallSite
* faMgDepCost
* invSupplierShipToSiteNum
* lineOec
* faTaxDepMethodId
* feeOrServiceFrequencyCode
* insuranceProduct
* contractLineDff6
* insuranceSalesRep
* modelLineId
* assetFilingLienTypeCode
* totalAssetSubsidyOvrdAmt
* inventoryTotalUnits
* faCorpDateInService
* faMgBook
* assetFilingTitleLocation
* contractLineTypeName
* faCorporateBook
* contractLineId
* insuranceProductId
* assetFilingLienNumber
* contractLineDff3
* usageBaseReading
* usagePeriodCode
* faTaxSalValueBasisCode
* assetPropTaxLesseeReport
* createdBy
* insuranceTotPremium
* cntrctCustAcctNumber
* assetFilingLienContNumber
* lineBilledNonRents
* faCorpDepCost
* linePthBasePayBasisCode
* lineSupplier
* totalAssetCapServiceAmount
* assetType
* assetStIntendedUse
* assetFilingTitleIssuer
* usageType
* programLoginId
* assetBillToAddress
* inventoryItemName
* revenueRecognitionMethod
* cntrctCustPartySiteId
* lineResidualAmount
* faCorpCategory
* lineRentAmount
* faCorpSalValueBasis
* feeRolloverQuoteId
* insurancePolicyLocation
* insurancePolicyEffTo
* lastUpdateLogin
* assetFilingTitleType
* assetFilingSubJurisdiction
* assetFilingLienholder
* faAssetLocationName
* lineUnbilledDueAmount
* faTaxSalvageValuePercent
* contractCurrency
* ledgerId
* interestCalculationBasis
* usagePriceListId
* lineSupplierNumber
* assetFilingLienContDate
* usageBaseReadingUom
* linePthEvgStartDate
* usageTypeCode
* lineBilledRents
* faAssetId
* invSupplierShipToSiteId
* faCorpSalvageValuePercent
* contractLineDff4
* faTaxDepLifeInMonths
* totalAssetRolloverFeeAmt
* insurancePolicyStatusCode
* linePthBaseStreamTypeId
* feeRolloverQuoteNumber
* linePthBaseStreamType
* lineNetInvestment
* interestCalclationBasisCode
* usageFixedQuantity
* faCorpCategoryId
* contractBookClassification
* ibInstallSiteUseId
* assetFilingTitleRegisNum
* faCorpDepMethodId
* lineCapAmount
* faCorpDepMethodName
* contractReportingProduct
* assetBillingPaymentMethod
* contractLineDffCategory
* revenueRecogntionMethodCode
* assetResidualAmtGuarantee
* invSupplierInvoiceLineId
* faCorpSalvageValue
* totalAssetAddonCost
* faTaxBook
* insurancePolicyTypeCode
* creationDate
* programUpdateDate
* faTaxDepMethodName
* assetResGuarantorType
* faTaxDepRate
* operatingUnit
* contractEndDate
* invSupplierInvoiceNumber
* faCorpDepRate
* linePthEvgPayoutBasis
* contractStatus
* assetDateFundingExpected
* assetFilingLienStatusCode
* usageBaseReadingUomCode
* contractLineDff10
* contractCurrencyConvDate
* feeOrServiceEffectiveTo
* programApplicationId
* contractLineName
* contractLineDff2
* insurancePaymentFrequency
* contractStatusCode
* assetResidualPercent


 * faMgBookTypeCode
* insPolicyLessorPayeeYn
* lineNetInvestmentFunc
* serviceContractNumber
* faMgDateInService
* faCorpDepMethodCode
* feeType
* contractLineTypeCode
* cntrctCustPartySiteName
* insuranceNameOfInsured
* lineCapitalizedInterest
* ibInstallSiteId
* faTaxBookTypeCode
* linePthEvgStreamTypeCode
* assetStEquipmentAge
* invSupplierInvoiceDate
* recordType
* inventoryItemId
* lastUpdateDate
* cntrctCustAcountId
* lastUpdatedBy
* assetResGuarantorTypeCode
* assetStSaleAndLeaseBack
* requestId
* totalAssetFinancedFeeAmt
* inventoryItemDescription
* insuranceProvider
* feeOrServAmountPerPeriod
* assetUpfrontTax
* contractLineDff11
* faCorpSalValueBasisCode
* assetFilingTitleDate
* faAssetKey
* linePthBaseStreamTypeCode
* contractTermDuration
* legalEntity
* contractLineStatus
* feeTrxTaxYn
* inventoryUnitCost
* contractStartDate
* feeInitialDirectCost
* lineBilledRentsFunc
* assetTerminationDate
* assetDateDeliveryExpected
* insuranceCoveredAmount
* assetFilingLienDate
* contractLineDff13
* lineCapitalizedReduction
* assetFilingLienExpDate
* invSupplierShipToSite
* faTaxOrigCost
* faManufacturerName
* faTaxDepCost
* contractLineDff12
* usagePeriod
* assetFilingRegisExpDate
* lineAccumulatedDepreciation
* contractLineDff7
* linePthBasePayoutBasis
* contractLineDff5
* linePthEvgPyoutFormulaId
* usageDefaultQuantity
* assetFilingTitleTypeCode
* functionalCurrency
* insurancePolicyStatus
* assetClass
* feeOrServNumberOfPeriods
* assetBillingBank
* invSupplrShipToSiteUseId
* faCorpDepLifeInMonths
* contractLineDff14
* contractNumber
* lineAssetCost
* faTaxSalValueBasis
* linePthEvgStreamTypeId
* faMgDepLifeInMonths
* contractStatusTypeCode
* feeOrServiceEffectiveFrom
* cntrctCustPartySiteUseId
* contractLegalEntityId
* contractLineDff15
* assetBillingBankAcctId
* ibInstallSiteNumber
* faAssetLocationId
* servicePaymentType
* faCorpOrigCost
* ledger
* cntrctCustPartySiteNum
* assetFilingPayeeSite
* fixedAssetLineId
* faTaxSalvageValue
* insuranceCalcPremium
* contractLineDff9
* usageAvgMonthlyCounterFlag
* faTaxDateInService
* lineBilledNonRentsFunc
* lineSupplierId
* expenseFundedAmount
* assetFilingTitleCustodian
* linePthEvgPayoutBasisCode
* ibSerialNumber
* endecaId1
* programId
* assetFilingLienStatus
* contractFinancialProductId
* insPolicyLessorInsuredYn
* assetStAssetUpfrontTax
* daysToEot
* totalActiveLineFinancedAmt
* cntrctCustPartySiteLocId
* faMgSalvageValuePercent
* assetFilingLienType
* contractCurrencyConvType
* assetFilingTitleNumber
* totalAssetSubsidyAmount
* contractReportingProductId
* assetBillingBankAccount
* feeOrServiceName
* glPeriodYear
* contractCurrencyConvRate
* insuranceActivationDate
* insurancePolicyEffFrom
* assetResidualAmount
* contractLineDff1
* insurancePolicyNumber
* insurancePolicyType
* cntrctCustPartyNumber
* faMgDepMethodName
* usagePriceListName
* faAssetKeyId
* contractFinancialProduct
* assetsFundedAmount
* feeTypeCode
* feeRolloverContractNumber
* faMgDepRate
* contractOperatingUnitId
* insurancePolicyId
* contractId
* cntrctCustomerPartyName
* cntrctCustPartyId
* contractLineTypeId
* assetStTransferOfTitle
* contractInterestIndexId
* faCorpBookTypeCode
* insuranceQuoteNumber
* glPeriodName
* faMgSalValueBasisCode
* lineDiscount
* contractLineStatusCode
* faMgSalvageValue
* assetFilingJurisdiction
* operatingUnitShortCode
* feeOrServiceTotalAmount
* faMgDepMethodId
* faMgOrigCost
* inventoryItemOrgId
* faMgDepMethodCode
* contractBookClassCode
* linePthBaseStartDate
* insuranceFactorValue
* assetFilingTitleRegisLoc
* feeOrServiceFrequency
* faMgSalValueBasis
* usageNoOfPeriod
* assetPropTaxApplicable
* faModelNumber
* assetStPurchaseOfLease
* insuranceCancellationDate
* contractInterestIndex
* assetBillToSiteUseId
* contractLineDff8
* linePthEvgPyoutFormula
* totalAssetTradeinAmount
* faTaxDepMethodCode
* assetPropTaxBillMethod
* usageLevelFlag
* totalAssetCapFeeAmount
* linePthEvgStreamType
* usageMinimumQty
* ibInstallSite
* faMgDepCost
* invSupplierShipToSiteNum
* lineOec
* faTaxDepMethodId
* feeOrServiceFrequencyCode
* insuranceProduct
* contractLineDff6
* insuranceSalesRep
* modelLineId
* assetFilingLienTypeCode
* totalAssetSubsidyOvrdAmt
* inventoryTotalUnits
* faCorpDateInService
* faMgBook
* assetFilingTitleLocation
* contractLineTypeName
* faCorporateBook
* contractLineId
* insuranceProductId
* assetFilingLienNumber
* contractLineDff3
* usageBaseReading
* usagePeriodCode
* faTaxSalValueBasisCode
* assetPropTaxLesseeReport
* createdBy
* insuranceTotPremium
* cntrctCustAcctNumber
* assetFilingLienContNumber
* lineBilledNonRents
* faCorpDepCost
* linePthBasePayBasisCode
* lineSupplier
* totalAssetCapServiceAmount
* assetType
* assetStIntendedUse
* assetFilingTitleIssuer
* usageType
* programLoginId
* assetBillToAddress
* inventoryItemName
* revenueRecognitionMethod
* cntrctCustPartySiteId
* lineResidualAmount
* faCorpCategory
* lineRentAmount
* faCorpSalValueBasis
* feeRolloverQuoteId
* insurancePolicyLocation
* insurancePolicyEffTo
* lastUpdateLogin
* assetFilingTitleType
* assetFilingSubJurisdiction
* assetFilingLienholder
* faAssetLocationName
* lineUnbilledDueAmount
* faTaxSalvageValuePercent
* contractCurrency
* ledgerId
* interestCalculationBasis
* usagePriceListId
* lineSupplierNumber
* assetFilingLienContDate
* usageBaseReadingUom
* linePthEvgStartDate
* usageTypeCode
* lineBilledRents
* faAssetId
* invSupplierShipToSiteId
* faCorpSalvageValuePercent
* contractLineDff4
* faTaxDepLifeInMonths
* totalAssetRolloverFeeAmt
* insurancePolicyStatusCode
* linePthBaseStreamTypeId
* feeRolloverQuoteNumber
* linePthBaseStreamType
* lineNetInvestment
* interestCalclationBasisCode
* usageFixedQuantity
* faCorpCategoryId
* contractBookClassification
* ibInstallSiteUseId
* assetFilingTitleRegisNum
* faCorpDepMethodId
* lineCapAmount
* faCorpDepMethodName
* contractReportingProduct
* assetBillingPaymentMethod
* contractLineDffCategory
* revenueRecogntionMethodCode
* assetResidualAmtGuarantee
* invSupplierInvoiceLineId
* faCorpSalvageValue
* totalAssetAddonCost
* faTaxBook
* insurancePolicyTypeCode
* creationDate
* programUpdateDate
* faTaxDepMethodName
* assetResGuarantorType
* faTaxDepRate
* operatingUnit
* contractEndDate
* invSupplierInvoiceNumber
* faCorpDepRate
* linePthEvgPayoutBasis
* contractStatus
* assetDateFundingExpected
* assetFilingLienStatusCode
* usageBaseReadingUomCode
* contractLineDff10
* contractCurrencyConvDate
* feeOrServiceEffectiveTo
* programApplicationId
* contractLineName
* contractLineDff2
* insurancePaymentFrequency
* contractStatusCode
* assetResidualPercent


 * owner
* inventoryItemName
* incidentId
* expectedResolutionDate
* endecaId4
* incDateYmWeek
* contractNumber
* customerId
* invOrganizationId
* accountId
* coverageType
* problemCode
* customerPartyName
* problemSummary
* contractId
* incDateYearMonth
* contractType
* operatingUnit
* customerSiteId
* customerState
* srNumber
* lastUpdatedBy
* srStatus
* faCorpCategory
* incDateYear
* createdBy
* closeFlag
* actualResolutionDate
* creationDate
* serviceName
* resolutionSummary
* systemId
* incidentStatusId
* inventoryItemId
* lastUpdateLogin
* srSeverity
* coverageName
* contractServiceId
* serialNum
* incidentSeverityId
* incidentUrgencyId
* escalated
* closeDate
* incidentOwnerId
* systemNumber
* customerCity
* customerCountry
* incidentTypeId
* lastUpdateDate
* incidentDate
* itemInstance
* srType
* urgency
* resolutionCode


 * owner
* inventoryItemName
* incidentId
* expectedResolutionDate
* endecaId4
* incDateYmWeek
* contractNumber
* customerId
* invOrganizationId
* accountId
* coverageType
* problemCode
* customerPartyName
* problemSummary
* contractId
* incDateYearMonth
* contractType
* operatingUnit
* customerSiteId
* customerState
* srNumber
* lastUpdatedBy
* srStatus
* faCorpCategory
* incDateYear
* createdBy
* closeFlag
* actualResolutionDate
* creationDate
* serviceName
* resolutionSummary
* systemId
* incidentStatusId
* inventoryItemId
* lastUpdateLogin
* srSeverity
* coverageName
* contractServiceId
* serialNum
* incidentSeverityId
* incidentUrgencyId
* escalated
* closeDate
* incidentOwnerId
* systemNumber
* customerCity
* customerCountry
* incidentTypeId
* lastUpdateDate
* incidentDate
* itemInstance
* srType
* urgency
* resolutionCode


 * modelLineId
* inventoryItemId
* lastUpdatedBy
* endecaId
* faManufacturerName
* contractLineName
* ratingValidTo
* contractNumber
* contractLineId
* faYearOfManufacture
* ratingDate
* lastUpdateDate
* customerAccountId
* ratingValidFrom
* inventoryItemOrgId
* inventoryItemName
* createdBy
* faModelNumber
* ratingSource
* lastUpdateLogin
* contractId
* inventoryItemDescription
* ratingMaxNumber
* rating
* ratingType
* creationDate


 * modelLineId
* inventoryItemId
* lastUpdatedBy
* endecaId
* faManufacturerName
* contractLineName
* ratingValidTo
* contractNumber
* contractLineId
* faYearOfManufacture
* ratingDate
* lastUpdateDate
* customerAccountId
* ratingValidFrom
* inventoryItemOrgId
* inventoryItemName
* createdBy
* faModelNumber
* ratingSource
* lastUpdateLogin
* contractId
* inventoryItemDescription
* ratingMaxNumber
* rating
* ratingType
* creationDate


 * functionalCurrency
* feeOrServiceEffectiveTo
* linePthEvgStreamType
* contractNumber
* customerCreditRiskScore#1
* linePthEvgPayoutBasis
* ledgerId
* lineResidualAmount
* totalAssetCapFeeAmount
* subsidyCalculation
* custPartySiteName
* custAcctNumber
* inventoryTotalUnits
* linePthBaseStreamType
* disbursementPeriod
* fundingStatusCode
* contractCurrency
* custPartyId
* invSupplierInvoiceLineId
* custPartySiteUseId
* assetCategory
* invSupplierShipToSite
* assetBillToSiteUseId
* ibInstallSiteId
* fundedAmount
* contractLineTypeId
* totalAssetTradeinAmount
* fundingType
* totalAssetAddonCost
* vendorBillToSiteUseId
* feeInitialDirectCost
* customerCreditClass
* linePthEvgPyoutFormulaId
* lineCapitalizedInterest
* usageBaseReadingUomCode
* contractCurrencyConvDate
* servicePaymentType
* contractDocumentId
* customerIndustry#1
* invSupplierShipToSiteId
* contractLineStatusCode
* usageType
* vendorProgramId
* totalActiveLineFinancedAmt
* custPartySiteLocId
* customerCreditRiskScore
* invSupplierShipToSiteNum
* faAssetLocationId
* assetTerminationDate
* vendorTypeCode
* disbursementAmount
* lineSupplierId
* lineBilledRents
* linePthBasePayoutBasis
* lineBilledNonRents
* customerPartyName
* lineRentAmount
* totalAssetRolloverFeeAmt
* invSupplierInvoiceDate
* disbursementDate
* lineCapAmount
* lineOpenReceivable
* vendorProgramName
* ibInstallSite
* usagePeriodCode
* subsidyVendorId
* lineBilledNonRentsFunc
* linePthBasePayBasisCode
* usagePeriod
* contractStatus
* fundingDueDate
* serviceSupplierName
* lineAccumulatedDepreciation
* contractLineTypeCode
* ibInstallSiteNumber
* contractLineTypeName
* expectedDisbDate
* assetNumber
* subsidyName
* contractBookClassification
* lineBilledRentsFunc
* legalEntity
* inventoryItemOrgId
* customerCreditRating#1
* customerCategoryCode
* feeOrServiceTotalAmount
* linePthEvgStartDate
* lineDiscount
* operatingUnit
* custAcountId
* subsidyType
* contractCurrencyConvRate
* usageFixedQuantity
* customerIndustry
* contractTermDuration
* assetCategoryId
* usageTypeCode
* linePthBaseStartDate
* contractSalesRegionId
* contractCurrencyConvType
* lineUnbilledDueAmount
* contractBookClassCode
* disbursementAmountType
* linePthEvgPyoutFormula
* lineCapitalizedReduction
* ledger
* linePthEvgStreamTypeId
* faManufacturerName
* inventoryItemDescription
* lineAssetCost
* feeOrServNumberOfPeriods
* subsidyVendorName
* ibInstallSiteUseId
* lineNetInvestment
* feeOrServiceFrequencyCode
* usageMinimumQty
* contractLineName
* vendorEndecaId
* custBillToSiteUseId
* contractOperatingUnitId
* feeOrServAmountPerPeriod
* customerAccountId
* custPartyNumber
* usageBaseReadingUom
* customerCreditRating
* ibSerialNumber
* serviceSupplierNumber
* linePthBaseStreamTypeCode
* serviceContractAmount
* linePthEvgPayoutBasisCode
* contractLineStartDate
* usageBaseReading
* contractStatusTypeCode
* lineSupplierNumber
* invSupplrShipToSiteUseId
* feeType
* usageNoOfPeriod
* usageDefaultQuantity
* serviceSupplierId
* usagePriceListName
* contractLineEndDate
* assetResidualAmount
* totalAssetCapServiceAmount
* modelLineId
* lineSupplier
* usagePriceListId
* contractLineId
* inventoryItemId
* contractId
* feeTrxTaxYn
* contractLineStatus
* usageAvgMonthlyCounterFlag
* vendorNumber
* subsidyOvrdAmt
* customerCreditClass#1
* subsidyAmount
* inventoryItemName
* contractLineNumber
* lineOec
* feeOrServiceName
* usageLevelFlag
* subsidyPoolName
* vendorPartyRole
* contractStatusCode
* assetBillToAddress
* serviceContractNumber
* feeTypeCode
* linePthEvgStreamTypeCode
* lineNetInvestmentFunc
* inventoryUnitCost
* fundingStatus
* contractEndDate
* faAssetLocationName
* vendorName
* operatingUnitShortCode
* fundingTypeCode
* totalAssetFinancedFeeAmt
* contractStartDate
* custPartySiteNum
* contractTerminationDate
* custPartySiteId
* feeOrServiceEffectiveFrom
* feeOrServiceFrequency
* linePthBaseStreamTypeId
* contractFinancialProductId
* invSupplierInvoiceNumber


 * functionalCurrency
* feeOrServiceEffectiveTo
* linePthEvgStreamType
* contractNumber
* customerCreditRiskScore#1
* linePthEvgPayoutBasis
* ledgerId
* lineResidualAmount
* totalAssetCapFeeAmount
* subsidyCalculation
* custPartySiteName
* custAcctNumber
* inventoryTotalUnits
* linePthBaseStreamType
* disbursementPeriod
* fundingStatusCode
* contractCurrency
* custPartyId
* invSupplierInvoiceLineId
* custPartySiteUseId
* assetCategory
* invSupplierShipToSite
* assetBillToSiteUseId
* ibInstallSiteId
* fundedAmount
* contractLineTypeId
* totalAssetTradeinAmount
* fundingType
* totalAssetAddonCost
* vendorBillToSiteUseId
* feeInitialDirectCost
* customerCreditClass
* linePthEvgPyoutFormulaId
* lineCapitalizedInterest
* usageBaseReadingUomCode
* contractCurrencyConvDate
* servicePaymentType
* contractDocumentId
* customerIndustry#1
* invSupplierShipToSiteId
* contractLineStatusCode
* usageType
* vendorProgramId
* totalActiveLineFinancedAmt
* custPartySiteLocId
* customerCreditRiskScore
* invSupplierShipToSiteNum
* faAssetLocationId
* assetTerminationDate
* vendorTypeCode
* disbursementAmount
* lineSupplierId
* lineBilledRents
* linePthBasePayoutBasis
* lineBilledNonRents
* customerPartyName
* lineRentAmount
* totalAssetRolloverFeeAmt
* invSupplierInvoiceDate
* disbursementDate
* lineCapAmount
* lineOpenReceivable
* vendorProgramName
* ibInstallSite
* usagePeriodCode
* subsidyVendorId
* lineBilledNonRentsFunc
* linePthBasePayBasisCode
* usagePeriod
* contractStatus
* fundingDueDate
* serviceSupplierName
* lineAccumulatedDepreciation
* contractLineTypeCode
* ibInstallSiteNumber
* contractLineTypeName
* expectedDisbDate
* assetNumber
* subsidyName
* contractBookClassification
* lineBilledRentsFunc
* legalEntity
* inventoryItemOrgId
* customerCreditRating#1
* customerCategoryCode
* feeOrServiceTotalAmount
* linePthEvgStartDate
* lineDiscount
* operatingUnit
* custAcountId
* subsidyType
* contractCurrencyConvRate
* usageFixedQuantity
* customerIndustry
* contractTermDuration
* assetCategoryId
* usageTypeCode
* linePthBaseStartDate
* contractSalesRegionId
* contractCurrencyConvType
* lineUnbilledDueAmount
* contractBookClassCode
* disbursementAmountType
* linePthEvgPyoutFormula
* lineCapitalizedReduction
* ledger
* linePthEvgStreamTypeId
* faManufacturerName
* inventoryItemDescription
* lineAssetCost
* feeOrServNumberOfPeriods
* subsidyVendorName
* ibInstallSiteUseId
* lineNetInvestment
* feeOrServiceFrequencyCode
* usageMinimumQty
* contractLineName
* vendorEndecaId
* custBillToSiteUseId
* contractOperatingUnitId
* feeOrServAmountPerPeriod
* customerAccountId
* custPartyNumber
* usageBaseReadingUom
* customerCreditRating
* ibSerialNumber
* serviceSupplierNumber
* linePthBaseStreamTypeCode
* serviceContractAmount
* linePthEvgPayoutBasisCode
* contractLineStartDate
* usageBaseReading
* contractStatusTypeCode
* lineSupplierNumber
* invSupplrShipToSiteUseId
* feeType
* usageNoOfPeriod
* usageDefaultQuantity
* serviceSupplierId
* usagePriceListName
* contractLineEndDate
* assetResidualAmount
* totalAssetCapServiceAmount
* modelLineId
* lineSupplier
* usagePriceListId
* contractLineId
* inventoryItemId
* contractId
* feeTrxTaxYn
* contractLineStatus
* usageAvgMonthlyCounterFlag
* vendorNumber
* subsidyOvrdAmt
* customerCreditClass#1
* subsidyAmount
* inventoryItemName
* contractLineNumber
* lineOec
* feeOrServiceName
* usageLevelFlag
* subsidyPoolName
* vendorPartyRole
* contractStatusCode
* assetBillToAddress
* serviceContractNumber
* feeTypeCode
* linePthEvgStreamTypeCode
* lineNetInvestmentFunc
* inventoryUnitCost
* fundingStatus
* contractEndDate
* faAssetLocationName
* vendorName
* operatingUnitShortCode
* fundingTypeCode
* totalAssetFinancedFeeAmt
* contractStartDate
* custPartySiteNum
* contractTerminationDate
* custPartySiteId
* feeOrServiceEffectiveFrom
* feeOrServiceFrequency
* linePthBaseStreamTypeId
* contractFinancialProductId
* invSupplierInvoiceNumber


 * vendorProgramNumber
* rentIaContractNumber
* partyId
* headerExtensionId
* poOrderNumber
* khrAttribute13
* invAgrmntEffectiveFrom
* khrAttribute6
* tryId
* invAgrmntNumber
* custAttribute4
* assignableFlag
* rentIaProductName
* resIaProductName
* accrualOverrideFlag
* sourceId
* convertedNumber
* lastUpdateDate
* custAccountId
* transNumber
* khrAttribute4
* khrAttribute12
* custAttribute1
* resIaContractNumber
* invAgrmntSyndCode
* customerName
* khrAttribute5
* khrAttribute9
* khrAttribute3
* rentIaAccountingCode
* invAgrmntPoolNumber
* khrAttribute8
* khrAttribute15
* objectVersionNumber
* contractEffectiveFrom
* custAttribute9
* custAttribute13
* revRecMethodCode
* custAttribute14
* intCalcMethodCode
* lastUpdatedBy
* sourceTable
* taxOwnerCode
* khrAttribute10
* custAttribute7
* bookClassificationCode
* khrAttribute14
* custAccountNumber
* custAttribute2
* custAttribute12
* custAttribute3
* createdBy
* custAttribute5
* contractNumber
* custAttribute6
* invAgrmntProductName
* contractCurrencyCode
* custAttribute10
* khrId
* custAttribute11
* convertedAccountFlag
* resIaAccountingCode
* contractStatusCode
* khrAttribute1
* lastUpdateLogin
* invAgrmntStatusCode
* khrAttribute7
* khrAttribute11
* creationDate
* khrAttribute2
* custAttribute15
* salesRepName
* trxTypeClassCode
* productName
* custAttribute8
* custAttributeCategory
* scsCode
* khrAttributeCategory
* invAgrmntCurrencyCode


 * vendorProgramNumber
* rentIaContractNumber
* partyId
* headerExtensionId
* poOrderNumber
* khrAttribute13
* invAgrmntEffectiveFrom
* khrAttribute6
* tryId
* invAgrmntNumber
* custAttribute4
* assignableFlag
* rentIaProductName
* resIaProductName
* accrualOverrideFlag
* sourceId
* convertedNumber
* lastUpdateDate
* custAccountId
* transNumber
* khrAttribute4
* khrAttribute12
* custAttribute1
* resIaContractNumber
* invAgrmntSyndCode
* customerName
* khrAttribute5
* khrAttribute9
* khrAttribute3
* rentIaAccountingCode
* invAgrmntPoolNumber
* khrAttribute8
* khrAttribute15
* objectVersionNumber
* contractEffectiveFrom
* custAttribute9
* custAttribute13
* revRecMethodCode
* custAttribute14
* intCalcMethodCode
* lastUpdatedBy
* sourceTable
* taxOwnerCode
* khrAttribute10
* custAttribute7
* bookClassificationCode
* khrAttribute14
* custAccountNumber
* custAttribute2
* custAttribute12
* custAttribute3
* createdBy
* custAttribute5
* contractNumber
* custAttribute6
* invAgrmntProductName
* contractCurrencyCode
* custAttribute10
* khrId
* custAttribute11
* convertedAccountFlag
* resIaAccountingCode
* contractStatusCode
* khrAttribute1
* lastUpdateLogin
* invAgrmntStatusCode
* khrAttribute7
* khrAttribute11
* creationDate
* khrAttribute2
* custAttribute15
* salesRepName
* trxTypeClassCode
* productName
* custAttribute8
* custAttributeCategory
* scsCode
* khrAttributeCategory
* invAgrmntCurrencyCode


 * createdBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* headerExtensionId
* sfwtFlag
* language
* sourceLang
* contractStatus
* transactionTypeName
* lastUpdatedBy
* invAgrmntStatus
* creationDate
* lastUpdateDate


 * createdBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* headerExtensionId
* sfwtFlag
* language
* sourceLang
* contractStatus
* transactionTypeName
* lastUpdatedBy
* invAgrmntStatus
* creationDate
* lastUpdateDate


 * fixedAssetLocationName
* assetVendorId
* objectVersionNumber
* feeTypeCode
* lineAttribute13
* assetNumber
* contractLineType
* lineAttribute5
* lineAttribute10
* lineExtensionId
* inventoryOrgCode
* lineAttribute1
* accountingTemplateName
* lineAttribute8
* lineAttribute12
* lastUpdateDate
* lineAttribute11
* installedSiteId
* lineAttribute7
* lineAttribute6
* assetVendorName
* lastUpdateLogin
* assetCategoryName
* memoFlag
* contractLineNumber
* lineAttributeCategory
* lineAttribute3
* headerExtensionId
* styId
* lastUpdatedBy
* creationDate
* streamTypeCode
* inventoryItemNameCode
* sourceId
* lineAttribute9
* lineAttribute4
* lineAttribute14
* streamTypePurposeCode
* createdBy
* sourceTable
* lineAttribute15
* kleId
* lineAttribute2


 * fixedAssetLocationName
* assetVendorId
* objectVersionNumber
* feeTypeCode
* lineAttribute13
* assetNumber
* contractLineType
* lineAttribute5
* lineAttribute10
* lineExtensionId
* inventoryOrgCode
* lineAttribute1
* accountingTemplateName
* lineAttribute8
* lineAttribute12
* lastUpdateDate
* lineAttribute11
* installedSiteId
* lineAttribute7
* lineAttribute6
* assetVendorName
* lastUpdateLogin
* assetCategoryName
* memoFlag
* contractLineNumber
* lineAttributeCategory
* lineAttribute3
* headerExtensionId
* styId
* lastUpdatedBy
* creationDate
* streamTypeCode
* inventoryItemNameCode
* sourceId
* lineAttribute9
* lineAttribute4
* lineAttribute14
* streamTypePurposeCode
* createdBy
* sourceTable
* lineAttribute15
* kleId
* lineAttribute2


 * lastUpdatedBy
* inventoryItemName
* lastUpdateDate
* sfwtFlag
* transLineDescription
* creationDate
* lineExtensionId
* sourceLang
* lastUpdateLogin
* language
* inventoryOrgName
* streamTypeName
* createdBy


 * lastUpdatedBy
* inventoryItemName
* lastUpdateDate
* sfwtFlag
* transLineDescription
* creationDate
* lineExtensionId
* sourceLang
* lastUpdateLogin
* language
* inventoryOrgName
* streamTypeName
* createdBy


 * creationDate
* custAttribute11
* bookClassificationCode
* rentIaProductName
* contractNumber
* salesRepName
* khrAttribute6
* revRecMethodCode
* khrAttribute2
* khrAttribute9
* resIaAccountingCode
* lastUpdateDate
* convertedAccountFlag
* termQuoteAcceptDate
* custAttribute9
* invAgrmntStatusCode
* khrAttribute15
* assignableFlag
* khrAttribute12
* custAttribute15
* khrAttribute11
* sourceTable
* contractCurrencyCode
* custAttribute5
* lastUpdateLogin
* termQuoteNum
* tryId
* invAgrmntNumber
* headerExtensionId
* khrId
* invAgrmntSyndCode
* khrAttribute3
* contractStatusCode
* sourceId
* custAttribute13
* khrAttribute1
* khrAttribute10
* khrAttribute13
* custAttribute2
* khrAttribute4
* trxTypeClassCode
* resIaProductName
* invAgrmntEffectiveFrom
* invAgrmntCurrencyCode
* transNumber
* invAgrmntProductName
* lastUpdatedBy
* custAttribute4
* khrAttribute5
* productName
* contractEffectiveFrom
* custAttribute14
* termQuoteTypeCode
* scsCode
* objectVersionNumber
* intCalcMethodCode
* custAttribute7
* taxOwnerCode
* createdBy
* custAttribute3
* rentIaContractNumber
* custAttribute10
* accrualOverrideFlag
* custAttribute6
* invAgrmntPoolNumber
* custAttribute12
* poOrderNumber
* vendorProgramNumber
* custAttributeCategory
* khrAttribute8
* custAttribute1
* convertedNumber
* khrAttribute14
* rentIaAccountingCode
* khrAttribute7
* custAttribute8
* khrAttributeCategory
* resIaContractNumber


 * creationDate
* custAttribute11
* bookClassificationCode
* rentIaProductName
* contractNumber
* salesRepName
* khrAttribute6
* revRecMethodCode
* khrAttribute2
* khrAttribute9
* resIaAccountingCode
* lastUpdateDate
* convertedAccountFlag
* termQuoteAcceptDate
* custAttribute9
* invAgrmntStatusCode
* khrAttribute15
* assignableFlag
* khrAttribute12
* custAttribute15
* khrAttribute11
* sourceTable
* contractCurrencyCode
* custAttribute5
* lastUpdateLogin
* termQuoteNum
* tryId
* invAgrmntNumber
* headerExtensionId
* khrId
* invAgrmntSyndCode
* khrAttribute3
* contractStatusCode
* sourceId
* custAttribute13
* khrAttribute1
* khrAttribute10
* khrAttribute13
* custAttribute2
* khrAttribute4
* trxTypeClassCode
* resIaProductName
* invAgrmntEffectiveFrom
* invAgrmntCurrencyCode
* transNumber
* invAgrmntProductName
* lastUpdatedBy
* custAttribute4
* khrAttribute5
* productName
* contractEffectiveFrom
* custAttribute14
* termQuoteTypeCode
* scsCode
* objectVersionNumber
* intCalcMethodCode
* custAttribute7
* taxOwnerCode
* createdBy
* custAttribute3
* rentIaContractNumber
* custAttribute10
* accrualOverrideFlag
* custAttribute6
* invAgrmntPoolNumber
* custAttribute12
* poOrderNumber
* vendorProgramNumber
* custAttributeCategory
* khrAttribute8
* custAttribute1
* convertedNumber
* khrAttribute14
* rentIaAccountingCode
* khrAttribute7
* custAttribute8
* khrAttributeCategory
* resIaContractNumber


 * lastUpdatedBy
* contractStatus
* sfwtFlag
* language
* invAgrmntStatus
* transactionTypeName
* lastUpdateDate
* headerExtensionId
* createdBy
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* sourceLang


 * lastUpdatedBy
* contractStatus
* sfwtFlag
* language
* invAgrmntStatus
* transactionTypeName
* lastUpdateDate
* headerExtensionId
* createdBy
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* sourceLang


 * contingencyCode
* lineAttributeCategory
* lineAttribute1
* inventoryItemNameCode
* contractLineNumber
* lineAttribute8
* subsidyPartyName
* sourceId
* lineAttribute11
* lineAttribute2
* memoFlag
* subsidyVendorId
* sourceTable
* lineAttribute9
* kleId
* fixedAssetLocationName
* styId
* lineAttribute15
* streamTypePurposeCode
* createdBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* installedSiteId
* assetNumber
* lineAttribute12
* lineAttribute13
* feeTypeCode
* lineAttribute4
* lastUpdatedBy
* lineAttribute14
* lineAttribute5
* creationDate
* headerExtensionId
* contractLineType
* lineAttribute3
* lineAttribute7
* lineAttribute6
* objectVersionNumber
* assetVendorName
* accountingTemplateName
* streamTypeCode
* subsidyName
* inventoryOrgCode
* lineExtensionId
* assetCategoryName
* assetVendorId
* lineAttribute10
* lastUpdateDate


 * contingencyCode
* lineAttributeCategory
* lineAttribute1
* inventoryItemNameCode
* contractLineNumber
* lineAttribute8
* subsidyPartyName
* sourceId
* lineAttribute11
* lineAttribute2
* memoFlag
* subsidyVendorId
* sourceTable
* lineAttribute9
* kleId
* fixedAssetLocationName
* styId
* lineAttribute15
* streamTypePurposeCode
* createdBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* installedSiteId
* assetNumber
* lineAttribute12
* lineAttribute13
* feeTypeCode
* lineAttribute4
* lastUpdatedBy
* lineAttribute14
* lineAttribute5
* creationDate
* headerExtensionId
* contractLineType
* lineAttribute3
* lineAttribute7
* lineAttribute6
* objectVersionNumber
* assetVendorName
* accountingTemplateName
* streamTypeCode
* subsidyName
* inventoryOrgCode
* lineExtensionId
* assetCategoryName
* assetVendorId
* lineAttribute10
* lastUpdateDate


 * sourceLang
* lastUpdateLogin
* lineExtensionId
* transLineDescription
* streamTypeName
* createdBy
* creationDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* inventoryOrgName
* lastUpdateDate
* language
* inventoryItemName
* sfwtFlag


 * sourceLang
* lastUpdateLogin
* lineExtensionId
* transLineDescription
* streamTypeName
* createdBy
* creationDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* inventoryOrgName
* lastUpdateDate
* language
* inventoryItemName
* sfwtFlag


 * trxStatusCode
* taxAssessmentDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute9
* attribute15
* jursdctnName
* interfaceAttribute9
* dateTransmission
* errorMessage
* contractId
* interfaceAttribute15
* taxJursdctnCnty
* selId
* customerAddressId
* mlrtTaxJursdctnSte
* streamTypePurpose
* interfaceAttribute3
* recordType
* attribute13
* jursdctnType
* interfaceAttribute13
* taxVendorSiteId
* interfaceAttribute10
* mlrtTax
* invoiceDate
* assetId
* interfaceAttribute4
* customerAddressRef
* styId
* mlrtTaxJursdctnCnty
* interfaceAttribute12
* taxVendorName
* propTaxApplicableYn
* creationDate
* assetNumber
* customerRef
* lastUpdateDate
* attributeCategory
* attribute11
* attribute7
* attribute10
* requestId
* taxJursdctnSte
* sequenceNumber
* interfaceAttribute8
* contractNumber
* interfaceAttribute7
* mlrtTaxJursdctnCntry
* attribute12
* taxJursdctnCty
* taxVendorSiteName
* taxJursdctnSchl
* currencyCode
* programId
* interfaceAttribute5
* mlrtTaxJursdctnSchl
* taxAssessmentAmount
* taxJursdctnCntry
* interfaceAttribute1
* createdBy
* amount
* attribute14
* interfaceAttribute6
* attribute1
* interfaceAttribute2
* taiId
* styName
* orgId
* customerId
* attribute2
* attribute5
* interfaceAttribute11
* attribute6
* programApplicationId
* objectVersionNumber
* attribute3
* programUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute4
* attribute8
* interfaceAttribute14
* taxVendorId
* mlrtTaxJursdctnCty


 * trxStatusCode
* taxAssessmentDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute9
* attribute15
* jursdctnName
* interfaceAttribute9
* dateTransmission
* errorMessage
* contractId
* interfaceAttribute15
* taxJursdctnCnty
* selId
* customerAddressId
* mlrtTaxJursdctnSte
* streamTypePurpose
* interfaceAttribute3
* recordType
* attribute13
* jursdctnType
* interfaceAttribute13
* taxVendorSiteId
* interfaceAttribute10
* mlrtTax
* invoiceDate
* assetId
* interfaceAttribute4
* customerAddressRef
* styId
* mlrtTaxJursdctnCnty
* interfaceAttribute12
* taxVendorName
* propTaxApplicableYn
* creationDate
* assetNumber
* customerRef
* lastUpdateDate
* attributeCategory
* attribute11
* attribute7
* attribute10
* requestId
* taxJursdctnSte
* sequenceNumber
* interfaceAttribute8
* contractNumber
* interfaceAttribute7
* mlrtTaxJursdctnCntry
* attribute12
* taxJursdctnCty
* taxVendorSiteName
* taxJursdctnSchl
* currencyCode
* programId
* interfaceAttribute5
* mlrtTaxJursdctnSchl
* taxAssessmentAmount
* taxJursdctnCntry
* interfaceAttribute1
* createdBy
* amount
* attribute14
* interfaceAttribute6
* attribute1
* interfaceAttribute2
* taiId
* styName
* orgId
* customerId
* attribute2
* attribute5
* interfaceAttribute11
* attribute6
* programApplicationId
* objectVersionNumber
* attribute3
* programUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute4
* attribute8
* interfaceAttribute14
* taxVendorId
* mlrtTaxJursdctnCty


 * exchangeRate
* account
* attribute3
* attribute14
* attribute7
* attribute15
* orgId
* attribute2
* xcbId
* attribute11
* expiredFlag
* glDate
* id
* requestId
* creationDate
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute1
* lastUpdatedBy
* createdBy
* checkNumber
* billToLocation
* customerBankBranchName
* programApplicationId
* attribute9
* attribute10
* transitRoutingNumber
* receiptDate
* remittanceBankName
* remittanceBankBranchName
* attribute12
* receiptMethod
* icrId
* receiptType
* fullyAppliedFlag
* currencyCode
* lastUpdateLogin
* rctId
* programUpdateDate
* programId
* attributeCategory
* attribute8
* attribute4
* customerBankName
* customerNumber
* exchangeRateType
* attribute6
* remittanceAmount
* itemNumber
* objectVersionNumber
* attribute13
* exchangeRateDate
* attribute5


 * exchangeRate
* account
* attribute3
* attribute14
* attribute7
* attribute15
* orgId
* attribute2
* xcbId
* attribute11
* expiredFlag
* glDate
* id
* requestId
* creationDate
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute1
* lastUpdatedBy
* createdBy
* checkNumber
* billToLocation
* customerBankBranchName
* programApplicationId
* attribute9
* attribute10
* transitRoutingNumber
* receiptDate
* remittanceBankName
* remittanceBankBranchName
* attribute12
* receiptMethod
* icrId
* receiptType
* fullyAppliedFlag
* currencyCode
* lastUpdateLogin
* rctId
* programUpdateDate
* programId
* attributeCategory
* attribute8
* attribute4
* customerBankName
* customerNumber
* exchangeRateType
* attribute6
* remittanceAmount
* itemNumber
* objectVersionNumber
* attribute13
* exchangeRateDate
* attribute5


 * creationDate
* language
* id
* sfwtFlag
* sourceLang
* comments
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* createdBy
* lastUpdateDate


 * creationDate
* language
* id
* sfwtFlag
* sourceLang
* comments
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* createdBy
* lastUpdateDate


 * repossessFlag
* convertedAccountFlag
* khrAttribute10
* sourceId
* khrAttribute11
* objectVersionNumber
* custAttribute13
* khrAttribute1
* khrAttribute3
* accrualOverrideFlag
* headerExtensionId
* custAttribute3
* resIaAccountingCode
* convertedNumber
* custAttribute6
* salesRepName
* rentIaContractNumber
* custAttribute11
* custAttribute10
* partyId
* khrAttribute15
* khrAttribute12
* termQuoteNum
* sourceTable
* creationDate
* custAttribute5
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateDate
* custAttribute4
* contractCurrencyCode
* termQuoteAcceptDate
* vendorProgramNumber
* khrAttribute8
* custAttribute15
* contractStatusCode
* bookClassificationCode
* contractNumber
* custAttribute1
* taxOwnerCode
* resIaContractNumber
* tryId
* khrAttribute14
* custAttribute2
* custAttribute7
* customerAccountNumber
* khrAttribute13
* representationCode
* custAttribute8
* transNumber
* productName
* khrAttribute5
* trxTypeClassCode
* poOrderNumber
* khrAttribute4
* khrAttributeCategory
* custAccountId
* resIaProductName
* revRecMethodCode
* khrId
* khrAttribute6
* createdBy
* khrAttribute2
* rentIaAccountingCode
* custAttribute9
* rentIaProductName
* custAttributeCategory
* assignableFlag
* contractEffectiveFrom
* custAttribute14
* khrAttribute7
* intCalcMethodCode
* representationName
* lastUpdateLogin
* termQuoteTypeCode
* khrAttribute9
* custAttribute12
* customerName


 * repossessFlag
* convertedAccountFlag
* khrAttribute10
* sourceId
* khrAttribute11
* objectVersionNumber
* custAttribute13
* khrAttribute1
* khrAttribute3
* accrualOverrideFlag
* headerExtensionId
* custAttribute3
* resIaAccountingCode
* convertedNumber
* custAttribute6
* salesRepName
* rentIaContractNumber
* custAttribute11
* custAttribute10
* partyId
* khrAttribute15
* khrAttribute12
* termQuoteNum
* sourceTable
* creationDate
* custAttribute5
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateDate
* custAttribute4
* contractCurrencyCode
* termQuoteAcceptDate
* vendorProgramNumber
* khrAttribute8
* custAttribute15
* contractStatusCode
* bookClassificationCode
* contractNumber
* custAttribute1
* taxOwnerCode
* resIaContractNumber
* tryId
* khrAttribute14
* custAttribute2
* custAttribute7
* customerAccountNumber
* khrAttribute13
* representationCode
* custAttribute8
* transNumber
* productName
* khrAttribute5
* trxTypeClassCode
* poOrderNumber
* khrAttribute4
* khrAttributeCategory
* custAccountId
* resIaProductName
* revRecMethodCode
* khrId
* khrAttribute6
* createdBy
* khrAttribute2
* rentIaAccountingCode
* custAttribute9
* rentIaProductName
* custAttributeCategory
* assignableFlag
* contractEffectiveFrom
* custAttribute14
* khrAttribute7
* intCalcMethodCode
* representationName
* lastUpdateLogin
* termQuoteTypeCode
* khrAttribute9
* custAttribute12
* customerName


 * creationDate
* createdBy
* transactionTypeName
* sourceLang
* lastUpdatedBy
* sfwtFlag
* lastUpdateLogin
* headerExtensionId
* language
* contractStatus
* lastUpdateDate


 * creationDate
* createdBy
* transactionTypeName
* sourceLang
* lastUpdatedBy
* sfwtFlag
* lastUpdateLogin
* headerExtensionId
* language
* contractStatus
* lastUpdateDate


 * objectVersionNumber
* lastUpdateLogin
* lineAttribute10
* headerExtensionId
* creationDate
* assetBookTypeCode
* kleId
* assetId
* lineAttribute12
* sourceTable
* assetBookTypeName
* lineAttribute9
* inventoryOrgCode
* periodCounter
* lineAttribute7
* lineAttribute13
* faTransactionId
* contractLineNumber
* lineAttributeCategory
* lineAttribute8
* lineAttribute1
* lineAttribute4
* sourceId
* inventoryItemNameCode
* lineAttribute11
* assetVendorName
* lineAttribute15
* lineAttribute6
* assetNumber
* lineAttribute14
* lineAttribute2
* createdBy
* lastUpdateDate
* lineExtensionId
* lineAttribute3
* lastUpdatedBy
* installedSiteId
* lineAttribute5
* assetVendorId


 * objectVersionNumber
* lastUpdateLogin
* lineAttribute10
* headerExtensionId
* creationDate
* assetBookTypeCode
* kleId
* assetId
* lineAttribute12
* sourceTable
* assetBookTypeName
* lineAttribute9
* inventoryOrgCode
* periodCounter
* lineAttribute7
* lineAttribute13
* faTransactionId
* contractLineNumber
* lineAttributeCategory
* lineAttribute8
* lineAttribute1
* lineAttribute4
* sourceId
* inventoryItemNameCode
* lineAttribute11
* assetVendorName
* lineAttribute15
* lineAttribute6
* assetNumber
* lineAttribute14
* lineAttribute2
* createdBy
* lastUpdateDate
* lineExtensionId
* lineAttribute3
* lastUpdatedBy
* installedSiteId
* lineAttribute5
* assetVendorId


 * inventoryOrgName
* createdBy
* lineExtensionId
* language
* transLineDescription
* lastUpdateDate
* inventoryItemName
* lastUpdatedBy
* creationDate
* sourceLang
* sfwtFlag
* lastUpdateLogin


 * inventoryOrgName
* createdBy
* lineExtensionId
* language
* transLineDescription
* lastUpdateDate
* inventoryItemName
* lastUpdatedBy
* creationDate
* sourceLang
* sfwtFlag
* lastUpdateLogin


 * lastUpdateDate
* attribute11
* acctsPayCcId
* payablesInvoiceId
* invoiceDate
* attribute3
* attribute5
* attribute14
* lastUpdateLogin
* invoiceType
* attribute8
* workflowFlag
* attribute12
* invoiceId
* waitVendorInvoiceYn
* trxStatusCode
* cnsldApInvId
* vendorId
* attributeCategory
* currencyConversionType
* programUpdateDate
* attribute9
* programApplicationId
* attribute15
* objectVersionNumber
* requestId
* createdBy
* attribute2
* attribute7
* currencyConversionRate
* nettableYn
* creationDate
* orgId
* attribute10
* currencyConversionDate
* vendorInvoiceNumber
* invoiceAmount
* vendorSiteId
* attribute6
* invoiceCurrencyCode
* attribute1
* lastUpdatedBy
* programId
* payGroupLookupCode
* attribute13
* docCategoryCode
* attribute4
* termsId
* paymentMethod
* invoiceNum
* glDate
* payAloneFlag
* id
* legalEntityId


 * lastUpdateDate
* attribute11
* acctsPayCcId
* payablesInvoiceId
* invoiceDate
* attribute3
* attribute5
* attribute14
* lastUpdateLogin
* invoiceType
* attribute8
* workflowFlag
* attribute12
* invoiceId
* waitVendorInvoiceYn
* trxStatusCode
* cnsldApInvId
* vendorId
* attributeCategory
* currencyConversionType
* programUpdateDate
* attribute9
* programApplicationId
* attribute15
* objectVersionNumber
* requestId
* createdBy
* attribute2
* attribute7
* currencyConversionRate
* nettableYn
* creationDate
* orgId
* attribute10
* currencyConversionDate
* vendorInvoiceNumber
* invoiceAmount
* vendorSiteId
* attribute6
* invoiceCurrencyCode
* attribute1
* lastUpdatedBy
* programId
* payGroupLookupCode
* attribute13
* docCategoryCode
* attribute4
* termsId
* paymentMethod
* invoiceNum
* glDate
* payAloneFlag
* id
* legalEntityId


 * description
* lastUpdateDate
* id
* sfwtFlag
* source
* createdBy
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* streamType
* sourceLang
* lastUpdatedBy
* language


 * description
* lastUpdateDate
* id
* sfwtFlag
* source
* createdBy
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* streamType
* sourceLang
* lastUpdatedBy
* language


 * attribute1
* trxDate
* taxExemptFlag
* attribute10
* attribute4
* attribute7
* attribute9
* customerBankAccountId
* programApplicationId
* objectVersionNumber
* currencyConversionType
* attribute15
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute11
* customerId
* infId
* requestId
* attribute8
* attribute6
* orgId
* receiptMethodId
* custTrxTypeId
* trxNumber
* customerAddressId
* lastUpdateDate
* receivablesInvoiceId
* attributeCategory
* programUpdateDate
* trxStatusCode
* isiId
* currencyConversionRate
* attribute12
* taxExemptReasonCode
* attribute13
* createdBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute2
* currencyCode
* setOfBooksId
* referenceLineId
* xtrxInvoicePullYn
* currencyConversionDate
* attribute5
* legalEntityId
* programId
* attribute3
* id
* termId
* creationDate
* attribute14


 * attribute1
* trxDate
* taxExemptFlag
* attribute10
* attribute4
* attribute7
* attribute9
* customerBankAccountId
* programApplicationId
* objectVersionNumber
* currencyConversionType
* attribute15
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute11
* customerId
* infId
* requestId
* attribute8
* attribute6
* orgId
* receiptMethodId
* custTrxTypeId
* trxNumber
* customerAddressId
* lastUpdateDate
* receivablesInvoiceId
* attributeCategory
* programUpdateDate
* trxStatusCode
* isiId
* currencyConversionRate
* attribute12
* taxExemptReasonCode
* attribute13
* createdBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute2
* currencyCode
* setOfBooksId
* referenceLineId
* xtrxInvoicePullYn
* currencyConversionDate
* attribute5
* legalEntityId
* programId
* attribute3
* id
* termId
* creationDate
* attribute14


 * lastUpdatedBy
* id
* lastUpdateDate
* description
* creationDate
* language
* sourceLang
* xtrxConsInvoiceNumber
* invoiceMessage
* createdBy
* xtrxFormatType
* sfwtFlag
* xtrxPrivateLabel
* lastUpdateLogin


 * lastUpdatedBy
* id
* lastUpdateDate
* description
* creationDate
* language
* sourceLang
* xtrxConsInvoiceNumber
* invoiceMessage
* createdBy
* xtrxFormatType
* sfwtFlag
* xtrxPrivateLabel
* lastUpdateLogin


 * currencyCode
* orgId
* attribute8
* attribute6
* attribute9
* attribute12
* createdBy
* adjMatTypeCode
* attributeCategory
* objectVersionNumber
* origAdjMatId
* attribute3
* attribute15
* attribute7
* attribute13
* stsCode
* attribute2
* lastUpdateLogin
* creationDate
* attribute5
* adjMatId
* lastUpdatedBy
* effectiveToDate
* attribute10
* attribute11
* adjMatName
* lastUpdateDate
* effectiveFromDate
* attribute14
* attribute4
* attribute1


 * currencyCode
* orgId
* attribute8
* attribute6
* attribute9
* attribute12
* createdBy
* adjMatTypeCode
* attributeCategory
* objectVersionNumber
* origAdjMatId
* attribute3
* attribute15
* attribute7
* attribute13
* stsCode
* attribute2
* lastUpdateLogin
* creationDate
* attribute5
* adjMatId
* lastUpdatedBy
* effectiveToDate
* attribute10
* attribute11
* adjMatName
* lastUpdateDate
* effectiveFromDate
* attribute14
* attribute4
* attribute1


 * lastUpdateLogin
* sfwtFlag
* createdBy
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateDate
* creationDate
* adjMatId
* sourceLang
* adjMatDesc
* language


 * lastUpdateLogin
* sfwtFlag
* createdBy
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateDate
* creationDate
* adjMatId
* sourceLang
* adjMatDesc
* language


 * attribute9
* lastUpdateLogin
* stsCode
* attribute2
* lastUpdatedBy
* attributeCategory
* attribute3
* effectiveFromDate
* attribute10
* attribute4
* attribute13
* objectVersionNumber
* attribute1
* adjMatVersionId
* adjMatId
* attribute5
* versionNumber
* attribute15
* effectiveToDate
* creationDate
* attribute6
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute14
* attribute7
* createdBy
* attribute12
* attribute11
* attribute8


 * attribute9
* lastUpdateLogin
* stsCode
* attribute2
* lastUpdatedBy
* attributeCategory
* attribute3
* effectiveFromDate
* attribute10
* attribute4
* attribute13
* objectVersionNumber
* attribute1
* adjMatVersionId
* adjMatId
* attribute5
* versionNumber
* attribute15
* effectiveToDate
* creationDate
* attribute6
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute14
* attribute7
* createdBy
* attribute12
* attribute11
* attribute8


 * zdSync
* seededYn
* origCritCatDefId
* zdEditionName
* valueTypeCode
* creationDate
* eccAcFlag
* dataTypeCode
* critCatDefId
* objectVersionNumber
* sqlStatement
* lastUpdatedBy
* functionId
* createdBy
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* sourceYn
* enabledYn
* critCatName


 * zdSync
* seededYn
* origCritCatDefId
* zdEditionName
* valueTypeCode
* creationDate
* eccAcFlag
* dataTypeCode
* critCatDefId
* objectVersionNumber
* sqlStatement
* lastUpdatedBy
* functionId
* createdBy
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* sourceYn
* enabledYn
* critCatName


 * language
* zdSync
* lastUpdateDate
* critCatDefId
* sourceLang
* critCatDesc
* createdBy
* sfwtFlag
* lastUpdateLogin
* creationDate
* zdEditionName
* lastUpdatedBy


 * language
* zdSync
* lastUpdateDate
* critCatDefId
* sourceLang
* critCatDesc
* createdBy
* sfwtFlag
* lastUpdateLogin
* creationDate
* zdEditionName
* lastUpdatedBy


 * zdSync
* lastUpdatedBy
* zdEditionName
* createdBy
* creationDate
* objectVersionNumber
* critCatDefId
* lastUpdateDate
* objectClassId
* objectClassCode
* lastUpdateLogin


 * zdSync
* lastUpdatedBy
* zdEditionName
* createdBy
* creationDate
* objectVersionNumber
* critCatDefId
* lastUpdateDate
* objectClassId
* objectClassCode
* lastUpdateLogin


 * criteriaId
* objectVersionNumber
* lastUpdateLogin
* matchCriteriaCode
* lastUpdatedBy
* createdBy
* creationDate
* lastUpdateDate
* critCatDefId
* effectiveFromDate
* effectiveToDate
* criteriaSetId


 * criteriaId
* objectVersionNumber
* lastUpdateLogin
* matchCriteriaCode
* lastUpdatedBy
* createdBy
* creationDate
* lastUpdateDate
* critCatDefId
* effectiveFromDate
* effectiveToDate
* criteriaSetId


 * lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* validationCode
* lastUpdateDate
* sourceObjectCode
* objectVersionNumber
* creationDate
* matchCriteriaCode
* sourceId
* createdBy
* criteriaSetId


 * lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* validationCode
* lastUpdateDate
* sourceObjectCode
* objectVersionNumber
* creationDate
* matchCriteriaCode
* sourceId
* createdBy
* criteriaSetId


 * criterionValueId
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute9
* attribute6
* attribute14
* attribute11
* adjustmentFactor
* createdBy
* attribute13
* critCatValue2
* attribute2
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute1
* attribute10
* attribute15
* objectVersionNumber
* creationDate
* critCatValue1
* attributeCategory
* attribute4
* attribute5
* criteriaId
* operatorCode
* attribute8
* attribute7
* attribute3
* attribute12
* lastUpdatedBy


 * criterionValueId
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute9
* attribute6
* attribute14
* attribute11
* adjustmentFactor
* createdBy
* attribute13
* critCatValue2
* attribute2
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute1
* attribute10
* attribute15
* objectVersionNumber
* creationDate
* critCatValue1
* attributeCategory
* attribute4
* attribute5
* criteriaId
* operatorCode
* attribute8
* attribute7
* attribute3
* attribute12
* lastUpdatedBy


 * attribute13
* attributeCategory
* attribute12
* attribute10
* createdBy
* attribute11
* organizationId
* attribute3
* objectVersionNumber
* endOfTermObjId
* categoryId
* attribute1
* attribute14
* attribute7
* attribute2
* categorySetId
* attribute5
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateDate
* resiCategorySetId
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute4
* inventoryItemId
* creationDate
* endOfTermVerId
* attribute15
* attribute8
* attribute9
* attribute6


 * attribute13
* attributeCategory
* attribute12
* attribute10
* createdBy
* attribute11
* organizationId
* attribute3
* objectVersionNumber
* endOfTermObjId
* categoryId
* attribute1
* attribute14
* attribute7
* attribute2
* categorySetId
* attribute5
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateDate
* resiCategorySetId
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute4
* inventoryItemId
* creationDate
* endOfTermVerId
* attribute15
* attribute8
* attribute9
* attribute6


 * attribute4
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute12
* attributeCategory
* attribute8
* attribute14
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute5
* attribute13
* createdBy
* attribute1
* attribute6
* endOfTermVerId
* attribute10
* attribute9
* endOfTermValueId
* eotValue
* attribute7
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute3
* attribute11
* attribute15
* creationDate
* attribute2
* objectVersionNumber
* eotTerm


 * attribute4
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute12
* attributeCategory
* attribute8
* attribute14
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute5
* attribute13
* createdBy
* attribute1
* attribute6
* endOfTermVerId
* attribute10
* attribute9
* endOfTermValueId
* eotValue
* attribute7
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute3
* attribute11
* attribute15
* creationDate
* attribute2
* objectVersionNumber
* eotTerm


 * attribute14
* attribute3
* attribute9
* attribute8
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute1
* endOfTermVerId
* effectiveToDate
* objectVersionNumber
* attribute7
* attribute12
* attribute13
* attribute4
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute11
* versionNumber
* attribute6
* creationDate
* createdBy
* endOfTermId
* attributeCategory
* attribute2
* attribute10
* stsCode
* attribute15
* attribute5
* effectiveFromDate


 * attribute14
* attribute3
* attribute9
* attribute8
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute1
* endOfTermVerId
* effectiveToDate
* objectVersionNumber
* attribute7
* attribute12
* attribute13
* attribute4
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute11
* versionNumber
* attribute6
* creationDate
* createdBy
* endOfTermId
* attributeCategory
* attribute2
* attribute10
* stsCode
* attribute15
* attribute5
* effectiveFromDate


 * attribute7
* attribute8
* attribute10
* orgId
* eotTypeCode
* attribute9
* attribute11
* endOfTermId
* stsCode
* currencyCode
* creationDate
* attribute2
* createdBy
* attribute4
* attribute5
* attribute12
* productId
* effectiveFromDate
* attribute6
* attribute14
* attribute13
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute3
* objectVersionNumber
* attributeCategory
* origEndOfTermId
* endOfTermName
* attribute15
* effectiveToDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* categoryTypeCode
* attribute1


 * attribute7
* attribute8
* attribute10
* orgId
* eotTypeCode
* attribute9
* attribute11
* endOfTermId
* stsCode
* currencyCode
* creationDate
* attribute2
* createdBy
* attribute4
* attribute5
* attribute12
* productId
* effectiveFromDate
* attribute6
* attribute14
* attribute13
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute3
* objectVersionNumber
* attributeCategory
* origEndOfTermId
* endOfTermName
* attribute15
* effectiveToDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* categoryTypeCode
* attribute1


 * lastUpdatedBy
* sfwtFlag
* lastUpdateLogin
* language
* lastUpdateDate
* creationDate
* sourceLang
* createdBy
* endOfTermId
* endOfTermDesc


 * lastUpdatedBy
* sfwtFlag
* lastUpdateLogin
* language
* lastUpdateDate
* creationDate
* sourceLang
* createdBy
* endOfTermId
* endOfTermDesc


 * createdBy
* residualValue
* lastUpdateDate
* itemResdlValueId
* termInMonths
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdatedBy
* creationDate
* objectVersionNumber
* itemResdlVersionId
* itemResidualId


 * createdBy
* residualValue
* lastUpdateDate
* itemResdlValueId
* termInMonths
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdatedBy
* creationDate
* objectVersionNumber
* itemResdlVersionId
* itemResidualId


 * createdBy
* inventoryItemId
* stsCode
* effectiveFromDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* categorySetId
* residualTypeCode
* creationDate
* categoryTypeCode
* lastUpdateLogin
* currencyCode
* categoryId
* effectiveToDate
* objectVersionNumber
* lastUpdateDate
* origItemResidualId
* orgId
* organizationId
* itemResidualId
* resiCategorySetId


 * createdBy
* inventoryItemId
* stsCode
* effectiveFromDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* categorySetId
* residualTypeCode
* creationDate
* categoryTypeCode
* lastUpdateLogin
* currencyCode
* categoryId
* effectiveToDate
* objectVersionNumber
* lastUpdateDate
* origItemResidualId
* orgId
* organizationId
* itemResidualId
* resiCategorySetId


 * attribute7
* rateSetId
* rateSetFactorId
* attribute2
* attribute9
* attribute13
* leaseRateFactor
* createdBy
* rateSetLevelId
* residualPercent
* lastUpdateDate
* attributeCategory
* sequenceNumber
* rateSetVersionId
* attribute3
* attribute5
* attribute11
* attribute14
* periods
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute1
* attribute12
* creationDate
* attribute4
* attribute10
* attribute15
* objectVersionNumber
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute6
* attribute8


 * attribute7
* rateSetId
* rateSetFactorId
* attribute2
* attribute9
* attribute13
* leaseRateFactor
* createdBy
* rateSetLevelId
* residualPercent
* lastUpdateDate
* attributeCategory
* sequenceNumber
* rateSetVersionId
* attribute3
* attribute5
* attribute11
* attribute14
* periods
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute1
* attribute12
* creationDate
* attribute4
* attribute10
* attribute15
* objectVersionNumber
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute6
* attribute8


 * effectiveToDate
* stsCode
* lastUpdatedBy
* adjMatVersionId
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute4
* lrsRate
* attribute10
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute13
* residualTolerance
* attribute8
* endOfTermVerId
* attributeCategory
* attribute6
* attribute12
* rateSetVersionId
* creationDate
* versionNumber
* effectiveFromDate
* arrearsYn
* advancePmts
* objectVersionNumber
* stdRateTmplVerId
* attribute15
* attribute2
* attribute14
* rateSetId
* createdBy
* attribute9
* attribute7
* rateTolerance
* attribute1
* attribute3
* standardRate
* deferredPmts
* attribute5
* attribute11


 * effectiveToDate
* stsCode
* lastUpdatedBy
* adjMatVersionId
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute4
* lrsRate
* attribute10
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute13
* residualTolerance
* attribute8
* endOfTermVerId
* attributeCategory
* attribute6
* attribute12
* rateSetVersionId
* creationDate
* versionNumber
* effectiveFromDate
* arrearsYn
* advancePmts
* objectVersionNumber
* stdRateTmplVerId
* attribute15
* attribute2
* attribute14
* rateSetId
* createdBy
* attribute9
* attribute7
* rateTolerance
* attribute1
* attribute3
* standardRate
* deferredPmts
* attribute5
* attribute11


 * lastUpdateLogin
* resiCatName
* orgId
* resiCategorySetId
* stsCode
* lastUpdateDate
* createdBy
* origResiCatSetId
* sourceCode
* lastUpdatedBy
* creationDate
* objectVersionNumber


 * lastUpdateLogin
* resiCatName
* orgId
* resiCategorySetId
* stsCode
* lastUpdateDate
* createdBy
* origResiCatSetId
* sourceCode
* lastUpdatedBy
* creationDate
* objectVersionNumber


 * language
* resiCategorySetId
* resiCatDesc
* lastUpdatedBy
* sourceLang
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* createdBy
* lastUpdateDate
* sfwtFlag


 * language
* resiCategorySetId
* resiCatDesc
* lastUpdatedBy
* sourceLang
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* createdBy
* lastUpdateDate
* sfwtFlag


 * lastUpdatedBy
* creationDate
* categoryId
* resiCategorySetId
* createdBy
* inventoryItemId
* categorySetId
* objectVersionNumber
* lastUpdateLogin
* resiCatObjectId
* lastUpdateDate
* organizationId


 * lastUpdatedBy
* creationDate
* categoryId
* resiCategorySetId
* createdBy
* inventoryItemId
* categorySetId
* objectVersionNumber
* lastUpdateLogin
* resiCatObjectId
* lastUpdateDate
* organizationId


 * rateCardYn
* attribute4
* lastUpdatedBy
* stsCode
* attribute5
* attribute7
* rateTypeCode
* attributeCategory
* origStdRateTmplId
* pricingEngineCode
* attribute15
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute9
* frequencyCode
* attribute11
* attribute1
* attribute13
* indexId
* attribute3
* effectiveToDate
* stdRateTmplId
* currencyCode
* creationDate
* createdBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute8
* templateName
* defaultYn
* effectiveFromDate
* attribute12
* attribute2
* attribute14
* attribute10
* objectVersionNumber
* orgId
* srtRate
* attribute6


 * rateCardYn
* attribute4
* lastUpdatedBy
* stsCode
* attribute5
* attribute7
* rateTypeCode
* attributeCategory
* origStdRateTmplId
* pricingEngineCode
* attribute15
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute9
* frequencyCode
* attribute11
* attribute1
* attribute13
* indexId
* attribute3
* effectiveToDate
* stdRateTmplId
* currencyCode
* creationDate
* createdBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute8
* templateName
* defaultYn
* effectiveFromDate
* attribute12
* attribute2
* attribute14
* attribute10
* objectVersionNumber
* orgId
* srtRate
* attribute6


 * createdBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* language
* sourceLang
* sfwtFlag
* templateDesc
* creationDate
* lastUpdateDate
* stdRateTmplId
* lastUpdatedBy


 * createdBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* language
* sourceLang
* sfwtFlag
* templateDesc
* creationDate
* lastUpdateDate
* stdRateTmplId
* lastUpdatedBy


 * lastUpdatedBy
* attribute14
* dayConventionCode
* minAdjRate
* creationDate
* stsCode
* createdBy
* stdRateTmplId
* attribute10
* lastUpdateLogin
* effectiveToDate
* attributeCategory
* spread
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute2
* attribute13
* attribute6
* attribute15
* attribute4
* stdRateTmplVerId
* attribute7
* versionNumber
* adjMatVersionId
* objectVersionNumber
* attribute1
* attribute9
* attribute8
* attribute12
* attribute5
* attribute11
* srtRate
* maxAdjRate
* effectiveFromDate
* attribute3


 * lastUpdatedBy
* attribute14
* dayConventionCode
* minAdjRate
* creationDate
* stsCode
* createdBy
* stdRateTmplId
* attribute10
* lastUpdateLogin
* effectiveToDate
* attributeCategory
* spread
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute2
* attribute13
* attribute6
* attribute15
* attribute4
* stdRateTmplVerId
* attribute7
* versionNumber
* adjMatVersionId
* objectVersionNumber
* attribute1
* attribute9
* attribute8
* attribute12
* attribute5
* attribute11
* srtRate
* maxAdjRate
* effectiveFromDate
* attribute3


 * rolloverQuoteId
* feeAmount
* supplierId
* id
* attribute1
* attribute8
* streamTypeId
* targetArrears
* targetAmount
* attribute7
* lastUpdateDate
* initialDirectCost
* attribute9
* lastUpdatedBy
* leaseRateFactor
* parentObjectCode
* attribute13
* paymentTypeId
* attribute15
* attribute6
* structuredPricing
* attribute2
* effectiveTo
* objectVersionNumber
* attribute4
* rateCardId
* attribute12
* createdBy
* attribute14
* parentObjectId
* rateTemplateId
* attribute5
* feeType
* effectiveFrom
* attributeCategory
* attribute10
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* targetFrequency
* feePurposeCode
* attribute11
* attribute3


 * rolloverQuoteId
* feeAmount
* supplierId
* id
* attribute1
* attribute8
* streamTypeId
* targetArrears
* targetAmount
* attribute7
* lastUpdateDate
* initialDirectCost
* attribute9
* lastUpdatedBy
* leaseRateFactor
* parentObjectCode
* attribute13
* paymentTypeId
* attribute15
* attribute6
* structuredPricing
* attribute2
* effectiveTo
* objectVersionNumber
* attribute4
* rateCardId
* attribute12
* createdBy
* attribute14
* parentObjectId
* rateTemplateId
* attribute5
* feeType
* effectiveFrom
* attributeCategory
* attribute10
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* targetFrequency
* feePurposeCode
* attribute11
* attribute3


 * createdBy
* sfwtFlag
* language
* lastUpdateDate
* comments
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* description
* creationDate
* shortDescription
* sourceLang
* id


 * createdBy
* sfwtFlag
* language
* lastUpdateDate
* comments
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* description
* creationDate
* shortDescription
* sourceLang
* id


 * zdSync
* opdId
* id
* fmaId
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* createdBy
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* objectVersionNumber
* label
* zdEditionName


 * zdSync
* opdId
* id
* fmaId
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* createdBy
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* objectVersionNumber
* label
* zdEditionName


 * lastUpdatedBy
* dsfId
* pmrId
* fprType
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* zdSync
* creationDate
* sequenceNumber
* createdBy
* objectVersionNumber
* zdEditionName
* id


 * lastUpdatedBy
* dsfId
* pmrId
* fprType
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* zdSync
* creationDate
* sequenceNumber
* createdBy
* objectVersionNumber
* zdEditionName
* id


 * zdSync
* language
* sfwtFlag
* id
* value
* lastUpdatedBy
* createdBy
* zdEditionName
* lastUpdateDate
* sourceLang
* creationDate
* instructions
* lastUpdateLogin


 * zdSync
* language
* sfwtFlag
* id
* value
* lastUpdatedBy
* createdBy
* zdEditionName
* lastUpdateDate
* sourceLang
* creationDate
* instructions
* lastUpdateLogin


 * version
* thereCanBeOnlyOneYn
* attribute3
* cgrId
* attribute4
* attribute12
* attribute15
* name
* attribute8
* attribute6
* lastUpdateDate
* id
* attribute14
* lastUpdatedBy
* zdEditionName
* attribute1
* attribute2
* attribute5
* creationDate
* attribute11
* attribute7
* lastUpdateLogin
* fypCode
* attribute10
* attributeCategory
* attribute9
* objectVersionNumber
* startDate
* orgId
* formulaString
* attribute13
* createdBy
* endDate
* zdSync


 * version
* thereCanBeOnlyOneYn
* attribute3
* cgrId
* attribute4
* attribute12
* attribute15
* name
* attribute8
* attribute6
* lastUpdateDate
* id
* attribute14
* lastUpdatedBy
* zdEditionName
* attribute1
* attribute2
* attribute5
* creationDate
* attribute11
* attribute7
* lastUpdateLogin
* fypCode
* attribute10
* attributeCategory
* attribute9
* objectVersionNumber
* startDate
* orgId
* formulaString
* attribute13
* createdBy
* endDate
* zdSync


 * id
* lastUpdateDate
* zdEditionName
* language
* sourceLang
* description
* lastUpdateLogin
* createdBy
* zdSync
* lastUpdatedBy
* sfwtFlag
* creationDate


 * id
* lastUpdateDate
* zdEditionName
* language
* sourceLang
* description
* lastUpdateLogin
* createdBy
* zdSync
* lastUpdatedBy
* sfwtFlag
* creationDate


 * attribute2
* lastUpdatedBy
* code
* attribute12
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute4
* attribute9
* attribute14
* attribute11
* enabledFlag
* attribute13
* createdBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* endDate
* startDate
* attribute7
* attribute5
* attribute1
* creationDate
* attribute6
* attribute8
* attributeCategory
* attribute10
* attribute15
* objectVersionNumber
* attribute3
* id


 * attribute2
* lastUpdatedBy
* code
* attribute12
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute4
* attribute9
* attribute14
* attribute11
* enabledFlag
* attribute13
* createdBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* endDate
* startDate
* attribute7
* attribute5
* attribute1
* creationDate
* attribute6
* attribute8
* attributeCategory
* attribute10
* attribute15
* objectVersionNumber
* attribute3
* id


 * sourceLang
* name
* lastUpdateLogin
* description
* id
* language
* creationDate
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* sfwtFlag
* createdBy


 * sourceLang
* name
* lastUpdateLogin
* description
* id
* language
* creationDate
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* sfwtFlag
* createdBy


 * lienType
* insuranceCompanyId
* discountRateProrate
* intRateConChgFreqCode
* billToAddress
* stCapStreamTypeCode
* stCapStreamPurposeCode
* agentName
* attribute10
* securityDepAutoCrFlag
* titleType
* eotTermPenaltyCapOption
* intRateCatchupStartDate
* stFinStreamTypeCode
* interestStartDate
* ertQuoteCalcTermOption
* ertPurchaseOptProrate
* titleCustodianId
* gainLossNetQuoteFormula
* eotRollInctvOption
* eotTermPenaltyProrate
* prtflDaysFromConExpr
* intRateChangeStartDate
* renewalNoticeDays
* proofProvidedDate
* eotReturnFeeFormula
* legalEntityId
* lesseeVendorSiteId
* rviStreamPurposeCode
* baseRate
* insuranceCompanySiteNumber
* ertPurchaseOptMaxFormula
* ertTermPenaltyProrate
* stEquipmentAge
* insuranceCompanyNumber
* prtflBudgetAmtFormula
* attribute14
* stTransferOfTitle
* intRateDelayCode
* eotReturnFeeProrate
* salePriceAmount
* evergreenEligibleFlag
* eotServMantOption
* endOfTermOption
* eotPurchaseOptMaxOpt
* intRateConChgStartDate
* ertDiscRateProrate
* importRequestId
* eotPurchaseOptMinFormula
* contractCategory
* eotPurchaseOptMaxAmt
* tqpErlTerminationAlwdFlag
* attribute13
* ertRollInctvAmount
* ertTermPenaltyFormula
* eotPurchaseOpt
* ertRollInctvOption
* prtflApprovalReq
* ausTaxStampDuty
* conversionMethod
* factoringDiscountRate
* eotPurchaseOptMaxFormula
* jurisdiction
* rviPresentGuaranteedAmount
* prtTerminationApprovalReq
* intRateConIndexName
* ertTermPenaltyCapAmount
* taxOwner
* attribute8
* repurchaseQuoteFormula
* lessorInsuredFlag
* ertContractObligProrate
* ertPurchaseOptMinAmt
* attribute12
* stBillStreamPurposeCode
* ertPurchaseOptAmount
* ertQuoteFeeFormula
* ertQuoteCalcTermFormula
* prefundingEligibleFlag
* attribute7
* customerNumber
* eotSecuDepDispoProrate
* ertSecuDepDispoProrate
* lienHolderId
* agentAddressSiteName
* billToAddressId
* insuranceCompanySiteId
* ertReturnFeeProrate
* eotDiscRateFormula
* ertEstPropTaxProrate
* dateOfConversion
* salespersonId
* gainLossTolrncAllwdFrml
* privateLabelId
* mexTaxCalcFormula
* eotQuoteFeeOpt
* calculateResidualInsurance
* ertTermPenaltyCapOption
* payeeSite
* nonNotificationFlag
* reviewInvoiceFlag
* stTaxScheduleAppliesFlag
* ertEstPropTaxOption
* eotPurchaseOptAmount
* adder
* quoteRcptContractRole
* eotRolloverFeeFrml
* batchNumber
* subJurisdiction
* nameOfInsured
* expectedDeliveryDate
* securityDepositNetFlag
* lienContinuationDate
* quoteRcptAllocPtg
* eotQuoteCalcTermOption
* variableRate
* ertContractObligAmount
* ertServMantOption
* applicationCode
* contractNumber
* manualQuotesOnly
* attribute3
* formulaName
* regExpirationDate
* prtflStrategy
* rviStreamCode
* titleCustodianName
* deductibleAmount
* lienExpirationDate
* eotDiscRateAmount
* methodOfCalculation
* taxWithholdingFlag
* agentAddressSiteNumber
* midTermAmount
* salePriceOption
* ertDiscRateOpt
* eotRollInctvProrate
* invoiceFormatId
* gainLossNetQuoteAmt
* quoteFeeAmount
* intRateCmpndFreqCode
* intRateConDayYerCode
* eotExpenseFeeFrml
* ertTermPenaltyCapFormula
* stUpdateLinesFromContract
* ertPurchaseOptFormula
* salePriceFormula
* eotTermPenaltyAmount
* prtTerminationAllowedFlag
* eotQuoteFeeAmount
* eotEstPropTaxFormula
* startDate
* currencyConversionRate
* ertQuoteFeeAmount
* scheduledWorkerId
* eotRollInctvFormula
* titleDate
* maximumRate
* factoringPercentage
* lienHolderName
* bankAccountNumber
* eotTermPenaltyCapAmount
* cashApplRuleName
* intRateConChgValue
* eotIncomeFeeFrml
* tqpPrtTerminationAlwdFlag
* lesseeVendorName
* intRateConCatStartDate
* pthEvgPayoutBasis
* stAssetUpfrontTax
* intRateCatFreqCode
* lienContinuationNumber
* intRateConRateDelayFreq
* endorsement
* ertAbsorbedFeeFrml
* intRateConRateDelayCode
* ertPassthruFeeFrml
* gainLossToleranceAllowed
* lateInterestExemptFlag
* discountRateAmount
* attribute9
* ertSecuDepDispoAmount
* lateInterestHeldUntilDate
* intRateConDayMthCode
* dateCreatedInOkl
* factoringDate
* attribute15
* privateActivityBondFlag
* stEquipmentUsage
* propTaxBillMethod
* attributeCategory
* ertExpenseFeeFrml
* ertPurchaseOptMinOpt
* daysInMonth
* titleIssuerId
* intRateDelayFreq
* evergreenPassthruFees
* ertRollInctvFormula
* endOfTermAmount
* variableMethod
* adjustmentFrequency
* propTaxApplicable
* lesseeVendorSiteCode
* inventoryOrganizationId
* productName
* taxCalcFormulaName
* dateCreated
* eotReturnFeeAmount
* quoteFeeProrate
* sendBillSale
* quoteApproverContractRole
* titleNumber
* lateInterestProductCode
* salespersonName
* ertReturnFeeOption
* location
* ertContractObligOpt
* bankAccountId
* registrationNumber
* insuranceCompanySiteName
* midTermOption
* eotFinancedFeeFrml
* eotDiscRateProrate
* stPurchaseOfLease
* stFinStreamPurposeCode
* intRateEffectiveFromDate
* customerAccountId
* programVendorId
* quoteApproverDelayDays
* eotServMantFrml
* contractNumberOld
* masterLeaseAgreementId
* eotGeneralFeeFrml
* policyNumber
* ertPurchaseOpt
* quoteFeeFormula
* eotEstPropTaxOption
* titleIssuerName
* remktSalePriceFormula
* eotContractObligAmount
* acceptanceMethodCode
* rviGuaranteedAmount
* quoteApprvrAdvNoticeRole
* evergreenPassthruPercent
* dateSigned
* intRateConCatBasCode
* intRateConMinimumRate
* eotToleranceDays
* prtflBudgetFixedAmt
* ertPurchaseOptMaxOpt
* term
* convertedAccount
* ertGeneralFeeFrml
* eotPurchaseOptType
* masterLeaseAgreementNumber
* lateChargeExemptFlag
* salePriceProrate
* printLeadDays
* quoteCrtsyCopyContractRole
* rviAutoCalculateFlag
* lateChargeProductCode
* prtflBudgetAmtOpt
* currencyConversionType
* agentNumber
* programVendorName
* indexName
* ertRolloverFeeFrml
* intRateConCatFreqCode
* intRateConIntBasCode
* gainLossApprovalReq
* capitalizeFlag
* gainLossNetQuoteOpt
* programAgreementId
* status
* attribute11
* minimumRate
* ertMiscFeeFrml
* renewalOption
* intRateCatStlmntCode
* attribute1
* gainLossTolrncAllwdAmt
* eotContractObligProrate
* rviPremiumAmount
* eotContrFeesOption
* intRateConPrcBasCode
* customerAccountNumber
* proofDueDate
* ertQuoteFeeOpt
* attribute5
* invoiceReviewUntilDate
* ertContractObligFormula
* intRateBasisCode
* ertEstPropTaxAmount
* dealTypeCode
* paymentMethodId
* daysInYear
* propTaxLeaseRep
* interestMethod
* paymentMethod
* quoteEffectiveDays
* quoteFeeOption
* ertPurchaseOptType
* discountRateFormula
* privateLabelUrl
* registrationLocation
* eotPurchaseOptFormula
* renewalAmount
* agentAddressSiteId
* pthEvgStreamCode
* templateNumber
* eotRollInctvAmount
* ertSecuDepDispoOption
* filingDate
* consumerCreditActDealFlag
* eotAutoProcPurchaseOpt
* eotQuoteCalcTermFormula
* intRatePrincBasisCode
* gainLossTolrncBasis
* importRequestStage
* gainLossApprvProcFrml
* eotAbsorbedFeeFrml
* eotSecuDepDispoOption
* securityDepositDate
* ertDiscRateAmount
* coveredAmount
* eotTermPenaltyOption
* eotEstPropTaxProrate
* discountRateOption
* eotSecuDepDispoAmount
* eotSecuDepDispoFormula
* privateLabelNumber
* intRateEffectiveToDate
* invoiceFormatCode
* eotContractObligFormula
* filingNumber
* intRateChangeFreqCode
* ertRollInctvProrate
* intRateNextConDate
* quoteEffMaxDays
* currencyCode
* customerPoNumber
* rebookLimitDate
* eotPurchaseOptProrate
* ertTermPenaltyAmount
* lateChargeHeldUntilDate
* lessorPayeeFlag
* ertIncomeFeeFrml
* intRateConBaseRate
* repurchaseQuoteOption
* rviRate
* intRateConCatStlmntCode
* floorPriceFormula
* eotQuoteFeeFormula
* pthPayoutBasisFormula
* quoteRcptAddlRcptRole
* eotPassthruFeeFrml
* policyNumber#1
* convertType
* currencyConversionDate
* eotOutstndBalOption
* reasonForInvoiceReview
* stBillStreamTypeCode
* stSaleAndLeaseBack
* ertFinancedFeeFrml
* intRateConOptionCode
* stInterestDisclosed
* dateApproved
* assignableYn
* customerId
* securityDepositHoldFlag
* ertReturnFeeFormula
* eotQuoteFeeProrate
* intRateConFormulaName
* contractSource
* intRateConStartDate
* convertByDate
* ertQuoteFeeProrate
* intRateConCmpndFreqCode
* attribute2
* filingStatus
* eotTermPenaltyCapFormula
* intRateCatchupBasisCode
* intRateChangeValue
* ertTermPenaltyOption
* tolerance
* eotPurchaseOptMinOpt
* ertServMantFrml
* programAgreementNumber
* authoringOrgId
* ertPurchaseOptMaxAmt
* createdBy
* ertOutstndBalOption
* eotPurchaseOptMinAmt
* ertPurchaseOptMinFormula
* eotContractObligOpt
* agentId
* pthEvgStreamPurposeCode
* ertReturnFeeAmount
* eotReturnFeeOption
* eotEstPropTaxAmount
* deleteBeforeImportYn
* policyEffectiveFrom
* eotMiscFeeFrml
* creditLineNumber
* intRateConAdderRate
* attribute6
* intRateConMaximumRate
* firstTerminationDate
* eotDiscRateOpt
* ertEstPropTaxFormula
* prtflAssgnGroup
* ertDiscRateFormula
* attribute4
* ertContrFeesOption
* lesseeVendorId
* mexTaxSubBasicWthld
* productId
* insuranceCompanyName
* ertSecuDepDispoFormula
* contractDescription
* policyEffectiveTo
* acceptedDate
* creditLineId
* eotTermPenaltyFormula


 * lienType
* insuranceCompanyId
* discountRateProrate
* intRateConChgFreqCode
* billToAddress
* stCapStreamTypeCode
* stCapStreamPurposeCode
* agentName
* attribute10
* securityDepAutoCrFlag
* titleType
* eotTermPenaltyCapOption
* intRateCatchupStartDate
* stFinStreamTypeCode
* interestStartDate
* ertQuoteCalcTermOption
* ertPurchaseOptProrate
* titleCustodianId
* gainLossNetQuoteFormula
* eotRollInctvOption
* eotTermPenaltyProrate
* prtflDaysFromConExpr
* intRateChangeStartDate
* renewalNoticeDays
* proofProvidedDate
* eotReturnFeeFormula
* legalEntityId
* lesseeVendorSiteId
* rviStreamPurposeCode
* baseRate
* insuranceCompanySiteNumber
* ertPurchaseOptMaxFormula
* ertTermPenaltyProrate
* stEquipmentAge
* insuranceCompanyNumber
* prtflBudgetAmtFormula
* attribute14
* stTransferOfTitle
* intRateDelayCode
* eotReturnFeeProrate
* salePriceAmount
* evergreenEligibleFlag
* eotServMantOption
* endOfTermOption
* eotPurchaseOptMaxOpt
* intRateConChgStartDate
* ertDiscRateProrate
* importRequestId
* eotPurchaseOptMinFormula
* contractCategory
* eotPurchaseOptMaxAmt
* tqpErlTerminationAlwdFlag
* attribute13
* ertRollInctvAmount
* ertTermPenaltyFormula
* eotPurchaseOpt
* ertRollInctvOption
* prtflApprovalReq
* ausTaxStampDuty
* conversionMethod
* factoringDiscountRate
* eotPurchaseOptMaxFormula
* jurisdiction
* rviPresentGuaranteedAmount
* prtTerminationApprovalReq
* intRateConIndexName
* ertTermPenaltyCapAmount
* taxOwner
* attribute8
* repurchaseQuoteFormula
* lessorInsuredFlag
* ertContractObligProrate
* ertPurchaseOptMinAmt
* attribute12
* stBillStreamPurposeCode
* ertPurchaseOptAmount
* ertQuoteFeeFormula
* ertQuoteCalcTermFormula
* prefundingEligibleFlag
* attribute7
* customerNumber
* eotSecuDepDispoProrate
* ertSecuDepDispoProrate
* lienHolderId
* agentAddressSiteName
* billToAddressId
* insuranceCompanySiteId
* ertReturnFeeProrate
* eotDiscRateFormula
* ertEstPropTaxProrate
* dateOfConversion
* salespersonId
* gainLossTolrncAllwdFrml
* privateLabelId
* mexTaxCalcFormula
* eotQuoteFeeOpt
* calculateResidualInsurance
* ertTermPenaltyCapOption
* payeeSite
* nonNotificationFlag
* reviewInvoiceFlag
* stTaxScheduleAppliesFlag
* ertEstPropTaxOption
* eotPurchaseOptAmount
* adder
* quoteRcptContractRole
* eotRolloverFeeFrml
* batchNumber
* subJurisdiction
* nameOfInsured
* expectedDeliveryDate
* securityDepositNetFlag
* lienContinuationDate
* quoteRcptAllocPtg
* eotQuoteCalcTermOption
* variableRate
* ertContractObligAmount
* ertServMantOption
* applicationCode
* contractNumber
* manualQuotesOnly
* attribute3
* formulaName
* regExpirationDate
* prtflStrategy
* rviStreamCode
* titleCustodianName
* deductibleAmount
* lienExpirationDate
* eotDiscRateAmount
* methodOfCalculation
* taxWithholdingFlag
* agentAddressSiteNumber
* midTermAmount
* salePriceOption
* ertDiscRateOpt
* eotRollInctvProrate
* invoiceFormatId
* gainLossNetQuoteAmt
* quoteFeeAmount
* intRateCmpndFreqCode
* intRateConDayYerCode
* eotExpenseFeeFrml
* ertTermPenaltyCapFormula
* stUpdateLinesFromContract
* ertPurchaseOptFormula
* salePriceFormula
* eotTermPenaltyAmount
* prtTerminationAllowedFlag
* eotQuoteFeeAmount
* eotEstPropTaxFormula
* startDate
* currencyConversionRate
* ertQuoteFeeAmount
* scheduledWorkerId
* eotRollInctvFormula
* titleDate
* maximumRate
* factoringPercentage
* lienHolderName
* bankAccountNumber
* eotTermPenaltyCapAmount
* cashApplRuleName
* intRateConChgValue
* eotIncomeFeeFrml
* tqpPrtTerminationAlwdFlag
* lesseeVendorName
* intRateConCatStartDate
* pthEvgPayoutBasis
* stAssetUpfrontTax
* intRateCatFreqCode
* lienContinuationNumber
* intRateConRateDelayFreq
* endorsement
* ertAbsorbedFeeFrml
* intRateConRateDelayCode
* ertPassthruFeeFrml
* gainLossToleranceAllowed
* lateInterestExemptFlag
* discountRateAmount
* attribute9
* ertSecuDepDispoAmount
* lateInterestHeldUntilDate
* intRateConDayMthCode
* dateCreatedInOkl
* factoringDate
* attribute15
* privateActivityBondFlag
* stEquipmentUsage
* propTaxBillMethod
* attributeCategory
* ertExpenseFeeFrml
* ertPurchaseOptMinOpt
* daysInMonth
* titleIssuerId
* intRateDelayFreq
* evergreenPassthruFees
* ertRollInctvFormula
* endOfTermAmount
* variableMethod
* adjustmentFrequency
* propTaxApplicable
* lesseeVendorSiteCode
* inventoryOrganizationId
* productName
* taxCalcFormulaName
* dateCreated
* eotReturnFeeAmount
* quoteFeeProrate
* sendBillSale
* quoteApproverContractRole
* titleNumber
* lateInterestProductCode
* salespersonName
* ertReturnFeeOption
* location
* ertContractObligOpt
* bankAccountId
* registrationNumber
* insuranceCompanySiteName
* midTermOption
* eotFinancedFeeFrml
* eotDiscRateProrate
* stPurchaseOfLease
* stFinStreamPurposeCode
* intRateEffectiveFromDate
* customerAccountId
* programVendorId
* quoteApproverDelayDays
* eotServMantFrml
* contractNumberOld
* masterLeaseAgreementId
* eotGeneralFeeFrml
* policyNumber
* ertPurchaseOpt
* quoteFeeFormula
* eotEstPropTaxOption
* titleIssuerName
* remktSalePriceFormula
* eotContractObligAmount
* acceptanceMethodCode
* rviGuaranteedAmount
* quoteApprvrAdvNoticeRole
* evergreenPassthruPercent
* dateSigned
* intRateConCatBasCode
* intRateConMinimumRate
* eotToleranceDays
* prtflBudgetFixedAmt
* ertPurchaseOptMaxOpt
* term
* convertedAccount
* ertGeneralFeeFrml
* eotPurchaseOptType
* masterLeaseAgreementNumber
* lateChargeExemptFlag
* salePriceProrate
* printLeadDays
* quoteCrtsyCopyContractRole
* rviAutoCalculateFlag
* lateChargeProductCode
* prtflBudgetAmtOpt
* currencyConversionType
* agentNumber
* programVendorName
* indexName
* ertRolloverFeeFrml
* intRateConCatFreqCode
* intRateConIntBasCode
* gainLossApprovalReq
* capitalizeFlag
* gainLossNetQuoteOpt
* programAgreementId
* status
* attribute11
* minimumRate
* ertMiscFeeFrml
* renewalOption
* intRateCatStlmntCode
* attribute1
* gainLossTolrncAllwdAmt
* eotContractObligProrate
* rviPremiumAmount
* eotContrFeesOption
* intRateConPrcBasCode
* customerAccountNumber
* proofDueDate
* ertQuoteFeeOpt
* attribute5
* invoiceReviewUntilDate
* ertContractObligFormula
* intRateBasisCode
* ertEstPropTaxAmount
* dealTypeCode
* paymentMethodId
* daysInYear
* propTaxLeaseRep
* interestMethod
* paymentMethod
* quoteEffectiveDays
* quoteFeeOption
* ertPurchaseOptType
* discountRateFormula
* privateLabelUrl
* registrationLocation
* eotPurchaseOptFormula
* renewalAmount
* agentAddressSiteId
* pthEvgStreamCode
* templateNumber
* eotRollInctvAmount
* ertSecuDepDispoOption
* filingDate
* consumerCreditActDealFlag
* eotAutoProcPurchaseOpt
* eotQuoteCalcTermFormula
* intRatePrincBasisCode
* gainLossTolrncBasis
* importRequestStage
* gainLossApprvProcFrml
* eotAbsorbedFeeFrml
* eotSecuDepDispoOption
* securityDepositDate
* ertDiscRateAmount
* coveredAmount
* eotTermPenaltyOption
* eotEstPropTaxProrate
* discountRateOption
* eotSecuDepDispoAmount
* eotSecuDepDispoFormula
* privateLabelNumber
* intRateEffectiveToDate
* invoiceFormatCode
* eotContractObligFormula
* filingNumber
* intRateChangeFreqCode
* ertRollInctvProrate
* intRateNextConDate
* quoteEffMaxDays
* currencyCode
* customerPoNumber
* rebookLimitDate
* eotPurchaseOptProrate
* ertTermPenaltyAmount
* lateChargeHeldUntilDate
* lessorPayeeFlag
* ertIncomeFeeFrml
* intRateConBaseRate
* repurchaseQuoteOption
* rviRate
* intRateConCatStlmntCode
* floorPriceFormula
* eotQuoteFeeFormula
* pthPayoutBasisFormula
* quoteRcptAddlRcptRole
* eotPassthruFeeFrml
* policyNumber#1
* convertType
* currencyConversionDate
* eotOutstndBalOption
* reasonForInvoiceReview
* stBillStreamTypeCode
* stSaleAndLeaseBack
* ertFinancedFeeFrml
* intRateConOptionCode
* stInterestDisclosed
* dateApproved
* assignableYn
* customerId
* securityDepositHoldFlag
* ertReturnFeeFormula
* eotQuoteFeeProrate
* intRateConFormulaName
* contractSource
* intRateConStartDate
* convertByDate
* ertQuoteFeeProrate
* intRateConCmpndFreqCode
* attribute2
* filingStatus
* eotTermPenaltyCapFormula
* intRateCatchupBasisCode
* intRateChangeValue
* ertTermPenaltyOption
* tolerance
* eotPurchaseOptMinOpt
* ertServMantFrml
* programAgreementNumber
* authoringOrgId
* ertPurchaseOptMaxAmt
* createdBy
* ertOutstndBalOption
* eotPurchaseOptMinAmt
* ertPurchaseOptMinFormula
* eotContractObligOpt
* agentId
* pthEvgStreamPurposeCode
* ertReturnFeeAmount
* eotReturnFeeOption
* eotEstPropTaxAmount
* deleteBeforeImportYn
* policyEffectiveFrom
* eotMiscFeeFrml
* creditLineNumber
* intRateConAdderRate
* attribute6
* intRateConMaximumRate
* firstTerminationDate
* eotDiscRateOpt
* ertEstPropTaxFormula
* prtflAssgnGroup
* ertDiscRateFormula
* attribute4
* ertContrFeesOption
* lesseeVendorId
* mexTaxSubBasicWthld
* productId
* insuranceCompanyName
* ertSecuDepDispoFormula
* contractDescription
* policyEffectiveTo
* acceptedDate
* creditLineId
* eotTermPenaltyFormula


 * lastUpdateDate
* value
* datetimeValid
* datetimeInvalid
* programId
* programUpdateDate
* createdBy
* id
* lastUpdatedBy
* programApplicationId
* lastUpdateLogin
* requestId
* objectVersionNumber
* creationDate
* idxId


 * lastUpdateDate
* value
* datetimeValid
* datetimeInvalid
* programId
* programUpdateDate
* createdBy
* id
* lastUpdatedBy
* programApplicationId
* lastUpdateLogin
* requestId
* objectVersionNumber
* creationDate
* idxId


 * attribute1
* idxType
* requestId
* attribute14
* id
* lastUpdateDate
* name
* attribute11
* attribute12
* attributeCategory
* attribute5
* attribute7
* createdBy
* attribute15
* description
* lastUpdatedBy
* programId
* objectVersionNumber
* attribute8
* attribute10
* lastUpdateLogin
* idxFrequency
* programApplicationId
* programUpdateDate
* attribute13
* attribute6
* attribute3
* attribute9
* attribute2
* creationDate
* attribute4


 * attribute1
* idxType
* requestId
* attribute14
* id
* lastUpdateDate
* name
* attribute11
* attribute12
* attributeCategory
* attribute5
* attribute7
* createdBy
* attribute15
* description
* lastUpdatedBy
* programId
* objectVersionNumber
* attribute8
* attribute10
* lastUpdateLogin
* idxFrequency
* programApplicationId
* programUpdateDate
* attribute13
* attribute6
* attribute3
* attribute9
* attribute2
* creationDate
* attribute4


 * value
* programApplicationId
* indexName
* attribute2
* attribute11
* creationDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* idxFrequency
* id
* attribute7
* attribute12
* objectVersionNumber
* proportionContributed
* createdBy
* attribute6
* attribute9
* attribute13
* attribute4
* requestId
* datetimeValid
* attribute10
* lastUpdateDate
* description
* processFlag
* attribute3
* attribute1
* programId
* attribute8
* attributeCategory
* programUpdateDate
* attribute15
* lastUpdateLogin
* datetimeInvalid
* attribute5
* attribute14
* idiType


 * value
* programApplicationId
* indexName
* attribute2
* attribute11
* creationDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* idxFrequency
* id
* attribute7
* attribute12
* objectVersionNumber
* proportionContributed
* createdBy
* attribute6
* attribute9
* attribute13
* attribute4
* requestId
* datetimeValid
* attribute10
* lastUpdateDate
* description
* processFlag
* attribute3
* attribute1
* programId
* attribute8
* attributeCategory
* programUpdateDate
* attribute15
* lastUpdateLogin
* datetimeInvalid
* attribute5
* attribute14
* idiType


 * attribute2
* lessorPremium
* createdBy
* attribute1
* attributeCategory
* creationDate
* ipyId
* attribute12
* attribute14
* attribute8
* lastUpdatedBy
* assetPremium
* objectVersionNumber
* attribute9
* attribute4
* attribute15
* attribute13
* programApplicationId
* attribute7
* lastUpdateDate
* programId
* attribute6
* attribute5
* orgId
* requestId
* attribute11
* calculatedPremium
* id
* attribute10
* kleId
* programUpdateDate
* attribute3
* lastUpdateLogin


 * attribute2
* lessorPremium
* createdBy
* attribute1
* attributeCategory
* creationDate
* ipyId
* attribute12
* attribute14
* attribute8
* lastUpdatedBy
* assetPremium
* objectVersionNumber
* attribute9
* attribute4
* attribute15
* attribute13
* programApplicationId
* attribute7
* lastUpdateDate
* programId
* attribute6
* attribute5
* orgId
* requestId
* attribute11
* calculatedPremium
* id
* attribute10
* kleId
* programUpdateDate
* attribute3
* lastUpdateLogin


 * attribute4
* attribute7
* attribute8
* ipyId
* attribute5
* csuCode
* holdDate
* lastUpdateDate
* policeContact
* lastUpdateLogin
* programUpdateDate
* attribute9
* lastUpdatedBy
* requestId
* amount
* claimDate
* attribute12
* id
* attribute11
* claimNumber#1
* attributeCategory
* attribute10
* claimNumber
* attribute1
* attribute15
* lossDate
* programApplicationId
* creationDate
* orgId
* objectVersionNumber
* attribute3
* ltpCode
* attribute2
* attribute6
* attribute14
* createdBy
* programId
* attribute13


 * attribute4
* attribute7
* attribute8
* ipyId
* attribute5
* csuCode
* holdDate
* lastUpdateDate
* policeContact
* lastUpdateLogin
* programUpdateDate
* attribute9
* lastUpdatedBy
* requestId
* amount
* claimDate
* attribute12
* id
* attribute11
* claimNumber#1
* attributeCategory
* attribute10
* claimNumber
* attribute1
* attribute15
* lossDate
* programApplicationId
* creationDate
* orgId
* objectVersionNumber
* attribute3
* ltpCode
* attribute2
* attribute6
* attribute14
* createdBy
* programId
* attribute13


 * id
* lastUpdateLogin
* policeReport
* sfwtFlag
* comments
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateDate
* sourceLang
* createdBy
* language
* description
* creationDate


 * id
* lastUpdateLogin
* policeReport
* sfwtFlag
* comments
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateDate
* sourceLang
* createdBy
* language
* description
* creationDate


 * createdBy
* dateFrom
* lastUpdateDate
* objectVersionNumber
* id
* iayId
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdatedBy
* dateTo
* creationDate
* iacCode


 * createdBy
* dateFrom
* lastUpdateDate
* objectVersionNumber
* id
* iayId
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdatedBy
* dateTo
* creationDate
* iacCode


 * attribute3
* attribute7
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute12
* attribute15
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdateDate
* createdBy
* attribute9
* attribute11
* objectVersionNumber
* dateTo
* creationDate
* id
* attributeCategory
* attribute2
* attribute4
* attribute5
* attribute1
* attribute13
* attribute10
* dateFrom
* sicCode
* attribute8
* attribute14
* countryId
* collCode
* attribute6


 * attribute3
* attribute7
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute12
* attribute15
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdateDate
* createdBy
* attribute9
* attribute11
* objectVersionNumber
* dateTo
* creationDate
* id
* attributeCategory
* attribute2
* attribute4
* attribute5
* attribute1
* attribute13
* attribute10
* dateFrom
* sicCode
* attribute8
* attribute14
* countryId
* collCode
* attribute6


 * comments
* lastUpdateDate
* language
* sourceLang
* createdBy
* creationDate
* id
* lastUpdatedBy
* sfwtFlag
* lastUpdateLogin


 * comments
* lastUpdateDate
* language
* sourceLang
* createdBy
* creationDate
* id
* lastUpdatedBy
* sfwtFlag
* lastUpdateLogin


 * objectVersionNumber
* isuId
* programUpdateDate
* dateTo
* ipyId
* orgId
* iptId
* nameOfInsured
* lastUpdateDate
* calculatedPremium
* dateQuoteExpiry
* attribute2
* ipeCode
* coveredAmount
* ipfCode
* onFileYn
* leaseApplicationId
* attribute10
* kleId
* legalEntityId
* premium
* agentYn
* attribute15
* requestId
* creationDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* activationDate
* agencyNumber
* lessorInsuredYn
* programApplicationId
* salesRepId
* lessorPayeeYn
* attribute4
* agencySiteId
* adjustedById
* privateLabelYn
* dateFrom
* insuranceFactor
* paymentFrequency
* attribute7
* id
* attribute8
* attributeCategory
* attribute6
* cancellationDate
* attribute12
* attribute5
* attribute9
* dateProofProvided
* attribute13
* adjustment
* intId
* quoteYn
* attribute1
* ipyType
* attribute3
* khrId
* factorValue
* factorCode
* policyNumber#1
* lastUpdateLogin
* programId
* createdBy
* agentSiteId
* dateProofRequired
* attribute11
* territoryCode
* crxCode
* dateQuoted
* attribute14
* policyNumber
* issCode
* deductible


 * objectVersionNumber
* isuId
* programUpdateDate
* dateTo
* ipyId
* orgId
* iptId
* nameOfInsured
* lastUpdateDate
* calculatedPremium
* dateQuoteExpiry
* attribute2
* ipeCode
* coveredAmount
* ipfCode
* onFileYn
* leaseApplicationId
* attribute10
* kleId
* legalEntityId
* premium
* agentYn
* attribute15
* requestId
* creationDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* activationDate
* agencyNumber
* lessorInsuredYn
* programApplicationId
* salesRepId
* lessorPayeeYn
* attribute4
* agencySiteId
* adjustedById
* privateLabelYn
* dateFrom
* insuranceFactor
* paymentFrequency
* attribute7
* id
* attribute8
* attributeCategory
* attribute6
* cancellationDate
* attribute12
* attribute5
* attribute9
* dateProofProvided
* attribute13
* adjustment
* intId
* quoteYn
* attribute1
* ipyType
* attribute3
* khrId
* factorValue
* factorCode
* policyNumber#1
* lastUpdateLogin
* programId
* createdBy
* agentSiteId
* dateProofRequired
* attribute11
* territoryCode
* crxCode
* dateQuoted
* attribute14
* policyNumber
* issCode
* deductible


 * language
* createdBy
* lastUpdatedBy
* endorsement
* cancellationComment
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdateDate
* creationDate
* id
* sourceLang
* sfwtFlag
* description
* comments


 * language
* createdBy
* lastUpdatedBy
* endorsement
* cancellationComment
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdateDate
* creationDate
* id
* sourceLang
* sfwtFlag
* description
* comments


 * policySymbol
* factorMin
* attribute4
* factorCode
* iptType
* dateFrom
* ipdId
* attribute13
* objectVersionNumber
* attribute1
* attribute8
* coverageMin
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute10
* factorMax
* attribute9
* attribute2
* createdBy
* attribute12
* dateTo
* dealMonthsMin
* coverageMax
* attributeCategory
* attribute7
* attribute14
* attribute11
* id
* isuId
* dealMonthsMax
* attribute6
* creationDate
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* factorAmountYn
* attribute15
* attribute3
* attribute5


 * policySymbol
* factorMin
* attribute4
* factorCode
* iptType
* dateFrom
* ipdId
* attribute13
* objectVersionNumber
* attribute1
* attribute8
* coverageMin
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute10
* factorMax
* attribute9
* attribute2
* createdBy
* attribute12
* dateTo
* dealMonthsMin
* coverageMax
* attributeCategory
* attribute7
* attribute14
* attribute11
* id
* isuId
* dealMonthsMax
* attribute6
* creationDate
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* factorAmountYn
* attribute15
* attribute3
* attribute5


 * creationDate
* factorName
* lastUpdateLogin
* createdBy
* language
* lastUpdateDate
* sfwtFlag
* lastUpdatedBy
* name
* id
* sourceLang


 * creationDate
* factorName
* lastUpdateLogin
* createdBy
* language
* lastUpdateDate
* sfwtFlag
* lastUpdatedBy
* name
* id
* sourceLang


 * lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute9
* attribute11
* factorRangeStart
* objectVersionNumber
* dateFrom
* id
* attributeCategory
* insuredRate
* icId
* coverageMax
* iptId
* attribute14
* attribute6
* factorRangeEnd
* createdBy
* dateTo
* attribute10
* insurerRate
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute3
* attribute13
* attribute15
* attribute1
* iacCode
* attribute2
* attribute12
* creationDate
* attribute7
* attribute4
* deductible
* attribute5
* attribute8


 * lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute9
* attribute11
* factorRangeStart
* objectVersionNumber
* dateFrom
* id
* attributeCategory
* insuredRate
* icId
* coverageMax
* iptId
* attribute14
* attribute6
* factorRangeEnd
* createdBy
* dateTo
* attribute10
* insurerRate
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute3
* attribute13
* attribute15
* attribute1
* iacCode
* attribute2
* attribute12
* creationDate
* attribute7
* attribute4
* deductible
* attribute5
* attribute8


 * attribute4
* policyTerm
* attribute5
* attribute13
* attribute3
* id
* attribute14
* attributeCategory
* attribute1
* attribute2
* attribute9
* createdBy
* attribute7
* lastUpdatedBy
* objectVersionNumber
* attribute10
* lastUpdateLogin
* leaseQuoteId
* creationDate
* attribute11
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute15
* attribute6
* attribute12
* attribute8


 * attribute4
* policyTerm
* attribute5
* attribute13
* attribute3
* id
* attribute14
* attributeCategory
* attribute1
* attribute2
* attribute9
* createdBy
* attribute7
* lastUpdatedBy
* objectVersionNumber
* attribute10
* lastUpdateLogin
* leaseQuoteId
* creationDate
* attribute11
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute15
* attribute6
* attribute12
* attribute8


 * sfwtFlag
* creationDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* shortDescription
* createdBy
* id
* lastUpdateDate
* comments
* sourceLang
* description
* language


 * sfwtFlag
* creationDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* shortDescription
* createdBy
* id
* lastUpdateDate
* comments
* sourceLang
* description
* language


 * khrId
* source
* attribute6
* attribute9
* attribute10
* status
* attribute8
* attribute15
* attribute1
* attribute3
* objectVersionNumber
* event
* attribute13
* lastUpdateDate
* createdBy
* attribute4
* attribute11
* attributeCategory
* attribute2
* attribute5
* attribute12
* creationDate
* itemKey
* itemType
* transactionDate
* attribute7
* lastUpdateLogin
* id
* attribute14
* lastUpdatedBy


 * khrId
* source
* attribute6
* attribute9
* attribute10
* status
* attribute8
* attribute15
* attribute1
* attribute3
* objectVersionNumber
* event
* attribute13
* lastUpdateDate
* createdBy
* attribute4
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* attributeCategory
* attribute2
* attribute5
* attribute12
* creationDate
* itemKey
* itemType
* transactionDate
* attribute7
* lastUpdateLogin
* id
* attribute14
* lastUpdatedBy


 * attributeCategory
* attribute14
* attribute13
* attribute3
* attribute11
* attribute10
* lastUpdateLogin
* rankingSeq
* attribute9
* id
* lastUpdatedBy
* dateTo
* dateFrom
* createdBy
* attribute15
* attribute5
* attribute4
* attribute6
* attribute2
* creationDate
* attribute1
* attribute12
* lastUpdateDate
* icCode
* attribute8
* objectVersionNumber
* isuId
* attribute7


 * attributeCategory
* attribute14
* attribute13
* attribute3
* attribute11
* attribute10
* lastUpdateLogin
* rankingSeq
* attribute9
* id
* lastUpdatedBy
* dateTo
* dateFrom
* createdBy
* attribute15
* attribute5
* attribute4
* attribute6
* attribute2
* creationDate
* attribute1
* attribute12
* lastUpdateDate
* icCode
* attribute8
* objectVersionNumber
* isuId
* attribute7


 * attributeCategory
* attribute6
* attribute15
* lastUpdateLogin
* contractLevelYn
* endDate
* attribute1
* attribute5
* lastUpdatedBy
* startDate
* orgId
* id
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute8
* attribute14
* attribute10
* attribute2
* creationDate
* attribute7
* attribute13
* attribute3
* attribute11
* attribute4
* attribute12
* objectVersionNumber
* iltId
* createdBy
* attribute9


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* attribute6
* attribute15
* lastUpdateLogin
* contractLevelYn
* endDate
* attribute1
* attribute5
* lastUpdatedBy
* startDate
* orgId
* id
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute8
* attribute14
* attribute10
* attribute2
* creationDate
* attribute7
* attribute13
* attribute3
* attribute11
* attribute4
* attribute12
* objectVersionNumber
* iltId
* createdBy
* attribute9


 * attribute1
* attribute14
* attribute12
* attribute13
* cnrId
* attribute5
* attribute2
* attribute11
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute15
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute6
* attribute3
* attribute9
* attributeCategory
* attribute4
* createdBy
* creationDate
* attribute8
* imsId
* attribute7
* id
* attribute10
* lastUpdatedBy
* objectVersionNumber


 * attribute1
* attribute14
* attribute12
* attribute13
* cnrId
* attribute5
* attribute2
* attribute11
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute15
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute6
* attribute3
* attribute9
* attributeCategory
* attribute4
* createdBy
* creationDate
* attribute8
* imsId
* attribute7
* id
* attribute10
* lastUpdatedBy
* objectVersionNumber


 * creationDate
* attribute13
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute11
* attribute4
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute9
* objectVersionNumber
* attribute15
* attribute5
* attributeCategory
* attribute6
* attribute7
* styId
* attribute12
* iltId
* infId
* attribute1
* attribute10
* lastUpdateLogin
* createdBy
* attribute2
* attribute14
* attribute3
* attribute8
* id


 * creationDate
* attribute13
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute11
* attribute4
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute9
* objectVersionNumber
* attribute15
* attribute5
* attributeCategory
* attribute6
* attribute7
* styId
* attribute12
* iltId
* infId
* attribute1
* attribute10
* lastUpdateLogin
* createdBy
* attribute2
* attribute14
* attribute3
* attribute8
* id


 * attribute5
* attribute14
* attributeCategory
* attribute4
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute7
* sequenceNumber
* objectVersionNumber
* attribute9
* attribute8
* id
* attribute12
* attribute10
* attribute15
* lastUpdatedBy
* createdBy
* attribute6
* attribute3
* ityId
* attribute2
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute1
* attribute11
* creationDate
* attribute13


 * attribute5
* attribute14
* attributeCategory
* attribute4
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute7
* sequenceNumber
* objectVersionNumber
* attribute9
* attribute8
* id
* attribute12
* attribute10
* attribute15
* lastUpdatedBy
* createdBy
* attribute6
* attribute3
* ityId
* attribute2
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute1
* attribute11
* creationDate
* attribute13


 * creationDate
* description
* name
* language
* createdBy
* lastUpdateDate
* id
* lastUpdatedBy
* sfwtFlag
* sourceLang
* lastUpdateLogin


 * creationDate
* description
* name
* language
* createdBy
* lastUpdateDate
* id
* lastUpdatedBy
* sfwtFlag
* sourceLang
* lastUpdateLogin


 * objectVersionNumber
* sequenceNumber
* attribute14
* id
* procedureName
* attribute1
* attribute4
* attribute3
* attribute7
* lastUpdateLogin
* creationDate
* attribute9
* attribute12
* lastUpdatedBy
* attributeCategory
* attribute6
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute13
* attribute15
* createdBy
* attribute10
* attribute2
* attribute8
* packageName
* attribute11
* attribute5


 * objectVersionNumber
* sequenceNumber
* attribute14
* id
* procedureName
* attribute1
* attribute4
* attribute3
* attribute7
* lastUpdateLogin
* creationDate
* attribute9
* attribute12
* lastUpdatedBy
* attributeCategory
* attribute6
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute13
* attribute15
* createdBy
* attribute10
* attribute2
* attribute8
* packageName
* attribute11
* attribute5


 * sfwtFlag
* sourceLang
* name
* createdBy
* creationDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* language
* lastUpdateDate
* id
* lastUpdateLogin
* description


 * sfwtFlag
* sourceLang
* name
* createdBy
* creationDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* language
* lastUpdateDate
* id
* lastUpdateLogin
* description


 * attribute6
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute4
* attribute15
* id
* attribute1
* attribute7
* attribute5
* priority
* attribute3
* attribute8
* procName
* objectVersionNumber
* attribute10
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute9
* startDate
* attribute2
* orgId
* pkgName
* attribute13
* creationDate
* attributeCategory
* endDate
* attribute11
* attribute12
* attribute14
* createdBy


 * attribute6
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute4
* attribute15
* id
* attribute1
* attribute7
* attribute5
* priority
* attribute3
* attribute8
* procName
* objectVersionNumber
* attribute10
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute9
* startDate
* attribute2
* orgId
* pkgName
* attribute13
* creationDate
* attributeCategory
* endDate
* attribute11
* attribute12
* attribute14
* createdBy


 * sourceLang
* lastUpdatedBy
* language
* lastUpdateDate
* messageText
* name
* sfwtFlag
* creationDate
* description
* lastUpdateLogin
* id
* createdBy


 * sourceLang
* lastUpdatedBy
* language
* lastUpdateDate
* messageText
* name
* sfwtFlag
* creationDate
* description
* lastUpdateLogin
* id
* createdBy


 * attribute5
* createdBy
* creationDate
* attribute2
* attribute7
* attribute9
* id
* attribute8
* infId
* lastUpdateLogin
* groupAssetYn
* attribute10
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute6
* attribute15
* attribute11
* attribute12
* groupByContractYn
* attribute1
* attribute4
* objectVersionNumber
* attribute3
* attribute14
* attributeCategory
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute13


 * attribute5
* createdBy
* creationDate
* attribute2
* attribute7
* attribute9
* id
* attribute8
* infId
* lastUpdateLogin
* groupAssetYn
* attribute10
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute6
* attribute15
* attribute11
* attribute12
* groupByContractYn
* attribute1
* attribute4
* objectVersionNumber
* attribute3
* attribute14
* attributeCategory
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute13


 * language
* sourceLang
* lastUpdateLogin
* sfwtFlag
* name
* creationDate
* id
* description
* createdBy
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateDate


 * language
* sourceLang
* lastUpdateLogin
* sfwtFlag
* name
* creationDate
* id
* description
* createdBy
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateDate


 * lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* id
* catId2
* attribute13
* attribute15
* attribute9
* attribute4
* attribute10
* residualValuePercent
* termInMonths
* stsCode
* versionNumber
* attribute1
* attributeCategory
* catId1
* endDate
* attribute2
* startDate
* attribute8
* attribute11
* lastUpdateLogin
* creationDate
* attribute12
* objectVersionNumber
* attribute5
* attribute14
* createdBy
* attribute3
* itemResidualId
* attribute7
* attribute6


 * lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* id
* catId2
* attribute13
* attribute15
* attribute9
* attribute4
* attribute10
* residualValuePercent
* termInMonths
* stsCode
* versionNumber
* attribute1
* attributeCategory
* catId1
* endDate
* attribute2
* startDate
* attribute8
* attribute11
* lastUpdateLogin
* creationDate
* attribute12
* objectVersionNumber
* attribute5
* attribute14
* createdBy
* attribute3
* itemResidualId
* attribute7
* attribute6


 * attribute5
* investorAgreementId
* receivableApplicationId
* requestId
* attribute10
* createdBy
* attribute14
* attribute6
* attribute2
* lastUpdateLogin
* cashReceiptId
* investorLineId
* attribute8
* attributeCategory
* lsmId
* errorMessage
* attribute4
* objectVersionNumber
* attribute7
* attribute12
* attribute15
* apInvoiceNumber
* attribute9
* tldId
* programUpdateDate
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute3
* attribute1
* attribute11
* lastUpdatedBy
* status
* programId
* creationDate
* orgId
* programApplicationId
* attribute13
* id


 * attribute5
* investorAgreementId
* receivableApplicationId
* requestId
* attribute10
* createdBy
* attribute14
* attribute6
* attribute2
* lastUpdateLogin
* cashReceiptId
* investorLineId
* attribute8
* attributeCategory
* lsmId
* errorMessage
* attribute4
* objectVersionNumber
* attribute7
* attribute12
* attribute15
* apInvoiceNumber
* attribute9
* tldId
* programUpdateDate
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute3
* attribute1
* attribute11
* lastUpdatedBy
* status
* programId
* creationDate
* orgId
* programApplicationId
* attribute13
* id


 * creationDate
* earliestStrmBillDate
* requestId
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* khrId
* programUpdateDate
* createdBy
* programId
* lastUpdateDate


 * creationDate
* earliestStrmBillDate
* requestId
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* khrId
* programUpdateDate
* createdBy
* programId
* lastUpdateDate


 * dealType
* isgId
* attribute4
* implicitNonIdcInterestRate
* dateConversionEffective
* totClTransferAmt
* attributeCategory
* attribute11
* dateTradein
* attribute5
* attribute12
* attribute13
* dateLastInterimInterestCal
* totClFundingAmt
* dateFirstActivity
* attribute2
* generateAccrualYn
* subPreTaxYield
* dateFundingExpected
* templateTypeCode
* targetAfterTaxYield
* dateProposalAccepted
* generateAccrualOverrideYn
* securitizationType
* totClNetTransferAmt
* creditActYn
* subAfterTaxYield
* subAfterTaxIrr
* revolvingCreditYn
* tradeinDescription
* id
* securitizedCode
* expectedDeliveryDate
* pdtId
* afterTaxIrr
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdateDate
* khrId
* termDuration
* createdBy
* attribute7
* attribute14
* attribute3
* attribute9
* currencyConversionRate
* attribute1
* convertedAccountYn
* datetimeProposalEffective
* targetPreTaxYield
* objectVersionNumber
* targetImplicitNonidcIntrate
* preTaxYield
* multiGaapYn
* crsId
* currencyConversionType
* dateDealTransferred
* attribute10
* preTaxIrr
* subImplNonIdcIntRate
* datetimeProposalIneffective
* creationDate
* afterTaxYield
* legalEntityId
* prefundingEligibleYn
* attribute6
* targetImplicitInterestRate
* attribute15
* tradeinAmount
* implicitInterestRate
* lastUpdatedBy
* acceptedDate
* subPreTaxIrr
* syndicatableYn
* lessorServOrgCode
* recourseCode
* salestypeYn
* assignableYn
* dateRefinanced
* totClLimit
* subImplInterestRate
* amdCode
* attribute8
* currencyConversionDate


 * datetimeProposalEffective
* implicitNonIdcInterestRate
* afterTaxYield
* generateAccrualOverrideYn
* creditActYn
* attribute7
* pdtId
* lastUpdatedBy
* implicitInterestRate
* lastUpdateDate
* expectedDeliveryDate
* currencyConversionDate
* targetPreTaxYield
* subAfterTaxIrr
* totClFundingAmt
* majorVersion
* assignableYn
* amdCode
* preTaxYield
* dateLastInterimInterestCal
* convertedAccountYn
* dateTradein
* preTaxIrr
* dateFirstActivity
* attribute10
* totClTransferAmt
* tradeinAmount
* datetimeProposalIneffective
* attribute8
* templateTypeCode
* totClLimit
* targetImplicitInterestRate
* subImplInterestRate
* crsId
* subPreTaxIrr
* revolvingCreditYn
* legalEntityId
* attribute11
* targetAfterTaxYield
* khrId
* salestypeYn
* attribute2
* securitizationType
* multiGaapYn
* acceptedDate
* targetImplicitNonidcIntrate
* creationDate
* syndicatableYn
* currencyConversionType
* securitizedCode
* afterTaxIrr
* createdBy
* objectVersionNumber
* attribute13
* attribute15
* generateAccrualYn
* attribute14
* termDuration
* dateProposalAccepted
* dateRefinanced
* attribute5
* subAfterTaxYield
* totClNetTransferAmt
* subImplNonIdcIntRate
* id
* attribute1
* subPreTaxYield
* isgId
* attribute4
* lessorServOrgCode
* attribute9
* prefundingEligibleYn
* dateFundingExpected
* attributeCategory
* attribute6
* lastUpdateLogin
* dateDealTransferred
* dateConversionEffective
* currencyConversionRate
* tradeinDescription
* attribute3
* dealType
* attribute12
* recourseCode


 * datetimeProposalEffective
* implicitNonIdcInterestRate
* afterTaxYield
* generateAccrualOverrideYn
* creditActYn
* attribute7
* pdtId
* lastUpdatedBy
* implicitInterestRate
* lastUpdateDate
* expectedDeliveryDate
* currencyConversionDate
* targetPreTaxYield
* subAfterTaxIrr
* totClFundingAmt
* majorVersion
* assignableYn
* amdCode
* preTaxYield
* dateLastInterimInterestCal
* convertedAccountYn
* dateTradein
* preTaxIrr
* dateFirstActivity
* attribute10
* totClTransferAmt
* tradeinAmount
* datetimeProposalIneffective
* attribute8
* templateTypeCode
* totClLimit
* targetImplicitInterestRate
* subImplInterestRate
* crsId
* subPreTaxIrr
* revolvingCreditYn
* legalEntityId
* attribute11
* targetAfterTaxYield
* khrId
* salestypeYn
* attribute2
* securitizationType
* multiGaapYn
* acceptedDate
* targetImplicitNonidcIntrate
* creationDate
* syndicatableYn
* currencyConversionType
* securitizedCode
* afterTaxIrr
* createdBy
* objectVersionNumber
* attribute13
* attribute15
* generateAccrualYn
* attribute14
* termDuration
* dateProposalAccepted
* dateRefinanced
* attribute5
* subAfterTaxYield
* totClNetTransferAmt
* subImplNonIdcIntRate
* id
* attribute1
* subPreTaxYield
* isgId
* attribute4
* lessorServOrgCode
* attribute9
* prefundingEligibleYn
* dateFundingExpected
* attributeCategory
* attribute6
* lastUpdateLogin
* dateDealTransferred
* dateConversionEffective
* currencyConversionRate
* tradeinDescription
* attribute3
* dealType
* attribute12
* recourseCode


 * dealType
* isgId
* attribute4
* implicitNonIdcInterestRate
* dateConversionEffective
* totClTransferAmt
* attributeCategory
* attribute11
* dateTradein
* attribute5
* attribute12
* attribute13
* dateLastInterimInterestCal
* totClFundingAmt
* dateFirstActivity
* attribute2
* generateAccrualYn
* subPreTaxYield
* dateFundingExpected
* templateTypeCode
* targetAfterTaxYield
* dateProposalAccepted
* generateAccrualOverrideYn
* securitizationType
* totClNetTransferAmt
* creditActYn
* subAfterTaxYield
* subAfterTaxIrr
* revolvingCreditYn
* tradeinDescription
* id
* securitizedCode
* expectedDeliveryDate
* pdtId
* afterTaxIrr
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdateDate
* khrId
* termDuration
* createdBy
* attribute7
* attribute14
* attribute3
* attribute9
* currencyConversionRate
* attribute1
* convertedAccountYn
* datetimeProposalEffective
* targetPreTaxYield
* objectVersionNumber
* targetImplicitNonidcIntrate
* preTaxYield
* multiGaapYn
* crsId
* currencyConversionType
* dateDealTransferred
* attribute10
* preTaxIrr
* subImplNonIdcIntRate
* datetimeProposalIneffective
* creationDate
* afterTaxYield
* legalEntityId
* prefundingEligibleYn
* attribute6
* targetImplicitInterestRate
* attribute15
* tradeinAmount
* implicitInterestRate
* lastUpdatedBy
* acceptedDate
* subPreTaxIrr
* syndicatableYn
* lessorServOrgCode
* recourseCode
* salestypeYn
* assignableYn
* dateRefinanced
* totClLimit
* subImplInterestRate
* amdCode
* attribute8
* currencyConversionDate


 * amountStake
* lrvAmount#1
* reLeaseYn
* amountBalanceLegacy
* weightedAverageLife
* estimatedOec#1
* dateFundingRequired
* appraisalValue#1
* interimPaymentAmount
* occupancy
* dateSold
* vendorAdvancePaid
* attribute8
* expectedAssetCost
* terminationPurchaseAmount
* attributeCategory
* amount
* attribute1
* residualValue#1
* payInvestorEvent
* implicitInterestRate
* payInvestorFrequency
* amountStake#1
* dateDeliveryExpected
* bondEquivalentYield
* grossSquareFootage
* implicitNonIdcInterestRate
* qteId
* originationIncome
* coverageRatio#1
* createdBy
* dateFundingExpected
* laoAmount#1
* prcCode
* repurchasedAmount#1
* preTaxYield
* prescribedAssetYn
* repurchasedAmount
* evergreenPercent
* residualGrntyAmount
* feeType
* preTaxIrr
* id
* dateRepurchased
* appraisalValue
* capitalizedInterest#1
* modelNumber
* dateRemarketed
* laoAmount
* dateResidualLastReview
* attribute15
* subsidyId
* afterTaxYield
* percentStake#1
* remarketMargin
* yearBuilt
* lrsPercent
* dateLastReamortisation
* styIdFor
* refinanceAmount
* dateLastCleanup
* attribute3
* objectVersionNumber
* trackedResidual
* tradeinAmount
* creditNature
* feePurposeCode
* lastUpdateDate
* residualCode
* coverageRatio
* subAfterTaxIrr
* itemInsuranceCategory
* capitalReduction
* dateAccepted
* attribute11
* evergreenPercent#1
* capitalAmount
* titleDate
* remarketedAmount
* residualValue
* lastUpdatedBy
* percent
* subImplInterestRate
* rviPremium#1
* origContractLineId
* clgId
* lrsPercent#1
* estimatedOec
* remarketedAmount#1
* datePayInvestorStart
* dateTitleReceived
* previousContract
* interimStartDate
* initialDirectCost
* creditTenantYn
* securedDealYn
* subsidyOverrideAmount
* attribute2
* attribute5
* payInvestorRemittanceDays
* attribute10
* dateFunding
* dtEffectiveBalanceLegacy
* residualGrntyAmount#1
* capitalReductionPercent#1
* gainLoss
* ntyCode
* subImplNonIdcIntRate
* attribute7
* dateAppraisal
* fundingDate
* feeCharge#1
* attribute6
* attribute9
* capitalReductionPercent
* netRentable
* lastUpdateLogin
* coverage
* afterTaxIrr
* attribute12
* capitalizeDownPaymentYn
* floorAmount
* subPreTaxIrr
* trackedResidual#1
* residualPercentage#1
* deferredBillingDays
* deliveredDate
* dateLetterAcceptance
* kleId
* residualPercentage
* yearOfManufacture
* streamTypeSubclass
* creationDate
* fcgCode
* initialDirectCost#1
* percentStake
* capitalizedInterest
* bondEquivalentYield#1
* interimPaymentStrmTypId
* rviPremium
* subAfterTaxYield
* downPaymentReceiverCode
* attribute13
* attribute14
* manufacturerName
* styId
* feeCharge
* oec
* coverage#1
* subPreTaxYield
* lrvAmount
* netRentable#1
* terminationValue
* attribute4
* floorAmount#1
* dateCommitmentExpiration
* percent#1
* dateLastInspection
* refinanceAmount#1
* vendorAdvancePaid#1
* dateNextInspectionDue
* terminationPurchaseAmount#1


 * preTaxYield
* interimStartDate
* lastUpdateDate
* dateRemarketed
* vendorAdvancePaid
* subPreTaxYield
* attribute4
* titleDate
* amountBalanceLegacy
* fcgCode
* dtEffectiveBalanceLegacy
* downPaymentReceiverCode
* qteId
* securedDealYn
* percent
* subPreTaxIrr
* floorAmount
* attribute8
* originationIncome
* creationDate
* prescribedAssetYn
* modelNumber
* attribute9
* dateAccepted
* netRentable
* objectVersionNumber
* attribute2
* expectedAssetCost
* remarketMargin
* lastUpdatedBy
* creditTenantYn
* evergreenPercent
* prcCode
* capitalizeDownPaymentYn
* repurchasedAmount
* feePurposeCode
* amount
* lrvAmount
* residualCode
* payInvestorFrequency
* clgId
* manufacturerName
* attribute3
* terminationPurchaseAmount
* oec
* capitalAmount
* kleId
* dateResidualLastReview
* subsidyOverrideAmount
* tradeinAmount
* reLeaseYn
* refinanceAmount
* styIdFor
* preTaxIrr
* capitalReductionPercent
* interimPaymentStrmTypId
* dateLastReamortisation
* residualPercentage
* coverageRatio
* attribute10
* dateFunding
* terminationValue
* yearOfManufacture
* attribute15
* coverage
* amountStake
* lrsPercent
* dateSold
* subImplNonIdcIntRate
* deliveredDate
* creditNature
* appraisalValue
* implicitNonIdcInterestRate
* createdBy
* dateFundingExpected
* dateDeliveryExpected
* fundingDate
* capitalReduction
* payInvestorEvent
* remarketedAmount
* attribute5
* deferredBillingDays
* feeType
* dateRepurchased
* dateCommitmentExpiration
* lastUpdateLogin
* occupancy
* dateTitleReceived
* estimatedOec
* payInvestorRemittanceDays
* subAfterTaxIrr
* dateAppraisal
* laoAmount
* subAfterTaxYield
* majorVersion
* attribute6
* initialDirectCost
* attribute11
* dateLastCleanup
* ntyCode
* subsidyId
* subImplInterestRate
* attribute1
* attribute12
* attribute13
* yearBuilt
* dateLastInspection
* trackedResidual
* percentStake
* origContractLineId
* afterTaxYield
* grossSquareFootage
* implicitInterestRate
* id
* residualValue
* itemInsuranceCategory
* weightedAverageLife
* dateLetterAcceptance
* attributeCategory
* attribute14
* previousContract
* attribute7
* rviPremium
* interimPaymentAmount
* dateNextInspectionDue
* dateFundingRequired
* streamTypeSubclass
* datePayInvestorStart
* bondEquivalentYield
* capitalizedInterest
* styId
* feeCharge
* residualGrntyAmount
* gainLoss
* afterTaxIrr


 * preTaxYield
* interimStartDate
* lastUpdateDate
* dateRemarketed
* vendorAdvancePaid
* subPreTaxYield
* attribute4
* titleDate
* amountBalanceLegacy
* fcgCode
* dtEffectiveBalanceLegacy
* downPaymentReceiverCode
* qteId
* securedDealYn
* percent
* subPreTaxIrr
* floorAmount
* attribute8
* originationIncome
* creationDate
* prescribedAssetYn
* modelNumber
* attribute9
* dateAccepted
* netRentable
* objectVersionNumber
* attribute2
* expectedAssetCost
* remarketMargin
* lastUpdatedBy
* creditTenantYn
* evergreenPercent
* prcCode
* capitalizeDownPaymentYn
* repurchasedAmount
* feePurposeCode
* amount
* lrvAmount
* residualCode
* payInvestorFrequency
* clgId
* manufacturerName
* attribute3
* terminationPurchaseAmount
* oec
* capitalAmount
* kleId
* dateResidualLastReview
* subsidyOverrideAmount
* tradeinAmount
* reLeaseYn
* refinanceAmount
* styIdFor
* preTaxIrr
* capitalReductionPercent
* interimPaymentStrmTypId
* dateLastReamortisation
* residualPercentage
* coverageRatio
* attribute10
* dateFunding
* terminationValue
* yearOfManufacture
* attribute15
* coverage
* amountStake
* lrsPercent
* dateSold
* subImplNonIdcIntRate
* deliveredDate
* creditNature
* appraisalValue
* implicitNonIdcInterestRate
* createdBy
* dateFundingExpected
* dateDeliveryExpected
* fundingDate
* capitalReduction
* payInvestorEvent
* remarketedAmount
* attribute5
* deferredBillingDays
* feeType
* dateRepurchased
* dateCommitmentExpiration
* lastUpdateLogin
* occupancy
* dateTitleReceived
* estimatedOec
* payInvestorRemittanceDays
* subAfterTaxIrr
* dateAppraisal
* laoAmount
* subAfterTaxYield
* majorVersion
* attribute6
* initialDirectCost
* attribute11
* dateLastCleanup
* ntyCode
* subsidyId
* subImplInterestRate
* attribute1
* attribute12
* attribute13
* yearBuilt
* dateLastInspection
* trackedResidual
* percentStake
* origContractLineId
* afterTaxYield
* grossSquareFootage
* implicitInterestRate
* id
* residualValue
* itemInsuranceCategory
* weightedAverageLife
* dateLetterAcceptance
* attributeCategory
* attribute14
* previousContract
* attribute7
* rviPremium
* interimPaymentAmount
* dateNextInspectionDue
* dateFundingRequired
* streamTypeSubclass
* datePayInvestorStart
* bondEquivalentYield
* capitalizedInterest
* styId
* feeCharge
* residualGrntyAmount
* gainLoss
* afterTaxIrr


 * amountStake
* lrvAmount#1
* reLeaseYn
* amountBalanceLegacy
* weightedAverageLife
* estimatedOec#1
* dateFundingRequired
* appraisalValue#1
* interimPaymentAmount
* occupancy
* dateSold
* vendorAdvancePaid
* attribute8
* expectedAssetCost
* terminationPurchaseAmount
* attributeCategory
* amount
* attribute1
* residualValue#1
* payInvestorEvent
* implicitInterestRate
* payInvestorFrequency
* amountStake#1
* dateDeliveryExpected
* bondEquivalentYield
* grossSquareFootage
* implicitNonIdcInterestRate
* qteId
* originationIncome
* coverageRatio#1
* createdBy
* dateFundingExpected
* laoAmount#1
* prcCode
* repurchasedAmount#1
* preTaxYield
* prescribedAssetYn
* repurchasedAmount
* evergreenPercent
* residualGrntyAmount
* feeType
* preTaxIrr
* id
* dateRepurchased
* appraisalValue
* capitalizedInterest#1
* modelNumber
* dateRemarketed
* laoAmount
* dateResidualLastReview
* attribute15
* subsidyId
* afterTaxYield
* percentStake#1
* remarketMargin
* yearBuilt
* lrsPercent
* dateLastReamortisation
* styIdFor
* refinanceAmount
* dateLastCleanup
* attribute3
* objectVersionNumber
* trackedResidual
* tradeinAmount
* creditNature
* feePurposeCode
* lastUpdateDate
* residualCode
* coverageRatio
* subAfterTaxIrr
* itemInsuranceCategory
* capitalReduction
* dateAccepted
* attribute11
* evergreenPercent#1
* capitalAmount
* titleDate
* remarketedAmount
* residualValue
* lastUpdatedBy
* percent
* subImplInterestRate
* rviPremium#1
* origContractLineId
* clgId
* lrsPercent#1
* estimatedOec
* remarketedAmount#1
* datePayInvestorStart
* dateTitleReceived
* previousContract
* interimStartDate
* initialDirectCost
* creditTenantYn
* securedDealYn
* subsidyOverrideAmount
* attribute2
* attribute5
* payInvestorRemittanceDays
* attribute10
* dateFunding
* dtEffectiveBalanceLegacy
* residualGrntyAmount#1
* capitalReductionPercent#1
* gainLoss
* ntyCode
* subImplNonIdcIntRate
* attribute7
* dateAppraisal
* fundingDate
* feeCharge#1
* attribute6
* attribute9
* capitalReductionPercent
* netRentable
* lastUpdateLogin
* coverage
* afterTaxIrr
* attribute12
* capitalizeDownPaymentYn
* floorAmount
* subPreTaxIrr
* trackedResidual#1
* residualPercentage#1
* deferredBillingDays
* deliveredDate
* dateLetterAcceptance
* kleId
* residualPercentage
* yearOfManufacture
* streamTypeSubclass
* creationDate
* fcgCode
* initialDirectCost#1
* percentStake
* capitalizedInterest
* bondEquivalentYield#1
* interimPaymentStrmTypId
* rviPremium
* subAfterTaxYield
* downPaymentReceiverCode
* attribute13
* attribute14
* manufacturerName
* styId
* feeCharge
* oec
* coverage#1
* subPreTaxYield
* lrvAmount
* netRentable#1
* terminationValue
* attribute4
* floorAmount#1
* dateCommitmentExpiration
* percent#1
* dateLastInspection
* refinanceAmount#1
* vendorAdvancePaid#1
* dateNextInspectionDue
* terminationPurchaseAmount#1


 * attribute10
* attribute13
* lastUpdateLogin
* id
* attribute14
* createdBy
* attribute1
* attribute3
* attribute4
* attribute6
* creationDate
* attribute11
* lastUpdateDate
* attributeCategory
* attribute12
* attribute5
* attribute7
* objectVersionNumber
* attribute9
* attribute15
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute2
* attribute8


 * attribute10
* attribute11
* attribute13
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute2
* attribute4
* attribute7
* attribute8
* attribute3
* attribute1
* attribute12
* attributeCategory
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute9
* attribute15
* createdBy
* id
* attribute6
* creationDate
* objectVersionNumber
* attribute14
* majorVersion
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute5


 * attribute10
* attribute11
* attribute13
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute2
* attribute4
* attribute7
* attribute8
* attribute3
* attribute1
* attribute12
* attributeCategory
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute9
* attribute15
* createdBy
* id
* attribute6
* creationDate
* objectVersionNumber
* attribute14
* majorVersion
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute5


 * attribute10
* attribute13
* lastUpdateLogin
* id
* attribute14
* createdBy
* attribute1
* attribute3
* attribute4
* attribute6
* creationDate
* attribute11
* lastUpdateDate
* attributeCategory
* attribute12
* attribute5
* attribute7
* objectVersionNumber
* attribute9
* attribute15
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute2
* attribute8


 * catchupFrequencyCode
* parameterTypeCode
* lastUpdateLogin
* conversionTypeCode
* attribute14
* lastUpdatedBy
* catchupBasisCode
* rateChangeValue
* khrId
* attribute3
* minimumRate
* rateDelayFrequency
* attribute10
* attributeCategory
* calculationFormulaId
* createdBy
* adderRate
* attribute9
* compoundingFrequencyCode
* daysInAYearCode
* creationDate
* attribute11
* effectiveToDate
* interestStartDate
* attribute7
* attribute6
* attribute5
* rateChangeStartDate
* daysInAMonthCode
* catchupStartDate
* rateChangeFrequencyCode
* attribute15
* nextConversionDate
* attribute1
* attribute13
* maximumRate
* principalBasisCode
* effectiveFromDate
* attribute8
* conversionOptionCode
* rateDelayCode
* baseRate
* catchupSettlementCode
* interestBasisCode
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute12
* interestIndexId
* attribute2
* attribute4


 * catchupFrequencyCode
* parameterTypeCode
* lastUpdateLogin
* conversionTypeCode
* attribute14
* lastUpdatedBy
* catchupBasisCode
* rateChangeValue
* khrId
* attribute3
* minimumRate
* rateDelayFrequency
* attribute10
* attributeCategory
* calculationFormulaId
* createdBy
* adderRate
* attribute9
* compoundingFrequencyCode
* daysInAYearCode
* creationDate
* attribute11
* effectiveToDate
* interestStartDate
* attribute7
* attribute6
* attribute5
* rateChangeStartDate
* daysInAMonthCode
* catchupStartDate
* rateChangeFrequencyCode
* attribute15
* nextConversionDate
* attribute1
* attribute13
* maximumRate
* principalBasisCode
* effectiveFromDate
* attribute8
* conversionOptionCode
* rateDelayCode
* baseRate
* catchupSettlementCode
* interestBasisCode
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute12
* interestIndexId
* attribute2
* attribute4


 * attribute6
* attribute14
* attribute11
* lateIntAllowedYn
* tdfId
* lateChrgMinimumBalance
* attribute12
* lateChrgAmount
* daysInYear
* iseId
* lateChrgAllowedYn
* id
* objectVersionNumber
* lastUpdateDate
* attributeCategory
* lateIntMinimumBalance
* lateIntRate
* idxId
* attribute10
* creationDate
* orgId
* billMinInterestYn
* attribute4
* attribute8
* effectiveDateFrom
* lastUpdatedBy
* assetLevelLteChrgYn
* adderRate
* maximumLateInterest
* lateChrgGracePeriod
* attribute7
* attribute15
* maximumLateCharge
* attribute5
* latePolicyTypeCode
* lateIntGracePeriod
* attribute1
* effectiveDateTo
* lateChrgRate
* minimumLateInterest
* attribute13
* assetLevelLteIntYn
* lateChrgFixedYn
* minimumLateCharge
* attribute2
* attribute3
* createdBy
* lateIntFixedYn
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute9


 * attribute6
* attribute14
* attribute11
* lateIntAllowedYn
* tdfId
* lateChrgMinimumBalance
* attribute12
* lateChrgAmount
* daysInYear
* iseId
* lateChrgAllowedYn
* id
* objectVersionNumber
* lastUpdateDate
* attributeCategory
* lateIntMinimumBalance
* lateIntRate
* idxId
* attribute10
* creationDate
* orgId
* billMinInterestYn
* attribute4
* attribute8
* effectiveDateFrom
* lastUpdatedBy
* assetLevelLteChrgYn
* adderRate
* maximumLateInterest
* lateChrgGracePeriod
* attribute7
* attribute15
* maximumLateCharge
* attribute5
* latePolicyTypeCode
* lateIntGracePeriod
* attribute1
* effectiveDateTo
* lateChrgRate
* minimumLateInterest
* attribute13
* assetLevelLteIntYn
* lateChrgFixedYn
* minimumLateCharge
* attribute2
* attribute3
* createdBy
* lateIntFixedYn
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute9


 * lastUpdateLogin
* createdBy
* id
* creationDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* language
* sourceLang
* lastUpdateDate
* description
* name


 * lastUpdateLogin
* createdBy
* id
* creationDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* language
* sourceLang
* lastUpdateDate
* description
* name


 * sourceLang
* lastUpdatedBy
* language
* sfwtFlag
* createdBy
* comments
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* shortDescription
* id
* creationDate


 * sourceLang
* lastUpdatedBy
* language
* sfwtFlag
* createdBy
* comments
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* shortDescription
* id
* creationDate


 * objectVersionNumber
* industryCode
* orgId
* origStatus
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute11
* currencyConversionDate
* validFrom
* attribute6
* attribute8
* leaseappTemplateId
* attribute2
* lastUpdateDate
* currencyConversionRate
* attribute1
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* parentLeaseappId
* attribute4
* originatingVendorId
* programAgreementId
* attribute10
* attribute7
* currencyConversionType
* action
* creditLineId
* attribute5
* applicationStatus
* custAcctId
* currencyCode
* validTo
* salesTerritoryId
* attribute3
* prospectAddressId
* crExpDays
* referenceNumber
* id
* createdBy
* leaseOpportunityId
* invOrgId
* prospectId
* masterLeaseId
* attribute15
* salesRepId
* attribute13
* attribute14
* attributeCategory
* attribute12
* industryClass
* attribute9


 * objectVersionNumber
* industryCode
* orgId
* origStatus
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute11
* currencyConversionDate
* validFrom
* attribute6
* attribute8
* leaseappTemplateId
* attribute2
* lastUpdateDate
* currencyConversionRate
* attribute1
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* parentLeaseappId
* attribute4
* originatingVendorId
* programAgreementId
* attribute10
* attribute7
* currencyConversionType
* action
* creditLineId
* attribute5
* applicationStatus
* custAcctId
* currencyCode
* validTo
* salesTerritoryId
* attribute3
* prospectAddressId
* crExpDays
* referenceNumber
* id
* createdBy
* leaseOpportunityId
* invOrgId
* prospectId
* masterLeaseId
* attribute15
* salesRepId
* attribute13
* attribute14
* attributeCategory
* attribute12
* industryClass
* attribute9


 * lastUpdatedBy
* language
* sfwtFlag
* description
* createdBy
* lastUpdateDate
* comments
* lastUpdateLogin
* creationDate
* shortDescription
* id
* sourceLang


 * lastUpdatedBy
* language
* sfwtFlag
* description
* createdBy
* lastUpdateDate
* comments
* lastUpdateLogin
* creationDate
* shortDescription
* id
* sourceLang


 * attribute4
* installSiteId
* status
* objectVersionNumber
* attribute11
* attribute2
* attribute5
* invOrgId
* usageLocationId
* attribute12
* lineIntendedUse
* legalEntityId
* validFrom
* attribute14
* usageCategory
* attribute8
* fundingDate
* orgId
* masterLeaseId
* currencyConversionDate
* originatingVendorId
* expectedStartDate
* attribute7
* attribute15
* attributeCategory
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute3
* prospectAddressId
* attribute9
* creationDate
* programAgreementId
* propertyTaxBillingType
* custAcctId
* upfrontTaxTreatment
* propertyTaxApplicable
* salesRepId
* currencyCode
* usageIndustryCode
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute10
* supplierId
* currencyConversionType
* attribute6
* usageAmount
* attribute1
* lastUpdateDate
* referenceNumber
* id
* attribute13
* prospectId
* salesTerritoryId
* deliveryDate
* createdBy
* usageIndustryClass
* currencyConversionRate


 * attribute4
* installSiteId
* status
* objectVersionNumber
* attribute11
* attribute2
* attribute5
* invOrgId
* usageLocationId
* attribute12
* lineIntendedUse
* legalEntityId
* validFrom
* attribute14
* usageCategory
* attribute8
* fundingDate
* orgId
* masterLeaseId
* currencyConversionDate
* originatingVendorId
* expectedStartDate
* attribute7
* attribute15
* attributeCategory
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute3
* prospectAddressId
* attribute9
* creationDate
* programAgreementId
* propertyTaxBillingType
* custAcctId
* upfrontTaxTreatment
* propertyTaxApplicable
* salesRepId
* currencyCode
* usageIndustryCode
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute10
* supplierId
* currencyConversionType
* attribute6
* usageAmount
* attribute1
* lastUpdateDate
* referenceNumber
* id
* attribute13
* prospectId
* salesTerritoryId
* deliveryDate
* createdBy
* usageIndustryClass
* currencyConversionRate


 * attribute9
* quoteType
* attribute1
* subBookingYield
* propertyTaxBillingType
* pricingMethod
* productId
* interestDisclosed
* parentObjectCode
* structuredPricing
* targetRate
* referenceNumber
* upfrontTaxTreatment
* subIir
* usageIndustryCode
* attribute4
* attributeCategory
* targetRateType
* consolidatedQteId
* lastUpdateDate
* purchaseOfLease
* legalEntityId
* attribute5
* pirr
* subAirr
* validTo
* id
* targetArrearsYn
* validFrom
* lineIntendedUse
* expectedFundingDate
* objectVersionNumber
* targetAmount
* attribute3
* attribute11
* attribute13
* iir
* expectedStartDate
* ageOfEquipment
* createdBy
* status
* rateCardId
* airr
* usageLocationId
* transferOfTitle
* endOfTermOptionId
* usageIndustryClass
* lastUpdateLogin
* saleAndLeaseBack
* attribute6
* attribute12
* attribute14
* customerTaxowner
* usageCategory
* lastUpdatedBy
* targetFrequency
* attribute7
* quoteReason
* customerBookclass
* subPirr
* targetPeriods
* term
* attribute15
* expectedDeliveryDate
* upfrontTaxStreamType
* targetKhrId
* attribute8
* propertyTaxApplicable
* creationDate
* attribute10
* parentObjectId
* rateTemplateId
* lineLevelPricing
* usageAmount
* sourceKhrId
* bookingYield
* residualCost
* leaseRateFactor
* primaryQuote
* attribute2


 * attribute9
* quoteType
* attribute1
* subBookingYield
* propertyTaxBillingType
* pricingMethod
* productId
* interestDisclosed
* parentObjectCode
* structuredPricing
* targetRate
* referenceNumber
* upfrontTaxTreatment
* subIir
* usageIndustryCode
* attribute4
* attributeCategory
* targetRateType
* consolidatedQteId
* lastUpdateDate
* purchaseOfLease
* legalEntityId
* attribute5
* pirr
* subAirr
* validTo
* id
* targetArrearsYn
* validFrom
* lineIntendedUse
* expectedFundingDate
* objectVersionNumber
* targetAmount
* attribute3
* attribute11
* attribute13
* iir
* expectedStartDate
* ageOfEquipment
* createdBy
* status
* rateCardId
* airr
* usageLocationId
* transferOfTitle
* endOfTermOptionId
* usageIndustryClass
* lastUpdateLogin
* saleAndLeaseBack
* attribute6
* attribute12
* attribute14
* customerTaxowner
* usageCategory
* lastUpdatedBy
* targetFrequency
* attribute7
* quoteReason
* customerBookclass
* subPirr
* targetPeriods
* term
* attribute15
* expectedDeliveryDate
* upfrontTaxStreamType
* targetKhrId
* attribute8
* propertyTaxApplicable
* creationDate
* attribute10
* parentObjectId
* rateTemplateId
* lineLevelPricing
* usageAmount
* sourceKhrId
* bookingYield
* residualCost
* leaseRateFactor
* primaryQuote
* attribute2


 * createdBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdatedBy
* comments
* creationDate
* lastUpdateDate
* shortDescription
* sourceLang
* id
* language
* description
* sfwtFlag


 * createdBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdatedBy
* comments
* creationDate
* lastUpdateDate
* shortDescription
* sourceLang
* id
* language
* description
* sfwtFlag


 * id
* dataPointCategory
* objectVersionNumber
* creationDate
* leaseappId
* lastUpdateLogin
* createdBy
* lastUpdatedBy
* dataPointId
* lastUpdateDate
* dataPointValue


 * id
* dataPointCategory
* objectVersionNumber
* creationDate
* leaseappId
* lastUpdateLogin
* createdBy
* lastUpdatedBy
* dataPointId
* lastUpdateDate
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 * attribute9
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* attribute4
* attribute2
* versionNumber
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* attribute11
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* checklistId
* validFrom
* attribute1
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* attribute5
* attribute14
* attribute8
* attribute13
* lastUpdateDate
* leaseappTemplateId
* objectVersionNumber
* attributeCategory
* attribute15
* attribute3
* attribute12


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* createdBy
* versionStatus
* attribute4
* attribute2
* versionNumber
* validTo
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* attribute11
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* attribute7
* attribute6
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* checklistId
* validFrom
* attribute1
* attribute10
* lastUpdateLogin
* contractTemplateId
* attribute5
* attribute14
* attribute8
* attribute13
* lastUpdateDate
* leaseappTemplateId
* objectVersionNumber
* attributeCategory
* attribute15
* attribute3
* attribute12


 * shortDescription
* sfwtFlag
* creationDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateDate
* language
* lastUpdateLogin
* id
* sourceLang
* createdBy


 * shortDescription
* sfwtFlag
* creationDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateDate
* language
* lastUpdateLogin
* id
* sourceLang
* createdBy


 * attribute11
* industryClass
* attribute10
* custCreditClassification
* objectVersionNumber
* name
* attribute14
* attribute8
* id
* creditReviewPurpose
* orgId
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateDate
* validFrom
* attributeCategory
* attribute3
* attribute5
* attribute13
* templateStatus
* attribute6
* attribute12
* creationDate
* attribute1
* attribute2
* attribute9
* validTo
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute4
* attribute7
* createdBy
* attribute15
* industryCode


 * attribute11
* industryClass
* attribute10
* custCreditClassification
* objectVersionNumber
* name
* attribute14
* attribute8
* id
* creditReviewPurpose
* orgId
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateDate
* validFrom
* attributeCategory
* attribute3
* attribute5
* attribute13
* templateStatus
* attribute6
* attribute12
* creationDate
* attribute1
* attribute2
* attribute9
* validTo
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute4
* attribute7
* createdBy
* attribute15
* industryCode


 * attribute9
* lastUpdateDate
* originationIncome
* attribute11
* sourceLineId
* attribute5
* amount
* sourceLineType
* attribute1
* attribute6
* attribute12
* attribute8
* attribute15
* attribute3
* lastUpdateLogin
* creationDate
* attribute2
* id
* lastUpdatedBy
* relatedLineType
* attribute13
* attribute7
* createdBy
* relatedLineId
* attribute4
* attributeCategory
* objectVersionNumber
* attribute10
* attribute14


 * attribute9
* lastUpdateDate
* originationIncome
* attribute11
* sourceLineId
* attribute5
* amount
* sourceLineType
* attribute1
* attribute6
* attribute12
* attribute8
* attribute15
* attribute3
* lastUpdateLogin
* creationDate
* attribute2
* id
* lastUpdatedBy
* relatedLineType
* attribute13
* attribute7
* createdBy
* relatedLineId
* attribute4
* attributeCategory
* objectVersionNumber
* attribute10
* attribute14


 * lastUpdateLogin
* id
* sfwtFlag
* creationDate
* lastUpdateDate
* description
* sourceLang
* createdBy
* shortDescription
* comments
* language
* lastUpdatedBy


 * lastUpdateLogin
* id
* sfwtFlag
* creationDate
* lastUpdateDate
* description
* sourceLang
* createdBy
* shortDescription
* comments
* language
* lastUpdatedBy


 * propTaxAsContractYn
* depreciationMethodCode
* assetKeySegment7
* inventoryOrganizationName
* depreciationRate
* passthroughPercent
* stTransferOfTitle
* make
* attribute10
* attributeCategory
* usageBillFrequencyCode
* feeExpFrequency
* terminationQuoteId
* stEquipmentUsage
* description
* stSaleAndLeaseBack
* startDate
* vatTaxOverrideFlag
* attribute3
* realEstDateNextInsp
* taxBook
* depreciationCost
* lifeInMonthsTax
* assetKeySegment1
* attribute7
* lienFilingDate
* feeCode
* counterGroupName
* baseReadingUomCode
* subsidyRefndPaymethodCode
* assetLocationSegment1
* lienholderNumber
* frenchTaxName
* usageNoOfPeriod
* realEstAppraisalValue
* streamPurposeCode
* assetKeySegment6
* realEstAppraisalFlag
* pthEvgPayoutBasis
* shipToSiteNumber
* totalUnits
* residualAmountGuarantee
* priceListId
* realEstRefinanceAmt
* attribute1
* linkAssetAmount
* lienExpirationDate
* realEstPropertyClassCode
* pthPayoutBasisFormula
* installCustAcctId
* assetLocationSegment2
* assetLocationSegment5
* assetNumber
* vatTaxExempt
* deprnRateTax
* salesTaxOverrideFlag
* currencyCode
* titleDate
* installCustAcctNum
* subsidyPartyId
* assetKeySegment2
* capitalReductionAmount
* assetKeySegment3
* status
* capitalReductionPercent
* assetCategorySegment6
* amountBalanceLegacy
* subsidyRefndPaygroupCode
* attribute8
* serialNumber
* assetCategorySegment1
* counterGroupId
* attribute9
* titleIssuerId
* interimPaymentStrmTypId
* assetKeySegment8
* interimIntCapitalizedAmt
* initialDirectCost
* yearOfManufacture
* defaultQtyUsage
* assetLocationSegment6
* usageItemId
* assetLocationSegment7
* assetRegistrationLocName
* capitalizedInterest
* propTaxApplicable
* realEstConceptTypeCode
* realEstAppraisalDate
* explicitNewLineFlag
* assetCategorySegment5
* filingJurisdiction
* vendorPaysiteName
* usageTypeCode
* originalCost
* attribute2
* salesTaxExemptFlag
* subsidyOverrideAmount
* lienType
* downPaymentReceiverCode
* model
* assetCategorySegment3
* vendorPaysiteId
* assetCategorySegment2
* salvageValue
* realEstCoverageRatio
* usagePeriod
* titleCustodianName
* dateSigned
* realEstInitDirectCost
* attribute5
* contractNumberOld
* realEstFundingCatgCode
* vatTaxExemptCertNumber
* realEstGrossFootage
* assetKeySegment9
* inventoryItemName
* propTaxBillMethod
* endDate
* realEstCreditTenantFlag
* salvageValueTax
* shipToSiteId
* interimPaymentAmount
* salesTaxExemptCertNumber
* attribute6
* payeeSiteName
* paymentTermId
* realEstAcceptExpireDate
* stUpdateLinesFromContract
* pthBaseStreamCode
* filingSubJurisdiction
* pthEvgStreamCode
* realEstWtdAvgLife
* taxCost
* paymentTerm
* lienFilingNumber
* lineType
* subsidyRefndPaysiteCode
* salvageValuePercentTax
* priceListName
* levelFlag
* lifeInMonths
* fixedUsageQuantity
* assetKeySegment5
* amcvFlag
* stAssetUpfrontTax
* inServiceDate
* stPurchaseOfLease
* amount
* inventoryOrganizationId
* interimStartDate
* vendorInvoiceDate
* feePurposeCode
* minimumQtyUsage
* subsidyRefndPaytermName
* titleType
* realEstNetFootageRentable
* depreciationMethodId
* assetKeySegment4
* salvageValuePercent
* realEstBondEqYield
* subsidyRefndPaytermId
* lineNumber
* lienholderId
* passthroughBasisCode
* installSiteId
* lienContinuationNumber
* assetLocationSegment3
* terminationQuoteNumber
* realEstOccupancy
* attribute4
* titleNumber
* subsidyName
* residualPercent
* residualAmount
* deprnMethodTax
* usageItemName
* vendorInvoiceNumber
* vatTaxOverrideRate
* feeType
* stEquipmentAge
* realEstDealTypeCode
* inventoryItemId
* pthBasePayoutBasis
* pthBaseStreamPurposeCode
* attribute14
* dateFundingExpected
* lienFilingStatus
* assetKeyId
* assetCategorySegment4
* realEstLetterAcceptDate
* titleIssuerNumber
* subsidyPartyName
* tradeInAmount
* assetCategorySegment7
* guarantorTypeCode
* vendorPaymentMethod
* realEstDateLastInsp
* dateApproved
* assetLocationId
* assetCorporateBook
* attribute13
* propTaxLeaseRep
* salesTaxOverrideRate
* registrationNumber
* baseReading
* feeExpAmountPerPeriod
* assetKeySegment10
* deferredBillingDays
* realEstNetCashFlow
* attribute12
* pthStartDate
* attribute11
* originationIncome
* frenchTaxCode
* subsidyId
* attribute15
* dtEffectiveBalanceLegacy
* installSiteNumber
* lienContinuationDate
* assetLocationSegment4
* subsidyRefndPaysiteId
* assetCategoryId
* linkAssetNumber
* pthEvgStreamPurposeCode
* residualAmountGuaranteePv
* capitalizeDownPaymentYn
* feeExpNoOfPeriods


 * propTaxAsContractYn
* depreciationMethodCode
* assetKeySegment7
* inventoryOrganizationName
* depreciationRate
* passthroughPercent
* stTransferOfTitle
* make
* attribute10
* attributeCategory
* usageBillFrequencyCode
* feeExpFrequency
* terminationQuoteId
* stEquipmentUsage
* description
* stSaleAndLeaseBack
* startDate
* vatTaxOverrideFlag
* attribute3
* realEstDateNextInsp
* taxBook
* depreciationCost
* lifeInMonthsTax
* assetKeySegment1
* attribute7
* lienFilingDate
* feeCode
* counterGroupName
* baseReadingUomCode
* subsidyRefndPaymethodCode
* assetLocationSegment1
* lienholderNumber
* frenchTaxName
* usageNoOfPeriod
* realEstAppraisalValue
* streamPurposeCode
* assetKeySegment6
* realEstAppraisalFlag
* pthEvgPayoutBasis
* shipToSiteNumber
* totalUnits
* residualAmountGuarantee
* priceListId
* realEstRefinanceAmt
* attribute1
* linkAssetAmount
* lienExpirationDate
* realEstPropertyClassCode
* pthPayoutBasisFormula
* installCustAcctId
* assetLocationSegment2
* assetLocationSegment5
* assetNumber
* vatTaxExempt
* deprnRateTax
* salesTaxOverrideFlag
* currencyCode
* titleDate
* installCustAcctNum
* subsidyPartyId
* assetKeySegment2
* capitalReductionAmount
* assetKeySegment3
* status
* capitalReductionPercent
* assetCategorySegment6
* amountBalanceLegacy
* subsidyRefndPaygroupCode
* attribute8
* serialNumber
* assetCategorySegment1
* counterGroupId
* attribute9
* titleIssuerId
* interimPaymentStrmTypId
* assetKeySegment8
* interimIntCapitalizedAmt
* initialDirectCost
* yearOfManufacture
* defaultQtyUsage
* assetLocationSegment6
* usageItemId
* assetLocationSegment7
* assetRegistrationLocName
* capitalizedInterest
* propTaxApplicable
* realEstConceptTypeCode
* realEstAppraisalDate
* explicitNewLineFlag
* assetCategorySegment5
* filingJurisdiction
* vendorPaysiteName
* usageTypeCode
* originalCost
* attribute2
* salesTaxExemptFlag
* subsidyOverrideAmount
* lienType
* downPaymentReceiverCode
* model
* assetCategorySegment3
* vendorPaysiteId
* assetCategorySegment2
* salvageValue
* realEstCoverageRatio
* usagePeriod
* titleCustodianName
* dateSigned
* realEstInitDirectCost
* attribute5
* contractNumberOld
* realEstFundingCatgCode
* vatTaxExemptCertNumber
* realEstGrossFootage
* assetKeySegment9
* inventoryItemName
* propTaxBillMethod
* endDate
* realEstCreditTenantFlag
* salvageValueTax
* shipToSiteId
* interimPaymentAmount
* salesTaxExemptCertNumber
* attribute6
* payeeSiteName
* paymentTermId
* realEstAcceptExpireDate
* stUpdateLinesFromContract
* pthBaseStreamCode
* filingSubJurisdiction
* pthEvgStreamCode
* realEstWtdAvgLife
* taxCost
* paymentTerm
* lienFilingNumber
* lineType
* subsidyRefndPaysiteCode
* salvageValuePercentTax
* priceListName
* levelFlag
* lifeInMonths
* fixedUsageQuantity
* assetKeySegment5
* amcvFlag
* stAssetUpfrontTax
* inServiceDate
* stPurchaseOfLease
* amount
* inventoryOrganizationId
* interimStartDate
* vendorInvoiceDate
* feePurposeCode
* minimumQtyUsage
* subsidyRefndPaytermName
* titleType
* realEstNetFootageRentable
* depreciationMethodId
* assetKeySegment4
* salvageValuePercent
* realEstBondEqYield
* subsidyRefndPaytermId
* lineNumber
* lienholderId
* passthroughBasisCode
* installSiteId
* lienContinuationNumber
* assetLocationSegment3
* terminationQuoteNumber
* realEstOccupancy
* attribute4
* titleNumber
* subsidyName
* residualPercent
* residualAmount
* deprnMethodTax
* usageItemName
* vendorInvoiceNumber
* vatTaxOverrideRate
* feeType
* stEquipmentAge
* realEstDealTypeCode
* inventoryItemId
* pthBasePayoutBasis
* pthBaseStreamPurposeCode
* attribute14
* dateFundingExpected
* lienFilingStatus
* assetKeyId
* assetCategorySegment4
* realEstLetterAcceptDate
* titleIssuerNumber
* subsidyPartyName
* tradeInAmount
* assetCategorySegment7
* guarantorTypeCode
* vendorPaymentMethod
* realEstDateLastInsp
* dateApproved
* assetLocationId
* assetCorporateBook
* attribute13
* propTaxLeaseRep
* salesTaxOverrideRate
* registrationNumber
* baseReading
* feeExpAmountPerPeriod
* assetKeySegment10
* deferredBillingDays
* realEstNetCashFlow
* attribute12
* pthStartDate
* attribute11
* originationIncome
* frenchTaxCode
* subsidyId
* attribute15
* dtEffectiveBalanceLegacy
* installSiteNumber
* lienContinuationDate
* assetLocationSegment4
* subsidyRefndPaysiteId
* assetCategoryId
* linkAssetNumber
* pthEvgStreamPurposeCode
* residualAmountGuaranteePv
* capitalizeDownPaymentYn
* feeExpNoOfPeriods


 * dateCreated
* residualValuePercent
* status
* createdBy
* dateCreatedInOkl
* leaseRateFactor
* interestRate
* termInMonths
* batchNumber


 * dateCreated
* residualValuePercent
* status
* createdBy
* dateCreatedInOkl
* leaseRateFactor
* interestRate
* termInMonths
* batchNumber


 * attribute15
* lrtId
* attribute7
* attribute13
* id
* attribute1
* rateSetVersionId
* attribute6
* attribute14
* termInMonths
* attribute11
* interestRate
* attributeCategory
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute3
* attribute9
* creationDate
* createdBy
* attribute2
* attribute10
* attribute5
* attribute4
* attribute8
* lastUpdateLogin
* residualValuePercent
* attribute12
* objectVersionNumber
* leaseRateFactor
* lastUpdatedBy


 * attribute15
* lrtId
* attribute7
* attribute13
* id
* attribute1
* rateSetVersionId
* attribute6
* attribute14
* termInMonths
* attribute11
* interestRate
* attributeCategory
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute3
* attribute9
* creationDate
* createdBy
* attribute2
* attribute10
* attribute5
* attribute4
* attribute8
* lastUpdateLogin
* residualValuePercent
* attribute12
* objectVersionNumber
* leaseRateFactor
* lastUpdatedBy


 * lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* language
* name
* sourceLang
* description
* id
* sfwtFlag
* creationDate
* createdBy
* lastUpdatedBy


 * lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* language
* name
* sourceLang
* description
* id
* sfwtFlag
* creationDate
* createdBy
* lastUpdatedBy


 * lrsTypeCode
* objectVersionNumber
* attribute1
* pdtId
* attribute2
* creationDate
* rate
* attribute11
* attribute14
* attribute9
* origRateSetId
* createdBy
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute4
* attribute6
* startDate
* id
* endOfTermId
* attribute13
* attribute7
* attribute8
* name
* attribute5
* tryId
* endDate
* arrearsYn
* attributeCategory
* frqCode
* attribute15
* orgId
* attribute3
* attribute12
* currencyCode
* stsCode
* attribute10
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin


 * lrsTypeCode
* objectVersionNumber
* attribute1
* pdtId
* attribute2
* creationDate
* rate
* attribute11
* attribute14
* attribute9
* origRateSetId
* createdBy
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute4
* attribute6
* startDate
* id
* endOfTermId
* attribute13
* attribute7
* attribute8
* name
* attribute5
* tryId
* endDate
* arrearsYn
* attributeCategory
* frqCode
* attribute15
* orgId
* attribute3
* attribute12
* currencyCode
* stsCode
* attribute10
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin


 * attribute8
* attribute2
* attribute4
* attribute3
* tsuCode
* setValue
* attribute15
* requestName
* id
* lastUpdateLogin
* criteriaCode
* criteriaValue2
* creationDate
* criteriaValue1
* attribute10
* attribute11
* attribute7
* attribute1
* attribute13
* lastUpdatedBy
* attributeCategory
* lineNumber
* description
* createdBy
* attribute9
* rbrCode
* attribute6
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute5
* operand
* attribute12
* attribute14


 * attribute8
* attribute2
* attribute4
* attribute3
* tsuCode
* setValue
* attribute15
* requestName
* id
* lastUpdateLogin
* criteriaCode
* criteriaValue2
* creationDate
* criteriaValue1
* attribute10
* attribute11
* attribute7
* attribute1
* attribute13
* lastUpdatedBy
* attributeCategory
* lineNumber
* description
* createdBy
* attribute9
* rbrCode
* attribute6
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute5
* operand
* attribute12
* attribute14


 * attribute10
* attribute2
* attribute12
* enabledFlag
* attribute5
* attribute11
* createdBy
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute1
* id
* attribute8
* attributeCategory
* attribute6
* lastUpdateLogin
* comments
* attribute4
* measureCode
* objectVersionNumber
* attribute14
* applicableCode
* attribute9
* valueType
* attribute13
* fmaId
* attribute3
* creationDate
* attribute7
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute15


 * attribute10
* attribute2
* attribute12
* enabledFlag
* attribute5
* attribute11
* createdBy
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute1
* id
* attribute8
* attributeCategory
* attribute6
* lastUpdateLogin
* comments
* attribute4
* measureCode
* objectVersionNumber
* attribute14
* applicableCode
* attribute9
* valueType
* attribute13
* fmaId
* attribute3
* creationDate
* attribute7
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute15


 * attributeCategory
* streetNumber
* id
* address1
* floor
* externalAgencyRecallDate
* orgId
* province
* contactId
* originalAmount
* caseNumber
* attribute5
* personIdenType
* partyName
* casId
* contractNumber
* attribute14
* attribute11
* address2
* attribute6
* county
* externalAgencyTransferDate
* referralNumber
* postalPlus4Code
* creditIndicator
* contactEmail
* lastPaymentDate
* requestId
* street
* ruralRouteNumber
* attribute2
* creditBureauReportDate
* contactPhone
* lastUpdateDate
* country
* apartmentNumber
* partyId
* contractStatus
* programApplicationId
* lastUpdatedBy
* createdBy
* attribute15
* lastUpdateLogin
* closeDate
* programId
* startDate
* attribute1
* programUpdateDate
* termDuration
* state
* houseNumber
* contactName
* address4
* pastDueAmount
* partyType
* notificationDate
* attribute4
* attribute13
* attribute7
* building
* contractType
* postalCode
* khrId
* dateOfBirth
* city
* suite
* poBoxNumber
* attribute9
* delinquencyOccuranceDate
* attribute10
* personIdentifier
* monthlyPaymentAmount
* objectVersionNumber
* streetSuffix
* attribute3
* attribute8
* address3
* creationDate
* placeOfBirth
* room
* attribute12
* remainingAmount


 * attributeCategory
* streetNumber
* id
* address1
* floor
* externalAgencyRecallDate
* orgId
* province
* contactId
* originalAmount
* caseNumber
* attribute5
* personIdenType
* partyName
* casId
* contractNumber
* attribute14
* attribute11
* address2
* attribute6
* county
* externalAgencyTransferDate
* referralNumber
* postalPlus4Code
* creditIndicator
* contactEmail
* lastPaymentDate
* requestId
* street
* ruralRouteNumber
* attribute2
* creditBureauReportDate
* contactPhone
* lastUpdateDate
* country
* apartmentNumber
* partyId
* contractStatus
* programApplicationId
* lastUpdatedBy
* createdBy
* attribute15
* lastUpdateLogin
* closeDate
* programId
* startDate
* attribute1
* programUpdateDate
* termDuration
* state
* houseNumber
* contactName
* address4
* pastDueAmount
* partyType
* notificationDate
* attribute4
* attribute13
* attribute7
* building
* contractType
* postalCode
* khrId
* dateOfBirth
* city
* suite
* poBoxNumber
* attribute9
* delinquencyOccuranceDate
* attribute10
* personIdentifier
* monthlyPaymentAmount
* objectVersionNumber
* streetSuffix
* attribute3
* attribute8
* address3
* creationDate
* placeOfBirth
* room
* attribute12
* remainingAmount


 * address2
* poBoxNumber
* attributeCategory
* houseNumber
* room
* lastUpdatedBy
* address1
* street
* streetNumber
* assetNumber
* instanceNumber
* attribute3
* createdBy
* attribute1
* quantity
* attribute14
* building
* county
* attribute5
* postalPlus4Code
* attribute2
* suite
* province
* attribute8
* lastUpdateDate
* programId
* objectVersionNumber
* description
* floor
* postalCode
* originalCost
* attribute10
* assetType
* attribute11
* khrId
* orgId
* manufacturerName
* modelNumber
* attribute9
* lastUpdateLogin
* id
* attribute4
* city
* requestId
* ruralRouteNumber
* apartmentNumber
* country
* attribute15
* attribute13
* state
* serialNumber
* creationDate
* programApplicationId
* streetSuffix
* programUpdateDate
* assetId
* attribute7
* address3
* attribute12
* attribute6
* address4
* tagNumber


 * address2
* poBoxNumber
* attributeCategory
* houseNumber
* room
* lastUpdatedBy
* address1
* street
* streetNumber
* assetNumber
* instanceNumber
* attribute3
* createdBy
* attribute1
* quantity
* attribute14
* building
* county
* attribute5
* postalPlus4Code
* attribute2
* suite
* province
* attribute8
* lastUpdateDate
* programId
* objectVersionNumber
* description
* floor
* postalCode
* originalCost
* attribute10
* assetType
* attribute11
* khrId
* orgId
* manufacturerName
* modelNumber
* attribute9
* lastUpdateLogin
* id
* attribute4
* city
* requestId
* ruralRouteNumber
* apartmentNumber
* country
* attribute15
* attribute13
* state
* serialNumber
* creationDate
* programApplicationId
* streetSuffix
* programUpdateDate
* assetId
* attribute7
* address3
* attribute12
* attribute6
* address4
* tagNumber


 * attribute9
* objectVersionNumber
* attribute7
* address4
* room
* khrId
* lastUpdateDate
* city
* county
* houseNumber
* attribute3
* orgId
* attribute13
* attribute10
* attribute15
* country
* street
* programId
* lastUpdatedBy
* partyName
* address1
* floor
* building
* attribute8
* attribute2
* phoneExtension
* apartmentNumber
* postalPlus4Code
* poBoxNumber
* programUpdateDate
* id
* attributeCategory
* streetNumber
* attribute6
* state
* address3
* ruralRouteNumber
* lastUpdateLogin
* streetSuffix
* attribute1
* createdBy
* creationDate
* attribute14
* phoneNumber
* partyId
* requestId
* phoneCountryCode
* postalCode
* phoneAreaCode
* attribute4
* suite
* province
* attribute11
* programApplicationId
* attribute5
* address2
* attribute12


 * attribute9
* objectVersionNumber
* attribute7
* address4
* room
* khrId
* lastUpdateDate
* city
* county
* houseNumber
* attribute3
* orgId
* attribute13
* attribute10
* attribute15
* country
* street
* programId
* lastUpdatedBy
* partyName
* address1
* floor
* building
* attribute8
* attribute2
* phoneExtension
* apartmentNumber
* postalPlus4Code
* poBoxNumber
* programUpdateDate
* id
* attributeCategory
* streetNumber
* attribute6
* state
* address3
* ruralRouteNumber
* lastUpdateLogin
* streetSuffix
* attribute1
* createdBy
* creationDate
* attribute14
* phoneNumber
* partyId
* requestId
* phoneCountryCode
* postalCode
* phoneAreaCode
* attribute4
* suite
* province
* attribute11
* programApplicationId
* attribute5
* address2
* attribute12


 * source
* endDate
* version
* orgId
* creationDate
* fmaId
* lastUpdateLogin
* name
* zdEditionName
* startDate
* id
* opdType
* objectVersionNumber
* lastUpdateDate
* zdSync
* createdBy
* dsfId
* lastUpdatedBy


 * source
* endDate
* version
* orgId
* creationDate
* fmaId
* lastUpdateLogin
* name
* zdEditionName
* startDate
* id
* opdType
* objectVersionNumber
* lastUpdateDate
* zdSync
* createdBy
* dsfId
* lastUpdatedBy


 * language
* lastUpdatedBy
* zdSync
* description
* lastUpdateLogin
* sfwtFlag
* sourceLang
* creationDate
* zdEditionName
* createdBy
* id
* lastUpdateDate


 * language
* lastUpdatedBy
* zdSync
* description
* lastUpdateLogin
* sfwtFlag
* sourceLang
* creationDate
* zdEditionName
* createdBy
* id
* lastUpdateDate


 * rgrRgdCode
* id
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdatedBy
* overallInstructions
* creationDate
* lrgSrdId
* objectVersionNumber
* srdIdFor
* rgrRdfCode
* lastUpdateDate
* lrgLseId
* createdBy
* optId


 * rgrRgdCode
* id
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdatedBy
* overallInstructions
* creationDate
* lrgSrdId
* objectVersionNumber
* srdIdFor
* rgrRdfCode
* lastUpdateDate
* lrgLseId
* createdBy
* optId


 * id
* fromDate
* toDate
* createdBy
* creationDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* optId
* value
* description
* objectVersionNumber
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdateDate


 * id
* fromDate
* toDate
* createdBy
* creationDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* optId
* value
* description
* objectVersionNumber
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdateDate


 * attribute5
* attribute1
* attribute2
* attribute11
* attribute14
* attribute9
* toDate
* attributeCategory
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute12
* attribute15
* lastUpdateLogin
* fromDate
* attribute4
* attribute8
* description
* attribute6
* attribute10
* creationDate
* name
* attribute7
* lastUpdateDate
* id
* attribute3
* attribute13
* objectVersionNumber
* createdBy


 * attribute5
* attribute1
* attribute2
* attribute11
* attribute14
* attribute9
* toDate
* attributeCategory
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute12
* attribute15
* lastUpdateLogin
* fromDate
* attribute4
* attribute8
* description
* attribute6
* attribute10
* creationDate
* name
* attribute7
* lastUpdateDate
* id
* attribute3
* attribute13
* objectVersionNumber
* createdBy


 * objectVersionNumber
* copyOrEnterFlag
* id
* lastUpdateDate
* oveId
* contextInvOrg
* contextIntent
* orlId
* lastUpdateLogin
* createdBy
* creationDate
* individualInstructions
* contextOrg
* contextAssetBook
* lastUpdatedBy


 * objectVersionNumber
* copyOrEnterFlag
* id
* lastUpdateDate
* oveId
* contextInvOrg
* contextIntent
* orlId
* lastUpdateLogin
* createdBy
* creationDate
* individualInstructions
* contextOrg
* contextAssetBook
* lastUpdatedBy


 * rulId
* creationDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* id
* ovdId
* lastUpdateDate
* createdBy
* objectVersionNumber
* sequenceNumber
* lastUpdateLogin


 * rulId
* creationDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* id
* ovdId
* lastUpdateDate
* createdBy
* objectVersionNumber
* sequenceNumber
* lastUpdateLogin


 * objectValue
* orgId
* lastUpdateLogin
* assignedProcess
* requestId
* trxId
* programId
* lastUpdateDate
* createdBy
* creationDate
* volume
* programUpdateDate
* processStatus
* objectStatus
* startDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* khrId
* objectType


 * objectValue
* orgId
* lastUpdateLogin
* assignedProcess
* requestId
* trxId
* programId
* lastUpdateDate
* createdBy
* creationDate
* volume
* programUpdateDate
* processStatus
* objectStatus
* startDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* khrId
* objectType


 * lastUpdateLogin
* zdSync
* lastUpdateDate
* name
* createdBy
* id
* customizationLevel
* creationDate
* objectVersionNumber
* datatype
* zdEditionName
* lastUpdatedBy


 * lastUpdateLogin
* zdSync
* lastUpdateDate
* name
* createdBy
* id
* customizationLevel
* creationDate
* objectVersionNumber
* datatype
* zdEditionName
* lastUpdatedBy


 * zdEditionName
* sourceLang
* createdBy
* id
* description
* language
* sfwtFlag
* creationDate
* zdSync
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdatedBy


 * zdEditionName
* sourceLang
* createdBy
* id
* description
* language
* sfwtFlag
* creationDate
* zdSync
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdatedBy


 * lastUpdateLogin
* attribute10
* paymentBasis
* attribute11
* processingFeeFixedAmount
* paymentMethodCode
* paymentFrequency
* lastUpdateDate
* disbursementFixedAmount
* vendorId
* attribute13
* attribute6
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute12
* paymentHdrId
* attributeCategory
* creationDate
* payGroupCode
* paySiteId
* attribute1
* attribute15
* processingFeePercent
* attribute5
* objectVersionNumber
* attribute2
* paymentTermId
* paymentStartDate
* id
* cplId
* remitDays
* numOfDisb
* attribute3
* disbursementPercent
* origContractLineId
* attribute14
* disbursementBasis
* attribute8
* attribute9
* createdBy
* attribute4
* attribute7
* processingFeeBasis


 * lastUpdateLogin
* attribute10
* paymentBasis
* attribute11
* processingFeeFixedAmount
* paymentMethodCode
* paymentFrequency
* lastUpdateDate
* disbursementFixedAmount
* vendorId
* attribute13
* attribute6
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute12
* paymentHdrId
* attributeCategory
* creationDate
* payGroupCode
* paySiteId
* attribute1
* attribute15
* processingFeePercent
* attribute5
* objectVersionNumber
* attribute2
* paymentTermId
* paymentStartDate
* id
* cplId
* remitDays
* numOfDisb
* attribute3
* disbursementPercent
* origContractLineId
* attribute14
* disbursementBasis
* attribute8
* attribute9
* createdBy
* attribute4
* attribute7
* processingFeeBasis


 * effectiveFrom
* passthruStreamTypeId
* objectVersionNumber
* lastUpdateDate
* payoutBasis
* effectiveTo
* id
* lastUpdatedBy
* payoutBasisFormula
* passthruStartDate
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* createdBy
* passthruTerm
* pplId
* dnzChrId
* cleId


 * lastUpdateLogin
* passthruStartDate
* effectiveFrom
* lastUpdatedBy
* passthruStreamTypeId
* majorVersion
* objectVersionNumber
* dnzChrId
* effectiveTo
* cleId
* createdBy
* passthruTerm
* payoutBasisFormula
* id
* pplId
* payoutBasis
* creationDate
* lastUpdateDate


 * lastUpdateLogin
* passthruStartDate
* effectiveFrom
* lastUpdatedBy
* passthruStreamTypeId
* majorVersion
* objectVersionNumber
* dnzChrId
* effectiveTo
* cleId
* createdBy
* passthruTerm
* payoutBasisFormula
* id
* pplId
* payoutBasis
* creationDate
* lastUpdateDate


 * effectiveFrom
* passthruStreamTypeId
* objectVersionNumber
* lastUpdateDate
* payoutBasis
* effectiveTo
* id
* lastUpdatedBy
* payoutBasisFormula
* passthruStartDate
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* createdBy
* passthruTerm
* pplId
* dnzChrId
* cleId


 * disbursementPercent
* processingFeeFixedAmount
* paymentMethodCode
* disbursementBasis
* attributeCategory
* lastUpdateLogin
* numOfDisb
* attribute3
* lastUpdatedBy
* processingFeeBasis
* paymentHdrId
* attribute14
* disbursementFixedAmount
* createdBy
* paymentStartDate
* paymentFrequency
* attribute1
* attribute7
* attribute12
* objectVersionNumber
* vendorId
* attribute13
* payGroupCode
* remitDays
* attribute11
* attribute15
* creationDate
* attribute8
* id
* attribute6
* paymentTermId
* attribute10
* cplId
* paymentBasis
* lastUpdateDate
* origContractLineId
* attribute5
* processingFeePercent
* attribute9
* attribute2
* attribute4
* paySiteId
* majorVersion


 * disbursementPercent
* processingFeeFixedAmount
* paymentMethodCode
* disbursementBasis
* attributeCategory
* lastUpdateLogin
* numOfDisb
* attribute3
* lastUpdatedBy
* processingFeeBasis
* paymentHdrId
* attribute14
* disbursementFixedAmount
* createdBy
* paymentStartDate
* paymentFrequency
* attribute1
* attribute7
* attribute12
* objectVersionNumber
* vendorId
* attribute13
* payGroupCode
* remitDays
* attribute11
* attribute15
* creationDate
* attribute8
* id
* attribute6
* paymentTermId
* attribute10
* cplId
* paymentBasis
* lastUpdateDate
* origContractLineId
* attribute5
* processingFeePercent
* attribute9
* attribute2
* attribute4
* paySiteId
* majorVersion


 * pthEvgPmntRemitDays
* vendBankAccNumber
* pthEvgProcFeeBasis
* pthEvgDisbBasis
* vendPaymentMethod
* attributeCategory
* guaranteedAmount
* pthBasePmntMethodCode
* guarantorNumber
* guarantorSiteNumber
* assetVendorId
* pthBasePmntBasis
* guarantorType
* guaranteeComment
* pthBaseNumOfDisb
* vendBankAccId
* serviceVendorId
* attribute6
* pthBaseDisbFixedAmount
* guaranteeDate
* attribute10
* pthEvgPmntTermId
* pthEvgPmntBasis
* pthBaseDisbPct
* attribute7
* attribute2
* pthBaseProcPct
* guarantorId
* pthEvgProcPct
* attribute5
* pthEvgVendorSiteId
* pthEvgDisbFixedAmount
* serviceVendorName
* dealerName
* vendAsCustomerAccId
* pthBasePaygroupCode
* pthBaseDisbBasis
* attribute11
* pthBaseVendorSiteId
* guaranteeType
* attribute13
* vendAsCustomerId
* pthEvgPmntFreq
* pthEvgVendorSiteCode
* pthBaseProcFeeFixedAmt
* pthEvgPmntMethodCode
* attribute1
* contractNumberOld
* attribute4
* attribute14
* vendInvoiceFormatId
* pthEvgPmntTermCode
* billableVendorId
* pthBaseVendorSiteCode1
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* dealerId
* pthEvgPmntStartDate
* vendReviewInvoiceFlag
* guarantorSiteId
* pthBasePmntFreq
* pthBaseProcFeeBasis
* attribute12
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* attribute9
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* vendPaymentMethodId
* lineNumber
* vendInvoiceFormatCode
* feesVendorId
* billableVendorName
* pthBasePmntStartDate
* pthEvgDisbPct
* pthEvgProcFeeFixedAmt
* pthBasePmntTermId
* feesVendorName
* vendAsCustomerAccNumber
* pthBasePmntTermCode
* attribute15
* vendAsCustomerNumber
* attribute8
* pthEvgPaygroupCode
* vendInvReviewUntilDate
* attribute3
* vendBillToAddrId
* pthBasePmntRemitDays
* vendReasonForInvReview


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* vendBankAccNumber
* pthEvgProcFeeBasis
* pthEvgDisbBasis
* vendPaymentMethod
* attributeCategory
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* pthBasePmntMethodCode
* guarantorNumber
* guarantorSiteNumber
* assetVendorId
* pthBasePmntBasis
* guarantorType
* guaranteeComment
* pthBaseNumOfDisb
* vendBankAccId
* serviceVendorId
* attribute6
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* guaranteeDate
* attribute10
* pthEvgPmntTermId
* pthEvgPmntBasis
* pthBaseDisbPct
* attribute7
* attribute2
* pthBaseProcPct
* guarantorId
* pthEvgProcPct
* attribute5
* pthEvgVendorSiteId
* pthEvgDisbFixedAmount
* serviceVendorName
* dealerName
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* pthBasePaygroupCode
* pthBaseDisbBasis
* attribute11
* pthBaseVendorSiteId
* guaranteeType
* attribute13
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* pthEvgPmntFreq
* pthEvgVendorSiteCode
* pthBaseProcFeeFixedAmt
* pthEvgPmntMethodCode
* attribute1
* contractNumberOld
* attribute4
* attribute14
* vendInvoiceFormatId
* pthEvgPmntTermCode
* billableVendorId
* pthBaseVendorSiteCode1
* vendBillToAddr
* dealerId
* pthEvgPmntStartDate
* vendReviewInvoiceFlag
* guarantorSiteId
* pthBasePmntFreq
* pthBaseProcFeeBasis
* attribute12
* assetVendorName
* attribute9
* pthBaseVendorSiteCode
* vendPaymentMethodId
* lineNumber
* vendInvoiceFormatCode
* feesVendorId
* billableVendorName
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* pthEvgProcFeeFixedAmt
* pthBasePmntTermId
* feesVendorName
* vendAsCustomerAccNumber
* pthBasePmntTermCode
* attribute15
* vendAsCustomerNumber
* attribute8
* pthEvgPaygroupCode
* vendInvReviewUntilDate
* attribute3
* vendBillToAddrId
* pthBasePmntRemitDays
* vendReasonForInvReview


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* assetNumber
* paymentAmount
* stubDays
* evgPaymentAmount
* evgCommittedPeriods
* paymentFrequencyCode
* paymentTypeCode
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* comments
* rate
* arrearsFlag
* stubAmount
* paymentScheduleNumber
* evgFrequncyCode
* advancePayments
* startDate


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* assetNumber
* paymentAmount
* stubDays
* evgPaymentAmount
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* paymentFrequencyCode
* paymentTypeCode
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* streamPurposeCode
* contractNumberOld
* comments
* rate
* arrearsFlag
* stubAmount
* paymentScheduleNumber
* evgFrequncyCode
* advancePayments
* startDate


 * lastUpdatedBy
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* toDate
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* fromDate
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* ponId
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* lastUpdateDate
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* createdBy
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* pdqId
* fromDate
* createdBy
* lastUpdateDate
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* lastUpdatedBy
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* lastUpdateLogin
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* toDate
* creationDate
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* lastUpdatedBy
* version
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* id
* lastUpdatedBy
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* attribute11
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* poxId
* attribute2


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* programUpdateDate
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* polId
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* attribute8
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* attribute1
* lastUpdateLogin
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* styCode
* attribute7
* attribute5
* attribute9
* createdBy
* streamsToDate
* transactionNumberIn
* attribute10
* programId
* attribute11
* attribute14
* stmId
* poxId
* attribute2


 * attribute4
* polId
* attribute2
* lastUpdateDate
* transactionNumber
* lastUpdatedBy
* programApplicationId
* attribute6
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* programId
* objectVersionNumber
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* attribute15
* requestId
* legalEntityId
* attribute9
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* objectVersionNumber
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* transactionDate
* createdBy
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* attribute13
* attribute10
* attribute14
* attributeCategory
* attribute2


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* attribute1
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* lastUpdateDate
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* requestId
* programUpdateDate
* potId
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* lastUpdateDate
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* programUpdateDate
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* attribute10
* orgId
* attribute6
* attribute2
* programApplicationId
* description
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* attribute5
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* attribute3
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* shortDescription
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* attribute8
* attributeCategory
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* legalEntityId
* securitiesCreditRating
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* id
* attribute13
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* zdSync
* description
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* version
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* objectVersionNumber
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* lastUpdatedBy
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* lastUpdatedBy
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* lastUpdateDate
* attribute5
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* attribute8
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* attribute1
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* createdBy
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* creationDate
* language
* emailSubjectLine
* lastUpdateDate
* sourceLang
* id


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* emailSubjectLine
* lastUpdateDate
* sourceLang
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* creationDate
* createdBy
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* lastUpdateDate


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* lastUpdatedBy
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* objectVersionNumber
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* version
* attribute10
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* createdBy
* objectVersionNumber
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* aesId
* fromDate
* description
* attribute7
* creationDate
* attribute15
* ptlId
* attribute4
* attribute8


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* assetState
* kleId
* mlrtTax
* invoiceDate
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* createdBy
* creationDate
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* taxJurisdictionSchoolRate
* taxVendorSiteName
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* taxJurisdictionStateRate
* taxVendorId


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* assetAddress1
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* kleId
* mlrtTax
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* assetCountry
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* taxJurisdictionCountry
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* taxJurisdictionCity
* contractNumber
* taxJurisdictionCountryRate
* id
* taxAssessmentDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* orgId
* sequenceNumber
* taxAssessmentAmount
* assetUnits
* taxVendorName
* assetAddress2
* milrate
* createdBy
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* styId
* taxJurisdictionSchoolRate
* taxVendorSiteName
* taxVendorSiteId
* taxJurisdictionStateRate
* taxVendorId


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* lastUpdatedBy
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* attribute12
* name
* version
* objectVersionNumber
* description
* attribute9


 * billPropertyTax
* lastUpdatedBy
* id
* payableInvoice
* salesQuotePropertyTax
* updateFromContract
* orgId
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* createdBy
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* propertyTaxApplicable
* lastUpdateDate


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* lastUpdatedBy
* id
* payableInvoice
* salesQuotePropertyTax
* updateFromContract
* orgId
* enableAssetDefault
* createdBy
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* propertyTaxApplicable
* lastUpdateDate


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* attribute11
* attribute7
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* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute9
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* lastUpdateDate
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* lastUpdateLogin
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* lastUpdateLogin
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* attribute10
* attribute13
* currencyConversionCode
* budgetAmount
* attribute4
* dateStrategyExecutionDue
* trxStatusCode
* attribute11


 * creationDate
* id
* comments
* lastUpdateLogin
* sfwtFlag
* lastUpdateDate
* createdBy
* sourceLang
* language
* lastUpdatedBy


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* sfwtFlag
* lastUpdateDate
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* sourceLang
* language
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* lastUpdateLogin
* id
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* createdBy
* lastUpdateLogin
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* fromDate
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* objectVersionNumber
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* attribute2
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* attribute6
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* effectiveToDate
* inventoryOrgId
* unitCost
* initialDirectCost
* lineType
* inventoryItemName
* attribute8
* subsidyPartyId
* supplierId
* attributeCategory
* lineNumber
* assetNumber
* rolloverTermQuoteNumber
* streamTypeName
* effectiveFromDate
* attribute9
* subsidyName
* attribute6
* subsidyId
* attribute1


 * expectedFundingDate
* amount
* attribute3
* installSiteId
* feeType
* streamTypePurpose
* attribute5
* attribute13
* attribute15
* installNumber
* units
* attribute7
* adjustmentType
* attribute10
* attribute14
* attribute4
* attribute12
* expNoOfPeriods
* linkAssetAmount
* attribute2
* instalCustAcctNum
* quoteNumberOld
* attribute11
* residualPercentage
* expFrequency
* originationIncome
* inventoryOrgName
* expAmountPerPeriod
* inventoryItemId
* rolloverTermQuoteId
* supplierName
* instalCustAcctId
* subsidyPartyName
* residualAmount
* subsidyOverrideAmount
* effectiveToDate
* inventoryOrgId
* unitCost
* initialDirectCost
* lineType
* inventoryItemName
* attribute8
* subsidyPartyId
* supplierId
* attributeCategory
* lineNumber
* assetNumber
* rolloverTermQuoteNumber
* streamTypeName
* effectiveFromDate
* attribute9
* subsidyName
* attribute6
* subsidyId
* attribute1


 * lineNumber
* stubAmount
* paymentScheduleNumber
* startDate
* numberOfPeriods
* periodicAmount
* streamTypeName
* paymentFrequencyCode
* arrearsFlag
* quoteNumberOld
* streamTypePurpose
* stubDays


 * lineNumber
* stubAmount
* paymentScheduleNumber
* startDate
* numberOfPeriods
* periodicAmount
* streamTypeName
* paymentFrequencyCode
* arrearsFlag
* quoteNumberOld
* streamTypePurpose
* stubDays


 * attribute5
* attributeCategory
* id
* attribute7
* attribute8
* attribute12
* createdBy
* attribute4
* type
* lastUpdatedBy
* percentageOfTotalCost
* creationDate
* attribute9
* endOfTermValue
* attribute15
* lastUpdateLogin
* objectVersionNumber
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute11
* attribute10
* attribute13
* attribute2
* value
* itemCategorySetId
* itemCategoryId
* attribute1
* quickQuoteId
* attribute6
* endOfTermValueDefault
* attribute3
* basis
* attribute14
* leaseRateFactor


 * attribute5
* attributeCategory
* id
* attribute7
* attribute8
* attribute12
* createdBy
* attribute4
* type
* lastUpdatedBy
* percentageOfTotalCost
* creationDate
* attribute9
* endOfTermValue
* attribute15
* lastUpdateLogin
* objectVersionNumber
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute11
* attribute10
* attribute13
* attribute2
* value
* itemCategorySetId
* itemCategoryId
* attribute1
* quickQuoteId
* attribute6
* endOfTermValueDefault
* attribute3
* basis
* attribute14
* leaseRateFactor


 * lastUpdateLogin
* id
* createdBy
* language
* sourceLang
* sfwtFlag
* description
* lastUpdatedBy
* shortDescription
* creationDate
* lastUpdateDate
* comments


 * lastUpdateLogin
* id
* createdBy
* language
* sourceLang
* sfwtFlag
* description
* lastUpdatedBy
* shortDescription
* creationDate
* lastUpdateDate
* comments


 * attribute1
* lastUpdateLogin
* objectVersionNumber
* attribute9
* attribute13
* pirr
* leaseRateFactor
* lineLevelPricing
* attribute4
* airr
* invOrgId
* lastUpdateDate
* iir
* attribute8
* createdBy
* salesTerritoryId
* targetAmount
* targetFrequency
* targetPeriods
* salesRepId
* subBookingYield
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute3
* term
* originatingVendorId
* rateCardId
* subIir
* referenceNumber
* targetRateType
* rateTemplateId
* targetArrears
* currencyCode
* attribute10
* id
* attribute15
* attribute5
* bookingYield
* attribute2
* attributeCategory
* attribute7
* stsCode
* attribute12
* subAirr
* attribute6
* attribute11
* attribute14
* creationDate
* expectedStartDate
* targetRate
* leaseOpportunityId
* orgId
* subPirr
* pricingMethod
* endOfTermOptionId
* programAgreementId
* structuredPricing


 * attribute1
* lastUpdateLogin
* objectVersionNumber
* attribute9
* attribute13
* pirr
* leaseRateFactor
* lineLevelPricing
* attribute4
* airr
* invOrgId
* lastUpdateDate
* iir
* attribute8
* createdBy
* salesTerritoryId
* targetAmount
* targetFrequency
* targetPeriods
* salesRepId
* subBookingYield
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute3
* term
* originatingVendorId
* rateCardId
* subIir
* referenceNumber
* targetRateType
* rateTemplateId
* targetArrears
* currencyCode
* attribute10
* id
* attribute15
* attribute5
* bookingYield
* attribute2
* attributeCategory
* attribute7
* stsCode
* attribute12
* subAirr
* attribute6
* attribute11
* attribute14
* creationDate
* expectedStartDate
* targetRate
* leaseOpportunityId
* orgId
* subPirr
* pricingMethod
* endOfTermOptionId
* programAgreementId
* structuredPricing


 * description
* sfwtFlag
* createdBy
* shortDescription
* id
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* sourceLang
* language
* comments
* creationDate
* lastUpdatedBy


 * description
* sfwtFlag
* createdBy
* shortDescription
* id
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* sourceLang
* language
* comments
* creationDate
* lastUpdatedBy


 * lastUpdateDate
* objectVersionNumber
* orgId
* creationDate
* invoicableYn
* lastUpdateLogin
* createdBy
* id
* quoteLineTypeCode
* lastUpdatedBy
* styId


 * lastUpdateDate
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* orgId
* creationDate
* invoicableYn
* lastUpdateLogin
* createdBy
* id
* quoteLineTypeCode
* lastUpdatedBy
* styId


 * lastUpdateDate
* delayDays
* lastUpdatedBy
* allocationPercentage
* partyObject1Id2
* contactJtotObject1Code
* createdBy
* creationDate
* contactObject1Id1
* partyObject1Id1
* qptCode
* qteId
* contactObject1Id2
* emailAddress
* id
* partyJtotObject1Code
* cplId
* dateSent
* objectVersionNumber
* lastUpdateLogin


 * lastUpdateDate
* delayDays
* lastUpdatedBy
* allocationPercentage
* partyObject1Id2
* contactJtotObject1Code
* createdBy
* creationDate
* contactObject1Id1
* partyObject1Id1
* qptCode
* qteId
* contactObject1Id2
* emailAddress
* id
* partyJtotObject1Code
* cplId
* dateSent
* objectVersionNumber
* lastUpdateLogin


 * attribute14
* attribute9
* attribute13
* levelSequence
* numberOfPeriods
* attribute12
* feeId
* attribute5
* attribute15
* creationDate
* attribute1
* attribute11
* attribute3
* attribute10
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdateDate
* objectVersionNumber
* assetId
* attribute2
* id
* attribute4
* attribute6
* lastUpdatedBy
* createdBy
* attributeCategory
* attribute8
* leaseRateFactor
* attribute7


 * attribute14
* attribute9
* attribute13
* levelSequence
* numberOfPeriods
* attribute12
* feeId
* attribute5
* attribute15
* creationDate
* attribute1
* attribute11
* attribute3
* attribute10
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdateDate
* objectVersionNumber
* assetId
* attribute2
* id
* attribute4
* attribute6
* lastUpdatedBy
* createdBy
* attributeCategory
* attribute8
* leaseRateFactor
* attribute7


 * sayCode
* sourceTable
* objectVersionNumber
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* quoteId
* quoteStreamId
* otyCode
* styId
* creationDate
* createdBy
* linkAssetId
* quoteType
* sourceId


 * sayCode
* sourceTable
* objectVersionNumber
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* quoteId
* quoteStreamId
* otyCode
* styId
* creationDate
* createdBy
* linkAssetId
* quoteType
* sourceId


 * streamElementDate
* creationDate
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* quoteStreamId
* quoteStrmElementId
* objectVersionNumber#1
* createdBy
* objectVersionNumber
* amount
* lastUpdatedBy


 * streamElementDate
* creationDate
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* quoteStreamId
* quoteStrmElementId
* objectVersionNumber#1
* createdBy
* objectVersionNumber
* amount
* lastUpdatedBy


 * attribute13
* sourceObjectId
* attribute11
* attribute10
* assetStartDate
* conversionRate
* lastUpdateDate
* assetNumber
* lastUpdateLogin
* subsidyPoolId
* attribute1
* subsidyPoolCurrencyCode
* subsidyPoolAmount
* attribute12
* subpoolTrxId
* subsidyId
* vendorId
* attribute3
* attribute2
* attribute4
* attribute6
* creationDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute14
* subsidyAmount
* objectVersionNumber
* attribute5
* attribute8
* createdBy
* sourceTypeCode
* attributeCategory
* attribute15
* id
* attribute7
* subsidyCurrencyCode
* attribute9


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* sourceObjectId
* attribute11
* attribute10
* assetStartDate
* conversionRate
* lastUpdateDate
* assetNumber
* lastUpdateLogin
* subsidyPoolId
* attribute1
* subsidyPoolCurrencyCode
* subsidyPoolAmount
* attribute12
* subpoolTrxId
* subsidyId
* vendorId
* attribute3
* attribute2
* attribute4
* attribute6
* creationDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute14
* subsidyAmount
* objectVersionNumber
* attribute5
* attribute8
* createdBy
* sourceTypeCode
* attributeCategory
* attribute15
* id
* attribute7
* subsidyCurrencyCode
* attribute9


 * attribute3
* attribute11
* attribute12
* attribute14
* transactionId
* attribute7
* attribute8
* attribute9
* contractDescription
* attribute10
* kleId
* attribute4
* attribute1
* contractNumber
* createdBy
* khrId
* transactionDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* id
* attribute5
* attribute2
* requestName
* lastUpdateLogin
* status
* attributeCategory
* attribute13
* creationDate
* attribute6
* selectedFlag
* attribute15
* lastUpdateDate


 * attribute3
* attribute11
* attribute12
* attribute14
* transactionId
* attribute7
* attribute8
* attribute9
* contractDescription
* attribute10
* kleId
* attribute4
* attribute1
* contractNumber
* createdBy
* khrId
* transactionDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* id
* attribute5
* attribute2
* requestName
* lastUpdateLogin
* status
* attributeCategory
* attribute13
* creationDate
* attribute6
* selectedFlag
* attribute15
* lastUpdateDate


 * lastUpdateLogin
* id
* sourceLang
* language
* comments
* createdBy
* sfwtFlag
* creationDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateDate


 * lastUpdateLogin
* id
* sourceLang
* language
* comments
* createdBy
* sfwtFlag
* creationDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateDate


 * transOptionAcceptedYn
* attribute1
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* attribute3
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* orgId
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* attribute2
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* artId
* currencyCode
* currencyConversionDate
* objectVersionNumber
* attributeCategory
* attribute9
* programApplicationId
* creationDate
* currencyConversionRate
* id
* programUpdateDate
* istId
* attribute8
* attribute10
* pacId
* attribute5
* attribute11
* currencyConversionType
* attribute12


 * transOptionAcceptedYn
* attribute1
* attribute6
* dateShippingInstructionsSen
* attribute3
* attribute7
* createdBy
* orgId
* attribute14
* requestId
* programId
* attribute2
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* insuranceAmount
* attribute15
* attribute13
* attribute4
* currencyConversionCode
* artId
* currencyCode
* currencyConversionDate
* objectVersionNumber
* attributeCategory
* attribute9
* programApplicationId
* creationDate
* currencyConversionRate
* id
* programUpdateDate
* istId
* attribute8
* attribute10
* pacId
* attribute5
* attribute11
* currencyConversionType
* attribute12


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* createdBy
* lastUpdateDate
* sfwtFlag
* id
* lastUpdatedBy
* language
* lastUpdateLogin
* comments
* creationDate


 * sourceLang
* createdBy
* lastUpdateDate
* sfwtFlag
* id
* lastUpdatedBy
* language
* lastUpdateLogin
* comments
* creationDate


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* creationDate
* orgId
* lastUpdateLogin
* currencyConversionType
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateDate
* currencyCode
* objectVersionNumber
* currencyConversionCode
* currencyConversionDate
* enabledYn
* id
* createdBy
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* creationDate
* orgId
* lastUpdateLogin
* currencyConversionType
* lastUpdatedBy
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* currencyCode
* objectVersionNumber
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* currencyConversionDate
* enabledYn
* id
* createdBy
* currencyConversionRate


 * sourceLang
* lastUpdateLogin
* language
* creationDate
* id
* repairType
* description
* createdBy
* lastUpdateDate
* sfwtFlag
* lastUpdatedBy


 * sourceLang
* lastUpdateLogin
* language
* creationDate
* id
* repairType
* description
* createdBy
* lastUpdateDate
* sfwtFlag
* lastUpdatedBy


 * acctParamTypeCode
* segmentRangeFrom
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* creationDate
* segmentRangeTo
* reportId
* accParameterId
* lastUpdateDate
* createdBy


 * acctParamTypeCode
* segmentRangeFrom
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* creationDate
* segmentRangeTo
* reportId
* accParameterId
* lastUpdateDate
* createdBy


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* parameterId
* parameterTypeCode
* lastUpdatedBy
* creationDate
* createdBy
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* lastUpdateDate
* paramCharValue1


 * lastUpdateLogin
* paramNumValue1
* paramDateValue1
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* parameterId
* parameterTypeCode
* lastUpdatedBy
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* createdBy
* reportId
* lastUpdateDate
* paramCharValue1


 * styId
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateDate
* activityCode
* lastUpdateLogin
* reportId
* createdBy
* streamParameterId
* creationDate


 * styId
* lastUpdatedBy
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* activityCode
* lastUpdateLogin
* reportId
* createdBy
* streamParameterId
* creationDate


 * reportId
* tryId
* trxParameterId
* lastUpdatedBy
* styId
* lastUpdateDate
* addSubstractCode
* createdBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* creationDate


 * reportId
* tryId
* trxParameterId
* lastUpdatedBy
* styId
* lastUpdateDate
* addSubstractCode
* createdBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* creationDate


 * reportId
* reportCategoryCode
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* name
* reportTypeCode
* createdBy
* ledgerId
* bookClassificationCode
* effectiveToDate
* creationDate
* effectiveFromDate
* statusCode
* lastUpdateDate
* chartOfAccountsId
* activityCode


 * reportId
* reportCategoryCode
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* name
* reportTypeCode
* createdBy
* ledgerId
* bookClassificationCode
* effectiveToDate
* creationDate
* effectiveFromDate
* statusCode
* lastUpdateDate
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* activityCode


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* reportId
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* language
* createdBy
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* sourceLang
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* language
* createdBy
* description
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* sourceLang
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* attribute2
* attribute3
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* attributeCategory
* attribute5
* lastUpdateLogin
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* creationDate
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* attribute12
* attribute14


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* cosCode
* attribute2
* attribute3
* createdBy
* attributeCategory
* attribute5
* lastUpdateLogin
* programApplicationId
* attribute9
* attribute11
* currencyConversionDate
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* programId
* attribute10
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* creationDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute13
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* currencyConversionType
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* artId
* amount
* attribute15
* attribute7
* attribute12
* attribute14


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* attribute4
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* ansSetJtotObjectCode
* attribute2
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* templateYn
* ruleInformation5
* ansSetJtotObjectId1


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* termInMonths
* batchNumber
* residualValuePercent
* createdBy


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* attribute13
* attribute7
* createdBy
* orgId
* attribute15
* attribute6


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* name
* id
* language
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* createdBy
* description
* sfwtFlag
* lastUpdateLogin
* creationDate
* lastUpdatedBy


 * lastUpdateDate
* name
* id
* language
* sourceLang
* createdBy
* description
* sfwtFlag
* lastUpdateLogin
* creationDate
* lastUpdatedBy


 * parentObjectId
* id
* attribute6
* invItemId
* attribute2
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* supplierId
* attribute13
* attribute5
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute11
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* lastUpdatedBy
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* lastUpdatedBy
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* id
* sourceLang
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdateDate
* shortDescription


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* sgnCode
* object1Id2
* attribute1
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* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute5
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* attribute7
* attribute11
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* attribute14
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* createdBy
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* attribute4
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* objectVersionNumber
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* activeYn
* attribute13
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* id
* attribute2
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* attribute9


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* parameterValue
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* attribute2
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* attributeCategory
* lastUpdateLogin
* updateYn
* lastUpdateDate
* objectVersionNumber
* lastUpdatedBy
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* attribute7
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* purposeCode
* createdBy
* creationDate
* prcEngIdent
* attribute1
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* name
* displayYn
* attribute10
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* khrId
* parameterValue
* attribute15
* attribute3
* id
* attribute2
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* attribute4
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* attribute11


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* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute3
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* attribute9
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* lastUpdateDate
* attribute5
* attribute8
* attribute10
* attribute14
* attribute1
* lastUpdatedBy
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute3
* objectVersionNumber
* attributeCategory
* id
* attribute12
* attribute15
* attribute2
* addYn
* attribute4


 * styId
* cahId
* attribute7
* createdBy
* attribute6
* attribute13
* attribute9
* attribute11
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute5
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* attribute10
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* attribute1
* lastUpdatedBy
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute3
* objectVersionNumber
* attributeCategory
* id
* attribute12
* attribute15
* attribute2
* addYn
* attribute4


 * id
* createdBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* effectiveEndDate
* roleVisible
* objectVersionNumber
* lastUpdatedBy
* partyRole
* creationDate
* lastUpdateDate
* effectiveStartDate


 * id
* createdBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* effectiveEndDate
* roleVisible
* objectVersionNumber
* lastUpdatedBy
* partyRole
* creationDate
* lastUpdateDate
* effectiveStartDate


 * objectVersionNumber
* description
* updateYn
* prcEngIdent
* lastUpdateDate
* gttId
* lastUpdateLogin
* creationDate
* defaultValue
* id
* displayYn
* name
* createdBy
* orgId
* lastUpdatedBy


 * objectVersionNumber
* description
* updateYn
* prcEngIdent
* lastUpdateDate
* gttId
* lastUpdateLogin
* creationDate
* defaultValue
* id
* displayYn
* name
* createdBy
* orgId
* lastUpdatedBy


 * lastUpdateLogin
* attribute8
* gtsId
* attribute5
* attribute12
* attribute7
* creationDate
* attribute1
* attribute2
* attribute3
* attribute9
* attribute6
* version
* attribute13
* objectVersionNumber
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute11
* orgId
* createdBy
* attribute10
* attribute14
* startDate
* endDate
* attribute4
* id
* attribute15
* tmptStatus
* attributeCategory


 * lastUpdateLogin
* attribute8
* gtsId
* attribute5
* attribute12
* attribute7
* creationDate
* attribute1
* attribute2
* attribute3
* attribute9
* attribute6
* version
* attribute13
* objectVersionNumber
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute11
* orgId
* createdBy
* attribute10
* attribute14
* startDate
* endDate
* attribute4
* id
* attribute15
* tmptStatus
* attributeCategory


 * objectVersionNumber
* dependentStyId
* pricingName
* lastUpdatedBy
* id
* createdBy
* creationDate
* gttId
* lastUpdateLogin
* primaryStyId
* lastUpdateDate
* primaryYn
* orgId


 * objectVersionNumber
* dependentStyId
* pricingName
* lastUpdatedBy
* id
* createdBy
* creationDate
* gttId
* lastUpdateLogin
* primaryStyId
* lastUpdateDate
* primaryYn
* orgId


 * revenueRecogMethCode
* id
* description
* name
* orgId
* creationDate
* objectVersionNumber
* pricingEngine
* interestCalcMethCode
* dealType
* lastUpdatedBy
* isgArrearsPayDatesOption
* lastUpdateLogin
* daysInYrCode
* createdBy
* taxOwner
* daysInMonthCode
* lastUpdateDate
* productType


 * revenueRecogMethCode
* id
* description
* name
* orgId
* creationDate
* objectVersionNumber
* pricingEngine
* interestCalcMethCode
* dealType
* lastUpdatedBy
* isgArrearsPayDatesOption
* lastUpdateLogin
* daysInYrCode
* createdBy
* taxOwner
* daysInMonthCode
* lastUpdateDate
* productType


 * creationDate
* transactionNumber
* programUpdateDate
* sgnCode
* comments
* purposeCode
* kleId
* lastUpdateDate
* styId
* dateHistory
* createdBy
* activeYn
* trxId
* khrId
* requestId
* linkHistStreamId
* dateWorking
* dateCurrent
* objectVersionNumber
* programId
* sayCode
* sourceTable
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdatedBy
* sourceId
* programApplicationId
* id
* stmId


 * programApplicationId
* id
* lastUpdateLogin
* activeYn
* linkHistStreamId
* creationDate
* dateWorking
* requestId
* stmId
* sourceTable
* styId
* dateHistory
* sourceId
* kleId
* majorVersion
* programUpdateDate
* sayCode
* objectVersionNumber
* programId
* comments
* createdBy
* khrId
* lastUpdatedBy
* transactionNumber
* sgnCode
* dateCurrent
* trxId
* lastUpdateDate
* purposeCode


 * programApplicationId
* id
* lastUpdateLogin
* activeYn
* linkHistStreamId
* creationDate
* dateWorking
* requestId
* stmId
* sourceTable
* styId
* dateHistory
* sourceId
* kleId
* majorVersion
* programUpdateDate
* sayCode
* objectVersionNumber
* programId
* comments
* createdBy
* khrId
* lastUpdatedBy
* transactionNumber
* sgnCode
* dateCurrent
* trxId
* lastUpdateDate
* purposeCode


 * creationDate
* transactionNumber
* programUpdateDate
* sgnCode
* comments
* purposeCode
* kleId
* lastUpdateDate
* styId
* dateHistory
* createdBy
* activeYn
* trxId
* khrId
* requestId
* linkHistStreamId
* dateWorking
* dateCurrent
* objectVersionNumber
* programId
* sayCode
* sourceTable
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdatedBy
* sourceId
* programApplicationId
* id
* stmId


 * objectVersionNumber
* selId
* accruedYn
* comments
* programApplicationId
* sourceTable
* seLineNumber
* billAdjFlag
* stmId
* lastUpdateLogin
* streamElementDate
* programId
* lastUpdatedBy
* dateBilled
* lastUpdateDate
* programUpdateDate
* creationDate
* requestId
* createdBy
* accrualAdjFlag
* id
* amount
* dateDisbursed
* sourceId


 * requestId
* creationDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* streamElementDate
* programUpdateDate
* stmId
* sourceTable
* accruedYn
* majorVersion
* accrualAdjFlag
* selId
* id
* dateBilled
* lastUpdateDate
* billAdjFlag
* amount
* objectVersionNumber
* createdBy
* programId
* sourceId
* seLineNumber
* lastUpdateLogin
* comments
* programApplicationId


 * requestId
* creationDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* streamElementDate
* programUpdateDate
* stmId
* sourceTable
* accruedYn
* majorVersion
* accrualAdjFlag
* selId
* id
* dateBilled
* lastUpdateDate
* billAdjFlag
* amount
* objectVersionNumber
* createdBy
* programId
* sourceId
* seLineNumber
* lastUpdateLogin
* comments
* programApplicationId


 * objectVersionNumber
* selId
* accruedYn
* comments
* programApplicationId
* sourceTable
* seLineNumber
* billAdjFlag
* stmId
* lastUpdateLogin
* streamElementDate
* programId
* lastUpdatedBy
* dateBilled
* lastUpdateDate
* programUpdateDate
* creationDate
* requestId
* createdBy
* accrualAdjFlag
* id
* amount
* dateDisbursed
* sourceId


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* attribute2
* attribute3
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* attributeCategory
* attribute1
* attribute12
* createdBy
* attribute9
* objectVersionNumber
* attribute13
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* sequenceNumber
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute10
* lastUpdateDate
* styId
* orgId
* id
* attribute8
* attribute14
* creationDate
* attribute7
* attribute11
* attribute5
* attribute15
* streamAllcType
* attribute4


 * lastUpdateLogin
* attribute2
* attribute3
* catId
* attributeCategory
* attribute1
* attribute12
* createdBy
* attribute9
* objectVersionNumber
* attribute13
* attribute6
* sequenceNumber
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute10
* lastUpdateDate
* styId
* orgId
* id
* attribute8
* attribute14
* creationDate
* attribute7
* attribute11
* attribute5
* attribute15
* streamAllcType
* attribute4


 * attribute11
* objectVersionNumber
* allocationFactor
* streamTypeClass
* billableYn
* periodicYn
* attribute13
* attributeCategory
* attribute9
* taxableDefaultYn
* version
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute10
* attribute3
* attribute6
* streamTypeScope
* id
* creationDate
* zdEditionName
* zdSync
* accrualYn
* attribute4
* capitalizeYn
* nonRevenueAccrualType
* code
* fundableYn
* attribute12
* attribute1
* contingency
* streamTypeSubclass
* attribute5
* attribute8
* startDate
* attribute2
* attribute14
* customizationLevel
* attribute15
* endDate
* contingencyId
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute7
* createdBy
* streamTypePurpose


 * attribute11
* objectVersionNumber
* allocationFactor
* streamTypeClass
* billableYn
* periodicYn
* attribute13
* attributeCategory
* attribute9
* taxableDefaultYn
* version
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute10
* attribute3
* attribute6
* streamTypeScope
* id
* creationDate
* zdEditionName
* zdSync
* accrualYn
* attribute4
* capitalizeYn
* nonRevenueAccrualType
* code
* fundableYn
* attribute12
* attribute1
* contingency
* streamTypeSubclass
* attribute5
* attribute8
* startDate
* attribute2
* attribute14
* customizationLevel
* attribute15
* endDate
* contingencyId
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute7
* createdBy
* streamTypePurpose


 * styId
* attribute8
* attribute6
* attributeCategory
* id
* attribute10
* attribute12
* lastUpdatedBy
* createdBy
* objectVersionNumber
* attribute11
* attribute1
* attribute5
* attribute2
* attribute9
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute15
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute14
* lpoId
* attribute7
* latePolicyExemptYn
* attribute13
* creationDate
* attribute3
* attribute4


 * styId
* attribute8
* attribute6
* attributeCategory
* id
* attribute10
* attribute12
* lastUpdatedBy
* createdBy
* objectVersionNumber
* attribute11
* attribute1
* attribute5
* attribute2
* attribute9
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute15
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute14
* lpoId
* attribute7
* latePolicyExemptYn
* attribute13
* creationDate
* attribute3
* attribute4


 * name
* creationDate
* sfwtFlag
* lastUpdateLogin
* shortDescription
* zdEditionName
* description
* sourceLang
* zdSync
* createdBy
* lastUpdatedBy
* id
* language
* lastUpdateDate


 * name
* creationDate
* sfwtFlag
* lastUpdateLogin
* shortDescription
* zdEditionName
* description
* sourceLang
* zdSync
* createdBy
* lastUpdatedBy
* id
* language
* lastUpdateDate


 * exclusiveYn
* lastUpdatedBy
* customerVisibleYn
* ratePoints
* accountingMethodCode
* receiptMethodCode
* terminationRefundBasis
* effectiveFromDate
* attribute8
* attribute5
* attribute3
* percent
* attribute12
* attributeCategory
* refundFormulaId
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute10
* maximumTerm
* attribute14
* lastUpdateDate
* orgId
* objectVersionNumber
* vendorId
* attribute7
* applicableToReleaseYn
* subsidyCalcBasis
* attribute2
* attribute4
* createdBy
* amount
* attribute1
* attribute6
* subsidyPoolId
* name
* streamTypeId
* recourseYn
* currencyCode
* formulaId
* maximumFinancedAmount
* attribute13
* id
* transferBasisCode
* attribute15
* attribute9
* effectiveToDate
* expireAfterDays
* creationDate
* attribute11
* maximumSubsidyAmount


 * exclusiveYn
* lastUpdatedBy
* customerVisibleYn
* ratePoints
* accountingMethodCode
* receiptMethodCode
* terminationRefundBasis
* effectiveFromDate
* attribute8
* attribute5
* attribute3
* percent
* attribute12
* attributeCategory
* refundFormulaId
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute10
* maximumTerm
* attribute14
* lastUpdateDate
* orgId
* objectVersionNumber
* vendorId
* attribute7
* applicableToReleaseYn
* subsidyCalcBasis
* attribute2
* attribute4
* createdBy
* amount
* attribute1
* attribute6
* subsidyPoolId
* name
* streamTypeId
* recourseYn
* currencyCode
* formulaId
* maximumFinancedAmount
* attribute13
* id
* transferBasisCode
* attribute15
* attribute9
* effectiveToDate
* expireAfterDays
* creationDate
* attribute11
* maximumSubsidyAmount


 * id
* sfwtFlag
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* createdBy
* shortDescription
* creationDate
* description
* language
* sourceLang
* lastUpdatedBy


 * id
* sfwtFlag
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* createdBy
* shortDescription
* creationDate
* description
* language
* sourceLang
* lastUpdatedBy


 * industryCode
* attribute4
* attribute3
* lastUpdateDate
* subsidyId
* productId
* attribute1
* creationDate
* maximumFinancedAmount
* attribute14
* attribute9
* lastUpdateLogin
* id
* industryCodeType
* attribute6
* attribute11
* attribute7
* objectVersionNumber
* attribute5
* lastUpdatedBy
* salesTerritoryId
* attribute15
* attribute12
* creditClassificationCode
* displaySequence
* attribute13
* attributeCategory
* createdBy
* attribute8
* organizationId
* attribute2
* inventoryItemId
* salesTerritoryCode
* attribute10


 * industryCode
* attribute4
* attribute3
* lastUpdateDate
* subsidyId
* productId
* attribute1
* creationDate
* maximumFinancedAmount
* attribute14
* attribute9
* lastUpdateLogin
* id
* industryCodeType
* attribute6
* attribute11
* attribute7
* objectVersionNumber
* attribute5
* lastUpdatedBy
* salesTerritoryId
* attribute15
* attribute12
* creditClassificationCode
* displaySequence
* attribute13
* attributeCategory
* createdBy
* attribute8
* organizationId
* attribute2
* inventoryItemId
* salesTerritoryCode
* attribute10


 * attribute14
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute5
* objectVersionNumber
* attributeCategory
* attribute8
* attribute15
* attribute11
* creationDate
* attribute1
* attribute6
* decisionStatusCode
* createdBy
* attribute7
* attribute13
* effectiveFromDate
* subsidyPoolId
* attribute12
* attribute2
* attribute9
* attribute10
* attribute3
* decisionDate
* id
* budgetTypeCode
* attribute4
* lastUpdateLogin
* budgetAmount
* note


 * attribute14
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute5
* objectVersionNumber
* attributeCategory
* attribute8
* attribute15
* attribute11
* creationDate
* attribute1
* attribute6
* decisionStatusCode
* createdBy
* attribute7
* attribute13
* effectiveFromDate
* subsidyPoolId
* attribute12
* attribute2
* attribute9
* attribute10
* attribute3
* decisionDate
* id
* budgetTypeCode
* attribute4
* lastUpdateLogin
* budgetAmount
* note


 * createdBy
* note
* lastUpdatedBy
* id
* lastUpdateDate
* language
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* sourceLang
* sfwtFlag


 * createdBy
* note
* lastUpdatedBy
* id
* lastUpdateDate
* language
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* sourceLang
* sfwtFlag


 * attribute4
* creationDate
* attribute1
* attribute9
* attribute11
* objectVersionNumber
* currencyConversionType
* totalSubsidyAmount
* attribute7
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute15
* attributeCategory
* reportingPoolLimit
* decisionStatusCode
* attribute5
* createdBy
* attribute6
* effectiveFromDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* currencyCode
* attribute12
* attribute14
* attribute10
* attribute8
* subsidyPoolName
* totalBudgets
* attribute2
* attribute3
* subsidyPoolId
* id
* poolTypeCode
* effectiveToDate
* decisionDate
* attribute13


 * attribute4
* creationDate
* attribute1
* attribute9
* attribute11
* objectVersionNumber
* currencyConversionType
* totalSubsidyAmount
* attribute7
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute15
* attributeCategory
* reportingPoolLimit
* decisionStatusCode
* attribute5
* createdBy
* attribute6
* effectiveFromDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* currencyCode
* attribute12
* attribute14
* attribute10
* attribute8
* subsidyPoolName
* totalBudgets
* attribute2
* attribute3
* subsidyPoolId
* id
* poolTypeCode
* effectiveToDate
* decisionDate
* attribute13


 * shortDescription
* description
* sourceLang
* sfwtFlag
* lastUpdateLogin
* id
* lastUpdatedBy
* language
* createdBy
* creationDate
* lastUpdateDate


 * shortDescription
* description
* sourceLang
* sfwtFlag
* lastUpdateLogin
* id
* lastUpdatedBy
* language
* createdBy
* creationDate
* lastUpdateDate


 * attribute6
* attributeCategory
* attribute7
* objectVersionNumber
* attribute3
* attribute5
* shippingAddressId1
* invoiceNumber
* attribute13
* dateInvoiced
* faCleId
* attribute2
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* creationDate
* shippingAddressId2
* shippingAddressCode
* dateDue
* id
* attribute11
* attribute4
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute10
* attribute15
* attribute9
* attribute8
* attribute14
* createdBy
* attribute1
* attribute12
* cleId


 * majorVersion
* attribute10
* shippingAddressId1
* lastUpdateLogin
* objectVersionNumber
* attribute15
* attribute11
* faCleId
* invoiceNumber
* dateDue
* shippingAddressCode
* lastUpdateDate
* createdBy
* attribute4
* dateInvoiced
* attribute3
* creationDate
* attribute1
* attribute13
* id
* attributeCategory
* attribute5
* cleId
* shippingAddressId2
* attribute2
* attribute12
* attribute14
* attribute8
* attribute9
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute6
* attribute7


 * majorVersion
* attribute10
* shippingAddressId1
* lastUpdateLogin
* objectVersionNumber
* attribute15
* attribute11
* faCleId
* invoiceNumber
* dateDue
* shippingAddressCode
* lastUpdateDate
* createdBy
* attribute4
* dateInvoiced
* attribute3
* creationDate
* attribute1
* attribute13
* id
* attributeCategory
* attribute5
* cleId
* shippingAddressId2
* attribute2
* attribute12
* attribute14
* attribute8
* attribute9
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute6
* attribute7


 * attribute6
* attributeCategory
* attribute7
* objectVersionNumber
* attribute3
* attribute5
* shippingAddressId1
* invoiceNumber
* attribute13
* dateInvoiced
* faCleId
* attribute2
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* creationDate
* shippingAddressId2
* shippingAddressCode
* dateDue
* id
* attribute11
* attribute4
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute10
* attribute15
* attribute9
* attribute8
* attribute14
* createdBy
* attribute1
* attribute12
* cleId


 * disTakenCcid
* ccMinAcctUnit
* attribute2
* codeCombinationId
* lastUpdatedBy
* aelRepCurrencyCode
* setOfBooksId
* ccRepCurrencyCode
* attribute1
* arClearingCcid
* crossCurrencyCcid
* aelMinAcctUnit
* realizedLossCcid
* liablityCcid
* createdBy
* ccPrecision
* aelPrecision
* attribute10
* attribute6
* attribute5
* lastUpdateLogin
* apClearingCcid
* attribute7
* ccApplyRoundingDifference
* attributeCategory
* attribute14
* futDatePayCcid
* aelApplyRoundingDifference
* attribute9
* attribute13
* taxCcid
* payDistSetId
* attribute8
* creationDate
* attribute11
* stmRoundingRule
* attribute4
* stmApplyRoundingDifference
* lkeHoldDays
* roundingCcid
* accrualReversalDays
* isgArrearsPayDatesOption
* aelRoundingRule
* recCcid
* realizedGainCcid
* amortIncAdjRevDtYn
* orgId
* ccRoundingRule
* validateKhrStartDate
* accountDerivation
* attribute12
* secondaryRepMethod
* payablesCcid
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute3
* id
* prePaymentCcid
* attribute15
* objectVersionNumber


 * disTakenCcid
* ccMinAcctUnit
* attribute2
* codeCombinationId
* lastUpdatedBy
* aelRepCurrencyCode
* setOfBooksId
* ccRepCurrencyCode
* attribute1
* arClearingCcid
* crossCurrencyCcid
* aelMinAcctUnit
* realizedLossCcid
* liablityCcid
* createdBy
* ccPrecision
* aelPrecision
* attribute10
* attribute6
* attribute5
* lastUpdateLogin
* apClearingCcid
* attribute7
* ccApplyRoundingDifference
* attributeCategory
* attribute14
* futDatePayCcid
* aelApplyRoundingDifference
* attribute9
* attribute13
* taxCcid
* payDistSetId
* attribute8
* creationDate
* attribute11
* stmRoundingRule
* attribute4
* stmApplyRoundingDifference
* lkeHoldDays
* roundingCcid
* accrualReversalDays
* isgArrearsPayDatesOption
* aelRoundingRule
* recCcid
* realizedGainCcid
* amortIncAdjRevDtYn
* orgId
* ccRoundingRule
* validateKhrStartDate
* accountDerivation
* attribute12
* secondaryRepMethod
* payablesCcid
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute3
* id
* prePaymentCcid
* attribute15
* objectVersionNumber


 * taxBook2
* rptProdBookTypeCode
* remkProcessCode
* lseappSeqPrefixTxt
* remkPriceListId
* qpmId2
* attribute4
* delinkYn
* attribute12
* attribute13
* defaultDeprnInputsCode
* asstAddBookTypeCode
* createdBy
* attribute9
* objectVersionNumber
* ownerTypeCode
* attribute14
* relatedInstallCustAcctYn
* partTrmntApplyRoundDiff
* attribute10
* orgId
* creationDate
* enableDeprnDfltExtYn
* leaseInvOrgYn
* id
* depreciateYn
* remkItemInvoicedCode
* remkOrganizationId
* lseoppSeqPrefixTxt
* lseqteSeqPrefixTxt
* requestId
* cancelQuotesYn
* lastUpdateLogin
* taxUpfrontStyId
* taskTemplateGroupId
* taxUpfrontYn
* qpmId1
* attribute3
* attribute6
* taxInvoiceYn
* attribute7
* itemInvOrgId
* taxBook1
* attribute2
* attribute5
* attribute1
* programApplicationId
* taxScheduleYn
* ccardRemittanceId
* assetKeyId
* attributeCategory
* qckqteSeqPrefixTxt
* attribute8
* corporateBook
* chkAccrualPreviousMnthYn
* attribute15
* faLocationId
* enablAsstLvlTermntn
* lastUpdatedBy
* validationSetId
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute11
* remkSubinventory
* allowQpm1OverrideFlag
* programId
* ownerId
* stopTermnaOnAcceptnceYn
* categorySetId
* programUpdateDate
* preproceedsYn
* allowQpm2OverrideFlag
* remkItemTemplateId
* formulaId


 * taxBook2
* rptProdBookTypeCode
* remkProcessCode
* lseappSeqPrefixTxt
* remkPriceListId
* qpmId2
* attribute4
* delinkYn
* attribute12
* attribute13
* defaultDeprnInputsCode
* asstAddBookTypeCode
* createdBy
* attribute9
* objectVersionNumber
* ownerTypeCode
* attribute14
* relatedInstallCustAcctYn
* partTrmntApplyRoundDiff
* attribute10
* orgId
* creationDate
* enableDeprnDfltExtYn
* leaseInvOrgYn
* id
* depreciateYn
* remkItemInvoicedCode
* remkOrganizationId
* lseoppSeqPrefixTxt
* lseqteSeqPrefixTxt
* requestId
* cancelQuotesYn
* lastUpdateLogin
* taxUpfrontStyId
* taskTemplateGroupId
* taxUpfrontYn
* qpmId1
* attribute3
* attribute6
* taxInvoiceYn
* attribute7
* itemInvOrgId
* taxBook1
* attribute2
* attribute5
* attribute1
* programApplicationId
* taxScheduleYn
* ccardRemittanceId
* assetKeyId
* attributeCategory
* qckqteSeqPrefixTxt
* attribute8
* corporateBook
* chkAccrualPreviousMnthYn
* attribute15
* faLocationId
* enablAsstLvlTermntn
* lastUpdatedBy
* validationSetId
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute11
* remkSubinventory
* allowQpm1OverrideFlag
* programId
* ownerId
* stopTermnaOnAcceptnceYn
* categorySetId
* programUpdateDate
* preproceedsYn
* allowQpm2OverrideFlag
* remkItemTemplateId
* formulaId


 * attribute4
* createdBy
* proofRequiredDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* territoryCode
* agencySiteId
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute8
* attribute14
* invoiceFormatId
* policyNumber
* newContractNumber
* ipyType
* bankAcctId
* tcnId
* creditLineId
* billToSiteId
* creationDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* effectiveFromDate
* attribute5
* effectiveToDate
* attribute13
* attribute11
* proofProvidedDate
* isuId
* deductibleAmt
* attribute2
* policyNumber#1
* coveredAmt
* agentSiteId
* attribute10
* attribute12
* insuranceYn
* attribute7
* attribute9
* leasePolicyYn
* custAcctId
* lessorPayeeYn
* attributeCategory
* attribute6
* intId
* paymentMthdId
* mlaId
* attribute1
* attribute15
* id
* lessorInsuredYn
* attribute3


 * attribute4
* createdBy
* proofRequiredDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* territoryCode
* agencySiteId
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute8
* attribute14
* invoiceFormatId
* policyNumber
* newContractNumber
* ipyType
* bankAcctId
* tcnId
* creditLineId
* billToSiteId
* creationDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* effectiveFromDate
* attribute5
* effectiveToDate
* attribute13
* attribute11
* proofProvidedDate
* isuId
* deductibleAmt
* attribute2
* policyNumber#1
* coveredAmt
* agentSiteId
* attribute10
* attribute12
* insuranceYn
* attribute7
* attribute9
* leasePolicyYn
* custAcctId
* lessorPayeeYn
* attributeCategory
* attribute6
* intId
* paymentMthdId
* mlaId
* attribute1
* attribute15
* id
* lessorInsuredYn
* attribute3


 * numOfRows
* glDate
* setOfBooksId


 * numOfRows
* glDate
* setOfBooksId


 * talId
* tclId


 * talId
* tclId


 * expireFlag
* attribute5
* attribute15
* resultCode
* equipUsageCode
* attribute6
* taxCountryCode
* resultTypeCode
* dateEffectiveFrom
* ageOfEquipFrom
* leasePurchasedCode
* attribute3
* styId
* termQuoteReasonCode
* createdBy
* attribute11
* attribute8
* attributeCategory
* attribute2
* intDisclosedCode
* tryId
* saleLeaseBackCode
* termQuoteTypeCode
* attribute12
* bookClassCode
* attribute7
* titleTrnsfrCode
* lastUpdateLogin
* creationDate
* taxAttributeDefId
* attribute9
* attribute4
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute1
* lastUpdatedBy
* vendorSiteId
* attribute13
* objectVersionNumber
* purchaseOptionCode
* ageOfEquipTo
* attribute10
* attribute14
* pdtId
* dateEffectiveTo


 * expireFlag
* attribute5
* attribute15
* resultCode
* equipUsageCode
* attribute6
* taxCountryCode
* resultTypeCode
* dateEffectiveFrom
* ageOfEquipFrom
* leasePurchasedCode
* attribute3
* styId
* termQuoteReasonCode
* createdBy
* attribute11
* attribute8
* attributeCategory
* attribute2
* intDisclosedCode
* tryId
* saleLeaseBackCode
* termQuoteTypeCode
* attribute12
* bookClassCode
* attribute7
* titleTrnsfrCode
* lastUpdateLogin
* creationDate
* taxAttributeDefId
* attribute9
* attribute4
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute1
* lastUpdatedBy
* vendorSiteId
* attribute13
* objectVersionNumber
* purchaseOptionCode
* ageOfEquipTo
* attribute10
* attribute14
* pdtId
* dateEffectiveTo


 * taxExemptionId
* taxableAmount
* attribute9
* id
* calculatedTaxAmount
* attribute6
* programUpdateDate
* sourceTrxId
* salesTaxId
* attribute2
* assetNumber
* createdBy
* attribute11
* taxLineType
* attribute5
* taxRateCode
* sourceName
* attribute13
* requestId
* attribute12
* lastUpdateDate
* historyYn
* attribute4
* attribute8
* trqId
* attributeCategory
* selId
* manuallyEnteredFlag
* attribute10
* taxType
* creationDate
* kleId
* programId
* taxAmount
* khrId
* attribute1
* taxDueDate
* actualYn
* attribute7
* attribute15
* taxRateCodeId
* lastUpdatedBy
* assetId
* lastUpdateLogin
* overriddenFlag
* attribute14
* programApplicationId
* taxRate
* attribute3
* orgId


 * taxExemptionId
* taxableAmount
* attribute9
* id
* calculatedTaxAmount
* attribute6
* programUpdateDate
* sourceTrxId
* salesTaxId
* attribute2
* assetNumber
* createdBy
* attribute11
* taxLineType
* attribute5
* taxRateCode
* sourceName
* attribute13
* requestId
* attribute12
* lastUpdateDate
* historyYn
* attribute4
* attribute8
* trqId
* attributeCategory
* selId
* manuallyEnteredFlag
* attribute10
* taxType
* creationDate
* kleId
* programId
* taxAmount
* khrId
* attribute1
* taxDueDate
* actualYn
* attribute7
* attribute15
* taxRateCodeId
* lastUpdatedBy
* assetId
* lastUpdateLogin
* overriddenFlag
* attribute14
* programApplicationId
* taxRate
* attribute3
* orgId


 * billToCustAcctId
* adjustedDocTrxId
* productFiscClassification
* lastUpdateDate
* selId
* adjustedDocEventClassCode
* trxDate
* entityCode
* programId
* attribute10
* programApplicationId
* tryId
* attribute3
* attributeCategory
* taxReportingFlag
* creationDate
* userDefinedFiscClass
* adjustedDocNumber
* styId
* assetNumber
* defaultTaxationCountry
* lineAmt
* billToLocationId
* alcSerializedYn
* attribute2
* shipToPartyId
* alcSerializedTotalLineAmt
* attribute9
* currencyConversionDate
* attribute7
* totalTax
* currencyConversionRate
* attribute4
* lastUpdatedBy
* billToPartyId
* eventClassCode
* inventoryItemId
* trxCurrencyCode
* attribute13
* adjustedDocTrxLevelType
* createdBy
* attribute11
* alcSerializedTotalTax
* requestId
* productType
* objectVersionNumber
* adjustedDocTrxLineId
* id
* assessableValue
* adjustedDocDate
* attribute1
* shipToLocationId
* lineName
* billToCustAcctSiteUseId
* shipToPartySiteId
* adjustedDocEntityCode
* attribute14
* taxLineStatusCode
* programUpdateDate
* billToPartySiteId
* attribute5
* trxBusinessCategory
* legalEntityId
* attribute15
* reportedYn
* attribute6
* lineIntendedUse
* orgId
* taxCallTypeCode
* trxId
* productCategory
* provnlTaxDeterminationDate
* currencyConversionType
* attribute8
* kleId
* attribute12
* lastUpdateLogin
* applicationId
* khrId
* shipToCustAcctSiteUseId
* trxLineId
* taxClassificationCode
* trxLevelType


 * billToCustAcctId
* adjustedDocTrxId
* productFiscClassification
* lastUpdateDate
* selId
* adjustedDocEventClassCode
* trxDate
* entityCode
* programId
* attribute10
* programApplicationId
* tryId
* attribute3
* attributeCategory
* taxReportingFlag
* creationDate
* userDefinedFiscClass
* adjustedDocNumber
* styId
* assetNumber
* defaultTaxationCountry
* lineAmt
* billToLocationId
* alcSerializedYn
* attribute2
* shipToPartyId
* alcSerializedTotalLineAmt
* attribute9
* currencyConversionDate
* attribute7
* totalTax
* currencyConversionRate
* attribute4
* lastUpdatedBy
* billToPartyId
* eventClassCode
* inventoryItemId
* trxCurrencyCode
* attribute13
* adjustedDocTrxLevelType
* createdBy
* attribute11
* alcSerializedTotalTax
* requestId
* productType
* objectVersionNumber
* adjustedDocTrxLineId
* id
* assessableValue
* adjustedDocDate
* attribute1
* shipToLocationId
* lineName
* billToCustAcctSiteUseId
* shipToPartySiteId
* adjustedDocEntityCode
* attribute14
* taxLineStatusCode
* programUpdateDate
* billToPartySiteId
* attribute5
* trxBusinessCategory
* legalEntityId
* attribute15
* reportedYn
* attribute6
* lineIntendedUse
* orgId
* taxCallTypeCode
* trxId
* productCategory
* provnlTaxDeterminationDate
* currencyConversionType
* attribute8
* kleId
* attribute12
* lastUpdateLogin
* applicationId
* khrId
* shipToCustAcctSiteUseId
* trxLineId
* taxClassificationCode
* trxLevelType


 * reportedYn
* shipToCustAcctSiteUseId
* trxId
* attribute5
* attribute8
* billToCustAcctSiteUseId
* adjustedDocTrxLineId
* provnlTaxDeterminationDate
* assessableValue
* productType
* orgId
* shipToLocationId
* programApplicationId
* attributeCategory
* alcSerializedTotalTax
* attribute6
* shipToPartyId
* attribute3
* alcSerializedTotalLineAmt
* attribute10
* defaultTaxationCountry
* shipToPartySiteId
* assetNumber
* adjustedDocEntityCode
* applicationId
* adjustedDocTrxLevelType
* attribute4
* createdBy
* attribute11
* trxDate
* billToPartySiteId
* inventoryItemId
* styId
* attribute12
* khrId
* attribute13
* alcSerializedYn
* id
* adjustedDocDate
* taxLineStatusCode
* attribute1
* eventClassCode
* selId
* currencyConversionRate
* lastUpdateLogin
* upgradedYn
* entityCode
* billToPartyId
* trxBusinessCategory
* taxReportingFlag
* lastUpdateDate
* taxCallTypeCode
* taxClassificationCode
* currencyConversionDate
* totalTax
* programId
* userDefinedFiscClass
* adjustedDocTrxId
* productFiscClassification
* requestId
* creationDate
* attribute14
* adjustedDocEventClassCode
* trxCurrencyCode
* attribute15
* productCategory
* legalEntityId
* kleId
* lineIntendedUse
* attribute7
* lastUpdatedBy
* trxLineId
* stsCode
* currencyConversionType
* trxLevelType
* attribute9
* lineName
* attribute2
* adjustedDocNumber
* tryId
* lineAmt
* programUpdateDate
* objectVersionNumber
* billToCustAcctId
* billToLocationId


 * reportedYn
* shipToCustAcctSiteUseId
* trxId
* attribute5
* attribute8
* billToCustAcctSiteUseId
* adjustedDocTrxLineId
* provnlTaxDeterminationDate
* assessableValue
* productType
* orgId
* shipToLocationId
* programApplicationId
* attributeCategory
* alcSerializedTotalTax
* attribute6
* shipToPartyId
* attribute3
* alcSerializedTotalLineAmt
* attribute10
* defaultTaxationCountry
* shipToPartySiteId
* assetNumber
* adjustedDocEntityCode
* applicationId
* adjustedDocTrxLevelType
* attribute4
* createdBy
* attribute11
* trxDate
* billToPartySiteId
* inventoryItemId
* styId
* attribute12
* khrId
* attribute13
* alcSerializedYn
* id
* adjustedDocDate
* taxLineStatusCode
* attribute1
* eventClassCode
* selId
* currencyConversionRate
* lastUpdateLogin
* upgradedYn
* entityCode
* billToPartyId
* trxBusinessCategory
* taxReportingFlag
* lastUpdateDate
* taxCallTypeCode
* taxClassificationCode
* currencyConversionDate
* totalTax
* programId
* userDefinedFiscClass
* adjustedDocTrxId
* productFiscClassification
* requestId
* creationDate
* attribute14
* adjustedDocEventClassCode
* trxCurrencyCode
* attribute15
* productCategory
* legalEntityId
* kleId
* lineIntendedUse
* attribute7
* lastUpdatedBy
* trxLineId
* stsCode
* currencyConversionType
* trxLevelType
* attribute9
* lineName
* attribute2
* adjustedDocNumber
* tryId
* lineAmt
* programUpdateDate
* objectVersionNumber
* billToCustAcctId
* billToLocationId


 * taxTypeCode
* attributeCategory
* txsId
* programApplicationId
* id
* attribute2
* trxId
* tax
* programId
* eventClassCode
* programUpdateDate
* taxDate
* attribute13
* attribute5
* entityCode
* attribute3
* trxLevelType
* eventTypeCode
* trxCurrencyCode
* attribute9
* creationDate
* taxableAmtTaxCurr
* currencyConversionType
* trxDate
* taxJurisdictionId
* taxCurrencyCode
* taxRegimeCode
* taxId
* taxCallTypeCode
* taxAmount
* attribute7
* attribute15
* taxExemptionId
* precision
* trxNumber
* taxRateId
* attribute4
* taxStatusCode
* taxApportionmentLineNumber
* taxJurisdictionCode
* currencyConversionDate
* lineAmt
* lastUpdateDate
* taxDetermineDate
* createdBy
* requestId
* attribute6
* trxLineId
* taxDeterminationDate
* internalOrganizationId
* taxLineNumber
* currencyConversionRate
* attribute10
* taxAmt
* taxStatusId
* lastUpdateLogin
* objectVersionNumber
* billedYn
* attribute12
* attribute14
* trxLineNumber
* attribute1
* taxableAmount
* attribute11
* taxableAmt
* attribute8
* minimumAccountableUnit
* taxRegimeId
* applicationId
* lastUpdatedBy
* legalEntityId
* taxRate
* taxRateCode


 * taxTypeCode
* attributeCategory
* txsId
* programApplicationId
* id
* attribute2
* trxId
* tax
* programId
* eventClassCode
* programUpdateDate
* taxDate
* attribute13
* attribute5
* entityCode
* attribute3
* trxLevelType
* eventTypeCode
* trxCurrencyCode
* attribute9
* creationDate
* taxableAmtTaxCurr
* currencyConversionType
* trxDate
* taxJurisdictionId
* taxCurrencyCode
* taxRegimeCode
* taxId
* taxCallTypeCode
* taxAmount
* attribute7
* attribute15
* taxExemptionId
* precision
* trxNumber
* taxRateId
* attribute4
* taxStatusCode
* taxApportionmentLineNumber
* taxJurisdictionCode
* currencyConversionDate
* lineAmt
* lastUpdateDate
* taxDetermineDate
* createdBy
* requestId
* attribute6
* trxLineId
* taxDeterminationDate
* internalOrganizationId
* taxLineNumber
* currencyConversionRate
* attribute10
* taxAmt
* taxStatusId
* lastUpdateLogin
* objectVersionNumber
* billedYn
* attribute12
* attribute14
* trxLineNumber
* attribute1
* taxableAmount
* attribute11
* taxableAmt
* attribute8
* minimumAccountableUnit
* taxRegimeId
* applicationId
* lastUpdatedBy
* legalEntityId
* taxRate
* taxRateCode


 * trxCurrencyCode
* attribute13
* lastUpdatedBy
* taxTypeCode
* currencyConversionRate
* precision
* eventTypeCode
* hdrCode
* attribute15
* legalEntityId
* attribute10
* id
* attribute5
* attribute6
* eventClassCode
* minimumAccountableUnit
* taxRateCode
* attribute14
* taxJurisdictionCode
* taxableAmount
* taxAmt
* taxStatusId
* internalOrganizationId
* attribute2
* taxId
* taxRegimeId
* requestId
* attribute12
* trxLineNumber
* applicationId
* taxableAmtTaxCurr
* lineAmt
* lastUpdateDate
* taxJurisdictionId
* taxCurrencyCode
* trxLineId
* taxRateId
* taxDeterminationDate
* txsId
* entityCode
* attribute3
* currencyConversionDate
* trxLevelType
* programId
* attribute11
* taxableAmt
* currencyConversionType
* taxExemptionId
* programApplicationId
* createdBy
* trxId
* billedYn
* taxCallTypeCode
* creationDate
* taxDate
* objectVersionNumber
* attribute7
* lastUpdateLogin
* trxNumber
* programUpdateDate
* upgradedYn
* trxDate
* attribute4
* attributeCategory
* taxRegimeCode
* attribute9
* taxDetermineDate
* taxRate
* attribute1
* taxLineNumber
* tax
* taxAmount
* attribute8
* taxApportionmentLineNumber
* taxStatusCode


 * trxCurrencyCode
* attribute13
* lastUpdatedBy
* taxTypeCode
* currencyConversionRate
* precision
* eventTypeCode
* hdrCode
* attribute15
* legalEntityId
* attribute10
* id
* attribute5
* attribute6
* eventClassCode
* minimumAccountableUnit
* taxRateCode
* attribute14
* taxJurisdictionCode
* taxableAmount
* taxAmt
* taxStatusId
* internalOrganizationId
* attribute2
* taxId
* taxRegimeId
* requestId
* attribute12
* trxLineNumber
* applicationId
* taxableAmtTaxCurr
* lineAmt
* lastUpdateDate
* taxJurisdictionId
* taxCurrencyCode
* trxLineId
* taxRateId
* taxDeterminationDate
* txsId
* entityCode
* attribute3
* currencyConversionDate
* trxLevelType
* programId
* attribute11
* taxableAmt
* currencyConversionType
* taxExemptionId
* programApplicationId
* createdBy
* trxId
* billedYn
* taxCallTypeCode
* creationDate
* taxDate
* objectVersionNumber
* attribute7
* lastUpdateLogin
* trxNumber
* programUpdateDate
* upgradedYn
* trxDate
* attribute4
* attributeCategory
* taxRegimeCode
* attribute9
* taxDetermineDate
* taxRate
* attribute1
* taxLineNumber
* tax
* taxAmount
* attribute8
* taxApportionmentLineNumber
* taxStatusCode


 * attribute11
* programApplicationId
* attributeCategory
* programUpdateDate
* requestId
* creationDate
* attribute10
* attribute4
* attribute13
* attribute14
* attribute7
* attribute12
* orgId
* attribute5
* attribute8
* programId
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute9
* fmaId
* attribute6
* attribute2
* lastUpdatedBy
* createdBy
* lastUpdateDate
* objectVersionNumber
* tryId
* attribute15
* attribute3
* attribute1


 * attribute11
* programApplicationId
* attributeCategory
* programUpdateDate
* requestId
* creationDate
* attribute10
* attribute4
* attribute13
* attribute14
* attribute7
* attribute12
* orgId
* attribute5
* attribute8
* programId
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute9
* fmaId
* attribute6
* attribute2
* lastUpdatedBy
* createdBy
* lastUpdateDate
* objectVersionNumber
* tryId
* attribute15
* attribute3
* attribute1


 * autoAcceptYn
* terminationNotificationYn
* groupNumber
* comments
* description
* attribute7
* attribute12
* assetId
* feeId
* origSystem
* attribute8
* attribute6
* programApplicationId
* attribute2
* orgId
* attribute9
* transactionNumber
* requestId
* attribute1
* contractNumber
* serialNumber
* programId
* attribute5
* dateEffectiveFrom
* qteId
* quoteTypeCode
* programUpdateDate
* amountToTerminate
* creationDate
* createdBy
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute15
* unitsToTerminate
* batchNumber
* feeName
* attribute10
* assetDescription
* origSystemReference
* feeType
* assetNumber
* lastUpdateDate
* terminationNotificationEmail
* attribute11
* attribute13
* attribute3
* attributeCategory
* quoteReasonCode
* dateProcessed
* lastUpdateLogin
* contractId
* attribute4
* status
* attribute14


 * autoAcceptYn
* terminationNotificationYn
* groupNumber
* comments
* description
* attribute7
* attribute12
* assetId
* feeId
* origSystem
* attribute8
* attribute6
* programApplicationId
* attribute2
* orgId
* attribute9
* transactionNumber
* requestId
* attribute1
* contractNumber
* serialNumber
* programId
* attribute5
* dateEffectiveFrom
* qteId
* quoteTypeCode
* programUpdateDate
* amountToTerminate
* creationDate
* createdBy
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute15
* unitsToTerminate
* batchNumber
* feeName
* attribute10
* assetDescription
* origSystemReference
* feeType
* assetNumber
* lastUpdateDate
* terminationNotificationEmail
* attribute11
* attribute13
* attribute3
* attributeCategory
* quoteReasonCode
* dateProcessed
* lastUpdateLogin
* contractId
* attribute4
* status
* attribute14


 * lastUpdateLogin
* requestId
* attribute5
* attribute15
* delayDays
* attribute13
* creationDate
* attribute3
* createdBy
* qpyId
* attribute1
* partyObjectId2
* contractPartyRole
* attribute6
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute8
* allocationPercentage
* attribute14
* attributeCategory
* attribute12
* attribute9
* programApplicationId
* programUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* partyObjectId1
* transactionNumber
* attribute10
* quoteRoleCode
* programId
* attribute2
* contractPartyName
* contractPartyNumber
* emailAddress
* contractPartyId
* partyObjectCode
* attribute4
* attribute11
* status
* attribute7


 * lastUpdateLogin
* requestId
* attribute5
* attribute15
* delayDays
* attribute13
* creationDate
* attribute3
* createdBy
* qpyId
* attribute1
* partyObjectId2
* contractPartyRole
* attribute6
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute8
* allocationPercentage
* attribute14
* attributeCategory
* attribute12
* attribute9
* programApplicationId
* programUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* partyObjectId1
* transactionNumber
* attribute10
* quoteRoleCode
* programId
* attribute2
* contractPartyName
* contractPartyNumber
* emailAddress
* contractPartyId
* partyObjectCode
* attribute4
* attribute11
* status
* attribute7


 * delayDays
* partyObjectId1
* attribute9
* attributeCategory
* partyObjectId2
* programUpdateDate
* attribute7
* attribute15
* requestId
* creationDate
* status
* attribute5
* contractPartyId
* emailAddress
* attribute12
* contractPartyName
* attribute8
* programApplicationId
* attribute10
* contractPartyRole
* attribute3
* quoteRoleCode
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute1
* transactionNumber
* attribute14
* attribute2
* attribute4
* attribute6
* contractPartyNumber
* qpyId
* lastUpdateLogin
* partyObjectCode
* allocationPercentage
* attribute11
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute13
* programId
* createdBy


 * delayDays
* partyObjectId1
* attribute9
* attributeCategory
* partyObjectId2
* programUpdateDate
* attribute7
* attribute15
* requestId
* creationDate
* status
* attribute5
* contractPartyId
* emailAddress
* attribute12
* contractPartyName
* attribute8
* programApplicationId
* attribute10
* contractPartyRole
* attribute3
* quoteRoleCode
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute1
* transactionNumber
* attribute14
* attribute2
* attribute4
* attribute6
* contractPartyNumber
* qpyId
* lastUpdateLogin
* partyObjectCode
* allocationPercentage
* attribute11
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute13
* programId
* createdBy


 * invoiceFormatCode
* prescribedAssetFlag
* lineNumber
* contractNumberOld
* bankAccountNumber
* paymentMethodId
* screenFieldLabel
* paymentMethod
* bankAccountId
* billToAddressId
* screenSectionName
* reviewInvoiceFlag
* reasonForInvoiceReview
* billToAddress
* invoiceReviewUntilDate
* screenFieldValue
* cashApplRuleName
* invoiceFormatId


 * invoiceFormatCode
* prescribedAssetFlag
* lineNumber
* contractNumberOld
* bankAccountNumber
* paymentMethodId
* screenFieldLabel
* paymentMethod
* bankAccountId
* billToAddressId
* screenSectionName
* reviewInvoiceFlag
* reasonForInvoiceReview
* billToAddress
* invoiceReviewUntilDate
* screenFieldValue
* cashApplRuleName
* invoiceFormatId


 * id
* upgradeStatusFlag
* requestId
* accountedAmount
* aeLineType
* attribute3
* attribute4
* amount
* orgId
* currencyConversionType
* glDate
* programUpdateDate
* sourceId
* currencyConversionRate#1
* comments
* programId
* attribute5
* creationDate
* setOfBooksId
* sourceTable
* percentage
* postToGl
* glReversalFlag
* attribute7
* reverseEventFlag
* draftYn
* accountingEventId
* attribute10
* attributeCategory
* lastUpdateDate
* createdBy
* attribute15
* templateId
* codeCombinationId
* attribute8
* attribute1
* attribute2
* accountingTemplateName
* attribute13
* currencyConversionRate
* lastUpdateLogin
* aeCreationError
* currencyConversionDate
* originalDistId
* attribute14
* attribute11
* aetId
* lastUpdatedBy
* postedYn
* draftVersion
* attribute6
* attribute12
* objectVersionNumber
* attribute9
* postRequestId
* programApplicationId
* crDrFlag
* currencyCode


 * id
* upgradeStatusFlag
* requestId
* accountedAmount
* aeLineType
* attribute3
* attribute4
* amount
* orgId
* currencyConversionType
* glDate
* programUpdateDate
* sourceId
* currencyConversionRate#1
* comments
* programId
* attribute5
* creationDate
* setOfBooksId
* sourceTable
* percentage
* postToGl
* glReversalFlag
* attribute7
* reverseEventFlag
* draftYn
* accountingEventId
* attribute10
* attributeCategory
* lastUpdateDate
* createdBy
* attribute15
* templateId
* codeCombinationId
* attribute8
* attribute1
* attribute2
* accountingTemplateName
* attribute13
* currencyConversionRate
* lastUpdateLogin
* aeCreationError
* currencyConversionDate
* originalDistId
* attribute14
* attribute11
* aetId
* lastUpdatedBy
* postedYn
* draftVersion
* attribute6
* attribute12
* objectVersionNumber
* attribute9
* postRequestId
* programApplicationId
* crDrFlag
* currencyCode


 * attribute7
* attribute11
* lastUpdateDate
* freightCcid
* attribute13
* attribute9
* recCcid
* taxCcid
* attribute10
* lastUpdatedBy
* objectVersionNumber
* attribute2
* attribute3
* attribute6
* attribute14
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute8
* attribute5
* attribute12
* attributeCategory
* id
* tryId
* createdBy
* unbilledCcid
* revCcid
* postToGlYn
* attribute4
* attribute1
* clearingCcid
* unearnedCcid
* attribute15
* orgId


 * attribute7
* attribute11
* lastUpdateDate
* freightCcid
* attribute13
* attribute9
* recCcid
* taxCcid
* attribute10
* lastUpdatedBy
* objectVersionNumber
* attribute2
* attribute3
* attribute6
* attribute14
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute8
* attribute5
* attribute12
* attributeCategory
* id
* tryId
* createdBy
* unbilledCcid
* revCcid
* postToGlYn
* attribute4
* attribute1
* clearingCcid
* unearnedCcid
* attribute15
* orgId


 * lastUpdateLogin
* id
* sfwtFlag
* sourceLang
* creationDate
* createdBy
* language
* description
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy


 * lastUpdateLogin
* id
* sfwtFlag
* sourceLang
* creationDate
* createdBy
* language
* description
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy


 * waitVendorInvoiceYn
* consolidateYn
* attribute9
* assetTapId
* attribute15
* id
* objectVersionNumber
* vendorInvoiceNumber
* dateInvoiced
* currencyConversionDate
* dateRequisition
* attribute1
* dateEntered
* legalEntityId
* cplvId
* currencyCode
* createdBy
* matchRequiredYn
* codeCombinationId
* lastUpdateLogin
* vendorId
* ipvsId
* ccfId
* programId
* attribute13
* invoiceCategoryCode
* cctId
* amount
* programUpdateDate
* invoiceType
* attribute4
* currencyConversionRate
* requestId
* tapIdReverses
* currencyConversionType
* attribute7
* attribute12
* attribute14
* creationDate
* attribute2
* attribute6
* tryId
* attribute11
* invoiceNumber
* transactionDate
* vpaId
* ipptId
* dateGl
* attribute3
* dateFundingApproved
* trxStatusCode
* iptFrequency
* tcnId
* attributeCategory
* attribute10
* poxId
* workflowYn
* setOfBooksId
* attribute5
* payGroupLookupCode
* iptId
* attribute8
* khrId
* artId
* paymentMethodCode
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateDate
* nettableYn
* fundingTypeCode
* orgId
* qteId
* programApplicationId


 * waitVendorInvoiceYn
* consolidateYn
* attribute9
* assetTapId
* attribute15
* id
* objectVersionNumber
* vendorInvoiceNumber
* dateInvoiced
* currencyConversionDate
* dateRequisition
* attribute1
* dateEntered
* legalEntityId
* cplvId
* currencyCode
* createdBy
* matchRequiredYn
* codeCombinationId
* lastUpdateLogin
* vendorId
* ipvsId
* ccfId
* programId
* attribute13
* invoiceCategoryCode
* cctId
* amount
* programUpdateDate
* invoiceType
* attribute4
* currencyConversionRate
* requestId
* tapIdReverses
* currencyConversionType
* attribute7
* attribute12
* attribute14
* creationDate
* attribute2
* attribute6
* tryId
* attribute11
* invoiceNumber
* transactionDate
* vpaId
* ipptId
* dateGl
* attribute3
* dateFundingApproved
* trxStatusCode
* iptFrequency
* tcnId
* attributeCategory
* attribute10
* poxId
* workflowYn
* setOfBooksId
* attribute5
* payGroupLookupCode
* iptId
* attribute8
* khrId
* artId
* paymentMethodCode
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateDate
* nettableYn
* fundingTypeCode
* orgId
* qteId
* programApplicationId


 * lastUpdatedBy
* transactionDate
* glDate
* requestId
* attribute4
* lastUpdateLogin
* programApplicationId
* programId
* tcnId
* applyDate
* id
* attribute8
* createdBy
* attributeCategory
* attribute2
* attribute5
* ccwId
* attribute15
* tryId
* attribute11
* attribute10
* attribute14
* attribute1
* attribute3
* attribute13
* adjustmentReasonCode
* orgId
* attribute9
* objectVersionNumber
* creationDate
* programUpdateDate
* trxStatusCode
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute6
* attribute7
* attribute12


 * lastUpdatedBy
* transactionDate
* glDate
* requestId
* attribute4
* lastUpdateLogin
* programApplicationId
* programId
* tcnId
* applyDate
* id
* attribute8
* createdBy
* attributeCategory
* attribute2
* attribute5
* ccwId
* attribute15
* tryId
* attribute11
* attribute10
* attribute14
* attribute1
* attribute3
* attribute13
* adjustmentReasonCode
* orgId
* attribute9
* objectVersionNumber
* creationDate
* programUpdateDate
* trxStatusCode
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute6
* attribute7
* attribute12


 * lastUpdatedBy
* createdBy
* sourceLang
* comments
* id
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* language
* sfwtFlag
* creationDate


 * lastUpdatedBy
* createdBy
* sourceLang
* comments
* id
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* language
* sfwtFlag
* creationDate


 * taiIdReverses
* invoicePullYn
* taxExemptReasonCode
* trxStatusCode
* craId
* attribute3
* attribute6
* attribute2
* orgId
* ixxId
* customerBankAccountId
* tryId
* attribute10
* objectVersionNumber
* irmId
* clgId
* svfId
* ibtId
* attributeCategory
* trxNumber
* attribute7
* programApplicationId
* attribute13
* attribute11
* tapId
* investorAgreementNumber
* currencyConversionDate
* attribute15
* legalEntityId
* transactionDate
* dueDate
* programId
* currencyConversionRate
* privateLabel
* setOfBooksId
* lastUpdateLogin
* dateInvoiced
* attribute4
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute9
* attribute14
* amount
* custTrxTypeId
* consolidatedInvoiceNumber
* qteId
* poxId
* dateEntered
* taxExemptFlag
* infId
* khrId
* programUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* oklSourceBillingTrx
* referenceLineId
* requestId
* creationDate
* attribute12
* investorName
* attribute1
* currencyConversionType
* receivablesInvoiceId
* attribute5
* attribute8
* irtId
* tcnId
* createdBy
* ipyId
* sourceTable
* isiId
* cpyId
* id
* currencyCode
* amountApplied


 * taiIdReverses
* invoicePullYn
* taxExemptReasonCode
* trxStatusCode
* craId
* attribute3
* attribute6
* attribute2
* orgId
* ixxId
* customerBankAccountId
* tryId
* attribute10
* objectVersionNumber
* irmId
* clgId
* svfId
* ibtId
* attributeCategory
* trxNumber
* attribute7
* programApplicationId
* attribute13
* attribute11
* tapId
* investorAgreementNumber
* currencyConversionDate
* attribute15
* legalEntityId
* transactionDate
* dueDate
* programId
* currencyConversionRate
* privateLabel
* setOfBooksId
* lastUpdateLogin
* dateInvoiced
* attribute4
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute9
* attribute14
* amount
* custTrxTypeId
* consolidatedInvoiceNumber
* qteId
* poxId
* dateEntered
* taxExemptFlag
* infId
* khrId
* programUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* oklSourceBillingTrx
* referenceLineId
* requestId
* creationDate
* attribute12
* investorName
* attribute1
* currencyConversionType
* receivablesInvoiceId
* attribute5
* attribute8
* irtId
* tcnId
* createdBy
* ipyId
* sourceTable
* isiId
* cpyId
* id
* currencyCode
* amountApplied


 * sfwtFlag
* language
* lastUpdatedBy
* creationDate
* lastUpdateDate
* id
* createdBy
* description
* lastUpdateLogin
* sourceLang


 * sfwtFlag
* language
* lastUpdatedBy
* creationDate
* lastUpdateDate
* id
* createdBy
* description
* lastUpdateLogin
* sourceLang


 * attribute15
* legalEntityId
* attribute12
* attribute13
* lastUpdatedBy
* attributeCategory
* attribute6
* attribute2
* createdBy
* attribute9
* attribute3
* transNumber
* orgId
* dateTransOccurred
* creationDate
* attribute11
* lastUpdateLogin
* comments
* attribute14
* reqAssetId
* attribute7
* attribute10
* objectVersionNumber
* attribute8
* lastUpdateDate
* tryId
* attribute5
* id
* attribute4
* icaId
* tasType
* attribute1
* transactionDate
* tsuCode
* totalMatchAmount


 * attribute15
* legalEntityId
* attribute12
* attribute13
* lastUpdatedBy
* attributeCategory
* attribute6
* attribute2
* createdBy
* attribute9
* attribute3
* transNumber
* orgId
* dateTransOccurred
* creationDate
* attribute11
* lastUpdateLogin
* comments
* attribute14
* reqAssetId
* attribute7
* attribute10
* objectVersionNumber
* attribute8
* lastUpdateDate
* tryId
* attribute5
* id
* attribute4
* icaId
* tasType
* attribute1
* transactionDate
* tsuCode
* totalMatchAmount


 * objectVersionNumber
* tsuCode
* tmtContractUpdatedYn
* khrId
* tmtAccountingEntriesYn
* attribute8
* chrId
* tmtCancelInsuranceYn
* tmtAssetDispositionYn
* accrualActivity
* primaryRepTrxId
* attribute13
* pvnId
* id
* taxOwnerCode
* completeTransferYn
* tryId
* creationDate
* programUpdateDate
* attribute1
* attribute6
* attribute11
* setOfBooksId
* currencyConversionRate
* attribute7
* tmtAmortizationYn
* tmtValidatedYn
* tmtRecycleYn
* codeCombinationId
* partyRelId2New
* legalEntityId
* tmtEvergreenYn
* taxDeductibleLocal
* lastUpdateLogin
* taxDeductibleCorporate
* bookClassificationCode
* attributeCategory
* canceledDate
* tmtStatusCode
* partyRelId1Old
* attribute2
* accrualReversalDate
* attribute9
* currencyConversionType
* representationName
* tmtGenericFlag2Yn
* rjnCode
* currencyConversionDate
* attribute15
* rbrCode
* orgId
* lastUpdateDate
* khrIdNew
* programApplicationId
* pdtId
* createdBy
* attribute4
* qteId
* productName
* tmtAssetReturnYn
* khrIdOld
* tmtGenericFlag3Yn
* requestId
* attribute5
* tmtSplitAssetYn
* transactionReversalDate
* dateAccrual
* transactionDate
* tmtCloseBalancesYn
* dateTransactionOccurred
* rvnCode
* aesId
* lastUpdatedBy
* description
* attribute12
* tmtStreamsUpdatedYn
* tcnType
* sourceTrxType
* upgradeStatusFlag
* attribute14
* rpyCode
* partyRelId1New
* sourceTrxId
* currencyCode
* trxNumber
* representationType
* programId
* representationCode
* attribute10
* updateStatusYn
* accountingReversalYn
* tmtGenericFlag1Yn
* accrualStatusYn
* trnCode
* partyRelId2Old
* attribute3
* amount


 * objectVersionNumber
* tsuCode
* tmtContractUpdatedYn
* khrId
* tmtAccountingEntriesYn
* attribute8
* chrId
* tmtCancelInsuranceYn
* tmtAssetDispositionYn
* accrualActivity
* primaryRepTrxId
* attribute13
* pvnId
* id
* taxOwnerCode
* completeTransferYn
* tryId
* creationDate
* programUpdateDate
* attribute1
* attribute6
* attribute11
* setOfBooksId
* currencyConversionRate
* attribute7
* tmtAmortizationYn
* tmtValidatedYn
* tmtRecycleYn
* codeCombinationId
* partyRelId2New
* legalEntityId
* tmtEvergreenYn
* taxDeductibleLocal
* lastUpdateLogin
* taxDeductibleCorporate
* bookClassificationCode
* attributeCategory
* canceledDate
* tmtStatusCode
* partyRelId1Old
* attribute2
* accrualReversalDate
* attribute9
* currencyConversionType
* representationName
* tmtGenericFlag2Yn
* rjnCode
* currencyConversionDate
* attribute15
* rbrCode
* orgId
* lastUpdateDate
* khrIdNew
* programApplicationId
* pdtId
* createdBy
* attribute4
* qteId
* productName
* tmtAssetReturnYn
* khrIdOld
* tmtGenericFlag3Yn
* requestId
* attribute5
* tmtSplitAssetYn
* transactionReversalDate
* dateAccrual
* transactionDate
* tmtCloseBalancesYn
* dateTransactionOccurred
* rvnCode
* aesId
* lastUpdatedBy
* description
* attribute12
* tmtStreamsUpdatedYn
* tcnType
* sourceTrxType
* upgradeStatusFlag
* attribute14
* rpyCode
* partyRelId1New
* sourceTrxId
* currencyCode
* trxNumber
* representationType
* programId
* representationCode
* attribute10
* updateStatusYn
* accountingReversalYn
* tmtGenericFlag1Yn
* accrualStatusYn
* trnCode
* partyRelId2Old
* attribute3
* amount


 * programApplicationId
* objectVersionNumber
* dateDeposit
* currencyConversionType
* programUpdateDate
* attribute15
* lastUpdatedBy
* remitBankId
* attribute10
* attribute13
* attributeCategory
* attribute14
* batchTotal
* id
* attribute1
* currencyConversionDate
* attribute5
* batchCompleteYn
* currencyConversionRate
* attribute2
* batchCurrency
* requestId
* programId
* attribute6
* creationDate
* orgId
* batchQty
* attribute11
* attribute3
* attribute7
* attribute12
* attribute4
* attribute9
* trxStatusCode
* dateGlRequested
* lastUpdateLogin
* dateEntered
* lastUpdateDate
* createdBy
* attribute8
* irmId


 * programApplicationId
* objectVersionNumber
* dateDeposit
* currencyConversionType
* programUpdateDate
* attribute15
* lastUpdatedBy
* remitBankId
* attribute10
* attribute13
* attributeCategory
* attribute14
* batchTotal
* id
* attribute1
* currencyConversionDate
* attribute5
* batchCompleteYn
* currencyConversionRate
* attribute2
* batchCurrency
* requestId
* programId
* attribute6
* creationDate
* orgId
* batchQty
* attribute11
* attribute3
* attribute7
* attribute12
* attribute4
* attribute9
* trxStatusCode
* dateGlRequested
* lastUpdateLogin
* dateEntered
* lastUpdateDate
* createdBy
* attribute8
* irmId


 * id
* sfwtFlag
* creationDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* sourceLang
* name
* createdBy
* description
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* language


 * id
* sfwtFlag
* creationDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* sourceLang
* name
* createdBy
* description
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* language


 * attribute11
* ibaId
* attribute8
* exchangeRateType
* attributeCategory
* programApplicationId
* customerBankName
* exchangeRateDate
* fullyAppliedFlag
* attribute13
* programUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute7
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute3
* account
* attribute6
* attribute10
* expiredFlag
* irmId
* dateEffective
* programId
* attribute12
* attribute2
* exchangeRate
* attribute5
* createdBy
* ileId
* attribute9
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* rcptStatusCode
* glDate
* amount
* attribute1
* objectVersionNumber
* id
* currencyCode
* requestId
* checkNumber
* crlCureRefundLineId
* orgId
* btcId
* receiptType
* crlCureRefundLineId2
* attribute14
* cashReceiptId
* attribute4
* attribute15


 * attribute11
* ibaId
* attribute8
* exchangeRateType
* attributeCategory
* programApplicationId
* customerBankName
* exchangeRateDate
* fullyAppliedFlag
* attribute13
* programUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute7
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute3
* account
* attribute6
* attribute10
* expiredFlag
* irmId
* dateEffective
* programId
* attribute12
* attribute2
* exchangeRate
* attribute5
* createdBy
* ileId
* attribute9
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* rcptStatusCode
* glDate
* amount
* attribute1
* objectVersionNumber
* id
* currencyCode
* requestId
* checkNumber
* crlCureRefundLineId
* orgId
* btcId
* receiptType
* crlCureRefundLineId2
* attribute14
* cashReceiptId
* attribute4
* attribute15


 * id
* language
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* sfwtFlag
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* sourceLang
* createdBy
* description


 * id
* language
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* sfwtFlag
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* sourceLang
* createdBy
* description


 * resIaProductName
* custAttribute7
* custAttribute5
* contractNumber
* invAgrmntSyndCode
* sourceTable
* poOrderNumber
* termQuoteAcceptDate
* accrualOverrideFlag
* custAttributeCategory
* billToAddressNum
* creationDate
* custAttribute8
* insPolicyNumber
* custSiteUseId
* lastUpdateLogin
* intCalcMethodCode
* custAttribute6
* contractCurrencyCode
* objectVersionNumber
* custAttribute11
* invAgrmntCurrencyCode
* contractStatusCode
* lastUpdateDate
* rentIaProductName
* rentIaAccountingCode
* convertedNumber
* custAttribute12
* invAgrmntPoolNumber
* sourceId
* resIaContractNumber
* rentIaContractNumber
* custAttribute4
* custAttribute2
* custAccountId
* creditLineNumber
* custAttribute3
* revRecMethodCode
* termQuoteNum
* termQuoteTypeCode
* insPolicyNumber#1
* partyId
* vendorProgramNumber
* assignableFlag
* chrOperatingUnitCode
* resIaAccountingCode
* lastUpdatedBy
* customerAccountNumber
* trxTypeClassCode
* customerName
* convertedAccountFlag
* masterLeaseNumber
* custAttribute9
* invAgrmntStatusCode
* custAttribute1
* insPolicyTypeCode
* invAgrmntEffectiveFrom
* custAttribute10
* custAttribute15
* invAgrmntNumber
* custAttribute14
* createdBy
* headerExtensionId
* salesRepName
* custAttribute13
* contractEffectiveFrom


 * resIaProductName
* custAttribute7
* custAttribute5
* contractNumber
* invAgrmntSyndCode
* sourceTable
* poOrderNumber
* termQuoteAcceptDate
* accrualOverrideFlag
* custAttributeCategory
* billToAddressNum
* creationDate
* custAttribute8
* insPolicyNumber
* custSiteUseId
* lastUpdateLogin
* intCalcMethodCode
* custAttribute6
* contractCurrencyCode
* objectVersionNumber
* custAttribute11
* invAgrmntCurrencyCode
* contractStatusCode
* lastUpdateDate
* rentIaProductName
* rentIaAccountingCode
* convertedNumber
* custAttribute12
* invAgrmntPoolNumber
* sourceId
* resIaContractNumber
* rentIaContractNumber
* custAttribute4
* custAttribute2
* custAccountId
* creditLineNumber
* custAttribute3
* revRecMethodCode
* termQuoteNum
* termQuoteTypeCode
* insPolicyNumber#1
* partyId
* vendorProgramNumber
* assignableFlag
* chrOperatingUnitCode
* resIaAccountingCode
* lastUpdatedBy
* customerAccountNumber
* trxTypeClassCode
* customerName
* convertedAccountFlag
* masterLeaseNumber
* custAttribute9
* invAgrmntStatusCode
* custAttribute1
* insPolicyTypeCode
* invAgrmntEffectiveFrom
* custAttribute10
* custAttribute15
* invAgrmntNumber
* custAttribute14
* createdBy
* headerExtensionId
* salesRepName
* custAttribute13
* contractEffectiveFrom


 * lastUpdateDate
* headerExtensionId
* language
* transactionTypeName
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* invAgrmntStatus
* sfwtFlag
* creationDate
* chrOperatingUnitName
* sourceLang
* contractStatus
* createdBy


 * lastUpdateDate
* headerExtensionId
* language
* transactionTypeName
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* invAgrmntStatus
* sfwtFlag
* creationDate
* chrOperatingUnitName
* sourceLang
* contractStatus
* createdBy


 * sequenceNumber
* createdBy
* tmgRun
* trxSourceTable
* programUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* messageText
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateDate
* bchId
* tmgApplicationId
* objectVersionNumber
* programId
* trxId
* creationDate
* tmgMessageName
* id
* requestId
* programApplicationId
* tmgLanguageCode


 * sequenceNumber
* createdBy
* tmgRun
* trxSourceTable
* programUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* messageText
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateDate
* bchId
* tmgApplicationId
* objectVersionNumber
* programId
* trxId
* creationDate
* tmgMessageName
* id
* requestId
* programApplicationId
* tmgLanguageCode


 * sourceTable
* createdBy
* creationDate
* paramName
* sourceId
* lastUpdateLogin
* id
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateDate
* paramValue


 * sourceTable
* createdBy
* creationDate
* paramName
* sourceId
* lastUpdateLogin
* id
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateDate
* paramValue


 * createdBy
* attribute1
* attribute8
* attribute2
* lastUpdateDate
* cfoId
* attributeCategory
* attribute11
* attribute4
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute6
* attribute5
* attribute13
* attribute3
* attribute9
* id
* attribute10
* objectVersionNumber
* attribute12
* attribute15
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute14
* qteId
* baseSourceId
* creationDate
* attribute7


 * createdBy
* attribute1
* attribute8
* attribute2
* lastUpdateDate
* cfoId
* attributeCategory
* attribute11
* attribute4
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute6
* attribute5
* attribute13
* attribute3
* attribute9
* id
* attribute10
* objectVersionNumber
* attribute12
* attribute15
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute14
* qteId
* baseSourceId
* creationDate
* attribute7


 * primaryMeasureId
* attribute1
* attribute4
* currencyConversionType
* attribute6
* attribute13
* objectVersionNumber
* attribute3
* acceptedYn
* dateAccepted
* requestedBy
* dateDue
* dateEffectiveTo
* secondaryMeasureId
* khrId
* principalPaydownAmount
* dateProposal
* attribute14
* purchaseFormula
* assetValue
* yield
* gainLoss
* currencyConversionDate
* readyToProcessYn
* rentAmount
* qtpCode
* creationDate
* attribute11
* primaryMeasureAmount
* createdBy
* description
* purchaseAmount
* popCodeEarly
* pdtId
* popCodeEnd
* residualAmount
* trnCode
* remainingPayments
* currencyCode
* lastUpdateLogin
* orgId
* partialYn
* attributeCategory
* quoteNumber
* id
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute9
* term
* consolidatedQteId
* consolidatedYn
* repoQuoteIndicatorYn
* qrsCode
* datePaymentReceived
* attribute2
* attribute15
* paymentReceivedYn
* paymentFrequency
* requestId
* programUpdateDate
* secondaryMeasureAmount
* attribute5
* currencyConversionCode
* perdiemAmount
* dateRestructureStart
* approvedYn
* preproceedsYn
* unbilledReceivables
* artId
* currencyConversionRate
* termType
* dateRestructureEnd
* attribute10
* approvedBy
* attribute12
* purchasePercent
* dateApproved
* attribute8
* lastUpdateDate
* programApplicationId
* dateEffectiveFrom
* qstCode
* legalEntityId
* residualValue
* earlyTerminationYn
* summaryFormatYn
* dateRequested
* programId
* attribute7
* consolidatedQteType


 * primaryMeasureId
* attribute1
* attribute4
* currencyConversionType
* attribute6
* attribute13
* objectVersionNumber
* attribute3
* acceptedYn
* dateAccepted
* requestedBy
* dateDue
* dateEffectiveTo
* secondaryMeasureId
* khrId
* principalPaydownAmount
* dateProposal
* attribute14
* purchaseFormula
* assetValue
* yield
* gainLoss
* currencyConversionDate
* readyToProcessYn
* rentAmount
* qtpCode
* creationDate
* attribute11
* primaryMeasureAmount
* createdBy
* description
* purchaseAmount
* popCodeEarly
* pdtId
* popCodeEnd
* residualAmount
* trnCode
* remainingPayments
* currencyCode
* lastUpdateLogin
* orgId
* partialYn
* attributeCategory
* quoteNumber
* id
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute9
* term
* consolidatedQteId
* consolidatedYn
* repoQuoteIndicatorYn
* qrsCode
* datePaymentReceived
* attribute2
* attribute15
* paymentReceivedYn
* paymentFrequency
* requestId
* programUpdateDate
* secondaryMeasureAmount
* attribute5
* currencyConversionCode
* perdiemAmount
* dateRestructureStart
* approvedYn
* preproceedsYn
* unbilledReceivables
* artId
* currencyConversionRate
* termType
* dateRestructureEnd
* attribute10
* approvedBy
* attribute12
* purchasePercent
* dateApproved
* attribute8
* lastUpdateDate
* programApplicationId
* dateEffectiveFrom
* qstCode
* legalEntityId
* residualValue
* earlyTerminationYn
* summaryFormatYn
* dateRequested
* programId
* attribute7
* consolidatedQteType


 * createdBy
* sourceLang
* language
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* comments
* id
* lastUpdateDate
* sfwtFlag
* lastUpdatedBy


 * createdBy
* sourceLang
* language
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* comments
* id
* lastUpdateDate
* sfwtFlag
* lastUpdatedBy


 * curPrincipalBalance
* parentKhrId
* tryId
* paymentAmount
* yieldType
* attribute3
* createdBy
* currencyConversionDate
* applyToCode
* startDate
* attribute7
* interestMethodCode
* attribute15
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute1
* currencyConversionRate
* attribute4
* programUpdateDate
* daysInMonth
* paymentDate
* maximumRate
* attribute12
* lsmId
* indexName
* residual
* adjustmentFrequencyCode
* attribute6
* programApplicationId
* attribute8
* attribute11
* requestReasonCode
* receiptId
* orgId
* comments
* restructureDate
* variableRateYn
* tcnId
* dnzKhrId
* requestTypeCode
* jtotObject1Code
* attribute13
* amount
* curAccumInterest
* interestStartDate
* objectVersionNumber
* chrId
* creationDate
* termDuration
* currencyCode
* lastUpdateDate
* dateOfConversion
* baseRate
* methodOfCalculationCode
* attribute9
* object1Id1
* object1Id2
* variableMethodCode
* requestNumber
* legalEntityId
* attributeCategory
* currencyConversionType
* attribute5
* attribute10
* attribute2
* daysInYear
* yield
* programId
* tolerance
* paydownType
* endDate
* attribute14
* requestStatusCode
* subsidyYn
* requestId
* minimumRate
* lastUpdatedBy
* paymentFrequencyCode
* pastDueYn
* adder
* id
* cashAppliedYn


 * curPrincipalBalance
* parentKhrId
* tryId
* paymentAmount
* yieldType
* attribute3
* createdBy
* currencyConversionDate
* applyToCode
* startDate
* attribute7
* interestMethodCode
* attribute15
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute1
* currencyConversionRate
* attribute4
* programUpdateDate
* daysInMonth
* paymentDate
* maximumRate
* attribute12
* lsmId
* indexName
* residual
* adjustmentFrequencyCode
* attribute6
* programApplicationId
* attribute8
* attribute11
* requestReasonCode
* receiptId
* orgId
* comments
* restructureDate
* variableRateYn
* tcnId
* dnzKhrId
* requestTypeCode
* jtotObject1Code
* attribute13
* amount
* curAccumInterest
* interestStartDate
* objectVersionNumber
* chrId
* creationDate
* termDuration
* currencyCode
* lastUpdateDate
* dateOfConversion
* baseRate
* methodOfCalculationCode
* attribute9
* object1Id1
* object1Id2
* variableMethodCode
* requestNumber
* legalEntityId
* attributeCategory
* currencyConversionType
* attribute5
* attribute10
* attribute2
* daysInYear
* yield
* programId
* tolerance
* paydownType
* endDate
* attribute14
* requestStatusCode
* subsidyYn
* requestId
* minimumRate
* lastUpdatedBy
* paymentFrequencyCode
* pastDueYn
* adder
* id
* cashAppliedYn


 * creationDate
* attribute10
* attribute3
* attribute7
* attribute1
* createdBy
* attribute9
* attribute13
* sourceTrxDate
* subsidyPoolAmount
* attribute2
* trxCurrencyCode
* sourceObjectId
* subsidyPoolId
* lastUpdatedBy
* vendorId
* conversionRate
* subsidyId
* lastUpdateDate
* trxDate
* attributeCategory
* sourceTypeCode
* attribute6
* attribute14
* id
* trxReasonCode
* attribute4
* attribute5
* lastUpdateLogin
* trxTypeCode
* subsidyPoolCurrencyCode
* attribute11
* attribute8
* dnzAssetNumber
* trxAmount
* objectVersionNumber
* attribute15
* attribute12


 * creationDate
* attribute10
* attribute3
* attribute7
* attribute1
* createdBy
* attribute9
* attribute13
* sourceTrxDate
* subsidyPoolAmount
* attribute2
* trxCurrencyCode
* sourceObjectId
* subsidyPoolId
* lastUpdatedBy
* vendorId
* conversionRate
* subsidyId
* lastUpdateDate
* trxDate
* attributeCategory
* sourceTypeCode
* attribute6
* attribute14
* id
* trxReasonCode
* attribute4
* attribute5
* lastUpdateLogin
* trxTypeCode
* subsidyPoolCurrencyCode
* attribute11
* attribute8
* dnzAssetNumber
* trxAmount
* objectVersionNumber
* attribute15
* attribute12


 * createdBy
* ilcId
* tryType
* zdEditionName
* tryId
* zdSync
* tryIdFor
* trxTypeClass
* taxInvoiceYn
* aepCode
* creationDate
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* accountingEventClassCode
* formulaYn
* taxScheduleYn
* lastUpdateLogin
* id
* objectVersionNumber
* taxUpfrontYn
* orgId


 * createdBy
* ilcId
* tryType
* zdEditionName
* tryId
* zdSync
* tryIdFor
* trxTypeClass
* taxInvoiceYn
* aepCode
* creationDate
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* accountingEventClassCode
* formulaYn
* taxScheduleYn
* lastUpdateLogin
* id
* objectVersionNumber
* taxUpfrontYn
* orgId


 * sourceLang
* lastUpdateDate
* creationDate
* name
* contractHeaderLineFlag
* lastUpdatedBy
* createdBy
* id
* lastUpdateLogin
* language
* sfwtFlag
* zdSync
* zdEditionName
* description
* transactionHeaderLineDetail


 * sourceLang
* lastUpdateDate
* creationDate
* name
* contractHeaderLineFlag
* lastUpdatedBy
* createdBy
* id
* lastUpdateLogin
* language
* sfwtFlag
* zdSync
* zdEditionName
* description
* transactionHeaderLineDetail


 * fixedRateYn
* lateChargeYn
* rbkOriInvoiceLineNumber
* rbkAdjustmentDate
* lateChargeAssessDate
* receivablesInvoiceId
* dateDisbursed
* inventoryItemId
* invoiceFormatLineType
* programApplicationId
* tilIdDetails
* lastUpdateDate
* lateIntAssYn
* attribute5
* attribute6
* txlArLineNumber
* selId
* attribute1
* attribute12
* lsmId
* attribute7
* kleId
* payStatusCode
* investorDisbErrMg
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute11
* bslId
* bchId
* attribute13
* bclId
* creationDate
* programId
* dateCalculation
* objectVersionNumber
* invoiceFormatType
* attribute8
* attributeCategory
* attribute2
* attribute4
* lateChargeAssYn
* attribute3
* idxId
* attribute10
* programUpdateDate
* rbkOriInvoiceNumber
* attribute15
* khrId
* lineDetailNumber
* requestId
* lastUpdatedBy
* inventoryOrgId
* styId
* orgId
* createdBy
* taxAmount
* lateIntAssessDate
* id
* attribute9
* attribute14
* amountApplied
* tldIdReverses
* investorDisbStatus
* amount
* bghId


 * fixedRateYn
* lateChargeYn
* rbkOriInvoiceLineNumber
* rbkAdjustmentDate
* lateChargeAssessDate
* receivablesInvoiceId
* dateDisbursed
* inventoryItemId
* invoiceFormatLineType
* programApplicationId
* tilIdDetails
* lastUpdateDate
* lateIntAssYn
* attribute5
* attribute6
* txlArLineNumber
* selId
* attribute1
* attribute12
* lsmId
* attribute7
* kleId
* payStatusCode
* investorDisbErrMg
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute11
* bslId
* bchId
* attribute13
* bclId
* creationDate
* programId
* dateCalculation
* objectVersionNumber
* invoiceFormatType
* attribute8
* attributeCategory
* attribute2
* attribute4
* lateChargeAssYn
* attribute3
* idxId
* attribute10
* programUpdateDate
* rbkOriInvoiceNumber
* attribute15
* khrId
* lineDetailNumber
* requestId
* lastUpdatedBy
* inventoryOrgId
* styId
* orgId
* createdBy
* taxAmount
* lateIntAssessDate
* id
* attribute9
* attribute14
* amountApplied
* tldIdReverses
* investorDisbStatus
* amount
* bghId


 * id
* createdBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* creationDate
* errorMessage
* sfwtFlag
* lastUpdatedBy
* description
* language
* sourceLang
* lastUpdateDate


 * id
* createdBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* creationDate
* errorMessage
* sfwtFlag
* lastUpdatedBy
* description
* language
* sourceLang
* lastUpdateDate


 * attribute10
* taxBook
* targetKleId
* createdBy
* attribute11
* currencyConversionType
* attribute13
* attribute5
* splitPercent
* attribute8
* attribute6
* attribute7
* attribute2
* deprnRateTax
* currencyConversionRate
* id
* lastUpdateDate
* objectVersionNumber
* attribute4
* currencyConversionDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* cost
* attribute3
* creationDate
* talId
* attribute12
* lineDetailNumber
* lastUpdateLogin
* lifeInMonthsTax
* salvageValue
* deprnMethodTax
* attributeCategory
* attribute15
* quantity
* inventoryItemId
* assetNumber
* attribute1
* attribute9
* percentSalvageValue
* attribute14
* currencyCode


 * attribute10
* taxBook
* targetKleId
* createdBy
* attribute11
* currencyConversionType
* attribute13
* attribute5
* splitPercent
* attribute8
* attribute6
* attribute7
* attribute2
* deprnRateTax
* currencyConversionRate
* id
* lastUpdateDate
* objectVersionNumber
* attribute4
* currencyConversionDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* cost
* attribute3
* creationDate
* talId
* attribute12
* lineDetailNumber
* lastUpdateLogin
* lifeInMonthsTax
* salvageValue
* deprnMethodTax
* attributeCategory
* attribute15
* quantity
* inventoryItemId
* assetNumber
* attribute1
* attribute9
* percentSalvageValue
* attribute14
* currencyCode


 * lastUpdateLogin
* id
* sourceLang
* sfwtFlag
* description
* lastUpdateDate
* createdBy
* language
* lastUpdatedBy
* creationDate


 * lastUpdateLogin
* id
* sourceLang
* sfwtFlag
* description
* lastUpdateDate
* createdBy
* language
* lastUpdatedBy
* creationDate


 * kleId
* currencyConversionType
* orgId
* programUpdateDate
* selDate
* lastUpdateDate
* requestId
* currencyConversionCode
* objectVersionNumber
* attribute3
* lastUpdatedBy
* currencyConversionDate
* attribute12
* programApplicationId
* id
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute1
* attribute6
* currencyConversionRate
* attribute8
* attribute13
* khrId
* attribute9
* programId
* creationDate
* styId
* attribute5
* createdBy
* attribute10
* attribute2
* qteId
* attribute4
* attribute11
* attribute7
* currencyCode
* attribute14
* attributeCategory
* amount
* attribute15


 * kleId
* currencyConversionType
* orgId
* programUpdateDate
* selDate
* lastUpdateDate
* requestId
* currencyConversionCode
* objectVersionNumber
* attribute3
* lastUpdatedBy
* currencyConversionDate
* attribute12
* programApplicationId
* id
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute1
* attribute6
* currencyConversionRate
* attribute8
* attribute13
* khrId
* attribute9
* programId
* creationDate
* styId
* attribute5
* createdBy
* attribute10
* attribute2
* qteId
* attribute4
* attribute11
* attribute7
* currencyCode
* attribute14
* attributeCategory
* amount
* attribute15


 * lastUpdateDate
* attribute12
* attribute1
* attribute9
* attribute2
* attribute4
* attribute7
* objectVersionNumber
* kleId
* requestId
* attribute10
* numberOfUnits
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute5
* attribute14
* attribute13
* creationDate
* orgId
* attribute11
* tqlId
* programUpdateDate
* attribute6
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute15
* id
* programApplicationId
* attribute8
* attribute3
* attributeCategory
* programId
* createdBy


 * lastUpdateDate
* attribute12
* attribute1
* attribute9
* attribute2
* attribute4
* attribute7
* objectVersionNumber
* kleId
* requestId
* attribute10
* numberOfUnits
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute5
* attribute14
* attribute13
* creationDate
* orgId
* attribute11
* tqlId
* programUpdateDate
* attribute6
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute15
* id
* programApplicationId
* attribute8
* attribute3
* attributeCategory
* programId
* createdBy


 * attribute3
* attribute1
* attribute7
* attribute14
* pslId
* programId
* amount
* attribute6
* attribute8
* attribute13
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute4
* lastUpdateLogin
* codeCombinationId
* orgId
* creationDate
* createdBy
* khrId
* styId
* id
* checkApprovalLimitYn
* attribute2
* tilId
* requestId
* attribute5
* programApplicationId
* kleId
* receivablesAdjustmentId
* attribute9
* attribute11
* attribute15
* attributeCategory
* adjId
* tldId
* lastUpdateDate
* objectVersionNumber
* attribute12
* attribute10
* programUpdateDate


 * attribute3
* attribute1
* attribute7
* attribute14
* pslId
* programId
* amount
* attribute6
* attribute8
* attribute13
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute4
* lastUpdateLogin
* codeCombinationId
* orgId
* creationDate
* createdBy
* khrId
* styId
* id
* checkApprovalLimitYn
* attribute2
* tilId
* requestId
* attribute5
* programApplicationId
* kleId
* receivablesAdjustmentId
* attribute9
* attribute11
* attribute15
* attributeCategory
* adjId
* tldId
* lastUpdateDate
* objectVersionNumber
* attribute12
* attribute10
* programUpdateDate


 * id
* lastUpdatedBy
* sourceLang
* language
* lastUpdateDate
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* sfwtFlag
* createdBy


 * id
* lastUpdatedBy
* sourceLang
* language
* lastUpdateDate
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* sfwtFlag
* createdBy


 * requestId
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute12
* cnsldApInvId
* lineNumber
* id
* codeCombinationId
* createdBy
* taxableYn
* attribute3
* refLineNumber
* styId
* fundingReferenceNumber
* attribute15
* kleId
* creationDate
* programId
* orgId
* attribute2
* programApplicationId
* tldId
* attribute9
* attribute6
* attribute14
* objectVersionNumber
* attribute7
* invDistrLineCode
* cnsldLineNumber
* attribute5
* attribute10
* lastUpdateDate
* programUpdateDate
* tplIdReverses
* attribute13
* itcId
* dateAccounting
* fundingReferenceTypeCode
* lastUpdateLogin
* attributeCategory
* attribute11
* disbursementBasisCode
* attribute4
* payablesInvoiceId
* errorMessage
* attribute8
* amount
* attribute1
* tapId
* lsmId
* selId
* khrId


 * requestId
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute12
* cnsldApInvId
* lineNumber
* id
* codeCombinationId
* createdBy
* taxableYn
* attribute3
* refLineNumber
* styId
* fundingReferenceNumber
* attribute15
* kleId
* creationDate
* programId
* orgId
* attribute2
* programApplicationId
* tldId
* attribute9
* attribute6
* attribute14
* objectVersionNumber
* attribute7
* invDistrLineCode
* cnsldLineNumber
* attribute5
* attribute10
* lastUpdateDate
* programUpdateDate
* tplIdReverses
* attribute13
* itcId
* dateAccounting
* fundingReferenceTypeCode
* lastUpdateLogin
* attributeCategory
* attribute11
* disbursementBasisCode
* attribute4
* payablesInvoiceId
* errorMessage
* attribute8
* amount
* attribute1
* tapId
* lsmId
* selId
* khrId


 * createdBy
* language
* description
* lastUpdateDate
* sfwtFlag
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* creationDate
* id
* sourceLang


 * createdBy
* language
* description
* lastUpdateDate
* sfwtFlag
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* creationDate
* id
* sourceLang


 * amount
* dateBillPeriodStart
* creationDate
* lastUpdateDate
* objectVersionNumber
* attributeCategory
* attribute13
* ibtId
* styId
* txsTrxLineId
* attribute9
* invReceivLineCode
* cllId
* programApplicationId
* receivablesInvoiceId
* lastUpdateLogin
* kleId
* attribute6
* attribute12
* lineNumber
* attribute8
* dateBillPeriodEnd
* attribute1
* qteLineId
* attribute11
* attribute7
* createdBy
* inventoryOrgId
* programUpdateDate
* attribute5
* attribute4
* tilIdReverses
* orgId
* taiId
* programId
* acnIdCost
* attribute3
* upgradeFromTwoLevelYn
* attribute2
* requestId
* inventoryItemId
* txlArLineNumber
* attribute15
* bankAcctId
* lateChargeRecId
* quantity
* amountApplied
* islId
* attribute14
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute10
* txsTrxId
* id
* tplId
* taxLineId


 * amount
* dateBillPeriodStart
* creationDate
* lastUpdateDate
* objectVersionNumber
* attributeCategory
* attribute13
* ibtId
* styId
* txsTrxLineId
* attribute9
* invReceivLineCode
* cllId
* programApplicationId
* receivablesInvoiceId
* lastUpdateLogin
* kleId
* attribute6
* attribute12
* lineNumber
* attribute8
* dateBillPeriodEnd
* attribute1
* qteLineId
* attribute11
* attribute7
* createdBy
* inventoryOrgId
* programUpdateDate
* attribute5
* attribute4
* tilIdReverses
* orgId
* taiId
* programId
* acnIdCost
* attribute3
* upgradeFromTwoLevelYn
* attribute2
* requestId
* inventoryItemId
* txlArLineNumber
* attribute15
* bankAcctId
* lateChargeRecId
* quantity
* amountApplied
* islId
* attribute14
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute10
* txsTrxId
* id
* tplId
* taxLineId


 * id
* sourceLang
* lastUpdateDate
* errorMessage
* createdBy
* language
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* sfwtFlag
* description
* creationDate


 * id
* sourceLang
* lastUpdateDate
* errorMessage
* createdBy
* language
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* sfwtFlag
* description
* creationDate


 * repAssetId
* attribute8
* residualShrPartyId
* iloId
* kleId
* dateDelivery
* oldResidualValue
* attribute1
* currencyConversionType
* tasId
* attribute13
* attribute3
* inServiceDate
* saleProceeds
* currencyCode
* yearManufactured
* attribute5
* lastUpdatedBy
* currencyConversionDate
* salvageValue
* lifeInMonths
* attribute9
* residualShrAmount
* originalCost
* attribute15
* newResidualValue
* faCost
* matchAmount
* modelNumber
* talType
* orgId
* assetKeyId
* dnzKhrId
* dateDue
* currencyConversionRate
* manufacturerName
* holdPeriodDays
* objectVersionNumber
* percentSalvageValue
* iloIdOld
* retirementId
* lastUpdateLogin
* currentUnits
* attribute12
* faLocationId
* lkeAssetId
* id
* depreciateYn
* depreciationId
* depreciationCost
* lineNumber
* attribute7
* assetNumber
* deprnRate
* removalCost
* splitIntoSinglesFlag
* tagNumber
* datePurchased
* attributeCategory
* oldSalvageValue
* attribute10
* corporateBook
* splitIntoUnits
* dnzAssetId
* costRetired
* attribute6
* iayId
* attribute2
* unitsRetired
* createdBy
* attribute11
* deprnMethod
* supplierId
* iayIdNew
* creationDate
* lastUpdateDate
* usedAssetYn
* attribute14
* faTrxDate
* attribute4


 * repAssetId
* attribute8
* residualShrPartyId
* iloId
* kleId
* dateDelivery
* oldResidualValue
* attribute1
* currencyConversionType
* tasId
* attribute13
* attribute3
* inServiceDate
* saleProceeds
* currencyCode
* yearManufactured
* attribute5
* lastUpdatedBy
* currencyConversionDate
* salvageValue
* lifeInMonths
* attribute9
* residualShrAmount
* originalCost
* attribute15
* newResidualValue
* faCost
* matchAmount
* modelNumber
* talType
* orgId
* assetKeyId
* dnzKhrId
* dateDue
* currencyConversionRate
* manufacturerName
* holdPeriodDays
* objectVersionNumber
* percentSalvageValue
* iloIdOld
* retirementId
* lastUpdateLogin
* currentUnits
* attribute12
* faLocationId
* lkeAssetId
* id
* depreciateYn
* depreciationId
* depreciationCost
* lineNumber
* attribute7
* assetNumber
* deprnRate
* removalCost
* splitIntoSinglesFlag
* tagNumber
* datePurchased
* attributeCategory
* oldSalvageValue
* attribute10
* corporateBook
* splitIntoUnits
* dnzAssetId
* costRetired
* attribute6
* iayId
* attribute2
* unitsRetired
* createdBy
* attribute11
* deprnMethod
* supplierId
* iayIdNew
* creationDate
* lastUpdateDate
* usedAssetYn
* attribute14
* faTrxDate
* attribute4


 * sfwtFlag
* lastUpdatedBy
* id
* lastUpdateLogin
* sourceLang
* description
* language
* lastUpdateDate
* createdBy
* creationDate


 * sfwtFlag
* lastUpdatedBy
* id
* lastUpdateLogin
* sourceLang
* description
* language
* lastUpdateDate
* createdBy
* creationDate


 * id
* canceledDate
* attribute11
* sourceColumn3
* lineNumber
* attribute3
* glReversalYn
* kleIdNew
* percentage
* attribute1
* attribute15
* sourceColumn1
* styId
* attribute7
* khrId
* attribute4
* attribute10
* attribute2
* lastUpdatedBy
* btcId
* attribute8
* lastUpdateLogin
* currencyCode
* sourceColumn2
* attribute9
* relCustAcctId
* attribute5
* attribute14
* description
* sourceValue1
* taxLineId
* sourceValue2
* attributeCategory
* orgId
* creationDate
* programId
* bktId
* beforeTransferYn
* streamTypeCode
* streamTypePurpose
* tclType
* programUpdateDate
* attribute12
* objectVersionNumber
* kleId
* accrualRuleYn
* lastUpdateDate
* amount
* rctId
* upgradeStatusFlag
* tcnId
* attribute13
* requestId
* sourceValue3
* attribute6
* avlId
* assetBookTypeName
* createdBy
* programApplicationId


 * id
* canceledDate
* attribute11
* sourceColumn3
* lineNumber
* attribute3
* glReversalYn
* kleIdNew
* percentage
* attribute1
* attribute15
* sourceColumn1
* styId
* attribute7
* khrId
* attribute4
* attribute10
* attribute2
* lastUpdatedBy
* btcId
* attribute8
* lastUpdateLogin
* currencyCode
* sourceColumn2
* attribute9
* relCustAcctId
* attribute5
* attribute14
* description
* sourceValue1
* taxLineId
* sourceValue2
* attributeCategory
* orgId
* creationDate
* programId
* bktId
* beforeTransferYn
* streamTypeCode
* streamTypePurpose
* tclType
* programUpdateDate
* attribute12
* objectVersionNumber
* kleId
* accrualRuleYn
* lastUpdateDate
* amount
* rctId
* upgradeStatusFlag
* tcnId
* attribute13
* requestId
* sourceValue3
* attribute6
* avlId
* assetBookTypeName
* createdBy
* programApplicationId


 * assetNumber
* assetCategoryName
* createdBy
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateDate
* assetManufacturerName
* subsidyName
* assetVendorName
* subsidyPartyName
* contractLineType
* sourceTable
* inventoryOrgCode
* assetVendorId
* tehId
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* objectVersionNumber
* assetModelNumber
* agingBucketName
* sourceId
* fixedAssetLocationName
* installedSiteId
* subsidyVendorId
* assetYearManufactured
* recievablesTrxTypeName
* vendorSiteId
* assetDeliveredDate
* feeTypeCode
* inventoryItemNameCode
* contractLineNumber
* contingencyCode
* paySupplierSiteName
* lineExtensionId
* memoFlag


 * assetNumber
* assetCategoryName
* createdBy
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateDate
* assetManufacturerName
* subsidyName
* assetVendorName
* subsidyPartyName
* contractLineType
* sourceTable
* inventoryOrgCode
* assetVendorId
* tehId
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* objectVersionNumber
* assetModelNumber
* agingBucketName
* sourceId
* fixedAssetLocationName
* installedSiteId
* subsidyVendorId
* assetYearManufactured
* recievablesTrxTypeName
* vendorSiteId
* assetDeliveredDate
* feeTypeCode
* inventoryItemNameCode
* contractLineNumber
* contingencyCode
* paySupplierSiteName
* lineExtensionId
* memoFlag


 * lineExtensionId
* lastUpdateDate
* sourceLang
* inventoryItemName
* inventoryOrgName
* createdBy
* lastUpdatedBy
* language
* sfwtFlag
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin


 * lineExtensionId
* lastUpdateDate
* sourceLang
* inventoryItemName
* inventoryOrgName
* createdBy
* lastUpdatedBy
* language
* sfwtFlag
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin


 * relCustAcctId
* attribute15
* attribute12
* kleId
* asdId
* attribute2
* talType
* jtotObjectCodeOld
* mfgSerialNumberYn
* lineNumber
* attribute14
* tasId
* lastUpdateDate
* dnzCleId
* talId
* serialNumber
* attribute5
* creationDate
* inventoryItemId
* attributeCategory
* createdBy
* attribute1
* attribute7
* objectId1New
* attribute6
* id
* objectId2New
* attribute3
* attribute9
* instanceId
* invMasterOrgId
* objectId2Old
* attribute11
* selectedForSplitFlag
* attribute4
* lastUpdatedBy
* instanceNumberIb
* jtotObjectCodeNew
* attribute10
* attribute13
* lastUpdateLogin
* objectId1Old
* inventoryOrgId
* objectVersionNumber
* attribute8


 * relCustAcctId
* attribute15
* attribute12
* kleId
* asdId
* attribute2
* talType
* jtotObjectCodeOld
* mfgSerialNumberYn
* lineNumber
* attribute14
* tasId
* lastUpdateDate
* dnzCleId
* talId
* serialNumber
* attribute5
* creationDate
* inventoryItemId
* attributeCategory
* createdBy
* attribute1
* attribute7
* objectId1New
* attribute6
* id
* objectId2New
* attribute3
* attribute9
* instanceId
* invMasterOrgId
* objectId2Old
* attribute11
* selectedForSplitFlag
* attribute4
* lastUpdatedBy
* instanceNumberIb
* jtotObjectCodeNew
* attribute10
* attribute13
* lastUpdateLogin
* objectId1Old
* inventoryOrgId
* objectVersionNumber
* attribute8


 * lastUpdateDate
* numberOfPeriods
* tryId
* modifiedYn
* attribute8
* currencyConversionRate
* feeAmount
* attribute3
* defaultedYn
* advanceOrArrears
* attributeCategory
* currencyConversionDate
* transactionId
* id
* lockLevelStep
* dueDate
* qstCode
* objectVersionNumber
* attribute9
* feeName
* attribute4
* startDate
* attribute12
* qltCode
* readyToCancelYn
* taxedYn
* attribute11
* currencyConversionType
* implicitInterestRate
* kleId
* attribute13
* creationDate
* arInvAdjId
* attribute2
* attribute7
* yieldValue
* programApplicationId
* assetQuantity
* orgId
* attribute6
* createdBy
* assetValue
* styId
* lineNumber
* programUpdateDate
* programId
* splitKleId
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute15
* amount
* attribute1
* currencyCode
* attribute5
* lastUpdateLogin
* residualValue
* currencyConversionCode
* readyToProcessYn
* attribute10
* period
* quoteQuantity
* requestId
* yieldName
* feeType
* splitKleName
* attribute14
* qteId
* unbilledReceivables


 * lastUpdateDate
* numberOfPeriods
* tryId
* modifiedYn
* attribute8
* currencyConversionRate
* feeAmount
* attribute3
* defaultedYn
* advanceOrArrears
* attributeCategory
* currencyConversionDate
* transactionId
* id
* lockLevelStep
* dueDate
* qstCode
* objectVersionNumber
* attribute9
* feeName
* attribute4
* startDate
* attribute12
* qltCode
* readyToCancelYn
* taxedYn
* attribute11
* currencyConversionType
* implicitInterestRate
* kleId
* attribute13
* creationDate
* arInvAdjId
* attribute2
* attribute7
* yieldValue
* programApplicationId
* assetQuantity
* orgId
* attribute6
* createdBy
* assetValue
* styId
* lineNumber
* programUpdateDate
* programId
* splitKleId
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute15
* amount
* attribute1
* currencyCode
* attribute5
* lastUpdateLogin
* residualValue
* currencyConversionCode
* readyToProcessYn
* attribute10
* period
* quoteQuantity
* requestId
* yieldName
* feeType
* splitKleName
* attribute14
* qteId
* unbilledReceivables


 * creationDate
* lastUpdateDate
* language
* sourceLang
* createdBy
* description
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdatedBy
* id
* sfwtFlag


 * creationDate
* lastUpdateDate
* language
* sourceLang
* createdBy
* description
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdatedBy
* id
* sfwtFlag


 * programUpdateDate
* attribute14
* lsmId
* attributeCategory
* id
* khrId
* objectVersionNumber
* amount
* llnId
* createdBy
* orgId
* attribute2
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute12
* attribute10
* attribute11
* attribute15
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute5
* lastUpdateDate
* cnrId
* programApplicationId
* attribute4
* creationDate
* styId
* attribute1
* attribute6
* rctIdDetails
* attribute13
* attribute8
* lineNumber
* attribute7
* requestId
* attribute3
* attribute9
* arInvoiceId
* ileId
* programId


 * programUpdateDate
* attribute14
* lsmId
* attributeCategory
* id
* khrId
* objectVersionNumber
* amount
* llnId
* createdBy
* orgId
* attribute2
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute12
* attribute10
* attribute11
* attribute15
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute5
* lastUpdateDate
* cnrId
* programApplicationId
* attribute4
* creationDate
* styId
* attribute1
* attribute6
* rctIdDetails
* attribute13
* attribute8
* lineNumber
* attribute7
* requestId
* attribute3
* attribute9
* arInvoiceId
* ileId
* programId


 * lastUpdateDate
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* description
* lastUpdatedBy
* createdBy
* id
* sourceLang
* sfwtFlag
* language


 * lastUpdateDate
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* description
* lastUpdatedBy
* createdBy
* id
* sourceLang
* sfwtFlag
* language


 * distId
* distributionId


 * distId
* distributionId


 * tcnId
* trxHdrId


 * tcnId
* trxHdrId


 * txlId
* txlLineId


 * txlId
* txlLineId


 * lastUpdatedBy
* attribute15
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute13
* attribute7
* attribute1
* attribute6
* attribute9
* attribute3
* validationId
* attribute11
* objectVersionNumber
* attributeCategory
* attribute12
* createdBy
* attribute8
* attribute2
* parentObjectId
* attribute5
* id
* parentObjectCode
* attribute10
* lastUpdateLogin
* creationDate
* attribute4
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* attribute14


 * lastUpdatedBy
* attribute15
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute13
* attribute7
* attribute1
* attribute6
* attribute9
* attribute3
* validationId
* attribute11
* objectVersionNumber
* attributeCategory
* attribute12
* createdBy
* attribute8
* attribute2
* parentObjectId
* attribute5
* id
* parentObjectCode
* attribute10
* lastUpdateLogin
* creationDate
* attribute4
* resultCode
* attribute14


 * lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateDate
* id
* sourceLang
* creationDate
* sfwtFlag
* createdBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* language
* validationText


 * lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateDate
* id
* sourceLang
* creationDate
* sfwtFlag
* createdBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* language
* validationText


 * language
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdateDate
* shortDescription
* description
* createdBy
* comments
* creationDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* id
* sourceLang
* sfwtFlag


 * language
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdateDate
* shortDescription
* description
* createdBy
* comments
* creationDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* id
* sourceLang
* sfwtFlag


 * attribute6
* attributeCategory
* attribute11
* attribute14
* id
* attribute7
* failureSeverity
* createdBy
* attribute12
* attribute8
* attribute13
* attribute9
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* validationSetId
* functionId
* attribute4
* attribute15
* attribute1
* attribute10
* creationDate
* objectVersionNumber
* attribute2
* attribute5
* attribute3
* lastUpdateLogin


 * attribute6
* attributeCategory
* attribute11
* attribute14
* id
* attribute7
* failureSeverity
* createdBy
* attribute12
* attribute8
* attribute13
* attribute9
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* validationSetId
* functionId
* attribute4
* attribute15
* attribute1
* attribute10
* creationDate
* objectVersionNumber
* attribute2
* attribute5
* attribute3
* lastUpdateLogin


 * description
* sfwtFlag
* language
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateDate
* shortDescription
* sourceLang
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* comments
* id
* createdBy


 * description
* sfwtFlag
* language
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateDate
* shortDescription
* sourceLang
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* comments
* id
* createdBy


 * attribute11
* attribute15
* lastUpdateDate
* effectiveTo
* attribute9
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute10
* attribute14
* orgId
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute3
* validationSetName
* attribute5
* objectVersionNumber
* attribute2
* attribute7
* attribute13
* id
* attribute8
* attribute4
* attribute6
* creationDate
* attribute12
* effectiveFrom
* createdBy
* attribute1
* attributeCategory


 * attribute11
* attribute15
* lastUpdateDate
* effectiveTo
* attribute9
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute10
* attribute14
* orgId
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute3
* validationSetName
* attribute5
* objectVersionNumber
* attribute2
* attribute7
* attribute13
* id
* attribute8
* attribute4
* attribute6
* creationDate
* attribute12
* effectiveFrom
* createdBy
* attribute1
* attributeCategory


 * requestId
* attribute6
* interestAmt
* catchupAmt
* programId
* attributeCategory
* catchupSettlementCode
* attribute12
* calcMethodCode
* orgId
* creationDate
* sourceTable
* validYn
* attribute7
* lastUpdatedBy
* interestCalcStartDate
* kleId
* attribute9
* attribute1
* interestRate
* programApplicationId
* attribute15
* attribute3
* attribute8
* principalBalance
* objectVersionNumber
* attribute11
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute4
* sourceId
* programUpdateDate
* attribute10
* khrId
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute14
* attribute5
* interestCalcDays
* id
* attribute13
* interestCalcEndDate
* createdBy
* attribute2


 * programId
* requestId
* attributeCategory
* attribute4
* programUpdateDate
* attribute8
* lastUpdatedBy
* principalBalance
* attribute10
* attribute12
* creationDate
* sourceId
* objectVersionNumber
* attribute6
* khrId
* attribute5
* attribute1
* kleId
* catchupAmt
* attribute2
* attribute15
* validYn
* attribute13
* interestRate
* majorVersion
* catchupSettlementCode
* id
* lastUpdateDate
* interestAmt
* interestCalcStartDate
* interestCalcEndDate
* attribute3
* attribute14
* calcMethodCode
* orgId
* attribute11
* createdBy
* interestCalcDays
* programApplicationId
* attribute9
* attribute7
* sourceTable
* lastUpdateLogin


 * programId
* requestId
* attributeCategory
* attribute4
* programUpdateDate
* attribute8
* lastUpdatedBy
* principalBalance
* attribute10
* attribute12
* creationDate
* sourceId
* objectVersionNumber
* attribute6
* khrId
* attribute5
* attribute1
* kleId
* catchupAmt
* attribute2
* attribute15
* validYn
* attribute13
* interestRate
* majorVersion
* catchupSettlementCode
* id
* lastUpdateDate
* interestAmt
* interestCalcStartDate
* interestCalcEndDate
* attribute3
* attribute14
* calcMethodCode
* orgId
* attribute11
* createdBy
* interestCalcDays
* programApplicationId
* attribute9
* attribute7
* sourceTable
* lastUpdateLogin


 * requestId
* attribute6
* interestAmt
* catchupAmt
* programId
* attributeCategory
* catchupSettlementCode
* attribute12
* calcMethodCode
* orgId
* creationDate
* sourceTable
* validYn
* attribute7
* lastUpdatedBy
* interestCalcStartDate
* kleId
* attribute9
* attribute1
* interestRate
* programApplicationId
* attribute15
* attribute3
* attribute8
* principalBalance
* objectVersionNumber
* attribute11
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute4
* sourceId
* programUpdateDate
* attribute10
* khrId
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute14
* attribute5
* interestCalcDays
* id
* attribute13
* interestCalcEndDate
* createdBy
* attribute2


 * lastUpdateLogin
* programId
* programApplicationId
* attribute3
* createdBy
* attribute2
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute12
* status
* id
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute15
* programUpdateDate
* attribute5
* requestId
* orgId
* parentTrxId
* objectVersionNumber
* attribute10
* childTrxId
* attribute4
* attribute9
* rebookStatus
* attribute8
* creationDate
* attribute7
* attribute14
* attributeCategory
* attribute13
* attribute1
* attribute6
* attribute11
* contractNumber


 * lastUpdateLogin
* programId
* programApplicationId
* attribute3
* createdBy
* attribute2
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute12
* status
* id
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute15
* programUpdateDate
* attribute5
* requestId
* orgId
* parentTrxId
* objectVersionNumber
* attribute10
* childTrxId
* attribute4
* attribute9
* rebookStatus
* attribute8
* creationDate
* attribute7
* attribute14
* attributeCategory
* attribute13
* attribute1
* attribute6
* attribute11
* contractNumber


 * programUpdateDate
* intCalProcess
* attribute11
* attribute14
* sourceId
* attribute6
* createdBy
* sourceTable
* attributeCategory
* attribute7
* programId
* attribute10
* id
* attribute5
* attribute3
* orgId
* lastUpdateDate
* programApplicationId
* attribute2
* requestId
* attribute1
* attribute9
* attribute15
* creationDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute12
* lastUpdateLogin
* khrId
* attribute8
* attribute13
* attribute4
* objectVersionNumber


 * programUpdateDate
* intCalProcess
* attribute11
* attribute14
* sourceId
* attribute6
* createdBy
* sourceTable
* attributeCategory
* attribute7
* programId
* attribute10
* id
* attribute5
* attribute3
* orgId
* lastUpdateDate
* programApplicationId
* attribute2
* requestId
* attribute1
* attribute9
* attribute15
* creationDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute12
* lastUpdateLogin
* khrId
* attribute8
* attribute13
* attribute4
* objectVersionNumber


 * attribute11
* crsId
* assocObjectTypeCode
* attribute1
* programUpdateDate
* attribute13
* id
* chrId
* attribute7
* attribute6
* programApplicationId
* creationDate
* attribute14
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute5
* attributeCategory
* startDate
* attribute12
* endDate
* attribute2
* lastUpdateLogin
* assocObjectId
* requestId
* attribute3
* attribute8
* programId
* createdBy
* attribute10
* assocObjectVersion
* attribute4
* attribute9
* objectVersionNumber
* lastUpdateDate
* description
* attribute15


 * attribute11
* crsId
* assocObjectTypeCode
* attribute1
* programUpdateDate
* attribute13
* id
* chrId
* attribute7
* attribute6
* programApplicationId
* creationDate
* attribute14
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute5
* attributeCategory
* startDate
* attribute12
* endDate
* attribute2
* lastUpdateLogin
* assocObjectId
* requestId
* attribute3
* attribute8
* programId
* createdBy
* attribute10
* assocObjectVersion
* attribute4
* attribute9
* objectVersionNumber
* lastUpdateDate
* description
* attribute15


 * attribute8
* id
* chrId
* lastUpdateLogin
* approvedDate
* attribute1
* attribute9
* attribute11
* requestId
* creationDate
* attribute10
* attribute7
* createdBy
* rejectedDate
* attribute6
* attributeCategory
* attribute12
* programApplicationId
* appliedDate
* attribute4
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute2
* programId
* objectVersionNumber
* ineffectiveDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* programUpdateDate
* effectiveDate
* changeTypeCode
* attribute15
* statusCode
* attribute5
* attribute3
* attribute14
* changeRequestNumber
* requestDate
* attribute13


 * attribute8
* id
* chrId
* lastUpdateLogin
* approvedDate
* attribute1
* attribute9
* attribute11
* requestId
* creationDate
* attribute10
* attribute7
* createdBy
* rejectedDate
* attribute6
* attributeCategory
* attribute12
* programApplicationId
* appliedDate
* attribute4
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute2
* programId
* objectVersionNumber
* ineffectiveDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* programUpdateDate
* effectiveDate
* changeTypeCode
* attribute15
* statusCode
* attribute5
* attribute3
* attribute14
* changeRequestNumber
* requestDate
* attribute13


 * attribute6
* attribute9
* attributeCategory
* attribute14
* lastUpdateLogin
* createdBy
* attribute4
* attribute10
* requestId
* lastUpdatedBy
* crsId
* programId
* attribute15
* attribute1
* attribute12
* attribute11
* creationDate
* id
* attribute3
* attribute5
* attribute7
* reasonCode
* programApplicationId
* description
* attribute2
* programUpdateDate
* lastUpdateDate
* objectVersionNumber
* attribute13
* note
* attribute8


 * attribute6
* attribute9
* attributeCategory
* attribute14
* lastUpdateLogin
* createdBy
* attribute4
* attribute10
* requestId
* lastUpdatedBy
* crsId
* programId
* attribute15
* attribute1
* attribute12
* attribute11
* creationDate
* id
* attribute3
* attribute5
* attribute7
* reasonCode
* programApplicationId
* description
* attribute2
* programUpdateDate
* lastUpdateDate
* objectVersionNumber
* attribute13
* note
* attribute8


 * tadId
* eventId


 * tadId
* eventId


 * lastUpdateLogin
* paramTypeCode
* attribute8
* attribute12
* createdBy
* attribute1
* attribute3
* objectVersionNumber
* attribute6
* batchId
* lastUpdateDate
* paramName
* attribute13
* attribute9
* attribute11
* attribute5
* creationDate
* attribute7
* id
* attribute4
* attribute10
* attributeCategory
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute2
* attribute15
* paramValue
* attribute14


 * lastUpdateLogin
* paramTypeCode
* attribute8
* attribute12
* createdBy
* attribute1
* attribute3
* objectVersionNumber
* attribute6
* batchId
* lastUpdateDate
* paramName
* attribute13
* attribute9
* attribute11
* attribute5
* creationDate
* attribute7
* id
* attribute4
* attribute10
* attributeCategory
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute2
* attribute15
* paramValue
* attribute14


 * accountClass
* ildId
* amount
* attribute6
* lastUpdateLogin
* programId
* attribute15
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute13
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute14
* percent
* orgId
* attribute5
* creationDate
* attribute4
* objectVersionNumber
* attribute1
* attribute10
* attribute11
* xlsId
* attribute8
* programApplicationId
* attribute3
* attribute12
* id
* attributeCategory
* attribute9
* createdBy
* attribute7
* programUpdateDate
* attribute2
* requestId
* codeCombinationId


 * accountClass
* ildId
* amount
* attribute6
* lastUpdateLogin
* programId
* attribute15
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute13
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute14
* percent
* orgId
* attribute5
* creationDate
* attribute4
* objectVersionNumber
* attribute1
* attribute10
* attribute11
* xlsId
* attribute8
* programApplicationId
* attribute3
* attribute12
* id
* attributeCategory
* attribute9
* createdBy
* attribute7
* programUpdateDate
* attribute2
* requestId
* codeCombinationId


 * lastUpdateDate
* creationDate
* sfwtFlag
* language
* lastUpdateLogin
* id
* sourceLang
* createdBy
* lastUpdatedBy


 * lastUpdateDate
* creationDate
* sfwtFlag
* language
* lastUpdateLogin
* id
* sourceLang
* createdBy
* lastUpdatedBy


 * invoiceInstallment
* irpId
* attribute8
* attribute13
* xcrIdDetails
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* transToReceiptRate
* attribute4
* amountAppliedFrom
* orgId
* attribute3
* rcaId
* attribute15
* attribute6
* programUpdateDate
* invoiceCurrencyCode
* id
* objectVersionNumber
* attribute14
* attribute2
* createdBy
* lastUpdatedBy
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* invoiceNumber
* attribute9
* catId
* programId
* attribute11
* attribute1
* requestId
* lsmId
* amountApplied
* attribute10
* attribute5
* attribute7
* programApplicationId
* attribute12
* creationDate
* trxDate


 * invoiceInstallment
* irpId
* attribute8
* attribute13
* xcrIdDetails
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* transToReceiptRate
* attribute4
* amountAppliedFrom
* orgId
* attribute3
* rcaId
* attribute15
* attribute6
* programUpdateDate
* invoiceCurrencyCode
* id
* objectVersionNumber
* attribute14
* attribute2
* createdBy
* lastUpdatedBy
* attributeCategory
* invoiceNumber
* attribute9
* catId
* programId
* attribute11
* attribute1
* requestId
* lsmId
* amountApplied
* attribute10
* attribute5
* attribute7
* programApplicationId
* attribute12
* creationDate
* trxDate


 * lastUpdatedBy
* creationDate
* createdBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* language
* sourceLang
* id
* sfwtFlag
* lastUpdateDate


 * lastUpdatedBy
* creationDate
* createdBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* language
* sourceLang
* id
* sfwtFlag
* lastUpdateDate


 * id
* distCodeCombinationId
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute11
* programApplicationId
* creationDate
* attribute3
* attribute7
* amount
* taxCode
* attribute5
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdatedBy
* tapId
* attribute2
* attribute9
* attribute8
* xpiIdDetails
* attribute13
* requestId
* programUpdateDate
* tplId
* attribute6
* objectVersionNumber
* lineType
* attribute12
* attribute15
* lineNumber
* programId
* attribute4
* attribute1
* attribute10
* orgId
* accountingDate
* ibiId
* pidId
* attribute14
* createdBy
* invoiceLineId
* attributeCategory


 * id
* distCodeCombinationId
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute11
* programApplicationId
* creationDate
* attribute3
* attribute7
* amount
* taxCode
* attribute5
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdatedBy
* tapId
* attribute2
* attribute9
* attribute8
* xpiIdDetails
* attribute13
* requestId
* programUpdateDate
* tplId
* attribute6
* objectVersionNumber
* lineType
* attribute12
* attribute15
* lineNumber
* programId
* attribute4
* attribute1
* attribute10
* orgId
* accountingDate
* ibiId
* pidId
* attribute14
* createdBy
* invoiceLineId
* attributeCategory


 * lastUpdateLogin
* description
* streamType
* createdBy
* id
* creationDate
* sourceLang
* lastUpdateDate
* sfwtFlag
* lastUpdatedBy
* language


 * lastUpdateLogin
* description
* streamType
* createdBy
* id
* creationDate
* sourceLang
* lastUpdateDate
* sfwtFlag
* lastUpdatedBy
* language


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* lastUpdateLogin
* illId
* attribute6
* orgId
* programApplicationId
* attribute8
* id
* tilId
* objectVersionNumber
* attribute12
* attribute9
* inventoryOrgId
* attribute3
* attribute14
* attribute1
* lastUpdatedBy
* tldId
* attribute10
* createdBy
* attributeCategory
* attribute5
* attribute7
* amount
* creationDate
* requestId
* programUpdateDate
* selId
* quantity
* attribute11
* programId
* lsmId
* lineType
* xtrxConsStreamId
* attribute13
* inventoryItemId
* xsiIdDetails
* attribute4
* attribute15
* islId
* lastUpdateDate
* xtrxConsLineNumber


 * attribute2
* lastUpdateLogin
* illId
* attribute6
* orgId
* programApplicationId
* attribute8
* id
* tilId
* objectVersionNumber
* attribute12
* attribute9
* inventoryOrgId
* attribute3
* attribute14
* attribute1
* lastUpdatedBy
* tldId
* attribute10
* createdBy
* attributeCategory
* attribute5
* attribute7
* amount
* creationDate
* requestId
* programUpdateDate
* selId
* quantity
* attribute11
* programId
* lsmId
* lineType
* xtrxConsStreamId
* attribute13
* inventoryItemId
* xsiIdDetails
* attribute4
* attribute15
* islId
* lastUpdateDate
* xtrxConsLineNumber


 * id
* lastUpdatedBy
* sourceLang
* xtrxStreamType
* createdBy
* xtrxAsset
* language
* description
* sfwtFlag
* creationDate
* xtrxContract
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* xtrxStreamGroup


 * id
* lastUpdatedBy
* sourceLang
* xtrxStreamType
* createdBy
* xtrxAsset
* language
* description
* sfwtFlag
* creationDate
* xtrxContract
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* xtrxStreamGroup


 * applicationId
* creationDate
* activityId
* lineId
* headerId
* userId
* responsibilityId


 * applicationId
* creationDate
* activityId
* lineId
* headerId
* userId
* responsibilityId


 * programApplicationId
* responsibilityId
* lastUpdateDate
* disableDate
* requestId
* respApplicationId
* createdBy
* comments
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* creationDate
* organizationId
* programUpdateDate
* programId


 * programApplicationId
* responsibilityId
* lastUpdateDate
* disableDate
* requestId
* respApplicationId
* createdBy
* comments
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* creationDate
* organizationId
* programUpdateDate
* programId


 * periodStartDate
* globalAttribute7
* summarizedFlag
* periodName
* globalAttribute17
* globalAttribute12
* globalAttribute20
* globalAttribute15
* globalAttributeCategory
* openFlag
* globalAttribute18
* globalAttribute9
* creationDate
* lastUpdateDate
* description
* acctPeriodId
* globalAttribute4
* periodNum
* lastUpdateLogin
* globalAttribute8
* periodCloseDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* globalAttribute1
* createdBy
* globalAttribute11
* globalAttribute16
* globalAttribute5
* periodSetName
* globalAttribute10
* globalAttribute13
* globalAttribute19
* globalAttribute6
* globalAttribute14
* scheduleCloseDate
* organizationId
* globalAttribute3
* periodYear
* globalAttribute2


 * periodStartDate
* globalAttribute7
* summarizedFlag
* periodName
* globalAttribute17
* globalAttribute12
* globalAttribute20
* globalAttribute15
* globalAttributeCategory
* openFlag
* globalAttribute18
* globalAttribute9
* creationDate
* lastUpdateDate
* description
* acctPeriodId
* globalAttribute4
* periodNum
* lastUpdateLogin
* globalAttribute8
* periodCloseDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* globalAttribute1
* createdBy
* globalAttribute11
* globalAttribute16
* globalAttribute5
* periodSetName
* globalAttribute10
* globalAttribute13
* globalAttribute19
* globalAttribute6
* globalAttribute14
* scheduleCloseDate
* organizationId
* globalAttribute3
* periodYear
* globalAttribute2


 * lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* creationDate
* lastUpdateDate
* glBatchId
* acctPeriodId
* organizationId
* glBatchDate
* description
* createdBy
* groupId


 * lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* creationDate
* lastUpdateDate
* glBatchId
* acctPeriodId
* organizationId
* glBatchDate
* description
* createdBy
* groupId


 * businessGroupId
* chartOfAccountsId
* disableDate
* inventoryEnabledFlag
* legalEntity
* links
* organizationId
* operatingUnit
* organizationCode
* organizationName
* setOfBooksId
* userDefinitionEnableDate


 * revenue
* arCountDue
* additionalFundingCount
* cancelledFundingCount
* olapGroup
* dormantBacklogStart
* fundingAdjustmentCount
* arInvoiceCount
* createdBy
* custom12
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* custom10
* custom13
* revenueWriteoff
* arInvoiceWriteoffCount
* lastUpdatedBy
* custom8
* custom1
* custom3
* additionalFundingAmount
* arCountOverdue
* fundingAdjustmentAmount
* arUnapprInvoiceCount
* custom7
* custom15
* revenueAtRisk
* custom14
* activeBacklog
* custom9
* arCreditMemoAmount
* arApprInvoiceCount
* custom5
* arInvoiceWriteOffAmount
* custom4
* custom6
* projectId
* unbilledReceivables
* initialFundingAmount
* creationDate
* arInvoiceAmount
* custom2
* lastUpdateDate
* arAmountDue
* lastUpdateLogin
* arCashAppliedAmount
* arAmountOverdue
* arUnapprInvoiceAmount
* calendarType
* projectElementId
* lostBacklog
* dormantBacklogInactiv
* timeId
* currencyCode
* unearnedRevenue
* cancelledFundingAmount
* arApprInvoiceAmount
* custom11
* initialFundingCount


 * revenue
* arCountDue
* additionalFundingCount
* cancelledFundingCount
* olapGroup
* dormantBacklogStart
* fundingAdjustmentCount
* arInvoiceCount
* createdBy
* custom12
* arCreditMemoCount
* custom10
* custom13
* revenueWriteoff
* arInvoiceWriteoffCount
* lastUpdatedBy
* custom8
* custom1
* custom3
* additionalFundingAmount
* arCountOverdue
* fundingAdjustmentAmount
* arUnapprInvoiceCount
* custom7
* custom15
* revenueAtRisk
* custom14
* activeBacklog
* custom9
* arCreditMemoAmount
* arApprInvoiceCount
* custom5
* arInvoiceWriteOffAmount
* custom4
* custom6
* projectId
* unbilledReceivables
* initialFundingAmount
* creationDate
* arInvoiceAmount
* custom2
* lastUpdateDate
* arAmountDue
* lastUpdateLogin
* arCashAppliedAmount
* arAmountOverdue
* arUnapprInvoiceAmount
* calendarType
* projectElementId
* lostBacklog
* dormantBacklogInactiv
* timeId
* currencyCode
* unearnedRevenue
* cancelledFundingAmount
* arApprInvoiceAmount
* custom11
* initialFundingCount


 * attribute1
* attribute16
* attribute14
* attribute12
* attribute8
* attribute15
* projectId
* attribute10
* attribute4
* attribute6
* attribute11
* attribute2
* attribute20
* requestId
* attribute13
* attribute3
* attribute9
* attribute18
* projectNum
* attribute5
* attribute17
* attribute19
* attribute7


 * attribute1
* attribute16
* attribute14
* attribute12
* attribute8
* attribute15
* projectId
* attribute10
* attribute4
* attribute6
* attribute11
* attribute2
* attribute20
* requestId
* attribute13
* attribute3
* attribute9
* attribute18
* projectNum
* attribute5
* attribute17
* attribute19
* attribute7


 * effResFormatId
* lastUpdateDate
* resClassId
* lastUpdateLogin
* resFormatId
* resClassType
* resTokens
* createdBy
* resPrecId
* creationDate
* lastUpdatedBy


 * effResFormatId
* lastUpdateDate
* resClassId
* lastUpdateLogin
* resFormatId
* resClassType
* resTokens
* createdBy
* resPrecId
* creationDate
* lastUpdatedBy


 * ruleType
* rcPrecId
* creationDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* createdBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdateDate


 * ruleType
* rcPrecId
* creationDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* createdBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdateDate


 * lastUpdateDate
* reasonCode
* auditAttribute
* reversedActionSetLineId
* actionSetTypeCode
* actionSetLineId
* actionDate
* objectId
* actionCode
* auditDisplayAttribute
* createdBy
* programUpdateDate
* requestId
* programId
* activeFlag
* lastUpdateLogin
* creationDate
* objectType
* statusCode
* programApplicationId
* encodedErrorMessage
* objectName
* lastUpdatedBy


 * lastUpdateDate
* reasonCode
* auditAttribute
* reversedActionSetLineId
* actionSetTypeCode
* actionSetLineId
* actionDate
* objectId
* actionCode
* auditDisplayAttribute
* createdBy
* programUpdateDate
* requestId
* programId
* activeFlag
* lastUpdateLogin
* creationDate
* objectType
* statusCode
* programApplicationId
* encodedErrorMessage
* objectName
* lastUpdatedBy


 * description
* conditionAttribute4
* conditionAttribute6
* conditionCode
* conditionAttribute5
* conditionAttribute1
* conditionDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* conditionAttribute3
* actionSetLineId
* conditionAttribute8
* conditionAttribute10
* lastUpdateDate
* conditionAttribute9
* zdSync
* creationDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* createdBy
* actionSetLineConditionId
* conditionAttribute2
* zdEditionName
* conditionAttribute7


 * description
* conditionAttribute4
* conditionAttribute6
* conditionCode
* conditionAttribute5
* conditionAttribute1
* conditionDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* conditionAttribute3
* actionSetLineId
* conditionAttribute8
* conditionAttribute10
* lastUpdateDate
* conditionAttribute9
* zdSync
* creationDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* createdBy
* actionSetLineConditionId
* conditionAttribute2
* zdEditionName
* conditionAttribute7


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* actionAttribute2
* lastUpdateDate
* actionAttribute8
* actionAttribute4
* recordVersionNumber
* lineDeletedFlag
* actionAttribute9
* actionAttribute5
* actionSetLineId
* actionAttribute3
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* actionAttribute7
* createdBy
* actionSetLineNumber
* description
* actionAttribute1
* lastUpdatedBy
* zdSync
* statusCode
* lastUpdateLogin
* actionCode
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* creationDate
* actionAttribute6


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* purgeRelease
* lastUpdatedBy
* actionAttribute6
* actionAttribute9
* lastUpdateDate
* recordVersionNumber
* actionAttribute3
* actionAttribute5
* lastUpdateLogin
* lineDeletedFlag
* actionAttribute2
* actionAttribute4
* actionCode
* actionSetId
* actionAttribute1
* createdBy
* actionAttribute10
* actionSetLineId
* statusCode
* description
* purgeProjectId
* actionAttribute7
* actionSetLineNumber
* creationDate
* actionAttribute8


 * purgeBatchId
* purgeRelease
* lastUpdatedBy
* actionAttribute6
* actionAttribute9
* lastUpdateDate
* recordVersionNumber
* actionAttribute3
* actionAttribute5
* lastUpdateLogin
* lineDeletedFlag
* actionAttribute2
* actionAttribute4
* actionCode
* actionSetId
* actionAttribute1
* createdBy
* actionAttribute10
* actionSetLineId
* statusCode
* description
* purgeProjectId
* actionAttribute7
* actionSetLineNumber
* creationDate
* actionAttribute8


 * zdEditionName
* actionAttribute2
* lastUpdateDate
* actionAttribute8
* actionAttribute4
* recordVersionNumber
* lineDeletedFlag
* actionAttribute9
* actionAttribute5
* actionSetLineId
* actionAttribute3
* actionAttribute10
* actionAttribute7
* createdBy
* actionSetLineNumber
* description
* actionAttribute1
* lastUpdatedBy
* zdSync
* statusCode
* lastUpdateLogin
* actionCode
* actionSetId
* creationDate
* actionAttribute6


 * performActionSetLineCall
* actionSetTypeCode
* actionSetTypeName
* lastUpdateLogin
* creationDate
* createdBy
* objectType
* zdEditionName
* lastUpdatedBy
* actionSetStartedCall
* editTemplateSecFuncCode
* lastUpdateDate
* zdSync
* concProgramViewName
* editObjectSecFuncCode
* validateActionSetLineCall
* processActionSetCall


 * performActionSetLineCall
* actionSetTypeCode
* actionSetTypeName
* lastUpdateLogin
* creationDate
* createdBy
* objectType
* zdEditionName
* lastUpdatedBy
* actionSetStartedCall
* editTemplateSecFuncCode
* lastUpdateDate
* zdSync
* concProgramViewName
* editObjectSecFuncCode
* validateActionSetLineCall
* processActionSetCall


 * sourceActionSetId
* attribute7
* attribute10
* attribute6
* zdEditionName
* attribute1
* objectType
* creationDate
* attribute12
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* startDateActive
* attribute5
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* attributeCategory
* actionSetName
* zdSync
* attribute8
* attribute14
* lastUpdateLogin
* modSourceActionSetFlag
* description
* attribute4
* recordVersionNumber
* lastUpdateDate
* actionSetTemplateFlag
* createdBy
* attribute11
* attribute15
* actionSetId
* attribute3
* attribute13
* endDateActive
* lastUpdatedBy
* actualStartDate
* attribute2
* statusCode
* attribute9


 * attribute14
* purgeRelease
* statusCode
* attribute2
* actionSetId
* attribute8
* attribute7
* attribute10
* objectType
* attribute5
* endDateActive
* objectId
* attribute15
* modSourceActionSetFlag
* attributeCategory
* sourceActionSetId
* attribute4
* attribute13
* attribute1
* lastUpdateLogin
* description
* lastUpdatedBy
* actionSetName
* creationDate
* recordVersionNumber
* actionSetTemplateFlag
* attribute3
* purgeProjectId
* attribute9
* purgeBatchId
* attribute11
* attribute12
* createdBy
* startDateActive
* actualStartDate
* attribute6
* lastUpdateDate
* actionSetTypeCode


 * attribute14
* purgeRelease
* statusCode
* attribute2
* actionSetId
* attribute8
* attribute7
* attribute10
* objectType
* attribute5
* endDateActive
* objectId
* attribute15
* modSourceActionSetFlag
* attributeCategory
* sourceActionSetId
* attribute4
* attribute13
* attribute1
* lastUpdateLogin
* description
* lastUpdatedBy
* actionSetName
* creationDate
* recordVersionNumber
* actionSetTemplateFlag
* attribute3
* purgeProjectId
* attribute9
* purgeBatchId
* attribute11
* attribute12
* createdBy
* startDateActive
* actualStartDate
* attribute6
* lastUpdateDate
* actionSetTypeCode


 * sourceActionSetId
* attribute7
* attribute10
* attribute6
* zdEditionName
* attribute1
* objectType
* creationDate
* attribute12
* actionSetTypeCode
* startDateActive
* attribute5
* objectId
* attributeCategory
* actionSetName
* zdSync
* attribute8
* attribute14
* lastUpdateLogin
* modSourceActionSetFlag
* description
* attribute4
* recordVersionNumber
* lastUpdateDate
* actionSetTemplateFlag
* createdBy
* attribute11
* attribute15
* actionSetId
* attribute3
* attribute13
* endDateActive
* lastUpdatedBy
* actualStartDate
* attribute2
* statusCode
* attribute9


 * conditionAttribute5
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdatedBy
* purgeBatchId
* creationDate
* description
* purgeProjectId
* purgeRelease
* conditionCode
* createdBy
* conditionAttribute4
* lastUpdateDate
* conditionAttribute10
* conditionAttribute6
* actionSetLineId
* conditionAttribute3
* conditionAttribute9
* actionSetLineConditionId
* conditionAttribute7
* conditionAttribute8
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* conditionAttribute2
* conditionAttribute1


 * conditionAttribute5
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdatedBy
* purgeBatchId
* creationDate
* description
* purgeProjectId
* purgeRelease
* conditionCode
* createdBy
* conditionAttribute4
* lastUpdateDate
* conditionAttribute10
* conditionAttribute6
* actionSetLineId
* conditionAttribute3
* conditionAttribute9
* actionSetLineConditionId
* conditionAttribute7
* conditionAttribute8
* conditionDate
* conditionAttribute2
* conditionAttribute1


 * reversedActionSetLineId
* programApplicationId
* lastUpdateLogin
* objectName
* lastUpdatedBy
* purgeBatchId
* activeFlag
* actionDate
* creationDate
* actionCode
* programId
* purgeRelease
* programUpdateDate
* reasonCode
* objectType
* auditAttribute
* requestId
* encodedErrorMessage
* objectId
* lastUpdateDate
* createdBy
* statusCode
* purgeProjectId
* actionSetLineId
* actionSetTypeCode
* auditDisplayAttribute


 * reversedActionSetLineId
* programApplicationId
* lastUpdateLogin
* objectName
* lastUpdatedBy
* purgeBatchId
* activeFlag
* actionDate
* creationDate
* actionCode
* programId
* purgeRelease
* programUpdateDate
* reasonCode
* objectType
* auditAttribute
* requestId
* encodedErrorMessage
* objectId
* lastUpdateDate
* createdBy
* statusCode
* purgeProjectId
* actionSetLineId
* actionSetTypeCode
* auditDisplayAttribute


 * createdBy
* lastUpdateDate
* dimensionCode
* lastUpdateLogin
* statusCode
* dimensionName
* lastUpdatedBy
* updateAllowed
* creationDate


 * createdBy
* lastUpdateDate
* dimensionCode
* lastUpdateLogin
* statusCode
* dimensionName
* lastUpdatedBy
* updateAllowed
* creationDate


 * createdBy
* attribute7
* attribute13
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute1
* attribute2
* lastUpdateLogin
* description
* revenueLimitFlag
* creationDate
* attribute9
* attribute10
* attribute5
* lastUpdatedBy
* agreementType
* termId
* attribute6
* attribute15
* endDateActive
* attribute3
* startDateActive
* attribute11
* attribute4
* attributeCategory
* attribute8
* attribute14
* attribute12


 * createdBy
* attribute7
* attribute13
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute1
* attribute2
* lastUpdateLogin
* description
* revenueLimitFlag
* creationDate
* attribute9
* attribute10
* attribute5
* lastUpdatedBy
* agreementType
* termId
* attribute6
* attribute15
* endDateActive
* attribute3
* startDateActive
* attribute11
* attribute4
* attributeCategory
* attribute8
* attribute14
* attribute12


 * attribute17
* agreementType
* attribute13
* creationDate
* attribute11
* pmAgreementReference
* description
* pmProductCode
* invoiceLimitFlag
* createdBy
* agreementNum
* attributeCategory
* expirationDate
* attribute9
* attribute22
* attribute3
* advanceRequired
* startDate
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute6
* advanceAmount
* orgId
* ownedByPersonId
* revenueLimitFlag
* attribute5
* attribute15
* attribute7
* attribute23
* lastUpdatedBy
* agreementId
* attribute2
* billingSequence
* attribute16
* templateFlag
* attribute4
* termId
* agreementCurrencyCode
* attribute20
* attribute10
* attribute18
* lastUpdateLogin
* customerOrderNumber
* lineOfAccount
* attribute21
* amount
* attribute19
* attribute25
* attribute24
* owningOrganizationId
* customerId
* paymentSetId
* attribute8
* attribute14
* attribute12
* attribute1


 * attribute17
* agreementType
* attribute13
* creationDate
* attribute11
* pmAgreementReference
* description
* pmProductCode
* invoiceLimitFlag
* createdBy
* agreementNum
* attributeCategory
* expirationDate
* attribute9
* attribute22
* attribute3
* advanceRequired
* startDate
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute6
* advanceAmount
* orgId
* ownedByPersonId
* revenueLimitFlag
* attribute5
* attribute15
* attribute7
* attribute23
* lastUpdatedBy
* agreementId
* attribute2
* billingSequence
* attribute16
* templateFlag
* attribute4
* termId
* agreementCurrencyCode
* attribute20
* attribute10
* attribute18
* lastUpdateLogin
* customerOrderNumber
* lineOfAccount
* attribute21
* amount
* attribute19
* attribute25
* attribute24
* owningOrganizationId
* customerId
* paymentSetId
* attribute8
* attribute14
* attribute12
* attribute1


 * agreementId
* orgId
* creationDate
* amount
* setOfBooksId


 * agreementId
* orgId
* creationDate
* amount
* setOfBooksId


 * organizationId
* paOrgUseType
* inactiveDate
* orgId


 * organizationId
* paOrgUseType
* inactiveDate
* orgId


 * creationDate
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* levelCode
* taskId
* runId
* lastUpdatedBy
* exceptionCode
* exceptionType
* projectId
* createdBy
* ruleId


 * creationDate
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* levelCode
* taskId
* runId
* lastUpdatedBy
* exceptionCode
* exceptionType
* projectId
* createdBy
* ruleId


 * ruleId
* sourceCcid
* lastUpdateDate
* createdBy
* lastUpdatedBy
* sourcePercent
* lastUpdateLogin
* creationDate
* lineNum
* subtractFlag


 * ruleId
* sourceCcid
* lastUpdateDate
* createdBy
* lastUpdatedBy
* sourcePercent
* lastUpdateLogin
* creationDate
* lineNum
* subtractFlag


 * projectId
* createdBy
* runId
* taskId
* typeCode
* lastUpdateDate
* amount
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdatedBy


 * creationDate
* taskId
* setOfBooksId
* amount
* typeCode
* projectId
* runId


 * creationDate
* taskId
* setOfBooksId
* amount
* typeCode
* projectId
* runId


 * projectId
* createdBy
* runId
* taskId
* typeCode
* lastUpdateDate
* amount
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdatedBy


 * lastUpdatedBy
* offsetExpndType
* targetExpndType
* creationDate
* resourceListMemberId
* ruleId
* createdBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* resourcePercentage
* memberType
* excludeFlag
* lastUpdateDate


 * lastUpdatedBy
* offsetExpndType
* targetExpndType
* creationDate
* resourceListMemberId
* ruleId
* createdBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* resourcePercentage
* memberType
* excludeFlag
* lastUpdateDate


 * sourceAmountType
* attribute6
* allocRbsVersion
* sourceBalanceCategory
* offsetCostType
* orgId
* basisBudgetEntryMethodCode
* targetExpTypeClass
* offsetProjectId
* attribute11
* basisFinPlanTypeId
* poolPercent
* basisRbsVersion
* allocationMethod
* attribute4
* targetExpOrgId
* fixedAmount
* allocResourceStructType
* basisMethod
* basisBalanceType
* attribute7
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* attribute5
* attribute1
* ruleName
* offsetTaskId
* offsetExpTypeClass
* attribute2
* attribute3
* attribute9
* ruleId
* attribute12
* creationDate
* periodType
* lastUpdateDate
* basisBudgetTypeCode
* attribute14
* targetCostType
* impWithException
* offsetExpType
* targetExtnFlag
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute8
* limitTargetProjectsCode
* basisResourceListId
* createdBy
* targetExpType
* basisResourceStructType
* startDateActive
* offsetExpOrgId
* allocResourceListId
* offsetMethod
* attribute10
* attributeCategory
* dupTargetsFlag
* attribute13
* basisRelativePeriod
* attribute15
* autoReleaseFlag
* sourceBalanceType
* sourceExtnFlag
* endDateActive
* basisBalanceCategory
* lastUpdatedBy
* basisAmountType


 * fixedAmount
* creationDate
* ruleId
* setOfBooksId


 * fixedAmount
* creationDate
* ruleId
* setOfBooksId


 * sourceAmountType
* attribute6
* allocRbsVersion
* sourceBalanceCategory
* offsetCostType
* orgId
* basisBudgetEntryMethodCode
* targetExpTypeClass
* offsetProjectId
* attribute11
* basisFinPlanTypeId
* poolPercent
* basisRbsVersion
* allocationMethod
* attribute4
* targetExpOrgId
* fixedAmount
* allocResourceStructType
* basisMethod
* basisBalanceType
* attribute7
* description
* attribute5
* attribute1
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* offsetTaskId
* offsetExpTypeClass
* attribute2
* attribute3
* attribute9
* ruleId
* attribute12
* creationDate
* periodType
* lastUpdateDate
* basisBudgetTypeCode
* attribute14
* targetCostType
* impWithException
* offsetExpType
* targetExtnFlag
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute8
* limitTargetProjectsCode
* basisResourceListId
* createdBy
* targetExpType
* basisResourceStructType
* startDateActive
* offsetExpOrgId
* allocResourceListId
* offsetMethod
* attribute10
* attributeCategory
* dupTargetsFlag
* attribute13
* basisRelativePeriod
* attribute15
* autoReleaseFlag
* sourceBalanceType
* sourceExtnFlag
* endDateActive
* basisBalanceCategory
* lastUpdatedBy
* basisAmountType


 * ruleId
* lastUpdatedBy
* basisPercent
* projectId
* lastUpdateLogin
* creationDate
* resourceListMemberId
* linePercent
* runId
* amount
* lineNum
* taskId
* lastUpdateDate
* createdBy


 * projectId
* taskId
* setOfBooksId
* linePercent
* resourceListMemberId
* basisPercent
* amount
* lineNum
* runId
* ruleId
* creationDate


 * projectId
* taskId
* setOfBooksId
* linePercent
* resourceListMemberId
* basisPercent
* amount
* lineNum
* runId
* ruleId
* creationDate


 * ruleId
* lastUpdatedBy
* basisPercent
* projectId
* lastUpdateLogin
* creationDate
* resourceListMemberId
* linePercent
* runId
* amount
* lineNum
* taskId
* lastUpdateDate
* createdBy


 * createdBy
* eligibleAmount
* amount
* ruleId
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* sourcePercent
* sourceCcid
* runId
* subtractFlag
* lastUpdateDate
* lineNum
* creationDate


 * amount
* setOfBooksId
* sourcePercent
* ruleId
* runId
* creationDate
* lineNum
* subtractFlag
* sourceCcid
* eligibleAmount


 * amount
* setOfBooksId
* sourcePercent
* ruleId
* runId
* creationDate
* lineNum
* subtractFlag
* sourceCcid
* eligibleAmount


 * createdBy
* eligibleAmount
* amount
* ruleId
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* sourcePercent
* sourceCcid
* runId
* subtractFlag
* lastUpdateDate
* lineNum
* creationDate


 * runId
* resourceListMemberId
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdatedBy
* creationDate
* lastUpdateDate
* ruleId
* resourcePercent
* createdBy
* memberType


 * runId
* resourceListMemberId
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdatedBy
* creationDate
* lastUpdateDate
* ruleId
* resourcePercent
* createdBy
* memberType


 * resourcePercent
* projectId
* taskId
* resourceListMemberId
* amount
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* eligibleAmount
* lineNum
* runId
* ruleId
* creationDate
* createdBy
* lastUpdateDate


 * amount
* eligibleAmount
* runId
* taskId
* resourceListMemberId
* projectId
* lineNum
* resourcePercent
* creationDate
* setOfBooksId
* ruleId


 * amount
* eligibleAmount
* runId
* taskId
* resourceListMemberId
* projectId
* lineNum
* resourcePercent
* creationDate
* setOfBooksId
* ruleId


 * resourcePercent
* projectId
* taskId
* resourceListMemberId
* amount
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* eligibleAmount
* lineNum
* runId
* ruleId
* creationDate
* createdBy
* lastUpdateDate


 * creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* excludeFlag
* runId
* ruleId
* taskId
* createdBy
* lastUpdateDate
* lineNum
* lastUpdatedBy
* projectId


 * creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* excludeFlag
* runId
* ruleId
* taskId
* createdBy
* lastUpdateDate
* lineNum
* lastUpdatedBy
* projectId


 * projectId
* creationDate
* taskId
* runId
* ruleId
* linePercent
* lineNum
* lastUpdatedBy
* excludeFlag
* lastUpdateDate
* createdBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* budgetVersionId


 * projectId
* creationDate
* taskId
* runId
* ruleId
* linePercent
* lineNum
* lastUpdatedBy
* excludeFlag
* lastUpdateDate
* createdBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* budgetVersionId


 * offsetCostType
* totalOffsettedAmount
* lastUpdatedBy
* revOffsetExpGroup
* basisMethod
* periodNum
* allocRbsVersion
* runPeriod
* runId
* basisBudgetTypeCode
* denomCurrencyCode
* totalAllocatedAmount
* targetExpOrgId
* allocResourceListId
* fiscalYear
* missingTargetProjAmt
* poolPercent
* offsetExpTypeClass
* cintRateName
* revTargetExpGroup
* basisFinPlanTypeId
* reversalDate
* lastUpdateDate
* offsetExpGroup
* createdBy
* fixedAmount
* missingOffsetProjAmt
* draftRequestId
* sourceAmountType
* missingSourceProjAmt
* basisRelativePeriod
* basisBalanceCategory
* basisResourceListId
* orgId
* basisBudgetEntryMethodCode
* totalPoolAmount
* dupTargetsFlag
* autoReleaseFlag
* basisBalanceType
* limitTargetProjectsCode
* ruleId
* offsetExpOrgId
* releaseRequestDate
* expndItemDate
* draftRequestDate
* basisRbsVersion
* targetExpTypeClass
* offsetMethod
* periodType
* targetCostType
* basisResourceStructType
* creationDate
* sourceBalanceCategory
* basisAmountType
* quarter
* targetExpType
* allocResourceStructType
* targetExpGroup
* offsetTaskId
* allocationMethod
* sourceBalanceType
* runStatus
* releaseRequestId
* offsetExpType
* lastUpdateLogin
* impWithException
* allocatedAmount
* offsetProjectId


 * totalOffsettedAmount
* setOfBooksId
* denomCurrencyCode
* missingOffsetProjAmt
* fixedAmount
* allocatedAmount
* totalAllocatedAmount
* missingTargetProjAmt
* missingSourceProjAmt
* creationDate
* runId
* totalPoolAmount
* ruleId


 * totalOffsettedAmount
* setOfBooksId
* denomCurrencyCode
* missingOffsetProjAmt
* fixedAmount
* allocatedAmount
* totalAllocatedAmount
* missingTargetProjAmt
* missingSourceProjAmt
* creationDate
* runId
* totalPoolAmount
* ruleId


 * offsetCostType
* totalOffsettedAmount
* lastUpdatedBy
* revOffsetExpGroup
* basisMethod
* periodNum
* allocRbsVersion
* runPeriod
* runId
* basisBudgetTypeCode
* denomCurrencyCode
* totalAllocatedAmount
* targetExpOrgId
* allocResourceListId
* fiscalYear
* missingTargetProjAmt
* poolPercent
* offsetExpTypeClass
* cintRateName
* revTargetExpGroup
* basisFinPlanTypeId
* reversalDate
* lastUpdateDate
* offsetExpGroup
* createdBy
* fixedAmount
* missingOffsetProjAmt
* draftRequestId
* sourceAmountType
* missingSourceProjAmt
* basisRelativePeriod
* basisBalanceCategory
* basisResourceListId
* orgId
* basisBudgetEntryMethodCode
* totalPoolAmount
* dupTargetsFlag
* autoReleaseFlag
* basisBalanceType
* limitTargetProjectsCode
* ruleId
* offsetExpOrgId
* releaseRequestDate
* expndItemDate
* draftRequestDate
* basisRbsVersion
* targetExpTypeClass
* offsetMethod
* periodType
* targetCostType
* basisResourceStructType
* creationDate
* sourceBalanceCategory
* basisAmountType
* quarter
* targetExpType
* allocResourceStructType
* targetExpGroup
* offsetTaskId
* allocationMethod
* sourceBalanceType
* runStatus
* releaseRequestId
* offsetExpType
* lastUpdateLogin
* impWithException
* allocatedAmount
* offsetProjectId


 * lastUpdatedBy
* classCode
* projectId
* ruleId
* taskOrgId
* serviceType
* creationDate
* lineNum
* lastUpdateLogin
* taskId
* projectType
* excludeFlag
* createdBy
* classCategory
* projectOrgId
* lastUpdateDate


 * lastUpdatedBy
* classCode
* projectId
* ruleId
* taskOrgId
* serviceType
* creationDate
* lineNum
* lastUpdateLogin
* taskId
* projectType
* excludeFlag
* createdBy
* classCategory
* projectOrgId
* lastUpdateDate


 * lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdatedBy
* linePercent
* serviceType
* createdBy
* excludeFlag
* classCategory
* taskId
* lastUpdateDate
* classCode
* ruleId
* projectType
* creationDate
* lineNum
* projectOrgId
* projectId
* billableOnlyFlag
* taskOrgId


 * lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdatedBy
* linePercent
* serviceType
* createdBy
* excludeFlag
* classCategory
* taskId
* lastUpdateDate
* classCode
* ruleId
* projectType
* creationDate
* lineNum
* projectOrgId
* projectId
* billableOnlyFlag
* taskOrgId


 * attribute3
* quarterNum
* runPeriod
* taskId
* currentAllocation
* attributeCategory
* runId
* creationDate
* expenditureItemId
* rejectionCode
* statusCode
* lineNum
* allocTxnId
* fiscalYear
* attribute1
* attribute4
* cintPriorBasisAmt
* createdBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* expenditureId
* attribute5
* lastUpdateDate
* indRateSchRevisionId
* projectId
* attribute7
* transactionType
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute10
* expenditureType
* attribute9
* cintCurrentBasisAmt
* previousAllocation
* cintRateMultiplier
* attribute6
* cintSourceTaskId
* periodNum
* attribute2
* attribute8
* cintExpOrgId
* totalAllocation
* ruleId


 * allocTxnId
* ruleId
* previousAllocation
* runId
* totalAllocation
* currentAllocation
* creationDate
* setOfBooksId


 * allocTxnId
* ruleId
* previousAllocation
* runId
* totalAllocation
* currentAllocation
* creationDate
* setOfBooksId


 * attribute3
* quarterNum
* runPeriod
* taskId
* currentAllocation
* attributeCategory
* runId
* creationDate
* expenditureItemId
* rejectionCode
* statusCode
* lineNum
* allocTxnId
* fiscalYear
* attribute1
* attribute4
* cintPriorBasisAmt
* createdBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* expenditureId
* attribute5
* lastUpdateDate
* indRateSchRevisionId
* projectId
* attribute7
* transactionType
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute10
* expenditureType
* attribute9
* cintCurrentBasisAmt
* previousAllocation
* cintRateMultiplier
* attribute6
* cintSourceTaskId
* periodNum
* attribute2
* attribute8
* cintExpOrgId
* totalAllocation
* ruleId


 * attribute7
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute11
* attribute15
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute2
* attribute10
* attributeCategory
* attribute4
* attribute8
* projElementId
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute3
* attribute12
* attribute13
* attribute6
* attribute1
* altTaskId
* createdBy
* attribute5
* cbsElementId
* attribute9
* attribute14
* creationDate


 * attribute7
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute11
* attribute15
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute2
* attribute10
* attributeCategory
* attribute4
* attribute8
* projElementId
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute3
* attribute12
* attribute13
* attribute6
* attribute1
* altTaskId
* createdBy
* attribute5
* cbsElementId
* attribute9
* attribute14
* creationDate


 * zdSync
* amountTypeClass
* zdEditionName
* amountTypeId
* lastUpdateLogin
* planAdjAmountFlag
* createdBy
* amountTypeCode
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateDate
* creationDate
* planAdjustableFlag


 * zdSync
* amountTypeClass
* zdEditionName
* amountTypeId
* lastUpdateLogin
* planAdjAmountFlag
* createdBy
* amountTypeCode
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateDate
* creationDate
* planAdjustableFlag


 * lastUpdatedBy
* language
* amountTypeName
* lastUpdateDate
* createdBy
* creationDate
* zdEditionName
* sourceLang
* lastUpdateLogin
* zdSync
* amountTypeId


 * lastUpdatedBy
* language
* amountTypeName
* lastUpdateDate
* createdBy
* creationDate
* zdEditionName
* sourceLang
* lastUpdateLogin
* zdSync
* amountTypeId


 * selfConflictFlag
* resolveConflictsActionCode
* purgeRelease
* lastUpdatedBy
* creationDate
* lastUpdateDate
* processedFlag
* conflictAssignmentId
* purgeBatchId
* assignmentId
* purgeProjectId
* conflictGroupId
* lastUpdateLogin
* intraTxnConflictFlag
* createdBy


 * selfConflictFlag
* resolveConflictsActionCode
* purgeRelease
* lastUpdatedBy
* creationDate
* lastUpdateDate
* processedFlag
* conflictAssignmentId
* purgeBatchId
* assignmentId
* purgeProjectId
* conflictGroupId
* lastUpdateLogin
* intraTxnConflictFlag
* createdBy


 * workTypeId
* lastUpdateDate
* searchCountryCode
* expenseLimit
* attribute7
* markupPercentOverride
* purgeRelease
* expenseOwner
* tpRateOverride
* projectPartyId
* attributeCategory
* maxResourceJobLevel
* attribute13
* locationId
* attribute14
* attribute4
* lastUpdatedBy
* markupPercent
* tpCalcBaseCodeOverride
* expenditureType
* apprvlStatusCode
* statusCode
* revenueBillRate
* sourceAssignmentId
* description
* attribute3
* tpPercentAppliedOverride
* recordVersionNumber
* projectId
* lastUpdateLogin
* assignmentTemplateId
* resourceCalendarPercent
* attribute2
* attribute15
* billRateCurrOverride
* availabilityMatchWeighting
* attribute10
* rateDiscReasonCode
* minResourceJobLevel
* searchExpStartOrgId
* lastAutoSearchDate
* staffingPriorityCode
* fcstTpAmountType
* extensionPossible
* expenditureOrgId
* startDate
* pendingApprovalFlag
* attribute1
* creationDate
* competenceMatchWeighting
* multipleStatusFlag
* noteToApprover
* massWfInProgressFlag
* attribute8
* attribute5
* attribute6
* createdBy
* enableAutoCandNomFlag
* projectRoleId
* expenditureOrganizationId
* assignmentName
* purgeProjectId
* calendarId
* searchMinCandidateScore
* purgeBatchId
* revenueCurrencyCode
* assignmentId
* staffingOwnerPersonId
* attribute11
* endDate
* resourceId
* assignmentEffort
* billRateOverride
* calendarType
* searchExpOrgStructVerId
* discountPercentage
* additionalInformation
* tpCurrencyOverride
* fcstJobId
* templateFlag
* transferPrRateCurr
* searchMinAvailability
* attribute12
* expenseLimitCurrencyCode
* noOfActiveCandidates
* transferPriceRate
* lastApprovedFlag
* attribute9
* fcstJobGroupId
* expenditureTypeClass
* changeId
* assignmentNumber
* jobLevelMatchWeighting
* assignmentType
* projectSubteamId


 * workTypeId
* lastUpdateDate
* searchCountryCode
* expenseLimit
* attribute7
* markupPercentOverride
* purgeRelease
* expenseOwner
* tpRateOverride
* projectPartyId
* attributeCategory
* maxResourceJobLevel
* attribute13
* locationId
* attribute14
* attribute4
* lastUpdatedBy
* markupPercent
* tpCalcBaseCodeOverride
* expenditureType
* apprvlStatusCode
* statusCode
* revenueBillRate
* sourceAssignmentId
* description
* attribute3
* tpPercentAppliedOverride
* recordVersionNumber
* projectId
* lastUpdateLogin
* assignmentTemplateId
* resourceCalendarPercent
* attribute2
* attribute15
* billRateCurrOverride
* availabilityMatchWeighting
* attribute10
* rateDiscReasonCode
* minResourceJobLevel
* searchExpStartOrgId
* lastAutoSearchDate
* staffingPriorityCode
* fcstTpAmountType
* extensionPossible
* expenditureOrgId
* startDate
* pendingApprovalFlag
* attribute1
* creationDate
* competenceMatchWeighting
* multipleStatusFlag
* noteToApprover
* massWfInProgressFlag
* attribute8
* attribute5
* attribute6
* createdBy
* enableAutoCandNomFlag
* projectRoleId
* expenditureOrganizationId
* assignmentName
* purgeProjectId
* calendarId
* searchMinCandidateScore
* purgeBatchId
* revenueCurrencyCode
* assignmentId
* staffingOwnerPersonId
* attribute11
* endDate
* resourceId
* assignmentEffort
* billRateOverride
* calendarType
* searchExpOrgStructVerId
* discountPercentage
* additionalInformation
* tpCurrencyOverride
* fcstJobId
* templateFlag
* transferPrRateCurr
* searchMinAvailability
* attribute12
* expenseLimitCurrencyCode
* noOfActiveCandidates
* transferPriceRate
* lastApprovedFlag
* attribute9
* fcstJobGroupId
* expenditureTypeClass
* changeId
* assignmentNumber
* jobLevelMatchWeighting
* assignmentType
* projectSubteamId


 * retiredCost
* capitalizedCost
* taskNumber
* projectId
* totalRetCost
* retirableCost
* taskId
* totalCapCost
* taskName
* capitalizableCost
* wbsLevel
* parentTaskId


 * retirableCost
* taskNumber
* capitalizableCost
* projectId
* taskId
* retiredCost
* wbsLevel
* totalCapCost
* taskName
* capitalizedCost
* parentTaskId
* totalRetCost


 * retirableCost
* taskNumber
* capitalizableCost
* projectId
* taskId
* retiredCost
* wbsLevel
* totalCapCost
* taskName
* capitalizedCost
* parentTaskId
* totalRetCost


 * retiredCost
* capitalizedCost
* taskNumber
* projectId
* totalRetCost
* retirableCost
* taskId
* totalCapCost
* taskName
* capitalizableCost
* wbsLevel
* parentTaskId


 * creationDate
* conflictAssignmentId
* assignmentId
* conflictGroupId
* intraTxnConflictFlag
* selfConflictFlag
* lastUpdatedBy
* resolveConflictsActionCode
* createdBy
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* processedFlag


 * creationDate
* conflictAssignmentId
* assignmentId
* conflictGroupId
* intraTxnConflictFlag
* selfConflictFlag
* lastUpdatedBy
* resolveConflictsActionCode
* createdBy
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* processedFlag


 * staffingPriorityCode
* startDate
* expenseOwner
* searchMinAvailability
* assignmentName
* projectId
* description
* transferPriceRate
* noOfActiveCandidates
* markupPercent
* attribute8
* projectSubteamId
* expenseLimitCurrencyCode
* pendingApprovalFlag
* attribute2
* projectPartyId
* jobLevelMatchWeighting
* discountPercentage
* attribute15
* calendarId
* transferPrRateCurr
* assignmentTemplateId
* maxResourceJobLevel
* searchCountryCode
* fcstJobGroupId
* lastUpdateDate
* tpCurrencyOverride
* billRateCurrOverride
* searchExpStartOrgId
* tpRateOverride
* noteToApprover
* lastUpdatedBy
* expenditureOrgId
* lastApprovedFlag
* minResourceJobLevel
* revenueBillRate
* assignmentEffort
* attribute14
* attribute13
* expenditureOrganizationId
* massWfInProgressFlag
* markupPercentOverride
* attribute11
* attributeCategory
* assignmentType
* searchExpOrgStructVerId
* statusCode
* extensionPossible
* attribute5
* recordVersionNumber
* competenceMatchWeighting
* billRateOverride
* workTypeId
* changeId
* availabilityMatchWeighting
* sourceAssignmentId
* attribute12
* createdBy
* rateDiscReasonCode
* fcstJobId
* expenditureTypeClass
* expenditureType
* attribute7
* attribute10
* locationId
* apprvlStatusCode
* additionalInformation
* attribute1
* attribute4
* searchMinCandidateScore
* staffingOwnerPersonId
* calendarType
* expenseLimit
* tpPercentAppliedOverride
* attribute3
* lastUpdateLogin
* templateFlag
* attribute6
* enableAutoCandNomFlag
* resourceId
* endDate
* multipleStatusFlag
* resourceCalendarPercent
* attribute9
* revenueCurrencyCode
* assignmentId
* projectRoleId
* lastAutoSearchDate
* assignmentNumber
* fcstTpAmountType
* creationDate
* tpCalcBaseCodeOverride


 * staffingPriorityCode
* startDate
* expenseOwner
* searchMinAvailability
* assignmentName
* projectId
* description
* transferPriceRate
* noOfActiveCandidates
* markupPercent
* attribute8
* projectSubteamId
* expenseLimitCurrencyCode
* pendingApprovalFlag
* attribute2
* projectPartyId
* jobLevelMatchWeighting
* discountPercentage
* attribute15
* calendarId
* transferPrRateCurr
* assignmentTemplateId
* maxResourceJobLevel
* searchCountryCode
* fcstJobGroupId
* lastUpdateDate
* tpCurrencyOverride
* billRateCurrOverride
* searchExpStartOrgId
* tpRateOverride
* noteToApprover
* lastUpdatedBy
* expenditureOrgId
* lastApprovedFlag
* minResourceJobLevel
* revenueBillRate
* assignmentEffort
* attribute14
* attribute13
* expenditureOrganizationId
* massWfInProgressFlag
* markupPercentOverride
* attribute11
* attributeCategory
* assignmentType
* searchExpOrgStructVerId
* statusCode
* extensionPossible
* attribute5
* recordVersionNumber
* competenceMatchWeighting
* billRateOverride
* workTypeId
* changeId
* availabilityMatchWeighting
* sourceAssignmentId
* attribute12
* createdBy
* rateDiscReasonCode
* fcstJobId
* expenditureTypeClass
* expenditureType
* attribute7
* attribute10
* locationId
* apprvlStatusCode
* additionalInformation
* attribute1
* attribute4
* searchMinCandidateScore
* staffingOwnerPersonId
* calendarType
* expenseLimit
* tpPercentAppliedOverride
* attribute3
* lastUpdateLogin
* templateFlag
* attribute6
* enableAutoCandNomFlag
* resourceId
* endDate
* multipleStatusFlag
* resourceCalendarPercent
* attribute9
* revenueCurrencyCode
* assignmentId
* projectRoleId
* lastAutoSearchDate
* assignmentNumber
* fcstTpAmountType
* creationDate
* tpCalcBaseCodeOverride


 * programApplicationId
* expenditureItemId
* creationDate
* requestId
* createdBy
* programId
* indCompiledSetId
* lineNum
* burdenSumSourceRunId


 * programApplicationId
* expenditureItemId
* creationDate
* requestId
* createdBy
* programId
* indCompiledSetId
* lineNum
* burdenSumSourceRunId


 * setOfBooksId
* lastUpdateLogin
* projectId
* balanceType
* encumbPeriodToDate
* actualPeriodToDate
* budgetVersionId
* endDate
* lastUpdateDate
* requestId
* topTaskId
* parentMemberId
* budgetPeriodToDate
* resourceListMemberId
* taskId
* programUpdateDate
* createdBy
* creationDate
* periodName
* startDate
* programApplicationId
* lastUpdatedBy
* programId


 * setOfBooksId
* lastUpdateLogin
* projectId
* balanceType
* encumbPeriodToDate
* actualPeriodToDate
* budgetVersionId
* endDate
* lastUpdateDate
* requestId
* topTaskId
* parentMemberId
* budgetPeriodToDate
* resourceListMemberId
* taskId
* programUpdateDate
* createdBy
* creationDate
* periodName
* startDate
* programApplicationId
* lastUpdatedBy
* programId


 * jeCategoryName
* createdBy
* reference2
* bcPacketId
* commTotRawAmt
* projectId
* glDate
* reference3
* projTransferRejReason
* budgetCcid
* bcCommitmentId
* expenditureOrganizationId
* projectBatchName
* budgetLineId
* bcEventId
* enteredCr
* budgetVersionId
* commTransferRejReason
* commRawAmtRelieved
* burdenMethodCode
* setOfBooksId
* fundsProcessMode
* documentType
* jeSourceName
* orgId
* documentLineId
* documentHeaderId
* actualFlag
* liquidateGlDate
* paDate
* programId
* accountedDr
* budResourceListMemberId
* processCcid
* lastUpdateDate
* enteredDr
* lastUpdatedBy
* transferStatusCode
* transferredDate
* encumbranceTypeId
* projEncumbranceTypeId
* lastUpdateLogin
* creationDate
* budTaskId
* txnCcid
* fcStartDate
* taskId
* expItemId
* parentResourceId
* commTotBdAmt
* periodName
* compiledMultiplier
* expenditureType
* documentDistributionId
* documentHeaderId2
* vendorId
* reference1
* programUpdateDate
* packetId
* burdenCostFlag
* periodNum
* expenditureItemDate
* documentDistributionType
* commitmentBatchName
* periodYear
* parentBcPacketId
* requestId
* topTaskId
* commBdAmtRelieved
* programApplicationId
* fcEndDate
* resourceListMemberId
* processExpItemId
* accountedCr
* summaryRecordFlag


 * jeCategoryName
* createdBy
* reference2
* bcPacketId
* commTotRawAmt
* projectId
* glDate
* reference3
* projTransferRejReason
* budgetCcid
* bcCommitmentId
* expenditureOrganizationId
* projectBatchName
* budgetLineId
* bcEventId
* enteredCr
* budgetVersionId
* commTransferRejReason
* commRawAmtRelieved
* burdenMethodCode
* setOfBooksId
* fundsProcessMode
* documentType
* jeSourceName
* orgId
* documentLineId
* documentHeaderId
* actualFlag
* liquidateGlDate
* paDate
* programId
* accountedDr
* budResourceListMemberId
* processCcid
* lastUpdateDate
* enteredDr
* lastUpdatedBy
* transferStatusCode
* transferredDate
* encumbranceTypeId
* projEncumbranceTypeId
* lastUpdateLogin
* creationDate
* budTaskId
* txnCcid
* fcStartDate
* taskId
* expItemId
* parentResourceId
* commTotBdAmt
* periodName
* compiledMultiplier
* expenditureType
* documentDistributionId
* documentHeaderId2
* vendorId
* reference1
* programUpdateDate
* packetId
* burdenCostFlag
* periodNum
* expenditureItemDate
* documentDistributionType
* commitmentBatchName
* periodYear
* parentBcPacketId
* requestId
* topTaskId
* commBdAmtRelieved
* programApplicationId
* fcEndDate
* resourceListMemberId
* processExpItemId
* accountedCr
* summaryRecordFlag


 * lastUpdateDate
* setOfBooksId
* affectFundsFlag
* lastUpdatedBy
* packetId
* arrivalSeq


 * lastUpdateDate
* setOfBooksId
* affectFundsFlag
* lastUpdatedBy
* packetId
* arrivalSeq


 * enteredCr
* projectBudgetPosted
* creationDate
* parentResourceId
* reference1
* jeSourceName
* documentLineId
* glRowNumber
* extBdgtFlag
* burdenMethodCode
* expItemId
* projectAcctResultCode
* topTaskBudgetBal
* projectEncApproved
* bcCommitmentId
* projectId
* documentDistributionId
* tFundsControlLevelCode
* sourceEventId
* commRawAmtRelieved
* rFundsControlLevelCode
* encumbranceTypeId
* mainOrBackingCode
* budgetVersionId
* budgetCcid
* documentHeaderId
* resActualPosted
* effectOnFundsCode
* taskResultCode
* reference3
* taskId
* projectActualApproved
* compiledMultiplier
* lastUpdatedBy
* burdenCostFlag
* balancePostedFlag
* resActualApproved
* resGrpActualPosted
* summaryRecordFlag
* txnCcid
* taskActualPosted
* accountedDr
* fcEndDate
* statusCode
* topTaskEncPosted
* projEncumbranceTypeId
* packetId
* fundsProcessMode
* expenditureOrganizationId
* taskEncApproved
* documentType
* resBudgetBal
* topTaskEncApproved
* resGrpActualApproved
* resEncApproved
* projectEncPosted
* orgId
* actualFlag
* documentHeaderId2
* accountedCr
* resultCode
* topTaskResultCode
* topTaskId
* commTotBdAmt
* resGrpEncPosted
* resBudgetPosted
* parentBcPacketId
* txnInterfaceId
* createdBy
* commTotRawAmt
* setOfBooksId
* jeCategoryName
* lastUpdateLogin
* topTaskActualApproved
* topTaskActualPosted
* taskBudgetPosted
* programId
* programApplicationId
* resGrpBudgetBal
* periodNum
* programUpdateDate
* bcPacketId
* projectActualPosted
* expenditureType
* pFundsControlLevelCode
* ttFundsControlLevelCode
* expenditureItemDate
* resGrpResultCode
* taskBudgetBal
* projectResultCode
* serialId
* resEncPosted
* rgFundsControlLevelCode
* fcStartDate
* taskEncPosted
* budgetLineId
* resourceListMemberId
* topTaskBudgetPosted
* bcEventId
* sessionId
* requestId
* budResourceListMemberId
* fundsProcessingSeq
* vendorId
* glDate
* encumbranceAmount
* budTaskId
* commBdAmtRelieved
* projectBudgetBal
* periodName
* reference2
* periodYear
* paDate
* resResultCode
* documentDistributionType
* resGrpBudgetPosted
* enteredDr
* taskActualApproved
* oldBudgetCcid
* resGrpEncApproved
* lastUpdateDate


 * taskResultCode
* jeCategoryName
* resEncApproved
* topTaskActualPosted
* commTotBdAmt
* resGrpBudgetBal
* rgFundsControlLevelCode
* glDate
* taskActualPosted
* paDate
* jeSourceName
* fundsProcessingSeq
* expenditureType
* resResultCode
* lastUpdateLogin
* commRawAmtRelieved
* documentHeaderId2
* tFundsControlLevelCode
* documentDistributionId
* topTaskId
* sessionId
* documentType
* lastUpdateDate
* projectBudgetBal
* expenditureOrganizationId
* expenditureItemDate
* serialId
* resGrpActualPosted
* pFundsControlLevelCode
* parentResourceId
* accountedCr
* createdBy
* statusCode
* burdenCostFlag
* topTaskActualApproved
* projectActualPosted
* programUpdateDate
* taskBudgetBal
* mainOrBackingCode
* taskEncApproved
* txnCcid
* orgId
* resBudgetPosted
* documentDistributionType
* commTotRawAmt
* encumbranceTypeId
* bcCommitmentId
* topTaskEncPosted
* reference1
* actualFlag
* fcStartDate
* projectBudgetPosted
* setOfBooksId
* budResourceListMemberId
* programId
* projectActualApproved
* projectEncApproved
* glRowNumber
* vendorId
* summaryRecordFlag
* bcPacketId
* taskId
* taskActualApproved
* periodNum
* bcEventId
* effectOnFundsCode
* projectAcctResultCode
* fcEndDate
* resActualPosted
* budgetCcid
* budgetLineId
* fundsProcessMode
* lastUpdatedBy
* projectEncPosted
* documentLineId
* projEncumbranceTypeId
* sourceEventId
* compiledMultiplier
* enteredCr
* periodName
* creationDate
* encumbranceAmount
* resultCode
* reference3
* topTaskBudgetBal
* requestId
* resGrpResultCode
* txnInterfaceId
* resGrpEncPosted
* rFundsControlLevelCode
* taskEncPosted
* resActualApproved
* documentHeaderId
* resGrpActualApproved
* oldBudgetCcid
* reference2
* expItemId
* projectResultCode
* burdenMethodCode
* resourceListMemberId
* resBudgetBal
* ttFundsControlLevelCode
* topTaskBudgetPosted
* periodYear
* extBdgtFlag
* resGrpBudgetPosted
* projectId
* budTaskId
* taskBudgetPosted
* topTaskEncApproved
* balancePostedFlag
* parentBcPacketId
* programApplicationId
* resGrpEncApproved
* commBdAmtRelieved
* resEncPosted
* topTaskResultCode
* accountedDr
* budgetVersionId
* enteredDr
* packetId


 * taskResultCode
* jeCategoryName
* resEncApproved
* topTaskActualPosted
* commTotBdAmt
* resGrpBudgetBal
* rgFundsControlLevelCode
* glDate
* taskActualPosted
* paDate
* jeSourceName
* fundsProcessingSeq
* expenditureType
* resResultCode
* lastUpdateLogin
* commRawAmtRelieved
* documentHeaderId2
* tFundsControlLevelCode
* documentDistributionId
* topTaskId
* sessionId
* documentType
* lastUpdateDate
* projectBudgetBal
* expenditureOrganizationId
* expenditureItemDate
* serialId
* resGrpActualPosted
* pFundsControlLevelCode
* parentResourceId
* accountedCr
* createdBy
* statusCode
* burdenCostFlag
* topTaskActualApproved
* projectActualPosted
* programUpdateDate
* taskBudgetBal
* mainOrBackingCode
* taskEncApproved
* txnCcid
* orgId
* resBudgetPosted
* documentDistributionType
* commTotRawAmt
* encumbranceTypeId
* bcCommitmentId
* topTaskEncPosted
* reference1
* actualFlag
* fcStartDate
* projectBudgetPosted
* setOfBooksId
* budResourceListMemberId
* programId
* projectActualApproved
* projectEncApproved
* glRowNumber
* vendorId
* summaryRecordFlag
* bcPacketId
* taskId
* taskActualApproved
* periodNum
* bcEventId
* effectOnFundsCode
* projectAcctResultCode
* fcEndDate
* resActualPosted
* budgetCcid
* budgetLineId
* fundsProcessMode
* lastUpdatedBy
* projectEncPosted
* documentLineId
* projEncumbranceTypeId
* sourceEventId
* compiledMultiplier
* enteredCr
* periodName
* creationDate
* encumbranceAmount
* resultCode
* reference3
* topTaskBudgetBal
* requestId
* resGrpResultCode
* txnInterfaceId
* resGrpEncPosted
* rFundsControlLevelCode
* taskEncPosted
* resActualApproved
* documentHeaderId
* resGrpActualApproved
* oldBudgetCcid
* reference2
* expItemId
* projectResultCode
* burdenMethodCode
* resourceListMemberId
* resBudgetBal
* ttFundsControlLevelCode
* topTaskBudgetPosted
* periodYear
* extBdgtFlag
* resGrpBudgetPosted
* projectId
* budTaskId
* taskBudgetPosted
* topTaskEncApproved
* balancePostedFlag
* parentBcPacketId
* programApplicationId
* resGrpEncApproved
* commBdAmtRelieved
* resEncPosted
* topTaskResultCode
* accountedDr
* budgetVersionId
* enteredDr
* packetId


 * enteredCr
* projectBudgetPosted
* creationDate
* parentResourceId
* reference1
* jeSourceName
* documentLineId
* glRowNumber
* extBdgtFlag
* burdenMethodCode
* expItemId
* projectAcctResultCode
* topTaskBudgetBal
* projectEncApproved
* bcCommitmentId
* projectId
* documentDistributionId
* tFundsControlLevelCode
* sourceEventId
* commRawAmtRelieved
* rFundsControlLevelCode
* encumbranceTypeId
* mainOrBackingCode
* budgetVersionId
* budgetCcid
* documentHeaderId
* resActualPosted
* effectOnFundsCode
* taskResultCode
* reference3
* taskId
* projectActualApproved
* compiledMultiplier
* lastUpdatedBy
* burdenCostFlag
* balancePostedFlag
* resActualApproved
* resGrpActualPosted
* summaryRecordFlag
* txnCcid
* taskActualPosted
* accountedDr
* fcEndDate
* statusCode
* topTaskEncPosted
* projEncumbranceTypeId
* packetId
* fundsProcessMode
* expenditureOrganizationId
* taskEncApproved
* documentType
* resBudgetBal
* topTaskEncApproved
* resGrpActualApproved
* resEncApproved
* projectEncPosted
* orgId
* actualFlag
* documentHeaderId2
* accountedCr
* resultCode
* topTaskResultCode
* topTaskId
* commTotBdAmt
* resGrpEncPosted
* resBudgetPosted
* parentBcPacketId
* txnInterfaceId
* createdBy
* commTotRawAmt
* setOfBooksId
* jeCategoryName
* lastUpdateLogin
* topTaskActualApproved
* topTaskActualPosted
* taskBudgetPosted
* programId
* programApplicationId
* resGrpBudgetBal
* periodNum
* programUpdateDate
* bcPacketId
* projectActualPosted
* expenditureType
* pFundsControlLevelCode
* ttFundsControlLevelCode
* expenditureItemDate
* resGrpResultCode
* taskBudgetBal
* projectResultCode
* serialId
* resEncPosted
* rgFundsControlLevelCode
* fcStartDate
* taskEncPosted
* budgetLineId
* resourceListMemberId
* topTaskBudgetPosted
* bcEventId
* sessionId
* requestId
* budResourceListMemberId
* fundsProcessingSeq
* vendorId
* glDate
* encumbranceAmount
* budTaskId
* commBdAmtRelieved
* projectBudgetBal
* periodName
* reference2
* periodYear
* paDate
* resResultCode
* documentDistributionType
* resGrpBudgetPosted
* enteredDr
* taskActualApproved
* oldBudgetCcid
* resGrpEncApproved
* lastUpdateDate


 * unbilledHoldAmount
* unbilledUnholdAmount
* taskId
* projectId


 * unbilledHoldAmount
* unbilledUnholdAmount
* taskId
* projectId


 * lastUpdateDate
* attribute8
* remitToAddressId
* lastUpdateLogin
* electronicInvFlag
* orgId
* attribute4
* billGroupId
* lastInvoiceNum
* attributeCategory
* attribute10
* lastUpdatedBy
* billToAddressId
* attribute3
* consolidateInvFlag
* attribute1
* attribute2
* createdBy
* creationDate
* invPrefix
* updLastBillNumFlag
* attribute5
* billGroupName
* customerId
* attribute7
* attribute9
* attribute6


 * lastUpdateDate
* attribute8
* remitToAddressId
* lastUpdateLogin
* electronicInvFlag
* orgId
* attribute4
* billGroupId
* lastInvoiceNum
* attributeCategory
* attribute10
* lastUpdatedBy
* billToAddressId
* attribute3
* consolidateInvFlag
* attribute1
* attribute2
* createdBy
* creationDate
* invPrefix
* updLastBillNumFlag
* attribute5
* billGroupName
* customerId
* attribute7
* attribute9
* attribute6


 * expenditureCategory
* stdBillRateSchedule
* personId
* jobGroupId
* nonLaborResource
* lastUpdateDate
* markupPercentage
* resourceClassCode
* lastUpdateLogin
* creationDate
* createdBy
* endDateActive
* integrationId
* orgId
* billRateUnit
* rate
* billRateOrganizationId
* lastUpdatedBy
* rateCurrencyCode
* resClassOrganizationId
* billRateSchId
* feeEventType
* jobId
* revenueCategory
* expenditureType
* startDateActive


 * expenditureCategory
* stdBillRateSchedule
* personId
* jobGroupId
* nonLaborResource
* lastUpdateDate
* markupPercentage
* resourceClassCode
* lastUpdateLogin
* creationDate
* createdBy
* endDateActive
* integrationId
* orgId
* billRateUnit
* rate
* billRateOrganizationId
* lastUpdatedBy
* rateCurrencyCode
* resClassOrganizationId
* billRateSchId
* feeEventType
* jobId
* revenueCategory
* expenditureType
* startDateActive


 * rate
* creationDate
* billRateOrganizationId
* personId
* setOfBooksId
* stdBillRateSchedule
* nonLaborResource
* startDateActive
* expenditureType
* jobId
* orgId


 * rate
* creationDate
* billRateOrganizationId
* personId
* setOfBooksId
* stdBillRateSchedule
* nonLaborResource
* startDateActive
* expenditureType
* jobId
* orgId


 * amount
* attributeCategory
* lastUpdateDate
* projectExchangeRate
* attribute3
* fundingRateType
* attribute13
* projectRateType
* topTaskId
* projectRateDate
* billingExtensionId
* orgId
* projectType
* attribute8
* attribute6
* attribute7
* attribute15
* attribute14
* zdSync
* recordVersionNumber
* projectId
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute5
* fundingRateDate
* percentage
* activeFlag
* billingAssignmentId
* attribute9
* projfuncExchangeRate
* zdEditionName
* attribute1
* attribute10
* projectCurrencyCode
* projfuncRateDate
* rateOverrideCurrencyCode
* createdBy
* attribute12
* projfuncRateType
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute11
* creationDate
* projfuncCurrencyCode
* attribute4
* attribute2
* fundingExchangeRate
* distributionRule


 * amount
* attributeCategory
* lastUpdateDate
* projectExchangeRate
* attribute3
* fundingRateType
* attribute13
* projectRateType
* topTaskId
* projectRateDate
* billingExtensionId
* orgId
* projectType
* attribute8
* attribute6
* attribute7
* attribute15
* attribute14
* zdSync
* recordVersionNumber
* projectId
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute5
* fundingRateDate
* percentage
* activeFlag
* billingAssignmentId
* attribute9
* projfuncExchangeRate
* zdEditionName
* attribute1
* attribute10
* projectCurrencyCode
* projfuncRateDate
* rateOverrideCurrencyCode
* createdBy
* attribute12
* projfuncRateType
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute11
* creationDate
* projfuncCurrencyCode
* attribute4
* attribute2
* fundingExchangeRate
* distributionRule


 * orgId
* billingAssignmentId
* setOfBooksId
* creationDate
* amount


 * orgId
* billingAssignmentId
* setOfBooksId
* creationDate
* amount


 * attributeCategory
* amountReqdFlag
* callAfterConcessionInvFlag
* attribute3
* defaultRevPlanTypeId
* callBeforeDelFlag
* attribute1
* trxIndependentFlag
* attribute12
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute10
* attribute9
* name
* attribute11
* description
* processingOrder
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute13
* procedureName
* attribute5
* callAfterCancelInvFlag
* preProcessingFlag
* defaultRevBudgetTypeCode
* projectSpecificFlag
* callingProcess
* zdSync
* endDateActive
* lastUpdateDate
* createdBy
* callAfterRegFlag
* creationDate
* billingExtensionId
* attribute7
* attribute15
* callPostRegFlag
* attribute6
* defaultCostBudgetTypeCode
* postProcessingFlag
* predefinedFlag
* markExpItemsFlag
* startDateActive
* attribute2
* attribute8
* defaultEventType
* callAfterWoffInvFlag
* callAfterAdjFlag
* attribute14
* percentageReqdFlag
* defaultEventDescription
* defaultCostPlanTypeId
* attribute4
* zdEditionName


 * attributeCategory
* amountReqdFlag
* callAfterConcessionInvFlag
* attribute3
* defaultRevPlanTypeId
* callBeforeDelFlag
* attribute1
* trxIndependentFlag
* attribute12
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute10
* attribute9
* name
* attribute11
* description
* processingOrder
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute13
* procedureName
* attribute5
* callAfterCancelInvFlag
* preProcessingFlag
* defaultRevBudgetTypeCode
* projectSpecificFlag
* callingProcess
* zdSync
* endDateActive
* lastUpdateDate
* createdBy
* callAfterRegFlag
* creationDate
* billingExtensionId
* attribute7
* attribute15
* callPostRegFlag
* attribute6
* defaultCostBudgetTypeCode
* postProcessingFlag
* predefinedFlag
* markExpItemsFlag
* startDateActive
* attribute2
* attribute8
* defaultEventType
* callAfterWoffInvFlag
* callAfterAdjFlag
* attribute14
* percentageReqdFlag
* defaultEventDescription
* defaultCostPlanTypeId
* attribute4
* zdEditionName


 * programApplicationId
* requestId
* attribute11
* attribute2
* attribute8
* callingPlace
* lastUpdateDate
* message
* attribute15
* insertingProcedureName
* attribute6
* taskId
* attribute5
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute10
* attribute4
* attribute9
* attribute1
* lastUpdatedBy
* callingProcess
* programId
* programUpdateDate
* attribute7
* projectId
* attribute12
* lineNum
* billingAssignmentId
* attribute14
* creationDate
* createdBy
* attribute13
* attribute3


 * purgeProjectId
* projectId
* requestId
* message
* attribute2
* taskId
* attribute12
* programId
* callingPlace
* purgeRelease
* creationDate
* purgeBatchId
* callingProcess
* lastUpdateLogin
* programApplicationId
* attribute14
* attribute11
* billingAssignmentId
* attribute15
* attribute13
* attribute6
* createdBy
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute7
* attribute4
* attribute10
* attribute8
* attribute9
* insertingProcedureName
* attribute5
* lineNum
* programUpdateDate
* attribute1
* attribute3
* lastUpdateDate


 * purgeProjectId
* projectId
* requestId
* message
* attribute2
* taskId
* attribute12
* programId
* callingPlace
* purgeRelease
* creationDate
* purgeBatchId
* callingProcess
* lastUpdateLogin
* programApplicationId
* attribute14
* attribute11
* billingAssignmentId
* attribute15
* attribute13
* attribute6
* createdBy
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute7
* attribute4
* attribute10
* attribute8
* attribute9
* insertingProcedureName
* attribute5
* lineNum
* programUpdateDate
* attribute1
* attribute3
* lastUpdateDate


 * programApplicationId
* requestId
* attribute11
* attribute2
* attribute8
* callingPlace
* lastUpdateDate
* message
* attribute15
* insertingProcedureName
* attribute6
* taskId
* attribute5
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute10
* attribute4
* attribute9
* attribute1
* lastUpdatedBy
* callingProcess
* programId
* programUpdateDate
* attribute7
* projectId
* attribute12
* lineNum
* billingAssignmentId
* attribute14
* creationDate
* createdBy
* attribute13
* attribute3


 * accountedAmount
* prevVerBudgetAmount
* creationDate
* budgetAcctLineId
* fundsCheckStatusCode
* requestId
* startDate
* createdBy
* codeCombinationId
* currVerAvailableAmount
* fundsCheckResultCode
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* glPeriodName
* endDate
* currVerBudgetAmount
* prevVerAvailableAmount
* budgetVersionId


 * accountedAmount
* prevVerBudgetAmount
* creationDate
* budgetAcctLineId
* fundsCheckStatusCode
* requestId
* startDate
* createdBy
* codeCombinationId
* currVerAvailableAmount
* fundsCheckResultCode
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* glPeriodName
* endDate
* currVerBudgetAmount
* prevVerAvailableAmount
* budgetVersionId


 * endDateActive
* attribute14
* burdenedCostFlag
* revenueFlag
* attribute2
* attribute8
* startDateActive
* attributeCategory
* budgetEntryMethodCode
* createdBy
* attribute10
* attribute1
* attribute5
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute9
* zdSync
* attribute6
* rawCostFlag
* attribute12
* timePhasedTypeCode
* description
* zdEditionName
* lastUpdateDate
* creationDate
* costQuantityFlag
* revQuantityFlag
* attribute11
* predefinedFlag
* categorizationCode
* attribute7
* attribute13
* attribute4
* budgetEntryMethod
* attribute3
* attribute15
* lastUpdatedBy
* entryLevelCode


 * endDateActive
* attribute14
* burdenedCostFlag
* revenueFlag
* attribute2
* attribute8
* startDateActive
* attributeCategory
* budgetEntryMethodCode
* createdBy
* attribute10
* attribute1
* attribute5
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute9
* zdSync
* attribute6
* rawCostFlag
* attribute12
* timePhasedTypeCode
* description
* zdEditionName
* lastUpdateDate
* creationDate
* costQuantityFlag
* revQuantityFlag
* attribute11
* predefinedFlag
* categorizationCode
* attribute7
* attribute13
* attribute4
* budgetEntryMethod
* attribute3
* attribute15
* lastUpdatedBy
* entryLevelCode


 * lineNum
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateDate
* creationDate
* jobId
* cost
* laborHours
* budgetTypeCode
* organizationId
* revenueCategory
* expenditureCategory
* lastUpdateLogin
* revenue
* expenditureType
* taskId
* projectId
* createdBy


 * lineNum
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateDate
* creationDate
* jobId
* cost
* laborHours
* budgetTypeCode
* organizationId
* revenueCategory
* expenditureCategory
* lastUpdateLogin
* revenue
* expenditureType
* taskId
* projectId
* createdBy


 * projectRevRateType
* bcEventId
* projectRevRateDateType
* requestId
* txnStandardBillRate
* revenueAdj
* endDate
* systemReferenceDat1
* codeCombinationId
* tpRevenueOut
* attribute3
* headCount
* attribute9
* revenueSource
* burdenCostRateOverride
* txnCurrencyCode
* projfuncCostRateDateType
* txnStandardCostRate
* tpRevenueIn
* initBurdenedCostSource
* attribute8
* projfuncCostRateType
* capacity
* systemReferenceVar1
* projectCostExchangeRate
* projfuncCostExchangeRate
* txnInitRawCost
* pfcCurConvRejectionCode
* utilizationPercent
* projectCostRateDateType
* projfuncRevExchangeRate
* costIndCompiledSetId
* borrowedRevenue
* initRevenueSource
* attribute5
* systemReferenceVar2
* pmBudgetLineReference
* pcCurConvRejectionCode
* attribute7
* tpCostIn
* attribute10
* txnRevenue
* txnMarkupPercentOverride
* txnBurdenedCost
* projfuncRevRateType
* revenueRejectionCode
* projectCostRateType
* costRejectionCode
* quantity
* startDate
* initRevenue
* systemReferenceVar3
* initRawCost
* lastUpdatedBy
* pmProductCode
* budgetVersionId
* initRawCostSource
* displayQuantity
* resourceAssignmentId
* revenue
* projectBurdenedCost
* attribute13
* systemReferenceDat2
* systemReferenceNum3
* lentResourceCost
* initQuantity
* txnInitRevenue
* rawCost
* projectCurrencyCode
* txnRawCost
* txnBillRateOverride
* bucketingPeriodCode
* initQuantitySource
* utilizationAdj
* otherRejectionCode
* projectRevExchangeRate
* creationDate
* changeReasonCode
* description
* budgetLineId
* burdenRejectionCode
* transferPriceRate
* projectInitRevenue
* txnInitBurdenedCost
* quantitySource
* attribute6
* unassignedTimeCost
* attributeCategory
* burdenedCost
* costAdj
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute1
* attribute11
* utilizationHours
* txnDiscountPercentage
* projectCostRateDate
* periodName
* attribute15
* systemReferenceNum1
* projfuncRevRateDate
* tpCostOut
* attribute14
* burdenCostRate
* initBurdenedCost
* projectInitRawCost
* txnMarkupPercent
* projectRawCost
* attribute2
* projectRevenue
* burdenedCostSource
* attribute12
* projfuncCostRateDate
* projectRevRateDate
* bcRevEventId
* systemReferenceNum2
* ccidGenRejMessage
* ccidGenStatusCode
* headCountAdj
* projfuncCurrencyCode
* txnCostRateOverride
* rawCostSource
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute4
* projfuncRevRateDateType
* systemReferenceDat3
* projectInitBurdenedCost
* createdBy


 * attribute14
* rawCost
* description
* burdenedCostSource
* lastUpdateLogin
* periodName
* createdBy
* purgeRelease
* startDate
* attribute6
* endDate
* resourceAssignmentId
* pmProductCode
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute2
* purgeProjectId
* burdenedCost
* pmBudgetLineReference
* purgeBatchId
* attribute8
* attribute10
* rawCostSource
* creationDate
* attribute12
* attribute4
* attribute15
* attribute11
* quantitySource
* attribute9
* attribute13
* revenueSource
* changeReasonCode
* attributeCategory
* quantity
* revenue
* attribute5
* attribute3
* attribute1
* attribute7


 * attribute14
* rawCost
* description
* burdenedCostSource
* lastUpdateLogin
* periodName
* createdBy
* purgeRelease
* startDate
* attribute6
* endDate
* resourceAssignmentId
* pmProductCode
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute2
* purgeProjectId
* burdenedCost
* pmBudgetLineReference
* purgeBatchId
* attribute8
* attribute10
* rawCostSource
* creationDate
* attribute12
* attribute4
* attribute15
* attribute11
* quantitySource
* attribute9
* attribute13
* revenueSource
* changeReasonCode
* attributeCategory
* quantity
* revenue
* attribute5
* attribute3
* attribute1
* attribute7


 * periodName
* description
* quantitySource
* quantity
* rawCost
* changeReasonCode
* startDate
* creationDate
* revenue
* adjustedEfcRevenueAmt
* revenueSource
* endDate
* resourceAssignmentId
* pmProductCode
* pmBudgetLineReference
* rawCostSource
* setOfBooksId
* burdenedCost
* burdenedCostSource


 * periodName
* description
* quantitySource
* quantity
* rawCost
* changeReasonCode
* startDate
* creationDate
* revenue
* adjustedEfcRevenueAmt
* revenueSource
* endDate
* resourceAssignmentId
* pmProductCode
* pmBudgetLineReference
* rawCostSource
* setOfBooksId
* burdenedCost
* burdenedCostSource


 * attributeCategory
* projectRevRateDateType
* projectBurdenedCost
* headCount
* budgetVersionId
* revenueSource
* txnRevenue
* ccidGenRejMessage
* projectRevRateDate
* resourceAssignmentIdRup
* projfuncRevRateType
* projectRevExchangeRate
* txnBurdenedCost
* createdBy
* codeCombinationId
* changeReasonCode
* creationDate
* projfuncCostExchangeRate
* resourceAssignmentId
* burdenedCost
* utilizationPercent
* attribute2
* projectCostExchangeRate
* budgetVersionIdRup
* projfuncCostRateDate
* projectRawCost
* revenueRejectionCode
* pmProductCode
* projfuncRevExchangeRate
* attribute4
* ccidGenStatusCode
* projfuncCostRateType
* projfuncCurrencyCode
* projectCostRateDate
* rawCostSource
* requestId
* startDate
* attribute10
* txnCurrencyCode
* costRejectionCode
* headCountAdj
* periodName
* projectCostRateType
* projfuncRevRateDateType
* tpCostOut
* attribute11
* projectCurrencyCode
* projectRevRateType
* attribute6
* description
* projfuncRevRateDate
* quantity
* tpCostIn
* txnRawCost
* costAdj
* burdenRejectionCode
* otherRejectionCode
* attribute12
* attribute9
* rawCost
* attribute8
* budgetLineId
* attribute15
* projectCostRateDateType
* quantitySource
* attribute3
* tpRevenueIn
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute14
* attribute1
* bucketingPeriodCode
* utilizationAdj
* tpRevenueOut
* borrowedRevenue
* lastUpdateDate
* pmBudgetLineReference
* unassignedTimeCost
* revenueAdj
* projectRevenue
* attribute7
* attribute13
* revenue
* utilizationHours
* attribute5
* burdenedCostSource
* lentResourceCost
* projfuncCostRateDateType
* lastUpdateLogin
* capacity
* endDate


 * attributeCategory
* projectRevRateDateType
* projectBurdenedCost
* headCount
* budgetVersionId
* revenueSource
* txnRevenue
* ccidGenRejMessage
* projectRevRateDate
* resourceAssignmentIdRup
* projfuncRevRateType
* projectRevExchangeRate
* txnBurdenedCost
* createdBy
* codeCombinationId
* changeReasonCode
* creationDate
* projfuncCostExchangeRate
* resourceAssignmentId
* burdenedCost
* utilizationPercent
* attribute2
* projectCostExchangeRate
* budgetVersionIdRup
* projfuncCostRateDate
* projectRawCost
* revenueRejectionCode
* pmProductCode
* projfuncRevExchangeRate
* attribute4
* ccidGenStatusCode
* projfuncCostRateType
* projfuncCurrencyCode
* projectCostRateDate
* rawCostSource
* requestId
* startDate
* attribute10
* txnCurrencyCode
* costRejectionCode
* headCountAdj
* periodName
* projectCostRateType
* projfuncRevRateDateType
* tpCostOut
* attribute11
* projectCurrencyCode
* projectRevRateType
* attribute6
* description
* projfuncRevRateDate
* quantity
* tpCostIn
* txnRawCost
* costAdj
* burdenRejectionCode
* otherRejectionCode
* attribute12
* attribute9
* rawCost
* attribute8
* budgetLineId
* attribute15
* projectCostRateDateType
* quantitySource
* attribute3
* tpRevenueIn
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute14
* attribute1
* bucketingPeriodCode
* utilizationAdj
* tpRevenueOut
* borrowedRevenue
* lastUpdateDate
* pmBudgetLineReference
* unassignedTimeCost
* revenueAdj
* projectRevenue
* attribute7
* attribute13
* revenue
* utilizationHours
* attribute5
* burdenedCostSource
* lentResourceCost
* projfuncCostRateDateType
* lastUpdateLogin
* capacity
* endDate


 * projectRevRateType
* bcEventId
* projectRevRateDateType
* requestId
* txnStandardBillRate
* revenueAdj
* endDate
* systemReferenceDat1
* codeCombinationId
* tpRevenueOut
* attribute3
* headCount
* attribute9
* revenueSource
* burdenCostRateOverride
* txnCurrencyCode
* projfuncCostRateDateType
* txnStandardCostRate
* tpRevenueIn
* initBurdenedCostSource
* attribute8
* projfuncCostRateType
* capacity
* systemReferenceVar1
* projectCostExchangeRate
* projfuncCostExchangeRate
* txnInitRawCost
* pfcCurConvRejectionCode
* utilizationPercent
* projectCostRateDateType
* projfuncRevExchangeRate
* costIndCompiledSetId
* borrowedRevenue
* initRevenueSource
* attribute5
* systemReferenceVar2
* pmBudgetLineReference
* pcCurConvRejectionCode
* attribute7
* tpCostIn
* attribute10
* txnRevenue
* txnMarkupPercentOverride
* txnBurdenedCost
* projfuncRevRateType
* revenueRejectionCode
* projectCostRateType
* costRejectionCode
* quantity
* startDate
* initRevenue
* systemReferenceVar3
* initRawCost
* lastUpdatedBy
* pmProductCode
* budgetVersionId
* initRawCostSource
* displayQuantity
* resourceAssignmentId
* revenue
* projectBurdenedCost
* attribute13
* systemReferenceDat2
* systemReferenceNum3
* lentResourceCost
* initQuantity
* txnInitRevenue
* rawCost
* projectCurrencyCode
* txnRawCost
* txnBillRateOverride
* bucketingPeriodCode
* initQuantitySource
* utilizationAdj
* otherRejectionCode
* projectRevExchangeRate
* creationDate
* changeReasonCode
* description
* budgetLineId
* burdenRejectionCode
* transferPriceRate
* projectInitRevenue
* txnInitBurdenedCost
* quantitySource
* attribute6
* unassignedTimeCost
* attributeCategory
* burdenedCost
* costAdj
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute1
* attribute11
* utilizationHours
* txnDiscountPercentage
* projectCostRateDate
* periodName
* attribute15
* systemReferenceNum1
* projfuncRevRateDate
* tpCostOut
* attribute14
* burdenCostRate
* initBurdenedCost
* projectInitRawCost
* txnMarkupPercent
* projectRawCost
* attribute2
* projectRevenue
* burdenedCostSource
* attribute12
* projfuncCostRateDate
* projectRevRateDate
* bcRevEventId
* systemReferenceNum2
* ccidGenRejMessage
* ccidGenStatusCode
* headCountAdj
* projfuncCurrencyCode
* txnCostRateOverride
* rawCostSource
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute4
* projfuncRevRateDateType
* systemReferenceDat3
* projectInitBurdenedCost
* createdBy


 * attribute14
* attribute9
* attribute1
* accumulationFlag
* attribute7
* lastUpdateDate
* budgetTypeCode
* budgetType
* creationDate
* zdEditionName
* adwNotifyFlag
* attribute12
* attribute10
* attribute8
* budgetAmountCode
* attribute11
* endDateActive
* attribute4
* attribute13
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute5
* attribute6
* attribute3
* description
* planType
* createdBy
* upgradeBudgetTypeFlag
* enableWfFlag
* predefinedFlag
* zdSync
* startDateActive
* attribute2
* attributeCategory
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute15


 * attribute14
* attribute9
* attribute1
* accumulationFlag
* attribute7
* lastUpdateDate
* budgetTypeCode
* budgetType
* creationDate
* zdEditionName
* adwNotifyFlag
* attribute12
* attribute10
* attribute8
* budgetAmountCode
* attribute11
* endDateActive
* attribute4
* attribute13
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute5
* attribute6
* attribute3
* description
* planType
* createdBy
* upgradeBudgetTypeFlag
* enableWfFlag
* predefinedFlag
* zdSync
* startDateActive
* attribute2
* attributeCategory
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute15


 * equipmentQuantity
* totalCostAdj
* rawCost
* attribute4
* ciId
* baselinedDate
* estEquipmentQuantity
* estProjfuncBurdenedCost
* currentOriginalFlag
* totalProjectRawCost
* lastUpdateDate
* finPlanTypeId
* approvedCostPlanTypeFlag
* attribute2
* attribute11
* approvedRevPlanTypeFlag
* estProjfuncRevenue
* totalUnassignedTimeCost
* estProjectBurdenedCost
* versionName
* recordVersionNumber
* adwNotifyFlag
* description
* prcGeneratedFlag
* currentWorkingFlag
* totalUtilizationHours
* revenue
* currentPlanningPeriod
* creationDate
* originalFlag
* resourceAccumulatedFlag
* attribute10
* etcStartDate
* budgetStatusCode
* estProjectRawCost
* versionNumber
* baselinedByPersonId
* totalCapacity
* attribute6
* attributeCategory
* estProjectRevenue
* maxPlanningDate
* periodMaskId
* wpVersionFlag
* totalTpCostIn
* budgetTypeCode
* attribute5
* totalUtilizationAdj
* budgetVersionId
* processUpdateWbsFlag
* changeReasonCode
* attribute9
* pmProductCode
* totalHeadCountAdj
* attribute15
* resourceListId
* totalProjectBurdenedCost
* minPlanningDate
* wfStatusCode
* lockedByPersonId
* revPartiallyImplFlag
* attribute8
* totalProjectRevenue
* burdenedCost
* attribute13
* lastUpdatedBy
* laborQuantity
* requestId
* olapChangeFlag
* lastAmtGenDate
* budgetEntryMethodCode
* totalLentResourceCost
* attribute12
* purgedFlag
* totalTpCostOut
* objectId
* createdBy
* laborUnitOfMeasure
* pjiSummarizedFlag
* agreementId
* projectId
* projectStructureVersionId
* totalUtilizationPercent
* planProcessingCode
* totalRevenueAdj
* totalTpRevenueOut
* planRunDate
* firstBudgetPeriod
* periodProfileId
* totalHeadCount
* attribute1
* attribute14
* parentPlanVersionId
* attribute7
* estProjfuncRawCost
* primaryRevForecastFlag
* lastUpdateLogin
* pmBudgetReference
* versionType
* actualAmtsThruPeriod
* totalBorrowedRevenue
* estQuantity
* objectTypeCode
* attribute3
* primaryCostForecastFlag
* totalTpRevenueIn
* currentFlag


 * baselinedByPersonId
* firstBudgetPeriod
* attribute6
* rawCost
* attribute14
* changeReasonCode
* attribute11
* lastUpdateDate
* laborQuantity
* attribute12
* pmBudgetReference
* attribute3
* versionNumber
* attributeCategory
* attribute8
* lastUpdatedBy
* revenue
* attribute13
* purgeBatchId
* burdenedCost
* budgetStatusCode
* lastUpdateLogin
* laborUnitOfMeasure
* attribute1
* pmProductCode
* purgeProjectId
* budgetVersionId
* budgetEntryMethodCode
* attribute4
* purgeRelease
* projectId
* creationDate
* attribute9
* description
* budgetTypeCode
* attribute15
* resourceListId
* versionName
* baselinedDate
* attribute5
* currentOriginalFlag
* resourceAccumulatedFlag
* attribute2
* originalFlag
* attribute10
* currentFlag
* createdBy
* attribute7


 * baselinedByPersonId
* firstBudgetPeriod
* attribute6
* rawCost
* attribute14
* changeReasonCode
* attribute11
* lastUpdateDate
* laborQuantity
* attribute12
* pmBudgetReference
* attribute3
* versionNumber
* attributeCategory
* attribute8
* lastUpdatedBy
* revenue
* attribute13
* purgeBatchId
* burdenedCost
* budgetStatusCode
* lastUpdateLogin
* laborUnitOfMeasure
* attribute1
* pmProductCode
* purgeProjectId
* budgetVersionId
* budgetEntryMethodCode
* attribute4
* purgeRelease
* projectId
* creationDate
* attribute9
* description
* budgetTypeCode
* attribute15
* resourceListId
* versionName
* baselinedDate
* attribute5
* currentOriginalFlag
* resourceAccumulatedFlag
* attribute2
* originalFlag
* attribute10
* currentFlag
* createdBy
* attribute7


 * changeReasonCode
* versionName
* budgetEntryMethodCode
* budgetStatusCode
* adjustedEfcRevenueAmt
* resourceAccumulatedFlag
* laborQuantity
* laborUnitOfMeasure
* wfStatusCode
* rawCost
* originalFlag
* budgetVersionId
* versionNumber
* baselinedDate
* creationDate
* baselinedByPersonId
* setOfBooksId
* description
* firstBudgetPeriod
* adwNotifyFlag
* projectId
* budgetTypeCode
* pmProductCode
* currentOriginalFlag
* currentFlag
* resourceListId
* burdenedCost
* revenue
* pmBudgetReference


 * changeReasonCode
* versionName
* budgetEntryMethodCode
* budgetStatusCode
* adjustedEfcRevenueAmt
* resourceAccumulatedFlag
* laborQuantity
* laborUnitOfMeasure
* wfStatusCode
* rawCost
* originalFlag
* budgetVersionId
* versionNumber
* baselinedDate
* creationDate
* baselinedByPersonId
* setOfBooksId
* description
* firstBudgetPeriod
* adwNotifyFlag
* projectId
* budgetTypeCode
* pmProductCode
* currentOriginalFlag
* currentFlag
* resourceListId
* burdenedCost
* revenue
* pmBudgetReference


 * budgetVersionId
* projectCurrencyCode
* projectId
* projfuncCurrencyCode


 * budgetVersionId
* projectCurrencyCode
* projectId
* projfuncCurrencyCode


 * currType
* currencyCode
* budgetVersionId
* projectId


 * currType
* currencyCode
* budgetVersionId
* projectId


 * equipmentQuantity
* totalCostAdj
* rawCost
* attribute4
* ciId
* baselinedDate
* estEquipmentQuantity
* estProjfuncBurdenedCost
* currentOriginalFlag
* totalProjectRawCost
* lastUpdateDate
* finPlanTypeId
* approvedCostPlanTypeFlag
* attribute2
* attribute11
* approvedRevPlanTypeFlag
* estProjfuncRevenue
* totalUnassignedTimeCost
* estProjectBurdenedCost
* versionName
* recordVersionNumber
* adwNotifyFlag
* description
* prcGeneratedFlag
* currentWorkingFlag
* totalUtilizationHours
* revenue
* currentPlanningPeriod
* creationDate
* originalFlag
* resourceAccumulatedFlag
* attribute10
* etcStartDate
* budgetStatusCode
* estProjectRawCost
* versionNumber
* baselinedByPersonId
* totalCapacity
* attribute6
* attributeCategory
* estProjectRevenue
* maxPlanningDate
* periodMaskId
* wpVersionFlag
* totalTpCostIn
* budgetTypeCode
* attribute5
* totalUtilizationAdj
* budgetVersionId
* processUpdateWbsFlag
* changeReasonCode
* attribute9
* pmProductCode
* totalHeadCountAdj
* attribute15
* resourceListId
* totalProjectBurdenedCost
* minPlanningDate
* wfStatusCode
* lockedByPersonId
* revPartiallyImplFlag
* attribute8
* totalProjectRevenue
* burdenedCost
* attribute13
* lastUpdatedBy
* laborQuantity
* requestId
* olapChangeFlag
* lastAmtGenDate
* budgetEntryMethodCode
* totalLentResourceCost
* attribute12
* purgedFlag
* totalTpCostOut
* objectId
* createdBy
* laborUnitOfMeasure
* pjiSummarizedFlag
* agreementId
* projectId
* projectStructureVersionId
* totalUtilizationPercent
* planProcessingCode
* totalRevenueAdj
* totalTpRevenueOut
* planRunDate
* firstBudgetPeriod
* periodProfileId
* totalHeadCount
* attribute1
* attribute14
* parentPlanVersionId
* attribute7
* estProjfuncRawCost
* primaryRevForecastFlag
* lastUpdateLogin
* pmBudgetReference
* versionType
* actualAmtsThruPeriod
* totalBorrowedRevenue
* estQuantity
* objectTypeCode
* attribute3
* primaryCostForecastFlag
* totalTpRevenueIn
* currentFlag


 * projectTypeOrgId
* yrEndRolloverAmount
* budgetTypeCode
* yrEndRolloverMessage
* projectId
* boundaryCode
* yrEndRolloverFlag
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* createdBy
* requestId
* creationDate
* balanceType
* budgetTypeCode#1
* fundControlLevelProject
* lastUpdateDate
* fundControlLevelRes
* finPlanTypeId
* glBudgetVersionId
* encumbranceTypeId
* bdgtCntrlFlag
* projectType
* yrEndRolloverYear
* amountType
* externalBudgetCode
* fundControlLevelTask
* fundControlLevelResGrp


 * projectTypeOrgId
* yrEndRolloverAmount
* budgetTypeCode
* yrEndRolloverMessage
* projectId
* boundaryCode
* yrEndRolloverFlag
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* createdBy
* requestId
* creationDate
* balanceType
* budgetTypeCode#1
* fundControlLevelProject
* lastUpdateDate
* fundControlLevelRes
* finPlanTypeId
* glBudgetVersionId
* encumbranceTypeId
* bdgtCntrlFlag
* projectType
* yrEndRolloverYear
* amountType
* externalBudgetCode
* fundControlLevelTask
* fundControlLevelResGrp


 * budgetTypeCode
* resourceListMemberId
* fundsControlLevelCode
* lastUpdatedBy
* topTaskId
* budgetTypeCode#1
* lastUpdateLogin
* finPlanTypeId
* createdBy
* creationDate
* projectId
* parentMemberId
* taskId
* lastUpdateDate
* budgetaryControlsId


 * budgetTypeCode
* resourceListMemberId
* fundsControlLevelCode
* lastUpdatedBy
* topTaskId
* budgetTypeCode#1
* lastUpdateLogin
* finPlanTypeId
* createdBy
* creationDate
* projectId
* parentMemberId
* taskId
* lastUpdateDate
* budgetaryControlsId


 * lastUpdatedBy
* projectId
* attribute8
* budgetTypeCode
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute9
* readyToBaselineFlag
* attribute5
* createdBy
* attribute2
* attribute10
* attributeCategory
* creationDate
* attribute6
* attribute3
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute4
* attribute1
* attribute7


 * lastUpdatedBy
* projectId
* attribute8
* budgetTypeCode
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute9
* readyToBaselineFlag
* attribute5
* createdBy
* attribute2
* attribute10
* attributeCategory
* creationDate
* attribute6
* attribute3
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute4
* attribute1
* attribute7


 * lastUpdatedBy
* createdBy
* lastUpdateDate
* startDateActive
* lastUpdateLogin
* meaning
* endDateActive
* creationDate
* description
* revenueBuildupFlag
* burdenCostCode
* burdenCostType


 * lastUpdatedBy
* createdBy
* lastUpdateDate
* startDateActive
* lastUpdateLogin
* meaning
* endDateActive
* creationDate
* description
* revenueBuildupFlag
* burdenCostCode
* burdenCostType


 * projectId
* taskId
* lastUpdateDate
* createdBy
* endDateActive
* organizationId
* burdenCostCode
* multiplier
* startDateActive
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdatedBy


 * projectId
* taskId
* lastUpdateDate
* createdBy
* endDateActive
* organizationId
* burdenCostCode
* multiplier
* startDateActive
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdatedBy


 * attribute7
* candidateId
* reviewDate
* reviewerPersonId
* attribute6
* attribute11
* attribute15
* attribute13
* lastUpdateDate
* attributeCategory
* attribute5
* attribute2
* createdBy
* statusCode
* recordVersionNumber
* reviewComments
* attribute1
* attribute4
* attribute10
* attribute3
* candidateReviewId
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute14
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute9
* attribute12
* attribute8
* creationDate
* changeReasonCode


 * attribute7
* candidateId
* reviewDate
* reviewerPersonId
* attribute6
* attribute11
* attribute15
* attribute13
* lastUpdateDate
* attributeCategory
* attribute5
* attribute2
* createdBy
* statusCode
* recordVersionNumber
* reviewComments
* attribute1
* attribute4
* attribute10
* attribute3
* candidateReviewId
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute14
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute9
* attribute12
* attribute8
* creationDate
* changeReasonCode


 * attribute13
* nominatedByPersonId
* attribute9
* nominationComments
* nominationDate
* attribute15
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* resourceId
* statusCode
* creationDate
* attributeCategory
* assignmentId
* attribute12
* attribute7
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute3
* attribute6
* createdBy
* attribute5
* attribute10
* attribute8
* candidateId
* recordVersionNumber
* attribute4
* candidateRanking
* attribute2
* attribute1
* attribute11
* attribute14


 * attribute14
* attribute11
* attribute3
* attribute15
* purgeProjectId
* attribute5
* attribute8
* statusCode
* assignmentId
* resourceId
* lastUpdatedBy
* creationDate
* attribute4
* candidateId
* attribute13
* purgeBatchId
* nominationComments
* attribute7
* recordVersionNumber
* attribute10
* attribute1
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdateDate
* attributeCategory
* nominationDate
* attribute2
* nominatedByPersonId
* attribute12
* candidateRanking
* attribute9
* purgeRelease
* createdBy
* attribute6


 * attribute14
* attribute11
* attribute3
* attribute15
* purgeProjectId
* attribute5
* attribute8
* statusCode
* assignmentId
* resourceId
* lastUpdatedBy
* creationDate
* attribute4
* candidateId
* attribute13
* purgeBatchId
* nominationComments
* attribute7
* recordVersionNumber
* attribute10
* attribute1
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdateDate
* attributeCategory
* nominationDate
* attribute2
* nominatedByPersonId
* attribute12
* candidateRanking
* attribute9
* purgeRelease
* createdBy
* attribute6


 * attribute13
* nominatedByPersonId
* attribute9
* nominationComments
* nominationDate
* attribute15
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* resourceId
* statusCode
* creationDate
* attributeCategory
* assignmentId
* attribute12
* attribute7
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute3
* attribute6
* createdBy
* attribute5
* attribute10
* attribute8
* candidateId
* recordVersionNumber
* attribute4
* candidateRanking
* attribute2
* attribute1
* attribute11
* attribute14


 * lastUpdateDate
* purgeProjectId
* attribute4
* lastUpdatedBy
* createdBy
* attributeCategory
* attribute7
* attribute13
* statusCode
* purgeBatchId
* attribute14
* attribute2
* attribute15
* creationDate
* candidateReviewId
* reviewComments
* recordVersionNumber
* attribute8
* attribute9
* attribute1
* purgeRelease
* candidateId
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute12
* attribute6
* attribute11
* reviewerPersonId
* reviewDate
* attribute5
* attribute10
* attribute3
* changeReasonCode


 * lastUpdateDate
* purgeProjectId
* attribute4
* lastUpdatedBy
* createdBy
* attributeCategory
* attribute7
* attribute13
* statusCode
* purgeBatchId
* attribute14
* attribute2
* attribute15
* creationDate
* candidateReviewId
* reviewComments
* recordVersionNumber
* attribute8
* attribute9
* attribute1
* purgeRelease
* candidateId
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute12
* attribute6
* attribute11
* reviewerPersonId
* reviewDate
* attribute5
* attribute10
* attribute3
* changeReasonCode


 * programUpdateDate
* assetAllocationMethod
* createdBy
* capitalEventNumber
* projectId
* lastUpdatedBy
* programId
* lastUpdateLogin
* eventType
* eventName
* capitalEventId
* lastUpdateDate
* eventPeriod
* requestId
* creationDate
* programApplicationId


 * programUpdateDate
* assetAllocationMethod
* createdBy
* capitalEventNumber
* projectId
* lastUpdatedBy
* programId
* lastUpdateLogin
* eventType
* eventName
* capitalEventId
* lastUpdateDate
* eventPeriod
* requestId
* creationDate
* programApplicationId


 * lastUpdateLogin
* recordVersionNumber
* meaning
* description#1
* lastUpdatedBy
* createdBy
* description
* lastUpdateDate
* creationDate
* cbsStructLevelId
* cbsHeaderId
* costCategory
* structureLevel


 * lastUpdateLogin
* recordVersionNumber
* meaning
* description#1
* lastUpdatedBy
* createdBy
* description
* lastUpdateDate
* creationDate
* cbsStructLevelId
* cbsHeaderId
* costCategory
* structureLevel


 * projectTpCurrencyCode
* tpAmtTypeCode
* acctSourceCode
* projfuncTpRateDate
* paDate
* creationDate
* projectTransferPrice
* createdBy
* paPeriodName
* billMarkupPercentage
* projectTpRateType
* distLineIdReversed
* scheduleLinePercentage
* taskId
* crossChargeCode
* acctTpRateDate
* requestId
* expenditureItemId
* ccDistLineId
* tpJobId
* reference2
* denomTransferPrice
* amount
* lastUpdateLogin
* reversedFlag
* crCodeCombinationId
* glDate
* acctEventId
* transferredDate
* drCodeCombinationId
* programUpdateDate
* projfuncTpRateType
* lineNum
* acctTpRateType
* programId
* projectTpExchangeRate
* projectId
* acctTpExchangeRate
* projfuncTpExchangeRate
* projfuncTpCurrencyCode
* orgId
* reference3
* lastUpdatedBy
* lineType
* lineNumReversed
* rulePercentage
* indCompiledSetId
* glBatchName
* programApplicationId
* projectTpRateDate
* denomTpCurrencyCode
* acctCurrencyCode
* lastUpdateDate
* transferRejectionCode
* markupCalcBaseCode
* reference1
* billRate
* projfuncTransferPrice
* glPeriodName
* transferStatusCode
* tpBaseAmount


 * projectTpCurrencyCode
* tpAmtTypeCode
* acctSourceCode
* projfuncTpRateDate
* paDate
* creationDate
* projectTransferPrice
* createdBy
* paPeriodName
* billMarkupPercentage
* projectTpRateType
* distLineIdReversed
* scheduleLinePercentage
* taskId
* crossChargeCode
* acctTpRateDate
* requestId
* expenditureItemId
* ccDistLineId
* tpJobId
* reference2
* denomTransferPrice
* amount
* lastUpdateLogin
* reversedFlag
* crCodeCombinationId
* glDate
* acctEventId
* transferredDate
* drCodeCombinationId
* programUpdateDate
* projfuncTpRateType
* lineNum
* acctTpRateType
* programId
* projectTpExchangeRate
* projectId
* acctTpExchangeRate
* projfuncTpExchangeRate
* projfuncTpCurrencyCode
* orgId
* reference3
* lastUpdatedBy
* lineType
* lineNumReversed
* rulePercentage
* indCompiledSetId
* glBatchName
* programApplicationId
* projectTpRateDate
* denomTpCurrencyCode
* acctCurrencyCode
* lastUpdateDate
* transferRejectionCode
* markupCalcBaseCode
* reference1
* billRate
* projfuncTransferPrice
* glPeriodName
* transferStatusCode
* tpBaseAmount


 * ccDistLineId
* purgeProjectId
* projectTpRateDate
* lineType
* lastUpdateLogin
* programUpdateDate
* projectId
* reference1
* acctSourceCode
* acctTpRateType
* crCodeCombinationId
* projfuncTpRateType
* acctCurrencyCode
* denomTpCurrencyCode
* glDate
* markupCalcBaseCode
* tpJobId
* reversedFlag
* drCodeCombinationId
* projectTransferPrice
* purgeBatchId
* expenditureItemId
* projfuncTpRateDate
* reference3
* projfuncTransferPrice
* projectTpRateType
* glBatchName
* projfuncTpCurrencyCode
* transferStatusCode
* billRate
* programId
* projectTpExchangeRate
* lineNum
* lastUpdateDate
* acctTpExchangeRate
* scheduleLinePercentage
* amount
* indCompiledSetId
* paPeriodName
* projectTpCurrencyCode
* crossChargeCode
* distLineIdReversed
* tpAmtTypeCode
* orgId
* transferRejectionCode
* creationDate
* acctTpRateDate
* billMarkupPercentage
* glPeriodName
* transferredDate
* requestId
* paDate
* tpBaseAmount
* purgeRelease
* lineNumReversed
* programApplicationId
* lastUpdatedBy
* createdBy
* projfuncTpExchangeRate
* denomTransferPrice
* reference2
* acctEventId
* rulePercentage
* taskId


 * ccDistLineId
* purgeProjectId
* projectTpRateDate
* lineType
* lastUpdateLogin
* programUpdateDate
* projectId
* reference1
* acctSourceCode
* acctTpRateType
* crCodeCombinationId
* projfuncTpRateType
* acctCurrencyCode
* denomTpCurrencyCode
* glDate
* markupCalcBaseCode
* tpJobId
* reversedFlag
* drCodeCombinationId
* projectTransferPrice
* purgeBatchId
* expenditureItemId
* projfuncTpRateDate
* reference3
* projfuncTransferPrice
* projectTpRateType
* glBatchName
* projfuncTpCurrencyCode
* transferStatusCode
* billRate
* programId
* projectTpExchangeRate
* lineNum
* lastUpdateDate
* acctTpExchangeRate
* scheduleLinePercentage
* amount
* indCompiledSetId
* paPeriodName
* projectTpCurrencyCode
* crossChargeCode
* distLineIdReversed
* tpAmtTypeCode
* orgId
* transferRejectionCode
* creationDate
* acctTpRateDate
* billMarkupPercentage
* glPeriodName
* transferredDate
* requestId
* paDate
* tpBaseAmount
* purgeRelease
* lineNumReversed
* programApplicationId
* lastUpdatedBy
* createdBy
* projfuncTpExchangeRate
* denomTransferPrice
* reference2
* acctEventId
* rulePercentage
* taskId


 * apInvExpType
* attribute11
* crossChargeCode
* attribute7
* vendorSiteId
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* recvrOrgId
* attribute1
* prvdrProjectId
* attribute5
* attributeCategory
* lastUpdatedBy
* createdBy
* attribute13
* prvdrOrgId
* attribute14
* attribute8
* creationDate
* attribute12
* prvdrLegalEntityId
* attribute2
* prvdrAllowCcFlag
* attribute15
* attribute3
* attribute9
* attribute10
* apInvExpOrganizationId
* attribute4
* invoiceGroupingCode
* recvrLegalEntityId
* attribute6


 * apInvExpType
* attribute11
* crossChargeCode
* attribute7
* vendorSiteId
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* recvrOrgId
* attribute1
* prvdrProjectId
* attribute5
* attributeCategory
* lastUpdatedBy
* createdBy
* attribute13
* prvdrOrgId
* attribute14
* attribute8
* creationDate
* attribute12
* prvdrLegalEntityId
* attribute2
* prvdrAllowCcFlag
* attribute15
* attribute3
* attribute9
* attribute10
* apInvExpOrganizationId
* attribute4
* invoiceGroupingCode
* recvrLegalEntityId
* attribute6


 * attribute7
* attribute3
* attribute15
* attribute8
* ruleType
* lastUpdatedBy
* description
* startDateActive
* createdBy
* percentageApplied
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute11
* creationDate
* markupCalcBaseCode
* calcMethodCode
* attribute2
* scheduleId
* attribute5
* tpRuleId
* attribute1
* attribute9
* attribute12
* lastUpdateDate
* attributeCategory
* endDateActive
* attribute10
* name
* attribute13
* attribute14
* businessGroupId
* attribute4
* attribute6


 * attribute7
* attribute3
* attribute15
* attribute8
* ruleType
* lastUpdatedBy
* description
* startDateActive
* createdBy
* percentageApplied
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute11
* creationDate
* markupCalcBaseCode
* calcMethodCode
* attribute2
* scheduleId
* attribute5
* tpRuleId
* attribute1
* attribute9
* attribute12
* lastUpdateDate
* attributeCategory
* endDateActive
* attribute10
* name
* attribute13
* attribute14
* businessGroupId
* attribute4
* attribute6


 * recvrOrganizationId
* startDateActive
* recvrOrgId
* laborFlag
* prvdrOrganizationId
* endDateActive
* tpScheduleId
* creationDate
* tpAmtTypeCode
* sortOrder
* createdBy
* tpScheduleLineId
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* prvdrOrgId


 * recvrOrganizationId
* startDateActive
* recvrOrgId
* laborFlag
* prvdrOrganizationId
* endDateActive
* tpScheduleId
* creationDate
* tpAmtTypeCode
* sortOrder
* createdBy
* tpScheduleLineId
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* prvdrOrgId


 * prvdrOrganizationId
* laborPercentageApplied
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute3
* tpScheduleLineId
* attribute8
* defaultFlag
* endDateActive
* attribute14
* attribute9
* laborTpRuleId
* attributeCategory
* lastUpdatedBy
* recvrOrganizationId
* attribute13
* createdBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* tpScheduleId
* attribute2
* startDateActive
* attribute5
* attribute11
* attribute7
* attribute12
* attribute10
* attribute4
* tpAmtTypeCode
* creationDate
* nlTpRuleId
* attribute1
* attribute15
* attribute6
* sortOrder
* nlPercentageApplied


 * prvdrOrganizationId
* laborPercentageApplied
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute3
* tpScheduleLineId
* attribute8
* defaultFlag
* endDateActive
* attribute14
* attribute9
* laborTpRuleId
* attributeCategory
* lastUpdatedBy
* recvrOrganizationId
* attribute13
* createdBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* tpScheduleId
* attribute2
* startDateActive
* attribute5
* attribute11
* attribute7
* attribute12
* attribute10
* attribute4
* tpAmtTypeCode
* creationDate
* nlTpRuleId
* attribute1
* attribute15
* attribute6
* sortOrder
* nlPercentageApplied


 * attribute6
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute1
* attribute4
* attribute14
* attribute15
* attribute9
* attribute8
* endDateActive
* businessGroupId
* attribute12
* attribute5
* createdBy
* attribute7
* attribute2
* attribute10
* tpScheduleId
* attribute13
* lastUpdateDate
* name
* startDateActive
* attribute3
* attribute11
* attributeCategory
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* description


 * attribute6
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute1
* attribute4
* attribute14
* attribute15
* attribute9
* attribute8
* endDateActive
* businessGroupId
* attribute12
* attribute5
* createdBy
* attribute7
* attribute2
* attribute10
* tpScheduleId
* attribute13
* lastUpdateDate
* name
* startDateActive
* attribute3
* attribute11
* attributeCategory
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* description


 * creationDate
* sourceCiActionId
* ciActionId
* dateRequired
* assignedTo
* signOffRequiredFlag
* ciId
* ciActionNumber
* statusCode
* typeCode
* lastUpdateLogin
* dateClosed
* recordVersionNumber
* createdBy
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateDate
* signOffFlag


 * creationDate
* sourceCiActionId
* ciActionId
* dateRequired
* assignedTo
* signOffRequiredFlag
* ciId
* ciActionNumber
* statusCode
* typeCode
* lastUpdateLogin
* dateClosed
* recordVersionNumber
* createdBy
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateDate
* signOffFlag


 * lastUpdateLogin
* ciActionId
* typeCode
* lastUpdatedBy
* recordVersionNumber
* lastUpdateDate
* ciCommentId
* ciId
* creationDate
* commentText
* createdBy


 * lastUpdateLogin
* ciActionId
* typeCode
* lastUpdatedBy
* recordVersionNumber
* lastUpdateDate
* ciCommentId
* ciId
* creationDate
* commentText
* createdBy


 * effectiveFrom
* createdBy
* projectId
* effectiveTo
* dcLineId
* quantity
* unitOfMeasure
* planningResourceRate
* currencyCode
* lastUpdateBy
* resourceAssignmentId
* creationDate
* expenditureType
* rawCost
* changeReasonCode
* lastUpdateLogin
* taskId
* burdenCostRate
* ciId
* changeDescription
* burdenedCost
* lastUpdateDate
* resourceListMemberId
* rawCostRate


 * effectiveFrom
* createdBy
* projectId
* effectiveTo
* dcLineId
* quantity
* unitOfMeasure
* planningResourceRate
* currencyCode
* lastUpdateBy
* resourceAssignmentId
* creationDate
* expenditureType
* rawCost
* changeReasonCode
* lastUpdateLogin
* taskId
* burdenCostRate
* ciId
* changeDescription
* burdenedCost
* lastUpdateDate
* resourceListMemberId
* rawCostRate


 * creationDate
* totalProjectBurdenedCost
* lastUpdateLogin
* plannedMarginPercentage
* totalProjectRawCost
* derivedCost
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateDate
* derivedQuantity
* projectId
* laborQuantity
* estQuantity
* estProjectRawCost
* estProjectBurdenedCost
* plannedMargin
* derivedMarginPercentage
* estMarginPercentage
* derivedMargin
* derivedRevenue
* totalProjectRevenue
* createdBy
* estProjectCost
* estProjectRevenue
* ciId
* totalProjectCost
* estMargin


 * creationDate
* totalProjectBurdenedCost
* lastUpdateLogin
* plannedMarginPercentage
* totalProjectRawCost
* derivedCost
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateDate
* derivedQuantity
* projectId
* laborQuantity
* estQuantity
* estProjectRawCost
* estProjectBurdenedCost
* plannedMargin
* derivedMarginPercentage
* estMarginPercentage
* derivedMargin
* derivedRevenue
* totalProjectRevenue
* createdBy
* estProjectCost
* estProjectRevenue
* ciId
* totalProjectCost
* estMargin


 * implementedBy
* ciImpactId
* description
* ciId
* implementationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* recordVersionNumber
* statusCode
* implementationComment
* lastUpdatedBy
* createdBy
* lastUpdateDate
* impactedTaskId
* impactTypeCode
* creationDate


 * implementedBy
* ciImpactId
* description
* ciId
* implementationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* recordVersionNumber
* statusCode
* implementationComment
* lastUpdatedBy
* createdBy
* lastUpdateDate
* impactedTaskId
* impactTypeCode
* creationDate


 * vendorId
* quoteNegotiationReference
* resourceListMemberId
* changeApprover
* fromChangeDate
* quotedCost
* finalCost
* revenueRate
* resourceAssignmentId
* ciImpactId
* taskId
* needByDate
* ciTypeId
* negotiatedCost
* burdenedCost
* poLineId
* auditHistoryNumber
* expenditureTypeId
* changeDescription
* status
* changeAmount
* lastUpdatedBy
* expenditureOrgId
* estimatedCost
* changeType
* totalRevenue
* originalSuppTransId
* createdBy
* expenditureType
* sourceSuppTransId
* revenue
* creationDate
* currentAuditFlag
* changeReasonCode
* lastUpdateDate
* poHeaderId
* markupCost
* supQuoteRefNo
* ciTransactionId
* rawCost
* adjustedCiTransactionId
* currencyCode
* toChangeDate
* revenueOverrideRate
* ciId
* lastUpdateLogin


 * vendorId
* quoteNegotiationReference
* resourceListMemberId
* changeApprover
* fromChangeDate
* quotedCost
* finalCost
* revenueRate
* resourceAssignmentId
* ciImpactId
* taskId
* needByDate
* ciTypeId
* negotiatedCost
* burdenedCost
* poLineId
* auditHistoryNumber
* expenditureTypeId
* changeDescription
* status
* changeAmount
* lastUpdatedBy
* expenditureOrgId
* estimatedCost
* changeType
* totalRevenue
* originalSuppTransId
* createdBy
* expenditureType
* sourceSuppTransId
* revenue
* creationDate
* currentAuditFlag
* changeReasonCode
* lastUpdateDate
* poHeaderId
* markupCost
* supQuoteRefNo
* ciTransactionId
* rawCost
* adjustedCiTransactionId
* currencyCode
* toChangeDate
* revenueOverrideRate
* ciId
* lastUpdateLogin


 * lastUpdateDate
* projectTypeId
* ciTypeId
* creationDate
* createdBy
* ciTypeUsageId
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin


 * lastUpdateDate
* projectTypeId
* ciTypeId
* creationDate
* createdBy
* ciTypeUsageId
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin


 * indCostCode
* lastUpdateLogin
* expenditureType
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* orgId
* createdBy
* creationDate


 * indCostCode
* lastUpdateLogin
* expenditureType
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* orgId
* createdBy
* creationDate


 * interestCalculationMethod
* taskDurationThreshold
* periodRateCode
* thresholdAmtType
* lastUpdateLogin
* indCostCode
* projDurationThreshold
* lastUpdatedBy
* budgetTypeCode
* creationDate
* lastUpdateDate
* expOrgSource
* createdBy
* projAmtThreshold
* taskAmtThreshold
* orgId
* currPeriodConvention
* finPlanTypeId


 * interestCalculationMethod
* taskDurationThreshold
* periodRateCode
* thresholdAmtType
* lastUpdateLogin
* indCostCode
* projDurationThreshold
* lastUpdatedBy
* budgetTypeCode
* creationDate
* lastUpdateDate
* expOrgSource
* createdBy
* projAmtThreshold
* taskAmtThreshold
* orgId
* currPeriodConvention
* finPlanTypeId


 * requestId
* rateName
* organizationId
* indRateSchId
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* multiplier
* programUpdateDate
* indRateSchRevisionId
* creationDate
* programId
* createdBy
* programApplicationId


 * requestId
* rateName
* organizationId
* indRateSchId
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* multiplier
* programUpdateDate
* indRateSchRevisionId
* creationDate
* programId
* createdBy
* programApplicationId


 * allocTxnId
* fiscalYear
* priorAmount
* lastUpdateLogin
* periodNum
* expenditureItemId
* lineNum
* currentAmount
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* projectId
* creationDate
* createdBy
* runPeriodEndDate


 * allocTxnId
* fiscalYear
* priorAmount
* lastUpdateLogin
* periodNum
* expenditureItemId
* lineNum
* currentAmount
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* projectId
* creationDate
* createdBy
* runPeriodEndDate


 * quantityCancelled
* revenueCategory
* lineType
* programId
* quantityOverbilled
* bomLaborResourceId
* amountCancelled
* expenditureItemDate
* glPeriod
* cmtDistributionId
* totCmtQuantity
* transactionSource
* releaseNumber
* denomCurrencyCode
* cmtBuyerName
* quantityOrdered
* acctRateDate
* projectExchangeRate
* cmtApprovedDate
* cmtIndCompiledSetId
* programUpdateDate
* acctRateType
* projectRateDate
* cmtNeedByDate
* resourceClass
* taskId
* acctExchangeRate
* cmtNumber
* cmtHeaderId
* quantityInvoiced
* cmtLineId
* denomRawCost
* burdenSumSourceRunId
* originalAmountOrdered
* amountOrdered
* projectId
* originalTxnReference1
* burdenSumRejectionCode
* quantityOutstandingDelivery
* burdenSumDestRunId
* projectRateType
* projRawCost
* cmtApprovedFlag
* originalQuantityOrdered
* creationDate
* createdBy
* projectCurrencyCode
* projRateType
* quantityOutstandingInvoice
* amountInvoiced
* requestId
* expenditureCategory
* quantityDelivered
* amountOutstandingDelivery
* uomCode
* expenditureType
* cmtRejectionCode
* cmtPromisedDate
* denomBurdenedCost
* bomEquipmentResourceId
* cmtRequestorName
* lastUpdateLogin
* originalTxnReference3
* lastUpdateDate
* projBurdenedCost
* amountDelivered
* srcSystemLinkageFunction
* unitOfMeasure
* totCmtRawCost
* lastUpdatedBy
* acctBurdenedCost
* paPeriod
* unitPrice
* acctCurrencyCode
* generationErrorFlag
* cmtCreationDate
* receiptCurrencyCode
* projRateDate
* receiptExchangeRate
* systemLinkageFunction
* amountOutstandingInvoice
* cbsElementId
* description
* originalTxnReference2
* vendorName
* inventoryItemId
* totCmtBurdenedCost
* amountOverbilled
* receiptCurrencyAmount
* projExchangeRate
* organizationId
* acctRawCost
* projCurrencyCode
* cmtLineNumber
* vendorId
* programApplicationId


 * amountDelivered
* receiptExchangeRate
* setOfBooksId
* amountCancelled
* amountOutstandingDelivery
* denomBurdenedCost
* projectRateDate
* totCmtRawCost
* denomCurrencyCode
* projectCurrencyCode
* acctRateType
* amountOverbilled
* acctRawCost
* amountOrdered
* acctExchangeRate
* projectExchangeRate
* acctCurrencyCode
* acctBurdenedCost
* amountOutstandingInvoice
* originalAmountOrdered
* totCmtBurdenedCost
* amountInvoiced
* receiptCurrencyCode
* denomRawCost
* cmtLineId
* projectRateType
* receiptCurrencyAmount
* creationDate
* acctRateDate


 * amountDelivered
* receiptExchangeRate
* setOfBooksId
* amountCancelled
* amountOutstandingDelivery
* denomBurdenedCost
* projectRateDate
* totCmtRawCost
* denomCurrencyCode
* projectCurrencyCode
* acctRateType
* amountOverbilled
* acctRawCost
* amountOrdered
* acctExchangeRate
* projectExchangeRate
* acctCurrencyCode
* acctBurdenedCost
* amountOutstandingInvoice
* originalAmountOrdered
* totCmtBurdenedCost
* amountInvoiced
* receiptCurrencyCode
* denomRawCost
* cmtLineId
* projectRateType
* receiptCurrencyAmount
* creationDate
* acctRateDate


 * quantityCancelled
* revenueCategory
* lineType
* programId
* quantityOverbilled
* bomLaborResourceId
* amountCancelled
* expenditureItemDate
* glPeriod
* cmtDistributionId
* totCmtQuantity
* transactionSource
* releaseNumber
* denomCurrencyCode
* cmtBuyerName
* quantityOrdered
* acctRateDate
* projectExchangeRate
* cmtApprovedDate
* cmtIndCompiledSetId
* programUpdateDate
* acctRateType
* projectRateDate
* cmtNeedByDate
* resourceClass
* taskId
* acctExchangeRate
* cmtNumber
* cmtHeaderId
* quantityInvoiced
* cmtLineId
* denomRawCost
* burdenSumSourceRunId
* originalAmountOrdered
* amountOrdered
* projectId
* originalTxnReference1
* burdenSumRejectionCode
* quantityOutstandingDelivery
* burdenSumDestRunId
* projectRateType
* projRawCost
* cmtApprovedFlag
* originalQuantityOrdered
* creationDate
* createdBy
* projectCurrencyCode
* projRateType
* quantityOutstandingInvoice
* amountInvoiced
* requestId
* expenditureCategory
* quantityDelivered
* amountOutstandingDelivery
* uomCode
* expenditureType
* cmtRejectionCode
* cmtPromisedDate
* denomBurdenedCost
* bomEquipmentResourceId
* cmtRequestorName
* lastUpdateLogin
* originalTxnReference3
* lastUpdateDate
* projBurdenedCost
* amountDelivered
* srcSystemLinkageFunction
* unitOfMeasure
* totCmtRawCost
* lastUpdatedBy
* acctBurdenedCost
* paPeriod
* unitPrice
* acctCurrencyCode
* generationErrorFlag
* cmtCreationDate
* receiptCurrencyCode
* projRateDate
* receiptExchangeRate
* systemLinkageFunction
* amountOutstandingInvoice
* cbsElementId
* description
* originalTxnReference2
* vendorName
* inventoryItemId
* totCmtBurdenedCost
* amountOverbilled
* receiptCurrencyAmount
* projExchangeRate
* organizationId
* acctRawCost
* projCurrencyCode
* cmtLineNumber
* vendorId
* programApplicationId


 * lastUpdateLogin
* laborCostingRule
* lastUpdateDate
* createdBy
* creationDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* expenditureType
* laborCostMultiplierName


 * lastUpdateLogin
* laborCostingRule
* lastUpdateDate
* createdBy
* creationDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* expenditureType
* laborCostMultiplierName


 * orgId
* lastUpdateDate
* creationDate
* projectId
* compensationRuleSet
* lastUpdateLogin
* taskId
* lastUpdatedBy
* createdBy


 * orgId
* lastUpdateDate
* creationDate
* projectId
* compensationRuleSet
* lastUpdateLogin
* taskId
* lastUpdatedBy
* createdBy


 * attribute7
* acctRateDateCode
* attribute8
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* overrideType
* attribute1
* orgId
* compensationRuleSet
* lastUpdateDate
* acctRateType
* attribute6
* attributeCategory
* costRateCurrencyCode
* hourlyCostRate
* rateScheduleId
* attribute3
* acctExchangeRate
* startDateActive
* endDateActive
* attribute10
* personId
* attribute9
* rbcElementTypeId
* attribute5
* lastUpdatedBy
* baseHours
* createdBy
* attribute2
* attribute4


 * attribute7
* acctRateDateCode
* attribute8
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* overrideType
* attribute1
* orgId
* compensationRuleSet
* lastUpdateDate
* acctRateType
* attribute6
* attributeCategory
* costRateCurrencyCode
* hourlyCostRate
* rateScheduleId
* attribute3
* acctExchangeRate
* startDateActive
* endDateActive
* attribute10
* personId
* attribute9
* rbcElementTypeId
* attribute5
* lastUpdatedBy
* baseHours
* createdBy
* attribute2
* attribute4


 * ncuSetOfBooksId
* endDateActive
* creationDate
* orgId
* personId
* startDateActive
* hourlyCostRate


 * ncuSetOfBooksId
* endDateActive
* creationDate
* orgId
* personId
* startDateActive
* hourlyCostRate


 * lastUpdatedBy
* attribute4
* attribute9
* attribute11
* expenditureType
* attribute14
* attribute15
* attribute8
* createdBy
* compensationRuleSet
* attribute7
* attribute1
* attribute6
* attribute2
* attribute12
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute3
* creationDate
* attribute10
* attribute13
* attributeCategory
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute5


 * lastUpdatedBy
* attribute4
* attribute9
* attribute11
* expenditureType
* attribute14
* attribute15
* attribute8
* createdBy
* compensationRuleSet
* attribute7
* attribute1
* attribute6
* attribute2
* attribute12
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute3
* creationDate
* attribute10
* attribute13
* attributeCategory
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute5


 * attribute8
* createdBy
* attribute12
* allocatedOvertimeExpType
* attribute7
* lastUpdateDate
* startDateActive
* attribute1
* attribute4
* taskId
* creationDate
* attributeCategory
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute14
* enablePlanningCode
* endDateActive
* attribute5
* rateSourceCode
* attribute15
* compensationRuleSet
* enableAccrualCode
* attribute2
* projectId
* attribute11
* attribute6
* attribute9
* attribute10
* attribute13
* lastUpdatedBy
* totalTimeCostingCode
* attribute3
* costingMethod


 * attribute8
* createdBy
* attribute12
* allocatedOvertimeExpType
* attribute7
* lastUpdateDate
* startDateActive
* attribute1
* attribute4
* taskId
* creationDate
* attributeCategory
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute14
* enablePlanningCode
* endDateActive
* attribute5
* rateSourceCode
* attribute15
* compensationRuleSet
* enableAccrualCode
* attribute2
* projectId
* attribute11
* attribute6
* attribute9
* attribute10
* attribute13
* lastUpdatedBy
* totalTimeCostingCode
* attribute3
* costingMethod


 * personId
* competenceElementId
* operation
* oldRatingLevelId
* businessGroupId
* createdBy
* ratingLevelValue
* creationDate
* competenceName
* oldEffectiveDateFrom
* ratingLevelId
* description
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateDate
* objectVersionNumber
* oldRatingLevelValue
* competenceId
* profileId
* competenceAlias
* effectiveDateFrom


 * personId
* competenceElementId
* operation
* oldRatingLevelId
* businessGroupId
* createdBy
* ratingLevelValue
* creationDate
* competenceName
* oldEffectiveDateFrom
* ratingLevelId
* description
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateDate
* objectVersionNumber
* oldRatingLevelValue
* competenceId
* profileId
* competenceAlias
* effectiveDateFrom


 * creationDate
* programId
* multiplier
* lastUpdatedBy
* indCostCode
* precedence
* lastUpdateDate
* programApplicationId
* createdBy
* costBase
* requestId
* lastUpdateLogin
* indCompiledSetId
* costBaseCostCodeId
* compiledMultiplier
* programUpdateDate


 * creationDate
* programId
* multiplier
* lastUpdatedBy
* indCostCode
* precedence
* lastUpdateDate
* programApplicationId
* createdBy
* costBase
* requestId
* lastUpdateLogin
* indCompiledSetId
* costBaseCostCodeId
* compiledMultiplier
* programUpdateDate


 * pcoSequence
* ciNumber
* changeApprover
* attribute13
* attribute14
* dateClosed
* projectId
* description
* lastUpdateLogin
* price
* objectType
* lastUpdatedBy
* highlightedFlag
* versionComments
* attribute1
* attribute10
* summary
* statusOverview
* sourceOrganization
* ownerId
* progressStatusCode
* sourceNumber
* attribute11
* origSystemReference
* sourceComment
* attribute4
* lastModificationDate
* classificationCodeId
* createdBy
* sourceTypeCode
* currentVersionFlag
* creationDate
* attribute3
* lockedFlag
* priceCurrencyCode
* attribute8
* statusCode
* attribute5
* originalCiId
* ciId
* origSystemCode
* closedById
* pcoStatusCode
* attribute15
* attributeCategory
* resolutionCodeId
* attribute2
* progressAsOfDate
* resolution
* sourceCiId
* lastUpdateDate
* sourceDateReceived
* objectId
* versionNumber
* lastModifiedById
* attribute7
* approvalTypeCode
* openActionNum
* attribute12
* attribute9
* effortLevelCode
* dateRequired
* priorityCode
* ciTypeId
* lastActionNumber
* recordVersionNumber
* attribute6
* sourcePerson
* reasonCodeId


 * pcoSequence
* ciNumber
* changeApprover
* attribute13
* attribute14
* dateClosed
* projectId
* description
* lastUpdateLogin
* price
* objectType
* lastUpdatedBy
* highlightedFlag
* versionComments
* attribute1
* attribute10
* summary
* statusOverview
* sourceOrganization
* ownerId
* progressStatusCode
* sourceNumber
* attribute11
* origSystemReference
* sourceComment
* attribute4
* lastModificationDate
* classificationCodeId
* createdBy
* sourceTypeCode
* currentVersionFlag
* creationDate
* attribute3
* lockedFlag
* priceCurrencyCode
* attribute8
* statusCode
* attribute5
* originalCiId
* ciId
* origSystemCode
* closedById
* pcoStatusCode
* attribute15
* attributeCategory
* resolutionCodeId
* attribute2
* progressAsOfDate
* resolution
* sourceCiId
* lastUpdateDate
* sourceDateReceived
* objectId
* versionNumber
* lastModifiedById
* attribute7
* approvalTypeCode
* openActionNum
* attribute12
* attribute9
* effortLevelCode
* dateRequired
* priorityCode
* ciTypeId
* lastActionNumber
* recordVersionNumber
* attribute6
* sourcePerson
* reasonCodeId


 * costPlusStructure
* lastUpdateDate
* createdBy
* costBaseCostCodeId
* costBase
* costBaseType
* precedence
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* indCostCode
* creationDate


 * costPlusStructure
* lastUpdateDate
* createdBy
* costBaseCostCodeId
* costBase
* costBaseType
* precedence
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* indCostCode
* creationDate


 * lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* createdBy
* costBaseType
* creationDate
* expenditureType
* costBase
* costPlusStructure
* lastUpdatedBy


 * lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* createdBy
* costBaseType
* creationDate
* expenditureType
* costBase
* costPlusStructure
* lastUpdatedBy


 * costBaseType
* reportSortOrder
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdateDate
* createdBy
* startDateActive
* creationDate
* costBase
* lastUpdatedBy
* endDateActive
* description


 * costBaseType
* reportSortOrder
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdateDate
* createdBy
* startDateActive
* creationDate
* costBase
* lastUpdatedBy
* endDateActive
* description


 * projfuncCostExchangeRate
* recvrGlDate
* acctExchangeRate
* reversedFlag
* indCompiledSetId
* resourceAccumulatedFlag
* denomRawCost
* projfuncCostRateDate
* orgId
* systemReference4
* encumbranceTypeId
* paDate
* accumulatedFlag
* crCodeCombinationId
* purgeRelease
* systemReference2
* pjiSummarizedFlag
* amount
* burdenSumSourceRunId
* projectBurdenedCost
* programApplicationId
* prevIndCompiledSetId
* orgLaborSchRuleId
* acctRateDate
* recvrPaPeriodName
* projectRawCost
* drCodeCombinationId
* acctRateType
* encumbranceAmount
* expenditureItemId
* projectRateDate
* denomBurdenedChange
* encumbranceBatchName
* creationDate
* purgeProjectId
* requestId
* projfuncBurdenedChange
* programUpdateDate
* utilSummarizedFlag
* recvrGlPeriodName
* encumTransferRejReason
* transferRejectionReason
* purgeBatchId
* denomCurrencyCode
* quantity
* recvrPaDate
* createdBy
* burdenSumRejectionCode
* acctCurrencyCode
* lineNumReversed
* acctRawCost
* projectCurrencyCode
* projfuncCostRateType
* acctEventId
* acctSourceCode
* glDate
* lineType
* parentLineNum
* denomBurdenedCost
* systemReference5
* budgetCcid
* systemReference1
* glPeriodName
* prcGeneratedFlag
* paPeriodName
* batchName
* projectBurdenedChange
* transferStatusCode
* projectId
* projectRateType
* siAssetsAdditionFlag
* billableFlag
* programId
* codeCombinationId
* cbsElementId
* burdenedCost
* functionTransactionCode
* lineNum
* systemReference3
* workTypeId
* acctBurdenedChange
* projfuncCurrencyCode
* taskId
* acctBurdenedCost
* liquidateEncumFlag
* projectExchangeRate
* transferredDate
* costRateSchId


 * projfuncCostExchangeRate
* recvrGlDate
* acctExchangeRate
* reversedFlag
* indCompiledSetId
* resourceAccumulatedFlag
* denomRawCost
* projfuncCostRateDate
* orgId
* systemReference4
* encumbranceTypeId
* paDate
* accumulatedFlag
* crCodeCombinationId
* purgeRelease
* systemReference2
* pjiSummarizedFlag
* amount
* burdenSumSourceRunId
* projectBurdenedCost
* programApplicationId
* prevIndCompiledSetId
* orgLaborSchRuleId
* acctRateDate
* recvrPaPeriodName
* projectRawCost
* drCodeCombinationId
* acctRateType
* encumbranceAmount
* expenditureItemId
* projectRateDate
* denomBurdenedChange
* encumbranceBatchName
* creationDate
* purgeProjectId
* requestId
* projfuncBurdenedChange
* programUpdateDate
* utilSummarizedFlag
* recvrGlPeriodName
* encumTransferRejReason
* transferRejectionReason
* purgeBatchId
* denomCurrencyCode
* quantity
* recvrPaDate
* createdBy
* burdenSumRejectionCode
* acctCurrencyCode
* lineNumReversed
* acctRawCost
* projectCurrencyCode
* projfuncCostRateType
* acctEventId
* acctSourceCode
* glDate
* lineType
* parentLineNum
* denomBurdenedCost
* systemReference5
* budgetCcid
* systemReference1
* glPeriodName
* prcGeneratedFlag
* paPeriodName
* batchName
* projectBurdenedChange
* transferStatusCode
* projectId
* projectRateType
* siAssetsAdditionFlag
* billableFlag
* programId
* codeCombinationId
* cbsElementId
* burdenedCost
* functionTransactionCode
* lineNum
* systemReference3
* workTypeId
* acctBurdenedChange
* projfuncCurrencyCode
* taskId
* acctBurdenedCost
* liquidateEncumFlag
* projectExchangeRate
* transferredDate
* costRateSchId


 * projectCurrencyCode
* createdBy
* lineNum
* expenditureItemId
* projectRateType
* setOfBooksId
* projectRawCost
* projectRateDate
* projectBurdenedCost
* creationDate


 * projectCurrencyCode
* createdBy
* lineNum
* expenditureItemId
* projectRateType
* setOfBooksId
* projectRawCost
* projectRateDate
* projectBurdenedCost
* creationDate


 * projectId
* creationDate
* overrideToOrganizationId
* personId
* lastUpdatedBy
* costDistributionOverrideId
* expenditureCategory
* lastUpdateDate
* createdBy
* startDateActive
* endDateActive
* overrideFromOrganizationId
* lastUpdateLogin


 * projectId
* creationDate
* overrideToOrganizationId
* personId
* lastUpdatedBy
* costDistributionOverrideId
* expenditureCategory
* lastUpdateDate
* createdBy
* startDateActive
* endDateActive
* overrideFromOrganizationId
* lastUpdateLogin


 * lineNum
* quantity
* glDate
* utilSummarizedFlag
* expenditureItemId
* programApplicationId
* lineNumReversed
* programId
* codeCombinationId
* denomBurdenedChange
* projectRateType
* parentLineNum
* acctCurrencyCode
* recvrPaDate
* billableFlag
* denomRawCost
* systemReference2
* recvrGlPeriodName
* workTypeId
* recvrPaPeriodName
* encumbranceAmount
* systemReference3
* systemReference5
* crCodeCombinationId
* orgLaborSchRuleId
* projectRateDate
* acctRawCost
* resourceAccumulatedFlag
* budgetLineId
* orgId
* projectBurdenedChange
* indCompiledSetId
* siAssetsAdditionFlag
* paDate
* transferredDate
* amount#1
* programUpdateDate
* prcGeneratedFlag
* burdenedCost#1
* legalEntityId
* projfuncCostRateType
* pjiSummarizedFlag
* projectRawCost
* accumulatedFlag
* acctBurdenedCost
* projfuncCurrencyCode
* payrollAccrualFlag
* transferStatusCode
* drCodeCombinationId
* amount
* paPeriodName
* projfuncCostExchangeRate
* acctEventId
* costRateSchId
* quantity#1
* projectId
* burdenSumSourceRunId
* encumTransferRejReason
* budgetVersionId
* creationDate
* acctBurdenedChange
* burdenedCost
* burdenSumRejectionCode
* taskId
* recvrGlDate
* budgetCcid
* costingMethod
* acctExchangeRate
* receiverLegalEntityId
* batchName
* reversedFlag
* encumbranceBatchName
* acctRateType
* createdBy
* projectCurrencyCode
* systemReference4
* projectExchangeRate
* systemReference1
* projfuncCostRateDate
* requestId
* acctRateDate
* projectBurdenedCost
* encumbranceTypeId
* glPeriodName
* lineType
* prevIndCompiledSetId
* acctSourceCode
* transferRejectionReason
* functionTransactionCode
* rateSourceCode
* liquidateEncumFlag
* denomBurdenedCost
* denomCurrencyCode
* projfuncBurdenedChange
* cbsElementId


 * lineNum
* quantity
* glDate
* utilSummarizedFlag
* expenditureItemId
* programApplicationId
* lineNumReversed
* programId
* codeCombinationId
* denomBurdenedChange
* projectRateType
* parentLineNum
* acctCurrencyCode
* recvrPaDate
* billableFlag
* denomRawCost
* systemReference2
* recvrGlPeriodName
* workTypeId
* recvrPaPeriodName
* encumbranceAmount
* systemReference3
* systemReference5
* crCodeCombinationId
* orgLaborSchRuleId
* projectRateDate
* acctRawCost
* resourceAccumulatedFlag
* budgetLineId
* orgId
* projectBurdenedChange
* indCompiledSetId
* siAssetsAdditionFlag
* paDate
* transferredDate
* amount#1
* programUpdateDate
* prcGeneratedFlag
* burdenedCost#1
* legalEntityId
* projfuncCostRateType
* pjiSummarizedFlag
* projectRawCost
* accumulatedFlag
* acctBurdenedCost
* projfuncCurrencyCode
* payrollAccrualFlag
* transferStatusCode
* drCodeCombinationId
* amount
* paPeriodName
* projfuncCostExchangeRate
* acctEventId
* costRateSchId
* quantity#1
* projectId
* burdenSumSourceRunId
* encumTransferRejReason
* budgetVersionId
* creationDate
* acctBurdenedChange
* burdenedCost
* burdenSumRejectionCode
* taskId
* recvrGlDate
* budgetCcid
* costingMethod
* acctExchangeRate
* receiverLegalEntityId
* batchName
* reversedFlag
* encumbranceBatchName
* acctRateType
* createdBy
* projectCurrencyCode
* systemReference4
* projectExchangeRate
* systemReference1
* projfuncCostRateDate
* requestId
* acctRateDate
* projectBurdenedCost
* encumbranceTypeId
* glPeriodName
* lineType
* prevIndCompiledSetId
* acctSourceCode
* transferRejectionReason
* functionTransactionCode
* rateSourceCode
* liquidateEncumFlag
* denomBurdenedCost
* denomCurrencyCode
* projfuncBurdenedChange
* cbsElementId


 * startDateActive
* endDateActive
* lastUpdateDate
* createdBy
* defaultForOverrideSchFlag
* costPlusStructure
* lastUpdateLogin
* creationDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* description
* costPlusStructureType
* allowedForOverrideSchFlag


 * startDateActive
* endDateActive
* lastUpdateDate
* createdBy
* defaultForOverrideSchFlag
* costPlusStructure
* lastUpdateLogin
* creationDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* description
* costPlusStructureType
* allowedForOverrideSchFlag


 * createdBy
* activityCode
* activityDate
* reference5
* description
* reference2
* programApplicationId
* reference10
* lastUpdateDate
* pk02
* pk03
* reference3
* creationDate
* requestId
* reference6
* reference4
* lastUpdatedBy
* reference7
* pk01
* lastUpdateLogin
* programUpdateDate
* reference1
* programId
* moduleCode
* reference8
* reference9


 * createdBy
* activityCode
* activityDate
* reference5
* description
* reference2
* programApplicationId
* reference10
* lastUpdateDate
* pk02
* pk03
* reference3
* creationDate
* requestId
* reference6
* reference4
* lastUpdatedBy
* reference7
* pk01
* lastUpdateLogin
* programUpdateDate
* reference1
* programId
* moduleCode
* reference8
* reference9


 * lastUpdateDate
* projectId
* lastUpdateLogin
* endDateActive
* lastUpdatedBy
* transferToArFlag
* budgetTypeCode
* personId
* startDateActive
* creationDate
* creditTypeCode
* createdBy
* creditReceiverId
* taskId
* salesrepId
* recordVersionNumber
* creditPercentage


 * lastUpdateDate
* projectId
* lastUpdateLogin
* endDateActive
* lastUpdatedBy
* transferToArFlag
* budgetTypeCode
* personId
* startDateActive
* creationDate
* creditTypeCode
* createdBy
* creditReceiverId
* taskId
* salesrepId
* recordVersionNumber
* creditPercentage


 * invprocCurrencyCode
* createdBy
* projectRevenueAmount
* projfuncCurrencyCode
* projectInvExchangeRate
* revtransAmount
* revprocRevtransRateType
* retainedAmount
* invprocRateType
* revprocRevtransExRate
* fundingRevExchangeRate
* projfuncInvExchangeRate
* projfuncBillAmount
* revprocExchangeRate
* fundingRevenueAmount
* draftRevenueItemLineNum
* outputTaxExemptNumber
* outputTaxExemptReasonCode
* invprocRateDate
* taskId
* draftRevenueNum
* projfuncRevRateType
* fundingInvRateDate
* billTransCurrencyCode
* fundingCurrencyCode
* projfuncRevExchangeRate
* draftInvoiceNum
* reversedFlag
* orgId
* billTransAmount
* revprocRateType
* requestId
* creationDate
* fundingInvRateType
* codeCombinationId
* fundingRevRateDate
* fundingBillAmount
* fundingInvExchangeRate
* outputVatTaxId
* eventNum
* projfuncInvRateType
* outputTaxExemptFlag
* amount
* projfuncInvRateDate
* revprocCurrencyCode
* projfuncRevenueAmount
* programId
* invprocExchangeRate
* fundingRevRateType
* revprocRateDate
* batchName
* lineNumReversed
* projectRevRateType
* outputTaxClassificationCode
* draftInvoiceItemLineNum
* invGenRejectionCode
* lineNum
* revtransCurrencyCode
* programApplicationId
* programUpdateDate
* revprocRevtransRateDate
* retnDraftInvoiceNum
* projectId
* retentionRuleId
* projectBillAmount
* projectInvRateDate
* projectRevExchangeRate
* projectCurrencyCode
* projectRevRateDate
* projectInvRateType
* retnDraftInvoiceLineNum
* prcGeneratedFlag
* projfuncRevRateDate


 * invprocCurrencyCode
* createdBy
* projectRevenueAmount
* projfuncCurrencyCode
* projectInvExchangeRate
* revtransAmount
* revprocRevtransRateType
* retainedAmount
* invprocRateType
* revprocRevtransExRate
* fundingRevExchangeRate
* projfuncInvExchangeRate
* projfuncBillAmount
* revprocExchangeRate
* fundingRevenueAmount
* draftRevenueItemLineNum
* outputTaxExemptNumber
* outputTaxExemptReasonCode
* invprocRateDate
* taskId
* draftRevenueNum
* projfuncRevRateType
* fundingInvRateDate
* billTransCurrencyCode
* fundingCurrencyCode
* projfuncRevExchangeRate
* draftInvoiceNum
* reversedFlag
* orgId
* billTransAmount
* revprocRateType
* requestId
* creationDate
* fundingInvRateType
* codeCombinationId
* fundingRevRateDate
* fundingBillAmount
* fundingInvExchangeRate
* outputVatTaxId
* eventNum
* projfuncInvRateType
* outputTaxExemptFlag
* amount
* projfuncInvRateDate
* revprocCurrencyCode
* projfuncRevenueAmount
* programId
* invprocExchangeRate
* fundingRevRateType
* revprocRateDate
* batchName
* lineNumReversed
* projectRevRateType
* outputTaxClassificationCode
* draftInvoiceItemLineNum
* invGenRejectionCode
* lineNum
* revtransCurrencyCode
* programApplicationId
* programUpdateDate
* revprocRevtransRateDate
* retnDraftInvoiceNum
* projectId
* retentionRuleId
* projectBillAmount
* projectInvRateDate
* projectRevExchangeRate
* projectCurrencyCode
* projectRevRateDate
* projectInvRateType
* retnDraftInvoiceLineNum
* prcGeneratedFlag
* projfuncRevRateDate


 * projectRevRateDate
* projfuncInvRateDate
* projfuncInvExchangeRate
* revprocRateDate
* purgeBatchId
* creationDate
* projectRevenueAmount
* orgId
* eventNum
* fundingRevRateDate
* fundingRevenueAmount
* invGenRejectionCode
* outputTaxExemptReasonCode
* projfuncInvRateType
* fundingRevExchangeRate
* fundingBillAmount
* programId
* projfuncBillAmount
* batchName
* purgeRelease
* outputTaxExemptNumber
* projectInvRateDate
* invprocCurrencyCode
* retentionRuleId
* draftRevenueNum
* programApplicationId
* amount
* lineNumReversed
* retnDraftInvoiceLineNum
* projfuncRevRateType
* taskId
* reversedFlag
* projectId
* fundingInvRateDate
* lineNum
* projectCurrencyCode
* fundingCurrencyCode
* projectBillAmount
* draftInvoiceItemLineNum
* projfuncRevRateDate
* prcGeneratedFlag
* projectInvExchangeRate
* invprocRateType
* retainedAmount
* outputTaxExemptFlag
* fundingInvExchangeRate
* codeCombinationId
* projectInvRateType
* draftRevenueItemLineNum
* billTransCurrencyCode
* billTransAmount
* fundingInvRateType
* outputTaxClassificationCode
* fundingRevRateType
* programUpdateDate
* createdBy
* draftInvoiceNum
* projfuncRevenueAmount
* outputVatTaxId
* purgeProjectId
* revprocRateType
* revprocCurrencyCode
* requestId
* projectRevExchangeRate
* retnDraftInvoiceNum
* revprocExchangeRate
* projfuncCurrencyCode
* invprocRateDate
* invprocExchangeRate
* projfuncRevExchangeRate
* projectRevRateType


 * projectRevRateDate
* projfuncInvRateDate
* projfuncInvExchangeRate
* revprocRateDate
* purgeBatchId
* creationDate
* projectRevenueAmount
* orgId
* eventNum
* fundingRevRateDate
* fundingRevenueAmount
* invGenRejectionCode
* outputTaxExemptReasonCode
* projfuncInvRateType
* fundingRevExchangeRate
* fundingBillAmount
* programId
* projfuncBillAmount
* batchName
* purgeRelease
* outputTaxExemptNumber
* projectInvRateDate
* invprocCurrencyCode
* retentionRuleId
* draftRevenueNum
* programApplicationId
* amount
* lineNumReversed
* retnDraftInvoiceLineNum
* projfuncRevRateType
* taskId
* reversedFlag
* projectId
* fundingInvRateDate
* lineNum
* projectCurrencyCode
* fundingCurrencyCode
* projectBillAmount
* draftInvoiceItemLineNum
* projfuncRevRateDate
* prcGeneratedFlag
* projectInvExchangeRate
* invprocRateType
* retainedAmount
* outputTaxExemptFlag
* fundingInvExchangeRate
* codeCombinationId
* projectInvRateType
* draftRevenueItemLineNum
* billTransCurrencyCode
* billTransAmount
* fundingInvRateType
* outputTaxClassificationCode
* fundingRevRateType
* programUpdateDate
* createdBy
* draftInvoiceNum
* projfuncRevenueAmount
* outputVatTaxId
* purgeProjectId
* revprocRateType
* revprocCurrencyCode
* requestId
* projectRevExchangeRate
* retnDraftInvoiceNum
* revprocExchangeRate
* projfuncCurrencyCode
* invprocRateDate
* invprocExchangeRate
* projfuncRevExchangeRate
* projectRevRateType


 * programUpdateDate
* projfuncInvExchangeRate
* fundingRevenueAmount
* fundingBillAmount
* functionTransactionCode
* projectRevRateType
* projectRevExchangeRate
* projfuncCurrencyCode
* projfuncInvRateType
* batchName
* orgId
* projectInvExchangeRate
* projectCurrencyCode
* purgeBatchId
* draftRevenueNum
* additionalRevenueFlag
* invprocExchangeRate
* createdBy
* draftRevenueItemLineNum
* fundingInvRateDate
* fundingInvExchangeRate
* invGenRejectionCode
* draftInvoiceItemLineNum
* laborMultiplier
* retentionRuleId
* revprocRateType
* invprocRateDate
* expenditureItemId
* retnDraftInvoiceLineNum
* amount
* projectInvRateType
* rateDiscReasonCode
* projfuncRevExchangeRate
* codeCombinationId
* projectBillAmount
* projectInvRateDate
* projfuncBillAmount
* outputTaxExemptReasonCode
* retnDraftInvoiceNum
* outputTaxExemptFlag
* lineNumReversed
* projfuncRevRateDate
* billTransBillAmount
* projectRevenueAmount
* rawCost
* fundingRevExchangeRate
* purgeProjectId
* programId
* functionCode
* outputTaxExemptNumber
* revIndCompiledSetId
* outputVatTaxId
* draftInvoiceNum
* revprocRateDate
* fundingCurrencyCode
* fundingRevRateType
* outputTaxClassificationCode
* projectRevRateDate
* reversedFlag
* invprocRateType
* projfuncInvRateDate
* billAmount
* revprocCurrencyCode
* billTransCurrencyCode
* creationDate
* projfuncRevRateType
* invIndCompiledSetId
* discountPercentage
* projectId
* billTransAmount
* retainedAmount
* requestId
* amountCalculationCode
* fundingInvRateType
* rateSourceId
* fundingRevRateDate
* invprocCurrencyCode
* invoiceEligibleFlag
* purgeRelease
* revprocExchangeRate
* billMarkupPercentage
* prcGeneratedFlag
* billRate
* lineNum
* programApplicationId
* projfuncRevenueAmount


 * programUpdateDate
* projfuncInvExchangeRate
* fundingRevenueAmount
* fundingBillAmount
* functionTransactionCode
* projectRevRateType
* projectRevExchangeRate
* projfuncCurrencyCode
* projfuncInvRateType
* batchName
* orgId
* projectInvExchangeRate
* projectCurrencyCode
* purgeBatchId
* draftRevenueNum
* additionalRevenueFlag
* invprocExchangeRate
* createdBy
* draftRevenueItemLineNum
* fundingInvRateDate
* fundingInvExchangeRate
* invGenRejectionCode
* draftInvoiceItemLineNum
* laborMultiplier
* retentionRuleId
* revprocRateType
* invprocRateDate
* expenditureItemId
* retnDraftInvoiceLineNum
* amount
* projectInvRateType
* rateDiscReasonCode
* projfuncRevExchangeRate
* codeCombinationId
* projectBillAmount
* projectInvRateDate
* projfuncBillAmount
* outputTaxExemptReasonCode
* retnDraftInvoiceNum
* outputTaxExemptFlag
* lineNumReversed
* projfuncRevRateDate
* billTransBillAmount
* projectRevenueAmount
* rawCost
* fundingRevExchangeRate
* purgeProjectId
* programId
* functionCode
* outputTaxExemptNumber
* revIndCompiledSetId
* outputVatTaxId
* draftInvoiceNum
* revprocRateDate
* fundingCurrencyCode
* fundingRevRateType
* outputTaxClassificationCode
* projectRevRateDate
* reversedFlag
* invprocRateType
* projfuncInvRateDate
* billAmount
* revprocCurrencyCode
* billTransCurrencyCode
* creationDate
* projfuncRevRateType
* invIndCompiledSetId
* discountPercentage
* projectId
* billTransAmount
* retainedAmount
* requestId
* amountCalculationCode
* fundingInvRateType
* rateSourceId
* fundingRevRateDate
* invprocCurrencyCode
* invoiceEligibleFlag
* purgeRelease
* revprocExchangeRate
* billMarkupPercentage
* prcGeneratedFlag
* billRate
* lineNum
* programApplicationId
* projfuncRevenueAmount


 * fundingRevRateType
* prcGeneratedFlag
* revprocRevtransExRate
* createdBy
* retnDraftInvoiceLineNum
* bcProcessedFlag
* outputTaxClassificationCode
* retnDraftInvoiceNum
* laborMultiplier
* projectRevExchangeRate
* additionalRevenueFlag
* invGenRejectionCode
* creationDate
* draftRevenueNum
* orgId
* burdenComponent8
* retentionRuleId
* billTransCurrencyCode
* projfuncInvRateDate
* projectRevenueAmount
* burdenComponent7
* draftRevenueItemLineNum
* projectInvExchangeRate
* revtransAmount
* revIndCompiledSetId
* fundingInvExchangeRate
* feeCalcFlag
* projfuncCurrencyCode
* outputTaxExemptFlag
* draftInvoiceNum
* projfuncRevRateType
* functionTransactionCode
* feeRatePercent
* revprocCurrencyCode
* feeType
* revprocRateDate
* amountCalculationCode
* feeCurrencyCode
* fundingRevRateDate
* draftInvoiceItemLineNum
* invprocCurrencyCode
* invoiceEligibleFlag
* fundingCurrencyCode
* feeEventType
* revprocRevtransRateType
* burdenComponent10
* billRate
* fundingBillAmount
* projectRevRateType
* billAmount
* requestId
* codeCombinationId
* invprocRateType
* invprocRateDate
* invprocExchangeRate
* revtransCurrencyCode
* programId
* functionCode
* burdenComponent6
* burdenComponent5
* programUpdateDate
* invIndCompiledSetId
* projfuncRevExchangeRate
* projfuncRevenueAmount
* projfuncBillAmount
* fundingInvRateType
* burdenComponent3
* burdenComponent9
* retainedAmount
* burdenComponent4
* feeEligibleAmt
* fundingInvRateDate
* lineNum
* outputTaxExemptNumber
* outputVatTaxId
* fundingRevenueAmount
* projfuncInvRateType
* burdenComponent1
* rateDiscReasonCode
* revprocRateType
* billTransBillAmount
* discountPercentage
* projectId
* feeBrsId
* projectInvRateDate
* rawCost
* projfuncInvExchangeRate
* batchName
* fundingRevExchangeRate
* outputTaxExemptReasonCode
* projectBillAmount
* billTransAmount
* projectInvRateType
* projfuncRevRateDate
* reversedFlag
* revprocExchangeRate
* programApplicationId
* expenditureItemId
* lineNumReversed
* projectCurrencyCode
* rateSourceId
* projectRevRateDate
* revprocRevtransRateDate
* billMarkupPercentage
* amount
* burdenComponent2


 * fundingRevRateType
* prcGeneratedFlag
* revprocRevtransExRate
* createdBy
* retnDraftInvoiceLineNum
* bcProcessedFlag
* outputTaxClassificationCode
* retnDraftInvoiceNum
* laborMultiplier
* projectRevExchangeRate
* additionalRevenueFlag
* invGenRejectionCode
* creationDate
* draftRevenueNum
* orgId
* burdenComponent8
* retentionRuleId
* billTransCurrencyCode
* projfuncInvRateDate
* projectRevenueAmount
* burdenComponent7
* draftRevenueItemLineNum
* projectInvExchangeRate
* revtransAmount
* revIndCompiledSetId
* fundingInvExchangeRate
* feeCalcFlag
* projfuncCurrencyCode
* outputTaxExemptFlag
* draftInvoiceNum
* projfuncRevRateType
* functionTransactionCode
* feeRatePercent
* revprocCurrencyCode
* feeType
* revprocRateDate
* amountCalculationCode
* feeCurrencyCode
* fundingRevRateDate
* draftInvoiceItemLineNum
* invprocCurrencyCode
* invoiceEligibleFlag
* fundingCurrencyCode
* feeEventType
* revprocRevtransRateType
* burdenComponent10
* billRate
* fundingBillAmount
* projectRevRateType
* billAmount
* requestId
* codeCombinationId
* invprocRateType
* invprocRateDate
* invprocExchangeRate
* revtransCurrencyCode
* programId
* functionCode
* burdenComponent6
* burdenComponent5
* programUpdateDate
* invIndCompiledSetId
* projfuncRevExchangeRate
* projfuncRevenueAmount
* projfuncBillAmount
* fundingInvRateType
* burdenComponent3
* burdenComponent9
* retainedAmount
* burdenComponent4
* feeEligibleAmt
* fundingInvRateDate
* lineNum
* outputTaxExemptNumber
* outputVatTaxId
* fundingRevenueAmount
* projfuncInvRateType
* burdenComponent1
* rateDiscReasonCode
* revprocRateType
* billTransBillAmount
* discountPercentage
* projectId
* feeBrsId
* projectInvRateDate
* rawCost
* projfuncInvExchangeRate
* batchName
* fundingRevExchangeRate
* outputTaxExemptReasonCode
* projectBillAmount
* billTransAmount
* projectInvRateType
* projfuncRevRateDate
* reversedFlag
* revprocExchangeRate
* programApplicationId
* expenditureItemId
* lineNumReversed
* projectCurrencyCode
* rateSourceId
* projectRevRateDate
* revprocRevtransRateDate
* billMarkupPercentage
* amount
* burdenComponent2


 * deductionReqId
* overrideProjfuncAmount
* expenditureItemId
* glDate
* conversionRatetype
* quantity
* description
* lastUpdationDate
* projectId
* overrideQuantity
* conversionRatedate
* expenditureOrgId
* creationDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* origProjfuncAmount
* createdBy
* taskId
* expenditureItemDate
* deductionReqTranId
* expenditureType
* amount
* conversionRate
* projfuncCurrencyCode


 * deductionReqId
* overrideProjfuncAmount
* expenditureItemId
* glDate
* conversionRatetype
* quantity
* description
* lastUpdationDate
* projectId
* overrideQuantity
* conversionRatedate
* expenditureOrgId
* creationDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* origProjfuncAmount
* createdBy
* taskId
* expenditureItemDate
* deductionReqTranId
* expenditureType
* amount
* conversionRate
* projfuncCurrencyCode


 * conversionRatedate
* vendorSiteId
* deductionReqId
* lastUpdationDate
* poHeaderId
* changeDocType
* conversionRate
* documentType
* currencyCode
* conversionRatetype
* projectId
* debitMemoNum
* lastUpdatedBy
* orgId
* deductionReqNum
* creationDate
* ciId
* status
* totalAmount
* poNumber
* description
* vendorId
* totalPfcAmount
* createdBy
* debitMemoDate
* deductionReqDate
* changeDocNum


 * conversionRatedate
* vendorSiteId
* deductionReqId
* lastUpdationDate
* poHeaderId
* changeDocType
* conversionRate
* documentType
* currencyCode
* conversionRatetype
* projectId
* debitMemoNum
* lastUpdatedBy
* orgId
* deductionReqNum
* creationDate
* ciId
* status
* totalAmount
* poNumber
* description
* vendorId
* totalPfcAmount
* createdBy
* debitMemoDate
* deductionReqDate
* changeDocNum


 * resourceTypeId
* lastUpdateLogin
* createdBy
* recordVersionNumber
* listId
* lastUpdatedBy
* creationDate
* resourceSourceId
* accessLevel
* lastUpdateDate
* menuId


 * resourceTypeId
* lastUpdateLogin
* createdBy
* recordVersionNumber
* listId
* lastUpdatedBy
* creationDate
* resourceSourceId
* accessLevel
* lastUpdateDate
* menuId


 * menuId
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* listItemId
* recordVersionNumber
* recipientType
* email
* recipientId
* lastUpdateDate
* accessLevel
* creationDate
* listId
* createdBy


 * menuId
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* listItemId
* recordVersionNumber
* recipientType
* email
* recipientId
* lastUpdateDate
* accessLevel
* creationDate
* listId
* createdBy


 * projectId
* warningMessageCode
* createdBy
* requestId
* taskId
* purgeBatchId
* programId
* lastUpdatedBy
* draftInvoiceNum
* draftRevenueNum
* creationDate
* purgeProjectId
* warningMessage
* agreementId
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* purgeRelease
* programApplicationId
* programUpdateDate


 * projectId
* warningMessageCode
* createdBy
* requestId
* taskId
* purgeBatchId
* programId
* lastUpdatedBy
* draftInvoiceNum
* draftRevenueNum
* creationDate
* purgeProjectId
* warningMessage
* agreementId
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* purgeRelease
* programApplicationId
* programUpdateDate


 * description
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* createdBy
* creationDate
* listId
* lastUpdatedBy
* name
* recordVersionNumber


 * description
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* createdBy
* creationDate
* listId
* lastUpdatedBy
* name
* recordVersionNumber


 * creationDate
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* startDateActive
* zdEditionName
* zdSync
* description
* meaning
* createdBy
* endDateActive
* distributionRule


 * creationDate
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* startDateActive
* zdEditionName
* zdSync
* description
* meaning
* createdBy
* endDateActive
* distributionRule


 * lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* projectId
* requestId
* draftInvoiceNum
* programApplicationId
* warningMessage
* taskId
* draftRevenueNum
* warningMessageCode
* lastUpdateDate
* programUpdateDate
* creationDate
* createdBy
* programId
* agreementId


 * lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* projectId
* requestId
* draftInvoiceNum
* programApplicationId
* warningMessage
* taskId
* draftRevenueNum
* warningMessageCode
* lastUpdateDate
* programUpdateDate
* creationDate
* createdBy
* programId
* agreementId


 * programUpdateDate
* invRateType
* transferRejectionReason
* invRateDate
* shipToContactId
* billToContactId
* programApplicationId
* draftInvoiceNum
* remitToAddressId
* transferStatusCode
* releasedByPersonId
* cancelCreditMemoFlag
* generationErrorFlag
* creationDate
* billToAddressId
* draftInvoiceNumCredited
* createdBy
* transferredDate
* releasedDate
* addInvoiceGroup
* glDate
* invoiceDate
* billGroupId
* canceledFlag
* programId
* invExchangeRate
* lastUpdatedBy
* paDate
* requestId
* writeOffFlag
* systemReference
* customerId
* creditMemoReasonCode
* approvedDate
* orgId
* concessionFlag
* approvedByPersonId
* lastUpdateLogin
* invCurrencyCode
* shipToAddressId
* raInvoiceNumber
* lastUpdateDate


 * programUpdateDate
* invRateType
* transferRejectionReason
* invRateDate
* shipToContactId
* billToContactId
* programApplicationId
* draftInvoiceNum
* remitToAddressId
* transferStatusCode
* releasedByPersonId
* cancelCreditMemoFlag
* generationErrorFlag
* creationDate
* billToAddressId
* draftInvoiceNumCredited
* createdBy
* transferredDate
* releasedDate
* addInvoiceGroup
* glDate
* invoiceDate
* billGroupId
* canceledFlag
* programId
* invExchangeRate
* lastUpdatedBy
* paDate
* requestId
* writeOffFlag
* systemReference
* customerId
* creditMemoReasonCode
* approvedDate
* orgId
* concessionFlag
* approvedByPersonId
* lastUpdateLogin
* invCurrencyCode
* shipToAddressId
* raInvoiceNumber
* lastUpdateDate


 * projacctBillAmount
* setOfBooksId
* projacctCurrencyCode
* billRate
* draftInvoiceDetailId
* denomBillAmount
* baseAmount
* projacctCostAmount


 * projacctBillAmount
* setOfBooksId
* projacctCurrencyCode
* billRate
* draftInvoiceDetailId
* denomBillAmount
* baseAmount
* projacctCostAmount


 * projfuncTransferPrice
* billAmount
* reversedFlag
* acctExchangeRate
* projfuncTpCurrencyCode
* provProjBillJobId
* draftInvoiceLineNum
* invoicedFlag
* origDraftInvoiceLineNum
* origDraftInvoiceNum
* denomBillAmount
* baseAmount
* projectTpCurrencyCode
* draftInvoiceDetailId
* revCodeCombinationId
* projectTpRateDate
* creationDate
* denomCurrencyCode
* lastUpdatedBy
* programId
* acctRateDate
* requestId
* programUpdateDate
* outputTaxExemptFlag
* projectId
* projfuncTpExchangeRate
* acctRateType
* acctCurrencyCode
* ccProjectId
* lineNum
* tpJobId
* programApplicationId
* expenditureItemId
* lastUpdateDate
* projfuncTpRateDate
* billRate
* purgeBatchId
* detailIdReversed
* billMarkupPercentage
* purgeProjectId
* lineNumReversed
* lastUpdateLogin
* projectTpRateType
* draftInvoiceNum
* createdBy
* projfuncTpRateType
* rulePercentage
* projectTpExchangeRate
* outputTaxClassificationCode
* markupCalcBaseCode
* outputTaxExemptNumber
* outputTaxExemptReasonCode
* tpAmtTypeCode
* projectTransferPrice
* projacctBillAmount
* projacctCurrencyCode
* ccTaxTaskId
* projacctCostAmount
* scheduleLinePercentage
* orgId
* purgeRelease
* indCompiledSetId
* outputVatTaxId


 * projfuncTransferPrice
* billAmount
* reversedFlag
* acctExchangeRate
* projfuncTpCurrencyCode
* provProjBillJobId
* draftInvoiceLineNum
* invoicedFlag
* origDraftInvoiceLineNum
* origDraftInvoiceNum
* denomBillAmount
* baseAmount
* projectTpCurrencyCode
* draftInvoiceDetailId
* revCodeCombinationId
* projectTpRateDate
* creationDate
* denomCurrencyCode
* lastUpdatedBy
* programId
* acctRateDate
* requestId
* programUpdateDate
* outputTaxExemptFlag
* projectId
* projfuncTpExchangeRate
* acctRateType
* acctCurrencyCode
* ccProjectId
* lineNum
* tpJobId
* programApplicationId
* expenditureItemId
* lastUpdateDate
* projfuncTpRateDate
* billRate
* purgeBatchId
* detailIdReversed
* billMarkupPercentage
* purgeProjectId
* lineNumReversed
* lastUpdateLogin
* projectTpRateType
* draftInvoiceNum
* createdBy
* projfuncTpRateType
* rulePercentage
* projectTpExchangeRate
* outputTaxClassificationCode
* markupCalcBaseCode
* outputTaxExemptNumber
* outputTaxExemptReasonCode
* tpAmtTypeCode
* projectTransferPrice
* projacctBillAmount
* projacctCurrencyCode
* ccTaxTaskId
* projacctCostAmount
* scheduleLinePercentage
* orgId
* purgeRelease
* indCompiledSetId
* outputVatTaxId


 * retnBillingAmount
* ccTaxTaskId
* fundingExchangeRate
* draftInvoiceNum
* retnBillingCycleId
* draftInvLineNumCredited
* translatedText
* eventNum
* requestId
* eventTaskId
* unearnedRoundingAmountCr
* retainedAmount
* outputTaxExemptNumber
* retnBillingPercentage
* lastUpdatedBy
* createdBy
* billTransBillAmount
* fundingCurrencyCode
* unbilledReceivableDr
* ccProjectId
* fundingRateType
* taxableFlag
* projectCurrencyCode
* fundingBillAmount
* programUpdateDate
* lineNum
* retnBillingMethod
* creationDate
* invoiceLineType
* invAmount
* retnClientExtensionFlag
* amount
* purgeBatchId
* projectId
* invprocCurrencyCode
* retnPercentComplete
* shipToAddressId
* retnDraftInvoiceNum
* taskId
* outputTaxExemptReasonCode
* projfuncCurrencyCode
* creditAmount
* acctAmount
* retnTotalRetention
* fundingRateDate
* programApplicationId
* outputVatTaxId
* roundingAmount
* projectBillAmount
* billTransCurrencyCode
* retnDraftInvoiceLineNum
* programId
* purgeProjectId
* text
* ccRevCodeCombinationId
* projfuncBillAmount
* purgeRelease
* lastUpdateDate
* creditProcessFlag
* outputTaxClassificationCode
* outputTaxExemptFlag
* lastUpdateLogin
* unbilledRoundingAmountDr
* retentionRuleId
* unearnedRevenueCr


 * retnBillingAmount
* ccTaxTaskId
* fundingExchangeRate
* draftInvoiceNum
* retnBillingCycleId
* draftInvLineNumCredited
* translatedText
* eventNum
* requestId
* eventTaskId
* unearnedRoundingAmountCr
* retainedAmount
* outputTaxExemptNumber
* retnBillingPercentage
* lastUpdatedBy
* createdBy
* billTransBillAmount
* fundingCurrencyCode
* unbilledReceivableDr
* ccProjectId
* fundingRateType
* taxableFlag
* projectCurrencyCode
* fundingBillAmount
* programUpdateDate
* lineNum
* retnBillingMethod
* creationDate
* invoiceLineType
* invAmount
* retnClientExtensionFlag
* amount
* purgeBatchId
* projectId
* invprocCurrencyCode
* retnPercentComplete
* shipToAddressId
* retnDraftInvoiceNum
* taskId
* outputTaxExemptReasonCode
* projfuncCurrencyCode
* creditAmount
* acctAmount
* retnTotalRetention
* fundingRateDate
* programApplicationId
* outputVatTaxId
* roundingAmount
* projectBillAmount
* billTransCurrencyCode
* retnDraftInvoiceLineNum
* programId
* purgeProjectId
* text
* ccRevCodeCombinationId
* projfuncBillAmount
* purgeRelease
* lastUpdateDate
* creditProcessFlag
* outputTaxClassificationCode
* outputTaxExemptFlag
* lastUpdateLogin
* unbilledRoundingAmountDr
* retentionRuleId
* unearnedRevenueCr


 * projectId
* lineNum
* roundingAmount
* unbilledRoundingAmountDr
* acctAmount
* setOfBooksId
* unearnedRoundingAmountCr
* draftInvoiceNum


 * projectId
* lineNum
* roundingAmount
* unbilledRoundingAmountDr
* acctAmount
* setOfBooksId
* unearnedRoundingAmountCr
* draftInvoiceNum


 * projfuncAmount
* taskId
* lastUpdateDate
* invprocCurrencyCode
* lastUpdatedBy
* projectId
* fundingCurrencyCode
* invprocAmount
* invAmount
* acrn
* projectCurrencyCode
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* projfuncCurrencyCode
* projectAmount
* createdBy
* invCurrencyCode
* fundingAmount
* draftInvoiceNum


 * projfuncAmount
* taskId
* lastUpdateDate
* invprocCurrencyCode
* lastUpdatedBy
* projectId
* fundingCurrencyCode
* invprocAmount
* invAmount
* acrn
* projectCurrencyCode
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* projfuncCurrencyCode
* projectAmount
* createdBy
* invCurrencyCode
* fundingAmount
* draftInvoiceNum


 * projectId
* ccProjectId
* projfuncTpExchangeRate
* detailIdReversed
* billMarkupPercentage
* projacctCurrencyCode
* createdBy
* expenditureItemId
* origDraftInvoiceLineNum
* draftInvoiceLineNum
* programApplicationId
* draftInvoiceNum
* origDraftInvoiceNum
* orgId
* revCodeCombinationId
* acctRateType
* outputTaxExemptReasonCode
* creationDate
* outputTaxExemptFlag
* reversedFlag
* draftInvoiceDetailId
* lastUpdateDate
* requestId
* markupCalcBaseCode
* programId
* acctRateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* ccTaxTaskId
* projectTransferPrice
* projfuncTpRateDate
* lineNum
* projectTpRateType
* tpJobId
* denomBillAmount
* baseAmount
* invoicedFlag
* acctCurrencyCode
* scheduleLinePercentage
* projectTpExchangeRate
* projacctBillAmount
* projectTpRateDate
* outputTaxClassificationCode
* projfuncTpCurrencyCode
* projacctCostAmount
* projfuncTpRateType
* projectTpCurrencyCode
* indCompiledSetId
* lastUpdateLogin
* provProjBillJobId
* projfuncTransferPrice
* billRate
* lineNumReversed
* denomCurrencyCode
* acctExchangeRate
* outputTaxExemptNumber
* outputVatTaxId
* billAmount
* rulePercentage
* tpAmtTypeCode
* programUpdateDate


 * projectId
* ccProjectId
* projfuncTpExchangeRate
* detailIdReversed
* billMarkupPercentage
* projacctCurrencyCode
* createdBy
* expenditureItemId
* origDraftInvoiceLineNum
* draftInvoiceLineNum
* programApplicationId
* draftInvoiceNum
* origDraftInvoiceNum
* orgId
* revCodeCombinationId
* acctRateType
* outputTaxExemptReasonCode
* creationDate
* outputTaxExemptFlag
* reversedFlag
* draftInvoiceDetailId
* lastUpdateDate
* requestId
* markupCalcBaseCode
* programId
* acctRateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* ccTaxTaskId
* projectTransferPrice
* projfuncTpRateDate
* lineNum
* projectTpRateType
* tpJobId
* denomBillAmount
* baseAmount
* invoicedFlag
* acctCurrencyCode
* scheduleLinePercentage
* projectTpExchangeRate
* projacctBillAmount
* projectTpRateDate
* outputTaxClassificationCode
* projfuncTpCurrencyCode
* projacctCostAmount
* projfuncTpRateType
* projectTpCurrencyCode
* indCompiledSetId
* lastUpdateLogin
* provProjBillJobId
* projfuncTransferPrice
* billRate
* lineNumReversed
* denomCurrencyCode
* acctExchangeRate
* outputTaxExemptNumber
* outputVatTaxId
* billAmount
* rulePercentage
* tpAmtTypeCode
* programUpdateDate


 * projfuncCurrencyCode
* globalAttributeCategory
* globalAttribute14
* globalAttribute8
* globalAttribute22
* outputTaxExemptReasonCode
* eventTaskId
* outputTaxExemptFlag
* requestId
* globalAttribute24
* globalAttribute20
* retnTotalRetention
* text
* invAmount
* retnDraftInvoiceLineNum
* draftInvLineNumCredited
* acctAmount
* providerOrganizationId
* outputVatTaxId
* billGroupId
* globalAttribute21
* addInvGroup
* amount
* programApplicationId
* fundingRateDate
* taxableFlag
* unearnedRoundingAmountCr
* invprocCurrencyCode
* invExchangeRate
* fundingRateType
* globalAttribute9
* retnBillingMethod
* retnBillingCycleId
* eventNum
* globalAttribute4
* globalAttribute5
* billTransCurrencyCode
* retnPercentComplete
* invoiceLineType
* consolidatedInvNum
* retnClientExtensionFlag
* globalAttribute28
* globalAttribute27
* lastUpdatedBy
* unearnedRevenueCr
* globalAttribute30
* projectBillAmount
* draftInvoiceNum
* fundingBillAmount
* ccTaxTaskId
* globalAttribute6
* creditProcessFlag
* outputTaxExemptNumber
* globalAttribute18
* taskId
* shipToAddressId
* receiverOrganizationId
* retnBillingPercentage
* lastUpdateLogin
* projfuncBillAmount
* lineNum
* projectId
* globalAttribute2
* outputTaxClassificationCode
* globalAttribute7
* retainedAmount
* globalAttribute26
* creditAmount
* globalAttribute13
* consolidatedInvLineNum
* globalAttribute3
* globalAttribute10
* globalAttribute19
* globalAttribute29
* fundingCurrencyCode
* ccProjectId
* invRateDate
* invRateType
* projectCurrencyCode
* roundingAmount
* globalAttribute11
* globalAttribute12
* unbilledRoundingAmountDr
* billTransBillAmount
* globalAttribute16
* creationDate
* globalAttribute23
* globalAttribute1
* retnDraftInvoiceNum
* createdBy
* retnBillingAmount
* globalAttribute17
* lastUpdateDate
* globalAttribute15
* unbilledReceivableDr
* translatedText
* programId
* ccRevCodeCombinationId
* retentionRuleId
* fundingExchangeRate
* programUpdateDate
* globalAttribute25


 * projfuncCurrencyCode
* globalAttributeCategory
* globalAttribute14
* globalAttribute8
* globalAttribute22
* outputTaxExemptReasonCode
* eventTaskId
* outputTaxExemptFlag
* requestId
* globalAttribute24
* globalAttribute20
* retnTotalRetention
* text
* invAmount
* retnDraftInvoiceLineNum
* draftInvLineNumCredited
* acctAmount
* providerOrganizationId
* outputVatTaxId
* billGroupId
* globalAttribute21
* addInvGroup
* amount
* programApplicationId
* fundingRateDate
* taxableFlag
* unearnedRoundingAmountCr
* invprocCurrencyCode
* invExchangeRate
* fundingRateType
* globalAttribute9
* retnBillingMethod
* retnBillingCycleId
* eventNum
* globalAttribute4
* globalAttribute5
* billTransCurrencyCode
* retnPercentComplete
* invoiceLineType
* consolidatedInvNum
* retnClientExtensionFlag
* globalAttribute28
* globalAttribute27
* lastUpdatedBy
* unearnedRevenueCr
* globalAttribute30
* projectBillAmount
* draftInvoiceNum
* fundingBillAmount
* ccTaxTaskId
* globalAttribute6
* creditProcessFlag
* outputTaxExemptNumber
* globalAttribute18
* taskId
* shipToAddressId
* receiverOrganizationId
* retnBillingPercentage
* lastUpdateLogin
* projfuncBillAmount
* lineNum
* projectId
* globalAttribute2
* outputTaxClassificationCode
* globalAttribute7
* retainedAmount
* globalAttribute26
* creditAmount
* globalAttribute13
* consolidatedInvLineNum
* globalAttribute3
* globalAttribute10
* globalAttribute19
* globalAttribute29
* fundingCurrencyCode
* ccProjectId
* invRateDate
* invRateType
* projectCurrencyCode
* roundingAmount
* globalAttribute11
* globalAttribute12
* unbilledRoundingAmountDr
* billTransBillAmount
* globalAttribute16
* creationDate
* globalAttribute23
* globalAttribute1
* retnDraftInvoiceNum
* createdBy
* retnBillingAmount
* globalAttribute17
* lastUpdateDate
* globalAttribute15
* unbilledReceivableDr
* translatedText
* programId
* ccRevCodeCombinationId
* retentionRuleId
* fundingExchangeRate
* programUpdateDate
* globalAttribute25


 * customerBillSplit
* agreementId
* uerSummaryId
* attribute1
* orgId
* projfuncInvtransRateType
* requestId
* acctdRateType
* legalEntityId
* roundingCodeCombinationId
* glDate
* invRateType
* paymentSetId
* releasedByPersonId
* attribute6
* convertedFlag
* language
* ibApTransferStatusCode
* transferStatusCode
* receiverLegalEntityId
* lastUpdateLogin
* ubrUerProcessFlag
* creditMemoReasonCode
* unbilledReceivableDr
* billToContactId
* canceledFlag
* consolidatedInvNum
* programApplicationId
* shipToAddressId
* lastCreditRequestId
* billToAddressId
* prcGeneratedFlag
* invoiceSetId
* creationDate
* programUpdateDate
* woffCodeCombinationId
* transferredDate
* createdBy
* paDate
* unbilledCodeCombinationId
* pjiSummarizedFlag
* retentionInvoiceFlag
* cancelCreditMemoFlag
* lastUpdatedBy
* writeOffFlag
* draftInvoiceNum
* projectId
* acctdCurrCode
* recordVersionNumber
* billThroughDate
* attribute4
* attribute3
* unearnedCodeCombinationId
* attribute10
* addInvGroup
* invoiceComment
* shipToCustomerId
* invoiceDate
* purgeFlag
* paPeriodName
* acctdExchgRate
* ubrSummaryId
* generationErrorFlag
* attribute5
* ccProjectId
* approvedByPersonId
* transferRejectionReason
* ibApTransferErrorCode
* projfuncInvtransRateDate
* lastUpdateDate
* draftInvoiceNumCredited
* invCurrencyCode
* billToCustomerId
* ccInvoiceGroupCode
* customerId
* retentionPercentage
* unearnedRevenueCr
* programId
* invRateDate
* attributeCategory
* acctdRateDate
* extractedDate
* attribute9
* concessionFlag
* invprocCurrencyCode
* retnCodeCombinationId
* shipToContactId
* raInvoiceNumber
* attribute7
* invExchangeRate
* attribute8
* receivableCodeCombinationId
* attribute2
* systemReference
* approvedDate
* billGroupId
* releasedDate
* projfuncInvtransExRate
* glPeriodName


 * customerBillSplit
* agreementId
* uerSummaryId
* attribute1
* orgId
* projfuncInvtransRateType
* requestId
* acctdRateType
* legalEntityId
* roundingCodeCombinationId
* glDate
* invRateType
* paymentSetId
* releasedByPersonId
* attribute6
* convertedFlag
* language
* ibApTransferStatusCode
* transferStatusCode
* receiverLegalEntityId
* lastUpdateLogin
* ubrUerProcessFlag
* creditMemoReasonCode
* unbilledReceivableDr
* billToContactId
* canceledFlag
* consolidatedInvNum
* programApplicationId
* shipToAddressId
* lastCreditRequestId
* billToAddressId
* prcGeneratedFlag
* invoiceSetId
* creationDate
* programUpdateDate
* woffCodeCombinationId
* transferredDate
* createdBy
* paDate
* unbilledCodeCombinationId
* pjiSummarizedFlag
* retentionInvoiceFlag
* cancelCreditMemoFlag
* lastUpdatedBy
* writeOffFlag
* draftInvoiceNum
* projectId
* acctdCurrCode
* recordVersionNumber
* billThroughDate
* attribute4
* attribute3
* unearnedCodeCombinationId
* attribute10
* addInvGroup
* invoiceComment
* shipToCustomerId
* invoiceDate
* purgeFlag
* paPeriodName
* acctdExchgRate
* ubrSummaryId
* generationErrorFlag
* attribute5
* ccProjectId
* approvedByPersonId
* transferRejectionReason
* ibApTransferErrorCode
* projfuncInvtransRateDate
* lastUpdateDate
* draftInvoiceNumCredited
* invCurrencyCode
* billToCustomerId
* ccInvoiceGroupCode
* customerId
* retentionPercentage
* unearnedRevenueCr
* programId
* invRateDate
* attributeCategory
* acctdRateDate
* extractedDate
* attribute9
* concessionFlag
* invprocCurrencyCode
* retnCodeCombinationId
* shipToContactId
* raInvoiceNumber
* attribute7
* invExchangeRate
* attribute8
* receivableCodeCombinationId
* attribute2
* systemReference
* approvedDate
* billGroupId
* releasedDate
* projfuncInvtransExRate
* glPeriodName


 * agreementId
* retentionPercentage
* extractedDate
* purgeProjectId
* invRateType
* raInvoiceNumber
* billToContactId
* glDate
* releasedByPersonId
* paPeriodName
* attribute8
* unearnedRevenueCr
* attribute10
* acctdCurrCode
* billToCustomerId
* lastCreditRequestId
* draftInvoiceNumCredited
* projectId
* uerSummaryId
* invoiceSetId
* invCurrencyCode
* projfuncInvtransRateDate
* transferRejectionReason
* systemReference
* pjiSummarizedFlag
* projfuncInvtransExRate
* prcGeneratedFlag
* customerId
* shipToAddressId
* orgId
* creationDate
* woffCodeCombinationId
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute7
* attribute6
* attribute1
* invExchangeRate
* writeOffFlag
* invoiceDate
* invprocCurrencyCode
* attributeCategory
* roundingCodeCombinationId
* ibApTransferStatusCode
* invRateDate
* ccProjectId
* retnCodeCombinationId
* releasedDate
* shipToContactId
* convertedFlag
* requestId
* acctdExchgRate
* programUpdateDate
* attribute3
* programId
* lastUpdateDate
* transferStatusCode
* lastUpdatedBy
* purgeRelease
* acctdRateType
* creditMemoReasonCode
* billToAddressId
* attribute4
* transferredDate
* attribute9
* purgeBatchId
* unbilledReceivableDr
* attribute2
* concessionFlag
* generationErrorFlag
* glPeriodName
* receivableCodeCombinationId
* unearnedCodeCombinationId
* ubrSummaryId
* canceledFlag
* billThroughDate
* retentionInvoiceFlag
* ibApTransferErrorCode
* purgeFlag
* recordVersionNumber
* approvedDate
* approvedByPersonId
* ubrUerProcessFlag
* customerBillSplit
* invoiceComment
* acctdRateDate
* paDate
* shipToCustomerId
* unbilledCodeCombinationId
* projfuncInvtransRateType
* draftInvoiceNum
* ccInvoiceGroupCode
* createdBy
* cancelCreditMemoFlag
* language
* attribute5
* programApplicationId


 * agreementId
* retentionPercentage
* extractedDate
* purgeProjectId
* invRateType
* raInvoiceNumber
* billToContactId
* glDate
* releasedByPersonId
* paPeriodName
* attribute8
* unearnedRevenueCr
* attribute10
* acctdCurrCode
* billToCustomerId
* lastCreditRequestId
* draftInvoiceNumCredited
* projectId
* uerSummaryId
* invoiceSetId
* invCurrencyCode
* projfuncInvtransRateDate
* transferRejectionReason
* systemReference
* pjiSummarizedFlag
* projfuncInvtransExRate
* prcGeneratedFlag
* customerId
* shipToAddressId
* orgId
* creationDate
* woffCodeCombinationId
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute7
* attribute6
* attribute1
* invExchangeRate
* writeOffFlag
* invoiceDate
* invprocCurrencyCode
* attributeCategory
* roundingCodeCombinationId
* ibApTransferStatusCode
* invRateDate
* ccProjectId
* retnCodeCombinationId
* releasedDate
* shipToContactId
* convertedFlag
* requestId
* acctdExchgRate
* programUpdateDate
* attribute3
* programId
* lastUpdateDate
* transferStatusCode
* lastUpdatedBy
* purgeRelease
* acctdRateType
* creditMemoReasonCode
* billToAddressId
* attribute4
* transferredDate
* attribute9
* purgeBatchId
* unbilledReceivableDr
* attribute2
* concessionFlag
* generationErrorFlag
* glPeriodName
* receivableCodeCombinationId
* unearnedCodeCombinationId
* ubrSummaryId
* canceledFlag
* billThroughDate
* retentionInvoiceFlag
* ibApTransferErrorCode
* purgeFlag
* recordVersionNumber
* approvedDate
* approvedByPersonId
* ubrUerProcessFlag
* customerBillSplit
* invoiceComment
* acctdRateDate
* paDate
* shipToCustomerId
* unbilledCodeCombinationId
* projfuncInvtransRateType
* draftInvoiceNum
* ccInvoiceGroupCode
* createdBy
* cancelCreditMemoFlag
* language
* attribute5
* programApplicationId


 * creationDate
* unbilledReceivableDr
* projectId
* setOfBooksId
* draftInvoiceNum
* unearnedRevenueCr


 * creationDate
* unbilledReceivableDr
* projectId
* setOfBooksId
* draftInvoiceNum
* unearnedRevenueCr


 * revprocCurrencyCode
* purgeBatchId
* projfuncCurrencyCode
* lastUpdateLogin
* createdBy
* projectRevenueAmount
* draftRevenueNum
* programUpdateDate
* lineNum
* lastUpdatedBy
* taskId
* fundingCurrencyCode
* revenueSource
* projectId
* lastUpdateDate
* amount
* purgeProjectId
* projectCurrencyCode
* fundingRevenueAmount
* programId
* requestId
* purgeRelease
* creationDate
* revenueCategoryCode
* programApplicationId
* projfuncRevenueAmount


 * revprocCurrencyCode
* purgeBatchId
* projfuncCurrencyCode
* lastUpdateLogin
* createdBy
* projectRevenueAmount
* draftRevenueNum
* programUpdateDate
* lineNum
* lastUpdatedBy
* taskId
* fundingCurrencyCode
* revenueSource
* projectId
* lastUpdateDate
* amount
* purgeProjectId
* projectCurrencyCode
* fundingRevenueAmount
* programId
* requestId
* purgeRelease
* creationDate
* revenueCategoryCode
* programApplicationId
* projfuncRevenueAmount


 * projfuncCurrencyCode
* revenueCategoryCode
* projectCurrencyCode
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* lineNum
* lastUpdatedBy
* createdBy
* projfuncRevenueAmount
* revenueSource
* programUpdateDate
* amount
* revtransAmount
* fundingRevenueAmount
* projectRevenueAmount
* programApplicationId
* requestId
* lastUpdateDate
* programId
* revprocCurrencyCode
* fundingCurrencyCode
* projectId
* taskId
* revtransCurrencyCode
* draftRevenueNum


 * setOfBooksId
* lineNum
* projectId
* amount
* creationDate
* draftRevenueNum


 * setOfBooksId
* lineNum
* projectId
* amount
* creationDate
* draftRevenueNum


 * projfuncCurrencyCode
* revenueCategoryCode
* projectCurrencyCode
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* lineNum
* lastUpdatedBy
* createdBy
* projfuncRevenueAmount
* revenueSource
* programUpdateDate
* amount
* revtransAmount
* fundingRevenueAmount
* projectRevenueAmount
* programApplicationId
* requestId
* lastUpdateDate
* programId
* revprocCurrencyCode
* fundingCurrencyCode
* projectId
* taskId
* revtransCurrencyCode
* draftRevenueNum


 * ubrSummaryId
* revtransUbrDr
* glDate
* transferStatusCode
* programApplicationId
* legalEntityId#1
* unearnedRevenueCr
* revtransUerCr
* uerSummaryId
* realizedLossesBatchName
* requestId
* eventId
* lastUpdateDate
* ubrUerProcessFlag
* unbilledBatchName
* agreementId
* programId
* realizedLossesAmount
* createdBy
* legalEntityId
* realizedGainsAmount
* draftRevenueNumCredited
* paPeriodName
* realizedGainsBatchName
* generationErrorFlag
* unearnedBatchName
* customerBillSplit
* accrueThroughDate
* paDate
* accumulatedFlag
* orgId
* adjustingRevenueFlag
* releasedDate
* pjiSummarizedFlag
* projectId
* draftRevenueNum
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdatedBy
* unearnedCodeCombinationId
* transferRejectionReason
* unbilledReceivableDr
* transferredDate
* revtransCurrencyCode
* glPeriodName
* programUpdateDate
* creationDate
* realizedGainsCcid
* resourceAccumulatedFlag
* realizedLossesCcid
* unbilledCodeCombinationId


 * ubrSummaryId
* revtransUbrDr
* glDate
* transferStatusCode
* programApplicationId
* legalEntityId#1
* unearnedRevenueCr
* revtransUerCr
* uerSummaryId
* realizedLossesBatchName
* requestId
* eventId
* lastUpdateDate
* ubrUerProcessFlag
* unbilledBatchName
* agreementId
* programId
* realizedLossesAmount
* createdBy
* legalEntityId
* realizedGainsAmount
* draftRevenueNumCredited
* paPeriodName
* realizedGainsBatchName
* generationErrorFlag
* unearnedBatchName
* customerBillSplit
* accrueThroughDate
* paDate
* accumulatedFlag
* orgId
* adjustingRevenueFlag
* releasedDate
* pjiSummarizedFlag
* projectId
* draftRevenueNum
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdatedBy
* unearnedCodeCombinationId
* transferRejectionReason
* unbilledReceivableDr
* transferredDate
* revtransCurrencyCode
* glPeriodName
* programUpdateDate
* creationDate
* realizedGainsCcid
* resourceAccumulatedFlag
* realizedLossesCcid
* unbilledCodeCombinationId


 * lastUpdateDate
* programId
* realizedGainsBatchName
* realizedGainsCcid
* unearnedCodeCombinationId
* transferredDate
* programUpdateDate
* generationErrorFlag
* unbilledReceivableDr
* lastUpdatedBy
* glDate
* accumulatedFlag
* draftRevenueNum
* ubrSummaryId
* draftRevenueNumCredited
* accrueThroughDate
* unearnedRevenueCr
* purgeProjectId
* realizedLossesAmount
* projectId
* unbilledCodeCombinationId
* programApplicationId
* creationDate
* ubrUerProcessFlag
* pjiSummarizedFlag
* agreementId
* resourceAccumulatedFlag
* purgeRelease
* paDate
* orgId
* adjustingRevenueFlag
* transferStatusCode
* realizedLossesCcid
* paPeriodName
* lastUpdateLogin
* releasedDate
* transferRejectionReason
* glPeriodName
* realizedGainsAmount
* purgeBatchId
* requestId
* unearnedBatchName
* realizedLossesBatchName
* customerBillSplit
* createdBy
* uerSummaryId
* unbilledBatchName


 * lastUpdateDate
* programId
* realizedGainsBatchName
* realizedGainsCcid
* unearnedCodeCombinationId
* transferredDate
* programUpdateDate
* generationErrorFlag
* unbilledReceivableDr
* lastUpdatedBy
* glDate
* accumulatedFlag
* draftRevenueNum
* ubrSummaryId
* draftRevenueNumCredited
* accrueThroughDate
* unearnedRevenueCr
* purgeProjectId
* realizedLossesAmount
* projectId
* unbilledCodeCombinationId
* programApplicationId
* creationDate
* ubrUerProcessFlag
* pjiSummarizedFlag
* agreementId
* resourceAccumulatedFlag
* purgeRelease
* paDate
* orgId
* adjustingRevenueFlag
* transferStatusCode
* realizedLossesCcid
* paPeriodName
* lastUpdateLogin
* releasedDate
* transferRejectionReason
* glPeriodName
* realizedGainsAmount
* purgeBatchId
* requestId
* unearnedBatchName
* realizedLossesBatchName
* customerBillSplit
* createdBy
* uerSummaryId
* unbilledBatchName


 * baqItd
* taskId
* lastUpdateLogin
* bac
* bqws
* acwpItd
* asOfDate
* bcws
* aqwp
* acwp
* lastUpdatedBy
* createdBy
* bqwpItd
* projectId
* bcwsItd
* bcwpItd
* bcwp
* resourceListMemberId
* bqwp
* lastUpdateDate
* bacItd
* currentFlag
* creationDate
* bqwsItd
* baq
* aqwpItd


 * bcwpItd
* bcws
* bacItd
* taskId
* bcwsItd
* bqwp
* projectId
* setOfBooksId
* baq
* baqItd
* bcwp
* acwp
* acwpItd
* aqwpItd
* bqws
* creationDate
* asOfDate
* resourceListMemberId
* bqwsItd
* bqwpItd
* bac
* aqwp
* currentFlag


 * bcwpItd
* bcws
* bacItd
* taskId
* bcwsItd
* bqwp
* projectId
* setOfBooksId
* baq
* baqItd
* bcwp
* acwp
* acwpItd
* aqwpItd
* bqws
* creationDate
* asOfDate
* resourceListMemberId
* bqwsItd
* bqwpItd
* bac
* aqwp
* currentFlag


 * baqItd
* taskId
* lastUpdateLogin
* bac
* bqws
* acwpItd
* asOfDate
* bcws
* aqwp
* acwp
* lastUpdatedBy
* createdBy
* bqwpItd
* projectId
* bcwsItd
* bcwpItd
* bcwp
* resourceListMemberId
* bqwp
* lastUpdateDate
* bacItd
* currentFlag
* creationDate
* bqwsItd
* baq
* aqwpItd


 * rawCostRate7
* rawCost7
* netZeroAdjustmentFlag4
* attribute33
* expenditureItemDate2
* netZeroAdjustmentFlag1
* systemLinkageFunction5
* attribute12
* expenditureItemId1
* attribute310
* attribute610
* netZeroAdjustmentFlag3
* attributeCategory5
* adjustedExpenditureItemId6
* attribute410
* quantity5
* attribute67
* nonLaborResource5
* organizationId3
* expenditureType
* attribute51
* attribute49
* jobId1
* organizationId1
* origTransactionReference1
* lastUpdatedBy
* expenditureComment7
* nonLaborResource6
* adjustedExpenditureItemId4
* expenditureComment5
* projectId
* taskId
* expenditureItemId3
* attribute510
* adjustedDenormId
* attribute79
* attribute25
* attribute24
* organizationId4
* rawCostRate6
* attribute21
* expenditureComment1
* denormTotalAmount
* attribute31
* nonLaborResource7
* rawCost2
* attribute36
* unitOfMeasureCode
* origTransactionReference3
* defaultSysLinkFunc
* nonLaborResource1
* attribute110
* attribute74
* attributeCategory2
* rawCost4
* expenditureItemDate4
* origTransactionReference5
* attribute17
* attribute46
* attribute29
* expenditureComment2
* attribute78
* attribute66
* attribute23
* systemLinkageFunction7
* expenditureItemId6
* attribute14
* attribute38
* personId
* attribute76
* lastUpdateDate
* unitOfMeasure
* expenditureId
* organizationId5
* attribute63
* attribute15
* origTransactionReference7
* jobId3
* rawCostRate1
* attribute19
* netZeroAdjustmentFlag7
* attribute22
* attribute72
* creationDate
* organizationId2
* adjustedExpenditureItemId2
* overrideToOrganizationId3
* expenditureItemDate7
* attribute47
* attribute69
* jobId2
* overrideToOrganizationId1
* attribute55
* quantity2
* nonLaborResource3
* rawCostRate4
* origTransactionReference4
* attribute42
* attribute45
* origTransactionReference2
* jobId4
* billableFlag5
* quantity6
* attribute26
* attribute65
* attribute73
* billableFlag
* adjustedExpenditureItemId1
* attribute54
* adjustedExpenditureItemId5
* rawCost5
* attribute75
* overrideToOrganizationId5
* rawCostRate2
* attribute210
* denormTotalQty
* origTransactionReference6
* attribute77
* billableFlag6
* attribute57
* attributeCategory7
* jobId7
* rawCost1
* attributeCategory4
* attribute18
* systemLinkageFunction6
* attribute34
* expenditureItemDate1
* quantity7
* attribute16
* jobId5
* jobId6
* billableFlag2
* quantity4
* attribute13
* overrideToOrganizationId2
* systemLinkageFunction4
* rawCostRate3
* attribute37
* overrideToOrganizationId7
* attribute56
* attribute11
* attribute710
* attribute64
* expenditureItemId2
* quantity3
* expenditureItemDate6
* attribute39
* attribute52
* nonLaborResource2
* attribute35
* rawCostRate5
* expenditureItemId5
* attribute68
* expenditureComment4
* expenditureComment3
* adjustedExpenditureItemId7
* billableFlag1
* attribute41
* expenditureItemId4
* organizationId6
* billableFlag4
* expenditureComment6
* denormId
* billableFlag7
* netZeroAdjustmentFlag5
* billableFlag3
* overrideToOrganizationId6
* netZeroAdjustmentFlag6
* quantity1
* createdBy
* attribute71
* attributeCategory3
* attribute53
* organizationId7
* nonLaborResource4
* attribute59
* attributeCategory6
* rawCost6
* systemLinkageFunction1
* attribute43
* attribute62
* attributeCategory1
* attribute44
* systemLinkageFunction3
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute61
* adjustedExpenditureItemId3
* attribute28
* attribute48
* expenditureItemId7
* attribute32
* netZeroAdjustmentFlag2
* overrideToOrganizationId4
* expenditureItemDate5
* rawCost3
* expenditureItemDate3
* attribute27
* systemLinkageFunction2
* attribute58


 * attribute43
* overrideToOrganizationId5
* taskId
* adjustedExpenditureItemId5
* purgeProjectId
* adjustedExpenditureItemId3
* jobId3
* overrideToOrganizationId3
* attribute65
* rawCostRate7
* netZeroAdjustmentFlag3
* quantity5
* attribute79
* origTransactionReference6
* attribute38
* quantity6
* rawCost4
* expenditureItemId5
* attribute35
* defaultSysLinkFunc
* attribute22
* attribute23
* unitOfMeasureCode
* organizationId2
* origTransactionReference2
* expenditureItemId3
* attribute32
* attribute36
* expenditureItemId4
* expenditureComment4
* rawCostRate5
* jobId7
* attribute510
* personId
* attribute74
* expenditureItemDate1
* jobId5
* organizationId4
* netZeroAdjustmentFlag1
* attributeCategory6
* quantity2
* attribute13
* attribute73
* attribute64
* systemLinkageFunction2
* billableFlag
* attribute31
* overrideToOrganizationId6
* attribute76
* unitOfMeasure
* expenditureId
* rawCost6
* attribute53
* adjustedDenormId
* organizationId1
* expenditureItemDate5
* attribute21
* expenditureComment3
* expenditureComment6
* billableFlag2
* adjustedExpenditureItemId6
* attributeCategory7
* attribute110
* rawCostRate3
* attribute42
* expenditureItemDate6
* origTransactionReference5
* netZeroAdjustmentFlag2
* attribute61
* overrideToOrganizationId1
* systemLinkageFunction4
* lastUpdatedBy
* expenditureItemDate7
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute33
* attribute28
* nonLaborResource1
* attribute47
* systemLinkageFunction1
* billableFlag7
* origTransactionReference1
* organizationId6
* quantity4
* attribute48
* systemLinkageFunction3
* attribute39
* expenditureComment5
* attribute56
* lastUpdateDate
* nonLaborResource4
* attribute52
* attribute55
* attributeCategory4
* attribute46
* projectId
* purgeRelease
* overrideToOrganizationId7
* attribute58
* attribute72
* attribute16
* attributeCategory3
* attribute25
* attribute54
* jobId2
* denormTotalQty
* attribute67
* origTransactionReference4
* jobId4
* attribute18
* quantity3
* jobId1
* nonLaborResource7
* expenditureType
* overrideToOrganizationId4
* adjustedExpenditureItemId7
* attributeCategory1
* netZeroAdjustmentFlag6
* expenditureComment1
* attribute41
* expenditureItemId6
* attribute26
* rawCost1
* attribute66
* expenditureItemId2
* attribute75
* attribute68
* systemLinkageFunction7
* billableFlag5
* expenditureItemDate2
* billableFlag4
* attribute77
* billableFlag6
* createdBy
* attribute15
* systemLinkageFunction5
* attribute44
* nonLaborResource2
* expenditureItemId1
* expenditureComment7
* billableFlag1
* attribute29
* purgeBatchId
* rawCost3
* netZeroAdjustmentFlag5
* organizationId5
* attribute410
* attribute62
* denormTotalAmount
* attribute37
* attribute210
* attribute51
* attribute11
* rawCost5
* rawCostRate6
* adjustedExpenditureItemId2
* rawCost2
* rawCostRate1
* denormId
* attribute610
* attribute34
* expenditureItemDate3
* adjustedExpenditureItemId4
* attribute14
* attribute24
* organizationId7
* creationDate
* rawCostRate4
* attribute49
* origTransactionReference7
* netZeroAdjustmentFlag7
* attribute59
* attribute63
* adjustedExpenditureItemId1
* systemLinkageFunction6
* expenditureItemId7
* nonLaborResource3
* attribute57
* quantity7
* attribute19
* attribute69
* attribute78
* attribute310
* jobId6
* attribute71
* expenditureItemDate4
* attributeCategory2
* quantity1
* attribute17
* attributeCategory5
* nonLaborResource6
* attribute710
* expenditureComment2
* netZeroAdjustmentFlag4
* attribute45
* rawCostRate2
* rawCost7
* nonLaborResource5
* attribute12
* organizationId3
* attribute27
* billableFlag3
* overrideToOrganizationId2
* origTransactionReference3


 * attribute43
* overrideToOrganizationId5
* taskId
* adjustedExpenditureItemId5
* purgeProjectId
* adjustedExpenditureItemId3
* jobId3
* overrideToOrganizationId3
* attribute65
* rawCostRate7
* netZeroAdjustmentFlag3
* quantity5
* attribute79
* origTransactionReference6
* attribute38
* quantity6
* rawCost4
* expenditureItemId5
* attribute35
* defaultSysLinkFunc
* attribute22
* attribute23
* unitOfMeasureCode
* organizationId2
* origTransactionReference2
* expenditureItemId3
* attribute32
* attribute36
* expenditureItemId4
* expenditureComment4
* rawCostRate5
* jobId7
* attribute510
* personId
* attribute74
* expenditureItemDate1
* jobId5
* organizationId4
* netZeroAdjustmentFlag1
* attributeCategory6
* quantity2
* attribute13
* attribute73
* attribute64
* systemLinkageFunction2
* billableFlag
* attribute31
* overrideToOrganizationId6
* attribute76
* unitOfMeasure
* expenditureId
* rawCost6
* attribute53
* adjustedDenormId
* organizationId1
* expenditureItemDate5
* attribute21
* expenditureComment3
* expenditureComment6
* billableFlag2
* adjustedExpenditureItemId6
* attributeCategory7
* attribute110
* rawCostRate3
* attribute42
* expenditureItemDate6
* origTransactionReference5
* netZeroAdjustmentFlag2
* attribute61
* overrideToOrganizationId1
* systemLinkageFunction4
* lastUpdatedBy
* expenditureItemDate7
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute33
* attribute28
* nonLaborResource1
* attribute47
* systemLinkageFunction1
* billableFlag7
* origTransactionReference1
* organizationId6
* quantity4
* attribute48
* systemLinkageFunction3
* attribute39
* expenditureComment5
* attribute56
* lastUpdateDate
* nonLaborResource4
* attribute52
* attribute55
* attributeCategory4
* attribute46
* projectId
* purgeRelease
* overrideToOrganizationId7
* attribute58
* attribute72
* attribute16
* attributeCategory3
* attribute25
* attribute54
* jobId2
* denormTotalQty
* attribute67
* origTransactionReference4
* jobId4
* attribute18
* quantity3
* jobId1
* nonLaborResource7
* expenditureType
* overrideToOrganizationId4
* adjustedExpenditureItemId7
* attributeCategory1
* netZeroAdjustmentFlag6
* expenditureComment1
* attribute41
* expenditureItemId6
* attribute26
* rawCost1
* attribute66
* expenditureItemId2
* attribute75
* attribute68
* systemLinkageFunction7
* billableFlag5
* expenditureItemDate2
* billableFlag4
* attribute77
* billableFlag6
* createdBy
* attribute15
* systemLinkageFunction5
* attribute44
* nonLaborResource2
* expenditureItemId1
* expenditureComment7
* billableFlag1
* attribute29
* purgeBatchId
* rawCost3
* netZeroAdjustmentFlag5
* organizationId5
* attribute410
* attribute62
* denormTotalAmount
* attribute37
* attribute210
* attribute51
* attribute11
* rawCost5
* rawCostRate6
* adjustedExpenditureItemId2
* rawCost2
* rawCostRate1
* denormId
* attribute610
* attribute34
* expenditureItemDate3
* adjustedExpenditureItemId4
* attribute14
* attribute24
* organizationId7
* creationDate
* rawCostRate4
* attribute49
* origTransactionReference7
* netZeroAdjustmentFlag7
* attribute59
* attribute63
* adjustedExpenditureItemId1
* systemLinkageFunction6
* expenditureItemId7
* nonLaborResource3
* attribute57
* quantity7
* attribute19
* attribute69
* attribute78
* attribute310
* jobId6
* attribute71
* expenditureItemDate4
* attributeCategory2
* quantity1
* attribute17
* attributeCategory5
* nonLaborResource6
* attribute710
* expenditureComment2
* netZeroAdjustmentFlag4
* attribute45
* rawCostRate2
* rawCost7
* nonLaborResource5
* attribute12
* organizationId3
* attribute27
* billableFlag3
* overrideToOrganizationId2
* origTransactionReference3


 * quantity6
* rawCost6
* quantity3
* quantity7
* ncuSetOfBooksId
* quantity5
* rawCost7
* denormId
* rawCostRate2
* rawCost5
* rawCostRate1
* rawCost2
* rawCostRate7
* rawCostRate5
* quantity2
* rawCostRate3
* rawCost4
* rawCostRate4
* quantity4
* rawCost1
* creationDate
* rawCost3
* quantity1
* rawCostRate6


 * quantity6
* rawCost6
* quantity3
* quantity7
* ncuSetOfBooksId
* quantity5
* rawCost7
* denormId
* rawCostRate2
* rawCost5
* rawCostRate1
* rawCost2
* rawCostRate7
* rawCostRate5
* quantity2
* rawCostRate3
* rawCost4
* rawCostRate4
* quantity4
* rawCost1
* creationDate
* rawCost3
* quantity1
* rawCostRate6


 * rawCostRate7
* rawCost7
* netZeroAdjustmentFlag4
* attribute33
* expenditureItemDate2
* netZeroAdjustmentFlag1
* systemLinkageFunction5
* attribute12
* expenditureItemId1
* attribute310
* attribute610
* netZeroAdjustmentFlag3
* attributeCategory5
* adjustedExpenditureItemId6
* attribute410
* quantity5
* attribute67
* nonLaborResource5
* organizationId3
* expenditureType
* attribute51
* attribute49
* jobId1
* organizationId1
* origTransactionReference1
* lastUpdatedBy
* expenditureComment7
* nonLaborResource6
* adjustedExpenditureItemId4
* expenditureComment5
* projectId
* taskId
* expenditureItemId3
* attribute510
* adjustedDenormId
* attribute79
* attribute25
* attribute24
* organizationId4
* rawCostRate6
* attribute21
* expenditureComment1
* denormTotalAmount
* attribute31
* nonLaborResource7
* rawCost2
* attribute36
* unitOfMeasureCode
* origTransactionReference3
* defaultSysLinkFunc
* nonLaborResource1
* attribute110
* attribute74
* attributeCategory2
* rawCost4
* expenditureItemDate4
* origTransactionReference5
* attribute17
* attribute46
* attribute29
* expenditureComment2
* attribute78
* attribute66
* attribute23
* systemLinkageFunction7
* expenditureItemId6
* attribute14
* attribute38
* personId
* attribute76
* lastUpdateDate
* unitOfMeasure
* expenditureId
* organizationId5
* attribute63
* attribute15
* origTransactionReference7
* jobId3
* rawCostRate1
* attribute19
* netZeroAdjustmentFlag7
* attribute22
* attribute72
* creationDate
* organizationId2
* adjustedExpenditureItemId2
* overrideToOrganizationId3
* expenditureItemDate7
* attribute47
* attribute69
* jobId2
* overrideToOrganizationId1
* attribute55
* quantity2
* nonLaborResource3
* rawCostRate4
* origTransactionReference4
* attribute42
* attribute45
* origTransactionReference2
* jobId4
* billableFlag5
* quantity6
* attribute26
* attribute65
* attribute73
* billableFlag
* adjustedExpenditureItemId1
* attribute54
* adjustedExpenditureItemId5
* rawCost5
* attribute75
* overrideToOrganizationId5
* rawCostRate2
* attribute210
* denormTotalQty
* origTransactionReference6
* attribute77
* billableFlag6
* attribute57
* attributeCategory7
* jobId7
* rawCost1
* attributeCategory4
* attribute18
* systemLinkageFunction6
* attribute34
* expenditureItemDate1
* quantity7
* attribute16
* jobId5
* jobId6
* billableFlag2
* quantity4
* attribute13
* overrideToOrganizationId2
* systemLinkageFunction4
* rawCostRate3
* attribute37
* overrideToOrganizationId7
* attribute56
* attribute11
* attribute710
* attribute64
* expenditureItemId2
* quantity3
* expenditureItemDate6
* attribute39
* attribute52
* nonLaborResource2
* attribute35
* rawCostRate5
* expenditureItemId5
* attribute68
* expenditureComment4
* expenditureComment3
* adjustedExpenditureItemId7
* billableFlag1
* attribute41
* expenditureItemId4
* organizationId6
* billableFlag4
* expenditureComment6
* denormId
* billableFlag7
* netZeroAdjustmentFlag5
* billableFlag3
* overrideToOrganizationId6
* netZeroAdjustmentFlag6
* quantity1
* createdBy
* attribute71
* attributeCategory3
* attribute53
* organizationId7
* nonLaborResource4
* attribute59
* attributeCategory6
* rawCost6
* systemLinkageFunction1
* attribute43
* attribute62
* attributeCategory1
* attribute44
* systemLinkageFunction3
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute61
* adjustedExpenditureItemId3
* attribute28
* attribute48
* expenditureItemId7
* attribute32
* netZeroAdjustmentFlag2
* overrideToOrganizationId4
* expenditureItemDate5
* rawCost3
* expenditureItemDate3
* attribute27
* systemLinkageFunction2
* attribute58


 * lastUpdatedBy
* recordVersionNumber
* projectId
* rate
* createdBy
* discountPercentage
* lastUpdateLogin
* endDateActive
* empBillRateOverrideId
* personId
* lastUpdateDate
* creationDate
* rateDiscReasonCode
* startDateActive
* billRateUnit
* rateCurrencyCode
* taskId


 * setOfBooksId
* creationDate
* personId
* taskId
* startDateActive
* rate
* projectId


 * setOfBooksId
* creationDate
* personId
* taskId
* startDateActive
* rate
* projectId


 * lastUpdatedBy
* recordVersionNumber
* projectId
* rate
* createdBy
* discountPercentage
* lastUpdateLogin
* endDateActive
* empBillRateOverrideId
* personId
* lastUpdateDate
* creationDate
* rateDiscReasonCode
* startDateActive
* billRateUnit
* rateCurrencyCode
* taskId


 * lastUpdatedBy
* incTotalRawCost
* totalHours
* incTotalBurdenCost
* rollupFlag
* programId
* projectType
* totalRawCost
* incTotalHours
* lastUpdateDate
* requestId
* personId
* orgId
* incBillableRawCost
* creationDate
* billableBurdenCost
* billableRawCost
* createdBy
* programApplicationId
* totalBurdenCost
* totalRevenue
* weekEndingDate
* incTotalRevenue
* incBillableHours
* programUpdateDate
* expenditureType
* lastUpdateLogin
* billableHours
* organizationId
* incBillableBurdenCost


 * lastUpdatedBy
* incTotalRawCost
* totalHours
* incTotalBurdenCost
* rollupFlag
* programId
* projectType
* totalRawCost
* incTotalHours
* lastUpdateDate
* requestId
* personId
* orgId
* incBillableRawCost
* creationDate
* billableBurdenCost
* billableRawCost
* createdBy
* programApplicationId
* totalBurdenCost
* totalRevenue
* weekEndingDate
* incTotalRevenue
* incBillableHours
* programUpdateDate
* expenditureType
* lastUpdateLogin
* billableHours
* organizationId
* incBillableBurdenCost


 * projectType
* creationDate
* billableRawCost
* incTotalBurdenCost
* expenditureType
* billableBurdenCost
* totalRawCost
* incTotalRawCost
* setOfBooksId
* incBillableRawCost
* totalRevenue
* orgId
* organizationId
* weekEndingDate
* totalBurdenCost
* incTotalRevenue
* incBillableBurdenCost
* personId


 * projectType
* creationDate
* billableRawCost
* incTotalBurdenCost
* expenditureType
* billableBurdenCost
* totalRawCost
* incTotalRawCost
* setOfBooksId
* incBillableRawCost
* totalRevenue
* orgId
* organizationId
* weekEndingDate
* totalBurdenCost
* incTotalRevenue
* incBillableBurdenCost
* personId


 * rollupFlag
* organizationId
* lastUpdatedBy
* expenditureType
* requestId
* programUpdateDate
* programId
* billableBurdenCost
* incTotalRawCost
* incTotalHours
* orgId
* totalHours
* createdBy
* incBillableRawCost
* lastUpdateLogin
* totalRevenue
* incBillableHours
* totalRawCost
* incTotalRevenue
* incBillableBurdenCost
* projectType
* billableHours
* billableRawCost
* totalBurdenCost
* weekEndingDate
* creationDate
* programApplicationId
* incTotalBurdenCost
* lastUpdateDate


 * rollupFlag
* organizationId
* lastUpdatedBy
* expenditureType
* requestId
* programUpdateDate
* programId
* billableBurdenCost
* incTotalRawCost
* incTotalHours
* orgId
* totalHours
* createdBy
* incBillableRawCost
* lastUpdateLogin
* totalRevenue
* incBillableHours
* totalRawCost
* incTotalRevenue
* incBillableBurdenCost
* projectType
* billableHours
* billableRawCost
* totalBurdenCost
* weekEndingDate
* creationDate
* programApplicationId
* incTotalBurdenCost
* lastUpdateDate


 * incTotalRawCost
* weekEndingDate
* billableRawCost
* totalBurdenCost
* totalRevenue
* setOfBooksId
* projectType
* totalRawCost
* billableBurdenCost
* organizationId
* incBillableBurdenCost
* incTotalBurdenCost
* incBillableRawCost
* incTotalRevenue
* creationDate
* orgId
* expenditureType


 * incTotalRawCost
* weekEndingDate
* billableRawCost
* totalBurdenCost
* totalRevenue
* setOfBooksId
* projectType
* totalRawCost
* billableBurdenCost
* organizationId
* incBillableBurdenCost
* incTotalBurdenCost
* incBillableRawCost
* incTotalRevenue
* creationDate
* orgId
* expenditureType


 * rbsAggrLevel
* projectOrgId
* currRecordTypeId
* custom14
* timeId
* custom15
* laborRevenue
* custom5
* supInvCommittedCost
* billRawCost
* rbsElementId
* custom11
* prCommittedCost
* custom7
* etcLaborBrdnCost
* etcEquipRawCost
* laborHrs
* lastUpdateDate
* creationDate
* custom12
* custom8
* actLaborRawCost
* poCommittedCost
* custom6
* etcRawCost
* prgRollupFlag
* actRevenue
* actEquipRawCost
* periodTypeId
* actEquipBrdnCost
* custom9
* billBrdnCost
* createdBy
* rawCost
* etcLaborHrs
* projectOrganizationId
* rbsVersionId
* custom10
* custom2
* actBrdnCost
* laborBrdnCost
* custom1
* calendarType
* planTypeCode
* wbsRollupFlag
* capitalizableBrdnCost
* billLaborHrs
* billableEquipmentHours
* billLaborBrdnCost
* projectId
* custom3
* planTypeId
* billLaborRawCost
* currencyCode
* projectElementId
* custom13
* etcEquipBrdnCost
* etcLaborRawCost
* laborRawCost
* custom4
* etcBrdnCost
* equipmentHours
* equipmentBrdnCost
* brdnCost
* capitalizableRawCost
* actLaborHrs
* planVersionId
* actRawCost
* actLaborBrdnCost
* revenue
* equipmentRawCost
* actEquipHrs
* othCommittedCost
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdatedBy
* etcEquipHrs


 * rbsAggrLevel
* projectOrgId
* currRecordTypeId
* custom14
* timeId
* custom15
* laborRevenue
* custom5
* supInvCommittedCost
* billRawCost
* rbsElementId
* custom11
* prCommittedCost
* custom7
* etcLaborBrdnCost
* etcEquipRawCost
* laborHrs
* lastUpdateDate
* creationDate
* custom12
* custom8
* actLaborRawCost
* poCommittedCost
* custom6
* etcRawCost
* prgRollupFlag
* actRevenue
* actEquipRawCost
* periodTypeId
* actEquipBrdnCost
* custom9
* billBrdnCost
* createdBy
* rawCost
* etcLaborHrs
* projectOrganizationId
* rbsVersionId
* custom10
* custom2
* actBrdnCost
* laborBrdnCost
* custom1
* calendarType
* planTypeCode
* wbsRollupFlag
* capitalizableBrdnCost
* billLaborHrs
* billableEquipmentHours
* billLaborBrdnCost
* projectId
* custom3
* planTypeId
* billLaborRawCost
* currencyCode
* projectElementId
* custom13
* etcEquipBrdnCost
* etcLaborRawCost
* laborRawCost
* custom4
* etcBrdnCost
* equipmentHours
* equipmentBrdnCost
* brdnCost
* capitalizableRawCost
* actLaborHrs
* planVersionId
* actRawCost
* actLaborBrdnCost
* revenue
* equipmentRawCost
* actEquipHrs
* othCommittedCost
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdatedBy
* etcEquipHrs


 * projId
* recordType
* endecaId


 * projId
* recordType
* endecaId


 * totPlanRevPc
* perTotCostTst
* capitalizableFlag
* fcMarginPercentPc
* perTotCostReqDisp
* perTotCostOrd
* taskManager
* totPaymentsPc
* structureVersionNumber
* currencyConvRateFlag
* workType
* perTotCostRcvDisp
* perProcActCostDelOt
* totFcRevPc
* perTotCostReq
* taskStatus
* procPerTotCost
* projectId
* marginPercentPfc
* totFcCostPfc
* projectName
* totActProcCostPc
* totPlanRevPfc
* totPaymentsPfc
* projectNumber
* procPercRevPc
* totMarginPc
* projectFuncCurrency
* perTotCostCnt
* perTotCostRcv
* perTotCostStk
* perProcActCostDelayed
* chargeableFlag
* taskPriority
* totProcPlanCostPc
* perTotCostRetDisp
* totProcCostPctDisp
* elementVersionId
* billableFlag
* totActProcPlanCostVar
* projectStatus
* totMarginPfc
* marginPercentPc
* totMarginPctDisp
* totPlanCostPfc
* totActCostPc
* totActProcCostPfc
* totFcRevPfc
* latPubScheduledStartDate
* totActBurdCostPc
* totPlanBurdCostPfc
* totActMarginVar
* taskNumber
* procPercRevPfc
* totPlanBurdCostPc
* serviceType
* orgId
* totPayHoldPc
* taskProgrStatus
* totFcCostPc
* totPayHoldPfc
* perTotCostRem
* latPubScheduledFinishDate
* taskName
* taskType
* totActCostPfc
* projectCurrency
* totPlanCostPc
* projCurrencyName
* taskDisplaySequence
* workingScheduledFinishDate
* etcSource
* perTotCostRemDisp
* taskId
* totProcPlanCostPfc
* totActBurdCostVar
* totProjCommitmentsPc
* latPubCriticalFlag
* paSrc
* otherCostPctDisp
* taskLocation
* latPubActualStartDate
* perTotCostOrdDisp
* fcMarginPercentPfc
* recieveProjectInvoiceFlag
* taskElementId
* projfuncCurrencyName
* perTotCostRet
* latPubActualFinishDate
* workingScheduledStartDate
* taskOrg
* projectOrg
* totActMarginPc
* workingMilestoneFlag
* latPubMilestoneFlag
* workingCriticalFlag


 * totPlanRevPc
* perTotCostTst
* capitalizableFlag
* fcMarginPercentPc
* perTotCostReqDisp
* perTotCostOrd
* taskManager
* totPaymentsPc
* structureVersionNumber
* currencyConvRateFlag
* workType
* perTotCostRcvDisp
* perProcActCostDelOt
* totFcRevPc
* perTotCostReq
* taskStatus
* procPerTotCost
* projectId
* marginPercentPfc
* totFcCostPfc
* projectName
* totActProcCostPc
* totPlanRevPfc
* totPaymentsPfc
* projectNumber
* procPercRevPc
* totMarginPc
* projectFuncCurrency
* perTotCostCnt
* perTotCostRcv
* perTotCostStk
* perProcActCostDelayed
* chargeableFlag
* taskPriority
* totProcPlanCostPc
* perTotCostRetDisp
* totProcCostPctDisp
* elementVersionId
* billableFlag
* totActProcPlanCostVar
* projectStatus
* totMarginPfc
* marginPercentPc
* totMarginPctDisp
* totPlanCostPfc
* totActCostPc
* totActProcCostPfc
* totFcRevPfc
* latPubScheduledStartDate
* totActBurdCostPc
* totPlanBurdCostPfc
* totActMarginVar
* taskNumber
* procPercRevPfc
* totPlanBurdCostPc
* serviceType
* orgId
* totPayHoldPc
* taskProgrStatus
* totFcCostPc
* totPayHoldPfc
* perTotCostRem
* latPubScheduledFinishDate
* taskName
* taskType
* totActCostPfc
* projectCurrency
* totPlanCostPc
* projCurrencyName
* taskDisplaySequence
* workingScheduledFinishDate
* etcSource
* perTotCostRemDisp
* taskId
* totProcPlanCostPfc
* totActBurdCostVar
* totProjCommitmentsPc
* latPubCriticalFlag
* paSrc
* otherCostPctDisp
* taskLocation
* latPubActualStartDate
* perTotCostOrdDisp
* fcMarginPercentPfc
* recieveProjectInvoiceFlag
* taskElementId
* projfuncCurrencyName
* perTotCostRet
* latPubActualFinishDate
* workingScheduledStartDate
* taskOrg
* projectOrg
* totActMarginPc
* workingMilestoneFlag
* latPubMilestoneFlag
* workingCriticalFlag


 * projectBillAmount
* fundingRateDate
* auditRevPlanTypeId
* revprocCurrencyCode
* adjustingRevenueFlag
* revenueDistributedFlag
* deliverableId
* invprocExchangeRate
* requestId
* projectRevenueAmount
* revprocRateType
* nonUpdateableFlag
* projfuncRevRateDate
* billingAssignmentId
* auditAmount7
* projfuncRateDate
* auditAmount2
* projectRevRateDate
* projfuncExchangeRate
* attribute3
* invprocRateDate
* projectId
* auditCostPlanTypeId
* createdBy
* invprocCurrencyCode
* revDistRejectionCode
* attributeCategory
* projfuncRateType
* billGroup
* reference7
* projfuncInvExchangeRate
* zeroRevenueAmountFlag
* revprocExchangeRate
* billTransRevAmount
* fundingExchangeRate
* eventType
* eventId
* projfuncRevenueAmount
* reference6
* lastUpdatedBy
* inventoryItemId
* reference9
* auditAmount5
* attribute7
* billedFlag
* revenueHoldFlag
* revprocRateDate
* auditAmount4
* reference2
* lastUpdateDate
* invGenRejectionCode
* pmEventReference
* projectInvRateDate
* quantityBilled
* attribute1
* attribute5
* unitPrice
* reference4
* attribute9
* projectRevExchangeRate
* reference1
* auditAmount6
* callingPlace
* auditAmount3
* actionId
* attribute10
* callingProcess
* attribute4
* uomCode
* attribute8
* reference10
* projfuncBillAmount
* reference3
* projectRateDate
* programId
* projectExchangeRate
* organizationId
* projectRateType
* invprocRateType
* pmProductCode
* projfuncInvRateDate
* projectFundingId
* fundingRateType
* reference8
* projfuncCurrencyCode
* revenueAmount
* programUpdateDate
* recordVersionNumber
* eventNum
* billTransBillAmount
* auditAmount10
* description
* auditAmount8
* lastUpdateLogin
* inventoryOrgId
* projectCurrencyCode
* billHoldFlag
* auditAmount1
* projectInvExchangeRate
* auditRevBudgetTypeCode
* creationDate
* auditCostBudgetTypeCode
* programApplicationId
* agreementId
* completionDate
* billAmount
* billTransCurrencyCode
* reference5
* eventNumReversed
* taskId
* auditAmount9
* attribute6
* projfuncRevExchangeRate
* attribute2


 * billTransRevAmount
* deliverableId
* billingAssignmentId
* attribute9
* reference5
* reference2
* reference7
* inventoryItemId
* recordVersionNumber
* adjustingRevenueFlag
* projectRateType
* programId
* eventNumReversed
* auditCostPlanTypeId
* projfuncRevRateDate
* auditAmount5
* revenueDistributedFlag
* auditAmount7
* attribute4
* attribute1
* attribute7
* projfuncExchangeRate
* auditRevPlanTypeId
* revenueAmount
* requestId
* projfuncRevExchangeRate
* reference8
* reference6
* reference10
* completionDate
* uomCode
* billAmount
* lastUpdatedBy
* programApplicationId
* revprocCurrencyCode
* fundingExchangeRate
* taskId
* pmEventReference
* fundingRateType
* revprocExchangeRate
* pmProductCode
* inventoryOrgId
* projfuncRateType
* attribute5
* attribute10
* invprocRateType
* projectFundingId
* lastUpdateDate
* projectRateDate
* auditAmount6
* eventType
* projfuncInvExchangeRate
* purgeRelease
* auditRevBudgetTypeCode
* projectExchangeRate
* callingProcess
* invprocRateDate
* attributeCategory
* eventNum
* eventId
* reference9
* projectRevExchangeRate
* invprocCurrencyCode
* reference3
* projfuncCurrencyCode
* projectCurrencyCode
* auditAmount3
* revDistRejectionCode
* billedFlag
* description
* reference4
* revprocRateDate
* organizationId
* attribute3
* invGenRejectionCode
* revenueHoldFlag
* zeroRevenueAmountFlag
* attribute8
* projectInvExchangeRate
* auditAmount10
* projectId
* projfuncInvRateDate
* agreementId
* billTransCurrencyCode
* billHoldFlag
* projfuncRateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute2
* projectBillAmount
* actionId
* auditAmount9
* quantityBilled
* revprocRateType
* callingPlace
* programUpdateDate
* auditAmount1
* creationDate
* billTransBillAmount
* createdBy
* projectRevRateDate
* reference1
* nonUpdateableFlag
* auditAmount2
* unitPrice
* fundingRateDate
* invprocExchangeRate
* auditCostBudgetTypeCode
* purgeProjectId
* projectInvRateDate
* auditAmount8
* purgeBatchId
* auditAmount4
* projfuncRevenueAmount
* projectRevenueAmount
* attribute6
* projfuncBillAmount


 * billTransRevAmount
* deliverableId
* billingAssignmentId
* attribute9
* reference5
* reference2
* reference7
* inventoryItemId
* recordVersionNumber
* adjustingRevenueFlag
* projectRateType
* programId
* eventNumReversed
* auditCostPlanTypeId
* projfuncRevRateDate
* auditAmount5
* revenueDistributedFlag
* auditAmount7
* attribute4
* attribute1
* attribute7
* projfuncExchangeRate
* auditRevPlanTypeId
* revenueAmount
* requestId
* projfuncRevExchangeRate
* reference8
* reference6
* reference10
* completionDate
* uomCode
* billAmount
* lastUpdatedBy
* programApplicationId
* revprocCurrencyCode
* fundingExchangeRate
* taskId
* pmEventReference
* fundingRateType
* revprocExchangeRate
* pmProductCode
* inventoryOrgId
* projfuncRateType
* attribute5
* attribute10
* invprocRateType
* projectFundingId
* lastUpdateDate
* projectRateDate
* auditAmount6
* eventType
* projfuncInvExchangeRate
* purgeRelease
* auditRevBudgetTypeCode
* projectExchangeRate
* callingProcess
* invprocRateDate
* attributeCategory
* eventNum
* eventId
* reference9
* projectRevExchangeRate
* invprocCurrencyCode
* reference3
* projfuncCurrencyCode
* projectCurrencyCode
* auditAmount3
* revDistRejectionCode
* billedFlag
* description
* reference4
* revprocRateDate
* organizationId
* attribute3
* invGenRejectionCode
* revenueHoldFlag
* zeroRevenueAmountFlag
* attribute8
* projectInvExchangeRate
* auditAmount10
* projectId
* projfuncInvRateDate
* agreementId
* billTransCurrencyCode
* billHoldFlag
* projfuncRateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute2
* projectBillAmount
* actionId
* auditAmount9
* quantityBilled
* revprocRateType
* callingPlace
* programUpdateDate
* auditAmount1
* creationDate
* billTransBillAmount
* createdBy
* projectRevRateDate
* reference1
* nonUpdateableFlag
* auditAmount2
* unitPrice
* fundingRateDate
* invprocExchangeRate
* auditCostBudgetTypeCode
* purgeProjectId
* projectInvRateDate
* auditAmount8
* purgeBatchId
* auditAmount4
* projfuncRevenueAmount
* projectRevenueAmount
* attribute6
* projfuncBillAmount


 * auditAmount4
* auditAmount8
* auditAmount10
* auditAmount1
* auditAmount7
* auditAmount2
* auditAmount6
* auditAmount5
* setOfBooksId
* auditAmount3
* auditAmount9
* eventId
* creationDate


 * auditAmount4
* auditAmount8
* auditAmount10
* auditAmount1
* auditAmount7
* auditAmount2
* auditAmount6
* auditAmount5
* setOfBooksId
* auditAmount3
* auditAmount9
* eventId
* creationDate


 * projectBillAmount
* fundingRateDate
* auditRevPlanTypeId
* revprocCurrencyCode
* adjustingRevenueFlag
* revenueDistributedFlag
* deliverableId
* invprocExchangeRate
* requestId
* projectRevenueAmount
* revprocRateType
* nonUpdateableFlag
* projfuncRevRateDate
* billingAssignmentId
* auditAmount7
* projfuncRateDate
* auditAmount2
* projectRevRateDate
* projfuncExchangeRate
* attribute3
* invprocRateDate
* projectId
* auditCostPlanTypeId
* createdBy
* invprocCurrencyCode
* revDistRejectionCode
* attributeCategory
* projfuncRateType
* billGroup
* reference7
* projfuncInvExchangeRate
* zeroRevenueAmountFlag
* revprocExchangeRate
* billTransRevAmount
* fundingExchangeRate
* eventType
* eventId
* projfuncRevenueAmount
* reference6
* lastUpdatedBy
* inventoryItemId
* reference9
* auditAmount5
* attribute7
* billedFlag
* revenueHoldFlag
* revprocRateDate
* auditAmount4
* reference2
* lastUpdateDate
* invGenRejectionCode
* pmEventReference
* projectInvRateDate
* quantityBilled
* attribute1
* attribute5
* unitPrice
* reference4
* attribute9
* projectRevExchangeRate
* reference1
* auditAmount6
* callingPlace
* auditAmount3
* actionId
* attribute10
* callingProcess
* attribute4
* uomCode
* attribute8
* reference10
* projfuncBillAmount
* reference3
* projectRateDate
* programId
* projectExchangeRate
* organizationId
* projectRateType
* invprocRateType
* pmProductCode
* projfuncInvRateDate
* projectFundingId
* fundingRateType
* reference8
* projfuncCurrencyCode
* revenueAmount
* programUpdateDate
* recordVersionNumber
* eventNum
* billTransBillAmount
* auditAmount10
* description
* auditAmount8
* lastUpdateLogin
* inventoryOrgId
* projectCurrencyCode
* billHoldFlag
* auditAmount1
* projectInvExchangeRate
* auditRevBudgetTypeCode
* creationDate
* auditCostBudgetTypeCode
* programApplicationId
* agreementId
* completionDate
* billAmount
* billTransCurrencyCode
* reference5
* eventNumReversed
* taskId
* auditAmount9
* attribute6
* projfuncRevExchangeRate
* attribute2


 * purgeRelease
* purgeProjectId
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* programUpdateDate
* lastUpdateDate
* programId
* programApplicationId
* expenditureItemId
* expenditureComment
* purgeBatchId
* createdBy
* requestId
* lineNumber
* creationDate


 * purgeRelease
* purgeProjectId
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* programUpdateDate
* lastUpdateDate
* programId
* programApplicationId
* expenditureItemId
* expenditureComment
* purgeBatchId
* createdBy
* requestId
* lineNumber
* creationDate


 * adjustedExpenditureItemId
* lastUpdateLogin
* creationDate
* purgeProjectId
* expenditureSourceCode
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute7
* lateEntryCode
* expenditureClassCode
* projectId
* systemLinkageFunction
* attributeCategory
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute3
* reasonComment
* attribute6
* purgeRelease
* taskId
* auditTypeCode
* attribute2
* purgeBatchId
* attribute1
* auditOrder
* expenditureItemDate
* attribute4
* attribute10
* attribute9
* createdBy
* quantity
* incurredByPersonId
* expenditureType
* attribute8
* denormId
* expenditureItemComment
* attribute5
* changeCode
* expenditureId


 * adjustedExpenditureItemId
* lastUpdateLogin
* creationDate
* purgeProjectId
* expenditureSourceCode
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute7
* lateEntryCode
* expenditureClassCode
* projectId
* systemLinkageFunction
* attributeCategory
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute3
* reasonComment
* attribute6
* purgeRelease
* taskId
* auditTypeCode
* attribute2
* purgeBatchId
* attribute1
* auditOrder
* expenditureItemDate
* attribute4
* attribute10
* attribute9
* createdBy
* quantity
* incurredByPersonId
* expenditureType
* attribute8
* denormId
* expenditureItemComment
* attribute5
* changeCode
* expenditureId


 * purgeProjectId
* programApplicationId
* lastUpdatedBy
* description
* programUpdateDate
* purgeBatchId
* exceptionActivityCode
* lastUpdateLogin
* creationDate
* expenditureItemId
* activityDate
* requestId
* purgeRelease
* moduleCode
* programId
* lastUpdateDate
* createdBy


 * purgeProjectId
* programApplicationId
* lastUpdatedBy
* description
* programUpdateDate
* purgeBatchId
* exceptionActivityCode
* lastUpdateLogin
* creationDate
* expenditureItemId
* activityDate
* requestId
* purgeRelease
* moduleCode
* programId
* lastUpdateDate
* createdBy


 * projectExchangeRate
* projectCurrencyCode
* projectRateDate
* setOfBooksId
* projectRateType
* tpBaseAmount
* expenditureItemId
* lastUpdateDate
* projectRawCost


 * projectExchangeRate
* projectCurrencyCode
* projectRateDate
* setOfBooksId
* projectRateType
* tpBaseAmount
* expenditureItemId
* lastUpdateDate
* projectRawCost


 * lastUpdateLogin
* personId
* sharedFlag
* alias
* taskId
* btnNumber
* lastUpdateDate
* hotKeyFlag
* comments
* lastUpdatedBy
* creationDate
* createdBy
* btnVisualAttribute
* btnColor
* projectId
* systemLinkageFunction
* expenditureType
* btnText


 * lastUpdateLogin
* personId
* sharedFlag
* alias
* taskId
* btnNumber
* lastUpdateDate
* hotKeyFlag
* comments
* lastUpdatedBy
* creationDate
* createdBy
* btnVisualAttribute
* btnColor
* projectId
* systemLinkageFunction
* expenditureType
* btnText


 * expendCommentAlias
* personId
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* createdBy
* lastUpdatedBy
* expenditureComment
* creationDate


 * expendCommentAlias
* personId
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* createdBy
* lastUpdatedBy
* expenditureComment
* creationDate


 * requestId
* programId
* rejectionCode
* expenditureItemId
* activityDate
* description
* creationDate
* lastUpdateDate
* programApplicationId
* lastUpdatedBy
* moduleCode
* programUpdateDate
* exceptionActivityCode
* lastUpdateLogin
* createdBy


 * requestId
* programId
* rejectionCode
* expenditureItemId
* activityDate
* description
* creationDate
* lastUpdateDate
* programApplicationId
* lastUpdatedBy
* moduleCode
* programUpdateDate
* exceptionActivityCode
* lastUpdateLogin
* createdBy
 * attribute5
* attributeCategory
* attribute3
* attribute2
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute9
* attribute15
* attribute14
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute6
* attribute11
* endDateActive
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute12
* attribute8
* creationDate
* expenditureType
* attribute4
* attribute1
* attribute7
* attribute13
* systemLinkageFunction
* startDateActive
* attribute10
* createdBy


 * attribute5
* attributeCategory
* attribute3
* attribute2
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute9
* attribute15
* attribute14
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute6
* attribute11
* endDateActive
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute12
* attribute8
* creationDate
* expenditureType
* attribute4
* attribute1
* attribute7
* attribute13
* systemLinkageFunction
* startDateActive
* attribute10
* createdBy


 * lastUpdatedBy
* creationDate
* batchName
* orgId
* batchStatusCode
* createdBy
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* batchDate
* batchSource


 * lastUpdatedBy
* creationDate
* batchName
* orgId
* batchStatusCode
* createdBy
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* batchDate
* batchSource


 * startDateActive
* attribute1
* attribute3
* attribute8
* endDateActive
* creationDate
* attribute9
* attribute6
* expenditureCategory
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute12
* attribute10
* attribute7
* attribute14
* attribute4
* attribute15
* attribute5
* attribute11
* attributeCategory
* attribute13
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* expenditureCategoryId
* description
* attribute2
* createdBy


 * startDateActive
* attribute1
* attribute3
* attribute8
* endDateActive
* creationDate
* attribute9
* attribute6
* expenditureCategory
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute12
* attribute10
* attribute7
* attribute14
* attribute4
* attribute15
* attribute5
* attribute11
* attributeCategory
* attribute13
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* expenditureCategoryId
* description
* attribute2
* createdBy


 * lastUpdateDate
* programUpdateDate
* lineNumber
* programApplicationId
* creationDate
* expenditureComment
* createdBy
* expenditureItemId
* lastUpdateLogin
* requestId
* lastUpdatedBy
* programId


 * lastUpdateDate
* programUpdateDate
* lineNumber
* programApplicationId
* creationDate
* expenditureComment
* createdBy
* expenditureItemId
* lastUpdateLogin
* requestId
* lastUpdatedBy
* programId


 * createdBy
* costRate
* startDateActive
* expenditureType
* endDateActive
* orgId
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* creationDate


 * createdBy
* costRate
* startDateActive
* expenditureType
* endDateActive
* orgId
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* creationDate


 * ncuSetOfBooksId
* orgId
* expenditureType
* endDateActive
* costRate
* creationDate
* startDateActive


 * ncuSetOfBooksId
* orgId
* expenditureType
* endDateActive
* costRate
* creationDate
* startDateActive


 * orgId
* periodAccrualFlag
* expenditureGroupStatusCode
* expenditureEndingDate
* requestId
* programApplicationId
* systemLinkageFunction
* creationDate
* programUpdateDate
* createdBy
* description
* transactionSource
* expenditureGroup
* programId
* controlCount
* controlTotalAmount
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdateDate


 * orgId
* periodAccrualFlag
* expenditureGroupStatusCode
* expenditureEndingDate
* requestId
* programApplicationId
* systemLinkageFunction
* creationDate
* programUpdateDate
* createdBy
* description
* transactionSource
* expenditureGroup
* programId
* controlCount
* controlTotalAmount
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdateDate


 * changeCode
* denormId
* attribute7
* lateEntryCode
* attribute6
* reasonComment
* auditOrder
* expenditureClassCode
* projectId
* createdBy
* attribute2
* attribute5
* adjustedExpenditureItemId
* attribute10
* taskId
* expenditureItemDate
* attribute8
* lastUpdatedBy
* attributeCategory
* attribute3
* attribute4
* creationDate
* incurredByPersonId
* attribute9
* lastUpdateLogin
* expenditureType
* lastUpdateDate
* auditTypeCode
* expenditureId
* systemLinkageFunction
* quantity
* expenditureSourceCode
* attribute1
* expenditureItemComment


 * changeCode
* denormId
* attribute7
* lateEntryCode
* attribute6
* reasonComment
* auditOrder
* expenditureClassCode
* projectId
* createdBy
* attribute2
* attribute5
* adjustedExpenditureItemId
* attribute10
* taskId
* expenditureItemDate
* attribute8
* lastUpdatedBy
* attributeCategory
* attribute3
* attribute4
* creationDate
* incurredByPersonId
* attribute9
* lastUpdateLogin
* expenditureType
* lastUpdateDate
* auditTypeCode
* expenditureId
* systemLinkageFunction
* quantity
* expenditureSourceCode
* attribute1
* expenditureItemComment


 * projfuncInvRateDate
* adjustedRate
* receiptCurrencyAmount
* recvrAccrualDate
* payrollAccrualFlag
* createdBy
* organizationId
* accrualRate
* documentDistributionType
* receiverLegalEntityId
* historicalFlag
* billTransForecastCurrCode
* ccIcProcessedCode
* ccMarkupBaseCode
* denomCurrencyCode
* ccCrossChargeType
* billHoldFlag
* billAmount
* projectRevRateDate
* projectTpExchangeRate
* burdenCostRate
* costDistributedFlag
* acctRawCost
* systemLinkageFunction
* billTransForecastRevenue
* attribute5
* documentLineNumber
* costingMethod
* prvdrAccrualDate
* attribute3
* projfuncTpExchangeRate
* billMarkupPercentage
* projectExchangeRate
* costBurdenDistributedFlag
* burdenCost
* srcSystemLinkageFunction
* billGroup
* denomRawCost
* attribute9
* legalEntityId
* projectInvRateDate
* projectTpRateDate
* adjustmentType
* fcbProcessFlag
* projectCurrencyCode
* projectInvRateType
* projfuncBillAmount
* rateSourceId
* attribute2
* eventNum
* projectRevRateType
* costDistWarningCode
* denomTransferPrice
* projfuncInvRateType
* projectBillAmount
* receiptExchangeRate
* denomBurdenedCost
* acctTransferPrice
* wipResourceId
* billTransBillAmount
* poPriceType
* invprocExchangeRate
* programApplicationId
* acctRateDate
* unitOfMeasure
* costJobId
* invprocRateDate
* projacctTransferPrice
* tpRulePercentage
* projfuncTransferPrice
* forecastRevenue
* projectTransferPrice
* inventoryItemId
* recvrOrgId
* invGenRejectionCode
* billTransCurrencyCode
* projectTpRateType
* burdenSumDestRunId
* creationDate
* projectInvExchangeRate
* projfuncFcstExchangeRate
* denomTpCurrencyCode
* lastUpdateDate
* attributeCategory
* billTransAdjustedRevenue
* cbsElementId
* revprocRateDate
* discountPercentage
* acctCurrencyCode
* payElementTypeId
* projfuncFcstRateType
* workTypeId
* invprocCurrencyCode
* ccRejectionCode
* rbcElementTypeId
* origTransactionReference
* overrideToOrganizationId
* netZeroAdjustmentFlag
* documentHeaderId
* costIndCompiledSetId
* documentPaymentId
* tpScheduleLinePercentage
* projfuncRevExchangeRate
* expenditureType
* programId
* invIndCompiledSetId
* accruedRevenue
* projectRateDate
* ccCrossChargeCode
* projectRevExchangeRate
* attribute8
* projfuncCurrencyCode
* eventTaskId
* attribute4
* orgId
* rawCost
* billJobId
* ccRecvrOrganizationId
* lastUpdatedBy
* sourceExpenditureItemId
* expenditureId
* quantity
* attribute7
* laborCostMultiplierName
* indCostDistRejectionCode
* attribute10
* billableFlag
* attribute6
* denormId
* tpJobId
* tpBillRate
* projectRawRevenue
* projectRateType
* adjustedRevenue
* projfuncCostRateType
* postedProjectBurdenedCost
* projectRawCost
* acctRateType
* tpIndCompiledSetId
* invprocRateType
* acctExchangeRoundingLimit
* billEmployeeBillingTitle
* projfuncCostRateDate
* acctExchangeRate
* transferredFromExpItemId
* laborMultiplier
* jobId
* crlAssetCreationRejCode
* projectId
* documentType
* costDistRejectionCode
* acctTpRateDate
* transactionSource
* ccBlDistributedCode
* programUpdateDate
* locationId
* convertedFlag
* acctTpRateType
* addInvGroup
* expenditureItemDate
* crlAssetCreationStatusCode
* revprocRateType
* rateSourceCode
* interfaceRunId
* projfuncRawRevenue
* projfuncCostExchangeRate
* attribute1
* postedAcctBurdenedCost
* poLineId
* tpAmtTypeCode
* capitalEventId
* revenueDistributedFlag
* revenueHoldFlag
* revIndCompiledSetId
* acctTpExchangeRate
* projfuncInvExchangeRate
* projfuncRevRateDate
* requestId
* projfuncFcstRateDate
* expenditureItemId
* ccPrvdrCostReclassCode
* provProjBillJobId
* billTransRawRevenue
* rawCostRate
* assignmentId
* tpBaseAmount
* projfuncTpRateType
* billRateMultiplier
* rateDiscReasonCode
* taskId
* receiptCurrencyCode
* rawRevenue
* projfuncTpRateDate
* projectBurdenedCost
* lastUpdateLogin
* postedDenomBurdenedCost
* nonLaborResource
* vendorId
* documentDistributionId
* projfuncRevRateType
* revDistRejectionCode
* postedProjfuncBurdenedCost
* amountCalculationCode
* billRate
* adjustedExpenditureItemId
* tpBillMarkupPercentage
* revprocCurrencyCode
* ccPrvdrOrganizationId
* revprocExchangeRate
* billJobBillingTitle
* acctBurdenedCost


 * projfuncInvRateDate
* adjustedRate
* receiptCurrencyAmount
* recvrAccrualDate
* payrollAccrualFlag
* createdBy
* organizationId
* accrualRate
* documentDistributionType
* receiverLegalEntityId
* historicalFlag
* billTransForecastCurrCode
* ccIcProcessedCode
* ccMarkupBaseCode
* denomCurrencyCode
* ccCrossChargeType
* billHoldFlag
* billAmount
* projectRevRateDate
* projectTpExchangeRate
* burdenCostRate
* costDistributedFlag
* acctRawCost
* systemLinkageFunction
* billTransForecastRevenue
* attribute5
* documentLineNumber
* costingMethod
* prvdrAccrualDate
* attribute3
* projfuncTpExchangeRate
* billMarkupPercentage
* projectExchangeRate
* costBurdenDistributedFlag
* burdenCost
* srcSystemLinkageFunction
* billGroup
* denomRawCost
* attribute9
* legalEntityId
* projectInvRateDate
* projectTpRateDate
* adjustmentType
* fcbProcessFlag
* projectCurrencyCode
* projectInvRateType
* projfuncBillAmount
* rateSourceId
* attribute2
* eventNum
* projectRevRateType
* costDistWarningCode
* denomTransferPrice
* projfuncInvRateType
* projectBillAmount
* receiptExchangeRate
* denomBurdenedCost
* acctTransferPrice
* wipResourceId
* billTransBillAmount
* poPriceType
* invprocExchangeRate
* programApplicationId
* acctRateDate
* unitOfMeasure
* costJobId
* invprocRateDate
* projacctTransferPrice
* tpRulePercentage
* projfuncTransferPrice
* forecastRevenue
* projectTransferPrice
* inventoryItemId
* recvrOrgId
* invGenRejectionCode
* billTransCurrencyCode
* projectTpRateType
* burdenSumDestRunId
* creationDate
* projectInvExchangeRate
* projfuncFcstExchangeRate
* denomTpCurrencyCode
* lastUpdateDate
* attributeCategory
* billTransAdjustedRevenue
* cbsElementId
* revprocRateDate
* discountPercentage
* acctCurrencyCode
* payElementTypeId
* projfuncFcstRateType
* workTypeId
* invprocCurrencyCode
* ccRejectionCode
* rbcElementTypeId
* origTransactionReference
* overrideToOrganizationId
* netZeroAdjustmentFlag
* documentHeaderId
* costIndCompiledSetId
* documentPaymentId
* tpScheduleLinePercentage
* projfuncRevExchangeRate
* expenditureType
* programId
* invIndCompiledSetId
* accruedRevenue
* projectRateDate
* ccCrossChargeCode
* projectRevExchangeRate
* attribute8
* projfuncCurrencyCode
* eventTaskId
* attribute4
* orgId
* rawCost
* billJobId
* ccRecvrOrganizationId
* lastUpdatedBy
* sourceExpenditureItemId
* expenditureId
* quantity
* attribute7
* laborCostMultiplierName
* indCostDistRejectionCode
* attribute10
* billableFlag
* attribute6
* denormId
* tpJobId
* tpBillRate
* projectRawRevenue
* projectRateType
* adjustedRevenue
* projfuncCostRateType
* postedProjectBurdenedCost
* projectRawCost
* acctRateType
* tpIndCompiledSetId
* invprocRateType
* acctExchangeRoundingLimit
* billEmployeeBillingTitle
* projfuncCostRateDate
* acctExchangeRate
* transferredFromExpItemId
* laborMultiplier
* jobId
* crlAssetCreationRejCode
* projectId
* documentType
* costDistRejectionCode
* acctTpRateDate
* transactionSource
* ccBlDistributedCode
* programUpdateDate
* locationId
* convertedFlag
* acctTpRateType
* addInvGroup
* expenditureItemDate
* crlAssetCreationStatusCode
* revprocRateType
* rateSourceCode
* interfaceRunId
* projfuncRawRevenue
* projfuncCostExchangeRate
* attribute1
* postedAcctBurdenedCost
* poLineId
* tpAmtTypeCode
* capitalEventId
* revenueDistributedFlag
* revenueHoldFlag
* revIndCompiledSetId
* acctTpExchangeRate
* projfuncInvExchangeRate
* projfuncRevRateDate
* requestId
* projfuncFcstRateDate
* expenditureItemId
* ccPrvdrCostReclassCode
* provProjBillJobId
* billTransRawRevenue
* rawCostRate
* assignmentId
* tpBaseAmount
* projfuncTpRateType
* billRateMultiplier
* rateDiscReasonCode
* taskId
* receiptCurrencyCode
* rawRevenue
* projfuncTpRateDate
* projectBurdenedCost
* lastUpdateLogin
* postedDenomBurdenedCost
* nonLaborResource
* vendorId
* documentDistributionId
* projfuncRevRateType
* revDistRejectionCode
* postedProjfuncBurdenedCost
* amountCalculationCode
* billRate
* adjustedExpenditureItemId
* tpBillMarkupPercentage
* revprocCurrencyCode
* ccPrvdrOrganizationId
* revprocExchangeRate
* billJobBillingTitle
* acctBurdenedCost


 * adjustedRevenue
* tpBillRate
* billTransRawRevenue
* projectRawRevenue
* projfuncCostExchangeRate
* attribute7
* projectTpExchangeRate
* billTransForecastCurrCode
* projfuncRevRateType
* projfuncTpRateType
* denomTransferPrice
* acctRawCost
* adjustedRate
* eventTaskId
* ccPrvdrOrganizationId
* projfuncInvRateType
* acctTpExchangeRate
* rateSourceId
* projectInvRateType
* billJobBillingTitle
* payElementTypeId
* rawRevenue
* costJobId
* receiptCurrencyAmount
* acctRateType
* attribute8
* projfuncInvRateDate
* projectId
* postedProjfuncBurdenedCost
* billTransForecastRevenue
* programId
* receiptCurrencyCode
* billTransCurrencyCode
* attribute4
* denormId
* discountPercentage
* costIndCompiledSetId
* ccCrossChargeCode
* lastUpdateLogin
* expenditureItemDate
* tpJobId
* projectBurdenedCost
* revprocRateType
* provProjBillJobId
* invprocRateDate
* programUpdateDate
* revIndCompiledSetId
* documentHeaderId
* projectTpRateType
* accrualRate
* projectInvExchangeRate
* burdenCost
* acctTransferPrice
* burdenCostRate
* amountCalculationCode
* projfuncBillAmount
* revprocCurrencyCode
* purgeProjectId
* systemLinkageFunction
* vendorId
* projfuncTpExchangeRate
* billRateMultiplier
* revenueDistributedFlag
* projectTpRateDate
* costBurdenDistributedFlag
* denomTpCurrencyCode
* projectRevExchangeRate
* adjustmentType
* jobId
* ccIcProcessedCode
* acctRateDate
* createdBy
* denomCurrencyCode
* projectBillAmount
* attributeCategory
* documentDistributionId
* documentDistributionType
* projfuncTpRateDate
* sourceExpenditureItemId
* transactionSource
* billJobId
* postedAcctBurdenedCost
* attribute6
* purgeRelease
* tpScheduleLinePercentage
* invIndCompiledSetId
* ccRejectionCode
* billEmployeeBillingTitle
* rateDiscReasonCode
* attribute2
* projfuncCostRateType
* rawCost
* attribute3
* attribute9
* transferredFromExpItemId
* purgeBatchId
* poPriceType
* projfuncFcstRateType
* accruedRevenue
* projectRateDate
* projfuncRevRateDate
* projectCurrencyCode
* invprocExchangeRate
* ccRecvrOrganizationId
* documentType
* costDistributedFlag
* revprocRateDate
* billAmount
* billRate
* acctTpRateType
* documentPaymentId
* receiptExchangeRate
* adjustedExpenditureItemId
* billHoldFlag
* tpIndCompiledSetId
* billMarkupPercentage
* attribute1
* workTypeId
* requestId
* creationDate
* recvrOrgId
* acctBurdenedCost
* netZeroAdjustmentFlag
* overrideToOrganizationId
* projectRevRateDate
* convertedFlag
* costDistWarningCode
* projectRawCost
* acctExchangeRoundingLimit
* tpBaseAmount
* crlAssetCreationStatusCode
* eventNum
* projectInvRateDate
* capitalEventId
* denomBurdenedCost
* taskId
* denomRawCost
* projectExchangeRate
* attribute10
* ccCrossChargeType
* projfuncRawRevenue
* documentLineNumber
* tpRulePercentage
* billTransBillAmount
* locationId
* poLineId
* attribute5
* projacctTransferPrice
* billTransAdjustedRevenue
* orgId
* prvdrAccrualDate
* indCostDistRejectionCode
* projectRevRateType
* tpAmtTypeCode
* acctTpRateDate
* recvrAccrualDate
* acctExchangeRate
* invprocRateType
* lastUpdatedBy
* quantity
* postedProjectBurdenedCost
* unitOfMeasure
* projectRateType
* projectTransferPrice
* organizationId
* laborMultiplier
* origTransactionReference
* ccMarkupBaseCode
* burdenSumDestRunId
* invprocCurrencyCode
* assignmentId
* inventoryItemId
* expenditureId
* projfuncCostRateDate
* programApplicationId
* postedDenomBurdenedCost
* expenditureItemId
* laborCostMultiplierName
* forecastRevenue
* projfuncInvExchangeRate
* acctCurrencyCode
* costDistRejectionCode
* projfuncFcstRateDate
* crlAssetCreationRejCode
* cbsElementId
* revDistRejectionCode
* projfuncCurrencyCode
* projfuncRevExchangeRate
* rawCostRate
* nonLaborResource
* tpBillMarkupPercentage
* projfuncFcstExchangeRate
* ccBlDistributedCode
* revprocExchangeRate
* lastUpdateDate
* invGenRejectionCode
* expenditureType
* wipResourceId
* billableFlag
* ccPrvdrCostReclassCode
* projfuncTransferPrice


 * adjustedRevenue
* tpBillRate
* billTransRawRevenue
* projectRawRevenue
* projfuncCostExchangeRate
* attribute7
* projectTpExchangeRate
* billTransForecastCurrCode
* projfuncRevRateType
* projfuncTpRateType
* denomTransferPrice
* acctRawCost
* adjustedRate
* eventTaskId
* ccPrvdrOrganizationId
* projfuncInvRateType
* acctTpExchangeRate
* rateSourceId
* projectInvRateType
* billJobBillingTitle
* payElementTypeId
* rawRevenue
* costJobId
* receiptCurrencyAmount
* acctRateType
* attribute8
* projfuncInvRateDate
* projectId
* postedProjfuncBurdenedCost
* billTransForecastRevenue
* programId
* receiptCurrencyCode
* billTransCurrencyCode
* attribute4
* denormId
* discountPercentage
* costIndCompiledSetId
* ccCrossChargeCode
* lastUpdateLogin
* expenditureItemDate
* tpJobId
* projectBurdenedCost
* revprocRateType
* provProjBillJobId
* invprocRateDate
* programUpdateDate
* revIndCompiledSetId
* documentHeaderId
* projectTpRateType
* accrualRate
* projectInvExchangeRate
* burdenCost
* acctTransferPrice
* burdenCostRate
* amountCalculationCode
* projfuncBillAmount
* revprocCurrencyCode
* purgeProjectId
* systemLinkageFunction
* vendorId
* projfuncTpExchangeRate
* billRateMultiplier
* revenueDistributedFlag
* projectTpRateDate
* costBurdenDistributedFlag
* denomTpCurrencyCode
* projectRevExchangeRate
* adjustmentType
* jobId
* ccIcProcessedCode
* acctRateDate
* createdBy
* denomCurrencyCode
* projectBillAmount
* attributeCategory
* documentDistributionId
* documentDistributionType
* projfuncTpRateDate
* sourceExpenditureItemId
* transactionSource
* billJobId
* postedAcctBurdenedCost
* attribute6
* purgeRelease
* tpScheduleLinePercentage
* invIndCompiledSetId
* ccRejectionCode
* billEmployeeBillingTitle
* rateDiscReasonCode
* attribute2
* projfuncCostRateType
* rawCost
* attribute3
* attribute9
* transferredFromExpItemId
* purgeBatchId
* poPriceType
* projfuncFcstRateType
* accruedRevenue
* projectRateDate
* projfuncRevRateDate
* projectCurrencyCode
* invprocExchangeRate
* ccRecvrOrganizationId
* documentType
* costDistributedFlag
* revprocRateDate
* billAmount
* billRate
* acctTpRateType
* documentPaymentId
* receiptExchangeRate
* adjustedExpenditureItemId
* billHoldFlag
* tpIndCompiledSetId
* billMarkupPercentage
* attribute1
* workTypeId
* requestId
* creationDate
* recvrOrgId
* acctBurdenedCost
* netZeroAdjustmentFlag
* overrideToOrganizationId
* projectRevRateDate
* convertedFlag
* costDistWarningCode
* projectRawCost
* acctExchangeRoundingLimit
* tpBaseAmount
* crlAssetCreationStatusCode
* eventNum
* projectInvRateDate
* capitalEventId
* denomBurdenedCost
* taskId
* denomRawCost
* projectExchangeRate
* attribute10
* ccCrossChargeType
* projfuncRawRevenue
* documentLineNumber
* tpRulePercentage
* billTransBillAmount
* locationId
* poLineId
* attribute5
* projacctTransferPrice
* billTransAdjustedRevenue
* orgId
* prvdrAccrualDate
* indCostDistRejectionCode
* projectRevRateType
* tpAmtTypeCode
* acctTpRateDate
* recvrAccrualDate
* acctExchangeRate
* invprocRateType
* lastUpdatedBy
* quantity
* postedProjectBurdenedCost
* unitOfMeasure
* projectRateType
* projectTransferPrice
* organizationId
* laborMultiplier
* origTransactionReference
* ccMarkupBaseCode
* burdenSumDestRunId
* invprocCurrencyCode
* assignmentId
* inventoryItemId
* expenditureId
* projfuncCostRateDate
* programApplicationId
* postedDenomBurdenedCost
* expenditureItemId
* laborCostMultiplierName
* forecastRevenue
* projfuncInvExchangeRate
* acctCurrencyCode
* costDistRejectionCode
* projfuncFcstRateDate
* crlAssetCreationRejCode
* cbsElementId
* revDistRejectionCode
* projfuncCurrencyCode
* projfuncRevExchangeRate
* rawCostRate
* nonLaborResource
* tpBillMarkupPercentage
* projfuncFcstExchangeRate
* ccBlDistributedCode
* revprocExchangeRate
* lastUpdateDate
* invGenRejectionCode
* expenditureType
* wipResourceId
* billableFlag
* ccPrvdrCostReclassCode
* projfuncTransferPrice


 * expenditureType
* outputVatTaxId
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* createdBy
* orgId
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* outputTaxClassificationCode


 * expenditureType
* outputVatTaxId
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* createdBy
* orgId
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* outputTaxClassificationCode


 * expenditureTypeId
* creationDate
* revenueCategoryCode
* adwNotifyFlag
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute13
* lastUpdatedBy
* startDateActive
* endDateActive
* attribute9
* attribute7
* systemLinkageFunction
* attribute5
* attribute6
* createdBy
* attribute4
* expenditureCategory
* description
* attribute2
* attribute14
* attribute10
* expenditureType
* attribute1
* attribute3
* attribute11
* lastUpdateDate
* unitOfMeasure
* attribute15
* attribute8
* costRateFlag
* attributeCategory
* attribute12


 * expenditureTypeId
* creationDate
* revenueCategoryCode
* adwNotifyFlag
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute13
* lastUpdatedBy
* startDateActive
* endDateActive
* attribute9
* attribute7
* systemLinkageFunction
* attribute5
* attribute6
* createdBy
* attribute4
* expenditureCategory
* description
* attribute2
* attribute14
* attribute10
* expenditureType
* attribute1
* attribute3
* attribute11
* lastUpdateDate
* unitOfMeasure
* attribute15
* attribute8
* costRateFlag
* attributeCategory
* attribute12


 * requestId
* acctCurrencyCode
* incurredByPersonId
* enteredByPersonId
* creationDate
* programApplicationId
* attribute1
* attribute2
* attribute6
* attribute10
* acctRateDate
* vendorId
* programId
* acctExchangeRate
* lastUpdatedBy
* attributeCategory
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute4
* pteReference
* createdBy
* controlTotalAmount
* initialSubmissionDate
* attribute9
* wfStatusCode
* programUpdateDate
* attribute3
* denomCurrencyCode
* attribute5
* orgId
* lastUpdateDate
* origUserExpTxnReference
* expenditureEndingDate
* expenditureGroup
* personType
* incurredByOrganizationId
* attribute7
* userBatchName
* origExpTxnReference1
* origExpTxnReference3
* attribute8
* acctRateType
* origExpTxnReference2
* overridingApproverPersonId
* expenditureId
* expenditureClassCode
* expenditureStatusCode
* description
* transferStatusCode


 * requestId
* acctCurrencyCode
* incurredByPersonId
* enteredByPersonId
* creationDate
* programApplicationId
* attribute1
* attribute2
* attribute6
* attribute10
* acctRateDate
* vendorId
* programId
* acctExchangeRate
* lastUpdatedBy
* attributeCategory
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute4
* pteReference
* createdBy
* controlTotalAmount
* initialSubmissionDate
* attribute9
* wfStatusCode
* programUpdateDate
* attribute3
* denomCurrencyCode
* attribute5
* orgId
* lastUpdateDate
* origUserExpTxnReference
* expenditureEndingDate
* expenditureGroup
* personType
* incurredByOrganizationId
* attribute7
* userBatchName
* origExpTxnReference1
* origExpTxnReference3
* attribute8
* acctRateType
* origExpTxnReference2
* overridingApproverPersonId
* expenditureId
* expenditureClassCode
* expenditureStatusCode
* description
* transferStatusCode


 * acctCurrencyCode
* attribute6
* origExpTxnReference2
* purgeBatchId
* attribute7
* pteReference
* origExpTxnReference1
* lastUpdateLogin
* incurredByOrganizationId
* requestId
* expenditureGroup
* denomCurrencyCode
* overridingApproverPersonId
* programApplicationId
* purgeProjectId
* enteredByPersonId
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute8
* lastUpdatedBy
* creationDate
* personType
* wfStatusCode
* attribute9
* attribute2
* acctRateType
* initialSubmissionDate
* origUserExpTxnReference
* incurredByPersonId
* origExpTxnReference3
* purgeRelease
* acctRateDate
* expenditureEndingDate
* expenditureClassCode
* attributeCategory
* programUpdateDate
* controlTotalAmount
* userBatchName
* createdBy
* attribute3
* attribute4
* expenditureStatusCode
* vendorId
* orgId
* attribute1
* attribute5
* programId
* acctExchangeRate
* transferStatusCode
* description
* attribute10
* expenditureId


 * acctCurrencyCode
* attribute6
* origExpTxnReference2
* purgeBatchId
* attribute7
* pteReference
* origExpTxnReference1
* lastUpdateLogin
* incurredByOrganizationId
* requestId
* expenditureGroup
* denomCurrencyCode
* overridingApproverPersonId
* programApplicationId
* purgeProjectId
* enteredByPersonId
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute8
* lastUpdatedBy
* creationDate
* personType
* wfStatusCode
* attribute9
* attribute2
* acctRateType
* initialSubmissionDate
* origUserExpTxnReference
* incurredByPersonId
* origExpTxnReference3
* purgeRelease
* acctRateDate
* expenditureEndingDate
* expenditureClassCode
* attributeCategory
* programUpdateDate
* controlTotalAmount
* userBatchName
* createdBy
* attribute3
* attribute4
* expenditureStatusCode
* vendorId
* orgId
* attribute1
* attribute5
* programId
* acctExchangeRate
* transferStatusCode
* description
* attribute10
* expenditureId


 * maxTransactionReferenceId
* requestId
* objectType
* objectId
* ucmFileId


 * maxTransactionReferenceId
* requestId
* objectType
* objectId
* ucmFileId


 * itemUom
* creationDate
* txnRevenue
* projfuncBurdenedCost
* itemDate
* revenueTxnCurrencyCode
* projfuncRevenue
* projfuncRevenueRateType
* forecastItemId
* lineNumReversed
* programId
* tpTxnCurrencyCode
* expfuncCostExchangeRate
* lastUpdateDate
* projectRevenueRateDate
* programApplicationId
* expfuncCostRateType
* expfuncTpRateType
* projectTransferPrice
* expfuncTransferPrice
* projfuncTpExchangeRate
* projfuncRevenueExchangeRate
* expfuncRawCost
* createdBy
* txnRawCost
* itemQuantity
* projectRevenue
* projectCostExchangeRate
* projectRevenueExchangeRate
* netZeroFlag
* txnTransferPrice
* projectRevenueRateType
* projfuncCostRateType
* projfuncRawCost
* projfuncTransferPrice
* lineNum
* lastUpdatedBy
* programUpdateDate
* projfuncCostRateDate
* projfuncCostExchangeRate
* expfuncCurrencyCode
* expfuncBurdenedCost
* expfuncTpRateDate
* costTxnCurrencyCode
* projectTpRateDate
* projfuncRevenueRateDate
* projectTpRateType
* projectCostRateType
* reversedFlag
* projfuncTpRateDate
* projectRawCost
* projectCurrencyCode
* expfuncTpExchangeRate
* lastUpdateLogin
* txnBurdenedCost
* projectCostRateDate
* projectBurdenedCost
* projfuncCurrencyCode
* projectTpExchangeRate
* projfuncTpRateType
* requestId
* expfuncCostRateDate


 * projectCostExchangeRate
* lastUpdateDate
* creationDate
* projectTpExchangeRate
* itemDate
* costTxnCurrencyCode
* txnRawCost
* projectTransferPrice
* lastUpdateLogin
* projfuncCostExchangeRate
* expfuncCostExchangeRate
* expfuncBurdenedCost
* projfuncBurdenedCost
* txnTransferPrice
* programUpdateDate
* revenueTxnCurrencyCode
* expfuncTransferPrice
* programId
* netZeroFlag
* expfuncRawCost
* projectCurrencyCode
* projfuncRawCost
* projfuncRateDate
* lineNum
* projectCostRateType
* projfuncRateType
* projfuncCurrencyCode
* projectRawCost
* programApplicationId
* projfuncExchangeRate
* createdBy
* expfuncCurrencyCode
* purgeProjectId
* txnRevenue
* requestId
* projectRevenueRateType
* purgeBatchId
* reversedFlag
* projectTpRateType
* projfuncRevenue
* projectCostRateDate
* itemUom
* expfuncCostRateType
* expfuncTpRateDate
* expfuncTpExchangeRate
* lineNumReversed
* projectRevenueRateDate
* projectBurdenedCost
* expfuncTpRateType
* expfuncCostRateDate
* projfuncTransferPrice
* purgeRelease
* projectRevenueExchangeRate
* lastUpdatedBy
* projectRevenue
* tpTxnCurrencyCode
* forecastItemId
* itemQuantity
* projfuncCostRateType
* projfuncCostRateDate
* txnBurdenedCost
* projectTpRateDate


 * projectCostExchangeRate
* lastUpdateDate
* creationDate
* projectTpExchangeRate
* itemDate
* costTxnCurrencyCode
* txnRawCost
* projectTransferPrice
* lastUpdateLogin
* projfuncCostExchangeRate
* expfuncCostExchangeRate
* expfuncBurdenedCost
* projfuncBurdenedCost
* txnTransferPrice
* programUpdateDate
* revenueTxnCurrencyCode
* expfuncTransferPrice
* programId
* netZeroFlag
* expfuncRawCost
* projectCurrencyCode
* projfuncRawCost
* projfuncRateDate
* lineNum
* projectCostRateType
* projfuncRateType
* projfuncCurrencyCode
* projectRawCost
* programApplicationId
* projfuncExchangeRate
* createdBy
* expfuncCurrencyCode
* purgeProjectId
* txnRevenue
* requestId
* projectRevenueRateType
* purgeBatchId
* reversedFlag
* projectTpRateType
* projfuncRevenue
* projectCostRateDate
* itemUom
* expfuncCostRateType
* expfuncTpRateDate
* expfuncTpExchangeRate
* lineNumReversed
* projectRevenueRateDate
* projectBurdenedCost
* expfuncTpRateType
* expfuncCostRateDate
* projfuncTransferPrice
* purgeRelease
* projectRevenueExchangeRate
* lastUpdatedBy
* projectRevenue
* tpTxnCurrencyCode
* forecastItemId
* itemQuantity
* projfuncCostRateType
* projfuncCostRateDate
* txnBurdenedCost
* projectTpRateDate


 * itemUom
* creationDate
* txnRevenue
* projfuncBurdenedCost
* itemDate
* revenueTxnCurrencyCode
* projfuncRevenue
* projfuncRevenueRateType
* forecastItemId
* lineNumReversed
* programId
* tpTxnCurrencyCode
* expfuncCostExchangeRate
* lastUpdateDate
* projectRevenueRateDate
* programApplicationId
* expfuncCostRateType
* expfuncTpRateType
* projectTransferPrice
* expfuncTransferPrice
* projfuncTpExchangeRate
* projfuncRevenueExchangeRate
* expfuncRawCost
* createdBy
* txnRawCost
* itemQuantity
* projectRevenue
* projectCostExchangeRate
* projectRevenueExchangeRate
* netZeroFlag
* txnTransferPrice
* projectRevenueRateType
* projfuncCostRateType
* projfuncRawCost
* projfuncTransferPrice
* lineNum
* lastUpdatedBy
* programUpdateDate
* projfuncCostRateDate
* projfuncCostExchangeRate
* expfuncCurrencyCode
* expfuncBurdenedCost
* expfuncTpRateDate
* costTxnCurrencyCode
* projectTpRateDate
* projfuncRevenueRateDate
* projectTpRateType
* projectCostRateType
* reversedFlag
* projfuncTpRateDate
* projectRawCost
* projectCurrencyCode
* expfuncTpExchangeRate
* lastUpdateLogin
* txnBurdenedCost
* projectCostRateDate
* projectBurdenedCost
* projfuncCurrencyCode
* projectTpExchangeRate
* projfuncTpRateType
* requestId
* expfuncCostRateDate


 * projectOrganizationId
* pouPoCommittedCost
* pouBillBrdnCost
* workerId
* g1PoCommittedCost
* assignmentId
* g2BillRawCost
* pouBrdnCost
* g1SupInvCommittedCost
* billQuantity
* prjPrCommittedCost
* quantity
* g1BrdnCost
* pouSupInvCommittedCost
* g1PrCommittedCost
* eouPoCommittedCost
* txnBillBrdnCost
* txnAccumHeaderId
* recvrPeriodType
* g1BillBrdnCost
* eouBillRawCost
* eouSupInvCommittedCost
* g2PoCommittedCost
* cbsVersionId
* resourceClassId
* txnBillRawCost
* pouRevenueWriteoff
* taskId
* txnPrCommittedCost
* g1BillRawCost
* projectTypeClass
* prjPoCommittedCost
* txnRawCost
* txnCurrencyCode
* txnBrdnCost
* txnSupInvCommittedCost
* g2SupInvCommittedCost
* namedRole
* g2BrdnCost
* g1Revenue
* eouRevenue
* eouRawCost
* eouOthCommittedCost
* recvrPeriodId
* pouOthCommittedCost
* g2PrCommittedCost
* g2RevenueWriteoff
* pouBillRawCost
* cbsElementId
* prjOthCommittedCost
* prjBillBrdnCost
* prjRevenueWriteoff
* recordType
* pouRawCost
* g1RevenueWriteoff
* eouBrdnCost
* g1OthCommittedCost
* eouBillBrdnCost
* projectOrgId
* txnPoCommittedCost
* prjRevenue
* pouPrCommittedCost
* txnOthCommittedCost
* g2RawCost
* prjBillRawCost
* g1RawCost
* prjBrdnCost
* prjSupInvCommittedCost
* g2OthCommittedCost
* g2Revenue
* txnRevenue
* eouPrCommittedCost
* g2BillBrdnCost
* projectId
* prjRawCost
* pouRevenue


 * projectOrganizationId
* pouPoCommittedCost
* pouBillBrdnCost
* workerId
* g1PoCommittedCost
* assignmentId
* g2BillRawCost
* pouBrdnCost
* g1SupInvCommittedCost
* billQuantity
* prjPrCommittedCost
* quantity
* g1BrdnCost
* pouSupInvCommittedCost
* g1PrCommittedCost
* eouPoCommittedCost
* txnBillBrdnCost
* txnAccumHeaderId
* recvrPeriodType
* g1BillBrdnCost
* eouBillRawCost
* eouSupInvCommittedCost
* g2PoCommittedCost
* cbsVersionId
* resourceClassId
* txnBillRawCost
* pouRevenueWriteoff
* taskId
* txnPrCommittedCost
* g1BillRawCost
* projectTypeClass
* prjPoCommittedCost
* txnRawCost
* txnCurrencyCode
* txnBrdnCost
* txnSupInvCommittedCost
* g2SupInvCommittedCost
* namedRole
* g2BrdnCost
* g1Revenue
* eouRevenue
* eouRawCost
* eouOthCommittedCost
* recvrPeriodId
* pouOthCommittedCost
* g2PrCommittedCost
* g2RevenueWriteoff
* pouBillRawCost
* cbsElementId
* prjOthCommittedCost
* prjBillBrdnCost
* prjRevenueWriteoff
* recordType
* pouRawCost
* g1RevenueWriteoff
* eouBrdnCost
* g1OthCommittedCost
* eouBillBrdnCost
* projectOrgId
* txnPoCommittedCost
* prjRevenue
* pouPrCommittedCost
* txnOthCommittedCost
* g2RawCost
* prjBillRawCost
* g1RawCost
* prjBrdnCost
* prjSupInvCommittedCost
* g2OthCommittedCost
* g2Revenue
* txnRevenue
* eouPrCommittedCost
* g2BillBrdnCost
* projectId
* prjRawCost
* pouRevenue


 * lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdateDate
* projectId
* lastUpdatedBy
* periodName
* createdBy
* rawCostAdjustment
* headCountAdjustment
* adjustmentComments
* utilizationAdjustment
* burdenedCostAdjustment
* taskId
* finPlanAdjLineId
* creationDate
* resourceAssignmentId
* endDate
* budgetVersionId
* adjElementId
* revenueAdjustment
* startDate


 * lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdateDate
* projectId
* lastUpdatedBy
* periodName
* createdBy
* rawCostAdjustment
* headCountAdjustment
* adjustmentComments
* utilizationAdjustment
* burdenedCostAdjustment
* taskId
* finPlanAdjLineId
* creationDate
* resourceAssignmentId
* endDate
* budgetVersionId
* adjElementId
* revenueAdjustment
* startDate


 * zdSync
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* createdBy
* burdenedCostFlag
* burdenRateFlag
* finPlanAmountSetId
* revenueFlag
* rawCostFlag
* tpCostFlag
* capacityFlag
* amountSetTypeCode
* lastUpdatedBy
* zdEditionName
* revenueQtyFlag
* costQtyFlag
* utilHoursFlag
* utilPercentFlag
* billRateFlag
* costRateFlag
* creationDate
* preDefinedFlag
* tpRevenueFlag
* allQtyFlag


 * zdSync
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* createdBy
* burdenedCostFlag
* burdenRateFlag
* finPlanAmountSetId
* revenueFlag
* rawCostFlag
* tpCostFlag
* capacityFlag
* amountSetTypeCode
* lastUpdatedBy
* zdEditionName
* revenueQtyFlag
* costQtyFlag
* utilHoursFlag
* utilPercentFlag
* billRateFlag
* costRateFlag
* creationDate
* preDefinedFlag
* tpRevenueFlag
* allQtyFlag


 * projectCostRateDate
* startDateActive
* attribute8
* usedInBillingFlag
* attribute7
* projectCostRateDateType
* attribute3
* createdBy
* attribute15
* projfuncCostRateDate
* planClassCode
* zdEditionName
* attribute14
* enablePartialImplFlag
* editGeneratedAmtFlag
* lastUpdateDate
* projectRevRateDateType
* attribute11
* attributeCategory
* primaryRevForecastFlag
* attribute12
* editAfterBaselineFlag
* lastUpdateLogin
* preDefinedFlag
* projfuncCostRateType
* approvedRevPlanTypeFlag
* attribute4
* creationDate
* primaryCostForecastFlag
* attribute2
* attribute13
* approvedCostPlanTypeFlag
* attribute1
* attribute6
* attribute9
* projfuncRevRateDate
* zdSync
* projfuncCostRateDateType
* attribute5
* useForWorkplanFlag
* projfuncRevRateType
* finPlanTypeCode
* recordVersionNumber
* attribute10
* projectRevRateType
* migratedFrmBdgtTypCode
* lastUpdatedBy
* endDateActive
* generatedFlag
* projectCostRateType
* finPlanTypeId
* projectRevRateDate
* projfuncRevRateDateType
* enableWfFlag


 * projectCostRateDate
* startDateActive
* attribute8
* usedInBillingFlag
* attribute7
* projectCostRateDateType
* attribute3
* createdBy
* attribute15
* projfuncCostRateDate
* planClassCode
* zdEditionName
* attribute14
* enablePartialImplFlag
* editGeneratedAmtFlag
* lastUpdateDate
* projectRevRateDateType
* attribute11
* attributeCategory
* primaryRevForecastFlag
* attribute12
* editAfterBaselineFlag
* lastUpdateLogin
* preDefinedFlag
* projfuncCostRateType
* approvedRevPlanTypeFlag
* attribute4
* creationDate
* primaryCostForecastFlag
* attribute2
* attribute13
* approvedCostPlanTypeFlag
* attribute1
* attribute6
* attribute9
* projfuncRevRateDate
* zdSync
* projfuncCostRateDateType
* attribute5
* useForWorkplanFlag
* projfuncRevRateType
* finPlanTypeCode
* recordVersionNumber
* attribute10
* projectRevRateType
* migratedFrmBdgtTypCode
* lastUpdatedBy
* endDateActive
* generatedFlag
* projectCostRateType
* finPlanTypeId
* projectRevRateDate
* projfuncRevRateDateType
* enableWfFlag


 * lastUpdateDate
* creationDate
* language
* description
* sourceLang
* lastUpdatedBy
* finPlanTypeId
* name
* zdSync
* createdBy
* zdEditionName
* lastUpdateLogin


 * lastUpdateDate
* creationDate
* language
* description
* sourceLang
* lastUpdatedBy
* finPlanTypeId
* name
* zdSync
* createdBy
* zdEditionName
* lastUpdateLogin


 * amountTypeId
* creationDate
* overcommitmentQty
* resourceTypeCode
* itemQuantity
* denomCurrencyCode
* expenditureOrgId
* projCurrencyCode
* resourceId
* rcvrAcctAmount
* programUpdateDate
* itemDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* resourceUtilWeighted
* provisionalFlag
* confirmedQty
* provisionalQty
* tpAmountType
* reversedFlag
* overprovisionalQty
* expenditureOrganizationId
* lastUpdatedBy
* lineNumReversed
* rcvrAcctCurrCode
* billableFlag
* netZeroFlag
* projectId
* utilSummarizedCode
* denomAmount
* forecastItemId
* createdBy
* forecastSummarizedCode
* programId
* projectOrgId
* workTypeId
* pvdrAcctCurrCode
* itemUom
* resourceUtilCategoryId
* projAmount
* pjiSummarizedFlag
* capacityQuantity
* orgUtilWeighted
* orgUtilCategoryId
* requestId
* pvdrAcctAmount
* overProvConfQty
* reduceCapacityFlag
* programApplicationId
* lastUpdateDate
* lineNum
* jobId
* personBillableFlag


 * amountTypeId
* creationDate
* overcommitmentQty
* resourceTypeCode
* itemQuantity
* denomCurrencyCode
* expenditureOrgId
* projCurrencyCode
* resourceId
* rcvrAcctAmount
* programUpdateDate
* itemDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* resourceUtilWeighted
* provisionalFlag
* confirmedQty
* provisionalQty
* tpAmountType
* reversedFlag
* overprovisionalQty
* expenditureOrganizationId
* lastUpdatedBy
* lineNumReversed
* rcvrAcctCurrCode
* billableFlag
* netZeroFlag
* projectId
* utilSummarizedCode
* denomAmount
* forecastItemId
* createdBy
* forecastSummarizedCode
* programId
* projectOrgId
* workTypeId
* pvdrAcctCurrCode
* itemUom
* resourceUtilCategoryId
* projAmount
* pjiSummarizedFlag
* capacityQuantity
* orgUtilWeighted
* orgUtilCategoryId
* requestId
* pvdrAcctAmount
* overProvConfQty
* reduceCapacityFlag
* programApplicationId
* lastUpdateDate
* lineNum
* jobId
* personBillableFlag


 * asgmtSysStatusCode
* projectRevenue
* projfuncRevenue
* itemQuantity
* provisionalQty
* projfuncTransferPrice
* borrowedFlag
* revenueTxnCurrencyCode
* burdenRejectionCode
* rcvrGlPeriodName
* availabilityFlag
* expenditureOrganizationId
* revRejectionCode
* capacityQuantity
* expfuncCurrencyCode
* projfuncCurrencyCode
* deleteFlag
* resourceId
* forecastItemType
* tpAmountType
* forecastItemId
* provisionalFlag
* projfuncRawCost
* rcvrPaPeriodName
* pvdrPeriodSetName
* overProvConfQty
* txnRawCost
* itemDate
* availabilityQuantity
* projectCurrencyCode
* costTxnCurrencyCode
* overprovisionalQty
* requestId
* creationDate
* forecastAmtCalcFlag
* itemUom
* lastUpdateLogin
* programId
* expfuncBurdenedCost
* lastUpdateDate
* jobId
* overcommitmentQuantity
* overcommitmentFlag
* lastUpdatedBy
* assignmentId
* expfuncRawCost
* costRejectionCode
* otherRejectionCode
* projectTransferPrice
* projectRawCost
* personId
* tpTxnCurrencyCode
* projfuncBurdenedCost
* expenditureOrgId
* expenditureType
* projectId
* projectBurdenedCost
* confirmedQty
* txnTransferPrice
* tpRejectionCode
* pvdrGlPeriodName
* txnBurdenedCost
* txnRevenue
* globalExpPeriodEndDate
* programApplicationId
* createdBy
* expenditureTypeClass
* pvdrPaPeriodName
* projectOrganizationId
* programUpdateDate
* projectOrgId
* projectTypeClass
* rcvrPeriodSetName
* errorFlag
* expfuncTransferPrice


 * asgmtSysStatusCode
* projectRevenue
* projfuncRevenue
* itemQuantity
* provisionalQty
* projfuncTransferPrice
* borrowedFlag
* revenueTxnCurrencyCode
* burdenRejectionCode
* rcvrGlPeriodName
* availabilityFlag
* expenditureOrganizationId
* revRejectionCode
* capacityQuantity
* expfuncCurrencyCode
* projfuncCurrencyCode
* deleteFlag
* resourceId
* forecastItemType
* tpAmountType
* forecastItemId
* provisionalFlag
* projfuncRawCost
* rcvrPaPeriodName
* pvdrPeriodSetName
* overProvConfQty
* txnRawCost
* itemDate
* availabilityQuantity
* projectCurrencyCode
* costTxnCurrencyCode
* overprovisionalQty
* requestId
* creationDate
* forecastAmtCalcFlag
* itemUom
* lastUpdateLogin
* programId
* expfuncBurdenedCost
* lastUpdateDate
* jobId
* overcommitmentQuantity
* overcommitmentFlag
* lastUpdatedBy
* assignmentId
* expfuncRawCost
* costRejectionCode
* otherRejectionCode
* projectTransferPrice
* projectRawCost
* personId
* tpTxnCurrencyCode
* projfuncBurdenedCost
* expenditureOrgId
* expenditureType
* projectId
* projectBurdenedCost
* confirmedQty
* txnTransferPrice
* tpRejectionCode
* pvdrGlPeriodName
* txnBurdenedCost
* txnRevenue
* globalExpPeriodEndDate
* programApplicationId
* createdBy
* expenditureTypeClass
* pvdrPaPeriodName
* projectOrganizationId
* programUpdateDate
* projectOrgId
* projectTypeClass
* rcvrPeriodSetName
* errorFlag
* expfuncTransferPrice


 * lastUpdateLogin
* createdBy
* defaultTpAmountType
* utilCalcMethod
* billUnassignTimeFlag
* paPeriodFlag
* lastUpdatedBy
* billUnassignProjId
* forecastClassCategory
* billUnassignExpType
* orgId
* glPeriodFlag
* nonbillUnassignExpTypCls
* jobCostRateScheduleId
* actualsThruDate
* defaultAssignExpType
* numberOfPeriods
* maxHistoricalVersions
* forecastThruDate
* nonbillUnassignProjId
* nonbillUnassignExpType
* includeAdminProjFlag
* lastUpdateDate
* creationDate
* startPeriodName
* billUnassignExpTypeClass
* keyMemberRoleId
* orgFcstPeriodType
* orgFcstProjectTemplateId
* defaultAssignExpTypeClass
* nonbillUnassignTimeFlag
* weightedOrFullCode


 * lastUpdateLogin
* createdBy
* defaultTpAmountType
* utilCalcMethod
* billUnassignTimeFlag
* paPeriodFlag
* lastUpdatedBy
* billUnassignProjId
* forecastClassCategory
* billUnassignExpType
* orgId
* glPeriodFlag
* nonbillUnassignExpTypCls
* jobCostRateScheduleId
* actualsThruDate
* defaultAssignExpType
* numberOfPeriods
* maxHistoricalVersions
* forecastThruDate
* nonbillUnassignProjId
* nonbillUnassignExpType
* includeAdminProjFlag
* lastUpdateDate
* creationDate
* startPeriodName
* billUnassignExpTypeClass
* keyMemberRoleId
* orgFcstPeriodType
* orgFcstProjectTemplateId
* defaultAssignExpTypeClass
* nonbillUnassignTimeFlag
* weightedOrFullCode


 * resourceAssignmentId
* taskId
* lastUpdateDate
* adjElementId
* createdBy
* adjustmentComments
* adjustmentReasonCode
* creationDate
* projectId
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* budgetVersionId


 * resourceAssignmentId
* taskId
* lastUpdateDate
* adjElementId
* createdBy
* adjustmentComments
* adjustmentReasonCode
* creationDate
* projectId
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* budgetVersionId


 * topTaskId
* projectId
* elementType
* resourceListMemberId
* tmpPlannableFlag
* projFpOptionsId
* creationDate
* resourcesPlannedForTask
* lastUpdateLogin
* recordVersionNumber
* finPlanTypeId
* tmpTopTaskPlanningLevel
* finPlanVersionId
* planAmountExistsFlag
* createdBy
* projFpElementsId
* taskId
* topTaskPlanningLevel
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* resourcePlanningLevel
* plannableFlag


 * topTaskId
* projectId
* elementType
* resourceListMemberId
* tmpPlannableFlag
* projFpOptionsId
* creationDate
* resourcesPlannedForTask
* lastUpdateLogin
* recordVersionNumber
* finPlanTypeId
* tmpTopTaskPlanningLevel
* finPlanVersionId
* planAmountExistsFlag
* createdBy
* projFpElementsId
* taskId
* topTaskPlanningLevel
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* resourcePlanningLevel
* plannableFlag


 * elementType
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdatedBy
* finPlanTypeId
* creationDate
* projFpOptionsId
* projectId
* finPlanVersionId
* lastUpdateDate
* createdBy
* taskId
* recordVersionNumber


 * elementType
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdatedBy
* finPlanTypeId
* creationDate
* projFpOptionsId
* projectId
* finPlanVersionId
* lastUpdateDate
* createdBy
* taskId
* recordVersionNumber


 * implQuantity
* projectId
* ciPlanVersionId
* implProjBurdenedCost
* planVersionId
* lastUpdatedBy
* creationDate
* versionType
* recordVersionNumber
* implAgrRevenue
* inclusionMethodCode
* createdBy
* implProjFuncRevenue
* implProjRawCost
* implProjFuncBurdenedCost
* implProjFuncRawCost
* implProjRevenue
* implEquipmentQuantity
* lastUpdateLogin
* includedByPersonId
* ciId
* lastUpdateDate


 * implQuantity
* projectId
* ciPlanVersionId
* implProjBurdenedCost
* planVersionId
* lastUpdatedBy
* creationDate
* versionType
* recordVersionNumber
* implAgrRevenue
* inclusionMethodCode
* createdBy
* implProjFuncRevenue
* implProjRawCost
* implProjFuncBurdenedCost
* implProjFuncRawCost
* implProjRevenue
* implEquipmentQuantity
* lastUpdateLogin
* includedByPersonId
* ciId
* lastUpdateDate


 * prd12
* prd35
* prd39
* categoryId
* prd20
* prd34
* prd27
* prd3
* prd8
* prd52
* prd16
* prd40
* prd25
* prd46
* prd21
* prd51
* prd1
* prd15
* prd42
* prd37
* prd2
* prd23
* prd7
* prd44
* prd6
* prd28
* prd22
* prd9
* prd33
* prd19
* prd31
* prd45
* resourceName
* budgetVersionId
* prd36
* category
* prd5
* orgId
* prd18
* otherOrganizationName
* prd26
* prd24
* projectName
* amountTypeCode
* prd50
* prd17
* prd49
* prd41
* prd30
* prd48
* sessionId
* prd32
* prd11
* prd14
* prd38
* prd47
* prd13
* prd29
* prd4
* prd10
* prd43


 * prd12
* prd35
* prd39
* categoryId
* prd20
* prd34
* prd27
* prd3
* prd8
* prd52
* prd16
* prd40
* prd25
* prd46
* prd21
* prd51
* prd1
* prd15
* prd42
* prd37
* prd2
* prd23
* prd7
* prd44
* prd6
* prd28
* prd22
* prd9
* prd33
* prd19
* prd31
* prd45
* resourceName
* budgetVersionId
* prd36
* category
* prd5
* orgId
* prd18
* otherOrganizationName
* prd26
* prd24
* projectName
* amountTypeCode
* prd50
* prd17
* prd49
* prd41
* prd30
* prd48
* sessionId
* prd32
* prd11
* prd14
* prd38
* prd47
* prd13
* prd29
* prd4
* prd10
* prd43


 * optionType
* createdBy
* finPlanTypeId
* lastUpdateLogin
* projectId
* lastUpdateDate
* amountTypeCode
* creationDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* recordVersionNumber


 * optionType
* createdBy
* finPlanTypeId
* lastUpdateLogin
* projectId
* lastUpdateDate
* amountTypeCode
* creationDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* recordVersionNumber


 * projfuncCostExchangeRate
* projfuncCurrencyFlag
* projectRevExchangeRate
* defaultRevCurrFlag
* finPlanTypeId
* projFpOptionsId
* createdBy
* txnCurrencyCode
* projectId
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateDate
* creationDate
* finPlanVersionId
* projectCurrencyFlag
* projectCostExchangeRate
* projfuncRevExchangeRate
* lastUpdateLogin
* fpTxnCurrencyId
* defaultCostCurrFlag
* defaultAllCurrFlag


 * projfuncCostExchangeRate
* projfuncCurrencyFlag
* projectRevExchangeRate
* defaultRevCurrFlag
* finPlanTypeId
* projFpOptionsId
* createdBy
* txnCurrencyCode
* projectId
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateDate
* creationDate
* finPlanVersionId
* projectCurrencyFlag
* projectCostExchangeRate
* projfuncRevExchangeRate
* lastUpdateLogin
* fpTxnCurrencyId
* defaultCostCurrFlag
* defaultAllCurrFlag


 * projFpOptionsId
* lastUpdateLogin
* finPlanOptionLevelCode
* lastUpdatedBy
* projFpOptionsIdRup
* basisRevBem
* createdBy
* basisRevVersionId
* projectId
* budgetTypeCode
* basisCostBem
* lastUpdateDate
* basisCostVersionId
* requestId
* upgradedFlag
* failureReasonCode
* creationDate


 * projFpOptionsId
* lastUpdateLogin
* finPlanOptionLevelCode
* lastUpdatedBy
* projFpOptionsIdRup
* basisRevBem
* createdBy
* basisRevVersionId
* projectId
* budgetTypeCode
* basisCostBem
* lastUpdateDate
* basisCostVersionId
* requestId
* upgradedFlag
* failureReasonCode
* creationDate


 * taskName
* budgetVersionId
* etcQuantity
* prd2
* prd12
* prd33
* prd45
* prd48
* prd21
* etcRawCostRate
* amountTypeName
* prd43
* requestId
* projfuncCostRateDateType
* prd1
* prd39
* prd47
* burdenedCostOverRate
* prd6
* projfuncRevRateType
* prd14
* description
* planningEndDate
* actualQuantity
* prd50
* rawCostOverRate
* projfuncRateDateType
* pdPrd
* prd38
* projectExchangeRate
* projfuncRevRateDateType
* prd5
* rawCostRate
* valErrorCode
* prd35
* recordVersionNumber
* billRate
* deleteFlag
* etcBillRate
* billOverRate
* prd49
* prd7
* burdenedCost
* projectRevRateType
* revenue
* prd9
* projectRevExchangeRate
* prd27
* resourceListMemberId
* planningStartDate
* projectCostRateDate
* prd11
* prd19
* rawCost
* prd34
* etcBurdenedCost
* projfuncRevExchangeRate
* prd16
* prd20
* actualRawCost
* prd23
* actualRevenue
* etcBurdenCostRate
* prdMaskRecVerNumber
* quantity
* errTaskName
* valErrorFlag
* prd10
* prd30
* prd25
* prd41
* prd42
* runId
* projectCostExchangeRate
* projectRevRateDateType
* prd52
* projectRevRateDate
* projfuncCostExchangeRate
* projfuncRateType
* prd37
* projectCostRateType
* prd3
* prd32
* projectRateType
* projfuncRevRateDate
* prd4
* costCodeName
* errAmountTypeCode
* prd31
* prd29
* errAlias
* prd46
* prd36
* prd28
* sdPrd
* prd40
* projfuncExchangeRate
* projectRateDateType
* amountTypeCode
* projfuncCostRateDate
* projectCostRateDateType
* prd13
* projfuncRateDate
* changeReasonCode
* errTaskNumber
* taskNumber
* etcRawCost
* projfuncCostRateType
* prd51
* projectRateDate
* prd8
* prd15
* costCode
* prd24
* cbsElementId
* burdenedCostRate
* etcRevenue
* txnCurrencyCode
* prd22
* prd18
* resourceAlias
* taskId
* prd17
* actualBurdenedCost
* prd44
* prd26


 * taskName
* budgetVersionId
* etcQuantity
* prd2
* prd12
* prd33
* prd45
* prd48
* prd21
* etcRawCostRate
* amountTypeName
* prd43
* requestId
* projfuncCostRateDateType
* prd1
* prd39
* prd47
* burdenedCostOverRate
* prd6
* projfuncRevRateType
* prd14
* description
* planningEndDate
* actualQuantity
* prd50
* rawCostOverRate
* projfuncRateDateType
* pdPrd
* prd38
* projectExchangeRate
* projfuncRevRateDateType
* prd5
* rawCostRate
* valErrorCode
* prd35
* recordVersionNumber
* billRate
* deleteFlag
* etcBillRate
* billOverRate
* prd49
* prd7
* burdenedCost
* projectRevRateType
* revenue
* prd9
* projectRevExchangeRate
* prd27
* resourceListMemberId
* planningStartDate
* projectCostRateDate
* prd11
* prd19
* rawCost
* prd34
* etcBurdenedCost
* projfuncRevExchangeRate
* prd16
* prd20
* actualRawCost
* prd23
* actualRevenue
* etcBurdenCostRate
* prdMaskRecVerNumber
* quantity
* errTaskName
* valErrorFlag
* prd10
* prd30
* prd25
* prd41
* prd42
* runId
* projectCostExchangeRate
* projectRevRateDateType
* prd52
* projectRevRateDate
* projfuncCostExchangeRate
* projfuncRateType
* prd37
* projectCostRateType
* prd3
* prd32
* projectRateType
* projfuncRevRateDate
* prd4
* costCodeName
* errAmountTypeCode
* prd31
* prd29
* errAlias
* prd46
* prd36
* prd28
* sdPrd
* prd40
* projfuncExchangeRate
* projectRateDateType
* amountTypeCode
* projfuncCostRateDate
* projectCostRateDateType
* prd13
* projfuncRateDate
* changeReasonCode
* errTaskNumber
* taskNumber
* etcRawCost
* projfuncCostRateType
* prd51
* projectRateDate
* prd8
* prd15
* costCode
* prd24
* cbsElementId
* burdenedCostRate
* etcRevenue
* txnCurrencyCode
* prd22
* prd18
* resourceAlias
* taskId
* prd17
* actualBurdenedCost
* prd44
* prd26


 * spreadCurve
* taskDisplaySequence
* projfuncRevRateType
* projectRevRateDateType
* prd26
* prd40
* prd48
* prd41
* projectRevExchangeRate
* attribute5
* prd6
* startDate
* projfuncRateType
* projfuncRateDateType
* prd22
* projectNumber
* attribute13
* prd34
* etcSource
* attribute14
* attribute1
* prd2
* txnCurrencyCode
* attribute8
* amountTypeCode
* resourceGroupName
* recordVersionNumber
* finPlanPreferenceCode
* resourceAssignmentId
* prd31
* valErrorFlag
* prd25
* prd8
* attribute4
* rawCost
* prd35
* projfuncRevRateDate
* taskName
* projectCostRateDate
* prd39
* projectCostRateType
* quantity
* attribute6
* prd18
* prd9
* succeedingPeriodAmount
* prd10
* taskNumber
* prd12
* prd13
* prd16
* projfuncRevExchangeRate
* mfcCostType
* attributeCategory
* prd5
* projectName
* spreadCurveId
* projfuncCostRateDateType
* prd23
* prd43
* projectRateDateType
* costCodeName
* prd44
* prd15
* prd52
* endDate
* prd14
* prd17
* prd30
* etcMethod
* revenue
* prd27
* deleteFlag
* costCode
* amountSubtypeName
* prd28
* attribute2
* attribute11
* prd19
* amountTypeName
* prd37
* projectExchangeRate
* projfuncRateDate
* projectCostRateDateType
* attribute15
* prd11
* resourceAlias
* prd4
* prd21
* projectRevRateDate
* parentPeriods
* prd42
* prd50
* prd46
* projectRateType
* projectRateDate
* unitOfMeasure
* valErrorCode
* mfcCostTypeId
* projfuncCostRateDate
* attribute9
* prd49
* attribute7
* projfuncCostRateType
* prd51
* projfuncRevRateDateType
* precedingPeriodAmount
* prd45
* physicalPercentComplete
* budgetVersionId
* prd29
* attribute10
* prd20
* description
* prd24
* projfuncExchangeRate
* planClassCode
* resourceListMemberId
* prd36
* attribute12
* prd38
* prd33
* changeReason
* burdenedCost
* projectId
* projfuncCostExchangeRate
* prd1
* projectCostExchangeRate
* projectRevRateType
* prd7
* prd47
* etcMethodCode
* attribute3
* prd3
* prd32


 * spreadCurve
* taskDisplaySequence
* projfuncRevRateType
* projectRevRateDateType
* prd26
* prd40
* prd48
* prd41
* projectRevExchangeRate
* attribute5
* prd6
* startDate
* projfuncRateType
* projfuncRateDateType
* prd22
* projectNumber
* attribute13
* prd34
* etcSource
* attribute14
* attribute1
* prd2
* txnCurrencyCode
* attribute8
* amountTypeCode
* resourceGroupName
* recordVersionNumber
* finPlanPreferenceCode
* resourceAssignmentId
* prd31
* valErrorFlag
* prd25
* prd8
* attribute4
* rawCost
* prd35
* projfuncRevRateDate
* taskName
* projectCostRateDate
* prd39
* projectCostRateType
* quantity
* attribute6
* prd18
* prd9
* succeedingPeriodAmount
* prd10
* taskNumber
* prd12
* prd13
* prd16
* projfuncRevExchangeRate
* mfcCostType
* attributeCategory
* prd5
* projectName
* spreadCurveId
* projfuncCostRateDateType
* prd23
* prd43
* projectRateDateType
* costCodeName
* prd44
* prd15
* prd52
* endDate
* prd14
* prd17
* prd30
* etcMethod
* revenue
* prd27
* deleteFlag
* costCode
* amountSubtypeName
* prd28
* attribute2
* attribute11
* prd19
* amountTypeName
* prd37
* projectExchangeRate
* projfuncRateDate
* projectCostRateDateType
* attribute15
* prd11
* resourceAlias
* prd4
* prd21
* projectRevRateDate
* parentPeriods
* prd42
* prd50
* prd46
* projectRateType
* projectRateDate
* unitOfMeasure
* valErrorCode
* mfcCostTypeId
* projfuncCostRateDate
* attribute9
* prd49
* attribute7
* projfuncCostRateType
* prd51
* projfuncRevRateDateType
* precedingPeriodAmount
* prd45
* physicalPercentComplete
* budgetVersionId
* prd29
* attribute10
* prd20
* description
* prd24
* projfuncExchangeRate
* planClassCode
* resourceListMemberId
* prd36
* attribute12
* prd38
* prd33
* changeReason
* burdenedCost
* projectId
* projfuncCostExchangeRate
* prd1
* projectCostExchangeRate
* projectRevRateType
* prd7
* prd47
* etcMethodCode
* attribute3
* prd3
* prd32


 * lastUpdateLogin
* utilSummarizedCode
* projAmount
* pvdrAcctCurrCode
* netZeroFlag
* projectOrgId
* creationDate
* lineNum
* itemDate
* purgeRelease
* capacityQuantity
* resourceId
* lineNumReversed
* programId
* provisionalQty
* personBillableFlag
* projectId
* resourceTypeCode
* orgUtilWeighted
* rcvrAcctCurrCode
* provisionalFlag
* itemUom
* pjiSummarizedFlag
* expenditureOrganizationId
* jobId
* rcvrAcctAmount
* billableFlag
* requestId
* itemQuantity
* expenditureOrgId
* projCurrencyCode
* lastUpdatedBy
* confirmedQty
* tpAmountType
* overcommitmentQty
* purgeProjectId
* orgUtilCategoryId
* denomCurrencyCode
* reversedFlag
* workTypeId
* lastUpdateDate
* createdBy
* amountTypeId
* resourceUtilCategoryId
* denomAmount
* forecastItemId
* programUpdateDate
* programApplicationId
* purgeBatchId
* pvdrAcctAmount
* overProvConfQty
* forecastSummarizedCode
* resourceUtilWeighted
* overprovisionalQty
* reduceCapacityFlag


 * lastUpdateLogin
* utilSummarizedCode
* projAmount
* pvdrAcctCurrCode
* netZeroFlag
* projectOrgId
* creationDate
* lineNum
* itemDate
* purgeRelease
* capacityQuantity
* resourceId
* lineNumReversed
* programId
* provisionalQty
* personBillableFlag
* projectId
* resourceTypeCode
* orgUtilWeighted
* rcvrAcctCurrCode
* provisionalFlag
* itemUom
* pjiSummarizedFlag
* expenditureOrganizationId
* jobId
* rcvrAcctAmount
* billableFlag
* requestId
* itemQuantity
* expenditureOrgId
* projCurrencyCode
* lastUpdatedBy
* confirmedQty
* tpAmountType
* overcommitmentQty
* purgeProjectId
* orgUtilCategoryId
* denomCurrencyCode
* reversedFlag
* workTypeId
* lastUpdateDate
* createdBy
* amountTypeId
* resourceUtilCategoryId
* denomAmount
* forecastItemId
* programUpdateDate
* programApplicationId
* purgeBatchId
* pvdrAcctAmount
* overProvConfQty
* forecastSummarizedCode
* resourceUtilWeighted
* overprovisionalQty
* reduceCapacityFlag


 * globalExpPeriodEndDate
* rcvrGlPeriodName
* itemUom
* expenditureOrgId
* txnRawCost
* provisionalQty
* expfuncCurrencyCode
* projectTypeClass
* txnRevenue
* overprovisionalQty
* availabilityFlag
* overcommitmentFlag
* tpRejectionCode
* capacityQuantity
* expenditureTypeClass
* costRejectionCode
* projfuncCurrencyCode
* projfuncRevenue
* expfuncTransferPrice
* deleteFlag
* projfuncRawCost
* tpAmountType
* projectOrganizationId
* projfuncBurdenedCost
* tpTxnCurrencyCode
* jobId
* requestId
* pvdrPaPeriodName
* overcommitmentQuantity
* borrowedFlag
* purgeBatchId
* createdBy
* expfuncBurdenedCost
* pvdrGlPeriodName
* txnTransferPrice
* txnBurdenedCost
* expfuncRawCost
* forecastAmtCalcFlag
* errorFlag
* assignmentId
* burdenRejectionCode
* otherRejectionCode
* programApplicationId
* projectRawCost
* lastUpdateDate
* pvdrPeriodSetName
* expenditureOrganizationId
* forecastItemId
* projectRevenue
* revRejectionCode
* lastUpdateLogin
* creationDate
* projectBurdenedCost
* forecastItemType
* overProvConfQty
* purgeProjectId
* availabilityQuantity
* projfuncTransferPrice
* provisionalFlag
* programUpdateDate
* projectCurrencyCode
* lastUpdatedBy
* programId
* projectOrgId
* projectId
* purgeRelease
* expenditureType
* costTxnCurrencyCode
* confirmedQty
* rcvrPeriodSetName
* itemQuantity
* itemDate
* personId
* rcvrPaPeriodName
* projectTransferPrice
* asgmtSysStatusCode
* resourceId
* revenueTxnCurrencyCode


 * globalExpPeriodEndDate
* rcvrGlPeriodName
* itemUom
* expenditureOrgId
* txnRawCost
* provisionalQty
* expfuncCurrencyCode
* projectTypeClass
* txnRevenue
* overprovisionalQty
* availabilityFlag
* overcommitmentFlag
* tpRejectionCode
* capacityQuantity
* expenditureTypeClass
* costRejectionCode
* projfuncCurrencyCode
* projfuncRevenue
* expfuncTransferPrice
* deleteFlag
* projfuncRawCost
* tpAmountType
* projectOrganizationId
* projfuncBurdenedCost
* tpTxnCurrencyCode
* jobId
* requestId
* pvdrPaPeriodName
* overcommitmentQuantity
* borrowedFlag
* purgeBatchId
* createdBy
* expfuncBurdenedCost
* pvdrGlPeriodName
* txnTransferPrice
* txnBurdenedCost
* expfuncRawCost
* forecastAmtCalcFlag
* errorFlag
* assignmentId
* burdenRejectionCode
* otherRejectionCode
* programApplicationId
* projectRawCost
* lastUpdateDate
* pvdrPeriodSetName
* expenditureOrganizationId
* forecastItemId
* projectRevenue
* revRejectionCode
* lastUpdateLogin
* creationDate
* projectBurdenedCost
* forecastItemType
* overProvConfQty
* purgeProjectId
* availabilityQuantity
* projfuncTransferPrice
* provisionalFlag
* programUpdateDate
* projectCurrencyCode
* lastUpdatedBy
* programId
* projectOrgId
* projectId
* purgeRelease
* expenditureType
* costTxnCurrencyCode
* confirmedQty
* rcvrPeriodSetName
* itemQuantity
* itemDate
* personId
* rcvrPaPeriodName
* projectTransferPrice
* asgmtSysStatusCode
* resourceId
* revenueTxnCurrencyCode


 * requestId
* conversionRateDate
* fundingAmount
* projectId
* currencyCode
* conversionRateType
* projectFundingId
* setOfBooksId
* agreementId
* taskId
* exceptionReason
* allocationDate


 * requestId
* conversionRateDate
* fundingAmount
* projectId
* currencyCode
* conversionRateType
* projectFundingId
* setOfBooksId
* agreementId
* taskId
* exceptionReason
* allocationDate


 * attribute2
* ganttBarEndShape
* attribute8
* creationDate
* ganttBarMiddleShape
* zdSync
* attribute6
* ganttBarStartColor
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute11
* attribute4
* ganttBarMiddlePattern
* endTo
* rowIndex
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute14
* attribute9
* startFrom
* ganttBarEndColor
* createdBy
* ganttViewId
* zdEditionName
* attribute12
* attribute13
* attribute15
* attribute3
* attribute1
* ganttBarStyleId
* attributeCategory
* ganttBarMiddleColor
* displaySequence
* attribute5
* attribute10
* ganttBarStartShape
* attribute7
* recordVersionNumber
* lastUpdatedBy


 * attribute2
* ganttBarEndShape
* attribute8
* creationDate
* ganttBarMiddleShape
* zdSync
* attribute6
* ganttBarStartColor
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute11
* attribute4
* ganttBarMiddlePattern
* endTo
* rowIndex
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute14
* attribute9
* startFrom
* ganttBarEndColor
* createdBy
* ganttViewId
* zdEditionName
* attribute12
* attribute13
* attribute15
* attribute3
* attribute1
* ganttBarStyleId
* attributeCategory
* ganttBarMiddleColor
* displaySequence
* attribute5
* attribute10
* ganttBarStartShape
* attribute7
* recordVersionNumber
* lastUpdatedBy


 * creationDate
* name
* lastUpdateLogin
* language
* lastUpdatedBy
* zdEditionName
* lastUpdateDate
* ganttBarStyleId
* createdBy
* sourceLang
* zdSync


 * creationDate
* name
* lastUpdateLogin
* language
* lastUpdatedBy
* zdEditionName
* lastUpdateDate
* ganttBarStyleId
* createdBy
* sourceLang
* zdSync


 * ganttBarType
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* attribute14


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* lastUpdateLogin
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* attributeCategory
* attribute11
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* attribute1
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* name
* lastUpdatedBy
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* lastUpdateLogin


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* language
* ganttConfigId
* description
* zdEditionName
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* sourceLang
* name
* lastUpdatedBy
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin


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* sourceLang
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* language
* name
* description


 * lastUpdateLogin
* zdSync
* createdBy
* lastUpdateDate
* ganttViewId
* lastUpdatedBy
* zdEditionName
* sourceLang
* creationDate
* language
* name
* description


 * segment27
* attribute16
* averageJournalFlag
* reference14
* warningCode
* requestId
* accountedDr
* reference3
* segment6
* attribute20
* status
* budgetVersionId
* createdBy
* dateCreated
* enteredCr
* reference7
* reference10
* segment30
* reference18
* segment7
* groupId
* segment5
* reference19
* currencyCode
* functionalCurrencyCode
* chartOfAccountsId
* context
* reference29
* segment25
* segment19
* segment21
* attribute11
* jeBatchId
* reference1
* originatingBalSegValue
* enteredDr
* reference24
* userJeSourceName
* invoiceIdentifier
* descrFlexErrorMessage
* reference28
* reference20
* setOfBooksId
* segment29
* attribute3
* attribute17
* currencyConversionDate
* segment14
* reference9
* userJeCategoryName
* attribute2
* reference25
* glSlLinkId
* context3
* reference30
* segment8
* attribute13
* segment28
* reference2
* reference22
* segment2
* attribute9
* reference16
* jgzzReconRef
* statusDescription
* reference26
* accountedCr
* segment17
* actualFlag
* periodName
* glSlLinkTable
* segment13
* segment22
* jeLineNum
* attribute7
* invoiceAmount
* attribute8
* reference27
* attribute14
* segment3
* reference11
* attribute12
* segment16
* codeCombinationId
* segment1
* context2
* reference8
* reference17
* attribute18
* segment4
* segment10
* dateCreatedInGl
* reference21
* segment20
* attribute1
* subledgerDocSequenceId
* encumbranceTypeId
* segment15
* attribute19
* segment24
* reference12
* ussglTransactionCode
* attribute6
* transactionDate
* reference6
* subledgerDocSequenceValue
* segment26
* taxCode
* reference5
* attribute4
* segment18
* reference15
* reference23
* jeHeaderId
* currencyConversionRate
* statAmount
* segment11
* accountingDate
* segment9
* attribute10
* userCurrencyConversionType
* invoiceDate
* segment12
* reference13
* attribute5
* attribute15
* segment23
* reference4


 * segment27
* attribute16
* averageJournalFlag
* reference14
* warningCode
* requestId
* accountedDr
* reference3
* segment6
* attribute20
* status
* budgetVersionId
* createdBy
* dateCreated
* enteredCr
* reference7
* reference10
* segment30
* reference18
* segment7
* groupId
* segment5
* reference19
* currencyCode
* functionalCurrencyCode
* chartOfAccountsId
* context
* reference29
* segment25
* segment19
* segment21
* attribute11
* jeBatchId
* reference1
* originatingBalSegValue
* enteredDr
* reference24
* userJeSourceName
* invoiceIdentifier
* descrFlexErrorMessage
* reference28
* reference20
* setOfBooksId
* segment29
* attribute3
* attribute17
* currencyConversionDate
* segment14
* reference9
* userJeCategoryName
* attribute2
* reference25
* glSlLinkId
* context3
* reference30
* segment8
* attribute13
* segment28
* reference2
* reference22
* segment2
* attribute9
* reference16
* jgzzReconRef
* statusDescription
* reference26
* accountedCr
* segment17
* actualFlag
* periodName
* glSlLinkTable
* segment13
* segment22
* jeLineNum
* attribute7
* invoiceAmount
* attribute8
* reference27
* attribute14
* segment3
* reference11
* attribute12
* segment16
* codeCombinationId
* segment1
* context2
* reference8
* reference17
* attribute18
* segment4
* segment10
* dateCreatedInGl
* reference21
* segment20
* attribute1
* subledgerDocSequenceId
* encumbranceTypeId
* segment15
* attribute19
* segment24
* reference12
* ussglTransactionCode
* attribute6
* transactionDate
* reference6
* subledgerDocSequenceValue
* segment26
* taxCode
* reference5
* attribute4
* segment18
* reference15
* reference23
* jeHeaderId
* currencyConversionRate
* statAmount
* segment11
* accountingDate
* segment9
* attribute10
* userCurrencyConversionType
* invoiceDate
* segment12
* reference13
* attribute5
* attribute15
* segment23
* reference4


 * budgetExists
* lastUpdatedBy
* paStatus
* processedSovFlag
* glStatus
* orgId
* applicationId
* sovExists
* paStartDate
* paEndDate
* paPeriodName
* glPeriodName
* processedFlag
* glEndDate
* createdBy
* setOfBooksId
* creationDate
* effectivePeriodNum
* glStartDate
* lastUpdateDate


 * budgetExists
* lastUpdatedBy
* paStatus
* processedSovFlag
* glStatus
* orgId
* applicationId
* sovExists
* paStartDate
* paEndDate
* paPeriodName
* glPeriodName
* processedFlag
* glEndDate
* createdBy
* setOfBooksId
* creationDate
* effectivePeriodNum
* glStartDate
* lastUpdateDate


 * creditAmount
* taskNumber
* lineType
* empOrOrgName
* jeBatchId
* debitAmount
* transactionDate
* rdlEventNum
* projectId
* glDate
* jeRepBatchName
* jeBatchName
* periodName
* expenditureItemId
* taskId
* transactionType
* draftRevNumber
* codeCombinationId
* projectNumber
* rdlLineNum
* requestId
* transferredDate


 * creditAmount
* taskNumber
* lineType
* empOrOrgName
* jeBatchId
* debitAmount
* transactionDate
* rdlEventNum
* projectId
* glDate
* jeRepBatchName
* jeBatchName
* periodName
* expenditureItemId
* taskId
* transactionType
* draftRevNumber
* codeCombinationId
* projectNumber
* rdlLineNum
* requestId
* transferredDate


 * programApplicationId
* requestId
* indCompiledSetId
* status
* programUpdateDate
* indRateSchRevisionId
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* creationDate
* organizationId
* lastUpdatedBy
* programId
* costBase
* createdBy


 * programApplicationId
* requestId
* indCompiledSetId
* status
* programUpdateDate
* indRateSchRevisionId
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* creationDate
* organizationId
* lastUpdatedBy
* programId
* costBase
* createdBy


 * attribute14
* startDateActive
* attribute11
* indCostCodeUsage
* lastUpdatedBy
* expenditureType
* createdBy
* description
* attribute12
* attribute15
* attribute10
* attribute1
* lastUpdateLogin
* creationDate
* attribute4
* lastUpdateDate
* excludeFeeRevenue
* attribute9
* attribute7
* indCostCode
* attribute13
* attribute6
* attribute8
* attribute2
* attribute5
* attributeCategory
* columnMapping
* excludeFeeInvoice
* attribute3
* endDateActive


 * attribute14
* startDateActive
* attribute11
* indCostCodeUsage
* lastUpdatedBy
* expenditureType
* createdBy
* description
* attribute12
* attribute15
* attribute10
* attribute1
* lastUpdateLogin
* creationDate
* attribute4
* lastUpdateDate
* excludeFeeRevenue
* attribute9
* attribute7
* indCostCode
* attribute13
* attribute6
* attribute8
* attribute2
* attribute5
* attributeCategory
* columnMapping
* excludeFeeInvoice
* attribute3
* endDateActive


 * multiplier
* lastUpdateDate
* readyToCompileFlag
* lastUpdatedBy
* organizationId
* indCostCode
* createdBy
* indRateSchRevisionId
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin


 * multiplier
* lastUpdateDate
* readyToCompileFlag
* lastUpdatedBy
* organizationId
* indCostCode
* createdBy
* indRateSchRevisionId
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin


 * compiledDate
* programUpdateDate
* programId
* changeType
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* costPlusStructure
* lastUpdateLogin
* indRateSchRevisionId
* readyToCompileFlag
* orgStructureVersionId
* compiledFlag
* lastUpdateDate
* requestId
* actualSchRevisionId
* createdBy
* startOrganizationId
* indRateSchRevision
* lastUpdatedBy
* indRateSchId
* programApplicationId
* organizationStructureId
* creationDate
* changeType#1
* startDateActive
* indRateSchRevisionType


 * compiledDate
* programUpdateDate
* programId
* changeType
* endDateActive
* costPlusStructure
* lastUpdateLogin
* indRateSchRevisionId
* readyToCompileFlag
* orgStructureVersionId
* compiledFlag
* lastUpdateDate
* requestId
* actualSchRevisionId
* createdBy
* startOrganizationId
* indRateSchRevision
* lastUpdatedBy
* indRateSchId
* programApplicationId
* organizationStructureId
* creationDate
* changeType#1
* startDateActive
* indRateSchRevisionType


 * creationDate
* indRateScheduleType
* orgStructureVersionId
* invOvrSchFlag
* description
* endDateActive
* organizationStructureId
* costPlusStructure
* indRateSchId
* createdBy
* costOvrSchFlag
* projectId
* businessGroupId
* indRateSchUsage
* lastUpdatedBy
* revOvrSchFlag
* startDateActive
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* indRateSchName
* taskId
* startOrganizationId


 * creationDate
* indRateScheduleType
* orgStructureVersionId
* invOvrSchFlag
* description
* endDateActive
* organizationStructureId
* costPlusStructure
* indRateSchId
* createdBy
* costOvrSchFlag
* projectId
* businessGroupId
* indRateSchUsage
* lastUpdatedBy
* revOvrSchFlag
* startDateActive
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* indRateSchName
* taskId
* startOrganizationId


 * createdBy
* lastUpdatedBy
* creationDate
* operatingUnit
* integrationOptionName
* projectOrgId
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdateDate


 * createdBy
* lastUpdatedBy
* creationDate
* operatingUnit
* integrationOptionName
* projectOrgId
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdateDate


 * description
* rateDateType
* lastIntegrationDate
* jobBillRateSchId
* lastUpdatedBy
* empBillRateSchId
* integrationBatchSize
* integrationProcessStatus
* integrationOptionName
* lastUpdateLogin
* rateTypeCode
* currencyCode
* creationDate
* resourceSynced
* lastUpdateDate
* planningResourceListId
* rateDate
* nonLaborBillRateSchId
* enabledFlag
* resClassBillRateSchId
* createdBy


 * description
* rateDateType
* lastIntegrationDate
* jobBillRateSchId
* lastUpdatedBy
* empBillRateSchId
* integrationBatchSize
* integrationProcessStatus
* integrationOptionName
* lastUpdateLogin
* rateTypeCode
* currencyCode
* creationDate
* resourceSynced
* lastUpdateDate
* planningResourceListId
* rateDate
* nonLaborBillRateSchId
* enabledFlag
* resClassBillRateSchId
* createdBy


 * createPlanningResource
* synchronizationStage
* projectId
* budgetType
* sendBudgetRef
* lastUpdateLogin
* synchronizeMark
* sendActualCostType
* lastUpdatedBy
* sendTaskRef
* finPlanTypeId
* lastSynchronizationDate
* enableIntegration
* finStructMaxLevel
* structureType
* sendBudget
* creationDate
* lastUpdateDate
* receiveTask
* sendTask
* createdBy
* receiveBudget


 * createPlanningResource
* synchronizationStage
* projectId
* budgetType
* sendBudgetRef
* lastUpdateLogin
* synchronizeMark
* sendActualCostType
* lastUpdatedBy
* sendTaskRef
* finPlanTypeId
* lastSynchronizationDate
* enableIntegration
* finStructMaxLevel
* structureType
* sendBudget
* creationDate
* lastUpdateDate
* receiveTask
* sendTask
* createdBy
* receiveBudget


 * burdenComponent3
* burdenComponent4
* quantity
* progressPaymentAmount
* creationDate
* distributionSetId
* billTransCurrencyCode
* billJobId
* burdenComponent6
* burdenComponent2
* shipmentAmount
* invprocRateDate
* expenditureType
* expenditureItemId
* programApplicationId
* requestId
* projfuncCurrencyCode
* expenditureCategory
* expenditureItemDate
* projfuncRateDate
* programId
* projectBillAmount
* projectCurrencyCode
* invprocBillAmount
* subcontractFlag
* projfuncBillAmount
* topTaskId
* orgId
* lineNum
* projfuncExchangeRate
* burdenComponent1
* invprocExchangeRate
* revenueCategoryCode
* projectRateType
* invprocCurrencyCode
* invprocRateType
* burdenComponent10
* liquidationAmount
* burdenComponent5
* burdenComponent8
* projectExchangeRate
* createdBy
* billTransBillAmount
* burdenComponent7
* programUpdateDate
* projectId
* projfuncRateType
* burdenComponent9
* projectRateDate


 * burdenComponent3
* burdenComponent4
* quantity
* progressPaymentAmount
* creationDate
* distributionSetId
* billTransCurrencyCode
* billJobId
* burdenComponent6
* burdenComponent2
* shipmentAmount
* invprocRateDate
* expenditureType
* expenditureItemId
* programApplicationId
* requestId
* projfuncCurrencyCode
* expenditureCategory
* expenditureItemDate
* projfuncRateDate
* programId
* projectBillAmount
* projectCurrencyCode
* invprocBillAmount
* subcontractFlag
* projfuncBillAmount
* topTaskId
* orgId
* lineNum
* projfuncExchangeRate
* burdenComponent1
* invprocExchangeRate
* revenueCategoryCode
* projectRateType
* invprocCurrencyCode
* invprocRateType
* burdenComponent10
* liquidationAmount
* burdenComponent5
* burdenComponent8
* projectExchangeRate
* createdBy
* billTransBillAmount
* burdenComponent7
* programUpdateDate
* projectId
* projfuncRateType
* burdenComponent9
* projectRateDate


 * distLinkSetId
* distributionSetId


 * distLinkSetId
* distributionSetId


 * burdenComponent6
* burdenComponent1
* burdenComponent5
* requestId
* burdenComponent9
* invprocBillAmount
* feeBrsId
* createdBy
* expenditureCategory
* billTransBillAmount
* projectBillAmount
* quantity
* feeEligibleAmt
* burdenComponent2
* feeRatePercent
* burdenComponent4
* distributionSetId
* programUpdateDate
* shipmentAmount
* projectId
* invprocCurrencyCode
* projectCurrencyCode
* topTaskId
* feeEventType
* billJobId
* feeCurrencyCode
* burdenComponent10
* orgId
* expenditureType
* liquidationAmount
* burdenComponent3
* revenueCategoryCode
* feeCalcFlag
* feeType
* programApplicationId
* programId
* billTransCurrencyCode
* expenditureItemDate
* burdenComponent7
* burdenComponent8
* projfuncCurrencyCode
* projfuncBillAmount
* subcontractFlag
* progressPaymentAmount
* creationDate


 * burdenComponent6
* burdenComponent1
* burdenComponent5
* requestId
* burdenComponent9
* invprocBillAmount
* feeBrsId
* createdBy
* expenditureCategory
* billTransBillAmount
* projectBillAmount
* quantity
* feeEligibleAmt
* burdenComponent2
* feeRatePercent
* burdenComponent4
* distributionSetId
* programUpdateDate
* shipmentAmount
* projectId
* invprocCurrencyCode
* projectCurrencyCode
* topTaskId
* feeEventType
* billJobId
* feeCurrencyCode
* burdenComponent10
* orgId
* expenditureType
* liquidationAmount
* burdenComponent3
* revenueCategoryCode
* feeCalcFlag
* feeType
* programApplicationId
* programId
* billTransCurrencyCode
* expenditureItemDate
* burdenComponent7
* burdenComponent8
* projfuncCurrencyCode
* projfuncBillAmount
* subcontractFlag
* progressPaymentAmount
* creationDate


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* endDateActive
* billingTitle
* recordVersionNumber
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* lastUpdatedBy
* createdBy
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* projectId
* jobId
* taskId
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* jobAssignmentOverrideId


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* lastUpdateLogin
* endDateActive
* billingTitle
* recordVersionNumber
* creationDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* createdBy
* personId
* projectId
* jobId
* taskId
* startDateActive
* jobAssignmentOverrideId


 * lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdatedBy
* projectId
* jobId
* endDateActive
* jobBillRateOverrideId
* billRateUnit
* creationDate
* startDateActive
* taskId
* lastUpdateDate
* recordVersionNumber
* createdBy
* rate
* discountPercentage
* rateCurrencyCode
* rateDiscReasonCode


 * startDateActive
* taskId
* projectId
* jobId
* setOfBooksId
* rate
* creationDate


 * startDateActive
* taskId
* projectId
* jobId
* setOfBooksId
* rate
* creationDate


 * lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdatedBy
* projectId
* jobId
* endDateActive
* jobBillRateOverrideId
* billRateUnit
* creationDate
* startDateActive
* taskId
* lastUpdateDate
* recordVersionNumber
* createdBy
* rate
* discountPercentage
* rateCurrencyCode
* rateDiscReasonCode


 * endDateActive
* lastUpdateDate
* creationDate
* recordVersionNumber
* lastUpdatedBy
* jobBillTitleOverrideId
* projectId
* jobId
* lastUpdateLogin
* startDateActive
* billingTitle
* taskId
* createdBy


 * endDateActive
* lastUpdateDate
* creationDate
* recordVersionNumber
* lastUpdatedBy
* jobBillTitleOverrideId
* projectId
* jobId
* lastUpdateLogin
* startDateActive
* billingTitle
* taskId
* createdBy


 * toJobId
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* fromJobGroupId
* creationDate
* fromJobId
* toJobGroupId
* createdBy
* lastUpdatedBy
* jobRelationshipId


 * toJobId
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* fromJobGroupId
* creationDate
* fromJobId
* toJobGroupId
* createdBy
* lastUpdatedBy
* jobRelationshipId


 * laborCostMultiplierName
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdatedBy
* multiplier
* startDateActive
* endDateActive
* lastUpdateDate
* createdBy


 * laborCostMultiplierName
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdatedBy
* multiplier
* startDateActive
* endDateActive
* lastUpdateDate
* createdBy


 * lastUpdatedBy
* creationDate
* laborMultiplierId
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdateDate
* endDateActive
* startDateActive
* projectId
* laborMultiplier
* taskId
* createdBy
* recordVersionNumber


 * lastUpdatedBy
* creationDate
* laborMultiplierId
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdateDate
* endDateActive
* startDateActive
* projectId
* laborMultiplier
* taskId
* createdBy
* recordVersionNumber


 * lifecycleId
* lastUpdatedBy
* usageType
* createdBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdateDate
* lifecycleUsageId
* creationDate
* recordVersionNumber


 * lifecycleId
* lastUpdatedBy
* usageType
* createdBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdateDate
* lifecycleUsageId
* creationDate
* recordVersionNumber


 * region
* createdBy
* city
* locationId
* countryCode
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdatedBy
* creationDate


 * region
* createdBy
* city
* locationId
* countryCode
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdatedBy
* creationDate


 * lastUpdateLogin
* valueSetCode
* applicationId
* pk3ColumnName
* createdBy
* objectName
* valueSetId
* sourceType
* lastUpdatedBy
* pk2ColumnName
* displayColumnName
* lastUpdateDate
* creationDate
* pk4ColumnName
* pk5ColumnName
* valueColumnName
* pk1ColumnName


 * lastUpdateLogin
* valueSetCode
* applicationId
* pk3ColumnName
* createdBy
* objectName
* valueSetId
* sourceType
* lastUpdatedBy
* pk2ColumnName
* displayColumnName
* lastUpdateDate
* creationDate
* pk4ColumnName
* pk5ColumnName
* valueColumnName
* pk1ColumnName


 * attribute4
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute5
* attribute2
* attributeCategory
* programApplicationId
* attribute6
* attribute7
* attribute9
* attribute14
* rejectionCode
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* batchStatusCode
* effectiveDate
* attribute1
* batchName
* projectAttribute
* programId
* attribute3
* processRunBy
* batchId
* attribute13
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute12
* description
* attribute8
* attribute11
* attribute10
* attribute15
* orgId
* requestId
* createdBy
* processRunDate
* programUpdateDate


 * attribute4
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute5
* attribute2
* attributeCategory
* programApplicationId
* attribute6
* attribute7
* attribute9
* attribute14
* rejectionCode
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* batchStatusCode
* effectiveDate
* attribute1
* batchName
* projectAttribute
* programId
* attribute3
* processRunBy
* batchId
* attribute13
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute12
* description
* attribute8
* attribute11
* attribute10
* attribute15
* orgId
* requestId
* createdBy
* processRunDate
* programUpdateDate


 * oldAttributeValue
* lineId
* lastUpdateDate
* batchId
* lastUpdateLogin
* taskId
* projectId
* rejectionReason
* createdBy
* newAttributeValue
* updateFlag
* recalculateFlag
* lastUpdatedBy
* creationDate


 * oldAttributeValue
* lineId
* lastUpdateDate
* batchId
* lastUpdateLogin
* taskId
* projectId
* rejectionReason
* createdBy
* newAttributeValue
* updateFlag
* recalculateFlag
* lastUpdatedBy
* creationDate


 * projectId
* creationDate
* requestId
* costRateType
* revConversionDate
* revRateType
* setOfBooksId
* revenue
* costConversionDate
* budgetLineId
* costRateDateType
* budgetVersionId
* lastUpdateDate
* revExchangeRate
* rawCost
* reportingCurrencyCode
* lastUpdateLogin
* revRateDateType
* costExchangeRate
* createdBy
* burdenedCost
* lastUpdatedBy


 * budgetVersionId
* burdenedCost
* rateDate
* budgetTypeCode
* requestId
* projectId
* programUpdateDate
* prcAssignmentId
* programApplicationId
* setOfBooksId
* revenue
* exchangeRate
* rateType
* resourceAssignmentId
* rawCost
* startDate
* programId


 * budgetVersionId
* burdenedCost
* rateDate
* budgetTypeCode
* requestId
* projectId
* programUpdateDate
* prcAssignmentId
* programApplicationId
* setOfBooksId
* revenue
* exchangeRate
* rateType
* resourceAssignmentId
* rawCost
* startDate
* programId


 * projectId
* creationDate
* requestId
* costRateType
* revConversionDate
* revRateType
* setOfBooksId
* revenue
* costConversionDate
* budgetLineId
* costRateDateType
* budgetVersionId
* lastUpdateDate
* revExchangeRate
* rawCost
* reportingCurrencyCode
* lastUpdateLogin
* revRateDateType
* costExchangeRate
* createdBy
* burdenedCost
* lastUpdatedBy


 * transferStatusCode
* acctTpRateDate
* lineNum
* glBatchName
* expenditureItemId
* requestId
* programUpdateDate
* lineType
* acctCurrencyCode
* transferRejectionCode
* programId
* xlaMigratedFlag
* acctTpRateType
* prcAssignmentId
* setOfBooksId
* ccDistLineId
* programApplicationId
* acctTpExchangeRate
* amount
* transferredDate


 * transferStatusCode
* acctTpRateDate
* lineNum
* glBatchName
* expenditureItemId
* requestId
* programUpdateDate
* lineType
* acctCurrencyCode
* transferRejectionCode
* programId
* xlaMigratedFlag
* acctTpRateType
* prcAssignmentId
* setOfBooksId
* ccDistLineId
* programApplicationId
* acctTpExchangeRate
* amount
* transferredDate


 * acctCurrencyCode
* acctTpRateDate
* glBatchName
* prcAssignmentId
* setOfBooksId
* acctTpExchangeRate
* purgeBatchId
* expenditureItemId
* lineNum
* programId
* requestId
* transferRejectionCode
* purgeRelease
* purgeProjectId
* amount
* programUpdateDate
* transferStatusCode
* lineType
* ccDistLineId
* programApplicationId
* acctTpRateType
* transferredDate


 * acctCurrencyCode
* acctTpRateDate
* glBatchName
* prcAssignmentId
* setOfBooksId
* acctTpExchangeRate
* purgeBatchId
* expenditureItemId
* lineNum
* programId
* requestId
* transferRejectionCode
* purgeRelease
* purgeProjectId
* amount
* programUpdateDate
* transferStatusCode
* lineType
* ccDistLineId
* programApplicationId
* acctTpRateType
* transferredDate


 * rateType
* amount
* programId
* quantity
* transferredDate
* programApplicationId
* currencyCode
* purgeBatchId
* purgeRelease
* requestId
* setOfBooksId
* lineType
* programUpdateDate
* prcAssignmentId
* conversionDate
* transferStatusCode
* exchangeRate
* burdenedCost
* expenditureItemId
* batchName
* purgeProjectId
* transferRejectionReason
* lineNum


 * rateType
* amount
* programId
* quantity
* transferredDate
* programApplicationId
* currencyCode
* purgeBatchId
* purgeRelease
* requestId
* setOfBooksId
* lineType
* programUpdateDate
* prcAssignmentId
* conversionDate
* transferStatusCode
* exchangeRate
* burdenedCost
* expenditureItemId
* batchName
* purgeProjectId
* transferRejectionReason
* lineNum


 * expenditureItemId
* currencyCode
* setOfBooksId
* amount
* burdenedCost
* transferStatusCode
* programId
* batchName
* transferRejectionReason
* prcAssignmentId
* programUpdateDate
* lineNum
* programApplicationId
* xlaMigratedFlag
* exchangeRate
* quantity
* requestId
* transferredDate
* lineType
* rateType
* conversionDate


 * expenditureItemId
* currencyCode
* setOfBooksId
* amount
* burdenedCost
* transferStatusCode
* programId
* batchName
* transferRejectionReason
* prcAssignmentId
* programUpdateDate
* lineNum
* programApplicationId
* xlaMigratedFlag
* exchangeRate
* quantity
* requestId
* transferredDate
* lineType
* rateType
* conversionDate


 * projectId
* taskId
* draftRevenueNum
* currencyCode
* draftRevenueItemLineNum
* draftInvoiceItemLineNum
* amount
* requestId
* prcAssignmentId
* batchName
* lineNum
* exchangeRate
* programApplicationId
* conversionDate
* eventNum
* setOfBooksId
* programId
* programUpdateDate
* rateType
* draftInvoiceNum


 * projectId
* taskId
* draftRevenueNum
* currencyCode
* draftRevenueItemLineNum
* draftInvoiceItemLineNum
* amount
* requestId
* prcAssignmentId
* batchName
* lineNum
* exchangeRate
* programApplicationId
* conversionDate
* eventNum
* setOfBooksId
* programId
* programUpdateDate
* rateType
* draftInvoiceNum


 * amount
* programUpdateDate
* conversionDate
* eventNum
* setOfBooksId
* prcAssignmentId
* purgeRelease
* purgeProjectId
* draftInvoiceItemLineNum
* draftRevenueItemLineNum
* rateType
* purgeBatchId
* requestId
* projectId
* draftInvoiceNum
* draftRevenueNum
* exchangeRate
* programApplicationId
* batchName
* currencyCode
* programId
* lineNum
* taskId


 * amount
* programUpdateDate
* conversionDate
* eventNum
* setOfBooksId
* prcAssignmentId
* purgeRelease
* purgeProjectId
* draftInvoiceItemLineNum
* draftRevenueItemLineNum
* rateType
* purgeBatchId
* requestId
* projectId
* draftInvoiceNum
* draftRevenueNum
* exchangeRate
* programApplicationId
* batchName
* currencyCode
* programId
* lineNum
* taskId


 * rawCost
* currencyCode
* expenditureItemId
* prcAssignmentId
* projectId
* batchName
* amount
* setOfBooksId
* requestId
* projfuncInvRateType
* draftRevenueNum
* draftRevenueItemLineNum
* projfuncInvRateDate
* programId
* programApplicationId
* projfuncInvExchangeRate
* lineNum
* exchangeRate
* rateType
* billAmount
* conversionDate
* draftInvoiceItemLineNum
* programUpdateDate
* draftInvoiceNum


 * rawCost
* currencyCode
* expenditureItemId
* prcAssignmentId
* projectId
* batchName
* amount
* setOfBooksId
* requestId
* projfuncInvRateType
* draftRevenueNum
* draftRevenueItemLineNum
* projfuncInvRateDate
* programId
* programApplicationId
* projfuncInvExchangeRate
* lineNum
* exchangeRate
* rateType
* billAmount
* conversionDate
* draftInvoiceItemLineNum
* programUpdateDate
* draftInvoiceNum


 * programUpdateDate
* billAmount
* programApplicationId
* draftRevenueNum
* programId
* setOfBooksId
* purgeBatchId
* rateType
* expenditureItemId
* amount
* projfuncInvRateType
* rawCost
* requestId
* draftInvoiceNum
* batchName
* draftInvoiceItemLineNum
* prcAssignmentId
* purgeRelease
* projectId
* exchangeRate
* purgeProjectId
* projfuncInvRateDate
* lineNum
* projfuncInvExchangeRate
* currencyCode
* conversionDate
* draftRevenueItemLineNum


 * programUpdateDate
* billAmount
* programApplicationId
* draftRevenueNum
* programId
* setOfBooksId
* purgeBatchId
* rateType
* expenditureItemId
* amount
* projfuncInvRateType
* rawCost
* requestId
* draftInvoiceNum
* batchName
* draftInvoiceItemLineNum
* prcAssignmentId
* purgeRelease
* projectId
* exchangeRate
* purgeProjectId
* projfuncInvRateDate
* lineNum
* projfuncInvExchangeRate
* currencyCode
* conversionDate
* draftRevenueItemLineNum


 * acctExchangeRate
* acctCurrencyCode
* setOfBooksId
* billAmount
* invoicedFlag
* acctRateDate
* draftInvoiceDetailId
* projectId
* programApplicationId
* acctRateType
* requestId
* programId
* programUpdateDate


 * acctExchangeRate
* acctCurrencyCode
* setOfBooksId
* billAmount
* invoicedFlag
* acctRateDate
* draftInvoiceDetailId
* projectId
* programApplicationId
* acctRateType
* requestId
* programId
* programUpdateDate


 * programId
* invoicedFlag
* purgeProjectId
* acctRateType
* acctExchangeRate
* programUpdateDate
* draftInvoiceDetailId
* purgeBatchId
* billAmount
* projectId
* acctRateDate
* acctCurrencyCode
* setOfBooksId
* programApplicationId
* requestId
* purgeRelease


 * programId
* invoicedFlag
* purgeProjectId
* acctRateType
* acctExchangeRate
* programUpdateDate
* draftInvoiceDetailId
* purgeBatchId
* billAmount
* projectId
* acctRateDate
* acctCurrencyCode
* setOfBooksId
* programApplicationId
* requestId
* purgeRelease


 * projectId
* lineNum
* unearnedRevenueCr
* setOfBooksId
* conversionDate
* currencyCode
* amount
* exchangeRate
* unbilledReceivableDr
* rateType
* draftInvoiceNum
* prcAssignmentId


 * projectId
* lineNum
* unearnedRevenueCr
* setOfBooksId
* conversionDate
* currencyCode
* amount
* exchangeRate
* unbilledReceivableDr
* rateType
* draftInvoiceNum
* prcAssignmentId


 * currencyCode
* conversionDate
* draftInvoiceNum
* projectId
* rateType
* unearnedRevenueCr
* purgeBatchId
* unbilledReceivableDr
* prcAssignmentId
* purgeRelease
* purgeProjectId
* setOfBooksId
* amount
* lineNum
* exchangeRate


 * currencyCode
* conversionDate
* draftInvoiceNum
* projectId
* rateType
* unearnedRevenueCr
* purgeBatchId
* unbilledReceivableDr
* prcAssignmentId
* purgeRelease
* purgeProjectId
* setOfBooksId
* amount
* lineNum
* exchangeRate


 * realizedGainsAmount
* transferredDate
* unbilledReceivableDr
* projectId
* transferRejectionReason
* unearnedBatchName
* lastUpdateDate
* setOfBooksId
* requestId
* transferStatusCode
* programUpdateDate
* realizedLossesBatchName
* draftRevenueNum
* unearnedRevenueCr
* lastUpdatedBy
* programApplicationId
* realizedGainsBatchName
* programId
* unbilledBatchName
* xlaMigratedFlag
* realizedLossesAmount
* lastUpdateLogin


 * realizedGainsAmount
* transferredDate
* unbilledReceivableDr
* projectId
* transferRejectionReason
* unearnedBatchName
* lastUpdateDate
* setOfBooksId
* requestId
* transferStatusCode
* programUpdateDate
* realizedLossesBatchName
* draftRevenueNum
* unearnedRevenueCr
* lastUpdatedBy
* programApplicationId
* realizedGainsBatchName
* programId
* unbilledBatchName
* xlaMigratedFlag
* realizedLossesAmount
* lastUpdateLogin


 * unearnedBatchName
* unbilledReceivableDr
* unearnedRevenueCr
* lastUpdatedBy
* requestId
* purgeProjectId
* lastUpdateDate
* transferRejectionReason
* draftRevenueNum
* realizedGainsAmount
* projectId
* unbilledBatchName
* realizedLossesBatchName
* transferStatusCode
* transferredDate
* purgeBatchId
* purgeRelease
* programUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* programId
* realizedGainsBatchName
* setOfBooksId
* programApplicationId
* realizedLossesAmount


 * unearnedBatchName
* unbilledReceivableDr
* unearnedRevenueCr
* lastUpdatedBy
* requestId
* purgeProjectId
* lastUpdateDate
* transferRejectionReason
* draftRevenueNum
* realizedGainsAmount
* projectId
* unbilledBatchName
* realizedLossesBatchName
* transferStatusCode
* transferredDate
* purgeBatchId
* purgeRelease
* programUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* programId
* realizedGainsBatchName
* setOfBooksId
* programApplicationId
* realizedLossesAmount


 * projfuncInvExchangeRate
* currencyCode
* setOfBooksId
* exchangeRate
* projfuncInvRateDate
* revenueAmount
* billAmount
* projectId
* eventNum
* prcAssignmentId
* rateType
* eventId
* taskId
* conversionDate
* description


 * setOfBooksId
* rateType
* purgeBatchId
* exchangeRate
* conversionDate
* currencyCode
* revenueAmount
* taskId
* projfuncInvExchangeRate
* eventNum
* projfuncInvRateDate
* description
* eventId
* prcAssignmentId
* purgeProjectId
* purgeRelease
* projectId
* billAmount


 * setOfBooksId
* rateType
* purgeBatchId
* exchangeRate
* conversionDate
* currencyCode
* revenueAmount
* taskId
* projfuncInvExchangeRate
* eventNum
* projfuncInvRateDate
* description
* eventId
* prcAssignmentId
* purgeProjectId
* purgeRelease
* projectId
* billAmount


 * projfuncInvExchangeRate
* currencyCode
* setOfBooksId
* exchangeRate
* projfuncInvRateDate
* revenueAmount
* billAmount
* projectId
* eventNum
* prcAssignmentId
* rateType
* eventId
* taskId
* conversionDate
* description


 * setOfBooksId
* projfuncInvExchangeRate
* rawCostRate
* adjustedRate
* billRate
* burdenCost
* forecastRevenue
* billAmount
* prcAssignmentId
* revenueRateType
* rawRevenue
* tpRateType
* transferPrice
* costRateType
* expenditureItemId
* revenueExchangeRate
* projfuncFcstExchangeRate
* tpConversionDate
* costConversionDate
* adjustedRevenue
* revenueConversionDate
* accrualRate
* costExchangeRate
* accruedRevenue
* tpExchangeRate
* projfuncInvRateDate
* projfuncInvRateType
* rawCost
* projfuncFcstRateType
* currencyCode
* projfuncFcstRateDate
* netZeroAdjustmentFlag
* transferredFromExpItemId
* burdenCostRate


 * setOfBooksId
* projfuncInvExchangeRate
* rawCostRate
* adjustedRate
* billRate
* burdenCost
* forecastRevenue
* billAmount
* prcAssignmentId
* revenueRateType
* rawRevenue
* tpRateType
* transferPrice
* costRateType
* expenditureItemId
* revenueExchangeRate
* projfuncFcstExchangeRate
* tpConversionDate
* costConversionDate
* adjustedRevenue
* revenueConversionDate
* accrualRate
* costExchangeRate
* accruedRevenue
* tpExchangeRate
* projfuncInvRateDate
* projfuncInvRateType
* rawCost
* projfuncFcstRateType
* currencyCode
* projfuncFcstRateDate
* netZeroAdjustmentFlag
* transferredFromExpItemId
* burdenCostRate


 * purgeRelease
* costExchangeRate
* tpConversionDate
* burdenCost
* adjustedRevenue
* netZeroAdjustmentFlag
* projfuncInvRateType
* purgeProjectId
* billAmount
* revenueRateType
* projfuncFcstRateType
* tpExchangeRate
* projfuncInvExchangeRate
* costConversionDate
* costRateType
* currencyCode
* rawCost
* transferredFromExpItemId
* setOfBooksId
* prcAssignmentId
* expenditureItemId
* accrualRate
* burdenCostRate
* rawRevenue
* transferPrice
* revenueConversionDate
* tpRateType
* accruedRevenue
* rawCostRate
* adjustedRate
* revenueExchangeRate
* projfuncFcstRateDate
* purgeBatchId
* billRate
* forecastRevenue
* projfuncInvRateDate
* projfuncFcstExchangeRate


 * purgeRelease
* costExchangeRate
* tpConversionDate
* burdenCost
* adjustedRevenue
* netZeroAdjustmentFlag
* projfuncInvRateType
* purgeProjectId
* billAmount
* revenueRateType
* projfuncFcstRateType
* tpExchangeRate
* projfuncInvExchangeRate
* costConversionDate
* costRateType
* currencyCode
* rawCost
* transferredFromExpItemId
* setOfBooksId
* prcAssignmentId
* expenditureItemId
* accrualRate
* burdenCostRate
* rawRevenue
* transferPrice
* revenueConversionDate
* tpRateType
* accruedRevenue
* rawCostRate
* adjustedRate
* revenueExchangeRate
* projfuncFcstRateDate
* purgeBatchId
* billRate
* forecastRevenue
* projfuncInvRateDate
* projfuncFcstExchangeRate


 * exchangeRate
* projectAssetLineDetailId
* currencyCode
* setOfBooksId
* conversionDate
* cipCost
* projAssetLineDtlUniqId


 * exchangeRate
* projectAssetLineDetailId
* currencyCode
* setOfBooksId
* conversionDate
* cipCost
* projAssetLineDtlUniqId


 * setOfBooksId
* originalAssetCost
* projectAssetLineDetailId
* projectAssetLineId
* currentAssetCost


 * setOfBooksId
* originalAssetCost
* projectAssetLineDetailId
* projectAssetLineId
* currentAssetCost


 * projectAssetLineDetailId
* currencyCode
* conversionDate
* exchangeRate
* projAssetLineDtlUniqId
* purgeProjectId
* setOfBooksId
* cipCost
* purgeBatchId
* purgeRelease


 * projectAssetLineDetailId
* currencyCode
* conversionDate
* exchangeRate
* projAssetLineDtlUniqId
* purgeProjectId
* setOfBooksId
* cipCost
* purgeBatchId
* purgeRelease


 * projectFundingId
* realizedGainsAmt
* revalAmount
* programId
* programUpdateDate
* exchangeRate
* requestId
* realizedLossesAmt
* conversionDate
* invAppliedAmount
* rateType
* programApplicationId
* setOfBooksId
* currencyCode
* invDueAmount
* backlogAmount
* allocatedAmount
* revaluedAmount


 * projectFundingId
* realizedGainsAmt
* revalAmount
* programId
* programUpdateDate
* exchangeRate
* requestId
* realizedLossesAmt
* conversionDate
* invAppliedAmount
* rateType
* programApplicationId
* setOfBooksId
* currencyCode
* invDueAmount
* backlogAmount
* allocatedAmount
* revaluedAmount


 * retnInvoiceDetailId
* draftInvoiceNum
* createdBy
* lastUpdateDate
* lineNum
* projectId
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* requestId
* acctExchangeRate
* programUpdateDate
* creationDate
* acctRateDate
* programApplicationId
* acctCurrencyCode
* totalRetained
* setOfBooksId
* acctRateType
* programId


 * retnInvoiceDetailId
* draftInvoiceNum
* createdBy
* lastUpdateDate
* lineNum
* projectId
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* requestId
* acctExchangeRate
* programUpdateDate
* creationDate
* acctRateDate
* programApplicationId
* acctCurrencyCode
* totalRetained
* setOfBooksId
* acctRateType
* programId


 * purgeRelease
* programId
* requestId
* draftInvoiceNum
* lineNum
* createdBy
* purgeProjectId
* programUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* purgeBatchId
* totalRetained
* programApplicationId
* creationDate
* acctCurrencyCode
* projectId
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* acctRateDate
* retnInvoiceDetailId
* setOfBooksId
* acctRateType
* acctExchangeRate


 * purgeRelease
* programId
* requestId
* draftInvoiceNum
* lineNum
* createdBy
* purgeProjectId
* programUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* purgeBatchId
* totalRetained
* programApplicationId
* creationDate
* acctCurrencyCode
* projectId
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* acctRateDate
* retnInvoiceDetailId
* setOfBooksId
* acctRateType
* acctExchangeRate


 * totalBaselinedAmount
* agreementId
* setOfBooksId
* programApplicationId
* currencyCode
* programUpdateDate
* programId
* projectId
* totalAccruedAmount
* requestId
* totalUnbaselinedAmount
* taskId
* totalBilledAmount
* realizedLossesAmt
* realizedGainsAmt


 * totalBaselinedAmount
* agreementId
* setOfBooksId
* programApplicationId
* currencyCode
* programUpdateDate
* programId
* projectId
* totalAccruedAmount
* requestId
* totalUnbaselinedAmount
* taskId
* totalBilledAmount
* realizedLossesAmt
* realizedGainsAmt


 * setOfBooksId
* burdenedCostRate
* rateType
* conversionDate
* exchangeRate
* rawCostRate
* burdenedCost
* rawCost
* currencyCode
* txnInterfaceId


 * setOfBooksId
* burdenedCostRate
* rateType
* conversionDate
* exchangeRate
* rawCostRate
* burdenedCost
* rawCost
* currencyCode
* txnInterfaceId


 * createdBy
* primarySetOfBooksId
* creationDate
* upgradeRunId
* lastUpdatedBy
* orgId
* roundingStatus
* tableName
* projectId
* upgradeRunId2
* reportingSetOfBooksId
* sobProjectFlag
* lastUpdateDate
* conversionStatus


 * createdBy
* primarySetOfBooksId
* creationDate
* upgradeRunId
* lastUpdatedBy
* orgId
* roundingStatus
* tableName
* projectId
* upgradeRunId2
* reportingSetOfBooksId
* sobProjectFlag
* lastUpdateDate
* conversionStatus


 * response
* status
* submittedBy
* requestId
* submittedDate


 * response
* status
* submittedBy
* requestId
* submittedDate


 * createdBy
* endDateActive
* nonLaborResource
* rateCurrencyCode
* expenditureType
* lastUpdateDate
* rateDiscReasonCode
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* startDateActive
* lastUpdatedBy
* recordVersionNumber
* taskId
* projectId
* nlBillRateOverrideId
* billRate
* markupPercentage
* discountPercentage


 * projectId
* expenditureType
* startDateActive
* nonLaborResource
* creationDate
* billRate
* setOfBooksId
* taskId


 * projectId
* expenditureType
* startDateActive
* nonLaborResource
* creationDate
* billRate
* setOfBooksId
* taskId


 * createdBy
* endDateActive
* nonLaborResource
* rateCurrencyCode
* expenditureType
* lastUpdateDate
* rateDiscReasonCode
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* startDateActive
* lastUpdatedBy
* recordVersionNumber
* taskId
* projectId
* nlBillRateOverrideId
* billRate
* markupPercentage
* discountPercentage


 * attribute2
* attribute9
* attribute12
* attribute3
* startDateActive
* attribute5
* attribute8
* attribute7
* attribute4
* attributeCategory
* nonLaborResource
* attribute10
* endDateActive
* attribute13
* attribute14
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute6
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute1
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute11
* creationDate
* organizationId
* createdBy
* attribute15


 * attribute2
* attribute9
* attribute12
* attribute3
* startDateActive
* attribute5
* attribute8
* attribute7
* attribute4
* attributeCategory
* nonLaborResource
* attribute10
* endDateActive
* attribute13
* attribute14
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute6
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute1
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute11
* creationDate
* organizationId
* createdBy
* attribute15


 * endDateActive
* description
* attribute3
* attribute12
* creationDate
* attribute1
* attribute8
* attribute13
* attribute5
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute6
* attribute14
* attribute7
* nonLaborResource
* attribute11
* attribute15
* equipmentResourceFlag
* attribute4
* lastUpdateLogin
* attributeCategory
* attribute9
* nonLaborResourceId
* attribute2
* lastUpdatedBy
* startDateActive
* attribute10
* expenditureType
* createdBy


 * endDateActive
* description
* attribute3
* attribute12
* creationDate
* attribute1
* attribute8
* attribute13
* attribute5
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute6
* attribute14
* attribute7
* nonLaborResource
* attribute11
* attribute15
* equipmentResourceFlag
* attribute4
* lastUpdateLogin
* attributeCategory
* attribute9
* nonLaborResourceId
* attribute2
* lastUpdatedBy
* startDateActive
* attribute10
* expenditureType
* createdBy


 * lastUpdateLogin
* creationDate
* objStatusChangeId
* objectId
* newProjectStatusCode
* changeComment
* oldProjectStatusCode
* lastUpdateDate
* newProjectSystemStatusCode
* oldProjectSystemStatusCode
* createdBy
* objectType
* lastUpdatedBy
* statusType


 * lastUpdateLogin
* creationDate
* objStatusChangeId
* objectId
* newProjectStatusCode
* changeComment
* oldProjectStatusCode
* lastUpdateDate
* newProjectSystemStatusCode
* oldProjectSystemStatusCode
* createdBy
* objectType
* lastUpdatedBy
* statusType


 * objStatusListId
* createdBy
* statusListId
* lastUpdatedBy
* statusType
* lastUpdateDate
* objectId
* objectType
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin


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* createdBy
* statusListId
* lastUpdatedBy
* statusType
* lastUpdateDate
* objectId
* objectType
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin


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* objectId
* lastUpdateLogin
* createdBy
* creationDate
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* recordVersionNumber


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* listId
* objectId
* lastUpdateLogin
* createdBy
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* lastUpdateDate
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* recordVersionNumber


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* recordVersionNumber
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* lastUpdateLogin
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* recordVersionNumber
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* lastUpdateLogin
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* recordVersionNumber
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* replacementRegCode
* createdBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdateDate
* creationDate


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* placeholderRegCode
* recordVersionNumber
* objectType
* objectId
* replacementRegCode
* createdBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdateDate
* creationDate


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* priority
* objectTypeFrom
* createdBy
* objectRelationshipId
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* relationshipSubtype
* lastUpdatedBy
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* comments
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* relationshipType
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* lastUpdateLogin
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* priority
* objectTypeFrom
* createdBy
* objectRelationshipId
* objectIdFrom4
* relationshipSubtype
* lastUpdatedBy
* creationDate
* objectIdFrom3
* comments
* objectIdFrom1
* importedLag
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* statusCode
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* lastUpdateLogin
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* objectIdFrom5
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* expenditureOrgId
* programId
* lastUpdatedBy
* personId
* projectOrgId
* expenditureOrganizationId
* expenditureType
* programUpdateDate
* createdBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* workTypeId
* projectId
* orgUtilCategoryId
* lastUpdateDate
* requestId
* objectTypeCode
* projectOrganizationId
* programApplicationId
* taskId
* resUtilCategoryId
* creationDate
* assignmentId
* expenditureTypeClass
* balanceTypeCode


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* expenditureOrgId
* programId
* lastUpdatedBy
* personId
* projectOrgId
* expenditureOrganizationId
* expenditureType
* programUpdateDate
* createdBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* workTypeId
* projectId
* orgUtilCategoryId
* lastUpdateDate
* requestId
* objectTypeCode
* projectOrganizationId
* programApplicationId
* taskId
* resUtilCategoryId
* creationDate
* assignmentId
* expenditureTypeClass
* balanceTypeCode


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* rbsPushAssocFlag
* headerId
* budgetChangeFlag


 * projectId
* rbsPushAssocFlag
* headerId
* budgetChangeFlag


 * status
* headerId


 * status
* headerId


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* custom1
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* custom2
* custom4
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* poCommittedCost
* revenue
* laborRawCost
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* billRawCost
* actLaborBrdnCost
* lastUpdateLogin
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* custom7
* billBrdnCost
* etcLaborRawCost
* rbsElementId
* etcLaborHrs
* custom9
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* etcEquipHrs
* etcEquipBrdnCost
* billLaborHrs
* cbsElementId
* billLaborRawCost
* equipmentBrdnCost
* laborRevenue
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* rbsVersionId
* capitalizableRawCost
* actRevenue
* custom10
* actRawCost
* brdnCost
* planTypeId
* billLaborBrdnCost
* custom3
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* custom13
* actEquipBrdnCost
* custom11
* custom12
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* custom14
* custom5
* olapGroup
* actLaborHrs
* etcEquipRawCost
* createdBy
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* projectElementId
* actBrdnCost
* equipmentHours
* timeId
* creationDate
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* othCommittedCost
* custom15
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* actEquipHrs
* etcBrdnCost


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* custom1
* actLaborRawCost
* custom2
* custom4
* laborBrdnCost
* poCommittedCost
* revenue
* laborRawCost
* supInvCommittedCost
* planVersionId
* rawCost
* etcRawCost
* cbsVersionId
* calendarType
* equipmentRawCost
* billableEquipmentHours
* etcLaborBrdnCost
* billRawCost
* actLaborBrdnCost
* lastUpdateLogin
* actEquipRawCost
* custom7
* billBrdnCost
* etcLaborRawCost
* rbsElementId
* etcLaborHrs
* custom9
* projectId
* etcEquipHrs
* etcEquipBrdnCost
* billLaborHrs
* cbsElementId
* billLaborRawCost
* equipmentBrdnCost
* laborRevenue
* custom8
* currencyCode
* rbsVersionId
* capitalizableRawCost
* actRevenue
* custom10
* actRawCost
* brdnCost
* planTypeId
* billLaborBrdnCost
* custom3
* custom6
* custom13
* actEquipBrdnCost
* custom11
* custom12
* prCommittedCost
* custom14
* custom5
* olapGroup
* actLaborHrs
* etcEquipRawCost
* createdBy
* lastUpdateDate
* projectElementId
* actBrdnCost
* equipmentHours
* timeId
* creationDate
* laborHrs
* othCommittedCost
* custom15
* lastUpdatedBy
* actEquipHrs
* etcBrdnCost


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* tabMovesFlag
* personId
* paHotKeysDisplayed
* createdBy
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
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* workSaturdayFlag
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* defaultComments
* creationDate
* workThursdayFlag
* workFridayFlag


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* tabMovesFlag
* personId
* paHotKeysDisplayed
* createdBy
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* defaultWeeksBack
* workMondayFlag
* defOvrrdApproverPersonId
* overwriteHotKeys
* workSundayFlag
* workSaturdayFlag
* lastUpdatedBy
* workTuesdayFlag
* defaultComments
* creationDate
* workThursdayFlag
* workFridayFlag


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* recordVersionNumber
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* taskId
* forecastElementId
* createdBy
* assignmentId
* budgetVersionId
* resourceId
* txnProjectId
* otherOrgId
* creationDate
* providerReceiverCode
* lastUpdatedBy
* projectId
* lastUpdateDate


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* createdBy
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* periodName
* unassignedTimeCost
* startDate
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* rawCost
* recordVersionNumber
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* projectId
* burdenedCost
* lentResourceCost
* forecastLineId
* budgetVersionId
* borrowedRevenue
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin


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* createdBy
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* periodName
* unassignedTimeCost
* startDate
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* rawCost
* recordVersionNumber
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* tpRevenueOut
* forecastElementId
* revenue
* lastUpdatedBy
* taskId
* quantity
* tpCostIn
* projectId
* burdenedCost
* lentResourceCost
* forecastLineId
* budgetVersionId
* borrowedRevenue
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin


 * forecastCostRateSchId
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
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* startDateActive
* lastUpdateLogin
* orgLaborSchRuleId
* orgId
* createdBy
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* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
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* startDateActive
* lastUpdateLogin
* orgLaborSchRuleId
* orgId
* createdBy
* overtimeProjectId
* laborCostingRule
* acctExchangeRate
* organizationId
* costRateSchId
* acctRateType
* overtimeTaskId
* endDateActive
* acctRateDateCode
* creationDate


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* startOrganizationId


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* lastUpdateDate
* creationDate


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* tableMaxId
* tableName
* lastUpdateDate
* creationDate


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* payrollStatusFlag
* intExtIndicator
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* createdBy
* lastUpdateDate
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* payrollStatusFlag
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* sourceStartDate
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* lastUpdateDate
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* creationDate
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* payrollId
* timePeriodId
* previousRunId
* payPeriodStartDate
* requestId


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* personId
* organizationId
* taskId
* acctBurdenCost
* payElementTypeId
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* systemLinkageFunction
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* assignmentId
* interfaceRunId
* acctRateType
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdateDate
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* projectId
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* systemLinkageFunction
* denomRawCost
* assignmentId
* interfaceRunId
* acctRateType
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* acctRawCost
* projectId
* orgId
* expenditureType
* denomCurrencyCode
* payElementTypeCode
* createdBy
* requestId
* quantity
* acctCurrencyCode
* acctExchangeRate
* acctRateDate
* denomBurdenCost
* payDistId
* sourceExpenditureItemId
* creationDate


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* expenditureType
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* lastUpdatedBy
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* attribute8
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* payrollTaskSegment
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin


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* attributeCategory
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* lastUpdateDate
* attribute3
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* attribute9
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* intExtIndicator
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* expenditureType
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* payElementTypeId
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* lastUpdatedBy
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* attribute2
* attribute8
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* distributionBasisCode
* payrollTaskSegment
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin


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* attribute12
* attribute6
* lastUpdatedBy
* payElementMapId
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute3
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* createdBy
* attributeCategory
* lastUpdateDate
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* attributeCategory
* lastUpdateDate
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* attribute7
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* attribute5
* attribute8
* creationDate
* attribute1
* attribute9
* expenditureType


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* retroPeriodStartDate
* interfaceLineId
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* paySourceOrganizationId
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* personId
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* lastUpdateLogin
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* paySourceTaskId
* interfaceHeaderId
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* lastUpdateDate
* creationDate
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* retroPeriodStartDate
* interfaceLineId
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* paySourceOrganizationId
* assignmentId
* payElementTypeCode
* personId
* rejectionCode
* requestId
* retroPeriodEndDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* transferStatusFlag
* paySourceTaskId
* interfaceHeaderId
* createdBy
* lastUpdateDate
* creationDate
* payAmount
* lastUpdatedBy


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* businessGroupName
* payrollBatchId
* timePeriodStartDate
* creationDate
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* lastUpdateLogin
* timePeriodEndDate
* requestId
* lastUpdateDate
* interfaceHeaderId
* createdBy
* payrollName
* rejectionCode
* lastUpdatedBy


 * businessGroupId
* businessGroupName
* payrollBatchId
* timePeriodStartDate
* creationDate
* payrollId
* lastUpdateLogin
* timePeriodEndDate
* requestId
* lastUpdateDate
* interfaceHeaderId
* createdBy
* payrollName
* rejectionCode
* lastUpdatedBy


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* personId
* paySourceOrganizationId
* lastUpdatedBy
* creationDate
* paySourceProjectId
* lastUpdateLogin
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* payrollBatchId
* transferStatusFlag
* businessGroupId
* retroPeriodStartDate
* payCurrencyCode
* retroPeriodEndDate
* lastUpdateDate
* payrollName
* payAmount
* timePeriodStartDate
* paySourceTaskId
* requestId
* createdBy


 * assignmentId
* personId
* paySourceOrganizationId
* lastUpdatedBy
* creationDate
* paySourceProjectId
* lastUpdateLogin
* payElementTypeCode
* timePeriodEndDate
* transferRejectionCode
* payrollBatchId
* transferStatusFlag
* businessGroupId
* retroPeriodStartDate
* payCurrencyCode
* retroPeriodEndDate
* lastUpdateDate
* payrollName
* payAmount
* timePeriodStartDate
* paySourceTaskId
* requestId
* createdBy


 * businessGroupId
* activeFlag
* payrollProviderName
* payrollName
* effectiveStartDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* createdBy
* priority
* lastUpdateDate
* creationDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* payrollId
* effectiveEndDate
* description


 * businessGroupId
* activeFlag
* payrollProviderName
* payrollName
* effectiveStartDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* createdBy
* priority
* lastUpdateDate
* creationDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* payrollId
* effectiveEndDate
* description


 * createdBy
* payrollId
* lastUpdateDate
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* timePeriodId
* timePeriodEndDate
* timePeriodStartDate
* lastUpdatedBy


 * createdBy
* payrollId
* lastUpdateDate
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* timePeriodId
* timePeriodEndDate
* timePeriodStartDate
* lastUpdatedBy


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* projectRollbackStatusInd
* lastUpdateLogin
* assignmentActionId
* interfaceRunId
* createdBy
* payrollStatusFlag
* creationDate
* lastUpdateDate
* requestId
* lastUpdatedBy
* personId


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* projectRollbackStatusInd
* lastUpdateLogin
* assignmentActionId
* interfaceRunId
* createdBy
* payrollStatusFlag
* creationDate
* lastUpdateDate
* requestId
* lastUpdatedBy
* personId


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* createdBy
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* zdEditionName
* rejectionCode


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* zdSync
* priority
* createdBy
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* lastUpdatedBy
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* rejectionCode


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* paySourceId
* createdBy
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* assignmentId
* payElementTypeCode
* rejectionCode
* lastUpdateLogin
* payRejectionId
* interfaceRunId


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* lastUpdateDate
* paySourceId
* createdBy
* personId
* requestId
* payElementTypeId
* parentRejectionId
* creationDate
* assignmentId
* payElementTypeCode
* rejectionCode
* lastUpdateLogin
* payRejectionId
* interfaceRunId


 * timecardExpType
* priority
* paySourceId
* payAmount
* payrollTaskSegment
* requestId
* createdBy
* creationDate
* payCurrencyCode
* payElementTypeCode
* costTypeCode
* orgId
* personId
* distributionBasisCode
* payRejectionId
* empOrganizationId
* payElementTypeId
* payrollExpOrgSegment
* timecardElement
* payElementMapId
* projCostReqd
* interfaceRunId
* payrollProjSegment
* lastUpdateLogin
* assignmentId
* paySourceProjectId
* paySourceTaskId
* allowMiscFlag
* lastUpdateDate
* paySourceOrganizationId
* lastUpdatedBy
* expenditureType


 * timecardExpType
* priority
* paySourceId
* payAmount
* payrollTaskSegment
* requestId
* createdBy
* creationDate
* payCurrencyCode
* payElementTypeCode
* costTypeCode
* orgId
* personId
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* payRejectionId
* empOrganizationId
* payElementTypeId
* payrollExpOrgSegment
* timecardElement
* payElementMapId
* projCostReqd
* interfaceRunId
* payrollProjSegment
* lastUpdateLogin
* assignmentId
* paySourceProjectId
* paySourceTaskId
* allowMiscFlag
* lastUpdateDate
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* percentCompleteId
* historyFlag
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* actualStartDate
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* lastUpdateDate
* objectVersionId
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* publishedByPartyId
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* objectType
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* objectId
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* createdBy
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* structureType
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* createdBy
* objectType
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* kpa4Score
* objectType
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* kpa5Code
* perfStatusCode
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* objectId
* ind1Score
* lastUpdatedBy
* ind3Count
* ind5Score
* score
* ruleId
* creationDate
* ind1Count
* ind3Score


 * lastUpdateDate
* ind4Count
* kpaCode
* kpaSummaryDetId
* createdBy
* ind5Count
* count
* ind2Score
* ind4Score
* ind2Count
* lastUpdateLogin
* kpaSummaryId
* objectType
* indicatorCode
* objectId
* ind1Score
* lastUpdatedBy
* ind3Count
* ind5Score
* score
* ruleId
* creationDate
* ind1Count
* ind3Score


 * kpa4ThresTo
* dateChecked
* kpa2Code
* kpa3Indicator
* kpa5Indicator
* creationDate
* kpa3Score
* lastUpdateDate
* kpa5ThresFrom
* lastUpdatedBy
* createdBy
* kpaSummaryId
* currentFlag
* kpa1ThresFrom
* kpa4Code
* kpa1Code
* kpa4Score
* objectType
* kpa5ThresTo
* kpa3ThresTo
* kpa4ThresFrom
* lastUpdateLogin
* kpa2Indicator
* kpa5Code
* perfStatusCode
* kpa3ThresFrom
* kpa2Score
* kpa1Indicator
* kpa2ThresFrom
* kpa4Indicator
* kpa1ThresTo
* kpa3Code
* objectId
* kpa1Score
* kpa2ThresTo
* kpa5Score


 * perfTxnId
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* kpaSummaryDetId
* createdBy
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy


 * perfTxnId
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* kpaSummaryDetId
* createdBy
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy


 * recordVersionNumber
* ruleId
* creationDate
* objectRuleId
* objectType
* createdBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdateDate
* objectId
* lastUpdatedBy


 * recordVersionNumber
* ruleId
* creationDate
* objectRuleId
* objectType
* createdBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdateDate
* objectId
* lastUpdatedBy


 * lastUpdateDate
* precision
* lastUpdatedBy
* startDateActive
* ruleId
* recordVersionNumber
* periodType
* measureId
* ruleName
* ruleDescription
* scoreMethod
* currencyType
* kpaCode
* measureFormat
* endDateActive
* creationDate
* ruleType
* createdBy
* lastUpdateLogin


 * lastUpdateDate
* precision
* lastUpdatedBy
* startDateActive
* ruleId
* recordVersionNumber
* periodType
* measureId
* ruleName
* ruleDescription
* scoreMethod
* currencyType
* kpaCode
* measureFormat
* endDateActive
* creationDate
* ruleType
* createdBy
* lastUpdateLogin


 * thresholdId
* thresObjId
* exceptionFlag
* toValue
* recordVersionNumber
* lastUpdateDate
* createdBy
* indicatorCode
* weighting
* fromValue
* accessListId
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* ruleType
* lastUpdatedBy


 * thresholdId
* thresObjId
* exceptionFlag
* toValue
* recordVersionNumber
* lastUpdateDate
* createdBy
* indicatorCode
* weighting
* fromValue
* accessListId
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* ruleType
* lastUpdatedBy


 * precision
* ruleId
* weighting
* exceptionFlag
* creationDate
* thresholdTo
* perfTxnObjType
* measureFormat
* periodName
* thresholdFrom
* currentFlag
* relatedObjId
* lastUpdateDate
* recordVersionNumber
* objectRuleId
* lastUpdateLogin
* measureValue
* kpaCode
* programId
* lastUpdatedBy
* relatedObjType
* indicatorCode
* dateChecked
* perfTxnObjId
* createdBy
* periodType
* projectId
* includedInScoring
* measureId
* currencyType
* perfTxnId


 * precision
* ruleId
* weighting
* exceptionFlag
* creationDate
* thresholdTo
* perfTxnObjType
* measureFormat
* periodName
* thresholdFrom
* currentFlag
* relatedObjId
* lastUpdateDate
* recordVersionNumber
* objectRuleId
* lastUpdateLogin
* measureValue
* kpaCode
* programId
* lastUpdatedBy
* relatedObjType
* indicatorCode
* dateChecked
* perfTxnObjId
* createdBy
* periodType
* projectId
* includedInScoring
* measureId
* currencyType
* perfTxnId


 * periodMaskId
* numOfPeriods
* fromAnchorPosition
* zdEditionName
* createdBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdateDate
* creationDate
* fromAnchorStart
* lastUpdatedBy
* zdSync
* anchorPeriodFlag
* fromAnchorEnd


 * periodMaskId
* numOfPeriods
* fromAnchorPosition
* zdEditionName
* createdBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdateDate
* creationDate
* fromAnchorStart
* lastUpdatedBy
* zdSync
* anchorPeriodFlag
* fromAnchorEnd


 * preDefinedFlag
* recordVersionNumber
* effectiveStartDate
* zdSync
* effectiveEndDate
* zdEditionName
* periodMaskId
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* createdBy
* lastUpdatedBy
* timePhaseCode
* creationDate


 * preDefinedFlag
* recordVersionNumber
* effectiveStartDate
* zdSync
* effectiveEndDate
* zdEditionName
* periodMaskId
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* createdBy
* lastUpdatedBy
* timePhaseCode
* creationDate


 * name
* sourceLang
* lastUpdatedBy
* creationDate
* zdSync
* lastUpdateLogin
* language
* lastUpdateDate
* description
* createdBy
* zdEditionName
* periodMaskId


 * name
* sourceLang
* lastUpdatedBy
* creationDate
* zdSync
* lastUpdateLogin
* language
* lastUpdateDate
* description
* createdBy
* zdEditionName
* periodMaskId


 * lastUpdateDate
* orgId
* lastUpdatedBy
* endDate
* createdBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* startDate
* status
* currentPaPeriodFlag
* periodName
* creationDate
* glPeriodName


 * lastUpdateDate
* orgId
* lastUpdatedBy
* endDate
* createdBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* startDate
* status
* currentPaPeriodFlag
* periodName
* creationDate
* glPeriodName


 * attribute12
* pjtRollupFlag
* attribute5
* operationType
* attribute6
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* eventType
* attribute1
* attribute4
* attribute15
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute9
* attribute8
* eventId
* attribute13
* attribute10
* creationDate
* attributeCategory
* createdBy
* attribute11
* status
* attribute3
* attribute19
* attribute17
* attribute18
* attribute16
* attribute20
* attribute14
* attribute2
* eventObject
* attribute7


 * attribute12
* pjtRollupFlag
* attribute5
* operationType
* attribute6
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* eventType
* attribute1
* attribute4
* attribute15
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute9
* attribute8
* eventId
* attribute13
* attribute10
* creationDate
* attributeCategory
* createdBy
* attribute11
* status
* attribute3
* attribute19
* attribute17
* attribute18
* attribute16
* attribute20
* attribute14
* attribute2
* eventObject
* attribute7


 * attribute16
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute10
* attribute19
* attribute2
* attribute15
* attribute7
* creationDate
* logRowid
* attribute5
* workerId
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute3
* attribute9
* attribute14
* attribute6
* attribute11
* attribute20
* attribute13
* createdBy
* attribute12
* eventType
* operationType
* attribute1
* eventObject
* attributeCategory
* attribute4
* attribute18
* attribute17
* attribute8
* eventId
* status


 * attribute9
* eventObject
* attribute13
* attribute17
* attribute11
* operationType
* lastUpdatedBy
* eventId
* attribute10
* status
* creationDate
* attribute7
* attribute3
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute6
* createdBy
* attribute12
* attribute15
* attribute4
* attribute1
* attribute14
* attribute8
* attribute5
* attribute2
* attribute18
* attribute20
* attributeCategory
* workerId
* logRowid
* eventType
* attribute19
* attribute16


 * attribute9
* eventObject
* attribute13
* attribute17
* attribute11
* operationType
* lastUpdatedBy
* eventId
* attribute10
* status
* creationDate
* attribute7
* attribute3
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute6
* createdBy
* attribute12
* attribute15
* attribute4
* attribute1
* attribute14
* attribute8
* attribute5
* attribute2
* attribute18
* attribute20
* attributeCategory
* workerId
* logRowid
* eventType
* attribute19
* attribute16


 * attribute16
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute10
* attribute19
* attribute2
* attribute15
* attribute7
* creationDate
* logRowid
* attribute5
* workerId
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute3
* attribute9
* attribute14
* attribute6
* attribute11
* attribute20
* attribute13
* createdBy
* attribute12
* eventType
* operationType
* attribute1
* eventObject
* attributeCategory
* attribute4
* attribute18
* attribute17
* attribute8
* eventId
* status


 * structElementId
* extractionStatus
* workerId
* projectActiveFlag
* projectTypeClass
* budgetChangeFlag
* extractionType
* actErrMsg
* projectType
* projectOrganizationId
* projectOrgId
* prjCurrencyCode
* pjiProjectStatus
* rbsPushAssocFlag
* projectId


 * structElementId
* extractionStatus
* workerId
* projectActiveFlag
* projectTypeClass
* budgetChangeFlag
* extractionType
* actErrMsg
* projectType
* projectOrganizationId
* projectOrgId
* prjCurrencyCode
* pjiProjectStatus
* rbsPushAssocFlag
* projectId


 * actBrdnCost
* billLaborHrs
* poCommittedCost
* custom6
* custom13
* custom7
* rbsAggrLevel
* currencyCode
* actEquipHrs
* revenue
* capitalizableRawCost
* custom1
* rawCost
* brdnCost
* projectId
* capitalizableBrdnCost
* creationDate
* laborBrdnCost
* actEquipBrdnCost
* actLaborRawCost
* custom15
* etcLaborHrs
* rbsCbsElementId
* laborHrs
* planVersionId
* billBrdnCost
* rollupType
* custom3
* lastUpdateLogin
* equipmentRawCost
* custom2
* etcEquipHrs
* laborRawCost
* actLaborBrdnCost
* billLaborRawCost
* rbsCbsVersionId
* actRawCost
* billableEquipmentHours
* etcEquipRawCost
* supInvCommittedCost
* prCommittedCost
* billRawCost
* etcLaborBrdnCost
* actRevenue
* equipmentBrdnCost
* custom12
* billLaborBrdnCost
* etcEquipBrdnCost
* etcLaborRawCost
* createdBy
* custom10
* etcRawCost
* actEquipRawCost
* lastUpdateDate
* custom8
* custom11
* actLaborHrs
* othCommittedCost
* prgRollupFlag
* custom5
* custom4
* custom9
* equipmentHours
* custom14
* etcBrdnCost
* laborRevenue
* lastUpdatedBy


 * actBrdnCost
* billLaborHrs
* poCommittedCost
* custom6
* custom13
* custom7
* rbsAggrLevel
* currencyCode
* actEquipHrs
* revenue
* capitalizableRawCost
* custom1
* rawCost
* brdnCost
* projectId
* capitalizableBrdnCost
* creationDate
* laborBrdnCost
* actEquipBrdnCost
* actLaborRawCost
* custom15
* etcLaborHrs
* rbsCbsElementId
* laborHrs
* planVersionId
* billBrdnCost
* rollupType
* custom3
* lastUpdateLogin
* equipmentRawCost
* custom2
* etcEquipHrs
* laborRawCost
* actLaborBrdnCost
* billLaborRawCost
* rbsCbsVersionId
* actRawCost
* billableEquipmentHours
* etcEquipRawCost
* supInvCommittedCost
* prCommittedCost
* billRawCost
* etcLaborBrdnCost
* actRevenue
* equipmentBrdnCost
* custom12
* billLaborBrdnCost
* etcEquipBrdnCost
* etcLaborRawCost
* createdBy
* custom10
* etcRawCost
* actEquipRawCost
* lastUpdateDate
* custom8
* custom11
* actLaborHrs
* othCommittedCost
* prgRollupFlag
* custom5
* custom4
* custom9
* equipmentHours
* custom14
* etcBrdnCost
* laborRevenue
* lastUpdatedBy


 * planVersionId
* actLaborRawCost
* actLaborBrdnCost
* custom4
* custom8
* capitalizableRawCost
* supInvCommittedCost
* laborRawCost
* rawCost
* billLaborBrdnCost
* othCommittedCost
* etcEquipHrs
* capitalizableBrdnCost
* projectId
* equipmentBrdnCost
* currencyCode
* lastUpdateDate
* actRevenue
* actEquipHrs
* custom5
* etcLaborHrs
* laborHrs
* actBrdnCost
* etcRawCost
* lastUpdatedBy
* projectElementId
* laborBrdnCost
* etcEquipRawCost
* billRawCost
* equipmentRawCost
* actLaborHrs
* custom6
* actRawCost
* laborRevenue
* custom7
* creationDate
* custom14
* custom13
* custom9
* billLaborHrs
* actEquipBrdnCost
* billLaborRawCost
* billBrdnCost
* custom2
* custom1
* etcEquipBrdnCost
* lastUpdateLogin
* wbsRollupFlag
* custom11
* etcBrdnCost
* billableEquipmentHours
* custom3
* revenue
* etcLaborRawCost
* poCommittedCost
* etcLaborBrdnCost
* custom15
* custom12
* prgRollupFlag
* prCommittedCost
* brdnCost
* createdBy
* actEquipRawCost
* custom10
* equipmentHours


 * planVersionId
* actLaborRawCost
* actLaborBrdnCost
* custom4
* custom8
* capitalizableRawCost
* supInvCommittedCost
* laborRawCost
* rawCost
* billLaborBrdnCost
* othCommittedCost
* etcEquipHrs
* capitalizableBrdnCost
* projectId
* equipmentBrdnCost
* currencyCode
* lastUpdateDate
* actRevenue
* actEquipHrs
* custom5
* etcLaborHrs
* laborHrs
* actBrdnCost
* etcRawCost
* lastUpdatedBy
* projectElementId
* laborBrdnCost
* etcEquipRawCost
* billRawCost
* equipmentRawCost
* actLaborHrs
* custom6
* actRawCost
* laborRevenue
* custom7
* creationDate
* custom14
* custom13
* custom9
* billLaborHrs
* actEquipBrdnCost
* billLaborRawCost
* billBrdnCost
* custom2
* custom1
* etcEquipBrdnCost
* lastUpdateLogin
* wbsRollupFlag
* custom11
* etcBrdnCost
* billableEquipmentHours
* custom3
* revenue
* etcLaborRawCost
* poCommittedCost
* etcLaborBrdnCost
* custom15
* custom12
* prgRollupFlag
* prCommittedCost
* brdnCost
* createdBy
* actEquipRawCost
* custom10
* equipmentHours


 * actEquipHrs
* billRawCost
* billBrdnCost
* lastUpdateLogin
* projectId
* actLaborHrs
* lastUpdatedBy
* custom2
* billLaborRawCost
* custom9
* equipmentBrdnCost
* brdnCost
* supInvCommittedCost
* actRawCost
* actRevenue
* custom11
* etcEquipHrs
* etcLaborHrs
* billLaborHrs
* custom14
* laborBrdnCost
* custom3
* etcLaborRawCost
* capitalizableRawCost
* poCommittedCost
* actLaborBrdnCost
* cbsElementId
* billableEquipmentHours
* custom4
* actLaborRawCost
* rbsElementId
* custom6
* laborRevenue
* etcEquipBrdnCost
* etcEquipRawCost
* laborHrs
* equipmentRawCost
* rbsVersionId
* creationDate
* laborRawCost
* createdBy
* custom1
* custom5
* equipmentHours
* actBrdnCost
* etcLaborBrdnCost
* revenue
* capitalizableBrdnCost
* etcRawCost
* planVersionId
* actEquipBrdnCost
* actEquipRawCost
* custom7
* etcBrdnCost
* wbsRollupFlag
* lastUpdateDate
* prgRollupFlag
* currencyCode
* projectElementId
* custom15
* prCommittedCost
* custom13
* cbsVersionId
* rbsAggrLevel
* rawCost
* custom12
* othCommittedCost
* billLaborBrdnCost
* custom8
* custom10


 * actEquipHrs
* billRawCost
* billBrdnCost
* lastUpdateLogin
* projectId
* actLaborHrs
* lastUpdatedBy
* custom2
* billLaborRawCost
* custom9
* equipmentBrdnCost
* brdnCost
* supInvCommittedCost
* actRawCost
* actRevenue
* custom11
* etcEquipHrs
* etcLaborHrs
* billLaborHrs
* custom14
* laborBrdnCost
* custom3
* etcLaborRawCost
* capitalizableRawCost
* poCommittedCost
* actLaborBrdnCost
* cbsElementId
* billableEquipmentHours
* custom4
* actLaborRawCost
* rbsElementId
* custom6
* laborRevenue
* etcEquipBrdnCost
* etcEquipRawCost
* laborHrs
* equipmentRawCost
* rbsVersionId
* creationDate
* laborRawCost
* createdBy
* custom1
* custom5
* equipmentHours
* actBrdnCost
* etcLaborBrdnCost
* revenue
* capitalizableBrdnCost
* etcRawCost
* planVersionId
* actEquipBrdnCost
* actEquipRawCost
* custom7
* etcBrdnCost
* wbsRollupFlag
* lastUpdateDate
* prgRollupFlag
* currencyCode
* projectElementId
* custom15
* prCommittedCost
* custom13
* cbsVersionId
* rbsAggrLevel
* rawCost
* custom12
* othCommittedCost
* billLaborBrdnCost
* custom8
* custom10


 * lastUpdateDate
* etcMethodCode
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* recordVersionNumber
* enabledFlag
* lastUpdatedBy
* expenditureType
* createdBy
* resourceClassId
* objectType
* spreadCurveId
* planResDefaultId
* objectId
* itemCategorySetId
* mfcCostTypeId
* zdEditionName
* itemMasterId
* zdSync


 * lastUpdateDate
* etcMethodCode
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* recordVersionNumber
* enabledFlag
* lastUpdatedBy
* expenditureType
* createdBy
* resourceClassId
* objectType
* spreadCurveId
* planResDefaultId
* objectId
* itemCategorySetId
* mfcCostTypeId
* zdEditionName
* itemMasterId
* zdSync


 * recordVersionNumber
* createdBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* resourceListId
* lastUpdateDate
* planRlFormatId
* resFormatId
* creationDate
* lastUpdatedBy


 * recordVersionNumber
* createdBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* resourceListId
* lastUpdateDate
* planRlFormatId
* resFormatId
* creationDate
* lastUpdatedBy


 * billLaborBrdnCost
* custom5
* lastUpdatedBy
* etcLaborHrs
* custom10
* rbsCbsElementId
* currencyCode
* equipmentRawCost
* custom4
* othCommittedCost
* etcEquipBrdnCost
* custom12
* billLaborHrs
* prgRollupFlag
* etcLaborRawCost
* rollupType
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* revenue
* etcEquipHrs
* laborBrdnCost
* createdBy
* projectId
* rawCost
* custom8
* custom13
* actLaborRawCost
* planVersionId
* custom11
* actEquipRawCost
* actEquipBrdnCost
* custom1
* custom2
* actLaborHrs
* prCommittedCost
* billRawCost
* poCommittedCost
* etcRawCost
* supInvCommittedCost
* rbsCbsVersionId
* equipmentBrdnCost
* custom3
* actEquipHrs
* actRawCost
* actLaborBrdnCost
* actBrdnCost
* etcBrdnCost
* actRevenue
* etcEquipRawCost
* billBrdnCost
* custom15
* custom7
* custom9
* custom14
* brdnCost
* laborHrs
* billLaborRawCost
* billableEquipmentHours
* rbsAggrLevel
* creationDate
* equipmentHours
* capitalizableRawCost
* capitalizableBrdnCost
* custom6
* etcLaborBrdnCost
* laborRawCost
* laborRevenue


 * billLaborBrdnCost
* custom5
* lastUpdatedBy
* etcLaborHrs
* custom10
* rbsCbsElementId
* currencyCode
* equipmentRawCost
* custom4
* othCommittedCost
* etcEquipBrdnCost
* custom12
* billLaborHrs
* prgRollupFlag
* etcLaborRawCost
* rollupType
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* revenue
* etcEquipHrs
* laborBrdnCost
* createdBy
* projectId
* rawCost
* custom8
* custom13
* actLaborRawCost
* planVersionId
* custom11
* actEquipRawCost
* actEquipBrdnCost
* custom1
* custom2
* actLaborHrs
* prCommittedCost
* billRawCost
* poCommittedCost
* etcRawCost
* supInvCommittedCost
* rbsCbsVersionId
* equipmentBrdnCost
* custom3
* actEquipHrs
* actRawCost
* actLaborBrdnCost
* actBrdnCost
* etcBrdnCost
* actRevenue
* etcEquipRawCost
* billBrdnCost
* custom15
* custom7
* custom9
* custom14
* brdnCost
* laborHrs
* billLaborRawCost
* billableEquipmentHours
* rbsAggrLevel
* creationDate
* equipmentHours
* capitalizableRawCost
* capitalizableBrdnCost
* custom6
* etcLaborBrdnCost
* laborRawCost
* laborRevenue


 * qtdActRevenue
* qtdActQty
* itdActQty
* ytdBudQty
* ytdForecastRawCost
* itdForecastRawCost
* ytdForecastRev
* ptdForecastRev
* etc
* itdActBurdenCost
* ytdBudBurdenCost
* outlineNumber
* eac
* projectNumber
* qtdBudBurdenCost
* itdForecastBrdnCost
* ptdActBurdenCost
* ytdActQty
* currencyCode
* recordType
* itdBudRevenue
* costCodeName
* ptdActRevenue
* ytdBudRevenue
* ytdActRevenue
* atCmpBrdnRevenue
* itdBudBurdenCost
* cv
* atCmpRevenue
* qtdBudQty
* ytdForecastBrdnCost
* projectId
* projectName
* ptdBudQty
* qtdForecastBrdnCost
* ptdActQty
* ptdForecastRawCost
* qtdActBurdenCost
* ptdForecastBrdnCost
* ytdActBurdenCost
* ptdBudBurdenCost
* rbsCbsElementId
* costCode
* qtdForecastRev
* qtdBudRevenue
* itdActRevenue
* itdBudQty
* qtdForecastRawCost
* rbsCbsVersionId
* itdForecastRev
* vac
* ptdBudRevenue


 * qtdActRevenue
* qtdActQty
* itdActQty
* ytdBudQty
* ytdForecastRawCost
* itdForecastRawCost
* ytdForecastRev
* ptdForecastRev
* etc
* itdActBurdenCost
* ytdBudBurdenCost
* outlineNumber
* eac
* projectNumber
* qtdBudBurdenCost
* itdForecastBrdnCost
* ptdActBurdenCost
* ytdActQty
* currencyCode
* recordType
* itdBudRevenue
* costCodeName
* ptdActRevenue
* ytdBudRevenue
* ytdActRevenue
* atCmpBrdnRevenue
* itdBudBurdenCost
* cv
* atCmpRevenue
* qtdBudQty
* ytdForecastBrdnCost
* projectId
* projectName
* ptdBudQty
* qtdForecastBrdnCost
* ptdActQty
* ptdForecastRawCost
* qtdActBurdenCost
* ptdForecastBrdnCost
* ytdActBurdenCost
* ptdBudBurdenCost
* rbsCbsElementId
* costCode
* qtdForecastRev
* qtdBudRevenue
* itdActRevenue
* itdBudQty
* qtdForecastRawCost
* rbsCbsVersionId
* itdForecastRev
* vac
* ptdBudRevenue


 * qtdForecastBrdnCost
* ytdActQty
* ytdQtyVar
* ytdForecastBrdnCost
* attribute1
* ytdForecastRev
* ytdActRevenue
* qtdBudQty
* ptdForecastRawCost
* qtdActBurdenCost
* qtdCostVar
* qtdBudRevenue
* ptdCostVar
* attribute9
* ytdRevenueVar
* atCompForBrdnCost
* endecaId
* ptdForecastRev
* attribute8
* attribute6
* etc
* itdBudQty
* itdQtyVar
* qtdActRevenue
* atCompActRevenue
* ptdBudQty
* atCompBudBurCost
* attribute2
* qtdQtyVar
* currencyCode
* cv
* atCompForRevenue
* ptdActRevenue
* atCompActBurCost
* itdForecastRawCost
* ytdForecastRawCost
* atCompBudRevenue
* ptdRevenueVar
* attribute4
* itdBudBurdenCost
* attribute7
* ptdActBurdenCost
* itdForecastBrdnCost
* qtdBudBurdenCost
* attribute10
* itdForecastRev
* attribute5
* ptdBudRevenue
* qtdRevenueVar
* eac
* ytdActBurdenCost
* attributeCategory
* ptdForecastBrdnCost
* taskId
* itdRevenueVar
* itdCostVar
* qtdForecastRev
* vac
* qtdActQty
* ptdBudBurdenCost
* ytdCostVar
* itdActRevenue
* ptdQtyVar
* projectId
* itdActBurdenCost
* ytdBudBurdenCost
* itdActQty
* itdBudRevenue
* ptdActQty
* ytdBudRevenue
* attribute3
* ytdBudQty
* finPhyPctComp
* qtdForecastRawCost


 * qtdForecastBrdnCost
* ytdActQty
* ytdQtyVar
* ytdForecastBrdnCost
* attribute1
* ytdForecastRev
* ytdActRevenue
* qtdBudQty
* ptdForecastRawCost
* qtdActBurdenCost
* qtdCostVar
* qtdBudRevenue
* ptdCostVar
* attribute9
* ytdRevenueVar
* atCompForBrdnCost
* endecaId
* ptdForecastRev
* attribute8
* attribute6
* etc
* itdBudQty
* itdQtyVar
* qtdActRevenue
* atCompActRevenue
* ptdBudQty
* atCompBudBurCost
* attribute2
* qtdQtyVar
* currencyCode
* cv
* atCompForRevenue
* ptdActRevenue
* atCompActBurCost
* itdForecastRawCost
* ytdForecastRawCost
* atCompBudRevenue
* ptdRevenueVar
* attribute4
* itdBudBurdenCost
* attribute7
* ptdActBurdenCost
* itdForecastBrdnCost
* qtdBudBurdenCost
* attribute10
* itdForecastRev
* attribute5
* ptdBudRevenue
* qtdRevenueVar
* eac
* ytdActBurdenCost
* attributeCategory
* ptdForecastBrdnCost
* taskId
* itdRevenueVar
* itdCostVar
* qtdForecastRev
* vac
* qtdActQty
* ptdBudBurdenCost
* ytdCostVar
* itdActRevenue
* ptdQtyVar
* projectId
* itdActBurdenCost
* ytdBudBurdenCost
* itdActQty
* itdBudRevenue
* ptdActQty
* ytdBudRevenue
* attribute3
* ytdBudQty
* finPhyPctComp
* qtdForecastRawCost


 * ytdActRevenue
* qtdForecastRawCost
* projectNumber
* qtdActQty
* eid
* rbsElementId
* ptdForecastRev
* itdForecastRawCost
* actualPerc
* ytdBudRevenue
* ytdBudQty
* outlineNumber
* resourceClass
* spi
* ytdForecastRev
* ptdQtyVar
* itdCostVar
* ytdRevenueVar
* ptdBudQty
* rbsVersionId
* currencyCode
* itdActRevenue
* itdForecastRev
* ptdActRevenue
* ptdCostVar
* cpi
* qtdBudBurdenCost
* ytdForecastRawCost
* ytdQtyVar
* totalVariance
* qtdBudQty
* vac
* ptdForecastRawCost
* ptdActQty
* ytdActQty
* plannedPerc
* parentElementId
* qtdActRevenue
* ytdForecastBrdnCost
* atCmpBrdnRevenue
* ytdActBurdenCost
* orgId
* ptdActBurdenCost
* resourceClassId
* qtdForecastBrdnCost
* resourceName
* ptdForecastBrdnCost
* ytdCostVar
* itdActQty
* itdBudBurdenCost
* recordType
* ptdBudBurdenCost
* projectId
* projectName
* qtdActBurdenCost
* ptdBudRevenue
* qtdForecastRev
* itdActBurdenCost
* etc
* itdBudRevenue
* ytdBudBurdenCost
* itdForecastBrdnCost
* eac
* projectElementId
* itdBudQty
* cv
* atCmpRevenue
* qtdBudRevenue
* variancePerc
* itdQtyVar
* ptdRevenueVar
* itdRevenueVar


 * ytdActRevenue
* qtdForecastRawCost
* projectNumber
* qtdActQty
* eid
* rbsElementId
* ptdForecastRev
* itdForecastRawCost
* actualPerc
* ytdBudRevenue
* ytdBudQty
* outlineNumber
* resourceClass
* spi
* ytdForecastRev
* ptdQtyVar
* itdCostVar
* ytdRevenueVar
* ptdBudQty
* rbsVersionId
* currencyCode
* itdActRevenue
* itdForecastRev
* ptdActRevenue
* ptdCostVar
* cpi
* qtdBudBurdenCost
* ytdForecastRawCost
* ytdQtyVar
* totalVariance
* qtdBudQty
* vac
* ptdForecastRawCost
* ptdActQty
* ytdActQty
* plannedPerc
* parentElementId
* qtdActRevenue
* ytdForecastBrdnCost
* atCmpBrdnRevenue
* ytdActBurdenCost
* orgId
* ptdActBurdenCost
* resourceClassId
* qtdForecastBrdnCost
* resourceName
* ptdForecastBrdnCost
* ytdCostVar
* itdActQty
* itdBudBurdenCost
* recordType
* ptdBudBurdenCost
* projectId
* projectName
* qtdActBurdenCost
* ptdBudRevenue
* qtdForecastRev
* itdActBurdenCost
* etc
* itdBudRevenue
* ytdBudBurdenCost
* itdForecastBrdnCost
* eac
* projectElementId
* itdBudQty
* cv
* atCmpRevenue
* qtdBudRevenue
* variancePerc
* itdQtyVar
* ptdRevenueVar
* itdRevenueVar


 * recordType
* projectElementId
* elementVersionId
* taskNumber
* actRawCost
* taskActualFinishDate
* revenue
* rawCostVariation
* projStartDate
* rawCost
* burdCostVariation
* rbsVersionId
* taskName
* completedPc
* outlineNumber
* latestPublishedFlag
* attribute13
* actRevenue
* projectStatus
* taskId
* rbsAggrLevel
* taskManager
* equipmentHrs
* projectManager
* opportunityValue
* attribute14
* attribute4
* currencyCode
* projCustomer
* etcBrdnCost
* capitalizableFlag
* projCompletionDate
* calendarType
* laborHrs
* attributeCategory
* endecaId
* projectOperatingUnit
* projectId
* actBrdnCost
* projDesc
* attribute15
* currRecordTypeId
* prgRollupFlag
* projTaskNumber
* currentWorkingFlag
* actEquipHrs
* taskActualStartDate
* etcRawCost
* taskSchedFinishDate
* projectName
* milestoneFlag
* taskDelayInDays
* billableFlag
* criticalFlag
* attribute10
* multiplier
* taskSchedStartDate
* periodTypeId
* attribute5
* attribute2
* planVersionId
* wbsRollupFlag
* attribute12
* taskLocation
* attribute3
* projectOrg
* attribute8
* projfuncCurrencyCode
* projTaskName
* planTypeId
* currentBaselinedFlag
* attribute7
* attribute11
* originalFlag
* attribute1
* attribute6
* actLaborHrs
* displaySequence
* projectNumber
* projectOrgId
* attribute9
* burdenCost
* etcLaborHrs
* etcEquipHrs


 * recordType
* projectElementId
* elementVersionId
* taskNumber
* actRawCost
* taskActualFinishDate
* revenue
* rawCostVariation
* projStartDate
* rawCost
* burdCostVariation
* rbsVersionId
* taskName
* completedPc
* outlineNumber
* latestPublishedFlag
* attribute13
* actRevenue
* projectStatus
* taskId
* rbsAggrLevel
* taskManager
* equipmentHrs
* projectManager
* opportunityValue
* attribute14
* attribute4
* currencyCode
* projCustomer
* etcBrdnCost
* capitalizableFlag
* projCompletionDate
* calendarType
* laborHrs
* attributeCategory
* endecaId
* projectOperatingUnit
* projectId
* actBrdnCost
* projDesc
* attribute15
* currRecordTypeId
* prgRollupFlag
* projTaskNumber
* currentWorkingFlag
* actEquipHrs
* taskActualStartDate
* etcRawCost
* taskSchedFinishDate
* projectName
* milestoneFlag
* taskDelayInDays
* billableFlag
* criticalFlag
* attribute10
* multiplier
* taskSchedStartDate
* periodTypeId
* attribute5
* attribute2
* planVersionId
* wbsRollupFlag
* attribute12
* taskLocation
* attribute3
* projectOrg
* attribute8
* projfuncCurrencyCode
* projTaskName
* planTypeId
* currentBaselinedFlag
* attribute7
* attribute11
* originalFlag
* attribute1
* attribute6
* actLaborHrs
* displaySequence
* projectNumber
* projectOrgId
* attribute9
* burdenCost
* etcLaborHrs
* etcEquipHrs


 * postStageTotalNotSumm
* requestId
* preStageTotalNotSummarized
* projectId
* preStageTotal
* preStageTotalFact
* postStageIncrStage1
* measureType
* creationDate
* preStageIncrStage1
* reqType
* lastUpdateDate
* postStageTotalFact
* lastUpdateLogin
* postStageTotalSummarized
* createdBy
* preStageTotalSummarized
* postStageTotal
* lastUpdatedBy


 * postStageTotalNotSumm
* requestId
* preStageTotalNotSummarized
* projectId
* preStageTotal
* preStageTotalFact
* postStageIncrStage1
* measureType
* creationDate
* preStageIncrStage1
* reqType
* lastUpdateDate
* postStageTotalFact
* lastUpdateLogin
* postStageTotalSummarized
* createdBy
* preStageTotalSummarized
* postStageTotal
* lastUpdatedBy


 * periodName
* denormLedgerId
* primLedgerId
* batchId


 * periodName
* denormLedgerId
* primLedgerId
* batchId


 * purgeRelease
* requestId
* burdenedCostYtd
* billableQuantityItd
* rawCostPp
* billableLaborHoursItd
* laborHoursItd
* billableBurdenedCostPp
* txnUnitOfMeasure
* billableLaborHoursPp
* revenueYtd
* rawCostItd
* billableLaborHoursYtd
* billableQuantityPtd
* billableQuantityPp
* purgeBatchId
* burdenedCostItd
* quantityItd
* revenuePp
* billableQuantityYtd
* projectAccumId
* billableRawCostPtd
* laborHoursYtd
* programId
* creationDate
* programApplicationId
* billableRawCostPp
* laborHoursPtd
* lastUpdatedBy
* billableLaborHoursPtd
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdateDate
* burdenedCostPtd
* laborHoursPp
* rawCostYtd
* billableBurdenedCostPtd
* revenuePtd
* createdBy
* programUpdateDate
* rawCostPtd
* quantityYtd
* revenueItd
* billableRawCostYtd
* quantityPtd
* purgeProjectId
* quantityPp
* billableBurdenedCostItd
* billableRawCostItd
* billableBurdenedCostYtd
* burdenedCostPp


 * purgeRelease
* requestId
* burdenedCostYtd
* billableQuantityItd
* rawCostPp
* billableLaborHoursItd
* laborHoursItd
* billableBurdenedCostPp
* txnUnitOfMeasure
* billableLaborHoursPp
* revenueYtd
* rawCostItd
* billableLaborHoursYtd
* billableQuantityPtd
* billableQuantityPp
* purgeBatchId
* burdenedCostItd
* quantityItd
* revenuePp
* billableQuantityYtd
* projectAccumId
* billableRawCostPtd
* laborHoursYtd
* programId
* creationDate
* programApplicationId
* billableRawCostPp
* laborHoursPtd
* lastUpdatedBy
* billableLaborHoursPtd
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdateDate
* burdenedCostPtd
* laborHoursPp
* rawCostYtd
* billableBurdenedCostPtd
* revenuePtd
* createdBy
* programUpdateDate
* rawCostPtd
* quantityYtd
* revenueItd
* billableRawCostYtd
* quantityPtd
* purgeProjectId
* quantityPp
* billableBurdenedCostItd
* billableRawCostItd
* billableBurdenedCostYtd
* burdenedCostPp


 * baseRevenuePtd
* baseLaborHoursYtd
* origRevenueYtd
* baseRevenueItd
* origRawCostPtd
* baseLaborHoursPtd
* baseQuantityPtd
* projectAccumId
* lastUpdateLogin
* baseLaborHoursItd
* origRevenuePp
* baseRevenuePp
* requestId
* createdBy
* origRevenuePtd
* baseBurdenedCostItd
* origRevenueItd
* origBurdenedCostTot
* lastUpdatedBy
* origRawCostYtd
* origRawCostItd
* origRawCostPp
* creationDate
* baseRawCostItd
* origBurdenedCostPp
* baseUnitOfMeasure
* origBurdenedCostPtd
* programId
* baseQuantityTot
* origBurdenedCostItd
* baseBurdenedCostPp
* baseBurdenedCostYtd
* origLaborHoursTot
* baseRawCostYtd
* lastUpdateDate
* purgeRelease
* origQuantityPp
* baseBurdenedCostPtd
* programUpdateDate
* origQuantityItd
* baseRawCostPp
* purgeBatchId
* baseQuantityYtd
* baseQuantityItd
* baseRawCostPtd
* origQuantityYtd
* baseBurdenedCostTot
* origRevenueTot
* origLaborHoursItd
* origLaborHoursPp
* origQuantityPtd
* origUnitOfMeasure
* baseLaborHoursPp
* origBurdenedCostYtd
* baseQuantityPp
* origLaborHoursPtd
* programApplicationId
* baseRevenueYtd
* purgeProjectId
* baseRevenueTot
* origRawCostTot
* baseRawCostTot
* baseLaborHoursTot
* budgetTypeCode
* origQuantityTot
* origLaborHoursYtd


 * baseRevenuePtd
* baseLaborHoursYtd
* origRevenueYtd
* baseRevenueItd
* origRawCostPtd
* baseLaborHoursPtd
* baseQuantityPtd
* projectAccumId
* lastUpdateLogin
* baseLaborHoursItd
* origRevenuePp
* baseRevenuePp
* requestId
* createdBy
* origRevenuePtd
* baseBurdenedCostItd
* origRevenueItd
* origBurdenedCostTot
* lastUpdatedBy
* origRawCostYtd
* origRawCostItd
* origRawCostPp
* creationDate
* baseRawCostItd
* origBurdenedCostPp
* baseUnitOfMeasure
* origBurdenedCostPtd
* programId
* baseQuantityTot
* origBurdenedCostItd
* baseBurdenedCostPp
* baseBurdenedCostYtd
* origLaborHoursTot
* baseRawCostYtd
* lastUpdateDate
* purgeRelease
* origQuantityPp
* baseBurdenedCostPtd
* programUpdateDate
* origQuantityItd
* baseRawCostPp
* purgeBatchId
* baseQuantityYtd
* baseQuantityItd
* baseRawCostPtd
* origQuantityYtd
* baseBurdenedCostTot
* origRevenueTot
* origLaborHoursItd
* origLaborHoursPp
* origQuantityPtd
* origUnitOfMeasure
* baseLaborHoursPp
* origBurdenedCostYtd
* baseQuantityPp
* origLaborHoursPtd
* programApplicationId
* baseRevenueYtd
* purgeProjectId
* baseRevenueTot
* origRawCostTot
* baseRawCostTot
* baseLaborHoursTot
* budgetTypeCode
* origQuantityTot
* origLaborHoursYtd


 * cmtRawCostItd
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* cmtRawCostPp
* cmtQuantityItd
* lastUpdateDate
* programUpdateDate
* purgeBatchId
* cmtQuantityYtd
* programApplicationId
* purgeRelease
* requestId
* cmtRawCostYtd
* cmtUnitOfMeasure
* purgeProjectId
* cmtBurdenedCostPtd
* cmtRawCostPtd
* cmtQuantityPp
* cmtBurdenedCostItd
* programId
* cmtBurdenedCostPp
* cmtBurdenedCostYtd
* lastUpdatedBy
* cmtQuantityPtd
* projectAccumId
* createdBy


 * cmtRawCostItd
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* cmtRawCostPp
* cmtQuantityItd
* lastUpdateDate
* programUpdateDate
* purgeBatchId
* cmtQuantityYtd
* programApplicationId
* purgeRelease
* requestId
* cmtRawCostYtd
* cmtUnitOfMeasure
* purgeProjectId
* cmtBurdenedCostPtd
* cmtRawCostPtd
* cmtQuantityPp
* cmtBurdenedCostItd
* programId
* cmtBurdenedCostPp
* cmtBurdenedCostYtd
* lastUpdatedBy
* cmtQuantityPtd
* projectAccumId
* createdBy


 * resourceListAssignmentId
* programApplicationId
* projectId
* resourceListMemberId
* taskId
* lastUpdateDate
* purgeProjectId
* accumPeriod
* createdBy
* requestId
* purgeBatchId
* lastUpdateLogin
* tasksRestructuredFlag
* purgeRelease
* programUpdateDate
* resourceListId
* sumExceptionCode
* projectAccumId
* lastUpdatedBy
* programId
* resourceId
* creationDate


 * resourceListAssignmentId
* programApplicationId
* projectId
* resourceListMemberId
* taskId
* lastUpdateDate
* purgeProjectId
* accumPeriod
* createdBy
* requestId
* purgeBatchId
* lastUpdateLogin
* tasksRestructuredFlag
* purgeRelease
* programUpdateDate
* resourceListId
* sumExceptionCode
* projectAccumId
* lastUpdatedBy
* programId
* resourceId
* creationDate


 * requestId
* creationDate
* expenditureItemId
* reversedFlag
* lineNum
* purgeProjectId
* createdBy
* programId
* projAssetLineDtlUniqId
* cipCost
* purgeRelease
* programApplicationId
* purgeBatchId
* projectAssetLineDetailId
* lastUpdateDate
* programUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin


 * requestId
* creationDate
* expenditureItemId
* reversedFlag
* lineNum
* purgeProjectId
* createdBy
* programId
* projAssetLineDtlUniqId
* cipCost
* purgeRelease
* programApplicationId
* purgeBatchId
* projectAssetLineDetailId
* lastUpdateDate
* programUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin


 * lastUpdatedBy
* resTypeId
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* createdBy
* rcPrecId
* lastUpdateDate


 * lastUpdatedBy
* resTypeId
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* createdBy
* rcPrecId
* lastUpdateDate


 * attribute4
* attribute5
* udsAttribute20
* attribute9
* udsAttribute19
* attribute2
* lastUpdateLogin
* udsAttribute1
* udsAttribute11
* attribute11
* regionSourceType
* creationDate
* udsAttribute7
* attribute16
* attribute6
* udsAttribute17
* versionId
* attribute8
* udsAttribute3
* attribute7
* udsAttribute14
* udsAttribute13
* attribute13
* attribute1
* regionCode
* udsAttribute4
* attribute14
* attribute18
* udsAttribute10
* attribute15
* attribute17
* lastUpdateDate
* udsAttributeCategory
* udsAttribute6
* createdBy
* udsAttribute18
* udsAttribute16
* attribute12
* udsAttribute9
* recordSequence
* attribute3
* attribute10
* udsAttribute8
* udsAttribute15
* udsAttribute12
* udsAttribute2
* attribute19
* recordVersionNumber
* udsAttribute5
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute20


 * attribute4
* attribute5
* udsAttribute20
* attribute9
* udsAttribute19
* attribute2
* lastUpdateLogin
* udsAttribute1
* udsAttribute11
* attribute11
* regionSourceType
* creationDate
* udsAttribute7
* attribute16
* attribute6
* udsAttribute17
* versionId
* attribute8
* udsAttribute3
* attribute7
* udsAttribute14
* udsAttribute13
* attribute13
* attribute1
* regionCode
* udsAttribute4
* attribute14
* attribute18
* udsAttribute10
* attribute15
* attribute17
* lastUpdateDate
* udsAttributeCategory
* udsAttribute6
* createdBy
* udsAttribute18
* udsAttribute16
* attribute12
* udsAttribute9
* recordSequence
* attribute3
* attribute10
* udsAttribute8
* udsAttribute15
* udsAttribute12
* udsAttribute2
* attribute19
* recordVersionNumber
* udsAttribute5
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute20


 * reportedBy
* comments
* reportStartDate
* reportStatusCode
* creationDate
* summaryVersionNumber
* reportTypeId
* lastUpdateDate
* objectId
* createdBy
* objectType
* pageId
* lastUpdateLogin
* publishedDate
* canceledDate
* versionId
* progressStatusCode
* recordVersionNumber
* currentFlag
* lastUpdatedBy
* pageTypeCode
* reportEndDate
* overview


 * reportedBy
* comments
* reportStartDate
* reportStatusCode
* creationDate
* summaryVersionNumber
* reportTypeId
* lastUpdateDate
* objectId
* createdBy
* objectType
* pageId
* lastUpdateLogin
* publishedDate
* canceledDate
* versionId
* progressStatusCode
* recordVersionNumber
* currentFlag
* lastUpdatedBy
* pageTypeCode
* reportEndDate
* overview


 * subprjPplActEffort
* othQuantityToDate
* subprjEqpmtActRawcostFc
* cumulativeWorkQuantity
* subprjOthActCostToDtFc
* spjOthActRawcostToDtPc
* progressRollupId
* eqpmtActEffortToDate
* asOfDate
* pplActCostToDateFc
* lastUpdateDate
* eqpmtEtcRawcostPc
* recordVersionNumber
* subprjEqpmtEtcRawcostTc
* pplEtcCostFc
* subprjPplActCostPc
* actualStartDate
* subprjEqpmtActEffort
* subprjPplActCostTc
* othActCostToDatePc
* projfuncCostRateType
* projectId
* baseProgressStatusCode
* spjOthActRawcostToDtFc
* completedPercentage
* creationDate
* subprjOthActCostToDtPc
* basePercentComplete
* pplEtcRawcostTc
* basePercentCompDerivCode
* subprjOthEtcRawcostTc
* structureVersionId
* taskWtBasisCode
* estimatedRemainingEffort
* spjOthActRawcostToDtTc
* percentCompleteId
* othActCostToDateFc
* eqpmtEtcEffort
* subprjPplEtcCostTc
* subprjOthEtcCostTc
* pplActRawcostToDatePc
* incrementalWorkQuantity
* subprjEqpmtEtcCostFc
* progPaPeriodName
* effRollupPercentComp
* structureType
* currentFlag
* othEtcRawcostTc
* othEtcCostFc
* objectId
* subprjOthEtcRawcostFc
* subprjEqpmtActCostFc
* eqpmtEtcRawcostTc
* lastUpdateLogin
* pplActEffortToDate
* othEtcCostPc
* eqpmtEtcCostFc
* projCostRateType
* estimatedFinishDate
* subprjPplActRawcostFc
* pplEtcCostPc
* progressStatusCode
* pplEtcRawcostPc
* incrementalWorkQuantity#1
* pplActCostToDatePc
* othEtcCostTc
* subprjEqpmtActCostTc
* eqpmtEtcRawcostFc
* projfuncCostRateDate
* subprjEqpmtActRawcostTc
* earnedValue
* othActRawcostToDateTc
* subprjOthActCostToDtTc
* othActRawcostToDateFc
* actualFinishDate
* createdBy
* projCostRateDate
* progGlPeriodName
* effRollupProgStatCode
* earnedValue2
* subprjPplActRawcostPc
* txnCurrencyCode
* pplActCostToDateTc
* subprjPplEtcRawcostPc
* pplActRawcostToDateFc
* othEtcRawcostPc
* subprjEarnedValue
* subprjPplEtcCostFc
* subprjEqpmtEtcEffort
* othEtcRawcostFc
* eqpmtActCostToDatePc
* cumulativeWorkQuantity#1
* subprjEqpmtEtcCostPc
* subprjPplEtcRawcostTc
* subprjEqpmtEtcCostTc
* subprjEqpmtActCostPc
* subprjOthEtcCostPc
* eqpmtEtcCostPc
* projCostExchangeRate
* subprjEqpmtActRawcostPc
* othActCostToDateTc
* subprjOthEtcRawcostPc
* subprjEqpmtEtcRawcostFc
* eqpmtActRawcostToDatePc
* subprjEqpmtEtcRawcostPc
* lastUpdatedBy
* othActRawcostToDatePc
* subprjPplActCostFc
* objectVersionId
* eqpmtActCostToDateTc
* eqpmtActCostToDateFc
* pplEtcCostTc
* subprjOthEtcCostFc
* pplActRawcostToDateTc
* estimatedStartDate
* eqpmtActRawcostToDateTc
* projfuncCostExchangeRate
* pplEtcRawcostFc
* eqpmtActRawcostToDateFc
* subprjPplEtcRawcostFc
* subprjPplEtcEffort
* objectType
* subprjPplActRawcostTc
* projElementId
* subprjPplEtcCostPc
* eqpmtEtcCostTc
* othEtcQuantity
* cbsElementId


 * subprjOthEtcRawcostPc
* othQuantityToDate
* subprjOthActCostToDateFc
* subprjEqpmtActRawcostFc
* currentFlag
* eqpmtActEffortToDate
* effRollupPercentComp
* actualStartDate
* pplEtcCostTc
* spjOthActRawcostToDateTc
* progressRollupId
* creationDate
* pplEtcRawcostPc
* eqpmtEtcCostFc
* subprjEqpmtEtcCostPc
* pplActRawcostToDateTc
* incrementalWorkQuantity
* subprjPplActCostPc
* pplActRawcostToDateFc
* structureType
* basePercentComplete
* subprjPplActEffort
* subprjPplActRawcostFc
* txnCurrencyCode
* projectId
* subprjPplActCostTc
* effRollupProgStatCode
* subprjPplEtcCostTc
* lastUpdateDate
* basePercentCompDerivCode
* subprjPplEtcRawcostTc
* subprjEqpmtActRawcostTc
* cbsElementId
* actualFinishDate
* projCostExchangeRate
* pplEtcCostFc
* othEtcRawcostPc
* eqpmtActCostToDatePc
* lastUpdatedBy
* subprjEarnedValue
* othEtcQuantity
* subprjOthEtcCostTc
* objectId
* eqpmtEtcEffort
* cumulativeWorkQuantity
* othEtcCostTc
* subprjEqpmtEtcCostTc
* completedPercentage
* subprjEqpmtEtcEffort
* subprjOthActCostToDatePc
* pplEtcRawcostFc
* progressStatusCode
* othActRawcostToDateFc
* pplActCostToDatePc
* projfuncCostRateType
* pplActRawcostToDatePc
* subprjEqpmtActRawcostPc
* eqpmtActCostToDateTc
* eqpmtEtcCostPc
* subprjPplActRawcostPc
* projElementId
* eqpmtEtcCostTc
* estimatedFinishDate
* estimatedRemainingEffort
* subprjOthEtcCostFc
* eqpmtActRawcostToDatePc
* progGlPeriodName
* spjOthActRawcostToDatePc
* percentCompleteId
* subprjEqpmtEtcRawcostTc
* estimatedStartDate
* othEtcRawcostFc
* pplActCostToDateTc
* earnedValue
* subprjOthEtcRawcostTc
* subprjEqpmtEtcRawcostPc
* eqpmtEtcRawcostFc
* objectVersionId
* pplEtcCostPc
* subprjPplEtcRawcostFc
* subprjEqpmtActCostFc
* recordVersionNumber
* asOfDate
* taskWtBasisCode
* subprjPplEtcCostFc
* subprjEqpmtActCostPc
* progPaPeriodName
* othEtcCostFc
* subprjEqpmtEtcRawcostFc
* projCostRateType
* projfuncCostRateDate
* subprjPplEtcCostPc
* othActRawcostToDateTc
* eqpmtEtcRawcostTc
* subprjOthActCostToDateTc
* structureVersionId
* objectType
* lastUpdateLogin
* subprjEqpmtEtcCostFc
* subprjOthEtcCostPc
* createdBy
* othActRawcostToDatePc
* eqpmtEtcRawcostPc
* subprjPplActCostFc
* subprjEqpmtActEffort
* eqpmtActRawcostToDateFc
* eqpmtActCostToDateFc
* subprjPplActRawcostTc
* baseProgressStatusCode
* projCostRateDate
* subprjOthEtcRawcostFc
* subprjPplEtcRawcostPc
* othEtcCostPc
* eqpmtActRawcostToDateTc
* subprjEqpmtActCostTc
* pplEtcRawcostTc
* pplActCostToDateFc
* subprjPplEtcEffort
* spjOthActRawcostToDateFc
* othActCostToDateFc
* projfuncCostExchangeRate
* othActCostToDatePc
* othActCostToDateTc
* othEtcRawcostTc
* pplActEffortToDate


 * subprjOthEtcRawcostPc
* othQuantityToDate
* subprjOthActCostToDateFc
* subprjEqpmtActRawcostFc
* currentFlag
* eqpmtActEffortToDate
* effRollupPercentComp
* actualStartDate
* pplEtcCostTc
* spjOthActRawcostToDateTc
* progressRollupId
* creationDate
* pplEtcRawcostPc
* eqpmtEtcCostFc
* subprjEqpmtEtcCostPc
* pplActRawcostToDateTc
* incrementalWorkQuantity
* subprjPplActCostPc
* pplActRawcostToDateFc
* structureType
* basePercentComplete
* subprjPplActEffort
* subprjPplActRawcostFc
* txnCurrencyCode
* projectId
* subprjPplActCostTc
* effRollupProgStatCode
* subprjPplEtcCostTc
* lastUpdateDate
* basePercentCompDerivCode
* subprjPplEtcRawcostTc
* subprjEqpmtActRawcostTc
* cbsElementId
* actualFinishDate
* projCostExchangeRate
* pplEtcCostFc
* othEtcRawcostPc
* eqpmtActCostToDatePc
* lastUpdatedBy
* subprjEarnedValue
* othEtcQuantity
* subprjOthEtcCostTc
* objectId
* eqpmtEtcEffort
* cumulativeWorkQuantity
* othEtcCostTc
* subprjEqpmtEtcCostTc
* completedPercentage
* subprjEqpmtEtcEffort
* subprjOthActCostToDatePc
* pplEtcRawcostFc
* progressStatusCode
* othActRawcostToDateFc
* pplActCostToDatePc
* projfuncCostRateType
* pplActRawcostToDatePc
* subprjEqpmtActRawcostPc
* eqpmtActCostToDateTc
* eqpmtEtcCostPc
* subprjPplActRawcostPc
* projElementId
* eqpmtEtcCostTc
* estimatedFinishDate
* estimatedRemainingEffort
* subprjOthEtcCostFc
* eqpmtActRawcostToDatePc
* progGlPeriodName
* spjOthActRawcostToDatePc
* percentCompleteId
* subprjEqpmtEtcRawcostTc
* estimatedStartDate
* othEtcRawcostFc
* pplActCostToDateTc
* earnedValue
* subprjOthEtcRawcostTc
* subprjEqpmtEtcRawcostPc
* eqpmtEtcRawcostFc
* objectVersionId
* pplEtcCostPc
* subprjPplEtcRawcostFc
* subprjEqpmtActCostFc
* recordVersionNumber
* asOfDate
* taskWtBasisCode
* subprjPplEtcCostFc
* subprjEqpmtActCostPc
* progPaPeriodName
* othEtcCostFc
* subprjEqpmtEtcRawcostFc
* projCostRateType
* projfuncCostRateDate
* subprjPplEtcCostPc
* othActRawcostToDateTc
* eqpmtEtcRawcostTc
* subprjOthActCostToDateTc
* structureVersionId
* objectType
* lastUpdateLogin
* subprjEqpmtEtcCostFc
* subprjOthEtcCostPc
* createdBy
* othActRawcostToDatePc
* eqpmtEtcRawcostPc
* subprjPplActCostFc
* subprjEqpmtActEffort
* eqpmtActRawcostToDateFc
* eqpmtActCostToDateFc
* subprjPplActRawcostTc
* baseProgressStatusCode
* projCostRateDate
* subprjOthEtcRawcostFc
* subprjPplEtcRawcostPc
* othEtcCostPc
* eqpmtActRawcostToDateTc
* subprjEqpmtActCostTc
* pplEtcRawcostTc
* pplActCostToDateFc
* subprjPplEtcEffort
* spjOthActRawcostToDateFc
* othActCostToDateFc
* projfuncCostExchangeRate
* othActCostToDatePc
* othActCostToDateTc
* othEtcRawcostTc
* pplActEffortToDate


 * subprjPplActEffort
* othQuantityToDate
* subprjEqpmtActRawcostFc
* cumulativeWorkQuantity
* subprjOthActCostToDtFc
* spjOthActRawcostToDtPc
* progressRollupId
* eqpmtActEffortToDate
* asOfDate
* pplActCostToDateFc
* lastUpdateDate
* eqpmtEtcRawcostPc
* recordVersionNumber
* subprjEqpmtEtcRawcostTc
* pplEtcCostFc
* subprjPplActCostPc
* actualStartDate
* subprjEqpmtActEffort
* subprjPplActCostTc
* othActCostToDatePc
* projfuncCostRateType
* projectId
* baseProgressStatusCode
* spjOthActRawcostToDtFc
* completedPercentage
* creationDate
* subprjOthActCostToDtPc
* basePercentComplete
* pplEtcRawcostTc
* basePercentCompDerivCode
* subprjOthEtcRawcostTc
* structureVersionId
* taskWtBasisCode
* estimatedRemainingEffort
* spjOthActRawcostToDtTc
* percentCompleteId
* othActCostToDateFc
* eqpmtEtcEffort
* subprjPplEtcCostTc
* subprjOthEtcCostTc
* pplActRawcostToDatePc
* incrementalWorkQuantity
* subprjEqpmtEtcCostFc
* progPaPeriodName
* effRollupPercentComp
* structureType
* currentFlag
* othEtcRawcostTc
* othEtcCostFc
* objectId
* subprjOthEtcRawcostFc
* subprjEqpmtActCostFc
* eqpmtEtcRawcostTc
* lastUpdateLogin
* pplActEffortToDate
* othEtcCostPc
* eqpmtEtcCostFc
* projCostRateType
* estimatedFinishDate
* subprjPplActRawcostFc
* pplEtcCostPc
* progressStatusCode
* pplEtcRawcostPc
* incrementalWorkQuantity#1
* pplActCostToDatePc
* othEtcCostTc
* subprjEqpmtActCostTc
* eqpmtEtcRawcostFc
* projfuncCostRateDate
* subprjEqpmtActRawcostTc
* earnedValue
* othActRawcostToDateTc
* subprjOthActCostToDtTc
* othActRawcostToDateFc
* actualFinishDate
* createdBy
* projCostRateDate
* progGlPeriodName
* effRollupProgStatCode
* earnedValue2
* subprjPplActRawcostPc
* txnCurrencyCode
* pplActCostToDateTc
* subprjPplEtcRawcostPc
* pplActRawcostToDateFc
* othEtcRawcostPc
* subprjEarnedValue
* subprjPplEtcCostFc
* subprjEqpmtEtcEffort
* othEtcRawcostFc
* eqpmtActCostToDatePc
* cumulativeWorkQuantity#1
* subprjEqpmtEtcCostPc
* subprjPplEtcRawcostTc
* subprjEqpmtEtcCostTc
* subprjEqpmtActCostPc
* subprjOthEtcCostPc
* eqpmtEtcCostPc
* projCostExchangeRate
* subprjEqpmtActRawcostPc
* othActCostToDateTc
* subprjOthEtcRawcostPc
* subprjEqpmtEtcRawcostFc
* eqpmtActRawcostToDatePc
* subprjEqpmtEtcRawcostPc
* lastUpdatedBy
* othActRawcostToDatePc
* subprjPplActCostFc
* objectVersionId
* eqpmtActCostToDateTc
* eqpmtActCostToDateFc
* pplEtcCostTc
* subprjOthEtcCostFc
* pplActRawcostToDateTc
* estimatedStartDate
* eqpmtActRawcostToDateTc
* projfuncCostExchangeRate
* pplEtcRawcostFc
* eqpmtActRawcostToDateFc
* subprjPplEtcRawcostFc
* subprjPplEtcEffort
* objectType
* subprjPplActRawcostTc
* projElementId
* subprjPplEtcCostPc
* eqpmtEtcCostTc
* othEtcQuantity
* cbsElementId


 * attributeCategory
* attribute11
* attribute9
* attribute1
* attribute10
* extActDuration
* calendarId
* lateFinishDate
* wqActualQuantity
* leafSovFlag
* actualStartDate
* levelAssignmentsFlag
* lastUpdateDate
* estimatedStartDate
* arrId
* attribute13
* estimatedFinishDateRollup
* constraintDate
* attribute7
* extSchDuration
* actualFinishDate
* obligationStartDate
* actualFinishDateRollup
* wqPlannedQuantity
* obligationFinishDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute2
* criticalFlag
* wqPlannedQuantity#1
* scheduledFinishDate
* duration
* plannedEffort
* attribute5
* effortDrivenFlag
* estimatedDuration
* scheduledFinishDateRollup
* constraintTypeCode
* scheduledStartDateRollup
* totalSlack
* attribute6
* sovLineId
* milestoneFlag
* extRemainDuration
* actualStartDateRollup
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute12
* estimatedStartDateRollup
* projectId
* scheduledStartDate
* attribute4
* recordVersionNumber
* isSummarySovTask
* projElementId
* estimatedFinishDate
* actualDuration
* defSchToolTskTypeCode
* freeSlack
* sourceObjectId
* attribute3
* lateStartDate
* elementVersionId
* earlyFinishDate
* attribute8
* createdBy
* attribute14
* attribute15
* creationDate
* earlyStartDate
* pevScheduleId
* sourceObjectType


 * attributeCategory
* attribute11
* attribute9
* attribute1
* attribute10
* extActDuration
* calendarId
* lateFinishDate
* wqActualQuantity
* leafSovFlag
* actualStartDate
* levelAssignmentsFlag
* lastUpdateDate
* estimatedStartDate
* arrId
* attribute13
* estimatedFinishDateRollup
* constraintDate
* attribute7
* extSchDuration
* actualFinishDate
* obligationStartDate
* actualFinishDateRollup
* wqPlannedQuantity
* obligationFinishDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute2
* criticalFlag
* wqPlannedQuantity#1
* scheduledFinishDate
* duration
* plannedEffort
* attribute5
* effortDrivenFlag
* estimatedDuration
* scheduledFinishDateRollup
* constraintTypeCode
* scheduledStartDateRollup
* totalSlack
* attribute6
* sovLineId
* milestoneFlag
* extRemainDuration
* actualStartDateRollup
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute12
* estimatedStartDateRollup
* projectId
* scheduledStartDate
* attribute4
* recordVersionNumber
* isSummarySovTask
* projElementId
* estimatedFinishDate
* actualDuration
* defSchToolTskTypeCode
* freeSlack
* sourceObjectId
* attribute3
* lateStartDate
* elementVersionId
* earlyFinishDate
* attribute8
* createdBy
* attribute14
* attribute15
* creationDate
* earlyStartDate
* pevScheduleId
* sourceObjectType


 * currentFlag
* sourceObjectType
* scheduleDirtyFlag
* effectiveDate
* lockedByPersonId
* statusCode
* versionNumber
* lastUpdateLogin
* dateProgAppliedOnWver
* pmSourceReference
* lockStatusCode
* purgedFlag
* pmSourceCode
* projectId
* creationDate
* publishedDate
* lockedDate
* processCode
* name
* currentBaselineDate
* concRequestId
* publishedByPersonId
* pevStructureId
* elementVersionId
* lastUpdatedBy
* originalFlag
* lastUpdateDate
* currentWorkingFlag
* currentBaselinePersonId
* originalBaselineDate
* latestEffPublishedFlag
* wfStatusCode
* originalBaselinePersonId
* recordVersionNumber
* projElementId
* createdBy
* wbsRecordVersionNumber
* processUpdateWbsFlag
* sourceObjectId
* description
* changeReasonCode


 * currentFlag
* sourceObjectType
* scheduleDirtyFlag
* effectiveDate
* lockedByPersonId
* statusCode
* versionNumber
* lastUpdateLogin
* dateProgAppliedOnWver
* pmSourceReference
* lockStatusCode
* purgedFlag
* pmSourceCode
* projectId
* creationDate
* publishedDate
* lockedDate
* processCode
* name
* currentBaselineDate
* concRequestId
* publishedByPersonId
* pevStructureId
* elementVersionId
* lastUpdatedBy
* originalFlag
* lastUpdateDate
* currentWorkingFlag
* currentBaselinePersonId
* originalBaselineDate
* latestEffPublishedFlag
* wfStatusCode
* originalBaselinePersonId
* recordVersionNumber
* projElementId
* createdBy
* wbsRecordVersionNumber
* processUpdateWbsFlag
* sourceObjectId
* description
* changeReasonCode


 * rate
* wbsNumber
* coRef
* attribute4
* recordVersionNumber
* sourceObjectType
* changeReason
* attribute9
* qty
* createdBy
* attributeCategory
* financialTaskFlag
* prgGroup
* projectId
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute13
* attribute14
* attribute7
* deferCode
* parentStructureVersionId
* connectPath
* projElementId
* attribute5
* sourceObjectId
* creationDate
* attribute10
* attribute12
* wbsLevel
* taskUnpubVerStatusCode
* attribute2
* attribute6
* attribute1
* attribute15
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute8
* attribute11
* elementVersionId
* prgLevel
* lastUpdatedBy
* levelSequence
* prgCount
* attribute3
* objectType
* displaySequence


 * rate
* wbsNumber
* coRef
* attribute4
* recordVersionNumber
* sourceObjectType
* changeReason
* attribute9
* qty
* createdBy
* attributeCategory
* financialTaskFlag
* prgGroup
* projectId
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute13
* attribute14
* attribute7
* deferCode
* parentStructureVersionId
* connectPath
* projElementId
* attribute5
* sourceObjectId
* creationDate
* attribute10
* attribute12
* wbsLevel
* taskUnpubVerStatusCode
* attribute2
* attribute6
* attribute1
* attribute15
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute8
* attribute11
* elementVersionId
* prgLevel
* lastUpdatedBy
* levelSequence
* prgCount
* attribute3
* objectType
* displaySequence


 * progressOutdatedFlag
* attribute3
* objectType
* linkTaskFlag
* programId
* baselineDuration
* creationDate
* contractType
* functionCode
* startDate
* multipleArrFlag
* baselineStartDate
* elementNumber
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute15
* sovUom
* multiselectAct
* wqItemCode
* pmSourceReference
* recordVersionNumber
* typeId
* parentStructureId
* genEtcSourceCode
* spreadCurveId
* closedDate
* description
* statusCode
* wqUomCode
* pmSourceCode
* chargeableFlag
* serviceTypeCode
* name
* incProjProgressFlag
* invHardLimit
* contractLineId
* projectId
* enableWfFlag
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute12
* phaseVersionId
* custOrderNumber
* wfStartLeadDays
* typeCode
* taskApproverId
* workTypeId
* attribute1
* programApplicationId
* attribute9
* attributeCategory
* attribute7
* attribute10
* wfProcess
* contractNumber
* createdBy
* attribute4
* phaseCode
* carryingOutOrganizationId
* attribute14
* revHardLimit
* programUpdateDate
* taskProgressEntryPageId
* basePercentCompDerivCode
* completionDate
* attribute6
* attribute5
* progressWeight
* paSovLineEtcmethod
* lastUpdateDate
* wfStatusCode
* baselineFinishDate
* projElementId
* sovAmount
* wfItemType
* sovTermId
* sourceObjectId
* billableFlag
* attribute2
* currency
* locationId
* attribute11
* retainage
* taskStatus
* addressId
* sourceObjectType
* receiveProjectInvoiceFlag
* attribute8
* priorityCode
* wqActualEntryCode
* managerPersonId
* requestId
* attribute13


 * progressOutdatedFlag
* attribute3
* objectType
* linkTaskFlag
* programId
* baselineDuration
* creationDate
* contractType
* functionCode
* startDate
* multipleArrFlag
* baselineStartDate
* elementNumber
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute15
* sovUom
* multiselectAct
* wqItemCode
* pmSourceReference
* recordVersionNumber
* typeId
* parentStructureId
* genEtcSourceCode
* spreadCurveId
* closedDate
* description
* statusCode
* wqUomCode
* pmSourceCode
* chargeableFlag
* serviceTypeCode
* name
* incProjProgressFlag
* invHardLimit
* contractLineId
* projectId
* enableWfFlag
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute12
* phaseVersionId
* custOrderNumber
* wfStartLeadDays
* typeCode
* taskApproverId
* workTypeId
* attribute1
* programApplicationId
* attribute9
* attributeCategory
* attribute7
* attribute10
* wfProcess
* contractNumber
* createdBy
* attribute4
* phaseCode
* carryingOutOrganizationId
* attribute14
* revHardLimit
* programUpdateDate
* taskProgressEntryPageId
* basePercentCompDerivCode
* completionDate
* attribute6
* attribute5
* progressWeight
* paSovLineEtcmethod
* lastUpdateDate
* wfStatusCode
* baselineFinishDate
* projElementId
* sovAmount
* wfItemType
* sovTermId
* sourceObjectId
* billableFlag
* attribute2
* currency
* locationId
* attribute11
* retainage
* taskStatus
* addressId
* sourceObjectType
* receiveProjectInvoiceFlag
* attribute8
* priorityCode
* wqActualEntryCode
* managerPersonId
* requestId
* attribute13


 * costResClassRateSchId
* resClassRawCostSchId
* genCostInclOpenCommFlag
* revEmpRateSchId
* lastUpdatedBy
* selectCostResAutoFlag
* genCostInclChangeDocFlag
* copyEtcFromPlanFlag
* allTimePhasedCode
* creationDate
* revJobRateSchId
* projFpOptionsId
* revenueLayoutCode
* genSrcAllPlanVersionId
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* recordVersionNumber
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* projectCostRateDateType
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* projectRevRateDate
* requestId
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* projfuncCostRateDateType
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* marginDerivedFromCode
* rbsVersionId
* costPeriodMaskId
* finPlanEndDate
* costCurrentPlanningPeriod
* finPlanPreferenceCode
* projectCostRateType
* genAllInclChangeDocFlag
* genSrcAllWpVerCode
* selectAllResAutoFlag
* defaultRawCost
* genSrcRevPlanVersionId
* genAllRetManualLineFlag
* approvedRevPlanTypeFlag
* projfuncCostRateType
* genSrcAllWpVersionId
* genRevSrcCode
* genSrcCostPlanVersionId
* genCostInclProcPlanFlag
* defaultAmountTypeCode
* genCostSrcCode
* genSrcAllPlanVerCode
* revenueResPlanningLevel
* genAllInclOpenCommFlag
* approvedCostPlanTypeFlag
* revenueResourceListId
* usePlanningRatesFlag
* costTimePhasedCode
* genCostInclUnspentAmtFlag
* finPlanVersionId
* costEmpRateSchId
* genAllActualAmtsThruCode
* projfuncCostRateDate
* resClassBillRateSchId
* allResourceListId
* projfuncRevRateDateType
* createdBy
* costResPlanningLevel
* processUpdateWbsFlag
* genCostRetManualLineFlag
* revenueDerivationMethod
* allPeriodMaskId
* genSrcCostPlanTypeId
* factorByCode
* costNonLaborResRateSchId
* allCurrentPlanningPeriod
* revNonLaborResRateSchId
* genCostEtcSrcCode
* genRevActualAmtsThruCode
* trackWorkplanCostsFlag
* genAllInclUnspentAmtFlag
* costBurdenRateSchId
* planProcessingCode
* projfuncRevRateType
* genAllSrcCode
* finPlanStartDate
* genCostActualAmtsThruCode
* revenueAmountSetId
* revPeriodMaskId
* genSrcRevWpVersionId
* revResClassRateSchId
* lastUpdateDate
* costLayoutCode
* finPlanTypeId
* defMarkupPercentage
* reportLaborHrsFromCode
* genRevInclBillEventFlag
* genAllInclBillEventFlag
* costAmountSetId
* costJobRateSchId
* primaryRevForecastFlag
* planInMultiCurrFlag
* selectRevResAutoFlag
* lastUpdateLogin
* genSrcCostWpVerCode
* revCurrentPlanningPeriod
* revenueFinPlanLevelCode
* defaultBillRate
* revenueTimePhasedCode
* genSrcAllPlanTypeId
* projfuncRevRateDate
* genRevInclChangeDocFlag
* genSrcRevPlanVerCode
* finPlanOptionLevelCode
* genSrcCostWpVersionId
* defBillRateCurrencyCode
* costFinPlanLevelCode
* allFinPlanLevelCode
* allResPlanningLevel
* genSrcRevWpVerCode
* allAmountSetId
* projectRevRateType
* projectRevRateDateType
* projectCostRateDate
* genSrcCostPlanVerCode


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* resClassRawCostSchId
* genCostInclOpenCommFlag
* revEmpRateSchId
* lastUpdatedBy
* selectCostResAutoFlag
* genCostInclChangeDocFlag
* copyEtcFromPlanFlag
* allTimePhasedCode
* creationDate
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* projFpOptionsId
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* genSrcAllPlanVersionId
* allLayoutCode
* genAllInclProcPlanFlag
* recordVersionNumber
* genAllEtcSrcCode
* projectCostRateDateType
* primaryCostForecastFlag
* projectRevRateDate
* requestId
* projectId
* defRawCostCurrencyCode
* costResourceListId
* genRevRetManualLineFlag
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* genSrcRevPlanTypeId
* projfuncCostRateDateType
* genRevEtcSrcCode
* marginDerivedFromCode
* rbsVersionId
* costPeriodMaskId
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* costCurrentPlanningPeriod
* finPlanPreferenceCode
* projectCostRateType
* genAllInclChangeDocFlag
* genSrcAllWpVerCode
* selectAllResAutoFlag
* defaultRawCost
* genSrcRevPlanVersionId
* genAllRetManualLineFlag
* approvedRevPlanTypeFlag
* projfuncCostRateType
* genSrcAllWpVersionId
* genRevSrcCode
* genSrcCostPlanVersionId
* genCostInclProcPlanFlag
* defaultAmountTypeCode
* genCostSrcCode
* genSrcAllPlanVerCode
* revenueResPlanningLevel
* genAllInclOpenCommFlag
* approvedCostPlanTypeFlag
* revenueResourceListId
* usePlanningRatesFlag
* costTimePhasedCode
* genCostInclUnspentAmtFlag
* finPlanVersionId
* costEmpRateSchId
* genAllActualAmtsThruCode
* projfuncCostRateDate
* resClassBillRateSchId
* allResourceListId
* projfuncRevRateDateType
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* costResPlanningLevel
* processUpdateWbsFlag
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* genSrcCostPlanTypeId
* factorByCode
* costNonLaborResRateSchId
* allCurrentPlanningPeriod
* revNonLaborResRateSchId
* genCostEtcSrcCode
* genRevActualAmtsThruCode
* trackWorkplanCostsFlag
* genAllInclUnspentAmtFlag
* costBurdenRateSchId
* planProcessingCode
* projfuncRevRateType
* genAllSrcCode
* finPlanStartDate
* genCostActualAmtsThruCode
* revenueAmountSetId
* revPeriodMaskId
* genSrcRevWpVersionId
* revResClassRateSchId
* lastUpdateDate
* costLayoutCode
* finPlanTypeId
* defMarkupPercentage
* reportLaborHrsFromCode
* genRevInclBillEventFlag
* genAllInclBillEventFlag
* costAmountSetId
* costJobRateSchId
* primaryRevForecastFlag
* planInMultiCurrFlag
* selectRevResAutoFlag
* lastUpdateLogin
* genSrcCostWpVerCode
* revCurrentPlanningPeriod
* revenueFinPlanLevelCode
* defaultBillRate
* revenueTimePhasedCode
* genSrcAllPlanTypeId
* projfuncRevRateDate
* genRevInclChangeDocFlag
* genSrcRevPlanVerCode
* finPlanOptionLevelCode
* genSrcCostWpVersionId
* defBillRateCurrencyCode
* costFinPlanLevelCode
* allFinPlanLevelCode
* allResPlanningLevel
* genSrcRevWpVerCode
* allAmountSetId
* projectRevRateType
* projectRevRateDateType
* projectCostRateDate
* genSrcCostPlanVerCode


 * periodName5
* period36StartDate
* period42StartDate
* period8StartDate
* period2StartDate
* period13StartDate
* period17StartDate
* periodName40
* period44StartDate
* numberOfPeriods
* periodName41
* period20StartDate
* period1EndDate
* period35EndDate
* period19StartDate
* period34EndDate
* period24StartDate
* period11EndDate
* period43EndDate
* projectId
* period10EndDate
* periodName29
* period12EndDate
* periodName10
* period20EndDate
* period49EndDate
* periodName50
* period39EndDate
* periodName19
* periodName38
* period41StartDate
* period24EndDate
* periodName34
* periodName47
* period19EndDate
* periodName33
* period6StartDate
* periodName22
* period27EndDate
* period30EndDate
* periodName27
* period1StartDate
* period12StartDate
* period50EndDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* periodName4
* period38StartDate
* period29StartDate
* periodName3
* period17EndDate
* periodName18
* period35StartDate
* period34StartDate
* period15StartDate
* period6EndDate
* period10StartDate
* period46StartDate
* period25EndDate
* planPeriodType
* periodName51
* period52StartDate
* periodName25
* periodName49
* period44EndDate
* period38EndDate
* periodName24
* periodName20
* period14StartDate
* periodProfileType
* periodName17
* period43StartDate
* period42EndDate
* period11StartDate
* period50StartDate
* period48EndDate
* periodName28
* period28StartDate
* period22StartDate
* periodName1
* period23StartDate
* period39StartDate
* period29EndDate
* periodName13
* period2EndDate
* period9EndDate
* creationDate
* period9StartDate
* period3EndDate
* periodName9
* period8EndDate
* period27StartDate
* period21StartDate
* period33StartDate
* periodName23
* periodName42
* period49StartDate
* period16StartDate
* period52EndDate
* periodName26
* period7StartDate
* periodName2
* period3StartDate
* periodProfileId
* periodName48
* lastUpdateDate
* glPeriodType
* period4EndDate
* periodName44
* period14EndDate
* period23EndDate
* periodName11
* periodName36
* periodName15
* periodName6
* period33EndDate
* period15EndDate
* period32EndDate
* period37StartDate
* period21EndDate
* period31StartDate
* period32StartDate
* periodName7
* period30StartDate
* period47StartDate
* periodName52
* period18StartDate
* periodName31
* period51StartDate
* periodName43
* period51EndDate
* period13EndDate
* period26StartDate
* profileEndPeriodName
* period26EndDate
* periodName14
* period22EndDate
* periodName12
* period40EndDate
* periodName35
* lastUpdatedBy
* period48StartDate
* period45EndDate
* period4StartDate
* period37EndDate
* periodName21
* periodName30
* periodSetName
* currentFlag
* periodName37
* periodName45
* period41EndDate
* periodName16
* period18EndDate
* periodName39
* period45StartDate
* period7EndDate
* period25StartDate
* period31EndDate
* period47EndDate
* periodName8
* period5EndDate
* period28EndDate
* period40StartDate
* period46EndDate
* createdBy
* period5StartDate
* period36EndDate
* periodName46
* periodName32
* period16EndDate


 * periodName5
* period36StartDate
* period42StartDate
* period8StartDate
* period2StartDate
* period13StartDate
* period17StartDate
* periodName40
* period44StartDate
* numberOfPeriods
* periodName41
* period20StartDate
* period1EndDate
* period35EndDate
* period19StartDate
* period34EndDate
* period24StartDate
* period11EndDate
* period43EndDate
* projectId
* period10EndDate
* periodName29
* period12EndDate
* periodName10
* period20EndDate
* period49EndDate
* periodName50
* period39EndDate
* periodName19
* periodName38
* period41StartDate
* period24EndDate
* periodName34
* periodName47
* period19EndDate
* periodName33
* period6StartDate
* periodName22
* period27EndDate
* period30EndDate
* periodName27
* period1StartDate
* period12StartDate
* period50EndDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* periodName4
* period38StartDate
* period29StartDate
* periodName3
* period17EndDate
* periodName18
* period35StartDate
* period34StartDate
* period15StartDate
* period6EndDate
* period10StartDate
* period46StartDate
* period25EndDate
* planPeriodType
* periodName51
* period52StartDate
* periodName25
* periodName49
* period44EndDate
* period38EndDate
* periodName24
* periodName20
* period14StartDate
* periodProfileType
* periodName17
* period43StartDate
* period42EndDate
* period11StartDate
* period50StartDate
* period48EndDate
* periodName28
* period28StartDate
* period22StartDate
* periodName1
* period23StartDate
* period39StartDate
* period29EndDate
* periodName13
* period2EndDate
* period9EndDate
* creationDate
* period9StartDate
* period3EndDate
* periodName9
* period8EndDate
* period27StartDate
* period21StartDate
* period33StartDate
* periodName23
* periodName42
* period49StartDate
* period16StartDate
* period52EndDate
* periodName26
* period7StartDate
* periodName2
* period3StartDate
* periodProfileId
* periodName48
* lastUpdateDate
* glPeriodType
* period4EndDate
* periodName44
* period14EndDate
* period23EndDate
* periodName11
* periodName36
* periodName15
* periodName6
* period33EndDate
* period15EndDate
* period32EndDate
* period37StartDate
* period21EndDate
* period31StartDate
* period32StartDate
* periodName7
* period30StartDate
* period47StartDate
* periodName52
* period18StartDate
* periodName31
* period51StartDate
* periodName43
* period51EndDate
* period13EndDate
* period26StartDate
* profileEndPeriodName
* period26EndDate
* periodName14
* period22EndDate
* periodName12
* period40EndDate
* periodName35
* lastUpdatedBy
* period48StartDate
* period45EndDate
* period4StartDate
* period37EndDate
* periodName21
* periodName30
* periodSetName
* currentFlag
* periodName37
* periodName45
* period41EndDate
* periodName16
* period18EndDate
* periodName39
* period45StartDate
* period7EndDate
* period25StartDate
* period31EndDate
* period47EndDate
* periodName8
* period5EndDate
* period28EndDate
* period40StartDate
* period46EndDate
* createdBy
* period5StartDate
* period36EndDate
* periodName46
* periodName32
* period16EndDate


 * periodAmount34
* periodAmount13
* periodAmount18
* periodAmount24
* amountSubtypeId
* periodAmount10
* lastUpdateDate
* objectId
* resourceAssignmentId
* periodAmount38
* periodAmount20
* periodAmount48
* priorPeriodAmount
* periodAmount50
* periodAmount6
* succeedingPeriodsAmount
* periodAmount35
* periodAmount45
* periodAmount4
* createdBy
* periodAmount7
* periodAmount29
* periodAmount26
* periodAmount41
* parentAssignmentId
* precedingPeriodsAmount
* periodAmount9
* periodAmount31
* periodAmount16
* periodAmount30
* periodAmount32
* periodAmount19
* periodAmount3
* periodAmount40
* creationDate
* periodAmount11
* periodAmount37
* periodAmount14
* periodAmount33
* periodAmount36
* periodAmount39
* lastUpdateLogin
* periodAmount46
* periodAmount12
* periodAmount43
* amountTypeId
* currencyType
* amountSubtypeCode
* periodAmount17
* currencyCode
* periodAmount44
* amountTypeCode
* periodAmount51
* budgetVersionId
* periodAmount22
* projectId
* periodAmount5
* periodAmount52
* periodAmount2
* periodAmount27
* lastUpdatedBy
* periodAmount23
* periodAmount49
* periodAmount47
* periodAmount15
* periodAmount25
* periodAmount42
* periodProfileId
* periodAmount21
* periodAmount28
* periodAmount8
* periodAmount1
* objectTypeCode


 * periodAmount34
* periodAmount13
* periodAmount18
* periodAmount24
* amountSubtypeId
* periodAmount10
* lastUpdateDate
* objectId
* resourceAssignmentId
* periodAmount38
* periodAmount20
* periodAmount48
* priorPeriodAmount
* periodAmount50
* periodAmount6
* succeedingPeriodsAmount
* periodAmount35
* periodAmount45
* periodAmount4
* createdBy
* periodAmount7
* periodAmount29
* periodAmount26
* periodAmount41
* parentAssignmentId
* precedingPeriodsAmount
* periodAmount9
* periodAmount31
* periodAmount16
* periodAmount30
* periodAmount32
* periodAmount19
* periodAmount3
* periodAmount40
* creationDate
* periodAmount11
* periodAmount37
* periodAmount14
* periodAmount33
* periodAmount36
* periodAmount39
* lastUpdateLogin
* periodAmount46
* periodAmount12
* periodAmount43
* amountTypeId
* currencyType
* amountSubtypeCode
* periodAmount17
* currencyCode
* periodAmount44
* amountTypeCode
* periodAmount51
* budgetVersionId
* periodAmount22
* projectId
* periodAmount5
* periodAmount52
* periodAmount2
* periodAmount27
* lastUpdatedBy
* periodAmount23
* periodAmount49
* periodAmount47
* periodAmount15
* periodAmount25
* periodAmount42
* periodProfileId
* periodAmount21
* periodAmount28
* periodAmount8
* periodAmount1
* objectTypeCode


 * projProgressAttrId
* objectId
* structureType
* percentCompEnableFlag
* nextProgressUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* creationDate
* taskWeightBasisCode
* wqEnableFlag
* allowCollabProgEntry
* createdBy
* projectId
* progressCycleId
* lastUpdateLogin
* recordVersionNumber
* objectType
* allowPhyPrcntCmpOverrides
* remainEffortEnableFlag
* lastUpdateDate


 * projProgressAttrId
* objectId
* structureType
* percentCompEnableFlag
* nextProgressUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* creationDate
* taskWeightBasisCode
* wqEnableFlag
* allowCollabProgEntry
* createdBy
* projectId
* progressCycleId
* lastUpdateLogin
* recordVersionNumber
* objectType
* allowPhyPrcntCmpOverrides
* remainEffortEnableFlag
* lastUpdateDate


 * taskId
* issues
* lastUpdateDate
* progressAsofDate
* actualEndDate
* progressReportId
* creationDate
* wfStatusCode
* estimatedEndDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* wfItemKey
* shortDescription
* longDescription
* createdBy
* reportStatus
* progressStatusCode
* wfItemType
* recordVersionNumber
* projectId
* lastUpdateLogin
* plannedActivities
* actualStartDate
* estimateToComplete
* percentComplete
* unitType
* estimatedStartDate
* wfProcess


 * taskId
* issues
* lastUpdateDate
* progressAsofDate
* actualEndDate
* progressReportId
* creationDate
* wfStatusCode
* estimatedEndDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* wfItemKey
* shortDescription
* longDescription
* createdBy
* reportStatus
* progressStatusCode
* wfItemType
* recordVersionNumber
* projectId
* lastUpdateLogin
* plannedActivities
* actualStartDate
* estimateToComplete
* percentComplete
* unitType
* estimatedStartDate
* wfProcess


 * lastUpdateDate
* retnBillingCycleId
* completedPercentage
* retnBillingAmount
* createdBy
* projectId
* clientExtensionFlag
* retnBillingRuleId
* taskId
* billingMethodCode
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* retnBillingPercentage
* creationDate
* customerId
* totalRetentionAmount


 * lastUpdateDate
* retnBillingCycleId
* completedPercentage
* retnBillingAmount
* createdBy
* projectId
* clientExtensionFlag
* retnBillingRuleId
* taskId
* billingMethodCode
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* retnBillingPercentage
* creationDate
* customerId
* totalRetentionAmount


 * programApplicationId
* projfuncTotalRetained
* lastUpdateLogin
* programUpdateDate
* customerId
* expenditureCategory
* effectiveStartDate
* eventType
* createdBy
* nonLaborResource
* creationDate
* taskId
* retentionPercentage
* lastUpdateDate
* retentionLevelCode
* retentionAmount
* lastUpdatedBy
* programId
* projectId
* thresholdAmount
* effectiveEndDate
* requestId
* expenditureType
* projectTotalRetained
* revenueCategoryCode
* totalRetained
* retentionRuleId


 * programApplicationId
* projfuncTotalRetained
* lastUpdateLogin
* programUpdateDate
* customerId
* expenditureCategory
* effectiveStartDate
* eventType
* createdBy
* nonLaborResource
* creationDate
* taskId
* retentionPercentage
* lastUpdateDate
* retentionLevelCode
* retentionAmount
* lastUpdatedBy
* programId
* projectId
* thresholdAmount
* effectiveEndDate
* requestId
* expenditureType
* projectTotalRetained
* revenueCategoryCode
* totalRetained
* retentionRuleId


 * subPrjPplEtcCost2
* pplUnplandEffort3
* rollupNode2
* subPrjEqpmtEtcCost5
* percentOverride1
* percentComplete2
* etcCost3
* constraintDate
* processNumber
* numberField5
* pplUnplandEffort2
* startDateOverride4
* eqpmtEtcCost1
* percentOverride2
* finishDate2
* percCompDerivativeCode3
* startDate4
* progressStatusWeight6
* percentComplete6
* subPrjEqpmtEtcCost2
* finishDate6
* finishDate3
* eqpmtEtcEffort3
* earnedValue6
* subPrjEqpmtEtcEffort1
* taskWeight3
* startDateOverride3
* percentComplete4
* startDateOverride6
* bacValue2
* taskStatus1
* progressStatusWeight3
* taskStatus3
* rollupNode3
* earnedValue3
* taskWeight4
* startDateOverride1
* parentObjectId
* summaryObjectFlag
* percCompDerivativeCode2
* duration4
* numberField4
* percCompDerivativeCode4
* duration5
* subPrjEtcCost6
* remainingEffort6
* subPrjEtcCost2
* finishDate5
* progressStatusWeight4
* constraintTypeCode
* startDate1
* taskStatus4
* taskWeight5
* subPrjEtcCost4
* bacValue1
* eqpmtEtcCost3
* pplUnplandEffort6
* subPrjEtcCost1
* subPrjEqpmtEtcEffort2
* numberField1
* subPrjEqpmtEtcCost1
* subPrjEqpmtEtcEffort4
* eqpmtEtcCost2
* subPrjEqpmtEtcEffort5
* bacValue5
* startDate6
* leafSovFlag
* subPrjEqpmtEtcCost6
* wqCumulativeQuantity
* progressStatusWeight1
* duration6
* subPrjEtcCost3
* percCompDerivativeCode5
* pplEtcCost6
* subPrjPplEtcEffort2
* percCompDerivativeCode6
* subPrjPplEtcCost1
* subPrjEqpmtEtcEffort3
* sovEffortBac
* etcCost1
* earnedValue5
* finishDate1
* subPrjPplEtcEffort4
* pplUnplandEffort1
* etcCost6
* eqpmtEtcCost5
* rollupNode4
* eqpmtEtcEffort2
* subPrjEqpmtEtcEffort6
* percentComplete1
* dirtyFlag6
* eqpmtEtcEffort4
* bacValue4
* progressOverride3
* subPrjPplEtcCost6
* pplUnplandEffort4
* etcCost5
* eqpmtEtcEffort6
* wqIncrementalQuantity
* startDateOverride2
* subPrjPplEtcCost5
* wqPlannedQuantity
* rollupNode5
* dirtyFlag1
* startDateOverride5
* percentOverride5
* progressStatusWeight2
* dirtyFlag2
* sovAmount1
* rollupNode6
* percentComplete3
* progressOverride4
* duration1
* dirtyFlag3
* subPrjPplEtcCost4
* percCompDerivativeCode1
* remainingEffort5
* percentComplete5
* calendarId
* percentOverride4
* progressOverride5
* numberField6
* subPrjPplEtcCost3
* taskStatus2
* startDate3
* percentOverride3
* startDate2
* remainingEffort4
* taskWeight1
* objectType
* taskStatus6
* earnedValue4
* numberField3
* percentOverride6
* pplEtcCost4
* bacValue6
* subPrjPplEtcEffort1
* progressOverride2
* remainingEffort2
* subPrjPplEtcEffort3
* dirtyFlag5
* subPrjPplEtcEffort6
* rollupNode1
* pplEtcCost5
* numberField2
* taskWeight2
* remainingEffort3
* sovLineId
* parentObjectType
* earnedValue2
* pplEtcCost3
* bacValue3
* duration3
* pplEtcCost1
* sovCostBac
* objectId
* pplUnplandEffort5
* earnedValue1
* duration2
* taskWeight6
* eqpmtEtcCost6
* etcCost2
* subPrjEqpmtEtcCost4
* eqpmtEtcCost4
* startDate5
* subPrjPplEtcEffort5
* eqpmtEtcEffort1
* subPrjEqpmtEtcCost3
* progressStatusWeight5
* wbsLevel
* finishDate4
* subPrjEtcCost5
* dirtyFlag4
* remainingEffort1
* pplEtcCost2
* etcCost4
* eqpmtEtcEffort5
* progressOverride6
* progressOverride1
* taskStatus5


 * subPrjPplEtcCost2
* pplUnplandEffort3
* rollupNode2
* subPrjEqpmtEtcCost5
* percentOverride1
* percentComplete2
* etcCost3
* constraintDate
* processNumber
* numberField5
* pplUnplandEffort2
* startDateOverride4
* eqpmtEtcCost1
* percentOverride2
* finishDate2
* percCompDerivativeCode3
* startDate4
* progressStatusWeight6
* percentComplete6
* subPrjEqpmtEtcCost2
* finishDate6
* finishDate3
* eqpmtEtcEffort3
* earnedValue6
* subPrjEqpmtEtcEffort1
* taskWeight3
* startDateOverride3
* percentComplete4
* startDateOverride6
* bacValue2
* taskStatus1
* progressStatusWeight3
* taskStatus3
* rollupNode3
* earnedValue3
* taskWeight4
* startDateOverride1
* parentObjectId
* summaryObjectFlag
* percCompDerivativeCode2
* duration4
* numberField4
* percCompDerivativeCode4
* duration5
* subPrjEtcCost6
* remainingEffort6
* subPrjEtcCost2
* finishDate5
* progressStatusWeight4
* constraintTypeCode
* startDate1
* taskStatus4
* taskWeight5
* subPrjEtcCost4
* bacValue1
* eqpmtEtcCost3
* pplUnplandEffort6
* subPrjEtcCost1
* subPrjEqpmtEtcEffort2
* numberField1
* subPrjEqpmtEtcCost1
* subPrjEqpmtEtcEffort4
* eqpmtEtcCost2
* subPrjEqpmtEtcEffort5
* bacValue5
* startDate6
* leafSovFlag
* subPrjEqpmtEtcCost6
* wqCumulativeQuantity
* progressStatusWeight1
* duration6
* subPrjEtcCost3
* percCompDerivativeCode5
* pplEtcCost6
* subPrjPplEtcEffort2
* percCompDerivativeCode6
* subPrjPplEtcCost1
* subPrjEqpmtEtcEffort3
* sovEffortBac
* etcCost1
* earnedValue5
* finishDate1
* subPrjPplEtcEffort4
* pplUnplandEffort1
* etcCost6
* eqpmtEtcCost5
* rollupNode4
* eqpmtEtcEffort2
* subPrjEqpmtEtcEffort6
* percentComplete1
* dirtyFlag6
* eqpmtEtcEffort4
* bacValue4
* progressOverride3
* subPrjPplEtcCost6
* pplUnplandEffort4
* etcCost5
* eqpmtEtcEffort6
* wqIncrementalQuantity
* startDateOverride2
* subPrjPplEtcCost5
* wqPlannedQuantity
* rollupNode5
* dirtyFlag1
* startDateOverride5
* percentOverride5
* progressStatusWeight2
* dirtyFlag2
* sovAmount1
* rollupNode6
* percentComplete3
* progressOverride4
* duration1
* dirtyFlag3
* subPrjPplEtcCost4
* percCompDerivativeCode1
* remainingEffort5
* percentComplete5
* calendarId
* percentOverride4
* progressOverride5
* numberField6
* subPrjPplEtcCost3
* taskStatus2
* startDate3
* percentOverride3
* startDate2
* remainingEffort4
* taskWeight1
* objectType
* taskStatus6
* earnedValue4
* numberField3
* percentOverride6
* pplEtcCost4
* bacValue6
* subPrjPplEtcEffort1
* progressOverride2
* remainingEffort2
* subPrjPplEtcEffort3
* dirtyFlag5
* subPrjPplEtcEffort6
* rollupNode1
* pplEtcCost5
* numberField2
* taskWeight2
* remainingEffort3
* sovLineId
* parentObjectType
* earnedValue2
* pplEtcCost3
* bacValue3
* duration3
* pplEtcCost1
* sovCostBac
* objectId
* pplUnplandEffort5
* earnedValue1
* duration2
* taskWeight6
* eqpmtEtcCost6
* etcCost2
* subPrjEqpmtEtcCost4
* eqpmtEtcCost4
* startDate5
* subPrjPplEtcEffort5
* eqpmtEtcEffort1
* subPrjEqpmtEtcCost3
* progressStatusWeight5
* wbsLevel
* finishDate4
* subPrjEtcCost5
* dirtyFlag4
* remainingEffort1
* pplEtcCost2
* etcCost4
* eqpmtEtcEffort5
* progressOverride6
* progressOverride1
* taskStatus5


 * taskWeight5
* duration1
* calendarId
* wbsLevel
* numberField1
* dirty5Flag
* taskWeight6
* progressStatusWeight1
* objectId
* rollupNode6Flag
* progressStatusWeight4
* progressStatusWeight5
* taskStatus5
* duration4
* percentComplete6
* percentComplete3
* remainingEffort4
* progressOverride5
* remainingEffort6
* dirty2Flag
* taskStatus1
* parentObjectId
* startDate4
* taskStatus2
* percentComplete5
* taskStatus6
* progressStatusWeight2
* percentOverride3
* finishDate1
* taskWeight4
* numberField6
* rollupNode2Flag
* percentOverride6
* percentComplete2
* finishDate2
* rollupNode1Flag
* duration3
* processNumber
* taskStatus4
* parentObjectType
* startDate6
* constraintType
* remainingEffort3
* constraintDate
* remainingEffort1
* progressOverride2
* dirty3Flag
* taskWeight3
* startDate1
* remainingEffort5
* rollupNode5Flag
* progressOverride1
* percentOverride4
* startDate2
* duration2
* progressStatusWeight6
* percentComplete4
* numberField5
* taskWeight1
* finishDate5
* percentComplete1
* dirty1Flag
* duration5
* numberField2
* objectType
* percentOverride2
* dirty4Flag
* finishDate4
* finishDate3
* numberField3
* startDate5
* duration6
* percentOverride1
* remainingEffort2
* progressOverride6
* startDate3
* progressStatusWeight3
* progressOverride3
* rollupNode4Flag
* percentOverride5
* progressOverride4
* numberField4
* finishDate6
* taskStatus3
* taskWeight2
* dirty6Flag
* rollupNode3Flag


 * taskWeight5
* duration1
* calendarId
* wbsLevel
* numberField1
* dirty5Flag
* taskWeight6
* progressStatusWeight1
* objectId
* rollupNode6Flag
* progressStatusWeight4
* progressStatusWeight5
* taskStatus5
* duration4
* percentComplete6
* percentComplete3
* remainingEffort4
* progressOverride5
* remainingEffort6
* dirty2Flag
* taskStatus1
* parentObjectId
* startDate4
* taskStatus2
* percentComplete5
* taskStatus6
* progressStatusWeight2
* percentOverride3
* finishDate1
* taskWeight4
* numberField6
* rollupNode2Flag
* percentOverride6
* percentComplete2
* finishDate2
* rollupNode1Flag
* duration3
* processNumber
* taskStatus4
* parentObjectType
* startDate6
* constraintType
* remainingEffort3
* constraintDate
* remainingEffort1
* progressOverride2
* dirty3Flag
* taskWeight3
* startDate1
* remainingEffort5
* rollupNode5Flag
* progressOverride1
* percentOverride4
* startDate2
* duration2
* progressStatusWeight6
* percentComplete4
* numberField5
* taskWeight1
* finishDate5
* percentComplete1
* dirty1Flag
* duration5
* numberField2
* objectType
* percentOverride2
* dirty4Flag
* finishDate4
* finishDate3
* numberField3
* startDate5
* duration6
* percentOverride1
* remainingEffort2
* progressOverride6
* startDate3
* progressStatusWeight3
* progressOverride3
* rollupNode4Flag
* percentOverride5
* progressOverride4
* numberField4
* finishDate6
* taskStatus3
* taskWeight2
* dirty6Flag
* rollupNode3Flag


 * percentOverride
* subPrjPplEtcEffort
* finishDate
* subPrjEqpmtEtcEffort
* percCompDerivativeCode
* processNumber
* objectId
* remainingEffort
* etcCost
* eqpmtEtcCost
* progressOverride
* rollupNode
* wbsLevel
* progressStatusWeight
* subPrjPplEtcCost
* eqpmtEtcEffort
* subPrjEqpmtEtcCost
* parentObjectType
* subPrjEtcCost
* numberField
* objectType
* calendarId
* taskWeight
* dirtyFlag
* constraintDate
* duration
* startDateOverride
* earnedValue
* percentComplete
* pplUnplandEffort
* parentObjectId
* constraintTypeCode
* bacValue
* startDate
* taskStatus
* pplEtcCost


 * percentOverride
* subPrjPplEtcEffort
* finishDate
* subPrjEqpmtEtcEffort
* percCompDerivativeCode
* processNumber
* objectId
* remainingEffort
* etcCost
* eqpmtEtcCost
* progressOverride
* rollupNode
* wbsLevel
* progressStatusWeight
* subPrjPplEtcCost
* eqpmtEtcEffort
* subPrjEqpmtEtcCost
* parentObjectType
* subPrjEtcCost
* numberField
* objectType
* calendarId
* taskWeight
* dirtyFlag
* constraintDate
* duration
* startDateOverride
* earnedValue
* percentComplete
* pplUnplandEffort
* parentObjectId
* constraintTypeCode
* bacValue
* startDate
* taskStatus
* pplEtcCost


 * lastUpdateLogin
* attribute5
* structureTypeId
* attribute11
* attribute13
* attribute14
* attribute3
* attribute1
* attribute6
* attribute10
* attribute2
* recordVersionNumber
* projElementId
* attribute4
* projStructureTypeId
* attributeCategory
* attribute12
* creationDate
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute7
* attribute15
* attribute9
* createdBy
* attribute8


 * lastUpdateLogin
* attribute5
* structureTypeId
* attribute11
* attribute13
* attribute14
* attribute3
* attribute1
* attribute6
* attribute10
* attribute2
* recordVersionNumber
* projElementId
* attribute4
* projStructureTypeId
* attributeCategory
* attribute12
* creationDate
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute7
* attribute15
* attribute9
* createdBy
* attribute8


 * batchId
* projectId


 * batchId
* projectId


 * requestStatus
* requestId
* batchId


 * requestStatus
* requestId
* batchId


 * lastUpdatedBy
* createdBy
* creationDate
* orgId
* lastUpdateLogin
* projectType
* defaultFlag
* distributionRule
* lastUpdateDate


 * lastUpdatedBy
* createdBy
* creationDate
* orgId
* lastUpdateLogin
* projectType
* defaultFlag
* distributionRule
* lastUpdateDate


 * projectType
* lastUpdateDate
* creationDate
* requiredFlag
* lastUpdateLogin
* orgId
* lastUpdatedBy
* createdBy
* verificationRule
* processSequence


 * projectType
* lastUpdateDate
* creationDate
* requiredFlag
* lastUpdateLogin
* orgId
* lastUpdatedBy
* createdBy
* verificationRule
* processSequence


 * scheduleThirdPartyFlag
* wpAutoPublishFlag
* recordVersionNumber
* wpApprovalReqdFlag
* autoRollupSubprojFlag
* creationDate
* allowLowestTskDepFlag
* lastUpdateLogin
* currentPhaseVersionId
* sourceObjectType
* lifecycleVersionId
* lastUpdatedBy
* createdBy
* wpApproverSourceType
* wpDefaultDisplayLvl
* wpApproverSourceId
* autoSyncTxnDateFlag
* sourceObjectId
* autoPubUponCreationFlag
* txnDateSyncBufDays
* lastUpdateDate
* projElementId
* projectId
* wpEnableVersionFlag
* thirdPartyScheduleCode
* useTaskScheduleFlag


 * scheduleThirdPartyFlag
* wpAutoPublishFlag
* recordVersionNumber
* wpApprovalReqdFlag
* autoRollupSubprojFlag
* creationDate
* allowLowestTskDepFlag
* lastUpdateLogin
* currentPhaseVersionId
* sourceObjectType
* lifecycleVersionId
* lastUpdatedBy
* createdBy
* wpApproverSourceType
* wpDefaultDisplayLvl
* wpApproverSourceId
* autoSyncTxnDateFlag
* sourceObjectId
* autoPubUponCreationFlag
* txnDateSyncBufDays
* lastUpdateDate
* projElementId
* projectId
* wpEnableVersionFlag
* thirdPartyScheduleCode
* useTaskScheduleFlag


 * creationDate
* burdenedCostItd
* billableLaborHoursItd
* lastUpdateDate
* revenuePtd
* billableRawCostPp
* requestId
* lastUpdatedBy
* billableBurdenedCostYtd
* laborHoursYtd
* billableLaborHoursPtd
* txnUnitOfMeasure
* billableQuantityItd
* rawCostPp
* billableLaborHoursYtd
* billableBurdenedCostPp
* billableRawCostYtd
* rawCostPtd
* billableRawCostItd
* billableBurdenedCostPtd
* lastUpdateLogin
* quantityPp
* laborHoursItd
* burdenedCostPp
* laborHoursPp
* revenuePp
* laborHoursPtd
* programUpdateDate
* burdenedCostYtd
* billableRawCostPtd
* rawCostItd
* revenueYtd
* createdBy
* quantityPtd
* projectAccumId
* billableQuantityPtd
* programId
* burdenedCostPtd
* billableBurdenedCostItd
* quantityYtd
* rawCostYtd
* billableQuantityYtd
* revenueItd
* billableLaborHoursPp
* quantityItd
* programApplicationId
* billableQuantityPp


 * revenuePtd
* billableRawCostItd
* burdenedCostPtd
* creationDate
* billableBurdenedCostPtd
* revenueItd
* billableRawCostPp
* rawCostYtd
* billableBurdenedCostPp
* billableRawCostYtd
* billableRawCostPtd
* billableBurdenedCostItd
* rawCostItd
* burdenedCostYtd
* billableBurdenedCostYtd
* setOfBooksId
* burdenedCostItd
* revenuePp
* projectAccumId
* burdenedCostPp
* rawCostPp
* rawCostPtd
* revenueYtd


 * revenuePtd
* billableRawCostItd
* burdenedCostPtd
* creationDate
* billableBurdenedCostPtd
* revenueItd
* billableRawCostPp
* rawCostYtd
* billableBurdenedCostPp
* billableRawCostYtd
* billableRawCostPtd
* billableBurdenedCostItd
* rawCostItd
* burdenedCostYtd
* billableBurdenedCostYtd
* setOfBooksId
* burdenedCostItd
* revenuePp
* projectAccumId
* burdenedCostPp
* rawCostPp
* rawCostPtd
* revenueYtd


 * creationDate
* burdenedCostItd
* billableLaborHoursItd
* lastUpdateDate
* revenuePtd
* billableRawCostPp
* requestId
* lastUpdatedBy
* billableBurdenedCostYtd
* laborHoursYtd
* billableLaborHoursPtd
* txnUnitOfMeasure
* billableQuantityItd
* rawCostPp
* billableLaborHoursYtd
* billableBurdenedCostPp
* billableRawCostYtd
* rawCostPtd
* billableRawCostItd
* billableBurdenedCostPtd
* lastUpdateLogin
* quantityPp
* laborHoursItd
* burdenedCostPp
* laborHoursPp
* revenuePp
* laborHoursPtd
* programUpdateDate
* burdenedCostYtd
* billableRawCostPtd
* rawCostItd
* revenueYtd
* createdBy
* quantityPtd
* projectAccumId
* billableQuantityPtd
* programId
* burdenedCostPtd
* billableBurdenedCostItd
* quantityYtd
* rawCostYtd
* billableQuantityYtd
* revenueItd
* billableLaborHoursPp
* quantityItd
* programApplicationId
* billableQuantityPp


 * baseBurdenedCostPp
* origRawCostYtd
* baseRawCostItd
* baseBurdenedCostPtd
* projectAccumId
* origRawCostItd
* origRevenueYtd
* baseBurdenedCostItd
* setOfBooksId
* origBurdenedCostPp
* origBurdenedCostTot
* baseRevenueYtd
* creationDate
* origRawCostPp
* origRawCostPtd
* origRevenuePtd
* baseRevenuePtd
* baseBurdenedCostTot
* baseRawCostTot
* origRawCostTot
* origBurdenedCostItd
* baseRawCostPp
* origRevenueItd
* baseRevenueItd
* baseRawCostPtd
* baseRevenueTot
* baseRevenuePp
* origBurdenedCostPtd
* origRevenueTot
* baseRawCostYtd
* baseBurdenedCostYtd
* budgetTypeCode
* origRevenuePp
* origBurdenedCostYtd


 * baseBurdenedCostPp
* origRawCostYtd
* baseRawCostItd
* baseBurdenedCostPtd
* projectAccumId
* origRawCostItd
* origRevenueYtd
* baseBurdenedCostItd
* setOfBooksId
* origBurdenedCostPp
* origBurdenedCostTot
* baseRevenueYtd
* creationDate
* origRawCostPp
* origRawCostPtd
* origRevenuePtd
* baseRevenuePtd
* baseBurdenedCostTot
* baseRawCostTot
* origRawCostTot
* origBurdenedCostItd
* baseRawCostPp
* origRevenueItd
* baseRevenueItd
* baseRawCostPtd
* baseRevenueTot
* baseRevenuePp
* origBurdenedCostPtd
* origRevenueTot
* baseRawCostYtd
* baseBurdenedCostYtd
* budgetTypeCode
* origRevenuePp
* origBurdenedCostYtd


 * cmtBurdenedCostYtd
* cmtBurdenedCostPtd
* cmtRawCostItd
* creationDate
* cmtRawCostPtd
* cmtBurdenedCostPp
* cmtRawCostPp
* cmtBurdenedCostItd
* projectAccumId
* cmtRawCostYtd
* setOfBooksId


 * cmtBurdenedCostYtd
* cmtBurdenedCostPtd
* cmtRawCostItd
* creationDate
* cmtRawCostPtd
* cmtBurdenedCostPp
* cmtRawCostPp
* cmtBurdenedCostItd
* projectAccumId
* cmtRawCostYtd
* setOfBooksId


 * expenseLimitCurrencyCode
* attribute4
* expenditureTypeClass
* assignmentId
* attribute11
* searchCountryCode
* availabilityMatchWeighting
* projectRoleId
* attributeCategory
* attribute13
* lastUpdateDate
* expenditureType
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* fcstJobId
* markupPercent
* fcstJobGroupId
* attribute9
* competenceMatchWeighting
* projectId
* calendarId
* searchMinAvailability
* multipleStatusFlag
* noteToApprover
* massWfInProgressFlag
* attribute8
* fcstTpAmountType
* attribute5
* transferPriceRate
* attribute12
* resourceCalendarPercent
* noOfActiveCandidates
* searchExpStartOrgId
* attribute14
* expenditureOrgId
* searchExpOrgStructVerId
* jobLevelMatchWeighting
* revenueCurrencyCode
* workTypeId
* attribute1
* locationId
* startDate
* tpRateOverride
* revenueBillRate
* minResourceJobLevel
* markupPercentOverride
* purgeBatchId
* billRateOverride
* purgeProjectId
* transferPrRateCurr
* attribute2
* searchMinCandidateScore
* assignmentName
* pendingApprovalFlag
* sourceAssignmentId
* expenditureOrganizationId
* statusCode
* projectPartyId
* tpPercentAppliedOverride
* assignmentType
* lastUpdatedBy
* resourceId
* staffingPriorityCode
* tpCalcBaseCodeOverride
* assignmentTemplateId
* attribute6
* extensionPossible
* attribute15
* description
* expenseLimit
* calendarType
* lastAutoSearchDate
* tpCurrencyOverride
* attribute10
* billRateCurrOverride
* additionalInformation
* recordVersionNumber
* discountPercentage
* resourceListMemberId
* apprvlStatusCode
* endDate
* rateDiscReasonCode
* enableAutoCandNomFlag
* maxResourceJobLevel
* staffingOwnerPersonId
* assignmentNumber
* purgeRelease
* createdBy
* attribute3
* expenseOwner
* templateFlag
* assignmentEffort
* attribute7


 * expenseLimitCurrencyCode
* attribute4
* expenditureTypeClass
* assignmentId
* attribute11
* searchCountryCode
* availabilityMatchWeighting
* projectRoleId
* attributeCategory
* attribute13
* lastUpdateDate
* expenditureType
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* fcstJobId
* markupPercent
* fcstJobGroupId
* attribute9
* competenceMatchWeighting
* projectId
* calendarId
* searchMinAvailability
* multipleStatusFlag
* noteToApprover
* massWfInProgressFlag
* attribute8
* fcstTpAmountType
* attribute5
* transferPriceRate
* attribute12
* resourceCalendarPercent
* noOfActiveCandidates
* searchExpStartOrgId
* attribute14
* expenditureOrgId
* searchExpOrgStructVerId
* jobLevelMatchWeighting
* revenueCurrencyCode
* workTypeId
* attribute1
* locationId
* startDate
* tpRateOverride
* revenueBillRate
* minResourceJobLevel
* markupPercentOverride
* purgeBatchId
* billRateOverride
* purgeProjectId
* transferPrRateCurr
* attribute2
* searchMinCandidateScore
* assignmentName
* pendingApprovalFlag
* sourceAssignmentId
* expenditureOrganizationId
* statusCode
* projectPartyId
* tpPercentAppliedOverride
* assignmentType
* lastUpdatedBy
* resourceId
* staffingPriorityCode
* tpCalcBaseCodeOverride
* assignmentTemplateId
* attribute6
* extensionPossible
* attribute15
* description
* expenseLimit
* calendarType
* lastAutoSearchDate
* tpCurrencyOverride
* attribute10
* billRateCurrOverride
* additionalInformation
* recordVersionNumber
* discountPercentage
* resourceListMemberId
* apprvlStatusCode
* endDate
* rateDiscReasonCode
* enableAutoCandNomFlag
* maxResourceJobLevel
* staffingOwnerPersonId
* assignmentNumber
* purgeRelease
* createdBy
* attribute3
* expenseOwner
* templateFlag
* assignmentEffort
* attribute7


 * attribute12
* attribute13
* attributeCategory
* attribute1
* taskId
* attribute8
* createdBy
* attribute5
* attribute10
* lastUpdateLogin
* creationDate
* attribute3
* attribute14
* attribute6
* attribute4
* projectId
* attribute9
* attribute11
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute15
* projectAssetId
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute2
* attribute7


 * attribute12
* attribute13
* attributeCategory
* attribute1
* taskId
* attribute8
* createdBy
* attribute5
* attribute10
* lastUpdateLogin
* creationDate
* attribute3
* attribute14
* attribute6
* attribute4
* projectId
* attribute9
* attribute11
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute15
* projectAssetId
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute2
* attribute7


 * lastUpdatedBy
* programApplicationId
* projectAssetLineDetailId
* creationDate
* expenditureItemId
* lastUpdateLogin
* programUpdateDate
* requestId
* lineNum
* programId
* reversedFlag
* createdBy
* lastUpdateDate
* cipCost
* projAssetLineDtlUniqId


 * lastUpdatedBy
* programApplicationId
* projectAssetLineDetailId
* creationDate
* expenditureItemId
* lastUpdateLogin
* programUpdateDate
* requestId
* lineNum
* programId
* reversedFlag
* createdBy
* lastUpdateDate
* cipCost
* projAssetLineDtlUniqId


 * retirementCostType
* taskId
* lastUpdateLogin
* transferStatusCode
* projectAssetLineId
* programId
* invoiceNumber
* invoiceCreatedBy
* revFromProjAssetLineId
* retAdjustmentTxnId
* invoiceUpdatedBy
* invoiceDate
* requestId
* poNumber
* invoiceDistributionId
* cipCcid
* capitalEventId
* faPeriodName
* poVendorId
* projectAssetId
* projectAssetLineDetailId
* programApplicationId
* originalAssetCost
* payablesBatchName
* orgId
* currentAssetCost
* projectId
* apDistributionLineNumber
* transferRejectionReason
* originalAssetId
* amortizeFlag
* vendorNumber
* description
* assetCostCcid
* lineType
* lastUpdateDate
* creationDate
* invoiceLineNumber
* newMasterFlag
* invoiceId
* createdBy
* glDate
* programUpdateDate
* revProjAssetLineId
* assetCategoryId
* lastUpdatedBy


 * retirementCostType
* taskId
* lastUpdateLogin
* transferStatusCode
* projectAssetLineId
* programId
* invoiceNumber
* invoiceCreatedBy
* revFromProjAssetLineId
* retAdjustmentTxnId
* invoiceUpdatedBy
* invoiceDate
* requestId
* poNumber
* invoiceDistributionId
* cipCcid
* capitalEventId
* faPeriodName
* poVendorId
* projectAssetId
* projectAssetLineDetailId
* programApplicationId
* originalAssetCost
* payablesBatchName
* orgId
* currentAssetCost
* projectId
* apDistributionLineNumber
* transferRejectionReason
* originalAssetId
* amortizeFlag
* vendorNumber
* description
* assetCostCcid
* lineType
* lastUpdateDate
* creationDate
* invoiceLineNumber
* newMasterFlag
* invoiceId
* createdBy
* glDate
* programUpdateDate
* revProjAssetLineId
* assetCategoryId
* lastUpdatedBy


 * groupedCipCost
* depreciateFlag
* attribute4
* attribute9
* capitalizedFlag
* attribute7
* assetNumber
* attribute11
* newMasterFlag
* estimatedInServiceDate
* assetName
* attribute8
* datePlacedInService
* attribute14
* faPeriodName
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute2
* attribute3
* assetKeyCcid
* projectId
* assignedToPersonId
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* pmProductCode
* estimatedCost
* capitalizedCost
* parentAssetId
* serialNumber
* attribute13
* attribute12
* bookTypeCode
* assetDescription
* retTargetAssetId
* capitalEventId
* depreciationExpenseCcid
* capitalizedDate
* projectAssetId
* attribute10
* orgId
* createdBy
* manufacturerName
* locationId
* pmAssetReference
* estimatedAssetUnits
* lastUpdatedBy
* programUpdateDate
* modelNumber
* amortizeFlag
* assetCategoryId
* capitalHoldFlag
* assetUnits
* attributeCategory
* attribute5
* requestId
* programId
* reversalDate
* reverseFlag
* attribute15
* attribute1
* attribute6
* tagNumber
* faAssetId
* costAdjustmentFlag
* projectAssetType
* programApplicationId


 * groupedCipCost
* depreciateFlag
* attribute4
* attribute9
* capitalizedFlag
* attribute7
* assetNumber
* attribute11
* newMasterFlag
* estimatedInServiceDate
* assetName
* attribute8
* datePlacedInService
* attribute14
* faPeriodName
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute2
* attribute3
* assetKeyCcid
* projectId
* assignedToPersonId
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* pmProductCode
* estimatedCost
* capitalizedCost
* parentAssetId
* serialNumber
* attribute13
* attribute12
* bookTypeCode
* assetDescription
* retTargetAssetId
* capitalEventId
* depreciationExpenseCcid
* capitalizedDate
* projectAssetId
* attribute10
* orgId
* createdBy
* manufacturerName
* locationId
* pmAssetReference
* estimatedAssetUnits
* lastUpdatedBy
* programUpdateDate
* modelNumber
* amortizeFlag
* assetCategoryId
* capitalHoldFlag
* assetUnits
* attributeCategory
* attribute5
* requestId
* programId
* reversalDate
* reverseFlag
* attribute15
* attribute1
* attribute6
* tagNumber
* faAssetId
* costAdjustmentFlag
* projectAssetType
* programApplicationId


 * creationDate
* setOfBooksId
* projectAssetId
* capitalizedCost
* groupedCipCost


 * creationDate
* setOfBooksId
* projectAssetId
* capitalizedCost
* groupedCipCost


 * attribute6
* attribute12
* tpPercentAppliedOverride
* expenseLimit
* assignmentEffort
* pendingApprovalFlag
* massWfInProgressFlag
* staffingOwnerPersonId
* projectPartyId
* attribute5
* projectId
* transferPriceRate
* assignmentTemplateId
* searchMinAvailability
* extensionPossible
* attribute13
* jobLevelMatchWeighting
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute11
* attributeCategory
* attribute3
* fcstJobId
* templateFlag
* searchCountryCode
* competenceMatchWeighting
* attribute2
* statusCode
* description
* enableAutoCandNomFlag
* expenditureTypeClass
* expenditureOrgId
* assignmentName
* markupPercentOverride
* assignmentId
* calendarType
* fcstJobGroupId
* attribute14
* multipleStatusFlag
* resourceListMemberId
* tpCurrencyOverride
* lastAutoSearchDate
* createdBy
* lastUpdatedBy
* discountPercentage
* apprvlStatusCode
* endDate
* searchExpStartOrgId
* attribute7
* maxResourceJobLevel
* transferPrRateCurr
* billRateCurrOverride
* startDate
* markupPercent
* minResourceJobLevel
* additionalInformation
* calendarId
* resourceId
* assignmentNumber
* locationId
* recordVersionNumber
* tpRateOverride
* resourceCalendarPercent
* attribute9
* availabilityMatchWeighting
* noteToApprover
* origSystemReference
* expenditureOrganizationId
* expenseLimitCurrencyCode
* origSystemCode
* attribute4
* tpCalcBaseCodeOverride
* staffingPriorityCode
* workTypeId
* expenseOwner
* sourceAssignmentId
* attribute1
* attribute8
* fcstTpAmountType
* assignmentType
* projectRoleId
* attribute15
* lastUpdateLogin
* revenueCurrencyCode
* rateDiscReasonCode
* expenditureType
* billRateOverride
* attribute10
* revenueBillRate
* noOfActiveCandidates
* creationDate
* searchMinCandidateScore
* searchExpOrgStructVerId


 * attribute6
* attribute12
* tpPercentAppliedOverride
* expenseLimit
* assignmentEffort
* pendingApprovalFlag
* massWfInProgressFlag
* staffingOwnerPersonId
* projectPartyId
* attribute5
* projectId
* transferPriceRate
* assignmentTemplateId
* searchMinAvailability
* extensionPossible
* attribute13
* jobLevelMatchWeighting
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute11
* attributeCategory
* attribute3
* fcstJobId
* templateFlag
* searchCountryCode
* competenceMatchWeighting
* attribute2
* statusCode
* description
* enableAutoCandNomFlag
* expenditureTypeClass
* expenditureOrgId
* assignmentName
* markupPercentOverride
* assignmentId
* calendarType
* fcstJobGroupId
* attribute14
* multipleStatusFlag
* resourceListMemberId
* tpCurrencyOverride
* lastAutoSearchDate
* createdBy
* lastUpdatedBy
* discountPercentage
* apprvlStatusCode
* endDate
* searchExpStartOrgId
* attribute7
* maxResourceJobLevel
* transferPrRateCurr
* billRateCurrOverride
* startDate
* markupPercent
* minResourceJobLevel
* additionalInformation
* calendarId
* resourceId
* assignmentNumber
* locationId
* recordVersionNumber
* tpRateOverride
* resourceCalendarPercent
* attribute9
* availabilityMatchWeighting
* noteToApprover
* origSystemReference
* expenditureOrganizationId
* expenseLimitCurrencyCode
* origSystemCode
* attribute4
* tpCalcBaseCodeOverride
* staffingPriorityCode
* workTypeId
* expenseOwner
* sourceAssignmentId
* attribute1
* attribute8
* fcstTpAmountType
* assignmentType
* projectRoleId
* attribute15
* lastUpdateLogin
* revenueCurrencyCode
* rateDiscReasonCode
* expenditureType
* billRateOverride
* attribute10
* revenueBillRate
* noOfActiveCandidates
* creationDate
* searchMinCandidateScore
* searchExpOrgStructVerId


 * codePercentage
* attribute9
* attribute14
* attribute13
* attribute5
* classCategory
* creationDate
* createdBy
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* objectType
* attributeCategory
* lastUpdateDate
* recordVersionNumber
* attribute7
* projectId
* classCode
* attribute6
* attribute1
* attribute3
* attribute11
* attribute2
* objectId
* attribute8
* attribute12
* adwNotifyFlag
* attribute15
* attribute10
* attribute4


 * codePercentage
* attribute9
* attribute14
* attribute13
* attribute5
* classCategory
* creationDate
* createdBy
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* objectType
* attributeCategory
* lastUpdateDate
* recordVersionNumber
* attribute7
* projectId
* classCode
* attribute6
* attribute1
* attribute3
* attribute11
* attribute2
* objectId
* attribute8
* attribute12
* adwNotifyFlag
* attribute15
* attribute10
* attribute4


 * lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* createdBy
* recordVersionNumber
* projectId
* customerId
* creationDate
* lastUpdateDate
* projectContactTypeCode
* contactId
* billShipCustomerId


 * lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* createdBy
* recordVersionNumber
* projectId
* customerId
* creationDate
* lastUpdateDate
* projectContactTypeCode
* contactId
* billShipCustomerId


 * lastUpdateDate
* displayName
* recordVersionNumber
* mandatoryFlag
* limitingValue
* projectId
* lastUpdateLogin
* sortOrder
* lastUpdatedBy
* creationDate
* createdBy
* fieldName


 * lastUpdateDate
* displayName
* recordVersionNumber
* mandatoryFlag
* limitingValue
* projectId
* lastUpdateLogin
* sortOrder
* lastUpdatedBy
* creationDate
* createdBy
* fieldName


 * programId
* programUpdateDate
* creationDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* programApplicationId
* lastUpdateDate
* projectId
* programRequestId
* ctxDescription
* createdBy


 * programId
* programUpdateDate
* creationDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* programApplicationId
* lastUpdateDate
* projectId
* programRequestId
* ctxDescription
* createdBy


 * projectId
* lastUpdateDate
* createdBy
* lastUpdatedBy
* programApplicationId
* ctxDescription
* programId
* lastUpdateLogin
* programUpdateDate
* creationDate
* programRequestId


 * projectId
* lastUpdateDate
* createdBy
* lastUpdatedBy
* programApplicationId
* ctxDescription
* programId
* lastUpdateLogin
* programUpdateDate
* creationDate
* programRequestId


 * projectId
* projectRelationshipCode
* shipToAddressId
* billAnotherProjectFlag
* invRateDate
* shipToCustomerId
* lastUpdateDate
* invRateType
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* retentionLevelCode
* billToCustomerId
* billToAddressId
* invCurrencyCode
* receiverTaskId
* recordVersionNumber
* customerId
* projectPartyId
* defaultTopTaskCustFlag
* creationDate
* createdBy
* customerBillSplit
* invExchangeRate
* allowInvUserRateTypeFlag


 * projectId
* customerId
* invExchangeRate
* invCurrencyCode
* invRateDate
* invRateType
* setOfBooksId


 * projectId
* customerId
* invExchangeRate
* invCurrencyCode
* invRateDate
* invRateType
* setOfBooksId


 * projectId
* projectRelationshipCode
* shipToAddressId
* billAnotherProjectFlag
* invRateDate
* shipToCustomerId
* lastUpdateDate
* invRateType
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* retentionLevelCode
* billToCustomerId
* billToAddressId
* invCurrencyCode
* receiverTaskId
* recordVersionNumber
* customerId
* projectPartyId
* defaultTopTaskCustFlag
* creationDate
* createdBy
* customerBillSplit
* invExchangeRate
* allowInvUserRateTypeFlag


 * lastUpdateLogin
* revenueCategoryCode
* eventType
* programUpdateDate
* requestId
* programId
* createdBy
* glPeriod
* paPeriod
* lastUpdatedBy
* rollupFlag
* programApplicationId
* lastUpdateDate
* incTotalRevenue
* totalRevenue
* creationDate
* organizationId
* taskId
* projectId


 * eventType
* creationDate
* totalRevenue
* paPeriod
* incTotalRevenue
* projectId
* setOfBooksId
* glPeriod
* taskId


 * eventType
* creationDate
* totalRevenue
* paPeriod
* incTotalRevenue
* projectId
* setOfBooksId
* glPeriod
* taskId


 * lastUpdateLogin
* revenueCategoryCode
* eventType
* programUpdateDate
* requestId
* programId
* createdBy
* glPeriod
* paPeriod
* lastUpdatedBy
* rollupFlag
* programApplicationId
* lastUpdateDate
* incTotalRevenue
* totalRevenue
* creationDate
* organizationId
* taskId
* projectId


 * creationDate
* revenueCategory
* billableBurdenCost
* incTotalRawCost
* expenditureCategory
* requestId
* projectId
* lastUpdateLogin
* incBillableRawCost
* taskId
* incTotalBurdenCost
* incTotalQuantity
* billableQuantity
* lastUpdateDate
* expenditureType
* programApplicationId
* incBillableBurdenCost
* totalBurdenCost
* expenditureOrganizationId
* totalRevenue
* billableRawCost
* incTotalRevenue
* programId
* lastUpdatedBy
* rollupFlag
* totalQuantity
* programUpdateDate
* paPeriod
* glPeriod
* createdBy
* totalRawCost
* incBillableQuantity


 * setOfBooksId
* creationDate
* totalRawCost
* billableRawCost
* taskId
* incTotalRawCost
* billableBurdenCost
* incBillableBurdenCost
* glPeriod
* totalRevenue
* paPeriod
* incTotalRevenue
* incTotalBurdenCost
* incBillableRawCost
* expenditureType
* expenditureOrganizationId
* totalBurdenCost
* projectId


 * setOfBooksId
* creationDate
* totalRawCost
* billableRawCost
* taskId
* incTotalRawCost
* billableBurdenCost
* incBillableBurdenCost
* glPeriod
* totalRevenue
* paPeriod
* incTotalRevenue
* incTotalBurdenCost
* incBillableRawCost
* expenditureType
* expenditureOrganizationId
* totalBurdenCost
* projectId


 * creationDate
* revenueCategory
* billableBurdenCost
* incTotalRawCost
* expenditureCategory
* requestId
* projectId
* lastUpdateLogin
* incBillableRawCost
* taskId
* incTotalBurdenCost
* incTotalQuantity
* billableQuantity
* lastUpdateDate
* expenditureType
* programApplicationId
* incBillableBurdenCost
* totalBurdenCost
* expenditureOrganizationId
* totalRevenue
* billableRawCost
* incTotalRevenue
* programId
* lastUpdatedBy
* rollupFlag
* totalQuantity
* programUpdateDate
* paPeriod
* glPeriod
* createdBy
* totalRawCost
* incBillableQuantity


 * creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* expenditureCategory
* createdBy
* taskId
* startDateActive
* lastUpdateDate
* endDateActive
* lastUpdatedBy
* projectId


 * creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* expenditureCategory
* createdBy
* taskId
* startDateActive
* lastUpdateDate
* endDateActive
* lastUpdatedBy
* projectId


 * submitBaselineFlag
* createdBy
* projfuncRealizedLossesAmt
* projfuncRevaluedAmount
* attribute10
* projfuncRateType
* programId
* paProjectFundingsProjectId
* projfuncRevalAmount
* lastUpdateLogin
* projectFundingId
* attribute1
* attribute4
* revaluationRateDate
* attribute8
* attribute9
* invprocRateType
* attribute3
* revaluationThroughDate
* projfuncAllocatedAmount
* fundingBacklogAmount
* fundingRevaluationFactor
* projfuncCurrencyCode
* projectRateType
* programApplicationId
* attribute2
* pmFundingReference
* fundingCurrencyCode
* requestId
* pmProductCode
* fundingInvAppliedAmount
* attribute5
* lastUpdateDate
* projectRateDate
* fundingCategory
* projectExchangeRate
* agreementId
* nonUpdateableFlag
* dateAllocated
* invprocExchangeRate
* invprocRevalAmount
* creationDate
* projfuncInvDueAmount
* projectCurrencyCode
* ciId
* attribute7
* attribute6
* invprocBacklogAmount
* revprocRateType
* projectId
* revaluationInvprocRateType
* taskId
* revprocAllocatedAmount
* revaluationProjfuncRateType
* projfuncRealizedGainsAmt
* allocatedAmount
* revprocExchangeRate
* fundingInvDueAmount
* projfuncInvAppliedAmount
* programUpdateDate
* revaluationInvprocRate
* revprocCurrencyCode
* projectAllocatedAmount
* revprocRateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* projfuncBacklogAmount
* invprocAllocatedAmount
* projfuncRateDate
* pjiSummarizedFlag
* invprocCurrencyCode
* fundingRevalAmount
* invprocRateDate
* projfuncExchangeRate
* revaluationProjfuncRate
* attributeCategory
* budgetTypeCode
* invprocRevaluedAmount


 * projectFundingId
* setOfBooksId
* allocatedAmount
* creationDate
* adjustedAmount


 * projectFundingId
* setOfBooksId
* allocatedAmount
* creationDate
* adjustedAmount


 * submitBaselineFlag
* createdBy
* projfuncRealizedLossesAmt
* projfuncRevaluedAmount
* attribute10
* projfuncRateType
* programId
* paProjectFundingsProjectId
* projfuncRevalAmount
* lastUpdateLogin
* projectFundingId
* attribute1
* attribute4
* revaluationRateDate
* attribute8
* attribute9
* invprocRateType
* attribute3
* revaluationThroughDate
* projfuncAllocatedAmount
* fundingBacklogAmount
* fundingRevaluationFactor
* projfuncCurrencyCode
* projectRateType
* programApplicationId
* attribute2
* pmFundingReference
* fundingCurrencyCode
* requestId
* pmProductCode
* fundingInvAppliedAmount
* attribute5
* lastUpdateDate
* projectRateDate
* fundingCategory
* projectExchangeRate
* agreementId
* nonUpdateableFlag
* dateAllocated
* invprocExchangeRate
* invprocRevalAmount
* creationDate
* projfuncInvDueAmount
* projectCurrencyCode
* ciId
* attribute7
* attribute6
* invprocBacklogAmount
* revprocRateType
* projectId
* revaluationInvprocRateType
* taskId
* revprocAllocatedAmount
* revaluationProjfuncRateType
* projfuncRealizedGainsAmt
* allocatedAmount
* revprocExchangeRate
* fundingInvDueAmount
* projfuncInvAppliedAmount
* programUpdateDate
* revaluationInvprocRate
* revprocCurrencyCode
* projectAllocatedAmount
* revprocRateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* projfuncBacklogAmount
* invprocAllocatedAmount
* projfuncRateDate
* pjiSummarizedFlag
* invprocCurrencyCode
* fundingRevalAmount
* invprocRateDate
* projfuncExchangeRate
* revaluationProjfuncRate
* attributeCategory
* budgetTypeCode
* invprocRevaluedAmount


 * projfuncOppValue
* projectOppValue
* projectOppRateDate
* projfuncOppRateType
* lastUpdateDate
* projfuncOppRateDate
* opportunityValue
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* createdBy
* projectOppRateType
* lastUpdatedBy
* oppValueCurrencyCode
* projectId


 * projfuncOppValue
* projectOppValue
* projectOppRateDate
* projfuncOppRateType
* lastUpdateDate
* projfuncOppRateDate
* opportunityValue
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* createdBy
* projectOppRateType
* lastUpdatedBy
* oppValueCurrencyCode
* projectId


 * createdBy
* projectId
* optionCode
* lastUpdateLogin
* recordVersionNumber
* lastUpdateDate
* creationDate
* lastUpdatedBy


 * createdBy
* projectId
* optionCode
* lastUpdateLogin
* recordVersionNumber
* lastUpdateDate
* creationDate
* lastUpdatedBy


 * scheduledFlag
* endDateActive
* resourceTypeId
* createdBy
* startDateActive
* lastUpdateLogin
* recordVersionNumber
* resourceSourceId
* projectPartyId
* objectType
* projectId
* objectId
* creationDate
* projectRoleId
* lastUpdateDate
* grantId
* resourceId
* lastUpdatedBy


 * createdBy
* projectId
* lastUpdateDate
* purgeRelease
* lastUpdateLogin
* objectId
* resourceId
* grantId
* startDateActive
* creationDate
* projectRoleId
* objectType
* endDateActive
* purgeBatchId
* projectPartyId
* resourceSourceId
* resourceTypeId
* scheduledFlag
* lastUpdatedBy
* recordVersionNumber
* purgeProjectId


 * createdBy
* projectId
* lastUpdateDate
* purgeRelease
* lastUpdateLogin
* objectId
* resourceId
* grantId
* startDateActive
* creationDate
* projectRoleId
* objectType
* endDateActive
* purgeBatchId
* projectPartyId
* resourceSourceId
* resourceTypeId
* scheduledFlag
* lastUpdatedBy
* recordVersionNumber
* purgeProjectId


 * scheduledFlag
* endDateActive
* resourceTypeId
* createdBy
* startDateActive
* lastUpdateLogin
* recordVersionNumber
* resourceSourceId
* projectPartyId
* objectType
* projectId
* objectId
* creationDate
* projectRoleId
* lastUpdateDate
* grantId
* resourceId
* lastUpdatedBy


 * lastUpdatedBy
* reportViewId
* creationDate
* resultFormatCode
* criteriaTemplateCode
* userId
* contextCode
* lastUpdateDate
* responsibilityId
* createdBy


 * lastUpdatedBy
* reportViewId
* creationDate
* resultFormatCode
* criteriaTemplateCode
* userId
* contextCode
* lastUpdateDate
* responsibilityId
* createdBy


 * lastUpdatedBy
* reportViewId
* description
* lastUpdateDate
* createdBy
* language
* reportViewName
* creationDate


 * lastUpdatedBy
* reportViewId
* description
* lastUpdateDate
* createdBy
* language
* reportViewName
* creationDate


 * attribute6
* attribute7
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* programId
* createdBy
* requestId
* programRequestId
* recordVersionNumber
* attribute4
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* statusCode
* custPartyId
* attribute3
* attribute5
* attribute15
* programApplicationId
* requestType
* programUpdateDate
* lastUpdateDate
* applicationId
* value
* attribute12
* attribute14
* expectedProjectApprovalDate
* currencyCode
* creationDate
* sourceOrgId
* custPartySiteId
* attribute11
* attributeCategory
* lastUpdatedBy
* sourceReference
* attribute2
* attribute1
* requestNumber
* attribute8
* attribute13
* description
* custAccountId
* attribute10
* requestName
* lastUpdateLogin


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* attribute7
* closedDate
* programId
* createdBy
* requestId
* programRequestId
* recordVersionNumber
* attribute4
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* custPartyId
* attribute3
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* attribute15
* programApplicationId
* requestType
* programUpdateDate
* lastUpdateDate
* applicationId
* value
* attribute12
* attribute14
* expectedProjectApprovalDate
* currencyCode
* creationDate
* sourceOrgId
* custPartySiteId
* attribute11
* attributeCategory
* lastUpdatedBy
* sourceReference
* attribute2
* attribute1
* requestNumber
* attribute8
* attribute13
* description
* custAccountId
* attribute10
* requestName
* lastUpdateLogin


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* totalRetained
* lastUpdateLogin
* taskId
* lastUpdatedBy
* invprocCurrencyCode
* programUpdateDate
* projectRetentionId
* projectTotalRetained
* programApplicationId
* agreementId
* requestId
* projfuncCurrencyCode
* programId
* creationDate
* projectId
* lastUpdateDate
* retentionRuleId
* projectCurrencyCode
* fundingTotalRetained
* projfuncTotalRetained
* createdBy


 * fundingCurrencyCode
* totalRetained
* lastUpdateLogin
* taskId
* lastUpdatedBy
* invprocCurrencyCode
* programUpdateDate
* projectRetentionId
* projectTotalRetained
* programApplicationId
* agreementId
* requestId
* projfuncCurrencyCode
* programId
* creationDate
* projectId
* lastUpdateDate
* retentionRuleId
* projectCurrencyCode
* fundingTotalRetained
* projfuncTotalRetained
* createdBy


 * attribute14
* creationDate
* meaning
* projectRoleType
* recordVersionNumber
* createdBy
* defaultMaxJobLevel
* attribute2
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* attributeCategory
* attribute4
* attribute12
* zdSync
* attribute6
* projectRoleId
* attribute15
* lastUpdateDate
* defaultMinJobLevel
* statusLevel
* attribute9
* attribute5
* attribute8
* lastUpdatedBy
* startDateActive
* attribute7
* attribute1
* attribute10
* attribute13
* endDateActive
* menuId
* defaultJobId
* defaultAccessLevel
* attribute3
* rolePartyClass
* queryLaborCostFlag
* freezeRulesFlag
* description
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute11


 * attribute14
* creationDate
* meaning
* projectRoleType
* recordVersionNumber
* createdBy
* defaultMaxJobLevel
* attribute2
* zdEditionName
* attributeCategory
* attribute4
* attribute12
* zdSync
* attribute6
* projectRoleId
* attribute15
* lastUpdateDate
* defaultMinJobLevel
* statusLevel
* attribute9
* attribute5
* attribute8
* lastUpdatedBy
* startDateActive
* attribute7
* attribute1
* attribute10
* attribute13
* endDateActive
* menuId
* defaultJobId
* defaultAccessLevel
* attribute3
* rolePartyClass
* queryLaborCostFlag
* freezeRulesFlag
* description
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute11


 * creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* language
* sourceLang
* meaning
* createdBy
* lastUpdatedBy
* projectRoleId
* zdEditionName
* lastUpdateDate
* description
* zdSync


 * creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* language
* sourceLang
* meaning
* createdBy
* lastUpdatedBy
* projectRoleId
* zdEditionName
* lastUpdateDate
* description
* zdSync


 * projectSetId
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateDate
* createdBy
* projectId


 * projectSetId
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateDate
* createdBy
* projectId


 * accessLevel
* recordVersionNumber
* attribute5
* attribute15
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute11
* effectiveStartDate
* attribute2
* attribute8
* partyId
* attribute3
* createdBy
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute7
* attribute9
* effectiveEndDate
* attribute1
* attribute14
* attribute4
* projectSetId
* attribute6
* lastUpdatedBy
* attributeCategory
* attribute10
* attribute13
* attribute12


 * accessLevel
* recordVersionNumber
* attribute5
* attribute15
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute11
* effectiveStartDate
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* partyId
* attribute3
* createdBy
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute7
* attribute9
* effectiveEndDate
* attribute1
* attribute14
* attribute4
* projectSetId
* attribute6
* lastUpdatedBy
* attributeCategory
* attribute10
* attribute13
* attribute12


 * description
* lastUpdatedBy
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* lastUpdateDate
* name
* createdBy
* language
* creationDate
* sourceLang
* lastUpdateLogin


 * description
* lastUpdatedBy
* projectSetId
* lastUpdateDate
* name
* createdBy
* language
* creationDate
* sourceLang
* lastUpdateLogin


 * allowOverridesFlag
* copyToUserStatusFlag
* projectStatusCode
* startDateActive
* sortOrder
* creationDate
* statusType
* zdEditionName
* projectSystemStatusCode
* createdBy
* lastUpdatedBy
* enabledFlag
* actionCode
* zdSync
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdateDate
* endDateActive


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* copyToUserStatusFlag
* projectStatusCode
* startDateActive
* sortOrder
* creationDate
* statusType
* zdEditionName
* projectSystemStatusCode
* createdBy
* lastUpdatedBy
* enabledFlag
* actionCode
* zdSync
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdateDate
* endDateActive


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* attribute2
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute11
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* attribute3
* projectSystemStatusCode
* predefinedFlag
* attribute5
* attribute8
* attribute1
* startDateActive
* zdSync
* attribute4
* attribute14
* attribute15
* projectStatusWeight
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* wfFailureStatusCode
* attribute12
* enableWfFlag
* createdBy
* projectStatusName
* statusIconActiveInd
* attribute7
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* workflowProcess
* attribute6
* workflowItemType
* attribute10
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* attributeCategory
* attribute13
* projectStatusCode
* statusType
* creationDate


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* attribute2
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* attribute11
* endDateActive
* startingStatusFlag
* statusIconInd
* wfSuccessStatusCode
* zdEditionName
* attribute3
* projectSystemStatusCode
* predefinedFlag
* attribute5
* attribute8
* attribute1
* startDateActive
* zdSync
* attribute4
* attribute14
* attribute15
* projectStatusWeight
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* wfFailureStatusCode
* attribute12
* enableWfFlag
* createdBy
* projectStatusName
* statusIconActiveInd
* attribute7
* attribute9
* workflowProcess
* attribute6
* workflowItemType
* attribute10
* nextAllowableStatusFlag
* attributeCategory
* attribute13
* projectStatusCode
* statusType
* creationDate


 * objectType
* createdBy
* projectSubteamPartyId
* creationDate
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
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* primarySubteamFlag
* objectId
* projectSubteamId
* recordVersionNumber


 * objectType
* createdBy
* projectSubteamPartyId
* creationDate
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdatedBy
* primarySubteamFlag
* objectId
* projectSubteamId
* recordVersionNumber


 * attribute9
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* objectType
* attribute14
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* attribute6
* name
* projectSubteamId
* attribute7
* attribute3
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* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute10
* lastUpdateLogin
* projectId
* lastUpdateDate
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* objectType
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* attribute2
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* recordVersionNumber
* attribute8
* attribute15
* attribute11
* attribute12
* createdBy
* attribute6
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* projectSubteamId
* attribute7
* attribute3
* attribute4
* attribute13
* description
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute10
* lastUpdateLogin
* projectId
* lastUpdateDate
* creationDate


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* laborTpFixedDate
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* altLiquidationRatePer
* revtransCurrencyType
* cintRateSchId
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* progressPaymentFlag
* attribute1
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* segment7
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* projectStatusCode
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute6
* billJobGroupId
* lastSummarizationDate
* enableTopTaskCustomerFlag
* attribute8
* icLaborTpFixedDate
* includeGainsLossesFlag
* allowCrossChargeFlag
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* invoiceComment
* startDate
* revaluateFundingFlag
* ccProcessLaborFlag
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* minCandScoreReqdForNom
* securityLevel
* baselineFundingFlag
* nonLaborScheduleDiscount
* summaryFlag
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* projfuncBilExchangeRate
* contractId
* nonLaborBillRateOrgId
* icLaborTpScheduleId
* segment10
* revprocCurrencyCode
* attribute2
* actualAsOfDate
* assetAllocationMethod
* attribute5
* retnAccountingFlag
* revIndRateSchId
* enableTopTaskInvMthFlag
* assignPrecedesTask
* nlTpFixedDate
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* templateEndDateActive
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* retentionTaxCode
* projfuncBilRateDateCode
* priorityCode
* laborScheduleDiscount
* carryingOutOrganizationId
* createdBy
* fundingRateType
* deferredRollupEnabledFlag
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* laborTpScheduleId
* workTypeId
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* icNlTpScheduleId
* invByBillTransCurrFlag
* scheduledFinishDate
* segment3
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* projectLevelFundingFlag
* liquidationRatePercentage
* olapGroup
* templateFlag
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* projfuncCostRateDate
* segment9
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* baselineStartDate
* projSovLevel
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* scheduledStartDate
* structureSharingCode
* searchMinAvailability
* projectValue
* adwNotifyFlag
* projSovFrmCntrtFlag
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* empBillRateScheduleId
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* allowMultiProgramRollup
* laborInvoiceFormatId
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* pmProjectReference
* invIndRateSchId
* ovrRevIndRateSchId
* ovrCostIndRateSchId
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* arRecNotifyFlag
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* revenueAccrualMethod
* enableAutomatedSearch
* scheduledAsOfDate
* segment4
* unbilledReceivableDr
* initialTeamTemplateId
* cbsEnableFlag
* autoReleasePwpInv
* invLineGroup
* completionDate
* targetFinishDate
* projectBilRateDate
* nonLabStdBillRtSchId
* calendarId
* projectBilRateDateCode
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* projfuncCostRateType
* earlyStartDate
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* name
* jobBillRateScheduleId
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* billGroupId
* segment5
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* fundingRateDate
* segment2
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* ccTaxTaskId
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* retentionInvoiceFormatId
* nlTpScheduleId
* projAsgmtResFormatId
* unearnedRevenueCr
* actualDuration
* longName
* attribute10
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* btcCostBaseRevCode
* laborFeeRateCurrencyCode
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* projfuncBilRateDate
* attribute4
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* projfuncAttrForArFlag
* programId
* lastUpdateLogin
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* nonLaborStdBillRateSchdl
* laborStdBillRateSchdl
* adjOnStdInv
* invIndSchFixedDate
* startAdvActionSetFlag
* nonLaborSchType
* pmProductCode
* projectBilExchangeRate
* projectRateDate
* competenceMatchWt
* nonLaborInvoiceFormatId
* splitCostFromBillFlag
* pjiSourceFlag
* attribute7
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* distributionRule
* laborSchType
* jobLevelMatchWt
* segment1
* ccProcessNlFlag
* projectType
* feePercentage
* enabledFlag
* fundingRateDateCode
* nonLaborDiscReasonCode
* wfStatusCode
* segment8
* pjtRollupEnabledFlag
* billLaborAccrual
* projectId
* roleListId
* billingOffset
* closedDate
* dateEffFundsConsumption
* publicSectorFlag
* description


 * lateStartDate
* advActionSetId
* laborTpFixedDate
* projectRateType
* capitalEventProcessing
* altLiquidationRatePer
* revtransCurrencyType
* cintRateSchId
* nonLaborScheduleFixedDate
* fundingApprovalStatusCode
* verificationDate
* icNlTpFixedDate
* orgId
* costIndSchFixedDate
* multiCurrencyBillingFlag
* progressPaymentFlag
* attribute1
* baselineFinishDate
* segment7
* ovrFeeRateScheduleId
* projectStatusCode
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute6
* billJobGroupId
* lastSummarizationDate
* enableTopTaskCustomerFlag
* attribute8
* icLaborTpFixedDate
* includeGainsLossesFlag
* allowCrossChargeFlag
* programUpdateDate
* invoiceComment
* startDate
* revaluateFundingFlag
* ccProcessLaborFlag
* searchOrgHierId
* minCandScoreReqdForNom
* securityLevel
* baselineFundingFlag
* nonLaborScheduleDiscount
* summaryFlag
* feeRateScheduleId
* projfuncBilExchangeRate
* contractId
* nonLaborBillRateOrgId
* icLaborTpScheduleId
* segment10
* revprocCurrencyCode
* attribute2
* actualAsOfDate
* assetAllocationMethod
* attribute5
* retnAccountingFlag
* revIndRateSchId
* enableTopTaskInvMthFlag
* assignPrecedesTask
* nlTpFixedDate
* projectCurrencyCode
* templateEndDateActive
* outputTaxCode
* retentionTaxCode
* projfuncBilRateDateCode
* priorityCode
* laborScheduleDiscount
* carryingOutOrganizationId
* createdBy
* fundingRateType
* deferredRollupEnabledFlag
* scheduledDuration
* laborTpScheduleId
* workTypeId
* costPlusFixedFeeFlag
* icNlTpScheduleId
* invByBillTransCurrFlag
* scheduledFinishDate
* segment3
* invoiceMethod
* projectLevelFundingFlag
* liquidationRatePercentage
* olapGroup
* templateFlag
* actualFinishDate
* ratePercentage
* searchCountryCode
* laborBillRateOrgId
* actualStartDate
* sysProgramFlag
* lateFinishDate
* costJobGroupId
* laborDiscReasonCode
* withholdAmount
* projfuncCostRateDate
* segment9
* recordVersionNumber
* splitCostFromWorkplanFlag
* baselineDuration
* lastUpdateDate
* baselineStartDate
* projSovLevel
* templateStartDateActive
* scheduledStartDate
* structureSharingCode
* searchMinAvailability
* projectValue
* adwNotifyFlag
* projSovFrmCntrtFlag
* billingCycle
* projfuncCurrencyCode
* deriveBillingFromOkeFlag
* empBillRateScheduleId
* earlyFinishDate
* allowMultiProgramRollup
* laborInvoiceFormatId
* laborScheduleFixedDate
* pmProjectReference
* invIndRateSchId
* ovrRevIndRateSchId
* ovrCostIndRateSchId
* creationDate
* retentionPercentage
* targetStartDate
* billingFundsCheckFcFlag
* arRecNotifyFlag
* feeRate
* attributeCategory
* billingCycleId
* invprocCurrencyType
* segment6
* baselineAsOfDate
* fundingExchangeRate
* revenueAccrualMethod
* enableAutomatedSearch
* scheduledAsOfDate
* segment4
* unbilledReceivableDr
* initialTeamTemplateId
* cbsEnableFlag
* autoReleasePwpInv
* invLineGroup
* completionDate
* targetFinishDate
* projectBilRateDate
* nonLabStdBillRtSchId
* calendarId
* projectBilRateDateCode
* limitToTxnControlsFlag
* projfuncCostRateType
* earlyStartDate
* cintStopDate
* name
* jobBillRateScheduleId
* cbsVersionId
* billGroupId
* segment5
* feeRevenueScheduleId
* fundingRateDate
* segment2
* costIndRateSchId
* ccTaxTaskId
* expectedApprovalDate
* searchStartingOrgId
* cintEligibleFlag
* attribute3
* projfuncBilRateType
* availabilityMatchWt
* olapTaskId
* retentionInvoiceFormatId
* nlTpScheduleId
* projAsgmtResFormatId
* unearnedRevenueCr
* actualDuration
* longName
* attribute10
* ovrInvIndRateSchId
* btcCostBaseRevCode
* laborFeeRateCurrencyCode
* locationId
* projReqResFormatId
* programApplicationId
* attribute9
* createdFromProjectId
* revIndSchFixedDate
* projfuncBilRateDate
* attribute4
* requestId
* projfuncAttrForArFlag
* programId
* lastUpdateLogin
* retnBillingInvFormatId
* projectBilRateType
* nonLaborStdBillRateSchdl
* laborStdBillRateSchdl
* adjOnStdInv
* invIndSchFixedDate
* startAdvActionSetFlag
* nonLaborSchType
* pmProductCode
* projectBilExchangeRate
* projectRateDate
* competenceMatchWt
* nonLaborInvoiceFormatId
* splitCostFromBillFlag
* pjiSourceFlag
* attribute7
* probabilityMemberId
* distributionRule
* laborSchType
* jobLevelMatchWt
* segment1
* ccProcessNlFlag
* projectType
* feePercentage
* enabledFlag
* fundingRateDateCode
* nonLaborDiscReasonCode
* wfStatusCode
* segment8
* pjtRollupEnabledFlag
* billLaborAccrual
* projectId
* roleListId
* billingOffset
* closedDate
* dateEffFundsConsumption
* publicSectorFlag
* description


 * unbilledReceivableDr
* projectId
* creationDate
* setOfBooksId
* unearnedRevenueCr


 * unbilledReceivableDr
* projectId
* creationDate
* setOfBooksId
* unearnedRevenueCr


 * segment1
* actionFlag
* projectId
* requestId
* exceptionFlag


 * segment1
* actionFlag
* projectId
* requestId
* exceptionFlag


 * ptCoImplStatusesId
* finPlanTypeId
* createdBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* implDefaultFlag
* statusCode
* recordVersionNumber
* creationDate
* ciTypeId
* versionType
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateDate


 * ptCoImplStatusesId
* finPlanTypeId
* createdBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* implDefaultFlag
* statusCode
* recordVersionNumber
* creationDate
* ciTypeId
* versionType
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateDate


 * purgeRelease
* programUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* nextPProjectStatusCode
* purgeActualsFlag
* batchStatusCode
* creationDate
* txnToDate
* archiveSummaryFlag
* description
* archiveBudgetsFlag
* createdBy
* lastUpdatedBy
* purgeBatchId
* purgeBudgetsFlag
* purgeSummaryFlag
* programId
* adminProjFlag
* requestId
* batchName
* archiveActualsFlag
* programApplicationId
* purgeCapitalFlag
* activeClosedFlag
* purgedDate
* orgId
* lastUpdateDate
* nextPpProjectStatusCode
* archiveCapitalFlag


 * purgeRelease
* programUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* nextPProjectStatusCode
* purgeActualsFlag
* batchStatusCode
* creationDate
* txnToDate
* archiveSummaryFlag
* description
* archiveBudgetsFlag
* createdBy
* lastUpdatedBy
* purgeBatchId
* purgeBudgetsFlag
* purgeSummaryFlag
* programId
* adminProjFlag
* requestId
* batchName
* archiveActualsFlag
* programApplicationId
* purgeCapitalFlag
* activeClosedFlag
* purgedDate
* orgId
* lastUpdateDate
* nextPpProjectStatusCode
* archiveCapitalFlag


 * programUpdateDate
* lastUpdateDate
* requestId
* lastUpdatedBy
* createdBy
* projectId
* numRecsArchived
* tableName
* lastUpdateLogin
* programId
* numRecsPurged
* creationDate
* programApplicationId
* purgeBatchId


 * programUpdateDate
* lastUpdateDate
* requestId
* lastUpdatedBy
* createdBy
* projectId
* numRecsArchived
* tableName
* lastUpdateLogin
* programId
* numRecsPurged
* creationDate
* programApplicationId
* purgeBatchId


 * lastUpdateDate
* projectId
* errorType
* lastUpdatedBy
* creationDate
* purgeBatchId
* lastUpdateLogin
* errorCode
* createdBy


 * lastUpdateDate
* projectId
* errorType
* lastUpdatedBy
* creationDate
* purgeBatchId
* lastUpdateLogin
* errorCode
* createdBy


 * archiveActualsFlag
* creationDate
* nextPpProjectStatusCode
* nextPProjectStatusCode
* createdBy
* programUpdateDate
* purgeProjectStatusCode
* lastUpdateDate
* purgeSummaryFlag
* requestId
* txnToDate
* archiveCapitalFlag
* lastProjectStatusCode
* projectId
* archiveSummaryFlag
* programApplicationId
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdatedBy
* archiveBudgetsFlag
* purgeCapitalFlag
* purgeBatchId
* purgeBudgetsFlag
* purgedDate
* programId
* purgeActualsFlag


 * archiveActualsFlag
* creationDate
* nextPpProjectStatusCode
* nextPProjectStatusCode
* createdBy
* programUpdateDate
* purgeProjectStatusCode
* lastUpdateDate
* purgeSummaryFlag
* requestId
* txnToDate
* archiveCapitalFlag
* lastProjectStatusCode
* projectId
* archiveSummaryFlag
* programApplicationId
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdatedBy
* archiveBudgetsFlag
* purgeCapitalFlag
* purgeBatchId
* purgeBudgetsFlag
* purgedDate
* programId
* purgeActualsFlag


 * projInvoiceAmount
* projDiscountAmount
* retainedAmount
* poHeaderId
* projfuncCurrencyCode
* projInvUnpaidAmount
* taskId
* paPwpApHdrId
* projRetainedAmount
* projfuncInvoiceAmount
* projCurrencyCode
* projfuncRetainedAmount
* projfuncInvPaidAmount
* acctDiscountAmount
* invoiceCurrency
* amountPaid
* projfuncCurPerInvPaid
* invoiceId
* acctCurrencyCode
* acctInvoiceAmount
* projectId
* acctInvPaidAmount
* projinvTotAmount
* amountUnpaid
* acctRetainedAmount
* projInvPaidAmount
* acctInvUnpaidAmount
* expenditureItemDate
* discountAmount
* projRtaxAmount
* projfuncDiscountAmount
* projfuncRtaxAmount
* rtaxAmount
* acctRtaxAmount
* projfuncInvUnpaidAmount
* projCurPerInvPaid


 * projInvoiceAmount
* projDiscountAmount
* retainedAmount
* poHeaderId
* projfuncCurrencyCode
* projInvUnpaidAmount
* taskId
* paPwpApHdrId
* projRetainedAmount
* projfuncInvoiceAmount
* projCurrencyCode
* projfuncRetainedAmount
* projfuncInvPaidAmount
* acctDiscountAmount
* invoiceCurrency
* amountPaid
* projfuncCurPerInvPaid
* invoiceId
* acctCurrencyCode
* acctInvoiceAmount
* projectId
* acctInvPaidAmount
* projinvTotAmount
* amountUnpaid
* acctRetainedAmount
* projInvPaidAmount
* acctInvUnpaidAmount
* expenditureItemDate
* discountAmount
* projRtaxAmount
* projfuncDiscountAmount
* projfuncRtaxAmount
* rtaxAmount
* acctRtaxAmount
* projfuncInvUnpaidAmount
* projCurPerInvPaid


 * invoiceType
* prepaidAmount
* holdFlag
* earliestPayDueDate
* invoiceCurrency
* linkedDrfatInvType
* poNumber
* exchangeDate
* exchangeRate
* vendorId
* supplierName
* supplierNum
* paPwpApHdrId
* dlvHoldFlag
* paymentStatus
* glDate
* exchangeRateType
* pwpHoldFlag
* invoiceNum
* invoiceDate
* holdAppliedYn
* linkedDraftInvoiceNum
* projectId
* invoiceId
* holdReason
* relholdRejReason
* invoiceAmount
* supplierSiteCode
* description


 * invoiceType
* prepaidAmount
* holdFlag
* earliestPayDueDate
* invoiceCurrency
* linkedDrfatInvType
* poNumber
* exchangeDate
* exchangeRate
* vendorId
* supplierName
* supplierNum
* paPwpApHdrId
* dlvHoldFlag
* paymentStatus
* glDate
* exchangeRateType
* pwpHoldFlag
* invoiceNum
* invoiceDate
* holdAppliedYn
* linkedDraftInvoiceNum
* projectId
* invoiceId
* holdReason
* relholdRejReason
* invoiceAmount
* supplierSiteCode
* description


 * transferStatusCode
* pfcCpBillAmount
* glDate
* invoiceClass
* pfcLineAmount
* invOutstandingAmount
* shipToCustName
* pfcTaxAmount
* pcRecieptAmount
* createdBy
* pcBillAmount
* billToCustNumber
* invoiceDate
* billToCustName
* pfcCpRecieptAmount
* pcAdjustmentAmount
* invCurrencyCode
* releasedDate
* invCpBillAmount
* pcCpRecieptAmount
* creationDate
* draftInvoiceNum
* pfcRecieptAmount
* billToAddress
* invLineAmount
* lastUpdatedBy
* raInvoiceNumber
* agreementNum
* pcCpBillAmount
* approvedDate
* customerName
* pcLineAmount
* systemReference
* invRecieptAmount
* orgId
* projectCurrencyCode
* invTaxAmount
* invAdjustmentAmount
* lastUpdateDate
* pfcBillAmount
* projectId
* customerId
* lastRaInvoiceNumber
* pcTaxAmount
* shipToCustNumber
* invoiceStatus
* projfuncInvtransRateDate
* invCpRecieptAmount
* projfuncCurrencyCode
* customerNumber
* pfcOutstandingAmount
* projfuncInvtransRateType
* draftInvoiceNumCredited
* pcOutstandingAmount
* invBillAmount
* billThroughDate
* shipToAddress
* pfcAdjustmentAmount


 * transferStatusCode
* pfcCpBillAmount
* glDate
* invoiceClass
* pfcLineAmount
* invOutstandingAmount
* shipToCustName
* pfcTaxAmount
* pcRecieptAmount
* createdBy
* pcBillAmount
* billToCustNumber
* invoiceDate
* billToCustName
* pfcCpRecieptAmount
* pcAdjustmentAmount
* invCurrencyCode
* releasedDate
* invCpBillAmount
* pcCpRecieptAmount
* creationDate
* draftInvoiceNum
* pfcRecieptAmount
* billToAddress
* invLineAmount
* lastUpdatedBy
* raInvoiceNumber
* agreementNum
* pcCpBillAmount
* approvedDate
* customerName
* pcLineAmount
* systemReference
* invRecieptAmount
* orgId
* projectCurrencyCode
* invTaxAmount
* invAdjustmentAmount
* lastUpdateDate
* pfcBillAmount
* projectId
* customerId
* lastRaInvoiceNumber
* pcTaxAmount
* shipToCustNumber
* invoiceStatus
* projfuncInvtransRateDate
* invCpRecieptAmount
* projfuncCurrencyCode
* customerNumber
* pfcOutstandingAmount
* projfuncInvtransRateType
* draftInvoiceNumCredited
* pcOutstandingAmount
* invBillAmount
* billThroughDate
* shipToAddress
* pfcAdjustmentAmount


 * draftInvoiceNum
* createdBy
* lastUpdateDate
* creationDate
* apInvoiceId
* projectId
* lastUpdatedBy
* orgId


 * draftInvoiceNum
* createdBy
* lastUpdateDate
* creationDate
* apInvoiceId
* projectId
* lastUpdatedBy
* orgId


 * raInvoiceNum
* orgId
* draftInvoiceNum
* exception
* requestId
* linkType
* createdBy
* lastUpdateDate
* paidStatus
* apInvoiceId
* projectId
* creationDate
* releaseFlag
* lastUpdatedBy
* customReleaseFlag


 * raInvoiceNum
* orgId
* draftInvoiceNum
* exception
* requestId
* linkType
* createdBy
* lastUpdateDate
* paidStatus
* apInvoiceId
* projectId
* creationDate
* releaseFlag
* lastUpdatedBy
* customReleaseFlag


 * supId
* lastUpdatedBy
* supLevel
* subLeafFlag
* subroId
* lastUpdateDate
* createdBy
* structVersionId
* subId
* subLevel
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin


 * supId
* lastUpdatedBy
* supLevel
* subLeafFlag
* subroId
* lastUpdateDate
* createdBy
* structVersionId
* subId
* subLevel
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin


 * lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdatedBy
* resourceName
* creationDate
* resourceId
* resourceTypeId
* createdBy
* lastUpdateDate


 * lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdatedBy
* resourceName
* creationDate
* resourceId
* resourceTypeId
* createdBy
* lastUpdateDate


 * rbsElementNameId
* creationDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* createdBy
* lastUpdateDate
* resourceName
* language
* sourceLang
* lastUpdateLogin


 * rbsElementNameId
* creationDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* createdBy
* lastUpdateDate
* resourceName
* language
* sourceLang
* lastUpdateLogin


 * bomLaborId
* rbsElementId
* resourceSourceId
* userDefinedCustom1Id
* userDefinedCustom5Id
* recordVersionNumber
* levelCode#1
* levelCode
* resourceClassId
* jobId
* organizationId
* nonLaborResourceId
* leafNode
* userDefinedCustom4Id
* lastUpdateLogin
* rbsElementNameId
* rbsLevel
* parentElementId
* costCode
* lastUpdateDate
* resourceTypeId
* userDefinedCustom3Id
* personTypeId
* userCreatedFlag
* revenueCategoryId
* bomEquipmentId
* elementIdentifier
* supplierId
* itemCategoryId
* ruleFlag
* inventoryItemId
* personId
* costCodeName
* eventTypeId
* userDefinedCustom2Id
* lastUpdatedBy
* createdBy
* roleId
* rbsVersionId
* creationDate
* expenditureTypeId
* outlineNumber
* connectPath
* expenditureCategoryId
* orderNumber
* enableFlag


 * bomLaborId
* rbsElementId
* resourceSourceId
* userDefinedCustom1Id
* userDefinedCustom5Id
* recordVersionNumber
* levelCode#1
* levelCode
* resourceClassId
* jobId
* organizationId
* nonLaborResourceId
* leafNode
* userDefinedCustom4Id
* lastUpdateLogin
* rbsElementNameId
* rbsLevel
* parentElementId
* costCode
* lastUpdateDate
* resourceTypeId
* userDefinedCustom3Id
* personTypeId
* userCreatedFlag
* revenueCategoryId
* bomEquipmentId
* elementIdentifier
* supplierId
* itemCategoryId
* ruleFlag
* inventoryItemId
* personId
* costCodeName
* eventTypeId
* userDefinedCustom2Id
* lastUpdatedBy
* createdBy
* roleId
* rbsVersionId
* creationDate
* expenditureTypeId
* outlineNumber
* connectPath
* expenditureCategoryId
* orderNumber
* enableFlag


 * recordVersionNumber
* useForAllocFlag
* rbsHeaderId
* lastUpdateDate
* businessGroupId
* cbsEnabled
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* activeFlag
* createdBy
* effectiveToDate
* creationDate
* effectiveFromDate


 * recordVersionNumber
* useForAllocFlag
* rbsHeaderId
* lastUpdateDate
* businessGroupId
* cbsEnabled
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* activeFlag
* createdBy
* effectiveToDate
* creationDate
* effectiveFromDate


 * creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdateDate
* rbsHeaderId
* sourceLang
* description
* createdBy
* name
* language
* lastUpdatedBy


 * creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdateDate
* rbsHeaderId
* sourceLang
* description
* createdBy
* name
* language
* lastUpdatedBy


 * workerId
* txnAccumHeaderId
* projectId


 * workerId
* txnAccumHeaderId
* projectId


 * rbsElementId
* elementVersionId
* maxLevel
* personRcPrecedence
* materialRcPrecedence
* lastUpdateDate
* ruleFlag
* level5
* level1
* level12
* level7
* level4
* level10
* level2
* level3
* equipmentRcPrecedence
* creationDate
* finElemRcPrecedence
* ruleId
* lastUpdateLogin
* level8
* level13
* createdBy
* level6
* level14
* level9
* level15
* level11
* lastUpdatedBy


 * rbsElementId
* elementVersionId
* maxLevel
* personRcPrecedence
* materialRcPrecedence
* lastUpdateDate
* ruleFlag
* level5
* level1
* level12
* level7
* level4
* level10
* level2
* level3
* equipmentRcPrecedence
* creationDate
* finElemRcPrecedence
* ruleId
* lastUpdateLogin
* level8
* level13
* createdBy
* level6
* level14
* level9
* level15
* level11
* lastUpdatedBy


 * createdBy
* structVersionId
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* txnAccumHeaderId
* lastUpdateLogin
* elementId
* creationDate


 * createdBy
* structVersionId
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* txnAccumHeaderId
* lastUpdateLogin
* elementId
* creationDate


 * language
* sourceLang
* name
* description
* lastUpdateDate
* rbsVersionId
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdatedBy
* creationDate
* createdBy


 * language
* sourceLang
* name
* description
* lastUpdateDate
* rbsVersionId
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdatedBy
* creationDate
* createdBy


 * seqNumber


 * seqNumber


 * attribute5
* attribute6
* requestId
* attribute1
* attribute2
* attribute19
* attribute8
* attribute15
* attribute18
* userId
* subContext
* attribute7
* attribute4
* module
* sourceIdentifier2
* attributeDate1
* orgId
* attribute17
* attributeDate2
* attributeDate3
* attribute16
* attributeDate5
* attribute14
* attribute13
* context
* attribute10
* sourceIdentifier1
* attribute20
* attribute9
* attribute11
* attribute12
* recordType
* attribute3
* attributeDate4


 * attribute5
* attribute6
* requestId
* attribute1
* attribute2
* attribute19
* attribute8
* attribute15
* attribute18
* userId
* subContext
* attribute7
* attribute4
* module
* sourceIdentifier2
* attributeDate1
* orgId
* attribute17
* attributeDate2
* attributeDate3
* attribute16
* attributeDate5
* attribute14
* attribute13
* context
* attribute10
* sourceIdentifier1
* attribute20
* attribute9
* attribute11
* attribute12
* recordType
* attribute3
* attributeDate4


 * lastUpdatedBy
* programUpdateDate
* resourceId
* resourceListAssignmentId
* purgeBatchId
* createdBy
* resourceListMemberId
* creationDate
* purgeRelease
* taskId
* projectId
* requestId
* programApplicationId
* programId
* purgeProjectId
* lastUpdateLogin
* resourceListId
* txnAccumId
* lastUpdateDate
* adwNotifyFlag


 * lastUpdatedBy
* programUpdateDate
* resourceId
* resourceListAssignmentId
* purgeBatchId
* createdBy
* resourceListMemberId
* creationDate
* purgeRelease
* taskId
* projectId
* requestId
* programApplicationId
* programId
* purgeProjectId
* lastUpdateLogin
* resourceListId
* txnAccumId
* lastUpdateDate
* adwNotifyFlag


 * lastUpdatedBy
* resourceListMemberId
* purgeBatchId
* totalPlanRevenue
* createdBy
* taskId
* resourceAssignmentId
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* trackAsLaborFlag
* budgetVersionId
* projectAssignmentId
* totalPlanBurdenedCost
* totalPlanQuantity
* creationDate
* purgeRelease
* averageDiscountPercentage
* unitOfMeasure
* totalPlanRawCost
* planErrorCode
* projectId
* averageCostRate
* purgeProjectId
* averageBillRate
* standardBillRate


 * lastUpdatedBy
* resourceListMemberId
* purgeBatchId
* totalPlanRevenue
* createdBy
* taskId
* resourceAssignmentId
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* trackAsLaborFlag
* budgetVersionId
* projectAssignmentId
* totalPlanBurdenedCost
* totalPlanQuantity
* creationDate
* purgeRelease
* averageDiscountPercentage
* unitOfMeasure
* totalPlanRawCost
* planErrorCode
* projectId
* averageCostRate
* purgeProjectId
* averageBillRate
* standardBillRate


 * hours
* lastUpdateDate
* recordType
* percent
* lastUpdateLogin
* createdBy
* startDate
* endDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* creationDate
* resourceId


 * hours
* lastUpdateDate
* recordType
* percent
* lastUpdateLogin
* createdBy
* startDate
* endDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* creationDate
* resourceId


 * createdBy
* resourceClassId
* creationDate
* supplierEnabledFlag
* lastUpdateLogin
* orgnDispChars
* lastUpdatedBy
* orgnEnabledFlag
* incurredByEnabledFlag
* incurredByDispChars
* resourceTypeDispChars
* resTypeId
* zdSync
* resourceFormatSeq
* supplierDispChars
* resourceClassFlag
* roleDispChars
* resTypeEnabledFlag
* roleEnabledFlag
* finCatEnabledFlag
* resFormatId
* finCatDispChars
* lastUpdateDate
* zdEditionName


 * createdBy
* resourceClassId
* creationDate
* supplierEnabledFlag
* lastUpdateLogin
* orgnDispChars
* lastUpdatedBy
* orgnEnabledFlag
* incurredByEnabledFlag
* incurredByDispChars
* resourceTypeDispChars
* resTypeId
* zdSync
* resourceFormatSeq
* supplierDispChars
* resourceClassFlag
* roleDispChars
* resTypeEnabledFlag
* roleEnabledFlag
* finCatEnabledFlag
* resFormatId
* finCatDispChars
* lastUpdateDate
* zdEditionName


 * description
* lastUpdateDate
* creationDate
* language
* sourceLang
* lastUpdateLogin
* zdEditionName
* resFormatId
* lastUpdatedBy
* createdBy
* name
* zdSync


 * description
* lastUpdateDate
* creationDate
* language
* sourceLang
* lastUpdateLogin
* zdEditionName
* resFormatId
* lastUpdatedBy
* createdBy
* name
* zdSync


 * zdEditionName
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* resTypeId
* lastUpdatedBy
* enabledFlag
* zdSync
* lastUpdateDate
* createdBy
* resTypeCode


 * zdEditionName
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* resTypeId
* lastUpdatedBy
* enabledFlag
* zdSync
* lastUpdateDate
* createdBy
* resTypeCode


 * createdBy
* resTypeId
* creationDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* language
* lastUpdateDate
* zdSync
* description
* lastUpdateLogin
* name
* sourceLang
* zdEditionName


 * createdBy
* resTypeId
* creationDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* language
* lastUpdateDate
* zdSync
* description
* lastUpdateLogin
* name
* sourceLang
* zdEditionName


 * createdBy
* resourceId
* programId
* programApplicationId
* txnAccumId
* taskId
* requestId
* lastUpdateDate
* projectId
* resourceListMemberId
* lastUpdatedBy
* resourceListAssignmentId
* adwNotifyFlag
* programUpdateDate
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* resourceListId


 * createdBy
* resourceId
* programId
* programApplicationId
* txnAccumId
* taskId
* requestId
* lastUpdateDate
* projectId
* resourceListMemberId
* lastUpdatedBy
* resourceListAssignmentId
* adwNotifyFlag
* programUpdateDate
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* resourceListId


 * txnCurrencyCode
* totalQuantity
* txnRawCostRateOverride
* txnEtcBillRate
* creationDate
* totalTxnInitRevenue
* totalProjectRawCost
* totalProjectBurdenedCost
* totalTxnInitBurdenedCost
* totalProjectRevenue
* totalProjfuncInitBdCost
* lastUpdateLogin
* totalTxnRawCost
* budgetVersionId
* totalProjfuncRevenue
* createdBy
* raTxnId
* txnAverageBillRate
* txnEtcRawCostRate
* txnBurdenCostRateOverride
* lastUpdateDate
* totalProjectInitRawCost
* resourceAssignmentId
* totalProjfuncRawCost
* totalTxnBurdenedCost
* txnAverageRawCostRate
* totalProjectInitBdCost
* totalProjfuncInitRawCost
* txnBillRateOverride
* totalDisplayQuantity
* recordVersionNumber
* txnAverageBurdenCostRate
* totalProjfuncInitRevenue
* expenditureType
* totalProjectInitRevenue
* totalProjfuncBurdenedCost
* lastUpdatedBy
* totalInitQuantity
* txnEtcBurdenCostRate
* totalTxnInitRawCost
* totalTxnRevenue


 * txnCurrencyCode
* totalQuantity
* txnRawCostRateOverride
* txnEtcBillRate
* creationDate
* totalTxnInitRevenue
* totalProjectRawCost
* totalProjectBurdenedCost
* totalTxnInitBurdenedCost
* totalProjectRevenue
* totalProjfuncInitBdCost
* lastUpdateLogin
* totalTxnRawCost
* budgetVersionId
* totalProjfuncRevenue
* createdBy
* raTxnId
* txnAverageBillRate
* txnEtcRawCostRate
* txnBurdenCostRateOverride
* lastUpdateDate
* totalProjectInitRawCost
* resourceAssignmentId
* totalProjfuncRawCost
* totalTxnBurdenedCost
* txnAverageRawCostRate
* totalProjectInitBdCost
* totalProjfuncInitRawCost
* txnBillRateOverride
* totalDisplayQuantity
* recordVersionNumber
* txnAverageBurdenCostRate
* totalProjfuncInitRevenue
* expenditureType
* totalProjectInitRevenue
* totalProjfuncBurdenedCost
* lastUpdatedBy
* totalInitQuantity
* txnEtcBurdenCostRate
* totalTxnInitRawCost
* totalTxnRevenue


 * standardBillRate
* transactionSourceCode
* fcResTypeCode
* itemCategoryId
* incurByRoleId
* attribute14
* scheduleEndDate
* pmResAssignmentReference
* revenueCategoryCode
* bomResourceId
* cbsElementId
* resourceAssignmentId
* resourceAssignmentType
* attribute20
* createdBy
* attribute29
* pmProductCode
* txnAccumHeaderId
* attribute5
* mfcCostTypeId
* totalHeadCountAdj
* lastUpdateDate
* scheduleStartDate
* expenditureCategory
* totalRevenueAdj
* resourceClassCode
* creationDate
* incurByResClassCode
* totalTpRevenueOut
* attribute3
* planningEndDate
* planningStartDate
* assignmentDescription
* rateExpenditureType
* totalPlanQuantity
* projectAssignmentId
* useTaskScheduleFlag
* expenditureType
* nonLaborResource
* attribute30
* attributeCategory
* wbsElementVersionId
* eventType
* totalHeadCount
* totalPlanRawCost
* totalProjectBurdenedCost
* supplierId
* attribute6
* attribute8
* attribute10
* totalBorrowedRevenue
* taDisplayFlag
* resTypeCode
* attribute26
* attribute2
* totalTpRevenueIn
* jobId
* averageBillRate
* attribute15
* organizationId
* resourceClassFlag
* projectRoleId
* attribute24
* attribute22
* totalCapacity
* scheduledDelay
* attribute16
* recordVersionNumber
* averageCostRate
* planErrorCode
* procureResourceFlag
* attribute7
* etcMethodCode
* resourceListMemberId
* totalUtilizationAdj
* personId
* billablePercent
* totalUtilizationHours
* totalProjectRawCost
* unitOfMeasure
* totalPlanBurdenedCost
* attribute28
* projectId
* attribute11
* resourceRateBasedFlag
* attribute27
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute17
* totalUnassignedTimeCost
* spFixedDate
* attribute25
* attribute21
* budgetVersionId
* attribute9
* inventoryItemId
* totalTpCostIn
* personTypeCode
* attribute18
* averageDiscountPercentage
* totalUtilizationPercent
* attribute12
* lastUpdateLogin
* rbsElementId
* attribute1
* attribute4
* rateJobId
* spreadCurveId
* rateExpenditureOrgId
* totalCostAdj
* attribute19
* attribute23
* unplannedFlag
* namedRole
* totalProjectRevenue
* taskId
* totalTpCostOut
* incurredByResFlag
* rateExpFuncCurrCode
* totalLentResourceCost
* parentAssignmentId
* attribute13
* rateBasedFlag
* totalPlanRevenue
* trackAsLaborFlag


 * lastUpdatedBy
* unitOfMeasure
* purgeProjectId
* projectId
* trackAsLaborFlag
* lastUpdateDate
* creationDate
* taskId
* budgetVersionId
* purgeRelease
* createdBy
* purgeBatchId
* lastUpdateLogin
* resourceAssignmentId
* resourceListMemberId


 * lastUpdatedBy
* unitOfMeasure
* purgeProjectId
* projectId
* trackAsLaborFlag
* lastUpdateDate
* creationDate
* taskId
* budgetVersionId
* purgeRelease
* createdBy
* purgeBatchId
* lastUpdateLogin
* resourceAssignmentId
* resourceListMemberId


 * standardBillRate
* transactionSourceCode
* fcResTypeCode
* itemCategoryId
* incurByRoleId
* attribute14
* scheduleEndDate
* pmResAssignmentReference
* revenueCategoryCode
* bomResourceId
* cbsElementId
* resourceAssignmentId
* resourceAssignmentType
* attribute20
* createdBy
* attribute29
* pmProductCode
* txnAccumHeaderId
* attribute5
* mfcCostTypeId
* totalHeadCountAdj
* lastUpdateDate
* scheduleStartDate
* expenditureCategory
* totalRevenueAdj
* resourceClassCode
* creationDate
* incurByResClassCode
* totalTpRevenueOut
* attribute3
* planningEndDate
* planningStartDate
* assignmentDescription
* rateExpenditureType
* totalPlanQuantity
* projectAssignmentId
* useTaskScheduleFlag
* expenditureType
* nonLaborResource
* attribute30
* attributeCategory
* wbsElementVersionId
* eventType
* totalHeadCount
* totalPlanRawCost
* totalProjectBurdenedCost
* supplierId
* attribute6
* attribute8
* attribute10
* totalBorrowedRevenue
* taDisplayFlag
* resTypeCode
* attribute26
* attribute2
* totalTpRevenueIn
* jobId
* averageBillRate
* attribute15
* organizationId
* resourceClassFlag
* projectRoleId
* attribute24
* attribute22
* totalCapacity
* scheduledDelay
* attribute16
* recordVersionNumber
* averageCostRate
* planErrorCode
* procureResourceFlag
* attribute7
* etcMethodCode
* resourceListMemberId
* totalUtilizationAdj
* personId
* billablePercent
* totalUtilizationHours
* totalProjectRawCost
* unitOfMeasure
* totalPlanBurdenedCost
* attribute28
* projectId
* attribute11
* resourceRateBasedFlag
* attribute27
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute17
* totalUnassignedTimeCost
* spFixedDate
* attribute25
* attribute21
* budgetVersionId
* attribute9
* inventoryItemId
* totalTpCostIn
* personTypeCode
* attribute18
* averageDiscountPercentage
* totalUtilizationPercent
* attribute12
* lastUpdateLogin
* rbsElementId
* attribute1
* attribute4
* rateJobId
* spreadCurveId
* rateExpenditureOrgId
* totalCostAdj
* attribute19
* attribute23
* unplannedFlag
* namedRole
* totalProjectRevenue
* taskId
* totalTpCostOut
* incurredByResFlag
* rateExpFuncCurrCode
* totalLentResourceCost
* parentAssignmentId
* attribute13
* rateBasedFlag
* totalPlanRevenue
* trackAsLaborFlag


 * lastUpdatedBy
* createdBy
* resourceClassSeq
* zdEditionName
* zdSync
* resourceClassCode
* creationDate
* resourceClassId
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdateDate


 * lastUpdatedBy
* createdBy
* resourceClassSeq
* zdEditionName
* zdSync
* resourceClassCode
* creationDate
* resourceClassId
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdateDate


 * createdBy
* sourceLang
* language
* zdEditionName
* lastUpdateLogin
* resourceClassId
* zdSync
* description
* lastUpdateDate
* name
* lastUpdatedBy
* creationDate


 * createdBy
* sourceLang
* language
* zdEditionName
* lastUpdateLogin
* resourceClassId
* zdSync
* description
* lastUpdateDate
* name
* lastUpdatedBy
* creationDate


 * lastUpdateLogin
* txnClassCode
* createdBy
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* creationDate
* rank
* resourceFormatId


 * lastUpdateLogin
* txnClassCode
* createdBy
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* creationDate
* rank
* resourceFormatId


 * lastUpdateDate
* zdSync
* lastUpdateLogin
* zdEditionName
* systemLinkageFunctionFlag
* projectRoleIdFlag
* createdBy
* vendorIdFlag
* nonLaborResourceOrgIdFlag
* description
* organizationIdFlag
* personIdFlag
* eventTypeFlag
* eventTypeClassificationFlag
* jobIdFlag
* resourceFormatId
* nonLaborResourceFlag
* revenueCategoryFlag
* lastUpdatedBy
* expenditureCategoryFlag
* expenditureTypeFlag
* creationDate


 * lastUpdateDate
* zdSync
* lastUpdateLogin
* zdEditionName
* systemLinkageFunctionFlag
* projectRoleIdFlag
* createdBy
* vendorIdFlag
* nonLaborResourceOrgIdFlag
* description
* organizationIdFlag
* personIdFlag
* eventTypeFlag
* eventTypeClassificationFlag
* jobIdFlag
* resourceFormatId
* nonLaborResourceFlag
* revenueCategoryFlag
* lastUpdatedBy
* expenditureCategoryFlag
* expenditureTypeFlag
* creationDate


 * projectId
* usedInWpFlag
* lastUpdatedBy
* resourceListId
* creationDate
* usedInFpFlag
* resourceListAccumulatedFlag
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* resourceListAssignmentId
* resourceListChangedFlag
* createdBy


 * projectId
* usedInWpFlag
* lastUpdatedBy
* resourceListId
* creationDate
* usedInFpFlag
* resourceListAccumulatedFlag
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* resourceListAssignmentId
* resourceListChangedFlag
* createdBy


 * resourceClassFlag
* alias
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute13
* fundsControlLevelCode
* unitOfMeasure
* objectType
* itemCategoryId
* adwNotifyFlag
* resourceFormatId
* resourceId
* attribute24
* projectRoleId
* jobId
* parentMemberId
* attribute3
* resourceClassId
* attribute26
* attribute16
* zdSync
* attribute4
* costTypeId
* attribute18
* zdEditionName
* attribute10
* attribute6
* sortOrder
* cbsElementId
* enabledFlag
* revenueCategory
* attribute19
* amount
* attribute25
* etcMethodCode
* trackAsLaborFlag
* attribute30
* organizationId
* recordVersionNumber
* incurByResClassCode
* resFormatId
* incurredByResFlag
* inventoryItemId
* expenditureCategory
* attribute1
* sourceResListMemberId
* attribute7
* objectId
* fcResTypeCode
* resourceListId
* resTypeCode
* lastUpdateDate
* teamRole
* attribute5
* copyFromRlFlag
* attribute15
* eventTypeClassification
* resourceListMemberId
* attribute27
* mfcCostTypeId
* attribute17
* resourceTypeId
* attributeCategory
* bomResourceId
* personId
* attribute20
* wpEligibleFlag
* migratedRbsElementId
* spreadCurveId
* attribute12
* migrationCode
* attribute23
* attribute9
* attribute28
* eventType
* attribute11
* memberLevel
* creationDate
* resourceTypeCode
* attribute2
* createdBy
* attribute29
* attribute14
* expenditureType2
* quantity
* nonLaborResourceOrgId
* personTypeCode
* expenditureType
* attribute8
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute22
* incurByRoleId
* nonLaborResource
* vendorId
* displayFlag
* attribute21
* resourceClassCode
* systemLinkageFunction


 * resourceClassFlag
* alias
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute13
* fundsControlLevelCode
* unitOfMeasure
* objectType
* itemCategoryId
* adwNotifyFlag
* resourceFormatId
* resourceId
* attribute24
* projectRoleId
* jobId
* parentMemberId
* attribute3
* resourceClassId
* attribute26
* attribute16
* zdSync
* attribute4
* costTypeId
* attribute18
* zdEditionName
* attribute10
* attribute6
* sortOrder
* cbsElementId
* enabledFlag
* revenueCategory
* attribute19
* amount
* attribute25
* etcMethodCode
* trackAsLaborFlag
* attribute30
* organizationId
* recordVersionNumber
* incurByResClassCode
* resFormatId
* incurredByResFlag
* inventoryItemId
* expenditureCategory
* attribute1
* sourceResListMemberId
* attribute7
* objectId
* fcResTypeCode
* resourceListId
* resTypeCode
* lastUpdateDate
* teamRole
* attribute5
* copyFromRlFlag
* attribute15
* eventTypeClassification
* resourceListMemberId
* attribute27
* mfcCostTypeId
* attribute17
* resourceTypeId
* attributeCategory
* bomResourceId
* personId
* attribute20
* wpEligibleFlag
* migratedRbsElementId
* spreadCurveId
* attribute12
* migrationCode
* attribute23
* attribute9
* attribute28
* eventType
* attribute11
* memberLevel
* creationDate
* resourceTypeCode
* attribute2
* createdBy
* attribute29
* attribute14
* expenditureType2
* quantity
* nonLaborResourceOrgId
* personTypeCode
* expenditureType
* attribute8
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute22
* incurByRoleId
* nonLaborResource
* vendorId
* displayFlag
* attribute21
* resourceClassCode
* systemLinkageFunction


 * useCode
* lastUpdatedBy
* createdBy
* defaultFlag
* creationDate
* lastUpdateDate
* resourceListAssignmentId
* lastUpdateLogin


 * useCode
* lastUpdatedBy
* createdBy
* defaultFlag
* creationDate
* lastUpdateDate
* resourceListAssignmentId
* lastUpdateLogin


 * itemMasterId
* quantity
* sourceResListId
* migrationCode
* adwNotifyFlag
* resourceListType
* creationDate
* startDateActive
* resourceListId
* controlFlag
* publicFlag
* zdSync
* categoryCode
* useForWpFlag
* migratedRbsVersionId
* endDateActive
* defaultCostTypeId
* defaultExpenditureType
* businessGroupId
* statusFlag
* currency
* createdBy
* recordVersionNumber
* name
* description
* lastUpdateDate
* uncategorizedFlag
* activityFlag
* jobGroupId
* itemCategorySetId
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* groupResourceTypeId
* zdEditionName
* resourceClassFlag
* uomCode


 * itemMasterId
* quantity
* sourceResListId
* migrationCode
* adwNotifyFlag
* resourceListType
* creationDate
* startDateActive
* resourceListId
* controlFlag
* publicFlag
* zdSync
* categoryCode
* useForWpFlag
* migratedRbsVersionId
* endDateActive
* defaultCostTypeId
* defaultExpenditureType
* businessGroupId
* statusFlag
* currency
* createdBy
* recordVersionNumber
* name
* description
* lastUpdateDate
* uncategorizedFlag
* activityFlag
* jobGroupId
* itemCategorySetId
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* groupResourceTypeId
* zdEditionName
* resourceClassFlag
* uomCode


 * zdEditionName
* sourceLang
* lastUpdatedBy
* resourceListId
* name
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* description
* language
* createdBy
* zdSync
* lastUpdateDate


 * zdEditionName
* sourceLang
* lastUpdatedBy
* resourceListId
* name
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* description
* language
* createdBy
* zdSync
* lastUpdateDate


 * lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* programApplicationId
* createdBy
* creationDate
* eventTypeClassification
* expenditureType
* programId
* vendorId
* systemLinkageFunction
* resourceListMemberId
* resourceListAssignmentId
* resourceId
* requestId
* revenueCategory
* programUpdateDate
* eventType
* nonLaborResource
* expenditureCategory
* lastUpdateDate
* nonLaborResourceOrgId
* jobId
* resourceListId
* personId
* organizationId


 * lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* programApplicationId
* createdBy
* creationDate
* eventTypeClassification
* expenditureType
* programId
* vendorId
* systemLinkageFunction
* resourceListMemberId
* resourceListAssignmentId
* resourceId
* requestId
* revenueCategory
* programUpdateDate
* eventType
* nonLaborResource
* expenditureCategory
* lastUpdateDate
* nonLaborResourceOrgId
* jobId
* resourceListId
* personId
* organizationId


 * resourceFormatId
* lastUpdateLogin
* eventType
* partyId
* nonLaborResourceOrgId
* programId
* resourceTxnAttributeId
* systemLinkageFunction
* programApplicationId
* personId
* createdBy
* expenditureCategory
* lastUpdateDate
* projectRoleId
* eventTypeClassification
* programUpdateDate
* expenditureType
* vendorId
* resourceId
* jobId
* revenueCategory
* lastUpdatedBy
* requestId
* organizationId
* creationDate
* nonLaborResource


 * resourceFormatId
* lastUpdateLogin
* eventType
* partyId
* nonLaborResourceOrgId
* programId
* resourceTxnAttributeId
* systemLinkageFunction
* programApplicationId
* personId
* createdBy
* expenditureCategory
* lastUpdateDate
* projectRoleId
* eventTypeClassification
* programUpdateDate
* expenditureType
* vendorId
* resourceId
* jobId
* revenueCategory
* lastUpdatedBy
* requestId
* organizationId
* creationDate
* nonLaborResource


 * lastUpdateDate
* resourceTypeCode
* sqlText
* zdSync
* description
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* resourceTypeId
* zdEditionName
* createdBy
* accessKey
* groupFlag
* startDateActive
* endDateActive
* resourceClassCode
* name
* lastUpdatedBy
* tableName


 * lastUpdateDate
* resourceTypeCode
* sqlText
* zdSync
* description
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* resourceTypeId
* zdEditionName
* createdBy
* accessKey
* groupFlag
* startDateActive
* endDateActive
* resourceClassCode
* name
* lastUpdatedBy
* tableName


 * name
* attribute1
* attribute2
* futureTermWfFlag
* attribute12
* jtfResourceId
* unitOfMeasure
* attributeCategory
* programApplicationId
* attribute14
* attribute11
* trackAsLaborFlag
* lastUpdateDate
* programUpdateDate
* attribute15
* programId
* createdBy
* resourceTypeId
* startDateActive
* attribute13
* lastUpdatedBy
* creationDate
* attribute4
* endDateActive
* zdSync
* description
* attribute9
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute8
* attribute6
* attribute5
* requestId
* attribute7
* resourceId
* zdEditionName
* attribute10
* rollupQuantityFlag
* attribute3


 * resourceCity
* programUpdateDate
* schedulableFlag
* createdBy
* jobId
* resourceJobLevel
* employeeFlag
* creationDate
* resourceCountry
* resourceEffectiveEndDate
* managerName
* resourceName
* resourceId
* resourceCountryCode
* lastUpdatedBy
* requestId
* resourceType
* lastUpdateLogin
* resourceEffectiveStartDate
* resourceRegion
* resourceOrganizationId
* programId
* lastUpdateDate
* resourceOrgId
* resourcePersonType
* programApplicationId
* billableFlag
* managerId
* personId
* utilizationFlag


 * resourceCity
* programUpdateDate
* schedulableFlag
* createdBy
* jobId
* resourceJobLevel
* employeeFlag
* creationDate
* resourceCountry
* resourceEffectiveEndDate
* managerName
* resourceName
* resourceId
* resourceCountryCode
* lastUpdatedBy
* requestId
* resourceType
* lastUpdateLogin
* resourceEffectiveStartDate
* resourceRegion
* resourceOrganizationId
* programId
* lastUpdateDate
* resourceOrgId
* resourcePersonType
* programApplicationId
* billableFlag
* managerId
* personId
* utilizationFlag


 * name
* attribute1
* attribute2
* futureTermWfFlag
* attribute12
* jtfResourceId
* unitOfMeasure
* attributeCategory
* programApplicationId
* attribute14
* attribute11
* trackAsLaborFlag
* lastUpdateDate
* programUpdateDate
* attribute15
* programId
* createdBy
* resourceTypeId
* startDateActive
* attribute13
* lastUpdatedBy
* creationDate
* attribute4
* endDateActive
* zdSync
* description
* attribute9
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute8
* attribute6
* attribute5
* requestId
* attribute7
* resourceId
* zdEditionName
* attribute10
* rollupQuantityFlag
* attribute3


 * laborFlag
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdatedBy
* zdSync
* groupResTypeCode
* creationDate
* createdBy
* lastUpdateDate
* resFormatId
* zdEditionName
* resourceClassId
* resTypeCode


 * laborFlag
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdatedBy
* zdSync
* groupResTypeCode
* creationDate
* createdBy
* lastUpdateDate
* resFormatId
* zdEditionName
* resourceClassId
* resTypeCode


 * purgeRelease
* lastUpdateLogin
* purgeBatchId
* retnInvoiceDetailId
* programId
* creationDate
* draftInvoiceNum
* programApplicationId
* requestId
* projectRetentionId
* lastUpdatedBy
* fundingCurrencyCode
* projfuncTotalRetained
* purgeProjectId
* lastUpdateDate
* programUpdateDate
* lineNum
* projfuncCurrencyCode
* projectTotalRetained
* fundingTotalRetained
* invprocCurrencyCode
* projectId
* projectCurrencyCode
* createdBy
* totalRetained


 * purgeRelease
* lastUpdateLogin
* purgeBatchId
* retnInvoiceDetailId
* programId
* creationDate
* draftInvoiceNum
* programApplicationId
* requestId
* projectRetentionId
* lastUpdatedBy
* fundingCurrencyCode
* projfuncTotalRetained
* purgeProjectId
* lastUpdateDate
* programUpdateDate
* lineNum
* projfuncCurrencyCode
* projectTotalRetained
* fundingTotalRetained
* invprocCurrencyCode
* projectId
* projectCurrencyCode
* createdBy
* totalRetained


 * projectTotalRetained
* projectCurrencyCode
* projectRetentionId
* lastUpdateLogin
* programApplicationId
* lastUpdatedBy
* requestId
* invprocCurrencyCode
* draftInvoiceNum
* programId
* lastUpdateDate
* fundingTotalRetained
* createdBy
* fundingCurrencyCode
* programUpdateDate
* totalRetained
* projectId
* retnInvoiceDetailId
* projfuncTotalRetained
* projfuncCurrencyCode
* lineNum
* creationDate


 * projectTotalRetained
* projectCurrencyCode
* projectRetentionId
* lastUpdateLogin
* programApplicationId
* lastUpdatedBy
* requestId
* invprocCurrencyCode
* draftInvoiceNum
* programId
* lastUpdateDate
* fundingTotalRetained
* createdBy
* fundingCurrencyCode
* programUpdateDate
* totalRetained
* projectId
* retnInvoiceDetailId
* projfuncTotalRetained
* projfuncCurrencyCode
* lineNum
* creationDate


 * lastUpdatedBy
* projectRoleId
* roleControlCode
* lastUpdateLogin
* zdEditionName
* recordVersionNumber
* creationDate
* zdSync
* createdBy
* lastUpdateDate


 * lastUpdatedBy
* projectRoleId
* roleControlCode
* lastUpdateLogin
* zdEditionName
* recordVersionNumber
* creationDate
* zdSync
* createdBy
* lastUpdateDate


 * projectRoleId
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdatedBy
* jobId
* lastUpdateDate
* roleJobBgId
* maxJobLevel
* objectVersionNumber
* createdBy
* businessGroupId
* creationDate
* minJobLevel


 * projectRoleId
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdatedBy
* jobId
* lastUpdateDate
* roleJobBgId
* maxJobLevel
* objectVersionNumber
* createdBy
* businessGroupId
* creationDate
* minJobLevel


 * creationDate
* projectRoleId
* recordVersionNumber
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateDate
* createdBy
* roleListId


 * creationDate
* projectRoleId
* recordVersionNumber
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateDate
* createdBy
* roleListId


 * lastUpdateDate
* attribute15
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* description
* attribute3
* roleListId
* attribute13
* attribute4
* attribute6
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* attribute2
* attribute12
* name
* createdBy
* recordVersionNumber
* startDateActive
* attribute7
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* attribute11
* creationDate
* attribute5
* lastUpdatedBy


 * lastUpdateDate
* attribute15
* lastUpdateLogin
* description
* attribute3
* roleListId
* attribute13
* attribute4
* attribute6
* attribute10
* attributeCategory
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* attribute2
* attribute12
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* createdBy
* recordVersionNumber
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* attribute7
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* attribute8
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* creationDate
* attribute5
* lastUpdatedBy


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* lastUpdateLogin
* projectRoleId
* creationDate
* profileId
* createdBy
* lastUpdatedBy
* roleWeighting


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* lastUpdateLogin
* projectRoleId
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* createdBy
* lastUpdatedBy
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* jobId
* profileId
* effectiveStartDate
* profileTypeCode
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* organizationId
* createdBy
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* businessGroupId
* effectiveEndDate


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* lastUpdatedBy
* description
* jobId
* profileId
* effectiveStartDate
* profileTypeCode
* creationDate
* organizationId
* createdBy
* approvalStatusCode
* resourceId
* lastUpdateLogin
* profileName
* lastUpdateDate
* businessGroupId
* effectiveEndDate


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* lastUpdateLogin
* statusType
* statusCode
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* lastUpdatedBy
* roleStatusMenuId
* objectVersionNumber
* lastUpdateDate
* roleId
* createdBy


 * creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* statusType
* statusCode
* menuId
* lastUpdatedBy
* roleStatusMenuId
* objectVersionNumber
* lastUpdateDate
* roleId
* createdBy


 * routingComment
* endDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* routingStatusCode
* createdBy
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* routedToPersonId
* purgeRelease
* expenditureId
* purgeBatchId
* startDate
* creationDate
* routedFromPersonId


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* endDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* routingStatusCode
* createdBy
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* purgeProjectId
* routedToPersonId
* purgeRelease
* expenditureId
* purgeBatchId
* startDate
* creationDate
* routedFromPersonId


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* createdBy
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* rpId
* paramName
* requestId
* lastUpdateLogin


 * lastUpdatedBy
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* lastUpdateDate
* rpId
* paramName
* requestId
* lastUpdateLogin


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* rpId
* createdBy
* lastUpdateLogin
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* obsoleteFlag
* objectVersionNumber
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* creationDate
* templateStartDate
* lastUpdateDate
* rpId
* createdBy
* lastUpdateLogin
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* objectVersionNumber
* templateEndDate


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* sourceLang
* descriptions
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdatedBy
* language
* createdBy
* emailTitle
* creationDate
* lastUpdateDate
* rpId


 * emailBody
* rpName
* sourceLang
* descriptions
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdatedBy
* language
* createdBy
* emailTitle
* creationDate
* lastUpdateDate
* rpId


 * lastUpdateLogin
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* assignmentId
* rpId
* burstingValue2
* creationDate
* createdBy
* burstingValue1
* workerRequestId
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateDate
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* rpId
* lastUpdatedBy
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* mainRequestId
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* assignmentId
* burstingValue2
* burstingValue1
* burstingValue3
* creationDate
* workerRequestId


 * createdBy
* rpId
* lastUpdatedBy
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* mainRequestId
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* assignmentId
* burstingValue2
* burstingValue1
* burstingValue3
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* workerRequestId


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* mainRequestId
* statusFlag
* assignmentId
* rpId
* burstingValue2
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* burstingValue1
* workerRequestId
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateDate
* burstingValue3


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* lastUpdateLogin
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 * fileName
* reportFormat
* rpId
* templateCode
* listItemId
* dtProcessFlag
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* creationDate
* createdBy
* lastUpdateDate


 * lastUpdateDate
* zdSync
* dataEngineClassName
* concProgShortName
* rpWorkerClassName
* creationDate
* createdBy
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* rpMainClassName
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* lastUpdatedBy
* objectVersionNumber
* zdEditionName
* lastUpdateLogin
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* createdBy
* rpTypeId
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdatedBy


 * language
* sourceLang
* lastUpdateDate
* creationDate
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* rpTypeId
* lastUpdateLogin
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* lastUpdateLogin
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* createdBy
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* lastUpdateLogin
* keyParameterId
* ruleName
* lastUpdatedBy
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* selectQualifiersAmt
* creationDate
* createdBy
* userUpdatableFlag
* ruleType
* selectStatement
* segmentValueLookupSetId
* lastUpdateDate
* selectMultipleRowsFlag
* description


 * changeId
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* endDate
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* mondayHours
* sundayHours
* durationShiftUnitCode
* purgeRelease
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* createdBy
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* resourceCalendarPercent
* scheduleTypeCode
* numberOfShift
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdateBy
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* statusCode
* calendarId
* thursdayHours
* purgeProjectId


 * changeId
* purgeBatchId
* saturdayHours
* scheduleExceptionId
* changeCalendarTypeCode
* exceptionTypeCode
* assignmentId
* creationDate
* tuesdayHours
* endDate
* durationShiftTypeCode
* projectId
* lastUpdateDate
* fridayHours
* nonWorkingDayFlag
* mondayHours
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* durationShiftUnitCode
* purgeRelease
* startDate
* changeHoursTypeCode
* createdBy
* changeCalendarId
* resourceCalendarPercent
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* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdateBy
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* thursdayHours
* purgeProjectId


 * saturdayHours
* wednesdayHours
* changeCalendarId
* createdBy
* fridayHours
* mondayHours
* startDate
* endDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* durationShiftUnitCode
* exceptionTypeCode
* nonWorkingDayFlag
* changeCalendarTypeCode
* resourceCalendarPercent
* scheduleExceptionId
* projectId
* creationDate
* numberOfShift
* calendarId
* thursdayHours
* statusCode
* lastUpdateBy
* sundayHours
* changeHoursTypeCode
* durationShiftTypeCode
* lastUpdateDate
* scheduleTypeCode
* tuesdayHours
* changeId
* assignmentId


 * saturdayHours
* wednesdayHours
* changeCalendarId
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* fridayHours
* mondayHours
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* endDate
* lastUpdateLogin
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* resourceCalendarPercent
* scheduleExceptionId
* projectId
* creationDate
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* thursdayHours
* statusCode
* lastUpdateBy
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* changeHoursTypeCode
* durationShiftTypeCode
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* scheduleTypeCode
* tuesdayHours
* changeId
* assignmentId


 * scheduleTypeCode
* fridayHours
* lastUpdateLogin
* startDate
* lastUpdateBy
* sundayHours
* saturdayHours
* durationShiftUnitCode
* exceptionTypeCode
* scheduleExceptionId
* endDate
* resourceCalendarPercent
* changeHoursTypeCode
* creationDate
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* assignmentId
* changeCalendarTypeCode
* statusCode
* tuesdayHours
* lastUpdateDate
* calendarId
* durationShiftTypeCode
* changeCalendarId
* thursdayHours
* mondayHours
* wednesdayHours
* createdBy
* numberOfShift
* projectId


 * scheduleTypeCode
* fridayHours
* lastUpdateLogin
* startDate
* lastUpdateBy
* sundayHours
* saturdayHours
* durationShiftUnitCode
* exceptionTypeCode
* scheduleExceptionId
* endDate
* resourceCalendarPercent
* changeHoursTypeCode
* creationDate
* nonWorkingDayFlag
* assignmentId
* changeCalendarTypeCode
* statusCode
* tuesdayHours
* lastUpdateDate
* calendarId
* durationShiftTypeCode
* changeCalendarId
* thursdayHours
* mondayHours
* wednesdayHours
* createdBy
* numberOfShift
* projectId


 * wednesdayHours
* scheduleId
* programApplicationId
* calendarId
* programUpdateDate
* statusCode
* tuesdayHours
* forecastTxnGeneratedFlag
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* fridayHours
* assignmentId
* thursdayHours
* programId
* createdBy
* lastUpdateBy
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* mondayHours
* saturdayHours
* endDate
* projectId
* scheduleTypeCode
* startDate
* sundayHours
* requestId
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* lastUpdateLogin
* purgeProjectId
* programUpdateDate
* purgeRelease
* tuesdayHours
* wednesdayHours
* createdBy
* programApplicationId
* creationDate
* mondayHours
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* projectId
* purgeBatchId
* calendarId
* lastUpdateBy
* thursdayHours
* fridayHours
* lastUpdateDate
* forecastTxnGeneratedFlag
* startDate
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* sundayHours
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* tuesdayHours
* wednesdayHours
* createdBy
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* calendarId
* lastUpdateBy
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* fridayHours
* lastUpdateDate
* forecastTxnGeneratedFlag
* startDate
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* saturdayHours
* sundayHours
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* programId
* scheduleTypeCode
* requestId
* assignmentId


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* projectId
* calendarId
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* fridayHours
* createdBy
* sundayHours
* startDate
* wednesdayHours
* saturdayHours
* lastUpdateLogin
* mondayHours
* programApplicationId
* assignmentId
* thursdayHours
* lastUpdateBy
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* changeId
* creationDate


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* scheduleId
* projectId
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* requestId
* lastUpdateDate
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* tuesdayHours
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* fridayHours
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* wednesdayHours
* saturdayHours
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* purgeProjectId
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* fridayHours
* lastUpdateBy
* assignmentId
* mondayHours
* programApplicationId
* changeId
* wednesdayHours


 * requestId
* scheduleTypeCode
* statusCode
* lastUpdateLogin
* tuesdayHours
* creationDate
* calendarId
* createdBy
* endDate
* programId
* sundayHours
* saturdayHours
* thursdayHours
* startDate
* purgeBatchId
* projectId
* purgeRelease
* lastUpdateDate
* scheduleId
* programUpdateDate
* purgeProjectId
* lastApprovedFlag
* fridayHours
* lastUpdateBy
* assignmentId
* mondayHours
* programApplicationId
* changeId
* wednesdayHours


 * wednesdayHours
* scheduleId
* programApplicationId
* calendarId
* programUpdateDate
* statusCode
* tuesdayHours
* forecastTxnGeneratedFlag
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* fridayHours
* assignmentId
* thursdayHours
* programId
* createdBy
* lastUpdateBy
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* mondayHours
* saturdayHours
* endDate
* projectId
* scheduleTypeCode
* startDate
* sundayHours
* requestId
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* displayFlag
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
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* creationDate
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* ruleId
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* createdBy
* applicationId
* functionCode


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* displayFlag
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* orgId
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* creationDate
* idFlexNum
* ruleId
* functionTransactionCode
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* lastUpdateDate
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* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin


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* segmentValueLookupSetId
* creationDate
* segmentValueLookup
* lastUpdatedBy
* createdBy
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 * lastUpdateDate
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* creationDate
* segmentValueLookup
* lastUpdatedBy
* createdBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* segmentValue


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* seciiiLiqAmount
* contractValue
* liquidationRate
* previousProgressPayment
* costEligibleForPp
* createdBy
* requestId
* creationDate
* subcontractorLiqAmt
* seciiEligiblePpAmount
* deliveryOrder
* seciiiShipmentInvoiced
* lastUpdateDate
* draftInvoiceNum
* subcontractorProgressAmt
* contractNumber
* billGroupId


 * seciiiCostIncluded
* progressPaymentRate
* lastUpdatedBy
* eacRate
* seciiiLiqAmount
* contractValue
* liquidationRate
* previousProgressPayment
* costEligibleForPp
* createdBy
* requestId
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* seciiEligiblePpAmount
* deliveryOrder
* seciiiShipmentInvoiced
* lastUpdateDate
* draftInvoiceNum
* subcontractorProgressAmt
* contractNumber
* billGroupId


 * lastUpdatedBy
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* paSovActivityId
* cbsElementId#1
* createdBy
* sovLineId
* paSovActivityUom
* recordVersionNumber
* arrId
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* lastUpdateLogin
* cbsElementId
* lastUpdateDate
* paSovActivityQty
* projectId


 * lastUpdatedBy
* qtyCoEfficient
* paSovActivityId
* cbsElementId#1
* createdBy
* sovLineId
* paSovActivityUom
* recordVersionNumber
* arrId
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* cbsElementId
* lastUpdateDate
* paSovActivityQty
* projectId


 * periodDistId
* sovProjElementId
* periodName
* lastUpdateDate
* endDate
* actualQuantity
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdatedBy
* planQuantity
* structureVersionId
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* projectId
* elementVersionId
* creationDate
* createdBy


 * periodDistId
* sovProjElementId
* periodName
* lastUpdateDate
* endDate
* actualQuantity
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdatedBy
* planQuantity
* structureVersionId
* startDate
* projectId
* elementVersionId
* creationDate
* createdBy


 * projectId
* leafTaskSchBeginDate
* leafTaskSchEndDate
* leafTaskPlanCost
* leafTaskVerId
* leafTaskWqPlanQty
* lastUpdatedBy
* createdBy
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* structureVersionId
* lastUpdatedDate
* sovTaskVerId
* leafTaskElemId
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* sovTaskDenormId
* sovLineId
* sovTaskElemId


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* leafTaskSchBeginDate
* leafTaskSchEndDate
* leafTaskPlanCost
* leafTaskVerId
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* lastUpdatedBy
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* lastUpdateLogin
* structureVersionId
* lastUpdatedDate
* sovTaskVerId
* leafTaskElemId
* leafTaskPlanEffort
* sovTaskDenormId
* sovLineId
* sovTaskElemId


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* lastUpdateLogin
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* recordVersionNumber
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* recordVersionNumber
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* point5
* point4
* point8
* point2
* point10
* effectiveEndDate
* spreadCurveCode


 * sourceLang
* lastUpdateDate
* zdSync
* zdEditionName
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* spreadCurveId
* language
* name
* createdBy
* description
* creationDate


 * sourceLang
* lastUpdateDate
* zdSync
* zdEditionName
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* spreadCurveId
* language
* name
* createdBy
* description
* creationDate


 * projectId
* runType


 * projectId
* runType


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* bookTypeCode
* creationDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateDate
* createdBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* assetCategoryId


 * standardUnitCost
* bookTypeCode
* creationDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateDate
* createdBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* assetCategoryId


 * lastUpdateDate
* createdBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* zdEditionName
* zdSync
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* recordVersionNumber
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* zdSync
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* zdSync
* statusListId


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* description
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
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* defaultStartingStatusCode
* zdEditionName
* startDateActive
* name
* recordVersionNumber
* createdBy
* endDateActive
* zdSync
* statusListId


 * attribute3
* stdBillRateSchedule
* attribute6
* attribute7
* attribute8
* attribute5
* jobGroupId
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute9
* attribute2
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* rateSchCurrencyCode
* createdBy
* billRateSchId
* shareAcrossOuFlag
* description
* attribute4
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute10
* attribute1
* organizationId
* orgId
* lastUpdateDate
* feeType
* attributeCategory


 * attribute3
* stdBillRateSchedule
* attribute6
* attribute7
* attribute8
* attribute5
* jobGroupId
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute9
* attribute2
* scheduleType
* rateSchCurrencyCode
* createdBy
* billRateSchId
* shareAcrossOuFlag
* description
* attribute4
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute10
* attribute1
* organizationId
* orgId
* lastUpdateDate
* feeType
* attributeCategory


 * numSubProcessesSubmitted
* subProcessRequestIdStr
* requestId
* groupId
* status
* programApplicationId
* programUpdateDate
* createdBy
* streamlineOption
* programId
* creationDate


 * numSubProcessesSubmitted
* subProcessRequestIdStr
* requestId
* groupId
* status
* programApplicationId
* programUpdateDate
* createdBy
* streamlineOption
* programId
* creationDate


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* programUpdateDate
* createdBy
* requestId
* attribute6
* attributeCategory
* attribute1
* revenue
* rollupFlag
* creationDate
* budgetTypeCode
* attribute2
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* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute3
* attribute10
* programApplicationId
* attribute5
* lastUpdatedBy
* cost
* attribute9
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute8
* attribute4
* costBreakdownCode
* attribute7
* projectId
* programId


 * taskId
* programUpdateDate
* createdBy
* requestId
* attribute6
* attributeCategory
* attribute1
* revenue
* rollupFlag
* creationDate
* budgetTypeCode
* attribute2
* laborHours
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute3
* attribute10
* programApplicationId
* attribute5
* lastUpdatedBy
* cost
* attribute9
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute8
* attribute4
* costBreakdownCode
* attribute7
* projectId
* programId


 * unitOfMeasure
* rcvrCurrencyCode
* objectId
* versionId
* denomCurrencyCode
* periodBalance
* pvdrPeriodBalance
* projPeriodBalance
* projCurrencyCode
* objectTypeCode
* periodName
* denomPeriodBalance
* periodNum
* globalPeriodBalance
* periodSetName
* pvdrCurrencyCode
* periodYear
* periodType
* rcvrPeriodBalance
* quarterOrMonthNumber
* globalExpPeriodEndDate
* amountTypeId
* globalCurrencyCode


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* rcvrCurrencyCode
* objectId
* versionId
* denomCurrencyCode
* periodBalance
* pvdrPeriodBalance
* projPeriodBalance
* projCurrencyCode
* objectTypeCode
* periodName
* denomPeriodBalance
* periodNum
* globalPeriodBalance
* periodSetName
* pvdrCurrencyCode
* periodYear
* periodType
* rcvrPeriodBalance
* quarterOrMonthNumber
* globalExpPeriodEndDate
* amountTypeId
* globalCurrencyCode


 * programUpdateDate
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* creationDate
* projfuncBilledAmount
* fundingCurrencyCode
* lastUpdateDate
* revprocCurrencyCode
* projectBilledAmount
* requestId
* projfuncBaselinedAmount
* projectId
* lastUpdateLogin
* programId
* projfuncCurrencyCode
* fundingCategory
* totalBilledAmount
* lastUpdatedBy
* projectAccruedAmount
* revprocBaselinedAmount
* revprocAccruedAmount
* invprocCurrencyCode
* invprocBaselinedAmount
* invprocBilledAmount
* projectCurrencyCode
* programApplicationId
* projfuncAccruedAmount
* createdBy
* agreementId
* totalBaselinedAmount
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* totalAccruedAmount


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* projfuncBilledAmount
* fundingCurrencyCode
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* projectBilledAmount
* requestId
* projfuncBaselinedAmount
* projectId
* lastUpdateLogin
* programId
* projfuncCurrencyCode
* fundingCategory
* totalBilledAmount
* lastUpdatedBy
* projectAccruedAmount
* revprocBaselinedAmount
* revprocAccruedAmount
* invprocCurrencyCode
* invprocBaselinedAmount
* invprocBilledAmount
* projectCurrencyCode
* programApplicationId
* projfuncAccruedAmount
* createdBy
* agreementId
* totalBaselinedAmount
* taskId
* totalAccruedAmount


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* adjustedAmount
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* projectId
* taskId
* totalUnbaselinedAmount
* agreementId
* setOfBooksId
* totalBilledAmount


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* adjustedAmount
* totalAccruedAmount
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* projectId
* taskId
* totalUnbaselinedAmount
* agreementId
* setOfBooksId
* totalBilledAmount


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* lastUpdateLogin
* taskId
* lastUpdatedBy
* fundingCurrencyCode
* allocatedAmount
* agreementId
* creationDate
* createdBy
* projectId
* acrn
* lastUpdateDate


 * billedAmount
* lastUpdateLogin
* taskId
* lastUpdatedBy
* fundingCurrencyCode
* allocatedAmount
* agreementId
* creationDate
* createdBy
* projectId
* acrn
* lastUpdateDate


 * projfuncBaselinedAmount
* globalAttribute13
* globalAttribute3
* globalAttribute18
* totalUnbaselinedAmount
* projectBaselinedAmount
* projfuncRealizedLossesAmt
* globalAttribute8
* creationDate
* revprocCurrencyCode
* taskId
* projfuncAccruedAmount
* globalAttribute17
* createdBy
* globalAttribute19
* globalAttribute25
* lastUpdatedBy
* globalAttributeCategory
* lastUpdateDate
* revprocUnbaselinedAmount
* revalRejectionCode
* globalAttribute26
* globalAttribute24
* globalAttribute12
* globalAttribute29
* totalBilledAmount
* invprocBilledAmount
* projectBilledAmount
* revprocAccruedAmount
* globalAttribute30
* agreementId
* invprocUnbaselinedAmount
* programApplicationId
* globalAttribute28
* lastUpdateLogin
* globalAttribute27
* globalAttribute1
* globalAttribute4
* invprocCurrencyCode
* totalAccruedAmount
* projfuncRealizedGainsAmt
* globalAttribute14
* projectCurrencyCode
* globalAttribute11
* globalAttribute9
* projectUnbaselinedAmount
* globalAttribute15
* projectId
* globalAttribute20
* programUpdateDate
* projfuncUnbaselinedAmount
* invprocBaselinedAmount
* programId
* globalAttribute6
* globalAttribute7
* globalAttribute22
* revprocBaselinedAmount
* globalAttribute2
* globalAttribute23
* fundingCurrencyCode
* globalAttribute5
* projectAccruedAmount
* projfuncCurrencyCode
* totalBaselinedAmount
* globalAttribute10
* globalAttribute16
* requestId
* projfuncBilledAmount
* globalAttribute21


 * projfuncBaselinedAmount
* globalAttribute13
* globalAttribute3
* globalAttribute18
* totalUnbaselinedAmount
* projectBaselinedAmount
* projfuncRealizedLossesAmt
* globalAttribute8
* creationDate
* revprocCurrencyCode
* taskId
* projfuncAccruedAmount
* globalAttribute17
* createdBy
* globalAttribute19
* globalAttribute25
* lastUpdatedBy
* globalAttributeCategory
* lastUpdateDate
* revprocUnbaselinedAmount
* revalRejectionCode
* globalAttribute26
* globalAttribute24
* globalAttribute12
* globalAttribute29
* totalBilledAmount
* invprocBilledAmount
* projectBilledAmount
* revprocAccruedAmount
* globalAttribute30
* agreementId
* invprocUnbaselinedAmount
* programApplicationId
* globalAttribute28
* lastUpdateLogin
* globalAttribute27
* globalAttribute1
* globalAttribute4
* invprocCurrencyCode
* totalAccruedAmount
* projfuncRealizedGainsAmt
* globalAttribute14
* projectCurrencyCode
* globalAttribute11
* globalAttribute9
* projectUnbaselinedAmount
* globalAttribute15
* projectId
* globalAttribute20
* programUpdateDate
* projfuncUnbaselinedAmount
* invprocBaselinedAmount
* programId
* globalAttribute6
* globalAttribute7
* globalAttribute22
* revprocBaselinedAmount
* globalAttribute2
* globalAttribute23
* fundingCurrencyCode
* globalAttribute5
* projectAccruedAmount
* projfuncCurrencyCode
* totalBaselinedAmount
* globalAttribute10
* globalAttribute16
* requestId
* projfuncBilledAmount
* globalAttribute21


 * programApplicationId
* lastUpdateLogin
* projfuncCurrencyCode
* agreementId
* programId
* totalBilled
* projectTotalBilled
* createdBy
* projectCurrencyCode
* projectId
* fundingCurrencyCode
* taskId
* fundingTotalRetained
* projfuncTotalRetained
* creationDate
* projectTotalRetained
* fundingTotalWriteoff
* projfuncTotalWriteoff
* customerId
* lastUpdateDate
* projfuncTotalBilled
* totalRetained
* lastUpdatedBy
* fundingTotalBilled
* invprocCurrencyCode
* totalWriteoff
* programUpdateDate
* projectTotalWriteoff
* requestId


 * programApplicationId
* lastUpdateLogin
* projfuncCurrencyCode
* agreementId
* programId
* totalBilled
* projectTotalBilled
* createdBy
* projectCurrencyCode
* projectId
* fundingCurrencyCode
* taskId
* fundingTotalRetained
* projfuncTotalRetained
* creationDate
* projectTotalRetained
* fundingTotalWriteoff
* projfuncTotalWriteoff
* customerId
* lastUpdateDate
* projfuncTotalBilled
* totalRetained
* lastUpdatedBy
* fundingTotalBilled
* invprocCurrencyCode
* totalWriteoff
* programUpdateDate
* projectTotalWriteoff
* requestId


 * prodSelP2Code
* logStratP2Code
* projSupP1Code
* comments
* locationId
* attribute13
* optionId
* objectType
* invStratP1Code
* finPlanTypeId
* attribute12
* attribute14
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute3
* attribute8
* attribute15
* prodSelP1Code
* logStratP1Code
* invStratP2Code
* enableScpFlag
* attribute2
* attribute4
* attribute1
* attribute7
* lastUpdateDate
* customerId
* projSupP2Code
* attribute5
* attribute9
* projectId
* attribute11
* createdBy
* acqStratP2Code
* attribute6
* acqStratP1Code
* creationDate
* attribute10
* lastUpdatedBy


 * prodSelP2Code
* logStratP2Code
* projSupP1Code
* comments
* locationId
* attribute13
* optionId
* objectType
* invStratP1Code
* finPlanTypeId
* attribute12
* attribute14
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute3
* attribute8
* attribute15
* prodSelP1Code
* logStratP1Code
* invStratP2Code
* enableScpFlag
* attribute2
* attribute4
* attribute1
* attribute7
* lastUpdateDate
* customerId
* projSupP2Code
* attribute5
* attribute9
* projectId
* attribute11
* createdBy
* acqStratP2Code
* attribute6
* acqStratP1Code
* creationDate
* attribute10
* lastUpdatedBy


 * object1Type
* object2Type
* object1Pk1Value
* lastUpdateLogin
* object2Pk1Value
* nextNumber
* creationDate
* createdBy
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateDate
* systemNumberId


 * object1Type
* object2Type
* object1Pk1Value
* lastUpdateLogin
* object2Pk1Value
* nextNumber
* creationDate
* createdBy
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateDate
* systemNumberId


 * creationDate
* adwNotifyFlag
* programUpdateDate
* lastUpdateDate
* topTaskId
* carryingOutOrganizationId
* createdBy
* taskId
* programId
* projectId
* adwInterfaceFlag
* requestId
* lastUpdateLogin
* taskHistoryId
* serviceTypeCode
* programApplicationId
* lastUpdatedBy


 * creationDate
* adwNotifyFlag
* programUpdateDate
* lastUpdateDate
* topTaskId
* carryingOutOrganizationId
* createdBy
* taskId
* programId
* projectId
* adwInterfaceFlag
* requestId
* lastUpdateLogin
* taskHistoryId
* serviceTypeCode
* programApplicationId
* lastUpdatedBy


 * addressId
* actualStartDate
* empBillRateScheduleId
* adjOnStdInv
* feeRevenueScheduleId
* laborScheduleFixedDate
* nonLaborStdBillRateSchdl
* laborSchType
* progressPaymentFlag
* ovrCostIndRateSchId
* creationDate
* attribute6
* projectId
* laborStdBillRateSchdl
* readyToDistributeFlag
* feePercentage
* nlTpFixedDate
* ccProcessLaborFlag
* nonLaborScheduleDiscount
* attribute8
* laborScheduleDiscount
* requestId
* parentTaskId
* billableFlag
* startDate
* earlyStartDate
* icLaborTpFixedDate
* icNlTpScheduleId
* billGroupId
* attribute3
* invIndSchFixedDate
* laborDiscReasonCode
* wbsLevel
* customerId
* laborCostMultiplierName
* nlTpScheduleId
* attribute10
* costIndRateSchId
* costPlusFixedFeeFlag
* workTypeId
* description
* readyToBillFlag
* chargeableFlag
* lastUpdatedBy
* ccProcessNlFlag
* recordVersionNumber
* icNlTpFixedDate
* carryingOutOrganizationId
* lateFinishDate
* earlyFinishDate
* invIndRateSchId
* laborTpFixedDate
* ovrInvIndRateSchId
* revenueAccrualMethod
* revIndRateSchId
* topTaskId
* scheduledFinishDate
* nonLaborDiscReasonCode
* retentionPercentage
* taskNumber
* programApplicationId
* scheduledStartDate
* completionDate
* attribute2
* createdBy
* pmProductCode
* invLineGroup
* adwNotifyFlag
* altLiquidationRatePer
* projectRateType
* nonLaborScheduleFixedDate
* attribute9
* ovrRevIndRateSchId
* receiveProjectInvoiceFlag
* longTaskName
* ovrFeeRateScheduleId
* taskfuncCostRateDate
* attributeCategory
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute4
* jobBillRateScheduleId
* revIndSchFixedDate
* feeRateScheduleId
* retirementCostFlag
* withholdAmount
* taskId
* laborBillRateOrgId
* actualFinishDate
* liquidationRatePercentage
* lateStartDate
* attribute7
* programUpdateDate
* laborTpScheduleId
* allowCrossChargeFlag
* billScheOvrdFlag
* attribute1
* cintStopDate
* taskfuncCostRateType
* subcontractFlag
* lastUpdateLogin
* ratePercentage
* nonLaborBillRateOrgId
* pmTaskReference
* icLaborTpScheduleId
* attribute5
* feeRate
* taskManagerPersonId
* genEtcSourceCode
* limitToTxnControlsFlag
* taskName
* costIndSchFixedDate
* programId
* projectRateDate
* nonLabStdBillRtSchId
* serviceTypeCode
* nonLaborSchType
* invoiceMethod
* cintEligibleFlag


 * requestId
* nonLaborSchType
* addressId
* topTaskId
* nonLaborScheduleFixedDate
* laborSchType
* nonLaborBillRateOrgId
* nonLaborStdBillRateSchdl
* description
* attribute6
* empBillRateScheduleId
* costIndRateSchId
* wbsLevel
* attribute2
* invIndRateSchId
* laborScheduleFixedDate
* nonLaborScheduleDiscount
* ccProcessLaborFlag
* projectRateType
* actualFinishDate
* recordVersionNumber
* taskId
* laborBillRateOrgId
* scheduledFinishDate
* laborDiscReasonCode
* retirementCostFlag
* cintEligibleFlag
* programId
* taskfuncCostRateType
* pmProductCode
* ovrInvIndRateSchId
* earlyStartDate
* programUpdateDate
* adwNotifyFlag
* ovrCostIndRateSchId
* attribute5
* lateStartDate
* invIndSchFixedDate
* nlTpFixedDate
* attributeCategory
* attribute8
* taskManagerPersonId
* attribute10
* projectRateDate
* laborTpFixedDate
* startDate
* scheduledStartDate
* nlTpScheduleId
* attribute1
* carryingOutOrganizationId
* laborScheduleDiscount
* chargeableFlag
* projectId
* laborCostMultiplierName
* costIndSchFixedDate
* receiveProjectInvoiceFlag
* workTypeId
* nonLabStdBillRtSchId
* earlyFinishDate
* attribute7
* laborTpScheduleId
* revIndSchFixedDate
* taskName
* readyToBillFlag
* serviceTypeCode
* attribute4
* taskNumber
* attribute9
* createdBy
* attribute3
* taskfuncCostRateDate
* lateFinishDate
* limitToTxnControlsFlag
* revIndRateSchId
* longTaskName
* programApplicationId
* creationDate
* actualStartDate
* completionDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* billableFlag
* laborStdBillRateSchdl
* lastUpdateLogin
* ovrRevIndRateSchId
* readyToDistributeFlag
* allowCrossChargeFlag
* ccProcessNlFlag
* jobBillRateScheduleId
* nonLaborDiscReasonCode
* cintStopDate
* parentTaskId
* lastUpdateDate
* pmTaskReference


 * requestId
* nonLaborSchType
* addressId
* topTaskId
* nonLaborScheduleFixedDate
* laborSchType
* nonLaborBillRateOrgId
* nonLaborStdBillRateSchdl
* description
* attribute6
* empBillRateScheduleId
* costIndRateSchId
* wbsLevel
* attribute2
* invIndRateSchId
* laborScheduleFixedDate
* nonLaborScheduleDiscount
* ccProcessLaborFlag
* projectRateType
* actualFinishDate
* recordVersionNumber
* taskId
* laborBillRateOrgId
* scheduledFinishDate
* laborDiscReasonCode
* retirementCostFlag
* cintEligibleFlag
* programId
* taskfuncCostRateType
* pmProductCode
* ovrInvIndRateSchId
* earlyStartDate
* programUpdateDate
* adwNotifyFlag
* ovrCostIndRateSchId
* attribute5
* lateStartDate
* invIndSchFixedDate
* nlTpFixedDate
* attributeCategory
* attribute8
* taskManagerPersonId
* attribute10
* projectRateDate
* laborTpFixedDate
* startDate
* scheduledStartDate
* nlTpScheduleId
* attribute1
* carryingOutOrganizationId
* laborScheduleDiscount
* chargeableFlag
* projectId
* laborCostMultiplierName
* costIndSchFixedDate
* receiveProjectInvoiceFlag
* workTypeId
* nonLabStdBillRtSchId
* earlyFinishDate
* attribute7
* laborTpScheduleId
* revIndSchFixedDate
* taskName
* readyToBillFlag
* serviceTypeCode
* attribute4
* taskNumber
* attribute9
* createdBy
* attribute3
* taskfuncCostRateDate
* lateFinishDate
* limitToTxnControlsFlag
* revIndRateSchId
* longTaskName
* programApplicationId
* creationDate
* actualStartDate
* completionDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* billableFlag
* laborStdBillRateSchdl
* lastUpdateLogin
* ovrRevIndRateSchId
* readyToDistributeFlag
* allowCrossChargeFlag
* ccProcessNlFlag
* jobBillRateScheduleId
* nonLaborDiscReasonCode
* cintStopDate
* parentTaskId
* lastUpdateDate
* pmTaskReference


 * addressId
* actualStartDate
* empBillRateScheduleId
* adjOnStdInv
* feeRevenueScheduleId
* laborScheduleFixedDate
* nonLaborStdBillRateSchdl
* laborSchType
* progressPaymentFlag
* ovrCostIndRateSchId
* creationDate
* attribute6
* projectId
* laborStdBillRateSchdl
* readyToDistributeFlag
* feePercentage
* nlTpFixedDate
* ccProcessLaborFlag
* nonLaborScheduleDiscount
* attribute8
* laborScheduleDiscount
* requestId
* parentTaskId
* billableFlag
* startDate
* earlyStartDate
* icLaborTpFixedDate
* icNlTpScheduleId
* billGroupId
* attribute3
* invIndSchFixedDate
* laborDiscReasonCode
* wbsLevel
* customerId
* laborCostMultiplierName
* nlTpScheduleId
* attribute10
* costIndRateSchId
* costPlusFixedFeeFlag
* workTypeId
* description
* readyToBillFlag
* chargeableFlag
* lastUpdatedBy
* ccProcessNlFlag
* recordVersionNumber
* icNlTpFixedDate
* carryingOutOrganizationId
* lateFinishDate
* earlyFinishDate
* invIndRateSchId
* laborTpFixedDate
* ovrInvIndRateSchId
* revenueAccrualMethod
* revIndRateSchId
* topTaskId
* scheduledFinishDate
* nonLaborDiscReasonCode
* retentionPercentage
* taskNumber
* programApplicationId
* scheduledStartDate
* completionDate
* attribute2
* createdBy
* pmProductCode
* invLineGroup
* adwNotifyFlag
* altLiquidationRatePer
* projectRateType
* nonLaborScheduleFixedDate
* attribute9
* ovrRevIndRateSchId
* receiveProjectInvoiceFlag
* longTaskName
* ovrFeeRateScheduleId
* taskfuncCostRateDate
* attributeCategory
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute4
* jobBillRateScheduleId
* revIndSchFixedDate
* feeRateScheduleId
* retirementCostFlag
* withholdAmount
* taskId
* laborBillRateOrgId
* actualFinishDate
* liquidationRatePercentage
* lateStartDate
* attribute7
* programUpdateDate
* laborTpScheduleId
* allowCrossChargeFlag
* billScheOvrdFlag
* attribute1
* cintStopDate
* taskfuncCostRateType
* subcontractFlag
* lastUpdateLogin
* ratePercentage
* nonLaborBillRateOrgId
* pmTaskReference
* icLaborTpScheduleId
* attribute5
* feeRate
* taskManagerPersonId
* genEtcSourceCode
* limitToTxnControlsFlag
* taskName
* costIndSchFixedDate
* programId
* projectRateDate
* nonLabStdBillRtSchId
* serviceTypeCode
* nonLaborSchType
* invoiceMethod
* cintEligibleFlag


 * teamTemplateId
* attribute15
* attribute14
* description
* recordVersionNumber
* endDateActive
* attribute6
* attribute9
* attributeCategory
* teamTemplateName
* attribute12
* attribute2
* teamStartDate
* attribute4
* attribute1
* attribute3
* roleListId
* attribute8
* attribute5
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute10
* lastUpdateDate
* startDateActive
* attribute7
* workflowInProgressFlag
* creationDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* calendarId
* createdBy
* workTypeId
* attribute11
* attribute13


 * teamTemplateId
* attribute15
* attribute14
* description
* recordVersionNumber
* endDateActive
* attribute6
* attribute9
* attributeCategory
* teamTemplateName
* attribute12
* attribute2
* teamStartDate
* attribute4
* attribute1
* attribute3
* roleListId
* attribute8
* attribute5
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute10
* lastUpdateDate
* startDateActive
* attribute7
* workflowInProgressFlag
* creationDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* calendarId
* createdBy
* workTypeId
* attribute11
* attribute13


 * calendarId
* lastUpdateLogin
* createdBy
* periodType
* creationDate
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* name
* periodSetName


 * calendarId
* lastUpdateLogin
* createdBy
* periodType
* creationDate
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* name
* periodSetName


 * fileName
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdateDate
* zdEditionName
* zdSync
* creationDate
* createdBy
* lookupCode
* lookupType
* colorPatternCode
* renderPriority
* description


 * fileName
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdateDate
* zdEditionName
* zdSync
* creationDate
* createdBy
* lookupCode
* lookupType
* colorPatternCode
* renderPriority
* description


 * receiptCurrencyAmount
* poLineNum
* attribute7
* projectNumber
* origUserExpTxnReference
* crCodeCombinationId
* attribute6
* cdlSystemReference5
* attribute9
* expenditureItemDate
* attributeCategory
* billableFlag
* transactionRejectionCode
* unmatchedNegativeTxnFlag
* userTransactionSource
* attribute3
* receiverLegalEntityId
* siAssetsAdditionFlag
* accrualFlag
* projectRateDate
* reversedOrigTxnReference
* projectCurrencyCode
* burdenedCostRate
* inventoryItemId
* poPriceType
* adjustedExpenditureItemId
* taskId
* expenditureEndingDate
* creationDate
* projectBurdenedCost
* workTypeName
* rawCost
* transactionStatusCode
* scXferCode
* acctBurdenedCost
* assignmentName
* poLineId
* projfuncCostRateType
* acctRateDate
* attribute2
* wipResourceId
* fcDocumentType
* poHeaderId
* txnInterfaceId
* acctRawCost
* acctExchangeRate
* expenditureItemId
* denomBurdenedCost
* personBusinessGroupId
* organizationName
* origTransactionReference
* origExpTxnReference1
* origExpTxnReference3
* jobId
* personId
* personBusinessGroupName
* legalEntityName
* transactionSource
* cbsElementName
* acctRateType
* taskNumber
* vendorId
* rawCostRate
* receiptExchangeRate
* projfuncCurrencyCode
* personType
* attribute8
* nonLaborResource
* attribute1
* systemLinkage
* receiverLegalEntityName
* expenditureId
* projectExchangeRate
* legalEntityId
* createdBy
* projfuncCostExchangeRate
* projfuncCostRateDate
* burdenedCost
* lastUpdateDate
* payElementTypeId
* organizationId
* interfaceId
* jobName
* nonLaborResourceOrgName
* cdlSystemReference3
* expenditureComment
* projectRateType
* workTypeId
* batchName
* overrideToOrganizationId
* netZeroAdjustmentFlag
* attribute4
* employeeNumber
* unitOfMeasure
* projectId
* cbsElementId
* lastUpdatedBy
* poNumber
* documentType
* locationCode
* orgId
* documentDistributionType
* adjustedTxnInterfaceId
* cdlSystemReference2
* acctExchangeRoundingLimit
* nonLaborResourceOrgId
* origExpTxnReference2
* attribute10
* attribute5
* receiptCurrencyCode
* overrideToOrganizationName
* vendorNumber
* cdlSystemReference1
* denomCurrencyCode
* expenditureType
* quantity
* denomRawCost
* locationId
* cdlSystemReference4
* projectRawCost
* drCodeCombinationId
* assignmentId
* glDate


 * receiptCurrencyAmount
* poLineNum
* attribute7
* projectNumber
* origUserExpTxnReference
* crCodeCombinationId
* attribute6
* cdlSystemReference5
* attribute9
* expenditureItemDate
* attributeCategory
* billableFlag
* transactionRejectionCode
* unmatchedNegativeTxnFlag
* userTransactionSource
* attribute3
* receiverLegalEntityId
* siAssetsAdditionFlag
* accrualFlag
* projectRateDate
* reversedOrigTxnReference
* projectCurrencyCode
* burdenedCostRate
* inventoryItemId
* poPriceType
* adjustedExpenditureItemId
* taskId
* expenditureEndingDate
* creationDate
* projectBurdenedCost
* workTypeName
* rawCost
* transactionStatusCode
* scXferCode
* acctBurdenedCost
* assignmentName
* poLineId
* projfuncCostRateType
* acctRateDate
* attribute2
* wipResourceId
* fcDocumentType
* poHeaderId
* txnInterfaceId
* acctRawCost
* acctExchangeRate
* expenditureItemId
* denomBurdenedCost
* personBusinessGroupId
* organizationName
* origTransactionReference
* origExpTxnReference1
* origExpTxnReference3
* jobId
* personId
* personBusinessGroupName
* legalEntityName
* transactionSource
* cbsElementName
* acctRateType
* taskNumber
* vendorId
* rawCostRate
* receiptExchangeRate
* projfuncCurrencyCode
* personType
* attribute8
* nonLaborResource
* attribute1
* systemLinkage
* receiverLegalEntityName
* expenditureId
* projectExchangeRate
* legalEntityId
* createdBy
* projfuncCostExchangeRate
* projfuncCostRateDate
* burdenedCost
* lastUpdateDate
* payElementTypeId
* organizationId
* interfaceId
* jobName
* nonLaborResourceOrgName
* cdlSystemReference3
* expenditureComment
* projectRateType
* workTypeId
* batchName
* overrideToOrganizationId
* netZeroAdjustmentFlag
* attribute4
* employeeNumber
* unitOfMeasure
* projectId
* cbsElementId
* lastUpdatedBy
* poNumber
* documentType
* locationCode
* orgId
* documentDistributionType
* adjustedTxnInterfaceId
* cdlSystemReference2
* acctExchangeRoundingLimit
* nonLaborResourceOrgId
* origExpTxnReference2
* attribute10
* attribute5
* receiptCurrencyCode
* overrideToOrganizationName
* vendorNumber
* cdlSystemReference1
* denomCurrencyCode
* expenditureType
* quantity
* denomRawCost
* locationId
* cdlSystemReference4
* projectRawCost
* drCodeCombinationId
* assignmentId
* glDate


 * description
* lastUpdateDate
* userTransactionSource
* attribute11
* mcAmountsPopulated
* systemLinkageFunction
* processFundsCheck
* predefinedFlag
* attribute3
* attribute10
* skipTcValidationFlag
* attribute9
* attribute14
* batchSize
* zdSync
* purgeableFlag
* allowReversalFlag
* attribute4
* attribute7
* zdEditionName
* attribute15
* lastUpdateLogin
* createdBy
* transactionSource
* attribute2
* allowEmpOrgOverrideFlag
* acctSourceCode
* attribute6
* costBurdenedFlag
* attribute5
* postProcessingExtension
* allowAdjustmentsFlag
* creationDate
* glAccountedFlag
* ccProcessFlag
* attribute13
* preProcessingExtension
* attributeCategory
* postedFlag
* costedFlag
* attribute1
* startDateActive
* attribute12
* endDateActive
* allowDuplicateReferenceFlag
* lastUpdatedBy
* modifyInterfaceFlag
* attribute8
* allowBurdenFlag


 * description
* lastUpdateDate
* userTransactionSource
* attribute11
* mcAmountsPopulated
* systemLinkageFunction
* processFundsCheck
* predefinedFlag
* attribute3
* attribute10
* skipTcValidationFlag
* attribute9
* attribute14
* batchSize
* zdSync
* purgeableFlag
* allowReversalFlag
* attribute4
* attribute7
* zdEditionName
* attribute15
* lastUpdateLogin
* createdBy
* transactionSource
* attribute2
* allowEmpOrgOverrideFlag
* acctSourceCode
* attribute6
* costBurdenedFlag
* attribute5
* postProcessingExtension
* allowAdjustmentsFlag
* creationDate
* glAccountedFlag
* ccProcessFlag
* attribute13
* preProcessingExtension
* attributeCategory
* postedFlag
* costedFlag
* attribute1
* startDateActive
* attribute12
* endDateActive
* allowDuplicateReferenceFlag
* lastUpdatedBy
* modifyInterfaceFlag
* attribute8
* allowBurdenFlag


 * systemLinkageFunction
* preImportRejectCount
* preImportSuccessCount
* importRejectCount
* interfaceId
* status
* postImportRejectCount
* batchName
* postImportSuccessCount
* transactionSource
* orgId
* transactionStatusCode
* importSuccessCount
* intermediateFlag
* processedCount
* transactionCount


 * systemLinkageFunction
* preImportRejectCount
* preImportSuccessCount
* importRejectCount
* interfaceId
* status
* postImportRejectCount
* batchName
* postImportSuccessCount
* transactionSource
* orgId
* transactionStatusCode
* importSuccessCount
* intermediateFlag
* processedCount
* transactionCount


 * totRevenue
* totBillableQuantity
* eventType
* weekEndingDate
* costIndCompiledSetId
* unitOfMeasure
* totCmtQuantity
* revenueRollupFlag
* cmtIndCompiledSetId
* nonLaborResource
* programApplicationId
* requestId
* projectId
* totRawCost
* iTotBillableBurdenedCost
* lastUpdateLogin
* iTotQuantity
* jobId
* organizationId
* createdBy
* lastUpdateDate
* cmtRollupFlag
* iTotBillableLaborHours
* nonLaborResourceOrgId
* totBillableBurdenedCost
* vendorId
* totLaborHours
* glPeriod
* invIndCompiledSetId
* iTotRawCost
* expenditureCategory
* totBurdenedCost
* paPeriod
* revenueCategory
* iTotLaborHours
* programId
* txnAccumId
* expenditureType
* totBillableLaborHours
* programUpdateDate
* totCmtRawCost
* personId
* actualCostRollupFlag
* iTotRevenue
* totCmtBurdenedCost
* creationDate
* iTotBillableRawCost
* totQuantity
* taskId
* eventTypeClassification
* iTotBillableQuantity
* systemLinkageFunction
* adwNotifyFlag
* lastUpdatedBy
* monthEndingDate
* totBillableRawCost
* iTotBurdenedCost
* revIndCompiledSetId


 * purgeProjectId
* revenueRollupFlag
* taskId
* totBillableRawCost
* lastUpdateLogin
* eventTypeClassification
* lastUpdatedBy
* iTotBillableLaborHours
* totQuantity
* costIndCompiledSetId
* revIndCompiledSetId
* nonLaborResource
* totBillableLaborHours
* iTotRawCost
* purgeRelease
* iTotQuantity
* iTotBurdenedCost
* programUpdateDate
* vendorId
* creationDate
* totCmtBurdenedCost
* actualCostRollupFlag
* purgeBatchId
* totRevenue
* totBillableBurdenedCost
* expenditureCategory
* programApplicationId
* totRawCost
* lastUpdateDate
* expenditureType
* projectId
* invIndCompiledSetId
* iTotLaborHours
* unitOfMeasure
* iTotBillableQuantity
* cmtRollupFlag
* totBillableQuantity
* adwNotifyFlag
* totLaborHours
* glPeriod
* totCmtQuantity
* createdBy
* txnAccumId
* paPeriod
* organizationId
* jobId
* monthEndingDate
* requestId
* totCmtRawCost
* personId
* systemLinkageFunction
* iTotBillableRawCost
* eventType
* weekEndingDate
* totBurdenedCost
* revenueCategory
* iTotBillableBurdenedCost
* programId
* iTotRevenue
* cmtIndCompiledSetId
* nonLaborResourceOrgId


 * purgeProjectId
* revenueRollupFlag
* taskId
* totBillableRawCost
* lastUpdateLogin
* eventTypeClassification
* lastUpdatedBy
* iTotBillableLaborHours
* totQuantity
* costIndCompiledSetId
* revIndCompiledSetId
* nonLaborResource
* totBillableLaborHours
* iTotRawCost
* purgeRelease
* iTotQuantity
* iTotBurdenedCost
* programUpdateDate
* vendorId
* creationDate
* totCmtBurdenedCost
* actualCostRollupFlag
* purgeBatchId
* totRevenue
* totBillableBurdenedCost
* expenditureCategory
* programApplicationId
* totRawCost
* lastUpdateDate
* expenditureType
* projectId
* invIndCompiledSetId
* iTotLaborHours
* unitOfMeasure
* iTotBillableQuantity
* cmtRollupFlag
* totBillableQuantity
* adwNotifyFlag
* totLaborHours
* glPeriod
* totCmtQuantity
* createdBy
* txnAccumId
* paPeriod
* organizationId
* jobId
* monthEndingDate
* requestId
* totCmtRawCost
* personId
* systemLinkageFunction
* iTotBillableRawCost
* eventType
* weekEndingDate
* totBurdenedCost
* revenueCategory
* iTotBillableBurdenedCost
* programId
* iTotRevenue
* cmtIndCompiledSetId
* nonLaborResourceOrgId


 * programApplicationId
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdatedBy
* createdBy
* lineType
* expenditureItemId
* taskId
* programUpdateDate
* lineNum
* programId
* lastUpdateDate
* txnAccumId
* projectId
* cmtLineId
* creationDate
* requestId
* eventNum


 * projectId
* programId
* txnAccumId
* eventNum
* cmtLineId
* purgeProjectId
* originalRowid
* creationDate
* programUpdateDate
* createdBy
* lineNum
* lastUpdateDate
* requestId
* lastUpdateLogin
* purgeRelease
* lastUpdatedBy
* taskId
* lineType
* programApplicationId
* purgeBatchId
* expenditureItemId


 * projectId
* programId
* txnAccumId
* eventNum
* cmtLineId
* purgeProjectId
* originalRowid
* creationDate
* programUpdateDate
* createdBy
* lineNum
* lastUpdateDate
* requestId
* lastUpdateLogin
* purgeRelease
* lastUpdatedBy
* taskId
* lineType
* programApplicationId
* purgeBatchId
* expenditureItemId


 * programApplicationId
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdatedBy
* createdBy
* lineType
* expenditureItemId
* taskId
* programUpdateDate
* lineNum
* programId
* lastUpdateDate
* txnAccumId
* projectId
* cmtLineId
* creationDate
* requestId
* eventNum


 * totBillableRawCost
* totCmtRawCost
* iTotRawCost
* totBillableBurdenedCost
* txnAccumId
* setOfBooksId
* totRevenue
* iTotBillableBurdenedCost
* totRawCost
* iTotBillableRawCost
* iTotBurdenedCost
* totBurdenedCost
* totCmtBurdenedCost
* iTotRevenue
* creationDate


 * totBillableRawCost
* totCmtRawCost
* iTotRawCost
* totBillableBurdenedCost
* txnAccumId
* setOfBooksId
* totRevenue
* iTotBillableBurdenedCost
* totRawCost
* iTotBillableRawCost
* iTotBurdenedCost
* totBurdenedCost
* totCmtBurdenedCost
* iTotRevenue
* creationDate


 * totRevenue
* totBillableQuantity
* eventType
* weekEndingDate
* costIndCompiledSetId
* unitOfMeasure
* totCmtQuantity
* revenueRollupFlag
* cmtIndCompiledSetId
* nonLaborResource
* programApplicationId
* requestId
* projectId
* totRawCost
* iTotBillableBurdenedCost
* lastUpdateLogin
* iTotQuantity
* jobId
* organizationId
* createdBy
* lastUpdateDate
* cmtRollupFlag
* iTotBillableLaborHours
* nonLaborResourceOrgId
* totBillableBurdenedCost
* vendorId
* totLaborHours
* glPeriod
* invIndCompiledSetId
* iTotRawCost
* expenditureCategory
* totBurdenedCost
* paPeriod
* revenueCategory
* iTotLaborHours
* programId
* txnAccumId
* expenditureType
* totBillableLaborHours
* programUpdateDate
* totCmtRawCost
* personId
* actualCostRollupFlag
* iTotRevenue
* totCmtBurdenedCost
* creationDate
* iTotBillableRawCost
* totQuantity
* taskId
* eventTypeClassification
* iTotBillableQuantity
* systemLinkageFunction
* adwNotifyFlag
* lastUpdatedBy
* monthEndingDate
* totBillableRawCost
* iTotBurdenedCost
* revIndCompiledSetId


 * origTransactionReference
* projectRateType
* cdlSystemReference2
* origExpTxnReference1
* origUserExpTxnReference
* netZeroAdjustmentFlag
* projectId
* attribute5
* drCodeCombinationId
* burdenedCost
* projectRateDate
* personId
* projectNumber
* documentType
* attribute8
* unmatchedNegativeTxnFlag
* attribute7
* nonLaborResourceOrgName
* unitOfMeasure
* workTypeName
* acctRateDate
* attribute6
* acctExchangeRate
* locationCode
* origExpTxnReference3
* poPriceType
* adjustedTxnInterfaceId
* denomCurrencyCode
* projfuncCostRateDate
* expenditureEndingDate
* expenditureId
* organizationId
* overrideToOrganizationId
* cbsElementId
* personType
* attribute9
* orgId
* projectBurdenedCost
* rawCost#1
* billableFlag
* projfuncCurrencyCode
* workTypeId
* transactionSource
* projfuncCostExchangeRate
* assignmentName
* batchName
* receiptCurrencyCode
* attribute10
* acctRateType
* projectExchangeRate
* locationId
* attribute2
* cdlSystemReference1
* origExpTxnReference2
* denomBurdenedCost
* payElementTypeId
* scXferCode
* attribute4
* accrualFlag
* cdlSystemReference5
* poLineNum
* attributeCategory
* jobName
* transactionRejectionCode
* acctExchangeRoundingLimit
* wipResourceId
* cdlSystemReference4
* rawCostRate#1
* cbsElementName
* fcDocumentType
* cdlSystemReference3
* personBusinessGroupName
* txnInterfaceId
* nonLaborResource
* vendorNumber
* poHeaderId
* poLineId
* receiptCurrencyAmount
* assignmentId
* rawCostRate
* denomRawCost
* systemLinkage
* documentDistributionType
* updateDate
* glDate
* updatedBy
* quantity
* transactionStatusCode
* userTransactionSource
* burdenedCost#1
* receiptExchangeRate
* taskNumber
* taskId
* jobId
* attribute3
* crCodeCombinationId
* rawCost
* poNumber
* overrideToOrganizationName
* expenditureItemDate
* inventoryItemId
* organizationName
* expenditureItemId
* adjustedExpenditureItemId
* siAssetsAdditionFlag
* expenditureComment
* beforeAfterFlag
* vendorId
* projectCurrencyCode
* projectRawCost
* nonLaborResourceOrgId
* acctBurdenedCost
* acctRawCost
* employeeNumber
* interfaceId
* quantity#1
* projfuncCostRateType
* expenditureType
* personBusinessGroupId
* attribute1
* burdenedCostRate
* reversedOrigTxnReference
* burdenedCostRate#1


 * origTransactionReference
* projectRateType
* cdlSystemReference2
* origExpTxnReference1
* origUserExpTxnReference
* netZeroAdjustmentFlag
* projectId
* attribute5
* drCodeCombinationId
* burdenedCost
* projectRateDate
* personId
* projectNumber
* documentType
* attribute8
* unmatchedNegativeTxnFlag
* attribute7
* nonLaborResourceOrgName
* unitOfMeasure
* workTypeName
* acctRateDate
* attribute6
* acctExchangeRate
* locationCode
* origExpTxnReference3
* poPriceType
* adjustedTxnInterfaceId
* denomCurrencyCode
* projfuncCostRateDate
* expenditureEndingDate
* expenditureId
* organizationId
* overrideToOrganizationId
* cbsElementId
* personType
* attribute9
* orgId
* projectBurdenedCost
* rawCost#1
* billableFlag
* projfuncCurrencyCode
* workTypeId
* transactionSource
* projfuncCostExchangeRate
* assignmentName
* batchName
* receiptCurrencyCode
* attribute10
* acctRateType
* projectExchangeRate
* locationId
* attribute2
* cdlSystemReference1
* origExpTxnReference2
* denomBurdenedCost
* payElementTypeId
* scXferCode
* attribute4
* accrualFlag
* cdlSystemReference5
* poLineNum
* attributeCategory
* jobName
* transactionRejectionCode
* acctExchangeRoundingLimit
* wipResourceId
* cdlSystemReference4
* rawCostRate#1
* cbsElementName
* fcDocumentType
* cdlSystemReference3
* personBusinessGroupName
* txnInterfaceId
* nonLaborResource
* vendorNumber
* poHeaderId
* poLineId
* receiptCurrencyAmount
* assignmentId
* rawCostRate
* denomRawCost
* systemLinkage
* documentDistributionType
* updateDate
* glDate
* updatedBy
* quantity
* transactionStatusCode
* userTransactionSource
* burdenedCost#1
* receiptExchangeRate
* taskNumber
* taskId
* jobId
* attribute3
* crCodeCombinationId
* rawCost
* poNumber
* overrideToOrganizationName
* expenditureItemDate
* inventoryItemId
* organizationName
* expenditureItemId
* adjustedExpenditureItemId
* siAssetsAdditionFlag
* expenditureComment
* beforeAfterFlag
* vendorId
* projectCurrencyCode
* projectRawCost
* nonLaborResourceOrgId
* acctBurdenedCost
* acctRawCost
* employeeNumber
* interfaceId
* quantity#1
* projfuncCostRateType
* expenditureType
* personBusinessGroupId
* attribute1
* burdenedCostRate
* reversedOrigTxnReference
* burdenedCostRate#1


 * cdlSystemReference3
* expenditureItemDate
* workTypeId
* unitOfMeasure
* acctBurdenedCost
* assignmentName
* documentType
* expenditureComment
* adjustedTxnInterfaceId
* personBusinessGroupId
* vendorNumber
* attribute8
* overrideToOrganizationName
* rawCost
* receiptCurrencyAmount
* attribute9
* expenditureEndingDate
* quantity
* origExpTxnReference3
* acctRawCost
* projectExchangeRate
* personId
* acctRateDate
* poLineId
* receiptCurrencyCode
* overrideToOrganizationId
* personType
* cdlSystemReference1
* employeeNumber
* expenditureId
* cbsElementId
* projectNumber
* netZeroAdjustmentFlag
* nonLaborResourceOrgId
* projfuncCostExchangeRate
* attribute4
* purgeBatchId
* cdlSystemReference5
* projectRateType
* userTransactionSource
* scXferCode
* jobId
* projectCurrencyCode
* burdenedCostRate
* crCodeCombinationId
* beforeAfterFlag
* adjustedExpenditureItemId
* cdlSystemReference2
* denomBurdenedCost
* poHeaderId
* locationId
* acctExchangeRate
* rawCostRate
* nonLaborResource
* projfuncCostRateDate
* taskId
* attribute10
* wipResourceId
* taskNumber
* transactionSource
* documentDistributionType
* expenditureItemId
* inventoryItemId
* cdlSystemReference4
* glDate
* purgeProjectId
* receiptExchangeRate
* updatedBy
* attribute3
* unmatchedNegativeTxnFlag
* attribute1
* systemLinkage
* locationCode
* attribute6
* denomCurrencyCode
* poLineNum
* projectRawCost
* batchName
* billableFlag
* nonLaborResourceOrgName
* acctExchangeRoundingLimit
* organizationName
* transactionStatusCode
* projectBurdenedCost
* acctRateType
* fcDocumentType
* projectRateDate
* denomRawCost
* orgId
* projfuncCostRateType
* txnInterfaceId
* vendorId
* origUserExpTxnReference
* cbsElementName
* expenditureType
* attribute5
* attributeCategory
* assignmentId
* origTransactionReference
* drCodeCombinationId
* personBusinessGroupName
* payElementTypeId
* origExpTxnReference1
* poNumber
* jobName
* burdenedCost
* workTypeName
* interfaceId
* origExpTxnReference2
* organizationId
* siAssetsAdditionFlag
* projfuncCurrencyCode
* purgeRelease
* attribute7
* poPriceType
* accrualFlag
* transactionRejectionCode
* projectId
* updateDate
* attribute2
* reversedOrigTxnReference


 * cdlSystemReference3
* expenditureItemDate
* workTypeId
* unitOfMeasure
* acctBurdenedCost
* assignmentName
* documentType
* expenditureComment
* adjustedTxnInterfaceId
* personBusinessGroupId
* vendorNumber
* attribute8
* overrideToOrganizationName
* rawCost
* receiptCurrencyAmount
* attribute9
* expenditureEndingDate
* quantity
* origExpTxnReference3
* acctRawCost
* projectExchangeRate
* personId
* acctRateDate
* poLineId
* receiptCurrencyCode
* overrideToOrganizationId
* personType
* cdlSystemReference1
* employeeNumber
* expenditureId
* cbsElementId
* projectNumber
* netZeroAdjustmentFlag
* nonLaborResourceOrgId
* projfuncCostExchangeRate
* attribute4
* purgeBatchId
* cdlSystemReference5
* projectRateType
* userTransactionSource
* scXferCode
* jobId
* projectCurrencyCode
* burdenedCostRate
* crCodeCombinationId
* beforeAfterFlag
* adjustedExpenditureItemId
* cdlSystemReference2
* denomBurdenedCost
* poHeaderId
* locationId
* acctExchangeRate
* rawCostRate
* nonLaborResource
* projfuncCostRateDate
* taskId
* attribute10
* wipResourceId
* taskNumber
* transactionSource
* documentDistributionType
* expenditureItemId
* inventoryItemId
* cdlSystemReference4
* glDate
* purgeProjectId
* receiptExchangeRate
* updatedBy
* attribute3
* unmatchedNegativeTxnFlag
* attribute1
* systemLinkage
* locationCode
* attribute6
* denomCurrencyCode
* poLineNum
* projectRawCost
* batchName
* billableFlag
* nonLaborResourceOrgName
* acctExchangeRoundingLimit
* organizationName
* transactionStatusCode
* projectBurdenedCost
* acctRateType
* fcDocumentType
* projectRateDate
* denomRawCost
* orgId
* projfuncCostRateType
* txnInterfaceId
* vendorId
* origUserExpTxnReference
* cbsElementName
* expenditureType
* attribute5
* attributeCategory
* assignmentId
* origTransactionReference
* drCodeCombinationId
* personBusinessGroupName
* payElementTypeId
* origExpTxnReference1
* poNumber
* jobName
* burdenedCost
* workTypeName
* interfaceId
* origExpTxnReference2
* organizationId
* siAssetsAdditionFlag
* projfuncCurrencyCode
* purgeRelease
* attribute7
* poPriceType
* accrualFlag
* transactionRejectionCode
* projectId
* updateDate
* attribute2
* reversedOrigTxnReference


 * pk2Id
* workerId
* txnSrc
* pk1Id
* reference1


 * pk2Id
* workerId
* txnSrc
* pk1Id
* reference1


 * processFlag
* deltaUer
* lastUpdateDate
* accountSegment
* creationDate
* ubrUerCode
* uerBalPrevPeriodCr
* ubrUerSummaryId
* glPeriodName
* zeroBalanceFlag
* multiCostCenterFlag
* lastUpdatedBy
* costCenterSegment
* ubrBalPrevPeriodDr
* lastUpdateLogin
* unbilledReceivableDr
* glPeriodStartDate
* deltaUbr
* requestId
* createdBy
* projectId
* unearnedRevenueCr


 * processFlag
* deltaUer
* lastUpdateDate
* accountSegment
* creationDate
* ubrUerCode
* uerBalPrevPeriodCr
* ubrUerSummaryId
* glPeriodName
* zeroBalanceFlag
* multiCostCenterFlag
* lastUpdatedBy
* costCenterSegment
* ubrBalPrevPeriodDr
* lastUpdateLogin
* unbilledReceivableDr
* glPeriodStartDate
* deltaUbr
* requestId
* createdBy
* projectId
* unearnedRevenueCr


 * eventBucket1
* eiBucket2
* costWorkAmount
* eiBucket4
* eventBucket2
* eventBucket4
* eiBucket3
* invoiceReduction
* eiBucket1
* eventInvAmount
* projectId
* retention
* eventBucket3


 * eventBucket1
* eiBucket2
* costWorkAmount
* eiBucket4
* eventBucket2
* eventBucket4
* eiBucket3
* invoiceReduction
* eiBucket1
* eventInvAmount
* projectId
* retention
* eventBucket3


 * scriptVersion
* minipackLevel
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* scriptName
* upgradedFlag
* lastUpdateDate
* createdBy
* lastUpdatedBy


 * scriptVersion
* minipackLevel
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* scriptName
* upgradedFlag
* lastUpdateDate
* createdBy
* lastUpdatedBy


 * orgId
* creationDate
* createdBy
* nonLaborResource
* lastUpdatedBy
* startDateActive
* rate
* endDateActive
* expenditureType
* organizationId
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin


 * orgId
* creationDate
* createdBy
* nonLaborResource
* lastUpdatedBy
* startDateActive
* rate
* endDateActive
* expenditureType
* organizationId
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin


 * nonLaborResource
* organizationId
* expenditureType
* creationDate
* endDateActive
* ncuSetOfBooksId
* rate
* startDateActive
* orgId


 * nonLaborResource
* organizationId
* expenditureType
* creationDate
* endDateActive
* ncuSetOfBooksId
* rate
* startDateActive
* orgId


 * attribute1
* creationDate
* attribute7
* attribute4
* attribute10
* attribute13
* attribute9
* attribute12
* objectTypeId
* attribute6
* attribute15
* lastUpdateDate
* attributeCategory
* classCategory
* attribute8
* lastUpdatedBy
* mandatoryFlag
* attribute11
* createdBy
* attribute5
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute2
* attribute3
* attribute14


 * attribute1
* creationDate
* attribute7
* attribute4
* attribute10
* attribute13
* attribute9
* attribute12
* objectTypeId
* attribute6
* attribute15
* lastUpdateDate
* attributeCategory
* classCategory
* attribute8
* lastUpdatedBy
* mandatoryFlag
* attribute11
* createdBy
* attribute5
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute2
* attribute3
* attribute14


 * destId
* creationDate
* defSubtypeGroup
* lastUpdateLogin
* sourceId
* valueMapDefId
* recordVersionNumber
* lastUpdatedBy
* defSubtype
* lastUpdateDate
* createdBy
* valueMapDefType


 * destId
* creationDate
* defSubtypeGroup
* lastUpdateLogin
* sourceId
* valueMapDefId
* recordVersionNumber
* lastUpdatedBy
* defSubtype
* lastUpdateDate
* createdBy
* valueMapDefType


 * lastUpdatedBy
* valueMapDefId
* destValuePk2
* sourceValuePk2
* lastUpdateDate
* destValuePk3
* sourceValuePk1
* sourceValuePk5
* destValuePk5
* sourceValuePk4
* creationDate
* createdBy
* sourceValuePk3
* lastUpdateLogin
* sourceValue
* destValue
* destValuePk1
* valueMapId
* destValuePk4


 * lastUpdatedBy
* valueMapDefId
* destValuePk2
* sourceValuePk2
* lastUpdateDate
* destValuePk3
* sourceValuePk1
* sourceValuePk5
* destValuePk5
* sourceValuePk4
* creationDate
* createdBy
* sourceValuePk3
* lastUpdateLogin
* sourceValue
* destValue
* destValuePk1
* valueMapId
* destValuePk4


 * currentApproverFlag
* approvalStatus
* actionDate
* userType
* itemType
* userName
* actionCode
* objectId2
* displayFlag
* groupId
* itemKey
* objectId1
* approverGroupId
* approverComments
* routingOrder
* wfTypeCode
* sequenceNumber


 * itemKey
* actionCode
* lastUpdateDate
* routingOrder
* userName
* purgeBatchId
* purgeProjectId
* wfTypeCode
* createdBy
* objectId1
* sequenceNumber
* objectId2
* approvalStatus
* actionDate
* itemType
* currentApproverFlag
* approverGroupId
* approverComments
* displayFlag
* creationDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* purgeRelease
* userType
* groupId
* lastUpdateLogin


 * itemKey
* actionCode
* lastUpdateDate
* routingOrder
* userName
* purgeBatchId
* purgeProjectId
* wfTypeCode
* createdBy
* objectId1
* sequenceNumber
* objectId2
* approvalStatus
* actionDate
* itemType
* currentApproverFlag
* approverGroupId
* approverComments
* displayFlag
* creationDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* purgeRelease
* userType
* groupId
* lastUpdateLogin


 * currentApproverFlag
* approvalStatus
* actionDate
* userType
* itemType
* userName
* actionCode
* objectId2
* displayFlag
* groupId
* itemKey
* objectId1
* approverGroupId
* approverComments
* routingOrder
* wfTypeCode
* sequenceNumber


 * sourceAttribute7
* sourceAttribute8
* wfTypeCode
* objectId2
* creationDate
* sourceAttribute3
* sourceAttribute1
* sourceAttribute2
* lastUpdateLogin
* sourceAttribute9
* lastUpdatedBy
* sourceAttribute10
* createdBy
* itemKey
* sourceAttribute4
* sourceAttribute5
* objectId1
* lastUpdateDate
* sourceAttribute6
* processStatusCode
* itemType


 * objectId1
* sourceAttribute1
* objectId2
* processStatusCode
* sourceAttribute6
* sourceAttribute10
* purgeRelease
* itemType
* sourceAttribute2
* lastUpdateDate
* sourceAttribute5
* lastUpdateLogin
* purgeBatchId
* itemKey
* sourceAttribute7
* sourceAttribute4
* sourceAttribute3
* purgeProjectId
* wfTypeCode
* sourceAttribute9
* createdBy
* creationDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* sourceAttribute8


 * objectId1
* sourceAttribute1
* objectId2
* processStatusCode
* sourceAttribute6
* sourceAttribute10
* purgeRelease
* itemType
* sourceAttribute2
* lastUpdateDate
* sourceAttribute5
* lastUpdateLogin
* purgeBatchId
* itemKey
* sourceAttribute7
* sourceAttribute4
* sourceAttribute3
* purgeProjectId
* wfTypeCode
* sourceAttribute9
* createdBy
* creationDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* sourceAttribute8


 * sourceAttribute7
* sourceAttribute8
* wfTypeCode
* objectId2
* creationDate
* sourceAttribute3
* sourceAttribute1
* sourceAttribute2
* lastUpdateLogin
* sourceAttribute9
* lastUpdatedBy
* sourceAttribute10
* createdBy
* itemKey
* sourceAttribute4
* sourceAttribute5
* objectId1
* lastUpdateDate
* sourceAttribute6
* processStatusCode
* itemType


 * createdBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* itemType
* lastUpdatedBy
* entityKey1
* creationDate
* itemKey
* entityKey2
* description
* wfTypeCode
* lastUpdateDate


 * lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* description
* purgeRelease
* itemKey
* purgeBatchId
* creationDate
* purgeProjectId
* entityKey2
* entityKey1
* lastUpdatedBy
* wfTypeCode
* createdBy
* itemType


 * lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* description
* purgeRelease
* itemKey
* purgeBatchId
* creationDate
* purgeProjectId
* entityKey2
* entityKey1
* lastUpdatedBy
* wfTypeCode
* createdBy
* itemType


 * createdBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* itemType
* lastUpdatedBy
* entityKey1
* creationDate
* itemKey
* entityKey2
* description
* wfTypeCode
* lastUpdateDate


 * attribute2
* attribute5
* attribute12
* workTypeId
* createdBy
* attribute9
* lastUpdateLogin
* trainingFlag
* attribute6
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute1
* lastUpdatedBy
* startDateActive
* resUtilizationPercentage
* attribute13
* attribute3
* tpAmtTypeCode
* attribute14
* resUtilCategoryId
* attribute10
* billableCapitalizableFlag
* unassignedFlag
* attribute4
* attribute8
* attribute11
* orgUtilizationPercentage
* creationDate
* endDateActive
* attributeCategory
* attribute15
* orgUtilCategoryId
* attribute7
* reduceCapacityFlag


 * attribute2
* attribute5
* attribute12
* workTypeId
* createdBy
* attribute9
* lastUpdateLogin
* trainingFlag
* attribute6
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute1
* lastUpdatedBy
* startDateActive
* resUtilizationPercentage
* attribute13
* attribute3
* tpAmtTypeCode
* attribute14
* resUtilCategoryId
* attribute10
* billableCapitalizableFlag
* unassignedFlag
* attribute4
* attribute8
* attribute11
* orgUtilizationPercentage
* creationDate
* endDateActive
* attributeCategory
* attribute15
* orgUtilCategoryId
* attribute7
* reduceCapacityFlag


 * language
* sourceLang
* name
* createdBy
* description
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdatedBy
* workTypeId
* creationDate


 * language
* sourceLang
* name
* createdBy
* description
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdatedBy
* workTypeId
* creationDate


 * structVersionId
* structType
* subroId
* supId
* creationDate
* subLevel
* subEmtId
* relationshipType
* subRollupId
* createdBy
* prgGroup
* structEmtId
* subLeafFlag
* supEmtId
* subId
* supProjectId
* supLevel
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdateDate


 * structVersionId
* structType
* subroId
* supId
* creationDate
* subLevel
* subEmtId
* relationshipType
* subRollupId
* createdBy
* prgGroup
* structEmtId
* subLeafFlag
* supEmtId
* subId
* supProjectId
* supLevel
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdateDate


 * batchId
* reference
* status
* minValue
* maxValue
* ledgerId


 * batchId
* reference
* status
* minValue
* maxValue
* ledgerId


 * createdBy
* paybackQuantity
* borrowTransactionId
* programApplicationId
* borrowTaskId
* lendingProjectId
* lendingTaskId
* lastUpdatedBy
* programId
* creationDate
* programUpdateDate
* lastUpdateDate
* requestId
* paybackTransactionId
* borrowProjectId
* lastUpdateLogin


 * createdBy
* paybackQuantity
* borrowTransactionId
* programApplicationId
* borrowTaskId
* lendingProjectId
* lendingTaskId
* lastUpdatedBy
* programId
* creationDate
* programUpdateDate
* lastUpdateDate
* requestId
* paybackTransactionId
* borrowProjectId
* lastUpdateLogin


 * borrowTransactionId
* outstandingQuantity
* createdBy
* lendingTaskId
* borrowTaskId
* revision
* requestId
* loanDate
* organizationId
* creationDate
* inventoryItemId
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* loanQuantity
* programId
* lendingProjectId
* scheduledPaybackDate
* programApplicationId
* programUpdateDate
* lastUpdateDate
* borrowProjectId


 * borrowTransactionId
* outstandingQuantity
* createdBy
* lendingTaskId
* borrowTaskId
* revision
* requestId
* loanDate
* organizationId
* creationDate
* inventoryItemId
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* loanQuantity
* programId
* lendingProjectId
* scheduledPaybackDate
* programApplicationId
* programUpdateDate
* lastUpdateDate
* borrowProjectId


 * wipEntityPattern
* taskAttribute14
* creationDate
* createdBy
* categoryId
* poHeaderId
* toOrganizationId
* taskAttribute3
* standardOperationId
* taskAttribute13
* taskAttribute6
* comments
* taskId
* lastUpdatedBy
* assignmentType
* wipMatlTxnType
* lastUpdateDate
* subinventoryCode
* taskAttribute2
* taskAttribute15
* taskAttribute5
* taskAttribute8
* taskAttribute11
* assemblyItemId
* taskAttribute10
* procureFlag
* taskAttributeCategory
* inventoryItemId
* lastUpdateLogin
* taskAttribute7
* organizationId
* taskAttribute12
* projectId
* departmentId
* taskAttribute9
* taskAttribute4
* taskAttribute1


 * wipEntityPattern
* taskAttribute14
* creationDate
* createdBy
* categoryId
* poHeaderId
* toOrganizationId
* taskAttribute3
* standardOperationId
* taskAttribute13
* taskAttribute6
* comments
* taskId
* lastUpdatedBy
* assignmentType
* wipMatlTxnType
* lastUpdateDate
* subinventoryCode
* taskAttribute2
* taskAttribute15
* taskAttribute5
* taskAttribute8
* taskAttribute11
* assemblyItemId
* taskAttribute10
* procureFlag
* taskAttributeCategory
* inventoryItemId
* lastUpdateLogin
* taskAttribute7
* organizationId
* taskAttribute12
* projectId
* departmentId
* taskAttribute9
* taskAttribute4
* taskAttribute1


 * distributionNum
* projectId


 * distributionNum
* projectId


 * projectId
* cmtLineId


 * projectId
* cmtLineId


 * costSource
* wipEntityId
* inventoryItemId
* projectId
* transactionId


 * costSource
* wipEntityId
* inventoryItemId
* projectId
* transactionId


 * projectId
* expenditureItemId


 * projectId
* expenditureItemId


 * organizationId
* projectId
* inventoryItemId


 * organizationId
* projectId
* inventoryItemId


 * lineId
* projectId


 * lineId
* projectId


 * projectId
* organizationId
* inventoryItemId


 * projectId
* organizationId
* inventoryItemId


 * projectId
* poDistributionId
* taskId


 * projectId
* poDistributionId
* taskId


 * requisitionLineId
* distributionId
* projectId


 * requisitionLineId
* distributionId
* projectId


 * projectId


 * projectId


 * projectId
* poHeaderId


 * projectId
* poHeaderId


 * poHeaderId
* projectId


 * poHeaderId
* projectId


 * lineId
* projectId


 * lineId
* projectId


 * taskId
* projectId


 * taskId
* projectId


 * wipEntityId
* inventoryItemId
* projectId
* operationSeqNum


 * wipEntityId
* inventoryItemId
* projectId
* operationSeqNum


 * creationDate
* fromTaskId
* toTaskId
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* createdBy
* lastUpdatedBy
* massTransferId


 * creationDate
* fromTaskId
* toTaskId
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* createdBy
* lastUpdatedBy
* massTransferId


 * attribute15
* transferMode
* attribute13
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute11
* transferDate
* attribute5
* acctPeriodId
* categorySetId
* processMode
* createdBy
* attribute3
* toProjectId
* attribute6
* fromProjectId
* creationDate
* organizationId
* categoryId
* attribute10
* attribute14
* inventoryItemId
* transferReference
* lastUpdateDate
* attributeCategory
* attribute12
* attribute4
* transferReasonId
* attribute8
* attribute1
* attribute7
* attribute9
* massTransferId
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute2


 * attribute15
* transferMode
* attribute13
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute11
* transferDate
* attribute5
* acctPeriodId
* categorySetId
* processMode
* createdBy
* attribute3
* toProjectId
* attribute6
* fromProjectId
* creationDate
* organizationId
* categoryId
* attribute10
* attribute14
* inventoryItemId
* transferReference
* lastUpdateDate
* attributeCategory
* attribute12
* attribute4
* transferReasonId
* attribute8
* attribute1
* attribute7
* attribute9
* massTransferId
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute2


 * ovhVarExpenditureType
* attribute10
* attribute12
* miscExpenditureType
* transferFreight
* paybackResVarAccount
* paybackOspVarAccount
* transferErv
* paybackMatVarAccount
* ppvExpenditureType
* organizationId
* attribute13
* createdBy
* transferTax
* attribute5
* resVarExpenditureType
* attribute6
* ipvExpenditureType
* mohVarExpenditureType
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute11
* commonProjectId
* attribute2
* creationDate
* allowCrossUnitnumIssues
* attribute15
* pjmClearingAccount
* transferIpv
* allowCrossProjPickwavealloc
* allowCrossProjIssues
* attribute9
* attributeCategory
* attribute3
* wipAsStraightTimeFlag
* matVarExpenditureType
* paAutoaccountingFlag
* lastUpdatedBy
* projectControlLevel
* attribute14
* paybackOvhVarAccount
* paPostingFlag
* dirItemExpenditureType
* attribute1
* attribute8
* ospVarExpenditureType
* attribute7
* lastUpdateDate
* paybackMohVarAccount
* projectReferenceEnabled
* freightExpenditureType
* taxExpenditureType
* transferMisc
* attribute4
* ervExpenditureType


 * ovhVarExpenditureType
* attribute10
* attribute12
* miscExpenditureType
* transferFreight
* paybackResVarAccount
* paybackOspVarAccount
* transferErv
* paybackMatVarAccount
* ppvExpenditureType
* organizationId
* attribute13
* createdBy
* transferTax
* attribute5
* resVarExpenditureType
* attribute6
* ipvExpenditureType
* mohVarExpenditureType
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute11
* commonProjectId
* attribute2
* creationDate
* allowCrossUnitnumIssues
* attribute15
* pjmClearingAccount
* transferIpv
* allowCrossProjPickwavealloc
* allowCrossProjIssues
* attribute9
* attributeCategory
* attribute3
* wipAsStraightTimeFlag
* matVarExpenditureType
* paAutoaccountingFlag
* lastUpdatedBy
* projectControlLevel
* attribute14
* paybackOvhVarAccount
* paPostingFlag
* dirItemExpenditureType
* attribute1
* attribute8
* ospVarExpenditureType
* attribute7
* lastUpdateDate
* paybackMohVarAccount
* projectReferenceEnabled
* freightExpenditureType
* taxExpenditureType
* transferMisc
* attribute4
* ervExpenditureType


 * wipAcctClassCode
* ervExpenditureType
* attribute6
* createdBy
* lastUpdateDate
* seibanNumberFlag
* ppvExpenditureType
* organizationId
* costingGroupId
* eamAcctClassCode
* ipvExpenditureType
* attribute10
* attribute13
* attribute1
* endDateActive
* attribute8
* startDateActive
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* creationDate
* freightExpenditureType
* attribute3
* attribute9
* attribute2
* dirItemExpenditureType
* attribute15
* attribute14
* taxExpenditureType
* attribute5
* attribute4
* attributeCategory
* miscExpenditureType
* attribute7
* attribute12
* attribute11
* planningGroup
* projectId


 * wipAcctClassCode
* ervExpenditureType
* attribute6
* createdBy
* lastUpdateDate
* seibanNumberFlag
* ppvExpenditureType
* organizationId
* costingGroupId
* eamAcctClassCode
* ipvExpenditureType
* attribute10
* attribute13
* attribute1
* endDateActive
* attribute8
* startDateActive
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* creationDate
* freightExpenditureType
* attribute3
* attribute9
* attribute2
* dirItemExpenditureType
* attribute15
* attribute14
* taxExpenditureType
* attribute5
* attribute4
* attributeCategory
* miscExpenditureType
* attribute7
* attribute12
* attribute11
* planningGroup
* projectId


 * attribute7
* billToSiteUseId
* attribute4
* projectId
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute2
* shipToSiteUseId
* attribute12
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute1
* attribute10
* creationDate
* attribute13
* projectName
* operatingUnit
* attribute6
* attribute3
* attribute11
* attributeCategory
* attribute8
* attribute14
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute5
* projectNumber
* attribute9
* customerId
* createdBy
* attribute15


 * attribute7
* billToSiteUseId
* attribute4
* projectId
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute2
* shipToSiteUseId
* attribute12
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute1
* attribute10
* creationDate
* attribute13
* projectName
* operatingUnit
* attribute6
* attribute3
* attribute11
* attributeCategory
* attribute8
* attribute14
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute5
* projectNumber
* attribute9
* customerId
* createdBy
* attribute15


 * lastUpdatedBy
* wipAcctClassCode
* lastUpdateDate
* eamAcctClassCode
* projectId
* lastUpdateLogin
* creationDate
* organizationId
* createdBy
* taskId


 * lastUpdatedBy
* wipAcctClassCode
* lastUpdateDate
* eamAcctClassCode
* projectId
* lastUpdateLogin
* creationDate
* organizationId
* createdBy
* taskId


 * programId
* attribute5
* attribute1
* creationDate
* attribute3
* attribute11
* attribute15
* attribute6
* programUpdateDate
* requestId
* attribute12
* attribute14
* attribute7
* createdBy
* endItemId
* attribute9
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* programApplicationId
* comments
* attribute8
* unitNumber
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute13
* attribute4
* masterOrganizationId
* attributeCategory
* attribute10
* prefix
* attribute2


 * programId
* attribute5
* attribute1
* creationDate
* attribute3
* attribute11
* attribute15
* attribute6
* programUpdateDate
* requestId
* attribute12
* attribute14
* attribute7
* createdBy
* endItemId
* attribute9
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* programApplicationId
* comments
* attribute8
* unitNumber
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute13
* attribute4
* masterOrganizationId
* attributeCategory
* attribute10
* prefix
* attribute2


 * organizationId
* lastUpdateLogin
* newUnitNumber
* createdBy
* creationDate
* lastUpdateDate
* inventoryItemId
* oldUnitNumber
* serialNumber
* lastUpdatedBy


 * organizationId
* lastUpdateLogin
* newUnitNumber
* createdBy
* creationDate
* lastUpdateDate
* inventoryItemId
* oldUnitNumber
* serialNumber
* lastUpdatedBy


 * attribute5
* action
* vendorContactTitle
* attribute9
* attribute13
* programUpdateDate
* vendorContactId
* lastUpdatedBy
* attributeCategory
* vendorContactName
* erecordId
* role
* lastUpdateLogin
* poHeaderId
* attribute10
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute11
* attribute8
* attribute14
* programId
* attribute12
* attribute6
* requestId
* programApplicationId
* attribute7
* revisionNum
* acceptanceId
* acceptingParty
* poReleaseId
* poLineLocationId
* vendorSignedDate
* actionDate
* attribute4
* note
* attribute15
* isDraft
* employeeId
* attribute1
* attribute3
* acceptanceLookupCode
* createdBy
* creationDate
* acceptedFlag
* draftId
* attribute2
* signatureFlag


 * attribute5
* action
* vendorContactTitle
* attribute9
* attribute13
* programUpdateDate
* vendorContactId
* lastUpdatedBy
* attributeCategory
* vendorContactName
* erecordId
* role
* lastUpdateLogin
* poHeaderId
* attribute10
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute11
* attribute8
* attribute14
* programId
* attribute12
* attribute6
* requestId
* programApplicationId
* attribute7
* revisionNum
* acceptanceId
* acceptingParty
* poReleaseId
* poLineLocationId
* vendorSignedDate
* actionDate
* attribute4
* note
* attribute15
* isDraft
* employeeId
* attribute1
* attribute3
* acceptanceLookupCode
* createdBy
* creationDate
* acceptedFlag
* draftId
* attribute2
* signatureFlag


 * poLineId
* programUpdateDate
* receiptNum
* accrualCode
* poTransactionType
* poUnitOfMeasure
* enteredTransactionAmount
* transactionOrganizationId
* requestId
* invoiceId
* inventoryItemId
* primaryUnitOfMeasure
* invoiceLineNum
* wipTransactionId
* poHeaderId
* comments
* netPoLineQuantity
* writeOffId
* poLineNum
* poNum
* vendorNameAlt
* avgReceiptPrice
* netPoLineAmount
* agingDate
* writeOffFlag
* invoiceNum
* programApplicationId
* wipTransactionTypeId
* accrualAccountId
* invoicePriceVariance
* transactionAmount
* periodName
* adjustmentTransaction
* programId
* transactionDate
* currencyConversionRate
* orgId
* itemMasterOrganizationId
* currencyConversionType
* transactionSourceCode
* currencyConversionDate
* poTransactionId
* transactionQuantity
* vendorId
* lineMatchOrder
* poDistributionId
* currencyCode
* invTransactionId
* transactionUnitPrice
* reasonId
* destinationTypeCode
* lineLocationId
* invTransactionTypeId
* vendorName


 * poLineId
* programUpdateDate
* receiptNum
* accrualCode
* poTransactionType
* poUnitOfMeasure
* enteredTransactionAmount
* transactionOrganizationId
* requestId
* invoiceId
* inventoryItemId
* primaryUnitOfMeasure
* invoiceLineNum
* wipTransactionId
* poHeaderId
* comments
* netPoLineQuantity
* writeOffId
* poLineNum
* poNum
* vendorNameAlt
* avgReceiptPrice
* netPoLineAmount
* agingDate
* writeOffFlag
* invoiceNum
* programApplicationId
* wipTransactionTypeId
* accrualAccountId
* invoicePriceVariance
* transactionAmount
* periodName
* adjustmentTransaction
* programId
* transactionDate
* currencyConversionRate
* orgId
* itemMasterOrganizationId
* currencyConversionType
* transactionSourceCode
* currencyConversionDate
* poTransactionId
* transactionQuantity
* vendorId
* lineMatchOrder
* poDistributionId
* currencyCode
* invTransactionId
* transactionUnitPrice
* reasonId
* destinationTypeCode
* lineLocationId
* invTransactionTypeId
* vendorName


 * poUnitOfMeasure
* transactionUnitPrice
* poNum
* destinationTypeCode
* invoiceLineNum
* poLineNum
* programUpdateDate
* lineMatchOrder
* poTransactionType
* currencyCode
* creationDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* vendorId
* writeOffCode
* adjustmentTransaction
* receiptNum
* transactionOrganizationId
* accrualAccountId
* writeOffId
* createdBy
* wipTransactionTypeId
* currencyConversionRate
* transactionAmount
* currencyConversionType
* writeOffGlDate
* accrualCode
* invoiceId
* invoiceNum
* vendorName
* primaryUnitOfMeasure
* comments
* lastUpdateLogin
* invTransactionTypeId
* reasonId
* lastUpdateDate
* invoicePriceVariance
* itemMasterOrganizationId
* requestId
* wipTransactionId
* invTransactionId
* programId
* transactionDate
* transactionQuantity
* poLineId
* programApplicationId
* poTransactionId
* netPoLineQuantity
* enteredTransactionAmount
* currencyConversionDate
* transactionSourceCode
* avgReceiptPrice
* inventoryItemId
* periodName
* poDistributionId
* orgId
* poHeaderId


 * poUnitOfMeasure
* transactionUnitPrice
* poNum
* destinationTypeCode
* invoiceLineNum
* poLineNum
* programUpdateDate
* lineMatchOrder
* poTransactionType
* currencyCode
* creationDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* vendorId
* writeOffCode
* adjustmentTransaction
* receiptNum
* transactionOrganizationId
* accrualAccountId
* writeOffId
* createdBy
* wipTransactionTypeId
* currencyConversionRate
* transactionAmount
* currencyConversionType
* writeOffGlDate
* accrualCode
* invoiceId
* invoiceNum
* vendorName
* primaryUnitOfMeasure
* comments
* lastUpdateLogin
* invTransactionTypeId
* reasonId
* lastUpdateDate
* invoicePriceVariance
* itemMasterOrganizationId
* requestId
* wipTransactionId
* invTransactionId
* programId
* transactionDate
* transactionQuantity
* poLineId
* programApplicationId
* poTransactionId
* netPoLineQuantity
* enteredTransactionAmount
* currencyConversionDate
* transactionSourceCode
* avgReceiptPrice
* inventoryItemId
* periodName
* poDistributionId
* orgId
* poHeaderId


 * employeeId
* lastUpdatedBy
* programApplicationId
* requestId
* objectId
* creationDate
* programUpdateDate
* sequenceNum
* objectTypeCode
* objectRevisionNum
* lastUpdateLogin
* approvalGroupId
* programId
* programDate
* actionCode
* offlineCode
* createdBy
* approvalPathId
* actionDate
* lastUpdateDate
* note
* objectSubTypeCode


 * employeeId
* lastUpdatedBy
* programApplicationId
* requestId
* objectId
* creationDate
* programUpdateDate
* sequenceNum
* objectTypeCode
* objectRevisionNum
* lastUpdateLogin
* approvalGroupId
* programId
* programDate
* actionCode
* offlineCode
* createdBy
* approvalPathId
* actionDate
* lastUpdateDate
* note
* objectSubTypeCode


 * attribute3
* attribute5
* attribute4
* locationId
* isContractOfficer
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute1
* agentId
* programId
* attribute9
* warrantId
* categoryId
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute6
* authorizationLimit
* startDateActive
* requestId
* attribute2
* attribute10
* attribute14
* creationDate
* attributeCategory
* attribute12
* programApplicationId
* endDateActive
* lastUpdatedBy
* programUpdateDate
* attribute13
* attribute11
* attribute7
* createdBy
* attribute8
* attribute15


 * attribute3
* attribute5
* attribute4
* locationId
* isContractOfficer
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute1
* agentId
* programId
* attribute9
* warrantId
* categoryId
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute6
* authorizationLimit
* startDateActive
* requestId
* attribute2
* attribute10
* attribute14
* creationDate
* attributeCategory
* attribute12
* programApplicationId
* endDateActive
* lastUpdatedBy
* programUpdateDate
* attribute13
* attribute11
* attribute7
* createdBy
* attribute8
* attribute15


 * documentSubtype
* revision
* documentId
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute9
* attribute13
* attribute5
* createdBy
* wfItemKey
* attributeCategory
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute7
* attribute12
* approvalListHeaderId
* attribute10
* approvalPathId
* firstApproverId
* attribute11
* documentType
* creationDate
* attribute4
* currentSequenceNum
* attribute6
* attribute2
* attribute8
* latestRevision
* attribute14
* attribute1
* wfItemType
* attribute3
* attribute15
* lastUpdatedBy


 * documentSubtype
* revision
* documentId
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute9
* attribute13
* attribute5
* createdBy
* wfItemKey
* attributeCategory
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute7
* attribute12
* approvalListHeaderId
* attribute10
* approvalPathId
* firstApproverId
* attribute11
* documentType
* creationDate
* attribute4
* currentSequenceNum
* attribute6
* attribute2
* attribute8
* latestRevision
* attribute14
* attribute1
* wfItemType
* attribute3
* attribute15
* lastUpdatedBy


 * comments
* attribute13
* createdBy
* attribute7
* approvalListLineId
* attribute10
* responseDate
* attribute8
* lastUpdateLogin
* notificationId
* attribute15
* requiresReapprovalFlag
* responderId
* creationDate
* attribute1
* attributeCategory
* nextElementId
* approvalListHeaderId
* attribute2
* attribute4
* attribute5
* approverType
* attribute9
* approverId
* forwardToId
* sequenceNum
* attribute14
* notificationRole
* mandatoryFlag
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute6
* attribute11
* attribute12
* status
* attribute3
* lastUpdateDate


 * comments
* attribute13
* createdBy
* attribute7
* approvalListLineId
* attribute10
* responseDate
* attribute8
* lastUpdateLogin
* notificationId
* attribute15
* requiresReapprovalFlag
* responderId
* creationDate
* attribute1
* attributeCategory
* nextElementId
* approvalListHeaderId
* attribute2
* attribute4
* attribute5
* approverType
* attribute9
* approverId
* forwardToId
* sequenceNum
* attribute14
* notificationRole
* mandatoryFlag
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute6
* attribute11
* attribute12
* status
* attribute3
* lastUpdateDate


 * attribute14
* attribute15
* ipCategoryId
* vendorBusinessType
* comments
* aslStatusId
* attribute13
* attribute1
* programApplicationId
* owningOrganizationId
* usingOrganizationId
* programId
* attribute11
* attribute12
* creationDate
* createdBy
* attributeCategory
* manufacturerId
* programUpdateDate
* categoryId
* itemId
* disableFlag
* attribute7
* attribute10
* vendorId
* attribute9
* aslId
* attribute6
* attribute5
* reviewByDate
* lastUpdatedProgram
* vendorSiteId
* attribute3
* attribute2
* manufacturerAslId
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute4
* attribute8
* lastUpdateDate
* requestId
* primaryVendorItem


 * attribute14
* attribute15
* ipCategoryId
* vendorBusinessType
* comments
* aslStatusId
* attribute13
* attribute1
* programApplicationId
* owningOrganizationId
* usingOrganizationId
* programId
* attribute11
* attribute12
* creationDate
* createdBy
* attributeCategory
* manufacturerId
* programUpdateDate
* categoryId
* itemId
* disableFlag
* attribute7
* attribute10
* vendorId
* attribute9
* aslId
* attribute6
* attribute5
* reviewByDate
* lastUpdatedProgram
* vendorSiteId
* attribute3
* attribute2
* manufacturerAslId
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute4
* attribute8
* lastUpdateDate
* requestId
* primaryVendorItem


 * sessionKey
* rejectionReason
* userKey
* entityName


 * sessionKey
* rejectionReason
* userKey
* entityName


 * programId
* attribute6
* vmiMinDays
* shipScheduleType
* creationDate
* priceUpdateTolerance
* planScheduleType
* attributeCategory
* vendorId
* attribute3
* minOrderQty
* vmiMaxQty
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* processingLeadTime
* attribute12
* vmiReplenishmentApproval
* consignedFromSupplierFlag
* enableShipScheduleFlag
* vendorSiteId
* consumeOnAgingFlag
* attribute7
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute1
* countryOfOriginCode
* enablePlanScheduleFlag
* usingOrganizationId
* aslId
* attribute8
* createdBy
* attribute13
* attribute10
* schedulerId
* deliveryCalendar
* purchasingUnitOfMeasure
* vmiMaxDays
* agingPeriod
* fixedLotMultiple
* attribute15
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* clmStandardForm
* segment28
* clmPopDurationUom
* amountFunded
* bidNumber
* amountShipment
* clmFscPsc
* attribute10
* message
* costConstraint
* clmDeliveryEventCode
* status
* attribute5
* revisionNum
* recoupmentRate
* segment29
* jobId
* taxName
* amountToEncumber
* documentSubType
* clmCotrContact
* freightTerms
* creationDate
* enableAllSites
* programApplicationId
* projectName
* startDateActive
* fobLookupCode
* okeContractHeaderId
* clmOrderStartDate
* clmMinGuaranteeAward
* awardNumber
* clmSpecialContractTypeDsp
* distributionNum
* draftId
* clmContractFinanceCode
* contractTypeDsp
* taxCodeId
* clmOptionFromDate
* clmExternalIdv
* segment12
* billToLocationId
* lineReferenceNum
* lineTypeId
* ipCategoryId
* quantity
* auctionDisplayNumber
* distributionType
* bidPaymentId
* agentId
* cpaReference
* attribute7
* createdBy
* description
* deliverToLocationId
* clmPaymentSequenceNum
* clmBaseLineId
* freightTermsLookupCode
* supplierRefNumber
* committedAmount
* noteToVendor
* overToleranceErrorFlag
* fundedValue
* clmDefenceFunding
* clmTotalQuantityRemaining
* updateSourcingRulesFlag
* attributeCategory
* negotiatedByPreparerFlag
* noteToReceiver
* destinationOrganizationId
* hazardClass
* paymentTerms
* ediProcessedFlag
* expenditureItemDate
* vendorSiteId
* inspectionRequiredFlag
* clmSrcDocNum
* retainageWithheldAmount
* vendorId
* itemId
* userDocumentStatus
* attribute9
* clmStandardFormDsp
* category
* destinationSubinventory
* transactionReasonCode
* currencyCode
* documentType
* fob
* progressPaymentRate
* clmInfoFlag
* estimatedTaxAmount
* taxRecoveryOverrideFlag
* baseLineNum
* vmiFlag
* clmMinOrderAmount
* changeInFundedValue
* clmDefenceFundingDsp
* segment6
* clmSrcDocHeaderId
* termsId
* advanceAmount
* poLineId
* supplierEmail
* expenditureType
* lineLocationId
* clmIdcType
* allowSubstituteReceiptsFlag
* groupLineId
* wipOperationSeqNum
* buyerName
* attribute3
* clmMinTotalQuantity
* poHeaderId
* supplierFax
* clmNaics
* clmFmsCaseNumber
* transactionType
* clmExhibitName
* matchOption
* invoiceAdjustmentFlag
* maxRetainageAmount
* expenditureOrganizationId
* clmSpecialContractType
* daysEarlyReceiptAllowed
* vendorContactId
* clmDeliveryEventCodeDsp
* contractType
* quantityShipment
* quantityFunded
* segment7
* segment14
* daysLateReceiptAllowed
* transactionReasonDsp
* payOnCode
* receiptDaysExcCodeDsp
* firmDate
* fromLineId
* okeContractLineNum
* deliverToLocation
* encumbranceRequiredFlag
* recoveryRate
* auctionLineNumber
* clmSrcDocLineNum
* glEncumberedDate
* clmOrderEndDate
* segment15
* type1099
* amountOrdered
* approvedFlag
* clmModIssuingOffice
* sourceShipmentId
* contractorLastName
* processStatus
* programId
* fromHeaderId
* ospAssembly
* priceUpdateTolerance
* endDateActive
* clmEffectiveDate
* chargeAccountConcatSegment
* clmMaxOrderAmount
* authorizationStatus
* oldUomLookupCode
* documentStatus
* allowPriceOverrideFlag
* awardId
* lastUpdatedBy
* shipToOrganizationId
* clmPeriodPerfStartDate
* resultfmtUsageId
* contractorFirstName
* attribute11
* endDate
* lineType
* priceTypeLookupCodeDsp
* autoSourcingFlag
* segment10
* attribute12
* clmCotrOffice
* unitOfMeasure
* umbrellaProgramId
* projectId
* secondaryUomDsp
* okeContractDeliverableId
* encumberedAmount
* revisedDate
* payWhenPaidDsp
* enabledFlag
* clmAmountReleased
* okeContractLineId
* rateTypeDsp
* destinationTypeCode
* wipEntityId
* baseUnitPrice
* qtyRcvExceptionCode
* amountLimit
* documentTotal
* fromLineLocationId
* segment16
* segment23
* attribute2
* groupLineNum
* rateType
* shipToLocationId
* qtyRcvTolerance
* comments
* segment30
* userHoldFlag
* outsourcedAssembly
* reqHeaderReferenceNum
* priceDiscount
* endItemUnitNumber
* reqDistributionId
* categoryId
* lineNumDisplay
* shippingControlDsp
* workApproverId
* receiveCloseTolerance
* fonRefId
* segment5
* okeContractDeliverableNum
* ipCategoryName
* shipmentNum
* payWhenPaid
* segment27
* secondaryQuantity
* segment9
* organizationId
* qtyRcvExceptionCodeDsp
* wipJob
* expenditureOrganization
* segment22
* segment21
* listPricePerUnit
* clmAmtSyncedToAgreement
* task
* clmPopExceptionReason
* shipToOrganizationCode
* clmAgencyAcctIdentifier
* bomResourceId
* unitMeasLookupCode
* maxOrderQuantity
* deliverToPersonId
* matchOptionDsp
* shippingControl
* amount
* acceptanceDueDate
* paymentTypeDsp
* agreedAmount
* clmPeriodPerfEndDate
* destinationType
* oldQuantity
* segment18
* notToExceedPrice
* srcDocNum
* shipToLocation
* okeContractVersionId
* clmNoSignedCopies
* vendorProductNum
* unitMeasLookupDsp
* itemRevision
* submitDate
* documentNumber
* minReleaseAmount
* clmMinGuarAwardAmtPercent
* rateDate
* clmDeliveryPeriod
* reqLineReferenceNum
* clmPriorityCode
* receivingRoutingId
* confirmingOrderFlag
* destChargeAccountId
* clmOptionToDate
* clmExercisedFlag
* clmMaxTotalQuantity
* enforceShipToLocCodeDsp
* documentNote
* clmMdapsMais
* clmContractOfficerName
* segment1
* clmPromisePeriod
* segment11
* attribute13
* clmDefaultDistFlag
* segment13
* attribute15
* shipmentType
* costConstraintDsp
* segment2
* accrueOnReceiptFlag
* countryOfOriginCode
* retainageRate
* ospAssemblyItemId
* segment20
* taxableFlag
* unitPrice
* promisedDate
* payOnCodeDsp
* clmContractFinanceCodeDsp
* poDistributionId
* rate
* taskId
* billToLocation
* requestId
* itemDescription
* paymentType
* orgId
* clmAwardAdministratorName
* okeContractHeaderNum
* priceTypeLookupCode
* orgName
* preferredGrade
* clmPromisePeriodUom
* ediProcessedStatus


 * acceptanceRequiredFlagDsp
* acrn
* contractNum
* clmMiscLoa
* capitalExpenseFlag
* clmCloseoutStatus
* clmPopDuration
* clmUndefActionCode
* workApprover
* acceptanceRequiredFlag
* clmMinOrderQuantity
* schedulesRequiredFlag
* clmAwardAdministrator
* supplierNotifMethod
* supplyAgreementFlag
* supplierSite
* segment4
* receivingRouting
* unNumber
* clmTotalAmountRemaining
* approvedDate
* lineNum
* attribute1
* receiptRequiredFlag
* segment17
* receiptDaysExceptionCode
* changeStatus
* minOrderQuantity
* supplierContact
* wipResourceSeqNum
* result
* consignedFlag
* supplier
* clmIssuingOffice
* shipViaLookupCode
* supplierOrderLineNumber
* needByDate
* deliverToPerson
* wipProductionLine
* budgetAccountId
* clmDeliveryPeriodUom
* priceOverride
* itemNumber
* segment3
* clmSourceDocumentNumber
* clmSourceDocumentId
* secondaryUnitOfMeasure
* segment26
* fonName
* clmMinGuarAward
* attribute4
* clmVendorOfferNumber
* amountRecouped
* invoiceCloseTolerance
* batchId
* styleName
* partialFundedFlag
* clmIdcTypeDsp
* jobName
* sourceDistributionId
* lastUpdateDate
* clmDocumentFormat
* fax
* segment8
* startDate
* unNumberId
* wipLineId
* valuePercent
* attribute6
* styleId
* umbrellaProgName
* attribute8
* expirationDate
* clmAwardType
* matchApprovalLevel
* clmExercisedDate
* auctionHeaderId
* bidLineNumber
* clmPaymentInstrCode
* firmStatusLookupCode
* destVarianceAccountId
* destinationOrganization
* attribute14
* createdLanguage
* ccid
* clmDocumentFormatDsp
* clmMinTotalAmount
* lastUpdateLogin
* orderTypeLookupCode
* quantityOrdered
* totalNote
* srcDocLineNum
* segment24
* budgetAccountConcatSegment
* contractId
* userDocumentStatusDsp
* clmContractOfficer
* hazardClassId
* shipToOrganization
* segment25
* programUpdateDate
* segment19
* wipRepetitiveScheduleId
* clmPaymentInstrCodeDsp
* clmStandardForm
* segment28
* clmPopDurationUom
* amountFunded
* bidNumber
* amountShipment
* clmFscPsc
* attribute10
* message
* costConstraint
* clmDeliveryEventCode
* status
* attribute5
* revisionNum
* recoupmentRate
* segment29
* jobId
* taxName
* amountToEncumber
* documentSubType
* clmCotrContact
* freightTerms
* creationDate
* enableAllSites
* programApplicationId
* projectName
* startDateActive
* fobLookupCode
* okeContractHeaderId
* clmOrderStartDate
* clmMinGuaranteeAward
* awardNumber
* clmSpecialContractTypeDsp
* distributionNum
* draftId
* clmContractFinanceCode
* contractTypeDsp
* taxCodeId
* clmOptionFromDate
* clmExternalIdv
* segment12
* billToLocationId
* lineReferenceNum
* lineTypeId
* ipCategoryId
* quantity
* auctionDisplayNumber
* distributionType
* bidPaymentId
* agentId
* cpaReference
* attribute7
* createdBy
* description
* deliverToLocationId
* clmPaymentSequenceNum
* clmBaseLineId
* freightTermsLookupCode
* supplierRefNumber
* committedAmount
* noteToVendor
* overToleranceErrorFlag
* fundedValue
* clmDefenceFunding
* clmTotalQuantityRemaining
* updateSourcingRulesFlag
* attributeCategory
* negotiatedByPreparerFlag
* noteToReceiver
* destinationOrganizationId
* hazardClass
* paymentTerms
* ediProcessedFlag
* expenditureItemDate
* vendorSiteId
* inspectionRequiredFlag
* clmSrcDocNum
* retainageWithheldAmount
* vendorId
* itemId
* userDocumentStatus
* attribute9
* clmStandardFormDsp
* category
* destinationSubinventory
* transactionReasonCode
* currencyCode
* documentType
* fob
* progressPaymentRate
* clmInfoFlag
* estimatedTaxAmount
* taxRecoveryOverrideFlag
* baseLineNum
* vmiFlag
* clmMinOrderAmount
* changeInFundedValue
* clmDefenceFundingDsp
* segment6
* clmSrcDocHeaderId
* termsId
* advanceAmount
* poLineId
* supplierEmail
* expenditureType
* lineLocationId
* clmIdcType
* allowSubstituteReceiptsFlag
* groupLineId
* wipOperationSeqNum
* buyerName
* attribute3
* clmMinTotalQuantity
* poHeaderId
* supplierFax
* clmNaics
* clmFmsCaseNumber
* transactionType
* clmExhibitName
* matchOption
* invoiceAdjustmentFlag
* maxRetainageAmount
* expenditureOrganizationId
* clmSpecialContractType
* daysEarlyReceiptAllowed
* vendorContactId
* clmDeliveryEventCodeDsp
* contractType
* quantityShipment
* quantityFunded
* segment7
* segment14
* daysLateReceiptAllowed
* transactionReasonDsp
* payOnCode
* receiptDaysExcCodeDsp
* firmDate
* fromLineId
* okeContractLineNum
* deliverToLocation
* encumbranceRequiredFlag
* recoveryRate
* auctionLineNumber
* clmSrcDocLineNum
* glEncumberedDate
* clmOrderEndDate
* segment15
* type1099
* amountOrdered
* approvedFlag
* clmModIssuingOffice
* sourceShipmentId
* contractorLastName
* processStatus
* programId
* fromHeaderId
* ospAssembly
* priceUpdateTolerance
* endDateActive
* clmEffectiveDate
* chargeAccountConcatSegment
* clmMaxOrderAmount
* authorizationStatus
* oldUomLookupCode
* documentStatus
* allowPriceOverrideFlag
* awardId
* lastUpdatedBy
* shipToOrganizationId
* clmPeriodPerfStartDate
* resultfmtUsageId
* contractorFirstName
* attribute11
* endDate
* lineType
* priceTypeLookupCodeDsp
* autoSourcingFlag
* segment10
* attribute12
* clmCotrOffice
* unitOfMeasure
* umbrellaProgramId
* projectId
* secondaryUomDsp
* okeContractDeliverableId
* encumberedAmount
* revisedDate
* payWhenPaidDsp
* enabledFlag
* clmAmountReleased
* okeContractLineId
* rateTypeDsp
* destinationTypeCode
* wipEntityId
* baseUnitPrice
* qtyRcvExceptionCode
* amountLimit
* documentTotal
* fromLineLocationId
* segment16
* segment23
* attribute2
* groupLineNum
* rateType
* shipToLocationId
* qtyRcvTolerance
* comments
* segment30
* userHoldFlag
* outsourcedAssembly
* reqHeaderReferenceNum
* priceDiscount
* endItemUnitNumber
* reqDistributionId
* categoryId
* lineNumDisplay
* shippingControlDsp
* workApproverId
* receiveCloseTolerance
* fonRefId
* segment5
* okeContractDeliverableNum
* ipCategoryName
* shipmentNum
* payWhenPaid
* segment27
* secondaryQuantity
* segment9
* organizationId
* qtyRcvExceptionCodeDsp
* wipJob
* expenditureOrganization
* segment22
* segment21
* listPricePerUnit
* clmAmtSyncedToAgreement
* task
* clmPopExceptionReason
* shipToOrganizationCode
* clmAgencyAcctIdentifier
* bomResourceId
* unitMeasLookupCode
* maxOrderQuantity
* deliverToPersonId
* matchOptionDsp
* shippingControl
* amount
* acceptanceDueDate
* paymentTypeDsp
* agreedAmount
* clmPeriodPerfEndDate
* destinationType
* oldQuantity
* segment18
* notToExceedPrice
* srcDocNum
* shipToLocation
* okeContractVersionId
* clmNoSignedCopies
* vendorProductNum
* unitMeasLookupDsp
* itemRevision
* submitDate
* documentNumber
* minReleaseAmount
* clmMinGuarAwardAmtPercent
* rateDate
* clmDeliveryPeriod
* reqLineReferenceNum
* clmPriorityCode
* receivingRoutingId
* confirmingOrderFlag
* destChargeAccountId
* clmOptionToDate
* clmExercisedFlag
* clmMaxTotalQuantity
* enforceShipToLocCodeDsp
* documentNote
* clmMdapsMais
* clmContractOfficerName
* segment1
* clmPromisePeriod
* segment11
* attribute13
* clmDefaultDistFlag
* segment13
* attribute15
* shipmentType
* costConstraintDsp
* segment2
* accrueOnReceiptFlag
* countryOfOriginCode
* retainageRate
* ospAssemblyItemId
* segment20
* taxableFlag
* unitPrice
* promisedDate
* payOnCodeDsp
* clmContractFinanceCodeDsp
* poDistributionId
* rate
* taskId
* billToLocation
* requestId
* itemDescription
* paymentType
* orgId
* clmAwardAdministratorName
* okeContractHeaderNum
* priceTypeLookupCode
* orgName
* preferredGrade
* clmPromisePeriodUom
* ediProcessedStatus


 * description
* actionType
* attribute6
* lastUpdateLogin
* status
* attributeCategory
* attribute5
* attribute10
* attribute14
* attribute2
* attribute4
* attribute12
* lastUpdatedBy
* entityId
* attribute11
* entityId2
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute15
* attribute9
* actionId
* targetDate
* creationDate
* attribute1
* createdBy
* assigneePerId
* comments
* attribute7
* attribute8
* attribute3
* attribute13
* entityType


 * description
* actionType
* attribute6
* lastUpdateLogin
* status
* attributeCategory
* attribute5
* attribute10
* attribute14
* attribute2
* attribute4
* attribute12
* lastUpdatedBy
* entityId
* attribute11
* entityId2
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute15
* attribute9
* actionId
* targetDate
* creationDate
* attribute1
* createdBy
* assigneePerId
* comments
* attribute7
* attribute8
* attribute3
* attribute13
* entityType


 * sequenceNumber
* toleranceName
* createdBy
* changeOrderType
* lastUpdateLogin
* maximumDecrement
* creationDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* orgId
* lastUpdateDate
* zdSync
* routingFlag
* maximumIncrement
* zdEditionName
* toleranceId


 * sequenceNumber
* toleranceName
* createdBy
* changeOrderType
* lastUpdateLogin
* maximumDecrement
* creationDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* orgId
* lastUpdateDate
* zdSync
* routingFlag
* maximumIncrement
* zdEditionName
* toleranceId


 * parentLineLocationId
* oldSupplierOrderLineNumber
* supplierDocRef
* oldQuantity
* approvalRequiredFlag
* refPoNum
* documentLineNumber
* requestOrigin
* oldSupplierPartNumber
* documentType
* documentShipmentNumber
* oldPromisedDate
* documentDistributionNumber
* newCurrencyUnitPrice
* changeRequestId
* initiator
* changeActiveFlag
* vendorSiteId
* nonrecoverableTax
* requestLevel
* refPoHeaderId
* createdBy
* newPromisedDate
* documentRevisionNum
* refPoRelNum
* newPrice
* newNeedByDate
* wfItemType
* requesterId
* oldExpirationDate
* newSupplierOrderLineNumber
* newPayDescription
* lastUpdatedBy
* additionalChanges
* vendorId
* oldSupplierOrderNumber
* lastUpdateDate
* newSupplierReferenceNumber
* documentLineId
* requestStatus
* newAmount
* responseReason
* oldStartDate
* requestExpirationDate
* oldAmount
* oldSupplierReferenceNumber
* changeRequestGroupId
* lastUpdateLogin
* requestReason
* creationDate
* recoverableTax
* newProgressType
* msgContNum
* oldNeedByDate
* supplierLineRef
* newSupplierPartNumber
* oldPrice
* documentLineLocationId
* refPoReleaseId
* oldCurrencyAmount
* documentDistributionId
* documentNum
* responseDate
* newSupplierOrderNumber
* isDraft
* documentHeaderId
* newQuantity
* oldCurrencyUnitPrice
* cancelBackingReq
* newCurrencyAmount
* supplierShipmentRef
* actionType
* parentChangeRequestId
* respondedBy
* wfItemKey
* vendorContactId
* validationError
* newStartDate
* poReleaseId
* newExpirationDate


 * parentLineLocationId
* oldSupplierOrderLineNumber
* supplierDocRef
* oldQuantity
* approvalRequiredFlag
* refPoNum
* documentLineNumber
* requestOrigin
* oldSupplierPartNumber
* documentType
* documentShipmentNumber
* oldPromisedDate
* documentDistributionNumber
* newCurrencyUnitPrice
* changeRequestId
* initiator
* changeActiveFlag
* vendorSiteId
* nonrecoverableTax
* requestLevel
* refPoHeaderId
* createdBy
* newPromisedDate
* documentRevisionNum
* refPoRelNum
* newPrice
* newNeedByDate
* wfItemType
* requesterId
* oldExpirationDate
* newSupplierOrderLineNumber
* newPayDescription
* lastUpdatedBy
* additionalChanges
* vendorId
* oldSupplierOrderNumber
* lastUpdateDate
* newSupplierReferenceNumber
* documentLineId
* requestStatus
* newAmount
* responseReason
* oldStartDate
* requestExpirationDate
* oldAmount
* oldSupplierReferenceNumber
* changeRequestGroupId
* lastUpdateLogin
* requestReason
* creationDate
* recoverableTax
* newProgressType
* msgContNum
* oldNeedByDate
* supplierLineRef
* newSupplierPartNumber
* oldPrice
* documentLineLocationId
* refPoReleaseId
* oldCurrencyAmount
* documentDistributionId
* documentNum
* responseDate
* newSupplierOrderNumber
* isDraft
* documentHeaderId
* newQuantity
* oldCurrencyUnitPrice
* cancelBackingReq
* newCurrencyAmount
* supplierShipmentRef
* actionType
* parentChangeRequestId
* respondedBy
* wfItemKey
* vendorContactId
* validationError
* newStartDate
* poReleaseId
* newExpirationDate


 * attribute22
* attribute11
* attribute16
* attribute15
* createdBy
* attribute1
* attribute4
* attribute21
* lastUpdateDate
* creationDate
* attribute5
* attribute23
* attribute8
* attribute12
* attributeCategory
* attribute20
* siteId
* attribute3
* attribute10
* attribute14
* attribute18
* attribute25
* attribute2
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute17
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute9
* attribute6
* attribute19
* attribute13
* attribute24
* agencyId
* attribute7


 * attribute22
* attribute11
* attribute16
* attribute15
* createdBy
* attribute1
* attribute4
* attribute21
* lastUpdateDate
* creationDate
* attribute5
* attribute23
* attribute8
* attribute12
* attributeCategory
* attribute20
* siteId
* attribute3
* attribute10
* attribute14
* attribute18
* attribute25
* attribute2
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute17
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute9
* attribute6
* attribute19
* attribute13
* attribute24
* agencyId
* attribute7


 * actionEndDate
* oldStatus
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* newStatus
* newBuyerId
* lastUpdatedBy
* assignmentId
* actionTakenBy
* createdBy
* reason
* oldBuyerId
* lastUpdateDate
* actionStartDate


 * actionEndDate
* oldStatus
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* newStatus
* newBuyerId
* lastUpdatedBy
* assignmentId
* actionTakenBy
* createdBy
* reason
* oldBuyerId
* lastUpdateDate
* actionStartDate


 * estimatedCompletionDays
* startDate
* milestoneType
* creationDate
* description
* actualCompletionDate
* milestoneCode
* lastUpdateLogin
* estimatedCompletionDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* createdBy
* lastUpdateDate
* assignmentId


 * estimatedCompletionDays
* startDate
* milestoneType
* creationDate
* description
* actualCompletionDate
* milestoneCode
* lastUpdateLogin
* estimatedCompletionDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* createdBy
* lastUpdateDate
* assignmentId


 * assignmentStatus
* estimatedCompletionDate#1
* actualCompletionDate
* buyerId
* creationDate
* estimatedCompletionDays#1
* assignmentId
* milestoneTemplateId
* lastUpdateDate
* estimatedCompletionDate
* assignmentStartDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* createdBy
* lastUpdatedBy
* estimatedCompletionDays
* assignmentType
* assignmentNumber


 * assignmentStatus
* estimatedCompletionDate#1
* actualCompletionDate
* buyerId
* creationDate
* estimatedCompletionDays#1
* assignmentId
* milestoneTemplateId
* lastUpdateDate
* estimatedCompletionDate
* assignmentStartDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* createdBy
* lastUpdatedBy
* estimatedCompletionDays
* assignmentType
* assignmentNumber


 * createdBy
* creationDate
* messageText
* messageLevel
* module
* messageCode
* lastUpdateLogin
* poDraftId
* poHeaderId
* sourceTransaction
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateDate
* carId


 * createdBy
* creationDate
* messageText
* messageLevel
* module
* messageCode
* lastUpdateLogin
* poDraftId
* poHeaderId
* sourceTransaction
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateDate
* carId


 * attribute17
* attribute22
* attribute12
* carId
* attribute6
* relWithoutRptReason
* attribute9
* attribute14
* attribute25
* carNumber
* attribute11
* exemptionReason
* creationDate
* agencyId
* attribute20
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute5
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute18
* contractingOfficeAgencyId
* attribute8
* attribute10
* carStatus
* poDraftId
* carDescription
* carXml
* dateSigned
* awardIdvType
* reportType
* createdBy
* modificationSegment
* transactionNumber
* poHeaderId
* attribute7
* attribute23
* attribute3
* attribute4
* attribute21
* preparedUser
* attributeCategory
* attribute15
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute24
* attribute1
* attribute16
* attribute19
* reportingMethod
* piid
* attribute13
* approvedWithoutReporting
* attribute2


 * attribute17
* attribute22
* attribute12
* carId
* attribute6
* relWithoutRptReason
* attribute9
* attribute14
* attribute25
* carNumber
* attribute11
* exemptionReason
* creationDate
* agencyId
* attribute20
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute5
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute18
* contractingOfficeAgencyId
* attribute8
* attribute10
* carStatus
* poDraftId
* carDescription
* carXml
* dateSigned
* awardIdvType
* reportType
* createdBy
* modificationSegment
* transactionNumber
* poHeaderId
* attribute7
* attribute23
* attribute3
* attribute4
* attribute21
* preparedUser
* attributeCategory
* attribute15
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute24
* attribute1
* attribute16
* attribute19
* reportingMethod
* piid
* attribute13
* approvedWithoutReporting
* attribute2


 * createdBy
* lastUpdateDate
* creationDate
* milestoneTemplateId
* milestoneTemplateName
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdatedBy
* estimatedCompletionDays
* milestoneTemplateDescription


 * createdBy
* lastUpdateDate
* creationDate
* milestoneTemplateId
* milestoneTemplateName
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdatedBy
* estimatedCompletionDays
* milestoneTemplateDescription


 * milestoneTemplateId
* milestoneType
* lastUpdateLogin
* description
* estimatedCompletionDays
* milestoneCode
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateDate
* createdBy
* creationDate


 * milestoneTemplateId
* milestoneType
* lastUpdateLogin
* description
* estimatedCompletionDays
* milestoneCode
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateDate
* createdBy
* creationDate


 * lastUpdatedBy
* actionDate
* segment1
* creationDate
* office
* lastUpdateDate
* actionCode
* remarks
* contact
* requisitionHeaderId
* notes
* createdBy
* sequenceNum
* lastUpdateLogin


 * lastUpdatedBy
* actionDate
* segment1
* creationDate
* office
* lastUpdateDate
* actionCode
* remarks
* contact
* requisitionHeaderId
* notes
* createdBy
* sequenceNum
* lastUpdateLogin


 * lastUpdatedBy
* creationDate
* reportType
* fpdsAwardType
* lastUpdateDate
* zdSync
* clmAwardType
* createdBy
* zdEditionName
* lastUpdateLogin


 * lastUpdatedBy
* creationDate
* reportType
* fpdsAwardType
* lastUpdateDate
* zdSync
* clmAwardType
* createdBy
* zdEditionName
* lastUpdateLogin


 * lookupType
* orgId
* currentMaxSerialNumber
* lastUpdatedBy
* createdBy
* rangeEnd
* prefix
* lastUpdateDate
* recoverableFlag
* rangeStart
* lastUpdateLogin
* tableName
* creationDate


 * lookupType
* orgId
* currentMaxSerialNumber
* lastUpdatedBy
* createdBy
* rangeEnd
* prefix
* lastUpdateDate
* recoverableFlag
* rangeStart
* lastUpdateLogin
* tableName
* creationDate


 * acoRemarks
* attribute3
* acoSignedDate
* closeoutDate
* acoSignerName
* attribute11
* acoSignatureType
* attribute10
* lastUpdateLogin
* pcoRemarks
* pcoSignerName
* attribute1
* createdBy
* acoSignerId
* closeoutId
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* attribute6
* pcoSignerId
* stagingPeriod
* attribute12
* attribute15
* checkListSignRequired
* pcoSignedDate
* rententionPeriodUom
* referenceDocId
* checkListSignerId
* ccsRequired
* attribute13
* rententionPeriod
* attribute8
* incloseout
* isReopened
* attribute4
* attribute5
* ccsSignRequired
* attributeCategory
* checklistSignedDate
* attribute9
* stagingPeriodUom
* attribute7
* pcoSignatureType
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute14
* checkListRequired
* creationDate
* pcoConcursDateYn


 * acoRemarks
* attribute3
* acoSignedDate
* closeoutDate
* acoSignerName
* attribute11
* acoSignatureType
* attribute10
* lastUpdateLogin
* pcoRemarks
* pcoSignerName
* attribute1
* createdBy
* acoSignerId
* closeoutId
* closeoutDocType
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute2
* attribute6
* pcoSignerId
* stagingPeriod
* attribute12
* attribute15
* checkListSignRequired
* pcoSignedDate
* rententionPeriodUom
* referenceDocId
* checkListSignerId
* ccsRequired
* attribute13
* rententionPeriod
* attribute8
* incloseout
* isReopened
* attribute4
* attribute5
* ccsSignRequired
* attributeCategory
* checklistSignedDate
* attribute9
* stagingPeriodUom
* attribute7
* pcoSignatureType
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute14
* checkListRequired
* creationDate
* pcoConcursDateYn


 * lastUpdatedBy
* commodityId
* commodityCode
* createdBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* activeFlag
* lastUpdateDate
* creationDate


 * lastUpdatedBy
* commodityId
* commodityCode
* createdBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* activeFlag
* lastUpdateDate
* creationDate


 * creationDate
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* description
* commodityId
* createdBy
* name
* lastUpdateLogin
* language
* sourceLang


 * creationDate
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* description
* commodityId
* createdBy
* name
* lastUpdateLogin
* language
* sourceLang


 * commodityId
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdatedBy
* creationDate
* createdBy
* lastUpdateDate
* categoryId


 * commodityId
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdatedBy
* creationDate
* createdBy
* lastUpdateDate
* categoryId


 * lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdateDate
* menuId
* createdBy
* lastUpdatedBy
* personId
* commodityId
* creationDate


 * lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdateDate
* menuId
* createdBy
* lastUpdatedBy
* personId
* commodityId
* creationDate


 * attribute2
* programUpdateDate
* attribute13
* description
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute7
* attribute9
* attribute4
* attribute6
* controlGroupId
* attribute14
* attribute1
* attribute3
* attribute10
* attribute15
* attribute12
* lastUpdateDate
* orgId
* createdBy
* requestId
* attribute11
* attribute8
* enabledFlag
* controlGroupName
* programApplicationId
* attributeCategory
* attribute5
* creationDate
* programId


 * controlGroupName
* auditUserName
* auditTimestamp
* auditTransactionType
* rowKey
* controlGroupId
* auditSequenceId
* auditSessionId
* auditTrueNulls
* enabledFlag
* auditCommitId


 * controlGroupName
* auditUserName
* auditTimestamp
* auditTransactionType
* rowKey
* controlGroupId
* auditSequenceId
* auditSessionId
* auditTrueNulls
* enabledFlag
* auditCommitId


 * attribute2
* programUpdateDate
* attribute13
* description
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute7
* attribute9
* attribute4
* attribute6
* controlGroupId
* attribute14
* attribute1
* attribute3
* attribute10
* attribute15
* attribute12
* lastUpdateDate
* orgId
* createdBy
* requestId
* attribute11
* attribute8
* enabledFlag
* controlGroupName
* programApplicationId
* attributeCategory
* attribute5
* creationDate
* programId


 * segment7Low
* segment26High
* segment4Low
* segment3Low
* segment15Low
* attributeCategory
* segment30Low
* segment14High
* attribute6
* segment18Low
* segment28Low
* segment12High
* requestId
* segment23Low
* segment24Low
* segment19Low
* segment14Low
* segment22High
* attribute7
* programId
* segment27High
* ruleTypeCode
* segment1Low
* segment17Low
* segment19High
* attribute5
* segment10High
* inactiveDate
* attribute11
* segment21High
* amountLimit
* segment29High
* attribute13
* controlRuleId
* segment21Low
* segment5High
* segment10Low
* segment11Low
* segment23High
* attribute12
* segment18High
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute14
* segment7High
* segment13Low
* segment16Low
* segment6Low
* segment9High
* segment29Low
* attribute9
* segment4High
* attribute8
* creationDate
* segment20High
* programUpdateDate
* locationId
* attribute15
* segment9Low
* segment17High
* segment1High
* segment8Low
* segment2High
* segment24High
* segment3High
* segment8High
* segment20Low
* attribute1
* segment26Low
* segment27Low
* attribute2
* attribute3
* lastUpdateDate
* segment22Low
* segment13High
* attribute10
* segment12Low
* controlGroupId
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute4
* objectCode
* segment11High
* segment25Low
* segment30High
* createdBy
* segment2Low
* segment15High
* segment5Low
* programApplicationId
* segment28High
* segment16High
* segment6High
* segment25High


 * auditTimestamp
* ruleTypeCode
* auditSequenceId
* auditUserName
* auditSessionId
* amountLimit
* segment1Low
* controlRuleId
* auditTrueNulls
* objectCode
* inactiveDate
* auditCommitId
* auditTransactionType
* segment1High
* rowKey


 * auditTimestamp
* ruleTypeCode
* auditSequenceId
* auditUserName
* auditSessionId
* amountLimit
* segment1Low
* controlRuleId
* auditTrueNulls
* objectCode
* inactiveDate
* auditCommitId
* auditTransactionType
* segment1High
* rowKey


 * segment7Low
* segment26High
* segment4Low
* segment3Low
* segment15Low
* attributeCategory
* segment30Low
* segment14High
* attribute6
* segment18Low
* segment28Low
* segment12High
* requestId
* segment23Low
* segment24Low
* segment19Low
* segment14Low
* segment22High
* attribute7
* programId
* segment27High
* ruleTypeCode
* segment1Low
* segment17Low
* segment19High
* attribute5
* segment10High
* inactiveDate
* attribute11
* segment21High
* amountLimit
* segment29High
* attribute13
* controlRuleId
* segment21Low
* segment5High
* segment10Low
* segment11Low
* segment23High
* attribute12
* segment18High
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute14
* segment7High
* segment13Low
* segment16Low
* segment6Low
* segment9High
* segment29Low
* attribute9
* segment4High
* attribute8
* creationDate
* segment20High
* programUpdateDate
* locationId
* attribute15
* segment9Low
* segment17High
* segment1High
* segment8Low
* segment2High
* segment24High
* segment3High
* segment8High
* segment20Low
* attribute1
* segment26Low
* segment27Low
* attribute2
* attribute3
* lastUpdateDate
* segment22Low
* segment13High
* attribute10
* segment12Low
* controlGroupId
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute4
* objectCode
* segment11High
* segment25Low
* segment30High
* createdBy
* segment2Low
* segment15High
* segment5Low
* programApplicationId
* segment28High
* segment16High
* segment6High
* segment25High


 * status
* lastUpdateDate
* cwkPersonId
* requestId
* lastUpdatedBy
* createdBy
* programApplicationId
* programUpdateDate
* poHeaderId
* lastUpdateLogin
* programId
* poLineId
* creationDate


 * status
* lastUpdateDate
* cwkPersonId
* requestId
* lastUpdatedBy
* createdBy
* programApplicationId
* programUpdateDate
* poHeaderId
* lastUpdateLogin
* programId
* poLineId
* creationDate


 * rollupEligibilityFlag
* documentType
* lastUpdatedBy
* displaySeqNumber
* entityName
* baseDocSourceName
* modDocSourceName
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* createdBy
* diffConfigId
* columnName
* zdSync
* zdEditionName
* ignoreSourceFlag
* subEntityName
* isPrintableFlag
* labelMessageCode
* creationDate
* cmpFilterPredFlag
* dispDataType


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* documentType
* lastUpdatedBy
* displaySeqNumber
* entityName
* baseDocSourceName
* modDocSourceName
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* createdBy
* diffConfigId
* columnName
* zdSync
* zdEditionName
* ignoreSourceFlag
* subEntityName
* isPrintableFlag
* labelMessageCode
* creationDate
* cmpFilterPredFlag
* dispDataType


 * encumberedFlag
* attribute15
* endItemUnitNumber
* mrcUnencumberedAmount
* taskId
* failedFundsLookupCode
* amountCancelled
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute4
* unencumberedQuantity
* destinationTypeCode
* attribute9
* reqLineReferenceNum
* unencumberedAmount
* quantityDelivered
* globalAttribute17
* recoverableTax
* lineLocationId
* taxRecoveryOverrideFlag
* projectId
* interfaceDistributionRef
* attributeCategory
* clmPaymentSequenceNum
* quantityFunded
* distributionType
* amountChangedFlag
* budgetAccountId
* globalAttribute16
* attribute10
* preventEncumbranceFlag
* accruedFlag
* quantityBilled
* destinationOrganizationId
* globalAttribute18
* mrcRate
* lastUpdateDate
* orgId
* glEncumberedPeriodName
* glEncumberedDate
* setOfBooksId
* accrueOnReceiptFlag
* deliverToPersonId
* rate
* globalAttribute1
* globalAttribute19
* wipOperationSeqNum
* globalAttribute20
* globalAttributeCategory
* attribute5
* attribute7
* expenditureOrganizationId
* destinationContext
* revisionNum
* wipResourceSeqNum
* varianceAccountId
* kanbanCardId
* okeContractLineId
* globalAttribute2
* distributionNum
* reqDistributionId
* globalAttribute10
* attribute13
* wipRepetitiveScheduleId
* ussglTransactionCode
* expenditureType
* clmMiscLoa
* attribute1
* nonrecoverableTax
* wipEntityId
* acrn
* globalAttribute11
* reqHeaderReferenceNum
* recoveryRate
* poHeaderId
* poLineId
* attribute6
* attribute12
* udaTemplateId
* destChargeAccountId
* quantityFinanced
* globalAttribute5
* attribute8
* lastUpdateLogin
* amountToEncumber
* createdBy
* destVarianceAccountId
* retainageReleasedAmount
* draftId
* globalAttribute9
* clmDefenceFunding
* requestId
* quantityOrdered
* programApplicationId
* governmentContext
* fundedValue
* deliverToLocationId
* expenditureItemDate
* glClosedDate
* clmFmsCaseNumber
* groupLineId
* programUpdateDate
* globalAttribute6
* globalAttribute4
* sourceDistributionId
* poReleaseId
* invoicedValInNtfn
* globalAttribute14
* mrcRateDate
* attribute2
* rateDate
* invoiceAdjustmentFlag
* amountFunded
* amountFinanced
* destinationSubinventory
* attribute3
* retainageWithheldAmount
* lcmFlag
* globalAttribute15
* okeContractDeliverableId
* globalAttribute7
* wipLineId
* poDistributionId
* globalAttribute13
* accrualAccountId
* amountOrdered
* awardId
* mrcEncumberedAmount
* amountRecouped
* encumberedAmount
* clmAgencyAcctIdentifier
* codeCombinationId
* creationDate
* quantityCancelled
* glCancelledDate
* programId
* amountBilled
* quantityRecouped
* changeInFundedValue
* globalAttribute8
* globalAttribute12
* bomResourceId
* attribute11
* attribute14
* amountDelivered
* wfItemKey
* taxAttributeUpdateCode
* projectAccountingContext
* globalAttribute3
* partialFundedFlag


 * uomExtAttr12
* lastUpdateLogin
* pk3Value
* nExtAttr5
* cExtAttr8
* nExtAttr7
* nExtAttr9
* cExtAttr24
* nExtAttr3
* nExtAttr18
* cExtAttr40
* uomExtAttr7
* createdBy
* cExtAttr17
* cExtAttr23
* cExtAttr30
* cExtAttr28
* nExtAttr14
* extensionId
* uomExtAttr13
* cExtAttr6
* uomExtAttr16
* uomExtAttr8
* uomExtAttr1
* uomExtAttr17
* cExtAttr3
* cExtAttr12
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* dExtAttr6
* cExtAttr32
* uomExtAttr20
* cExtAttr35
* cExtAttr34
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* creationDate
* uomExtAttr2
* cExtAttr22
* dExtAttr1
* cExtAttr2
* dataLevelId
* pk4Value
* cExtAttr25
* cExtAttr13
* uomExtAttr9
* cExtAttr10
* poDistributionId
* uomExtAttr15
* cExtAttr39
* cExtAttr14
* lastUpdatedBy
* dExtAttr5
* uomExtAttr18
* cExtAttr29
* nExtAttr1
* uomExtAttr19
* pk5Value
* dExtAttr7
* nExtAttr10
* cExtAttr36
* nExtAttr2
* cExtAttr15
* cExtAttr9
* uomExtAttr4
* cExtAttr19
* nExtAttr4
* cExtAttr27
* nExtAttr13
* cExtAttr26
* cExtAttr16
* cExtAttr1
* cExtAttr18
* cExtAttr11
* nExtAttr16
* lastUpdateDate
* attrGroupId
* pk2Value
* cExtAttr20
* nExtAttr8
* dExtAttr10
* cExtAttr4
* cExtAttr37
* cExtAttr38
* nExtAttr19
* cExtAttr33
* uomExtAttr11
* udaTemplateId
* nExtAttr17
* cExtAttr21
* dExtAttr8
* uomExtAttr14
* uomExtAttr3
* dExtAttr9
* cExtAttr5
* nExtAttr6
* draftId
* pk1Value
* dExtAttr2
* uomExtAttr5
* cExtAttr31
* nExtAttr12
* uomExtAttr6
* cExtAttr7
* nExtAttr20
* uomExtAttr10
* dExtAttr3
* dExtAttr4


 * uomExtAttr12
* lastUpdateLogin
* pk3Value
* nExtAttr5
* cExtAttr8
* nExtAttr7
* nExtAttr9
* cExtAttr24
* nExtAttr3
* nExtAttr18
* cExtAttr40
* uomExtAttr7
* createdBy
* cExtAttr17
* cExtAttr23
* cExtAttr30
* cExtAttr28
* nExtAttr14
* extensionId
* uomExtAttr13
* cExtAttr6
* uomExtAttr16
* uomExtAttr8
* uomExtAttr1
* uomExtAttr17
* cExtAttr3
* cExtAttr12
* nExtAttr15
* dExtAttr6
* cExtAttr32
* uomExtAttr20
* cExtAttr35
* cExtAttr34
* nExtAttr11
* creationDate
* uomExtAttr2
* cExtAttr22
* dExtAttr1
* cExtAttr2
* dataLevelId
* pk4Value
* cExtAttr25
* cExtAttr13
* uomExtAttr9
* cExtAttr10
* poDistributionId
* uomExtAttr15
* cExtAttr39
* cExtAttr14
* lastUpdatedBy
* dExtAttr5
* uomExtAttr18
* cExtAttr29
* nExtAttr1
* uomExtAttr19
* pk5Value
* dExtAttr7
* nExtAttr10
* cExtAttr36
* nExtAttr2
* cExtAttr15
* cExtAttr9
* uomExtAttr4
* cExtAttr19
* nExtAttr4
* cExtAttr27
* nExtAttr13
* cExtAttr26
* cExtAttr16
* cExtAttr1
* cExtAttr18
* cExtAttr11
* nExtAttr16
* lastUpdateDate
* attrGroupId
* pk2Value
* cExtAttr20
* nExtAttr8
* dExtAttr10
* cExtAttr4
* cExtAttr37
* cExtAttr38
* nExtAttr19
* cExtAttr33
* uomExtAttr11
* udaTemplateId
* nExtAttr17
* cExtAttr21
* dExtAttr8
* uomExtAttr14
* uomExtAttr3
* dExtAttr9
* cExtAttr5
* nExtAttr6
* draftId
* pk1Value
* dExtAttr2
* uomExtAttr5
* cExtAttr31
* nExtAttr12
* uomExtAttr6
* cExtAttr7
* nExtAttr20
* uomExtAttr10
* dExtAttr3
* dExtAttr4


 * draftId
* tlExtAttr7
* tlExtAttr9
* tlExtAttr13
* sourceLang
* dataLevelId
* pk5Value
* tlExtAttr20
* tlExtAttr27
* tlExtAttr34
* tlExtAttr32
* lastUpdateLogin
* tlExtAttr14
* tlExtAttr1
* tlExtAttr35
* tlExtAttr3
* tlExtAttr15
* udaTemplateId
* pk2Value
* tlExtAttr36
* tlExtAttr10
* tlExtAttr24
* tlExtAttr18
* tlExtAttr21
* tlExtAttr11
* attrGroupId
* tlExtAttr5
* tlExtAttr22
* language
* tlExtAttr30
* extensionId
* tlExtAttr8
* tlExtAttr17
* poDistributionId
* lastUpdatedBy
* tlExtAttr16
* tlExtAttr23
* pk4Value
* tlExtAttr33
* creationDate
* pk1Value
* tlExtAttr40
* tlExtAttr12
* tlExtAttr19
* tlExtAttr25
* lastUpdateDate
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* tlExtAttr26
* tlExtAttr39
* tlExtAttr28
* pk3Value
* tlExtAttr6
* tlExtAttr2
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* createdBy
* tlExtAttr29
* tlExtAttr38
* tlExtAttr37


 * draftId
* tlExtAttr7
* tlExtAttr9
* tlExtAttr13
* sourceLang
* dataLevelId
* pk5Value
* tlExtAttr20
* tlExtAttr27
* tlExtAttr34
* tlExtAttr32
* lastUpdateLogin
* tlExtAttr14
* tlExtAttr1
* tlExtAttr35
* tlExtAttr3
* tlExtAttr15
* udaTemplateId
* pk2Value
* tlExtAttr36
* tlExtAttr10
* tlExtAttr24
* tlExtAttr18
* tlExtAttr21
* tlExtAttr11
* attrGroupId
* tlExtAttr5
* tlExtAttr22
* language
* tlExtAttr30
* extensionId
* tlExtAttr8
* tlExtAttr17
* poDistributionId
* lastUpdatedBy
* tlExtAttr16
* tlExtAttr23
* pk4Value
* tlExtAttr33
* creationDate
* pk1Value
* tlExtAttr40
* tlExtAttr12
* tlExtAttr19
* tlExtAttr25
* lastUpdateDate
* tlExtAttr31
* tlExtAttr26
* tlExtAttr39
* tlExtAttr28
* pk3Value
* tlExtAttr6
* tlExtAttr2
* tlExtAttr4
* createdBy
* tlExtAttr29
* tlExtAttr38
* tlExtAttr37


 * encumberedFlag
* attribute15
* endItemUnitNumber
* mrcUnencumberedAmount
* taskId
* failedFundsLookupCode
* amountCancelled
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute4
* unencumberedQuantity
* destinationTypeCode
* attribute9
* reqLineReferenceNum
* unencumberedAmount
* quantityDelivered
* globalAttribute17
* recoverableTax
* lineLocationId
* taxRecoveryOverrideFlag
* projectId
* interfaceDistributionRef
* attributeCategory
* clmPaymentSequenceNum
* quantityFunded
* distributionType
* amountChangedFlag
* budgetAccountId
* globalAttribute16
* attribute10
* preventEncumbranceFlag
* accruedFlag
* quantityBilled
* destinationOrganizationId
* globalAttribute18
* mrcRate
* lastUpdateDate
* orgId
* glEncumberedPeriodName
* glEncumberedDate
* setOfBooksId
* accrueOnReceiptFlag
* deliverToPersonId
* rate
* globalAttribute1
* globalAttribute19
* wipOperationSeqNum
* globalAttribute20
* globalAttributeCategory
* attribute5
* attribute7
* expenditureOrganizationId
* destinationContext
* revisionNum
* wipResourceSeqNum
* varianceAccountId
* kanbanCardId
* okeContractLineId
* globalAttribute2
* distributionNum
* reqDistributionId
* globalAttribute10
* attribute13
* wipRepetitiveScheduleId
* ussglTransactionCode
* expenditureType
* clmMiscLoa
* attribute1
* nonrecoverableTax
* wipEntityId
* acrn
* globalAttribute11
* reqHeaderReferenceNum
* recoveryRate
* poHeaderId
* poLineId
* attribute6
* attribute12
* udaTemplateId
* destChargeAccountId
* quantityFinanced
* globalAttribute5
* attribute8
* lastUpdateLogin
* amountToEncumber
* createdBy
* destVarianceAccountId
* retainageReleasedAmount
* draftId
* globalAttribute9
* clmDefenceFunding
* requestId
* quantityOrdered
* programApplicationId
* governmentContext
* fundedValue
* deliverToLocationId
* expenditureItemDate
* glClosedDate
* clmFmsCaseNumber
* groupLineId
* programUpdateDate
* globalAttribute6
* globalAttribute4
* sourceDistributionId
* poReleaseId
* invoicedValInNtfn
* globalAttribute14
* mrcRateDate
* attribute2
* rateDate
* invoiceAdjustmentFlag
* amountFunded
* amountFinanced
* destinationSubinventory
* attribute3
* retainageWithheldAmount
* lcmFlag
* globalAttribute15
* okeContractDeliverableId
* globalAttribute7
* wipLineId
* poDistributionId
* globalAttribute13
* accrualAccountId
* amountOrdered
* awardId
* mrcEncumberedAmount
* amountRecouped
* encumberedAmount
* clmAgencyAcctIdentifier
* codeCombinationId
* creationDate
* quantityCancelled
* glCancelledDate
* programId
* amountBilled
* quantityRecouped
* changeInFundedValue
* globalAttribute8
* globalAttribute12
* bomResourceId
* attribute11
* attribute14
* amountDelivered
* wfItemKey
* taxAttributeUpdateCode
* projectAccountingContext
* globalAttribute3
* partialFundedFlag


 * quantityDelivered
* accrualAccountId
* nonrecoverableTax
* quantityCancelled
* globalAttribute6
* encumberedFlag
* interfaceDistributionRef
* amountToEncumber
* encumberedAmount
* ussglTransactionCode
* projectId
* globalAttributeCategory
* recoverableTax
* failedFundsLookupCode
* attribute3
* deliverToPersonId
* fundedValue
* udaTemplateId
* globalAttribute19
* sourceDistributionId
* okeContractLineId
* attributeCategory
* mrcRateDate
* taxRecoveryOverrideFlag
* varianceAccountId
* amountDelivered
* wipResourceSeqNum
* poDistributionId
* programId
* changeInFundedValue
* attribute6
* globalAttribute9
* globalAttribute14
* acrn
* reqHeaderReferenceNum
* amountFinanced
* attribute10
* wipRepetitiveScheduleId
* quantityBilled
* retainageWithheldAmount
* rate
* attribute1
* groupLineId
* attribute12
* awardId
* clmDefenceFunding
* accrueOnReceiptFlag
* lcmFlag
* lastUpdateLogin
* programApplicationId
* quantityFunded
* distributionType
* clmPaymentSequenceNum
* glCancelledDate
* poLineId
* quantityRecouped
* taxAttributeUpdateCode
* mrcUnencumberedAmount
* retainageReleasedAmount
* destVarianceAccountId
* quantityOrdered
* destChargeAccountId
* accruedFlag
* globalAttribute4
* wipLineId
* rateDate
* globalAttribute8
* wfItemKey
* preventEncumbranceFlag
* amountCancelled
* lastUpdatedBy
* codeCombinationId
* clmFmsCaseNumber
* globalAttribute17
* amountRecouped
* quantityFinanced
* requestId
* creationDate
* okeContractDeliverableId
* reqDistributionId
* globalAttribute18
* latestExternalFlag
* kanbanCardId
* expenditureItemDate
* amountFunded
* globalAttribute7
* poReleaseId
* attribute7
* globalAttribute2
* partialFundedFlag
* governmentContext
* attribute9
* lineLocationId
* glClosedDate
* globalAttribute3
* attribute15
* globalAttribute15
* unencumberedAmount
* wipEntityId
* attribute14
* mrcRate
* mrcEncumberedAmount
* deliverToLocationId
* clmMiscLoa
* clmAgencyAcctIdentifier
* revisionNum
* projectAccountingContext
* globalAttribute20
* invoicedValInNtfn
* wipOperationSeqNum
* unencumberedQuantity
* globalAttribute1
* destinationContext
* attribute4
* distributionNum
* endItemUnitNumber
* globalAttribute16
* globalAttribute10
* setOfBooksId
* glEncumberedDate
* attribute2
* attribute13
* orgId
* lastUpdateDate
* createdBy
* attribute8
* globalAttribute11
* globalAttribute12
* budgetAccountId
* taskId
* expenditureType
* invoiceAdjustmentFlag
* glEncumberedPeriodName
* destinationOrganizationId
* bomResourceId
* attribute5
* destinationSubinventory
* poHeaderId
* reqLineReferenceNum
* attribute11
* expenditureOrganizationId
* programUpdateDate
* globalAttribute5
* destinationTypeCode
* recoveryRate
* amountOrdered
* amountBilled
* globalAttribute13


 * quantityDelivered
* accrualAccountId
* nonrecoverableTax
* quantityCancelled
* globalAttribute6
* encumberedFlag
* interfaceDistributionRef
* amountToEncumber
* encumberedAmount
* ussglTransactionCode
* projectId
* globalAttributeCategory
* recoverableTax
* failedFundsLookupCode
* attribute3
* deliverToPersonId
* fundedValue
* udaTemplateId
* globalAttribute19
* sourceDistributionId
* okeContractLineId
* attributeCategory
* mrcRateDate
* taxRecoveryOverrideFlag
* varianceAccountId
* amountDelivered
* wipResourceSeqNum
* poDistributionId
* programId
* changeInFundedValue
* attribute6
* globalAttribute9
* globalAttribute14
* acrn
* reqHeaderReferenceNum
* amountFinanced
* attribute10
* wipRepetitiveScheduleId
* quantityBilled
* retainageWithheldAmount
* rate
* attribute1
* groupLineId
* attribute12
* awardId
* clmDefenceFunding
* accrueOnReceiptFlag
* lcmFlag
* lastUpdateLogin
* programApplicationId
* quantityFunded
* distributionType
* clmPaymentSequenceNum
* glCancelledDate
* poLineId
* quantityRecouped
* taxAttributeUpdateCode
* mrcUnencumberedAmount
* retainageReleasedAmount
* destVarianceAccountId
* quantityOrdered
* destChargeAccountId
* accruedFlag
* globalAttribute4
* wipLineId
* rateDate
* globalAttribute8
* wfItemKey
* preventEncumbranceFlag
* amountCancelled
* lastUpdatedBy
* codeCombinationId
* clmFmsCaseNumber
* globalAttribute17
* amountRecouped
* quantityFinanced
* requestId
* creationDate
* okeContractDeliverableId
* reqDistributionId
* globalAttribute18
* latestExternalFlag
* kanbanCardId
* expenditureItemDate
* amountFunded
* globalAttribute7
* poReleaseId
* attribute7
* globalAttribute2
* partialFundedFlag
* governmentContext
* attribute9
* lineLocationId
* glClosedDate
* globalAttribute3
* attribute15
* globalAttribute15
* unencumberedAmount
* wipEntityId
* attribute14
* mrcRate
* mrcEncumberedAmount
* deliverToLocationId
* clmMiscLoa
* clmAgencyAcctIdentifier
* revisionNum
* projectAccountingContext
* globalAttribute20
* invoicedValInNtfn
* wipOperationSeqNum
* unencumberedQuantity
* globalAttribute1
* destinationContext
* attribute4
* distributionNum
* endItemUnitNumber
* globalAttribute16
* globalAttribute10
* setOfBooksId
* glEncumberedDate
* attribute2
* attribute13
* orgId
* lastUpdateDate
* createdBy
* attribute8
* globalAttribute11
* globalAttribute12
* budgetAccountId
* taskId
* expenditureType
* invoiceAdjustmentFlag
* glEncumberedPeriodName
* destinationOrganizationId
* bomResourceId
* attribute5
* destinationSubinventory
* poHeaderId
* reqLineReferenceNum
* attribute11
* expenditureOrganizationId
* programUpdateDate
* globalAttribute5
* destinationTypeCode
* recoveryRate
* amountOrdered
* amountBilled
* globalAttribute13


 * wipOperationSeqNum
* governmentContext
* expenditureType
* oldAmountOrdered
* attribute9
* clmMiscLoa
* invoiceAdjustmentFlag
* kanbanCardId
* globalAttributeCategory
* ussglTransactionCode
* recoverableTax
* wipLineId
* codeCombinationId
* attributeCategory
* attribute4
* globalAttribute12
* attribute1
* expenditureItemDate
* globalAttribute11
* creationDate
* lineLocationId
* programUpdateDate
* mrcRateDate
* attribute8
* attribute10
* retainageReleasedAmount
* partialFundedFlag
* globalAttribute3
* nonrecoverableTax
* globalAttribute8
* globalAttribute16
* encumberedAmount
* poLineId
* rateDate
* recoveryRate
* globalAttribute2
* poReleaseId
* quantityFunded
* clmPaymentSequenceNum
* retainageWithheldAmount
* orgId
* deliverToLocationId
* changeInFundedValue
* comments
* attribute3
* failedFundsLookupCode
* destinationContext
* destVarianceAccountId
* amountChangedFlag
* reqLineReferenceNum
* programId
* poHeaderId
* projectAccountingContext
* globalAttribute14
* wipResourceSeqNum
* globalAttribute18
* globalAttribute19
* wipRepetitiveScheduleId
* draftId
* poDistributionId
* globalAttribute17
* globalAttribute13
* budgetAccountId
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute11
* groupLineId
* amountBilled
* udaTemplateId
* unencumberedQuantity
* glEncumberedPeriodName
* destinationSubinventory
* attribute13
* unencumberedAmount
* glEncumberedDate
* glCancelledDate
* taxRecoveryOverrideFlag
* quantityBilled
* taxAttributeUpdateCode
* deliverToPersonId
* amountFunded
* okeContractLineId
* quantityRecouped
* globalAttribute7
* requestId
* setOfBooksId
* wipEntityId
* taskId
* attribute7
* attribute5
* globalAttribute4
* lastUpdateLogin
* encumberedFlag
* glClosedDate
* attribute14
* clmFmsCaseNumber
* projectId
* awardId
* amountFinanced
* parDraftId
* endItemUnitNumber
* createdBy
* rate
* attribute6
* amountOrdered
* globalAttribute6
* amountCancelled
* parDistributionId
* destinationTypeCode
* amountToEncumber
* attribute12
* amountDelivered
* clmDefenceFunding
* acrn
* lastUpdateDate
* accrueOnReceiptFlag
* distributionNum
* attribute2
* quantityFinanced
* revisionNum
* accruedFlag
* fundedValue
* quantityCancelled
* quantityDelivered
* bomResourceId
* reqHeaderReferenceNum
* mrcEncumberedAmount
* destinationOrganizationId
* amountRecouped
* globalAttribute1
* expenditureOrganizationId
* destChargeAccountId
* globalAttribute10
* attribute15
* mrcRate
* globalAttribute9
* varianceAccountId
* globalAttribute15
* programApplicationId
* globalAttribute5
* sourceDistributionId
* clmAgencyAcctIdentifier
* interfaceDistributionRef
* oldQuantityOrdered
* okeContractDeliverableId
* globalAttribute20
* preventEncumbranceFlag
* accrualAccountId
* changeStatus
* changeAcceptedFlag
* mrcUnencumberedAmount
* distributionType
* deleteFlag
* quantityOrdered
* reqDistributionId


 * wipOperationSeqNum
* governmentContext
* expenditureType
* oldAmountOrdered
* attribute9
* clmMiscLoa
* invoiceAdjustmentFlag
* kanbanCardId
* globalAttributeCategory
* ussglTransactionCode
* recoverableTax
* wipLineId
* codeCombinationId
* attributeCategory
* attribute4
* globalAttribute12
* attribute1
* expenditureItemDate
* globalAttribute11
* creationDate
* lineLocationId
* programUpdateDate
* mrcRateDate
* attribute8
* attribute10
* retainageReleasedAmount
* partialFundedFlag
* globalAttribute3
* nonrecoverableTax
* globalAttribute8
* globalAttribute16
* encumberedAmount
* poLineId
* rateDate
* recoveryRate
* globalAttribute2
* poReleaseId
* quantityFunded
* clmPaymentSequenceNum
* retainageWithheldAmount
* orgId
* deliverToLocationId
* changeInFundedValue
* comments
* attribute3
* failedFundsLookupCode
* destinationContext
* destVarianceAccountId
* amountChangedFlag
* reqLineReferenceNum
* programId
* poHeaderId
* projectAccountingContext
* globalAttribute14
* wipResourceSeqNum
* globalAttribute18
* globalAttribute19
* wipRepetitiveScheduleId
* draftId
* poDistributionId
* globalAttribute17
* globalAttribute13
* budgetAccountId
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute11
* groupLineId
* amountBilled
* udaTemplateId
* unencumberedQuantity
* glEncumberedPeriodName
* destinationSubinventory
* attribute13
* unencumberedAmount
* glEncumberedDate
* glCancelledDate
* taxRecoveryOverrideFlag
* quantityBilled
* taxAttributeUpdateCode
* deliverToPersonId
* amountFunded
* okeContractLineId
* quantityRecouped
* globalAttribute7
* requestId
* setOfBooksId
* wipEntityId
* taskId
* attribute7
* attribute5
* globalAttribute4
* lastUpdateLogin
* encumberedFlag
* glClosedDate
* attribute14
* clmFmsCaseNumber
* projectId
* awardId
* amountFinanced
* parDraftId
* endItemUnitNumber
* createdBy
* rate
* attribute6
* amountOrdered
* globalAttribute6
* amountCancelled
* parDistributionId
* destinationTypeCode
* amountToEncumber
* attribute12
* amountDelivered
* clmDefenceFunding
* acrn
* lastUpdateDate
* accrueOnReceiptFlag
* distributionNum
* attribute2
* quantityFinanced
* revisionNum
* accruedFlag
* fundedValue
* quantityCancelled
* quantityDelivered
* bomResourceId
* reqHeaderReferenceNum
* mrcEncumberedAmount
* destinationOrganizationId
* amountRecouped
* globalAttribute1
* expenditureOrganizationId
* destChargeAccountId
* globalAttribute10
* attribute15
* mrcRate
* globalAttribute9
* varianceAccountId
* globalAttribute15
* programApplicationId
* globalAttribute5
* sourceDistributionId
* clmAgencyAcctIdentifier
* interfaceDistributionRef
* oldQuantityOrdered
* okeContractDeliverableId
* globalAttribute20
* preventEncumbranceFlag
* accrualAccountId
* changeStatus
* changeAcceptedFlag
* mrcUnencumberedAmount
* distributionType
* deleteFlag
* quantityOrdered
* reqDistributionId


 * globalAttribute13
* task
* chargeAccountSegment11
* chargeAccountSegment29
* wipRepetitiveSchedule
* endItemUnitNumber
* attribute13
* chargeAccountSegment21
* bomResourceId
* attribute2
* lineLocationId
* budgetAccount
* attribute3
* destinationSubinventory
* chargeAccountSegment23
* recoveryRate
* globalAttribute15
* chargeAccountSegment2
* accruedFlag
* wipEntityId
* glEncumberedPeriodName
* wipLineCode
* lastUpdateLogin
* amountBilled
* attributeCategory
* quantityBilled
* ussglTransactionCode
* quantityOrdered
* governmentContext
* globalAttribute11
* clmDefenceFunding
* awardId
* glClosedDate
* chargeAccountSegment9
* chargeAccountSegment20
* poHeaderId
* expenditure
* chargeAccountSegment13
* globalAttribute19
* project
* partialFundedFlag
* globalAttribute3
* chargeAccountSegment4
* rateDate
* wipOperationSeqNum
* expenditureOrganization
* creationDate
* programUpdateDate
* clmPaymentSequenceNum
* globalAttribute20
* varianceAccountId
* lastUpdatedBy
* deliverToLocation
* chargeAccountSegment6
* destinationTypeCode
* chargeAccountSegment18
* chargeAccountSegment16
* attribute10
* taskId
* destChargeAccountId
* globalAttribute16
* taxRecoveryOverrideFlag
* attribute8
* chargeAccountSegment12
* deliverToPersonId
* attribute1
* accuralAccount
* poLineId
* wipEntity
* globalAttribute10
* deliverToPersonFullName
* projectReleatedFlag
* chargeAccountSegment26
* invoiceAdjustmentFlag
* task#1
* varianceAccount
* destinationContext
* chargeAccountSegment15
* interfaceHeaderId
* reqHeaderReferenceNum
* chargeAccountSegment17
* attribute9
* accrueOnReceiptFlag
* chargeAccountSegment25
* attribute6
* programId
* globalAttribute6
* wipResourceSeqNum
* awardNumber
* chargeAccountSegment28
* reqDistributionId
* globalAttribute2
* globalAttribute5
* globalAttribute1
* amountOrdered
* interfaceDistributionId
* globalAttribute8
* globalAttribute14
* chargeAccountSegment27
* chargeAccountSegment19
* task#2
* budgetAccountId
* globalAttribute7
* attribute5
* chargeAccountSegment14
* chargeAccountSegment24
* reqLineReferenceNum
* processCode
* chargeAccountSegment5
* requestId
* rate
* orgId
* projectAccountingContext
* accrualAccountId
* okeContractLineNum
* poReleaseId
* destinationOrganization
* glEncumberedDate
* destVarianceAccountId
* programApplicationId
* okeContractDeliverableNum
* failedFundsLookupCode
* projectId
* encumberedAmount
* setOfBooks
* chargeAccount
* globalAttribute17
* acrn
* deliverToLocationId
* glCancelledDate
* okeContractDeliverableId
* globalAttribute4
* failedFunds
* destinationType
* clmFmsCaseNumber
* unencumberedQuantity
* chargeAccountSegment10
* expenditureType
* interfaceDistributionRef
* processingId
* globalAttribute12
* amountFunded
* unencumberedAmount
* fundedValue
* poDistributionId
* chargeAccountSegment3
* expenditureItemDate
* okeContractLineId
* attribute12
* clmAgencyAcctIdentifier
* destinationOrganizationId
* wipRepetitiveScheduleId
* quantityFunded
* groupLineId
* expenditureOrganizationId
* attribute7
* lastUpdateDate
* createdBy
* preventEncumbranceFlag
* clmMiscLoa
* distributionNum
* chargeAccountSegment7
* chargeAccountSegment1
* wipLineId
* chargeAccountSegment8
* globalAttributeCategory
* setOfBooksId
* attribute11
* recoverableTax
* quantityCancelled
* chargeAccountId
* bomResourceCode
* sourceDistributionId
* attribute15
* quantityDelivered
* attribute14
* interfaceLineLocationId
* encumberedFlag
* chargeAccountSegment22
* nonrecoverableTax
* globalAttribute9
* globalAttribute18
* chargeAccountSegment30
* attribute4
* interfaceLineId


 * globalAttribute13
* task
* chargeAccountSegment11
* chargeAccountSegment29
* wipRepetitiveSchedule
* endItemUnitNumber
* attribute13
* chargeAccountSegment21
* bomResourceId
* attribute2
* lineLocationId
* budgetAccount
* attribute3
* destinationSubinventory
* chargeAccountSegment23
* recoveryRate
* globalAttribute15
* chargeAccountSegment2
* accruedFlag
* wipEntityId
* glEncumberedPeriodName
* wipLineCode
* lastUpdateLogin
* amountBilled
* attributeCategory
* quantityBilled
* ussglTransactionCode
* quantityOrdered
* governmentContext
* globalAttribute11
* clmDefenceFunding
* awardId
* glClosedDate
* chargeAccountSegment9
* chargeAccountSegment20
* poHeaderId
* expenditure
* chargeAccountSegment13
* globalAttribute19
* project
* partialFundedFlag
* globalAttribute3
* chargeAccountSegment4
* rateDate
* wipOperationSeqNum
* expenditureOrganization
* creationDate
* programUpdateDate
* clmPaymentSequenceNum
* globalAttribute20
* varianceAccountId
* lastUpdatedBy
* deliverToLocation
* chargeAccountSegment6
* destinationTypeCode
* chargeAccountSegment18
* chargeAccountSegment16
* attribute10
* taskId
* destChargeAccountId
* globalAttribute16
* taxRecoveryOverrideFlag
* attribute8
* chargeAccountSegment12
* deliverToPersonId
* attribute1
* accuralAccount
* poLineId
* wipEntity
* globalAttribute10
* deliverToPersonFullName
* projectReleatedFlag
* chargeAccountSegment26
* invoiceAdjustmentFlag
* task#1
* varianceAccount
* destinationContext
* chargeAccountSegment15
* interfaceHeaderId
* reqHeaderReferenceNum
* chargeAccountSegment17
* attribute9
* accrueOnReceiptFlag
* chargeAccountSegment25
* attribute6
* programId
* globalAttribute6
* wipResourceSeqNum
* awardNumber
* chargeAccountSegment28
* reqDistributionId
* globalAttribute2
* globalAttribute5
* globalAttribute1
* amountOrdered
* interfaceDistributionId
* globalAttribute8
* globalAttribute14
* chargeAccountSegment27
* chargeAccountSegment19
* task#2
* budgetAccountId
* globalAttribute7
* attribute5
* chargeAccountSegment14
* chargeAccountSegment24
* reqLineReferenceNum
* processCode
* chargeAccountSegment5
* requestId
* rate
* orgId
* projectAccountingContext
* accrualAccountId
* okeContractLineNum
* poReleaseId
* destinationOrganization
* glEncumberedDate
* destVarianceAccountId
* programApplicationId
* okeContractDeliverableNum
* failedFundsLookupCode
* projectId
* encumberedAmount
* setOfBooks
* chargeAccount
* globalAttribute17
* acrn
* deliverToLocationId
* glCancelledDate
* okeContractDeliverableId
* globalAttribute4
* failedFunds
* destinationType
* clmFmsCaseNumber
* unencumberedQuantity
* chargeAccountSegment10
* expenditureType
* interfaceDistributionRef
* processingId
* globalAttribute12
* amountFunded
* unencumberedAmount
* fundedValue
* poDistributionId
* chargeAccountSegment3
* expenditureItemDate
* okeContractLineId
* attribute12
* clmAgencyAcctIdentifier
* destinationOrganizationId
* wipRepetitiveScheduleId
* quantityFunded
* groupLineId
* expenditureOrganizationId
* attribute7
* lastUpdateDate
* createdBy
* preventEncumbranceFlag
* clmMiscLoa
* distributionNum
* chargeAccountSegment7
* chargeAccountSegment1
* wipLineId
* chargeAccountSegment8
* globalAttributeCategory
* setOfBooksId
* attribute11
* recoverableTax
* quantityCancelled
* chargeAccountId
* bomResourceCode
* sourceDistributionId
* attribute15
* quantityDelivered
* attribute14
* interfaceLineLocationId
* encumberedFlag
* chargeAccountSegment22
* nonrecoverableTax
* globalAttribute9
* globalAttribute18
* chargeAccountSegment30
* attribute4
* interfaceLineId


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* creationDate
* attribute4
* lastUpdatedBy
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* lastUpdateDate
* attribute2
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* createdBy
* attribute10
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* poDocBuilderHeaderId
* attribute12
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* attribute11


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* creationDate
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* lastUpdatedBy
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* lastUpdateDate
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* attribute5
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* attribute3
* attribute9
* createdBy
* attribute10
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* poDocBuilderHeaderId
* attribute12
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* attribute15
* attribute11


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* attribute2
* attribute7
* docBuilderType
* attributeCategory
* lastUpdatedBy
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* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute11
* rate
* attribute1
* attribute3
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute6
* attribute12
* styleId
* creationDate
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* createdBy
* rateType
* attribute9
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* docBuilderLineType
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* agentId
* rateDate


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* attribute2
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* docBuilderType
* attributeCategory
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute13
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute11
* rate
* attribute1
* attribute3
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute6
* attribute12
* styleId
* creationDate
* attribute14
* createdBy
* rateType
* attribute9
* orgId
* currencyCode
* docBuilderLineType
* outcomeStyle
* attribute8
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* rateDate


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* agreementId
* attribute7
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* attribute8
* attribute13
* lastUpdateLogin
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* agreementId
* attribute7
* attribute10
* attribute14
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* lastUpdateLogin
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* createdBy
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* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute4
* attributeCategory
* attribute13
* createdBy
* attribute14
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* attribute7
* attribute10


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* poDocBuilderSupplierId
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* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute4
* attributeCategory
* attribute13
* createdBy
* attribute14
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* attribute7
* attribute10


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* creationDate
* styleType
* lastUpdateLogin
* wfApprovalItemtype
* parAutoAssignRole
* styleId
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* sendWithdrwNotfFlag
* advancesFlag
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* progressPaymentFlag
* styleName
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* complexPricingFlag
* schedulesFlag
* wfApprovalProcess
* lineTypeAllowed
* status
* parEnabledFlag
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* zdEditionName
* concModsEnabledFlag
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* creationDate
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* lastUpdateLogin
* wfApprovalItemtype
* parAutoAssignRole
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* lastUpdateLogin
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* lastUpdatedBy
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* lastUpdateDate
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* lastUpdateLogin
* styleAllowedValue
* lastUpdatedBy
* zdEditionName
* zdSync
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* employeePositionId
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* requestId
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* employeePositionId
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* lastUpdateDate
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* lastUpdateLogin
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* revisionNum
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* poExhibitDetailsId
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* lastUpdateLogin
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* lastUpdatedBy
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* createdBy
* exhibitName
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* poExhibitDetailsId
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* poHeaderId
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* referenceLineId
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* createdBy
* purchasingOrgId
* deleteFlag
* organizationId
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* poHeaderId
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* organizationId
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* lastUpdateDate
* creationDate
* orgAssignmentId
* createdBy
* purchasingOrgId


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* lastUpdateLogin
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* lastUpdatedBy
* enabledFlag
* organizationId
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* pk2Value
* tlExtAttr4


 * clmDocumentNumber
* supplyAgreementFlag
* documentCreationMethod
* attribute7
* wfItemType
* submitDate
* amountLimit
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* enableAllSites
* payWhenPaid
* wfItemKey
* globalAttribute16
* segment4
* segment5
* firmDate
* globalAttribute1
* clmSupplierName
* createdLanguage
* globalAttribute4
* clmDefaultDistFlag
* orgId
* commRevNum
* clmExternalIdv
* globalAttribute8
* globalAttribute9
* currencyCode
* lastUpdateDate
* otmRecoveryFlag
* comments
* clmStandardForm
* globalAttribute15
* clmEdagenDate
* globalAttribute2
* rateType
* agentId
* approvedDate
* draftId
* creationDate
* attribute11
* clmContractFinanceCode
* clmAwardType
* globalAttribute10
* encumbranceRequiredFlag
* fax
* clmVendorOfferNumber
* segment1
* printedDate
* globalAgreementFlag
* clmAwardAdministrator
* priceUpdateTolerance
* replyMethodLookupCode
* xmlFlag
* attribute12
* attributeCategory
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* attribute2
* userDocumentStatus
* ussglTransactionCode
* clmCotrContact
* globalAttribute13
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* endDate
* revisedDate
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* createdBy
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* noteToVendor
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* noteToAuthorizer
* globalAttributeCategory
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* clmMinGuarAwardAmtPercent
* shipViaLookupCode
* umbrellaProgramId
* cbcAccountingDate
* quoteWarningDelayUnit
* pendingSignatureFlag
* noteToReceiver
* rateDate
* shippingControl
* payOnCode
* ameApprovalId
* requestId
* changeSummary
* clmMaxOrderAmount
* ediProcessedStatus
* enabledFlag
* authorizationStatus
* poHeaderId
* globalAttribute5
* closedCode
* supplierNotifMethod
* attribute6
* fromTypeLookupCode
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdatedProgram
* startDate
* autoSourcingFlag
* ameTransactionType
* frozenFlag
* statusLookupCode
* attribute5
* contermsArticlesUpdDate
* catAdminAuthEnabledFlag
* attribute9
* billToLocationId
* globalAttribute3
* clmAmtSyncedToAgreement
* attribute10
* attribute8
* segment3
* confirmingOrderFlag
* approvedFlag
* acceptanceDueDate
* otmStatusCode
* taxAttributeUpdateCode
* globalAttribute17
* clmNoSignedCopiesToReturn
* freightTermsLookupCode
* attribute13
* vendorSiteId
* clmMinGuaranteeAwardAmt
* globalAttribute7
* lastUpdatedBy
* firmStatusLookupCode
* clmAmountReleased
* programId
* udaTemplateId
* supplierAuthEnabledFlag
* attribute4
* globalAttribute20
* referenceNum
* clmSupplierSiteName
* attribute14
* globalAttribute12
* quoteVendorQuoteNumber
* pcardId
* approvalRequiredFlag
* programUpdateDate
* acceptanceRequiredFlag
* quotationClassCode
* termsId
* fonRefId
* revisionNum
* typeLookupCode
* attribute15
* clmContractOfficer
* programApplicationId
* updateSourcingRulesFlag
* contermsExistFlag
* attribute1
* userHoldFlag
* retroPriceApplyUpdatesFlag
* vendorOrderNum
* consignedConsumptionFlag
* vendorId
* clmCotrOffice
* clmMinOrderAmount
* styleId
* endDateActive
* emailAddress
* retroPriceCommUpdatesFlag
* lockOwnerRole
* udaTemplateDate
* clmDocumentFormat
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* xmlChangeSendDate
* cpaReference
* mrcRateType
* clmEffectiveDate
* blanketTotalAmount
* contermsDelivUpdDate
* changeRequestedBy
* ediProcessedFlag
* quoteWarningDelay
* mrcRateDate
* cancelFlag
* globalAttribute19
* mrcRate
* segment2
* printCount
* clmModIssuingOffice
* consumeReqDemandFlag
* fromHeaderId
* clmPriorityCode
* governmentContext
* lockOwnerUserId
* clmCloseoutStatus
* interfaceSourceCode
* closedDate
* attribute3
* clmIssuingOffice
* minReleaseAmount
* rate
* shipToLocationId
* replyDate
* quoteTypeLookupCode
* vendorContactId
* startDateActive
* globalAttribute6
* clmPaymentInstrCode


 * clmAmountReleased
* globalAttribute18
* globalAttribute8
* blanketTotalAmount
* noteToAuthorizer
* clmMaxOrderAmount
* clmMinGuarAwardAmtPercent
* consignedConsumptionFlag
* ameTransactionType
* otmRecoveryFlag
* priceUpdateTolerance
* clmExternalIdv
* clmPriorityCode
* attribute4
* acceptanceRequiredFlag
* attribute10
* supplierAuthEnabledFlag
* catAdminAuthEnabledFlag
* globalAttribute5
* clmAwardType
* ameApprovalId
* endDateActive
* cpaReference
* attribute12
* orgId
* globalAttribute15
* clmSourceDocumentId
* attribute9
* endDate
* autoSourcingFlag
* vendorContactId
* clmContractFinanceCode
* xmlSendDate
* fonRefId
* mrcRateDate
* cancelFlag
* createdLanguage
* submitDate
* rateType
* retroPriceApplyUpdatesFlag
* noteToVendor
* wfItemType
* firmStatusLookupCode
* attribute11
* umbrellaProgramId
* startDate
* attribute6
* globalAttribute19
* clmContractOfficer
* globalAttribute4
* latestExternalFlag
* replyMethodLookupCode
* quotationClassCode
* fobLookupCode
* noteToReceiver
* consumeReqDemandFlag
* segment4
* attribute13
* fromTypeLookupCode
* termsId
* clmAmtSyncedToAgreement
* clmSpecialContractType
* authorizationStatus
* payOnCode
* changeSummary
* requestId
* segment5
* contermsArticlesUpdDate
* creationDate
* globalAttributeCategory
* xmlFlag
* revisionNum
* attribute14
* vendorId
* globalAttribute7
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute8
* udaTemplateDate
* globalAttribute16
* quoteTypeLookupCode
* printedDate
* approvalRequiredFlag
* supplyAgreementFlag
* ussglTransactionCode
* globalAttribute17
* approvedDate
* attributeCategory
* poHeaderId
* quoteWarningDelay
* quoteWarningDelayUnit
* attribute2
* globalAttribute11
* programApplicationId
* closedCode
* clmMinGuaranteeAwardAmt
* lastUpdateLogin
* shipToLocationId
* retroPriceCommUpdatesFlag
* xmlChangeSendDate
* clmMinOrderAmount
* billToLocationId
* rfqCloseDate
* summaryFlag
* changeRequestedBy
* clmStandardForm
* segment2
* shippingControl
* clmCotrOffice
* clmDocumentFormat
* clmIssuingOffice
* ediProcessedStatus
* mrcRateType
* userHoldFlag
* commRevNum
* otmStatusCode
* globalAttribute10
* updateSourcingRulesFlag
* clmEffectiveDate
* comments
* lastUpdatedBy
* clmCotrContact
* closedDate
* enabledFlag
* approvedFlag
* attribute7
* acceptanceDueDate
* globalAttribute20
* everApprovedFlag
* clmAwardAdministrator
* currencyCode
* agentId
* globalAttribute14
* printCount
* confirmingOrderFlag
* supplierNotifMethod
* segment1
* firmDate
* contermsExistFlag
* frozenFlag
* encumbranceRequiredFlag
* taxAttributeUpdateCode
* globalAgreementFlag
* globalAttribute12
* statusLookupCode
* globalAttribute2
* fax
* createdBy
* mrcRate
* clmDocumentNumber
* clmSupplierSiteName
* vendorSiteId
* typeLookupCode
* rate
* globalAttribute6
* standardCommentCode
* vendorOrderNum
* programUpdateDate
* referenceNum
* globalAttribute13
* enableAllSites
* shipViaLookupCode
* clmNoSignedCopiesToReturn
* draftId
* lastUpdatedProgram
* interfaceSourceCode
* clmSupplierName
* governmentContext
* pcardId
* pendingSignatureFlag
* ediProcessedFlag
* attribute5
* segment3
* globalAttribute3
* payWhenPaid
* clmPaymentInstrCode
* emailAddress
* clmCloseoutStatus
* styleId
* globalAttribute1
* udaTemplateId
* amountLimit
* attribute1
* globalAttribute9
* documentCreationMethod
* contermsDelivUpdDate
* minReleaseAmount
* clmModIssuingOffice
* replyDate
* freightTermsLookupCode
* wfItemKey
* startDateActive
* attribute3
* userDocumentStatus
* revisedDate
* clmVendorOfferNumber
* rateDate
* programId
* quoteVendorQuoteNumber
* fromHeaderId
* cbcAccountingDate
* attribute15


 * clmAmountReleased
* globalAttribute18
* globalAttribute8
* blanketTotalAmount
* noteToAuthorizer
* clmMaxOrderAmount
* clmMinGuarAwardAmtPercent
* consignedConsumptionFlag
* ameTransactionType
* otmRecoveryFlag
* priceUpdateTolerance
* clmExternalIdv
* clmPriorityCode
* attribute4
* acceptanceRequiredFlag
* attribute10
* supplierAuthEnabledFlag
* catAdminAuthEnabledFlag
* globalAttribute5
* clmAwardType
* ameApprovalId
* endDateActive
* cpaReference
* attribute12
* orgId
* globalAttribute15
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* attribute9
* endDate
* autoSourcingFlag
* vendorContactId
* clmContractFinanceCode
* xmlSendDate
* fonRefId
* mrcRateDate
* cancelFlag
* createdLanguage
* submitDate
* rateType
* retroPriceApplyUpdatesFlag
* noteToVendor
* wfItemType
* firmStatusLookupCode
* attribute11
* umbrellaProgramId
* startDate
* attribute6
* globalAttribute19
* clmContractOfficer
* globalAttribute4
* latestExternalFlag
* replyMethodLookupCode
* quotationClassCode
* fobLookupCode
* noteToReceiver
* consumeReqDemandFlag
* segment4
* attribute13
* fromTypeLookupCode
* termsId
* clmAmtSyncedToAgreement
* clmSpecialContractType
* authorizationStatus
* payOnCode
* changeSummary
* requestId
* segment5
* contermsArticlesUpdDate
* creationDate
* globalAttributeCategory
* xmlFlag
* revisionNum
* attribute14
* vendorId
* globalAttribute7
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute8
* udaTemplateDate
* globalAttribute16
* quoteTypeLookupCode
* printedDate
* approvalRequiredFlag
* supplyAgreementFlag
* ussglTransactionCode
* globalAttribute17
* approvedDate
* attributeCategory
* poHeaderId
* quoteWarningDelay
* quoteWarningDelayUnit
* attribute2
* globalAttribute11
* programApplicationId
* closedCode
* clmMinGuaranteeAwardAmt
* lastUpdateLogin
* shipToLocationId
* retroPriceCommUpdatesFlag
* xmlChangeSendDate
* clmMinOrderAmount
* billToLocationId
* rfqCloseDate
* summaryFlag
* changeRequestedBy
* clmStandardForm
* segment2
* shippingControl
* clmCotrOffice
* clmDocumentFormat
* clmIssuingOffice
* ediProcessedStatus
* mrcRateType
* userHoldFlag
* commRevNum
* otmStatusCode
* globalAttribute10
* updateSourcingRulesFlag
* clmEffectiveDate
* comments
* lastUpdatedBy
* clmCotrContact
* closedDate
* enabledFlag
* approvedFlag
* attribute7
* acceptanceDueDate
* globalAttribute20
* everApprovedFlag
* clmAwardAdministrator
* currencyCode
* agentId
* globalAttribute14
* printCount
* confirmingOrderFlag
* supplierNotifMethod
* segment1
* firmDate
* contermsExistFlag
* frozenFlag
* encumbranceRequiredFlag
* taxAttributeUpdateCode
* globalAgreementFlag
* globalAttribute12
* statusLookupCode
* globalAttribute2
* fax
* createdBy
* mrcRate
* clmDocumentNumber
* clmSupplierSiteName
* vendorSiteId
* typeLookupCode
* rate
* globalAttribute6
* standardCommentCode
* vendorOrderNum
* programUpdateDate
* referenceNum
* globalAttribute13
* enableAllSites
* shipViaLookupCode
* clmNoSignedCopiesToReturn
* draftId
* lastUpdatedProgram
* interfaceSourceCode
* clmSupplierName
* governmentContext
* pcardId
* pendingSignatureFlag
* ediProcessedFlag
* attribute5
* segment3
* globalAttribute3
* payWhenPaid
* clmPaymentInstrCode
* emailAddress
* clmCloseoutStatus
* styleId
* globalAttribute1
* udaTemplateId
* amountLimit
* attribute1
* globalAttribute9
* documentCreationMethod
* contermsDelivUpdDate
* minReleaseAmount
* clmModIssuingOffice
* replyDate
* freightTermsLookupCode
* wfItemKey
* startDateActive
* attribute3
* userDocumentStatus
* revisedDate
* clmVendorOfferNumber
* rateDate
* programId
* quoteVendorQuoteNumber
* fromHeaderId
* cbcAccountingDate
* attribute15


 * vendorContactId
* attribute9
* clmModAdminOffice
* creationDate
* clmDocumentFormat
* ediProcessedFlag
* clmSupplierSiteName
* replyMethodLookupCode
* statusLookupCode
* globalAttribute14
* globalAttribute9
* retroPriceApplyUpdatesFlag
* lastUpdateDate
* changeRequestedBy
* submitDate
* clmAmountReleased
* clmIssuingOffice
* contermsExistFlag
* supplierAuthEnabledFlag
* ediProcessedStatus
* globalAttribute2
* fonRefId
* consignedConsumptionFlag
* billToLocationId
* shippingControl
* acceptanceDueDate
* globalAttribute5
* referenceNum
* segment1
* revisionNum
* oldAmountLimit
* attribute3
* fax
* globalAttribute15
* frozenFlag
* segment4
* noteToAuthorizer
* attribute5
* changeStatus
* programApplicationId
* globalAttribute16
* globalAttribute13
* endDate
* governmentContext
* globalAttributeCategory
* attribute13
* xmlFlag
* ameTransactionType
* enableAllSites
* globalAttribute17
* fobLookupCode
* attribute2
* requestId
* clmMaxOrderAmount
* typeLookupCode
* rateType
* emailAddress
* summaryFlag
* encumbranceRequiredFlag
* vendorId
* clmDefaultDistFlag
* clmMinGuaranteeAwardAmt
* styleId
* clmPaymentInstrCode
* pcardId
* interfaceSourceCode
* contermsDelivUpdDate
* closedDate
* contermsArticlesUpdDate
* xmlSendDate
* attribute12
* taxAttributeUpdateCode
* quotationClassCode
* attribute10
* mrcRate
* currencyCode
* printCount
* firmDate
* globalAttribute19
* replyDate
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* clmReqOffice
* quoteWarningDelay
* segment2
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* modDraftId
* draftId
* globalAttribute20
* createdBy
* poHeaderId
* retroPriceCommUpdatesFlag
* segment3
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* startDateActive
* ameApprovalId
* clmCotrOffice
* pendingSignatureFlag
* freightTermsLookupCode
* clmSpecialContractType
* printedDate
* clmNoSignedCopiesToReturn
* clmPriorityCode
* changeAcceptedFlag
* ussglTransactionCode
* documentCreationMethod
* shipToLocationId
* clmModIssuingOffice
* attribute11
* updateSourcingRulesFlag
* clmDocumentNumber
* changeSummary
* programUpdateDate
* clmMinOrderAmount
* lastUpdatedBy
* clmMinGuarAwardAmtPercent
* revisedDate
* blanketTotalAmount
* globalAttribute8
* udaTemplateId
* enabledFlag
* noteToVendor
* quoteWarningDelayUnit
* amountLimit
* globalAttribute3
* clmAwardType
* clmContractFinanceCode
* umbrellaProgramId
* termsId
* createdLanguage
* authorizationStatus
* minReleaseAmount
* globalAttribute4
* programId
* rate
* clmStandardForm
* clmVendorOfferNumber
* cbcAccountingDate
* userDocumentStatus
* attributeCategory
* clmAmtSyncedToAgreement
* userHoldFlag
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* globalAttribute10
* fromHeaderId
* clmEffectiveDate
* globalAttribute1
* deleteFlag
* attribute14
* quoteVendorQuoteNumber
* lastUpdateLogin
* comments
* confirmingOrderFlag
* agentId
* consumeReqDemandFlag
* wfItemKey
* rfqCloseDate
* cancelFlag
* attribute7
* clmSupplierName
* vendorOrderNum
* globalAttribute6
* mrcRateDate
* supplierNotifMethod
* udaTemplateDate
* cpaReference
* firmStatusLookupCode
* clmContractOfficer
* vendorSiteId
* controlAction
* startDate
* supplyAgreementFlag
* wfItemType
* payWhenPaid
* acceptanceRequiredFlag
* payOnCode
* globalAttribute7
* mrcRateType
* globalAttribute12
* globalAttribute11
* approvedDate
* orgId
* approvalRequiredFlag
* attribute6
* noteToReceiver
* globalAgreementFlag
* rateDate
* clmAwardAdministrator
* shipViaLookupCode
* approvedFlag
* priceUpdateTolerance
* attribute8
* attribute1
* catAdminAuthEnabledFlag
* segment5
* attribute15
* globalAttribute18
* closedCode
* xmlChangeSendDate
* autoSourcingFlag
* attribute4
* quoteTypeLookupCode


 * vendorContactId
* attribute9
* clmModAdminOffice
* creationDate
* clmDocumentFormat
* ediProcessedFlag
* clmSupplierSiteName
* replyMethodLookupCode
* statusLookupCode
* globalAttribute14
* globalAttribute9
* retroPriceApplyUpdatesFlag
* lastUpdateDate
* changeRequestedBy
* submitDate
* clmAmountReleased
* clmIssuingOffice
* contermsExistFlag
* supplierAuthEnabledFlag
* ediProcessedStatus
* globalAttribute2
* fonRefId
* consignedConsumptionFlag
* billToLocationId
* shippingControl
* acceptanceDueDate
* globalAttribute5
* referenceNum
* segment1
* revisionNum
* oldAmountLimit
* attribute3
* fax
* globalAttribute15
* frozenFlag
* segment4
* noteToAuthorizer
* attribute5
* changeStatus
* programApplicationId
* globalAttribute16
* globalAttribute13
* endDate
* governmentContext
* globalAttributeCategory
* attribute13
* xmlFlag
* ameTransactionType
* enableAllSites
* globalAttribute17
* fobLookupCode
* attribute2
* requestId
* clmMaxOrderAmount
* typeLookupCode
* rateType
* emailAddress
* summaryFlag
* encumbranceRequiredFlag
* vendorId
* clmDefaultDistFlag
* clmMinGuaranteeAwardAmt
* styleId
* clmPaymentInstrCode
* pcardId
* interfaceSourceCode
* contermsDelivUpdDate
* closedDate
* contermsArticlesUpdDate
* xmlSendDate
* attribute12
* taxAttributeUpdateCode
* quotationClassCode
* attribute10
* mrcRate
* currencyCode
* printCount
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* globalAttribute19
* replyDate
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* quoteWarningDelay
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* draftId
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* retroPriceCommUpdatesFlag
* segment3
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* clmCotrOffice
* pendingSignatureFlag
* freightTermsLookupCode
* clmSpecialContractType
* printedDate
* clmNoSignedCopiesToReturn
* clmPriorityCode
* changeAcceptedFlag
* ussglTransactionCode
* documentCreationMethod
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* clmModIssuingOffice
* attribute11
* updateSourcingRulesFlag
* clmDocumentNumber
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* programUpdateDate
* clmMinOrderAmount
* lastUpdatedBy
* clmMinGuarAwardAmtPercent
* revisedDate
* blanketTotalAmount
* globalAttribute8
* udaTemplateId
* enabledFlag
* noteToVendor
* quoteWarningDelayUnit
* amountLimit
* globalAttribute3
* clmAwardType
* clmContractFinanceCode
* umbrellaProgramId
* termsId
* createdLanguage
* authorizationStatus
* minReleaseAmount
* globalAttribute4
* programId
* rate
* clmStandardForm
* clmVendorOfferNumber
* cbcAccountingDate
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* globalAttribute10
* fromHeaderId
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* globalAttribute1
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* attribute14
* quoteVendorQuoteNumber
* lastUpdateLogin
* comments
* confirmingOrderFlag
* agentId
* consumeReqDemandFlag
* wfItemKey
* rfqCloseDate
* cancelFlag
* attribute7
* clmSupplierName
* vendorOrderNum
* globalAttribute6
* mrcRateDate
* supplierNotifMethod
* udaTemplateDate
* cpaReference
* firmStatusLookupCode
* clmContractOfficer
* vendorSiteId
* controlAction
* startDate
* supplyAgreementFlag
* wfItemType
* payWhenPaid
* acceptanceRequiredFlag
* payOnCode
* globalAttribute7
* mrcRateType
* globalAttribute12
* globalAttribute11
* approvedDate
* orgId
* approvalRequiredFlag
* attribute6
* noteToReceiver
* globalAgreementFlag
* rateDate
* clmAwardAdministrator
* shipViaLookupCode
* approvedFlag
* priceUpdateTolerance
* attribute8
* attribute1
* catAdminAuthEnabledFlag
* segment5
* attribute15
* globalAttribute18
* closedCode
* xmlChangeSendDate
* autoSourcingFlag
* attribute4
* quoteTypeLookupCode


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* budgetAccountSegment12
* clmMinGuarAwardAmtPercent
* acceptanceRequiredFlag
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* budgetAccountSegment8
* programUpdateDate
* attribute2
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* comments
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* vendorListHeaderId
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* budgetAccountSegment14
* minReleaseAmount
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* supplyAgreementFlag
* documentSubtype
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* frozenFlag
* attribute8
* amountAgreed
* clmAwardAdministrator
* vendorContactId
* clmMaxOrderAmount
* lastUpdateLogin
* programApplicationId
* closedCode
* attribute11
* clmContractOfficerDisp
* budgetAccountSegment15
* clmAwardTypeDisp
* consumeReqDemandFlag
* vendorName
* amountLimit
* currencyCode
* draftId
* budgetAccountSegment17
* changeSummary
* amountToEncumber
* revisedDate
* replyMethod
* attribute14
* attribute10
* budgetAccountSegment13
* groupCode
* action
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* budgetAccountSegment27
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* closedDate
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* budgetAccountSegment1
* processingRoundNum
* budgetAccountSegment19
* attribute6
* freightCarrier
* budgetAccount
* createdLanguage
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* lastUpdatedBy
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* clmContractFinanceCode
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* fob
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* loadSourcingRulesFlag
* budgetAccountSegment29
* budgetAccountSegment28
* createdBy
* billToLocation
* noteToReceiver
* fromTypeLookupCode
* fromHeaderId
* budgetAccountSegment20
* budgetAccountSegment21
* attributeCategory
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* vendorSiteCode
* budgetAccountSegment2
* agentId
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* poHeaderId
* attribute4
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* vendorList
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* requestId
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* clmAwardType
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* attribute7
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* vendorContact
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* clmMinGuarAwardAmtPercent
* acceptanceRequiredFlag
* clmDocumentFormat
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* documentSubtype
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* clmAwardAdministrator
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* lastUpdateLogin
* programApplicationId
* closedCode
* attribute11
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* budgetAccountSegment17
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* revisedDate
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* attribute10
* budgetAccountSegment13
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* budgetAccountSegment1
* processingRoundNum
* budgetAccountSegment19
* attribute6
* freightCarrier
* budgetAccount
* createdLanguage
* processCode
* processingId
* interfaceHeaderId
* lastUpdatedBy
* encumbranceRequiredFlag
* expirationDate
* clmSourceDocumentDisp
* vendorId
* budgetAccountSegment22
* budgetAccountSegment6
* budgetAccountSegment7
* acceptanceDueDate
* budgetAccountSegment26
* clmEffectiveDate
* releaseNum
* attribute1
* clmNoSignedCopiesToReturn
* orgId
* vendorDocNum
* budgetAccountSegment16
* clmAwardAdministratorDisp
* clmContractFinanceCode
* clmSpecialContractType
* clmVendorOfferNumber
* ussglTransactionCode
* fob
* quoteWarningDelay
* loadSourcingRulesFlag
* budgetAccountSegment29
* budgetAccountSegment28
* createdBy
* billToLocation
* noteToReceiver
* fromTypeLookupCode
* fromHeaderId
* budgetAccountSegment20
* budgetAccountSegment21
* attributeCategory
* lastUpdateDate
* vendorSiteCode
* budgetAccountSegment2
* agentId
* firmFlag
* poHeaderId
* attribute4
* noteToVendor
* vendorList
* documentCreationMethod
* originalPoHeaderId
* clmMinGuaranteeAwardAmt
* batchId
* rate
* termsId
* vendorNum
* vendorSiteId
* budgetAccountSegment25
* requestId
* rateType
* budgetAccountSegment4
* clmAwardType
* agentName
* replyDate
* attribute7
* wfGroupId
* documentTypeCode
* budgetAccountSegment11
* umbrellaProgramId
* vendorContact
* printedDate
* styleId
* interfaceSourceCode
* budgetAccountSegment30
* revisionNum
* attribute12
* approvalStatus
* approvedDate
* glEncumberedPeriodName
* freightTerms


 * currencyCode
* poTotal
* agentName
* programId
* orgId
* typeLookupCode
* creationDate
* releaseNum
* vendorSiteCode
* programUpdateDate
* segment1
* purgeName
* requestId
* vendorId
* vendorName
* programApplicationId


 * currencyCode
* poTotal
* agentName
* programId
* orgId
* typeLookupCode
* creationDate
* releaseNum
* vendorSiteCode
* programUpdateDate
* segment1
* purgeName
* requestId
* vendorId
* vendorName
* programApplicationId


 * vendorId
* purgeName
* programUpdateDate
* itemDescription
* receiptNum
* programId
* transactionDate
* programApplicationId
* requestId
* shipmentNum
* receiverName


 * vendorId
* purgeName
* programUpdateDate
* itemDescription
* receiptNum
* programId
* transactionDate
* programApplicationId
* requestId
* shipmentNum
* receiverName


 * segment1
* typeLookupCode
* programUpdateDate
* documentSubtype
* creationDate
* purgeName
* programId
* programApplicationId
* requisitionTotal
* preparerName
* requestId
* orgId


 * segment1
* typeLookupCode
* programUpdateDate
* documentSubtype
* creationDate
* purgeName
* programId
* programApplicationId
* requisitionTotal
* preparerName
* requestId
* orgId


 * programApplicationId
* segment1
* programUpdateDate
* programId
* vendorId
* requestId
* vendorTypeLookupCode
* vendorName
* purgeName


 * programApplicationId
* segment1
* programUpdateDate
* programId
* vendorId
* requestId
* vendorTypeLookupCode
* vendorName
* purgeName


 * interfaceAttrValuesId
* columnName
* batchId
* programUpdateDate
* interfaceTransactionId
* token1Name
* tableName
* token3Value
* errorMessage
* interfaceType
* token2Name
* token5Name
* token5Value
* appName
* lastUpdatedBy
* token6Name
* interfaceLineId
* lastUpdateLogin
* requestId
* token4Value
* programId
* createdBy
* lastUpdateDate
* programApplicationId
* interfaceDistributionId
* token6Value
* token3Name
* errorMessageName
* columnValue
* interfaceAttrValuesTlpId
* interfaceLineLocationId
* token1Value
* priceDiffInterfaceId
* creationDate
* token2Value
* token4Name
* processingDate
* interfaceHeaderId


 * interfaceAttrValuesId
* columnName
* batchId
* programUpdateDate
* interfaceTransactionId
* token1Name
* tableName
* token3Value
* errorMessage
* interfaceType
* token2Name
* token5Name
* token5Value
* appName
* lastUpdatedBy
* token6Name
* interfaceLineId
* lastUpdateLogin
* requestId
* token4Value
* programId
* createdBy
* lastUpdateDate
* programApplicationId
* interfaceDistributionId
* token6Value
* token3Name
* errorMessageName
* columnValue
* interfaceAttrValuesTlpId
* interfaceLineLocationId
* token1Value
* priceDiffInterfaceId
* creationDate
* token2Value
* token4Name
* processingDate
* interfaceHeaderId


 * lastUpdateDate
* categoryId
* shoppingCategoryId
* createdBy
* inactiveDate
* jobId
* creationDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin


 * lastUpdateDate
* categoryId
* shoppingCategoryId
* createdBy
* inactiveDate
* jobId
* creationDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin


 * jobId
* lastUpdateLogin
* creationDate
* sourceLang
* jobLongDescription
* createdBy
* jobDescription
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateDate
* language


 * jobId
* lastUpdateLogin
* creationDate
* sourceLang
* jobLongDescription
* createdBy
* jobDescription
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateDate
* language


 * nExtAttr4
* pk2Value
* uomExtAttr12
* cExtAttr6
* cExtAttr25
* cExtAttr28
* cExtAttr29
* cExtAttr33
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* uomExtAttr20
* dExtAttr2
* uomExtAttr6
* uomExtAttr10
* udaTemplateId
* nExtAttr13
* uomExtAttr11
* nExtAttr20
* nExtAttr9
* extensionId
* cExtAttr7
* uomExtAttr13
* nExtAttr5
* cExtAttr34
* nExtAttr16
* cExtAttr27
* nExtAttr3
* cExtAttr1
* lineLocationId
* cExtAttr40
* revisionNum
* nExtAttr8
* cExtAttr21
* uomExtAttr4
* nExtAttr1
* dExtAttr7
* cExtAttr22
* cExtAttr11
* draftId
* nExtAttr10
* cExtAttr2
* uomExtAttr16
* pk3Value
* cExtAttr19
* cExtAttr20
* pk5Value
* cExtAttr14
* cExtAttr23
* uomExtAttr2
* cExtAttr16
* nExtAttr7
* dExtAttr8
* creationDate
* cExtAttr15
* pk4Value
* uomExtAttr14
* nExtAttr18
* cExtAttr30
* nExtAttr6
* uomExtAttr8
* cExtAttr26
* cExtAttr5
* uomExtAttr7
* cExtAttr35
* cExtAttr18
* dExtAttr6
* dExtAttr9
* uomExtAttr15
* nExtAttr2
* nExtAttr11
* cExtAttr9
* uomExtAttr19
* dExtAttr1
* nExtAttr14
* cExtAttr12
* uomExtAttr3
* dExtAttr3
* cExtAttr3
* uomExtAttr1
* nExtAttr15
* lastUpdateLogin
* nExtAttr19
* latestExternalFlag
* lastUpdatedBy
* dExtAttr10
* cExtAttr32
* cExtAttr4
* cExtAttr17
* cExtAttr37
* attrGroupId
* cExtAttr36
* dataLevelId
* uomExtAttr9
* uomExtAttr17
* lastUpdateDate
* dExtAttr4
* cExtAttr10
* cExtAttr39
* pk1Value
* nExtAttr17
* createdBy
* cExtAttr24
* cExtAttr8
* cExtAttr31
* uomExtAttr5
* dExtAttr5
* cExtAttr13
* nExtAttr12
* cExtAttr38


 * nExtAttr4
* pk2Value
* uomExtAttr12
* cExtAttr6
* cExtAttr25
* cExtAttr28
* cExtAttr29
* cExtAttr33
* uomExtAttr18
* uomExtAttr20
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* udaTemplateId
* nExtAttr13
* uomExtAttr11
* nExtAttr20
* nExtAttr9
* extensionId
* cExtAttr7
* uomExtAttr13
* nExtAttr5
* cExtAttr34
* nExtAttr16
* cExtAttr27
* nExtAttr3
* cExtAttr1
* lineLocationId
* cExtAttr40
* revisionNum
* nExtAttr8
* cExtAttr21
* uomExtAttr4
* nExtAttr1
* dExtAttr7
* cExtAttr22
* cExtAttr11
* draftId
* nExtAttr10
* cExtAttr2
* uomExtAttr16
* pk3Value
* cExtAttr19
* cExtAttr20
* pk5Value
* cExtAttr14
* cExtAttr23
* uomExtAttr2
* cExtAttr16
* nExtAttr7
* dExtAttr8
* creationDate
* cExtAttr15
* pk4Value
* uomExtAttr14
* nExtAttr18
* cExtAttr30
* nExtAttr6
* uomExtAttr8
* cExtAttr26
* cExtAttr5
* uomExtAttr7
* cExtAttr35
* cExtAttr18
* dExtAttr6
* dExtAttr9
* uomExtAttr15
* nExtAttr2
* nExtAttr11
* cExtAttr9
* uomExtAttr19
* dExtAttr1
* nExtAttr14
* cExtAttr12
* uomExtAttr3
* dExtAttr3
* cExtAttr3
* uomExtAttr1
* nExtAttr15
* lastUpdateLogin
* nExtAttr19
* latestExternalFlag
* lastUpdatedBy
* dExtAttr10
* cExtAttr32
* cExtAttr4
* cExtAttr17
* cExtAttr37
* attrGroupId
* cExtAttr36
* dataLevelId
* uomExtAttr9
* uomExtAttr17
* lastUpdateDate
* dExtAttr4
* cExtAttr10
* cExtAttr39
* pk1Value
* nExtAttr17
* createdBy
* cExtAttr24
* cExtAttr8
* cExtAttr31
* uomExtAttr5
* dExtAttr5
* cExtAttr13
* nExtAttr12
* cExtAttr38


 * tlExtAttr18
* tlExtAttr2
* tlExtAttr7
* attrGroupId
* creationDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* tlExtAttr33
* tlExtAttr23
* pk2Value
* tlExtAttr16
* tlExtAttr3
* dataLevelId
* pk3Value
* tlExtAttr17
* lastUpdateDate
* tlExtAttr31
* tlExtAttr21
* tlExtAttr26
* tlExtAttr14
* tlExtAttr15
* tlExtAttr34
* tlExtAttr1
* tlExtAttr19
* lineLocationId
* tlExtAttr8
* udaTemplateId
* extensionId
* tlExtAttr4
* draftId
* tlExtAttr12
* tlExtAttr24
* tlExtAttr39
* tlExtAttr22
* tlExtAttr29
* tlExtAttr38
* revisionNum
* pk4Value
* tlExtAttr20
* tlExtAttr30
* tlExtAttr27
* language
* tlExtAttr9
* tlExtAttr13
* tlExtAttr36
* tlExtAttr25
* tlExtAttr6
* tlExtAttr10
* tlExtAttr40
* tlExtAttr35
* latestExternalFlag
* pk1Value
* tlExtAttr37
* tlExtAttr32
* lastUpdateLogin
* createdBy
* tlExtAttr28
* pk5Value
* tlExtAttr11
* tlExtAttr5
* sourceLang


 * tlExtAttr18
* tlExtAttr2
* tlExtAttr7
* attrGroupId
* creationDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* tlExtAttr33
* tlExtAttr23
* pk2Value
* tlExtAttr16
* tlExtAttr3
* dataLevelId
* pk3Value
* tlExtAttr17
* lastUpdateDate
* tlExtAttr31
* tlExtAttr21
* tlExtAttr26
* tlExtAttr14
* tlExtAttr15
* tlExtAttr34
* tlExtAttr1
* tlExtAttr19
* lineLocationId
* tlExtAttr8
* udaTemplateId
* extensionId
* tlExtAttr4
* draftId
* tlExtAttr12
* tlExtAttr24
* tlExtAttr39
* tlExtAttr22
* tlExtAttr29
* tlExtAttr38
* revisionNum
* pk4Value
* tlExtAttr20
* tlExtAttr30
* tlExtAttr27
* language
* tlExtAttr9
* tlExtAttr13
* tlExtAttr36
* tlExtAttr25
* tlExtAttr6
* tlExtAttr10
* tlExtAttr40
* tlExtAttr35
* latestExternalFlag
* pk1Value
* tlExtAttr37
* tlExtAttr32
* lastUpdateLogin
* createdBy
* tlExtAttr28
* pk5Value
* tlExtAttr11
* tlExtAttr5
* sourceLang


 * startDate
* draftId
* attribute8
* shipmentClosedDate
* cancelReason
* encumberNow
* noteToReceiver
* amount
* shipmentType
* retainageReleasedAmount
* vmiFlag
* receiveCloseTolerance
* secondaryQuantityAccepted
* globalAttribute11
* clmDeliveryPeriod
* paymentType
* promisedDate
* clmPromisePeriod
* supplierOrderLineNumber
* globalAttribute10
* secondaryQuantityCancelled
* globalAttribute7
* cancelFlag
* priceOverride
* attribute15
* matchOption
* quantityBilled
* receiptDaysExceptionCode
* unencumberedQuantity
* globalAttribute17
* description
* attribute11
* taxCodeId
* lastUpdateLogin
* fobLookupCode
* leadTime
* accrueOnReceiptFlag
* globalAttribute15
* matchingBasis
* lastAcceptDate
* cancelDate
* clmDeliveryPeriodUom
* unitMeasLookupCode
* enforceShipToLocationCode
* secondaryUnitOfMeasure
* attribute5
* globalAttribute6
* globalAttribute1
* clmPeriodPerfStartDate
* preferredGrade
* freightTermsLookupCode
* poLineId
* createdBy
* encumberedFlag
* daysEarlyReceiptAllowed
* globalAttribute20
* taxableFlag
* programId
* retroactiveDate
* daysLateReceiptAllowed
* firmStatusLookupCode
* countryOfOriginCode
* globalAttribute13
* taxUserOverrideFlag
* taxAttributeUpdateCode
* closedDate
* clmPopDurationUom
* lineLocationId
* globalAttribute5
* bidPaymentId
* quantityFinanced
* unitOfMeasureClass
* secondaryQuantityRejected
* firmDate
* shipmentNum
* closedCode
* endDate
* qtyRcvTolerance
* amountRecouped
* clmPopDuration
* cancelledBy
* globalAttribute16
* globalAttributeCategory
* approvedFlag
* globalAttribute9
* retainageWithheldAmount
* secondaryQuantityShipped
* receiptRequiredFlag
* fromLineLocationId
* receivingRoutingId
* dropShipFlag
* closedForInvoiceDate
* globalAttribute3
* consignedFlag
* attribute7
* amountFinanced
* lastUpdatedBy
* finalMatchFlag
* quantityAccepted
* allowSubstituteReceiptsFlag
* sourceShipmentId
* globalAttribute8
* amountCancelled
* calculateTaxFlag
* amountBilled
* invoiceCloseTolerance
* closedReason
* encumberedDate
* attribute6
* qtyRcvExceptionCode
* programApplicationId
* creationDate
* globalAttribute12
* priceDiscount
* closedFlag
* leadTimeUnit
* attributeCategory
* amountReceived
* ussglTransactionCode
* governmentContext
* udaTemplateId
* poReleaseId
* manualPriceChangeFlag
* globalAttribute2
* amountRejected
* closedBy
* inspectionRequiredFlag
* poHeaderId
* globalAttribute4
* approvedDate
* attribute12
* globalAttribute14
* closedForReceivingDate
* lcmFlag
* amountAccepted
* quantityRecouped
* quantityReceived
* estimatedTaxAmount
* attribute13
* changePromisedDateReason
* salesOrderUpdateDate
* attribute14
* quantityCancelled
* programUpdateDate
* attribute3
* amountShipped
* shipViaLookupCode
* attribute4
* attribute1
* clmPromisePeriodUom
* quantityShipped
* termsId
* secondaryQuantityReceived
* revisionNum
* quantity
* requestId
* transactionFlowHeaderId
* clmPeriodPerfEndDate
* needByDate
* shipToOrganizationId
* lastUpdateDate
* globalAttribute18
* quantityRejected
* valueBasis
* orgId
* attribute10
* globalAttribute19
* fromHeaderId
* fromLineId
* attribute9
* taxName
* workApproverId
* shipToLocationId
* secondaryQuantity
* attribute2
* outsourcedAssembly
* originalShipmentId


 * cExtAttr28
* uomExtAttr19
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* lastUpdatedBy
* cExtAttr40
* cExtAttr35
* cExtAttr4
* creationDate
* attrGroupId
* cExtAttr13
* cExtAttr7
* cExtAttr30
* nExtAttr9
* pk5Value
* dExtAttr4
* uomExtAttr20
* cExtAttr19
* cExtAttr32
* uomExtAttr6
* cExtAttr29
* cExtAttr6
* uomExtAttr2
* cExtAttr3
* uomExtAttr14
* cExtAttr14
* pk3Value
* extensionId
* createdBy
* cExtAttr37
* uomExtAttr15
* nExtAttr11
* uomExtAttr8
* uomExtAttr17
* dataLevelId
* cExtAttr11
* nExtAttr19
* lastUpdateLogin
* lineLocationId
* dExtAttr1
* nExtAttr5
* nExtAttr7
* cExtAttr8
* uomExtAttr11
* cExtAttr24
* pk2Value
* nExtAttr13
* dExtAttr5
* nExtAttr17
* cExtAttr20
* cExtAttr22
* cExtAttr16
* draftId
* uomExtAttr3
* nExtAttr16
* udaTemplateId
* cExtAttr21
* nExtAttr10
* nExtAttr2
* dExtAttr7
* cExtAttr33
* cExtAttr17
* nExtAttr18
* dExtAttr9
* uomExtAttr18
* nExtAttr14
* nExtAttr6
* uomExtAttr7
* dExtAttr10
* cExtAttr1
* cExtAttr38
* cExtAttr27
* uomExtAttr13
* lastUpdateDate
* uomExtAttr5
* cExtAttr23
* cExtAttr2
* uomExtAttr1
* uomExtAttr9
* nExtAttr8
* cExtAttr36
* nExtAttr4
* cExtAttr15
* nExtAttr12
* pk4Value
* uomExtAttr10
* uomExtAttr12
* nExtAttr20
* nExtAttr3
* cExtAttr26
* dExtAttr8
* cExtAttr31
* cExtAttr9
* cExtAttr34
* cExtAttr18
* dExtAttr2
* cExtAttr25
* cExtAttr5
* cExtAttr10
* cExtAttr12
* uomExtAttr4
* nExtAttr1
* nExtAttr15
* uomExtAttr16
* cExtAttr39
* pk1Value
* dExtAttr6


 * cExtAttr28
* uomExtAttr19
* dExtAttr3
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* cExtAttr40
* cExtAttr35
* cExtAttr4
* creationDate
* attrGroupId
* cExtAttr13
* cExtAttr7
* cExtAttr30
* nExtAttr9
* pk5Value
* dExtAttr4
* uomExtAttr20
* cExtAttr19
* cExtAttr32
* uomExtAttr6
* cExtAttr29
* cExtAttr6
* uomExtAttr2
* cExtAttr3
* uomExtAttr14
* cExtAttr14
* pk3Value
* extensionId
* createdBy
* cExtAttr37
* uomExtAttr15
* nExtAttr11
* uomExtAttr8
* uomExtAttr17
* dataLevelId
* cExtAttr11
* nExtAttr19
* lastUpdateLogin
* lineLocationId
* dExtAttr1
* nExtAttr5
* nExtAttr7
* cExtAttr8
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* cExtAttr24
* pk2Value
* nExtAttr13
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* cExtAttr20
* cExtAttr22
* cExtAttr16
* draftId
* uomExtAttr3
* nExtAttr16
* udaTemplateId
* cExtAttr21
* nExtAttr10
* nExtAttr2
* dExtAttr7
* cExtAttr33
* cExtAttr17
* nExtAttr18
* dExtAttr9
* uomExtAttr18
* nExtAttr14
* nExtAttr6
* uomExtAttr7
* dExtAttr10
* cExtAttr1
* cExtAttr38
* cExtAttr27
* uomExtAttr13
* lastUpdateDate
* uomExtAttr5
* cExtAttr23
* cExtAttr2
* uomExtAttr1
* uomExtAttr9
* nExtAttr8
* cExtAttr36
* nExtAttr4
* cExtAttr15
* nExtAttr12
* pk4Value
* uomExtAttr10
* uomExtAttr12
* nExtAttr20
* nExtAttr3
* cExtAttr26
* dExtAttr8
* cExtAttr31
* cExtAttr9
* cExtAttr34
* cExtAttr18
* dExtAttr2
* cExtAttr25
* cExtAttr5
* cExtAttr10
* cExtAttr12
* uomExtAttr4
* nExtAttr1
* nExtAttr15
* uomExtAttr16
* cExtAttr39
* pk1Value
* dExtAttr6


 * tlExtAttr9
* tlExtAttr39
* tlExtAttr20
* creationDate
* pk5Value
* tlExtAttr23
* tlExtAttr37
* lastUpdateLogin
* extensionId
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* lineLocationId
* tlExtAttr12
* tlExtAttr21
* tlExtAttr29
* tlExtAttr6
* tlExtAttr26
* pk3Value
* pk4Value
* draftId
* tlExtAttr4
* sourceLang
* tlExtAttr34
* tlExtAttr40
* tlExtAttr36
* tlExtAttr17
* language
* tlExtAttr19
* tlExtAttr31
* tlExtAttr33
* dataLevelId
* tlExtAttr16
* tlExtAttr27
* tlExtAttr2
* tlExtAttr18
* udaTemplateId
* tlExtAttr15
* pk1Value
* tlExtAttr14
* tlExtAttr24
* tlExtAttr11
* tlExtAttr5
* tlExtAttr35
* pk2Value
* lastUpdatedBy
* tlExtAttr1
* tlExtAttr30
* tlExtAttr10
* tlExtAttr3
* tlExtAttr7
* lastUpdateDate
* createdBy
* tlExtAttr22
* tlExtAttr38
* tlExtAttr8
* tlExtAttr13
* tlExtAttr32
* tlExtAttr25
* attrGroupId


 * tlExtAttr9
* tlExtAttr39
* tlExtAttr20
* creationDate
* pk5Value
* tlExtAttr23
* tlExtAttr37
* lastUpdateLogin
* extensionId
* tlExtAttr28
* lineLocationId
* tlExtAttr12
* tlExtAttr21
* tlExtAttr29
* tlExtAttr6
* tlExtAttr26
* pk3Value
* pk4Value
* draftId
* tlExtAttr4
* sourceLang
* tlExtAttr34
* tlExtAttr40
* tlExtAttr36
* tlExtAttr17
* language
* tlExtAttr19
* tlExtAttr31
* tlExtAttr33
* dataLevelId
* tlExtAttr16
* tlExtAttr27
* tlExtAttr2
* tlExtAttr18
* udaTemplateId
* tlExtAttr15
* pk1Value
* tlExtAttr14
* tlExtAttr24
* tlExtAttr11
* tlExtAttr5
* tlExtAttr35
* pk2Value
* lastUpdatedBy
* tlExtAttr1
* tlExtAttr30
* tlExtAttr10
* tlExtAttr3
* tlExtAttr7
* lastUpdateDate
* createdBy
* tlExtAttr22
* tlExtAttr38
* tlExtAttr8
* tlExtAttr13
* tlExtAttr32
* tlExtAttr25
* attrGroupId


 * startDate
* draftId
* attribute8
* shipmentClosedDate
* cancelReason
* encumberNow
* noteToReceiver
* amount
* shipmentType
* retainageReleasedAmount
* vmiFlag
* receiveCloseTolerance
* secondaryQuantityAccepted
* globalAttribute11
* clmDeliveryPeriod
* paymentType
* promisedDate
* clmPromisePeriod
* supplierOrderLineNumber
* globalAttribute10
* secondaryQuantityCancelled
* globalAttribute7
* cancelFlag
* priceOverride
* attribute15
* matchOption
* quantityBilled
* receiptDaysExceptionCode
* unencumberedQuantity
* globalAttribute17
* description
* attribute11
* taxCodeId
* lastUpdateLogin
* fobLookupCode
* leadTime
* accrueOnReceiptFlag
* globalAttribute15
* matchingBasis
* lastAcceptDate
* cancelDate
* clmDeliveryPeriodUom
* unitMeasLookupCode
* enforceShipToLocationCode
* secondaryUnitOfMeasure
* attribute5
* globalAttribute6
* globalAttribute1
* clmPeriodPerfStartDate
* preferredGrade
* freightTermsLookupCode
* poLineId
* createdBy
* encumberedFlag
* daysEarlyReceiptAllowed
* globalAttribute20
* taxableFlag
* programId
* retroactiveDate
* daysLateReceiptAllowed
* firmStatusLookupCode
* countryOfOriginCode
* globalAttribute13
* taxUserOverrideFlag
* taxAttributeUpdateCode
* closedDate
* clmPopDurationUom
* lineLocationId
* globalAttribute5
* bidPaymentId
* quantityFinanced
* unitOfMeasureClass
* secondaryQuantityRejected
* firmDate
* shipmentNum
* closedCode
* endDate
* qtyRcvTolerance
* amountRecouped
* clmPopDuration
* cancelledBy
* globalAttribute16
* globalAttributeCategory
* approvedFlag
* globalAttribute9
* retainageWithheldAmount
* secondaryQuantityShipped
* receiptRequiredFlag
* fromLineLocationId
* receivingRoutingId
* dropShipFlag
* closedForInvoiceDate
* globalAttribute3
* consignedFlag
* attribute7
* amountFinanced
* lastUpdatedBy
* finalMatchFlag
* quantityAccepted
* allowSubstituteReceiptsFlag
* sourceShipmentId
* globalAttribute8
* amountCancelled
* calculateTaxFlag
* amountBilled
* invoiceCloseTolerance
* closedReason
* encumberedDate
* attribute6
* qtyRcvExceptionCode
* programApplicationId
* creationDate
* globalAttribute12
* priceDiscount
* closedFlag
* leadTimeUnit
* attributeCategory
* amountReceived
* ussglTransactionCode
* governmentContext
* udaTemplateId
* poReleaseId
* manualPriceChangeFlag
* globalAttribute2
* amountRejected
* closedBy
* inspectionRequiredFlag
* poHeaderId
* globalAttribute4
* approvedDate
* attribute12
* globalAttribute14
* closedForReceivingDate
* lcmFlag
* amountAccepted
* quantityRecouped
* quantityReceived
* estimatedTaxAmount
* attribute13
* changePromisedDateReason
* salesOrderUpdateDate
* attribute14
* quantityCancelled
* programUpdateDate
* attribute3
* amountShipped
* shipViaLookupCode
* attribute4
* attribute1
* clmPromisePeriodUom
* quantityShipped
* termsId
* secondaryQuantityReceived
* revisionNum
* quantity
* requestId
* transactionFlowHeaderId
* clmPeriodPerfEndDate
* needByDate
* shipToOrganizationId
* lastUpdateDate
* globalAttribute18
* quantityRejected
* valueBasis
* orgId
* attribute10
* globalAttribute19
* fromHeaderId
* fromLineId
* attribute9
* taxName
* workApproverId
* shipToLocationId
* secondaryQuantity
* attribute2
* outsourcedAssembly
* originalShipmentId


 * attribute7
* attribute14
* unitMeasLookupCode
* dropShipFlag
* retainageWithheldAmount
* clmPromisePeriodUom
* receiptDaysExceptionCode
* firmDate
* daysLateReceiptAllowed
* fromHeaderId
* amountShipped
* amountReceived
* poHeaderId
* globalAttribute17
* accrueOnReceiptFlag
* closedForInvoiceDate
* calculateTaxFlag
* requestId
* globalAttribute12
* finalMatchFlag
* globalAttribute14
* globalAttribute18
* approvedFlag
* valueBasis
* vmiFlag
* quantityBilled
* taxAttributeUpdateCode
* programUpdateDate
* attribute8
* termsId
* globalAttribute19
* preferredGrade
* quantityAccepted
* inspectionRequiredFlag
* globalAttribute7
* closedDate
* changePromisedDateReason
* attribute4
* globalAttribute1
* consignedFlag
* attribute9
* description
* globalAttribute15
* shipmentClosedDate
* amountCancelled
* workApproverId
* transactionFlowHeaderId
* secondaryQuantityAccepted
* poLineId
* cancelFlag
* shipmentType
* lastUpdateDate
* firmStatusLookupCode
* secondaryQuantityCancelled
* attribute11
* globalAttribute8
* globalAttribute4
* encumberNow
* quantityRecouped
* secondaryQuantityReceived
* attribute1
* quantityShipped
* amountBilled
* cancelledBy
* attribute2
* clmPopDuration
* closedReason
* estimatedTaxAmount
* paymentType
* unitOfMeasureClass
* closedBy
* clmPeriodPerfStartDate
* encumberedFlag
* attribute15
* closedForReceivingDate
* secondaryQuantityShipped
* closedFlag
* taxableFlag
* enforceShipToLocationCode
* noteToReceiver
* amountAccepted
* globalAttribute10
* leadTime
* clmPeriodPerfEndDate
* attributeCategory
* clmPromisePeriod
* originalShipmentId
* encumberedDate
* globalAttribute11
* clmDeliveryPeriodUom
* quantityFinanced
* attribute6
* endDate
* shipmentNum
* quantity
* poReleaseId
* qtyRcvExceptionCode
* amountRejected
* taxCodeId
* orgId
* bidPaymentId
* shipViaLookupCode
* sourceShipmentId
* governmentContext
* globalAttributeCategory
* globalAttribute3
* lastAcceptDate
* unencumberedQuantity
* supplierOrderLineNumber
* receiveCloseTolerance
* globalAttribute13
* outsourcedAssembly
* fobLookupCode
* revisionNum
* fromLineId
* attribute13
* secondaryQuantity
* closedCode
* quantityRejected
* attribute3
* freightTermsLookupCode
* cancelDate
* attribute12
* allowSubstituteReceiptsFlag
* leadTimeUnit
* approvedDate
* attribute10
* receivingRoutingId
* manualPriceChangeFlag
* matchingBasis
* startDate
* secondaryQuantityRejected
* programId
* lastUpdateLogin
* priceOverride
* fromLineLocationId
* retroactiveDate
* promisedDate
* globalAttribute9
* clmDeliveryPeriod
* invoiceCloseTolerance
* globalAttribute2
* amountFinanced
* shipToLocationId
* quantityReceived
* udaTemplateId
* attribute5
* globalAttribute16
* matchOption
* creationDate
* lineLocationId
* qtyRcvTolerance
* clmPopDurationUom
* priceDiscount
* shipToOrganizationId
* ussglTransactionCode
* globalAttribute5
* cancelReason
* daysEarlyReceiptAllowed
* globalAttribute6
* globalAttribute20
* secondaryUnitOfMeasure
* needByDate
* createdBy
* retainageReleasedAmount
* lcmFlag
* quantityCancelled
* amount
* taxUserOverrideFlag
* taxName
* latestExternalFlag
* salesOrderUpdateDate
* countryOfOriginCode
* amountRecouped
* receiptRequiredFlag
* lastUpdatedBy
* programApplicationId


 * attribute7
* attribute14
* unitMeasLookupCode
* dropShipFlag
* retainageWithheldAmount
* clmPromisePeriodUom
* receiptDaysExceptionCode
* firmDate
* daysLateReceiptAllowed
* fromHeaderId
* amountShipped
* amountReceived
* poHeaderId
* globalAttribute17
* accrueOnReceiptFlag
* closedForInvoiceDate
* calculateTaxFlag
* requestId
* globalAttribute12
* finalMatchFlag
* globalAttribute14
* globalAttribute18
* approvedFlag
* valueBasis
* vmiFlag
* quantityBilled
* taxAttributeUpdateCode
* programUpdateDate
* attribute8
* termsId
* globalAttribute19
* preferredGrade
* quantityAccepted
* inspectionRequiredFlag
* globalAttribute7
* closedDate
* changePromisedDateReason
* attribute4
* globalAttribute1
* consignedFlag
* attribute9
* description
* globalAttribute15
* shipmentClosedDate
* amountCancelled
* workApproverId
* transactionFlowHeaderId
* secondaryQuantityAccepted
* poLineId
* cancelFlag
* shipmentType
* lastUpdateDate
* firmStatusLookupCode
* secondaryQuantityCancelled
* attribute11
* globalAttribute8
* globalAttribute4
* encumberNow
* quantityRecouped
* secondaryQuantityReceived
* attribute1
* quantityShipped
* amountBilled
* cancelledBy
* attribute2
* clmPopDuration
* closedReason
* estimatedTaxAmount
* paymentType
* unitOfMeasureClass
* closedBy
* clmPeriodPerfStartDate
* encumberedFlag
* attribute15
* closedForReceivingDate
* secondaryQuantityShipped
* closedFlag
* taxableFlag
* enforceShipToLocationCode
* noteToReceiver
* amountAccepted
* globalAttribute10
* leadTime
* clmPeriodPerfEndDate
* attributeCategory
* clmPromisePeriod
* originalShipmentId
* encumberedDate
* globalAttribute11
* clmDeliveryPeriodUom
* quantityFinanced
* attribute6
* endDate
* shipmentNum
* quantity
* poReleaseId
* qtyRcvExceptionCode
* amountRejected
* taxCodeId
* orgId
* bidPaymentId
* shipViaLookupCode
* sourceShipmentId
* governmentContext
* globalAttributeCategory
* globalAttribute3
* lastAcceptDate
* unencumberedQuantity
* supplierOrderLineNumber
* receiveCloseTolerance
* globalAttribute13
* outsourcedAssembly
* fobLookupCode
* revisionNum
* fromLineId
* attribute13
* secondaryQuantity
* closedCode
* quantityRejected
* attribute3
* freightTermsLookupCode
* cancelDate
* attribute12
* allowSubstituteReceiptsFlag
* leadTimeUnit
* approvedDate
* attribute10
* receivingRoutingId
* manualPriceChangeFlag
* matchingBasis
* startDate
* secondaryQuantityRejected
* programId
* lastUpdateLogin
* priceOverride
* fromLineLocationId
* retroactiveDate
* promisedDate
* globalAttribute9
* clmDeliveryPeriod
* invoiceCloseTolerance
* globalAttribute2
* amountFinanced
* shipToLocationId
* quantityReceived
* udaTemplateId
* attribute5
* globalAttribute16
* matchOption
* creationDate
* lineLocationId
* qtyRcvTolerance
* clmPopDurationUom
* priceDiscount
* shipToOrganizationId
* ussglTransactionCode
* globalAttribute5
* cancelReason
* daysEarlyReceiptAllowed
* globalAttribute6
* globalAttribute20
* secondaryUnitOfMeasure
* needByDate
* createdBy
* retainageReleasedAmount
* lcmFlag
* quantityCancelled
* amount
* taxUserOverrideFlag
* taxName
* latestExternalFlag
* salesOrderUpdateDate
* countryOfOriginCode
* amountRecouped
* receiptRequiredFlag
* lastUpdatedBy
* programApplicationId


 * quantityShipped
* outsourcedAssembly
* accrueOnReceiptFlag
* lastUpdateLogin
* programUpdateDate
* globalAttribute5
* quantityRecouped
* attribute1
* retroactiveDate
* closedCode
* workApproverId
* receivingRoutingId
* consignedFlag
* unencumberedQuantity
* taxAttributeUpdateCode
* attribute12
* programId
* supplierOrderLineNumber
* daysLateReceiptAllowed
* countryOfOriginCode
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute6
* startDate
* attribute15
* enforceShipToLocationCode
* createdBy
* paymentType
* poReleaseId
* globalAttribute3
* poHeaderId
* closedReason
* changePromisedDateReason
* vmiFlag
* globalAttribute12
* promisedDate
* encumberedDate
* approvedFlag
* udaTemplateId
* amountBilled
* orgId
* freightTermsLookupCode
* globalAttribute17
* fromLineId
* attribute14
* globalAttributeCategory
* shipToOrganizationId
* globalAttribute15
* closedDate
* daysEarlyReceiptAllowed
* secondaryQuantityShipped
* creationDate
* taxCodeId
* amountRejected
* globalAttribute19
* fobLookupCode
* requestId
* attribute10
* clmPopDuration
* secondaryQuantityAccepted
* globalAttribute9
* retainageReleasedAmount
* secondaryUnitOfMeasure
* globalAttribute10
* clmPeriodPerfEndDate
* quantityRejected
* attribute7
* priceDiscount
* shipmentType
* amountCancelled
* closedForInvoiceDate
* manualPriceChangeFlag
* retainageWithheldAmount
* finalMatchFlag
* attribute4
* unitOfMeasureClass
* bidPaymentId
* leadTime
* transactionFlowHeaderId
* oldAmount
* clmPopDurationUom
* comments
* attribute9
* noteToReceiver
* attribute8
* receiptDaysExceptionCode
* fromLineLocationId
* receiveCloseTolerance
* globalAttribute11
* globalAttribute13
* changeAcceptedFlag
* taxName
* leadTimeUnit
* taxUserOverrideFlag
* oldQuantity
* secondaryQuantity
* amountFinanced
* approvedDate
* firmStatusLookupCode
* secondaryQuantityRejected
* shipToLocationId
* receiptRequiredFlag
* sourceShipmentId
* globalAttribute1
* lineLocationId
* amountRecouped
* preferredGrade
* amount
* governmentContext
* clmDeliveryPeriodUom
* quantityBilled
* quantityReceived
* attributeCategory
* quantityCancelled
* lastAcceptDate
* attribute2
* globalAttribute4
* shipmentClosedDate
* matchOption
* deleteFlag
* quantityAccepted
* clmDeliveryPeriod
* cancelledBy
* attribute13
* qtyRcvTolerance
* qtyRcvExceptionCode
* cancelReason
* allowSubstituteReceiptsFlag
* clmPeriodPerfStartDate
* priceOverride
* closedFlag
* firmDate
* description
* attribute11
* termsId
* encumberNow
* calculateTaxFlag
* revisionNum
* globalAttribute2
* globalAttribute18
* dropShipFlag
* quantityFinanced
* quantity
* secondaryQuantityReceived
* poLineId
* secondaryQuantityCancelled
* valueBasis
* globalAttribute7
* controlAction
* ussglTransactionCode
* amountAccepted
* programApplicationId
* inspectionRequiredFlag
* clmPromisePeriod
* changeStatus
* closedForReceivingDate
* closedBy
* globalAttribute6
* amountShipped
* cancelDate
* matchingBasis
* attribute5
* lastUpdatedBy
* shipmentNum
* globalAttribute8
* invoiceCloseTolerance
* salesOrderUpdateDate
* cancelFlag
* globalAttribute20
* encumberedFlag
* taxableFlag
* globalAttribute16
* needByDate
* fromHeaderId
* globalAttribute14
* clmPromisePeriodUom
* amountReceived
* draftId
* endDate
* attribute3
* estimatedTaxAmount
* unitMeasLookupCode
* shipViaLookupCode


 * quantityShipped
* outsourcedAssembly
* accrueOnReceiptFlag
* lastUpdateLogin
* programUpdateDate
* globalAttribute5
* quantityRecouped
* attribute1
* retroactiveDate
* closedCode
* workApproverId
* receivingRoutingId
* consignedFlag
* unencumberedQuantity
* taxAttributeUpdateCode
* attribute12
* programId
* supplierOrderLineNumber
* daysLateReceiptAllowed
* countryOfOriginCode
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute6
* startDate
* attribute15
* enforceShipToLocationCode
* createdBy
* paymentType
* poReleaseId
* globalAttribute3
* poHeaderId
* closedReason
* changePromisedDateReason
* vmiFlag
* globalAttribute12
* promisedDate
* encumberedDate
* approvedFlag
* udaTemplateId
* amountBilled
* orgId
* freightTermsLookupCode
* globalAttribute17
* fromLineId
* attribute14
* globalAttributeCategory
* shipToOrganizationId
* globalAttribute15
* closedDate
* daysEarlyReceiptAllowed
* secondaryQuantityShipped
* creationDate
* taxCodeId
* amountRejected
* globalAttribute19
* fobLookupCode
* requestId
* attribute10
* clmPopDuration
* secondaryQuantityAccepted
* globalAttribute9
* retainageReleasedAmount
* secondaryUnitOfMeasure
* globalAttribute10
* clmPeriodPerfEndDate
* quantityRejected
* attribute7
* priceDiscount
* shipmentType
* amountCancelled
* closedForInvoiceDate
* manualPriceChangeFlag
* retainageWithheldAmount
* finalMatchFlag
* attribute4
* unitOfMeasureClass
* bidPaymentId
* leadTime
* transactionFlowHeaderId
* oldAmount
* clmPopDurationUom
* comments
* attribute9
* noteToReceiver
* attribute8
* receiptDaysExceptionCode
* fromLineLocationId
* receiveCloseTolerance
* globalAttribute11
* globalAttribute13
* changeAcceptedFlag
* taxName
* leadTimeUnit
* taxUserOverrideFlag
* oldQuantity
* secondaryQuantity
* amountFinanced
* approvedDate
* firmStatusLookupCode
* secondaryQuantityRejected
* shipToLocationId
* receiptRequiredFlag
* sourceShipmentId
* globalAttribute1
* lineLocationId
* amountRecouped
* preferredGrade
* amount
* governmentContext
* clmDeliveryPeriodUom
* quantityBilled
* quantityReceived
* attributeCategory
* quantityCancelled
* lastAcceptDate
* attribute2
* globalAttribute4
* shipmentClosedDate
* matchOption
* deleteFlag
* quantityAccepted
* clmDeliveryPeriod
* cancelledBy
* attribute13
* qtyRcvTolerance
* qtyRcvExceptionCode
* cancelReason
* allowSubstituteReceiptsFlag
* clmPeriodPerfStartDate
* priceOverride
* closedFlag
* firmDate
* description
* attribute11
* termsId
* encumberNow
* calculateTaxFlag
* revisionNum
* globalAttribute2
* globalAttribute18
* dropShipFlag
* quantityFinanced
* quantity
* secondaryQuantityReceived
* poLineId
* secondaryQuantityCancelled
* valueBasis
* globalAttribute7
* controlAction
* ussglTransactionCode
* amountAccepted
* programApplicationId
* inspectionRequiredFlag
* clmPromisePeriod
* changeStatus
* closedForReceivingDate
* closedBy
* globalAttribute6
* amountShipped
* cancelDate
* matchingBasis
* attribute5
* lastUpdatedBy
* shipmentNum
* globalAttribute8
* invoiceCloseTolerance
* salesOrderUpdateDate
* cancelFlag
* globalAttribute20
* encumberedFlag
* taxableFlag
* globalAttribute16
* needByDate
* fromHeaderId
* globalAttribute14
* clmPromisePeriodUom
* amountReceived
* draftId
* endDate
* attribute3
* estimatedTaxAmount
* unitMeasLookupCode
* shipViaLookupCode


 * inspectionRequiredFlag
* leadTime
* noteToReceiver
* lastUpdateLogin
* freightCarrier
* lastUpdatedBy
* programId
* qtyRcvTolerance
* priceOverride
* clmPopDuration
* attribute3
* taxableFlag
* clmDeliveryPeriodUom
* startDate
* needByDate
* secondaryUnitOfMeasure
* secondaryQuantity
* shipToLocation
* attribute14
* endDate
* description
* requestId
* paymentTerms
* attribute15
* attribute12
* receiveCloseTolerance
* matchOption
* taskId
* attribute2
* expenditureItemDate
* invoiceCloseTolerance
* unitOfMeasure
* preferredGrade
* firmFlag
* projectId
* clmPromisePeriodUom
* programUpdateDate
* receiptRequiredFlag
* transactionFlowHeaderId
* attribute4
* paymentType
* auctionPaymentId
* programApplicationId
* interfaceLineLocationId
* interfaceLineId
* action
* receivingRoutingId
* attribute6
* clmPeriodPerfEndDate
* creationDate
* attribute11
* attribute5
* termsId
* amount
* lastUpdateDate
* processCode
* shipToLocationId
* clmPopDurationUom
* createdBy
* bidPaymentId
* shipToOrganizationCode
* attribute9
* receiptDaysExceptionCode
* shipToOrganizationId
* attribute8
* taxName
* matchingBasis
* promisedDate
* sourceShipmentId
* quantity
* clmPeriodPerfStartDate
* daysLateReceiptAllowed
* attribute10
* workApproverId
* fromLineLocationId
* taxCodeId
* receivingRouting
* clmDeliveryPeriod
* processingId
* accrueOnReceiptFlag
* expenditureType
* freightTerms
* qtyRcvExceptionCode
* leadTimeUnit
* shipmentNum
* allowSubstituteReceiptsFlag
* lineLocationId
* attribute13
* interfaceHeaderId
* attribute1
* fob
* attributeCategory
* clmPromisePeriod
* awardId
* attribute7
* priceDiscount
* enforceShipToLocationCode
* valueBasis
* countryOfOriginCode
* daysEarlyReceiptAllowed
* expenditureOrganizationId
* shipmentType


 * inspectionRequiredFlag
* leadTime
* noteToReceiver
* lastUpdateLogin
* freightCarrier
* lastUpdatedBy
* programId
* qtyRcvTolerance
* priceOverride
* clmPopDuration
* attribute3
* taxableFlag
* clmDeliveryPeriodUom
* startDate
* needByDate
* secondaryUnitOfMeasure
* secondaryQuantity
* shipToLocation
* attribute14
* endDate
* description
* requestId
* paymentTerms
* attribute15
* attribute12
* receiveCloseTolerance
* matchOption
* taskId
* attribute2
* expenditureItemDate
* invoiceCloseTolerance
* unitOfMeasure
* preferredGrade
* firmFlag
* projectId
* clmPromisePeriodUom
* programUpdateDate
* receiptRequiredFlag
* transactionFlowHeaderId
* attribute4
* paymentType
* auctionPaymentId
* programApplicationId
* interfaceLineLocationId
* interfaceLineId
* action
* receivingRoutingId
* attribute6
* clmPeriodPerfEndDate
* creationDate
* attribute11
* attribute5
* termsId
* amount
* lastUpdateDate
* processCode
* shipToLocationId
* clmPopDurationUom
* createdBy
* bidPaymentId
* shipToOrganizationCode
* attribute9
* receiptDaysExceptionCode
* shipToOrganizationId
* attribute8
* taxName
* matchingBasis
* promisedDate
* sourceShipmentId
* quantity
* clmPeriodPerfStartDate
* daysLateReceiptAllowed
* attribute10
* workApproverId
* fromLineLocationId
* taxCodeId
* receivingRouting
* clmDeliveryPeriod
* processingId
* accrueOnReceiptFlag
* expenditureType
* freightTerms
* qtyRcvExceptionCode
* leadTimeUnit
* shipmentNum
* allowSubstituteReceiptsFlag
* lineLocationId
* attribute13
* interfaceHeaderId
* attribute1
* fob
* attributeCategory
* clmPromisePeriod
* awardId
* attribute7
* priceDiscount
* enforceShipToLocationCode
* valueBasis
* countryOfOriginCode
* daysEarlyReceiptAllowed
* expenditureOrganizationId
* shipmentType


 * defApprovedDate
* undefDraftId
* undefClmDocumentNumber
* lastUpdateLogin
* undefAmount
* plannedDefDate
* undefApprovedDate
* defDescription
* undefDescription
* defParDraftId
* lastUpdateDate
* poHeaderId
* poLineId
* createdBy
* poLineUcaId
* lastUpdatedBy
* limitGovLiabilityAmt
* defDraftId
* notToExceedAmount
* creationDate


 * defApprovedDate
* undefDraftId
* undefClmDocumentNumber
* lastUpdateLogin
* undefAmount
* plannedDefDate
* undefApprovedDate
* defDescription
* undefDescription
* defParDraftId
* lastUpdateDate
* poHeaderId
* poLineId
* createdBy
* poLineUcaId
* lastUpdatedBy
* limitGovLiabilityAmt
* defDraftId
* notToExceedAmount
* creationDate


 * clmMdapsMais
* clmUndefActionCode
* clmMaxTotalAmount
* listPricePerUnit
* unNumberId
* globalAttribute6
* globalAttribute17
* lineReferenceNum
* globalAttribute5
* startDate
* clmUndefFlag
* poHeaderId
* priceBreakLookupCode
* clmMinOrderQuantity
* baseQty
* lineNumDisplay
* globalAttribute3
* globalAttribute10
* orderTypeLookupCode
* groupLineId
* committedAmount
* firmDate
* baseUom
* schedulesRequiredFlag
* attribute7
* secondaryQty
* taskId
* retainageRate
* userHoldFlag
* lastUpdateLogin
* clmMaxTotalQuantity
* closedBy
* cancelDate
* attributeCategory
* itemId
* maxRetainageAmount
* clmApprovedUndefAmount
* clmOrderStartDate
* unitPrice
* transactionReasonCode
* clmFundedFlag
* unorderedFlag
* fromLineLocationId
* closedCode
* globalAttribute1
* supplierPartAuxid
* attribute3
* attribute8
* clmUdaPricingTotal
* attribute14
* baseUnitPrice
* attribute5
* marketPrice
* taxName
* attribute9
* requestId
* okeContractHeaderId
* clmMaxOrderQuantity
* firmStatusLookupCode
* qtyRcvTolerance
* clmOptionNum
* minOrderQuantity
* programId
* contractorLastName
* cancelledBy
* clmInfoFlag
* attribute11
* lastUpdateDate
* jobId
* attribute10
* retroactiveDate
* attribute12
* lastUpdatedProgram
* notToExceedPrice
* clmTotalAmountOrdered
* clmOrderEndDate
* clmExercisedDate
* globalAttribute12
* okeContractVersionId
* categoryId
* qcGrade
* taxAttributeUpdateCode
* vendorProductNum
* clmBaseLineNum
* closedDate
* minReleaseAmount
* revisionNum
* clmExhibitName
* catalogName
* fromLineId
* cancelFlag
* globalAttribute19
* manualPriceChangeFlag
* udaTemplateId
* clmExercisedFlag
* quantity
* contractNum
* auctionDisplayNumber
* hazardClassId
* cancelReason
* attribute13
* projectId
* lineNum
* attribute15
* overToleranceErrorFlag
* globalAttribute15
* clmPopExceptionReason
* negotiatedByPreparerFlag
* secondaryUom
* attribute1
* amount
* clmPaymentInstrCode
* globalAttribute13
* clmTotalQuantityOrdered
* taxableFlag
* quantityCommitted
* unitMeasLookupCode
* secondaryUnitOfMeasure
* clmDeliveryEventCode
* allowPriceOverrideFlag
* creationDate
* lineTypeId
* ussglTransactionCode
* clmNaics
* governmentContext
* programApplicationId
* svcCompletionNotifSent
* draftId
* lastUpdatedBy
* globalAttribute18
* createdBy
* clmFscPsc
* globalAttribute16
* clmMinOrderAmount
* attribute2
* maxOrderQuantity
* contractId
* preferredGrade
* auctionHeaderId
* attribute6
* ipCategoryId
* closedReason
* poLineId
* bidLineNumber
* taxCodeId
* purchaseBasis
* clmOptionFromDate
* globalAttribute7
* orgId
* clmMinTotalQuantity
* globalAttribute4
* clmIdcType
* recoupmentRate
* svcAmountNotifSent
* globalAttribute14
* itemDescription
* priceTypeLookupCode
* globalAttributeCategory
* expirationDate
* matchingBasis
* type1099
* clmMaxOrderAmount
* supplierRefNumber
* globalAttribute20
* clmMinTotalAmount
* globalAttribute11
* secondaryQuantity
* globalAttribute8
* fromHeaderId
* clmOptionToDate
* contractorFirstName
* globalAttribute9
* costConstraint
* contractType
* referenceNum
* closedFlag
* attribute4
* noteToVendor
* clmOptionIndicator
* userDocumentStatus
* progressPaymentRate
* itemRevision
* globalAttribute2
* bidNumber
* capitalExpenseFlag
* auctionLineNumber
* programUpdateDate


 * cExtAttr19
* nExtAttr4
* cExtAttr28
* nExtAttr11
* nExtAttr20
* cExtAttr32
* cExtAttr16
* uomExtAttr15
* uomExtAttr8
* nExtAttr1
* cExtAttr29
* nExtAttr10
* dExtAttr8
* uomExtAttr13
* cExtAttr5
* nExtAttr9
* nExtAttr13
* uomExtAttr12
* uomExtAttr17
* uomExtAttr4
* pk2Value
* cExtAttr20
* cExtAttr33
* cExtAttr34
* uomExtAttr20
* cExtAttr14
* uomExtAttr2
* pk4Value
* nExtAttr15
* dExtAttr4
* cExtAttr9
* cExtAttr8
* createdBy
* cExtAttr3
* cExtAttr36
* nExtAttr19
* lastUpdateLogin
* dataLevelId
* cExtAttr24
* nExtAttr8
* cExtAttr17
* cExtAttr6
* uomExtAttr19
* cExtAttr11
* dExtAttr1
* cExtAttr30
* cExtAttr27
* nExtAttr5
* cExtAttr23
* udaTemplateId
* uomExtAttr3
* lastUpdatedBy
* uomExtAttr5
* cExtAttr10
* nExtAttr18
* uomExtAttr18
* cExtAttr39
* cExtAttr22
* uomExtAttr9
* extensionId
* attrGroupId
* cExtAttr38
* uomExtAttr1
* dExtAttr5
* cExtAttr2
* dExtAttr3
* dExtAttr7
* dExtAttr6
* cExtAttr1
* poLineId
* nExtAttr12
* uomExtAttr11
* cExtAttr37
* cExtAttr40
* lastUpdateDate
* dExtAttr9
* dExtAttr2
* nExtAttr17
* uomExtAttr10
* nExtAttr16
* uomExtAttr16
* nExtAttr7
* cExtAttr15
* cExtAttr13
* cExtAttr18
* creationDate
* cExtAttr26
* uomExtAttr6
* pk5Value
* nExtAttr2
* nExtAttr14
* cExtAttr31
* uomExtAttr7
* cExtAttr7
* pk3Value
* nExtAttr3
* cExtAttr35
* pk1Value
* cExtAttr12
* draftId
* cExtAttr4
* uomExtAttr14
* cExtAttr21
* nExtAttr6
* cExtAttr25
* dExtAttr10


 * cExtAttr17
* uomExtAttr13
* uomExtAttr19
* uomExtAttr14
* uomExtAttr3
* uomExtAttr5
* nExtAttr7
* uomExtAttr6
* cExtAttr5
* uomExtAttr7
* cExtAttr26
* cExtAttr6
* uomExtAttr1
* uomExtAttr2
* cExtAttr25
* cExtAttr23
* nExtAttr2
* cExtAttr4
* cExtAttr28
* cExtAttr40
* nExtAttr3
* latestExternalFlag
* cExtAttr30
* nExtAttr14
* pk2Value
* cExtAttr39
* createdBy
* cExtAttr10
* cExtAttr14
* creationDate
* poLineId
* cExtAttr24
* nExtAttr10
* cExtAttr18
* dExtAttr5
* dExtAttr7
* draftId
* cExtAttr19
* cExtAttr34
* nExtAttr11
* dExtAttr8
* cExtAttr33
* cExtAttr37
* nExtAttr18
* cExtAttr36
* cExtAttr29
* pk4Value
* lastUpdateLogin
* cExtAttr21
* uomExtAttr16
* cExtAttr20
* nExtAttr15
* pk5Value
* cExtAttr35
* cExtAttr1
* uomExtAttr11
* dExtAttr6
* pk1Value
* uomExtAttr12
* revisionNum
* uomExtAttr18
* uomExtAttr4
* cExtAttr12
* nExtAttr20
* uomExtAttr15
* dataLevelId
* dExtAttr9
* cExtAttr7
* dExtAttr3
* lastUpdatedBy
* nExtAttr8
* lastUpdateDate
* nExtAttr16
* nExtAttr4
* cExtAttr8
* uomExtAttr9
* dExtAttr1
* nExtAttr13
* nExtAttr1
* nExtAttr5
* cExtAttr2
* nExtAttr9
* cExtAttr27
* udaTemplateId
* cExtAttr9
* extensionId
* nExtAttr12
* nExtAttr19
* uomExtAttr20
* cExtAttr31
* nExtAttr17
* pk3Value
* uomExtAttr10
* cExtAttr11
* cExtAttr13
* cExtAttr3
* cExtAttr16
* uomExtAttr17
* cExtAttr15
* uomExtAttr8
* dExtAttr10
* attrGroupId
* dExtAttr4
* nExtAttr6
* dExtAttr2
* cExtAttr22
* cExtAttr32
* cExtAttr38


 * cExtAttr17
* uomExtAttr13
* uomExtAttr19
* uomExtAttr14
* uomExtAttr3
* uomExtAttr5
* nExtAttr7
* uomExtAttr6
* cExtAttr5
* uomExtAttr7
* cExtAttr26
* cExtAttr6
* uomExtAttr1
* uomExtAttr2
* cExtAttr25
* cExtAttr23
* nExtAttr2
* cExtAttr4
* cExtAttr28
* cExtAttr40
* nExtAttr3
* latestExternalFlag
* cExtAttr30
* nExtAttr14
* pk2Value
* cExtAttr39
* createdBy
* cExtAttr10
* cExtAttr14
* creationDate
* poLineId
* cExtAttr24
* nExtAttr10
* cExtAttr18
* dExtAttr5
* dExtAttr7
* draftId
* cExtAttr19
* cExtAttr34
* nExtAttr11
* dExtAttr8
* cExtAttr33
* cExtAttr37
* nExtAttr18
* cExtAttr36
* cExtAttr29
* pk4Value
* lastUpdateLogin
* cExtAttr21
* uomExtAttr16
* cExtAttr20
* nExtAttr15
* pk5Value
* cExtAttr35
* cExtAttr1
* uomExtAttr11
* dExtAttr6
* pk1Value
* uomExtAttr12
* revisionNum
* uomExtAttr18
* uomExtAttr4
* cExtAttr12
* nExtAttr20
* uomExtAttr15
* dataLevelId
* dExtAttr9
* cExtAttr7
* dExtAttr3
* lastUpdatedBy
* nExtAttr8
* lastUpdateDate
* nExtAttr16
* nExtAttr4
* cExtAttr8
* uomExtAttr9
* dExtAttr1
* nExtAttr13
* nExtAttr1
* nExtAttr5
* cExtAttr2
* nExtAttr9
* cExtAttr27
* udaTemplateId
* cExtAttr9
* extensionId
* nExtAttr12
* nExtAttr19
* uomExtAttr20
* cExtAttr31
* nExtAttr17
* pk3Value
* uomExtAttr10
* cExtAttr11
* cExtAttr13
* cExtAttr3
* cExtAttr16
* uomExtAttr17
* cExtAttr15
* uomExtAttr8
* dExtAttr10
* attrGroupId
* dExtAttr4
* nExtAttr6
* dExtAttr2
* cExtAttr22
* cExtAttr32
* cExtAttr38


 * cExtAttr19
* nExtAttr4
* cExtAttr28
* nExtAttr11
* nExtAttr20
* cExtAttr32
* cExtAttr16
* uomExtAttr15
* uomExtAttr8
* nExtAttr1
* cExtAttr29
* nExtAttr10
* dExtAttr8
* uomExtAttr13
* cExtAttr5
* nExtAttr9
* nExtAttr13
* uomExtAttr12
* uomExtAttr17
* uomExtAttr4
* pk2Value
* cExtAttr20
* cExtAttr33
* cExtAttr34
* uomExtAttr20
* cExtAttr14
* uomExtAttr2
* pk4Value
* nExtAttr15
* dExtAttr4
* cExtAttr9
* cExtAttr8
* createdBy
* cExtAttr3
* cExtAttr36
* nExtAttr19
* lastUpdateLogin
* dataLevelId
* cExtAttr24
* nExtAttr8
* cExtAttr17
* cExtAttr6
* uomExtAttr19
* cExtAttr11
* dExtAttr1
* cExtAttr30
* cExtAttr27
* nExtAttr5
* cExtAttr23
* udaTemplateId
* uomExtAttr3
* lastUpdatedBy
* uomExtAttr5
* cExtAttr10
* nExtAttr18
* uomExtAttr18
* cExtAttr39
* cExtAttr22
* uomExtAttr9
* extensionId
* attrGroupId
* cExtAttr38
* uomExtAttr1
* dExtAttr5
* cExtAttr2
* dExtAttr3
* dExtAttr7
* dExtAttr6
* cExtAttr1
* poLineId
* nExtAttr12
* uomExtAttr11
* cExtAttr37
* cExtAttr40
* lastUpdateDate
* dExtAttr9
* dExtAttr2
* nExtAttr17
* uomExtAttr10
* nExtAttr16
* uomExtAttr16
* nExtAttr7
* cExtAttr15
* cExtAttr13
* cExtAttr18
* creationDate
* cExtAttr26
* uomExtAttr6
* pk5Value
* nExtAttr2
* nExtAttr14
* cExtAttr31
* uomExtAttr7
* cExtAttr7
* pk3Value
* nExtAttr3
* cExtAttr35
* pk1Value
* cExtAttr12
* draftId
* cExtAttr4
* uomExtAttr14
* cExtAttr21
* nExtAttr6
* cExtAttr25
* dExtAttr10


 * lastUpdateLogin
* creationDate
* tlExtAttr32
* tlExtAttr1
* dataLevelId
* tlExtAttr15
* tlExtAttr26
* tlExtAttr10
* udaTemplateId
* pk1Value
* tlExtAttr17
* tlExtAttr28
* tlExtAttr38
* tlExtAttr20
* draftId
* tlExtAttr19
* tlExtAttr8
* tlExtAttr23
* tlExtAttr31
* tlExtAttr16
* tlExtAttr12
* tlExtAttr13
* extensionId
* tlExtAttr36
* attrGroupId
* tlExtAttr22
* createdBy
* tlExtAttr37
* tlExtAttr14
* tlExtAttr39
* poLineId
* language
* tlExtAttr24
* tlExtAttr4
* pk3Value
* tlExtAttr27
* tlExtAttr21
* tlExtAttr25
* tlExtAttr29
* tlExtAttr33
* tlExtAttr7
* tlExtAttr6
* tlExtAttr18
* pk4Value
* tlExtAttr9
* tlExtAttr34
* tlExtAttr3
* tlExtAttr30
* tlExtAttr11
* sourceLang
* lastUpdatedBy
* pk5Value
* lastUpdateDate
* tlExtAttr35
* tlExtAttr5
* pk2Value
* tlExtAttr2
* tlExtAttr40


 * revisionNum
* tlExtAttr28
* tlExtAttr8
* pk1Value
* lastUpdateDate
* tlExtAttr34
* tlExtAttr7
* tlExtAttr33
* tlExtAttr36
* createdBy
* tlExtAttr16
* tlExtAttr19
* tlExtAttr6
* tlExtAttr13
* tlExtAttr4
* tlExtAttr37
* tlExtAttr27
* draftId
* language
* tlExtAttr18
* tlExtAttr21
* pk3Value
* dataLevelId
* attrGroupId
* tlExtAttr20
* latestExternalFlag
* pk4Value
* tlExtAttr3
* creationDate
* tlExtAttr5
* tlExtAttr38
* poLineId
* tlExtAttr24
* tlExtAttr12
* pk5Value
* extensionId
* tlExtAttr10
* tlExtAttr29
* tlExtAttr17
* tlExtAttr32
* tlExtAttr22
* tlExtAttr14
* tlExtAttr2
* udaTemplateId
* sourceLang
* tlExtAttr39
* tlExtAttr40
* tlExtAttr9
* tlExtAttr1
* tlExtAttr15
* lastUpdatedBy
* tlExtAttr35
* tlExtAttr31
* tlExtAttr11
* tlExtAttr23
* lastUpdateLogin
* tlExtAttr25
* tlExtAttr26
* tlExtAttr30
* pk2Value


 * revisionNum
* tlExtAttr28
* tlExtAttr8
* pk1Value
* lastUpdateDate
* tlExtAttr34
* tlExtAttr7
* tlExtAttr33
* tlExtAttr36
* createdBy
* tlExtAttr16
* tlExtAttr19
* tlExtAttr6
* tlExtAttr13
* tlExtAttr4
* tlExtAttr37
* tlExtAttr27
* draftId
* language
* tlExtAttr18
* tlExtAttr21
* pk3Value
* dataLevelId
* attrGroupId
* tlExtAttr20
* latestExternalFlag
* pk4Value
* tlExtAttr3
* creationDate
* tlExtAttr5
* tlExtAttr38
* poLineId
* tlExtAttr24
* tlExtAttr12
* pk5Value
* extensionId
* tlExtAttr10
* tlExtAttr29
* tlExtAttr17
* tlExtAttr32
* tlExtAttr22
* tlExtAttr14
* tlExtAttr2
* udaTemplateId
* sourceLang
* tlExtAttr39
* tlExtAttr40
* tlExtAttr9
* tlExtAttr1
* tlExtAttr15
* lastUpdatedBy
* tlExtAttr35
* tlExtAttr31
* tlExtAttr11
* tlExtAttr23
* lastUpdateLogin
* tlExtAttr25
* tlExtAttr26
* tlExtAttr30
* pk2Value


 * lastUpdateLogin
* creationDate
* tlExtAttr32
* tlExtAttr1
* dataLevelId
* tlExtAttr15
* tlExtAttr26
* tlExtAttr10
* udaTemplateId
* pk1Value
* tlExtAttr17
* tlExtAttr28
* tlExtAttr38
* tlExtAttr20
* draftId
* tlExtAttr19
* tlExtAttr8
* tlExtAttr23
* tlExtAttr31
* tlExtAttr16
* tlExtAttr12
* tlExtAttr13
* extensionId
* tlExtAttr36
* attrGroupId
* tlExtAttr22
* createdBy
* tlExtAttr37
* tlExtAttr14
* tlExtAttr39
* poLineId
* language
* tlExtAttr24
* tlExtAttr4
* pk3Value
* tlExtAttr27
* tlExtAttr21
* tlExtAttr25
* tlExtAttr29
* tlExtAttr33
* tlExtAttr7
* tlExtAttr6
* tlExtAttr18
* pk4Value
* tlExtAttr9
* tlExtAttr34
* tlExtAttr3
* tlExtAttr30
* tlExtAttr11
* sourceLang
* lastUpdatedBy
* pk5Value
* lastUpdateDate
* tlExtAttr35
* tlExtAttr5
* pk2Value
* tlExtAttr2
* tlExtAttr40


 * clmMdapsMais
* clmUndefActionCode
* clmMaxTotalAmount
* listPricePerUnit
* unNumberId
* globalAttribute6
* globalAttribute17
* lineReferenceNum
* globalAttribute5
* startDate
* clmUndefFlag
* poHeaderId
* priceBreakLookupCode
* clmMinOrderQuantity
* baseQty
* lineNumDisplay
* globalAttribute3
* globalAttribute10
* orderTypeLookupCode
* groupLineId
* committedAmount
* firmDate
* baseUom
* schedulesRequiredFlag
* attribute7
* secondaryQty
* taskId
* retainageRate
* userHoldFlag
* lastUpdateLogin
* clmMaxTotalQuantity
* closedBy
* cancelDate
* attributeCategory
* itemId
* maxRetainageAmount
* clmApprovedUndefAmount
* clmOrderStartDate
* unitPrice
* transactionReasonCode
* clmFundedFlag
* unorderedFlag
* fromLineLocationId
* closedCode
* globalAttribute1
* supplierPartAuxid
* attribute3
* attribute8
* clmUdaPricingTotal
* attribute14
* baseUnitPrice
* attribute5
* marketPrice
* taxName
* attribute9
* requestId
* okeContractHeaderId
* clmMaxOrderQuantity
* firmStatusLookupCode
* qtyRcvTolerance
* clmOptionNum
* minOrderQuantity
* programId
* contractorLastName
* cancelledBy
* clmInfoFlag
* attribute11
* lastUpdateDate
* jobId
* attribute10
* retroactiveDate
* attribute12
* lastUpdatedProgram
* notToExceedPrice
* clmTotalAmountOrdered
* clmOrderEndDate
* clmExercisedDate
* globalAttribute12
* okeContractVersionId
* categoryId
* qcGrade
* taxAttributeUpdateCode
* vendorProductNum
* clmBaseLineNum
* closedDate
* minReleaseAmount
* revisionNum
* clmExhibitName
* catalogName
* fromLineId
* cancelFlag
* globalAttribute19
* manualPriceChangeFlag
* udaTemplateId
* clmExercisedFlag
* quantity
* contractNum
* auctionDisplayNumber
* hazardClassId
* cancelReason
* attribute13
* projectId
* lineNum
* attribute15
* overToleranceErrorFlag
* globalAttribute15
* clmPopExceptionReason
* negotiatedByPreparerFlag
* secondaryUom
* attribute1
* amount
* clmPaymentInstrCode
* globalAttribute13
* clmTotalQuantityOrdered
* taxableFlag
* quantityCommitted
* unitMeasLookupCode
* secondaryUnitOfMeasure
* clmDeliveryEventCode
* allowPriceOverrideFlag
* creationDate
* lineTypeId
* ussglTransactionCode
* clmNaics
* governmentContext
* programApplicationId
* svcCompletionNotifSent
* draftId
* lastUpdatedBy
* globalAttribute18
* createdBy
* clmFscPsc
* globalAttribute16
* clmMinOrderAmount
* attribute2
* maxOrderQuantity
* contractId
* preferredGrade
* auctionHeaderId
* attribute6
* ipCategoryId
* closedReason
* poLineId
* bidLineNumber
* taxCodeId
* purchaseBasis
* clmOptionFromDate
* globalAttribute7
* orgId
* clmMinTotalQuantity
* globalAttribute4
* clmIdcType
* recoupmentRate
* svcAmountNotifSent
* globalAttribute14
* itemDescription
* priceTypeLookupCode
* globalAttributeCategory
* expirationDate
* matchingBasis
* type1099
* clmMaxOrderAmount
* supplierRefNumber
* globalAttribute20
* clmMinTotalAmount
* globalAttribute11
* secondaryQuantity
* globalAttribute8
* fromHeaderId
* clmOptionToDate
* contractorFirstName
* globalAttribute9
* costConstraint
* contractType
* referenceNum
* closedFlag
* attribute4
* noteToVendor
* clmOptionIndicator
* userDocumentStatus
* progressPaymentRate
* itemRevision
* globalAttribute2
* bidNumber
* capitalExpenseFlag
* auctionLineNumber
* programUpdateDate


 * costConstraint
* cancelDate
* secondaryUom
* clmTotalAmountOrdered
* orderTypeLookupCode
* priceBreakLookupCode
* clmOptionNum
* lineNum
* fromLineLocationId
* globalAttribute13
* projectId
* baseUnitPrice
* clmMaxOrderQuantity
* cancelFlag
* contractNum
* baseUom
* clmMinTotalAmount
* fromLineId
* transactionReasonCode
* globalAttributeCategory
* clmOrderStartDate
* baseQty
* globalAttribute3
* globalAttribute11
* unNumberId
* clmPopExceptionReason
* closedDate
* clmTotalQuantityOrdered
* createdBy
* attribute14
* jobId
* secondaryUnitOfMeasure
* clmNaics
* amount
* startDate
* cancelledBy
* attribute3
* globalAttribute12
* maxRetainageAmount
* taxCodeId
* globalAttribute17
* taxAttributeUpdateCode
* taxableFlag
* clmPaymentInstrCode
* globalAttribute5
* bidNumber
* attribute13
* qcGrade
* lastUpdatedProgram
* minReleaseAmount
* supplierPartAuxid
* matchingBasis
* attribute11
* globalAttribute19
* capitalExpenseFlag
* auctionLineNumber
* poLineId
* closedReason
* lastUpdatedBy
* taxName
* unitPrice
* type1099
* clmFundedFlag
* attribute12
* closedCode
* attribute15
* attribute9
* clmBaseLineNum
* unorderedFlag
* attributeCategory
* globalAttribute2
* retroactiveDate
* secondaryQty
* expirationDate
* globalAttribute14
* poHeaderId
* cancelReason
* globalAttribute16
* creationDate
* clmOptionIndicator
* globalAttribute15
* taskId
* svcAmountNotifSent
* attribute4
* auctionDisplayNumber
* minOrderQuantity
* firmDate
* globalAttribute1
* contractorFirstName
* ipCategoryId
* clmMaxOrderAmount
* contractorLastName
* clmExercisedDate
* allowPriceOverrideFlag
* fromHeaderId
* recoupmentRate
* clmInfoFlag
* governmentContext
* qtyRcvTolerance
* globalAttribute7
* clmApprovedUndefAmount
* committedAmount
* programId
* globalAttribute18
* clmOptionFromDate
* closedFlag
* attribute1
* secondaryQuantity
* contractId
* clmFscPsc
* userHoldFlag
* revisionNum
* overToleranceErrorFlag
* negotiatedByPreparerFlag
* clmMaxTotalAmount
* categoryId
* clmExhibitName
* lineReferenceNum
* purchaseBasis
* unitMeasLookupCode
* clmIdcType
* clmMinOrderQuantity
* clmMinTotalQuantity
* lastUpdateLogin
* bidLineNumber
* groupLineId
* globalAttribute10
* clmUndefActionCode
* attribute7
* priceTypeLookupCode
* ussglTransactionCode
* globalAttribute6
* noteToVendor
* svcCompletionNotifSent
* vendorProductNum
* attribute5
* userDocumentStatus
* notToExceedPrice
* referenceNum
* progressPaymentRate
* globalAttribute4
* supplierRefNumber
* clmMinOrderAmount
* firmStatusLookupCode
* catalogName
* quantityCommitted
* clmOptionToDate
* clmMaxTotalQuantity
* clmMdapsMais
* okeContractVersionId
* auctionHeaderId
* latestExternalFlag
* itemRevision
* udaTemplateId
* retainageRate
* attribute6
* programApplicationId
* okeContractHeaderId
* orgId
* globalAttribute8
* maxOrderQuantity
* contractType
* itemDescription
* lineNumDisplay
* clmExercisedFlag
* clmUndefFlag
* attribute10
* requestId
* clmOrderEndDate
* globalAttribute9
* lineTypeId
* clmDeliveryEventCode
* quantity
* manualPriceChangeFlag
* schedulesRequiredFlag
* programUpdateDate
* itemId
* attribute2
* marketPrice
* attribute8
* listPricePerUnit
* closedBy
* preferredGrade
* lastUpdateDate
* hazardClassId
* clmUdaPricingTotal
* globalAttribute20


 * costConstraint
* cancelDate
* secondaryUom
* clmTotalAmountOrdered
* orderTypeLookupCode
* priceBreakLookupCode
* clmOptionNum
* lineNum
* fromLineLocationId
* globalAttribute13
* projectId
* baseUnitPrice
* clmMaxOrderQuantity
* cancelFlag
* contractNum
* baseUom
* clmMinTotalAmount
* fromLineId
* transactionReasonCode
* globalAttributeCategory
* clmOrderStartDate
* baseQty
* globalAttribute3
* globalAttribute11
* unNumberId
* clmPopExceptionReason
* closedDate
* clmTotalQuantityOrdered
* createdBy
* attribute14
* jobId
* secondaryUnitOfMeasure
* clmNaics
* amount
* startDate
* cancelledBy
* attribute3
* globalAttribute12
* maxRetainageAmount
* taxCodeId
* globalAttribute17
* taxAttributeUpdateCode
* taxableFlag
* clmPaymentInstrCode
* globalAttribute5
* bidNumber
* attribute13
* qcGrade
* lastUpdatedProgram
* minReleaseAmount
* supplierPartAuxid
* matchingBasis
* attribute11
* globalAttribute19
* capitalExpenseFlag
* auctionLineNumber
* poLineId
* closedReason
* lastUpdatedBy
* taxName
* unitPrice
* type1099
* clmFundedFlag
* attribute12
* closedCode
* attribute15
* attribute9
* clmBaseLineNum
* unorderedFlag
* attributeCategory
* globalAttribute2
* retroactiveDate
* secondaryQty
* expirationDate
* globalAttribute14
* poHeaderId
* cancelReason
* globalAttribute16
* creationDate
* clmOptionIndicator
* globalAttribute15
* taskId
* svcAmountNotifSent
* attribute4
* auctionDisplayNumber
* minOrderQuantity
* firmDate
* globalAttribute1
* contractorFirstName
* ipCategoryId
* clmMaxOrderAmount
* contractorLastName
* clmExercisedDate
* allowPriceOverrideFlag
* fromHeaderId
* recoupmentRate
* clmInfoFlag
* governmentContext
* qtyRcvTolerance
* globalAttribute7
* clmApprovedUndefAmount
* committedAmount
* programId
* globalAttribute18
* clmOptionFromDate
* closedFlag
* attribute1
* secondaryQuantity
* contractId
* clmFscPsc
* userHoldFlag
* revisionNum
* overToleranceErrorFlag
* negotiatedByPreparerFlag
* clmMaxTotalAmount
* categoryId
* clmExhibitName
* lineReferenceNum
* purchaseBasis
* unitMeasLookupCode
* clmIdcType
* clmMinOrderQuantity
* clmMinTotalQuantity
* lastUpdateLogin
* bidLineNumber
* groupLineId
* globalAttribute10
* clmUndefActionCode
* attribute7
* priceTypeLookupCode
* ussglTransactionCode
* globalAttribute6
* noteToVendor
* svcCompletionNotifSent
* vendorProductNum
* attribute5
* userDocumentStatus
* notToExceedPrice
* referenceNum
* progressPaymentRate
* globalAttribute4
* supplierRefNumber
* clmMinOrderAmount
* firmStatusLookupCode
* catalogName
* quantityCommitted
* clmOptionToDate
* clmMaxTotalQuantity
* clmMdapsMais
* okeContractVersionId
* auctionHeaderId
* latestExternalFlag
* itemRevision
* udaTemplateId
* retainageRate
* attribute6
* programApplicationId
* okeContractHeaderId
* orgId
* globalAttribute8
* maxOrderQuantity
* contractType
* itemDescription
* lineNumDisplay
* clmExercisedFlag
* clmUndefFlag
* attribute10
* requestId
* clmOrderEndDate
* globalAttribute9
* lineTypeId
* clmDeliveryEventCode
* quantity
* manualPriceChangeFlag
* schedulesRequiredFlag
* programUpdateDate
* itemId
* attribute2
* marketPrice
* attribute8
* listPricePerUnit
* closedBy
* preferredGrade
* lastUpdateDate
* hazardClassId
* clmUdaPricingTotal
* globalAttribute20


 * firmStatusLookupCode
* closedReason
* globalAttribute4
* taxableFlag
* poLineId
* globalAttribute12
* taxName
* globalAttribute11
* projectId
* clmMinTotalQuantity
* modDraftId
* categoryId
* attribute15
* orderTypeLookupCode
* closedCode
* unitMeasLookupCode
* globalAttribute5
* attribute9
* attribute11
* cancelledBy
* committedAmount
* quantity
* contractNum
* clmFundedFlag
* taskId
* bidLineNumber
* type1099
* originalInterfaceLineId
* maxRetainageAmount
* noteToVendor
* programId
* manualPriceChangeFlag
* poHeaderId
* draftId
* clmPopExceptionReason
* globalAttribute16
* clmIdcType
* fromLineId
* clmExercisedDate
* costConstraint
* attribute3
* marketPrice
* amount
* auctionLineNumber
* oldQuantity
* globalAttribute10
* draftLineStatus
* secondaryUom
* clmUndefActionCode
* unorderedFlag
* globalAttributeCategory
* globalAttribute7
* recoupmentRate
* deleteFlag
* clmMdapsMais
* globalAttribute1
* auctionHeaderId
* matchingBasis
* attribute5
* contractType
* globalAttribute20
* clmPaymentInstrCode
* clmOrderEndDate
* globalAttribute8
* clmExhibitName
* purchaseBasis
* lastUpdateDate
* catalogName
* modLineId
* retainageRate
* attribute13
* baseQty
* itemDescription
* retroactiveDate
* attribute2
* clmUndefFlag
* programApplicationId
* globalAttribute18
* globalAttribute6
* globalAttribute2
* lineNumDisplay
* comments
* cancelDate
* attribute1
* supplierPartAuxid
* clmTotalAmountOrdered
* cancelFlag
* vendorProductNum
* schedulesRequiredFlag
* jobId
* oldUomLookupCode
* taxAttributeUpdateCode
* notToExceedPrice
* globalAttribute15
* unNumberId
* minOrderQuantity
* listPricePerUnit
* attribute10
* svcCompletionNotifSent
* expirationDate
* globalAttribute9
* quantityCommitted
* orgId
* globalAttribute3
* userHoldFlag
* contractId
* clmOrderStartDate
* requestId
* secondaryQuantity
* revisionNum
* ipCategoryId
* cancelReason
* clmBaseLineNum
* clmApprovedUndefAmount
* hazardClassId
* baseUnitPrice
* lastUpdatedBy
* overToleranceErrorFlag
* svcAmountNotifSent
* clmUdaPricingTotal
* capitalExpenseFlag
* clmMaxOrderAmount
* clmFscPsc
* clmInfoFlag
* clmOptionFromDate
* auctionDisplayNumber
* clmNaics
* clmMaxTotalQuantity
* globalAttribute17
* clmOptionToDate
* userDocumentStatus
* clmMaxOrderQuantity
* supplierRefNumber
* creationDate
* baseUom
* clmOptionNum
* changeAcceptedFlag
* qtyRcvTolerance
* attribute7
* lineTypeId
* preferredGrade
* globalAttribute14
* oldAmount
* bidNumber
* contractorLastName
* clmDeliveryEventCode
* lineReferenceNum
* lastUpdateLogin
* clmTotalQuantityOrdered
* clmExercisedFlag
* attribute14
* contractorFirstName
* closedDate
* changeStatus
* fromLineLocationId
* clmMinOrderAmount
* taxCodeId
* negotiatedByPreparerFlag
* globalAttribute13
* groupLineId
* controlAction
* startDate
* itemRevision
* firmDate
* closedBy
* createdBy
* attributeCategory
* attribute12
* secondaryUnitOfMeasure
* clmMinTotalAmount
* okeContractHeaderId
* globalAttribute19
* governmentContext
* programUpdateDate
* unitPrice
* qcGrade
* priceTypeLookupCode
* secondaryQty
* progressPaymentRate
* clmMaxTotalAmount
* oldUnitPrice
* fromHeaderId
* clmOptionIndicator
* minReleaseAmount
* itemId
* udaTemplateId
* referenceNum
* allowPriceOverrideFlag
* ussglTransactionCode
* maxOrderQuantity
* clmMinOrderQuantity
* okeContractVersionId
* attribute8
* closedFlag
* priceBreakLookupCode
* lineNum
* transactionReasonCode
* attribute6
* attribute4


 * firmStatusLookupCode
* closedReason
* globalAttribute4
* taxableFlag
* poLineId
* globalAttribute12
* taxName
* globalAttribute11
* projectId
* clmMinTotalQuantity
* modDraftId
* categoryId
* attribute15
* orderTypeLookupCode
* closedCode
* unitMeasLookupCode
* globalAttribute5
* attribute9
* attribute11
* cancelledBy
* committedAmount
* quantity
* contractNum
* clmFundedFlag
* taskId
* bidLineNumber
* type1099
* originalInterfaceLineId
* maxRetainageAmount
* noteToVendor
* programId
* manualPriceChangeFlag
* poHeaderId
* draftId
* clmPopExceptionReason
* globalAttribute16
* clmIdcType
* fromLineId
* clmExercisedDate
* costConstraint
* attribute3
* marketPrice
* amount
* auctionLineNumber
* oldQuantity
* globalAttribute10
* draftLineStatus
* secondaryUom
* clmUndefActionCode
* unorderedFlag
* globalAttributeCategory
* globalAttribute7
* recoupmentRate
* deleteFlag
* clmMdapsMais
* globalAttribute1
* auctionHeaderId
* matchingBasis
* attribute5
* contractType
* globalAttribute20
* clmPaymentInstrCode
* clmOrderEndDate
* globalAttribute8
* clmExhibitName
* purchaseBasis
* lastUpdateDate
* catalogName
* modLineId
* retainageRate
* attribute13
* baseQty
* itemDescription
* retroactiveDate
* attribute2
* clmUndefFlag
* programApplicationId
* globalAttribute18
* globalAttribute6
* globalAttribute2
* lineNumDisplay
* comments
* cancelDate
* attribute1
* supplierPartAuxid
* clmTotalAmountOrdered
* cancelFlag
* vendorProductNum
* schedulesRequiredFlag
* jobId
* oldUomLookupCode
* taxAttributeUpdateCode
* notToExceedPrice
* globalAttribute15
* unNumberId
* minOrderQuantity
* listPricePerUnit
* attribute10
* svcCompletionNotifSent
* expirationDate
* globalAttribute9
* quantityCommitted
* orgId
* globalAttribute3
* userHoldFlag
* contractId
* clmOrderStartDate
* requestId
* secondaryQuantity
* revisionNum
* ipCategoryId
* cancelReason
* clmBaseLineNum
* clmApprovedUndefAmount
* hazardClassId
* baseUnitPrice
* lastUpdatedBy
* overToleranceErrorFlag
* svcAmountNotifSent
* clmUdaPricingTotal
* capitalExpenseFlag
* clmMaxOrderAmount
* clmFscPsc
* clmInfoFlag
* clmOptionFromDate
* auctionDisplayNumber
* clmNaics
* clmMaxTotalQuantity
* globalAttribute17
* clmOptionToDate
* userDocumentStatus
* clmMaxOrderQuantity
* supplierRefNumber
* creationDate
* baseUom
* clmOptionNum
* changeAcceptedFlag
* qtyRcvTolerance
* attribute7
* lineTypeId
* preferredGrade
* globalAttribute14
* oldAmount
* bidNumber
* contractorLastName
* clmDeliveryEventCode
* lineReferenceNum
* lastUpdateLogin
* clmTotalQuantityOrdered
* clmExercisedFlag
* attribute14
* contractorFirstName
* closedDate
* changeStatus
* fromLineLocationId
* clmMinOrderAmount
* taxCodeId
* negotiatedByPreparerFlag
* globalAttribute13
* groupLineId
* controlAction
* startDate
* itemRevision
* firmDate
* closedBy
* createdBy
* attributeCategory
* attribute12
* secondaryUnitOfMeasure
* clmMinTotalAmount
* okeContractHeaderId
* globalAttribute19
* governmentContext
* programUpdateDate
* unitPrice
* qcGrade
* priceTypeLookupCode
* secondaryQty
* progressPaymentRate
* clmMaxTotalAmount
* oldUnitPrice
* fromHeaderId
* clmOptionIndicator
* minReleaseAmount
* itemId
* udaTemplateId
* referenceNum
* allowPriceOverrideFlag
* ussglTransactionCode
* maxOrderQuantity
* clmMinOrderQuantity
* okeContractVersionId
* attribute8
* closedFlag
* priceBreakLookupCode
* lineNum
* transactionReasonCode
* attribute6
* attribute4


 * transactionFlowHeaderId
* itemAttribute3
* shipmentType
* daysLateReceiptAllowed
* vendorProductNum
* clmTotalQuantityOrdered
* requisitionLineId
* templateId
* lineAttribute5
* consignedFlag
* itemAttribute1
* lastUpdateDate
* okeContractHeaderNum
* okeContractHeaderId
* baseUnitPrice
* effectiveDate
* clmMaxOrderAmount
* clmPopDurationUom
* shipmentNum
* retainageRate
* shipmentAttribute14
* allowPriceOverrideFlag
* shipmentAttribute8
* lineAttribute8
* lineAttribute9
* shipmentAttribute13
* unNumber
* jobName
* fromLineId
* lineAttribute6
* contractId
* paymentTerms
* itemAttribute10
* clmMaxTotalAmount
* preferredGrade
* dualUomDeviationHigh
* fileLineNumber
* dualUomDeviationLow
* action
* clmPeriodPerfStartDate
* receiveCloseTolerance
* itemAttribute2
* clmExercisedFlag
* clmBaseLineNumDisp
* lineAttribute12
* groupLineId
* type1099
* transactionReasonCode
* lineNum
* allowSubstituteReceiptsFlag
* daysEarlyReceiptAllowed
* lineAttribute10
* schedulesRequiredFlag
* lineAttribute3
* itemAttribute13
* shipmentAttribute2
* clmPaymentInstrCode
* clmIdcType
* promisedDate
* lineAttribute1
* clmTotalAmountOrdered
* recoupmentRate
* itemDescription
* processingId
* supplierPartAuxid
* creationDate
* contractorLastName
* clmInfoFlag
* itemId
* lastUpdatedBy
* receiptRequiredFlag
* origFromReqFlag
* hazardClassId
* clmOptionFromDate
* itemAttribute7
* progressPaymentRate
* bidLineNumber
* leadTimeUnit
* jobBusinessGroupId
* dropShipFlag
* itemAttribute4
* unitVolume
* priceBreakLookupCode
* capitalExpenseFlag
* documentNum
* shipmentAttribute6
* processCode
* hazardClass
* negotiatedByPreparerFlag
* catalogName
* lineAttribute7
* groupCode
* clmDeliveryEventCode
* poHeaderId
* unitOfMeasure
* listPricePerUnit
* clmPromisePeriod
* taxUserOverrideFlag
* clmMinTotalAmount
* receivingRouting
* sourceShipmentId
* poReleaseId
* programApplicationId
* lineLocationId
* lineReferenceNum
* clmOptionIndicator
* leadTime
* itemAttribute12
* clmUndefFlag
* firmFlag
* lineAttribute13
* lineType
* volumeUomCode
* lastUpdateLogin
* interfaceLineId
* shipmentAttribute7
* templateName
* maxOrderQuantity
* amount
* clmFundedFlag
* itemAttributeCategory
* taxName
* inspectionRequiredFlag
* lineAttribute14
* itemAttribute15
* auctionLineNumber
* contractorFirstName
* organizationId
* clmOptionToDate
* shipmentAttribute4
* shipmentAttribute11
* secondaryQuantity
* receivingRoutingId
* okeContractVersionId
* shipmentAttributeCategory
* clmMinTotalQuantity
* clmPeriodPerfEndDate
* programId
* secondaryDefaultInd
* freightTerms
* clmApprovedUndefAmount
* overToleranceErrorFlag
* lineAttributeCategoryLines
* costConstraint
* clmIdcTypeDisplay
* minOrderQuantity
* fromLineLocationId
* categoryId
* committedAmount
* secondaryUomCode
* quantityCommitted
* taxableFlag
* clmPopDuration
* minReleaseAmount
* itemAttribute11
* clmExercisedDate
* contractNum
* fromHeaderDisp
* closedBy
* itemAttribute8
* clmDeliveryPeriodUom
* unitPrice
* clmPopExceptionReason
* priceChgAcceptFlag
* shipmentAttribute5
* shipmentAttribute10
* lineAttribute4
* taxCodeId
* userDocumentStatus
* parentInterfaceLineId
* createdBy
* fromLineDisp
* itemRevision
* qtyRcvExceptionCode
* closedDate
* clmMaxTotalQuantity
* clmPromisePeriodUom
* expirationDate
* ipCategoryName
* invoiceCloseTolerance
* sourcingRuleName
* noteToReceiver
* weightUomCode
* fromHeaderId
* bidNumber
* secondaryUnitOfMeasure
* shipmentAttribute9
* clmOptionNum
* priceType
* contractType
* lineAttribute11
* closedReason
* lineLocPopulatedFlag
* closedCode
* itemAttribute6
* clmUdaPricingTotal
* requestId
* programUpdateDate
* lineAttribute15
* uomCode
* shipmentAttribute1
* contractTypeDisplay
* shipmentAttribute15
* releaseNum
* enforceShipToLocationCode
* quantity
* noteToVendor
* itemAttribute5
* category
* qtyRcvTolerance
* lineTypeId
* taxStatusIndicator
* priceUpdateTolerance
* lineNumDisplay
* costConstraintDisplay
* unitWeight
* maxRetainageAmount
* clmMinOrderAmount
* supplierRefNumber
* ipCategoryId
* needByDate
* shipmentAttribute3
* shipToOrganizationId
* clmUndefActionCode
* freightCarrier
* shipmentAttribute12
* clmMinOrderQuantity
* lineAttribute2
* priceBreakFlag
* priceDiscount
* shipToLocationId
* clmBaseLineNum
* poLineId
* auctionHeaderId
* clmMaxOrderQuantity
* unNumberId
* ussglTransactionCode
* interfaceHeaderId
* shipToLocation
* fileLineLanguage
* clmDeliveryPeriod
* trackingQuantityInd
* clmExhibitName
* shipToOrganizationCode
* vmiFlag
* marketPrice
* notToExceedPrice
* item
* accrueOnReceiptFlag
* termsId
* receiptDaysExceptionCode
* jobId
* itemAttribute14
* advanceAmount
* itemAttribute9
* jobBusinessGroupName
* fob
* auctionDisplayNumber


 * attributeCategory
* attribute13
* programApplicationId
* attribute15
* organizationId
* creationDate
* addressId
* siteUseId
* requestId
* attribute8
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute6
* attribute10
* attribute2
* attribute11
* subinventory
* createdBy
* attribute9
* attribute5
* attribute4
* locationId
* lastUpdatedBy
* vendorId
* programUpdateDate
* attribute7
* orgId
* lastUpdateDate
* programId
* attribute3
* vendorSiteId
* attribute1
* attribute14
* customerId
* attribute12


 * attributeCategory
* attribute13
* programApplicationId
* attribute15
* organizationId
* creationDate
* addressId
* siteUseId
* requestId
* attribute8
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute6
* attribute10
* attribute2
* attribute11
* subinventory
* createdBy
* attribute9
* attribute5
* attribute4
* locationId
* lastUpdatedBy
* vendorId
* programUpdateDate
* attribute7
* orgId
* lastUpdateDate
* programId
* attribute3
* vendorSiteId
* attribute1
* attribute14
* customerId
* attribute12


 * includeLow
* segment28High
* segment7High
* createdBy
* segment13Low
* segment13High
* segment5High
* segment29High
* lastUpdatedBy
* segment22Low
* segment16High
* segment21Low
* segment23Low
* segment4High
* segment3High
* segment18High
* segment22High
* segment24Low
* segment14Low
* segment29Low
* segment25High
* segment19Low
* orgId
* segment6Low
* segment8Low
* segment17High
* segment20High
* segment12High
* segment11Low
* segment15High
* segment20Low
* programUpdateDate
* segment2Low
* segment28Low
* programApplicationId
* lastUpdateDate
* name
* segment5Low
* segment21High
* segment4Low
* segment26Low
* segment30High
* segment16Low
* segment10Low
* segment1Low
* segment25Low
* requestId
* segment17Low
* segment24High
* includeHigh
* segment2High
* segment6High
* segment3Low
* segment9High
* segment30Low
* segment7Low
* segment23High
* segment18Low
* creationDate
* segment1High
* segment26High
* segment27Low
* segment12Low
* segment14High
* segment9Low
* lastUpdateLogin
* segment8High
* segment11High
* segment15Low
* segment10High
* segment19High
* programId
* segment27High


 * includeLow
* segment28High
* segment7High
* createdBy
* segment13Low
* segment13High
* segment5High
* segment29High
* lastUpdatedBy
* segment22Low
* segment16High
* segment21Low
* segment23Low
* segment4High
* segment3High
* segment18High
* segment22High
* segment24Low
* segment14Low
* segment29Low
* segment25High
* segment19Low
* orgId
* segment6Low
* segment8Low
* segment17High
* segment20High
* segment12High
* segment11Low
* segment15High
* segment20Low
* programUpdateDate
* segment2Low
* segment28Low
* programApplicationId
* lastUpdateDate
* name
* segment5Low
* segment21High
* segment4Low
* segment26Low
* segment30High
* segment16Low
* segment10Low
* segment1Low
* segment25Low
* requestId
* segment17Low
* segment24High
* includeHigh
* segment2High
* segment6High
* segment3Low
* segment9High
* segment30Low
* segment7Low
* segment23High
* segment18Low
* creationDate
* segment1High
* segment26High
* segment27Low
* segment12Low
* segment14High
* segment9Low
* lastUpdateLogin
* segment8High
* segment11High
* segment15Low
* segment10High
* segment19High
* programId
* segment27High


 * name
* defaultCancelFlag
* objectCreationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* creationDate
* cannotCancelReason
* programId
* lastUpdatedBy
* objectType
* authorizationStatus
* poVendorId
* cancelReqsOnPoCancelFlag
* objectId
* requestId
* objectNumber
* programApplicationId
* programUpdateDate
* lastUpdateDate
* fullyInRangeFlag
* createdBy
* currencyCode
* distributionsIncluded
* onlineReportId


 * name
* defaultCancelFlag
* objectCreationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* creationDate
* cannotCancelReason
* programId
* lastUpdatedBy
* objectType
* authorizationStatus
* poVendorId
* cancelReqsOnPoCancelFlag
* objectId
* requestId
* objectNumber
* programApplicationId
* programUpdateDate
* lastUpdateDate
* fullyInRangeFlag
* createdBy
* currencyCode
* distributionsIncluded
* onlineReportId


 * setOfBooksId
* rateDate
* rate
* unencumberedAmount
* encumberedAmount
* poDistributionId


 * setOfBooksId
* rateDate
* rate
* unencumberedAmount
* encumberedAmount
* poDistributionId


 * rateType
* rateDate
* poHeaderId
* setOfBooksId
* rate


 * rateType
* rateDate
* poHeaderId
* setOfBooksId
* rate


 * newVendorSiteId
* newRemitToAddr
* multiModRequestId
* createdBy
* lastUpdateDate
* requestId
* orgId
* creationDate
* multiModChangeId
* changeType
* oldRemitToAddr
* lastUpdatedBy
* newVendorContactId
* lastUpdateLogin
* oldVendorSiteId
* newVendorId
* oldVendorId
* oldVendorName
* newVendorName


 * newVendorSiteId
* newRemitToAddr
* multiModRequestId
* createdBy
* lastUpdateDate
* requestId
* orgId
* creationDate
* multiModChangeId
* changeType
* oldRemitToAddr
* lastUpdatedBy
* newVendorContactId
* lastUpdateLogin
* oldVendorSiteId
* newVendorId
* oldVendorId
* oldVendorName
* newVendorName


 * lastUpdateLogin
* multiModRequestId
* clauseActionCode
* oldArticleVersionId
* creationDate
* lastUpdateDate
* multiModClauseChangesId
* createdBy
* lastUpdatedBy
* requestId
* newArticleVersionId


 * lastUpdateLogin
* multiModRequestId
* clauseActionCode
* oldArticleVersionId
* creationDate
* lastUpdateDate
* multiModClauseChangesId
* createdBy
* lastUpdatedBy
* requestId
* newArticleVersionId


 * documentId
* lastUpdateLogin
* createdBy
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* lastUpdatedBy
* multiModRequestId
* status
* creationDate
* multiModDocId
* draftId
* requestId


 * documentId
* lastUpdateLogin
* createdBy
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* lastUpdatedBy
* multiModRequestId
* status
* creationDate
* multiModDocId
* draftId
* requestId


 * udaTemplateId
* agentId
* udaKeyPoHeaderId
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute2
* requestId
* selectionChangedFlag
* attribute1
* attribute15
* attribute5
* creationDate
* novationEffectiveDate
* udaKeyDraftId
* attribute12
* modEffectiveDate
* multiModRequestType
* description
* acceptanceRequiredFlag
* attribute7
* attribute9
* attribute3
* attributeCategory
* acceptanceDueDate
* multiModRequestId
* attribute10
* status
* initiateApprovalFlag
* attribute6
* createdBy
* attribute8
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute4
* attribute13
* attribute11
* attribute14
* clmNoofcopies
* clmContractOfficer
* exemptionReason
* lastUpdateLogin
* validationStatus
* udaTemplateDate


 * udaTemplateId
* agentId
* udaKeyPoHeaderId
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute2
* requestId
* selectionChangedFlag
* attribute1
* attribute15
* attribute5
* creationDate
* novationEffectiveDate
* udaKeyDraftId
* attribute12
* modEffectiveDate
* multiModRequestType
* description
* acceptanceRequiredFlag
* attribute7
* attribute9
* attribute3
* attributeCategory
* acceptanceDueDate
* multiModRequestId
* attribute10
* status
* initiateApprovalFlag
* attribute6
* createdBy
* attribute8
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute4
* attribute13
* attribute11
* attribute14
* clmNoofcopies
* clmContractOfficer
* exemptionReason
* lastUpdateLogin
* validationStatus
* udaTemplateDate


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* exceptionType
* relatedDocumentAmount
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* token2Name
* multiModDocId
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* token3Name
* requestId
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* multiModRequestId
* lastUpdateDate
* token4Name
* token5Name
* lastUpdatedBy
* createdBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* relatedDocumentNumber
* messageName
* relatedDocumentId
* messageApplication
* resultType
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* token6Name
* token1Name
* token3Value
* token5Value
* relatedDocumentDate
* creationDate


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* attribute8
* lastUpdatedBy
* creationDate
* programApplicationId
* documentId
* lastUpdateDate
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* attribute11
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* attribute3
* lastUpdateLogin
* programUpdateDate
* attribute7
* poNoteId
* attribute14
* attribute10
* createdBy
* attributeCategory
* title
* attribute13
* noteType
* attribute12
* attribute15
* startDateActive
* attribute2
* attribute9


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* attribute6
* note
* attribute8
* lastUpdatedBy
* creationDate
* programApplicationId
* documentId
* lastUpdateDate
* usageId
* attribute4
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* endDateActive
* attribute11
* attribute5
* programId
* attribute3
* lastUpdateLogin
* programUpdateDate
* attribute7
* poNoteId
* attribute14
* attribute10
* createdBy
* attributeCategory
* title
* attribute13
* noteType
* attribute12
* attribute15
* startDateActive
* attribute2
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* notificationId
* attribute14
* attribute12
* programApplicationId
* attribute8
* notificationQtyPercentage
* lastUpdateDate
* startDateActive
* attribute13
* createdBy
* programId
* attribute7
* requestId
* attribute10
* endDateActive
* notificationAmount
* attribute15
* attribute5
* poHeaderId
* attribute9
* notificationConditionCode
* attribute4
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute11
* attribute3
* attribute2
* attribute6
* programUpdateDate
* attributeCategory
* creationDate
* attribute1


 * lastUpdateLogin
* notificationId
* attribute14
* attribute12
* programApplicationId
* attribute8
* notificationQtyPercentage
* lastUpdateDate
* startDateActive
* attribute13
* createdBy
* programId
* attribute7
* requestId
* attribute10
* endDateActive
* notificationAmount
* attribute15
* attribute5
* poHeaderId
* attribute9
* notificationConditionCode
* attribute4
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute11
* attribute3
* attribute2
* attribute6
* programUpdateDate
* attributeCategory
* creationDate
* attribute1


 * draftId
* attribute13
* attribute15
* notificationConditionCode
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute3
* attribute5
* notificationId
* poHeaderId
* deleteFlag
* notificationAmount
* attribute9
* attribute6
* attribute4
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute10
* notificationQtyPercentage
* createdBy
* programApplicationId
* lastUpdateDate
* programId
* attribute12
* attribute11
* attribute8
* changeAcceptedFlag
* attribute7
* endDateActive
* programUpdateDate
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* changeStatus
* requestId
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* attribute13
* attribute15
* notificationConditionCode
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* attribute3
* attribute5
* notificationId
* poHeaderId
* deleteFlag
* notificationAmount
* attribute9
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* attribute4
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute10
* notificationQtyPercentage
* createdBy
* programApplicationId
* lastUpdateDate
* programId
* attribute12
* attribute11
* attribute8
* changeAcceptedFlag
* attribute7
* endDateActive
* programUpdateDate
* attribute2
* startDateActive
* changeStatus
* requestId
* creationDate
* attribute14
* attribute1
* attributeCategory


 * programUpdateDate
* messageType
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* onlineReportId
* lastUpdatedBy
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* programApplicationId
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* transactionUom
* lineNum
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* programId
* transactionId
* createdBy
* transactionLevel
* transactionType
* lastUpdateDate
* textLine
* shipmentNum


 * programUpdateDate
* messageType
* quantity
* onlineReportId
* lastUpdatedBy
* transactionLocation
* programApplicationId
* lastUpdateLogin
* sequence
* segment1
* requestId
* creationDate
* distributionType
* transactionDate
* distributionNum
* transactionUom
* lineNum
* showInPsaFlag
* programId
* transactionId
* createdBy
* transactionLevel
* transactionType
* lastUpdateDate
* textLine
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* poSchLineId
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* createdBy
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* lastUpdateDate
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* poSchId
* lastUpdateLogin
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* requestId
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* poPaySchLinkId
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* poSchId
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdateDate
* createdBy
* deleteFlag
* creationDate
* poPayItemId
* programUpdateDate
* latestExternalFlag
* requestId
* poPayItemLineId
* lastUpdatedBy
* programApplicationId
* revisionNum
* revisedDate
* programId


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* poPaySchLinkId
* poHeaderId
* poSchId
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdateDate
* createdBy
* deleteFlag
* creationDate
* poPayItemId
* programUpdateDate
* latestExternalFlag
* requestId
* poPayItemLineId
* lastUpdatedBy
* programApplicationId
* revisionNum
* revisedDate
* programId


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* changeStatus
* poPayItemLineId
* creationDate
* poPayItemId
* poSchLineId
* createdBy
* changeAcceptedFlag
* poSchId
* deleteFlag
* requestId
* programApplicationId
* poPaySchLinkId
* revisionNum
* poHeaderId
* poDraftId
* lastUpdatedBy
* programUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdateDate


 * programId
* changeStatus
* poPayItemLineId
* creationDate
* poPayItemId
* poSchLineId
* createdBy
* changeAcceptedFlag
* poSchId
* deleteFlag
* requestId
* programApplicationId
* poPaySchLinkId
* revisionNum
* poHeaderId
* poDraftId
* lastUpdatedBy
* programUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdateDate


 * lastUpdateDate
* interfacePayItemLineId
* interfacePaySchLinkId
* lastUpdateLogin
* programUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* interfaceSchId
* createdBy
* processCode
* interfaceHeaderId
* revisionNum
* programApplicationId
* programId
* processingId
* interfaceSchLineId
* requestId
* creationDate
* interfacePayItemId


 * lastUpdateDate
* interfacePayItemLineId
* interfacePaySchLinkId
* lastUpdateLogin
* programUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* interfaceSchId
* createdBy
* processCode
* interfaceHeaderId
* revisionNum
* programApplicationId
* programId
* processingId
* interfaceSchLineId
* requestId
* creationDate
* interfacePayItemId


 * lastUpdatedBy
* programUpdateDate
* poSchLineId
* poPayItemLineId
* createdBy
* creationDate
* poHeaderId
* lastUpdateDate
* revisionNum
* poPaySchLinkId
* poSchId
* lastUpdateLogin
* programId
* poPayItemId
* requestId
* programApplicationId


 * creationDate
* programApplicationId
* attribute2
* attribute8
* attribute4
* organizationId
* attribute14
* lastUpdatedBy
* controlFunctionId
* programUpdateDate
* attribute13
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute5
* positionId
* attribute15
* endDate
* startDate
* controlGroupId
* jobId
* attribute10
* attribute12
* attribute9
* attribute7
* attribute3
* attribute6
* programId
* createdBy
* orgId
* requestId
* attribute1
* attribute11
* lastUpdateDate
* attributeCategory


 * creationDate
* programApplicationId
* attribute2
* attribute8
* attribute4
* organizationId
* attribute14
* lastUpdatedBy
* controlFunctionId
* programUpdateDate
* attribute13
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute5
* positionId
* attribute15
* endDate
* startDate
* controlGroupId
* jobId
* attribute10
* attribute12
* attribute9
* attribute7
* attribute3
* attribute6
* programId
* createdBy
* orgId
* requestId
* attribute1
* attribute11
* lastUpdateDate
* attributeCategory


 * lastUpdateLogin
* priceAdjustmentId
* pricingAttrValueFrom
* programId
* programApplicationId
* pricingAttrValueTo
* pricingAttribute
* lockControl
* comparisonOperator
* pricingContext
* lastUpdatedBy
* priceAdjAttribId
* creationDate
* createdBy
* programUpdateDate
* flexTitle
* lastUpdateDate
* requestId


 * comparisonOperator
* programId
* priceAdjAttribId
* priceAdjustmentId
* revisionNum
* latestExternalFlag
* pricingContext
* pricingAttribute
* lastUpdatedBy
* creationDate
* pricingAttrValueTo
* requestId
* lastUpdateLogin
* createdBy
* programUpdateDate
* flexTitle
* programApplicationId
* lastUpdateDate
* pricingAttrValueFrom


 * comparisonOperator
* programId
* priceAdjAttribId
* priceAdjustmentId
* revisionNum
* latestExternalFlag
* pricingContext
* pricingAttribute
* lastUpdatedBy
* creationDate
* pricingAttrValueTo
* requestId
* lastUpdateLogin
* createdBy
* programUpdateDate
* flexTitle
* programApplicationId
* lastUpdateDate
* pricingAttrValueFrom


 * pricingAttribute
* programApplicationId
* pricingContext
* lastUpdatedBy
* requestId
* draftId
* lockControl
* programId
* programUpdateDate
* pricingAttrValueTo
* flexTitle
* createdBy
* priceAdjAttribId
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* comparisonOperator
* creationDate
* pricingAttrValueFrom
* priceAdjustmentId


 * pricingAttribute
* programApplicationId
* pricingContext
* lastUpdatedBy
* requestId
* draftId
* lockControl
* programId
* programUpdateDate
* pricingAttrValueTo
* flexTitle
* createdBy
* priceAdjAttribId
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* comparisonOperator
* creationDate
* pricingAttrValueFrom
* priceAdjustmentId


 * lastUpdateLogin
* priceAdjustmentId
* pricingAttrValueFrom
* programId
* programApplicationId
* pricingAttrValueTo
* pricingAttribute
* lockControl
* comparisonOperator
* pricingContext
* lastUpdatedBy
* priceAdjAttribId
* creationDate
* createdBy
* programUpdateDate
* flexTitle
* lastUpdateDate
* requestId


 * taxExemptFlag
* listLineId
* estimatedFlag
* substitutionAttribute
* acAttribute1
* priceAdjustmentId
* sourceSystemCode
* lastUpdateLogin
* programUpdateDate
* retrobillRequestId
* taxExemptReasonCode
* attribute10
* modifiedFrom
* attribute8
* parentAdjustmentId
* chargeTypeCode
* requestId
* chargeSubtypeCode
* appliedFlag
* prorationTypeCode
* attribute4
* attribute1
* attribute5
* programApplicationId
* acAttribute15
* attribute6
* taxExemptNumber
* attribute12
* acAttribute9
* automaticFlag
* adjustedAmountPerPqty
* printOnInvoiceFlag
* rebateTransactionTypeCode
* accrualConversionRate
* modifierLevelCode
* attribute3
* pricingGroupSequence
* rangeBreakQuantity
* creditOrChargeFlag
* attribute14
* poLineId
* changeSequence
* listTypeCode
* listLineTypeCode
* acAttribute3
* listHeaderId
* taxCode
* incInSalesPerformance
* acAttribute4
* operandPerPqty
* createdBy
* listLineNo
* accrualFlag
* acAttribute7
* lockControl
* changeReasonCode
* creationDate
* attribute9
* acAttribute13
* includeOnReturnsFlag
* programId
* attribute7
* attribute11
* rebateTransactionReference
* lastUpdatedBy
* changeReasonText
* intercoInvoicedFlag
* acContext
* invoicedFlag
* attribute2
* adjLineNum
* pricingPhaseId
* poHeaderId
* operand
* priceBreakTypeCode
* acAttribute12
* modifiedTo
* updatedFlag
* expirationDate
* redeemedDate
* redeemedFlag
* acAttribute5
* acAttribute6
* attribute15
* lastUpdateDate
* benefitUomCode
* origSysDiscountRef
* rebatePaymentSystemCode
* costId
* taxRateId
* adjustedAmount
* arithmeticOperator
* acAttribute8
* invoicedAmount
* acAttribute14
* attribute13
* acAttribute2
* context
* acAttribute10
* acAttribute11
* benefitQty
* updateAllowed


 * pricingGroupSequence
* attribute5
* attribute13
* listHeaderId
* attribute4
* acAttribute3
* createdBy
* updatedFlag
* taxCode
* acAttribute4
* accrualConversionRate
* acContext
* prorationTypeCode
* attribute15
* includeOnReturnsFlag
* parentAdjustmentId
* origSysDiscountRef
* adjustedAmount
* acAttribute9
* chargeSubtypeCode
* taxExemptFlag
* chargeTypeCode
* latestExternalFlag
* benefitUomCode
* pricingPhaseId
* changeReasonCode
* incInSalesPerformance
* arithmeticOperator
* poHeaderId
* intercoInvoicedFlag
* acAttribute15
* listLineTypeCode
* updateAllowed
* changeSequence
* benefitQty
* sourceSystemCode
* retrobillRequestId
* rebatePaymentSystemCode
* operandPerPqty
* expirationDate
* redeemedFlag
* context
* rebateTransactionTypeCode
* taxExemptNumber
* adjLineNum
* lastUpdatedBy
* listLineNo
* acAttribute14
* programApplicationId
* acAttribute5
* attribute10
* rangeBreakQuantity
* acAttribute7
* accrualFlag
* programUpdateDate
* listTypeCode
* attribute8
* invoicedAmount
* attribute14
* costId
* priceAdjustmentId
* creationDate
* changeReasonText
* attribute1
* attribute9
* acAttribute10
* attribute7
* revisionNum
* acAttribute13
* attribute3
* listLineId
* priceBreakTypeCode
* acAttribute6
* lastUpdateDate
* requestId
* invoicedFlag
* redeemedDate
* acAttribute1
* acAttribute8
* estimatedFlag
* acAttribute11
* attribute12
* taxRateId
* taxExemptReasonCode
* adjustedAmountPerPqty
* acAttribute2
* rebateTransactionReference
* attribute6
* operand
* acAttribute12
* substitutionAttribute
* appliedFlag
* attribute11
* automaticFlag
* attribute2
* programId
* modifierLevelCode
* printOnInvoiceFlag
* poLineId
* creditOrChargeFlag
* lastUpdateLogin
* modifiedFrom
* modifiedTo


 * pricingGroupSequence
* attribute5
* attribute13
* listHeaderId
* attribute4
* acAttribute3
* createdBy
* updatedFlag
* taxCode
* acAttribute4
* accrualConversionRate
* acContext
* prorationTypeCode
* attribute15
* includeOnReturnsFlag
* parentAdjustmentId
* origSysDiscountRef
* adjustedAmount
* acAttribute9
* chargeSubtypeCode
* taxExemptFlag
* chargeTypeCode
* latestExternalFlag
* benefitUomCode
* pricingPhaseId
* changeReasonCode
* incInSalesPerformance
* arithmeticOperator
* poHeaderId
* intercoInvoicedFlag
* acAttribute15
* listLineTypeCode
* updateAllowed
* changeSequence
* benefitQty
* sourceSystemCode
* retrobillRequestId
* rebatePaymentSystemCode
* operandPerPqty
* expirationDate
* redeemedFlag
* context
* rebateTransactionTypeCode
* taxExemptNumber
* adjLineNum
* lastUpdatedBy
* listLineNo
* acAttribute14
* programApplicationId
* acAttribute5
* attribute10
* rangeBreakQuantity
* acAttribute7
* accrualFlag
* programUpdateDate
* listTypeCode
* attribute8
* invoicedAmount
* attribute14
* costId
* priceAdjustmentId
* creationDate
* changeReasonText
* attribute1
* attribute9
* acAttribute10
* attribute7
* revisionNum
* acAttribute13
* attribute3
* listLineId
* priceBreakTypeCode
* acAttribute6
* lastUpdateDate
* requestId
* invoicedFlag
* redeemedDate
* acAttribute1
* acAttribute8
* estimatedFlag
* acAttribute11
* attribute12
* taxRateId
* taxExemptReasonCode
* adjustedAmountPerPqty
* acAttribute2
* rebateTransactionReference
* attribute6
* operand
* acAttribute12
* substitutionAttribute
* appliedFlag
* attribute11
* automaticFlag
* attribute2
* programId
* modifierLevelCode
* printOnInvoiceFlag
* poLineId
* creditOrChargeFlag
* lastUpdateLogin
* modifiedFrom
* modifiedTo


 * lastUpdatedBy
* changeAcceptedFlag
* acAttribute3
* listLineId
* accrualConversionRate
* adjustedAmountPerPqty
* programUpdateDate
* acAttribute14
* acAttribute6
* deleteFlag
* appliedFlag
* estimatedFlag
* acContext
* intercoInvoicedFlag
* draftId
* attribute12
* creationDate
* invoicedFlag
* chargeTypeCode
* prorationTypeCode
* listLineNo
* attribute2
* redeemedFlag
* changeReasonText
* chargeSubtypeCode
* costId
* lastUpdateLogin
* automaticFlag
* poLineId
* attribute5
* benefitUomCode
* substitutionAttribute
* taxExemptFlag
* attribute7
* benefitQty
* printOnInvoiceFlag
* pricingGroupSequence
* rebateTransactionTypeCode
* poHeaderId
* attribute14
* attribute3
* adjustedAmount
* listTypeCode
* modifiedTo
* priceBreakTypeCode
* changeReasonCode
* attribute13
* modifiedFrom
* taxExemptReasonCode
* acAttribute7
* pricingPhaseId
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute6
* modifierLevelCode
* acAttribute10
* retrobillRequestId
* programApplicationId
* incInSalesPerformance
* attribute8
* operand
* priceAdjustmentId
* invoicedAmount
* attribute10
* changeSequence
* taxCode
* acAttribute12
* listLineTypeCode
* acAttribute9
* lockControl
* taxRateId
* sourceSystemCode
* attribute9
* acAttribute5
* listHeaderId
* arithmeticOperator
* rebatePaymentSystemCode
* includeOnReturnsFlag
* parentAdjustmentId
* acAttribute8
* acAttribute2
* operandPerPqty
* origSysDiscountRef
* changeStatus
* createdBy
* attribute4
* updateAllowed
* accrualFlag
* redeemedDate
* updatedFlag
* requestId
* acAttribute11
* attribute1
* context
* rebateTransactionReference
* creditOrChargeFlag
* acAttribute1
* programId
* acAttribute13
* adjLineNum
* attribute15
* attribute11
* taxExemptNumber
* rangeBreakQuantity
* expirationDate
* acAttribute4
* acAttribute15


 * lastUpdatedBy
* changeAcceptedFlag
* acAttribute3
* listLineId
* accrualConversionRate
* adjustedAmountPerPqty
* programUpdateDate
* acAttribute14
* acAttribute6
* deleteFlag
* appliedFlag
* estimatedFlag
* acContext
* intercoInvoicedFlag
* draftId
* attribute12
* creationDate
* invoicedFlag
* chargeTypeCode
* prorationTypeCode
* listLineNo
* attribute2
* redeemedFlag
* changeReasonText
* chargeSubtypeCode
* costId
* lastUpdateLogin
* automaticFlag
* poLineId
* attribute5
* benefitUomCode
* substitutionAttribute
* taxExemptFlag
* attribute7
* benefitQty
* printOnInvoiceFlag
* pricingGroupSequence
* rebateTransactionTypeCode
* poHeaderId
* attribute14
* attribute3
* adjustedAmount
* listTypeCode
* modifiedTo
* priceBreakTypeCode
* changeReasonCode
* attribute13
* modifiedFrom
* taxExemptReasonCode
* acAttribute7
* pricingPhaseId
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute6
* modifierLevelCode
* acAttribute10
* retrobillRequestId
* programApplicationId
* incInSalesPerformance
* attribute8
* operand
* priceAdjustmentId
* invoicedAmount
* attribute10
* changeSequence
* taxCode
* acAttribute12
* listLineTypeCode
* acAttribute9
* lockControl
* taxRateId
* sourceSystemCode
* attribute9
* acAttribute5
* listHeaderId
* arithmeticOperator
* rebatePaymentSystemCode
* includeOnReturnsFlag
* parentAdjustmentId
* acAttribute8
* acAttribute2
* operandPerPqty
* origSysDiscountRef
* changeStatus
* createdBy
* attribute4
* updateAllowed
* accrualFlag
* redeemedDate
* updatedFlag
* requestId
* acAttribute11
* attribute1
* context
* rebateTransactionReference
* creditOrChargeFlag
* acAttribute1
* programId
* acAttribute13
* adjLineNum
* attribute15
* attribute11
* taxExemptNumber
* rangeBreakQuantity
* expirationDate
* acAttribute4
* acAttribute15


 * taxExemptFlag
* listLineId
* estimatedFlag
* substitutionAttribute
* acAttribute1
* priceAdjustmentId
* sourceSystemCode
* lastUpdateLogin
* programUpdateDate
* retrobillRequestId
* taxExemptReasonCode
* attribute10
* modifiedFrom
* attribute8
* parentAdjustmentId
* chargeTypeCode
* requestId
* chargeSubtypeCode
* appliedFlag
* prorationTypeCode
* attribute4
* attribute1
* attribute5
* programApplicationId
* acAttribute15
* attribute6
* taxExemptNumber
* attribute12
* acAttribute9
* automaticFlag
* adjustedAmountPerPqty
* printOnInvoiceFlag
* rebateTransactionTypeCode
* accrualConversionRate
* modifierLevelCode
* attribute3
* pricingGroupSequence
* rangeBreakQuantity
* creditOrChargeFlag
* attribute14
* poLineId
* changeSequence
* listTypeCode
* listLineTypeCode
* acAttribute3
* listHeaderId
* taxCode
* incInSalesPerformance
* acAttribute4
* operandPerPqty
* createdBy
* listLineNo
* accrualFlag
* acAttribute7
* lockControl
* changeReasonCode
* creationDate
* attribute9
* acAttribute13
* includeOnReturnsFlag
* programId
* attribute7
* attribute11
* rebateTransactionReference
* lastUpdatedBy
* changeReasonText
* intercoInvoicedFlag
* acContext
* invoicedFlag
* attribute2
* adjLineNum
* pricingPhaseId
* poHeaderId
* operand
* priceBreakTypeCode
* acAttribute12
* modifiedTo
* updatedFlag
* expirationDate
* redeemedDate
* redeemedFlag
* acAttribute5
* acAttribute6
* attribute15
* lastUpdateDate
* benefitUomCode
* origSysDiscountRef
* rebatePaymentSystemCode
* costId
* taxRateId
* adjustedAmount
* arithmeticOperator
* acAttribute8
* invoicedAmount
* acAttribute14
* attribute13
* acAttribute2
* context
* acAttribute10
* acAttribute11
* benefitQty
* updateAllowed


 * lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdatedBy
* deleteFlag
* changeStatus
* lastUpdateDate
* priceType
* changeAcceptedFlag
* entityId
* priceDifferentialId
* maxMultiplier
* draftId
* createdBy
* entityType
* creationDate
* multiplier
* priceDifferentialNum
* enabledFlag
* minMultiplier


 * lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdatedBy
* deleteFlag
* changeStatus
* lastUpdateDate
* priceType
* changeAcceptedFlag
* entityId
* priceDifferentialId
* maxMultiplier
* draftId
* createdBy
* entityType
* creationDate
* multiplier
* priceDifferentialNum
* enabledFlag
* minMultiplier


 * priceDiffInterfaceId
* processCode
* priceDifferentialNum
* creationDate
* lastUpdateDate
* minMultiplier
* createdBy
* entityId
* processingId
* priceType
* interfaceLineId
* multiplier
* processStatus
* lastUpdateLogin
* interfaceHeaderId
* maxMultiplier
* entityType
* lastUpdatedBy
* enabledFlag
* interfaceLineLocationId


 * priceDiffInterfaceId
* processCode
* priceDifferentialNum
* creationDate
* lastUpdateDate
* minMultiplier
* createdBy
* entityId
* processingId
* priceType
* interfaceLineId
* multiplier
* processStatus
* lastUpdateLogin
* interfaceHeaderId
* maxMultiplier
* entityType
* lastUpdatedBy
* enabledFlag
* interfaceLineLocationId


 * enabledFlag
* lastUpdatedBy
* priceType
* priceDifferentialId
* minMultiplier
* maxMultiplier
* creationDate
* entityType
* priceDifferentialNum
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdateDate
* createdBy
* entityId
* multiplier


 * creationDate
* entityId
* lastUpdateLogin
* minMultiplier
* latestExternalFlag
* revisionNum
* lastUpdatedBy
* entityType
* maxMultiplier
* priceDifferentialNum
* lastUpdateDate
* multiplier
* createdBy
* priceDifferentialId
* enabledFlag
* priceType


 * creationDate
* entityId
* lastUpdateLogin
* minMultiplier
* latestExternalFlag
* revisionNum
* lastUpdatedBy
* entityType
* maxMultiplier
* priceDifferentialNum
* lastUpdateDate
* multiplier
* createdBy
* priceDifferentialId
* enabledFlag
* priceType


 * enabledFlag
* lastUpdatedBy
* priceType
* priceDifferentialId
* minMultiplier
* maxMultiplier
* creationDate
* entityType
* priceDifferentialNum
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdateDate
* createdBy
* entityId
* multiplier


 * lastUpdateLogin
* defaultFlag
* docFormatTmplCode
* inactiveDate
* standardForm
* creationDate
* createdBy
* formId
* lastUpdatedBy
* documentFormat
* xmlpTemplateCode
* documentType
* formSource
* lastUpdateDate
* styleId


 * lastUpdateLogin
* defaultFlag
* docFormatTmplCode
* inactiveDate
* standardForm
* creationDate
* createdBy
* formId
* lastUpdatedBy
* documentFormat
* xmlpTemplateCode
* documentType
* formSource
* lastUpdateDate
* styleId


 * planStartDate
* organizationName
* planEndDate
* lastRunRequestId
* processFlag
* projectId
* orgId
* status
* deleteFlag
* projectName
* planDescription
* planName
* lockUpdateDate
* batchId


 * planStartDate
* organizationName
* planEndDate
* lastRunRequestId
* processFlag
* projectId
* orgId
* status
* deleteFlag
* projectName
* planDescription
* planName
* lockUpdateDate
* batchId


 * lastUpdateLogin
* planDescription
* planStartDate
* planEndDate
* procPlanId
* planName
* projectId
* lastUpdatedBy
* orgId
* creationDate
* lastUpdateDate
* createdBy


 * lastUpdateLogin
* planDescription
* planStartDate
* planEndDate
* procPlanId
* planName
* projectId
* lastUpdatedBy
* orgId
* creationDate
* lastUpdateDate
* createdBy


 * attributeCategory
* procPlanId
* lineTypeId
* priority3
* abcClassCode
* origSystemReference2
* agentId
* invStrategyObjective2
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute11
* origSystemSourceCode
* planningCurrencyCode
* attribute12
* creationDate
* priority1
* categoryId
* additionalInformation
* procPlanLineId
* status
* attribute8
* acqStrategyObjective1
* invStrategyObjective1
* attribute4
* detailedSpecifications
* origSystemReference1
* expenditureType
* suggestedSupplierName
* attribute9
* attribute15
* unitMeasLookupCode
* parentLine
* attribute6
* attribute10
* attribute13
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute14
* attribute3
* itemId
* suggestedSupplierId
* partNumber
* manufacturer
* attribute5
* planningRateUnit
* acqStrategyObjective2
* inventoryOrganizationId
* destination
* poLineId
* lastUpdateLogin
* prodSelectionObjective2
* equipmentModel
* gradeQuality
* origSystemReference3
* attribute1
* attribute7
* lineNumber
* countryOfOrigin
* createdBy
* itemDescription
* prodSelectionObjective1
* priority2
* attribute2


 * attribute1
* parentLine
* attribute7
* categoryId
* gradeQuality
* creationDate
* suggestedSupplierName
* procPlanId
* equipmentModel
* attribute3
* attribute13
* lineNumber
* lastUpdateDate
* acqStrategyObjective1
* planningCurrencyCode
* planningRateUnit
* inventoryOrganizationId
* attribute5
* prodSelectionObjective2
* origSystemReference3
* attribute2
* priority2
* attribute12
* acqStrategyObjective2
* createdBy
* itemDescription
* countryOfOrigin
* additionalInformation
* expenditureType
* origSystemSourceCode
* attribute10
* lastUpdatedBy
* suggestedSupplierId
* attribute4
* manufacturer
* attribute14
* lastUpdateLogin
* unitMeasLookupCode
* origSystemReference2
* attributeCategory
* revisionDate
* changeReason
* agentId
* lineTypeId
* partNumber
* prodSelectionObjective1
* origSystemReference1
* priority3
* itemId
* attribute9
* invStrategyObjective2
* attribute8
* status
* destination
* procPlanLineId
* priority1
* poLineId
* attribute6
* attribute15
* detailedSpecifications
* verNumber
* invStrategyObjective1
* attribute11
* abcClassCode
* lastUpdProgramId


 * attribute1
* parentLine
* attribute7
* categoryId
* gradeQuality
* creationDate
* suggestedSupplierName
* procPlanId
* equipmentModel
* attribute3
* attribute13
* lineNumber
* lastUpdateDate
* acqStrategyObjective1
* planningCurrencyCode
* planningRateUnit
* inventoryOrganizationId
* attribute5
* prodSelectionObjective2
* origSystemReference3
* attribute2
* priority2
* attribute12
* acqStrategyObjective2
* createdBy
* itemDescription
* countryOfOrigin
* additionalInformation
* expenditureType
* origSystemSourceCode
* attribute10
* lastUpdatedBy
* suggestedSupplierId
* attribute4
* manufacturer
* attribute14
* lastUpdateLogin
* unitMeasLookupCode
* origSystemReference2
* attributeCategory
* revisionDate
* changeReason
* agentId
* lineTypeId
* partNumber
* prodSelectionObjective1
* origSystemReference1
* priority3
* itemId
* attribute9
* invStrategyObjective2
* attribute8
* status
* destination
* procPlanLineId
* priority1
* poLineId
* attribute6
* attribute15
* detailedSpecifications
* verNumber
* invStrategyObjective1
* attribute11
* abcClassCode
* lastUpdProgramId


 * priority1
* parentLine
* planningCurrencyCode
* creationDate
* priority3
* amountCommitted
* lastUpdatedBy
* acqStrategyObjective2
* projectId
* itemNumber
* acqStrategyObjective1
* description
* lineType
* lastUpdateDate
* status
* batchId
* processFlag
* category
* priority2
* additionalInformation
* buyer
* invStrategyObjective2
* quantityRejected
* nextShipmentDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* planName
* planningRate
* quantityOverdue
* createdBy
* deleteFlag
* uom
* invStrategyObjective1
* quantityOrdered
* suggestedSupplier
* quantityReceived
* amountObligated
* expenditureType
* lineNumber
* prodSelectionObjective1
* destination
* prodSelectionObjective2


 * priority1
* parentLine
* planningCurrencyCode
* creationDate
* priority3
* amountCommitted
* lastUpdatedBy
* acqStrategyObjective2
* projectId
* itemNumber
* acqStrategyObjective1
* description
* lineType
* lastUpdateDate
* status
* batchId
* processFlag
* category
* priority2
* additionalInformation
* buyer
* invStrategyObjective2
* quantityRejected
* nextShipmentDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* planName
* planningRate
* quantityOverdue
* createdBy
* deleteFlag
* uom
* invStrategyObjective1
* quantityOrdered
* suggestedSupplier
* quantityReceived
* amountObligated
* expenditureType
* lineNumber
* prodSelectionObjective1
* destination
* prodSelectionObjective2


 * attributeCategory
* procPlanId
* lineTypeId
* priority3
* abcClassCode
* origSystemReference2
* agentId
* invStrategyObjective2
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute11
* origSystemSourceCode
* planningCurrencyCode
* attribute12
* creationDate
* priority1
* categoryId
* additionalInformation
* procPlanLineId
* status
* attribute8
* acqStrategyObjective1
* invStrategyObjective1
* attribute4
* detailedSpecifications
* origSystemReference1
* expenditureType
* suggestedSupplierName
* attribute9
* attribute15
* unitMeasLookupCode
* parentLine
* attribute6
* attribute10
* attribute13
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute14
* attribute3
* itemId
* suggestedSupplierId
* partNumber
* manufacturer
* attribute5
* planningRateUnit
* acqStrategyObjective2
* inventoryOrganizationId
* destination
* poLineId
* lastUpdateLogin
* prodSelectionObjective2
* equipmentModel
* gradeQuality
* origSystemReference3
* attribute1
* attribute7
* lineNumber
* countryOfOrigin
* createdBy
* itemDescription
* prodSelectionObjective1
* priority2
* attribute2


 * payItemNumber
* creationDate
* procPlanPeriodReqId
* procPlanLinkSchId
* lineNumber
* lastUpdateDate
* createdBy
* procPlanLineId
* lastUpdateLogin
* scheduleNumber
* lastUpdatedBy


 * payItemNumber
* creationDate
* procPlanPeriodReqId
* procPlanLinkSchId
* lineNumber
* lastUpdateDate
* createdBy
* procPlanLineId
* lastUpdateLogin
* scheduleNumber
* lastUpdatedBy


 * sourceFlag
* payItemType
* deliverToLocationId
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateDate
* periodName
* linkedSchedules
* payItemAmount
* costCode
* quantity
* projectCurrencyAmount
* payItemUom
* altTaskId
* functionalCurrencyCode
* projectCurrencyCode
* payItemNumber
* payItemQuantity
* taskId
* createdBy
* expenditureType
* needByDate
* amount
* procPlanLineId
* lineLocationId
* payItemValue
* lastUpdateLogin
* functionalCurrencyAmount
* creationDate
* periodEndDate
* payItemPrice
* procPlanPeriodReqId
* payItemLineNumber
* periodLineNumber
* payItemDescription
* periodStartDate


 * lastUpdateDate
* payItemType
* payItemPrice
* payItemQuantity
* creationDate
* lineLocationId
* payItemLineNumber
* altTaskId
* periodLineNumber
* verNumber
* revisionDate
* lastUpdProgramId
* expenditureType
* functionalCurrencyAmount
* deliverToLocationId
* quantity
* periodEndDate
* createdBy
* costCode
* payItemUom
* changeReason
* projectCurrencyAmount
* taskId
* payItemAmount
* sourceFlag
* payItemValue
* needByDate
* procPlanLineId
* periodStartDate
* functionalCurrencyCode
* amount
* linkedSchedules
* lastUpdatedBy
* payItemDescription
* procPlanPeriodReqId
* lastUpdateLogin
* payItemNumber
* periodName
* projectCurrencyCode


 * lastUpdateDate
* payItemType
* payItemPrice
* payItemQuantity
* creationDate
* lineLocationId
* payItemLineNumber
* altTaskId
* periodLineNumber
* verNumber
* revisionDate
* lastUpdProgramId
* expenditureType
* functionalCurrencyAmount
* deliverToLocationId
* quantity
* periodEndDate
* createdBy
* costCode
* payItemUom
* changeReason
* projectCurrencyAmount
* taskId
* payItemAmount
* sourceFlag
* payItemValue
* needByDate
* procPlanLineId
* periodStartDate
* functionalCurrencyCode
* amount
* linkedSchedules
* lastUpdatedBy
* payItemDescription
* procPlanPeriodReqId
* lastUpdateLogin
* payItemNumber
* periodName
* projectCurrencyCode


 * sourceFlag
* payItemType
* deliverToLocationId
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateDate
* periodName
* linkedSchedules
* payItemAmount
* costCode
* quantity
* projectCurrencyAmount
* payItemUom
* altTaskId
* functionalCurrencyCode
* projectCurrencyCode
* payItemNumber
* payItemQuantity
* taskId
* createdBy
* expenditureType
* needByDate
* amount
* procPlanLineId
* lineLocationId
* payItemValue
* lastUpdateLogin
* functionalCurrencyAmount
* creationDate
* periodEndDate
* payItemPrice
* procPlanPeriodReqId
* payItemLineNumber
* periodLineNumber
* payItemDescription
* periodStartDate


 * lineNumber
* costCode
* periodName
* location
* quantity
* lastUpdatedBy
* createdBy
* creationDate
* scheduleNumber
* planName
* itemNumber
* processFlag
* category
* projectId
* batchId
* lineType
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* periodSequence
* taskNumber
* description


 * lineNumber
* costCode
* periodName
* location
* quantity
* lastUpdatedBy
* createdBy
* creationDate
* scheduleNumber
* planName
* itemNumber
* processFlag
* category
* projectId
* batchId
* lineType
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* periodSequence
* taskNumber
* description


 * needByDate
* poNumber
* paymentType
* batchId
* taskNumber
* createdBy
* payDescription
* lastUpdateLogin
* linkedSchedules
* quantityReceived
* lineNumber
* payValue
* quantityCancelled
* planName
* creationDate
* payQuantity
* payAmount
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* payItem
* projectId
* quantityOrdered
* quantityBilled
* costCode
* payPrice
* payUnit


 * needByDate
* poNumber
* paymentType
* batchId
* taskNumber
* createdBy
* payDescription
* lastUpdateLogin
* linkedSchedules
* quantityReceived
* lineNumber
* payValue
* quantityCancelled
* planName
* creationDate
* payQuantity
* payAmount
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* payItem
* projectId
* quantityOrdered
* quantityBilled
* costCode
* payPrice
* payUnit
 * createdBy
* requisitionLineId
* procPlanScheduleLinksId
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* procPlanPeriodReqId
* creationDate


 * createdBy
* requisitionLineId
* procPlanScheduleLinksId
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* procPlanPeriodReqId
* creationDate


 * supplier
* planName
* uom
* planLineNumber
* expiryDate
* blanketAgreementNumber
* sourceLineNumber
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdatedBy
* maximumQuantity
* processFlag
* createdBy
* batchId
* lineType
* description
* minimumQuantity
* negotiatedPrice
* currency
* leadTimeDays
* creationDate
* projectId
* itemNumber
* lastUpdateDate
* category
* rfqNumber
* effectiveDate


 * supplier
* planName
* uom
* planLineNumber
* expiryDate
* blanketAgreementNumber
* sourceLineNumber
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdatedBy
* maximumQuantity
* processFlag
* createdBy
* batchId
* lineType
* description
* minimumQuantity
* negotiatedPrice
* currency
* leadTimeDays
* creationDate
* projectId
* itemNumber
* lastUpdateDate
* category
* rfqNumber
* effectiveDate


 * maxQuantity
* negotiatedPrice
* negotiationId
* lastUpdatedBy
* procPlanLineId
* currencyCode
* minQuantity
* lastUpdateLogin
* creationDate
* supplierId
* effDateFrom
* createdBy
* leadTime
* effDateTo
* negotiationLineNum
* agreementLineId
* agreementId
* procPlanSupplySourceId
* lastUpdateDate
* sourceLineNumber


 * maxQuantity
* negotiatedPrice
* negotiationId
* lastUpdatedBy
* procPlanLineId
* currencyCode
* minQuantity
* lastUpdateLogin
* creationDate
* supplierId
* effDateFrom
* createdBy
* leadTime
* effDateTo
* negotiationLineNum
* agreementLineId
* agreementId
* procPlanSupplySourceId
* lastUpdateDate
* sourceLineNumber


 * char5
* char2
* char3
* char4
* num3
* indexNum1
* indexNum2
* indexChar2
* clob1
* clob2
* num1
* date1
* date2
* blob1
* num2
* blob2
* num4
* key
* indexChar1
* char1
* num5


 * char5
* char2
* char3
* char4
* num3
* indexNum1
* indexNum2
* indexChar2
* clob1
* clob2
* num1
* date1
* date2
* blob1
* num2
* blob2
* num4
* key
* indexChar1
* char1
* num5


 * attribute14
* documentNumber
* attribute12
* documentId
* attribute8
* cageCode
* attribute4
* attribute9
* protestNumber
* supplierName
* attribute3
* attribute13
* resolutionDate
* fax
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute7
* protestorInSystem
* attributeCategory
* protestStatus
* supplierContactId
* attribute10
* attribute15
* lastUpdateLogin
* filingDate
* protestCaseNumber
* createdBy
* lastUpdateDate
* phone
* protestCategory
* attribute2
* documentType
* description
* attribute1
* attribute6
* protestId
* supplierId
* creationDate
* duns
* address
* email
* attribute5
* attribute11
* supplierContactName


 * attribute14
* documentNumber
* attribute12
* documentId
* attribute8
* cageCode
* attribute4
* attribute9
* protestNumber
* supplierName
* attribute3
* attribute13
* resolutionDate
* fax
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute7
* protestorInSystem
* attributeCategory
* protestStatus
* supplierContactId
* attribute10
* attribute15
* lastUpdateLogin
* filingDate
* protestCaseNumber
* createdBy
* lastUpdateDate
* phone
* protestCategory
* attribute2
* documentType
* description
* attribute1
* attribute6
* protestId
* supplierId
* creationDate
* duns
* address
* email
* attribute5
* attribute11
* supplierContactName


 * doubleCheckFlag
* poHeaderId
* purgeName
* requestId
* programApplicationId
* programId
* programUpdateDate


 * requisitionHeaderId
* programId
* programApplicationId
* programUpdateDate
* requestId
* purgeName
* doubleCheckFlag


 * requisitionHeaderId
* programId
* programApplicationId
* programUpdateDate
* requestId
* purgeName
* doubleCheckFlag


 * purgeName
* programApplicationId
* programId
* doubleCheckFlag
* programUpdateDate
* vendorId
* requestId


 * purgeName
* programApplicationId
* programId
* doubleCheckFlag
* programUpdateDate
* vendorId
* requestId


 * createdBy
* programId
* ranking
* code
* inactiveDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* programApplicationId
* description
* programUpdateDate
* lastUpdateDate
* requestId
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin


 * createdBy
* programId
* ranking
* code
* inactiveDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* programApplicationId
* description
* programUpdateDate
* lastUpdateDate
* requestId
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin


 * attribute4
* createdBy
* attribute7
* attribute13
* attribute5
* attributeCategory
* startDateActive
* endDateActive
* attribute1
* programId
* quotationApprovalId
* attribute15
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute8
* lineLocationId
* approverId
* creationDate
* attribute3
* attribute10
* orgId
* attribute14
* approvalType
* programUpdateDate
* attribute9
* attribute11
* programApplicationId
* attribute12
* attribute2
* comments
* lastUpdateDate
* requestId
* approvalReason
* attribute6


 * attribute4
* createdBy
* attribute7
* attribute13
* attribute5
* attributeCategory
* startDateActive
* endDateActive
* attribute1
* programId
* quotationApprovalId
* attribute15
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute8
* lineLocationId
* approverId
* creationDate
* attribute3
* attribute10
* orgId
* attribute14
* approvalType
* programUpdateDate
* attribute9
* attribute11
* programApplicationId
* attribute12
* attribute2
* comments
* lastUpdateDate
* requestId
* approvalReason
* attribute6


 * chargeId
* lastUpdatedBy
* estimatedAmount
* shipmentLineId
* originalUnitPrice
* actRecoverableTax
* creationDate
* chargeAllocationId
* estRecoverableTax
* lastUpdateDate
* originalUnitNrTax
* actNonRecoverableTax
* estNonRecoverableTax
* actualAmount
* createdBy


 * chargeId
* lastUpdatedBy
* estimatedAmount
* shipmentLineId
* originalUnitPrice
* actRecoverableTax
* creationDate
* chargeAllocationId
* estRecoverableTax
* lastUpdateDate
* originalUnitNrTax
* actNonRecoverableTax
* estNonRecoverableTax
* actualAmount
* createdBy


 * shipmentHeaderId
* currencyConversionDate
* unitOfMeasure
* vendorSiteId
* creationDate
* costFactorId
* lastUpdateDate
* currencyCode
* costAnalysisCode
* currencyConversionType
* chargeId
* estimatedTax
* shipmentLineId
* currencyConversionRate
* includeInAcquisitionCost
* allocationMethod
* costComponentClassId
* lastUpdatedBy
* actualAmount
* interfaceChargeId
* vendorId
* actualTax
* createdBy
* estimatedAmount


 * shipmentHeaderId
* currencyConversionDate
* unitOfMeasure
* vendorSiteId
* creationDate
* costFactorId
* lastUpdateDate
* currencyCode
* costAnalysisCode
* currencyConversionType
* chargeId
* estimatedTax
* shipmentLineId
* currencyConversionRate
* includeInAcquisitionCost
* allocationMethod
* costComponentClassId
* lastUpdatedBy
* actualAmount
* interfaceChargeId
* vendorId
* actualTax
* createdBy
* estimatedAmount


 * globalAttribute18
* xmlFlag
* holdDate
* attribute14
* cancelledBy
* attribute13
* payOnCode
* attribute4
* noteToVendor
* documentCreationMethod
* revisionNum
* globalAttribute4
* globalAttribute2
* wfItemType
* globalAttribute12
* globalAttribute10
* poReleaseId
* firmStatusLookupCode
* agentId
* attribute15
* cancelReason
* governmentContext
* globalAttribute5
* shippingControl
* approvedDate
* acceptanceRequiredFlag
* printedDate
* changeSummary
* frozenFlag
* attribute2
* creationDate
* attributeCategory
* consignedConsumptionFlag
* globalAttribute17
* globalAttribute1
* globalAttribute9
* wfItemKey
* acceptanceDueDate
* globalAttribute20
* globalAttributeCategory
* attribute3
* globalAttribute13
* lastUpdatedBy
* globalAttribute14
* ussglTransactionCode
* globalAttribute8
* xmlChangeSendDate
* programId
* approvedFlag
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute5
* programUpdateDate
* commRevNum
* cancelFlag
* programApplicationId
* requestId
* changeRequestedBy
* releaseDate
* holdReason
* closedCode
* globalAttribute16
* otmStatusCode
* firmDate
* attribute7
* holdFlag
* attribute11
* printCount
* globalAttribute19
* releaseType
* attribute1
* globalAttribute11
* attribute10
* ediProcessedFlag
* globalAttribute7
* attribute9
* otmRecoveryFlag
* createdBy
* submitDate
* poHeaderId
* globalAttribute15
* authorizationStatus
* pcardId
* taxAttributeUpdateCode
* attribute6
* globalAttribute3
* cbcAccountingDate
* xmlSendDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* globalAttribute6
* revisedDate
* attribute12
* orgId
* attribute8
* holdBy
* releaseNum
* cancelDate
* vendorOrderNum


 * globalAttribute18
* xmlFlag
* holdDate
* attribute14
* cancelledBy
* attribute13
* payOnCode
* attribute4
* noteToVendor
* documentCreationMethod
* revisionNum
* globalAttribute4
* globalAttribute2
* wfItemType
* globalAttribute12
* globalAttribute10
* poReleaseId
* firmStatusLookupCode
* agentId
* attribute15
* cancelReason
* governmentContext
* globalAttribute5
* shippingControl
* approvedDate
* acceptanceRequiredFlag
* printedDate
* changeSummary
* frozenFlag
* attribute2
* creationDate
* attributeCategory
* consignedConsumptionFlag
* globalAttribute17
* globalAttribute1
* globalAttribute9
* wfItemKey
* acceptanceDueDate
* globalAttribute20
* globalAttributeCategory
* attribute3
* globalAttribute13
* lastUpdatedBy
* globalAttribute14
* ussglTransactionCode
* globalAttribute8
* xmlChangeSendDate
* programId
* approvedFlag
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute5
* programUpdateDate
* commRevNum
* cancelFlag
* programApplicationId
* requestId
* changeRequestedBy
* releaseDate
* holdReason
* closedCode
* globalAttribute16
* otmStatusCode
* firmDate
* attribute7
* holdFlag
* attribute11
* printCount
* globalAttribute19
* releaseType
* attribute1
* globalAttribute11
* attribute10
* ediProcessedFlag
* globalAttribute7
* attribute9
* otmRecoveryFlag
* createdBy
* submitDate
* poHeaderId
* globalAttribute15
* authorizationStatus
* pcardId
* taxAttributeUpdateCode
* attribute6
* globalAttribute3
* cbcAccountingDate
* xmlSendDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* globalAttribute6
* revisedDate
* attribute12
* orgId
* attribute8
* holdBy
* releaseNum
* cancelDate
* vendorOrderNum


 * lastUpdatedBy
* globalAttribute2
* globalAttribute8
* globalAttribute4
* attribute4
* releaseNum
* documentCreationMethod
* submitDate
* acceptanceDueDate
* revisionNum
* attribute15
* closedCode
* latestExternalFlag
* authorizationStatus
* globalAttribute11
* wfItemKey
* globalAttribute17
* cancelDate
* revisedDate
* attribute9
* cancelledBy
* xmlFlag
* ediProcessedFlag
* creationDate
* holdFlag
* wfItemType
* programId
* globalAttribute20
* printCount
* globalAttribute9
* cancelReason
* attribute7
* poHeaderId
* attribute8
* noteToVendor
* requestId
* attribute12
* agentId
* approvedFlag
* acceptanceRequiredFlag
* approvedDate
* attribute10
* holdDate
* changeSummary
* poReleaseId
* governmentContext
* attribute1
* releaseType
* changeRequestedBy
* attribute14
* globalAttribute14
* globalAttribute3
* payOnCode
* attribute13
* globalAttribute5
* globalAttribute1
* xmlChangeSendDate
* attributeCategory
* programApplicationId
* cancelFlag
* frozenFlag
* globalAttribute12
* attribute6
* shippingControl
* firmStatusLookupCode
* globalAttribute6
* attribute3
* orgId
* globalAttributeCategory
* cbcAccountingDate
* attribute2
* attribute11
* firmDate
* globalAttribute19
* pcardId
* xmlSendDate
* vendorOrderNum
* globalAttribute7
* ussglTransactionCode
* globalAttribute15
* releaseDate
* printedDate
* attribute5
* globalAttribute10
* holdBy
* programUpdateDate
* globalAttribute18
* holdReason
* globalAttribute16
* createdBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* globalAttribute13
* lastUpdateDate
* consignedConsumptionFlag


 * lastUpdatedBy
* globalAttribute2
* globalAttribute8
* globalAttribute4
* attribute4
* releaseNum
* documentCreationMethod
* submitDate
* acceptanceDueDate
* revisionNum
* attribute15
* closedCode
* latestExternalFlag
* authorizationStatus
* globalAttribute11
* wfItemKey
* globalAttribute17
* cancelDate
* revisedDate
* attribute9
* cancelledBy
* xmlFlag
* ediProcessedFlag
* creationDate
* holdFlag
* wfItemType
* programId
* globalAttribute20
* printCount
* globalAttribute9
* cancelReason
* attribute7
* poHeaderId
* attribute8
* noteToVendor
* requestId
* attribute12
* agentId
* approvedFlag
* acceptanceRequiredFlag
* approvedDate
* attribute10
* holdDate
* changeSummary
* poReleaseId
* governmentContext
* attribute1
* releaseType
* changeRequestedBy
* attribute14
* globalAttribute14
* globalAttribute3
* payOnCode
* attribute13
* globalAttribute5
* globalAttribute1
* xmlChangeSendDate
* attributeCategory
* programApplicationId
* cancelFlag
* frozenFlag
* globalAttribute12
* attribute6
* shippingControl
* firmStatusLookupCode
* globalAttribute6
* attribute3
* orgId
* globalAttributeCategory
* cbcAccountingDate
* attribute2
* attribute11
* firmDate
* globalAttribute19
* pcardId
* xmlSendDate
* vendorOrderNum
* globalAttribute7
* ussglTransactionCode
* globalAttribute15
* releaseDate
* printedDate
* attribute5
* globalAttribute10
* holdBy
* programUpdateDate
* globalAttribute18
* holdReason
* globalAttribute16
* createdBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* globalAttribute13
* lastUpdateDate
* consignedConsumptionFlag


 * projectAccountingContext
* chargeAccountSegment8
* chargeAccountSegment2
* distributionNumber
* requisitionHeaderId
* groupCode
* chargeAccountSegment16
* chargeAccountSegment21
* amount
* programUpdateDate
* destinationOrganizationId
* distributionAttribute5
* interfaceSourceLineId
* chargeAccountSegment19
* okeContractLineNum
* distributionAttribute7
* requisitionLineId
* expenditureOrganizationId
* requestId
* chargeAccountSegment14
* taskId
* programId
* expenditureType
* okeContractDeliverableId
* expenditureItemDate
* distributionAttribute1
* governmentContext
* chargeAccountSegment27
* reqDistributionId
* distributionAttribute11
* chargeAccountSegment24
* distributionAttribute3
* allocationType
* chargeAccountSegment12
* processFlag
* distributionAttribute9
* ussglTransactionCode
* chargeAccountSegment22
* preventEncumbranceFlag
* createdBy
* distributionAttribute8
* chargeAccountSegment29
* chargeAccountSegment9
* taskNum#1
* chargeAccountSegment3
* chargeAccountSegment25
* varianceAccountId
* batchId
* chargeAccountSegment20
* chargeAccountSegment10
* chargeAccountSegment18
* chargeAccountSegment4
* destinationTypeCode
* distSequenceId
* chargeAccountSegment5
* chargeAccountSegment1
* allocationValue
* interfaceSourceCode
* chargeAccountSegment7
* destinationSubinventory
* chargeAccountSegment17
* chargeAccountSegment23
* distributionAttribute10
* fundedValue
* okeContractDeliverableNum
* distributionAttribute2
* lastUpdateDate
* accrualAccountId
* chargeAccountSegment13
* projectNum
* chargeAccountSegment6
* programApplicationId
* distributionAttribute4
* okeContractLineId
* chargeAccountSegment11
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* chargeAccountId
* distributionAttribute15
* chargeAccountSegment28
* chargeAccountSegment15
* creationDate
* distributionAttribute12
* currencyAmount
* distributionAttribute6
* taskNum
* glDate
* updateEnabledFlag
* projectId
* distAttributeCategory
* transactionId
* orgId
* chargeAccountSegment26
* chargeAccountSegment30
* distributionAttribute13
* distributionAttribute14
* reqNumberSegment1
* partialFundedFlag
* budgetAccountId
* itemId
* quantity


 * projectAccountingContext
* chargeAccountSegment8
* chargeAccountSegment2
* distributionNumber
* requisitionHeaderId
* groupCode
* chargeAccountSegment16
* chargeAccountSegment21
* amount
* programUpdateDate
* destinationOrganizationId
* distributionAttribute5
* interfaceSourceLineId
* chargeAccountSegment19
* okeContractLineNum
* distributionAttribute7
* requisitionLineId
* expenditureOrganizationId
* requestId
* chargeAccountSegment14
* taskId
* programId
* expenditureType
* okeContractDeliverableId
* expenditureItemDate
* distributionAttribute1
* governmentContext
* chargeAccountSegment27
* reqDistributionId
* distributionAttribute11
* chargeAccountSegment24
* distributionAttribute3
* allocationType
* chargeAccountSegment12
* processFlag
* distributionAttribute9
* ussglTransactionCode
* chargeAccountSegment22
* preventEncumbranceFlag
* createdBy
* distributionAttribute8
* chargeAccountSegment29
* chargeAccountSegment9
* taskNum#1
* chargeAccountSegment3
* chargeAccountSegment25
* varianceAccountId
* batchId
* chargeAccountSegment20
* chargeAccountSegment10
* chargeAccountSegment18
* chargeAccountSegment4
* destinationTypeCode
* distSequenceId
* chargeAccountSegment5
* chargeAccountSegment1
* allocationValue
* interfaceSourceCode
* chargeAccountSegment7
* destinationSubinventory
* chargeAccountSegment17
* chargeAccountSegment23
* distributionAttribute10
* fundedValue
* okeContractDeliverableNum
* distributionAttribute2
* lastUpdateDate
* accrualAccountId
* chargeAccountSegment13
* projectNum
* chargeAccountSegment6
* programApplicationId
* distributionAttribute4
* okeContractLineId
* chargeAccountSegment11
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* chargeAccountId
* distributionAttribute15
* chargeAccountSegment28
* chargeAccountSegment15
* creationDate
* distributionAttribute12
* currencyAmount
* distributionAttribute6
* taskNum
* glDate
* updateEnabledFlag
* projectId
* distAttributeCategory
* transactionId
* orgId
* chargeAccountSegment26
* chargeAccountSegment30
* distributionAttribute13
* distributionAttribute14
* reqNumberSegment1
* partialFundedFlag
* budgetAccountId
* itemId
* quantity


 * encumberedFlag
* unencumberedAmount
* reqLineQuantity
* udaTemplateId
* ussglTransactionCode
* attribute5
* infoLineId
* reqLineCurrencyAmount
* expenditureOrganizationId
* setOfBooksId
* glCancelledDate
* okeContractDeliverableId
* attribute1
* endItemUnitNumber
* changeInFundedValue
* distributionId
* attribute12
* requestId
* attribute9
* allocationType
* eventId
* distributionNum
* amendmentStatus
* quantityFunded
* codeCombinationId
* varianceAccountId
* clmAgencyAcctIdentifier
* attribute3
* projectRelatedFlag
* fundsLiquidated
* projectAccountingContext
* partialFundedFlag
* projectId
* accrualAccountId
* programApplicationId
* fundedValue
* reqLineAmount
* recoveryRate
* recoverableTax
* attribute7
* attribute6
* attribute2
* orgId
* clmMiscLoa
* governmentContext
* allocationValue
* clmFmsCaseNumber
* glEncumberedDate
* attribute10
* lastUpdateLogin
* encumberedAmount
* nonrecoverableTax
* taxRecoveryOverrideFlag
* okeContractLineId
* programUpdateDate
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute11
* attribute13
* acrn
* clmDefenceFunding
* attribute14
* programId
* preventEncumbranceFlag
* attribute8
* amendmentType
* parDraftId
* requisitionLineId
* sourceReqDistributionId
* budgetAccountId
* reqAwardId
* glEncumberedPeriodName
* glClosedDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute4
* expenditureType
* failedFundsLookupCode
* attributeCategory
* amountFunded
* taskId
* parDistributionId
* creationDate
* awardId
* attribute15
* expenditureItemDate
* createdBy
* conformedDistId


 * encumberedFlag
* unencumberedAmount
* reqLineQuantity
* udaTemplateId
* ussglTransactionCode
* attribute5
* infoLineId
* reqLineCurrencyAmount
* expenditureOrganizationId
* setOfBooksId
* glCancelledDate
* okeContractDeliverableId
* attribute1
* endItemUnitNumber
* changeInFundedValue
* distributionId
* attribute12
* requestId
* attribute9
* allocationType
* eventId
* distributionNum
* amendmentStatus
* quantityFunded
* codeCombinationId
* varianceAccountId
* clmAgencyAcctIdentifier
* attribute3
* projectRelatedFlag
* fundsLiquidated
* projectAccountingContext
* partialFundedFlag
* projectId
* accrualAccountId
* programApplicationId
* fundedValue
* reqLineAmount
* recoveryRate
* recoverableTax
* attribute7
* attribute6
* attribute2
* orgId
* clmMiscLoa
* governmentContext
* allocationValue
* clmFmsCaseNumber
* glEncumberedDate
* attribute10
* lastUpdateLogin
* encumberedAmount
* nonrecoverableTax
* taxRecoveryOverrideFlag
* okeContractLineId
* programUpdateDate
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute11
* attribute13
* acrn
* clmDefenceFunding
* attribute14
* programId
* preventEncumbranceFlag
* attribute8
* amendmentType
* parDraftId
* requisitionLineId
* sourceReqDistributionId
* budgetAccountId
* reqAwardId
* glEncumberedPeriodName
* glClosedDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute4
* expenditureType
* failedFundsLookupCode
* attributeCategory
* amountFunded
* taskId
* parDistributionId
* creationDate
* awardId
* attribute15
* expenditureItemDate
* createdBy
* conformedDistId


 * nExtAttr4
* nExtAttr12
* nExtAttr11
* dExtAttr2
* dExtAttr1
* nExtAttr16
* nExtAttr17
* cExtAttr1
* uomExtAttr5
* dExtAttr3
* cExtAttr37
* cExtAttr21
* cExtAttr26
* nExtAttr8
* dExtAttr10
* uomExtAttr2
* uomExtAttr11
* uomExtAttr18
* uomExtAttr14
* cExtAttr11
* uomExtAttr20
* uomExtAttr19
* uomExtAttr3
* pk1Value
* nExtAttr14
* cExtAttr31
* uomExtAttr17
* nExtAttr19
* cExtAttr36
* nExtAttr6
* cExtAttr38
* cExtAttr32
* distributionId
* cExtAttr20
* dExtAttr6
* cExtAttr24
* pk4Value
* creationDate
* uomExtAttr13
* dExtAttr8
* cExtAttr28
* cExtAttr3
* cExtAttr16
* uomExtAttr7
* cExtAttr2
* dExtAttr9
* cExtAttr27
* cExtAttr33
* uomExtAttr8
* cExtAttr40
* udaTemplateId
* lastUpdatedBy
* cExtAttr10
* nExtAttr9
* cExtAttr6
* cExtAttr18
* cExtAttr23
* nExtAttr5
* nExtAttr3
* nExtAttr15
* pk3Value
* uomExtAttr4
* cExtAttr39
* nExtAttr1
* uomExtAttr15
* dExtAttr7
* pk5Value
* cExtAttr22
* uomExtAttr10
* dExtAttr4
* createdBy
* cExtAttr7
* cExtAttr12
* attrGroupId
* cExtAttr25
* cExtAttr13
* nExtAttr2
* cExtAttr17
* cExtAttr5
* nExtAttr10
* cExtAttr14
* cExtAttr4
* uomExtAttr1
* cExtAttr8
* dataLevelId
* uomExtAttr12
* cExtAttr35
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdateDate
* cExtAttr30
* dExtAttr5
* nExtAttr7
* uomExtAttr6
* extensionId
* cExtAttr29
* nExtAttr20
* cExtAttr34
* cExtAttr9
* uomExtAttr16
* nExtAttr18
* cExtAttr19
* uomExtAttr9
* pk2Value
* cExtAttr15
* nExtAttr13


 * nExtAttr4
* nExtAttr12
* nExtAttr11
* dExtAttr2
* dExtAttr1
* nExtAttr16
* nExtAttr17
* cExtAttr1
* uomExtAttr5
* dExtAttr3
* cExtAttr37
* cExtAttr21
* cExtAttr26
* nExtAttr8
* dExtAttr10
* uomExtAttr2
* uomExtAttr11
* uomExtAttr18
* uomExtAttr14
* cExtAttr11
* uomExtAttr20
* uomExtAttr19
* uomExtAttr3
* pk1Value
* nExtAttr14
* cExtAttr31
* uomExtAttr17
* nExtAttr19
* cExtAttr36
* nExtAttr6
* cExtAttr38
* cExtAttr32
* distributionId
* cExtAttr20
* dExtAttr6
* cExtAttr24
* pk4Value
* creationDate
* uomExtAttr13
* dExtAttr8
* cExtAttr28
* cExtAttr3
* cExtAttr16
* uomExtAttr7
* cExtAttr2
* dExtAttr9
* cExtAttr27
* cExtAttr33
* uomExtAttr8
* cExtAttr40
* udaTemplateId
* lastUpdatedBy
* cExtAttr10
* nExtAttr9
* cExtAttr6
* cExtAttr18
* cExtAttr23
* nExtAttr5
* nExtAttr3
* nExtAttr15
* pk3Value
* uomExtAttr4
* cExtAttr39
* nExtAttr1
* uomExtAttr15
* dExtAttr7
* pk5Value
* cExtAttr22
* uomExtAttr10
* dExtAttr4
* createdBy
* cExtAttr7
* cExtAttr12
* attrGroupId
* cExtAttr25
* cExtAttr13
* nExtAttr2
* cExtAttr17
* cExtAttr5
* nExtAttr10
* cExtAttr14
* cExtAttr4
* uomExtAttr1
* cExtAttr8
* dataLevelId
* uomExtAttr12
* cExtAttr35
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdateDate
* cExtAttr30
* dExtAttr5
* nExtAttr7
* uomExtAttr6
* extensionId
* cExtAttr29
* nExtAttr20
* cExtAttr34
* cExtAttr9
* uomExtAttr16
* nExtAttr18
* cExtAttr19
* uomExtAttr9
* pk2Value
* cExtAttr15
* nExtAttr13


 * udaTemplateId
* tlExtAttr3
* tlExtAttr38
* language
* tlExtAttr19
* createdBy
* tlExtAttr14
* tlExtAttr6
* tlExtAttr7
* tlExtAttr20
* tlExtAttr8
* tlExtAttr25
* lastUpdateLogin
* tlExtAttr27
* tlExtAttr15
* tlExtAttr26
* tlExtAttr23
* pk4Value
* pk5Value
* lastUpdatedBy
* tlExtAttr16
* tlExtAttr35
* tlExtAttr36
* tlExtAttr21
* attrGroupId
* distributionId
* pk3Value
* tlExtAttr2
* tlExtAttr32
* tlExtAttr1
* tlExtAttr10
* pk2Value
* tlExtAttr4
* tlExtAttr28
* tlExtAttr13
* tlExtAttr17
* tlExtAttr11
* dataLevelId
* tlExtAttr40
* extensionId
* sourceLang
* tlExtAttr39
* lastUpdateDate
* tlExtAttr9
* pk1Value
* tlExtAttr33
* tlExtAttr24
* tlExtAttr34
* tlExtAttr12
* tlExtAttr30
* tlExtAttr37
* tlExtAttr31
* tlExtAttr18
* tlExtAttr22
* creationDate
* tlExtAttr5
* tlExtAttr29


 * udaTemplateId
* tlExtAttr3
* tlExtAttr38
* language
* tlExtAttr19
* createdBy
* tlExtAttr14
* tlExtAttr6
* tlExtAttr7
* tlExtAttr20
* tlExtAttr8
* tlExtAttr25
* lastUpdateLogin
* tlExtAttr27
* tlExtAttr15
* tlExtAttr26
* tlExtAttr23
* pk4Value
* pk5Value
* lastUpdatedBy
* tlExtAttr16
* tlExtAttr35
* tlExtAttr36
* tlExtAttr21
* attrGroupId
* distributionId
* pk3Value
* tlExtAttr2
* tlExtAttr32
* tlExtAttr1
* tlExtAttr10
* pk2Value
* tlExtAttr4
* tlExtAttr28
* tlExtAttr13
* tlExtAttr17
* tlExtAttr11
* dataLevelId
* tlExtAttr40
* extensionId
* sourceLang
* tlExtAttr39
* lastUpdateDate
* tlExtAttr9
* pk1Value
* tlExtAttr33
* tlExtAttr24
* tlExtAttr34
* tlExtAttr12
* tlExtAttr30
* tlExtAttr37
* tlExtAttr31
* tlExtAttr18
* tlExtAttr22
* creationDate
* tlExtAttr5
* tlExtAttr29


 * cExtAttr7
* cExtAttr30
* uomExtAttr15
* uomExtAttr14
* uomExtAttr8
* cExtAttr26
* cExtAttr19
* uomExtAttr2
* cExtAttr10
* cExtAttr13
* cExtAttr40
* requisitionHeaderId
* cExtAttr20
* nExtAttr8
* cExtAttr36
* uomExtAttr9
* lastUpdateDate
* cExtAttr23
* cExtAttr3
* cExtAttr18
* nExtAttr2
* createdBy
* cExtAttr27
* uomExtAttr1
* uomExtAttr16
* cExtAttr29
* cExtAttr2
* nExtAttr9
* cExtAttr31
* nExtAttr17
* uomExtAttr13
* nExtAttr18
* uomExtAttr17
* pk1Value
* cExtAttr24
* nExtAttr19
* cExtAttr33
* nExtAttr3
* nExtAttr12
* dExtAttr7
* cExtAttr6
* nExtAttr7
* cExtAttr22
* cExtAttr32
* dExtAttr10
* creationDate
* nExtAttr13
* dExtAttr3
* dExtAttr2
* cExtAttr39
* dExtAttr1
* dExtAttr8
* uomExtAttr19
* nExtAttr4
* uomExtAttr11
* nExtAttr1
* cExtAttr37
* lastUpdateLogin
* cExtAttr11
* dExtAttr9
* udaTemplateId
* cExtAttr9
* uomExtAttr3
* nExtAttr15
* cExtAttr38
* nExtAttr14
* cExtAttr12
* cExtAttr17
* nExtAttr6
* uomExtAttr10
* cExtAttr15
* lastUpdatedBy
* dExtAttr5
* pk5Value
* extensionId
* uomExtAttr18
* nExtAttr20
* pk2Value
* cExtAttr25
* uomExtAttr6
* cExtAttr28
* cExtAttr8
* cExtAttr21
* nExtAttr16
* cExtAttr16
* cExtAttr4
* nExtAttr10
* nExtAttr11
* dExtAttr4
* cExtAttr1
* uomExtAttr12
* uomExtAttr20
* attrGroupId
* dExtAttr6
* cExtAttr35
* dataLevelId
* pk3Value
* cExtAttr14
* cExtAttr5
* nExtAttr5
* pk4Value
* uomExtAttr7
* cExtAttr34
* uomExtAttr5
* uomExtAttr4


 * cExtAttr7
* cExtAttr30
* uomExtAttr15
* uomExtAttr14
* uomExtAttr8
* cExtAttr26
* cExtAttr19
* uomExtAttr2
* cExtAttr10
* cExtAttr13
* cExtAttr40
* requisitionHeaderId
* cExtAttr20
* nExtAttr8
* cExtAttr36
* uomExtAttr9
* lastUpdateDate
* cExtAttr23
* cExtAttr3
* cExtAttr18
* nExtAttr2
* createdBy
* cExtAttr27
* uomExtAttr1
* uomExtAttr16
* cExtAttr29
* cExtAttr2
* nExtAttr9
* cExtAttr31
* nExtAttr17
* uomExtAttr13
* nExtAttr18
* uomExtAttr17
* pk1Value
* cExtAttr24
* nExtAttr19
* cExtAttr33
* nExtAttr3
* nExtAttr12
* dExtAttr7
* cExtAttr6
* nExtAttr7
* cExtAttr22
* cExtAttr32
* dExtAttr10
* creationDate
* nExtAttr13
* dExtAttr3
* dExtAttr2
* cExtAttr39
* dExtAttr1
* dExtAttr8
* uomExtAttr19
* nExtAttr4
* uomExtAttr11
* nExtAttr1
* cExtAttr37
* lastUpdateLogin
* cExtAttr11
* dExtAttr9
* udaTemplateId
* cExtAttr9
* uomExtAttr3
* nExtAttr15
* cExtAttr38
* nExtAttr14
* cExtAttr12
* cExtAttr17
* nExtAttr6
* uomExtAttr10
* cExtAttr15
* lastUpdatedBy
* dExtAttr5
* pk5Value
* extensionId
* uomExtAttr18
* nExtAttr20
* pk2Value
* cExtAttr25
* uomExtAttr6
* cExtAttr28
* cExtAttr8
* cExtAttr21
* nExtAttr16
* cExtAttr16
* cExtAttr4
* nExtAttr10
* nExtAttr11
* dExtAttr4
* cExtAttr1
* uomExtAttr12
* uomExtAttr20
* attrGroupId
* dExtAttr6
* cExtAttr35
* dataLevelId
* pk3Value
* cExtAttr14
* cExtAttr5
* nExtAttr5
* pk4Value
* uomExtAttr7
* cExtAttr34
* uomExtAttr5
* uomExtAttr4


 * attrGroupId
* tlExtAttr1
* tlExtAttr18
* tlExtAttr40
* extensionId
* requisitionHeaderId
* tlExtAttr24
* pk4Value
* tlExtAttr38
* tlExtAttr7
* tlExtAttr29
* tlExtAttr33
* tlExtAttr23
* tlExtAttr32
* tlExtAttr17
* dataLevelId
* language
* lastUpdateDate
* tlExtAttr21
* tlExtAttr14
* udaTemplateId
* pk3Value
* tlExtAttr16
* tlExtAttr36
* tlExtAttr35
* lastUpdatedBy
* tlExtAttr10
* tlExtAttr31
* tlExtAttr37
* tlExtAttr26
* tlExtAttr15
* tlExtAttr19
* tlExtAttr39
* tlExtAttr22
* pk1Value
* pk2Value
* tlExtAttr20
* tlExtAttr9
* pk5Value
* lastUpdateLogin
* creationDate
* createdBy
* tlExtAttr2
* sourceLang
* tlExtAttr27
* tlExtAttr6
* tlExtAttr25
* tlExtAttr12
* tlExtAttr34
* tlExtAttr4
* tlExtAttr3
* tlExtAttr8
* tlExtAttr13
* tlExtAttr30
* tlExtAttr5
* tlExtAttr11
* tlExtAttr28


 * attrGroupId
* tlExtAttr1
* tlExtAttr18
* tlExtAttr40
* extensionId
* requisitionHeaderId
* tlExtAttr24
* pk4Value
* tlExtAttr38
* tlExtAttr7
* tlExtAttr29
* tlExtAttr33
* tlExtAttr23
* tlExtAttr32
* tlExtAttr17
* dataLevelId
* language
* lastUpdateDate
* tlExtAttr21
* tlExtAttr14
* udaTemplateId
* pk3Value
* tlExtAttr16
* tlExtAttr36
* tlExtAttr35
* lastUpdatedBy
* tlExtAttr10
* tlExtAttr31
* tlExtAttr37
* tlExtAttr26
* tlExtAttr15
* tlExtAttr19
* tlExtAttr39
* tlExtAttr22
* pk1Value
* pk2Value
* tlExtAttr20
* tlExtAttr9
* pk5Value
* lastUpdateLogin
* creationDate
* createdBy
* tlExtAttr2
* sourceLang
* tlExtAttr27
* tlExtAttr6
* tlExtAttr25
* tlExtAttr12
* tlExtAttr34
* tlExtAttr4
* tlExtAttr3
* tlExtAttr8
* tlExtAttr13
* tlExtAttr30
* tlExtAttr5
* tlExtAttr11
* tlExtAttr28


 * udaTemplateId
* cExtAttr27
* cExtAttr8
* pk3Value
* cExtAttr26
* nExtAttr7
* cExtAttr13
* uomExtAttr11
* cExtAttr21
* nExtAttr3
* uomExtAttr13
* dExtAttr8
* cExtAttr33
* lastUpdateDate
* uomExtAttr8
* dExtAttr6
* cExtAttr19
* cExtAttr32
* uomExtAttr7
* uomExtAttr1
* pk2Value
* nExtAttr15
* cExtAttr23
* nExtAttr4
* cExtAttr4
* cExtAttr15
* nExtAttr2
* uomExtAttr6
* cExtAttr39
* nExtAttr10
* uomExtAttr17
* cExtAttr9
* dExtAttr5
* cExtAttr2
* cExtAttr22
* cExtAttr20
* cExtAttr12
* uomExtAttr18
* nExtAttr6
* uomExtAttr10
* pk1Value
* uomExtAttr14
* uomExtAttr3
* uomExtAttr12
* dExtAttr10
* nExtAttr12
* dExtAttr9
* cExtAttr10
* nExtAttr16
* cExtAttr17
* dExtAttr4
* cExtAttr36
* dExtAttr7
* attrGroupId
* cExtAttr25
* cExtAttr28
* cExtAttr34
* cExtAttr29
* nExtAttr1
* cExtAttr31
* dExtAttr1
* uomExtAttr9
* cExtAttr38
* lastUpdateLogin
* cExtAttr24
* uomExtAttr5
* uomExtAttr15
* pk4Value
* uomExtAttr16
* nExtAttr14
* nExtAttr17
* createdBy
* nExtAttr20
* nExtAttr19
* nExtAttr9
* cExtAttr37
* cExtAttr35
* nExtAttr18
* cExtAttr40
* nExtAttr11
* lastUpdatedBy
* nExtAttr13
* cExtAttr3
* cExtAttr7
* nExtAttr5
* nExtAttr8
* cExtAttr11
* dExtAttr3
* cExtAttr5
* cExtAttr6
* cExtAttr1
* requisitionLineId
* uomExtAttr2
* uomExtAttr20
* dataLevelId
* pk5Value
* creationDate
* dExtAttr2
* extensionId
* uomExtAttr19
* cExtAttr30
* cExtAttr14
* cExtAttr18
* uomExtAttr4
* cExtAttr16


 * udaTemplateId
* cExtAttr27
* cExtAttr8
* pk3Value
* cExtAttr26
* nExtAttr7
* cExtAttr13
* uomExtAttr11
* cExtAttr21
* nExtAttr3
* uomExtAttr13
* dExtAttr8
* cExtAttr33
* lastUpdateDate
* uomExtAttr8
* dExtAttr6
* cExtAttr19
* cExtAttr32
* uomExtAttr7
* uomExtAttr1
* pk2Value
* nExtAttr15
* cExtAttr23
* nExtAttr4
* cExtAttr4
* cExtAttr15
* nExtAttr2
* uomExtAttr6
* cExtAttr39
* nExtAttr10
* uomExtAttr17
* cExtAttr9
* dExtAttr5
* cExtAttr2
* cExtAttr22
* cExtAttr20
* cExtAttr12
* uomExtAttr18
* nExtAttr6
* uomExtAttr10
* pk1Value
* uomExtAttr14
* uomExtAttr3
* uomExtAttr12
* dExtAttr10
* nExtAttr12
* dExtAttr9
* cExtAttr10
* nExtAttr16
* cExtAttr17
* dExtAttr4
* cExtAttr36
* dExtAttr7
* attrGroupId
* cExtAttr25
* cExtAttr28
* cExtAttr34
* cExtAttr29
* nExtAttr1
* cExtAttr31
* dExtAttr1
* uomExtAttr9
* cExtAttr38
* lastUpdateLogin
* cExtAttr24
* uomExtAttr5
* uomExtAttr15
* pk4Value
* uomExtAttr16
* nExtAttr14
* nExtAttr17
* createdBy
* nExtAttr20
* nExtAttr19
* nExtAttr9
* cExtAttr37
* cExtAttr35
* nExtAttr18
* cExtAttr40
* nExtAttr11
* lastUpdatedBy
* nExtAttr13
* cExtAttr3
* cExtAttr7
* nExtAttr5
* nExtAttr8
* cExtAttr11
* dExtAttr3
* cExtAttr5
* cExtAttr6
* cExtAttr1
* requisitionLineId
* uomExtAttr2
* uomExtAttr20
* dataLevelId
* pk5Value
* creationDate
* dExtAttr2
* extensionId
* uomExtAttr19
* cExtAttr30
* cExtAttr14
* cExtAttr18
* uomExtAttr4
* cExtAttr16


 * tlExtAttr1
* tlExtAttr26
* tlExtAttr32
* pk2Value
* tlExtAttr19
* tlExtAttr21
* tlExtAttr27
* tlExtAttr11
* tlExtAttr24
* tlExtAttr34
* pk1Value
* tlExtAttr2
* tlExtAttr5
* tlExtAttr17
* tlExtAttr36
* tlExtAttr14
* tlExtAttr38
* tlExtAttr23
* tlExtAttr29
* tlExtAttr37
* extensionId
* tlExtAttr22
* pk3Value
* tlExtAttr30
* tlExtAttr20
* tlExtAttr31
* sourceLang
* language
* tlExtAttr35
* tlExtAttr25
* pk4Value
* tlExtAttr8
* requisitionLineId
* tlExtAttr16
* tlExtAttr18
* tlExtAttr10
* tlExtAttr6
* udaTemplateId
* creationDate
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* attrGroupId
* createdBy
* tlExtAttr7
* tlExtAttr4
* tlExtAttr15
* tlExtAttr12
* tlExtAttr33
* lastUpdateLogin
* pk5Value
* tlExtAttr40
* tlExtAttr3
* tlExtAttr13
* dataLevelId
* tlExtAttr9
* tlExtAttr39
* tlExtAttr28


 * tlExtAttr1
* tlExtAttr26
* tlExtAttr32
* pk2Value
* tlExtAttr19
* tlExtAttr21
* tlExtAttr27
* tlExtAttr11
* tlExtAttr24
* tlExtAttr34
* pk1Value
* tlExtAttr2
* tlExtAttr5
* tlExtAttr17
* tlExtAttr36
* tlExtAttr14
* tlExtAttr38
* tlExtAttr23
* tlExtAttr29
* tlExtAttr37
* extensionId
* tlExtAttr22
* pk3Value
* tlExtAttr30
* tlExtAttr20
* tlExtAttr31
* sourceLang
* language
* tlExtAttr35
* tlExtAttr25
* pk4Value
* tlExtAttr8
* requisitionLineId
* tlExtAttr16
* tlExtAttr18
* tlExtAttr10
* tlExtAttr6
* udaTemplateId
* creationDate
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* attrGroupId
* createdBy
* tlExtAttr7
* tlExtAttr4
* tlExtAttr15
* tlExtAttr12
* tlExtAttr33
* lastUpdateLogin
* pk5Value
* tlExtAttr40
* tlExtAttr3
* tlExtAttr13
* dataLevelId
* tlExtAttr9
* tlExtAttr39
* tlExtAttr28


 * lastUpdateDate
* attribute4
* attribute14
* attribute15
* programApplicationId
* lastUpdateLogin
* typeLookupCode
* expressName
* inactiveDate
* attribute8
* requestId
* attribute6
* attribute13
* attribute9
* orgId
* lastUpdatedBy
* createdBy
* attribute12
* governmentContext
* attribute10
* attribute3
* attribute2
* attribute7
* attribute11
* reservePoNumber
* attributeCategory
* attribute1
* attribute5
* description
* creationDate
* programId
* ussglTransactionCode
* programUpdateDate


 * lastUpdateDate
* attribute4
* attribute14
* attribute15
* programApplicationId
* lastUpdateLogin
* typeLookupCode
* expressName
* inactiveDate
* attribute8
* requestId
* attribute6
* attribute13
* attribute9
* orgId
* lastUpdatedBy
* createdBy
* attribute12
* governmentContext
* attribute10
* attribute3
* attribute2
* attribute7
* attribute11
* reservePoNumber
* attributeCategory
* attribute1
* attribute5
* description
* creationDate
* programId
* ussglTransactionCode
* programUpdateDate


 * suggestedVendorId
* globalAttribute16
* itemRevision
* itemId
* createdBy
* ipCategoryId
* globalAttribute18
* unitPrice
* attribute6
* globalAttribute6
* lineTypeId
* globalAttribute5
* attribute13
* programId
* poHeaderId
* sourceTypeCode
* globalAttribute12
* attribute12
* attributeCategory
* globalAttribute4
* requestId
* globalAttribute1
* sourceSubinventory
* suggestedBuyerId
* globalAttribute11
* negotiatedByPreparerFlag
* globalAttribute20
* globalAttribute15
* expressName
* lastUpdatedBy
* globalAttribute19
* attribute5
* lastUpdateDate
* globalAttribute2
* globalAttributeCategory
* suggestedVendorProductCode
* rfqRequiredFlag
* globalAttribute17
* creationDate
* globalAttribute14
* attribute10
* programApplicationId
* poLineId
* suggestedVendorContactId
* sourceOrganizationId
* globalAttribute3
* programUpdateDate
* globalAttribute7
* vendorSourceContext
* attribute9
* suggestedVendorSiteId
* attribute11
* attribute4
* attribute3
* attribute8
* itemDescription
* globalAttribute9
* globalAttribute13
* lastUpdateLogin
* governmentContext
* ussglTransactionCode
* globalAttribute10
* lastUpdatedProgram
* sequenceNum
* orgId
* attribute2
* globalAttribute8
* unitMeasLookupCode
* amount
* attribute14
* suggestedQuantity
* attribute15
* categoryId
* attribute1
* attribute7


 * suggestedVendorId
* globalAttribute16
* itemRevision
* itemId
* createdBy
* ipCategoryId
* globalAttribute18
* unitPrice
* attribute6
* globalAttribute6
* lineTypeId
* globalAttribute5
* attribute13
* programId
* poHeaderId
* sourceTypeCode
* globalAttribute12
* attribute12
* attributeCategory
* globalAttribute4
* requestId
* globalAttribute1
* sourceSubinventory
* suggestedBuyerId
* globalAttribute11
* negotiatedByPreparerFlag
* globalAttribute20
* globalAttribute15
* expressName
* lastUpdatedBy
* globalAttribute19
* attribute5
* lastUpdateDate
* globalAttribute2
* globalAttributeCategory
* suggestedVendorProductCode
* rfqRequiredFlag
* globalAttribute17
* creationDate
* globalAttribute14
* attribute10
* programApplicationId
* poLineId
* suggestedVendorContactId
* sourceOrganizationId
* globalAttribute3
* programUpdateDate
* globalAttribute7
* vendorSourceContext
* attribute9
* suggestedVendorSiteId
* attribute11
* attribute4
* attribute3
* attribute8
* itemDescription
* globalAttribute9
* globalAttribute13
* lastUpdateLogin
* governmentContext
* ussglTransactionCode
* globalAttribute10
* lastUpdatedProgram
* sequenceNum
* orgId
* attribute2
* globalAttribute8
* unitMeasLookupCode
* amount
* attribute14
* suggestedQuantity
* attribute15
* categoryId
* attribute1
* attribute7


 * wfItemKey
* clmPriorityCode
* attribute2
* attribute8
* summaryFlag
* contractorStatus
* attribute12
* udaTemplateDate
* startDateActive
* createdBy
* cbcAccountingDate
* onLineFlag
* attribute7
* clmCotrOffice
* attribute10
* firstPositionId
* attribute13
* segment3
* amendmentStatus
* approvedDate
* interfaceSourceCode
* typeLookupCode
* conformedHeaderId
* enabledFlag
* udaTemplateId
* attribute11
* firstApproverId
* clmCotrContact
* clmMiprAcknowledgedFlag
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute15
* amendmentType
* clmMiprType
* requestId
* programId
* closedCode
* parFlag
* preparerFinishedFlag
* pcardId
* noteToAuthorizer
* agentReturnNote
* taxAttributeUpdateCode
* programUpdateDate
* orgId
* segment1
* clmIssuingOffice
* preparerFinishedDate
* interfaceSourceLineId
* segment4
* preliminaryResearchFlag
* supplierNotifiedFlag
* cancelFlag
* endDateActive
* changePendingFlag
* attribute3
* appsSourceCode
* clmReqContact
* preparerId
* activeShoppingCartFlag
* attribute9
* attribute14
* clmAssistContact
* clmReqOffice
* clmMiprRefNum
* authorizationStatus
* programApplicationId
* federalFlag
* transferredToOeFlag
* emergencyPoOrgId
* parDraftId
* attributeCategory
* segment2
* researchCompleteFlag
* description
* segment5
* wfItemType
* attribute1
* attribute6
* creationDate
* attribute5
* governmentContext
* contractorRequisitionFlag
* clmAssistOffice
* clmMiprPreparedDate
* agentReturnFlag
* lastUpdatedBy
* suggestedAwardNo
* emergencyPoNum
* revisionNum
* attribute4
* ussglTransactionCode
* requisitionHeaderId
* amendmentReason


 * wfItemKey
* clmPriorityCode
* attribute2
* attribute8
* summaryFlag
* contractorStatus
* attribute12
* udaTemplateDate
* startDateActive
* createdBy
* cbcAccountingDate
* onLineFlag
* attribute7
* clmCotrOffice
* attribute10
* firstPositionId
* attribute13
* segment3
* amendmentStatus
* approvedDate
* interfaceSourceCode
* typeLookupCode
* conformedHeaderId
* enabledFlag
* udaTemplateId
* attribute11
* firstApproverId
* clmCotrContact
* clmMiprAcknowledgedFlag
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute15
* amendmentType
* clmMiprType
* requestId
* programId
* closedCode
* parFlag
* preparerFinishedFlag
* pcardId
* noteToAuthorizer
* agentReturnNote
* taxAttributeUpdateCode
* programUpdateDate
* orgId
* segment1
* clmIssuingOffice
* preparerFinishedDate
* interfaceSourceLineId
* segment4
* preliminaryResearchFlag
* supplierNotifiedFlag
* cancelFlag
* endDateActive
* changePendingFlag
* attribute3
* appsSourceCode
* clmReqContact
* preparerId
* activeShoppingCartFlag
* attribute9
* attribute14
* clmAssistContact
* clmReqOffice
* clmMiprRefNum
* authorizationStatus
* programApplicationId
* federalFlag
* transferredToOeFlag
* emergencyPoOrgId
* parDraftId
* attributeCategory
* segment2
* researchCompleteFlag
* description
* segment5
* wfItemType
* attribute1
* attribute6
* creationDate
* attribute5
* governmentContext
* contractorRequisitionFlag
* clmAssistOffice
* clmMiprPreparedDate
* agentReturnFlag
* lastUpdatedBy
* suggestedAwardNo
* emergencyPoNum
* revisionNum
* attribute4
* ussglTransactionCode
* requisitionHeaderId
* amendmentReason


 * currencyCode
* requestId
* supplierNotifiedForCancel
* clmMiprObligationType
* sourceOrganizationId
* itemRevision
* globalAttribute11
* attributeCategory
* attribute8
* manufacturerPartNumber
* requisitionLineId
* clmPeriodPerfEndDate
* justification
* noteToVendor
* suggestedVendorContact#1
* linkedPoCount
* suggestedSupplierFlag
* creationDate
* vmiFlag
* itemId
* rateDate
* urgentFlag
* cancelFlag
* autoReceiveFlag
* suggestedVendorName
* overtimeAllowedFlag
* amendmentStatus
* globalAttribute3
* wipEntityId
* onLineFlag
* udaTemplateId
* suggestedVendorLocation
* wipOperationSeqNum
* sourceSubinventory
* manufacturerName
* sourceTypeCode
* manufacturerId
* transferredToOeFlag
* globalAttribute14
* rfqRequiredFlag
* attribute9
* cancelDate
* contractorStatus
* destinationContext
* globalAttributeCategory
* secondaryUnitOfMeasure
* documentTypeCode
* auctionLineNumber
* auctionHeaderId
* transactionReasonCode
* reqTemplateLineNum
* attribute3
* lineNumDisplay
* encumberedFlag
* suggestedVendorPhone#1
* inventorySourceContext
* currencyAmount
* cancelReason
* suggestedVendorContactFax#1
* bomResourceId
* lastUpdateLogin
* quantityReceived
* vendorContactId
* fundSourceNotKnown
* sourceReqLineId
* contractType
* onRfqFlag
* wipLineId
* requesterFax
* quantityCancelled
* quantityDelivered
* unNumberId
* clmOptionIndicator
* purchaseBasis
* blanketPoHeaderId
* candidateFirstName
* attribute2
* supplierDuns
* clmOptionFromDate
* globalAttribute1
* globalAttribute2
* preferredGrade
* orgId
* destinationSubinventory
* clmExercisedDate
* attribute12
* lineTypeId
* contractorRequisitionFlag
* rateType
* catalogSource
* estimatedPickupDate
* punchoutItemId
* attribute6
* changedAfterResearchFlag
* ussglTransactionCode
* lastUpdatedBy
* pcardFlag
* parDraftId
* attribute10
* candidateScreeningReqdFlag
* attribute7
* categoryId
* modifiedByAgentFlag
* suggestedVendorContactEmail
* wipRepetitiveScheduleId
* assignmentEndDate
* lineNum
* costConstraint
* okeContractVersionId
* kanbanCardId
* closedDate
* amendmentType
* assignmentNumber
* referenceNum
* isLineNumDisplayModified
* governmentContext
* taxUserOverrideFlag
* clmPeriodPerfStartDate
* jobId
* matchingBasis
* programId
* requisitionHeaderId
* unspscCode
* noncatTemplateId
* clmOptionToDate
* amendmentResponseReason
* hazardClassId
* noteToReceiver
* itemSourceId
* clmOptionNum
* reqTemplateName
* unitPrice
* poLineId
* secondaryQuantityCancelled
* dropShipFlag
* rate
* globalAttribute12
* secondaryQuantity
* globalAttribute17
* assignmentStartDate
* linkedToFund
* destinationTypeCode
* vendorSourceContext
* bidLineNumber
* createdBy
* globalAttribute13
* baseUnitPrice
* catalogType
* vendorSiteId
* secondaryQuantityReceived
* clmInfoFlag
* globalAttribute16
* poDraftId
* itemDescription
* agentReturnNote
* auctionDisplayNumber
* candidateLastName
* closedCode
* clmExtendedItemDescription
* jobLongDescription
* clmOptionExercised
* lineLocationId
* vendorId
* deliverToLocationId
* globalAttribute15
* toPersonId
* noteToAgent
* mustUseSuggVendorFlag
* taxStatusIndicator
* wipResourceSeqNum
* quantity
* programUpdateDate
* parentReqLineId
* atSourcingFlag
* supplierRefNumber
* globalAttribute9
* otherCategoryCode
* globalAttribute19
* reqsInPoolFlag
* globalAttribute8
* orderTypeLookupCode
* destinationOrganizationId
* suggestedVendorContact
* attribute14
* researchAgentId
* conformedLineId
* globalAttribute6
* globalAttribute10
* bidNumber
* unitMeasLookupCode
* suggestedVendorContactFax
* closedReason
* laborReqLineId
* contactInformation
* negotiatedByPreparerFlag
* currencyUnitPrice
* attribute13
* globalAttribute18
* attribute4
* groupLineId
* globalAttribute5
* requesterEmail
* purchasingAgentId
* attribute1
* newSupplierFlag
* clmBaseLineNum
* attribute15
* requesterPhone
* globalAttribute7
* needByDate
* globalAttribute20
* attribute5
* blanketPoLineNum
* parLineId
* amount
* okeContractHeaderId
* globalAttribute4
* shipMethod
* lastUpdateDate
* taxName
* suggestedVendorPhone
* attribute11
* suggestedBuyerId
* programApplicationId
* taxCodeId
* suggestedVendorProductCode
* taxAttributeUpdateCode
* clmFundedFlag


 * currencyCode
* requestId
* supplierNotifiedForCancel
* clmMiprObligationType
* sourceOrganizationId
* itemRevision
* globalAttribute11
* attributeCategory
* attribute8
* manufacturerPartNumber
* requisitionLineId
* clmPeriodPerfEndDate
* justification
* noteToVendor
* suggestedVendorContact#1
* linkedPoCount
* suggestedSupplierFlag
* creationDate
* vmiFlag
* itemId
* rateDate
* urgentFlag
* cancelFlag
* autoReceiveFlag
* suggestedVendorName
* overtimeAllowedFlag
* amendmentStatus
* globalAttribute3
* wipEntityId
* onLineFlag
* udaTemplateId
* suggestedVendorLocation
* wipOperationSeqNum
* sourceSubinventory
* manufacturerName
* sourceTypeCode
* manufacturerId
* transferredToOeFlag
* globalAttribute14
* rfqRequiredFlag
* attribute9
* cancelDate
* contractorStatus
* destinationContext
* globalAttributeCategory
* secondaryUnitOfMeasure
* documentTypeCode
* auctionLineNumber
* auctionHeaderId
* transactionReasonCode
* reqTemplateLineNum
* attribute3
* lineNumDisplay
* encumberedFlag
* suggestedVendorPhone#1
* inventorySourceContext
* currencyAmount
* cancelReason
* suggestedVendorContactFax#1
* bomResourceId
* lastUpdateLogin
* quantityReceived
* vendorContactId
* fundSourceNotKnown
* sourceReqLineId
* contractType
* onRfqFlag
* wipLineId
* requesterFax
* quantityCancelled
* quantityDelivered
* unNumberId
* clmOptionIndicator
* purchaseBasis
* blanketPoHeaderId
* candidateFirstName
* attribute2
* supplierDuns
* clmOptionFromDate
* globalAttribute1
* globalAttribute2
* preferredGrade
* orgId
* destinationSubinventory
* clmExercisedDate
* attribute12
* lineTypeId
* contractorRequisitionFlag
* rateType
* catalogSource
* estimatedPickupDate
* punchoutItemId
* attribute6
* changedAfterResearchFlag
* ussglTransactionCode
* lastUpdatedBy
* pcardFlag
* parDraftId
* attribute10
* candidateScreeningReqdFlag
* attribute7
* categoryId
* modifiedByAgentFlag
* suggestedVendorContactEmail
* wipRepetitiveScheduleId
* assignmentEndDate
* lineNum
* costConstraint
* okeContractVersionId
* kanbanCardId
* closedDate
* amendmentType
* assignmentNumber
* referenceNum
* isLineNumDisplayModified
* governmentContext
* taxUserOverrideFlag
* clmPeriodPerfStartDate
* jobId
* matchingBasis
* programId
* requisitionHeaderId
* unspscCode
* noncatTemplateId
* clmOptionToDate
* amendmentResponseReason
* hazardClassId
* noteToReceiver
* itemSourceId
* clmOptionNum
* reqTemplateName
* unitPrice
* poLineId
* secondaryQuantityCancelled
* dropShipFlag
* rate
* globalAttribute12
* secondaryQuantity
* globalAttribute17
* assignmentStartDate
* linkedToFund
* destinationTypeCode
* vendorSourceContext
* bidLineNumber
* createdBy
* globalAttribute13
* baseUnitPrice
* catalogType
* vendorSiteId
* secondaryQuantityReceived
* clmInfoFlag
* globalAttribute16
* poDraftId
* itemDescription
* agentReturnNote
* auctionDisplayNumber
* candidateLastName
* closedCode
* clmExtendedItemDescription
* jobLongDescription
* clmOptionExercised
* lineLocationId
* vendorId
* deliverToLocationId
* globalAttribute15
* toPersonId
* noteToAgent
* mustUseSuggVendorFlag
* taxStatusIndicator
* wipResourceSeqNum
* quantity
* programUpdateDate
* parentReqLineId
* atSourcingFlag
* supplierRefNumber
* globalAttribute9
* otherCategoryCode
* globalAttribute19
* reqsInPoolFlag
* globalAttribute8
* orderTypeLookupCode
* destinationOrganizationId
* suggestedVendorContact
* attribute14
* researchAgentId
* conformedLineId
* globalAttribute6
* globalAttribute10
* bidNumber
* unitMeasLookupCode
* suggestedVendorContactFax
* closedReason
* laborReqLineId
* contactInformation
* negotiatedByPreparerFlag
* currencyUnitPrice
* attribute13
* globalAttribute18
* attribute4
* groupLineId
* globalAttribute5
* requesterEmail
* purchasingAgentId
* attribute1
* newSupplierFlag
* clmBaseLineNum
* attribute15
* requesterPhone
* globalAttribute7
* needByDate
* globalAttribute20
* attribute5
* blanketPoLineNum
* parLineId
* amount
* okeContractHeaderId
* globalAttribute4
* shipMethod
* lastUpdateDate
* taxName
* suggestedVendorPhone
* attribute11
* suggestedBuyerId
* programApplicationId
* taxCodeId
* suggestedVendorProductCode
* taxAttributeUpdateCode
* clmFundedFlag


 * currencyAmount
* lastUpdatedBy
* sourceDocHeaderId
* candidateLastName
* currencyCode
* lastUpdateDate
* rate
* allowPriceOverrideFlag
* documentTypeCode
* allowRateDifferentialFlag
* supplierNotifiedDate
* notToExceedPrice
* noteToVendor
* vendorContactId
* vendorSiteId
* priceBreakId
* creationDate
* unitMeasLookupCode
* currencyUnitPrice
* candidateFirstName
* candidateFullName
* lastUpdateLogin
* rateType
* requisitionSupplierId
* sourceDocLineNum
* supplierNotifiedFlag
* unitPrice
* sourceDocLineId
* createdBy
* requisitionLineId
* rateDate
* vendorId
* amount


 * currencyAmount
* lastUpdatedBy
* sourceDocHeaderId
* candidateLastName
* currencyCode
* lastUpdateDate
* rate
* allowPriceOverrideFlag
* documentTypeCode
* allowRateDifferentialFlag
* supplierNotifiedDate
* notToExceedPrice
* noteToVendor
* vendorContactId
* vendorSiteId
* priceBreakId
* creationDate
* unitMeasLookupCode
* currencyUnitPrice
* candidateFirstName
* candidateFullName
* lastUpdateLogin
* rateType
* requisitionSupplierId
* sourceDocLineNum
* supplierNotifiedFlag
* unitPrice
* sourceDocLineId
* createdBy
* requisitionLineId
* rateDate
* vendorId
* amount


 * suggestedVendorId
* lineAttribute5
* itemSegment10
* vmiFlag
* itemSegment15
* distributionAttribute2
* destinationSubinventory
* authorizationStatus
* preferredGrade
* suggestedBuyerId
* note2Title
* okeContractDeliverableNum
* unNumberId
* suggestedVendorContact
* projectId
* emergencyPoNum
* baseUnitPrice
* itemSegment4
* taskNum
* chargeAccountSegment2
* chargeAccountSegment13
* chargeAccountSegment26
* categorySegment14
* taxCodeId
* noteToApprover
* suggestedVendorSite#1
* itemRevision
* sourceOrganizationCode
* noteToReceiver
* deliverToLocationId
* headerAttribute11
* chargeAccountSegment1
* deliverToRequestorName
* chargeAccountSegment20
* categorySegment5
* preparerId
* groupCode
* lineAttribute13
* note1Id
* sourceOrganizationId
* transactionId
* itemSegment18
* note9Id
* sourceSubinventory
* currencyUnitPrice
* itemSegment5
* transactionReasonCode
* awardId
* requisitionType
* itemSegment7
* distributionAttribute10
* suggestedVendorSiteId
* expenditureType
* itemSegment3
* noteToBuyer
* lineAttribute1
* categorySegment2
* chargeAccountSegment5
* itemSegment19
* chargeAccountSegment21
* categorySegment20
* note7Id
* endItemUnitNumber
* itemSegment14
* categorySegment9
* reqNumberSegment3
* itemSegment9
* okeContractLineNum
* chargeAccountSegment24
* okeContractHeaderId
* distributionAttribute14
* categorySegment10
* categorySegment11
* lineAttributeCategory
* requestId
* taskId
* taxName
* preventEncumbranceFlag
* headerAttribute4
* secondaryQuantity
* creationDate
* ussglTransactionCode
* destinationTypeCode
* chargeAccountSegment9
* headerAttribute14
* secondaryUnitOfMeasure
* reqNumberSegment5
* headerDescription
* categorySegment17
* noteToApprover#1
* reqDistSequenceId
* note7Title
* autosourceFlag
* okeContractLineId
* itemSegment17
* budgetAccountId
* chargeAccountSegment15
* autosourceDocLineNum
* note5Title
* programUpdateDate
* reqNumberSegment1
* expenditureOrganizationId
* programApplicationId
* headerAttribute15
* approvalPathId
* wipResourceSeqNum
* wipEntityId
* unitPrice
* suggestedVendorPhone
* categoryId
* itemSegment1
* governmentContext
* headerAttribute6
* wipLineId
* chargeAccountId
* note4Id
* bomResourceId
* reqNumberSegment4
* destinationOrganizationCode
* expenditureItemDate
* suggestedVendorName
* lineAttribute12
* chargeAccountSegment28
* lineAttribute3
* currencyCode
* chargeAccountSegment10
* note9Title
* headerAttribute10
* distributionAttribute5
* distributionAttribute9
* okeContractVersionId
* lineAttribute6
* chargeAccountSegment12
* chargeAccountSegment8
* note10Id
* distributionAttribute6
* chargeAccountSegment18
* lastUpdateLogin
* chargeAccountSegment16
* lineAttribute2
* lastUpdateDate
* itemId
* categorySegment13
* note2Id
* lineAttribute8
* chargeAccountSegment19
* distributionAttribute3
* lineNum
* suggestedVendorItemNum
* createdBy
* itemSegment13
* suggestedBuyerName
* approverName
* lastUpdatedBy
* itemSegment2
* lineAttribute10
* chargeAccountSegment7
* categorySegment6
* lineAttribute14
* note6Id
* wipRepetitiveScheduleId
* distAttributeCategory
* itemSegment6
* distributionAttribute15
* sourceTypeCode
* headerAttribute9
* chargeAccountSegment27
* note10Title
* note8Id
* distributionAttribute7
* shipMethod
* distributionAttribute8
* glDate
* allocationType
* allocationValue
* requisitionHeaderId
* lineAttribute4
* currencyAmount
* projectNum
* chargeAccountSegment3
* categorySegment7
* chargeAccountSegment11
* headerAttributeCategory
* note1Title
* headerAttribute3
* referenceNum
* lineAttribute11
* categorySegment1
* batchId
* headerAttribute13
* rateType
* lineType
* chargeAccountSegment23
* chargeAccountSegment6
* federalFlag
* itemSegment11
* chargeAccountSegment4
* interfaceSourceCode
* headerAttribute1
* hazardClassId
* interfaceSourceLineId
* hazardClass
* requisitionLineId
* note3Title
* note3Id
* categorySegment12
* chargeAccountSegment25
* updateEnabledFlag
* programId
* justification
* categorySegment4
* itemSegment8
* categorySegment15
* orgId
* fundedValue
* chargeAccountSegment22
* lineAttribute7
* reqNumberSegment2
* suggestedVendorSite
* distributionAttribute11
* note8Title
* estimatedPickupDate
* kanbanCardId
* chargeAccountSegment29
* deliverToLocationCode
* rfqRequiredFlag
* itemSegment12
* unitOfMeasure
* deliverToRequestorId
* multiDistributions
* preparerName
* deleteEnabledFlag
* reqDistributionId
* urgentFlag
* lineAttribute15
* note6Title
* itemDescription
* taxUserOverrideFlag
* mustUseSuggVendorFlag
* chargeAccountSegment14
* distributionAttribute1
* note4Title
* headerAttribute8
* accrualAccountId
* itemSegment20
* lineTypeId
* secondaryUomCode
* itemSegment16
* categorySegment8
* categorySegment19
* processFlag
* lineAttribute9
* categorySegment3
* amount
* headerAttribute12
* unNumber
* headerAttribute2
* negotiatedByPreparerFlag
* varianceAccountId
* rate
* documentTypeCode
* destinationOrganizationId
* okeContractNum
* categorySegment16
* approverId
* okeContractDeliverableId
* partialFundedFlag
* taskNum#1
* chargeAccountSegment17
* wipOperationSeqNum
* needByDate
* categorySegment18
* rateDate
* suggestedVendorContactId
* distributionAttribute4
* headerAttribute7
* distributionAttribute12
* projectAccountingContext
* uomCode
* autosourceDocHeaderId
* headerAttribute5
* distributionAttribute13
* chargeAccountSegment30
* note5Id
* quantity


 * suggestedVendorId
* lineAttribute5
* itemSegment10
* vmiFlag
* itemSegment15
* distributionAttribute2
* destinationSubinventory
* authorizationStatus
* preferredGrade
* suggestedBuyerId
* note2Title
* okeContractDeliverableNum
* unNumberId
* suggestedVendorContact
* projectId
* emergencyPoNum
* baseUnitPrice
* itemSegment4
* taskNum
* chargeAccountSegment2
* chargeAccountSegment13
* chargeAccountSegment26
* categorySegment14
* taxCodeId
* noteToApprover
* suggestedVendorSite#1
* itemRevision
* sourceOrganizationCode
* noteToReceiver
* deliverToLocationId
* headerAttribute11
* chargeAccountSegment1
* deliverToRequestorName
* chargeAccountSegment20
* categorySegment5
* preparerId
* groupCode
* lineAttribute13
* note1Id
* sourceOrganizationId
* transactionId
* itemSegment18
* note9Id
* sourceSubinventory
* currencyUnitPrice
* itemSegment5
* transactionReasonCode
* awardId
* requisitionType
* itemSegment7
* distributionAttribute10
* suggestedVendorSiteId
* expenditureType
* itemSegment3
* noteToBuyer
* lineAttribute1
* categorySegment2
* chargeAccountSegment5
* itemSegment19
* chargeAccountSegment21
* categorySegment20
* note7Id
* endItemUnitNumber
* itemSegment14
* categorySegment9
* reqNumberSegment3
* itemSegment9
* okeContractLineNum
* chargeAccountSegment24
* okeContractHeaderId
* distributionAttribute14
* categorySegment10
* categorySegment11
* lineAttributeCategory
* requestId
* taskId
* taxName
* preventEncumbranceFlag
* headerAttribute4
* secondaryQuantity
* creationDate
* ussglTransactionCode
* destinationTypeCode
* chargeAccountSegment9
* headerAttribute14
* secondaryUnitOfMeasure
* reqNumberSegment5
* headerDescription
* categorySegment17
* noteToApprover#1
* reqDistSequenceId
* note7Title
* autosourceFlag
* okeContractLineId
* itemSegment17
* budgetAccountId
* chargeAccountSegment15
* autosourceDocLineNum
* note5Title
* programUpdateDate
* reqNumberSegment1
* expenditureOrganizationId
* programApplicationId
* headerAttribute15
* approvalPathId
* wipResourceSeqNum
* wipEntityId
* unitPrice
* suggestedVendorPhone
* categoryId
* itemSegment1
* governmentContext
* headerAttribute6
* wipLineId
* chargeAccountId
* note4Id
* bomResourceId
* reqNumberSegment4
* destinationOrganizationCode
* expenditureItemDate
* suggestedVendorName
* lineAttribute12
* chargeAccountSegment28
* lineAttribute3
* currencyCode
* chargeAccountSegment10
* note9Title
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* distributionAttribute5
* distributionAttribute9
* okeContractVersionId
* lineAttribute6
* chargeAccountSegment12
* chargeAccountSegment8
* note10Id
* distributionAttribute6
* chargeAccountSegment18
* lastUpdateLogin
* chargeAccountSegment16
* lineAttribute2
* lastUpdateDate
* itemId
* categorySegment13
* note2Id
* lineAttribute8
* chargeAccountSegment19
* distributionAttribute3
* lineNum
* suggestedVendorItemNum
* createdBy
* itemSegment13
* suggestedBuyerName
* approverName
* lastUpdatedBy
* itemSegment2
* lineAttribute10
* chargeAccountSegment7
* categorySegment6
* lineAttribute14
* note6Id
* wipRepetitiveScheduleId
* distAttributeCategory
* itemSegment6
* distributionAttribute15
* sourceTypeCode
* headerAttribute9
* chargeAccountSegment27
* note10Title
* note8Id
* distributionAttribute7
* shipMethod
* distributionAttribute8
* glDate
* allocationType
* allocationValue
* requisitionHeaderId
* lineAttribute4
* currencyAmount
* projectNum
* chargeAccountSegment3
* categorySegment7
* chargeAccountSegment11
* headerAttributeCategory
* note1Title
* headerAttribute3
* referenceNum
* lineAttribute11
* categorySegment1
* batchId
* headerAttribute13
* rateType
* lineType
* chargeAccountSegment23
* chargeAccountSegment6
* federalFlag
* itemSegment11
* chargeAccountSegment4
* interfaceSourceCode
* headerAttribute1
* hazardClassId
* interfaceSourceLineId
* hazardClass
* requisitionLineId
* note3Title
* note3Id
* categorySegment12
* chargeAccountSegment25
* updateEnabledFlag
* programId
* justification
* categorySegment4
* itemSegment8
* categorySegment15
* orgId
* fundedValue
* chargeAccountSegment22
* lineAttribute7
* reqNumberSegment2
* suggestedVendorSite
* distributionAttribute11
* note8Title
* estimatedPickupDate
* kanbanCardId
* chargeAccountSegment29
* deliverToLocationCode
* rfqRequiredFlag
* itemSegment12
* unitOfMeasure
* deliverToRequestorId
* multiDistributions
* preparerName
* deleteEnabledFlag
* reqDistributionId
* urgentFlag
* lineAttribute15
* note6Title
* itemDescription
* taxUserOverrideFlag
* mustUseSuggVendorFlag
* chargeAccountSegment14
* distributionAttribute1
* note4Title
* headerAttribute8
* accrualAccountId
* itemSegment20
* lineTypeId
* secondaryUomCode
* itemSegment16
* categorySegment8
* categorySegment19
* processFlag
* lineAttribute9
* categorySegment3
* amount
* headerAttribute12
* unNumber
* headerAttribute2
* negotiatedByPreparerFlag
* varianceAccountId
* rate
* documentTypeCode
* destinationOrganizationId
* okeContractNum
* categorySegment16
* approverId
* okeContractDeliverableId
* partialFundedFlag
* taskNum#1
* chargeAccountSegment17
* wipOperationSeqNum
* needByDate
* categorySegment18
* rateDate
* suggestedVendorContactId
* distributionAttribute4
* headerAttribute7
* distributionAttribute12
* projectAccountingContext
* uomCode
* autosourceDocHeaderId
* headerAttribute5
* distributionAttribute13
* chargeAccountSegment30
* note5Id
* quantity


 * headerAttribute8
* suggestedVendorItemNum
* itemSegment1
* kanbanCardId
* awardId
* itemSegment11
* note2Id
* itemSegment10
* headerAttribute10
* note10Title
* itemSegment18
* suggestedVendorContact
* suggestedVendorName
* note4Title
* itemSegment17
* taskNum
* requestId
* destinationSubinventory
* quantity
* urgentFlag
* headerAttribute15
* autosourceDocLineNum
* programUpdateDate
* chargeAccountSegment7
* lineAttribute12
* groupCode
* updateEnabledFlag
* categorySegment1
* uomCode
* taxUserOverrideFlag
* distributionAttribute10
* categorySegment11
* reqNumberSegment1
* rateDate
* secondaryQuantity
* distributionAttribute3
* chargeAccountSegment29
* categorySegment6
* categorySegment14
* lineAttribute9
* sourceOrganizationCode
* note9Title
* taskId
* glDate
* chargeAccountSegment5
* distributionAttribute4
* lineAttribute3
* createdBy
* hazardClass
* documentTypeCode
* lastUpdatedBy
* chargeAccountSegment27
* lastUpdateLogin
* categorySegment16
* lineAttributeCategory
* preferredGrade
* secondaryUnitOfMeasure
* categorySegment17
* itemRevision
* programApplicationId
* noteToBuyer
* okeContractHeaderId
* itemSegment4
* deliverToRequestorId
* distributionAttribute2
* reqNumberSegment5
* lineAttribute15
* secondaryUomCode
* creationDate
* distributionAttribute11
* reqNumberSegment4
* lineAttribute2
* preparerName
* interfaceSourceCode
* noteToReceiver
* projectNum
* distributionAttribute15
* deliverToLocationId
* lineAttribute5
* chargeAccountSegment16
* itemSegment5
* accrualAccountId
* chargeAccountSegment4
* categorySegment15
* distributionAttribute13
* okeContractVersionId
* categorySegment4
* taxCodeId
* allocationType
* autosourceDocHeaderId
* requisitionLineId
* categorySegment18
* lineAttribute7
* chargeAccountSegment24
* interfaceSourceLineId
* note2Title
* programId
* projectId
* lastUpdateDate
* note6Title
* headerAttribute1
* itemSegment14
* wipOperationSeqNum
* hazardClassId
* distributionAttribute7
* chargeAccountSegment12
* chargeAccountSegment26
* unNumber
* deliverToRequestorName
* categorySegment20
* chargeAccountSegment19
* itemSegment15
* distributionAttribute6
* chargeAccountSegment25
* note9Id
* distributionAttribute5
* expenditureOrganizationId
* expenditureItemDate
* allocationValue
* headerAttribute13
* categorySegment8
* authorizationStatus
* chargeAccountSegment20
* lineAttribute10
* chargeAccountSegment15
* chargeAccountSegment28
* sourceSubinventory
* unNumberId
* vmiFlag
* batchId
* deleteEnabledFlag
* itemSegment8
* note5Title
* chargeAccountSegment6
* preventEncumbranceFlag
* lineAttribute8
* chargeAccountSegment10
* categorySegment10
* destinationOrganizationCode
* headerAttribute9
* note3Title
* note7Title
* okeContractLineNum
* lineType
* itemSegment2
* chargeAccountSegment23
* itemSegment13
* transactionId
* suggestedVendorPhone
* needByDate
* itemSegment16
* note4Id
* chargeAccountSegment17
* mustUseSuggVendorFlag
* processFlag
* chargeAccountSegment3
* headerAttributeCategory
* suggestedVendorId
* okeContractLineId
* headerAttribute6
* justification
* headerAttribute12
* requisitionType
* lineAttribute14
* distributionAttribute9
* categorySegment2
* endItemUnitNumber
* reqDistributionId
* chargeAccountSegment21
* note8Title
* categorySegment9
* categorySegment12
* chargeAccountSegment9
* approverId
* suggestedVendorSite
* lineAttribute11
* wipEntityId
* okeContractNum
* preparerId
* suggestedVendorSiteId
* lineAttribute1
* okeContractDeliverableId
* budgetAccountId
* note3Id
* note1Id
* currencyCode
* approverName
* destinationOrganizationId
* itemSegment7
* lineAttribute4
* note6Id
* itemSegment9
* wipResourceSeqNum
* wipRepetitiveScheduleId
* note1Title
* projectAccountingContext
* lineTypeId
* chargeAccountSegment13
* chargeAccountSegment8
* itemSegment19
* note10Id
* itemSegment12
* sourceOrganizationId
* deliverToLocationCode
* headerAttribute5
* distAttributeCategory
* okeContractDeliverableNum
* unitPrice
* headerAttribute7
* chargeAccountSegment30
* headerAttribute11
* note8Id
* transactionReasonCode
* destinationTypeCode
* distributionAttribute14
* expenditureType
* chargeAccountSegment2
* headerDescription
* unitOfMeasure
* categorySegment3
* reqNumberSegment3
* bomResourceId
* distributionAttribute1
* noteToApprover
* chargeAccountId
* multiDistributions
* emergencyPoNum
* categorySegment5
* orgId
* suggestedBuyerName
* varianceAccountId
* chargeAccountSegment22
* categorySegment19
* suggestedBuyerId
* governmentContext
* suggestedVendorContactId
* itemDescription
* rateType
* approvalPathId
* headerAttribute14
* note5Id
* requisitionHeaderId
* itemSegment20
* ussglTransactionCode
* rate
* sourceTypeCode
* itemSegment3
* categorySegment13
* lineAttribute13
* distributionAttribute8
* lineAttribute6
* headerAttribute2
* reqNumberSegment2
* chargeAccountSegment14
* rfqRequiredFlag
* itemSegment6
* chargeAccountSegment11
* headerAttribute4
* reqDistSequenceId
* chargeAccountSegment1
* wipLineId
* currencyUnitPrice
* categoryId
* categorySegment7
* note7Id
* headerAttribute3
* autosourceFlag
* distributionAttribute12
* chargeAccountSegment18
* itemId
* referenceNum


 * headerAttribute8
* suggestedVendorItemNum
* itemSegment1
* kanbanCardId
* awardId
* itemSegment11
* note2Id
* itemSegment10
* headerAttribute10
* note10Title
* itemSegment18
* suggestedVendorContact
* suggestedVendorName
* note4Title
* itemSegment17
* taskNum
* requestId
* destinationSubinventory
* quantity
* urgentFlag
* headerAttribute15
* autosourceDocLineNum
* programUpdateDate
* chargeAccountSegment7
* lineAttribute12
* groupCode
* updateEnabledFlag
* categorySegment1
* uomCode
* taxUserOverrideFlag
* distributionAttribute10
* categorySegment11
* reqNumberSegment1
* rateDate
* secondaryQuantity
* distributionAttribute3
* chargeAccountSegment29
* categorySegment6
* categorySegment14
* lineAttribute9
* sourceOrganizationCode
* note9Title
* taskId
* glDate
* chargeAccountSegment5
* distributionAttribute4
* lineAttribute3
* createdBy
* hazardClass
* documentTypeCode
* lastUpdatedBy
* chargeAccountSegment27
* lastUpdateLogin
* categorySegment16
* lineAttributeCategory
* preferredGrade
* secondaryUnitOfMeasure
* categorySegment17
* itemRevision
* programApplicationId
* noteToBuyer
* okeContractHeaderId
* itemSegment4
* deliverToRequestorId
* distributionAttribute2
* reqNumberSegment5
* lineAttribute15
* secondaryUomCode
* creationDate
* distributionAttribute11
* reqNumberSegment4
* lineAttribute2
* preparerName
* interfaceSourceCode
* noteToReceiver
* projectNum
* distributionAttribute15
* deliverToLocationId
* lineAttribute5
* chargeAccountSegment16
* itemSegment5
* accrualAccountId
* chargeAccountSegment4
* categorySegment15
* distributionAttribute13
* okeContractVersionId
* categorySegment4
* taxCodeId
* allocationType
* autosourceDocHeaderId
* requisitionLineId
* categorySegment18
* lineAttribute7
* chargeAccountSegment24
* interfaceSourceLineId
* note2Title
* programId
* projectId
* lastUpdateDate
* note6Title
* headerAttribute1
* itemSegment14
* wipOperationSeqNum
* hazardClassId
* distributionAttribute7
* chargeAccountSegment12
* chargeAccountSegment26
* unNumber
* deliverToRequestorName
* categorySegment20
* chargeAccountSegment19
* itemSegment15
* distributionAttribute6
* chargeAccountSegment25
* note9Id
* distributionAttribute5
* expenditureOrganizationId
* expenditureItemDate
* allocationValue
* headerAttribute13
* categorySegment8
* authorizationStatus
* chargeAccountSegment20
* lineAttribute10
* chargeAccountSegment15
* chargeAccountSegment28
* sourceSubinventory
* unNumberId
* vmiFlag
* batchId
* deleteEnabledFlag
* itemSegment8
* note5Title
* chargeAccountSegment6
* preventEncumbranceFlag
* lineAttribute8
* chargeAccountSegment10
* categorySegment10
* destinationOrganizationCode
* headerAttribute9
* note3Title
* note7Title
* okeContractLineNum
* lineType
* itemSegment2
* chargeAccountSegment23
* itemSegment13
* transactionId
* suggestedVendorPhone
* needByDate
* itemSegment16
* note4Id
* chargeAccountSegment17
* mustUseSuggVendorFlag
* processFlag
* chargeAccountSegment3
* headerAttributeCategory
* suggestedVendorId
* okeContractLineId
* headerAttribute6
* justification
* headerAttribute12
* requisitionType
* lineAttribute14
* distributionAttribute9
* categorySegment2
* endItemUnitNumber
* reqDistributionId
* chargeAccountSegment21
* note8Title
* categorySegment9
* categorySegment12
* chargeAccountSegment9
* approverId
* suggestedVendorSite
* lineAttribute11
* wipEntityId
* okeContractNum
* preparerId
* suggestedVendorSiteId
* lineAttribute1
* okeContractDeliverableId
* budgetAccountId
* note3Id
* note1Id
* currencyCode
* approverName
* destinationOrganizationId
* itemSegment7
* lineAttribute4
* note6Id
* itemSegment9
* wipResourceSeqNum
* wipRepetitiveScheduleId
* note1Title
* projectAccountingContext
* lineTypeId
* chargeAccountSegment13
* chargeAccountSegment8
* itemSegment19
* note10Id
* itemSegment12
* sourceOrganizationId
* deliverToLocationCode
* headerAttribute5
* distAttributeCategory
* okeContractDeliverableNum
* unitPrice
* headerAttribute7
* chargeAccountSegment30
* headerAttribute11
* note8Id
* transactionReasonCode
* destinationTypeCode
* distributionAttribute14
* expenditureType
* chargeAccountSegment2
* headerDescription
* unitOfMeasure
* categorySegment3
* reqNumberSegment3
* bomResourceId
* distributionAttribute1
* noteToApprover
* chargeAccountId
* multiDistributions
* emergencyPoNum
* categorySegment5
* orgId
* suggestedBuyerName
* varianceAccountId
* chargeAccountSegment22
* categorySegment19
* suggestedBuyerId
* governmentContext
* suggestedVendorContactId
* itemDescription
* rateType
* approvalPathId
* headerAttribute14
* note5Id
* requisitionHeaderId
* itemSegment20
* ussglTransactionCode
* rate
* sourceTypeCode
* itemSegment3
* categorySegment13
* lineAttribute13
* distributionAttribute8
* lineAttribute6
* headerAttribute2
* reqNumberSegment2
* chargeAccountSegment14
* rfqRequiredFlag
* itemSegment6
* chargeAccountSegment11
* headerAttribute4
* reqDistSequenceId
* chargeAccountSegment1
* wipLineId
* currencyUnitPrice
* categoryId
* categorySegment7
* note7Id
* headerAttribute3
* autosourceFlag
* distributionAttribute12
* chargeAccountSegment18
* itemId
* referenceNum


 * processId
* lastUpdateLogin
* programUpdateDate
* programId
* shipMethod
* auctionDisplayNumber
* lastUpdatedBy
* programApplicationId
* auctionHeaderId
* requestId
* createdBy
* lastUpdateDate
* quantity
* estimatedPickupDate
* lineId
* origNeedByDate
* creationDate
* origQuantity
* needByDate


 * processId
* lastUpdateLogin
* programUpdateDate
* programId
* shipMethod
* auctionDisplayNumber
* lastUpdatedBy
* programApplicationId
* auctionHeaderId
* requestId
* createdBy
* lastUpdateDate
* quantity
* estimatedPickupDate
* lineId
* origNeedByDate
* creationDate
* origQuantity
* needByDate


 * num9
* date1
* createdBy
* char11
* num10
* lastUpdatedBy
* resultfmtUsageId
* num4
* char9
* classificationCode
* char12
* num2
* num5
* char4
* char8
* lastUpdateDate
* char7
* char15
* char13
* date2
* date5
* num3
* char5
* creationDate
* date3
* num7
* char2
* num8
* char14
* char10
* num6
* char3
* num1
* lastUpdateLogin
* date4
* char1
* char6
* batchId


 * num9
* date1
* createdBy
* char11
* num10
* lastUpdatedBy
* resultfmtUsageId
* num4
* char9
* classificationCode
* char12
* num2
* num5
* char4
* char8
* lastUpdateDate
* char7
* char15
* char13
* date2
* date5
* num3
* char5
* creationDate
* date3
* num7
* char2
* num8
* char14
* char10
* num6
* char3
* num1
* lastUpdateLogin
* date4
* char1
* char6
* batchId


 * classificationCode
* voAttributeName
* readonlyFlag
* regionCode
* displayFlag
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateDate
* attributeCode
* regionApplicationId
* intfColumnName
* customizationCode
* dataLevelId
* creationDate
* createdBy
* svcAttributeName
* lastUpdateLogin
* customizationApplicationId
* resultfmtUsageId
* attrDisplayName
* requiredFlag
* displaySequence
* segmentNumber


 * classificationCode
* voAttributeName
* readonlyFlag
* regionCode
* displayFlag
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateDate
* attributeCode
* regionApplicationId
* intfColumnName
* customizationCode
* dataLevelId
* creationDate
* createdBy
* svcAttributeName
* lastUpdateLogin
* customizationApplicationId
* resultfmtUsageId
* attrDisplayName
* requiredFlag
* displaySequence
* segmentNumber


 * orgId
* tcEndDate
* tcCommentText
* projectId
* projectName
* tcStartDate
* tcId
* tcTimeReceived
* lineRateCurrency
* interfaceTransactionId
* tcUom
* contingentWorkerId
* taskName
* tcApprovalStatus
* vendorSiteId
* poContractorLastName
* taskId
* tcDayId
* tcSubmissionDate
* poContractorFirstName
* tcApprovedDate
* poLineNumber
* poNumber
* actionFlag
* poLineId
* poCreationDate
* lineRate
* poContractorFullName
* vendorContactId
* tcScope
* tcEntrySequence
* lineRateType
* poHeaderId
* tcDetailId
* vendorId
* tcEntryDate


 * orgId
* tcEndDate
* tcCommentText
* projectId
* projectName
* tcStartDate
* tcId
* tcTimeReceived
* lineRateCurrency
* interfaceTransactionId
* tcUom
* contingentWorkerId
* taskName
* tcApprovalStatus
* vendorSiteId
* poContractorLastName
* taskId
* tcDayId
* tcSubmissionDate
* poContractorFirstName
* tcApprovedDate
* poLineNumber
* poNumber
* actionFlag
* poLineId
* poCreationDate
* lineRate
* poContractorFullName
* vendorContactId
* tcScope
* tcEntrySequence
* lineRateType
* poHeaderId
* tcDetailId
* vendorId
* tcEntryDate


 * attribute5
* sequenceNum
* attribute12
* programId
* attribute1
* createdBy
* programUpdateDate
* attributeCategory
* attribute7
* attribute9
* programApplicationId
* attribute3
* vendorContactId
* attribute14
* attribute6
* attribute8
* attribute4
* vendorId
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute10
* printedDate
* attribute11
* attribute13
* creationDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* printCount
* attribute15
* vendorSiteId
* printFlag
* requestId
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute2
* poHeaderId


 * attribute5
* sequenceNum
* attribute12
* programId
* attribute1
* createdBy
* programUpdateDate
* attributeCategory
* attribute7
* attribute9
* programApplicationId
* attribute3
* vendorContactId
* attribute14
* attribute6
* attribute8
* attribute4
* vendorId
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute10
* printedDate
* attribute11
* attribute13
* creationDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* printCount
* attribute15
* vendorSiteId
* printFlag
* requestId
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute2
* poHeaderId


 * orgId
* ruleValueId
* segmentValue
* lastUpdateDate
* segmentNum
* creationDate
* accountRuleId
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* ruleType
* createdBy


 * orgId
* ruleValueId
* segmentValue
* lastUpdateDate
* segmentNum
* creationDate
* accountRuleId
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* ruleType
* createdBy


 * agreementLineId
* requisitionHeaderId
* auctionLineNumber
* poLineId
* auctionHeaderId
* lastUpdateDate
* requisitionLineId
* lastUpdateLogin
* agreementHeaderId
* recordType
* creationDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* createdBy
* poHeaderId
* deliverableId
* batchId
* actionId


 * agreementLineId
* requisitionHeaderId
* auctionLineNumber
* poLineId
* auctionHeaderId
* lastUpdateDate
* requisitionLineId
* lastUpdateLogin
* agreementHeaderId
* recordType
* creationDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* createdBy
* poHeaderId
* deliverableId
* batchId
* actionId


 * num2
* char3
* indexNum2
* date1
* num6
* indexChar2
* num9
* num5
* indexChar1
* num3
* date2
* num7
* num10
* char2
* num1
* num4
* key
* char4
* char5
* num8
* char1
* indexNum1


 * num2
* char3
* indexNum2
* date1
* num6
* indexChar2
* num9
* num5
* indexChar1
* num3
* date2
* num7
* num10
* char2
* num1
* num4
* key
* char4
* char5
* num8
* char1
* indexNum1


 * requestId
* programId
* attribute1
* programUpdateDate
* attribute11
* createdBy
* toDate
* attribute4
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute7
* capacityPerDay
* attribute14
* creationDate
* attribute9
* attribute3
* attribute2
* attribute15
* attribute13
* attribute6
* attribute10
* attribute12
* programApplicationId
* usingOrganizationId
* aslId
* fromDate
* attributeCategory
* capacityId
* attribute8
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute5


 * requestId
* programId
* attribute1
* programUpdateDate
* attribute11
* createdBy
* toDate
* attribute4
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute7
* capacityPerDay
* attribute14
* creationDate
* attribute9
* attribute3
* attribute2
* attribute15
* attribute13
* attribute6
* attribute10
* attribute12
* programApplicationId
* usingOrganizationId
* aslId
* fromDate
* attributeCategory
* capacityId
* attribute8
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute5


 * attribute11
* aslId
* tolerance
* programId
* attribute3
* requestId
* usingOrganizationId
* attribute12
* attribute15
* numberOfDays
* attribute6
* attribute1
* programUpdateDate
* attribute9
* attribute8
* attribute10
* attributeCategory
* attribute4
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute2
* attribute13
* createdBy
* programApplicationId
* attribute14
* lastUpdateLogin
* creationDate
* attribute5
* attribute7


 * attribute11
* aslId
* tolerance
* programId
* attribute3
* requestId
* usingOrganizationId
* attribute12
* attribute15
* numberOfDays
* attribute6
* attribute1
* programUpdateDate
* attribute9
* attribute8
* attribute10
* attributeCategory
* attribute4
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute2
* attribute13
* createdBy
* programApplicationId
* attribute14
* lastUpdateLogin
* creationDate
* attribute5
* attribute7


 * globalAttribute16
* creationDate
* globalAttribute18
* enableEpls
* wdolUrl
* receivingFlag
* globalAttribute10
* docAmtThreshold
* reqCanAuthorize
* catAdminAuthoringAcceptance
* emailAttachmentFilename
* globalAttribute2
* receiveCloseTolerance
* fpdsngIdvXmlSource
* poDocumentReportId
* globalAttribute19
* globalAttribute1
* userDefinedPoNumCode
* globalAttribute11
* taxHierShipToLoc
* enableMipr
* accruedCodeCombinationId
* globalAttribute3
* fpdsngAwdXmlSource
* maxAttachmentSize
* enforceBuyerAuthorityFlag
* globalAttribute8
* manualRfqNumType
* manualReqNumType
* priceBreakLookupCode
* taxHierItem
* receiveCloseCode
* globalAttribute17
* enableMiprAcceptance
* fundsChangeAmount
* globalAttribute20
* enableWdol
* lastUpdatedBy
* securityPositionStructureId
* expenseAccrualCode
* taxHierVendorSite
* gaplessInvNumFlag
* notificationWarningDelay
* taxFromItemFlag
* supplierAuthoringAcceptance
* enforcePriceChangeAmount
* groupShipmentsFlag
* globalAttribute13
* eplsTimeframe
* invoiceCloseCode
* enforceFundsChangeAllowance
* termId
* enableSmallBusCoord
* minReleaseAmount
* orderSourceId
* userDefinedReqNumCode
* inspectionRequiredFlag
* reqimportGroupByCode
* programUpdateDate
* globalAttribute9
* taxHierVendor
* fpdsngIdvModXmlSource
* globalAttribute15
* poOutputFormat
* taxFromVendorSiteFlag
* manualQuoteNumType
* orderTypeId
* globalAttribute5
* priceChangeAmount
* enableExhibitsLines
* programApplicationId
* lastUpdateLogin
* enableAcrn
* enablePaymentInstr
* globalAttribute12
* enableUndefContAct
* taxHierSystem
* taxableFlag
* orgId
* poDocumentPrintFlag
* acceptanceRequiredFlag
* contrOfficeAgencyId
* globalAttributeCategory
* manualPoNumType
* fpdsApprovNotifType
* lineTypeId
* requestId
* taxFromSystemFlag
* priceChangeAllowance
* fpdsngAwdModXmlSource
* edaFilesLocation
* defaultRateType
* rfqDocumentReportId
* invoiceCloseTolerance
* dispositionWarningFlag
* priceTypeLookupCode
* autoOffsetMethod
* buyingCompanyIdentifier
* fundsChangeAllowance
* cancelReqsOnPoCancelFlag
* notifyIfBlanketFlag
* defaultQuoteWarningDelay
* nextApproverLookupCode
* manualReceiptNumType
* rfqDocumentPrintFlag
* enableCdrl
* koSignatureReqd
* enableEda
* enforceBuyerNameFlag
* rfqRequiredFlag
* fpdsAgencyId
* globalAttribute6
* taxFromShipToLocFlag
* createDebitMemoFlag
* inventoryAccrualCode
* enforceVendorHoldFlag
* enforcePriceChangeAllowance
* userDefinedRfqNumCode
* userDefinedReceiptNumCode
* userDefinedQuoteNumCode
* enforceFullLotQuantities
* salesrepId
* allowItemDescUpdateFlag
* globalAttribute14
* globalAttribute7
* defaultDistributions
* programId
* globalAttribute4
* edaBatchSize
* createdBy
* taxFromVendorFlag
* lastUpdateDate
* enableFpdsReporting


 * orgId
* inspectionRequiredFlag
* expenseAccrualCode
* auditSessionId
* auditCommitId
* inventoryAccrualCode
* auditTransactionType
* auditSequenceId
* accruedCodeCombinationId
* auditTimestamp
* priceChangeAllowance
* rowKey
* auditTrueNulls
* auditUserName


 * orgId
* inspectionRequiredFlag
* expenseAccrualCode
* auditSessionId
* auditCommitId
* inventoryAccrualCode
* auditTransactionType
* auditSequenceId
* accruedCodeCombinationId
* auditTimestamp
* priceChangeAllowance
* rowKey
* auditTrueNulls
* auditUserName


 * globalAttribute16
* creationDate
* globalAttribute18
* enableEpls
* wdolUrl
* receivingFlag
* globalAttribute10
* docAmtThreshold
* reqCanAuthorize
* catAdminAuthoringAcceptance
* emailAttachmentFilename
* globalAttribute2
* receiveCloseTolerance
* fpdsngIdvXmlSource
* poDocumentReportId
* globalAttribute19
* globalAttribute1
* userDefinedPoNumCode
* globalAttribute11
* taxHierShipToLoc
* enableMipr
* accruedCodeCombinationId
* globalAttribute3
* fpdsngAwdXmlSource
* maxAttachmentSize
* enforceBuyerAuthorityFlag
* globalAttribute8
* manualRfqNumType
* manualReqNumType
* priceBreakLookupCode
* taxHierItem
* receiveCloseCode
* globalAttribute17
* enableMiprAcceptance
* fundsChangeAmount
* globalAttribute20
* enableWdol
* lastUpdatedBy
* securityPositionStructureId
* expenseAccrualCode
* taxHierVendorSite
* gaplessInvNumFlag
* notificationWarningDelay
* taxFromItemFlag
* supplierAuthoringAcceptance
* enforcePriceChangeAmount
* groupShipmentsFlag
* globalAttribute13
* eplsTimeframe
* invoiceCloseCode
* enforceFundsChangeAllowance
* termId
* enableSmallBusCoord
* minReleaseAmount
* orderSourceId
* userDefinedReqNumCode
* inspectionRequiredFlag
* reqimportGroupByCode
* programUpdateDate
* globalAttribute9
* taxHierVendor
* fpdsngIdvModXmlSource
* globalAttribute15
* poOutputFormat
* taxFromVendorSiteFlag
* manualQuoteNumType
* orderTypeId
* globalAttribute5
* priceChangeAmount
* enableExhibitsLines
* programApplicationId
* lastUpdateLogin
* enableAcrn
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* fpdsApprovNotifType
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* requestId
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* fpdsngAwdModXmlSource
* edaFilesLocation
* defaultRateType
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* buyingCompanyIdentifier
* fundsChangeAllowance
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* nextApproverLookupCode
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* rfqDocumentPrintFlag
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* createDebitMemoFlag
* inventoryAccrualCode
* enforceVendorHoldFlag
* enforcePriceChangeAllowance
* userDefinedRfqNumCode
* userDefinedReceiptNumCode
* userDefinedQuoteNumCode
* enforceFullLotQuantities
* salesrepId
* allowItemDescUpdateFlag
* globalAttribute14
* globalAttribute7
* defaultDistributions
* programId
* globalAttribute4
* edaBatchSize
* createdBy
* taxFromVendorFlag
* lastUpdateDate
* enableFpdsReporting


 * attribute7
* attribute12
* attribute5
* attribute13
* attribute16
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* attribute17
* creationDate
* attribute9
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* attribute11
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* createdBy
* attribute6
* attribute10
* lastUpdateDate
* associationId
* lastUpdatedBy
* usageId
* attributeGroupId
* attribute2
* attribute1
* attributeGroupSequence
* zdSync


 * attribute7
* attribute12
* attribute5
* attribute13
* attribute16
* attribute15
* attribute17
* creationDate
* attribute9
* attribute20
* templateId
* attribute14
* attribute18
* attributeCategory
* zdEditionName
* attribute11
* attribute4
* attribute8
* attribute19
* attribute3
* lastUpdateLogin
* createdBy
* attribute6
* attribute10
* lastUpdateDate
* associationId
* lastUpdatedBy
* usageId
* attributeGroupId
* attribute2
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* zdSync


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* functionalArea
* createdBy


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* documentStyleId
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* databaseViewName
* revision
* lastUpdateDate
* documentLevel
* documentType
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* effectiveTo
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* lastUpdatedBy
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* zdEditionName
* functionalArea
* createdBy


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* comments
* lastUpdateDate
* zdEditionName
* zdSync
* language
* sourceLang
* createdBy
* templateId
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdatedBy
* creationDate


 * displayName
* comments
* lastUpdateDate
* zdEditionName
* zdSync
* language
* sourceLang
* createdBy
* templateId
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdatedBy
* creationDate


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* tlExtAttr40
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* lastUpdatedBy
* language
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* tlExtAttr18


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* dataLevel2
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* pk2Value
* creationDate
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* interfaceReferenceId
* lastUpdatedBy
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* programUpdateDate
* attrValueNum
* interfaceSourceCode
* processPhase
* programApplicationId
* userRowIdentifier
* attrGroupType


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* transactionId
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* interfaceSourceCode
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* programApplicationId
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* lastUpdateLogin
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* zdSync
* reqDistributionGroupId
* creationDate
* lastUpdatedBy


 * poShipmentsGroupId
* reqLineGroupId
* bidItemPriceGroupId
* zdEditionName
* ponAucHeaderGroupId
* createdBy
* poHeaderGroupId
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* lastUpdateDate
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* poDistributionsGroupId
* reqHeaderGroupId
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* lastUpdateLogin
* poLineGroupId
* zdSync
* reqDistributionGroupId
* creationDate
* lastUpdatedBy


 * lastUpdateDate
* currentMaxUniqueIdentifier
* programUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* programApplicationId
* tableName
* creationDate
* programId
* createdBy
* requestId
* lastUpdateLogin
* orgId


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* currentMaxUniqueIdentifier
* programUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
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* tableName
* creationDate
* programId
* createdBy
* requestId
* lastUpdateLogin
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* attribute20
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* attribute4
* attribute18
* attribute6
* attribute8
* attribute9
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* attributeCategory
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* attribute14
* attribute19
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* createdBy
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* attribute20
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* attribute13
* attribute3
* functionalArea
* attribute1
* userPreferenceId
* attribute11
* locationId
* attribute5
* clmContractOfficer
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute17
* attribute16
* attribute12


 * warrantStatusDate
* warrantCurrency
* lastUpdateDate
* createdBy
* warrantId
* warrantIssueOffice
* warrantIssueDate
* creationDate
* warrantStatus
* warrantName
* warrantDescription
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* warrantReceiveDate


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* warrantCurrency
* lastUpdateDate
* createdBy
* warrantId
* warrantIssueOffice
* warrantIssueDate
* creationDate
* warrantStatus
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* warrantDescription
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* warrantReceiveDate


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* attribute7
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* attribute6
* attribute8
* attribute9
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* inactiveDate
* orgPartySiteId
* vendorContactId
* mailStop
* programUpdateDate
* fax
* attribute11
* lastUpdateLogin
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* department
* relationshipId
* lastName
* firstNameAlt


 * vendorSiteId
* lastUpdateDate
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* attribute15
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* attribute13
* creationDate
* middleName
* attribute9
* contactNameAlt
* programUpdateDate
* createdBy
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* altPhone
* inactiveDate
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* department
* lastUpdateLogin
* firstName
* attribute11
* areaCode
* altAreaCode
* faxAreaCode
* url
* fax
* attribute3
* attribute5
* attributeCategory
* prefix
* programId
* attribute10
* attribute14
* attribute6
* vendorContactId
* attribute2
* requestId
* attribute1
* phone
* attribute4
* title
* mailStop
* programApplicationId
* attribute7
* attribute12
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* lastUpdatedBy


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* attribute15
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* attribute13
* creationDate
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* programUpdateDate
* createdBy
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* altAreaCode
* faxAreaCode
* url
* fax
* attribute3
* attribute5
* attributeCategory
* prefix
* programId
* attribute10
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* attribute6
* vendorContactId
* attribute2
* requestId
* attribute1
* phone
* attribute4
* title
* mailStop
* programApplicationId
* attribute7
* attribute12
* emailAddress
* lastUpdatedBy


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* phone
* altAreaCode
* attribute3
* perPartyId
* orgContactId
* createdBy
* lastUpdateDate
* emailAddress
* altPhone
* vendorSiteId
* url
* attribute4
* attribute14
* programApplicationId
* title
* vendorId
* firstName
* creationDate
* requestId
* attribute7
* prefix
* attribute1
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* middleName
* attribute5
* relPartyId
* attribute10
* attribute12
* attribute13
* contactNameAlt
* lastNameAlt
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* attribute6
* attribute8
* attribute9
* areaCode
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute15
* inactiveDate
* orgPartySiteId
* vendorContactId
* mailStop
* programUpdateDate
* fax
* attribute11
* lastUpdateLogin
* attributeCategory
* programId
* department
* relationshipId
* lastName
* firstNameAlt


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* lastUpdateDate
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* lastUpdateLogin
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* fileIdRequest
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* eligibilityStatus
* reason
* vendorSiteCode
* draftId
* error
* fileIdResponse
* docType
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* id
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* vendorId
* bidNumber
* performedBy
* receivedDate
* fileIdResponse
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* vendorSiteCode
* id
* eligibilityStatus
* error
* creationDate
* draftId
* fileIdRequest
* selectFlag
* approvedWithoutCheck
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdatedBy
* vendorSiteId
* createdBy
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* reason
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* performedBy
* receivedDate
* fileIdResponse
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* id
* eligibilityStatus
* error
* creationDate
* draftId
* fileIdRequest
* selectFlag
* approvedWithoutCheck
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdatedBy
* vendorSiteId
* createdBy
* dunsNumber
* reason
* docType
* docId


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* receivedDate
* lastUpdateDate
* docId
* vendorId
* creationDate
* approvedWithoutCheck
* lastUpdateLogin
* vendorSiteId
* fileIdRequest
* dunsNumber
* tinNumber
* eligibilityStatus
* reason
* vendorSiteCode
* draftId
* error
* fileIdResponse
* docType
* performedBy
* createdBy
* lastUpdatedBy
* selectFlag
* id
* supplierName


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* programUpdateDate
* vendorId
* programId
* creationDate
* attribute7
* attribute11
* attribute4
* attribute5
* requestId
* attribute9
* lastUpdateLogin
* createdBy
* attribute1
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* attribute13
* programApplicationId
* attribute6
* attribute15
* vendorListEntryId
* vendorContactId
* attribute8
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* attribute10
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* vendorListHeaderId
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute12
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* attribute3


 * lastUpdatedBy
* programUpdateDate
* vendorId
* programId
* creationDate
* attribute7
* attribute11
* attribute4
* attribute5
* requestId
* attribute9
* lastUpdateLogin
* createdBy
* attribute1
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* attribute13
* programApplicationId
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* vendorListEntryId
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* vendorListHeaderId
* lastUpdateDate
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* attribute3


 * attribute7
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* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute6
* attribute11
* requestId
* lastUpdateDate
* inactiveDate
* attribute3
* attributeCategory
* attribute14
* lastUpdatedBy
* creationDate
* attribute5
* attribute9
* attribute4
* vendorListHeaderId
* programApplicationId
* programId
* attribute12
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* createdBy
* attribute15
* vendorListName
* attribute2
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* attribute10


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* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute6
* attribute11
* requestId
* lastUpdateDate
* inactiveDate
* attribute3
* attributeCategory
* attribute14
* lastUpdatedBy
* creationDate
* attribute5
* attribute9
* attribute4
* vendorListHeaderId
* programApplicationId
* programId
* attribute12
* attribute1
* attribute13
* createdBy
* attribute15
* vendorListName
* attribute2
* description
* programUpdateDate
* attribute8
* attribute10


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* paySiteFlag
* offsetTaxFlag
* alwaysTakeDiscFlag
* ediIdNumber
* globalAttribute1
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* addressLine2
* payOnCode
* invoiceCurrencyCode
* programId
* languageCode
* paymentPriority
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* currentCatalogNum
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* vendorSiteCodeAlt
* sellingCompanyIdentifier
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* ediTransactionHandling
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* attribute1
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* zip
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* globalAttribute19
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* bankAccountNum
* globalAttribute16
* attribute9
* remittanceEmail
* supplierNotifMethod
* divisionName
* attributeCategory
* attribute12
* ackLeadTime
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* lastUpdateDate
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* globalAttribute5
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* validationNumber
* globalAttribute3
* debarmentEndDate
* programUpdateDate
* globalAttribute6
* excludeFreightFromDiscount
* vatCode
* attribute11
* programApplicationId
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* bankNumber
* attribute10
* awtGroupId
* amountIncludesTaxFlag
* cageCode
* faxAreaCode
* futureDatedPaymentCcid
* createdBy
* fax
* attribute14
* payGroupLookupCode
* vendorSiteCode
* bankNum
* country
* doingBusAsName
* addressStyle
* attribute3
* globalAttribute18
* locationId
* vatRegistrationNum
* debarmentStartDate
* areaCode
* attentionArFlag
* gaplessInvNumFlag
* smallBusinessCode
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* holdReason
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* attribute4
* attribute15
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* attribute7
* autoTaxCalcFlag
* globalAttribute12
* legalBusinessName
* fobLookupCode
* payDateBasisLookupCode
* attribute13
* billToLocationId
* globalAttribute10
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* addressLine4
* lastUpdateLogin
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* ccrComments
* prepayCodeCombinationId
* globalAttribute2
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* toleranceId
* endDateActive
* allowAwtFlag
* bankChargeBearer
* exclusivePaymentFlag
* dunsNumber
* globalAttribute11
* globalAttribute14
* requestId
* servicesToleranceId
* county
* countryOfOriginCode
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* termsDateBasis
* globalAttribute8
* globalAttribute20
* globalAttributeCategory
* freightTermsLookupCode
* state
* province
* distributionSetId
* tpHeaderId
* globalAttribute9
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* globalAttribute7
* rfqOnlySiteFlag
* language
* status
* addressLinesAlt
* paymentCurrencyCode
* ediRemittanceInstruction
* invoiceAmountLimit
* lastUpdatedBy
* payAwtGroupId
* purchasingSiteFlag
* partySiteId
* retainageRate
* bankAccountName


 * zip
* pcardSiteFlag
* rowKey
* purchasingSiteFlag
* city
* holdUnmatchedInvoicesFlag
* auditCommitId
* termsId
* rfqOnlySiteFlag
* vatRegistrationNum
* auditTrueNulls
* addressLine1
* state
* county
* vendorSiteId
* paySiteFlag
* auditSequenceId
* auditTimestamp
* province
* toleranceId
* invoiceAmountLimit
* primaryPaySiteFlag
* auditUserName
* addressLine4
* matchOption
* addressLine2
* auditTransactionType
* paymentMethodLookupCode
* inactiveDate
* addressLine3
* auditSessionId


 * zip
* pcardSiteFlag
* rowKey
* purchasingSiteFlag
* city
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* auditCommitId
* termsId
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* vatRegistrationNum
* auditTrueNulls
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* state
* county
* vendorSiteId
* paySiteFlag
* auditSequenceId
* auditTimestamp
* province
* toleranceId
* invoiceAmountLimit
* primaryPaySiteFlag
* auditUserName
* addressLine4
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* auditTransactionType
* paymentMethodLookupCode
* inactiveDate
* addressLine3
* auditSessionId


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* offsetTaxFlag
* alwaysTakeDiscFlag
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* globalAttribute1
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* attribute5
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* offsetVatCode
* globalAttribute13
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* termsId
* ediTransactionHandling
* holdAllPaymentsFlag
* attribute1
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* holdUnmatchedInvoicesFlag
* zip
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* globalAttribute16
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* globalAttribute3
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* attribute11
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* amountIncludesTaxFlag
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* attribute14
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* vendorSiteCode
* bankNum
* country
* doingBusAsName
* addressStyle
* attribute3
* globalAttribute18
* locationId
* vatRegistrationNum
* debarmentStartDate
* areaCode
* attentionArFlag
* gaplessInvNumFlag
* smallBusinessCode
* createDebitMemoFlag
* holdReason
* acctsPayCodeCombinationId
* attribute4
* attribute15
* globalAttribute17
* addressLine3
* apTaxRoundingRule
* attribute7
* autoTaxCalcFlag
* globalAttribute12
* legalBusinessName
* fobLookupCode
* payDateBasisLookupCode
* attribute13
* billToLocationId
* globalAttribute10
* matchOption
* addressLine4
* lastUpdateLogin
* payOnReceiptSummaryCode
* ccrComments
* prepayCodeCombinationId
* globalAttribute2
* globalAttribute15
* toleranceId
* endDateActive
* allowAwtFlag
* bankChargeBearer
* exclusivePaymentFlag
* dunsNumber
* globalAttribute11
* globalAttribute14
* requestId
* servicesToleranceId
* county
* countryOfOriginCode
* ediPaymentFormat
* termsDateBasis
* globalAttribute8
* globalAttribute20
* globalAttributeCategory
* freightTermsLookupCode
* state
* province
* distributionSetId
* tpHeaderId
* globalAttribute9
* vendorId
* globalAttribute7
* rfqOnlySiteFlag
* language
* status
* addressLinesAlt
* paymentCurrencyCode
* ediRemittanceInstruction
* invoiceAmountLimit
* lastUpdatedBy
* payAwtGroupId
* purchasingSiteFlag
* partySiteId
* retainageRate
* bankAccountName


 * sellingCompanyIdentifier
* vendorSiteCode
* addressStyle
* offsetVatCode
* globalAttribute3
* language
* holdFuturePaymentsFlag
* pcardSiteFlag
* country
* billToLocationId
* payOnReceiptSummaryCode
* vatCode
* attribute5
* bankAccountNum
* requestId
* matchOption
* lastUpdateLogin
* alwaysTakeDiscFlag
* attribute10
* rfqOnlySiteFlag
* phone
* shipViaLookupCode
* globalAttribute20
* defaultPaySiteId
* payGroupLookupCode
* zip
* holdReason
* primaryPaySiteFlag
* lastUpdateDate
* city
* bankChargeBearer
* holdUnmatchedInvoicesFlag
* vendorSiteCodeAlt
* state
* attribute3
* taxReportingSiteFlag
* attribute9
* vatRegistrationNum
* ediPaymentMethod
* paymentMethodLookupCode
* attribute4
* globalAttribute4
* futureDatedPaymentCcid
* attribute1
* programApplicationId
* globalAttribute6
* amountIncludesTaxFlag
* county
* globalAttribute13
* holdAllPaymentsFlag
* paySiteFlag
* toleranceId
* globalAttribute17
* customerNum
* shipToLocationId
* distributionSetId
* ediIdNumber
* globalAttribute15
* globalAttribute1
* globalAttribute8
* bankNumber
* inactiveDate
* addressLine2
* globalAttribute14
* programId
* globalAttribute7
* attribute12
* currentCatalogNum
* supplierNotifMethod
* orgId
* acctsPayCodeCombinationId
* attribute6
* faxAreaCode
* shippingControl
* validationNumber
* telex
* globalAttribute11
* remittanceEmail
* freightTermsLookupCode
* autoTaxCalcOverride
* offsetTaxFlag
* attribute13
* attribute14
* payDateBasisLookupCode
* globalAttribute10
* invoiceCurrencyCode
* checkDigits
* termsId
* globalAttribute18
* areaCode
* attributeCategory
* bankAccountName
* fax
* awtGroupId
* globalAttribute19
* termsDateBasis
* apTaxRoundingRule
* autoTaxCalcFlag
* tpHeaderId
* paymentCurrencyCode
* createdBy
* globalAttribute9
* globalAttribute2
* excludeFreightFromDiscount
* servicesToleranceId
* exclusivePaymentFlag
* emailAddress
* addressLine1
* attribute8
* globalAttribute16
* globalAttribute5
* payOnCode
* attribute7
* globalAttribute12
* fobLookupCode
* bankAccountType
* ediRemittanceMethod
* purchasingSiteFlag
* attribute11
* bankBranchType
* paymentPriority
* countryOfOriginCode
* addressLine4
* vendorSiteId
* attribute15
* dunsNumber
* vendorId
* creationDate
* prepayCodeCombinationId
* ediRemittanceInstruction
* lastUpdatedBy
* allowAwtFlag
* ediTransactionHandling
* createDebitMemoFlag
* programUpdateDate
* attentionArFlag
* gaplessInvNumFlag
* province
* bankNum
* attribute2
* addressLine3
* addressLinesAlt
* eceTpLocationCode
* invoiceAmountLimit
* globalAttributeCategory
* ediPaymentFormat


 * sellingCompanyIdentifier
* vendorSiteCode
* addressStyle
* offsetVatCode
* globalAttribute3
* language
* holdFuturePaymentsFlag
* pcardSiteFlag
* country
* billToLocationId
* payOnReceiptSummaryCode
* vatCode
* attribute5
* bankAccountNum
* requestId
* matchOption
* lastUpdateLogin
* alwaysTakeDiscFlag
* attribute10
* rfqOnlySiteFlag
* phone
* shipViaLookupCode
* globalAttribute20
* defaultPaySiteId
* payGroupLookupCode
* zip
* holdReason
* primaryPaySiteFlag
* lastUpdateDate
* city
* bankChargeBearer
* holdUnmatchedInvoicesFlag
* vendorSiteCodeAlt
* state
* attribute3
* taxReportingSiteFlag
* attribute9
* vatRegistrationNum
* ediPaymentMethod
* paymentMethodLookupCode
* attribute4
* globalAttribute4
* futureDatedPaymentCcid
* attribute1
* programApplicationId
* globalAttribute6
* amountIncludesTaxFlag
* county
* globalAttribute13
* holdAllPaymentsFlag
* paySiteFlag
* toleranceId
* globalAttribute17
* customerNum
* shipToLocationId
* distributionSetId
* ediIdNumber
* globalAttribute15
* globalAttribute1
* globalAttribute8
* bankNumber
* inactiveDate
* addressLine2
* globalAttribute14
* programId
* globalAttribute7
* attribute12
* currentCatalogNum
* supplierNotifMethod
* orgId
* acctsPayCodeCombinationId
* attribute6
* faxAreaCode
* shippingControl
* validationNumber
* telex
* globalAttribute11
* remittanceEmail
* freightTermsLookupCode
* autoTaxCalcOverride
* offsetTaxFlag
* attribute13
* attribute14
* payDateBasisLookupCode
* globalAttribute10
* invoiceCurrencyCode
* checkDigits
* termsId
* globalAttribute18
* areaCode
* attributeCategory
* bankAccountName
* fax
* awtGroupId
* globalAttribute19
* termsDateBasis
* apTaxRoundingRule
* autoTaxCalcFlag
* tpHeaderId
* paymentCurrencyCode
* createdBy
* globalAttribute9
* globalAttribute2
* excludeFreightFromDiscount
* servicesToleranceId
* exclusivePaymentFlag
* emailAddress
* addressLine1
* attribute8
* globalAttribute16
* globalAttribute5
* payOnCode
* attribute7
* globalAttribute12
* fobLookupCode
* bankAccountType
* ediRemittanceMethod
* purchasingSiteFlag
* attribute11
* bankBranchType
* paymentPriority
* countryOfOriginCode
* addressLine4
* vendorSiteId
* attribute15
* dunsNumber
* vendorId
* creationDate
* prepayCodeCombinationId
* ediRemittanceInstruction
* lastUpdatedBy
* allowAwtFlag
* ediTransactionHandling
* createDebitMemoFlag
* programUpdateDate
* attentionArFlag
* gaplessInvNumFlag
* province
* bankNum
* attribute2
* addressLine3
* addressLinesAlt
* eceTpLocationCode
* invoiceAmountLimit
* globalAttributeCategory
* ediPaymentFormat


 * globalAttribute15
* customerNum
* vatRegistrationNum
* oneTimeFlag
* programApplicationId
* globalAttribute20
* globalAttribute17
* holdAllPaymentsFlag
* receiptRequiredFlag
* daysLateReceiptAllowed
* priceTolerance
* nationalInsuranceNumber
* holdFuturePaymentsFlag
* validationNumber
* paymentPriority
* globalAttribute13
* globalAttribute10
* ediRemittanceMethod
* invoiceAmountLimit
* offsetTaxFlag
* organizationTypeLookupCode
* bankAccountNum
* creditLimit
* invoiceCurrencyCode
* inspectionRequiredFlag
* globalAttribute8
* shipToLocationId
* futureDatedPaymentCcid
* attribute15
* receivingRoutingId
* lastName
* lastUpdateDate
* globalAttribute3
* attribute10
* cisEnabledFlag
* payDateBasisLookupCode
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute13
* attribute4
* segment5
* smallBusinessFlag
* daysEarlyReceiptAllowed
* globalAttribute1
* matchOption
* type1099
* partyNumber
* verificationRequestId
* globalAttribute18
* globalAttribute12
* attribute3
* prepayCodeCombinationId
* fobLookupCode
* billToLocationId
* cisVerificationDate
* workReference
* bankAccountName
* payGroupLookupCode
* attribute6
* womenOwnedFlag
* enabledFlag
* creditStatusLookupCode
* minorityGroupLookupCode
* distributionSetId
* secondName
* bankNum
* stateReportableFlag
* parentVendorId
* qtyRcvTolerance
* autoCalculateInterestFlag
* nameControl
* checkDigits
* ediPaymentMethod
* segment1
* paymentCurrencyCode
* bankChargeBearer
* paymentMethodLookupCode
* startDateActive
* discLostCodeCombinationId
* apTaxRoundingRule
* attribute9
* alwaysTakeDiscFlag
* matchStatusFlag
* acctsPayCodeCombinationId
* bankAccountType
* summaryFlag
* globalAttribute16
* holdFlag
* purchasingHoldReason
* parentPartyId
* receiptDaysExceptionCode
* freightTermsLookupCode
* withholdingStatusLookupCode
* segment3
* programId
* partnershipUtr
* firstName
* globalAttribute14
* standardIndustryClass
* attribute7
* amountIncludesTaxFlag
* termsId
* employeeId
* partnershipName
* endDateActive
* expenseCodeCombinationId
* holdUnmatchedInvoicesFlag
* vendorTypeLookupCode
* verificationNumber
* vendorId
* globalAttributeCategory
* bankNumber
* allowUnorderedReceiptsFlag
* attributeCategory
* setOfBooksId
* discTakenCodeCombinationId
* programUpdateDate
* globalAttribute11
* excludeFreightFromDiscount
* taxReportingName
* createDebitMemoFlag
* ediPaymentFormat
* creationDate
* withholdingStartDate
* globalAttribute2
* exclusivePaymentFlag
* cisParentVendorId
* num1099
* globalAttribute19
* qtyRcvExceptionCode
* allowSubstituteReceiptsFlag
* globalAttribute5
* exchangeDateLookupCode
* globalAttribute9
* attribute12
* globalAttribute7
* holdReason
* offsetVatCode
* awtGroupId
* enforceShipToLocationCode
* createdBy
* federalReportableFlag
* niNumber
* shipViaLookupCode
* uniqueTaxReferenceNum
* globalAttribute6
* companyRegistrationNumber
* holdBy
* tradingName
* vatCode
* requestId
* vendorNameAlt
* holdDate
* attribute14
* salutation
* ediTransactionHandling
* globalAttribute4
* segment4
* minOrderAmount
* termsDateBasis
* autoTaxCalcOverride
* bankBranchType
* autoTaxCalcFlag
* attribute2
* vendorName
* allowAwtFlag
* attribute11
* lastUpdateLogin
* busClassLastCertifiedBy
* attribute1
* ediRemittanceInstruction
* attribute5
* busClassLastCertifiedDate
* payAwtGroupId
* individual1099
* taxVerificationDate
* partyId
* segment2
* attribute8


 * auditSessionId
* billToLocationId
* receiptRequiredFlag
* matchOption
* auditTrueNulls
* auditTransactionType
* auditCommitId
* holdUnmatchedInvoicesFlag
* vendorId
* paymentMethodLookupCode
* invoiceAmountLimit
* vendorName
* num1099
* auditTimestamp
* bankAccountName
* qtyRcvTolerance
* termsId
* rowKey
* bankAccountNum
* auditUserName
* shipToLocationId
* vatRegistrationNum
* auditSequenceId


 * auditSessionId
* billToLocationId
* receiptRequiredFlag
* matchOption
* auditTrueNulls
* auditTransactionType
* auditCommitId
* holdUnmatchedInvoicesFlag
* vendorId
* paymentMethodLookupCode
* invoiceAmountLimit
* vendorName
* num1099
* auditTimestamp
* bankAccountName
* qtyRcvTolerance
* termsId
* rowKey
* bankAccountNum
* auditUserName
* shipToLocationId
* vatRegistrationNum
* auditSequenceId


 * priceTolerance
* vendorTypeLookupCode
* segment5
* vatRegistrationNum
* globalAttribute5
* attribute6
* globalAttribute14
* verificationNumber
* offsetVatCode
* holdFuturePaymentsFlag
* purchasingHoldReason
* summaryFlag
* expenseCodeCombinationId
* startDateActive
* globalAttribute4
* futureDatedPaymentCcid
* oneTimeFlag
* awtGroupId
* inspectionRequiredFlag
* globalAttribute18
* offsetTaxFlag
* globalAttribute12
* attribute2
* segment1
* holdAllPaymentsFlag
* lastUpdatedBy
* endDateActive
* bankAccountName
* attribute7
* programUpdateDate
* exchangeDateLookupCode
* nameControl
* globalAttribute11
* workReference
* globalAttribute15
* discTakenCodeCombinationId
* globalAttribute3
* cisParentVendorId
* customerNum
* nationalInsuranceNumber
* holdReason
* standardIndustryClass
* attributeCategory
* vendorNameAlt
* autoTaxCalcFlag
* type1099
* organizationTypeLookupCode
* globalAttribute1
* allowAwtFlag
* distributionSetId
* validationNumber
* lastName
* shipToLocationId
* taxVerificationDate
* uniqueTaxReferenceNum
* payGroupLookupCode
* attribute14
* checkDigits
* verificationRequestId
* cisVerificationDate
* busClassLastCertifiedDate
* daysEarlyReceiptAllowed
* employeeId
* excludeFreightFromDiscount
* cisEnabledFlag
* individual1099
* amountIncludesTaxFlag
* smallBusinessFlag
* programApplicationId
* holdDate
* attribute12
* autoTaxCalcOverride
* stateReportableFlag
* freightTermsLookupCode
* programId
* parentVendorId
* segment4
* womenOwnedFlag
* bankAccountNum
* globalAttribute8
* minorityGroupLookupCode
* busClassLastCertifiedBy
* receivingRoutingId
* creationDate
* receiptDaysExceptionCode
* setOfBooksId
* attribute5
* attribute13
* lastUpdateDate
* holdUnmatchedInvoicesFlag
* partnershipName
* num1099
* bankAccountType
* globalAttribute2
* secondName
* creditLimit
* globalAttribute10
* requestId
* qtyRcvExceptionCode
* bankNum
* globalAttribute20
* paymentCurrencyCode
* firstName
* qtyRcvTolerance
* ediRemittanceInstruction
* globalAttribute13
* shipViaLookupCode
* createdBy
* prepayCodeCombinationId
* attribute9
* payDateBasisLookupCode
* ediPaymentFormat
* matchOption
* tradingName
* paymentMethodLookupCode
* attribute3
* matchStatusFlag
* segment3
* ediTransactionHandling
* billToLocationId
* segment2
* invoiceAmountLimit
* minOrderAmount
* vendorName
* globalAttribute16
* fobLookupCode
* withholdingStartDate
* holdBy
* vendorId
* bankNumber
* enabledFlag
* attribute1
* globalAttributeCategory
* salutation
* attribute4
* attribute10
* termsId
* globalAttribute6
* acctsPayCodeCombinationId
* ediPaymentMethod
* allowSubstituteReceiptsFlag
* paymentPriority
* allowUnorderedReceiptsFlag
* apTaxRoundingRule
* attribute11
* creditStatusLookupCode
* daysLateReceiptAllowed
* partnershipUtr
* companyRegistrationNumber
* globalAttribute7
* createDebitMemoFlag
* globalAttribute9
* invoiceCurrencyCode
* exclusivePaymentFlag
* enforceShipToLocationCode
* globalAttribute19
* autoCalculateInterestFlag
* globalAttribute17
* bankBranchType
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute8
* ediRemittanceMethod
* vatCode
* holdFlag
* bankChargeBearer
* receiptRequiredFlag
* alwaysTakeDiscFlag
* discLostCodeCombinationId
* termsDateBasis
* taxReportingName
* withholdingStatusLookupCode
* attribute15
* federalReportableFlag


 * priceTolerance
* vendorTypeLookupCode
* segment5
* vatRegistrationNum
* globalAttribute5
* attribute6
* globalAttribute14
* verificationNumber
* offsetVatCode
* holdFuturePaymentsFlag
* purchasingHoldReason
* summaryFlag
* expenseCodeCombinationId
* startDateActive
* globalAttribute4
* futureDatedPaymentCcid
* oneTimeFlag
* awtGroupId
* inspectionRequiredFlag
* globalAttribute18
* offsetTaxFlag
* globalAttribute12
* attribute2
* segment1
* holdAllPaymentsFlag
* lastUpdatedBy
* endDateActive
* bankAccountName
* attribute7
* programUpdateDate
* exchangeDateLookupCode
* nameControl
* globalAttribute11
* workReference
* globalAttribute15
* discTakenCodeCombinationId
* globalAttribute3
* cisParentVendorId
* customerNum
* nationalInsuranceNumber
* holdReason
* standardIndustryClass
* attributeCategory
* vendorNameAlt
* autoTaxCalcFlag
* type1099
* organizationTypeLookupCode
* globalAttribute1
* allowAwtFlag
* distributionSetId
* validationNumber
* lastName
* shipToLocationId
* taxVerificationDate
* uniqueTaxReferenceNum
* payGroupLookupCode
* attribute14
* checkDigits
* verificationRequestId
* cisVerificationDate
* busClassLastCertifiedDate
* daysEarlyReceiptAllowed
* employeeId
* excludeFreightFromDiscount
* cisEnabledFlag
* individual1099
* amountIncludesTaxFlag
* smallBusinessFlag
* programApplicationId
* holdDate
* attribute12
* autoTaxCalcOverride
* stateReportableFlag
* freightTermsLookupCode
* programId
* parentVendorId
* segment4
* womenOwnedFlag
* bankAccountNum
* globalAttribute8
* minorityGroupLookupCode
* busClassLastCertifiedBy
* receivingRoutingId
* creationDate
* receiptDaysExceptionCode
* setOfBooksId
* attribute5
* attribute13
* lastUpdateDate
* holdUnmatchedInvoicesFlag
* partnershipName
* num1099
* bankAccountType
* globalAttribute2
* secondName
* creditLimit
* globalAttribute10
* requestId
* qtyRcvExceptionCode
* bankNum
* globalAttribute20
* paymentCurrencyCode
* firstName
* qtyRcvTolerance
* ediRemittanceInstruction
* globalAttribute13
* shipViaLookupCode
* createdBy
* prepayCodeCombinationId
* attribute9
* payDateBasisLookupCode
* ediPaymentFormat
* matchOption
* tradingName
* paymentMethodLookupCode
* attribute3
* matchStatusFlag
* segment3
* ediTransactionHandling
* billToLocationId
* segment2
* invoiceAmountLimit
* minOrderAmount
* vendorName
* globalAttribute16
* fobLookupCode
* withholdingStartDate
* holdBy
* vendorId
* bankNumber
* enabledFlag
* attribute1
* globalAttributeCategory
* salutation
* attribute4
* attribute10
* termsId
* globalAttribute6
* acctsPayCodeCombinationId
* ediPaymentMethod
* allowSubstituteReceiptsFlag
* paymentPriority
* allowUnorderedReceiptsFlag
* apTaxRoundingRule
* attribute11
* creditStatusLookupCode
* daysLateReceiptAllowed
* partnershipUtr
* companyRegistrationNumber
* globalAttribute7
* createDebitMemoFlag
* globalAttribute9
* invoiceCurrencyCode
* exclusivePaymentFlag
* enforceShipToLocationCode
* globalAttribute19
* autoCalculateInterestFlag
* globalAttribute17
* bankBranchType
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute8
* ediRemittanceMethod
* vatCode
* holdFlag
* bankChargeBearer
* receiptRequiredFlag
* alwaysTakeDiscFlag
* discLostCodeCombinationId
* termsDateBasis
* taxReportingName
* withholdingStatusLookupCode
* attribute15
* federalReportableFlag


 * globalAttribute15
* customerNum
* vatRegistrationNum
* oneTimeFlag
* programApplicationId
* globalAttribute20
* globalAttribute17
* holdAllPaymentsFlag
* receiptRequiredFlag
* daysLateReceiptAllowed
* priceTolerance
* nationalInsuranceNumber
* holdFuturePaymentsFlag
* validationNumber
* paymentPriority
* globalAttribute13
* globalAttribute10
* ediRemittanceMethod
* invoiceAmountLimit
* offsetTaxFlag
* organizationTypeLookupCode
* bankAccountNum
* creditLimit
* invoiceCurrencyCode
* inspectionRequiredFlag
* globalAttribute8
* shipToLocationId
* futureDatedPaymentCcid
* attribute15
* receivingRoutingId
* lastName
* lastUpdateDate
* globalAttribute3
* attribute10
* cisEnabledFlag
* payDateBasisLookupCode
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute13
* attribute4
* segment5
* smallBusinessFlag
* daysEarlyReceiptAllowed
* globalAttribute1
* matchOption
* type1099
* partyNumber
* verificationRequestId
* globalAttribute18
* globalAttribute12
* attribute3
* prepayCodeCombinationId
* fobLookupCode
* billToLocationId
* cisVerificationDate
* workReference
* bankAccountName
* payGroupLookupCode
* attribute6
* womenOwnedFlag
* enabledFlag
* creditStatusLookupCode
* minorityGroupLookupCode
* distributionSetId
* secondName
* bankNum
* stateReportableFlag
* parentVendorId
* qtyRcvTolerance
* autoCalculateInterestFlag
* nameControl
* checkDigits
* ediPaymentMethod
* segment1
* paymentCurrencyCode
* bankChargeBearer
* paymentMethodLookupCode
* startDateActive
* discLostCodeCombinationId
* apTaxRoundingRule
* attribute9
* alwaysTakeDiscFlag
* matchStatusFlag
* acctsPayCodeCombinationId
* bankAccountType
* summaryFlag
* globalAttribute16
* holdFlag
* purchasingHoldReason
* parentPartyId
* receiptDaysExceptionCode
* freightTermsLookupCode
* withholdingStatusLookupCode
* segment3
* programId
* partnershipUtr
* firstName
* globalAttribute14
* standardIndustryClass
* attribute7
* amountIncludesTaxFlag
* termsId
* employeeId
* partnershipName
* endDateActive
* expenseCodeCombinationId
* holdUnmatchedInvoicesFlag
* vendorTypeLookupCode
* verificationNumber
* vendorId
* globalAttributeCategory
* bankNumber
* allowUnorderedReceiptsFlag
* attributeCategory
* setOfBooksId
* discTakenCodeCombinationId
* programUpdateDate
* globalAttribute11
* excludeFreightFromDiscount
* taxReportingName
* createDebitMemoFlag
* ediPaymentFormat
* creationDate
* withholdingStartDate
* globalAttribute2
* exclusivePaymentFlag
* cisParentVendorId
* num1099
* globalAttribute19
* qtyRcvExceptionCode
* allowSubstituteReceiptsFlag
* globalAttribute5
* exchangeDateLookupCode
* globalAttribute9
* attribute12
* globalAttribute7
* holdReason
* offsetVatCode
* awtGroupId
* enforceShipToLocationCode
* createdBy
* federalReportableFlag
* niNumber
* shipViaLookupCode
* uniqueTaxReferenceNum
* globalAttribute6
* companyRegistrationNumber
* holdBy
* tradingName
* vatCode
* requestId
* vendorNameAlt
* holdDate
* attribute14
* salutation
* ediTransactionHandling
* globalAttribute4
* segment4
* minOrderAmount
* termsDateBasis
* autoTaxCalcOverride
* bankBranchType
* autoTaxCalcFlag
* attribute2
* vendorName
* allowAwtFlag
* attribute11
* lastUpdateLogin
* busClassLastCertifiedBy
* attribute1
* ediRemittanceInstruction
* attribute5
* busClassLastCertifiedDate
* payAwtGroupId
* individual1099
* taxVerificationDate
* partyId
* segment2
* attribute8


 * id
* responseDate
* requestDate
* fileIdRequest
* lastUpdatedBy
* fileIdResponse
* wdStatementUrl
* creationDate
* status
* draftId
* lastUpdateLogin
* docType
* error
* createdBy
* docId
* lastUpdateDate


 * id
* responseDate
* requestDate
* fileIdRequest
* lastUpdatedBy
* fileIdResponse
* wdStatementUrl
* creationDate
* status
* draftId
* lastUpdateLogin
* docType
* error
* createdBy
* docId
* lastUpdateDate


 * warrantAmount
* typeLookupCode
* creationDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* warrantId
* warrantTypeCode
* createdBy
* lastUpdateDate
* clmAwardType
* lastUpdateLogin


 * warrantAmount
* typeLookupCode
* creationDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* warrantId
* warrantTypeCode
* createdBy
* lastUpdateDate
* clmAwardType
* lastUpdateLogin


 * executionSequence
* forwardToId
* itemkey
* documentId
* forwardFromUsername
* authorizationStatus
* itemtype
* forwardFromId
* debugMessage
* documentNumber
* executionDate
* preparerId
* forwardToUsername
* approverEmpid


 * executionSequence
* forwardToId
* itemkey
* documentId
* forwardFromUsername
* authorizationStatus
* itemtype
* forwardFromId
* debugMessage
* documentNumber
* executionDate
* preparerId
* forwardToUsername
* approverEmpid


 * cExtAttr19
* lastUpdatedBy
* cExtAttr2
* cExtAttr4
* cExtAttr31
* dExtAttr2
* cExtAttr9
* nExtAttr13
* uomExtAttr15
* pk1Value
* cExtAttr34
* cExtAttr35
* uomExtAttr13
* cExtAttr10
* creationDate
* cExtAttr16
* uomExtAttr20
* uomExtAttr9
* uomExtAttr18
* nExtAttr16
* lastUpdateDate
* cExtAttr1
* uomExtAttr12
* dExtAttr5
* uomExtAttr19
* dExtAttr7
* dExtAttr4
* uomExtAttr6
* nExtAttr4
* dExtAttr3
* extensionId
* cExtAttr22
* nExtAttr5
* nExtAttr1
* cExtAttr27
* cExtAttr33
* createdBy
* pk2Value
* uomExtAttr7
* dExtAttr1
* uomExtAttr14
* cExtAttr6
* uomExtAttr17
* lastUpdateLogin
* uomExtAttr10
* uomExtAttr3
* pk4Value
* attrGroupId
* cExtAttr40
* nExtAttr19
* uomExtAttr5
* nExtAttr12
* cExtAttr15
* cExtAttr7
* dExtAttr8
* uomExtAttr11
* cExtAttr17
* cExtAttr38
* nExtAttr20
* cExtAttr14
* nExtAttr2
* uomExtAttr2
* cExtAttr25
* uomExtAttr4
* cExtAttr11
* cExtAttr12
* uomExtAttr1
* pk5Value
* cExtAttr29
* uomExtAttr8
* cExtAttr30
* nExtAttr18
* nExtAttr17
* cExtAttr8
* cExtAttr24
* nExtAttr9
* nExtAttr10
* cExtAttr26
* auctionHeaderId
* nExtAttr14
* cExtAttr18
* cExtAttr39
* cExtAttr3
* pk3Value
* cExtAttr20
* nExtAttr6
* cExtAttr28
* udaTemplateId
* dExtAttr10
* nExtAttr7
* dExtAttr9
* nExtAttr11
* dExtAttr6
* cExtAttr23
* cExtAttr13
* cExtAttr21
* cExtAttr37
* dataLevelId
* cExtAttr36
* cExtAttr5
* nExtAttr8
* nExtAttr3
* cExtAttr32
* uomExtAttr16
* nExtAttr15


 * cExtAttr19
* lastUpdatedBy
* cExtAttr2
* cExtAttr4
* cExtAttr31
* dExtAttr2
* cExtAttr9
* nExtAttr13
* uomExtAttr15
* pk1Value
* cExtAttr34
* cExtAttr35
* uomExtAttr13
* cExtAttr10
* creationDate
* cExtAttr16
* uomExtAttr20
* uomExtAttr9
* uomExtAttr18
* nExtAttr16
* lastUpdateDate
* cExtAttr1
* uomExtAttr12
* dExtAttr5
* uomExtAttr19
* dExtAttr7
* dExtAttr4
* uomExtAttr6
* nExtAttr4
* dExtAttr3
* extensionId
* cExtAttr22
* nExtAttr5
* nExtAttr1
* cExtAttr27
* cExtAttr33
* createdBy
* pk2Value
* uomExtAttr7
* dExtAttr1
* uomExtAttr14
* cExtAttr6
* uomExtAttr17
* lastUpdateLogin
* uomExtAttr10
* uomExtAttr3
* pk4Value
* attrGroupId
* cExtAttr40
* nExtAttr19
* uomExtAttr5
* nExtAttr12
* cExtAttr15
* cExtAttr7
* dExtAttr8
* uomExtAttr11
* cExtAttr17
* cExtAttr38
* nExtAttr20
* cExtAttr14
* nExtAttr2
* uomExtAttr2
* cExtAttr25
* uomExtAttr4
* cExtAttr11
* cExtAttr12
* uomExtAttr1
* pk5Value
* cExtAttr29
* uomExtAttr8
* cExtAttr30
* nExtAttr18
* nExtAttr17
* cExtAttr8
* cExtAttr24
* nExtAttr9
* nExtAttr10
* cExtAttr26
* auctionHeaderId
* nExtAttr14
* cExtAttr18
* cExtAttr39
* cExtAttr3
* pk3Value
* cExtAttr20
* nExtAttr6
* cExtAttr28
* udaTemplateId
* dExtAttr10
* nExtAttr7
* dExtAttr9
* nExtAttr11
* dExtAttr6
* cExtAttr23
* cExtAttr13
* cExtAttr21
* cExtAttr37
* dataLevelId
* cExtAttr36
* cExtAttr5
* nExtAttr8
* nExtAttr3
* cExtAttr32
* uomExtAttr16
* nExtAttr15


 * tlExtAttr8
* tlExtAttr6
* tlExtAttr20
* creationDate
* tlExtAttr34
* tlExtAttr28
* attrGroupId
* tlExtAttr13
* tlExtAttr33
* lastUpdatedBy
* tlExtAttr14
* tlExtAttr21
* tlExtAttr7
* tlExtAttr5
* pk3Value
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdateDate
* tlExtAttr24
* tlExtAttr30
* tlExtAttr18
* tlExtAttr1
* tlExtAttr11
* tlExtAttr23
* tlExtAttr36
* udaTemplateId
* tlExtAttr16
* tlExtAttr29
* tlExtAttr3
* tlExtAttr37
* tlExtAttr31
* tlExtAttr17
* pk4Value
* tlExtAttr9
* tlExtAttr26
* dataLevelId
* auctionHeaderId
* createdBy
* language
* tlExtAttr40
* tlExtAttr12
* sourceLang
* tlExtAttr10
* tlExtAttr15
* pk1Value
* tlExtAttr32
* tlExtAttr38
* tlExtAttr4
* tlExtAttr2
* tlExtAttr35
* tlExtAttr19
* tlExtAttr27
* extensionId
* tlExtAttr25
* tlExtAttr39
* pk5Value
* pk2Value
* tlExtAttr22


 * tlExtAttr8
* tlExtAttr6
* tlExtAttr20
* creationDate
* tlExtAttr34
* tlExtAttr28
* attrGroupId
* tlExtAttr13
* tlExtAttr33
* lastUpdatedBy
* tlExtAttr14
* tlExtAttr21
* tlExtAttr7
* tlExtAttr5
* pk3Value
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdateDate
* tlExtAttr24
* tlExtAttr30
* tlExtAttr18
* tlExtAttr1
* tlExtAttr11
* tlExtAttr23
* tlExtAttr36
* udaTemplateId
* tlExtAttr16
* tlExtAttr29
* tlExtAttr3
* tlExtAttr37
* tlExtAttr31
* tlExtAttr17
* pk4Value
* tlExtAttr9
* tlExtAttr26
* dataLevelId
* auctionHeaderId
* createdBy
* language
* tlExtAttr40
* tlExtAttr12
* sourceLang
* tlExtAttr10
* tlExtAttr15
* pk1Value
* tlExtAttr32
* tlExtAttr38
* tlExtAttr4
* tlExtAttr2
* tlExtAttr35
* tlExtAttr19
* tlExtAttr27
* extensionId
* tlExtAttr25
* tlExtAttr39
* pk5Value
* pk2Value
* tlExtAttr22


 * nExtAttr9
* cExtAttr12
* cExtAttr16
* lastUpdateLogin
* uomExtAttr16
* uomExtAttr14
* cExtAttr32
* createdBy
* uomExtAttr18
* dExtAttr5
* cExtAttr38
* nExtAttr2
* cExtAttr10
* dExtAttr3
* cExtAttr26
* pk5Value
* cExtAttr30
* uomExtAttr3
* uomExtAttr11
* dExtAttr9
* uomExtAttr17
* cExtAttr37
* cExtAttr6
* uomExtAttr12
* cExtAttr17
* nExtAttr11
* dataLevelId
* cExtAttr27
* uomExtAttr9
* cExtAttr23
* cExtAttr5
* uomExtAttr19
* attrGroupId
* cExtAttr34
* lastUpdateDate
* cExtAttr19
* nExtAttr18
* cExtAttr24
* lastUpdatedBy
* nExtAttr15
* dExtAttr6
* extensionId
* cExtAttr22
* cExtAttr13
* uomExtAttr2
* uomExtAttr15
* dExtAttr2
* nExtAttr4
* nExtAttr19
* nExtAttr13
* cExtAttr11
* uomExtAttr5
* pk1Value
* nExtAttr17
* nExtAttr14
* nExtAttr12
* pk2Value
* cExtAttr21
* cExtAttr35
* uomExtAttr10
* nExtAttr3
* cExtAttr39
* cExtAttr25
* cExtAttr33
* nExtAttr16
* auctionHeaderId
* nExtAttr5
* nExtAttr20
* cExtAttr14
* dExtAttr10
* pk4Value
* cExtAttr7
* lineNumber
* nExtAttr7
* dExtAttr7
* cExtAttr8
* nExtAttr8
* uomExtAttr8
* cExtAttr36
* cExtAttr3
* cExtAttr9
* nExtAttr6
* uomExtAttr20
* cExtAttr15
* cExtAttr1
* uomExtAttr4
* uomExtAttr6
* uomExtAttr13
* cExtAttr40
* dExtAttr1
* cExtAttr20
* pk3Value
* uomExtAttr7
* cExtAttr29
* udaTemplateId
* cExtAttr31
* creationDate
* cExtAttr18
* cExtAttr2
* cExtAttr28
* nExtAttr1
* nExtAttr10
* dExtAttr4
* dExtAttr8
* cExtAttr4
* uomExtAttr1


 * nExtAttr9
* cExtAttr12
* cExtAttr16
* lastUpdateLogin
* uomExtAttr16
* uomExtAttr14
* cExtAttr32
* createdBy
* uomExtAttr18
* dExtAttr5
* cExtAttr38
* nExtAttr2
* cExtAttr10
* dExtAttr3
* cExtAttr26
* pk5Value
* cExtAttr30
* uomExtAttr3
* uomExtAttr11
* dExtAttr9
* uomExtAttr17
* cExtAttr37
* cExtAttr6
* uomExtAttr12
* cExtAttr17
* nExtAttr11
* dataLevelId
* cExtAttr27
* uomExtAttr9
* cExtAttr23
* cExtAttr5
* uomExtAttr19
* attrGroupId
* cExtAttr34
* lastUpdateDate
* cExtAttr19
* nExtAttr18
* cExtAttr24
* lastUpdatedBy
* nExtAttr15
* dExtAttr6
* extensionId
* cExtAttr22
* cExtAttr13
* uomExtAttr2
* uomExtAttr15
* dExtAttr2
* nExtAttr4
* nExtAttr19
* nExtAttr13
* cExtAttr11
* uomExtAttr5
* pk1Value
* nExtAttr17
* nExtAttr14
* nExtAttr12
* pk2Value
* cExtAttr21
* cExtAttr35
* uomExtAttr10
* nExtAttr3
* cExtAttr39
* cExtAttr25
* cExtAttr33
* nExtAttr16
* auctionHeaderId
* nExtAttr5
* nExtAttr20
* cExtAttr14
* dExtAttr10
* pk4Value
* cExtAttr7
* lineNumber
* nExtAttr7
* dExtAttr7
* cExtAttr8
* nExtAttr8
* uomExtAttr8
* cExtAttr36
* cExtAttr3
* cExtAttr9
* nExtAttr6
* uomExtAttr20
* cExtAttr15
* cExtAttr1
* uomExtAttr4
* uomExtAttr6
* uomExtAttr13
* cExtAttr40
* dExtAttr1
* cExtAttr20
* pk3Value
* uomExtAttr7
* cExtAttr29
* udaTemplateId
* cExtAttr31
* creationDate
* cExtAttr18
* cExtAttr2
* cExtAttr28
* nExtAttr1
* nExtAttr10
* dExtAttr4
* dExtAttr8
* cExtAttr4
* uomExtAttr1


 * lineNumber
* tlExtAttr3
* pk2Value
* tlExtAttr39
* tlExtAttr13
* tlExtAttr17
* tlExtAttr40
* tlExtAttr35
* tlExtAttr14
* lastUpdatedBy
* creationDate
* tlExtAttr24
* udaTemplateId
* tlExtAttr2
* tlExtAttr8
* tlExtAttr32
* language
* tlExtAttr1
* tlExtAttr28
* createdBy
* tlExtAttr36
* tlExtAttr37
* pk4Value
* pk1Value
* tlExtAttr15
* tlExtAttr19
* tlExtAttr30
* tlExtAttr33
* tlExtAttr29
* tlExtAttr21
* attrGroupId
* tlExtAttr10
* tlExtAttr31
* dataLevelId
* lastUpdateLogin
* tlExtAttr7
* auctionHeaderId
* tlExtAttr6
* tlExtAttr38
* tlExtAttr22
* tlExtAttr34
* pk5Value
* pk3Value
* tlExtAttr23
* tlExtAttr27
* lastUpdateDate
* tlExtAttr26
* tlExtAttr12
* tlExtAttr4
* tlExtAttr9
* tlExtAttr11
* sourceLang
* tlExtAttr5
* tlExtAttr18
* tlExtAttr16
* extensionId
* tlExtAttr20
* tlExtAttr25


 * lineNumber
* tlExtAttr3
* pk2Value
* tlExtAttr39
* tlExtAttr13
* tlExtAttr17
* tlExtAttr40
* tlExtAttr35
* tlExtAttr14
* lastUpdatedBy
* creationDate
* tlExtAttr24
* udaTemplateId
* tlExtAttr2
* tlExtAttr8
* tlExtAttr32
* language
* tlExtAttr1
* tlExtAttr28
* createdBy
* tlExtAttr36
* tlExtAttr37
* pk4Value
* pk1Value
* tlExtAttr15
* tlExtAttr19
* tlExtAttr30
* tlExtAttr33
* tlExtAttr29
* tlExtAttr21
* attrGroupId
* tlExtAttr10
* tlExtAttr31
* dataLevelId
* lastUpdateLogin
* tlExtAttr7
* auctionHeaderId
* tlExtAttr6
* tlExtAttr38
* tlExtAttr22
* tlExtAttr34
* pk5Value
* pk3Value
* tlExtAttr23
* tlExtAttr27
* lastUpdateDate
* tlExtAttr26
* tlExtAttr12
* tlExtAttr4
* tlExtAttr9
* tlExtAttr11
* sourceLang
* tlExtAttr5
* tlExtAttr18
* tlExtAttr16
* extensionId
* tlExtAttr20
* tlExtAttr25


 * lastUpdatedBy
* uomExtAttr12
* uomExtAttr3
* dExtAttr6
* nExtAttr4
* nExtAttr14
* uomExtAttr10
* lastUpdateDate
* uomExtAttr2
* cExtAttr18
* cExtAttr36
* cExtAttr29
* cExtAttr21
* nExtAttr7
* dExtAttr1
* cExtAttr20
* uomExtAttr7
* cExtAttr34
* creationDate
* nExtAttr8
* nExtAttr9
* cExtAttr10
* cExtAttr2
* nExtAttr6
* dExtAttr7
* cExtAttr23
* nExtAttr5
* uomExtAttr19
* createdBy
* nExtAttr15
* pk2Value
* cExtAttr40
* nExtAttr13
* uomExtAttr4
* udaTemplateId
* cExtAttr35
* cExtAttr6
* pk1Value
* uomExtAttr1
* dExtAttr3
* cExtAttr15
* cExtAttr22
* uomExtAttr11
* cExtAttr1
* cExtAttr33
* cExtAttr7
* cExtAttr9
* cExtAttr8
* cExtAttr14
* uomExtAttr5
* lastUpdateLogin
* cExtAttr5
* uomExtAttr14
* nExtAttr2
* nExtAttr17
* pk5Value
* attrGroupId
* uomExtAttr18
* dExtAttr10
* nExtAttr12
* uomExtAttr15
* cExtAttr12
* nExtAttr16
* cExtAttr19
* uomExtAttr20
* nExtAttr1
* cExtAttr17
* cExtAttr38
* extensionId
* cExtAttr25
* cExtAttr31
* uomExtAttr13
* dExtAttr5
* uomExtAttr16
* dExtAttr4
* cExtAttr26
* dExtAttr2
* nExtAttr19
* cExtAttr4
* cExtAttr11
* uomExtAttr17
* dExtAttr8
* cExtAttr30
* nExtAttr11
* cExtAttr39
* uomExtAttr8
* bidNumber
* cExtAttr32
* cExtAttr37
* uomExtAttr6
* uomExtAttr9
* dataLevelId
* nExtAttr20
* nExtAttr10
* cExtAttr3
* pk4Value
* cExtAttr13
* nExtAttr3
* pk3Value
* nExtAttr18
* cExtAttr16
* cExtAttr27
* cExtAttr24
* cExtAttr28
* dExtAttr9


 * lastUpdatedBy
* uomExtAttr12
* uomExtAttr3
* dExtAttr6
* nExtAttr4
* nExtAttr14
* uomExtAttr10
* lastUpdateDate
* uomExtAttr2
* cExtAttr18
* cExtAttr36
* cExtAttr29
* cExtAttr21
* nExtAttr7
* dExtAttr1
* cExtAttr20
* uomExtAttr7
* cExtAttr34
* creationDate
* nExtAttr8
* nExtAttr9
* cExtAttr10
* cExtAttr2
* nExtAttr6
* dExtAttr7
* cExtAttr23
* nExtAttr5
* uomExtAttr19
* createdBy
* nExtAttr15
* pk2Value
* cExtAttr40
* nExtAttr13
* uomExtAttr4
* udaTemplateId
* cExtAttr35
* cExtAttr6
* pk1Value
* uomExtAttr1
* dExtAttr3
* cExtAttr15
* cExtAttr22
* uomExtAttr11
* cExtAttr1
* cExtAttr33
* cExtAttr7
* cExtAttr9
* cExtAttr8
* cExtAttr14
* uomExtAttr5
* lastUpdateLogin
* cExtAttr5
* uomExtAttr14
* nExtAttr2
* nExtAttr17
* pk5Value
* attrGroupId
* uomExtAttr18
* dExtAttr10
* nExtAttr12
* uomExtAttr15
* cExtAttr12
* nExtAttr16
* cExtAttr19
* uomExtAttr20
* nExtAttr1
* cExtAttr17
* cExtAttr38
* extensionId
* cExtAttr25
* cExtAttr31
* uomExtAttr13
* dExtAttr5
* uomExtAttr16
* dExtAttr4
* cExtAttr26
* dExtAttr2
* nExtAttr19
* cExtAttr4
* cExtAttr11
* uomExtAttr17
* dExtAttr8
* cExtAttr30
* nExtAttr11
* cExtAttr39
* uomExtAttr8
* bidNumber
* cExtAttr32
* cExtAttr37
* uomExtAttr6
* uomExtAttr9
* dataLevelId
* nExtAttr20
* nExtAttr10
* cExtAttr3
* pk4Value
* cExtAttr13
* nExtAttr3
* pk3Value
* nExtAttr18
* cExtAttr16
* cExtAttr27
* cExtAttr24
* cExtAttr28
* dExtAttr9


 * tlExtAttr7
* tlExtAttr2
* tlExtAttr24
* tlExtAttr1
* tlExtAttr32
* tlExtAttr10
* dataLevelId
* creationDate
* tlExtAttr17
* lastUpdatedBy
* tlExtAttr12
* extensionId
* tlExtAttr29
* tlExtAttr18
* attrGroupId
* lastUpdateDate
* tlExtAttr21
* tlExtAttr14
* tlExtAttr33
* createdBy
* udaTemplateId
* language
* tlExtAttr34
* tlExtAttr25
* tlExtAttr20
* tlExtAttr23
* tlExtAttr9
* tlExtAttr4
* tlExtAttr38
* pk4Value
* tlExtAttr26
* tlExtAttr22
* tlExtAttr37
* tlExtAttr39
* pk2Value
* tlExtAttr30
* bidNumber
* tlExtAttr36
* tlExtAttr3
* tlExtAttr31
* pk3Value
* tlExtAttr8
* tlExtAttr27
* tlExtAttr19
* pk1Value
* lastUpdateLogin
* tlExtAttr16
* tlExtAttr5
* tlExtAttr35
* tlExtAttr11
* sourceLang
* tlExtAttr6
* tlExtAttr15
* tlExtAttr28
* tlExtAttr13
* tlExtAttr40
* pk5Value


 * tlExtAttr7
* tlExtAttr2
* tlExtAttr24
* tlExtAttr1
* tlExtAttr32
* tlExtAttr10
* dataLevelId
* creationDate
* tlExtAttr17
* lastUpdatedBy
* tlExtAttr12
* extensionId
* tlExtAttr29
* tlExtAttr18
* attrGroupId
* lastUpdateDate
* tlExtAttr21
* tlExtAttr14
* tlExtAttr33
* createdBy
* udaTemplateId
* language
* tlExtAttr34
* tlExtAttr25
* tlExtAttr20
* tlExtAttr23
* tlExtAttr9
* tlExtAttr4
* tlExtAttr38
* pk4Value
* tlExtAttr26
* tlExtAttr22
* tlExtAttr37
* tlExtAttr39
* pk2Value
* tlExtAttr30
* bidNumber
* tlExtAttr36
* tlExtAttr3
* tlExtAttr31
* pk3Value
* tlExtAttr8
* tlExtAttr27
* tlExtAttr19
* pk1Value
* lastUpdateLogin
* tlExtAttr16
* tlExtAttr5
* tlExtAttr35
* tlExtAttr11
* sourceLang
* tlExtAttr6
* tlExtAttr15
* tlExtAttr28
* tlExtAttr13
* tlExtAttr40
* pk5Value


 * nExtAttr4
* uomExtAttr18
* uomExtAttr11
* uomExtAttr5
* nExtAttr3
* cExtAttr34
* nExtAttr2
* dExtAttr8
* cExtAttr3
* uomExtAttr13
* cExtAttr10
* nExtAttr17
* cExtAttr39
* nExtAttr19
* dExtAttr10
* cExtAttr27
* dExtAttr4
* nExtAttr7
* cExtAttr36
* cExtAttr8
* cExtAttr13
* cExtAttr20
* nExtAttr11
* cExtAttr11
* nExtAttr10
* udaTemplateId
* cExtAttr21
* dataLevelId
* uomExtAttr14
* cExtAttr32
* cExtAttr1
* cExtAttr24
* lastUpdateDate
* uomExtAttr17
* uomExtAttr7
* creationDate
* cExtAttr9
* nExtAttr12
* createdBy
* cExtAttr17
* nExtAttr8
* dExtAttr3
* dExtAttr7
* cExtAttr30
* uomExtAttr3
* bidNumber
* pk5Value
* nExtAttr14
* uomExtAttr12
* extensionId
* uomExtAttr8
* cExtAttr5
* cExtAttr35
* cExtAttr29
* uomExtAttr10
* nExtAttr20
* cExtAttr16
* uomExtAttr4
* lineNumber
* cExtAttr2
* uomExtAttr9
* cExtAttr31
* cExtAttr7
* nExtAttr5
* pk4Value
* cExtAttr6
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdatedBy
* nExtAttr16
* dExtAttr9
* cExtAttr38
* nExtAttr15
* cExtAttr14
* uomExtAttr2
* dExtAttr2
* nExtAttr13
* uomExtAttr15
* cExtAttr37
* nExtAttr9
* cExtAttr19
* dExtAttr1
* cExtAttr22
* cExtAttr40
* cExtAttr33
* cExtAttr12
* dExtAttr5
* nExtAttr1
* pk2Value
* uomExtAttr19
* cExtAttr25
* cExtAttr28
* cExtAttr26
* uomExtAttr20
* nExtAttr6
* cExtAttr18
* nExtAttr18
* uomExtAttr16
* cExtAttr4
* attrGroupId
* uomExtAttr6
* dExtAttr6
* pk1Value
* cExtAttr15
* cExtAttr23
* pk3Value
* uomExtAttr1


 * nExtAttr4
* uomExtAttr18
* uomExtAttr11
* uomExtAttr5
* nExtAttr3
* cExtAttr34
* nExtAttr2
* dExtAttr8
* cExtAttr3
* uomExtAttr13
* cExtAttr10
* nExtAttr17
* cExtAttr39
* nExtAttr19
* dExtAttr10
* cExtAttr27
* dExtAttr4
* nExtAttr7
* cExtAttr36
* cExtAttr8
* cExtAttr13
* cExtAttr20
* nExtAttr11
* cExtAttr11
* nExtAttr10
* udaTemplateId
* cExtAttr21
* dataLevelId
* uomExtAttr14
* cExtAttr32
* cExtAttr1
* cExtAttr24
* lastUpdateDate
* uomExtAttr17
* uomExtAttr7
* creationDate
* cExtAttr9
* nExtAttr12
* createdBy
* cExtAttr17
* nExtAttr8
* dExtAttr3
* dExtAttr7
* cExtAttr30
* uomExtAttr3
* bidNumber
* pk5Value
* nExtAttr14
* uomExtAttr12
* extensionId
* uomExtAttr8
* cExtAttr5
* cExtAttr35
* cExtAttr29
* uomExtAttr10
* nExtAttr20
* cExtAttr16
* uomExtAttr4
* lineNumber
* cExtAttr2
* uomExtAttr9
* cExtAttr31
* cExtAttr7
* nExtAttr5
* pk4Value
* cExtAttr6
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdatedBy
* nExtAttr16
* dExtAttr9
* cExtAttr38
* nExtAttr15
* cExtAttr14
* uomExtAttr2
* dExtAttr2
* nExtAttr13
* uomExtAttr15
* cExtAttr37
* nExtAttr9
* cExtAttr19
* dExtAttr1
* cExtAttr22
* cExtAttr40
* cExtAttr33
* cExtAttr12
* dExtAttr5
* nExtAttr1
* pk2Value
* uomExtAttr19
* cExtAttr25
* cExtAttr28
* cExtAttr26
* uomExtAttr20
* nExtAttr6
* cExtAttr18
* nExtAttr18
* uomExtAttr16
* cExtAttr4
* attrGroupId
* uomExtAttr6
* dExtAttr6
* pk1Value
* cExtAttr15
* cExtAttr23
* pk3Value
* uomExtAttr1


 * lastUpdateLogin
* language
* tlExtAttr23
* pk4Value
* tlExtAttr5
* tlExtAttr24
* dataLevelId
* creationDate
* tlExtAttr18
* udaTemplateId
* tlExtAttr17
* pk3Value
* tlExtAttr1
* tlExtAttr2
* tlExtAttr34
* tlExtAttr39
* bidNumber
* tlExtAttr21
* tlExtAttr19
* tlExtAttr14
* lastUpdateDate
* tlExtAttr26
* tlExtAttr15
* tlExtAttr20
* lastUpdatedBy
* tlExtAttr3
* tlExtAttr32
* tlExtAttr28
* tlExtAttr38
* createdBy
* tlExtAttr11
* tlExtAttr37
* pk2Value
* tlExtAttr16
* tlExtAttr33
* tlExtAttr8
* tlExtAttr35
* tlExtAttr13
* tlExtAttr29
* sourceLang
* tlExtAttr30
* tlExtAttr40
* tlExtAttr25
* tlExtAttr7
* tlExtAttr4
* tlExtAttr6
* attrGroupId
* pk5Value
* tlExtAttr36
* tlExtAttr31
* tlExtAttr12
* pk1Value
* tlExtAttr10
* tlExtAttr22
* extensionId
* lineNumber
* tlExtAttr27
* tlExtAttr9


 * lastUpdateLogin
* language
* tlExtAttr23
* pk4Value
* tlExtAttr5
* tlExtAttr24
* dataLevelId
* creationDate
* tlExtAttr18
* udaTemplateId
* tlExtAttr17
* pk3Value
* tlExtAttr1
* tlExtAttr2
* tlExtAttr34
* tlExtAttr39
* bidNumber
* tlExtAttr21
* tlExtAttr19
* tlExtAttr14
* lastUpdateDate
* tlExtAttr26
* tlExtAttr15
* tlExtAttr20
* lastUpdatedBy
* tlExtAttr3
* tlExtAttr32
* tlExtAttr28
* tlExtAttr38
* createdBy
* tlExtAttr11
* tlExtAttr37
* pk2Value
* tlExtAttr16
* tlExtAttr33
* tlExtAttr8
* tlExtAttr35
* tlExtAttr13
* tlExtAttr29
* sourceLang
* tlExtAttr30
* tlExtAttr40
* tlExtAttr25
* tlExtAttr7
* tlExtAttr4
* tlExtAttr6
* attrGroupId
* pk5Value
* tlExtAttr36
* tlExtAttr31
* tlExtAttr12
* pk1Value
* tlExtAttr10
* tlExtAttr22
* extensionId
* lineNumber
* tlExtAttr27
* tlExtAttr9


 * functionalCurrencyCode
* segment11
* userJeSourceName
* reference10
* reference27
* attribute10
* reference29
* transactionDate
* subledgerDocSequenceValue
* attribute16
* attribute18
* enteredCr
* segment12
* reference4
* segment16
* reference9
* segment22
* requestId
* averageJournalFlag
* context
* invoiceAmount
* currencyConversionDate
* segment9
* chartOfAccountsId
* segment20
* context2
* reference18
* reference15
* segment10
* reference11
* segment30
* reference24
* attribute2
* originatingBalSegValue
* attribute19
* enteredDr
* createdBy
* userCurrencyConversionType
* attribute9
* glSlLinkTable
* attribute7
* userJeCategoryName
* attribute20
* currencyCode
* attribute14
* actualFlag
* statAmount
* segment27
* segment5
* jeHeaderId
* reference19
* dateCreated
* invoiceIdentifier
* attribute12
* accountedCr
* budgetVersionId
* accountedDr
* segment19
* reference1
* dateCreatedInGl
* segment15
* warningCode
* reference5
* reference16
* segment26
* attribute11
* reference30
* jeLineNum
* segment1
* segment24
* segment14
* codeCombinationId
* reference23
* invoiceDate
* attribute13
* reference26
* segment13
* segment4
* segment21
* segment28
* descrFlexErrorMessage
* jeBatchId
* setOfBooksId
* segment3
* glSlLinkId
* reference2
* reference25
* reference3
* statusDescription
* subledgerDocSequenceId
* attribute17
* reference20
* segment17
* segment7
* segment29
* segment2
* reference28
* attribute1
* attribute5
* reference14
* segment6
* attribute3
* attribute6
* attribute15
* reference22
* ussglTransactionCode
* groupId
* reference8
* accountingDate
* periodName
* segment18
* segment25
* reference12
* taxCode
* attribute4
* segment23
* context3
* reference7
* encumbranceTypeId
* reference21
* reference13
* attribute8
* currencyConversionRate
* jgzzReconRef
* status
* reference17
* reference6
* segment8


 * functionalCurrencyCode
* segment11
* userJeSourceName
* reference10
* reference27
* attribute10
* reference29
* transactionDate
* subledgerDocSequenceValue
* attribute16
* attribute18
* enteredCr
* segment12
* reference4
* segment16
* reference9
* segment22
* requestId
* averageJournalFlag
* context
* invoiceAmount
* currencyConversionDate
* segment9
* chartOfAccountsId
* segment20
* context2
* reference18
* reference15
* segment10
* reference11
* segment30
* reference24
* attribute2
* originatingBalSegValue
* attribute19
* enteredDr
* createdBy
* userCurrencyConversionType
* attribute9
* glSlLinkTable
* attribute7
* userJeCategoryName
* attribute20
* currencyCode
* attribute14
* actualFlag
* statAmount
* segment27
* segment5
* jeHeaderId
* reference19
* dateCreated
* invoiceIdentifier
* attribute12
* accountedCr
* budgetVersionId
* accountedDr
* segment19
* reference1
* dateCreatedInGl
* segment15
* warningCode
* reference5
* reference16
* segment26
* attribute11
* reference30
* jeLineNum
* segment1
* segment24
* segment14
* codeCombinationId
* reference23
* invoiceDate
* attribute13
* reference26
* segment13
* segment4
* segment21
* segment28
* descrFlexErrorMessage
* jeBatchId
* setOfBooksId
* segment3
* glSlLinkId
* reference2
* reference25
* reference3
* statusDescription
* subledgerDocSequenceId
* attribute17
* reference20
* segment17
* segment7
* segment29
* segment2
* reference28
* attribute1
* attribute5
* reference14
* segment6
* attribute3
* attribute6
* attribute15
* reference22
* ussglTransactionCode
* groupId
* reference8
* accountingDate
* periodName
* segment18
* segment25
* reference12
* taxCode
* attribute4
* segment23
* context3
* reference7
* encumbranceTypeId
* reference21
* reference13
* attribute8
* currencyConversionRate
* jgzzReconRef
* status
* reference17
* reference6
* segment8


 * lastUpdateLogin
* logId
* attribute10
* attribute6
* actionLogMessage
* requestId
* planId
* resultValue
* transactionDate
* attributeCategory
* attribute14
* attribute7
* attribute3
* attribute15
* programApplicationId
* attribute11
* highValue
* attribute2
* attribute13
* lowValueId
* createdBy
* creationDate
* attribute4
* attribute8
* operator
* programId
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute9
* resultValueId
* lowValue
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute12
* attribute1
* charId
* highValueId
* collectionId
* attribute5
* programUpdateDate


 * lastUpdateLogin
* logId
* attribute10
* attribute6
* actionLogMessage
* requestId
* planId
* resultValue
* transactionDate
* attributeCategory
* attribute14
* attribute7
* attribute3
* attribute15
* programApplicationId
* attribute11
* highValue
* attribute2
* attribute13
* lowValueId
* createdBy
* creationDate
* attribute4
* attribute8
* operator
* programId
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute9
* resultValueId
* lowValue
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute12
* attribute1
* charId
* highValueId
* collectionId
* attribute5
* programUpdateDate


 * mrHeaderId
* versionNumber
* effectiveFrom
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdatedBy
* title
* effectiveTo
* createdBy
* creationDate
* lastUpdateDate


 * mrHeaderId
* versionNumber
* effectiveFrom
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdatedBy
* title
* effectiveTo
* createdBy
* creationDate
* lastUpdateDate


 * organizationName
* programUpdateDate
* requestId
* collectionId
* lotNumber
* lastUpdateDate
* planTypeMeaning
* defectCode
* qaCreationDate
* itemId
* quantityDefective
* lotControlCode
* programId
* occurrence
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* item
* creationDate
* organizationId
* createdBy
* planName
* planTypeCode
* planId
* qaLastUpdateDate
* programApplicationId


 * organizationName
* programUpdateDate
* requestId
* collectionId
* lotNumber
* lastUpdateDate
* planTypeMeaning
* defectCode
* qaCreationDate
* itemId
* quantityDefective
* lotControlCode
* programId
* occurrence
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* item
* creationDate
* organizationId
* createdBy
* planName
* planTypeCode
* planId
* qaLastUpdateDate
* programApplicationId


 * programId
* lastUpdatedBy
* createdBy
* requestId
* programUpdateDate
* programApplicationId
* lastUpdateLogin
* occurrence
* lastUpdateDate
* lastRefreshTime
* creationDate


 * programId
* lastUpdatedBy
* createdBy
* requestId
* programUpdateDate
* programApplicationId
* lastUpdateLogin
* occurrence
* lastUpdateDate
* lastRefreshTime
* creationDate


 * phase
* receiptNumCount
* method


 * phase
* receiptNumCount
* method


 * receiptNum


 * receiptNum


 * charId
* lastUpdateDate
* creationDate
* tokenName
* createdBy
* charActionId
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin


 * charId
* lastUpdateDate
* creationDate
* tokenName
* createdBy
* charActionId
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin


 * lowValueOtherId
* highValueOtherId
* charActionTriggerId
* lastUpdateDate
* charId
* operator
* lowValueLookup
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* createdBy
* triggerSequence
* highValueOther
* lowValueOther
* lastUpdatedBy
* highValueLookup


 * lowValueOtherId
* highValueOtherId
* charActionTriggerId
* lastUpdateDate
* charId
* operator
* lowValueLookup
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* createdBy
* triggerSequence
* highValueOther
* lowValueOther
* lastUpdatedBy
* highValueLookup


 * statusCode
* statusId
* carOwner
* charActionId
* message
* lastUpdatedBy
* alrActionId
* lastUpdateLogin
* charActionTriggerId
* alrActionSetId
* carNamePrefix
* creationDate
* createdBy
* carTypeId
* actionId
* lastUpdateDate


 * statusCode
* statusId
* carOwner
* charActionId
* message
* lastUpdatedBy
* alrActionId
* lastUpdateLogin
* charActionTriggerId
* alrActionSetId
* carNamePrefix
* creationDate
* createdBy
* carTypeId
* actionId
* lastUpdateDate


 * charId
* enabledFlag
* lastUpdateLogin
* programUpdateDate
* creationDate
* indexName
* requestId
* defaultResultColumn
* additionalParameters
* createdBy
* programApplicationId
* programId
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* text


 * charId
* enabledFlag
* lastUpdateLogin
* programUpdateDate
* creationDate
* indexName
* requestId
* defaultResultColumn
* additionalParameters
* createdBy
* programApplicationId
* programId
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* text


 * attribute2
* attribute14
* creationDate
* shortCodeId
* attribute5
* attribute10
* attribute12
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute13
* createdBy
* attribute9
* attribute8
* shortCode
* attribute7
* attribute4
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute3
* description
* zdSync
* charId
* zdEditionName
* attribute1
* attributeCategory
* attribute6
* attribute15
* attribute11
* lastUpdateDate


 * attribute2
* attribute14
* creationDate
* shortCodeId
* attribute5
* attribute10
* attribute12
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute13
* createdBy
* attribute9
* attribute8
* shortCode
* attribute7
* attribute4
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute3
* description
* zdSync
* charId
* zdEditionName
* attribute1
* attributeCategory
* attribute6
* attribute15
* attribute11
* lastUpdateDate


 * upperReasonableLimit
* hardcodedColumn
* fkTableShortName
* attribute11
* attribute15
* decimalPrecision
* attribute7
* attribute13
* dependentElement
* pkId
* lowerReasonableLimit
* attribute4
* sequenceStart
* developerName
* creationDate
* attribute3
* defaultValueId
* createdBy
* fkLookupType
* fkTableName
* attribute10
* charTypeCode
* datatype
* targetValue
* name
* fkDescription
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute2
* zdEditionName
* dataEntryHint
* valuesExistFlag
* uomCode
* pkId3
* sequenceNumber
* upperUserDefinedLimit
* sequenceNextval
* lastUpdateDate
* lowerUserDefinedLimit
* fkId3
* sequencePrefix
* upperSpecLimit
* fkAddWhere
* defaultValue
* sequenceSeparator
* charContextFlag
* attribute8
* attribute6
* fkMeaning
* fkId2
* sequenceLength
* mandatoryFlag
* enabledFlag
* attribute9
* sqlValidationString
* zdSync
* attributeCategory
* attribute12
* lastUpdateLogin
* displayLength
* sequenceZeroPad
* sequenceIncrement
* charId
* dependentCharId
* attribute5
* fkId
* sequenceSuffix
* attribute1
* attribute14
* pkId2
* lowerSpecLimit
* prompt


 * upperReasonableLimit
* hardcodedColumn
* fkTableShortName
* attribute11
* attribute15
* decimalPrecision
* attribute7
* attribute13
* dependentElement
* pkId
* lowerReasonableLimit
* attribute4
* sequenceStart
* developerName
* creationDate
* attribute3
* defaultValueId
* createdBy
* fkLookupType
* fkTableName
* attribute10
* charTypeCode
* datatype
* targetValue
* name
* fkDescription
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute2
* zdEditionName
* dataEntryHint
* valuesExistFlag
* uomCode
* pkId3
* sequenceNumber
* upperUserDefinedLimit
* sequenceNextval
* lastUpdateDate
* lowerUserDefinedLimit
* fkId3
* sequencePrefix
* upperSpecLimit
* fkAddWhere
* defaultValue
* sequenceSeparator
* charContextFlag
* attribute8
* attribute6
* fkMeaning
* fkId2
* sequenceLength
* mandatoryFlag
* enabledFlag
* attribute9
* sqlValidationString
* zdSync
* attributeCategory
* attribute12
* lastUpdateLogin
* displayLength
* sequenceZeroPad
* sequenceIncrement
* charId
* dependentCharId
* attribute5
* fkId
* sequenceSuffix
* attribute1
* attribute14
* pkId2
* lowerSpecLimit
* prompt


 * lastUpdateDate
* chartId
* bottomLclValue
* bottomUclValue
* topLclValue
* creationDate
* xValue
* topYValue
* bottomYValue
* topMeanValue
* createdBy
* lastUpdatedBy
* topUclValue
* lastUpdateLogin
* line
* bottomMeanValue


 * lastUpdateDate
* chartId
* bottomLclValue
* bottomUclValue
* topLclValue
* creationDate
* xValue
* topYValue
* bottomYValue
* topMeanValue
* createdBy
* lastUpdatedBy
* topUclValue
* lastUpdateLogin
* line
* bottomMeanValue


 * range
* average
* lastUpdateDate
* barNumber
* numOccurrences
* histRange
* creationDate
* createdBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* subgroupNumber
* lastUpdatedBy


 * range
* average
* lastUpdateDate
* barNumber
* numOccurrences
* histRange
* creationDate
* createdBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* subgroupNumber
* lastUpdatedBy


 * yValue
* lastUpdateDate
* createdBy
* lastUpdatedBy
* line
* chartId
* legend
* xValue
* lastUpdateLogin
* creationDate


 * yValue
* lastUpdateDate
* createdBy
* lastUpdatedBy
* line
* chartId
* legend
* xValue
* lastUpdateLogin
* creationDate


 * lowerSpecLimit
* chartId
* criteriaId
* title
* upperSpecLimit
* description
* creationDate
* xLabel
* cp
* cpk
* lastUpdateLogin
* uomCode
* createdBy
* lastUpdatedBy
* yLabel
* lastUpdateDate
* targetValue


 * lowerSpecLimit
* chartId
* criteriaId
* title
* upperSpecLimit
* description
* creationDate
* xLabel
* cp
* cpk
* lastUpdateLogin
* uomCode
* createdBy
* lastUpdatedBy
* yLabel
* lastUpdateDate
* targetValue


 * lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* description
* specId
* lcl
* createdBy
* creationDate
* criteriaId
* ucl
* name
* rLcl
* rTarget
* chartType
* controlLimitId
* rUcl
* subgroupSize
* target
* planId
* charId
* lastUpdateLogin
* numberSubgroups


 * lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* description
* specId
* lcl
* createdBy
* creationDate
* criteriaId
* ucl
* name
* rLcl
* rTarget
* chartType
* controlLimitId
* rUcl
* subgroupSize
* target
* planId
* charId
* lastUpdateLogin
* numberSubgroups


 * lastUpdatedBy
* highValueId
* sortBy
* creationDate
* total
* charId
* lastUpdateDate
* orderSequence
* highValue
* criteriaSequence
* lowValueId
* lastUpdateLogin
* operator
* fxn
* createdBy
* criteriaId
* sqlType
* lowValue


 * organizationId
* numPoints
* xAxisCharId
* criteriaId
* lastUpdateLogin
* creationDate
* name
* lastUpdatedBy
* planId
* title
* lastUpdateDate
* targetValueFlag
* numBars
* outputType
* userDefinedLimitFlag
* description
* specId
* xAxisGroupById
* createdBy
* specLimitFlag
* yAxisCharId
* topNGroups
* yAxisFxn
* chartType


 * organizationId
* numPoints
* xAxisCharId
* criteriaId
* lastUpdateLogin
* creationDate
* name
* lastUpdatedBy
* planId
* title
* lastUpdateDate
* targetValueFlag
* numBars
* outputType
* userDefinedLimitFlag
* description
* specId
* xAxisGroupById
* createdBy
* specLimitFlag
* yAxisCharId
* topNGroups
* yAxisFxn
* chartType


 * lastUpdatedBy
* highValueId
* sortBy
* creationDate
* total
* charId
* lastUpdateDate
* orderSequence
* highValue
* criteriaSequence
* lowValueId
* lastUpdateLogin
* operator
* fxn
* createdBy
* criteriaId
* sqlType
* lowValue


 * creationDate
* invMasterOrganizationId
* inventoryItemId
* activeEndDate
* createdBy
* instanceNumber
* unitOfMeasure
* lastVldOrganizationId
* mfgSerialNumberFlag
* quantity
* serialNumber
* lastUpdateDate
* lotNumber
* lastUpdatedBy
* activeStartDate
* instanceId
* lastUpdateLogin


 * creationDate
* invMasterOrganizationId
* inventoryItemId
* activeEndDate
* createdBy
* instanceNumber
* unitOfMeasure
* lastVldOrganizationId
* mfgSerialNumberFlag
* quantity
* serialNumber
* lastUpdateDate
* lotNumber
* lastUpdatedBy
* activeStartDate
* instanceId
* lastUpdateLogin


 * eventTime
* qualityCode
* deviceSource
* lastUpdateLogin
* eventGenerationTime
* createdBy
* lastUpdatedBy
* deviceName
* creationDate
* eventData
* lastUpdateDate


 * eventTime
* qualityCode
* deviceSource
* lastUpdateLogin
* eventGenerationTime
* createdBy
* lastUpdatedBy
* deviceName
* creationDate
* eventData
* lastUpdateDate


 * lastUpdatedBy
* sensorAlias
* lastUpdateDate
* deviceName
* creationDate
* createdBy
* description
* overrideFlag
* pullFrequency
* elapsedTime
* enabledFlag
* deviceId
* lastUpdateLogin


 * lastUpdatedBy
* sensorAlias
* lastUpdateDate
* deviceName
* creationDate
* createdBy
* description
* overrideFlag
* pullFrequency
* elapsedTime
* enabledFlag
* deviceId
* lastUpdateLogin


 * parentPlanId
* statusFlag
* plangrpFlag
* lastUpdateDate
* planhierarchyFlag
* planId
* creationDate
* planName
* rootPlanId


 * parentPlanId
* statusFlag
* plangrpFlag
* lastUpdateDate
* planhierarchyFlag
* planId
* creationDate
* planName
* rootPlanId


 * templatePlanId
* parentPlanId
* pcHierarchy
* parentCollectionId
* lastUpdatedBy
* planName
* qaCreationDate
* createdBy
* organizationId
* itemId
* transactionNumber
* creationDate
* lastUpdateDate
* planType
* rootPlanId
* collectionId
* occurrence
* organizationName
* rootCollectionId
* rootOccurrence
* planId
* parentOccurrence


 * templatePlanId
* parentPlanId
* pcHierarchy
* parentCollectionId
* lastUpdatedBy
* planName
* qaCreationDate
* createdBy
* organizationId
* itemId
* transactionNumber
* creationDate
* lastUpdateDate
* planType
* rootPlanId
* collectionId
* occurrence
* organizationName
* rootCollectionId
* rootOccurrence
* planId
* parentOccurrence


 * synonyms
* creationDate
* categorykey
* categorydisplayname
* lastUpdateDate
* parentkey


 * synonyms
* creationDate
* categorykey
* categorydisplayname
* lastUpdateDate
* parentkey


 * granteeId
* setupFlag
* deleteFlag
* updateFlag
* createdBy
* lastUpdateDate
* planId
* qaGrantId
* creationDate
* enterFlag
* lastUpdatedBy
* viewFlag
* lastUpdateLogin


 * granteeId
* setupFlag
* deleteFlag
* updateFlag
* createdBy
* lastUpdateDate
* planId
* qaGrantId
* creationDate
* enterFlag
* lastUpdatedBy
* viewFlag
* lastUpdateLogin


 * createdBy
* listElemId
* value
* valueId
* creationDate
* lastUpdateDate
* parentBlockName
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* listId
* charId


 * createdBy
* listElemId
* value
* valueId
* creationDate
* lastUpdateDate
* parentBlockName
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* listId
* charId


 * errorMessage
* creationDate
* errorColumn
* programApplicationId
* transactionInterfaceId
* programUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* requestId
* lastUpdateDate
* createdBy
* programId
* lastUpdateLogin


 * errorMessage
* creationDate
* errorColumn
* programApplicationId
* transactionInterfaceId
* programUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* requestId
* lastUpdateDate
* createdBy
* programId
* lastUpdateLogin


 * flag
* value
* description


 * flag
* value
* description


 * highValue
* lastUpdateDate
* lowValueId
* operator
* zdSync
* lastUpdatedBy
* creationDate
* criteriaId
* lowValue
* createdBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* charId
* highValueId
* planRelationshipId
* zdEditionName


 * highValue
* lastUpdateDate
* lowValueId
* operator
* zdSync
* lastUpdatedBy
* creationDate
* criteriaId
* lowValue
* createdBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* charId
* highValueId
* planRelationshipId
* zdEditionName


 * createdBy
* planRelationshipId
* parentCharId
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdateDate
* zdEditionName
* zdSync
* elementRelationshipId
* elementRelationshipType
* creationDate
* childCharId
* linkFlag


 * createdBy
* planRelationshipId
* parentCharId
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdateDate
* zdEditionName
* zdSync
* elementRelationshipId
* elementRelationshipType
* creationDate
* childCharId
* linkFlag


 * dataEntryMode
* autoRowCount
* defaultParentSpec
* layoutMode
* creationDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* planRelationshipId
* childPlanId
* lastUpdateDate
* parentPlanId
* zdSync
* createdBy
* planRelationshipType
* lastUpdateLogin
* zdEditionName


 * dataEntryMode
* autoRowCount
* defaultParentSpec
* layoutMode
* creationDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* planRelationshipId
* childPlanId
* lastUpdateDate
* parentPlanId
* zdSync
* createdBy
* planRelationshipType
* lastUpdateLogin
* zdEditionName


 * childCollectionId
* creationDate
* childPlanId
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* parentOccurrence
* enabledFlag
* childTxnHeaderId
* childOccurrence
* parentCollectionId
* createdBy
* parentPlanId
* lastUpdateDate


 * childCollectionId
* creationDate
* childPlanId
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* parentOccurrence
* enabledFlag
* childTxnHeaderId
* childOccurrence
* parentCollectionId
* createdBy
* parentPlanId
* lastUpdateDate


 * lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdatedBy
* creationDate
* zdEditionName
* planCharActionId
* lastUpdateDate
* tokenName
* zdSync
* createdBy
* charId


 * lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdatedBy
* creationDate
* zdEditionName
* planCharActionId
* lastUpdateDate
* tokenName
* zdSync
* createdBy
* charId


 * highValueOther
* planCharActionTriggerId
* zdSync
* lastUpdateLogin
* creationDate
* planId
* lowValueLookup
* lowValueOtherId
* zdEditionName
* createdBy
* triggerSequence
* charId
* highValueLookup
* highValueOtherId
* lastUpdateDate
* lowValueOther
* lastUpdatedBy
* operator


 * highValueOther
* planCharActionTriggerId
* zdSync
* lastUpdateLogin
* creationDate
* planId
* lowValueLookup
* lowValueOtherId
* zdEditionName
* createdBy
* triggerSequence
* charId
* highValueLookup
* highValueOtherId
* lastUpdateDate
* lowValueOther
* lastUpdatedBy
* operator


 * message
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdateDate
* alrActionId
* assignType
* createdBy
* assignedCharId
* planCharActionTriggerId
* carNamePrefix
* alrActionSetId
* actionId
* carOwner
* planCharActionId
* carTypeId
* zdEditionName
* lastUpdatedBy
* statusId
* statusCode
* zdSync
* creationDate


 * message
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdateDate
* alrActionId
* assignType
* createdBy
* assignedCharId
* planCharActionTriggerId
* carNamePrefix
* alrActionSetId
* actionId
* carOwner
* planCharActionId
* carTypeId
* zdEditionName
* lastUpdatedBy
* statusId
* statusCode
* zdSync
* creationDate


 * attribute3
* lastUpdateLogin
* description
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute15
* attribute9
* attribute10
* zdEditionName
* attribute1
* attributeCategory
* attribute14
* shortCodeId
* lastUpdateDate
* shortCode
* charId
* attribute4
* attribute2
* attribute8
* attribute12
* zdSync
* attribute11
* attribute6
* attribute7
* createdBy
* creationDate
* planId
* attribute5
* attribute13


 * attribute3
* lastUpdateLogin
* description
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute15
* attribute9
* attribute10
* zdEditionName
* attribute1
* attributeCategory
* attribute14
* shortCodeId
* lastUpdateDate
* shortCode
* charId
* attribute4
* attribute2
* attribute8
* attribute12
* zdSync
* attribute11
* attribute6
* attribute7
* createdBy
* creationDate
* planId
* attribute5
* attribute13


 * mandatoryFlag
* attribute11
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute4
* uomCode
* displayedFlag
* attribute13
* zdSync
* attributeCategory
* defaultValueId
* attribute10
* lastUpdatedBy
* enabledFlag
* creationDate
* valuesExistFlag
* informationFlag
* defaultValue
* attribute1
* ssPoplistFlag
* overrideFlag
* attribute12
* readOnlyFlag
* attribute9
* deviceId
* attribute6
* zdEditionName
* promptSequence
* attribute7
* attribute14
* decimalPrecision
* createdBy
* attribute3
* planId
* charId
* prompt
* attribute2
* attribute5
* regionName
* lastUpdateDate
* deviceFlag
* attribute8
* regionSequence
* resultColumnName
* attribute15


 * mandatoryFlag
* attribute11
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute4
* uomCode
* displayedFlag
* attribute13
* zdSync
* attributeCategory
* defaultValueId
* attribute10
* lastUpdatedBy
* enabledFlag
* creationDate
* valuesExistFlag
* informationFlag
* defaultValue
* attribute1
* ssPoplistFlag
* overrideFlag
* attribute12
* readOnlyFlag
* attribute9
* deviceId
* attribute6
* zdEditionName
* promptSequence
* attribute7
* attribute14
* decimalPrecision
* createdBy
* attribute3
* planId
* charId
* prompt
* attribute2
* attribute5
* regionName
* lastUpdateDate
* deviceFlag
* attribute8
* regionSequence
* resultColumnName
* attribute15


 * lastUpdateLogin
* lowValue
* planTransactionId
* highValueId
* createdBy
* operator
* txnTriggerId
* creationDate
* collectionTriggerId
* lastUpdatedBy
* zdEditionName
* zdSync
* lowValueId
* highValue
* lastUpdateDate


 * lastUpdateLogin
* lowValue
* planTransactionId
* highValueId
* createdBy
* operator
* txnTriggerId
* creationDate
* collectionTriggerId
* lastUpdatedBy
* zdEditionName
* zdSync
* lowValueId
* highValue
* lastUpdateDate


 * lastUpdateLogin
* transactionNumber
* mandatoryCollectionFlag
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateDate
* planId
* planTransactionId
* zdSync
* createdBy
* creationDate
* backgroundCollectionFlag
* zdEditionName
* eqrLayoutMode
* enabledFlag


 * lastUpdateLogin
* transactionNumber
* mandatoryCollectionFlag
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateDate
* planId
* planTransactionId
* zdSync
* createdBy
* creationDate
* backgroundCollectionFlag
* zdEditionName
* eqrLayoutMode
* enabledFlag


 * attribute13
* effectiveFrom
* esigMode
* createdBy
* jradDocVer
* attributeCategory
* templatePlanId
* attribute8
* creationDate
* importViewName
* description
* name
* attribute6
* instructions
* attribute10
* viewName
* attribute1
* effectiveTo
* zdSync
* attribute14
* attribute15
* attribute2
* attribute9
* attribute7
* organizationId
* zdEditionName
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* derefViewName
* jradUpgradeVer
* attribute5
* attribute3
* specAssignmentType
* planTypeCode
* attribute12
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute4
* multirowFlag
* planId
* attribute11


 * attribute13
* effectiveFrom
* esigMode
* createdBy
* jradDocVer
* attributeCategory
* templatePlanId
* attribute8
* creationDate
* importViewName
* description
* name
* attribute6
* instructions
* attribute10
* viewName
* attribute1
* effectiveTo
* zdSync
* attribute14
* attribute15
* attribute2
* attribute9
* attribute7
* organizationId
* zdEditionName
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* derefViewName
* jradUpgradeVer
* attribute5
* attribute3
* specAssignmentType
* planTypeCode
* attribute12
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute4
* multirowFlag
* planId
* attribute11


 * txnHeaderId
* partyId
* csiInstanceId
* poLineNum
* compLotNumber
* character7
* character9
* character100
* transactionNumber
* compLocatorId
* character33
* wmtTransactionId
* quantity
* sequence6
* mtiTransactionInterfaceId
* toSubinventory
* createdBy
* deliverableId
* assetInstanceId
* character45
* character83
* character68
* qaCreationDate
* processBatchstepId
* contractLineId
* character56
* character26
* character41
* daysToClose
* character19
* comment5
* lastUpdateLogin
* character49
* character86
* workOrderId
* character5
* repairLineId
* vendorId
* resourceId
* character4
* maintenanceOpSeq
* compRevision
* mtiTransactionHeaderId
* character63
* character76
* character17
* sequence5
* character46
* compSerialNumber
* character36
* character78
* character10
* character80
* assetActivityId
* dateOpened
* nonconformanceStatus
* counterId
* collectionId
* receiptNum
* character58
* character8
* dispositionSource
* lotStatusId
* locatorId
* compSubinventory
* sequence13
* sequence2
* comment4
* nonconformanceCode
* processBatchId
* character89
* character57
* planId
* character52
* character98
* character54
* character20
* character90
* character73
* comment1
* character43
* character48
* character16
* status
* transactionId
* processOperationId
* transactionDate
* sequence7
* wmtiGroupId
* character93
* character64
* requestPriority
* dateClosed
* character21
* requestId
* character14
* character61
* requestStatus
* taskId
* character32
* assetNumber
* sequence14
* character55
* departmentId
* character47
* soHeaderId
* programApplicationId
* character84
* nonconformanceSource
* processResourceId
* lastUpdateDate
* sequence10
* character81
* character13
* dispositionAction
* toOpSeqNum
* character27
* character35
* character31
* character42
* sequence1
* character11
* character1
* comment3
* rtiInterfaceTransactionId
* character91
* character65
* character96
* character37
* character30
* subinventory
* character99
* uom
* poHeaderId
* character95
* character79
* character18
* character66
* character50
* character2
* sequence9
* nonconformanceType
* csIncidentId
* processParameterId
* character51
* counterReadingId
* character67
* disposition
* serialStatusId
* lineId
* lpnId
* character74
* character75
* dispositionStatus
* character87
* specId
* character6
* sequence8
* followupActivityId
* character62
* character69
* wjsiGroupId
* organizationId
* nonconformPriority
* character24
* jtfTaskId
* lastUpdatedBy
* programId
* poShipmentNum
* character60
* character59
* concurrentRequestId
* character97
* creationDate
* ahlMrId
* processActivityId
* rmaHeaderId
* wipEntityId
* xfrLpnId
* character70
* character39
* character40
* assetGroupId
* sequence11
* sequence12
* character38
* character71
* character82
* contractId
* serialNumber
* requestSource
* character94
* qaCreatedBy
* character3
* fromOpSeqNum
* compItemId
* qaLastUpdatedBy
* character77
* requestSeverity
* character44
* sequence3
* itemId
* character12
* character15
* toDepartmentId
* nonconformSeverity
* customerId
* routingReferenceId
* character72
* character22
* sequence15
* programUpdateDate
* character29
* revision
* mmtTransactionId
* ecoName
* wipReworkId
* sequence4
* projectId
* character23
* rcvTransactionId
* character28
* character88
* poReleaseId
* toLocatorId
* character53
* qaLastUpdateDate
* compUom
* occurrence
* character85
* character34
* lotNumber
* character92
* comment2
* character25
* billReferenceId
* poLineNum2


 * character72
* nonconformSeverity
* character80
* subinventory
* character18
* itemInstance
* sequence4
* mtiTransactionHeaderId
* sequence15
* character34
* nonconformPriority
* programId
* processStatus
* character6
* character52
* character44
* character37
* contractLineNumber
* character66
* character88
* compRestrictLocatorsCode
* character95
* character64
* soHeaderId
* character21
* character73
* partyId
* serialStatusId
* customerName
* revision
* requestStatus
* billReferenceId
* mmtTransactionId
* vendorId
* nonconformanceSource
* character33
* mtiTransactionInterfaceId
* poShipmentNum
* character45
* character54
* character91
* character14
* processResourceId
* projectNumber
* compSerialNumber
* compLocatorId
* character20
* character31
* jtfTaskId
* character23
* sequence10
* character61
* daysToClose
* lotNumber
* character13
* licensePlateNumber
* contractNumber
* character97
* qaCreatedByName
* matchingElements
* partyName
* character46
* locator
* sequence6
* dispositionStatus
* disposition
* status
* counterId
* ecoName
* toLocatorId
* serialStatus
* specId
* character17
* assetActivity
* lpnId
* dispositionAction
* qaLastUpdatedByName
* sequence2
* character98
* toSubinventory
* serialNumber
* sequence1
* wipEntityId
* character79
* dateClosed
* character35
* character24
* salesOrder
* assetInstanceId
* character48
* rmaHeaderId
* resourceCode
* versionNumber
* deliverableNumber
* dispositionSource
* specName
* resourceId
* character94
* rtiInterfaceTransactionId
* processActivityId
* character71
* counterReadingId
* processResource
* character74
* organizationCode
* sequence11
* transactionDate
* planId
* genLocCtrlCode
* compLotNumber
* character4
* character99
* compSubLocatorType
* character22
* projectId
* sequence5
* poAgentId
* toDepartmentId
* character92
* character7
* sourceLineId
* compSubinventory
* assetActivityId
* compUom
* character82
* qaCreatedBy
* character56
* character28
* operatingUnit
* marker
* poNumber
* productionLine
* poReleaseId
* toLocator
* character40
* character25
* qaLastUpdatedBy
* quantity
* rcvTransactionId
* character77
* csIncidentId
* character81
* lastUpdateDate
* taskNumber
* wipReworkId
* poReleaseNum
* nonconformanceCode
* character93
* character27
* billReference
* counterReading
* maintenanceRequirement
* sequence12
* character89
* deliverableId
* compItemId
* routingReference
* csiInstanceId
* character62
* revisionQtyControlCode
* character86
* compLocator
* character78
* receiptNum
* character30
* vendorName
* locatorId
* poLineNum
* lotStatusId
* character68
* character49
* processParameter
* sequence8
* followupActivityId
* wmtiGroupId
* processBatchId
* contractLineId
* sequence14
* transactionInterfaceId
* lastUpdateLogin
* character38
* workOrder
* repairLineId
* lineId
* toSubLocatorType
* processOperationId
* ahlMrId
* nonconformanceStatus
* character36
* assetNumber
* character32
* character1
* concurrentRequestId
* character43
* character2
* character12
* poTypeLookup
* processActivity
* groupId
* character47
* character96
* character57
* department
* character84
* toDepartment
* counterName
* character42
* maintenanceOpSeq
* dateOpened
* character70
* routingReferenceId
* compLocationControlCode
* reworkJob
* character16
* jtfTaskNumber
* sequence9
* programUpdateDate
* character11
* character19
* followupActivity
* departmentId
* repairOrderNumber
* nonconformanceType
* character58
* character85
* requestSeverity
* compRevision
* processBatchNum
* fromOpSeqNum
* processParameterId
* serviceRequest
* processBatchstepNum
* compRestrictSubinvCode
* assetGroupId
* comment4
* uom
* character65
* character15
* requestSource
* subLocatorType
* character8
* xfrLicensePlateNumber
* creationDate
* character76
* character90
* character75
* requestPriority
* programApplicationId
* rmaNumber
* customerId
* processBatchstepId
* character83
* poHeaderId
* workOrderId
* character5
* taskId
* planName
* character3
* character50
* jobName
* contractId
* compRevisionQtyControlCode
* character51
* collectionId
* comment5
* wjsiGroupId
* sequence13
* character9
* character26
* character69
* assetGroup
* comment1
* character39
* comment3
* restrictSubinvCode
* character59
* character63
* createdBy
* compGenLocCtrlCode
* processOperation
* requestId
* item
* locationControlCode
* itemId
* character41
* sourceCode
* character10
* operatingUnitId
* insertType
* lastUpdatedBy
* toOpSeqNum
* xfrLpnId
* character87
* wmtTransactionId
* character53
* comment2
* restrictLocatorsCode
* character55
* sequence3
* assetInstanceNumber
* character100
* character67
* lotStatus
* sequence7
* validateFlag
* organizationId
* compItem
* character60
* character29


 * character72
* nonconformSeverity
* character80
* subinventory
* character18
* itemInstance
* sequence4
* mtiTransactionHeaderId
* sequence15
* character34
* nonconformPriority
* programId
* processStatus
* character6
* character52
* character44
* character37
* contractLineNumber
* character66
* character88
* compRestrictLocatorsCode
* character95
* character64
* soHeaderId
* character21
* character73
* partyId
* serialStatusId
* customerName
* revision
* requestStatus
* billReferenceId
* mmtTransactionId
* vendorId
* nonconformanceSource
* character33
* mtiTransactionInterfaceId
* poShipmentNum
* character45
* character54
* character91
* character14
* processResourceId
* projectNumber
* compSerialNumber
* compLocatorId
* character20
* character31
* jtfTaskId
* character23
* sequence10
* character61
* daysToClose
* lotNumber
* character13
* licensePlateNumber
* contractNumber
* character97
* qaCreatedByName
* matchingElements
* partyName
* character46
* locator
* sequence6
* dispositionStatus
* disposition
* status
* counterId
* ecoName
* toLocatorId
* serialStatus
* specId
* character17
* assetActivity
* lpnId
* dispositionAction
* qaLastUpdatedByName
* sequence2
* character98
* toSubinventory
* serialNumber
* sequence1
* wipEntityId
* character79
* dateClosed
* character35
* character24
* salesOrder
* assetInstanceId
* character48
* rmaHeaderId
* resourceCode
* versionNumber
* deliverableNumber
* dispositionSource
* specName
* resourceId
* character94
* rtiInterfaceTransactionId
* processActivityId
* character71
* counterReadingId
* processResource
* character74
* organizationCode
* sequence11
* transactionDate
* planId
* genLocCtrlCode
* compLotNumber
* character4
* character99
* compSubLocatorType
* character22
* projectId
* sequence5
* poAgentId
* toDepartmentId
* character92
* character7
* sourceLineId
* compSubinventory
* assetActivityId
* compUom
* character82
* qaCreatedBy
* character56
* character28
* operatingUnit
* marker
* poNumber
* productionLine
* poReleaseId
* toLocator
* character40
* character25
* qaLastUpdatedBy
* quantity
* rcvTransactionId
* character77
* csIncidentId
* character81
* lastUpdateDate
* taskNumber
* wipReworkId
* poReleaseNum
* nonconformanceCode
* character93
* character27
* billReference
* counterReading
* maintenanceRequirement
* sequence12
* character89
* deliverableId
* compItemId
* routingReference
* csiInstanceId
* character62
* revisionQtyControlCode
* character86
* compLocator
* character78
* receiptNum
* character30
* vendorName
* locatorId
* poLineNum
* lotStatusId
* character68
* character49
* processParameter
* sequence8
* followupActivityId
* wmtiGroupId
* processBatchId
* contractLineId
* sequence14
* transactionInterfaceId
* lastUpdateLogin
* character38
* workOrder
* repairLineId
* lineId
* toSubLocatorType
* processOperationId
* ahlMrId
* nonconformanceStatus
* character36
* assetNumber
* character32
* character1
* concurrentRequestId
* character43
* character2
* character12
* poTypeLookup
* processActivity
* groupId
* character47
* character96
* character57
* department
* character84
* toDepartment
* counterName
* character42
* maintenanceOpSeq
* dateOpened
* character70
* routingReferenceId
* compLocationControlCode
* reworkJob
* character16
* jtfTaskNumber
* sequence9
* programUpdateDate
* character11
* character19
* followupActivity
* departmentId
* repairOrderNumber
* nonconformanceType
* character58
* character85
* requestSeverity
* compRevision
* processBatchNum
* fromOpSeqNum
* processParameterId
* serviceRequest
* processBatchstepNum
* compRestrictSubinvCode
* assetGroupId
* comment4
* uom
* character65
* character15
* requestSource
* subLocatorType
* character8
* xfrLicensePlateNumber
* creationDate
* character76
* character90
* character75
* requestPriority
* programApplicationId
* rmaNumber
* customerId
* processBatchstepId
* character83
* poHeaderId
* workOrderId
* character5
* taskId
* planName
* character3
* character50
* jobName
* contractId
* compRevisionQtyControlCode
* character51
* collectionId
* comment5
* wjsiGroupId
* sequence13
* character9
* character26
* character69
* assetGroup
* comment1
* character39
* comment3
* restrictSubinvCode
* character59
* character63
* createdBy
* compGenLocCtrlCode
* processOperation
* requestId
* item
* locationControlCode
* itemId
* character41
* sourceCode
* character10
* operatingUnitId
* insertType
* lastUpdatedBy
* toOpSeqNum
* xfrLpnId
* character87
* wmtTransactionId
* character53
* comment2
* restrictLocatorsCode
* character55
* sequence3
* assetInstanceNumber
* character100
* character67
* lotStatus
* sequence7
* validateFlag
* organizationId
* compItem
* character60
* character29


 * txnHeaderId
* partyId
* csiInstanceId
* poLineNum
* compLotNumber
* character7
* character9
* character100
* transactionNumber
* compLocatorId
* character33
* wmtTransactionId
* quantity
* sequence6
* mtiTransactionInterfaceId
* toSubinventory
* createdBy
* deliverableId
* assetInstanceId
* character45
* character83
* character68
* qaCreationDate
* processBatchstepId
* contractLineId
* character56
* character26
* character41
* daysToClose
* character19
* comment5
* lastUpdateLogin
* character49
* character86
* workOrderId
* character5
* repairLineId
* vendorId
* resourceId
* character4
* maintenanceOpSeq
* compRevision
* mtiTransactionHeaderId
* character63
* character76
* character17
* sequence5
* character46
* compSerialNumber
* character36
* character78
* character10
* character80
* assetActivityId
* dateOpened
* nonconformanceStatus
* counterId
* collectionId
* receiptNum
* character58
* character8
* dispositionSource
* lotStatusId
* locatorId
* compSubinventory
* sequence13
* sequence2
* comment4
* nonconformanceCode
* processBatchId
* character89
* character57
* planId
* character52
* character98
* character54
* character20
* character90
* character73
* comment1
* character43
* character48
* character16
* status
* transactionId
* processOperationId
* transactionDate
* sequence7
* wmtiGroupId
* character93
* character64
* requestPriority
* dateClosed
* character21
* requestId
* character14
* character61
* requestStatus
* taskId
* character32
* assetNumber
* sequence14
* character55
* departmentId
* character47
* soHeaderId
* programApplicationId
* character84
* nonconformanceSource
* processResourceId
* lastUpdateDate
* sequence10
* character81
* character13
* dispositionAction
* toOpSeqNum
* character27
* character35
* character31
* character42
* sequence1
* character11
* character1
* comment3
* rtiInterfaceTransactionId
* character91
* character65
* character96
* character37
* character30
* subinventory
* character99
* uom
* poHeaderId
* character95
* character79
* character18
* character66
* character50
* character2
* sequence9
* nonconformanceType
* csIncidentId
* processParameterId
* character51
* counterReadingId
* character67
* disposition
* serialStatusId
* lineId
* lpnId
* character74
* character75
* dispositionStatus
* character87
* specId
* character6
* sequence8
* followupActivityId
* character62
* character69
* wjsiGroupId
* organizationId
* nonconformPriority
* character24
* jtfTaskId
* lastUpdatedBy
* programId
* poShipmentNum
* character60
* character59
* concurrentRequestId
* character97
* creationDate
* ahlMrId
* processActivityId
* rmaHeaderId
* wipEntityId
* xfrLpnId
* character70
* character39
* character40
* assetGroupId
* sequence11
* sequence12
* character38
* character71
* character82
* contractId
* serialNumber
* requestSource
* character94
* qaCreatedBy
* character3
* fromOpSeqNum
* compItemId
* qaLastUpdatedBy
* character77
* requestSeverity
* character44
* sequence3
* itemId
* character12
* character15
* toDepartmentId
* nonconformSeverity
* customerId
* routingReferenceId
* character72
* character22
* sequence15
* programUpdateDate
* character29
* revision
* mmtTransactionId
* ecoName
* wipReworkId
* sequence4
* projectId
* character23
* rcvTransactionId
* character28
* character88
* poReleaseId
* toLocatorId
* character53
* qaLastUpdateDate
* compUom
* occurrence
* character85
* character34
* lotNumber
* character92
* comment2
* character25
* billReferenceId
* poLineNum2


 * requestId
* lastUpdateLogin
* txnHeaderId
* createdBy
* programApplicationId
* programUpdateDate
* charId
* occurrence
* creationDate
* updateId
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* programId
* oldValue


 * requestId
* lastUpdateLogin
* txnHeaderId
* createdBy
* programApplicationId
* programUpdateDate
* charId
* occurrence
* creationDate
* updateId
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* programId
* oldValue


 * lastUpdateDate
* createdBy
* wfRoleName
* effectiveFrom
* samplingPlanId
* collectionPlanId
* lastUpdateLogin
* effectiveTo
* creationDate
* criteriaId
* lastUpdatedBy


 * lastUpdateDate
* createdBy
* wfRoleName
* effectiveFrom
* samplingPlanId
* collectionPlanId
* lastUpdateLogin
* effectiveTo
* creationDate
* criteriaId
* lastUpdatedBy


 * creationDate
* samplingPlanId
* lastUpdateLogin
* maxLotSize
* minLotSize
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* ruleId
* createdBy
* sampleSize


 * creationDate
* samplingPlanId
* lastUpdateLogin
* maxLotSize
* minLotSize
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* ruleId
* createdBy
* sampleSize


 * lotSizeCode
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdateDate
* inspLevelCode
* creationDate
* zdEditionName
* createdBy
* minLotSize
* zdSync
* maxLotSize
* lastUpdatedBy


 * lotSizeCode
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdateDate
* inspLevelCode
* creationDate
* zdEditionName
* createdBy
* minLotSize
* zdSync
* maxLotSize
* lastUpdatedBy


 * lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* description
* organizationId
* inspLevelCode
* createdBy
* samplingPlanId
* aql
* samplingPlanCode
* lastUpdateDate
* samplingStdCode
* creationDate


 * lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* description
* organizationId
* inspLevelCode
* createdBy
* samplingPlanId
* aql
* samplingPlanCode
* lastUpdateDate
* samplingStdCode
* creationDate


 * auditDate
* creationDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* collectionId
* auditType
* sequenceValue
* occurrence
* createdBy
* sourceId
* sourceCode
* lastUpdateLogin
* txnHeaderId
* charId
* userId
* planId
* lastUpdateDate


 * auditDate
* creationDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* collectionId
* auditType
* sequenceValue
* occurrence
* createdBy
* sourceId
* sourceCode
* lastUpdateLogin
* txnHeaderId
* charId
* userId
* planId
* lastUpdateDate


 * lastUpdateDate
* inspStage
* createdBy
* criteriaId
* effectiveFrom
* wfRoleName
* lastUpdatedBy
* creationDate
* effectiveTo
* lotsizeTo
* lotsizeFrom
* lastUpdateLogin
* processId


 * lastUpdateDate
* inspStage
* createdBy
* criteriaId
* effectiveFrom
* wfRoleName
* lastUpdatedBy
* creationDate
* effectiveTo
* lotsizeTo
* lotsizeFrom
* lastUpdateLogin
* processId


 * creationDate
* moduleName
* lastUpdatedBy
* errorMessage
* comments
* createdBy
* lastUpdateDate
* logId
* lastUpdateLogin


 * creationDate
* moduleName
* lastUpdatedBy
* errorMessage
* comments
* createdBy
* lastUpdateDate
* logId
* lastUpdateLogin


 * planId
* acceptedQty
* lastInspDate
* createdBy
* inspLotId
* alternateFlag
* inspectedQty
* lastUpdatedBy
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* shipmentLineId
* lastUpdateDate
* rejectedQty
* planInspResult
* collectionId
* planInspStatus
* sampleSize


 * planId
* acceptedQty
* lastInspDate
* createdBy
* inspLotId
* alternateFlag
* inspectedQty
* lastUpdatedBy
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* shipmentLineId
* lastUpdateDate
* rejectedQty
* planInspResult
* collectionId
* planInspStatus
* sampleSize


 * lastUpdateDate
* currentRule
* lastReceiptDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* currentRound
* processPlanId
* lastUpdateLogin
* ruleStartLotId
* lotAccepted
* lastReceiptLotId
* createdBy
* creationDate
* criteriaId
* currentLot
* ruleStartDate


 * lastUpdateDate
* currentRule
* lastReceiptDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* currentRound
* processPlanId
* lastUpdateLogin
* ruleStartLotId
* lotAccepted
* lastReceiptLotId
* createdBy
* creationDate
* criteriaId
* currentLot
* ruleStartDate


 * frequencyDenom
* createdBy
* daysSpan
* lastUpdateLogin
* frequencyNum
* processPlanId
* lastUpdatedBy
* ruleSeq
* rounds
* lastUpdateDate
* creationDate
* processPlanRuleId


 * frequencyDenom
* createdBy
* daysSpan
* lastUpdateLogin
* frequencyNum
* processPlanId
* lastUpdatedBy
* ruleSeq
* rounds
* lastUpdateDate
* creationDate
* processPlanRuleId


 * lastUpdatedBy
* alternatePlanId
* planId
* processId
* lastUpdateDate
* processPlanId
* creationDate
* createdBy
* lastUpdateLogin


 * lastUpdatedBy
* alternatePlanId
* planId
* processId
* lastUpdateDate
* processPlanId
* creationDate
* createdBy
* lastUpdateLogin


 * organizationId
* lastUpdateLogin
* description
* disqualificationLots
* creationDate
* processCode
* lastUpdateDate
* processId
* disqualificationDays
* lastUpdatedBy
* createdBy


 * organizationId
* lastUpdateLogin
* description
* disqualificationLots
* creationDate
* processCode
* lastUpdateDate
* processId
* disqualificationDays
* lastUpdatedBy
* createdBy


 * inspectionResult
* creationDate
* inspLotId
* shipmentLineId
* sourceInspected
* receiptDate
* inspectionStatus
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdatedBy
* interfaceTxnId
* validFlag
* manufacturerId
* lastInspDate
* lastUpdateDate
* transactedQty
* createdBy
* criteriaId
* lpnId
* processId
* lotQty


 * inspectionResult
* creationDate
* inspLotId
* shipmentLineId
* sourceInspected
* receiptDate
* inspectionStatus
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdatedBy
* interfaceTxnId
* validFlag
* manufacturerId
* lastInspDate
* lastUpdateDate
* transactedQty
* createdBy
* criteriaId
* lpnId
* processId
* lotQty


 * lastUpdateLogin
* createdBy
* oldFreqDenom
* newFreqDenom
* criteriaId
* creationDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* processPlanId
* oldFreqNum
* lastUpdateDate
* newFreqNum
* changeDate


 * lastUpdateLogin
* createdBy
* oldFreqDenom
* newFreqDenom
* criteriaId
* creationDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* processPlanId
* oldFreqNum
* lastUpdateDate
* newFreqNum
* changeDate


 * itemRevision
* lastUpdatedBy
* organizationId
* itemCategoryId
* vendorSiteId
* createdBy
* taskId
* itemId
* lastUpdateDate
* manufacturerId
* criteriaId
* creationDate
* projectId
* lastUpdateLogin
* vendorId


 * itemRevision
* lastUpdatedBy
* organizationId
* itemCategoryId
* vendorSiteId
* createdBy
* taskId
* itemId
* lastUpdateDate
* manufacturerId
* criteriaId
* creationDate
* projectId
* lastUpdateLogin
* vendorId


 * attribute11
* upperUserDefinedLimit
* lowerUserDefinedLimit
* attribute2
* attribute5
* attribute1
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute9
* lastUpdatedBy
* createdBy
* creationDate
* enabledFlag
* attribute15
* lowerSpecLimit
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute7
* attribute10
* uomCode
* upperReasonableLimit
* attribute3
* attribute12
* upperSpecLimit
* attributeCategory
* attribute14
* attribute8
* attribute6
* attribute13
* targetValue
* lowerReasonableLimit
* charId
* attribute4
* specId


 * attribute11
* upperUserDefinedLimit
* lowerUserDefinedLimit
* attribute2
* attribute5
* attribute1
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute9
* lastUpdatedBy
* createdBy
* creationDate
* enabledFlag
* attribute15
* lowerSpecLimit
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute7
* attribute10
* uomCode
* upperReasonableLimit
* attribute3
* attribute12
* upperSpecLimit
* attributeCategory
* attribute14
* attribute8
* attribute6
* attribute13
* targetValue
* lowerReasonableLimit
* charId
* attribute4
* specId


 * attribute8
* attribute12
* charId
* organizationId
* categoryId
* specName
* attribute14
* attribute2
* attribute4
* specElementValue
* attribute10
* attribute15
* customerId
* effectiveTo
* effectiveFrom
* lastUpdateLogin
* vendorId
* attribute1
* attribute13
* attribute3
* commonSpecId
* attribute11
* attribute6
* specStatus
* hidePlanCharsFlag
* lastUpdateDate
* assignmentType
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute7
* creationDate
* categorySetId
* itemRevision
* attributeCategory
* attribute5
* itemId
* attribute9
* createdBy
* specId


 * attribute8
* attribute12
* charId
* organizationId
* categoryId
* specName
* attribute14
* attribute2
* attribute4
* specElementValue
* attribute10
* attribute15
* customerId
* effectiveTo
* effectiveFrom
* lastUpdateLogin
* vendorId
* attribute1
* attribute13
* attribute3
* commonSpecId
* attribute11
* attribute6
* specStatus
* hidePlanCharsFlag
* lastUpdateDate
* assignmentType
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute7
* creationDate
* categorySetId
* itemRevision
* attributeCategory
* attribute5
* itemId
* attribute9
* createdBy
* specId


 * attributeCategory
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute14
* attribute13
* attribute3
* accountCombinationId
* createdBy
* value2
* attribute4
* attribute2
* attribute7
* codeCombinationId
* attribute10
* attribute8
* attribute5
* attribute15
* attribute9
* attribute11
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute1
* attribute12
* value1
* attribute6
* lastUpdatedBy
* creationDate


 * attributeCategory
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute14
* attribute13
* attribute3
* accountCombinationId
* createdBy
* value2
* attribute4
* attribute2
* attribute7
* codeCombinationId
* attribute10
* attribute8
* attribute5
* attribute15
* attribute9
* attribute11
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute1
* attribute12
* value1
* attribute6
* lastUpdatedBy
* creationDate


 * rowKey
* auditSessionId
* auditTimestamp
* auditTransactionType
* auditTrueNulls
* segment
* auditCommitId
* constant
* glDefaultSegmentId
* auditUserName
* auditSequenceId
* tableName


 * rowKey
* auditSessionId
* auditTimestamp
* auditTransactionType
* auditTrueNulls
* segment
* auditCommitId
* constant
* glDefaultSegmentId
* auditUserName
* auditSequenceId
* tableName


 * creationDate
* attribute10
* tableName
* segment
* attribute3
* attribute4
* segmentNum
* attribute12
* constant
* attribute1
* attribute9
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute8
* attribute6
* attribute14
* glDefaultId
* attributeCategory
* attribute7
* attribute15
* createdBy
* attribute2
* attribute5
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute11
* lastUpdatedBy
* glDefaultSegmentId
* attribute13


 * creationDate
* attribute10
* tableName
* segment
* attribute3
* attribute4
* segmentNum
* attribute12
* constant
* attribute1
* attribute9
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute8
* attribute6
* attribute14
* glDefaultId
* attributeCategory
* attribute7
* attribute15
* createdBy
* attribute2
* attribute5
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute11
* lastUpdatedBy
* glDefaultSegmentId
* attribute13


 * lastUpdateDate
* creationDate
* type
* attribute9
* attribute3
* attribute10
* attribute14
* attribute12
* attribute5
* attribute11
* attribute13
* attributeCategory
* attribute7
* attribute1
* attribute2
* attribute8
* lastUpdatedBy
* createdBy
* attribute4
* lastUpdateLogin
* glDefaultId
* attribute6
* attribute15
* orgId


 * auditTransactionType
* auditTrueNulls
* glDefaultId
* auditSessionId
* rowKey
* auditUserName
* auditCommitId
* auditTimestamp
* auditSequenceId
* orgId
* type


 * auditTransactionType
* auditTrueNulls
* glDefaultId
* auditSessionId
* rowKey
* auditUserName
* auditCommitId
* auditTimestamp
* auditSequenceId
* orgId
* type


 * lastUpdateDate
* creationDate
* type
* attribute9
* attribute3
* attribute10
* attribute14
* attribute12
* attribute5
* attribute11
* attribute13
* attributeCategory
* attribute7
* attribute1
* attribute2
* attribute8
* lastUpdatedBy
* createdBy
* attribute4
* lastUpdateLogin
* glDefaultId
* attribute6
* attribute15
* orgId


 * attribute3
* salesTerritoryRule
* genLineLevelBalFlag
* globalAttribute10
* orgId
* billAddressRule
* inventoryItemRule
* attribute12
* copyDocNumberFlag
* receiptHandlingOption
* batchSourceType
* globalAttribute5
* zdSync
* globalAttribute11
* status
* soldCustomerRule
* attribute14
* globalAttribute7
* autoBatchNumberingFlag
* relatedDocumentRule
* globalAttribute18
* autoTrxNumberingFlag
* globalAttribute12
* accountingRuleRule
* globalAttribute4
* description
* endDate
* agreementRule
* shipAddressRule
* batchSourceId
* legalEntityId
* termRule
* invalidTaxRateRule
* receiptMethodRule
* attribute15
* globalAttribute17
* attribute10
* attribute4
* attribute6
* globalAttribute8
* attribute5
* custTrxTypeRule
* lastUpdateLogin
* glDatePeriodRule
* attribute11
* memoLineRule
* billContactRule
* salesCreditTypeRule
* defaultInvTrxType
* globalAttribute9
* revAccAllocationRule
* copyInvTidffToCmFlag
* createClearingFlag
* shipViaRule
* attribute2
* globalAttributeCategory
* globalAttribute16
* customerBankAccountRule
* shipCustomerRule
* allowSalesCreditFlag
* accountingFlexfieldRule
* paymentDetDefHierarchy
* attribute8
* lastUpdatedBy
* fobPointRule
* globalAttribute1
* invalidLinesRule
* createdBy
* name
* globalAttribute15
* startDate
* attribute9
* creationDate
* attribute13
* attribute7
* attribute1
* globalAttribute6
* globalAttribute20
* lastBatchNum
* deriveDateFlag
* creditMemoBatchSourceId
* salespersonRule
* globalAttribute14
* zdEditionName
* globalAttribute13
* globalAttribute3
* unitOfMeasureRule
* allowDuplicateTrxNumFlag
* globalAttribute2
* defaultReference
* shipContactRule
* globalAttribute19
* lastUpdateDate
* invoicingRuleRule
* memoReasonRule
* salesCreditRule
* groupingRuleId
* billCustomerRule
* attributeCategory


 * attribute3
* salesTerritoryRule
* genLineLevelBalFlag
* globalAttribute10
* orgId
* billAddressRule
* inventoryItemRule
* attribute12
* copyDocNumberFlag
* receiptHandlingOption
* batchSourceType
* globalAttribute5
* zdSync
* globalAttribute11
* status
* soldCustomerRule
* attribute14
* globalAttribute7
* autoBatchNumberingFlag
* relatedDocumentRule
* globalAttribute18
* autoTrxNumberingFlag
* globalAttribute12
* accountingRuleRule
* globalAttribute4
* description
* endDate
* agreementRule
* shipAddressRule
* batchSourceId
* legalEntityId
* termRule
* invalidTaxRateRule
* receiptMethodRule
* attribute15
* globalAttribute17
* attribute10
* attribute4
* attribute6
* globalAttribute8
* attribute5
* custTrxTypeRule
* lastUpdateLogin
* glDatePeriodRule
* attribute11
* memoLineRule
* billContactRule
* salesCreditTypeRule
* defaultInvTrxType
* globalAttribute9
* revAccAllocationRule
* copyInvTidffToCmFlag
* createClearingFlag
* shipViaRule
* attribute2
* globalAttributeCategory
* globalAttribute16
* customerBankAccountRule
* shipCustomerRule
* allowSalesCreditFlag
* accountingFlexfieldRule
* paymentDetDefHierarchy
* attribute8
* lastUpdatedBy
* fobPointRule
* globalAttribute1
* invalidLinesRule
* createdBy
* name
* globalAttribute15
* startDate
* attribute9
* creationDate
* attribute13
* attribute7
* attribute1
* globalAttribute6
* globalAttribute20
* lastBatchNum
* deriveDateFlag
* creditMemoBatchSourceId
* salespersonRule
* globalAttribute14
* zdEditionName
* globalAttribute13
* globalAttribute3
* unitOfMeasureRule
* allowDuplicateTrxNumFlag
* globalAttribute2
* defaultReference
* shipContactRule
* globalAttribute19
* lastUpdateDate
* invoicingRuleRule
* memoReasonRule
* salesCreditRule
* groupingRuleId
* billCustomerRule
* attributeCategory


 * currencyCode
* batchDate
* programUpdateDate
* exchangeRateType
* programApplicationId
* attribute13
* attribute6
* attribute5
* attribute15
* attribute2
* attribute10
* batchProcessStatus
* glDate
* exchangeDate
* exchangeRate
* attribute12
* lastUpdateDate
* batchSourceId
* attribute9
* attribute7
* attribute8
* programId
* comments
* attributeCategory
* attribute3
* setOfBooksId
* attribute1
* type
* selectionCriteriaId
* name
* attribute14
* attribute11
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* controlCount
* purgedChildrenFlag
* createdBy
* batchId
* maturityDate
* specialInstructions
* requestId
* issueDate
* status
* controlAmount
* lastUpdatedBy
* orgId
* attribute4


 * currencyCode
* batchDate
* programUpdateDate
* exchangeRateType
* programApplicationId
* attribute13
* attribute6
* attribute5
* attribute15
* attribute2
* attribute10
* batchProcessStatus
* glDate
* exchangeDate
* exchangeRate
* attribute12
* lastUpdateDate
* batchSourceId
* attribute9
* attribute7
* attribute8
* programId
* comments
* attributeCategory
* attribute3
* setOfBooksId
* attribute1
* type
* selectionCriteriaId
* name
* attribute14
* attribute11
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* controlCount
* purgedChildrenFlag
* createdBy
* batchId
* maturityDate
* specialInstructions
* requestId
* issueDate
* status
* controlAmount
* lastUpdatedBy
* orgId
* attribute4


 * interfaceLineAttribute11
* attribute2
* attribute4
* requestId
* globalAttribute20
* attribute9
* globalAttribute11
* globalAttribute18
* creationDate
* quantity
* interfaceLineAttribute13
* interfaceLineAttribute14
* globalAttributeCategory
* interfaceLineAttribute9
* globalAttribute1
* globalAttribute3
* interfaceLineAttribute15
* attribute13
* globalAttribute9
* attribute10
* globalAttribute13
* extendedAmount
* globalAttribute16
* globalAttribute5
* attribute12
* globalAttribute17
* globalAttribute12
* interfaceLineAttribute3
* lastUpdatedBy
* globalAttribute6
* interfaceLineAttribute1
* globalAttribute2
* interfaceLineAttribute5
* globalAttribute14
* interfaceLineAttribute7
* globalAttribute15
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute14
* interfaceLineAttribute4
* attribute6
* interfaceLineAttribute10
* interfaceLineAttribute2
* interfaceLineContext
* interfaceLineAttribute8
* globalAttribute8
* attribute3
* price
* orgId
* attribute5
* globalAttribute10
* interfaceLineAttribute6
* attributeCategory
* attribute15
* attribute8
* globalAttribute7
* attribute7
* globalAttribute19
* lastUpdateLogin
* createdBy
* interfaceLineAttribute12
* globalAttribute4
* customerTrxLineId
* attribute1
* attribute11


 * interfaceLineAttribute11
* attribute2
* attribute4
* requestId
* globalAttribute20
* attribute9
* globalAttribute11
* globalAttribute18
* creationDate
* quantity
* interfaceLineAttribute13
* interfaceLineAttribute14
* globalAttributeCategory
* interfaceLineAttribute9
* globalAttribute1
* globalAttribute3
* interfaceLineAttribute15
* attribute13
* globalAttribute9
* attribute10
* globalAttribute13
* extendedAmount
* globalAttribute16
* globalAttribute5
* attribute12
* globalAttribute17
* globalAttribute12
* interfaceLineAttribute3
* lastUpdatedBy
* globalAttribute6
* interfaceLineAttribute1
* globalAttribute2
* interfaceLineAttribute5
* globalAttribute14
* interfaceLineAttribute7
* globalAttribute15
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute14
* interfaceLineAttribute4
* attribute6
* interfaceLineAttribute10
* interfaceLineAttribute2
* interfaceLineContext
* interfaceLineAttribute8
* globalAttribute8
* attribute3
* price
* orgId
* attribute5
* globalAttribute10
* interfaceLineAttribute6
* attributeCategory
* attribute15
* attribute8
* globalAttribute7
* attribute7
* globalAttribute19
* lastUpdateLogin
* createdBy
* interfaceLineAttribute12
* globalAttribute4
* customerTrxLineId
* attribute1
* attribute11


 * interfaceHeaderAttribute5
* globalAttribute14
* attribute10
* attribute15
* attribute13
* interfaceHeaderAttribute13
* status
* interfaceHeaderAttribute14
* taxAmount
* globalAttribute11
* comments
* globalAttribute9
* globalAttribute24
* internalComment
* globalAttribute6
* attribute4
* globalAttribute16
* interfaceHeaderAttribute15
* globalAttribute27
* creationDate
* attributeCategory
* lastUpdateDate
* interfaceHeaderAttribute1
* globalAttribute10
* requestId
* cmCustomerTrxId
* globalAttribute22
* cmReasonCode
* attribute3
* attribute9
* attribute2
* globalAttribute13
* globalAttribute17
* attribute14
* taxExCertNum
* globalAttributeCategory
* interfaceHeaderAttribute7
* lastUpdateLogin
* transactionUrl
* attribute11
* interfaceHeaderAttribute4
* globalAttribute20
* interfaceHeaderAttribute3
* globalAttribute7
* interfaceHeaderAttribute10
* orgId
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute1
* globalAttribute8
* globalAttribute25
* approvalDate
* globalAttribute19
* globalAttribute21
* interfaceHeaderAttribute12
* url
* attribute6
* customerTrxId
* lineAmount
* attribute5
* interfaceHeaderAttribute2
* globalAttribute3
* interfaceHeaderAttribute11
* globalAttribute26
* freightAmount
* globalAttribute23
* globalAttribute15
* globalAttribute5
* globalAttribute2
* totalAmount
* globalAttribute1
* interfaceHeaderContext
* attribute12
* globalAttribute12
* createdBy
* termsSequenceNumber
* responsibilityId
* interfaceHeaderAttribute9
* interfaceHeaderAttribute8
* globalAttribute18
* interfaceHeaderAttribute6
* origTrxNumber
* attribute7
* globalAttribute30
* globalAttribute29
* lineCreditsFlag
* attribute8
* activitiesUrl
* globalAttribute28
* globalAttribute4
* disputeDate


 * interfaceHeaderAttribute5
* globalAttribute14
* attribute10
* attribute15
* attribute13
* interfaceHeaderAttribute13
* status
* interfaceHeaderAttribute14
* taxAmount
* globalAttribute11
* comments
* globalAttribute9
* globalAttribute24
* internalComment
* globalAttribute6
* attribute4
* globalAttribute16
* interfaceHeaderAttribute15
* globalAttribute27
* creationDate
* attributeCategory
* lastUpdateDate
* interfaceHeaderAttribute1
* globalAttribute10
* requestId
* cmCustomerTrxId
* globalAttribute22
* cmReasonCode
* attribute3
* attribute9
* attribute2
* globalAttribute13
* globalAttribute17
* attribute14
* taxExCertNum
* globalAttributeCategory
* interfaceHeaderAttribute7
* lastUpdateLogin
* transactionUrl
* attribute11
* interfaceHeaderAttribute4
* globalAttribute20
* interfaceHeaderAttribute3
* globalAttribute7
* interfaceHeaderAttribute10
* orgId
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute1
* globalAttribute8
* globalAttribute25
* approvalDate
* globalAttribute19
* globalAttribute21
* interfaceHeaderAttribute12
* url
* attribute6
* customerTrxId
* lineAmount
* attribute5
* interfaceHeaderAttribute2
* globalAttribute3
* interfaceHeaderAttribute11
* globalAttribute26
* freightAmount
* globalAttribute23
* globalAttribute15
* globalAttribute5
* globalAttribute2
* totalAmount
* globalAttribute1
* interfaceHeaderContext
* attribute12
* globalAttribute12
* createdBy
* termsSequenceNumber
* responsibilityId
* interfaceHeaderAttribute9
* interfaceHeaderAttribute8
* globalAttribute18
* interfaceHeaderAttribute6
* origTrxNumber
* attribute7
* globalAttribute30
* globalAttribute29
* lineCreditsFlag
* attribute8
* activitiesUrl
* globalAttribute28
* globalAttribute4
* disputeDate


 * phoneAttribute10
* phoneAttribute4
* contactPointType
* contactAttribute15
* contactAttribute13
* phoneAttribute14
* orgId
* contactAttribute20
* lastUpdateLogin
* validatedFlag
* salutation
* telephoneExtension
* contactAttribute10
* contactTitle
* origSystemContactRef
* contactAttribute11
* phoneCountryCode
* phoneAttributeCategory
* contactAttribute25
* phoneAttribute15
* contactKey
* emailAddress
* contactAttribute22
* phoneAttribute2
* contactAttribute12
* contactAttributeCategory
* contactAttribute17
* contactAttribute18
* sexCode
* createdBy
* phoneAttribute5
* contactAttribute2
* lastUpdateDate
* contactJobTitle
* mailStop
* contactAttribute3
* requestId
* contactAttribute21
* contactJobTitleCode
* origSystemAddressRef
* phoneAttribute1
* phoneAttribute7
* contactAttribute16
* contactAttribute9
* origSystemCustomerRef
* contactAttribute19
* telephoneType
* contactAttribute7
* phoneAttribute11
* phoneAttribute6
* contactAttribute23
* origSystemTelephoneRef
* creationDate
* contactAttribute24
* telephone
* phoneAttribute13
* phoneAttribute9
* interfaceStatus
* contactLastName
* contactAttribute14
* phoneAttribute3
* contactAttribute5
* contactAttribute8
* contactFirstName
* telephoneAreaCode
* contactAttribute4
* lastUpdatedBy
* phoneAttribute12
* contactAttribute6
* insertUpdateFlag
* phoneAttribute8
* contactAttribute1


 * phoneAttribute10
* phoneAttribute4
* contactPointType
* contactAttribute15
* contactAttribute13
* phoneAttribute14
* orgId
* contactAttribute20
* lastUpdateLogin
* validatedFlag
* salutation
* telephoneExtension
* contactAttribute10
* contactTitle
* origSystemContactRef
* contactAttribute11
* phoneCountryCode
* phoneAttributeCategory
* contactAttribute25
* phoneAttribute15
* contactKey
* emailAddress
* contactAttribute22
* phoneAttribute2
* contactAttribute12
* contactAttributeCategory
* contactAttribute17
* contactAttribute18
* sexCode
* createdBy
* phoneAttribute5
* contactAttribute2
* lastUpdateDate
* contactJobTitle
* mailStop
* contactAttribute3
* requestId
* contactAttribute21
* contactJobTitleCode
* origSystemAddressRef
* phoneAttribute1
* phoneAttribute7
* contactAttribute16
* contactAttribute9
* origSystemCustomerRef
* contactAttribute19
* telephoneType
* contactAttribute7
* phoneAttribute11
* phoneAttribute6
* contactAttribute23
* origSystemTelephoneRef
* creationDate
* contactAttribute24
* telephone
* phoneAttribute13
* phoneAttribute9
* interfaceStatus
* contactLastName
* contactAttribute14
* phoneAttribute3
* contactAttribute5
* contactAttribute8
* contactFirstName
* telephoneAreaCode
* contactAttribute4
* lastUpdatedBy
* phoneAttribute12
* contactAttribute6
* insertUpdateFlag
* phoneAttribute8
* contactAttribute1


 * lastUpdateDate
* attribute15
* contactRoleId
* contactId
* attribute14
* programId
* createdBy
* attribute1
* attribute9
* creationDate
* attribute5
* programApplicationId
* attribute7
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute2
* attribute12
* programUpdateDate
* attribute6
* attributeCategory
* attribute11
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute4
* primaryFlag
* attribute10
* requestId
* usageCode
* attribute3
* origSystemReference
* attribute13
* attribute8


 * lastUpdateDate
* attribute15
* contactRoleId
* contactId
* attribute14
* programId
* createdBy
* attribute1
* attribute9
* creationDate
* attribute5
* programApplicationId
* attribute7
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute2
* attribute12
* programUpdateDate
* attribute6
* attributeCategory
* attribute11
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute4
* primaryFlag
* attribute10
* requestId
* usageCode
* attribute3
* origSystemReference
* attribute13
* attribute8


 * attribute3
* lastUpdatedBy
* creationDate
* attribute1
* attribute5
* orgId
* attribute2
* requestId
* validatedFlag
* attribute12
* attribute13
* attribute15
* attribute6
* startDate
* attribute10
* origSystemAddressRef
* origSystemCustomerRef
* attribute8
* lastUpdateLogin
* endDate
* attribute11
* attribute14
* createdBy
* paymentMethodName
* interfaceStatus
* lastUpdateDate
* primaryFlag
* attribute7
* attribute4
* attributeCategory
* attribute9


 * attribute3
* lastUpdatedBy
* creationDate
* attribute1
* attribute5
* orgId
* attribute2
* requestId
* validatedFlag
* attribute12
* attribute13
* attribute15
* attribute6
* startDate
* attribute10
* origSystemAddressRef
* origSystemCustomerRef
* attribute8
* lastUpdateLogin
* endDate
* attribute11
* attribute14
* createdBy
* paymentMethodName
* interfaceStatus
* lastUpdateDate
* primaryFlag
* attribute7
* attribute4
* attributeCategory
* attribute9


 * attribute2
* attributeCategory
* endDate
* programApplicationId
* attribute3
* custReceiptMethodId
* attribute4
* attribute12
* attribute8
* attribute15
* createdBy
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute6
* receiptMethodId
* attribute1
* attribute13
* programUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute11
* programId
* attribute14
* startDate
* lastUpdateDate
* siteUseId
* attribute10
* primaryFlag
* attribute5
* requestId
* attribute9
* customerId
* creationDate
* attribute7


 * attribute2
* attributeCategory
* endDate
* programApplicationId
* attribute3
* custReceiptMethodId
* attribute4
* attribute12
* attribute8
* attribute15
* createdBy
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute6
* receiptMethodId
* attribute1
* attribute13
* programUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute11
* programId
* attribute14
* startDate
* lastUpdateDate
* siteUseId
* attribute10
* primaryFlag
* attribute5
* requestId
* attribute9
* customerId
* creationDate
* attribute7


 * globalAttribute27
* mrcCustomerTrxId
* mrcAmount
* globalAttribute20
* programId
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute9
* attribute10
* accountSetFlag
* globalAttribute11
* concatenatedSegments
* globalAttribute24
* attribute8
* globalAttribute30
* acctdAmount
* comments
* mrcAccountClass
* customerTrxId
* latestRecFlag
* postingControlId
* globalAttribute2
* globalAttribute12
* orgId
* attribute1
* globalAttribute18
* globalAttribute23
* recOffsetFlag
* globalAttribute29
* originalGlDate
* attributeCategory
* collectedTaxConcatSeg
* userGeneratedFlag
* globalAttribute21
* attribute14
* creationDate
* globalAttribute26
* globalAttribute7
* custTrxLineGlDistId
* attribute7
* attribute12
* setOfBooksId
* requestId
* globalAttribute16
* globalAttribute22
* postRequestId
* globalAttribute15
* amount
* globalAttribute19
* attribute2
* globalAttribute6
* ccidChangeFlag
* globalAttribute25
* attribute13
* collectedTaxCcid
* globalAttribute14
* raPostLoopNumber
* globalAttributeCategory
* globalAttribute8
* globalAttribute3
* createdBy
* custTrxLineSalesrepId
* attribute11
* attribute5
* attribute15
* globalAttribute28
* revenueAdjustmentId
* cogsRequestId
* globalAttribute4
* mrcAcctdAmount
* globalAttribute13
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute3
* mrcGlPostedDate
* eventId
* lastUpdateLogin
* revAdjClassTemp
* globalAttribute17
* customerTrxLineId
* programApplicationId
* globalAttribute5
* programUpdateDate
* roundingCorrectionFlag
* accountClass
* globalAttribute9
* percent
* attribute4
* globalAttribute1
* glDate
* ussglTransactionCode
* ussglTransactionCodeContext
* codeCombinationId
* glPostedDate
* attribute6
* globalAttribute10
* mrcPostingControlId


 * globalAttribute27
* mrcCustomerTrxId
* mrcAmount
* globalAttribute20
* programId
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute9
* attribute10
* accountSetFlag
* globalAttribute11
* concatenatedSegments
* globalAttribute24
* attribute8
* globalAttribute30
* acctdAmount
* comments
* mrcAccountClass
* customerTrxId
* latestRecFlag
* postingControlId
* globalAttribute2
* globalAttribute12
* orgId
* attribute1
* globalAttribute18
* globalAttribute23
* recOffsetFlag
* globalAttribute29
* originalGlDate
* attributeCategory
* collectedTaxConcatSeg
* userGeneratedFlag
* globalAttribute21
* attribute14
* creationDate
* globalAttribute26
* globalAttribute7
* custTrxLineGlDistId
* attribute7
* attribute12
* setOfBooksId
* requestId
* globalAttribute16
* globalAttribute22
* postRequestId
* globalAttribute15
* amount
* globalAttribute19
* attribute2
* globalAttribute6
* ccidChangeFlag
* globalAttribute25
* attribute13
* collectedTaxCcid
* globalAttribute14
* raPostLoopNumber
* globalAttributeCategory
* globalAttribute8
* globalAttribute3
* createdBy
* custTrxLineSalesrepId
* attribute11
* attribute5
* attribute15
* globalAttribute28
* revenueAdjustmentId
* cogsRequestId
* globalAttribute4
* mrcAcctdAmount
* globalAttribute13
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute3
* mrcGlPostedDate
* eventId
* lastUpdateLogin
* revAdjClassTemp
* globalAttribute17
* customerTrxLineId
* programApplicationId
* globalAttribute5
* programUpdateDate
* roundingCorrectionFlag
* accountClass
* globalAttribute9
* percent
* attribute4
* globalAttribute1
* glDate
* ussglTransactionCode
* ussglTransactionCodeContext
* codeCombinationId
* glPostedDate
* attribute6
* globalAttribute10
* mrcPostingControlId


 * revenueSalesgroupId
* customerTrxId
* requestId
* revenueAmountSplit
* attribute5
* lastUpdateDate
* prevCustTrxLineSalesrepId
* lastUpdateLogin
* programId
* custTrxLineSalesrepId
* salesrepId
* nonRevenueAmountSplit
* attribute12
* attribute11
* attribute8
* whUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* attributeCategory
* nonRevenueSalesgroupId
* attribute6
* attribute7
* programUpdateDate
* attribute2
* attribute4
* orgId
* attribute10
* customerTrxLineId
* attribute3
* revenueAdjustmentId
* attribute14
* attribute15
* creationDate
* attribute13
* programApplicationId
* revenuePercentSplit
* attribute1
* originalLineSalesrepId
* createdBy
* attribute9
* nonRevenuePercentSplit


 * revenueSalesgroupId
* customerTrxId
* requestId
* revenueAmountSplit
* attribute5
* lastUpdateDate
* prevCustTrxLineSalesrepId
* lastUpdateLogin
* programId
* custTrxLineSalesrepId
* salesrepId
* nonRevenueAmountSplit
* attribute12
* attribute11
* attribute8
* whUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* attributeCategory
* nonRevenueSalesgroupId
* attribute6
* attribute7
* programUpdateDate
* attribute2
* attribute4
* orgId
* attribute10
* customerTrxLineId
* attribute3
* revenueAdjustmentId
* attribute14
* attribute15
* creationDate
* attribute13
* programApplicationId
* revenuePercentSplit
* attribute1
* originalLineSalesrepId
* createdBy
* attribute9
* nonRevenuePercentSplit


 * glIdUnearned
* legalEntityId
* attribute2
* globalAttribute5
* subsequentTrxTypeId
* attribute10
* globalAttribute11
* formatProgramId
* glIdRemittance
* adjPostToGl
* globalAttribute1
* globalAttribute8
* globalAttribute9
* attribute3
* globalAttribute7
* zdEditionName
* globalAttribute18
* setOfBooksId
* globalAttribute4
* excludeFromLateCharges
* attribute13
* globalAttribute3
* signedFlag
* globalAttribute13
* glIdUnpaidRec
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute7
* lastUpdateDate
* postToGl
* startDate
* naturalApplicationOnlyFlag
* glIdFreight
* glIdTax
* globalAttribute14
* glIdUnbilled
* glIdRec
* attribute4
* globalAttribute12
* name
* attribute8
* magneticFormatCode
* attribute11
* createdBy
* defaultTerm
* status
* taxCalculationFlag
* endDate
* attribute15
* description
* attribute6
* globalAttribute17
* allowOverapplicationFlag
* globalAttribute6
* ruleSetId
* attribute1
* defaultStatus
* accountingAffectFlag
* glIdRev
* glIdFactor
* globalAttribute15
* creationDate
* allowFreightFlag
* glIdClearing
* globalAttribute19
* draweeIssuedFlag
* zdSync
* globalAttributeCategory
* orgId
* custTrxTypeId
* attributeCategory
* attribute9
* attribute12
* creationSign
* defaultPrintingOption
* globalAttribute2
* attribute5
* allocateTaxFreight
* creditMemoTypeId
* attribute14
* type
* globalAttribute16
* globalAttribute20
* globalAttribute10
* lastUpdatedBy


 * auditSequenceId
* postToGl
* glIdTax
* orgId
* name
* glIdFreight
* custTrxTypeId
* rowKey
* auditTrueNulls
* auditCommitId
* auditUserName
* glIdRec
* auditTimestamp
* glIdRev
* auditTransactionType
* auditSessionId
* accountingAffectFlag


 * auditSequenceId
* postToGl
* glIdTax
* orgId
* name
* glIdFreight
* custTrxTypeId
* rowKey
* auditTrueNulls
* auditCommitId
* auditUserName
* glIdRec
* auditTimestamp
* glIdRev
* auditTransactionType
* auditSessionId
* accountingAffectFlag


 * glIdUnearned
* legalEntityId
* attribute2
* globalAttribute5
* subsequentTrxTypeId
* attribute10
* globalAttribute11
* formatProgramId
* glIdRemittance
* adjPostToGl
* globalAttribute1
* globalAttribute8
* globalAttribute9
* attribute3
* globalAttribute7
* zdEditionName
* globalAttribute18
* setOfBooksId
* globalAttribute4
* excludeFromLateCharges
* attribute13
* globalAttribute3
* signedFlag
* globalAttribute13
* glIdUnpaidRec
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute7
* lastUpdateDate
* postToGl
* startDate
* naturalApplicationOnlyFlag
* glIdFreight
* glIdTax
* globalAttribute14
* glIdUnbilled
* glIdRec
* attribute4
* globalAttribute12
* name
* attribute8
* magneticFormatCode
* attribute11
* createdBy
* defaultTerm
* status
* taxCalculationFlag
* endDate
* attribute15
* description
* attribute6
* globalAttribute17
* allowOverapplicationFlag
* globalAttribute6
* ruleSetId
* attribute1
* defaultStatus
* accountingAffectFlag
* glIdRev
* glIdFactor
* globalAttribute15
* creationDate
* allowFreightFlag
* glIdClearing
* globalAttribute19
* draweeIssuedFlag
* zdSync
* globalAttributeCategory
* orgId
* custTrxTypeId
* attributeCategory
* attribute9
* attribute12
* creationSign
* defaultPrintingOption
* globalAttribute2
* attribute5
* allocateTaxFreight
* creditMemoTypeId
* attribute14
* type
* globalAttribute16
* globalAttribute20
* globalAttribute10
* lastUpdatedBy


 * primaryFlag
* bankBranchCounty
* globalAttribute17
* bankBranchAttribute11
* attribute7
* bankBranchAttribute13
* bankBranchAttribute14
* bankAccountAttribute13
* bankBranchEftUserNumber
* bankAccountAttribute3
* bankAccountAttribute9
* globalAttribute15
* attribute2
* globalAttribute11
* bankBranchAttribute1
* bankBranchAddress3
* bankBranchProvince
* bankAccountAttribute5
* globalAttribute4
* globalAttribute13
* bankAccountInactiveDate
* globalAttributeCategory
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute5
* bankAccountAttribute4
* bankBranchState
* bankBranchAttribute8
* orgId
* bankBranchAddress4
* bankAccountAttribute6
* bankAccountAttribute15
* globalAttribute12
* bankAccountAttribute8
* attribute13
* globalAttribute9
* globalAttribute18
* attribute6
* bankAccountCurrencyCode
* bankAccountNum
* globalAttribute3
* bankAccountAttribute7
* globalAttribute14
* lastUpdateDate
* bankAccountDescription
* attribute1
* attributeCategory
* attribute3
* validatedFlag
* globalAttribute16
* globalAttribute7
* attribute4
* bankBranchAttribute9
* bankBranchAttribute6
* globalAttribute20
* globalAttribute10
* bankBranchAttribute10
* bankAccountAttribute11
* bankBranchAttribute15
* bankAccountCheckDigits
* bankAccountAttribute1
* bankAccountAttribute10
* globalAttribute8
* attribute10
* globalAttribute1
* bankAccountAttCategory
* bankBranchCountry
* bankBranchName
* globalAttribute5
* bankBranchAttribute2
* lastUpdatedBy
* origSystemAddressRef
* createdBy
* origSystemCustomerRef
* bankBranchCity
* bankBranchAttribute3
* bankNum
* bankBranchAddress2
* bankBranchAttribute5
* bankAccountAttribute2
* globalAttribute19
* attribute11
* bankName
* attribute12
* bankBranchAreaCode
* globalAttribute6
* attribute9
* bankNumber
* bankAccountAttribute14
* bankBranchAttribute7
* bankAccountAttribute12
* bankBranchAttCategory
* bankBranchPhone
* requestId
* bankHomeCountry
* attribute15
* startDate
* globalAttribute2
* bankBranchAttribute12
* bankBranchAttribute4
* creationDate
* bankBranchAddress1
* endDate
* attribute14
* bankAccountName
* attribute8
* bankBranchDescription
* interfaceStatus
* bankBranchZip


 * primaryFlag
* bankBranchCounty
* globalAttribute17
* bankBranchAttribute11
* attribute7
* bankBranchAttribute13
* bankBranchAttribute14
* bankAccountAttribute13
* bankBranchEftUserNumber
* bankAccountAttribute3
* bankAccountAttribute9
* globalAttribute15
* attribute2
* globalAttribute11
* bankBranchAttribute1
* bankBranchAddress3
* bankBranchProvince
* bankAccountAttribute5
* globalAttribute4
* globalAttribute13
* bankAccountInactiveDate
* globalAttributeCategory
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute5
* bankAccountAttribute4
* bankBranchState
* bankBranchAttribute8
* orgId
* bankBranchAddress4
* bankAccountAttribute6
* bankAccountAttribute15
* globalAttribute12
* bankAccountAttribute8
* attribute13
* globalAttribute9
* globalAttribute18
* attribute6
* bankAccountCurrencyCode
* bankAccountNum
* globalAttribute3
* bankAccountAttribute7
* globalAttribute14
* lastUpdateDate
* bankAccountDescription
* attribute1
* attributeCategory
* attribute3
* validatedFlag
* globalAttribute16
* globalAttribute7
* attribute4
* bankBranchAttribute9
* bankBranchAttribute6
* globalAttribute20
* globalAttribute10
* bankBranchAttribute10
* bankAccountAttribute11
* bankBranchAttribute15
* bankAccountCheckDigits
* bankAccountAttribute1
* bankAccountAttribute10
* globalAttribute8
* attribute10
* globalAttribute1
* bankAccountAttCategory
* bankBranchCountry
* bankBranchName
* globalAttribute5
* bankBranchAttribute2
* lastUpdatedBy
* origSystemAddressRef
* createdBy
* origSystemCustomerRef
* bankBranchCity
* bankBranchAttribute3
* bankNum
* bankBranchAddress2
* bankBranchAttribute5
* bankAccountAttribute2
* globalAttribute19
* attribute11
* bankName
* attribute12
* bankBranchAreaCode
* globalAttribute6
* attribute9
* bankNumber
* bankAccountAttribute14
* bankBranchAttribute7
* bankAccountAttribute12
* bankBranchAttCategory
* bankBranchPhone
* requestId
* bankHomeCountry
* attribute15
* startDate
* globalAttribute2
* bankBranchAttribute12
* bankBranchAttribute4
* creationDate
* bankBranchAddress1
* endDate
* attribute14
* bankAccountName
* attribute8
* bankBranchDescription
* interfaceStatus
* bankBranchZip


 * customerType
* creationDate
* duplicateNumber
* customerId
* orgId
* duplicateType
* attribute14
* processFlag
* customerMergeHeaderId
* attribute13
* attribute6
* mergeFailMsg
* duplicateRef
* attribute10
* duplicateFirstName
* customerRef
* createdBy
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute3
* attributeCategory
* customerFirstName
* programApplicationId
* deleteDuplicateFlag
* attribute1
* duplicateLastName
* attribute12
* attribute8
* customerLastName
* attribute11
* customerNumber
* programId
* attribute2
* assignedToUserId
* customerName
* attribute9
* mergeReasonCode
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute15
* attribute4
* attribute7
* lastUpdatedBy
* requestId
* duplicateId
* priority
* attribute5
* programUpdateDate
* duplicateName


 * customerType
* creationDate
* duplicateNumber
* customerId
* orgId
* duplicateType
* attribute14
* processFlag
* customerMergeHeaderId
* attribute13
* attribute6
* mergeFailMsg
* duplicateRef
* attribute10
* duplicateFirstName
* customerRef
* createdBy
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute3
* attributeCategory
* customerFirstName
* programApplicationId
* deleteDuplicateFlag
* attribute1
* duplicateLastName
* attribute12
* attribute8
* customerLastName
* attribute11
* customerNumber
* programId
* attribute2
* assignedToUserId
* customerName
* attribute9
* mergeReasonCode
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute15
* attribute4
* attribute7
* lastUpdatedBy
* requestId
* duplicateId
* priority
* attribute5
* programUpdateDate
* duplicateName


 * attribute11
* duplicateNumber
* customerPrimaryFlag
* orgId
* duplicateRef
* customerSiteCode
* duplicateLocation
* duplicateSiteCode
* attribute10
* duplicatePrimaryFlag
* duplicateSiteId
* attribute8
* attributeCategory
* customerAddress
* duplicateName
* duplicateAddress
* attribute1
* customerSiteId
* customerName
* attribute14
* customerId
* duplicateFirstName
* attribute6
* customerMergeHeaderId
* duplicateSiteNumber
* customerCreatesame
* createdBy
* programId
* programUpdateDate
* duplicateAddressId
* attribute13
* customerMergeId
* duplicateType
* attribute3
* attribute4
* customerLastName
* duplicateLastName
* attribute9
* customerType
* lastUpdateLogin
* customerSiteNumber
* customerNumber
* processFlag
* attribute7
* programApplicationId
* duplicateId
* customerFirstName
* lastUpdateDate
* creationDate
* requestId
* setNumber
* attribute12
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute2
* customerAddressId
* attribute5
* deleteDuplicateFlag
* customerLocation
* attribute15
* customerRef


 * attribute11
* duplicateNumber
* customerPrimaryFlag
* orgId
* duplicateRef
* customerSiteCode
* duplicateLocation
* duplicateSiteCode
* attribute10
* duplicatePrimaryFlag
* duplicateSiteId
* attribute8
* attributeCategory
* customerAddress
* duplicateName
* duplicateAddress
* attribute1
* customerSiteId
* customerName
* attribute14
* customerId
* duplicateFirstName
* attribute6
* customerMergeHeaderId
* duplicateSiteNumber
* customerCreatesame
* createdBy
* programId
* programUpdateDate
* duplicateAddressId
* attribute13
* customerMergeId
* duplicateType
* attribute3
* attribute4
* customerLastName
* duplicateLastName
* attribute9
* customerType
* lastUpdateLogin
* customerSiteNumber
* customerNumber
* processFlag
* attribute7
* programApplicationId
* duplicateId
* customerFirstName
* lastUpdateDate
* creationDate
* requestId
* setNumber
* attribute12
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute2
* customerAddressId
* attribute5
* deleteDuplicateFlag
* customerLocation
* attribute15
* customerRef


 * amountAttribute10
* minFcInvoiceOverdueType
* attribute4
* minFcInvoicePercent
* messageTextId
* creditBalanceStatements
* minFcBalanceAmount
* globalAttribute7
* minFcBalancePercent
* globalAttribute11
* attribute12
* gdfCustProfAttribute14
* statementCycleName
* globalAttribute12
* attributeCategory
* gdfCustProfAttribute6
* minStatementAmount
* attribute6
* amountAttribute5
* autoRecInclDisputedFlag
* customerProfileClassName
* amountAttributeCategory
* creditItemsFlag
* globalAttribute13
* amountAttribute14
* globalAttribute18
* globalAttribute14
* attribute13
* amountAttribute4
* globalAttribute16
* gdfCustProfAttribute5
* penaltyRate
* amountAttribute2
* attribute14
* gdfCustProfAttribute20
* amountAttribute12
* discountTerms
* gdfCustProfAttribute9
* gdfCustProfAttrCat
* gdfCustProfAttribute3
* interestCharges
* consBillLevel
* creditRating
* taxPrintingOption
* lateChargeTermId
* overallCreditLimit
* attribute11
* gdfCustProfAttribute8
* validatedFlag
* riskCode
* globalAttribute9
* gdfCustProfAttribute11
* amountAttribute7
* clearingDays
* creationDate
* autoRecMinReceiptAmount
* paymentGraceDays
* amountAttribute3
* minDunningAmount
* gdfCustProfAttribute2
* chargeOnFinanceChargeFlag
* globalAttribute17
* amountAttribute13
* globalAttribute10
* attribute8
* amountAttribute15
* creditHold
* interestCalculationPeriod
* insertUpdateFlag
* attribute5
* orgId
* interfaceStatus
* origSystemCustomerRef
* minDunningInvoiceAmount
* minFcInvoiceAmount
* globalAttribute1
* interestScheduleId
* amountAttribute9
* standardTermName
* consInvFlag
* currencyCode
* autocashHierarchyNameAdr
* interestType
* globalAttribute8
* amountAttribute11
* percentCollectable
* attribute9
* createdBy
* gdfCustProfAttribute4
* creditClassification
* gdfCustProfAttribute12
* globalAttribute5
* maxInterestCharge
* interestFixedAmount
* multipleInterestRatesFlag
* trxCreditLimit
* gdfCustProfAttribute10
* disputedTransactionsFlag
* interestPeriodDays
* overrideTerms
* gdfCustProfAttribute13
* holdChargedInvoicesFlag
* statements
* dunningLetterSetName
* gdfCustProfAttribute17
* amountAttribute8
* chargeBeginDate
* attribute1
* penaltyType
* attribute7
* minInterestCharge
* accountStatus
* amountAttribute1
* gdfCustProfAttribute18
* amountAttribute6
* consInvType
* gdfCustProfAttribute15
* collectorName
* penaltyFixedAmount
* requestId
* groupingRuleName
* globalAttribute19
* interestRate
* automatchSetName
* globalAttribute15
* globalAttribute2
* globalAttribute20
* autocashHierarchyName
* gdfCustProfAttribute16
* lateChargeCalculationTrx
* attribute10
* minFcBalanceOverdueType
* gdfCustProfAttribute7
* lastUpdateDate
* lateChargeType
* gdfCustProfAttribute1
* origSystemAddressRef
* globalAttributeCategory
* globalAttribute3
* attribute15
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute3
* penaltyScheduleId
* gdfCustProfAttribute19
* dunningLetters
* discountGraceDays
* globalAttribute4
* lockboxMatchingOption
* lastUpdatedBy
* exchangeRateType
* attribute2
* tolerance
* creditChecking
* globalAttribute6


 * amountAttribute10
* minFcInvoiceOverdueType
* attribute4
* minFcInvoicePercent
* messageTextId
* creditBalanceStatements
* minFcBalanceAmount
* globalAttribute7
* minFcBalancePercent
* globalAttribute11
* attribute12
* gdfCustProfAttribute14
* statementCycleName
* globalAttribute12
* attributeCategory
* gdfCustProfAttribute6
* minStatementAmount
* attribute6
* amountAttribute5
* autoRecInclDisputedFlag
* customerProfileClassName
* amountAttributeCategory
* creditItemsFlag
* globalAttribute13
* amountAttribute14
* globalAttribute18
* globalAttribute14
* attribute13
* amountAttribute4
* globalAttribute16
* gdfCustProfAttribute5
* penaltyRate
* amountAttribute2
* attribute14
* gdfCustProfAttribute20
* amountAttribute12
* discountTerms
* gdfCustProfAttribute9
* gdfCustProfAttrCat
* gdfCustProfAttribute3
* interestCharges
* consBillLevel
* creditRating
* taxPrintingOption
* lateChargeTermId
* overallCreditLimit
* attribute11
* gdfCustProfAttribute8
* validatedFlag
* riskCode
* globalAttribute9
* gdfCustProfAttribute11
* amountAttribute7
* clearingDays
* creationDate
* autoRecMinReceiptAmount
* paymentGraceDays
* amountAttribute3
* minDunningAmount
* gdfCustProfAttribute2
* chargeOnFinanceChargeFlag
* globalAttribute17
* amountAttribute13
* globalAttribute10
* attribute8
* amountAttribute15
* creditHold
* interestCalculationPeriod
* insertUpdateFlag
* attribute5
* orgId
* interfaceStatus
* origSystemCustomerRef
* minDunningInvoiceAmount
* minFcInvoiceAmount
* globalAttribute1
* interestScheduleId
* amountAttribute9
* standardTermName
* consInvFlag
* currencyCode
* autocashHierarchyNameAdr
* interestType
* globalAttribute8
* amountAttribute11
* percentCollectable
* attribute9
* createdBy
* gdfCustProfAttribute4
* creditClassification
* gdfCustProfAttribute12
* globalAttribute5
* maxInterestCharge
* interestFixedAmount
* multipleInterestRatesFlag
* trxCreditLimit
* gdfCustProfAttribute10
* disputedTransactionsFlag
* interestPeriodDays
* overrideTerms
* gdfCustProfAttribute13
* holdChargedInvoicesFlag
* statements
* dunningLetterSetName
* gdfCustProfAttribute17
* amountAttribute8
* chargeBeginDate
* attribute1
* penaltyType
* attribute7
* minInterestCharge
* accountStatus
* amountAttribute1
* gdfCustProfAttribute18
* amountAttribute6
* consInvType
* gdfCustProfAttribute15
* collectorName
* penaltyFixedAmount
* requestId
* groupingRuleName
* globalAttribute19
* interestRate
* automatchSetName
* globalAttribute15
* globalAttribute2
* globalAttribute20
* autocashHierarchyName
* gdfCustProfAttribute16
* lateChargeCalculationTrx
* attribute10
* minFcBalanceOverdueType
* gdfCustProfAttribute7
* lastUpdateDate
* lateChargeType
* gdfCustProfAttribute1
* origSystemAddressRef
* globalAttributeCategory
* globalAttribute3
* attribute15
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute3
* penaltyScheduleId
* gdfCustProfAttribute19
* dunningLetters
* discountGraceDays
* globalAttribute4
* lockboxMatchingOption
* lastUpdatedBy
* exchangeRateType
* attribute2
* tolerance
* creditChecking
* globalAttribute6


 * attribute6
* attribute1
* attribute14
* customerReciprocalFlag
* attribute3
* attribute12
* programUpdateDate
* attributeCategory
* attribute5
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute2
* attribute10
* programApplicationId
* attribute13
* attribute15
* comments
* createdBy
* programId
* attribute7
* attribute11
* relationshipType
* status
* creationDate
* attribute4
* relatedCustomerId
* lastUpdateLogin
* orgId
* attribute9
* customerId
* lastUpdateDate
* requestId
* attribute8


 * attribute6
* attribute1
* attribute14
* customerReciprocalFlag
* attribute3
* attribute12
* programUpdateDate
* attributeCategory
* attribute5
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute2
* attribute10
* programApplicationId
* attribute13
* attribute15
* comments
* createdBy
* programId
* attribute7
* attribute11
* relationshipType
* status
* creationDate
* attribute4
* relatedCustomerId
* lastUpdateLogin
* orgId
* attribute9
* customerId
* lastUpdateDate
* requestId
* attribute8


 * initialCustomerTrxId
* customerTrxId
* globalAttribute15
* axAccountedFlag
* trxNumber
* interfaceHeaderAttribute12
* globalAttribute12
* prepaymentFlag
* interfaceHeaderAttribute5
* createdBy
* globalAttribute11
* createdFrom
* overrideRemitAccountFlag
* shipToSiteUseId
* fobPoint
* requestId
* batchSourceId
* attribute8
* draweeId
* agreementId
* brOnHoldFlag
* billToCustomerId
* interfaceHeaderAttribute7
* previousCustomerTrxId
* purchaseOrder
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* postingControlId
* globalAttributeCategory
* attributeCategory
* programId
* documentTypeId
* interfaceHeaderAttribute15
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* postRequestId
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* globalAttribute30
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* mandateLastTrxFlag
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* brUnpaidFlag
* attribute10
* interfaceHeaderAttribute11
* interestHeaderId
* contractId
* globalAttribute25
* mrcExchangeRateType
* trxDate
* interfaceHeaderAttribute4
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* completeFlag
* shipmentId
* internalNotes
* batchId
* printingLastPrinted
* whUpdateDate
* applicationId
* draweeContactId
* remitToAddressId
* exchangeRateType
* attribute9
* upgradeMethod
* customerReferenceDate
* mrcExchangeRate
* startDateCommitment
* attribute2
* billToContactId
* billingExtRequest
* remittanceBankAccountId
* endDateCommitment
* recurredFromTrxNumber
* primarySalesrepId
* defaultTaxExemptFlag
* interfaceHeaderAttribute8
* globalAttribute29
* interfaceHeaderAttribute13
* interfaceHeaderAttribute1
* billToSiteUseId
* comments
* invoiceCurrencyCode
* custTrxTypeId
* interfaceHeaderAttribute9
* customerBankAccountId
* globalAttribute21
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* globalAttribute6
* printingOption
* receiptMethodId
* attribute12
* statusTrx
* payingCustomerId
* srcInvoicingRuleId
* attribute11
* globalAttribute2
* attribute7
* draweeSiteUseId
* soldToCustomerId
* programUpdateDate
* termId
* globalAttribute20
* billTemplateId
* relatedCustomerTrxId
* payingSiteUseId
* interfaceHeaderContext
* attribute6
* globalAttribute14
* addressVerificationCode
* ccErrorCode
* interfaceHeaderAttribute6
* globalAttribute24
* draweeBankAccountId
* globalAttribute3
* globalAttribute22
* globalAttribute5
* defaultUssglTrxCodeContext
* origSystemBatchName
* globalAttribute9
* approvalCode
* globalAttribute13
* attribute15
* brAmount
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* globalAttribute18
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* attribute14
* paymentServerOrderNum
* raPostLoopNumber
* globalAttribute28
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* globalAttribute1
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* interfaceHeaderAttribute2
* interfaceHeaderAttribute10
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* attribute3
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* globalAttribute8
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* attribute4
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* attribute5
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* paymentTrxnExtensionId
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* globalAttribute7
* documentCreationDate
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* globalAttribute10
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* globalAttribute23
* lastUpdatedBy
* interfaceHeaderAttribute3
* printingPending
* revRecApplication
* soldToSiteUseId
* ediProcessedStatus
* paymentAttributes
* soldToContactId
* globalAttribute27
* printingCount
* purchaseOrderDate
* ctReference
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute1
* attribute13
* shipDateActual
* interfaceHeaderAttribute14
* billingDate
* purchaseOrderRevision
* programApplicationId
* docSequenceId
* setOfBooksId
* orgId
* globalAttribute16
* globalAttribute26
* globalAttribute19
* mrcExchangeDate


 * initialCustomerTrxId
* customerTrxId
* globalAttribute15
* axAccountedFlag
* trxNumber
* interfaceHeaderAttribute12
* globalAttribute12
* prepaymentFlag
* interfaceHeaderAttribute5
* createdBy
* globalAttribute11
* createdFrom
* overrideRemitAccountFlag
* shipToSiteUseId
* fobPoint
* requestId
* batchSourceId
* attribute8
* draweeId
* agreementId
* brOnHoldFlag
* billToCustomerId
* interfaceHeaderAttribute7
* previousCustomerTrxId
* purchaseOrder
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* postingControlId
* globalAttributeCategory
* attributeCategory
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* documentTypeId
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* attribute10
* interfaceHeaderAttribute11
* interestHeaderId
* contractId
* globalAttribute25
* mrcExchangeRateType
* trxDate
* interfaceHeaderAttribute4
* lateChargesAssessed
* creditMethodForInstallments
* defaultUssglTransactionCode
* ediProcessedFlag
* completeFlag
* shipmentId
* internalNotes
* batchId
* printingLastPrinted
* whUpdateDate
* applicationId
* draweeContactId
* remitToAddressId
* exchangeRateType
* attribute9
* upgradeMethod
* customerReferenceDate
* mrcExchangeRate
* startDateCommitment
* attribute2
* billToContactId
* billingExtRequest
* remittanceBankAccountId
* endDateCommitment
* recurredFromTrxNumber
* primarySalesrepId
* defaultTaxExemptFlag
* interfaceHeaderAttribute8
* globalAttribute29
* interfaceHeaderAttribute13
* interfaceHeaderAttribute1
* billToSiteUseId
* comments
* invoiceCurrencyCode
* custTrxTypeId
* interfaceHeaderAttribute9
* customerBankAccountId
* globalAttribute21
* lastPrintedSequenceNum
* globalAttribute6
* printingOption
* receiptMethodId
* attribute12
* statusTrx
* payingCustomerId
* srcInvoicingRuleId
* attribute11
* globalAttribute2
* attribute7
* draweeSiteUseId
* soldToCustomerId
* programUpdateDate
* termId
* globalAttribute20
* billTemplateId
* relatedCustomerTrxId
* payingSiteUseId
* interfaceHeaderContext
* attribute6
* globalAttribute14
* addressVerificationCode
* ccErrorCode
* interfaceHeaderAttribute6
* globalAttribute24
* draweeBankAccountId
* globalAttribute3
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* defaultUssglTrxCodeContext
* origSystemBatchName
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* approvalCode
* globalAttribute13
* attribute15
* brAmount
* relatedBatchSourceId
* remitBankAcctUseId
* globalAttribute18
* customerReference
* attribute14
* paymentServerOrderNum
* raPostLoopNumber
* globalAttribute28
* legalEntityId
* invoicingRuleId
* waybillNumber
* globalAttribute1
* oldTrxNumber
* interfaceHeaderAttribute2
* interfaceHeaderAttribute10
* remittanceBatchId
* globalAttribute4
* reasonCode
* reversedCashReceiptId
* specialInstructions
* creationDate
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* attribute3
* shipToContactId
* globalAttribute8
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* attribute4
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* attribute5
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* paymentTrxnExtensionId
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* globalAttribute7
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* globalAttribute23
* lastUpdatedBy
* interfaceHeaderAttribute3
* printingPending
* revRecApplication
* soldToSiteUseId
* ediProcessedStatus
* paymentAttributes
* soldToContactId
* globalAttribute27
* printingCount
* purchaseOrderDate
* ctReference
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute1
* attribute13
* shipDateActual
* interfaceHeaderAttribute14
* billingDate
* purchaseOrderRevision
* programApplicationId
* docSequenceId
* setOfBooksId
* orgId
* globalAttribute16
* globalAttribute26
* globalAttribute19
* mrcExchangeDate


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* previousCustomerTrxLineId
* globalAttribute17
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* interfaceLineAttribute2
* interfaceLineAttribute12
* createdBy
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* attribute10
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* defaultUssglTrxCodeContext
* whUpdateDate
* mrcExtendedAcctdAmount
* shipToAddressId
* initialCustomerTrxLineId
* attribute6
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* amountIncludesTaxFlag
* overrideAutoAccountingFlag
* frtEdAmount
* programApplicationId
* movementId
* lastUpdateDate
* lineRecoverable
* uomCode
* acctdAmountDueRemaining
* attribute9
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* interestLineId
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* sourceDataKey2
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* globalAttribute12
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* taxableFlag
* extendedAcctdAmount
* extendedAmount
* shipToContactId
* taxExemptionId
* taxVendorReturnCode
* accountingRuleDuration
* interfaceLineAttribute11
* setOfBooksId
* attribute4
* linkToCustTrxLineId
* interfaceLineAttribute15
* warehouseId
* interfaceLineAttribute5
* sourceDataKey4
* globalAttribute20
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* interfaceLineAttribute4
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* creationDate
* interfaceLineAttribute10
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* chrgAcctdAmountRemaining
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* paymentSetId
* docLineIdInt1
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* brRefCustomerTrxId
* salesOrderLine
* revenueAmount
* brRefPaymentScheduleId
* ruleStartDate
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* attribute1
* attribute2
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* previousCustomerTrxId
* programUpdateDate
* docLineIdChar3
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* docLineIdInt5
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* interfaceLineContext
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* grossExtendedAmount
* globalAttribute11
* attributeCategory
* reasonCode
* customerTrxId
* lineType
* sourceDataKey1
* globalAttribute4
* brAdjustmentId
* frtAdjAcctdRemaining
* defaultUssglTransactionCode
* shipToCustomerId
* sourceDataKey3
* programId
* salesOrderRevision
* interfaceLineAttribute8
* taxRecoverable
* vatTaxId
* globalAttribute1
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* itemExceptionRateId
* taxExemptFlag
* attribute3
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* description
* globalAttribute10
* lastPeriodToCredit
* ruleEndDate
* locationSegmentId
* chrgAmountRemaining
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute7
* attribute5
* interfaceLineAttribute14
* globalAttribute15
* taxableAmount
* taxRate
* globalAttribute18
* amountDueOriginal
* docLineIdInt4
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* attribute12
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* deferralExclusionFlag
* interfaceLineAttribute9
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* itemContext
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* interfaceLineAttribute6
* attribute11
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* interfaceLineAttribute3
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* unitStandardPrice
* interfaceLineAttribute1
* globalAttribute14
* globalAttribute5


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* attribute15
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* globalAttribute17
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* interfaceLineAttribute12
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* attribute10
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* defaultUssglTrxCodeContext
* whUpdateDate
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* initialCustomerTrxLineId
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* overrideAutoAccountingFlag
* frtEdAmount
* programApplicationId
* movementId
* lastUpdateDate
* lineRecoverable
* uomCode
* acctdAmountDueRemaining
* attribute9
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* taxableFlag
* extendedAcctdAmount
* extendedAmount
* shipToContactId
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* accountingRuleDuration
* interfaceLineAttribute11
* setOfBooksId
* attribute4
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* interfaceLineAttribute15
* warehouseId
* interfaceLineAttribute5
* sourceDataKey4
* globalAttribute20
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* orgId
* creationDate
* interfaceLineAttribute10
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* chrgAcctdAmountRemaining
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* salesOrderLine
* revenueAmount
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* ruleStartDate
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* attribute1
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* previousCustomerTrxId
* programUpdateDate
* docLineIdChar3
* globalAttributeCategory
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* customerTrxId
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* sourceDataKey1
* globalAttribute4
* brAdjustmentId
* frtAdjAcctdRemaining
* defaultUssglTransactionCode
* shipToCustomerId
* sourceDataKey3
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* salesOrderRevision
* interfaceLineAttribute8
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* globalAttribute1
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* description
* globalAttribute10
* lastPeriodToCredit
* ruleEndDate
* locationSegmentId
* chrgAmountRemaining
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute7
* attribute5
* interfaceLineAttribute14
* globalAttribute15
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* globalAttribute18
* amountDueOriginal
* docLineIdInt4
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* autoruleCompleteFlag
* deferralExclusionFlag
* interfaceLineAttribute9
* attribute14
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* interfaceLineAttribute6
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* interfaceLineAttribute3
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* interfaceLineAttribute1
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* gdfAddressAttribute2
* province
* addressLinesPhonetic
* custAdvancePaymentIndicator


 * columnId
* fromColumnLength
* zdSync
* fromColumnName
* creationDate
* lastUpdateDate
* createdBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* columnType
* lastUpdatedBy
* zdEditionName
* description


 * columnId
* fromColumnLength
* zdSync
* fromColumnName
* creationDate
* lastUpdateDate
* createdBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* columnType
* lastUpdatedBy
* zdEditionName
* description


 * attribute13
* attribute2
* attribute6
* attribute9
* attribute5
* attribute1
* groupingTrxTypeId
* creationDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* zdEditionName
* createdBy
* attribute3
* attribute12
* attribute8
* attribute10
* attribute7
* attribute14
* attribute4
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute11
* lastUpdateLogin
* zdSync
* attribute15
* attributeCategory
* columnId


 * attribute13
* attribute2
* attribute6
* attribute9
* attribute5
* attribute1
* groupingTrxTypeId
* creationDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* zdEditionName
* createdBy
* attribute3
* attribute12
* attribute8
* attribute10
* attribute7
* attribute14
* attribute4
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute11
* lastUpdateLogin
* zdSync
* attribute15
* attributeCategory
* columnId


 * attribute2
* attribute15
* zdSync
* startDate
* orderingRuleId
* attribute12
* attribute11
* creationDate
* groupingRuleId
* name
* attribute1
* endDate
* attribute14
* lastUpdatedBy
* createdBy
* attribute6
* attribute10
* attribute13
* attributeCategory
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute4
* attribute5
* attribute3
* zdEditionName
* attribute8
* description
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute7
* attribute9


 * attribute2
* attribute15
* zdSync
* startDate
* orderingRuleId
* attribute12
* attribute11
* creationDate
* groupingRuleId
* name
* attribute1
* endDate
* attribute14
* lastUpdatedBy
* createdBy
* attribute6
* attribute10
* attribute13
* attributeCategory
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute4
* attribute5
* attribute3
* zdEditionName
* attribute8
* description
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute7
* attribute9


 * lastUpdateDate
* attribute6
* attribute3
* attribute5
* class
* groupingRuleId
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute7
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute12
* attribute1
* attribute13
* attributeCategory
* zdSync
* attribute10
* createdBy
* attribute4
* attribute15
* attribute11
* attribute14
* creationDate
* zdEditionName
* groupingTrxTypeId
* attribute9
* attribute2
* attribute8


 * lastUpdateDate
* attribute6
* attribute3
* attribute5
* class
* groupingRuleId
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute7
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute12
* attribute1
* attribute13
* attributeCategory
* zdSync
* attribute10
* createdBy
* attribute4
* attribute15
* attribute11
* attribute14
* creationDate
* zdEditionName
* groupingTrxTypeId
* attribute9
* attribute2
* attribute8


 * attribute9
* globalAttribute22
* attributeCategory
* globalAttribute23
* attribute12
* interimTaxSegment27
* globalAttribute15
* interfaceLineAttribute13
* segment17
* percent
* globalAttribute20
* acctdAmount
* globalAttribute29
* segment10
* segment29
* lastUpdateLogin
* interimTaxSegment6
* segment9
* segment12
* segment30
* interimTaxSegment15
* segment14
* globalAttribute21
* segment16
* globalAttribute28
* interimTaxSegment29
* comments
* accountClass
* globalAttribute6
* segment26
* interfaceLineAttribute6
* interimTaxSegment21
* globalAttribute2
* attribute15
* interfaceLineAttribute9
* globalAttribute13
* globalAttribute11
* interimTaxCcid
* globalAttribute30
* interimTaxSegment28
* interfaceLineAttribute8
* globalAttributeCategory
* lastUpdateDate
* globalAttribute4
* globalAttribute26
* interimTaxSegment24
* interimTaxSegment9
* interfaceLineContext
* segment6
* interfaceLineAttribute15
* globalAttribute12
* attribute14
* segment22
* attribute2
* interimTaxSegment1
* interimTaxSegment8
* interfaceLineAttribute5
* segment7
* segment24
* segment11
* segment15
* globalAttribute17
* segment20
* segment4
* interimTaxSegment26
* interimTaxSegment13
* interimTaxSegment11
* globalAttribute18
* globalAttribute1
* interimTaxSegment20
* interimTaxSegment10
* interfaceLineId
* lastUpdatedBy
* globalAttribute9
* interimTaxSegment12
* segment28
* interimTaxSegment14
* creationDate
* interfaceLineAttribute12
* segment23
* globalAttribute16
* amount
* orgId
* segment1
* interfaceLineAttribute4
* requestId
* attribute8
* codeCombinationId
* interimTaxSegment2
* segment25
* interimTaxSegment17
* globalAttribute10
* interimTaxSegment18
* globalAttribute5
* attribute11
* interfaceLineAttribute11
* globalAttribute14
* segment18
* interfaceLineAttribute10
* interimTaxSegment25
* interimTaxSegment22
* attribute13
* globalAttribute7
* attribute7
* attribute10
* interimTaxSegment23
* interimTaxSegment19
* interimTaxSegment7
* segment13
* globalAttribute19
* interfaceLineAttribute14
* segment2
* interimTaxSegment4
* interfaceStatus
* interimTaxSegment16
* createdBy
* globalAttribute3
* globalAttribute27
* attribute4
* attribute5
* interfaceLineAttribute3
* attribute3
* interfaceDistributionId
* segment21
* segment8
* interfaceLineAttribute2
* interimTaxSegment5
* segment5
* interfaceLineAttribute7
* attribute6
* globalAttribute25
* globalAttribute8
* interimTaxSegment3
* attribute1
* segment3
* segment19
* interfaceLineAttribute1
* segment27
* interimTaxSegment30
* globalAttribute24


 * attribute9
* globalAttribute22
* attributeCategory
* globalAttribute23
* attribute12
* interimTaxSegment27
* globalAttribute15
* interfaceLineAttribute13
* segment17
* percent
* globalAttribute20
* acctdAmount
* globalAttribute29
* segment10
* segment29
* lastUpdateLogin
* interimTaxSegment6
* segment9
* segment12
* segment30
* interimTaxSegment15
* segment14
* globalAttribute21
* segment16
* globalAttribute28
* interimTaxSegment29
* comments
* accountClass
* globalAttribute6
* segment26
* interfaceLineAttribute6
* interimTaxSegment21
* globalAttribute2
* attribute15
* interfaceLineAttribute9
* globalAttribute13
* globalAttribute11
* interimTaxCcid
* globalAttribute30
* interimTaxSegment28
* interfaceLineAttribute8
* globalAttributeCategory
* lastUpdateDate
* globalAttribute4
* globalAttribute26
* interimTaxSegment24
* interimTaxSegment9
* interfaceLineContext
* segment6
* interfaceLineAttribute15
* globalAttribute12
* attribute14
* segment22
* attribute2
* interimTaxSegment1
* interimTaxSegment8
* interfaceLineAttribute5
* segment7
* segment24
* segment11
* segment15
* globalAttribute17
* segment20
* segment4
* interimTaxSegment26
* interimTaxSegment13
* interimTaxSegment11
* globalAttribute18
* globalAttribute1
* interimTaxSegment20
* interimTaxSegment10
* interfaceLineId
* lastUpdatedBy
* globalAttribute9
* interimTaxSegment12
* segment28
* interimTaxSegment14
* creationDate
* interfaceLineAttribute12
* segment23
* globalAttribute16
* amount
* orgId
* segment1
* interfaceLineAttribute4
* requestId
* attribute8
* codeCombinationId
* interimTaxSegment2
* segment25
* interimTaxSegment17
* globalAttribute10
* interimTaxSegment18
* globalAttribute5
* attribute11
* interfaceLineAttribute11
* globalAttribute14
* segment18
* interfaceLineAttribute10
* interimTaxSegment25
* interimTaxSegment22
* attribute13
* globalAttribute7
* attribute7
* attribute10
* interimTaxSegment23
* interimTaxSegment19
* interimTaxSegment7
* segment13
* globalAttribute19
* interfaceLineAttribute14
* segment2
* interimTaxSegment4
* interfaceStatus
* interimTaxSegment16
* createdBy
* globalAttribute3
* globalAttribute27
* attribute4
* attribute5
* interfaceLineAttribute3
* attribute3
* interfaceDistributionId
* segment21
* segment8
* interfaceLineAttribute2
* interimTaxSegment5
* segment5
* interfaceLineAttribute7
* attribute6
* globalAttribute25
* globalAttribute8
* interimTaxSegment3
* attribute1
* segment3
* segment19
* interfaceLineAttribute1
* segment27
* interimTaxSegment30
* globalAttribute24


 * invalidValue
* interfaceLineId
* orgId
* interfaceSalescreditId
* interfaceDistributionId
* messageText
* linkToLineId
* interfaceContingencyId


 * invalidValue
* interfaceLineId
* orgId
* interfaceSalescreditId
* interfaceDistributionId
* messageText
* linkToLineId
* interfaceContingencyId


 * headerGdfAttribute10
* lineGdfAttribute13
* acctdAmount
* sourceEventClassCode
* productCategory
* interfaceLineAttribute15
* description
* requestId
* lastUpdateDate
* conversionRate
* referenceLineId
* territorySegment8
* customerBankAccountId
* defaultTaxationCountry
* attribute7
* attribute15
* sourceDataKey1
* lineGdfAttribute12
* originalGlDate
* billingDate
* origSystemShipAddressRef
* headerAttribute3
* referenceLineAttribute10
* headerAttribute4
* salesOrderLine
* referenceLineAttribute7
* printingOption
* ussglTransactionCode
* exemptionId
* waybillNumber
* taxRate
* referenceLineAttribute14
* territorySegment12
* headerGdfAttrCategory
* headerAttribute8
* lineType
* territorySegment20
* lineGdfAttribute6
* customerBankAccountName
* sourceDataKey2
* territorySegment11
* mtlSystemItemsSeg18
* orgId
* lineGdfAttribute14
* conversionDate
* payingCustomerId
* tax
* docLineIdChar2
* origSystemBillAddressRef
* headerGdfAttribute4
* taxedUpstreamFlag
* headerGdfAttribute16
* lineGdfAttribute5
* batchSourceName
* taxExemptNumber
* interfaceLineId
* unitStandardPrice
* overrideAutoAccountingFlag
* setOfBooksId
* territorySegment14
* territorySegment6
* headerAttributeCategory
* documentNumberSequenceId
* linkToLineAttribute7
* origSystemBillAddressId
* lineNumber
* createdBy
* linkToLineAttribute6
* attribute6
* comments
* sourceApplicationId
* shipVia
* interfaceLineAttribute12
* taxPrecedence
* taxExemptFlag
* interfaceStatus
* taxExemptReasonCodeMeaning
* salesTaxId
* sourceDataKey5
* referenceLineAttribute15
* linkToLineAttribute2
* ussglTransactionCodeContext
* parentLineId
* linkToLineAttribute15
* taxableAmount
* attribute3
* currencyCode
* headerAttribute1
* internalNotes
* headerGdfAttribute25
* taxJurisdictionCode
* exceptionId
* territorySegment3
* headerGdfAttribute17
* accountingRuleName
* referenceLineAttribute1
* quantity
* territorySegment17
* userDefinedFiscClass
* promisedCommitmentAmount
* locationSegmentId
* lineGdfAttribute10
* applicationId
* headerAttribute14
* legalEntityId
* interfaceLineAttribute4
* warehouseId
* invoicedLineAcctgLevel
* mtlSystemItemsSeg12
* attribute2
* headerAttribute2
* memoLineName
* productFiscClassification
* conversionType
* mtlSystemItemsSeg17
* territorySegment4
* previousCustomerTrxId
* termName
* headerAttribute10
* productType
* taxCode
* origSystemShipContactId
* linkToLineAttribute10
* payingSiteUseId
* headerGdfAttribute22
* mandateLastTrxFlag
* uomName
* origSystemBillCustomerId
* invoicingRuleId
* trxBusinessCategory
* referenceLineAttribute8
* linkToLineAttribute3
* receiptMethodName
* lineGdfAttribute9
* sourceEntityCode
* mtlSystemItemsSeg6
* unitSellingPrice
* mtlSystemItemsSeg19
* mtlSystemItemsSeg3
* mtlSystemItemsSeg5
* interfaceLineAttribute3
* creditMethodForAcctRule
* lineGdfAttribute18
* agreementId
* mtlSystemItemsSeg13
* interfaceLineAttribute9
* referenceLineAttribute12
* lineGdfAttribute15
* headerAttribute9
* reasonCodeMeaning
* attribute10
* origSystemBillCustomerRef
* headerGdfAttribute30
* quantityOrdered
* headerGdfAttribute27
* relatedBatchSourceName
* attribute12
* attribute13
* origSystemShipAddressId
* linkToLineAttribute8
* documentNumber
* relatedTrxNumber
* creationDate
* trxDate
* custTrxTypeName
* mtlSystemItemsSeg2
* paymentAttributes
* primarySalesrepNumber
* interfaceLineAttribute1
* interfaceLineAttribute10
* linkToLineAttribute14
* headerGdfAttribute9
* lastUpdateLogin
* headerGdfAttribute1
* territorySegment9
* salesOrder
* headerGdfAttribute2
* mtlSystemItemsSeg8
* documentCreationDate
* initialCustomerTrxId
* headerGdfAttribute8
* interfaceLineAttribute14
* documentTypeId
* invoicingRuleName
* purchaseOrder
* taxRateCode
* translatedDescription
* mtlSystemItemsSeg20
* paymentSetId
* attribute5
* assessableValue
* origSystemShipContactRef
* interfaceLineAttribute5
* mtlSystemItemsSeg4
* linkToLineAttribute11
* headerAttribute15
* referenceLineAttribute3
* docLineIdChar1
* glDate
* taxRegimeCode
* lineGdfAttribute7
* mtlSystemItemsSeg9
* lineGdfAttribute20
* headerAttribute13
* attribute14
* territorySegment2
* interfaceLineAttribute7
* origSystemSoldCustomerId
* attribute8
* taxExemptReasonCode
* docLineIdChar5
* inventoryItemId
* attribute1
* attribute11
* sourceDataKey4
* interfaceLineAttribute6
* referenceLineAttribute5
* headerGdfAttribute20
* approvalCode
* amount
* linkToLineId
* referenceLineAttribute6
* headerAttribute7
* territorySegment1
* headerGdfAttribute12
* creditMethodForInstallments
* paymentTypeCode
* origSystemShipCustomerRef
* mtlSystemItemsSeg16
* contractLineId
* docLineIdChar4
* lineGdfAttribute11
* headerGdfAttribute5
* paymentServerOrderNum
* origSystemShipCustomerId
* mtlSystemItemsSeg15
* linkToLineContext
* historicalFlag
* interfaceLineAttribute13
* headerGdfAttribute19
* lineGdfAttribute8
* taxableFlag
* custTrxTypeId
* territorySegment5
* linkToLineAttribute9
* amountIncludesTaxFlag
* lineGdfAttribute16
* agreementName
* sourceDataKey3
* contractId
* linkToLineAttribute12
* headerGdfAttribute29
* headerGdfAttribute24
* primarySalesrepId
* mtlSystemItemsSeg11
* origSystemBatchName
* referenceLineAttribute9
* interfaceLineAttribute8
* termId
* taxInvoiceNumber
* trxNumber
* headerGdfAttribute6
* territorySegment15
* lineGdfAttrCategory
* territoryId
* memoLineId
* origSystemSoldCustomerRef
* lineGdfAttribute1
* sourceTrxDetailTaxLineId
* referenceLineAttribute4
* linkToLineAttribute13
* headerGdfAttribute28
* headerAttribute5
* shipDateActual
* fobPoint
* paymentTrxnExtensionId
* vatTaxId
* taxInvoiceDate
* mtlSystemItemsSeg1
* origSystemBillContactId
* referenceLineAttribute2
* referenceLineContext
* headerGdfAttribute21
* docLineIdInt5
* sourceTrxId
* salesOrderSource
* receiptMethodId
* uomCode
* territorySegment19
* resetTrxDateFlag
* interfaceLineAttribute11
* headerGdfAttribute3
* docLineIdChar3
* attributeCategory
* purchaseOrderRevision
* attribute4
* headerGdfAttribute7
* docLineIdInt3
* docLineIdInt1
* docLineIdInt4
* salesOrderDate
* salesOrderRevision
* headerGdfAttribute26
* lineGdfAttribute4
* headerGdfAttribute18
* headerAttribute11
* revRecApplication
* headerGdfAttribute11
* headerGdfAttribute23
* referenceLineAttribute11
* lastUpdatedBy
* headerAttribute6
* attribute9
* lineGdfAttribute17
* referenceLineAttribute13
* lineIntendedUse
* territorySegment18
* linkToLineAttribute1
* lastPeriodToCredit
* linkToLineAttribute4
* lineGdfAttribute3
* sourceTrxLineType
* mtlSystemItemsSeg10
* sourceTrxLineId
* relatedCustomerTrxId
* territorySegment10
* accountingRuleDuration
* lineGdfAttribute19
* headerGdfAttribute13
* mtlSystemItemsSeg7
* purchaseOrderDate
* customerTrxId
* accountingRuleId
* headerGdfAttribute14
* lineGdfAttribute2
* interfaceLineAttribute2
* territorySegment13
* territorySegment7
* documentSubType
* addressVerificationCode
* movementId
* linkToLineAttribute5
* ruleEndDate
* docLineIdInt2
* ruleStartDate
* consBillingNumber
* territorySegment16
* origSystemBillContactRef
* deferralExclusionFlag
* mtlSystemItemsSeg14
* reasonCode
* headerGdfAttribute15
* taxStatusCode
* headerAttribute12
* interfaceLineContext


 * headerGdfAttribute10
* lineGdfAttribute13
* acctdAmount
* sourceEventClassCode
* productCategory
* interfaceLineAttribute15
* description
* requestId
* lastUpdateDate
* conversionRate
* referenceLineId
* territorySegment8
* customerBankAccountId
* defaultTaxationCountry
* attribute7
* attribute15
* sourceDataKey1
* lineGdfAttribute12
* originalGlDate
* billingDate
* origSystemShipAddressRef
* headerAttribute3
* referenceLineAttribute10
* headerAttribute4
* salesOrderLine
* referenceLineAttribute7
* printingOption
* ussglTransactionCode
* exemptionId
* waybillNumber
* taxRate
* referenceLineAttribute14
* territorySegment12
* headerGdfAttrCategory
* headerAttribute8
* lineType
* territorySegment20
* lineGdfAttribute6
* customerBankAccountName
* sourceDataKey2
* territorySegment11
* mtlSystemItemsSeg18
* orgId
* lineGdfAttribute14
* conversionDate
* payingCustomerId
* tax
* docLineIdChar2
* origSystemBillAddressRef
* headerGdfAttribute4
* taxedUpstreamFlag
* headerGdfAttribute16
* lineGdfAttribute5
* batchSourceName
* taxExemptNumber
* interfaceLineId
* unitStandardPrice
* overrideAutoAccountingFlag
* setOfBooksId
* territorySegment14
* territorySegment6
* headerAttributeCategory
* documentNumberSequenceId
* linkToLineAttribute7
* origSystemBillAddressId
* lineNumber
* createdBy
* linkToLineAttribute6
* attribute6
* comments
* sourceApplicationId
* shipVia
* interfaceLineAttribute12
* taxPrecedence
* taxExemptFlag
* interfaceStatus
* taxExemptReasonCodeMeaning
* salesTaxId
* sourceDataKey5
* referenceLineAttribute15
* linkToLineAttribute2
* ussglTransactionCodeContext
* parentLineId
* linkToLineAttribute15
* taxableAmount
* attribute3
* currencyCode
* headerAttribute1
* internalNotes
* headerGdfAttribute25
* taxJurisdictionCode
* exceptionId
* territorySegment3
* headerGdfAttribute17
* accountingRuleName
* referenceLineAttribute1
* quantity
* territorySegment17
* userDefinedFiscClass
* promisedCommitmentAmount
* locationSegmentId
* lineGdfAttribute10
* applicationId
* headerAttribute14
* legalEntityId
* interfaceLineAttribute4
* warehouseId
* invoicedLineAcctgLevel
* mtlSystemItemsSeg12
* attribute2
* headerAttribute2
* memoLineName
* productFiscClassification
* conversionType
* mtlSystemItemsSeg17
* territorySegment4
* previousCustomerTrxId
* termName
* headerAttribute10
* productType
* taxCode
* origSystemShipContactId
* linkToLineAttribute10
* payingSiteUseId
* headerGdfAttribute22
* mandateLastTrxFlag
* uomName
* origSystemBillCustomerId
* invoicingRuleId
* trxBusinessCategory
* referenceLineAttribute8
* linkToLineAttribute3
* receiptMethodName
* lineGdfAttribute9
* sourceEntityCode
* mtlSystemItemsSeg6
* unitSellingPrice
* mtlSystemItemsSeg19
* mtlSystemItemsSeg3
* mtlSystemItemsSeg5
* interfaceLineAttribute3
* creditMethodForAcctRule
* lineGdfAttribute18
* agreementId
* mtlSystemItemsSeg13
* interfaceLineAttribute9
* referenceLineAttribute12
* lineGdfAttribute15
* headerAttribute9
* reasonCodeMeaning
* attribute10
* origSystemBillCustomerRef
* headerGdfAttribute30
* quantityOrdered
* headerGdfAttribute27
* relatedBatchSourceName
* attribute12
* attribute13
* origSystemShipAddressId
* linkToLineAttribute8
* documentNumber
* relatedTrxNumber
* creationDate
* trxDate
* custTrxTypeName
* mtlSystemItemsSeg2
* paymentAttributes
* primarySalesrepNumber
* interfaceLineAttribute1
* interfaceLineAttribute10
* linkToLineAttribute14
* headerGdfAttribute9
* lastUpdateLogin
* headerGdfAttribute1
* territorySegment9
* salesOrder
* headerGdfAttribute2
* mtlSystemItemsSeg8
* documentCreationDate
* initialCustomerTrxId
* headerGdfAttribute8
* interfaceLineAttribute14
* documentTypeId
* invoicingRuleName
* purchaseOrder
* taxRateCode
* translatedDescription
* mtlSystemItemsSeg20
* paymentSetId
* attribute5
* assessableValue
* origSystemShipContactRef
* interfaceLineAttribute5
* mtlSystemItemsSeg4
* linkToLineAttribute11
* headerAttribute15
* referenceLineAttribute3
* docLineIdChar1
* glDate
* taxRegimeCode
* lineGdfAttribute7
* mtlSystemItemsSeg9
* lineGdfAttribute20
* headerAttribute13
* attribute14
* territorySegment2
* interfaceLineAttribute7
* origSystemSoldCustomerId
* attribute8
* taxExemptReasonCode
* docLineIdChar5
* inventoryItemId
* attribute1
* attribute11
* sourceDataKey4
* interfaceLineAttribute6
* referenceLineAttribute5
* headerGdfAttribute20
* approvalCode
* amount
* linkToLineId
* referenceLineAttribute6
* headerAttribute7
* territorySegment1
* headerGdfAttribute12
* creditMethodForInstallments
* paymentTypeCode
* origSystemShipCustomerRef
* mtlSystemItemsSeg16
* contractLineId
* docLineIdChar4
* lineGdfAttribute11
* headerGdfAttribute5
* paymentServerOrderNum
* origSystemShipCustomerId
* mtlSystemItemsSeg15
* linkToLineContext
* historicalFlag
* interfaceLineAttribute13
* headerGdfAttribute19
* lineGdfAttribute8
* taxableFlag
* custTrxTypeId
* territorySegment5
* linkToLineAttribute9
* amountIncludesTaxFlag
* lineGdfAttribute16
* agreementName
* sourceDataKey3
* contractId
* linkToLineAttribute12
* headerGdfAttribute29
* headerGdfAttribute24
* primarySalesrepId
* mtlSystemItemsSeg11
* origSystemBatchName
* referenceLineAttribute9
* interfaceLineAttribute8
* termId
* taxInvoiceNumber
* trxNumber
* headerGdfAttribute6
* territorySegment15
* lineGdfAttrCategory
* territoryId
* memoLineId
* origSystemSoldCustomerRef
* lineGdfAttribute1
* sourceTrxDetailTaxLineId
* referenceLineAttribute4
* linkToLineAttribute13
* headerGdfAttribute28
* headerAttribute5
* shipDateActual
* fobPoint
* paymentTrxnExtensionId
* vatTaxId
* taxInvoiceDate
* mtlSystemItemsSeg1
* origSystemBillContactId
* referenceLineAttribute2
* referenceLineContext
* headerGdfAttribute21
* docLineIdInt5
* sourceTrxId
* salesOrderSource
* receiptMethodId
* uomCode
* territorySegment19
* resetTrxDateFlag
* interfaceLineAttribute11
* headerGdfAttribute3
* docLineIdChar3
* attributeCategory
* purchaseOrderRevision
* attribute4
* headerGdfAttribute7
* docLineIdInt3
* docLineIdInt1
* docLineIdInt4
* salesOrderDate
* salesOrderRevision
* headerGdfAttribute26
* lineGdfAttribute4
* headerGdfAttribute18
* headerAttribute11
* revRecApplication
* headerGdfAttribute11
* headerGdfAttribute23
* referenceLineAttribute11
* lastUpdatedBy
* headerAttribute6
* attribute9
* lineGdfAttribute17
* referenceLineAttribute13
* lineIntendedUse
* territorySegment18
* linkToLineAttribute1
* lastPeriodToCredit
* linkToLineAttribute4
* lineGdfAttribute3
* sourceTrxLineType
* mtlSystemItemsSeg10
* sourceTrxLineId
* relatedCustomerTrxId
* territorySegment10
* accountingRuleDuration
* lineGdfAttribute19
* headerGdfAttribute13
* mtlSystemItemsSeg7
* purchaseOrderDate
* customerTrxId
* accountingRuleId
* headerGdfAttribute14
* lineGdfAttribute2
* interfaceLineAttribute2
* territorySegment13
* territorySegment7
* documentSubType
* addressVerificationCode
* movementId
* linkToLineAttribute5
* ruleEndDate
* docLineIdInt2
* ruleStartDate
* consBillingNumber
* territorySegment16
* origSystemBillContactRef
* deferralExclusionFlag
* mtlSystemItemsSeg14
* reasonCode
* headerGdfAttribute15
* taxStatusCode
* headerAttribute12
* interfaceLineContext


 * interfaceLineAttribute8
* orgId
* interfaceLineAttribute10
* attribute14
* salesCreditTypeName
* interfaceLineAttribute14
* salesCreditPercentSplit
* interfaceLineAttribute13
* interfaceLineAttribute12
* attribute1
* interfaceLineAttribute6
* interfaceLineAttribute15
* salesCreditAmountSplit
* interfaceLineAttribute2
* interfaceLineAttribute3
* lastUpdatedBy
* interfaceStatus
* interfaceLineAttribute11
* lastUpdateLogin
* creationDate
* salesrepNumber
* attribute10
* requestId
* interfaceLineAttribute5
* salesrepId
* attribute3
* interfaceLineAttribute9
* attributeCategory
* attribute11
* salesgroupId
* interfaceLineAttribute1
* interfaceSalescreditId
* attribute4
* salesCreditTypeId
* attribute5
* attribute7
* attribute13
* attribute9
* interfaceLineAttribute4
* interfaceLineContext
* attribute15
* attribute12
* interfaceLineAttribute7
* attribute8
* lastUpdateDate
* createdBy
* interfaceLineId
* attribute6
* attribute2


 * interfaceLineAttribute8
* orgId
* interfaceLineAttribute10
* attribute14
* salesCreditTypeName
* interfaceLineAttribute14
* salesCreditPercentSplit
* interfaceLineAttribute13
* interfaceLineAttribute12
* attribute1
* interfaceLineAttribute6
* interfaceLineAttribute15
* salesCreditAmountSplit
* interfaceLineAttribute2
* interfaceLineAttribute3
* lastUpdatedBy
* interfaceStatus
* interfaceLineAttribute11
* lastUpdateLogin
* creationDate
* salesrepNumber
* attribute10
* requestId
* interfaceLineAttribute5
* salesrepId
* attribute3
* interfaceLineAttribute9
* attributeCategory
* attribute11
* salesgroupId
* interfaceLineAttribute1
* interfaceSalescreditId
* attribute4
* salesCreditTypeId
* attribute5
* attribute7
* attribute13
* attribute9
* interfaceLineAttribute4
* interfaceLineContext
* attribute15
* attribute12
* interfaceLineAttribute7
* attribute8
* lastUpdateDate
* createdBy
* interfaceLineId
* attribute6
* attribute2


 * itemExceptionRateId
* rateContext
* location2Rate
* location8Rate
* attribute9
* attribute10
* location6Rate
* startDate
* locationIdSegment2
* locationIdSegment10
* attribute4
* attribute14
* locationContext
* locationIdSegment4
* locationIdSegment1
* locationIdSegment8
* createdBy
* locationIdSegment9
* lastUpdatedBy
* location10Rate
* creationDate
* attribute2
* attribute15
* location9Rate
* attribute7
* locationIdSegment5
* reasonCode
* attribute3
* attribute6
* attributeCategory
* itemId
* locationIdSegment7
* location3Rate
* locationIdSegment6
* location4Rate
* attribute13
* location1Rate
* locationIdSegment3
* attribute5
* attribute11
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute12
* location5Rate
* endDate
* attribute1
* lastUpdateLogin
* location7Rate
* attribute8


 * itemExceptionRateId
* rateContext
* location2Rate
* location8Rate
* attribute9
* attribute10
* location6Rate
* startDate
* locationIdSegment2
* locationIdSegment10
* attribute4
* attribute14
* locationContext
* locationIdSegment4
* locationIdSegment1
* locationIdSegment8
* createdBy
* locationIdSegment9
* lastUpdatedBy
* location10Rate
* creationDate
* attribute2
* attribute15
* location9Rate
* attribute7
* locationIdSegment5
* reasonCode
* attribute3
* attribute6
* attributeCategory
* itemId
* locationIdSegment7
* location3Rate
* locationIdSegment6
* location4Rate
* attribute13
* location1Rate
* locationIdSegment3
* attribute5
* attribute11
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute12
* location5Rate
* endDate
* attribute1
* lastUpdateLogin
* location7Rate
* attribute8


 * zdSync
* columnId
* createdBy
* zdEditionName
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* description
* columnName
* creationDate


 * zdSync
* columnId
* createdBy
* zdEditionName
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* description
* columnName
* creationDate


 * lastUpdateDate
* attribute2
* attribute11
* attribute7
* attribute4
* attribute3
* attributeCategory
* createdBy
* attribute10
* orderingRuleId
* attribute1
* attribute5
* attribute9
* orderByType
* lastUpdatedBy
* columnId
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute14
* zdSync
* attribute6
* attribute13
* attribute15
* orderBySequence
* creationDate
* zdEditionName
* attribute8
* attribute12


 * lastUpdateDate
* attribute2
* attribute11
* attribute7
* attribute4
* attribute3
* attributeCategory
* createdBy
* attribute10
* orderingRuleId
* attribute1
* attribute5
* attribute9
* orderByType
* lastUpdatedBy
* columnId
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute14
* zdSync
* attribute6
* attribute13
* attribute15
* orderBySequence
* creationDate
* zdEditionName
* attribute8
* attribute12


 * attribute1
* attribute15
* name
* description
* attribute7
* attribute10
* attribute11
* orderingRuleId
* lastUpdateLogin
* attributeCategory
* attribute6
* attribute9
* lastUpdateDate
* endDate
* attribute12
* zdEditionName
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute4
* attribute13
* startDate
* attribute5
* attribute3
* attribute8
* attribute2
* attribute14
* zdSync
* createdBy
* creationDate


 * attribute1
* attribute15
* name
* description
* attribute7
* attribute10
* attribute11
* orderingRuleId
* lastUpdateLogin
* attributeCategory
* attribute6
* attribute9
* lastUpdateDate
* endDate
* attribute12
* zdEditionName
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute4
* attribute13
* startDate
* attribute5
* attribute3
* attribute8
* attribute2
* attribute14
* zdSync
* createdBy
* creationDate


 * exchangeRate
* setOfBooksId
* exchangeRateType
* batchId
* exchangeDate


 * exchangeRate
* setOfBooksId
* exchangeRateType
* batchId
* exchangeDate


 * exchangeRate
* customerTrxId
* setOfBooksId
* exchangeRateType
* exchangeDate


 * exchangeRate
* customerTrxId
* setOfBooksId
* exchangeRateType
* exchangeDate


 * setOfBooksId
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* extendedAcctdAmount
* customerTrxLineId
* creationDate
* lastUpdateDate
* createdBy


 * setOfBooksId
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* extendedAcctdAmount
* customerTrxLineId
* creationDate
* lastUpdateDate
* createdBy


 * customerTrxId
* postingControlId
* glPostedDate
* setOfBooksId
* amount
* acctdAmount
* lastUpdateDate
* accountClass
* custTrxLineGlDistId
* lastUpdatedBy


 * customerTrxId
* postingControlId
* glPostedDate
* setOfBooksId
* amount
* acctdAmount
* lastUpdateDate
* accountClass
* custTrxLineGlDistId
* lastUpdatedBy


 * createdBy
* attribute8
* attribute12
* orgId
* attribute13
* attribute6
* addressId
* state
* attribute15
* postalCodeLow
* attributeCategory
* attribute7
* attribute2
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute14
* creationDate
* attribute11
* attribute1
* postalCodeHigh
* attribute9
* status
* attribute3
* country
* attribute4
* attribute5
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute10


 * createdBy
* attribute8
* attribute12
* orgId
* attribute13
* attribute6
* addressId
* state
* attribute15
* postalCodeLow
* attributeCategory
* attribute7
* attribute2
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute14
* creationDate
* attribute11
* attribute1
* postalCodeHigh
* attribute9
* status
* attribute3
* country
* attribute4
* attribute5
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute10


 * lastUpdateDate
* attribute8
* attribute10
* percent
* attribute5
* attribute7
* lastUpdateLogin
* ruleDate
* zdEditionName
* creationDate
* createdBy
* attribute12
* attribute1
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute2
* attribute6
* attribute4
* attribute13
* attribute9
* attribute11
* attribute3
* attribute15
* zdSync
* ruleId
* periodNumber
* attributeCategory
* attribute14


 * lastUpdateDate
* attribute8
* attribute10
* percent
* attribute5
* attribute7
* lastUpdateLogin
* ruleDate
* zdEditionName
* creationDate
* createdBy
* attribute12
* attribute1
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute2
* attribute6
* attribute4
* attribute13
* attribute9
* attribute11
* attribute3
* attribute15
* zdSync
* ruleId
* periodNumber
* attributeCategory
* attribute14


 * attribute11
* attribute8
* attribute12
* attribute15
* status
* type
* lastUpdatedBy
* creationDate
* attribute5
* attribute9
* occurrences
* lastUpdateLogin
* description
* zdEditionName
* name
* attributeCategory
* attribute7
* attribute6
* attribute1
* deferredRevenueFlag
* attribute3
* attribute10
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute13
* ruleId
* attribute4
* createdBy
* frequency
* attribute14
* zdSync
* attribute2


 * attribute11
* attribute8
* attribute12
* attribute15
* status
* type
* lastUpdatedBy
* creationDate
* attribute5
* attribute9
* occurrences
* lastUpdateLogin
* description
* zdEditionName
* name
* attributeCategory
* attribute7
* attribute6
* attribute1
* deferredRevenueFlag
* attribute3
* attribute10
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute13
* ruleId
* attribute4
* createdBy
* frequency
* attribute14
* zdSync
* attribute2


 * endDateActive
* attribute3
* attribute7
* attributeCategory
* attribute5
* salesrepId
* attribute4
* attribute1
* securityGroupId
* status
* attribute9
* attribute14
* attribute12
* territoryId
* startDateActive
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute8
* attribute10
* attribute11
* objectVersionNumber
* salesrepTerritoryId
* lastUpdateDate
* createdBy
* lastUpdatedBy
* whUpdateDate
* creationDate
* attribute15
* attribute6
* attribute2
* attribute13


 * endDateActive
* attribute3
* attribute7
* attributeCategory
* attribute5
* salesrepId
* attribute4
* attribute1
* securityGroupId
* status
* attribute9
* attribute14
* attribute12
* territoryId
* startDateActive
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute8
* attribute10
* attribute11
* objectVersionNumber
* salesrepTerritoryId
* lastUpdateDate
* createdBy
* lastUpdatedBy
* whUpdateDate
* creationDate
* attribute15
* attribute6
* attribute2
* attribute13


 * overShipmentTolerance
* attribute3
* shipPartial
* lastUnaccrueChargeDate
* demandClassCode
* attribute4
* attribute10
* invoiceQuantityRule
* pricingEvent
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute22
* createdBy
* globalAttribute2
* taxReference
* overReturnTolerance
* lastUpdatedBy
* taxHeaderLevelFlag
* requestId
* priceListId
* attribute25
* taxExemptReasonCode
* shipSetsIncludeLinesFlag
* globalAttribute12
* attribute20
* globalAttribute15
* attribute8
* globalAttribute1
* taxExempt
* globalAttribute5
* glIdUnearned
* taxClassification
* siteUseId
* sortPriority
* globalAttributeCategory
* glIdUnbilled
* paymentTermId
* orgId
* attribute2
* glIdRev
* taxRoundingRule
* origSystemReference
* globalAttribute18
* attribute15
* primaryFlag
* glIdTax
* contactId
* globalAttribute14
* underShipmentTolerance
* secondLastUnaccrueChrgDate
* globalAttribute20
* programUpdateDate
* globalAttribute10
* sicCode
* attribute13
* globalAttribute7
* gsaIndicator
* orderTypeId
* globalAttribute11
* siteUseCode
* itemCrossRefPref
* attribute6
* attributeCategory
* attribute7
* attribute24
* globalAttribute9
* underReturnTolerance
* fobPoint
* glIdClearing
* globalAttribute16
* globalAttribute6
* creationDate
* attribute19
* globalAttribute4
* finchrgReceivablesTrxId
* attribute21
* attribute16
* attribute18
* lastUpdateDate
* lastAccrueChargeDate
* programApplicationId
* glIdRec
* whUpdateDate
* primarySalesrepId
* globalAttribute3
* attribute17
* attribute23
* taxCode
* dateTypePreference
* attribute5
* attribute1
* globalAttribute19
* billToSiteUseId
* datesPositiveTolerance
* freightTerm
* glIdFreight
* globalAttribute13
* schedDatePushFlag
* taxExemptNum
* addressId
* datesNegativeTolerance
* programId
* globalAttribute8
* attribute12
* location
* secondLastAccrueChargeDate
* arrivalsetsIncludeLinesFlag
* shipVia
* attribute11
* attribute14
* warehouseId
* attribute9
* status
* territoryId
* globalAttribute17


 * overShipmentTolerance
* attribute3
* shipPartial
* lastUnaccrueChargeDate
* demandClassCode
* attribute4
* attribute10
* invoiceQuantityRule
* pricingEvent
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute22
* createdBy
* globalAttribute2
* taxReference
* overReturnTolerance
* lastUpdatedBy
* taxHeaderLevelFlag
* requestId
* priceListId
* attribute25
* taxExemptReasonCode
* shipSetsIncludeLinesFlag
* globalAttribute12
* attribute20
* globalAttribute15
* attribute8
* globalAttribute1
* taxExempt
* globalAttribute5
* glIdUnearned
* taxClassification
* siteUseId
* sortPriority
* globalAttributeCategory
* glIdUnbilled
* paymentTermId
* orgId
* attribute2
* glIdRev
* taxRoundingRule
* origSystemReference
* globalAttribute18
* attribute15
* primaryFlag
* glIdTax
* contactId
* globalAttribute14
* underShipmentTolerance
* secondLastUnaccrueChrgDate
* globalAttribute20
* programUpdateDate
* globalAttribute10
* sicCode
* attribute13
* globalAttribute7
* gsaIndicator
* orderTypeId
* globalAttribute11
* siteUseCode
* itemCrossRefPref
* attribute6
* attributeCategory
* attribute7
* attribute24
* globalAttribute9
* underReturnTolerance
* fobPoint
* glIdClearing
* globalAttribute16
* globalAttribute6
* creationDate
* attribute19
* globalAttribute4
* finchrgReceivablesTrxId
* attribute21
* attribute16
* attribute18
* lastUpdateDate
* lastAccrueChargeDate
* programApplicationId
* glIdRec
* whUpdateDate
* primarySalesrepId
* globalAttribute3
* attribute17
* attribute23
* taxCode
* dateTypePreference
* attribute5
* attribute1
* globalAttribute19
* billToSiteUseId
* datesPositiveTolerance
* freightTerm
* glIdFreight
* globalAttribute13
* schedDatePushFlag
* taxExemptNum
* addressId
* datesNegativeTolerance
* programId
* globalAttribute8
* attribute12
* location
* secondLastAccrueChargeDate
* arrivalsetsIncludeLinesFlag
* shipVia
* attribute11
* attribute14
* warehouseId
* attribute9
* status
* territoryId
* globalAttribute17


 * exemptPercent4
* attribute5
* customerExemptionNumber
* inUseFlag
* taxCode
* attribute12
* exemptPercent7
* orgId
* attribute11
* attribute14
* endDate
* status
* locationIdSegment4
* exemptContext
* exemptPercent5
* taxExemptionId
* createdBy
* exemptPercent2
* attribute15
* percentExempt
* locationIdSegment5
* attribute4
* attribute8
* creationDate
* attribute2
* locationIdSegment6
* programId
* attribute13
* exemptPercent3
* siteUseId
* attribute3
* inventoryItemId
* attribute9
* lastUpdateDate
* locationIdSegment9
* requestId
* reasonCode
* attribute7
* exemptPercent8
* attribute6
* attributeCategory
* lastUpdatedBy
* locationIdSegment7
* programApplicationId
* locationIdSegment1
* startDate
* exemptPercent10
* locationIdSegment10
* attribute1
* attribute10
* locationIdSegment2
* exemptionType
* locationContext
* locationIdSegment3
* exemptPercent9
* programUpdateDate
* exemptPercent6
* customerId
* locationIdSegment8
* exemptPercent1


 * exemptPercent4
* attribute5
* customerExemptionNumber
* inUseFlag
* taxCode
* attribute12
* exemptPercent7
* orgId
* attribute11
* attribute14
* endDate
* status
* locationIdSegment4
* exemptContext
* exemptPercent5
* taxExemptionId
* createdBy
* exemptPercent2
* attribute15
* percentExempt
* locationIdSegment5
* attribute4
* attribute8
* creationDate
* attribute2
* locationIdSegment6
* programId
* attribute13
* exemptPercent3
* siteUseId
* attribute3
* inventoryItemId
* attribute9
* lastUpdateDate
* locationIdSegment9
* requestId
* reasonCode
* attribute7
* exemptPercent8
* attribute6
* attributeCategory
* lastUpdatedBy
* locationIdSegment7
* programApplicationId
* locationIdSegment1
* startDate
* exemptPercent10
* locationIdSegment10
* attribute1
* attribute10
* locationIdSegment2
* exemptionType
* locationContext
* locationIdSegment3
* exemptPercent9
* programUpdateDate
* exemptPercent6
* customerId
* locationIdSegment8
* exemptPercent1


 * calcDiscountOnLinesFlag
* attribute6
* prepaymentFlag
* zdSync
* firstInstallmentCode
* attribute3
* attribute8
* attribute14
* termId
* inUse
* createdBy
* attribute10
* dueCutoffDay
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* printingLeadDays
* zdEditionName
* attribute1
* attribute9
* attribute11
* creditCheckFlag
* baseAmount
* billingCycleId
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute7
* endDateActive
* creationDate
* attribute2
* attribute15
* partialDiscountFlag
* attribute4
* attribute12
* startDateActive
* attribute13
* attributeCategory
* attribute5


 * calcDiscountOnLinesFlag
* attribute6
* prepaymentFlag
* zdSync
* firstInstallmentCode
* attribute3
* attribute8
* attribute14
* termId
* inUse
* createdBy
* attribute10
* dueCutoffDay
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* printingLeadDays
* zdEditionName
* attribute1
* attribute9
* attribute11
* creditCheckFlag
* baseAmount
* billingCycleId
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute7
* endDateActive
* creationDate
* attribute2
* attribute15
* partialDiscountFlag
* attribute4
* attribute12
* startDateActive
* attribute13
* attributeCategory
* attribute5


 * attribute10
* dueMonthsForward
* attribute8
* zdSync
* attribute13
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute5
* attribute4
* attributeCategory
* attribute6
* attribute9
* zdEditionName
* attribute11
* termId
* attribute15
* dueDays
* attribute7
* creationDate
* attribute3
* sequenceNum
* attribute12
* lastUpdatedBy
* dueDate
* attribute1
* createdBy
* dueDayOfMonth
* attribute2
* lastUpdateLogin
* relativeAmount
* attribute14


 * attribute10
* dueMonthsForward
* attribute8
* zdSync
* attribute13
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute5
* attribute4
* attributeCategory
* attribute6
* attribute9
* zdEditionName
* attribute11
* termId
* attribute15
* dueDays
* attribute7
* creationDate
* attribute3
* sequenceNum
* attribute12
* lastUpdatedBy
* dueDate
* attribute1
* createdBy
* dueDayOfMonth
* attribute2
* lastUpdateLogin
* relativeAmount
* attribute14


 * termId
* discountDate
* attribute3
* discountPercent
* attribute4
* attribute5
* attributeCategory
* attribute7
* attribute15
* creationDate
* discountDayOfMonth
* attribute6
* sequenceNum
* createdBy
* zdEditionName
* zdSync
* attribute2
* attribute12
* attribute11
* attribute9
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute1
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute14
* discountDays
* attribute10
* attribute13
* discountMonthsForward
* termsLinesDiscountId
* attribute8


 * termId
* discountDate
* attribute3
* discountPercent
* attribute4
* attribute5
* attributeCategory
* attribute7
* attribute15
* creationDate
* discountDayOfMonth
* attribute6
* sequenceNum
* createdBy
* zdEditionName
* zdSync
* attribute2
* attribute12
* attribute11
* attribute9
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute1
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute14
* discountDays
* attribute10
* attribute13
* discountMonthsForward
* termsLinesDiscountId
* attribute8


 * lastUpdateDate
* creationDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* sourceLang
* name
* description
* language
* zdEditionName
* lastUpdateLogin
* zdSync
* termId
* createdBy


 * lastUpdateDate
* creationDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* sourceLang
* name
* description
* language
* zdEditionName
* lastUpdateLogin
* zdSync
* termId
* createdBy


 * description
* segment13
* segment9
* summaryFlag
* lastUpdateDate
* segment4
* attribute10
* status
* name
* segment20
* segment2
* attribute4
* attribute7
* segment12
* attribute8
* creationDate
* segment19
* lastUpdateLogin
* segment8
* segment15
* attribute5
* territoryId
* attribute11
* attribute9
* segment11
* attribute13
* attribute6
* attributeCategory
* attribute1
* attribute12
* enabledFlag
* lastUpdatedBy
* segment10
* createdBy
* segment17
* endDateActive
* attribute15
* attribute3
* segment1
* segment5
* segment14
* segment7
* segment16
* segment3
* attribute14
* segment6
* attribute2
* segment18
* startDateActive


 * description
* segment13
* segment9
* summaryFlag
* lastUpdateDate
* segment4
* attribute10
* status
* name
* segment20
* segment2
* attribute4
* attribute7
* segment12
* attribute8
* creationDate
* segment19
* lastUpdateLogin
* segment8
* segment15
* attribute5
* territoryId
* attribute11
* attribute9
* segment11
* attribute13
* attribute6
* attributeCategory
* attribute1
* attribute12
* enabledFlag
* lastUpdatedBy
* segment10
* createdBy
* segment17
* endDateActive
* attribute15
* attribute3
* segment1
* segment5
* segment14
* segment7
* segment16
* segment3
* attribute14
* segment6
* attribute2
* segment18
* startDateActive


 * currencyConversionRate
* eventTypeId
* currencyCode
* paAdditionFlag
* quantityInvoiced
* lastUpdateLogin
* crossOuFlag
* lastUpdatedBy
* transactionDate
* primaryUnitOfMeasure
* trxFlowHeaderId
* intercompanyPricingOption
* invoicedFlag
* accountedFlag
* recTax
* transactionQuantity
* lcmAccountId
* poDistributionId
* nrTaxAmount
* createdBy
* transferOrganizationId
* procurementOrgFlag
* orgId
* currencyConversionType
* sourceDocQuantity
* transactionUnitOfMeasure
* creationDate
* amountInvoiced
* nrTax
* programId
* sourceDocUnitOfMeasure
* unitPrice
* recTaxAmount
* transferOrgId
* currencyConversionDate
* setOfBooksId
* ussglTransactionCode
* poLineLocationId
* debitAccountId
* creditAccountId
* eventSource
* quantityReceived
* eventSourceId
* primaryQuantity
* poHeaderId
* organizationId
* transactionAmount
* priorNrTax
* lastUpdateDate
* amountReceived
* programApplicationId
* inventoryItemId
* programUdpateDate
* requestId
* unitLandedCost
* priorUnitPrice
* glGroupId
* rcvTransactionId
* poReleaseId
* accountingEventId
* poLineId
* priorRecTax


 * currencyConversionRate
* eventTypeId
* currencyCode
* paAdditionFlag
* quantityInvoiced
* lastUpdateLogin
* crossOuFlag
* lastUpdatedBy
* transactionDate
* primaryUnitOfMeasure
* trxFlowHeaderId
* intercompanyPricingOption
* invoicedFlag
* accountedFlag
* recTax
* transactionQuantity
* lcmAccountId
* poDistributionId
* nrTaxAmount
* createdBy
* transferOrganizationId
* procurementOrgFlag
* orgId
* currencyConversionType
* sourceDocQuantity
* transactionUnitOfMeasure
* creationDate
* amountInvoiced
* nrTax
* programId
* sourceDocUnitOfMeasure
* unitPrice
* recTaxAmount
* transferOrgId
* currencyConversionDate
* setOfBooksId
* ussglTransactionCode
* poLineLocationId
* debitAccountId
* creditAccountId
* eventSource
* quantityReceived
* eventSourceId
* primaryQuantity
* poHeaderId
* organizationId
* transactionAmount
* priorNrTax
* lastUpdateDate
* amountReceived
* programApplicationId
* inventoryItemId
* programUdpateDate
* requestId
* unitLandedCost
* priorUnitPrice
* glGroupId
* rcvTransactionId
* poReleaseId
* accountingEventId
* poLineId
* priorRecTax


 * parentHeaderInterfaceId
* currencyCode
* currencyConversionRate
* amount
* transactionStatusCode
* parentInterfaceId
* groupId
* costFactorId
* lastUpdateDate
* costFactorCode
* currencyConversionType
* interfaceChargeId
* lastUpdatedBy
* vendorSiteId
* currencyConversionDate
* processingStatusCode
* createdBy
* vendorId
* creationDate


 * parentHeaderInterfaceId
* currencyCode
* currencyConversionRate
* amount
* transactionStatusCode
* parentInterfaceId
* groupId
* costFactorId
* lastUpdateDate
* costFactorCode
* currencyConversionType
* interfaceChargeId
* lastUpdatedBy
* vendorSiteId
* currencyConversionDate
* processingStatusCode
* createdBy
* vendorId
* creationDate


 * action
* creationDate
* requestId
* lineId
* createdBy
* reportedFlag
* headerId
* lastUpdatedBy
* transactionId
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin


 * action
* creationDate
* requestId
* lineId
* createdBy
* reportedFlag
* headerId
* lastUpdatedBy
* transactionId
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin


 * invoiceType
* prefix
* sellingCompanyCode
* buyingCompanyCode
* nextSequenceNumber


 * invoiceType
* prefix
* sellingCompanyCode
* buyingCompanyCode
* nextSequenceNumber


 * attribute11
* customerPartyName
* tarWeight
* attribute9
* invoiceDate
* performancePeriodTo
* ediControlNum
* transactionDate
* freightCarrierCode
* attribute1
* employeeId
* grossWeightUomCode
* shipFromLocationId
* numOfContainers
* performancePeriodFrom
* conversionRate
* attribute4
* attribute7
* expectedReceiptDate
* attribute2
* transactionType
* billOfLading
* netWeightUomCode
* currencyCode
* conversionRateType
* conversionRateDate
* attribute10
* invoiceStatusCode
* lastUpdatedBy
* groupId
* asnType
* orgId
* taxAmount
* attribute13
* freightTerms
* hazardCode
* requestDate
* processingRequestId
* attribute3
* netWeight
* fromOrganizationId
* creationDate
* remitToSiteId
* receiptNum
* attribute15
* lastUpdateLogin
* vendorId
* waybillAirbillNum
* shipToOrganizationCode
* testFlag
* headerInterfaceId
* specialHandlingCode
* autoTransactCode
* employeeName
* tarWeightUomCode
* validationFlag
* createdBy
* attribute14
* usgglTransactionCode
* shippedDate
* taxName
* customerId
* carrierMethod
* attributeCategory
* attribute8
* hazardClass
* paymentTermsName
* attribute6
* fromOrganizationCode
* vendorName
* invoiceNum
* totalInvoiceAmount
* operatingUnit
* packingSlip
* grossWeight
* receiptHeaderId
* shipmentNum
* locationId
* carrierEquipment
* vendorSiteId
* comments
* lastUpdateDate
* processingStatusCode
* attribute12
* customerAccountNumber
* shipFromLocationCode
* locationCode
* vendorSiteCode
* freightBillNumber
* freightAmount
* hazardDescription
* packagingCode
* receiptSourceCode
* paymentTermsId
* vendorNum
* customerSiteId
* receiverId
* attribute5
* noticeCreationDate
* shipToOrganizationId


 * headerInterfaceId
* receiptNum
* groupId
* processingStatusCode
* receiptSourceCode
* transactionType
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* vendorId
* expectedReceiptDate
* validationFlag
* autoTransactCode
* orgId
* attribute13
* conversionRate
* attribute4
* attribute7
* customerPartyName
* attribute2
* tarWeight
* billOfLading
* netWeightUomCode
* currencyCode
* conversionRateType
* conversionRateDate
* attribute10
* invoiceStatusCode
* attribute9
* invoiceDate
* asnType
* performancePeriodTo
* taxAmount
* attribute11
* freightTerms
* hazardCode
* requestDate
* processingRequestId
* attribute3
* netWeight
* fromOrganizationId
* creationDate
* remitToSiteId
* numOfContainers
* attribute15
* ediControlNum
* transactionDate
* waybillAirbillNum
* shipToOrganizationCode
* testFlag
* freightCarrierCode
* specialHandlingCode
* performancePeriodFrom
* employeeName
* tarWeightUomCode
* attribute1
* createdBy
* attribute14
* usgglTransactionCode
* shippedDate
* taxName
* customerId
* carrierMethod
* attributeCategory
* attribute8
* shipToOrganizationId
* paymentTermsName
* attribute6
* fromOrganizationCode
* vendorName
* invoiceNum
* totalInvoiceAmount
* operatingUnit
* packingSlip
* grossWeight
* receiptHeaderId
* shipmentNum
* locationId
* carrierEquipment
* vendorSiteId
* comments
* employeeId
* grossWeightUomCode
* attribute12
* customerAccountNumber
* shipFromLocationCode
* locationCode
* vendorSiteCode
* freightBillNumber
* freightAmount
* hazardDescription
* packagingCode
* shipFromLocationId
* paymentTermsId
* vendorNum
* customerSiteId
* receiverId
* attribute5
* noticeCreationDate
* hazardClass


 * headerInterfaceId
* receiptNum
* groupId
* processingStatusCode
* receiptSourceCode
* transactionType
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* vendorId
* expectedReceiptDate
* validationFlag
* autoTransactCode
* orgId
* attribute11
* conversionRate
* attribute4
* attribute7
* customerPartyName
* attribute2
* tarWeight
* billOfLading
* netWeightUomCode
* currencyCode
* conversionRateType
* conversionRateDate
* attribute10
* invoiceStatusCode
* attribute9
* invoiceDate
* asnType
* performancePeriodTo
* taxAmount
* attribute13
* freightTerms
* hazardCode
* requestDate
* processingRequestId
* attribute3
* netWeight
* fromOrganizationId
* creationDate
* remitToSiteId
* numOfContainers
* attribute15
* ediControlNum
* transactionDate
* waybillAirbillNum
* shipToOrganizationCode
* testFlag
* freightCarrierCode
* specialHandlingCode
* performancePeriodFrom
* employeeName
* tarWeightUomCode
* attribute1
* createdBy
* attribute14
* usgglTransactionCode
* shippedDate
* taxName
* customerId
* carrierMethod
* attributeCategory
* attribute8
* hazardClass
* paymentTermsName
* attribute6
* fromOrganizationCode
* vendorName
* invoiceNum
* totalInvoiceAmount
* operatingUnit
* packingSlip
* grossWeight
* receiptHeaderId
* shipmentNum
* locationId
* carrierEquipment
* vendorSiteId
* comments
* employeeId
* grossWeightUomCode
* attribute12
* customerAccountNumber
* shipFromLocationCode
* locationCode
* vendorSiteCode
* freightBillNumber
* freightAmount
* hazardDescription
* packagingCode
* shipFromLocationId
* paymentTermsId
* vendorNum
* customerSiteId
* receiverId
* attribute5
* noticeCreationDate
* shipToOrganizationId


 * programId
* lotTransactionType
* programApplicationId
* shipmentLineId
* itemId
* lastUpdatedBy
* programUpdateDate
* sublotNum
* lastUpdateLogin
* transactionId
* lotNum
* lastUpdateDate
* quantity
* sourceTransactionId
* primaryQuantity
* secondaryQuantity
* createdBy
* creationDate
* reasonCode
* transactionDate
* qcGrade
* requestId
* expirationDate
* correctionTransactionId


 * programId
* lotTransactionType
* programApplicationId
* shipmentLineId
* itemId
* lastUpdatedBy
* programUpdateDate
* sublotNum
* lastUpdateLogin
* transactionId
* lotNum
* lastUpdateDate
* quantity
* sourceTransactionId
* primaryQuantity
* secondaryQuantity
* createdBy
* creationDate
* reasonCode
* transactionDate
* qcGrade
* requestId
* expirationDate
* correctionTransactionId


 * programId
* sublotNum
* quantity
* primaryQuantity
* interfaceTransactionId
* shipmentLineId
* qcGrade
* expirationDate
* creationDate
* reasonCode
* programApplicationId
* lotNum
* secondaryQuantity
* itemId
* requestId
* transactionDate
* lastUpdateDate
* programUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* parentLotNumber
* lastUpdateLogin
* createdBy


 * programId
* sublotNum
* quantity
* primaryQuantity
* interfaceTransactionId
* shipmentLineId
* qcGrade
* expirationDate
* creationDate
* reasonCode
* programApplicationId
* lotNum
* secondaryQuantity
* itemId
* requestId
* transactionDate
* lastUpdateDate
* programUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* parentLotNumber
* lastUpdateLogin
* createdBy


 * lastUpdateLogin
* expirationDate
* sublotNum
* supplyTypeCode
* programApplicationId
* requestId
* reasonId
* transactionId
* quantity
* primaryQuantity
* createdBy
* shipmentLineId
* lotNum
* lastUpdateDate
* programId
* reasonCode
* secondaryQuantity
* lastUpdatedBy
* creationDate
* programUpdateDate


 * lastUpdateLogin
* expirationDate
* sublotNum
* supplyTypeCode
* programApplicationId
* requestId
* reasonId
* transactionId
* quantity
* primaryQuantity
* createdBy
* shipmentLineId
* lotNum
* lastUpdateDate
* programId
* reasonCode
* secondaryQuantity
* lastUpdatedBy
* creationDate
* programUpdateDate


 * accountedRecTax
* reference8
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute5
* reference4
* attribute15
* reference5
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute13
* programUpdateDate
* programApplicationId
* reference10
* reversalPeriodName
* subledgerDocSequenceValue
* attribute12
* chartOfAccountsId
* paAdditionFlag
* recoverableTax
* accountingEventId
* reference9
* attribute14
* enteredDr
* sourceDocQuantity
* jeBatchDescription
* attributeCategory
* reference1
* attribute9
* codeCombinationId
* jeBatchName
* reference3
* encumbranceTypeId
* jeHeaderName
* reverseJournalFlag
* reference7
* attribute2
* attribute10
* glSlLinkId
* accountedDr
* accountingLineType
* creationDate
* enteredCr
* currencyConversionRate
* lastUpdateDate
* nonrecoverableTax
* currencyConversionDate
* jeCategoryName
* userCurrencyConversionType
* attribute7
* attribute1
* accountedNrTax
* accountedCr
* programId
* reference6
* rcvSubLedgerId
* dateCreatedInGl
* functionalCurrencyCode
* requestId
* transactionDate
* currencyCode
* reference2
* actualFlag
* periodName
* attribute3
* accountingDate
* attribute6
* attribute8
* budgetVersionId
* setOfBooksId
* attribute11
* rcvTransactionId
* enteredNrTax
* jeLineDescription
* accrualMethodFlag
* subledgerDocSequenceId
* createdBy
* attribute4
* jeSourceName
* ussglTransactionCode
* enteredRecTax


 * accountedRecTax
* reference8
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute5
* reference4
* attribute15
* reference5
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute13
* programUpdateDate
* programApplicationId
* reference10
* reversalPeriodName
* subledgerDocSequenceValue
* attribute12
* chartOfAccountsId
* paAdditionFlag
* recoverableTax
* accountingEventId
* reference9
* attribute14
* enteredDr
* sourceDocQuantity
* jeBatchDescription
* attributeCategory
* reference1
* attribute9
* codeCombinationId
* jeBatchName
* reference3
* encumbranceTypeId
* jeHeaderName
* reverseJournalFlag
* reference7
* attribute2
* attribute10
* glSlLinkId
* accountedDr
* accountingLineType
* creationDate
* enteredCr
* currencyConversionRate
* lastUpdateDate
* nonrecoverableTax
* currencyConversionDate
* jeCategoryName
* userCurrencyConversionType
* attribute7
* attribute1
* accountedNrTax
* accountedCr
* programId
* reference6
* rcvSubLedgerId
* dateCreatedInGl
* functionalCurrencyCode
* requestId
* transactionDate
* currencyCode
* reference2
* actualFlag
* periodName
* attribute3
* accountingDate
* attribute6
* attribute8
* budgetVersionId
* setOfBooksId
* attribute11
* rcvTransactionId
* enteredNrTax
* jeLineDescription
* accrualMethodFlag
* subledgerDocSequenceId
* createdBy
* attribute4
* jeSourceName
* ussglTransactionCode
* enteredRecTax


 * shipmentHeaderId
* conversionDate
* conversionRate
* setOfBooksId
* conversionRateType


 * shipmentHeaderId
* conversionDate
* conversionRate
* setOfBooksId
* conversionRateType


 * transactionDate
* jeLineDescription
* reference2
* attribute15
* accountedDr
* reference5
* jeCategoryName
* creationDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* programApplicationId
* attribute8
* attribute5
* subledgerDocSequenceValue
* functionalCurrencyCode
* reference7
* currencyConversionDate
* attribute1
* attribute4
* poLineLocationId
* actualFlag
* reverseJournalFlag
* glSlLinkId
* reference4
* attributeCategory
* encumbranceTypeId
* enteredRecTax
* createdBy
* jeSourceName
* reference3
* reference6
* attribute10
* periodName
* lastUpdateLogin
* accountedRecTax
* accountingDate
* currencyConversionRate
* reversalPeriodName
* attribute14
* jeHeaderName
* enteredDr
* jeBatchName
* dateCreatedInGl
* attribute12
* codeCombinationId
* reference1
* programId
* budgetVersionId
* ussglTransactionCode
* accountedCr
* attribute2
* attribute6
* attribute7
* reference8
* accrualMethodFlag
* attribute9
* chartOfAccountsId
* jeBatchDescription
* sourceDocQuantity
* lastUpdateDate
* requestId
* userCurrencyConversionType
* programUpdateDate
* rcvTransactionId
* reference9
* subledgerDocSequenceId
* setOfBooksId
* reference10
* accountedNrTax
* attribute3
* enteredNrTax
* currencyCode
* enteredCr
* rcvSlDetailsId
* attribute11
* attribute13


 * transactionDate
* jeLineDescription
* reference2
* attribute15
* accountedDr
* reference5
* jeCategoryName
* creationDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* programApplicationId
* attribute8
* attribute5
* subledgerDocSequenceValue
* functionalCurrencyCode
* reference7
* currencyConversionDate
* attribute1
* attribute4
* poLineLocationId
* actualFlag
* reverseJournalFlag
* glSlLinkId
* reference4
* attributeCategory
* encumbranceTypeId
* enteredRecTax
* createdBy
* jeSourceName
* reference3
* reference6
* attribute10
* periodName
* lastUpdateLogin
* accountedRecTax
* accountingDate
* currencyConversionRate
* reversalPeriodName
* attribute14
* jeHeaderName
* enteredDr
* jeBatchName
* dateCreatedInGl
* attribute12
* codeCombinationId
* reference1
* programId
* budgetVersionId
* ussglTransactionCode
* accountedCr
* attribute2
* attribute6
* attribute7
* reference8
* accrualMethodFlag
* attribute9
* chartOfAccountsId
* jeBatchDescription
* sourceDocQuantity
* lastUpdateDate
* requestId
* userCurrencyConversionType
* programUpdateDate
* rcvTransactionId
* reference9
* subledgerDocSequenceId
* setOfBooksId
* reference10
* accountedNrTax
* attribute3
* enteredNrTax
* currencyCode
* enteredCr
* rcvSlDetailsId
* attribute11
* attribute13


 * currencyConversionRate
* currencyConversionType
* transactionId
* currencyConversionDate
* setOfBooksId


 * currencyConversionRate
* currencyConversionType
* transactionId
* currencyConversionDate
* setOfBooksId


 * receiptAsnExistsCode
* rmaReceiptRoutingId
* blindReceivingFlag
* allowUnorderedReceiptsFlag
* invVarianceAccountId
* creationDate
* globalAttribute14
* manualReceiptNumType
* enforceRmaSerialNum
* globalAttribute7
* taxVarianceAccountId
* lastUpdateDate
* createdBy
* allowExpressDeliveryFlag
* globalAttribute9
* globalAttribute16
* retropriceAdjAccountId
* defChargesAccountId
* daysEarlyReceiptAllowed
* globalAttribute10
* transportationExecution
* enforceShipToLocationCode
* daysLateReceiptAllowed
* programApplicationId
* globalAttribute1
* lastUpdatedLogin
* globalAttribute8
* globalAttribute5
* globalAttribute12
* globalAttribute19
* qtyRcvExceptionCode
* globalAttribute4
* globalAttribute2
* globalAttribute6
* enforceRmaLotNum
* receiptDaysExceptionCode
* preReceive
* programUpdateDate
* globalAttribute17
* globalAttributeCategory
* programId
* allowCascadeTransactions
* globalAttribute15
* exchangeVarianceAccountId
* qtyRcvTolerance
* globalAttribute18
* lcmAccountId
* globalAttribute20
* globalAttribute11
* allowSubstituteReceiptsFlag
* clearingAccountId
* globalAttribute13
* userDefinedReceiptNumCode
* lastUpdatedBy
* receivingAccountId
* receivingRoutingId
* requestId
* nextReceiptNum
* organizationId
* globalAttribute3
* advancedPricing


 * auditTransactionType
* clearingAccountId
* receivingAccountId
* auditSequenceId
* rowKey
* allowUnorderedReceiptsFlag
* receiptDaysExceptionCode
* auditTrueNulls
* auditUserName
* daysEarlyReceiptAllowed
* daysLateReceiptAllowed
* organizationId
* blindReceivingFlag
* auditTimestamp
* auditCommitId
* auditSessionId


 * auditTransactionType
* clearingAccountId
* receivingAccountId
* auditSequenceId
* rowKey
* allowUnorderedReceiptsFlag
* receiptDaysExceptionCode
* auditTrueNulls
* auditUserName
* daysEarlyReceiptAllowed
* daysLateReceiptAllowed
* organizationId
* blindReceivingFlag
* auditTimestamp
* auditCommitId
* auditSessionId


 * receiptAsnExistsCode
* rmaReceiptRoutingId
* blindReceivingFlag
* allowUnorderedReceiptsFlag
* invVarianceAccountId
* creationDate
* globalAttribute14
* manualReceiptNumType
* enforceRmaSerialNum
* globalAttribute7
* taxVarianceAccountId
* lastUpdateDate
* createdBy
* allowExpressDeliveryFlag
* globalAttribute9
* globalAttribute16
* retropriceAdjAccountId
* defChargesAccountId
* daysEarlyReceiptAllowed
* globalAttribute10
* transportationExecution
* enforceShipToLocationCode
* daysLateReceiptAllowed
* programApplicationId
* globalAttribute1
* lastUpdatedLogin
* globalAttribute8
* globalAttribute5
* globalAttribute12
* globalAttribute19
* qtyRcvExceptionCode
* globalAttribute4
* globalAttribute2
* globalAttribute6
* enforceRmaLotNum
* receiptDaysExceptionCode
* preReceive
* programUpdateDate
* globalAttribute17
* globalAttributeCategory
* programId
* allowCascadeTransactions
* globalAttribute15
* exchangeVarianceAccountId
* qtyRcvTolerance
* globalAttribute18
* lcmAccountId
* globalAttribute20
* globalAttribute11
* allowSubstituteReceiptsFlag
* clearingAccountId
* globalAttribute13
* userDefinedReceiptNumCode
* lastUpdatedBy
* receivingAccountId
* receivingRoutingId
* requestId
* nextReceiptNum
* organizationId
* globalAttribute3
* advancedPricing


 * rcvTransactionId
* userCurrencyConversionType
* reference3
* attribute4
* attribute1
* accountedDr
* reverseJournalFlag
* subledgerDocSequenceValue
* setOfBooksId
* jeBatchDescription
* enteredDr
* currencyConversionDate
* attribute8
* sourceDocQuantity
* codeCombinationId
* accountingEventId
* requestId
* enteredNrTax
* reference8
* chartOfAccountsId
* enteredRecTax
* creationDate
* transactionDate
* attribute2
* subledgerDocSequenceId
* lastUpdatedBy
* createdBy
* attribute15
* reference2
* functionalCurrencyCode
* programId
* jeBatchName
* programApplicationId
* reference9
* paAdditionFlag
* reversalPeriodName
* reference10
* accountingLineType
* attribute5
* currencyConversionRate
* accrualMethodFlag
* glSlLinkId
* jeCategoryName
* periodName
* reference7
* encumbranceTypeId
* attribute13
* jeHeaderName
* attribute11
* accountedCr
* reference1
* jeLineDescription
* jeSourceName
* attribute7
* lastUpdateDate
* accountedRecTax
* attributeCategory
* attribute14
* reference6
* actualFlag
* dateCreatedInGl
* attribute10
* reference4
* accountedNrTax
* currencyCode
* rcvSubLedgerId
* programUpdateDate
* attribute6
* attribute12
* ussglTransactionCode
* lastUpdateLogin
* accountingDate
* enteredCr
* attribute3
* reference5
* attribute9
* budgetVersionId


 * rcvTransactionId
* userCurrencyConversionType
* reference3
* attribute4
* attribute1
* accountedDr
* reverseJournalFlag
* subledgerDocSequenceValue
* setOfBooksId
* jeBatchDescription
* enteredDr
* currencyConversionDate
* attribute8
* sourceDocQuantity
* codeCombinationId
* accountingEventId
* requestId
* enteredNrTax
* reference8
* chartOfAccountsId
* enteredRecTax
* creationDate
* transactionDate
* attribute2
* subledgerDocSequenceId
* lastUpdatedBy
* createdBy
* attribute15
* reference2
* functionalCurrencyCode
* programId
* jeBatchName
* programApplicationId
* reference9
* paAdditionFlag
* reversalPeriodName
* reference10
* accountingLineType
* attribute5
* currencyConversionRate
* accrualMethodFlag
* glSlLinkId
* jeCategoryName
* periodName
* reference7
* encumbranceTypeId
* attribute13
* jeHeaderName
* attribute11
* accountedCr
* reference1
* jeLineDescription
* jeSourceName
* attribute7
* lastUpdateDate
* accountedRecTax
* attributeCategory
* attribute14
* reference6
* actualFlag
* dateCreatedInGl
* attribute10
* reference4
* accountedNrTax
* currencyCode
* rcvSubLedgerId
* programUpdateDate
* attribute6
* attribute12
* ussglTransactionCode
* lastUpdateLogin
* accountingDate
* enteredCr
* attribute3
* reference5
* attribute9
* budgetVersionId


 * routingStepId
* transactionTypeCode
* routingHeaderId
* attribute2
* attribute13
* programId
* attribute3
* attribute11
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute4
* attribute6
* programApplicationId
* attribute14
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute9
* attribute12
* requestId
* stepName
* description
* attribute1
* attribute7
* attribute8
* programUpdateDate
* createdBy
* attribute10
* lastUpdatedBy
* stepNum
* attribute5
* attribute15
* attributeCategory
* creationDate


 * routingStepId
* transactionTypeCode
* routingHeaderId
* attribute2
* attribute13
* programId
* attribute3
* attribute11
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute4
* attribute6
* programApplicationId
* attribute14
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute9
* attribute12
* requestId
* stepName
* description
* attribute1
* attribute7
* attribute8
* programUpdateDate
* createdBy
* attribute10
* lastUpdatedBy
* stepNum
* attribute5
* attribute15
* attributeCategory
* creationDate


 * requestId
* correctionTransactionId
* transactionId
* programApplicationId
* programUpdateDate
* transactionDate
* lotNum
* vendorLotNum
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* vendorSerialNum
* programId
* serialTransactionType
* usageStatusCode
* createdBy
* serialNum
* creationDate
* shipmentLineId
* lastUpdateLogin
* sourceTransactionId


 * requestId
* correctionTransactionId
* transactionId
* programApplicationId
* programUpdateDate
* transactionDate
* lotNum
* vendorLotNum
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* vendorSerialNum
* programId
* serialTransactionType
* usageStatusCode
* createdBy
* serialNum
* creationDate
* shipmentLineId
* lastUpdateLogin
* sourceTransactionId


 * lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* toSerialNum
* itemId
* programId
* lastUpdatedBy
* fmSerialNum
* programApplicationId
* vendorLotNum
* vendorSerialNum
* requestId
* serialPrefix
* createdBy
* lotNum
* creationDate
* interfaceTransactionId
* transactionDate
* programUpdateDate
* organizationId


 * lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* toSerialNum
* itemId
* programId
* lastUpdatedBy
* fmSerialNum
* programApplicationId
* vendorLotNum
* vendorSerialNum
* requestId
* serialPrefix
* createdBy
* lotNum
* creationDate
* interfaceTransactionId
* transactionDate
* programUpdateDate
* organizationId


 * supplyTypeCode
* lastUpdateLogin
* vendorSerialNum
* transactionId
* creationDate
* programId
* lastUpdatedBy
* createdBy
* lotNum
* programApplicationId
* requestId
* serialNum
* programUpdateDate
* lastUpdateDate
* shipmentLineId


 * supplyTypeCode
* lastUpdateLogin
* vendorSerialNum
* transactionId
* creationDate
* programId
* lastUpdatedBy
* createdBy
* lotNum
* programApplicationId
* requestId
* serialNum
* programUpdateDate
* lastUpdateDate
* shipmentLineId


 * vendorId
* conversionRate
* numOfContainers
* hazardDescription
* grossWeightUomCode
* packagingCode
* attribute4
* taxAmount
* attribute13
* receiptSourceCode
* wfItemKey
* lastUpdateLogin
* freightBillNumber
* vendorSiteId
* programUpdateDate
* programApplicationId
* performancePeriodTo
* requestDate
* createdBy
* invoiceNum
* attribute10
* freightCarrierCode
* carrierEquipment
* freightTerms
* creationDate
* specialHandlingCode
* ediControlNum
* netWeightUomCode
* receiptNum
* waybillAirbillNum
* attribute9
* grossWeight
* performancePeriodFrom
* noticeCreationDate
* wfItemType
* conversionRateType
* shipmentHeaderId
* organizationId
* governmentContext
* tarWeightUomCode
* attributeCategory
* asnType
* shipToLocationId
* paymentTermsId
* attribute15
* attribute11
* invoiceAmount
* currencyCode
* ussglTransactionCode
* hazardClass
* freightAmount
* asnStatus
* attribute7
* packingSlip
* approvalStatus
* mrcConversionDate
* attribute14
* shipmentNum
* attribute2
* attribute12
* conversionDate
* invoiceStatusCode
* shippedDate
* shipFromLocationId
* attribute3
* attribute6
* customerId
* customerSiteId
* billOfLading
* requestId
* expectedReceiptDate
* carrierEquipmentNum
* invoiceDate
* mrcConversionRateType
* carrierMethod
* attribute1
* netWeight
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute8
* tarWeight
* lastUpdatedBy
* taxName
* employeeId
* remitToSiteId
* mrcConversionRate
* shipToOrgId
* comments
* carrierEquipmentAlpha
* attribute5
* programId
* hazardCode


 * vendorId
* conversionRate
* numOfContainers
* hazardDescription
* grossWeightUomCode
* packagingCode
* attribute4
* taxAmount
* attribute13
* receiptSourceCode
* wfItemKey
* lastUpdateLogin
* freightBillNumber
* vendorSiteId
* programUpdateDate
* programApplicationId
* performancePeriodTo
* requestDate
* createdBy
* invoiceNum
* attribute10
* freightCarrierCode
* carrierEquipment
* freightTerms
* creationDate
* specialHandlingCode
* ediControlNum
* netWeightUomCode
* receiptNum
* waybillAirbillNum
* attribute9
* grossWeight
* performancePeriodFrom
* noticeCreationDate
* wfItemType
* conversionRateType
* shipmentHeaderId
* organizationId
* governmentContext
* tarWeightUomCode
* attributeCategory
* asnType
* shipToLocationId
* paymentTermsId
* attribute15
* attribute11
* invoiceAmount
* currencyCode
* ussglTransactionCode
* hazardClass
* freightAmount
* asnStatus
* attribute7
* packingSlip
* approvalStatus
* mrcConversionDate
* attribute14
* shipmentNum
* attribute2
* attribute12
* conversionDate
* invoiceStatusCode
* shippedDate
* shipFromLocationId
* attribute3
* attribute6
* customerId
* customerSiteId
* billOfLading
* requestId
* expectedReceiptDate
* carrierEquipmentNum
* invoiceDate
* mrcConversionRateType
* carrierMethod
* attribute1
* netWeight
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute8
* tarWeight
* lastUpdatedBy
* taxName
* employeeId
* remitToSiteId
* mrcConversionRate
* shipToOrgId
* comments
* carrierEquipmentAlpha
* attribute5
* programId
* hazardCode


 * shipmentHeaderId
* excessTransportResponsible
* attribute6
* amount
* mrcNoticeUnitPrice
* destinationTypeCode
* countryOfOriginCode
* deliverToLocationId
* transportationAccountId
* shipmentUnitPrice
* mmtTransactionId
* jobId
* unitLandedCost
* noticeUnitPrice
* attribute4
* comments
* fromOrganizationId
* categoryId
* lineNum
* shipmentLineId
* vendorItemNum
* lastUpdateDate
* routingHeaderId
* toSubinventory
* mrcTransferCost
* shipmentLineStatusCode
* excessTransportReason
* originalAsnParentLineId
* programApplicationId
* oeOrderLineId
* attribute1
* attribute12
* requestId
* poDistributionId
* originalAsnLineFlag
* timecardOvn
* secondaryUnitOfMeasure
* materialStoredAmount
* programId
* invoiceStatusCode
* reqDistributionId
* locatorId
* asnLineFlag
* cumComparisonFlag
* vendorCumShippedQuantity
* approvalStatus
* programUpdateDate
* uomConversionRate
* ussglTransactionCode
* attribute8
* asnLpnId
* transferCost
* deliverToPersonId
* attribute13
* unitOfMeasure
* attribute14
* packingSlip
* quantityReceived
* poLineLocationId
* primaryUnitOfMeasure
* secondaryQuantityShipped
* poLineId
* itemId
* poHeaderId
* containerNum
* shipToLocationId
* quantityShipped
* requisitionLineId
* qcGrade
* amountShipped
* itemRevision
* attribute9
* reasonId
* attribute15
* attributeCategory
* lcmShipmentLineId
* taxName
* costGroupId
* attribute11
* transferPercentage
* attribute2
* customerItemNum
* toOrganizationId
* equipmentId
* sourceDocumentCode
* amountReceived
* excessTransportAuthNum
* taxAmount
* employeeId
* governmentContext
* attribute10
* barCodeLabel
* requestedAmount
* mrcTransportationCost
* createdBy
* poReleaseId
* itemDescription
* transportationCost
* lastUpdatedBy
* chargeAccountId
* secondaryQuantityReceived
* destinationContext
* lastUpdateLogin
* mrcShipmentUnitPrice
* creationDate
* attribute5
* timecardId
* attribute3
* osaFlag
* vendorLotNum
* attribute7
* truckNum
* oeOrderHeaderId


 * requestId
* transactionId
* creationDate
* transactionGroupId
* lastUpdateLogin
* status
* lastUpdatedBy
* createdBy
* team
* transactionRequestId
* lastUpdateDate


 * requestId
* transactionId
* creationDate
* transactionGroupId
* lastUpdateLogin
* status
* lastUpdatedBy
* createdBy
* team
* transactionRequestId
* lastUpdateDate


 * periodName
* accountedCr
* jeHeaderName
* enteredCr
* reference1
* accountedRecTax
* enteredNrTax
* currencyCode
* glSlLinkId
* functionalCurrencyCode
* jeCategoryName
* reference10
* dateCreatedInGl
* attribute3
* jeBatchName
* actualFlag
* reference7
* poLineLocationId
* reference8
* attribute12
* accountedNrTax
* userCurrencyConversionType
* reversalPeriodName
* attribute2
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute5
* budgetVersionId
* attribute6
* jeLineDescription
* attribute4
* encumbranceTypeId
* attributeCategory
* jeSourceName
* reference6
* createdBy
* attribute7
* setOfBooksId
* currencyConversionDate
* reference4
* reference3
* sourceDocQuantity
* attribute11
* attribute13
* attribute10
* enteredRecTax
* attribute9
* requestId
* attribute14
* accrualMethodFlag
* rcvSlDetailsId
* programId
* subledgerDocSequenceId
* currencyConversionRate
* reverseJournalFlag
* programUpdateDate
* rcvTransactionId
* subledgerDocSequenceValue
* reference9
* attribute15
* creationDate
* lastUpdateDate
* programApplicationId
* attribute8
* transactionDate
* reference2
* enteredDr
* ussglTransactionCode
* accountedDr
* chartOfAccountsId
* reference5
* codeCombinationId
* jeBatchDescription
* accountingDate
* attribute1


 * periodName
* accountedCr
* jeHeaderName
* enteredCr
* reference1
* accountedRecTax
* enteredNrTax
* currencyCode
* glSlLinkId
* functionalCurrencyCode
* jeCategoryName
* reference10
* dateCreatedInGl
* attribute3
* jeBatchName
* actualFlag
* reference7
* poLineLocationId
* reference8
* attribute12
* accountedNrTax
* userCurrencyConversionType
* reversalPeriodName
* attribute2
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute5
* budgetVersionId
* attribute6
* jeLineDescription
* attribute4
* encumbranceTypeId
* attributeCategory
* jeSourceName
* reference6
* createdBy
* attribute7
* setOfBooksId
* currencyConversionDate
* reference4
* reference3
* sourceDocQuantity
* attribute11
* attribute13
* attribute10
* enteredRecTax
* attribute9
* requestId
* attribute14
* accrualMethodFlag
* rcvSlDetailsId
* programId
* subledgerDocSequenceId
* currencyConversionRate
* reverseJournalFlag
* programUpdateDate
* rcvTransactionId
* subledgerDocSequenceValue
* reference9
* attribute15
* creationDate
* lastUpdateDate
* programApplicationId
* attribute8
* transactionDate
* reference2
* enteredDr
* ussglTransactionCode
* accountedDr
* chartOfAccountsId
* reference5
* codeCombinationId
* jeBatchDescription
* accountingDate
* attribute1


 * oeOrderLineId
* poReleaseId
* unitOfMeasure
* creationDate
* secondaryUnitOfMeasure
* supplySourceId
* poHeaderId
* toOrgPrimaryUom
* shipmentLineId
* oeOrderHeaderId
* changeFlag
* toSubinventory
* reqHeaderId
* reqLineId
* shipmentHeaderId
* fromOrganizationId
* itemId
* programUpdateDate
* requestId
* programApplicationId
* receiptDate
* toOrganizationId
* fromSubinventory
* itemRevision
* locationId
* intransitOwningOrgId
* toLocatorId
* toOrgPrimaryQuantity
* poLineId
* programId
* lastUpdateLogin
* destinationTypeCode
* rcvTransactionId
* quantity
* secondaryQuantity
* changeType
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateDate
* supplyTypeCode
* createdBy
* lpnId
* poLineLocationId
* poDistributionId


 * oeOrderLineId
* poReleaseId
* unitOfMeasure
* creationDate
* secondaryUnitOfMeasure
* supplySourceId
* poHeaderId
* toOrgPrimaryUom
* shipmentLineId
* oeOrderHeaderId
* changeFlag
* toSubinventory
* reqHeaderId
* reqLineId
* shipmentHeaderId
* fromOrganizationId
* itemId
* programUpdateDate
* requestId
* programApplicationId
* receiptDate
* toOrganizationId
* fromSubinventory
* itemRevision
* locationId
* intransitOwningOrgId
* toLocatorId
* toOrgPrimaryQuantity
* poLineId
* programId
* lastUpdateLogin
* destinationTypeCode
* rcvTransactionId
* quantity
* secondaryQuantity
* changeType
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateDate
* supplyTypeCode
* createdBy
* lpnId
* poLineLocationId
* poDistributionId


 * bomResourceId
* vendorId
* destinationTypeCode
* employeeId
* vendorSiteId
* sourceDocumentCode
* poReleaseId
* programUpdateDate
* substituteUnorderedCode
* wipLineId
* poDistributionId
* uomCode
* attribute14
* createdBy
* transactionType
* currencyConversionDate
* invoiceId
* shipmentHeaderId
* lastUpdateLogin
* matchFlag
* rmaReference
* currencyConversionRate
* attribute8
* routingHeaderId
* lpnGroupId
* receiptConfirmationExtracted
* invTransactionId
* parentTransactionId
* lpnId
* unitOfMeasure
* attribute2
* wipOperationSeqNum
* destinationContext
* requisitionLineId
* requestId
* groupId
* materialStoredAmount
* transferLpnId
* vendorLotNum
* oeOrderLineId
* countryOfOriginCode
* movementId
* locatorAttribute
* sourceTransactionNum
* invoiceStatusCode
* matchOption
* qaCollectionId
* reqDistributionId
* jobId
* dropshipTypeCode
* poUnitPrice
* taskId
* attribute15
* locatorId
* secondaryUomCode
* xmlDocumentId
* programApplicationId
* locationId
* secondaryQuantity
* attribute12
* userEnteredFlag
* reasonId
* lastUpdateDate
* deliverToLocationId
* paAdditionFlag
* requestedAmount
* transactionDate
* poHeaderId
* wipRepetitiveScheduleId
* mobileTxn
* receiptExceptionFlag
* lcmShipmentLineId
* mrcCurrencyConversionDate
* quantityBilled
* oeOrderHeaderId
* departmentCode
* quantity
* replenishOrderLineId
* primaryUnitOfMeasure
* currencyCode
* customerId
* wipResourceSeqNum
* mrcCurrencyConversionRate
* lcmAdjustmentNum
* comments
* attribute5
* timecardId
* currencyConversionType
* projectId
* sourceDocQuantity
* attribute4
* accrualStatusCode
* qcGrade
* transactionId
* customerSiteId
* amount
* mrcCurrencyConversionType
* deliverToPersonId
* attribute9
* fromSubinventory
* sourceDocUnitOfMeasure
* mvtStatStatus
* lastUpdatedBy
* wipEntityId
* routingStepId
* inspectionStatusCode
* shipmentLineId
* attribute10
* programId
* primaryQuantity
* poLineId
* interfaceSourceLineId
* unitLandedCost
* attribute3
* attribute11
* attribute13
* poRevisionNum
* poLineLocationId
* interfaceTransactionId
* attribute1
* amountBilled
* attribute7
* organizationId
* attributeCategory
* fromLocatorId
* interfaceSourceCode
* attribute6
* consignedFlag
* childInspectionFlag
* inspectionQualityCode
* creationDate
* timecardOvn
* subinventory
* secondaryUnitOfMeasure


 * itemDescription
* attribute2
* transferPercentage
* parentSourceTransactionNum
* routingHeaderId
* poReleaseId
* resourceCode
* governmentContext
* processingModeCode
* shippedDate
* shipHeadAttribute6
* processingStatusCode
* parentTransactionId
* validationFlag
* currencyConversionRate
* movementId
* fromSubinventory
* taxName
* barcodeLabel
* costGroupId
* shipLineAttribute14
* poLineId
* jobId
* shipHeadAttribute14
* useMtlSerial
* attribute3
* shipHeadAttribute11
* customerId
* customerSiteId
* chargeAccountId
* taskId
* transactionType
* substituteItemNum
* vendorId
* unitLandedCost
* transportationCost
* shipLineAttribute13
* customerAccountNumber
* lastUpdateDate
* truckNum
* timecardId
* subinventory
* oeOrderLineId
* sourceTransactionNum
* shipHeadAttribute10
* reqNum
* receiptSourceCode
* locationId
* shipLineAttribute1
* vendorCumShippedQty
* shipHeadAttribute7
* wipResourceSeqNum
* packingSlip
* amount
* mobileTxn
* amountInvoiced
* expectedReceiptDate
* shipLineAttribute5
* employeeId
* comments
* autoTransactCode
* customerPartyName
* shipHeadAttribute8
* rmaReference
* attribute15
* transactionDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* projectId
* substituteUnorderedCode
* freightCarrierCode
* wipOperationSeqNum
* currencyConversionDate
* inspectionQualityCode
* documentNum
* destinationContext
* shipLineAttribute15
* wipEntityName
* headerInterfaceId
* oeOrderNum
* attribute14
* shipHeadAttribute4
* oeOrderHeaderId
* requestedAmount
* interfaceSourceCode
* orgId
* attribute1
* substituteItemId
* asnAttachId
* shipLineAttribute6
* lpnGroupId
* routingCode
* attribute12
* accrualStatusCode
* shipLineAttribute3
* shipHeadAttribute15
* shipLineAttribute9
* attribute4
* invTransactionId
* shipmentHeaderId
* vendorNum
* requestId
* toOrganizationId
* attribute6
* interfaceAvailableAmt
* interfaceTransactionAmt
* poDistributionId
* expressTransaction
* wipRepetitiveScheduleId
* interfaceSourceLineId
* bomResourceId
* qcGrade
* secondaryQuantity
* materialStoredAmount
* fromLocator
* itemNum
* fromOrganizationCode
* releaseNum
* documentLineNum
* quantity
* attributeCategory
* reasonId
* locationCode
* interfaceAvailableQty
* primaryUnitOfMeasure
* routingStepId
* programUpdateDate
* shipmentLineId
* licensePlateNumber
* useMtlLot
* interfaceTransactionId
* shipLineAttribute8
* shipHeadAttribute9
* attribute11
* putAwayStrategyId
* fromLocatorId
* parentInterfaceTxnId
* shipHeadAttribute3
* vendorName
* transportationAccountId
* programId
* lastUpdatedBy
* containerNum
* routingStep
* transferCostGroupId
* operatingUnit
* sourceDocUnitOfMeasure
* billOfLading
* sourceDocQuantity
* attribute13
* waybillAirbillNum
* shipHeadAttribute12
* locatorId
* putAwayRuleId
* numOfContainers
* intransitOwningOrgCode
* deliverToLocationCode
* attribute5
* shipToLocationId
* sourceDocumentCode
* transferLpnId
* destinationTypeCode
* interfaceTransactionQty
* uomCode
* reqLineNum
* transferCost
* taxAmount
* deliverToPersonName
* countryOfOriginCode
* reasonName
* orderTransactionId
* actualCost
* shipLineAttribute4
* documentShipmentLineNum
* replenishOrderLineId
* programApplicationId
* shipHeadAttribute5
* shipmentLineStatusCode
* shipLineAttribute11
* shipLineAttribute7
* currencyConversionType
* lcmAdjustmentNum
* poUnitPrice
* creationDate
* shipLineAttribute12
* vendorLotNum
* shipHeadAttributeCategory
* receiptExceptionFlag
* shipLineAttribute2
* requisitionLineId
* secondaryUomCode
* wipLineCode
* inspectionStatusCode
* wipEntityId
* oeOrderLineNum
* createdBy
* poHeaderId
* shipLineAttribute10
* deliverToLocationId
* toOrganizationCode
* shipHeadAttribute1
* processingRequestId
* matchingBasis
* categoryId
* vendorItemNum
* secondaryUnitOfMeasure
* erecordId
* qaCollectionId
* quantityInvoiced
* mmttTempId
* itemId
* departmentCode
* groupId
* quantityShipped
* documentDistributionNum
* vendorSiteId
* attribute9
* customerItemNum
* timecardOvn
* locator
* shipmentNum
* primaryQuantity
* vendorSiteCode
* poRevisionNum
* attribute8
* fromOrganizationId
* attribute10
* poLineLocationId
* amountShipped
* createDebitMemoFlag
* reqDistributionNum
* transactionStatusCode
* itemCategory
* ussglTransactionCode
* shipLineAttributeCategory
* customerItemId
* lcmShipmentLineId
* lpnId
* transferLicensePlateNumber
* currencyCode
* intransitOwningOrgId
* shipToLocationCode
* wipLineId
* shipHeadAttribute2
* itemRevision
* reqDistributionId
* deliverToPersonId
* attribute7
* noticeUnitPrice
* unitOfMeasure
* shipHeadAttribute13


 * itemDescription
* attribute2
* transferPercentage
* parentSourceTransactionNum
* routingHeaderId
* poReleaseId
* resourceCode
* governmentContext
* processingModeCode
* shippedDate
* shipHeadAttribute6
* processingStatusCode
* parentTransactionId
* validationFlag
* currencyConversionRate
* movementId
* fromSubinventory
* taxName
* barcodeLabel
* costGroupId
* shipLineAttribute14
* poLineId
* jobId
* shipHeadAttribute14
* useMtlSerial
* attribute3
* shipHeadAttribute11
* customerId
* customerSiteId
* chargeAccountId
* taskId
* transactionType
* substituteItemNum
* vendorId
* unitLandedCost
* transportationCost
* shipLineAttribute13
* customerAccountNumber
* lastUpdateDate
* truckNum
* timecardId
* subinventory
* oeOrderLineId
* sourceTransactionNum
* shipHeadAttribute10
* reqNum
* receiptSourceCode
* locationId
* shipLineAttribute1
* vendorCumShippedQty
* shipHeadAttribute7
* wipResourceSeqNum
* packingSlip
* amount
* mobileTxn
* amountInvoiced
* expectedReceiptDate
* shipLineAttribute5
* employeeId
* comments
* autoTransactCode
* customerPartyName
* shipHeadAttribute8
* rmaReference
* attribute15
* transactionDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* projectId
* substituteUnorderedCode
* freightCarrierCode
* wipOperationSeqNum
* currencyConversionDate
* inspectionQualityCode
* documentNum
* destinationContext
* shipLineAttribute15
* wipEntityName
* headerInterfaceId
* oeOrderNum
* attribute14
* shipHeadAttribute4
* oeOrderHeaderId
* requestedAmount
* interfaceSourceCode
* orgId
* attribute1
* substituteItemId
* asnAttachId
* shipLineAttribute6
* lpnGroupId
* routingCode
* attribute12
* accrualStatusCode
* shipLineAttribute3
* shipHeadAttribute15
* shipLineAttribute9
* attribute4
* invTransactionId
* shipmentHeaderId
* vendorNum
* requestId
* toOrganizationId
* attribute6
* interfaceAvailableAmt
* interfaceTransactionAmt
* poDistributionId
* expressTransaction
* wipRepetitiveScheduleId
* interfaceSourceLineId
* bomResourceId
* qcGrade
* secondaryQuantity
* materialStoredAmount
* fromLocator
* itemNum
* fromOrganizationCode
* releaseNum
* documentLineNum
* quantity
* attributeCategory
* reasonId
* locationCode
* interfaceAvailableQty
* primaryUnitOfMeasure
* routingStepId
* programUpdateDate
* shipmentLineId
* licensePlateNumber
* useMtlLot
* interfaceTransactionId
* shipLineAttribute8
* shipHeadAttribute9
* attribute11
* putAwayStrategyId
* fromLocatorId
* parentInterfaceTxnId
* shipHeadAttribute3
* vendorName
* transportationAccountId
* programId
* lastUpdatedBy
* containerNum
* routingStep
* transferCostGroupId
* operatingUnit
* sourceDocUnitOfMeasure
* billOfLading
* sourceDocQuantity
* attribute13
* waybillAirbillNum
* shipHeadAttribute12
* locatorId
* putAwayRuleId
* numOfContainers
* intransitOwningOrgCode
* deliverToLocationCode
* attribute5
* shipToLocationId
* sourceDocumentCode
* transferLpnId
* destinationTypeCode
* interfaceTransactionQty
* uomCode
* reqLineNum
* transferCost
* taxAmount
* deliverToPersonName
* countryOfOriginCode
* reasonName
* orderTransactionId
* actualCost
* shipLineAttribute4
* documentShipmentLineNum
* replenishOrderLineId
* programApplicationId
* shipHeadAttribute5
* shipmentLineStatusCode
* shipLineAttribute11
* shipLineAttribute7
* currencyConversionType
* lcmAdjustmentNum
* poUnitPrice
* creationDate
* shipLineAttribute12
* vendorLotNum
* shipHeadAttributeCategory
* receiptExceptionFlag
* shipLineAttribute2
* requisitionLineId
* secondaryUomCode
* wipLineCode
* inspectionStatusCode
* wipEntityId
* oeOrderLineNum
* createdBy
* poHeaderId
* shipLineAttribute10
* deliverToLocationId
* toOrganizationCode
* shipHeadAttribute1
* processingRequestId
* matchingBasis
* categoryId
* vendorItemNum
* secondaryUnitOfMeasure
* erecordId
* qaCollectionId
* quantityInvoiced
* mmttTempId
* itemId
* departmentCode
* groupId
* quantityShipped
* documentDistributionNum
* vendorSiteId
* attribute9
* customerItemNum
* timecardOvn
* locator
* shipmentNum
* primaryQuantity
* vendorSiteCode
* poRevisionNum
* attribute8
* fromOrganizationId
* attribute10
* poLineLocationId
* amountShipped
* createDebitMemoFlag
* reqDistributionNum
* transactionStatusCode
* itemCategory
* ussglTransactionCode
* shipLineAttributeCategory
* customerItemId
* lcmShipmentLineId
* lpnId
* transferLicensePlateNumber
* currencyCode
* intransitOwningOrgId
* shipToLocationCode
* wipLineId
* shipHeadAttribute2
* itemRevision
* reqDistributionId
* deliverToPersonId
* attribute7
* noticeUnitPrice
* unitOfMeasure
* shipHeadAttribute13


 * itemNum
* documentNum
* releaseNum
* documentLineNum
* documentShipmentLineNum
* quantity
* unitOfMeasure
* subinventory
* locator
* poLineLocationId
* poDistributionId
* autoTransactCode
* receiptSourceCode
* toOrganizationCode
* sourceDocumentCode
* headerInterfaceId
* validationFlag
* orgId
* shipToLocationCode
* toOrganizationId
* interfaceTransactionId
* groupId
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* creationDate
* createdBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* transactionType
* transactionDate
* processingStatusCode
* processingModeCode
* transactionStatusCode
* poHeaderId
* poLineId
* itemId
* itemDescription
* shipLineAttribute13
* customerAccountNumber
* resourceCode
* truckNum
* timecardId
* interfaceSourceCode
* oeOrderLineId
* sourceTransactionNum
* shipHeadAttribute10
* reqNum
* governmentContext
* locationId
* shipLineAttribute1
* vendorCumShippedQty
* shipHeadAttribute7
* wipResourceSeqNum
* packingSlip
* amount
* mobileTxn
* amountInvoiced
* expectedReceiptDate
* shipLineAttribute5
* employeeId
* comments
* attribute2
* customerPartyName
* shipHeadAttribute8
* rmaReference
* attribute15
* shippedDate
* shipHeadAttribute6
* projectId
* substituteUnorderedCode
* freightCarrierCode
* wipOperationSeqNum
* currencyConversionDate
* inspectionQualityCode
* customerId
* destinationContext
* shipLineAttribute15
* wipEntityName
* transferPercentage
* oeOrderNum
* attribute14
* shipHeadAttribute4
* oeOrderHeaderId
* requestedAmount
* customerSiteId
* parentTransactionId
* attribute1
* substituteItemId
* asnAttachId
* shipLineAttribute6
* lpnGroupId
* routingCode
* attribute12
* accrualStatusCode
* shipLineAttribute3
* shipHeadAttribute15
* shipLineAttribute9
* attribute4
* invTransactionId
* shipmentHeaderId
* vendorNum
* requestId
* transportationCost
* attribute6
* interfaceAvailableAmt
* interfaceTransactionAmt
* parentSourceTransactionNum
* expressTransaction
* wipRepetitiveScheduleId
* interfaceSourceLineId
* bomResourceId
* qcGrade
* secondaryQuantity
* materialStoredAmount
* fromLocator
* chargeAccountId
* fromOrganizationCode
* taskId
* poReleaseId
* currencyConversionRate
* attributeCategory
* reasonId
* locationCode
* interfaceAvailableQty
* primaryUnitOfMeasure
* routingStepId
* programUpdateDate
* shipmentLineId
* licensePlateNumber
* useMtlLot
* movementId
* shipLineAttribute8
* shipHeadAttribute9
* attribute11
* putAwayStrategyId
* fromLocatorId
* parentInterfaceTxnId
* shipHeadAttribute3
* vendorName
* transportationAccountId
* programId
* fromSubinventory
* containerNum
* routingStep
* transferCostGroupId
* operatingUnit
* sourceDocUnitOfMeasure
* billOfLading
* sourceDocQuantity
* attribute13
* waybillAirbillNum
* shipHeadAttribute12
* locatorId
* putAwayRuleId
* numOfContainers
* intransitOwningOrgCode
* deliverToLocationCode
* attribute5
* shipToLocationId
* taxName
* transferLpnId
* destinationTypeCode
* interfaceTransactionQty
* uomCode
* reqLineNum
* transferCost
* taxAmount
* deliverToPersonName
* countryOfOriginCode
* reasonName
* orderTransactionId
* actualCost
* shipLineAttribute4
* substituteItemNum
* replenishOrderLineId
* programApplicationId
* shipHeadAttribute5
* shipmentLineStatusCode
* shipLineAttribute11
* shipLineAttribute7
* currencyConversionType
* lcmAdjustmentNum
* poUnitPrice
* barcodeLabel
* shipLineAttribute12
* vendorLotNum
* shipHeadAttributeCategory
* receiptExceptionFlag
* shipLineAttribute2
* requisitionLineId
* secondaryUomCode
* wipLineCode
* inspectionStatusCode
* wipEntityId
* oeOrderLineNum
* costGroupId
* shipLineAttribute14
* shipLineAttribute10
* deliverToLocationId
* routingHeaderId
* shipHeadAttribute1
* processingRequestId
* matchingBasis
* categoryId
* vendorItemNum
* secondaryUnitOfMeasure
* erecordId
* qaCollectionId
* quantityInvoiced
* mmttTempId
* jobId
* departmentCode
* shipHeadAttribute14
* quantityShipped
* documentDistributionNum
* vendorSiteId
* attribute9
* customerItemNum
* timecardOvn
* vendorId
* shipmentNum
* primaryQuantity
* vendorSiteCode
* poRevisionNum
* attribute8
* fromOrganizationId
* attribute10
* useMtlSerial
* amountShipped
* createDebitMemoFlag
* reqDistributionNum
* attribute3
* itemCategory
* ussglTransactionCode
* shipLineAttributeCategory
* customerItemId
* lcmShipmentLineId
* lpnId
* transferLicensePlateNumber
* currencyCode
* intransitOwningOrgId
* unitLandedCost
* wipLineId
* shipHeadAttribute2
* itemRevision
* reqDistributionId
* deliverToPersonId
* attribute7
* noticeUnitPrice
* shipHeadAttribute11
* shipHeadAttribute13


 * itemNum
* documentNum
* releaseNum
* documentLineNum
* documentShipmentLineNum
* quantity
* unitOfMeasure
* subinventory
* locator
* poLineLocationId
* poDistributionId
* autoTransactCode
* receiptSourceCode
* toOrganizationCode
* sourceDocumentCode
* headerInterfaceId
* validationFlag
* orgId
* shipToLocationCode
* interfaceTransactionId
* inspectionStatusCode
* groupId
* toOrganizationId
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* creationDate
* createdBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* transactionType
* transactionDate
* processingStatusCode
* processingModeCode
* transactionStatusCode
* poHeaderId
* poLineId
* itemId
* customerSiteId
* customerAccountNumber
* resourceCode
* truckNum
* timecardId
* interfaceSourceCode
* oeOrderLineId
* sourceTransactionNum
* shipHeadAttribute10
* reqNum
* governmentContext
* locationId
* shipLineAttribute1
* vendorCumShippedQty
* shipHeadAttribute7
* wipResourceSeqNum
* packingSlip
* amount
* mobileTxn
* amountInvoiced
* expectedReceiptDate
* shipLineAttribute5
* employeeId
* comments
* attribute2
* customerPartyName
* shipHeadAttribute8
* rmaReference
* attribute15
* shippedDate
* shipHeadAttribute6
* projectId
* substituteUnorderedCode
* freightCarrierCode
* wipOperationSeqNum
* currencyConversionDate
* inspectionQualityCode
* customerId
* destinationContext
* shipLineAttribute15
* wipEntityName
* transferPercentage
* oeOrderNum
* attribute14
* shipHeadAttribute4
* oeOrderHeaderId
* requestedAmount
* itemDescription
* parentTransactionId
* attribute1
* substituteItemId
* asnAttachId
* shipLineAttribute6
* lpnGroupId
* routingCode
* attribute12
* accrualStatusCode
* shipLineAttribute3
* shipHeadAttribute15
* shipLineAttribute9
* attribute4
* invTransactionId
* shipmentHeaderId
* vendorNum
* requestId
* transportationCost
* attribute6
* interfaceAvailableAmt
* interfaceTransactionAmt
* parentSourceTransactionNum
* expressTransaction
* wipRepetitiveScheduleId
* interfaceSourceLineId
* bomResourceId
* qcGrade
* secondaryQuantity
* materialStoredAmount
* fromLocator
* chargeAccountId
* fromOrganizationCode
* taskId
* poReleaseId
* currencyConversionRate
* attributeCategory
* reasonId
* locationCode
* interfaceAvailableQty
* primaryUnitOfMeasure
* routingStepId
* programUpdateDate
* shipmentLineId
* licensePlateNumber
* useMtlLot
* movementId
* shipLineAttribute8
* shipHeadAttribute9
* attribute11
* putAwayStrategyId
* fromLocatorId
* parentInterfaceTxnId
* shipHeadAttribute3
* vendorName
* transportationAccountId
* programId
* fromSubinventory
* containerNum
* routingStep
* transferCostGroupId
* operatingUnit
* sourceDocUnitOfMeasure
* billOfLading
* sourceDocQuantity
* attribute13
* waybillAirbillNum
* shipHeadAttribute12
* locatorId
* putAwayRuleId
* numOfContainers
* intransitOwningOrgCode
* deliverToLocationCode
* attribute5
* shipToLocationId
* taxName
* transferLpnId
* destinationTypeCode
* interfaceTransactionQty
* uomCode
* reqLineNum
* transferCost
* shipHeadAttribute13
* deliverToPersonName
* countryOfOriginCode
* reasonName
* orderTransactionId
* actualCost
* shipLineAttribute4
* substituteItemNum
* replenishOrderLineId
* programApplicationId
* shipHeadAttribute5
* shipmentLineStatusCode
* shipLineAttribute11
* shipLineAttribute7
* currencyConversionType
* lcmAdjustmentNum
* poUnitPrice
* barcodeLabel
* shipLineAttribute12
* vendorLotNum
* shipHeadAttributeCategory
* receiptExceptionFlag
* shipLineAttribute2
* requisitionLineId
* secondaryUomCode
* wipLineCode
* shipLineAttribute13
* wipEntityId
* oeOrderLineNum
* costGroupId
* shipLineAttribute14
* shipLineAttribute10
* deliverToLocationId
* routingHeaderId
* shipHeadAttribute1
* processingRequestId
* matchingBasis
* categoryId
* vendorItemNum
* secondaryUnitOfMeasure
* erecordId
* qaCollectionId
* quantityInvoiced
* mmttTempId
* jobId
* departmentCode
* shipHeadAttribute14
* quantityShipped
* documentDistributionNum
* vendorSiteId
* attribute9
* customerItemNum
* timecardOvn
* vendorId
* shipmentNum
* primaryQuantity
* vendorSiteCode
* poRevisionNum
* attribute8
* fromOrganizationId
* attribute10
* useMtlSerial
* amountShipped
* createDebitMemoFlag
* reqDistributionNum
* attribute3
* itemCategory
* ussglTransactionCode
* shipLineAttributeCategory
* customerItemId
* lcmShipmentLineId
* lpnId
* transferLicensePlateNumber
* currencyCode
* intransitOwningOrgId
* unitLandedCost
* wipLineId
* shipHeadAttribute2
* itemRevision
* reqDistributionId
* deliverToPersonId
* attribute7
* noticeUnitPrice
* shipHeadAttribute11
* taxAmount


 * bomResourceId
* vendorId
* destinationTypeCode
* employeeId
* vendorSiteId
* sourceDocumentCode
* poReleaseId
* programUpdateDate
* substituteUnorderedCode
* wipLineId
* poDistributionId
* uomCode
* attribute14
* createdBy
* transactionType
* currencyConversionDate
* invoiceId
* shipmentHeaderId
* lastUpdateLogin
* matchFlag
* rmaReference
* currencyConversionRate
* attribute8
* routingHeaderId
* lpnGroupId
* receiptConfirmationExtracted
* invTransactionId
* parentTransactionId
* lpnId
* unitOfMeasure
* attribute2
* wipOperationSeqNum
* destinationContext
* requisitionLineId
* requestId
* groupId
* materialStoredAmount
* transferLpnId
* vendorLotNum
* oeOrderLineId
* countryOfOriginCode
* movementId
* locatorAttribute
* sourceTransactionNum
* invoiceStatusCode
* matchOption
* qaCollectionId
* reqDistributionId
* jobId
* dropshipTypeCode
* poUnitPrice
* taskId
* attribute15
* locatorId
* secondaryUomCode
* xmlDocumentId
* programApplicationId
* locationId
* secondaryQuantity
* attribute12
* userEnteredFlag
* reasonId
* lastUpdateDate
* deliverToLocationId
* paAdditionFlag
* requestedAmount
* transactionDate
* poHeaderId
* wipRepetitiveScheduleId
* mobileTxn
* receiptExceptionFlag
* lcmShipmentLineId
* mrcCurrencyConversionDate
* quantityBilled
* oeOrderHeaderId
* departmentCode
* quantity
* replenishOrderLineId
* primaryUnitOfMeasure
* currencyCode
* customerId
* wipResourceSeqNum
* mrcCurrencyConversionRate
* lcmAdjustmentNum
* comments
* attribute5
* timecardId
* currencyConversionType
* projectId
* sourceDocQuantity
* attribute4
* accrualStatusCode
* qcGrade
* transactionId
* customerSiteId
* amount
* mrcCurrencyConversionType
* deliverToPersonId
* attribute9
* fromSubinventory
* sourceDocUnitOfMeasure
* mvtStatStatus
* lastUpdatedBy
* wipEntityId
* routingStepId
* inspectionStatusCode
* shipmentLineId
* attribute10
* programId
* primaryQuantity
* poLineId
* interfaceSourceLineId
* unitLandedCost
* attribute3
* attribute11
* attribute13
* poRevisionNum
* poLineLocationId
* interfaceTransactionId
* attribute1
* amountBilled
* attribute7
* organizationId
* attributeCategory
* fromLocatorId
* interfaceSourceCode
* attribute6
* consignedFlag
* childInspectionFlag
* inspectionQualityCode
* creationDate
* timecardOvn
* subinventory
* secondaryUnitOfMeasure


 * customerNumber
* priceListId
* buyerContactName
* orderStatus
* prepayNum
* inprocessId
* orderSourceId
* sellerPartyEndPointId
* vendorId
* poNumber
* sellerContactName
* createdBy
* orgId
* invoiceSource
* buyerPartyName
* ackFileData
* buyerReference
* lastUpdateDate
* userNotes
* filePath
* incomingFileData
* invoiceId
* creationDate
* termsId
* buyerCustomerEndPointId
* vendorSiteId
* importedFilePath
* invoiceNum
* lastUpdatedBy
* sellerContactEmail
* peppolDocId
* orderTypeId
* termsName
* currencyCode
* vendorSiteCode
* buyerContactEmail
* sellerPartyName


 * wfapprovalStatus
* reference
* correctedLineNumber
* paCcArInvoiceLineNum
* distributionSetId
* lastUpdateDate
* originalRoundingAmt
* accountSegment
* prepayInvoiceId
* correctedInvId
* finalMatchFlag
* unitMeasLookupCode
* inventoryItemId
* projectId
* creationDate
* reference
* prorateAcrossAllItems
* expenditureType
* originalAmount
* expenditureItemDate
* costCenterSegment
* lineNumber
* poHeaderId
* invoiceId
* accountingDate
* manufacturer
* inprocessId
* lineGroupNumber
* paCcArInvoiceId
* matchType
* expenseGroup
* itemDescription
* prepayLineNumber
* amount
* assetsTrackingFlag
* description
* createdBy
* invoiceIncludesPrepayFlag
* paQuantity
* warrantyNumber
* receiptCurrencyAmount
* generateDists
* periodName
* poLineLocationId
* receiptCurrencyCode
* receiptVerifiedFlag
* receiptRequiredFlag
* inprocessInvoiceLineId
* dailyAmount
* poReleaseId
* serialNumber
* roundingAmt
* balancingSegment
* overlayDistCodeConcat
* paCcProcessedCode
* baseAmount
* assetBookTypeCode
* lineSource
* poLineId
* receiptMissingFlag
* expenditureOrganizationId
* orgId
* setOfBooksId
* lastUpdatedBy
* quantityInvoiced
* taskId
* receiptConversionRate
* cancelledFlag
* lineTypeLookupCode
* unitPrice
* originalBaseAmount
* rcvTransactionId
* requesterId
* assetCategoryId
* defaultDistCcid
* poDistributionId
* modelNumber


 * orgId
* id
* taxSchemeId
* vendorName
* registrationName
* vendorId
* location
* endPointId
* identificationSchemeId
* accountNumber
* siteUseCode
* custAcctSiteId
* lastUpdateDate
* siteUseId
* locationId
* partyId
* lastUpdatedBy
* partySiteId
* segment
* vendorLevel
* endPointSchemeId
* creationDate
* legalEntityCompanyId
* vendorSiteCode
* createdBy
* userNotes
* fileVendorName
* companyIdSchemeId
* identificationId
* taxSchemeCompanyId
* partyType
* vendorSiteId


 * noOfPastDays
* addTaxToInvoiceAmt
* resFilenameSeg
* resFilenameSep
* calcTaxDuringImport
* resFilenameSeg
* allowDuplicateResponse
* apInvoiceType
* deleteImportedFile
* creationDate
* resFilenameSeg
* docCategoryCode
* defaultLineType
* apSource
* resSource
* createdBy
* responsePath
* resFilenamePrefix
* oracleCreatedBy
* orgId
* defaultStatus
* orgCode
* saveIncominXmlIndb
* importedPath
* apOptionId
* enableOrderImportDebug
* incomingPath
* resFilenameSeg
* lastUpdatedBy
* resFilenameSeg
* lastUpdateDate


 * lastUpdatedBy
* parentId
* description
* seq
* deptName
* imagePath
* bomDepartmentId
* lastUpdateDate
* createdBy
* creationDate
* departmentClassCode
* active
* iconText
* departmentId
* organizationId
* organizationCode
* locationId


 * approvalRequiredFlag
* agentId
* rateDate
* revisionNum
* fobLookupCode
* blanketTotalAmount
* consumeReqDemandFlag
* firmStatusLookupCode
* globalAttributeCategory
* orgId
* rateType
* noteToReceiver
* acceptanceRequiredFlag
* fonRefId
* createdBy
* minReleaseAmount
* quoteTypeLookupCode
* programUpdateDate
* globalAttribute6
* amountLimit
* shippingControl
* globalAgreementFlag
* clmEdagenDate
* clmMinGuarAwardAmtPercent
* ediProcessedStatus
* cbcAccountingDate
* quoteWarningDelayUnit
* clmStandardForm
* lockOwnerRole
* clmDocumentNumber
* programApplicationId
* segment5
* noteToVendor
* encumbranceRequiredFlag
* billToLocationId
* consignedConsumptionFlag
* attribute14
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* globalAttribute19
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* clmSpecialContractType
* attribute13
* vendorContactId
* udaTemplateDate
* ameApprovalId
* globalAttribute4
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* confirmingOrderFlag
* quoteVendorQuoteNumber
* attribute5
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* changeSummary
* lastUpdateDate
* startDateActive
* governmentContext
* pcardId
* startDate
* attribute7
* referenceNum
* clmCotrContact
* fax
* fromTypeLookupCode
* attribute15
* firmDate
* acceptanceDueDate
* globalAttribute13
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* enableAllSites
* replyMethodLookupCode
* printedDate
* wfItemType
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* segment2
* approvedFlag
* retroPriceApplyUpdatesFlag
* lockOwnerUserId
* wfItemKey
* interfaceSourceCode
* frozenFlag
* contermsArticlesUpdDate
* clmPriorityCode
* mrcRateDate
* clmContractOfficer
* attribute11
* payOnCode
* clmAwardAdministrator
* attribute9
* umbrellaProgramId
* closedDate
* globalAttribute18
* segment3
* vendorId
* currencyCode
* catAdminAuthEnabledFlag
* enabledFlag
* globalAttribute17
* lastUpdatedBy
* ussglTransactionCode
* replyDate
* cancelFlag
* requestId
* supplierAuthEnabledFlag
* attribute2
* vendorSiteId
* quoteWarningDelay
* globalAttribute14
* clmSupplierName
* vendorOrderNum
* attributeCategory
* termsId
* globalAttribute10
* endDate
* attribute1
* clmAwardType
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* documentCreationMethod
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* attribute10
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* programId
* shipToLocationId
* otmStatusCode
* summaryFlag
* mrcRate
* autoSourcingFlag
* clmDefaultDistFlag
* clmAmountReleased
* clmModIssuingOffice
* comments
* attribute6
* globalAttribute9
* endDateActive
* globalAttribute1
* statusLookupCode
* xmlChangeSendDate
* globalAttribute11
* clmCotrOffice
* clmSupplierSiteName
* ediProcessedFlag
* segment4
* attribute8
* clmCloseoutStatus
* printCount
* priceUpdateTolerance
* clmIssuingOffice
* mrcRateType
* globalAttribute20
* shipViaLookupCode
* globalAttribute7
* clmExternalIdv
* payWhenPaid
* globalAttribute8
* creationDate
* attribute4
* globalAttribute2
* styleId
* globalAttribute15
* contermsExistFlag
* draftId
* clmAmtSyncedToAgreement
* revisedDate
* cpaReference
* emailAddress
* attribute12
* quotationClassCode
* clmMinGuaranteeAwardAmt
* lastUpdateLogin
* rfqCloseDate
* poHeaderId
* freightTermsLookupCode
* typeLookupCode
* createdLanguage
* lastUpdatedProgram
* clmEffectiveDate
* retroPriceCommUpdatesFlag
* authorizationStatus
* clmVendorOfferNumber
* xmlSendDate
* globalAttribute3
* supplierNotifMethod
* changeRequestedBy
* udaTemplateId
* approvedDate
* globalAttribute16
* taxAttributeUpdateCode
* links


 * createdBy
* description
* pathId
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* path
* pathName
* usage
* menuHeaderId
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* resourceName
* parentId
* lastUpdatedBy
* seq
* iconPath
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* registrationName
* identificationSchemeId
* custAccountId
* location
* customerSiteId
* endPointId
* lastUpdatedBy
* endPointSchemeId
* customerLevel
* orgId
* partyNumber
* createdBy
* siteUseId
* siteUseCode
* fileCustomerName
* locationId
* legalEntityCompanyId
* userNotes
* taxSchemeCompanyId
* partyName
* accountNumber
* custAcctSiteId
* partyType
* lastUpdateDate
* taxSchemeId
* creationDate
* id
* customerSiteNumber
* companyIdSchemeId
* partyId
* partySiteId


 * buyerItemId
* maxBackQty
* creationDate
* fileCurrency
* newCurrency
* statusCode
* itemName
* newLinePrice
* createdBy
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* sellerItemId
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* promiseEndDate
* lineExtensionAmount
* newUnitPrice
* promiseStartDate
* standardItemSchemeId
* quantity
* orderLineId
* newReplacementItem
* note
* lastUpdateDate
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* inprocessId
* priceBaseQty
* lastUpdatedBy
* newPriceBaseUom
* newUom
* fileUom
* priceBaseUom
* standardItemId
* priceAmount


 * inprocessid
* orgid
* custponumber
* orderheaderid
* ordernumber
* orgname
* filepath


 * inprocessId
* lastUpdatedBy
* soldToOrgId
* ackFilePath
* userNotes
* custPoNumber
* orderStatus
* priceListId
* incomingFileData
* buyerPartyName
* orgId
* sellerContactEmail
* paymentTermId
* orderNumber
* createdBy
* productGroup
* creationDate
* filePath
* ackFileData
* startDate
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* buyerContactName
* orgName
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* ackDate
* shipToOrgId
* endDate
* customerNumber
* sellerContactName
* sellerPartyEndPointId
* buyerContactEmail
* orderTypeId
* buyerCustomerEndPointId
* currencyCode
* lastUpdateDate
* orderSourceId
* orderHeaderId
* sellerPartyName


 * invoiceToOrgId
* ackDate
* ackFilePath
* buyerContactEmail
* buyerContactName
* buyerCustomerEndPointId
* buyerPartyName
* currencyCode
* custPoNumber
* customerNumber
* endDate
* filePath
* inprocessId
* createdBy
* lastUpdatedBy
* creationDate
* lastUpdateDate
* orderHeaderId
* orderLineId
* orderNumber
* orderSourceId
* orderStatus
* interfaceStatus
* orderTypeId
* links
* orgName
* paymentTermId
* priceListId
* productGroup
* sellerContactEmail
* sellerContactName
* sellerPartyEndPointId
* sellerPartyName
* shipToOrgId
* soldToOrgId
* startDate
* userNotes
* orgId


 * lastUpdateDate
* incomingPath
* saveIncominXmlIndb
* ackFileSuffix
* creationDate
* omOrderPriceListId
* omOrderPaymentTermId
* omSysOptionId
* ackPath
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* checkUserSettings
* entityName
* importedPath
* omOrderSourceId
* orgId
* lastUpdatedBy
* deleteImportedFile
* enableOrderImportDebug
* createdBy
* ackFilePrefix
* saveAckXmlIndb


 * rdPoSysOptionsId
* orgId
* deleteImportedFile
* enableOrderImportDebug
* lastUpdatedBy
* orderFilePrefix
* createdBy
* inAckPath
* creationDate
* entityName
* lastUpdateDate
* importedAckPath
* outOrderFilePath
* orderFileSuffix
* checkUserSettings
* saveIncominAcklIndb


 * description
* id
* lastUpdatedBy
* module
* code
* creationDate
* userNotes
* createdBy
* listName
* lastUpdateDate


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* codeValueId
* id
* lastUpdateDate
* meaning
* description
* lastUpdatedBy
* creationDate
* codeSynonym
* longDescription


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* id
* lastUpdateDate
* conversionFactor
* codeTypeId
* lastUpdatedBy
* meaning
* quantity
* symbol
* createdBy
* creationDate
* groupId
* sector
* code
* description


 * xsltPath
* orgId
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* entityName
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* docCode
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* links


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* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
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* firstName
* lastName
* userLanguage
* password
* links
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* buAccessGroupLov
* dateFormat
* phone
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* id
* arCustomerId
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* lastName
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* assignedIp
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* authProviderId
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* pos
* userLanguage
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* mandatoryFieldColor
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* percentDec
* createdBy
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* module
* links


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* valueSet
* seq
* lovValue
* lastUpdateDate
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* lastUpdatedBy
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 * createdBy
* creationDate
* id
* lastUpdateDate
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* pathCode
* links
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* createdBy
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* groupCode
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* createdBy
* creationDate
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 * lastUpdateDate
* email
* inactiveDate
* creationDate
* groupId
* description
* memberType
* grpLineId
* createdBy
* lastUpdatedBy
* memberName


 * organizationId
* taxSchemeId
* legalEntityCompanyId
* creationDate
* allowArInv
* enableArInv
* endPointId
* enablePo
* userNotes
* organizationType
* id
* allowSo
* registrationName
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* allowApInv
* identificationSchemeId
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* endPointSchemeId
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* organizationNumber
* allowSoAck
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* createdBy
* organizationName
* taxSchemeCompanyId
* identificationId
* allowPo


 * id
* code
* creationDate
* createdBy
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* lastUpdatedBy
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* completionTime
* createdBy
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* scheduleStartTime
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* logFilePath
* status
* outputFilePath
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* actualStartTime
* notifGroupId
* requestComment
* notifTemplateId
* programName


 * status
* lastUpdateDate
* usageComment
* lastUpdatedBy
* rdSysProgramRequestId
* creationDate
* paramValue
* id
* createdBy
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* status
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* firstRequestId
* name
* logFilePath
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* createdBy
* frequncyUom
* lastUpdateDate
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* subModule
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* description
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* customerItemId


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* effectiveStartDate
* effectiveEndDate
* customerId
* blanketNumber
* customerItemId


 * cumKeyId
* tpAttribute3
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* attribute12
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* attribute9
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* tpAttribute14
* tpAttribute10
* cumAdjId
* attribute1
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* lastUpdateDate
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* tpAttribute3
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* attribute9
* programApplicationId
* attribute6
* attribute8
* attributeCategory
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* attribute10
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* cumAdjId
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* attribute15
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* tpAttribute2
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* attribute5
* tpAttribute6
* tpAttribute11
* attribute14
* shipToAddressId
* attribute6
* attribute4
* attribute12
* tpAttribute12
* attribute15
* attribute2
* tpAttribute5
* attribute11
* cumQtyToBeAccumulated
* attributeCategory
* lastCumQtyUpdateDate
* programUpdateDate
* inactiveFlag
* tpAttribute7
* attribute10
* tpAttribute9
* tpAttribute15
* tpAttribute3
* billToAddressId


 * tpAttribute13
* custUomCode
* attribute1
* createdBy
* purchaseOrderNumber
* attribute7
* tpAttribute8
* cumKeyId
* lastUpdatedBy
* tpAttribute4
* attribute13
* requestId
* tpAttributeCategory
* customerItemId
* creationDate
* programApplicationId
* custRecordYear
* tpAttribute10
* cumQty
* tpAttribute2
* cumStartDate
* lastUpdateDate
* intrmdShipToId
* orgId
* shipFromOrgId
* attribute9
* attribute3
* attribute8
* tpAttribute14
* programId
* cumNoteText
* tpAttribute1
* cumQtyAfterCutoff
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute5
* tpAttribute6
* tpAttribute11
* attribute14
* shipToAddressId
* attribute6
* attribute4
* attribute12
* tpAttribute12
* attribute15
* attribute2
* tpAttribute5
* attribute11
* cumQtyToBeAccumulated
* attributeCategory
* lastCumQtyUpdateDate
* programUpdateDate
* inactiveFlag
* tpAttribute7
* attribute10
* tpAttribute9
* tpAttribute15
* tpAttribute3
* billToAddressId


 * tpAttribute7
* plnFrozenDayFrom
* tpAttribute8
* attribute14
* attribute4
* shipMethod
* cumPreviousStartDate
* attribute12
* programApplicationId
* tpAttribute15
* demandToleranceAbove
* excludeNonWorkdaysFlag
* tpAttribute5
* tpAttribute13
* shpMrpForecastDayFrom
* tpAttribute12
* attribute11
* custItemTermsId
* programId
* seqMrpForecastDayTo
* plnForecastDayTo
* issueWarningDropPartsFlag
* futureAgreementId
* seqFrozenFlag
* createdBy
* seqFrozenDayTo
* shpMrpForecastDayTo
* calcCumFlag
* plnFrozenFlag
* comments
* defaultShipFrom
* plnFirmDayFrom
* attribute13
* attributeCategory
* requestId
* seqFirmDayTo
* plnForecastDayFrom
* shpForecastDayFrom
* tpAttribute11
* customerId
* custItemStatusCode
* seqFirmDayFrom
* shpFirmDayTo
* tpAttribute9
* shpFirmDayFrom
* supplierContactId
* freightCode
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute9
* futureAgreementName
* blanketNumber
* headerId
* agreementId
* tpAttribute4
* tpAttribute14
* attribute1
* shpFrozenDayTo
* cumCurrentStartDate
* lastUpdateDate
* stdPackQty
* shpFrozenDayFrom
* useEdiSdpCodeFlag
* seqMrpForecastDayFrom
* programUpdateDate
* inactiveDate
* seqForecastDayFrom
* releaseTimeFrame
* shpFrozenFlag
* intransitTime
* attribute6
* attribute8
* plnFirmDayTo
* disableCreateCumKeyFlag
* attribute3
* plnMrpForecastDayTo
* roundToStdPackFlag
* tpAttribute10
* shpForecastDayTo
* tpAttribute2
* customerItemId
* shipFromOrgId
* seqForecastDayTo
* priceListId
* attribute7
* tpAttribute3
* releaseTimeFrameUom
* creationDate
* seqFrozenDayFrom
* addressId
* plnMrpForecastDayFrom
* attribute2
* customerContactId
* attribute5
* tpAttribute6
* lastUpdateLogin
* tpAttributeCategory
* attribute10
* plnFrozenDayTo
* demandToleranceBelow
* attribute15
* tpAttribute1
* orgId
* shipDeliveryRuleName
* agreementName
* releaseRule
* timeUomCode


 * tpAttribute7
* plnFrozenDayFrom
* tpAttribute8
* attribute14
* attribute4
* shipMethod
* cumPreviousStartDate
* attribute12
* programApplicationId
* tpAttribute15
* demandToleranceAbove
* excludeNonWorkdaysFlag
* tpAttribute5
* tpAttribute13
* shpMrpForecastDayFrom
* tpAttribute12
* attribute11
* custItemTermsId
* programId
* seqMrpForecastDayTo
* plnForecastDayTo
* issueWarningDropPartsFlag
* futureAgreementId
* seqFrozenFlag
* createdBy
* seqFrozenDayTo
* shpMrpForecastDayTo
* calcCumFlag
* plnFrozenFlag
* comments
* defaultShipFrom
* plnFirmDayFrom
* attribute13
* attributeCategory
* requestId
* seqFirmDayTo
* plnForecastDayFrom
* shpForecastDayFrom
* tpAttribute11
* customerId
* custItemStatusCode
* seqFirmDayFrom
* shpFirmDayTo
* tpAttribute9
* shpFirmDayFrom
* supplierContactId
* freightCode
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute9
* futureAgreementName
* blanketNumber
* headerId
* agreementId
* tpAttribute4
* tpAttribute14
* attribute1
* shpFrozenDayTo
* cumCurrentStartDate
* lastUpdateDate
* stdPackQty
* shpFrozenDayFrom
* useEdiSdpCodeFlag
* seqMrpForecastDayFrom
* programUpdateDate
* inactiveDate
* seqForecastDayFrom
* releaseTimeFrame
* shpFrozenFlag
* intransitTime
* attribute6
* attribute8
* plnFirmDayTo
* disableCreateCumKeyFlag
* attribute3
* plnMrpForecastDayTo
* roundToStdPackFlag
* tpAttribute10
* shpForecastDayTo
* tpAttribute2
* customerItemId
* shipFromOrgId
* seqForecastDayTo
* priceListId
* attribute7
* tpAttribute3
* releaseTimeFrameUom
* creationDate
* seqFrozenDayFrom
* addressId
* plnMrpForecastDayFrom
* attribute2
* customerContactId
* attribute5
* tpAttribute6
* lastUpdateLogin
* tpAttributeCategory
* attribute10
* plnFrozenDayTo
* demandToleranceBelow
* attribute15
* tpAttribute1
* orgId
* shipDeliveryRuleName
* agreementName
* releaseRule
* timeUomCode


 * attribute4
* attribute8
* defaultShipFrom
* orgId
* attribute11
* tpAttribute13
* tpAttribute2
* stdPackQty
* attribute15
* plnFrozenDayFrom
* lastUpdatedBy
* plnForecastDayFrom
* cumControlCode
* tpAttribute9
* cumOrgLevelCode
* inactiveDate
* tpAttribute8
* issueWarningDropPartsFlag
* attribute7
* priceListId
* attribute13
* excludeNonWorkdaysFlag
* cumPreviousStartDate
* plnFrozenFlag
* cumCurrentStartDate
* seqFrozenFlag
* unshippedFirmDispCd
* plnFrozenDayTo
* unshipFirmCutoffDays
* attribute10
* shipDeliveryRuleName
* seqMrpForecastDayTo
* tpAttribute11
* shpFrozenDayTo
* cumCurrentRecordYear
* plnFirmDayTo
* tpAttribute10
* lastUpdateLogin
* programApplicationId
* tpAttribute4
* shipMethod
* customerRcvCalendarCd
* attributeCategory
* customerId
* releaseTimeFrameUom
* cumPreviousRecordYear
* comments
* demandToleranceBelow
* attribute14
* plnForecastDayTo
* tpAttributeCategory
* freightCode
* tpAttribute5
* timeUomCode
* tpAttribute15
* demandToleranceAbove
* tpAttribute1
* cumYesterdTimeCutoff
* attribute12
* attribute6
* shpForecastDayFrom
* seqForecastDayTo
* plnFirmDayFrom
* shpFirmDayTo
* criticalAttributeKey
* attribute9
* headerId
* customerContactId
* tpAttribute7
* agreementId
* tpAttribute12
* intransitTime
* shpMrpForecastDayTo
* releaseTimeFrame
* custAssignSupplierCd
* cumShipmentRuleCode
* attribute3
* shpMrpForecastDayFrom
* seqFirmDayFrom
* programId
* tpAttribute14
* shpFrozenDayFrom
* seqFrozenDayFrom
* shpFirmDayFrom
* useEdiSdpCodeFlag
* custShiptoTermsId
* attribute5
* supplierShpCalendarCd
* shpFrozenFlag
* createdBy
* tpAttribute3
* agreementName
* seqFirmDayTo
* seqForecastDayFrom
* shpForecastDayTo
* plnMrpForecastDayTo
* futureAgreementId
* shipFromOrgId
* blanketNumber
* releaseRule
* attribute1
* seqMrpForecastDayFrom
* futureAgreementName
* tpAttribute6
* requestId
* matchAcrossKey
* seqFrozenDayTo
* scheduleHierarchyCode
* attribute2
* roundToStdPackFlag
* programUpdateDate
* disableCreateCumKeyFlag
* matchWithinKey
* intransitCalcBasis
* supplierContactId
* lastUpdateDate
* plnMrpForecastDayFrom
* addressId
* creationDate


 * attribute4
* attribute8
* defaultShipFrom
* orgId
* attribute11
* tpAttribute13
* tpAttribute2
* stdPackQty
* attribute15
* plnFrozenDayFrom
* lastUpdatedBy
* plnForecastDayFrom
* cumControlCode
* tpAttribute9
* cumOrgLevelCode
* inactiveDate
* tpAttribute8
* issueWarningDropPartsFlag
* attribute7
* priceListId
* attribute13
* excludeNonWorkdaysFlag
* cumPreviousStartDate
* plnFrozenFlag
* cumCurrentStartDate
* seqFrozenFlag
* unshippedFirmDispCd
* plnFrozenDayTo
* unshipFirmCutoffDays
* attribute10
* shipDeliveryRuleName
* seqMrpForecastDayTo
* tpAttribute11
* shpFrozenDayTo
* cumCurrentRecordYear
* plnFirmDayTo
* tpAttribute10
* lastUpdateLogin
* programApplicationId
* tpAttribute4
* shipMethod
* customerRcvCalendarCd
* attributeCategory
* customerId
* releaseTimeFrameUom
* cumPreviousRecordYear
* comments
* demandToleranceBelow
* attribute14
* plnForecastDayTo
* tpAttributeCategory
* freightCode
* tpAttribute5
* timeUomCode
* tpAttribute15
* demandToleranceAbove
* tpAttribute1
* cumYesterdTimeCutoff
* attribute12
* attribute6
* shpForecastDayFrom
* seqForecastDayTo
* plnFirmDayFrom
* shpFirmDayTo
* criticalAttributeKey
* attribute9
* headerId
* customerContactId
* tpAttribute7
* agreementId
* tpAttribute12
* intransitTime
* shpMrpForecastDayTo
* releaseTimeFrame
* custAssignSupplierCd
* cumShipmentRuleCode
* attribute3
* shpMrpForecastDayFrom
* seqFirmDayFrom
* programId
* tpAttribute14
* shpFrozenDayFrom
* seqFrozenDayFrom
* shpFirmDayFrom
* useEdiSdpCodeFlag
* custShiptoTermsId
* attribute5
* supplierShpCalendarCd
* shpFrozenFlag
* createdBy
* tpAttribute3
* agreementName
* seqFirmDayTo
* seqForecastDayFrom
* shpForecastDayTo
* plnMrpForecastDayTo
* futureAgreementId
* shipFromOrgId
* blanketNumber
* releaseRule
* attribute1
* seqMrpForecastDayFrom
* futureAgreementName
* tpAttribute6
* requestId
* matchAcrossKey
* seqFrozenDayTo
* scheduleHierarchyCode
* attribute2
* roundToStdPackFlag
* programUpdateDate
* disableCreateCumKeyFlag
* matchWithinKey
* intransitCalcBasis
* supplierContactId
* lastUpdateDate
* plnMrpForecastDayFrom
* addressId
* creationDate


 * custNameExt
* purgeStatus
* custShipFromOrgExt
* exceptionAttribute10
* scheduleReferenceNum
* customerProdSeqNum
* industryAttribute1
* dateTypeCode
* exceptionAttribute4
* orderLineId
* lastUpdateDate
* exceptionAttribute20
* exceptionAttribute17
* scheduleType
* custUomExt
* custProductionLine
* exceptionAttribute18
* interfaceLineId
* customerDockCode
* exceptionAttribute14
* originTable
* exceptionAttribute15
* startDateTime
* exceptionAttribute9
* exceptionAttribute7
* lastUpdateLogin
* custIntermdShiptoExt
* horizonEndDate
* horizonStartDate
* itemDetailType
* schedGenerationDate
* ediTestIndicator
* requestDate
* scheduleLineId
* schedulePurpose
* reportSummary
* customerItemExt
* exceptionAttribute1
* itemDetailQuantity
* exceptionLevel
* custBillToExt
* custModelSerialNum
* exceptionAttribute13
* scheduleHeaderId
* custItemDescription
* programId
* scheduleLineNumber
* exceptionAttribute6
* programApplicationId
* requestId
* programUpdateDate
* inventoryItem
* messageText
* scheduleItemNum
* custPoNumber
* custJobNumber
* custShipToExt
* exceptionAttribute11
* eceTpTranslatorCode
* exceptionAttribute12
* interfaceHeaderId
* exceptionId
* lastUpdatedBy
* exceptionAttribute8
* orderHeaderId
* messageName
* createdBy
* scheduleSource
* itemDetailSubtype
* ediControlNum3
* exceptionAttribute5
* exceptionAttribute19
* exceptionAttribute3
* exceptionAttribute16
* creationDate
* eceTpLocationCodeExt
* exceptionAttribute2
* qtyTypeCode
* scheduleDate


 * custNameExt
* purgeStatus
* custShipFromOrgExt
* exceptionAttribute10
* scheduleReferenceNum
* customerProdSeqNum
* industryAttribute1
* dateTypeCode
* exceptionAttribute4
* orderLineId
* lastUpdateDate
* exceptionAttribute20
* exceptionAttribute17
* scheduleType
* custUomExt
* custProductionLine
* exceptionAttribute18
* interfaceLineId
* customerDockCode
* exceptionAttribute14
* originTable
* exceptionAttribute15
* startDateTime
* exceptionAttribute9
* exceptionAttribute7
* lastUpdateLogin
* custIntermdShiptoExt
* horizonEndDate
* horizonStartDate
* itemDetailType
* schedGenerationDate
* ediTestIndicator
* requestDate
* scheduleLineId
* schedulePurpose
* reportSummary
* customerItemExt
* exceptionAttribute1
* itemDetailQuantity
* exceptionLevel
* custBillToExt
* custModelSerialNum
* exceptionAttribute13
* scheduleHeaderId
* custItemDescription
* programId
* scheduleLineNumber
* exceptionAttribute6
* programApplicationId
* requestId
* programUpdateDate
* inventoryItem
* messageText
* scheduleItemNum
* custPoNumber
* custJobNumber
* custShipToExt
* exceptionAttribute11
* eceTpTranslatorCode
* exceptionAttribute12
* interfaceHeaderId
* exceptionId
* lastUpdatedBy
* exceptionAttribute8
* orderHeaderId
* messageName
* createdBy
* scheduleSource
* itemDetailSubtype
* ediControlNum3
* exceptionAttribute5
* exceptionAttribute19
* exceptionAttribute3
* exceptionAttribute16
* creationDate
* eceTpLocationCodeExt
* exceptionAttribute2
* qtyTypeCode
* scheduleDate


 * customerId
* supHeaderContactTel1Ext
* ecePrimaryAddressId
* custTaxJurisdictionExt
* supplierAddress7Ext
* tpAttribute8
* supplierCountryExt
* eceTpTranslatorCode
* tpAttribute6
* supHeaderContactEmail2Ext
* headerContactCode2
* schedHorizonEndDate
* attribute14
* originalDocumentDate
* bucketEndDate
* headerContactValue1
* programUpdateDate
* headerNoteText
* supplierNameExt
* processStatus
* supplierAddress8Ext
* customerExt
* attribute6
* tpAttribute5
* supplierStateExt
* headerRefValue1
* scheduleType
* lastUpdateDate
* custAddress1Ext
* tpAttribute3
* headerContactFax2Ext
* headerRefCode2
* headerContactValue2
* supplierRegionExt
* supplierTaxJurisdictionExt
* custAddress8Ext
* custAddress9Ext
* supplierTaxExemptFlagExt
* headerContactEmail2Ext
* respDocumentDate
* headerContactEmail1Ext
* scheduleTypeExt
* headerContactTel2Ext
* taxExemptFlagExt
* ediControlNum1
* headerRefValue2
* supplierCountyExt
* tpAttribute11
* supplierAddress5Ext
* custPostalCdExt
* supplierAddress4Ext
* tpAttribute13
* supHeaderContactValue1
* eceTpLocationCodeExt
* custTelExt
* scheduleSource
* attribute5
* programId
* flexBucketCode
* supHeaderContactCode1
* supHeaderContactValue2
* attribute2
* supplierTelExt
* ediControlNum3
* supHeaderContactCode2
* tpAttribute10
* respScheduleId
* supHeaderContactFax2Ext
* ediTestIndicator
* tpAttribute1
* custProvinceExt
* creationDate
* supplierId
* lastUpdateLogin
* supplierAddress1Ext
* supplierAddress6Ext
* requestId
* supplierUrlExt
* tpAttribute7
* currencyExt
* custAddress6Ext
* headerContactTel1Ext
* supHeaderContactEmail1Ext
* schedulePurposeExt
* programApplicationId
* attribute10
* custStateExt
* supplierCurrencyExt
* scheduleReferenceNum
* attribute7
* supplierAddress2Ext
* ediControlNum2
* tpAttribute2
* tpAttribute15
* attribute8
* supHeaderContactFax1Ext
* orgId
* lastUpdatedBy
* tpAttributeCategory
* oneTimeSupplierFlagExt
* supplierProvinceExt
* attribute15
* attribute3
* custRegionExt
* attribute12
* supplierAddress3Ext
* headerRefValue3
* supplierAddress9Ext
* bucketStartDate
* custAddress5Ext
* schedHorizonStartDate
* attribute11
* attribute1
* taxIdExt
* headerContactFax1Ext
* custAddress2Ext
* supplierFaxExt
* tpAttribute4
* custCityExt
* custAddress7Ext
* headerRefCode3
* respDocumentRevNum
* custUrlExt
* custAddress4Ext
* schedGenerationDate
* schedulePurpose
* tpAttribute14
* tpAttribute9
* supplierCityExt
* supHeaderContactTel2Ext
* custCountyExt
* custFaxExt
* custCountryExt
* custAddress3Ext
* supplierTaxIdExt
* attribute9
* headerContactCode1
* tpAttribute12
* attribute4
* supplierDescriptionExt
* attribute13
* custDescriptionExt
* headerId
* oneTimeCustFlagExt
* supplierPostalCdExt
* documentRevNum
* documentDescription
* custNameExt
* createdBy
* attributeCategory
* headerRefCode1
* scheduleHeaderId


 * customerId
* supHeaderContactTel1Ext
* ecePrimaryAddressId
* custTaxJurisdictionExt
* supplierAddress7Ext
* tpAttribute8
* supplierCountryExt
* eceTpTranslatorCode
* tpAttribute6
* supHeaderContactEmail2Ext
* headerContactCode2
* schedHorizonEndDate
* attribute14
* originalDocumentDate
* bucketEndDate
* headerContactValue1
* programUpdateDate
* headerNoteText
* supplierNameExt
* processStatus
* supplierAddress8Ext
* customerExt
* attribute6
* tpAttribute5
* supplierStateExt
* headerRefValue1
* scheduleType
* lastUpdateDate
* custAddress1Ext
* tpAttribute3
* headerContactFax2Ext
* headerRefCode2
* headerContactValue2
* supplierRegionExt
* supplierTaxJurisdictionExt
* custAddress8Ext
* custAddress9Ext
* supplierTaxExemptFlagExt
* headerContactEmail2Ext
* respDocumentDate
* headerContactEmail1Ext
* scheduleTypeExt
* headerContactTel2Ext
* taxExemptFlagExt
* ediControlNum1
* headerRefValue2
* supplierCountyExt
* tpAttribute11
* supplierAddress5Ext
* custPostalCdExt
* supplierAddress4Ext
* tpAttribute13
* supHeaderContactValue1
* eceTpLocationCodeExt
* custTelExt
* scheduleSource
* attribute5
* programId
* flexBucketCode
* supHeaderContactCode1
* supHeaderContactValue2
* attribute2
* supplierTelExt
* ediControlNum3
* supHeaderContactCode2
* tpAttribute10
* respScheduleId
* supHeaderContactFax2Ext
* ediTestIndicator
* tpAttribute1
* custProvinceExt
* creationDate
* supplierId
* lastUpdateLogin
* supplierAddress1Ext
* supplierAddress6Ext
* requestId
* supplierUrlExt
* tpAttribute7
* currencyExt
* custAddress6Ext
* headerContactTel1Ext
* supHeaderContactEmail1Ext
* schedulePurposeExt
* programApplicationId
* attribute10
* custStateExt
* supplierCurrencyExt
* scheduleReferenceNum
* attribute7
* supplierAddress2Ext
* ediControlNum2
* tpAttribute2
* tpAttribute15
* attribute8
* supHeaderContactFax1Ext
* orgId
* lastUpdatedBy
* tpAttributeCategory
* oneTimeSupplierFlagExt
* supplierProvinceExt
* attribute15
* attribute3
* custRegionExt
* attribute12
* supplierAddress3Ext
* headerRefValue3
* supplierAddress9Ext
* bucketStartDate
* custAddress5Ext
* schedHorizonStartDate
* attribute11
* attribute1
* taxIdExt
* headerContactFax1Ext
* custAddress2Ext
* supplierFaxExt
* tpAttribute4
* custCityExt
* custAddress7Ext
* headerRefCode3
* respDocumentRevNum
* custUrlExt
* custAddress4Ext
* schedGenerationDate
* schedulePurpose
* tpAttribute14
* tpAttribute9
* supplierCityExt
* supHeaderContactTel2Ext
* custCountyExt
* custFaxExt
* custCountryExt
* custAddress3Ext
* supplierTaxIdExt
* attribute9
* headerContactCode1
* tpAttribute12
* attribute4
* supplierDescriptionExt
* attribute13
* custDescriptionExt
* headerId
* oneTimeCustFlagExt
* supplierPostalCdExt
* documentRevNum
* documentDescription
* custNameExt
* createdBy
* attributeCategory
* headerRefCode1
* scheduleHeaderId


 * tpAttribute7
* billToAddress8Ext
* intrmdStAddress8Ext
* inventoryItemSegment3
* routingDescExt
* shipToCountyExt
* sublineConfigCodeExt
* itemNoteText
* shipFromAddress4Ext
* tpAttribute2
* primaryUomCode
* itemDetailRefCode3
* billToRegionExt
* lineId
* letterCreditExt
* inventoryItemSegment18
* shipLabelInfoLine10
* itemRefCode2
* inventoryItemSegment8
* itemContactCode1
* inventoryItemSegment4
* packagingDescExt
* shipToTelExt
* commodityExt
* itemDetailRefCode2
* lineNumber
* billToAddress3Ext
* shipFromOrgId
* billToAddress2Ext
* itemContactValue2
* respLineNumber
* preferredGrade
* shipToAddress5Ext
* inventoryItemId
* attribute8
* packUnitsPerPackExt
* programUpdateDate
* custContractNumExt
* shipToAddress2Ext
* inventoryItemSegment16
* inventoryItemSegment7
* shipFromAddress9Ext
* itemRefValue1
* industryAttribute11
* itemContactCode2
* shipFromCityExt
* inventoryItemSegment15
* custPoLineNum
* itemRefCode3
* shipFromAddress2Ext
* endDateTime
* programId
* tpAttribute6
* industryAttribute7
* inventoryItemSegment20
* lineSource
* billToJurisdictionExt
* billToAddress4Ext
* shipFromAddress7Ext
* industryAttribute2
* inventoryItemSegment1
* lastUpdatedBy
* shipToJurisdictionExt
* custProcessNumExt
* intrmdStNameExt
* itemDescriptionExt
* shipToNameExt
* intrmdStCountyExt
* shipToAddress7Ext
* custProductionSeqNumEnd
* intrmdStAddress7Ext
* attribute9
* flexBktFlag
* shipLabelInfoLine3
* shipFromStateExt
* industryAttribute4
* itemEngCngLvlDateExt
* shipFromAddress5Ext
* shipToDescriptionExt
* processStatus
* billToTelExt
* routingSeqCodeExt
* attribute15
* lastUpdateDate
* billToAddressId
* sublineAssignedIdExt
* intrmdStAddress5Ext
* customerDockCode
* authorizationCodeExt
* shipDelRuleName
* itemDetailSubtypeExt
* otherNameValue1
* inventoryItemSegment2
* shipToAddress1Ext
* custOrderNumExt
* intrmdStAddress9Ext
* itemRefValue2
* supplierItemExt
* agreementId
* attribute6
* billToCountryExt
* billToAddress9Ext
* shipLabelInfoLine5
* attributeCategory
* intrmdStCountryExt
* itemDetailTypeExt
* itemDetailQuantityPriorExt
* intrmdStAddress1Ext
* billToAddress6Ext
* custProductionLine
* shipLabelInfoLine8
* deliveryLeadTime
* billToFaxExt
* custAssemblyExt
* intrmdStCityExt
* attribute5
* tpAttribute8
* billToProvinceExt
* sublineCustItemId
* importLicenseDateExt
* inventoryItemSegment13
* transportLocationExt
* tpAttribute3
* attribute11
* intrmdShipToId
* attribute2
* attribute12
* requestDate
* lineReference
* shipToFaxExt
* oneTimeShipFromFlagExt
* attribute13
* shipFromJurisdictionExt
* handlingCodeExt
* shipLabelInfoLine2
* itemContactValue1
* intrmdStRegionExt
* tpAttribute15
* shipToAddress8Ext
* custBillToExt
* inventoryItemSegment10
* custManufacturerExt
* tpAttribute10
* itemDetailRefValue1
* otherNameCode1
* shipFromNameExt
* requirementPriorityExt
* custModelNumberExt
* intrmdStStateExt
* industryAttribute14
* itemMeasurementsExt
* importLicenseExt
* matchKeyWithin
* weightUomExt
* orgId
* industryAttribute8
* customerItemRevision
* transitTimeExt
* fboConfigurationKey4
* ladingQuantityExt
* itemDetailRefValue3
* orderHeaderId
* custItemPriceUomExt
* intrmdStAddress4Ext
* transitTimeQualExt
* shipFromDescriptionExt
* hazardDescriptionExt
* custShipFromOrgExt
* oneTimeShipToFlagExt
* primeContrctrPartExt
* criticalKeyAttributes
* industryAttribute6
* shipLabelInfoLine4
* billToDescriptionExt
* billToCountyExt
* industryContext
* shipFromCountryExt
* shipDelPatternExt
* intmedShipToOrgId
* hazardCodeQualExt
* billToAddress7Ext
* equipmentNumberExt
* programApplicationId
* customerJob
* packUomCodeExt
* custItemPriceExt
* attribute1
* itemRefValue3
* inventoryItemSegment12
* packSizeExt
* billToStateExt
* taskNumberExt
* creationDate
* inventoryItemSegment5
* otherNameValue2
* tpAttribute11
* tpAttribute1
* industryAttribute9
* linkToLineRef
* shipToPostalCdExt
* shipLabelInfoLine6
* shipFromAddress3Ext
* inventoryItemSegment14
* scheduleLineId
* itemDetailQuantityMinExt
* billToSiteUseId
* industryAttribute15
* intrmdStAddress6Ext
* shipToAddress3Ext
* custModelSerialNumber
* createdBy
* shipToAddressId
* shipToCountryExt
* fboConfigurationKey5
* carrierQualifierExt
* sublineCustItemExt
* inventoryItemSegment6
* custProductionSeqNumBeg
* tpAttribute14
* intrmdStAddress3Ext
* dateTypeCodeExt
* industryAttribute13
* sublineUomCode
* shipToCustomerId
* startDateTime
* tpAttribute4
* qtyTypeCodeExt
* tpAttribute13
* billToNameExt
* custAssignedIdExt
* tpAttributeCategory
* shipToRegionExt
* inventoryItemSegment17
* projectNumberExt
* intrmdStJurisdictionExt
* billToAddress1Ext
* invoiceToOrgId
* itemEngCngLvlExt
* custUomExt
* itemDetailSubtype
* custPoNumber
* shipFromPostalCdExt
* hazardCodeExt
* otherNameCode2
* deliverToOrgId
* intrmdStAddress2Ext
* inventoryItemSegment9
* transportLocQualExt
* oneTimeIntrmdStFlagExt
* blanketNumber
* equipmentCodeExt
* shipToStateExt
* intrmdStSiteUseId
* inventoryItemSegment19
* sublineQuantity
* shipLabelInfoLine9
* primaryQuantity
* dateTypeCode
* itemRefCode1
* qtyTypeCode
* shipLabelInfoLine1
* shipLabelInfoLine7
* shipDelTimeCodeExt
* upcExt
* billToCityExt
* custIntrmdShipToExt
* tpAttribute5
* custProductionSeqNum
* attribute10
* weightExt
* shipFromAddress6Ext
* attribute7
* shipFromAddress1Ext
* shipToProvinceExt
* flexBktCode
* industryAttribute12
* shipToCityExt
* shipFromRegionExt
* returnContainerExt
* shipFromCountyExt
* shipFromProvinceExt
* industryAttribute10
* packagingCodeExt
* scheduleItemNum
* atoDataType
* industryAttribute3
* itemDetailQuantity
* fboConfigurationKey1
* itemDetailType
* headerId
* attribute3
* intrmdStDescriptionExt
* itemReleaseStatusExt
* countryOfOriginExt
* custSetNumExt
* shipToAddress4Ext
* lastUpdateLogin
* intrmdStTelExt
* custShipToExt
* industryAttribute5
* custPoReleaseNum
* transportMethodExt
* matchKeyAcross
* uomCode
* attribute4
* intrmdStFaxExt
* shipFromTelExt
* scheduleDate
* shipToAddress6Ext
* shipToAddress9Ext
* oneTimeBillToFlagExt
* custPoDate
* customerItemExt
* letterCreditExpdtExt
* parentLinkLineRef
* priceListId
* fboConfigurationKey3
* tpAttribute12
* fboConfigurationKey2
* intrmdStProvinceExt
* weightQualifierExt
* carrierIdCodeExt
* intrmdStPostalCdExt
* attribute14
* inventoryItemSegment11
* billToPostalCdExt
* customerItemId
* tpAttribute9
* shipFromAddress8Ext
* shipFromFaxExt
* billToAddress5Ext
* itemDetailQuantityMaxExt
* dspChildProcessIndex
* industryAttribute1
* itemDetailRefCode1
* shipToSiteUseId
* sublineModelNumExt
* shipToOrgId
* requestId
* itemDetailRefValue2


 * tpAttribute7
* billToAddress8Ext
* intrmdStAddress8Ext
* inventoryItemSegment3
* routingDescExt
* shipToCountyExt
* sublineConfigCodeExt
* itemNoteText
* shipFromAddress4Ext
* tpAttribute2
* primaryUomCode
* itemDetailRefCode3
* billToRegionExt
* lineId
* letterCreditExt
* inventoryItemSegment18
* shipLabelInfoLine10
* itemRefCode2
* inventoryItemSegment8
* itemContactCode1
* inventoryItemSegment4
* packagingDescExt
* shipToTelExt
* commodityExt
* itemDetailRefCode2
* lineNumber
* billToAddress3Ext
* shipFromOrgId
* billToAddress2Ext
* itemContactValue2
* respLineNumber
* preferredGrade
* shipToAddress5Ext
* inventoryItemId
* attribute8
* packUnitsPerPackExt
* programUpdateDate
* custContractNumExt
* shipToAddress2Ext
* inventoryItemSegment16
* inventoryItemSegment7
* shipFromAddress9Ext
* itemRefValue1
* industryAttribute11
* itemContactCode2
* shipFromCityExt
* inventoryItemSegment15
* custPoLineNum
* itemRefCode3
* shipFromAddress2Ext
* endDateTime
* programId
* tpAttribute6
* industryAttribute7
* inventoryItemSegment20
* lineSource
* billToJurisdictionExt
* billToAddress4Ext
* shipFromAddress7Ext
* industryAttribute2
* inventoryItemSegment1
* lastUpdatedBy
* shipToJurisdictionExt
* custProcessNumExt
* intrmdStNameExt
* itemDescriptionExt
* shipToNameExt
* intrmdStCountyExt
* shipToAddress7Ext
* custProductionSeqNumEnd
* intrmdStAddress7Ext
* attribute9
* flexBktFlag
* shipLabelInfoLine3
* shipFromStateExt
* industryAttribute4
* itemEngCngLvlDateExt
* shipFromAddress5Ext
* shipToDescriptionExt
* processStatus
* billToTelExt
* routingSeqCodeExt
* attribute15
* lastUpdateDate
* billToAddressId
* sublineAssignedIdExt
* intrmdStAddress5Ext
* customerDockCode
* authorizationCodeExt
* shipDelRuleName
* itemDetailSubtypeExt
* otherNameValue1
* inventoryItemSegment2
* shipToAddress1Ext
* custOrderNumExt
* intrmdStAddress9Ext
* itemRefValue2
* supplierItemExt
* agreementId
* attribute6
* billToCountryExt
* billToAddress9Ext
* shipLabelInfoLine5
* attributeCategory
* intrmdStCountryExt
* itemDetailTypeExt
* itemDetailQuantityPriorExt
* intrmdStAddress1Ext
* billToAddress6Ext
* custProductionLine
* shipLabelInfoLine8
* deliveryLeadTime
* billToFaxExt
* custAssemblyExt
* intrmdStCityExt
* attribute5
* tpAttribute8
* billToProvinceExt
* sublineCustItemId
* importLicenseDateExt
* inventoryItemSegment13
* transportLocationExt
* tpAttribute3
* attribute11
* intrmdShipToId
* attribute2
* attribute12
* requestDate
* lineReference
* shipToFaxExt
* oneTimeShipFromFlagExt
* attribute13
* shipFromJurisdictionExt
* handlingCodeExt
* shipLabelInfoLine2
* itemContactValue1
* intrmdStRegionExt
* tpAttribute15
* shipToAddress8Ext
* custBillToExt
* inventoryItemSegment10
* custManufacturerExt
* tpAttribute10
* itemDetailRefValue1
* otherNameCode1
* shipFromNameExt
* requirementPriorityExt
* custModelNumberExt
* intrmdStStateExt
* industryAttribute14
* itemMeasurementsExt
* importLicenseExt
* matchKeyWithin
* weightUomExt
* orgId
* industryAttribute8
* customerItemRevision
* transitTimeExt
* fboConfigurationKey4
* ladingQuantityExt
* itemDetailRefValue3
* orderHeaderId
* custItemPriceUomExt
* intrmdStAddress4Ext
* transitTimeQualExt
* shipFromDescriptionExt
* hazardDescriptionExt
* custShipFromOrgExt
* oneTimeShipToFlagExt
* primeContrctrPartExt
* criticalKeyAttributes
* industryAttribute6
* shipLabelInfoLine4
* billToDescriptionExt
* billToCountyExt
* industryContext
* shipFromCountryExt
* shipDelPatternExt
* intmedShipToOrgId
* hazardCodeQualExt
* billToAddress7Ext
* equipmentNumberExt
* programApplicationId
* customerJob
* packUomCodeExt
* custItemPriceExt
* attribute1
* itemRefValue3
* inventoryItemSegment12
* packSizeExt
* billToStateExt
* taskNumberExt
* creationDate
* inventoryItemSegment5
* otherNameValue2
* tpAttribute11
* tpAttribute1
* industryAttribute9
* linkToLineRef
* shipToPostalCdExt
* shipLabelInfoLine6
* shipFromAddress3Ext
* inventoryItemSegment14
* scheduleLineId
* itemDetailQuantityMinExt
* billToSiteUseId
* industryAttribute15
* intrmdStAddress6Ext
* shipToAddress3Ext
* custModelSerialNumber
* createdBy
* shipToAddressId
* shipToCountryExt
* fboConfigurationKey5
* carrierQualifierExt
* sublineCustItemExt
* inventoryItemSegment6
* custProductionSeqNumBeg
* tpAttribute14
* intrmdStAddress3Ext
* dateTypeCodeExt
* industryAttribute13
* sublineUomCode
* shipToCustomerId
* startDateTime
* tpAttribute4
* qtyTypeCodeExt
* tpAttribute13
* billToNameExt
* custAssignedIdExt
* tpAttributeCategory
* shipToRegionExt
* inventoryItemSegment17
* projectNumberExt
* intrmdStJurisdictionExt
* billToAddress1Ext
* invoiceToOrgId
* itemEngCngLvlExt
* custUomExt
* itemDetailSubtype
* custPoNumber
* shipFromPostalCdExt
* hazardCodeExt
* otherNameCode2
* deliverToOrgId
* intrmdStAddress2Ext
* inventoryItemSegment9
* transportLocQualExt
* oneTimeIntrmdStFlagExt
* blanketNumber
* equipmentCodeExt
* shipToStateExt
* intrmdStSiteUseId
* inventoryItemSegment19
* sublineQuantity
* shipLabelInfoLine9
* primaryQuantity
* dateTypeCode
* itemRefCode1
* qtyTypeCode
* shipLabelInfoLine1
* shipLabelInfoLine7
* shipDelTimeCodeExt
* upcExt
* billToCityExt
* custIntrmdShipToExt
* tpAttribute5
* custProductionSeqNum
* attribute10
* weightExt
* shipFromAddress6Ext
* attribute7
* shipFromAddress1Ext
* shipToProvinceExt
* flexBktCode
* industryAttribute12
* shipToCityExt
* shipFromRegionExt
* returnContainerExt
* shipFromCountyExt
* shipFromProvinceExt
* industryAttribute10
* packagingCodeExt
* scheduleItemNum
* atoDataType
* industryAttribute3
* itemDetailQuantity
* fboConfigurationKey1
* itemDetailType
* headerId
* attribute3
* intrmdStDescriptionExt
* itemReleaseStatusExt
* countryOfOriginExt
* custSetNumExt
* shipToAddress4Ext
* lastUpdateLogin
* intrmdStTelExt
* custShipToExt
* industryAttribute5
* custPoReleaseNum
* transportMethodExt
* matchKeyAcross
* uomCode
* attribute4
* intrmdStFaxExt
* shipFromTelExt
* scheduleDate
* shipToAddress6Ext
* shipToAddress9Ext
* oneTimeBillToFlagExt
* custPoDate
* customerItemExt
* letterCreditExpdtExt
* parentLinkLineRef
* priceListId
* fboConfigurationKey3
* tpAttribute12
* fboConfigurationKey2
* intrmdStProvinceExt
* weightQualifierExt
* carrierIdCodeExt
* intrmdStPostalCdExt
* attribute14
* inventoryItemSegment11
* billToPostalCdExt
* customerItemId
* tpAttribute9
* shipFromAddress8Ext
* shipFromFaxExt
* billToAddress5Ext
* itemDetailQuantityMaxExt
* dspChildProcessIndex
* industryAttribute1
* itemDetailRefCode1
* shipToSiteUseId
* sublineModelNumExt
* shipToOrgId
* requestId
* itemDetailRefValue2


 * custAddress6Ext
* creationDate
* supHeaderContactCode1
* attribute4
* tpAttribute14
* supplierDescriptionExt
* headerContactEmail2Ext
* processStatus
* respDocumentDate
* createdBy
* attribute14
* supplierCountyExt
* headerContactEmail1Ext
* headerContactCode1
* attribute1
* attribute11
* tpAttribute7
* supplierTaxIdExt
* supplierCountryExt
* headerContactFax2Ext
* headerContactTel2Ext
* documentRevNum
* custPostalCdExt
* supHeaderContactValue1
* attribute12
* oneTimeSupplierFlagExt
* headerContactCode2
* schedHorizonStartDate
* tpAttribute4
* programId
* supplierAddress6Ext
* supplierAddress3Ext
* supplierAddress7Ext
* custAddress9Ext
* headerContactValue2
* custAddress2Ext
* tpAttribute11
* supplierAddress1Ext
* custStateExt
* headerRefCode3
* custTaxJurisdictionExt
* currencyExt
* headerRefValue3
* schedHorizonEndDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* supplierProvinceExt
* tpAttribute15
* supplierTaxJurisdictionExt
* custNameExt
* headerContactFax1Ext
* supplierAddress2Ext
* supplierId
* supplierAddress4Ext
* supplierRegionExt
* bucketStartDate
* supplierAddress8Ext
* supHeaderContactFax2Ext
* custFaxExt
* custCountyExt
* attribute5
* tpAttribute13
* custAddress7Ext
* tpAttribute12
* programUpdateDate
* eceTpLocationCodeExt
* supplierAddress5Ext
* lastUpdateDate
* headerContactValue1
* supplierPostalCdExt
* supHeaderContactTel1Ext
* orgId
* schedulePurposeExt
* attribute15
* custDescriptionExt
* custCountryExt
* headerContactTel1Ext
* attribute8
* custAddress1Ext
* taxIdExt
* attribute10
* tpAttribute6
* interfaceHeaderId
* supplierTaxExemptFlagExt
* supplierCurrencyExt
* custAddress8Ext
* programApplicationId
* tpAttribute2
* attribute6
* attribute7
* requestId
* headerRefValue2
* bucketEndDate
* headerId
* attribute13
* supplierNameExt
* headerRefCode1
* supHeaderContactFax1Ext
* headerRefCode2
* eceTpTranslatorCode
* custAddress5Ext
* custTelExt
* attribute3
* ediTestIndicator
* custProvinceExt
* flexBucketCode
* supHeaderContactTel2Ext
* custUrlExt
* ecePrimaryAddressId
* tpAttribute1
* scheduleTypeExt
* lastUpdateLogin
* custAddress3Ext
* headerRefValue1
* custRegionExt
* supHeaderContactEmail1Ext
* headerNoteText
* tpAttribute9
* tpAttribute10
* tpAttributeCategory
* attribute2
* originalDocumentDate
* customerId
* scheduleSource
* ediControlNum3
* respDocumentRevNum
* supplierAddress9Ext
* supHeaderContactEmail2Ext
* tpAttribute3
* custAddress4Ext
* supplierTelExt
* customerExt
* supHeaderContactCode2
* supplierStateExt
* schedGenerationDate
* attribute9
* scheduleReferenceNum
* ediControlNum1
* supplierUrlExt
* respScheduleId
* taxExemptFlagExt
* scheduleType
* custCityExt
* tpAttribute5
* documentDescription
* supHeaderContactValue2
* attributeCategory
* tpAttribute8
* oneTimeCustFlagExt
* supplierCityExt
* schedulePurpose
* ediControlNum2
* supplierFaxExt


 * custAddress6Ext
* creationDate
* supHeaderContactCode1
* attribute4
* tpAttribute14
* supplierDescriptionExt
* headerContactEmail2Ext
* processStatus
* respDocumentDate
* createdBy
* attribute14
* supplierCountyExt
* headerContactEmail1Ext
* headerContactCode1
* attribute1
* attribute11
* tpAttribute7
* supplierTaxIdExt
* supplierCountryExt
* headerContactFax2Ext
* headerContactTel2Ext
* documentRevNum
* custPostalCdExt
* supHeaderContactValue1
* attribute12
* oneTimeSupplierFlagExt
* headerContactCode2
* schedHorizonStartDate
* tpAttribute4
* programId
* supplierAddress6Ext
* supplierAddress3Ext
* supplierAddress7Ext
* custAddress9Ext
* headerContactValue2
* custAddress2Ext
* tpAttribute11
* supplierAddress1Ext
* custStateExt
* headerRefCode3
* custTaxJurisdictionExt
* currencyExt
* headerRefValue3
* schedHorizonEndDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* supplierProvinceExt
* tpAttribute15
* supplierTaxJurisdictionExt
* custNameExt
* headerContactFax1Ext
* supplierAddress2Ext
* supplierId
* supplierAddress4Ext
* supplierRegionExt
* bucketStartDate
* supplierAddress8Ext
* supHeaderContactFax2Ext
* custFaxExt
* custCountyExt
* attribute5
* tpAttribute13
* custAddress7Ext
* tpAttribute12
* programUpdateDate
* eceTpLocationCodeExt
* supplierAddress5Ext
* lastUpdateDate
* headerContactValue1
* supplierPostalCdExt
* supHeaderContactTel1Ext
* orgId
* schedulePurposeExt
* attribute15
* custDescriptionExt
* custCountryExt
* headerContactTel1Ext
* attribute8
* custAddress1Ext
* taxIdExt
* attribute10
* tpAttribute6
* interfaceHeaderId
* supplierTaxExemptFlagExt
* supplierCurrencyExt
* custAddress8Ext
* programApplicationId
* tpAttribute2
* attribute6
* attribute7
* requestId
* headerRefValue2
* bucketEndDate
* headerId
* attribute13
* supplierNameExt
* headerRefCode1
* supHeaderContactFax1Ext
* headerRefCode2
* eceTpTranslatorCode
* custAddress5Ext
* custTelExt
* attribute3
* ediTestIndicator
* custProvinceExt
* flexBucketCode
* supHeaderContactTel2Ext
* custUrlExt
* ecePrimaryAddressId
* tpAttribute1
* scheduleTypeExt
* lastUpdateLogin
* custAddress3Ext
* headerRefValue1
* custRegionExt
* supHeaderContactEmail1Ext
* headerNoteText
* tpAttribute9
* tpAttribute10
* tpAttributeCategory
* attribute2
* originalDocumentDate
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* scheduleSource
* ediControlNum3
* respDocumentRevNum
* supplierAddress9Ext
* supHeaderContactEmail2Ext
* tpAttribute3
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* supplierTelExt
* customerExt
* supHeaderContactCode2
* supplierStateExt
* schedGenerationDate
* attribute9
* scheduleReferenceNum
* ediControlNum1
* supplierUrlExt
* respScheduleId
* taxExemptFlagExt
* scheduleType
* custCityExt
* tpAttribute5
* documentDescription
* supHeaderContactValue2
* attributeCategory
* tpAttribute8
* oneTimeCustFlagExt
* supplierCityExt
* schedulePurpose
* ediControlNum2
* supplierFaxExt


 * shipFromCityExt
* sublineAssignedIdExt
* transitTimeExt
* dateTypeCode
* otherNameValue1
* custBillToExt
* shipToCountryExt
* shipToAddress6Ext
* importLicenseDateExt
* tpAttribute1
* shipLabelInfoLine1
* shipToAddress7Ext
* sublineModelNumExt
* billToAddress4Ext
* intrmdStFaxExt
* shipToDescriptionExt
* fboConfigurationKey4
* industryAttribute14
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* packSizeExt
* attribute5
* custSetNumExt
* hazardCodeExt
* intrmdStPostalCdExt
* shipToStateExt
* attribute7
* attribute3
* shipToAddress3Ext
* intmedShipToOrgId
* custModelNumberExt
* intrmdStAddress1Ext
* shipFromAddress2Ext
* itemDetailRefCode3
* billToJurisdictionExt
* primaryQuantity
* custProductionSeqNumBeg
* shipLabelInfoLine10
* billToRegionExt
* sublineCustItemExt
* billToPostalCdExt
* billToNameExt
* oneTimeBillToFlagExt
* tpAttribute15
* tpAttribute14
* shipLabelInfoLine5
* scheduleItemNum
* shipToJurisdictionExt
* transportMethodExt
* customerDockCode
* custPoReleaseNum
* countryOfOriginExt
* custContractNumExt
* primeContrctrPartExt
* intrmdStAddress4Ext
* orgId
* itemEngCngLvlExt
* weightUomExt
* billToAddress9Ext
* shipFromProvinceExt
* intrmdStJurisdictionExt
* packagingDescExt
* itemDetailRefCode1
* fboConfigurationKey2
* pullsignalEndSerial
* weightExt
* intrmdStCountryExt
* itemContactValue2
* lineId
* dateTypeCodeExt
* custModelSerialNumber
* itemContactValue1
* shipToAddress4Ext
* shipToCustomerId
* customerItemExt
* attribute13
* shipToAddress9Ext
* shipToOrgId
* custOrderNumExt
* industryAttribute3
* shipFromAddress4Ext
* shipToAddress1Ext
* shipDelRuleName
* itemNoteText
* custUomExt
* shipLabelInfoLine9
* intrmdStAddress3Ext
* qtyTypeCodeExt
* shipToAddress2Ext
* attribute15
* custPoDate
* shipFromAddress6Ext
* shipToAddress8Ext
* shipFromAddress5Ext
* itemDetailRefValue2
* industryAttribute11
* billToAddress2Ext
* returnContainerExt
* sublineConfigCodeExt
* itemDetailRefCode2
* atoDataType
* packUnitsPerPackExt
* shipFromJurisdictionExt
* billToDescriptionExt
* itemDetailSubtype
* qtyTypeCode
* requestId
* custAssemblyExt
* tpAttribute12
* attributeCategory
* intrmdStCountyExt
* lineSource
* hazardCodeQualExt
* lastUpdateDate
* itemRefValue1
* shipFromCountryExt
* letterCreditExt
* industryAttribute5
* billToCityExt
* itemDetailQuantityMinExt
* intrmdStCityExt
* processStatus
* fboConfigurationKey1
* shipToAddress5Ext
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute11
* billToCountryExt
* packagingCodeExt
* taskNumberExt
* billToCountyExt
* tpAttribute2
* equipmentCodeExt
* intrmdStAddress7Ext
* orderHeaderId
* pullsignalStartSerial
* authorizationCodeExt
* intrmdStAddress9Ext
* intrmdShipToId
* tpAttribute10
* matchKeyAcross
* tpAttribute11
* custProductionSeqNumEnd
* itemMeasurementsExt
* intrmdStRegionExt
* lineReference
* fboConfigurationKey3
* otherNameCode2
* sublineQuantity
* billToAddress7Ext
* itemDetailRefValue3
* industryAttribute9
* industryAttribute8
* transportLocQualExt
* tpAttributeCategory
* oneTimeShipFromFlagExt
* custAssignedIdExt
* attribute12
* tpAttribute9
* shipFromAddress9Ext
* billToStateExt
* itemDetailRefValue1
* shipFromOrgId
* itemRefCode3
* intrmdStAddress8Ext
* industryAttribute6
* itemReleaseStatusExt
* itemDetailSubtypeExt
* oneTimeShipToFlagExt
* routingDescExt
* shipToNameExt
* custProcessNumExt
* intrmdStAddress5Ext
* billToTelExt
* tpAttribute7
* billToProvinceExt
* shipFromAddress7Ext
* shipLabelInfoLine8
* shipLabelInfoLine7
* shipToCityExt
* weightQualifierExt
* industryAttribute15
* billToAddress3Ext
* shipFromFaxExt
* shipLabelInfoLine4
* tpAttribute8
* intrmdStNameExt
* hazardDescriptionExt
* shipFromCountyExt
* importLicenseExt
* billToAddress6Ext
* industryAttribute13
* shipLabelInfoLine3
* tpAttribute6
* itemDescriptionExt
* startDateTime
* commodityExt
* industryAttribute2
* endDateTime
* itemEngCngLvlDateExt
* shipFromPostalCdExt
* shipToFaxExt
* tpAttribute4
* itemDetailQuantityPriorExt
* itemContactCode1
* intrmdStSiteUseId
* itemRefCode1
* preferredGrade
* shipDelPatternExt
* billToAddress5Ext
* industryAttribute1
* shipToProvinceExt
* billToFaxExt
* custItemPriceExt
* deliverToOrgId
* intrmdStAddress6Ext
* oneTimeIntrmdStFlagExt
* shipToRegionExt
* shipToCountyExt
* itemDetailTypeExt
* attribute4
* sublineUomCode
* interfaceLineId
* programUpdateDate
* tpAttribute5
* packUomCodeExt
* carrierQualifierExt
* intrmdStProvinceExt
* shipFromTelExt
* attribute10
* billToAddress8Ext
* itemContactCode2
* itemRefValue2
* itemDetailQuantity
* shipFromAddress8Ext
* custManufacturerExt
* custPoLineNum
* industryAttribute7
* headerId
* attribute9
* tpAttribute3
* respLineNumber
* itemRefCode2
* shipFromNameExt
* letterCreditExpdtExt
* billToSiteUseId
* primaryUomCode
* shipFromStateExt
* billToAddress1Ext
* custPoNumber
* blanketNumber
* custProductionSeqNum
* uomCode
* invoiceToOrgId
* fboConfigurationKey5
* pullsignalRefNum
* shipToPostalCdExt
* custItemPriceUomExt
* transitTimeQualExt
* inventoryItemId
* intrmdStTelExt
* shipDelTimeCodeExt
* linkToLineRef
* intrmdStDescriptionExt
* tpAttribute13
* otherNameValue2
* attribute2
* upcExt
* itemDetailType
* billToAddressId
* shipToSiteUseId
* customerItemRevision
* shipToAddressId
* createdBy
* lineNumber
* shipLabelInfoLine2
* intrmdStAddress2Ext
* itemDetailQuantityMaxExt
* industryAttribute4
* custIntrmdShipToExt
* equipmentNumberExt
* projectNumberExt
* transportLocationExt
* matchKeyWithin
* attribute14
* customerItemId
* customerJob
* shipFromAddress3Ext
* otherNameCode1
* shipFromRegionExt
* criticalKeyAttributes
* shipFromAddress1Ext
* attribute1
* itemRefValue3
* programId
* custProductionLine
* ladingQuantityExt
* intrmdStStateExt
* industryAttribute12
* handlingCodeExt
* shipToTelExt
* shipFromDescriptionExt
* sublineCustItemId
* industryAttribute10
* industryContext
* attribute8
* supplierItemExt
* custShipToExt
* carrierIdCodeExt
* attribute6
* programApplicationId
* requirementPriorityExt
* routingSeqCodeExt
* custShipFromOrgExt
* shipLabelInfoLine6


 * shipFromCityExt
* sublineAssignedIdExt
* transitTimeExt
* dateTypeCode
* otherNameValue1
* custBillToExt
* shipToCountryExt
* shipToAddress6Ext
* importLicenseDateExt
* tpAttribute1
* shipLabelInfoLine1
* shipToAddress7Ext
* sublineModelNumExt
* billToAddress4Ext
* intrmdStFaxExt
* shipToDescriptionExt
* fboConfigurationKey4
* industryAttribute14
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* packSizeExt
* attribute5
* custSetNumExt
* hazardCodeExt
* intrmdStPostalCdExt
* shipToStateExt
* attribute7
* attribute3
* shipToAddress3Ext
* intmedShipToOrgId
* custModelNumberExt
* intrmdStAddress1Ext
* shipFromAddress2Ext
* itemDetailRefCode3
* billToJurisdictionExt
* primaryQuantity
* custProductionSeqNumBeg
* shipLabelInfoLine10
* billToRegionExt
* sublineCustItemExt
* billToPostalCdExt
* billToNameExt
* oneTimeBillToFlagExt
* tpAttribute15
* tpAttribute14
* shipLabelInfoLine5
* scheduleItemNum
* shipToJurisdictionExt
* transportMethodExt
* customerDockCode
* custPoReleaseNum
* countryOfOriginExt
* custContractNumExt
* primeContrctrPartExt
* intrmdStAddress4Ext
* orgId
* itemEngCngLvlExt
* weightUomExt
* billToAddress9Ext
* shipFromProvinceExt
* intrmdStJurisdictionExt
* packagingDescExt
* itemDetailRefCode1
* fboConfigurationKey2
* pullsignalEndSerial
* weightExt
* intrmdStCountryExt
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* custModelSerialNumber
* itemContactValue1
* shipToAddress4Ext
* shipToCustomerId
* customerItemExt
* attribute13
* shipToAddress9Ext
* shipToOrgId
* custOrderNumExt
* industryAttribute3
* shipFromAddress4Ext
* shipToAddress1Ext
* shipDelRuleName
* itemNoteText
* custUomExt
* shipLabelInfoLine9
* intrmdStAddress3Ext
* qtyTypeCodeExt
* shipToAddress2Ext
* attribute15
* custPoDate
* shipFromAddress6Ext
* shipToAddress8Ext
* shipFromAddress5Ext
* itemDetailRefValue2
* industryAttribute11
* billToAddress2Ext
* returnContainerExt
* sublineConfigCodeExt
* itemDetailRefCode2
* atoDataType
* packUnitsPerPackExt
* shipFromJurisdictionExt
* billToDescriptionExt
* itemDetailSubtype
* qtyTypeCode
* requestId
* custAssemblyExt
* tpAttribute12
* attributeCategory
* intrmdStCountyExt
* lineSource
* hazardCodeQualExt
* lastUpdateDate
* itemRefValue1
* shipFromCountryExt
* letterCreditExt
* industryAttribute5
* billToCityExt
* itemDetailQuantityMinExt
* intrmdStCityExt
* processStatus
* fboConfigurationKey1
* shipToAddress5Ext
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute11
* billToCountryExt
* packagingCodeExt
* taskNumberExt
* billToCountyExt
* tpAttribute2
* equipmentCodeExt
* intrmdStAddress7Ext
* orderHeaderId
* pullsignalStartSerial
* authorizationCodeExt
* intrmdStAddress9Ext
* intrmdShipToId
* tpAttribute10
* matchKeyAcross
* tpAttribute11
* custProductionSeqNumEnd
* itemMeasurementsExt
* intrmdStRegionExt
* lineReference
* fboConfigurationKey3
* otherNameCode2
* sublineQuantity
* billToAddress7Ext
* itemDetailRefValue3
* industryAttribute9
* industryAttribute8
* transportLocQualExt
* tpAttributeCategory
* oneTimeShipFromFlagExt
* custAssignedIdExt
* attribute12
* tpAttribute9
* shipFromAddress9Ext
* billToStateExt
* itemDetailRefValue1
* shipFromOrgId
* itemRefCode3
* intrmdStAddress8Ext
* industryAttribute6
* itemReleaseStatusExt
* itemDetailSubtypeExt
* oneTimeShipToFlagExt
* routingDescExt
* shipToNameExt
* custProcessNumExt
* intrmdStAddress5Ext
* billToTelExt
* tpAttribute7
* billToProvinceExt
* shipFromAddress7Ext
* shipLabelInfoLine8
* shipLabelInfoLine7
* shipToCityExt
* weightQualifierExt
* industryAttribute15
* billToAddress3Ext
* shipFromFaxExt
* shipLabelInfoLine4
* tpAttribute8
* intrmdStNameExt
* hazardDescriptionExt
* shipFromCountyExt
* importLicenseExt
* billToAddress6Ext
* industryAttribute13
* shipLabelInfoLine3
* tpAttribute6
* itemDescriptionExt
* startDateTime
* commodityExt
* industryAttribute2
* endDateTime
* itemEngCngLvlDateExt
* shipFromPostalCdExt
* shipToFaxExt
* tpAttribute4
* itemDetailQuantityPriorExt
* itemContactCode1
* intrmdStSiteUseId
* itemRefCode1
* preferredGrade
* shipDelPatternExt
* billToAddress5Ext
* industryAttribute1
* shipToProvinceExt
* billToFaxExt
* custItemPriceExt
* deliverToOrgId
* intrmdStAddress6Ext
* oneTimeIntrmdStFlagExt
* shipToRegionExt
* shipToCountyExt
* itemDetailTypeExt
* attribute4
* sublineUomCode
* interfaceLineId
* programUpdateDate
* tpAttribute5
* packUomCodeExt
* carrierQualifierExt
* intrmdStProvinceExt
* shipFromTelExt
* attribute10
* billToAddress8Ext
* itemContactCode2
* itemRefValue2
* itemDetailQuantity
* shipFromAddress8Ext
* custManufacturerExt
* custPoLineNum
* industryAttribute7
* headerId
* attribute9
* tpAttribute3
* respLineNumber
* itemRefCode2
* shipFromNameExt
* letterCreditExpdtExt
* billToSiteUseId
* primaryUomCode
* shipFromStateExt
* billToAddress1Ext
* custPoNumber
* blanketNumber
* custProductionSeqNum
* uomCode
* invoiceToOrgId
* fboConfigurationKey5
* pullsignalRefNum
* shipToPostalCdExt
* custItemPriceUomExt
* transitTimeQualExt
* inventoryItemId
* intrmdStTelExt
* shipDelTimeCodeExt
* linkToLineRef
* intrmdStDescriptionExt
* tpAttribute13
* otherNameValue2
* attribute2
* upcExt
* itemDetailType
* billToAddressId
* shipToSiteUseId
* customerItemRevision
* shipToAddressId
* createdBy
* lineNumber
* shipLabelInfoLine2
* intrmdStAddress2Ext
* itemDetailQuantityMaxExt
* industryAttribute4
* custIntrmdShipToExt
* equipmentNumberExt
* projectNumberExt
* transportLocationExt
* matchKeyWithin
* attribute14
* customerItemId
* customerJob
* shipFromAddress3Ext
* otherNameCode1
* shipFromRegionExt
* criticalKeyAttributes
* shipFromAddress1Ext
* attribute1
* itemRefValue3
* programId
* custProductionLine
* ladingQuantityExt
* intrmdStStateExt
* industryAttribute12
* handlingCodeExt
* shipToTelExt
* shipFromDescriptionExt
* sublineCustItemId
* industryAttribute10
* industryContext
* attribute8
* supplierItemExt
* custShipToExt
* carrierIdCodeExt
* attribute6
* programApplicationId
* requirementPriorityExt
* routingSeqCodeExt
* custShipFromOrgExt
* shipLabelInfoLine6


 * deleteFlag
* lastUpdateLogin
* userId
* lastUpdateDate
* createdBy
* lastUpdatedBy
* queryId
* creationDate
* queryName


 * deleteFlag
* lastUpdateLogin
* userId
* lastUpdateDate
* createdBy
* lastUpdatedBy
* queryId
* creationDate
* queryName


 * columnType
* creationDate
* createdBy
* queryId
* columnName
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* columnValue


 * columnType
* creationDate
* createdBy
* queryId
* columnName
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* columnValue


 * description
* id
* menuPathId
* reportName
* icon
* resultItems
* sequence
* defaultViewType
* reportCode
* userId
* queryOffset
* queryLimit
* searchUrl


 * type
* requestId
* lastUpdateLogin
* actionId
* creationDate
* sequence
* createdBy
* programApplicationId
* programId
* lastUpdatedBy
* whereClause
* programUpdateDate
* lastUpdateDate


 * type
* requestId
* lastUpdateLogin
* actionId
* creationDate
* sequence
* createdBy
* programApplicationId
* programId
* lastUpdatedBy
* whereClause
* programUpdateDate
* lastUpdateDate


 * attribute15
* invoiceContactId
* attribute8
* salesrepId
* attribute12
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* accountingRuleId
* attribute3
* priceListId
* startDateActive
* attribute14
* invoiceToSiteUseId
* agreementId
* lastUpdatedBy
* termId
* overrideAruleFlag
* signatureDate
* attribute6
* attribute7
* overrideIruleFlag
* attribute2
* customerId
* attribute9
* attribute5
* attribute11
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute1
* endDateActive
* attribute4
* invoicingRuleId
* context
* createdBy
* attribute10
* agreementNum
* purchaseOrderNum
* agreementTypeCode
* agreementContactId
* attribute13


 * attribute15
* invoiceContactId
* attribute8
* salesrepId
* attribute12
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* accountingRuleId
* attribute3
* priceListId
* startDateActive
* attribute14
* invoiceToSiteUseId
* agreementId
* lastUpdatedBy
* termId
* overrideAruleFlag
* signatureDate
* attribute6
* attribute7
* overrideIruleFlag
* attribute2
* customerId
* attribute9
* attribute5
* attribute11
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute1
* endDateActive
* attribute4
* invoicingRuleId
* context
* createdBy
* attribute10
* agreementNum
* purchaseOrderNum
* agreementTypeCode
* agreementContactId
* attribute13


 * creationDate
* name
* lastUpdateDate
* agreementId
* language
* lastUpdatedBy
* sourceLang
* createdBy
* lastUpdateLogin


 * creationDate
* name
* lastUpdateDate
* agreementId
* language
* lastUpdatedBy
* sourceLang
* createdBy
* lastUpdateLogin


 * lastUpdateDate
* attribute12
* endDateActive
* context
* attribute5
* siteUseId
* requestId
* attribute15
* startDateActive
* attribute11
* discountCustomerId
* attribute3
* attribute13
* lastUpdateLogin
* customerClassCode
* attribute10
* attribute9
* programUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* createdBy
* creationDate
* attribute2
* attribute6
* attribute7
* attribute1
* programId
* customerId
* attribute4
* attribute8
* discountId
* programApplicationId
* attribute14


 * lastUpdateDate
* attribute12
* endDateActive
* context
* attribute5
* siteUseId
* requestId
* attribute15
* startDateActive
* attribute11
* discountCustomerId
* attribute3
* attribute13
* lastUpdateLogin
* customerClassCode
* attribute10
* attribute9
* programUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* createdBy
* creationDate
* attribute2
* attribute6
* attribute7
* attribute1
* programId
* customerId
* attribute4
* attribute8
* discountId
* programApplicationId
* attribute14


 * price
* attribute8
* context
* attribute3
* creationDate
* percent
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute6
* discountId
* programId
* requestId
* attribute14
* attribute2
* attribute13
* programApplicationId
* endDateActive
* attribute10
* attribute4
* attribute1
* attribute11
* discountLineId
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute15
* startDateActive
* createdBy
* attribute7
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute9
* attribute12
* programUpdateDate
* attribute5
* entityId
* amount
* entityValue


 * price
* attribute8
* context
* attribute3
* creationDate
* percent
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute6
* discountId
* programId
* requestId
* attribute14
* attribute2
* attribute13
* programApplicationId
* endDateActive
* attribute10
* attribute4
* attribute1
* attribute11
* discountLineId
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute15
* startDateActive
* createdBy
* attribute7
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute9
* attribute12
* programUpdateDate
* attribute5
* entityId
* amount
* entityValue


 * gsaIndicator
* priceListId
* prorateFlag
* attribute6
* manualPricingDiscountFlag
* attribute15
* attribute9
* discountId
* attribute5
* attribute7
* programUpdateDate
* description
* attribute10
* discountTypeCode
* automaticDiscountFlag
* programApplicationId
* lastUpdateLogin
* discountLinesFlag
* lastUpdatedBy
* context
* overrideAllowedFlag
* attribute1
* attribute8
* attribute2
* lastUpdateDate
* createdBy
* startDateActive
* amount
* attribute14
* endDateActive
* attribute4
* attribute3
* attribute12
* programId
* attribute11
* requestId
* name
* attribute13
* creationDate
* percent


 * gsaIndicator
* priceListId
* prorateFlag
* attribute6
* manualPricingDiscountFlag
* attribute15
* attribute9
* discountId
* attribute5
* attribute7
* programUpdateDate
* description
* attribute10
* discountTypeCode
* automaticDiscountFlag
* programApplicationId
* lastUpdateLogin
* discountLinesFlag
* lastUpdatedBy
* context
* overrideAllowedFlag
* attribute1
* attribute8
* attribute2
* lastUpdateDate
* createdBy
* startDateActive
* amount
* attribute14
* endDateActive
* attribute4
* attribute3
* attribute12
* programId
* attribute11
* requestId
* name
* attribute13
* creationDate
* percent


 * destinationOrganizationId
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdatedBy
* requisitionHeaderId
* requisitionLineId
* poReleaseId
* poLineId
* orgId
* lineId
* dropShipSourceId
* lastUpdateDate
* createdBy
* headerId
* poHeaderId
* lineLocationId


 * destinationOrganizationId
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdatedBy
* requisitionHeaderId
* requisitionLineId
* poReleaseId
* poLineId
* orgId
* lineId
* dropShipSourceId
* lastUpdateDate
* createdBy
* headerId
* poHeaderId
* lineLocationId


 * requestId
* lastUpdatedBy
* creationDate
* lastUpdateDate
* createdBy
* idNumber
* exceptionId
* programApplicationId
* lastUpdateLogin
* messageText
* programUpdateDate
* programId
* context


 * requestId
* lastUpdatedBy
* creationDate
* lastUpdateDate
* createdBy
* idNumber
* exceptionId
* programApplicationId
* lastUpdateLogin
* messageText
* programUpdateDate
* programId
* context


 * globalAttribute19
* globalAttribute17
* programApplicationId
* globalAttribute6
* programId
* programUpdateDate
* headerId
* lastUpdatedBy
* globalAttribute10
* globalAttribute11
* globalAttribute2
* globalAttribute8
* globalAttribute7
* globalAttribute12
* lastUpdateDate
* globalAttribute4
* requestId
* globalAttribute18
* globalAttributeCategory
* globalAttribute9
* globalAttribute13
* lastUpdateLogin
* createdBy
* globalAttribute1
* globalAttribute5
* globalAttribute3
* globalAttribute20
* globalAttribute16
* globalAttribute14
* creationDate
* globalAttribute15


 * operationCode
* globalAttribute8
* globalAttributeCategory
* globalAttribute5
* globalAttribute1
* globalAttribute9
* globalAttribute10
* globalAttribute11
* orderSourceId
* globalAttribute6
* globalAttribute13
* createdBy
* programApplicationId
* globalAttribute19
* errorFlag
* globalAttribute14
* programUpdateDate
* originalSystemReference
* programId
* globalAttribute16
* globalAttribute12
* lastUpdatedBy
* globalAttribute20
* globalAttribute7
* interfaceStatus
* globalAttribute18
* requestId
* globalAttribute15
* globalAttribute17
* globalAttribute2
* lastUpdateDate
* globalAttribute4
* globalAttribute3
* lastUpdateLogin
* creationDate


 * operationCode
* globalAttribute8
* globalAttributeCategory
* globalAttribute5
* globalAttribute1
* globalAttribute9
* globalAttribute10
* globalAttribute11
* orderSourceId
* globalAttribute6
* globalAttribute13
* createdBy
* programApplicationId
* globalAttribute19
* errorFlag
* globalAttribute14
* programUpdateDate
* originalSystemReference
* programId
* globalAttribute16
* globalAttribute12
* lastUpdatedBy
* globalAttribute20
* globalAttribute7
* interfaceStatus
* globalAttribute18
* requestId
* globalAttribute15
* globalAttribute17
* globalAttribute2
* lastUpdateDate
* globalAttribute4
* globalAttribute3
* lastUpdateLogin
* creationDate


 * globalAttribute19
* globalAttribute17
* programApplicationId
* globalAttribute6
* programId
* programUpdateDate
* headerId
* lastUpdatedBy
* globalAttribute10
* globalAttribute11
* globalAttribute2
* globalAttribute8
* globalAttribute7
* globalAttribute12
* lastUpdateDate
* globalAttribute4
* requestId
* globalAttribute18
* globalAttributeCategory
* globalAttribute9
* globalAttribute13
* lastUpdateLogin
* createdBy
* globalAttribute1
* globalAttribute5
* globalAttribute3
* globalAttribute20
* globalAttribute16
* globalAttribute14
* creationDate
* globalAttribute15


 * attribute10
* s27
* attribute5
* priceListSvrid
* lastUpdateDate
* s26
* salesChannelCode
* creationDate
* entryStatusSvrid
* dateOrdered
* fobSvrid
* invoicingRuleSvrid
* lastUpdateLogin
* creditCardHolderSvrid
* creditCardSvrid
* s28Date
* dateRequestedCurrent
* taxExemptReasonSvrid
* shipToContactId
* s18
* requestId
* purchaseOrderNum
* originalSystemReference
* s9Date
* salesChannelSvrid
* originalSystemSourceCode
* accountingRuleId
* s6
* headerId
* shipToSvrid
* programUpdateDate
* paymentAmountSvrid
* invoiceToSiteUseId
* s12
* s12Date
* s24
* conversionTypeCode
* s4
* orgId
* fobCode
* shippingInstructions
* invoiceToContactSvrid
* s19
* creditCardAppCodeSvrid
* s18Date
* taxExemptFlag
* shipPartialFlag
* s22
* attribute14
* salespersonSvrid
* sourceHeaderId
* paymentAmount
* creditCardApprovalCode
* shippingInstructionsSvrid
* s29
* cycleId
* s20Date
* creditCardHolderName
* customerId
* contactSvrid
* customerSvrid
* s8
* s11Date
* conversionRateSvrid
* s15Date
* termsId
* currencySvrid
* s8Date
* s9
* attribute2
* attribute6
* invoiceToSvrid
* poNumberSvrid
* s23
* invoicingRuleId
* typeSvrid
* conversionDateSvrid
* s5Date
* creditCardNumber
* cancelledFlag
* salesrepId
* requestDateSvrid
* creditCardExpDateSvrid
* warehouseSvrid
* s22Date
* context
* shipMethodCode
* attribute13
* conversionTypeSvrid
* s7
* shipToContactSvrid
* s13
* s17
* attribute1
* s25
* conversionDate
* s6Date
* demandClassCode
* s7Date
* s3
* createdBy
* agreementSvrid
* s19Date
* attribute3
* s10Date
* s23Date
* attribute11
* openFlag
* s26Date
* upgradeFlag
* shipPartialSvrid
* agreementId
* s11
* taxExemptNum
* packingInstructions
* orderTypeId
* s13Date
* s25Date
* warehouseId
* s16
* s5
* s14Date
* paymentTypeSvrid
* s29Date
* programApplicationId
* freightTermsCode
* shipmentPriorityCode
* s15
* accountingRuleSvrid
* s2Date
* shipToSiteUseId
* taxExemptReasonCode
* creditCardExpirationDate
* paymentTermsSvrid
* attribute12
* freightTermsSvrid
* s16Date
* programId
* orderedByContactId
* conversionRate
* checkNumberSvrid
* s17Date
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute8
* currencyCode
* shipmentPrioritySvrid
* freightCarrierSvrid
* s1Date
* s2
* orderNumber
* packingInstructionsSvrid
* s21
* invoiceToContactId
* priceListId
* orderCategory
* s30
* whUpdateDate
* s21Date
* s28
* attribute9
* demandClassSvrid
* creditCardNumberSvrid
* attribute4
* attribute15
* s24Date
* paymentTypeCode
* attribute7
* taxExemptNumberSvrid
* s27Date
* s30Date
* dfSvrid
* s4Date
* s3Date
* s14
* s1
* s10
* checkNumber
* creditCardCode
* s20
* dateSvrid


 * attribute10
* s27
* attribute5
* priceListSvrid
* lastUpdateDate
* s26
* salesChannelCode
* creationDate
* entryStatusSvrid
* dateOrdered
* fobSvrid
* invoicingRuleSvrid
* lastUpdateLogin
* creditCardHolderSvrid
* creditCardSvrid
* s28Date
* dateRequestedCurrent
* taxExemptReasonSvrid
* shipToContactId
* s18
* requestId
* purchaseOrderNum
* originalSystemReference
* s9Date
* salesChannelSvrid
* originalSystemSourceCode
* accountingRuleId
* s6
* headerId
* shipToSvrid
* programUpdateDate
* paymentAmountSvrid
* invoiceToSiteUseId
* s12
* s12Date
* s24
* conversionTypeCode
* s4
* orgId
* fobCode
* shippingInstructions
* invoiceToContactSvrid
* s19
* creditCardAppCodeSvrid
* s18Date
* taxExemptFlag
* shipPartialFlag
* s22
* attribute14
* salespersonSvrid
* sourceHeaderId
* paymentAmount
* creditCardApprovalCode
* shippingInstructionsSvrid
* s29
* cycleId
* s20Date
* creditCardHolderName
* customerId
* contactSvrid
* customerSvrid
* s8
* s11Date
* conversionRateSvrid
* s15Date
* termsId
* currencySvrid
* s8Date
* s9
* attribute2
* attribute6
* invoiceToSvrid
* poNumberSvrid
* s23
* invoicingRuleId
* typeSvrid
* conversionDateSvrid
* s5Date
* creditCardNumber
* cancelledFlag
* salesrepId
* requestDateSvrid
* creditCardExpDateSvrid
* warehouseSvrid
* s22Date
* context
* shipMethodCode
* attribute13
* conversionTypeSvrid
* s7
* shipToContactSvrid
* s13
* s17
* attribute1
* s25
* conversionDate
* s6Date
* demandClassCode
* s7Date
* s3
* createdBy
* agreementSvrid
* s19Date
* attribute3
* s10Date
* s23Date
* attribute11
* openFlag
* s26Date
* upgradeFlag
* shipPartialSvrid
* agreementId
* s11
* taxExemptNum
* packingInstructions
* orderTypeId
* s13Date
* s25Date
* warehouseId
* s16
* s5
* s14Date
* paymentTypeSvrid
* s29Date
* programApplicationId
* freightTermsCode
* shipmentPriorityCode
* s15
* accountingRuleSvrid
* s2Date
* shipToSiteUseId
* taxExemptReasonCode
* creditCardExpirationDate
* paymentTermsSvrid
* attribute12
* freightTermsSvrid
* s16Date
* programId
* orderedByContactId
* conversionRate
* checkNumberSvrid
* s17Date
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute8
* currencyCode
* shipmentPrioritySvrid
* freightCarrierSvrid
* s1Date
* s2
* orderNumber
* packingInstructionsSvrid
* s21
* invoiceToContactId
* priceListId
* orderCategory
* s30
* whUpdateDate
* s21Date
* s28
* attribute9
* demandClassSvrid
* creditCardNumberSvrid
* attribute4
* attribute15
* s24Date
* paymentTypeCode
* attribute7
* taxExemptNumberSvrid
* s27Date
* s30Date
* dfSvrid
* s4Date
* s3Date
* s14
* s1
* s10
* checkNumber
* creditCardCode
* s20
* dateSvrid


 * programUpdateDate
* createdBy
* invoiceToContactLastName
* invoiceAddress1
* invoicingRuleId
* taxExemptFlag
* accountingRuleId
* interfaceStatus
* invoiceCounty
* agreementId
* orderedByContactLastName
* dateShipped
* scheduleStatusCode
* shipToCustomer
* paymentTypeCode
* customerNumber
* attribute1
* invoiceAddress4
* shipToSiteUseId
* shipmentPriorityCode
* lastUpdatedBy
* creationDate
* enteredStateName
* attribute11
* enteredStateId
* programId
* lastUpdateDate
* invoiceToContactId
* creditCardApprovalCode
* shipAddress1
* salesChannelCode
* attribute10
* requestId
* priceListName
* dateOrdered
* attribute2
* conversionTypeCode
* purchaseOrderNum
* attribute13
* invoiceToSiteUseId
* orderType
* shipAddressId
* invoiceAddress3
* taxExemptNum
* invoicingRule
* customerName
* orderTypeId
* invoiceState
* lastUpdateLogin
* programApplicationId
* customerId
* invoiceToContactFirstName
* attribute12
* operationCode
* creditCardCode
* freightTermsCode
* invoiceCustomer
* orderCategory
* attribute7
* creditCardNumber
* context
* salesrepNumber
* shipMethodCode
* shipPostalCode
* orderNumberSourceId
* invoicePostalCode
* invoiceAddress2
* taxExemptReasonCode
* orderSourceId
* termsId
* packingInstructions
* conversionDate
* shipAddress2
* shipAddress3
* shipCity
* enteredStateDate
* orgId
* shipToContactLastName
* accountingRule
* orderedByContactFirstName
* shipCountry
* paymentAmount
* dateRequestedCurrent
* fobCode
* originalSystemReference
* termsName
* creditCardHolderName
* shipAddress4
* invoiceAddressId
* shipToContactId
* conversionRate
* checkNumber
* attribute8
* currencyCode
* demandClassCode
* attribute5
* attribute9
* attribute6
* shipState
* completeFlag
* priceListId
* reportSummary
* shipCounty
* agreementName
* applyStandardNotes
* salesrepId
* invoiceCity
* creditCardExpirationDate
* orderedByContactId
* shipToContactFirstName
* invoiceCountry
* shippingInstructions
* errorFlag
* cycleId
* invoiceCustomerId
* shipToCustomerId
* attribute4
* attribute15
* attribute3
* salesrepName
* attribute14


 * programUpdateDate
* createdBy
* invoiceToContactLastName
* invoiceAddress1
* invoicingRuleId
* taxExemptFlag
* accountingRuleId
* interfaceStatus
* invoiceCounty
* agreementId
* orderedByContactLastName
* dateShipped
* scheduleStatusCode
* shipToCustomer
* paymentTypeCode
* customerNumber
* attribute1
* invoiceAddress4
* shipToSiteUseId
* shipmentPriorityCode
* lastUpdatedBy
* creationDate
* enteredStateName
* attribute11
* enteredStateId
* programId
* lastUpdateDate
* invoiceToContactId
* creditCardApprovalCode
* shipAddress1
* salesChannelCode
* attribute10
* requestId
* priceListName
* dateOrdered
* attribute2
* conversionTypeCode
* purchaseOrderNum
* attribute13
* invoiceToSiteUseId
* orderType
* shipAddressId
* invoiceAddress3
* taxExemptNum
* invoicingRule
* customerName
* orderTypeId
* invoiceState
* lastUpdateLogin
* programApplicationId
* customerId
* invoiceToContactFirstName
* attribute12
* operationCode
* creditCardCode
* freightTermsCode
* invoiceCustomer
* orderCategory
* attribute7
* creditCardNumber
* context
* salesrepNumber
* shipMethodCode
* shipPostalCode
* orderNumberSourceId
* invoicePostalCode
* invoiceAddress2
* taxExemptReasonCode
* orderSourceId
* termsId
* packingInstructions
* conversionDate
* shipAddress2
* shipAddress3
* shipCity
* enteredStateDate
* orgId
* shipToContactLastName
* accountingRule
* orderedByContactFirstName
* shipCountry
* paymentAmount
* dateRequestedCurrent
* fobCode
* originalSystemReference
* termsName
* creditCardHolderName
* shipAddress4
* invoiceAddressId
* shipToContactId
* conversionRate
* checkNumber
* attribute8
* currencyCode
* demandClassCode
* attribute5
* attribute9
* attribute6
* shipState
* completeFlag
* priceListId
* reportSummary
* shipCounty
* agreementName
* applyStandardNotes
* salesrepId
* invoiceCity
* creditCardExpirationDate
* orderedByContactId
* shipToContactFirstName
* invoiceCountry
* shippingInstructions
* errorFlag
* cycleId
* invoiceCustomerId
* shipToCustomerId
* attribute4
* attribute15
* attribute3
* salesrepName
* attribute14


 * programApplicationId
* holdSourceId
* attribute1
* attribute12
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute7
* programUpdateDate
* creationDate
* attribute4
* attribute8
* requestId
* releaseReasonCode
* attribute2
* holdEntityCode
* context
* attribute10
* attribute9
* attribute15
* programId
* attribute13
* attribute14
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute11
* holdEntityId
* attribute6
* attribute3
* createdBy
* releaseComment
* attribute5
* holdReleaseId
* lastUpdatedBy


 * programApplicationId
* holdSourceId
* attribute1
* attribute12
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute7
* programUpdateDate
* creationDate
* attribute4
* attribute8
* requestId
* releaseReasonCode
* attribute2
* holdEntityCode
* context
* attribute10
* attribute9
* attribute15
* programId
* attribute13
* attribute14
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute11
* holdEntityId
* attribute6
* attribute3
* createdBy
* releaseComment
* attribute5
* holdReleaseId
* lastUpdatedBy


 * holdComment
* attribute12
* holdUntilDate
* attribute4
* holdReleaseId
* attribute5
* attribute6
* holdSourceId
* programId
* attribute3
* attribute8
* attribute2
* attribute14
* requestId
* creationDate
* holdEntityId
* attribute10
* attribute9
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute13
* context
* attribute7
* programApplicationId
* attribute11
* attribute15
* programUpdateDate
* holdEntityCode
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute1
* releasedFlag
* orgId
* holdId
* lastUpdateDate
* createdBy


 * holdComment
* attribute12
* holdUntilDate
* attribute4
* holdReleaseId
* attribute5
* attribute6
* holdSourceId
* programId
* attribute3
* attribute8
* attribute2
* attribute14
* requestId
* creationDate
* holdEntityId
* attribute10
* attribute9
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute13
* context
* attribute7
* programApplicationId
* attribute11
* attribute15
* programUpdateDate
* holdEntityCode
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute1
* releasedFlag
* orgId
* holdId
* lastUpdateDate
* createdBy


 * attribute12
* attribute13
* pricingAttribute12
* pricingAttribute11
* pricingAttribute3
* pricingAttribute8
* pricingAttribute5
* attribute5
* lastUpdatedBy
* pricingAttribute9
* createdBy
* pricingAttribute14
* groupLineId
* currencyCode
* attribute4
* attribute6
* attribute11
* attribute15
* pricingContext
* methodCode
* pricingAttribute13
* pricingAttribute1
* creationDate
* attribute10
* pricingAttribute10
* attribute3
* pricingAttribute2
* pricingAttribute7
* pricingRuleId
* pricingAttribute4
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute2
* context
* attribute9
* pricingAttribute6
* groupId
* attribute8
* attribute14
* lastUpdateDate
* pricingAttribute15
* unitCode
* listPrice
* attribute7
* attribute1
* inventoryItemId


 * attribute12
* attribute13
* pricingAttribute12
* pricingAttribute11
* pricingAttribute3
* pricingAttribute8
* pricingAttribute5
* attribute5
* lastUpdatedBy
* pricingAttribute9
* createdBy
* pricingAttribute14
* groupLineId
* currencyCode
* attribute4
* attribute6
* attribute11
* attribute15
* pricingContext
* methodCode
* pricingAttribute13
* pricingAttribute1
* creationDate
* attribute10
* pricingAttribute10
* attribute3
* pricingAttribute2
* pricingAttribute7
* pricingRuleId
* pricingAttribute4
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute2
* context
* attribute9
* pricingAttribute6
* groupId
* attribute8
* attribute14
* lastUpdateDate
* pricingAttribute15
* unitCode
* listPrice
* attribute7
* attribute1
* inventoryItemId


 * attribute12
* attribute5
* attribute8
* name
* attribute10
* lastUpdatedBy
* description
* attribute7
* attribute4
* attribute14
* attribute3
* groupId
* attribute1
* attribute2
* attribute6
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute13
* attribute9
* lastUpdateDate
* createdBy
* context
* attribute15
* creationDate
* attribute11


 * attribute12
* attribute5
* attribute8
* name
* attribute10
* lastUpdatedBy
* description
* attribute7
* attribute4
* attribute14
* attribute3
* groupId
* attribute1
* attribute2
* attribute6
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute13
* attribute9
* lastUpdateDate
* createdBy
* context
* attribute15
* creationDate
* attribute11


 * headerId
* attribute9
* attribute14
* attribute2
* lineApprovalId
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute3
* attribute6
* lastUpdatedBy
* context
* lineId
* actionId
* attribute13
* approverId
* attribute10
* attribute12
* attribute5
* lastUpdateDate
* resultId
* attribute4
* attribute7
* attribute1
* attribute15
* dateApproved
* attribute11
* createdBy
* attribute8
* approvalComment


 * headerId
* attribute9
* attribute14
* attribute2
* lineApprovalId
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute3
* attribute6
* lastUpdatedBy
* context
* lineId
* actionId
* attribute13
* approverId
* attribute10
* attribute12
* attribute5
* lastUpdateDate
* resultId
* attribute4
* attribute7
* attribute1
* attribute15
* dateApproved
* attribute11
* createdBy
* attribute8
* approvalComment


 * globalAttribute3
* lastUpdateDate
* globalAttribute7
* globalAttribute10
* globalAttribute15
* industryAttribute5
* createdBy
* globalAttribute9
* programId
* industryAttribute14
* programUpdateDate
* globalAttribute4
* globalAttribute11
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* industryAttribute7
* industryAttribute8
* industryAttribute13
* creationDate
* globalAttribute14
* industryAttribute3
* globalAttribute5
* globalAttribute18
* industryAttribute15
* industryAttribute6
* globalAttribute16
* industryAttribute4
* industryContext
* globalAttribute1
* globalAttribute13
* industryAttribute1
* requestId
* globalAttribute12
* industryAttribute9
* lineId
* industryAttribute11
* globalAttribute20
* programApplicationId
* globalAttribute19
* globalAttributeCategory
* industryAttribute2
* globalAttribute6
* industryAttribute12
* globalAttribute2
* industryAttribute10
* globalAttribute8
* globalAttribute17


 * industryAttribute11
* globalAttribute18
* industryAttribute7
* operationCode
* programUpdateDate
* globalAttribute16
* industryAttribute9
* industryAttribute10
* globalAttribute2
* industryAttribute3
* globalAttribute4
* globalAttribute12
* industryAttribute14
* globalAttribute8
* requestId
* industryAttribute6
* industryAttribute13
* industryAttribute4
* globalAttribute9
* globalAttribute20
* errorFlag
* programApplicationId
* globalAttribute5
* globalAttribute11
* industryAttribute2
* globalAttribute17
* industryAttribute12
* originalSystemLineReference
* orderSourceId
* lastUpdateLogin
* globalAttribute10
* industryContext
* industryAttribute1
* createdBy
* industryAttribute15
* programId
* industryAttribute5
* industryAttribute8
* globalAttribute6
* globalAttribute15
* globalAttribute19
* interfaceStatus
* globalAttribute1
* globalAttribute14
* lastUpdateDate
* globalAttribute3
* globalAttribute7
* originalSystemReference
* creationDate
* globalAttribute13
* globalAttributeCategory
* lastUpdatedBy


 * industryAttribute11
* globalAttribute18
* industryAttribute7
* operationCode
* programUpdateDate
* globalAttribute16
* industryAttribute9
* industryAttribute10
* globalAttribute2
* industryAttribute3
* globalAttribute4
* globalAttribute12
* industryAttribute14
* globalAttribute8
* requestId
* industryAttribute6
* industryAttribute13
* industryAttribute4
* globalAttribute9
* globalAttribute20
* errorFlag
* programApplicationId
* globalAttribute5
* globalAttribute11
* industryAttribute2
* globalAttribute17
* industryAttribute12
* originalSystemLineReference
* orderSourceId
* lastUpdateLogin
* globalAttribute10
* industryContext
* industryAttribute1
* createdBy
* industryAttribute15
* programId
* industryAttribute5
* industryAttribute8
* globalAttribute6
* globalAttribute15
* globalAttribute19
* interfaceStatus
* globalAttribute1
* globalAttribute14
* lastUpdateDate
* globalAttribute3
* globalAttribute7
* originalSystemReference
* creationDate
* globalAttribute13
* globalAttributeCategory
* lastUpdatedBy


 * globalAttribute3
* lastUpdateDate
* globalAttribute7
* globalAttribute10
* globalAttribute15
* industryAttribute5
* createdBy
* globalAttribute9
* programId
* industryAttribute14
* programUpdateDate
* globalAttribute4
* globalAttribute11
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* industryAttribute7
* industryAttribute8
* industryAttribute13
* creationDate
* globalAttribute14
* industryAttribute3
* globalAttribute5
* globalAttribute18
* industryAttribute15
* industryAttribute6
* globalAttribute16
* industryAttribute4
* industryContext
* globalAttribute1
* globalAttribute13
* industryAttribute1
* requestId
* globalAttribute12
* industryAttribute9
* lineId
* industryAttribute11
* globalAttribute20
* programApplicationId
* globalAttribute19
* globalAttributeCategory
* industryAttribute2
* globalAttribute6
* industryAttribute12
* globalAttribute2
* industryAttribute10
* globalAttribute8
* globalAttribute17


 * globalAttribute15
* programUpdateDate
* creationDate
* globalAttribute20
* globalAttribute5
* requestId
* globalAttribute13
* globalAttribute10
* programId
* globalAttribute4
* createdBy
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateDate
* globalAttribute3
* globalAttribute17
* globalAttribute6
* globalAttributeCategory
* globalAttribute7
* globalAttribute14
* lastUpdateLogin
* globalAttribute8
* globalAttribute9
* programApplicationId
* globalAttribute12
* globalAttribute18
* globalAttribute2
* globalAttribute1
* globalAttribute11
* globalAttribute16
* globalAttribute19
* lineDetailId


 * requestId
* globalAttributeCategory
* globalAttribute14
* globalAttribute10
* globalAttribute1
* originalSystemReference
* globalAttribute9
* globalAttribute15
* globalAttribute4
* globalAttribute17
* operationCode
* creationDate
* errorFlag
* originalSystemLineReference
* globalAttribute16
* globalAttribute19
* lastUpdateDate
* globalAttribute13
* programUpdateDate
* createdBy
* globalAttribute7
* globalAttribute11
* globalAttribute12
* programId
* globalAttribute20
* programApplicationId
* globalAttribute8
* orderSourceId
* globalAttribute2
* globalAttribute5
* lastUpdatedBy
* globalAttribute6
* lastUpdateLogin
* interfaceStatus
* globalAttribute18
* globalAttribute3


 * requestId
* globalAttributeCategory
* globalAttribute14
* globalAttribute10
* globalAttribute1
* originalSystemReference
* globalAttribute9
* globalAttribute15
* globalAttribute4
* globalAttribute17
* operationCode
* creationDate
* errorFlag
* originalSystemLineReference
* globalAttribute16
* globalAttribute19
* lastUpdateDate
* globalAttribute13
* programUpdateDate
* createdBy
* globalAttribute7
* globalAttribute11
* globalAttribute12
* programId
* globalAttribute20
* programApplicationId
* globalAttribute8
* orderSourceId
* globalAttribute2
* globalAttribute5
* lastUpdatedBy
* globalAttribute6
* lastUpdateLogin
* interfaceStatus
* globalAttribute18
* globalAttribute3


 * globalAttribute15
* programUpdateDate
* creationDate
* globalAttribute20
* globalAttribute5
* requestId
* globalAttribute13
* globalAttribute10
* programId
* globalAttribute4
* createdBy
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateDate
* globalAttribute3
* globalAttribute17
* globalAttribute6
* globalAttributeCategory
* globalAttribute7
* globalAttribute14
* lastUpdateLogin
* globalAttribute8
* globalAttribute9
* programApplicationId
* globalAttribute12
* globalAttribute18
* globalAttribute2
* globalAttribute1
* globalAttribute11
* globalAttribute16
* globalAttribute19
* lineDetailId


 * lotNumber
* demandClassCode
* dpwAssignedFlag
* deliveryId
* inventoryItemId
* releasedFlag
* receiptStatusCode
* attribute12
* dfSvrid
* lotSvrid
* attribute3
* attribute6
* customerItemId
* lastUpdateDate
* creationDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* warehouseId
* context
* shippableFlag
* scheduleLevelCode
* attribute8
* updateFlag
* componentRatio
* attribute5
* wipReservedQuantity
* supplySourceType
* attribute11
* lastUpdateLogin
* scheduleDate
* quantitySvrid
* delivery
* departureId
* attribute1
* attribute9
* latestAcceptableDateSvrid
* dateSvrid
* attribute4
* revisionSvrid
* wipCompletedQuantity
* attribute15
* includedItemFlag
* quantity
* customerRequestedSvrid
* requiredForRevenueFlag
* demandClassSvrid
* depPlanRequiredFlag
* transactableFlag
* createdBy
* masterContainerItemId
* attribute2
* unitCode
* subinventory
* customerRequestedLotFlag
* latestAcceptableDate
* componentCode
* scheduleStatusCode
* revision
* attribute13
* supplySourceHeaderId
* reservableFlag
* warehouseSvrid
* attribute7
* detailContainerItemId
* subinventorySvrid
* configurationItemFlag
* lineDetailId
* attribute14
* lineId
* soLineDetailsDepartureId
* loadSeqNumber
* componentSequenceId
* inventoryLocationId
* attribute10


 * attribute15
* attribute4
* requestId
* originalSystemLineReference
* programUpdateDate
* attribute3
* quantity
* lotNumber
* attribute9
* scheduleStatusCode
* attribute5
* demandClassCode
* attribute1
* context
* revision
* createdBy
* orderSourceId
* attribute11
* scheduleDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute14
* attribute7
* attribute6
* interfaceStatus
* scheduleLevelCode
* originalSystemReference
* errorFlag
* subinventory
* inventoryItemId
* customerRequestedLotFlag
* programApplicationId
* attribute10
* creationDate
* lastUpdateDate
* programId
* requiredForRevenue
* warehouseId
* attribute2
* attribute12
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute13
* attribute8
* componentSequenceId


 * attribute15
* attribute4
* requestId
* originalSystemLineReference
* programUpdateDate
* attribute3
* quantity
* lotNumber
* attribute9
* scheduleStatusCode
* attribute5
* demandClassCode
* attribute1
* context
* revision
* createdBy
* orderSourceId
* attribute11
* scheduleDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute14
* attribute7
* attribute6
* interfaceStatus
* scheduleLevelCode
* originalSystemReference
* errorFlag
* subinventory
* inventoryItemId
* customerRequestedLotFlag
* programApplicationId
* attribute10
* creationDate
* lastUpdateDate
* programId
* requiredForRevenue
* warehouseId
* attribute2
* attribute12
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute13
* attribute8
* componentSequenceId


 * lotNumber
* demandClassCode
* dpwAssignedFlag
* deliveryId
* inventoryItemId
* releasedFlag
* receiptStatusCode
* attribute12
* dfSvrid
* lotSvrid
* attribute3
* attribute6
* customerItemId
* lastUpdateDate
* creationDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* warehouseId
* context
* shippableFlag
* scheduleLevelCode
* attribute8
* updateFlag
* componentRatio
* attribute5
* wipReservedQuantity
* supplySourceType
* attribute11
* lastUpdateLogin
* scheduleDate
* quantitySvrid
* delivery
* departureId
* attribute1
* attribute9
* latestAcceptableDateSvrid
* dateSvrid
* attribute4
* revisionSvrid
* wipCompletedQuantity
* attribute15
* includedItemFlag
* quantity
* customerRequestedSvrid
* requiredForRevenueFlag
* demandClassSvrid
* depPlanRequiredFlag
* transactableFlag
* createdBy
* masterContainerItemId
* attribute2
* unitCode
* subinventory
* customerRequestedLotFlag
* latestAcceptableDate
* componentCode
* scheduleStatusCode
* revision
* attribute13
* supplySourceHeaderId
* reservableFlag
* warehouseSvrid
* attribute7
* detailContainerItemId
* subinventorySvrid
* configurationItemFlag
* lineDetailId
* attribute14
* lineId
* soLineDetailsDepartureId
* loadSeqNumber
* componentSequenceId
* inventoryLocationId
* attribute10


 * lastUpdateLogin
* customerProductSvrid
* technicalContactSvrid
* attribute14
* attribute4
* newCpReturnByDate
* systemSvrid
* installationSiteUseId
* attribute8
* insCpReturnByDateSvrid
* locationSvrid
* creationDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* context
* attribute7
* attribute11
* createdBy
* serviceContactSvrid
* transactionTypeSvrid
* attribute5
* sourceLineServiceDetailId
* systemTypeSvrid
* attribute2
* attribute13
* installedCpReturnByDate
* customerProductQuantity
* technicalContactId
* systemTypeCode
* attribute3
* lineServiceDetailId
* serviceAdminContactId
* systemId
* attribute10
* attribute6
* attribute1
* customerProductTypeCode
* customerProductTypeSvrid
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute12
* transactionTypeId
* customerProductId
* lineId
* attribute9
* newCpReturnByDateSvrid
* dfSvrid
* cpQuantitySvrid
* attribute15


 * lastUpdateLogin
* customerProductSvrid
* technicalContactSvrid
* attribute14
* attribute4
* newCpReturnByDate
* systemSvrid
* installationSiteUseId
* attribute8
* insCpReturnByDateSvrid
* locationSvrid
* creationDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* context
* attribute7
* attribute11
* createdBy
* serviceContactSvrid
* transactionTypeSvrid
* attribute5
* sourceLineServiceDetailId
* systemTypeSvrid
* attribute2
* attribute13
* installedCpReturnByDate
* customerProductQuantity
* technicalContactId
* systemTypeCode
* attribute3
* lineServiceDetailId
* serviceAdminContactId
* systemId
* attribute10
* attribute6
* attribute1
* customerProductTypeCode
* customerProductTypeSvrid
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute12
* transactionTypeId
* customerProductId
* lineId
* attribute9
* newCpReturnByDateSvrid
* dfSvrid
* cpQuantitySvrid
* attribute15


 * s23Date
* transactionReasonSvrid
* attribute5
* configItemId
* s14Date
* servicePerConvRateSvrid
* pricingAttribute12
* s7
* s6
* componentCode
* commitmentSvrid
* s13
* sourceTypeCodeSvrid
* planningPrioritySvrid
* lastUpdateLogin
* orgId
* invoicingRuleId
* createdBy
* pricingAttribute2
* intermediateShipToId
* s18
* customerItemId
* originalSystemLineReference
* serviceMassTxnTempId
* s10Date
* sourceLineId
* s15Date
* s19Date
* s22Date
* shipmentPrioritySvrid
* returnReferenceTypeSvrid
* s25
* configurationEditedFlag
* transactionTypeSvrid
* listPercent
* attribute14
* paymentTermsSvrid
* commitmentId
* agreementId
* pricingAttribute15
* customerProductionLine
* taxCodeSvrid
* priceListId
* s5
* freightCarrierSvrid
* transactionComments
* s18Date
* s28Date
* pricingAttribute11
* shipToSiteUseId
* serviceParentLineId
* s8
* pricingAttribute8
* customerProductId
* s30
* servicedQuantity
* serviceCoterminateFlag
* dfSvrid
* s12
* warehouseId
* serviceCoterminateSvrid
* customerProductSvrid
* attribute9
* s8Date
* linkToLineId
* listPriceSvrid
* pricingAttribute3
* customerDockCode
* shipSetNumberSvrid
* invoiceCount
* s15
* inspectionRequiredFlag
* sellingPercent
* s20Date
* customerJob
* requestId
* s24Date
* s11
* s20
* accountingRuleSvrid
* taxExemptReasonSvrid
* s2
* cancelledQuantity
* shipModelCompleteFlag
* itemTypeCode
* pricingAttribute14
* attribute8
* s3
* s21
* termsId
* lastUpdateDate
* agreementSvrid
* taxExemptNumber
* s9
* sellingPriceSvrid
* s16
* pricingAttribute7
* openFlag
* orderedQuantitySvrid
* revenueAmount
* attribute13
* s22
* lineTypeCode
* cpServiceId
* attribute15
* percentBasePrice
* latestAcceptableDate
* s19
* creditInvoiceLineId
* programUpdateDate
* attribute2
* attribute6
* attribute11
* serviceEndDateSvrid
* taxExemptReasonCode
* pricingAttribute13
* servicePeriodConversionRate
* taxCode
* requestDateSvrid
* shipSetNumber
* dateRequestedCurrent
* lastUpdatedBy
* programId
* optionFlag
* creditInvoiceLineSvrid
* returnReferenceTypeCode
* s10
* lineId
* s29Date
* autoSelectedQuantity
* pricingAttributesSvrid
* demandStreamId
* pricingAttribute1
* configRevNbr
* s13Date
* s28
* componentSequenceId
* s23
* atoLineId
* pricingAttribute10
* sellingPrice
* attribute7
* inspectionRequiredSvrid
* orderedQuantity
* taxExemptNumberSvrid
* planningPriority
* s5Date
* unitSvrid
* lineNumber
* pricingDate
* scheduleDateSvrid
* selectedLineId
* returnReferenceId
* s26
* atoFlag
* cycleId
* promiseDateSvrid
* shipmentScheduleLineId
* pricingAttribute4
* serviceEndDate
* attribute10
* parentLineId
* sellingPercentSvrid
* attribute1
* serviceDuration
* s17
* s12Date
* taskId
* customerModelSerialNumber
* s7Date
* serviceDurationSvrid
* invoicedQuantity
* shipToContactId
* serviceStartDate
* s1Date
* programApplicationId
* shippedQuantity
* s4Date
* pricingMethodCode
* shipToSvrid
* s6Date
* s25Date
* invoicingRuleSvrid
* transactionCommentsSvrid
* attribute4
* standardComponentFreezeDate
* transactionReasonCode
* componentSortCode
* quantityToInvoice
* shipToContactSvrid
* pricingContext
* shipmentPriorityCode
* demandClassCode
* s11Date
* warehouseSvrid
* s1
* s24
* unitCode
* s16Date
* s27Date
* accountingRuleId
* s21Date
* transactionTypeCode
* creationDate
* s4
* returnReferenceSvrid
* endItemUnitNumber
* s26Date
* itemSvrid
* latestAcceptableDateSvrid
* configHeaderId
* pricingAttribute5
* pricingAttribute6
* customerProductServiceSvrid
* whUpdateDate
* s17Date
* headerId
* attribute12
* planningProdSeqNumber
* s3Date
* serviceStartDateSvrid
* listPercentSvrid
* s9Date
* s14
* shipMethodCode
* s2Date
* attribute3
* promiseDate
* listPrice
* returnForRepairFlag
* sourceTypeCode
* s30Date
* numberSvrid
* s27
* projectId
* scheduleDate
* pricingAttribute9
* demandClassSvrid
* s29
* context
* inventoryItemId


 * s23Date
* transactionReasonSvrid
* attribute5
* configItemId
* s14Date
* servicePerConvRateSvrid
* pricingAttribute12
* s7
* s6
* componentCode
* commitmentSvrid
* s13
* sourceTypeCodeSvrid
* planningPrioritySvrid
* lastUpdateLogin
* orgId
* invoicingRuleId
* createdBy
* pricingAttribute2
* intermediateShipToId
* s18
* customerItemId
* originalSystemLineReference
* serviceMassTxnTempId
* s10Date
* sourceLineId
* s15Date
* s19Date
* s22Date
* shipmentPrioritySvrid
* returnReferenceTypeSvrid
* s25
* configurationEditedFlag
* transactionTypeSvrid
* listPercent
* attribute14
* paymentTermsSvrid
* commitmentId
* agreementId
* pricingAttribute15
* customerProductionLine
* taxCodeSvrid
* priceListId
* s5
* freightCarrierSvrid
* transactionComments
* s18Date
* s28Date
* pricingAttribute11
* shipToSiteUseId
* serviceParentLineId
* s8
* pricingAttribute8
* customerProductId
* s30
* servicedQuantity
* serviceCoterminateFlag
* dfSvrid
* s12
* warehouseId
* serviceCoterminateSvrid
* customerProductSvrid
* attribute9
* s8Date
* linkToLineId
* listPriceSvrid
* pricingAttribute3
* customerDockCode
* shipSetNumberSvrid
* invoiceCount
* s15
* inspectionRequiredFlag
* sellingPercent
* s20Date
* customerJob
* requestId
* s24Date
* s11
* s20
* accountingRuleSvrid
* taxExemptReasonSvrid
* s2
* cancelledQuantity
* shipModelCompleteFlag
* itemTypeCode
* pricingAttribute14
* attribute8
* s3
* s21
* termsId
* lastUpdateDate
* agreementSvrid
* taxExemptNumber
* s9
* sellingPriceSvrid
* s16
* pricingAttribute7
* openFlag
* orderedQuantitySvrid
* revenueAmount
* attribute13
* s22
* lineTypeCode
* cpServiceId
* attribute15
* percentBasePrice
* latestAcceptableDate
* s19
* creditInvoiceLineId
* programUpdateDate
* attribute2
* attribute6
* attribute11
* serviceEndDateSvrid
* taxExemptReasonCode
* pricingAttribute13
* servicePeriodConversionRate
* taxCode
* requestDateSvrid
* shipSetNumber
* dateRequestedCurrent
* lastUpdatedBy
* programId
* optionFlag
* creditInvoiceLineSvrid
* returnReferenceTypeCode
* s10
* lineId
* s29Date
* autoSelectedQuantity
* pricingAttributesSvrid
* demandStreamId
* pricingAttribute1
* configRevNbr
* s13Date
* s28
* componentSequenceId
* s23
* atoLineId
* pricingAttribute10
* sellingPrice
* attribute7
* inspectionRequiredSvrid
* orderedQuantity
* taxExemptNumberSvrid
* planningPriority
* s5Date
* unitSvrid
* lineNumber
* pricingDate
* scheduleDateSvrid
* selectedLineId
* returnReferenceId
* s26
* atoFlag
* cycleId
* promiseDateSvrid
* shipmentScheduleLineId
* pricingAttribute4
* serviceEndDate
* attribute10
* parentLineId
* sellingPercentSvrid
* attribute1
* serviceDuration
* s17
* s12Date
* taskId
* customerModelSerialNumber
* s7Date
* serviceDurationSvrid
* invoicedQuantity
* shipToContactId
* serviceStartDate
* s1Date
* programApplicationId
* shippedQuantity
* s4Date
* pricingMethodCode
* shipToSvrid
* s6Date
* s25Date
* invoicingRuleSvrid
* transactionCommentsSvrid
* attribute4
* standardComponentFreezeDate
* transactionReasonCode
* componentSortCode
* quantityToInvoice
* shipToContactSvrid
* pricingContext
* shipmentPriorityCode
* demandClassCode
* s11Date
* warehouseSvrid
* s1
* s24
* unitCode
* s16Date
* s27Date
* accountingRuleId
* s21Date
* transactionTypeCode
* creationDate
* s4
* returnReferenceSvrid
* endItemUnitNumber
* s26Date
* itemSvrid
* latestAcceptableDateSvrid
* configHeaderId
* pricingAttribute5
* pricingAttribute6
* customerProductServiceSvrid
* whUpdateDate
* s17Date
* headerId
* attribute12
* planningProdSeqNumber
* s3Date
* serviceStartDateSvrid
* listPercentSvrid
* s9Date
* s14
* shipMethodCode
* s2Date
* attribute3
* promiseDate
* listPrice
* returnForRepairFlag
* sourceTypeCode
* s30Date
* numberSvrid
* s27
* projectId
* scheduleDate
* pricingAttribute9
* demandClassSvrid
* s29
* context
* inventoryItemId


 * inventoryItemSegment6
* servicedPricingAttribute15
* servicedSegment8
* componentCode
* requestId
* customerProductionLine
* servicedPricingAttribute8
* shipmentScheduleLineRef
* serviceEndDateActive
* lineType
* servicedSegment7
* orderedQuantity
* demandStreamId
* shipState
* planningProdSeqNumber
* commitmentId
* inventoryItemSegment14
* cpServiceId
* lastUpdateLogin
* optionFlag
* servicedSegment14
* orderSourceId
* serviceStartDateActive
* unitCode
* attribute15
* shipToContactFirstName
* invoicingRule
* pricingAttribute1
* pricingAttribute5
* inventoryItemSegment15
* intermediateShipToId
* originalSystemLineReference
* servicedPricingAttribute9
* pricingAttribute14
* pricingAttribute10
* componentSequenceId
* pricingAttribute13
* servicedPricingAttribute13
* customerJob
* demandClassCode
* servicedSegment17
* shipPostalCode
* shipAddress1
* sourceTypeName
* shippedQuantity
* customerItemId
* servicedSegment6
* promiseDate
* termsName
* taskId
* shipMethodCode
* inventoryItemSegment11
* serviceMassTxnTempId
* servicedSegment5
* programId
* attribute6
* servicedSegment20
* inventoryItemId
* shipSetNumber
* inventoryItemSegment18
* servicedSegment9
* programUpdateDate
* inventoryItemSegment12
* endItemUnitNumber
* sourceTypeCode
* servicedSegment11
* creationDate
* linkToLineRef
* servicedSegment16
* attribute12
* inventoryItemSegment3
* servicedItemId
* groupId
* servicedSegment2
* pricingMethodCode
* attribute8
* errorFlag
* attribute2
* originalSystemReference
* operationCode
* attribute1
* servicedSegment19
* sellingPrice
* transactionTypeCode
* accountingRule
* inventoryItemSegment4
* servicedSegment18
* shipCity
* inventoryItemSegment1
* pricingAttribute4
* shipAddress2
* dateRequestedCurrent
* customerProductId
* inventoryItemSegment2
* scheduleStatusCode
* enteredStateDate
* attribute7
* servicedPricingAttribute14
* servicedSegment3
* context
* lineNumber
* transactionComments
* lastUpdatedBy
* pricingAttribute9
* attribute11
* interfaceStatus
* levelCode
* shipToContactId
* attribute14
* inventoryItemSegment16
* shipToContactLastName
* servicedSegment10
* agreementName
* warehouseId
* servicedPricingContext
* lastUpdateDate
* accountingRuleId
* pricingAttribute8
* createdBy
* invoicingRuleId
* servicedSegment13
* serviceDurationQuantity
* shipAddress4
* attribute4
* itemTypeCode
* customerDockCode
* attribute13
* servicedSegment12
* shipCounty
* servicedSegment1
* inventoryItemSegment19
* attribute3
* taxCode
* servicedPricingAttribute5
* orgId
* servicedSegment15
* servicedPricingAttribute12
* latestAcceptableDate
* shipAddress3
* shipToCustomerId
* inventoryItemSegment8
* parentLineRef
* orderCategory
* servicedPricingAttribute3
* enteredState
* listPrice
* shipCountry
* attribute10
* servicedPricingAttribute11
* calculatePrice
* inventoryItemSegment5
* pricingAttribute7
* inventoryItemSegment17
* pricingAttribute11
* servicedSegment4
* servicedPricingAttribute10
* customerModelSerialNumber
* servicedListPrice
* componentSortCode
* inventoryItemSegment7
* transactionReasonCode
* priceListId
* inventoryItemSegment13
* listPercent
* planningPriority
* attribute5
* servicedPricingAttribute1
* shipToCustomer
* programApplicationId
* serviceParentLineRef
* servicedPricingAttribute7
* attribute9
* percentBasePrice
* pricingAttribute12
* pricingAttribute15
* servicedUnitCode
* servicedPricingAttribute4
* pricingContext
* agreementId
* scheduledShipmentDate
* pricingAttribute6
* inventoryItemSegment20
* termsId
* inventoryItemSegment9
* servicedPricingAttribute6
* servicePeriodConversionRate
* pricingAttribute3
* projectId
* shipToSiteUseId
* shipAddressId
* shipmentPriorityCode
* servicedPricingAttribute2
* pricingDate
* completeFlag
* serviceCoterminateFlag
* sellingPercent
* inventoryItemSegment10
* pricingAttribute2


 * inventoryItemSegment6
* servicedPricingAttribute15
* servicedSegment8
* componentCode
* requestId
* customerProductionLine
* servicedPricingAttribute8
* shipmentScheduleLineRef
* serviceEndDateActive
* lineType
* servicedSegment7
* orderedQuantity
* demandStreamId
* shipState
* planningProdSeqNumber
* commitmentId
* inventoryItemSegment14
* cpServiceId
* lastUpdateLogin
* optionFlag
* servicedSegment14
* orderSourceId
* serviceStartDateActive
* unitCode
* attribute15
* shipToContactFirstName
* invoicingRule
* pricingAttribute1
* pricingAttribute5
* inventoryItemSegment15
* intermediateShipToId
* originalSystemLineReference
* servicedPricingAttribute9
* pricingAttribute14
* pricingAttribute10
* componentSequenceId
* pricingAttribute13
* servicedPricingAttribute13
* customerJob
* demandClassCode
* servicedSegment17
* shipPostalCode
* shipAddress1
* sourceTypeName
* shippedQuantity
* customerItemId
* servicedSegment6
* promiseDate
* termsName
* taskId
* shipMethodCode
* inventoryItemSegment11
* serviceMassTxnTempId
* servicedSegment5
* programId
* attribute6
* servicedSegment20
* inventoryItemId
* shipSetNumber
* inventoryItemSegment18
* servicedSegment9
* programUpdateDate
* inventoryItemSegment12
* endItemUnitNumber
* sourceTypeCode
* servicedSegment11
* creationDate
* linkToLineRef
* servicedSegment16
* attribute12
* inventoryItemSegment3
* servicedItemId
* groupId
* servicedSegment2
* pricingMethodCode
* attribute8
* errorFlag
* attribute2
* originalSystemReference
* operationCode
* attribute1
* servicedSegment19
* sellingPrice
* transactionTypeCode
* accountingRule
* inventoryItemSegment4
* servicedSegment18
* shipCity
* inventoryItemSegment1
* pricingAttribute4
* shipAddress2
* dateRequestedCurrent
* customerProductId
* inventoryItemSegment2
* scheduleStatusCode
* enteredStateDate
* attribute7
* servicedPricingAttribute14
* servicedSegment3
* context
* lineNumber
* transactionComments
* lastUpdatedBy
* pricingAttribute9
* attribute11
* interfaceStatus
* levelCode
* shipToContactId
* attribute14
* inventoryItemSegment16
* shipToContactLastName
* servicedSegment10
* agreementName
* warehouseId
* servicedPricingContext
* lastUpdateDate
* accountingRuleId
* pricingAttribute8
* createdBy
* invoicingRuleId
* servicedSegment13
* serviceDurationQuantity
* shipAddress4
* attribute4
* itemTypeCode
* customerDockCode
* attribute13
* servicedSegment12
* shipCounty
* servicedSegment1
* inventoryItemSegment19
* attribute3
* taxCode
* servicedPricingAttribute5
* orgId
* servicedSegment15
* servicedPricingAttribute12
* latestAcceptableDate
* shipAddress3
* shipToCustomerId
* inventoryItemSegment8
* parentLineRef
* orderCategory
* servicedPricingAttribute3
* enteredState
* listPrice
* shipCountry
* attribute10
* servicedPricingAttribute11
* calculatePrice
* inventoryItemSegment5
* pricingAttribute7
* inventoryItemSegment17
* pricingAttribute11
* servicedSegment4
* servicedPricingAttribute10
* customerModelSerialNumber
* servicedListPrice
* componentSortCode
* inventoryItemSegment7
* transactionReasonCode
* priceListId
* inventoryItemSegment13
* listPercent
* planningPriority
* attribute5
* servicedPricingAttribute1
* shipToCustomer
* programApplicationId
* serviceParentLineRef
* servicedPricingAttribute7
* attribute9
* percentBasePrice
* pricingAttribute12
* pricingAttribute15
* servicedUnitCode
* servicedPricingAttribute4
* pricingContext
* agreementId
* scheduledShipmentDate
* pricingAttribute6
* inventoryItemSegment20
* termsId
* inventoryItemSegment9
* servicedPricingAttribute6
* servicePeriodConversionRate
* pricingAttribute3
* projectId
* shipToSiteUseId
* shipAddressId
* shipmentPriorityCode
* servicedPricingAttribute2
* pricingDate
* completeFlag
* serviceCoterminateFlag
* sellingPercent
* inventoryItemSegment10
* pricingAttribute2


 * lineId
* attribute9
* headerId
* usageId
* programId
* creationDate
* attribute7
* attachedDocumentId
* attribute14
* attribute5
* attribute8
* attribute2
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute12
* requestId
* noteReferenceId
* attribute15
* sequenceNumber
* noteId
* programApplicationId
* attribute4
* attribute3
* automaticallyAddedFlag
* attribute11
* context
* attribute13
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute1
* programUpdateDate
* createdBy
* appSourceVersion
* attribute10
* attribute6


 * lineId
* attribute9
* headerId
* usageId
* programId
* creationDate
* attribute7
* attachedDocumentId
* attribute14
* attribute5
* attribute8
* attribute2
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute12
* requestId
* noteReferenceId
* attribute15
* sequenceNumber
* noteId
* programApplicationId
* attribute4
* attribute3
* automaticallyAddedFlag
* attribute11
* context
* attribute13
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute1
* programUpdateDate
* createdBy
* appSourceVersion
* attribute10
* attribute6


 * operationCode
* sourceCode
* datatypeId
* sourceId
* version


 * operationCode
* sourceCode
* datatypeId
* sourceId
* version


 * attribute6
* lastUpdateDate
* endDateActive
* attribute5
* attribute8
* attribute9
* attribute7
* attribute4
* name
* attribute3
* attribute10
* description
* context
* noteTypeCode
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute2
* documentId
* createdBy
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute13
* creationDate
* attribute12
* attribute15
* startDateActive
* note
* appSourceVersion
* usageId
* noteId
* attribute11
* attribute14
* attribute1
* overrideAllowedFlag


 * attribute6
* lastUpdateDate
* endDateActive
* attribute5
* attribute8
* attribute9
* attribute7
* attribute4
* name
* attribute3
* attribute10
* description
* context
* noteTypeCode
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute2
* documentId
* createdBy
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute13
* creationDate
* attribute12
* attribute15
* startDateActive
* note
* appSourceVersion
* usageId
* noteId
* attribute11
* attribute14
* attribute1
* overrideAllowedFlag


 * attribute13
* name
* attribute3
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute9
* attribute11
* attribute12
* baseObjectId
* attribute8
* attribute1
* lastUpdateDate
* objectId
* attribute10
* compiledInformation
* description
* tableApplicationId
* attribute2
* createdBy
* attribute4
* objectCode
* context
* attribute6
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute15
* attribute14
* tableName
* attribute5
* creationDate
* attribute7


 * attribute13
* name
* attribute3
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute9
* attribute11
* attribute12
* baseObjectId
* attribute8
* attribute1
* lastUpdateDate
* objectId
* attribute10
* compiledInformation
* description
* tableApplicationId
* attribute2
* createdBy
* attribute4
* objectCode
* context
* attribute6
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute15
* attribute14
* tableName
* attribute5
* creationDate
* attribute7


 * attribute6
* attribute14
* dateApproved
* approverId
* attribute3
* attribute9
* attribute11
* orderApprovalId
* headerId
* orderTypeId
* attribute7
* attribute2
* attribute12
* creationDate
* approvalComment
* createdBy
* attribute8
* attribute5
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute15
* attribute10
* attribute13
* attribute4
* context
* actionId
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute1
* customerId
* resultId


 * attribute6
* attribute14
* dateApproved
* approverId
* attribute3
* attribute9
* attribute11
* orderApprovalId
* headerId
* orderTypeId
* attribute7
* attribute2
* attribute12
* creationDate
* approvalComment
* createdBy
* attribute8
* attribute5
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute15
* attribute10
* attribute13
* attribute4
* context
* actionId
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute1
* customerId
* resultId


 * attribute11
* attribute10
* attribute13
* requestId
* cancelCode
* headerId
* context
* attribute6
* attribute8
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute12
* cancelledQuantity
* creationDate
* lineId
* createdBy
* programId
* attribute3
* attribute9
* lastUpdateLogin
* cancelDate
* attribute2
* cancelComment
* status
* attribute1
* attribute15
* attribute4
* lastUpdateDate
* programApplicationId
* programUpdateDate
* attribute5
* cancelledBy
* processedFlag
* attribute14
* attribute7


 * attribute11
* attribute10
* attribute13
* requestId
* cancelCode
* headerId
* context
* attribute6
* attribute8
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute12
* cancelledQuantity
* creationDate
* lineId
* createdBy
* programId
* attribute3
* attribute9
* lastUpdateLogin
* cancelDate
* attribute2
* cancelComment
* status
* attribute1
* attribute15
* attribute4
* lastUpdateDate
* programApplicationId
* programUpdateDate
* attribute5
* cancelledBy
* processedFlag
* attribute14
* attribute7


 * attribute10
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute2
* attribute12
* orgId
* attribute11
* attribute9
* requestId
* programApplicationId
* attribute14
* programUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* creationDate
* attribute1
* holdSourceId
* context
* createdBy
* programId
* attribute5
* lineId
* attribute3
* attribute4
* headerId
* attribute15
* lastUpdatedBy
* holdReleaseId
* attribute7
* attribute8
* orderHoldId
* attribute6
* attribute13


 * attribute10
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute2
* attribute12
* orgId
* attribute11
* attribute9
* requestId
* programApplicationId
* attribute14
* programUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* creationDate
* attribute1
* holdSourceId
* context
* createdBy
* programId
* attribute5
* lineId
* attribute3
* attribute4
* headerId
* attribute15
* lastUpdatedBy
* holdReleaseId
* attribute7
* attribute8
* orderHoldId
* attribute6
* attribute13


 * requestId
* context
* processedFlag
* attribute4
* pickingLineId
* attribute2
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute8
* cancelComment
* attribute10
* creationDate
* attribute7
* attribute9
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute1
* lastUpdatedBy
* inventoryItemId
* createdBy
* attribute6
* programApplicationId
* cancelledBy
* programId
* attribute11
* lineId
* cancelCode
* programUpdateDate
* attribute12
* attribute3
* attribute13
* attribute14
* cancelDate
* cancelledQuantity
* attribute15
* attribute5


 * requestId
* context
* processedFlag
* attribute4
* pickingLineId
* attribute2
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute8
* cancelComment
* attribute10
* creationDate
* attribute7
* attribute9
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute1
* lastUpdatedBy
* inventoryItemId
* createdBy
* attribute6
* programApplicationId
* cancelledBy
* programId
* attribute11
* lineId
* cancelCode
* programUpdateDate
* attribute12
* attribute3
* attribute13
* attribute14
* cancelDate
* cancelledQuantity
* attribute15
* attribute5


 * lineId
* programId
* headerId
* requestId
* attribute4
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute8
* creationDate
* automaticFlag
* attribute7
* attribute9
* priceAdjustmentId
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* createdBy
* attribute3
* attribute2
* attribute11
* attribute13
* attribute12
* discountId
* discountLineId
* attribute15
* attribute6
* percent
* programUpdateDate
* attribute5
* context
* attribute14
* programApplicationId
* attribute1
* attribute10


 * requestId
* orderSourceId
* interfaceStatus
* pricingAttribute8
* attribute4
* percent
* pricingAttribute10
* attribute1
* attribute8
* pricingAttribute7
* context
* pricingAttribute12
* pricingAttribute13
* pricingAttribute1
* attribute9
* pricingAttribute2
* attribute6
* pricingAttribute4
* pricingContext
* attribute13
* creationDate
* attribute12
* pricingAttribute6
* discountLineId
* pricingAttribute11
* attribute10
* programId
* errorFlag
* automaticFlag
* pricingAttribute15
* discountName
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute7
* attribute2
* attribute3
* pricingAttribute14
* createdBy
* attribute11
* lastUpdatedBy
* discountId
* attribute5
* lastUpdateLogin
* pricingAttribute5
* pricingAttribute3
* originalSystemLineReference
* programUpdateDate
* operationCode
* originalSystemReference
* attribute14
* programApplicationId
* attribute15
* pricingAttribute9


 * requestId
* orderSourceId
* interfaceStatus
* pricingAttribute8
* attribute4
* percent
* pricingAttribute10
* attribute1
* attribute8
* pricingAttribute7
* context
* pricingAttribute12
* pricingAttribute13
* pricingAttribute1
* attribute9
* pricingAttribute2
* attribute6
* pricingAttribute4
* pricingContext
* attribute13
* creationDate
* attribute12
* pricingAttribute6
* discountLineId
* pricingAttribute11
* attribute10
* programId
* errorFlag
* automaticFlag
* pricingAttribute15
* discountName
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute7
* attribute2
* attribute3
* pricingAttribute14
* createdBy
* attribute11
* lastUpdatedBy
* discountId
* attribute5
* lastUpdateLogin
* pricingAttribute5
* pricingAttribute3
* originalSystemLineReference
* programUpdateDate
* operationCode
* originalSystemReference
* attribute14
* programApplicationId
* attribute15
* pricingAttribute9


 * lineId
* programId
* headerId
* requestId
* attribute4
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute8
* creationDate
* automaticFlag
* attribute7
* attribute9
* priceAdjustmentId
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* createdBy
* attribute3
* attribute2
* attribute11
* attribute13
* attribute12
* discountId
* discountLineId
* attribute15
* attribute6
* percent
* programUpdateDate
* attribute5
* context
* attribute14
* programApplicationId
* attribute1
* attribute10


 * attribute11
* priceBreakLinesHighRange
* attribute3
* discountLineId
* amount
* attribute2
* programUpdateDate
* attribute8
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute13
* attribute6
* attribute14
* price
* attribute4
* programId
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* percent
* attribute7
* attribute1
* programApplicationId
* attribute9
* attribute15
* priceBreakLinesLowRange
* creationDate
* methodTypeCode
* attribute10
* createdBy
* unitCode
* startDateActive
* attribute12
* requestId
* endDateActive
* attribute5
* context


 * attribute11
* priceBreakLinesHighRange
* attribute3
* discountLineId
* amount
* attribute2
* programUpdateDate
* attribute8
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute13
* attribute6
* attribute14
* price
* attribute4
* programId
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* percent
* attribute7
* attribute1
* programApplicationId
* attribute9
* attribute15
* priceBreakLinesLowRange
* creationDate
* methodTypeCode
* attribute10
* createdBy
* unitCode
* startDateActive
* attribute12
* requestId
* endDateActive
* attribute5
* context


 * repriceFlag
* pricingAttribute8
* pricingAttribute10
* attribute13
* pricingAttribute5
* unitCode
* attribute2
* pricingAttribute3
* attribute10
* programApplicationId
* pricingAttribute11
* attribute12
* creationDate
* createdBy
* attribute7
* context
* attribute11
* requestId
* pricingAttribute4
* attribute15
* endDateActive
* startDateActive
* programId
* attribute8
* methodCode
* attribute1
* attribute14
* priceListId
* pricingAttribute14
* priceListLineId
* pricingContext
* pricingAttribute2
* pricingAttribute1
* pricingAttribute9
* lastUpdateDate
* pricingAttribute12
* attribute3
* pricingAttribute7
* attribute5
* lastUpdatedBy
* pricingRuleId
* attribute9
* pricingAttribute13
* pricingAttribute6
* listPrice
* attribute6
* inventoryItemId
* attribute4
* lastUpdateLogin
* programUpdateDate
* pricingAttribute15


 * repriceFlag
* pricingAttribute8
* pricingAttribute10
* attribute13
* pricingAttribute5
* unitCode
* attribute2
* pricingAttribute3
* attribute10
* programApplicationId
* pricingAttribute11
* attribute12
* creationDate
* createdBy
* attribute7
* context
* attribute11
* requestId
* pricingAttribute4
* attribute15
* endDateActive
* startDateActive
* programId
* attribute8
* methodCode
* attribute1
* attribute14
* priceListId
* pricingAttribute14
* priceListLineId
* pricingContext
* pricingAttribute2
* pricingAttribute1
* pricingAttribute9
* lastUpdateDate
* pricingAttribute12
* attribute3
* pricingAttribute7
* attribute5
* lastUpdatedBy
* pricingRuleId
* attribute9
* pricingAttribute13
* pricingAttribute6
* listPrice
* attribute6
* inventoryItemId
* attribute4
* lastUpdateLogin
* programUpdateDate
* pricingAttribute15


 * attribute11
* attribute5
* requestId
* secondaryPriceListId
* shipMethodCode
* attribute10
* attribute4
* attribute3
* attribute9
* attribute1
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* context
* termsId
* attribute14
* programApplicationId
* attribute13
* createdBy
* startDateActive
* programId
* attribute12
* attribute15
* priceListId
* roundingFactor
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute7
* attribute6
* attribute8
* attribute2
* comments
* freightTermsCode
* programUpdateDate
* endDateActive
* currencyCode
* creationDate


 * attribute11
* attribute5
* requestId
* secondaryPriceListId
* shipMethodCode
* attribute10
* attribute4
* attribute3
* attribute9
* attribute1
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* context
* termsId
* attribute14
* programApplicationId
* attribute13
* createdBy
* startDateActive
* programId
* attribute12
* attribute15
* priceListId
* roundingFactor
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute7
* attribute6
* attribute8
* attribute2
* comments
* freightTermsCode
* programUpdateDate
* endDateActive
* currencyCode
* creationDate


 * priceListId
* lastUpdateDate
* sourceLang
* name
* description
* language
* creationDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* createdBy


 * priceListId
* lastUpdateDate
* sourceLang
* name
* description
* language
* creationDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* createdBy


 * lastUpdateDate
* requestId
* createdBy
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* creationDate
* programId
* programApplicationId
* headerId


 * lastUpdateDate
* requestId
* createdBy
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* creationDate
* programId
* programApplicationId
* headerId


 * context
* lastUpdateDate
* createdBy
* salesCreditId
* attribute9
* creationDate
* percent
* attribute8
* attribute4
* attribute12
* attribute7
* attribute10
* attribute3
* salesrepId
* attribute6
* lineId
* attribute15
* headerId
* whUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* salesCreditTypeId
* attribute13
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute11
* attribute5
* attribute2
* attribute1
* attribute14


 * attribute11
* errorFlag
* attribute6
* attribute5
* attribute3
* salesrepId
* percent
* attribute12
* interfaceStatus
* operationCode
* orderSourceId
* lastUpdateLogin
* context
* lineNumber
* salesrepName
* lineType
* attribute4
* createdBy
* attribute13
* attribute10
* programUpdateDate
* attribute8
* attribute15
* programApplicationId
* attribute1
* salesCreditType
* programId
* attribute14
* attribute2
* originalSystemReference
* quotaFlag
* attribute7
* lastUpdatedBy
* salesCreditTypeId
* useIdsFlag
* attribute9
* lastUpdateDate
* requestId
* originalSystemLineReference
* creationDate


 * attribute11
* errorFlag
* attribute6
* attribute5
* attribute3
* salesrepId
* percent
* attribute12
* interfaceStatus
* operationCode
* orderSourceId
* lastUpdateLogin
* context
* lineNumber
* salesrepName
* lineType
* attribute4
* createdBy
* attribute13
* attribute10
* programUpdateDate
* attribute8
* attribute15
* programApplicationId
* attribute1
* salesCreditType
* programId
* attribute14
* attribute2
* originalSystemReference
* quotaFlag
* attribute7
* lastUpdatedBy
* salesCreditTypeId
* useIdsFlag
* attribute9
* lastUpdateDate
* requestId
* originalSystemLineReference
* creationDate


 * context
* lastUpdateDate
* createdBy
* salesCreditId
* attribute9
* creationDate
* percent
* attribute8
* attribute4
* attribute12
* attribute7
* attribute10
* attribute3
* salesrepId
* attribute6
* lineId
* attribute15
* headerId
* whUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* salesCreditTypeId
* attribute13
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute11
* attribute5
* attribute2
* attribute1
* attribute14


 * errorFlag
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute9
* attribute10
* lastUpdateDate
* originalSystemReference
* creationDate
* installationSiteUseId
* transactionTypeId
* sourceLineServiceDetailId
* systemTypeCode
* serviceAdminContactId
* attribute11
* attribute13
* orderSourceId
* interfaceStatus
* technicalContactId
* attribute6
* customerProductTypeCode
* createdBy
* attribute7
* attribute12
* attribute1
* attribute14
* requestId
* customerProductId
* attribute4
* attribute15
* originalSystemLineReference
* attribute5
* attribute2
* attribute8
* systemId
* installedCpReturnByDate
* attribute3
* lastUpdatedBy
* context
* newCpReturnByDate
* customerProductQuantity


 * errorFlag
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute9
* attribute10
* lastUpdateDate
* originalSystemReference
* creationDate
* installationSiteUseId
* transactionTypeId
* sourceLineServiceDetailId
* systemTypeCode
* serviceAdminContactId
* attribute11
* attribute13
* orderSourceId
* interfaceStatus
* technicalContactId
* attribute6
* customerProductTypeCode
* createdBy
* attribute7
* attribute12
* attribute1
* attribute14
* requestId
* customerProductId
* attribute4
* attribute15
* originalSystemLineReference
* attribute5
* attribute2
* attribute8
* systemId
* installedCpReturnByDate
* attribute3
* lastUpdatedBy
* context
* newCpReturnByDate
* customerProductQuantity


 * attribute1
* createdBy
* context
* attribute13
* attribute4
* attribute14
* attribute5
* standardValueRuleSetId
* creationDate
* attribute2
* name
* attribute9
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute7
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute15
* attribute3
* compiledInformation
* attribute11
* attribute12
* attribute10
* description
* attribute8
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute6


 * attribute1
* createdBy
* context
* attribute13
* attribute4
* attribute14
* attribute5
* standardValueRuleSetId
* creationDate
* attribute2
* name
* attribute9
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute7
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute15
* attribute3
* compiledInformation
* attribute11
* attribute12
* attribute10
* description
* attribute8
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute6


 * statid
* c2
* n9
* n8
* n10
* n6
* flags
* n7
* r2
* c1
* n2
* n12
* n4
* c4
* n1
* version
* r1
* n3
* c5
* ch1
* type
* n5
* n11
* d1
* c3


 * statid
* c2
* n9
* n8
* n10
* n6
* flags
* n7
* r2
* c1
* n2
* n12
* n4
* c4
* n1
* version
* r1
* n3
* c5
* ch1
* type
* n5
* n11
* d1
* c3


 * r2
* n9
* n5
* n12
* c4
* c3
* c2
* n1
* cl1
* d1
* n3
* n2
* n4
* n6
* r1
* type
* statid
* ch1
* n11
* n8
* version
* n7
* n10
* c5
* flags
* c1


 * r2
* n9
* n5
* n12
* c4
* c3
* c2
* n1
* cl1
* d1
* n3
* n2
* n4
* n6
* r1
* type
* statid
* ch1
* n11
* n8
* version
* n7
* n10
* c5
* flags
* c1




 * recvrPaPeriodName
* acctRateDate
* projectRateType
* glDate
* lineType
* acctBurdenedCost
* orgId
* lineNumReversed
* orgLaborSchRuleId
* batchName
* acctCurrencyCode
* requestId
* codeCombinationId
* burdenSumSourceRunId
* recvrGlPeriodName
* denomBurdenedChange
* denomCurrencyCode
* projectCurrencyCode
* encumTransferRejReason
* projectBurdenedCost
* crCodeCombinationId
* amount
* resourceAccumulatedFlag
* encumbranceBatchName
* expenditureItemId
* creationDate
* budgetCcid
* liquidateEncumFlag
* projfuncCurrencyCode
* acctExchangeRate
* encumbranceTypeId
* prevIndCompiledSetId
* functionTransactionCode
* recvrGlDate
* utilSummarizedFlag
* projfuncCostRateType
* prcGeneratedFlag
* programApplicationId
* createdBy
* systemReference1
* transferStatusCode
* projfuncCostExchangeRate
* parentLineNum
* indCompiledSetId
* costRateSchId
* quantity
* glPeriodName
* denomBurdenedCost
* paDate
* projectBurdenedChange
* projfuncBurdenedChange
* recvrPaDate
* encumbranceAmount
* projectRateDate
* taskId
* programUpdateDate
* paPeriodName
* burdenSumRejectionCode
* projectId
* acctRateType
* burdenedCost
* workTypeId
* accumulatedFlag
* denomRawCost
* projectRawCost
* reversedFlag
* systemReference2
* acctRawCost
* systemReference4
* projectExchangeRate
* transferRejectionReason
* lineNum
* transferredDate
* acctBurdenedChange
* systemReference3
* pjiSummarizedFlag
* projfuncCostRateDate
* drCodeCombinationId
* billableFlag
* programId


 * recvrPaPeriodName
* acctRateDate
* projectRateType
* glDate
* lineType
* acctBurdenedCost
* orgId
* lineNumReversed
* orgLaborSchRuleId
* batchName
* acctCurrencyCode
* requestId
* codeCombinationId
* burdenSumSourceRunId
* recvrGlPeriodName
* denomBurdenedChange
* denomCurrencyCode
* projectCurrencyCode
* encumTransferRejReason
* projectBurdenedCost
* crCodeCombinationId
* amount
* resourceAccumulatedFlag
* encumbranceBatchName
* expenditureItemId
* creationDate
* budgetCcid
* liquidateEncumFlag
* projfuncCurrencyCode
* acctExchangeRate
* encumbranceTypeId
* prevIndCompiledSetId
* functionTransactionCode
* recvrGlDate
* utilSummarizedFlag
* projfuncCostRateType
* prcGeneratedFlag
* programApplicationId
* createdBy
* systemReference1
* transferStatusCode
* projfuncCostExchangeRate
* parentLineNum
* indCompiledSetId
* costRateSchId
* quantity
* glPeriodName
* denomBurdenedCost
* paDate
* projectBurdenedChange
* projfuncBurdenedChange
* recvrPaDate
* encumbranceAmount
* projectRateDate
* taskId
* programUpdateDate
* paPeriodName
* burdenSumRejectionCode
* projectId
* acctRateType
* burdenedCost
* workTypeId
* accumulatedFlag
* denomRawCost
* projectRawCost
* reversedFlag
* systemReference2
* acctRawCost
* systemReference4
* projectExchangeRate
* transferRejectionReason
* lineNum
* transferredDate
* acctBurdenedChange
* systemReference3
* pjiSummarizedFlag
* projfuncCostRateDate
* drCodeCombinationId
* billableFlag
* programId


 * tEpP2a2
* e1ItemCategory17
* e1ItemCategory10
* eqUnit
* ebsProductFamilyCode
* e1ItemCategory7
* e1ItemCategory15
* e1ItemCategory2
* e1ItemCategory6
* e1ShippingUom
* e1ItemCategory13
* tEpIAtt4
* tEpIAtt5
* e1VolumeUomMultiple
* e1ItemCategory22
* e1PrimaryPlanningFactor
* e1ItemCategory11
* e1PrimaryUom
* tEpIAtt7
* tEpP3
* e1ItemCategory4
* tEpIAtt1
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* e1ItemCategory18
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* e1ItemCategory12
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* e1ItemCategory1
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* e1VolumeUom
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* e1ItemCategory3
* tEpP2
* tEpP4
* e1PlanningUom
* e1ShippingUomMultiple
* e1ItemCategory16
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* e1ItemCategory19
* tEpIAtt8
* tEpIAtt10
* tEpP2b
* ebsDemandClassDestKey
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* tEpIAtt2
* e1ItemCategory20
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* e1ItemCategory23
* tEpIAtt9
* e1ItemCategory8


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* tEpLAtt4
* e1CustomerCategory8
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* dmSiteCode
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* e1BranchCategory3
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* e1CustomerCategory30
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* e1BranchCategory5
* e1CustomerCategory16
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* tEpLAtt8
* e1CustomerMailingName
* e1CustomerCategory22
* e1BranchCategory10
* e1BranchCategory19
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* dmOrgDesc
* ebsSalesChannelCode
* e1BranchCountry
* e1BranchCategory14
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* e1CustomerCategory26
* lr1Attr2
* e1BranchCategory2
* e1CustomerCategory11
* e1BranchState
* e1BranchCategory9
* e1BranchCategory18
* e1CustomerCategory9
* e1CustomerCategory23
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* ebsCustomerClassCode
* tEpLAtt3
* e1BranchCategory28
* e1BranchCategory13
* e1CustomerCategory2
* tEpLs1
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* e1CustomerCategory15
* e1CustomerCategory24
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* lr1Attr1
* e1CustomerCategory13
* e1CustomerCategory6
* e1BranchCategory21
* e1CustomerBusinessUnit
* e1BranchCategory17
* e1CustomerCategory21
* ebsSalesChannelDesc
* e1BranchCategory12
* e1BranchCategory15
* tEpLr1
* e1BranchCategory20
* tEpLs5
* e1BranchCategory6
* e1BranchCategory16
* tEpLs2
* tEpLr2a
* e1CustomerCategory4
* e1BranchCategory1
* e1CustomerCategory20
* e1CustomerCategory17
* ebsCustomerCode
* ebsSupplierCode
* tEpLAtt9
* e1BranchCategory26
* tEpLAtt6
* e1BranchCategory30
* e1CustomerCategory12
* e1CustomerCategory3
* tEpLr2
* e1BranchCategory22
* e1CustomerCategory1
* ebsZoneDesc
* e1BranchCategory11
* ebsAccountCode
* e1CustomerCategory10
* e1CustomerZipCode
* e1BranchCity
* e1CustomerCategory5
* tEpLs4
* ebsSiteDestKey
* tEpLAtt5
* ebsAccountDesc
* tEpLAtt7
* tEpLs3
* e1CustomerState
* ebsOperationUnitCode
* ebsBusinessGroupCode
* e1BranchCategory4
* e1BranchCategory8
* e1BranchZipCode
* e1CustomerCountry
* e1CustomerCategory7
* tEpLAtt1
* dmSiteDesc
* e1BranchCategory29
* e1CustomerCategory18
* ebsOperationUnitDesc
* e1BranchCategory24
* e1BranchCategory23
* e1BranchCategory7
* ebsTpZoneCode
* ebsSupplierDesc
* e1CustomerCategory19
* e1CustomerCategory27
* e1BranchCategory27
* tEpLs6
* e1CustomerCategory28
* e1CustomerCategory29


 * e1CustomerCategory14
* tEpLAtt4
* e1CustomerCategory8
* ebsSalesChannelDestKey
* dmSiteCode
* ebsLegalEntityDesc
* e1BranchCategory3
* ebsCustomerClassDesc
* ebsBusinessGroupDesc
* dmOrgCode
* e1CustomerCategory25
* e1CustomerCategory30
* tEpLAtt10
* e1BranchCategory5
* e1CustomerCategory16
* e1CustomerCity
* tEpLAtt8
* e1CustomerMailingName
* e1CustomerCategory22
* e1BranchCategory10
* e1BranchCategory19
* ebsCustomerDesc
* dmOrgDesc
* ebsSalesChannelCode
* e1BranchCountry
* e1BranchCategory14
* e1BranchCategory25
* ebsTpZoneDesc
* tEpLAtt2
* e1CustomerCategory26
* lr1Attr2
* e1BranchCategory2
* e1CustomerCategory11
* e1BranchState
* e1BranchCategory9
* e1BranchCategory18
* e1CustomerCategory9
* e1CustomerCategory23
* ebsLegalEntityCode
* ebsCustomerClassCode
* tEpLAtt3
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* e1BranchCategory13
* e1CustomerCategory2
* tEpLs1
* ebsOrgDestKey
* e1CustomerCategory15
* e1CustomerCategory24
* ebsZoneCode
* lr1Attr1
* e1CustomerCategory13
* e1CustomerCategory6
* e1BranchCategory21
* e1CustomerBusinessUnit
* e1BranchCategory17
* e1CustomerCategory21
* ebsSalesChannelDesc
* e1BranchCategory12
* e1BranchCategory15
* tEpLr1
* e1BranchCategory20
* tEpLs5
* e1BranchCategory6
* e1BranchCategory16
* tEpLs2
* tEpLr2a
* e1CustomerCategory4
* e1BranchCategory1
* e1CustomerCategory20
* e1CustomerCategory17
* ebsCustomerCode
* ebsSupplierCode
* tEpLAtt9
* e1BranchCategory26
* tEpLAtt6
* e1BranchCategory30
* e1CustomerCategory12
* e1CustomerCategory3
* tEpLr2
* e1BranchCategory22
* e1CustomerCategory1
* ebsZoneDesc
* e1BranchCategory11
* ebsAccountCode
* e1CustomerCategory10
* e1CustomerZipCode
* e1BranchCity
* e1CustomerCategory5
* tEpLs4
* ebsSiteDestKey
* tEpLAtt5
* ebsAccountDesc
* tEpLAtt7
* tEpLs3
* e1CustomerState
* ebsOperationUnitCode
* ebsBusinessGroupCode
* e1BranchCategory4
* e1BranchCategory8
* e1BranchZipCode
* e1CustomerCountry
* e1CustomerCategory7
* tEpLAtt1
* dmSiteDesc
* e1BranchCategory29
* e1CustomerCategory18
* ebsOperationUnitDesc
* e1BranchCategory24
* e1BranchCategory23
* e1BranchCategory7
* ebsTpZoneCode
* ebsSupplierDesc
* e1CustomerCategory19
* e1CustomerCategory27
* e1BranchCategory27
* tEpLs6
* e1CustomerCategory28
* e1CustomerCategory29


 * e1ItemBranchCategory2
* ebsBookHistReqQtyBd
* ebsDemandClassCode
* sdata6
* orderSourceId
* e1ItemBranchCategory9
* shelfPriceSd
* e1ItemBranchCategory8
* e1ItemBranchCategory15
* tEpLs1
* e1ItemBranchCategory11
* shipmentsCount
* e1ItemBranchCategory6
* ebsSalesChannelSrPk
* revenue
* tEpM1
* e1ItemBranchCategory17
* ebsShipHistShipQtySd
* e1ItemBranchCategory16
* ebsParentItemSrPk
* ebsSiteSrPk
* dmSiteCode
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* ctoPlnPct
* ebsBookHistBookQtyBd
* ebsItemSrPk
* ebsOrgSrPk
* sdata5
* ebsParentItemCode
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* dmOrgCode
* itemPrice
* e1ItemBranchCategory5
* sdata4
* sdata9
* e1ItemBranchCategory10
* e1ItemBranchCategory12
* actualQty
* tEpP1
* ebsBaseModelCode
* e1ItemBranchCategory22
* e1ItemBranchCategory7
* e1ItemBranchCategory14
* sdata8
* e1ItemBranchCategory20
* ebsShipHistShipQtyRd
* e1ItemBranchCategory3
* tEpLr1
* sdata12
* e1ItemBranchCategory13
* e1ItemBranchCategory1
* dmParentItemCode
* sdata7
* e1ItemBranchCategory18
* ebsBaseModelSrPk
* ebsBookHistReqQtyRd
* sdata10
* salesDate
* ebsShipHistReqQtyRd
* baseEvtDolRtl
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* tEpM2
* sdata11
* sdata13
* ebsDemandClassSrPk
* sdata15
* e1ItemBranchCategory19
* e1ItemBranchCategory4
* ebsSalesChannelCode
* e1ItemBranchCategory21
* e1ItemBranchCategory23
* dmItemCode


 * e1ItemBranchCategory2
* ebsBookHistReqQtyBd
* ebsDemandClassCode
* sdata6
* orderSourceId
* e1ItemBranchCategory9
* shelfPriceSd
* e1ItemBranchCategory8
* e1ItemBranchCategory15
* tEpLs1
* e1ItemBranchCategory11
* shipmentsCount
* e1ItemBranchCategory6
* ebsSalesChannelSrPk
* revenue
* tEpM1
* e1ItemBranchCategory17
* ebsShipHistShipQtySd
* e1ItemBranchCategory16
* ebsParentItemSrPk
* ebsSiteSrPk
* dmSiteCode
* sdata14
* ctoPlnPct
* ebsBookHistBookQtyBd
* ebsItemSrPk
* ebsOrgSrPk
* sdata5
* ebsParentItemCode
* ebsBookHistBookQtyRd
* dmOrgCode
* itemPrice
* e1ItemBranchCategory5
* sdata4
* sdata9
* e1ItemBranchCategory10
* e1ItemBranchCategory12
* actualQty
* tEpP1
* ebsBaseModelCode
* e1ItemBranchCategory22
* e1ItemBranchCategory7
* e1ItemBranchCategory14
* sdata8
* e1ItemBranchCategory20
* ebsShipHistShipQtyRd
* e1ItemBranchCategory3
* tEpLr1
* sdata12
* e1ItemBranchCategory13
* e1ItemBranchCategory1
* dmParentItemCode
* sdata7
* e1ItemBranchCategory18
* ebsBaseModelSrPk
* ebsBookHistReqQtyRd
* sdata10
* salesDate
* ebsShipHistReqQtyRd
* baseEvtDolRtl
* incrEvtDolRtl
* tEpM2
* sdata11
* sdata13
* ebsDemandClassSrPk
* sdata15
* e1ItemBranchCategory19
* e1ItemBranchCategory4
* ebsSalesChannelCode
* e1ItemBranchCategory21
* e1ItemBranchCategory23
* dmItemCode


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* tab
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* description


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* type
* pathUrl
* postPathCode
* defaultTrnx
* userId
* icon
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* resultDisplay
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* docIdInt2
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* lastUpdatedBy
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* docLineIdChar1
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* requestId
* docLineIdChar5
* lastUpdateLogin
* docLineIdChar2
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* createdBy
* requestId
* lastUpdateDate
* reprocessErrors


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* endDate
* applicationId
* startDate
* documentTypeId
* status
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* objectVersionNumber
* lastUpdatedBy
* extractRunId
* createdBy
* requestId
* lastUpdateDate
* reprocessErrors


 * errorId
* lastUpdatedBy
* creationDate
* createdBy
* requestId
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* errorLineLevel
* errorLineId
* errorMessageCode


 * errorId
* lastUpdatedBy
* creationDate
* createdBy
* requestId
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* errorLineLevel
* errorLineId
* errorMessageCode


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* srcAttributeNumber2
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* attribute16
* billToCustomerId
* srcAttributeChar32
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* srcAttributeNumber2
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* billToCustomerId
* srcAttributeChar32
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* shippableFlag
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* shippingInterfacedFlag
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* docSubLineIdInt5
* revenueAmountSplit


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* srcAttributeChar23
* srcAttributeChar49
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* srcAttributeChar19
* srcAttributeDate8
* srcAttributeChar13
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* srcAttributeDate5
* srcAttributeNumber16
* srcAttributeNumber9
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* srcAttributeDate6
* srcAttributeChar58
* srcAttributeNumber18
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* srcAttributeDate7
* srcAttributeChar40
* srcAttributeDate9
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* srcAttributeChar25
* srcAttributeChar24
* srcAttributeChar37
* accountCodeSegment8
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* srcAttributeChar33
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* srcAttributeChar28
* srcAttributeNumber8
* srcAttributeChar27
* accountCodeSegment22
* srcAttributeChar31
* srcAttributeChar4
* srcAttributeChar36
* accountCodeSegment9
* accountCodeSegment11
* accountCodeSegment6
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* srcAttributeChar3
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* srcAttributeChar32
* accountCodeSegment29
* srcAttributeChar15
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* srcAttributeChar14
* srcAttributeNumber10
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* srcAttributeChar17
* srcAttributeNumber6
* srcAttributeChar12
* srcAttributeChar51
* srcAttributeChar22
* srcAttributeChar47
* srcAttributeNumber1
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* accountCodeSegment3
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* accountCodeSegment16
* accountCodeSegment26
* accountCodeSegment18
* srcAttributeNumber12
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* srcAttributeChar9
* srcAttributeChar39
* srcAttributeChar21
* accountCodeSegment20
* accountCodeSegment30
* srcAttributeChar26
* srcAttributeNumber13
* srcAttributeNumber20
* srcAttributeChar11
* srcAttributeChar35
* srcAttributeNumber5
* srcAttributeChar8
* srcAttributeChar6
* srcAttributeChar44
* srcAttributeChar41
* srcAttributeChar46
* srcAttributeChar7
* srcAttributeChar20
* srcAttributeChar57
* srcAttributeChar43
* srcAttributeNumber3
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* srcAttributeChar10
* srcAttributeDate2
* srcAttributeChar16
* srcAttributeChar56
* accountCodeSegment2
* accountCodeSegment12
* srcAttributeChar29
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* accountCodeSegment23
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* accountCodeSegment28
* dataTransformationStatus


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* srcAttributeNumber11
* srcAttributeChar19
* srcAttributeDate8
* srcAttributeChar13
* accountCodeSegment19
* srcAttributeDate5
* srcAttributeNumber16
* srcAttributeNumber9
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* srcAttributeDate6
* srcAttributeChar58
* srcAttributeNumber18
* srcAttributeChar54
* srcAttributeDate7
* srcAttributeChar40
* srcAttributeDate9
* salesrepLastName
* accountCodeSegment5
* srcAttributeChar25
* srcAttributeChar24
* srcAttributeChar37
* accountCodeSegment8
* accountCodeSegment17
* srcAttributeChar33
* srcAttributeChar50
* srcAttributeNumber19
* srcAttributeChar28
* srcAttributeNumber8
* srcAttributeChar27
* accountCodeSegment22
* srcAttributeChar31
* srcAttributeChar4
* srcAttributeChar36
* accountCodeSegment9
* accountCodeSegment11
* accountCodeSegment6
* srcAttributeChar53
* srcAttributeChar3
* accountCodeSegment14
* srcAttributeNumber17
* srcAttributeChar2
* srcAttributeChar18
* srcAttributeChar32
* accountCodeSegment29
* srcAttributeChar15
* srcAttributeNumber4
* srcAttributeChar60
* srcAttributeChar14
* srcAttributeNumber10
* accountCodeSegment13
* srcAttributeChar17
* srcAttributeNumber6
* srcAttributeChar12
* srcAttributeChar51
* srcAttributeChar22
* srcAttributeChar47
* srcAttributeNumber1
* accountCodeSegment10
* accountCodeSegment3
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* srcAttributeChar30
* srcAttributeNumber14
* srcAttributeChar55
* accountCodeSegment16
* accountCodeSegment26
* accountCodeSegment18
* srcAttributeNumber12
* accountCodeSegment25
* srcAttributeChar9
* srcAttributeChar39
* srcAttributeChar21
* accountCodeSegment20
* accountCodeSegment30
* srcAttributeChar26
* srcAttributeNumber13
* srcAttributeNumber20
* srcAttributeChar11
* srcAttributeChar35
* srcAttributeNumber5
* srcAttributeChar8
* srcAttributeChar6
* srcAttributeChar44
* srcAttributeChar41
* srcAttributeChar46
* srcAttributeChar7
* srcAttributeChar20
* srcAttributeChar57
* srcAttributeChar43
* srcAttributeNumber3
* srcAttributeChar48
* srcAttributeChar10
* srcAttributeDate2
* srcAttributeChar16
* srcAttributeChar56
* accountCodeSegment2
* accountCodeSegment12
* srcAttributeChar29
* accountCodeSegment7
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* accountCodeSegment23
* srcAttributeNumber15
* accountCodeSegment28
* dataTransformationStatus


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* docIdChar3
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* attributeCategory
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* srcAttributeChar5
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* srcAttributeChar35
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* docIdChar2
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* attribute8
* attributeDate1
* srcAttributeChar31
* srcAttributeDate4
* meaFlag
* sourceSystem
* attribute3
* billToCustomerNum
* requestId
* documentType
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* shipToCustomerNum
* sourceOrgId
* exportRequestId
* billToCustomerCounty
* returnReasonCode
* srcAttributeChar36
* billToCountry
* srcAttributeDate6
* billToCustomerSiteId
* attributeDate2
* lastUpdateLogin
* paymentTermName
* srcAttributeCategory
* srcAttributeChar22
* srcAttributeChar56
* attribute5
* srcAttributeChar51
* shipToCountry
* sourceShipToCustName
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* srcAttributeNumber15
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* sourceShipToCustSiteNum
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* attribute1
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* custPoNumber
* srcAttributeChar7
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* creationDate
* attribute7
* accountingEffectFlag
* attribute17
* srcAttributeChar28
* srcAttributeChar52
* srcAttributeChar57
* attributeNumber2
* attributeNumber3
* srcAttributeChar59
* srcAttributeNumber14
* legalEntityName
* sourceOrganizationName
* exchangeRateType
* billToCustomerId
* attribute13
* sourceBillToCustName
* srcAttributeDate1
* srcAttributeChar27
* shipToCustomerName
* srcAttributeNumber3
* organizationName
* attribute19
* srcAttributeChar40
* srcAttributeNumber1
* srcAttributeNumber12
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* billToCustomerPostalCode
* srcAttributeDate7
* srcAttributeDate10
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* srcAttributeChar3
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* origSysShipToCustRef
* srcAttributeChar4
* salesrepFirstName
* srcAttributeNumber17
* dataTransformationStatus
* srcAttributeChar25
* srcAttributeNumber9
* billToCustomerPartyId
* srcAttributeChar14
* srcAttributeChar1
* srcAttributeNumber16
* srcAttributeChar54
* accountingRuleId
* srcAttributeChar30
* srcAttributeChar55
* origSysBillToCustRef
* srcAttributeNumber7
* salesAgreementNumber
* srcAttributeChar44
* srcAttributeDate9
* quoteNumber
* billToCustomerName
* objectVersionNumber
* srcAttributeChar39
* srcAttributeChar53
* srcAttributeChar50
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute11
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* attribute16
* billToCustSiteName
* origSysBillToCustSiteRef
* attribute9
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* srcAttributeChar18
* customerContractNumber
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* srcAttributeChar19
* srcAttributeChar16
* salesrepId
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* sourceLegalEntityName
* srcAttributeChar6
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* sourceBillToCustSiteNum
* srcAttributeChar49
* documentUpdateDate
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* srcAttributeChar37
* sourceSalesrepName
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* srcAttributeChar12
* attribute18
* salesrepLastName
* billToCustClassification
* srcAttributeChar26
* srcAttributeNumber19
* attributeDate5
* origSysShipToCustSiteRef
* srcAttributeChar20
* sourceExchangeRateType
* srcAttributeChar60
* srcAttributeChar15
* attribute4
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* srcAttributeNumber5
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* attribute12
* srcAttributeNumber4
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* srcAttributeChar47
* sourceBillToCustAddress
* salesrepMiddleName
* srcAttributeChar17
* srcAttributeChar29
* srcAttributeChar43
* documentCreationDate
* srcAttributeChar45
* srcAttributeNumber11
* srcAttributeChar2


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* sourceShipToCustNum
* docIdInt1
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* attribute20
* exchangeDate
* srcAttributeChar9
* srcAttributeNumber10
* docIdChar3
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* sourceBillToCustNum
* attributeCategory
* srcAttributeChar8
* dataTransErrorMessage
* srcAttributeChar5
* srcAttributeChar34
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* srcAttributeChar35
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* sourceTypeCode
* documentDate
* billToCustomerPartyName
* srcAttributeChar41
* docIdChar2
* srcAttributeNumber20
* applicationId
* attribute8
* attributeDate1
* srcAttributeChar31
* srcAttributeDate4
* meaFlag
* sourceSystem
* attribute3
* billToCustomerNum
* requestId
* documentType
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* accountingRuleDuration
* shipToCustomerNum
* sourceOrgId
* exportRequestId
* billToCustomerCounty
* returnReasonCode
* srcAttributeChar36
* billToCountry
* srcAttributeDate6
* billToCustomerSiteId
* attributeDate2
* lastUpdateLogin
* paymentTermName
* srcAttributeCategory
* srcAttributeChar22
* srcAttributeChar56
* attribute5
* srcAttributeChar51
* shipToCountry
* sourceShipToCustName
* documentId
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* lastUpdateDate
* srcAttributeChar23
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* srcAttributeNumber15
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* createdBy
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* sourceShipToCustSiteNum
* shipToCustSiteName
* srcAttributeNumber18
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* attribute1
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* sourceShipToCustAddress
* custPoNumber
* srcAttributeChar7
* srcAttributeDate8
* creationDate
* attribute7
* accountingEffectFlag
* attribute17
* srcAttributeChar28
* srcAttributeChar52
* srcAttributeChar57
* attributeNumber2
* attributeNumber3
* srcAttributeChar59
* srcAttributeNumber14
* legalEntityName
* sourceOrganizationName
* exchangeRateType
* billToCustomerId
* attribute13
* sourceBillToCustName
* srcAttributeDate1
* srcAttributeChar27
* shipToCustomerName
* srcAttributeNumber3
* organizationName
* attribute19
* srcAttributeChar40
* srcAttributeNumber1
* srcAttributeNumber12
* docIdInt5
* srcAttributeNumber8
* srcAttributeChar38
* salesrepName
* legalEntityCountry
* srcAttributeChar10
* documentNumber
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* attributeDate4
* shipToCustomerId
* billToCustomerPostalCode
* srcAttributeDate7
* srcAttributeDate10
* docIdChar5
* ledgerId
* srcAttributeChar3
* openFlag
* srcAttributeChar32
* origSysShipToCustRef
* srcAttributeChar4
* salesrepFirstName
* srcAttributeNumber17
* dataTransformationStatus
* srcAttributeChar25
* srcAttributeNumber9
* billToCustomerPartyId
* srcAttributeChar14
* srcAttributeChar1
* srcAttributeNumber16
* srcAttributeChar54
* accountingRuleId
* srcAttributeChar30
* srcAttributeChar55
* origSysBillToCustRef
* srcAttributeNumber7
* salesAgreementNumber
* srcAttributeChar44
* srcAttributeDate9
* quoteNumber
* billToCustomerName
* objectVersionNumber
* srcAttributeChar39
* srcAttributeChar53
* srcAttributeChar50
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute11
* billToCustomerPartyNum
* attribute16
* billToCustSiteName
* origSysBillToCustSiteRef
* attribute9
* ledgerName
* srcAttributeChar18
* customerContractNumber
* documentTypeId
* invoicingRuleId
* srcAttributeChar58
* docIdChar4
* attributeNumber5
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* attribute2
* srcAttributeChar33
* srcAttributeNumber2
* srcAttributeChar19
* srcAttributeChar16
* salesrepId
* srcAttributeChar24
* sourceLegalEntityName
* srcAttributeChar6
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* sourceBillToCustSiteNum
* srcAttributeChar49
* documentUpdateDate
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* srcAttributeChar37
* sourceSalesrepName
* srcAttributeDate2
* srcAttributeChar12
* attribute18
* salesrepLastName
* billToCustClassification
* srcAttributeChar26
* srcAttributeNumber19
* attributeDate5
* origSysShipToCustSiteRef
* srcAttributeChar20
* sourceExchangeRateType
* srcAttributeChar60
* srcAttributeChar15
* attribute4
* orgId
* srcAttributeNumber5
* exchangeRate
* attribute12
* srcAttributeNumber4
* attributeNumber4
* srcAttributeChar47
* sourceBillToCustAddress
* salesrepMiddleName
* srcAttributeChar17
* srcAttributeChar29
* srcAttributeChar43
* documentCreationDate
* srcAttributeChar45
* srcAttributeNumber11
* srcAttributeChar2


 * srcAttributeNumber20
* srcAttributeDate6
* srcAttributeDate4
* srcAttributeChar1
* srcAttributeChar28
* srcAttributeChar13
* srcAttributeChar47
* srcAttributeChar38
* srcAttributeChar8
* srcAttributeChar19
* srcAttributeChar9
* srcAttributeNumber15
* srcAttributeChar23
* srcAttributeChar10
* srcAttributeNumber11
* srcAttributeChar25
* srcAttributeChar39
* srcAttributeChar51
* srcAttributeChar21
* srcAttributeChar4
* srcAttributeChar6
* srcAttributeChar41
* srcAttributeNumber1
* srcAttributeNumber18
* srcAttributeChar35
* srcAttributeChar55
* srcAttributeNumber14
* srcAttributeChar27
* srcAttributeChar48
* srcAttributeChar44
* srcAttributeNumber7
* srcAttributeNumber12
* srcAttributeChar7
* salesrepFirstName
* srcAttributeChar15
* srcAttributeChar32
* dataTransErrorMessage
* srcAttributeNumber16
* srcAttributeChar50
* salesrepLastName
* srcAttributeChar45
* srcAttributeChar57
* srcAttributeChar59
* srcAttributeChar31
* srcAttributeNumber13
* meaFlag
* srcAttributeChar46
* srcAttributeChar24
* srcAttributeDate8
* srcAttributeChar3
* srcAttributeChar33
* srcAttributeNumber5
* salesrepName
* srcAttributeDate3
* srcAttributeNumber17
* srcAttributeChar11
* srcAttributeDate9
* srcAttributeChar17
* documentId
* srcAttributeChar49
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* srcAttributeChar30
* srcAttributeNumber4
* srcAttributeNumber19
* dataTransformationStatus
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* srcAttributeChar37
* srcAttributeChar54
* srcAttributeChar18
* srcAttributeChar16
* srcAttributeDate10
* srcAttributeChar12
* srcAttributeChar43
* srcAttributeChar53
* srcAttributeChar20
* organizationName
* srcAttributeChar40
* srcAttributeNumber2
* srcAttributeNumber8
* srcAttributeChar56
* srcAttributeChar29
* srcAttributeDate5
* srcAttributeDate2
* srcAttributeChar22
* srcAttributeChar5
* srcAttributeChar52
* srcAttributeDate7
* srcAttributeDate1
* srcAttributeNumber6
* srcAttributeChar34
* legalEntityName
* salesrepMiddleName
* srcAttributeChar42
* srcAttributeChar2
* srcAttributeNumber10
* srcAttributeChar14
* srcAttributeChar58
* srcAttributeChar36
* srcAttributeChar60
* srcAttributeNumber3
* exchangeRateType
* paymentTermName


 * srcAttributeNumber20
* srcAttributeDate6
* srcAttributeDate4
* srcAttributeChar1
* srcAttributeChar28
* srcAttributeChar13
* srcAttributeChar47
* srcAttributeChar38
* srcAttributeChar8
* srcAttributeChar19
* srcAttributeChar9
* srcAttributeNumber15
* srcAttributeChar23
* srcAttributeChar10
* srcAttributeNumber11
* srcAttributeChar25
* srcAttributeChar39
* srcAttributeChar51
* srcAttributeChar21
* srcAttributeChar4
* srcAttributeChar6
* srcAttributeChar41
* srcAttributeNumber1
* srcAttributeNumber18
* srcAttributeChar35
* srcAttributeChar55
* srcAttributeNumber14
* srcAttributeChar27
* srcAttributeChar48
* srcAttributeChar44
* srcAttributeNumber7
* srcAttributeNumber12
* srcAttributeChar7
* salesrepFirstName
* srcAttributeChar15
* srcAttributeChar32
* dataTransErrorMessage
* srcAttributeNumber16
* srcAttributeChar50
* salesrepLastName
* srcAttributeChar45
* srcAttributeChar57
* srcAttributeChar59
* srcAttributeChar31
* srcAttributeNumber13
* meaFlag
* srcAttributeChar46
* srcAttributeChar24
* srcAttributeDate8
* srcAttributeChar3
* srcAttributeChar33
* srcAttributeNumber5
* salesrepName
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* dataTransformationStatus
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* srcAttributeChar37
* srcAttributeChar54
* srcAttributeChar18
* srcAttributeChar16
* srcAttributeDate10
* srcAttributeChar12
* srcAttributeChar43
* srcAttributeChar53
* srcAttributeChar20
* organizationName
* srcAttributeChar40
* srcAttributeNumber2
* srcAttributeNumber8
* srcAttributeChar56
* srcAttributeChar29
* srcAttributeDate5
* srcAttributeDate2
* srcAttributeChar22
* srcAttributeChar5
* srcAttributeChar52
* srcAttributeDate7
* srcAttributeDate1
* srcAttributeNumber6
* srcAttributeChar34
* legalEntityName
* salesrepMiddleName
* srcAttributeChar42
* srcAttributeChar2
* srcAttributeNumber10
* srcAttributeChar14
* srcAttributeChar58
* srcAttributeChar36
* srcAttributeChar60
* srcAttributeNumber3
* exchangeRateType
* paymentTermName


 * overheadVarianceAccount
* outsideProcVarianceAccount
* completionCostSource
* attribute14
* resourceAccount
* classCode
* globalAttribute17
* expenseAccount
* materialOverheadAccount
* description
* globalAttribute11
* outsideProcessingAccount
* bridgingAccount
* attribute3
* attribute15
* attribute5
* attribute13
* globalAttribute7
* globalAttribute13
* globalAttribute12
* globalAttribute16
* globalAttribute3
* attribute1
* attribute9
* globalAttribute9
* attribute10
* globalAttribute4
* globalAttribute20
* creationDate
* disableDate
* overheadAccount
* attribute4
* globalAttribute2
* attributeCategory
* attribute8
* globalAttribute15
* attribute12
* globalAttribute8
* lastUpdateDate
* resourceVarianceAccount
* organizationId
* attribute6
* globalAttribute5
* lastUpdatedBy
* materialVarianceAccount
* globalAttributeCategory
* globalAttribute10
* attribute7
* attribute2
* createdBy
* materialAccount
* costTypeId
* stdCostAdjustmentAccount
* attribute11
* systemOptionId
* globalAttribute19
* estScrapAccount
* encumbranceAccount
* globalAttribute14
* globalAttribute1
* estScrapVarAccount
* globalAttribute18
* lastUpdateLogin
* classType
* globalAttribute6


 * overheadVarianceAccount
* outsideProcVarianceAccount
* completionCostSource
* attribute14
* resourceAccount
* classCode
* globalAttribute17
* expenseAccount
* materialOverheadAccount
* description
* globalAttribute11
* outsideProcessingAccount
* bridgingAccount
* attribute3
* attribute15
* attribute5
* attribute13
* globalAttribute7
* globalAttribute13
* globalAttribute12
* globalAttribute16
* globalAttribute3
* attribute1
* attribute9
* globalAttribute9
* attribute10
* globalAttribute4
* globalAttribute20
* creationDate
* disableDate
* overheadAccount
* attribute4
* globalAttribute2
* attributeCategory
* attribute8
* globalAttribute15
* attribute12
* globalAttribute8
* lastUpdateDate
* resourceVarianceAccount
* organizationId
* attribute6
* globalAttribute5
* lastUpdatedBy
* materialVarianceAccount
* globalAttributeCategory
* globalAttribute10
* attribute7
* attribute2
* createdBy
* materialAccount
* costTypeId
* stdCostAdjustmentAccount
* attribute11
* systemOptionId
* globalAttribute19
* estScrapAccount
* encumbranceAccount
* globalAttribute14
* globalAttribute1
* estScrapVarAccount
* globalAttribute18
* lastUpdateLogin
* classType
* globalAttribute6


 * lastUpdatedBy
* requestId
* ruleDefinitionId
* displayValue
* creationDate
* attributeColumn
* sortDirection
* programId
* attributeDataType
* sortingOnly
* lastUpdateDate
* objectVersionNumber
* organizationId
* attributeType
* ruleDefType
* idValue
* priorityNumber
* lastUpdateLogin
* programUpdateDate
* createdBy
* programApplicationId


 * lastUpdatedBy
* requestId
* ruleDefinitionId
* displayValue
* creationDate
* attributeColumn
* sortDirection
* programId
* attributeDataType
* sortingOnly
* lastUpdateDate
* objectVersionNumber
* organizationId
* attributeType
* ruleDefType
* idValue
* priorityNumber
* lastUpdateLogin
* programUpdateDate
* createdBy
* programApplicationId


 * totalQuantity
* requestId
* programUpdateDate
* requiredQuantity
* resourceCost
* standardQuantity
* organizationId
* departmentId
* lastUpdateLogin
* programApplicationId
* lastUpdatedBy
* shareFromDeptId
* availableUnits
* operationSeqNum
* scrapQuantity
* resourceBasis
* shiftNum
* wipEntityId
* resourceCode
* indicatorType
* creationDate
* lastUpdateDate
* standardUnits
* appliedUnitsPrd
* programId
* transactionDate
* processPhase
* createdBy
* lineId
* resourceId
* availableQuantity
* appliedUnitsUtz
* departmentCode
* requiredHours
* groupId


 * totalQuantity
* requestId
* programUpdateDate
* requiredQuantity
* resourceCost
* standardQuantity
* organizationId
* departmentId
* lastUpdateLogin
* programApplicationId
* lastUpdatedBy
* shareFromDeptId
* availableUnits
* operationSeqNum
* scrapQuantity
* resourceBasis
* shiftNum
* wipEntityId
* resourceCode
* indicatorType
* creationDate
* lastUpdateDate
* standardUnits
* appliedUnitsPrd
* programId
* transactionDate
* processPhase
* createdBy
* lineId
* resourceId
* availableQuantity
* appliedUnitsUtz
* departmentCode
* requiredHours
* groupId


 * departmentId
* simulationSet
* availableHours
* resourceId
* organizationId
* shiftDate


 * departmentId
* simulationSet
* availableHours
* resourceId
* organizationId
* shiftDate


 * organizationId
* countryCode
* transactionDate
* inventoryItemName
* completedQuantity
* countryName
* programId
* year
* existingFlag
* creationDate
* categoryId
* regionName
* organizationName
* setOfBooksId
* quarter
* lastUpdateDate
* areaCode
* programApplicationId
* setOfBooksName
* legalEntityName
* month
* operatingUnitId
* scrapQuantity
* periodSetName
* regionCode
* legalEntityId
* requestId
* programUpdateDate
* categoryName
* wipEntityId
* locationId
* inventoryItemId
* areaName
* operatingUnitName
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdatedBy
* createdBy


 * organizationId
* countryCode
* transactionDate
* inventoryItemName
* completedQuantity
* countryName
* programId
* year
* existingFlag
* creationDate
* categoryId
* regionName
* organizationName
* setOfBooksId
* quarter
* lastUpdateDate
* areaCode
* programApplicationId
* setOfBooksName
* legalEntityName
* month
* operatingUnitId
* scrapQuantity
* periodSetName
* regionCode
* legalEntityId
* requestId
* programUpdateDate
* categoryName
* wipEntityId
* locationId
* inventoryItemId
* areaName
* operatingUnitName
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdatedBy
* createdBy


 * lastUpdateLogin
* quarter
* departmentCode
* creationDate
* countryCode
* wipEntityId
* lastUpdatedBy
* areaCode
* organizationId
* inventoryItemId
* requestId
* regionCode
* countryName
* legalEntityName
* programId
* lastUpdateDate
* programApplicationId
* legalEntityId
* month
* transactionDate
* programUpdateDate
* year
* existingFlag
* departmentId
* locationId
* setOfBooksName
* setOfBooksId
* organizationName
* operationSeqNum
* operatingUnitId
* areaName
* operatingUnitName
* scrapQuantity
* periodSetName
* createdBy
* regionName
* totalQuantity


 * lastUpdateLogin
* quarter
* departmentCode
* creationDate
* countryCode
* wipEntityId
* lastUpdatedBy
* areaCode
* organizationId
* inventoryItemId
* requestId
* regionCode
* countryName
* legalEntityName
* programId
* lastUpdateDate
* programApplicationId
* legalEntityId
* month
* transactionDate
* programUpdateDate
* year
* existingFlag
* departmentId
* locationId
* setOfBooksName
* setOfBooksId
* organizationName
* operationSeqNum
* operatingUnitId
* areaName
* operatingUnitName
* scrapQuantity
* periodSetName
* createdBy
* regionName
* totalQuantity


 * areaCode
* operatingUnitId
* appliedHoursUtz
* inventoryItemId
* operationSeqNum
* month
* shareFromDeptId
* setOfBooksId
* organizationName
* wipEntityId
* countryCode
* countryName
* periodSetName
* programId
* operatingUnitName
* lastUpdateLogin
* legalEntityId
* lastUpdatedBy
* standardHours
* programUpdateDate
* requestId
* resourceCode
* transactionDate
* availableHours
* inventoryItemName
* indicatorType
* existingFlag
* legalEntityName
* setOfBooksName
* regionName
* categoryName
* programApplicationId
* categoryId
* quarter
* totalQuantity
* regionCode
* departmentCode
* createdBy
* scrapQuantity
* lastUpdateDate
* locationId
* areaName
* year
* creationDate
* organizationId
* departmentId
* appliedHoursPrd
* resourceId


 * areaCode
* operatingUnitId
* appliedHoursUtz
* inventoryItemId
* operationSeqNum
* month
* shareFromDeptId
* setOfBooksId
* organizationName
* wipEntityId
* countryCode
* countryName
* periodSetName
* programId
* operatingUnitName
* lastUpdateLogin
* legalEntityId
* lastUpdatedBy
* standardHours
* programUpdateDate
* requestId
* resourceCode
* transactionDate
* availableHours
* inventoryItemName
* indicatorType
* existingFlag
* legalEntityName
* setOfBooksName
* regionName
* categoryName
* programApplicationId
* categoryId
* quarter
* totalQuantity
* regionCode
* departmentCode
* createdBy
* scrapQuantity
* lastUpdateDate
* locationId
* areaName
* year
* creationDate
* organizationId
* departmentId
* appliedHoursPrd
* resourceId


 * lastUpdateLogin
* requiredQuantity
* wipEntityId
* programId
* transactionDate
* resourceCost
* requiredHours
* programUpdateDate
* requestId
* resourceCode
* standardUnits
* departmentId
* appliedUnitsUtz
* operationSeqNum
* programApplicationId
* standardQuantity
* availableUnits
* lastUpdateDate
* totalQuantity
* lineId
* createdBy
* availableQuantity
* shiftNum
* appliedUnitsPrd
* shareFromDeptId
* groupId
* organizationId
* departmentCode
* resourceId
* indicatorType
* resourceBasis
* scrapQuantity
* processPhase
* lastUpdatedBy
* creationDate


 * lastUpdateLogin
* requiredQuantity
* wipEntityId
* programId
* transactionDate
* resourceCost
* requiredHours
* programUpdateDate
* requestId
* resourceCode
* standardUnits
* departmentId
* appliedUnitsUtz
* operationSeqNum
* programApplicationId
* standardQuantity
* availableUnits
* lastUpdateDate
* totalQuantity
* lineId
* createdBy
* availableQuantity
* shiftNum
* appliedUnitsPrd
* shareFromDeptId
* groupId
* organizationId
* departmentCode
* resourceId
* indicatorType
* resourceBasis
* scrapQuantity
* processPhase
* lastUpdatedBy
* creationDate


 * resourceCode
* totalQuantity
* operationSeqNum
* programApplicationId
* lastUpdateDate
* programUpdateDate
* lineId
* shiftNum
* groupId
* lastUpdatedBy
* appliedUnitsPrd
* resourceBasis
* departmentCode
* availableUnits
* programId
* requiredQuantity
* requestId
* transactionDate
* standardQuantity
* shareFromDeptId
* appliedUnitsUtz
* wipEntityId
* organizationId
* standardUnits
* processPhase
* availableQuantity
* indicatorType
* lastUpdateLogin
* createdBy
* resourceCost
* scrapQuantity
* requiredHours
* creationDate
* resourceId
* departmentId


 * resourceCode
* totalQuantity
* operationSeqNum
* programApplicationId
* lastUpdateDate
* programUpdateDate
* lineId
* shiftNum
* groupId
* lastUpdatedBy
* appliedUnitsPrd
* resourceBasis
* departmentCode
* availableUnits
* programId
* requiredQuantity
* requestId
* transactionDate
* standardQuantity
* shareFromDeptId
* appliedUnitsUtz
* wipEntityId
* organizationId
* standardUnits
* processPhase
* availableQuantity
* indicatorType
* lastUpdateLogin
* createdBy
* resourceCost
* scrapQuantity
* requiredHours
* creationDate
* resourceId
* departmentId


 * lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* categorySetId
* jobType
* calculateLevel
* releasedComponents
* programUpdateDate
* programApplicationId
* organizationId
* receiptsTimeFence
* requestId
* lastUpdateDate
* jobStatus
* createdBy
* supplyType
* creationDate
* timeFenceBias
* programId
* makeCompFlag
* objectVersionNumber
* timeFence
* expReceipts


 * lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* categorySetId
* jobType
* calculateLevel
* releasedComponents
* programUpdateDate
* programApplicationId
* organizationId
* receiptsTimeFence
* requestId
* lastUpdateDate
* jobStatus
* createdBy
* supplyType
* creationDate
* timeFenceBias
* programId
* makeCompFlag
* objectVersionNumber
* timeFence
* expReceipts


 * attribute9
* pmBaseMeterReading
* materialOverheadAccount
* attribute2
* pmSuggestedStartDate
* programId
* actualEndDate
* programApplicationId
* alternateRoutingDesignator
* jobQuantity
* attribute1
* routingRevision
* attribute10
* activitySource
* materialAccount
* wipEntityId
* actualCloseDate
* notificationRequired
* validateStructure
* wipEntityName
* overheadVarianceAccount
* activityCause
* maintenanceObjectSource
* bomRevisionDate
* returnStatus
* assetNumber
* userId
* description
* issueZeroCostFlag
* creationDate
* scheduledStartDate
* attribute7
* batchId
* scheduledCompletionDate
* actualDuration
* commonBomSequenceId
* sourceCode
* assignmentComplete
* routingRevisionDate
* pmScheduleId
* pmBaseMeter
* priority
* lastUpdateDate
* statusType
* attribute15
* eamLinearLocationId
* cycleId
* warrantyActive
* dateReleased
* rebuildItemId
* taskId
* reportType
* workOrderType
* genObjectId
* poCreationTime
* transactionDate
* overheadAccount
* attributeCategory
* scheduleGroupId
* attribute12
* alternateBomDesignator
* workflowType
* actualStartDate
* materialShortageCheckDate
* outsideProcessingAccount
* createdBy
* assetGroupId
* maintenanceObjectType
* dueDate
* bomRevision
* materialShortageFlag
* headerId
* seqId
* shutdownType
* materialVarianceAccount
* failureCodeRequired
* tagoutRequired
* manualRebuildFlag
* requestedStartDate
* transactionType
* endItemUnitNumber
* sourceLineId
* attribute11
* assetActivityId
* attribute6
* attribute3
* userDefinedStatusId
* pendingFlag
* warrantyClaimStatus
* resourceVarianceAccount
* attribute13
* classCode
* attribute4
* owningDepartment
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute8
* firmPlannedFlag
* wipSupplyType
* parentWipEntityId
* dsScheduledFlag
* pmSuggestedEndDate
* projectId
* resourceAccount
* requestId
* materialIssueByMo
* activityType
* rebuildSerialNumber
* commonRoutingSequenceId
* submissionDate
* maintenanceObjectId
* attribute5
* planMaintenance
* stdCostAdjustmentAccount
* attribute14
* responsibilityId
* entityType
* organizationId
* outsideProcVarianceAccount


 * attribute9
* pmBaseMeterReading
* materialOverheadAccount
* attribute2
* pmSuggestedStartDate
* programId
* actualEndDate
* programApplicationId
* alternateRoutingDesignator
* jobQuantity
* attribute1
* routingRevision
* attribute10
* activitySource
* materialAccount
* wipEntityId
* actualCloseDate
* notificationRequired
* validateStructure
* wipEntityName
* overheadVarianceAccount
* activityCause
* maintenanceObjectSource
* bomRevisionDate
* returnStatus
* assetNumber
* userId
* description
* issueZeroCostFlag
* creationDate
* scheduledStartDate
* attribute7
* batchId
* scheduledCompletionDate
* actualDuration
* commonBomSequenceId
* sourceCode
* assignmentComplete
* routingRevisionDate
* pmScheduleId
* pmBaseMeter
* priority
* lastUpdateDate
* statusType
* attribute15
* eamLinearLocationId
* cycleId
* warrantyActive
* dateReleased
* rebuildItemId
* taskId
* reportType
* workOrderType
* genObjectId
* poCreationTime
* transactionDate
* overheadAccount
* attributeCategory
* scheduleGroupId
* attribute12
* alternateBomDesignator
* workflowType
* actualStartDate
* materialShortageCheckDate
* outsideProcessingAccount
* createdBy
* assetGroupId
* maintenanceObjectType
* dueDate
* bomRevision
* materialShortageFlag
* headerId
* seqId
* shutdownType
* materialVarianceAccount
* failureCodeRequired
* tagoutRequired
* manualRebuildFlag
* requestedStartDate
* transactionType
* endItemUnitNumber
* sourceLineId
* attribute11
* assetActivityId
* attribute6
* attribute3
* userDefinedStatusId
* pendingFlag
* warrantyClaimStatus
* resourceVarianceAccount
* attribute13
* classCode
* attribute4
* owningDepartment
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute8
* firmPlannedFlag
* wipSupplyType
* parentWipEntityId
* dsScheduledFlag
* pmSuggestedEndDate
* projectId
* resourceAccount
* requestId
* materialIssueByMo
* activityType
* rebuildSerialNumber
* commonRoutingSequenceId
* submissionDate
* maintenanceObjectId
* attribute5
* planMaintenance
* stdCostAdjustmentAccount
* attribute14
* responsibilityId
* entityType
* organizationId
* outsideProcVarianceAccount


 * lineId
* primaryQuantity
* moveTransactionId
* phantomFlag
* organizationId
* instanceId
* currencyConversionType
* reference
* currencyConversionDate
* reasonId
* encumbranceCcid
* lastUpdatedByName
* receivingAccountId
* repetitiveScheduleId
* attribute6
* chargeDepartmentId
* createdBy
* lineCode
* primaryUomClass
* rcvTransactionId
* resourceType
* transactionUom
* completionTransactionId
* attributeCategory
* processStatus
* attribute2
* wipEntityName
* sourceLineId
* acctPeriodId
* processPhase
* attribute4
* operationSeqNum
* xmlDocumentId
* attribute7
* organizationCode
* taskId
* lastUpdateLogin
* reasonName
* attribute10
* activityName
* resourceId
* autochargeType
* primaryUom
* activityId
* attribute11
* resourceSeqNum
* attribute9
* attribute8
* requestId
* currencyCode
* attribute12
* departmentId
* createdByName
* entityType
* employeeNum
* resourceCode
* creationDate
* attribute3
* encumbranceTypeId
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute14
* primaryItemId
* basisType
* programUpdateDate
* transactionType
* poHeaderId
* programId
* employeeId
* projectId
* attribute13
* groupId
* transactionDate
* transactionQuantity
* encumbranceQuantity
* sourceCode
* wipEntityId
* usageRateOrAmount
* programApplicationId
* attribute1
* actualResourceRate
* lastUpdateDate
* currencyConversionRate
* standardRateFlag
* departmentCode
* encumbranceAmount
* poLineId
* transactionId
* attribute5
* attribute15
* currencyActualResourceRate


 * operationSeqNum
* resourceCode
* departmentCode
* resourceSeqNum
* wipEntityName
* transactionDate
* transactionQuantity
* transactionUom
* transactionType
* organizationId
* organizationCode
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedByName
* creationDate
* createdByName
* processPhase
* processStatus
* primaryUom
* resourceId
* currencyConversionDate
* primaryQuantity
* usageRateOrAmount
* departmentId
* activityName
* basisType
* chargeDepartmentId
* phantomFlag
* sourceLineId
* acctPeriodId
* lineId
* attribute4
* reasonId
* xmlDocumentId
* attribute7
* encumbranceCcid
* taskId
* lastUpdateLogin
* reasonName
* attribute10
* moveTransactionId
* receivingAccountId
* autochargeType
* repetitiveScheduleId
* activityId
* attribute11
* attribute6
* attribute9
* attribute8
* requestId
* currencyCode
* attribute12
* instanceId
* createdBy
* entityType
* employeeNum
* lineCode
* primaryUomClass
* attribute3
* encumbranceTypeId
* currencyActualResourceRate
* attribute14
* primaryItemId
* rcvTransactionId
* programUpdateDate
* resourceType
* poHeaderId
* programId
* employeeId
* projectId
* attribute13
* groupId
* currencyConversionType
* completionTransactionId
* encumbranceQuantity
* sourceCode
* wipEntityId
* attributeCategory
* programApplicationId
* attribute1
* actualResourceRate
* reference
* currencyConversionRate
* standardRateFlag
* attribute2
* encumbranceAmount
* poLineId
* transactionId
* attribute5
* attribute15
* lastUpdatedBy


 * lastUpdateDate
* programId
* attribute6
* attribute11
* categoryId
* attribute7
* attribute15
* programApplicationId
* lastUpdateLogin
* requestId
* costGroupId
* programUpdateDate
* creationDate
* attribute9
* attribute1
* repetitiveAssyClass
* attributeCategory
* attribute5
* attribute12
* stdDiscreteClass
* organizationId
* createdBy
* attribute10
* attribute13
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute4
* attribute2
* attribute14
* attribute8
* attribute3


 * lastUpdateDate
* programId
* attribute6
* attribute11
* categoryId
* attribute7
* attribute15
* programApplicationId
* lastUpdateLogin
* requestId
* costGroupId
* programUpdateDate
* creationDate
* attribute9
* attribute1
* repetitiveAssyClass
* attributeCategory
* attribute5
* attribute12
* stdDiscreteClass
* organizationId
* createdBy
* attribute10
* attribute13
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute4
* attribute2
* attribute14
* attribute8
* attribute3


 * rebuildItemId
* expectedHoldReleaseDate
* attribute11
* attribute15
* demandClass
* wipSupplyType
* stdCostAdjustmentAccount
* routingReferenceId
* poCreationTime
* commonRoutingSequenceId
* rebuildSerialNumber
* dateReleased
* attribute4
* activityCause
* wipEntityId
* createdBy
* attribute13
* lastEstimationDate
* creationDate
* attribute10
* routingRevision
* tagoutRequired
* programId
* buildSequence
* lastUpdateDate
* resourceVarianceAccount
* resourceAccount
* dateClosed
* startQuantity
* attribute5
* actualStartDate
* shutdownType
* overheadVarianceAccount
* overcompletionToleranceValue
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute3
* primaryItemId
* routingRevisionDate
* dueDateTolerance
* materialIssueByMo
* materialAccount
* description
* completionLocatorId
* overheadAccount
* lastEstimationReqId
* quantityCompleted
* scheduleGroupId
* attribute8
* assetGroupId
* attribute9
* projectId
* attributeCategory
* eamLinearLocationId
* scheduledCompletionDate
* pmScheduleId
* bomReferenceId
* requestedStartDate
* dueDatePenalty
* attribute7
* kanbanCardId
* notificationRequired
* coproductsSupply
* manualRebuildFlag
* endItemUnitNumber
* serializationStartOp
* taskId
* attribute1
* overcompletionToleranceType
* outsideProcVarianceAccount
* requestId
* bomRevisionDate
* attribute2
* lotNumber
* programUpdateDate
* programApplicationId
* jobType
* bomRevision
* sourceCode
* completionSubinventory
* schedulingRequestId
* assetNumber
* parentWipEntityId
* dueDate
* scheduledStartDate
* owningDepartment
* netQuantity
* mpsNetQuantity
* issueZeroCostFlag
* organizationId
* alternateRoutingDesignator
* quantityScrapped
* statusType
* maintenanceObjectType
* estimationStatus
* outsideProcessingAccount
* planMaintenance
* mpsScheduledCompletionDate
* firmPlannedFlag
* materialVarianceAccount
* estScrapPriorQty
* commonBomSequenceId
* attribute14
* maintenanceObjectSource
* attribute12
* activitySource
* maintenanceObjectId
* priority
* alternateBomDesignator
* estScrapAccount
* workOrderType
* dateCompleted
* sourceLineId
* materialOverheadAccount
* expedited
* activityType
* estScrapVarAccount
* attribute6
* lineId
* lastUpdateLogin
* classCode
* jobNote


 * rebuildItemId
* expectedHoldReleaseDate
* attribute11
* attribute15
* demandClass
* wipSupplyType
* stdCostAdjustmentAccount
* routingReferenceId
* poCreationTime
* commonRoutingSequenceId
* rebuildSerialNumber
* dateReleased
* attribute4
* activityCause
* wipEntityId
* createdBy
* attribute13
* lastEstimationDate
* creationDate
* attribute10
* routingRevision
* tagoutRequired
* programId
* buildSequence
* lastUpdateDate
* resourceVarianceAccount
* resourceAccount
* dateClosed
* startQuantity
* attribute5
* actualStartDate
* shutdownType
* overheadVarianceAccount
* overcompletionToleranceValue
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute3
* primaryItemId
* routingRevisionDate
* dueDateTolerance
* materialIssueByMo
* materialAccount
* description
* completionLocatorId
* overheadAccount
* lastEstimationReqId
* quantityCompleted
* scheduleGroupId
* attribute8
* assetGroupId
* attribute9
* projectId
* attributeCategory
* eamLinearLocationId
* scheduledCompletionDate
* pmScheduleId
* bomReferenceId
* requestedStartDate
* dueDatePenalty
* attribute7
* kanbanCardId
* notificationRequired
* coproductsSupply
* manualRebuildFlag
* endItemUnitNumber
* serializationStartOp
* taskId
* attribute1
* overcompletionToleranceType
* outsideProcVarianceAccount
* requestId
* bomRevisionDate
* attribute2
* lotNumber
* programUpdateDate
* programApplicationId
* jobType
* bomRevision
* sourceCode
* completionSubinventory
* schedulingRequestId
* assetNumber
* parentWipEntityId
* dueDate
* scheduledStartDate
* owningDepartment
* netQuantity
* mpsNetQuantity
* issueZeroCostFlag
* organizationId
* alternateRoutingDesignator
* quantityScrapped
* statusType
* maintenanceObjectType
* estimationStatus
* outsideProcessingAccount
* planMaintenance
* mpsScheduledCompletionDate
* firmPlannedFlag
* materialVarianceAccount
* estScrapPriorQty
* commonBomSequenceId
* attribute14
* maintenanceObjectSource
* attribute12
* activitySource
* maintenanceObjectId
* priority
* alternateBomDesignator
* estScrapAccount
* workOrderType
* dateCompleted
* sourceLineId
* materialOverheadAccount
* expedited
* activityType
* estScrapVarAccount
* attribute6
* lineId
* lastUpdateLogin
* classCode
* jobNote


 * actualCloseDate
* groupId
* wipEntityId
* organizationId
* primaryItemId
* statusType
* wipEntityName


 * actualCloseDate
* groupId
* wipEntityId
* organizationId
* primaryItemId
* statusType
* wipEntityName


 * diSeqIdHostErp
* diSeqIdDistEam


 * diSeqIdHostErp
* diSeqIdDistEam


 * wipEntityId
* reference
* organizationId
* creationDate
* uom
* batchId
* autoRequestMaterial
* operationSeqNum
* requiredQuantity
* description
* purchasingCategoryId
* unitPrice
* suggestedVendorName
* headerId
* needByDate
* departmentId


 * wipEntityId
* reference
* organizationId
* creationDate
* uom
* batchId
* autoRequestMaterial
* operationSeqNum
* requiredQuantity
* description
* purchasingCategoryId
* unitPrice
* suggestedVendorName
* headerId
* needByDate
* departmentId


 * defaultDepartmentId
* issueZeroCostFlag
* easyWorkOrderPrefix
* billingMethod
* autoFirmOnCreate
* organizationId
* autoFirmFlag
* workReqExtendedLogFlag
* serialNumberEnabled
* invoiceBillableItemsOnly
* billInventoryItemId
* intermediateLocator
* workRequestAutoApprove
* workOrderPrefix
* overrideBillAmount
* createdBy
* wipEamRequestType
* creationDate
* pmWorkOrderPrefix
* maintenanceOffsetAccount
* pmIgnoreMissedWo
* dynamicBillingActivity
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateDate
* workRequestAssetNumReqd
* eamWoWorkflowEnabled
* materialIssueByMo
* defaultAssetFlag
* defaultEamClass
* lastUpdateLogin
* defEamCostElementId
* billingBasis
* defMaintCostCategory
* eamSafetyWorkflowEnabled
* intermediateSubinventory


 * defaultDepartmentId
* issueZeroCostFlag
* easyWorkOrderPrefix
* billingMethod
* autoFirmOnCreate
* organizationId
* autoFirmFlag
* workReqExtendedLogFlag
* serialNumberEnabled
* invoiceBillableItemsOnly
* billInventoryItemId
* intermediateLocator
* workRequestAutoApprove
* workOrderPrefix
* overrideBillAmount
* createdBy
* wipEamRequestType
* creationDate
* pmWorkOrderPrefix
* maintenanceOffsetAccount
* pmIgnoreMissedWo
* dynamicBillingActivity
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateDate
* workRequestAssetNumReqd
* eamWoWorkflowEnabled
* materialIssueByMo
* defaultAssetFlag
* defaultEamClass
* lastUpdateLogin
* defEamCostElementId
* billingBasis
* defMaintCostCategory
* eamSafetyWorkflowEnabled
* intermediateSubinventory


 * lastUpdateLogin
* organizationId
* actualMatCost
* operationsDeptId
* manualEstimatedEqpCost
* maintCostCategory
* actualEqpCost
* manualEstimatedMatCost
* programId
* lastUpdateDate
* periodName
* programApplicationId
* acctPeriodId
* wipEntityId
* periodSetName
* manualEstimatedLabCost
* programUpdateDate
* systemEstimatedMatCost
* systemEstimatedEqpCost
* owningDeptId
* systemEstimatedLabCost
* periodStartDate
* requestId
* operationSeqNum
* actualLabCost
* lastUpdatedBy
* creationDate
* createdBy


 * lastUpdateLogin
* organizationId
* actualMatCost
* operationsDeptId
* manualEstimatedEqpCost
* maintCostCategory
* actualEqpCost
* manualEstimatedMatCost
* programId
* lastUpdateDate
* periodName
* programApplicationId
* acctPeriodId
* wipEntityId
* periodSetName
* manualEstimatedLabCost
* programUpdateDate
* systemEstimatedMatCost
* systemEstimatedEqpCost
* owningDeptId
* systemEstimatedLabCost
* periodStartDate
* requestId
* operationSeqNum
* actualLabCost
* lastUpdatedBy
* creationDate
* createdBy


 * deliverToRequestorId
* createdBy
* interfaceSourceCode
* referenceNum
* sourceSubinventory
* quantity
* currencyCode
* noteToBuyer
* itemSegment1
* destinationOrganizationCode
* wipEntityId
* authorizationStatus
* autosourceFlag
* unitOfMeasure
* sourceOrganizationCode
* categoryId
* itemDescription
* wipOperationSeqNum
* suggestedVendorName
* lineTypeId
* destinationTypeCode
* rfqRequiredFlag
* lastUpdatedBy
* chargeAccountId
* deliverToLocationId
* creationDate
* sourceTypeCode
* wipResourceSeqNum
* itemId
* sourceOrganizationId
* transactionId
* requisitionType
* reqNumberSegment1
* preparerId
* unitPrice
* destinationOrganizationId
* projectAccountingContext
* synchedUp
* destinationSubinventory
* needByDate
* lastUpdateDate
* processFlag
* noteToReceiver
* uomCode


 * deliverToRequestorId
* createdBy
* interfaceSourceCode
* referenceNum
* sourceSubinventory
* quantity
* currencyCode
* noteToBuyer
* itemSegment1
* destinationOrganizationCode
* wipEntityId
* authorizationStatus
* autosourceFlag
* unitOfMeasure
* sourceOrganizationCode
* categoryId
* itemDescription
* wipOperationSeqNum
* suggestedVendorName
* lineTypeId
* destinationTypeCode
* rfqRequiredFlag
* lastUpdatedBy
* chargeAccountId
* deliverToLocationId
* creationDate
* sourceTypeCode
* wipResourceSeqNum
* itemId
* sourceOrganizationId
* transactionId
* requisitionType
* reqNumberSegment1
* preparerId
* unitPrice
* destinationOrganizationId
* projectAccountingContext
* synchedUp
* destinationSubinventory
* needByDate
* lastUpdateDate
* processFlag
* noteToReceiver
* uomCode


 * errorDescription
* createdDate
* inventoryItemId
* wipEntitiyName
* errorId
* wipEntitiyId
* lastUpdateDate
* requestId
* createdBy
* lastUpdatedBy


 * errorDescription
* createdDate
* inventoryItemId
* wipEntitiyName
* errorId
* wipEntitiyId
* lastUpdateDate
* requestId
* createdBy
* lastUpdatedBy


 * workRequestId
* lastUpdateLogin
* notes
* creationDate
* createdBy
* lastUpdateDate
* workRequestNoteId
* notificationId
* lastUpdatedBy
* workRequestNoteType


 * workRequestId
* lastUpdateLogin
* notes
* creationDate
* createdBy
* lastUpdateDate
* workRequestNoteId
* notificationId
* lastUpdatedBy
* workRequestNoteType


 * eamLinearLocationId
* assetNumber
* attribute12
* attribute9
* workRequestCreatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute3
* attribute10
* attribute1
* lastUpdateDate
* workRequestId
* eMail
* workRequestPriorityId
* attribute2
* attribute13
* workRequestAutoApprove
* description
* createdBy
* attribute6
* attribute5
* phoneNumber
* maintenanceObjectId
* wfItemType
* attribute14
* organizationId
* notifyOriginator
* expectedResolutionDate
* attribute7
* contactPreference
* workRequestNumber
* attributeCategory
* createdFor
* maintenanceObjectType
* assetGroup
* workRequestStatusId
* workRequestOwningDept
* attribute11
* attribute15
* wipEntityId
* attribute4
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute8
* wfItemKey
* workRequestTypeId
* creationDate


 * eamLinearLocationId
* assetNumber
* attribute12
* attribute9
* workRequestCreatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute3
* attribute10
* attribute1
* lastUpdateDate
* workRequestId
* eMail
* workRequestPriorityId
* attribute2
* attribute13
* workRequestAutoApprove
* description
* createdBy
* attribute6
* attribute5
* phoneNumber
* maintenanceObjectId
* wfItemType
* attribute14
* organizationId
* notifyOriginator
* expectedResolutionDate
* attribute7
* contactPreference
* workRequestNumber
* attributeCategory
* createdFor
* maintenanceObjectType
* assetGroup
* workRequestStatusId
* workRequestOwningDept
* attribute11
* attribute15
* wipEntityId
* attribute4
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute8
* wfItemKey
* workRequestTypeId
* creationDate


 * wipEntityId
* operationSeqNum
* errorMsg
* instanceId
* processedFlag
* organizationId
* attachmentText
* lastUpdateDate
* endecaId


 * wipEntityId
* operationSeqNum
* errorMsg
* instanceId
* processedFlag
* organizationId
* attachmentText
* lastUpdateDate
* endecaId


 * createdBy
* attribute9
* programApplicationId
* attribute7
* attribute15
* programUpdateDate
* effectiveDate
* programId
* attribute8
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute5
* attribute11
* attribute1
* attribute6
* attribute10
* organizationId
* attribute12
* hourlyLaborRate
* attribute2
* attribute14
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute3
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute13
* creationDate
* compensationRuleSet
* requestId
* attributeCategory
* attribute4
* employeeId


 * createdBy
* attribute9
* programApplicationId
* attribute7
* attribute15
* programUpdateDate
* effectiveDate
* programId
* attribute8
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute5
* attribute11
* attribute1
* attribute6
* attribute10
* organizationId
* attribute12
* hourlyLaborRate
* attribute2
* attribute14
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute3
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute13
* creationDate
* compensationRuleSet
* requestId
* attributeCategory
* attribute4
* employeeId


 * createdBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* wipEntityId
* creationDate
* organizationId
* description
* programUpdateDate
* primaryItemId
* programApplicationId
* genObjectId
* lastUpdatedBy
* entityType
* wipEntityName
* lastUpdateDate
* requestId
* programId


 * description
* programApplicationId
* validateStructure
* creationDate
* assetActivityId
* userId
* pmScheduleId
* routingRevision
* pmSuggestedStartDate
* attribute7
* rebuildSerialNumber
* assignmentComplete
* createdBy
* commonRoutingSequenceId
* wipSupplyType
* resourceVarianceAccount
* materialIssueByMo
* materialOverheadAccount
* attribute4
* materialShortageCheckDate
* resourceAccount
* outsideProcVarianceAccount
* stdCostAdjustmentAccount
* manualRebuildFlag
* overheadVarianceAccount
* classCode
* failureCodeRequired
* pmBaseMeterReading
* rebuildItemId
* wipEntityId
* attribute8
* batchId
* pmBaseMeter
* attribute6
* projectId
* outsideProcessingAccount
* dsScheduledFlag
* assetNumber
* wipEntityName
* activityCause
* eamLinearLocationId
* routingRevisionDate
* attribute15
* endItemUnitNumber
* attribute5
* activitySource
* activityType
* returnStatus
* requestId
* poCreationTime
* attribute12
* transactionType
* workflowType
* maintenanceObjectSource
* seqId
* shutdownType
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute2
* bomRevision
* submissionDate
* userDefinedStatusId
* priority
* entityType
* firmPlannedFlag
* owningDepartment
* reportType
* genObjectId
* jobQuantity
* pmSuggestedEndDate
* materialVarianceAccount
* attribute9
* cycleId
* planMaintenance
* alternateRoutingDesignator
* attribute3
* programId
* parentWipEntityId
* bomRevisionDate
* dueDate
* sourceCode
* organizationId
* assetGroupId
* scheduleGroupId
* attribute14
* notificationRequired
* warrantyClaimStatus
* processFlag
* attributeCategory
* commonBomSequenceId
* workOrderType
* taskId
* tagoutRequired
* requestedStartDate
* dateReleased
* alternateBomDesignator
* attribute10
* materialAccount
* headerId
* maintenanceObjectType
* statusType
* scheduledStartDate
* pendingFlag
* materialShortageFlag
* attribute13
* overheadAccount
* attribute11
* actualCloseDate
* maintenanceObjectId
* warrantyActive
* issueZeroCostFlag
* scheduledCompletionDate
* attribute1
* sourceLineId
* responsibilityId
* lastUpdatedBy


 * description
* programApplicationId
* validateStructure
* creationDate
* assetActivityId
* userId
* pmScheduleId
* routingRevision
* pmSuggestedStartDate
* attribute7
* rebuildSerialNumber
* assignmentComplete
* createdBy
* commonRoutingSequenceId
* wipSupplyType
* resourceVarianceAccount
* materialIssueByMo
* materialOverheadAccount
* attribute4
* materialShortageCheckDate
* resourceAccount
* outsideProcVarianceAccount
* stdCostAdjustmentAccount
* manualRebuildFlag
* overheadVarianceAccount
* classCode
* failureCodeRequired
* pmBaseMeterReading
* rebuildItemId
* wipEntityId
* attribute8
* batchId
* pmBaseMeter
* attribute6
* projectId
* outsideProcessingAccount
* dsScheduledFlag
* assetNumber
* wipEntityName
* activityCause
* eamLinearLocationId
* routingRevisionDate
* attribute15
* endItemUnitNumber
* attribute5
* activitySource
* activityType
* returnStatus
* requestId
* poCreationTime
* attribute12
* transactionType
* workflowType
* maintenanceObjectSource
* seqId
* shutdownType
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute2
* bomRevision
* submissionDate
* userDefinedStatusId
* priority
* entityType
* firmPlannedFlag
* owningDepartment
* reportType
* genObjectId
* jobQuantity
* pmSuggestedEndDate
* materialVarianceAccount
* attribute9
* cycleId
* planMaintenance
* alternateRoutingDesignator
* attribute3
* programId
* parentWipEntityId
* bomRevisionDate
* dueDate
* sourceCode
* organizationId
* assetGroupId
* scheduleGroupId
* attribute14
* notificationRequired
* warrantyClaimStatus
* processFlag
* attributeCategory
* commonBomSequenceId
* workOrderType
* taskId
* tagoutRequired
* requestedStartDate
* dateReleased
* alternateBomDesignator
* attribute10
* materialAccount
* headerId
* maintenanceObjectType
* statusType
* scheduledStartDate
* pendingFlag
* materialShortageFlag
* attribute13
* overheadAccount
* attribute11
* actualCloseDate
* maintenanceObjectId
* warrantyActive
* issueZeroCostFlag
* scheduledCompletionDate
* attribute1
* sourceLineId
* responsibilityId
* lastUpdatedBy


 * createdBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* wipEntityId
* creationDate
* organizationId
* description
* programUpdateDate
* primaryItemId
* programApplicationId
* genObjectId
* lastUpdatedBy
* entityType
* wipEntityName
* lastUpdateDate
* requestId
* programId


 * createdBy
* operationSeqNum
* lastUpdateLogin
* creationDate
* attribute13
* note
* resourceSeqNum
* reasonCode
* attribute10
* exceptionId
* reportedDate
* assemblySerialNumber
* attribute6
* owningDepartmentId
* attribute5
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute14
* reportedBy
* organizationId
* statusType
* attribute9
* attribute3
* attribute8
* attribute11
* resourceId
* attribute4
* componentItemId
* attribute7
* attribute15
* attribute12
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute1
* wipEntityId
* serialNumber
* objectVersionNumber
* equipmentItemId
* attribute2
* attributeCategory
* exceptionType


 * createdBy
* operationSeqNum
* lastUpdateLogin
* creationDate
* attribute13
* note
* resourceSeqNum
* reasonCode
* attribute10
* exceptionId
* reportedDate
* assemblySerialNumber
* attribute6
* owningDepartmentId
* attribute5
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute14
* reportedBy
* organizationId
* statusType
* attribute9
* attribute3
* attribute8
* attribute11
* resourceId
* attribute4
* componentItemId
* attribute7
* attribute15
* attribute12
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute1
* wipEntityId
* serialNumber
* objectVersionNumber
* equipmentItemId
* attribute2
* attributeCategory
* exceptionType


 * scheduleNumber
* bomRevision
* status
* alternateBomDesignator
* materialAccount
* resourceAccount
* quantityScrapped
* lastUpdateDate
* dateClosed
* alternateRoutingDesignator
* classCode
* demandSourceLine
* demandSourceType
* creationDate
* allocatedFlag
* completionLocatorId
* attribute7
* currentLineOperation
* synchScheduleNum
* attribute11
* mpsNetQuantity
* scheduledFlag
* kanbanCardId
* lastUpdatedBy
* wipEntityId
* attributeCategory
* outsideProcessingAccount
* attribute1
* programUpdateDate
* quantityCompleted
* createdBy
* scheduledStartDate
* attribute4
* resourceVarianceAccount
* organizationId
* programId
* bomRevisionDate
* completionSubinventory
* attribute2
* rollForwardedFlag
* materialVarianceAccount
* attribute12
* routingRevision
* attribute14
* programApplicationId
* routingRevisionDate
* requestId
* buildSequence
* taskId
* lastUpdateLogin
* demandClass
* demandSourceDelivery
* materialOverheadAccount
* scheduleGroupId
* endItemUnitNumber
* attribute3
* transactedFlag
* plannedQuantity
* lineId
* synchOperationSeqNum
* attribute13
* soConsumedPlanId
* overheadAccount
* overheadVarianceAccount
* autoReplenish
* attribute6
* attribute15
* stdCostAdjustmentAccount
* projectId
* scheduledCompletionDate
* outsideProcVarianceAccount
* mpsScheduledCompletionDate
* attribute5
* demandSourceHeaderId
* attribute9
* attribute8
* attribute10
* primaryItemId


 * scheduleNumber
* bomRevision
* status
* alternateBomDesignator
* materialAccount
* resourceAccount
* quantityScrapped
* lastUpdateDate
* dateClosed
* alternateRoutingDesignator
* classCode
* demandSourceLine
* demandSourceType
* creationDate
* allocatedFlag
* completionLocatorId
* attribute7
* currentLineOperation
* synchScheduleNum
* attribute11
* mpsNetQuantity
* scheduledFlag
* kanbanCardId
* lastUpdatedBy
* wipEntityId
* attributeCategory
* outsideProcessingAccount
* attribute1
* programUpdateDate
* quantityCompleted
* createdBy
* scheduledStartDate
* attribute4
* resourceVarianceAccount
* organizationId
* programId
* bomRevisionDate
* completionSubinventory
* attribute2
* rollForwardedFlag
* materialVarianceAccount
* attribute12
* routingRevision
* attribute14
* programApplicationId
* routingRevisionDate
* requestId
* buildSequence
* taskId
* lastUpdateLogin
* demandClass
* demandSourceDelivery
* materialOverheadAccount
* scheduleGroupId
* endItemUnitNumber
* attribute3
* transactedFlag
* plannedQuantity
* lineId
* synchOperationSeqNum
* attribute13
* soConsumedPlanId
* overheadAccount
* overheadVarianceAccount
* autoReplenish
* attribute6
* attribute15
* stdCostAdjustmentAccount
* projectId
* scheduledCompletionDate
* outsideProcVarianceAccount
* mpsScheduledCompletionDate
* attribute5
* demandSourceHeaderId
* attribute9
* attribute8
* attribute10
* primaryItemId


 * lineId
* standardUnits
* standardQuantity
* operationSeqNum
* programUpdateDate
* creationDate
* requestId
* resourceId
* organizationId
* lastUpdateLogin
* appliedUnitsUtz
* totalQuantity
* programApplicationId
* lastUpdateDate
* scrapQuantity
* requiredQuantity
* resourceBasis
* shareFromDeptId
* indicatorType
* lastUpdatedBy
* groupId
* requiredHours
* transactionDate
* createdBy
* programId
* resourceCost
* appliedUnitsPrd
* processPhase
* departmentCode
* wipEntityId
* resourceCode
* availableUnits
* departmentId
* shiftNum
* availableQuantity


 * lineId
* standardUnits
* standardQuantity
* operationSeqNum
* programUpdateDate
* creationDate
* requestId
* resourceId
* organizationId
* lastUpdateLogin
* appliedUnitsUtz
* totalQuantity
* programApplicationId
* lastUpdateDate
* scrapQuantity
* requiredQuantity
* resourceBasis
* shareFromDeptId
* indicatorType
* lastUpdatedBy
* groupId
* requiredHours
* transactionDate
* createdBy
* programId
* resourceCost
* appliedUnitsPrd
* processPhase
* departmentCode
* wipEntityId
* resourceCode
* availableUnits
* departmentId
* shiftNum
* availableQuantity


 * lastUpdateDate
* createdBy
* lastUpdatedBy
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* interfaceId
* error
* errorType


 * lastUpdateDate
* createdBy
* lastUpdatedBy
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* interfaceId
* error
* errorType


 * createdBy
* completionDate
* longDescription
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute11
* attribute5
* quantityIssued
* firstUnitCompletionDate
* attribute6
* attribute7
* scheduleSeqNum
* appliedResourceValue
* activityId
* uomCode
* groupSequenceNumber
* lastUnitCompletionDate
* scheduledFlag
* programApplicationId
* serialNumberOld
* firmFlag
* mrpNetFlag
* processStatus
* lastUpdatedBy
* creationDate
* dateRequired
* supplySubinventory
* attributeCategory
* comments
* resourceIdNew
* attribute3
* programUpdateDate
* parentSeqNum
* programId
* usageRateOrAmount
* lastUnitStartDate
* attribute12
* departmentId
* supplyLocatorId
* minimumTransferQuantity
* attribute4
* setupId
* attribute2
* batchId
* substitutionType
* startDate
* resourceSeqNum
* chargeNumber
* attribute8
* resourceSerialNumber
* componentYieldFactor
* attribute9
* requiredQuantity
* mpsRequiredQuantity
* attribute13
* inventoryItemIdOld
* wipEntityId
* autochargeType
* description
* requestId
* serialNumberNew
* interfaceId
* appliedResourceUnits
* operationSeqNum
* organizationId
* firstUnitStartDate
* attribute14
* lastUpdateLogin
* wipSupplyType
* componentSequenceId
* attribute10
* processPhase
* groupId
* quantityPerAssembly
* replacementGroupNum
* maximumAssignedUnits
* basisType
* loadType
* attribute15
* inventoryItemIdNew
* standardRateFlag
* mpsDateRequired
* backflushFlag
* resourceIdOld
* attribute1
* countPointType
* autoRequestMaterial
* parentHeaderId
* substituteGroupNum
* resourceInstanceId
* nextNetworkOpSeqNum
* standardOperationId
* groupSequenceId
* assignedUnits


 * createdBy
* completionDate
* longDescription
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute11
* attribute5
* quantityIssued
* firstUnitCompletionDate
* attribute6
* attribute7
* scheduleSeqNum
* appliedResourceValue
* activityId
* uomCode
* groupSequenceNumber
* lastUnitCompletionDate
* scheduledFlag
* programApplicationId
* serialNumberOld
* firmFlag
* mrpNetFlag
* processStatus
* lastUpdatedBy
* creationDate
* dateRequired
* supplySubinventory
* attributeCategory
* comments
* resourceIdNew
* attribute3
* programUpdateDate
* parentSeqNum
* programId
* usageRateOrAmount
* lastUnitStartDate
* attribute12
* departmentId
* supplyLocatorId
* minimumTransferQuantity
* attribute4
* setupId
* attribute2
* batchId
* substitutionType
* startDate
* resourceSeqNum
* chargeNumber
* attribute8
* resourceSerialNumber
* componentYieldFactor
* attribute9
* requiredQuantity
* mpsRequiredQuantity
* attribute13
* inventoryItemIdOld
* wipEntityId
* autochargeType
* description
* requestId
* serialNumberNew
* interfaceId
* appliedResourceUnits
* operationSeqNum
* organizationId
* firstUnitStartDate
* attribute14
* lastUpdateLogin
* wipSupplyType
* componentSequenceId
* attribute10
* processPhase
* groupId
* quantityPerAssembly
* replacementGroupNum
* maximumAssignedUnits
* basisType
* loadType
* attribute15
* inventoryItemIdNew
* standardRateFlag
* mpsDateRequired
* backflushFlag
* resourceIdOld
* attribute1
* countPointType
* autoRequestMaterial
* parentHeaderId
* substituteGroupNum
* resourceInstanceId
* nextNetworkOpSeqNum
* standardOperationId
* groupSequenceId
* assignedUnits


 * priority
* activityType
* endItemUnitNumber
* routingReferenceId
* repetitiveScheduleId
* primaryItemSegments
* attribute15
* programApplicationId
* lastUnitStartDate
* wipEntityId
* rebuildSerialNumber
* assetNumber
* groupId
* loadType
* lineId
* deliveryId
* completionLocatorId
* activityCause
* explodeBom
* serializationStartOp
* rebuildItemId
* assetGroupId
* workOrderType
* allowExplosion
* tagoutRequired
* requestId
* owningDepartment
* attribute1
* taskId
* primaryItemId
* attribute13
* attribute9
* sourceLineId
* bomReferenceId
* dailyProductionRate
* bomRevision
* demandClass
* planMaintenance
* routingReferenceSegments
* lotNumber
* lastUpdatedBy
* alternateRoutingDesignator
* attribute10
* firmPlannedFlag
* dateReleased
* attribute6
* scheduleGroupName
* firstUnitCompletionDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute8
* processingWorkDays
* notificationRequired
* createdByName
* coproductsSupply
* attributeCategory
* attribute11
* dueDate
* manualRebuildFlag
* lastUpdatedByName
* maintenanceObjectType
* routingRevisionDate
* lastUnitCompletionDate
* shutdownType
* wipSupplyType
* attribute7
* description
* overcompletionToleranceType
* parentJobName
* headerId
* kanbanCardId
* classCode
* attribute5
* attribute3
* projectId
* bomReferenceSegments
* assetGroupSegments
* organizationCode
* schedulingMethod
* netQuantity
* maintenanceObjectSource
* dueDateTolerance
* requestedStartDate
* completionLocatorSegments
* attribute14
* projectNumber
* attribute2
* buildSequence
* completionSubinventory
* parentWipEntityId
* pmScheduleId
* interfaceId
* rebuildItemSegments
* programId
* processPhase
* overcompletionToleranceValue
* programUpdateDate
* lineCode
* jobName
* scheduleGroupId
* lastUpdateDate
* dueDatePenalty
* routingRevision
* creationDate
* createdBy
* organizationId
* alternateBomDesignator
* statusType
* processStatus
* startQuantity
* maintenanceObjectId
* xmlDocumentId
* bomRevisionDate
* attribute4
* owningDepartmentCode
* activitySource
* taskNumber
* explodeRouting
* attribute12
* firstUnitStartDate
* materialIssueByMo
* sourceCode


 * priority
* activityType
* endItemUnitNumber
* routingReferenceId
* repetitiveScheduleId
* primaryItemSegments
* attribute15
* programApplicationId
* lastUnitStartDate
* wipEntityId
* rebuildSerialNumber
* assetNumber
* groupId
* loadType
* lineId
* deliveryId
* completionLocatorId
* activityCause
* explodeBom
* serializationStartOp
* rebuildItemId
* assetGroupId
* workOrderType
* allowExplosion
* tagoutRequired
* requestId
* owningDepartment
* attribute1
* taskId
* primaryItemId
* attribute13
* attribute9
* sourceLineId
* bomReferenceId
* dailyProductionRate
* bomRevision
* demandClass
* planMaintenance
* routingReferenceSegments
* lotNumber
* lastUpdatedBy
* alternateRoutingDesignator
* attribute10
* firmPlannedFlag
* dateReleased
* attribute6
* scheduleGroupName
* firstUnitCompletionDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute8
* processingWorkDays
* notificationRequired
* createdByName
* coproductsSupply
* attributeCategory
* attribute11
* dueDate
* manualRebuildFlag
* lastUpdatedByName
* maintenanceObjectType
* routingRevisionDate
* lastUnitCompletionDate
* shutdownType
* wipSupplyType
* attribute7
* description
* overcompletionToleranceType
* parentJobName
* headerId
* kanbanCardId
* classCode
* attribute5
* attribute3
* projectId
* bomReferenceSegments
* assetGroupSegments
* organizationCode
* schedulingMethod
* netQuantity
* maintenanceObjectSource
* dueDateTolerance
* requestedStartDate
* completionLocatorSegments
* attribute14
* projectNumber
* attribute2
* buildSequence
* completionSubinventory
* parentWipEntityId
* pmScheduleId
* interfaceId
* rebuildItemSegments
* programId
* processPhase
* overcompletionToleranceValue
* programUpdateDate
* lineCode
* jobName
* scheduleGroupId
* lastUpdateDate
* dueDatePenalty
* routingRevision
* creationDate
* createdBy
* organizationId
* alternateBomDesignator
* statusType
* processStatus
* startQuantity
* maintenanceObjectId
* xmlDocumentId
* bomRevisionDate
* attribute4
* owningDepartmentCode
* activitySource
* taskNumber
* explodeRouting
* attribute12
* firstUnitStartDate
* materialIssueByMo
* sourceCode


 * metric2Attribute1
* objectVersionNumber
* lastUpdateDate
* programUpdateDate
* shiftNum
* employeeId
* createdBy
* programApplicationId
* programId
* resourceId
* organizationId
* lastUpdateLogin
* metric3Attribute1
* metric3Attribute2
* dateSequence
* metric2Attribute2
* metric1Attribute1
* metric1Attribute2
* requestId
* departmentId
* lastUpdatedBy
* creationDate


 * metric2Attribute1
* objectVersionNumber
* lastUpdateDate
* programUpdateDate
* shiftNum
* employeeId
* createdBy
* programApplicationId
* programId
* resourceId
* organizationId
* lastUpdateLogin
* metric3Attribute1
* metric3Attribute2
* dateSequence
* metric2Attribute2
* metric1Attribute1
* metric1Attribute2
* requestId
* departmentId
* lastUpdatedBy
* creationDate


 * attribute14
* attribute3
* attribute5
* schedulingMethodId
* organizationId
* seqDirection
* attribute4
* attribute7
* exceptionSetName
* attribute13
* lineId
* attribute2
* attribute9
* attribute10
* attribute8
* minimumRate
* disableDate
* maximumRate
* fixedThroughput
* attribute11
* atpRuleId
* seqConnectFlag
* creationDate
* seqCombineScheduleFlag
* description
* startTime
* seqDefaultRuleId
* stopTime
* lineScheduleType
* attribute12
* attribute15
* createdBy
* seqFixSequenceAmount
* lineCode
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute6
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* seqFixSequenceType
* attribute1
* attributeCategory


 * attribute14
* attribute3
* attribute5
* schedulingMethodId
* organizationId
* seqDirection
* attribute4
* attribute7
* exceptionSetName
* attribute13
* lineId
* attribute2
* attribute9
* attribute10
* attribute8
* minimumRate
* disableDate
* maximumRate
* fixedThroughput
* attribute11
* atpRuleId
* seqConnectFlag
* creationDate
* seqCombineScheduleFlag
* description
* startTime
* seqDefaultRuleId
* stopTime
* lineScheduleType
* attribute12
* attribute15
* createdBy
* seqFixSequenceAmount
* lineCode
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute6
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* seqFixSequenceType
* attribute1
* attributeCategory


 * locatorId
* createdBy
* transactionSourceId
* transactionDate
* transactionUom
* sourceCode
* headerId
* acctPeriodId
* creationDate
* wipEntityId
* alternateBomDesignator
* completionTransactionId
* programApplicationId
* endItemUnitNumber
* lastUpdateLogin
* bomRevision
* accountingClass
* finalCompletionFlag
* subinventoryCode
* bomRevisionDate
* organizationId
* scheduleId
* sourceProjectId
* costGroupId
* lastUpdateDate
* lpnId
* errorCode
* itemProjectId
* transactionQuantity
* operationSeqNum
* repetitiveLineId
* kanbanCardId
* transactionMode
* qaCollectionId
* demandSourceLine
* reasonId
* completionStatus
* wipEntityType
* sourceTaskId
* transactionTypeId
* alternateRoutingDesignator
* demandSourceHeaderId
* inventoryItemId
* routingRevisionDate
* programId
* lastUpdatedBy
* lockFlag
* sourceId
* programUpdateDate
* primaryQuantity
* transactionSourceTypeId
* transactionActionId
* routingRevision
* itemTaskId
* demandSourceDelivery
* reference


 * cAttribute17
* volumeUom
* dAttribute1
* changeDate
* widthUom
* primaryQuantity
* headerId
* creationDate
* cAttribute11
* territoryCode
* nAttribute4
* nAttribute10
* color
* bestByDate
* lotNumber
* cAttribute10
* cAttribute13
* programUpdateDate
* killDate
* cAttribute6
* recycledContent
* requestId
* errorCode
* nAttribute6
* maturityDate
* itemSize
* width
* dAttribute6
* nAttribute5
* vendorId
* originationDate
* cAttribute1
* cAttribute14
* cAttribute8
* cAttribute19
* transactionQuantity
* vendorName
* retestDate
* thicknessUom
* lotExpirationDate
* cAttribute12
* curlWrinkleFold
* description
* lotAttributeCategory
* lastUpdateLogin
* nAttribute3
* dAttribute2
* nAttribute2
* holdDate
* dAttribute9
* statusId
* cAttribute18
* cAttribute9
* cAttribute15
* programApplicationId
* cAttribute4
* dAttribute4
* nAttribute1
* lastUpdatedBy
* gradeCode
* lengthUom
* programId
* dAttribute3
* placeOfOrigin
* vendorLotNumber
* createdBy
* originationType
* cAttribute7
* dAttribute7
* nAttribute9
* cAttribute3
* dAttribute8
* length
* volume
* cAttribute16
* age
* nAttribute7
* lastUpdateDate
* cAttribute2
* dAttribute10
* supplierLotNumber
* cAttribute20
* expirationActionCode
* thickness
* statusCode
* dateCode
* cAttribute5
* nAttribute11
* dAttribute5
* nAttribute8
* expirationActionDate


 * cAttribute17
* volumeUom
* dAttribute1
* changeDate
* widthUom
* primaryQuantity
* headerId
* creationDate
* cAttribute11
* territoryCode
* nAttribute4
* nAttribute10
* color
* bestByDate
* lotNumber
* cAttribute10
* cAttribute13
* programUpdateDate
* killDate
* cAttribute6
* recycledContent
* requestId
* errorCode
* nAttribute6
* maturityDate
* itemSize
* width
* dAttribute6
* nAttribute5
* vendorId
* originationDate
* cAttribute1
* cAttribute14
* cAttribute8
* cAttribute19
* transactionQuantity
* vendorName
* retestDate
* thicknessUom
* lotExpirationDate
* cAttribute12
* curlWrinkleFold
* description
* lotAttributeCategory
* lastUpdateLogin
* nAttribute3
* dAttribute2
* nAttribute2
* holdDate
* dAttribute9
* statusId
* cAttribute18
* cAttribute9
* cAttribute15
* programApplicationId
* cAttribute4
* dAttribute4
* nAttribute1
* lastUpdatedBy
* gradeCode
* lengthUom
* programId
* dAttribute3
* placeOfOrigin
* vendorLotNumber
* createdBy
* originationType
* cAttribute7
* dAttribute7
* nAttribute9
* cAttribute3
* dAttribute8
* length
* volume
* cAttribute16
* age
* nAttribute7
* lastUpdateDate
* cAttribute2
* dAttribute10
* supplierLotNumber
* cAttribute20
* expirationActionCode
* thickness
* statusCode
* dateCode
* cAttribute5
* nAttribute11
* dAttribute5
* nAttribute8
* expirationActionDate


 * cAttribute17
* cAttribute9
* timeSinceRepair
* creationDate
* dAttribute10
* timeSinceVisit
* parentSerialNumber
* nAttribute1
* cAttribute5
* nAttribute4
* territoryCode
* dAttribute3
* timeSinceNew
* numberOfRepairs
* headerId
* cAttribute20
* cyclesSinceNew
* cyclesSinceOverhaul
* cAttribute6
* cAttribute2
* fmSerialNumber
* cAttribute8
* cyclesSinceVisit
* cAttribute15
* nAttribute8
* cAttribute16
* cAttribute14
* dAttribute5
* toSerialNumber
* statusCode
* lastUpdateLogin
* timeSinceOverhaul
* dAttribute7
* nAttribute9
* cAttribute19
* dAttribute4
* cAttribute13
* nAttribute10
* requestId
* createdBy
* cAttribute1
* cAttribute3
* timeSinceMark
* lastUpdatedBy
* serialPrefix
* statusId
* nAttribute5
* cAttribute10
* programUpdateDate
* dAttribute8
* nAttribute6
* dAttribute6
* cAttribute11
* cyclesSinceRepair
* programId
* cAttribute18
* nAttribute3
* programApplicationId
* cAttribute7
* nAttribute7
* originationDate
* lotNumber
* cAttribute12
* serialAttributeCategory
* cyclesSinceMark
* cAttribute4
* dAttribute9
* errorCode
* dAttribute2
* dAttribute1
* nAttribute2
* transactionQuantity
* lastUpdateDate


 * cAttribute17
* cAttribute9
* timeSinceRepair
* creationDate
* dAttribute10
* timeSinceVisit
* parentSerialNumber
* nAttribute1
* cAttribute5
* nAttribute4
* territoryCode
* dAttribute3
* timeSinceNew
* numberOfRepairs
* headerId
* cAttribute20
* cyclesSinceNew
* cyclesSinceOverhaul
* cAttribute6
* cAttribute2
* fmSerialNumber
* cAttribute8
* cyclesSinceVisit
* cAttribute15
* nAttribute8
* cAttribute16
* cAttribute14
* dAttribute5
* toSerialNumber
* statusCode
* lastUpdateLogin
* timeSinceOverhaul
* dAttribute7
* nAttribute9
* cAttribute19
* dAttribute4
* cAttribute13
* nAttribute10
* requestId
* createdBy
* cAttribute1
* cAttribute3
* timeSinceMark
* lastUpdatedBy
* serialPrefix
* statusId
* nAttribute5
* cAttribute10
* programUpdateDate
* dAttribute8
* nAttribute6
* dAttribute6
* cAttribute11
* cyclesSinceRepair
* programId
* cAttribute18
* nAttribute3
* programApplicationId
* cAttribute7
* nAttribute7
* originationDate
* lotNumber
* cAttribute12
* serialAttributeCategory
* cyclesSinceMark
* cAttribute4
* dAttribute9
* errorCode
* dAttribute2
* dAttribute1
* nAttribute2
* transactionQuantity
* lastUpdateDate


 * locatorId
* createdBy
* transactionSourceId
* transactionDate
* transactionUom
* sourceCode
* headerId
* acctPeriodId
* creationDate
* wipEntityId
* alternateBomDesignator
* completionTransactionId
* programApplicationId
* endItemUnitNumber
* lastUpdateLogin
* bomRevision
* accountingClass
* finalCompletionFlag
* subinventoryCode
* bomRevisionDate
* organizationId
* scheduleId
* sourceProjectId
* costGroupId
* lastUpdateDate
* lpnId
* errorCode
* itemProjectId
* transactionQuantity
* operationSeqNum
* repetitiveLineId
* kanbanCardId
* transactionMode
* qaCollectionId
* demandSourceLine
* reasonId
* completionStatus
* wipEntityType
* sourceTaskId
* transactionTypeId
* alternateRoutingDesignator
* demandSourceHeaderId
* inventoryItemId
* routingRevisionDate
* programId
* lastUpdatedBy
* lockFlag
* sourceId
* programUpdateDate
* primaryQuantity
* transactionSourceTypeId
* transactionActionId
* routingRevision
* itemTaskId
* demandSourceDelivery
* reference


 * departmentId
* wipSupplyType
* componentSequenceId
* batchId
* unitPrice
* mpsDateRequired
* mrpNetFlag
* releasedQuantity
* headerId
* inventoryItemId
* requiredQuantity
* comments
* organizationId
* autoRequestMaterial
* creationDate
* wipEntityId
* dateRequired
* quantityIssued
* createdBy
* mpsRequiredQuantity
* quantityPerAssembly
* operationSeqNum


 * departmentId
* wipSupplyType
* componentSequenceId
* batchId
* unitPrice
* mpsDateRequired
* mrpNetFlag
* releasedQuantity
* headerId
* inventoryItemId
* requiredQuantity
* comments
* organizationId
* autoRequestMaterial
* creationDate
* wipEntityId
* dateRequired
* quantityIssued
* createdBy
* mpsRequiredQuantity
* quantityPerAssembly
* operationSeqNum


 * transactionUom
* attribute6
* toOperationCode
* groupId
* programUpdateDate
* attribute8
* sourceCode
* qaCollectionId
* toDepartmentId
* reference
* primaryItemId
* createdBy
* lineId
* fmDepartmentId
* fmOperationSeqNum
* attribute14
* batchId
* wfItemkey
* transactionQuantity
* fmOperationCode
* primaryUom
* wfItemtype
* completedInstructions
* attribute13
* programId
* wipEntityId
* fmIntraoperationStepType
* toIntraoperationStepType
* attribute10
* attribute3
* wsmUndoTxnId
* attribute4
* attributeCategory
* attribute7
* attribute12
* primaryQuantity
* acctPeriodId
* reasonId
* jobQuantitySnapshot
* organizationId
* attribute11
* attribute15
* attribute9
* programApplicationId
* attribute2
* transactionDate
* transactionId
* lastUpdateDate
* scrapAccountId
* lastUpdatedBy
* requestId
* overcompletionTransactionQty
* attribute5
* sourceLineId
* employeeId
* overcompletionTransactionId
* overcompletionPrimaryQty
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* toOperationSeqNum
* attribute1


 * transactionUom
* attribute6
* toOperationCode
* groupId
* programUpdateDate
* attribute8
* sourceCode
* qaCollectionId
* toDepartmentId
* reference
* primaryItemId
* createdBy
* lineId
* fmDepartmentId
* fmOperationSeqNum
* attribute14
* batchId
* wfItemkey
* transactionQuantity
* fmOperationCode
* primaryUom
* wfItemtype
* completedInstructions
* attribute13
* programId
* wipEntityId
* fmIntraoperationStepType
* toIntraoperationStepType
* attribute10
* attribute3
* wsmUndoTxnId
* attribute4
* attributeCategory
* attribute7
* attribute12
* primaryQuantity
* acctPeriodId
* reasonId
* jobQuantitySnapshot
* organizationId
* attribute11
* attribute15
* attribute9
* programApplicationId
* attribute2
* transactionDate
* transactionId
* lastUpdateDate
* scrapAccountId
* lastUpdatedBy
* requestId
* overcompletionTransactionQty
* attribute5
* sourceLineId
* employeeId
* overcompletionTransactionId
* overcompletionPrimaryQty
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* toOperationSeqNum
* attribute1


 * programUpdateDate
* transactionId
* transactionQuantity
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* repetitiveScheduleId
* lastUpdateDate
* programApplicationId
* requestId
* primaryQuantity
* programId
* createdBy
* organizationId
* creationDate


 * programUpdateDate
* transactionId
* transactionQuantity
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* repetitiveScheduleId
* lastUpdateDate
* programApplicationId
* requestId
* primaryQuantity
* programId
* createdBy
* organizationId
* creationDate


 * groupId
* toDepartmentId
* programId
* attribute7
* attribute4
* attribute15
* attribute9
* attribute12
* overcompletionPrimaryQty
* toOperationCode
* wipEntityId
* lineCode
* transactionDate
* attribute14
* overcompletionTransactionId
* attributeCategory
* reasonName
* transactionQuantity
* acctPeriodId
* programUpdateDate
* toOperationSeqNum
* attribute6
* wipEntityName
* kanbanCardId
* transactionType
* primaryQuantity
* fmDepartmentCode
* lineId
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute8
* fmOperationSeqNum
* fmIntraoperationStepType
* processPhase
* transactionId
* attribute2
* fmDepartmentId
* toDepartmentCode
* requestId
* programApplicationId
* attribute3
* processingOrder
* entityType
* sourceLineId
* sourceCode
* organizationCode
* attribute1
* attribute5
* employeeId
* createdBy
* repetitiveScheduleId
* fmOperationCode
* lastUpdateLogin
* batchId
* primaryUom
* toIntraoperationStepType
* qaCollectionId
* attribute11
* transactionUom
* processStatus
* scrapAccountId
* createdByName
* xmlDocumentId
* reference
* attribute13
* lastUpdatedByName
* organizationId
* lastUpdatedBy
* primaryItemId
* reasonId
* overcompletionTransactionQty
* attribute10
* completedInstructions
* creationDate


 * wipEntityName
* fmOperationSeqNum
* fmIntraoperationStepType
* toOperationSeqNum
* toIntraoperationStepType
* transactionDate
* transactionQuantity
* organizationId
* transactionUom
* transactionType
* organizationCode
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedByName
* creationDate
* createdByName
* processPhase
* processStatus
* groupId
* acctPeriodId
* programUpdateDate
* attribute7
* attribute6
* attribute4
* kanbanCardId
* programId
* primaryQuantity
* fmDepartmentCode
* lineId
* reasonName
* attribute8
* attribute15
* attribute9
* attributeCategory
* transactionId
* attribute2
* fmDepartmentId
* overcompletionTransactionId
* requestId
* programApplicationId
* attribute3
* processingOrder
* entityType
* sourceLineId
* sourceCode
* attribute14
* attribute1
* attribute5
* employeeId
* toDepartmentCode
* repetitiveScheduleId
* fmOperationCode
* lastUpdateLogin
* batchId
* primaryUom
* attribute12
* qaCollectionId
* attribute11
* overcompletionPrimaryQty
* lineCode
* scrapAccountId
* createdBy
* xmlDocumentId
* reference
* attribute13
* wipEntityId
* toOperationCode
* lastUpdatedBy
* primaryItemId
* reasonId
* overcompletionTransactionQty
* attribute10
* completedInstructions
* toDepartmentId


 * primaryQuantity
* programApplicationId
* programId
* lastUpdatedBy
* creationDate
* organizationId
* transactionDate
* lastUpdateDate
* repetitiveScheduleId
* lastUpdateLogin
* transactionTempId
* programUpdateDate
* completionTransactionId
* transactionQuantity
* createdBy
* requestId


 * primaryQuantity
* programApplicationId
* programId
* lastUpdatedBy
* creationDate
* organizationId
* transactionDate
* lastUpdateDate
* repetitiveScheduleId
* lastUpdateLogin
* transactionTempId
* programUpdateDate
* completionTransactionId
* transactionQuantity
* createdBy
* requestId


 * creationDate
* batchId
* createdBy
* serialNumber
* lastUpdatedBy
* startDate
* organizationId
* completionDate
* resourceSeqNum
* wipEntityId
* lastUpdateDate
* operationSeqNum
* lastUpdateLogin
* instanceId


 * creationDate
* batchId
* createdBy
* serialNumber
* lastUpdatedBy
* startDate
* organizationId
* completionDate
* resourceSeqNum
* wipEntityId
* lastUpdateDate
* operationSeqNum
* lastUpdateLogin
* instanceId


 * acctPeriodId
* programUpdateDate
* creationDate
* estScrapReverseAmt
* programApplicationId
* lastUpdatedBy
* createdBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* wipEntityId
* programId
* lastUpdateDate
* organizationId
* estScrapAbsorbAmt
* estScrapReallocateAmt
* estScrapVarAmt
* requestId


 * acctPeriodId
* programUpdateDate
* creationDate
* estScrapReverseAmt
* programApplicationId
* lastUpdatedBy
* createdBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* wipEntityId
* programId
* lastUpdateDate
* organizationId
* estScrapAbsorbAmt
* estScrapReallocateAmt
* estScrapVarAmt
* requestId


 * requestId
* tlMaterialAmt
* tlResourceAmt
* createdBy
* programUpdateDate
* tlOutsideProcessingAmt
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* creationDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* organizationId
* programApplicationId
* tlOverheadAmt
* programId
* tlEstimatedScrapAmt
* wipEntityId
* tlMaterialOverheadAmt


 * requestId
* tlMaterialAmt
* tlResourceAmt
* createdBy
* programUpdateDate
* tlOutsideProcessingAmt
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* creationDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* organizationId
* programApplicationId
* tlOverheadAmt
* programId
* tlEstimatedScrapAmt
* wipEntityId
* tlMaterialOverheadAmt


 * operationSequenceId
* organizationId
* creationDate
* resourceId
* lastUpdateLogin
* ratingLevelId
* wipEntityId
* qualificationTypeId
* lastUpdateDate
* operationSeqNum
* createdBy
* lastUpdatedBy
* levelId
* competenceId
* standardOperationId


 * operationSequenceId
* organizationId
* creationDate
* resourceId
* lastUpdateLogin
* ratingLevelId
* wipEntityId
* qualificationTypeId
* lastUpdateDate
* operationSeqNum
* createdBy
* lastUpdatedBy
* levelId
* competenceId
* standardOperationId


 * attributeCategory
* lastUpdatedBy
* wipEntityId
* attribute6
* attribute5
* attribute8
* attribute2
* attribute10
* creationDate
* attribute4
* attribute12
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute1
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute14
* nextOperation
* attribute13
* createdBy
* organizationId
* priorOperation
* attribute3
* attribute7
* attribute15
* attribute9
* attribute11


 * attributeCategory
* lastUpdatedBy
* wipEntityId
* attribute6
* attribute5
* attribute8
* attribute2
* attribute10
* creationDate
* attribute4
* attribute12
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute1
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute14
* nextOperation
* attribute13
* createdBy
* organizationId
* priorOperation
* attribute3
* attribute7
* attribute15
* attribute9
* attribute11


 * lastUpdatedBy
* resourceSeqNum
* wipEntityId
* relievedOvhdFinalCompUnits
* appliedOvhdUnits
* requestId
* tempRelievedValue
* relievedVarianceValue
* relievedOvhdCompletionValue
* relievedOvhdScrapUnits
* programApplicationId
* overheadId
* relievedOvhdCompletionUnits
* relievedOvhdScrapValue
* relievedOvhdValue
* programUpdateDate
* appliedOvhdValue
* basisType
* programId
* organizationId
* operationSeqNum
* relievedOvhdUnits
* createdBy
* lastUpdateDate
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin


 * lastUpdatedBy
* resourceSeqNum
* wipEntityId
* relievedOvhdFinalCompUnits
* appliedOvhdUnits
* requestId
* tempRelievedValue
* relievedVarianceValue
* relievedOvhdCompletionValue
* relievedOvhdScrapUnits
* programApplicationId
* overheadId
* relievedOvhdCompletionUnits
* relievedOvhdScrapValue
* relievedOvhdValue
* programUpdateDate
* appliedOvhdValue
* basisType
* programId
* organizationId
* operationSeqNum
* relievedOvhdUnits
* createdBy
* lastUpdateDate
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin


 * instanceId
* wipEntityId
* programUpdateDate
* lastUpdateDate
* cumulativeProcessingTime
* lastUpdateLogin
* requestId
* organizationId
* lastUpdatedBy
* createdBy
* programId
* operationSeqNum
* resourceSeqNum
* creationDate
* completionDate
* programApplicationId
* repetitiveScheduleId
* startDate
* assignedUnits
* serialNumber


 * instanceId
* wipEntityId
* programUpdateDate
* lastUpdateDate
* cumulativeProcessingTime
* lastUpdateLogin
* requestId
* organizationId
* lastUpdatedBy
* createdBy
* programId
* operationSeqNum
* resourceSeqNum
* creationDate
* completionDate
* programApplicationId
* repetitiveScheduleId
* startDate
* assignedUnits
* serialNumber


 * appliedResourceUnits
* relievedResScrapUnits
* programUpdateDate
* autochargeType
* relievedResCompletionUnits
* batchId
* actualCompletionDate
* resourceSeqNum
* uomCode
* wipEntityId
* attribute6
* relievedVarianceValue
* phantomItemId
* groupSequenceId
* actualStartDate
* attribute1
* phantomFlag
* attribute13
* organizationId
* attribute7
* attribute15
* attribute4
* tempRelievedValue
* relievedResFinalCompUnits
* activityId
* standardRateFlag
* lastUpdateLogin
* basisType
* scheduleSeqNum
* lastUpdatedBy
* createdBy
* assignedUnits
* attribute10
* attribute8
* attribute2
* firmFlag
* attribute3
* principleFlag
* programApplicationId
* projectedCompletionDate
* creationDate
* groupSequenceNumber
* lastUpdateDate
* scheduledFlag
* attribute5
* resourceId
* completionDate
* startDate
* relievedResValue
* attributeCategory
* attribute12
* requestId
* replacementGroupNum
* maximumAssignedUnits
* attribute9
* departmentId
* substituteGroupNum
* attribute14
* usageRateOrAmount
* relievedResCompletionValue
* repetitiveScheduleId
* programId
* attribute11
* setupId
* operationSeqNum
* relievedResUnits
* appliedResourceValue
* relievedResScrapValue
* phantomOpSeqNum
* parentResourceSeq


 * appliedResourceUnits
* relievedResScrapUnits
* programUpdateDate
* autochargeType
* relievedResCompletionUnits
* batchId
* actualCompletionDate
* resourceSeqNum
* uomCode
* wipEntityId
* attribute6
* relievedVarianceValue
* phantomItemId
* groupSequenceId
* actualStartDate
* attribute1
* phantomFlag
* attribute13
* organizationId
* attribute7
* attribute15
* attribute4
* tempRelievedValue
* relievedResFinalCompUnits
* activityId
* standardRateFlag
* lastUpdateLogin
* basisType
* scheduleSeqNum
* lastUpdatedBy
* createdBy
* assignedUnits
* attribute10
* attribute8
* attribute2
* firmFlag
* attribute3
* principleFlag
* programApplicationId
* projectedCompletionDate
* creationDate
* groupSequenceNumber
* lastUpdateDate
* scheduledFlag
* attribute5
* resourceId
* completionDate
* startDate
* relievedResValue
* attributeCategory
* attribute12
* requestId
* replacementGroupNum
* maximumAssignedUnits
* attribute9
* departmentId
* substituteGroupNum
* attribute14
* usageRateOrAmount
* relievedResCompletionValue
* repetitiveScheduleId
* programId
* attribute11
* setupId
* operationSeqNum
* relievedResUnits
* appliedResourceValue
* relievedResScrapValue
* phantomOpSeqNum
* parentResourceSeq


 * operationSeqNum
* operationUnitCost
* programUpdateDate
* operationCost
* lastUpdateDate
* cumEstPriorUnitCost
* lastUpdatedBy
* creationDate
* createdBy
* estScrapAbsorbAccount
* estScrapQtyScraped
* organizationId
* requestId
* cumOperationUnitCost
* scrapAccount
* wipEntityId
* programApplicationId
* quantityCompleted
* programId
* quantityScrapped
* estScrapQtyCompleted
* status
* lastUpdateLogin
* estScrapUnitCost


 * operationSeqNum
* operationUnitCost
* programUpdateDate
* operationCost
* lastUpdateDate
* cumEstPriorUnitCost
* lastUpdatedBy
* creationDate
* createdBy
* estScrapAbsorbAccount
* estScrapQtyScraped
* organizationId
* requestId
* cumOperationUnitCost
* scrapAccount
* wipEntityId
* programApplicationId
* quantityCompleted
* programId
* quantityScrapped
* estScrapQtyCompleted
* status
* lastUpdateLogin
* estScrapUnitCost


 * quantityScrapped
* operationYieldEnabled
* cumulativeScrapQuantity
* operationSeqNum
* actualStartDate
* previousOperationSeqNum
* progressPercentage
* operationSequenceId
* quantityRunning
* attribute2
* yPos
* programUpdateDate
* wfItemkey
* departmentId
* attribute10
* lastUpdateLogin
* skipFlag
* attribute8
* attribute5
* lastUnitStartDate
* wsmBonusQuantity
* firstUnitStartDate
* nextOperationSeqNum
* employeeId
* shutdownType
* attribute12
* countPointType
* attributeCategory
* xPos
* wsmCostedQuantityCompleted
* operationYield
* lowestAcceptableYield
* attribute14
* routeCostEqualFlag
* attribute4
* lastUpdatedBy
* scheduledQuantity
* quantityInQueue
* wipEntityId
* attribute11
* previousOperationSeqId
* requestId
* attribute15
* lastUnitCompletionDate
* attribute7
* recommended
* attribute3
* wsmUpdateQuantityTxnId
* description
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute9
* attribute6
* organizationId
* projectedCompletionDate
* creationDate
* backflushFlag
* operationCompleted
* attribute13
* dateLastMoved
* disableDate
* createdBy
* quantityRejected
* minimumTransferQuantity
* programApplicationId
* preSplitQuantity
* quantityCompleted
* standardOperationId
* attribute1
* longDescription
* wsmOpSeqNum
* repetitiveScheduleId
* quantityWaitingToMove
* firstUnitCompletionDate
* checkSkill
* programId
* wfItemtype
* actualCompletionDate


 * quantityScrapped
* operationYieldEnabled
* cumulativeScrapQuantity
* operationSeqNum
* actualStartDate
* previousOperationSeqNum
* progressPercentage
* operationSequenceId
* quantityRunning
* attribute2
* yPos
* programUpdateDate
* wfItemkey
* departmentId
* attribute10
* lastUpdateLogin
* skipFlag
* attribute8
* attribute5
* lastUnitStartDate
* wsmBonusQuantity
* firstUnitStartDate
* nextOperationSeqNum
* employeeId
* shutdownType
* attribute12
* countPointType
* attributeCategory
* xPos
* wsmCostedQuantityCompleted
* operationYield
* lowestAcceptableYield
* attribute14
* routeCostEqualFlag
* attribute4
* lastUpdatedBy
* scheduledQuantity
* quantityInQueue
* wipEntityId
* attribute11
* previousOperationSeqId
* requestId
* attribute15
* lastUnitCompletionDate
* attribute7
* recommended
* attribute3
* wsmUpdateQuantityTxnId
* description
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute9
* attribute6
* organizationId
* projectedCompletionDate
* creationDate
* backflushFlag
* operationCompleted
* attribute13
* dateLastMoved
* disableDate
* createdBy
* quantityRejected
* minimumTransferQuantity
* programApplicationId
* preSplitQuantity
* quantityCompleted
* standardOperationId
* attribute1
* longDescription
* wsmOpSeqNum
* repetitiveScheduleId
* quantityWaitingToMove
* firstUnitCompletionDate
* checkSkill
* programId
* wfItemtype
* actualCompletionDate


 * assignedUnits
* usageRateOrAmount
* scheduledFlag
* standardRateFlag
* startDate
* creationDate
* autochargeType
* headerId
* appliedResourceUnits
* resourceSeqNum
* opCompletionDate
* uomCode
* opStartDate
* basisType
* departmentId
* opDescription
* operationSeqNum
* createdBy
* maximumAssignedUnits
* scheduleSeqNum
* opMinimumTransferQuantity
* organizationId
* firmFlag
* completionDate
* batchId
* resourceId
* wipEntityId
* appliedResourceValue


 * assignedUnits
* usageRateOrAmount
* scheduledFlag
* standardRateFlag
* startDate
* creationDate
* autochargeType
* headerId
* appliedResourceUnits
* resourceSeqNum
* opCompletionDate
* uomCode
* opStartDate
* basisType
* departmentId
* opDescription
* operationSeqNum
* createdBy
* maximumAssignedUnits
* scheduleSeqNum
* opMinimumTransferQuantity
* organizationId
* firmFlag
* completionDate
* batchId
* resourceId
* wipEntityId
* appliedResourceValue


 * createdBy
* basisResourceId
* programUpdateDate
* resourceId
* costElementId
* transactionId
* transactionCostedDate
* programApplicationId
* costGroupId
* lastUpdateLogin
* actualValue
* levelType
* pacPeriodId
* lastUpdateDate
* basisUnits
* lastUpdatedBy
* requestId
* creationDate
* actualCost
* costTypeId
* programId
* basisType


 * createdBy
* basisResourceId
* programUpdateDate
* resourceId
* costElementId
* transactionId
* transactionCostedDate
* programApplicationId
* costGroupId
* lastUpdateLogin
* actualValue
* levelType
* pacPeriodId
* lastUpdateDate
* basisUnits
* lastUpdatedBy
* requestId
* creationDate
* actualCost
* costTypeId
* programId
* basisType


 * lastUpdateLogin
* plOverheadInApull
* tlOverheadTemp
* plResourceOut
* scrapPullResource
* plMaterialOut
* requestId
* scrapPullMaterial
* programId
* tlOutsideProcessingTemp
* plMaterialVar
* costGroupId
* plResourceInApull
* costTypeId
* plOverheadVar
* lastUpdatedBy
* tlResourceVar
* plOverheadIn
* plResourceTemp
* plOverheadTempVar
* plMaterialOverheadVar
* plMaterialOverheadIn
* createdBy
* tlOutsideProcessingOut
* tlOutsideProcessingIn
* operationSeqNum
* plOverheadOut
* relievedScrapQty
* plMaterialIn
* programApplicationId
* operationCompletedUnits
* plResourceVar
* tlResourceOut
* plResourceIn
* tlOutsideProcessingVar
* plOutsideProcessingOut
* plOutsideProcessingTemp
* tlResourceIn
* wipEntityType
* plOverheadTemp
* scrapPullMaterialOverhead
* plMaterialOverheadOut
* organizationId
* lineId
* plMaterialTemp
* plMaterialTempVar
* plOutsideProcessingTempVar
* plOutsideProcessingIn
* plMaterialOverheadTempVar
* programUpdateDate
* plMaterialOverheadInApull
* creationDate
* plMaterialInApull
* plMaterialOverheadTemp
* tlOverheadIn
* plOutsideProcessingInApull
* pacPeriodId
* wipEntityId
* tlResourceTemp
* plOutsideProcessingVar
* relievedAssemblyUnits
* plResourceTempVar
* unrelievedScrapQuantity
* tlOverheadVar
* tlOverheadOut
* scrapPullOverhead
* lastUpdateDate
* scrapPullOutsideProcessing


 * lastUpdateLogin
* plOverheadInApull
* tlOverheadTemp
* plResourceOut
* scrapPullResource
* plMaterialOut
* requestId
* scrapPullMaterial
* programId
* tlOutsideProcessingTemp
* plMaterialVar
* costGroupId
* plResourceInApull
* costTypeId
* plOverheadVar
* lastUpdatedBy
* tlResourceVar
* plOverheadIn
* plResourceTemp
* plOverheadTempVar
* plMaterialOverheadVar
* plMaterialOverheadIn
* createdBy
* tlOutsideProcessingOut
* tlOutsideProcessingIn
* operationSeqNum
* plOverheadOut
* relievedScrapQty
* plMaterialIn
* programApplicationId
* operationCompletedUnits
* plResourceVar
* tlResourceOut
* plResourceIn
* tlOutsideProcessingVar
* plOutsideProcessingOut
* plOutsideProcessingTemp
* tlResourceIn
* wipEntityType
* plOverheadTemp
* scrapPullMaterialOverhead
* plMaterialOverheadOut
* organizationId
* lineId
* plMaterialTemp
* plMaterialTempVar
* plOutsideProcessingTempVar
* plOutsideProcessingIn
* plMaterialOverheadTempVar
* programUpdateDate
* plMaterialOverheadInApull
* creationDate
* plMaterialInApull
* plMaterialOverheadTemp
* tlOverheadIn
* plOutsideProcessingInApull
* pacPeriodId
* wipEntityId
* tlResourceTemp
* plOutsideProcessingVar
* relievedAssemblyUnits
* plResourceTempVar
* unrelievedScrapQuantity
* tlOverheadVar
* tlOverheadOut
* scrapPullOverhead
* lastUpdateDate
* scrapPullOutsideProcessing


 * lastUpdatedBy
* lateNeedByDateTolerance
* globalAttribute1
* componentAtpRuleId
* backflushLotEntryType
* dynamicOperationInsertFlag
* costTypeId
* wipAutoReserveSerial
* autoreleaseDays
* horizonLength
* materialConstrained
* attributeCategory
* globalAttribute13
* earlyNeedByDateTolerance
* defaultScrapAccountId
* defaultSerializationStartOp
* useFiniteScheduler
* dueDateTolerance
* globalAttribute12
* globalAttribute17
* globalAttribute19
* globalAttribute11
* dueDatePenalty
* completionCostSource
* attribute3
* attribute13
* globalAttribute5
* repetitiveVarianceType
* attribute10
* createdBy
* attribute8
* allocateBackflushComponents
* optimization
* systemOptionId
* defaultPlanTasks
* poCreationStatus
* globalAttributeCategory
* lastUpdateDate
* allowBackflushQtyChange
* includeResourceUtilization
* includeComponentYield
* creationDate
* movesOverNoMoveStatuses
* globalAttribute15
* globalAttribute4
* attribute11
* lastUpdateLogin
* mobileTransactionMode
* simulationSet
* globalAttribute10
* attribute15
* includeResourceEfficiency
* defaultWipAutoAssocSn
* globalAttribute18
* poCreationTime
* defaultOvercomplTolerance
* globalAttribute7
* attribute6
* globalAttribute8
* propagateJobChangeToPo
* globalAttribute20
* alternateLotSelectionMethod
* attribute7
* globalAttribute2
* globalAttribute14
* shippingManagerId
* defaultPullSupplyLocatorId
* attribute2
* attribute5
* attribute1
* defaultMoveToStepType
* attribute12
* pickslipGroupingRuleId
* defaultDiscreteClass
* lotNumberDefaultType
* globalAttribute3
* globalAttribute9
* autoComputeFinalCompletion
* productionSchedulerId
* maximumPenalty
* globalAttribute16
* globalAttribute6
* organizationId
* attribute4
* attribute9
* ospShopFloorStatus
* attribute14
* defaultPullSupplySubinv
* mandatoryScrapFlag
* soChangeResponseType


 * lastUpdatedBy
* lateNeedByDateTolerance
* globalAttribute1
* componentAtpRuleId
* backflushLotEntryType
* dynamicOperationInsertFlag
* costTypeId
* wipAutoReserveSerial
* autoreleaseDays
* horizonLength
* materialConstrained
* attributeCategory
* globalAttribute13
* earlyNeedByDateTolerance
* defaultScrapAccountId
* defaultSerializationStartOp
* useFiniteScheduler
* dueDateTolerance
* globalAttribute12
* globalAttribute17
* globalAttribute19
* globalAttribute11
* dueDatePenalty
* completionCostSource
* attribute3
* attribute13
* globalAttribute5
* repetitiveVarianceType
* attribute10
* createdBy
* attribute8
* allocateBackflushComponents
* optimization
* systemOptionId
* defaultPlanTasks
* poCreationStatus
* globalAttributeCategory
* lastUpdateDate
* allowBackflushQtyChange
* includeResourceUtilization
* includeComponentYield
* creationDate
* movesOverNoMoveStatuses
* globalAttribute15
* globalAttribute4
* attribute11
* lastUpdateLogin
* mobileTransactionMode
* simulationSet
* globalAttribute10
* attribute15
* includeResourceEfficiency
* defaultWipAutoAssocSn
* globalAttribute18
* poCreationTime
* defaultOvercomplTolerance
* globalAttribute7
* attribute6
* globalAttribute8
* propagateJobChangeToPo
* globalAttribute20
* alternateLotSelectionMethod
* attribute7
* globalAttribute2
* globalAttribute14
* shippingManagerId
* defaultPullSupplyLocatorId
* attribute2
* attribute5
* attribute1
* defaultMoveToStepType
* attribute12
* pickslipGroupingRuleId
* defaultDiscreteClass
* lotNumberDefaultType
* globalAttribute3
* globalAttribute9
* autoComputeFinalCompletion
* productionSchedulerId
* maximumPenalty
* globalAttribute16
* globalAttribute6
* organizationId
* attribute4
* attribute9
* ospShopFloorStatus
* attribute14
* defaultPullSupplySubinv
* mandatoryScrapFlag
* soChangeResponseType


 * tlResourceIn
* programApplicationId
* plMaterialOut
* tlScrapIn
* plOutsideProcessingOut
* tlScrapOut
* lastUpdatedBy
* tlMaterialVar
* plOverheadVar
* plMaterialOverheadIn
* tlMaterialOut
* requestId
* plMaterialIn
* plResourceIn
* plResourceVar
* creationDate
* plOverheadIn
* acctPeriodId
* lastUpdateLogin
* tlOverheadIn
* plOverheadOut
* createdBy
* plOutsideProcessingIn
* programUpdateDate
* wipEntityId
* plMaterialOverheadOut
* plOutsideProcessingVar
* classType
* tlOutsideProcessingOut
* plResourceOut
* plMaterialVar
* programId
* tlResourceOut
* tlResourceVar
* plMaterialOverheadVar
* tlOutsideProcessingVar
* repetitiveScheduleId
* lastUpdateDate
* tlOverheadOut
* tlOverheadVar
* tlMaterialOverheadVar
* tlScrapVar
* tlOutsideProcessingIn
* organizationId
* tlMaterialOverheadOut


 * tlResourceIn
* programApplicationId
* plMaterialOut
* tlScrapIn
* plOutsideProcessingOut
* tlScrapOut
* lastUpdatedBy
* tlMaterialVar
* plOverheadVar
* plMaterialOverheadIn
* tlMaterialOut
* requestId
* plMaterialIn
* plResourceIn
* plResourceVar
* creationDate
* plOverheadIn
* acctPeriodId
* lastUpdateLogin
* tlOverheadIn
* plOverheadOut
* createdBy
* plOutsideProcessingIn
* programUpdateDate
* wipEntityId
* plMaterialOverheadOut
* plOutsideProcessingVar
* classType
* tlOutsideProcessingOut
* plResourceOut
* plMaterialVar
* programId
* tlResourceOut
* tlResourceVar
* plMaterialOverheadVar
* tlOutsideProcessingVar
* repetitiveScheduleId
* lastUpdateDate
* tlOverheadOut
* tlOverheadVar
* tlMaterialOverheadVar
* tlScrapVar
* tlOutsideProcessingIn
* organizationId
* tlMaterialOverheadOut


 * preferenceType
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateDate
* createdBy
* objectVersionNumber
* preferenceCode
* zdSync
* moduleId
* preferenceId
* creationDate
* preferenceSource
* preferenceValueLookupType
* zdEditionName
* usageLevel
* lastUpdateLogin


 * preferenceType
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateDate
* createdBy
* objectVersionNumber
* preferenceCode
* zdSync
* moduleId
* preferenceId
* creationDate
* preferenceSource
* preferenceValueLookupType
* zdEditionName
* usageLevel
* lastUpdateLogin


 * moduleId
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* creationDate
* departmentId
* zdSync
* respKey
* levelCode
* createdBy
* zdEditionName
* lastUpdatedBy
* objectVersionNumber
* levelId
* organizationId


 * moduleId
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* creationDate
* departmentId
* zdSync
* respKey
* levelCode
* createdBy
* zdEditionName
* lastUpdatedBy
* objectVersionNumber
* levelId
* organizationId


 * creationDate
* preferenceValueId
* zdEditionName
* lastUpdatedBy
* attributeName
* attributeValueCode
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* preferenceId
* zdSync
* createdBy
* levelId
* sequenceNumber
* objectVersionNumber


 * creationDate
* preferenceValueId
* zdEditionName
* lastUpdatedBy
* attributeName
* attributeValueCode
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* preferenceId
* zdSync
* createdBy
* levelId
* sequenceNumber
* objectVersionNumber


 * userId
* valueIndex
* applicationId
* preferenceType
* lastUpdatedBy
* createdBy
* moduleId
* preferenceId
* organizationId
* lastUpdateDate
* value
* creationDate


 * userId
* valueIndex
* applicationId
* preferenceType
* lastUpdatedBy
* createdBy
* moduleId
* preferenceId
* organizationId
* lastUpdateDate
* value
* creationDate


 * closeDate
* lineId
* primaryItemId
* statusType
* organizationId
* startDate
* wipEntityId
* completeDate
* repetitiveScheduleId
* groupId


 * closeDate
* lineId
* primaryItemId
* statusType
* organizationId
* startDate
* wipEntityId
* completeDate
* repetitiveScheduleId
* groupId


 * organizationId
* lastUpdatedBy
* wipSupplyType
* completionSubinventory
* completionLocatorId
* alternateRoutingDesignator
* overcompletionToleranceValue
* attribute8
* creationDate
* attribute1
* primaryItemId
* attribute13
* programId
* lastUpdateDate
* programUpdateDate
* attribute2
* attribute15
* productionLineRate
* attribute12
* overcompletionToleranceType
* wipEntityId
* programApplicationId
* alternateBomDesignator
* createdBy
* requestId
* attributeCategory
* attribute6
* classCode
* lineId
* attribute7
* attribute14
* attribute5
* attribute4
* attribute9
* loadDistributionPriority
* attribute3
* attribute10
* primaryLineFlag
* attribute11
* lastUpdateLogin


 * organizationId
* lastUpdatedBy
* wipSupplyType
* completionSubinventory
* completionLocatorId
* alternateRoutingDesignator
* overcompletionToleranceValue
* attribute8
* creationDate
* attribute1
* primaryItemId
* attribute13
* programId
* lastUpdateDate
* programUpdateDate
* attribute2
* attribute15
* productionLineRate
* attribute12
* overcompletionToleranceType
* wipEntityId
* programApplicationId
* alternateBomDesignator
* createdBy
* requestId
* attributeCategory
* attribute6
* classCode
* lineId
* attribute7
* attribute14
* attribute5
* attribute4
* attribute9
* loadDistributionPriority
* attribute3
* attribute10
* primaryLineFlag
* attribute11
* lastUpdateLogin


 * outsideProcessingAccount
* outsideProcVarianceAccount
* attribute11
* attribute12
* attribute10
* attribute15
* dateReleased
* firstUnitStartDate
* attribute4
* wipEntityId
* attribute14
* commonBomSequenceId
* attribute2
* attribute7
* demandClass
* materialAccount
* routingRevisionDate
* lastUnitCompletionDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* createdBy
* attributeCategory
* description
* lineId
* repetitiveScheduleId
* overheadVarianceAccount
* routingRevision
* attribute6
* bomRevision
* materialVarianceAccount
* firstUnitCompletionDate
* commonRoutingSequenceId
* creationDate
* quantityCompleted
* lastUnitStartDate
* resourceAccount
* resourceVarianceAccount
* attribute13
* attribute3
* firmPlannedFlag
* programApplicationId
* statusType
* bomRevisionDate
* organizationId
* dateClosed
* poCreationTime
* attribute8
* programUpdateDate
* attribute9
* dailyProductionRate
* overheadAccount
* programId
* attribute5
* alternateRoutingDesignator
* requestId
* attribute1
* alternateBomDesignator
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* processingWorkDays
* materialOverheadAccount


 * outsideProcessingAccount
* outsideProcVarianceAccount
* attribute11
* attribute12
* attribute10
* attribute15
* dateReleased
* firstUnitStartDate
* attribute4
* wipEntityId
* attribute14
* commonBomSequenceId
* attribute2
* attribute7
* demandClass
* materialAccount
* routingRevisionDate
* lastUnitCompletionDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* createdBy
* attributeCategory
* description
* lineId
* repetitiveScheduleId
* overheadVarianceAccount
* routingRevision
* attribute6
* bomRevision
* materialVarianceAccount
* firstUnitCompletionDate
* commonRoutingSequenceId
* creationDate
* quantityCompleted
* lastUnitStartDate
* resourceAccount
* resourceVarianceAccount
* attribute13
* attribute3
* firmPlannedFlag
* programApplicationId
* statusType
* bomRevisionDate
* organizationId
* dateClosed
* poCreationTime
* attribute8
* programUpdateDate
* attribute9
* dailyProductionRate
* overheadAccount
* programId
* attribute5
* alternateRoutingDesignator
* requestId
* attribute1
* alternateBomDesignator
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* processingWorkDays
* materialOverheadAccount


 * programId
* inventoryItemId
* tempRelievedValue
* relievedVarianceValue
* creationDate
* programApplicationId
* relievedMatlScrapValue
* costElementId
* createdBy
* programUpdateDate
* organizationId
* appliedMatlValue
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* operationSeqNum
* relievedMatlCompletionValue
* wipEntityId
* requestId


 * programId
* inventoryItemId
* tempRelievedValue
* relievedVarianceValue
* creationDate
* programApplicationId
* relievedMatlScrapValue
* costElementId
* createdBy
* programUpdateDate
* organizationId
* appliedMatlValue
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* operationSeqNum
* relievedMatlCompletionValue
* wipEntityId
* requestId


 * segment14
* attribute2
* segment19
* attribute5
* requiredQuantity
* suggestedVendorName
* mrpNetFlag
* segment9
* attribute14
* segment13
* programUpdateDate
* segment16
* segment3
* requestId
* attribute9
* quantityBackordered
* quantityIssued
* relievedMatlFinalCompQty
* dateRequired
* supplySubinventory
* programApplicationId
* attribute1
* quantityAllocated
* attribute7
* attribute10
* segment20
* segment5
* organizationId
* attribute12
* attribute13
* primaryComponentId
* supplyLocatorId
* attribute15
* segment15
* attributeCategory
* operationSeqNum
* segment12
* mpsRequiredQuantity
* segment4
* segment17
* attribute11
* releasedQuantity
* componentSequenceId
* quantityPerAssembly
* departmentId
* wipSupplyType
* segment10
* creationDate
* quantityRelieved
* autoRequestMaterial
* segment7
* componentYieldFactor
* costedQuantityRelieved
* segment1
* wipEntityId
* relievedMatlScrapQuantity
* relievedMatlCompletionQty
* attribute8
* attribute6
* lastUpdateLogin
* inventoryItemId
* createdBy
* vendorId
* lastUpdateDate
* mpsDateRequired
* costedQuantityIssued
* lastUpdatedBy
* segment11
* segment8
* segment6
* basisType
* segment18
* segment2
* repetitiveScheduleId
* attribute4
* programId
* unitPrice
* comments
* attribute3


 * segment14
* attribute2
* segment19
* attribute5
* requiredQuantity
* suggestedVendorName
* mrpNetFlag
* segment9
* attribute14
* segment13
* programUpdateDate
* segment16
* segment3
* requestId
* attribute9
* quantityBackordered
* quantityIssued
* relievedMatlFinalCompQty
* dateRequired
* supplySubinventory
* programApplicationId
* attribute1
* quantityAllocated
* attribute7
* attribute10
* segment20
* segment5
* organizationId
* attribute12
* attribute13
* primaryComponentId
* supplyLocatorId
* attribute15
* segment15
* attributeCategory
* operationSeqNum
* segment12
* mpsRequiredQuantity
* segment4
* segment17
* attribute11
* releasedQuantity
* componentSequenceId
* quantityPerAssembly
* departmentId
* wipSupplyType
* segment10
* creationDate
* quantityRelieved
* autoRequestMaterial
* segment7
* componentYieldFactor
* costedQuantityRelieved
* segment1
* wipEntityId
* relievedMatlScrapQuantity
* relievedMatlCompletionQty
* attribute8
* attribute6
* lastUpdateLogin
* inventoryItemId
* createdBy
* vendorId
* lastUpdateDate
* mpsDateRequired
* costedQuantityIssued
* lastUpdatedBy
* segment11
* segment8
* segment6
* basisType
* segment18
* segment2
* repetitiveScheduleId
* attribute4
* programId
* unitPrice
* comments
* attribute3


 * statusType
* timeEntryId
* timeEntryMode
* reference
* resourceSeqNum
* projectedCompletionDate
* requestId
* resourceId
* startDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* operationSeqNum
* duration
* employeeId
* programId
* uomCode
* wipEntityId
* assemblySerialNumber
* lastUpdatedBy
* organizationId
* addToRtg
* endDate
* createdBy
* programApplicationId
* actionFlag
* lastUpdateDate
* instanceId
* processStatus
* reasonId
* creationDate
* serialNumber
* programUpdateDate
* objectVersionNumber
* costFlag


 * statusType
* timeEntryId
* timeEntryMode
* reference
* resourceSeqNum
* projectedCompletionDate
* requestId
* resourceId
* startDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* operationSeqNum
* duration
* employeeId
* programId
* uomCode
* wipEntityId
* assemblySerialNumber
* lastUpdatedBy
* organizationId
* addToRtg
* endDate
* createdBy
* programApplicationId
* actionFlag
* lastUpdateDate
* instanceId
* processStatus
* reasonId
* creationDate
* serialNumber
* programUpdateDate
* objectVersionNumber
* costFlag


 * childObjectId
* parentObjectTypeId
* topLevelObjectId
* schedRelationshipId
* creationDate
* relationshipStatus
* relationshipType
* lastUpdateDate
* parentObjectId
* childObjectTypeId
* createdBy
* topLevelObjectTypeId
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdatedBy


 * childObjectId
* parentObjectTypeId
* topLevelObjectId
* schedRelationshipId
* creationDate
* relationshipStatus
* relationshipType
* lastUpdateDate
* parentObjectId
* childObjectTypeId
* createdBy
* topLevelObjectTypeId
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdatedBy


 * programUpdateDate
* requestId
* attribute6
* lastUpdateLogin
* programId
* attribute10
* attribute1
* attribute11
* attributeCategory
* attribute5
* attribute14
* attribute9
* inactiveOn
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute4
* programApplicationId
* organizationId
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute2
* scheduleGroupId
* attribute15
* attribute3
* attribute7
* description
* attribute13
* creationDate
* attribute8
* createdBy
* attribute12
* scheduleGroupName


 * programUpdateDate
* requestId
* attribute6
* lastUpdateLogin
* programId
* attribute10
* attribute1
* attribute11
* attributeCategory
* attribute5
* attribute14
* attribute9
* inactiveOn
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute4
* programApplicationId
* organizationId
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute2
* scheduleGroupId
* attribute15
* attribute3
* attribute7
* description
* attribute13
* creationDate
* attribute8
* createdBy
* attribute12
* scheduleGroupName


 * mesgSequence
* schedulingSourceId
* resourceId
* serialNumber
* inventoryItemId
* lastUpdatedBy
* schedulingSource
* operationSeqNum
* instanceId
* wipEntityId
* organizationId
* createdBy
* schedRelationshipId
* messageType
* markedFlag
* reportedDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* resourceSeqNum
* messageText
* exceptionType
* lastUpdateDate
* creationDate


 * mesgSequence
* schedulingSourceId
* resourceId
* serialNumber
* inventoryItemId
* lastUpdatedBy
* schedulingSource
* operationSeqNum
* instanceId
* wipEntityId
* organizationId
* createdBy
* schedRelationshipId
* messageType
* markedFlag
* reportedDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* resourceSeqNum
* messageText
* exceptionType
* lastUpdateDate
* creationDate


 * schedulingLevel
* processPhase
* operationStartDate
* lastUpdateDate
* resourceSeqNum
* groupId
* organizationId
* processStatus
* operationSeqNum
* resourceStartDate
* operationCompletionDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* programId
* programUpdateDate
* programApplicationId
* wipEntityId
* createdBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* requestId
* interfaceId
* usageRateOrAmount
* resourceCompletionDate
* creationDate


 * schedulingLevel
* processPhase
* operationStartDate
* lastUpdateDate
* resourceSeqNum
* groupId
* organizationId
* processStatus
* operationSeqNum
* resourceStartDate
* operationCompletionDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* programId
* programUpdateDate
* programApplicationId
* wipEntityId
* createdBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* requestId
* interfaceId
* usageRateOrAmount
* resourceCompletionDate
* creationDate


 * costElementValue
* lastUpdateDate
* programId
* lastUpdatedBy
* costElementId
* requestId
* lastUpdateLogin
* programUpdateDate
* createdBy
* programApplicationId
* transactionId
* levelType
* creationDate
* costUpdateId


 * costElementValue
* lastUpdateDate
* programId
* lastUpdatedBy
* costElementId
* requestId
* lastUpdateLogin
* programUpdateDate
* createdBy
* programApplicationId
* transactionId
* levelType
* creationDate
* costUpdateId


 * createdBy
* creationDate
* assemblySerialNumber
* lastUpdatedBy
* programApplicationId
* requestId
* programId
* programUpdateDate
* transactionId
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedByName
* genObjectId
* lastUpdateLogin
* createdByName


 * createdBy
* creationDate
* assemblySerialNumber
* lastUpdatedBy
* programApplicationId
* requestId
* programId
* programUpdateDate
* transactionId
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedByName
* genObjectId
* lastUpdateLogin
* createdByName


 * creationDate
* genObjectId
* requestId
* lastUpdatedBy
* programUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedByName
* createdByName
* createdBy
* transactionId
* lastUpdateLogin
* programId
* lastUpdateDate
* assemblySerialNumber
* programApplicationId


 * creationDate
* genObjectId
* requestId
* lastUpdatedBy
* programUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedByName
* createdByName
* createdBy
* transactionId
* lastUpdateLogin
* programId
* lastUpdateDate
* assemblySerialNumber
* programApplicationId


 * attribute11
* lastUpdatedBy
* attributeCategory
* attribute6
* statusMoveFlag
* attribute13
* description
* createdBy
* attribute10
* attribute8
* attribute15
* attribute2
* attribute5
* creationDate
* shopFloorStatusCode
* attribute4
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute7
* attribute9
* lastUpdateLogin
* organizationId
* attribute3
* attribute14
* disableDate
* attribute12
* attribute1


 * attribute11
* lastUpdatedBy
* attributeCategory
* attribute6
* statusMoveFlag
* attribute13
* description
* createdBy
* attribute10
* attribute8
* attribute15
* attribute2
* attribute5
* creationDate
* shopFloorStatusCode
* attribute4
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute7
* attribute9
* lastUpdateLogin
* organizationId
* attribute3
* attribute14
* disableDate
* attribute12
* attribute1


 * createdBy
* attribute12
* attribute2
* attribute14
* attribute9
* lastUpdatedBy
* intraoperationStepType
* attribute4
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute1
* operationSeqNum
* attribute7
* attribute3
* attribute15
* creationDate
* attributeCategory
* attribute5
* organizationId
* attribute10
* attribute8
* attribute13
* shopFloorStatusCode
* wipEntityId
* attribute6
* attribute11
* lineId


 * createdBy
* attribute12
* attribute2
* attribute14
* attribute9
* lastUpdatedBy
* intraoperationStepType
* attribute4
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute1
* operationSeqNum
* attribute7
* attribute3
* attribute15
* creationDate
* attributeCategory
* attribute5
* organizationId
* attribute10
* attribute8
* attribute13
* shopFloorStatusCode
* wipEntityId
* attribute6
* attribute11
* lineId


 * userLineNum
* lastUpdateDate
* creationDate
* requestId
* programId
* demandClass
* userDelivery
* programApplicationId
* programUpdateDate
* demandSourceLine
* quantityCompleted
* demandSourceDelivery
* organizationId
* createdBy
* wipEntityId
* allocationId
* quantityAllocated
* demandSourceHeaderId
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin


 * lastUpdateDate
* wipEntityId
* demandSourceLine
* lineUom
* userDelivery
* requestId
* primaryItemId
* lastUpdateLogin
* bomRevision
* actionCode
* userLineNum
* programId
* programUpdateDate
* demandSourceDelivery
* groupId
* organizationId
* creationDate
* allocationId
* quantityCompleted
* demandSourceHeaderId
* lastUpdatedBy
* quantityChanged
* programApplicationId
* createdBy
* requirementDate
* quantityAllocated
* demandClass


 * lastUpdateDate
* wipEntityId
* demandSourceLine
* lineUom
* userDelivery
* requestId
* primaryItemId
* lastUpdateLogin
* bomRevision
* actionCode
* userLineNum
* programId
* programUpdateDate
* demandSourceDelivery
* groupId
* organizationId
* creationDate
* allocationId
* quantityCompleted
* demandSourceHeaderId
* lastUpdatedBy
* quantityChanged
* programApplicationId
* createdBy
* requirementDate
* quantityAllocated
* demandClass


 * userLineNum
* lastUpdateDate
* creationDate
* requestId
* programId
* demandClass
* userDelivery
* programApplicationId
* programUpdateDate
* demandSourceLine
* quantityCompleted
* demandSourceDelivery
* organizationId
* createdBy
* wipEntityId
* allocationId
* quantityAllocated
* demandSourceHeaderId
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin


 * attribute12
* resourceSeqNum
* standardRateFlag
* uomCode
* attribute13
* operationSeqNum
* relievedResScrapUnits
* relievedVarianceValue
* relievedResCompletionValue
* substituteGroupNum
* relievedResFinalCompUnits
* phantomFlag
* scheduledFlag
* phantomItemId
* requestId
* autochargeType
* scheduleSeqNum
* organizationId
* repetitiveScheduleId
* attribute10
* attribute15
* wipEntityId
* basisType
* principleFlag
* completionDate
* attributeCategory
* replacementGroupNum
* tempRelievedValue
* activityId
* creationDate
* attribute8
* attribute6
* phantomOpSeqNum
* assignedUnits
* relievedResCompletionUnits
* startDate
* attribute4
* attribute5
* appliedResourceValue
* programApplicationId
* attribute3
* attribute7
* attribute11
* programUpdateDate
* departmentId
* attribute1
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute2
* programId
* appliedResourceUnits
* attribute14
* lastUpdateLogin
* relievedResScrapValue
* createdBy
* lastUpdatedBy
* resourceId
* usageRateOrAmount
* attribute9
* setupId
* maximumAssignedUnits


 * attribute12
* resourceSeqNum
* standardRateFlag
* uomCode
* attribute13
* operationSeqNum
* relievedResScrapUnits
* relievedVarianceValue
* relievedResCompletionValue
* substituteGroupNum
* relievedResFinalCompUnits
* phantomFlag
* scheduledFlag
* phantomItemId
* requestId
* autochargeType
* scheduleSeqNum
* organizationId
* repetitiveScheduleId
* attribute10
* attribute15
* wipEntityId
* basisType
* principleFlag
* completionDate
* attributeCategory
* replacementGroupNum
* tempRelievedValue
* activityId
* creationDate
* attribute8
* attribute6
* phantomOpSeqNum
* assignedUnits
* relievedResCompletionUnits
* startDate
* attribute4
* attribute5
* appliedResourceValue
* programApplicationId
* attribute3
* attribute7
* attribute11
* programUpdateDate
* departmentId
* attribute1
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute2
* programId
* appliedResourceUnits
* attribute14
* lastUpdateLogin
* relievedResScrapValue
* createdBy
* lastUpdatedBy
* resourceId
* usageRateOrAmount
* attribute9
* setupId
* maximumAssignedUnits


 * attribute4
* programSource
* date4
* date5
* attribute2
* lastUpdatedBy
* key1
* key4
* date3
* organizationId
* attribute6
* wipEntityId
* attribute5
* date6
* inventoryItemId
* date1
* date2
* description
* key3
* attribute3
* key5
* key2
* key6
* attribute1


 * attribute4
* programSource
* date4
* date5
* attribute2
* lastUpdatedBy
* key1
* key4
* date3
* organizationId
* attribute6
* wipEntityId
* attribute5
* date6
* inventoryItemId
* date1
* date2
* description
* key3
* attribute3
* key5
* key2
* key6
* attribute1


 * resourceId
* timeEntryType
* organizationId
* actualStartDate
* programUpdateDate
* contingentFlag
* resourceCode
* employeeId
* actualEndDate
* uomCode
* creationDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* modeFlag
* badgeId
* assemblySerialNumber
* lastUpdateLogin
* resourceSeqNum
* actionFlag
* duration
* wipEntityId
* error
* equipmentItem
* requestId
* createdBy
* jobName
* departmentId
* programApplicationId
* processStatus
* lastUpdateDate
* instanceId
* serialNumber
* interfaceId
* organizationCode
* operationSeqNum
* programId
* departmentCode


 * resourceId
* timeEntryType
* organizationId
* actualStartDate
* programUpdateDate
* contingentFlag
* resourceCode
* employeeId
* actualEndDate
* uomCode
* creationDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* modeFlag
* badgeId
* assemblySerialNumber
* lastUpdateLogin
* resourceSeqNum
* actionFlag
* duration
* wipEntityId
* error
* equipmentItem
* requestId
* createdBy
* jobName
* departmentId
* programApplicationId
* processStatus
* lastUpdateDate
* instanceId
* serialNumber
* interfaceId
* organizationCode
* operationSeqNum
* programId
* departmentCode


 * wipSubLedgerId
* repetitiveScheduleId
* activityId
* referenceAccount
* rateOrAmount
* basisResourceId
* costElementId
* currencyConversionRate
* programUpdateDate
* glBatchId
* accountingLineType
* lastUpdateLogin
* baseTransactionValue
* transactionDate
* lastUpdateDate
* currencyCode
* programApplicationId
* lastUpdatedBy
* primaryQuantity
* resourceId
* basisType
* creationDate
* overheadBasisFactor
* transactionId
* wipEntityId
* currencyConversionType
* transactionValue
* encumbranceTypeId
* glSlLinkId
* organizationId
* currencyConversionDate
* programId
* requestId
* createdBy
* contraSetId


 * wipSubLedgerId
* repetitiveScheduleId
* activityId
* referenceAccount
* rateOrAmount
* basisResourceId
* costElementId
* currencyConversionRate
* programUpdateDate
* glBatchId
* accountingLineType
* lastUpdateLogin
* baseTransactionValue
* transactionDate
* lastUpdateDate
* currencyCode
* programApplicationId
* lastUpdatedBy
* primaryQuantity
* resourceId
* basisType
* creationDate
* overheadBasisFactor
* transactionId
* wipEntityId
* currencyConversionType
* transactionValue
* encumbranceTypeId
* glSlLinkId
* organizationId
* currencyConversionDate
* programId
* requestId
* createdBy
* contraSetId


 * basisType
* attributeCategory
* transactionQuantity
* resourceId
* operationSeqNum
* primaryItemId
* resourceSeqNum
* activityId
* attribute2
* attribute13
* chargeDepartmentId
* actualResourceRate
* moveTransactionId
* primaryQuantity
* lastUpdateLogin
* organizationId
* standardRateFlag
* attribute10
* currencyConversionType
* attribute3
* currencyActualResourceRate
* poHeaderId
* rcvTransactionId
* departmentId
* employeeId
* attribute8
* usageRateOrAmount
* attribute7
* requestId
* attribute5
* encumbranceQuantity
* programUpdateDate
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute12
* groupId
* encumbranceTypeId
* currencyConversionDate
* programApplicationId
* attribute9
* reference
* attribute15
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute4
* projectId
* transactionId
* creationDate
* sourceCode
* costUpdateId
* transactionDate
* primaryUom
* standardResourceRate
* createdBy
* attribute6
* instanceId
* lineId
* transactionUom
* wipEntityId
* completionTransactionId
* attribute1
* currencyCode
* transactionType
* poLineId
* pmCostCollectorGroupId
* attribute11
* programId
* attribute14
* acctPeriodId
* encumbranceCcid
* pmCostCollected
* taskId
* encumbranceAmount
* currencyConversionRate
* reasonId
* sourceLineId
* autochargeType


 * basisType
* attributeCategory
* transactionQuantity
* resourceId
* operationSeqNum
* primaryItemId
* resourceSeqNum
* activityId
* attribute2
* attribute13
* chargeDepartmentId
* actualResourceRate
* moveTransactionId
* primaryQuantity
* lastUpdateLogin
* organizationId
* standardRateFlag
* attribute10
* currencyConversionType
* attribute3
* currencyActualResourceRate
* poHeaderId
* rcvTransactionId
* departmentId
* employeeId
* attribute8
* usageRateOrAmount
* attribute7
* requestId
* attribute5
* encumbranceQuantity
* programUpdateDate
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute12
* groupId
* encumbranceTypeId
* currencyConversionDate
* programApplicationId
* attribute9
* reference
* attribute15
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute4
* projectId
* transactionId
* creationDate
* sourceCode
* costUpdateId
* transactionDate
* primaryUom
* standardResourceRate
* createdBy
* attribute6
* instanceId
* lineId
* transactionUom
* wipEntityId
* completionTransactionId
* attribute1
* currencyCode
* transactionType
* poLineId
* pmCostCollectorGroupId
* attribute11
* programId
* attribute14
* acctPeriodId
* encumbranceCcid
* pmCostCollected
* taskId
* encumbranceAmount
* currencyConversionRate
* reasonId
* sourceLineId
* autochargeType


 * transactionId
* creationDate
* programApplicationId
* organizationId
* createdBy
* requestId
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* repetitiveScheduleId
* programId
* transactionQuantity
* lastUpdateDate
* primaryQuantity
* programUpdateDate


 * transactionId
* creationDate
* programApplicationId
* organizationId
* createdBy
* requestId
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* repetitiveScheduleId
* programId
* transactionQuantity
* lastUpdateDate
* primaryQuantity
* programUpdateDate


 * createdBy
* programId
* lastUpdatedBy
* programApplicationId
* requestId
* errorMessage
* programUpdateDate
* errorColumn
* creationDate
* lastUpdateDate
* transactionId
* lastUpdateLogin


 * createdBy
* programId
* lastUpdatedBy
* programApplicationId
* requestId
* errorMessage
* programUpdateDate
* errorColumn
* creationDate
* lastUpdateDate
* transactionId
* lastUpdateLogin


 * attribute8
* attribute13
* attribute11
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute1
* attribute15
* recordCreator
* attribute4
* creationDate
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute5
* stepMeaning
* attributeCategory
* attribute10
* attribute9
* attribute7
* attribute12
* attribute6
* stepLookupType
* attribute2
* organizationId
* attribute3
* attribute14
* lastUpdateLogin
* createdBy


 * attribute8
* attribute13
* attribute11
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute1
* attribute15
* recordCreator
* attribute4
* creationDate
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute5
* stepMeaning
* attributeCategory
* attribute10
* attribute9
* attribute7
* attribute12
* attribute6
* stepLookupType
* attribute2
* organizationId
* attribute3
* attribute14
* lastUpdateLogin
* createdBy


 * supplySubinvenotry
* inventoryItemId
* creationDate
* wipSupplyType
* supplyLocatorId
* onhandQty
* programApplicationId
* expectedReceiptsQty
* operationSeqNum
* departmentId
* programRunDate
* createdBy
* lastUpdatedBy
* dateRequired
* lastUpdateLogin
* programId
* organizationId
* shortageQty
* wipEntityId
* objectVersionNumber
* allocationChanged
* requiredQty
* primaryUomCode
* quantityIssued
* requestId
* quantityAllocated
* projAvailQty
* lastUpdateDate
* allocationChangeId
* quantityOpen
* currOnhandQty


 * supplySubinvenotry
* inventoryItemId
* creationDate
* wipSupplyType
* supplyLocatorId
* onhandQty
* programApplicationId
* expectedReceiptsQty
* operationSeqNum
* departmentId
* programRunDate
* createdBy
* lastUpdatedBy
* dateRequired
* lastUpdateLogin
* programId
* organizationId
* shortageQty
* wipEntityId
* objectVersionNumber
* allocationChanged
* requiredQty
* primaryUomCode
* quantityIssued
* requestId
* quantityAllocated
* projAvailQty
* lastUpdateDate
* allocationChangeId
* quantityOpen
* currOnhandQty


 * quantityExpected
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateDate
* sourceId
* programApplicationId
* creationDate
* sourceType
* inventoryItemId
* sourceLineId
* quantityRemaining
* subinventory
* sourceName
* calculationDate
* programUpdateDate
* sourceLineNumber
* expectedReceiptsId
* requestId
* organizationId
* createdBy
* expectedReceiptDate
* programId


 * quantityExpected
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateDate
* sourceId
* programApplicationId
* creationDate
* sourceType
* inventoryItemId
* sourceLineId
* quantityRemaining
* subinventory
* sourceName
* calculationDate
* programUpdateDate
* sourceLineNumber
* expectedReceiptsId
* requestId
* organizationId
* createdBy
* expectedReceiptDate
* programId


 * quantityFirstPass
* lastUpdateLogin
* programId
* requestId
* inventoryItemId
* creationDate
* shiftNum
* programApplicationId
* departmentId
* shiftDate
* fpyPercent
* quantityRejected
* quantityCompleted
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateDate
* scrapPercent
* wipEntityId
* operationSeqNum
* rejectPercent
* createdBy
* programUpdateDate
* organizationId
* quantityScrapped


 * quantityFirstPass
* lastUpdateLogin
* programId
* requestId
* inventoryItemId
* creationDate
* shiftNum
* programApplicationId
* departmentId
* shiftDate
* fpyPercent
* quantityRejected
* quantityCompleted
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateDate
* scrapPercent
* wipEntityId
* operationSeqNum
* rejectPercent
* createdBy
* programUpdateDate
* organizationId
* quantityScrapped


 * objectVersionNumber
* priorityOrder
* lastUpdateDate
* unallocateAllowed
* programId
* modPriorityOrder
* programUpdateDate
* requestId
* unallocateOrder
* allocationChanged
* compAllocated
* creationDate
* programApplicationId
* lastUpdateLogin
* wipEntityId
* organizationId
* createdBy
* lastUpdatedBy


 * objectVersionNumber
* priorityOrder
* lastUpdateDate
* unallocateAllowed
* programId
* modPriorityOrder
* programUpdateDate
* requestId
* unallocateOrder
* allocationChanged
* compAllocated
* creationDate
* programApplicationId
* lastUpdateLogin
* wipEntityId
* organizationId
* createdBy
* lastUpdatedBy


 * programApplicationId
* programUpdateDate
* requestId
* programId
* quantityDefected
* wipEntityId
* lastUpdateLogin
* shiftNum
* shiftDate
* organizationId
* lastUpdateDate
* inventoryItemId
* lastUpdatedBy
* creationDate
* quantityProduced
* createdBy


 * programApplicationId
* programUpdateDate
* requestId
* programId
* quantityDefected
* wipEntityId
* lastUpdateLogin
* shiftNum
* shiftDate
* organizationId
* lastUpdateDate
* inventoryItemId
* lastUpdatedBy
* creationDate
* quantityProduced
* createdBy


 * shiftId
* lastUpdateBy
* concurrentRequestId
* lastUpdateDate
* primaryUomCode
* operationSeqNum
* createdBy
* rejectedQty
* movedQty
* departmentId
* creationDate
* wipEntityId
* organizationId
* scrappedQty
* opLeadTime
* shiftStartTime


 * shiftId
* lastUpdateBy
* concurrentRequestId
* lastUpdateDate
* primaryUomCode
* operationSeqNum
* createdBy
* rejectedQty
* movedQty
* departmentId
* creationDate
* wipEntityId
* organizationId
* scrappedQty
* opLeadTime
* shiftStartTime


 * shiftId
* operationSeqNum
* lastUpdateBy
* primaryUomCode
* wipEntityId
* createdBy
* shiftStartTime
* creationDate
* opLeadTime
* lastUpdateDate
* concurrentRequestId
* organizationId
* plannedQty
* departmentId


 * shiftId
* operationSeqNum
* lastUpdateBy
* primaryUomCode
* wipEntityId
* createdBy
* shiftStartTime
* creationDate
* opLeadTime
* lastUpdateDate
* concurrentRequestId
* organizationId
* plannedQty
* departmentId


 * requiredQty
* lastUpdateLogin
* resourceAvail
* requestId
* departmentId
* primaryUomCode
* programRunDate
* dateRequired
* resourceShortage
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* creationDate
* programId
* resourceId
* createdBy
* organizationId
* quantityOpen
* programApplicationId
* resourceProjAvail
* operationSeqNum
* quantityIssued
* wipEntityId
* objectVersionNumber


 * requiredQty
* lastUpdateLogin
* resourceAvail
* requestId
* departmentId
* primaryUomCode
* programRunDate
* dateRequired
* resourceShortage
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* creationDate
* programId
* resourceId
* createdBy
* organizationId
* quantityOpen
* programApplicationId
* resourceProjAvail
* operationSeqNum
* quantityIssued
* wipEntityId
* objectVersionNumber


 * responsibilityId
* userId
* organizationId
* instanceId
* resourceId
* lastUpdateLogin
* createdBy
* creationDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* serialNumber
* employeeId
* departmentId
* lastUpdateDate


 * responsibilityId
* userId
* organizationId
* instanceId
* resourceId
* lastUpdateLogin
* createdBy
* creationDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* serialNumber
* employeeId
* departmentId
* lastUpdateDate


 * quantityExpected
* groupId
* shipmentNum
* discrepancyReportingContext
* organizationId
* lpnExpected
* unitOfMeasureActual
* lotNumberActual
* serialNumberActual
* lastUpdateDate
* quantityActual
* itemRevisionExpected
* discrepancyStatus
* transactionDate
* lotNumberExpected
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdatedBy
* createdBy
* serialNumberExpected
* creationDate
* itemRevisionActual
* itemId
* vendorId
* lpnActual
* vendorSiteId
* unitOfMeasureExpected


 * quantityExpected
* groupId
* shipmentNum
* discrepancyReportingContext
* organizationId
* lpnExpected
* unitOfMeasureActual
* lotNumberActual
* serialNumberActual
* lastUpdateDate
* quantityActual
* itemRevisionExpected
* discrepancyStatus
* transactionDate
* lotNumberExpected
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdatedBy
* createdBy
* serialNumberExpected
* creationDate
* itemRevisionActual
* itemId
* vendorId
* lpnActual
* vendorSiteId
* unitOfMeasureExpected


 * attribute7
* activeInd
* attribute2
* sequenceId
* lastUpdateDate
* creationDate
* attribute1
* attribute13
* attribute12
* subinventory
* carouselConfigurationId
* attributeCategory
* attribute10
* configName
* attribute9
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute3
* attribute15
* createdBy
* attribute4
* attribute8
* deviceTypeId
* attribute14
* attribute6
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute11
* configValue
* businessEventId
* attribute5


 * attribute7
* activeInd
* attribute2
* sequenceId
* lastUpdateDate
* creationDate
* attribute1
* attribute13
* attribute12
* subinventory
* carouselConfigurationId
* attributeCategory
* attribute10
* configName
* attribute9
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute3
* attribute15
* createdBy
* attribute4
* attribute8
* deviceTypeId
* attribute14
* attribute6
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute11
* configValue
* businessEventId
* attribute5


 * businessEventId
* carouselDirectiveQueueId
* taskCount
* lastAttempt
* segment8
* sequenceId
* attempts
* taskId
* createdBy
* segment3
* taskGroup
* lastUpdateDate
* pipeTimeout
* tasksLeft
* deviceTypeId
* creationDate
* segment2
* segment5
* segment6
* directive
* sendPipe
* request
* maxAttempts
* lastUpdateLogin
* responseTimeout
* segment1
* status
* segment10
* addr
* segment4
* subinventory
* requestId
* prevId
* response
* deviceId
* receivePipe
* segment9
* lastUpdatedBy
* segment7


 * businessEventId
* carouselDirectiveQueueId
* taskCount
* lastAttempt
* segment8
* sequenceId
* attempts
* taskId
* createdBy
* segment3
* taskGroup
* lastUpdateDate
* pipeTimeout
* tasksLeft
* deviceTypeId
* creationDate
* segment2
* segment5
* segment6
* directive
* sendPipe
* request
* maxAttempts
* lastUpdateLogin
* responseTimeout
* segment1
* status
* segment10
* addr
* segment4
* subinventory
* requestId
* prevId
* response
* deviceId
* receivePipe
* segment9
* lastUpdatedBy
* segment7


 * lastUpdatedBy
* createdBy
* carouselLogId
* text
* lastUpdateDate
* creationDate
* deviceId
* lastUpdateLogin


 * lastUpdatedBy
* createdBy
* carouselLogId
* text
* lastUpdateDate
* creationDate
* deviceId
* lastUpdateLogin


 * lastUpdateLogin
* createdBy
* bufferInterval
* uomIntegrityFlag
* allowSupplyRescheduleFlag
* criterionType
* allowDemandRescheduleFlag
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateDate
* criterionId
* bufferUom
* creationDate
* crossdockGoal
* prioritizeDocumentsFlag
* windowInterval
* pastDueInterval
* processingInterval
* demandScheduleMethod
* processingUom
* supplyScheduleMethod
* windowUom
* pastDueUom


 * lastUpdateLogin
* createdBy
* bufferInterval
* uomIntegrityFlag
* allowSupplyRescheduleFlag
* criterionType
* allowDemandRescheduleFlag
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateDate
* criterionId
* bufferUom
* creationDate
* crossdockGoal
* prioritizeDocumentsFlag
* windowInterval
* pastDueInterval
* processingInterval
* demandScheduleMethod
* processingUom
* supplyScheduleMethod
* windowUom
* pastDueUom


 * lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* createdBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* criterionId
* description
* criterionName
* sourceLang
* language
* creationDate


 * lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* createdBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* criterionId
* description
* criterionName
* sourceLang
* language
* creationDate


 * locatorId
* lastUpdateLogin
* requestedBy
* responsibilityApplicationId
* lastUpdateDate
* deviceId
* statusMsg
* createdBy
* creationDate
* taskTypeId
* transferLocId
* deviceStatus
* serialNumber
* transactionQuantity
* lastUpdatedBy
* programApplicationId
* organizationId
* responsibilityId
* lotQty
* outfileName
* xferLpnId
* transferSubCode
* statusCode
* concurrentRequestId
* relationId
* programUpdateDate
* inventoryItemId
* lpnId
* businessEventId
* transferOrgId
* taskSummary
* lotNumber
* taskId
* subinventoryCode
* reasonId
* sequenceId
* uom
* requestId
* programId
* revision
* requestDate
* resubmitDate


 * locatorId
* lastUpdateLogin
* requestedBy
* responsibilityApplicationId
* lastUpdateDate
* deviceId
* statusMsg
* createdBy
* creationDate
* taskTypeId
* transferLocId
* deviceStatus
* serialNumber
* transactionQuantity
* lastUpdatedBy
* programApplicationId
* organizationId
* responsibilityId
* lotQty
* outfileName
* xferLpnId
* transferSubCode
* statusCode
* concurrentRequestId
* relationId
* programUpdateDate
* inventoryItemId
* lpnId
* businessEventId
* transferOrgId
* taskSummary
* lotNumber
* taskId
* subinventoryCode
* reasonId
* sequenceId
* uom
* requestId
* programId
* revision
* requestDate
* resubmitDate


 * transactionTempId
* lpnId
* orderHeaderId
* dockDoorId
* requestId
* creationDate
* organizationId
* lastUpdateDate
* programApplicationId
* orderLineId
* lineItemId
* lastUpdatedBy
* secondaryProcessedQty
* programUpdateDate
* processedFlag
* createdBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* programId
* serialRequiredFlag
* groupId
* processedQuantity


 * transactionTempId
* lpnId
* orderHeaderId
* dockDoorId
* requestId
* creationDate
* organizationId
* lastUpdateDate
* programApplicationId
* orderLineId
* lineItemId
* lastUpdatedBy
* secondaryProcessedQty
* programUpdateDate
* processedFlag
* createdBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* programId
* serialRequiredFlag
* groupId
* processedQuantity


 * equipmentId
* userTaskType
* taskMethod
* opPlanInstanceId
* attribute8
* attribute9
* lastUpdateDate
* effectiveStartDate
* suggestedDestSubinventory
* creationDate
* personResourceId
* attribute11
* dropOffTime
* attribute13
* suggestedDestLocatorId
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute1
* deviceRequestId
* taskGroupId
* attribute12
* dispatchedTime
* lastUpdatedBy
* equipmentInstance
* moveOrderLineId
* attribute14
* attribute4
* machineResourceId
* attribute2
* attribute5
* deviceInvoked
* operationPlanId
* attributeCategory
* taskId
* loadedTime
* attribute7
* attribute15
* organizationId
* createdBy
* personId
* attribute6
* status
* attribute3
* attribute10
* effectiveEndDate
* taskType
* deviceId
* transferLpnId
* priority
* transactionTempId


 * userTaskType
* transactionQuantity
* createdBy
* parentTransactionId
* transactionActionId
* moveOrderLineId
* sourceLocatorId
* dispatchedTime
* loadedTime
* lastUpdatedBy
* priority
* transferLpnId
* inventoryItemId
* effectiveStartDate
* equipmentInstance
* equipmentId
* taskId
* attribute2
* suggestedDestSubinventory
* attribute4
* sourceDocumentId
* opPlanInstanceId
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdateDate
* transactionUomCode
* status
* taskGroupId
* transferOrganizationId
* sourceSubinventoryCode
* attribute11
* attribute9
* attribute10
* transactionBatchId
* organizationId
* attribute12
* taskType
* attributeCategory
* transactionTypeId
* operationPlanId
* personResourceId
* attribute5
* attribute8
* effectiveEndDate
* dropOffTime
* taskMethod
* destLocatorId
* attribute1
* attribute6
* attribute14
* transactionSourceTypeId
* contentLpnId
* machineResourceId
* destSubinventoryCode
* personId
* attribute3
* lpnId
* transactionId
* creationDate
* revision
* attribute13
* attribute15
* attribute7
* transactionBatchSeq
* suggestedDestLocatorId
* isParent


 * userTaskType
* transactionQuantity
* createdBy
* parentTransactionId
* transactionActionId
* moveOrderLineId
* sourceLocatorId
* dispatchedTime
* loadedTime
* lastUpdatedBy
* priority
* transferLpnId
* inventoryItemId
* effectiveStartDate
* equipmentInstance
* equipmentId
* taskId
* attribute2
* suggestedDestSubinventory
* attribute4
* sourceDocumentId
* opPlanInstanceId
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdateDate
* transactionUomCode
* status
* taskGroupId
* transferOrganizationId
* sourceSubinventoryCode
* attribute11
* attribute9
* attribute10
* transactionBatchId
* organizationId
* attribute12
* taskType
* attributeCategory
* transactionTypeId
* operationPlanId
* personResourceId
* attribute5
* attribute8
* effectiveEndDate
* dropOffTime
* taskMethod
* destLocatorId
* attribute1
* attribute6
* attribute14
* transactionSourceTypeId
* contentLpnId
* machineResourceId
* destSubinventoryCode
* personId
* attribute3
* lpnId
* transactionId
* creationDate
* revision
* attribute13
* attribute15
* attribute7
* transactionBatchSeq
* suggestedDestLocatorId
* isParent


 * taskId
* attribute3
* attribute6
* attribute8
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute10
* revision
* lpnId
* transactionTempId
* transactionQuantity
* sourceSubinventoryCode
* effectiveEndDate
* status
* parentTransactionId
* userTaskType
* lastUpdateDate
* suggestedDestSubinventory
* transactionId
* creationDate
* isParent
* personId
* attribute1
* attributeCategory
* equipmentId
* attribute7
* taskType
* organizationId
* transactionUomCode
* attribute4
* destLocatorId
* transferLpnId
* priority
* sourceDocumentId
* attribute13
* inventoryItemId
* dropOffTime
* equipmentInstance
* taskGroupId
* opPlanInstanceId
* transactionSourceTypeId
* attribute12
* attribute11
* taskMethod
* effectiveStartDate
* transactionBatchSeq
* transactionTypeId
* loadedTime
* transferOrganizationId
* suggestedDestLocatorId
* attribute2
* machineResourceId
* attribute9
* moveOrderLineId
* secondaryTransactionUomCode
* transactionActionId
* dispatchedTime
* attribute14
* operationPlanId
* destSubinventoryCode
* transactionBatchId
* personResourceId
* attribute15
* sourceLocatorId
* lastUpdatedBy
* contentLpnId
* secondaryTransactionQuantity
* createdBy
* attribute5


 * taskId
* attribute3
* attribute6
* attribute8
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute10
* revision
* lpnId
* transactionTempId
* transactionQuantity
* sourceSubinventoryCode
* effectiveEndDate
* status
* parentTransactionId
* userTaskType
* lastUpdateDate
* suggestedDestSubinventory
* transactionId
* creationDate
* isParent
* personId
* attribute1
* attributeCategory
* equipmentId
* attribute7
* taskType
* organizationId
* transactionUomCode
* attribute4
* destLocatorId
* transferLpnId
* priority
* sourceDocumentId
* attribute13
* inventoryItemId
* dropOffTime
* equipmentInstance
* taskGroupId
* opPlanInstanceId
* transactionSourceTypeId
* attribute12
* attribute11
* taskMethod
* effectiveStartDate
* transactionBatchSeq
* transactionTypeId
* loadedTime
* transferOrganizationId
* suggestedDestLocatorId
* attribute2
* machineResourceId
* attribute9
* moveOrderLineId
* secondaryTransactionUomCode
* transactionActionId
* dispatchedTime
* attribute14
* operationPlanId
* destSubinventoryCode
* transactionBatchId
* personResourceId
* attribute15
* sourceLocatorId
* lastUpdatedBy
* contentLpnId
* secondaryTransactionQuantity
* createdBy
* attribute5


 * equipmentId
* userTaskType
* taskMethod
* opPlanInstanceId
* attribute8
* attribute9
* lastUpdateDate
* effectiveStartDate
* suggestedDestSubinventory
* creationDate
* personResourceId
* attribute11
* dropOffTime
* attribute13
* suggestedDestLocatorId
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute1
* deviceRequestId
* taskGroupId
* attribute12
* dispatchedTime
* lastUpdatedBy
* equipmentInstance
* moveOrderLineId
* attribute14
* attribute4
* machineResourceId
* attribute2
* attribute5
* deviceInvoked
* operationPlanId
* attributeCategory
* taskId
* loadedTime
* attribute7
* attribute15
* organizationId
* createdBy
* personId
* attribute6
* status
* attribute3
* attribute10
* effectiveEndDate
* taskType
* deviceId
* transferLpnId
* priority
* transactionTempId


 * dockId
* organizationId
* lastUpdatedBy
* repOrigin
* exceptionId
* attributeCategory
* repStartDate
* carrier
* attribute13
* attribute10
* carrierId
* attribute14
* startTime
* endTime
* createdBy
* tripStop
* sourceHeaderId
* stagingLaneId
* dockAppointmentId
* attribute7
* attribute3
* attribute11
* repEndDate
* attribute12
* attribute15
* carrierCode
* equipmentItemId
* sourceType
* creationDate
* attribute2
* attribute8
* attribute4
* repFrequency
* appointmentType
* lastUpdateLogin
* appointmentStatus
* attribute1
* sourceLineId
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute6
* attribute5
* attribute9


 * dockId
* organizationId
* lastUpdatedBy
* repOrigin
* exceptionId
* attributeCategory
* repStartDate
* carrier
* attribute13
* attribute10
* carrierId
* attribute14
* startTime
* endTime
* createdBy
* tripStop
* sourceHeaderId
* stagingLaneId
* dockAppointmentId
* attribute7
* attribute3
* attribute11
* repEndDate
* attribute12
* attribute15
* carrierCode
* equipmentItemId
* sourceType
* creationDate
* attribute2
* attribute8
* attribute4
* repFrequency
* appointmentType
* lastUpdateLogin
* appointmentStatus
* attribute1
* sourceLineId
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute6
* attribute5
* attribute9


 * createdBy
* subject
* lastUpdateLogin
* description
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateDate
* sourceLang
* language
* dockAppointmentId
* creationDate


 * createdBy
* subject
* lastUpdateLogin
* description
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateDate
* sourceLang
* language
* dockAppointmentId
* creationDate


 * appointmentStatus
* attribute10
* attribute14
* dockAppointmentId
* endTime
* lastUpdateDate
* stagingLaneId
* attribute15
* attribute4
* tripStop
* attribute7
* carrierCode
* createdBy
* sourceHeaderId
* exceptionId
* attribute8
* apptHistoryId
* dockId
* attribute9
* repEndDate
* startTime
* carrier
* equipmentItemId
* lastUpdatedBy
* appointmentType
* attribute6
* attribute2
* repFrequency
* attribute11
* attribute12
* repStartDate
* sourceLineId
* sourceType
* attribute3
* attributeCategory
* attribute1
* creationDate
* organizationId
* attribute13
* lastUpdateLogin
* carrierId
* attribute5
* repOrigin


 * appointmentStatus
* attribute10
* attribute14
* dockAppointmentId
* endTime
* lastUpdateDate
* stagingLaneId
* attribute15
* attribute4
* tripStop
* attribute7
* carrierCode
* createdBy
* sourceHeaderId
* exceptionId
* attribute8
* apptHistoryId
* dockId
* attribute9
* repEndDate
* startTime
* carrier
* equipmentItemId
* lastUpdatedBy
* appointmentType
* attribute6
* attribute2
* repFrequency
* attribute11
* attribute12
* repStartDate
* sourceLineId
* sourceType
* attribute3
* attributeCategory
* attribute1
* creationDate
* organizationId
* attribute13
* lastUpdateLogin
* carrierId
* attribute5
* repOrigin


 * activityDetailId
* quantity
* elsExpResourceId
* destinationSubinventory
* creationDate
* inventoryItemId
* itemCategoryId
* unattributedFlag
* organizationId
* documentType
* workScheduledDate
* operationId
* sourceSubinventory
* elsDataId
* destinationLocatorId
* destinationZoneId
* operationPlanId
* createdBy
* sourceZoneId
* estimatedResourceRequired
* groupId
* lastUpdatedBy
* activityId
* estimatedTimeRequired
* sourceLineId
* sourceHeaderId
* sourceLocatorId
* lastUpdateDate
* transactionUom
* lastUpdateLogin


 * activityDetailId
* quantity
* elsExpResourceId
* destinationSubinventory
* creationDate
* inventoryItemId
* itemCategoryId
* unattributedFlag
* organizationId
* documentType
* workScheduledDate
* operationId
* sourceSubinventory
* elsDataId
* destinationLocatorId
* destinationZoneId
* operationPlanId
* createdBy
* sourceZoneId
* estimatedResourceRequired
* groupId
* lastUpdatedBy
* activityId
* estimatedTimeRequired
* sourceLineId
* sourceHeaderId
* sourceLocatorId
* lastUpdateDate
* transactionUom
* lastUpdateLogin


 * attribute1
* attribute4
* taskMethodId
* attribute12
* creationDate
* destinationZoneId
* attribute15
* organizationId
* taskRangeFrom
* actualTravelTime
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute3
* createdBy
* lastUpdateDate
* attributeCategory
* attribute13
* attribute9
* destinationSubinventory
* attribute11
* operationId
* activityDetailId
* activityId
* lastUpdatedBy
* laborTxnSourceId
* elsGroupId
* groupSize
* expectedTravelTime
* attribute14
* attribute8
* attribute5
* attribute7
* attribute10
* sourceSubinventory
* taskRangeTo
* sourceZoneId
* attribute6
* sequenceNumber
* attribute2


 * attribute1
* attribute4
* taskMethodId
* attribute12
* creationDate
* destinationZoneId
* attribute15
* organizationId
* taskRangeFrom
* actualTravelTime
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute3
* createdBy
* lastUpdateDate
* attributeCategory
* attribute13
* attribute9
* destinationSubinventory
* attribute11
* operationId
* activityDetailId
* activityId
* lastUpdatedBy
* laborTxnSourceId
* elsGroupId
* groupSize
* expectedTravelTime
* attribute14
* attribute8
* attribute5
* attribute7
* attribute10
* sourceSubinventory
* taskRangeTo
* sourceZoneId
* attribute6
* sequenceNumber
* attribute2


 * lastUpdateDate
* sourceLang
* creationDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* createdBy
* language
* elsGroupId
* description


 * lastUpdateDate
* sourceLang
* creationDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* createdBy
* language
* elsGroupId
* description


 * attribute4
* attribute8
* attribute1
* actualIdleTime
* equipmentId
* groupId
* analysisId
* itemCategoryId
* creationDate
* sourceZoneId
* attribute13
* laborTxnSourceId
* destinationZoneId
* expectedTxnTime
* travelTimeThreshold
* attribute12
* activityDetailId
* expectedIdleTime
* actualTravelTime
* attribute10
* attributeCategory
* organizationId
* activityId
* attribute2
* attribute6
* transactionUom
* taskTypeId
* expectedTravelTime
* sequenceNumber
* attribute14
* fromQuantity
* actualTxnTime
* lastUpdateLogin
* operationPlanId
* historyFlag
* archiveDate
* attribute11
* taskMethodId
* attribute7
* attribute5
* sourceSubinventory
* numTrxMatched
* attribute3
* attribute15
* operationId
* elsDataId
* lastUpdatedBy
* destinationSubinventory
* createdBy
* attribute9
* lastUpdateDate
* toQuantity


 * attribute4
* attribute8
* attribute1
* actualIdleTime
* equipmentId
* groupId
* analysisId
* itemCategoryId
* creationDate
* sourceZoneId
* attribute13
* laborTxnSourceId
* destinationZoneId
* expectedTxnTime
* travelTimeThreshold
* attribute12
* activityDetailId
* expectedIdleTime
* actualTravelTime
* attribute10
* attributeCategory
* organizationId
* activityId
* attribute2
* attribute6
* transactionUom
* taskTypeId
* expectedTravelTime
* sequenceNumber
* attribute14
* fromQuantity
* actualTxnTime
* lastUpdateLogin
* operationPlanId
* historyFlag
* archiveDate
* attribute11
* taskMethodId
* attribute7
* attribute5
* sourceSubinventory
* numTrxMatched
* attribute3
* attribute15
* operationId
* elsDataId
* lastUpdatedBy
* destinationSubinventory
* createdBy
* attribute9
* lastUpdateDate
* toQuantity


 * creationDate
* sourceLang
* lastUpdatedBy
* language
* elsDataId
* lastUpdateLogin
* createdBy
* lastUpdateDate
* description


 * creationDate
* sourceLang
* lastUpdatedBy
* language
* elsDataId
* lastUpdateLogin
* createdBy
* lastUpdateDate
* description


 * attribute12
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute14
* attribute2
* attribute3
* createdBy
* attribute9
* attribute11
* attribute5
* lastUpdatedBy
* attributeCategory
* creationDate
* attribute10
* attribute13
* userId
* attribute1
* elsNonTrackedUserId
* attribute8
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute7
* organizationId
* attribute15
* attribute4
* attribute6


 * attribute12
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute14
* attribute2
* attribute3
* createdBy
* attribute9
* attribute11
* attribute5
* lastUpdatedBy
* attributeCategory
* creationDate
* attribute10
* attribute13
* userId
* attribute1
* elsNonTrackedUserId
* attribute8
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute7
* organizationId
* attribute15
* attribute4
* attribute6


 * lastUpdatedBy
* attribute5
* attribute9
* lastUpdateDate
* dataPeriodUnit
* attributeCategory
* attribute6
* attribute15
* organizationId
* elsParameterId
* attribute14
* creationDate
* timePerDay
* attribute11
* attribute1
* attribute2
* employeeUtilizationRate
* attribute13
* timeFrameAverageId
* dataPeriodValue
* attribute12
* createdBy
* attribute7
* attribute3
* timeUnit
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute10
* attribute4
* attribute8


 * lastUpdatedBy
* attribute5
* attribute9
* lastUpdateDate
* dataPeriodUnit
* attributeCategory
* attribute6
* attribute15
* organizationId
* elsParameterId
* attribute14
* creationDate
* timePerDay
* attribute11
* attribute1
* attribute2
* employeeUtilizationRate
* attribute13
* timeFrameAverageId
* dataPeriodValue
* attribute12
* createdBy
* attribute7
* attribute3
* timeUnit
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute10
* attribute4
* attribute8


 * ratingType
* elsRatingsSetupId
* elsParameterId
* perExpectedTimeFrom
* perScore
* createdBy
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateDate
* creationDate
* perExpectedTimeTo
* lastUpdateLogin
* laborRating


 * ratingType
* elsRatingsSetupId
* elsParameterId
* perExpectedTimeFrom
* perScore
* createdBy
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateDate
* creationDate
* perExpectedTimeTo
* lastUpdateLogin
* laborRating


 * wmsElsResourceSetupId
* activityDetailId
* numberOfResources
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* creationDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* elsParameterId
* activityId
* createdBy


 * wmsElsResourceSetupId
* activityDetailId
* numberOfResources
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* creationDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* elsParameterId
* activityId
* createdBy


 * txnScore
* transactionTime
* travelScore
* groupedTaskIdentifier
* employeeRatingTxn
* elsDataId
* idleTime
* matchGroup
* idleScore
* itemCategoryId
* creationDate
* createdBy
* groupId
* unattributedFlag
* laborTxnSourceId
* employeeRatingIdle
* operationPlanId
* sourceZoneId
* travelTime
* equipmentId
* activityDetailId
* fromLocatorId
* toLocatorId
* activityId
* operationId
* elsTrxSrcId
* groupSize
* quantity
* taskTypeId
* destinationZoneId
* sourceSubinventory
* transactionUom
* lastUpdatedBy
* userId
* travelAndIdleTime
* taskMethodId
* employeeRatingTravel
* lastUpdateLogin
* destinationSubinventory
* lastUpdateDate
* transactionDate
* organizationId
* inventoryItemId


 * txnScore
* transactionTime
* travelScore
* groupedTaskIdentifier
* employeeRatingTxn
* elsDataId
* idleTime
* matchGroup
* idleScore
* itemCategoryId
* creationDate
* createdBy
* groupId
* unattributedFlag
* laborTxnSourceId
* employeeRatingIdle
* operationPlanId
* sourceZoneId
* travelTime
* equipmentId
* activityDetailId
* fromLocatorId
* toLocatorId
* activityId
* operationId
* elsTrxSrcId
* groupSize
* quantity
* taskTypeId
* destinationZoneId
* sourceSubinventory
* transactionUom
* lastUpdatedBy
* userId
* travelAndIdleTime
* taskMethodId
* employeeRatingTravel
* lastUpdateLogin
* destinationSubinventory
* lastUpdateDate
* transactionDate
* organizationId
* inventoryItemId


 * groupId
* lastUpdatedBy
* gtinSerial
* epc
* epcRuleTypeId
* epcRuleId
* filterObjectType
* createdBy
* inventoryItemId
* epcId
* gtin
* crossRefType
* serialNumber
* lpnId
* lastUpdateDate
* status
* creationDate
* sscc
* statusCode
* lastUpdateLogin


 * ruleCompType
* epcSegLength
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* sequence
* lastUpdateDate
* creationDate
* epcRuleId
* compValue
* createdBy
* component


 * ruleCompType
* epcSegLength
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* sequence
* lastUpdateDate
* creationDate
* epcRuleId
* compValue
* createdBy
* component


 * lastUpdatedBy
* epcRule
* lastUpdateDate
* epcOutputRep
* lastUpdateLogin
* epcRuleId
* creationDate
* createdBy
* endDate
* defaultRule


 * lastUpdatedBy
* epcRule
* lastUpdateDate
* epcOutputRep
* lastUpdateLogin
* epcRuleId
* creationDate
* createdBy
* endDate
* defaultRule


 * groupId
* lastUpdatedBy
* gtinSerial
* epc
* epcRuleTypeId
* epcRuleId
* filterObjectType
* createdBy
* inventoryItemId
* epcId
* gtin
* crossRefType
* serialNumber
* lpnId
* lastUpdateDate
* status
* creationDate
* sscc
* statusCode
* lastUpdateLogin


 * inventoryItemId
* effectiveStartDate
* attribute1
* transactionHeaderId
* attribute11
* attribute8
* personId
* lastUpdatedBy
* creationDate
* attributeCategory
* attribute15
* attribute6
* attribute5
* archiveFlag
* attribute7
* wfItemKey
* sequenceNumber
* attribute10
* wmsTaskType
* attribute3
* subinventoryCode
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute13
* lotNumber
* lastUpdateDate
* createdBy
* attribute2
* attribute4
* discrepancyType
* effectiveEndDate
* revision
* attribute9
* attribute12
* lpnId
* inventoryLocationId
* reasonId
* attribute14
* taskId
* organizationId


 * inventoryItemId
* effectiveStartDate
* attribute1
* transactionHeaderId
* attribute11
* attribute8
* personId
* lastUpdatedBy
* creationDate
* attributeCategory
* attribute15
* attribute6
* attribute5
* archiveFlag
* attribute7
* wfItemKey
* sequenceNumber
* attribute10
* wmsTaskType
* attribute3
* subinventoryCode
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute13
* lotNumber
* lastUpdateDate
* createdBy
* attribute2
* attribute4
* discrepancyType
* effectiveEndDate
* revision
* attribute9
* attribute12
* lpnId
* inventoryLocationId
* reasonId
* attribute14
* taskId
* organizationId


 * lastUpdateLogin
* createdBy
* creationDate
* freightCostTypeId
* currencyCode
* lastUpdateDate
* programApplicationId
* programId
* requestId
* programUpdateDate
* organizationId
* lpnId
* freightCostId
* deliveryId
* freightAmount
* tripId
* lastUpdatedBy
* conversionType


 * lastUpdateLogin
* createdBy
* creationDate
* freightCostTypeId
* currencyCode
* lastUpdateDate
* programApplicationId
* programId
* requestId
* programUpdateDate
* organizationId
* lpnId
* freightCostId
* deliveryId
* freightAmount
* tripId
* lastUpdatedBy
* conversionType


 * serialNumber
* gtin


 * serialNumber
* gtin


 * revision
* deliveryId
* attribute7
* encoding
* programUpdateDate
* customerItemId
* attribute10
* createdBy
* jobName
* supplierItemId
* serialNumber
* lpnId
* ruleWeight
* attribute1
* strategyId
* customerSiteId
* salesOrderHeaderId
* printerStatus
* lastUpdateLogin
* requestModeCode
* requestUserId
* attribute6
* freightCode
* supplierSiteId
* customerContactId
* statusType
* programApplicationId
* attribute4
* locatorId
* noOfCopy
* lotNumber
* originalRequestId
* errorMessage
* requestId
* attribute2
* attribute11
* labelContent
* attribute3
* attribute8
* attribute12
* printerName
* labelFormatId
* jobStatus
* packageId
* salesOrderLineId
* attribute14
* organizationId
* deliveryDetailId
* outfileName
* outfileDirectory
* requestDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute5
* supplierId
* attribute9
* businessFlowCode
* attribute13
* labelTypeId
* statusFlag
* ruleId
* customerId
* subinventoryCode
* programId
* creationDate
* lastUpdateDate
* inventoryItemId
* attributeCategory
* labelRequestId
* attribute15


 * revision
* deliveryId
* attribute7
* encoding
* programUpdateDate
* customerItemId
* attribute10
* createdBy
* jobName
* supplierItemId
* serialNumber
* lpnId
* ruleWeight
* attribute1
* strategyId
* customerSiteId
* salesOrderHeaderId
* printerStatus
* lastUpdateLogin
* requestModeCode
* requestUserId
* attribute6
* freightCode
* supplierSiteId
* customerContactId
* statusType
* programApplicationId
* attribute4
* locatorId
* noOfCopy
* lotNumber
* originalRequestId
* errorMessage
* requestId
* attribute2
* attribute11
* labelContent
* attribute3
* attribute8
* attribute12
* printerName
* labelFormatId
* jobStatus
* packageId
* salesOrderLineId
* attribute14
* organizationId
* deliveryDetailId
* outfileName
* outfileDirectory
* requestDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute5
* supplierId
* attribute9
* businessFlowCode
* attribute13
* labelTypeId
* statusFlag
* ruleId
* customerId
* subinventoryCode
* programId
* creationDate
* lastUpdateDate
* inventoryItemId
* attributeCategory
* labelRequestId
* attribute15


 * formatId
* lastUpdatedBy
* disableDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdateDate
* setId
* creationDate
* createdBy


 * formatId
* lastUpdatedBy
* disableDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdateDate
* setId
* creationDate
* createdBy


 * grossWeight
* attribute13
* homogeneousContainer
* contentVolume
* lpnReusability
* sourceName
* licensePlateNumber
* serialNumber
* attribute2
* contentVolumeUomCode
* attribute8
* lastUpdateLogin
* statusId
* attribute3
* outermostLpnId
* attribute10
* tareWeightUomCode
* attribute6
* costGroupId
* attribute15
* programId
* lastUpdateDate
* lotNumber
* organizationId
* attribute7
* catchWeightFlag
* attribute5
* inventoryItemId
* sealedStatus
* attribute4
* attribute11
* sourceLineId
* sourceTypeId
* lpnId
* createdBy
* locatorId
* attribute14
* parentLpnId
* attribute9
* revision
* lpnState
* sourceLineDetailId
* attribute12
* programApplicationId
* programUpdateDate
* containerVolume
* containerVolumeUom
* requestId
* grossWeightUomCode
* tareWeight
* creationDate
* sourceHeaderId
* subinventoryCode
* lpnContext
* lastUpdatedBy
* attributeCategory
* attribute1


 * grossWeight
* attribute13
* homogeneousContainer
* contentVolume
* lpnReusability
* sourceName
* licensePlateNumber
* serialNumber
* attribute2
* contentVolumeUomCode
* attribute8
* lastUpdateLogin
* statusId
* attribute3
* outermostLpnId
* attribute10
* tareWeightUomCode
* attribute6
* costGroupId
* attribute15
* programId
* lastUpdateDate
* lotNumber
* organizationId
* attribute7
* catchWeightFlag
* attribute5
* inventoryItemId
* sealedStatus
* attribute4
* attribute11
* sourceLineId
* sourceTypeId
* lpnId
* createdBy
* locatorId
* attribute14
* parentLpnId
* attribute9
* revision
* lpnState
* sourceLineDetailId
* attribute12
* programApplicationId
* programUpdateDate
* containerVolume
* containerVolumeUom
* requestId
* grossWeightUomCode
* tareWeight
* creationDate
* sourceHeaderId
* subinventoryCode
* lpnContext
* lastUpdatedBy
* attributeCategory
* attribute1


 * programApplicationId
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute5
* sourceLineDetailId
* attributeCategory
* attribute1
* lpnContentId
* attribute6
* attribute10
* lotNumber
* secondaryQuantity
* serialNumber
* parentLpnId
* sourceName
* programId
* attribute4
* attribute11
* attribute15
* secondaryUomCode
* programUpdateDate
* inventoryItemId
* attribute8
* serialSummaryEntry
* sourceHeaderId
* attribute2
* organizationId
* attribute14
* itemDescription
* sourceTypeId
* attribute9
* lastUpdatedBy
* quantity
* primaryQuantity
* sourceLineId
* txnErrorFlag
* uomCode
* lastUpdateLogin
* revision
* creationDate
* attribute7
* attribute13
* costGroupId
* attribute12
* attribute3
* requestId
* createdBy


 * interfaceTransactionId
* cAttribute2
* recycledContent
* shipmentNum
* cAttribute4
* length
* changeDate
* cAttribute20
* cAttribute3
* dAttribute1
* programUpdateDate
* attribute6
* attribute10
* dAttribute6
* nAttribute4
* nAttribute6
* attribute9
* attribute14
* itemRevision
* curlWrinkleFold
* nAttribute3
* gradeCode
* lastUpdateLogin
* nAttribute2
* originationDate
* nAttribute9
* placeOfOrigin
* statusName
* attribute5
* nAttribute1
* attribute4
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute12
* volume
* dAttribute3
* lengthUomCode
* cAttribute10
* attribute15
* requestId
* attribute8
* territoryCode
* lotAttributeCategory
* thickness
* itemSize
* cAttribute15
* dAttribute10
* groupId
* nAttribute10
* dAttribute2
* nAttribute7
* attribute13
* bestByDate
* cAttribute8
* vendorItemNum
* fromSerialNumber
* attributeCategory
* lotNumber
* dAttribute5
* thicknessUomCode
* attribute3
* quantity
* killDate
* cAttribute19
* attribute7
* cAttribute14
* age
* cAttribute16
* cAttribute13
* cAttribute5
* dAttribute8
* color
* retestDate
* dAttribute4
* widthUomCode
* programId
* creationDate
* itemNum
* toSerialNumber
* volumeUomCode
* attribute11
* supplierLotNumber
* cAttribute9
* dAttribute9
* createdBy
* cAttribute1
* expirationDate
* licensePlateNumber
* documentLineNum
* uomCode
* shipToOrganizationCode
* cAttribute7
* statusId
* attribute1
* cAttribute12
* cAttribute17
* dateCode
* cAttribute18
* programApplicationId
* nAttribute5
* nAttribute8
* width
* itemDescription
* documentNum
* cAttribute11
* lastUpdateDate
* maturityDate
* attribute2
* dAttribute7
* cAttribute6
* serialTransactionIntfId


 * interfaceTransactionId
* cAttribute2
* recycledContent
* shipmentNum
* cAttribute4
* length
* changeDate
* cAttribute20
* cAttribute3
* dAttribute1
* programUpdateDate
* attribute6
* attribute10
* dAttribute6
* nAttribute4
* nAttribute6
* attribute9
* attribute14
* itemRevision
* curlWrinkleFold
* nAttribute3
* gradeCode
* lastUpdateLogin
* nAttribute2
* originationDate
* nAttribute9
* placeOfOrigin
* statusName
* attribute5
* nAttribute1
* attribute4
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute12
* volume
* dAttribute3
* lengthUomCode
* cAttribute10
* attribute15
* requestId
* attribute8
* territoryCode
* lotAttributeCategory
* thickness
* itemSize
* cAttribute15
* dAttribute10
* groupId
* nAttribute10
* dAttribute2
* nAttribute7
* attribute13
* bestByDate
* cAttribute8
* vendorItemNum
* fromSerialNumber
* attributeCategory
* lotNumber
* dAttribute5
* thicknessUomCode
* attribute3
* quantity
* killDate
* cAttribute19
* attribute7
* cAttribute14
* age
* cAttribute16
* cAttribute13
* cAttribute5
* dAttribute8
* color
* retestDate
* dAttribute4
* widthUomCode
* programId
* creationDate
* itemNum
* toSerialNumber
* volumeUomCode
* attribute11
* supplierLotNumber
* cAttribute9
* dAttribute9
* createdBy
* cAttribute1
* expirationDate
* licensePlateNumber
* documentLineNum
* uomCode
* shipToOrganizationCode
* cAttribute7
* statusId
* attribute1
* cAttribute12
* cAttribute17
* dateCode
* cAttribute18
* programApplicationId
* nAttribute5
* nAttribute8
* width
* itemDescription
* documentNum
* cAttribute11
* lastUpdateDate
* maturityDate
* attribute2
* dAttribute7
* cAttribute6
* serialTransactionIntfId


 * programApplicationId
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute5
* sourceLineDetailId
* attributeCategory
* attribute1
* lpnContentId
* attribute6
* attribute10
* lotNumber
* secondaryQuantity
* serialNumber
* parentLpnId
* sourceName
* programId
* attribute4
* attribute11
* attribute15
* secondaryUomCode
* programUpdateDate
* inventoryItemId
* attribute8
* serialSummaryEntry
* sourceHeaderId
* attribute2
* organizationId
* attribute14
* itemDescription
* sourceTypeId
* attribute9
* lastUpdatedBy
* quantity
* primaryQuantity
* sourceLineId
* txnErrorFlag
* uomCode
* lastUpdateLogin
* revision
* creationDate
* attribute7
* attribute13
* costGroupId
* attribute12
* attribute3
* requestId
* createdBy


 * attribute9
* attribute12
* attribute13
* toSerialNumber
* attribute2
* revision
* attribute15
* attribute14
* licensePlateNumber
* lotNumber
* attribute4
* attribute5
* parentLicensePlateNumber
* attribute10
* lastUpdateDate
* itemDescription
* secondaryUomCode
* programUpdateDate
* sourceHeaderId
* attribute1
* organizationId
* createdBy
* quantity
* costGroupId
* lpnContext
* homogeneousContainer
* lastUpdateLogin
* parentLpnId
* outermostLicensePlateNumber
* attribute11
* serialNumber
* uomCode
* sourceName
* operationMode
* requestId
* sourceLineId
* programApplicationId
* lpnReusability
* secondaryQuantity
* lpnId
* programId
* attribute8
* sourceTransactionId
* lpnHistoryId
* inventoryItemId
* lpnState
* statusId
* subinventoryCode
* locatorId
* attribute7
* attributeCategory
* sourceTypeId
* attribute6
* sourceLineDetailId
* caller
* outermostLpnId
* attribute3
* creationDate
* sealedStatus
* lastUpdatedBy


 * attribute9
* attribute12
* attribute13
* toSerialNumber
* attribute2
* revision
* attribute15
* attribute14
* licensePlateNumber
* lotNumber
* attribute4
* attribute5
* parentLicensePlateNumber
* attribute10
* lastUpdateDate
* itemDescription
* secondaryUomCode
* programUpdateDate
* sourceHeaderId
* attribute1
* organizationId
* createdBy
* quantity
* costGroupId
* lpnContext
* homogeneousContainer
* lastUpdateLogin
* parentLpnId
* outermostLicensePlateNumber
* attribute11
* serialNumber
* uomCode
* sourceName
* operationMode
* requestId
* sourceLineId
* programApplicationId
* lpnReusability
* secondaryQuantity
* lpnId
* programId
* attribute8
* sourceTransactionId
* lpnHistoryId
* inventoryItemId
* lpnState
* statusId
* subinventoryCode
* locatorId
* attribute7
* attributeCategory
* sourceTypeId
* attribute6
* sourceLineDetailId
* caller
* outermostLpnId
* attribute3
* creationDate
* sealedStatus
* lastUpdatedBy


 * sourceLineId
* attribute7
* serialNumber
* attributeCategory
* attribute11
* sourceName
* tareWeightUomCode
* organizationId
* requestId
* programUpdateDate
* createdBy
* attribute5
* attribute10
* subinventoryCode
* homogeneousContainer
* statusId
* revision
* licensePlateNumber
* attribute1
* costGroupId
* inventoryItemId
* locatorId
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute13
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute9
* attribute14
* lotNumber
* sourceHeaderId
* attribute15
* programApplicationId
* creationDate
* attribute4
* parentLpnId
* grossWeightUomCode
* lpnReusability
* lpnId
* sourceLineDetailId
* grossWeight
* contentVolumeUomCode
* attribute2
* attribute8
* attribute3
* tareWeight
* parentLicensePlateNumber
* lpnContext
* attribute6
* sourceTypeId
* programId
* lastUpdatedBy
* sourceGroupId
* contentVolume
* attribute12
* outermostLpn
* sealedStatus
* organizationCode
* outermostLpnId


 * sourceLineId
* attribute7
* serialNumber
* attributeCategory
* attribute11
* sourceName
* tareWeightUomCode
* organizationId
* requestId
* programUpdateDate
* createdBy
* attribute5
* attribute10
* subinventoryCode
* homogeneousContainer
* statusId
* revision
* licensePlateNumber
* attribute1
* costGroupId
* inventoryItemId
* locatorId
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute13
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute9
* attribute14
* lotNumber
* sourceHeaderId
* attribute15
* programApplicationId
* creationDate
* attribute4
* parentLpnId
* grossWeightUomCode
* lpnReusability
* lpnId
* sourceLineDetailId
* grossWeight
* contentVolumeUomCode
* attribute2
* attribute8
* attribute3
* tareWeight
* parentLicensePlateNumber
* lpnContext
* attribute6
* sourceTypeId
* programId
* lastUpdatedBy
* sourceGroupId
* contentVolume
* attribute12
* outermostLpn
* sealedStatus
* organizationCode
* outermostLpnId


 * processId
* lpnId


 * processId
* lpnId


 * putAwayStrategyId
* commonRoutingSeqId
* orgCostGroupId
* sourceCode
* currencyConversionType
* taskGroupId
* itemLotControlCode
* rebuildItemId
* numberOfLotsEntered
* receivingDocument
* classCode
* owningOrganizationId
* overheadAccount
* lotExpirationDate
* materialOverheadAccount
* transactionDate
* attribute14
* validLocatorFlag
* attribute5
* transactionSourceName
* lotAlphaPrefix
* transferPlanningTpType
* itemPrimaryUomCode
* resourceAccount
* creationDate
* createdBy
* itemSegments
* routingRevisionDate
* attribute10
* transactionHeaderId
* attribute9
* supplyLocatorId
* transactionSourceId
* allowedUnitsLookupCode
* itemLocationControlCode
* transactionQuantity
* transferOrganization
* vendorLotNumber
* attribute13
* overcompletionTransactionQty
* rebuildJobName
* bomRevision
* taskId
* serialNumber
* containers
* currentLocatorControlCode
* customerShipId
* attribute8
* attribute12
* endItemUnitNumber
* departmentCode
* materialAllocationTempId
* wipCommitFlag
* attribute15
* pickRuleId
* lineTypeCode
* costTypeId
* lpnId
* scheduledPaybackDate
* transactionMode
* primaryQuantity
* currencyConversionRate
* itemRestrictSubinvCode
* programUpdateDate
* reservationQuantity
* cartonizationId
* sourceProjectId
* completionTransactionId
* organizationId
* itemSerialControlCode
* pickSlipDate
* transferOrganizationType
* scheduleId
* toProjectId
* overcompletionTransactionId
* projectId
* moveTransactionId
* rebuildSerialNumber
* secondaryTransactionQuantity
* lockFlag
* sourceLineId
* itemShelfLifeDays
* materialAccount
* parentLineId
* transferOwningTpType
* transferSubinventory
* transactionSequenceId
* itemUomClass
* itemRevisionQtyControlCode
* contentLpnId
* movementId
* standardOperationId
* postingFlag
* paExpenditureOrgId
* inventoryItemId
* sourceTaskId
* operationSeqNum
* attribute4
* shippableFlag
* transferPercentage
* trxSourceDeliveryId
* setupTeardownCode
* alternateBomDesignator
* buildSequence
* pickStrategyId
* rebuildActivityId
* requiredFlag
* transactionLineNumber
* sourceLotNumber
* requestId
* planningOrganizationId
* processFlag
* demandSourceDelivery
* locatorSegments
* attribute1
* valueChange
* planningTpType
* itemOrdering
* requisitionDistributionId
* transactionActionId
* repetitiveLineId
* trxSourceLineId
* shippedQuantity
* rcvTransactionId
* transactionUom
* primarySwitch
* flowSchedule
* rmaLineId
* taskPriority
* scheduledFlag
* toTaskId
* qaCollectionId
* transactionStatus
* negativeReqFlag
* distributionAccountId
* itemRestrictLocatorsCode
* programApplicationId
* expectedArrivalDate
* scheduleGroup
* containerItemId
* attribute6
* secondaryUomCode
* transactionGroupSeq
* transactionCost
* itemInventoryAssetFlag
* overcompletionPrimaryQty
* commonBomSeqId
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute2
* putAwayRuleId
* newAverageCost
* transportationCost
* owningTpType
* bomRevisionDate
* transactionTypeId
* shipmentNumber
* finalCompletionFlag
* waybillAirbill
* outsideProcessingAccount
* revision
* itemShelfLifeCode
* departmentId
* errorCode
* allocatedLpnId
* organizationType
* programId
* locatorId
* transportationAccount
* shipToLocation
* subinventoryCode
* errorExplanation
* routingRevision
* scheduleUpdateCode
* cycleCountId
* lastUpdateLogin
* acctPeriodId
* kanbanCardId
* parentTransactionTempId
* transactionTempId
* wipSupplyType
* ussglTransactionCode
* nextSerialNumber
* lotNumber
* xfrOwningOrganizationId
* transactionSourceTypeId
* xfrPlanningOrganizationId
* costGroupId
* alternateRoutingDesignator
* wipEntityType
* demandId
* scheduleNumber
* attribute7
* transferToLocation
* transferLpnId
* pickingLineId
* attribute3
* transactionGroupId
* transferCost
* freightCode
* serialAlphaPrefix
* physicalAdjustmentId
* itemDescription
* demandClass
* reasonId
* percentageChange
* encumbranceAccount
* validSubinventoryFlag
* employeeCode
* demandSourceHeaderId
* demandSourceLine
* supplySubinventory
* lastUpdateDate
* attributeCategory
* nextLotNumber
* currencyConversionDate
* moveOrderLineId
* transactionReference
* encumbranceAmount
* itemTrxEnabledFlag
* attribute11
* reservationId
* transferCostGroupId
* expenditureType
* currencyCode
* wmsTaskType
* wmsTaskStatus
* pickSlipNumber
* requisitionLineId


 * putAwayStrategyId
* commonRoutingSeqId
* orgCostGroupId
* sourceCode
* currencyConversionType
* taskGroupId
* itemLotControlCode
* rebuildItemId
* numberOfLotsEntered
* receivingDocument
* classCode
* owningOrganizationId
* overheadAccount
* lotExpirationDate
* materialOverheadAccount
* transactionDate
* attribute14
* validLocatorFlag
* attribute5
* transactionSourceName
* lotAlphaPrefix
* transferPlanningTpType
* itemPrimaryUomCode
* resourceAccount
* creationDate
* createdBy
* itemSegments
* routingRevisionDate
* attribute10
* transactionHeaderId
* attribute9
* supplyLocatorId
* transactionSourceId
* allowedUnitsLookupCode
* itemLocationControlCode
* transactionQuantity
* transferOrganization
* vendorLotNumber
* attribute13
* overcompletionTransactionQty
* rebuildJobName
* bomRevision
* taskId
* serialNumber
* containers
* currentLocatorControlCode
* customerShipId
* attribute8
* attribute12
* endItemUnitNumber
* departmentCode
* materialAllocationTempId
* wipCommitFlag
* attribute15
* pickRuleId
* lineTypeCode
* costTypeId
* lpnId
* scheduledPaybackDate
* transactionMode
* primaryQuantity
* currencyConversionRate
* itemRestrictSubinvCode
* programUpdateDate
* reservationQuantity
* cartonizationId
* sourceProjectId
* completionTransactionId
* organizationId
* itemSerialControlCode
* pickSlipDate
* transferOrganizationType
* scheduleId
* toProjectId
* overcompletionTransactionId
* projectId
* moveTransactionId
* rebuildSerialNumber
* secondaryTransactionQuantity
* lockFlag
* sourceLineId
* itemShelfLifeDays
* materialAccount
* parentLineId
* transferOwningTpType
* transferSubinventory
* transactionSequenceId
* itemUomClass
* itemRevisionQtyControlCode
* contentLpnId
* movementId
* standardOperationId
* postingFlag
* paExpenditureOrgId
* inventoryItemId
* sourceTaskId
* operationSeqNum
* attribute4
* shippableFlag
* transferPercentage
* trxSourceDeliveryId
* setupTeardownCode
* alternateBomDesignator
* buildSequence
* pickStrategyId
* rebuildActivityId
* requiredFlag
* transactionLineNumber
* sourceLotNumber
* requestId
* planningOrganizationId
* processFlag
* demandSourceDelivery
* locatorSegments
* attribute1
* valueChange
* planningTpType
* itemOrdering
* requisitionDistributionId
* transactionActionId
* repetitiveLineId
* trxSourceLineId
* shippedQuantity
* rcvTransactionId
* transactionUom
* primarySwitch
* flowSchedule
* rmaLineId
* taskPriority
* scheduledFlag
* toTaskId
* qaCollectionId
* transactionStatus
* negativeReqFlag
* distributionAccountId
* itemRestrictLocatorsCode
* programApplicationId
* expectedArrivalDate
* scheduleGroup
* containerItemId
* attribute6
* secondaryUomCode
* transactionGroupSeq
* transactionCost
* itemInventoryAssetFlag
* overcompletionPrimaryQty
* commonBomSeqId
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute2
* putAwayRuleId
* newAverageCost
* transportationCost
* owningTpType
* bomRevisionDate
* transactionTypeId
* shipmentNumber
* finalCompletionFlag
* waybillAirbill
* outsideProcessingAccount
* revision
* itemShelfLifeCode
* departmentId
* errorCode
* allocatedLpnId
* organizationType
* programId
* locatorId
* transportationAccount
* shipToLocation
* subinventoryCode
* errorExplanation
* routingRevision
* scheduleUpdateCode
* cycleCountId
* lastUpdateLogin
* acctPeriodId
* kanbanCardId
* parentTransactionTempId
* transactionTempId
* wipSupplyType
* ussglTransactionCode
* nextSerialNumber
* lotNumber
* xfrOwningOrganizationId
* transactionSourceTypeId
* xfrPlanningOrganizationId
* costGroupId
* alternateRoutingDesignator
* wipEntityType
* demandId
* scheduleNumber
* attribute7
* transferToLocation
* transferLpnId
* pickingLineId
* attribute3
* transactionGroupId
* transferCost
* freightCode
* serialAlphaPrefix
* physicalAdjustmentId
* itemDescription
* demandClass
* reasonId
* percentageChange
* encumbranceAccount
* validSubinventoryFlag
* employeeCode
* demandSourceHeaderId
* demandSourceLine
* supplySubinventory
* lastUpdateDate
* attributeCategory
* nextLotNumber
* currencyConversionDate
* moveOrderLineId
* transactionReference
* encumbranceAmount
* itemTrxEnabledFlag
* attribute11
* reservationId
* transferCostGroupId
* expenditureType
* currencyCode
* wmsTaskType
* wmsTaskStatus
* pickSlipNumber
* requisitionLineId


 * sequenceId
* creationDate
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* createdBy
* endComponentDelimiter
* componentId
* component
* templateId
* startComponentDelimiter
* paddingCharacter
* leftOrRightPadded
* componentLength
* lastUpdatedBy
* xmlTagName


 * sequenceId
* creationDate
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* createdBy
* endComponentDelimiter
* componentId
* component
* templateId
* startComponentDelimiter
* paddingCharacter
* leftOrRightPadded
* componentLength
* lastUpdatedBy
* xmlTagName


 * lastUpdateLogin
* wmsMsgTemplateType
* lastUpdatedBy
* parameterDelimiter
* lastUpdateDate
* startMessageDelimiter
* endMessageDelimiter
* templateId
* creationDate
* templateName
* createdBy


 * lastUpdateLogin
* wmsMsgTemplateType
* lastUpdatedBy
* parameterDelimiter
* lastUpdateDate
* startMessageDelimiter
* endMessageDelimiter
* templateId
* creationDate
* templateName
* createdBy


 * attribute2
* attribute11
* operationTypeId
* lpnId
* fromLocatorId
* sugToLocatorId
* toLocatorId
* attribute7
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute8
* sugToSubCode
* fromZoneId
* attribute3
* fromSubinventoryCode
* operationInstanceId
* operationStatus
* attribute12
* toZoneId
* isInInventory
* operationPlanDetailId
* attribute4
* operationSequence
* opPlanInstanceId
* completeTime
* attribute15
* attribute1
* activityTypeId
* creationDate
* operationType
* attribute9
* attribute10
* organizationId
* attribute6
* attribute14
* activateTime
* lastUpdateLogin
* employeeId
* lastUpdatedBy
* attributeCategory
* equipmentId
* toSubinventoryCode
* createdBy
* attribute5
* attribute13
* sourceTaskId


 * attribute2
* attribute11
* operationTypeId
* lpnId
* fromLocatorId
* sugToLocatorId
* toLocatorId
* attribute7
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute8
* sugToSubCode
* fromZoneId
* attribute3
* fromSubinventoryCode
* operationInstanceId
* operationStatus
* attribute12
* toZoneId
* isInInventory
* operationPlanDetailId
* attribute4
* operationSequence
* opPlanInstanceId
* completeTime
* attribute15
* attribute1
* activityTypeId
* creationDate
* operationType
* attribute9
* attribute10
* organizationId
* attribute6
* attribute14
* activateTime
* lastUpdateLogin
* employeeId
* lastUpdatedBy
* attributeCategory
* equipmentId
* toSubinventoryCode
* createdBy
* attribute5
* attribute13
* sourceTaskId


 * opPlanInstanceId
* operationTypeId
* attribute8
* attribute2
* employeeId
* attribute1
* attribute5
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute13
* lastUpdateDate
* organizationId
* sugToSubCode
* toSubinventoryCode
* completeTime
* operationInstanceId
* attribute9
* attribute11
* attribute12
* activityTypeId
* attribute15
* operationSequence
* createdBy
* activateTime
* attribute14
* attribute4
* isInInventory
* attribute3
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute10
* equipmentId
* sugToLocatorId
* creationDate
* sourceTaskId
* attribute6
* operationPlanDetailId
* fromSubinventoryCode
* attributeCategory
* fromLocatorId
* attribute7
* toLocatorId
* operationStatus


 * opPlanInstanceId
* operationTypeId
* attribute8
* attribute2
* employeeId
* attribute1
* attribute5
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute13
* lastUpdateDate
* organizationId
* sugToSubCode
* toSubinventoryCode
* completeTime
* operationInstanceId
* attribute9
* attribute11
* attribute12
* activityTypeId
* attribute15
* operationSequence
* createdBy
* activateTime
* attribute14
* attribute4
* isInInventory
* attribute3
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute10
* equipmentId
* sugToLocatorId
* creationDate
* sourceTaskId
* attribute6
* operationPlanDetailId
* fromSubinventoryCode
* attributeCategory
* fromLocatorId
* attribute7
* toLocatorId
* operationStatus


 * operationPlanDetailId
* operationSequence
* attribute13
* operationTypeId
* fromZoneId
* fromLocatorId
* toLocatorId
* attribute15
* sugToLocatorId
* attribute4
* attribute8
* attribute2
* attribute1
* sourceTaskId
* attributeCategory
* opPlanInstanceId
* lpnId
* activityTypeId
* activateTime
* operationType
* createdBy
* employeeId
* toSubinventoryCode
* attribute12
* isInInventory
* creationDate
* attribute5
* attribute9
* attribute10
* operationStatus
* toZoneId
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute11
* attribute6
* operationInstanceId
* fromSubinventoryCode
* attribute3
* equipmentId
* attribute7
* completeTime
* lastUpdatedBy
* sugToSubCode
* organizationId
* attribute14


 * operationPlanDetailId
* operationSequence
* attribute13
* operationTypeId
* fromZoneId
* fromLocatorId
* toLocatorId
* attribute15
* sugToLocatorId
* attribute4
* attribute8
* attribute2
* attribute1
* sourceTaskId
* attributeCategory
* opPlanInstanceId
* lpnId
* activityTypeId
* activateTime
* operationType
* createdBy
* employeeId
* toSubinventoryCode
* attribute12
* isInInventory
* creationDate
* attribute5
* attribute9
* attribute10
* operationStatus
* toZoneId
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute11
* attribute6
* operationInstanceId
* fromSubinventoryCode
* attribute3
* equipmentId
* attribute7
* completeTime
* lastUpdatedBy
* sugToSubCode
* organizationId
* attribute14


 * rootPlanInstanceId
* organizationId
* parentPlanInstanceId
* transactionId
* attribute1
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute11
* origDestSubCode
* operationPlanId
* origSourceSubCode
* planTypeId
* taskSourceId
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute3
* attributeCategory
* attribute8
* systemTaskType
* attribute12
* attribute9
* attribute10
* opPlanInstanceId
* lastUpdateLogin
* sourceTaskId
* attribute4
* attribute2
* currentOperationInstanceId
* attribute14
* origSourceLocId
* attribute7
* attribute5
* attribute6
* activityTypeId
* planExecutionStartDate
* status
* attribute15
* planExecutionEndDate
* creationDate
* origDestLocId
* createdBy
* attribute13


 * attribute8
* planExecutionStartDate
* attribute3
* operationPlanId
* origDestSubCode
* opPlanInstanceId
* activityTypeId
* attribute1
* attribute4
* attributeCategory
* attribute9
* createdBy
* planTypeId
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute10
* attribute14
* origSourceSubCode
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute2
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute15
* creationDate
* organizationId
* origSourceLocId
* attribute5
* attribute6
* origDestLocId
* attribute7
* attribute13
* attribute12
* attribute11
* status
* planExecutionEndDate


 * attribute8
* planExecutionStartDate
* attribute3
* operationPlanId
* origDestSubCode
* opPlanInstanceId
* activityTypeId
* attribute1
* attribute4
* attributeCategory
* attribute9
* createdBy
* planTypeId
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute10
* attribute14
* origSourceSubCode
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute2
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute15
* creationDate
* organizationId
* origSourceLocId
* attribute5
* attribute6
* origDestLocId
* attribute7
* attribute13
* attribute12
* attribute11
* status
* planExecutionEndDate


 * parentPlanInstanceId
* attribute15
* origSourceLocId
* lastUpdateDate
* currentOperationInstanceId
* rootPlanInstanceId
* createdBy
* operationPlanId
* planExecutionEndDate
* attributeCategory
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute6
* transactionId
* planTypeId
* origSourceSubCode
* origDestSubCode
* attribute8
* activityTypeId
* attribute9
* attribute14
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute2
* attribute4
* attribute11
* attribute3
* organizationId
* origDestLocId
* opPlanInstanceId
* status
* taskSourceId
* attribute10
* attribute1
* attribute13
* systemTaskType
* creationDate
* attribute7
* attribute5
* attribute12
* planExecutionStartDate


 * parentPlanInstanceId
* attribute15
* origSourceLocId
* lastUpdateDate
* currentOperationInstanceId
* rootPlanInstanceId
* createdBy
* operationPlanId
* planExecutionEndDate
* attributeCategory
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute6
* transactionId
* planTypeId
* origSourceSubCode
* origDestSubCode
* attribute8
* activityTypeId
* attribute9
* attribute14
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute2
* attribute4
* attribute11
* attribute3
* organizationId
* origDestLocId
* opPlanInstanceId
* status
* taskSourceId
* attribute10
* attribute1
* attribute13
* systemTaskType
* creationDate
* attribute7
* attribute5
* attribute12
* planExecutionStartDate


 * rootPlanInstanceId
* organizationId
* parentPlanInstanceId
* transactionId
* attribute1
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute11
* origDestSubCode
* operationPlanId
* origSourceSubCode
* planTypeId
* taskSourceId
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute3
* attributeCategory
* attribute8
* systemTaskType
* attribute12
* attribute9
* attribute10
* opPlanInstanceId
* lastUpdateLogin
* sourceTaskId
* attribute4
* attribute2
* currentOperationInstanceId
* attribute14
* origSourceLocId
* attribute7
* attribute5
* attribute6
* activityTypeId
* planExecutionStartDate
* status
* attribute15
* planExecutionEndDate
* creationDate
* origDestLocId
* createdBy
* attribute13


 * attribute13
* parentPackageId
* attribute7
* lastUpdatedBy
* createdBy
* fmSerialNumber
* attribute1
* creationDate
* attribute4
* contentVolumeUomCode
* referenceId
* programId
* attribute10
* grossWeight
* programUpdateDate
* toSerialNumber
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute9
* attribute6
* lpnId
* tareWeight
* lastUpdateDate
* inventoryItemId
* contentVolume
* attribute2
* attribute15
* packagingMode
* attribute5
* organizationId
* packLevel
* revision
* primaryQuantity
* parentItemId
* packageId
* attribute8
* parentLpnId
* lotNumber
* attributeCategory
* sequenceId
* attribute14
* attribute11
* programApplicationId
* tareWeightUomCode
* attribute3
* headerId
* grossWeightUomCode
* attribute12
* requestId


 * attribute13
* parentPackageId
* attribute7
* lastUpdatedBy
* createdBy
* fmSerialNumber
* attribute1
* creationDate
* attribute4
* contentVolumeUomCode
* referenceId
* programId
* attribute10
* grossWeight
* programUpdateDate
* toSerialNumber
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute9
* attribute6
* lpnId
* tareWeight
* lastUpdateDate
* inventoryItemId
* contentVolume
* attribute2
* attribute15
* packagingMode
* attribute5
* organizationId
* packLevel
* revision
* primaryQuantity
* parentItemId
* packageId
* attribute8
* parentLpnId
* lotNumber
* attributeCategory
* sequenceId
* attribute14
* attribute11
* programApplicationId
* tareWeightUomCode
* attribute3
* headerId
* grossWeightUomCode
* attribute12
* requestId


 * batchId
* organizationId
* workerMode
* cartonizationId
* transactionBatchId
* processedFlag
* moHeaderId
* detailedCount


 * batchId
* organizationId
* workerMode
* cartonizationId
* transactionBatchId
* processedFlag
* moHeaderId
* detailedCount


 * lastUpdateLogin
* sourceTypeId
* createdBy
* replLevel
* primaryQuantity
* demandLineId
* demandTypeId
* lastUpdatedBy
* replType
* sourceLineId
* organizationId
* demandLineDetailId
* primaryUom
* inventoryItemId
* demandHeaderId
* sourceLineDetailId
* replenishmentId
* demandSortOrder
* sourceHeaderId
* creationDate
* lastUpdateDate


 * lastUpdateLogin
* sourceTypeId
* createdBy
* replLevel
* primaryQuantity
* demandLineId
* demandTypeId
* lastUpdatedBy
* replType
* sourceLineId
* organizationId
* demandLineDetailId
* primaryUom
* inventoryItemId
* demandHeaderId
* sourceLineDetailId
* replenishmentId
* demandSortOrder
* sourceHeaderId
* creationDate
* lastUpdateDate


 * bracketOpen
* attribute4
* parameterId
* attribute12
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute10
* operandTypeCode
* attribute2
* operandConstantCharacter
* attribute8
* sequenceNumber
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute15
* createdBy
* operandConstantDate
* attribute11
* attribute9
* attribute3
* attribute5
* attribute14
* attribute13
* operatorCode
* operandParameterId
* attribute1
* logicalOperatorCode
* zdEditionName
* operandConstantNumber
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute7
* bracketClose
* creationDate
* operandFlexValueSetId
* zdSync
* attributeCategory
* operandExpression
* ruleId
* attribute6


 * bracketOpen
* attribute4
* parameterId
* attribute12
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute10
* operandTypeCode
* attribute2
* operandConstantCharacter
* attribute8
* sequenceNumber
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute15
* createdBy
* operandConstantDate
* attribute11
* attribute9
* attribute3
* attribute5
* attribute14
* attribute13
* operatorCode
* operandParameterId
* attribute1
* logicalOperatorCode
* zdEditionName
* operandConstantNumber
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute7
* bracketClose
* creationDate
* operandFlexValueSetId
* zdSync
* attributeCategory
* operandExpression
* ruleId
* attribute6


 * attribute9
* lastUpdateLogin
* parameterId
* attribute1
* attribute2
* attribute13
* attribute10
* creationDate
* attribute7
* attributeCategory
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute6
* attribute8
* consistencyId
* attribute4
* ruleId
* createdBy
* attribute11
* attribute3
* attribute12
* zdSync
* attribute14
* attribute15
* attribute5
* zdEditionName


 * attribute9
* lastUpdateLogin
* parameterId
* attribute1
* attribute2
* attribute13
* attribute10
* creationDate
* attribute7
* attributeCategory
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute6
* attribute8
* consistencyId
* attribute4
* ruleId
* createdBy
* attribute11
* attribute3
* attribute12
* zdSync
* attribute14
* attribute15
* attribute5
* zdEditionName


 * attribute4
* attribute12
* attribute13
* packageNameCount
* attribute3
* attribute9
* attribute15
* attribute14
* lastUpdateDate
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute2
* attribute5
* ruleType
* attribute10
* attribute6
* attribute8
* attribute11
* lastUpdatedBy
* attributeCategory
* attribute1
* createdBy
* attribute7


 * attribute4
* attribute12
* attribute13
* packageNameCount
* attribute3
* attribute9
* attribute15
* attribute14
* lastUpdateDate
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute2
* attribute5
* ruleType
* attribute10
* attribute6
* attribute8
* attribute11
* lastUpdatedBy
* attributeCategory
* attribute1
* createdBy
* attribute7


 * secondaryTotalQty
* strategyId
* objectId
* sid
* createdBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* typeCode
* creationDate
* soEndTime
* headerId
* pickHeaderId
* soStartTime
* businessObjectId
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateDate
* totalQty
* simulationMode
* objectName
* moveOrderLineId
* serialNumber


 * secondaryTotalQty
* strategyId
* objectId
* sid
* createdBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* typeCode
* creationDate
* soEndTime
* headerId
* pickHeaderId
* soStartTime
* businessObjectId
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateDate
* totalQty
* simulationMode
* objectName
* moveOrderLineId
* serialNumber


 * quantity
* lastUpdateDate
* ruleEndTime
* ruleId
* sameSubinvLocFlag
* cgComingleFlag
* revision
* costGroupId
* creationDate
* secondarySuggestedQty
* attQty
* ruleStartTime
* orderStringFlag
* lpnId
* secondaryUomCode
* lotNumber
* lotExpirationDate
* consistStringFlag
* serialNumber
* createdBy
* lineId
* subinventoryCode
* comments
* attQtyFlag
* lastUpdateLogin
* materialStatusFlag
* secondaryAttQty
* secondaryQuantity
* suggestedQty
* serialNumberUsedFlag
* lastUpdatedBy
* gradeCode
* headerId
* entireLpnFlag
* uomCode
* remainingQty
* locatorId
* pickUomFlag
* partialPickFlag


 * quantity
* lastUpdateDate
* ruleEndTime
* ruleId
* sameSubinvLocFlag
* cgComingleFlag
* revision
* costGroupId
* creationDate
* secondarySuggestedQty
* attQty
* ruleStartTime
* orderStringFlag
* lpnId
* secondaryUomCode
* lotNumber
* lotExpirationDate
* consistStringFlag
* serialNumber
* createdBy
* lineId
* subinventoryCode
* comments
* attQtyFlag
* lastUpdateLogin
* materialStatusFlag
* secondaryAttQty
* secondaryQuantity
* suggestedQty
* serialNumberUsedFlag
* lastUpdatedBy
* gradeCode
* headerId
* entireLpnFlag
* uomCode
* remainingQty
* locatorId
* pickUomFlag
* partialPickFlag


 * attribute13
* qtyFunctionParameterId
* zdEditionName
* attribute12
* attribute10
* attribute5
* ruleWeight
* wmsEnabledFlag
* attribute4
* attribute6
* enabledFlag
* attribute7
* attribute15
* minPickTasksFlag
* typeCode
* attribute14
* zdSync
* attribute3
* attribute1
* ruleId
* creationDate
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute9
* organizationId
* attribute8
* createdBy
* attribute2
* lastUpdatedBy
* userDefinedFlag
* attribute11
* lastUpdateLogin
* attributeCategory
* allocationModeId
* typeHdrId


 * attribute13
* qtyFunctionParameterId
* zdEditionName
* attribute12
* attribute10
* attribute5
* ruleWeight
* wmsEnabledFlag
* attribute4
* attribute6
* enabledFlag
* attribute7
* attribute15
* minPickTasksFlag
* typeCode
* attribute14
* zdSync
* attribute3
* attribute1
* ruleId
* creationDate
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute9
* organizationId
* attribute8
* createdBy
* attribute2
* lastUpdatedBy
* userDefinedFlag
* attribute11
* lastUpdateLogin
* attributeCategory
* allocationModeId
* typeHdrId


 * lastUpdatedBy
* creationDate
* language
* description
* zdSync
* zdEditionName
* sourceLang
* ruleId
* createdBy
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* name


 * lastUpdatedBy
* creationDate
* language
* description
* zdSync
* zdEditionName
* sourceLang
* ruleId
* createdBy
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* name


 * queryType
* createdBy
* fieldType
* fieldName
* lastUpdateLogin
* creationDate
* fieldValue
* lastUpdateDate
* userId
* organizationId
* queryName
* lastUpdatedBy


 * queryType
* createdBy
* fieldType
* fieldName
* lastUpdateLogin
* creationDate
* fieldValue
* lastUpdateDate
* userId
* organizationId
* queryName
* lastUpdatedBy


 * dAttribute7
* nAttribute8
* cAttribute4
* toSerialNumber
* nAttribute4
* numberOfRepairs
* dAttribute1
* dAttribute2
* vendorSerialNumber
* nAttribute9
* dAttribute5
* timeSinceNew
* parentSerialNumber
* timeSinceMark
* programId
* programUpdateDate
* cAttribute9
* cAttribute18
* dAttribute10
* cyclesSinceVisit
* errorCode
* vendorLotNumber
* cAttribute15
* nAttribute3
* timeSinceOverhaul
* cyclesSinceMark
* cAttribute6
* cAttribute2
* timeSinceRepair
* cyclesSinceNew
* cAttribute7
* programApplicationId
* cAttribute12
* nAttribute2
* requestId
* territoryCode
* lastUpdateDate
* cyclesSinceRepair
* transactionTempId
* endItemUnitNumber
* dAttribute3
* cAttribute8
* nAttribute1
* fmSerialNumber
* cAttribute11
* cAttribute16
* cAttribute20
* dAttribute6
* originationDate
* dAttribute4
* groupHeaderId
* lastUpdateLogin
* creationDate
* nAttribute7
* serialAttributeCategory
* dAttribute9
* lastUpdatedBy
* nAttribute5
* cAttribute17
* cyclesSinceOverhaul
* createdBy
* serialPrefix
* nAttribute10
* cAttribute19
* nAttribute6
* dAttribute8
* statusId
* cAttribute10
* cAttribute3
* cAttribute5
* cAttribute1
* cAttribute13
* cAttribute14
* timeSinceVisit


 * dAttribute7
* nAttribute8
* cAttribute4
* toSerialNumber
* nAttribute4
* numberOfRepairs
* dAttribute1
* dAttribute2
* vendorSerialNumber
* nAttribute9
* dAttribute5
* timeSinceNew
* parentSerialNumber
* timeSinceMark
* programId
* programUpdateDate
* cAttribute9
* cAttribute18
* dAttribute10
* cyclesSinceVisit
* errorCode
* vendorLotNumber
* cAttribute15
* nAttribute3
* timeSinceOverhaul
* cyclesSinceMark
* cAttribute6
* cAttribute2
* timeSinceRepair
* cyclesSinceNew
* cAttribute7
* programApplicationId
* cAttribute12
* nAttribute2
* requestId
* territoryCode
* lastUpdateDate
* cyclesSinceRepair
* transactionTempId
* endItemUnitNumber
* dAttribute3
* cAttribute8
* nAttribute1
* fmSerialNumber
* cAttribute11
* cAttribute16
* cAttribute20
* dAttribute6
* originationDate
* dAttribute4
* groupHeaderId
* lastUpdateLogin
* creationDate
* nAttribute7
* serialAttributeCategory
* dAttribute9
* lastUpdatedBy
* nAttribute5
* cAttribute17
* cyclesSinceOverhaul
* createdBy
* serialPrefix
* nAttribute10
* cAttribute19
* nAttribute6
* dAttribute8
* statusId
* cAttribute10
* cAttribute3
* cAttribute5
* cAttribute1
* cAttribute13
* cAttribute14
* timeSinceVisit


 * lpnContentId
* outermostLpn
* requestedQuantity
* createdBy
* organizationId
* quantity
* deliveryName
* lastUpdateLogin
* tripId
* dockAppointFlag
* lastUpdatedBy
* origReleaseStatus
* deliveryId
* dockDoorId
* outermostLpnId
* parentLpnId
* creationDate
* inventoryItemId
* tripName
* parentLpn
* lastUpdateDate
* deliveryDetailId
* directShipFlag
* stagingLaneId


 * lpnContentId
* outermostLpn
* requestedQuantity
* createdBy
* organizationId
* quantity
* deliveryName
* lastUpdateLogin
* tripId
* dockAppointFlag
* lastUpdatedBy
* origReleaseStatus
* deliveryId
* dockDoorId
* outermostLpnId
* parentLpnId
* creationDate
* inventoryItemId
* tripName
* parentLpn
* lastUpdateDate
* deliveryDetailId
* directShipFlag
* stagingLaneId


 * attribute6
* subinventoryCode
* reasonId
* attribute14
* attribute10
* sequenceNumber
* createdBy
* attribute1
* attribute3
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute15
* taskId
* transactionHeaderId
* effectiveEndDate
* lotNumber
* inventoryLocationId
* organizationId
* effectiveStartDate
* creationDate
* wmsTaskType
* inventoryItemId
* revision
* attribute5
* attribute7
* attribute13
* attributeCategory
* attribute12
* attribute8
* personId
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute2
* attribute9
* attribute11
* discrepancyType
* archiveFlag
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute4


 * attribute6
* subinventoryCode
* reasonId
* attribute14
* attribute10
* sequenceNumber
* createdBy
* attribute1
* attribute3
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute15
* taskId
* transactionHeaderId
* effectiveEndDate
* lotNumber
* inventoryLocationId
* organizationId
* effectiveStartDate
* creationDate
* wmsTaskType
* inventoryItemId
* revision
* attribute5
* attribute7
* attribute13
* attributeCategory
* attribute12
* attribute8
* personId
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute2
* attribute9
* attribute11
* discrepancyType
* archiveFlag
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute4


 * sequenceNumber
* createdBy
* attribute5
* parameterId
* attribute11
* attribute7
* attribute1
* ruleId
* attribute2
* lastUpdateDate
* zdSync
* attributeCategory
* zdEditionName
* attribute10
* attribute12
* attribute4
* orderCode
* attribute14
* creationDate
* attribute3
* attribute9
* attribute13
* attribute15
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute8
* attribute6


 * sequenceNumber
* createdBy
* attribute5
* parameterId
* attribute11
* attribute7
* attribute1
* ruleId
* attribute2
* lastUpdateDate
* zdSync
* attributeCategory
* zdEditionName
* attribute10
* attribute12
* attribute4
* orderCode
* attribute14
* creationDate
* attribute3
* attribute9
* attribute13
* attribute15
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute8
* attribute6


 * createdBy
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute14
* attribute10
* userDefinedFlag
* attribute15
* lastUpdatedBy
* wmsEnabledFlag
* lastUpdateLogin
* zdSync
* attribute8
* attribute12
* overAllocationMode
* typeCode
* attribute3
* attribute5
* attribute7
* attribute4
* attribute2
* toleranceValue
* organizationId
* attribute6
* attribute11
* attributeCategory
* strategyId
* attribute1
* attribute13
* zdEditionName
* creationDate
* attribute9
* enabledFlag


 * createdBy
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute14
* attribute10
* userDefinedFlag
* attribute15
* lastUpdatedBy
* wmsEnabledFlag
* lastUpdateLogin
* zdSync
* attribute8
* attribute12
* overAllocationMode
* typeCode
* attribute3
* attribute5
* attribute7
* attribute4
* attribute2
* toleranceValue
* organizationId
* attribute6
* attribute11
* attributeCategory
* strategyId
* attribute1
* attribute13
* zdEditionName
* creationDate
* attribute9
* enabledFlag


 * lastUpdateDate
* strategyId
* name
* lastUpdateLogin
* description
* zdEditionName
* language
* creationDate
* sourceLang
* zdSync
* lastUpdatedBy
* createdBy


 * lastUpdateDate
* strategyId
* name
* lastUpdateLogin
* description
* zdEditionName
* language
* creationDate
* sourceLang
* zdSync
* lastUpdatedBy
* createdBy


 * attribute5
* attribute15
* lastUpdatedBy
* strategyTypeCode
* pk1Value
* pk5Value
* attribute1
* attributeCategory
* strategyId
* createdBy
* objectTypeCode
* pk2Value
* attribute4
* attribute9
* objectId
* attribute8
* pk4Value
* effectiveFrom
* pk3Value
* sequenceNumber
* attribute14
* dateTypeCode
* dateTypeTo
* attribute7
* organizationId
* creationDate
* attribute2
* attribute6
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute11
* attribute13
* dateTypeFrom
* dateTypeLookupType
* lastUpdateLogin
* effectiveTo
* attribute10
* objectName
* attribute3
* attribute12


 * attribute5
* attribute15
* lastUpdatedBy
* strategyTypeCode
* pk1Value
* pk5Value
* attribute1
* attributeCategory
* strategyId
* createdBy
* objectTypeCode
* pk2Value
* attribute4
* attribute9
* objectId
* attribute8
* pk4Value
* effectiveFrom
* pk3Value
* sequenceNumber
* attribute14
* dateTypeCode
* dateTypeTo
* attribute7
* organizationId
* creationDate
* attribute2
* attribute6
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute11
* attribute13
* dateTypeFrom
* dateTypeLookupType
* lastUpdateLogin
* effectiveTo
* attribute10
* objectName
* attribute3
* attribute12


 * attribute4
* attribute7
* zdEditionName
* attribute13
* lastUpdateLogin
* strategyId
* creationDate
* attribute8
* attribute11
* lastUpdatedBy
* ruleId
* dateTypeFrom
* zdSync
* dateTypeLookupType
* lastUpdateDate
* effectiveFrom
* attribute9
* attributeCategory
* effectiveTo
* attribute10
* attribute3
* attribute14
* attribute6
* dateTypeCode
* attribute12
* createdBy
* partialSuccessAllowedFlag
* attribute15
* sequenceNumber
* attribute1
* attribute5
* dateTypeTo
* attribute2


 * attribute4
* attribute7
* zdEditionName
* attribute13
* lastUpdateLogin
* strategyId
* creationDate
* attribute8
* attribute11
* lastUpdatedBy
* ruleId
* dateTypeFrom
* zdSync
* dateTypeLookupType
* lastUpdateDate
* effectiveFrom
* attribute9
* attributeCategory
* effectiveTo
* attribute10
* attribute3
* attribute14
* attribute6
* dateTypeCode
* attribute12
* createdBy
* partialSuccessAllowedFlag
* attribute15
* sequenceNumber
* attribute1
* attribute5
* dateTypeTo
* attribute2


 * attribute14
* attributeCategory
* attribute15
* customTaskPlanFlag
* revTripStopFlag
* organizationId
* attribute11
* lastUpdateLogin
* minEquipCapacityFlag
* consLocatorFlag
* attribute4
* attribute5
* lastUpdateDate
* customPlanTolerance
* replenCompletedFlag
* attribute13
* creationDate
* criteriaId
* attribute9
* attribute7
* attribute10
* lastUpdatedBy
* consLocatorTolerance
* attribute2
* createdBy
* tripStopTolerance
* attribute1
* attribute3
* replenTolerance
* attribute6
* attribute8
* attribute12


 * attribute14
* attributeCategory
* attribute15
* customTaskPlanFlag
* revTripStopFlag
* organizationId
* attribute11
* lastUpdateLogin
* minEquipCapacityFlag
* consLocatorFlag
* attribute4
* attribute5
* lastUpdateDate
* customPlanTolerance
* replenCompletedFlag
* attribute13
* creationDate
* criteriaId
* attribute9
* attribute7
* attribute10
* lastUpdatedBy
* consLocatorTolerance
* attribute2
* createdBy
* tripStopTolerance
* attribute1
* attribute3
* replenTolerance
* attribute6
* attribute8
* attribute12


 * createdBy
* criteriaId
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdatedBy
* creationDate
* sourceLang
* criteriaName
* language
* criteriaDescription


 * createdBy
* criteriaId
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdatedBy
* creationDate
* sourceLang
* criteriaName
* language
* criteriaDescription


 * cAttribute18
* lastUpdateDate
* programUpdateDate
* bestByDate
* vendorName
* originationDate
* lengthUom
* dAttribute10
* cAttribute13
* cAttribute15
* putAwayRuleId
* dAttribute9
* retestDate
* statusId
* cAttribute19
* vendorId
* lastUpdatedBy
* cAttribute3
* cAttribute17
* lastUpdateLogin
* secondaryQuantity
* changeDate
* lotExpirationDate
* sublotNum
* dAttribute6
* nAttribute6
* description
* dAttribute3
* cAttribute1
* dAttribute4
* recycledContent
* cAttribute4
* cAttribute5
* cAttribute12
* cAttribute20
* supplierLotNumber
* nAttribute3
* dateCode
* groupHeaderId
* length
* dAttribute1
* cAttribute7
* serialTransactionTempId
* primaryQuantity
* transactionTempId
* cAttribute8
* itemSize
* secondaryUnitOfMeasure
* programId
* nAttribute7
* lotAttributeCategory
* qcGrade
* width
* cAttribute16
* nAttribute10
* widthUom
* dAttribute5
* errorCode
* placeOfOrigin
* nAttribute5
* gradeCode
* cAttribute9
* dAttribute8
* volumeUom
* creationDate
* nAttribute8
* createdBy
* volume
* dAttribute2
* age
* color
* lotNumber
* nAttribute1
* nAttribute2
* requestId
* nAttribute9
* territoryCode
* cAttribute14
* dAttribute7
* programApplicationId
* curlWrinkleFold
* cAttribute2
* pickRuleId
* cAttribute11
* thickness
* thicknessUom
* nAttribute4
* maturityDate
* cAttribute6
* transactionQuantity
* cAttribute10


 * cAttribute18
* lastUpdateDate
* programUpdateDate
* bestByDate
* vendorName
* originationDate
* lengthUom
* dAttribute10
* cAttribute13
* cAttribute15
* putAwayRuleId
* dAttribute9
* retestDate
* statusId
* cAttribute19
* vendorId
* lastUpdatedBy
* cAttribute3
* cAttribute17
* lastUpdateLogin
* secondaryQuantity
* changeDate
* lotExpirationDate
* sublotNum
* dAttribute6
* nAttribute6
* description
* dAttribute3
* cAttribute1
* dAttribute4
* recycledContent
* cAttribute4
* cAttribute5
* cAttribute12
* cAttribute20
* supplierLotNumber
* nAttribute3
* dateCode
* groupHeaderId
* length
* dAttribute1
* cAttribute7
* serialTransactionTempId
* primaryQuantity
* transactionTempId
* cAttribute8
* itemSize
* secondaryUnitOfMeasure
* programId
* nAttribute7
* lotAttributeCategory
* qcGrade
* width
* cAttribute16
* nAttribute10
* widthUom
* dAttribute5
* errorCode
* placeOfOrigin
* nAttribute5
* gradeCode
* cAttribute9
* dAttribute8
* volumeUom
* creationDate
* nAttribute8
* createdBy
* volume
* dAttribute2
* age
* color
* lotNumber
* nAttribute1
* nAttribute2
* requestId
* nAttribute9
* territoryCode
* cAttribute14
* dAttribute7
* programApplicationId
* curlWrinkleFold
* cAttribute2
* pickRuleId
* cAttribute11
* thickness
* thicknessUom
* nAttribute4
* maturityDate
* cAttribute6
* transactionQuantity
* cAttribute10


 * lastUpdatedBy
* pickLoadPageTemplateId
* createdBy
* lastUpdateDate
* userTaskTypeId
* honorCasePickFlag
* creationDate
* organizationId


 * lastUpdatedBy
* pickLoadPageTemplateId
* createdBy
* lastUpdateDate
* userTaskTypeId
* honorCasePickFlag
* creationDate
* organizationId


 * dscn
* priority
* retryCount
* chainNo
* timeManagerInfo
* state
* msgid
* exceptionQueue
* cscn
* delay
* deqTime
* userData
* dequeueMsgid
* deqUid
* recipientKey
* senderProtocol
* qName
* stepNo
* expiration
* senderAddress
* enqTid
* enqUid
* enqTime
* deqTid
* localOrderNo
* senderName
* exceptionQschema
* corrid
* userProp


 * dscn
* priority
* retryCount
* chainNo
* timeManagerInfo
* state
* msgid
* exceptionQueue
* cscn
* delay
* deqTime
* userData
* dequeueMsgid
* deqUid
* recipientKey
* senderProtocol
* qName
* stepNo
* expiration
* senderAddress
* enqTid
* enqUid
* enqTime
* deqTid
* localOrderNo
* senderName
* exceptionQschema
* corrid
* userProp


 * sequenceNumber
* createdBy
* operandChar
* ruleWaveHeaderId
* parameterId
* parameterName
* creationDate
* objectDescription
* ruleId
* operatorMeaning
* logicalOperatorCode
* objectName
* parameterDescription
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* bracketOpen
* operatorDescription
* operatorCode
* logicalOperatorMeaning
* operandValue
* bracketClose
* lastUpdatedBy
* objectId


 * sequenceNumber
* createdBy
* operandChar
* ruleWaveHeaderId
* parameterId
* parameterName
* creationDate
* objectDescription
* ruleId
* operatorMeaning
* logicalOperatorCode
* objectName
* parameterDescription
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* bracketOpen
* operatorDescription
* operatorCode
* logicalOperatorMeaning
* operandValue
* bracketClose
* lastUpdatedBy
* objectId


 * creationDate
* operationPlanId
* pickUom
* sourceType
* destinationSubinventory
* lastUpdateLogin
* travelTime
* laborPlanningId
* transactionTime
* sourceSubinventory
* createdBy
* itemCategoryName
* processingOverheadDuration
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateDate
* planningCriteriaId
* resourceType
* categoryId


 * creationDate
* operationPlanId
* pickUom
* sourceType
* destinationSubinventory
* lastUpdateLogin
* travelTime
* laborPlanningId
* transactionTime
* sourceSubinventory
* createdBy
* itemCategoryName
* processingOverheadDuration
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateDate
* planningCriteriaId
* resourceType
* categoryId


 * resourceName
* actualWorkload
* numberOfActualTasks
* plannedWaveLoad
* waveHeaderId
* numberOfPlannedTasks
* availableCapacity
* totalCapacity


 * resourceName
* actualWorkload
* numberOfActualTasks
* plannedWaveLoad
* waveHeaderId
* numberOfPlannedTasks
* availableCapacity
* totalCapacity


 * parameterDescription
* objectId
* zdSync
* parameterName
* zdEditionName
* objectName
* objectDescription
* parameterId


 * parameterDescription
* objectId
* zdSync
* parameterName
* zdEditionName
* objectName
* objectDescription
* parameterId


 * backorderFlag
* creationDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* rejectAllLinesModelFlag
* type
* pickingSubinventory
* destinationSubinventory
* departmentCode
* bulkLaborPlanningFlag
* rejectOrderLineFlag
* planningMethod
* planningCriteriaId
* timeUom
* enableLaborPlanning
* crossdockCriteria
* createdBy
* laborSetupMode
* crossdockCriteriaId
* departmentId
* reserveStockFlag
* lastUpdateDate
* rejectAllLinesShipsetFlag
* creditCheckHoldFlag
* allocationMethod
* lastUpdateLogin
* rejectOrderFlag
* autoCreateDeliveriesFlag


 * backorderFlag
* creationDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* rejectAllLinesModelFlag
* type
* pickingSubinventory
* destinationSubinventory
* departmentCode
* bulkLaborPlanningFlag
* rejectOrderLineFlag
* planningMethod
* planningCriteriaId
* timeUom
* enableLaborPlanning
* crossdockCriteria
* createdBy
* laborSetupMode
* crossdockCriteriaId
* departmentId
* reserveStockFlag
* lastUpdateDate
* rejectAllLinesShipsetFlag
* creditCheckHoldFlag
* allocationMethod
* lastUpdateLogin
* rejectOrderFlag
* autoCreateDeliveriesFlag


 * planningCriteriaId
* language
* planningCriteria
* lastUpdateLogin
* sourceLang
* lastUpdatedBy
* createdBy
* lastUpdateDate
* creationDate


 * planningCriteriaId
* language
* planningCriteria
* lastUpdateLogin
* sourceLang
* lastUpdatedBy
* createdBy
* lastUpdateDate
* creationDate


 * requestedQuantity2
* allocatedQuantity
* allocatedQuantity2
* crossdockedQuantity
* crossdockedQuantity2
* waveHeaderId
* deliveryDetailId
* requestedQuantity


 * requestedQuantity2
* allocatedQuantity
* allocatedQuantity2
* crossdockedQuantity
* crossdockedQuantity2
* waveHeaderId
* deliveryDetailId
* requestedQuantity


 * indicatorFlag
* transactionTempId


 * indicatorFlag
* transactionTempId


 * orderNumber
* tasked
* exceptionMsg
* crossdockPlanned
* waveHeaderId
* exceptionId
* replenishmentPlanned
* programId
* loadedToDock
* shipped
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdateDate
* creationDate
* createdBy
* readyToRelease
* packed
* staged
* orderLineId
* picked
* backordered
* exceptionLevel
* deliveryId
* tripId
* lastUpdatedBy
* exceptionStage
* status
* exceptionEntity
* concurrentRequestId


 * orderNumber
* tasked
* exceptionMsg
* crossdockPlanned
* waveHeaderId
* exceptionId
* replenishmentPlanned
* programId
* loadedToDock
* shipped
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdateDate
* creationDate
* createdBy
* readyToRelease
* packed
* staged
* orderLineId
* picked
* backordered
* exceptionLevel
* deliveryId
* tripId
* lastUpdatedBy
* exceptionStage
* status
* exceptionEntity
* concurrentRequestId


 * creationDate
* language
* exceptionName
* sourceLang
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdatedBy
* exceptionId
* createdBy
* lastUpdateDate


 * creationDate
* language
* exceptionName
* sourceLang
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdatedBy
* exceptionId
* createdBy
* lastUpdateDate


 * requestId
* categoryId
* releaseSeqRule
* attribute4
* lastUpdatedBy
* dockAppointmentHours
* waveFirmedFlag
* crossDockCriteria
* attribute11
* attribute7
* shipToLocationId
* shipmentPriorityCode
* autoCreateDelivery
* deliveryId
* defaultStageLocatorId
* waveStatus
* initiateWavePlanning
* attribute12
* attribute8
* attribute6
* attribute10
* carrierId
* planningCriteriaId
* backordersFlag
* tripStop
* delivery
* attribute2
* shipMethodCode
* attribute1
* attribute3
* pickSlipGroup
* attributeCategory
* waveCompletionTime
* pickSeqRuleId
* orderTypeId
* orderName
* defaultStageSubinventory
* item
* organizationId
* releaseImmediately
* lastUpdateDate
* customerClass
* projectName
* planningCriteria
* attribute9
* advancedCriteria
* attribute15
* attribute5
* pullReplenishmentFlag
* includePlannedLines
* appendDeliveries
* fromOrderHeaderId
* defaultAllocationMethod
* dockAppointmentDays
* typeId
* createdBy
* scheduledDays
* attribute14
* orderType
* taskPlanningFlag
* waveHeaderId
* creationDate
* pickSubinventory
* customerClassId
* scheduledHrs
* inventoryItemId
* tripStopId
* customerId
* taskPriority
* batchId
* trip
* pickGroupingRuleId
* projectId
* attribute13
* stagingLocator
* categorySetId
* taskId
* autoCreateDeliveryCriteria
* stagingSubinventory
* startTime
* taskName
* itemCategory
* tripId
* carrier
* shipPriority
* shipMethod
* tableName
* customer
* lastUpdateLogin
* waveSource


 * requestId
* categoryId
* releaseSeqRule
* attribute4
* lastUpdatedBy
* dockAppointmentHours
* waveFirmedFlag
* crossDockCriteria
* attribute11
* attribute7
* shipToLocationId
* shipmentPriorityCode
* autoCreateDelivery
* deliveryId
* defaultStageLocatorId
* waveStatus
* initiateWavePlanning
* attribute12
* attribute8
* attribute6
* attribute10
* carrierId
* planningCriteriaId
* backordersFlag
* tripStop
* delivery
* attribute2
* shipMethodCode
* attribute1
* attribute3
* pickSlipGroup
* attributeCategory
* waveCompletionTime
* pickSeqRuleId
* orderTypeId
* orderName
* defaultStageSubinventory
* item
* organizationId
* releaseImmediately
* lastUpdateDate
* customerClass
* projectName
* planningCriteria
* attribute9
* advancedCriteria
* attribute15
* attribute5
* pullReplenishmentFlag
* includePlannedLines
* appendDeliveries
* fromOrderHeaderId
* defaultAllocationMethod
* dockAppointmentDays
* typeId
* createdBy
* scheduledDays
* attribute14
* orderType
* taskPlanningFlag
* waveHeaderId
* creationDate
* pickSubinventory
* customerClassId
* scheduledHrs
* inventoryItemId
* tripStopId
* customerId
* taskPriority
* batchId
* trip
* pickGroupingRuleId
* projectId
* attribute13
* stagingLocator
* categorySetId
* taskId
* autoCreateDeliveryCriteria
* stagingSubinventory
* startTime
* taskName
* itemCategory
* tripId
* carrier
* shipPriority
* shipMethod
* tableName
* customer
* lastUpdateLogin
* waveSource


 * lastUpdatedBy
* waveHeaderId
* waveName
* sourceLang
* creationDate
* createdBy
* language
* lastUpdateDate
* waveDescription
* lastUpdateLogin


 * lastUpdatedBy
* waveHeaderId
* waveName
* sourceLang
* creationDate
* createdBy
* language
* lastUpdateDate
* waveDescription
* lastUpdateLogin


 * inventoryItemId
* volume
* waveHeaderId
* attributeCategory
* crossdockUom
* sourceCode
* attribute10
* attribute4
* deliveryDetailId
* attribute2
* attribute1
* attribute7
* reReleaseFlag
* requestedQuantity
* message
* organizationId
* demandSourceHeaderId
* attribute6
* lastUpdatedBy
* netValue
* lastUpdateDate
* plannedFillRate
* attribute3
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute15
* attribute5
* attribute8
* requestedQuantity2
* sourceHeaderTypeId
* requestedQuantityUom
* waveLineId
* creationDate
* attribute12
* attribute13
* sourceHeaderNumber
* waveLineSource
* deliveryId
* pickFillRate
* attribute11
* removeFromWaveFlag
* requestedQuantityUom2
* attribute9
* sourceHeaderId
* attribute14
* createdBy
* netWeight
* releaseFillRate
* sourceLineId
* sourceDocumentTypeId
* waveLineStatus
* sourceLineNumber
* crossdockQuantity


 * inventoryItemId
* volume
* waveHeaderId
* attributeCategory
* crossdockUom
* sourceCode
* attribute10
* attribute4
* deliveryDetailId
* attribute2
* attribute1
* attribute7
* reReleaseFlag
* requestedQuantity
* message
* organizationId
* demandSourceHeaderId
* attribute6
* lastUpdatedBy
* netValue
* lastUpdateDate
* plannedFillRate
* attribute3
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute15
* attribute5
* attribute8
* requestedQuantity2
* sourceHeaderTypeId
* requestedQuantityUom
* waveLineId
* creationDate
* attribute12
* attribute13
* sourceHeaderNumber
* waveLineSource
* deliveryId
* pickFillRate
* attribute11
* removeFromWaveFlag
* requestedQuantityUom2
* attribute9
* sourceHeaderId
* attribute14
* createdBy
* netWeight
* releaseFillRate
* sourceLineId
* sourceDocumentTypeId
* waveLineStatus
* sourceLineNumber
* crossdockQuantity


 * priority
* lastUpdateLogin
* createdBy
* creationDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* criterionId
* sourceCode
* lastUpdateDate
* sourceType


 * priority
* lastUpdateLogin
* createdBy
* creationDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* criterionId
* sourceCode
* lastUpdateDate
* sourceType


 * zoneId
* inventoryLocationId
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* createdBy
* subinventoryCode
* entireSubFlag
* organizationId
* creationDate


 * zoneId
* inventoryLocationId
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* createdBy
* subinventoryCode
* entireSubFlag
* organizationId
* creationDate


 * attribute3
* attribute9
* laborEnabled
* disableDate
* attribute15
* attribute5
* attribute1
* attribute11
* attributeCategory
* organizationId
* attribute14
* attribute13
* zoneId
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute4
* createdBy
* zoneType
* attribute10
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute12
* enabledFlag
* attribute7
* attribute8
* creationDate
* attribute6
* attribute2
* lastUpdatedBy


 * attribute3
* attribute9
* laborEnabled
* disableDate
* attribute15
* attribute5
* attribute1
* attribute11
* attributeCategory
* organizationId
* attribute14
* attribute13
* zoneId
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute4
* createdBy
* zoneType
* attribute10
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute12
* enabledFlag
* attribute7
* attribute8
* creationDate
* attribute6
* attribute2
* lastUpdatedBy


 * zoneId
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdatedBy
* language
* createdBy
* sourceLang
* lastUpdateDate
* description
* zoneName


 * zoneId
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdatedBy
* language
* createdBy
* sourceLang
* lastUpdateDate
* description
* zoneName


 * allowRateOverrideFlag
* taxPrecision
* taxRegimeCode
* lastUpdatedBy
* roundingRuleCode
* attribute13
* accountSegmentValue
* creationDate
* taxClass
* taxCurrencyCode
* attribute11
* taxStatusCode
* attributeCategory
* ledgerId
* attribute15
* calculationLevelCode
* taxRateCode
* attribute6
* attribute5
* attribute12
* amtInclTaxFlag
* attribute4
* contentOwnerId
* attribute1
* recordTypeCode
* attribute7
* allowRoundingOverrideFlag
* tax
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute8
* createdBy
* attribute9
* lastUpdateDate
* taxMau
* attribute3
* attribute14
* attribute10
* attribute2


 * allowRateOverrideFlag
* taxPrecision
* taxRegimeCode
* lastUpdatedBy
* roundingRuleCode
* attribute13
* accountSegmentValue
* creationDate
* taxClass
* taxCurrencyCode
* attribute11
* taxStatusCode
* attributeCategory
* ledgerId
* attribute15
* calculationLevelCode
* taxRateCode
* attribute6
* attribute5
* attribute12
* amtInclTaxFlag
* attribute4
* contentOwnerId
* attribute1
* recordTypeCode
* attribute7
* allowRoundingOverrideFlag
* tax
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute8
* createdBy
* attribute9
* lastUpdateDate
* taxMau
* attribute3
* attribute14
* attribute10
* attribute2


 * nonRecAccountCcid
* attribute11
* ledgerId
* finchrgCcid
* adjNonRecTaxCcid
* attribute5
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute1
* attributeCategory
* objectVersionNumber
* attribute15
* createdBy
* attribute13
* interimTaxCcid
* adjCcid
* ediscCcid
* creationDate
* attribute9
* ediscNonRecTaxCcid
* attribute2
* programApplicationId
* attribute3
* attribute7
* unediscCcid
* attribute4
* taxAccountEntityCode
* taxAccountId
* finchrgNonRecTaxCcid
* programId
* programLoginId
* recordTypeCode
* attribute10
* internalOrganizationId
* requestId
* taxAccountEntityId
* taxAccountCcid
* unediscNonRecTaxCcid
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute6
* attribute8
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute12
* attribute14


 * nonRecAccountCcid
* attribute11
* ledgerId
* finchrgCcid
* adjNonRecTaxCcid
* attribute5
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute1
* attributeCategory
* objectVersionNumber
* attribute15
* createdBy
* attribute13
* interimTaxCcid
* adjCcid
* ediscCcid
* creationDate
* attribute9
* ediscNonRecTaxCcid
* attribute2
* programApplicationId
* attribute3
* attribute7
* unediscCcid
* attribute4
* taxAccountEntityCode
* taxAccountId
* finchrgNonRecTaxCcid
* programId
* programLoginId
* recordTypeCode
* attribute10
* internalOrganizationId
* requestId
* taxAccountEntityId
* taxAccountCcid
* unediscNonRecTaxCcid
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute6
* attribute8
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute12
* attribute14


 * creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute1
* attribute10
* accountSegmentValue
* allowTaxCodeOverrideFlag
* attribute11
* taxClassificationCode
* attribute4
* attribute14
* recordTypeCode
* createdBy
* attribute12
* attribute9
* attributeCategory
* attribute15
* orgId
* attribute6
* attribute3
* attribute2
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute7
* taxClass
* attribute5
* ledgerId
* attribute13
* attribute8


 * creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute1
* attribute10
* accountSegmentValue
* allowTaxCodeOverrideFlag
* attribute11
* taxClassificationCode
* attribute4
* attribute14
* recordTypeCode
* createdBy
* attribute12
* attribute9
* attributeCategory
* attribute15
* orgId
* attribute6
* attribute3
* attribute2
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute7
* taxClass
* attribute5
* ledgerId
* attribute13
* attribute8


 * segmentAttribute12
* segmentAttribute10
* recordTypeCode
* creationDate
* segmentAttribute5
* segmentAttribute13
* contextFlexStructureId
* segmentAttribute11
* segmentAttribute6
* startDateActive
* segmentAttribute9
* segmentAttribute7
* segmentAttribute8
* lastUpdatedBy
* createdBy
* segmentAttribute4
* segmentAttribute1
* segmentAttribute14
* segmentAttribute15
* description
* lastUpdateLogin
* codeCombinationId
* enabledFlag
* summaryFlag
* lastUpdateDate
* segmentAttribute2
* segmentAttribute3
* endDateActive


 * segmentAttribute12
* segmentAttribute10
* recordTypeCode
* creationDate
* segmentAttribute5
* segmentAttribute13
* contextFlexStructureId
* segmentAttribute11
* segmentAttribute6
* startDateActive
* segmentAttribute9
* segmentAttribute7
* segmentAttribute8
* lastUpdatedBy
* createdBy
* segmentAttribute4
* segmentAttribute1
* segmentAttribute14
* segmentAttribute15
* description
* lastUpdateLogin
* codeCombinationId
* enabledFlag
* summaryFlag
* lastUpdateDate
* segmentAttribute2
* segmentAttribute3
* endDateActive


 * createdBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdateDate
* statusCode
* lastUpdatedBy
* serviceCategoryCode
* creationDate
* apiOwnerId


 * createdBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdateDate
* statusCode
* lastUpdatedBy
* serviceCategoryCode
* creationDate
* apiOwnerId


 * apiOwnerId
* serviceTypeId
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdateDate
* requestId
* objectVersionNumber
* packageName
* programId
* lastUpdatedBy
* contextCcid
* createdBy
* creationDate
* apiRegistrationId
* procedureName
* recordTypeCode
* programApplicationId
* programLoginId


 * apiOwnerId
* serviceTypeId
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdateDate
* requestId
* objectVersionNumber
* packageName
* programId
* lastUpdatedBy
* contextCcid
* createdBy
* creationDate
* apiRegistrationId
* procedureName
* recordTypeCode
* programApplicationId
* programLoginId


 * programId
* lastUpdatedBy
* creationDate
* programLoginId
* errorMessage
* errorNumber
* lastUpdateLogin
* requestId
* createdBy
* lastUpdateDate
* programApplicationId


 * programApplicationId
* lastUpdateDate
* errorNumber
* taxGroupCode
* createdBy
* creationDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* taxGroupId
* programId
* requestId
* errorMessage
* lastUpdateLogin
* programLoginId


 * programApplicationId
* lastUpdateDate
* errorNumber
* taxGroupCode
* createdBy
* creationDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* taxGroupId
* programId
* requestId
* errorMessage
* lastUpdateLogin
* programLoginId


 * programId
* lastUpdatedBy
* creationDate
* programLoginId
* errorMessage
* errorNumber
* lastUpdateLogin
* requestId
* createdBy
* lastUpdateDate
* programApplicationId


 * determiningFactorClass9Code
* valueHigh10
* determiningFactorCode2
* taxParameterCode6
* determiningFactorCq8Code
* valueLow10
* taxParameterCode1
* valueLow8
* numericValue3
* alphanumericValue7
* determiningFactorCq9Code
* taxParameterCode7
* enabledFlag
* valueLow3
* operator10Code
* valueLow5
* determiningFactorCode6
* valueHigh6
* alphanumericValue6
* determiningFactorCq10Code
* determiningFactorClass6Code
* dateValue7
* dataType10Code
* conditionGroupCode
* dataType8Code
* alphanumericValue9
* determiningFactorCode8
* dataType6Code
* dateValue6
* objectVersionNumber
* determiningFactorCq3Code
* numericValue4
* numericValue5
* numericValue10
* determiningFactorClass7Code
* constraintId
* valueHigh7
* valueHigh8
* dataType2Code
* operator5Code
* determiningFactorCode5
* recordTypeCode
* numericValue1
* dateValue5
* valueHigh5
* dateValue8
* alphanumericValue3
* operator7Code
* determiningFactorCode3
* chartOfAccountsId
* ledgerId
* determiningFactorCq1Code
* determiningFactorCq4Code
* operator3Code
* lastUpdatedBy
* determiningFactorCode9
* operator6Code
* valueLow9
* dateValue3
* determiningFactorClass1Code
* programApplicationId
* operator4Code
* dateValue10
* conditionGroupId
* numericValue6
* valueLow1
* taxParameterCode2
* valueHigh3
* determiningFactorCq2Code
* dateValue9
* programId
* programLoginId
* determiningFactorClass2Code
* dataType5Code
* determiningFactorCode10
* dateValue1
* valueLow6
* taxParameterCode9
* determiningFactorCq6Code
* numericValue8
* countryCode
* dataType3Code
* detFactorTemplCode
* operator1Code
* alphanumericValue1
* dataType7Code
* numericValue7
* taxParameterCode5
* determiningFactorCq5Code
* determiningFactorClas10Code
* dateValue4
* taxParameterCode3
* determiningFactorClass4Code
* alphanumericValue2
* taxParameterCode10
* determiningFactorClass8Code
* operator2Code
* determiningFactorCode7
* taxParameterCode4
* createdBy
* determiningFactorCq7Code
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* valueHigh9
* determiningFactorClass3Code
* dataType9Code
* alphanumericValue10
* alphanumericValue5
* dataType1Code
* taxParameterCode8
* operator8Code
* determiningFactorCode1
* alphanumericValue8
* moreThanMaxCondFlag
* alphanumericValue4
* determiningFactorClass5Code
* creationDate
* requestId
* determiningFactorCode4
* valueHigh1
* lastUpdateDate
* valueHigh2
* dateValue2
* lastUpdateLogin
* valueLow4
* operator9Code
* numericValue2
* valueLow2
* valueHigh4
* dataType4Code
* numericValue9


 * determiningFactorClass9Code
* valueHigh10
* determiningFactorCode2
* taxParameterCode6
* determiningFactorCq8Code
* valueLow10
* taxParameterCode1
* valueLow8
* numericValue3
* alphanumericValue7
* determiningFactorCq9Code
* taxParameterCode7
* enabledFlag
* valueLow3
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* valueLow5
* determiningFactorCode6
* valueHigh6
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* determiningFactorCq10Code
* determiningFactorClass6Code
* dateValue7
* dataType10Code
* conditionGroupCode
* dataType8Code
* alphanumericValue9
* determiningFactorCode8
* dataType6Code
* dateValue6
* objectVersionNumber
* determiningFactorCq3Code
* numericValue4
* numericValue5
* numericValue10
* determiningFactorClass7Code
* constraintId
* valueHigh7
* valueHigh8
* dataType2Code
* operator5Code
* determiningFactorCode5
* recordTypeCode
* numericValue1
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* valueHigh5
* dateValue8
* alphanumericValue3
* operator7Code
* determiningFactorCode3
* chartOfAccountsId
* ledgerId
* determiningFactorCq1Code
* determiningFactorCq4Code
* operator3Code
* lastUpdatedBy
* determiningFactorCode9
* operator6Code
* valueLow9
* dateValue3
* determiningFactorClass1Code
* programApplicationId
* operator4Code
* dateValue10
* conditionGroupId
* numericValue6
* valueLow1
* taxParameterCode2
* valueHigh3
* determiningFactorCq2Code
* dateValue9
* programId
* programLoginId
* determiningFactorClass2Code
* dataType5Code
* determiningFactorCode10
* dateValue1
* valueLow6
* taxParameterCode9
* determiningFactorCq6Code
* numericValue8
* countryCode
* dataType3Code
* detFactorTemplCode
* operator1Code
* alphanumericValue1
* dataType7Code
* numericValue7
* taxParameterCode5
* determiningFactorCq5Code
* determiningFactorClas10Code
* dateValue4
* taxParameterCode3
* determiningFactorClass4Code
* alphanumericValue2
* taxParameterCode10
* determiningFactorClass8Code
* operator2Code
* determiningFactorCode7
* taxParameterCode4
* createdBy
* determiningFactorCq7Code
* valueLow7
* valueHigh9
* determiningFactorClass3Code
* dataType9Code
* alphanumericValue10
* alphanumericValue5
* dataType1Code
* taxParameterCode8
* operator8Code
* determiningFactorCode1
* alphanumericValue8
* moreThanMaxCondFlag
* alphanumericValue4
* determiningFactorClass5Code
* creationDate
* requestId
* determiningFactorCode4
* valueHigh1
* lastUpdateDate
* valueHigh2
* dateValue2
* lastUpdateLogin
* valueLow4
* operator9Code
* numericValue2
* valueLow2
* valueHigh4
* dataType4Code
* numericValue9


 * sourceLang
* lastUpdateDate
* conditionGroupId
* conditionGroupName
* conditionGroupDesc
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdatedBy
* creationDate
* language
* createdBy


 * sourceLang
* lastUpdateDate
* conditionGroupId
* conditionGroupName
* conditionGroupDesc
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdatedBy
* creationDate
* language
* createdBy


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* conditionGroupCode
* recordTypeCode
* dateValue
* lastUpdateDate
* numericValue
* createdBy
* lastUpdatedBy
* objectVersionNumber
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* valueHigh
* operatorCode
* ignoreFlag
* taxParameterCode
* lastUpdateLogin
* determiningFactorClassCode
* creationDate
* requestId
* programApplicationId
* valueLow
* determiningFactorCode
* alphanumericValue
* programId
* conditionId
* dataTypeCode


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* conditionGroupCode
* recordTypeCode
* dateValue
* lastUpdateDate
* numericValue
* createdBy
* lastUpdatedBy
* objectVersionNumber
* determiningFactorCqCode
* valueHigh
* operatorCode
* ignoreFlag
* taxParameterCode
* lastUpdateLogin
* determiningFactorClassCode
* creationDate
* requestId
* programApplicationId
* valueLow
* determiningFactorCode
* alphanumericValue
* programId
* conditionId
* dataTypeCode


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* providerId
* exceptionOptionCode
* subscriptionOptionCode
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* versionLoaded
* entityGroupCode
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* countryCode
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* contentFileType
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* providerRegimeName
* pointReleaseVersionLoaded
* loadedForGcoFlag
* providerRegimeCode
* requestId


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* programId
* versionLoaded
* entityGroupCode
* contentFileLocation
* regimePurposeCode
* countryCode
* contentFileName
* programApplicationId
* providerId
* contentFileType
* programUpdateDate
* standardRegimeCode
* providerRegimeName
* pointReleaseVersionLoaded
* loadedForGcoFlag
* providerRegimeCode
* requestId


 * attribute14
* attribute5
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* effectiveFrom
* useTaxRate
* cityJurisdictionCode
* leaseTaxRateActiveFlag
* attribute11
* attribute13
* status
* attribute7
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* attribute2
* attribute10
* attribute6
* lastUpdationVersion
* attribute4
* leaseTaxAuthorityLevel
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* attribute15
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* jurisdictionSerialNumber
* zipEnd
* countyJurisdictionCode
* primaryFlag
* changeFlag
* programId
* programApplicationId
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* attribute1
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* attribute9
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* attribute8
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* attribute3
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* lastUpdatedBy
* useTaxAuthorityLevel
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* rentalTaxRateActiveFlag
* attribute12
* countryStateAbbreviation
* requestId
* useTaxRateActiveFlag
* salesTaxRateActiveFlag
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* effectiveTo
* geographyId


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* attribute5
* lastUpdateDate
* effectiveFrom
* useTaxRate
* cityJurisdictionCode
* leaseTaxRateActiveFlag
* attribute11
* attribute13
* status
* attribute7
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* attribute2
* attribute10
* attribute6
* lastUpdationVersion
* attribute4
* leaseTaxAuthorityLevel
* zipBegin
* attribute15
* salesTaxRate
* jurisdictionSerialNumber
* zipEnd
* countyJurisdictionCode
* primaryFlag
* changeFlag
* programId
* programApplicationId
* multipleParentFlag
* attribute1
* createdBy
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* attribute9
* countryCode
* rentalTaxAuthorityLevel
* attribute8
* geoDataProvider
* creationVersion
* zoneGeographyId
* attribute3
* stateJurisdictionCode
* lastUpdatedBy
* useTaxAuthorityLevel
* geographyName
* salesTaxAuthorityLevel
* errorMessage
* rentalTaxRateActiveFlag
* attribute12
* countryStateAbbreviation
* requestId
* useTaxRateActiveFlag
* salesTaxRateActiveFlag
* recordType
* creationDate
* effectiveTo
* geographyId


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* attribute11
* lastUpdatedBy
* programAppName
* creationVersion
* leaseTaxAuthorityLevel
* leaseTaxRateActiveFlag
* attribute6
* attribute14
* rentalTaxRateActiveFlag
* lastUpdateDate
* errorMessage
* jurisdictionSerialNumber
* attribute15
* programApplicationId
* rentalTaxRate
* attribute9
* zoneGeographyId
* primaryFlag
* rentalTaxAuthorityLevel
* creationDate
* attribute10
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* attribute8
* salesTaxAuthorityLevel
* geographyId
* attribute3
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* multipleParentFlag
* changeFlag
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* progIntChar3
* salesTaxRate
* leaseTaxRate
* geographyName
* programId
* progIntNum1
* attributeCategory
* cityJurisdictionCode
* countyJurisdictionCode
* countryStateAbbreviation
* countryCode
* createdBy
* status
* salesTaxRateActiveFlag
* requestId
* attribute1
* stateJurisdictionCode
* effectiveTo
* zipBegin
* attribute5
* effectiveFrom
* geoDataProvider
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* attribute12
* attribute2
* attribute4
* attribute13
* useTaxRate
* useTaxAuthorityLevel
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* recordType
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* attribute11
* lastUpdatedBy
* programAppName
* creationVersion
* leaseTaxAuthorityLevel
* leaseTaxRateActiveFlag
* attribute6
* attribute14
* rentalTaxRateActiveFlag
* lastUpdateDate
* errorMessage
* jurisdictionSerialNumber
* attribute15
* programApplicationId
* rentalTaxRate
* attribute9
* zoneGeographyId
* primaryFlag
* rentalTaxAuthorityLevel
* creationDate
* attribute10
* programName
* attribute8
* salesTaxAuthorityLevel
* geographyId
* attribute3
* lastUpdationVersion
* multipleParentFlag
* changeFlag
* progIntChar1
* progIntChar3
* salesTaxRate
* leaseTaxRate
* geographyName
* programId
* progIntNum1
* attributeCategory
* cityJurisdictionCode
* countyJurisdictionCode
* countryStateAbbreviation
* countryCode
* createdBy
* status
* salesTaxRateActiveFlag
* requestId
* attribute1
* stateJurisdictionCode
* effectiveTo
* zipBegin
* attribute5
* effectiveFrom
* geoDataProvider
* attribute7
* attribute12
* attribute2
* attribute4
* attribute13
* useTaxRate
* useTaxAuthorityLevel
* progIntChar2
* recordType
* zipEnd


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* templateUsageCode
* programApplicationId
* chartOfAccountsId
* creationDate
* zdSync
* requestId
* objectVersionNumber
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* ledgerId
* lastUpdatedBy
* zdEditionName
* programLoginId
* taxRegimeCode
* recordTypeCode
* createdBy
* detFactorTemplId
* detFactorTemplCode


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* templateUsageCode
* programApplicationId
* chartOfAccountsId
* creationDate
* zdSync
* requestId
* objectVersionNumber
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdateDate
* ledgerId
* lastUpdatedBy
* zdEditionName
* programLoginId
* taxRegimeCode
* recordTypeCode
* createdBy
* detFactorTemplId
* detFactorTemplCode


 * determiningFactorCqCode
* zdEditionName
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* recordTypeCode
* programId
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* requiredFlag
* creationDate
* zdSync
* createdBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* programApplicationId
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* programLoginId
* detFactorTemplDtlId
* objectVersionNumber
* requestId
* determiningFactorClassCode
* lastUpdateDate
* detFactorTemplId
* taxRegimeDetLevelCode


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* zdEditionName
* lastUpdatedBy
* recordTypeCode
* programId
* determiningFactorCode
* requiredFlag
* creationDate
* zdSync
* createdBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* programApplicationId
* taxParameterCode
* programLoginId
* detFactorTemplDtlId
* objectVersionNumber
* requestId
* determiningFactorClassCode
* lastUpdateDate
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* taxRegimeDetLevelCode


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* lastUpdateLogin
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* creationDate
* createdBy
* sourceLang
* lastUpdatedBy
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* detFactorTemplId
* zdEditionName
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* lastUpdateDate


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* lastUpdateLogin
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* creationDate
* createdBy
* sourceLang
* lastUpdatedBy
* zdSync
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* zdEditionName
* language
* lastUpdateDate


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* creationDate
* createdBy
* lastUpdatedBy
* zdSync
* sourceLang
* determiningFactorDesc
* lastUpdateLogin
* determiningFactorName
* lastUpdateDate
* determiningFactorId
* language


 * zdEditionName
* creationDate
* createdBy
* lastUpdatedBy
* zdSync
* sourceLang
* determiningFactorDesc
* lastUpdateLogin
* determiningFactorName
* lastUpdateDate
* determiningFactorId
* language


 * lastUpdateDate
* programLoginId
* zdSync
* internalFlag
* recordTypeCode
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* dataTypeCode
* requestId
* recordOnlyFlag
* valueSet
* determiningFactorCode
* determiningFactorClassCode
* taxableBasisFlag
* programId
* createdBy
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* taxFunctionCode
* taxRegimeDetFlag
* taxCalculationFlag
* taxSummarizationFlag
* zdEditionName
* determiningFactorId
* taxParameterCode
* lastUpdatedBy
* programApplicationId
* objectVersionNumber


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* programLoginId
* zdSync
* internalFlag
* recordTypeCode
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* dataTypeCode
* requestId
* recordOnlyFlag
* valueSet
* determiningFactorCode
* determiningFactorClassCode
* taxableBasisFlag
* programId
* createdBy
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* taxFunctionCode
* taxRegimeDetFlag
* taxCalculationFlag
* taxSummarizationFlag
* zdEditionName
* determiningFactorId
* taxParameterCode
* lastUpdatedBy
* programApplicationId
* objectVersionNumber


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* requestId
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* progIntRecordRef
* intfPtpReference
* messageText
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* requestId
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* intfPtpReference
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* partyId


 * createdBy
* zdSync
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* taxParameterCode
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdateDate
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 * createdBy
* zdSync
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* taxParameterCode
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdateDate
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* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
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* createdBy
* zdEditionName
* lastUpdateLogin
* taxEventClassCode
* creationDate


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* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* zdSync
* normalSignFlag
* createdBy
* zdEditionName
* lastUpdateLogin
* taxEventClassCode
* creationDate


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* sourceLang
* lastUpdatedBy
* taxEventClassCode
* zdEditionName
* createdBy
* taxEventClassName
* language
* lastUpdateDate
* zdSync
* lastUpdateLogin


 * creationDate
* sourceLang
* lastUpdatedBy
* taxEventClassCode
* zdEditionName
* createdBy
* taxEventClassName
* language
* lastUpdateDate
* zdSync
* lastUpdateLogin


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* tradHqPartyType
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* shipFromPartyType
* zdSync
* taxEventClassCode
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* detFactorTemplCode
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* ownHqPtySiteType
* displayUserKey4Flag
* manualLinesForPartnerFlag
* summarizationFlag
* podPartyType
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* billFromPtySiteType
* displayUserKey5Flag
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* referenceApplicationId
* displayUserKey6Flag
* poaPartyType
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* roundingLevelHier2Code
* billFromPartyType
* allowOffsetTaxCalcFlag
* creationDate
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* createdBy
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* merchantPartyType
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* pooPtySiteType
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* allowOverrideFlag
* intrcmpTxEvntClsCode
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* roundingLevelHier3Code
* tradHqPartyType
* poaPtySiteType
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* shipFromPartyType
* zdSync
* taxEventClassCode
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* lastUpdateLogin
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* ownHqPtySiteType
* displayUserKey4Flag
* manualLinesForPartnerFlag
* summarizationFlag
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* roundingLevelHier2Code
* billFromPartyType
* allowOffsetTaxCalcFlag
* creationDate
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* pooPtySiteType
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* recordFlag
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* payingPtySiteType
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* pooPartyType
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* ttlTrnsPartyType
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* allowOverrideFlag
* intrcmpTxEvntClsCode
* taxRecoveryFlag


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* allowExemptionsFlag
* lastUpdateDate
* roundingLevelHier3Code
* roundingLevelHier4Code
* eventClassCode
* firstPtyOrgId
* detFactorTemplCode
* eventClassOptionsId
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* processForApplicabilityFlag
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* entityCode
* effectiveFrom
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* enabledFlag
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* roundingLevelHier1Code
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* recordTypeCode
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* lastUpdatedBy
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* enforceTaxFromAcctFlag
* allowOffsetTaxCalcFlag
* perfAddnlApplForImprtFlag
* creationDate
* taxTolerance
* allowTaxParamExtnFlag


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* allowExemptionsFlag
* lastUpdateDate
* roundingLevelHier3Code
* roundingLevelHier4Code
* eventClassCode
* firstPtyOrgId
* detFactorTemplCode
* eventClassOptionsId
* enterOvrdInclTaxLinesFlag
* processForApplicabilityFlag
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* entityCode
* effectiveFrom
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* enabledFlag
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* roundingLevelHier1Code
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* recordTypeCode
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* perfAddnlApplForImprtFlag
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* allowTaxParamExtnFlag


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* lastUpdatedBy
* zdSync
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* statusCode
* lastUpdateDate
* taxEventTypeCode
* createdBy
* zdEditionName
* lastUpdateLogin


 * creationDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* zdSync
* taxEventClassCode
* statusCode
* lastUpdateDate
* taxEventTypeCode
* createdBy
* zdEditionName
* lastUpdateLogin


 * applicationId
* createdBy
* eventTypeMappingId
* enabledFlag
* lastUpdatedBy
* zdEditionName
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* eventClassCode
* eventClassMappingId
* zdSync
* taxEventTypeCode
* lastUpdateDate
* taxEventClassCode
* entityCode
* eventTypeCode


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* createdBy
* eventTypeMappingId
* enabledFlag
* lastUpdatedBy
* zdEditionName
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* eventClassCode
* eventClassMappingId
* zdSync
* taxEventTypeCode
* lastUpdateDate
* taxEventClassCode
* entityCode
* eventTypeCode


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* classificationTypeCode
* attribute7
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* lastUpdateLogin
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* createdBy
* attributeCategory
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* attribute15
* objectVersionNumber
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* classificationCode
* recordTypeCode
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* inventoryOrgId
* taxJurisdictionId
* itmExmptSrcId
* programLoginId
* attribute13
* attribute1
* creationDate
* taxRateCode
* exceptionReferenceNumber
* productId
* exceptionTypeCode
* attribute5
* effectiveTo
* attribute2


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* attribute4
* detFactorTemplCode
* classificationTypeCode
* attribute7
* taxRegimeCode
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute11
* exceptionReasonCode
* attribute9
* exceptionClassCode
* createdBy
* attributeCategory
* requestId
* attribute14
* precedenceLevel
* taxStatusCode
* exceptionStatusCode
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* attribute6
* taxExceptionId
* attribute12
* attribute10
* effectiveFrom
* attribute15
* objectVersionNumber
* tax
* classificationCode
* recordTypeCode
* attribute3
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* programApplicationId
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* inventoryOrgId
* taxJurisdictionId
* itmExmptSrcId
* programLoginId
* attribute13
* attribute1
* creationDate
* taxRateCode
* exceptionReferenceNumber
* productId
* exceptionTypeCode
* attribute5
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* attribute2


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* applyToLowerLevelsFlag
* programLoginId
* attribute8
* creationDate
* attribute3
* attribute14
* attribute4
* tax
* attribute6
* attributeCategory
* partyTaxProfileId
* lastUpdatedBy
* issuingTaxAuthorityId
* contentOwnerId
* programId
* effectiveTo
* lastUpdateLogin
* requestId
* custAccountId
* attribute11
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* recordTypeCode
* attribute15
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* duplicateExemption
* objectVersionNumber
* attribute2
* productId
* attribute12
* attribute5
* attribute10
* attribute13
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* exemptCertificateNumber
* attribute1
* taxRegimeCode
* taxJurisdictionId
* createdBy
* programApplicationId
* taxRateCode
* attribute7
* inventoryOrgId
* detFactorTemplCode
* siteUseId


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* issuingTaxAuthorityId
* exemptionTypeName
* contentOwnerName
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* batchId
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* contentOwnerId
* intfPtpReference
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* inventoryOrgId
* partyTaxProfileId
* exemptionTypeCode
* attribute15
* attribute8
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* taxRegimeName
* exemptReasonCode
* attribute4
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* taxName
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* attribute2
* taxRegimeCode
* inventoryOrgName
* issuingTaxAuthorityName
* rateModifier
* attribute1
* attribute5
* inventoryItemId
* taxRateName
* attribute13
* progIntNum1
* exemptionStatusName
* exemptionStatusCode
* exemptReasonName
* attribute11
* attribute14
* progIntRecordRef
* requestId
* attribute12
* taxJurisdictionName
* recordStatus
* taxStatusName
* taxRateCode
* effectiveFrom
* attribute3


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* issuingTaxAuthorityId
* exemptionTypeName
* contentOwnerName
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* attribute10
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* taxExemptionId
* batchId
* taxCode
* contentOwnerId
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* attribute9
* inventoryOrgId
* partyTaxProfileId
* exemptionTypeCode
* attribute15
* attribute8
* applyToLowerLevelsFlag
* taxRegimeName
* exemptReasonCode
* attribute4
* dmlType
* taxName
* taxJurisdictionId
* effectiveTo
* attribute2
* taxRegimeCode
* inventoryOrgName
* issuingTaxAuthorityName
* rateModifier
* attribute1
* attribute5
* inventoryItemId
* taxRateName
* attribute13
* progIntNum1
* exemptionStatusName
* exemptionStatusCode
* exemptReasonName
* attribute11
* attribute14
* progIntRecordRef
* requestId
* attribute12
* taxJurisdictionName
* recordStatus
* taxStatusName
* taxRateCode
* effectiveFrom
* attribute3


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* taxStatusCode
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* rateModifier
* attribute9
* taxExemptionId
* applyToLowerLevelsFlag
* programLoginId
* attribute8
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* attribute3
* attribute14
* attribute4
* tax
* attribute6
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* partyTaxProfileId
* lastUpdatedBy
* issuingTaxAuthorityId
* contentOwnerId
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* lastUpdateLogin
* requestId
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* recordTypeCode
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* duplicateExemption
* objectVersionNumber
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* attribute12
* attribute5
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* attribute1
* taxRegimeCode
* taxJurisdictionId
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* programApplicationId
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* attribute7
* inventoryOrgId
* detFactorTemplCode
* siteUseId


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* requestId
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* programApplicationId
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* lastUpdatedBy
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* attribute14
* programId
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* parentClassificationId
* lastUpdateDate
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* attribute4
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* attribute7
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* zdSync
* attribute1
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* requestId
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* recordTypeCode
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* programLoginId
* attributeCategory
* programApplicationId
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* attribute14
* programId
* attribute2
* attribute9
* attribute13
* parentClassificationId
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute4
* attribute12
* compiledFlag
* attribute7
* creationDate
* zdSync
* attribute1
* createdBy


 * attribute8
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute15
* programApplicationId
* recordTypeCode
* classificationAssocId
* attribute7
* transBusinessCategTypeCode
* effectiveTo
* attribute1
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* attribute3
* programLoginId
* attribute12
* createdBy
* attribute10
* classificationTypeCode
* programId
* attributeCategory
* lastUpdateLogin
* objectVersionNumber
* attribute2
* requestId
* attribute4
* lastUpdateDate
* transBusinessCategConcat
* classificationCodeConcat
* attribute13
* effectiveFrom
* attribute5
* attribute9
* attribute11
* creationDate
* attribute14


 * attribute8
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute15
* programApplicationId
* recordTypeCode
* classificationAssocId
* attribute7
* transBusinessCategTypeCode
* effectiveTo
* attribute1
* attribute6
* attribute3
* programLoginId
* attribute12
* createdBy
* attribute10
* classificationTypeCode
* programId
* attributeCategory
* lastUpdateLogin
* objectVersionNumber
* attribute2
* requestId
* attribute4
* lastUpdateDate
* transBusinessCategConcat
* classificationCodeConcat
* attribute13
* effectiveFrom
* attribute5
* attribute9
* attribute11
* creationDate
* attribute14


 * segment3
* segment9Name
* ancestorId
* segment5Name
* segment6
* segment8Name
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* effectiveTo
* creationDate
* classificationTypeName
* countryCode
* classificationTypeId
* segment1
* recordTypeCode
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdateDate
* segment5
* createdBy
* concatClassifCode
* ancestorName
* enabledFlag
* zdSync
* segment1Name
* segment9
* ancestorCode
* segment10Name
* requestId
* classificationId
* programId
* segment2Name
* segment7
* segment4Name
* segment6Name
* language
* segment3Name
* segment8
* concatClassifName
* segment4
* programApplicationId
* classificationCode
* classificationCodeLevel
* classificationTypeCode
* segment2
* lastUpdatedBy
* effectiveFrom
* classificationTypeCategCode
* segment10
* zdEditionName
* classificationName
* programLoginId


 * segment3
* segment9Name
* ancestorId
* segment5Name
* segment6
* segment8Name
* segment7Name
* effectiveTo
* creationDate
* classificationTypeName
* countryCode
* classificationTypeId
* segment1
* recordTypeCode
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdateDate
* segment5
* createdBy
* concatClassifCode
* ancestorName
* enabledFlag
* zdSync
* segment1Name
* segment9
* ancestorCode
* segment10Name
* requestId
* classificationId
* programId
* segment2Name
* segment7
* segment4Name
* segment6Name
* language
* segment3Name
* segment8
* concatClassifName
* segment4
* programApplicationId
* classificationCode
* classificationCodeLevel
* classificationTypeCode
* segment2
* lastUpdatedBy
* effectiveFrom
* classificationTypeCategCode
* segment10
* zdEditionName
* classificationName
* programLoginId


 * creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* createdBy
* classificationId
* lastUpdateDate
* classificationName
* language
* zdEditionName
* zdSync
* sourceLang
* lastUpdatedBy


 * creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* createdBy
* classificationId
* lastUpdateDate
* classificationName
* language
* zdEditionName
* zdSync
* sourceLang
* lastUpdatedBy


 * attribute9
* attribute11
* recordTypeCode
* attribute1
* attribute4
* attribute6
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* transCategCtrlLevelCode
* productCategCtrlLevelCode
* reportTaxAuthorityId
* attribute8
* objectVersionNumber
* lastUpdateLogin
* registrationStatusCode
* primaryInventoryCategorySet
* issueTaxAuthorityId
* taxRegimeCode
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute2
* countryDefaultsId
* requestId
* tax
* registrationTypeCode
* countryCode
* productCategDefault
* programApplicationId
* attribute12
* attributeCategory
* defTaxForInvoiceFlag
* defRegimeForInvoiceFlag
* lastUpdatedBy
* createdBy
* attribute15
* attribute3
* defRegimeForLeTrFlag
* attribute10
* attribute14
* defTaxForLeTrFlag
* intendedUseDefault
* creationDate
* attribute7
* attribute13
* attribute5
* roundingRuleCode
* programId
* programLoginId


 * attribute9
* attribute11
* recordTypeCode
* attribute1
* attribute4
* attribute6
* collectTaxAuthorityId
* transCategCtrlLevelCode
* productCategCtrlLevelCode
* reportTaxAuthorityId
* attribute8
* objectVersionNumber
* lastUpdateLogin
* registrationStatusCode
* primaryInventoryCategorySet
* issueTaxAuthorityId
* taxRegimeCode
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute2
* countryDefaultsId
* requestId
* tax
* registrationTypeCode
* countryCode
* productCategDefault
* programApplicationId
* attribute12
* attributeCategory
* defTaxForInvoiceFlag
* defRegimeForInvoiceFlag
* lastUpdatedBy
* createdBy
* attribute15
* attribute3
* defRegimeForLeTrFlag
* attribute10
* attribute14
* defTaxForLeTrFlag
* intendedUseDefault
* creationDate
* attribute7
* attribute13
* attribute5
* roundingRuleCode
* programId
* programLoginId


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* classificationTypeId
* attribute1
* attribute8
* classificationTypeCode
* attribute10
* ownerIdChar
* recordTypeCode
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdatedBy
* creationDate
* attribute11
* attribute4
* ownerIdNum
* programApplicationId
* attribute3
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* attributeCategory
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* ownerTableCode
* attribute2
* attribute6
* delimiter
* attribute5
* attribute14
* requestId
* attribute7
* classificationTypeGroupCode
* zdSync
* numCharacters
* programLoginId
* classificationTypeLevelCode
* createdBy
* effectiveFrom
* startPosition
* objectVersionNumber
* classificationTypeCategCode
* effectiveTo
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute15
* attribute12
* zdEditionName


 * programId
* classificationTypeId
* attribute1
* attribute8
* classificationTypeCode
* attribute10
* ownerIdChar
* recordTypeCode
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdatedBy
* creationDate
* attribute11
* attribute4
* ownerIdNum
* programApplicationId
* attribute3
* attribute9
* attributeCategory
* attribute13
* ownerTableCode
* attribute2
* attribute6
* delimiter
* attribute5
* attribute14
* requestId
* attribute7
* classificationTypeGroupCode
* zdSync
* numCharacters
* programLoginId
* classificationTypeLevelCode
* createdBy
* effectiveFrom
* startPosition
* objectVersionNumber
* classificationTypeCategCode
* effectiveTo
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute15
* attribute12
* zdEditionName


 * lastUpdateLogin
* attribute7
* attributeCategory
* taxRegimeCode
* recordTypeCode
* attribute10
* attribute9
* attribute15
* attribute12
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute8
* requestId
* useInItemExceptionsFlag
* effectiveTo
* attribute5
* attribute3
* classifRegimeId
* attribute13
* programLoginId
* attribute4
* creationDate
* attribute2
* attribute14
* effectiveFrom
* createdBy
* programId
* attribute1
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute6
* attribute11
* classificationTypeCode
* objectVersionNumber
* programApplicationId


 * lastUpdateLogin
* attribute7
* attributeCategory
* taxRegimeCode
* recordTypeCode
* attribute10
* attribute9
* attribute15
* attribute12
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute8
* requestId
* useInItemExceptionsFlag
* effectiveTo
* attribute5
* attribute3
* classifRegimeId
* attribute13
* programLoginId
* attribute4
* creationDate
* attribute2
* attribute14
* effectiveFrom
* createdBy
* programId
* attribute1
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute6
* attribute11
* classificationTypeCode
* objectVersionNumber
* programApplicationId


 * zdEditionName
* classificationTypeName
* zdSync
* creationDate
* createdBy
* classificationTypeId
* sourceLang
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* language
* lastUpdateDate


 * zdEditionName
* classificationTypeName
* zdSync
* creationDate
* createdBy
* classificationTypeId
* sourceLang
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* language
* lastUpdateDate


 * programId
* insuranceChargeApplFlag
* taxRegimeCode
* enabledFlag
* attribute15
* attribute18
* attribute13
* lastUpdateDate
* formulaId
* attributeCategory
* attribute12
* creationDate
* otherChargeApplFlag
* lastUpdatedBy
* effectiveFrom
* attribute1
* attribute7
* attribute6
* attribute17
* attribute8
* attribute14
* attribute4
* baseRateModifier
* cashDiscountApplFlag
* transportChargeApplFlag
* formulaCode
* recordTypeCode
* contentOwnerId
* zdSync
* taxableBasisTypeCode
* programApplicationId
* tradingDiscountApplFlag
* attribute5
* createdBy
* zdEditionName
* requestId
* attribute19
* lastUpdateLogin
* tax
* effectiveTo
* objectVersionNumber
* programLoginId
* volumeDiscountApplFlag
* attribute10
* transferChargeApplFlag
* attribute2
* attribute9
* attribute16
* attribute20
* formulaTypeCode
* attribute3
* attribute11


 * programId
* insuranceChargeApplFlag
* taxRegimeCode
* enabledFlag
* attribute15
* attribute18
* attribute13
* lastUpdateDate
* formulaId
* attributeCategory
* attribute12
* creationDate
* otherChargeApplFlag
* lastUpdatedBy
* effectiveFrom
* attribute1
* attribute7
* attribute6
* attribute17
* attribute8
* attribute14
* attribute4
* baseRateModifier
* cashDiscountApplFlag
* transportChargeApplFlag
* formulaCode
* recordTypeCode
* contentOwnerId
* zdSync
* taxableBasisTypeCode
* programApplicationId
* tradingDiscountApplFlag
* attribute5
* createdBy
* zdEditionName
* requestId
* attribute19
* lastUpdateLogin
* tax
* effectiveTo
* objectVersionNumber
* programLoginId
* volumeDiscountApplFlag
* attribute10
* transferChargeApplFlag
* attribute2
* attribute9
* attribute16
* attribute20
* formulaTypeCode
* attribute3
* attribute11


 * programApplicationId
* programId
* attributeCategory
* attribute9
* enforceCompoundingFlag
* attribute8
* attribute2
* attribute19
* createdBy
* compoundingTax
* formulaId
* attribute11
* formulaDetailId
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute14
* recordTypeCode
* attribute3
* attribute15
* lastUpdateLogin
* creationDate
* attribute6
* programLoginId
* attribute13
* attribute10
* attribute12
* compoundingTaxRegimeCode
* compoundingTypeCode
* attribute17
* attribute1
* attribute18
* requestId
* attribute5
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute7
* attribute20
* objectVersionNumber
* attribute4
* attribute16


 * programApplicationId
* programId
* attributeCategory
* attribute9
* enforceCompoundingFlag
* attribute8
* attribute2
* attribute19
* createdBy
* compoundingTax
* formulaId
* attribute11
* formulaDetailId
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute14
* recordTypeCode
* attribute3
* attribute15
* lastUpdateLogin
* creationDate
* attribute6
* programLoginId
* attribute13
* attribute10
* attribute12
* compoundingTaxRegimeCode
* compoundingTypeCode
* attribute17
* attribute1
* attribute18
* requestId
* attribute5
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute7
* attribute20
* objectVersionNumber
* attribute4
* attribute16


 * formulaId
* createdBy
* creationDate
* zdEditionName
* lastUpdateLogin
* formulaDescription
* language
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateDate
* zdSync
* formulaName
* sourceLang


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* createdBy
* creationDate
* zdEditionName
* lastUpdateLogin
* formulaDescription
* language
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateDate
* zdSync
* formulaName
* sourceLang


 * createdBy
* requestId
* source
* taxClassificationCode
* programId
* taxRateCodeId
* effectiveFrom
* taxClass
* orgId
* lastUpdatedBy
* programApplicationId
* lastUpdateLogin
* tccMappingId
* taxType
* ledgerId
* effectiveTo
* activeFlag
* creationDate
* programLoginId
* lastUpdateDate


 * createdBy
* requestId
* source
* taxClassificationCode
* programId
* taxRateCodeId
* effectiveFrom
* taxClass
* orgId
* lastUpdatedBy
* programApplicationId
* lastUpdateLogin
* tccMappingId
* taxType
* ledgerId
* effectiveTo
* activeFlag
* creationDate
* programLoginId
* lastUpdateDate


 * zoneGeographyId
* tax
* innerCityJurisdictionFlag
* attribute13
* attribute2
* objectVersionNumber
* programId
* attribute7
* creationDate
* attribute4
* attribute12
* repTaxAuthorityId
* attribute9
* programApplicationId
* defaultFlgEffectiveFrom
* taxAcctSrcJurisdictId
* taxRegimeCode
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute14
* attribute10
* defaultFlgEffectiveTo
* attribute11
* attribute3
* collTaxAuthorityId
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute15
* taxJurisdictionId
* taxExmptSrcJurisdictId
* effectiveTo
* programLoginId
* createdBy
* requestId
* defaultJurisdictionFlag
* attributeCategory
* effectiveFrom
* precedenceLevel
* recordTypeCode
* allowTaxRegistrationsFlag
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute6
* attribute8
* taxJurisdictionCode
* attribute1
* attribute5


 * zoneGeographyId
* tax
* innerCityJurisdictionFlag
* attribute13
* attribute2
* objectVersionNumber
* programId
* attribute7
* creationDate
* attribute4
* attribute12
* repTaxAuthorityId
* attribute9
* programApplicationId
* defaultFlgEffectiveFrom
* taxAcctSrcJurisdictId
* taxRegimeCode
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute14
* attribute10
* defaultFlgEffectiveTo
* attribute11
* attribute3
* collTaxAuthorityId
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute15
* taxJurisdictionId
* taxExmptSrcJurisdictId
* effectiveTo
* programLoginId
* createdBy
* requestId
* defaultJurisdictionFlag
* attributeCategory
* effectiveFrom
* precedenceLevel
* recordTypeCode
* allowTaxRegistrationsFlag
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute6
* attribute8
* taxJurisdictionCode
* attribute1
* attribute5


 * sourceLang
* lastUpdateLogin
* taxJurisdictionName
* language
* lastUpdatedBy
* creationDate
* createdBy
* lastUpdateDate
* taxJurisdictionId


 * sourceLang
* lastUpdateLogin
* taxJurisdictionName
* language
* lastUpdatedBy
* creationDate
* createdBy
* lastUpdateDate
* taxJurisdictionId


 * offsetLinkToTaxLineId
* calTaxAmtTaxCurr
* appliedFromTrxId
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* legalMessageAppl2
* origTaxRateId
* settlementFlag
* tax
* placeOfSupplyTypeCode
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* calTaxAmtFunclCurr
* taxableAmtFunclCurr
* globalAttribute19
* globalAttribute15
* taxRegimeId
* basisResultId
* roundingLvlPartyTaxProfId
* syncWithPrvdrFlag
* taxTypeCode
* applicationId
* taxExceptionId
* attribute1
* taxJurisdictionId
* date6
* taxLineNumber
* taxDate
* accountSourceTaxRateId
* trxNumber
* trxUserKeyLevel4
* attribute3
* appliedFromEventClassCode
* directRateResultId
* globalAttribute10
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* globalAttribute4
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* trxLineNumber
* prdTotalTaxAmt
* reportingPeriodId
* attribute14
* char5
* appliedFromEntityCode
* taxingJurisGeographyId
* recTaxAmt
* cancelFlag
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* attributeCategory
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* roundingRuleCode
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* purgeFlag
* internalOrgLocationId
* lastUpdatedBy
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* numeric2
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* globalAttribute3
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* attribute9
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* trxLineCurrencyConvRate
* payingSiteTaxProfId
* rdngBillToPtyTxPStId
* sourceEventClassCode
* trxCurrencyCode
* numeric10
* otherCharge
* refDocHdrTrxUserKey6
* provnlTaxDeterminationDate
* billThirdPtyAcctId
* reversedEvntClsCode
* creationDate
* compoundingTaxFlag
* trxLineCurrencyCode
* assessableValue
* date9
* applicationDocStatus
* hdrTrxUserKey6
* char2
* tradingDiscount
* appliedToTrxNumber
* billThirdPtyAcctSiteId
* productFiscClassification
* appToHdrTrxUserKey1
* shipToCustAcctSiteUseId
* sourceTrxLevelType
* shipFromLocationId
* appliedToEventClassCode
* lineLevelAction
* relDocHdrTrxUserKey2
* accountString
* supplierTaxInvoiceDate
* poaPartyTaxProfId
* refDocApplicationId
* trxShippingDate
* shipToLocationId
* numeric3
* defaultTaxationCountry
* adjustedDocNumber
* relatedDocNumber
* relatedDocDate
* pocLocationId
* defaultingAttribute7
* cashDiscount
* appliedFromTrxLevelType
* trxLineNumber
* batchSourceName
* taxEventClassCode
* adjDocLinTrxUserKey5
* adjDocLinTrxUserKey6
* shipToSiteTaxProfId
* date6
* merchantPartyDocumentNumber
* billFromLocationId
* appFromHdrTrxUserKey2
* taxProcessingCompletedFlag
* pooLocationId
* productOrgId
* date4
* docEventStatus
* globalAttribute1
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* sourceTrxId
* merchantPartyId
* relatedDocTrxId
* date8
* refDocLineId
* trxLineGlDate
* refDocHdrTrxUserKey4
* unitPrice
* transferCharge
* appFromHdrTrxUserKey5
* taxAmtIncludedFlag
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* appliedFromApplicationId
* trxWaybillNumber
* objectVersionNumber
* adjDocHdrTrxUserKey5
* billFromSiteTaxProfId
* taxInvoiceNumber
* lineTrxUserKey2
* appFromHdrTrxUserKey1
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* thresholdIndicatorFlag
* refDocTrxLevelType
* taxInvoiceDate
* exemptCertificateNumber
* poaLocationId
* adjDocLinTrxUserKey1
* volumeDiscount
* char3
* refDocEventClassCode
* numeric1
* merchantPartyTaxProfId
* ctrlTotalHdrTxAmt
* interfaceLineId
* relDocHdrTrxUserKey4
* appFromHdrTrxUserKey3
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* trxLineQuantity
* legalEntityId
* trxBatchId
* defaultingAttribute9
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* relDocHdrTrxUserKey6
* appToHdrTrxUserKey2
* titleTransPartyTaxProfId
* refDocEntityCode
* entityCode
* refDocHdrTrxUserKey5
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* date3
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* accountCcid
* date2
* adjustedDocEntityCode
* trxIdLevel6
* hdrTrxUserKey1
* interfaceEntityCode
* rdngShipToPtyTxProfId
* rdngShipFromPtyTxPStId
* relDocHdrTrxUserKey1
* ownHqPartyTaxProfId
* defaultingAttribute2
* productId
* createdBy
* adjDocHdrTrxUserKey4
* date1
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* appFromLinTrxUserKey3
* billToSiteTaxProfId
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* rdngBillToPtyTxProfId
* sourceEntityCode
* eventTypeCode
* appToLinTrxUserKey6
* batchSourceId
* ownHqLocationId
* shipToPartyTaxProfId
* defaultingAttribute10
* defaultingAttribute1
* char8
* defaultingAttribute3
* reversedTrxLevelType
* adjDocLinTrxUserKey4
* assetCost
* trxIdLevel3
* currencyConversionDate
* appFromLinTrxUserKey6
* merchantPartyTaxpayerId
* userUpdDetFactorsFlag
* appToHdrTrxUserKey6
* titleTransferLocationId
* defaultingAttribute8
* merchantPartyTaxRegNumber
* trxSicCode
* hqEstbPartyTaxProfId
* portOfEntryCode
* adjDocHdrTrxUserKey2
* hdrTrxUserKey3
* refDocLinTrxUserKey6
* refDocLinTrxUserKey2
* assetAccumDepreciation
* exemptReason
* trxCommunicatedDate
* productDescription
* relDocHdrTrxUserKey5
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdateDate
* appliedToTrxLevelType
* appFromLinTrxUserKey2
* refDocTrxId
* assetNumber
* appToHdrTrxUserKey3
* numeric7


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* podSiteTaxProfId
* lineTrxUserKey4
* tradingHqSiteTaxProfId
* tradingHqLocationId
* adjDocLinTrxUserKey2
* refDocLineQuantity
* trxLineId
* appliedFromEntityCode
* trxLineCurrencyConvDate
* trxLineMau
* numeric9
* sourceApplicationId
* rdngShipFromPtyTxProfId
* rdngBillFromPtyTxPStId
* pooPartyTaxProfId
* shipThirdPtyAcctId
* trxDescription
* rdngShipToPtyTxPStId
* relatedDocEventClassCode
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* docSeqName
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* appToHdrTrxUserKey4
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* establishmentId
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* appFromLinTrxUserKey1
* appFromLinTrxUserKey5
* merchantPartyReference
* assetType
* appToLinTrxUserKey2
* appFromLinTrxUserKey4
* billToCustAcctSiteUseId
* appToLinTrxUserKey1
* numeric5
* applicationId
* titleTransSiteTaxProfId
* trxIdLevel4
* char10
* appFromHdrTrxUserKey6
* char1
* refDocLinTrxUserKey1
* eventClassMappingId
* numeric4
* eventClassCode
* ownHqSiteTaxProfId
* internalOrganizationId
* appliedToTrxId
* refDocHdrTrxUserKey3
* trxLinePrecision
* lineClass
* date5
* defaultingAttribute4
* trxBusinessCategory
* historicalFlag
* assetFlag
* internalOrgLocationId
* numeric2
* payingPartyTaxProfId
* merchantPartyCountry
* podPartyTaxProfId
* poiSiteTaxProfId
* supplierTaxInvoiceNumber
* shipThirdPtyAcctSiteId
* trxDate
* documentSubType
* poiLocationId
* refDocLinTrxUserKey3
* trxLineDate
* uomCode
* productCode
* char5
* appToLinTrxUserKey3
* trxReceiptDate
* relatedDocEntityCode
* poiPartyTaxProfId
* trxIdLevel2
* appToHdrTrxUserKey5
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* adjDocHdrTrxUserKey3
* trxDueDate
* reversedTrxId
* adjustedDocApplicationId
* transportationCharge
* adjustedDocDate
* appToLinTrxUserKey5
* char6
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* numeric8
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* icxSessionId
* receivablesTrxTypeId
* numeric6
* adjDocLinTrxUserKey3
* lineTrxUserKey6
* productCategory
* date7
* adjDocHdrTrxUserKey1
* eventId
* sourceTaxLineId
* podLocationId
* appFromHdrTrxUserKey4
* defaultingAttribute5
* billToPartyTaxProfId
* date10
* hdrTrxUserKey5
* billToLocationId
* char7
* fobPoint
* appliedFromEventClassCode
* appliedFromLineId
* lineIntendedUse
* adjustedDocLineId
* refDocLinTrxUserKey4
* appliedFromTrxNumber
* shipFromSiteTaxProfId
* exemptionControlFlag
* payingLocationId
* lineAmtIncludesTaxFlag
* appliedToTrxLineId
* adjustedDocTrxLevelType
* shipFromPartyTaxProfId
* hdrTrxUserKey4
* relDocHdrTrxUserKey3
* lastUpdatedBy
* userDefinedFiscClass
* inputTaxClassificationCode
* billFromPartyTaxProfId
* docSeqId
* totalIncTaxAmt
* hdrTrxUserKey2
* reversedApplnId
* docSeqValue
* taxEventTypeCode
* appToLinTrxUserKey4
* lineTrxUserKey1
* lineTrxUserKey3
* refDocLinTrxUserKey5
* trxDocRevision
* refDocHdrTrxUserKey1
* defaultingAttribute6
* poaSiteTaxProfId
* merchantPartyName
* refDocHdrTrxUserKey2
* currencyConversionRate
* lineTrxUserKey5
* char4
* appliedToApplicationId
* ctrlTotalLineTxAmt
* supplierExchangeRate
* trxId
* recordTypeCode
* globalAttributeCategory
* adjustedDocTrxId
* adjDocHdrTrxUserKey6
* minimumAccountableUnit
* trxLineType
* productType
* ledgerId
* ctrlHdrTxApplFlag
* appliedToEntityCode
* startExpenseDate
* sourceLineId
* appliedFromTrxId
* trxLineCurrencyConvRate
* payingSiteTaxProfId
* rdngBillToPtyTxPStId
* sourceEventClassCode
* trxCurrencyCode
* numeric10
* otherCharge
* refDocHdrTrxUserKey6
* provnlTaxDeterminationDate
* billThirdPtyAcctId
* reversedEvntClsCode
* creationDate
* compoundingTaxFlag
* trxLineCurrencyCode
* assessableValue
* date9
* applicationDocStatus
* hdrTrxUserKey6
* char2
* tradingDiscount
* appliedToTrxNumber
* billThirdPtyAcctSiteId
* productFiscClassification
* appToHdrTrxUserKey1
* shipToCustAcctSiteUseId
* sourceTrxLevelType
* shipFromLocationId
* appliedToEventClassCode
* lineLevelAction
* relDocHdrTrxUserKey2
* accountString
* supplierTaxInvoiceDate
* poaPartyTaxProfId
* refDocApplicationId
* trxShippingDate
* shipToLocationId
* numeric3
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* adjustedDocNumber
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* relatedDocDate
* pocLocationId
* defaultingAttribute7
* cashDiscount
* appliedFromTrxLevelType
* trxLineNumber
* batchSourceName
* taxEventClassCode
* adjDocLinTrxUserKey5
* adjDocLinTrxUserKey6
* shipToSiteTaxProfId
* date6
* merchantPartyDocumentNumber
* billFromLocationId
* appFromHdrTrxUserKey2
* taxProcessingCompletedFlag
* pooLocationId
* productOrgId
* date4
* docEventStatus
* globalAttribute1
* pooSiteTaxProfId
* sourceTrxId
* merchantPartyId
* relatedDocTrxId
* date8
* refDocLineId
* trxLineGlDate
* refDocHdrTrxUserKey4
* unitPrice
* transferCharge
* appFromHdrTrxUserKey5
* taxAmtIncludedFlag
* outputTaxClassificationCode
* inclusiveTaxOverrideFlag
* relatedDocApplicationId
* appliedFromApplicationId
* trxWaybillNumber
* objectVersionNumber
* adjDocHdrTrxUserKey5
* billFromSiteTaxProfId
* taxInvoiceNumber
* lineTrxUserKey2
* appFromHdrTrxUserKey1
* adjustedDocEventClassCode
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* taxReportingFlag
* thresholdIndicatorFlag
* refDocTrxLevelType
* taxInvoiceDate
* exemptCertificateNumber
* poaLocationId
* adjDocLinTrxUserKey1
* volumeDiscount
* char3
* refDocEventClassCode
* numeric1
* merchantPartyTaxProfId
* ctrlTotalHdrTxAmt
* interfaceLineId
* relDocHdrTrxUserKey4
* appFromHdrTrxUserKey3
* reversedTrxLineId
* trxLineQuantity
* legalEntityId
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* defaultingAttribute9
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* relDocHdrTrxUserKey6
* appToHdrTrxUserKey2
* titleTransPartyTaxProfId
* refDocEntityCode
* entityCode
* refDocHdrTrxUserKey5
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* date3
* tradingHqPartyTaxProfId
* accountCcid
* date2
* adjustedDocEntityCode
* trxIdLevel6
* hdrTrxUserKey1
* interfaceEntityCode
* rdngShipToPtyTxProfId
* rdngShipFromPtyTxPStId
* relDocHdrTrxUserKey1
* ownHqPartyTaxProfId
* defaultingAttribute2
* productId
* createdBy
* adjDocHdrTrxUserKey4
* date1
* currencyConversionType
* lineAmt
* appFromLinTrxUserKey3
* billToSiteTaxProfId
* trxLevelType
* trxLineCurrencyConvType
* rdngBillToPtyTxProfId
* sourceEntityCode
* eventTypeCode
* appToLinTrxUserKey6
* batchSourceId
* ownHqLocationId
* shipToPartyTaxProfId
* defaultingAttribute10
* defaultingAttribute1
* char8
* defaultingAttribute3
* reversedTrxLevelType
* adjDocLinTrxUserKey4
* assetCost
* trxIdLevel3
* currencyConversionDate
* appFromLinTrxUserKey6
* merchantPartyTaxpayerId
* userUpdDetFactorsFlag
* appToHdrTrxUserKey6
* titleTransferLocationId
* defaultingAttribute8
* merchantPartyTaxRegNumber
* trxSicCode
* hqEstbPartyTaxProfId
* portOfEntryCode
* adjDocHdrTrxUserKey2
* hdrTrxUserKey3
* refDocLinTrxUserKey6
* refDocLinTrxUserKey2
* assetAccumDepreciation
* exemptReason
* trxCommunicatedDate
* productDescription
* relDocHdrTrxUserKey5
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdateDate
* appliedToTrxLevelType
* appFromLinTrxUserKey2
* refDocTrxId
* assetNumber
* appToHdrTrxUserKey3
* numeric7


 * appToLinTrxUserKey6
* globalAttributeCategory
* appToHdrTrxUserKey6
* globalAttribute9
* tax
* appToLinTrxUserKey3
* totalRecTaxAmtFunclCurr
* lastUpdateLogin
* reportingOnlyFlag
* globalAttribute7
* selfAssessedFlag
* appToHdrTrxUserKey1
* adjDocHdrTrxUserKey1
* attribute5
* globalAttribute17
* globalAttribute12
* attribute6
* taxAmtIncludedFlag
* attribute13
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute3
* globalAttribute3
* globalAttribute10
* attribute2
* attribute4
* appFromLinTrxUserKey6
* globalAttribute8
* exemptReasonCode
* appliedToApplicationId
* currencyConversionRate
* attribute12
* globalAttribute5
* totalRecTaxAmt
* createdBy
* appliedToEventClassCode
* globalAttribute11
* taxRate
* appliedFromApplicationId
* adjustedDocEntityCode
* cancelFlag
* taxRateBeforeExemption
* taxExceptionId
* totalNrecTaxAmtTaxCurr
* taxRateNameBeforeExemption
* appFromLinTrxUserKey4
* exemptCertificateNumber
* globalAttribute13
* appliedFromTrxLevelType
* adjustedDocTrxId
* establishmentId
* attribute7
* appToHdrTrxUserKey3
* appFromLinTrxUserKey3
* lastManualEntry
* totalNrecTaxAmt
* attributeCategory
* mrcTaxLineFlag
* globalAttribute18
* historicalFlag
* appliedToTrxLevelType
* appliedFromEntityCode
* taxRateNameBeforeException
* taxableBasisFormula
* deleteFlag
* entityCode
* attribute15
* taxRateBeforeException
* appliedToTrxId
* appToHdrTrxUserKey5
* currencyConversionType
* eventClassCode
* appliedFromLineId
* globalAttribute14
* trxNumber
* legalEntityId
* appFromLinTrxUserKey5
* taxRegimeCode
* appToLinTrxUserKey4
* globalAttribute4
* trxLevelType
* adjDocHdrTrxUserKey5
* attribute14
* appFromLinTrxUserKey2
* taxStatusCode
* compoundingTaxFlag
* contentOwnerId
* appFromLinTrxUserKey1
* attribute9
* appliedToLineId
* globalAttribute1
* appToHdrTrxUserKey2
* summaryTaxLineId
* totalNrecTaxAmtFunclCurr
* adjustedDocTrxLevelType
* adjustedDocEventClassCode
* taxRateCode
* taxAmtFunclCurr
* applicationId
* adjDocHdrTrxUserKey6
* appliedFromEventClassCode
* exemptReason
* ledgerId
* lastUpdateDate
* copiedFromOtherDocFlag
* appToLinTrxUserKey2
* associatedChildFrozenFlag
* taxRateId
* taxAmt
* attribute1
* adjustTaxAmtFlag
* adjDocHdrTrxUserKey3
* attribute8
* attribute10
* globalAttribute2
* attribute11
* creationDate
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* objectVersionNumber
* globalAttribute16
* totalRecTaxAmtTaxCurr
* globalAttribute15
* trxId
* currencyConversionDate
* adjDocHdrTrxUserKey2
* taxProviderId
* exceptionRate
* overriddenFlag
* globalAttribute19
* internalOrganizationId
* appToLinTrxUserKey5
* taxOnlyLineFlag
* taxExemptionId
* taxAmtTaxCurr
* recordTypeCode
* appliedToEntityCode
* globalAttribute20
* appToLinTrxUserKey1
* manuallyEnteredFlag
* appliedFromTrxId
* adjDocHdrTrxUserKey4
* adjustedDocApplicationId
* summarizationTemplateId
* summaryTaxLineNumber
* globalAttribute6
* taxJurisdictionCode
* appToHdrTrxUserKey4
* exemptRateModifier


 * appToLinTrxUserKey6
* globalAttributeCategory
* appToHdrTrxUserKey6
* globalAttribute9
* tax
* appToLinTrxUserKey3
* totalRecTaxAmtFunclCurr
* lastUpdateLogin
* reportingOnlyFlag
* globalAttribute7
* selfAssessedFlag
* appToHdrTrxUserKey1
* adjDocHdrTrxUserKey1
* attribute5
* globalAttribute17
* globalAttribute12
* attribute6
* taxAmtIncludedFlag
* attribute13
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute3
* globalAttribute3
* globalAttribute10
* attribute2
* attribute4
* appFromLinTrxUserKey6
* globalAttribute8
* exemptReasonCode
* appliedToApplicationId
* currencyConversionRate
* attribute12
* globalAttribute5
* totalRecTaxAmt
* createdBy
* appliedToEventClassCode
* globalAttribute11
* taxRate
* appliedFromApplicationId
* adjustedDocEntityCode
* cancelFlag
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* taxRateNameBeforeExemption
* appFromLinTrxUserKey4
* exemptCertificateNumber
* globalAttribute13
* appliedFromTrxLevelType
* adjustedDocTrxId
* establishmentId
* attribute7
* appToHdrTrxUserKey3
* appFromLinTrxUserKey3
* lastManualEntry
* totalNrecTaxAmt
* attributeCategory
* mrcTaxLineFlag
* globalAttribute18
* historicalFlag
* appliedToTrxLevelType
* appliedFromEntityCode
* taxRateNameBeforeException
* taxableBasisFormula
* deleteFlag
* entityCode
* attribute15
* taxRateBeforeException
* appliedToTrxId
* appToHdrTrxUserKey5
* currencyConversionType
* eventClassCode
* appliedFromLineId
* globalAttribute14
* trxNumber
* legalEntityId
* appFromLinTrxUserKey5
* taxRegimeCode
* appToLinTrxUserKey4
* globalAttribute4
* trxLevelType
* adjDocHdrTrxUserKey5
* attribute14
* appFromLinTrxUserKey2
* taxStatusCode
* compoundingTaxFlag
* contentOwnerId
* appFromLinTrxUserKey1
* attribute9
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* globalAttribute1
* appToHdrTrxUserKey2
* summaryTaxLineId
* totalNrecTaxAmtFunclCurr
* adjustedDocTrxLevelType
* adjustedDocEventClassCode
* taxRateCode
* taxAmtFunclCurr
* applicationId
* adjDocHdrTrxUserKey6
* appliedFromEventClassCode
* exemptReason
* ledgerId
* lastUpdateDate
* copiedFromOtherDocFlag
* appToLinTrxUserKey2
* associatedChildFrozenFlag
* taxRateId
* taxAmt
* attribute1
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* adjDocHdrTrxUserKey3
* attribute8
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* globalAttribute2
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* objectVersionNumber
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* globalAttribute15
* trxId
* currencyConversionDate
* adjDocHdrTrxUserKey2
* taxProviderId
* exceptionRate
* overriddenFlag
* globalAttribute19
* internalOrganizationId
* appToLinTrxUserKey5
* taxOnlyLineFlag
* taxExemptionId
* taxAmtTaxCurr
* recordTypeCode
* appliedToEntityCode
* globalAttribute20
* appToLinTrxUserKey1
* manuallyEnteredFlag
* appliedFromTrxId
* adjDocHdrTrxUserKey4
* adjustedDocApplicationId
* summarizationTemplateId
* summaryTaxLineNumber
* globalAttribute6
* taxJurisdictionCode
* appToHdrTrxUserKey4
* exemptRateModifier


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* calTaxAmtTaxCurr
* appliedFromTrxId
* taxRegNumDetResultId
* taxRateBeforeExemption
* prdTotalTaxAmtFunclCurr
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* registrationPartyType
* globalAttribute13
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* relatedDocTrxId
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* origTaxRateId
* settlementFlag
* tax
* placeOfSupplyTypeCode
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* char9
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* calTaxAmtFunclCurr
* taxableAmtFunclCurr
* globalAttribute19
* globalAttribute15
* taxRegimeId
* basisResultId
* roundingLvlPartyTaxProfId
* syncWithPrvdrFlag
* taxTypeCode
* applicationId
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* attribute1
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* date6
* taxLineNumber
* taxDate
* accountSourceTaxRateId
* trxNumber
* trxUserKeyLevel4
* attribute3
* appliedFromEventClassCode
* directRateResultId
* globalAttribute10
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* globalAttribute4
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* date7
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* trxLineNumber
* prdTotalTaxAmt
* reportingPeriodId
* attribute14
* char5
* appliedFromEntityCode
* taxingJurisGeographyId
* recTaxAmt
* cancelFlag
* trxId
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* attributeCategory
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* purgeFlag
* internalOrgLocationId
* lastUpdatedBy
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* numeric2
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* attribute9
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* relatedDocEventClassCode
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* currencyConversionType
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* refDocTrxLevelType
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* creationDate
* calTaxAmt
* ledgerId
* taxAmtIncludedFlag
* mrcTaxLineFlag
* taxCurrencyCode
* attribute15
* deleteFlag
* lineAssessableValue
* roundingLvlPartyType
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* attribute13
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* char1
* refDocTrxId
* relatedDocApplicationId
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* numeric1
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* refDocApplicationId
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* trxUserKeyLevel2
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* recTaxAmtFunclCurr
* appliedFromTrxLevelType
* numeric3
* attribute2
* taxRateCode
* summaryTaxLineId
* taxRegistrationNumber
* prdTotalTaxAmtTaxCurr
* ctrlTotalLineTxAmt
* taxHoldCode
* contentOwnerId
* appliedFromTrxNumber
* taxEventClassCode
* attribute6
* taxExemptionId
* attribute7


 * creationDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* position
* zdSync
* lastUpdateDate
* taxParameterCode
* structElement
* createdBy
* zdEditionName
* taxParamElementCode
* lastUpdateLogin


 * creationDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* position
* zdSync
* lastUpdateDate
* taxParameterCode
* structElement
* createdBy
* zdEditionName
* taxParamElementCode
* lastUpdateLogin


 * zdSync
* enabledFlag
* lastUpdatedBy
* seededFlag
* formatTypeCode
* lastUpdateLogin
* allowOverrideFlag
* createdBy
* taxParameterCode
* generateGetFlag
* taxParameterTypeCode
* zdEditionName
* lastUpdateDate
* maxSize
* creationDate


 * zdSync
* enabledFlag
* lastUpdatedBy
* seededFlag
* formatTypeCode
* lastUpdateLogin
* allowOverrideFlag
* createdBy
* taxParameterCode
* generateGetFlag
* taxParameterTypeCode
* zdEditionName
* lastUpdateDate
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* creationDate


 * creationDate
* zdEditionName
* language
* sourceLang
* taxParameterCode
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdateDate
* zdSync
* taxParameterName
* createdBy
* lastUpdatedBy


 * creationDate
* zdEditionName
* language
* sourceLang
* taxParameterCode
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdateDate
* zdSync
* taxParameterName
* createdBy
* lastUpdatedBy


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* selfAssessFlag
* attribute3
* recordTypeCode
* attribute8
* lastUpdateDate
* roundingLevelCode
* legalEstablishmentFlag
* withholdingStartDate
* creationDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* partyTaxProfileId
* collectingAuthorityFlag
* createdBy
* processForApplicabilityFlag
* allowOffsetTaxFlag
* lastUpdateLogin
* programApplicationId
* partyTypeCode
* attribute11
* taxClassificationCode
* requestId
* repRegistrationNumber
* programId
* attribute4
* customerFlag
* providerTypeCode
* attribute6
* firstPartyLeFlag
* effectiveFromUseLe
* attribute7
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* createAwtInvoicesTypeCode
* reportingAuthorityFlag
* attribute2
* programLoginId
* attribute5
* attribute12
* createAwtDistsTypeCode
* attribute15
* supplierFlag
* allowAwtFlag
* partyId
* useLeAsSubscriberFlag
* attribute14
* attributeCategory
* objectVersionNumber
* attribute9
* siteFlag
* roundingRuleCode
* attribute1
* registrationTypeCode
* mergedStatusCode
* countryCode
* attribute10
* attribute13


 * intfPtpReference
* progIntChar1
* inclusiveTaxFlag
* taxClassificationName
* partyId
* countryName
* dmlType
* roundingRuleName
* intfPartySiteReference
* recordStatus
* registrationTypeCode
* batchId
* allowOffsetTaxFlag
* roundingLevelCode
* progIntNum1
* registrationNumber
* partyName
* countryCode
* errorNumber
* registrationTypeName
* partyTaxProfileId
* roundingRuleCode
* intfPartyReference
* requestId
* processForApplicabilityFlag
* roundingLevelName
* partyTypeCode
* taxClassificationCode


 * intfPtpReference
* progIntChar1
* inclusiveTaxFlag
* taxClassificationName
* partyId
* countryName
* dmlType
* roundingRuleName
* intfPartySiteReference
* recordStatus
* registrationTypeCode
* batchId
* allowOffsetTaxFlag
* roundingLevelCode
* progIntNum1
* registrationNumber
* partyName
* countryCode
* errorNumber
* registrationTypeName
* partyTaxProfileId
* roundingRuleCode
* intfPartyReference
* requestId
* processForApplicabilityFlag
* roundingLevelName
* partyTypeCode
* taxClassificationCode


 * inclusiveTaxFlag
* selfAssessFlag
* attribute3
* recordTypeCode
* attribute8
* lastUpdateDate
* roundingLevelCode
* legalEstablishmentFlag
* withholdingStartDate
* creationDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* partyTaxProfileId
* collectingAuthorityFlag
* createdBy
* processForApplicabilityFlag
* allowOffsetTaxFlag
* lastUpdateLogin
* programApplicationId
* partyTypeCode
* attribute11
* taxClassificationCode
* requestId
* repRegistrationNumber
* programId
* attribute4
* customerFlag
* providerTypeCode
* attribute6
* firstPartyLeFlag
* effectiveFromUseLe
* attribute7
* mergedToPtpId
* createAwtInvoicesTypeCode
* reportingAuthorityFlag
* attribute2
* programLoginId
* attribute5
* attribute12
* createAwtDistsTypeCode
* attribute15
* supplierFlag
* allowAwtFlag
* partyId
* useLeAsSubscriberFlag
* attribute14
* attributeCategory
* objectVersionNumber
* attribute9
* siteFlag
* roundingRuleCode
* attribute1
* registrationTypeCode
* mergedStatusCode
* countryCode
* attribute10
* attribute13


 * partyTypeCode
* partySourceColumn
* zdSync
* zdEditionName
* createdBy
* applicableToEvntClsFlag
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* locationSourceTable
* lastUpdatedBy
* locationSourceColumn
* lastUpdateDate
* partySiteType
* partySourceTable


 * partyTypeCode
* partySourceColumn
* zdSync
* zdEditionName
* createdBy
* applicableToEvntClsFlag
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* locationSourceTable
* lastUpdatedBy
* locationSourceColumn
* lastUpdateDate
* partySiteType
* partySourceTable


 * maxTaxAmt
* minTaxRate
* taxStatusCode
* lastUpdateLogin
* conditionGroupCode
* conditionGroupId
* alphanumericResult
* legalMessageCode
* contentOwnerId
* programId
* allowExemptionsFlag
* taxRuleId
* programLoginId
* conditionSetId
* lastUpdatedBy
* resultTypeCode
* maxTaxRate
* programApplicationId
* enabledFlag
* minTaxableBasis
* creationDate
* minTaxAmt
* maxTaxableBasis
* resultApi
* statusResult
* lastUpdateDate
* priority
* objectVersionNumber
* exceptionSetId
* allowExceptionsFlag
* recordTypeCode
* createdBy
* requestId
* resultId
* numericResult
* rateResult


 * maxTaxAmt
* minTaxRate
* taxStatusCode
* lastUpdateLogin
* conditionGroupCode
* conditionGroupId
* alphanumericResult
* legalMessageCode
* contentOwnerId
* programId
* allowExemptionsFlag
* taxRuleId
* programLoginId
* conditionSetId
* lastUpdatedBy
* resultTypeCode
* maxTaxRate
* programApplicationId
* enabledFlag
* minTaxableBasis
* creationDate
* minTaxAmt
* maxTaxableBasis
* resultApi
* statusResult
* lastUpdateDate
* priority
* objectVersionNumber
* exceptionSetId
* allowExceptionsFlag
* recordTypeCode
* createdBy
* requestId
* resultId
* numericResult
* rateResult


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* defOptionHier5Code
* applicationId
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* defOptionHier2Code
* defOptionHier3Code
* productOptionsId
* orgId
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* taxUseLocExcRateFlag
* taxPrecision
* creationDate
* objectVersionNumber
* lastUpdatedBy
* defOptionHier7Code
* taxClassificationCode
* taxAllowCompoundFlag
* taxRoundingRule
* createdBy
* defOptionHier6Code
* inclusiveTaxUsedFlag
* taxCurrencyCode
* recordTypeCode
* eventClassMappingId
* allowTaxRoundingOvrdFlag
* useTaxClassificationFlag
* taxUseCustomerExemptFlag
* homeCountryDefaultFlag
* salesTaxGeocode
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdateDate
* taxMethodCode
* defOptionHier1Code


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* defOptionHier5Code
* applicationId
* taxUseProductExemptFlag
* defOptionHier2Code
* defOptionHier3Code
* productOptionsId
* orgId
* taxMinimumAccountableUnit
* taxUseLocExcRateFlag
* taxPrecision
* creationDate
* objectVersionNumber
* lastUpdatedBy
* defOptionHier7Code
* taxClassificationCode
* taxAllowCompoundFlag
* taxRoundingRule
* createdBy
* defOptionHier6Code
* inclusiveTaxUsedFlag
* taxCurrencyCode
* recordTypeCode
* eventClassMappingId
* allowTaxRoundingOvrdFlag
* useTaxClassificationFlag
* taxUseCustomerExemptFlag
* homeCountryDefaultFlag
* salesTaxGeocode
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdateDate
* taxMethodCode
* defOptionHier1Code


 * sourceId
* objectVersionNumber
* taxableBasisFormulaCode
* taxClass
* allowExemptionsFlag
* taxRateCode
* programApplicationId
* requestId
* inclusiveTaxFlag
* taxJurisdictionCode
* attribute15
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* attribute14
* attribute5
* allowAdhocTaxRateFlag
* quantityRate
* effectiveFrom
* attribute10
* attribute11
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* attribute12
* vatTransactionTypeCode
* recoveryTypeCode
* taxRateId
* defaultRateFlag
* attribute4
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* creationDate
* attribute9
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* recoveryRuleCode
* recordTypeCode
* attribute2
* programLoginId
* defRecSettlementOptionCode
* offsetTax
* attribute3
* attribute6
* attribute7
* tax
* lastUpdatedBy
* defaultFlgEffectiveFrom
* programId
* attribute13
* rateTypeCode
* effectiveTo
* taxStatusCode
* createdBy
* allowExceptionsFlag
* defaultFlgEffectiveTo
* contentOwnerId
* taxRegimeCode
* percentageRate
* lastUpdateDate
* adjForAdhocAmtCode
* attribute8
* uomCode
* offsetTaxRateCode
* taxInclusiveOverrideFlag
* defaultRecRateCode
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute1
* attributeCategory


 * sourceId
* objectVersionNumber
* taxableBasisFormulaCode
* taxClass
* allowExemptionsFlag
* taxRateCode
* programApplicationId
* requestId
* inclusiveTaxFlag
* taxJurisdictionCode
* attribute15
* activeFlag
* attribute14
* attribute5
* allowAdhocTaxRateFlag
* quantityRate
* effectiveFrom
* attribute10
* attribute11
* offsetStatusCode
* attribute12
* vatTransactionTypeCode
* recoveryTypeCode
* taxRateId
* defaultRateFlag
* attribute4
* scheduleBasedRateFlag
* creationDate
* attribute9
* defaultRecTypeCode
* recoveryRuleCode
* recordTypeCode
* attribute2
* programLoginId
* defRecSettlementOptionCode
* offsetTax
* attribute3
* attribute6
* attribute7
* tax
* lastUpdatedBy
* defaultFlgEffectiveFrom
* programId
* attribute13
* rateTypeCode
* effectiveTo
* taxStatusCode
* createdBy
* allowExceptionsFlag
* defaultFlgEffectiveTo
* contentOwnerId
* taxRegimeCode
* percentageRate
* lastUpdateDate
* adjForAdhocAmtCode
* attribute8
* uomCode
* offsetTaxRateCode
* taxInclusiveOverrideFlag
* defaultRecRateCode
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute1
* attributeCategory


 * sourceLang
* createdBy
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateDate
* language
* description
* taxRateName
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
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 * sourceLang
* createdBy
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateDate
* language
* description
* taxRateName
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
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* recTypeRuleFlag
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* globalAttribute15
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* globalAttribute16
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* attribute13
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* taxableAmt
* appliedFromTaxDistId
* applicationId
* accountCcid
* roundingRuleCode
* accountSourceTaxRateId
* origRecNrecRate
* trxCurrencyCode
* taxableAmtTaxCurr
* origApChrgDistNum
* overriddenFlag
* lastUpdatedBy
* taxCurrencyCode
* globalAttributeCategory
* prdTotalTaxAmt
* taxRateCode
* recoveryRateId
* recRateDetRuleFlag
* trxLevelType
* eventTypeCode
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* globalAttribute1
* globalAttribute10
* taxCurrencyConversionRate
* taxId
* globalAttribute8
* recNrecTaxDistNumber
* rateTaxFactor


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* taxCurrencyConversionDate
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* recNrecTaxAmtFunclCurr
* projectId
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* refDocTrxId
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* prdTaxAmtTaxCurr
* recTypeRuleFlag
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* trxLineDistQty
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* globalAttribute15
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* refDocTrxLineDistQty
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* appliedFromTaxDistId
* applicationId
* accountCcid
* roundingRuleCode
* accountSourceTaxRateId
* origRecNrecRate
* trxCurrencyCode
* taxableAmtTaxCurr
* origApChrgDistNum
* overriddenFlag
* lastUpdatedBy
* taxCurrencyCode
* globalAttributeCategory
* prdTotalTaxAmt
* taxRateCode
* recoveryRateId
* recRateDetRuleFlag
* trxLevelType
* eventTypeCode
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* summaryTaxLineId
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* globalAttribute1
* globalAttribute10
* taxCurrencyConversionRate
* taxId
* globalAttribute8
* recNrecTaxDistNumber
* rateTaxFactor


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* attribute9
* recoveryTypeCode
* programId
* attribute1
* recoveryTypeId
* requestId
* programApplicationId
* attribute13
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* attribute14
* creationDate
* lastUpdatedBy
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* attribute7
* createdBy
* attributeCategory
* attribute11
* tax
* attribute15
* attribute12
* endDate
* attribute4
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute8
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute2
* attribute3
* attribute6
* attribute10
* taxRegimeCode


 * attribute5
* startDate
* attribute9
* recoveryTypeCode
* programId
* attribute1
* recoveryTypeId
* requestId
* programApplicationId
* attribute13
* enabledFlag
* attribute14
* creationDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* programLoginId
* attribute7
* createdBy
* attributeCategory
* attribute11
* tax
* attribute15
* attribute12
* endDate
* attribute4
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute8
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute2
* attribute3
* attribute6
* attribute10
* taxRegimeCode


 * recoveryTypeDesc
* recoveryTypeId
* lastUpdateLogin
* language
* sourceLang
* createdBy
* lastUpdatedBy
* creationDate
* lastUpdateDate
* recoveryTypeName


 * recoveryTypeDesc
* recoveryTypeId
* lastUpdateLogin
* language
* sourceLang
* createdBy
* lastUpdatedBy
* creationDate
* lastUpdateDate
* recoveryTypeName


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* recordTypeCode
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute15
* attribute9
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* attribute1
* requestId
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* attribute7
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* attribute2
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* attribute13
* programApplicationId
* attribute4
* attribute12
* lastUpdatedBy
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* attribute3
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* regimeCode
* attribute6
* attribute8
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* attribute5
* recordTypeCode
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute15
* attribute9
* programLoginId
* attribute1
* requestId
* attribute14
* attribute11
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* parentRegimeCode
* effectiveTo
* effectiveFrom
* attribute2
* lastUpdateLogin
* parentRegLevel
* attributeCategory
* attribute13
* programApplicationId
* attribute4
* attribute12
* lastUpdatedBy
* createdBy
* attribute3
* creationDate
* regimeCode
* attribute6
* attribute8
* attribute10
* programId


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* placeOfSupplyRuleFlag
* taxRegimeId
* thrshldChkTmpltCode
* taxRegimeCode
* countryOrGroupCode
* createdBy
* exchangeRateType
* registrationTypeRuleFlag
* useLegalMsgFlag
* taxRateThrshldFlag
* attribute9
* recordTypeCode
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute8
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* attribute4
* programApplicationId
* attribute13
* taxableBasisThrshldFlag
* crossRegimeCompoundingFlag
* attributeCategory
* allowRecoverabilityFlag
* allowRoundingOverrideFlag
* attribute6
* taxStatusRuleFlag
* attribute15
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* taxAccountPrecedenceCode
* attribute12
* thrshldGroupingLvlCode
* parentRegimeCode
* effectiveFrom
* attribute14
* roundingRuleCode
* allowExemptionsFlag
* repTaxAuthorityId
* hasTaxPointDateRuleFlag
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute10
* countryCode
* taxCalcRuleFlag
* taxRateRuleFlag
* objectVersionNumber
* taxCurrencyCode
* taxableBasisRuleFlag
* defInclusiveTaxFlag
* creationDate
* hasSubRegimeFlag
* defRecSettlementOptionCode
* attribute5
* programLoginId
* periodSetName
* attribute11
* attribute7
* collTaxAuthorityId
* programId
* attribute1
* regnNumSameAsLeFlag
* applicabilityRuleFlag
* defPlaceOfSupplyTypeCode
* minimumAccountableUnit
* geographyType
* taxInclusiveOverrideFlag
* taxAmtThrshldFlag
* attribute3
* hasOtherJurisdictionsFlag
* taxPrecision
* regimePrecedence
* hasExchRateDateRuleFlag
* requestId
* autoPrvnFlag
* attribute2
* allowExceptionsFlag
* lastUpdateDate


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* placeOfSupplyRuleFlag
* taxRegimeId
* thrshldChkTmpltCode
* taxRegimeCode
* countryOrGroupCode
* createdBy
* exchangeRateType
* registrationTypeRuleFlag
* useLegalMsgFlag
* taxRateThrshldFlag
* attribute9
* recordTypeCode
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute8
* geographyId
* attribute4
* programApplicationId
* attribute13
* taxableBasisThrshldFlag
* crossRegimeCompoundingFlag
* attributeCategory
* allowRecoverabilityFlag
* allowRoundingOverrideFlag
* attribute6
* taxStatusRuleFlag
* attribute15
* defRegistrPartyTypeCode
* hasTaxDetDateRuleFlag
* taxAccountPrecedenceCode
* attribute12
* thrshldGroupingLvlCode
* parentRegimeCode
* effectiveFrom
* attribute14
* roundingRuleCode
* allowExemptionsFlag
* repTaxAuthorityId
* hasTaxPointDateRuleFlag
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute10
* countryCode
* taxCalcRuleFlag
* taxRateRuleFlag
* objectVersionNumber
* taxCurrencyCode
* taxableBasisRuleFlag
* defInclusiveTaxFlag
* creationDate
* hasSubRegimeFlag
* defRecSettlementOptionCode
* attribute5
* programLoginId
* periodSetName
* attribute11
* attribute7
* collTaxAuthorityId
* programId
* attribute1
* regnNumSameAsLeFlag
* applicabilityRuleFlag
* defPlaceOfSupplyTypeCode
* minimumAccountableUnit
* geographyType
* taxInclusiveOverrideFlag
* taxAmtThrshldFlag
* attribute3
* hasOtherJurisdictionsFlag
* taxPrecision
* regimePrecedence
* hasExchRateDateRuleFlag
* requestId
* autoPrvnFlag
* attribute2
* allowExceptionsFlag
* lastUpdateDate


 * lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdateDate
* sourceLang
* taxRegimeName
* language
* creationDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* createdBy
* taxRegimeId


 * lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdateDate
* sourceLang
* taxRegimeName
* language
* creationDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* createdBy
* taxRegimeId


 * regimeUsageId
* taxRegimeId
* lastUpdateDate
* objectVersionNumber
* creationDate
* recordTypeCode
* taxRegimeCode
* lastUpdatedBy
* firstPtyOrgId
* createdBy
* lastUpdateLogin


 * regimeUsageId
* taxRegimeId
* lastUpdateDate
* objectVersionNumber
* creationDate
* recordTypeCode
* taxRegimeCode
* lastUpdatedBy
* firstPtyOrgId
* createdBy
* lastUpdateLogin


 * defaultRegistrationFlag
* attribute8
* hasTaxExemptionsFlag
* attribute3
* tax
* partyTaxProfileId
* repPartyTaxName
* registrationTypeCode
* roundingRuleCode
* registrationNumber
* registrationReasonCode
* taxClassificationCode
* legalLocationId
* createdBy
* attribute4
* attribute7
* attributeCategory
* programApplicationId
* attribute5
* creationDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute12
* validationRule
* inclusiveTaxFlag
* recordTypeCode
* accountId
* requestId
* programId
* attribute2
* registrationSourceCode
* attribute15
* taxJurisdictionCode
* bankId
* attribute6
* attribute11
* attribute1
* programLoginId
* legalRegistrationId
* attribute9
* bankBranchId
* taxAuthorityId
* collTaxAuthorityId
* accountTypeCode
* roundingLevelCode
* mergedToRegistrationId
* lastUpdateLogin
* selfAssessFlag
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute14
* effectiveFrom
* effectiveTo
* attribute10
* objectVersionNumber
* repTaxAuthorityId
* attribute13
* registrationId
* taxRegimeCode
* bankAccountNum
* registrationStatusCode
* accountSiteId


 * registrationTypeName
* defaultRegistrationFlag
* partyTaxProfileId
* legalLocationId
* registrationReasonName
* effectiveTo
* progIntRecordRef
* legalRegistrationId
* registrationTypeCode
* inclusiveTaxFlag
* roundingRuleName
* recordStatus
* registrationSourceCode
* legalLocationCode
* effectiveFrom
* intfPtpReference
* errorNumber
* requestId
* registrationReasonCode
* registrationId
* progIntNum1
* region1
* registrationSourceName
* taxCode
* registrationStatusCode
* addressLine1
* batchId
* registrationStatusName
* roundingRuleCode
* progIntChar1
* townOrCity
* taxJurisdictionCode
* registrationNumber
* taxRegimeName
* taxAuthorityName
* taxName
* taxJurisdictionName
* taxRegimeCode
* dmlType
* taxAuthorityId


 * registrationTypeName
* defaultRegistrationFlag
* partyTaxProfileId
* legalLocationId
* registrationReasonName
* effectiveTo
* progIntRecordRef
* legalRegistrationId
* registrationTypeCode
* inclusiveTaxFlag
* roundingRuleName
* recordStatus
* registrationSourceCode
* legalLocationCode
* effectiveFrom
* intfPtpReference
* errorNumber
* requestId
* registrationReasonCode
* registrationId
* progIntNum1
* region1
* registrationSourceName
* taxCode
* registrationStatusCode
* addressLine1
* batchId
* registrationStatusName
* roundingRuleCode
* progIntChar1
* townOrCity
* taxJurisdictionCode
* registrationNumber
* taxRegimeName
* taxAuthorityName
* taxName
* taxJurisdictionName
* taxRegimeCode
* dmlType
* taxAuthorityId


 * defaultRegistrationFlag
* attribute8
* hasTaxExemptionsFlag
* attribute3
* tax
* partyTaxProfileId
* repPartyTaxName
* registrationTypeCode
* roundingRuleCode
* registrationNumber
* registrationReasonCode
* taxClassificationCode
* legalLocationId
* createdBy
* attribute4
* attribute7
* attributeCategory
* programApplicationId
* attribute5
* creationDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute12
* validationRule
* inclusiveTaxFlag
* recordTypeCode
* accountId
* requestId
* programId
* attribute2
* registrationSourceCode
* attribute15
* taxJurisdictionCode
* bankId
* attribute6
* attribute11
* attribute1
* programLoginId
* legalRegistrationId
* attribute9
* bankBranchId
* taxAuthorityId
* collTaxAuthorityId
* accountTypeCode
* roundingLevelCode
* mergedToRegistrationId
* lastUpdateLogin
* selfAssessFlag
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute14
* effectiveFrom
* effectiveTo
* attribute10
* objectVersionNumber
* repTaxAuthorityId
* attribute13
* registrationId
* taxRegimeCode
* bankAccountNum
* registrationStatusCode
* accountSiteId


 * actgLineDescription
* glTransferCode
* actgSourceTable
* trxTaxableBalsegDesc
* actgCategoryCode
* programId
* actgLineTypeMng
* balancingSegmentValue
* lastUpdateLogin
* trxTaxBalancingSegment
* detailTaxLineId
* actgEventStatusFlag
* actgEventStatusMng
* glTransferRunId
* actgStatAmt
* actgLineCcid
* trxTaxableNatacctSegDesc
* trxArapNaturalAccount
* actgEventTypeMng
* actgHeaderId
* trxTaxableNaturalAccount
* actgLineNum
* actgDocSequenceValue
* lastUpdatedBy
* trxTaxableBalancingSegment
* actgEventTypeCode
* actgDocSequenceName
* actgSourceId
* programLoginId
* actgPartyType
* createdBy
* trxTaxableAccountDesc
* actgErrorCode
* creationDate
* periodName
* trxControlAccountFlexfield
* trxTaxNaturalAccount
* accountFlexfield
* programApplicationId
* lastUpdateDate
* accountDescription
* actgLineTypeCode
* actgCategoryMng
* actgHeaderDescription
* trxTaxableAccount
* glTransferFlag
* actgEventNumber
* actgPartyId
* actgExtLineId
* actgEventId
* actgPartySiteId
* actgDocSequenceId
* accountingDate
* trxArapBalancingSegment
* requestId


 * actgLineDescription
* glTransferCode
* actgSourceTable
* trxTaxableBalsegDesc
* actgCategoryCode
* programId
* actgLineTypeMng
* balancingSegmentValue
* lastUpdateLogin
* trxTaxBalancingSegment
* detailTaxLineId
* actgEventStatusFlag
* actgEventStatusMng
* glTransferRunId
* actgStatAmt
* actgLineCcid
* trxTaxableNatacctSegDesc
* trxArapNaturalAccount
* actgEventTypeMng
* actgHeaderId
* trxTaxableNaturalAccount
* actgLineNum
* actgDocSequenceValue
* lastUpdatedBy
* trxTaxableBalancingSegment
* actgEventTypeCode
* actgDocSequenceName
* actgSourceId
* programLoginId
* actgPartyType
* createdBy
* trxTaxableAccountDesc
* actgErrorCode
* creationDate
* periodName
* trxControlAccountFlexfield
* trxTaxNaturalAccount
* accountFlexfield
* programApplicationId
* lastUpdateDate
* accountDescription
* actgLineTypeCode
* actgCategoryMng
* actgHeaderDescription
* trxTaxableAccount
* glTransferFlag
* actgEventNumber
* actgPartyId
* actgExtLineId
* actgEventId
* actgPartySiteId
* actgDocSequenceId
* accountingDate
* trxArapBalancingSegment
* requestId


 * activityCode
* repContextEntityPostalCode
* repContextLvlMng
* repContextEntityTelNumber
* repContextLvlCode
* repContextEntityCity
* repContextEntityAddress3
* createdBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* repContextEntityCounty
* repContextEntityName
* programId
* legalContactPartyNum
* repEntityId
* programLoginId
* matrixReportFlag
* lastUpdatedBy
* inceptionDate
* legalContactTitle
* repContextEntityState
* repContextEntityProvince
* programApplicationId
* repContextEntityLocationId
* legalContactPartyName
* creationDate
* legalAuthAddressLine2
* extractSummaryCode
* repContextEntityAddress2
* requestId
* repContextEntityCountry
* taxpayerId
* legalAuthAddressLine3
* subActivityCode
* legalAuthorityName
* legalAuthCity
* repContextId
* repContextEntityAddress1
* legalContactPreNameAdjunct
* orgInformation2
* lastUpdateDate


 * activityCode
* repContextEntityPostalCode
* repContextLvlMng
* repContextEntityTelNumber
* repContextLvlCode
* repContextEntityCity
* repContextEntityAddress3
* createdBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* repContextEntityCounty
* repContextEntityName
* programId
* legalContactPartyNum
* repEntityId
* programLoginId
* matrixReportFlag
* lastUpdatedBy
* inceptionDate
* legalContactTitle
* repContextEntityState
* repContextEntityProvince
* programApplicationId
* repContextEntityLocationId
* legalContactPartyName
* creationDate
* legalAuthAddressLine2
* extractSummaryCode
* repContextEntityAddress2
* requestId
* repContextEntityCountry
* taxpayerId
* legalAuthAddressLine3
* subActivityCode
* legalAuthorityName
* legalAuthCity
* repContextId
* repContextEntityAddress1
* legalContactPreNameAdjunct
* orgInformation2
* lastUpdateDate


 * tax4RateCodeDescription
* tax1LineNumber
* tax2Rate
* taxable3AmtFunclCurr
* tax2RegimeCode
* programApplicationId
* tax2DiscAmtFunclCurr
* tax3LineNumber
* tax3StatusCode
* tax4
* tax1RecoverableFlag
* createdBy
* detailTaxLineId
* tax4Amt
* tax3RegimeCode
* tax2RateVatTrxTypeCode
* tax4LineNumber
* tax1RateCodeRegTypeCode
* tax3RecoveryRate
* tax4Rate
* detailTaxLineMatId
* tax3RateCodeRegTypeMng
* tax1RegimeCode
* tax4RateVatTrxTypeMng
* tax2AmtFunclCurr
* tax1Amt
* tax1RateVatTrxTypeCode
* taxableDiscAmtFunclCurr
* tax3RateCodeId
* tax3RateCodeDescription
* tax4DiscAmtFunclCurr
* tax4DiscAmt
* tax4RateCodeTypeCode
* tax1AmtFunclCur
* tax2RecoveryRate
* tax4RateCodeId
* tax3DiscAmt
* tax2RateVatTrxTypeMng
* programId
* tax1RecoveryRate
* taxable1Amt
* tax2RateCodeId
* tax4RateCodeRegTypeCode
* tax1RateCodeName
* tax2RateCodeTypeMng
* programLoginId
* taxable3Amt
* tax2RateCodeRegTypeCode
* tax3RecoverableFlag
* tax4RateVatTrxTypeCode
* taxableDiscAmt
* tax1
* tax3
* tax4RateCode
* tax1DiscAmt
* requestId
* tax2StatusCode
* tax3DiscAmtFunclCurr
* tax3Rate
* tax1DiscAmtFunclCurr
* tax3RateCodeRegTypeCode
* tax3RateCode
* creationDate
* tax2Amt
* tax4StatusCode
* lastUpdatedBy
* taxable4AmtFunclCurr
* tax1StatusCode
* tax1RateCodeTypeMng
* tax2
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* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* tax3Amt
* tax1RateCodeId
* tax4RecoverableFlag
* tax2DiscAmt
* tax3RateVatTrxTypeDesc
* taxable2Amt
* tax4RegimeCode
* tax3RateVatTrxTypeMng
* tax2RecoverableFlag
* taxable1AmtFunclCurr
* tax1RateVatTrxTypeMng
* tax3AmtFunclCur
* tax3RateCodeTypeMng
* tax1Rate
* tax4RateVatTrxTypeDesc
* taxable4Amt
* tax4RateCodeTypeMng
* tax4RateCodeName
* tax2RateCodeTypeCode
* tax2RateCodeRegTypeMng
* taxable2AmtFunclCurr
* tax4AmtFunclCur
* tax3RateVatTrxTypeCode
* tax1RateCodeDescription
* tax1RateCodeRegTypeMng
* tax2RateCodeName
* tax4RecoveryRate
* tax1RateCode
* tax3RateCodeTypeCode
* tax1RateVatTrxTypeDesc
* tax3RateCodeName
* tax4RateCodeRegTypeMng
* tax2LineNumber
* tax2RateVatTrxTypeDesc
* tax2RateCode
* tax2RateCodeDescription


 * tax4RateCodeDescription
* tax1LineNumber
* tax2Rate
* taxable3AmtFunclCurr
* tax2RegimeCode
* programApplicationId
* tax2DiscAmtFunclCurr
* tax3LineNumber
* tax3StatusCode
* tax4
* tax1RecoverableFlag
* createdBy
* detailTaxLineId
* tax4Amt
* tax3RegimeCode
* tax2RateVatTrxTypeCode
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* tax3RecoveryRate
* tax4Rate
* detailTaxLineMatId
* tax3RateCodeRegTypeMng
* tax1RegimeCode
* tax4RateVatTrxTypeMng
* tax2AmtFunclCurr
* tax1Amt
* tax1RateVatTrxTypeCode
* taxableDiscAmtFunclCurr
* tax3RateCodeId
* tax3RateCodeDescription
* tax4DiscAmtFunclCurr
* tax4DiscAmt
* tax4RateCodeTypeCode
* tax1AmtFunclCur
* tax2RecoveryRate
* tax4RateCodeId
* tax3DiscAmt
* tax2RateVatTrxTypeMng
* programId
* tax1RecoveryRate
* taxable1Amt
* tax2RateCodeId
* tax4RateCodeRegTypeCode
* tax1RateCodeName
* tax2RateCodeTypeMng
* programLoginId
* taxable3Amt
* tax2RateCodeRegTypeCode
* tax3RecoverableFlag
* tax4RateVatTrxTypeCode
* taxableDiscAmt
* tax1
* tax3
* tax4RateCode
* tax1DiscAmt
* requestId
* tax2StatusCode
* tax3DiscAmtFunclCurr
* tax3Rate
* tax1DiscAmtFunclCurr
* tax3RateCodeRegTypeCode
* tax3RateCode
* creationDate
* tax2Amt
* tax4StatusCode
* lastUpdatedBy
* taxable4AmtFunclCurr
* tax1StatusCode
* tax1RateCodeTypeMng
* tax2
* tax1RateCodeTypeCode
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* tax3Amt
* tax1RateCodeId
* tax4RecoverableFlag
* tax2DiscAmt
* tax3RateVatTrxTypeDesc
* taxable2Amt
* tax4RegimeCode
* tax3RateVatTrxTypeMng
* tax2RecoverableFlag
* taxable1AmtFunclCurr
* tax1RateVatTrxTypeMng
* tax3AmtFunclCur
* tax3RateCodeTypeMng
* tax1Rate
* tax4RateVatTrxTypeDesc
* taxable4Amt
* tax4RateCodeTypeMng
* tax4RateCodeName
* tax2RateCodeTypeCode
* tax2RateCodeRegTypeMng
* taxable2AmtFunclCurr
* tax4AmtFunclCur
* tax3RateVatTrxTypeCode
* tax1RateCodeDescription
* tax1RateCodeRegTypeMng
* tax2RateCodeName
* tax4RecoveryRate
* tax1RateCode
* tax3RateCodeTypeCode
* tax1RateVatTrxTypeDesc
* tax3RateCodeName
* tax4RateCodeRegTypeMng
* tax2LineNumber
* tax2RateVatTrxTypeDesc
* tax2RateCode
* tax2RateCodeDescription


 * taxExceptionReasonMng
* taxLineUserAttribute6
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* trxBatchSourceId
* cancelledDate
* taxLineUserAttribute7
* gdfRaCustShipAtt10
* trxCurrencyCode
* adjustedDocEventClassCode
* officeSiteFlag
* taxLineUserAttribute8
* appliedToApplicationId
* billingTpPartyNumber
* billingTpProvince
* depositDate
* taxAmtFunclCurr
* taxableAmtFunclCurr
* refDocLineId
* refDocApplicationId
* merchantPartyTaxpayerId
* shippingTpName
* billToPartySiteId
* acctdAmountDr
* taxLineUserAttribute1
* trxDescription
* shipFromSiteTaxProfId
* gdfRaAddressesBillAtt8
* eventClassMappingId
* shippingTpSiteTaxRegNum
* lineIntendedUse
* gdfRaCustBillAtt12
* registrationPartyType
* shipFromPartyId
* taxLineId
* billingTpTaxReportingFlag
* reconciliationFlag
* taxExceptionId
* shippingTradingPartnerId
* placeOfSupplyTypeCode
* mrcTaxLineFlag
* taxLineRegistrationNumber
* trxWaybillNumber
* shipFromPartySiteId
* docSeqId
* bankAccountId
* appliedFromEntityCode
* adjustedDocEntityCode
* posTaxPartySiteProfId
* gdfRaAddressesBillAtt9
* ledgerName
* shippingTpCounty
* taxAmt
* ownHqPartyId
* trxBusinessCategory
* supplierExchangeRate
* shippingTpNameAlt
* assessableValue
* exemptRateModifier
* taxLineUserAttribute9
* billingTpCountry
* ownHqPartySiteProfId
* billFromLocationId
* gdfPartySitesBillAtt8
* eventClassCode
* appliedFromTrxNumber
* productId
* gdfPartySitesShipAtt8
* billFromPartyTaxProfId
* posTaxPartyProfId
* bankAccountName
* brRefCustomerTrxId
* entityCode
* latestRecFlag
* trxTypeMng
* taxDiscAmtFunclCurr
* regPartyTaxSiteProfId
* chartOfAccountsId
* trxAppliedToClassMng
* uomCode
* precision
* recTaxAmtTaxCurr
* ownHqPartyTaxProfId
* recApplicationStatus
* arCashReceiptReverseStatus
* taxLineUserAttribute5
* internalOrganizationId
* territoryShortName
* taxRateCode
* origTaxableAmtTaxCurr
* defPlaceOfSupplyTypeCode
* amountApplied
* billingTpSicCode
* taxExceptionReasonCode
* trxQuantityUomMng
* trxTypeDescription
* trxId
* trxShippingDate
* subLedgerInvoiceIdentifier
* merchantPartyName
* balancingSegmentDesc
* taxLineUserAttribute13
* registrationStatusCode
* taxableLineTotalAmount
* shipToPartyId
* taxableAmt
* billingTpSiteName
* tax
* shippingTpTaxpayerId
* gdfRaAddressesShipAtt9
* shippingTpAddress2
* pooLocationId
* taxLineUserAttribute4
* gdfRaAddressesShipAtt8
* productFiscClassification
* taxAmtIncludedFlag
* shippingTpState
* trxTypeId
* exceptionRate
* taxLineUserAttribute2
* bankingTpTaxpayerId
* refDocTrxId
* trxBatchSourceDate
* taxRecoverableFlag
* trxDueDate
* docSeqName
* relatedDocApplicationId
* shipToSiteTaxProfId
* appliedToTrxNumber
* appliedToEventClassCode
* trxClassMng
* lastUpdatedBy
* poaLocationId
* origTaxableAmt
* taxLineUserAttribute15
* billingTpNumber
* postedFlag
* taxLineUserAttribute11
* minimumAccountableUnit
* billingTpAddressLinesAlt
* relatedDocNumber
* appliedFromApplicationId
* shippingTpTaxRegNum
* billToLocationId
* billToPartyTaxProfId
* taxDate
* gdfRaCustBillAtt10
* reportingOnlyFlag
* merchantPartyReference
* recoveryTypeCode
* shipToLocationId
* unitPrice
* merchantPartyTaxRegNumber
* taxInvoiceDate
* gdfPoVendorSiteAtt17
* billFromSiteTaxProfId
* taxLineUserCategory
* currencyConversionRate
* portOfEntryCode
* billingTpSiteNameAlt
* shippingTpAddressId
* offsetFlag
* origTaxAmt
* countryOfSupply
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* supplierTaxInvoiceDate
* relatedDocDate
* lastUpdateDate
* billFromPartySiteId
* nrecTaxAmtTaxCurr
* billingTpState
* balancingSegmentValue
* requestId
* trxBatchSourceName
* taxLineUserAttribute3
* ledgerId
* taxApportionmentLineNumber
* billingTpNameAlt
* actgSourceId
* taxLineUserAttribute14
* shippingTpSiteName
* refDocLineQuantity
* trxDate
* taxCurrencyCode
* billingTpName
* billingTpCounty
* fobPoint
* billingTpSiteId
* trxNumber
* appliedFromLineId
* arCashReceiptReverseDate
* relatedDocEntityCode
* applicationId
* gdfRaCustShipAtt12
* origRecNrecTaxAmt
* shippingTpAddress3
* taxableDiscAmtFunclCurr
* origTaxAmtTaxCurr
* adjustedDocNumber
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* billToPartyId
* taxableLineItemFlexfield
* taxRateVatTrxTypeCode
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* relatedDocEventClassCode
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* taxRateCodeVatTrxTypeMng
* taxTypeMng
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* accountClass
* offsetTaxRateCode
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* docEventStatus
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* taxLineNumber
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* userDefinedFiscClass
* extractReportLineNumber
* recoveryRateCode
* taxApplied
* documentSubType
* merchantPartyDocumentNumber
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* shippingTpSicCode
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* trxLineDescription
* appliedToEntityCode
* trxCommunicatedDate
* cancelFlag
* relatedDocTrxId
* selfAssessedFlag
* applicationDocStatus
* extractLineId
* billingTpAddress2
* taxRateId
* bankAccountNum
* shipFromLocationId
* billingTpAddress3
* smallBusinessFlag
* taxableLineSourceTable
* programApplicationId
* exemptCertificateNumber
* docSeqValue
* trxSicCode
* taxRegimeCode
* defRecSettlementOptionCode
* billingTpSiteTaxRegNum
* adjustedDocApplicationId
* extractSourceLedger
* reverseFlag
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* productCategory
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* adjustedDocTrxId
* shippingTpCountry
* refDocEntityCode
* exemptReasonCode
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* gdfFndCurrenciesAtt1
* shippingTpAddressLinesAlt
* trxLineId
* billToSiteTaxProfId
* taxableItemSourceId
* billFromPartyId
* billingTpAddressId
* taxStatusCode
* shipToPartySiteId
* shippingTpNumber
* programLoginId
* taxDetermineDate
* appliedToTrxLineId
* taxLineUserAttribute12
* shipFromPartyTaxProfId
* appliedFromTrxId
* billingTpAddress1
* bankingTpName
* startExpenseDate
* establishmentId
* postedDate
* taxAmtTaxCurr
* taxInvoiceNumber
* taxTypeCode
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* taxRateVatTrxTypeDesc
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* refDocEventClassCode
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* billingTpCity
* appliedToTrxId
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* billingTpTaxRegNum
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* creationDate
* taxableAmtTaxCurr
* shippingTpAddress1
* lastUpdateLogin
* taxDiscAmt
* acctdAmountCr
* productDescription
* appliedFromEventClassCode
* taxProviderId
* taxExemptionId
* currencyCodeDesc
* taxRecoveryRate
* regPartyTaxProfId
* legalEntityTaxRegNumber
* defaultTaxationCountry
* taxJurisdictionCode
* billingTradingPartnerId
* shippingTpProvince
* hqEstbRegNumber
* glDate
* trxLevelType
* trxLineAmt
* receiptClassId
* trxLineClass


 * taxExceptionReasonMng
* taxLineUserAttribute6
* billingTpPostalCode
* shipToPartyTaxProfId
* trxBatchSourceId
* cancelledDate
* taxLineUserAttribute7
* gdfRaCustShipAtt10
* trxCurrencyCode
* adjustedDocEventClassCode
* officeSiteFlag
* taxLineUserAttribute8
* appliedToApplicationId
* billingTpPartyNumber
* billingTpProvince
* depositDate
* taxAmtFunclCurr
* taxableAmtFunclCurr
* refDocLineId
* refDocApplicationId
* merchantPartyTaxpayerId
* shippingTpName
* billToPartySiteId
* acctdAmountDr
* taxLineUserAttribute1
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* gdfRaAddressesBillAtt8
* eventClassMappingId
* shippingTpSiteTaxRegNum
* lineIntendedUse
* gdfRaCustBillAtt12
* registrationPartyType
* shipFromPartyId
* taxLineId
* billingTpTaxReportingFlag
* reconciliationFlag
* taxExceptionId
* shippingTradingPartnerId
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* taxLineRegistrationNumber
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* shipFromPartySiteId
* docSeqId
* bankAccountId
* appliedFromEntityCode
* adjustedDocEntityCode
* posTaxPartySiteProfId
* gdfRaAddressesBillAtt9
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* taxAmt
* ownHqPartyId
* trxBusinessCategory
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* assessableValue
* exemptRateModifier
* taxLineUserAttribute9
* billingTpCountry
* ownHqPartySiteProfId
* billFromLocationId
* gdfPartySitesBillAtt8
* eventClassCode
* appliedFromTrxNumber
* productId
* gdfPartySitesShipAtt8
* billFromPartyTaxProfId
* posTaxPartyProfId
* bankAccountName
* brRefCustomerTrxId
* entityCode
* latestRecFlag
* trxTypeMng
* taxDiscAmtFunclCurr
* regPartyTaxSiteProfId
* chartOfAccountsId
* trxAppliedToClassMng
* uomCode
* precision
* recTaxAmtTaxCurr
* ownHqPartyTaxProfId
* recApplicationStatus
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* taxLineUserAttribute5
* internalOrganizationId
* territoryShortName
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* origTaxableAmtTaxCurr
* defPlaceOfSupplyTypeCode
* amountApplied
* billingTpSicCode
* taxExceptionReasonCode
* trxQuantityUomMng
* trxTypeDescription
* trxId
* trxShippingDate
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* merchantPartyName
* balancingSegmentDesc
* taxLineUserAttribute13
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* shipToPartyId
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* billingTpSiteName
* tax
* shippingTpTaxpayerId
* gdfRaAddressesShipAtt9
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* pooLocationId
* taxLineUserAttribute4
* gdfRaAddressesShipAtt8
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* trxTypeId
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* relatedDocNumber
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* taxDate
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* recoveryTypeCode
* shipToLocationId
* unitPrice
* merchantPartyTaxRegNumber
* taxInvoiceDate
* gdfPoVendorSiteAtt17
* billFromSiteTaxProfId
* taxLineUserCategory
* currencyConversionRate
* portOfEntryCode
* billingTpSiteNameAlt
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* relatedDocDate
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* taxApportionmentLineNumber
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* actgSourceId
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* shippingTpSiteName
* refDocLineQuantity
* trxDate
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* billingTpCounty
* fobPoint
* billingTpSiteId
* trxNumber
* appliedFromLineId
* arCashReceiptReverseDate
* relatedDocEntityCode
* applicationId
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* shippingTpAddress3
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* origTaxAmtTaxCurr
* adjustedDocNumber
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* createdBy
* relatedDocEventClassCode
* shippingTpCity
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* taxTypeMng
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* offsetTaxRateCode
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* docEventStatus
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* shippingTpSiteId
* taxLineNumber
* taxRateCodeName
* userDefinedFiscClass
* extractReportLineNumber
* recoveryRateCode
* taxApplied
* documentSubType
* merchantPartyDocumentNumber
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* shippingTpSicCode
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* trxLineDescription
* appliedToEntityCode
* trxCommunicatedDate
* cancelFlag
* relatedDocTrxId
* selfAssessedFlag
* applicationDocStatus
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* billingTpAddress2
* taxRateId
* bankAccountNum
* shipFromLocationId
* billingTpAddress3
* smallBusinessFlag
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* programApplicationId
* exemptCertificateNumber
* docSeqValue
* trxSicCode
* taxRegimeCode
* defRecSettlementOptionCode
* billingTpSiteTaxRegNum
* adjustedDocApplicationId
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* productCategory
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* adjustedDocTrxId
* shippingTpCountry
* refDocEntityCode
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* trxLineId
* billToSiteTaxProfId
* taxableItemSourceId
* billFromPartyId
* billingTpAddressId
* taxStatusCode
* shipToPartySiteId
* shippingTpNumber
* programLoginId
* taxDetermineDate
* appliedToTrxLineId
* taxLineUserAttribute12
* shipFromPartyTaxProfId
* appliedFromTrxId
* billingTpAddress1
* bankingTpName
* startExpenseDate
* establishmentId
* postedDate
* taxAmtTaxCurr
* taxInvoiceNumber
* taxTypeCode
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* trxLineNumber
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* refDocEventClassCode
* supplierTaxInvoiceNumber
* billingTpCity
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* billingTpTaxRegNum
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* taxableAmtTaxCurr
* shippingTpAddress1
* lastUpdateLogin
* taxDiscAmt
* acctdAmountCr
* productDescription
* appliedFromEventClassCode
* taxProviderId
* taxExemptionId
* currencyCodeDesc
* taxRecoveryRate
* regPartyTaxProfId
* legalEntityTaxRegNumber
* defaultTaxationCountry
* taxJurisdictionCode
* billingTradingPartnerId
* shippingTpProvince
* hqEstbRegNumber
* glDate
* trxLevelType
* trxLineAmt
* receiptClassId
* trxLineClass


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* taxStatusMng
* attribute21
* attribute5
* trxBusinessCategoryMng
* numeric4
* gdfRaCustTrxAtt8
* gdfRaBatchSourcesAtt2
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* attribute1
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* numeric7
* gdfRaBatchSourcesAtt3
* attribute24
* attribute28
* gdfPoVendorSitesAtt17
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* numeric10
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* attribute4
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* attribute7
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* numeric13
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* numeric14
* attribute14
* gdfApInvoicesAtt4
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute2
* programLoginId
* gdfPartySitesBillAtt8
* gdfRaBatchSourcesAtt1
* attribute30
* lastUpdatedBy
* gdfRaCustTrxLinesAtt2
* gdfRaAddressesBillAtt9
* detailTaxLineId
* attribute13
* attribute17
* numeric15
* attribute10
* numeric2
* gdfRaCustTrxAtt19
* attribute25
* attribute8
* programApplicationId
* attribute6
* gdfRaCustTrxAtt4
* gdfRaCustTrxLinesAtt1
* creationDate
* gdfApInvoicesAtt11
* attribute9
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* numeric6
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* gdfRaCustTrxAtt3
* gdfApInvoicesAtt2
* attribute18
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* attribute29
* gdfApInvoicesAtt3
* attribute19
* gdfApInvoicesAtt12
* attribute23
* attribute20
* attribute16
* gdfRaBatchSourcesAtt7
* attribute3
* gdfRaCustBillAtt12
* attribute11
* gdfApInvoicesAtt13
* gdfRaCustTrxAtt5
* numeric9
* numeric12
* gdfRaCustTrxTypesAtt7
* attribute22
* lastUpdateLogin
* gdfRaAddressesShipAtt9


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* attribute15
* taxStatusMng
* attribute21
* attribute5
* trxBusinessCategoryMng
* numeric4
* gdfRaCustTrxAtt8
* gdfRaBatchSourcesAtt2
* programId
* attribute1
* gdfRaBatchSourcesAtt4
* gdfRaCustTrxAtt7
* numeric7
* gdfRaBatchSourcesAtt3
* attribute24
* attribute28
* gdfPoVendorSitesAtt17
* gdfRaCustTrxAtt6
* numeric8
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* createdBy
* numeric11
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* numeric10
* documentSubTypeMng
* numeric3
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* detailTaxLineExtId
* attribute4
* numeric1
* gdfRaCustBillAtt10
* attribute7
* gdfPartySitesBillAtt9
* numeric13
* attribute12
* numeric14
* attribute14
* gdfApInvoicesAtt4
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute2
* programLoginId
* gdfPartySitesBillAtt8
* gdfRaBatchSourcesAtt1
* attribute30
* lastUpdatedBy
* gdfRaCustTrxLinesAtt2
* gdfRaAddressesBillAtt9
* detailTaxLineId
* attribute13
* attribute17
* numeric15
* attribute10
* numeric2
* gdfRaCustTrxAtt19
* attribute25
* attribute8
* programApplicationId
* attribute6
* gdfRaCustTrxAtt4
* gdfRaCustTrxLinesAtt1
* creationDate
* gdfApInvoicesAtt11
* attribute9
* gdfRaCustTrxAtt9
* numeric6
* gdfRaCustTrxTypesAtt6
* gdfRaCustTrxAtt3
* gdfApInvoicesAtt2
* attribute18
* requestId
* attribute29
* gdfApInvoicesAtt3
* attribute19
* gdfApInvoicesAtt12
* attribute23
* attribute20
* attribute16
* gdfRaBatchSourcesAtt7
* attribute3
* gdfRaCustBillAtt12
* attribute11
* gdfApInvoicesAtt13
* gdfRaCustTrxAtt5
* numeric9
* numeric12
* gdfRaCustTrxTypesAtt7
* attribute22
* lastUpdateLogin
* gdfRaAddressesShipAtt9


 * reportingCodeNumValue
* reportingCodeDateValue
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdatedBy
* reportingCodeAssocId
* effectiveFrom
* reportingCodeCharValue
* effectiveTo
* lastUpdateDate
* reportingCodeId
* exceptionCode
* creationDate
* reportingTypeId
* entityCode
* entityId
* objectVersionNumber
* createdBy


 * reportingCodeNumValue
* intfPtpReference
* reportingCodeName
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* recordStatus
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* requestId
* entityCode
* reportingCodeCharValue
* reportingTypeId
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* reportingCodeDateValue
* progIntRecordRef
* progIntNum1
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* batchId
* progIntChar1
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* reportingCodeAssocId
* effectiveTo
* errorNumber
* entityId


 * reportingCodeNumValue
* intfPtpReference
* reportingCodeName
* dmlType
* recordStatus
* reportingCodeId
* requestId
* entityCode
* reportingCodeCharValue
* reportingTypeId
* effectiveFrom
* reportingCodeDateValue
* progIntRecordRef
* progIntNum1
* partyTaxProfileId
* batchId
* progIntChar1
* reportingTypeName
* reportingCodeAssocId
* effectiveTo
* errorNumber
* entityId


 * reportingCodeNumValue
* reportingCodeDateValue
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdatedBy
* reportingCodeAssocId
* effectiveFrom
* reportingCodeCharValue
* effectiveTo
* lastUpdateDate
* reportingCodeId
* exceptionCode
* creationDate
* reportingTypeId
* entityCode
* entityId
* objectVersionNumber
* createdBy


 * lastUpdateLogin
* zdEditionName
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* reportingTypeUsageId
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* entityCode
* enabledFlag
* createdBy
* lastUpdateDate
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* lastUpdatedBy
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* zdEditionName
* creationDate
* reportingTypeUsageId
* zdSync
* entityCode
* enabledFlag
* createdBy
* lastUpdateDate
* objectVersionNumber
* lastUpdatedBy
* reportingTypeId


 * lastUpdateDate
* reportingCodeDateValue
* programLoginId
* reportingCodeNumValue
* reportingTypeId
* requestId
* zdEditionName
* effectiveTo
* recordTypeCode
* programId
* createdBy
* programApplicationId
* lastUpdateLogin
* objectVersionNumber
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* reportingCodeId
* creationDate
* exceptionCode
* reportingCodeCharValue
* zdSync


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* reportingCodeDateValue
* programLoginId
* reportingCodeNumValue
* reportingTypeId
* requestId
* zdEditionName
* effectiveTo
* recordTypeCode
* programId
* createdBy
* programApplicationId
* lastUpdateLogin
* objectVersionNumber
* lastUpdatedBy
* effectiveFrom
* reportingCodeId
* creationDate
* exceptionCode
* reportingCodeCharValue
* zdSync


 * createdBy
* lastUpdatedBy
* zdEditionName
* sourceLang
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* zdSync
* reportingCodeId
* creationDate
* language
* reportingCodeName


 * createdBy
* lastUpdatedBy
* zdEditionName
* sourceLang
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* zdSync
* reportingCodeId
* creationDate
* language
* reportingCodeName


 * objectVersionNumber
* minLength
* legalMessageFlag
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* zdSync
* requestId
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* programLoginId
* zdEditionName
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* programId
* formatMask
* recordTypeCode
* programApplicationId
* taxRegimeCode
* reportingTypeDatatypeCode
* createdBy
* lastUpdatedBy
* reportingTypeId
* reportingTypeCode
* tax
* hasReportingCodesFlag
* lastUpdateDate
* effectiveFrom


 * objectVersionNumber
* minLength
* legalMessageFlag
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* zdSync
* requestId
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* programLoginId
* zdEditionName
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* programId
* formatMask
* recordTypeCode
* programApplicationId
* taxRegimeCode
* reportingTypeDatatypeCode
* createdBy
* lastUpdatedBy
* reportingTypeId
* reportingTypeCode
* tax
* hasReportingCodesFlag
* lastUpdateDate
* effectiveFrom


 * sourceLang
* reportingTypeName
* createdBy
* reportingTypeId
* zdSync
* creationDate
* zdEditionName
* language
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin


 * sourceLang
* reportingTypeName
* createdBy
* reportingTypeId
* zdSync
* creationDate
* zdEditionName
* language
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin


 * lastUpdateDate
* taxRuleCode
* taxEventClassCode
* serviceTypeCode
* geographyType
* taxRuleId
* neverBeenEnabledFlag
* contentOwnerId
* effectiveFrom
* lastUpdatedBy
* programApplicationId
* createdBy
* effectiveTo
* recordTypeCode
* recoveryTypeCode
* requestId
* determiningFactorCqCode
* tax
* taxLawRefCode
* lastUpdateLogin
* eventClassMappingId
* detFactorTemplCode
* taxRegimeCode
* priority
* objectVersionNumber
* applicationId
* enabledFlag
* creationDate
* lastUpdateModeFlag
* systemDefaultFlag
* geographyId
* programId
* programLoginId


 * lastUpdateDate
* taxRuleCode
* taxEventClassCode
* serviceTypeCode
* geographyType
* taxRuleId
* neverBeenEnabledFlag
* contentOwnerId
* effectiveFrom
* lastUpdatedBy
* programApplicationId
* createdBy
* effectiveTo
* recordTypeCode
* recoveryTypeCode
* requestId
* determiningFactorCqCode
* tax
* taxLawRefCode
* lastUpdateLogin
* eventClassMappingId
* detFactorTemplCode
* taxRegimeCode
* priority
* objectVersionNumber
* applicationId
* enabledFlag
* creationDate
* lastUpdateModeFlag
* systemDefaultFlag
* geographyId
* programId
* programLoginId


 * creationDate
* createdBy
* taxRuleName
* taxLawRefDesc
* lastUpdatedBy
* taxRuleDesc
* lastUpdateLogin
* sourceLang
* lastUpdateDate
* taxRuleId
* language


 * creationDate
* createdBy
* taxRuleName
* taxLawRefDesc
* lastUpdatedBy
* taxRuleDesc
* lastUpdateLogin
* sourceLang
* lastUpdateDate
* taxRuleId
* language


 * dataTransferCode
* serviceTypeCode
* contextFlexStructureId
* creationDate
* lastUpdateDate
* zdEditionName
* serviceCategoryCode
* zdSync
* createdBy
* serviceTypeId
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin


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* serviceTypeCode
* contextFlexStructureId
* creationDate
* lastUpdateDate
* zdEditionName
* serviceCategoryCode
* zdSync
* createdBy
* serviceTypeId
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin


 * statusDetermineFlag
* valueHigh
* determiningFactorCqCode
* valueLow
* lastUpdateDate
* defaultStatusCode
* dateValue
* operatorCode
* taxableBasisDetermineFlag
* calculateTaxDetermineFlag
* trxId
* determiningFactorCode
* rateDetermineFlag
* placeOfSupplyDetermineFlag
* determiningFactorClassCode
* trxLineId
* applicabilityFlag
* registrationDetermineFlag
* numericValue
* createdBy
* creationDate
* simConditionId
* dataTypeCode
* taxParameterCode
* lastUpdatedBy
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* directRateDetermineFlag
* lastUpdateLogin
* alphanumericValue


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* valueHigh
* determiningFactorCqCode
* valueLow
* lastUpdateDate
* defaultStatusCode
* dateValue
* operatorCode
* taxableBasisDetermineFlag
* calculateTaxDetermineFlag
* trxId
* determiningFactorCode
* rateDetermineFlag
* placeOfSupplyDetermineFlag
* determiningFactorClassCode
* trxLineId
* applicabilityFlag
* registrationDetermineFlag
* numericValue
* createdBy
* creationDate
* simConditionId
* dataTypeCode
* taxParameterCode
* lastUpdatedBy
* taxLineNumber
* directRateDetermineFlag
* lastUpdateLogin
* alphanumericValue


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* createdBy
* resultTypeCode
* alphanumericResult
* lastUpdateLogin
* simResultId
* requestId
* lastUpdateDate
* taxStatusCode
* programId
* programApplicationId
* numericResult
* simTaxRuleId
* conditionGroupCode
* priority
* lastUpdatedBy
* creationDate
* programLoginId


 * simulatedFlag
* createdBy
* resultTypeCode
* alphanumericResult
* lastUpdateLogin
* simResultId
* requestId
* lastUpdateDate
* taxStatusCode
* programId
* programApplicationId
* numericResult
* simTaxRuleId
* conditionGroupCode
* priority
* lastUpdatedBy
* creationDate
* programLoginId


 * lastUpdateDate
* applicationId
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdatedBy
* creationDate
* entityCode
* eventClassCode
* trxId
* createdBy


 * lastUpdateDate
* applicationId
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdatedBy
* creationDate
* entityCode
* eventClassCode
* trxId
* createdBy


 * determiningFactorClassCode
* simruleConditionId
* determiningFactorCqCode
* ignoreFlag
* dateValue
* taxParameterCode
* lastUpdatedBy
* determiningFactorCode
* alphanumericValue
* simulatedFlag
* conditionGroupCode
* numericValue
* creationDate
* operatorCode
* lastUpdateDate
* valueHigh
* lastUpdateLogin
* createdBy
* valueLow
* dataTypeCode


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* simruleConditionId
* determiningFactorCqCode
* ignoreFlag
* dateValue
* taxParameterCode
* lastUpdatedBy
* determiningFactorCode
* alphanumericValue
* simulatedFlag
* conditionGroupCode
* numericValue
* creationDate
* operatorCode
* lastUpdateDate
* valueHigh
* lastUpdateLogin
* createdBy
* valueLow
* dataTypeCode


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* taxRegimeCode
* effectiveTo
* programApplicationId
* taxRuleCode
* creationDate
* tax
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* createdBy
* contentOwnerId
* applicationId
* detFactorTemplCode
* serviceTypeCode
* simulatedFlag
* requestId
* programId
* programLoginId
* priority
* recoveryTypeCode
* simTaxRuleId
* effectiveFrom


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* taxRegimeCode
* effectiveTo
* programApplicationId
* taxRuleCode
* creationDate
* tax
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* createdBy
* contentOwnerId
* applicationId
* detFactorTemplCode
* serviceTypeCode
* simulatedFlag
* requestId
* programId
* programLoginId
* priority
* recoveryTypeCode
* simTaxRuleId
* effectiveFrom


 * creationDate
* createdBy
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* language
* taxRuleName
* sourceLang
* simTaxRuleId
* lastUpdatedBy


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* createdBy
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* language
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* sourceLang
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* distTrxUserKey6
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* appFromDstTrxUserKey4
* trxLineQuantity
* taxCode
* date4
* appliedToDocCurrConvRate
* adjDocLinTrxUserKey4
* eventClassCode
* appliedFromEntityCode
* adjDocDstTrxUserKey5
* lineTrxUserKey1
* expenditureOrganizationId
* trxLevelType
* refDocLinTrxUserKey1
* adjDocLinTrxUserKey3
* refDocLinTrxUserKey6
* adjDocHdrTrxUserKey6
* taxInclusionFlag
* appFromLinTrxUserKey1
* currencyExchangeRate
* appliedFromTaxDistId
* refDocDistTrxUserKey5
* appFromLinTrxUserKey5
* unitPrice
* lastUpdateLogin
* refDocDistTrxUserKey4
* adjDocHdrTrxUserKey2
* adjDocDstTrxUserKey6
* refDocLineId
* appFromDstTrxUserKey3
* appliedFromDistId
* refDocLinTrxUserKey3
* refDocHdrTrxUserKey3
* awardId
* priceDiff
* accountCcid
* distTrxUserKey5


 * eventClassCode
* srvcSbscrptnExclusionId
* applicationId
* createdBy
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* objectVersionNumber
* entityCode
* creationDate
* srvcSubscriptionId


 * eventClassCode
* srvcSbscrptnExclusionId
* applicationId
* createdBy
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* objectVersionNumber
* entityCode
* creationDate
* srvcSubscriptionId


 * srvcProviderId
* creationDate
* srvcSubscriptionId
* createdBy
* effectiveTo
* enabledFlag
* lastUpdateDate
* prodFamilyGrpCode
* regimeUsageId
* objectVersionNumber
* lastUpdateLogin
* effectiveFrom
* recordTypeCode
* lastUpdatedBy


 * srvcProviderId
* creationDate
* srvcSubscriptionId
* createdBy
* effectiveTo
* enabledFlag
* lastUpdateDate
* prodFamilyGrpCode
* regimeUsageId
* objectVersionNumber
* lastUpdateLogin
* effectiveFrom
* recordTypeCode
* lastUpdatedBy


 * mapGblVarDataType
* paramUsageCode
* zdSync
* lastUpdateDate
* createdBy
* lastUpdatedBy
* serviceTypeId
* parameterName
* position
* creationDate
* mapGlobalVarCode
* zdEditionName
* lastUpdateLogin
* srvcTypParamId


 * mapGblVarDataType
* paramUsageCode
* zdSync
* lastUpdateDate
* createdBy
* lastUpdatedBy
* serviceTypeId
* parameterName
* position
* creationDate
* mapGlobalVarCode
* zdEditionName
* lastUpdateLogin
* srvcTypParamId


 * attribute15
* programApplicationId
* attribute3
* attribute1
* tax
* allowExemptionsFlag
* lastUpdateLogin
* defaultFlgEffectiveTo
* defaultStatusFlag
* taxStatusId
* defaultFlgEffectiveFrom
* attribute9
* attributeCategory
* allowRateOverrideFlag
* effectiveTo
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute6
* creationDate
* attribute10
* attribute7
* programLoginId
* attribute4
* attribute11
* taxStatusCode
* effectiveFrom
* attribute13
* allowExceptionsFlag
* attribute2
* lastUpdateDate
* contentOwnerId
* objectVersionNumber
* defRecSettlementOptionCode
* attribute8
* createdBy
* programId
* attribute12
* taxRegimeCode
* attribute5
* attribute14
* ruleBasedRateFlag
* recordTypeCode
* requestId


 * attribute15
* programApplicationId
* attribute3
* attribute1
* tax
* allowExemptionsFlag
* lastUpdateLogin
* defaultFlgEffectiveTo
* defaultStatusFlag
* taxStatusId
* defaultFlgEffectiveFrom
* attribute9
* attributeCategory
* allowRateOverrideFlag
* effectiveTo
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute6
* creationDate
* attribute10
* attribute7
* programLoginId
* attribute4
* attribute11
* taxStatusCode
* effectiveFrom
* attribute13
* allowExceptionsFlag
* attribute2
* lastUpdateDate
* contentOwnerId
* objectVersionNumber
* defRecSettlementOptionCode
* attribute8
* createdBy
* programId
* attribute12
* taxRegimeCode
* attribute5
* attribute14
* ruleBasedRateFlag
* recordTypeCode
* requestId


 * language
* taxStatusName
* createdBy
* sourceLang
* lastUpdateDate
* creationDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* taxStatusId


 * language
* taxStatusName
* createdBy
* sourceLang
* lastUpdateDate
* creationDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* taxStatusId


 * effectiveTo
* createdBy
* lastUpdateDate
* effectiveFrom
* taxRegimeCode
* lastUpdatedBy
* creationDate
* subscriptionOptionId
* firstPtyOrgId
* viewOptionsCode
* subscriptionDetailId
* parentFirstPtyOrgId
* recordTypeCode
* lastUpdateLogin


 * effectiveTo
* createdBy
* lastUpdateDate
* effectiveFrom
* taxRegimeCode
* lastUpdatedBy
* creationDate
* subscriptionOptionId
* firstPtyOrgId
* viewOptionsCode
* subscriptionDetailId
* parentFirstPtyOrgId
* recordTypeCode
* lastUpdateLogin


 * parentFirstPtyOrgId
* subscriptionOptionId
* enabledFlag
* lastUpdateDate
* effectiveTo
* recordTypeCode
* subscriptionOptionCode
* creationDate
* allowSubscriptionFlag
* lastUpdatedBy
* createdBy
* regimeUsageId
* effectiveFrom
* exceptionOptionCode
* lastUpdateLogin


 * parentFirstPtyOrgId
* subscriptionOptionId
* enabledFlag
* lastUpdateDate
* effectiveTo
* recordTypeCode
* subscriptionOptionCode
* creationDate
* allowSubscriptionFlag
* lastUpdatedBy
* createdBy
* regimeUsageId
* effectiveFrom
* exceptionOptionCode
* lastUpdateLogin


 * groupFlag
* lastUpdateDate
* programId
* taxRegimeCode
* orgId
* createdBy
* lastUpdatedBy
* programLoginId
* taxId
* programApplicationId
* taxType
* regimeOrTaxFlag
* creationDate
* taxCode
* requestId
* taxPrecedence
* lastUpdateLogin
* regimePrecedence


 * groupFlag
* lastUpdateDate
* programId
* taxRegimeCode
* orgId
* createdBy
* lastUpdatedBy
* programLoginId
* taxId
* programApplicationId
* taxType
* regimeOrTaxFlag
* creationDate
* taxCode
* requestId
* taxPrecedence
* lastUpdateLogin
* regimePrecedence


 * branchFlag
* childTaxableBasis
* childTax
* programId
* creationDate
* childTaxCodeId
* childRegimeCode
* lastUpdatedBy
* parentTaxCode
* childPrecedence
* lastUpdateLogin
* parentTaxableBasis
* orgId
* createdBy
* parentRegimeCode
* lastUpdateDate
* childTaxCode
* parentPrecedence
* parentTax
* requestId
* programApplicationId
* taxGroupId
* contentOwnerId
* programLoginId
* taxGroupCode
* parentTaxCodeId


 * branchFlag
* childTaxableBasis
* childTax
* programId
* creationDate
* childTaxCodeId
* childRegimeCode
* lastUpdatedBy
* parentTaxCode
* childPrecedence
* lastUpdateLogin
* parentTaxableBasis
* orgId
* createdBy
* parentRegimeCode
* lastUpdateDate
* childTaxCode
* parentPrecedence
* parentTax
* requestId
* programApplicationId
* taxGroupId
* contentOwnerId
* programLoginId
* taxGroupCode
* parentTaxCodeId


 * thrshldChkTmpltCode
* attributeCategory
* hasTaxPointDateRuleFlag
* allowManualEntryFlag
* maxTaxRateThrshld
* reportingOnlyFlag
* specialInclusiveTaxFlag
* directRateRuleFlag
* maxTaxAmtThrshld
* attribute12
* placeOfSupplyRuleFlag
* liveForApplicabilityFlag
* attribute2
* taxId
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute7
* lastUpdatedBy
* zoneGeographyType
* primaryRecoveryTypeCode
* attribute3
* taxExmptCrMethodCode
* applicabilityRuleFlag
* defRecSettlementOptionCode
* allowRecoverabilityFlag
* hasDetailTbThrshldFlag
* attribute6
* hasExchRateDateRuleFlag
* taxExmptSourceTax
* offsetTaxFlag
* requestId
* objectVersionNumber
* taxableBasisRuleFlag
* recordTypeCode
* appliedAmtHandlingFlag
* programLoginId
* exchangeRateType
* programApplicationId
* taxTypeCode
* defPrimaryRecRateCode
* taxRegimeCode
* attribute4
* effectiveTo
* attribute10
* regnNumSameAsLeFlag
* attribute9
* overrideGeographyType
* allowDupRegnNumFlag
* defPlaceOfSupplyTypeCode
* parentGeographyType
* allowExceptionsFlag
* createdBy
* minTaxRateThrshld
* recoveryRateOverrideFlag
* taxAmtThrshldFlag
* attribute13
* lastUpdateDate
* registrationTypeRuleFlag
* secondaryRecoveryTypeCode
* creationDate
* taxStatusRuleFlag
* defInclusiveTaxFlag
* calcOnlyFlag
* useLegalMsgFlag
* attribute14
* taxInclusiveOverrideFlag
* attribute15
* sourceTaxFlag
* attribute8
* periodSetName
* collTaxAuthorityId
* legalReportingStatusDefVal
* defRegistrPartyTypeCode
* defSecondaryRecRateCode
* autoPrvnFlag
* primaryRecRateDetRuleFlag
* parentGeographyId
* roundingRuleCode
* defTaxableBasisFormula
* primaryRecTypeRuleFlag
* taxCalcRuleFlag
* repTaxAuthorityId
* attribute5
* taxAccountSourceTax
* programId
* taxPrecision
* secondaryRecTypeRuleFlag
* contentOwnerId
* allowTaxOverrideFlag
* secRecRateDetRuleFlag
* taxRateThrshldFlag
* minimumAccountableUnit
* liveForProcessingFlag
* hasTaxDetDateRuleFlag
* tax
* hasOtherJurisdictionsFlag
* attribute11
* thrshldGroupingLvlCode
* allowExemptionsFlag
* minTaxAmtThrshld
* txblBsisThrshldFlag
* applicableByDefaultFlag
* compoundingPrecedence
* printOnInvoiceFlag
* defTaxCalcFormula
* minTxblBsisThrshld
* taxAccountCreateMethodCode
* attribute1
* taxCurrencyCode
* taxRateRuleFlag
* maxTxblBsisThrshld
* allowMassCreateFlag
* effectiveFrom
* allowRoundingOverrideFlag


 * thrshldChkTmpltCode
* attributeCategory
* hasTaxPointDateRuleFlag
* allowManualEntryFlag
* maxTaxRateThrshld
* reportingOnlyFlag
* specialInclusiveTaxFlag
* directRateRuleFlag
* maxTaxAmtThrshld
* attribute12
* placeOfSupplyRuleFlag
* liveForApplicabilityFlag
* attribute2
* taxId
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute7
* lastUpdatedBy
* zoneGeographyType
* primaryRecoveryTypeCode
* attribute3
* taxExmptCrMethodCode
* applicabilityRuleFlag
* defRecSettlementOptionCode
* allowRecoverabilityFlag
* hasDetailTbThrshldFlag
* attribute6
* hasExchRateDateRuleFlag
* taxExmptSourceTax
* offsetTaxFlag
* requestId
* objectVersionNumber
* taxableBasisRuleFlag
* recordTypeCode
* appliedAmtHandlingFlag
* programLoginId
* exchangeRateType
* programApplicationId
* taxTypeCode
* defPrimaryRecRateCode
* taxRegimeCode
* attribute4
* effectiveTo
* attribute10
* regnNumSameAsLeFlag
* attribute9
* overrideGeographyType
* allowDupRegnNumFlag
* defPlaceOfSupplyTypeCode
* parentGeographyType
* allowExceptionsFlag
* createdBy
* minTaxRateThrshld
* recoveryRateOverrideFlag
* taxAmtThrshldFlag
* attribute13
* lastUpdateDate
* registrationTypeRuleFlag
* secondaryRecoveryTypeCode
* creationDate
* taxStatusRuleFlag
* defInclusiveTaxFlag
* calcOnlyFlag
* useLegalMsgFlag
* attribute14
* taxInclusiveOverrideFlag
* attribute15
* sourceTaxFlag
* attribute8
* periodSetName
* collTaxAuthorityId
* legalReportingStatusDefVal
* defRegistrPartyTypeCode
* defSecondaryRecRateCode
* autoPrvnFlag
* primaryRecRateDetRuleFlag
* parentGeographyId
* roundingRuleCode
* defTaxableBasisFormula
* primaryRecTypeRuleFlag
* taxCalcRuleFlag
* repTaxAuthorityId
* attribute5
* taxAccountSourceTax
* programId
* taxPrecision
* secondaryRecTypeRuleFlag
* contentOwnerId
* allowTaxOverrideFlag
* secRecRateDetRuleFlag
* taxRateThrshldFlag
* minimumAccountableUnit
* liveForProcessingFlag
* hasTaxDetDateRuleFlag
* tax
* hasOtherJurisdictionsFlag
* attribute11
* thrshldGroupingLvlCode
* allowExemptionsFlag
* minTaxAmtThrshld
* txblBsisThrshldFlag
* applicableByDefaultFlag
* compoundingPrecedence
* printOnInvoiceFlag
* defTaxCalcFormula
* minTxblBsisThrshld
* taxAccountCreateMethodCode
* attribute1
* taxCurrencyCode
* taxRateRuleFlag
* maxTxblBsisThrshld
* allowMassCreateFlag
* effectiveFrom
* allowRoundingOverrideFlag


 * creationDate
* lastUpdateDate
* createdBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* taxId
* language
* taxFullName
* sourceLang
* lastUpdatedBy


 * creationDate
* lastUpdateDate
* createdBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* taxId
* language
* taxFullName
* sourceLang
* lastUpdatedBy


 * firstPtyOrgId
* entityCode
* currencyConversionRate
* quoteFlag
* shipFromPartySiteId
* poaLocationId
* ownHqLocationId
* trxId
* podLocationId
* internalOrgLocationId
* legalEntityId
* eventClassCode
* billFromPartySiteId
* poiLocationId
* creationDate
* supplierTaxInvoiceDate
* billToCustAcctSiteUseId
* lastUpdateDate
* taxInvoiceDate
* billToPartySiteId
* provnlTaxDeterminationDate
* legalEntityPtpId
* shipThirdPtyAcctId
* trxNumber
* rndgShipFromPartySiteId
* rndgBillFromPartySiteId
* ctrlTotalHdrTxAmt
* titleTransferLocationId
* objectVersionNumber
* taxInvoiceNumber
* shipFromLocationId
* pocLocationId
* establishmentId
* shipThirdPtyAcctSiteId
* roundingShipFromPartyId
* currencyConversionDate
* shipFromPartyId
* precision
* taxEventTypeCode
* currencyConversionType
* trxCurrencyCode
* billThirdPtyAcctId
* internalOrganizationId
* eventTypeCode
* trxDescription
* roundingBillToPartyId
* ledgerId
* defaultTaxationCountry
* billFromPartyId
* receivablesTrxTypeId
* minimumAccountableUnit
* appliedToTrxNumber
* lastUpdateLogin
* portOfEntryCode
* lastUpdatedBy
* taxReportingFlag
* rndgBillToPartySiteId
* billThirdPtyAcctSiteId
* supplierTaxInvoiceNumber
* validationCheckFlag
* pooLocationId
* createdBy
* roundingBillFromPartyId
* billToLocationId
* tradingHqLocationId
* taxManualEntryFlag
* documentSubType
* shipToPartyId
* rndgShipToPartySiteId
* billFromLocationId
* applicationId
* shipToPartySiteId
* shipToLocationId
* payingLocationId
* supplierExchangeRate
* shipToCustAcctSiteUseId
* billToPartyId
* documentEventType
* roundingShipToPartyId
* trxDate


 * tradingDiscount
* appliedFromEventClassCode
* ctrlTotalLineTxAmt
* inputTaxClassificationCode
* tradingHqLocationId
* appliedToEventClassCode
* taxStatusCode
* trxId
* appliedToTrxLineId
* lineLevelAction
* productId
* trxShippingDate
* trxLevelType
* refDocEventClassCode
* eventClassCode
* appliedToApplicationId
* merchantPartyCountry
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* refDocLineQuantity
* productOrgId
* adjustedDocApplicationId
* appliedFromTrxLevelType
* lastUpdateLogin
* merchantPartyId
* refDocTrxLevelType
* appliedToEntityCode
* podLocationId
* outputTaxClassificationCode
* pooPartyId
* taxRateId
* productType
* refDocLineId
* shipToPartyId
* exemptReason
* productCategory
* billFromPartySiteId
* uomCode
* accountString
* taxRegimeId
* appliedToTrxLevelType
* adjustedDocEventClassCode
* productDescription
* poaPartySiteId
* shipFromLocationId
* shipFromPartySiteId
* adjustedDocTrxLevelType
* unitPrice
* transportationCharge
* refDocApplicationId
* billToPartyId
* trxLineDate
* taxLineAmt
* billFromLocationId
* taxRateCode
* trxLineId
* appliedToTrxId
* adjustedDocLineId
* historicalFlag
* productCode
* volumeDiscount
* appliedFromLineId
* adjustedDocTrxId
* taxRate
* trxReceiptDate
* poaLocationId
* appliedFromEntityCode
* createdBy
* exemptCertificateNumber
* trxLineType
* appliedFromApplicationId
* transferCharge
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* trxLineQuantity
* insuranceCharge
* adjustedDocDate
* lastUpdateDate
* poaPartyId
* entityCode
* refDocEntityCode
* otherCharge
* payingLocationId
* shipToLocationId
* taxRegimeCode
* creationDate
* pocLocationId
* taxId
* ctrlHdrTxApplFlag
* tax
* lineIntendedUse
* taxStatusId
* trxBusinessCategory
* shipToPartySiteId
* lineAmt
* billFromPartyId
* billToLocationId
* objectVersionNumber
* cashDiscount
* exemptionControlFlag
* productFiscClassification
* poiLocationId
* accountCcid
* exemptReasonCode
* applicationId
* billToPartySiteId
* trxLineGlDate
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* receivablesTrxTypeId
* userDefinedFiscClass
* adjustedDocEntityCode
* pooPartySiteId
* pooLocationId
* ownHqLocationId
* refDocTrxId
* lineClass
* lastUpdatedBy
* trxLineDescription
* shipFromPartyId


 * tradingDiscount
* appliedFromEventClassCode
* ctrlTotalLineTxAmt
* inputTaxClassificationCode
* tradingHqLocationId
* appliedToEventClassCode
* taxStatusCode
* trxId
* appliedToTrxLineId
* lineLevelAction
* productId
* trxShippingDate
* trxLevelType
* refDocEventClassCode
* eventClassCode
* appliedToApplicationId
* merchantPartyCountry
* appliedFromTrxId
* refDocLineQuantity
* productOrgId
* adjustedDocApplicationId
* appliedFromTrxLevelType
* lastUpdateLogin
* merchantPartyId
* refDocTrxLevelType
* appliedToEntityCode
* podLocationId
* outputTaxClassificationCode
* pooPartyId
* taxRateId
* productType
* refDocLineId
* shipToPartyId
* exemptReason
* productCategory
* billFromPartySiteId
* uomCode
* accountString
* taxRegimeId
* appliedToTrxLevelType
* adjustedDocEventClassCode
* productDescription
* poaPartySiteId
* shipFromLocationId
* shipFromPartySiteId
* adjustedDocTrxLevelType
* unitPrice
* transportationCharge
* refDocApplicationId
* billToPartyId
* trxLineDate
* taxLineAmt
* billFromLocationId
* taxRateCode
* trxLineId
* appliedToTrxId
* adjustedDocLineId
* historicalFlag
* productCode
* volumeDiscount
* appliedFromLineId
* adjustedDocTrxId
* taxRate
* trxReceiptDate
* poaLocationId
* appliedFromEntityCode
* createdBy
* exemptCertificateNumber
* trxLineType
* appliedFromApplicationId
* transferCharge
* lineAmtIncludesTaxFlag
* trxLineQuantity
* insuranceCharge
* adjustedDocDate
* lastUpdateDate
* poaPartyId
* entityCode
* refDocEntityCode
* otherCharge
* payingLocationId
* shipToLocationId
* taxRegimeCode
* creationDate
* pocLocationId
* taxId
* ctrlHdrTxApplFlag
* tax
* lineIntendedUse
* taxStatusId
* trxBusinessCategory
* shipToPartySiteId
* lineAmt
* billFromPartyId
* billToLocationId
* objectVersionNumber
* cashDiscount
* exemptionControlFlag
* productFiscClassification
* poiLocationId
* accountCcid
* exemptReasonCode
* applicationId
* billToPartySiteId
* trxLineGlDate
* trxLineNumber
* receivablesTrxTypeId
* userDefinedFiscClass
* adjustedDocEntityCode
* pooPartySiteId
* pooLocationId
* ownHqLocationId
* refDocTrxId
* lineClass
* lastUpdatedBy
* trxLineDescription
* shipFromPartyId


 * firstPtyOrgId
* entityCode
* currencyConversionRate
* quoteFlag
* shipFromPartySiteId
* poaLocationId
* ownHqLocationId
* trxId
* podLocationId
* internalOrgLocationId
* legalEntityId
* eventClassCode
* billFromPartySiteId
* poiLocationId
* creationDate
* supplierTaxInvoiceDate
* billToCustAcctSiteUseId
* lastUpdateDate
* taxInvoiceDate
* billToPartySiteId
* provnlTaxDeterminationDate
* legalEntityPtpId
* shipThirdPtyAcctId
* trxNumber
* rndgShipFromPartySiteId
* rndgBillFromPartySiteId
* ctrlTotalHdrTxAmt
* titleTransferLocationId
* objectVersionNumber
* taxInvoiceNumber
* shipFromLocationId
* pocLocationId
* establishmentId
* shipThirdPtyAcctSiteId
* roundingShipFromPartyId
* currencyConversionDate
* shipFromPartyId
* precision
* taxEventTypeCode
* currencyConversionType
* trxCurrencyCode
* billThirdPtyAcctId
* internalOrganizationId
* eventTypeCode
* trxDescription
* roundingBillToPartyId
* ledgerId
* defaultTaxationCountry
* billFromPartyId
* receivablesTrxTypeId
* minimumAccountableUnit
* appliedToTrxNumber
* lastUpdateLogin
* portOfEntryCode
* lastUpdatedBy
* taxReportingFlag
* rndgBillToPartySiteId
* billThirdPtyAcctSiteId
* supplierTaxInvoiceNumber
* validationCheckFlag
* pooLocationId
* createdBy
* roundingBillFromPartyId
* billToLocationId
* tradingHqLocationId
* taxManualEntryFlag
* documentSubType
* shipToPartyId
* rndgShipToPartySiteId
* billFromLocationId
* applicationId
* shipToPartySiteId
* shipToLocationId
* payingLocationId
* supplierExchangeRate
* shipToCustAcctSiteUseId
* billToPartyId
* documentEventType
* roundingShipToPartyId
* trxDate


 * updateFlag
* pseudoTaxOnlyLineFlag
* trxId
* eventClassCode
* trxLineId
* taxRegimeCode
* createdBy
* trxLevelType
* lastUpdatedBy
* entityCode
* creationDate
* allowTaxCalculationFlag
* taxProviderId
* lastUpdateDate
* applicationId
* taxRegimeId
* lastUpdateLogin


 * updateFlag
* pseudoTaxOnlyLineFlag
* trxId
* eventClassCode
* trxLineId
* taxRegimeCode
* createdBy
* trxLevelType
* lastUpdatedBy
* entityCode
* creationDate
* allowTaxCalculationFlag
* taxProviderId
* lastUpdateDate
* applicationId
* taxRegimeId
* lastUpdateLogin


 * taxStatusCode
* lastUpdateLogin
* effectiveTo
* lastUpdateDate
* createdBy
* recoveryTypeCode
* taxPrecedence
* tax
* countryCode
* creationDate
* orgId
* frozen
* taxCodeId
* intercompanyFlag
* lastUpdatedBy
* regimePrecedence
* taxClass
* taxRegimeCode
* taxCode
* effectiveFrom


 * taxStatusCode
* lastUpdateLogin
* effectiveTo
* lastUpdateDate
* createdBy
* recoveryTypeCode
* taxPrecedence
* tax
* countryCode
* creationDate
* orgId
* frozen
* taxCodeId
* intercompanyFlag
* lastUpdatedBy
* regimePrecedence
* taxClass
* taxRegimeCode
* taxCode
* effectiveFrom


 * enableAllSites
* agentId
* rateDate
* revisionNum
* fobLookupCode
* blanketTotalAmount
* consumeReqDemandFlag
* firmStatusLookupCode
* globalAttributeCategory
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* rateType
* noteToReceiver
* acceptanceRequiredFlag
* fonRefId
* createdBy
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* quoteTypeLookupCode
* programUpdateDate
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* shippingControl
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* clmMinGuarAwardAmtPercent
* ediProcessedStatus
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* quoteWarningDelayUnit
* clmStandardForm
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* attribute5
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* changeSummary
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* startDateActive
* governmentContext
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* startDate
* attribute7
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* clmCotrContact
* fax
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* attribute15
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* lockOwnerUserId
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* frozenFlag
* contermsArticlesUpdDate
* clmPriorityCode
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* clmContractOfficer
* attribute11
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* clmAwardAdministrator
* attribute9
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* closedDate
* globalAttribute18
* segment3
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* currencyCode
* catAdminAuthEnabledFlag
* enabledFlag
* globalAttribute17
* lastUpdatedBy
* ussglTransactionCode
* replyDate
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* requestId
* supplierAuthEnabledFlag
* attribute2
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* quoteWarningDelay
* globalAttribute14
* clmSupplierName
* vendorOrderNum
* attributeCategory
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* globalAttribute10
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* attribute1
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* otmStatusCode
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* autoSourcingFlag
* clmDefaultDistFlag
* clmAmountReleased
* clmModIssuingOffice
* comments
* attribute6
* globalAttribute9
* endDateActive
* globalAttribute1
* statusLookupCode
* xmlChangeSendDate
* globalAttribute11
* clmCotrOffice
* clmSupplierSiteName
* ediProcessedFlag
* segment4
* attribute8
* clmCloseoutStatus
* printCount
* priceUpdateTolerance
* clmIssuingOffice
* mrcRateType
* globalAttribute20
* shipViaLookupCode
* globalAttribute7
* clmExternalIdv
* payWhenPaid
* globalAttribute8
* creationDate
* attribute4
* globalAttribute2
* styleId
* globalAttribute15
* contermsExistFlag
* draftId
* clmAmtSyncedToAgreement
* revisedDate
* cpaReference
* emailAddress
* attribute12
* quotationClassCode
* clmMinGuaranteeAwardAmt
* lastUpdateLogin
* rfqCloseDate
* poHeaderId
* freightTermsLookupCode
* typeLookupCode
* createdLanguage
* lastUpdatedProgram
* clmEffectiveDate
* retroPriceCommUpdatesFlag
* authorizationStatus
* clmVendorOfferNumber
* xmlSendDate
* globalAttribute3
* supplierNotifMethod
* changeRequestedBy
* udaTemplateId
* approvedDate
* globalAttribute16
* taxAttributeUpdateCode
* attribute10




























 * ORG


 * ORG




