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Oracle EBS Default Config 2

Below is the list of all available entities/menus in the Oracle EBS default configuration. You can add, modify, delete menus/configs as per your business needs following the steps available @ View/Edit Menus


 * numBaseAttribute12
* tlTextBaseAttribute64
* underShipmentTolerance
* fax
* cycleCountEnabledFlag
* textBaseAttribute30
* materialBillableFlag
* endDateActive
* tlTextBaseAttribute68
* warrantyVendorId
* countryFk
* textBaseAttribute52
* primaryUomCode
* responseTimePeriodCode
* itemSourceType
* textBaseAttribute39
* globalAttribute3
* tlTextBaseAttribute76
* ctxDesc
* programId
* releasedDate
* textBaseAttribute18
* receiptDaysExceptionCode
* influencerFk
* fullLeadTime
* tlTextBaseAttribute66
* textBaseAttribute51
* summaryFlag
* textBaseAttribute45
* numBaseAttribute2
* secondarySpecialistId
* minMinmaxQuantity
* sourceType
* maximumOrderQuantity
* fixedLotMultiplier
* volDiscountExemptFlag
* unearnedRevenueCr
* expenseBillableFlag
* numBaseAttribute3
* contractItemTypeCode
* maxMinmaxQuantity
* overrunPercentage
* variableLeadTime
* preprocessingLeadTime
* assetCreationCode
* adjustingRevenueFlag
* segment17
* mobilePhone
* tlTextBaseAttribute12
* outsideOperationFlag
* shipModelCompleteFlag
* dimensionUomCode
* textBaseAttribute90
* positiveMeasurementError
* createSupplyFlag
* attributeCategory
* state
* tlTextBaseAttribute28
* tlTextBaseAttribute63
* textBaseAttribute49
* serviceDuration
* segment15
* purchasingItemFlag
* safetyStockBucketDays
* numBaseAttribute64
* textBaseAttribute31
* accountingRuleId
* gender
* textBaseAttribute20
* textBaseAttribute19
* tlTextBaseAttribute77
* textBaseAttribute40
* globalAttribute8
* recoveredPartDispCode
* tlTextBaseAttribute78
* textBaseAttribute70
* dateCreated
* numBaseAttribute80
* textBaseAttribute57
* textBaseAttribute13
* atpFlag
* tlTextBaseAttribute69
* salesAccount
* pickingRuleId
* textBaseAttribute86
* description
* tlTextBaseAttribute36
* mustUseApprovedVendorFlag
* workPhone
* textBaseAttribute5
* overcompletionToleranceValue
* sourceSubinventory
* textBaseAttribute92
* eamActShutdownStatus
* encumbranceAccount
* numBaseAttribute46
* tlTextBaseAttribute26
* wipSupplyLocatorId
* pjiSummarizedFlag
* eamActivityTypeCode
* tlTextBaseAttribute4
* overShipmentTolerance
* unitVolume
* defectTrackingOnFlag
* serviceDurationPeriodCode
* numBaseAttribute15
* unitOfIssue
* fixedDaysSupply
* middleName
* tlTextBaseAttribute27
* segment2
* numBaseAttribute16
* numBaseAttribute39
* activeFlag
* textBaseAttribute10
* textBaseAttribute68
* organizationId
* textBaseAttribute77
* demandTimeFenceDays
* primaryUnitOfMeasure
* numBaseAttribute24
* tlTextBaseAttribute45
* servBillingEnabledFlag
* numBaseAttribute54
* numBaseAttribute66
* tlTextBaseAttribute67
* segment13
* searchType
* paDate
* globalAttribute1
* textBaseAttribute14
* dualUomControl
* purchasingTaxCode
* salutation
* defaultIncludeInRollupFlag
* internalVolume
* lastUpdatedBy
* numBaseAttribute67
* numBaseAttribute94
* numBaseAttribute10
* leadTime
* textBaseAttribute32
* numBaseAttribute36
* locationControlCode
* tlTextBaseAttribute16
* attribute7
* realizedLossesBatchName
* acceptableRateIncrease
* numBaseAttribute63
* titleFk
* ubrUerProcessFlag
* transferStatusCode
* textBaseAttribute27
* numBaseAttribute61
* modelConfigClauseName
* tlTextBaseAttribute90
* fixedLeadTime
* numBaseAttribute60
* buyerId
* textBaseAttribute44
* numBaseAttribute87
* numBaseAttribute4
* realizedGainsBatchName
* numBaseAttribute33
* tlTextBaseAttribute51
* thumbnailImage
* numBaseAttribute73
* projectId
* numBaseAttribute35
* tlTextBaseAttribute100
* tlTextBaseAttribute47
* tlTextBaseAttribute85
* segment19
* tlTextBaseAttribute8
* programApplicationId
* textBaseAttribute71
* repetitivePlanningFlag
* numBaseAttribute11
* textBaseAttribute56
* carryingCost
* numBaseAttribute85
* numBaseAttribute26
* tlTextBaseAttribute60
* engItemFlag
* numBaseAttribute27
* paymentTermsId
* supplierPartNum
* numBaseAttribute96
* legalName
* dualUomDeviationHigh
* attribute5
* wipSupplyType
* tlTextBaseAttribute31
* unearnedCodeCombinationId
* restrictLocatorsCode
* itemType
* textBaseAttribute37
* numBaseAttribute89
* dualUomDeviationLow
* tlTextBaseAttribute75
* containerItemFlag
* autoSerialAlphaPrefix
* unitWeight
* ubrSummaryId
* tlTextBaseAttribute95
* dateModified
* eventFlag
* bulkPickedFlag
* language
* supplierPartAuxid
* alias
* textBaseAttribute46
* acceptableEarlyDays
* tlTextBaseAttribute81
* companyName
* atpRuleId
* taxableFlag
* allowUnorderedReceiptsFlag
* substitutionWindowCode
* numBaseAttribute13
* globalAttribute5
* numBaseAttribute76
* manufacturer
* numBaseAttribute44
* textBaseAttribute7
* textBaseAttribute9
* textBaseAttribute42
* glPeriodName
* numBaseAttribute77
* tlTextBaseAttribute44
* county
* internalItemId
* programUpdateDate
* supplierId
* negativeMeasurementError
* textBaseAttribute79
* numBaseAttribute92
* tlTextBaseAttribute84
* weightUomCode
* numBaseAttribute70
* tlTextBaseAttribute24
* defaultSoSourceType
* subscriptionDependFlag
* serviceableProductFlag
* tlTextBaseAttribute79
* manufacturerPartNum
* tlTextBaseAttribute21
* allowedUnitsLookupCode
* generationErrorFlag
* tlTextBaseAttribute32
* unbilledReceivableDr
* restrictSubinventoriesCode
* textBaseAttribute26
* numBaseAttribute82
* tlTextBaseAttribute14
* numBaseAttribute50
* whUpdateDate
* tlTextBaseAttribute20
* tlTextBaseAttribute74
* textBaseAttribute53
* minimumOrderQuantity
* commsNlTrackableFlag
* buildInWipFlag
* globalAttribute10
* segment8
* numBaseAttribute6
* taxCode
* tlTextBaseAttribute34
* numBaseAttribute38
* electronicFlag
* planningTimeFenceCode
* numBaseAttribute1
* stockEnabledFlag
* numBaseAttribute99
* returnableFlag
* rtItemId
* assetCategoryId
* textBaseAttribute95
* tlTextBaseAttribute10
* textBaseAttribute23
* autoReduceMps
* customerBillSplit
* tlTextBaseAttribute18
* tlTextBaseAttribute97
* address3
* numBaseAttribute79
* textBaseAttribute28
* segment3
* stdLotSize
* textBaseAttribute75
* textBaseAttribute83
* couponExemptFlag
* textBaseAttribute36
* commsActivationReqdFlag
* city
* textBaseAttribute73
* globalAttribute7
* tlTextBaseAttribute22
* tlTextBaseAttribute49
* attribute8
* inventoryCarryPenalty
* itemCatalogGroupId
* lastName
* userId
* planningExceptionSet
* preventiveMaintenanceFlag
* cumulativeTotalLeadTime
* tlTextBaseAttribute70
* tlTextBaseAttribute38
* servReqEnabledCode
* leadTimeLotSize
* textBaseAttribute100
* numBaseAttribute58
* usageItemFlag
* homePhone
* textBaseAttribute16
* textBaseAttribute55
* address2
* numBaseAttribute52
* firstName
* segment6
* attribute14
* tlTextBaseAttribute5
* numBaseAttribute21
* globalAttributeCategory
* tlTextBaseAttribute62
* costingEnabledFlag
* receiveCloseTolerance
* tlTextBaseAttribute15
* numBaseAttribute34
* responseTimeValue
* tcaPartyFk
* segment12
* comments
* textBaseAttribute8
* globalAttribute9
* engineeringEcnCode
* textBaseAttribute24
* numBaseAttribute30
* textBaseAttribute41
* roundingControlType
* maximumLoadWeight
* textBaseAttribute59
* textBaseAttribute1
* tlTextBaseAttribute11
* primarySpecialistId
* province
* segment14
* primaryLanguageFk
* inventoryItemStatusCode
* productFamilyItemId
* tlTextBaseAttribute46
* numBaseAttribute59
* segment5
* sicCode
* numBaseAttribute91
* inventoryAssetFlag
* shrinkageRate
* serviceableItemClassId
* receivingRoutingId
* lastUpdateDate
* fixedOrderQuantity
* numBaseAttribute86
* tlTextBaseAttribute23
* textBaseAttribute4
* shelfLifeDays
* volumeUomCode
* prorateServiceFlag
* tlTextBaseAttribute7
* allowExpressDeliveryFlag
* textBaseAttribute58
* allowSubstituteReceiptsFlag
* invoiceCloseTolerance
* planningTimeFenceDays
* tlTextBaseAttribute40
* emailConfirmed
* cumManufacturingLeadTime
* creationDate
* startDateActive
* engineeringDate
* agreementId
* maxWarrantyAmount
* resourceAccumulatedFlag
* listPricePerUnit
* segment20
* textBaseAttribute65
* transferRejectionReason
* attribute15
* mrpSafetyStockCode
* internalOrderFlag
* attribute10
* emailFormat
* numBaseAttribute47
* numBaseAttribute100
* costOfSalesAccount
* userTypeFk
* textBaseAttribute3
* numBaseAttribute5
* tlTextBaseAttribute80
* tlTextBaseAttribute88
* tlTextBaseAttribute30
* textBaseAttribute38
* invoiceEnabledFlag
* mrpSafetyStockPercent
* attachmentUrl
* tlTextBaseAttribute65
* globalAttribute2
* tlTextBaseAttribute25
* unitWidth
* extension
* textBaseAttribute33
* postprocessingLeadTime
* numBaseAttribute83
* rfqRequiredFlag
* picture
* textBaseAttribute63
* mtlTransactionsEnabledFlag
* attribute2
* segment10
* lotStatusEnabled
* tlTextBaseAttribute54
* suffix
* requestId
* tlTextBaseAttribute55
* baseItemId
* tradeName
* vendorWarrantyFlag
* numBaseAttribute71
* numBaseAttribute65
* numBaseAttribute37
* purchasingEnabledFlag
* numBaseAttribute45
* revisionQtyControlCode
* numBaseAttribute95
* createdBy
* tlTextBaseAttribute86
* numBaseAttribute40
* textBaseAttribute96
* numBaseAttribute81
* tlTextBaseAttribute42
* numBaseAttribute75
* catalogStatusFlag
* textBaseAttribute82
* defaultLotStatusId
* eamActNotificationFlag
* numBaseAttribute88
* reservableType
* atoForecastControl
* numBaseAttribute78
* tlTextBaseAttribute43
* paPeriodName
* bomEnabledFlag
* marketPrice
* supplier
* segment1
* textBaseAttribute61
* operationSlackPenalty
* attribute12
* textBaseAttribute91
* tlTextBaseAttribute13
* textBaseAttribute11
* expenseAccount
* textBaseAttribute94
* attribute13
* engineeringItemId
* tlTextBaseAttribute87
* textBaseAttribute64
* accrueThroughDate
* roundingFactor
* backOrderableFlag
* financingAllowedFlag
* textBaseAttribute50
* textBaseAttribute12
* startAutoLotNumber
* lotMergeEnabled
* plannedInvPointFlag
* baseWarrantyServiceId
* webStatus
* manufacturerUrl
* tcaPartyCompanyFk
* textBaseAttribute47
* numBaseAttribute51
* inspectionRequiredFlag
* numBaseAttribute32
* eamActivityCauseCode
* minimumFillPercent
* secondaryLanguageFk
* globalAttribute6
* tlTextBaseAttribute2
* atpComponentsFlag
* tlTextBaseAttribute9
* draftRevenueNumCredited
* textBaseAttribute34
* tlTextBaseAttribute59
* tlTextBaseAttribute61
* numBaseAttribute93
* servImportanceLevel
* qtyRcvExceptionCode
* tlTextBaseAttribute52
* invoiceableItemFlag
* tlTextBaseAttribute19
* textBaseAttribute6
* segment7
* substitutionWindowDays
* segment9
* numBaseAttribute31
* textBaseAttribute22
* globalAttribute4
* postalCode
* lastUpdateLogin
* numBaseAttribute9
* acceptsEnglish
* pictureUrl
* qtyRcvTolerance
* unitLength
* numBaseAttribute19
* unNumberId
* endAssemblyPeggingFlag
* availability
* overcompletionToleranceType
* textBaseAttribute78
* releaseTimeFenceDays
* tlTextBaseAttribute48
* checkShortagesFlag
* textBaseAttribute2
* accumulatedFlag
* companyTypeFk
* shippableItemFlag
* longDescription
* receiptRequiredFlag
* tlTextBaseAttribute98
* unbilledBatchName
* priceTolerancePercent
* numBaseAttribute62
* numBaseAttribute68
* primaryCategoryName
* tlTextBaseAttribute56
* realizedGainsAmount
* invoicingRuleId
* industryFk
* textBaseAttribute15
* orderCost
* acceptableRateDecrease
* segment4
* attribute3
* textBaseAttribute72
* tlTextBaseAttribute50
* startAutoSerialNumber
* segment11
* tlTextBaseAttribute3
* tlTextBaseAttribute35
* textBaseAttribute62
* numBaseAttribute98
* internalOrderEnabledFlag
* numBaseAttribute25
* unbilledCodeCombinationId
* soTransactionsFlag
* numBaseAttribute18
* mrpPlanningCode
* downloadableFlag
* supplierUrl
* textBaseAttribute76
* numBaseAttribute49
* daysLateReceiptAllowed
* textBaseAttribute35
* glDate
* responsibilityFk
* numBaseAttribute42
* defaultSerialStatusId
* daysEarlyReceiptAllowed
* realizedGainsCcid
* textBaseAttribute85
* unitHeight
* tlTextBaseAttribute72
* numBaseAttribute56
* primaryCategoryId
* numBaseAttribute17
* indivisibleFlag
* sourceOrganizationId
* numBaseAttribute72
* functionFk
* attribute6
* planningMakeBuyCode
* autoLotAlphaPrefix
* attribute1
* serviceStartingDelay
* textBaseAttribute29
* returnInspectionRequirement
* containerTypeCode
* inventoryItemFlag
* mrpCalculateAtpFlag
* shelfLifeCode
* textBaseAttribute81
* plannerCode
* userEmail
* tlTextBaseAttribute41
* textBaseAttribute93
* textBaseAttribute88
* bomItemType
* enabledFlag
* tlTextBaseAttribute99
* textBaseAttribute97
* textBaseAttribute60
* releaseTimeFenceCode
* segment16
* numBaseAttribute84
* numBaseAttribute90
* textBaseAttribute80
* newRevisionCode
* tlTextBaseAttribute33
* customerOrderFlag
* tlTextBaseAttribute6
* tlTextBaseAttribute92
* segment18
* numBaseAttribute14
* inventoryItemId
* textBaseAttribute17
* realizedLossesAmount
* textBaseAttribute99
* numBaseAttribute74
* tlTextBaseAttribute93
* textBaseAttribute54
* tlTextBaseAttribute91
* textBaseAttribute98
* orderableOnWebFlag
* unearnedBatchName
* vehicleItemFlag
* textBaseAttribute66
* demandTimeFenceCode
* textBaseAttribute74
* attribute9
* tlTextBaseAttribute82
* unspscCode
* address1
* customerOrderEnabledFlag
* outsideOperationUomType
* lotSplitEnabled
* numBaseAttribute57
* uerSummaryId
* attribute4
* lotTranslateEnabled
* tlTextBaseAttribute94
* textBaseAttribute43
* numBaseAttribute69
* tlTextBaseAttribute89
* collateralFlag
* hazardClassId
* numBaseAttribute23
* tlTextBaseAttribute1
* tlTextBaseAttribute83
* orgId
* lotControlCode
* numBaseAttribute28
* numBaseAttribute43
* coverageScheduleId
* tlTextBaseAttribute96
* replenishToOrderFlag
* realizedLossesCcid
* inventoryPlanningCode
* numBaseAttribute29
* internalItemNum
* textBaseAttribute69
* textBaseAttribute84
* equipmentType
* dunsNumber
* underReturnTolerance
* draftRevenueNum
* wipSupplySubinventory
* autoCreatedConfigFlag
* defaultShippingOrg
* effectivityControl
* attribute11
* eamItemType
* numBaseAttribute7
* tlTextBaseAttribute29
* tlTextBaseAttribute53
* secondaryUomCode
* tlTextBaseAttribute17
* numBaseAttribute8
* tlTextBaseAttribute71
* tlTextBaseAttribute73
* timeBillableFlag
* numBaseAttribute53
* numBaseAttribute22
* tlTextBaseAttribute37
* overReturnTolerance
* serviceableComponentFlag
* tlTextBaseAttribute58
* numBaseAttribute55
* textBaseAttribute25
* serviceItemFlag
* textBaseAttribute87
* tlTextBaseAttribute39
* enforceShipToLocationCode
* textBaseAttribute48
* textBaseAttribute89
* numBaseAttribute20
* serialStatusEnabled
* allowItemDescUpdateFlag
* transferredDate
* serialNumberControlCode
* numBaseAttribute48
* numBaseAttribute97
* pickComponentsFlag
* textBaseAttribute21
* tlTextBaseAttribute57
* textBaseAttribute67
* numBaseAttribute41


 * creationDate
* organizationId
* visitId
* programApplicationId
* lastUpdatedBy
* requestId
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdateDate
* programId
* programUpdateDate
* createdBy
* rn


 * creationDate
* organizationId
* visitId
* programApplicationId
* lastUpdatedBy
* requestId
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdateDate
* programId
* programUpdateDate
* createdBy
* rn


 * programId
* programApplicationId
* lastUpdateLogin
* requestId
* programUpdateDate
* rn
* lastUpdatedBy
* wipEntityId
* organizationId
* creationDate
* createdBy
* lastUpdateDate


 * programId
* programApplicationId
* lastUpdateLogin
* requestId
* programUpdateDate
* rn
* lastUpdatedBy
* wipEntityId
* organizationId
* creationDate
* createdBy
* lastUpdateDate


 * creationDate
* programApplicationId
* createdBy
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* requestId
* organizationId
* lastUpdatedBy
* rn
* billSequenceId
* programUpdateDate
* programId


 * creationDate
* programApplicationId
* createdBy
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* requestId
* organizationId
* lastUpdatedBy
* rn
* billSequenceId
* programUpdateDate
* programId


 * createdBy
* wipEntityId
* creationDate
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* organizationId
* rn


 * createdBy
* wipEntityId
* creationDate
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* organizationId
* rn


 * lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdatedDate
* programApplicationId
* bcodLineId
* lastUpdatedBy
* createdBy
* oeLineId
* programUpdateDate
* organizationId
* headerId
* rn


 * lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdatedDate
* programApplicationId
* bcodLineId
* lastUpdatedBy
* createdBy
* oeLineId
* programUpdateDate
* organizationId
* headerId
* rn


 * lastUpdateLogin
* createdBy
* programApplicationId
* organizationId
* requestId
* lastUpdateDate
* programUpdateDate
* creationDate
* demandId
* lastUpdatedBy
* rn
* reservationType
* programId


 * lastUpdateLogin
* createdBy
* programApplicationId
* organizationId
* requestId
* lastUpdateDate
* programUpdateDate
* creationDate
* demandId
* lastUpdatedBy
* rn
* reservationType
* programId


 * programId
* programApplicationId
* requestId
* lastUpdatedBy
* resourceId
* lastUpdateDate
* createdBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* rn
* creationDate
* departmentId
* programUpdateDate


 * programId
* programApplicationId
* requestId
* lastUpdatedBy
* resourceId
* lastUpdateDate
* createdBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* rn
* creationDate
* departmentId
* programUpdateDate


 * lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* programId
* createdBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* requestId
* wjsNetQtyFlag
* wipEntityId
* programUpdateDate
* wjsMpsNetQtyFlag
* programApplicationId
* jobType
* rn
* organizationId
* creationDate


 * lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* programId
* createdBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* requestId
* wjsNetQtyFlag
* wipEntityId
* programUpdateDate
* wjsMpsNetQtyFlag
* programApplicationId
* jobType
* rn
* organizationId
* creationDate


 * programUpdateDate
* organizationId
* createdBy
* lastUpdatedBy
* requestId
* creationDate
* lastUpdateDate
* programApplicationId
* programId
* assetRebuildItemId
* lastUpdateLogin
* rn
* assetActivityId


 * programUpdateDate
* organizationId
* createdBy
* lastUpdatedBy
* requestId
* creationDate
* lastUpdateDate
* programApplicationId
* programId
* assetRebuildItemId
* lastUpdateLogin
* rn
* assetActivityId


 * programUpdateDate
* assetGroupItemId
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* programId
* equipmentItemId
* lastUpdateLogin
* programApplicationId
* assetActivityId
* creationDate
* requestId
* rn
* organizationId
* createdBy
* assetNumberId


 * programUpdateDate
* assetGroupItemId
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* programId
* equipmentItemId
* lastUpdateLogin
* programApplicationId
* assetActivityId
* creationDate
* requestId
* rn
* organizationId
* createdBy
* assetNumberId


 * organizationId
* lastUpdateDate
* programUpdateDate
* createdBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* programId
* forecastId
* lastUpdatedBy
* rn
* requestId
* creationDate
* programApplicationId


 * organizationId
* lastUpdateDate
* programUpdateDate
* createdBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* programId
* forecastId
* lastUpdatedBy
* rn
* requestId
* creationDate
* programApplicationId


 * lastUpdateLogin
* programId
* wipEntityId
* rn
* requestId
* lastUpdatedBy
* programUpdateDate
* organizationId
* programApplicationId
* createdBy
* lastUpdateDate
* creationDate
* forecastId


 * lastUpdateLogin
* programId
* wipEntityId
* rn
* requestId
* lastUpdatedBy
* programUpdateDate
* organizationId
* programApplicationId
* createdBy
* lastUpdateDate
* creationDate
* forecastId


 * woRelationshipId
* rn
* creationDate
* childWipEntityId
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* createdBy
* lastUpdatedBy
* parentWipEntityId
* relationshipType


 * woRelationshipId
* rn
* creationDate
* childWipEntityId
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* createdBy
* lastUpdatedBy
* parentWipEntityId
* relationshipType


 * createdBy
* creationDate
* repairPoHeaderId
* wipId
* rn
* lastUpdatedBy
* organizationId
* lastUpdateDate


 * createdBy
* creationDate
* repairPoHeaderId
* wipId
* rn
* lastUpdatedBy
* organizationId
* lastUpdateDate


 * lastUpdateLogin
* createdBy
* wipEntityId
* programId
* wjsNetQtyFlag
* organizationId
* programUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* programApplicationId
* creationDate
* lastUpdateDate
* requestId
* rn


 * lastUpdateLogin
* createdBy
* wipEntityId
* programId
* wjsNetQtyFlag
* organizationId
* programUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* programApplicationId
* creationDate
* lastUpdateDate
* requestId
* rn


 * rn
* creationDate
* createdBy
* transactionId
* lastUpdateDate
* inventoryItemId
* organizationId
* forecastDesignator
* lastUpdatedBy


 * rn
* creationDate
* createdBy
* transactionId
* lastUpdateDate
* inventoryItemId
* organizationId
* forecastDesignator
* lastUpdatedBy


 * forecastDesignator
* lastUpdatedBy
* createdBy
* forecastSet
* creationDate
* rn
* organizationId
* lastUpdateDate


 * forecastDesignator
* lastUpdatedBy
* createdBy
* forecastSet
* creationDate
* rn
* organizationId
* lastUpdateDate


 * lastUpdatedBy
* creationDate
* componentSequenceId
* organizationId
* lastUpdateDate
* programUpdateDate
* programId
* billSequenceId
* createdBy
* rn
* requestId
* programApplicationId
* lastUpdateLogin


 * lastUpdatedBy
* creationDate
* componentSequenceId
* organizationId
* lastUpdateDate
* programUpdateDate
* programId
* billSequenceId
* createdBy
* rn
* requestId
* programApplicationId
* lastUpdateLogin


 * programUpdateDate
* categorySetId
* lastUpdatedBy
* programApplicationId
* lastUpdateLogin
* requestId
* programId
* inventoryItemId
* organizationId
* categoryId
* createdBy
* lastUpdateDate
* creationDate
* rn


 * programUpdateDate
* categorySetId
* lastUpdatedBy
* programApplicationId
* lastUpdateLogin
* requestId
* programId
* inventoryItemId
* organizationId
* categoryId
* createdBy
* lastUpdateDate
* creationDate
* rn


 * organizationId
* relatedItemId
* createdBy
* inventoryItemId
* creationDate
* relationshipTypeId
* rn
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy


 * organizationId
* relatedItemId
* createdBy
* inventoryItemId
* creationDate
* relationshipTypeId
* rn
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy


 * organizationId
* wjsNetQtyFlag
* wipEntityId
* wjsMpsNetQtyFlag
* rn
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* programApplicationId
* requestId
* lastUpdateDate
* fromOpSeqNum
* programUpdateDate
* programId
* creationDate
* toOpSeqNum
* createdBy


 * organizationId
* wjsNetQtyFlag
* wipEntityId
* wjsMpsNetQtyFlag
* rn
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* programApplicationId
* requestId
* lastUpdateDate
* fromOpSeqNum
* programUpdateDate
* programId
* creationDate
* toOpSeqNum
* createdBy


 * lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* rn
* operationSeqNum
* organizationId
* createdBy
* resourceSeqNum
* serialNumber
* lastUpdateLogin
* creationDate
* resInstanceId
* wipEntityId
* entityType
* operationSequenceId


 * lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* rn
* operationSeqNum
* organizationId
* createdBy
* resourceSeqNum
* serialNumber
* lastUpdateLogin
* creationDate
* resInstanceId
* wipEntityId
* entityType
* operationSequenceId


 * rn
* createdBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* wjsNetQtyFlag
* programUpdateDate
* resourceSeqNum
* wjsMpsNetQtyFlag
* creationDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* requestId
* programApplicationId
* wipEntityId
* operationSeqNum
* organizationId
* lastUpdateDate
* programId


 * rn
* createdBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* wjsNetQtyFlag
* programUpdateDate
* resourceSeqNum
* wjsMpsNetQtyFlag
* creationDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* requestId
* programApplicationId
* wipEntityId
* operationSeqNum
* organizationId
* lastUpdateDate
* programId


 * organizationId
* wjsMpsNetQtyFlag
* creationDate
* requestId
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdatedBy
* wipEntityId
* lastUpdateDate
* operationSeqNum
* programId
* rn
* wjsNetQtyFlag
* programApplicationId
* programUpdateDate
* createdBy


 * organizationId
* wjsMpsNetQtyFlag
* creationDate
* requestId
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdatedBy
* wipEntityId
* lastUpdateDate
* operationSeqNum
* programId
* rn
* wjsNetQtyFlag
* programApplicationId
* programUpdateDate
* createdBy


 * lastUpdatedBy
* createdBy
* operationSeqNum
* sourcePhantomId
* wjsMpsNetQtyFlag
* lastUpdateLogin
* programId
* componentItemId
* programUpdateDate
* rn
* primaryComponentId
* wjsNetQtyFlag
* wipEntityId
* organizationId
* requestId
* creationDate
* programApplicationId
* lastUpdateDate


 * lastUpdatedBy
* createdBy
* operationSeqNum
* sourcePhantomId
* wjsMpsNetQtyFlag
* lastUpdateLogin
* programId
* componentItemId
* programUpdateDate
* rn
* primaryComponentId
* wjsNetQtyFlag
* wipEntityId
* organizationId
* requestId
* creationDate
* programApplicationId
* lastUpdateDate


 * visitId
* programId
* programUpdateDate
* rn
* createdBy
* milestone
* lastUpdateLogin
* organizationId
* lastUpdatedBy
* creationDate
* requestId
* programApplicationId
* lastUpdateDate


 * visitId
* programId
* programUpdateDate
* rn
* createdBy
* milestone
* lastUpdateLogin
* organizationId
* lastUpdatedBy
* creationDate
* requestId
* programApplicationId
* lastUpdateDate


 * transactionActionId
* rcvTransactionId
* lastUpdatedBy
* primaryQuantity
* transactionSourceTypeId
* requestId
* taskId
* owningOrganizationId
* planningTpType
* programId
* lastUpdateDate
* transactionSourceId
* programApplicationId
* transactionId
* lastUpdateLogin
* planningOrganizationId
* programUpdateDate
* creationDate
* owningTpType
* createdBy
* projectId
* inventoryItemId
* endItemUnitNumber
* postingFlag
* subinventoryCode
* organizationId
* rn


 * transactionActionId
* rcvTransactionId
* lastUpdatedBy
* primaryQuantity
* transactionSourceTypeId
* requestId
* taskId
* owningOrganizationId
* planningTpType
* programId
* lastUpdateDate
* transactionSourceId
* programApplicationId
* transactionId
* lastUpdateLogin
* planningOrganizationId
* programUpdateDate
* creationDate
* owningTpType
* createdBy
* projectId
* inventoryItemId
* endItemUnitNumber
* postingFlag
* subinventoryCode
* organizationId
* rn


 * requestId
* organizationId
* transactionQuantity
* lastUpdateLogin
* subinventoryCode
* createdBy
* programApplicationId
* lotNumber
* creationDate
* programUpdateDate
* projectId
* lastUpdatedBy
* planningTpType
* programId
* rn
* snapRowOldrn
* lastUpdateDate
* inventoryItemId
* taskId
* owningOrganizationId
* planningOrganizationId
* owningTpType
* locatorId
* transactionId


 * requestId
* organizationId
* transactionQuantity
* lastUpdateLogin
* subinventoryCode
* createdBy
* programApplicationId
* lotNumber
* creationDate
* programUpdateDate
* projectId
* lastUpdatedBy
* planningTpType
* programId
* rn
* snapRowOldrn
* lastUpdateDate
* inventoryItemId
* taskId
* owningOrganizationId
* planningOrganizationId
* owningTpType
* locatorId
* transactionId


 * lastUpdateDate
* programId
* programApplicationId
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* billSequenceId
* assemblyItemId
* rn
* organizationId
* lastUpdatedBy
* programUpdateDate
* operationSequenceId
* createdBy
* requestId
* routingSequenceId
* componentSequenceId


 * lastUpdateDate
* programId
* programApplicationId
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* billSequenceId
* assemblyItemId
* rn
* organizationId
* lastUpdatedBy
* programUpdateDate
* operationSequenceId
* createdBy
* requestId
* routingSequenceId
* componentSequenceId


 * lastUpdateLogin
* cummulativePct
* createdBy
* lastUpdatedBy
* planningPct
* disableDate
* transitionType
* originalSystemReference
* toOpSeqId
* lastUpdateDate
* organizationId
* effectivityDate
* rn
* creationDate
* fromOpSeqId


 * lastUpdateLogin
* cummulativePct
* createdBy
* lastUpdatedBy
* planningPct
* disableDate
* transitionType
* originalSystemReference
* toOpSeqId
* lastUpdateDate
* organizationId
* effectivityDate
* rn
* creationDate
* fromOpSeqId


 * creationDate
* substituteGroupNum
* organizationId
* lastUpdatedBy
* routingSequenceId
* lastUpdateLogin
* programApplicationId
* lastUpdateDate
* rn
* operationSequenceId
* createdBy
* scheduleSeqNum
* resourceId
* requestId
* principalFlag
* programId
* programUpdateDate
* resourceSeqNum


 * creationDate
* substituteGroupNum
* organizationId
* lastUpdatedBy
* routingSequenceId
* lastUpdateLogin
* programApplicationId
* lastUpdateDate
* rn
* operationSequenceId
* createdBy
* scheduleSeqNum
* resourceId
* requestId
* principalFlag
* programId
* programUpdateDate
* resourceSeqNum


 * lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdatedBy
* requestId
* rn
* lastUpdateDate
* programApplicationId
* creationDate
* programId
* programUpdateDate
* createdBy
* organizationId
* operationSequenceId
* routingSequenceId


 * lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdatedBy
* requestId
* rn
* lastUpdateDate
* programApplicationId
* creationDate
* programId
* programUpdateDate
* createdBy
* organizationId
* operationSequenceId
* routingSequenceId


 * programUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* createdBy
* operationSequenceId
* routingSequenceId
* lastUpdateDate
* creationDate
* programApplicationId
* rn
* requestId
* programId
* organizationId


 * programUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* createdBy
* operationSequenceId
* routingSequenceId
* lastUpdateDate
* creationDate
* programApplicationId
* rn
* requestId
* programId
* organizationId


 * lastUpdateDate
* createdBy
* atoLineId
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* programUpdateDate
* organizationId
* lastUpdatedBy
* requestId
* programId
* rn
* lineId
* programApplicationId


 * lastUpdateDate
* createdBy
* atoLineId
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* programUpdateDate
* organizationId
* lastUpdatedBy
* requestId
* programId
* rn
* lineId
* programApplicationId


 * billSequenceId
* creationDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* programApplicationId
* lineId
* programUpdateDate
* organizationId
* requestId
* createdBy
* rn
* inventoryItemId
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* programId
* routingSequenceId


 * billSequenceId
* creationDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* programApplicationId
* lineId
* programUpdateDate
* organizationId
* requestId
* createdBy
* rn
* inventoryItemId
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* programId
* routingSequenceId


 * inventoryItemId
* programId
* wipEntityId
* repetitiveScheduleId
* organizationId
* requestId
* rn
* lastUpdateDate
* programApplicationId
* lastUpdatedBy
* operationSeqNum
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* programUpdateDate
* createdBy


 * inventoryItemId
* programId
* wipEntityId
* repetitiveScheduleId
* organizationId
* requestId
* rn
* lastUpdateDate
* programApplicationId
* lastUpdatedBy
* operationSeqNum
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* programUpdateDate
* createdBy


 * repetitiveScheduleId
* rn
* requestId
* lastUpdateLogin
* programId
* createdBy
* lastUpdateDate
* programUpdateDate
* programApplicationId
* lastUpdatedBy
* creationDate
* organizationId


 * repetitiveScheduleId
* rn
* requestId
* lastUpdateLogin
* programId
* createdBy
* lastUpdateDate
* programUpdateDate
* programApplicationId
* lastUpdatedBy
* creationDate
* organizationId


 * createdBy
* programApplicationId
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* repetitiveScheduleId
* creationDate
* requestId
* lastUpdateLogin
* programId
* programUpdateDate
* rn


 * createdBy
* programApplicationId
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* repetitiveScheduleId
* creationDate
* requestId
* lastUpdateLogin
* programId
* programUpdateDate
* rn


 * lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdatedBy
* fromTime
* lastUpdateDate
* fromDate
* rn
* toTime
* programId
* createdBy
* departmentId
* shiftNum
* programApplicationId
* resourceId
* actionType
* creationDate
* requestId
* toDate
* programUpdateDate
* simulationSet


 * lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdatedBy
* fromTime
* lastUpdateDate
* fromDate
* rn
* toTime
* programId
* createdBy
* departmentId
* shiftNum
* programApplicationId
* resourceId
* actionType
* creationDate
* requestId
* toDate
* programUpdateDate
* simulationSet


 * shiftNum
* resInstanceId
* lastUpdateDate
* serialNumber
* createdBy
* fromTime
* departmentId
* resourceId
* creationDate
* rn
* toDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* toTime
* actionType
* simulationSet
* fromDate
* lastUpdateLogin


 * shiftNum
* resInstanceId
* lastUpdateDate
* serialNumber
* createdBy
* fromTime
* departmentId
* resourceId
* creationDate
* rn
* toDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* toTime
* actionType
* simulationSet
* fromDate
* lastUpdateLogin


 * creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* rn
* serialNumber
* lastUpdateDate
* jobType
* resourceSeqNum
* organizationId
* lastUpdatedBy
* entityType
* operationSequenceId
* operationSeqNum
* resInstanceId
* wipEntityId
* createdBy


 * creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* rn
* serialNumber
* lastUpdateDate
* jobType
* resourceSeqNum
* organizationId
* lastUpdatedBy
* entityType
* operationSequenceId
* operationSeqNum
* resInstanceId
* wipEntityId
* createdBy


 * order2OrganizationId
* createdBy
* order1OrganizationId
* order1InventoryItemId
* lastUpdateDate
* reservedQuantity
* lastUpdatedBy
* order2Type
* creationDate
* order1Type
* order2Id
* order2InventoryItemId
* order1Id
* reservationType
* rn


 * order2OrganizationId
* createdBy
* order1OrganizationId
* order1InventoryItemId
* lastUpdateDate
* reservedQuantity
* lastUpdatedBy
* order2Type
* creationDate
* order1Type
* order2Id
* order2InventoryItemId
* order1Id
* reservationType
* rn


 * jobType
* operationSeqNum
* programUpdateDate
* rn
* requestId
* programApplicationId
* wipEntityId
* creationDate
* organizationId
* cummulativeQuantity
* operationSequenceId
* programId
* resourceSeqNum
* entityType
* lastUpdatedBy
* wjsMpsNetQtyFlag
* lastUpdateLogin
* createdBy
* lastUpdateDate
* wjsNetQtyFlag


 * jobType
* operationSeqNum
* programUpdateDate
* rn
* requestId
* programApplicationId
* wipEntityId
* creationDate
* organizationId
* cummulativeQuantity
* operationSequenceId
* programId
* resourceSeqNum
* entityType
* lastUpdatedBy
* wjsMpsNetQtyFlag
* lastUpdateLogin
* createdBy
* lastUpdateDate
* wjsNetQtyFlag


 * lastUpdatedBy
* mpsTransactionId
* createdBy
* supplyDemandType
* programUpdateDate
* scheduleOriginationType
* rn
* organizationId
* creationDate
* lastUpdateDate
* requestId
* inventoryItemId
* programApplicationId
* programId
* lastUpdateLogin


 * lastUpdatedBy
* mpsTransactionId
* createdBy
* supplyDemandType
* programUpdateDate
* scheduleOriginationType
* rn
* organizationId
* creationDate
* lastUpdateDate
* requestId
* inventoryItemId
* programApplicationId
* programId
* lastUpdateLogin


 * aslId
* lastUpdatedBy
* fromDate
* requestId
* lastUpdateDate
* usingOrganizationId
* createdBy
* programApplicationId
* rn
* lastUpdateLogin
* programUpdateDate
* programId
* creationDate


 * aslId
* lastUpdatedBy
* fromDate
* requestId
* lastUpdateDate
* usingOrganizationId
* createdBy
* programApplicationId
* rn
* lastUpdateLogin
* programUpdateDate
* programId
* creationDate


 * rn
* lastUpdateDate
* organizationId
* createdBy
* programId
* creationDate
* programUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* billSequenceId
* requestId
* componentSequenceId
* programApplicationId
* substituteComponentId


 * rn
* lastUpdateDate
* organizationId
* createdBy
* programId
* creationDate
* programUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* billSequenceId
* requestId
* componentSequenceId
* programApplicationId
* substituteComponentId


 * programApplicationId
* lastUpdateDate
* resourceSeqNum
* principalFlag
* operationSequenceId
* programUpdateDate
* organizationId
* substituteGroupNum
* creationDate
* scheduleSeqNum
* resourceId
* lastUpdatedBy
* routingSequenceId
* requestId
* alternateNumber
* rn
* createdBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* programId


 * programApplicationId
* lastUpdateDate
* resourceSeqNum
* principalFlag
* operationSequenceId
* programUpdateDate
* organizationId
* substituteGroupNum
* creationDate
* scheduleSeqNum
* resourceId
* lastUpdatedBy
* routingSequenceId
* requestId
* alternateNumber
* rn
* createdBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* programId


 * currOpSeqId
* transactionId
* supplyTypeCode
* programApplicationId
* createdBy
* rn
* requestId
* organizationId
* programUpdateDate
* lastUpdateDate
* supplySourceId
* creationDate
* inventoryItemId
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdatedBy
* programId


 * currOpSeqId
* transactionId
* supplyTypeCode
* programApplicationId
* createdBy
* rn
* requestId
* organizationId
* programUpdateDate
* lastUpdateDate
* supplySourceId
* creationDate
* inventoryItemId
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdatedBy
* programId


 * stopId
* rn


 * stopId
* rn


 * tripId
* rn


 * tripId
* rn


 * taskId
* txnSourceId
* createdBy
* programApplicationId
* programId
* planningTpType
* owningTpType
* planningOrganizationId
* creationDate
* programUpdateDate
* rn
* lastUpdateLogin
* owningOrganizationId
* primaryQuantity
* projectId
* transactionTypeId
* inventoryItemId
* headerId
* transactionSourceTypeId
* organizationId
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateDate
* requestId


 * taskId
* txnSourceId
* createdBy
* programApplicationId
* programId
* planningTpType
* owningTpType
* planningOrganizationId
* creationDate
* programUpdateDate
* rn
* lastUpdateLogin
* owningOrganizationId
* primaryQuantity
* projectId
* transactionTypeId
* inventoryItemId
* headerId
* transactionSourceTypeId
* organizationId
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateDate
* requestId


 * transactionId
* programId
* organizationId
* createdBy
* lastUpdatedBy
* programApplicationId
* lastUpdateLogin
* rn
* lastUpdateDate
* programUpdateDate
* creationDate
* requestId


 * transactionId
* programId
* organizationId
* createdBy
* lastUpdatedBy
* programApplicationId
* lastUpdateLogin
* rn
* lastUpdateDate
* programUpdateDate
* creationDate
* requestId


 * lastUpdateDate
* programApplicationId
* createdBy
* rn
* programUpdateDate
* transactionId
* requestId
* lastUpdatedBy
* programId
* organizationId
* lastUpdateLogin
* creationDate


 * lastUpdateDate
* programApplicationId
* createdBy
* rn
* programUpdateDate
* transactionId
* requestId
* lastUpdatedBy
* programId
* organizationId
* lastUpdateLogin
* creationDate


 * operationSeqNum
* lastUpdateLogin
* operationSequenceId
* organizationId
* stMpsNetFlag
* wjsNetQtyFlag
* creationDate
* programUpdateDate
* requestId
* wipEntityId
* wjsMpsNetQtyFlag
* createdBy
* rn
* lastUpdateDate
* mrpNetFlag
* stNmpsFlag
* inventoryItemId
* lastUpdatedBy
* nstNmpsFlag
* entityType
* programId
* nstMpsFlag
* stMpsFlag
* programApplicationId
* jobType


 * operationSeqNum
* lastUpdateLogin
* operationSequenceId
* organizationId
* stMpsNetFlag
* wjsNetQtyFlag
* creationDate
* programUpdateDate
* requestId
* wipEntityId
* wjsMpsNetQtyFlag
* createdBy
* rn
* lastUpdateDate
* mrpNetFlag
* stNmpsFlag
* inventoryItemId
* lastUpdatedBy
* nstNmpsFlag
* entityType
* programId
* nstMpsFlag
* stMpsFlag
* programApplicationId
* jobType


 * wipEntityId
* nstMpsFlag
* inventoryItemId
* wjsNetQtyFlag
* stMpsFlag
* lastUpdatedBy
* requestId
* stMpsNetFlag
* lastUpdateLogin
* programApplicationId
* programId
* wjsMpsNetQtyFlag
* stNmpsFlag
* entityType
* operationSequenceId
* rn
* jobType
* lastUpdateDate
* mrpNetFlag
* createdBy
* nstNmpsFlag
* operationSeqNum
* programUpdateDate
* organizationId
* creationDate


 * wipEntityId
* nstMpsFlag
* inventoryItemId
* wjsNetQtyFlag
* stMpsFlag
* lastUpdatedBy
* requestId
* stMpsNetFlag
* lastUpdateLogin
* programApplicationId
* programId
* wjsMpsNetQtyFlag
* stNmpsFlag
* entityType
* operationSequenceId
* rn
* jobType
* lastUpdateDate
* mrpNetFlag
* createdBy
* nstNmpsFlag
* operationSeqNum
* programUpdateDate
* organizationId
* creationDate


 * rn
* creationDate
* programApplicationId
* programUpdateDate
* createdBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdateDate
* lineId
* lastUpdatedBy
* requestId
* programId


 * rn
* creationDate
* programApplicationId
* programUpdateDate
* createdBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdateDate
* lineId
* lastUpdatedBy
* requestId
* programId


 * programId
* toOpSeqNum
* organizationId
* requestId
* rn
* fromOpSeqNum
* programUpdateDate
* programApplicationId
* createdBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* workorderId
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* creationDate


 * programId
* toOpSeqNum
* organizationId
* requestId
* rn
* fromOpSeqNum
* programUpdateDate
* programApplicationId
* createdBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* workorderId
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* creationDate


 * requestId
* programApplicationId
* programUpdateDate
* rn
* creationDate
* organizationId
* createdBy
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* programId
* taskLinkId


 * requestId
* programApplicationId
* programUpdateDate
* rn
* creationDate
* organizationId
* createdBy
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* programId
* taskLinkId


 * priorOperation
* rn
* wipEntityId
* organizationId
* lastUpdateDate
* nextOperation
* createdBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdatedBy
* creationDate


 * priorOperation
* rn
* wipEntityId
* organizationId
* lastUpdateDate
* nextOperation
* createdBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdatedBy
* creationDate


 * lastUpdateDate
* programApplicationId
* lastUpdatedBy
* requestId
* resourceSeqNum
* programId
* createdBy
* rn
* programUpdateDate
* operationSeqNum
* lastUpdateLogin
* wipEntityId
* repetitiveScheduleId
* creationDate


 * lastUpdateDate
* programApplicationId
* lastUpdatedBy
* requestId
* resourceSeqNum
* programId
* createdBy
* rn
* programUpdateDate
* operationSeqNum
* lastUpdateLogin
* wipEntityId
* repetitiveScheduleId
* creationDate


 * programId
* operationSequenceId
* lastUpdateDate
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* createdBy
* wjsNetQtyFlag
* wjsMpsNetQtyFlag
* requestId
* resourceSeqNum
* wipEntityId
* organizationId
* programApplicationId
* rn
* lastUpdatedBy
* operationSeqNum
* programUpdateDate
* entityType


 * programId
* operationSequenceId
* lastUpdateDate
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* createdBy
* wjsNetQtyFlag
* wjsMpsNetQtyFlag
* requestId
* resourceSeqNum
* wipEntityId
* organizationId
* programApplicationId
* rn
* lastUpdatedBy
* operationSeqNum
* programUpdateDate
* entityType


 * programUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* programId
* programApplicationId
* lastUpdateDate
* operationSeqNum
* creationDate
* requestId
* rn
* wipEntityId
* repetitiveScheduleId
* createdBy
* lastUpdateLogin


 * programUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* programId
* programApplicationId
* lastUpdateDate
* operationSeqNum
* creationDate
* requestId
* rn
* wipEntityId
* repetitiveScheduleId
* createdBy
* lastUpdateLogin


 * repetitiveScheduleId
* programApplicationId
* requestId
* programUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* programId
* inventoryItemId
* creationDate
* createdBy
* wipEntityId
* lastUpdateDate
* rn
* operationSeqNum


 * repetitiveScheduleId
* programApplicationId
* requestId
* programUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* programId
* inventoryItemId
* creationDate
* createdBy
* wipEntityId
* lastUpdateDate
* rn
* operationSeqNum


 * firmPlanStatusType
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUnitStartDate
* firstUnitCompletionDate
* compileDesignator
* minimumFirmRate
* creationDate
* inventoryItemId
* processingDays
* dailyRate
* createdBy
* organizationId
* requestId
* programApplicationId
* programId
* firstUnitStartDate
* programUpdateDate
* taskId
* revision
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUnitCompletionDate
* projectId
* lastUpdatedBy


 * firmPlanStatusType
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUnitStartDate
* firstUnitCompletionDate
* compileDesignator
* minimumFirmRate
* creationDate
* inventoryItemId
* processingDays
* dailyRate
* createdBy
* organizationId
* requestId
* programApplicationId
* programId
* firstUnitStartDate
* programUpdateDate
* taskId
* revision
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUnitCompletionDate
* projectId
* lastUpdatedBy


 * createdBy
* orValues
* lastUpdateDate
* fieldName
* folderId
* lastUpdateLogin
* sequence
* lastUpdatedBy
* hiddenValues
* creationDate


 * createdBy
* orValues
* lastUpdateDate
* fieldName
* folderId
* lastUpdateLogin
* sequence
* lastUpdatedBy
* hiddenValues
* creationDate


 * mrpBisAvDiscount
* stagingCopyEnabled
* instanceId
* mrpBisPriceList
* mscAltOpRes
* allowReleaseFlag
* msoSupCapPenalty
* mscBatchableFlag
* msoOrgDmdPenalty
* mscMaxCapacity
* lastUpdateLogin
* crpSpreadLoad
* lastUpdateDate
* msoOrgItemPenalty
* creationDate
* mscSimulResSeq
* msoItemCapPenalty
* msoSoPenalty
* mscFcstPriorityFlexNum
* mscMinCapacity
* itemNameFromKfv
* msoResPenalty
* a2mDblink
* mrpShipArriveFlag
* lastUpdatedBy
* mscBomSubstPriority
* mscUnitOfMeasure
* mscAggregResName
* mscAltBomCost
* allowAtpFlag
* collStatus
* validationOrgId
* mscBatchingWindow
* bomHourUomCode
* msoFcstPenalty
* mscDmdPriorityFlexNum
* mscAltResPriority
* m2aDblink
* snStatus
* mrpMpsConsumption
* msoItemDmdPenalty
* stagingCopyComplete
* msoOrgTrspPenalty
* createdBy
* lrd
* instanceCode
* mscSoOffsetDays
* msoOrgResPenalty
* rpSourceInd
* lrn
* msoTrspPenalty


 * mrpBisAvDiscount
* stagingCopyEnabled
* instanceId
* mrpBisPriceList
* mscAltOpRes
* allowReleaseFlag
* msoSupCapPenalty
* mscBatchableFlag
* msoOrgDmdPenalty
* mscMaxCapacity
* lastUpdateLogin
* crpSpreadLoad
* lastUpdateDate
* msoOrgItemPenalty
* creationDate
* mscSimulResSeq
* msoItemCapPenalty
* msoSoPenalty
* mscFcstPriorityFlexNum
* mscMinCapacity
* itemNameFromKfv
* msoResPenalty
* a2mDblink
* mrpShipArriveFlag
* lastUpdatedBy
* mscBomSubstPriority
* mscUnitOfMeasure
* mscAggregResName
* mscAltBomCost
* allowAtpFlag
* collStatus
* validationOrgId
* mscBatchingWindow
* bomHourUomCode
* msoFcstPenalty
* mscDmdPriorityFlexNum
* mscAltResPriority
* m2aDblink
* snStatus
* mrpMpsConsumption
* msoItemDmdPenalty
* stagingCopyComplete
* msoOrgTrspPenalty
* createdBy
* lrd
* instanceCode
* mscSoOffsetDays
* msoOrgResPenalty
* rpSourceInd
* lrn
* msoTrspPenalty


 * operationOffsetPercent
* programApplicationId
* organizationId
* requestId
* programId
* compileDesignator
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdateDate
* usingAssemblyItemId
* operationUsageQuantity
* creationDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* programUpdateDate
* optionalComponent
* inventoryItemId
* operationSeqNum
* createdBy
* wipSupplyType


 * operationOffsetPercent
* programApplicationId
* organizationId
* requestId
* programId
* compileDesignator
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdateDate
* usingAssemblyItemId
* operationUsageQuantity
* creationDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* programUpdateDate
* optionalComponent
* inventoryItemId
* operationSeqNum
* createdBy
* wipSupplyType


 * assignmentSetName
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute15
* attributeCategory
* creationDate
* programUpdateDate
* description
* attribute11
* attribute13
* attribute9
* attribute4
* attribute10
* attribute6
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute7
* attribute8
* attribute14
* attribute5
* attribute12
* requestId
* attribute3
* createdBy
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute2
* assignmentSetId
* attribute1
* programId
* programApplicationId


 * assignmentSetName
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute15
* attributeCategory
* creationDate
* programUpdateDate
* description
* attribute11
* attribute13
* attribute9
* attribute4
* attribute10
* attribute6
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute7
* attribute8
* attribute14
* attribute5
* attribute12
* requestId
* attribute3
* createdBy
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute2
* assignmentSetId
* attribute1
* programId
* programApplicationId


 * summaryFlag
* postprocessingLeadTime
* fromOrganizationCode
* class
* atpFlag
* owningDepartmentId
* nonatpFlag
* organizationId
* origCustomerName
* atpRuleId
* volumeUom
* atpComponentFlag
* fromLocationId
* weightUom
* destInvItemId
* unallocatedQuantity
* origDemandClass
* scaleMultiple
* lastUpdateDate
* totalBucketedDemandQuantity
* adjustedCumQuantity
* requestItemId
* uomCode
* variableLeadTime
* supplierSiteName
* adjustedAvailabilityQuantity
* fromOrganizationId
* recordType
* usage
* owningDepartment
* originalItemId
* errorCode
* actualSupplyDemandDate
* creationDate
* roundingDirection
* supplyDemandSourceTypeName
* parentPeggingId
* supplyDemandQuantity
* requiredQuantity
* organizationType
* periodEndDate
* sourceType
* number1
* atpRule
* cumulativeQuantity
* modelSdFlag
* operationSequenceId
* customerId
* intransitCalCode
* backwardForwardQuantity
* organizationCode
* scenarioId
* inventoryItemName
* departmentId
* identifier3
* origRequestDate
* assignedUnits
* backwardQuantity
* roundingControl
* weightCapacity
* originalSupplyDemandType
* scalingType
* supplierName
* actualAllocationPercent
* planId
* toLocationCode
* identifier1
* reverseCumYield
* toOrganizationId
* criticalPath
* substitutionWindow
* sessionId
* processingLeadTime
* customerSiteId
* toOrganizationCode
* char1
* manufacturingCalCode
* supplyDemandDate
* periodQuantity
* baseModelId
* infiniteTimeFence
* identifier2
* componentYieldFactor
* dispositionType
* supplyDemandType
* shipMethod
* preprocessingLeadTime
* allocationPercent
* originalDemandQuantity
* supplyAdjustmentQuantity
* supplierId
* customerSiteName
* origCustomerSiteName
* ptfDate
* constraintDate
* departmentCode
* sourcingRuleName
* shippingCalCode
* resourceId
* peggingType
* dispositionName
* atpLevel
* demandClass
* allocatedQuantity
* efficiency
* fixedLeadTime
* aggregateTimeFenceDate
* createdBy
* demandAdjustmentQuantity
* fromLocationCode
* lastUpdateLogin
* intransitLeadTime
* supplierSiteId
* planName
* scaleRoundingVariance
* orderLineId
* offset
* allocatedSupplyQuantity
* batchFlag
* constraintType
* identifier4
* receivingCalCode
* inventoryItemId
* componentIdentifier
* volumeCapacity
* toLocationId
* baseModelName
* constrainedPath
* allocationRule
* infiniteTimeFenceType
* pfDisplayFlag
* originalDemandDate
* atpRuleName
* totalDemandQuantity
* basisType
* requiredDate
* endPeggingId
* totalSupplyQuantity
* customerName
* supplyDemandSourceType
* receivingOrganizationId
* resourceCode
* constraintFlag
* periodStartDate
* batchableFlag
* requestItemName
* lastUpdatedBy
* utilization
* peggingId
* supplierAtpDate


 * summaryFlag
* postprocessingLeadTime
* fromOrganizationCode
* class
* atpFlag
* owningDepartmentId
* nonatpFlag
* organizationId
* origCustomerName
* atpRuleId
* volumeUom
* atpComponentFlag
* fromLocationId
* weightUom
* destInvItemId
* unallocatedQuantity
* origDemandClass
* scaleMultiple
* lastUpdateDate
* totalBucketedDemandQuantity
* adjustedCumQuantity
* requestItemId
* uomCode
* variableLeadTime
* supplierSiteName
* adjustedAvailabilityQuantity
* fromOrganizationId
* recordType
* usage
* owningDepartment
* originalItemId
* errorCode
* actualSupplyDemandDate
* creationDate
* roundingDirection
* supplyDemandSourceTypeName
* parentPeggingId
* supplyDemandQuantity
* requiredQuantity
* organizationType
* periodEndDate
* sourceType
* number1
* atpRule
* cumulativeQuantity
* modelSdFlag
* operationSequenceId
* customerId
* intransitCalCode
* backwardForwardQuantity
* organizationCode
* scenarioId
* inventoryItemName
* departmentId
* identifier3
* origRequestDate
* assignedUnits
* backwardQuantity
* roundingControl
* weightCapacity
* originalSupplyDemandType
* scalingType
* supplierName
* actualAllocationPercent
* planId
* toLocationCode
* identifier1
* reverseCumYield
* toOrganizationId
* criticalPath
* substitutionWindow
* sessionId
* processingLeadTime
* customerSiteId
* toOrganizationCode
* char1
* manufacturingCalCode
* supplyDemandDate
* periodQuantity
* baseModelId
* infiniteTimeFence
* identifier2
* componentYieldFactor
* dispositionType
* supplyDemandType
* shipMethod
* preprocessingLeadTime
* allocationPercent
* originalDemandQuantity
* supplyAdjustmentQuantity
* supplierId
* customerSiteName
* origCustomerSiteName
* ptfDate
* constraintDate
* departmentCode
* sourcingRuleName
* shippingCalCode
* resourceId
* peggingType
* dispositionName
* atpLevel
* demandClass
* allocatedQuantity
* efficiency
* fixedLeadTime
* aggregateTimeFenceDate
* createdBy
* demandAdjustmentQuantity
* fromLocationCode
* lastUpdateLogin
* intransitLeadTime
* supplierSiteId
* planName
* scaleRoundingVariance
* orderLineId
* offset
* allocatedSupplyQuantity
* batchFlag
* constraintType
* identifier4
* receivingCalCode
* inventoryItemId
* componentIdentifier
* volumeCapacity
* toLocationId
* baseModelName
* constrainedPath
* allocationRule
* infiniteTimeFenceType
* pfDisplayFlag
* originalDemandDate
* atpRuleName
* totalDemandQuantity
* basisType
* requiredDate
* endPeggingId
* totalSupplyQuantity
* customerName
* supplyDemandSourceType
* receivingOrganizationId
* resourceCode
* constraintFlag
* periodStartDate
* batchableFlag
* requestItemName
* lastUpdatedBy
* utilization
* peggingId
* supplierAtpDate


 * fixedLt
* organizationId
* intransitLeadTime
* deliveryLeadTime
* variableLt
* exception5
* exception11
* bomItemType
* wipSupplyType
* firstValidShipArrivalDate
* shipMethodText
* reqItemAvailableDateQty
* sequenceNumber
* insertFlag
* exception14
* promiseDate
* optionNumber
* exception12
* callingModule
* projectId
* orderNumber
* arrivalSetName
* exception3
* quantityOrdered
* arrivalSetId
* endPeggingId
* sessionId
* oldDemandClass
* srInstanceId
* scenarioId
* requestItemName
* availableQtyOrigUom
* latestAcceptableDate
* planId
* customerContact
* cascadeModelInfoToComp
* firmShipDate
* attribute21
* vendorSiteName
* orderLineNumber
* atoParentModelLineId
* statusFlag
* firmSourceOrgCode
* lastUpdateDate
* creationDate
* internalOrgId
* oldSourceOrganizationCode
* shipMethod
* inventoryItemName
* availableQuantity
* exception1
* customerSiteId
* atpFlag
* lastUpdatedBy
* customerCity
* firmSourceOrgId
* inventoryItemId
* sourceOrganizationCode
* createdBy
* partySiteId
* itemDesc
* firmArrivalDate
* exception4
* reqItemDetailFlag
* salesRep
* parentLineId
* action
* customerId
* exception2
* lastUpdateLogin
* uomCode
* taskNumber
* flowStatusCode
* exception15
* topModelLineId
* exception9
* sourceOrganizationId
* exception6
* diagnosticAtpFlag
* exception7
* demandClass
* groupArrivalDate
* customerPostalCode
* groupShipDate
* primaryUom
* demandSourceDelivery
* exception8
* vendorName
* requestedDateQtyOrigUom
* customerState
* projectNumber
* componentCode
* matchItemId
* validationOrg
* vendorId
* mandatoryItemFlag
* reqItemReqDateQty
* atpComponentsFlag
* shipmentNumber
* shipSetName
* atoModelLineId
* oeFlag
* exception13
* firmFlag
* substitutionTypCode
* pickComponentsFlag
* requestItemId
* partOfSet
* customerLocation
* orderLineId
* organizationCode
* componentSequenceId
* destinationTimeZone
* shipSetId
* reqItemAvailableDate
* attribute06
* orderHeaderId
* demandSourceType
* oldSourceOrganizationId
* assignmentSetId
* substFlag
* compileDesignator
* requestedShipDate
* scheduledArrivalDate
* requestedArrivalDate
* customerCountry
* instanceId1
* taskId
* freightCarrier
* scheduledShipDate
* atpLeadTime
* customerName
* exception10
* overrideFlag
* errorMessage
* mdiRowid
* includedItemFlag
* vendorSiteId
* sourceDocId
* originalRequestDate
* errorCode
* requestedDateQuantity
* configItemLineId
* oldLineScheduleDate
* lineNumber
* oldInventoryItemId
* ossErrorCode
* matchedItemName


 * fixedLt
* organizationId
* intransitLeadTime
* deliveryLeadTime
* variableLt
* exception5
* exception11
* bomItemType
* wipSupplyType
* firstValidShipArrivalDate
* shipMethodText
* reqItemAvailableDateQty
* sequenceNumber
* insertFlag
* exception14
* promiseDate
* optionNumber
* exception12
* callingModule
* projectId
* orderNumber
* arrivalSetName
* exception3
* quantityOrdered
* arrivalSetId
* endPeggingId
* sessionId
* oldDemandClass
* srInstanceId
* scenarioId
* requestItemName
* availableQtyOrigUom
* latestAcceptableDate
* planId
* customerContact
* cascadeModelInfoToComp
* firmShipDate
* attribute21
* vendorSiteName
* orderLineNumber
* atoParentModelLineId
* statusFlag
* firmSourceOrgCode
* lastUpdateDate
* creationDate
* internalOrgId
* oldSourceOrganizationCode
* shipMethod
* inventoryItemName
* availableQuantity
* exception1
* customerSiteId
* atpFlag
* lastUpdatedBy
* customerCity
* firmSourceOrgId
* inventoryItemId
* sourceOrganizationCode
* createdBy
* partySiteId
* itemDesc
* firmArrivalDate
* exception4
* reqItemDetailFlag
* salesRep
* parentLineId
* action
* customerId
* exception2
* lastUpdateLogin
* uomCode
* taskNumber
* flowStatusCode
* exception15
* topModelLineId
* exception9
* sourceOrganizationId
* exception6
* diagnosticAtpFlag
* exception7
* demandClass
* groupArrivalDate
* customerPostalCode
* groupShipDate
* primaryUom
* demandSourceDelivery
* exception8
* vendorName
* requestedDateQtyOrigUom
* customerState
* projectNumber
* componentCode
* matchItemId
* validationOrg
* vendorId
* mandatoryItemFlag
* reqItemReqDateQty
* atpComponentsFlag
* shipmentNumber
* shipSetName
* atoModelLineId
* oeFlag
* exception13
* firmFlag
* substitutionTypCode
* pickComponentsFlag
* requestItemId
* partOfSet
* customerLocation
* orderLineId
* organizationCode
* componentSequenceId
* destinationTimeZone
* shipSetId
* reqItemAvailableDate
* attribute06
* orderHeaderId
* demandSourceType
* oldSourceOrganizationId
* assignmentSetId
* substFlag
* compileDesignator
* requestedShipDate
* scheduledArrivalDate
* requestedArrivalDate
* customerCountry
* instanceId1
* taskId
* freightCarrier
* scheduledShipDate
* atpLeadTime
* customerName
* exception10
* overrideFlag
* errorMessage
* mdiRowid
* includedItemFlag
* vendorSiteId
* sourceDocId
* originalRequestDate
* errorCode
* requestedDateQuantity
* configItemLineId
* oldLineScheduleDate
* lineNumber
* oldInventoryItemId
* ossErrorCode
* matchedItemName


 * supplierId
* resourceId
* supplyDemandSourceType
* organizationId
* departmentId
* reservationQuantity
* uom
* volumeCapacity
* sourceIdentifier1
* lastUpdatedBy
* productFamilyItemId
* sourceIdentifier3
* supplyDemandType
* inventoryItemId
* supplyDemandQuantity
* weightCapacity
* toOrganizationId
* volumeUom
* fromOrganizationId
* supplyDemandDate
* sourceIdentifier2
* weightUom
* supplierSiteId
* planId
* createdBy
* lastUpdateDate
* creationDate
* sourceIdentifier4
* demandClass
* shipMethod
* refreshNumber
* fromLocationId
* toLocationId


 * supplierId
* resourceId
* supplyDemandSourceType
* organizationId
* departmentId
* reservationQuantity
* uom
* volumeCapacity
* sourceIdentifier1
* lastUpdatedBy
* productFamilyItemId
* sourceIdentifier3
* supplyDemandType
* inventoryItemId
* supplyDemandQuantity
* weightCapacity
* toOrganizationId
* volumeUom
* fromOrganizationId
* supplyDemandDate
* sourceIdentifier2
* weightUom
* supplierSiteId
* planId
* createdBy
* lastUpdateDate
* creationDate
* sourceIdentifier4
* demandClass
* shipMethod
* refreshNumber
* fromLocationId
* toLocationId


 * whereClause4
* detailWarning
* character2
* lastUpdatedBy
* description
* number2
* userDefined
* number1
* number3
* flexcode1
* fromClause
* createdBy
* character1
* requestId
* creationDate
* summaryWarning
* module
* programUpdateDate
* flexcode2
* whereClause2
* flexcode3
* active
* lastUpdateDate
* whereClause5
* programApplicationId
* lastUpdateLogin
* whereClause3
* error
* statementId
* whereClause1
* character3
* programId


 * whereClause4
* detailWarning
* character2
* lastUpdatedBy
* description
* number2
* userDefined
* number1
* number3
* flexcode1
* fromClause
* createdBy
* character1
* requestId
* creationDate
* summaryWarning
* module
* programUpdateDate
* flexcode2
* whereClause2
* flexcode3
* active
* lastUpdateDate
* whereClause5
* programApplicationId
* lastUpdateLogin
* whereClause3
* error
* statementId
* whereClause1
* character3
* programId


 * lastUpdateLogin
* programId
* status
* updated
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateDate
* inventoryItemId
* requestId
* createdBy
* quantityAvailable
* programApplicationId
* organizationId
* scheduleDate
* transactionId
* compileDesignator
* programUpdateDate
* creationDate


 * lastUpdateLogin
* programId
* status
* updated
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateDate
* inventoryItemId
* requestId
* createdBy
* quantityAvailable
* programApplicationId
* organizationId
* scheduleDate
* transactionId
* compileDesignator
* programUpdateDate
* creationDate


 * createdBy
* usageQuantity
* compileDesignator
* componentSequenceId
* inventoryItemId
* alternateBomDesignator
* lastUpdatedBy
* programId
* lastUpdateDate
* fromEndItemUnitNumber
* organizationId
* operationSeqNum
* programApplicationId
* useUpCode
* operationOffsetPercent
* wipSupplyType
* effectivityDate
* changeNotice
* suggestedEffectivityDate
* creationDate
* usingAssemblyId
* drivingItemId
* disableDate
* optionalComponent
* requestId
* programUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* revision
* toEndItemUnitNumber
* oldEffectivityDate


 * createdBy
* usageQuantity
* compileDesignator
* componentSequenceId
* inventoryItemId
* alternateBomDesignator
* lastUpdatedBy
* programId
* lastUpdateDate
* fromEndItemUnitNumber
* organizationId
* operationSeqNum
* programApplicationId
* useUpCode
* operationOffsetPercent
* wipSupplyType
* effectivityDate
* changeNotice
* suggestedEffectivityDate
* creationDate
* usingAssemblyId
* drivingItemId
* disableDate
* optionalComponent
* requestId
* programUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* revision
* toEndItemUnitNumber
* oldEffectivityDate


 * number1


 * number1


 * programApplicationId
* organizationId
* creationDate
* operationSeqNum
* lastUpdatedBy
* createdBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* usingAssemblyItemId
* itemQuantity
* programUpdateDate
* lastUpdateDate
* inventoryItemId
* programId
* compileDesignator
* requestId
* substituteItemId


 * programApplicationId
* organizationId
* creationDate
* operationSeqNum
* lastUpdatedBy
* createdBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* usingAssemblyItemId
* itemQuantity
* programUpdateDate
* lastUpdateDate
* inventoryItemId
* programId
* compileDesignator
* requestId
* substituteItemId


 * demandHeaderId
* parentDemandId
* primaryUomQuantity
* requirementDate
* demandClass
* completedQuantity
* demandSourceDelivery
* inventoryItemId
* demandSourceType
* organizationId
* demandId
* refreshNumber
* subinventory
* reservationQuantity
* reservationType
* demandSourceLine
* salesContact


 * demandHeaderId
* parentDemandId
* primaryUomQuantity
* requirementDate
* demandClass
* completedQuantity
* demandSourceDelivery
* inventoryItemId
* demandSourceType
* organizationId
* demandId
* refreshNumber
* subinventory
* reservationQuantity
* reservationType
* demandSourceLine
* salesContact


 * attribute5
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute4
* lastUpdateDate
* attributeCategory
* useNewPlanner
* compileDesignator
* attribute12
* drpPlan
* programId
* attribute14
* production
* attribute2
* attribute10
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute3
* attribute8
* disableDate
* attribute11
* attribute9
* requestId
* attribute1
* attribute7
* attribute13
* attribute15
* organizationSelection
* creationDate
* feedbackFlag
* attribute6
* createdBy
* description
* organizationId
* programApplicationId
* programUpdateDate


 * attribute5
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute4
* lastUpdateDate
* attributeCategory
* useNewPlanner
* compileDesignator
* attribute12
* drpPlan
* programId
* attribute14
* production
* attribute2
* attribute10
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute3
* attribute8
* disableDate
* attribute11
* attribute9
* requestId
* attribute1
* attribute7
* attribute13
* attribute15
* organizationSelection
* creationDate
* feedbackFlag
* attribute6
* createdBy
* description
* organizationId
* programApplicationId
* programUpdateDate


 * compileDesignator
* lastUpdatedBy
* endUsage
* programUpdateDate
* inventoryItemId
* usage
* lastUpdateLogin
* programApplicationId
* programId
* organizationId
* lastUpdateDate
* createdBy
* setBackTime
* requestId
* endAssemblyId
* usingAssemblyId
* creationDate


 * compileDesignator
* lastUpdatedBy
* endUsage
* programUpdateDate
* inventoryItemId
* usage
* lastUpdateLogin
* programApplicationId
* programId
* organizationId
* lastUpdateDate
* createdBy
* setBackTime
* requestId
* endAssemblyId
* usingAssemblyId
* creationDate


 * quantity
* promiseDate
* inventoryItemId
* defectiveItemQty
* repairProgram
* repairSupplierId
* batchId
* sourceOrgId
* transactionId
* repairSupplierOrgId
* defectiveItemId
* destinationOrgId


 * quantity
* promiseDate
* inventoryItemId
* defectiveItemQty
* repairProgram
* repairSupplierId
* batchId
* sourceOrgId
* transactionId
* repairSupplierOrgId
* defectiveItemId
* destinationOrgId


 * compileDesignator
* requestId
* number2
* char2
* lineId
* departmentId
* supplierId
* char1
* lastUpdatedBy
* exceptionId
* supplierSiteId
* date4
* number4
* resourceId
* inventoryItemId
* exceptionType
* programApplicationId
* date1
* quantity
* programUpdateDate
* date2
* organizationId
* creationDate
* lastUpdateDate
* programId
* number1
* createdBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* date3
* number3


 * compileDesignator
* requestId
* number2
* char2
* lineId
* departmentId
* supplierId
* char1
* lastUpdatedBy
* exceptionId
* supplierSiteId
* date4
* number4
* resourceId
* inventoryItemId
* exceptionType
* programApplicationId
* date1
* quantity
* programUpdateDate
* date2
* organizationId
* creationDate
* lastUpdateDate
* programId
* number1
* createdBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* date3
* number3


 * fileName
* copyFlag
* fileType
* organizationId
* lastUpdateDate
* fileCreationDate
* rowCount
* fileSize
* lastUpdateLogin
* newPlanner
* creationDate
* compileDesignator
* newSnapshot
* createdBy
* lastUpdatedBy


 * fileName
* copyFlag
* fileType
* organizationId
* lastUpdateDate
* fileCreationDate
* rowCount
* fileSize
* lastUpdateLogin
* newPlanner
* creationDate
* compileDesignator
* newSnapshot
* createdBy
* lastUpdatedBy


 * plannedQuantity
* primaryItemId
* organizationId
* scheduledCompletionDate
* billSequenceId
* wipEntityId
* rn
* quantityCompleted
* scheduledStartDate
* wipSupplyType
* status
* planLevel


 * plannedQuantity
* primaryItemId
* organizationId
* scheduledCompletionDate
* billSequenceId
* wipEntityId
* rn
* quantityCompleted
* scheduledStartDate
* wipSupplyType
* status
* planLevel


 * attribute9
* inventoryItemId
* attribute15
* oldTransactionId
* attribute12
* lineId
* forecastTrend
* demandUsageStartDate
* attribute4
* endPlanningBomPercent
* bucketType
* attribute10
* forecastDate
* attribute13
* shipId
* creationDate
* comments
* originationType
* attribute1
* demandClass
* transactionId
* attributeCategory
* attribute11
* organizationId
* requestId
* lastUpdateLogin
* billId
* ddfContext
* sourceForecastDesignator
* forecastMad
* attribute8
* focusType
* attribute7
* endItemId
* sourceCode
* programApplicationId
* confidencePercentage
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute2
* attribute5
* attribute14
* rateEndDate
* currentForecastQuantity
* createdBy
* customerId
* sourceLineId
* programUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* projectId
* forecastRuleId
* originalForecastQuantity
* attribute6
* attribute3
* sourceOrganizationId
* programId
* toUpdate
* taskId
* forecastDesignator


 * attribute9
* inventoryItemId
* attribute15
* oldTransactionId
* attribute12
* lineId
* forecastTrend
* demandUsageStartDate
* attribute4
* endPlanningBomPercent
* bucketType
* attribute10
* forecastDate
* attribute13
* shipId
* creationDate
* comments
* originationType
* attribute1
* demandClass
* transactionId
* attributeCategory
* attribute11
* organizationId
* requestId
* lastUpdateLogin
* billId
* ddfContext
* sourceForecastDesignator
* forecastMad
* attribute8
* focusType
* attribute7
* endItemId
* sourceCode
* programApplicationId
* confidencePercentage
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute2
* attribute5
* attribute14
* rateEndDate
* currentForecastQuantity
* createdBy
* customerId
* sourceLineId
* programUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* projectId
* forecastRuleId
* originalForecastQuantity
* attribute6
* attribute3
* sourceOrganizationId
* programId
* toUpdate
* taskId
* forecastDesignator


 * programApplicationId
* attribute1
* createdBy
* requestId
* programId
* backwardUpdateTimeFence
* attribute8
* attribute15
* lastUpdateLogin
* forecastSet
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute2
* attribute3
* attributeCategory
* forecastDesignator
* bucketType
* attribute6
* attribute7
* programUpdateDate
* attribute9
* creationDate
* customerId
* billId
* demandClass
* ddfContext
* organizationId
* attribute10
* lastUpdateDate
* outlierUpdatePercentage
* attribute4
* disableDate
* attribute5
* updateType
* shipId
* apsCollectionFlag
* attribute13
* attribute14
* attribute11
* attribute12
* consumeForecast
* description
* forewardUpdateTimeFence


 * programApplicationId
* attribute1
* createdBy
* requestId
* programId
* backwardUpdateTimeFence
* attribute8
* attribute15
* lastUpdateLogin
* forecastSet
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute2
* attribute3
* attributeCategory
* forecastDesignator
* bucketType
* attribute6
* attribute7
* programUpdateDate
* attribute9
* creationDate
* customerId
* billId
* demandClass
* ddfContext
* organizationId
* attribute10
* lastUpdateDate
* outlierUpdatePercentage
* attribute4
* disableDate
* attribute5
* updateType
* shipId
* apsCollectionFlag
* attribute13
* attribute14
* attribute11
* attribute12
* consumeForecast
* description
* forewardUpdateTimeFence


 * attribute9
* lineId
* quantity
* forecastDesignator
* programUpdateDate
* attribute4
* attribute6
* lastUpdateDate
* taskId
* attribute13
* attribute2
* attribute14
* forecastDate
* errorMessage
* comments
* processStatus
* programId
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute12
* workdayControl
* action
* sourceCode
* sourceLineId
* attribute3
* inventoryItemId
* organizationId
* lastUpdatedBy
* creationDate
* attribute7
* confidencePercentage
* attribute11
* projectId
* bucketType
* createdBy
* requestId
* attribute10
* attribute8
* programApplicationId
* attributeCategory
* forecastEndDate
* attribute1
* attribute5
* attribute15
* transactionId


 * attribute9
* lineId
* quantity
* forecastDesignator
* programUpdateDate
* attribute4
* attribute6
* lastUpdateDate
* taskId
* attribute13
* attribute2
* attribute14
* forecastDate
* errorMessage
* comments
* processStatus
* programId
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute12
* workdayControl
* action
* sourceCode
* sourceLineId
* attribute3
* inventoryItemId
* organizationId
* lastUpdatedBy
* creationDate
* attribute7
* confidencePercentage
* attribute11
* projectId
* bucketType
* createdBy
* requestId
* attribute10
* attribute8
* programApplicationId
* attributeCategory
* forecastEndDate
* attribute1
* attribute5
* attribute15
* transactionId


 * attribute11
* attribute2
* attribute9
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute13
* attribute5
* attribute12
* attribute10
* programUpdateDate
* attribute6
* attribute7
* attribute1
* attribute3
* alternateBomDesignator
* attribute15
* attributeCategory
* attribute4
* programId
* organizationId
* attribute8
* creationDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute14
* lastUpdateDate
* forecastDesignator
* programApplicationId
* requestId
* inventoryItemId
* createdBy
* forecastMad


 * attribute11
* attribute2
* attribute9
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute13
* attribute5
* attribute12
* attribute10
* programUpdateDate
* attribute6
* attribute7
* attribute1
* attribute3
* alternateBomDesignator
* attribute15
* attributeCategory
* attribute4
* programId
* organizationId
* attribute8
* creationDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute14
* lastUpdateDate
* forecastDesignator
* programApplicationId
* requestId
* inventoryItemId
* createdBy
* forecastMad


 * organizationId
* forecastUpdateDate
* customerId
* programId
* transactionId
* updateQuantity
* shipId
* lastUpdateLogin
* creationDate
* updateSalesOrder
* demandClass
* salesOrderScheduleDate
* programUpdateDate
* lineNum
* updateSeqNum
* lastUpdatedBy
* programApplicationId
* salesOrderQuantity
* requestId
* forecastDesignator
* billId
* createdBy
* inventoryItemId
* lastUpdateDate


 * organizationId
* forecastUpdateDate
* customerId
* programId
* transactionId
* updateQuantity
* shipId
* lastUpdateLogin
* creationDate
* updateSalesOrder
* demandClass
* salesOrderScheduleDate
* programUpdateDate
* lineNum
* updateSeqNum
* lastUpdatedBy
* programApplicationId
* salesOrderQuantity
* requestId
* forecastDesignator
* billId
* createdBy
* inventoryItemId
* lastUpdateDate


 * lastUpdateDate
* demandDate
* organizationId
* demandId
* demandQuantity
* creationDate
* demandClass
* lastUpdateLogin
* compileDesignator
* supplyDate
* supplyType
* projectId
* allocatedQuantity
* dispositionId
* prevPeggingId
* supplyQuantity
* taskId
* endItemUsage
* createdBy
* endPeggingId
* transactionId
* lastUpdatedBy
* peggingId
* status
* endItemUnitNumber
* inventoryItemId
* updated
* endOriginationType


 * lastUpdateDate
* demandDate
* organizationId
* demandId
* demandQuantity
* creationDate
* demandClass
* lastUpdateLogin
* compileDesignator
* supplyDate
* supplyType
* projectId
* allocatedQuantity
* dispositionId
* prevPeggingId
* supplyQuantity
* taskId
* endItemUsage
* createdBy
* endPeggingId
* transactionId
* lastUpdatedBy
* peggingId
* status
* endItemUnitNumber
* inventoryItemId
* updated
* endOriginationType


 * usingAssemblyDemandDate
* oldDemandQuantity
* createdBy
* compileDesignator
* reservationId
* projectId
* programId
* reserveQuantity
* originationType
* firmDate
* taskId
* updated
* planningGroup
* lendingProjectId
* assemblyDemandCompDate
* programApplicationId
* lastUpdatedBy
* usingAssemblyItemId
* lendingTaskId
* demandClass
* inventoryItemId
* programUpdateDate
* requestId
* lastUpdateDate
* usingRequirementsQuantity
* status
* organizationId
* applied
* dailyDemandRate
* sourceOrganizationId
* firmQuantity
* demandId
* endItemUnitNumber
* demandType
* lastUpdateLogin
* demandScheduleName
* dispositionId
* creationDate
* oldDemandDate


 * usingAssemblyDemandDate
* oldDemandQuantity
* createdBy
* compileDesignator
* reservationId
* projectId
* programId
* reserveQuantity
* originationType
* firmDate
* taskId
* updated
* planningGroup
* lendingProjectId
* assemblyDemandCompDate
* programApplicationId
* lastUpdatedBy
* usingAssemblyItemId
* lendingTaskId
* demandClass
* inventoryItemId
* programUpdateDate
* requestId
* lastUpdateDate
* usingRequirementsQuantity
* status
* organizationId
* applied
* dailyDemandRate
* sourceOrganizationId
* firmQuantity
* demandId
* endItemUnitNumber
* demandType
* lastUpdateLogin
* demandScheduleName
* dispositionId
* creationDate
* oldDemandDate


 * organizationId
* lastUpdateLogin
* programId
* programUpdateDate
* creationDate
* projectId
* createdBy
* programApplicationId
* compileDesignator
* inventoryLotNumber
* requestId
* expiredLotQuantity
* lastUpdatedBy
* lotSubInventoryCode
* planningGroup
* inventoryItemId
* expiredLotId
* lotExpirationDate
* lotQuantity
* endItemUnitNumber
* lastUpdateDate
* taskId


 * organizationId
* lastUpdateLogin
* programId
* programUpdateDate
* creationDate
* projectId
* createdBy
* programApplicationId
* compileDesignator
* inventoryLotNumber
* requestId
* expiredLotQuantity
* lastUpdatedBy
* lotSubInventoryCode
* planningGroup
* inventoryItemId
* expiredLotId
* lotExpirationDate
* lotQuantity
* endItemUnitNumber
* lastUpdateDate
* taskId


 * uomCode
* outReqQuantity
* loadType
* quantity
* outReqTransactionId
* organizationId
* inventoryItemId
* promiseDate
* deliverToLocationId
* batchId
* inReqQuantity
* inReqTransactionId
* transactionId
* srcOrganizationId


 * uomCode
* outReqQuantity
* loadType
* quantity
* outReqTransactionId
* organizationId
* inventoryItemId
* promiseDate
* deliverToLocationId
* batchId
* inReqQuantity
* inReqTransactionId
* transactionId
* srcOrganizationId


 * lineId
* projectId
* planningGroup
* inventoryItemId
* programUpdateDate
* resourceId
* programApplicationId
* organizationId
* programId
* requestId
* creationDate
* version
* departmentId
* lastUpdateLogin
* supplierSiteId
* compileDesignator
* lastUpdatedBy
* exceptionType
* supplierId
* display
* exceptionCount
* taskId
* lastUpdateDate
* updated
* createdBy
* status


 * lineId
* projectId
* planningGroup
* inventoryItemId
* programUpdateDate
* resourceId
* programApplicationId
* organizationId
* programId
* requestId
* creationDate
* version
* departmentId
* lastUpdateLogin
* supplierSiteId
* compileDesignator
* lastUpdatedBy
* exceptionType
* supplierId
* display
* exceptionCount
* taskId
* lastUpdateDate
* updated
* createdBy
* status


 * endItemUnitNumber
* compileDesignator
* organizationId
* lastUpdateLogin
* createdBy
* lineId
* receivingDocumentDesignator
* programUpdateDate
* projectId
* expectedScrapQuantity
* lastUpdatedBy
* sourceOrganizationId
* printDate
* vendorId
* deliveryNeedDate
* orderType
* inventoryItemId
* deliveryScheduleDate
* vendorSiteId
* requestId
* poNumber
* programId
* purchLineNum
* transactionId
* poUomDeliveryBalance
* revision
* programApplicationId
* deliveryStatusType
* lastUpdateDate
* uomCode
* firmPlannedStatusType
* demandClass
* creationDate
* purchaseOrderId
* taskId
* deliveryBalance
* deliveryPrice
* planningGroup


 * endItemUnitNumber
* compileDesignator
* organizationId
* lastUpdateLogin
* createdBy
* lineId
* receivingDocumentDesignator
* programUpdateDate
* projectId
* expectedScrapQuantity
* lastUpdatedBy
* sourceOrganizationId
* printDate
* vendorId
* deliveryNeedDate
* orderType
* inventoryItemId
* deliveryScheduleDate
* vendorSiteId
* requestId
* poNumber
* programId
* purchLineNum
* transactionId
* poUomDeliveryBalance
* revision
* programApplicationId
* deliveryStatusType
* lastUpdateDate
* uomCode
* firmPlannedStatusType
* demandClass
* creationDate
* purchaseOrderId
* taskId
* deliveryBalance
* deliveryPrice
* planningGroup


 * allocationPercent
* organizationId
* lastUpdatedBy
* assignmentSetId
* vendorSiteId
* compileDesignator
* assignmentId
* rank
* assignmentType
* createdBy
* lastUpdateDate
* sourcingRuleType
* effectiveDate
* creationDate
* vendorId
* inventoryItemId
* lastUpdateLogin
* historicalAllocQty
* avgTransitLeadTime
* disableDate
* sourceType
* quantity
* sourcingRuleId
* shipMethod
* sourceOrganizationId


 * allocationPercent
* organizationId
* lastUpdatedBy
* assignmentSetId
* vendorSiteId
* compileDesignator
* assignmentId
* rank
* assignmentType
* createdBy
* lastUpdateDate
* sourcingRuleType
* effectiveDate
* creationDate
* vendorId
* inventoryItemId
* lastUpdateLogin
* historicalAllocQty
* avgTransitLeadTime
* disableDate
* sourceType
* quantity
* sourcingRuleId
* shipMethod
* sourceOrganizationId


 * attribute7
* attribute9
* attribute13
* lastUpdatedBy
* organizationId
* attribute14
* deliveryCalendarCode
* attribute11
* minimumOrderQuantity
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute1
* attribute10
* requestId
* attribute12
* fixedLotMultiplier
* attribute2
* inventoryItemId
* attributeCategory
* attribute4
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute6
* supplierSiteId
* attribute3
* attribute8
* supplierId
* creationDate
* programApplicationId
* compileDesignator
* createdBy
* attribute5
* processingLeadTime
* programId
* attribute15
* usingOrganizationId
* programUpdateDate


 * attribute7
* attribute9
* attribute13
* lastUpdatedBy
* organizationId
* attribute14
* deliveryCalendarCode
* attribute11
* minimumOrderQuantity
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute1
* attribute10
* requestId
* attribute12
* fixedLotMultiplier
* attribute2
* inventoryItemId
* attributeCategory
* attribute4
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute6
* supplierSiteId
* attribute3
* attribute8
* supplierId
* creationDate
* programApplicationId
* compileDesignator
* createdBy
* attribute5
* processingLeadTime
* programId
* attribute15
* usingOrganizationId
* programUpdateDate


 * compileDesignator
* requestId
* lineId
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdatedBy
* statusCode
* creationDate
* scheduleCompletionDate
* programUpdateDate
* wipJobType
* endItemUnitNumber
* demandClass
* alternateRoutingDesignator
* lastUpdateDate
* planningGroup
* firmPlannedStatusType
* expectedScrapQuantity
* taskId
* wipEntityId
* jobQuantity
* organizationId
* startDate
* revision
* programId
* createdBy
* wipEntityName
* entityType
* scheduleGroupId
* buildSequence
* alternateBomDesignator
* quantityCompleted
* inventoryItemId
* quantityScrapped
* programApplicationId
* projectId


 * compileDesignator
* requestId
* lineId
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdatedBy
* statusCode
* creationDate
* scheduleCompletionDate
* programUpdateDate
* wipJobType
* endItemUnitNumber
* demandClass
* alternateRoutingDesignator
* lastUpdateDate
* planningGroup
* firmPlannedStatusType
* expectedScrapQuantity
* taskId
* wipEntityId
* jobQuantity
* organizationId
* startDate
* revision
* programId
* createdBy
* wipEntityName
* entityType
* scheduleGroupId
* buildSequence
* alternateBomDesignator
* quantityCompleted
* inventoryItemId
* quantityScrapped
* programApplicationId
* projectId


 * creationDate
* demandId
* organizationId
* locatorId
* programUpdateDate
* kanbanPlanId
* demandDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* programId
* kanbanItemFlag
* lastUpdateDate
* subinventory
* assemblyItemId
* assemblyLocatorId
* orderType
* programApplicationId
* assemblySubinventory
* inventoryItemId
* lastUpdatedLogin
* requestId
* createdBy
* demandQuantity
* assemblyOrgId


 * creationDate
* demandId
* organizationId
* locatorId
* programUpdateDate
* kanbanPlanId
* demandDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* programId
* kanbanItemFlag
* lastUpdateDate
* subinventory
* assemblyItemId
* assemblyLocatorId
* orderType
* programApplicationId
* assemblySubinventory
* inventoryItemId
* lastUpdatedLogin
* requestId
* createdBy
* demandQuantity
* assemblyOrgId


 * disableDate
* planCutoffDate
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute2
* planCompletionDate
* bomEffectivityDate
* programId
* attribute9
* attribute1
* description
* programUpdateDate
* creationDate
* attributeCategory
* organizationId
* attribute8
* planStartDate
* inputDesignator
* attribute3
* attribute5
* attribute15
* inputType
* attribute4
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute14
* kanbanPlanId
* attribute12
* attribute13
* requestId
* createdBy
* attribute11
* kanbanDesignator
* attribute6
* attribute10
* programApplicationId
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute7


 * disableDate
* planCutoffDate
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute2
* planCompletionDate
* bomEffectivityDate
* programId
* attribute9
* attribute1
* description
* programUpdateDate
* creationDate
* attributeCategory
* organizationId
* attribute8
* planStartDate
* inputDesignator
* attribute3
* attribute5
* attribute15
* inputType
* attribute4
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute14
* kanbanPlanId
* attribute12
* attribute13
* requestId
* createdBy
* attribute11
* kanbanDesignator
* attribute6
* attribute10
* programApplicationId
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute7


 * lastUpdateDate
* errorMessage
* loadDestination
* creationDate
* selectionListName
* selectionListType
* createdBy
* forecastDesignator
* loadSource
* lastUpdateLogin
* scheduleDesignator
* lastUpdatedBy
* sourceScheduleDesignator
* organizationId
* processStatus
* sourceForecastDesignator
* sourceOrganizationId
* queryId


 * lastUpdateDate
* errorMessage
* loadDestination
* creationDate
* selectionListName
* selectionListType
* createdBy
* forecastDesignator
* loadSource
* lastUpdateLogin
* scheduleDesignator
* lastUpdatedBy
* sourceScheduleDesignator
* organizationId
* processStatus
* sourceForecastDesignator
* sourceOrganizationId
* queryId


 * creationDate
* selectionListName
* createdBy
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* selectionListType
* description
* organizationId
* lastUpdateDate


 * creationDate
* selectionListName
* createdBy
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* selectionListType
* description
* organizationId
* lastUpdateDate


 * componentYield
* planId
* itemNum
* componentItemId
* componentCategoryId
* replenishmentLeadTime
* componentUsage
* basisType
* organizationId
* fromLocatorId
* alternateDesignator
* lastUpdateDate
* fromSubinventory
* planningFactor
* programUpdateDate
* kanbanItemFlag
* netPlanningPercent
* toLocatorId
* creationDate
* levelsBelow
* operationYield
* requestId
* programApplicationId
* programId
* selectedFlag
* lastUpdatedLogin
* createdBy
* wipSupplyType
* lowLevelCode
* toSubinventory
* assemblyItemId
* supplySourceType
* lastUpdatedBy


 * componentYield
* planId
* itemNum
* componentItemId
* componentCategoryId
* replenishmentLeadTime
* componentUsage
* basisType
* organizationId
* fromLocatorId
* alternateDesignator
* lastUpdateDate
* fromSubinventory
* planningFactor
* programUpdateDate
* kanbanItemFlag
* netPlanningPercent
* toLocatorId
* creationDate
* levelsBelow
* operationYield
* requestId
* programApplicationId
* programId
* selectedFlag
* lastUpdatedLogin
* createdBy
* wipSupplyType
* lowLevelCode
* toSubinventory
* assemblyItemId
* supplySourceType
* lastUpdatedBy


 * quantity36
* quantity19
* quantity34
* bucketType
* quantity10
* quantity22
* lastUpdateDate
* quantity29
* horizontalPlanType
* quantity20
* organizationId
* quantity6
* planOrganizationId
* quantity3
* quantity21
* itemSegments
* quantity30
* quantity13
* lastUpdatedBy
* organizationCode
* quantity33
* quantity16
* quantity9
* creationDate
* createdBy
* quantity32
* quantity11
* inventoryItemId
* quantity2
* quantity1
* quantity26
* quantity18
* quantity27
* quantity25
* quantity12
* quantity28
* quantity5
* quantity8
* quantity14
* quantity23
* compileDesignator
* horizontalPlanTypeText
* quantity31
* planId
* quantity17
* quantity35
* quantity24
* quantity7
* quantity15
* quantity4


 * quantity36
* quantity19
* quantity34
* bucketType
* quantity10
* quantity22
* lastUpdateDate
* quantity29
* horizontalPlanType
* quantity20
* organizationId
* quantity6
* planOrganizationId
* quantity3
* quantity21
* itemSegments
* quantity30
* quantity13
* lastUpdatedBy
* organizationCode
* quantity33
* quantity16
* quantity9
* creationDate
* createdBy
* quantity32
* quantity11
* inventoryItemId
* quantity2
* quantity1
* quantity26
* quantity18
* quantity27
* quantity25
* quantity12
* quantity28
* quantity5
* quantity8
* quantity14
* quantity23
* compileDesignator
* horizontalPlanTypeText
* quantity31
* planId
* quantity17
* quantity35
* quantity24
* quantity7
* quantity15
* quantity4


 * tokenValue1
* creationDate
* rowCount
* startDate
* endDate
* lastUpdateDate
* translateToken2
* transactionId
* lastUpdateLogin
* token1
* tokenValue2
* lastUpdatedBy
* createdBy
* translateToken1
* requestId
* messageName
* token2


 * tokenValue1
* creationDate
* rowCount
* startDate
* endDate
* lastUpdateDate
* translateToken2
* transactionId
* lastUpdateLogin
* token1
* tokenValue2
* lastUpdatedBy
* createdBy
* translateToken1
* requestId
* messageName
* token2


 * resourceId
* attribute5
* toTime
* simulationSet
* attribute2
* attribute10
* attribute15
* shiftDate
* attributeCategory
* shiftNum
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute7
* requestId
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute9
* attribute14
* fromTime
* lastUpdatedBy
* creationDate
* departmentId
* createdBy
* programApplicationId
* attribute13
* attribute12
* attribute3
* programId
* programUpdateDate
* organizationId
* instanceId
* attribute11
* serialNumber
* attribute1
* attribute8
* attribute6
* attribute4
* capacityUnits


 * resourceId
* attribute5
* toTime
* simulationSet
* attribute2
* attribute10
* attribute15
* shiftDate
* attributeCategory
* shiftNum
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute7
* requestId
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute9
* attribute14
* fromTime
* lastUpdatedBy
* creationDate
* departmentId
* createdBy
* programApplicationId
* attribute13
* attribute12
* attribute3
* programId
* programUpdateDate
* organizationId
* instanceId
* attribute11
* serialNumber
* attribute1
* attribute8
* attribute6
* attribute4
* capacityUnits


 * organizationId
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdatedBy
* compileDesignator
* endItemUnitNumber
* creationDate
* nettableQuantity
* planningGroup
* createdBy
* inventoryItemId
* lastUpdateDate
* subInventoryCode
* projectId
* taskId
* nonnettableQuantity
* transactionId


 * organizationId
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdatedBy
* compileDesignator
* endItemUnitNumber
* creationDate
* nettableQuantity
* planningGroup
* createdBy
* inventoryItemId
* lastUpdateDate
* subInventoryCode
* projectId
* taskId
* nonnettableQuantity
* transactionId


 * toSrInstanceId
* groupCode
* itemId
* transactionId
* partCondition
* salesOrderNumber
* shipMethod
* needByDate
* chargeAccountId
* suggestedVendorId
* srcOperatingUnit
* taskId
* uomCode
* toOperatingUnit
* toOrganizationId
* shipDate
* projectId
* itemRevision
* preparerId
* srInstanceId
* batchId
* suggestedVendorSite
* earliestShipDate
* deliverToRequestorId
* firmDemandFlag
* deliverToLocationId
* planType
* salesOrderLineId
* endItemNumber
* quantity
* loadType
* srcOrganizationId


 * toSrInstanceId
* groupCode
* itemId
* transactionId
* partCondition
* salesOrderNumber
* shipMethod
* needByDate
* chargeAccountId
* suggestedVendorId
* srcOperatingUnit
* taskId
* uomCode
* toOperatingUnit
* toOrganizationId
* shipDate
* projectId
* itemRevision
* preparerId
* srInstanceId
* batchId
* suggestedVendorSite
* earliestShipDate
* deliverToRequestorId
* firmDemandFlag
* deliverToLocationId
* planType
* salesOrderLineId
* endItemNumber
* quantity
* loadType
* srcOrganizationId


 * repetitiveHorizon2
* repetitiveBucketSize1
* considerWip
* snapshotLock
* periodType
* repetitiveHorizon1
* planDateDefaultType
* considerPo
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateDate
* programId
* demandTimeFenceFlag
* partIncludeType
* attribute5
* attribute2
* requestId
* attribute3
* attribute4
* includeMdsDays
* createdBy
* repetitiveAnchorDate
* attribute14
* attribute6
* attribute15
* includeRepSupplyDays
* attribute9
* considerReservations
* attribute12
* lastUpdateLogin
* organizationId
* repetitiveBucketSize3
* attribute13
* programUpdateDate
* planningTimeFenceFlag
* programApplicationId
* attribute7
* creationDate
* defaultAbcAssignmentGroup
* operationScheduleType
* attribute8
* planSafetyStock
* attribute1
* attribute10
* attribute11
* attributeCategory
* reschedAssumption
* repetitiveBucketSize2


 * repetitiveHorizon2
* repetitiveBucketSize1
* considerWip
* snapshotLock
* periodType
* repetitiveHorizon1
* planDateDefaultType
* considerPo
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateDate
* programId
* demandTimeFenceFlag
* partIncludeType
* attribute5
* attribute2
* requestId
* attribute3
* attribute4
* includeMdsDays
* createdBy
* repetitiveAnchorDate
* attribute14
* attribute6
* attribute15
* includeRepSupplyDays
* attribute9
* considerReservations
* attribute12
* lastUpdateLogin
* organizationId
* repetitiveBucketSize3
* attribute13
* programUpdateDate
* planningTimeFenceFlag
* programApplicationId
* attribute7
* creationDate
* defaultAbcAssignmentGroup
* operationScheduleType
* attribute8
* planSafetyStock
* attribute1
* attribute10
* attribute11
* attributeCategory
* reschedAssumption
* repetitiveBucketSize2


 * compileDesignator
* remainingImplUnits
* optionalComponent
* operationSeqNum
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* drivingItemId
* programApplicationId
* suggestedEffectivityDate
* inventoryItemId
* engineeringChangeType
* useUpCode
* createdBy
* effectivityDate
* requestId
* changeNotice
* operationOffsetPercent
* absoluteQuantity
* programId
* creationDate
* ecnId
* engChangeUsingAssyId
* wipSupplyType
* oldEffectivityDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* programUpdateDate
* organizationId
* revision


 * compileDesignator
* remainingImplUnits
* optionalComponent
* operationSeqNum
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* drivingItemId
* programApplicationId
* suggestedEffectivityDate
* inventoryItemId
* engineeringChangeType
* useUpCode
* createdBy
* effectivityDate
* requestId
* changeNotice
* operationOffsetPercent
* absoluteQuantity
* programId
* creationDate
* ecnId
* engChangeUsingAssyId
* wipSupplyType
* oldEffectivityDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* programUpdateDate
* organizationId
* revision


 * attribute13
* billsOfResources
* attributeCategory
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdateDate
* programApplicationId
* attribute2
* attribute6
* programUpdateDate
* planLevel
* planSafetyStock
* attribute14
* attribute4
* compileDesignator
* attribute15
* attribute12
* netWip
* attribute11
* attribute1
* lastUpdatedBy
* netPurchasing
* attribute5
* attribute8
* attribute9
* billOfResources
* creationDate
* attribute3
* netReservations
* organizationId
* createdBy
* simulationSet
* attribute10
* attribute7
* programId
* plannedOrganization
* requestId


 * attribute13
* billsOfResources
* attributeCategory
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdateDate
* programApplicationId
* attribute2
* attribute6
* programUpdateDate
* planLevel
* planSafetyStock
* attribute14
* attribute4
* compileDesignator
* attribute15
* attribute12
* netWip
* attribute11
* attribute1
* lastUpdatedBy
* netPurchasing
* attribute5
* attribute8
* attribute9
* billOfResources
* creationDate
* attribute3
* netReservations
* organizationId
* createdBy
* simulationSet
* attribute10
* attribute7
* programId
* plannedOrganization
* requestId


 * lastUpdateDate
* inputType
* inputName
* attribute2
* attribute4
* attribute10
* attribute8
* attribute9
* programUpdateDate
* creationDate
* attribute11
* attribute14
* inputOrganizationId
* planLevel
* attribute6
* organizationId
* attribute1
* attribute12
* attribute13
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdatedBy
* programApplicationId
* attributeCategory
* attribute15
* compileDesignator
* attribute7
* createdBy
* programId
* attribute5
* attribute3
* requestId


 * lastUpdateDate
* inputType
* inputName
* attribute2
* attribute4
* attribute10
* attribute8
* attribute9
* programUpdateDate
* creationDate
* attribute11
* attribute14
* inputOrganizationId
* planLevel
* attribute6
* organizationId
* attribute1
* attribute12
* attribute13
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdatedBy
* programApplicationId
* attributeCategory
* attribute15
* compileDesignator
* attribute7
* createdBy
* programId
* attribute5
* attribute3
* requestId


 * programUpdateDate
* setbackDays
* departmentId
* organizationId
* resourceOffsetPercent
* effectivityDate
* resourceId
* programId
* creationDate
* sourceItemId
* disableDate
* lineId
* operationSeqNum
* usingAssemblyItemId
* requestId
* resourceSeqNum
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* assemblyUsage
* lastUpdateDate
* resourceUnits
* basis
* runtimeQuantity
* alternateRoutingDesignator
* compileDesignator
* programApplicationId
* createdBy


 * programUpdateDate
* setbackDays
* departmentId
* organizationId
* resourceOffsetPercent
* effectivityDate
* resourceId
* programId
* creationDate
* sourceItemId
* disableDate
* lineId
* operationSeqNum
* usingAssemblyItemId
* requestId
* resourceSeqNum
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* assemblyUsage
* lastUpdateDate
* resourceUnits
* basis
* runtimeQuantity
* alternateRoutingDesignator
* compileDesignator
* programApplicationId
* createdBy


 * creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* startDate
* createdBy
* status
* processingSeconds
* planLevel
* endDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* requestId
* compileDesignator
* lastUpdateDate
* organizationId
* batchNumber
* batchStartDate


 * creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* startDate
* createdBy
* status
* processingSeconds
* planLevel
* endDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* requestId
* compileDesignator
* lastUpdateDate
* organizationId
* batchNumber
* batchStartDate


 * lastUpdateDate
* attribute1
* setupTime
* setupTimeType
* attribute6
* attribute12
* lastUpdateLogin
* shortageType
* attributeCategory
* overUtilizedPercent
* repVarianceType
* resourceExcessType
* organizationId
* utilizationChangeType
* attribute14
* attribute11
* attribute2
* attribute5
* underUtilizedPercent
* overpromisedType
* lastUpdatedBy
* excessQuantity
* attribute10
* creationDate
* attribute8
* attribute15
* attribute9
* exceptionSetName
* repetitiveVariance
* excessType
* attribute3
* utilizationChangePercent
* attribute7
* attribute13
* attribute4
* userTimeFence
* createdBy
* resourceShortageType


 * lastUpdateDate
* attribute1
* setupTime
* setupTimeType
* attribute6
* attribute12
* lastUpdateLogin
* shortageType
* attributeCategory
* overUtilizedPercent
* repVarianceType
* resourceExcessType
* organizationId
* utilizationChangeType
* attribute14
* attribute11
* attribute2
* attribute5
* underUtilizedPercent
* overpromisedType
* lastUpdatedBy
* excessQuantity
* attribute10
* creationDate
* attribute8
* attribute15
* attribute9
* exceptionSetName
* repetitiveVariance
* excessType
* attribute3
* utilizationChangePercent
* attribute7
* attribute13
* attribute4
* userTimeFence
* createdBy
* resourceShortageType


 * attribute7
* considerPo
* considerWip
* attribute12
* attribute10
* crpPlanCompletionDate
* scheduleType
* crpPlanStartDate
* currSimulationSet
* updateBom
* currReschedAssumption
* currReservationLevel
* maxWfExceptId
* attribute13
* cutoffDate
* minWfExceptId
* description
* attribute15
* creationDate
* currConsiderReservations
* currSnapshotLock
* onlinePlannerCompletionDate
* currPlanCapacityFlag
* demandTimeFenceFlag
* currHardPeggingLevel
* overwriteOption
* attribute5
* dataStartDate
* organizationSelection
* reservationLevel
* fullPegging
* planningTimeFenceFlag
* currPlanType
* appendPlannedOrders
* attribute2
* explosionStartDate
* createdBy
* attribute11
* onlinePlannerStartDate
* compileDesignator
* attribute4
* planType
* snapshotLock
* operationScheduleType
* attributeCategory
* planCapacityFlag
* currentPlannerLevel
* partIncludeType
* demandClass
* userPlanStartDate
* dataCompletionDate
* considerReservations
* currOperationScheduleType
* scheduleDesignator
* lastUpdatedBy
* currPlanningTimeFenceFlag
* currAppendPlannedOrders
* lastUpdateDate
* billOfResources
* hardPeggingLevel
* currScheduleType
* currUserPlanStartDate
* programId
* currConsiderWip
* attribute6
* currOverwriteOption
* currFullPegging
* currPartIncludeType
* programApplicationId
* attribute1
* compileDefinitionDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute8
* currAssignmentSetId
* planStartDate
* requestId
* currScheduleDesignator
* planSafetyStock
* explosionCompletionDate
* programUpdateDate
* attribute3
* attribute9
* currPlanSafetyStock
* planCompletionDate
* plannerBatchNumber
* currDemandTimeFenceFlag
* currConsiderPo
* simulationSet
* assignmentSetId
* currBillOfResources
* attribute14
* currCutoffDate
* useNewPlanner
* organizationId
* reschedAssumption


 * attribute7
* considerPo
* considerWip
* attribute12
* attribute10
* crpPlanCompletionDate
* scheduleType
* crpPlanStartDate
* currSimulationSet
* updateBom
* currReschedAssumption
* currReservationLevel
* maxWfExceptId
* attribute13
* cutoffDate
* minWfExceptId
* description
* attribute15
* creationDate
* currConsiderReservations
* currSnapshotLock
* onlinePlannerCompletionDate
* currPlanCapacityFlag
* demandTimeFenceFlag
* currHardPeggingLevel
* overwriteOption
* attribute5
* dataStartDate
* organizationSelection
* reservationLevel
* fullPegging
* planningTimeFenceFlag
* currPlanType
* appendPlannedOrders
* attribute2
* explosionStartDate
* createdBy
* attribute11
* onlinePlannerStartDate
* compileDesignator
* attribute4
* planType
* snapshotLock
* operationScheduleType
* attributeCategory
* planCapacityFlag
* currentPlannerLevel
* partIncludeType
* demandClass
* userPlanStartDate
* dataCompletionDate
* considerReservations
* currOperationScheduleType
* scheduleDesignator
* lastUpdatedBy
* currPlanningTimeFenceFlag
* currAppendPlannedOrders
* lastUpdateDate
* billOfResources
* hardPeggingLevel
* currScheduleType
* currUserPlanStartDate
* programId
* currConsiderWip
* attribute6
* currOverwriteOption
* currFullPegging
* currPartIncludeType
* programApplicationId
* attribute1
* compileDefinitionDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute8
* currAssignmentSetId
* planStartDate
* requestId
* currScheduleDesignator
* planSafetyStock
* explosionCompletionDate
* programUpdateDate
* attribute3
* attribute9
* currPlanSafetyStock
* planCompletionDate
* plannerBatchNumber
* currDemandTimeFenceFlag
* currConsiderPo
* simulationSet
* assignmentSetId
* currBillOfResources
* attribute14
* currCutoffDate
* useNewPlanner
* organizationId
* reschedAssumption


 * implementFirm
* releaseErrors
* endItemUnitNumber
* lastUpdateLogin
* implementedQuantity
* firmDate
* implementUomCode
* rescheduledFlag
* scheduleCompressionDays
* requestId
* sourceOrganizationId
* implementLineId
* vendorId
* newDockDate
* sourceItemId
* revision
* programUpdateDate
* compileDesignator
* implementAlternateBom
* implementVendorId
* sourceVendorSiteId
* organizationId
* planningGroup
* applied
* transactionId
* oldOrderQuantity
* implementTaskId
* orderType
* lastUnitStartDate
* rescheduleDays
* implementProjectId
* creationDate
* dispositionId
* loadType
* sourceSupplyScheduleName
* newScheduleDate
* implementStatusCode
* implementJobName
* implementVendorSiteId
* alternateRoutingDesignator
* lineId
* lastUnitCompletionDate
* oldWipStartDate
* newProcessingDays
* implementBuildSequence
* status
* purchLineNum
* programApplicationId
* nettingDate
* updated
* implementDockDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* dispositionStatusType
* implementEndItemUnitNumber
* implementWipClassCode
* sourceVendorId
* inventoryItemId
* demandClass
* implementLocationId
* taskId
* implementDemandClass
* newOrderPlacementDate
* newShipDate
* firmQuantity
* implementQuantity
* implementSourceOrgId
* oldDockDate
* newOrderQuantity
* implementDate
* vendorSiteId
* firmPlannedType
* oldOrderPlacementDate
* newWipStartDate
* implementScheduleGroupId
* firstUnitStartDate
* byProductUsingAssyId
* oldScheduleDate
* dailyRate
* quantityInProcess
* implementEmployeeId
* lastUpdateDate
* supplyAvailDate
* implementAlternateRouting
* createdBy
* projectId
* releaseStatus
* implementAs
* number1
* programId
* planningMakeBuyCode
* source
* alternateBomDesignator


 * implementFirm
* releaseErrors
* endItemUnitNumber
* lastUpdateLogin
* implementedQuantity
* firmDate
* implementUomCode
* rescheduledFlag
* scheduleCompressionDays
* requestId
* sourceOrganizationId
* implementLineId
* vendorId
* newDockDate
* sourceItemId
* revision
* programUpdateDate
* compileDesignator
* implementAlternateBom
* implementVendorId
* sourceVendorSiteId
* organizationId
* planningGroup
* applied
* transactionId
* oldOrderQuantity
* implementTaskId
* orderType
* lastUnitStartDate
* rescheduleDays
* implementProjectId
* creationDate
* dispositionId
* loadType
* sourceSupplyScheduleName
* newScheduleDate
* implementStatusCode
* implementJobName
* implementVendorSiteId
* alternateRoutingDesignator
* lineId
* lastUnitCompletionDate
* oldWipStartDate
* newProcessingDays
* implementBuildSequence
* status
* purchLineNum
* programApplicationId
* nettingDate
* updated
* implementDockDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* dispositionStatusType
* implementEndItemUnitNumber
* implementWipClassCode
* sourceVendorId
* inventoryItemId
* demandClass
* implementLocationId
* taskId
* implementDemandClass
* newOrderPlacementDate
* newShipDate
* firmQuantity
* implementQuantity
* implementSourceOrgId
* oldDockDate
* newOrderQuantity
* implementDate
* vendorSiteId
* firmPlannedType
* oldOrderPlacementDate
* newWipStartDate
* implementScheduleGroupId
* firstUnitStartDate
* byProductUsingAssyId
* oldScheduleDate
* dailyRate
* quantityInProcess
* implementEmployeeId
* lastUpdateDate
* supplyAvailDate
* implementAlternateRouting
* createdBy
* projectId
* releaseStatus
* implementAs
* number1
* programId
* planningMakeBuyCode
* source
* alternateBomDesignator


 * lastUpdatedBy
* createdBy
* regionId
* creationDate
* regionType
* lastUpdateLogin
* vendorSiteId
* zoneLevel
* lastUpdateDate


 * lastUpdatedBy
* createdBy
* regionId
* creationDate
* regionType
* lastUpdateLogin
* vendorSiteId
* zoneLevel
* lastUpdateDate


 * taskId
* inventoryItemId
* sourceCode
* plannedOrderId
* programId
* oldTaskId
* newOrderDate
* newOrderQuantity
* programApplicationId
* transactionId
* processStatus
* creationDate
* requestId
* dispositionId
* reliefType
* errorMessage
* organizationId
* demandClass
* oldOrderQuantity
* lastUpdateDate
* oldProjectId
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* dispositionType
* oldOrderDate
* createdBy
* programUpdateDate
* sourceLineId
* projectId
* oldDemandClass
* lineNum


 * taskId
* inventoryItemId
* sourceCode
* plannedOrderId
* programId
* oldTaskId
* newOrderDate
* newOrderQuantity
* programApplicationId
* transactionId
* processStatus
* creationDate
* requestId
* dispositionId
* reliefType
* errorMessage
* organizationId
* demandClass
* oldOrderQuantity
* lastUpdateDate
* oldProjectId
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* dispositionType
* oldOrderDate
* createdBy
* programUpdateDate
* sourceLineId
* projectId
* oldDemandClass
* lineNum


 * programUpdateDate
* createdBy
* programId
* periodStartDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* requestId
* creationDate
* programApplicationId
* lastUpdateDate
* organizationId


 * programUpdateDate
* createdBy
* programId
* periodStartDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* requestId
* creationDate
* programApplicationId
* lastUpdateDate
* organizationId


 * wipEntityId
* requestId
* firstUnitCompletionDate
* scheduleId
* dailyRate
* processingDays
* programUpdateDate
* inventoryItemId
* createdBy
* lastUnitStartDate
* programApplicationId
* lastUpdateLogin
* organizationId
* creationDate
* firstUnitStartDate
* projectId
* repetitiveLine
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* taskId
* programId
* compileDesignator
* firmPlannedStatusType
* statusCode
* revision
* completedUnits
* demandClass
* lastUnitCompletionDate


 * wipEntityId
* requestId
* firstUnitCompletionDate
* scheduleId
* dailyRate
* processingDays
* programUpdateDate
* inventoryItemId
* createdBy
* lastUnitStartDate
* programApplicationId
* lastUpdateLogin
* organizationId
* creationDate
* firstUnitStartDate
* projectId
* repetitiveLine
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* taskId
* programId
* compileDesignator
* firmPlannedStatusType
* statusCode
* revision
* completedUnits
* demandClass
* lastUnitCompletionDate


 * createdBy
* demandClass
* creationDate
* lastUpdateDate
* requestId
* lastUpdateLogin
* taskId
* parentDemandId
* programUpdateDate
* programApplicationId
* reservedQuantity
* programId
* organizationId
* nonnetQuantityReserved
* transactionId
* revision
* projectId
* lastUpdatedBy
* dispositionType
* inventoryItemId
* requirementDate
* compileDesignator
* subinventory
* dispositionId
* reservationDate
* planningGroup


 * createdBy
* demandClass
* creationDate
* lastUpdateDate
* requestId
* lastUpdateLogin
* taskId
* parentDemandId
* programUpdateDate
* programApplicationId
* reservedQuantity
* programId
* organizationId
* nonnetQuantityReserved
* transactionId
* revision
* projectId
* lastUpdatedBy
* dispositionType
* inventoryItemId
* requirementDate
* compileDesignator
* subinventory
* dispositionId
* reservationDate
* planningGroup


 * requestId
* programApplicationId
* programId
* createdBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* programUpdateDate
* periodStartDate
* updated
* inventoryItemId
* status
* lastUpdatedBy
* organizationId
* safetyStockQuantity
* compileDesignator
* creationDate
* lastUpdateDate


 * requestId
* programApplicationId
* programId
* createdBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* programUpdateDate
* periodStartDate
* updated
* inventoryItemId
* status
* lastUpdatedBy
* organizationId
* safetyStockQuantity
* compileDesignator
* creationDate
* lastUpdateDate


 * lineNum
* currentShipId
* currentBillId
* sourceCode
* sourceLineId
* salesOrderId
* programUpdateDate
* oldScheduleDate
* previousShipId
* previousDemandClass
* completedQuantity
* lastUpdateLogin
* previousAvailableToMrp
* newScheduleQuantity
* currentDemandClass
* currentAvailableToMrp
* programId
* processStatus
* inventoryItemId
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* previousBillId
* previousTerritoryId
* errorMessage
* programApplicationId
* lastExplodedRevision
* creationDate
* organizationId
* newScheduleDate
* requestId
* oldScheduleQuantity
* createdBy
* currentCustomerId
* baseModelId
* previousCustomerId
* orderedItemId
* currentTerritoryId
* updateSeqNum


 * lineNum
* currentShipId
* currentBillId
* sourceCode
* sourceLineId
* salesOrderId
* programUpdateDate
* oldScheduleDate
* previousShipId
* previousDemandClass
* completedQuantity
* lastUpdateLogin
* previousAvailableToMrp
* newScheduleQuantity
* currentDemandClass
* currentAvailableToMrp
* programId
* processStatus
* inventoryItemId
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* previousBillId
* previousTerritoryId
* errorMessage
* programApplicationId
* lastExplodedRevision
* creationDate
* organizationId
* newScheduleDate
* requestId
* oldScheduleQuantity
* createdBy
* currentCustomerId
* baseModelId
* previousCustomerId
* orderedItemId
* currentTerritoryId
* updateSeqNum


 * reliefType
* createdBy
* transactionId
* creationDate
* scheduleDate
* programApplicationId
* reliefQuantity
* lastUpdatedBy
* requestId
* lineNum
* orderDate
* lastUpdateDate
* dispositionType
* lastUpdateLogin
* programId
* programUpdateDate
* orderQuantity
* dispositionId


 * reliefType
* createdBy
* transactionId
* creationDate
* scheduleDate
* programApplicationId
* reliefQuantity
* lastUpdatedBy
* requestId
* lineNum
* orderDate
* lastUpdateDate
* dispositionType
* lastUpdateLogin
* programId
* programUpdateDate
* orderQuantity
* dispositionId


 * lastUpdateDate
* oldTransactionId
* attribute4
* sourceCode
* attribute8
* scheduleDesignator
* reservationId
* attribute12
* sourceScheduleDesignator
* originalScheduleQuantity
* attributeCategory
* sourceSalesOrderId
* attribute2
* lineId
* programId
* scheduleLevel
* taskId
* sourceOrganizationId
* forecastId
* ddfContext
* creationDate
* attribute14
* scheduleWorkdate
* endItemUnitNumber
* programApplicationId
* scheduleOriginationType
* attribute1
* attribute15
* supplyDemandType
* attribute3
* scheduleComments
* projectId
* attribute11
* requestId
* attribute9
* sourceLineId
* repetitiveDailyRate
* programUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* inventoryItemId
* organizationId
* attribute7
* rateEndDate
* attribute13
* sourceForecastDesignator
* scheduleQuantity
* attribute10
* mpsTransactionId
* createdBy
* lastUpdatedBy
* toUpdate
* referenceScheduleId
* attribute6
* scheduleDate
* attribute5


 * lastUpdateDate
* oldTransactionId
* attribute4
* sourceCode
* attribute8
* scheduleDesignator
* reservationId
* attribute12
* sourceScheduleDesignator
* originalScheduleQuantity
* attributeCategory
* sourceSalesOrderId
* attribute2
* lineId
* programId
* scheduleLevel
* taskId
* sourceOrganizationId
* forecastId
* ddfContext
* creationDate
* attribute14
* scheduleWorkdate
* endItemUnitNumber
* programApplicationId
* scheduleOriginationType
* attribute1
* attribute15
* supplyDemandType
* attribute3
* scheduleComments
* projectId
* attribute11
* requestId
* attribute9
* sourceLineId
* repetitiveDailyRate
* programUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* inventoryItemId
* organizationId
* attribute7
* rateEndDate
* attribute13
* sourceForecastDesignator
* scheduleQuantity
* attribute10
* mpsTransactionId
* createdBy
* lastUpdatedBy
* toUpdate
* referenceScheduleId
* attribute6
* scheduleDate
* attribute5


 * scheduleType
* attribute11
* inventoryAtpFlag
* programId
* attribute2
* disableDate
* demandClass
* attribute10
* attribute7
* scheduleDesignator
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute4
* mpsRelief
* attribute8
* attribute9
* programApplicationId
* creationDate
* organizationId
* programUpdateDate
* requestId
* attribute3
* attribute14
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute15
* organizationSelection
* attribute6
* attribute1
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute12
* description
* production
* attribute5
* attributeCategory
* createdBy
* useNewPlanner
* attribute13


 * scheduleType
* attribute11
* inventoryAtpFlag
* programId
* attribute2
* disableDate
* demandClass
* attribute10
* attribute7
* scheduleDesignator
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute4
* mpsRelief
* attribute8
* attribute9
* programApplicationId
* creationDate
* organizationId
* programUpdateDate
* requestId
* attribute3
* attribute14
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute15
* organizationSelection
* attribute6
* attribute1
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute12
* description
* production
* attribute5
* attributeCategory
* createdBy
* useNewPlanner
* attribute13


 * creationDate
* workdayControl
* programId
* scheduleQuantity
* processStatus
* attribute4
* attribute12
* transactionId
* attribute13
* scheduleComments
* newRateEndDate
* attribute10
* lastUpdateLogin
* requestId
* attribute6
* scheduleDate
* newScheduleDate
* rateEndDate
* attribute11
* attribute14
* inventoryItemId
* attribute5
* attribute3
* scheduleDesignator
* organizationId
* sourceCode
* attribute2
* attribute8
* programApplicationId
* taskId
* action
* attribute7
* attribute9
* attribute1
* lineId
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute15
* errorMessage
* sourceLineId
* programUpdateDate
* createdBy
* projectId


 * creationDate
* workdayControl
* programId
* scheduleQuantity
* processStatus
* attribute4
* attribute12
* transactionId
* attribute13
* scheduleComments
* newRateEndDate
* attribute10
* lastUpdateLogin
* requestId
* attribute6
* scheduleDate
* newScheduleDate
* rateEndDate
* attribute11
* attribute14
* inventoryItemId
* attribute5
* attribute3
* scheduleDesignator
* organizationId
* sourceCode
* attribute2
* attribute8
* programApplicationId
* taskId
* action
* attribute7
* attribute9
* attribute1
* lineId
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute15
* errorMessage
* sourceLineId
* programUpdateDate
* createdBy
* projectId


 * attribute9
* mpsExplosionLevel
* creationDate
* organizationId
* attributeCategory
* attribute8
* lastUpdateLogin
* requestId
* capacityModelId
* attribute15
* inventoryItemId
* attribute11
* programUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* scheduleDesignator
* attribute5
* attribute10
* attribute3
* attribute4
* attribute2
* attribute14
* programApplicationId
* attribute13
* attribute1
* attribute6
* lastUpdateDate
* programId
* attribute12
* attribute7
* createdBy


 * attribute9
* mpsExplosionLevel
* creationDate
* organizationId
* attributeCategory
* attribute8
* lastUpdateLogin
* requestId
* capacityModelId
* attribute15
* inventoryItemId
* attribute11
* programUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* scheduleDesignator
* attribute5
* attribute10
* attribute3
* attribute4
* attribute2
* attribute14
* programApplicationId
* attribute13
* attribute1
* attribute6
* lastUpdateDate
* programId
* attribute12
* attribute7
* createdBy


 * requestId
* programApplicationId
* programId
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdateDate
* programUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* message
* transactionId
* creationDate
* createdBy


 * requestId
* programApplicationId
* programId
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdateDate
* programUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* message
* transactionId
* creationDate
* createdBy


 * attribute10
* ruleId
* userDefined
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdatedBy
* creationDate
* attributeCategory
* description
* enabledFlag
* attribute2
* attribute12
* usageCode
* attribute8
* sequenceNumber
* createdBy
* zdEditionName
* attribute4
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute6
* meaning
* attribute1
* attribute11
* attribute15
* attribute3
* attribute14
* attribute13
* heuristicCode
* attribute9
* zdSync
* packageName
* attribute5
* attribute7
* defaultFlag


 * attribute10
* ruleId
* userDefined
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdatedBy
* creationDate
* attributeCategory
* description
* enabledFlag
* attribute2
* attribute12
* usageCode
* attribute8
* sequenceNumber
* createdBy
* zdEditionName
* attribute4
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute6
* meaning
* attribute1
* attribute11
* attribute15
* attribute3
* attribute14
* attribute13
* heuristicCode
* attribute9
* zdSync
* packageName
* attribute5
* attribute7
* defaultFlag


 * condition
* folderObject
* lastUpdatedBy
* createdBy
* fieldType
* lastUpdateDate
* toField
* andOr
* lastUpdateLogin
* hiddenFromField
* creationDate
* fromField
* fieldName
* countBy
* sequence
* folderId


 * condition
* folderObject
* lastUpdatedBy
* createdBy
* fieldType
* lastUpdateDate
* toField
* andOr
* lastUpdateLogin
* hiddenFromField
* creationDate
* fromField
* fieldName
* countBy
* sequence
* folderId


 * snapshotName
* lrn
* lastRefreshTimestamp


 * snapshotName
* lrn
* lastRefreshTimestamp


 * dependentTask2
* programApplicationId
* organizationId
* startDate
* lastUpdateDate
* task
* requestId
* completionDate
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* programUpdateDate
* dependencyAgainst
* requiresLock
* dependentTask
* requiresItems
* lastUpdatedBy
* createdBy
* compileDesignator
* programId


 * dependentTask2
* programApplicationId
* organizationId
* startDate
* lastUpdateDate
* task
* requestId
* completionDate
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* programUpdateDate
* dependencyAgainst
* requiresLock
* dependentTask
* requiresItems
* lastUpdatedBy
* createdBy
* compileDesignator
* programId


 * createdBy
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* lineId
* requestId
* processStatus
* lastUpdatedBy
* creationDate


 * lastUpdateLogin
* createdBy
* lineId
* processStatus
* lastUpdatedBy
* creationDate
* lastUpdateDate


 * lastUpdateLogin
* createdBy
* lineId
* processStatus
* lastUpdatedBy
* creationDate
* lastUpdateDate


 * createdBy
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* lineId
* requestId
* processStatus
* lastUpdatedBy
* creationDate


 * lastCalculatedDate
* programId
* sourcingRuleId
* createdBy
* inventoryItemId
* historicalAllocation
* organizationId
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdateDate
* vendorSiteId
* sourceOrgId
* creationDate
* vendorId
* requestId
* programUpdateDate
* programApplicationId


 * lastCalculatedDate
* programId
* sourcingRuleId
* createdBy
* inventoryItemId
* historicalAllocation
* organizationId
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdateDate
* vendorSiteId
* sourceOrgId
* creationDate
* vendorId
* requestId
* programUpdateDate
* programApplicationId


 * creationDate
* attribute5
* attribute9
* lastUpdateDate
* status
* attribute11
* programApplicationId
* attribute8
* attribute12
* sourcingRuleType
* programUpdateDate
* attribute13
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute10
* attribute14
* sourcingRuleName
* attribute6
* attribute4
* requestId
* createdBy
* attribute2
* organizationId
* sourcingRuleId
* description
* attribute1
* programId
* planningActive
* attribute15
* attribute7
* attribute3
* lastUpdatedBy
* attributeCategory


 * creationDate
* attribute5
* attribute9
* lastUpdateDate
* status
* attribute11
* programApplicationId
* attribute8
* attribute12
* sourcingRuleType
* programUpdateDate
* attribute13
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute10
* attribute14
* sourcingRuleName
* attribute6
* attribute4
* requestId
* createdBy
* attribute2
* organizationId
* sourcingRuleId
* description
* attribute1
* programId
* planningActive
* attribute15
* attribute7
* attribute3
* lastUpdatedBy
* attributeCategory


 * lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateDate
* numberOfRows
* creationDate
* createdBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* bindsize
* tableName


 * lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateDate
* numberOfRows
* creationDate
* createdBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* bindsize
* tableName


 * attribute3
* sourcingRuleType
* sourcingRuleId
* createdBy
* attribute1
* attribute5
* attribute9
* attribute4
* attributeCategory
* lastUpdatedBy
* programId
* programUpdateDate
* attribute6
* assignmentType
* organizationId
* creationDate
* attribute8
* requestId
* categorySetId
* secondaryInventory
* programApplicationId
* attribute2
* assignmentId
* attribute11
* customerId
* shipToSiteId
* attribute13
* attribute15
* attribute10
* inventoryItemId
* attribute12
* lastUpdateLogin
* assignmentSetId
* categoryId
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute14
* attribute7


 * attribute3
* sourcingRuleType
* sourcingRuleId
* createdBy
* attribute1
* attribute5
* attribute9
* attribute4
* attributeCategory
* lastUpdatedBy
* programId
* programUpdateDate
* attribute6
* assignmentType
* organizationId
* creationDate
* attribute8
* requestId
* categorySetId
* secondaryInventory
* programApplicationId
* attribute2
* assignmentId
* attribute11
* customerId
* shipToSiteId
* attribute13
* attribute15
* attribute10
* inventoryItemId
* attribute12
* lastUpdateLogin
* assignmentSetId
* categoryId
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute14
* attribute7


 * programApplicationId
* receiptOrganizationId
* attribute2
* attribute8
* lastUpdateLogin
* srReceiptId
* sourcingRuleId
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute4
* attribute11
* attribute13
* attribute7
* attribute5
* attribute12
* programId
* attribute10
* attribute3
* creationDate
* disableDate
* attribute1
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute9
* attribute6
* attribute14
* requestId
* createdBy
* attributeCategory
* programUpdateDate
* effectiveDate
* attribute15


 * programApplicationId
* receiptOrganizationId
* attribute2
* attribute8
* lastUpdateLogin
* srReceiptId
* sourcingRuleId
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute4
* attribute11
* attribute13
* attribute7
* attribute5
* attribute12
* programId
* attribute10
* attribute3
* creationDate
* disableDate
* attribute1
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute9
* attribute6
* attribute14
* requestId
* createdBy
* attributeCategory
* programUpdateDate
* effectiveDate
* attribute15


 * createdBy
* attribute3
* shipMethod
* attribute11
* attributeCategory
* attribute7
* attribute10
* attribute4
* oldRank
* attribute2
* vendorId
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute15
* secondaryInventory
* sourceType
* programUpdateDate
* attribute6
* vendorSiteId
* attribute12
* srSourceId
* attribute9
* lastUpdateLogin
* creationDate
* attribute14
* rank
* programId
* requestId
* programApplicationId
* allocationPercent
* srReceiptId
* attribute13
* attribute1
* sourceOrganizationId
* attribute5
* attribute8


 * createdBy
* attribute3
* shipMethod
* attribute11
* attributeCategory
* attribute7
* attribute10
* attribute4
* oldRank
* attribute2
* vendorId
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute15
* secondaryInventory
* sourceType
* programUpdateDate
* attribute6
* vendorSiteId
* attribute12
* srSourceId
* attribute9
* lastUpdateLogin
* creationDate
* attribute14
* rank
* programId
* requestId
* programApplicationId
* allocationPercent
* srReceiptId
* attribute13
* attribute1
* sourceOrganizationId
* attribute5
* attribute8


 * attribute3
* attribute14
* creationDate
* attribute4
* attribute1
* attribute7
* attribute13
* lastUpdatedBy
* programApplicationId
* subInventoryCode
* attribute10
* attribute11
* attributeCategory
* attribute2
* attribute9
* attribute8
* createdBy
* nettingType
* lastUpdateDate
* compileDesignator
* programId
* programUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute15
* organizationId
* attribute12
* attribute6
* requestId
* attribute5


 * attribute3
* attribute14
* creationDate
* attribute4
* attribute1
* attribute7
* attribute13
* lastUpdatedBy
* programApplicationId
* subInventoryCode
* attribute10
* attribute11
* attributeCategory
* attribute2
* attribute9
* attribute8
* createdBy
* nettingType
* lastUpdateDate
* compileDesignator
* programId
* programUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute15
* organizationId
* attribute12
* attribute6
* requestId
* attribute5


 * implementDemandClass
* lastUnitCompletionDate
* lastUpdateDate
* inventoryItemId
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* implementFirm
* implementProcessingDays
* processingDays
* sourceItemId
* compileDesignator
* lastUnitStartDate
* status
* lastUpdatedBy
* loadType
* implementLineId
* implementWipClassCode
* implementDailyRate
* updated
* firmPlannedStatusType
* loadFactorRate
* firstUnitStartDate
* repetitiveLine
* transactionId
* implementDate
* releaseErrors
* organizationId
* releaseStatus
* dailyRate
* firstUnitCompletionDate
* createdBy


 * implementDemandClass
* lastUnitCompletionDate
* lastUpdateDate
* inventoryItemId
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* implementFirm
* implementProcessingDays
* processingDays
* sourceItemId
* compileDesignator
* lastUnitStartDate
* status
* lastUpdatedBy
* loadType
* implementLineId
* implementWipClassCode
* implementDailyRate
* updated
* firmPlannedStatusType
* loadFactorRate
* firstUnitStartDate
* repetitiveLine
* transactionId
* implementDate
* releaseErrors
* organizationId
* releaseStatus
* dailyRate
* firstUnitCompletionDate
* createdBy


 * attribute9
* capacity
* attribute5
* requestId
* attribute2
* attribute7
* createdBy
* attribute14
* inventoryItemId
* usingOrganizationId
* attribute11
* lastUpdateLogin
* programApplicationId
* compileDesignator
* attribute1
* attribute4
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute12
* attribute10
* programId
* attribute6
* attribute3
* attribute8
* toDate
* programUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* creationDate
* organizationId
* supplierSiteId
* attribute15
* supplierId
* fromDate
* attributeCategory
* attribute13


 * attribute9
* capacity
* attribute5
* requestId
* attribute2
* attribute7
* createdBy
* attribute14
* inventoryItemId
* usingOrganizationId
* attribute11
* lastUpdateLogin
* programApplicationId
* compileDesignator
* attribute1
* attribute4
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute12
* attribute10
* programId
* attribute6
* attribute3
* attribute8
* toDate
* programUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* creationDate
* organizationId
* supplierSiteId
* attribute15
* supplierId
* fromDate
* attributeCategory
* attribute13


 * compileDesignator
* supplierSiteId
* creationDate
* attributeCategory
* attribute1
* attribute2
* attribute5
* createdBy
* attribute3
* lastUpdateLogin
* fenceDays
* supplierId
* organizationId
* usingOrganizationId
* lastUpdatedBy
* inventoryItemId
* attribute13
* attribute11
* attribute15
* attribute12
* attribute4
* programId
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute9
* attribute10
* tolerancePercentage
* attribute6
* requestId
* attribute14
* attribute7
* attribute8
* programApplicationId
* programUpdateDate


 * compileDesignator
* supplierSiteId
* creationDate
* attributeCategory
* attribute1
* attribute2
* attribute5
* createdBy
* attribute3
* lastUpdateLogin
* fenceDays
* supplierId
* organizationId
* usingOrganizationId
* lastUpdatedBy
* inventoryItemId
* attribute13
* attribute11
* attribute15
* attribute12
* attribute4
* programId
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute9
* attribute10
* tolerancePercentage
* attribute6
* requestId
* attribute14
* attribute7
* attribute8
* programApplicationId
* programUpdateDate


 * fixedLeadTime
* repetitiveType
* exceptionExcessDays
* uomCode
* planningMakeBuyCode
* safetyStockPercent
* organizationCode
* buildInWipFlag
* exceptionOverpromisedDays
* demandTimeFenceDate
* roundingControlType
* minimumOrderQuantity
* planStartDate
* exceptionRepVarianceDays
* purchasingEnabledFlag
* description
* safetyStockBucketDays
* cumulativeTotalLeadTime
* programId
* acceptableRateDecrease
* calculateAtp
* fixedDaysSupply
* planCompletionDate
* exceptionShortageDays
* inventoryItemId
* overrunPercentage
* acceptableRateIncrease
* inventoryType
* engineeringItemFlag
* nonnettableInventoryQuantity
* programUpdateDate
* endAssemblyPegging
* lastUpdateLogin
* planningTimeFenceDays
* lastUpdateDate
* preprocessingLeadTime
* inSourcePlan
* plannerCode
* revision
* maximumOrderQuantity
* planningTimeFenceDate
* buyerId
* excessQuantity
* fixedOrderQuantity
* shrinkageRate
* inventoryUseUpDate
* planLastRevisionDate
* baseItemId
* abcClass
* inventoryPlanningCode
* categoryId
* atoForecastControl
* planningExceptionSet
* standardCost
* fullLeadTime
* acceptableEarlyDelivery
* variableLeadTime
* organizationId
* lastUpdatedBy
* cumManufacturingLeadTime
* safetyStockCode
* mrpPlanningCode
* bomItemType
* fixedLotMultiplier
* programApplicationId
* creationDate
* compileDesignator
* createdBy
* demandTimeFenceDays
* primaryVendorId
* postprocessingLeadTime
* safetyStockQuantity
* plannerStatusCode
* exceptionCode
* fullPegging
* plannerBatchNumber
* lowLevelCode
* lotControlCode
* nettableInventoryQuantity
* effectivityControl
* wipSupplyType
* buyerName
* repetitiveVariance
* requestId


 * fixedLeadTime
* repetitiveType
* exceptionExcessDays
* uomCode
* planningMakeBuyCode
* safetyStockPercent
* organizationCode
* buildInWipFlag
* exceptionOverpromisedDays
* demandTimeFenceDate
* roundingControlType
* minimumOrderQuantity
* planStartDate
* exceptionRepVarianceDays
* purchasingEnabledFlag
* description
* safetyStockBucketDays
* cumulativeTotalLeadTime
* programId
* acceptableRateDecrease
* calculateAtp
* fixedDaysSupply
* planCompletionDate
* exceptionShortageDays
* inventoryItemId
* overrunPercentage
* acceptableRateIncrease
* inventoryType
* engineeringItemFlag
* nonnettableInventoryQuantity
* programUpdateDate
* endAssemblyPegging
* lastUpdateLogin
* planningTimeFenceDays
* lastUpdateDate
* preprocessingLeadTime
* inSourcePlan
* plannerCode
* revision
* maximumOrderQuantity
* planningTimeFenceDate
* buyerId
* excessQuantity
* fixedOrderQuantity
* shrinkageRate
* inventoryUseUpDate
* planLastRevisionDate
* baseItemId
* abcClass
* inventoryPlanningCode
* categoryId
* atoForecastControl
* planningExceptionSet
* standardCost
* fullLeadTime
* acceptableEarlyDelivery
* variableLeadTime
* organizationId
* lastUpdatedBy
* cumManufacturingLeadTime
* safetyStockCode
* mrpPlanningCode
* bomItemType
* fixedLotMultiplier
* programApplicationId
* creationDate
* compileDesignator
* createdBy
* demandTimeFenceDays
* primaryVendorId
* postprocessingLeadTime
* safetyStockQuantity
* plannerStatusCode
* exceptionCode
* fullPegging
* plannerBatchNumber
* lowLevelCode
* lotControlCode
* nettableInventoryQuantity
* effectivityControl
* wipSupplyType
* buyerName
* repetitiveVariance
* requestId


 * operationStartDate
* quantityRequired
* supplyDemandType
* wipEntityType
* operationOffsetDays
* lastUpdateLogin
* compileDesignator
* lastUpdateDate
* programUpdateDate
* jobReferenceItemId
* programId
* programApplicationId
* planningGroup
* wipEntityId
* requestId
* taskId
* creationDate
* operationSeqNum
* lastUpdatedBy
* organizationId
* netQuantity
* allocatedQuantity
* createdBy
* projectId
* quantityIssued
* inventoryItemId


 * operationStartDate
* quantityRequired
* supplyDemandType
* wipEntityType
* operationOffsetDays
* lastUpdateLogin
* compileDesignator
* lastUpdateDate
* programUpdateDate
* jobReferenceItemId
* programId
* programApplicationId
* planningGroup
* wipEntityId
* requestId
* taskId
* creationDate
* operationSeqNum
* lastUpdatedBy
* organizationId
* netQuantity
* allocatedQuantity
* createdBy
* projectId
* quantityIssued
* inventoryItemId


 * lastUpdateLogin
* hoursExpended
* lastUpdatedBy
* creationDate
* programApplicationId
* createdBy
* lastUpdateDate
* operationHoursRequired
* wipEntityId
* inventoryItemId
* operationSeqNum
* resourceId
* organizationId
* requestId
* departmentId
* wipJobType
* resourceSeqNum
* programUpdateDate
* resourceEndDate
* compileDesignator
* basisType
* resourceUnits
* firstUnitStartDate
* programId


 * lastUpdateLogin
* hoursExpended
* lastUpdatedBy
* creationDate
* programApplicationId
* createdBy
* lastUpdateDate
* operationHoursRequired
* wipEntityId
* inventoryItemId
* operationSeqNum
* resourceId
* organizationId
* requestId
* departmentId
* wipJobType
* resourceSeqNum
* programUpdateDate
* resourceEndDate
* compileDesignator
* basisType
* resourceUnits
* firstUnitStartDate
* programId


 * wipEntityId
* primaryComponentId
* rank
* programUpdateDate
* programApplicationId
* organizationId
* requestId
* planId
* lastUpdatedBy
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* alternateComponentId
* lastUpdateDate
* opSeqNum
* refreshId
* ratio
* createdBy
* programId


 * wipEntityId
* primaryComponentId
* rank
* programUpdateDate
* programApplicationId
* organizationId
* requestId
* planId
* lastUpdatedBy
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* alternateComponentId
* lastUpdateDate
* opSeqNum
* refreshId
* ratio
* createdBy
* programId


 * lastUpdatedBy
* date22
* creationDate
* date30
* date15
* date14
* date12
* date6
* date20
* date4
* date7
* date1
* date18
* date9
* bucketType
* lastUpdateDate
* date2
* date21
* date26
* date29
* date23
* date16
* date8
* date13
* date35
* date3
* date5
* plannedOrganization
* date19
* date36
* organizationId
* compileDesignator
* date37
* date25
* date27
* date34
* date28
* date32
* date31
* date10
* date11
* date33
* createdBy
* date24
* date17


 * lastUpdatedBy
* date22
* creationDate
* date30
* date15
* date14
* date12
* date6
* date20
* date4
* date7
* date1
* date18
* date9
* bucketType
* lastUpdateDate
* date2
* date21
* date26
* date29
* date23
* date16
* date8
* date13
* date35
* date3
* date5
* plannedOrganization
* date19
* date36
* organizationId
* compileDesignator
* date37
* date25
* date27
* date34
* date28
* date32
* date31
* date10
* date11
* date33
* createdBy
* date24
* date17


 * valueType
* lookupType
* valueHigh
* whereClause
* flexcode
* lastUpdateDate
* operatorType
* lastUpdatedBy
* criterion
* criterionType
* creationDate
* queryId
* columnName
* scheduledReceiptsCriteria
* listvalSql
* lowId
* highId
* lastUpdateLogin
* createdBy
* criterionId
* priority
* criteriaSet
* tableName
* plannedOrderCriteria
* minimumValue
* valueLow
* maximumValue
* repetitiveScheduleCriteria


 * valueType
* lookupType
* valueHigh
* whereClause
* flexcode
* lastUpdateDate
* operatorType
* lastUpdatedBy
* criterion
* criterionType
* creationDate
* queryId
* columnName
* scheduledReceiptsCriteria
* listvalSql
* lowId
* highId
* lastUpdateLogin
* createdBy
* criterionId
* priority
* criteriaSet
* tableName
* plannedOrderCriteria
* minimumValue
* valueLow
* maximumValue
* repetitiveScheduleCriteria


 * ordersPlannedOrders
* summarySalesOrders
* summaryIndependentDemand
* summaryFlowSchedules
* ordersForecast
* ordersFirmJobs
* summaryTotalSupply
* lastUpdateDate
* crpHourAvailable
* ordersScrap
* crpRepetitiveSchedules
* userId
* crpDailyRequiredRate
* summaryWindowWidth
* summaryPaybackDemand
* summaryForecast
* summaryExpLot
* createdBy
* summarySs
* ordersSalesOrders
* crpLineCost
* summaryPab
* ordersIndependentDemand
* defaultFlag
* summaryTransit
* lastUpdateLogin
* crpHoursAvailPerDay
* crpRequiredRate
* crpCumRoutingCapacityUtil
* lastUpdatedBy
* crpPlannedOrders
* crpNetHourAvailable
* summaryBeginningOnHand
* summaryPo
* summaryPoh
* ordersScheduledReceipts
* summaryAtp
* crpHoursRequiredPerDay
* crpAvailableRate
* crpNetAvailableRate
* jobClassCode
* summaryScrap
* crpCumRateCapacityUtil
* summaryWindowSize
* ordersFolderId
* crpDailyAvailableRate
* crpRequireHours
* summaryFieldWidth
* crpRoutingCapacityUtil
* crpDiscreteJobs
* creationDate
* summaryDecimalPlaces
* bucketType
* summaryWip
* ordersReleaseConfigs
* groupByCode
* crpCumHourAvailable
* summaryScheduledReceipts
* summaryReq
* summaryPlannedOrders
* ordersDefaultJobStatus
* summaryReceiving
* ordersDependentDemand
* crpResourceCost
* summaryPaybackSupply
* sourceList
* crpCumAvailableRate
* summaryCurrentReceipts
* crpNonStdJobOrders
* ordersReleasePhantoms
* crpFlowSchedules
* crpRateCapacityUtil
* summaryGrossRequirements
* summaryDisplayFactor
* indDemandType
* ordersCutoffDate
* categorySetId
* summaryDependentDemand


 * ordersPlannedOrders
* summarySalesOrders
* summaryIndependentDemand
* summaryFlowSchedules
* ordersForecast
* ordersFirmJobs
* summaryTotalSupply
* lastUpdateDate
* crpHourAvailable
* ordersScrap
* crpRepetitiveSchedules
* userId
* crpDailyRequiredRate
* summaryWindowWidth
* summaryPaybackDemand
* summaryForecast
* summaryExpLot
* createdBy
* summarySs
* ordersSalesOrders
* crpLineCost
* summaryPab
* ordersIndependentDemand
* defaultFlag
* summaryTransit
* lastUpdateLogin
* crpHoursAvailPerDay
* crpRequiredRate
* crpCumRoutingCapacityUtil
* lastUpdatedBy
* crpPlannedOrders
* crpNetHourAvailable
* summaryBeginningOnHand
* summaryPo
* summaryPoh
* ordersScheduledReceipts
* summaryAtp
* crpHoursRequiredPerDay
* crpAvailableRate
* crpNetAvailableRate
* jobClassCode
* summaryScrap
* crpCumRateCapacityUtil
* summaryWindowSize
* ordersFolderId
* crpDailyAvailableRate
* crpRequireHours
* summaryFieldWidth
* crpRoutingCapacityUtil
* crpDiscreteJobs
* creationDate
* summaryDecimalPlaces
* bucketType
* summaryWip
* ordersReleaseConfigs
* groupByCode
* crpCumHourAvailable
* summaryScheduledReceipts
* summaryReq
* summaryPlannedOrders
* ordersDefaultJobStatus
* summaryReceiving
* ordersDependentDemand
* crpResourceCost
* summaryPaybackSupply
* sourceList
* crpCumAvailableRate
* summaryCurrentReceipts
* crpNonStdJobOrders
* ordersReleasePhantoms
* crpFlowSchedules
* crpRateCapacityUtil
* summaryGrossRequirements
* summaryDisplayFactor
* indDemandType
* ordersCutoffDate
* categorySetId
* summaryDependentDemand


 * srAssignmentGroupId
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* abcClassId
* srInstanceId
* creationDate
* createdBy
* description
* organizationId
* abcClassName


 * srAssignmentGroupId
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* abcClassId
* srInstanceId
* creationDate
* createdBy
* description
* organizationId
* abcClassName


 * lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* defDispValue
* sequence
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* defaultValue
* activityType
* dataType
* createdBy
* displayName
* sql
* paramVersion
* displayed
* required
* name


 * lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* defDispValue
* sequence
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* defaultValue
* activityType
* dataType
* createdBy
* displayName
* sql
* paramVersion
* displayed
* required
* name


 * disableDate
* allocationRuleName
* createdBy
* creationDate
* effectiveDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdatedBy
* timePhaseId
* lastUpdateDate


 * disableDate
* allocationRuleName
* createdBy
* creationDate
* effectiveDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdatedBy
* timePhaseId
* lastUpdateDate


 * lastUpdateLogin
* assignmentId
* departmentId
* organizationId
* attribute3
* attribute15
* categoryName
* allocationRuleName
* attribute5
* attribute4
* assignmentType
* categorySetId
* resourceId
* attribute10
* lastUpdatedBy
* attributeCategory
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute8
* inventoryItemId
* attribute6
* attribute14
* attribute7
* attribute12
* attribute13
* attribute1
* attribute9
* creationDate
* resourceGroup
* attribute2
* createdBy
* srInstanceId
* attribute11


 * lastUpdateLogin
* assignmentId
* departmentId
* organizationId
* attribute3
* attribute15
* categoryName
* allocationRuleName
* attribute5
* attribute4
* assignmentType
* categorySetId
* resourceId
* attribute10
* lastUpdatedBy
* attributeCategory
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute8
* inventoryItemId
* attribute6
* attribute14
* attribute7
* attribute12
* attribute13
* attribute1
* attribute9
* creationDate
* resourceGroup
* attribute2
* createdBy
* srInstanceId
* attribute11


 * currFlag
* creationDate
* createdBy
* organizationId
* bucketIndex
* bktStartDate
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* planId
* bktEndDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* bucketType
* srInstanceId
* daysInBucket


 * currFlag
* creationDate
* createdBy
* organizationId
* bucketIndex
* bktStartDate
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* planId
* bktEndDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* bucketType
* srInstanceId
* daysInBucket


 * allocRuleId
* lastUpdatedBy
* priSupplyQty
* totalSupplyQty
* toSrInstanceId
* planId
* priDemandQty
* summaryFlag
* itemId
* firmCarryFwdBkts
* customerSiteId
* toOrgSeqId
* supplierSiteId
* srInstanceId
* customerId
* createdBy
* demandClass
* fixedLotMultiplier
* demandQty
* toOrganizationId
* lastUpdateDate
* assemblyItemId
* allocatedQty
* firmFlag
* priority
* organizationId
* lastUpdateLogin
* higherPriAllocatedQty
* supplierId
* higherPriDemandQty
* allocBktId
* creationDate


 * allocRuleId
* lastUpdatedBy
* priSupplyQty
* totalSupplyQty
* toSrInstanceId
* planId
* priDemandQty
* summaryFlag
* itemId
* firmCarryFwdBkts
* customerSiteId
* toOrgSeqId
* supplierSiteId
* srInstanceId
* customerId
* createdBy
* demandClass
* fixedLotMultiplier
* demandQty
* toOrganizationId
* lastUpdateDate
* assemblyItemId
* allocatedQty
* firmFlag
* priority
* organizationId
* lastUpdateLogin
* higherPriAllocatedQty
* supplierId
* higherPriDemandQty
* allocBktId
* creationDate


 * lastUpdateDate
* shipmentId
* inventoryItemId
* demandId
* priority
* maxEarlyDate
* needByDate
* createdBy
* planId
* creationDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* supplyDate
* maxLateDate
* allocationQty
* lastUpdateLogin


 * lastUpdateDate
* shipmentId
* inventoryItemId
* demandId
* priority
* maxEarlyDate
* needByDate
* createdBy
* planId
* creationDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* supplyDate
* maxLateDate
* allocationQty
* lastUpdateLogin


 * lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute14
* attribute11
* description
* createdBy
* creationDate
* attribute7
* attribute10
* attribute5
* attribute13
* attribute3
* attribute9
* attribute2
* allocationRuleName
* attribute15
* attribute8
* attributeCategory
* attribute4
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute1
* attribute6
* attribute12


 * lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute14
* attribute11
* description
* createdBy
* creationDate
* attribute7
* attribute10
* attribute5
* attribute13
* attribute3
* attribute9
* attribute2
* allocationRuleName
* attribute15
* attribute8
* attributeCategory
* attribute4
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute1
* attribute6
* attribute12


 * lastUpdatedBy
* attribute8
* attribute10
* creationDate
* attribute9
* class
* createdBy
* attribute4
* levelAllocPercent
* minAllocationPercent
* partnerSiteId
* allocationId
* attribute13
* attribute14
* attribute11
* attribute7
* attribute12
* lastUpdateLogin
* serviceLevel
* lastUpdateDate
* priority
* demandClass
* levelPriority
* attribute6
* allocationPercent
* attribute1
* attributeCategory
* attribute3
* attribute2
* timePhaseId
* attribute5
* attribute15
* minLevelAllocPercent
* partnerId
* levelId


 * lastUpdatedBy
* attribute8
* attribute10
* creationDate
* attribute9
* class
* createdBy
* attribute4
* levelAllocPercent
* minAllocationPercent
* partnerSiteId
* allocationId
* attribute13
* attribute14
* attribute11
* attribute7
* attribute12
* lastUpdateLogin
* serviceLevel
* lastUpdateDate
* priority
* demandClass
* levelPriority
* attribute6
* allocationPercent
* attribute1
* attributeCategory
* attribute3
* attribute2
* timePhaseId
* attribute5
* attribute15
* minLevelAllocPercent
* partnerId
* levelId


 * fieldName
* orValues
* folderId
* orderBySequence
* orValueDate
* objectSequence
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* hiddenValues
* lastUpdatedBy
* createdBy
* trxId
* orValue
* sequence
* lastUpdateDate


 * fieldName
* orValues
* folderId
* orderBySequence
* orValueDate
* objectSequence
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* hiddenValues
* lastUpdatedBy
* createdBy
* trxId
* orValue
* sequence
* lastUpdateDate


 * createdBy
* key
* memberOrder
* lastUpdateDate
* defaultset
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdatedBy
* name
* publicFlag
* module
* creationDate
* userid
* value


 * createdBy
* key
* memberOrder
* lastUpdateDate
* defaultset
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdatedBy
* name
* publicFlag
* module
* creationDate
* userid
* value


 * lastUpdateLogin
* sessionId
* lastUpdatedBy
* seqNum
* createdBy
* answerId
* answerText
* creationDate
* questionId
* lastUpdateDate


 * lastUpdateLogin
* sessionId
* lastUpdatedBy
* seqNum
* createdBy
* answerId
* answerText
* creationDate
* questionId
* lastUpdateDate


 * calendarCode
* fisPeriodStartDate
* mfgPeriodEndDate
* calendarDate
* mfgSeqNum
* mfgPeriodStartDate
* reportEndDate
* creationDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* mfgPeriodName
* mfgWeekStartDate
* mfgWeekEndDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* reportStartDate
* programId
* programApplicationId
* lastUpdateDate
* fisPeriodEndDate
* createdBy
* programLoginId
* requestId


 * calendarCode
* fisPeriodStartDate
* mfgPeriodEndDate
* calendarDate
* mfgSeqNum
* mfgPeriodStartDate
* reportEndDate
* creationDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* mfgPeriodName
* mfgWeekStartDate
* mfgWeekEndDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* reportStartDate
* programId
* programApplicationId
* lastUpdateDate
* fisPeriodEndDate
* createdBy
* programLoginId
* requestId


 * categorySetId1
* measureBlocks
* programApplicationId
* categorySetId4
* requestId
* periodSetName
* currencyConvType
* daysBack
* creationDate
* prevVersionType
* reportingCurrency
* categorySetId3
* timeGranularity
* createdBy
* categorySetId5
* orgCalFlag
* planRunResvCnt
* lastUpdateLogin
* calCode
* categorySetId2
* lastUpdateDate
* programId
* pgCategorySetId
* lastUpdatedBy
* daysForward
* programLoginId


 * categorySetId1
* measureBlocks
* programApplicationId
* categorySetId4
* requestId
* periodSetName
* currencyConvType
* daysBack
* creationDate
* prevVersionType
* reportingCurrency
* categorySetId3
* timeGranularity
* createdBy
* categorySetId5
* orgCalFlag
* planRunResvCnt
* lastUpdateLogin
* calCode
* categorySetId2
* lastUpdateDate
* programId
* pgCategorySetId
* lastUpdatedBy
* daysForward
* programLoginId


 * level9
* detailId
* level4
* level7
* creationDate
* level6
* level5
* detailId2
* lastUpdateLogin
* programApplicationId
* level10
* createdBy
* programId
* level8
* programLoginId
* lastUpdatedBy
* dimensionId
* lastUpdateDate
* requestId
* level2
* level3


 * level9
* detailId
* level4
* level7
* creationDate
* level6
* level5
* detailId2
* lastUpdateLogin
* programApplicationId
* level10
* createdBy
* programId
* level8
* programLoginId
* lastUpdatedBy
* dimensionId
* lastUpdateDate
* requestId
* level2
* level3


 * sourceColumnName
* programLoginId
* programId
* lastUpdatedBy
* aggregationMethod
* programApplicationId
* factType
* columnName
* lastUpdateDate
* requestId
* lastUpdateLogin
* creationDate
* createdBy
* columnTitle


 * sourceColumnName
* programLoginId
* programId
* lastUpdatedBy
* aggregationMethod
* programApplicationId
* factType
* columnName
* lastUpdateDate
* requestId
* lastUpdateLogin
* creationDate
* createdBy
* columnTitle


 * programId
* customAttribute13
* creationDate
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* programApplicationId
* customAttribute11
* customAttribute10
* customAttribute1
* customAttribute2
* customAttribute3
* customAttribute5
* createdBy
* requestId
* customAttribute12
* programLoginId
* customAttribute4
* customAttribute14
* lastUpdateLogin
* customAttribute8
* customAttribute9
* customAttribute15
* customAttribute6
* transactionId
* recordType
* customAttribute7
* srInstanceId


 * programId
* customAttribute13
* creationDate
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* programApplicationId
* customAttribute11
* customAttribute10
* customAttribute1
* customAttribute2
* customAttribute3
* customAttribute5
* createdBy
* requestId
* customAttribute12
* programLoginId
* customAttribute4
* customAttribute14
* lastUpdateLogin
* customAttribute8
* customAttribute9
* customAttribute15
* customAttribute6
* transactionId
* recordType
* customAttribute7
* srInstanceId


 * srInstanceId
* sourceVersion
* lastUpdateLogin
* planCutoffDate
* uploadMode
* directory
* importLevel
* sourcePlanRunId
* exportLevel
* transferStatus
* planCompletionDate
* programLoginId
* lastUpdatedBy
* sourceDblink
* createdBy
* programApplicationId
* programId
* planRunId
* planId
* transferId
* planName
* planType
* creationDate
* organizationId
* planStartDate
* lastUpdateDate
* requestId
* planDescription


 * lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdatedBy
* programApplicationId
* factType
* fileName
* lastUpdateDate
* programId
* programLoginId
* overwriteAfterDate
* requestId
* fileData
* transferId
* createdBy
* creationDate


 * lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdatedBy
* programApplicationId
* factType
* fileName
* lastUpdateDate
* programId
* programLoginId
* overwriteAfterDate
* requestId
* fileData
* transferId
* createdBy
* creationDate


 * srInstanceId
* sourceVersion
* lastUpdateLogin
* planCutoffDate
* uploadMode
* directory
* importLevel
* sourcePlanRunId
* exportLevel
* transferStatus
* planCompletionDate
* programLoginId
* lastUpdatedBy
* sourceDblink
* createdBy
* programApplicationId
* programId
* planRunId
* planId
* transferId
* planName
* planType
* creationDate
* organizationId
* planStartDate
* lastUpdateDate
* requestId
* planDescription


 * partName
* programLoginId
* lastUpdatedBy
* currentStep
* workerName
* lastUpdateDate
* planRunId
* workerRequestId
* requestId
* programId
* createdBy
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* programApplicationId


 * partName
* programLoginId
* lastUpdatedBy
* currentStep
* workerName
* lastUpdateDate
* planRunId
* workerRequestId
* requestId
* programId
* createdBy
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* programApplicationId


 * lastUpdateLogin
* creationDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* createdBy
* instanceId
* nodeId
* lastUpdateDate
* m2aDblink


 * lastUpdateLogin
* creationDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* createdBy
* instanceId
* nodeId
* lastUpdateDate
* m2aDblink


 * gmtDifference
* appsVer
* attribute2
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute15
* soTblStatus
* attribute11
* lastTgtContCollTime
* summaryRefreshNumber
* collectAllCategorySets
* lrtype
* creationDate
* stagingCopyComplete
* m2aDblink
* lastIbucCollDate
* attribute14
* lastUpdateDate
* currency
* resourceVolumeUom
* stStatus
* cleansedFlag
* programApplicationId
* assignmentSetId
* stagingCopyEnabled
* ibuccpLcid
* instanceCode
* allowAtpFlag
* programUpdateDate
* validationOrgId
* lrSourcingFlag
* attribute13
* allowReleaseFlag
* attribute4
* collectionsStartTime
* lbjDetails
* attribute5
* resourceMassUom
* enableFlag
* companyId
* programId
* attribute6
* snapRefStartTime
* createdBy
* pjmEnabled
* appsLrn
* attributeCategory
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute10
* attribute3
* soLrtype
* pullWrkrStartTime
* lcid
* p6DeleteFlag
* attribute1
* attribute9
* instanceType
* planStatusCounter
* dbsVer
* suppliesLoadFlag
* lrid
* instanceId
* attribute7
* attribute8
* a2mDblink
* requestId
* summaryFlag
* attribute12


 * gmtDifference
* appsVer
* attribute2
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute15
* soTblStatus
* attribute11
* lastTgtContCollTime
* summaryRefreshNumber
* collectAllCategorySets
* lrtype
* creationDate
* stagingCopyComplete
* m2aDblink
* lastIbucCollDate
* attribute14
* lastUpdateDate
* currency
* resourceVolumeUom
* stStatus
* cleansedFlag
* programApplicationId
* assignmentSetId
* stagingCopyEnabled
* ibuccpLcid
* instanceCode
* allowAtpFlag
* programUpdateDate
* validationOrgId
* lrSourcingFlag
* attribute13
* allowReleaseFlag
* attribute4
* collectionsStartTime
* lbjDetails
* attribute5
* resourceMassUom
* enableFlag
* companyId
* programId
* attribute6
* snapRefStartTime
* createdBy
* pjmEnabled
* appsLrn
* attributeCategory
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute10
* attribute3
* soLrtype
* pullWrkrStartTime
* lcid
* p6DeleteFlag
* attribute1
* attribute9
* instanceType
* planStatusCounter
* dbsVer
* suppliesLoadFlag
* lrid
* instanceId
* attribute7
* attribute8
* a2mDblink
* requestId
* summaryFlag
* attribute12


 * creationDate
* displayOrder
* lastUpdateLogin
* endDays
* requestId
* orderType
* attribute11
* usingOrganizationId
* attributeCategory
* attribute8
* inventoryItemId
* authorizationCode
* attribute9
* collectedFlag
* attribute6
* attribute14
* percentagePurchasePrice
* lastUpdatedBy
* srInstanceId
* planId
* programUpdateDate
* lastUpdateDate
* programId
* attribute3
* attribute12
* attribute2
* organizationId
* attribute10
* aslLiabilityAgreementBasis
* startDays
* refreshNumber
* attribute15
* supplierSiteId
* programApplicationId
* attribute7
* attribute13
* attribute1
* attribute5
* includeLiabilityAgreement
* attribute4
* cutoffDays
* transactionId
* supplierId
* parentId
* createdBy


 * creationDate
* displayOrder
* lastUpdateLogin
* endDays
* requestId
* orderType
* attribute11
* usingOrganizationId
* attributeCategory
* attribute8
* inventoryItemId
* authorizationCode
* attribute9
* collectedFlag
* attribute6
* attribute14
* percentagePurchasePrice
* lastUpdatedBy
* srInstanceId
* planId
* programUpdateDate
* lastUpdateDate
* programId
* attribute3
* attribute12
* attribute2
* organizationId
* attribute10
* aslLiabilityAgreementBasis
* startDays
* refreshNumber
* attribute15
* supplierSiteId
* programApplicationId
* attribute7
* attribute13
* attribute1
* attribute5
* includeLiabilityAgreement
* attribute4
* cutoffDays
* transactionId
* supplierId
* parentId
* createdBy


 * createdBy
* description
* attribute14
* attribute9
* attributeCategory
* attribute6
* srInstanceId
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute12
* attribute1
* attribute5
* deletedFlag
* attribute11
* programApplicationId
* requestId
* assignmentAssociationType
* lastUpdateDate
* assignmentSetId
* creationDate
* attribute8
* attribute10
* attribute15
* programUpdateDate
* attribute3
* collectedFlag
* attribute2
* refreshNumber
* assignmentSetName
* attribute7
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute13
* attribute4
* srAssignmentSetId
* programId


 * createdBy
* description
* attribute14
* attribute9
* attributeCategory
* attribute6
* srInstanceId
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute12
* attribute1
* attribute5
* deletedFlag
* attribute11
* programApplicationId
* requestId
* assignmentAssociationType
* lastUpdateDate
* assignmentSetId
* creationDate
* attribute8
* attribute10
* attribute15
* programUpdateDate
* attribute3
* collectedFlag
* attribute2
* refreshNumber
* assignmentSetName
* attribute7
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute13
* attribute4
* srAssignmentSetId
* programId


 * attribute4
* attributeCategory
* includeNonstdWipDemand
* attribute5
* includeUserDefinedSupply
* includeRepWipDemand
* includeFlowScheduleReceipts
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute2
* attribute15
* pastDueDemandCutoffFence
* description
* forwardConsumptionFlag
* attribute9
* accumulateAvailableFlag
* includeUserDefinedDemand
* includeRepMps
* acceptableLateFence
* attribute1
* aggregateTimeFenceCode
* attribute6
* ruleId
* ruleName
* demandClassAtpFlag
* lastUpdateDate
* includeRepWipReceipts
* pastDueSupplyCutoffFence
* includeOnhandAvailable
* userAtpSupplyTableName
* programApplicationId
* includeInternalOrders
* requestId
* includeFlowScheduleDemand
* userAtpDemandTableName
* infiniteSupplyFenceCode
* srInstanceId
* includeInterorgTransfers
* programId
* attribute8
* attribute11
* attribute10
* includeDiscreteWipReceipts
* includeDiscreteWipDemand
* includeSupplierReqs
* programUpdateDate
* defaultAtpSources
* infiniteSupplyTimeFence
* includeDiscreteMps
* includeNonstdWipReceipts
* backwardConsumptionFlag
* createdBy
* acceptableEarlyFence
* attribute12
* includeSalesOrders
* attribute14
* mpsDesignator
* includeInternalReqs
* includePurchaseOrders
* attribute13
* attribute7
* aggregateTimeFence
* creationDate
* attribute3
* accumulationWindow


 * attribute4
* attributeCategory
* includeNonstdWipDemand
* attribute5
* includeUserDefinedSupply
* includeRepWipDemand
* includeFlowScheduleReceipts
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute2
* attribute15
* pastDueDemandCutoffFence
* description
* forwardConsumptionFlag
* attribute9
* accumulateAvailableFlag
* includeUserDefinedDemand
* includeRepMps
* acceptableLateFence
* attribute1
* aggregateTimeFenceCode
* attribute6
* ruleId
* ruleName
* demandClassAtpFlag
* lastUpdateDate
* includeRepWipReceipts
* pastDueSupplyCutoffFence
* includeOnhandAvailable
* userAtpSupplyTableName
* programApplicationId
* includeInternalOrders
* requestId
* includeFlowScheduleDemand
* userAtpDemandTableName
* infiniteSupplyFenceCode
* srInstanceId
* includeInterorgTransfers
* programId
* attribute8
* attribute11
* attribute10
* includeDiscreteWipReceipts
* includeDiscreteWipDemand
* includeSupplierReqs
* programUpdateDate
* defaultAtpSources
* infiniteSupplyTimeFence
* includeDiscreteMps
* includeNonstdWipReceipts
* backwardConsumptionFlag
* createdBy
* acceptableEarlyFence
* attribute12
* includeSalesOrders
* attribute14
* mpsDesignator
* includeInternalReqs
* includePurchaseOrders
* attribute13
* attribute7
* aggregateTimeFence
* creationDate
* attribute3
* accumulationWindow


 * lastUpdateLogin
* profileValue
* sessionId
* lastUpdatedBy
* profileName
* createdBy
* lastUpdateDate
* creationDate


 * lastUpdateLogin
* profileValue
* sessionId
* lastUpdatedBy
* profileName
* createdBy
* lastUpdateDate
* creationDate


 * srInstanceId
* createdBy
* requestId
* organizationId
* lastUpdateDate
* programUpdateDate
* updated
* lastUpdateLogin
* programId
* transactionId
* creationDate
* planId
* scheduleDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* inventoryItemId
* programApplicationId
* status
* quantityAvailable


 * srInstanceId
* createdBy
* requestId
* organizationId
* lastUpdateDate
* programUpdateDate
* updated
* lastUpdateLogin
* programId
* transactionId
* creationDate
* planId
* scheduleDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* inventoryItemId
* programApplicationId
* status
* quantityAvailable


 * attribute2
* creationDate
* planId
* attribute1
* attributeCategory
* organizationId
* attribute12
* billOfResources
* srInstanceId
* attribute13
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute4
* attribute11
* createdBy
* refreshNumber
* requestId
* programUpdateDate
* attribute7
* attribute15
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute14
* programApplicationId
* attribute5
* programId
* disableDate
* rollupStartDate
* lastUpdateDate
* rollupCompletionDate
* attribute3
* attribute9
* description
* attribute6
* attribute10
* attribute8


 * attribute2
* creationDate
* planId
* attribute1
* attributeCategory
* organizationId
* attribute12
* billOfResources
* srInstanceId
* attribute13
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute4
* attribute11
* createdBy
* refreshNumber
* requestId
* programUpdateDate
* attribute7
* attribute15
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute14
* programApplicationId
* attribute5
* programId
* disableDate
* rollupStartDate
* lastUpdateDate
* rollupCompletionDate
* attribute3
* attribute9
* description
* attribute6
* attribute10
* attribute8


 * name
* requestId
* programId
* versionNo
* shortName
* currentPlanFlag
* programUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* creationDate
* srInstanceId
* lastUpdateDate
* businessPlanId
* description
* lastUpdatedBy
* programApplicationId
* createdBy
* refreshNumber


 * name
* requestId
* programId
* versionNo
* shortName
* currentPlanFlag
* programUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* creationDate
* srInstanceId
* lastUpdateDate
* businessPlanId
* description
* lastUpdatedBy
* programApplicationId
* createdBy
* refreshNumber


 * lastUpdateLogin
* inventoryCost
* lastUpdatedBy
* planId
* lastUpdateDate
* mdsPrice
* srCategoryId
* productionCost
* purchasingCost
* demandPenaltyCost
* carryingCost
* organizationId
* srInstanceId
* categoryName
* creationDate
* mdsCost
* createdBy
* categorySetId
* detailDate


 * lastUpdateLogin
* inventoryCost
* lastUpdatedBy
* planId
* lastUpdateDate
* mdsPrice
* srCategoryId
* productionCost
* purchasingCost
* demandPenaltyCost
* carryingCost
* organizationId
* srInstanceId
* categoryName
* creationDate
* mdsCost
* createdBy
* categorySetId
* detailDate


 * createdBy
* inventoryCost
* mdsPrice
* creationDate
* mdsCost
* purchasingCost
* organizationId
* lastUpdateLogin
* detailDate
* carryingCost
* demandPenaltyCost
* planId
* srInstanceId
* inventoryValue
* lastUpdateDate
* productionCost
* lastUpdatedBy
* plannerCode


 * createdBy
* inventoryCost
* mdsPrice
* creationDate
* mdsCost
* purchasingCost
* organizationId
* lastUpdateLogin
* detailDate
* carryingCost
* demandPenaltyCost
* planId
* srInstanceId
* inventoryValue
* lastUpdateDate
* productionCost
* lastUpdatedBy
* plannerCode


 * createdBy
* requestId
* organizationId
* facilityCost
* lastUpdateLogin
* facilityCostType
* planId
* detailDate
* programId
* lastUpdateDate
* programApplicationId
* programLoginId
* srInstanceId
* creationDate
* lastUpdatedBy


 * createdBy
* requestId
* organizationId
* facilityCost
* lastUpdateLogin
* facilityCostType
* planId
* detailDate
* programId
* lastUpdateDate
* programApplicationId
* programLoginId
* srInstanceId
* creationDate
* lastUpdatedBy


 * unitOfMeasureClass
* timeDimensionId
* dimension2Id
* dimension5Id
* createdBy
* measureId
* measureShortName
* lastUpdateLogin
* programId
* orgDimensionId
* dimension1Id
* creationDate
* programUpdateDate
* lastUpdateDate
* refreshNumber
* programApplicationId
* description
* dimension3Id
* lastUpdatedBy
* requestId
* srInstanceId
* dimension4Id
* measureName


 * unitOfMeasureClass
* timeDimensionId
* dimension2Id
* dimension5Id
* createdBy
* measureId
* measureShortName
* lastUpdateLogin
* programId
* orgDimensionId
* dimension1Id
* creationDate
* programUpdateDate
* lastUpdateDate
* refreshNumber
* programApplicationId
* description
* dimension3Id
* lastUpdatedBy
* requestId
* srInstanceId
* dimension4Id
* measureName


 * startDate
* createdBy
* description
* context
* periodYear
* attribute3
* enteredPeriodName
* adjustmentPeriodFlag
* lastUpdateDate
* organizationId
* creationDate
* attribute4
* periodType
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute2
* attribute7
* attribute1
* attribute8
* yearStartDate
* periodSetName
* quarterStartDate
* attribute5
* periodName
* quarterNum
* lastUpdatedBy
* srInstanceId
* endDate
* periodNum
* attribute6


 * startDate
* createdBy
* description
* context
* periodYear
* attribute3
* enteredPeriodName
* adjustmentPeriodFlag
* lastUpdateDate
* organizationId
* creationDate
* attribute4
* periodType
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute2
* attribute7
* attribute1
* attribute8
* yearStartDate
* periodSetName
* quarterStartDate
* attribute5
* periodName
* quarterNum
* lastUpdatedBy
* srInstanceId
* endDate
* periodNum
* attribute6


 * programUpdateDate
* createdBy
* lateSupplyCount
* lastUpdateDate
* planId
* programApplicationId
* totalResourceAvail
* programId
* keyDate
* totalResourceReq
* totalSupplyCount
* totalDaysLate
* srInstanceId
* totalResSetupTime
* creationDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* requestId
* lastUpdateLogin


 * programUpdateDate
* createdBy
* lateSupplyCount
* lastUpdateDate
* planId
* programApplicationId
* totalResourceAvail
* programId
* keyDate
* totalResourceReq
* totalSupplyCount
* totalDaysLate
* srInstanceId
* totalResSetupTime
* creationDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* requestId
* lastUpdateLogin


 * lastUpdatedBy
* utilSum
* resourceDate
* organizationId
* planId
* srInstanceId
* utilization
* utilCount
* creationDate
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* createdBy


 * lastUpdatedBy
* utilSum
* resourceDate
* organizationId
* planId
* srInstanceId
* utilization
* utilCount
* creationDate
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* createdBy


 * utilByWtVol
* departmentId
* resourceInstDate
* detailLevel
* createdBy
* resInstanceId
* requiredHours
* equipmentItemId
* lastUpdatedBy
* programApplicationId
* lastUpdateDate
* utilization
* serialNumber
* availableHours
* programId
* planId
* programUpdateDate
* requestId
* batchCount
* resourceId
* lastUpdateLogin
* periodType
* creationDate
* srInstanceId
* organizationId


 * utilByWtVol
* departmentId
* resourceInstDate
* detailLevel
* createdBy
* resInstanceId
* requiredHours
* equipmentItemId
* lastUpdatedBy
* programApplicationId
* lastUpdateDate
* utilization
* serialNumber
* availableHours
* programId
* planId
* programUpdateDate
* requestId
* batchCount
* resourceId
* lastUpdateLogin
* periodType
* creationDate
* srInstanceId
* organizationId


 * resourceId
* programUpdateDate
* createdBy
* resourceGroup
* setupHours
* programId
* programApplicationId
* batchCount
* utilByWtVol
* availableHours
* lastUpdateDate
* srInstanceId
* planId
* requiredHours
* periodType
* requestId
* detailLevel
* lastUpdateLogin
* creationDate
* departmentId
* lastUpdatedBy
* overutilizationCost
* resourceDate
* utilization
* organizationId
* departmentClass
* resourceCost


 * resourceId
* programUpdateDate
* createdBy
* resourceGroup
* setupHours
* programId
* programApplicationId
* batchCount
* utilByWtVol
* availableHours
* lastUpdateDate
* srInstanceId
* planId
* requiredHours
* periodType
* requestId
* detailLevel
* lastUpdateLogin
* creationDate
* departmentId
* lastUpdatedBy
* overutilizationCost
* resourceDate
* utilization
* organizationId
* departmentClass
* resourceCost


 * inventoryItemId
* organizationId
* lastUpdateLogin
* planId
* requiredQuantity
* lastUpdatedBy
* creationDate
* periodType
* srInstanceId
* detailDate
* supplierSiteId
* lastUpdateDate
* availableCapacity
* createdBy
* detailLevel
* utilization
* overcapCost
* supplierId


 * inventoryItemId
* organizationId
* lastUpdateLogin
* planId
* requiredQuantity
* lastUpdatedBy
* creationDate
* periodType
* srInstanceId
* detailDate
* supplierSiteId
* lastUpdateDate
* availableCapacity
* createdBy
* detailLevel
* utilization
* overcapCost
* supplierId


 * computingFunctionId
* unitOfMeasure
* defaultNotifyRespShortName
* dimension3LevelId
* dimension2LevelId
* defaultNotifyRespId
* dimension4LevelId
* programUpdateDate
* targetLevelId
* srInstanceId
* dimension1LevelId
* programApplicationId
* workflowItemType
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* programId
* createdBy
* creationDate
* lastUpdateDate
* targetLevelShortName
* refreshNumber
* targetLevelName
* dimension5LevelId
* description
* timeLevelId
* orgLevelId
* systemFlag
* workflowProcessShortName
* requestId
* measureId
* reportFunctionId


 * computingFunctionId
* unitOfMeasure
* defaultNotifyRespShortName
* dimension3LevelId
* dimension2LevelId
* defaultNotifyRespId
* dimension4LevelId
* programUpdateDate
* targetLevelId
* srInstanceId
* dimension1LevelId
* programApplicationId
* workflowItemType
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* programId
* createdBy
* creationDate
* lastUpdateDate
* targetLevelShortName
* refreshNumber
* targetLevelName
* dimension5LevelId
* description
* timeLevelId
* orgLevelId
* systemFlag
* workflowProcessShortName
* requestId
* measureId
* reportFunctionId


 * timeLevelValueId
* notifyResp1Id
* targetId
* range3Low
* businessPlanId
* target
* notifyResp3Id
* range2Low
* notifyResp1ShortName
* refreshNumber
* dim1LevelValueId
* lastUpdateLogin
* notifyResp2Id
* notifyResp3ShortName
* dim5LevelValueId
* dim4LevelValueId
* targetLevelId
* programApplicationId
* srInstanceId
* range1Low
* dim2LevelValueId
* lastUpdatedBy
* programId
* orgLevelValueId
* range1High
* lastUpdateDate
* range3High
* createdBy
* range2High
* notifyResp2ShortName
* programUpdateDate
* creationDate
* dim3LevelValueId
* requestId


 * timeLevelValueId
* notifyResp1Id
* targetId
* range3Low
* businessPlanId
* target
* notifyResp3Id
* range2Low
* notifyResp1ShortName
* refreshNumber
* dim1LevelValueId
* lastUpdateLogin
* notifyResp2Id
* notifyResp3ShortName
* dim5LevelValueId
* dim4LevelValueId
* targetLevelId
* programApplicationId
* srInstanceId
* range1Low
* dim2LevelValueId
* lastUpdatedBy
* programId
* orgLevelValueId
* range1High
* lastUpdateDate
* range3High
* createdBy
* range2High
* notifyResp2ShortName
* programUpdateDate
* creationDate
* dim3LevelValueId
* requestId


 * srInstanceId
* allocationPercent
* planId
* inventoryItemId
* sourceOrgInstanceId
* sourcingLevel
* assignmentSetId
* sourcingRuleType
* rank
* compileDesignator
* owningOrgId
* regionId
* regionType
* bomItemType
* sourceType
* customerId
* disableDate
* organizationId
* sourcingRuleId
* customerSiteId
* primaryUomCode
* planningMakeBuyCode
* mrpPlanningCode
* sourcingRuleName
* sourceOrganizationId
* assignmentType
* shipMethod
* effectiveDate
* assignmentId
* srDescription


 * srInstanceId
* allocationPercent
* planId
* inventoryItemId
* sourceOrgInstanceId
* sourcingLevel
* assignmentSetId
* sourcingRuleType
* rank
* compileDesignator
* owningOrgId
* regionId
* regionType
* bomItemType
* sourceType
* customerId
* disableDate
* organizationId
* sourcingRuleId
* customerSiteId
* primaryUomCode
* planningMakeBuyCode
* mrpPlanningCode
* sourcingRuleName
* sourceOrganizationId
* assignmentType
* shipMethod
* effectiveDate
* assignmentId
* srDescription


 * usageQuantity
* inventoryItemId
* bomDisableDate
* inventoryItemUom
* lastUpdatedBy
* bomBodId
* errorMsg
* bomEffectivityDate
* creationDate
* supplierName
* planId
* assemblyItemId
* inventoryItemName
* assemblyItemUom
* srInstanceId
* partyId
* supplierId
* createdBy
* lastUpdateDate
* batchId
* assemblyItemName
* sourcingEffectivityDate
* rowStatus
* avgTransitLeadTime
* sourcingDisableDate


 * usageQuantity
* inventoryItemId
* bomDisableDate
* inventoryItemUom
* lastUpdatedBy
* bomBodId
* errorMsg
* bomEffectivityDate
* creationDate
* supplierName
* planId
* assemblyItemId
* inventoryItemName
* assemblyItemUom
* srInstanceId
* partyId
* supplierId
* createdBy
* lastUpdateDate
* batchId
* assemblyItemName
* sourcingEffectivityDate
* rowStatus
* avgTransitLeadTime
* sourcingDisableDate


 * createdBy
* attribute5
* attribute15
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute8
* programId
* programUpdateDate
* resourceDepartmentHours
* resourceUnits
* srInstanceId
* lastUpdateDate
* resourceId
* refreshNumber
* attributeCategory
* attribute1
* srTransactionId
* attribute9
* attribute6
* departmentId
* organizationId
* attribute14
* assemblyItemId
* operationSequenceId
* attribute10
* sourceItemId
* setbackDays
* originationType
* lastUpdateLogin
* requestId
* transactionId
* creationDate
* resourceSeqNum
* attribute4
* planId
* basis
* attribute11
* programApplicationId
* attribute7
* billOfResources
* operationSeqNum
* assemblyUsage
* attribute12
* attribute13
* attribute3
* attribute2


 * createdBy
* attribute5
* attribute15
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute8
* programId
* programUpdateDate
* resourceDepartmentHours
* resourceUnits
* srInstanceId
* lastUpdateDate
* resourceId
* refreshNumber
* attributeCategory
* attribute1
* srTransactionId
* attribute9
* attribute6
* departmentId
* organizationId
* attribute14
* assemblyItemId
* operationSequenceId
* attribute10
* sourceItemId
* setbackDays
* originationType
* lastUpdateLogin
* requestId
* transactionId
* creationDate
* resourceSeqNum
* attribute4
* planId
* basis
* attribute11
* programApplicationId
* attribute7
* billOfResources
* operationSeqNum
* assemblyUsage
* attribute12
* attribute13
* attribute3
* attribute2


 * patchNumber
* appliedDate
* creationDate
* area
* lastUpdateDate
* rupNumber
* createdBy
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin


 * patchNumber
* appliedDate
* creationDate
* area
* lastUpdateDate
* rupNumber
* createdBy
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin


 * seqNum
* lastUpdateDate
* weekStartDate
* nextDate
* refreshNumber
* programUpdateDate
* programId
* lastUpdateLogin
* createdBy
* calendarCode
* programApplicationId
* srInstanceId
* priorDate
* creationDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* requestId
* exceptionSetId


 * seqNum
* lastUpdateDate
* weekStartDate
* nextDate
* refreshNumber
* programUpdateDate
* programId
* lastUpdateLogin
* createdBy
* calendarCode
* programApplicationId
* srInstanceId
* priorDate
* creationDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* requestId
* exceptionSetId


 * lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdatedBy
* calendarCode
* creationDate
* createdBy
* lastUpdateDate
* requestId
* programId
* programApplicationId
* yearStartDate
* exceptionSetId
* srInstanceId
* refreshNumber
* programUpdateDate


 * lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdatedBy
* calendarCode
* creationDate
* createdBy
* lastUpdateDate
* requestId
* programId
* programApplicationId
* yearStartDate
* exceptionSetId
* srInstanceId
* refreshNumber
* programUpdateDate


 * associationLevel
* lastUpdateDate
* associationType
* createdBy
* calendarCode
* lastUpdateLogin
* srInstanceId
* partnerId
* shipMethodCode
* calendarType
* carrierPartnerId
* refreshNumber
* creationDate
* partnerSiteId
* lastUpdatedBy
* partnerType
* organizationId


 * associationLevel
* lastUpdateDate
* associationType
* createdBy
* calendarCode
* lastUpdateLogin
* srInstanceId
* partnerId
* shipMethodCode
* calendarType
* carrierPartnerId
* refreshNumber
* creationDate
* partnerSiteId
* lastUpdatedBy
* partnerType
* organizationId


 * srInstanceId
* attribute6
* programId
* attribute14
* programUpdateDate
* calendarEndDate
* description
* refreshNumber
* calendarDate
* attribute4
* attribute11
* attribute8
* attribute9
* requestId
* attribute15
* attribute3
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute2
* nextDate
* priorDate
* calendarStartDate
* createdBy
* creationDate
* deletedFlag
* programApplicationId
* attributeCategory
* attribute1
* lastUpdateDate
* exceptionSetId
* attribute5
* attribute12
* calendarCode
* attribute7
* nextSeqNum
* lastUpdateLogin
* seqNum
* attribute10
* priorSeqNum
* attribute13


 * srInstanceId
* attribute6
* programId
* attribute14
* programUpdateDate
* calendarEndDate
* description
* refreshNumber
* calendarDate
* attribute4
* attribute11
* attribute8
* attribute9
* requestId
* attribute15
* attribute3
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute2
* nextDate
* priorDate
* calendarStartDate
* createdBy
* creationDate
* deletedFlag
* programApplicationId
* attributeCategory
* attribute1
* lastUpdateDate
* exceptionSetId
* attribute5
* attribute12
* calendarCode
* attribute7
* nextSeqNum
* lastUpdateLogin
* seqNum
* attribute10
* priorSeqNum
* attribute13


 * srInstanceId
* exceptionSetId
* lastUpdatedBy
* createdBy
* refreshId
* exceptionDate
* exceptionType
* calendarCode
* requestId
* programId
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdateDate
* creationDate
* programUpdateDate
* programApplicationId


 * srInstanceId
* exceptionSetId
* lastUpdatedBy
* createdBy
* refreshId
* exceptionDate
* exceptionType
* calendarCode
* requestId
* programId
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdateDate
* creationDate
* programUpdateDate
* programApplicationId


 * calendarType
* programUpdateDate
* attribute14
* calendarCode
* monthStartDate
* attribute8
* quarterEndDate
* lastUpdateDate
* deletedFlag
* creationDate
* requestId
* attribute3
* attribute13
* refreshNumber
* attribute5
* attribute11
* attribute12
* monthEndDate
* yearEndDate
* attribute1
* attributeCategory
* srInstanceId
* yearDescription
* quarterStartDate
* programId
* refreshId
* attribute9
* attribute15
* month
* attribute4
* attribute6
* monthDescription
* year
* attribute10
* attribute7
* quarterDescription
* lastUpdateLogin
* quarter
* attribute2
* yearStartDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* programApplicationId
* createdBy


 * calendarType
* programUpdateDate
* attribute14
* calendarCode
* monthStartDate
* attribute8
* quarterEndDate
* lastUpdateDate
* deletedFlag
* creationDate
* requestId
* attribute3
* attribute13
* refreshNumber
* attribute5
* attribute11
* attribute12
* monthEndDate
* yearEndDate
* attribute1
* attributeCategory
* srInstanceId
* yearDescription
* quarterStartDate
* programId
* refreshId
* attribute9
* attribute15
* month
* attribute4
* attribute6
* monthDescription
* year
* attribute10
* attribute7
* quarterDescription
* lastUpdateLogin
* quarter
* attribute2
* yearStartDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* programApplicationId
* createdBy


 * attribute7
* attribute14
* daysOn
* programUpdateDate
* programApplicationId
* shiftName
* calendarCode
* attribute13
* refreshNumber
* attributeCategory
* attribute12
* daysOff
* attribute15
* srInstanceId
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* requestId
* attribute5
* programId
* lastUpdatedBy
* creationDate
* attribute11
* description
* createdBy
* attribute1
* attribute3
* attribute8
* shiftNum
* attribute6
* attribute4
* attribute9
* attribute10
* attribute2


 * attribute7
* attribute14
* daysOn
* programUpdateDate
* programApplicationId
* shiftName
* calendarCode
* attribute13
* refreshNumber
* attributeCategory
* attribute12
* daysOff
* attribute15
* srInstanceId
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* requestId
* attribute5
* programId
* lastUpdatedBy
* creationDate
* attribute11
* description
* createdBy
* attribute1
* attribute3
* attribute8
* shiftNum
* attribute6
* attribute4
* attribute9
* attribute10
* attribute2


 * createdBy
* requestId
* weekStartDay
* firstWorkingDate
* calendarStartDate
* programApplicationId
* quarterlyCalendarType
* refreshNumber
* lastUpdateLogin
* programId
* lastUpdatedBy
* daysOn
* refreshId
* lastWorkingDate
* daysOff
* calendarEndDate
* description
* srInstanceId
* calendarCode
* programUpdateDate
* creationDate
* calendarType
* lastUpdateDate
* overwriteFlag


 * createdBy
* requestId
* weekStartDay
* firstWorkingDate
* calendarStartDate
* programApplicationId
* quarterlyCalendarType
* refreshNumber
* lastUpdateLogin
* programId
* lastUpdatedBy
* daysOn
* refreshId
* lastWorkingDate
* daysOff
* calendarEndDate
* description
* srInstanceId
* calendarCode
* programUpdateDate
* creationDate
* calendarType
* lastUpdateDate
* overwriteFlag


 * modeOfTransport
* refreshNumber
* carrierId
* srInstanceId
* lastUpdateDate
* shipMethodCode
* createdBy
* planId
* lastUpdateLogin
* creationDate
* serviceLevel
* lastUpdatedBy


 * modeOfTransport
* refreshNumber
* carrierId
* srInstanceId
* lastUpdateDate
* shipMethodCode
* createdBy
* planId
* lastUpdateLogin
* creationDate
* serviceLevel
* lastUpdatedBy


 * srInstanceId
* srCategorySetId
* categorySetId


 * srInstanceId
* srCategorySetId
* categorySetId


 * categorySetName
* attribute12
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute7
* description
* createdBy
* attribute1
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute9
* attribute15
* requestId
* srInstanceId
* attribute2
* refreshNumber
* programId
* attribute14
* attribute6
* attribute13
* controlLevel
* attribute4
* attribute3
* srCategorySetId
* attribute5
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute11
* defaultFlag
* programUpdateDate
* attributeCategory
* attribute8
* creationDate
* programApplicationId
* attribute10
* categorySetId


 * categorySetName
* attribute12
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute7
* description
* createdBy
* attribute1
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute9
* attribute15
* requestId
* srInstanceId
* attribute2
* refreshNumber
* programId
* attribute14
* attribute6
* attribute13
* controlLevel
* attribute4
* attribute3
* srCategorySetId
* attribute5
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute11
* defaultFlag
* programUpdateDate
* attributeCategory
* attribute8
* creationDate
* programApplicationId
* attribute10
* categorySetId


 * srCategorySetId
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdateDate
* createdBy
* lastUpdatedBy
* categorySetId
* creationDate
* srInstanceId


 * srCategorySetId
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdateDate
* createdBy
* lastUpdatedBy
* categorySetId
* creationDate
* srInstanceId


 * calendarCheck
* mdsLrn
* mps
* mpsSnFlag
* eamForecasts
* borSnFlag
* createdBy
* nosnapFlag
* externalRepair
* bomSnFlag
* borLrn
* itemSnFlag
* supcapSnFlag
* paybackDemandSupply
* supplierResponse
* cmroFcEndDate
* cmroForecasts
* atpRules
* creationDate
* ohSnFlag
* nra
* trip
* userSupplyDemand
* bor
* cmroClosedWo
* kpiTargetsBis
* uom
* item
* forecast
* wipSnFlag
* supplier
* deliveryDtlSwapFlag
* internalRepair
* salesOrder
* planners
* userSupplyDemandLrn
* cmro
* po
* workers
* oh
* poLrn
* wipLrn
* salesChannel
* subInventories
* mdsSnFlag
* projects
* reservationsLrn
* itemLrn
* orgGroup
* reservations
* suprepSnFlag
* safStockLrn
* currencyConversion
* eamFcEndDate
* deleteOdsData
* eamInfo
* collectionsStartTime
* supplierCapacityLrn
* nraLrn
* threshold
* ibucHistory
* eamFcStDate
* fiscalCalendar
* sourcing
* dsMode
* sourcingDtlSwapFlag
* udmdSnFlag
* tripSnFlag
* fcstSnFlag
* ohLrn
* sourcingHistory
* usupSnFlag
* pullWrkrStartTime
* parameter
* lastUpdatedBy
* poReceipts
* wip
* notesAttach
* instanceId
* userCompAssociation
* calendarLrn
* bom
* cmroFcStDate
* customer
* mpsLrn
* retFcst
* soSnFlag
* supplierCapacity
* soLrn
* poSnFlag
* mds
* forecastLrn
* unitNumbers
* ospSupply
* bomLrn
* uomLrn
* demandClass
* deliveryDetails
* unitNoLrn
* itemSubstitutes
* safetyStock
* lastUpdateDate


 * calendarCheck
* mdsLrn
* mps
* mpsSnFlag
* eamForecasts
* borSnFlag
* createdBy
* nosnapFlag
* externalRepair
* bomSnFlag
* borLrn
* itemSnFlag
* supcapSnFlag
* paybackDemandSupply
* supplierResponse
* cmroFcEndDate
* cmroForecasts
* atpRules
* creationDate
* ohSnFlag
* nra
* trip
* userSupplyDemand
* bor
* cmroClosedWo
* kpiTargetsBis
* uom
* item
* forecast
* wipSnFlag
* supplier
* deliveryDtlSwapFlag
* internalRepair
* salesOrder
* planners
* userSupplyDemandLrn
* cmro
* po
* workers
* oh
* poLrn
* wipLrn
* salesChannel
* subInventories
* mdsSnFlag
* projects
* reservationsLrn
* itemLrn
* orgGroup
* reservations
* suprepSnFlag
* safStockLrn
* currencyConversion
* eamFcEndDate
* deleteOdsData
* eamInfo
* collectionsStartTime
* supplierCapacityLrn
* nraLrn
* threshold
* ibucHistory
* eamFcStDate
* fiscalCalendar
* sourcing
* dsMode
* sourcingDtlSwapFlag
* udmdSnFlag
* tripSnFlag
* fcstSnFlag
* ohLrn
* sourcingHistory
* usupSnFlag
* pullWrkrStartTime
* parameter
* lastUpdatedBy
* poReceipts
* wip
* notesAttach
* instanceId
* userCompAssociation
* calendarLrn
* bom
* cmroFcStDate
* customer
* mpsLrn
* retFcst
* soSnFlag
* supplierCapacity
* soLrn
* poSnFlag
* mds
* forecastLrn
* unitNumbers
* ospSupply
* bomLrn
* uomLrn
* demandClass
* deliveryDetails
* unitNoLrn
* itemSubstitutes
* safetyStock
* lastUpdateDate


 * organizationId


 * organizationId


 * createdBy
* refreshNumber
* attribute12
* attribute15
* companyId
* attribute7
* attribute11
* attribute13
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute8
* attribute5
* attribute9
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute6
* companyName
* attributeCategory
* attribute3
* creationDate
* disableDate
* attribute10
* attribute1
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute4
* attribute2
* attribute14


 * createdBy
* refreshNumber
* attribute12
* attribute15
* companyId
* attribute7
* attribute11
* attribute13
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute8
* attribute5
* attribute9
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute6
* companyName
* attributeCategory
* attribute3
* creationDate
* disableDate
* attribute10
* attribute1
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute4
* attribute2
* attribute14


 * companyId
* srCompanyId
* srInstanceId
* partnerType


 * companyId
* srCompanyId
* srInstanceId
* partnerType


 * creationDate
* startDate
* lastUpdateDate
* relationshipId
* objectId
* lastUpdatedBy
* relationshipType
* subjectId
* createdBy
* endDate


 * creationDate
* startDate
* lastUpdateDate
* relationshipId
* objectId
* lastUpdatedBy
* relationshipType
* subjectId
* createdBy
* endDate


 * srCompanySiteId
* partnerType
* srCompanyId
* companySiteId
* srInstanceId


 * srCompanySiteId
* partnerType
* srCompanyId
* companySiteId
* srInstanceId


 * address3
* address2
* longitude
* address1
* county
* attribute9
* attribute5
* attribute4
* disableDate
* attribute11
* companySiteId
* attribute2
* programId
* city
* attributeCategory
* attribute10
* state
* province
* attribute8
* requestId
* deletedFlag
* attribute15
* planningEnabled
* attribute1
* creationDate
* address4
* attribute7
* attribute13
* programUpdateDate
* createdBy
* country
* location
* lastUpdateLogin
* companySiteName
* lastUpdateDate
* refreshNumber
* attribute3
* attribute12
* postalCode
* companyId
* attribute14
* lastUpdatedBy
* srInstanceId
* latitude
* attribute6


 * address3
* address2
* longitude
* address1
* county
* attribute9
* attribute5
* attribute4
* disableDate
* attribute11
* companySiteId
* attribute2
* programId
* city
* attributeCategory
* attribute10
* state
* province
* attribute8
* requestId
* deletedFlag
* attribute15
* planningEnabled
* attribute1
* creationDate
* address4
* attribute7
* attribute13
* programUpdateDate
* createdBy
* country
* location
* lastUpdateLogin
* companySiteName
* lastUpdateDate
* refreshNumber
* attribute3
* attribute12
* postalCode
* companyId
* attribute14
* lastUpdatedBy
* srInstanceId
* latitude
* attribute6


 * companyId
* srInstanceId
* userId


 * companyId
* srInstanceId
* userId


 * planId
* attribute4
* organizationId
* substituteItemId
* usageQuantity
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute7
* createdBy
* attribute10
* attribute2
* attributeCategory
* attribute12
* roundingDirection
* programId
* attribute8
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute14
* componentSequenceId
* attribute6
* attribute11
* newPlanId
* srInstanceId
* applied
* creationDate
* attribute15
* programUpdateDate
* attribute1
* billSequenceId
* programApplicationId
* priority
* attribute5
* attribute3
* simulationSetId
* refreshNumber
* attribute13
* requestId
* attribute9
* lastUpdatedBy
* newPlanList


 * planId
* attribute4
* organizationId
* substituteItemId
* usageQuantity
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute7
* createdBy
* attribute10
* attribute2
* attributeCategory
* attribute12
* roundingDirection
* programId
* attribute8
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute14
* componentSequenceId
* attribute6
* attribute11
* newPlanId
* srInstanceId
* applied
* creationDate
* attribute15
* programUpdateDate
* attribute1
* billSequenceId
* programApplicationId
* priority
* attribute5
* attribute3
* simulationSetId
* refreshNumber
* attribute13
* requestId
* attribute9
* lastUpdatedBy
* newPlanList


 * programId
* attribute9
* inventoryItemId
* currFlag
* planId
* attribute7
* bucketType
* requestId
* attribute6
* supplierSiteId
* attribute5
* daysInBkt
* attribute15
* attribute3
* lastUpdatedBy
* programApplicationId
* creationDate
* attribute11
* programUpdateDate
* attribute10
* attribute14
* attribute13
* bucketIndex
* srInstanceId
* bktStartDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* createdBy
* attribute8
* attributeCategory
* customerId
* planType
* bktEndDate
* customerSiteId
* supplierId
* attribute2
* attribute12
* organizationId
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute1
* attribute4


 * programId
* attribute9
* inventoryItemId
* currFlag
* planId
* attribute7
* bucketType
* requestId
* attribute6
* supplierSiteId
* attribute5
* daysInBkt
* attribute15
* attribute3
* lastUpdatedBy
* programApplicationId
* creationDate
* attribute11
* programUpdateDate
* attribute10
* attribute14
* attribute13
* bucketIndex
* srInstanceId
* bktStartDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* createdBy
* attribute8
* attributeCategory
* customerId
* planType
* bktEndDate
* customerSiteId
* supplierId
* attribute2
* attribute12
* organizationId
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute1
* attribute4


 * atoModelLineId
* atoParentModelLineId
* parentLineId
* sessionId
* quantity
* wipSupplyType
* inventoryItemId
* matchItemId
* topModelLineId
* bomItemType
* creationDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* planId
* lastUpdateDate
* refreshNumber
* createdBy
* srInstanceId
* lineId
* srInventoryItemId
* ossErrorCode


 * atoModelLineId
* atoParentModelLineId
* parentLineId
* sessionId
* quantity
* wipSupplyType
* inventoryItemId
* matchItemId
* topModelLineId
* bomItemType
* creationDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* planId
* lastUpdateDate
* refreshNumber
* createdBy
* srInstanceId
* lineId
* srInventoryItemId
* ossErrorCode


 * supplierId
* lastUpdateDate
* makeFlag
* createdBy
* supplierSiteCode
* srInstanceId
* lineId
* sessionId
* inventoryItemId
* lastUpdatedBy
* organizationId
* creationDate
* refreshNumber
* statusFlag
* planId
* atoLineId


 * supplierId
* lastUpdateDate
* makeFlag
* createdBy
* supplierSiteCode
* srInstanceId
* lineId
* sessionId
* inventoryItemId
* lastUpdatedBy
* organizationId
* creationDate
* refreshNumber
* statusFlag
* planId
* atoLineId


 * lastUpdatedBy
* fromCurrency
* srInstanceId
* convRate
* creationDate
* createdBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastCollInstanceId
* convDate
* convType
* rn
* toCurrency
* lastUpdateDate


 * lastUpdatedBy
* fromCurrency
* srInstanceId
* convRate
* creationDate
* createdBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastCollInstanceId
* convDate
* convType
* rn
* toCurrency
* lastUpdateDate


 * inventoryItemId
* programApplicationId
* attribute2
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* sourceOrgInstanceId
* attribute5
* lastUpdateDate
* srInstanceId
* requestId
* attribute7
* attribute10
* attribute8
* supplyType
* supplierId
* supplierSiteId
* attribute3
* createdBy
* creationDate
* sourceOrganizationId
* programId
* attribute1
* attribute6
* attribute4
* supplyDate
* attribute9
* programLoginId
* organizationId


 * inventoryItemId
* programApplicationId
* attribute2
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* sourceOrgInstanceId
* attribute5
* lastUpdateDate
* srInstanceId
* requestId
* attribute7
* attribute10
* attribute8
* supplyType
* supplierId
* supplierSiteId
* attribute3
* createdBy
* creationDate
* sourceOrganizationId
* programId
* attribute1
* attribute6
* attribute4
* supplyDate
* attribute9
* programLoginId
* organizationId


 * lastUpdatedBy
* attribute5
* attribute6
* attribute10
* description
* lastUpdateDate
* requestId
* fromDate
* programApplicationId
* creationDate
* attribute8
* meaning
* createdBy
* attribute13
* attributeCategory
* attribute12
* attribute11
* enabledFlag
* srInstanceId
* attribute9
* attribute2
* attribute7
* attribute15
* programId
* demandClass
* attribute4
* programUpdateDate
* attribute3
* attribute1
* attribute14
* lastUpdateLogin
* toDate


 * lastUpdatedBy
* attribute5
* attribute6
* attribute10
* description
* lastUpdateDate
* requestId
* fromDate
* programApplicationId
* creationDate
* attribute8
* meaning
* createdBy
* attribute13
* attributeCategory
* attribute12
* attribute11
* enabledFlag
* srInstanceId
* attribute9
* attribute2
* attribute7
* attribute15
* programId
* demandClass
* attribute4
* programUpdateDate
* attribute3
* attribute1
* attribute14
* lastUpdateLogin
* toDate


 * srInstanceId
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateDate
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* planId
* demandCount
* createdBy
* organizationId


 * srInstanceId
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateDate
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* planId
* demandCount
* createdBy
* organizationId


 * budget2Cum
* returnsHistory
* programLoginId
* attribute2
* regionId
* lastUpdatedBy
* bookingHistoryRdValue
* actualBacklogValue
* lastUpdateDate
* shipmentHistoryValue
* requestId
* salesFcstValue
* attribute1
* inventoryItemId
* budget
* customerSiteId
* organizationId
* mktgFcst
* attribute4
* consenFcstAccrcyMape13week
* actualBacklog
* shipmentHistory
* owningOrgId
* owningInstId
* lastUpdateLogin
* salesFcstValue2
* budget2
* shipmentHistoryCum
* mktgFcstValue2
* bookingFcstCum
* inventoryHistoryValue2
* mktgFcstCum
* projectedBacklog
* bookingFcst
* shipmentFcstValue2
* actualBacklogValue2
* bookingHistoryValue2
* attribute3
* mktgFcstValue
* bookingFcstValue2
* bookingHistoryCum
* shipmentFcst
* bookingHistoryRdValue2
* salesFcst
* inventoryHistory
* bookingFcstValue
* programId
* consenFcstAccrcyMape4week
* endDate
* demandClass
* shipmentFcstCum
* inventoryHistoryValue
* programApplicationId
* creationDate
* consenFcstAccrcyMape8week
* customerId
* budgetCum
* shipmentFcstValue
* shipmentHistoryValue2
* attribute5
* salesFcstCum
* createdBy
* bookingHistory
* productionHistory
* srInstanceId
* bookingHistoryValue
* bookingHistoryRd


 * budget2Cum
* returnsHistory
* programLoginId
* attribute2
* regionId
* lastUpdatedBy
* bookingHistoryRdValue
* actualBacklogValue
* lastUpdateDate
* shipmentHistoryValue
* requestId
* salesFcstValue
* attribute1
* inventoryItemId
* budget
* customerSiteId
* organizationId
* mktgFcst
* attribute4
* consenFcstAccrcyMape13week
* actualBacklog
* shipmentHistory
* owningOrgId
* owningInstId
* lastUpdateLogin
* salesFcstValue2
* budget2
* shipmentHistoryCum
* mktgFcstValue2
* bookingFcstCum
* inventoryHistoryValue2
* mktgFcstCum
* projectedBacklog
* bookingFcst
* shipmentFcstValue2
* actualBacklogValue2
* bookingHistoryValue2
* attribute3
* mktgFcstValue
* bookingFcstValue2
* bookingHistoryCum
* shipmentFcst
* bookingHistoryRdValue2
* salesFcst
* inventoryHistory
* bookingFcstValue
* programId
* consenFcstAccrcyMape4week
* endDate
* demandClass
* shipmentFcstCum
* inventoryHistoryValue
* programApplicationId
* creationDate
* consenFcstAccrcyMape8week
* customerId
* budgetCum
* shipmentFcstValue
* shipmentHistoryValue2
* attribute5
* salesFcstCum
* createdBy
* bookingHistory
* productionHistory
* srInstanceId
* bookingHistoryValue
* bookingHistoryRd


 * attributeCategory
* utilizationChangePercent
* creationDate
* setupTimePercent
* planId
* departmentDescription
* overutilizedPercent
* sdsSchedulingWindow
* aggregateResourceId
* maxCapacity
* departmentId
* resourceGroupCode
* deptOverheadCost
* owningDepartmentId
* attribute6
* disableDate
* planningExceptionSet
* batchingWindow
* scheduleToInstance
* srInstanceId
* resourceCode
* applied
* attribute14
* uomClassType
* startTime
* attribute9
* chargeableFlag
* userTimeFence
* stopTime
* attribute1
* attribute8
* lastKnownSetup
* programId
* atpRuleId
* departmentClass
* resourceDescription
* resourceType
* availFactor
* organizationId
* minRate
* attribute2
* attribute5
* bottleneckFlag
* simulationSetId
* programApplicationId
* resourceOverUtilCost
* setupTimeType
* attribute13
* available24HoursFlag
* requestId
* lastUpdateLogin
* capacityTolerance
* premiumCapacityPercent
* resourceBalanceFlag
* efficiency
* criticalResourceFlag
* programUpdateDate
* attribute15
* minCapacity
* underutilizedPercent
* idleTimeTolerance
* createdBy
* lineFlag
* attribute3
* newPlanList
* batchingPenalty
* departmentCode
* attribute12
* resourceShortageType
* attribute7
* resourceCost
* unitOfMeasure
* refreshNumber
* resourceGroupName
* attribute4
* lastUpdatedBy
* resourceIncludeFlag
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute11
* batchableFlag
* attribute10
* ctpFlag
* maxRate
* utilizationChangeType
* resourceExcessType
* aggregateResourceFlag
* capacityUnits
* resourceId
* utilization
* newPlanId


 * attributeCategory
* utilizationChangePercent
* creationDate
* setupTimePercent
* planId
* departmentDescription
* overutilizedPercent
* sdsSchedulingWindow
* aggregateResourceId
* maxCapacity
* departmentId
* resourceGroupCode
* deptOverheadCost
* owningDepartmentId
* attribute6
* disableDate
* planningExceptionSet
* batchingWindow
* scheduleToInstance
* srInstanceId
* resourceCode
* applied
* attribute14
* uomClassType
* startTime
* attribute9
* chargeableFlag
* userTimeFence
* stopTime
* attribute1
* attribute8
* lastKnownSetup
* programId
* atpRuleId
* departmentClass
* resourceDescription
* resourceType
* availFactor
* organizationId
* minRate
* attribute2
* attribute5
* bottleneckFlag
* simulationSetId
* programApplicationId
* resourceOverUtilCost
* setupTimeType
* attribute13
* available24HoursFlag
* requestId
* lastUpdateLogin
* capacityTolerance
* premiumCapacityPercent
* resourceBalanceFlag
* efficiency
* criticalResourceFlag
* programUpdateDate
* attribute15
* minCapacity
* underutilizedPercent
* idleTimeTolerance
* createdBy
* lineFlag
* attribute3
* newPlanList
* batchingPenalty
* departmentCode
* attribute12
* resourceShortageType
* attribute7
* resourceCost
* unitOfMeasure
* refreshNumber
* resourceGroupName
* attribute4
* lastUpdatedBy
* resourceIncludeFlag
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute11
* batchableFlag
* attribute10
* ctpFlag
* maxRate
* utilizationChangeType
* resourceExcessType
* aggregateResourceFlag
* capacityUnits
* resourceId
* utilization
* newPlanId


 * attribute15
* organizationId
* attribute13
* equipmentItemId
* createdBy
* attribute9
* serialNumber
* refreshNumber
* effectiveStartDate
* attribute7
* attribute14
* deptResourceInstId
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* programUpdateDate
* programId
* creationDate
* attribute1
* attribute11
* attribute6
* planId
* requestId
* attribute5
* srInstanceId
* attributeCategory
* lastKnownSetup
* attribute12
* attribute3
* programApplicationId
* attribute10
* attribute8
* departmentId
* effectiveEndDate
* attribute2
* resInstanceId
* attribute4
* resourceId
* lastUpdateLogin


 * attribute15
* organizationId
* attribute13
* equipmentItemId
* createdBy
* attribute9
* serialNumber
* refreshNumber
* effectiveStartDate
* attribute7
* attribute14
* deptResourceInstId
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* programUpdateDate
* programId
* creationDate
* attribute1
* attribute11
* attribute6
* planId
* requestId
* attribute5
* srInstanceId
* attributeCategory
* lastKnownSetup
* attribute12
* attribute3
* programApplicationId
* attribute10
* attribute8
* departmentId
* effectiveEndDate
* attribute2
* resInstanceId
* attribute4
* resourceId
* lastUpdateLogin


 * lastUpdateDate
* derivedOrderType
* creationDate
* createdBy
* derivedBaseTable
* origBaseTable
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* origOrderType


 * lastUpdateDate
* derivedOrderType
* creationDate
* createdBy
* derivedBaseTable
* origBaseTable
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* origOrderType


 * forecastSetId
* attribute7
* organizationId
* attribute14
* inventoryAtpFlag
* collectedFlag
* programApplicationId
* createdBy
* designatorId
* attribute13
* updateType
* srcSimFcstId
* srcDesignator
* consumeForecast
* bucketType
* attribute9
* attribute11
* lastUpdateLogin
* organizationSelection
* attribute6
* disableDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* backwardUpdateTimeFence
* forwardUpdateTimeFence
* designatorType
* designator
* description
* demandClass
* programId
* attribute4
* attribute3
* attribute10
* shipId
* launchWorkflowFlag
* purgeCurrentPlan
* production
* copyDesignatorId
* customerId
* attribute1
* srInstanceId
* lastUpdateDate
* recommendationRelease
* attribute2
* programUpdateDate
* mpsRelief
* attributeCategory
* attribute15
* attribute5
* srcDescription
* attribute12
* outlierUpdatePercentage
* refreshNumber
* attribute8
* creationDate
* requestId
* probability
* billId


 * forecastSetId
* attribute7
* organizationId
* attribute14
* inventoryAtpFlag
* collectedFlag
* programApplicationId
* createdBy
* designatorId
* attribute13
* updateType
* srcSimFcstId
* srcDesignator
* consumeForecast
* bucketType
* attribute9
* attribute11
* lastUpdateLogin
* organizationSelection
* attribute6
* disableDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* backwardUpdateTimeFence
* forwardUpdateTimeFence
* designatorType
* designator
* description
* demandClass
* programId
* attribute4
* attribute3
* attribute10
* shipId
* launchWorkflowFlag
* purgeCurrentPlan
* production
* copyDesignatorId
* customerId
* attribute1
* srInstanceId
* lastUpdateDate
* recommendationRelease
* attribute2
* programUpdateDate
* mpsRelief
* attributeCategory
* attribute15
* attribute5
* srcDescription
* attribute12
* outlierUpdatePercentage
* refreshNumber
* attribute8
* creationDate
* requestId
* probability
* billId


 * toOrganizationId
* srInstanceId
* receiptRuleId
* lastUpdatedBy
* allocationPercent
* maxOrderQty
* resSafetyQty
* timePhaseId
* rank
* lastUpdateLogin
* minOrderQty
* resSafetyPercent
* dmdPriority
* createdBy
* hiddenSort
* creationDate
* lastUpdateDate
* fixedLotMultiplier


 * toOrganizationId
* srInstanceId
* receiptRuleId
* lastUpdatedBy
* allocationPercent
* maxOrderQty
* resSafetyQty
* timePhaseId
* rank
* lastUpdateLogin
* minOrderQty
* resSafetyPercent
* dmdPriority
* createdBy
* hiddenSort
* creationDate
* lastUpdateDate
* fixedLotMultiplier


 * resSafetyPercent
* ruleId
* disableDate
* dmdPriOverride
* creationDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdateDate
* createdBy
* resSafetyQty
* fairShareAlloc
* effectiveDate
* timePhaseId


 * resSafetyPercent
* ruleId
* disableDate
* dmdPriOverride
* creationDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdateDate
* createdBy
* resSafetyQty
* fairShareAlloc
* effectiveDate
* timePhaseId


 * lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdatedBy
* createdBy
* ruleId
* name
* planningActive
* creationDate
* lastUpdateDate
* description
* planType


 * lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdatedBy
* createdBy
* ruleId
* name
* planningActive
* creationDate
* lastUpdateDate
* description
* planType


 * lastUpdatedBy
* ruleSetId
* meaning
* enabledFlag
* defaultFlag
* description
* createdBy
* lastUpdateDate
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin


 * lastUpdatedBy
* ruleSetId
* meaning
* enabledFlag
* defaultFlag
* description
* createdBy
* lastUpdateDate
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin


 * srInstanceId
* rank
* dmdPriOverride
* effectiveDate
* lastUpdateDate
* maxOrderQty
* srcSrInstanceId
* fairShareAlloc
* creationDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* inventoryItemId
* planId
* lastUpdateLogin
* dmdPriority
* srcOrganizationId
* allocationPercent
* orderSize
* resSafetyQty
* organizationId
* resSafetyPercent
* disableDate
* assignmentSetId
* minOrderQty
* allocationRuleId
* createdBy


 * srInstanceId
* rank
* dmdPriOverride
* effectiveDate
* lastUpdateDate
* maxOrderQty
* srcSrInstanceId
* fairShareAlloc
* creationDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* inventoryItemId
* planId
* lastUpdateLogin
* dmdPriority
* srcOrganizationId
* allocationPercent
* orderSize
* resSafetyQty
* organizationId
* resSafetyPercent
* disableDate
* assignmentSetId
* minOrderQty
* allocationRuleId
* createdBy


 * demandClass
* creationDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* createdBy
* ruleSetId
* demandType
* priority
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin


 * demandClass
* creationDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* createdBy
* ruleSetId
* demandType
* priority
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin


 * ruleType
* demandType
* creationDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* ruleSetId
* createdBy
* lastUpdateDate
* demandClass
* priority
* lastUpdateLogin


 * ruleType
* demandType
* creationDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* ruleSetId
* createdBy
* lastUpdateDate
* demandClass
* priority
* lastUpdateLogin


 * fieldName
* fieldId
* vcpLookupCode
* e1Value
* createdBy
* creationDate
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* vcpValue
* lastUpdatedBy
* fieldCode
* e1LookupCode


 * fieldName
* fieldId
* vcpLookupCode
* e1Value
* createdBy
* creationDate
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* vcpValue
* lastUpdatedBy
* fieldCode
* e1LookupCode


 * srInstanceId
* fieldCode
* creationDate
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* e1Value
* createdBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* vcpValue


 * srInstanceId
* fieldCode
* creationDate
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* e1Value
* createdBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* vcpValue


 * createdBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* paramCode
* paramValue
* creationDate
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* srInstanceId


 * createdBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* paramCode
* paramValue
* creationDate
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* srInstanceId


 * attr19Code
* creationDate
* key3Value
* attr18Code
* attr20Code
* attr15Value
* attr2Value
* key4Value
* attr4Value
* attr10Value
* key5Code
* attr4Code
* attr8Code
* key1Value
* attr11Code
* attr16Value
* attr5Code
* attr16Code
* lastUpdateLogin
* attr2Code
* attr12Code
* attr24Code
* lastUpdatedBy
* attr17Value
* attr22Code
* attr24Value
* attr6Value
* attr21Value
* attr1Code
* createdBy
* attr17Code
* key3Code
* key2Code
* attr15Code
* attr7Code
* attr11Value
* attr10Code
* attr13Value
* attr14Code
* attr9Value
* attr18Value
* attr21Code
* attr20Value
* attr23Code
* key2Value
* key1Code
* attr9Code
* attr13Code
* attr1Value
* lastUpdateDate
* attr22Value
* attr8Value
* attr12Value
* key4Code
* attr19Value
* attr25Value
* attr3Code
* attr7Value
* attr3Value
* attr23Value
* attr6Code
* key5Value
* attr5Value
* attr14Value
* attr25Code


 * attr19Code
* creationDate
* key3Value
* attr18Code
* attr20Code
* attr15Value
* attr2Value
* key4Value
* attr4Value
* attr10Value
* key5Code
* attr4Code
* attr8Code
* key1Value
* attr11Code
* attr16Value
* attr5Code
* attr16Code
* lastUpdateLogin
* attr2Code
* attr12Code
* attr24Code
* lastUpdatedBy
* attr17Value
* attr22Code
* attr24Value
* attr6Value
* attr21Value
* attr1Code
* createdBy
* attr17Code
* key3Code
* key2Code
* attr15Code
* attr7Code
* attr11Value
* attr10Code
* attr13Value
* attr14Code
* attr9Value
* attr18Value
* attr21Code
* attr20Value
* attr23Code
* key2Value
* key1Code
* attr9Code
* attr13Code
* attr1Value
* lastUpdateDate
* attr22Value
* attr8Value
* attr12Value
* key4Code
* attr19Value
* attr25Value
* attr3Code
* attr7Value
* attr3Value
* attr23Value
* attr6Code
* key5Value
* attr5Value
* attr14Value
* attr25Code


 * requiredFlag
* isLookupValue
* groupCode
* paramValue
* extractOrder
* defaultValue
* displayOrder
* paramName
* paramCode
* lastUpdateLogin
* paramDatatype
* lastUpdateDate
* createdBy
* lastUpdatedBy
* groupName
* lookupCode
* creationDate


 * requiredFlag
* isLookupValue
* groupCode
* paramValue
* extractOrder
* defaultValue
* displayOrder
* paramName
* paramCode
* lastUpdateLogin
* paramDatatype
* lastUpdateDate
* createdBy
* lastUpdatedBy
* groupName
* lookupCode
* creationDate


 * attr11Name
* attr17Name
* attr4DataType
* attr6LookupType
* key5Name
* attr2Code
* attr11LookupType
* attr10Name
* attr12ReqFlag
* attr24Code
* attr20ReqFlag
* key5DataType
* attr10ReqFlag
* attr23ReqFlag
* attr3Code
* attr21LookupType
* attr11Code
* attr12Code
* key3DataType
* attr14LookupType
* attr12Name
* attr16Name
* attr10LookupType
* attr23DataType
* lastUpdatedBy
* attr3LookupType
* attr16DataType
* attr6ReqFlag
* attr13LookupType
* attr25DataType
* attr22Code
* attr5Name
* attr22LookupType
* attr15ReqFlag
* attr4Name
* attr9LookupType
* attr19DataType
* attr22Name
* attr7DataType
* attr25Name
* attr25LookupType
* attr8ReqFlag
* attr3ReqFlag
* attr18Name
* attr1ReqFlag
* attr14Code
* attr18ReqFlag
* attr21ReqFlag
* attr4ReqFlag
* attr4LookupType
* attr20Code
* key2Name
* attr11DataType
* attr2Name
* attr15Code
* attr17ReqFlag
* key3Code
* key4Name
* attr20Name
* attr10Code
* key1Name
* key1DataType
* attr6Code
* attr19Code
* attr4Code
* attr15Name
* attr8LookupType
* attr2LookupType
* attr6Name
* attr1Code
* attr9DataType
* attr15DataType
* attr14ReqFlag
* attr18DataType
* attr9Code
* attr17Code
* attr1Name
* attr12DataType
* attr13Name
* attr8Name
* attr24Name
* attr16Code
* attr21DataType
* attr2ReqFlag
* attr23LookupType
* createdBy
* attr20LookupType
* attr23Code
* attr19LookupType
* attr9ReqFlag
* attr25ReqFlag
* attr23Name
* attr13Code
* attr8DataType
* attr5ReqFlag
* attr19ReqFlag
* attr18LookupType
* attr7LookupType
* attr7ReqFlag
* attr17DataType
* key5Code
* attr22DataType
* attr7Name
* attr20DataType
* attr22ReqFlag
* key2Code
* attr19Name
* attr18Code
* attr7Code
* attr17LookupType
* attr3Name
* attr3DataType
* attr21Code
* key4Code
* attr8Code
* attr11ReqFlag
* key1Code
* attr14Name
* attr6DataType
* attr24DataType
* creationDate
* lastUpdateDate
* attr1LookupType
* attr24ReqFlag
* attr12LookupType
* key2DataType
* attr5DataType
* attr21Name
* attr14DataType
* lastUpdateLogin
* entityCode
* attr1DataType
* key3Name
* attr13DataType
* attr15LookupType
* attr5LookupType
* attr13ReqFlag
* attr16ReqFlag
* key4DataType
* attr2DataType
* attr16LookupType
* attr5Code
* attr24LookupType
* attr25Code
* attr9Name
* attr10DataType


 * attr11Name
* attr17Name
* attr4DataType
* attr6LookupType
* key5Name
* attr2Code
* attr11LookupType
* attr10Name
* attr12ReqFlag
* attr24Code
* attr20ReqFlag
* key5DataType
* attr10ReqFlag
* attr23ReqFlag
* attr3Code
* attr21LookupType
* attr11Code
* attr12Code
* key3DataType
* attr14LookupType
* attr12Name
* attr16Name
* attr10LookupType
* attr23DataType
* lastUpdatedBy
* attr3LookupType
* attr16DataType
* attr6ReqFlag
* attr13LookupType
* attr25DataType
* attr22Code
* attr5Name
* attr22LookupType
* attr15ReqFlag
* attr4Name
* attr9LookupType
* attr19DataType
* attr22Name
* attr7DataType
* attr25Name
* attr25LookupType
* attr8ReqFlag
* attr3ReqFlag
* attr18Name
* attr1ReqFlag
* attr14Code
* attr18ReqFlag
* attr21ReqFlag
* attr4ReqFlag
* attr4LookupType
* attr20Code
* key2Name
* attr11DataType
* attr2Name
* attr15Code
* attr17ReqFlag
* key3Code
* key4Name
* attr20Name
* attr10Code
* key1Name
* key1DataType
* attr6Code
* attr19Code
* attr4Code
* attr15Name
* attr8LookupType
* attr2LookupType
* attr6Name
* attr1Code
* attr9DataType
* attr15DataType
* attr14ReqFlag
* attr18DataType
* attr9Code
* attr17Code
* attr1Name
* attr12DataType
* attr13Name
* attr8Name
* attr24Name
* attr16Code
* attr21DataType
* attr2ReqFlag
* attr23LookupType
* createdBy
* attr20LookupType
* attr23Code
* attr19LookupType
* attr9ReqFlag
* attr25ReqFlag
* attr23Name
* attr13Code
* attr8DataType
* attr5ReqFlag
* attr19ReqFlag
* attr18LookupType
* attr7LookupType
* attr7ReqFlag
* attr17DataType
* key5Code
* attr22DataType
* attr7Name
* attr20DataType
* attr22ReqFlag
* key2Code
* attr19Name
* attr18Code
* attr7Code
* attr17LookupType
* attr3Name
* attr3DataType
* attr21Code
* key4Code
* attr8Code
* attr11ReqFlag
* key1Code
* attr14Name
* attr6DataType
* attr24DataType
* creationDate
* lastUpdateDate
* attr1LookupType
* attr24ReqFlag
* attr12LookupType
* key2DataType
* attr5DataType
* attr21Name
* attr14DataType
* lastUpdateLogin
* entityCode
* attr1DataType
* key3Name
* attr13DataType
* attr15LookupType
* attr5LookupType
* attr13ReqFlag
* attr16ReqFlag
* key4DataType
* attr2DataType
* attr16LookupType
* attr5Code
* attr24LookupType
* attr25Code
* attr9Name
* attr10DataType


 * lastUpdatedBy
* entityCode
* creationDate
* keyCount
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* createdBy
* entityName
* attrCount


 * lastUpdatedBy
* entityCode
* creationDate
* keyCount
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* createdBy
* entityName
* attrCount


 * attr10Value
* attr3Value
* attr18Value
* attr4Value
* attr7Value
* attr17Value
* attr25Value
* createdBy
* lastUpdatedBy
* attr16Value
* attr20Value
* lastUpdateDate
* errors
* creationDate
* key4Value
* srInstanceId
* attr1Value
* attr13Value
* attr8Value
* attr5Value
* attr9Value
* key3Value
* attr6Value
* entityCode
* attr19Value
* attr15Value
* attr22Value
* attr24Value
* key5Value
* attr2Value
* attr11Value
* lastUpdateLogin
* key2Value
* attr14Value
* attr21Value
* attr12Value
* attr23Value
* key1Value


 * attr10Value
* attr3Value
* attr18Value
* attr4Value
* attr7Value
* attr17Value
* attr25Value
* createdBy
* lastUpdatedBy
* attr16Value
* attr20Value
* lastUpdateDate
* errors
* creationDate
* key4Value
* srInstanceId
* attr1Value
* attr13Value
* attr8Value
* attr5Value
* attr9Value
* key3Value
* attr6Value
* entityCode
* attr19Value
* attr15Value
* attr22Value
* attr24Value
* key5Value
* attr2Value
* attr11Value
* lastUpdateLogin
* key2Value
* attr14Value
* attr21Value
* attr12Value
* attr23Value
* key1Value


 * lastUpdatedBy
* requestId
* programId
* programUpdateDate
* propagated
* lastUpdateLogin
* source
* creationDate
* programApplicationId
* errorId
* messageSent
* errorText
* severity
* lastUpdateDate
* tableName
* createdBy
* transactionId
* messageId
* instanceCode
* rrow


 * lastUpdatedBy
* requestId
* programId
* programUpdateDate
* propagated
* lastUpdateLogin
* source
* creationDate
* programApplicationId
* errorId
* messageSent
* errorText
* severity
* lastUpdateDate
* tableName
* createdBy
* transactionId
* messageId
* instanceCode
* rrow


 * lovType
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* creationDate
* fieldType
* exceptionType
* thresholdValue
* criteria
* numberType
* lastUpdateDate
* createdBy
* exceptionGroup
* thresholdValueUom


 * lovType
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* creationDate
* fieldType
* exceptionType
* thresholdValue
* criteria
* numberType
* lastUpdateDate
* createdBy
* exceptionGroup
* thresholdValueUom


 * excepTimefence
* excepGroupId#1
* description
* creationDate
* createdBy
* excepGroupName
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* excepGroupId
* lastUpdateLogin


 * excepTimefence
* excepGroupId#1
* description
* creationDate
* createdBy
* excepGroupName
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* excepGroupId
* lastUpdateLogin


 * exceptionTypeLookupCode
* creationDate
* userId
* lastUpdatedBy
* createdBy
* lastUpdateDate
* rank
* lastUpdateLogin


 * exceptionTypeLookupCode
* creationDate
* userId
* lastUpdatedBy
* createdBy
* lastUpdateDate
* rank
* lastUpdateLogin


 * attribute15
* createdBy
* companySiteId
* lastUpdatedBy
* supplierId
* attribute12
* attribute13
* attribute14
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute7
* exceptionType
* attribute9
* value
* attribute6
* attribute10
* creationDate
* attribute3
* customerSiteId
* attribute2
* attribute8
* assignedToCode
* attribute5
* supplierSiteId
* inventoryItemId
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute1
* companyId
* attribute11
* customerId
* attribute4
* thresholdValueId
* context


 * attribute15
* createdBy
* companySiteId
* lastUpdatedBy
* supplierId
* attribute12
* attribute13
* attribute14
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute7
* exceptionType
* attribute9
* value
* attribute6
* attribute10
* creationDate
* attribute3
* customerSiteId
* attribute2
* attribute8
* assignedToCode
* attribute5
* supplierSiteId
* inventoryItemId
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute1
* companyId
* attribute11
* customerId
* attribute4
* thresholdValueId
* context


 * fromDay
* lastUpdatedBy
* toDay
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute1
* attribute5
* attribute6
* attribute11
* creationDate
* exceptionType
* attribute13
* attribute2
* lastUpdateDate
* createdBy
* attribute9
* attribute8
* companyId
* attribute7
* attribute15
* attribute4
* attribute12
* attribute14
* attribute10
* attribute3
* context


 * fromDay
* lastUpdatedBy
* toDay
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute1
* attribute5
* attribute6
* attribute11
* creationDate
* exceptionType
* attribute13
* attribute2
* lastUpdateDate
* createdBy
* attribute9
* attribute8
* companyId
* attribute7
* attribute15
* attribute4
* attribute12
* attribute14
* attribute10
* attribute3
* context


 * lastUpdateDate
* creationDate
* createdBy
* lastUpdatedBy
* categoryId
* organizationId
* lastUpdateLogin
* excepGroupId
* srInstanceId


 * lastUpdateDate
* creationDate
* createdBy
* lastUpdatedBy
* categoryId
* organizationId
* lastUpdateLogin
* excepGroupId
* srInstanceId


 * lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateDate
* excepGroupId
* createdBy
* srInstanceId
* organizationId
* creationDate


 * lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateDate
* excepGroupId
* createdBy
* srInstanceId
* organizationId
* creationDate


 * srShipToLocId
* srCustomerId
* shipTo
* scenarioId
* newCombination
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdatedBy
* srZoneId
* srOrganizationId
* srInstanceId
* planId
* srInventoryItemId
* createdBy
* lastUpdateDate
* creationDate
* inventoryItemId
* demandClass
* forecastSourceType


 * srShipToLocId
* srCustomerId
* shipTo
* scenarioId
* newCombination
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdatedBy
* srZoneId
* srOrganizationId
* srInstanceId
* planId
* srInventoryItemId
* createdBy
* lastUpdateDate
* creationDate
* inventoryItemId
* demandClass
* forecastSourceType


 * fcstParamKey
* creationDate
* createdBy
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* forecastMethod
* lastUpdateDate
* defaultValue
* refreshNumber


 * fcstParamKey
* creationDate
* createdBy
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* forecastMethod
* lastUpdateDate
* defaultValue
* refreshNumber


 * lastUpdateDate
* forecastMethodSource
* lastUpdatedBy
* value
* fcstParamKey
* forecastRuleId
* forecastMethod
* createdBy
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin


 * lastUpdateDate
* forecastMethodSource
* lastUpdatedBy
* value
* fcstParamKey
* forecastRuleId
* forecastMethod
* createdBy
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin


 * fileCreationDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* createdBy
* attachmentId
* requestId
* creationDate
* rowCount
* lastUpdateDate
* fileType
* fileSize
* lastUpdateLogin
* planId
* loadId
* fileName
* copyFlag
* headerId
* netchange


 * fileCreationDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* createdBy
* attachmentId
* requestId
* creationDate
* rowCount
* lastUpdateDate
* fileType
* fileSize
* lastUpdateLogin
* planId
* loadId
* fileName
* copyFlag
* headerId
* netchange


 * creationDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* columnName
* sequenceNum
* planId
* fileName
* lastUpdateDate
* columnType
* isPartOfUniqueKey
* createdBy


 * creationDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* columnName
* sequenceNum
* planId
* fileName
* lastUpdateDate
* columnType
* isPartOfUniqueKey
* createdBy


 * creationDate
* salesForecastFile
* description
* servAdjustmentFactorValue
* servAdjustmentFactorFile
* calendarType
* salesForecastScheduleId
* forecastHorizonType
* lastUpdateLogin
* salesForecastSource
* histBasisIntermittencyPpf
* forecastBucketType
* fcstMethodPpf
* enableProdPopulationFcst
* fcstFrequency
* histBasisType
* historyRange
* servAdjustmentFactor
* historyBasis
* enableUsageShipFcst
* lastUpdateDate
* forecastHorizon
* fcstFrequencyTypePpf
* fcstAccuracyMetric
* forecastBasis
* fcstFrequencyType
* scheduleSrInstanceId
* fcstAccuracyMetricPpf
* forecastBucket
* forecastRuleId
* historyRangeType
* fcstFrequencyPpf
* histBasisTypePpf
* createdBy
* forecastRuleName
* salesForecastHistoryBasis
* lastUpdatedBy
* forecastMethod
* histBasisIntermittency


 * creationDate
* salesForecastFile
* description
* servAdjustmentFactorValue
* servAdjustmentFactorFile
* calendarType
* salesForecastScheduleId
* forecastHorizonType
* lastUpdateLogin
* salesForecastSource
* histBasisIntermittencyPpf
* forecastBucketType
* fcstMethodPpf
* enableProdPopulationFcst
* fcstFrequency
* histBasisType
* historyRange
* servAdjustmentFactor
* historyBasis
* enableUsageShipFcst
* lastUpdateDate
* forecastHorizon
* fcstFrequencyTypePpf
* fcstAccuracyMetric
* forecastBasis
* fcstFrequencyType
* scheduleSrInstanceId
* fcstAccuracyMetricPpf
* forecastBucket
* forecastRuleId
* historyRangeType
* fcstFrequencyPpf
* histBasisTypePpf
* createdBy
* forecastRuleName
* salesForecastHistoryBasis
* lastUpdatedBy
* forecastMethod
* histBasisIntermittency


 * forecastDemandId
* consumedQty
* demandClass
* organizationId
* consumptionDate
* customerId
* planId
* shipId
* forecastQty
* salesOrderNumber
* wipSupplyType
* creationDate
* inventoryItemId
* salesOrderDate
* lastUpdateDate
* overconsumptionQty
* lastUpdatedBy
* parentItemId
* lastUpdateLogin
* designatorId
* originalItemId
* zoneId
* createdBy
* salesOrderId
* srInstanceId
* salesOrderQty
* billId
* usageQuantity


 * forecastDemandId
* consumedQty
* demandClass
* organizationId
* consumptionDate
* customerId
* planId
* shipId
* forecastQty
* salesOrderNumber
* wipSupplyType
* creationDate
* inventoryItemId
* salesOrderDate
* lastUpdateDate
* overconsumptionQty
* lastUpdatedBy
* parentItemId
* lastUpdateLogin
* designatorId
* originalItemId
* zoneId
* createdBy
* salesOrderId
* srInstanceId
* salesOrderQty
* billId
* usageQuantity


 * companyId
* attribute15
* attribute9
* attribute6
* attribute8
* attribute1
* attribute7
* attribute12
* attribute11
* attribute5
* context
* contactUser
* attribute14
* attribute3
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute13
* attribute2
* disableDate
* creationDate
* attribute4
* createdBy
* attribute10
* effectiveDate
* groupId


 * companyId
* attribute15
* attribute9
* attribute6
* attribute8
* attribute1
* attribute7
* attribute12
* attribute11
* attribute5
* context
* contactUser
* attribute14
* attribute3
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute13
* attribute2
* disableDate
* creationDate
* attribute4
* createdBy
* attribute10
* effectiveDate
* groupId


 * lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* createdBy
* planId
* lastUpdateDate
* creationDate
* groupId


 * lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* createdBy
* planId
* lastUpdateDate
* creationDate
* groupId


 * groupType
* ownerContact
* attribute7
* description
* attribute6
* disableDate
* attribute13
* createdBy
* attribute3
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute1
* groupId
* contractDocUrl
* creationDate
* attribute11
* attribute15
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute2
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute9
* groupOwnerId
* attribute5
* effectiveDate
* context
* groupName
* attribute12
* attribute4
* attribute10
* attribute8
* attribute14


 * groupType
* ownerContact
* attribute7
* description
* attribute6
* disableDate
* attribute13
* createdBy
* attribute3
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute1
* groupId
* contractDocUrl
* creationDate
* attribute11
* attribute15
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute2
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute9
* groupOwnerId
* attribute5
* effectiveDate
* context
* groupName
* attribute12
* attribute4
* attribute10
* attribute8
* attribute14


 * planId
* bucketIndex
* seqNum
* bucketType
* bktStartDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* weekEndDate
* periodStartDate
* createdBy
* weekLastWorkDate
* lastUpdateDate
* periodLastWorkDate
* creationDate
* bktEndDate
* periodEndDate
* weekStartDate


 * planId
* bucketIndex
* seqNum
* bucketType
* bktStartDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* weekEndDate
* periodStartDate
* createdBy
* weekLastWorkDate
* lastUpdateDate
* periodLastWorkDate
* creationDate
* bktEndDate
* periodEndDate
* weekStartDate


 * measureCode
* demandTypes
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* createdBy
* aggrMethodOther
* dependentMeasures
* expression
* lastUpdateDate
* aggrOrder
* editable
* creatable
* aggrMethodTime
* hpTypeCode
* columnName
* supplyTypes
* creationDate


 * measureCode
* demandTypes
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* createdBy
* aggrMethodOther
* dependentMeasures
* expression
* lastUpdateDate
* aggrOrder
* editable
* creatable
* aggrMethodTime
* hpTypeCode
* columnName
* supplyTypes
* creationDate


 * departmentCode
* itemName
* inventoryItemId
* baseItemId
* lastUpdateDate
* categorySetId
* srCategoryId
* categoryName
* lastUpdatedBy
* queryId
* rowIndex
* srInstanceId
* aggregateLevel
* planId
* creationDate
* resourceCode
* dataFlag
* organizationId
* lastUpdateLogin
* organizationCode
* createdBy
* departmentId
* resourceId


 * departmentCode
* itemName
* inventoryItemId
* baseItemId
* lastUpdateDate
* categorySetId
* srCategoryId
* categoryName
* lastUpdatedBy
* queryId
* rowIndex
* srInstanceId
* aggregateLevel
* planId
* creationDate
* resourceCode
* dataFlag
* organizationId
* lastUpdateLogin
* organizationCode
* createdBy
* departmentId
* resourceId


 * timeLevel
* newValue
* hpTypeCode
* lastUpdateDate
* createdBy
* creationDate
* analysisDate
* rowIndex
* queryId
* lastUpdatedBy
* oldValue
* processStatus
* columnName
* lastUpdateLogin


 * timeLevel
* newValue
* hpTypeCode
* lastUpdateDate
* createdBy
* creationDate
* analysisDate
* rowIndex
* queryId
* lastUpdatedBy
* oldValue
* processStatus
* columnName
* lastUpdateLogin


 * locationId
* serviceLineId
* serviceEndDate
* zone
* refreshId
* expirationDate
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* contractNumModifier
* contractNumber
* creationDate
* regionId
* inventoryItemId
* lastUpdateLogin
* serviceStartDate
* createdBy
* contractId
* quantity
* installDate
* cotermDate
* itemInstanceId
* stsCode
* serviceName


 * locationId
* serviceLineId
* serviceEndDate
* zone
* refreshId
* expirationDate
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* contractNumModifier
* contractNumber
* creationDate
* regionId
* inventoryItemId
* lastUpdateLogin
* serviceStartDate
* createdBy
* contractId
* quantity
* installDate
* cotermDate
* itemInstanceId
* stsCode
* serviceName


 * requestId
* programUpdateDate
* lastUpdateDate
* programApplicationId
* freeFlag
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdatedBy
* programId
* creationDate
* instanceId
* createdBy


 * requestId
* programUpdateDate
* lastUpdateDate
* programApplicationId
* freeFlag
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdatedBy
* programId
* creationDate
* instanceId
* createdBy


 * attribute6
* ohLrn
* orgGroup
* soLrn
* attribute3
* attribute7
* programId
* supplierCapacityLrn
* mpsLrn
* attribute11
* bomLrn
* programApplicationId
* itemLrn
* requestId
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute13
* calendarLrn
* attributeCategory
* attribute5
* tripLrn
* nraLrn
* attribute2
* wipLrn
* uomLrn
* enabledFlag
* attribute15
* programUpdateDate
* iroLrn
* attribute9
* unitNoLrn
* lastSuccIroRefTime
* poLrn
* userSupplyDemandLrn
* attribute4
* srInstanceId
* eroLrn
* mdsLrn
* attribute14
* reservationsLrn
* organizationId
* organizationType
* dpEnabledFlag
* safStockLrn
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastSuccResRefTime
* forecastLrn
* createdBy
* attribute10
* attribute8
* attribute12
* lastSuccAslRefTime
* lastUpdatedBy
* orgLrn
* attribute1
* borLrn
* lastSuccItemRefTime


 * attribute6
* ohLrn
* orgGroup
* soLrn
* attribute3
* attribute7
* programId
* supplierCapacityLrn
* mpsLrn
* attribute11
* bomLrn
* programApplicationId
* itemLrn
* requestId
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute13
* calendarLrn
* attributeCategory
* attribute5
* tripLrn
* nraLrn
* attribute2
* wipLrn
* uomLrn
* enabledFlag
* attribute15
* programUpdateDate
* iroLrn
* attribute9
* unitNoLrn
* lastSuccIroRefTime
* poLrn
* userSupplyDemandLrn
* attribute4
* srInstanceId
* eroLrn
* mdsLrn
* attribute14
* reservationsLrn
* organizationId
* organizationType
* dpEnabledFlag
* safStockLrn
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastSuccResRefTime
* forecastLrn
* createdBy
* attribute10
* attribute8
* attribute12
* lastSuccAslRefTime
* lastUpdatedBy
* orgLrn
* attribute1
* borLrn
* lastSuccItemRefTime


 * longProperty
* zdSync
* model
* entityName
* shortProperty
* zdEditionName
* apiId


 * longProperty
* zdSync
* model
* entityName
* shortProperty
* zdEditionName
* apiId


 * tvTableType
* zdEditionName
* zdSync
* model
* tableName
* position
* parentTable
* packageName
* apiId


 * tvTableType
* zdEditionName
* zdSync
* model
* tableName
* position
* parentTable
* packageName
* apiId


 * model
* createSequence
* entityName
* zdSync
* zdEditionName
* tableName
* apiId
* packageName
* createtableSql
* xmlTag


 * model
* createSequence
* entityName
* zdSync
* zdEditionName
* tableName
* apiId
* packageName
* createtableSql
* xmlTag


 * packageName
* description
* zdEditionName
* zdSync
* apiId
* model


 * packageName
* description
* zdEditionName
* zdSync
* apiId
* model


 * demandPlanId
* createdBy
* srInstanceId
* lastUpdatedBy
* creationDate
* lastUpdateDate
* snoPlanId
* demandPlanName


 * demandPlanId
* createdBy
* srInstanceId
* lastUpdatedBy
* creationDate
* lastUpdateDate
* snoPlanId
* demandPlanName


 * planId
* xmldata
* reqId
* apiId
* packageName


 * planId
* xmldata
* reqId
* apiId
* packageName


 * apiId
* reqId
* xmldata
* planId
* packageName


 * apiId
* reqId
* xmldata
* planId
* packageName


 * executeSequence
* model
* zdSync
* zdEditionName
* whereClause
* extractSqlThirdPart
* copyToStrategicSql
* packageName
* apiId
* extractSqlSecondPart
* entityName
* postProcessor
* deletePlanningTargetSql
* extractSqlFirstPart


 * executeSequence
* model
* zdSync
* zdEditionName
* whereClause
* extractSqlThirdPart
* copyToStrategicSql
* packageName
* apiId
* extractSqlSecondPart
* entityName
* postProcessor
* deletePlanningTargetSql
* extractSqlFirstPart


 * description
* apiId
* zdEditionName
* zdSync


 * description
* apiId
* zdEditionName
* zdSync


 * memberTableName
* entityName
* model
* zdSync
* apiId
* tableName
* zdEditionName
* tvTableName


 * memberTableName
* entityName
* model
* zdSync
* apiId
* tableName
* zdEditionName
* tvTableName


 * attribute9
* fromRegionId
* attribute2
* weightCapacity
* creationDate
* shipmentVolumeUom
* fromLocationName
* toRegionId
* weightUom
* shipmentVolume
* toLocationDescr
* volumeCapacity
* transportCapOverUtilCost
* intransitTime
* shipmentWeightUom
* fromLocationId
* defaultFlag
* attribute5
* costPerVolumeUnit
* refreshNumber
* collectedFlag
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute11
* toOrganizationId
* shipMethodText
* planId
* shipmentWeight
* volumeUom
* attribute14
* transactionId
* fromLocationDescr
* currency
* costPerWeightUnit
* srInstanceId2
* shipMethod
* attribute8
* attributeCategory
* fromOrganizationId
* createdBy
* attribute12
* attribute3
* attribute7
* attribute1
* programId
* attribute10
* attribute13
* lastUpdateLogin
* toLocationId
* programApplicationId
* requestId
* programUpdateDate
* leadtimeVariability
* attribute15
* attribute4
* lastUpdateDate
* timeUomCode
* attribute6
* toLocationName
* srInstanceId


 * attribute9
* fromRegionId
* attribute2
* weightCapacity
* creationDate
* shipmentVolumeUom
* fromLocationName
* toRegionId
* weightUom
* shipmentVolume
* toLocationDescr
* volumeCapacity
* transportCapOverUtilCost
* intransitTime
* shipmentWeightUom
* fromLocationId
* defaultFlag
* attribute5
* costPerVolumeUnit
* refreshNumber
* collectedFlag
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute11
* toOrganizationId
* shipMethodText
* planId
* shipmentWeight
* volumeUom
* attribute14
* transactionId
* fromLocationDescr
* currency
* costPerWeightUnit
* srInstanceId2
* shipMethod
* attribute8
* attributeCategory
* fromOrganizationId
* createdBy
* attribute12
* attribute3
* attribute7
* attribute1
* programId
* attribute10
* attribute13
* lastUpdateLogin
* toLocationId
* programApplicationId
* requestId
* programUpdateDate
* leadtimeVariability
* attribute15
* attribute4
* lastUpdateDate
* timeUomCode
* attribute6
* toLocationName
* srInstanceId


 * lastUpdatedBy
* budgetValue
* srCategoryId
* lastUpdateLogin
* srInstanceId
* lastUpdateDate
* createdBy
* creationDate
* categoryInstanceId
* organizationId
* budgetId


 * lastUpdatedBy
* budgetValue
* srCategoryId
* lastUpdateLogin
* srInstanceId
* lastUpdateDate
* createdBy
* creationDate
* categoryInstanceId
* organizationId
* budgetId


 * lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* name
* lastUpdateLogin
* description
* budgetId
* createdBy
* creationDate


 * lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* name
* lastUpdateLogin
* description
* budgetId
* createdBy
* creationDate


 * minQuantityDos
* createdBy
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdatedBy
* organizationId
* minQuantity
* maxQuantity
* inventoryItemId
* targetQuantity
* lastUpdateDate
* planId
* srInstanceId
* inventoryDate
* maxQuantityDos
* targetQuantityDos


 * minQuantityDos
* createdBy
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdatedBy
* organizationId
* minQuantity
* maxQuantity
* inventoryItemId
* targetQuantity
* lastUpdateDate
* planId
* srInstanceId
* inventoryDate
* maxQuantityDos
* targetQuantityDos


 * shrinkageRate
* failureImpact
* planningMakeBuyCode
* annualSalesQty
* eoFlag
* category6
* maximumOrderQuantity
* coefficientOfVariation
* avgDemandBeyondPh
* daysTgtInvWindow
* regionInstanceId
* returnForecastTimeFence
* standardCost
* postprocessingLeadTime
* mrslIngredient
* forecastRuleForReturns
* category3
* vmiFixedOrderQuantity
* atpFlag
* obsolescenceDate
* customerInstanceId
* fixedOrderQuantity
* lastUpdateDate
* userAttribute6
* inventoryUseUpDate
* category1
* categorySet5
* categoryOverride3
* defectiveItemCost
* repairCost
* categorySet4
* reliability
* convergence
* maxUsageFactor
* userAttribute10
* listPrice
* userAttribute1
* meanInterArrival
* vmiMaximumDays
* serviceLevel
* customerSiteId
* categoryOverride4
* creationDate
* prePositionPoint
* categorySet7
* userAttribute8
* userAttribute14
* repairLeadTime
* category5
* atoForecastControl
* safetyStockBucketDays
* interarrivalDistMethod
* repairYield
* planningTimeFenceDays
* excessHorizon
* categorySet1
* customerId
* variableLeadTime
* intermittentDemand
* daysMaxInvSupply
* category7
* dmdSatisfiedPercent
* vmiMinimumUnits
* atpComponentsFlag
* divergence
* categorySet6
* lastUpdatedBy
* categorySet3
* planningExceptionSet
* newPlannedOrder
* userAttribute7
* annualShipValue
* consignedFlag
* computeSs
* averageDailyDemand
* categorySet8
* carryingCost
* basisAvgDailyDemand
* annualCarryingCost
* consumptionTimeTarget
* avgReturnsBeyondPh
* mrpPlanningCode
* lifeTimeBuyDate
* userAttribute11
* endOfLifeDate
* abcClassName
* userAttribute2
* regionId
* annualShipCount
* criticalityCategory
* plannerCode
* userAttribute3
* categoryOverride1
* userAttribute5
* planId
* createdBy
* category8
* safetyStockPercent
* continousTransfer
* weightUom
* roundingControlType
* categorySet2
* annualShipQty
* stdDeviationInterArrival
* fixedDaysSupply
* createSupplyFlag
* organizationId
* fullLeadTime
* criticalComponentFlag
* daysTgtInvSupply
* unitVolume
* rebuildActivity
* demandTimeFenceDays
* region
* unitWeight
* demandFulfillmentLt
* pipFlag
* categoryOverride2
* lastUpdateLogin
* leadtimeVariability
* updatedColumnsCount
* scrapRate
* minimumOrderQuantity
* volumeUom
* forecastRuleForDemands
* annualSalesValue
* vmiMaximumUnits
* daysMaxInvWindow
* minRemShelfLifeDays
* invDaysIncrement
* category4
* srInstanceId
* category2
* ropSafetyStock
* preprocessingLeadTime
* standardDeviation
* userAttribute13
* fixedLotMultiplier
* unsatisfiedDemandFactor
* categoryOverride7
* fixedLeadTime
* buyerName
* userAttribute12
* annualSalesCount
* abcClass
* categoryOverride6
* stdDeviationForDemand
* minSupDemPercent
* orderCost
* repairModule
* categoryOverride8
* safetyStockMrsl
* inventoryItemId
* intermittencyThreshold
* lotsExpiration
* safetyLeadTime
* userAttribute15
* orderPeriod
* vmiMinimumDays
* computeEoq
* categoryOverride5
* crossDock
* simulationSetId
* userAttribute4
* mrslIngredientId
* drpPlanned
* minShelfLifeDays
* userAttribute9
* annualUsage
* safetyStockCode
* substitutionWindow


 * shrinkageRate
* failureImpact
* planningMakeBuyCode
* annualSalesQty
* eoFlag
* category6
* maximumOrderQuantity
* coefficientOfVariation
* avgDemandBeyondPh
* daysTgtInvWindow
* regionInstanceId
* returnForecastTimeFence
* standardCost
* postprocessingLeadTime
* mrslIngredient
* forecastRuleForReturns
* category3
* vmiFixedOrderQuantity
* atpFlag
* obsolescenceDate
* customerInstanceId
* fixedOrderQuantity
* lastUpdateDate
* userAttribute6
* inventoryUseUpDate
* category1
* categorySet5
* categoryOverride3
* defectiveItemCost
* repairCost
* categorySet4
* reliability
* convergence
* maxUsageFactor
* userAttribute10
* listPrice
* userAttribute1
* meanInterArrival
* vmiMaximumDays
* serviceLevel
* customerSiteId
* categoryOverride4
* creationDate
* prePositionPoint
* categorySet7
* userAttribute8
* userAttribute14
* repairLeadTime
* category5
* atoForecastControl
* safetyStockBucketDays
* interarrivalDistMethod
* repairYield
* planningTimeFenceDays
* excessHorizon
* categorySet1
* customerId
* variableLeadTime
* intermittentDemand
* daysMaxInvSupply
* category7
* dmdSatisfiedPercent
* vmiMinimumUnits
* atpComponentsFlag
* divergence
* categorySet6
* lastUpdatedBy
* categorySet3
* planningExceptionSet
* newPlannedOrder
* userAttribute7
* annualShipValue
* consignedFlag
* computeSs
* averageDailyDemand
* categorySet8
* carryingCost
* basisAvgDailyDemand
* annualCarryingCost
* consumptionTimeTarget
* avgReturnsBeyondPh
* mrpPlanningCode
* lifeTimeBuyDate
* userAttribute11
* endOfLifeDate
* abcClassName
* userAttribute2
* regionId
* annualShipCount
* criticalityCategory
* plannerCode
* userAttribute3
* categoryOverride1
* userAttribute5
* planId
* createdBy
* category8
* safetyStockPercent
* continousTransfer
* weightUom
* roundingControlType
* categorySet2
* annualShipQty
* stdDeviationInterArrival
* fixedDaysSupply
* createSupplyFlag
* organizationId
* fullLeadTime
* criticalComponentFlag
* daysTgtInvSupply
* unitVolume
* rebuildActivity
* demandTimeFenceDays
* region
* unitWeight
* demandFulfillmentLt
* pipFlag
* categoryOverride2
* lastUpdateLogin
* leadtimeVariability
* updatedColumnsCount
* scrapRate
* minimumOrderQuantity
* volumeUom
* forecastRuleForDemands
* annualSalesValue
* vmiMaximumUnits
* daysMaxInvWindow
* minRemShelfLifeDays
* invDaysIncrement
* category4
* srInstanceId
* category2
* ropSafetyStock
* preprocessingLeadTime
* standardDeviation
* userAttribute13
* fixedLotMultiplier
* unsatisfiedDemandFactor
* categoryOverride7
* fixedLeadTime
* buyerName
* userAttribute12
* annualSalesCount
* abcClass
* categoryOverride6
* stdDeviationForDemand
* minSupDemPercent
* orderCost
* repairModule
* categoryOverride8
* safetyStockMrsl
* inventoryItemId
* intermittencyThreshold
* lotsExpiration
* safetyLeadTime
* userAttribute15
* orderPeriod
* vmiMinimumDays
* computeEoq
* categoryOverride5
* crossDock
* simulationSetId
* userAttribute4
* mrslIngredientId
* drpPlanned
* minShelfLifeDays
* userAttribute9
* annualUsage
* safetyStockCode
* substitutionWindow


 * attribute8
* planId
* listPrice
* programUpdateDate
* inventoryItemId
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute10
* programId
* attribute15
* uomCode
* attribute1
* lastUpdateLogin
* leadTime
* attribute12
* customerId
* attribute3
* attribute7
* srInstanceId
* attribute4
* attribute9
* attribute2
* requestId
* refreshNumber
* attribute5
* customerSiteId
* createdBy
* attribute14
* attribute6
* plannerCode
* customerItemName
* attributeCategory
* creationDate
* lastUpdateDate
* programApplicationId
* attribute11
* description
* attribute13


 * attribute8
* planId
* listPrice
* programUpdateDate
* inventoryItemId
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute10
* programId
* attribute15
* uomCode
* attribute1
* lastUpdateLogin
* leadTime
* attribute12
* customerId
* attribute3
* attribute7
* srInstanceId
* attribute4
* attribute9
* attribute2
* requestId
* refreshNumber
* attribute5
* customerSiteId
* createdBy
* attribute14
* attribute6
* plannerCode
* customerItemName
* attributeCategory
* creationDate
* lastUpdateDate
* programApplicationId
* attribute11
* description
* attribute13


 * lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* creationDate
* currentInstallBase
* itemName
* failureRateId
* processFlag
* collectedFlag
* failureRate
* createdBy
* returnRate
* retirementRate
* lastUpdatedBy
* usingAssemblyName
* usingAssemblyId
* inventoryItemId


 * lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* creationDate
* currentInstallBase
* itemName
* failureRateId
* processFlag
* collectedFlag
* failureRate
* createdBy
* returnRate
* retirementRate
* lastUpdatedBy
* usingAssemblyName
* usingAssemblyId
* inventoryItemId


 * sourceOrganizationId
* zoneId
* planId
* srInventoryItemId
* sourceOrgInstanceId
* sourcingRuleType
* sourcingRuleName
* inventoryItemId
* vendorSiteId
* assignmentId
* owningOrgId
* disableDate
* customerSiteId
* assignmentSetId
* srDescription
* sourceType
* sourcingLevel
* sourceOrgCode
* assignmentType
* customerId
* srInstanceId
* rank
* effectiveDate
* sourcingRuleId
* organizationId
* vendorId
* allocationPercent
* categoryId
* shipMethod


 * sourceOrganizationId
* zoneId
* planId
* srInventoryItemId
* sourceOrgInstanceId
* sourcingRuleType
* sourcingRuleName
* inventoryItemId
* vendorSiteId
* assignmentId
* owningOrgId
* disableDate
* customerSiteId
* assignmentSetId
* srDescription
* sourceType
* sourcingLevel
* sourceOrgCode
* assignmentType
* customerId
* srInstanceId
* rank
* effectiveDate
* sourcingRuleId
* organizationId
* vendorId
* allocationPercent
* categoryId
* shipMethod


 * sourcingRuleType
* bomItemType
* assignmentId
* inventoryItemId
* sourcingRuleId
* sourceOrgInstanceId
* rank
* sourcingLevel
* categoryId
* zoneId
* vendorId
* sourceType
* planId
* effectiveDate
* primaryUomCode
* customerSiteId
* srInventoryItemId
* mrpPlanningCode
* compDrpPlanned
* planningMakeBuyCode
* sourceOrgCode
* compileDesignator
* compMrpPlanningCode
* organizationId
* assignmentType
* sourcingRuleName
* owningOrgId
* disableDate
* sourceOrganizationId
* srInstanceId
* allocationPercent
* assyDrpPlanned
* vendorSiteId
* srDescription
* customerId
* assignmentSetId


 * sourcingRuleType
* bomItemType
* assignmentId
* inventoryItemId
* sourcingRuleId
* sourceOrgInstanceId
* rank
* sourcingLevel
* categoryId
* zoneId
* vendorId
* sourceType
* planId
* effectiveDate
* primaryUomCode
* customerSiteId
* srInventoryItemId
* mrpPlanningCode
* compDrpPlanned
* planningMakeBuyCode
* sourceOrgCode
* compileDesignator
* compMrpPlanningCode
* organizationId
* assignmentType
* sourcingRuleName
* owningOrgId
* disableDate
* sourceOrganizationId
* srInstanceId
* allocationPercent
* assyDrpPlanned
* vendorSiteId
* srDescription
* customerId
* assignmentSetId


 * groupId
* inventoryItemId
* instanceCount


 * groupId
* inventoryItemId
* instanceCount


 * inventoryItemId
* srInventoryItemId
* srInstanceId


 * inventoryItemId
* srInventoryItemId
* srInstanceId


 * creationDate
* simulationSetId
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* createdBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* description
* simulationSetName


 * creationDate
* simulationSetId
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* createdBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* description
* simulationSetName


 * inventoryItemId
* srDescription
* srInstanceId
* assignmentSetId
* customerSiteId
* allocationPercent
* sourceOrgInstanceId
* compDrpPlanned
* sourcingRuleName
* compMrpPlanningCode
* sourceType
* sourcingRuleType
* compBomItemType
* compileDesignator
* customerId
* effectiveDate
* organizationId
* compPrimaryUomCode
* sourceOrganizationId
* planId
* rank
* assignmentId
* owningOrgId
* sourcingLevel
* sourcingRuleId
* regionId
* compPlanningMakeBuyCode
* assignmentType
* disableDate


 * inventoryItemId
* srDescription
* srInstanceId
* assignmentSetId
* customerSiteId
* allocationPercent
* sourceOrgInstanceId
* compDrpPlanned
* sourcingRuleName
* compMrpPlanningCode
* sourceType
* sourcingRuleType
* compBomItemType
* compileDesignator
* customerId
* effectiveDate
* organizationId
* compPrimaryUomCode
* sourceOrganizationId
* planId
* rank
* assignmentId
* owningOrgId
* sourcingLevel
* sourcingRuleId
* regionId
* compPlanningMakeBuyCode
* assignmentType
* disableDate


 * fixedLotMultiplier
* capacityType
* attribute5
* creationDate
* attribute3
* srInstanceId2
* attributeCategory
* supplierItemName
* maxMinmaxQuantity
* attribute14
* attribute4
* newPlanId
* attribute13
* supplierId
* attribute2
* attribute6
* programUpdateDate
* inventoryItemId
* supplierLeadTimeDate
* vmiRefreshFlag
* maxMinmaxDays
* replenishmentMethod
* vmiFlag
* purchasingUnitOfMeasure
* requestId
* applied
* enableVmiAutoReplenishFlag
* aslAttributeCreationDate
* description
* programId
* uomCode
* refreshNumber
* fixedOrderQuantity
* supplierSiteId
* itemPrice
* attribute12
* programApplicationId
* collectedFlag
* attribute8
* createdBy
* minMinmaxDays
* minimumOrderQuantity
* attribute11
* minMinmaxQuantity
* forecastHorizon
* attribute10
* attribute1
* lastUpdatedBy
* averageDailyDemand
* planId
* lastUpdateLogin
* vmiReplenishmentApproval
* newPlanList
* maximumOrderQuantity
* supplierCapOverUtilCost
* deliveryCalendarCode
* processingLeadTime
* attribute7
* organizationId
* attribute9
* includeLiabilityAgreement
* srInstanceId
* aslLiabilityAgreementBasis
* attribute15
* plannerCode
* usingOrganizationId
* lastUpdateDate
* simulationSetId


 * fixedLotMultiplier
* capacityType
* attribute5
* creationDate
* attribute3
* srInstanceId2
* attributeCategory
* supplierItemName
* maxMinmaxQuantity
* attribute14
* attribute4
* newPlanId
* attribute13
* supplierId
* attribute2
* attribute6
* programUpdateDate
* inventoryItemId
* supplierLeadTimeDate
* vmiRefreshFlag
* maxMinmaxDays
* replenishmentMethod
* vmiFlag
* purchasingUnitOfMeasure
* requestId
* applied
* enableVmiAutoReplenishFlag
* aslAttributeCreationDate
* description
* programId
* uomCode
* refreshNumber
* fixedOrderQuantity
* supplierSiteId
* itemPrice
* attribute12
* programApplicationId
* collectedFlag
* attribute8
* createdBy
* minMinmaxDays
* minimumOrderQuantity
* attribute11
* minMinmaxQuantity
* forecastHorizon
* attribute10
* attribute1
* lastUpdatedBy
* averageDailyDemand
* planId
* lastUpdateLogin
* vmiReplenishmentApproval
* newPlanList
* maximumOrderQuantity
* supplierCapOverUtilCost
* deliveryCalendarCode
* processingLeadTime
* attribute7
* organizationId
* attribute9
* includeLiabilityAgreement
* srInstanceId
* aslLiabilityAgreementBasis
* attribute15
* plannerCode
* usingOrganizationId
* lastUpdateDate
* simulationSetId


 * requestId
* itemTypeValueMeaning
* itemTypeId
* attribute12
* createdBy
* lastUpdatedBy
* programId
* attribute10
* attribute11
* attribute3
* attribute5
* attribute14
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute1
* attribute13
* attribute15
* attribute2
* attribute7
* attribute4
* zdEditionName
* attribute8
* attributeCategory
* creationDate
* itemTypeValue
* attribute6
* programUpdateDate
* programApplicationId
* zdSync
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute9
* itemTypeName


 * requestId
* itemTypeValueMeaning
* itemTypeId
* attribute12
* createdBy
* lastUpdatedBy
* programId
* attribute10
* attribute11
* attribute3
* attribute5
* attribute14
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute1
* attribute13
* attribute15
* attribute2
* attribute7
* attribute4
* zdEditionName
* attribute8
* attributeCategory
* creationDate
* itemTypeValue
* attribute6
* programUpdateDate
* programApplicationId
* zdSync
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute9
* itemTypeName


 * attribute4
* description
* attributeCategory
* inventoryItemId
* attribute5
* programApplicationId
* attribute3
* attribute15
* programUpdateDate
* attribute6
* attribute8
* attribute1
* attribute2
* attribute12
* requestId
* attribute13
* lastUpdatedBy
* programId
* attribute7
* attribute9
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute11
* attribute10
* itemName
* attribute14
* createdBy
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin


 * attribute4
* description
* attributeCategory
* inventoryItemId
* attribute5
* programApplicationId
* attribute3
* attribute15
* programUpdateDate
* attribute6
* attribute8
* attribute1
* attribute2
* attribute12
* requestId
* attribute13
* lastUpdatedBy
* programId
* attribute7
* attribute9
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute11
* attribute10
* itemName
* attribute14
* createdBy
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin


 * lateOrderCount
* lastUpdatedBy
* createdBy
* organizationId
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* srInstanceId
* creationDate
* planId


 * lateOrderCount
* lastUpdatedBy
* createdBy
* organizationId
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* srInstanceId
* creationDate
* planId


 * char4
* sourceCustomerSiteId
* char5
* programApplicationId
* creationDate
* sourceDemandSourceHeaderId
* sourceUsingAssemblyItemId
* number4
* date5
* number5
* date4
* programUpdateDate
* char9
* number3
* sourceShipToSiteUseId
* number1
* char10
* sourceInventoryItemId
* lastUpdateDate
* sourceOrgId
* sourceProjectId
* sourceSalesOrderLineId
* dataSourceType
* requestId
* createdBy
* char8
* localId
* char7
* date2
* date3
* sourceOriginalItemId
* stTransactionId
* char6
* number2
* char3
* char2
* programId
* date1
* sourceBillId
* sourceDispositionId
* entityName
* sourceBillToSiteUseId
* lastUpdatedBy
* sourceTaskId
* instanceId
* sourceCustomerId
* char1
* lastUpdateLogin
* sourceDemandId


 * char4
* sourceCustomerSiteId
* char5
* programApplicationId
* creationDate
* sourceDemandSourceHeaderId
* sourceUsingAssemblyItemId
* number4
* date5
* number5
* date4
* programUpdateDate
* char9
* number3
* sourceShipToSiteUseId
* number1
* char10
* sourceInventoryItemId
* lastUpdateDate
* sourceOrgId
* sourceProjectId
* sourceSalesOrderLineId
* dataSourceType
* requestId
* createdBy
* char8
* localId
* char7
* date2
* date3
* sourceOriginalItemId
* stTransactionId
* char6
* number2
* char3
* char2
* programId
* date1
* sourceBillId
* sourceDispositionId
* entityName
* sourceBillToSiteUseId
* lastUpdatedBy
* sourceTaskId
* instanceId
* sourceCustomerId
* char1
* lastUpdateLogin
* sourceDemandId


 * number1
* lastUpdatedBy
* char1
* date3
* programApplicationId
* sourceSourceOrgId
* stTransactionId
* date5
* requestId
* date4
* char8
* instanceId
* creationDate
* programUpdateDate
* char6
* lastUpdateDate
* number2
* createdBy
* number4
* char5
* char9
* date1
* sourcePrimarySupplierId
* sourceSrInventoryItemId
* date2
* dataSourceType
* number3
* sourceBaseItemId
* char2
* char4
* char7
* entityName
* char10
* lastUpdateLogin
* localId
* char3
* number5
* programId


 * number1
* lastUpdatedBy
* char1
* date3
* programApplicationId
* sourceSourceOrgId
* stTransactionId
* date5
* requestId
* date4
* char8
* instanceId
* creationDate
* programUpdateDate
* char6
* lastUpdateDate
* number2
* createdBy
* number4
* char5
* char9
* date1
* sourcePrimarySupplierId
* sourceSrInventoryItemId
* date2
* dataSourceType
* number3
* sourceBaseItemId
* char2
* char4
* char7
* entityName
* char10
* lastUpdateLogin
* localId
* char3
* number5
* programId


 * stTransactionId
* sourceInventoryItemId
* date2
* sourceSourcePartnerSiteId
* date3
* number1
* char5
* sourceSourceOrganizationId
* char2
* sourceOrgId
* lastUpdatedBy
* programUpdateDate
* sourceCategoryId
* char3
* char10
* creationDate
* date4
* number5
* sourceProjectId
* char6
* date5
* sourceAssignmentId
* sourceCostingGroupId
* sourceSrSourceId
* date1
* requestId
* sourceReceiptOrganizationId
* lastUpdateLogin
* sourceSrCategorySetId
* sourceAssignmentSetId
* sourceAbcClassId
* char4
* lastUpdateDate
* instanceId
* number3
* number2
* dataSourceType
* createdBy
* char9
* sourceCategorySetId
* entityName
* char1
* char7
* programId
* number4
* sourceSourcingRuleId
* sourceSrReceiptId
* char8
* sourceSrCategoryId
* localId
* programApplicationId
* sourceSourcePartnerId
* sourceTaskId


 * stTransactionId
* sourceInventoryItemId
* date2
* sourceSourcePartnerSiteId
* date3
* number1
* char5
* sourceSourceOrganizationId
* char2
* sourceOrgId
* lastUpdatedBy
* programUpdateDate
* sourceCategoryId
* char3
* char10
* creationDate
* date4
* number5
* sourceProjectId
* char6
* date5
* sourceAssignmentId
* sourceCostingGroupId
* sourceSrSourceId
* date1
* requestId
* sourceReceiptOrganizationId
* lastUpdateLogin
* sourceSrCategorySetId
* sourceAssignmentSetId
* sourceAbcClassId
* char4
* lastUpdateDate
* instanceId
* number3
* number2
* dataSourceType
* createdBy
* char9
* sourceCategorySetId
* entityName
* char1
* char7
* programId
* number4
* sourceSourcingRuleId
* sourceSrReceiptId
* char8
* sourceSrCategoryId
* localId
* programApplicationId
* sourceSourcePartnerId
* sourceTaskId


 * lastUpdatedBy
* createdBy
* sourceTaskId
* number4
* sourceResourceId
* number2
* sourceCoProductGroupId
* char2
* sourceLineId
* lastUpdateLogin
* char6
* sourceProjectId
* number3
* sourceSrTpId
* sourceResourceSeqNum
* char5
* stTransactionId
* sourceComponentSeqId
* sourceOwningDepartmentId
* sourceDrivingItemId
* number1
* programId
* sourceSrTpSiteId
* date1
* programApplicationId
* instanceId
* date4
* sourceAssemblyItemId
* sourceUsingAssemblyId
* sourceSourceOrgId
* sourceComponentId
* date5
* char10
* char4
* entityName
* char9
* requestId
* sourceCoProductId
* char3
* sourceInventoryItemId
* sourceBillSequenceId
* lastUpdateDate
* localId
* char7
* sourceRoutingSequenceId
* sourceWipEntityId
* char1
* sourceOperationSeqNum
* creationDate
* programUpdateDate
* number5
* char8
* sourceOrganizationId
* date2
* sourceDepartmentId
* sourceOperationSequenceId
* dataSourceType
* sourceCommonRoutingSeqId
* date3


 * lastUpdatedBy
* createdBy
* sourceTaskId
* number4
* sourceResourceId
* number2
* sourceCoProductGroupId
* char2
* sourceLineId
* lastUpdateLogin
* char6
* sourceProjectId
* number3
* sourceSrTpId
* sourceResourceSeqNum
* char5
* stTransactionId
* sourceComponentSeqId
* sourceOwningDepartmentId
* sourceDrivingItemId
* number1
* programId
* sourceSrTpSiteId
* date1
* programApplicationId
* instanceId
* date4
* sourceAssemblyItemId
* sourceUsingAssemblyId
* sourceSourceOrgId
* sourceComponentId
* date5
* char10
* char4
* entityName
* char9
* requestId
* sourceCoProductId
* char3
* sourceInventoryItemId
* sourceBillSequenceId
* lastUpdateDate
* localId
* char7
* sourceRoutingSequenceId
* sourceWipEntityId
* char1
* sourceOperationSeqNum
* creationDate
* programUpdateDate
* number5
* char8
* sourceOrganizationId
* date2
* sourceDepartmentId
* sourceOperationSequenceId
* dataSourceType
* sourceCommonRoutingSeqId
* date3


 * char7
* stTransactionId
* char4
* sourceRoutingSequenceId
* number4
* char2
* char5
* sourceVendorId
* sourceOrgId
* sourceDispositionId
* char3
* programId
* date4
* char10
* sourceVendorSiteId
* sourceSrMtlSupplyId
* sourceBillSequenceId
* char8
* sourceFromOrganizationId
* createdBy
* date2
* char9
* programApplicationId
* lastUpdatedBy
* sourceInventoryItemId
* date1
* lastUpdateDate
* number1
* sourceWipEntityId
* number3
* lastUpdateLogin
* localId
* char1
* programUpdateDate
* instanceId
* number2
* date3
* sourceProjectId
* entityName
* char6
* creationDate
* date5
* sourceScheduleGroupId
* dataSourceType
* number5
* sourceTaskId
* requestId


 * char7
* stTransactionId
* char4
* sourceRoutingSequenceId
* number4
* char2
* char5
* sourceVendorId
* sourceOrgId
* sourceDispositionId
* char3
* programId
* date4
* char10
* sourceVendorSiteId
* sourceSrMtlSupplyId
* sourceBillSequenceId
* char8
* sourceFromOrganizationId
* createdBy
* date2
* char9
* programApplicationId
* lastUpdatedBy
* sourceInventoryItemId
* date1
* lastUpdateDate
* number1
* sourceWipEntityId
* number3
* lastUpdateLogin
* localId
* char1
* programUpdateDate
* instanceId
* number2
* date3
* sourceProjectId
* entityName
* char6
* creationDate
* date5
* sourceScheduleGroupId
* dataSourceType
* number5
* sourceTaskId
* requestId


 * partnerId
* locationCode
* srInstanceId
* lastUpdateDate
* createdBy
* creationDate
* organizationId
* programApplicationId
* requestId
* programId
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* partnerSiteId
* programUpdateDate
* locationId


 * partnerId
* locationCode
* srInstanceId
* lastUpdateDate
* createdBy
* creationDate
* organizationId
* programApplicationId
* requestId
* programId
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* partnerSiteId
* programUpdateDate
* locationId


 * zone
* regionId
* mappingDone
* locationId


 * zone
* regionId
* mappingDone
* locationId


 * safetyStock
* aggregateLevel
* onHand
* purchaseOrder
* requisition
* dependentDemand
* manualDemand
* salesOrder
* lastUpdateDate
* forecast
* warehouseCapAvailable
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* forecastMds
* queryId
* workOrder
* totalSupply
* analysisDate
* plannedOrder
* totalDemand
* lastUpdatedBy
* createdBy
* scheduledReceipts
* rowIndex
* warehouseCapConsumed


 * safetyStock
* aggregateLevel
* onHand
* purchaseOrder
* requisition
* dependentDemand
* manualDemand
* salesOrder
* lastUpdateDate
* forecast
* warehouseCapAvailable
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* forecastMds
* queryId
* workOrder
* totalSupply
* analysisDate
* plannedOrder
* totalDemand
* lastUpdatedBy
* createdBy
* scheduledReceipts
* rowIndex
* warehouseCapConsumed


 * lastUpdatedBy
* toPlan
* compareCompletionDate
* reportId
* lastUpdateDate
* compareStartDate
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* createdBy
* fromPlan


 * lastUpdatedBy
* toPlan
* compareCompletionDate
* reportId
* lastUpdateDate
* compareStartDate
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* createdBy
* fromPlan


 * exceptionDetailId
* createdBy
* exceptionType
* compareKey
* exceptionGroup
* reportId
* status
* char1
* planId
* fromPlan
* creationDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdateDate
* idKey
* char2
* matchId


 * exceptionDetailId
* createdBy
* exceptionType
* compareKey
* exceptionGroup
* reportId
* status
* char1
* planId
* fromPlan
* creationDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdateDate
* idKey
* char2
* matchId


 * createdBy
* lastUpdateDate
* criteriaId
* lastUpdatedBy
* publicFlag
* criteriaName
* exceptionType
* optionsFlag
* exceptionGroup
* userId
* creationDate
* allExceptions
* groupById
* autoQueryFlag
* lastUpdateLogin


 * createdBy
* lastUpdateDate
* criteriaId
* lastUpdatedBy
* publicFlag
* criteriaName
* exceptionType
* optionsFlag
* exceptionGroup
* userId
* creationDate
* allExceptions
* groupById
* autoQueryFlag
* lastUpdateLogin


 * srInstanceId
* planId
* organizationId
* inventoryItemId


 * srInstanceId
* planId
* organizationId
* inventoryItemId


 * graceDuration
* gracePeriod
* graceEndDate
* contractId


 * graceDuration
* gracePeriod
* graceEndDate
* contractId


 * organizationId
* lastUpdatedBy
* creationDate
* createdBy
* planId
* srInstanceId
* inventoryItemId
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin


 * organizationId
* lastUpdatedBy
* creationDate
* createdBy
* planId
* srInstanceId
* inventoryItemId
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin


 * operationSequenceId
* srInstanceId
* creationDate
* organizationId
* lastUpdateLogin
* programApplicationId
* requestId
* componentSequenceId
* routingSequenceId
* planId
* refreshNumber
* lastUpdateDate
* createdBy
* programUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* billSequenceId
* programId


 * operationSequenceId
* srInstanceId
* creationDate
* organizationId
* lastUpdateLogin
* programApplicationId
* requestId
* componentSequenceId
* routingSequenceId
* planId
* refreshNumber
* lastUpdateDate
* createdBy
* programUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* billSequenceId
* programId


 * attribute14
* cummulativePct
* toRoutingSequenceId
* fromItemId
* attribute11
* lastUpdatedBy
* creationDate
* applyToCharges
* toOpSeqId
* dependencyType
* transferUom
* srInstanceId
* transferPct
* attribute3
* organizationId
* effectivityDate
* planId
* attribute1
* attribute10
* attribute2
* lastUpdateDate
* minimumTimeOffset
* newPlanId
* simulationSetId
* attribute4
* attribute7
* transitionType
* attribute15
* routingSequenceId
* refreshNumber
* attribute6
* attribute8
* attribute13
* applied
* maximumTimeOffset
* minimumTransferQty
* fromOpSeqNum
* fromOpSeqId
* attributeCategory
* newPlanList
* createdBy
* originalSystemReference
* lastUpdateLogin
* planningPct
* toOpSeqNum
* disableDate
* attribute5
* transferQty
* attribute12
* attribute9


 * attribute14
* cummulativePct
* toRoutingSequenceId
* fromItemId
* attribute11
* lastUpdatedBy
* creationDate
* applyToCharges
* toOpSeqId
* dependencyType
* transferUom
* srInstanceId
* transferPct
* attribute3
* organizationId
* effectivityDate
* planId
* attribute1
* attribute10
* attribute2
* lastUpdateDate
* minimumTimeOffset
* newPlanId
* simulationSetId
* attribute4
* attribute7
* transitionType
* attribute15
* routingSequenceId
* refreshNumber
* attribute6
* attribute8
* attribute13
* applied
* maximumTimeOffset
* minimumTransferQty
* fromOpSeqNum
* fromOpSeqId
* attributeCategory
* newPlanList
* createdBy
* originalSystemReference
* lastUpdateLogin
* planningPct
* toOpSeqNum
* disableDate
* attribute5
* transferQty
* attribute12
* attribute9


 * srInstanceId
* respApplicationId
* lastUpdateDate
* creationDate
* effectiveFromDate
* organizationId
* lastUpdateLogin
* createdBy
* effectiveToDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* responsibilityId


 * srInstanceId
* respApplicationId
* lastUpdateDate
* creationDate
* effectiveFromDate
* organizationId
* lastUpdateLogin
* createdBy
* effectiveToDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* responsibilityId


 * valueLovName
* valueType
* columnName
* dependentColumn
* lastUpdateDate
* createdBy
* zdEditionName
* operationLovSql
* tableName
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* zdSync
* lastUpdatedBy


 * valueLovName
* valueType
* columnName
* dependentColumn
* lastUpdateDate
* createdBy
* zdEditionName
* operationLovSql
* tableName
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* zdSync
* lastUpdatedBy


 * language
* zdSync
* fieldName
* createdBy
* tableName
* sourceLang
* creationDate
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* columnName
* lastUpdateLogin
* zdEditionName


 * language
* zdSync
* fieldName
* createdBy
* tableName
* sourceLang
* creationDate
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* columnName
* lastUpdateLogin
* zdEditionName


 * componentName
* viewId
* viewLayoutId
* viewName
* createdBy
* accessMode
* savedData
* userId
* viewLayoutName
* defaultUserList
* createdOn
* grandTotalFlag
* lastUpdatedBy
* componentId
* lastUpdatedOn
* defaultFlag


 * componentName
* viewId
* viewLayoutId
* viewName
* createdBy
* accessMode
* savedData
* userId
* viewLayoutName
* defaultUserList
* createdOn
* grandTotalFlag
* lastUpdatedBy
* componentId
* lastUpdatedOn
* defaultFlag


 * documentNumber
* supplierName
* responseNumber
* version
* supplierSiteName
* customerName
* externalLocationCode
* receiptDate
* uomCode
* shipDate
* refHeaderId
* publisherName
* designator
* quantity
* comments
* shipToPartySiteName
* itemName
* publisherSiteName
* customerSiteName
* sourceLocationCode
* shipToPartyName
* bucketType
* publisherOrderType
* shipFromPartyName
* shipFromPartySiteName
* keyDate


 * documentNumber
* supplierName
* responseNumber
* version
* supplierSiteName
* customerName
* externalLocationCode
* receiptDate
* uomCode
* shipDate
* refHeaderId
* publisherName
* designator
* quantity
* comments
* shipToPartySiteName
* itemName
* publisherSiteName
* customerSiteName
* sourceLocationCode
* shipToPartyName
* bucketType
* publisherOrderType
* shipFromPartyName
* shipFromPartySiteName
* keyDate


 * categorySetName
* planId
* inventoryItemId
* srInstanceCode
* taskId
* supplyResAssignmentId
* mdsName
* supplyItemName
* supplyOrderType
* demandId
* sourceTaskId
* sourceWbsId
* supplyDueDate
* lastUpdateDate
* supplyActualStartDate
* supplyShipDate
* endPeggingId
* demandActivityId
* nonPrimaveraDemandFlag
* supplyPeggedOrderNumber
* supplyDockDate
* peggingId
* suppliesPeggedItemFlag
* projectId
* categoryName
* resourceAssignmentId
* supplyPeggedActivityId
* demandPeggedOrderNumber
* sourceProjectId
* supplyQuantity
* supplyUpdatedArrivalDate
* demandPeggedAvlDate
* creationDate
* supplyItemId
* lastUpdatedBy
* supplyWbsId
* demandPeggedOrderType
* organizationId
* supplyStartDate
* supplyOrganization
* supplyOrderNumber
* createdBy
* planName
* supplyOrderDate
* demandSupplyFlag
* supplyProjectId
* supplyDetailFlag
* srInstanceId
* prevPeggingId


 * categorySetName
* planId
* inventoryItemId
* srInstanceCode
* taskId
* supplyResAssignmentId
* mdsName
* supplyItemName
* supplyOrderType
* demandId
* sourceTaskId
* sourceWbsId
* supplyDueDate
* lastUpdateDate
* supplyActualStartDate
* supplyShipDate
* endPeggingId
* demandActivityId
* nonPrimaveraDemandFlag
* supplyPeggedOrderNumber
* supplyDockDate
* peggingId
* suppliesPeggedItemFlag
* projectId
* categoryName
* resourceAssignmentId
* supplyPeggedActivityId
* demandPeggedOrderNumber
* sourceProjectId
* supplyQuantity
* supplyUpdatedArrivalDate
* demandPeggedAvlDate
* creationDate
* supplyItemId
* lastUpdatedBy
* supplyWbsId
* demandPeggedOrderType
* organizationId
* supplyStartDate
* supplyOrganization
* supplyOrderNumber
* createdBy
* planName
* supplyOrderDate
* demandSupplyFlag
* supplyProjectId
* supplyDetailFlag
* srInstanceId
* prevPeggingId


 * wbsId
* projectNumber
* resourceAssignmentId
* srInstanceCode
* mdsName
* lastUpdateDate
* sourceTaskId
* taskNumber
* createdBy
* sourceProjectId
* sourceWbsId
* creationDate
* lastUpdatedBy


 * wbsId
* projectNumber
* resourceAssignmentId
* srInstanceCode
* mdsName
* lastUpdateDate
* sourceTaskId
* taskNumber
* createdBy
* sourceProjectId
* sourceWbsId
* creationDate
* lastUpdatedBy


 * considerWip
* attribute2
* attribute7
* programApplicationId
* reschedAssumption
* demandTimeFenceFlag
* attribute10
* repetitiveHorizon2
* includePastDueForecast
* attribute11
* collectedFlag
* creationDate
* attribute1
* programId
* includeRepSupplyDays
* attribute6
* operationScheduleType
* repetitiveBucketSize3
* attributeCategory
* srInstanceId
* planningTimeFenceFlag
* partIncludeType
* netOnHand
* defaultAbcAssignmentGroup
* considerPo
* includeMdsDays
* attribute3
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute5
* attribute12
* repetitiveAnchorDate
* attribute14
* createdBy
* repetitiveHorizon1
* periodType
* repetitiveBucketSize2
* networkSchedulingMethod
* considerReservations
* attribute13
* attribute9
* planSafetyStock
* lastUpdateLogin
* requestId
* organizationId
* lastUpdatedBy
* programUpdateDate
* attribute15
* attribute8
* repetitiveBucketSize1
* snapshotLock
* planDateDefaultType
* attribute4


 * considerWip
* attribute2
* attribute7
* programApplicationId
* reschedAssumption
* demandTimeFenceFlag
* attribute10
* repetitiveHorizon2
* includePastDueForecast
* attribute11
* collectedFlag
* creationDate
* attribute1
* programId
* includeRepSupplyDays
* attribute6
* operationScheduleType
* repetitiveBucketSize3
* attributeCategory
* srInstanceId
* planningTimeFenceFlag
* partIncludeType
* netOnHand
* defaultAbcAssignmentGroup
* considerPo
* includeMdsDays
* attribute3
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute5
* attribute12
* repetitiveAnchorDate
* attribute14
* createdBy
* repetitiveHorizon1
* periodType
* repetitiveBucketSize2
* networkSchedulingMethod
* considerReservations
* attribute13
* attribute9
* planSafetyStock
* lastUpdateLogin
* requestId
* organizationId
* lastUpdatedBy
* programUpdateDate
* attribute15
* attribute8
* repetitiveBucketSize1
* snapshotLock
* planDateDefaultType
* attribute4


 * lastUpdateLogin
* email
* creationDate
* enabledFlag
* displayName
* lastUpdatedBy
* srInstanceId
* requestId
* programApplicationId
* programUpdateDate
* partnerId
* partnerType
* lastUpdateDate
* createdBy
* programId
* partnerSiteId
* fax
* name
* refreshNumber


 * lastUpdateLogin
* email
* creationDate
* enabledFlag
* displayName
* lastUpdatedBy
* srInstanceId
* requestId
* programApplicationId
* programUpdateDate
* partnerId
* partnerType
* lastUpdateDate
* createdBy
* programId
* partnerSiteId
* fax
* name
* refreshNumber


 * inventoryItemId
* categorySetId
* plannerCodeId
* resourceId
* projectId
* reportPeriodFrom
* srInstanceId
* productCategoryId
* supplierId
* userId
* createdBy
* reportPeriodTo
* resourceGroupId
* creationDate
* buyerNameId
* reportDateRec
* lastUpdateLogin
* organizationId
* lastUpdatedBy
* planName
* lastUpdateDate
* planId
* abcClassId
* planningGroupId
* deptLineId


 * inventoryItemId
* categorySetId
* plannerCodeId
* resourceId
* projectId
* reportPeriodFrom
* srInstanceId
* productCategoryId
* supplierId
* userId
* createdBy
* reportPeriodTo
* resourceGroupId
* creationDate
* buyerNameId
* reportDateRec
* lastUpdateLogin
* organizationId
* lastUpdatedBy
* planName
* lastUpdateDate
* planId
* abcClassId
* planningGroupId
* deptLineId


 * vdate2
* vchar3
* number2
* number3
* vdate1
* number1
* lastUpdatedBy
* userId
* vchar1
* number5
* creationDate
* vchar4
* createdBy
* vchar6
* lastUpdateDate
* parmType
* vdate3
* number4
* number6
* lastUpdateLogin
* vchar2
* vchar5


 * vdate2
* vchar3
* number2
* number3
* vdate1
* number1
* lastUpdatedBy
* userId
* vchar1
* number5
* creationDate
* vchar4
* createdBy
* vchar6
* lastUpdateDate
* parmType
* vdate3
* number4
* number6
* lastUpdateLogin
* vchar2
* vchar5


 * creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* programId
* priorDate
* createdBy
* lastUpdatedBy
* programApplicationId
* periodStartDate
* exceptionSetId
* srInstanceId
* calendarCode
* refreshNumber
* requestId
* programUpdateDate
* lastUpdateDate
* periodSequenceNum
* periodName
* nextDate


 * creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* programId
* priorDate
* createdBy
* lastUpdatedBy
* programApplicationId
* periodStartDate
* exceptionSetId
* srInstanceId
* calendarCode
* refreshNumber
* requestId
* programUpdateDate
* lastUpdateDate
* periodSequenceNum
* periodName
* nextDate


 * groupId
* unsavedFlag
* simulationSetId
* queryId
* executionDate
* favoriteFlag
* autoRelease
* adfFlag
* executeFlag
* queryType
* creationDate
* description
* createdBy
* lastUpdatedBy
* immUpdatedColumn
* lastUpdateDate
* viewFormat
* publicFlag
* requestIdSet
* queryName
* updatedFlag
* andOrFlag
* origQueryId
* scheduleDesignatorId
* lastUpdateLogin
* planType


 * groupId
* unsavedFlag
* simulationSetId
* queryId
* executionDate
* favoriteFlag
* autoRelease
* adfFlag
* executeFlag
* queryType
* creationDate
* description
* createdBy
* lastUpdatedBy
* immUpdatedColumn
* lastUpdateDate
* viewFormat
* publicFlag
* requestIdSet
* queryName
* updatedFlag
* andOrFlag
* origQueryId
* scheduleDesignatorId
* lastUpdateLogin
* planType


 * creationDate
* createdBy
* attributeCategory
* attribute8
* attribute6
* daysInBkt
* attribute3
* attribute7
* srInstanceId
* attribute2
* attribute10
* attribute15
* planId
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute1
* attribute4
* requestId
* attribute5
* programId
* bktStartDate
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute13
* currFlag
* lastUpdatedBy
* programUpdateDate
* bktEndDate
* attribute9
* attribute12
* bucketType
* organizationId
* attribute11
* bucketIndex
* programApplicationId
* attribute14


 * creationDate
* createdBy
* attributeCategory
* attribute8
* attribute6
* daysInBkt
* attribute3
* attribute7
* srInstanceId
* attribute2
* attribute10
* attribute15
* planId
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute1
* attribute4
* requestId
* attribute5
* programId
* bktStartDate
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute13
* currFlag
* lastUpdatedBy
* programUpdateDate
* bktEndDate
* attribute9
* attribute12
* bucketType
* organizationId
* attribute11
* bucketIndex
* programApplicationId
* attribute14


 * srInstanceId
* srCategoryId
* attribute4
* lastUpdateDate
* planId
* attribute11
* attribute5
* lastUpdatedBy
* programApplicationId
* attribute2
* refreshNumber
* attribute13
* organizationId
* attribute3
* lastUpdateLogin
* creationDate
* attribute9
* categorySetId
* attribute8
* attribute15
* attribute6
* programUpdateDate
* attribute14
* attribute10
* attributeCategory
* attribute1
* attribute7
* attribute12
* createdBy
* requestId
* programId


 * srInstanceId
* srCategoryId
* attribute4
* lastUpdateDate
* planId
* attribute11
* attribute5
* lastUpdatedBy
* programApplicationId
* attribute2
* refreshNumber
* attribute13
* organizationId
* attribute3
* lastUpdateLogin
* creationDate
* attribute9
* categorySetId
* attribute8
* attribute15
* attribute6
* programUpdateDate
* attribute14
* attribute10
* attributeCategory
* attribute1
* attribute7
* attribute12
* createdBy
* requestId
* programId


 * creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdateDate
* inMfgSch
* excpType
* createdBy
* inAscpPlan
* inIoPlan
* inMntSch
* zdEditionName
* inSrpPlan
* inDrpPlan
* lastUpdatedBy
* zdSync
* excpGroup
* isException


 * creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdateDate
* inMfgSch
* excpType
* createdBy
* inAscpPlan
* inIoPlan
* inMntSch
* zdEditionName
* inSrpPlan
* inDrpPlan
* lastUpdatedBy
* zdSync
* excpGroup
* isException


 * lastUpdateLogin
* creationDate
* requestId
* createdBy
* weekEndDate
* planId
* programApplicationId
* periodStartDate
* programLoginId
* lastUpdateDate
* periodEndDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* programId
* weekStartDate


 * lastUpdateLogin
* creationDate
* requestId
* createdBy
* weekEndDate
* planId
* programApplicationId
* periodStartDate
* programLoginId
* lastUpdateDate
* periodEndDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* programId
* weekStartDate


 * inRpPlan
* inSrpPlan
* lastUpdateDate
* zdEditionName
* inDrpPlan
* lastUpdatedBy
* inIoPlan
* creationDate
* zdSync
* createdBy
* orderType
* lastUpdateLogin
* inAscpPlan
* orderGroup


 * inRpPlan
* inSrpPlan
* lastUpdateDate
* zdEditionName
* inDrpPlan
* lastUpdatedBy
* inIoPlan
* creationDate
* zdSync
* createdBy
* orderType
* lastUpdateLogin
* inAscpPlan
* orderGroup


 * organizationId
* kpiId
* srInstanceId
* planId
* kpiValue


 * organizationId
* kpiId
* srInstanceId
* planId
* kpiValue


 * srInstanceId
* planId
* status
* organizationId
* statusDate
* number1


 * srInstanceId
* planId
* status
* organizationId
* statusDate
* number1


 * prioritizeSupplies
* calendarCode
* attribute14
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute9
* creationDate
* programUpdateDate
* minimizeSupplyLeadTime
* productionScheduleId
* currMinSupplyLeadTime
* netWip
* soLrn
* planCompletionDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* programApplicationId
* organizationCode
* attribute3
* currFrozenHorizonDays
* lastUpdateLogin
* billOfResources
* netReservations
* includeProductionSchedule
* attribute10
* createdBy
* planId
* dsEnabledFlag
* attribute1
* includeSalesorder
* netPurchasing
* currRespectMaxAcceptDays
* attribute15
* attribute4
* organizationId
* respectMaxAcceptableDays
* requestId
* contact
* frozenHorizonDays
* organizationDescription
* collabRole
* simulationSet
* currDsEnabledFlag
* attribute8
* srInstanceId
* attribute12
* planSafetyStock
* attribute2
* programId
* attributeCategory
* attribute11
* attribute7
* attribute13
* netOnHand
* forecastCalendar
* planLevel
* attribute5
* firmHorizonDays
* attribute6


 * prioritizeSupplies
* calendarCode
* attribute14
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute9
* creationDate
* programUpdateDate
* minimizeSupplyLeadTime
* productionScheduleId
* currMinSupplyLeadTime
* netWip
* soLrn
* planCompletionDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* programApplicationId
* organizationCode
* attribute3
* currFrozenHorizonDays
* lastUpdateLogin
* billOfResources
* netReservations
* includeProductionSchedule
* attribute10
* createdBy
* planId
* dsEnabledFlag
* attribute1
* includeSalesorder
* netPurchasing
* currRespectMaxAcceptDays
* attribute15
* attribute4
* organizationId
* respectMaxAcceptableDays
* requestId
* contact
* frozenHorizonDays
* organizationDescription
* collabRole
* simulationSet
* currDsEnabledFlag
* attribute8
* srInstanceId
* attribute12
* planSafetyStock
* attribute2
* programId
* attributeCategory
* attribute11
* attribute7
* attribute13
* netOnHand
* forecastCalendar
* planLevel
* attribute5
* firmHorizonDays
* attribute6


 * programApplicationId
* planId
* lastUpdateLogin
* programUpdateDate
* planName
* lastUpdatedBy
* freeFlag
* programId
* createdBy
* requestId
* partitionNumber
* lastUpdateDate
* creationDate


 * programApplicationId
* planId
* lastUpdateLogin
* programUpdateDate
* planName
* lastUpdatedBy
* freeFlag
* programId
* createdBy
* requestId
* partitionNumber
* lastUpdateDate
* creationDate


 * planId
* createdBy
* profileValue
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdatedBy
* profileCode
* lastUpdateDate
* creationDate


 * planId
* createdBy
* profileValue
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdatedBy
* profileCode
* lastUpdateDate
* creationDate


 * lastUpdateDate
* createdBy
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* creationDate
* fileId
* planId
* queryId
* appliedTo


 * lastUpdateDate
* createdBy
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* creationDate
* fileId
* planId
* queryId
* appliedTo


 * requestId
* srInstanceId
* programId
* appsLrn
* refreshNumber
* programApplicationId
* programUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* createdBy
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateDate
* creationDate
* planId


 * requestId
* srInstanceId
* programId
* appsLrn
* refreshNumber
* programApplicationId
* programUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* createdBy
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateDate
* creationDate
* planId


 * publisher
* planId
* archiveFlag
* lastRunFlag
* programId
* planName
* planRunVersion
* organizationId
* planRunName
* planCutoffDate
* planningHubFlag
* endDate
* requestId
* refreshMode
* createdBy
* planCompletionDate
* scenarioName
* programApplicationId
* planType
* planDescription
* lastUpdateLogin
* tempTransferId
* startDate
* creationDate
* planStartDate
* lcid
* localArchiveFlag
* lastUpdateDate
* planRunId
* srInstanceId
* programLoginId
* lastUpdatedBy


 * publisher
* planId
* archiveFlag
* lastRunFlag
* programId
* planName
* planRunVersion
* organizationId
* planRunName
* planCutoffDate
* planningHubFlag
* endDate
* requestId
* refreshMode
* createdBy
* planCompletionDate
* scenarioName
* programApplicationId
* planType
* planDescription
* lastUpdateLogin
* tempTransferId
* startDate
* creationDate
* planStartDate
* lcid
* localArchiveFlag
* lastUpdateDate
* planRunId
* srInstanceId
* programLoginId
* lastUpdatedBy


 * creationDate
* mapeValue
* designatorType
* createdBy
* attribute10
* includePo
* attribute13
* attribute8
* programUpdateDate
* attribute5
* attribute2
* backwardDays
* attribute4
* includePlnOrd
* inputScheduleId
* attribute15
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute1
* probability
* programId
* requestId
* demandVariabilityType
* planId
* attribute9
* attribute6
* scenarioSet
* organizationId
* lastUpdateDate
* srInstanceId
* lastUpdatedBy
* attributeCategory
* attribute3
* programApplicationId
* attribute12
* inputType
* interplantDemandFlag
* consumeByForecastBucket
* attribute14
* attribute7
* shipTo
* attribute11
* spreadForecastEvenly
* explodeForecast
* includeTargetDemands
* forwardDays


 * creationDate
* mapeValue
* designatorType
* createdBy
* attribute10
* includePo
* attribute13
* attribute8
* programUpdateDate
* attribute5
* attribute2
* backwardDays
* attribute4
* includePlnOrd
* inputScheduleId
* attribute15
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute1
* probability
* programId
* requestId
* demandVariabilityType
* planId
* attribute9
* attribute6
* scenarioSet
* organizationId
* lastUpdateDate
* srInstanceId
* lastUpdatedBy
* attributeCategory
* attribute3
* programApplicationId
* attribute12
* inputType
* interplantDemandFlag
* consumeByForecastBucket
* attribute14
* attribute7
* shipTo
* attribute11
* spreadForecastEvenly
* explodeForecast
* includeTargetDemands
* forwardDays


 * srInstanceId
* currentEmployeeFlag
* programId
* description
* attribute4
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute6
* attribute7
* attribute13
* attribute10
* requestId
* attribute5
* attribute8
* programApplicationId
* createdBy
* organizationId
* attribute11
* attribute15
* attribute1
* userName
* attribute3
* attribute12
* attributeCategory
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute14
* employeeId
* plannerCode
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute2
* attribute9
* creationDate
* disableDate
* programUpdateDate
* electronicMailAddress
* refreshNumber


 * srInstanceId
* currentEmployeeFlag
* programId
* description
* attribute4
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute6
* attribute7
* attribute13
* attribute10
* requestId
* attribute5
* attribute8
* programApplicationId
* createdBy
* organizationId
* attribute11
* attribute15
* attribute1
* userName
* attribute3
* attribute12
* attributeCategory
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute14
* employeeId
* plannerCode
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute2
* attribute9
* creationDate
* disableDate
* programUpdateDate
* electronicMailAddress
* refreshNumber


 * activityId
* skip
* createdBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* timeOut
* processScope
* status
* activityType
* runSequence
* creationDate
* alternateOwner
* activitySequence
* lastUpdatedBy
* owner
* planId
* processId
* lastUpdateDate


 * activityId
* skip
* createdBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* timeOut
* processScope
* status
* activityType
* runSequence
* creationDate
* alternateOwner
* activitySequence
* lastUpdatedBy
* owner
* planId
* processId
* lastUpdateDate


 * createdBy
* processVersion
* currRunSequence
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* processName
* processFlowId
* lastUpdateLogin
* processId
* creationDate
* description


 * createdBy
* processVersion
* currRunSequence
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* processName
* processFlowId
* lastUpdateLogin
* processId
* creationDate
* description


 * simulationSet
* currStartDate
* budgetId
* enforceConstraints
* sopEnabled
* organizationSelection
* attribute4
* currServiceLevelSetId
* dailyResAggregationLevel
* plannedBucketType
* transportCapOverUtilCost
* plannedRefreshes
* criteriaChanged
* planId
* tgtTlUtilPct
* partIncludeType
* refreshNumber
* safetyStockValueType
* computeSsEoq
* slackAllowedFlag2
* currEnforceDemDueDates
* periodCutoffBucket
* organizationId
* enforceCategoryLevel
* attribute6
* revision
* periodMwoAggrLvl
* pubCapToCmro
* supLtVarPercent
* assignmentSetId
* programApplicationId
* previousRunPlanId
* currOlsHorizonDays
* supplierCapOverUtilCost
* currCutoffDate
* optimizeFlag
* saveToDb
* penaltyCost6
* calculateSdsDaysTime
* autoReleaseRp
* useFixedPeriodBkts
* scheduleDaysBefore
* enforceSlConstraints
* penaltyCost4
* considerWip
* slackAllowedFlag4
* dataCompletionDate
* weeklyItemAggregationLevel
* lastUpdateDate
* enforcePurLtConstraints
* planSafetyStock
* releaseSo
* dailyResourceConstraints
* circSrcingSurplusDays
* fairShareBanding
* enforceFulfillmentLt
* attribute3
* substitutionDesignator
* minTlUtilPct
* attribute7
* plannedBucket
* currEnfFulfillmentLt
* enforceSupCapConstraints
* enforceUserSafetyStocks
* calculateLiability
* periodTransConstraints
* minWfExceptId
* applied
* privatePlan
* planRunDate
* planningEngineType
* attribute15
* currEnforceSrcConstraints
* currSplitDemands
* simulationSetId
* scheduleByDateType
* displayKpi
* currPriorityPegging
* currFullPegging
* forwardDays
* kpiRefresh
* plannedResources
* bottleneckResGroup
* loadedFlag
* dailyCutoffBucket
* lotForLotFlag
* includeCriticalComponents
* slackAllowedFlag7
* lotForLot
* dailyAllocBuckets
* penaltyCost7
* currOverwriteOption
* attribute9
* attribute8
* serviceLevelSetId
* objectiveWeight7
* demandFulfillmentLt
* slackAllowedFlag5
* newPlanList
* savedFlag
* newPlanId
* transitLtVarPercent
* includeAllItems
* enableSafetyStockRes
* maxResourceUtilization
* currDemPriorityRuleId
* dailyMaterialConstraints
* dataStartDate
* productAggLevel
* autoReleaseTimeFence
* computeConstraints
* enforceWrhCpty
* dsSubsetHorizonDays
* mfgLtVarPercent
* periodRtgAggregationLevel
* budgetValue
* objectiveWeight10
* forecastConsumptionMethod
* defaultAllocMethod
* forecastUom
* shipmentConsolidationDays
* currConsiderReservations
* currDemandTimeFenceFlag
* safetyStkThresholdPct
* currSubsetDesignatorId
* requestId
* archiveDetails
* includePlannedOrder
* reservationLevel
* calculateSdsPeriodsTime
* useSubstituteComponents
* companyAggLevel
* enforceBudgetConstraints
* buildReadyPct
* includeAllCategories
* dsHorizonDays
* parentPlanId
* penaltyCost1
* dailyMwoAggrLvl
* autoReleaseMethod
* demandPrioritySensitivity
* snapshotSource
* slackAllowedFlag1
* ascpPlanId
* useAlternateBomRouting
* latestRefreshNumber
* demPriorityRuleId
* forecastBucketUom
* penaltyCost8
* historyRange
* penaltyCost2
* slackAllowedFlag9
* currSnapshotLock
* onlinePlannerStartDate
* dmdPriRuleSetId
* useAlternateResources
* performFairShareAlloc
* planningMode
* dmdLatenessPenaltyCost
* objectiveWeight8
* operationScheduleType
* supplyInclusionOption
* attribute14
* attributeCategory
* currIncludeWo
* demandTimeFenceFlag
* currScheduleType
* attribute12
* weeklyCutoffBucket
* description
* userUpdateFirm
* sdsDmdPenalty
* planCapacityFlag
* currPlannedResources
* penaltyCost3
* itemSimulationSetId
* currPlanType
* srInstanceId
* createdBy
* olsFrozenHorizonDays
* currBillOfResources
* enableClosestQtyPegging
* objectiveWeight3
* explodeForecast
* currPartIncludeType
* currAssignmentSetId
* onlineReplan
* onlinePlannerCompletionDate
* planInventoryPoint
* periodResourceConstraints
* generateInlineForecast
* prioritizeExstSupplies
* backwardDays
* resourceOverUtilCost
* scheduleFlag
* calendarType
* currConsiderWip
* publishFcstVersion
* basePlanId
* currPlanSafetyStock
* creationDate
* dailyItemAggregationLevel
* slackAllowedFlag6
* purge
* archiveFlag
* currConsiderPo
* wksPerWklyAllocBucket
* manualFcstOverwriteOption
* hasRun
* generateWorksheet
* fullPegging
* enforcePurchLeadTime
* appendPlannedOrders
* categorySetId
* penaltyCost10
* tpAggLevel
* lastActionSessionId
* weeklyTransConstraints
* weeklyMwoAggrLvl
* copyPlan
* demandCollectionsDate
* constrainedMode
* currSimulationSet
* scheduleDesignator
* includeWo
* attribute11
* attribute13
* useAlternateSources
* currPlanningTimeFenceFlag
* objectiveWeight5
* enforceSrcConstraints
* compileDesignator
* includeReschedules
* currClosestQtyPeg
* currIncludePlannedOrder
* useFixedPeriodAllocBkts
* currScheduleSubsetType
* attribute5
* currBackwardDays
* planVersion
* planningTimeFenceFlag
* planType
* copyPlanId
* attribute1
* overwriteOption
* planStartDate
* reallocSurplusDays
* currAppendPlannedOrders
* objectiveWeight9
* programUpdateDate
* currDsHorizonDays
* releaseReschedules
* scheduleType
* includedItems
* splitDemands
* currEnforceCapConstraints
* attribute2
* qtrlyCutoffBucket
* considerReservations
* periodMaterialConstraints
* summaryFlag
* scheduleSubsetType
* dailyTransConstraints
* hourCutoffBucket
* penaltyCost5
* startDate
* cutoffDate
* supplySchedItf
* customerAllocMethod
* currHardPeggingLevel
* currIncludedItems
* lastUpdateLogin
* objectiveWeight4
* historyRangeUom
* weeklyMaterialConstraints
* rpUserId
* applyOrderModifiers
* snapshotLock
* dailyRtgAggregationLevel
* forecastAssignmentSetId
* warehouseCapGranularity
* objectiveWeight1
* scheduleBy
* deriveReturnFcstFromWo
* status
* maxWfExceptId
* serviceLevel
* programId
* currReservationLevel
* slackAllowedFlag3
* objectiveWeight2
* enforceDemDueDates
* enforceCapConstraints
* commonSupplyDemands
* slackAllowedFlag10
* lastActionBy
* minCutoffBucket
* lastUpdatedBy
* currBottleneckResGroup
* currScheduleDesignator
* releaseFlag
* enablePriorityPegging
* currOperationScheduleType
* currEnforceSlConstraints
* enableSoSplit
* ascpPlanVersion
* currForwardDays
* assignmentSetOutId
* lastPlanAction
* weeklyResAggregationLevel
* productionFlag
* earlyBuildPenalty
* subsetDesignatorId
* slackAllowedFlag8
* weeklyRtgAggregationLevel
* considerPo
* attribute10
* penaltyCost9
* loadSchedulingDays
* forecast
* publishSupplyCommitVersion
* runBatchSimulation
* useEndItemSubstitutions
* hardPeggingLevel
* weeklyResourceConstraints
* itfHorizDays
* forecastBucket
* calculateSdsWeeksTime
* periodItemAggregationLevel
* forecastAllocationMethod
* firmOutsideSubset
* circularSrc
* periodResAggregationLevel
* useOrgPriorityOverride
* planCompletionDate
* loadSchedTimeFenceDays
* safetyStkChangeInterval
* monthlyCutoffBucket
* currPlanCapacityFlag
* billOfResources
* supplierAllocMethod
* scheduleStartTime
* excepGroupId
* objectiveWeight6


 * simulationSet
* currStartDate
* budgetId
* enforceConstraints
* sopEnabled
* organizationSelection
* attribute4
* currServiceLevelSetId
* dailyResAggregationLevel
* plannedBucketType
* transportCapOverUtilCost
* plannedRefreshes
* criteriaChanged
* planId
* tgtTlUtilPct
* partIncludeType
* refreshNumber
* safetyStockValueType
* computeSsEoq
* slackAllowedFlag2
* currEnforceDemDueDates
* periodCutoffBucket
* organizationId
* enforceCategoryLevel
* attribute6
* revision
* periodMwoAggrLvl
* pubCapToCmro
* supLtVarPercent
* assignmentSetId
* programApplicationId
* previousRunPlanId
* currOlsHorizonDays
* supplierCapOverUtilCost
* currCutoffDate
* optimizeFlag
* saveToDb
* penaltyCost6
* calculateSdsDaysTime
* autoReleaseRp
* useFixedPeriodBkts
* scheduleDaysBefore
* enforceSlConstraints
* penaltyCost4
* considerWip
* slackAllowedFlag4
* dataCompletionDate
* weeklyItemAggregationLevel
* lastUpdateDate
* enforcePurLtConstraints
* planSafetyStock
* releaseSo
* dailyResourceConstraints
* circSrcingSurplusDays
* fairShareBanding
* enforceFulfillmentLt
* attribute3
* substitutionDesignator
* minTlUtilPct
* attribute7
* plannedBucket
* currEnfFulfillmentLt
* enforceSupCapConstraints
* enforceUserSafetyStocks
* calculateLiability
* periodTransConstraints
* minWfExceptId
* applied
* privatePlan
* planRunDate
* planningEngineType
* attribute15
* currEnforceSrcConstraints
* currSplitDemands
* simulationSetId
* scheduleByDateType
* displayKpi
* currPriorityPegging
* currFullPegging
* forwardDays
* kpiRefresh
* plannedResources
* bottleneckResGroup
* loadedFlag
* dailyCutoffBucket
* lotForLotFlag
* includeCriticalComponents
* slackAllowedFlag7
* lotForLot
* dailyAllocBuckets
* penaltyCost7
* currOverwriteOption
* attribute9
* attribute8
* serviceLevelSetId
* objectiveWeight7
* demandFulfillmentLt
* slackAllowedFlag5
* newPlanList
* savedFlag
* newPlanId
* transitLtVarPercent
* includeAllItems
* enableSafetyStockRes
* maxResourceUtilization
* currDemPriorityRuleId
* dailyMaterialConstraints
* dataStartDate
* productAggLevel
* autoReleaseTimeFence
* computeConstraints
* enforceWrhCpty
* dsSubsetHorizonDays
* mfgLtVarPercent
* periodRtgAggregationLevel
* budgetValue
* objectiveWeight10
* forecastConsumptionMethod
* defaultAllocMethod
* forecastUom
* shipmentConsolidationDays
* currConsiderReservations
* currDemandTimeFenceFlag
* safetyStkThresholdPct
* currSubsetDesignatorId
* requestId
* archiveDetails
* includePlannedOrder
* reservationLevel
* calculateSdsPeriodsTime
* useSubstituteComponents
* companyAggLevel
* enforceBudgetConstraints
* buildReadyPct
* includeAllCategories
* dsHorizonDays
* parentPlanId
* penaltyCost1
* dailyMwoAggrLvl
* autoReleaseMethod
* demandPrioritySensitivity
* snapshotSource
* slackAllowedFlag1
* ascpPlanId
* useAlternateBomRouting
* latestRefreshNumber
* demPriorityRuleId
* forecastBucketUom
* penaltyCost8
* historyRange
* penaltyCost2
* slackAllowedFlag9
* currSnapshotLock
* onlinePlannerStartDate
* dmdPriRuleSetId
* useAlternateResources
* performFairShareAlloc
* planningMode
* dmdLatenessPenaltyCost
* objectiveWeight8
* operationScheduleType
* supplyInclusionOption
* attribute14
* attributeCategory
* currIncludeWo
* demandTimeFenceFlag
* currScheduleType
* attribute12
* weeklyCutoffBucket
* description
* userUpdateFirm
* sdsDmdPenalty
* planCapacityFlag
* currPlannedResources
* penaltyCost3
* itemSimulationSetId
* currPlanType
* srInstanceId
* createdBy
* olsFrozenHorizonDays
* currBillOfResources
* enableClosestQtyPegging
* objectiveWeight3
* explodeForecast
* currPartIncludeType
* currAssignmentSetId
* onlineReplan
* onlinePlannerCompletionDate
* planInventoryPoint
* periodResourceConstraints
* generateInlineForecast
* prioritizeExstSupplies
* backwardDays
* resourceOverUtilCost
* scheduleFlag
* calendarType
* currConsiderWip
* publishFcstVersion
* basePlanId
* currPlanSafetyStock
* creationDate
* dailyItemAggregationLevel
* slackAllowedFlag6
* purge
* archiveFlag
* currConsiderPo
* wksPerWklyAllocBucket
* manualFcstOverwriteOption
* hasRun
* generateWorksheet
* fullPegging
* enforcePurchLeadTime
* appendPlannedOrders
* categorySetId
* penaltyCost10
* tpAggLevel
* lastActionSessionId
* weeklyTransConstraints
* weeklyMwoAggrLvl
* copyPlan
* demandCollectionsDate
* constrainedMode
* currSimulationSet
* scheduleDesignator
* includeWo
* attribute11
* attribute13
* useAlternateSources
* currPlanningTimeFenceFlag
* objectiveWeight5
* enforceSrcConstraints
* compileDesignator
* includeReschedules
* currClosestQtyPeg
* currIncludePlannedOrder
* useFixedPeriodAllocBkts
* currScheduleSubsetType
* attribute5
* currBackwardDays
* planVersion
* planningTimeFenceFlag
* planType
* copyPlanId
* attribute1
* overwriteOption
* planStartDate
* reallocSurplusDays
* currAppendPlannedOrders
* objectiveWeight9
* programUpdateDate
* currDsHorizonDays
* releaseReschedules
* scheduleType
* includedItems
* splitDemands
* currEnforceCapConstraints
* attribute2
* qtrlyCutoffBucket
* considerReservations
* periodMaterialConstraints
* summaryFlag
* scheduleSubsetType
* dailyTransConstraints
* hourCutoffBucket
* penaltyCost5
* startDate
* cutoffDate
* supplySchedItf
* customerAllocMethod
* currHardPeggingLevel
* currIncludedItems
* lastUpdateLogin
* objectiveWeight4
* historyRangeUom
* weeklyMaterialConstraints
* rpUserId
* applyOrderModifiers
* snapshotLock
* dailyRtgAggregationLevel
* forecastAssignmentSetId
* warehouseCapGranularity
* objectiveWeight1
* scheduleBy
* deriveReturnFcstFromWo
* status
* maxWfExceptId
* serviceLevel
* programId
* currReservationLevel
* slackAllowedFlag3
* objectiveWeight2
* enforceDemDueDates
* enforceCapConstraints
* commonSupplyDemands
* slackAllowedFlag10
* lastActionBy
* minCutoffBucket
* lastUpdatedBy
* currBottleneckResGroup
* currScheduleDesignator
* releaseFlag
* enablePriorityPegging
* currOperationScheduleType
* currEnforceSlConstraints
* enableSoSplit
* ascpPlanVersion
* currForwardDays
* assignmentSetOutId
* lastPlanAction
* weeklyResAggregationLevel
* productionFlag
* earlyBuildPenalty
* subsetDesignatorId
* slackAllowedFlag8
* weeklyRtgAggregationLevel
* considerPo
* attribute10
* penaltyCost9
* loadSchedulingDays
* forecast
* publishSupplyCommitVersion
* runBatchSimulation
* useEndItemSubstitutions
* hardPeggingLevel
* weeklyResourceConstraints
* itfHorizDays
* forecastBucket
* calculateSdsWeeksTime
* periodItemAggregationLevel
* forecastAllocationMethod
* firmOutsideSubset
* circularSrc
* periodResAggregationLevel
* useOrgPriorityOverride
* planCompletionDate
* loadSchedTimeFenceDays
* safetyStkChangeInterval
* monthlyCutoffBucket
* currPlanCapacityFlag
* billOfResources
* supplierAllocMethod
* scheduleStartTime
* excepGroupId
* objectiveWeight6


 * workdayTime
* minimizeChangeoverFlag
* schedulingBucketUnits
* modelHorizon
* planId
* useUnitsOfEffort
* releaseFlag
* activeItemFilter
* schedulingBucketFence
* useRmoFlag
* allowWoOffloadFlag
* criticalComponentsFlag
* bottleneckResourceGroup
* safetyCostFactor
* costTimeUnit
* lastUpdatedBy
* dataHorizon
* includeCmroWorkorders
* includeEamWorkorders
* horizonUnits
* createItemFolders
* offloadThresholdWindow
* includeSupplies
* incScenarioFile
* creationDate
* createdBy
* demandForecastFence
* shipCompleteFlag
* stockoutCostFactor
* startTime
* programUpdateDate
* remCroResiProdn
* requestId
* programId
* preBuildPolicy
* lastUpdateDate
* decimalPrecision
* fixedProductionFence
* changeoverCostFactor
* refPlanId
* offsetDays
* programApplicationId
* offloadThreshold
* fixedProductionUnits
* includePastDueSalesorders
* minimumCycleTime
* supplyTolOffset
* workdayDay
* createSupplyFolders
* prgramApplicationId
* idealSequenceBase
* createWorkorderFolders
* enableSafetyCover
* firstCycleStartDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* createDemandFolders
* simulationSet
* demandBuildStrategy
* inventoryCostFactor
* createUpdateDate
* includeDemands
* enforceCroCycle
* impClosedVisitWo
* considerEamSchedule
* schedulingBucket
* enforceHorizonStart
* purchaseLeadTimeOffset
* globalBuildStrategy
* useAdjacentOperations


 * workdayTime
* minimizeChangeoverFlag
* schedulingBucketUnits
* modelHorizon
* planId
* useUnitsOfEffort
* releaseFlag
* activeItemFilter
* schedulingBucketFence
* useRmoFlag
* allowWoOffloadFlag
* criticalComponentsFlag
* bottleneckResourceGroup
* safetyCostFactor
* costTimeUnit
* lastUpdatedBy
* dataHorizon
* includeCmroWorkorders
* includeEamWorkorders
* horizonUnits
* createItemFolders
* offloadThresholdWindow
* includeSupplies
* incScenarioFile
* creationDate
* createdBy
* demandForecastFence
* shipCompleteFlag
* stockoutCostFactor
* startTime
* programUpdateDate
* remCroResiProdn
* requestId
* programId
* preBuildPolicy
* lastUpdateDate
* decimalPrecision
* fixedProductionFence
* changeoverCostFactor
* refPlanId
* offsetDays
* programApplicationId
* offloadThreshold
* fixedProductionUnits
* includePastDueSalesorders
* minimumCycleTime
* supplyTolOffset
* workdayDay
* createSupplyFolders
* prgramApplicationId
* idealSequenceBase
* createWorkorderFolders
* enableSafetyCover
* firstCycleStartDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* createDemandFolders
* simulationSet
* demandBuildStrategy
* inventoryCostFactor
* createUpdateDate
* includeDemands
* enforceCroCycle
* impClosedVisitWo
* considerEamSchedule
* schedulingBucket
* enforceHorizonStart
* purchaseLeadTimeOffset
* globalBuildStrategy
* useAdjacentOperations


 * attribute4
* transactionDate
* creationDate
* attribute2
* refreshNumber
* inventoryItemId
* transactionQty
* programApplicationId
* attribute3
* programId
* receiptId
* attribute12
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute8
* lastUpdateDate
* createdBy
* supplierSiteId
* attribute6
* attribute7
* programUpdateDate
* supplierId
* attributeCategory
* attribute13
* attribute1
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute5
* srInstanceId
* attribute9
* attribute11
* attribute10
* requestId
* organizationId
* attribute14
* attribute15


 * attribute4
* transactionDate
* creationDate
* attribute2
* refreshNumber
* inventoryItemId
* transactionQty
* programApplicationId
* attribute3
* programId
* receiptId
* attribute12
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute8
* lastUpdateDate
* createdBy
* supplierSiteId
* attribute6
* attribute7
* programUpdateDate
* supplierId
* attributeCategory
* attribute13
* attribute1
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute5
* srInstanceId
* attribute9
* attribute11
* attribute10
* requestId
* organizationId
* attribute14
* attribute15


 * suggestedVendorSite
* deliverToLocationId
* itemId
* authorizationStatus
* destinationTypeCode
* lastUpdateDate
* suggestedVendorId
* needByDate
* itemRevision
* uomCode
* creationDate
* taskId
* projectAccountingContext
* preparerId
* vmiFlag
* suggestedVendorSiteId
* lastUpdatedBy
* autosourceFlag
* interfaceSourceCode
* sourceLineId
* orgId
* groupCode
* chargeAccountId
* lastUpdateLogin
* endItemUnitNumber
* quantity
* createdBy
* sourceTypeCode
* batchId
* deliverToRequestorId
* lineTypeId
* destinationOrganizationId
* srInstanceId
* projectId
* sourceOrganizationId


 * suggestedVendorSite
* deliverToLocationId
* itemId
* authorizationStatus
* destinationTypeCode
* lastUpdateDate
* suggestedVendorId
* needByDate
* itemRevision
* uomCode
* creationDate
* taskId
* projectAccountingContext
* preparerId
* vmiFlag
* suggestedVendorSiteId
* lastUpdatedBy
* autosourceFlag
* interfaceSourceCode
* sourceLineId
* orgId
* groupCode
* chargeAccountId
* lastUpdateLogin
* endItemUnitNumber
* quantity
* createdBy
* sourceTypeCode
* batchId
* deliverToRequestorId
* lineTypeId
* destinationOrganizationId
* srInstanceId
* projectId
* sourceOrganizationId


 * quantity
* creationDate
* planId
* programApplicationId
* batchId
* purchaseOrderId
* needByDate
* lastUpdateDate
* uom
* processId
* lastUpdatedBy
* createdBy
* poNumber
* lineId
* programUpdateDate
* sourceLineId
* programId
* srInstanceId
* lastUpdateLogin
* requestId


 * quantity
* creationDate
* planId
* programApplicationId
* batchId
* purchaseOrderId
* needByDate
* lastUpdateDate
* uom
* processId
* lastUpdatedBy
* createdBy
* poNumber
* lineId
* programUpdateDate
* sourceLineId
* programId
* srInstanceId
* lastUpdateLogin
* requestId


 * objectTypeText
* priority
* viewFormat
* detailQueryId
* objectType
* folderObject
* viewFormatDetail1
* sourceType
* lastUpdatedBy
* andOrFlag
* createdBy
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* activeFlag
* viewFormatDetail2
* lastUpdateDate
* frequency
* sequenceId
* srInstanceId
* queryId
* customizedText


 * folderObject
* fieldName
* sourceType
* groupBy
* objectType
* fieldPrompt
* lastUpdateLogin
* creationDate
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* fieldName2
* zdEditionName
* createdBy
* zdSync


 * folderObject
* fieldName
* sourceType
* groupBy
* objectType
* fieldPrompt
* lastUpdateLogin
* creationDate
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* fieldName2
* zdEditionName
* createdBy
* zdSync


 * objectTypeText
* priority
* viewFormat
* detailQueryId
* objectType
* folderObject
* viewFormatDetail1
* sourceType
* lastUpdatedBy
* andOrFlag
* createdBy
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* activeFlag
* viewFormatDetail2
* lastUpdateDate
* frequency
* sequenceId
* srInstanceId
* queryId
* customizedText


 * displayValue
* lastUpdateDate
* paramValue
* parametersequence
* lastUpdateLogin
* processId
* activityId
* createdBy
* lastUpdatedBy
* creationDate
* paramName
* activityType
* runSequence


 * displayValue
* lastUpdateDate
* paramValue
* parametersequence
* lastUpdateLogin
* processId
* activityId
* createdBy
* lastUpdatedBy
* creationDate
* paramName
* activityType
* runSequence


 * createdBy
* totalProductCycleTime
* routingSequenceId
* programApplicationId
* processSequenceId
* programUpdateDate
* recipe
* primaryLineFlag
* itemId
* lastUpdateDate
* applied
* effectivityDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* requestId
* creationDate
* minimumQuantity
* programId
* preference
* maximumQuantity
* activityItemId
* disableDate
* planId
* lineId
* refreshNumber
* simulationSetId
* repairable
* organizationId
* itemProcessCost
* newPlanList
* lastUpdateLogin
* loadDistributionPriority
* srInstanceId
* productionLineRate
* newPlanId
* billSequenceId


 * createdBy
* totalProductCycleTime
* routingSequenceId
* programApplicationId
* processSequenceId
* programUpdateDate
* recipe
* primaryLineFlag
* itemId
* lastUpdateDate
* applied
* effectivityDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* requestId
* creationDate
* minimumQuantity
* programId
* preference
* maximumQuantity
* activityItemId
* disableDate
* planId
* lineId
* refreshNumber
* simulationSetId
* repairable
* organizationId
* itemProcessCost
* newPlanList
* lastUpdateLogin
* loadDistributionPriority
* srInstanceId
* productionLineRate
* newPlanId
* billSequenceId


 * activitySequence
* activityType
* lastUpdatedDate
* lastUpdatedLogin
* createdBy
* processFlowId
* processScope
* lastUpdatedBy
* activityId
* creationDate


 * activitySequence
* activityType
* lastUpdatedDate
* lastUpdatedLogin
* createdBy
* processFlowId
* processScope
* lastUpdatedBy
* activityId
* creationDate


 * createdBy
* lastUpdatedBy
* processFlowName
* lastUpdateDate
* processVersion
* lastUpdateLogin
* processFlowId
* creationDate


 * createdBy
* lastUpdatedBy
* processFlowName
* lastUpdateDate
* processVersion
* lastUpdateLogin
* processFlowId
* creationDate


 * processId
* skipCompletedActivities
* actualStartDate
* scheduledStartDate
* createdBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* conversationId
* creationDate
* lastUpdateDate
* runSequence
* instanceId
* lastUpdatedBy


 * processId
* skipCompletedActivities
* actualStartDate
* scheduledStartDate
* createdBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* conversationId
* creationDate
* lastUpdateDate
* runSequence
* instanceId
* lastUpdatedBy


 * profileOptionName
* profileOptionValue
* lastUpdateLogin
* levelName
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateDate
* createdBy
* creationDate
* preferenceSetName
* levelType
* applicationName


 * profileOptionName
* profileOptionValue
* lastUpdateLogin
* levelName
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateDate
* createdBy
* creationDate
* preferenceSetName
* levelType
* applicationName


 * createdBy
* poQuantity
* creationDate
* uom
* action
* operatingUnit
* firmPlannedType
* poRemovePromise
* lastUpdatedBy
* oldNeedByDate
* newNeedByDate
* lastUpdateDate
* poHeaderId
* poDistributionId
* srInstanceId
* poNumber
* poReleaseFirm
* poLineId
* poLineLocationId
* batchId


 * createdBy
* poQuantity
* creationDate
* uom
* action
* operatingUnit
* firmPlannedType
* poRemovePromise
* lastUpdatedBy
* oldNeedByDate
* newNeedByDate
* lastUpdateDate
* poHeaderId
* poDistributionId
* srInstanceId
* poNumber
* poReleaseFirm
* poLineId
* poLineLocationId
* batchId


 * char13
* date1
* number1
* programApplicationId
* number10
* date6
* number16
* char14
* char9
* number4
* number13
* createdBy
* date2
* char7
* char11
* date8
* char4
* char10
* number7
* number15
* number14
* queryId
* date5
* date3
* date7
* char1
* lastUpdateDate
* char8
* programId
* number11
* number12
* number2
* char12
* char5
* char2
* number9
* number3
* char15
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* programUpdateDate
* creationDate
* number8
* number6
* number5
* char3
* requestId
* char6
* date4


 * char13
* date1
* number1
* programApplicationId
* number10
* date6
* number16
* char14
* char9
* number4
* number13
* createdBy
* date2
* char7
* char11
* date8
* char4
* char10
* number7
* number15
* number14
* queryId
* date5
* date3
* date7
* char1
* lastUpdateDate
* char8
* programId
* number11
* number12
* number2
* char12
* char5
* char2
* number9
* number3
* char15
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* programUpdateDate
* creationDate
* number8
* number6
* number5
* char3
* requestId
* char6
* date4


 * lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateDate
* createdBy
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* questionCode
* questionId
* answerId
* packageName
* questionType


 * lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateDate
* createdBy
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* questionCode
* questionId
* answerId
* packageName
* questionType


 * translated
* sourceLang
* userQuestionName
* language
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* description
* questionId
* createdBy


 * translated
* sourceLang
* userQuestionName
* language
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* description
* questionId
* createdBy


 * srInstanceId
* defectiveItemCost
* userAttribute13
* planId
* endOfLifeDate
* returnForecastTimeFence
* lastUpdateLogin
* stdDeviationForDemand
* regionId
* averageDailyDemand
* userAttribute2
* organizationId
* userAttribute10
* region
* forecastRuleForDemands
* stdDeviationInterArrival
* userAttribute8
* userAttribute1
* coefficientOfVariation
* lastUpdatedBy
* basisAvgDailyDemand
* lifeTimeBuyDate
* userAttribute4
* userAttribute12
* userAttribute14
* userAttribute11
* avgReturnsBeyondPh
* interarrivalDistMethod
* userAttribute15
* meanInterArrival
* userAttribute5
* userAttribute9
* userAttribute3
* forecastRuleForReturns
* userAttribute7
* regionInstanceId
* lastUpdateDate
* inventoryItemId
* standardDeviation
* creationDate
* createdBy
* avgDemandBeyondPh
* updatedColumnsCount
* userAttribute6
* simulationSetId


 * srInstanceId
* defectiveItemCost
* userAttribute13
* planId
* endOfLifeDate
* returnForecastTimeFence
* lastUpdateLogin
* stdDeviationForDemand
* regionId
* averageDailyDemand
* userAttribute2
* organizationId
* userAttribute10
* region
* forecastRuleForDemands
* stdDeviationInterArrival
* userAttribute8
* userAttribute1
* coefficientOfVariation
* lastUpdatedBy
* basisAvgDailyDemand
* lifeTimeBuyDate
* userAttribute4
* userAttribute12
* userAttribute14
* userAttribute11
* avgReturnsBeyondPh
* interarrivalDistMethod
* userAttribute15
* meanInterArrival
* userAttribute5
* userAttribute9
* userAttribute3
* forecastRuleForReturns
* userAttribute7
* regionInstanceId
* lastUpdateDate
* inventoryItemId
* standardDeviation
* creationDate
* createdBy
* avgDemandBeyondPh
* updatedColumnsCount
* userAttribute6
* simulationSetId


 * zoneLevel
* lastUpdateLogin
* regionType
* refreshNumber
* lastUpdatedBy
* regionId
* lastUpdateDate
* vendorSiteId
* srInstanceId
* createdBy
* creationDate


 * zoneLevel
* lastUpdateLogin
* regionType
* refreshNumber
* lastUpdatedBy
* regionId
* lastUpdateDate
* vendorSiteId
* srInstanceId
* createdBy
* creationDate


 * attribute9
* exceptionId
* relationId
* attribute10
* attribute12
* attribute15
* relatedExceptionId
* attribute1
* attribute8
* linkType
* attribute2
* url
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute6
* attribute7
* attribute14
* attribute4
* attribute13
* attribute5
* context
* attribute3
* createdBy
* attribute11
* urlname
* lastUpdateDate
* creationDate


 * attribute9
* exceptionId
* relationId
* attribute10
* attribute12
* attribute15
* relatedExceptionId
* attribute1
* attribute8
* linkType
* attribute2
* url
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute6
* attribute7
* attribute14
* attribute4
* attribute13
* attribute5
* context
* attribute3
* createdBy
* attribute11
* urlname
* lastUpdateDate
* creationDate


 * lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* programUpdateDate
* requestId
* programId
* srInstanceId
* periodStartDate
* lastUpdateDate
* organizationId
* createdBy
* programApplicationId
* creationDate


 * lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* programUpdateDate
* requestId
* programId
* srInstanceId
* periodStartDate
* lastUpdateDate
* organizationId
* createdBy
* programApplicationId
* creationDate


 * prioritySequence
* creationDate
* createdBy
* planId
* lastUpdatedBy
* resourcePriorityCode
* lastUpdatedDate


 * prioritySequence
* creationDate
* createdBy
* planId
* lastUpdatedBy
* resourcePriorityCode
* lastUpdatedDate


 * attribute9
* requestId
* simulationSet
* attribute4
* resourceId
* attribute3
* attribute10
* fromDate
* attribute14
* serialNumber
* resInstanceId
* attribute5
* attribute13
* fromTime
* programId
* attribute6
* attribute15
* attribute8
* lastUpdateLogin
* programUpdateDate
* attribute11
* toDate
* actionType
* shiftNum
* lastUpdatedBy
* departmentId
* createdBy
* creationDate
* attribute12
* programApplicationId
* refreshNumber
* capacityChange
* lastUpdateDate
* srInstanceId
* toTime
* attribute7
* attributeCategory
* attribute2
* attribute1


 * attribute9
* requestId
* simulationSet
* attribute4
* resourceId
* attribute3
* attribute10
* fromDate
* attribute14
* serialNumber
* resInstanceId
* attribute5
* attribute13
* fromTime
* programId
* attribute6
* attribute15
* attribute8
* lastUpdateLogin
* programUpdateDate
* attribute11
* toDate
* actionType
* shiftNum
* lastUpdatedBy
* departmentId
* createdBy
* creationDate
* attribute12
* programApplicationId
* refreshNumber
* capacityChange
* lastUpdateDate
* srInstanceId
* toTime
* attribute7
* attributeCategory
* attribute2
* attribute1


 * nonStandardJobs
* rowIndex
* plannedOrder
* availableHours
* lastUpdateDate
* totalResourceCost
* queryId
* requiredHours
* workOrder
* creationDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* analysisDate
* availHoursPremium
* createdBy
* lastUpdateLogin


 * nonStandardJobs
* rowIndex
* plannedOrder
* availableHours
* lastUpdateDate
* totalResourceCost
* queryId
* requiredHours
* workOrder
* creationDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* analysisDate
* availHoursPremium
* createdBy
* lastUpdateLogin


 * parentId
* createdBy
* toTime
* resourceId
* lastUpdateLogin
* fromTime
* lastUpdateDate
* transactionId
* fromTime2
* changeFlag
* lastUpdatedBy
* organizationId
* shiftDate
* shiftNum
* capacityUnits
* planId
* srInstanceId
* departmentId
* creationDate
* queryId
* toTime2


 * parentId
* createdBy
* toTime
* resourceId
* lastUpdateLogin
* fromTime
* lastUpdateDate
* transactionId
* fromTime2
* changeFlag
* lastUpdatedBy
* organizationId
* shiftDate
* shiftNum
* capacityUnits
* planId
* srInstanceId
* departmentId
* creationDate
* queryId
* toTime2


 * nonnetQuantityReserved
* refreshNumber
* requestId
* projectId
* lastUpdatedBy
* reservationDate
* requirementDate
* subinventory
* dispositionType
* repairPoHeaderId
* programApplicationId
* supplySourceLineId
* planId
* inventoryItemId
* transactionId
* dispositionId
* demandClass
* demandSourceLineId
* organizationId
* planningGroup
* createdBy
* lotNumber
* programId
* lastUpdateLogin
* supplySourceTypeId
* serialNumber
* repairLineId
* parentDemandId
* lastUpdateDate
* reservedQuantity
* programUpdateDate
* reservationType
* supplySourceHeaderId
* taskId
* creationDate
* srInstanceId
* revision


 * nonnetQuantityReserved
* refreshNumber
* requestId
* projectId
* lastUpdatedBy
* reservationDate
* requirementDate
* subinventory
* dispositionType
* repairPoHeaderId
* programApplicationId
* supplySourceLineId
* planId
* inventoryItemId
* transactionId
* dispositionId
* demandClass
* demandSourceLineId
* organizationId
* planningGroup
* createdBy
* lotNumber
* programId
* lastUpdateLogin
* supplySourceTypeId
* serialNumber
* repairLineId
* parentDemandId
* lastUpdateDate
* reservedQuantity
* programUpdateDate
* reservationType
* supplySourceHeaderId
* taskId
* creationDate
* srInstanceId
* revision


 * planId
* endDate
* batchCapacityUsed
* attribute14
* createdBy
* departmentId
* attribute15
* lastUpdateDate
* batchNumber
* attribute6
* attribute8
* attribute13
* attribute7
* startDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* resourceHours
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute5
* resourceId
* attribute4
* attribute2
* attribute11
* attribute10
* organizationId
* attribute3
* attributeCategory
* programId
* programApplicationId
* requestId
* programUpdateDate
* creationDate
* srInstanceId
* attribute1
* attribute9
* attribute12


 * planId
* endDate
* batchCapacityUsed
* attribute14
* createdBy
* departmentId
* attribute15
* lastUpdateDate
* batchNumber
* attribute6
* attribute8
* attribute13
* attribute7
* startDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* resourceHours
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute5
* resourceId
* attribute4
* attribute2
* attribute11
* attribute10
* organizationId
* attribute3
* attributeCategory
* programId
* programApplicationId
* requestId
* programUpdateDate
* creationDate
* srInstanceId
* attribute1
* attribute9
* attribute12


 * attribute5
* attribute1
* attribute3
* toTime
* lastUpdateLogin
* programApplicationId
* resourceId
* lastUpdateDate
* fromTime
* attributeCategory
* attribute11
* attribute8
* programUpdateDate
* attribute4
* simulationSet
* departmentId
* fromDate
* srInstanceId
* lastUpdatedBy
* programId
* creationDate
* toDate
* shiftNum
* attribute9
* capacityChange
* attribute2
* attribute7
* attribute14
* attribute15
* refreshNumber
* attribute6
* requestId
* attribute10
* createdBy
* attribute12
* attribute13
* actionType


 * attribute5
* attribute1
* attribute3
* toTime
* lastUpdateLogin
* programApplicationId
* resourceId
* lastUpdateDate
* fromTime
* attributeCategory
* attribute11
* attribute8
* programUpdateDate
* attribute4
* simulationSet
* departmentId
* fromDate
* srInstanceId
* lastUpdatedBy
* programId
* creationDate
* toDate
* shiftNum
* attribute9
* capacityChange
* attribute2
* attribute7
* attribute14
* attribute15
* refreshNumber
* attribute6
* requestId
* attribute10
* createdBy
* attribute12
* attribute13
* actionType


 * attribute8
* resTransactionId
* attribute15
* creationDate
* attribute3
* attribute5
* attribute4
* refreshNumber
* programUpdateDate
* supplyId
* programApplicationId
* chargeStartDatetime
* attribute13
* attribute1
* lastUpdateDate
* requestId
* attribute6
* planId
* organizationId
* chargeNumber
* chargeQuantity
* attribute2
* attribute14
* srInstanceId
* attribute9
* assemblyItemId
* chargeEndDatetime
* attributeCategory
* lastUpdatedBy
* createdBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* programId
* attribute10
* attribute12
* attribute7
* attribute11


 * attribute8
* resTransactionId
* attribute15
* creationDate
* attribute3
* attribute5
* attribute4
* refreshNumber
* programUpdateDate
* supplyId
* programApplicationId
* chargeStartDatetime
* attribute13
* attribute1
* lastUpdateDate
* requestId
* attribute6
* planId
* organizationId
* chargeNumber
* chargeQuantity
* attribute2
* attribute14
* srInstanceId
* attribute9
* assemblyItemId
* chargeEndDatetime
* attributeCategory
* lastUpdatedBy
* createdBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* programId
* attribute10
* attribute12
* attribute7
* attribute11


 * fromDate
* attribute15
* enabledFlag
* requestId
* attribute3
* attribute10
* toDate
* groupCode
* description
* createdBy
* lastUpdateDate
* attributeCategory
* srInstanceId
* creationDate
* attribute5
* attribute14
* meaning
* attribute7
* programId
* programApplicationId
* programUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute8
* attribute12
* attribute9
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute2
* attribute6
* attribute4
* attribute13
* attribute11
* attribute1


 * fromDate
* attribute15
* enabledFlag
* requestId
* attribute3
* attribute10
* toDate
* groupCode
* description
* createdBy
* lastUpdateDate
* attributeCategory
* srInstanceId
* creationDate
* attribute5
* attribute14
* meaning
* attribute7
* programId
* programApplicationId
* programUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute8
* attribute12
* attribute9
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute2
* attribute6
* attribute4
* attribute13
* attribute11
* attribute1


 * resourceType
* creationDate
* minChangeBetCycles
* chgoverPrebuildMax
* resourceId
* offloadWindowUnit
* cro
* srInstanceId
* minCycleTimeUnit
* organizationId
* invReleaseInterval
* availableSpots
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* minCycleTime
* invRelIntervalUnit
* lastUpdateDate
* chgoverPrebuildMaxUom
* offloadPercentage
* departmentId
* minimizeIdleTime
* createdBy
* scheduleObjective
* offloadWindow


 * resourceType
* creationDate
* minChangeBetCycles
* chgoverPrebuildMax
* resourceId
* offloadWindowUnit
* cro
* srInstanceId
* minCycleTimeUnit
* organizationId
* invReleaseInterval
* availableSpots
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* minCycleTime
* invRelIntervalUnit
* lastUpdateDate
* chgoverPrebuildMaxUom
* offloadPercentage
* departmentId
* minimizeIdleTime
* createdBy
* scheduleObjective
* offloadWindow


 * srInstanceId
* organizationId
* lastUpdateDate
* upstreamDepartmentId
* createdBy
* upstreamResourceId
* directOnly
* resourceRelshipId
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* creationDate
* rank
* downstreamResourceId
* downstreamDepartmentId


 * srInstanceId
* organizationId
* lastUpdateDate
* upstreamDepartmentId
* createdBy
* upstreamResourceId
* directOnly
* resourceRelshipId
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* creationDate
* rank
* downstreamResourceId
* downstreamDepartmentId


 * createdBy
* organizationId
* attribute13
* creationDate
* attribute3
* attributeCategory
* attribute11
* refreshNumber
* planId
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute7
* programUpdateDate
* srInstanceId
* setupDescription
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute14
* attribute12
* attribute5
* attribute1
* setupCode
* resourceId
* attribute4
* attribute8
* attribute2
* attribute10
* programApplicationId
* attribute15
* operationDesc
* programId
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute9
* version
* requestId
* setupId
* attribute6


 * createdBy
* organizationId
* attribute13
* creationDate
* attribute3
* attributeCategory
* attribute11
* refreshNumber
* planId
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute7
* programUpdateDate
* srInstanceId
* setupDescription
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute14
* attribute12
* attribute5
* attribute1
* setupCode
* resourceId
* attribute4
* attribute8
* attribute2
* attribute10
* programApplicationId
* attribute15
* operationDesc
* programId
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute9
* version
* requestId
* setupId
* attribute6


 * createdBy
* attributeCategory
* attribute9
* requestId
* attribute10
* attribute12
* srInstanceId
* attribute7
* lastUpdatedBy
* refreshNumber
* attribute6
* resourceId
* lastUpdateLogin
* capacityUnits
* creationDate
* attribute4
* attribute14
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute2
* attribute11
* attribute5
* attribute1
* attribute13
* programUpdateDate
* attribute3
* attribute8
* departmentId
* programApplicationId
* shiftNum
* attribute15
* programId


 * createdBy
* attributeCategory
* attribute9
* requestId
* attribute10
* attribute12
* srInstanceId
* attribute7
* lastUpdatedBy
* refreshNumber
* attribute6
* resourceId
* lastUpdateLogin
* capacityUnits
* creationDate
* attribute4
* attribute14
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute2
* attribute11
* attribute5
* attribute1
* attribute13
* programUpdateDate
* attribute3
* attribute8
* departmentId
* programApplicationId
* shiftNum
* attribute15
* programId


 * attribute10
* seqNum
* srInstanceId
* attribute5
* attribute14
* priorDate
* attributeCategory
* attribute1
* attribute11
* calendarStartDate
* nextSeqNum
* exceptionSetId
* lastUpdateLogin
* programUpdateDate
* deletedFlag
* priorSeqNum
* refreshNumber
* createdBy
* programApplicationId
* attribute2
* description
* nextDate
* attribute7
* attribute15
* attribute8
* attribute9
* attribute4
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* creationDate
* calendarEndDate
* requestId
* attribute3
* calendarCode
* programId
* attribute6
* attribute12
* calendarDate
* attribute13


 * attribute10
* seqNum
* srInstanceId
* attribute5
* attribute14
* priorDate
* attributeCategory
* attribute1
* attribute11
* calendarStartDate
* nextSeqNum
* exceptionSetId
* lastUpdateLogin
* programUpdateDate
* deletedFlag
* priorSeqNum
* refreshNumber
* createdBy
* programApplicationId
* attribute2
* description
* nextDate
* attribute7
* attribute15
* attribute8
* attribute9
* attribute4
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* creationDate
* calendarEndDate
* requestId
* attribute3
* calendarCode
* programId
* attribute6
* attribute12
* calendarDate
* attribute13


 * creationDate
* kpiTypeId
* lastUpdateDate
* userId
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdatedBy
* favoriteListId
* metricId
* topN
* createdBy
* favoriteListName
* favoriteListType


 * creationDate
* kpiTypeId
* lastUpdateDate
* userId
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdatedBy
* favoriteListId
* metricId
* topN
* createdBy
* favoriteListName
* favoriteListType


 * favoriteType
* favoriteListId
* lastUpdatedBy
* resourceId
* resourceCode
* departmentCode
* createdBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* inventoryItemId
* srInstanceId
* supplierId
* lastUpdateDate
* creationDate
* favoriteId
* favoriteOrder
* organizationId
* supplierSiteId
* departmentId


 * favoriteType
* favoriteListId
* lastUpdatedBy
* resourceId
* resourceCode
* departmentCode
* createdBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* inventoryItemId
* srInstanceId
* supplierId
* lastUpdateDate
* creationDate
* favoriteId
* favoriteOrder
* organizationId
* supplierSiteId
* departmentId


 * lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* planId
* createdBy
* userId
* lastUpdateDate
* creationDate


 * lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* planId
* createdBy
* userId
* lastUpdateDate
* creationDate


 * releaseSessionId
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* releaseCode
* lastUpdatedBy
* creationDate
* createdBy
* instanceId
* releaseOrderCount
* releaseRequestId


 * releaseSessionId
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* releaseCode
* lastUpdatedBy
* creationDate
* createdBy
* instanceId
* releaseOrderCount
* releaseRequestId


 * releaseSessionId
* status
* createdBy
* completionPcnt
* lastUpdatedBy
* creationDate
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin


 * releaseSessionId
* status
* createdBy
* completionPcnt
* lastUpdatedBy
* creationDate
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin


 * srInstanceId
* tableName
* includeDownPeg
* criteriaCondition
* newPlanId
* keyValues
* criteriaValue
* simulationSetId
* lastUpdateDate
* criteriaId
* savedQueryKeys
* createdDate
* includeUpPeg
* lastUpdatedBy
* planId
* createdBy
* applied


 * srInstanceId
* tableName
* includeDownPeg
* criteriaCondition
* newPlanId
* keyValues
* criteriaValue
* simulationSetId
* lastUpdateDate
* criteriaId
* savedQueryKeys
* createdDate
* includeUpPeg
* lastUpdatedBy
* planId
* createdBy
* applied


 * createdBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* simulationSetId
* defaultFlag
* simulationSetName
* planId
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* creationDate


 * createdBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* simulationSetId
* defaultFlag
* simulationSetName
* planId
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* creationDate


 * lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdatedLogin
* metricLayoutId
* leftColumnMetrics
* rightColumnMetrics
* defaultFlag
* createdBy
* createdOn
* layoutName
* lastUpdatedOn
* userId


 * lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdatedLogin
* metricLayoutId
* leftColumnMetrics
* rightColumnMetrics
* defaultFlag
* createdBy
* createdOn
* layoutName
* lastUpdatedOn
* userId


 * lastUpdatedLogin
* userId
* creationDate
* filterCondition
* createdBy
* description
* displayType
* lastUpdateDate
* metricId
* name
* lastUpdatedBy
* selectedMeasures
* graphType
* dimensionality


 * lastUpdatedLogin
* userId
* creationDate
* filterCondition
* createdBy
* description
* displayType
* lastUpdateDate
* metricId
* name
* lastUpdatedBy
* selectedMeasures
* graphType
* dimensionality


 * demandVarSsPercent
* itemTypeValue
* programId
* newPlanId
* inventoryItemId
* lastUpdatedBy
* userDefinedSafetyStocks
* taskId
* requestId
* organizationId
* lastUpdateLogin
* targetDaysOfSupply
* reservedSafetyStockQty
* updated
* srInstanceId
* inventoryLevel
* projectId
* programUpdateDate
* transitLtvarSsPercent
* programApplicationId
* applied
* userDefinedDos
* newPlanList
* safetyStockQuantity
* supLtvarSsPercent
* totalUnpooledSafetyStock
* status
* periodStartDate
* unitNumber
* creationDate
* planningGroup
* createdBy
* mfgLtvarSsPercent
* achievedDaysOfSupply
* targetSafetyStock
* simulationSetId
* refreshNumber
* planId
* lastUpdateDate
* itemTypeId


 * demandVarSsPercent
* itemTypeValue
* programId
* newPlanId
* inventoryItemId
* lastUpdatedBy
* userDefinedSafetyStocks
* taskId
* requestId
* organizationId
* lastUpdateLogin
* targetDaysOfSupply
* reservedSafetyStockQty
* updated
* srInstanceId
* inventoryLevel
* projectId
* programUpdateDate
* transitLtvarSsPercent
* programApplicationId
* applied
* userDefinedDos
* newPlanList
* safetyStockQuantity
* supLtvarSsPercent
* totalUnpooledSafetyStock
* status
* periodStartDate
* unitNumber
* creationDate
* planningGroup
* createdBy
* mfgLtvarSsPercent
* achievedDaysOfSupply
* targetSafetyStock
* simulationSetId
* refreshNumber
* planId
* lastUpdateDate
* itemTypeId


 * demandId
* origScheduleShipDate
* headerId
* lineNumber
* orgId
* deliveryLeadTime
* scheduleShipDate
* origShipMethod
* operatingUnit
* earliestShipDate
* lastUpdateDate
* origScheduleArrivalDate
* orderNumber
* creationDate
* srInstanceId
* inventoryItemId
* returnStatus
* batchId
* lineId
* shipMethod
* origOrgId
* quantity
* lastUpdatedBy
* firmFlag
* origLeadTime
* scheduleArrivalDate
* origItemId
* planId
* createdBy
* sourceType


 * demandId
* origScheduleShipDate
* headerId
* lineNumber
* orgId
* deliveryLeadTime
* scheduleShipDate
* origShipMethod
* operatingUnit
* earliestShipDate
* lastUpdateDate
* origScheduleArrivalDate
* orderNumber
* creationDate
* srInstanceId
* inventoryItemId
* returnStatus
* batchId
* lineId
* shipMethod
* origOrgId
* quantity
* lastUpdatedBy
* firmFlag
* origLeadTime
* scheduleArrivalDate
* origItemId
* planId
* createdBy
* sourceType


 * srInstanceId
* organizationId
* shipToSiteUseId
* customerId
* planId
* inventoryItemId


 * srInstanceId
* organizationId
* shipToSiteUseId
* customerId
* planId
* inventoryItemId


 * owner
* completedOn
* activityName
* scenarioSetId
* creationDate
* actComment
* lastUpdatedBy
* alternateOwner
* priority
* lastUpdateLogin
* createdBy
* lastUpdateDate
* description
* scenarioId
* status
* finishBy
* activityId


 * owner
* completedOn
* activityName
* scenarioSetId
* creationDate
* actComment
* lastUpdatedBy
* alternateOwner
* priority
* lastUpdateLogin
* createdBy
* lastUpdateDate
* description
* scenarioId
* status
* finishBy
* activityId


 * creationDate
* lastUpdateDate
* status
* scenarioId
* runDate
* archiveFlag
* planHorizon
* planType
* lastUpdatedBy
* planRunId
* createdBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* localArchiveFlag
* planId
* purgeFlag


 * creationDate
* lastUpdateDate
* status
* scenarioId
* runDate
* archiveFlag
* planHorizon
* planType
* lastUpdatedBy
* planRunId
* createdBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* localArchiveFlag
* planId
* purgeFlag


 * lastUpdatedBy
* createdBy
* scenarioSetId
* lastUpdateDate
* creationDate
* scenarioId
* lastUpdateLogin


 * lastUpdatedBy
* createdBy
* scenarioSetId
* lastUpdateDate
* creationDate
* scenarioId
* lastUpdateLogin


 * createdBy
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* scenarioSetId
* scenarioSetName
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* description


 * createdBy
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* scenarioSetId
* scenarioSetName
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* description


 * lastUpdateDate
* scenarioId
* userId
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdatedBy
* createdBy
* creationDate


 * lastUpdateDate
* scenarioId
* userId
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdatedBy
* createdBy
* creationDate


 * creationDate
* description
* scnVersion
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* parentScnId
* validTo
* owner
* scenarioId
* createdBy
* scnComment
* gsNameOrig
* scenarioName
* gsName
* validFrom
* wcFlag
* scnAccess
* lastUpdateDate


 * creationDate
* description
* scnVersion
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* parentScnId
* validTo
* owner
* scenarioId
* createdBy
* scnComment
* gsNameOrig
* scenarioName
* gsName
* validFrom
* wcFlag
* scnAccess
* lastUpdateDate


 * lastUpdateLogin
* attribute13
* programId
* programUpdateDate
* sequenceNumber
* usageCode
* ruleId
* attribute3
* attribute2
* meaning
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute6
* attribute5
* zdEditionName
* attribute15
* userDefined
* attribute7
* programApplicationId
* creationDate
* attribute9
* packageName
* attributeCategory
* description
* attribute10
* createdBy
* zdSync
* attribute12
* attribute14
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute8
* requestId
* heuristicCode
* enabledFlag
* attribute11
* defaultFlag
* attribute4
* attribute1


 * lastUpdateLogin
* attribute13
* programId
* programUpdateDate
* sequenceNumber
* usageCode
* ruleId
* attribute3
* attribute2
* meaning
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute6
* attribute5
* zdEditionName
* attribute15
* userDefined
* attribute7
* programApplicationId
* creationDate
* attribute9
* packageName
* attributeCategory
* description
* attribute10
* createdBy
* zdSync
* attribute12
* attribute14
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute8
* requestId
* heuristicCode
* enabledFlag
* attribute11
* defaultFlag
* attribute4
* attribute1


 * orderNumber
* customerSiteId
* supplierSiteId
* lastUpdateDate
* itemId
* creationDate
* effectiveToDate
* orderType
* companyId
* srInstanceId
* orderTypeMeaning
* supplierId
* itemName
* createdBy
* orgId
* effectiveFromDate
* privilege
* lastUpdateLogin
* programId
* granteeType
* customerId
* granteeKey
* categoryId
* categoryName
* lastUpdatedBy
* ruleId


 * orderNumber
* customerSiteId
* supplierSiteId
* lastUpdateDate
* itemId
* creationDate
* effectiveToDate
* orderType
* companyId
* srInstanceId
* orderTypeMeaning
* supplierId
* itemName
* createdBy
* orgId
* effectiveFromDate
* privilege
* lastUpdateLogin
* programId
* granteeType
* customerId
* granteeKey
* categoryId
* categoryName
* lastUpdatedBy
* ruleId


 * producerTransId
* minimumTransferQty
* programUpdateDate
* segmentEndDate
* attribute3
* consumerOpSeqNum
* attribute11
* maximumTimeOffset
* consumerOpSeqId
* attribute9
* segmentStartDate
* attribute10
* consumerStartDate
* attribute2
* programApplicationId
* attribute1
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* producerOpSeqId
* attribute8
* toRoutingSequenceId
* refreshNumber
* dependencyType
* attributeCategory
* attribute5
* segmentQuantity
* attribute12
* actualTimeOffset
* fromResTransactionId
* fromRoutingSequenceId
* attribute13
* planId
* createdBy
* consumerSrInstanceId
* minimumTimeOffset
* consumerResSeqNum
* requestId
* producerSrInstanceId
* consumerEndDate
* consumerTransId
* attribute6
* lastUpdatedBy
* programId
* attribute15
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute14
* inventoryItemId
* allocationType
* attribute7
* toResTransactionId
* producerOpSeqNum
* producerResSeqNum
* attribute4


 * producerTransId
* minimumTransferQty
* programUpdateDate
* segmentEndDate
* attribute3
* consumerOpSeqNum
* attribute11
* maximumTimeOffset
* consumerOpSeqId
* attribute9
* segmentStartDate
* attribute10
* consumerStartDate
* attribute2
* programApplicationId
* attribute1
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* producerOpSeqId
* attribute8
* toRoutingSequenceId
* refreshNumber
* dependencyType
* attributeCategory
* attribute5
* segmentQuantity
* attribute12
* actualTimeOffset
* fromResTransactionId
* fromRoutingSequenceId
* attribute13
* planId
* createdBy
* consumerSrInstanceId
* minimumTimeOffset
* consumerResSeqNum
* requestId
* producerSrInstanceId
* consumerEndDate
* consumerTransId
* attribute6
* lastUpdatedBy
* programId
* attribute15
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute14
* inventoryItemId
* allocationType
* attribute7
* toResTransactionId
* producerOpSeqNum
* producerResSeqNum
* attribute4


 * selectedFlag
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* excepGroupId
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* createdBy
* exceptionType


 * selectedFlag
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* excepGroupId
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* createdBy
* exceptionType


 * programApplicationId
* organizationId
* requestId
* toItem
* programUpdateDate
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* planId
* lastUpdatedBy
* programId
* standardOperationCode
* lastUpdateDate
* resourceId
* duration
* fromItem
* createdBy
* srInstanceId


 * programApplicationId
* organizationId
* requestId
* toItem
* programUpdateDate
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* planId
* lastUpdatedBy
* programId
* standardOperationCode
* lastUpdateDate
* resourceId
* duration
* fromItem
* createdBy
* srInstanceId


 * lastUpdateDate
* attribute1
* planId
* creationDate
* attribute4
* attribute11
* createdBy
* userDefined3
* attribute12
* lineId
* disableDate
* serialTxnId
* userDefined6
* attribute10
* parentHeaderId
* attribute14
* attribute13
* userDefined5
* lastUpdateLogin
* context
* attribute2
* serialNumber
* userDefined4
* userDefined7
* attribute5
* attribute8
* attribute7
* userDefined1
* userDefined8
* userDefined2
* lastUpdatedBy
* attachmentUrl
* userDefined10
* attribute3
* attribute6
* attribute9
* attribute15
* userDefined9


 * lastUpdateDate
* attribute1
* planId
* creationDate
* attribute4
* attribute11
* createdBy
* userDefined3
* attribute12
* lineId
* disableDate
* serialTxnId
* userDefined6
* attribute10
* parentHeaderId
* attribute14
* attribute13
* userDefined5
* lastUpdateLogin
* context
* attribute2
* serialNumber
* userDefined4
* userDefined7
* attribute5
* attribute8
* attribute7
* userDefined1
* userDefined8
* userDefined2
* lastUpdatedBy
* attachmentUrl
* userDefined10
* attribute3
* attribute6
* attribute9
* attribute15
* userDefined9


 * attribute2
* serviceLevelSetName
* serviceLevelSetId
* attribute11
* attribute8
* defaultFlag
* attribute1
* attribute4
* attributeCategory
* attribute6
* deletedFlag
* attribute14
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute7
* creationDate
* attribute12
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* programApplicationId
* attribute13
* programId
* attribute5
* createdBy
* programUpdateDate
* attribute3
* requestId
* refreshNumber
* attribute15
* description
* attribute10
* attribute9


 * attribute2
* serviceLevelSetName
* serviceLevelSetId
* attribute11
* attribute8
* defaultFlag
* attribute1
* attribute4
* attributeCategory
* attribute6
* deletedFlag
* attribute14
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute7
* creationDate
* attribute12
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* programApplicationId
* attribute13
* programId
* attribute5
* createdBy
* programUpdateDate
* attribute3
* requestId
* refreshNumber
* attribute15
* description
* attribute10
* attribute9


 * lastUpdatedBy
* inventoryItemId
* customerId
* serviceLevelId
* demandClass
* srInstanceId
* srCategoryId
* lastUpdateLogin
* organizationId
* creationDate
* definitionLevel
* planId
* customerSiteId
* lastUpdateDate
* createdBy
* categorySetId
* serviceLevel
* demandFulfillmentLeadTime
* serviceLevelSetId


 * lastUpdatedBy
* inventoryItemId
* customerId
* serviceLevelId
* demandClass
* srInstanceId
* srCategoryId
* lastUpdateLogin
* organizationId
* creationDate
* definitionLevel
* planId
* customerSiteId
* lastUpdateDate
* createdBy
* categorySetId
* serviceLevel
* demandFulfillmentLeadTime
* serviceLevelSetId


 * attribute9
* origTransitionTime
* attribute3
* requestId
* attribute5
* attribute8
* attribute1
* attribute15
* creationDate
* standardOperationId
* resourceId
* attribute12
* attribute11
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute13
* attribute4
* programUpdateDate
* refreshNumber
* programApplicationId
* attribute6
* attribute7
* attribute14
* lastUpdateDate
* ringSequenceNumber
* attribute2
* toSetupId
* lastUpdatedBy
* standardOperationCode
* attributeCategory
* departmentId
* planId
* transitionPenalty
* attribute10
* srInstanceId
* fromSetupId
* createdBy
* transitionUom
* programId
* organizationId
* transitionTime


 * attribute9
* origTransitionTime
* attribute3
* requestId
* attribute5
* attribute8
* attribute1
* attribute15
* creationDate
* standardOperationId
* resourceId
* attribute12
* attribute11
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute13
* attribute4
* programUpdateDate
* refreshNumber
* programApplicationId
* attribute6
* attribute7
* attribute14
* lastUpdateDate
* ringSequenceNumber
* attribute2
* toSetupId
* lastUpdatedBy
* standardOperationCode
* attributeCategory
* departmentId
* planId
* transitionPenalty
* attribute10
* srInstanceId
* fromSetupId
* createdBy
* transitionUom
* programId
* organizationId
* transitionTime


 * exceptionSetId
* seqNum
* creationDate
* nextDate
* createdBy
* shiftNum
* lastUpdatedBy
* refreshNumber
* lastUpdateLogin
* priorDate
* programApplicationId
* programId
* calendarCode
* priorSeqNum
* srInstanceId
* programUpdateDate
* lastUpdateDate
* nextSeqNum
* shiftDate
* requestId


 * exceptionSetId
* seqNum
* creationDate
* nextDate
* createdBy
* shiftNum
* lastUpdatedBy
* refreshNumber
* lastUpdateLogin
* priorDate
* programApplicationId
* programId
* calendarCode
* priorSeqNum
* srInstanceId
* programUpdateDate
* lastUpdateDate
* nextSeqNum
* shiftDate
* requestId


 * attribute6
* attribute9
* srInstanceId
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute5
* createdBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* shiftNum
* refreshNumber
* attribute12
* attribute8
* attributeCategory
* attribute7
* attribute15
* attribute4
* attribute11
* programId
* attribute13
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute10
* attribute3
* programUpdateDate
* attribute2
* attribute14
* programApplicationId
* exceptionType
* attribute1
* creationDate
* requestId
* calendarCode
* exceptionSetId
* exceptionDate


 * attribute6
* attribute9
* srInstanceId
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute5
* createdBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* shiftNum
* refreshNumber
* attribute12
* attribute8
* attributeCategory
* attribute7
* attribute15
* attribute4
* attribute11
* programId
* attribute13
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute10
* attribute3
* programUpdateDate
* attribute2
* attribute14
* programApplicationId
* exceptionType
* attribute1
* creationDate
* requestId
* calendarCode
* exceptionSetId
* exceptionDate


 * attribute1
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute7
* attributeCategory
* attribute13
* refreshNumber
* srInstanceId
* attribute9
* creationDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute4
* attribute3
* programApplicationId
* attribute12
* attribute15
* shiftNum
* programUpdateDate
* attribute14
* calendarCode
* requestId
* toTime
* createdBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute6
* attribute5
* attribute8
* attribute2
* programId
* attribute10
* attribute11
* fromTime


 * attribute1
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute7
* attributeCategory
* attribute13
* refreshNumber
* srInstanceId
* attribute9
* creationDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute4
* attribute3
* programApplicationId
* attribute12
* attribute15
* shiftNum
* programUpdateDate
* attribute14
* calendarCode
* requestId
* toTime
* createdBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute6
* attribute5
* attribute8
* attribute2
* programId
* attribute10
* attribute11
* fromTime


 * fromOrganizationId
* firmFlag
* tripName
* weightUomCode
* plannedFlag
* creationDate
* shipMethod
* status
* srInstanceId
* dockDate
* leadTime
* shipDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* toOrganizationId
* planId
* volumeCapacity
* lastUpdateLogin
* createdBy
* weight
* lastUpdateDate
* weightCapacity
* releasedFlag
* volumeUomCode
* toSrInstanceId
* volume
* applied
* shipmentId


 * fromOrganizationId
* firmFlag
* tripName
* weightUomCode
* plannedFlag
* creationDate
* shipMethod
* status
* srInstanceId
* dockDate
* leadTime
* shipDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* toOrganizationId
* planId
* volumeCapacity
* lastUpdateLogin
* createdBy
* weight
* lastUpdateDate
* weightCapacity
* releasedFlag
* volumeUomCode
* toSrInstanceId
* volume
* applied
* shipmentId


 * programId
* attribute12
* attribute6
* attribute15
* programUpdateDate
* srInstanceId
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdateDate
* programApplicationId
* creationDate
* useInWipFlag
* attribute4
* description
* attributeCategory
* attribute8
* attribute10
* attribute1
* organizationId
* simulationSet
* refreshNumber
* attribute5
* createdBy
* attribute3
* attribute9
* attribute13
* attribute2
* requestId
* attribute14
* attribute11
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute7


 * programId
* attribute12
* attribute6
* attribute15
* programUpdateDate
* srInstanceId
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdateDate
* programApplicationId
* creationDate
* useInWipFlag
* attribute4
* description
* attributeCategory
* attribute8
* attribute10
* attribute1
* organizationId
* simulationSet
* refreshNumber
* attribute5
* createdBy
* attribute3
* attribute9
* attribute13
* attribute2
* requestId
* attribute14
* attribute11
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute7


 * lastUpdateLogin
* requestId
* dependentTask
* task
* lastUpdatedBy
* requiresLock
* startDate
* lastUpdateDate
* dependencyAgainst
* programApplicationId
* dependentTask2
* planId
* creationDate
* createdBy
* programId
* requiresItems
* programUpdateDate
* completionDate


 * lastUpdateLogin
* requestId
* dependentTask
* task
* lastUpdatedBy
* requiresLock
* startDate
* lastUpdateDate
* dependencyAgainst
* programApplicationId
* dependentTask2
* planId
* creationDate
* createdBy
* programId
* requiresItems
* programUpdateDate
* completionDate


 * uomCode
* releaseId
* lastUpdateDate
* returnStatus
* salesOrderNumber
* atpOverride
* releaseNumber
* scheduleArrivalDate
* srCustomerSiteId
* lastUpdatedBy
* srCustomerId
* quantity
* scheduleShipDate
* endOrderRelNumber
* oeTransactionType
* scheduleDateChange
* orderNumber
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* oeLineId
* requestDate
* endOrderLineNumber
* srItemId
* createdBy
* oeHeaderId
* endOrderNumber
* srInstanceId
* lineNumber
* action
* errorMessage
* shipFromOrgId


 * uomCode
* releaseId
* lastUpdateDate
* returnStatus
* salesOrderNumber
* atpOverride
* releaseNumber
* scheduleArrivalDate
* srCustomerSiteId
* lastUpdatedBy
* srCustomerId
* quantity
* scheduleShipDate
* endOrderRelNumber
* oeTransactionType
* scheduleDateChange
* orderNumber
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* oeLineId
* requestDate
* endOrderLineNumber
* srItemId
* createdBy
* oeHeaderId
* endOrderNumber
* srInstanceId
* lineNumber
* action
* errorMessage
* shipFromOrgId


 * organizationId
* lastUpdateLogin
* resourceSequence
* srInstanceId
* creationDate
* resourceId
* planId
* solverGroupId
* departmentId
* createdBy
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy


 * organizationId
* lastUpdateLogin
* resourceSequence
* srInstanceId
* creationDate
* resourceId
* planId
* solverGroupId
* departmentId
* createdBy
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy


 * srInstanceId
* idealSequenceBase
* ssvcScaleFactor
* demBuildStrategy
* remCroResiProdn
* useBreakPoint
* solverGroupName
* lastUpdateDate
* solverGroupId
* organizationId
* cocScaleFactor
* invSocScaleFactor
* lastUpdatedBy
* groupSequence
* invCcScaleFactor
* lastUpdateLogin
* createdBy
* description
* useCro
* enforceCroCycle
* creationDate
* planId


 * srInstanceId
* idealSequenceBase
* ssvcScaleFactor
* demBuildStrategy
* remCroResiProdn
* useBreakPoint
* solverGroupName
* lastUpdateDate
* solverGroupId
* organizationId
* cocScaleFactor
* invSocScaleFactor
* lastUpdatedBy
* groupSequence
* invCcScaleFactor
* lastUpdateLogin
* createdBy
* description
* useCro
* enforceCroCycle
* creationDate
* planId


 * folderObject
* lastUpdatedBy
* fieldName1
* folderId
* fieldName2
* orderby3
* creationDate
* fieldName3
* orderby2
* lastUpdateDate
* createdBy
* orderby1
* lastUpdateLogin


 * folderObject
* lastUpdatedBy
* fieldName1
* folderId
* fieldName2
* orderby3
* creationDate
* fieldName3
* orderby2
* lastUpdateDate
* createdBy
* orderby1
* lastUpdateLogin


 * inventoryItemId
* sourceSrInstanceId
* requestId
* supplierId
* programUpdateDate
* supplierSiteId
* creationDate
* srInstanceId
* organizationId
* lastUpdatedBy
* programApplicationId
* lastCalculatedDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* historicalAllocation
* lastUpdateDate
* programId
* refreshNumber
* sourceOrgId
* createdBy
* sourcingRuleId


 * inventoryItemId
* sourceSrInstanceId
* requestId
* supplierId
* programUpdateDate
* supplierSiteId
* creationDate
* srInstanceId
* organizationId
* lastUpdatedBy
* programApplicationId
* lastCalculatedDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* historicalAllocation
* lastUpdateDate
* programId
* refreshNumber
* sourceOrgId
* createdBy
* sourcingRuleId


 * programId
* attribute12
* lastUpdatedBy
* programUpdateDate
* requestId
* sourcingAssociationType
* description
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute6
* status
* attributeCategory
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute9
* collectedFlag
* attribute10
* attribute8
* attribute13
* creationDate
* attribute7
* planningActive
* sourcingRuleType
* srSourcingRuleId
* sourcingRuleId
* attribute1
* attribute15
* createdBy
* attribute14
* srInstanceId
* programApplicationId
* sourcingRuleName
* attribute3
* attribute4
* attribute2
* refreshNumber
* attribute5
* deletedFlag
* attribute11
* organizationId


 * programId
* attribute12
* lastUpdatedBy
* programUpdateDate
* requestId
* sourcingAssociationType
* description
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute6
* status
* attributeCategory
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute9
* collectedFlag
* attribute10
* attribute8
* attribute13
* creationDate
* attribute7
* planningActive
* sourcingRuleType
* srSourcingRuleId
* sourcingRuleId
* attribute1
* attribute15
* createdBy
* attribute14
* srInstanceId
* programApplicationId
* sourcingRuleName
* attribute3
* attribute4
* attribute2
* refreshNumber
* attribute5
* deletedFlag
* attribute11
* organizationId


 * bindsize
* creationDate
* numberOfRows
* lastUpdateLogin
* createdBy
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* tableName


 * bindsize
* creationDate
* numberOfRows
* lastUpdateLogin
* createdBy
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* tableName


 * lastUpdatedBy
* assignmentId
* categoryName
* attribute10
* shipToSiteId
* attribute8
* refreshNumber
* requestId
* categorySetId
* creationDate
* itemTypeId
* sourcingRuleType
* attribute11
* assignmentType
* regionId
* srInstanceId
* srAssignmentId
* partnerId
* createdBy
* programUpdateDate
* allocationRuleId
* srAssignmentInstanceId
* organizationId
* attribute2
* programId
* attribute4
* attribute13
* attribute14
* attribute5
* attribute15
* programApplicationId
* attribute12
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute7
* attribute6
* attribute1
* assignmentSetId
* deletedFlag
* inventoryItemId
* attributeCategory
* sourcingRuleId
* attribute9
* itemTypeValue
* attribute3
* collectedFlag


 * lastUpdatedBy
* assignmentId
* categoryName
* attribute10
* shipToSiteId
* attribute8
* refreshNumber
* requestId
* categorySetId
* creationDate
* itemTypeId
* sourcingRuleType
* attribute11
* assignmentType
* regionId
* srInstanceId
* srAssignmentId
* partnerId
* createdBy
* programUpdateDate
* allocationRuleId
* srAssignmentInstanceId
* organizationId
* attribute2
* programId
* attribute4
* attribute13
* attribute14
* attribute5
* attribute15
* programApplicationId
* attribute12
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute7
* attribute6
* attribute1
* assignmentSetId
* deletedFlag
* inventoryItemId
* attributeCategory
* sourcingRuleId
* attribute9
* itemTypeValue
* attribute3
* collectedFlag


 * lookupType
* createdBy
* attribute8
* lookupCode
* programApplicationId
* attribute6
* attribute11
* attribute5
* attribute3
* attribute12
* lastUpdateLogin
* creationDate
* toDate
* srInstanceId
* attribute15
* refreshNumber
* meaning
* programId
* attribute4
* attribute7
* attribute1
* enabledFlag
* attributeCategory
* programUpdateDate
* lastUpdateDate
* description
* lastUpdatedBy
* requestId
* attribute13
* attribute9
* attribute10
* attribute2
* attribute14
* fromDate


 * lookupType
* createdBy
* attribute8
* lookupCode
* programApplicationId
* attribute6
* attribute11
* attribute5
* attribute3
* attribute12
* lastUpdateLogin
* creationDate
* toDate
* srInstanceId
* attribute15
* refreshNumber
* meaning
* programId
* attribute4
* attribute7
* attribute1
* enabledFlag
* attributeCategory
* programUpdateDate
* lastUpdateDate
* description
* lastUpdatedBy
* requestId
* attribute13
* attribute9
* attribute10
* attribute2
* attribute14
* fromDate


 * zoneInstId
* rankId
* srInstId
* partclassSetId
* simulationSetId
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* zoneId
* lastUpdatedBy
* orgId
* creationDate
* createdBy
* partclassId


 * zoneInstId
* rankId
* srInstId
* partclassSetId
* simulationSetId
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* zoneId
* lastUpdatedBy
* orgId
* creationDate
* createdBy
* partclassId


 * simulationSetId
* srInstId
* orgId
* createdBy
* stockingThreshold
* lastUpdatedBy
* partclassId
* creationDate
* zoneId
* zoneInstId
* historyRange
* historyMeasureId
* lastUpdateDate
* partclassSetId
* lastUpdateLogin


 * simulationSetId
* srInstId
* orgId
* createdBy
* stockingThreshold
* lastUpdatedBy
* partclassId
* creationDate
* zoneId
* zoneInstId
* historyRange
* historyMeasureId
* lastUpdateDate
* partclassSetId
* lastUpdateLogin


 * srInstanceId
* attribute1
* attribute12
* requestId
* receiptPartnerSiteId
* disableDate
* attribute15
* collectedFlag
* srReceiptOrg
* lastUpdatedBy
* attributeCategory
* attribute5
* attribute6
* effectiveDate
* programId
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* refreshNumber
* attribute11
* sourcingRuleId
* programUpdateDate
* attribute8
* attribute3
* programApplicationId
* attribute7
* deletedFlag
* srReceiptId
* attribute2
* srSrReceiptId
* attribute9
* receiptPartnerId
* createdBy
* attribute13
* attribute14
* receiptOrgInstanceId
* attribute4
* attribute10
* lastUpdateDate


 * srInstanceId
* attribute1
* attribute12
* requestId
* receiptPartnerSiteId
* disableDate
* attribute15
* collectedFlag
* srReceiptOrg
* lastUpdatedBy
* attributeCategory
* attribute5
* attribute6
* effectiveDate
* programId
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* refreshNumber
* attribute11
* sourcingRuleId
* programUpdateDate
* attribute8
* attribute3
* programApplicationId
* attribute7
* deletedFlag
* srReceiptId
* attribute2
* srSrReceiptId
* attribute9
* receiptPartnerId
* createdBy
* attribute13
* attribute14
* receiptOrgInstanceId
* attribute4
* attribute10
* lastUpdateDate


 * transferLotMultiple
* sourcePartnerSiteId
* creationDate
* programId
* programApplicationId
* circularSrc
* srSrSourceId
* attribute3
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* programUpdateDate
* rank
* sourcePartnerId
* attribute10
* attribute7
* requestId
* attribute12
* refreshNumber
* collectedFlag
* minTransferQty
* attributeCategory
* replenishmentType
* attribute8
* attribute13
* attribute4
* fromRegionId
* sourceType
* lastUpdateDate
* fixedTransferQty
* circularSrcRank
* createdBy
* srReceiptId
* transferType
* deletedFlag
* attribute1
* attribute6
* srInstanceId
* attribute9
* shipMethod
* attribute15
* attribute11
* srSourceId
* sourceOrgInstanceId
* sourceOrganizationId
* allocationPercent
* maxTransferQty
* attribute5
* attribute2
* attribute14


 * transferLotMultiple
* sourcePartnerSiteId
* creationDate
* programId
* programApplicationId
* circularSrc
* srSrSourceId
* attribute3
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* programUpdateDate
* rank
* sourcePartnerId
* attribute10
* attribute7
* requestId
* attribute12
* refreshNumber
* collectedFlag
* minTransferQty
* attributeCategory
* replenishmentType
* attribute8
* attribute13
* attribute4
* fromRegionId
* sourceType
* lastUpdateDate
* fixedTransferQty
* circularSrcRank
* createdBy
* srReceiptId
* transferType
* deletedFlag
* attribute1
* attribute6
* srInstanceId
* attribute9
* shipMethod
* attribute15
* attribute11
* srSourceId
* sourceOrgInstanceId
* sourceOrganizationId
* allocationPercent
* maxTransferQty
* attribute5
* attribute2
* attribute14


 * rn
* srInventoryItemId
* sampleDate
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* zone
* regionId
* quantity
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* createdBy


 * rn
* srInventoryItemId
* sampleDate
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* zone
* regionId
* quantity
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* createdBy


 * lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* groupId
* lastUpdatedBy
* groupName
* creationDate
* createdBy


 * lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* groupId
* lastUpdatedBy
* groupName
* creationDate
* createdBy


 * userId
* lastUpdatedBy
* createdBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* groupId
* creationDate
* lastUpdateDate


 * userId
* lastUpdatedBy
* createdBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* groupId
* creationDate
* lastUpdateDate


 * parentValue
* levelName
* value
* lastUpdatedBy
* programApplicationId
* creationDate
* programLoginId
* requestId
* createdBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* programId
* lastUpdateDate
* hierarchyName


 * createdBy
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* level9Name
* lastUpdatedBy
* level10Name
* level7Name
* level8Name
* level2Name
* lastUpdateDate
* programLoginId
* level6Name
* dimensionId
* level5Name
* requestId
* level4Name
* programId
* hierarchyName
* level3Name
* programApplicationId


 * createdBy
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* level9Name
* lastUpdatedBy
* level10Name
* level7Name
* level8Name
* level2Name
* lastUpdateDate
* programLoginId
* level6Name
* dimensionId
* level5Name
* requestId
* level4Name
* programId
* hierarchyName
* level3Name
* programApplicationId


 * parentValue
* levelName
* value
* lastUpdatedBy
* programApplicationId
* creationDate
* programLoginId
* requestId
* createdBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* programId
* lastUpdateDate
* hierarchyName


 * programApplicationId
* deletedFlag
* createdBy
* validationOrgId
* messageId
* errorText
* programId
* dataSourceType
* stTransactionId
* creationDate
* wsmCreateLbjCopyRouting
* srInstanceCode
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* processFlag
* programUpdateDate
* mscOrgForBomExplosion
* requestId
* refreshId
* lastUpdatedBy
* srInstanceId


 * programApplicationId
* deletedFlag
* createdBy
* validationOrgId
* messageId
* errorText
* programId
* dataSourceType
* stTransactionId
* creationDate
* wsmCreateLbjCopyRouting
* srInstanceCode
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* processFlag
* programUpdateDate
* mscOrgForBomExplosion
* requestId
* refreshId
* lastUpdatedBy
* srInstanceId


 * lastUpdatedBy
* description
* programId
* programUpdateDate
* creationDate
* refreshId
* lastUpdateDate
* srInstanceId
* assignmentSetName
* createdBy
* srAssignmentSetId
* lastUpdateLogin
* requestId
* programApplicationId
* deletedFlag


 * lastUpdatedBy
* description
* programId
* programUpdateDate
* creationDate
* refreshId
* lastUpdateDate
* srInstanceId
* assignmentSetName
* createdBy
* srAssignmentSetId
* lastUpdateLogin
* requestId
* programApplicationId
* deletedFlag


 * defaultAtpSources
* pastDueSupplyCutoffFence
* includeDiscreteWipReceipts
* includeNonstdWipReceipts
* includeRepMps
* aggregateTimeFenceCode
* includeRepWipDemand
* includeInternalReqs
* includeInternalOrders
* includeDiscreteMps
* includeNonstdWipDemand
* includeUserDefinedSupply
* includeSupplierReqs
* lastUpdatedBy
* programId
* includeDiscreteWipDemand
* includeRepWipReceipts
* accumulationWindow
* infiniteSupplyTimeFence
* pastDueDemandCutoffFence
* creationDate
* accumulateAvailableFlag
* includeFlowScheduleReceipts
* userAtpSupplyTableName
* refreshId
* mpsDesignator
* aggregateTimeFence
* demandClassAtpFlag
* includeSalesOrders
* includeUserDefinedDemand
* description
* userAtpDemandTableName
* acceptableLateFence
* lastUpdateLogin
* includePurchaseOrders
* srInstanceId
* ruleId
* acceptableEarlyFence
* includeInterorgTransfers
* ruleName
* forwardConsumptionFlag
* createdBy
* includeOnhandAvailable
* backwardConsumptionFlag
* requestId
* infiniteSupplyFenceCode
* includeFlowScheduleDemand
* lastUpdateDate
* programApplicationId
* programUpdateDate


 * defaultAtpSources
* pastDueSupplyCutoffFence
* includeDiscreteWipReceipts
* includeNonstdWipReceipts
* includeRepMps
* aggregateTimeFenceCode
* includeRepWipDemand
* includeInternalReqs
* includeInternalOrders
* includeDiscreteMps
* includeNonstdWipDemand
* includeUserDefinedSupply
* includeSupplierReqs
* lastUpdatedBy
* programId
* includeDiscreteWipDemand
* includeRepWipReceipts
* accumulationWindow
* infiniteSupplyTimeFence
* pastDueDemandCutoffFence
* creationDate
* accumulateAvailableFlag
* includeFlowScheduleReceipts
* userAtpSupplyTableName
* refreshId
* mpsDesignator
* aggregateTimeFence
* demandClassAtpFlag
* includeSalesOrders
* includeUserDefinedDemand
* description
* userAtpDemandTableName
* acceptableLateFence
* lastUpdateLogin
* includePurchaseOrders
* srInstanceId
* ruleId
* acceptableEarlyFence
* includeInterorgTransfers
* ruleName
* forwardConsumptionFlag
* createdBy
* includeOnhandAvailable
* backwardConsumptionFlag
* requestId
* infiniteSupplyFenceCode
* includeFlowScheduleDemand
* lastUpdateDate
* programApplicationId
* programUpdateDate


 * programApplicationId
* requestId
* createdBy
* programUpdateDate
* billOfResources
* rollupStartDate
* programId
* deletedFlag
* srInstanceId
* refreshId
* lastUpdatedBy
* rollupCompletionDate
* organizationId
* lastUpdateDate
* disableDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* creationDate
* description


 * programApplicationId
* requestId
* createdBy
* programUpdateDate
* billOfResources
* rollupStartDate
* programId
* deletedFlag
* srInstanceId
* refreshId
* lastUpdatedBy
* rollupCompletionDate
* organizationId
* lastUpdateDate
* disableDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* creationDate
* description


 * programUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* requestId
* srInstanceId
* versionNo
* refreshId
* programApplicationId
* currentPlanFlag
* creationDate
* name
* lastUpdateDate
* programId
* deletedFlag
* createdBy
* businessPlanId
* lastUpdatedBy
* shortName
* description


 * programUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* requestId
* srInstanceId
* versionNo
* refreshId
* programApplicationId
* currentPlanFlag
* creationDate
* name
* lastUpdateDate
* programId
* deletedFlag
* createdBy
* businessPlanId
* lastUpdatedBy
* shortName
* description


 * description
* creationDate
* enteredPeriodName
* programUpdateDate
* yearStartDate
* periodName
* periodYear
* quarterNum
* periodNum
* programApplicationId
* srInstanceId
* startDate
* context
* refreshId
* periodSetName
* lastUpdateLogin
* programId
* periodType
* adjustmentPeriodFlag
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateDate
* createdBy
* quarterStartDate
* requestId
* endDate
* organizationId


 * description
* creationDate
* enteredPeriodName
* programUpdateDate
* yearStartDate
* periodName
* periodYear
* quarterNum
* periodNum
* programApplicationId
* srInstanceId
* startDate
* context
* refreshId
* periodSetName
* lastUpdateLogin
* programId
* periodType
* adjustmentPeriodFlag
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateDate
* createdBy
* quarterStartDate
* requestId
* endDate
* organizationId


 * dimension2Id
* deletedFlag
* lastUpdateLogin
* refreshId
* dimension5Id
* measureShortName
* dimension4Id
* requestId
* measureId
* dimension1Id
* timeDimensionId
* lastUpdateDate
* programApplicationId
* srInstanceId
* measureName
* description
* programUpdateDate
* orgDimensionId
* dimension3Id
* programId
* createdBy
* creationDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* unitOfMeasureClass


 * dimension2Id
* deletedFlag
* lastUpdateLogin
* refreshId
* dimension5Id
* measureShortName
* dimension4Id
* requestId
* measureId
* dimension1Id
* timeDimensionId
* lastUpdateDate
* programApplicationId
* srInstanceId
* measureName
* description
* programUpdateDate
* orgDimensionId
* dimension3Id
* programId
* createdBy
* creationDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* unitOfMeasureClass


 * defaultNotifyRespShortName
* workflowItemType
* workflowProcessShortName
* defaultNotifyRespId
* programApplicationId
* measureId
* description
* dimension5LevelId
* dimension1LevelId
* deletedFlag
* createdBy
* targetLevelShortName
* systemFlag
* targetLevelName
* dimension2LevelId
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* refreshId
* srInstanceId
* programId
* reportFunctionId
* timeLevelId
* orgLevelId
* creationDate
* dimension3LevelId
* lastUpdatedBy
* targetLevelId
* unitOfMeasure
* dimension4LevelId
* requestId
* programUpdateDate
* computingFunctionId


 * defaultNotifyRespShortName
* workflowItemType
* workflowProcessShortName
* defaultNotifyRespId
* programApplicationId
* measureId
* description
* dimension5LevelId
* dimension1LevelId
* deletedFlag
* createdBy
* targetLevelShortName
* systemFlag
* targetLevelName
* dimension2LevelId
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* refreshId
* srInstanceId
* programId
* reportFunctionId
* timeLevelId
* orgLevelId
* creationDate
* dimension3LevelId
* lastUpdatedBy
* targetLevelId
* unitOfMeasure
* dimension4LevelId
* requestId
* programUpdateDate
* computingFunctionId


 * lastUpdateLogin
* notifyResp2Id
* targetId
* srInstanceId
* range1High
* range2High
* notifyResp2ShortName
* programApplicationId
* dim1LevelValueId
* notifyResp3ShortName
* programId
* range1Low
* notifyResp1ShortName
* dim4LevelValueId
* orgLevelValueId
* lastUpdateDate
* range3High
* timeLevelValueId
* notifyResp1Id
* notifyResp3Id
* refreshId
* lastUpdatedBy
* range3Low
* requestId
* businessPlanId
* dim2LevelValueId
* programUpdateDate
* target
* range2Low
* dim3LevelValueId
* targetLevelId
* createdBy
* dim5LevelValueId
* deletedFlag
* creationDate


 * lastUpdateLogin
* notifyResp2Id
* targetId
* srInstanceId
* range1High
* range2High
* notifyResp2ShortName
* programApplicationId
* dim1LevelValueId
* notifyResp3ShortName
* programId
* range1Low
* notifyResp1ShortName
* dim4LevelValueId
* orgLevelValueId
* lastUpdateDate
* range3High
* timeLevelValueId
* notifyResp1Id
* notifyResp3Id
* refreshId
* lastUpdatedBy
* range3Low
* requestId
* businessPlanId
* dim2LevelValueId
* programUpdateDate
* target
* range2Low
* dim3LevelValueId
* targetLevelId
* createdBy
* dim5LevelValueId
* deletedFlag
* creationDate


 * originationType
* srInstanceId
* assemblyItemId
* basis
* createdBy
* setbackDays
* lastUpdatedBy
* srTransactionId
* assemblyUsage
* resourceUnits
* lastUpdateDate
* programId
* programUpdateDate
* lineId
* resourceSeqNum
* departmentId
* sourceItemId
* organizationId
* creationDate
* requestId
* refreshId
* billOfResources
* resourceDepartmentHours
* lastUpdateLogin
* operationSeqNum
* programApplicationId
* deletedFlag
* resourceId
* operationSequenceId


 * originationType
* srInstanceId
* assemblyItemId
* basis
* createdBy
* setbackDays
* lastUpdatedBy
* srTransactionId
* assemblyUsage
* resourceUnits
* lastUpdateDate
* programId
* programUpdateDate
* lineId
* resourceSeqNum
* departmentId
* sourceItemId
* organizationId
* creationDate
* requestId
* refreshId
* billOfResources
* resourceDepartmentHours
* lastUpdateLogin
* operationSeqNum
* programApplicationId
* deletedFlag
* resourceId
* operationSequenceId


 * requestId
* nextDate
* seqNum
* lastUpdateDate
* createdBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdatedBy
* weekStartDate
* creationDate
* refreshId
* programId
* exceptionSetId
* priorDate
* programUpdateDate
* srInstanceId
* deletedFlag
* programApplicationId
* calendarCode


 * requestId
* nextDate
* seqNum
* lastUpdateDate
* createdBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdatedBy
* weekStartDate
* creationDate
* refreshId
* programId
* exceptionSetId
* priorDate
* programUpdateDate
* srInstanceId
* deletedFlag
* programApplicationId
* calendarCode


 * exceptionSetId
* refreshId
* srInstanceId
* yearStartDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* programId
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* calendarCode
* createdBy
* deletedFlag
* requestId
* programApplicationId
* programUpdateDate
* creationDate


 * exceptionSetId
* refreshId
* srInstanceId
* yearStartDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* programId
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* calendarCode
* createdBy
* deletedFlag
* requestId
* programApplicationId
* programUpdateDate
* creationDate


 * stTransactionId
* partnerSiteCode
* deletedFlag
* srInstanceId
* processFlag
* lastUpdateLogin
* calendarCode
* programApplicationId
* organizationCode
* refreshId
* createdBy
* srInstanceCode
* associationLevel
* partnerType
* requestId
* partnerId
* messageId
* associationType
* programUpdateDate
* organizationId
* creationDate
* programId
* companyName
* carrierPartnerId
* calendarType
* partnerSiteId
* errorText
* lastUpdateDate
* shipMethodCode
* lastUpdatedBy
* dataSourceType
* carrierPartnerCode
* partnerName
* batchId


 * stTransactionId
* partnerSiteCode
* deletedFlag
* srInstanceId
* processFlag
* lastUpdateLogin
* calendarCode
* programApplicationId
* organizationCode
* refreshId
* createdBy
* srInstanceCode
* associationLevel
* partnerType
* requestId
* partnerId
* messageId
* associationType
* programUpdateDate
* organizationId
* creationDate
* programId
* companyName
* carrierPartnerId
* calendarType
* partnerSiteId
* errorText
* lastUpdateDate
* shipMethodCode
* lastUpdatedBy
* dataSourceType
* carrierPartnerCode
* partnerName
* batchId


 * requestId
* exceptionType
* programId
* refreshId
* errorText
* deletedFlag
* lastUpdateLogin
* dataSourceType
* exceptionSetId
* lastUpdateDate
* creationDate
* programUpdateDate
* stTransactionId
* createdBy
* messageId
* srInstanceId
* programApplicationId
* calendarCode
* exceptionDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* processFlag
* srInstanceCode
* companyName
* companyId


 * requestId
* exceptionType
* programId
* refreshId
* errorText
* deletedFlag
* lastUpdateLogin
* dataSourceType
* exceptionSetId
* lastUpdateDate
* creationDate
* programUpdateDate
* stTransactionId
* createdBy
* messageId
* srInstanceId
* programApplicationId
* calendarCode
* exceptionDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* processFlag
* srInstanceCode
* companyName
* companyId


 * attribute3
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute14
* yearDescription
* attributeCategory
* attribute11
* attribute6
* messageId
* dataSourceType
* monthDescription
* yearStartDate
* year
* createdBy
* srInstanceId
* attribute9
* attribute5
* batchId
* programId
* stTransactionId
* deletedFlag
* attribute8
* programUpdateDate
* srInstanceCode
* refreshId
* attribute7
* lastUpdateLogin
* quarter
* yearEndDate
* processFlag
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute4
* attribute10
* monthStartDate
* attribute1
* quarterStartDate
* monthEndDate
* errorText
* creationDate
* attribute2
* quarterEndDate
* calendarType
* month
* attribute15
* attribute12
* attribute13
* programApplicationId
* calendarCode
* quarterDescription
* requestId


 * attribute3
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute14
* yearDescription
* attributeCategory
* attribute11
* attribute6
* messageId
* dataSourceType
* monthDescription
* yearStartDate
* year
* createdBy
* srInstanceId
* attribute9
* attribute5
* batchId
* programId
* stTransactionId
* deletedFlag
* attribute8
* programUpdateDate
* srInstanceCode
* refreshId
* attribute7
* lastUpdateLogin
* quarter
* yearEndDate
* processFlag
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute4
* attribute10
* monthStartDate
* attribute1
* quarterStartDate
* monthEndDate
* errorText
* creationDate
* attribute2
* quarterEndDate
* calendarType
* month
* attribute15
* attribute12
* attribute13
* programApplicationId
* calendarCode
* quarterDescription
* requestId


 * messageId
* companyId
* companyName
* calendarCode
* dataSourceType
* programId
* creationDate
* srInstanceCode
* daysOn
* description
* requestId
* shiftNum
* processFlag
* programApplicationId
* errorText
* programUpdateDate
* stTransactionId
* deletedFlag
* lastUpdatedBy
* refreshId
* createdBy
* srInstanceId
* lastUpdateDate
* shiftName
* lastUpdateLogin
* daysOff


 * messageId
* companyId
* companyName
* calendarCode
* dataSourceType
* programId
* creationDate
* srInstanceCode
* daysOn
* description
* requestId
* shiftNum
* processFlag
* programApplicationId
* errorText
* programUpdateDate
* stTransactionId
* deletedFlag
* lastUpdatedBy
* refreshId
* createdBy
* srInstanceId
* lastUpdateDate
* shiftName
* lastUpdateLogin
* daysOff


 * daysOn
* companyName
* messageId
* weekStartDay
* daysOff
* quarterlyCalendarType
* lastUpdateLogin
* requestId
* deletedFlag
* processFlag
* programId
* srInstanceCode
* calendarCode
* createdBy
* dataSourceType
* calendarEndDate
* description
* lastUpdatedBy
* calendarStartDate
* programUpdateDate
* programApplicationId
* lastUpdateDate
* refreshId
* overwriteFlag
* stTransactionId
* errorText
* creationDate
* companyId
* srInstanceId


 * daysOn
* companyName
* messageId
* weekStartDay
* daysOff
* quarterlyCalendarType
* lastUpdateLogin
* requestId
* deletedFlag
* processFlag
* programId
* srInstanceCode
* calendarCode
* createdBy
* dataSourceType
* calendarEndDate
* description
* lastUpdatedBy
* calendarStartDate
* programUpdateDate
* programApplicationId
* lastUpdateDate
* refreshId
* overwriteFlag
* stTransactionId
* errorText
* creationDate
* companyId
* srInstanceId


 * modeOfTransport
* deletedFlag
* shipMethodCode
* carrierId
* srInstanceId
* serviceLevel
* refreshId


 * modeOfTransport
* deletedFlag
* shipMethodCode
* carrierId
* srInstanceId
* serviceLevel
* refreshId


 * companyId
* programId
* lastUpdateLogin
* processFlag
* programApplicationId
* createdBy
* programUpdateDate
* errorText
* deletedFlag
* sourceSrCategorySetId
* lastUpdateDate
* controlLevel
* lastUpdatedBy
* requestId
* defaultFlag
* refreshId
* description
* companyName
* batchId
* srInstanceCode
* messageId
* srInstanceId
* dataSourceType
* categorySetName
* creationDate
* srCategorySetId
* stTransactionId
* categorySetId


 * companyId
* programId
* lastUpdateLogin
* processFlag
* programApplicationId
* createdBy
* programUpdateDate
* errorText
* deletedFlag
* sourceSrCategorySetId
* lastUpdateDate
* controlLevel
* lastUpdatedBy
* requestId
* defaultFlag
* refreshId
* description
* companyName
* batchId
* srInstanceCode
* messageId
* srInstanceId
* dataSourceType
* categorySetName
* creationDate
* srCategorySetId
* stTransactionId
* categorySetId


 * creationDate
* primaryFlag
* deletedFlag
* programApplicationId
* sourceCoProductGroupId
* sourceComponentId
* organizationCode
* sourceCoProductId
* coProductGroupId
* split
* createdBy
* srInstanceCode
* programUpdateDate
* batchId
* programId
* coProductName
* requestId
* lastUpdateLogin
* componentName
* refreshId
* dataSourceType
* lastUpdatedBy
* componentId
* messageId
* stTransactionId
* errorText
* lastUpdateDate
* srInstanceId
* companyName
* processFlag
* coProductId


 * creationDate
* primaryFlag
* deletedFlag
* programApplicationId
* sourceCoProductGroupId
* sourceComponentId
* organizationCode
* sourceCoProductId
* coProductGroupId
* split
* createdBy
* srInstanceCode
* programUpdateDate
* batchId
* programId
* coProductName
* requestId
* lastUpdateLogin
* componentName
* refreshId
* dataSourceType
* lastUpdatedBy
* componentId
* messageId
* stTransactionId
* errorText
* lastUpdateDate
* srInstanceId
* companyName
* processFlag
* coProductId


 * companyName
* userGuid
* programApplicationId
* startDate
* requestId
* programId
* stTransactionId
* userName
* refreshId
* srCompanyId
* collectionParameter
* lastUpdateLogin
* creationDate
* srInstanceId
* batchId
* lastUpdateDate
* dataSourceType
* description
* emailAddress
* endDate
* partnerType
* createdBy
* processFlag
* srInstanceCode
* lastUpdatedBy
* programUpdateDate
* messageId
* errorText
* fax


 * companyName
* userGuid
* programApplicationId
* startDate
* requestId
* programId
* stTransactionId
* userName
* refreshId
* srCompanyId
* collectionParameter
* lastUpdateLogin
* creationDate
* srInstanceId
* batchId
* lastUpdateDate
* dataSourceType
* description
* emailAddress
* endDate
* partnerType
* createdBy
* processFlag
* srInstanceCode
* lastUpdatedBy
* programUpdateDate
* messageId
* errorText
* fax


 * alternateBomDesignator
* componentName
* lastUpdateDate
* requestId
* programUpdateDate
* usageQuantity
* deletedFlag
* lastUpdateLogin
* stTransactionId
* companyId
* priority
* billSequenceId
* creationDate
* subItemName
* errorText
* roundingDirection
* bomName
* dataSourceType
* programId
* componentSequenceId
* companyName
* substituteItemId
* organizationId
* processFlag
* batchId
* refreshId
* effectivityDate
* assemblyName
* messageId
* programApplicationId
* srInstanceId
* operationSeqCode
* lastUpdatedBy
* organizationCode
* srInstanceCode
* createdBy


 * alternateBomDesignator
* componentName
* lastUpdateDate
* requestId
* programUpdateDate
* usageQuantity
* deletedFlag
* lastUpdateLogin
* stTransactionId
* companyId
* priority
* billSequenceId
* creationDate
* subItemName
* errorText
* roundingDirection
* bomName
* dataSourceType
* programId
* componentSequenceId
* companyName
* substituteItemId
* organizationId
* processFlag
* batchId
* refreshId
* effectivityDate
* assemblyName
* messageId
* programApplicationId
* srInstanceId
* operationSeqCode
* lastUpdatedBy
* organizationCode
* srInstanceCode
* createdBy


 * dataSourceType
* convRate
* programId
* requestId
* errorText
* creationDate
* stTransactionId
* programUpdateDate
* batchId
* convType
* lastUpdateLogin
* createdBy
* programApplicationId
* fromCurrency
* convDate
* lastUpdateDate
* srInstanceId
* toCurrency
* deletedFlag
* lastUpdatedBy
* rn
* messageId
* srInstanceCode
* processFlag


 * dataSourceType
* convRate
* programId
* requestId
* errorText
* creationDate
* stTransactionId
* programUpdateDate
* batchId
* convType
* lastUpdateLogin
* createdBy
* programApplicationId
* fromCurrency
* convDate
* lastUpdateDate
* srInstanceId
* toCurrency
* deletedFlag
* lastUpdatedBy
* rn
* messageId
* srInstanceCode
* processFlag


 * lastUpdateDate
* programId
* attribute12
* attribute13
* batchId
* createdBy
* processFlag
* companyName
* attribute7
* stTransactionId
* attribute5
* lastUpdateLogin
* programUpdateDate
* attributeCategory
* attribute6
* refreshId
* attribute4
* fromDate
* srInstanceCode
* attribute15
* demandClass
* attribute2
* description
* errorText
* meaning
* creationDate
* attribute1
* requestId
* deletedFlag
* dataSourceType
* attribute11
* attribute14
* messageId
* attribute8
* programApplicationId
* attribute9
* enabledFlag
* srInstanceId
* attribute10
* toDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute3


 * lastUpdateDate
* programId
* attribute12
* attribute13
* batchId
* createdBy
* processFlag
* companyName
* attribute7
* stTransactionId
* attribute5
* lastUpdateLogin
* programUpdateDate
* attributeCategory
* attribute6
* refreshId
* attribute4
* fromDate
* srInstanceCode
* attribute15
* demandClass
* attribute2
* description
* errorText
* meaning
* creationDate
* attribute1
* requestId
* deletedFlag
* dataSourceType
* attribute11
* attribute14
* messageId
* attribute8
* programApplicationId
* attribute9
* enabledFlag
* srInstanceId
* attribute10
* toDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute3


 * batchId
* srInstanceId
* departmentClass
* resourceCode
* lastUpdatedBy
* organizationId
* companyName
* effectiveStartDate
* dataSourceType
* stTransactionId
* errorText
* lastKnownSetupCode
* lastUpdateLogin
* effectiveEndDate
* companyId
* departmentId
* serialNumber
* createdBy
* deletedFlag
* programId
* lastUpdateDate
* organizationCode
* equipmentItemName
* requestId
* programUpdateDate
* resourceId
* resInstanceId
* messageId
* refreshId
* orgainzationCode
* lastKnownSetup
* processFlag
* programApplicationId
* equipmentItemId
* departmentCode
* creationDate
* srInstanceCode


 * batchId
* srInstanceId
* departmentClass
* resourceCode
* lastUpdatedBy
* organizationId
* companyName
* effectiveStartDate
* dataSourceType
* stTransactionId
* errorText
* lastKnownSetupCode
* lastUpdateLogin
* effectiveEndDate
* companyId
* departmentId
* serialNumber
* createdBy
* deletedFlag
* programId
* lastUpdateDate
* organizationCode
* equipmentItemName
* requestId
* programUpdateDate
* resourceId
* resInstanceId
* messageId
* refreshId
* orgainzationCode
* lastKnownSetup
* processFlag
* programApplicationId
* equipmentItemId
* departmentCode
* creationDate
* srInstanceCode


 * inventoryAtpFlag
* forecastSet
* processFlag
* disableDate
* refreshId
* shipId
* designatorType
* requestId
* srInstanceId
* outlierUpdatePercentage
* organizationId
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* customerId
* messageId
* srOrganizationId
* billToSiteCode
* deletedFlag
* bucketType
* stTransactionId
* srcDesignator
* errorText
* shipToSiteCode
* srcDescription
* creationDate
* description
* programUpdateDate
* srcSimFcstId
* organizationSelection
* recommendationRelease
* updateType
* sellerFlag
* billId
* designator
* companyName
* demandClass
* srInstanceCode
* organizationCode
* backwardUpdateTimeFence
* customerName
* lastUpdateLogin
* probability
* consumeForecast
* dataSourceType
* designatorId
* forecastSetId
* srDesignator
* mpsRelief
* programId
* forwardUpdateTimeFence
* production
* batchId
* programApplicationId
* createdBy
* companyId


 * inventoryAtpFlag
* forecastSet
* processFlag
* disableDate
* refreshId
* shipId
* designatorType
* requestId
* srInstanceId
* outlierUpdatePercentage
* organizationId
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* customerId
* messageId
* srOrganizationId
* billToSiteCode
* deletedFlag
* bucketType
* stTransactionId
* srcDesignator
* errorText
* shipToSiteCode
* srcDescription
* creationDate
* description
* programUpdateDate
* srcSimFcstId
* organizationSelection
* recommendationRelease
* updateType
* sellerFlag
* billId
* designator
* companyName
* demandClass
* srInstanceCode
* organizationCode
* backwardUpdateTimeFence
* customerName
* lastUpdateLogin
* probability
* consumeForecast
* dataSourceType
* designatorId
* forecastSetId
* srDesignator
* mpsRelief
* programId
* forwardUpdateTimeFence
* production
* batchId
* programApplicationId
* createdBy
* companyId


 * companyName
* srInstanceId
* context
* attribute5
* dataSourceType
* attribute8
* attribute14
* attribute13
* deletedFlag
* attribute12
* contactUserName
* srInstanceCode
* programUpdateDate
* contactUserId
* lastUpdateLogin
* groupName
* processFlag
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute3
* programId
* requestId
* attribute10
* attribute11
* attribute6
* disableDate
* creationDate
* groupId
* effectiveDate
* attribute9
* messageId
* attribute2
* companyId
* attribute7
* stTransactionId
* createdBy
* postingPartyId
* attribute4
* attribute15
* errorText
* lastUpdatedBy
* batchId
* programApplicationId
* attribute1


 * companyName
* srInstanceId
* context
* attribute5
* dataSourceType
* attribute8
* attribute14
* attribute13
* deletedFlag
* attribute12
* contactUserName
* srInstanceCode
* programUpdateDate
* contactUserId
* lastUpdateLogin
* groupName
* processFlag
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute3
* programId
* requestId
* attribute10
* attribute11
* attribute6
* disableDate
* creationDate
* groupId
* effectiveDate
* attribute9
* messageId
* attribute2
* companyId
* attribute7
* stTransactionId
* createdBy
* postingPartyId
* attribute4
* attribute15
* errorText
* lastUpdatedBy
* batchId
* programApplicationId
* attribute1


 * groupType
* creationDate
* errorText
* attribute10
* attribute12
* deletedFlag
* effectiveDate
* disableDate
* stTransactionId
* contractDocUrl
* attribute4
* attribute13
* dataSourceType
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute14
* programUpdateDate
* attribute1
* srInstanceCode
* description
* contactUserName
* groupOwnerId
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute11
* programApplicationId
* processFlag
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute8
* groupId
* requestId
* attribute3
* attribute6
* attribute5
* attribute7
* srInstanceId
* batchId
* groupName
* attribute15
* programId
* attribute9
* contactUserId
* createdBy
* attribute2
* messageId
* context


 * groupType
* creationDate
* errorText
* attribute10
* attribute12
* deletedFlag
* effectiveDate
* disableDate
* stTransactionId
* contractDocUrl
* attribute4
* attribute13
* dataSourceType
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute14
* programUpdateDate
* attribute1
* srInstanceCode
* description
* contactUserName
* groupOwnerId
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute11
* programApplicationId
* processFlag
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute8
* groupId
* requestId
* attribute3
* attribute6
* attribute5
* attribute7
* srInstanceId
* batchId
* groupName
* attribute15
* programId
* attribute9
* contactUserId
* createdBy
* attribute2
* messageId
* context


 * availabilityDate
* toLocationCode
* lastUpdateDate
* costPerVolumeUnit
* fromRegionId
* toCity
* toRegionId
* toOrganizationCode
* lastUpdatedBy
* fromState
* toOrganizationId
* fromCountryCode
* timeUomCode
* toPostalCodeTo
* fromLocationId
* toCountryCode
* toCityCode
* fromRegionType
* fromCityCode
* srInstanceId2
* shipMethodText
* volumeUom
* leadtimeVariability
* fromZone
* creationDate
* requestId
* shipmentWeightUom
* fromOrganizationId
* intransitTime
* dataSourceType
* currency
* toStateCode
* instransitTime
* shipmentVolumeUom
* transportCapOverUtilCost
* toState
* shipmentVolume
* srInstanceCode
* fromOrganizationCode
* toRegionType
* defaultFlag
* fromPostalCodeTo
* deletedFlag
* programUpdateDate
* toZone
* weightUom
* shipmentWeight
* messageId
* costPerWeightUnit
* fromCity
* weightCapacity
* batchId
* programId
* refreshId
* fromPostalCodeFrom
* processFlag
* toCountry
* programApplicationId
* lastUpdateLogin
* stTransactionId
* volumeCapacity
* errorText
* fromLocationCode
* fromCountry
* srInstanceId
* fromStateCode
* shipMethod
* createdBy
* companyName
* toPostalCodeFrom
* toLocationId


 * availabilityDate
* toLocationCode
* lastUpdateDate
* costPerVolumeUnit
* fromRegionId
* toCity
* toRegionId
* toOrganizationCode
* lastUpdatedBy
* fromState
* toOrganizationId
* fromCountryCode
* timeUomCode
* toPostalCodeTo
* fromLocationId
* toCountryCode
* toCityCode
* fromRegionType
* fromCityCode
* srInstanceId2
* shipMethodText
* volumeUom
* leadtimeVariability
* fromZone
* creationDate
* requestId
* shipmentWeightUom
* fromOrganizationId
* intransitTime
* dataSourceType
* currency
* toStateCode
* instransitTime
* shipmentVolumeUom
* transportCapOverUtilCost
* toState
* shipmentVolume
* srInstanceCode
* fromOrganizationCode
* toRegionType
* defaultFlag
* fromPostalCodeTo
* deletedFlag
* programUpdateDate
* toZone
* weightUom
* shipmentWeight
* messageId
* costPerWeightUnit
* fromCity
* weightCapacity
* batchId
* programId
* refreshId
* fromPostalCodeFrom
* processFlag
* toCountry
* programApplicationId
* lastUpdateLogin
* stTransactionId
* volumeCapacity
* errorText
* fromLocationCode
* fromCountry
* srInstanceId
* fromStateCode
* shipMethod
* createdBy
* companyName
* toPostalCodeFrom
* toLocationId


 * mrpPlanningCode
* excessHorizon
* returnForecastTimeFence
* zone
* interarrivalDistMethod
* requestId
* userAttribute6
* vmiMinimumDays
* forecastRuleForDemands
* obsolescenceDate
* userAttribute3
* annualSalesQty
* standardDeviation
* annualShipQty
* fullLeadTime
* failureImpact
* serviceLevel
* averageDailyDemand
* pipFlag
* defectiveItemCost
* userAttribute2
* orderCost
* organizationCode
* leadtimeVariability
* daysTgtInvWindow
* standardCost
* atpComponentsFlag
* inventoryUseUpDate
* unitVolume
* plannerCode
* criticalComponentFlag
* roundingControlType
* drpPlanned
* unsatisfiedDemandFactor
* lastUpdateLogin
* ropSafetyStock
* dmdSatisfiedPercent
* lifeTimeBuyDate
* postprocessingLeadTime
* repairCost
* divergence
* planningExceptionSet
* fixedDaysSupply
* avgDemandBeyondPh
* crossDock
* userAttribute10
* safetyStockCode
* vmiMaximumUnits
* coefficientOfVariation
* annualSalesValue
* vmiFixedOrderQuantity
* consignedFlag
* customerName
* safetyStockPercent
* weightUom
* carryingCost
* minimumOrderQuantity
* userAttribute11
* atpFlag
* vmiMaximumDays
* userAttribute1
* planningTimeFenceDays
* endOfLifeDate
* continousTransfer
* createSupplyFlag
* simulationSetName
* computeSs
* listPrice
* planningMakeBuyCode
* stdDeviationForDemand
* itemName
* userAttribute14
* preprocessingLeadTime
* category
* shrinkageRate
* meanInterArrival
* minShelfLifeDays
* creationDate
* repairYield
* annualShipCount
* daysTgtInvSupply
* forecastRuleForReturns
* intermittentDemand
* lastUpdatedBy
* basisAvgDailyDemand
* vmiMinimumUnits
* userAttribute15
* userAttribute12
* userAttribute4
* avgReturnsBeyondPh
* computeEoq
* stdDeviationInterArrival
* minSupDemPercent
* demandTimeFenceDays
* reliability
* variableLeadTime
* createdBy
* annualShipValue
* convergence
* userAttribute13
* fixedLeadTime
* substitutionWindow
* minRemShelfLifeDays
* userAttribute5
* repairLeadTime
* maxUsageFactor
* customerSiteName
* userAttribute9
* maximumOrderQuantity
* daysMaxInvSupply
* srInstanceCode
* eoFlag
* safetyStockBucketDays
* volumeUom
* fixedOrderQuantity
* lotsExpiration
* abcClassName
* userAttribute8
* atoForecastControl
* annualSalesCount
* demandFulfillmentLt
* fixedLotMultiplier
* unitWeight
* userAttribute7
* lastUpdateDate
* daysMaxInvWindow


 * mrpPlanningCode
* excessHorizon
* returnForecastTimeFence
* zone
* interarrivalDistMethod
* requestId
* userAttribute6
* vmiMinimumDays
* forecastRuleForDemands
* obsolescenceDate
* userAttribute3
* annualSalesQty
* standardDeviation
* annualShipQty
* fullLeadTime
* failureImpact
* serviceLevel
* averageDailyDemand
* pipFlag
* defectiveItemCost
* userAttribute2
* orderCost
* organizationCode
* leadtimeVariability
* daysTgtInvWindow
* standardCost
* atpComponentsFlag
* inventoryUseUpDate
* unitVolume
* plannerCode
* criticalComponentFlag
* roundingControlType
* drpPlanned
* unsatisfiedDemandFactor
* lastUpdateLogin
* ropSafetyStock
* dmdSatisfiedPercent
* lifeTimeBuyDate
* postprocessingLeadTime
* repairCost
* divergence
* planningExceptionSet
* fixedDaysSupply
* avgDemandBeyondPh
* crossDock
* userAttribute10
* safetyStockCode
* vmiMaximumUnits
* coefficientOfVariation
* annualSalesValue
* vmiFixedOrderQuantity
* consignedFlag
* customerName
* safetyStockPercent
* weightUom
* carryingCost
* minimumOrderQuantity
* userAttribute11
* atpFlag
* vmiMaximumDays
* userAttribute1
* planningTimeFenceDays
* endOfLifeDate
* continousTransfer
* createSupplyFlag
* simulationSetName
* computeSs
* listPrice
* planningMakeBuyCode
* stdDeviationForDemand
* itemName
* userAttribute14
* preprocessingLeadTime
* category
* shrinkageRate
* meanInterArrival
* minShelfLifeDays
* creationDate
* repairYield
* annualShipCount
* daysTgtInvSupply
* forecastRuleForReturns
* intermittentDemand
* lastUpdatedBy
* basisAvgDailyDemand
* vmiMinimumUnits
* userAttribute15
* userAttribute12
* userAttribute4
* avgReturnsBeyondPh
* computeEoq
* stdDeviationInterArrival
* minSupDemPercent
* demandTimeFenceDays
* reliability
* variableLeadTime
* createdBy
* annualShipValue
* convergence
* userAttribute13
* fixedLeadTime
* substitutionWindow
* minRemShelfLifeDays
* userAttribute5
* repairLeadTime
* maxUsageFactor
* customerSiteName
* userAttribute9
* maximumOrderQuantity
* daysMaxInvSupply
* srInstanceCode
* eoFlag
* safetyStockBucketDays
* volumeUom
* fixedOrderQuantity
* lotsExpiration
* abcClassName
* userAttribute8
* atoForecastControl
* annualSalesCount
* demandFulfillmentLt
* fixedLotMultiplier
* unitWeight
* userAttribute7
* lastUpdateDate
* daysMaxInvWindow


 * lastUpdateLogin
* refreshNumber
* deletedFlag
* srInstanceId
* programApplicationId
* lastUpdatedBy
* createdBy
* requestId
* errorText
* customerSiteName
* uomCode
* companyId
* refreshId
* srInstanceCode
* customerItemName
* description
* lastUpdateDate
* leadTime
* itemName
* plannerCode
* programId
* customerId
* stTransactionId
* messageId
* companyName
* listPrice
* customerName
* processFlag
* customerSiteId
* inventoryItemId
* creationDate
* programUpdateDate
* batchId
* dataSourceType


 * lastUpdateLogin
* refreshNumber
* deletedFlag
* srInstanceId
* programApplicationId
* lastUpdatedBy
* createdBy
* requestId
* errorText
* customerSiteName
* uomCode
* companyId
* refreshId
* srInstanceCode
* customerItemName
* description
* lastUpdateDate
* leadTime
* itemName
* plannerCode
* programId
* customerId
* stTransactionId
* messageId
* companyName
* listPrice
* customerName
* processFlag
* customerSiteId
* inventoryItemId
* creationDate
* programUpdateDate
* batchId
* dataSourceType


 * sourceOrgInstanceCode
* categorySetId
* sourceType
* description
* receiptOrgInstanceId
* sourceOrganizationCode
* sourcePartnerName
* companyName
* lastUpdateLogin
* organizationCode
* disableDate
* itemName
* sourceOrganizationId
* assignmentSetId
* programUpdateDate
* sourceReceiptOrganizationId
* receiptOrganizationId
* sourceSrSourceId
* effectiveDate
* requestId
* programId
* inventoryItemId
* refreshId
* sourceAssignmentSetId
* receiptOrganizationCode
* sourceSourcingRuleId
* sourcingRuleId
* srInstanceCode
* stTransactionId
* deletedFlag
* lastUpdatedBy
* sourcePartnerId
* categoryId
* messageId
* planningActive
* programApplicationId
* sourceSrReceiptId
* assignmentId
* creationDate
* sourceSourcePartnerId
* sourcePartnerSiteCode
* companyId
* sourceInventoryItemId
* srInstanceId
* createdBy
* sourceCategoryId
* srSourceId
* sourceCategorySetId
* sourcingRuleName
* processFlag
* allocationPercent
* shipMethod
* sourceSourceOrganizationId
* rank
* organizationId
* sourceOrgId
* sourceAssignmentId
* assignmentType
* receiptOrgInstanceCode
* assignmentSetName
* sourcePartnerSiteId
* sourceSourcePartnerSiteId
* batchId
* srReceiptId
* lastUpdateDate
* dataSourceType
* sourceOrgInstanceId
* categoryName
* errorText


 * sourceOrgInstanceCode
* categorySetId
* sourceType
* description
* receiptOrgInstanceId
* sourceOrganizationCode
* sourcePartnerName
* companyName
* lastUpdateLogin
* organizationCode
* disableDate
* itemName
* sourceOrganizationId
* assignmentSetId
* programUpdateDate
* sourceReceiptOrganizationId
* receiptOrganizationId
* sourceSrSourceId
* effectiveDate
* requestId
* programId
* inventoryItemId
* refreshId
* sourceAssignmentSetId
* receiptOrganizationCode
* sourceSourcingRuleId
* sourcingRuleId
* srInstanceCode
* stTransactionId
* deletedFlag
* lastUpdatedBy
* sourcePartnerId
* categoryId
* messageId
* planningActive
* programApplicationId
* sourceSrReceiptId
* assignmentId
* creationDate
* sourceSourcePartnerId
* sourcePartnerSiteCode
* companyId
* sourceInventoryItemId
* srInstanceId
* createdBy
* sourceCategoryId
* srSourceId
* sourceCategorySetId
* sourcingRuleName
* processFlag
* allocationPercent
* shipMethod
* sourceSourceOrganizationId
* rank
* organizationId
* sourceOrgId
* sourceAssignmentId
* assignmentType
* receiptOrgInstanceCode
* assignmentSetName
* sourcePartnerSiteId
* sourceSourcePartnerSiteId
* batchId
* srReceiptId
* lastUpdateDate
* dataSourceType
* sourceOrgInstanceId
* categoryName
* errorText


 * minimumOrderQuantity
* srInstanceId
* maximumOrderQuantity
* supplierCapOverUtilCost
* usingOrganizationId
* companyName
* lastUpdateDate
* enableVmiAutoReplenishFlag
* aslId
* minMinmaxDays
* fixedOrderQuantity
* vmiFlag
* createdBy
* fixedLotMultiple
* itemName
* deliveryCalendarCode
* inventoryItemId
* programUpdateDate
* supplierItemName
* supplierCompanySiteId
* dataSourceType
* usingOrganizationCode
* companyId
* supplierCompanyId
* forecastHorizon
* aslAttributeCreationDate
* purchasingUnitOfMeasure
* errorText
* programId
* maxMinmaxDays
* srInstanceId2
* stTransactionId
* supplierSiteId
* vmiReplenishmentApproval
* creationDate
* minMinmaxQuantity
* processingLeadTime
* aslLevel
* supplierId
* vendorSiteCode
* lastUpdatedBy
* refreshId
* requestId
* itemPrice
* processFlag
* batchId
* maxMinmaxQuantity
* messageId
* replenishmentMethod
* organizationId
* organizationCode
* programApplicationId
* deletedFlag
* lastUpdateLogin
* plannerCode
* vendorName
* srInstanceCode


 * minimumOrderQuantity
* srInstanceId
* maximumOrderQuantity
* supplierCapOverUtilCost
* usingOrganizationId
* companyName
* lastUpdateDate
* enableVmiAutoReplenishFlag
* aslId
* minMinmaxDays
* fixedOrderQuantity
* vmiFlag
* createdBy
* fixedLotMultiple
* itemName
* deliveryCalendarCode
* inventoryItemId
* programUpdateDate
* supplierItemName
* supplierCompanySiteId
* dataSourceType
* usingOrganizationCode
* companyId
* supplierCompanyId
* forecastHorizon
* aslAttributeCreationDate
* purchasingUnitOfMeasure
* errorText
* programId
* maxMinmaxDays
* srInstanceId2
* stTransactionId
* supplierSiteId
* vmiReplenishmentApproval
* creationDate
* minMinmaxQuantity
* processingLeadTime
* aslLevel
* supplierId
* vendorSiteCode
* lastUpdatedBy
* refreshId
* requestId
* itemPrice
* processFlag
* batchId
* maxMinmaxQuantity
* messageId
* replenishmentMethod
* organizationId
* organizationCode
* programApplicationId
* deletedFlag
* lastUpdateLogin
* plannerCode
* vendorName
* srInstanceCode


 * resourceSeqNum
* resourceId
* resInstanceId
* wipEntityName
* batchId
* operationSequenceId
* dataSourceType
* parentSeqNum
* srInstanceCode
* startDate
* organizationId
* programApplicationId
* stTransactionId
* programUpdateDate
* resourceCode
* companyName
* requestId
* orgainzationCode
* errorText
* resInstanceCode
* departmentId
* messageId
* batchNumber
* lastUpdatedBy
* equipmentItemId
* wipEntityId
* operationSeqCode
* processFlag
* programId
* refreshId
* createdBy
* deletedFlag
* lastUpdateDate
* operationSeqNum
* serialNumber
* completionDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* srInstanceId
* companyId
* creationDate


 * resourceSeqNum
* resourceId
* resInstanceId
* wipEntityName
* batchId
* operationSequenceId
* dataSourceType
* parentSeqNum
* srInstanceCode
* startDate
* organizationId
* programApplicationId
* stTransactionId
* programUpdateDate
* resourceCode
* companyName
* requestId
* orgainzationCode
* errorText
* resInstanceCode
* departmentId
* messageId
* batchNumber
* lastUpdatedBy
* equipmentItemId
* wipEntityId
* operationSeqCode
* processFlag
* programId
* refreshId
* createdBy
* deletedFlag
* lastUpdateDate
* operationSeqNum
* serialNumber
* completionDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* srInstanceId
* companyId
* creationDate


 * refreshId
* stTransactionId
* programUpdateDate
* fromOpEffectivityDate
* toWipEntityId
* srInstanceId
* dataSourceType
* requestId
* topWipEntityId
* transferUom
* transferPct
* applyToCharges
* transitionType
* lastUpdatedBy
* alternateRoutingDesignator
* fromOpSeqId
* lastUpdateLogin
* wipEntityName
* wipEntityId
* processFlag
* programId
* companyName
* deletedFlag
* toOpSeqNum
* errorText
* fromItemId
* toOperationSeqCode
* fromOperationSeqCode
* assemblyName
* srInstanceCode
* minimumTransferQty
* dependencyType
* routingName
* fromItemName
* planningPct
* minimumTimeOffset
* maximumTimeOffset
* toOpSeqId
* recommended
* fromOpSeqNum
* transferQty
* messageId
* createdBy
* toWipEntityName
* lastUpdateDate
* programApplicationId
* creationDate
* toOpEffectivityDate
* organizationId
* routingSequenceId
* organizationCode
* batchId


 * refreshId
* stTransactionId
* programUpdateDate
* fromOpEffectivityDate
* toWipEntityId
* srInstanceId
* dataSourceType
* requestId
* topWipEntityId
* transferUom
* transferPct
* applyToCharges
* transitionType
* lastUpdatedBy
* alternateRoutingDesignator
* fromOpSeqId
* lastUpdateLogin
* wipEntityName
* wipEntityId
* processFlag
* programId
* companyName
* deletedFlag
* toOpSeqNum
* errorText
* fromItemId
* toOperationSeqCode
* fromOperationSeqCode
* assemblyName
* srInstanceCode
* minimumTransferQty
* dependencyType
* routingName
* fromItemName
* planningPct
* minimumTimeOffset
* maximumTimeOffset
* toOpSeqId
* recommended
* fromOpSeqNum
* transferQty
* messageId
* createdBy
* toWipEntityName
* lastUpdateDate
* programApplicationId
* creationDate
* toOpEffectivityDate
* organizationId
* routingSequenceId
* organizationCode
* batchId


 * programUpdateDate
* processFlag
* batchId
* srTpSiteId
* companyName
* requestId
* locationCode
* srInstanceId
* refreshId
* lastUpdateLogin
* errorText
* sourceLocationId
* partnerId
* srInstanceCode
* programApplicationId
* dataSourceType
* organizatonId
* organizationId
* sourceSrTpId
* partnerSiteId
* messageId
* locationId
* partnerType
* lastUpdatedBy
* sourceSrTpSiteId
* creationDate
* partnerName
* srTpId
* companyId
* lastUpdateDate
* programId
* organizationCode
* stTransactionId
* deletedFlag
* createdBy
* tpSiteCode


 * programUpdateDate
* processFlag
* batchId
* srTpSiteId
* companyName
* requestId
* locationCode
* srInstanceId
* refreshId
* lastUpdateLogin
* errorText
* sourceLocationId
* partnerId
* srInstanceCode
* programApplicationId
* dataSourceType
* organizatonId
* organizationId
* sourceSrTpId
* partnerSiteId
* messageId
* locationId
* partnerType
* lastUpdatedBy
* sourceSrTpSiteId
* creationDate
* partnerName
* srTpId
* companyId
* lastUpdateDate
* programId
* organizationCode
* stTransactionId
* deletedFlag
* createdBy
* tpSiteCode


 * attribute2
* createdBy
* messageId
* borrowProjectId
* attribute9
* quantity
* creationDate
* stTransactionId
* batchId
* organizationId
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute3
* attribute11
* scheduledPaybackDate
* lendingTaskId
* attribute14
* attribute13
* borrowTaskId
* planningGroup
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute15
* inventoryItemId
* lendingProjectId
* programApplicationId
* errorText
* programId
* processFlag
* attribute5
* srInstanceCode
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute4
* attribute7
* attribute8
* comments
* dataSourceType
* srInstanceId
* requestId
* programUpdateDate
* attribute6
* attribute1
* attribute12
* lendingProjPlanningGroup
* endItemUnitNumber
* refreshId
* attribute10


 * attribute2
* createdBy
* messageId
* borrowProjectId
* attribute9
* quantity
* creationDate
* stTransactionId
* batchId
* organizationId
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute3
* attribute11
* scheduledPaybackDate
* lendingTaskId
* attribute14
* attribute13
* borrowTaskId
* planningGroup
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute15
* inventoryItemId
* lendingProjectId
* programApplicationId
* errorText
* programId
* processFlag
* attribute5
* srInstanceCode
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute4
* attribute7
* attribute8
* comments
* dataSourceType
* srInstanceId
* requestId
* programUpdateDate
* attribute6
* attribute1
* attribute12
* lendingProjPlanningGroup
* endItemUnitNumber
* refreshId
* attribute10


 * srInstanceId
* dataSourceType
* cummulativePct
* maximumTimeOffset
* transferPct
* fromOpSeqNum
* fromOpDisableDate
* programId
* companyName
* attribute14
* attribute9
* stTransactionId
* lastUpdateDate
* messageId
* programUpdateDate
* attribute1
* toRoutingName
* processFlag
* refreshId
* toOpSeqNum
* dependencyType
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute15
* routingName
* programApplicationId
* transferQty
* attribute8
* attribute11
* createdBy
* planningPct
* fromOperationSeqCode
* assemblyName
* requestId
* toOpSeqId
* toOpDisableDate
* planId
* attribute7
* attribute10
* attribute3
* originalSystemReference
* creationDate
* deletedFlag
* attribute2
* toOperationSeqCode
* disableDate
* attributeCategory
* efectivityDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute5
* srInstanceCode
* transferUom
* errorText
* fromItemId
* attribute13
* toOpEffectivityDate
* batchId
* toRoutingSequenceId
* attribute12
* transitionType
* routingSequenceId
* minimumTransferQty
* applyToCharges
* alternateRoutingDesignator
* organizationId
* toAltRoutingDesignator
* attribute6
* fromOpEffectivityDate
* attribute4
* fromItemName
* toAssemblyItemName
* minimumTimeOffset
* organizationCode
* fromOpSeqId


 * srInstanceId
* dataSourceType
* cummulativePct
* maximumTimeOffset
* transferPct
* fromOpSeqNum
* fromOpDisableDate
* programId
* companyName
* attribute14
* attribute9
* stTransactionId
* lastUpdateDate
* messageId
* programUpdateDate
* attribute1
* toRoutingName
* processFlag
* refreshId
* toOpSeqNum
* dependencyType
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute15
* routingName
* programApplicationId
* transferQty
* attribute8
* attribute11
* createdBy
* planningPct
* fromOperationSeqCode
* assemblyName
* requestId
* toOpSeqId
* toOpDisableDate
* planId
* attribute7
* attribute10
* attribute3
* originalSystemReference
* creationDate
* deletedFlag
* attribute2
* toOperationSeqCode
* disableDate
* attributeCategory
* efectivityDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute5
* srInstanceCode
* transferUom
* errorText
* fromItemId
* attribute13
* toOpEffectivityDate
* batchId
* toRoutingSequenceId
* attribute12
* transitionType
* routingSequenceId
* minimumTransferQty
* applyToCharges
* alternateRoutingDesignator
* organizationId
* toAltRoutingDesignator
* attribute6
* fromOpEffectivityDate
* attribute4
* fromItemName
* toAssemblyItemName
* minimumTimeOffset
* organizationCode
* fromOpSeqId


 * planDateDefaultType
* requestId
* demandTimeFenceFlag
* repetitiveBucketSize3
* lastUpdateDate
* partIncludeType
* reschedAssumption
* deletedFlag
* repetitiveBucketSize2
* programUpdateDate
* organizationId
* planSafetyStock
* considerReservations
* lastUpdateLogin
* repetitiveBucketSize1
* considerWip
* refreshId
* periodType
* defaultAbcAssignmentGroup
* snapshotLock
* includeMdsDays
* lastUpdatedBy
* considerPo
* planningTimeFenceFlag
* operationScheduleType
* creationDate
* repetitiveAnchorDate
* programId
* srInstanceId
* includeRepSupplyDays
* createdBy
* programApplicationId
* repetitiveHorizon1
* repetitiveHorizon2


 * planDateDefaultType
* requestId
* demandTimeFenceFlag
* repetitiveBucketSize3
* lastUpdateDate
* partIncludeType
* reschedAssumption
* deletedFlag
* repetitiveBucketSize2
* programUpdateDate
* organizationId
* planSafetyStock
* considerReservations
* lastUpdateLogin
* repetitiveBucketSize1
* considerWip
* refreshId
* periodType
* defaultAbcAssignmentGroup
* snapshotLock
* includeMdsDays
* lastUpdatedBy
* considerPo
* planningTimeFenceFlag
* operationScheduleType
* creationDate
* repetitiveAnchorDate
* programId
* srInstanceId
* includeRepSupplyDays
* createdBy
* programApplicationId
* repetitiveHorizon1
* repetitiveHorizon2


 * requestId
* enabledFlag
* partnerName
* batchId
* programUpdateDate
* creationDate
* stTransactionId
* processFlag
* partnerSiteId
* fax
* companyName
* srInstanceCode
* refreshId
* partnerId
* createdBy
* messageId
* displayName
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* programId
* companyId
* partnerType
* tpSiteCode
* name
* deletedFlag
* dataSourceType
* email
* lastUpdateDate
* programApplicationId
* errorText
* srInstanceId


 * requestId
* enabledFlag
* partnerName
* batchId
* programUpdateDate
* creationDate
* stTransactionId
* processFlag
* partnerSiteId
* fax
* companyName
* srInstanceCode
* refreshId
* partnerId
* createdBy
* messageId
* displayName
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* programId
* companyId
* partnerType
* tpSiteCode
* name
* deletedFlag
* dataSourceType
* email
* lastUpdateDate
* programApplicationId
* errorText
* srInstanceId


 * periodStartDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* refreshId
* createdBy
* calendarCode
* deletedFlag
* lastUpdateLogin
* periodName
* creationDate
* programId
* srInstanceId
* requestId
* nextDate
* priorDate
* programApplicationId
* programUpdateDate
* periodSequenceNum
* exceptionSetId
* lastUpdateDate


 * periodStartDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* refreshId
* createdBy
* calendarCode
* deletedFlag
* lastUpdateLogin
* periodName
* creationDate
* programId
* srInstanceId
* requestId
* nextDate
* priorDate
* programApplicationId
* programUpdateDate
* periodSequenceNum
* exceptionSetId
* lastUpdateDate


 * dataSourceType
* programApplicationId
* messageId
* attribute10
* stTransactionId
* attribute15
* disableDate
* attribute4
* organizationCode
* attributeCategory
* attribute3
* attribute5
* plannerCode
* refreshId
* creationDate
* srInstanceCode
* electronicMailAddress
* errorText
* attribute8
* attribute1
* srInstanceId
* companyName
* attribute11
* employeeId
* attribute13
* requestId
* deletedFlag
* currentEmployeeFlag
* processFlag
* attribute12
* programUpdateDate
* userName
* attribute2
* programId
* description
* attribute14
* organizationId
* createdBy
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute9
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute7
* attribute6
* lastUpdateDate
* batchId


 * dataSourceType
* programApplicationId
* messageId
* attribute10
* stTransactionId
* attribute15
* disableDate
* attribute4
* organizationCode
* attributeCategory
* attribute3
* attribute5
* plannerCode
* refreshId
* creationDate
* srInstanceCode
* electronicMailAddress
* errorText
* attribute8
* attribute1
* srInstanceId
* companyName
* attribute11
* employeeId
* attribute13
* requestId
* deletedFlag
* currentEmployeeFlag
* processFlag
* attribute12
* programUpdateDate
* userName
* attribute2
* programId
* description
* attribute14
* organizationId
* createdBy
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute9
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute7
* attribute6
* lastUpdateDate
* batchId


 * priceListName
* primaryUomCode
* startDate
* priority
* endDate
* price
* srInstanceCode
* itemName
* productUomCode
* primaryUomFlag


 * priceListName
* primaryUomCode
* startDate
* priority
* endDate
* price
* srInstanceCode
* itemName
* productUomCode
* primaryUomFlag


 * applicationName
* lastUpdatedBy
* errorText
* profileOptionName
* lastUpdateLogin
* preferenceSetName
* profileOptionValue
* creationDate
* lastUpdateDate
* processFlag
* levelType
* createdBy
* levelName


 * applicationName
* lastUpdatedBy
* errorText
* profileOptionName
* lastUpdateLogin
* preferenceSetName
* profileOptionValue
* creationDate
* lastUpdateDate
* processFlag
* levelType
* createdBy
* levelName


 * taskNumber
* stTransactionId
* endDate
* srInstanceCode
* sourceProjectId
* requestId
* deletedFlag
* creationDate
* seibanNumberFlag
* wipAcctClassCode
* createdBy
* companyName
* projectNumber
* organizationCode
* costingGroupId
* programApplicationId
* programId
* sourceTaskId
* batchId
* materialAccount
* sourceOrgId
* lastUpdateLogin
* startDate
* projectId
* programUpdateDate
* errorText
* organizationId
* companyId
* costingGroupCode
* taskId
* planningGroup
* processFlag
* projectStartDate
* lastUpdateDate
* manager
* dataSourceType
* managerContact
* projectDescription
* srInstanceId
* lastUpdatedBy
* taskName
* description
* refreshId
* messageId
* projectCompletionDate
* sourceCostingGroupId


 * taskNumber
* stTransactionId
* endDate
* srInstanceCode
* sourceProjectId
* requestId
* deletedFlag
* creationDate
* seibanNumberFlag
* wipAcctClassCode
* createdBy
* companyName
* projectNumber
* organizationCode
* costingGroupId
* programApplicationId
* programId
* sourceTaskId
* batchId
* materialAccount
* sourceOrgId
* lastUpdateLogin
* startDate
* projectId
* programUpdateDate
* errorText
* organizationId
* companyId
* costingGroupCode
* taskId
* planningGroup
* processFlag
* projectStartDate
* lastUpdateDate
* manager
* dataSourceType
* managerContact
* projectDescription
* srInstanceId
* lastUpdatedBy
* taskName
* description
* refreshId
* messageId
* projectCompletionDate
* sourceCostingGroupId


 * projectNumberSortOrder
* projectName
* deletedFlag
* requestId
* programId
* lastUpdatedBy
* createdBy
* projectNumber
* programApplicationId
* projectDescription
* startDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* organizationId
* creationDate
* managerContact
* wipAcctClassCode
* seibanNumberFlag
* completionDate
* programUpdateDate
* srInstanceId
* refreshId
* materialAccount
* costingGroupId
* planningGroup
* operatingUnit
* lastUpdateDate
* projectId


 * projectNumberSortOrder
* projectName
* deletedFlag
* requestId
* programId
* lastUpdatedBy
* createdBy
* projectNumber
* programApplicationId
* projectDescription
* startDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* organizationId
* creationDate
* managerContact
* wipAcctClassCode
* seibanNumberFlag
* completionDate
* programUpdateDate
* srInstanceId
* refreshId
* materialAccount
* costingGroupId
* planningGroup
* operatingUnit
* lastUpdateDate
* projectId


 * city
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* programUpdateDate
* vendorName
* createdBy
* regionType
* vendorSiteCode
* programId
* zoneLevel
* processFlag
* countryCode
* postalCodeTo
* vendorSiteId
* stateCode
* postalCodeFrom
* refreshId
* requestId
* errorText
* regionId
* stTransactionId
* deletedFlag
* state
* lastUpdateDate
* creationDate
* srInstanceCode
* companyName
* srInstanceId
* zone
* cityCode
* country
* batchId
* messageId
* dataSourceType
* programApplicationId


 * city
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* programUpdateDate
* vendorName
* createdBy
* regionType
* vendorSiteCode
* programId
* zoneLevel
* processFlag
* countryCode
* postalCodeTo
* vendorSiteId
* stateCode
* postalCodeFrom
* refreshId
* requestId
* errorText
* regionId
* stTransactionId
* deletedFlag
* state
* lastUpdateDate
* creationDate
* srInstanceCode
* companyName
* srInstanceId
* zone
* cityCode
* country
* batchId
* messageId
* dataSourceType
* programApplicationId


 * processFlag
* fromTime
* messageId
* departmentId
* shiftNum
* lastUpdateLogin
* simulationSet
* srInstanceCode
* refreshId
* actionType
* deletedFlag
* programUpdateDate
* dataSourceType
* companyName
* organizationId
* serialNumber
* requestId
* fromDate
* toTime
* resInstanceCode
* companyId
* programApplicationId
* createdBy
* capacityChange
* departmentCode
* stTransactionId
* resInstanceId
* programId
* resourceCode
* orgainzationCode
* batchId
* lastUpdatedBy
* creationDate
* resourceId
* srInstanceId
* toDate
* lastUpdateDate
* errorText


 * processFlag
* fromTime
* messageId
* departmentId
* shiftNum
* lastUpdateLogin
* simulationSet
* srInstanceCode
* refreshId
* actionType
* deletedFlag
* programUpdateDate
* dataSourceType
* companyName
* organizationId
* serialNumber
* requestId
* fromDate
* toTime
* resInstanceCode
* companyId
* programApplicationId
* createdBy
* capacityChange
* departmentCode
* stTransactionId
* resInstanceId
* programId
* resourceCode
* orgainzationCode
* batchId
* lastUpdatedBy
* creationDate
* resourceId
* srInstanceId
* toDate
* lastUpdateDate
* errorText


 * supplyOrgCode
* processFlag
* dispositionType
* companyName
* supplySourceTypeId
* lotNumber
* inventoryItemId
* projectNumber
* planningGroup
* dispositionId
* demandSourceLineId
* serialNumber
* reservedQuantity
* programId
* transactionType
* projectId
* messageId
* errorText
* organizationId
* refreshId
* salesOrderNumber
* lastUpdatedBy
* programApplicationId
* batchId
* demandOrderNumber
* dataSourceType
* organizationCode
* repairPoHeaderId
* demandClass
* lineNum
* supplySourceHeaderId
* parentDemandId
* reservationType
* srInstanceCode
* creationDate
* availableToMrp
* createdBy
* purchLineNum
* supplyOrderNumber
* deletedFlag
* lastUpdateDate
* supplySourceLineId
* srInstanceId
* order2InventoryItemId
* requestId
* revision
* lastUpdateLogin
* requirementDate
* itemName
* transactionId
* stTransactionId
* subinventory
* order2OrganizationId
* taskId
* taskNumber
* reservationFlag
* programUpdateDate


 * supplyOrgCode
* processFlag
* dispositionType
* companyName
* supplySourceTypeId
* lotNumber
* inventoryItemId
* projectNumber
* planningGroup
* dispositionId
* demandSourceLineId
* serialNumber
* reservedQuantity
* programId
* transactionType
* projectId
* messageId
* errorText
* organizationId
* refreshId
* salesOrderNumber
* lastUpdatedBy
* programApplicationId
* batchId
* demandOrderNumber
* dataSourceType
* organizationCode
* repairPoHeaderId
* demandClass
* lineNum
* supplySourceHeaderId
* parentDemandId
* reservationType
* srInstanceCode
* creationDate
* availableToMrp
* createdBy
* purchLineNum
* supplyOrderNumber
* deletedFlag
* lastUpdateDate
* supplySourceLineId
* srInstanceId
* order2InventoryItemId
* requestId
* revision
* lastUpdateLogin
* requirementDate
* itemName
* transactionId
* stTransactionId
* subinventory
* order2OrganizationId
* taskId
* taskNumber
* reservationFlag
* programUpdateDate


 * creationDate
* deletedFlag
* createdBy
* dataSourceType
* companyId
* srInstanceCode
* organizationCode
* organizationId
* srInstanceId
* toDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* refreshId
* messageId
* resourceCode
* stTransactionId
* lastUpdateDate
* programId
* capacityChange
* shiftNum
* companyName
* toTime
* simulationSet
* processFlag
* shiftName
* programUpdateDate
* actionType
* batchId
* requestId
* departmentCode
* fromDate
* resourceId
* lastUpdateLogin
* errorText
* departmentId
* fromTime
* programApplicationId


 * creationDate
* deletedFlag
* createdBy
* dataSourceType
* companyId
* srInstanceCode
* organizationCode
* organizationId
* srInstanceId
* toDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* refreshId
* messageId
* resourceCode
* stTransactionId
* lastUpdateDate
* programId
* capacityChange
* shiftNum
* companyName
* toTime
* simulationSet
* processFlag
* shiftName
* programUpdateDate
* actionType
* batchId
* requestId
* departmentCode
* fromDate
* resourceId
* lastUpdateLogin
* errorText
* departmentId
* fromTime
* programApplicationId


 * lastUpdateLogin
* departmentId
* lastUpdateDate
* programId
* chargeEndDatetime
* orgainzationCode
* messageId
* deletedFlag
* chargeQuantity
* alternateNum
* lastUpdatedBy
* stTransactionId
* operationSequenceId
* operationSeqNum
* routingName
* routingSequenceId
* companyName
* errorText
* dataSourceType
* srInstanceId
* creationDate
* createdBy
* refreshId
* resourceCode
* organizationId
* srInstanceCode
* requestId
* programApplicationId
* batchId
* resourceSeqNum
* chargeStartDatetime
* wipEntityName
* companyId
* chargeNumber
* operationSeqCode
* processFlag
* resourceId
* wipEntityId
* programUpdateDate


 * lastUpdateLogin
* departmentId
* lastUpdateDate
* programId
* chargeEndDatetime
* orgainzationCode
* messageId
* deletedFlag
* chargeQuantity
* alternateNum
* lastUpdatedBy
* stTransactionId
* operationSequenceId
* operationSeqNum
* routingName
* routingSequenceId
* companyName
* errorText
* dataSourceType
* srInstanceId
* creationDate
* createdBy
* refreshId
* resourceCode
* organizationId
* srInstanceCode
* requestId
* programApplicationId
* batchId
* resourceSeqNum
* chargeStartDatetime
* wipEntityName
* companyId
* chargeNumber
* operationSeqCode
* processFlag
* resourceId
* wipEntityId
* programUpdateDate


 * attribute5
* attribute2
* description
* meaning
* refreshId
* creationDate
* attribute10
* attribute9
* lastUpdateDate
* requestId
* programId
* srInstanceCode
* attribute11
* batchId
* stTransactionId
* enabledFlag
* groupCode
* attributeCategory
* attribute14
* processFlag
* createdBy
* attribute4
* attribute1
* attribute15
* attribute3
* toDate
* attribute8
* attribute7
* messageId
* companyName
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* srInstanceId
* dataSourceType
* attribute6
* fromDate
* deletedFlag
* errorText
* programApplicationId
* programUpdateDate
* attribute12
* attribute13


 * attribute5
* attribute2
* description
* meaning
* refreshId
* creationDate
* attribute10
* attribute9
* lastUpdateDate
* requestId
* programId
* srInstanceCode
* attribute11
* batchId
* stTransactionId
* enabledFlag
* groupCode
* attributeCategory
* attribute14
* processFlag
* createdBy
* attribute4
* attribute1
* attribute15
* attribute3
* toDate
* attribute8
* attribute7
* messageId
* companyName
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* srInstanceId
* dataSourceType
* attribute6
* fromDate
* deletedFlag
* errorText
* programApplicationId
* programUpdateDate
* attribute12
* attribute13


 * resourceId
* programUpdateDate
* operationDesc
* companyName
* version
* processFlag
* stTransactionId
* resourceCode
* creationDate
* refreshId
* programApplicationId
* setupDescription
* lastUpdateDate
* requestId
* messageId
* srInstanceId
* programId
* lastUpdatedBy
* srInstanceCode
* createdBy
* setupId
* deletedFlag
* companyId
* lastUpdateLogin
* dataSourceType
* organizationCode
* setupCode
* batchId
* organizationId
* errorText


 * resourceId
* programUpdateDate
* operationDesc
* companyName
* version
* processFlag
* stTransactionId
* resourceCode
* creationDate
* refreshId
* programApplicationId
* setupDescription
* lastUpdateDate
* requestId
* messageId
* srInstanceId
* programId
* lastUpdatedBy
* srInstanceCode
* createdBy
* setupId
* deletedFlag
* companyId
* lastUpdateLogin
* dataSourceType
* organizationCode
* setupCode
* batchId
* organizationId
* errorText


 * departmentCode
* shiftNum
* batchId
* programApplicationId
* resourceCode
* programId
* errorText
* programUpdateDate
* deletedFlag
* lastUpdatedBy
* refreshId
* stTransactionId
* dataSourceType
* srInstanceCode
* srInstanceId
* resourceId
* messageId
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* createdBy
* companyId
* capacityUnits
* lastUpdateDate
* requestId
* companyName
* shiftName
* organizationCode
* processFlag
* departmentId


 * departmentCode
* shiftNum
* batchId
* programApplicationId
* resourceCode
* programId
* errorText
* programUpdateDate
* deletedFlag
* lastUpdatedBy
* refreshId
* stTransactionId
* dataSourceType
* srInstanceCode
* srInstanceId
* resourceId
* messageId
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* createdBy
* companyId
* capacityUnits
* lastUpdateDate
* requestId
* companyName
* shiftName
* organizationCode
* processFlag
* departmentId


 * requestId
* cfmRoutingFlag
* creationDate
* lineId
* organizationCode
* sourceAssemblyItemId
* sourceRoutingSequenceId
* firstOpSeqNum
* sourceTaskId
* routingQuantity
* sourceCommonRoutingSeqId
* commonRoutingSequenceId
* companyId
* lastOperationSeqCode
* lineCode
* companyName
* taskId
* deletedFlag
* uomCode
* autoStepQtyFlag
* alternateBomDesignator
* routingType
* lastUpdatedBy
* commonRoutingName
* lastOpSeqNum
* routingName
* lastUpdateLogin
* taskNumber
* batchId
* refreshId
* alternateRoutingDesignator
* assemblyItemId
* srInstanceCode
* messageId
* projectId
* lastUpdateDate
* createdBy
* priority
* sourceProjectId
* sourceBillSequenceId
* projectNumber
* routingComment
* alternateRoutingDesignator#1
* completionSubinventory
* mixedModelMapFlag
* sourceOrganizationId
* srInstanceId
* completionLocatorId
* sourceLineId
* organizationId
* ctpFlag
* processFlag
* errorText
* billSequenceId
* assemblyName
* programApplicationId
* bomName
* programUpdateDate
* dataSourceType
* firstOperationSeqCode
* itemProcessCost
* routingSequenceId
* programId
* stTransactionId
* totalProductCycleTime


 * requestId
* cfmRoutingFlag
* creationDate
* lineId
* organizationCode
* sourceAssemblyItemId
* sourceRoutingSequenceId
* firstOpSeqNum
* sourceTaskId
* routingQuantity
* sourceCommonRoutingSeqId
* commonRoutingSequenceId
* companyId
* lastOperationSeqCode
* lineCode
* companyName
* taskId
* deletedFlag
* uomCode
* autoStepQtyFlag
* alternateBomDesignator
* routingType
* lastUpdatedBy
* commonRoutingName
* lastOpSeqNum
* routingName
* lastUpdateLogin
* taskNumber
* batchId
* refreshId
* alternateRoutingDesignator
* assemblyItemId
* srInstanceCode
* messageId
* projectId
* lastUpdateDate
* createdBy
* priority
* sourceProjectId
* sourceBillSequenceId
* projectNumber
* routingComment
* alternateRoutingDesignator#1
* completionSubinventory
* mixedModelMapFlag
* sourceOrganizationId
* srInstanceId
* completionLocatorId
* sourceLineId
* organizationId
* ctpFlag
* processFlag
* errorText
* billSequenceId
* assemblyName
* programApplicationId
* bomName
* programUpdateDate
* dataSourceType
* firstOperationSeqCode
* itemProcessCost
* routingSequenceId
* programId
* stTransactionId
* totalProductCycleTime


 * taskId
* lastUpdateLogin
* companyName
* organizationCode
* dataSourceType
* batchId
* projectId
* periodStartDate
* planningGroup
* safetyStockQuantity
* messageId
* programApplicationId
* srInstanceId
* itemName
* lastUpdatedBy
* processFlag
* projectNumber
* stTransactionId
* inventoryItemId
* deletedFlag
* itemTypeValue
* updated
* creationDate
* taskNumber
* createdBy
* itemTypeId
* srInstanceCode
* refreshId
* organizationId
* status
* programId
* errorText
* lastUpdateDate
* requestId
* programUpdateDate


 * taskId
* lastUpdateLogin
* companyName
* organizationCode
* dataSourceType
* batchId
* projectId
* periodStartDate
* planningGroup
* safetyStockQuantity
* messageId
* programApplicationId
* srInstanceId
* itemName
* lastUpdatedBy
* processFlag
* projectNumber
* stTransactionId
* inventoryItemId
* deletedFlag
* itemTypeValue
* updated
* creationDate
* taskNumber
* createdBy
* itemTypeId
* srInstanceCode
* refreshId
* organizationId
* status
* programId
* errorText
* lastUpdateDate
* requestId
* programUpdateDate


 * serialNumber
* attribute5
* userDefined8
* inventoryItemId
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute11
* publisherSiteId
* userDefined4
* lineId
* attribute7
* requestId
* attribute10
* attribute8
* parentHeaderId
* publisherId
* userDefined10
* userDefined5
* errMsg
* attribute15
* userDefined1
* attribute12
* userDefined7
* publisherSite
* context
* attribute2
* attribute13
* serialTxnId
* attachmentUrl
* userDefined2
* orderType
* createdBy
* publisherItemName
* userDefined9
* attribute3
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute14
* masterItemName
* syncIndicator
* userDefined6
* creationDate
* attribute4
* rowStatus
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute1
* attribute6
* attribute9
* userDefined3
* publisherCompany


 * serialNumber
* attribute5
* userDefined8
* inventoryItemId
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute11
* publisherSiteId
* userDefined4
* lineId
* attribute7
* requestId
* attribute10
* attribute8
* parentHeaderId
* publisherId
* userDefined10
* userDefined5
* errMsg
* attribute15
* userDefined1
* attribute12
* userDefined7
* publisherSite
* context
* attribute2
* attribute13
* serialTxnId
* attachmentUrl
* userDefined2
* orderType
* createdBy
* publisherItemName
* userDefined9
* attribute3
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute14
* masterItemName
* syncIndicator
* userDefined6
* creationDate
* attribute4
* rowStatus
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute1
* attribute6
* attribute9
* userDefined3
* publisherCompany


 * fromSetupId
* companyName
* standardOperationId
* errorText
* deletedFlag
* departmentCode
* resourceId
* srInstanceCode
* messageId
* lastUpdateLogin
* refreshId
* processFlag
* requestId
* companyId
* fromSetupCode
* dataSourceType
* toSetupCode
* srInstanceId
* creationDate
* transitionPenalty
* organizationId
* programApplicationId
* transitionUom
* lastUpdateDate
* batchId
* stTransactionId
* resourceCode
* programId
* lastUpdatedBy
* createdBy
* toSetupId
* standardOperationCode
* programUpdateDate
* transitionTime
* organizationCode


 * fromSetupId
* companyName
* standardOperationId
* errorText
* deletedFlag
* departmentCode
* resourceId
* srInstanceCode
* messageId
* lastUpdateLogin
* refreshId
* processFlag
* requestId
* companyId
* fromSetupCode
* dataSourceType
* toSetupCode
* srInstanceId
* creationDate
* transitionPenalty
* organizationId
* programApplicationId
* transitionUom
* lastUpdateDate
* batchId
* stTransactionId
* resourceCode
* programId
* lastUpdatedBy
* createdBy
* toSetupId
* standardOperationCode
* programUpdateDate
* transitionTime
* organizationCode


 * programApplicationId
* exceptionType
* createdBy
* deletedFlag
* dataSourceType
* programUpdateDate
* calendarCode
* creationDate
* errorText
* lastUpdateLogin
* srInstanceCode
* companyName
* lastUpdatedBy
* shiftNum
* exceptionDate
* messageId
* stTransactionId
* refreshId
* shiftName
* lastUpdateDate
* companyId
* processFlag
* requestId
* exceptionSetId
* programId
* srInstanceId


 * programApplicationId
* exceptionType
* createdBy
* deletedFlag
* dataSourceType
* programUpdateDate
* calendarCode
* creationDate
* errorText
* lastUpdateLogin
* srInstanceCode
* companyName
* lastUpdatedBy
* shiftNum
* exceptionDate
* messageId
* stTransactionId
* refreshId
* shiftName
* lastUpdateDate
* companyId
* processFlag
* requestId
* exceptionSetId
* programId
* srInstanceId


 * errorText
* lastUpdateDate
* srInstanceCode
* createdBy
* shiftNum
* dataSourceType
* programId
* companyId
* shiftName
* messageId
* calendarCode
* processFlag
* programUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* refreshId
* srInstanceId
* lastUpdatedBy
* stTransactionId
* deletedFlag
* companyName
* programApplicationId
* toTime
* creationDate
* fromTime
* requestId


 * errorText
* lastUpdateDate
* srInstanceCode
* createdBy
* shiftNum
* dataSourceType
* programId
* companyId
* shiftName
* messageId
* calendarCode
* processFlag
* programUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* refreshId
* srInstanceId
* lastUpdatedBy
* stTransactionId
* deletedFlag
* companyName
* programApplicationId
* toTime
* creationDate
* fromTime
* requestId


 * description
* deletedFlag
* organizationId
* refreshId
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdateDate
* srInstanceId
* useInWipFlag
* createdBy
* requestId
* programApplicationId
* programUpdateDate
* simulationSet
* lastUpdatedBy
* programId


 * description
* deletedFlag
* organizationId
* refreshId
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdateDate
* srInstanceId
* useInWipFlag
* createdBy
* requestId
* programApplicationId
* programUpdateDate
* simulationSet
* lastUpdatedBy
* programId


 * inventoryItemId
* customerName
* categoryName
* programId
* assignmentId
* assignmentSetId
* categorySetIdentifier
* programApplicationId
* srAssignmentId
* srInstanceId
* regionId
* shipToSiteId
* srAssignmentInstanceId
* sourcingRuleType
* creationDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* sourcingRuleId
* lastUpdateLogin
* location
* assignmentType
* organizationId
* partnerId
* programUpdateDate
* lastUpdateDate
* siteUseCode
* categoryId
* createdBy
* requestId
* refreshId
* deletedFlag
* categorySetName


 * inventoryItemId
* customerName
* categoryName
* programId
* assignmentId
* assignmentSetId
* categorySetIdentifier
* programApplicationId
* srAssignmentId
* srInstanceId
* regionId
* shipToSiteId
* srAssignmentInstanceId
* sourcingRuleType
* creationDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* sourcingRuleId
* lastUpdateLogin
* location
* assignmentType
* organizationId
* partnerId
* programUpdateDate
* lastUpdateDate
* siteUseCode
* categoryId
* createdBy
* requestId
* refreshId
* deletedFlag
* categorySetName


 * attributeCategory
* requestId
* attribute14
* lastUpdatedBy
* batchId
* attribute7
* messageId
* meaning
* lookupType
* programApplicationId
* enabledFlag
* processFlag
* attribute15
* attribute2
* attribute9
* stTransactionId
* srInstanceId
* dataSourceType
* attribute12
* srInstanceCode
* creationDate
* attribute8
* refreshId
* programId
* programUpdateDate
* description
* lastUpdateDate
* createdBy
* errorText
* deletedFlag
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute1
* attribute4
* lookupCode
* attribute13
* companyName
* attribute5
* attribute11
* attribute3
* attribute10
* toDate
* fromDate
* attribute6


 * attributeCategory
* requestId
* attribute14
* lastUpdatedBy
* batchId
* attribute7
* messageId
* meaning
* lookupType
* programApplicationId
* enabledFlag
* processFlag
* attribute15
* attribute2
* attribute9
* stTransactionId
* srInstanceId
* dataSourceType
* attribute12
* srInstanceCode
* creationDate
* attribute8
* refreshId
* programId
* programUpdateDate
* description
* lastUpdateDate
* createdBy
* errorText
* deletedFlag
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute1
* attribute4
* lookupCode
* attribute13
* companyName
* attribute5
* attribute11
* attribute3
* attribute10
* toDate
* fromDate
* attribute6


 * lastUpdateDate
* receiptPartnerId
* sourcingRuleId
* programUpdateDate
* receiptPartnerSiteId
* requestId
* srReceiptId
* effectiveDate
* receiptOrgInstanceId
* srInstanceId
* lastUpdatedBy
* deletedFlag
* disableDate
* programId
* srSrReceiptOrg
* lastUpdateLogin
* refreshId
* programApplicationId
* createdBy
* creationDate


 * lastUpdateDate
* receiptPartnerId
* sourcingRuleId
* programUpdateDate
* receiptPartnerSiteId
* requestId
* srReceiptId
* effectiveDate
* receiptOrgInstanceId
* srInstanceId
* lastUpdatedBy
* deletedFlag
* disableDate
* programId
* srSrReceiptOrg
* lastUpdateLogin
* refreshId
* programApplicationId
* createdBy
* creationDate


 * sourceOrgInstanceId
* srInstanceId
* programApplicationId
* rank
* programId
* sourceOrganizationId
* sourceType
* vendorSiteCode
* srSourceId
* programUpdateDate
* srSrSourceId
* allocationPercent
* deletedFlag
* vendorName
* creationDate
* sourcePartnerId
* lastUpdateLogin
* refreshId
* srReceiptId
* lastUpdateDate
* shipMethod
* sourcePartnerSiteId
* secondaryInventory
* createdBy
* requestId
* lastUpdatedBy


 * sourceOrgInstanceId
* srInstanceId
* programApplicationId
* rank
* programId
* sourceOrganizationId
* sourceType
* vendorSiteCode
* srSourceId
* programUpdateDate
* srSrSourceId
* allocationPercent
* deletedFlag
* vendorName
* creationDate
* sourcePartnerId
* lastUpdateLogin
* refreshId
* srReceiptId
* lastUpdateDate
* shipMethod
* sourcePartnerSiteId
* secondaryInventory
* createdBy
* requestId
* lastUpdatedBy


 * resourceCode
* creationDate
* resourceUsage
* resourceId
* createdBy
* departmentId
* substituteGroupNum
* organizationCode
* refreshId
* companyId
* errorText
* lastUpdateDate
* programId
* operationCode
* resourceSeqNum
* lastUpdatedBy
* resourceUnits
* companyName
* scheduleFlag
* srInstanceId
* programApplicationId
* messageId
* processFlag
* standardOperationId
* organizationId
* lastUpdateLogin
* batchId
* deletedFlag
* srInstanceCode
* resourceSeqCode
* standardOperationCode
* departmentCode
* basisType
* dataSourceType
* programUpdateDate
* uomCode
* requestId


 * resourceCode
* creationDate
* resourceUsage
* resourceId
* createdBy
* departmentId
* substituteGroupNum
* organizationCode
* refreshId
* companyId
* errorText
* lastUpdateDate
* programId
* operationCode
* resourceSeqNum
* lastUpdatedBy
* resourceUnits
* companyName
* scheduleFlag
* srInstanceId
* programApplicationId
* messageId
* processFlag
* standardOperationId
* organizationId
* lastUpdateLogin
* batchId
* deletedFlag
* srInstanceCode
* resourceSeqCode
* standardOperationCode
* departmentCode
* basisType
* dataSourceType
* programUpdateDate
* uomCode
* requestId


 * lastUpdatedBy
* disableDate
* dataSourceType
* srCustomerAcctId
* projectId
* nettingType
* deletedFlag
* srResourceName
* messageId
* srInstanceId
* description
* createdBy
* processFlag
* programId
* batchId
* taskNumber
* stTransactionId
* errorText
* creationDate
* companyName
* organizationCode
* inventoryAtpCode
* lastUpdateDate
* srInstanceCode
* refreshId
* organizationId
* projectNumber
* demandClass
* taskId
* programUpdateDate
* requestId
* companyId
* subInventoryCode
* conditionType
* programApplicationId
* lastUpdateLogin


 * lastUpdatedBy
* disableDate
* dataSourceType
* srCustomerAcctId
* projectId
* nettingType
* deletedFlag
* srResourceName
* messageId
* srInstanceId
* description
* createdBy
* processFlag
* programId
* batchId
* taskNumber
* stTransactionId
* errorText
* creationDate
* companyName
* organizationCode
* inventoryAtpCode
* lastUpdateDate
* srInstanceCode
* refreshId
* organizationId
* projectNumber
* demandClass
* taskId
* programUpdateDate
* requestId
* companyId
* subInventoryCode
* conditionType
* programApplicationId
* lastUpdateLogin


 * vendorSiteCode
* createdBy
* organizationCode
* deletedFlag
* companyId
* programUpdateDate
* organizationId
* batchId
* programApplicationId
* companyName
* srInstanceCode
* vendorName
* lastUpdateDate
* processFlag
* lastUpdatedBy
* supplierId
* creationDate
* refreshId
* bucketType
* rowStatus
* itemName
* dataSourceType
* stTransactionId
* inventoryItemId
* programId
* toDate
* supplierSiteId
* usingOrganizationId
* srInstanceId
* fromDate
* messageId
* capacity
* requestId
* errorText
* lastUpdateLogin


 * vendorSiteCode
* createdBy
* organizationCode
* deletedFlag
* companyId
* programUpdateDate
* organizationId
* batchId
* programApplicationId
* companyName
* srInstanceCode
* vendorName
* lastUpdateDate
* processFlag
* lastUpdatedBy
* supplierId
* creationDate
* refreshId
* bucketType
* rowStatus
* itemName
* dataSourceType
* stTransactionId
* inventoryItemId
* programId
* toDate
* supplierSiteId
* usingOrganizationId
* srInstanceId
* fromDate
* messageId
* capacity
* requestId
* errorText
* lastUpdateLogin


 * srInstanceId
* itemName
* stTransactionId
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* errorText
* supplierId
* usingOrganizationId
* dataSourceType
* batchId
* lastUpdateLogin
* fenceDays
* creationDate
* organizationCode
* processFlag
* companyName
* programUpdateDate
* srInstanceCode
* requestId
* programId
* refreshId
* programApplicationId
* supplierSiteId
* deletedFlag
* vendorSiteCode
* createdBy
* tolerancePercentage
* companyId
* messageId
* organizationId
* inventoryItemId
* vendorName


 * srInstanceId
* itemName
* stTransactionId
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* errorText
* supplierId
* usingOrganizationId
* dataSourceType
* batchId
* lastUpdateLogin
* fenceDays
* creationDate
* organizationCode
* processFlag
* companyName
* programUpdateDate
* srInstanceCode
* requestId
* programId
* refreshId
* programApplicationId
* supplierSiteId
* deletedFlag
* vendorSiteCode
* createdBy
* tolerancePercentage
* companyId
* messageId
* organizationId
* inventoryItemId
* vendorName


 * statusCode
* refreshId
* srInstanceId
* deletedFlag
* stopId
* tripId
* stopLocationId
* stopSequenceNumber
* plannedDepartureDate
* plannedArrivalDate


 * statusCode
* refreshId
* srInstanceId
* deletedFlag
* stopId
* tripId
* stopLocationId
* stopSequenceNumber
* plannedDepartureDate
* plannedArrivalDate


 * statusCode
* weightUom
* srInstanceId
* tripId
* name
* volumeCapacity
* volumeUom
* refreshId
* deletedFlag
* weightCapacity
* shipMethodCode
* plannedFlag


 * statusCode
* weightUom
* srInstanceId
* tripId
* name
* volumeCapacity
* volumeUom
* refreshId
* deletedFlag
* weightCapacity
* shipMethodCode
* plannedFlag


 * deletedFlag
* endItemId
* lastUpdateLogin
* masterOrganizationId
* createdBy
* programApplicationId
* programUpdateDate
* comments
* creationDate
* unitNumber
* refreshId
* programId
* requestId
* lastUpdateDate
* srInstanceId
* lastUpdatedBy


 * deletedFlag
* endItemId
* lastUpdateLogin
* masterOrganizationId
* createdBy
* programApplicationId
* programUpdateDate
* comments
* creationDate
* unitNumber
* refreshId
* programId
* requestId
* lastUpdateDate
* srInstanceId
* lastUpdatedBy


 * uomCode
* srInstanceId
* uomClass
* programId
* lastUpdateLogin
* companyName
* disableDate
* srInstanceCode
* description
* requestId
* refreshId
* createdBy
* baseUomFlag
* stTransactionId
* dataSourceType
* companyId
* batchId
* creationDate
* errorText
* unitOfMeasure
* lastUpdateDate
* programApplicationId
* processFlag
* deletedFlag
* lastUpdatedBy
* messageId
* programUpdateDate


 * uomCode
* srInstanceId
* uomClass
* programId
* lastUpdateLogin
* companyName
* disableDate
* srInstanceCode
* description
* requestId
* refreshId
* createdBy
* baseUomFlag
* stTransactionId
* dataSourceType
* companyId
* batchId
* creationDate
* errorText
* unitOfMeasure
* lastUpdateDate
* programApplicationId
* processFlag
* deletedFlag
* lastUpdatedBy
* messageId
* programUpdateDate


 * programId
* deletedFlag
* toUomClass
* lastUpdateDate
* inventoryItemId
* srInstanceId
* requestId
* srInstanceCode
* fromUomClass
* programUpdateDate
* processFlag
* organizationCode
* messageId
* toUnitOfMeasure
* lastUpdatedBy
* stTransactionId
* itemName
* lastUpdateLogin
* programApplicationId
* refreshId
* companyName
* dataSourceType
* organizationId
* companyId
* toUomCode
* errorText
* fromUnitOfMeasure
* conversionRate
* creationDate
* batchId
* fromUomCode
* disableDate
* createdBy


 * programId
* deletedFlag
* toUomClass
* lastUpdateDate
* inventoryItemId
* srInstanceId
* requestId
* srInstanceCode
* fromUomClass
* programUpdateDate
* processFlag
* organizationCode
* messageId
* toUnitOfMeasure
* lastUpdatedBy
* stTransactionId
* itemName
* lastUpdateLogin
* programApplicationId
* refreshId
* companyName
* dataSourceType
* organizationId
* companyId
* toUomCode
* errorText
* fromUnitOfMeasure
* conversionRate
* creationDate
* batchId
* fromUomCode
* disableDate
* createdBy


 * uomCode
* itemName
* errorText
* lastUpdateLogin
* programId
* unitOfMeasure
* companyName
* uomClass
* programApplicationId
* dataSourceType
* defaultConversionFlag
* refreshId
* deletedFlag
* requestId
* lastUpdatedBy
* creationDate
* srInstanceCode
* lastUpdateDate
* createdBy
* stTransactionId
* disableDate
* processFlag
* inventoryItemId
* companyId
* srInstanceId
* messageId
* conversionRate
* programUpdateDate
* organizationId
* batchId
* organizationCode


 * uomCode
* itemName
* errorText
* lastUpdateLogin
* programId
* unitOfMeasure
* companyName
* uomClass
* programApplicationId
* dataSourceType
* defaultConversionFlag
* refreshId
* deletedFlag
* requestId
* lastUpdatedBy
* creationDate
* srInstanceCode
* lastUpdateDate
* createdBy
* stTransactionId
* disableDate
* processFlag
* inventoryItemId
* companyId
* srInstanceId
* messageId
* conversionRate
* programUpdateDate
* organizationId
* batchId
* organizationCode


 * lastUpdateDate
* shiftNum
* seqNum
* dataSourceType
* requestId
* programUpdateDate
* errorText
* deletedFlag
* stTransactionId
* srInstanceCode
* createdBy
* refreshId
* messageId
* lastUpdateLogin
* processFlag
* daysOn
* companyId
* srInstanceId
* lastUpdatedBy
* programApplicationId
* companyName
* programId
* calendarCode
* daysOff
* creationDate
* description
* shiftName


 * lastUpdateDate
* shiftNum
* seqNum
* dataSourceType
* requestId
* programUpdateDate
* errorText
* deletedFlag
* stTransactionId
* srInstanceCode
* createdBy
* refreshId
* messageId
* lastUpdateLogin
* processFlag
* daysOn
* companyId
* srInstanceId
* lastUpdatedBy
* programApplicationId
* companyName
* programId
* calendarCode
* daysOff
* creationDate
* description
* shiftName


 * refreshNumber
* uomCode
* resourceUnits
* creationDate
* createdBy
* programId
* standardOperationId
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdateDate
* resourceSeqNum
* basisType
* requestId
* resourceId
* programApplicationId
* programUpdateDate
* substituteGroupNum
* operationCode
* departmentId
* srInstanceId
* organizationId
* planId
* scheduleFlag
* resourceUsage
* lastUpdatedBy


 * refreshNumber
* uomCode
* resourceUnits
* creationDate
* createdBy
* programId
* standardOperationId
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdateDate
* resourceSeqNum
* basisType
* requestId
* resourceId
* programApplicationId
* programUpdateDate
* substituteGroupNum
* operationCode
* departmentId
* srInstanceId
* organizationId
* planId
* scheduleFlag
* resourceUsage
* lastUpdatedBy


 * parentSeqNum
* tearDown
* programId
* totalResourceHours
* activityGroupId
* creationDate
* firmEndDate
* stepQuantityUom
* cummulativeQuantity
* earliestCompletionDate
* transactionId
* updated
* yield
* usageRate
* assignedUnits
* stdOpCode
* programUpdateDate
* wipEntityId
* principalFlag
* startDate
* applied
* origResourceSeqNum
* breakableActivityFlag
* minimumCapacity
* uepcd
* quantityWaitingToMove
* aggregateResourceId
* maximumCapacity
* operationSeqNum
* ulpsd
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* supplyType
* bktStartDate
* substResFlag
* operationSequenceId
* capacityConsumedRatio
* planId
* unbucketedStartDate
* earliestStartDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* maximumAssignedUnits
* supplyId
* routingSequenceId
* createdBy
* unbucketedEndDate
* organizationId
* fromSetupId
* stepQuantity
* srInstanceId
* status
* refreshNumber
* batchNumber
* eacd
* minimumTransferQuantity
* hoursExpended
* groupSequenceId
* actualStartDate
* resourceId
* bktEndDate
* quantityInQueue
* setUp
* quantityRunning
* touchTime
* setupId
* resourceSeqNum
* resourceHours
* programApplicationId
* quantityCompleted
* assemblyItemId
* departmentId
* endDate
* recordSource
* loadRate
* firmStartDate
* parentId
* requestId
* groupSequenceNumber
* scheduleFlag
* remainingCapacity
* overloadedCapacity
* basisType
* firmFlag
* reverseCumulativeYield
* unadjustedResourceHours
* dailyResourceHours
* uepsd
* scheduledDemandId
* sourceItemId
* ulpcd
* alternateNum
* jitEndDate


 * parentSeqNum
* tearDown
* programId
* totalResourceHours
* activityGroupId
* creationDate
* firmEndDate
* stepQuantityUom
* cummulativeQuantity
* earliestCompletionDate
* transactionId
* updated
* yield
* usageRate
* assignedUnits
* stdOpCode
* programUpdateDate
* wipEntityId
* principalFlag
* startDate
* applied
* origResourceSeqNum
* breakableActivityFlag
* minimumCapacity
* uepcd
* quantityWaitingToMove
* aggregateResourceId
* maximumCapacity
* operationSeqNum
* ulpsd
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* supplyType
* bktStartDate
* substResFlag
* operationSequenceId
* capacityConsumedRatio
* planId
* unbucketedStartDate
* earliestStartDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* maximumAssignedUnits
* supplyId
* routingSequenceId
* createdBy
* unbucketedEndDate
* organizationId
* fromSetupId
* stepQuantity
* srInstanceId
* status
* refreshNumber
* batchNumber
* eacd
* minimumTransferQuantity
* hoursExpended
* groupSequenceId
* actualStartDate
* resourceId
* bktEndDate
* quantityInQueue
* setUp
* quantityRunning
* touchTime
* setupId
* resourceSeqNum
* resourceHours
* programApplicationId
* quantityCompleted
* assemblyItemId
* departmentId
* endDate
* recordSource
* loadRate
* firmStartDate
* parentId
* requestId
* groupSequenceNumber
* scheduleFlag
* remainingCapacity
* overloadedCapacity
* basisType
* firmFlag
* reverseCumulativeYield
* unadjustedResourceHours
* dailyResourceHours
* uepsd
* scheduledDemandId
* sourceItemId
* ulpcd
* alternateNum
* jitEndDate


 * fromOrganizationId
* coproductsSupply
* intransitLeadTime
* routingSequenceId
* lastUnitStartDate
* wipEntityName
* implementDestOrgId
* earliestCompletionDate
* shipMethod
* rescheduleDays
* ulpsd
* volumeCapacityUsed
* rescheduleFlag
* oldDockDate
* lateSupplyQty
* sourceSupplierId
* expirationQuantity
* ulpcd
* schedulePriority
* qtyScrapped
* owningTpType
* oldFirmDate
* oldLastUnitCompletionDate
* sourceSrInstanceId
* quantityPerAssembly
* implementAlternateRouting
* loadFactorRate
* scoSupplyDate
* projectId
* implementDailyRate
* implementWipClassCode
* purchLineNum
* refreshNumber
* implementAlternateRouting#1
* implementAlternateBom#1
* implementLocationId
* poDistributionId
* customerId
* assetItemId
* lotNumber
* oldNewOrderQuantity
* implementScheduleGroupId
* scheduleGroupId
* poLineId
* eacd
* firmQuantity
* oldDailyRate
* implementProcessingDays
* promisedDate
* requestedCompletionDate
* implementDestInstId
* quantityInProcess
* processSeqId
* status
* acceptanceRequiredFlag
* newScheduleDate
* implementEmployeeId
* intransitCalendar
* implementLineId
* firmDate
* daysLate
* requestId
* alternateBomDesignator
* operationSeqNum
* expirationDate
* nonNettableQty
* implementBuildSequence
* lastUpdatedBy
* taskId
* releaseErrors
* unbucketedNewSchedDate
* newWipStartDate
* sourceItemId
* number1
* supplyIsShared
* implementProjectId
* deliveryPrice
* programApplicationId
* planningPartnerSiteId
* transactionId
* sourceSupplierSiteId
* supplierSiteId
* implementTaskId
* scheduledDemandId
* implementDate
* newShipDate
* implementShipMethod
* buildSequence
* implementJobName
* implementUnitNumber
* actualStartDate
* releaseStatus
* programUpdateDate
* oldShipDate
* shipToSiteId
* planningTpType
* quantityIssued
* unbucketedDemandDate
* needByDate
* demandClass
* oldQtyCompleted
* assetSerialNumber
* wipStatusCode
* scoSupplyFlag
* shipmentId
* implementQuantity
* implementedQuantity
* jobOpSeqNum
* oldFirstUnitStartDate
* wsmFaultyNetwork
* vmiFlag
* parentId
* billSequenceId
* oldNewScheduleDate
* dispositionStatusType
* implementSrInstanceId
* implementSupplierId
* newProcessingDays
* uepsd
* minStartDate
* oldScheduleDate
* recordSource
* implementUomCode
* updated
* originalQuantity
* alternateRoutingDesignator#1
* srInstanceId
* firstUnitCompletionDate
* orderNumber
* alternateRoutingDesignator
* newOrderQuantity
* loadType
* planId
* orderType
* implementAs
* creationDate
* dispositionId
* unitNumber
* lastUpdateDate
* revision
* jumpOpSeqNum
* srMtlSupplyId
* firmPlannedType
* weightCapacityUsed
* scheduleGroupName
* explosionDate
* inventoryItemId
* newOrderPlacementDate
* implementDockDate
* sourceOrganizationId
* implementAlternateBom
* oldWipStartDate
* expectedScrapQty
* implementDemandClass
* dailyRate
* programId
* sourceSupplyId
* planningGroup
* implementShipDate
* poLineLocationId
* uepcd
* origIntransitLeadTime
* alternateBomDesignator#1
* scheduleDesignatorId
* wipStartQuantity
* qtyCompleted
* requestedStartDate
* implementSupplierSiteId
* implementWipStartDate
* subinventoryCode
* topTransactionId
* origShipMethod
* scheduleCompressDays
* receivingCalendar
* orderLineNumber
* firstUnitStartDate
* oldOrderPlacementDate
* newDockDate
* endOrderLineNumber
* cfmRoutingFlag
* oldOrderQuantity
* implementSourceOrgId
* owningPartnerSiteId
* substItemFlag
* oldNeedByDate
* oldFirmQuantity
* lineId
* lastUpdateLogin
* implementFirm
* organizationId
* supplierId
* applied
* byProductUsingAssyId
* earliestStartDate
* originalNeedByDate
* shipCalendar
* endOrderNumber
* implementStatusCode
* wipSupplyType
* lastUnitCompletionDate
* createdBy
* lateSupplyDate


 * fromOrganizationId
* coproductsSupply
* intransitLeadTime
* routingSequenceId
* lastUnitStartDate
* wipEntityName
* implementDestOrgId
* earliestCompletionDate
* shipMethod
* rescheduleDays
* ulpsd
* volumeCapacityUsed
* rescheduleFlag
* oldDockDate
* lateSupplyQty
* sourceSupplierId
* expirationQuantity
* ulpcd
* schedulePriority
* qtyScrapped
* owningTpType
* oldFirmDate
* oldLastUnitCompletionDate
* sourceSrInstanceId
* quantityPerAssembly
* implementAlternateRouting
* loadFactorRate
* scoSupplyDate
* projectId
* implementDailyRate
* implementWipClassCode
* purchLineNum
* refreshNumber
* implementAlternateRouting#1
* implementAlternateBom#1
* implementLocationId
* poDistributionId
* customerId
* assetItemId
* lotNumber
* oldNewOrderQuantity
* implementScheduleGroupId
* scheduleGroupId
* poLineId
* eacd
* firmQuantity
* oldDailyRate
* implementProcessingDays
* promisedDate
* requestedCompletionDate
* implementDestInstId
* quantityInProcess
* processSeqId
* status
* acceptanceRequiredFlag
* newScheduleDate
* implementEmployeeId
* intransitCalendar
* implementLineId
* firmDate
* daysLate
* requestId
* alternateBomDesignator
* operationSeqNum
* expirationDate
* nonNettableQty
* implementBuildSequence
* lastUpdatedBy
* taskId
* releaseErrors
* unbucketedNewSchedDate
* newWipStartDate
* sourceItemId
* number1
* supplyIsShared
* implementProjectId
* deliveryPrice
* programApplicationId
* planningPartnerSiteId
* transactionId
* sourceSupplierSiteId
* supplierSiteId
* implementTaskId
* scheduledDemandId
* implementDate
* newShipDate
* implementShipMethod
* buildSequence
* implementJobName
* implementUnitNumber
* actualStartDate
* releaseStatus
* programUpdateDate
* oldShipDate
* shipToSiteId
* planningTpType
* quantityIssued
* unbucketedDemandDate
* needByDate
* demandClass
* oldQtyCompleted
* assetSerialNumber
* wipStatusCode
* scoSupplyFlag
* shipmentId
* implementQuantity
* implementedQuantity
* jobOpSeqNum
* oldFirstUnitStartDate
* wsmFaultyNetwork
* vmiFlag
* parentId
* billSequenceId
* oldNewScheduleDate
* dispositionStatusType
* implementSrInstanceId
* implementSupplierId
* newProcessingDays
* uepsd
* minStartDate
* oldScheduleDate
* recordSource
* implementUomCode
* updated
* originalQuantity
* alternateRoutingDesignator#1
* srInstanceId
* firstUnitCompletionDate
* orderNumber
* alternateRoutingDesignator
* newOrderQuantity
* loadType
* planId
* orderType
* implementAs
* creationDate
* dispositionId
* unitNumber
* lastUpdateDate
* revision
* jumpOpSeqNum
* srMtlSupplyId
* firmPlannedType
* weightCapacityUsed
* scheduleGroupName
* explosionDate
* inventoryItemId
* newOrderPlacementDate
* implementDockDate
* sourceOrganizationId
* implementAlternateBom
* oldWipStartDate
* expectedScrapQty
* implementDemandClass
* dailyRate
* programId
* sourceSupplyId
* planningGroup
* implementShipDate
* poLineLocationId
* uepcd
* origIntransitLeadTime
* alternateBomDesignator#1
* scheduleDesignatorId
* wipStartQuantity
* qtyCompleted
* requestedStartDate
* implementSupplierSiteId
* implementWipStartDate
* subinventoryCode
* topTransactionId
* origShipMethod
* scheduleCompressDays
* receivingCalendar
* orderLineNumber
* firstUnitStartDate
* oldOrderPlacementDate
* newDockDate
* endOrderLineNumber
* cfmRoutingFlag
* oldOrderQuantity
* implementSourceOrgId
* owningPartnerSiteId
* substItemFlag
* oldNeedByDate
* oldFirmQuantity
* lineId
* lastUpdateLogin
* implementFirm
* organizationId
* supplierId
* applied
* byProductUsingAssyId
* earliestStartDate
* originalNeedByDate
* shipCalendar
* endOrderNumber
* implementStatusCode
* wipSupplyType
* lastUnitCompletionDate
* createdBy
* lateSupplyDate


 * createdBy
* programId
* includeNonNettable
* attribute7
* organizationId
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute8
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute3
* programUpdateDate
* programApplicationId
* refreshNumber
* inventoryAtpCode
* lastUpdateDate
* srInstanceId
* attribute6
* attribute11
* attribute14
* attribute2
* attribute12
* planId
* attributeCategory
* attribute5
* creationDate
* description
* attribute13
* attribute15
* nettingType
* subInventoryCode
* attribute1
* attribute4
* requestId
* attribute10
* srResourceName
* srCustomerAcctId
* conditionType
* attribute9


 * createdBy
* programId
* includeNonNettable
* attribute7
* organizationId
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute8
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute3
* programUpdateDate
* programApplicationId
* refreshNumber
* inventoryAtpCode
* lastUpdateDate
* srInstanceId
* attribute6
* attribute11
* attribute14
* attribute2
* attribute12
* planId
* attributeCategory
* attribute5
* creationDate
* description
* attribute13
* attribute15
* nettingType
* subInventoryCode
* attribute1
* attribute4
* requestId
* attribute10
* srResourceName
* srCustomerAcctId
* conditionType
* attribute9


 * programId
* attribute9
* programUpdateDate
* requestId
* attributeCategory
* attribute8
* subsetDesignatorId
* creationDate
* attribute4
* attribute3
* refreshNumber
* organizationId
* createdBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute10
* attribute1
* lastUpdatedBy
* programApplicationId
* attribute7
* attribute12
* departmentId
* attribute13
* attribute2
* attribute6
* resourceId
* srInstanceId
* attribute15
* attribute11
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute5
* attribute14


 * programId
* attribute9
* programUpdateDate
* requestId
* attributeCategory
* attribute8
* subsetDesignatorId
* creationDate
* attribute4
* attribute3
* refreshNumber
* organizationId
* createdBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute10
* attribute1
* lastUpdatedBy
* programApplicationId
* attribute7
* attribute12
* departmentId
* attribute13
* attribute2
* attribute6
* resourceId
* srInstanceId
* attribute15
* attribute11
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute5
* attribute14


 * attribute8
* creationDate
* attribute10
* attribute7
* lastUpdateLogin
* programId
* attribute2
* refreshNumber
* srInstanceId
* organizationId
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateDate
* name
* description
* requestId
* attribute3
* attribute13
* attribute1
* programApplicationId
* createdBy
* attribute14
* subsetDesignatorId
* attribute6
* attributeCategory
* attribute11
* attribute12
* programUpdateDate
* attribute4
* attribute5
* attribute9
* attribute15


 * attribute8
* creationDate
* attribute10
* attribute7
* lastUpdateLogin
* programId
* attribute2
* refreshNumber
* srInstanceId
* organizationId
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateDate
* name
* description
* requestId
* attribute3
* attribute13
* attribute1
* programApplicationId
* createdBy
* attribute14
* subsetDesignatorId
* attribute6
* attributeCategory
* attribute11
* attribute12
* programUpdateDate
* attribute4
* attribute5
* attribute9
* attribute15


 * categoryId
* attribute3
* attribute7
* subscriberAddressId
* keyDate
* postingPartyId
* customerSiteId
* shipDate
* endOrderLineNumber
* publisherName
* projectNumber
* shippingControlCode
* billOfLadingNumber
* plannerCode
* assemblyItemId
* endOrderPublisherName
* tradingPartnerItemName
* productionSequence
* supplierItemDescription
* totalPrimaryQuantity
* promisedDate
* attribute8
* bucketTypeDesc
* customerSiteName
* endOrderType
* attribute11
* endDate
* supplierName
* originalPromisedDate
* primaryUom
* transactionId
* baseItemId
* attribute1
* attribute10
* releaseStatus
* lastUpdateLogin
* postingPartyName
* plannedWipStartDate
* attribute13
* ownerItemDescription
* sourceDeliveryId
* subscriberOrgId
* number1
* publisherAddressId
* ownerItemName
* publisherOrgId
* totalTpQuantity
* publisherAddress
* srDeliveryStatusCode
* tpItemDescription
* wipStartDate
* requestId
* linkTransId
* publisherSiteId
* subinventoryCode
* containerType
* attribute6
* receiptDate
* supplierItemName
* endOrderPublisherId
* shipToPartySiteName
* bucketType
* context
* endOrderTypeDesc
* itemDescription
* vmiFlag
* designator
* endAssemblyItemName
* attribute9
* newOrderPlacementDate
* attribute4
* seqPlanCompletionFlag
* startDate
* shipFromPartySiteId
* averageAnnualDemand
* refLineId
* version
* creationDate
* refHeaderId
* responseNumber
* inventoryItemId
* endOrderRelNumber
* newScheduleDate
* endOrderPublisherSiteId
* publisherItemName
* tpOrderType
* shippingControl
* shipFromPartyAddressId
* vehicleNumber
* tpUomCode
* attribute14
* inputPlanId
* categoryName
* pubItemDescription
* shipFromAddress
* itemName
* newShipDate
* attachmentUrl
* programUpdateDate
* internalFlag
* shipToPartyId
* shipToPartyAddressId
* customerItemName
* documentNumber
* containerQty
* planId
* comments
* inventoryStatus
* promiseShipDate
* tpOrderTypeDesc
* shipFromPartySiteName
* shipMethod
* supplierAddress
* carrierCode
* customerItemDescription
* pubItemDescriptiion
* uomCode
* totalQuantity
* demandClass
* newScheduleEndDate
* plannedWipEndDate
* tpQuantity
* supplierId
* quantityInProcess
* planningGroup
* lastRefreshNumber
* owningSiteName
* publisherOrderTypeDesc
* supplierSiteId
* shipToPartyName
* needByDate
* baseItemName
* srInstanceId
* supplierSiteName
* shipToAddress
* lastUpdateDate
* acceptanceRequiredFlag
* owningSiteId
* shipFromPartyName
* publisherOrderType
* attribute15
* attribute2
* quantity
* shipToPartySiteId
* ackFlag
* shipFromPartyId
* endOrderNumber
* programId
* endOrderPublisherSiteName
* implementedQuantity
* lineCode
* lastUpdatedBy
* newDockDate
* customerId
* customerName
* taskNumber
* wipEndDate
* lineNumber
* trackingNumber
* primaryQuantity
* attribute5
* releaseNumber
* serialNumber
* customerAddress
* createdBy
* programApplicationId
* publisherId
* unitNumber
* publisherSiteName
* orderNumber
* attribute12
* processedFlag
* requestDate


 * categoryId
* attribute3
* attribute7
* subscriberAddressId
* keyDate
* postingPartyId
* customerSiteId
* shipDate
* endOrderLineNumber
* publisherName
* projectNumber
* shippingControlCode
* billOfLadingNumber
* plannerCode
* assemblyItemId
* endOrderPublisherName
* tradingPartnerItemName
* productionSequence
* supplierItemDescription
* totalPrimaryQuantity
* promisedDate
* attribute8
* bucketTypeDesc
* customerSiteName
* endOrderType
* attribute11
* endDate
* supplierName
* originalPromisedDate
* primaryUom
* transactionId
* baseItemId
* attribute1
* attribute10
* releaseStatus
* lastUpdateLogin
* postingPartyName
* plannedWipStartDate
* attribute13
* ownerItemDescription
* sourceDeliveryId
* subscriberOrgId
* number1
* publisherAddressId
* ownerItemName
* publisherOrgId
* totalTpQuantity
* publisherAddress
* srDeliveryStatusCode
* tpItemDescription
* wipStartDate
* requestId
* linkTransId
* publisherSiteId
* subinventoryCode
* containerType
* attribute6
* receiptDate
* supplierItemName
* endOrderPublisherId
* shipToPartySiteName
* bucketType
* context
* endOrderTypeDesc
* itemDescription
* vmiFlag
* designator
* endAssemblyItemName
* attribute9
* newOrderPlacementDate
* attribute4
* seqPlanCompletionFlag
* startDate
* shipFromPartySiteId
* averageAnnualDemand
* refLineId
* version
* creationDate
* refHeaderId
* responseNumber
* inventoryItemId
* endOrderRelNumber
* newScheduleDate
* endOrderPublisherSiteId
* publisherItemName
* tpOrderType
* shippingControl
* shipFromPartyAddressId
* vehicleNumber
* tpUomCode
* attribute14
* inputPlanId
* categoryName
* pubItemDescription
* shipFromAddress
* itemName
* newShipDate
* attachmentUrl
* programUpdateDate
* internalFlag
* shipToPartyId
* shipToPartyAddressId
* customerItemName
* documentNumber
* containerQty
* planId
* comments
* inventoryStatus
* promiseShipDate
* tpOrderTypeDesc
* shipFromPartySiteName
* shipMethod
* supplierAddress
* carrierCode
* customerItemDescription
* pubItemDescriptiion
* uomCode
* totalQuantity
* demandClass
* newScheduleEndDate
* plannedWipEndDate
* tpQuantity
* supplierId
* quantityInProcess
* planningGroup
* lastRefreshNumber
* owningSiteName
* publisherOrderTypeDesc
* supplierSiteId
* shipToPartyName
* needByDate
* baseItemName
* srInstanceId
* supplierSiteName
* shipToAddress
* lastUpdateDate
* acceptanceRequiredFlag
* owningSiteId
* shipFromPartyName
* publisherOrderType
* attribute15
* attribute2
* quantity
* shipToPartySiteId
* ackFlag
* shipFromPartyId
* endOrderNumber
* programId
* endOrderPublisherSiteName
* implementedQuantity
* lineCode
* lastUpdatedBy
* newDockDate
* customerId
* customerName
* taskNumber
* wipEndDate
* lineNumber
* trackingNumber
* primaryQuantity
* attribute5
* releaseNumber
* serialNumber
* customerAddress
* createdBy
* programApplicationId
* publisherId
* unitNumber
* publisherSiteName
* orderNumber
* attribute12
* processedFlag
* requestDate


 * wipEndDateNew
* shipDateOld
* planId
* publisherItemName
* ownerItemDescription
* orderNumber
* lineNumber
* commentsNew
* publisherOrderType
* keyDateOld
* plannedWipStartDateOld
* lastUpdatedBy
* endOrderNumber
* publisherOrderTypeDesc
* transactionId
* bucketTypeNew
* newOrderPlacementDateNew
* wipEndDateOld
* newScheduleDateNew
* receiptDateOld
* requestDateNew
* itemDescription
* endOrderRelNumber
* useForComparison
* keyDateNew
* newOrderPlacementDateOld
* customerItemDescription
* ownerItemName
* publisherName
* supplierSiteName
* tradingPartnerItemName
* historyId
* newScheduleDateOld
* bucketTypeOld
* plannedWipEndDateOld
* dmltype
* originalPromisedDateOld
* customerName
* commentsOld
* lastRefreshNumberNew
* customerSiteName
* designatorOld
* receiptDateNew
* plannedWipEndDateNew
* wipStartDateNew
* quantityOld
* supplierItemName
* itemName
* supplierName
* plannedWipStartDateNew
* publisherSiteName
* releaseNumber
* versionOld
* shipDateNew
* designatorNew
* wipStartDateOld
* tpItemDescription
* quantityNew
* originalPromisedDateNew
* lastRefreshNumberOld
* supplierItemDescription
* versionNew
* customerItemName
* endOrderLineNumber
* pubItemDescription
* lastUpdateDate
* requestDateOld


 * wipEndDateNew
* shipDateOld
* planId
* publisherItemName
* ownerItemDescription
* orderNumber
* lineNumber
* commentsNew
* publisherOrderType
* keyDateOld
* plannedWipStartDateOld
* lastUpdatedBy
* endOrderNumber
* publisherOrderTypeDesc
* transactionId
* bucketTypeNew
* newOrderPlacementDateNew
* wipEndDateOld
* newScheduleDateNew
* receiptDateOld
* requestDateNew
* itemDescription
* endOrderRelNumber
* useForComparison
* keyDateNew
* newOrderPlacementDateOld
* customerItemDescription
* ownerItemName
* publisherName
* supplierSiteName
* tradingPartnerItemName
* historyId
* newScheduleDateOld
* bucketTypeOld
* plannedWipEndDateOld
* dmltype
* originalPromisedDateOld
* customerName
* commentsOld
* lastRefreshNumberNew
* customerSiteName
* designatorOld
* receiptDateNew
* plannedWipEndDateNew
* wipStartDateNew
* quantityOld
* supplierItemName
* itemName
* supplierName
* plannedWipStartDateNew
* publisherSiteName
* releaseNumber
* versionOld
* shipDateNew
* designatorNew
* wipStartDateOld
* tpItemDescription
* quantityNew
* originalPromisedDateNew
* lastRefreshNumberOld
* supplierItemDescription
* versionNew
* customerItemName
* endOrderLineNumber
* pubItemDescription
* lastUpdateDate
* requestDateOld


 * quantity
* uom
* bucketType
* attribute5
* orderIdentifier
* newOrderPlacementDate
* context
* endOrderType
* shipToPartyName
* refLineId
* itemName
* shipFromPartyName
* attribute9
* inventoryItemId
* containerType
* attribute13
* attribute4
* customerAddress
* requestDate
* newDockDate
* wipStartDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* syncIndicator
* attribute15
* version
* containerQty
* attribute6
* attachmentUrl
* supplierSite
* vehicleNumber
* attribute10
* rowStatus
* orderType
* publisherAddress
* endDate
* subscribersXrefName
* lineNumber
* carrierCode
* attribute8
* refReleaseNumber
* billOfLadingNumber
* serialNumber
* shipDate
* shipFromPartySite
* peggingOrderIdentifier
* createdBy
* attribute7
* customerItemName
* publisherSiteId
* programApplicationId
* attribute11
* documentNumber
* shipToAddress
* publisherCompany
* lineId
* keyDate
* originalPromisedDate
* shipToPartySite
* releaseNumber
* vmiFlag
* supplierAddress
* newShipDate
* wipEndDate
* errMsg
* creationDate
* attribute2
* startDate
* shipToPartyAddress
* receiptDate
* shippingControl
* programUpdateDate
* supplierItemName
* lastUpdatedBy
* subscriberAddress
* refHeaderId
* designator
* newScheduleDate
* responseNumber
* postingPartyName
* requestId
* demandClass
* customerSite
* programId
* lastUpdateDate
* publisherSite
* parentHeaderId
* attribute12
* ownerItemName
* shipFromPartyAddress
* endOrderPublisherSite
* comments
* endOrderPublisherName
* supplierCompany
* customerCompany
* subinventoryCode
* trackingNumber
* refLineNumber
* attribute1
* attribute3
* attribute14
* keyEndDate
* newScheduleEndDate


 * quantity
* uom
* bucketType
* attribute5
* orderIdentifier
* newOrderPlacementDate
* context
* endOrderType
* shipToPartyName
* refLineId
* itemName
* shipFromPartyName
* attribute9
* inventoryItemId
* containerType
* attribute13
* attribute4
* customerAddress
* requestDate
* newDockDate
* wipStartDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* syncIndicator
* attribute15
* version
* containerQty
* attribute6
* attachmentUrl
* supplierSite
* vehicleNumber
* attribute10
* rowStatus
* orderType
* publisherAddress
* endDate
* subscribersXrefName
* lineNumber
* carrierCode
* attribute8
* refReleaseNumber
* billOfLadingNumber
* serialNumber
* shipDate
* shipFromPartySite
* peggingOrderIdentifier
* createdBy
* attribute7
* customerItemName
* publisherSiteId
* programApplicationId
* attribute11
* documentNumber
* shipToAddress
* publisherCompany
* lineId
* keyDate
* originalPromisedDate
* shipToPartySite
* releaseNumber
* vmiFlag
* supplierAddress
* newShipDate
* wipEndDate
* errMsg
* creationDate
* attribute2
* startDate
* shipToPartyAddress
* receiptDate
* shippingControl
* programUpdateDate
* supplierItemName
* lastUpdatedBy
* subscriberAddress
* refHeaderId
* designator
* newScheduleDate
* responseNumber
* postingPartyName
* requestId
* demandClass
* customerSite
* programId
* lastUpdateDate
* publisherSite
* parentHeaderId
* attribute12
* ownerItemName
* shipFromPartyAddress
* endOrderPublisherSite
* comments
* endOrderPublisherName
* supplierCompany
* customerCompany
* subinventoryCode
* trackingNumber
* refLineNumber
* attribute1
* attribute3
* attribute14
* keyEndDate
* newScheduleEndDate


 * fromDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute12
* attributeCategory
* attribute13
* status
* programId
* attribute8
* newPlanId
* attribute11
* attribute4
* newPlanList
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute5
* programApplicationId
* attribute6
* collectedFlag
* planId
* srInstanceId
* attribute3
* supplierId
* lastUpdatedBy
* simulationSetId
* applied
* programUpdateDate
* attribute1
* attribute10
* creationDate
* requestId
* inventoryItemId
* supplierSiteId
* capacity
* createdBy
* attribute7
* refreshNumber
* toDate
* transactionId
* organizationId
* attribute15
* usingOrganizationId
* attribute9
* attribute2
* parentId
* attribute14


 * fromDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute12
* attributeCategory
* attribute13
* status
* programId
* attribute8
* newPlanId
* attribute11
* attribute4
* newPlanList
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute5
* programApplicationId
* attribute6
* collectedFlag
* planId
* srInstanceId
* attribute3
* supplierId
* lastUpdatedBy
* simulationSetId
* applied
* programUpdateDate
* attribute1
* attribute10
* creationDate
* requestId
* inventoryItemId
* supplierSiteId
* capacity
* createdBy
* attribute7
* refreshNumber
* toDate
* transactionId
* organizationId
* attribute15
* usingOrganizationId
* attribute9
* attribute2
* parentId
* attribute14


 * supplierId
* usingOrganizationId
* attribute12
* createdBy
* attribute7
* attributeCategory
* inventoryItemId
* attribute11
* transactionId
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute5
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute4
* attribute15
* supplierSiteId
* attribute8
* attribute9
* programId
* programApplicationId
* fenceDays
* requestId
* attribute3
* attribute6
* collectedFlag
* srInstanceId
* attribute2
* planId
* refreshNumber
* parentId
* attribute10
* attribute13
* applied
* organizationId
* status
* attribute1
* attribute14
* tolerancePercentage
* lastUpdatedBy
* programUpdateDate
* creationDate


 * supplierId
* usingOrganizationId
* attribute12
* createdBy
* attribute7
* attributeCategory
* inventoryItemId
* attribute11
* transactionId
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute5
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute4
* attribute15
* supplierSiteId
* attribute8
* attribute9
* programId
* programApplicationId
* fenceDays
* requestId
* attribute3
* attribute6
* collectedFlag
* srInstanceId
* attribute2
* planId
* refreshNumber
* parentId
* attribute10
* attribute13
* applied
* organizationId
* status
* attribute1
* attribute14
* tolerancePercentage
* lastUpdatedBy
* programUpdateDate
* creationDate


 * createdBy
* supplierSiteId
* creationDate
* lateness
* supplierId
* lastUpdateLogin
* leadtimeVariability
* srInstanceId
* requestId
* lastUpdatedBy
* planId
* inventoryItemId
* srInstanceId2
* transactionId
* probability
* organizationId
* lastUpdateDate


 * createdBy
* supplierSiteId
* creationDate
* lateness
* supplierId
* lastUpdateLogin
* leadtimeVariability
* srInstanceId
* requestId
* lastUpdatedBy
* planId
* inventoryItemId
* srInstanceId2
* transactionId
* probability
* organizationId
* lastUpdateDate


 * lastUpdateDate
* selectedFlag
* itemTypeValue
* organizationId
* orderType
* createdBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* srInstanceId
* createdDate
* planId
* lastUpdatedBy


 * lastUpdateDate
* selectedFlag
* itemTypeValue
* organizationId
* orderType
* createdBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* srInstanceId
* createdDate
* planId
* lastUpdatedBy


 * partnerType
* tpId
* srCustAccountNumber
* srTpId
* srInstanceId
* srCompanyId
* resourceType
* aggregateDemandFlag


 * partnerType
* tpId
* srCustAccountNumber
* srTpId
* srInstanceId
* srCompanyId
* resourceType
* aggregateDemandFlag


 * partnerType
* srCompanyId
* locationId
* srCustAcctId
* srTpSiteId
* tpSiteId
* operatingUnit
* srInstanceId


 * partnerType
* srCompanyId
* locationId
* srCustAcctId
* srTpSiteId
* tpSiteId
* operatingUnit
* srInstanceId


 * creationDate
* lastUpdateDate
* mapId
* companyKey
* createdBy
* mapType
* tpKey
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin


 * creationDate
* lastUpdateDate
* mapId
* companyKey
* createdBy
* mapType
* tpKey
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin


 * srTpSiteId
* attribute9
* longitude
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute15
* partnerAddress
* state
* lastUpdatedBy
* programApplicationId
* attribute10
* attribute5
* attribute7
* programId
* partnerType
* createdBy
* shippingControl
* attribute11
* srInstanceId
* partnerSiteId
* attribute6
* partnerId
* attribute2
* attribute12
* country
* location
* deletedFlag
* postalCode
* attribute4
* srTpId
* tpSiteCode
* lastUpdateDate
* operatingUnitName
* city
* attribute14
* attribute3
* attribute1
* requestId
* attribute13
* latitude
* refreshNumber
* creationDate
* programUpdateDate
* attributeCategory


 * srTpSiteId
* attribute9
* longitude
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute15
* partnerAddress
* state
* lastUpdatedBy
* programApplicationId
* attribute10
* attribute5
* attribute7
* programId
* partnerType
* createdBy
* shippingControl
* attribute11
* srInstanceId
* partnerSiteId
* attribute6
* partnerId
* attribute2
* attribute12
* country
* location
* deletedFlag
* postalCode
* attribute4
* srTpId
* tpSiteCode
* lastUpdateDate
* operatingUnitName
* city
* attribute14
* attribute3
* attribute1
* requestId
* attribute13
* latitude
* refreshNumber
* creationDate
* programUpdateDate
* attributeCategory


 * modeledSupplierId
* requestId
* expenseAccount
* refreshNumber
* attribute9
* modeledCustomerSiteId
* resourceCapOverutilCost
* customerType
* attribute13
* inheritPhantomOpSeq
* defaultDemandClass
* partnerType
* lastUpdatedBy
* orgSupplierMapped
* calendarCode
* maximumVolume
* weightUom
* transportCapOverUtilCost
* attribute8
* acceptDemandsFromUnmetPo
* operatingUnitName
* demandLatenessCost
* attribute2
* modeledSupplierSiteId
* subcontractingSourceOrg
* attribute12
* projectControlLevel
* attributeCategory
* inheritOcOpSeqNum
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute6
* lastUpdateDate
* srSetOfBooksId
* usePhantomRoutings
* createdBy
* attribute14
* legalEntityName
* serviceLevel
* supplierCapOverutilCost
* srTpId
* programUpdateDate
* programId
* organizationCode
* partnerName
* attribute15
* operatingUnit
* attribute3
* srInstanceId
* attribute11
* partnerId
* disableDate
* srChartOfAccountsId
* attribute10
* volumeUom
* srLegalEntity
* customerClassCode
* sourceOrgId
* modeledCustomerId
* partnerNumber
* attribute4
* attribute1
* currencyCode
* calendarExceptionSetId
* attribute7
* businessGroupName
* programApplicationId
* maximumWeight
* status
* projectReferenceEnabled
* attribute5
* materialAccount
* srBusinessGroupId
* creationDate
* companyId
* defaultAtpRuleId
* organizationType
* masterOrganization


 * modeledSupplierId
* requestId
* expenseAccount
* refreshNumber
* attribute9
* modeledCustomerSiteId
* resourceCapOverutilCost
* customerType
* attribute13
* inheritPhantomOpSeq
* defaultDemandClass
* partnerType
* lastUpdatedBy
* orgSupplierMapped
* calendarCode
* maximumVolume
* weightUom
* transportCapOverUtilCost
* attribute8
* acceptDemandsFromUnmetPo
* operatingUnitName
* demandLatenessCost
* attribute2
* modeledSupplierSiteId
* subcontractingSourceOrg
* attribute12
* projectControlLevel
* attributeCategory
* inheritOcOpSeqNum
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute6
* lastUpdateDate
* srSetOfBooksId
* usePhantomRoutings
* createdBy
* attribute14
* legalEntityName
* serviceLevel
* supplierCapOverutilCost
* srTpId
* programUpdateDate
* programId
* organizationCode
* partnerName
* attribute15
* operatingUnit
* attribute3
* srInstanceId
* attribute11
* partnerId
* disableDate
* srChartOfAccountsId
* attribute10
* volumeUom
* srLegalEntity
* customerClassCode
* sourceOrgId
* modeledCustomerId
* partnerNumber
* attribute4
* attribute1
* currencyCode
* calendarExceptionSetId
* attribute7
* businessGroupName
* programApplicationId
* maximumWeight
* status
* projectReferenceEnabled
* attribute5
* materialAccount
* srBusinessGroupId
* creationDate
* companyId
* defaultAtpRuleId
* organizationType
* masterOrganization


 * msgNum
* metadataObject
* msgText
* langId


 * msgNum
* metadataObject
* msgText
* langId


 * creationDate
* ebsSrInstanceId
* orderType
* lastUpdateDate
* otmReleaseGid
* lastUpdateLogin
* otmDomainName
* poLineLocationId
* otmReleaseLineGid
* updatedArrivalDate
* createdBy
* updatedDueDate
* wshDeliveryDetailId
* transUpdateId
* lastUpdatedBy
* poLineId


 * creationDate
* ebsSrInstanceId
* orderType
* lastUpdateDate
* otmReleaseGid
* lastUpdateLogin
* otmDomainName
* poLineLocationId
* otmReleaseLineGid
* updatedArrivalDate
* createdBy
* updatedDueDate
* wshDeliveryDetailId
* transUpdateId
* lastUpdatedBy
* poLineId


 * creationDate
* srInstanceId
* stopLocationId
* lastUpdateLogin
* createdBy
* lastUpdatedBy
* plannedArrivalDate
* plannedDepartureDate
* stopId
* refreshNumber
* tripId
* planId
* statusCode
* lastUpdateDate
* stopSequenceNumber


 * creationDate
* srInstanceId
* stopLocationId
* lastUpdateLogin
* createdBy
* lastUpdatedBy
* plannedArrivalDate
* plannedDepartureDate
* stopId
* refreshNumber
* tripId
* planId
* statusCode
* lastUpdateDate
* stopSequenceNumber


 * tripId
* weightUom
* lastUpdateDate
* shipMethodCode
* creationDate
* volumeCapacity
* lastUpdatedBy
* srInstanceId
* refreshNumber
* volumeUom
* planId
* plannedFlag
* lastUpdateLogin
* weightCapacity
* name
* statusCode
* createdBy


 * tripId
* weightUom
* lastUpdateDate
* shipMethodCode
* creationDate
* volumeCapacity
* lastUpdatedBy
* srInstanceId
* refreshNumber
* volumeUom
* planId
* plannedFlag
* lastUpdateLogin
* weightCapacity
* name
* statusCode
* createdBy


 * oldValueId
* columnChangedText
* createdBy
* creationDate
* undoId
* lastUpdateLogin
* columnType
* newValueId
* oldValue
* planId
* newValue
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* columnChanged


 * oldValueId
* columnChangedText
* createdBy
* creationDate
* undoId
* lastUpdateLogin
* columnType
* newValueId
* oldValue
* planId
* newValue
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* columnChanged


 * planId
* bookmarkName
* action
* transactionId
* lastUpdateLogin
* createdBy
* creationDate
* parentId
* lastUpdatedBy
* srInstanceId
* tableChanged
* undoId
* lastUpdateDate


 * planId
* bookmarkName
* action
* transactionId
* lastUpdateLogin
* createdBy
* creationDate
* parentId
* lastUpdatedBy
* srInstanceId
* tableChanged
* undoId
* lastUpdateDate


 * attribute1
* attribute9
* programId
* creationDate
* refreshNumber
* masterOrganizationId
* comments
* lastUpdateDate
* attributeCategory
* attribute13
* srInstanceId
* attribute4
* createdBy
* unitNumber
* attribute10
* attribute8
* attribute11
* programUpdateDate
* attribute3
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute12
* programApplicationId
* attribute6
* attribute2
* attribute7
* attribute15
* requestId
* attribute14
* endItemId
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute5


 * attribute1
* attribute9
* programId
* creationDate
* refreshNumber
* masterOrganizationId
* comments
* lastUpdateDate
* attributeCategory
* attribute13
* srInstanceId
* attribute4
* createdBy
* unitNumber
* attribute10
* attribute8
* attribute11
* programUpdateDate
* attribute3
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute12
* programApplicationId
* attribute6
* attribute2
* attribute7
* attribute15
* requestId
* attribute14
* endItemId
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute5


 * attribute3
* attribute6
* attribute15
* creationDate
* attribute13
* attribute5
* attribute8
* unitOfMeasure
* description
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute9
* attribute10
* attribute1
* createdBy
* baseUomFlag
* programUpdateDate
* disableDate
* refreshNumber
* programId
* attribute12
* uomClass
* attributeCategory
* srInstanceId
* uomCode
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute4
* attribute2
* attribute11
* attribute14
* requestId
* programApplicationId
* attribute7


 * attribute3
* attribute6
* attribute15
* creationDate
* attribute13
* attribute5
* attribute8
* unitOfMeasure
* description
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute9
* attribute10
* attribute1
* createdBy
* baseUomFlag
* programUpdateDate
* disableDate
* refreshNumber
* programId
* attribute12
* uomClass
* attributeCategory
* srInstanceId
* uomCode
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute4
* attribute2
* attribute11
* attribute14
* requestId
* programApplicationId
* attribute7


 * attribute1
* attribute5
* attribute9
* srInstanceId
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute14
* attribute8
* fromUnitOfMeasure
* attribute4
* creationDate
* attribute3
* attribute11
* attributeCategory
* attribute13
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute2
* fromUomCode
* attribute6
* toUnitOfMeasure
* toUomCode
* toUomClass
* inventoryItemId
* lastUpdateLogin
* disableDate
* programApplicationId
* requestId
* refreshNumber
* fromUomClass
* conversionRate
* createdBy
* attribute10
* attribute12
* attribute7
* programUpdateDate
* programId
* attribute15


 * attribute1
* attribute5
* attribute9
* srInstanceId
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute14
* attribute8
* fromUnitOfMeasure
* attribute4
* creationDate
* attribute3
* attribute11
* attributeCategory
* attribute13
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute2
* fromUomCode
* attribute6
* toUnitOfMeasure
* toUomCode
* toUomClass
* inventoryItemId
* lastUpdateLogin
* disableDate
* programApplicationId
* requestId
* refreshNumber
* fromUomClass
* conversionRate
* createdBy
* attribute10
* attribute12
* attribute7
* programUpdateDate
* programId
* attribute15


 * unitOfMeasure
* attribute15
* disableDate
* requestId
* attribute4
* programApplicationId
* lastUpdateDate
* conversionRate
* attribute2
* creationDate
* attribute13
* attribute8
* attribute9
* attribute3
* attribute14
* srInstanceId
* attribute7
* defaultConversionFlags
* attribute5
* attribute1
* uomCode
* lastUpdateLogin
* inventoryItemId
* refreshNumber
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute10
* attribute11
* attributeCategory
* attribute6
* programUpdateDate
* uomClass
* programId
* attribute12
* createdBy


 * unitOfMeasure
* attribute15
* disableDate
* requestId
* attribute4
* programApplicationId
* lastUpdateDate
* conversionRate
* attribute2
* creationDate
* attribute13
* attribute8
* attribute9
* attribute3
* attribute14
* srInstanceId
* attribute7
* defaultConversionFlags
* attribute5
* attribute1
* uomCode
* lastUpdateLogin
* inventoryItemId
* refreshNumber
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute10
* attribute11
* attributeCategory
* attribute6
* programUpdateDate
* uomClass
* programId
* attribute12
* createdBy


 * lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* actionType
* lastUpdatedBy
* actionId
* action
* createdBy
* planId
* tableName
* planVersion
* editVersion
* creationDate
* basePlanId


 * lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* actionType
* lastUpdatedBy
* actionId
* action
* createdBy
* planId
* tableName
* planVersion
* editVersion
* creationDate
* basePlanId


 * name
* globalFlag
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute14
* attribute11
* calculationDatatype
* attribute2
* creationDate
* attribute12
* attribute10
* expressionId
* attribute6
* attribute9
* componentType
* displayLength
* attribute5
* regionCode
* expression1
* context
* attribute4
* attribute1
* attribute3
* description
* attribute8
* lastUpdatedBy
* createdBy
* companyId
* attribute13
* attribute15
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute7


 * name
* globalFlag
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute14
* attribute11
* calculationDatatype
* attribute2
* creationDate
* attribute12
* attribute10
* expressionId
* attribute6
* attribute9
* componentType
* displayLength
* attribute5
* regionCode
* expression1
* context
* attribute4
* attribute1
* attribute3
* description
* attribute8
* lastUpdatedBy
* createdBy
* companyId
* attribute13
* attribute15
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute7


 * expressionId
* createdBy
* attribute9
* attribute3
* attribute13
* exceptionColumn
* componentValue1
* componentValue2
* attribute7
* rollingNumber
* rollingType
* attribute2
* attribute6
* attribute10
* attribute12
* label
* componentType
* seqNum
* attribute1
* attribute15
* attribute8
* akAttributeCode
* lastUpdateLogin
* context
* creationDate
* rollingDateFlag
* lastUpdateDate
* exceptionId
* attribute5
* componentId
* attribute11
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute14
* attribute4
* dateFilterFlag


 * expressionId
* createdBy
* attribute9
* attribute3
* attribute13
* exceptionColumn
* componentValue1
* componentValue2
* attribute7
* rollingNumber
* rollingType
* attribute2
* attribute6
* attribute10
* attribute12
* label
* componentType
* seqNum
* attribute1
* attribute15
* attribute8
* akAttributeCode
* lastUpdateLogin
* context
* creationDate
* rollingDateFlag
* lastUpdateDate
* exceptionId
* attribute5
* componentId
* attribute11
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute14
* attribute4
* dateFilterFlag


 * lastUpdatedBy
* attribute4
* lastUpdateLogin
* showExceptionDtlFlag
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute13
* notificationEntryId
* attribute5
* attribute9
* creationDate
* exceptionId
* attribute8
* attribute14
* attribute2
* attribute7
* createdBy
* attribute3
* attribute1
* context
* sendNtfFlag
* attribute10
* wfRoleType
* attribute15
* attribute6
* wfRole
* attribute12
* attribute11


 * lastUpdatedBy
* attribute4
* lastUpdateLogin
* showExceptionDtlFlag
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute13
* notificationEntryId
* attribute5
* attribute9
* creationDate
* exceptionId
* attribute8
* attribute14
* attribute2
* attribute7
* createdBy
* attribute3
* attribute1
* context
* sendNtfFlag
* attribute10
* wfRoleType
* attribute15
* attribute6
* wfRole
* attribute12
* attribute11


 * event
* refreshNumber
* createdBy
* attribute15
* notificationText
* attribute1
* attribute13
* exceptionId
* startDate
* attribute7
* attribute6
* attribute10
* context
* attribute8
* attribute5
* requestId
* regionCode
* companyId
* creationDate
* attribute9
* fullDataFlag
* lastRunDate
* securityFlag
* repeatInterval
* attribute2
* wfLaunchFlag
* repeatType
* startFlag
* description
* lastUpdateLogin
* name
* wfProcess
* lastUpdateDate
* repeatEndTime
* attribute4
* attribute11
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute12
* attribute3
* wfItemType
* recurrenceFlag
* attribute14


 * event
* refreshNumber
* createdBy
* attribute15
* notificationText
* attribute1
* attribute13
* exceptionId
* startDate
* attribute7
* attribute6
* attribute10
* context
* attribute8
* attribute5
* requestId
* regionCode
* companyId
* creationDate
* attribute9
* fullDataFlag
* lastRunDate
* securityFlag
* repeatInterval
* attribute2
* wfLaunchFlag
* repeatType
* startFlag
* description
* lastUpdateLogin
* name
* wfProcess
* lastUpdateDate
* repeatEndTime
* attribute4
* attribute11
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute12
* attribute3
* wfItemType
* recurrenceFlag
* attribute14


 * lastUpdatedBy
* organizationId
* lastUpdateDate
* planId
* noteId
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* status
* assignedTo
* dueBy
* entityType
* srInstanceId
* demandId
* createdBy
* inventoryItemId
* transactionId
* noteText1


 * lastUpdatedBy
* organizationId
* lastUpdateDate
* planId
* noteId
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* status
* assignedTo
* dueBy
* entityType
* srInstanceId
* demandId
* createdBy
* inventoryItemId
* transactionId
* noteText1


 * defaultValue
* prefTab
* zdSync
* prompt
* number1
* zdEditionName
* preferenceKey
* planType


 * defaultValue
* prefTab
* zdSync
* prompt
* number1
* zdEditionName
* preferenceKey
* planType


 * value
* preferenceId
* key


 * value
* preferenceId
* key


 * userId
* preferenceId
* name
* description
* defaultFlag
* planType


 * userId
* preferenceId
* name
* description
* defaultFlag
* planType


 * srInstanceId
* organizationId
* usingOrganizationId
* vmiType
* planId
* inventoryItemId
* supplierId
* averageDailyDemand
* supplierSiteId


 * srInstanceId
* organizationId
* usingOrganizationId
* vmiType
* planId
* inventoryItemId
* supplierId
* averageDailyDemand
* supplierSiteId


 * srCategoryId
* categorySetId
* organizationId
* srInstanceId
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateDate
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* warehouseCapacityId
* availableCapacity
* createdBy
* capacityUom


 * srCategoryId
* categorySetId
* organizationId
* srInstanceId
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateDate
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* warehouseCapacityId
* availableCapacity
* createdBy
* capacityUom


 * lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* startTime
* webServiceId
* planId
* users
* createdBy
* lastUpdatedBy
* creationDate
* url
* status


 * lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* startTime
* webServiceId
* planId
* users
* createdBy
* lastUpdatedBy
* creationDate
* url
* status


 * weekStartDate


 * weekStartDate


 * iqiValue
* srCategoryId
* planId
* stockDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* srInstanceId
* organizationId
* inventoryItemId
* avgCycleStock
* categorySetId
* avgDailyDemand
* createdBy
* requiredCapacity
* creationDate
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin


 * iqiValue
* srCategoryId
* planId
* stockDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* srInstanceId
* organizationId
* inventoryItemId
* avgCycleStock
* categorySetId
* avgDailyDemand
* createdBy
* requiredCapacity
* creationDate
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin


 * componentSeqId
* lastUpdatedBy
* creationDate
* parentSeqNum
* appliedResourceValue
* lastUpdateDate
* processPhase
* componentYieldFactor
* resourceIdOld
* loadType
* groupId
* primaryComponentId
* serialNumber
* srInstanceId
* jobOpSeqNum
* groupSequenceId
* assignedUnits
* appliedResourceUnits
* lastUnitStartDate
* completionDate
* programUpdateDate
* scheduledQuantity
* parentHeaderId
* mrpNetFlag
* countPointType
* eamFlag
* firmFlag
* uomCode
* wipEntityId
* organizationId
* standardRateFlag
* resourceHours
* activityId
* resourceSeqNum
* alternateNum
* inventoryItemIdNew
* quantityPerAssembly
* unadjustedResourceHours
* scheduledFlag
* dateRequired
* origResourceSeqNum
* departmentId
* createdBy
* supplySubinventory
* minimumTransferQuantity
* lastUpdateLogin
* mpsDateRequired
* quantityIssued
* autochargeType
* firstUnitCompletionDate
* scheduleSeqNum
* chargeNumber
* substitutionType
* batchId
* standardOperationId
* resourceInstanceId
* wipSupplyType
* backflushFlag
* firstUnitStartDate
* requiredQuantity
* interfaceId
* lastUnitCompletionDate
* startDate
* supplyLocatorId
* requestId
* sourcePhantomId
* description
* maximumAssignedUnits
* cfmRoutingFlag
* setupId
* groupSequenceNumber
* resourceIdNew
* basisType
* organizationType
* inventoryItemIdOld
* processStatus
* programApplicationId
* operationSeqId
* nextRoutingOpSeqNum
* operationSeqNum
* usageRateOrAmount
* programId
* mpsRequiredQuantity


 * componentSeqId
* lastUpdatedBy
* creationDate
* parentSeqNum
* appliedResourceValue
* lastUpdateDate
* processPhase
* componentYieldFactor
* resourceIdOld
* loadType
* groupId
* primaryComponentId
* serialNumber
* srInstanceId
* jobOpSeqNum
* groupSequenceId
* assignedUnits
* appliedResourceUnits
* lastUnitStartDate
* completionDate
* programUpdateDate
* scheduledQuantity
* parentHeaderId
* mrpNetFlag
* countPointType
* eamFlag
* firmFlag
* uomCode
* wipEntityId
* organizationId
* standardRateFlag
* resourceHours
* activityId
* resourceSeqNum
* alternateNum
* inventoryItemIdNew
* quantityPerAssembly
* unadjustedResourceHours
* scheduledFlag
* dateRequired
* origResourceSeqNum
* departmentId
* createdBy
* supplySubinventory
* minimumTransferQuantity
* lastUpdateLogin
* mpsDateRequired
* quantityIssued
* autochargeType
* firstUnitCompletionDate
* scheduleSeqNum
* chargeNumber
* substitutionType
* batchId
* standardOperationId
* resourceInstanceId
* wipSupplyType
* backflushFlag
* firstUnitStartDate
* requiredQuantity
* interfaceId
* lastUnitCompletionDate
* startDate
* supplyLocatorId
* requestId
* sourcePhantomId
* description
* maximumAssignedUnits
* cfmRoutingFlag
* setupId
* groupSequenceNumber
* resourceIdNew
* basisType
* organizationType
* inventoryItemIdOld
* processStatus
* programApplicationId
* operationSeqId
* nextRoutingOpSeqNum
* operationSeqNum
* usageRateOrAmount
* programId
* mpsRequiredQuantity


 * uomCode
* alternateBomDesignator
* processingWorkDays
* processPhase
* firmFlag
* firstUnitStartDate
* requestedCompletionDate
* sourceLineId
* alternateRoutingDesignator
* maintenanceObjectSource
* jobName
* headerId
* taskId
* dailyProductionRate
* srInstanceId
* billRtgExplosionFlag
* statusType
* sourceCode
* routingRevisionDate
* cfmRoutingFlag
* demandClass
* lineId
* lastUpdateLogin
* routingReferenceId
* wipEntityId
* processStatus
* lastUpdatedBy
* organizationType
* primaryItemId
* netQuantity
* endItemUnitNumber
* groupId
* projectId
* loadType
* schedulePriority
* createdBy
* firmPlannedFlag
* scheduleGroupId
* creationDate
* classCode
* lastUnitCompletionDate
* bomRevisionDate
* buildSequence
* organizationId
* lastUpdateDate
* bomReferenceId
* startQuantity


 * uomCode
* alternateBomDesignator
* processingWorkDays
* processPhase
* firmFlag
* firstUnitStartDate
* requestedCompletionDate
* sourceLineId
* alternateRoutingDesignator
* maintenanceObjectSource
* jobName
* headerId
* taskId
* dailyProductionRate
* srInstanceId
* billRtgExplosionFlag
* statusType
* sourceCode
* routingRevisionDate
* cfmRoutingFlag
* demandClass
* lineId
* lastUpdateLogin
* routingReferenceId
* wipEntityId
* processStatus
* lastUpdatedBy
* organizationType
* primaryItemId
* netQuantity
* endItemUnitNumber
* groupId
* projectId
* loadType
* schedulePriority
* createdBy
* firmPlannedFlag
* scheduleGroupId
* creationDate
* classCode
* lastUnitCompletionDate
* bomRevisionDate
* buildSequence
* organizationId
* lastUpdateDate
* bomReferenceId
* startQuantity


 * orgSumLevel
* ascpPlanId
* summaryPaybackDemand
* orderRunningTotalDemand
* preferenceName
* summaryTotalSupply
* atpDispDecimal
* summaryMinInvLvl
* orderSs
* atpDmdpAlcNet
* hpSupDispGraph
* crpSumOfCapChanges
* summaryReceiving
* orderReq
* crpAtpRequirementsRtg
* crpCumRateCapacityUtil
* summarySs
* supplierCapAvail
* summaryReqShipments
* summaryProjectedSs
* summaryKitDemand
* shiftDays
* summaryFieldWidth
* summaryScrap
* hpSupDispDecimal
* summaryArrivals
* atpDmdpAlcCum
* crpLineCost
* hpTpDispGraph
* plannerCode
* summaryDecimalPlaces
* summaryShipments
* orderReplenishment
* gcResourceLimit
* summaryGrossRequirements
* summaryCurrentReceipts
* namedSet
* summaryUnconstTotDmd
* summaryExternalDemand
* summaryPlan
* atpPrctUnalcCum
* orderGrossRequirements
* crpAvailableRate
* ordersReleasePhantoms
* orderPoAck
* summaryTotalRequisitions
* crpResourceCost
* atpPrctAlcSupply
* atpDmdpPfDmdSpread
* recommendationDays
* summaryUserDefined
* hpSupWeeks
* defaultTab
* hpTpDispFactor
* atpDmdpAlcDmd
* sourceList
* summaryAsn
* orderTransit
* categorySetId
* defOutboundShipment
* summaryForecast
* crpHoursAvailPerDay
* showGraph
* summaryActualProdn
* summaryTargetQuantity
* summaryPab
* atpPrctAlcNet
* preferenceDescription
* summaryPlProdnForDmd
* hpSupDispFactor
* ioPlanId
* crpDailyRequiredRate
* summaryDisplayPeriods
* createdBy
* prodSumLevel
* summaryDispPfDetails
* userId
* lastUpdateLogin
* hpSupDays
* summaryUnallocatedOnhand
* orderPurchasePlan
* summarySellerForecast
* orderHistSales
* supplierPurchaseReqs
* jobClassCode
* atpDispGraph
* orderPo
* orderSalesOrders
* defaultRightTab
* orgSumLevelTp
* atpPrctUnalcSupply
* crpCumSumOfChanges
* summaryCumulativeConsumed
* summaryScheduledReceipts
* indDemandType
* summaryUnconstKitDmd
* orderSellerForecast
* orderRunningTotalForecast
* hpCapDispGraph
* summaryAllocatedOnhand
* summaryReturns
* summaryPoh
* summaryRequestedArrivals
* summaryPo
* blockZeroResRequirements
* publicFlag
* defaultFlag
* atpPrctAlcDmd
* summaryMaxInvLvl
* hpCapDays
* summaryDependentDemand
* summaryBeginningOnHand
* summaryDisplayWeeks
* orderAlcatPrjtAvlBal
* summaryDefOutboundShipment
* summaryActProdForDmd
* totalSupply
* showDepDemands
* summaryReturnsForecast
* summaryTotalPlannedOrders
* summaryHistSales
* atpPrctAlcBackw
* creationDate
* actionsExpandAll
* crpRepetitiveSchedules
* gcSupplyLimit
* summaryExpLot
* transWeightCapacityAvail
* summaryPaybackSupply
* hpTpWeeks
* crpRequireHours
* atpDispWeeks
* summarySellThroFcst
* summaryOriginal
* orderReceiving
* orderSuppcap
* transWeightCapacityReq
* orderAllocatedOnhand
* returnsForecast
* categoryName
* summaryFlowSchedules
* orderAllocatedSupply
* summaryTotalDemand
* ordersReleaseVmiItems
* summaryUnalctPrjtAvlBal
* summaryTotalNonForecast
* summaryExternalSupply
* crpRequiredRate
* gradHpLoad
* supplierCumCapacityUtil
* orderSellThroFcst
* defaultLeftTab
* orderReleasePlan
* orderRunningTotalSupply
* transVolumeLoadRatio
* crpDiscreteJobs
* runningTotalSellThroFcst
* summaryOutboundIntransit
* orderUnalctPrjtAvlBal
* defaultSet
* orderProjectedSs
* summaryConsumed
* summaryCumulativeOriginal
* orderPlan
* summaryPurchasePlan
* atpDispFactor
* summaryCommittedDmd
* orderTotalSupply
* includeSo
* transVolumeCapacityReq
* crpCumRoutingCapacityUtil
* summaryReplenishment
* sortByFlag
* atpDispDays
* summaryTransit
* summaryCumulativeCurrent
* groupByCode
* atpPerctAlcActperct
* atpPrctAlcDmdadj
* summaryWip
* summaryIncludeSubst
* atpPrctAlcCum
* orderAsn
* preferenceSetType
* supplierNetCapAvail
* crpPlannedOrders
* mscHpLayout
* hpCapDispDecimal
* autoPlanId
* orderWip
* ordersFolderId
* runningTotalForecast
* atpPrctAlcPerct
* showItemDescInPegging
* summaryTotalIntransit
* summaryDisplayFactor
* atpDmdpAlcBkfwd
* ioQueryId
* atpPrctPfDmdSpread
* runningTotalHistSales
* summaryUnconstOthDmd
* planType
* runningTotalDemand
* atpPrctAlcAdjcum
* summaryIndependentDemand
* ordersCutoffDate
* supplierPlannedOrders
* autoQueryId
* supplierRequiredCap
* summaryCurrent
* atpDmdpAlcSupply
* transWeightLoadRatio
* summaryPfMemberData
* hpCapDispFactor
* hpCapWeeks
* summaryProdForecast
* lastUpdatedBy
* summaryDisplayDays
* atpDmdpAlcTotsup
* summaryUnconstPab
* showGroupingSeparator
* summaryExpiredForecast
* crpAtpRequirementsRate
* summaryActProdForFcst
* summaryAtp
* runningTotalSupply
* hpTpDays
* atpPrctBucketedData
* orderUnallocatedOnhand
* crpDailyAvailableRate
* summarySalesOrders
* crpNetHourAvailable
* crpNetAvailableRate
* retainFolderCriteria
* summaryAllocatedSupply
* summaryAlcatPrjtAvlBal
* exceptionsQueryId
* showSsDemands
* summaryReq
* summaryReleasePlan
* crpCumHourAvailable
* crpFlowSchedules
* orderRunningTotalHistSales
* summaryInternalSupply
* crpHoursRequiredPerDay
* crpHourAvailable
* summaryGlobalForecasting
* drpPlanId
* ordersDefaultJobStatus
* crpNonStdJobOrders
* orderPab
* atpHpLayout
* summaryDefaultDisplay
* netForecast
* atpDmdpBucketedData
* atpPrctAlcAdjavail
* summaryInboundIntransit
* supplierPurchaseOrders
* ordersFirmJobs
* summaryPlannedProduction
* atpPrctUnalcNet
* summaryOtherDemand
* atpPrctUnalcDmd
* summaryPlannedOrders
* ascpQueryId
* atpDmdpAlcSupadj
* preferenceId
* ordersReleaseConfigs
* summaryPoAck
* crpRoutingCapacityUtil
* supplierCapacityUtil
* drpQueryId
* atpPrctShowTotal
* crpCumAvailableRate
* supplierCumCapAvail
* hpTpDispDecimal
* atpDmdShowTotal
* summaryMaximumQuantity
* crpRateCapacityUtil
* summarySuppcap
* showResOper
* summarySsDaysSupply
* summaryPlProdnForFcst
* transVolumeCapacityAvail
* orderForecast
* lastUpdateDate
* sceUserId


 * orgSumLevel
* ascpPlanId
* summaryPaybackDemand
* orderRunningTotalDemand
* preferenceName
* summaryTotalSupply
* atpDispDecimal
* summaryMinInvLvl
* orderSs
* atpDmdpAlcNet
* hpSupDispGraph
* crpSumOfCapChanges
* summaryReceiving
* orderReq
* crpAtpRequirementsRtg
* crpCumRateCapacityUtil
* summarySs
* supplierCapAvail
* summaryReqShipments
* summaryProjectedSs
* summaryKitDemand
* shiftDays
* summaryFieldWidth
* summaryScrap
* hpSupDispDecimal
* summaryArrivals
* atpDmdpAlcCum
* crpLineCost
* hpTpDispGraph
* plannerCode
* summaryDecimalPlaces
* summaryShipments
* orderReplenishment
* gcResourceLimit
* summaryGrossRequirements
* summaryCurrentReceipts
* namedSet
* summaryUnconstTotDmd
* summaryExternalDemand
* summaryPlan
* atpPrctUnalcCum
* orderGrossRequirements
* crpAvailableRate
* ordersReleasePhantoms
* orderPoAck
* summaryTotalRequisitions
* crpResourceCost
* atpPrctAlcSupply
* atpDmdpPfDmdSpread
* recommendationDays
* summaryUserDefined
* hpSupWeeks
* defaultTab
* hpTpDispFactor
* atpDmdpAlcDmd
* sourceList
* summaryAsn
* orderTransit
* categorySetId
* defOutboundShipment
* summaryForecast
* crpHoursAvailPerDay
* showGraph
* summaryActualProdn
* summaryTargetQuantity
* summaryPab
* atpPrctAlcNet
* preferenceDescription
* summaryPlProdnForDmd
* hpSupDispFactor
* ioPlanId
* crpDailyRequiredRate
* summaryDisplayPeriods
* createdBy
* prodSumLevel
* summaryDispPfDetails
* userId
* lastUpdateLogin
* hpSupDays
* summaryUnallocatedOnhand
* orderPurchasePlan
* summarySellerForecast
* orderHistSales
* supplierPurchaseReqs
* jobClassCode
* atpDispGraph
* orderPo
* orderSalesOrders
* defaultRightTab
* orgSumLevelTp
* atpPrctUnalcSupply
* crpCumSumOfChanges
* summaryCumulativeConsumed
* summaryScheduledReceipts
* indDemandType
* summaryUnconstKitDmd
* orderSellerForecast
* orderRunningTotalForecast
* hpCapDispGraph
* summaryAllocatedOnhand
* summaryReturns
* summaryPoh
* summaryRequestedArrivals
* summaryPo
* blockZeroResRequirements
* publicFlag
* defaultFlag
* atpPrctAlcDmd
* summaryMaxInvLvl
* hpCapDays
* summaryDependentDemand
* summaryBeginningOnHand
* summaryDisplayWeeks
* orderAlcatPrjtAvlBal
* summaryDefOutboundShipment
* summaryActProdForDmd
* totalSupply
* showDepDemands
* summaryReturnsForecast
* summaryTotalPlannedOrders
* summaryHistSales
* atpPrctAlcBackw
* creationDate
* actionsExpandAll
* crpRepetitiveSchedules
* gcSupplyLimit
* summaryExpLot
* transWeightCapacityAvail
* summaryPaybackSupply
* hpTpWeeks
* crpRequireHours
* atpDispWeeks
* summarySellThroFcst
* summaryOriginal
* orderReceiving
* orderSuppcap
* transWeightCapacityReq
* orderAllocatedOnhand
* returnsForecast
* categoryName
* summaryFlowSchedules
* orderAllocatedSupply
* summaryTotalDemand
* ordersReleaseVmiItems
* summaryUnalctPrjtAvlBal
* summaryTotalNonForecast
* summaryExternalSupply
* crpRequiredRate
* gradHpLoad
* supplierCumCapacityUtil
* orderSellThroFcst
* defaultLeftTab
* orderReleasePlan
* orderRunningTotalSupply
* transVolumeLoadRatio
* crpDiscreteJobs
* runningTotalSellThroFcst
* summaryOutboundIntransit
* orderUnalctPrjtAvlBal
* defaultSet
* orderProjectedSs
* summaryConsumed
* summaryCumulativeOriginal
* orderPlan
* summaryPurchasePlan
* atpDispFactor
* summaryCommittedDmd
* orderTotalSupply
* includeSo
* transVolumeCapacityReq
* crpCumRoutingCapacityUtil
* summaryReplenishment
* sortByFlag
* atpDispDays
* summaryTransit
* summaryCumulativeCurrent
* groupByCode
* atpPerctAlcActperct
* atpPrctAlcDmdadj
* summaryWip
* summaryIncludeSubst
* atpPrctAlcCum
* orderAsn
* preferenceSetType
* supplierNetCapAvail
* crpPlannedOrders
* mscHpLayout
* hpCapDispDecimal
* autoPlanId
* orderWip
* ordersFolderId
* runningTotalForecast
* atpPrctAlcPerct
* showItemDescInPegging
* summaryTotalIntransit
* summaryDisplayFactor
* atpDmdpAlcBkfwd
* ioQueryId
* atpPrctPfDmdSpread
* runningTotalHistSales
* summaryUnconstOthDmd
* planType
* runningTotalDemand
* atpPrctAlcAdjcum
* summaryIndependentDemand
* ordersCutoffDate
* supplierPlannedOrders
* autoQueryId
* supplierRequiredCap
* summaryCurrent
* atpDmdpAlcSupply
* transWeightLoadRatio
* summaryPfMemberData
* hpCapDispFactor
* hpCapWeeks
* summaryProdForecast
* lastUpdatedBy
* summaryDisplayDays
* atpDmdpAlcTotsup
* summaryUnconstPab
* showGroupingSeparator
* summaryExpiredForecast
* crpAtpRequirementsRate
* summaryActProdForFcst
* summaryAtp
* runningTotalSupply
* hpTpDays
* atpPrctBucketedData
* orderUnallocatedOnhand
* crpDailyAvailableRate
* summarySalesOrders
* crpNetHourAvailable
* crpNetAvailableRate
* retainFolderCriteria
* summaryAllocatedSupply
* summaryAlcatPrjtAvlBal
* exceptionsQueryId
* showSsDemands
* summaryReq
* summaryReleasePlan
* crpCumHourAvailable
* crpFlowSchedules
* orderRunningTotalHistSales
* summaryInternalSupply
* crpHoursRequiredPerDay
* crpHourAvailable
* summaryGlobalForecasting
* drpPlanId
* ordersDefaultJobStatus
* crpNonStdJobOrders
* orderPab
* atpHpLayout
* summaryDefaultDisplay
* netForecast
* atpDmdpBucketedData
* atpPrctAlcAdjavail
* summaryInboundIntransit
* supplierPurchaseOrders
* ordersFirmJobs
* summaryPlannedProduction
* atpPrctUnalcNet
* summaryOtherDemand
* atpPrctUnalcDmd
* summaryPlannedOrders
* ascpQueryId
* atpDmdpAlcSupadj
* preferenceId
* ordersReleaseConfigs
* summaryPoAck
* crpRoutingCapacityUtil
* supplierCapacityUtil
* drpQueryId
* atpPrctShowTotal
* crpCumAvailableRate
* supplierCumCapAvail
* hpTpDispDecimal
* atpDmdShowTotal
* summaryMaximumQuantity
* crpRateCapacityUtil
* summarySuppcap
* showResOper
* summarySsDaysSupply
* summaryPlProdnForFcst
* transVolumeCapacityAvail
* orderForecast
* lastUpdateDate
* sceUserId


 * programApplicationId
* description
* refreshId
* daysOff
* calendarCode
* createdBy
* shiftNum
* programId
* creationDate
* lastUpdateDate
* programUpdateDate
* srInstanceId
* daysOn
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* seqNum
* requestId


 * programApplicationId
* description
* refreshId
* daysOff
* calendarCode
* createdBy
* shiftNum
* programId
* creationDate
* lastUpdateDate
* programUpdateDate
* srInstanceId
* daysOn
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* seqNum
* requestId


 * queryId
* lastUpdateDate
* char2
* char4
* sequence
* lastUpdatedBy
* createdBy
* char3
* attributeName
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* char1


 * queryId
* lastUpdateDate
* char2
* char4
* sequence
* lastUpdatedBy
* createdBy
* char3
* attributeName
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* char1


 * originalLabel
* createdBy
* parameterName
* customLabel
* selectedFlag
* creationDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* planId
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* paramSequence


 * originalLabel
* createdBy
* parameterName
* customLabel
* selectedFlag
* creationDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* planId
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* paramSequence


 * userAttribute9
* exceptionType
* number4
* userAttribute6
* supplierSiteName
* version
* endOrderRelNumber
* exceptionDetailId
* orderCreationDate2
* leadTime
* userAttribute17
* lineNumber
* date3
* supplierId
* userAttribute16
* lastUpdateDate
* customerItemName
* lastUpdatedBy
* transactionId3
* customerName
* userAttribute19
* userAttribute1
* companyName
* itemMinQty
* createdBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* date7
* transactionId1
* date2
* number6
* supplierItemName
* supplierName
* endOrderLineNumber
* exceptionTypeName
* inventoryItemId
* companySiteName
* transactionId2
* exceptionBasis
* userAttribute12
* date1
* userAttribute20
* exceptionGroup
* orderCreationDate1
* number3
* supplierSiteId
* number9
* number2
* companyId
* number5
* date4
* creationDate
* number8
* number10
* companySiteId
* customerId
* srInstanceId
* orderNumber
* tradingPartnerItemName
* userAttribute7
* replenishmentMethod
* userAttribute18
* releaseNumber
* userAttribute2
* userAttribute4
* date6
* number1
* userAttribute5
* owningCompanyId
* number7
* userAttribute13
* date5
* threshold
* itemDescription
* userAttribute10
* planId
* customerSiteId
* userAttribute8
* userAttribute14
* userAttribute3
* itemName
* endOrderNumber
* userAttribute11
* customerSiteName
* exceptionGroupName
* userAttribute15
* itemMaxQty


 * userAttribute9
* exceptionType
* number4
* userAttribute6
* supplierSiteName
* version
* endOrderRelNumber
* exceptionDetailId
* orderCreationDate2
* leadTime
* userAttribute17
* lineNumber
* date3
* supplierId
* userAttribute16
* lastUpdateDate
* customerItemName
* lastUpdatedBy
* transactionId3
* customerName
* userAttribute19
* userAttribute1
* companyName
* itemMinQty
* createdBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* date7
* transactionId1
* date2
* number6
* supplierItemName
* supplierName
* endOrderLineNumber
* exceptionTypeName
* inventoryItemId
* companySiteName
* transactionId2
* exceptionBasis
* userAttribute12
* date1
* userAttribute20
* exceptionGroup
* orderCreationDate1
* number3
* supplierSiteId
* number9
* number2
* companyId
* number5
* date4
* creationDate
* number8
* number10
* companySiteId
* customerId
* srInstanceId
* orderNumber
* tradingPartnerItemName
* userAttribute7
* replenishmentMethod
* userAttribute18
* releaseNumber
* userAttribute2
* userAttribute4
* date6
* number1
* userAttribute5
* owningCompanyId
* number7
* userAttribute13
* date5
* threshold
* itemDescription
* userAttribute10
* planId
* customerSiteId
* userAttribute8
* userAttribute14
* userAttribute3
* itemName
* endOrderNumber
* userAttribute11
* customerSiteName
* exceptionGroupName
* userAttribute15
* itemMaxQty


 * creationDate
* orgId
* customerSiteId
* categoryName
* ruleId
* supplierSiteId
* granteeType
* privilege
* customerId
* effectiveFromDate
* orderNumber
* lastUpdateLogin
* companyId
* granteeKey
* orderTypeMeaning
* itemId
* itemName
* programId
* categoryId
* createdBy
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* orderType
* effectiveToDate
* supplierId


 * creationDate
* orgId
* customerSiteId
* categoryName
* ruleId
* supplierSiteId
* granteeType
* privilege
* customerId
* effectiveFromDate
* orderNumber
* lastUpdateLogin
* companyId
* granteeKey
* orderTypeMeaning
* itemId
* itemName
* programId
* categoryId
* createdBy
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* orderType
* effectiveToDate
* supplierId


 * attribute11
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute5
* attribute8
* attribute12
* organizationId
* programApplicationId
* attribute7
* attribute14
* createdBy
* lastUpdateDate
* programUpdateDate
* instanceId
* requestId
* attribute4
* attribute15
* attribute2
* attributeCategory
* attribute6
* attribute1
* attribute3
* attribute9
* attribute13
* programId
* attribute10


 * attribute11
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute5
* attribute8
* attribute12
* organizationId
* programApplicationId
* attribute7
* attribute14
* createdBy
* lastUpdateDate
* programUpdateDate
* instanceId
* requestId
* attribute4
* attribute15
* attribute2
* attributeCategory
* attribute6
* attribute1
* attribute3
* attribute9
* attribute13
* programId
* attribute10


 * srComponentPk
* createdBy
* creationDate
* capUsgRatioObj
* lastUpdatedBy
* srInstanceId
* resComp
* effectivityDate
* lastCollectedDate
* leadTime
* lastUpdateDate
* planType
* disableDate
* capacityUsageRatio
* bomType
* srAssemblyPk


 * srComponentPk
* createdBy
* creationDate
* capUsgRatioObj
* lastUpdatedBy
* srInstanceId
* resComp
* effectivityDate
* lastCollectedDate
* leadTime
* lastUpdateDate
* planType
* disableDate
* capacityUsageRatio
* bomType
* srAssemblyPk


 * srComponentPk
* createdBy
* effectivityDate
* srOrganizationPk
* instance
* creationDate
* srAssemblyPk
* disableDate
* planningFactor
* quantityPer
* programId
* lastUpdateDate
* optionalFlag
* requestId
* lastUpdatedBy
* programUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* programApplicationId


 * srComponentPk
* createdBy
* effectivityDate
* srOrganizationPk
* instance
* creationDate
* srAssemblyPk
* disableDate
* planningFactor
* quantityPer
* programId
* lastUpdateDate
* optionalFlag
* requestId
* lastUpdatedBy
* programUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* programApplicationId


 * requestedDate
* orderSourceId
* srSalesRepPk
* customer
* srUserDefined1Pk
* programId
* srUserDefined2Pk
* lastRefreshNum
* amount
* item
* lastUpdatedBy
* salesRep
* requestId
* qtyOrdered
* bookedDate
* scheduledDate
* srParentItemPk
* srDemandClassPk
* srSalesChannelPk
* srInvOrgPk
* instance
* shipToLoc
* scheduledArrivalDate
* createdByRefreshNum
* userDefined1
* userDefined2
* createdBy
* actionCode
* srShipToLocPk
* lastUpdateDate
* creationDate
* srItemPk
* srCustomerPk
* salesChannel
* invOrg
* programUpdateDate
* promisedDate
* programApplicationId
* srOriginalItemPk
* lastUpdateLogin


 * requestedDate
* orderSourceId
* srSalesRepPk
* customer
* srUserDefined1Pk
* programId
* srUserDefined2Pk
* lastRefreshNum
* amount
* item
* lastUpdatedBy
* salesRep
* requestId
* qtyOrdered
* bookedDate
* scheduledDate
* srParentItemPk
* srDemandClassPk
* srSalesChannelPk
* srInvOrgPk
* instance
* shipToLoc
* scheduledArrivalDate
* createdByRefreshNum
* userDefined1
* userDefined2
* createdBy
* actionCode
* srShipToLocPk
* lastUpdateDate
* creationDate
* srItemPk
* srCustomerPk
* salesChannel
* invOrg
* programUpdateDate
* promisedDate
* programApplicationId
* srOriginalItemPk
* lastUpdateLogin


 * owner
* commentId
* revision
* status
* scenarioId
* createdBy
* dueDate
* demandPlanId
* lastUpdateDate
* type
* creationDate
* reasonId
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* commentText


 * owner
* commentId
* revision
* status
* scenarioId
* createdBy
* dueDate
* demandPlanId
* lastUpdateDate
* type
* creationDate
* reasonId
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* commentText


 * concRequestId
* parameterCode
* submissionType
* parameterNumber
* csCollParameterId
* parameterMeaning


 * concRequestId
* parameterCode
* submissionType
* parameterNumber
* csCollParameterId
* parameterMeaning


 * attribute39
* attribute53
* creationDate
* csDefinitionId
* attribute30
* attribute56
* attribute11
* createdByRefreshNum
* attribute26
* attribute32
* attribute33
* attribute57
* attribute47
* attribute51
* programUpdateDate
* attribute49
* attribute16
* attribute42
* attribute23
* attribute19
* attribute43
* attribute55
* attribute15
* liabilityUserFlag
* attribute41
* attribute2
* attribute40
* attribute9
* attribute59
* requestId
* attribute22
* attribute48
* attribute38
* actionCode
* createdBy
* attribute60
* attribute46
* csDataId
* attribute1
* attribute7
* attribute17
* attribute58
* attribute5
* programId
* attribute28
* attribute8
* attribute18
* lastRefreshNum
* attribute6
* attribute35
* csName
* programApplicationId
* attribute20
* attribute21
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute45
* attribute24
* attribute10
* attribute3
* attribute31
* attribute29
* attribute50
* attribute36
* attribute44
* attribute13
* attribute52
* attribute14
* attribute25
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute27
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute34
* attribute37
* attribute12
* attribute4
* attribute54


 * csDataId
* creationDate
* programUpdateDate
* lastUpdateDate
* requestId
* programApplicationId
* demandPlanId
* csName
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* programId
* csDefinitionId
* createdBy


 * csDataId
* creationDate
* programUpdateDate
* lastUpdateDate
* requestId
* programApplicationId
* demandPlanId
* csName
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* programId
* csDefinitionId
* createdBy


 * lastRefreshNum
* creationDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdateDate
* instance
* createdBy
* programApplicationId
* programId
* csDataHeaderId
* csDefinitionId
* requestId
* programUpdateDate
* csName


 * lastRefreshNum
* creationDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdateDate
* instance
* createdBy
* programApplicationId
* programId
* csDataHeaderId
* csDefinitionId
* requestId
* programUpdateDate
* csName


 * attribute39
* attribute53
* creationDate
* csDefinitionId
* attribute30
* attribute56
* attribute11
* createdByRefreshNum
* attribute26
* attribute32
* attribute33
* attribute57
* attribute47
* attribute51
* programUpdateDate
* attribute49
* attribute16
* attribute42
* attribute23
* attribute19
* attribute43
* attribute55
* attribute15
* liabilityUserFlag
* attribute41
* attribute2
* attribute40
* attribute9
* attribute59
* requestId
* attribute22
* attribute48
* attribute38
* actionCode
* createdBy
* attribute60
* attribute46
* csDataId
* attribute1
* attribute7
* attribute17
* attribute58
* attribute5
* programId
* attribute28
* attribute8
* attribute18
* lastRefreshNum
* attribute6
* attribute35
* csName
* programApplicationId
* attribute20
* attribute21
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute45
* attribute24
* attribute10
* attribute3
* attribute31
* attribute29
* attribute50
* attribute36
* attribute44
* attribute13
* attribute52
* attribute14
* attribute25
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute27
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute34
* attribute37
* attribute12
* attribute4
* attribute54


 * lastUpdatedBy
* creationDate
* conversionRate
* programApplicationId
* requestId
* fromCurrency
* programUpdateDate
* createdBy
* programId
* conversionDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* toCurrency
* lastUpdateDate


 * programUpdateDate
* instance
* requestId
* programId
* creationDate
* createdBy
* programApplicationId
* createdByRefreshNum
* levelId
* levelValue
* lastUpdateLogin
* levelPk
* srLevelPk
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastRefreshNum


 * programUpdateDate
* instance
* requestId
* programId
* creationDate
* createdBy
* programApplicationId
* createdByRefreshNum
* levelId
* levelValue
* lastUpdateLogin
* levelPk
* srLevelPk
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastRefreshNum


 * accntClassType


 * accntClassType


 * creationDate
* organizationId
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* createdBy
* organizationCode
* lastUpdateDate


 * creationDate
* organizationId
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* createdBy
* organizationCode
* lastUpdateDate


 * week4AbsPctErr
* ebsBhBookQtyRd
* prtyDemand
* week8AbsPctErr
* actualProd
* projBacklog
* budget
* level4
* fcstBooking
* mktgFcst
* ebsBhBookQtyBd
* totalBacklog
* dkeyItem
* fcstShipment
* cPred
* acryMapePctErr
* salesFcst
* fcstHypAnnualPlan
* actualOnHand
* level2
* fcstConsensus
* dkeySite
* sdate
* recordType
* ebsReturnHistory
* fcstHypFinancial
* level3
* week13AbsPctErr
* ebsShShipQtySd
* level1


 * week4AbsPctErr
* ebsBhBookQtyRd
* prtyDemand
* week8AbsPctErr
* actualProd
* projBacklog
* budget
* level4
* fcstBooking
* mktgFcst
* ebsBhBookQtyBd
* totalBacklog
* dkeyItem
* fcstShipment
* cPred
* acryMapePctErr
* salesFcst
* fcstHypAnnualPlan
* actualOnHand
* level2
* fcstConsensus
* dkeySite
* sdate
* recordType
* ebsReturnHistory
* fcstHypFinancial
* level3
* week13AbsPctErr
* ebsShShipQtySd
* level1


 * srOrganizationId
* srComponentItemId
* disableDate
* quantityPer
* srAssemblyItemId
* lastUpdateLogin
* planningFactor
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* creationDate
* createdBy
* srInstanceId
* optionalFlag
* effectivityDate


 * srOrganizationId
* srComponentItemId
* disableDate
* quantityPer
* srAssemblyItemId
* lastUpdateLogin
* planningFactor
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* creationDate
* createdBy
* srInstanceId
* optionalFlag
* effectivityDate


 * calendarType
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* creationDate
* lastUpdateDate
* instance
* calendarCode
* createdBy


 * optionId
* componentQty
* orgCode
* disableDate
* ctoChildCode
* ctoEndDate
* ctoType
* parentItemCode
* ctoParentCode
* optionSrId
* optionCode
* baseModelSrId
* ctoCode
* baseModelId
* parentItemId
* plngPctExisting
* effectivityDate
* atoForecastControl
* baseModelCode
* topAtoModelId
* ctoStartDate
* parentItemSrId
* optionalFlag


 * optionId
* componentQty
* orgCode
* disableDate
* ctoChildCode
* ctoEndDate
* ctoType
* parentItemCode
* ctoParentCode
* optionSrId
* optionCode
* baseModelSrId
* ctoCode
* baseModelId
* parentItemId
* plngPctExisting
* effectivityDate
* atoForecastControl
* baseModelCode
* topAtoModelId
* ctoStartDate
* parentItemSrId
* optionalFlag


 * lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdatedBy
* createdBy
* endDate
* numOfDays
* creationDate
* lastUpdateDate
* startDate
* datet


 * lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdatedBy
* createdBy
* endDate
* numOfDays
* creationDate
* lastUpdateDate
* startDate
* datet


 * bucketStartDate
* bucketEndDate
* lastUpdateDate
* creationDate
* createdBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* dayDate
* bucketDate
* lastUpdatedBy


 * bucketStartDate
* bucketEndDate
* lastUpdateDate
* creationDate
* createdBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* dayDate
* bucketDate
* lastUpdatedBy


 * level1
* level2SrPk
* level2
* ebsUsgQty
* level1SrPk
* sdate


 * level1
* level2SrPk
* level2
* ebsUsgQty
* level1SrPk
* sdate


 * lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateDate
* createdBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* tableName
* creationDate
* columnName
* ebsEntity
* internalName
* demantraEntity


 * lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateDate
* createdBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* tableName
* creationDate
* columnName
* ebsEntity
* internalName
* demantraEntity


 * part3
* lastUpdateLogin
* entityName
* creationDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* createdBy
* lastUpdateDate
* part1
* zdSync
* part2
* version
* zdEditionName


 * part3
* lastUpdateLogin
* entityName
* creationDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* createdBy
* lastUpdateDate
* part1
* zdSync
* part2
* version
* zdEditionName


 * level1SrPk
* level2
* level1
* level2SrPk
* sdate
* ebsUsgQty


 * level1SrPk
* level2
* level1
* level2SrPk
* sdate
* ebsUsgQty


 * lastUpdateLogin
* tableLabel
* creationDate
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* createdBy
* groupTableId


 * lastUpdateLogin
* tableLabel
* creationDate
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* createdBy
* groupTableId


 * level1SrPk
* sdate2
* ebsInsQty
* ownerPartyId
* sdate1
* level1


 * level1SrPk
* sdate2
* ebsInsQty
* ownerPartyId
* sdate1
* level1


 * parameterName
* parameterValue
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* createdBy
* instanceId
* creationDate
* lastUpdatedBy


 * srOrganizationId
* lastUpdateLogin
* disableDateS
* optionalFlagS
* id
* plngPctExistingS
* topAtoModelId
* createdBy
* parentComponentCode
* creationDate
* effectivityDateS
* lastUpdateDate
* plngPctExisting
* componentItemId
* isIn
* lastUpdatedBy
* componentCodeS
* disableDate
* componentCode
* planningFactor
* componentCodeLegacy
* effectivityDate
* optionalFlag
* planningFactorS
* parentItemIdS
* srInstanceId
* isBaseModel
* baseModelId
* parentItemId


 * srOrganizationId
* lastUpdateLogin
* disableDateS
* optionalFlagS
* id
* plngPctExistingS
* topAtoModelId
* createdBy
* parentComponentCode
* creationDate
* effectivityDateS
* lastUpdateDate
* plngPctExisting
* componentItemId
* isIn
* lastUpdatedBy
* componentCodeS
* disableDate
* componentCode
* planningFactor
* componentCodeLegacy
* effectivityDate
* optionalFlag
* planningFactorS
* parentItemIdS
* srInstanceId
* isBaseModel
* baseModelId
* parentItemId


 * creationDate
* processFlag
* srInstanceId
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdatedBy
* createdBy
* inventoryItemId
* lastUpdateDate


 * creationDate
* processFlag
* srInstanceId
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdatedBy
* createdBy
* inventoryItemId
* lastUpdateDate


 * inventoryItemId


 * inventoryItemId


 * lastUpdateLogin
* creationDate
* priceListName
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateDate
* createdBy


 * lastUpdateLogin
* creationDate
* priceListName
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateDate
* createdBy


 * creationDate
* createdBy
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* zdEditionName
* zdSync
* lastUpdateDate
* queryId
* query


 * creationDate
* createdBy
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* zdEditionName
* zdSync
* lastUpdateDate
* queryId
* query


 * level1
* level5
* level2
* level4
* ebsReturnHistory
* level4SrPk
* sdate
* level3


 * level1
* level5
* level2
* level4
* ebsReturnHistory
* level4SrPk
* sdate
* level3


 * rmaTypes


 * rmaTypes


 * revenue
* ebsShipHistShipQtyRd
* ebsItemSrPk
* actualQty
* shipmentsCount
* salesDate
* dmItemCode
* ebsBookHistReqQtyRd
* ebsBookHistReqQtyBd
* ebsBookHistBookQtyRd
* ebsShipHistShipQtySd
* orderSourceId
* srInstanceId
* ebsBookHistBookQtyBd
* ebsShipHistReqQtyRd
* ebsOrgSrPk
* dmOrgCode


 * revenue
* ebsShipHistShipQtyRd
* ebsItemSrPk
* actualQty
* shipmentsCount
* salesDate
* dmItemCode
* ebsBookHistReqQtyRd
* ebsBookHistReqQtyBd
* ebsBookHistBookQtyRd
* ebsShipHistShipQtySd
* orderSourceId
* srInstanceId
* ebsBookHistBookQtyBd
* ebsShipHistReqQtyRd
* ebsOrgSrPk
* dmOrgCode


 * stgSeriesColName
* seriesId
* msdSrItemPkCol
* identifier
* createdBy
* creationDate
* lastUpdateDate
* gmpSourceDateCol
* gmpCustomViewName
* sourceViewHint2
* customViewName
* zdEditionName
* msdSourceDateCol
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* psViewName
* seriesType
* gmpSrItemPkCol
* extraWhere
* seriesName
* zdSync
* sourceViewHint


 * stgSeriesColName
* seriesId
* msdSrItemPkCol
* identifier
* createdBy
* creationDate
* lastUpdateDate
* gmpSourceDateCol
* gmpCustomViewName
* sourceViewHint2
* customViewName
* zdEditionName
* msdSourceDateCol
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* psViewName
* seriesType
* gmpSrItemPkCol
* extraWhere
* seriesName
* zdSync
* sourceViewHint


 * parameterValue
* creationDate
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* parameterName
* createdBy


 * parameterValue
* creationDate
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* parameterName
* createdBy


 * level2SrPk
* level1
* level2
* ebsRetQty
* level1SrPk
* sdate


 * level2SrPk
* level1
* level2
* ebsRetQty
* level1SrPk
* sdate


 * level3
* level4
* ebsReturnHistory
* sdate
* level2
* level1
* level5
* level4SrPk


 * level3
* level4
* ebsReturnHistory
* sdate
* level2
* level1
* level5
* level4SrPk


 * supplyPlanId
* lastUpdatedBy
* supplyPlanCode
* creationDate
* supplyPlanDesc
* lastUpdateDate
* createdBy
* lastUpdateLogin


 * supplyPlanId
* lastUpdatedBy
* supplyPlanCode
* creationDate
* supplyPlanDesc
* lastUpdateDate
* createdBy
* lastUpdateLogin


 * creationDate
* quarter
* lastUpdateDate
* yearStartDate
* week
* weekStartDate
* yearEndDate
* monthEndDate
* yearDescription
* quarterDescription
* calendarCode
* weekEndDate
* quarterEndDate
* calendarType
* monthStartDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* createdBy
* instance
* quarterStartDate
* day
* lastUpdatedBy
* weekDescription
* month
* dayDescription
* year
* monthDescription


 * creationDate
* quarter
* lastUpdateDate
* yearStartDate
* week
* weekStartDate
* yearEndDate
* monthEndDate
* yearDescription
* quarterDescription
* calendarCode
* weekEndDate
* quarterEndDate
* calendarType
* monthStartDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* createdBy
* instance
* quarterStartDate
* day
* lastUpdatedBy
* weekDescription
* month
* dayDescription
* year
* monthDescription


 * createdBy
* creationDate
* name
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* id


 * createdBy
* creationDate
* name
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* id


 * transferId
* integrationType
* queryName
* createdBy
* exportType
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* creationDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* id
* fromDate
* applicationId
* untilDate
* presentationType


 * lorder
* id
* createdBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdatedBy
* levelId
* creationDate
* lastUpdateDate


 * lorder
* id
* createdBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdatedBy
* levelId
* creationDate
* lastUpdateDate


 * transferId
* integrationType
* queryName
* createdBy
* exportType
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* creationDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* id
* fromDate
* applicationId
* untilDate
* presentationType


 * planStartDate
* roundoffDecimalPlaces
* calendarCode
* previousPlanStartDate
* organizationId
* attribute14
* creationDate
* attribute2
* dpBuildErrorFlag
* deletePlanFlag
* liabPlanName
* mMinTimLvlId
* stripeLevelId
* liabilityRevisionNum
* categorySetId
* calendarType
* roundoffThreashold
* attribute12
* validFlag
* averageDiscount
* lastUpdateLogin
* cMinTimLvlId
* useOrgSpecificBomFlag
* templateId
* amtThreshold
* stripeStreamDesig
* programId
* attribute10
* enableFcstExplosion
* attribute6
* buildStripeStreamDesig
* zdEditionName
* dpBuildRefreshNum
* buildStripeStreamRefNum
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute15
* buildStripeStreamName
* templateFlag
* prevLiabPubPlanStartDate
* historyStartDate
* gMinTimLvlId
* demandPlanId
* stripeStreamName
* attribute13
* programUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* zdSync
* programApplicationId
* createdBy
* liabPlanId
* attribute5
* stripeInstance
* roundingLevelId
* deleteRequestId
* lowestPeriodType
* attribute7
* attribute9
* stripeSrLevelPk
* attribute8
* srInstanceId
* periodSetName
* description
* attribute4
* fMinTimLvlId
* attribute1
* demandPlanName
* attribute11
* amtDecimalPlaces
* planEndDate
* defaultTemplate
* attribute3
* attributeCategory
* planType
* buildStripeLevelPk
* requestId
* baseUom


 * planStartDate
* roundoffDecimalPlaces
* calendarCode
* previousPlanStartDate
* organizationId
* attribute14
* creationDate
* attribute2
* dpBuildErrorFlag
* deletePlanFlag
* liabPlanName
* mMinTimLvlId
* stripeLevelId
* liabilityRevisionNum
* categorySetId
* calendarType
* roundoffThreashold
* attribute12
* validFlag
* averageDiscount
* lastUpdateLogin
* cMinTimLvlId
* useOrgSpecificBomFlag
* templateId
* amtThreshold
* stripeStreamDesig
* programId
* attribute10
* enableFcstExplosion
* attribute6
* buildStripeStreamDesig
* zdEditionName
* dpBuildRefreshNum
* buildStripeStreamRefNum
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute15
* buildStripeStreamName
* templateFlag
* prevLiabPubPlanStartDate
* historyStartDate
* gMinTimLvlId
* demandPlanId
* stripeStreamName
* attribute13
* programUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* zdSync
* programApplicationId
* createdBy
* liabPlanId
* attribute5
* stripeInstance
* roundingLevelId
* deleteRequestId
* lowestPeriodType
* attribute7
* attribute9
* stripeSrLevelPk
* attribute8
* srInstanceId
* periodSetName
* description
* attribute4
* fMinTimLvlId
* attribute1
* demandPlanName
* attribute11
* amtDecimalPlaces
* planEndDate
* defaultTemplate
* attribute3
* attributeCategory
* planType
* buildStripeLevelPk
* requestId
* baseUom


 * language
* description
* lastUpdateDate
* sourceLang
* creationDate
* requestId
* programId
* programApplicationId
* lastUpdateLogin
* programUpdateDate
* createdBy
* demandPlanId
* lastUpdatedBy


 * language
* description
* lastUpdateDate
* sourceLang
* creationDate
* requestId
* programId
* programApplicationId
* lastUpdateLogin
* programUpdateDate
* createdBy
* demandPlanId
* lastUpdatedBy


 * createdBy
* programId
* lastUpdatedBy
* requestId
* programApplicationId
* calendarCode
* deleteableFlag
* demandPlanId
* lastUpdateLogin
* zdEditionName
* lastUpdateDate
* creationDate
* zdSync
* calendarType
* programUpdateDate
* enableNonseedFlag


 * createdBy
* programId
* lastUpdatedBy
* requestId
* programApplicationId
* calendarCode
* deleteableFlag
* demandPlanId
* lastUpdateLogin
* zdEditionName
* lastUpdateDate
* creationDate
* zdSync
* calendarType
* programUpdateDate
* enableNonseedFlag


 * createdBy
* zdEditionName
* demandPlanId
* deleteableFlag
* enableNonseedFlag
* dpDimensionCode
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* requestId
* zdSync
* lastUpdateDate
* programId
* dimensionCode
* lastUpdatedBy
* programApplicationId
* programUpdateDate


 * createdBy
* zdEditionName
* demandPlanId
* deleteableFlag
* enableNonseedFlag
* dpDimensionCode
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* requestId
* zdSync
* lastUpdateDate
* programId
* dimensionCode
* lastUpdatedBy
* programApplicationId
* programUpdateDate


 * programUpdateDate
* createdBy
* programId
* requestId
* dimensionCode
* selectionType
* lastUpdatedBy
* demandPlanId
* supplyPlanName
* enabledFlag
* programApplicationId
* mandatoryFlag
* selectionComponent
* selectionSequence
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* selectionValue
* supplyPlanFlag
* documentId
* lastUpdateDate


 * programUpdateDate
* createdBy
* programId
* requestId
* dimensionCode
* selectionType
* lastUpdatedBy
* demandPlanId
* supplyPlanName
* enabledFlag
* programApplicationId
* mandatoryFlag
* selectionComponent
* selectionSequence
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* selectionValue
* supplyPlanFlag
* documentId
* lastUpdateDate


 * lastUpdateLogin
* deleteableFlag
* lastUpdateDate
* eventId
* createdBy
* lastUpdatedBy
* dpEventId
* zdSync
* demandPlanId
* creationDate
* programUpdateDate
* zdEditionName
* requestId
* programApplicationId
* programId
* enableNonseedFlag


 * lastUpdateLogin
* deleteableFlag
* lastUpdateDate
* eventId
* createdBy
* lastUpdatedBy
* dpEventId
* zdSync
* demandPlanId
* creationDate
* programUpdateDate
* zdEditionName
* requestId
* programApplicationId
* programId
* enableNonseedFlag


 * sharedDbPrefix
* owaVirtualPathName
* lastUpdateLogin
* setup3
* eadName
* lastUpdatedBy
* creationDate
* requestId
* expressMachinePort
* programApplicationId
* expressConnectString
* lastUpdateDate
* programId
* demandPlanId
* organizationId
* sharedDbLocation
* setup1
* createdBy
* setup2
* setup5
* codeLocation
* setup4
* programUpdateDate


 * sharedDbPrefix
* owaVirtualPathName
* lastUpdateLogin
* setup3
* eadName
* lastUpdatedBy
* creationDate
* requestId
* expressMachinePort
* programApplicationId
* expressConnectString
* lastUpdateDate
* programId
* demandPlanId
* organizationId
* sharedDbLocation
* setup1
* createdBy
* setup2
* setup5
* codeLocation
* setup4
* programUpdateDate


 * parameterComponent
* lastUpdatedBy
* formulaId
* programId
* lastUpdateLogin
* parameterSequence
* requestId
* programUpdateDate
* mandatoryFlag
* creationDate
* demandPlanId
* whereUsed
* lastUpdateDate
* supplyPlanFlag
* parameterType
* supplyPlanName
* createdBy
* parameterValue
* enabledFlag
* programApplicationId


 * parameterComponent
* lastUpdatedBy
* formulaId
* programId
* lastUpdateLogin
* parameterSequence
* requestId
* programUpdateDate
* mandatoryFlag
* creationDate
* demandPlanId
* whereUsed
* lastUpdateDate
* supplyPlanFlag
* parameterType
* supplyPlanName
* createdBy
* parameterValue
* enabledFlag
* programApplicationId


 * isby
* programUpdateDate
* customType
* customSubtype
* supplyPlanFlag
* formulaId
* startPeriod
* numerator
* customField1
* validFlag
* creationSequence
* formulaDesc
* customField2
* programId
* lastUpdatedBy
* creationDate
* programApplicationId
* uploadFormulaId
* customAddtlcalc
* createdBy
* denominator
* equation
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* demandPlanId
* formulaName
* supplyPlanName
* requestId
* format


 * isby
* programUpdateDate
* customType
* customSubtype
* supplyPlanFlag
* formulaId
* startPeriod
* numerator
* customField1
* validFlag
* creationSequence
* formulaDesc
* customField2
* programId
* lastUpdatedBy
* creationDate
* programApplicationId
* uploadFormulaId
* customAddtlcalc
* createdBy
* denominator
* equation
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* demandPlanId
* formulaName
* supplyPlanName
* requestId
* format


 * lastUpdateDate
* demandPlanId
* lastUpdatedBy
* programApplicationId
* hierarchyId
* programId
* programUpdateDate
* creationDate
* requestId
* dpDimensionCode
* createdBy
* zdSync
* enableNonseedFlag
* lastUpdateLogin
* deleteableFlag
* zdEditionName


 * lastUpdateDate
* demandPlanId
* lastUpdatedBy
* programApplicationId
* hierarchyId
* programId
* programUpdateDate
* creationDate
* requestId
* dpDimensionCode
* createdBy
* zdSync
* enableNonseedFlag
* lastUpdateLogin
* deleteableFlag
* zdEditionName


 * demandPlanId
* srOrganizationId
* lastUpdatedBy
* creationDate
* programApplicationId
* requestId
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdateDate
* createdBy
* srInstanceId
* programId
* programUpdateDate


 * demandPlanId
* deleteableFlag
* requestId
* startDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* parameterId
* parameterType
* createdBy
* outputScenarioId
* postCalculation
* programApplicationId
* roundingFlag
* capacityUsageRatio
* quantityUsed
* zdEditionName
* revision
* forecastDateUsed
* dependentDemandDesc
* parameterName
* streamType
* calculatedOrder
* forecastUsed
* factType
* lastUpdateLogin
* excludeFromRollingCycle
* equation
* numberOfPeriod
* zdSync
* programUpdateDate
* ascpStreamFlag
* supplyPlanFlag
* creationDate
* alloAggBasisStreamId
* forecastBasedOn
* periodType
* programId
* inputDemandPlanId
* lastUpdateDate
* scnBuildRefreshNum
* archivedForParameter
* endDate
* enableNonseedFlag
* inputScenarioId
* viewName
* priceListName
* amountUsed


 * createdBy
* lastUpdatedBy
* requestId
* programApplicationId
* parameterName
* lastUpdateDate
* creationDate
* parameterType
* programId
* demandPlanId
* lastUpdateLogin
* programUpdateDate
* dataType
* refreshNum


 * createdBy
* lastUpdatedBy
* requestId
* programApplicationId
* parameterName
* lastUpdateDate
* creationDate
* parameterType
* programId
* demandPlanId
* lastUpdateLogin
* programUpdateDate
* dataType
* refreshNum


 * demandPlanId
* deleteableFlag
* requestId
* startDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* parameterId
* parameterType
* createdBy
* outputScenarioId
* postCalculation
* programApplicationId
* roundingFlag
* capacityUsageRatio
* quantityUsed
* zdEditionName
* revision
* forecastDateUsed
* dependentDemandDesc
* parameterName
* streamType
* calculatedOrder
* forecastUsed
* factType
* lastUpdateLogin
* excludeFromRollingCycle
* equation
* numberOfPeriod
* zdSync
* programUpdateDate
* ascpStreamFlag
* supplyPlanFlag
* creationDate
* alloAggBasisStreamId
* forecastBasedOn
* periodType
* programId
* inputDemandPlanId
* lastUpdateDate
* scnBuildRefreshNum
* archivedForParameter
* endDate
* enableNonseedFlag
* inputScenarioId
* viewName
* priceListName
* amountUsed


 * organizationId
* componentSequenceId
* billSequenceId
* dateTo
* planningFactor
* programApplicationId
* creationDate
* origComponentSequenceId
* demandPlanId
* inventoryItemId
* requestId
* baseModelItemId
* createdBy
* dpScenarioId
* programUpdateDate
* srInstanceId
* lastUpdateLogin
* planPercentageType
* assemblyItemId
* dateFrom
* programId


 * organizationId
* componentSequenceId
* billSequenceId
* dateTo
* planningFactor
* programApplicationId
* creationDate
* origComponentSequenceId
* demandPlanId
* inventoryItemId
* requestId
* baseModelItemId
* createdBy
* dpScenarioId
* programUpdateDate
* srInstanceId
* lastUpdateLogin
* planPercentageType
* assemblyItemId
* dateFrom
* programId


 * item
* parentItem
* topAtoModel
* planningFactor
* serial
* organization
* dateFrom
* dateTo


 * item
* parentItem
* topAtoModel
* planningFactor
* serial
* organization
* dateFrom
* dateTo


 * srOrganizationPk
* lastUpdateDate
* dateFrom
* demandPlanId
* planPercentType
* createdBy
* creationDate
* requestId
* componentItemLevelPk
* programApplicationId
* instance
* dpScenarioId
* assemblyItemLevelPk
* lastUpdatedBy
* srAssemblyItemPk
* revision
* programUpdateDate
* dateTo
* planningFactor
* organizationLevelPk
* componentSequenceId
* lastUpdateLogin
* srComponentItemPk
* programId


 * srOrganizationPk
* lastUpdateDate
* dateFrom
* demandPlanId
* planPercentType
* createdBy
* creationDate
* requestId
* componentItemLevelPk
* programApplicationId
* instance
* dpScenarioId
* assemblyItemLevelPk
* lastUpdatedBy
* srAssemblyItemPk
* revision
* programUpdateDate
* dateTo
* planningFactor
* organizationLevelPk
* componentSequenceId
* lastUpdateLogin
* srComponentItemPk
* programId


 * lastUpdateDate
* zdSync
* enableNonseedFlag
* createdBy
* requestId
* dpPriceListId
* demandPlanId
* deleteableFlag
* programApplicationId
* programUpdateDate
* priceListName
* programId
* creationDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* zdEditionName


 * salesRepLvlPk
* baselineDependentQty
* customerLvlVal
* lastUpdateDate
* revision
* productLvlId
* instance
* userDefined2LvlPk
* organizationLvlVal
* userDefined1LvlVal
* baselineAmount
* saleschannelLvlId
* demandClassLvlPk
* programId
* baselineTotalQty
* comments
* forecastError
* parentRevision
* demandClassLvlId
* dependentQuantity
* srGeographyLvlPk
* organizationLvlPk
* srCustomerLvlPk
* timeLvlValTo
* srUserDefined1LvlPk
* srProductLvlPk
* totalQuantity
* programUpdateDate
* scenarioId
* saleschannelLvlPk
* lastUpdateLogin
* geographyLvlVal
* userDefined1LvlPk
* amount
* customerLvlPk
* srSaleschannelLvlPk
* creationDate
* organizationLvlId
* srSalesRepLvlPk
* requestId
* adjustmentReason
* programApplicationId
* entryId
* geographyLvlId
* createdBy
* baselineQuantity
* timeLvlValFrom
* lastUpdatedBy
* timeLvlId
* geographyLvlPk
* salesRepLvlId
* customerLvlId
* srOrganizationLvlPk
* scenarioName
* salesRepLvlVal
* demandClass
* userDefined1LvlId
* demandPlanId
* productLvlVal
* productLvlPk
* forecastPriority
* priority
* srUserDefined2LvlPk
* totalQuantityUom
* saleschannelLvlVal
* userDefined2LvlId
* quantity
* userDefined2LvlVal


 * salesRepLvlPk
* baselineDependentQty
* customerLvlVal
* lastUpdateDate
* revision
* productLvlId
* instance
* userDefined2LvlPk
* organizationLvlVal
* userDefined1LvlVal
* baselineAmount
* saleschannelLvlId
* demandClassLvlPk
* programId
* baselineTotalQty
* comments
* forecastError
* parentRevision
* demandClassLvlId
* dependentQuantity
* srGeographyLvlPk
* organizationLvlPk
* srCustomerLvlPk
* timeLvlValTo
* srUserDefined1LvlPk
* srProductLvlPk
* totalQuantity
* programUpdateDate
* scenarioId
* saleschannelLvlPk
* lastUpdateLogin
* geographyLvlVal
* userDefined1LvlPk
* amount
* customerLvlPk
* srSaleschannelLvlPk
* creationDate
* organizationLvlId
* srSalesRepLvlPk
* requestId
* adjustmentReason
* programApplicationId
* entryId
* geographyLvlId
* createdBy
* baselineQuantity
* timeLvlValFrom
* lastUpdatedBy
* timeLvlId
* geographyLvlPk
* salesRepLvlId
* customerLvlId
* srOrganizationLvlPk
* scenarioName
* salesRepLvlVal
* demandClass
* userDefined1LvlId
* demandPlanId
* productLvlVal
* productLvlPk
* forecastPriority
* priority
* srUserDefined2LvlPk
* totalQuantityUom
* saleschannelLvlVal
* userDefined2LvlId
* quantity
* userDefined2LvlVal


 * enableNonseedFlag
* programUpdateDate
* eventId
* demandPlanId
* programId
* eventAssociationPriority
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* requestId
* lastUpdateLogin
* scenarioId
* deleteableFlag
* zdEditionName
* programApplicationId
* creationDate
* createdBy
* zdSync


 * enableNonseedFlag
* programUpdateDate
* eventId
* demandPlanId
* programId
* eventAssociationPriority
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* requestId
* lastUpdateLogin
* scenarioId
* deleteableFlag
* zdEditionName
* programApplicationId
* creationDate
* createdBy
* zdSync


 * lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdatedBy
* createdBy
* zdSync
* requestId
* demandPlanId
* levelId
* zdEditionName
* programUpdateDate
* creationDate
* programApplicationId
* enableNonseedFlag
* scenarioId
* programId
* deleteableFlag
* lastUpdateDate


 * lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdatedBy
* createdBy
* zdSync
* requestId
* demandPlanId
* levelId
* zdEditionName
* programUpdateDate
* creationDate
* programApplicationId
* enableNonseedFlag
* scenarioId
* programId
* deleteableFlag
* lastUpdateDate


 * lastUpdatedBy
* demandPlanId
* scenarioId
* errorType
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* planStartDate
* revisionName
* creationDate
* revision
* createdBy


 * scenarioId
* priceListName
* createdBy
* zdSync
* attribute3
* enableNonseedFlag
* zdEditionName
* attribute11
* creationDate
* deleteableFlag
* programUpdateDate
* attribute2
* outputPeriodType
* attribute13
* demandPlanId
* attribute8
* scenarioType
* attribute9
* supplyPlanName
* oldSupplyPlanName
* horizonEndDate
* horizonStartDate
* associateParameter
* forecastBasedOn
* scType
* lastUpdateDate
* returnForecast
* attribute12
* lastUpdatedBy
* supplyPlanId
* scenarioDesignator
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute7
* attribute10
* scenarioName
* attribute6
* errorType
* attribute1
* description
* dmdPriorityScenarioId
* historyStartDate
* consumeFlag
* lastRevision
* attribute4
* programId
* attribute14
* requestId
* parameterName
* historyEndDate
* enableFlag
* programApplicationId
* supplyPlanFlag
* attribute5
* publishFlag
* forecastDateUsed
* attributeCategory
* attribute15
* status
* oldSupplyPlanId


 * scenarioId
* priceListName
* createdBy
* zdSync
* attribute3
* enableNonseedFlag
* zdEditionName
* attribute11
* creationDate
* deleteableFlag
* programUpdateDate
* attribute2
* outputPeriodType
* attribute13
* demandPlanId
* attribute8
* scenarioType
* attribute9
* supplyPlanName
* oldSupplyPlanName
* horizonEndDate
* horizonStartDate
* associateParameter
* forecastBasedOn
* scType
* lastUpdateDate
* returnForecast
* attribute12
* lastUpdatedBy
* supplyPlanId
* scenarioDesignator
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute7
* attribute10
* scenarioName
* attribute6
* errorType
* attribute1
* description
* dmdPriorityScenarioId
* historyStartDate
* consumeFlag
* lastRevision
* attribute4
* programId
* attribute14
* requestId
* parameterName
* historyEndDate
* enableFlag
* programApplicationId
* supplyPlanFlag
* attribute5
* publishFlag
* forecastDateUsed
* attributeCategory
* attribute15
* status
* oldSupplyPlanId


 * lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdateDate
* demandPlanId
* programUpdateDate
* programId
* scenarioId
* lastUpdatedBy
* creationDate
* requestId
* language
* programApplicationId
* createdBy
* sourceLang
* description


 * lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdateDate
* demandPlanId
* programUpdateDate
* programId
* scenarioId
* lastUpdatedBy
* creationDate
* requestId
* language
* programApplicationId
* createdBy
* sourceLang
* description


 * programApplicationId
* createdBy
* endTime
* bucketType
* inventoryItemId
* programUpdateDate
* pfName
* startTime
* unitPrice
* demandClass
* creationDate
* programId
* dpUomCode
* srCustomerId
* mapeInSample
* srZoneId
* ascpUomCode
* srInstanceId
* intermittentDemand
* demandPlanId
* forecastError
* quantity
* avgDemand
* scenarioId
* requestId
* srOrganizationId
* demandId
* srInventoryItemId
* srShipToLocId
* priority
* lastUpdateLogin
* mapeOutSample
* forecastVolatility
* errorType


 * programApplicationId
* createdBy
* endTime
* bucketType
* inventoryItemId
* programUpdateDate
* pfName
* startTime
* unitPrice
* demandClass
* creationDate
* programId
* dpUomCode
* srCustomerId
* mapeInSample
* srZoneId
* ascpUomCode
* srInstanceId
* intermittentDemand
* demandPlanId
* forecastError
* quantity
* avgDemand
* scenarioId
* requestId
* srOrganizationId
* demandId
* srInventoryItemId
* srShipToLocId
* priority
* lastUpdateLogin
* mapeOutSample
* forecastVolatility
* errorType


 * programApplicationId
* demandPlanId
* hierarchyId
* creationDate
* dimensionCode
* lastUpdateLogin
* selectionType
* requestId
* programId
* lastUpdatedBy
* enabledFlag
* programUpdateDate
* sequenceNumber
* lastUpdateDate
* createdBy
* documentId
* selectionScript
* mandatoryFlag
* axis


 * createdBy
* description
* lastUpdateDate
* programId
* lastUpdatedBy
* creationDate
* programUpdateDate
* demandPlanId
* scriptInit
* requestId
* scriptPrepage
* openOnStartup
* validFlag
* lastUpdateLogin
* documentId
* scriptPostpage
* type
* programApplicationId
* scriptCleanup
* documentName
* subType


 * createdBy
* description
* lastUpdateDate
* programId
* lastUpdatedBy
* creationDate
* programUpdateDate
* demandPlanId
* scriptInit
* requestId
* scriptPrepage
* openOnStartup
* validFlag
* lastUpdateLogin
* documentId
* scriptPostpage
* type
* programApplicationId
* scriptCleanup
* documentName
* subType


 * supplyPlanId
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* programId
* programApplicationId
* creationDate
* createdBy
* demandPlanName
* requestId
* lastUpdatedBy
* supplyPlanName
* programUpdateDate


 * supplyPlanId
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* programId
* programApplicationId
* creationDate
* createdBy
* demandPlanName
* requestId
* lastUpdatedBy
* supplyPlanName
* programUpdateDate


 * eventId
* srProductLvlPk
* instance
* endTime
* lastUpdatedBy
* programApplicationId
* programId
* programUpdateDate
* spreadProductLvlVal
* productLvlId
* lastUpdateDate
* spreadProductLvlId
* lastUpdateLogin
* creationDate
* requestId
* createdBy
* seqId
* productLvlVal
* startTime


 * eventId
* srProductLvlPk
* instance
* endTime
* lastUpdatedBy
* programApplicationId
* programId
* programUpdateDate
* spreadProductLvlVal
* productLvlId
* lastUpdateDate
* spreadProductLvlId
* lastUpdateLogin
* creationDate
* requestId
* createdBy
* seqId
* productLvlVal
* startTime


 * attribute6
* srProductLvlPk
* lastUpdatedBy
* salesRepLvlVal
* lastUpdateLogin
* saleschannelLvlId
* srSpreadProductLvlPk
* eventName
* periodType
* organizationLvlVal
* userDefined2LvlId
* userDefined2LvlVal
* attribute12
* productLvlId
* attribute1
* srUserDefined2LvlPk
* saleschannelLvlVal
* programApplicationId
* eventId
* productEndTime
* attribute4
* attribute15
* priority
* introductionType
* instance
* srSaleschannelLvlPk
* srCustomerLvlPk
* spreadProductLvlId
* geographyLvlId
* spreadProduct
* attribute11
* programUpdateDate
* srGeographyLvlPk
* customerLvlVal
* eventPriority
* attribute9
* srSalesRepLvlPk
* lastUpdateDate
* eventType
* customerLvlId
* attribute5
* srOrganizationLvlPk
* productLvlVal
* attributeCategory
* userDefined1LvlVal
* productStartTime
* creationDate
* spreadProductLvlVal
* userDefined1LvlId
* forecastBasis
* autoUpdateSsFlag
* programId
* srUserDefined1LvlPk
* geographyLvlVal
* requestId
* salesRepLvlId
* attribute13
* description
* attribute10
* eventDescription
* attribute2
* attribute7
* modificationType
* attribute8
* attribute14
* createdBy
* attribute3
* organizationLvlId


 * attribute6
* srProductLvlPk
* lastUpdatedBy
* salesRepLvlVal
* lastUpdateLogin
* saleschannelLvlId
* srSpreadProductLvlPk
* eventName
* periodType
* organizationLvlVal
* userDefined2LvlId
* userDefined2LvlVal
* attribute12
* productLvlId
* attribute1
* srUserDefined2LvlPk
* saleschannelLvlVal
* programApplicationId
* eventId
* productEndTime
* attribute4
* attribute15
* priority
* introductionType
* instance
* srSaleschannelLvlPk
* srCustomerLvlPk
* spreadProductLvlId
* geographyLvlId
* spreadProduct
* attribute11
* programUpdateDate
* srGeographyLvlPk
* customerLvlVal
* eventPriority
* attribute9
* srSalesRepLvlPk
* lastUpdateDate
* eventType
* customerLvlId
* attribute5
* srOrganizationLvlPk
* productLvlVal
* attributeCategory
* userDefined1LvlVal
* productStartTime
* creationDate
* spreadProductLvlVal
* userDefined1LvlId
* forecastBasis
* autoUpdateSsFlag
* programId
* srUserDefined1LvlPk
* geographyLvlVal
* requestId
* salesRepLvlId
* attribute13
* description
* attribute10
* eventDescription
* attribute2
* attribute7
* modificationType
* attribute8
* attribute14
* createdBy
* attribute3
* organizationLvlId


 * srProductLvlPk
* eventId
* programApplicationId
* lag
* programUpdateDate
* startTime
* qtyModificationFactor
* requestId
* creationDate
* endTime
* seqId
* qtyModificationType
* productLvlId
* lastUpdateLogin
* productLvlVal
* lastUpdatedBy
* instance
* npiProdRelationship
* relationId
* lastUpdateDate
* programId
* createdBy


 * srProductLvlPk
* eventId
* programApplicationId
* lag
* programUpdateDate
* startTime
* qtyModificationFactor
* requestId
* creationDate
* endTime
* seqId
* qtyModificationType
* productLvlId
* lastUpdateLogin
* productLvlVal
* lastUpdatedBy
* instance
* npiProdRelationship
* relationId
* lastUpdateDate
* programId
* createdBy


 * organizationLvlId
* lastUpdatedBy
* srOrganizationLvlPk
* userDefined1LvlId
* srGeographyLvlPk
* userDefined1LvlVal
* userDefined1LvlPk
* timeLvlValFrom
* srUserDefined2LvlPk
* lastUpdateLogin
* srSaleschannelLvlPk
* geographyLvlId
* creationDate
* saleschannelLvlId
* srUserDefined1LvlPk
* qtyModificationFactor
* productLvlVal
* organizationLvlVal
* priceModificationType
* lastUpdateDate
* demandClassLvlVal
* priceModificationFactor
* srProductLvlPk
* userDefined2LvlPk
* eventId
* userDefined2LvlVal
* requestId
* qtyModificationType
* programApplicationId
* saleschannelLvlVal
* srDemandClassLvlPk
* detailId
* demandClassLvlId
* createdBy
* productLvlId
* salesrepLvlId
* programId
* programUpdateDate
* userDefined2LvlId
* instance
* seqId
* srSalesrepLvlPk
* timeLvlId
* salesrepLvlVal
* geographyLvlVal
* relationId
* timeLvlValTo


 * organizationLvlId
* lastUpdatedBy
* srOrganizationLvlPk
* userDefined1LvlId
* srGeographyLvlPk
* userDefined1LvlVal
* userDefined1LvlPk
* timeLvlValFrom
* srUserDefined2LvlPk
* lastUpdateLogin
* srSaleschannelLvlPk
* geographyLvlId
* creationDate
* saleschannelLvlId
* srUserDefined1LvlPk
* qtyModificationFactor
* productLvlVal
* organizationLvlVal
* priceModificationType
* lastUpdateDate
* demandClassLvlVal
* priceModificationFactor
* srProductLvlPk
* userDefined2LvlPk
* eventId
* userDefined2LvlVal
* requestId
* qtyModificationType
* programApplicationId
* saleschannelLvlVal
* srDemandClassLvlPk
* detailId
* demandClassLvlId
* createdBy
* productLvlId
* salesrepLvlId
* programId
* programUpdateDate
* userDefined2LvlId
* instance
* seqId
* srSalesrepLvlPk
* timeLvlId
* salesrepLvlVal
* geographyLvlVal
* relationId
* timeLvlValTo


 * forecastTypeId
* item
* creationDate
* instance
* avgDiscount
* listPrice
* itemTypeId
* programUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* programApplicationId
* lastUpdateDate
* lastRefreshNum
* actionCode
* requestId
* programId
* srItemPk
* baseUom
* createdByRefreshNum
* createdBy


 * forecastTypeId
* item
* creationDate
* instance
* avgDiscount
* listPrice
* itemTypeId
* programUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* programApplicationId
* lastUpdateDate
* lastRefreshNum
* actionCode
* requestId
* programId
* srItemPk
* baseUom
* createdByRefreshNum
* createdBy


 * lastUpdateDate
* relatedItem
* requestId
* relationshipTypeId
* programUpdateDate
* inventoryItem
* programId
* instanceId
* inventoryItemId
* startDate
* programApplicationId
* endDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* relatedItemId
* createdBy
* lastUpdatedBy
* creationDate


 * lastUpdateDate
* relatedItem
* requestId
* relationshipTypeId
* programUpdateDate
* inventoryItem
* programId
* instanceId
* inventoryItemId
* startDate
* programApplicationId
* endDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* relatedItemId
* createdBy
* lastUpdatedBy
* creationDate


 * programUpdateDate
* attribute1
* levelId
* attribute2
* creationDate
* requestId
* attribute3
* attribute4
* lastUpdatedBy
* parentLevelId
* srParentLevelPk
* lastRefreshNum
* instance
* lastUpdateDate
* programApplicationId
* lastUpdateLogin
* dpEnabledFlag
* createdByRefreshNum
* attribute5
* srLevelPk
* createdBy
* programId
* actionCode


 * createdBy
* lastRefreshNum
* attribute3
* attribute4
* planId
* parentLevelId
* attribute2
* creationDate
* programApplicationId
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute5
* lastUpdateDate
* requestId
* createdByRefreshNum
* lastUpdatedBy
* programId
* actionCode
* srLevelPk
* srParentLevelPk
* attribute1
* programUpdateDate
* levelId


 * createdBy
* lastRefreshNum
* attribute3
* attribute4
* planId
* parentLevelId
* attribute2
* creationDate
* programApplicationId
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute5
* lastUpdateDate
* requestId
* createdByRefreshNum
* lastUpdatedBy
* programId
* actionCode
* srLevelPk
* srParentLevelPk
* attribute1
* programUpdateDate
* levelId


 * programUpdateDate
* attribute1
* levelId
* attribute2
* creationDate
* requestId
* attribute3
* attribute4
* lastUpdatedBy
* parentLevelId
* srParentLevelPk
* lastRefreshNum
* instance
* lastUpdateDate
* programApplicationId
* lastUpdateLogin
* dpEnabledFlag
* createdByRefreshNum
* attribute5
* srLevelPk
* createdBy
* programId
* actionCode


 * srLevelPk
* creationDate
* orgSrLevelPk
* programId
* instance
* requestId
* lastUpdatedBy
* orgLevelId
* lastUpdateDate
* levelId
* createdBy
* programUpdateDate
* programApplicationId
* lastUpdateLogin


 * srLevelPk
* creationDate
* orgSrLevelPk
* programId
* instance
* requestId
* lastUpdatedBy
* orgLevelId
* lastUpdateDate
* levelId
* createdBy
* programUpdateDate
* programApplicationId
* lastUpdateLogin


 * attribute1
* parentLevelId
* levelValue
* programApplicationId
* levelPk
* attribute2
* createdBy
* instance
* attribute3
* srLevelPk
* lastUpdateDate
* parentLevelValuePk
* parentLevelValue
* lastRefreshNum
* attribute5
* lastUpdateLogin
* levelValuePk
* createdByRefreshNum
* programUpdateDate
* attribute4
* lastUpdatedBy
* actionCode
* systemAttribute2
* requestId
* levelValueDesc
* levelId
* creationDate
* systemAttribute1
* dpEnabledFlag
* programId


 * programId
* demandPlanId
* dpEnabledFlag
* requestId
* programUpdateDate
* lastUpdateDate
* levelId
* systemAttribute2
* instance
* createdBy
* creationDate
* srLevelPk
* levelPk
* lastUpdateLogin
* programApplicationId
* systemAttribute1
* lastUpdatedBy


 * programId
* demandPlanId
* dpEnabledFlag
* requestId
* programUpdateDate
* lastUpdateDate
* levelId
* systemAttribute2
* instance
* createdBy
* creationDate
* srLevelPk
* levelPk
* lastUpdateLogin
* programApplicationId
* systemAttribute1
* lastUpdatedBy


 * lastUpdatedBy
* programApplicationId
* requestId
* instance
* levelPk
* programId
* levelId
* creationDate
* programUpdateDate
* createdBy
* systemAttribute2
* srLevelPk
* lastUpdateDate
* dpEnabledFlag
* systemAttribute1
* demandPlanId
* lastUpdateLogin


 * lastUpdatedBy
* programApplicationId
* requestId
* instance
* levelPk
* programId
* levelId
* creationDate
* programUpdateDate
* createdBy
* systemAttribute2
* srLevelPk
* lastUpdateDate
* dpEnabledFlag
* systemAttribute1
* demandPlanId
* lastUpdateLogin


 * planId
* actionCode
* programApplicationId
* lastUpdateDate
* createdBy
* programUpdateDate
* levelId
* attribute3
* creationDate
* levelPk
* createdByRefreshNum
* attribute4
* levelValueDesc
* attribute5
* attribute1
* requestId
* levelValue
* programId
* srLevelPk
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastRefreshNum
* attribute2
* lastUpdateLogin


 * planId
* actionCode
* programApplicationId
* lastUpdateDate
* createdBy
* programUpdateDate
* levelId
* attribute3
* creationDate
* levelPk
* createdByRefreshNum
* attribute4
* levelValueDesc
* attribute5
* attribute1
* requestId
* levelValue
* programId
* srLevelPk
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastRefreshNum
* attribute2
* lastUpdateLogin


 * attribute1
* parentLevelId
* levelValue
* programApplicationId
* levelPk
* attribute2
* createdBy
* instance
* attribute3
* srLevelPk
* lastUpdateDate
* parentLevelValuePk
* parentLevelValue
* lastRefreshNum
* attribute5
* lastUpdateLogin
* levelValuePk
* createdByRefreshNum
* programUpdateDate
* attribute4
* lastUpdatedBy
* actionCode
* systemAttribute2
* requestId
* levelValueDesc
* levelId
* creationDate
* systemAttribute1
* dpEnabledFlag
* programId


 * char5
* createdBy
* char7
* char8
* char10
* number3
* levelId
* char2
* requestId
* number5
* char4
* programApplicationId
* creationDate
* programId
* char6
* date2
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* instanceId
* char1
* char3
* char9
* number4
* dataSourceType
* date1
* date3
* date5
* lastUpdateDate
* number2
* date4
* programUpdateDate
* localId
* number1


 * char5
* createdBy
* char7
* char8
* char10
* number3
* levelId
* char2
* requestId
* number5
* char4
* programApplicationId
* creationDate
* programId
* char6
* date2
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* instanceId
* char1
* char3
* char9
* number4
* dataSourceType
* date1
* date3
* date5
* lastUpdateDate
* number2
* date4
* programUpdateDate
* localId
* number1


 * lastUpdateLogin
* invOrg
* bucketType
* srItemPk
* srCustomerPk
* lastRefreshNum
* lastUpdateDate
* rateEndDate
* customer
* srUserDefined1Pk
* createdByRefreshNum
* forecastDate
* programUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* salesChannel
* programId
* originalQuantity
* forecastSet
* prdLevelId
* requestId
* srUserDefined2Pk
* userDefined2
* srShipToLocPk
* srInvOrgPk
* createdBy
* currentQuantity
* actionCode
* item
* srSalesChannelPk
* creationDate
* srDemandClassPk
* programApplicationId
* instance
* userDefined1
* forecastDesignator
* shipToLoc


 * lastUpdateLogin
* invOrg
* bucketType
* srItemPk
* srCustomerPk
* lastRefreshNum
* lastUpdateDate
* rateEndDate
* customer
* srUserDefined1Pk
* createdByRefreshNum
* forecastDate
* programUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* salesChannel
* programId
* originalQuantity
* forecastSet
* prdLevelId
* requestId
* srUserDefined2Pk
* userDefined2
* srShipToLocPk
* srInvOrgPk
* createdBy
* currentQuantity
* actionCode
* item
* srSalesChannelPk
* creationDate
* srDemandClassPk
* programApplicationId
* instance
* userDefined1
* forecastDesignator
* shipToLoc


 * instance
* calendarType
* programUpdateDate
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* srOrgPk
* createdBy
* requestId
* calendarCode
* programId
* lastUpdatedBy
* programApplicationId
* lastUpdateDate


 * srDemandClassLvlPk
* salesRepLvlId
* price
* instance
* lastUpdateLogin
* createdByRefreshNum
* programUpdateDate
* saleschannelLvlId
* userDefined2LvlId
* startDate
* demandClassLvlId
* srSaleschannelLvlPk
* userDefined1LvlId
* lastRefreshNum
* actionCode
* srGeographyLvlPk
* programApplicationId
* srOrganizationLvlPk
* priority
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* productLvlId
* srUserDefined1LvlPk
* srUserDefined2LvlPk
* srProductLvlPk
* requestId
* geographyLvlId
* programId
* srSalesRepLvlPk
* createdBy
* endDate
* organizationLvlId
* priceListName
* creationDate


 * srDemandClassLvlPk
* salesRepLvlId
* price
* instance
* lastUpdateLogin
* createdByRefreshNum
* programUpdateDate
* saleschannelLvlId
* userDefined2LvlId
* startDate
* demandClassLvlId
* srSaleschannelLvlPk
* userDefined1LvlId
* lastRefreshNum
* actionCode
* srGeographyLvlPk
* programApplicationId
* srOrganizationLvlPk
* priority
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* productLvlId
* srUserDefined1LvlPk
* srUserDefined2LvlPk
* srProductLvlPk
* requestId
* geographyLvlId
* programId
* srSalesRepLvlPk
* createdBy
* endDate
* organizationLvlId
* priceListName
* creationDate


 * scenarioId
* reasonCode
* revision
* creationDate
* createdBy
* demandPlanId
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdatedBy
* reasonId
* lastUpdateDate


 * scenarioId
* reasonCode
* revision
* creationDate
* createdBy
* demandPlanId
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdatedBy
* reasonId
* lastUpdateDate


 * timLvlId
* lastUpdateLogin
* dcsLvlPk
* chnLvlPk
* timLvlVal
* prdLvlPk
* ud2LvlId
* revision
* demandPlanId
* repLvlId
* lastUpdateDate
* ud1LvlPk
* orgLvlId
* creationDate
* orgLvlPk
* createdBy
* scenarioId
* geoLvlId
* ud1LvlId
* geoLvlPk
* dcsLvlId
* ud2LvlPk
* commentId
* chnLvlId
* prdLvlId
* repLvlPk
* lastUpdatedBy


 * timLvlId
* lastUpdateLogin
* dcsLvlPk
* chnLvlPk
* timLvlVal
* prdLvlPk
* ud2LvlId
* revision
* demandPlanId
* repLvlId
* lastUpdateDate
* ud1LvlPk
* orgLvlId
* creationDate
* orgLvlPk
* createdBy
* scenarioId
* geoLvlId
* ud1LvlId
* geoLvlPk
* dcsLvlId
* ud2LvlPk
* commentId
* chnLvlId
* prdLvlId
* repLvlPk
* lastUpdatedBy


 * parameterValue
* parameterName
* instanceId


 * parameterValue
* parameterName
* instanceId


 * bookedDate
* createdByRefreshNum
* promisedDate
* createdBy
* orderSourceId
* lastUpdateLogin
* userDefined2
* amount
* qtyShipped
* scheduledShipDate
* lastRefreshNum
* srInvOrgPk
* srUserDefined1Pk
* srItemPk
* item
* lastUpdateDate
* srUserDefined2Pk
* requestedDate
* actionCode
* srDemandClassPk
* srOriginalItemPk
* programUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* creationDate
* srShipToLocPk
* programId
* srParentItemPk
* srSalesRepPk
* salesChannel
* requestId
* salesRep
* customer
* shippedDate
* invOrg
* srCustomerPk
* shipToLoc
* instance
* userDefined1
* srSalesChannelPk
* scheduledArrivalDate
* programApplicationId


 * bookedDate
* createdByRefreshNum
* promisedDate
* createdBy
* orderSourceId
* lastUpdateLogin
* userDefined2
* amount
* qtyShipped
* scheduledShipDate
* lastRefreshNum
* srInvOrgPk
* srUserDefined1Pk
* srItemPk
* item
* lastUpdateDate
* srUserDefined2Pk
* requestedDate
* actionCode
* srDemandClassPk
* srOriginalItemPk
* programUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* creationDate
* srShipToLocPk
* programId
* srParentItemPk
* srSalesRepPk
* salesChannel
* requestId
* salesRep
* customer
* shippedDate
* invOrg
* srCustomerPk
* shipToLoc
* instance
* userDefined1
* srSalesChannelPk
* scheduledArrivalDate
* programApplicationId


 * demandPlanId
* disableDate
* srInstanceId
* srComponentPk
* bomType
* effectivityDate
* lastUpdateDate
* creationDate
* planType
* lastUpdatedBy
* resComp
* createdBy
* srAssemblyPk


 * demandPlanId
* disableDate
* srInstanceId
* srComponentPk
* bomType
* effectivityDate
* lastUpdateDate
* creationDate
* planType
* lastUpdatedBy
* resComp
* createdBy
* srAssemblyPk


 * childCode
* assetGroup
* effectivityDate
* parentCode
* maintenanceTypeCode
* organizationCode
* visitType
* spfCode
* maintenanceTypeDesc
* transitVisit
* baseModelCode
* parentItemCode
* demandType
* visitStageType
* classCode


 * childCode
* assetGroup
* effectivityDate
* parentCode
* maintenanceTypeCode
* organizationCode
* visitType
* spfCode
* maintenanceTypeDesc
* transitVisit
* baseModelCode
* parentItemCode
* demandType
* visitStageType
* classCode


 * latestRev
* effectiveDate
* activeInFuture
* chainId
* superseededItemId
* inventoryItemId
* sequenceId
* disableDate
* srInventoryItemId


 * latestRev
* effectiveDate
* activeInFuture
* chainId
* superseededItemId
* inventoryItemId
* sequenceId
* disableDate
* srInventoryItemId


 * tEpOrganizationEpId
* inventoryItemId
* sdate
* srOrganizationId
* tEpItemEpId
* srInstanceId


 * tEpOrganizationEpId
* inventoryItemId
* sdate
* srOrganizationId
* tEpItemEpId
* srInstanceId


 * ebsBaseModelSrPk
* retainRecord
* disableDate
* sequenceId
* dmItemSrPk
* effectiveDate


 * chainId
* latestRev
* dmItemSrPk
* srInstanceId
* ebsBaseModelSrPk
* disableDate
* effectiveDate


 * chainId
* latestRev
* dmItemSrPk
* srInstanceId
* ebsBaseModelSrPk
* disableDate
* effectiveDate


 * dmOrgCode
* ebsBaseModelCode
* dmOrgSrPk
* ebsBaseModelSrPk


 * operatingFleet
* quantity
* maintenanceTypeDesc
* materialCode
* visitType
* createdBy
* errorText
* orgCode
* originatingMr
* operatingOrgDesc
* operatingOrg
* operationsTypeCode
* lastUpdatedBy
* transitVisit
* maintenanceTypeCode
* srOrgPk
* lastUpdateDate
* usgDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* processFlag
* operationsTypeDesc
* creationDate
* visitStageType
* materialSrPk


 * operatingFleet
* quantity
* maintenanceTypeDesc
* materialCode
* visitType
* createdBy
* errorText
* orgCode
* originatingMr
* operatingOrgDesc
* operatingOrg
* operationsTypeCode
* lastUpdatedBy
* transitVisit
* maintenanceTypeCode
* srOrgPk
* lastUpdateDate
* usgDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* processFlag
* operationsTypeDesc
* creationDate
* visitStageType
* materialSrPk


 * bomResourceCode
* srOrgPk
* creationDate
* processFlag
* operatingOrgDesc
* lastUpdatedBy
* quantity
* cmroResourceCode
* operatingFleet
* lastUpdateDate
* resourceSrPk
* originatingMr
* usgDate
* visitStageType
* operationsTypeDesc
* operatingOrg
* operationsTypeCode
* createdBy
* visitType
* errorText
* transitVisit
* orgCode
* lastUpdateLogin
* maintenanceTypeCode
* maintenanceTypeDesc


 * bomResourceCode
* srOrgPk
* creationDate
* processFlag
* operatingOrgDesc
* lastUpdatedBy
* quantity
* cmroResourceCode
* operatingFleet
* lastUpdateDate
* resourceSrPk
* originatingMr
* usgDate
* visitStageType
* operationsTypeDesc
* operatingOrg
* operationsTypeCode
* createdBy
* visitType
* errorText
* transitVisit
* orgCode
* lastUpdateLogin
* maintenanceTypeCode
* maintenanceTypeDesc


 * operatingOrgDesc
* orgCode
* originatingMr
* transitVisit
* operationsTypeCode
* operationsTypeDesc
* lastUpdatedBy
* processFlag
* createdBy
* maintenanceTypeDesc
* operatingFleet
* operatingOrg
* visitStageType
* srOrgPk
* lastUpdateLogin
* maintenanceTypeCode
* lastUpdateDate
* creationDate
* visitType
* sdate
* errorText
* quantity


 * operatingOrgDesc
* orgCode
* originatingMr
* transitVisit
* operationsTypeCode
* operationsTypeDesc
* lastUpdatedBy
* processFlag
* createdBy
* maintenanceTypeDesc
* operatingFleet
* operatingOrg
* visitStageType
* srOrgPk
* lastUpdateLogin
* maintenanceTypeCode
* lastUpdateDate
* creationDate
* visitType
* sdate
* errorText
* quantity


 * lastUpdatedBy
* creationDate
* dmItemSrPk
* usageDate
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* processFlag
* dmOrgSrPk
* errorText
* usageAggrLevel
* dmOrgCode
* quantity
* ebsBaseModelCode
* usageHistType
* createdBy
* ebsBaseModelSrPk
* dmItemCode


 * lastUpdatedBy
* creationDate
* dmItemSrPk
* usageDate
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* processFlag
* dmOrgSrPk
* errorText
* usageAggrLevel
* dmOrgCode
* quantity
* ebsBaseModelCode
* usageHistType
* createdBy
* ebsBaseModelSrPk
* dmItemCode


 * errorText
* parentItem
* salesChannel
* item
* bookedDate
* invOrg
* userDefined1
* shipToLoc
* lastUpdateLogin
* messageId
* stTransactionId
* programId
* originalItem
* srItemPk
* srSalesRepPk
* scheduledDate
* demandClassLvlVal
* lastUpdateDate
* srSalesChannelPk
* srCustomerPk
* srDemandClassPk
* srUserDefined2Pk
* programApplicationId
* salesRep
* promisedDate
* processFlag
* createdBy
* requestedDate
* qtyOrdered
* srInvOrgPk
* srInstanceCode
* instance
* userDefined2
* srUserDefined1Pk
* srOriginalItemPk
* batchId
* srShipToLocPk
* programUpdateDate
* userDefinedLevel2
* userDefinedLevel1
* dataSourceType
* srParentItemPk
* scheduledArrivalDate
* customer
* amount
* requestId
* lastUpdatedBy
* orderSourceId
* creationDate


 * errorText
* parentItem
* salesChannel
* item
* bookedDate
* invOrg
* userDefined1
* shipToLoc
* lastUpdateLogin
* messageId
* stTransactionId
* programId
* originalItem
* srItemPk
* srSalesRepPk
* scheduledDate
* demandClassLvlVal
* lastUpdateDate
* srSalesChannelPk
* srCustomerPk
* srDemandClassPk
* srUserDefined2Pk
* programApplicationId
* salesRep
* promisedDate
* processFlag
* createdBy
* requestedDate
* qtyOrdered
* srInvOrgPk
* srInstanceCode
* instance
* userDefined2
* srUserDefined1Pk
* srOriginalItemPk
* batchId
* srShipToLocPk
* programUpdateDate
* userDefinedLevel2
* userDefinedLevel1
* dataSourceType
* srParentItemPk
* scheduledArrivalDate
* customer
* amount
* requestId
* lastUpdatedBy
* orderSourceId
* creationDate


 * csDefinitionId
* attribute10
* attribute16
* attribute60
* attribute25
* attribute15
* attribute21
* attribute37
* dataSourceType
* attribute52
* processFlag
* csName
* attribute35
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute45
* attribute46
* attribute50
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute23
* deleteFlag
* attribute19
* attribute40
* attribute51
* stTransactionId
* attribute9
* creationDate
* attribute17
* batchId
* attribute14
* attribute6
* attribute39
* attribute26
* attribute47
* attribute48
* attribute6Val
* attribute54
* programId
* attribute13
* attribute18Val
* attribute31
* attribute8
* attribute22
* attribute56
* attribute4
* attribute2Val
* attribute24
* attribute5
* programApplicationId
* attribute20
* processStatus
* csStDataId
* attribute42
* attribute12
* attribute44
* attribute57
* attribute3
* attribute41
* attribute11
* attribute26Val
* attribute27
* attribute32
* attribute34
* programUpdateDate
* csDefinitionName
* attribute30
* attribute22Val
* srInstanceCode
* requestId
* attribute28
* attribute14Val
* attribute58
* attribute43
* createdBy
* messageId
* attribute38
* attribute53
* errorDesc
* attribute55
* attribute18
* attribute49
* attribute2
* attribute1
* attribute7
* attribute29
* errorText
* attribute59
* attribute50Val
* attribute36
* attribute30Val
* attribute10Val
* attribute33
* lastUpdateDate


 * csDefinitionId
* attribute10
* attribute16
* attribute60
* attribute25
* attribute15
* attribute21
* attribute37
* dataSourceType
* attribute52
* processFlag
* csName
* attribute35
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute45
* attribute46
* attribute50
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute23
* deleteFlag
* attribute19
* attribute40
* attribute51
* stTransactionId
* attribute9
* creationDate
* attribute17
* batchId
* attribute14
* attribute6
* attribute39
* attribute26
* attribute47
* attribute48
* attribute6Val
* attribute54
* programId
* attribute13
* attribute18Val
* attribute31
* attribute8
* attribute22
* attribute56
* attribute4
* attribute2Val
* attribute24
* attribute5
* programApplicationId
* attribute20
* processStatus
* csStDataId
* attribute42
* attribute12
* attribute44
* attribute57
* attribute3
* attribute41
* attribute11
* attribute26Val
* attribute27
* attribute32
* attribute34
* programUpdateDate
* csDefinitionName
* attribute30
* attribute22Val
* srInstanceCode
* requestId
* attribute28
* attribute14Val
* attribute58
* attribute43
* createdBy
* messageId
* attribute38
* attribute53
* errorDesc
* attribute55
* attribute18
* attribute49
* attribute2
* attribute1
* attribute7
* attribute29
* errorText
* attribute59
* attribute50Val
* attribute36
* attribute30Val
* attribute10Val
* attribute33
* lastUpdateDate


 * instanceCode
* lastUpdateLogin
* stTransactionId
* fromCurrency
* conversionDate
* dataSourceType
* instance
* messageId
* programUpdateDate
* conversionRate
* errorText
* srInstanceCode
* programApplicationId
* createdBy
* processFlag
* requestId
* toCurrency
* creationDate
* batchId
* lastUpdatedBy
* programId
* lastUpdateDate


 * instanceCode
* lastUpdateLogin
* stTransactionId
* fromCurrency
* conversionDate
* dataSourceType
* instance
* messageId
* programUpdateDate
* conversionRate
* errorText
* srInstanceCode
* programApplicationId
* createdBy
* processFlag
* requestId
* toCurrency
* creationDate
* batchId
* lastUpdatedBy
* programId
* lastUpdateDate


 * programId
* forecastTypeId
* errorText
* requestId
* instance
* programApplicationId
* srItemPk
* baseUom
* srInstanceCode
* dataSourceType
* stTransactionId
* lastUpdatedBy
* item
* programUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* listPrice
* creationDate
* lastUpdateDate
* batchId
* createdBy
* avgDiscount
* itemTypeId
* processFlag


 * programId
* forecastTypeId
* errorText
* requestId
* instance
* programApplicationId
* srItemPk
* baseUom
* srInstanceCode
* dataSourceType
* stTransactionId
* lastUpdatedBy
* item
* programUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* listPrice
* creationDate
* lastUpdateDate
* batchId
* createdBy
* avgDiscount
* itemTypeId
* processFlag


 * instanceId
* relatedItemId
* processFlag
* lastUpdateDate
* creationDate
* relatedItem
* lastUpdatedBy
* requestId
* dataSourceType
* stTransactionId
* programId
* inventoryItem
* startDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* relationshipType
* endDate
* relationshipTypeId
* errorText
* srInstanceCode
* programApplicationId
* programUpdateDate
* inventoryItemId
* messageId
* batchId
* createdBy


 * instanceId
* relatedItemId
* processFlag
* lastUpdateDate
* creationDate
* relatedItem
* lastUpdatedBy
* requestId
* dataSourceType
* stTransactionId
* programId
* inventoryItem
* startDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* relationshipType
* endDate
* relationshipTypeId
* errorText
* srInstanceCode
* programApplicationId
* programUpdateDate
* inventoryItemId
* messageId
* batchId
* createdBy


 * messageId
* attribute1
* lastUpdatedBy
* processFlag
* srParentLevelPk
* instance
* parentLevelName
* dpEnabledFlag
* srInstanceCode
* programApplicationId
* errorText
* createdBy
* attribute5
* lastUpdateDate
* levelName
* attribute2
* requestId
* levelId
* attribute4
* stTransactionId
* batchId
* srParentLevelValue
* attribute3
* srLevelPk
* parentLevelId
* srLevelValue1
* creationDate
* programId
* lastUpdateLogin
* srLevelValue
* programUpdateDate
* dataSourceType


 * attribute5
* programUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* levelId
* attribute1
* attribute3
* processFlag
* messageId
* creationDate
* srLevelValue1
* batchId
* srLevelValue
* lastUpdateDate
* programId
* systemFlag
* levelName
* srParentLevelPk
* attribute4
* errorText
* parentLevelId
* parentLevelName
* requestId
* stTransactionId
* programApplicationId
* lastUpdatedBy
* srInstanceCode
* srParentLevelValue
* attribute2
* createdBy
* srLevelPk
* dataSourceType
* planId


 * processFlag
* requestId
* programUpdateDate
* levelName
* orgLevelName
* srInstanceCode
* batchId
* lastUpdateDate
* programId
* lastUpdatedBy
* levelId
* dataSourceType
* instance
* orgLevelId
* lastUpdateLogin
* messageId
* srLevelPk
* createdBy
* errorText
* orgSrLevelPk
* programApplicationId
* levelValue
* orgLevelValue
* stTransactionId
* creationDate


 * processFlag
* requestId
* programUpdateDate
* levelName
* orgLevelName
* srInstanceCode
* batchId
* lastUpdateDate
* programId
* lastUpdatedBy
* levelId
* dataSourceType
* instance
* orgLevelId
* lastUpdateLogin
* messageId
* srLevelPk
* createdBy
* errorText
* orgSrLevelPk
* programApplicationId
* levelValue
* orgLevelValue
* stTransactionId
* creationDate


 * errorText
* instance
* systemAttribute1
* attribute2
* requestId
* srLevelPk
* programUpdateDate
* createdBy
* dpEnabledFlag
* levelValueDesc
* parentLevelId
* programApplicationId
* levelName
* attribute4
* processFlag
* levelValue
* systemAttribute2
* attribute1
* programId
* parentLevelValue
* levelId
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute5
* srInstanceCode
* messageId
* attribute3
* dataSourceType
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* stTransactionId
* batchId
* lastUpdateDate


 * processFlag
* createdBy
* dataSourceType
* stTransactionId
* lastUpdatedBy
* levelValueDesc
* systemFlag
* levelId
* requestId
* programId
* batchId
* srInstanceCode
* lastUpdateLogin
* messageId
* srLevelPk
* creationDate
* levelName
* programUpdateDate
* programApplicationId
* lastUpdateDate
* parentLevelValue
* planId
* parentLevelId
* errorText
* levelValue


 * processFlag
* createdBy
* dataSourceType
* stTransactionId
* lastUpdatedBy
* levelValueDesc
* systemFlag
* levelId
* requestId
* programId
* batchId
* srInstanceCode
* lastUpdateLogin
* messageId
* srLevelPk
* creationDate
* levelName
* programUpdateDate
* programApplicationId
* lastUpdateDate
* parentLevelValue
* planId
* parentLevelId
* errorText
* levelValue


 * errorText
* instance
* systemAttribute1
* attribute2
* requestId
* srLevelPk
* programUpdateDate
* createdBy
* dpEnabledFlag
* levelValueDesc
* parentLevelId
* programApplicationId
* levelName
* attribute4
* processFlag
* levelValue
* systemAttribute2
* attribute1
* programId
* parentLevelValue
* levelId
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute5
* srInstanceCode
* messageId
* attribute3
* dataSourceType
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* stTransactionId
* batchId
* lastUpdateDate


 * instance
* customer
* userDefinedLevel2
* programApplicationId
* srUserDefined1Pk
* forecastSet
* srShipToLocPk
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdatedBy
* userDefinedLevel1
* forecastDesignator
* creationDate
* shipToLoc
* forecastDate
* prdLevelId
* userDefined2
* srInstanceCode
* salesChannel
* batchId
* srInvOrgPk
* demandClassLvlVal
* userDefined1
* bucketType
* rateEndDate
* srUserDefined2Pk
* originalQuantity
* srDemandClassPk
* messageId
* programId
* programUpdateDate
* srCustomerPk
* stTransactionId
* invOrg
* srItemPk
* item
* srSalesChannelPk
* createdBy
* currentQuantity
* errorText
* requestId
* lastUpdateDate
* processFlag
* dataSourceType
* prdLevelName


 * instance
* customer
* userDefinedLevel2
* programApplicationId
* srUserDefined1Pk
* forecastSet
* srShipToLocPk
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdatedBy
* userDefinedLevel1
* forecastDesignator
* creationDate
* shipToLoc
* forecastDate
* prdLevelId
* userDefined2
* srInstanceCode
* salesChannel
* batchId
* srInvOrgPk
* demandClassLvlVal
* userDefined1
* bucketType
* rateEndDate
* srUserDefined2Pk
* originalQuantity
* srDemandClassPk
* messageId
* programId
* programUpdateDate
* srCustomerPk
* stTransactionId
* invOrg
* srItemPk
* item
* srSalesChannelPk
* createdBy
* currentQuantity
* errorText
* requestId
* lastUpdateDate
* processFlag
* dataSourceType
* prdLevelName


 * programApplicationId
* lastUpdateDate
* calendarCode
* instance
* creationDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* programUpdateDate
* createdBy
* requestId
* lastUpdateLogin
* calendarType
* programId
* srOrgPk


 * programApplicationId
* lastUpdateDate
* calendarCode
* instance
* creationDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* programUpdateDate
* createdBy
* requestId
* lastUpdateLogin
* calendarType
* programId
* srOrgPk


 * price
* stTransactionId
* srGeographyLvlPk
* programId
* errorText
* srDemandClassLvlPk
* dataSourceType
* saleschannelLvl
* lastUpdateDate
* endDate
* srProductLvlPk
* srInstanceCode
* processFlag
* demandClassLvlId
* startDate
* messageId
* userDefined2LvlId
* srUserDefined2LvlVal
* lastUpdatedBy
* geographyLvlId
* srDemandClassLvlVal
* srOrganizationLvlPk
* priority
* srOrganizationLvlVal
* userDefined1LvlId
* srProductLvlVal
* salesRepLvlId
* createdBy
* srGeographyLvlVal
* userDefined1Lvl
* srSalesRepLvlPk
* primaryUomFlag
* geographyLvl
* userDefined2Lvl
* srSaleschannelLvlVal
* validFlag
* priceListName
* creationDate
* productLvlId
* organizationLvl
* batchId
* lastUpdateLogin
* srSaleschannelLvlPk
* requestId
* srUserDefined1LvlPk
* programApplicationId
* salesRepLvl
* organizationLvlId
* programUpdateDate
* productLvl
* demandClassLvl
* priceListUom
* saleschannelLvlId
* srUserDefined2LvlPk
* instance
* srSalesRepLvlVal
* srUserDefined1LvlVal


 * price
* stTransactionId
* srGeographyLvlPk
* programId
* errorText
* srDemandClassLvlPk
* dataSourceType
* saleschannelLvl
* lastUpdateDate
* endDate
* srProductLvlPk
* srInstanceCode
* processFlag
* demandClassLvlId
* startDate
* messageId
* userDefined2LvlId
* srUserDefined2LvlVal
* lastUpdatedBy
* geographyLvlId
* srDemandClassLvlVal
* srOrganizationLvlPk
* priority
* srOrganizationLvlVal
* userDefined1LvlId
* srProductLvlVal
* salesRepLvlId
* createdBy
* srGeographyLvlVal
* userDefined1Lvl
* srSalesRepLvlPk
* primaryUomFlag
* geographyLvl
* userDefined2Lvl
* srSaleschannelLvlVal
* validFlag
* priceListName
* creationDate
* productLvlId
* organizationLvl
* batchId
* lastUpdateLogin
* srSaleschannelLvlPk
* requestId
* srUserDefined1LvlPk
* programApplicationId
* salesRepLvl
* organizationLvlId
* programUpdateDate
* productLvl
* demandClassLvl
* priceListUom
* saleschannelLvlId
* srUserDefined2LvlPk
* instance
* srSalesRepLvlVal
* srUserDefined1LvlVal


 * lastUpdateLogin
* parameterValue
* dataSourceType
* processFlag
* programUpdateDate
* parameterName
* messageId
* lastUpdateDate
* srInstanceCode
* requestId
* lastUpdatedBy
* createdBy
* creationDate
* instance
* stTransactionId
* errorText
* programApplicationId
* programId


 * lastUpdateLogin
* parameterValue
* dataSourceType
* processFlag
* programUpdateDate
* parameterName
* messageId
* lastUpdateDate
* srInstanceCode
* requestId
* lastUpdatedBy
* createdBy
* creationDate
* instance
* stTransactionId
* errorText
* programApplicationId
* programId


 * demandClassLvlVal
* srItemPk
* parentItem
* srInstanceCode
* orderSourceId
* shippedDate
* programId
* messageId
* srDemandClassPk
* scheduledArrivalDate
* srUserDefined2Pk
* lastUpdateDate
* userDefinedLevel1
* requestedDate
* qtyShipped
* scheduledShipDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdatedBy
* srOriginalItemPk
* userDefined2
* instance
* bookedDate
* creationDate
* srParentItemPk
* customer
* errorText
* srSalesChannelPk
* batchId
* srCustomerPk
* promisedDate
* originalItem
* dataSourceType
* shipToLoc
* salesRep
* item
* amount
* createdBy
* srUserDefined1Pk
* stTransactionId
* processFlag
* userDefinedLevel2
* userDefined1
* srSalesRepPk
* programApplicationId
* invOrg
* salesChannel
* requestId
* programUpdateDate
* srShipToLocPk
* srInvOrgPk


 * demandClassLvlVal
* srItemPk
* parentItem
* srInstanceCode
* orderSourceId
* shippedDate
* programId
* messageId
* srDemandClassPk
* scheduledArrivalDate
* srUserDefined2Pk
* lastUpdateDate
* userDefinedLevel1
* requestedDate
* qtyShipped
* scheduledShipDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdatedBy
* srOriginalItemPk
* userDefined2
* instance
* bookedDate
* creationDate
* srParentItemPk
* customer
* errorText
* srSalesChannelPk
* batchId
* srCustomerPk
* promisedDate
* originalItem
* dataSourceType
* shipToLoc
* salesRep
* item
* amount
* createdBy
* srUserDefined1Pk
* stTransactionId
* processFlag
* userDefinedLevel2
* userDefined1
* srSalesRepPk
* programApplicationId
* invOrg
* salesChannel
* requestId
* programUpdateDate
* srShipToLocPk
* srInvOrgPk


 * organizationId
* sdate
* planId
* plannedShipments
* assetGroup
* constrainedFcst
* dependentDemand
* woSupplyId
* organizationCode
* classCode
* srInstanceId
* workOrderDemand
* itemCode
* inventoryItemId


 * woSupplyId
* classCode
* resourceCode
* organizationId
* assetGroup
* resourceId
* departmentId
* sdate
* requiredResPlan
* planId
* srInstanceId
* organizationCode


 * woSupplyId
* classCode
* resourceCode
* organizationId
* assetGroup
* resourceId
* departmentId
* sdate
* requiredResPlan
* planId
* srInstanceId
* organizationCode


 * siteCode
* beginningOnhand
* woSupplyId
* organizationId
* inventoryItemId
* itemCode
* planId
* srInstanceId
* classCode
* requiredSupplierCap
* intransitDefectives
* assetGroup
* beginningOnhandDefectives
* organizationCode
* prodPlan
* sdate


 * siteCode
* beginningOnhand
* woSupplyId
* organizationId
* inventoryItemId
* itemCode
* planId
* srInstanceId
* classCode
* requiredSupplierCap
* intransitDefectives
* assetGroup
* beginningOnhandDefectives
* organizationCode
* prodPlan
* sdate


 * quarterDescription
* week
* processFlag
* weekStartDate
* yearDescription
* yearStartDate
* creationDate
* monthDescription
* programUpdateDate
* messageId
* srInstanceCode
* weekEndDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* monthEndDate
* createdBy
* month
* weekDescription
* quarterStartDate
* dataSourceType
* stTransactionId
* seqNum
* instance
* errorText
* calendarType
* quarterEndDate
* monthStartDate
* calendarCode
* requestId
* yearEndDate
* dayDescription
* lastUpdateDate
* quarter
* day
* year
* lastUpdateLogin
* programApplicationId
* programId
* batchId


 * quarterDescription
* week
* processFlag
* weekStartDate
* yearDescription
* yearStartDate
* creationDate
* monthDescription
* programUpdateDate
* messageId
* srInstanceCode
* weekEndDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* monthEndDate
* createdBy
* month
* weekDescription
* quarterStartDate
* dataSourceType
* stTransactionId
* seqNum
* instance
* errorText
* calendarType
* quarterEndDate
* monthStartDate
* calendarCode
* requestId
* yearEndDate
* dayDescription
* lastUpdateDate
* quarter
* day
* year
* lastUpdateLogin
* programApplicationId
* programId
* batchId


 * programId
* programUpdateDate
* baseUomFlag
* requestId
* batchId
* fromUomClass
* lastUpdateLogin
* toUomCode
* instance
* srInstanceCode
* conversionRate
* lastUpdatedBy
* errorText
* processFlag
* lastUpdateDate
* srItemPk
* creationDate
* createdBy
* dataSourceType
* stTransactionId
* fromUomCode
* toUomClass
* programApplicationId
* messageId
* item


 * programId
* programUpdateDate
* baseUomFlag
* requestId
* batchId
* fromUomClass
* lastUpdateLogin
* toUomCode
* instance
* srInstanceCode
* conversionRate
* lastUpdatedBy
* errorText
* processFlag
* lastUpdateDate
* srItemPk
* creationDate
* createdBy
* dataSourceType
* stTransactionId
* fromUomCode
* toUomClass
* programApplicationId
* messageId
* item


 * lastUpdateDate
* creationDate
* createdBy
* programUpdateDate
* displayedFlag
* attributeType
* enabledFlag
* programApplicationId
* programId
* templateId
* attributePrompt
* attributeName
* lovName
* lastUpdateLogin
* insertAllowedFlag
* requestId
* lastUpdatedBy
* enableNonseedFlag


 * lastUpdateDate
* creationDate
* createdBy
* programUpdateDate
* displayedFlag
* attributeType
* enabledFlag
* programApplicationId
* programId
* templateId
* attributePrompt
* attributeName
* lovName
* lastUpdateLogin
* insertAllowedFlag
* requestId
* lastUpdatedBy
* enableNonseedFlag


 * createdBy
* programId
* weekDescription
* calendarType
* yearDescription
* yearEndDate
* lastUpdateDate
* monthDescription
* monthEndDate
* seqNum
* lastUpdateLogin
* creationDate
* quarter
* requestId
* calendarCode
* lastUpdatedBy
* quarterEndDate
* month
* instance
* yearStartDate
* monthStartDate
* week
* day
* programUpdateDate
* dayDescription
* quarterDescription
* year
* weekStartDate
* quarterStartDate
* weekEndDate
* workingDay
* programApplicationId


 * week
* quarterEndDate
* quarterStartDate
* quarter
* quarterDescription
* yearStartDate
* monthStartDate
* dayDescription
* calendarType
* yearDescription
* monthEndDate
* day
* seqNum
* weekDescription
* weekEndDate
* workingDay
* month
* weekStartDate
* calendarCode
* monthDescription
* yearEndDate
* year


 * week
* quarterEndDate
* quarterStartDate
* quarter
* quarterDescription
* yearStartDate
* monthStartDate
* dayDescription
* calendarType
* yearDescription
* monthEndDate
* day
* seqNum
* weekDescription
* weekEndDate
* workingDay
* month
* weekStartDate
* calendarCode
* monthDescription
* yearEndDate
* year


 * createdBy
* programId
* weekDescription
* calendarType
* yearDescription
* yearEndDate
* lastUpdateDate
* monthDescription
* monthEndDate
* seqNum
* lastUpdateLogin
* creationDate
* quarter
* requestId
* calendarCode
* lastUpdatedBy
* quarterEndDate
* month
* instance
* yearStartDate
* monthStartDate
* week
* day
* programUpdateDate
* dayDescription
* quarterDescription
* year
* weekStartDate
* quarterStartDate
* weekEndDate
* workingDay
* programApplicationId


 * toUomClass
* creationDate
* createdByRefreshNum
* fromUomClass
* baseUomFlag
* lastUpdateDate
* requestId
* programApplicationId
* item
* srItemPk
* createdBy
* lastUpdatedBy
* actionCode
* conversionRate
* lastUpdateLogin
* programUpdateDate
* instance
* toUomCode
* programId
* lastRefreshNum
* fromUomCode


 * toUomClass
* creationDate
* createdByRefreshNum
* fromUomClass
* baseUomFlag
* lastUpdateDate
* requestId
* programApplicationId
* item
* srItemPk
* createdBy
* lastUpdatedBy
* actionCode
* conversionRate
* lastUpdateLogin
* programUpdateDate
* instance
* toUomCode
* programId
* lastRefreshNum
* fromUomCode


 * clientCode
* programApplicationId
* numberOfDays
* upgradeDate
* programId
* requestId
* lastReceiptDate
* organizationId
* transactionQuantity
* programUpdateDate
* transactionActionId
* lastInvoicedDate
* transactionDate
* locatorId
* currentOnhand


 * clientCode
* programApplicationId
* numberOfDays
* upgradeDate
* programId
* requestId
* lastReceiptDate
* organizationId
* transactionQuantity
* programUpdateDate
* transactionActionId
* lastInvoicedDate
* transactionDate
* locatorId
* currentOnhand


 * assignmentGroupId
* attribute12
* abcClassId
* itemSeqNumber
* attribute13
* programApplicationId
* sequenceNumber
* programId
* attribute15
* requestId
* lastUpdateDate
* percentOfItems
* attribute7
* creationDate
* percentOfValue
* attribute5
* programUpdateDate
* attribute11
* attribute10
* attribute4
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute3
* attribute6
* createdBy
* attribute8
* attribute14
* attribute9
* attribute2
* attributeCategory
* attribute1


 * assignmentGroupId
* attribute12
* abcClassId
* itemSeqNumber
* attribute13
* programApplicationId
* sequenceNumber
* programId
* attribute15
* requestId
* lastUpdateDate
* percentOfItems
* attribute7
* creationDate
* percentOfValue
* attribute5
* programUpdateDate
* attribute11
* attribute10
* attribute4
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute3
* attribute6
* createdBy
* attribute8
* attribute14
* attribute9
* attribute2
* attributeCategory
* attribute1


 * attribute6
* organizationId
* attribute8
* programId
* attribute10
* programApplicationId
* secondaryInventory
* attribute12
* attribute4
* createdBy
* attribute3
* attribute2
* attribute13
* creationDate
* attribute14
* lastUpdatedBy
* compileId
* attribute15
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute11
* requestId
* attribute9
* classificationMethodType
* attribute1
* attribute7
* attribute5
* attributeCategory
* assignmentGroupId
* assignmentGroupName
* programUpdateDate
* itemScopeType


 * attribute6
* organizationId
* attribute8
* programId
* attribute10
* programApplicationId
* secondaryInventory
* attribute12
* attribute4
* createdBy
* attribute3
* attribute2
* attribute13
* creationDate
* attribute14
* lastUpdatedBy
* compileId
* attribute15
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute11
* requestId
* attribute9
* classificationMethodType
* attribute1
* attribute7
* attribute5
* attributeCategory
* assignmentGroupId
* assignmentGroupName
* programUpdateDate
* itemScopeType


 * abcClassId
* requestId
* createdBy
* programUpdateDate
* lastUpdateDate
* inventoryItemId
* assignmentGroupId
* programApplicationId
* lastUpdatedBy
* programId
* creationDate


 * abcClassId
* requestId
* createdBy
* programUpdateDate
* lastUpdateDate
* inventoryItemId
* assignmentGroupId
* programApplicationId
* lastUpdatedBy
* programId
* creationDate


 * programUpdateDate
* lastUpdateDate
* description
* abcClassId
* creationDate
* abcClassName
* programId
* disableDate
* createdBy
* organizationId
* lastUpdatedBy
* requestId
* programApplicationId


 * programUpdateDate
* lastUpdateDate
* description
* abcClassId
* creationDate
* abcClassName
* programId
* disableDate
* createdBy
* organizationId
* lastUpdatedBy
* requestId
* programApplicationId


 * cutoffDate
* programUpdateDate
* attribute9
* attribute15
* secondaryInventory
* compileStatus
* mrpForecastName
* scheduleDesignator
* programId
* attribute5
* costType
* creationDate
* description
* organizationId
* cumulativeValue
* attribute14
* attribute6
* attribute11
* compileId
* attribute8
* attribute12
* attribute4
* compileName
* compileDate
* itemScopeCode
* costCode
* programApplicationId
* lastUpdatedBy
* attributeCategory
* attribute3
* compileItems
* startDate
* createdBy
* compileType
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute2
* requestId
* attribute1
* mrpPlanName
* cumulativeQuantity
* scheduleType
* attribute10
* attribute7
* attribute13


 * cutoffDate
* programUpdateDate
* attribute9
* attribute15
* secondaryInventory
* compileStatus
* mrpForecastName
* scheduleDesignator
* programId
* attribute5
* costType
* creationDate
* description
* organizationId
* cumulativeValue
* attribute14
* attribute6
* attribute11
* compileId
* attribute8
* attribute12
* attribute4
* compileName
* compileDate
* itemScopeCode
* costCode
* programApplicationId
* lastUpdatedBy
* attributeCategory
* attribute3
* compileItems
* startDate
* createdBy
* compileType
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute2
* requestId
* attribute1
* mrpPlanName
* cumulativeQuantity
* scheduleType
* attribute10
* attribute7
* attribute13


 * cumulativeValue
* compileQuantity
* inventoryType
* programUpdateDate
* compileValue
* requestId
* organizationId
* sequenceNumber
* cumulativeQuantity
* lastUpdateLogin
* programId
* inventoryItemId
* programApplicationId
* secondaryInventory
* compileId
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateDate
* creationDate
* createdBy


 * cumulativeValue
* compileQuantity
* inventoryType
* programUpdateDate
* compileValue
* requestId
* organizationId
* sequenceNumber
* cumulativeQuantity
* lastUpdateLogin
* programId
* inventoryItemId
* programApplicationId
* secondaryInventory
* compileId
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateDate
* creationDate
* createdBy


 * transactionId
* organizationId
* layerId
* programUpdateDate
* userEntered
* programApplicationId
* resourceId
* requestId
* lastUpdatedBy
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdateDate
* createdBy
* actualCost
* levelType
* programId
* costElementId


 * transactionId
* organizationId
* layerId
* programUpdateDate
* userEntered
* programApplicationId
* resourceId
* requestId
* lastUpdatedBy
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdateDate
* createdBy
* actualCost
* levelType
* programId
* costElementId


 * category
* lpn
* revision
* transactionDate
* transactionExtracted
* transactionUom
* entityId
* secondaryQuantity
* creationDate
* inventoryItemId
* itemDescription
* locator
* transactionTypeId
* categoryId
* transferSubinventory
* secondaryUom
* xmlDocumentId
* transactionSourceTypeId
* primaryQuantity
* transactionQuantity
* organizationId
* item
* transactionActionId
* transactionType
* transactionSource
* subinventory
* transferLpn
* warehouse
* transferWarehouse
* contentLpn
* transactionNumber
* primaryUom
* transferLocator


 * category
* lpn
* revision
* transactionDate
* transactionExtracted
* transactionUom
* entityId
* secondaryQuantity
* creationDate
* inventoryItemId
* itemDescription
* locator
* transactionTypeId
* categoryId
* transferSubinventory
* secondaryUom
* xmlDocumentId
* transactionSourceTypeId
* primaryQuantity
* transactionQuantity
* organizationId
* item
* transactionActionId
* transactionType
* transactionSource
* subinventory
* transferLpn
* warehouse
* transferWarehouse
* contentLpn
* transactionNumber
* primaryUom
* transferLocator


 * lastUpdateLogin
* aggregateTimeFence
* includeNonstdWipReceipts
* description
* attribute9
* userAtpSupplyTableName
* includeVendorReqs
* lastUpdatedBy
* creationDate
* infiniteSupplyTimeFence
* ruleName
* attribute10
* defaultAtpSources
* includePurchaseOrders
* attribute8
* attribute14
* pastDueDemandCutoffFence
* includeDiscreteWipReceipts
* includeInternalReqs
* attribute11
* includeDiscreteMps
* includeNonstdWipDemand
* includeInternalOrders
* forwardConsumptionFlag
* attribute1
* includeSalesOrders
* aggregateTimeFenceCode
* mpsDesignator
* attribute4
* includeUserDefinedSupply
* includeFlowScheduleDemand
* lastUpdateDate
* accumulationWindow
* programUpdateDate
* userAtpDemandTableName
* attribute15
* programId
* includeDiscreteWipDemand
* attribute7
* requestId
* programApplicationId
* includeRepWipDemand
* attribute12
* attribute6
* accumulateAvailableFlag
* includeRepWipReceipts
* includeFlowScheduleReceipts
* pastDueSupplyCutoffFence
* attribute13
* includeInterorgTransfers
* demandClassAtpFlag
* includeUserDefinedDemand
* backwardConsumptionFlag
* attribute2
* includeOnhandAvailable
* acceptableEarlyFence
* attribute3
* attributeCategory
* attribute5
* includeRepMps
* createdBy
* ruleId
* acceptableLateFence
* infiniteSupplyFenceCode


 * lastUpdateLogin
* aggregateTimeFence
* includeNonstdWipReceipts
* description
* attribute9
* userAtpSupplyTableName
* includeVendorReqs
* lastUpdatedBy
* creationDate
* infiniteSupplyTimeFence
* ruleName
* attribute10
* defaultAtpSources
* includePurchaseOrders
* attribute8
* attribute14
* pastDueDemandCutoffFence
* includeDiscreteWipReceipts
* includeInternalReqs
* attribute11
* includeDiscreteMps
* includeNonstdWipDemand
* includeInternalOrders
* forwardConsumptionFlag
* attribute1
* includeSalesOrders
* aggregateTimeFenceCode
* mpsDesignator
* attribute4
* includeUserDefinedSupply
* includeFlowScheduleDemand
* lastUpdateDate
* accumulationWindow
* programUpdateDate
* userAtpDemandTableName
* attribute15
* programId
* includeDiscreteWipDemand
* attribute7
* requestId
* programApplicationId
* includeRepWipDemand
* attribute12
* attribute6
* accumulateAvailableFlag
* includeRepWipReceipts
* includeFlowScheduleReceipts
* pastDueSupplyCutoffFence
* attribute13
* includeInterorgTransfers
* demandClassAtpFlag
* includeUserDefinedDemand
* backwardConsumptionFlag
* attribute2
* includeOnhandAvailable
* acceptableEarlyFence
* attribute3
* attributeCategory
* attribute5
* includeRepMps
* createdBy
* ruleId
* acceptableLateFence
* infiniteSupplyFenceCode


 * billingRuleHeaderId
* lastUpdatedBy
* creationDate
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* createdBy
* serviceAgreementId


 * billingRuleHeaderId
* lastUpdatedBy
* creationDate
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* createdBy
* serviceAgreementId


 * lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdatedBy
* billingRuleHeaderId
* name
* language
* description
* createdBy
* sourceLang
* creationDate


 * lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdatedBy
* billingRuleHeaderId
* name
* language
* description
* createdBy
* sourceLang
* creationDate


 * billingRuleLineId
* billingRuleHeaderId
* lastUpdatedBy
* inventoryItemId
* clientCode
* billingSourceId
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* createdBy
* serviceAgreementLineId
* clientNumber
* lastUpdateDate


 * billingRuleLineId
* billingRuleHeaderId
* lastUpdatedBy
* inventoryItemId
* clientCode
* billingSourceId
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* createdBy
* serviceAgreementLineId
* clientNumber
* lastUpdateDate


 * billingSourceCode
* lastUpdatedBy
* billingSourceId
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdateDate
* creationDate
* procedureCode
* createdBy


 * billingSourceCode
* lastUpdatedBy
* billingSourceId
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdateDate
* creationDate
* procedureCode
* createdBy


 * lastUpdateDate
* billingSourceId
* creationDate
* createdBy
* sourceLang
* name
* lastUpdateLogin
* description
* lastUpdatedBy
* language


 * lastUpdateDate
* billingSourceId
* creationDate
* createdBy
* sourceLang
* name
* lastUpdateLogin
* description
* lastUpdatedBy
* language


 * inventoryItemId
* programId
* createdBy
* onhand
* wip
* cogs
* lastUpdatedBy
* intransit
* lastUpdateLogin
* bopOnhand
* bopIntransit
* creationDate
* organizationId
* lastUpdateDate
* programUpdateDate
* requestId
* bopWip
* acctPeriodId
* programApplicationId


 * inventoryItemId
* programId
* createdBy
* onhand
* wip
* cogs
* lastUpdatedBy
* intransit
* lastUpdateLogin
* bopOnhand
* bopIntransit
* creationDate
* organizationId
* lastUpdateDate
* programUpdateDate
* requestId
* bopWip
* acctPeriodId
* programApplicationId


 * attribute3
* segment14
* attribute13
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute2
* attribute12
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute5
* attribute14
* attribute9
* segment17
* attribute10
* segment15
* segment8
* supplierEnabledFlag
* categoryId
* attribute1
* segment3
* attribute15
* programApplicationId
* segment11
* disableDate
* segment6
* requestId
* startDateActive
* attribute8
* attribute11
* zdSync
* segment2
* segment9
* segment7
* summaryFlag
* attribute4
* webStatus
* enabledFlag
* attribute7
* lastUpdateDate
* creationDate
* zdEditionName
* attributeCategory
* segment4
* structureId
* segment19
* createdBy
* programId
* segment18
* endDateActive
* segment12
* attribute6
* segment16
* segment20
* segment13
* programUpdateDate
* description
* segment1
* segment5
* segment10


 * attribute3
* segment14
* attribute13
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute2
* attribute12
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute5
* attribute14
* attribute9
* segment17
* attribute10
* segment15
* segment8
* supplierEnabledFlag
* categoryId
* attribute1
* segment3
* attribute15
* programApplicationId
* segment11
* disableDate
* segment6
* requestId
* startDateActive
* attribute8
* attribute11
* zdSync
* segment2
* segment9
* segment7
* summaryFlag
* attribute4
* webStatus
* enabledFlag
* attribute7
* lastUpdateDate
* creationDate
* zdEditionName
* attributeCategory
* segment4
* structureId
* segment19
* createdBy
* programId
* segment18
* endDateActive
* segment12
* attribute6
* segment16
* segment20
* segment13
* programUpdateDate
* description
* segment1
* segment5
* segment10


 * categoryId
* description
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdatedBy
* language
* createdBy
* zdSync
* zdEditionName
* lastUpdateDate
* sourceLang
* creationDate


 * categoryId
* description
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdatedBy
* language
* createdBy
* zdSync
* zdEditionName
* lastUpdateDate
* sourceLang
* creationDate


 * programId
* createdBy
* lastUpdatedBy
* categorySetId
* programApplicationId
* creationDate
* parentCategoryId
* zdSync
* categoryId
* requestId
* lastUpdateDate
* programUpdateDate
* zdEditionName
* lastUpdateLogin


 * programId
* createdBy
* lastUpdatedBy
* categorySetId
* programApplicationId
* creationDate
* parentCategoryId
* zdSync
* categoryId
* requestId
* lastUpdateDate
* programUpdateDate
* zdEditionName
* lastUpdateLogin


 * structureId
* lastUpdateDate
* multItemCatUpdateableFlag
* raiseCatalogCatChgEvent
* lastUpdateLogin
* zdSync
* raiseItemCatAssignEvent
* controlLevel
* zdEditionName
* requestId
* programUpdateDate
* validateFlag
* lastUpdatedBy
* creationDate
* multItemCatAssignFlag
* createdBy
* programId
* categorySetId
* raiseAltCatHierChgEvent
* defaultCategoryId
* programApplicationId
* validateFlagUpdateableFlag
* userCreationAllowedFlag
* hierarchyEnabled
* controlLevelUpdateableFlag


 * structureId
* lastUpdateDate
* multItemCatUpdateableFlag
* raiseCatalogCatChgEvent
* lastUpdateLogin
* zdSync
* raiseItemCatAssignEvent
* controlLevel
* zdEditionName
* requestId
* programUpdateDate
* validateFlag
* lastUpdatedBy
* creationDate
* multItemCatAssignFlag
* createdBy
* programId
* categorySetId
* raiseAltCatHierChgEvent
* defaultCategoryId
* programApplicationId
* validateFlagUpdateableFlag
* userCreationAllowedFlag
* hierarchyEnabled
* controlLevelUpdateableFlag


 * lastUpdateLogin
* zdSync
* language
* lastUpdatedBy
* createdBy
* sourceLang
* zdEditionName
* categorySetName
* creationDate
* categorySetId
* lastUpdateDate
* description


 * lastUpdateLogin
* zdSync
* language
* lastUpdatedBy
* createdBy
* sourceLang
* zdEditionName
* categorySetName
* creationDate
* categorySetId
* lastUpdateDate
* description


 * accountSegment16
* accountSegment24
* organizationId
* itemSegment18
* locatorSegment11
* accountSegment23
* countDate
* accountSegment11
* processFlag
* itemSegment19
* secondaryUom
* accountSegment29
* itemSegment7
* attribute1
* attribute3
* lockFlag
* deleteFlag
* locatorSegment18
* locatorSegment6
* attributeCategory
* attribute2
* attribute13
* projectId
* accountSegment4
* attribute9
* lotNumber
* itemSegment10
* accountSegment27
* countQuantity
* accountSegment22
* attribute10
* itemSegment5
* accountSegment25
* revision
* attribute6
* accountSegment12
* itemSegment15
* locatorSegment5
* attribute4
* itemSegment14
* accountSegment2
* locatorSegment14
* costGroupName
* subinventory
* outermostLpnId
* locatorSegment15
* accountSegment19
* secondarySystemQuantity
* systemQuantity
* locatorSegment12
* attribute12
* locatorSegment9
* statusFlag
* accountSegment13
* actionCode
* itemSegment6
* parentLpnId
* cycleCountHeaderId
* attribute14
* taskId
* attribute11
* errorFlag
* costGroupId
* accountSegment9
* itemSegment16
* transactionReason
* locatorSegment1
* primaryUomQuantity
* employeeFullName
* locatorId
* accountSegment1
* itemSegment12
* creationDate
* accountSegment10
* accountSegment7
* cycleCountHeaderName
* accountSegment8
* ccEntryInterfaceId
* transactionReasonId
* parentLpn
* locatorSegment4
* ccEntryInterfaceGroupId
* programApplicationId
* accountSegment6
* accountSegment26
* lastUpdateDate
* itemSegment11
* secondaryUnitOfMeasure
* accountSegment21
* programUpdateDate
* itemSegment13
* itemSegment2
* adjustmentAccountId
* createdBy
* validFlag
* attribute7
* locatorSegment3
* lastUpdatedBy
* itemSegment17
* locatorSegment17
* locatorSegment20
* accountSegment20
* processMode
* itemSegment1
* accountSegment15
* requestId
* secondaryCountQuantity
* lastUpdateLogin
* locatorSegment16
* countUom
* countUnitOfMeasure
* accountSegment28
* accountSegment5
* cycleCountEntryId
* itemSegment9
* accountSegment30
* attribute5
* accountSegment14
* itemSegment20
* locatorSegment8
* attribute8
* attribute15
* itemSegment4
* itemSegment8
* serialNumber
* accountSegment17
* reference
* locatorSegment10
* locatorSegment13
* accountSegment3
* locatorSegment7
* locatorSegment19
* lotExpirationDate
* inventoryItemId
* accountSegment18
* employeeId
* programId
* locatorSegment2
* countListSequence
* itemSegment3


 * itemSegment1
* countListSequence
* cycleCountHeaderName
* actionCode
* subinventory
* locatorId
* countUom
* countQuantity
* lotNumber
* countDate
* employeeFullName
* employeeId
* creationDate
* createdBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdateDate
* accountSegment19
* locatorSegment18
* locatorSegment6
* attributeCategory
* attribute2
* attribute13
* projectId
* organizationId
* attribute9
* itemSegment18
* itemSegment10
* accountSegment27
* locatorSegment11
* accountSegment22
* attribute10
* itemSegment5
* accountSegment25
* revision
* attribute6
* accountSegment12
* itemSegment15
* locatorSegment5
* attribute4
* itemSegment14
* accountSegment2
* locatorSegment14
* costGroupName
* accountSegment23
* outermostLpnId
* locatorSegment15
* accountSegment16
* secondarySystemQuantity
* systemQuantity
* locatorSegment12
* attribute12
* locatorSegment9
* statusFlag
* accountSegment13
* accountSegment24
* itemSegment6
* parentLpnId
* cycleCountHeaderId
* attribute14
* taskId
* attribute11
* errorFlag
* costGroupId
* accountSegment9
* itemSegment16
* transactionReason
* locatorSegment1
* primaryUomQuantity
* accountSegment11
* accountSegment4
* accountSegment1
* itemSegment12
* processFlag
* accountSegment10
* accountSegment7
* itemSegment19
* accountSegment8
* ccEntryInterfaceId
* transactionReasonId
* parentLpn
* locatorSegment4
* ccEntryInterfaceGroupId
* programApplicationId
* accountSegment6
* accountSegment26
* secondaryUom
* itemSegment11
* secondaryUnitOfMeasure
* accountSegment21
* programUpdateDate
* itemSegment13
* itemSegment2
* itemSegment3
* accountSegment29
* validFlag
* attribute7
* locatorSegment3
* itemSegment7
* itemSegment17
* locatorSegment17
* locatorSegment20
* accountSegment20
* processMode
* attribute1
* accountSegment15
* requestId
* secondaryCountQuantity
* attribute3
* locatorSegment16
* lockFlag
* countUnitOfMeasure
* accountSegment28
* accountSegment5
* cycleCountEntryId
* itemSegment9
* accountSegment30
* attribute5
* accountSegment14
* itemSegment20
* locatorSegment8
* attribute8
* attribute15
* itemSegment4
* itemSegment8
* serialNumber
* accountSegment17
* reference
* locatorSegment10
* locatorSegment13
* accountSegment3
* locatorSegment7
* locatorSegment19
* lotExpirationDate
* inventoryItemId
* accountSegment18
* deleteFlag
* programId
* locatorSegment2
* adjustmentAccountId
* lastUpdatedBy


 * lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* cycleCountScheduleId
* creationDate
* requestId
* programApplicationId
* programUpdateDate
* cycleCountEntryId
* createdBy
* programId
* lastUpdateDate
* countDueDate


 * lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* cycleCountScheduleId
* creationDate
* requestId
* programApplicationId
* programUpdateDate
* cycleCountEntryId
* createdBy
* programId
* lastUpdateDate
* countDueDate


 * locatorId
* creationDate
* lastUpdateDate
* createdBy
* serialNumber
* attribute10
* zeroCountFlag
* countDueDate
* attribute3
* programId
* attribute7
* attribute13
* inventoryItemId
* cycleCountHeaderId
* subinventory
* attribute14
* countRequestsGeneratedFlag
* attribute15
* attribute5
* attribute8
* programApplicationId
* attribute12
* lotNumber
* scheduleStatus
* scheduleCompletionDate
* attribute1
* attribute6
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* cycleCountScheduleId
* attribute4
* requestSourceType
* processFlag
* attribute9
* attributeCategory
* attribute2
* attribute11
* revision
* programUpdateDate
* scheduleDate
* requestId


 * locatorId
* creationDate
* lastUpdateDate
* createdBy
* serialNumber
* attribute10
* zeroCountFlag
* countDueDate
* attribute3
* programId
* attribute7
* attribute13
* inventoryItemId
* cycleCountHeaderId
* subinventory
* attribute14
* countRequestsGeneratedFlag
* attribute15
* attribute5
* attribute8
* programApplicationId
* attribute12
* lotNumber
* scheduleStatus
* scheduleCompletionDate
* attribute1
* attribute6
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* cycleCountScheduleId
* attribute4
* requestSourceType
* processFlag
* attribute9
* attributeCategory
* attribute2
* attribute11
* revision
* programUpdateDate
* scheduleDate
* requestId


 * programUpdateDate
* posAdjustmentQty
* cycleCountEntryId
* creationDate
* approvalCondition
* requestId
* lastUpdateLogin
* createdBy
* numberOfCounts
* negAdjustmentQty
* programId
* serialNumber
* lastUpdatedBy
* programApplicationId
* unitStatusCurrent
* unitStatusPrior
* lastUpdateDate
* unitStatusFirst


 * programUpdateDate
* posAdjustmentQty
* cycleCountEntryId
* creationDate
* approvalCondition
* requestId
* lastUpdateLogin
* createdBy
* numberOfCounts
* negAdjustmentQty
* programId
* serialNumber
* lastUpdatedBy
* programApplicationId
* unitStatusCurrent
* unitStatusPrior
* lastUpdateDate
* unitStatusFirst


 * creationDate
* lastUpdateDate
* scheduleOrder
* lastUpdatedBy
* subinventory
* createdBy
* disableFlag
* lastUpdateLogin
* numCountsPerYear
* locLastScheduleDate
* cycleCountHeaderId


 * creationDate
* lastUpdateDate
* scheduleOrder
* lastUpdatedBy
* subinventory
* createdBy
* disableFlag
* lastUpdateLogin
* numCountsPerYear
* locLastScheduleDate
* cycleCountHeaderId


 * inventoryItemId
* parentLotNumber
* lastChildLotNumberSeq
* createdBy
* lastUpdateDate
* organizationId
* lastUpdatedBy
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin


 * inventoryItemId
* parentLotNumber
* lastChildLotNumberSeq
* createdBy
* lastUpdateDate
* organizationId
* lastUpdatedBy
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin


 * masterContainerSegment14
* detailContainerSegment20
* detailContainerSegment8
* lastUpdatedBy
* containerItemOrgId
* masterContainerSegment18
* programUpdateDate
* masterContainerSegment8
* attribute15
* masterContainerSegment12
* masterContainerSegment19
* detailContainerSegment14
* masterContainerSegment9
* detailContainerSegment13
* detailContainerSegment12
* attribute4
* attributeCategory
* lastUpdateLogin
* minFillPercentage
* address2
* customerId
* detailContainerSegment1
* masterContainerSegment4
* detailContainerSegment5
* detailContainer
* attribute5
* commodityCode
* attribute13
* masterContainerSegment7
* processMode
* customerItemNumber
* detailContainerSegment18
* masterContainerSegment11
* programApplicationId
* masterContainerSegment20
* detailContainerSegment3
* attribute14
* detailContainerSegment17
* masterContainerSegment6
* creationDate
* customerItemDesc
* detailContainerSegment2
* lastUpdateDate
* addressId
* detailContainerSegment6
* requestId
* detailContainerSegment16
* customerNumber
* containerItemOrgName
* masterContainerSegment10
* attribute8
* masterContainerSegment15
* attribute2
* attribute3
* detailContainerSegment9
* attribute10
* customerCategoryCode
* itemDefinitionLevel
* masterContainerSegment3
* lockFlag
* errorExplanation
* country
* detailContainerSegment11
* depPlanRequiredFlag
* attribute9
* masterContainerSegment1
* transactionType
* attribute7
* detailContainerSegment7
* detailContainerSegment15
* demandTolerancePositive
* state
* commodityCodeId
* inactiveFlag
* detailContainerSegment4
* city
* county
* errorCode
* masterContainerItemId
* customerName
* attribute11
* processFlag
* modelCustomerItemNumber
* masterContainer
* masterContainerSegment13
* createdBy
* attribute12
* address1
* attribute1
* detailContainerItemId
* masterContainerSegment16
* detailContainerSegment19
* address3
* detailContainerSegment10
* address4
* demandToleranceNegative
* containerItemOrgCode
* modelCustomerItemId
* customerCategory
* masterContainerSegment17
* depPlanPriorBldFlag
* masterContainerSegment5
* itemDefinitionLevelDesc
* programId
* postalCode
* masterContainerSegment2
* attribute6


 * masterContainerSegment14
* detailContainerSegment20
* detailContainerSegment8
* lastUpdatedBy
* containerItemOrgId
* masterContainerSegment18
* programUpdateDate
* masterContainerSegment8
* attribute15
* masterContainerSegment12
* masterContainerSegment19
* detailContainerSegment14
* masterContainerSegment9
* detailContainerSegment13
* detailContainerSegment12
* attribute4
* attributeCategory
* lastUpdateLogin
* minFillPercentage
* address2
* customerId
* detailContainerSegment1
* masterContainerSegment4
* detailContainerSegment5
* detailContainer
* attribute5
* commodityCode
* attribute13
* masterContainerSegment7
* processMode
* customerItemNumber
* detailContainerSegment18
* masterContainerSegment11
* programApplicationId
* masterContainerSegment20
* detailContainerSegment3
* attribute14
* detailContainerSegment17
* masterContainerSegment6
* creationDate
* customerItemDesc
* detailContainerSegment2
* lastUpdateDate
* addressId
* detailContainerSegment6
* requestId
* detailContainerSegment16
* customerNumber
* containerItemOrgName
* masterContainerSegment10
* attribute8
* masterContainerSegment15
* attribute2
* attribute3
* detailContainerSegment9
* attribute10
* customerCategoryCode
* itemDefinitionLevel
* masterContainerSegment3
* lockFlag
* errorExplanation
* country
* detailContainerSegment11
* depPlanRequiredFlag
* attribute9
* masterContainerSegment1
* transactionType
* attribute7
* detailContainerSegment7
* detailContainerSegment15
* demandTolerancePositive
* state
* commodityCodeId
* inactiveFlag
* detailContainerSegment4
* city
* county
* errorCode
* masterContainerItemId
* customerName
* attribute11
* processFlag
* modelCustomerItemNumber
* masterContainer
* masterContainerSegment13
* createdBy
* attribute12
* address1
* attribute1
* detailContainerItemId
* masterContainerSegment16
* detailContainerSegment19
* address3
* detailContainerSegment10
* address4
* demandToleranceNegative
* containerItemOrgCode
* modelCustomerItemId
* customerCategory
* masterContainerSegment17
* depPlanPriorBldFlag
* masterContainerSegment5
* itemDefinitionLevelDesc
* programId
* postalCode
* masterContainerSegment2
* attribute6


 * attribute12
* inventoryItemSegment1
* createdBy
* customerNumber
* attribute6
* inventoryItemSegment11
* programApplicationId
* processMode
* inventoryItemSegment14
* address4
* inactiveFlag
* attribute4
* inventoryItemSegment10
* preferenceNumber
* programUpdateDate
* inventoryItemSegment5
* postalCode
* inventoryItemId
* state
* lastUpdatedBy
* customerName
* creationDate
* itemDefinitionLevelDesc
* customerId
* inventoryItemSegment16
* attribute9
* requestId
* inventoryItemSegment3
* customerCategory
* addressId
* address2
* attribute8
* attribute15
* masterOrganizationCode
* masterOrganizationId
* inventoryItemSegment9
* inventoryItemSegment19
* inventoryItemSegment17
* address1
* lastUpdateDate
* inventoryItemSegment7
* attribute2
* attribute11
* customerItemId
* attribute10
* inventoryItemSegment8
* address3
* city
* attribute13
* inventoryItemSegment6
* masterOrganizationName
* attribute7
* attribute5
* inventoryItemSegment12
* inventoryItemSegment13
* lockFlag
* attribute14
* inventoryItem
* inventoryItemSegment20
* errorCode
* inventoryItemSegment18
* processFlag
* lastUpdateLogin
* county
* inventoryItemSegment15
* programId
* inventoryItemSegment4
* attribute3
* attributeCategory
* transactionType
* attribute1
* country
* customerItemNumber
* itemDefinitionLevel
* customerCategoryCode
* inventoryItemSegment2
* errorExplanation


 * attribute12
* inventoryItemSegment1
* createdBy
* customerNumber
* attribute6
* inventoryItemSegment11
* programApplicationId
* processMode
* inventoryItemSegment14
* address4
* inactiveFlag
* attribute4
* inventoryItemSegment10
* preferenceNumber
* programUpdateDate
* inventoryItemSegment5
* postalCode
* inventoryItemId
* state
* lastUpdatedBy
* customerName
* creationDate
* itemDefinitionLevelDesc
* customerId
* inventoryItemSegment16
* attribute9
* requestId
* inventoryItemSegment3
* customerCategory
* addressId
* address2
* attribute8
* attribute15
* masterOrganizationCode
* masterOrganizationId
* inventoryItemSegment9
* inventoryItemSegment19
* inventoryItemSegment17
* address1
* lastUpdateDate
* inventoryItemSegment7
* attribute2
* attribute11
* customerItemId
* attribute10
* inventoryItemSegment8
* address3
* city
* attribute13
* inventoryItemSegment6
* masterOrganizationName
* attribute7
* attribute5
* inventoryItemSegment12
* inventoryItemSegment13
* lockFlag
* attribute14
* inventoryItem
* inventoryItemSegment20
* errorCode
* inventoryItemSegment18
* processFlag
* lastUpdateLogin
* county
* inventoryItemSegment15
* programId
* inventoryItemSegment4
* attribute3
* attributeCategory
* transactionType
* attribute1
* country
* customerItemNumber
* itemDefinitionLevel
* customerCategoryCode
* inventoryItemSegment2
* errorExplanation


 * attribute13
* description
* attribute9
* attribute15
* attribute4
* sourceLang
* creationDate
* classificationType
* attribute6
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* programApplicationId
* classificationCodeTl
* attribute7
* disableDate
* lastUpdateDate
* createdBy
* programUpdateDate
* attribute12
* attribute3
* requestId
* attribute2
* language
* classificationCode
* attribute1
* attribute5
* attributeCategory
* programId
* attribute8
* attribute14
* attribute11
* attribute10


 * attribute13
* description
* attribute9
* attribute15
* attribute4
* sourceLang
* creationDate
* classificationType
* attribute6
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* programApplicationId
* classificationCodeTl
* attribute7
* disableDate
* lastUpdateDate
* createdBy
* programUpdateDate
* attribute12
* attribute3
* requestId
* attribute2
* language
* classificationCode
* attribute1
* attribute5
* attributeCategory
* programId
* attribute8
* attribute14
* attribute11
* attribute10


 * lpnSuffix
* attribute1
* attribute7
* attribute6
* attributeCategory
* lpnPrefix
* attribute12
* attribute9
* groupByShipMethodFlag
* ucc128SuffixFlag
* lastUpdateDate
* creationDate
* attribute8
* clientNumber
* totalLpnLength
* autocreateDelOrdersFlag
* attribute15
* attribute5
* attribute3
* attribute14
* deliveryReportSetId
* clientCode
* lastUpdateLogin
* groupByFreightTermsFlag
* createdBy
* receiptAsnExistsCode
* lpnStartingNumber
* groupByFobFlag
* groupByCustomerFlag
* otmEnabled
* attribute11
* attribute2
* attribute13
* tradingPartnerSiteId
* clientId
* shipConfirmRuleId
* attribute10
* rmaReceiptRoutingId
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute4


 * lpnSuffix
* attribute1
* attribute7
* attribute6
* attributeCategory
* lpnPrefix
* attribute12
* attribute9
* groupByShipMethodFlag
* ucc128SuffixFlag
* lastUpdateDate
* creationDate
* attribute8
* clientNumber
* totalLpnLength
* autocreateDelOrdersFlag
* attribute15
* attribute5
* attribute3
* attribute14
* deliveryReportSetId
* clientCode
* lastUpdateLogin
* groupByFreightTermsFlag
* createdBy
* receiptAsnExistsCode
* lpnStartingNumber
* groupByFobFlag
* groupByCustomerFlag
* otmEnabled
* attribute11
* attribute2
* attribute13
* tradingPartnerSiteId
* clientId
* shipConfirmRuleId
* attribute10
* rmaReceiptRoutingId
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute4


 * programId
* attribute13
* description
* lastUpdateLogin
* programApplicationId
* attribute11
* attributeCategory
* attribute1
* requestId
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute12
* attribute15
* attribute14
* attribute4
* commodityCode
* commodityCodeId
* attribute10
* attribute5
* creationDate
* createdBy
* attribute2
* attribute7
* attribute8
* attribute9
* attribute3
* attribute6
* lastUpdatedBy
* inactiveDate
* programUpdateDate


 * programId
* attribute13
* description
* lastUpdateLogin
* programApplicationId
* attribute11
* attributeCategory
* attribute1
* requestId
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute12
* attribute15
* attribute14
* attribute4
* commodityCode
* commodityCodeId
* attribute10
* attribute5
* creationDate
* createdBy
* attribute2
* attribute7
* attribute8
* attribute9
* attribute3
* attribute6
* lastUpdatedBy
* inactiveDate
* programUpdateDate


 * createdBy
* consumptionDate
* requestId
* errorCode
* poHeaderId
* organizationId
* primaryUom
* planningTpType
* owningTpType
* owningOrganizationId
* lastUpdateDate
* notificationId
* lastUpdatedBy
* recordId
* actionCode
* agentId
* revision
* purchasingUom
* creationDate
* lastNotificationDate
* programUpdateDate
* inventoryItemId
* planningOrganizationId
* programApplicationId
* programId
* recordType
* lastUpdateLogin
* errorType


 * createdBy
* consumptionDate
* requestId
* errorCode
* poHeaderId
* organizationId
* primaryUom
* planningTpType
* owningTpType
* owningOrganizationId
* lastUpdateDate
* notificationId
* lastUpdatedBy
* recordId
* actionCode
* agentId
* revision
* purchasingUom
* creationDate
* lastNotificationDate
* programUpdateDate
* inventoryItemId
* planningOrganizationId
* programApplicationId
* programId
* recordType
* lastUpdateLogin
* errorType


 * consumptionPoHeaderId
* taxCodeId
* programApplicationId
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* rate
* interfaceDistributionRef
* taxRecoveryRate
* varianceAccountId
* transactionId
* batchId
* organizationId
* transactionDate
* globalAgreementFlag
* accrualAccountId
* rateType
* needByDate
* inventoryItemId
* consumptionProcessedFlag
* poDistributionId
* owningOrganizationId
* poLineId
* programId
* taxRate
* parentTransactionId
* transactionSourceId
* programUpdateDate
* creationDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* blanketPrice
* requestId
* secondaryNetQty
* netQty
* recoverableTax
* consumptionReleaseId
* nonRecoverableTax
* errorExplanation
* createdBy
* chargeAccountId
* errorCode


 * consumptionPoHeaderId
* taxCodeId
* programApplicationId
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* rate
* interfaceDistributionRef
* taxRecoveryRate
* varianceAccountId
* transactionId
* batchId
* organizationId
* transactionDate
* globalAgreementFlag
* accrualAccountId
* rateType
* needByDate
* inventoryItemId
* consumptionProcessedFlag
* poDistributionId
* owningOrganizationId
* poLineId
* programId
* taxRate
* parentTransactionId
* transactionSourceId
* programUpdateDate
* creationDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* blanketPrice
* requestId
* secondaryNetQty
* netQty
* recoverableTax
* consumptionReleaseId
* nonRecoverableTax
* errorExplanation
* createdBy
* chargeAccountId
* errorCode


 * lastUpdatedBy
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* organizationCode
* status
* options
* xml
* lastEntityNumber
* groupCode
* siteId
* lastUpdateDate
* createdBy


 * lastUpdatedBy
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* organizationCode
* status
* options
* xml
* lastEntityNumber
* groupCode
* siteId
* lastUpdateDate
* createdBy


 * programId
* programApplicationId
* programUpdateDate
* attribute15
* attribute11
* createdBy
* attribute8
* validateFlag
* attribute1
* attribute14
* attribute2
* attribute4
* attribute7
* zdEditionName
* zdSync
* lastUpdatedBy
* requestId
* attributeCategory
* attribute13
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute3
* attribute10
* attribute6
* description
* attribute9
* disableDate
* crossReferenceType
* attribute5
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute12
* creationDate


 * programId
* programApplicationId
* programUpdateDate
* attribute15
* attribute11
* createdBy
* attribute8
* validateFlag
* attribute1
* attribute14
* attribute2
* attribute4
* attribute7
* zdEditionName
* zdSync
* lastUpdatedBy
* requestId
* attributeCategory
* attribute13
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute3
* attribute10
* attribute6
* description
* attribute9
* disableDate
* crossReferenceType
* attribute5
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute12
* creationDate


 * attribute8
* programId
* attribute12
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute13
* programApplicationId
* attribute10
* endDateActive
* attribute4
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute6
* attributeCategory
* revisionId
* description
* attribute9
* crossReferenceType
* attribute5
* attribute14
* attribute7
* attribute15
* crossReference
* uomCode
* startDateActive
* orgIndependentFlag
* attribute1
* programUpdateDate
* creationDate
* createdBy
* crossReferenceId
* epcGtinSerial
* sourceSystemId
* objectVersionNumber
* attribute11
* requestId
* attribute2
* inventoryItemId
* attribute3
* organizationId


 * attribute8
* programId
* attribute12
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute13
* programApplicationId
* attribute10
* endDateActive
* attribute4
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute6
* attributeCategory
* revisionId
* description
* attribute9
* crossReferenceType
* attribute5
* attribute14
* attribute7
* attribute15
* crossReference
* uomCode
* startDateActive
* orgIndependentFlag
* attribute1
* programUpdateDate
* creationDate
* createdBy
* crossReferenceId
* epcGtinSerial
* sourceSystemId
* objectVersionNumber
* attribute11
* requestId
* attribute2
* inventoryItemId
* attribute3
* organizationId


 * createdBy
* attribute15
* uomCode
* unitOfMeasureTl
* itemNumber
* attribute4
* crossReferenceId
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute12
* attribute8
* attribute11
* attribute13
* organizationId
* crossReference
* uomLanguage
* programUpdateDate
* attribute10
* transactionType
* organizationCode
* inventoryItemId
* attribute6
* attribute7
* revision
* programApplicationId
* crossReferenceType
* lastUpdateLogin
* creationDate
* revisionId
* requestId
* transactionId
* attributeCategory
* processFlag
* attribute5
* programId
* lastUpdatedBy
* orgIndependentFlag
* attribute14
* setProcessId
* epcGtinSerial
* attribute3
* attribute2
* attribute1
* description
* attribute9


 * createdBy
* attribute15
* uomCode
* unitOfMeasureTl
* itemNumber
* attribute4
* crossReferenceId
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute12
* attribute8
* attribute11
* attribute13
* organizationId
* crossReference
* uomLanguage
* programUpdateDate
* attribute10
* transactionType
* organizationCode
* inventoryItemId
* attribute6
* attribute7
* revision
* programApplicationId
* crossReferenceType
* lastUpdateLogin
* creationDate
* revisionId
* requestId
* transactionId
* attributeCategory
* processFlag
* attribute5
* programId
* lastUpdatedBy
* orgIndependentFlag
* attribute14
* setProcessId
* epcGtinSerial
* attribute3
* attribute2
* attribute1
* description
* attribute9


 * lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* language
* description
* sourceLang
* lastUpdateDate
* crossReferenceId
* creationDate
* createdBy


 * lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* language
* description
* sourceLang
* lastUpdateDate
* crossReferenceId
* creationDate
* createdBy


 * insertionFlag
* paybackVarianceAmount
* layerId
* creationDate
* programApplicationId
* userEntered
* priorCost
* createdBy
* programUpdateDate
* costElementId
* levelType
* programId
* lastUpdateDate
* varianceAmount
* actualCost
* requestId
* transactionActionId
* transactionCostedDate
* onhandVarianceAmount
* newCost
* organizationId
* transactionId
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* inventoryItemId


 * insertionFlag
* paybackVarianceAmount
* layerId
* creationDate
* programApplicationId
* userEntered
* priorCost
* createdBy
* programUpdateDate
* costElementId
* levelType
* programId
* lastUpdateDate
* varianceAmount
* actualCost
* requestId
* transactionActionId
* transactionCostedDate
* onhandVarianceAmount
* newCost
* organizationId
* transactionId
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* inventoryItemId


 * lastUpdateLogin
* layerCost
* paybackVarianceAmount
* layerQuantity
* creationDate
* transactionId
* programApplicationId
* onhandVarianceAmount
* varianceAmount
* requestId
* userEntered
* costElementId
* programUpdateDate
* lastUpdateDate
* levelType
* inventoryItemId
* invLayerId
* actualCost
* createdBy
* layerId
* organizationId
* programId
* lastUpdatedBy


 * lastUpdateLogin
* layerCost
* paybackVarianceAmount
* layerQuantity
* creationDate
* transactionId
* programApplicationId
* onhandVarianceAmount
* varianceAmount
* requestId
* userEntered
* costElementId
* programUpdateDate
* lastUpdateDate
* levelType
* inventoryItemId
* invLayerId
* actualCost
* createdBy
* layerId
* organizationId
* programId
* lastUpdatedBy


 * levelType
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdatedBy
* organizationId
* newAverageCost
* costElementId
* programUpdateDate
* inventoryItemId
* createdBy
* percentageChange
* valueChange
* lastUpdateDate
* creationDate
* requestId
* programApplicationId
* transactionId
* transactionCost
* programId


 * levelType
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdatedBy
* organizationId
* newAverageCost
* costElementId
* programUpdateDate
* inventoryItemId
* createdBy
* percentageChange
* valueChange
* lastUpdateDate
* creationDate
* requestId
* programApplicationId
* transactionId
* transactionCost
* programId


 * attribute10
* attribute12
* attributeCategory
* programUpdateDate
* inactiveFlag
* attribute5
* attribute7
* attribute15
* inventoryItemId
* programId
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute11
* attribute9
* attribute14
* programApplicationId
* attribute2
* requestId
* preferenceNumber
* attribute8
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute13
* lastUpdateDate
* creationDate
* customerItemId
* attribute3
* createdBy
* attribute6
* attribute4
* attribute1
* masterOrganizationId


 * attribute10
* attribute12
* attributeCategory
* programUpdateDate
* inactiveFlag
* attribute5
* attribute7
* attribute15
* inventoryItemId
* programId
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute11
* attribute9
* attribute14
* programApplicationId
* attribute2
* requestId
* preferenceNumber
* attribute8
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute13
* lastUpdateDate
* creationDate
* customerItemId
* attribute3
* createdBy
* attribute6
* attribute4
* attribute1
* masterOrganizationId


 * lastUpdateDate
* inactiveFlag
* customerItemId
* attribute5
* demandToleranceNegative
* customerId
* detailContainerItemId
* attribute13
* attribute8
* containerItemOrgId
* customerItemNumber
* modelCustomerItemId
* attribute12
* demandTolerancePositive
* creationDate
* itemDefinitionLevel
* minFillPercentage
* attribute10
* attribute3
* attribute14
* attribute2
* depPlanPriorBldFlag
* attribute15
* lastUpdateLogin
* programId
* customerItemDesc
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute6
* createdBy
* commodityCodeId
* attributeCategory
* masterContainerItemId
* programApplicationId
* attribute1
* depPlanRequiredFlag
* customerCategoryCode
* attribute4
* addressId
* programUpdateDate
* attribute7
* attribute11
* requestId
* attribute9


 * lastUpdateDate
* inactiveFlag
* customerItemId
* attribute5
* demandToleranceNegative
* customerId
* detailContainerItemId
* attribute13
* attribute8
* containerItemOrgId
* customerItemNumber
* modelCustomerItemId
* attribute12
* demandTolerancePositive
* creationDate
* itemDefinitionLevel
* minFillPercentage
* attribute10
* attribute3
* attribute14
* attribute2
* depPlanPriorBldFlag
* attribute15
* lastUpdateLogin
* programId
* customerItemDesc
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute6
* createdBy
* commodityCodeId
* attributeCategory
* masterContainerItemId
* programApplicationId
* attribute1
* depPlanRequiredFlag
* customerCategoryCode
* attribute4
* addressId
* programUpdateDate
* attribute7
* attribute11
* requestId
* attribute9


 * abcAssignmentGroupId
* lastUpdateLogin
* numCountsPerYear
* hitMissTolerancePositive
* hitMissToleranceNegative
* programApplicationId
* approvalTolerancePositive
* programId
* approvalToleranceNegative
* costToleranceNegative
* costTolerancePositive
* requestId
* creationDate
* organizationId
* programUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* cycleCountHeaderId
* lastUpdateDate
* abcClassId
* createdBy


 * abcAssignmentGroupId
* lastUpdateLogin
* numCountsPerYear
* hitMissTolerancePositive
* hitMissToleranceNegative
* programApplicationId
* approvalTolerancePositive
* programId
* approvalToleranceNegative
* costToleranceNegative
* costTolerancePositive
* requestId
* creationDate
* organizationId
* programUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* cycleCountHeaderId
* lastUpdateDate
* abcClassId
* createdBy


 * countTypeCode
* countSecondaryUomFirst
* attribute10
* subinventory
* attribute5
* itemUnitCost
* approvalCondition
* lastUpdateDate
* secondarySystemQtyCurrent
* organizationId
* countQuantityCurrent
* secondarySystemQtyPrior
* systemQuantityFirst
* numberOfCounts
* adjustmentDate
* referencePrior
* systemQuantityCurrent
* lotNumber
* attribute12
* parentLpnId
* adjustmentQuantity
* entryStatusCode
* attribute13
* attribute7
* primaryUomQuantityFirst
* countSecondaryUomPrior
* secondaryUomQuantityCurrent
* programApplicationId
* cycleCountHeaderId
* locatorId
* attribute4
* requestId
* attributeCategory
* countQuantityPrior
* cycleCountEntryId
* secondaryUomQuantityPrior
* secondarySystemQtyFirst
* lastUpdatedBy
* creationDate
* inventoryItemId
* negAdjustmentQuantity
* lotExpirationDate
* countedByEmployeeIdDummy
* primaryUomQuantityPrior
* attribute6
* programId
* countDueDate
* attribute8
* referenceCurrent
* inventoryAdjustmentAccount
* countDateFirst
* countDateCurrent
* lotControl
* countSecondaryUomCurrent
* countUomPrior
* approverEmployeeId
* primaryUomQuantityCurrent
* serialDetail
* countedByEmployeeIdCurrent
* attribute15
* countUomCurrent
* attribute3
* createdBy
* negAdjustmentAmount
* standardOperationId
* attribute14
* systemQuantityPrior
* attribute1
* countQuantityFirst
* attribute11
* secondaryUomQuantityFirst
* adjustmentAmount
* approvalDate
* taskPriority
* countDatePrior
* lastUpdateLogin
* countDateDummy
* transactionReasonId
* countListSequence
* countedByEmployeeIdPrior
* attribute2
* serialNumber
* countedByEmployeeIdFirst
* countUomFirst
* attribute9
* costGroupId
* referenceFirst
* revision
* programUpdateDate
* outermostLpnId
* secondaryAdjustmentQuantity
* approvalType
* exportFlag


 * countTypeCode
* countSecondaryUomFirst
* attribute10
* subinventory
* attribute5
* itemUnitCost
* approvalCondition
* lastUpdateDate
* secondarySystemQtyCurrent
* organizationId
* countQuantityCurrent
* secondarySystemQtyPrior
* systemQuantityFirst
* numberOfCounts
* adjustmentDate
* referencePrior
* systemQuantityCurrent
* lotNumber
* attribute12
* parentLpnId
* adjustmentQuantity
* entryStatusCode
* attribute13
* attribute7
* primaryUomQuantityFirst
* countSecondaryUomPrior
* secondaryUomQuantityCurrent
* programApplicationId
* cycleCountHeaderId
* locatorId
* attribute4
* requestId
* attributeCategory
* countQuantityPrior
* cycleCountEntryId
* secondaryUomQuantityPrior
* secondarySystemQtyFirst
* lastUpdatedBy
* creationDate
* inventoryItemId
* negAdjustmentQuantity
* lotExpirationDate
* countedByEmployeeIdDummy
* primaryUomQuantityPrior
* attribute6
* programId
* countDueDate
* attribute8
* referenceCurrent
* inventoryAdjustmentAccount
* countDateFirst
* countDateCurrent
* lotControl
* countSecondaryUomCurrent
* countUomPrior
* approverEmployeeId
* primaryUomQuantityCurrent
* serialDetail
* countedByEmployeeIdCurrent
* attribute15
* countUomCurrent
* attribute3
* createdBy
* negAdjustmentAmount
* standardOperationId
* attribute14
* systemQuantityPrior
* attribute1
* countQuantityFirst
* attribute11
* secondaryUomQuantityFirst
* adjustmentAmount
* approvalDate
* taskPriority
* countDatePrior
* lastUpdateLogin
* countDateDummy
* transactionReasonId
* countListSequence
* countedByEmployeeIdPrior
* attribute2
* serialNumber
* countedByEmployeeIdFirst
* countUomFirst
* attribute9
* costGroupId
* referenceFirst
* revision
* programUpdateDate
* outermostLpnId
* secondaryAdjustmentQuantity
* approvalType
* exportFlag


 * lastUpdateDate
* serialDiscrepancyOption
* orientationCode
* hitMissTolerancePositive
* lastUpdatedBy
* approvalTolerancePositive
* programId
* attribute1
* unscheduledCountEntry
* attribute6
* hitMissToleranceNegative
* daysUntilLate
* scheduleEmptyLocations
* headerNextScheduleDate
* programApplicationId
* approvalToleranceNegative
* attribute7
* attribute11
* attribute15
* nextUserCountSequence
* serialAdjustmentOption
* attribute10
* automaticRecountFlag
* serialDetailOption
* attributeCategory
* approvalOptionCode
* attribute4
* scheduleIntervalTime
* programUpdateDate
* costTolerancePositive
* attribute12
* cycleCountHeaderId
* attribute2
* attribute9
* inventoryAdjustmentAccount
* headerLastScheduleDate
* attribute14
* disableDate
* abcAssignmentGroupId
* defaultNumCountsPerYear
* onhandVisibleFlag
* attribute3
* lastUpdateLogin
* autoscheduleEnabledFlag
* creationDate
* costToleranceNegative
* attribute5
* description
* cycleCountCalendar
* containerDiscrepancyOption
* maximumAutoRecounts
* serialCountOption
* zeroCountFlag
* requestId
* cycleCountType
* attribute8
* cycleCountHeaderName
* abcInitializationStatus
* attribute13
* createdBy
* calendarExceptionSet
* containerAdjustmentOption
* organizationId
* containerEnabledFlag


 * lastUpdateDate
* serialDiscrepancyOption
* orientationCode
* hitMissTolerancePositive
* lastUpdatedBy
* approvalTolerancePositive
* programId
* attribute1
* unscheduledCountEntry
* attribute6
* hitMissToleranceNegative
* daysUntilLate
* scheduleEmptyLocations
* headerNextScheduleDate
* programApplicationId
* approvalToleranceNegative
* attribute7
* attribute11
* attribute15
* nextUserCountSequence
* serialAdjustmentOption
* attribute10
* automaticRecountFlag
* serialDetailOption
* attributeCategory
* approvalOptionCode
* attribute4
* scheduleIntervalTime
* programUpdateDate
* costTolerancePositive
* attribute12
* cycleCountHeaderId
* attribute2
* attribute9
* inventoryAdjustmentAccount
* headerLastScheduleDate
* attribute14
* disableDate
* abcAssignmentGroupId
* defaultNumCountsPerYear
* onhandVisibleFlag
* attribute3
* lastUpdateLogin
* autoscheduleEnabledFlag
* creationDate
* costToleranceNegative
* attribute5
* description
* cycleCountCalendar
* containerDiscrepancyOption
* maximumAutoRecounts
* serialCountOption
* zeroCountFlag
* requestId
* cycleCountType
* attribute8
* cycleCountHeaderName
* abcInitializationStatus
* attribute13
* createdBy
* calendarExceptionSet
* containerAdjustmentOption
* organizationId
* containerEnabledFlag


 * approvalToleranceNegative
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute14
* attribute1
* attribute12
* attributeCategory
* createdBy
* itemLastScheduleDate
* programApplicationId
* attribute6
* attribute13
* attribute11
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute10
* attribute15
* attribute8
* controlGroupFlag
* programId
* scheduleOrder
* cycleCountHeaderId
* requestId
* attribute7
* inventoryItemId
* lastUpdateLogin
* programUpdateDate
* abcClassId
* attribute9
* attribute3
* approvalTolerancePositive
* attribute4
* attribute5
* attribute2
* creationDate


 * approvalToleranceNegative
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute14
* attribute1
* attribute12
* attributeCategory
* createdBy
* itemLastScheduleDate
* programApplicationId
* attribute6
* attribute13
* attribute11
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute10
* attribute15
* attribute8
* controlGroupFlag
* programId
* scheduleOrder
* cycleCountHeaderId
* requestId
* attribute7
* inventoryItemId
* lastUpdateLogin
* programUpdateDate
* abcClassId
* attribute9
* attribute3
* approvalTolerancePositive
* attribute4
* attribute5
* attribute2
* creationDate


 * functionalAreaId
* lastUpdateDate
* categorySetId
* lastUpdatedBy
* zdSync
* zdEditionName
* programApplicationId
* programUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* requestId
* programId
* creationDate
* createdBy


 * functionalAreaId
* lastUpdateDate
* categorySetId
* lastUpdatedBy
* zdSync
* zdEditionName
* programApplicationId
* programUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* requestId
* programId
* creationDate
* createdBy


 * billToSiteUseId
* attribute15
* supplySourceType
* orderedItemId
* completedQuantity
* serialNumber
* configGroupId
* atpLeadTime
* attribute13
* parentComponentSeqId
* description
* userLineNum
* bomLevel
* lastUpdateDate
* demandSourceHeaderId
* programUpdateDate
* reservationType
* configStatus
* attribute8
* requestId
* scheduleId
* requirementDate
* attributeCategory
* createdBy
* duplicatedConfigItemId
* attribute9
* creationDate
* attribute3
* rowStatusFlag
* lineItemReservationQty
* updatedFlag
* subinventory
* uomCode
* revision
* availableToMrp
* demandClass
* autodetailGroupId
* explosionEffectivityDate
* rtoModelSourceLine
* attribute7
* lotNumber
* customerId
* demandId
* attribute2
* programId
* demandType
* lastUpdatedBy
* reservationQuantity
* duplicatedConfigDemandId
* locatorId
* attribute4
* demandSourceType
* supplyGroupId
* userDelivery
* operationSeqNum
* demandSourceDelivery
* externalSourceCode
* availableToAtp
* attribute10
* programApplicationId
* rtoPreviousQty
* mrpDate
* attribute1
* orderChangeReportFlag
* organizationId
* demandSourceName
* demandSourceLine
* masterReservationQty
* mrpQuantity
* attribute11
* externalSourceLineId
* attribute6
* inventoryItemId
* attribute12
* lineItemQuantity
* primaryUomQuantity
* attribute14
* attribute5
* explosionGroupId
* shipToSiteUseId
* parentDemandId
* lastUpdateLogin
* supplySourceHeaderId
* nColumn1
* estimatedReleaseDate
* componentSequenceId
* territoryId


 * locSegment1
* oldLocSegment6
* locSegment18
* demandHeaderSegment5
* intransitLeadTime
* oldLocSegment5
* demandHeaderSegment1
* latestAcceptableDate
* demandHeaderSegment3
* lineItemUnitOfMeasure
* demandHeaderSegment8
* actionCode
* lastUpdateLogin
* itemSegment9
* oldLocSegment20
* explosionEffectivityDate
* oldLocSegment17
* infiniteTimeFenceDate
* demandHeaderSegment27
* atpCalendarOrganizationId
* itemSegment20
* attribute7
* attribute2
* itemSegment17
* bomLevel
* itemSegment12
* locSegment17
* demandId
* locSegment11
* transactionMode
* orderedItemId
* processFlag
* itemSegment8
* atpLeadTime
* itemSegment3
* supplyGroupId
* rtoPreviousQty
* oldLocSegment9
* oldLocSegment3
* detailReserveFlag
* itemSegment10
* nColumn1
* lineItemQuantity
* autodetailGroupId
* attribute3
* requestAtpDateQuantity
* parentComponentSeqId
* explosionGroupId
* demandHeaderSegment28
* departmentId
* earliestAtpDateQuantity
* attribute6
* lockFlag
* itemSegment2
* nColumn4
* checkAtr
* oldLocatorId
* itemSegment4
* locSegment7
* organizationName
* demandHeaderSegment12
* locSegment12
* dColumn5
* cColumn2
* attribute9
* demandClass
* externalSourceLineId
* locSegment2
* oldLotNumber
* oldLocSegment4
* demandHeaderSegment9
* atpComponentsFlag
* demandHeaderSegment20
* demandHeaderSegment13
* oldLocSegment11
* creationDate
* quantityOnHand
* itemSegment6
* componentSequenceId
* reservationType
* attributeCategory
* createdBy
* dColumn3
* transactionProcessOrder
* demandHeaderSegment15
* demandHeaderSegment21
* locSegment6
* atpGroupId
* dColumn4
* vendorId
* demandType
* singleLotFlag
* oldSubinventory
* attribute10
* errExplanation
* dColumn2
* locSegment20
* oldLocSegment16
* demandSourceLine
* demandHeaderSegment26
* locSegment9
* configStatus
* itemSegment7
* oldLocSegment19
* territoryId
* attribute5
* cColumn7
* oldLocSegment12
* lotExpirationCutoffDate
* autodetailedQuantity
* oldLocSegment13
* subinventory
* revision
* autoscheduleDemandQuantity
* demandHeaderSegment30
* demandHeaderSegment23
* attribute12
* vendorSiteId
* nColumn3
* locSegment4
* demandSourceHeaderId
* inventoryItemId
* serialNumber
* availableToReserve
* resourceId
* locSegment8
* oldLocSegment10
* dColumn1
* lastUpdateDate
* oldLocSegment15
* scheduleGroupId
* reserveLevel
* cColumn6
* demandSourceName
* demandHeaderSegment4
* requirementDate
* locSegment16
* cColumn4
* groupAvailableDate
* demandHeaderSegment7
* locSegment3
* locSegment19
* rtoModelSourceLine
* attribute1
* demandSourceType
* demandHeaderSegment18
* organizationId
* supplyHeaderId
* oldLocSegment2
* demandHeaderSegment24
* lastUpdatedBy
* demandHeaderSegment10
* userLineNum
* errorCode
* demandHeaderSegment2
* demandHeaderSegment19
* demandHeaderSegment16
* earliestAtpDate
* reservationQuantity
* itemSegment18
* locSegment15
* partialsAllowedFlag
* itemSegment5
* attribute4
* itemSegment14
* billToSiteUseId
* itemSegment1
* locSegment14
* cColumn3
* oldRevision
* itemSegment11
* groupAtpCheck
* lineItemUom
* supplySourceType
* lotNumber
* attribute15
* attribute11
* primaryUom
* demandHeaderSegment29
* attribute8
* oldLocSegment14
* primaryUomQuantity
* attribute14
* oldLocSegment18
* nColumn2
* cColumn1
* demandHeaderSegment11
* externalSourceCode
* cColumn5
* demandHeaderSegment25
* lineItemReservationQty
* itemSegment13
* atpCheck
* oldSerialNumber
* validateRows
* demandHeaderSegment6
* cColumn8
* itemSegment16
* itemSegment19
* oldLocSegment8
* locatorId
* locSegment10
* accumulationWindow
* demandSourceDelivery
* autodetailExpenseSubinvFlag
* attribute13
* shipMethod
* oldLocSegment7
* sessionId
* demandHeaderSegment14
* nColumn5
* demandHeaderSegment17
* requestAtpDate
* customerId
* demandHeaderSegment22
* itemSegment15
* locSegment5
* oldLocSegment1
* userDelivery
* locSegment13
* requestDateAtpQuantity
* description
* atpRuleId
* shipToSiteUseId


 * locSegment1
* oldLocSegment6
* locSegment18
* demandHeaderSegment5
* intransitLeadTime
* oldLocSegment5
* demandHeaderSegment1
* latestAcceptableDate
* demandHeaderSegment3
* lineItemUnitOfMeasure
* demandHeaderSegment8
* actionCode
* lastUpdateLogin
* itemSegment9
* oldLocSegment20
* explosionEffectivityDate
* oldLocSegment17
* infiniteTimeFenceDate
* demandHeaderSegment27
* atpCalendarOrganizationId
* itemSegment20
* attribute7
* attribute2
* itemSegment17
* bomLevel
* itemSegment12
* locSegment17
* demandId
* locSegment11
* transactionMode
* orderedItemId
* processFlag
* itemSegment8
* atpLeadTime
* itemSegment3
* supplyGroupId
* rtoPreviousQty
* oldLocSegment9
* oldLocSegment3
* detailReserveFlag
* itemSegment10
* nColumn1
* lineItemQuantity
* autodetailGroupId
* attribute3
* requestAtpDateQuantity
* parentComponentSeqId
* explosionGroupId
* demandHeaderSegment28
* departmentId
* earliestAtpDateQuantity
* attribute6
* lockFlag
* itemSegment2
* nColumn4
* checkAtr
* oldLocatorId
* itemSegment4
* locSegment7
* organizationName
* demandHeaderSegment12
* locSegment12
* dColumn5
* cColumn2
* attribute9
* demandClass
* externalSourceLineId
* locSegment2
* oldLotNumber
* oldLocSegment4
* demandHeaderSegment9
* atpComponentsFlag
* demandHeaderSegment20
* demandHeaderSegment13
* oldLocSegment11
* creationDate
* quantityOnHand
* itemSegment6
* componentSequenceId
* reservationType
* attributeCategory
* createdBy
* dColumn3
* transactionProcessOrder
* demandHeaderSegment15
* demandHeaderSegment21
* locSegment6
* atpGroupId
* dColumn4
* vendorId
* demandType
* singleLotFlag
* oldSubinventory
* attribute10
* errExplanation
* dColumn2
* locSegment20
* oldLocSegment16
* demandSourceLine
* demandHeaderSegment26
* locSegment9
* configStatus
* itemSegment7
* oldLocSegment19
* territoryId
* attribute5
* cColumn7
* oldLocSegment12
* lotExpirationCutoffDate
* autodetailedQuantity
* oldLocSegment13
* subinventory
* revision
* autoscheduleDemandQuantity
* demandHeaderSegment30
* demandHeaderSegment23
* attribute12
* vendorSiteId
* nColumn3
* locSegment4
* demandSourceHeaderId
* inventoryItemId
* serialNumber
* availableToReserve
* resourceId
* locSegment8
* oldLocSegment10
* dColumn1
* lastUpdateDate
* oldLocSegment15
* scheduleGroupId
* reserveLevel
* cColumn6
* demandSourceName
* demandHeaderSegment4
* requirementDate
* locSegment16
* cColumn4
* groupAvailableDate
* demandHeaderSegment7
* locSegment3
* locSegment19
* rtoModelSourceLine
* attribute1
* demandSourceType
* demandHeaderSegment18
* organizationId
* supplyHeaderId
* oldLocSegment2
* demandHeaderSegment24
* lastUpdatedBy
* demandHeaderSegment10
* userLineNum
* errorCode
* demandHeaderSegment2
* demandHeaderSegment19
* demandHeaderSegment16
* earliestAtpDate
* reservationQuantity
* itemSegment18
* locSegment15
* partialsAllowedFlag
* itemSegment5
* attribute4
* itemSegment14
* billToSiteUseId
* itemSegment1
* locSegment14
* cColumn3
* oldRevision
* itemSegment11
* groupAtpCheck
* lineItemUom
* supplySourceType
* lotNumber
* attribute15
* attribute11
* primaryUom
* demandHeaderSegment29
* attribute8
* oldLocSegment14
* primaryUomQuantity
* attribute14
* oldLocSegment18
* nColumn2
* cColumn1
* demandHeaderSegment11
* externalSourceCode
* cColumn5
* demandHeaderSegment25
* lineItemReservationQty
* itemSegment13
* atpCheck
* oldSerialNumber
* validateRows
* demandHeaderSegment6
* cColumn8
* itemSegment16
* itemSegment19
* oldLocSegment8
* locatorId
* locSegment10
* accumulationWindow
* demandSourceDelivery
* autodetailExpenseSubinvFlag
* attribute13
* shipMethod
* oldLocSegment7
* sessionId
* demandHeaderSegment14
* nColumn5
* demandHeaderSegment17
* requestAtpDate
* customerId
* demandHeaderSegment22
* itemSegment15
* locSegment5
* oldLocSegment1
* userDelivery
* locSegment13
* requestDateAtpQuantity
* description
* atpRuleId
* shipToSiteUseId


 * billToSiteUseId
* attribute15
* supplySourceType
* orderedItemId
* completedQuantity
* serialNumber
* configGroupId
* atpLeadTime
* attribute13
* parentComponentSeqId
* description
* userLineNum
* bomLevel
* lastUpdateDate
* demandSourceHeaderId
* programUpdateDate
* reservationType
* configStatus
* attribute8
* requestId
* scheduleId
* requirementDate
* attributeCategory
* createdBy
* duplicatedConfigItemId
* attribute9
* creationDate
* attribute3
* rowStatusFlag
* lineItemReservationQty
* updatedFlag
* subinventory
* uomCode
* revision
* availableToMrp
* demandClass
* autodetailGroupId
* explosionEffectivityDate
* rtoModelSourceLine
* attribute7
* lotNumber
* customerId
* demandId
* attribute2
* programId
* demandType
* lastUpdatedBy
* reservationQuantity
* duplicatedConfigDemandId
* locatorId
* attribute4
* demandSourceType
* supplyGroupId
* userDelivery
* operationSeqNum
* demandSourceDelivery
* externalSourceCode
* availableToAtp
* attribute10
* programApplicationId
* rtoPreviousQty
* mrpDate
* attribute1
* orderChangeReportFlag
* organizationId
* demandSourceName
* demandSourceLine
* masterReservationQty
* mrpQuantity
* attribute11
* externalSourceLineId
* attribute6
* inventoryItemId
* attribute12
* lineItemQuantity
* primaryUomQuantity
* attribute14
* attribute5
* explosionGroupId
* shipToSiteUseId
* parentDemandId
* lastUpdateLogin
* supplySourceHeaderId
* nColumn1
* estimatedReleaseDate
* componentSequenceId
* territoryId


 * programApplicationId
* inventoryItemId
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* creationDate
* programUpdateDate
* createdBy
* transactionId
* elementSequence
* requestId
* elementValue
* elementName
* setProcessId
* defaultElementFlag
* processFlag
* programId
* lastUpdateLogin
* itemNumber


 * programApplicationId
* inventoryItemId
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* creationDate
* programUpdateDate
* createdBy
* transactionId
* elementSequence
* requestId
* elementValue
* elementName
* setProcessId
* defaultElementFlag
* processFlag
* programId
* lastUpdateLogin
* itemNumber


 * elementSequence
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* elementValue
* inventoryItemId
* programUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* defaultElementFlag
* programApplicationId
* programId
* lastUpdateDate
* requestId
* createdBy
* elementName


 * elementSequence
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* elementValue
* inventoryItemId
* programUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* defaultElementFlag
* programApplicationId
* programId
* lastUpdateDate
* requestId
* createdBy
* elementName


 * programApplicationId
* elementSequence
* itemCatalogGroupId
* requiredElementFlag
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* defaultElementFlag
* elementName
* programId
* lastUpdateDate
* creationDate
* createdBy
* programUpdateDate
* description
* requestId


 * programApplicationId
* elementSequence
* itemCatalogGroupId
* requiredElementFlag
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* defaultElementFlag
* elementName
* programId
* lastUpdateDate
* creationDate
* createdBy
* programUpdateDate
* description
* requestId


 * attribute2
* requestId
* attribute14
* activityAssociationId
* owningDepartmentId
* serialNumber
* wipEntityId
* attribute6
* taggingRequiredFlag
* sourceTmplId
* lastUpdateDate
* activitySourceCode
* prevScheduledStartDate
* programUpdateDate
* inventoryItemId
* lastScheduledEndDate
* lastServiceEndDate
* attribute4
* attribute8
* attribute7
* attribute9
* priorityCode
* creationOrganizationId
* maintenanceObjectType
* prevScheduledEndDate
* classCode
* organizationId
* prevPmSuggestedEndDate
* createdBy
* maintenanceObjectId
* attribute10
* prevServiceEndDate
* lastScheduledStartDate
* attribute1
* attribute12
* endDateActive
* attribute15
* activityCauseCode
* lastPmSuggestedEndDate
* attribute5
* attribute3
* prevPmSuggestedStartDate
* programApplicationId
* prevServiceStartDate
* lastPmSuggestedStartDate
* attributeCategory
* shutdownTypeCode
* activityTypeCode
* startDateActive
* tmplFlag
* attribute13
* creationDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastServiceStartDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* assetActivityId
* programId
* attribute11


 * attribute2
* requestId
* attribute14
* activityAssociationId
* owningDepartmentId
* serialNumber
* wipEntityId
* attribute6
* taggingRequiredFlag
* sourceTmplId
* lastUpdateDate
* activitySourceCode
* prevScheduledStartDate
* programUpdateDate
* inventoryItemId
* lastScheduledEndDate
* lastServiceEndDate
* attribute4
* attribute8
* attribute7
* attribute9
* priorityCode
* creationOrganizationId
* maintenanceObjectType
* prevScheduledEndDate
* classCode
* organizationId
* prevPmSuggestedEndDate
* createdBy
* maintenanceObjectId
* attribute10
* prevServiceEndDate
* lastScheduledStartDate
* attribute1
* attribute12
* endDateActive
* attribute15
* activityCauseCode
* lastPmSuggestedEndDate
* attribute5
* attribute3
* prevPmSuggestedStartDate
* programApplicationId
* prevServiceStartDate
* lastPmSuggestedStartDate
* attributeCategory
* shutdownTypeCode
* activityTypeCode
* startDateActive
* tmplFlag
* attribute13
* creationDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastServiceStartDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* assetActivityId
* programId
* attribute11


 * createdBy
* creationOrganizationId
* associationId
* creationDate
* inventoryItemId
* applicationId
* descriptiveFlexfieldName
* lastUpdateLogin
* descriptiveFlexContextCode
* lastUpdateDate
* organizationId
* enabledFlag
* lastUpdatedBy


 * createdBy
* creationOrganizationId
* associationId
* creationDate
* inventoryItemId
* applicationId
* descriptiveFlexfieldName
* lastUpdateLogin
* descriptiveFlexContextCode
* lastUpdateDate
* organizationId
* enabledFlag
* lastUpdatedBy


 * cAttribute8
* nAttribute3
* cAttribute20
* cAttribute1
* nAttribute5
* cAttribute9
* attributeCategory
* dAttribute9
* cAttribute5
* creationDate
* cAttribute13
* cAttribute15
* programId
* lastUpdatedBy
* serialNumber
* nAttribute8
* dAttribute10
* lastUpdateLogin
* nAttribute10
* dAttribute3
* requestId
* cAttribute3
* dAttribute2
* maintenanceObjectId
* programApplicationId
* dAttribute8
* inventoryItemId
* cAttribute4
* cAttribute14
* cAttribute18
* cAttribute10
* cAttribute17
* nAttribute2
* cAttribute16
* cAttribute2
* descriptiveFlexfieldName
* dAttribute1
* lastUpdateDate
* programUpdateDate
* cAttribute12
* maintenanceObjectType
* cAttribute6
* organizationId
* dAttribute6
* nAttribute7
* dAttribute4
* dAttribute7
* nAttribute4
* nAttribute6
* cAttribute7
* associationId
* nAttribute9
* creationOrganizationId
* applicationId
* cAttribute11
* nAttribute1
* cAttribute19
* createdBy
* dAttribute5


 * cAttribute8
* nAttribute3
* cAttribute20
* cAttribute1
* nAttribute5
* cAttribute9
* attributeCategory
* dAttribute9
* cAttribute5
* creationDate
* cAttribute13
* cAttribute15
* programId
* lastUpdatedBy
* serialNumber
* nAttribute8
* dAttribute10
* lastUpdateLogin
* nAttribute10
* dAttribute3
* requestId
* cAttribute3
* dAttribute2
* maintenanceObjectId
* programApplicationId
* dAttribute8
* inventoryItemId
* cAttribute4
* cAttribute14
* cAttribute18
* cAttribute10
* cAttribute17
* nAttribute2
* cAttribute16
* cAttribute2
* descriptiveFlexfieldName
* dAttribute1
* lastUpdateDate
* programUpdateDate
* cAttribute12
* maintenanceObjectType
* cAttribute6
* organizationId
* dAttribute6
* nAttribute7
* dAttribute4
* dAttribute7
* nAttribute4
* nAttribute6
* cAttribute7
* associationId
* nAttribute9
* creationOrganizationId
* applicationId
* cAttribute11
* nAttribute1
* cAttribute19
* createdBy
* dAttribute5


 * instanceNumber
* timeSinceRepair
* nAttribute10
* maintainableFlag
* cyclesSinceOverhaul
* descriptiveText
* cAttribute19
* timeSinceOverhaul
* timeSinceNew
* cyclesSinceMark
* cAttribute27
* timeSinceMark
* cAttribute22
* parentSerialNumber
* nAttribute4
* cAttribute24
* pnLocationId
* lastUpdatedBy
* cAttribute3
* owningDepartmentId
* cAttribute16
* parentInventoryItemId
* dAttribute8
* cAttribute25
* serialAttributeCategory
* nAttribute1
* cAttribute29
* cyclesSinceNew
* nAttribute9
* cAttribute8
* lastUpdateLogin
* cyclesSinceRepair
* nAttribute5
* cAttribute26
* checkinStatus
* interfaceHeaderId
* importMode
* currentStatus
* lastUpdateDate
* cAttribute15
* locationCodes
* creationDate
* dAttribute4
* errorCode
* cAttribute10
* dAttribute2
* interfaceGroupId
* eqpSerialNumber
* nAttribute3
* prodOrganizationCode
* cAttribute28
* cAttribute30
* createdBy
* cAttribute21
* dAttribute7
* supplierWarrantyExpDate
* cAttribute17
* processFlag
* parentInstanceNumber
* operationalLogFlag
* cAttribute2
* assetCriticalityCode
* categoryId
* activeEndDate
* cyclesSinceVisit
* vendorSerialNumber
* nAttribute8
* cAttribute5
* currentOrganizationId
* dAttribute5
* cAttribute6
* owningDepartmentCode
* dAttribute6
* cAttribute11
* requestId
* vendorLotNumber
* cAttribute18
* cAttribute9
* faAssetId
* cAttribute4
* timeSinceVisit
* dAttribute9
* nAttribute7
* cAttribute20
* equipmentItemId
* dAttribute1
* nAttribute2
* cAttribute12
* wipAccountingClassCode
* assetCriticalityId
* batchName
* programId
* activeStartDate
* statusId
* faAssetNumber
* importScope
* dAttribute10
* cAttribute7
* cAttribute1
* dAttribute3
* inventoryItemId
* nAttribute6
* serialNumber
* prodOrganizationId
* organizationCode
* territoryCode
* batchId
* cAttribute23
* programUpdateDate
* errorMessage
* programApplicationId
* originationDate
* cAttribute13
* eamLocationId
* cAttribute14
* networkAssetFlag


 * instanceNumber
* timeSinceRepair
* nAttribute10
* maintainableFlag
* cyclesSinceOverhaul
* descriptiveText
* cAttribute19
* timeSinceOverhaul
* timeSinceNew
* cyclesSinceMark
* cAttribute27
* timeSinceMark
* cAttribute22
* parentSerialNumber
* nAttribute4
* cAttribute24
* pnLocationId
* lastUpdatedBy
* cAttribute3
* owningDepartmentId
* cAttribute16
* parentInventoryItemId
* dAttribute8
* cAttribute25
* serialAttributeCategory
* nAttribute1
* cAttribute29
* cyclesSinceNew
* nAttribute9
* cAttribute8
* lastUpdateLogin
* cyclesSinceRepair
* nAttribute5
* cAttribute26
* checkinStatus
* interfaceHeaderId
* importMode
* currentStatus
* lastUpdateDate
* cAttribute15
* locationCodes
* creationDate
* dAttribute4
* errorCode
* cAttribute10
* dAttribute2
* interfaceGroupId
* eqpSerialNumber
* nAttribute3
* prodOrganizationCode
* cAttribute28
* cAttribute30
* createdBy
* cAttribute21
* dAttribute7
* supplierWarrantyExpDate
* cAttribute17
* processFlag
* parentInstanceNumber
* operationalLogFlag
* cAttribute2
* assetCriticalityCode
* categoryId
* activeEndDate
* cyclesSinceVisit
* vendorSerialNumber
* nAttribute8
* cAttribute5
* currentOrganizationId
* dAttribute5
* cAttribute6
* owningDepartmentCode
* dAttribute6
* cAttribute11
* requestId
* vendorLotNumber
* cAttribute18
* cAttribute9
* faAssetId
* cAttribute4
* timeSinceVisit
* dAttribute9
* nAttribute7
* cAttribute20
* equipmentItemId
* dAttribute1
* nAttribute2
* cAttribute12
* wipAccountingClassCode
* assetCriticalityId
* batchName
* programId
* activeStartDate
* statusId
* faAssetNumber
* importScope
* dAttribute10
* cAttribute7
* cAttribute1
* dAttribute3
* inventoryItemId
* nAttribute6
* serialNumber
* prodOrganizationId
* organizationCode
* territoryCode
* batchId
* cAttribute23
* programUpdateDate
* errorMessage
* programApplicationId
* originationDate
* cAttribute13
* eamLocationId
* cAttribute14
* networkAssetFlag


 * applicationId
* attributeCategory
* interfaceGroupId
* associationId
* interfaceHeaderId
* interfaceLineId
* errorMessage
* applicationColumnName
* lineType
* creationDate
* errorNumber
* createdBy
* processStatus
* endUserColumnName
* attributeNumberValue
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateDate
* descriptiveFlexfieldName
* attributeVarchar2Value
* lastUpdateLogin
* attributeDateValue


 * applicationId
* attributeCategory
* interfaceGroupId
* associationId
* interfaceHeaderId
* interfaceLineId
* errorMessage
* applicationColumnName
* lineType
* creationDate
* errorNumber
* createdBy
* processStatus
* endUserColumnName
* attributeNumberValue
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateDate
* descriptiveFlexfieldName
* attributeVarchar2Value
* lastUpdateLogin
* attributeDateValue


 * locationCodes
* organizationId
* lastUpdateDate
* locationId
* requestId
* creationDate
* description
* startDate
* programUpdateDate
* programId
* endDate
* createdBy
* creationOrganizationId
* programApplicationId
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdatedBy


 * locationCodes
* organizationId
* lastUpdateDate
* locationId
* requestId
* creationDate
* description
* startDate
* programUpdateDate
* programId
* endDate
* createdBy
* creationOrganizationId
* programApplicationId
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdatedBy


 * organizationId
* attribute5
* maintenanceObjectId
* attribute11
* attribute7
* networkAssociationId
* lastUpdateDate
* networkSerialNumber
* serialNumber
* startDateActive
* maintenanceObjectType
* programId
* networkItemId
* attribute4
* endDateActive
* attribute14
* costDistributionPer
* attribute15
* networkObjectType
* seqNum
* attribute2
* programApplicationId
* networkObjectId
* requestId
* programUpdateDate
* attribute13
* lastUpdateLogin
* attributeCategory
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute9
* attribute6
* attribute8
* creationDate
* attribute3
* attribute10
* attribute12
* createdBy
* inventoryItemId
* attribute1


 * organizationId
* attribute5
* maintenanceObjectId
* attribute11
* attribute7
* networkAssociationId
* lastUpdateDate
* networkSerialNumber
* serialNumber
* startDateActive
* maintenanceObjectType
* programId
* networkItemId
* attribute4
* endDateActive
* attribute14
* costDistributionPer
* attribute15
* networkObjectType
* seqNum
* attribute2
* programApplicationId
* networkObjectId
* requestId
* programUpdateDate
* attribute13
* lastUpdateLogin
* attributeCategory
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute9
* attribute6
* attribute8
* creationDate
* attribute3
* attribute10
* attribute12
* createdBy
* inventoryItemId
* attribute1


 * attribute12
* attributeCategory
* attribute7
* attribute15
* objectNumber
* attribute4
* attribute8
* attribute6
* creationDate
* objectType
* attribute3
* lastUpdateLogin
* objectDescription
* requestId
* attribute13
* attribute11
* programUpdateDate
* createdBy
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateDate
* objectId
* attribute5
* programId
* attribute2
* attribute14
* attribute10
* attribute9
* programApplicationId
* attribute1
* lastPrintDate


 * attribute12
* attributeCategory
* attribute7
* attribute15
* objectNumber
* attribute4
* attribute8
* attribute6
* creationDate
* objectType
* attribute3
* lastUpdateLogin
* objectDescription
* requestId
* attribute13
* attribute11
* programUpdateDate
* createdBy
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateDate
* objectId
* attribute5
* programId
* attribute2
* attribute14
* attribute10
* attribute9
* programApplicationId
* attribute1
* lastPrintDate


 * requestId
* lastUpdateLogin
* contextColumnValueId
* creationDate
* descriptiveFlexContextCode
* descriptiveFlexfieldName
* contextColumnName
* categorySetId
* organizationId
* programId
* lastUpdatedBy
* createdBy
* programApplicationId
* programUpdateDate
* lastUpdateDate


 * requestId
* lastUpdateLogin
* contextColumnValueId
* creationDate
* descriptiveFlexContextCode
* descriptiveFlexfieldName
* contextColumnName
* categorySetId
* organizationId
* programId
* lastUpdatedBy
* createdBy
* programApplicationId
* programUpdateDate
* lastUpdateDate


 * attribute15
* requestId
* forecastType
* attribute6
* attribute14
* periodType
* trendFactor
* forecastRuleId
* maximumPastPeriods
* attribute1
* lastUpdateDate
* includeSeasonalityModel
* attribute3
* attribute10
* lastUpdateLogin
* includeTrendModel
* attribute8
* programId
* alphaSmoothingFactor
* seasonalityFactor
* forecastRuleName
* description
* programUpdateDate
* creationDate
* includeWipIssues
* attribute2
* createdBy
* attribute7
* attribute11
* attribute13
* attribute9
* attribute5
* includeMiscellaneousIssues
* includeSalesOrders
* lastUpdatedBy
* includeInterorgIssues
* attribute12
* attributeCategory
* programApplicationId
* attribute4


 * attribute15
* requestId
* forecastType
* attribute6
* attribute14
* periodType
* trendFactor
* forecastRuleId
* maximumPastPeriods
* attribute1
* lastUpdateDate
* includeSeasonalityModel
* attribute3
* attribute10
* lastUpdateLogin
* includeTrendModel
* attribute8
* programId
* alphaSmoothingFactor
* seasonalityFactor
* forecastRuleName
* description
* programUpdateDate
* creationDate
* includeWipIssues
* attribute2
* createdBy
* attribute7
* attribute11
* attribute13
* attribute9
* attribute5
* includeMiscellaneousIssues
* includeSalesOrders
* lastUpdatedBy
* includeInterorgIssues
* attribute12
* attributeCategory
* programApplicationId
* attribute4


 * auditCommitId
* disableDate
* dispositionId
* auditTransactionType
* auditSessionId
* auditUserName
* auditTimestamp
* auditTrueNulls
* auditSequenceId
* rowKey
* organizationId
* distributionAccount


 * auditCommitId
* disableDate
* dispositionId
* auditTransactionType
* auditSessionId
* auditUserName
* auditTimestamp
* auditTrueNulls
* auditSequenceId
* rowKey
* organizationId
* distributionAccount


 * creationDate
* itemCatalogGroupId
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* createdBy
* description
* requestId
* aliasName
* lastUpdateLogin
* programUpdateDate
* programApplicationId
* programId


 * creationDate
* itemCatalogGroupId
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* createdBy
* description
* requestId
* aliasName
* lastUpdateLogin
* programUpdateDate
* programApplicationId
* programId


 * itemCatalogGroupId
* programId
* createdBy
* programUpdateDate
* lastUpdateDate
* categoryId
* categorySetId
* programApplicationId
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdatedBy
* creationDate
* structureId
* requestId


 * itemCatalogGroupId
* programId
* createdBy
* programUpdateDate
* lastUpdateDate
* categoryId
* categorySetId
* programApplicationId
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdatedBy
* creationDate
* structureId
* requestId


 * tableName
* creationDate
* requestId
* boIdentifier
* lastUpdatedBy
* uniqueId
* lastUpdateLogin
* columnName
* organizationId
* transactionId
* lastUpdateDate
* programUpdateDate
* entityIdentifier
* messageType
* errorMessage
* programApplicationId
* createdBy
* messageName
* programId


 * tableName
* creationDate
* requestId
* boIdentifier
* lastUpdatedBy
* uniqueId
* lastUpdateLogin
* columnName
* organizationId
* transactionId
* lastUpdateDate
* programUpdateDate
* entityIdentifier
* messageType
* errorMessage
* programApplicationId
* createdBy
* messageName
* programId


 * packslipDate
* shipmentHeaderId
* packslipNumber


 * packslipDate
* shipmentHeaderId
* packslipNumber


 * userAttributeNameGui
* userAttributeName
* mandatoryFlag
* statusControlCode
* lastUpdateLogin
* updateMessageName
* sequenceGui
* levelUpdateableFlag
* validationCode
* requiredMessageName
* sequence
* lastUpdateDate
* createdBy
* creationDate
* prefieldFlag
* attributeName
* lastUpdatedBy
* postFieldFlag
* dataType
* attributeGroupIdGui
* controlLevel
* postChangeFlag
* zdSync
* attributeGroupId
* zdEditionName


 * userAttributeNameGui
* userAttributeName
* mandatoryFlag
* statusControlCode
* lastUpdateLogin
* updateMessageName
* sequenceGui
* levelUpdateableFlag
* validationCode
* requiredMessageName
* sequence
* lastUpdateDate
* createdBy
* creationDate
* prefieldFlag
* attributeName
* lastUpdatedBy
* postFieldFlag
* dataType
* attributeGroupIdGui
* controlLevel
* postChangeFlag
* zdSync
* attributeGroupId
* zdEditionName


 * transactionType
* categoryId
* categorySetId
* requestId
* lastUpdateLogin
* bundleCollectionId
* sourceSystemId
* revisionId
* bundleId
* createdBy
* inventoryItemId
* entityType
* creationDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* sourceSystemReference
* messageCode
* lastUpdateDate
* messageType
* organizationId


 * transactionType
* categoryId
* categorySetId
* requestId
* lastUpdateLogin
* bundleCollectionId
* sourceSystemId
* revisionId
* bundleId
* createdBy
* inventoryItemId
* entityType
* creationDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* sourceSystemReference
* messageCode
* lastUpdateDate
* messageType
* organizationId


 * itemNumGenMethodType
* requestId
* suffix
* enableKeyAttrsDesc
* segment12
* transactionId
* attribute9
* lastUpdateDate
* setProcessId
* attribute12
* endDateActive
* newItemReqChangeTypeId
* itemDescGenerationFunction
* enabledFlag
* segment14
* attribute15
* segment10
* attributeCategory
* segment19
* parentCatalogGroupName
* segment7
* itemCatalogGroupId
* itemCatalogName
* segment17
* programUpdateDate
* attribute10
* segment6
* segment18
* attribute7
* segment20
* itemDescFunctionId
* createdBy
* segment15
* attribute5
* segment5
* attribute4
* parentCatalogGroupId
* startDateActive
* itemNumActionId
* summaryFlag
* itemNumFunctionId
* itemDescGenMethodType
* incrementBy
* segment9
* attribute13
* itemNumGenerationFunction
* attribute2
* segment1
* segment8
* programId
* itemCreationAllowedFlag
* segment4
* lastUpdateLogin
* inactiveDate
* processStatus
* segment2
* attribute14
* attribute8
* segment13
* prefix
* lastUpdatedBy
* transactionType
* startingNumber
* description
* attribute3
* creationDate
* attribute6
* segment11
* attribute11
* segment16
* itemDescActionId
* attribute1
* newItemRequestName
* newItemRequestType
* segment3
* itemNumSeqName
* enableKeyAttrsNum
* programApplicationId


 * itemNumGenMethodType
* requestId
* suffix
* enableKeyAttrsDesc
* segment12
* transactionId
* attribute9
* lastUpdateDate
* setProcessId
* attribute12
* endDateActive
* newItemReqChangeTypeId
* itemDescGenerationFunction
* enabledFlag
* segment14
* attribute15
* segment10
* attributeCategory
* segment19
* parentCatalogGroupName
* segment7
* itemCatalogGroupId
* itemCatalogName
* segment17
* programUpdateDate
* attribute10
* segment6
* segment18
* attribute7
* segment20
* itemDescFunctionId
* createdBy
* segment15
* attribute5
* segment5
* attribute4
* parentCatalogGroupId
* startDateActive
* itemNumActionId
* summaryFlag
* itemNumFunctionId
* itemDescGenMethodType
* incrementBy
* segment9
* attribute13
* itemNumGenerationFunction
* attribute2
* segment1
* segment8
* programId
* itemCreationAllowedFlag
* segment4
* lastUpdateLogin
* inactiveDate
* processStatus
* segment2
* attribute14
* attribute8
* segment13
* prefix
* lastUpdatedBy
* transactionType
* startingNumber
* description
* attribute3
* creationDate
* attribute6
* segment11
* attribute11
* segment16
* itemDescActionId
* attribute1
* newItemRequestName
* newItemRequestType
* segment3
* itemNumSeqName
* enableKeyAttrsNum
* programApplicationId


 * segment9
* endDateActive
* segment7
* segment13
* attribute14
* summaryFlag
* newItemRequestReqd
* attribute5
* attribute2
* segment8
* zdSync
* segment18
* segment5
* newItemReqChangeTypeId
* creationDate
* segment1
* lastUpdateLogin
* segment6
* description
* segment4
* inactiveDate
* segment15
* itemCreationAllowedFlag
* parentCatalogGroupId
* segment14
* segment16
* segment11
* segment19
* currentNumber
* itemCatalogGroupId
* startDateActive
* startingNumber
* attributeCategory
* createdBy
* enabledFlag
* attribute4
* attribute11
* prefix
* itemNumGenMethod
* attribute1
* programId
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute9
* attribute3
* segment3
* attribute7
* requestId
* programApplicationId
* incrementBy
* itemNumSeqName
* segment2
* attribute13
* segment20
* programUpdateDate
* attribute15
* segment10
* suffix
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute8
* itemNumActionId
* zdEditionName
* itemDescActionId
* attribute10
* attribute12
* segment17
* attribute6
* segment12
* itemDescGenMethod


 * segment9
* endDateActive
* segment7
* segment13
* attribute14
* summaryFlag
* newItemRequestReqd
* attribute5
* attribute2
* segment8
* zdSync
* segment18
* segment5
* newItemReqChangeTypeId
* creationDate
* segment1
* lastUpdateLogin
* segment6
* description
* segment4
* inactiveDate
* segment15
* itemCreationAllowedFlag
* parentCatalogGroupId
* segment14
* segment16
* segment11
* segment19
* currentNumber
* itemCatalogGroupId
* startDateActive
* startingNumber
* attributeCategory
* createdBy
* enabledFlag
* attribute4
* attribute11
* prefix
* itemNumGenMethod
* attribute1
* programId
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute9
* attribute3
* segment3
* attribute7
* requestId
* programApplicationId
* incrementBy
* itemNumSeqName
* segment2
* attribute13
* segment20
* programUpdateDate
* attribute15
* segment10
* suffix
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute8
* itemNumActionId
* zdEditionName
* itemDescActionId
* attribute10
* attribute12
* segment17
* attribute6
* segment12
* itemDescGenMethod


 * itemCatalogGroupId
* sourceLang
* lastUpdatedBy
* createdBy
* lastUpdateDate
* description
* language
* creationDate
* zdEditionName
* lastUpdateLogin
* zdSync


 * itemCatalogGroupId
* sourceLang
* lastUpdatedBy
* createdBy
* lastUpdateDate
* description
* language
* creationDate
* zdEditionName
* lastUpdateLogin
* zdSync


 * organizationId
* lastUpdateDate
* categorySetId
* requestId
* inventoryItemId
* programUpdateDate
* creationDate
* categoryId
* programId
* createdBy
* programApplicationId
* lastUpdatedBy
* whUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin


 * organizationId
* sourceSystemReference
* programApplicationId
* oldCategoryId
* lastUpdatedBy
* programUpdateDate
* creationDate
* createdBy
* categoryName
* transactionType
* setProcessId
* oldCategoryName
* categoryId
* categorySetId
* requestId
* bundleId
* categorySetName
* lastUpdateDate
* organizationCode
* inventoryItemId
* changeId
* lastUpdateLogin
* programId
* itemNumber
* transactionId
* processFlag
* changeLineId
* sourceSystemId


 * organizationId
* sourceSystemReference
* programApplicationId
* oldCategoryId
* lastUpdatedBy
* programUpdateDate
* creationDate
* createdBy
* categoryName
* transactionType
* setProcessId
* oldCategoryName
* categoryId
* categorySetId
* requestId
* bundleId
* categorySetName
* lastUpdateDate
* organizationCode
* inventoryItemId
* changeId
* lastUpdateLogin
* programId
* itemNumber
* transactionId
* processFlag
* changeLineId
* sourceSystemId


 * organizationId
* lastUpdateDate
* categorySetId
* requestId
* inventoryItemId
* programUpdateDate
* creationDate
* categoryId
* programId
* createdBy
* programApplicationId
* lastUpdatedBy
* whUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin


 * locatorName1
* materialSubElem
* categoryName5
* categoryName1
* itemNumber
* categoryId4
* materialOhSubElem
* subinventory4
* transactionType
* inventoryItemId
* categorySetId4
* organizationId
* materialCost
* subinventory1
* categoryName2
* locatorId1
* materialOhCost
* transactionId
* materialSubElemId
* locatorName3
* locatorId3
* organizationCode
* subinventory5
* locatorName5
* subinventory2
* categoryId3
* locatorName4
* categoryName3
* categoryName4
* categorySetId5
* categorySetId3
* locatorId5
* categorySetName2
* categorySetName3
* locatorName2
* categoryId5
* locatorId2
* categoryId1
* categorySetName1
* materialOhSubElemId
* categorySetName4
* locatorId4
* categorySetId2
* categorySetName5
* processFlag
* subinventory3
* categorySetId1
* categoryId2


 * locatorName1
* materialSubElem
* categoryName5
* categoryName1
* itemNumber
* categoryId4
* materialOhSubElem
* subinventory4
* transactionType
* inventoryItemId
* categorySetId4
* organizationId
* materialCost
* subinventory1
* categoryName2
* locatorId1
* materialOhCost
* transactionId
* materialSubElemId
* locatorName3
* locatorId3
* organizationCode
* subinventory5
* locatorName5
* subinventory2
* categoryId3
* locatorName4
* categoryName3
* categoryName4
* categorySetId5
* categorySetId3
* locatorId5
* categorySetName2
* categorySetName3
* locatorName2
* categoryId5
* locatorId2
* categoryId1
* categorySetName1
* materialOhSubElemId
* categorySetName4
* locatorId4
* categorySetId2
* categorySetName5
* processFlag
* subinventory3
* categorySetId1
* categoryId2


 * lastUpdatedBy
* creationDate
* programUpdateDate
* programId
* defaultType
* requestId
* inventoryItemId
* locatorId
* subinventoryCode
* lastUpdateLogin
* organizationId
* createdBy
* lastUpdateDate
* programApplicationId


 * lastUpdatedBy
* creationDate
* programUpdateDate
* programId
* defaultType
* requestId
* inventoryItemId
* locatorId
* subinventoryCode
* lastUpdateLogin
* organizationId
* createdBy
* lastUpdateDate
* programApplicationId


 * ecnInitiationDate
* revisionReason
* attribute10
* createdBy
* revisedItemSequenceId
* currentPhaseId
* programId
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute8
* revisionLabel
* attribute2
* attribute12
* implementationDate
* implementedSerialNumber
* attribute7
* attribute14
* organizationId
* attribute3
* attribute9
* objectVersionNumber
* attribute11
* attributeCategory
* attribute6
* attribute15
* effectivityDate
* changeNotice
* description
* revisionId
* inventoryItemId
* requestId
* programApplicationId
* revision
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute1
* attribute5
* attribute13
* lastUpdateDate
* creationDate
* attribute4
* lifecycleId
* programUpdateDate


 * ecnInitiationDate
* revisionReason
* attribute10
* createdBy
* revisedItemSequenceId
* currentPhaseId
* programId
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute8
* revisionLabel
* attribute2
* attribute12
* implementationDate
* implementedSerialNumber
* attribute7
* attribute14
* organizationId
* attribute3
* attribute9
* objectVersionNumber
* attribute11
* attributeCategory
* attribute6
* attribute15
* effectivityDate
* changeNotice
* description
* revisionId
* inventoryItemId
* requestId
* programApplicationId
* revision
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute1
* attribute5
* attribute13
* lastUpdateDate
* creationDate
* attribute4
* lifecycleId
* programUpdateDate


 * attribute10
* changeId
* revisionLabel
* description
* attribute7
* attribute8
* revisedItemSequenceId
* processFlag
* attribute14
* transactionId
* attribute11
* inventoryItemId
* attribute13
* bundleId
* attribute3
* sourceSystemReference
* attribute6
* transactionType
* attribute15
* attribute12
* attribute5
* currentPhaseId
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute4
* effectivityDate
* setProcessId
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute9
* attribute2
* interfaceTableUniqueId
* organizationCode
* templateId
* ecnInitiationDate
* attribute1
* programUpdateDate
* createdBy
* implementationDate
* programId
* itemNumber
* implementedSerialNumber
* revisionId
* templateName
* revisionReason
* sourceSystemId
* lifecycleId
* lastUpdateLogin
* organizationId
* revision
* changeNotice
* attributeCategory
* creationDate
* requestId
* programApplicationId


 * attribute10
* changeId
* revisionLabel
* description
* attribute7
* attribute8
* revisedItemSequenceId
* processFlag
* attribute14
* transactionId
* attribute11
* inventoryItemId
* attribute13
* bundleId
* attribute3
* sourceSystemReference
* attribute6
* transactionType
* attribute15
* attribute12
* attribute5
* currentPhaseId
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute4
* effectivityDate
* setProcessId
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute9
* attribute2
* interfaceTableUniqueId
* organizationCode
* templateId
* ecnInitiationDate
* attribute1
* programUpdateDate
* createdBy
* implementationDate
* programId
* itemNumber
* implementedSerialNumber
* revisionId
* templateName
* revisionReason
* sourceSystemId
* lifecycleId
* lastUpdateLogin
* organizationId
* revision
* changeNotice
* attributeCategory
* creationDate
* requestId
* programApplicationId


 * language
* creationDate
* createdBy
* lastUpdatedBy
* revisionId
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdateDate
* sourceLang
* organizationId
* inventoryItemId
* description


 * language
* creationDate
* createdBy
* lastUpdatedBy
* revisionId
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdateDate
* sourceLang
* organizationId
* inventoryItemId
* description


 * disableDate
* attribute7
* zdSync
* attribute11
* attribute6
* attribute1
* attribute13
* requestId
* zdEditionName
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdatedBy
* inventoryItemStatusCodeTl
* attribute12
* programId
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute14
* attribute2
* attributeCategory
* sourceLang
* programUpdateDate
* creationDate
* programApplicationId
* language
* createdBy
* attribute5
* attribute8
* attribute10
* inventoryItemStatusCode
* attribute4
* attribute9
* description
* attribute3
* attribute15


 * disableDate
* attribute7
* zdSync
* attribute11
* attribute6
* attribute1
* attribute13
* requestId
* zdEditionName
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdatedBy
* inventoryItemStatusCodeTl
* attribute12
* programId
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute14
* attribute2
* attributeCategory
* sourceLang
* programUpdateDate
* creationDate
* programApplicationId
* language
* createdBy
* attribute5
* attribute8
* attribute10
* inventoryItemStatusCode
* attribute4
* attribute9
* description
* attribute3
* attribute15


 * organizationId
* creationDate
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* programId
* inventoryItemId
* defaultType
* requestId
* programUpdateDate
* programApplicationId
* createdBy
* lastUpdatedBy
* subinventoryCode


 * organizationId
* creationDate
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* programId
* inventoryItemId
* defaultType
* requestId
* programUpdateDate
* programApplicationId
* createdBy
* lastUpdatedBy
* subinventoryCode


 * lastUpdatedBy
* organizationCode
* createdBy
* encumbranceAccount
* locatorId5
* attribute15
* attribute5
* inventoryItemId
* requestId
* attribute14
* attribute4
* attribute11
* locatorName1
* attribute7
* locatorName4
* programUpdateDate
* creationDate
* programApplicationId
* itemNumber
* organizationId
* primarySubinventoryFlag
* locatorId1
* transactionId
* secondaryInventory
* attribute6
* processFlag
* locatorId2
* attribute2
* attribute13
* pickingOrder
* programId
* inventoryPlanningCode
* attribute9
* attributeCategory
* locatorName3
* attribute8
* lastUpdateLogin
* maximumOrderQuantity
* attribute3
* locatorName5
* locatorId3
* sourceType
* sourceSubinventory
* attribute1
* locatorName2
* attribute10
* transactionType
* maxMinmaxQuantity
* lastUpdateDate
* sourceOrgCode
* minMinmaxQuantity
* fixedLotMultiple
* attribute12
* locatorId4
* sourceOrganizationId
* minimumOrderQuantity


 * lastUpdatedBy
* organizationCode
* createdBy
* encumbranceAccount
* locatorId5
* attribute15
* attribute5
* inventoryItemId
* requestId
* attribute14
* attribute4
* attribute11
* locatorName1
* attribute7
* locatorName4
* programUpdateDate
* creationDate
* programApplicationId
* itemNumber
* organizationId
* primarySubinventoryFlag
* locatorId1
* transactionId
* secondaryInventory
* attribute6
* processFlag
* locatorId2
* attribute2
* attribute13
* pickingOrder
* programId
* inventoryPlanningCode
* attribute9
* attributeCategory
* locatorName3
* attribute8
* lastUpdateLogin
* maximumOrderQuantity
* attribute3
* locatorName5
* locatorId3
* sourceType
* sourceSubinventory
* attribute1
* locatorName2
* attribute10
* transactionType
* maxMinmaxQuantity
* lastUpdateDate
* sourceOrgCode
* minMinmaxQuantity
* fixedLotMultiple
* attribute12
* locatorId4
* sourceOrganizationId
* minimumOrderQuantity


 * templateId
* sequence
* attributeGroupId
* lastUpdatedBy
* requestId
* programId
* lastUpdateLogin
* reportUserValue
* creationDate
* attributeName
* attributeGroupIdGui
* attributeValue
* createdBy
* zdEditionName
* programApplicationId
* sequenceGui
* zdSync
* enabledFlag
* lastUpdateDate
* programUpdateDate


 * templateId
* sequence
* attributeGroupId
* lastUpdatedBy
* requestId
* programId
* lastUpdateLogin
* reportUserValue
* creationDate
* attributeName
* attributeGroupIdGui
* attributeValue
* createdBy
* zdEditionName
* programApplicationId
* sequenceGui
* zdSync
* enabledFlag
* lastUpdateDate
* programUpdateDate


 * globalAttribute26
* attribute6
* lastUpdateLogin
* globalAttribute10
* globalAttribute13
* globalAttribute18
* globalAttribute25
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute15
* description
* attribute5
* attribute14
* globalAttribute22
* globalAttribute33
* attribute8
* globalAttribute16
* globalAttribute5
* globalAttribute15
* globalAttribute32
* globalAttribute37
* globalAttribute6
* globalAttribute14
* templateId
* createdBy
* globalAttribute11
* zdSync
* programId
* creationDate
* globalAttribute38
* globalAttribute29
* attribute12
* attribute3
* globalAttributeCategory
* attribute7
* globalAttribute39
* globalAttribute1
* globalAttribute21
* globalAttribute23
* attribute10
* attribute11
* globalAttribute7
* attribute2
* zdEditionName
* globalAttribute12
* globalAttribute35
* programUpdateDate
* globalAttribute20
* globalAttribute17
* globalAttribute27
* globalAttribute36
* requestId
* globalAttribute4
* attribute13
* attribute4
* attribute9
* globalAttribute28
* attribute1
* globalAttribute2
* globalAttribute9
* programApplicationId
* contextOrganizationId
* globalAttribute24
* templateName
* globalAttribute8
* attributeCategory
* globalAttribute3
* lastUpdatedBy
* globalAttribute34
* globalAttribute19
* globalAttribute40
* globalAttribute30
* globalAttribute31


 * globalAttribute26
* attribute6
* lastUpdateLogin
* globalAttribute10
* globalAttribute13
* globalAttribute18
* globalAttribute25
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute15
* description
* attribute5
* attribute14
* globalAttribute22
* globalAttribute33
* attribute8
* globalAttribute16
* globalAttribute5
* globalAttribute15
* globalAttribute32
* globalAttribute37
* globalAttribute6
* globalAttribute14
* templateId
* createdBy
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* globalAttribute38
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* attribute12
* attribute3
* globalAttributeCategory
* attribute7
* globalAttribute39
* globalAttribute1
* globalAttribute21
* globalAttribute23
* attribute10
* attribute11
* globalAttribute7
* attribute2
* zdEditionName
* globalAttribute12
* globalAttribute35
* programUpdateDate
* globalAttribute20
* globalAttribute17
* globalAttribute27
* globalAttribute36
* requestId
* globalAttribute4
* attribute13
* attribute4
* attribute9
* globalAttribute28
* attribute1
* globalAttribute2
* globalAttribute9
* programApplicationId
* contextOrganizationId
* globalAttribute24
* templateName
* globalAttribute8
* attributeCategory
* globalAttribute3
* lastUpdatedBy
* globalAttribute34
* globalAttribute19
* globalAttribute40
* globalAttribute30
* globalAttribute31


 * language
* zdEditionName
* createdBy
* lastUpdateDate
* creationDate
* zdSync
* templateId
* templateName
* description
* sourceLang
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin


 * language
* zdEditionName
* createdBy
* lastUpdateDate
* creationDate
* zdSync
* templateId
* templateName
* description
* sourceLang
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin


 * programUpdateDate
* inventoryItemId
* sourceType
* attribute9
* cardStatus
* attribute3
* attribute12
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastPrintDate
* sourceWipEntityId
* attribute14
* supplierSiteId
* programId
* attributeCategory
* programApplicationId
* kanbanSize
* creationDate
* subinventoryName
* requestId
* errorCode
* documentHeaderId
* sourceSubinventory
* attribute13
* attribute7
* createdBy
* attribute15
* kanbanCardId
* sourceOrganizationId
* attribute5
* attribute1
* attribute2
* attribute10
* supplierId
* documentDetailId
* attribute11
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute6
* wipLineId
* lastUpdateDate
* replenishmentCycleId
* kanbanCardNumber
* supplyStatus
* sourceLocatorId
* kanbanActivityId
* attribute4
* organizationId
* locatorId
* kanbanCardType
* attribute8
* documentType


 * programUpdateDate
* inventoryItemId
* sourceType
* attribute9
* cardStatus
* attribute3
* attribute12
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastPrintDate
* sourceWipEntityId
* attribute14
* supplierSiteId
* programId
* attributeCategory
* programApplicationId
* kanbanSize
* creationDate
* subinventoryName
* requestId
* errorCode
* documentHeaderId
* sourceSubinventory
* attribute13
* attribute7
* createdBy
* attribute15
* kanbanCardId
* sourceOrganizationId
* attribute5
* attribute1
* attribute2
* attribute10
* supplierId
* documentDetailId
* attribute11
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute6
* wipLineId
* lastUpdateDate
* replenishmentCycleId
* kanbanCardNumber
* supplyStatus
* sourceLocatorId
* kanbanActivityId
* attribute4
* organizationId
* locatorId
* kanbanCardType
* attribute8
* documentType


 * reportId
* pullSequenceId
* kanbanCardId


 * reportId
* pullSequenceId
* kanbanCardId


 * sourceType
* lastUpdateLogin
* createdBy
* programId
* supplyStatus
* attribute5
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute3
* sourceLocatorId
* errorCode
* kanbanCardType
* sourceOrganizationId
* requestId
* supplierSiteId
* attribute9
* attribute4
* programApplicationId
* disableDate
* attribute1
* attribute2
* subinventoryName
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute14
* locatorId
* lastPrintDate
* replenishmentCount
* moveStatus
* pullSequenceId
* inventoryItemId
* creationDate
* maxReplenishments
* attribute6
* attribute8
* attribute11
* kanbanCardNumber
* wipLineId
* attribute13
* organizationId
* cardStatus
* replacementFlag
* attribute15
* supplierId
* programUpdateDate
* attribute10
* attribute7
* sourceSubinventory
* lastStatusChangeDate
* kanbanCardId
* kanbanSize
* attributeCategory
* currentReplnshCycleId
* attribute12


 * sourceType
* lastUpdateLogin
* createdBy
* programId
* supplyStatus
* attribute5
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute3
* sourceLocatorId
* errorCode
* kanbanCardType
* sourceOrganizationId
* requestId
* supplierSiteId
* attribute9
* attribute4
* programApplicationId
* disableDate
* attribute1
* attribute2
* subinventoryName
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute14
* locatorId
* lastPrintDate
* replenishmentCount
* moveStatus
* pullSequenceId
* inventoryItemId
* creationDate
* maxReplenishments
* attribute6
* attribute8
* attribute11
* kanbanCardNumber
* wipLineId
* attribute13
* organizationId
* cardStatus
* replacementFlag
* attribute15
* supplierId
* programUpdateDate
* attribute10
* attribute7
* sourceSubinventory
* lastStatusChangeDate
* kanbanCardId
* kanbanSize
* attributeCategory
* currentReplnshCycleId
* attribute12


 * attribute6
* consolidationGroup
* planEndDate
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute3
* lastImplementedPlan
* noOfTempCards
* attribute11
* calculateKanbanFlag
* avgDependentDemand
* createdBy
* attribute13
* attribute14
* wipLineId
* pointOfSupplyX
* attribute5
* attribute4
* fixedLotMultiplier
* supplierId
* pointOfSupplyY
* programId
* consolidation
* programUpdateDate
* sourceLocatorId
* sourceOrganizationId
* pointOfUseY
* programApplicationId
* tempExpiryDate
* subinventoryName
* sourceType
* attributeCategory
* futureCardSize
* numberOfCards
* attribute12
* planningUpdateStatus
* sourceSubinventory
* lastUpdatedBy
* locatorId
* safetyStockDays
* attribute1
* supplierSiteId
* replenishmentType
* planningEffectivity
* replenishmentLeadTime
* allocationPercent
* attribute8
* lastUpdateLogin
* releaseKanbanFlag
* autoRequest
* updatedFlag
* attribute15
* aggregationType
* attribute7
* attribute2
* avgIndependentDemand
* inventoryItemId
* organizationId
* autoAllocateFlag
* pullSequenceId
* noOfTempCycles
* invHealthStatus
* futureNoOfCards
* minimumOrderQuantity
* creationDate
* attribute10
* pointOfUseX
* kanbanSize
* planStartDate
* requestId
* kanbanPlanId
* attribute9
* invHealthLastUpdateDate


 * attribute6
* consolidationGroup
* planEndDate
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute3
* lastImplementedPlan
* noOfTempCards
* attribute11
* calculateKanbanFlag
* avgDependentDemand
* createdBy
* attribute13
* attribute14
* wipLineId
* pointOfSupplyX
* attribute5
* attribute4
* fixedLotMultiplier
* supplierId
* pointOfSupplyY
* programId
* consolidation
* programUpdateDate
* sourceLocatorId
* sourceOrganizationId
* pointOfUseY
* programApplicationId
* tempExpiryDate
* subinventoryName
* sourceType
* attributeCategory
* futureCardSize
* numberOfCards
* attribute12
* planningUpdateStatus
* sourceSubinventory
* lastUpdatedBy
* locatorId
* safetyStockDays
* attribute1
* supplierSiteId
* replenishmentType
* planningEffectivity
* replenishmentLeadTime
* allocationPercent
* attribute8
* lastUpdateLogin
* releaseKanbanFlag
* autoRequest
* updatedFlag
* attribute15
* aggregationType
* attribute7
* attribute2
* avgIndependentDemand
* inventoryItemId
* organizationId
* autoAllocateFlag
* pullSequenceId
* noOfTempCycles
* invHealthStatus
* futureNoOfCards
* minimumOrderQuantity
* creationDate
* attribute10
* pointOfUseX
* kanbanSize
* planStartDate
* requestId
* kanbanPlanId
* attribute9
* invHealthLastUpdateDate


 * inventoryItemId
* updateReasonId
* primaryQuantity
* createdBy
* attribute5
* initialGradeFlag
* gradeUpdateDate
* attribute7
* organizationId
* attribute2
* attribute15
* secondaryQuantity
* attribute14
* attribute6
* lastUpdateDate
* lotNumber
* attribute13
* attributeCategory
* fromMobileAppsFlag
* updateMethod
* attribute3
* attribute12
* gradeUpdateId
* newGradeCode
* oldGradeCode
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute11
* attribute1
* attribute4
* attribute10
* attribute9
* creationDate
* attribute8


 * inventoryItemId
* updateReasonId
* primaryQuantity
* createdBy
* attribute5
* initialGradeFlag
* gradeUpdateDate
* attribute7
* organizationId
* attribute2
* attribute15
* secondaryQuantity
* attribute14
* attribute6
* lastUpdateDate
* lotNumber
* attribute13
* attributeCategory
* fromMobileAppsFlag
* updateMethod
* attribute3
* attribute12
* gradeUpdateId
* newGradeCode
* oldGradeCode
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute11
* attribute1
* attribute4
* attribute10
* attribute9
* creationDate
* attribute8


 * attribute11
* cAttribute4
* attribute3
* nAttribute10
* gradeCode
* nAttribute8
* attribute4
* nAttribute6
* nAttribute12
* changeDate
* dAttribute9
* dAttribute15
* dAttribute2
* availabilityType
* attribute12
* cAttribute3
* cAttribute16
* lotAttributeCategory
* attribute15
* width
* lastUpdateDate
* cAttribute19
* createdBy
* dateCode
* cAttribute21
* nAttribute9
* curlWrinkleFold
* bestByDate
* nAttribute15
* nAttribute21
* inventoryAtpCode
* dAttribute10
* cAttribute24
* nAttribute29
* attribute10
* nAttribute2
* dAttribute17
* nAttribute11
* nAttribute18
* nAttribute22
* nAttribute23
* cAttribute15
* cAttribute6
* dAttribute3
* nAttribute7
* cAttribute22
* nAttribute27
* dAttribute8
* parentLotNumber
* lastUpdateLogin
* dAttribute14
* genObjectId
* lotNumber
* disableFlag
* vendorId
* cAttribute29
* cAttribute12
* cAttribute8
* dAttribute7
* dAttribute18
* holdDate
* cAttribute9
* cAttribute7
* originationType
* cAttribute25
* attribute5
* nAttribute25
* creationDate
* dAttribute12
* attribute1
* cAttribute1
* volumeUom
* nAttribute14
* dAttribute19
* length
* itemSize
* cAttribute28
* cAttribute2
* nAttribute20
* expirationDate
* age
* programUpdateDate
* cAttribute27
* cAttribute30
* cAttribute23
* nAttribute30
* placeOfOrigin
* thickness
* widthUom
* cAttribute20
* requestId
* dAttribute5
* dAttribute11
* originationDate
* cAttribute26
* countryOfOrigin
* attribute6
* dAttribute20
* nAttribute13
* territoryCode
* cAttribute11
* lastUpdatedBy
* cAttribute5
* nAttribute4
* dAttribute6
* attribute2
* cAttribute17
* attribute13
* volume
* programApplicationId
* attributeCategory
* attribute7
* attribute14
* retestDate
* lengthUom
* expirationActionDate
* nAttribute3
* nAttribute17
* statusId
* programId
* organizationId
* nAttribute16
* expirationActionCode
* description
* thicknessUom
* color
* attribute8
* nAttribute19
* cAttribute13
* cAttribute14
* nAttribute24
* reservableType
* nAttribute5
* dAttribute16
* attribute9
* nAttribute28
* maturityDate
* dAttribute4
* dAttribute13
* cAttribute18
* dAttribute1
* nAttribute26
* killDate
* recycledContent
* samplingEventId
* inventoryItemId
* cAttribute10
* supplierLotNumber
* vendorName
* nAttribute1


 * attribute11
* cAttribute4
* attribute3
* nAttribute10
* gradeCode
* nAttribute8
* attribute4
* nAttribute6
* nAttribute12
* changeDate
* dAttribute9
* dAttribute15
* dAttribute2
* availabilityType
* attribute12
* cAttribute3
* cAttribute16
* lotAttributeCategory
* attribute15
* width
* lastUpdateDate
* cAttribute19
* createdBy
* dateCode
* cAttribute21
* nAttribute9
* curlWrinkleFold
* bestByDate
* nAttribute15
* nAttribute21
* inventoryAtpCode
* dAttribute10
* cAttribute24
* nAttribute29
* attribute10
* nAttribute2
* dAttribute17
* nAttribute11
* nAttribute18
* nAttribute22
* nAttribute23
* cAttribute15
* cAttribute6
* dAttribute3
* nAttribute7
* cAttribute22
* nAttribute27
* dAttribute8
* parentLotNumber
* lastUpdateLogin
* dAttribute14
* genObjectId
* lotNumber
* disableFlag
* vendorId
* cAttribute29
* cAttribute12
* cAttribute8
* dAttribute7
* dAttribute18
* holdDate
* cAttribute9
* cAttribute7
* originationType
* cAttribute25
* attribute5
* nAttribute25
* creationDate
* dAttribute12
* attribute1
* cAttribute1
* volumeUom
* nAttribute14
* dAttribute19
* length
* itemSize
* cAttribute28
* cAttribute2
* nAttribute20
* expirationDate
* age
* programUpdateDate
* cAttribute27
* cAttribute30
* cAttribute23
* nAttribute30
* placeOfOrigin
* thickness
* widthUom
* cAttribute20
* requestId
* dAttribute5
* dAttribute11
* originationDate
* cAttribute26
* countryOfOrigin
* attribute6
* dAttribute20
* nAttribute13
* territoryCode
* cAttribute11
* lastUpdatedBy
* cAttribute5
* nAttribute4
* dAttribute6
* attribute2
* cAttribute17
* attribute13
* volume
* programApplicationId
* attributeCategory
* attribute7
* attribute14
* retestDate
* lengthUom
* expirationActionDate
* nAttribute3
* nAttribute17
* statusId
* programId
* organizationId
* nAttribute16
* expirationActionCode
* description
* thicknessUom
* color
* attribute8
* nAttribute19
* cAttribute13
* cAttribute14
* nAttribute24
* reservableType
* nAttribute5
* dAttribute16
* attribute9
* nAttribute28
* maturityDate
* dAttribute4
* dAttribute13
* cAttribute18
* dAttribute1
* nAttribute26
* killDate
* recycledContent
* samplingEventId
* inventoryItemId
* cAttribute10
* supplierLotNumber
* vendorName
* nAttribute1


 * category
* locator
* xmlDocumentId
* lot
* primaryQuantity
* item
* itemDescription
* revision
* onhandStatus
* snapshotDate
* primaryUom
* parentLpn
* containerizedFlag
* serial
* itemId
* warehouseId
* warehouse
* subinventory
* lpn
* secondaryUom
* secondaryQuantity


 * category
* locator
* xmlDocumentId
* lot
* primaryQuantity
* item
* itemDescription
* revision
* onhandStatus
* snapshotDate
* primaryUom
* parentLpn
* containerizedFlag
* serial
* itemId
* warehouseId
* warehouse
* subinventory
* lpn
* secondaryUom
* secondaryQuantity


 * lastUpdateLogin
* manufacturerName
* creationDate
* attribute8
* programUpdateDate
* manufacturerId
* lastUpdatedBy
* attributeCategory
* requestId
* programId
* createdBy
* attribute2
* attribute14
* attribute6
* attribute10
* lastUpdateDate
* description
* attribute5
* attribute11
* attribute13
* attribute4
* attribute12
* attribute7
* attribute3
* attribute15
* attribute9
* programApplicationId
* attribute1


 * lastUpdateLogin
* manufacturerName
* creationDate
* attribute8
* programUpdateDate
* manufacturerId
* lastUpdatedBy
* attributeCategory
* requestId
* programId
* createdBy
* attribute2
* attribute14
* attribute6
* attribute10
* lastUpdateDate
* description
* attribute5
* attribute11
* attribute13
* attribute4
* attribute12
* attribute7
* attribute3
* attribute15
* attribute9
* programApplicationId
* attribute1


 * attribute8
* programApplicationId
* attribute2
* attribute7
* attribute12
* gradeCode
* availabilityType
* primaryOnhand
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute3
* lastUpdatedBy
* fromMobileAppsFlag
* organizationId
* attribute9
* lotNumber
* secondaryOnhand
* attribute11
* initialStatusFlag
* zoneCode
* attribute6
* attribute14
* groupId
* programId
* updateMethod
* pendingStatus
* inventoryAtpCode
* attribute5
* lpnId
* attribute10
* reservableType
* creationDate
* createdBy
* attribute4
* serialNumber
* updateReasonId
* statusUpdateId
* locatorId
* statusId
* inventoryItemId
* attributeCategory
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute15
* attribute13
* attribute1


 * attribute8
* programApplicationId
* attribute2
* attribute7
* attribute12
* gradeCode
* availabilityType
* primaryOnhand
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute3
* lastUpdatedBy
* fromMobileAppsFlag
* organizationId
* attribute9
* lotNumber
* secondaryOnhand
* attribute11
* initialStatusFlag
* zoneCode
* attribute6
* attribute14
* groupId
* programId
* updateMethod
* pendingStatus
* inventoryAtpCode
* attribute5
* lpnId
* attribute10
* reservableType
* creationDate
* createdBy
* attribute4
* serialNumber
* updateReasonId
* statusUpdateId
* locatorId
* statusId
* inventoryItemId
* attributeCategory
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute15
* attribute13
* attribute1


 * attribute2
* statusId
* lastUpdatedBy
* requestId
* attribute4
* attribute7
* locatorControl
* attribute10
* inventoryAtpCode
* attribute1
* createdBy
* serialControl
* attribute14
* attribute6
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute12
* programUpdateDate
* attribute3
* attribute5
* zoneControl
* attribute13
* availabilityType
* lpnControl
* zdEditionName
* attribute9
* attributeCategory
* onhandControl
* attribute15
* attribute11
* zdSync
* programApplicationId
* lotControl
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute8
* programId
* reservableType
* enabledFlag
* creationDate


 * attribute2
* statusId
* lastUpdatedBy
* requestId
* attribute4
* attribute7
* locatorControl
* attribute10
* inventoryAtpCode
* attribute1
* createdBy
* serialControl
* attribute14
* attribute6
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute12
* programUpdateDate
* attribute3
* attribute5
* zoneControl
* attribute13
* availabilityType
* lpnControl
* zdEditionName
* attribute9
* attributeCategory
* onhandControl
* attribute15
* attribute11
* zdSync
* programApplicationId
* lotControl
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute8
* programId
* reservableType
* enabledFlag
* creationDate


 * waybillAirbill
* parentTransactionId
* logicalTransactionsCreated
* numberOfContainers
* ussglTransactionCode
* transactionReference
* priorCostedQuantity
* transactionTypeId
* transactionCost
* repetitiveLineId
* attribute9
* receivingDocument
* attribute15
* xmlDocumentId
* pickingLineId
* transactionSourceTypeId
* resourceAccount
* cogsRecognitionPercent
* attribute12
* lastUpdateLogin
* transactionUom
* attribute6
* pickSlipDate
* originalTransactionTempId
* attribute13
* xfrOwningOrganizationId
* transferPrice
* createdBy
* vendorLotNumber
* currencyConversionRate
* shipmentCosted
* invoicedFlag
* transactionSetId
* varianceAmount
* toTaskId
* departmentId
* transferOrganizationType
* distributionAccountId
* actualCost
* sourceTaskId
* transferCostDistAccount
* currencyConversionDate
* sourceCode
* secondaryUomCode
* logicalTrxTypeCode
* newCost
* expenditureType
* pmCostCollectorGroupId
* mvtStatStatus
* transactionSourceId
* orgCostGroupId
* fobPoint
* mccCode
* intercompanyCost
* attribute7
* transferOwningTpType
* transactionExtracted
* programId
* intransitAccount
* attribute5
* attribute11
* rcvTransactionId
* sourceLineId
* transactionId
* commonRoutingSeqId
* valueChange
* transferCost
* moveTransactionId
* organizationId
* transferPriorCostedQuantity
* expenseAccountId
* freightCode
* costUpdateId
* currencyConversionType
* flowSchedule
* planningOrganizationId
* quantityAdjusted
* trxSourceLineId
* attribute8
* trxSourceDeliveryId
* lpnId
* materialOverheadAccount
* pickStrategyId
* transferTransactionId
* lastUpdatedBy
* errorExplanation
* transferSubinventory
* overcompletionPrimaryQty
* pmCostCollected
* transactionQuantity
* transactionGroupId
* overcompletionTransactionQty
* sourceProjectId
* planningTpType
* operationSeqNum
* shipmentNumber
* contentLpnId
* attribute4
* revision
* transferLpnId
* costedFlag
* paExpenditureOrgId
* primaryQuantity
* outsideProcessingAccount
* inventoryItemId
* periodicPrimaryQuantity
* locatorId
* costGroupId
* intercompanyCurrencyCode
* intercompanyPricingOption
* costTypeId
* programUpdateDate
* lastUpdateDate
* finalCompletionFlag
* completionTransactionId
* reasonId
* materialExpenseAccount
* employeeCode
* costCategoryId
* owningOrganizationId
* attribute2
* percentageChange
* putAwayStrategyId
* overheadAccount
* masterScheduleUpdateCode
* transferCostGroupId
* shortageProcessCode
* transferOrganizationId
* cycleCountId
* transportationCost
* attributeCategory
* subinventoryCode
* logicalTransaction
* qaCollectionId
* moveOrderLineId
* organizationType
* rmaLineId
* projectId
* shipToLocationId
* soIssueAccountType
* taskGroupId
* errorCode
* transactionBatchId
* owningTpType
* acctPeriodId
* pickRuleId
* overcompletionTransactionId
* movementId
* transactionBatchSeq
* transactionSourceName
* attribute3
* transferPlanningTpType
* attribute1
* transactionMode
* attribute10
* trxFlowHeaderId
* toProjectId
* encumbranceAmount
* materialAccount
* opmCostedFlag
* taskId
* transferPercentage
* transportationDistAccount
* programApplicationId
* encumbranceAccount
* commonBomSeqId
* xfrPlanningOrganizationId
* reservationId
* transactionDate
* creationDate
* requestId
* physicalAdjustmentId
* currencyCode
* attribute14
* pickSlipNumber
* priorCost
* putAwayRuleId
* transferLocatorId
* secondaryTransactionQuantity
* transactionActionId
* transactionGroupSeq


 * waybillAirbill
* parentTransactionId
* logicalTransactionsCreated
* numberOfContainers
* ussglTransactionCode
* transactionReference
* priorCostedQuantity
* transactionTypeId
* transactionCost
* repetitiveLineId
* attribute9
* receivingDocument
* attribute15
* xmlDocumentId
* pickingLineId
* transactionSourceTypeId
* resourceAccount
* cogsRecognitionPercent
* attribute12
* lastUpdateLogin
* transactionUom
* attribute6
* pickSlipDate
* originalTransactionTempId
* attribute13
* xfrOwningOrganizationId
* transferPrice
* createdBy
* vendorLotNumber
* currencyConversionRate
* shipmentCosted
* invoicedFlag
* transactionSetId
* varianceAmount
* toTaskId
* departmentId
* transferOrganizationType
* distributionAccountId
* actualCost
* sourceTaskId
* transferCostDistAccount
* currencyConversionDate
* sourceCode
* secondaryUomCode
* logicalTrxTypeCode
* newCost
* expenditureType
* pmCostCollectorGroupId
* mvtStatStatus
* transactionSourceId
* orgCostGroupId
* fobPoint
* mccCode
* intercompanyCost
* attribute7
* transferOwningTpType
* transactionExtracted
* programId
* intransitAccount
* attribute5
* attribute11
* rcvTransactionId
* sourceLineId
* transactionId
* commonRoutingSeqId
* valueChange
* transferCost
* moveTransactionId
* organizationId
* transferPriorCostedQuantity
* expenseAccountId
* freightCode
* costUpdateId
* currencyConversionType
* flowSchedule
* planningOrganizationId
* quantityAdjusted
* trxSourceLineId
* attribute8
* trxSourceDeliveryId
* lpnId
* materialOverheadAccount
* pickStrategyId
* transferTransactionId
* lastUpdatedBy
* errorExplanation
* transferSubinventory
* overcompletionPrimaryQty
* pmCostCollected
* transactionQuantity
* transactionGroupId
* overcompletionTransactionQty
* sourceProjectId
* planningTpType
* operationSeqNum
* shipmentNumber
* contentLpnId
* attribute4
* revision
* transferLpnId
* costedFlag
* paExpenditureOrgId
* primaryQuantity
* outsideProcessingAccount
* inventoryItemId
* periodicPrimaryQuantity
* locatorId
* costGroupId
* intercompanyCurrencyCode
* intercompanyPricingOption
* costTypeId
* programUpdateDate
* lastUpdateDate
* finalCompletionFlag
* completionTransactionId
* reasonId
* materialExpenseAccount
* employeeCode
* costCategoryId
* owningOrganizationId
* attribute2
* percentageChange
* putAwayStrategyId
* overheadAccount
* masterScheduleUpdateCode
* transferCostGroupId
* shortageProcessCode
* transferOrganizationId
* cycleCountId
* transportationCost
* attributeCategory
* subinventoryCode
* logicalTransaction
* qaCollectionId
* moveOrderLineId
* organizationType
* rmaLineId
* projectId
* shipToLocationId
* soIssueAccountType
* taskGroupId
* errorCode
* transactionBatchId
* owningTpType
* acctPeriodId
* pickRuleId
* overcompletionTransactionId
* movementId
* transactionBatchSeq
* transactionSourceName
* attribute3
* transferPlanningTpType
* attribute1
* transactionMode
* attribute10
* trxFlowHeaderId
* toProjectId
* encumbranceAmount
* materialAccount
* opmCostedFlag
* taskId
* transferPercentage
* transportationDistAccount
* programApplicationId
* encumbranceAccount
* commonBomSeqId
* xfrPlanningOrganizationId
* reservationId
* transactionDate
* creationDate
* requestId
* physicalAdjustmentId
* currencyCode
* attribute14
* pickSlipNumber
* priorCost
* putAwayRuleId
* transferLocatorId
* secondaryTransactionQuantity
* transactionActionId
* transactionGroupSeq


 * transferCost
* scheduleGroup
* postingFlag
* kanbanCardId
* transactionBatchSeq
* demandClass
* currencyConversionRate
* moveOrderLineId
* itemShelfLifeCode
* pickSlipDate
* sourceCode
* encumbranceAccount
* negativeReqFlag
* organizationId
* demandSourceLine
* lotNumber
* scheduleUpdateCode
* shipToLocation
* shippableFlag
* attribute8
* lotExpirationDate
* itemSerialControlCode
* intransitAccount
* transportationCost
* fobPoint
* itemShelfLifeDays
* expenditureType
* overheadAccount
* attribute11
* commonBomSeqId
* rcvTransactionId
* locatorId
* mccCode
* rebuildItemId
* createdBy
* paExpenditureOrgId
* newAverageCost
* transferOrganizationType
* errorExplanation
* bomRevision
* itemInventoryAssetFlag
* toTaskId
* lastUpdateLogin
* transactionDate
* errorCode
* parentLineId
* transferToLocation
* overcompletionTransactionQty
* setupTeardownCode
* lockFlag
* itemSegments
* owningTpType
* secondaryTransactionQuantity
* programId
* shippedQuantity
* rebuildActivityId
* programApplicationId
* taskPriority
* scheduledFlag
* nextLotNumber
* sourceProjectId
* attribute1
* attribute3
* resourceAccount
* sourceTaskId
* attribute4
* organizationType
* wmsTaskType
* transferCostGroupId
* rmaLineId
* transactionQuantity
* creationDate
* attribute7
* itemTrxEnabledFlag
* serialAllocatedFlag
* operationSeqNum
* pickRuleId
* transactionUom
* scheduleNumber
* itemDescription
* currentLocatorControlCode
* attribute9
* completionTransactionId
* taskGroupId
* valueChange
* relieveHighLevelRsvFlag
* trxFlowHeaderId
* departmentCode
* pickSlipNumber
* alternateBomDesignator
* currencyConversionDate
* transactionReference
* attributeCategory
* physicalAdjustmentId
* attribute10
* transactionLineNumber
* pickStrategyId
* overcompletionPrimaryQty
* standardOperationId
* planningTpType
* transportationAccount
* lotAlphaPrefix
* owningOrganizationId
* allowedUnitsLookupCode
* transactionSourceName
* transferSecondaryQuantity
* attribute14
* alternateRoutingDesignator
* qaCollectionId
* programUpdateDate
* customerShipId
* materialExpenseAccount
* requestId
* currencyCode
* currencyConversionType
* classCode
* requisitionLineId
* expectedArrivalDate
* supplyLocatorId
* finalCompletionFlag
* transferSecondaryUom
* materialAllocationTempId
* primaryQuantity
* moveOrderHeaderId
* originalTransactionTempId
* demandSourceDelivery
* primarySwitch
* acctPeriodId
* transactionActionId
* attribute13
* distributionAccountId
* materialAccount
* transferSubinventory
* bomRevisionDate
* transactionBatchId
* relieveReservationsFlag
* percentageChange
* cycleCountId
* transactionTypeId
* rebuildJobName
* itemLocationControlCode
* movementId
* revision
* requisitionDistributionId
* employeeCode
* fulfillmentBase
* attribute6
* transferPlanningTpType
* itemLotControlCode
* secondaryUomCode
* validSubinventoryFlag
* trxSourceDeliveryId
* itemOrdering
* reasonId
* moveTransactionId
* itemRestrictSubinvCode
* transferLpnId
* itemUomClass
* inventoryItemId
* lpnId
* wipCommitFlag
* transferPrice
* rebuildSerialNumber
* itemRestrictLocatorsCode
* nextSerialNumber
* flowSchedule
* pickingLineId
* reservationQuantity
* attribute15
* freightCode
* encumbranceAmount
* reservationId
* commonRoutingSeqId
* repetitiveLineId
* attribute5
* putAwayStrategyId
* departmentId
* toProjectId
* endItemUnitNumber
* overcompletionTransactionId
* itemPrimaryUomCode
* locatorSegments
* processFlag
* wipSupplyType
* routingRevision
* transactionStatus
* cartonizationId
* supplySubinventory
* transactionSequenceId
* transferOwningTpType
* nestedParentLineId
* planningOrganizationId
* sourceLineId
* demandSourceHeaderId
* lineTypeCode
* buildSequence
* projectId
* subinventoryCode
* transactionMode
* trxSourceLineId
* serialAlphaPrefix
* xfrOwningOrganizationId
* transactionSourceId
* requiredFlag
* shipmentNumber
* attribute2
* serialNumber
* validLocatorFlag
* operationPlanId
* lastUpdateDate
* transactionCost
* xfrPlanningOrganizationId
* materialOverheadAccount
* orgCostGroupId
* transferOrganization
* costGroupId
* transferPercentage
* putAwayRuleId
* outsideProcessingAccount
* parentTransactionTempId
* receivingDocument
* scheduleId
* sourceLotNumber
* ussglTransactionCode
* scheduledPaybackDate
* itemRevisionQtyControlCode
* taskId
* vendorLotNumber
* containerItemId
* wmsTaskStatus
* wipEntityType
* costTypeId
* allocatedLpnId
* attribute12
* lastUpdatedBy
* containers
* demandId
* logicalTrxTypeCode
* routingRevisionDate
* contentLpnId
* transactionHeaderId
* transactionTempId
* transactionSourceTypeId
* waybillAirbill
* numberOfLotsEntered


 * transferCost
* scheduleGroup
* postingFlag
* kanbanCardId
* transactionBatchSeq
* demandClass
* currencyConversionRate
* moveOrderLineId
* itemShelfLifeCode
* pickSlipDate
* sourceCode
* encumbranceAccount
* negativeReqFlag
* organizationId
* demandSourceLine
* lotNumber
* scheduleUpdateCode
* shipToLocation
* shippableFlag
* attribute8
* lotExpirationDate
* itemSerialControlCode
* intransitAccount
* transportationCost
* fobPoint
* itemShelfLifeDays
* expenditureType
* overheadAccount
* attribute11
* commonBomSeqId
* rcvTransactionId
* locatorId
* mccCode
* rebuildItemId
* createdBy
* paExpenditureOrgId
* newAverageCost
* transferOrganizationType
* errorExplanation
* bomRevision
* itemInventoryAssetFlag
* toTaskId
* lastUpdateLogin
* transactionDate
* errorCode
* parentLineId
* transferToLocation
* overcompletionTransactionQty
* setupTeardownCode
* lockFlag
* itemSegments
* owningTpType
* secondaryTransactionQuantity
* programId
* shippedQuantity
* rebuildActivityId
* programApplicationId
* taskPriority
* scheduledFlag
* nextLotNumber
* sourceProjectId
* attribute1
* attribute3
* resourceAccount
* sourceTaskId
* attribute4
* organizationType
* wmsTaskType
* transferCostGroupId
* rmaLineId
* transactionQuantity
* creationDate
* attribute7
* itemTrxEnabledFlag
* serialAllocatedFlag
* operationSeqNum
* pickRuleId
* transactionUom
* scheduleNumber
* itemDescription
* currentLocatorControlCode
* attribute9
* completionTransactionId
* taskGroupId
* valueChange
* relieveHighLevelRsvFlag
* trxFlowHeaderId
* departmentCode
* pickSlipNumber
* alternateBomDesignator
* currencyConversionDate
* transactionReference
* attributeCategory
* physicalAdjustmentId
* attribute10
* transactionLineNumber
* pickStrategyId
* overcompletionPrimaryQty
* standardOperationId
* planningTpType
* transportationAccount
* lotAlphaPrefix
* owningOrganizationId
* allowedUnitsLookupCode
* transactionSourceName
* transferSecondaryQuantity
* attribute14
* alternateRoutingDesignator
* qaCollectionId
* programUpdateDate
* customerShipId
* materialExpenseAccount
* requestId
* currencyCode
* currencyConversionType
* classCode
* requisitionLineId
* expectedArrivalDate
* supplyLocatorId
* finalCompletionFlag
* transferSecondaryUom
* materialAllocationTempId
* primaryQuantity
* moveOrderHeaderId
* originalTransactionTempId
* demandSourceDelivery
* primarySwitch
* acctPeriodId
* transactionActionId
* attribute13
* distributionAccountId
* materialAccount
* transferSubinventory
* bomRevisionDate
* transactionBatchId
* relieveReservationsFlag
* percentageChange
* cycleCountId
* transactionTypeId
* rebuildJobName
* itemLocationControlCode
* movementId
* revision
* requisitionDistributionId
* employeeCode
* fulfillmentBase
* attribute6
* transferPlanningTpType
* itemLotControlCode
* secondaryUomCode
* validSubinventoryFlag
* trxSourceDeliveryId
* itemOrdering
* reasonId
* moveTransactionId
* itemRestrictSubinvCode
* transferLpnId
* itemUomClass
* inventoryItemId
* lpnId
* wipCommitFlag
* transferPrice
* rebuildSerialNumber
* itemRestrictLocatorsCode
* nextSerialNumber
* flowSchedule
* pickingLineId
* reservationQuantity
* attribute15
* freightCode
* encumbranceAmount
* reservationId
* commonRoutingSeqId
* repetitiveLineId
* attribute5
* putAwayStrategyId
* departmentId
* toProjectId
* endItemUnitNumber
* overcompletionTransactionId
* itemPrimaryUomCode
* locatorSegments
* processFlag
* wipSupplyType
* routingRevision
* transactionStatus
* cartonizationId
* supplySubinventory
* transactionSequenceId
* transferOwningTpType
* nestedParentLineId
* planningOrganizationId
* sourceLineId
* demandSourceHeaderId
* lineTypeCode
* buildSequence
* projectId
* subinventoryCode
* transactionMode
* trxSourceLineId
* serialAlphaPrefix
* xfrOwningOrganizationId
* transactionSourceId
* requiredFlag
* shipmentNumber
* attribute2
* serialNumber
* validLocatorFlag
* operationPlanId
* lastUpdateDate
* transactionCost
* xfrPlanningOrganizationId
* materialOverheadAccount
* orgCostGroupId
* transferOrganization
* costGroupId
* transferPercentage
* putAwayRuleId
* outsideProcessingAccount
* parentTransactionTempId
* receivingDocument
* scheduleId
* sourceLotNumber
* ussglTransactionCode
* scheduledPaybackDate
* itemRevisionQtyControlCode
* taskId
* vendorLotNumber
* containerItemId
* wmsTaskStatus
* wipEntityType
* costTypeId
* allocatedLpnId
* attribute12
* lastUpdatedBy
* containers
* demandId
* logicalTrxTypeCode
* routingRevisionDate
* contentLpnId
* transactionHeaderId
* transactionTempId
* transactionSourceTypeId
* waybillAirbill
* numberOfLotsEntered


 * creationDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* organizationId
* templateId
* lastUpdateDate
* inventoryItemId
* createdBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* context
* transactionTypeId


 * creationDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* organizationId
* templateId
* lastUpdateDate
* inventoryItemId
* createdBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* context
* transactionTypeId


 * mfgPartNum
* attributeCategory
* attribute13
* startDate
* programApplicationId
* approvalStatus
* attribute6
* programId
* attribute15
* attribute4
* description
* organizationId
* attribute11
* attribute12
* createdBy
* endDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* mrpPlanningCode
* attribute2
* attribute7
* creationDate
* attribute9
* firstArticleStatus
* attribute3
* manufacturerId
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute8
* programUpdateDate
* attribute10
* attribute1
* inventoryItemId
* requestId
* attribute14
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute5


 * mfgPartNum
* attributeCategory
* attribute13
* startDate
* programApplicationId
* approvalStatus
* attribute6
* programId
* attribute15
* attribute4
* description
* organizationId
* attribute11
* attribute12
* createdBy
* endDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* mrpPlanningCode
* attribute2
* attribute7
* creationDate
* attribute9
* firstArticleStatus
* attribute3
* manufacturerId
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute8
* programUpdateDate
* attribute10
* attribute1
* inventoryItemId
* requestId
* attribute14
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute5


 * hierarchyEndOnHandQty
* orgReceivedQty
* requestId
* orgEndOnHandQty
* bucketStartDate
* organizationId
* hierarchyName
* inventoryItemId
* programApplicationId
* dataSetName
* programUpdateDate
* orgDeltaQty
* lastUpdateDate
* hierarchyDeltaQty
* lastUpdatedBy
* bucketSizeCode
* organizationCode
* bucketEndDate
* parentOrganizationId
* programId
* parentOrganizationCode
* bucketName
* inventoryItemCode
* createdBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* creationDate
* hierarchyId
* orgIssuedQty


 * hierarchyEndOnHandQty
* orgReceivedQty
* requestId
* orgEndOnHandQty
* bucketStartDate
* organizationId
* hierarchyName
* inventoryItemId
* programApplicationId
* dataSetName
* programUpdateDate
* orgDeltaQty
* lastUpdateDate
* hierarchyDeltaQty
* lastUpdatedBy
* bucketSizeCode
* organizationCode
* bucketEndDate
* parentOrganizationId
* programId
* parentOrganizationCode
* bucketName
* inventoryItemCode
* createdBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* creationDate
* hierarchyId
* orgIssuedQty


 * logoffDate
* clientPortNumber
* clientMachineName
* serverPortNumber
* serverMachineName
* eventMessage
* logonDate
* userId


 * logoffDate
* clientPortNumber
* clientMachineName
* serverPortNumber
* serverMachineName
* eventMessage
* logonDate
* userId


 * isConsigned
* primaryTransactionQuantity
* lastUpdatedBy
* subinventoryCode
* costGroupId
* secondaryTransactionQuantity
* organizationType
* createdBy
* revision
* containerizedFlag
* taskId
* summarizedFlag
* dateReceived
* createTransactionId
* planningTpType
* projectId
* requestId
* statusId
* creationDate
* owningOrganizationId
* origDateReceived
* organizationId
* locatorId
* userId
* secondaryUomCode
* inventoryItemId
* lastUpdateLogin
* onhandQuantitiesId
* lotNumber
* updateTransactionId
* consolidationDate
* owningTpType
* transactionQuantity
* lastUpdateDate
* planningOrganizationId
* transactionUomCode


 * isConsigned
* primaryTransactionQuantity
* lastUpdatedBy
* subinventoryCode
* costGroupId
* secondaryTransactionQuantity
* organizationType
* createdBy
* revision
* containerizedFlag
* taskId
* summarizedFlag
* dateReceived
* createTransactionId
* planningTpType
* projectId
* requestId
* statusId
* creationDate
* owningOrganizationId
* origDateReceived
* organizationId
* locatorId
* userId
* secondaryUomCode
* inventoryItemId
* lastUpdateLogin
* onhandQuantitiesId
* lotNumber
* updateTransactionId
* consolidationDate
* owningTpType
* transactionQuantity
* lastUpdateDate
* planningOrganizationId
* transactionUomCode


 * outsideUnitPrice
* attribute9
* containerTypeCode
* orderHeaderId
* invoiceReference
* transportMode
* zoneCode
* attribute1
* ediSentFlag
* requisitionHeaderId
* mtlTransactionId
* originTerritoryCode
* poHeaderId
* commodityCode
* totalWeightUomCode
* itemCost
* statAdjAmount
* originTerritoryEuCode
* invoiceId
* attribute3
* parentMovementId
* shipmentLineId
* fromOrganizationId
* attribute11
* billToSiteUseId
* distributionLineNumber
* orderLineId
* reportReference
* documentSourceType
* attribute6
* financialDocumentFlag
* vendorSiteId
* documentUnitPrice
* attribute12
* transactingToOrg
* movementId
* vendorSite
* receiptReference
* customerLocation
* billToSite
* preferenceCode
* lastUpdateLogin
* documentLineExtValue
* categoryId
* invoiceLineReference
* destinationTerritoryCode
* attribute8
* vendorNumber
* attributeCategory
* lastUpdatedBy
* creationMethod
* invoiceBatchReference
* currencyCode
* pickingLineId
* attribute14
* attribute7
* setOfBooksPeriod
* attribute5
* shipToName
* lastUpdateDate
* transactingFromOrg
* eslDropShipmentCode
* pickingLineDetailId
* taricCode
* poLineLocationId
* affiliationReferenceCode
* ediTransactionDate
* poLineId
* pickSlipReference
* requisitionLineId
* commodityDescription
* customerNumber
* invoiceUnitPrice
* movementType
* shipmentHeaderId
* transactionUomCode
* outsideCode
* customerName
* shipToSite
* alternateQuantity
* customerTrxLineId
* billToNumber
* toOrganizationId
* port
* documentLineReference
* statAdjPercent
* weightMethod
* attribute13
* inventoryItemId
* vendorId
* entityOrgId
* destinationTerritoryEuCode
* organizationId
* statMethod
* documentReference
* currencyConversionDate
* reportDate
* dispatchTerritoryEuCode
* attribute2
* billToCustomerId
* statExtValue
* usageType
* createdBy
* triangulationCountryCode
* invoiceLineExtValue
* deliveryTerms
* vendorName
* transactionDate
* customerVatNumber
* attribute10
* attribute4
* alternateUomCode
* area
* movementStatus
* currencyConversionRate
* rcvTransactionId
* movementAmount
* statType
* transactionQuantity
* periodName
* shipmentLineReference
* unitWeight
* primaryQuantity
* oilReferenceCode
* invoiceBatchId
* invoiceQuantity
* ediTransactionReference
* shipToNumber
* shipmentReference
* invoiceDateReference
* outsideExtValue
* statisticalProcedureCode
* dispatchTerritoryCode
* triangulationCountryEuCode
* totalWeight
* flowIndicatorCode
* csaCode
* currencyConversionType
* shipToSiteUseId
* billToName
* comments
* attribute15
* creationDate
* shipToCustomerId
* itemDescription
* transactionNature


 * outsideUnitPrice
* attribute9
* containerTypeCode
* orderHeaderId
* invoiceReference
* transportMode
* zoneCode
* attribute1
* ediSentFlag
* requisitionHeaderId
* mtlTransactionId
* originTerritoryCode
* poHeaderId
* commodityCode
* totalWeightUomCode
* itemCost
* statAdjAmount
* originTerritoryEuCode
* invoiceId
* attribute3
* parentMovementId
* shipmentLineId
* fromOrganizationId
* attribute11
* billToSiteUseId
* distributionLineNumber
* orderLineId
* reportReference
* documentSourceType
* attribute6
* financialDocumentFlag
* vendorSiteId
* documentUnitPrice
* attribute12
* transactingToOrg
* movementId
* vendorSite
* receiptReference
* customerLocation
* billToSite
* preferenceCode
* lastUpdateLogin
* documentLineExtValue
* categoryId
* invoiceLineReference
* destinationTerritoryCode
* attribute8
* vendorNumber
* attributeCategory
* lastUpdatedBy
* creationMethod
* invoiceBatchReference
* currencyCode
* pickingLineId
* attribute14
* attribute7
* setOfBooksPeriod
* attribute5
* shipToName
* lastUpdateDate
* transactingFromOrg
* eslDropShipmentCode
* pickingLineDetailId
* taricCode
* poLineLocationId
* affiliationReferenceCode
* ediTransactionDate
* poLineId
* pickSlipReference
* requisitionLineId
* commodityDescription
* customerNumber
* invoiceUnitPrice
* movementType
* shipmentHeaderId
* transactionUomCode
* outsideCode
* customerName
* shipToSite
* alternateQuantity
* customerTrxLineId
* billToNumber
* toOrganizationId
* port
* documentLineReference
* statAdjPercent
* weightMethod
* attribute13
* inventoryItemId
* vendorId
* entityOrgId
* destinationTerritoryEuCode
* organizationId
* statMethod
* documentReference
* currencyConversionDate
* reportDate
* dispatchTerritoryEuCode
* attribute2
* billToCustomerId
* statExtValue
* usageType
* createdBy
* triangulationCountryCode
* invoiceLineExtValue
* deliveryTerms
* vendorName
* transactionDate
* customerVatNumber
* attribute10
* attribute4
* alternateUomCode
* area
* movementStatus
* currencyConversionRate
* rcvTransactionId
* movementAmount
* statType
* transactionQuantity
* periodName
* shipmentLineReference
* unitWeight
* primaryQuantity
* oilReferenceCode
* invoiceBatchId
* invoiceQuantity
* ediTransactionReference
* shipToNumber
* shipmentReference
* invoiceDateReference
* outsideExtValue
* statisticalProcedureCode
* dispatchTerritoryCode
* triangulationCountryEuCode
* totalWeight
* flowIndicatorCode
* csaCode
* currencyConversionType
* shipToSiteUseId
* billToName
* comments
* attribute15
* creationDate
* shipToCustomerId
* itemDescription
* transactionNature


 * programId
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute13
* attribute15
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute1
* attribute4
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastPrintDate
* objectId
* createdBy
* programApplicationId
* genealogyEventType
* genealogyEventDate
* attribute10
* attribute3
* creationDate
* attribute11
* attribute7
* attribute5
* attribute9
* attribute2
* attribute12
* requestId
* attribute6
* attributeCategory
* attribute8
* attribute14
* programUpdateDate
* transactionId


 * programId
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute13
* attribute15
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute1
* attribute4
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastPrintDate
* objectId
* createdBy
* programApplicationId
* genealogyEventType
* genealogyEventDate
* attribute10
* attribute3
* creationDate
* attribute11
* attribute7
* attribute5
* attribute9
* attribute2
* attribute12
* requestId
* attribute6
* attributeCategory
* attribute8
* attribute14
* programUpdateDate
* transactionId


 * startDateActive
* lastUpdateDate
* objectId
* endDateActive
* attribute9
* lastUpdateLogin
* originTxnId
* attribute10
* parentObjectId
* attribute5
* requestId
* attribute2
* attribute4
* programId
* objectType2
* updateTxnId
* createdBy
* attribute6
* attribute11
* attribute12
* attribute15
* objectType
* genealogyOrigin
* parentObjectId2
* attribute8
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute1
* creationDate
* attribute7
* parentObjectType2
* genealogyType
* attributeCategory
* attribute3
* programApplicationId
* parentObjectType
* objectId2
* attribute14
* attribute13
* programUpdateDate


 * endDateActive
* programUpdateDate
* serialNumber
* programId
* genealogyOrigin
* attributeCategory
* attribute3
* attribute12
* inventoryItemId
* objectType
* parentInventoryItemId
* parentOrganizationCode
* attribute2
* creationDate
* returnToInventory
* attribute15
* attribute5
* startDateActive
* attribute7
* organizationCode
* attribute14
* batchId
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* parentObjectType
* groupId
* genealogyType
* programApplicationId
* attribute11
* attribute4
* attribute9
* attribute8
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute13
* processStatus
* interfaceHeaderId
* locatorId
* createdBy
* errorMessage
* organizationId
* importMode
* attribute1
* originTxnId
* errorCode
* updateTxnId
* attribute6
* attribute10
* parentOrganizationId
* parentSerialNumber
* subinventoryCode
* objectId
* parentObjectId
* requestId


 * endDateActive
* programUpdateDate
* serialNumber
* programId
* genealogyOrigin
* attributeCategory
* attribute3
* attribute12
* inventoryItemId
* objectType
* parentInventoryItemId
* parentOrganizationCode
* attribute2
* creationDate
* returnToInventory
* attribute15
* attribute5
* startDateActive
* attribute7
* organizationCode
* attribute14
* batchId
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* parentObjectType
* groupId
* genealogyType
* programApplicationId
* attribute11
* attribute4
* attribute9
* attribute8
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute13
* processStatus
* interfaceHeaderId
* locatorId
* createdBy
* errorMessage
* organizationId
* importMode
* attribute1
* originTxnId
* errorCode
* updateTxnId
* attribute6
* attribute10
* parentOrganizationId
* parentSerialNumber
* subinventoryCode
* objectId
* parentObjectId
* requestId


 * startDateActive
* lastUpdateDate
* objectId
* endDateActive
* attribute9
* lastUpdateLogin
* originTxnId
* attribute10
* parentObjectId
* attribute5
* requestId
* attribute2
* attribute4
* programId
* objectType2
* updateTxnId
* createdBy
* attribute6
* attribute11
* attribute12
* attribute15
* objectType
* genealogyOrigin
* parentObjectId2
* attribute8
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute1
* creationDate
* attribute7
* parentObjectType2
* genealogyType
* attributeCategory
* attribute3
* programApplicationId
* parentObjectType
* objectId2
* attribute14
* attribute13
* programUpdateDate


 * subinventoryCode
* transactionQuantity
* lastUpdatedBy
* planningOrganizationId
* statusId
* secondaryTransactionQuantity
* updateTransactionId
* owningTpType
* taskId
* isConsigned
* transactionUomCode
* costGroupId
* primaryTransactionQuantity
* revision
* owningOrganizationId
* lastUpdateDate
* creationDate
* planningTpType
* organizationId
* origDateReceived
* organizationType
* lastUpdateLogin
* lotNumber
* dateReceived
* secondaryUomCode
* createdBy
* projectId
* onhandQuantitiesId
* createTransactionId
* containerizedFlag
* inventoryItemId
* lpnId
* locatorId


 * subinventoryCode
* transactionQuantity
* lastUpdatedBy
* planningOrganizationId
* statusId
* secondaryTransactionQuantity
* updateTransactionId
* owningTpType
* taskId
* isConsigned
* transactionUomCode
* costGroupId
* primaryTransactionQuantity
* revision
* owningOrganizationId
* lastUpdateDate
* creationDate
* planningTpType
* organizationId
* origDateReceived
* organizationType
* lastUpdateLogin
* lotNumber
* dateReceived
* secondaryUomCode
* createdBy
* projectId
* onhandQuantitiesId
* createTransactionId
* containerizedFlag
* inventoryItemId
* lpnId
* locatorId


 * dColumn3
* lastUpdatedBy
* organizationId
* dColumn1
* cColumn5
* seqNum
* nColumn5
* nColumn4
* cColumn1
* cColumn7
* lotNumber
* cColumn2
* nColumn1
* subinventory
* nColumn3
* creationDate
* locatorId
* dColumn4
* dColumn2
* lastUpdateDate
* cColumn8
* createdBy
* quantity
* revision
* cColumn6
* inventoryItemId
* cColumn3
* cColumn4
* dColumn5
* lastUpdateLogin
* nColumn2


 * dColumn3
* lastUpdatedBy
* organizationId
* dColumn1
* cColumn5
* seqNum
* nColumn5
* nColumn4
* cColumn1
* cColumn7
* lotNumber
* cColumn2
* nColumn1
* subinventory
* nColumn3
* creationDate
* locatorId
* dColumn4
* dColumn2
* lastUpdateDate
* cColumn8
* createdBy
* quantity
* revision
* cColumn6
* inventoryItemId
* cColumn3
* cColumn4
* dColumn5
* lastUpdateLogin
* nColumn2


 * reportId
* organizationId
* orgReportOrder


 * reportId
* organizationId
* orgReportOrder


 * transactionId
* costTypeId
* priorBuyCost
* newBuyQuantity
* newMakeCost
* transferCost
* shipmentNumber
* costGroupId
* inventoryItemId
* varianceAmount
* newBuyCost
* transportationCost
* newOnhandQuantity
* pacPeriodId
* costElementId
* wipVariance
* userEntered
* levelType
* transferTransactionId
* newCost
* actualCost
* priorMakeCost
* transactionCostedDate
* newMakeQuantity
* costLayerId
* insertionFlag
* mohAbsorptionCost
* priorCost


 * transactionId
* costTypeId
* priorBuyCost
* newBuyQuantity
* newMakeCost
* transferCost
* shipmentNumber
* costGroupId
* inventoryItemId
* varianceAmount
* newBuyCost
* transportationCost
* newOnhandQuantity
* pacPeriodId
* costElementId
* wipVariance
* userEntered
* levelType
* transferTransactionId
* newCost
* actualCost
* priorMakeCost
* transactionCostedDate
* newMakeQuantity
* costLayerId
* insertionFlag
* mohAbsorptionCost
* priorCost


 * costLayerId
* userEntered
* lastUpdatedBy
* insertionFlag
* inventoryItemId
* pacPeriodId
* varianceAmount
* costGroupId
* priorMakeCost
* newMakeCost
* costTypeId
* onhandVarianceAmount
* requestId
* lastUpdateLogin
* priorBuyCost
* programId
* transactionId
* newCost
* transactionCostedDate
* programUpdateDate
* actualCost
* creationDate
* wipVariance
* levelType
* txnCategory
* costElementId
* priorCost
* programApplicationId
* newBuyCost
* lastUpdateDate
* createdBy


 * costLayerId
* userEntered
* lastUpdatedBy
* insertionFlag
* inventoryItemId
* pacPeriodId
* varianceAmount
* costGroupId
* priorMakeCost
* newMakeCost
* costTypeId
* onhandVarianceAmount
* requestId
* lastUpdateLogin
* priorBuyCost
* programId
* transactionId
* newCost
* transactionCostedDate
* programUpdateDate
* actualCost
* creationDate
* wipVariance
* levelType
* txnCategory
* costElementId
* priorCost
* programApplicationId
* newBuyCost
* lastUpdateDate
* createdBy


 * lastUpdatedBy
* requestId
* programUpdateDate
* transactionId
* createdBy
* programId
* lastUpdateLogin
* pacPeriodId
* actualCost
* costElementId
* programApplicationId
* userEntered
* costGroupId
* creationDate
* costTypeId
* lastUpdateDate
* resourceId
* levelType


 * lastUpdatedBy
* requestId
* programUpdateDate
* transactionId
* createdBy
* programId
* lastUpdateLogin
* pacPeriodId
* actualCost
* costElementId
* programApplicationId
* userEntered
* costGroupId
* creationDate
* costTypeId
* lastUpdateDate
* resourceId
* levelType


 * costGroupId
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdateDate
* transactionId
* createdBy
* percentageChange
* wipVariance
* lastUpdatedBy
* requestId
* pacPeriodId
* transactionCost
* costElementId
* costTypeId
* programApplicationId
* levelType
* inventoryItemId
* newPeriodicCost
* creationDate
* programId
* programUpdateDate
* valueChange


 * costGroupId
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdateDate
* transactionId
* createdBy
* percentageChange
* wipVariance
* lastUpdatedBy
* requestId
* pacPeriodId
* transactionCost
* costElementId
* costTypeId
* programApplicationId
* levelType
* inventoryItemId
* newPeriodicCost
* creationDate
* programId
* programUpdateDate
* valueChange


 * purchasePriceVarAccount
* costOfSalesAccount
* organizationCode
* interorgTransferCrAccount
* auditUserName
* auditCommitId
* auditTrueNulls
* invoicePriceVarAccount
* auditTimestamp
* auditSessionId
* auditSequenceId
* stockLocatorControlCode
* calendarCode
* generalLedgerUpdateCode
* intransitInvAccount
* apAccrualAccount
* rowKey
* interorgPriceVarAccount
* interorgReceivablesAccount
* masterOrganizationId
* organizationId
* salesAccount
* interorgPayablesAccount
* auditTransactionType


 * purchasePriceVarAccount
* costOfSalesAccount
* organizationCode
* interorgTransferCrAccount
* auditUserName
* auditCommitId
* auditTrueNulls
* invoicePriceVarAccount
* auditTimestamp
* auditSessionId
* auditSequenceId
* stockLocatorControlCode
* calendarCode
* generalLedgerUpdateCode
* intransitInvAccount
* apAccrualAccount
* rowKey
* interorgPriceVarAccount
* interorgReceivablesAccount
* masterOrganizationId
* organizationId
* salesAccount
* interorgPayablesAccount
* auditTransactionType


 * lastUpdateDate
* programUpdateDate
* implementedDate
* programId
* effectiveDate
* statusCode
* lastUpdatedBy
* changeLineId
* requestId
* createdBy
* phaseId
* inventoryItemId
* pendingFlag
* lifecycleId
* organizationId
* lastUpdateLogin
* changeId
* creationDate
* programApplicationId
* revisionId


 * lastUpdateDate
* programUpdateDate
* implementedDate
* programId
* effectiveDate
* statusCode
* lastUpdatedBy
* changeLineId
* requestId
* createdBy
* phaseId
* inventoryItemId
* pendingFlag
* lifecycleId
* organizationId
* lastUpdateLogin
* changeId
* creationDate
* programApplicationId
* revisionId


 * programUpdateDate
* tempApprover
* adjustmentQuantity
* requestId
* serialNumber
* subinventoryName
* lotSerialControls
* costGroupId
* inventoryItemId
* lotNumber
* creationDate
* lotExpirationDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* parentLpnId
* adjustmentId
* physicalInventoryId
* glAdjustAccount
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* programId
* secondarySystemQty
* locatorId
* automaticApprovalCode
* outermostLpnId
* organizationId
* approvedByEmployeeId
* revision
* secondaryAdjustmentQty
* actualCost
* programApplicationId
* countQuantity
* systemQuantity
* createdBy
* approvalStatus
* secondaryCountQty


 * programUpdateDate
* tempApprover
* adjustmentQuantity
* requestId
* serialNumber
* subinventoryName
* lotSerialControls
* costGroupId
* inventoryItemId
* lotNumber
* creationDate
* lotExpirationDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* parentLpnId
* adjustmentId
* physicalInventoryId
* glAdjustAccount
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* programId
* secondarySystemQty
* locatorId
* automaticApprovalCode
* outermostLpnId
* organizationId
* approvedByEmployeeId
* revision
* secondaryAdjustmentQty
* actualCost
* programApplicationId
* countQuantity
* systemQuantity
* createdBy
* approvalStatus
* secondaryCountQty


 * approvalRequired
* physicalInventoryName
* programApplicationId
* programId
* attribute6
* approvalToleranceNeg
* lastAdjustmentDate
* creationDate
* createdBy
* defaultGlAdjustAccount
* dynamicTagEntryFlag
* totalAdjustmentValue
* attributeCategory
* attribute1
* freezeDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* requestId
* attribute13
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute5
* lastUpdateDate
* excludeZeroBalance
* tagNumberIncrements
* attribute10
* attribute12
* attribute2
* costVarianceNeg
* attribute4
* numberOfSkus
* programUpdateDate
* attribute14
* physicalInventoryId
* description
* costVariancePos
* attribute7
* attribute3
* nextTagNumber
* approvalTolerancePos
* attribute9
* allSubinventoriesFlag
* attribute11
* organizationId
* attribute8
* physicalInventoryDate
* attribute15
* excludeNegativeBalance


 * approvalRequired
* physicalInventoryName
* programApplicationId
* programId
* attribute6
* approvalToleranceNeg
* lastAdjustmentDate
* creationDate
* createdBy
* defaultGlAdjustAccount
* dynamicTagEntryFlag
* totalAdjustmentValue
* attributeCategory
* attribute1
* freezeDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* requestId
* attribute13
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute5
* lastUpdateDate
* excludeZeroBalance
* tagNumberIncrements
* attribute10
* attribute12
* attribute2
* costVarianceNeg
* attribute4
* numberOfSkus
* programUpdateDate
* attribute14
* physicalInventoryId
* description
* costVariancePos
* attribute7
* attribute3
* nextTagNumber
* approvalTolerancePos
* attribute9
* allSubinventoriesFlag
* attribute11
* organizationId
* attribute8
* physicalInventoryDate
* attribute15
* excludeNegativeBalance


 * standardSecondaryUom
* inventoryItemId
* lotNumber
* attribute12
* attribute15
* outermostLpnId
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute14
* attribute11
* programApplicationId
* adjustmentId
* tagQuantity
* attribute8
* subinventory
* attribute7
* lastUpdateDate
* createdBy
* attributeCategory
* programUpdateDate
* attribute13
* standardUom
* costGroupId
* programId
* tagQtyAtStdSecondaryUom
* lotSerialControls
* tagSecondaryUom
* attribute5
* lotExpirationDate
* attribute6
* tagId
* tagQuantityAtStandardUom
* parentLpnId
* lastUpdateLogin
* locatorId
* revision
* attribute3
* serialNum
* requestId
* tagSecondaryQuantity
* countedByEmployeeId
* attribute10
* attribute1
* attribute4
* tagUom
* attribute2
* voidFlag
* physicalInventoryId
* tagNumber
* attribute9
* organizationId
* creationDate


 * standardSecondaryUom
* inventoryItemId
* lotNumber
* attribute12
* attribute15
* outermostLpnId
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute14
* attribute11
* programApplicationId
* adjustmentId
* tagQuantity
* attribute8
* subinventory
* attribute7
* lastUpdateDate
* createdBy
* attributeCategory
* programUpdateDate
* attribute13
* standardUom
* costGroupId
* programId
* tagQtyAtStdSecondaryUom
* lotSerialControls
* tagSecondaryUom
* attribute5
* lotExpirationDate
* attribute6
* tagId
* tagQuantityAtStandardUom
* parentLpnId
* lastUpdateLogin
* locatorId
* revision
* attribute3
* serialNum
* requestId
* tagSecondaryQuantity
* countedByEmployeeId
* attribute10
* attribute1
* attribute4
* tagUom
* attribute2
* voidFlag
* physicalInventoryId
* tagNumber
* attribute9
* organizationId
* creationDate


 * programId
* physicalInventoryId
* lastUpdatedBy
* organizationId
* lastUpdateDate
* creationDate
* requestId
* programApplicationId
* subinventory
* createdBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* programUpdateDate


 * programId
* physicalInventoryId
* lastUpdatedBy
* organizationId
* lastUpdateDate
* creationDate
* requestId
* programApplicationId
* subinventory
* createdBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* programUpdateDate


 * status
* id
* pickSlipIdentifier
* pickSlipNumber
* pickSlipBatchId
* pickSlipCount


 * status
* id
* pickSlipIdentifier
* pickSlipNumber
* pickSlipBatchId
* pickSlipCount


 * lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateDate
* revisionRule
* requestId
* createdBy
* creationDate
* serialNumberRule
* description
* locatorRule
* programApplicationId
* migratedInd
* subinventoryRule
* programId
* pickingRuleId
* programUpdateDate
* lotRule
* pickingRuleName
* lastUpdateLogin


 * lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateDate
* revisionRule
* requestId
* createdBy
* creationDate
* serialNumberRule
* description
* locatorRule
* programApplicationId
* migratedInd
* subinventoryRule
* programId
* pickingRuleId
* programUpdateDate
* lotRule
* pickingRuleName
* lastUpdateLogin


 * attribute15
* programApplicationId
* organizationId
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* requestId
* attribute4
* createdBy
* programUpdateDate
* description
* attributeCategory
* attribute1
* attribute13
* attribute12
* electronicMailAddress
* attribute6
* attribute10
* employeeId
* attribute7
* lastUpdatedBy
* programId
* disableDate
* attribute9
* attribute3
* attribute5
* attribute11
* plannerCode
* creationDate
* attribute14
* attribute2
* attribute8


 * attribute15
* programApplicationId
* organizationId
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* requestId
* attribute4
* createdBy
* programUpdateDate
* description
* attributeCategory
* attribute1
* attribute13
* attribute12
* electronicMailAddress
* attribute6
* attribute10
* employeeId
* attribute7
* lastUpdatedBy
* programId
* disableDate
* attribute9
* attribute3
* attribute5
* attribute11
* plannerCode
* creationDate
* attribute14
* attribute2
* attribute8


 * packslipDate
* packslipNumber
* transactionId


 * packslipDate
* packslipNumber
* transactionId


 * pullSequenceId
* lastUpdateLogin
* numberOfCards
* createdBy
* lastUpdateDate
* supplierId
* futureNoOfCards
* supplierSiteId
* sourcingPercentage
* organizationId
* lastUpdatedBy
* creationDate


 * pullSequenceId
* lastUpdateLogin
* numberOfCards
* createdBy
* lastUpdateDate
* supplierId
* futureNoOfCards
* supplierSiteId
* sourcingPercentage
* organizationId
* lastUpdatedBy
* creationDate


 * attrChar7
* attrNum2
* attrNum4
* attrNum5
* objectVersionNumber
* programUpdateDate
* endDate
* attrNum10
* creationDate
* attrChar8
* attrNum9
* attrChar1
* relatedItemId
* attrDate4
* lastUpdateLogin
* attrDate10
* lastUpdateDate
* attrDate2
* attrChar3
* attrChar6
* reciprocalFlag
* attrDate7
* startDate
* programApplicationId
* attrContext
* attrChar2
* attrNum7
* attrDate5
* relationshipTypeId
* requestId
* inventoryItemId
* attrDate1
* attrChar5
* attrDate3
* attrNum1
* attrDate6
* organizationId
* attrDate8
* lastUpdatedBy
* planningEnabledFlag
* attrChar10
* programId
* createdBy
* attrNum3
* attrChar9
* attrNum6
* attrNum8
* attrChar4
* attrDate9


 * customerId
* organizationId
* endDate
* relationshipTypeId
* creationDate
* siteUseId
* startDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* plnInfoId
* lastUpdateDate
* inventoryItemId
* lastUpdatedBy
* createdBy
* relatedItemId


 * customerId
* organizationId
* endDate
* relationshipTypeId
* creationDate
* siteUseId
* startDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* plnInfoId
* lastUpdateDate
* inventoryItemId
* lastUpdatedBy
* createdBy
* relatedItemId


 * attrDate3
* relatedItemId
* organizationId
* attrChar9
* attrNum8
* attrChar5
* relatedItemIdUpdVal
* attrChar7
* attrNum10
* creationDate
* setProcessId
* attrNum2
* transactionType
* requestId
* transactionId
* relationshipTypeId
* attrDate4
* attrNum4
* reciprocalFlag
* relatedItemNumber
* attrDate8
* attrChar3
* programApplicationId
* createdBy
* attrDate5
* attrDate2
* attrNum5
* attrChar4
* attrDate10
* attrNum6
* attrNum1
* startDate
* programUpdateDate
* programId
* inventoryItemId
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateDate
* attrChar10
* attrDate6
* processFlag
* attrChar1
* endDate
* attrChar6
* relationshipTypeIdUpdVal
* attrContext
* planningEnabledFlag
* itemNumber
* attrChar2
* lastUpdateLogin
* attrDate7
* attrNum7
* attrDate9
* attrChar8
* attrNum9
* attrNum3
* attrDate1
* organizationCode


 * attrDate3
* relatedItemId
* organizationId
* attrChar9
* attrNum8
* attrChar5
* relatedItemIdUpdVal
* attrChar7
* attrNum10
* creationDate
* setProcessId
* attrNum2
* transactionType
* requestId
* transactionId
* relationshipTypeId
* attrDate4
* attrNum4
* reciprocalFlag
* relatedItemNumber
* attrDate8
* attrChar3
* programApplicationId
* createdBy
* attrDate5
* attrDate2
* attrNum5
* attrChar4
* attrDate10
* attrNum6
* attrNum1
* startDate
* programUpdateDate
* programId
* inventoryItemId
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateDate
* attrChar10
* attrDate6
* processFlag
* attrChar1
* endDate
* attrChar6
* relationshipTypeIdUpdVal
* attrContext
* planningEnabledFlag
* itemNumber
* attrChar2
* lastUpdateLogin
* attrDate7
* attrNum7
* attrDate9
* attrChar8
* attrNum9
* attrNum3
* attrDate1
* organizationCode


 * attrChar7
* attrNum2
* attrNum4
* attrNum5
* objectVersionNumber
* programUpdateDate
* endDate
* attrNum10
* creationDate
* attrChar8
* attrNum9
* attrChar1
* relatedItemId
* attrDate4
* lastUpdateLogin
* attrDate10
* lastUpdateDate
* attrDate2
* attrChar3
* attrChar6
* reciprocalFlag
* attrDate7
* startDate
* programApplicationId
* attrContext
* attrChar2
* attrNum7
* attrDate5
* relationshipTypeId
* requestId
* inventoryItemId
* attrDate1
* attrChar5
* attrDate3
* attrNum1
* attrDate6
* organizationId
* attrDate8
* lastUpdatedBy
* planningEnabledFlag
* attrChar10
* programId
* createdBy
* attrNum3
* attrChar9
* attrNum6
* attrNum8
* attrChar4
* attrDate9


 * plnInfoId
* createdBy
* relatedItemId
* relationshipTypeId
* creationDate
* inventoryItemId
* substitutionSet
* partialFulfillmentFlag
* endDate
* lastUpdateDate
* startDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* organizationId
* allCustomersFlag
* lastUpdateLogin


 * plnInfoId
* createdBy
* relatedItemId
* relationshipTypeId
* creationDate
* inventoryItemId
* substitutionSet
* partialFulfillmentFlag
* endDate
* lastUpdateDate
* startDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* organizationId
* allCustomersFlag
* lastUpdateLogin


 * defaultLineItems
* countDate
* supplyCutoffDate
* programUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* processStatus
* creationDate
* errorFlag
* programApplicationId
* deliveryLocationId
* countMode
* replenishmentCountName
* processMode
* organizationId
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* replenishmentHeaderId
* createdBy
* programId
* defaultCountTypeCode
* subinventoryCode
* requisitionApprovalType
* requestId


 * createdBy
* processMode
* supplyCutoffDate
* errorFlag
* deliveryLocationId
* programId
* organizationId
* replenishmentCountName
* creationDate
* replenishmentHeaderId
* lastUpdatedBy
* countDate
* processStatus
* requestId
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* organizationCode
* subinventoryCode
* programUpdateDate
* deliveryLocationCode
* programApplicationId


 * createdBy
* processMode
* supplyCutoffDate
* errorFlag
* deliveryLocationId
* programId
* organizationId
* replenishmentCountName
* creationDate
* replenishmentHeaderId
* lastUpdatedBy
* countDate
* processStatus
* requestId
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* organizationCode
* subinventoryCode
* programUpdateDate
* deliveryLocationCode
* programApplicationId


 * defaultLineItems
* countDate
* supplyCutoffDate
* programUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* processStatus
* creationDate
* errorFlag
* programApplicationId
* deliveryLocationId
* countMode
* replenishmentCountName
* processMode
* organizationId
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* replenishmentHeaderId
* createdBy
* programId
* defaultCountTypeCode
* subinventoryCode
* requisitionApprovalType
* requestId


 * encumbranceAccount
* errorFlag
* creationDate
* primaryUomCountQuantity
* replenishmentLineId
* sourceOrganizationId
* organizationId
* lastUpdateLogin
* programApplicationId
* inventoryItemId
* countTypeCode
* createdBy
* reference
* primaryUomCode
* expenseAccount
* locatorId
* secondaryUomCountQuantity
* supplyQuantity
* reorderQuantity
* taskId
* replenishmentHeaderId
* requestId
* programId
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateDate
* countQuantity
* secondaryUomCode
* sourceSubinventory
* countUomCode
* sourceType
* programUpdateDate


 * segment17
* locatorSegment3
* programId
* segment18
* segment14
* locatorId
* locatorSegment17
* locatorSegment6
* locatorSegment18
* locatorSegment12
* locatorSegment16
* locatorSegment10
* segment1
* locatorSegment14
* locatorSegment9
* segment12
* programUpdateDate
* segment16
* segment10
* organizationId
* createdBy
* segment3
* segment13
* segment5
* creationDate
* countUnitOfMeasure
* programApplicationId
* reference
* locatorSegment7
* locatorSegment8
* lastUpdateLogin
* segment11
* segment9
* inventoryItemId
* segment15
* segment20
* requestId
* countUomCode
* locatorSegment13
* segment19
* locatorSegment19
* locatorSegment1
* segment2
* locatorSegment15
* lastUpdatedBy
* errorFlag
* taskId
* locatorSegment5
* replenishmentHeaderId
* locatorSegment20
* countQuantity
* segment8
* segment6
* replenishmentLineId
* lastUpdateDate
* locatorSegment2
* countTypeCode
* segment4
* locatorSegment4
* segment7
* locatorSegment11


 * segment17
* locatorSegment3
* programId
* segment18
* segment14
* locatorId
* locatorSegment17
* locatorSegment6
* locatorSegment18
* locatorSegment12
* locatorSegment16
* locatorSegment10
* segment1
* locatorSegment14
* locatorSegment9
* segment12
* programUpdateDate
* segment16
* segment10
* organizationId
* createdBy
* segment3
* segment13
* segment5
* creationDate
* countUnitOfMeasure
* programApplicationId
* reference
* locatorSegment7
* locatorSegment8
* lastUpdateLogin
* segment11
* segment9
* inventoryItemId
* segment15
* segment20
* requestId
* countUomCode
* locatorSegment13
* segment19
* locatorSegment19
* locatorSegment1
* segment2
* locatorSegment15
* lastUpdatedBy
* errorFlag
* taskId
* locatorSegment5
* replenishmentHeaderId
* locatorSegment20
* countQuantity
* segment8
* segment6
* replenishmentLineId
* lastUpdateDate
* locatorSegment2
* countTypeCode
* segment4
* locatorSegment4
* segment7
* locatorSegment11


 * encumbranceAccount
* errorFlag
* creationDate
* primaryUomCountQuantity
* replenishmentLineId
* sourceOrganizationId
* organizationId
* lastUpdateLogin
* programApplicationId
* inventoryItemId
* countTypeCode
* createdBy
* reference
* primaryUomCode
* expenseAccount
* locatorId
* secondaryUomCountQuantity
* supplyQuantity
* reorderQuantity
* taskId
* replenishmentHeaderId
* requestId
* programId
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateDate
* countQuantity
* secondaryUomCode
* sourceSubinventory
* countUomCode
* sourceType
* programUpdateDate


 * attribute13
* requirementDate
* organizationId
* attribute14
* lotNumber
* attribute8
* demandSourceLineId
* primaryReservationQuantity
* supplySourceName
* origSupplySourceTypeId
* attribute9
* attribute11
* shipReadyFlag
* attribute10
* costGroupId
* primaryUomId
* lastUpdateDate
* demandSourceDelivery
* crossdockFlag
* origSupplySourceLineDetail
* lpnId
* attribute1
* demandSourceHeaderId
* primaryUomCode
* attribute6
* lotNumberId
* origSupplySourceLineId
* supplySourceLineDetail
* supplySourceTypeId
* serialNumberId
* nColumn1
* secondaryUomCode
* attribute4
* demandSourceTypeId
* exceptionCode
* lastUpdateLogin
* autoDetailed
* serialNumber
* requestId
* reservationId
* attribute7
* containerLpnId
* demandShipDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* serialReservationQuantity
* origSupplySourceHeaderId
* subinventoryId
* creationDate
* attribute12
* detailedQuantity
* origDemandSourceHeaderId
* demandSourceName
* supplyReceiptDate
* attribute3
* subinventoryCode
* attributeCategory
* secondaryDetailedQuantity
* locatorId
* reservationQuantity
* attribute5
* demandSourceLineDetail
* inventoryItemId
* autodetailGroupId
* origDemandSourceLineDetail
* programUpdateDate
* createdBy
* origDemandSourceLineId
* taskId
* secondaryUomId
* supplySourceLineId
* pickSlipNumber
* programApplicationId
* externalSourceCode
* programId
* reservationUomCode
* attribute2
* secondaryReservationQuantity
* partialQuantitiesAllowed
* externalSourceLineId
* crossdockCriteriaId
* attribute15
* revision
* reservationUomId
* supplySourceHeaderId
* stagedFlag
* origDemandSourceTypeId
* projectId


 * serialNumberId
* itemSegment12
* locSegment14
* locSegment7
* toLocSegment1
* partialQuantitiesAllowed
* attribute8
* supplySourceName
* locSegment10
* itemSegment14
* errorCode
* toLocatorId
* toSerialNumber
* itemSegment5
* toLotNumberId
* toLocSegment7
* lotNumber
* organizationId
* validationFlag
* attribute11
* attribute9
* attribute12
* reservationQuantity
* lastUpdateLogin
* itemSegment15
* toLocSegment6
* toDemandSourceName
* toLocSegment9
* inventoryItemId
* toLocSegment20
* attribute14
* toLocSegment16
* toLocSegment18
* itemSegment7
* creationDate
* attribute13
* locSegment12
* attribute1
* toLocSegment4
* lastUpdateDate
* itemSegment16
* locSegment1
* secondaryUomCode
* toLocSegment17
* revision
* demandSourceHeaderId
* toSupplySourceHeaderId
* attributeCategory
* locSegment16
* toSubinventoryId
* itemSegment1
* lockFlag
* reservationBatchId
* toLocSegment8
* primaryUomId
* toSubinventoryCode
* toLocSegment2
* toLocSegment5
* itemSegment18
* toLotNumber
* itemSegment2
* shipReadyFlag
* itemSegment19
* toDemandSourceTypeId
* toLocSegment12
* locSegment15
* attribute3
* lpnId
* toLocSegment10
* supplySourceLineDetail
* locSegment11
* attribute7
* programId
* toSupplySourceName
* supplySourceLineId
* primaryReservationQuantity
* locSegment17
* demandSourceName
* demandSourceTypeId
* primaryUomCode
* locSegment6
* itemSegment8
* toLocSegment15
* toLocSegment14
* secondaryUomId
* toRevision
* reservationActionCode
* attribute4
* lotNumberId
* createdBy
* itemSegment10
* itemSegment9
* subinventoryCode
* toOrganizationId
* programApplicationId
* demandSourceLineId
* toLocSegment19
* lastUpdatedBy
* itemSegment13
* subinventoryId
* programUpdateDate
* supplySourceHeaderId
* locSegment5
* requestId
* locSegment19
* requirementDate
* attribute15
* toSupplySourceLineId
* attribute6
* attribute2
* itemSegment11
* attribute10
* locSegment3
* itemSegment17
* toSerialNumberId
* locSegment20
* toDemandSourceLineId
* externalSourceLineId
* itemSegment3
* reservationInterfaceId
* itemSegment20
* toLocSegment11
* serialNumber
* toLocSegment13
* itemSegment4
* locSegment2
* secondaryReservationQuantity
* toDemandSourceHeaderId
* projectId
* attribute5
* locSegment13
* taskId
* locSegment9
* locatorId
* locSegment18
* externalSourceCode
* locSegment8
* transactionMode
* toLpnId
* itemSegment6
* toSupplySourceLineDetail
* toSupplySourceTypeId
* supplySourceTypeId
* locSegment4
* toLocSegment3
* reservationUomId
* projectPlanningGroup
* errorExplanation
* rowStatusCode
* reservationUomCode


 * serialNumberId
* itemSegment12
* locSegment14
* locSegment7
* toLocSegment1
* partialQuantitiesAllowed
* attribute8
* supplySourceName
* locSegment10
* itemSegment14
* errorCode
* toLocatorId
* toSerialNumber
* itemSegment5
* toLotNumberId
* toLocSegment7
* lotNumber
* organizationId
* validationFlag
* attribute11
* attribute9
* attribute12
* reservationQuantity
* lastUpdateLogin
* itemSegment15
* toLocSegment6
* toDemandSourceName
* toLocSegment9
* inventoryItemId
* toLocSegment20
* attribute14
* toLocSegment16
* toLocSegment18
* itemSegment7
* creationDate
* attribute13
* locSegment12
* attribute1
* toLocSegment4
* lastUpdateDate
* itemSegment16
* locSegment1
* secondaryUomCode
* toLocSegment17
* revision
* demandSourceHeaderId
* toSupplySourceHeaderId
* attributeCategory
* locSegment16
* toSubinventoryId
* itemSegment1
* lockFlag
* reservationBatchId
* toLocSegment8
* primaryUomId
* toSubinventoryCode
* toLocSegment2
* toLocSegment5
* itemSegment18
* toLotNumber
* itemSegment2
* shipReadyFlag
* itemSegment19
* toDemandSourceTypeId
* toLocSegment12
* locSegment15
* attribute3
* lpnId
* toLocSegment10
* supplySourceLineDetail
* locSegment11
* attribute7
* programId
* toSupplySourceName
* supplySourceLineId
* primaryReservationQuantity
* locSegment17
* demandSourceName
* demandSourceTypeId
* primaryUomCode
* locSegment6
* itemSegment8
* toLocSegment15
* toLocSegment14
* secondaryUomId
* toRevision
* reservationActionCode
* attribute4
* lotNumberId
* createdBy
* itemSegment10
* itemSegment9
* subinventoryCode
* toOrganizationId
* programApplicationId
* demandSourceLineId
* toLocSegment19
* lastUpdatedBy
* itemSegment13
* subinventoryId
* programUpdateDate
* supplySourceHeaderId
* locSegment5
* requestId
* locSegment19
* requirementDate
* attribute15
* toSupplySourceLineId
* attribute6
* attribute2
* itemSegment11
* attribute10
* locSegment3
* itemSegment17
* toSerialNumberId
* locSegment20
* toDemandSourceLineId
* externalSourceLineId
* itemSegment3
* reservationInterfaceId
* itemSegment20
* toLocSegment11
* serialNumber
* toLocSegment13
* itemSegment4
* locSegment2
* secondaryReservationQuantity
* toDemandSourceHeaderId
* projectId
* attribute5
* locSegment13
* taskId
* locSegment9
* locatorId
* locSegment18
* externalSourceCode
* locSegment8
* transactionMode
* toLpnId
* itemSegment6
* toSupplySourceLineDetail
* toSupplySourceTypeId
* supplySourceTypeId
* locSegment4
* toLocSegment3
* reservationUomId
* projectPlanningGroup
* errorExplanation
* rowStatusCode
* reservationUomCode


 * attribute13
* requirementDate
* organizationId
* attribute14
* lotNumber
* attribute8
* demandSourceLineId
* primaryReservationQuantity
* supplySourceName
* origSupplySourceTypeId
* attribute9
* attribute11
* shipReadyFlag
* attribute10
* costGroupId
* primaryUomId
* lastUpdateDate
* demandSourceDelivery
* crossdockFlag
* origSupplySourceLineDetail
* lpnId
* attribute1
* demandSourceHeaderId
* primaryUomCode
* attribute6
* lotNumberId
* origSupplySourceLineId
* supplySourceLineDetail
* supplySourceTypeId
* serialNumberId
* nColumn1
* secondaryUomCode
* attribute4
* demandSourceTypeId
* exceptionCode
* lastUpdateLogin
* autoDetailed
* serialNumber
* requestId
* reservationId
* attribute7
* containerLpnId
* demandShipDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* serialReservationQuantity
* origSupplySourceHeaderId
* subinventoryId
* creationDate
* attribute12
* detailedQuantity
* origDemandSourceHeaderId
* demandSourceName
* supplyReceiptDate
* attribute3
* subinventoryCode
* attributeCategory
* secondaryDetailedQuantity
* locatorId
* reservationQuantity
* attribute5
* demandSourceLineDetail
* inventoryItemId
* autodetailGroupId
* origDemandSourceLineDetail
* programUpdateDate
* createdBy
* origDemandSourceLineId
* taskId
* secondaryUomId
* supplySourceLineId
* pickSlipNumber
* programApplicationId
* externalSourceCode
* programId
* reservationUomCode
* attribute2
* secondaryReservationQuantity
* partialQuantitiesAllowed
* externalSourceLineId
* crossdockCriteriaId
* attribute15
* revision
* reservationUomId
* supplySourceHeaderId
* stagedFlag
* origDemandSourceTypeId
* projectId


 * attribute15
* createdBy
* attribute5
* processRevision
* attribute3
* attribute2
* changeNotice
* attribute12
* attribute13
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute8
* attribute9
* attribute11
* implementationDate
* requestId
* attribute7
* attribute1
* programApplicationId
* revisedItemSequenceId
* organizationId
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute6
* attribute10
* creationDate
* programId
* inventoryItemId
* implementedSerialNumber
* effectivityDate
* lastUpdateDate
* attributeCategory
* programUpdateDate
* attribute14
* attribute4
* ecnInitiationDate


 * attribute15
* createdBy
* attribute5
* processRevision
* attribute3
* attribute2
* changeNotice
* attribute12
* attribute13
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute8
* attribute9
* attribute11
* implementationDate
* requestId
* attribute7
* attribute1
* programApplicationId
* revisedItemSequenceId
* organizationId
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute6
* attribute10
* creationDate
* programId
* inventoryItemId
* implementedSerialNumber
* effectivityDate
* lastUpdateDate
* attributeCategory
* programUpdateDate
* attribute14
* attribute4
* ecnInitiationDate


 * attribute14
* creationDate
* createdBy
* attribute8
* attribute9
* organizationCode
* attribute2
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute1
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute7
* attribute13
* attribute12
* ecnInitiationDate
* attribute15
* transactionType
* processRevision
* changeNotice
* attribute6
* inventoryItemNumber
* implementationDate
* programApplicationId
* processFlag
* lastUpdatedBy
* implementedSerialNumber
* attributeCategory
* attribute10
* attribute11
* programUpdateDate
* attribute3
* inventoryItemId
* transactionId
* programId
* batchId
* organizationId
* effectivityDate
* attribute5
* attribute4
* requestId
* originalSystemReference


 * attribute14
* creationDate
* createdBy
* attribute8
* attribute9
* organizationCode
* attribute2
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute1
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute7
* attribute13
* attribute12
* ecnInitiationDate
* attribute15
* transactionType
* processRevision
* changeNotice
* attribute6
* inventoryItemNumber
* implementationDate
* programApplicationId
* processFlag
* lastUpdatedBy
* implementedSerialNumber
* attributeCategory
* attribute10
* attribute11
* programUpdateDate
* attribute3
* inventoryItemId
* transactionId
* programId
* batchId
* organizationId
* effectivityDate
* attribute5
* attribute4
* requestId
* originalSystemReference


 * requestId
* segment5
* enabledFlag
* creationDate
* segment2
* segment6
* lastUpdateDate
* salesOrderId
* segment15
* createdBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* segment1
* programId
* segment17
* segment12
* startDateActive
* segment8
* segment11
* programApplicationId
* segment7
* summaryFlag
* sourceCode
* segment3
* segment18
* segment19
* segment4
* segment14
* orderType
* segment10
* segment16
* endDateActive
* segment9
* segment13
* segment20
* lastUpdatedBy
* programUpdateDate


 * requestId
* segment5
* enabledFlag
* creationDate
* segment2
* segment6
* lastUpdateDate
* salesOrderId
* segment15
* createdBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* segment1
* programId
* segment17
* segment12
* startDateActive
* segment8
* segment11
* programApplicationId
* segment7
* summaryFlag
* sourceCode
* segment3
* segment18
* segment19
* segment4
* segment14
* orderType
* segment10
* segment16
* endDateActive
* segment9
* segment13
* segment20
* lastUpdatedBy
* programUpdateDate


 * periodNum
* createdBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* periodTypeCode
* seasonalityIndex
* lastUpdatedBy
* forecastRuleId
* lastUpdateDate
* creationDate


 * periodNum
* createdBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* periodTypeCode
* seasonalityIndex
* lastUpdatedBy
* forecastRuleId
* lastUpdateDate
* creationDate


 * lastUpdateLogin
* createdBy
* requestId
* itemNumber
* creationDate
* subinventoryCode
* organizationId
* lastUpdatedBy
* organizationCode
* statusId
* primaryLocatorFlag
* programId
* inventoryItemId
* secondaryLocator
* pickingOrder
* programUpdateDate
* locationName
* lastUpdateDate
* processFlag
* programApplicationId
* transactionId


 * lastUpdateLogin
* createdBy
* requestId
* itemNumber
* creationDate
* subinventoryCode
* organizationId
* lastUpdatedBy
* organizationCode
* statusId
* primaryLocatorFlag
* programId
* inventoryItemId
* secondaryLocator
* pickingOrder
* programUpdateDate
* locationName
* lastUpdateDate
* processFlag
* programApplicationId
* transactionId


 * inventoryAtpCode
* maintainableFlag
* cAttribute30
* nAttribute19
* nAttribute8
* cAttribute24
* owningOrganizationId
* timeSinceVisit
* dAttribute20
* nAttribute16
* originationDate
* cAttribute1
* cAttribute4
* inspectionStatus
* nAttribute30
* endItemUnitNumber
* initializationDate
* prodOrganizationId
* currentLocatorId
* nAttribute18
* lpnTxnErrorFlag
* nAttribute2
* nAttribute4
* owningDepartmentId
* cAttribute11
* dAttribute9
* nAttribute14
* cAttribute19
* statusId
* territoryCode
* programId
* parentSerialNumber
* cAttribute26
* nAttribute1
* genObjectId
* lastUpdatedBy
* cAttribute25
* timeSinceMark
* availabilityType
* dAttribute17
* equipmentItemId
* cAttribute15
* planningOrganizationId
* cyclesSinceNew
* countryOfOrigin
* originalUnitVendorId
* numberOfRepairs
* dAttribute4
* nAttribute13
* timeSinceNew
* dAttribute3
* currentStatus
* timeSinceRepair
* attribute12
* nAttribute6
* vendorSerialNumber
* attribute10
* cAttribute27
* dAttribute10
* eqpSerialNumber
* dAttribute19
* reservedOrderId
* cAttribute7
* attribute9
* lastTxnSourceId
* cAttribute21
* lastTxnSourceName
* attribute4
* attribute13
* cAttribute6
* faAssetId
* eamLinearLocationId
* wipEntityId
* owningTpType
* attribute8
* lastReceiptIssueType
* operationalLogFlag
* attribute5
* lastTransactionId
* cyclesSinceRepair
* nAttribute21
* previousStatus
* dAttribute12
* lotNumber
* attribute7
* onhandQuantitiesId
* currentOrganizationId
* nAttribute22
* descriptiveText
* reservationId
* requestId
* cAttribute22
* vendorLotNumber
* operationSeqNum
* attribute11
* cAttribute20
* cAttribute14
* nAttribute26
* dAttribute15
* lastTxnSourceTypeId
* cAttribute16
* nAttribute12
* revision
* nAttribute9
* parentItemId
* attribute3
* organizationType
* serialNumber
* programUpdateDate
* cyclesSinceOverhaul
* lastUpdateLogin
* cAttribute5
* eamLocationId
* categoryId
* cAttribute29
* cAttribute23
* dAttribute5
* dAttribute7
* reservableType
* inventoryItemId
* creationDate
* attribute6
* nAttribute7
* cAttribute9
* dAttribute6
* nAttribute15
* fixedAssetTag
* nAttribute17
* cAttribute13
* nAttribute28
* assetCriticalityCode
* parentLotNumber
* shipDate
* nAttribute10
* nAttribute11
* dAttribute14
* currentSubinventoryCode
* cAttribute8
* attribute15
* dAttribute8
* dAttribute18
* planningTpType
* lotLineMarkId
* serialAttributeCategory
* networkAssetFlag
* programApplicationId
* lpnId
* groupMarkId
* timeSinceOverhaul
* nAttribute25
* nAttribute20
* attributeCategory
* attribute1
* nAttribute5
* cAttribute17
* nAttribute27
* wipAccountingClassCode
* attribute2
* dAttribute13
* mccCode
* cAttribute28
* dAttribute16
* operationalStatusFlag
* cAttribute3
* eamInstantiationFlag
* costGroupId
* completionDate
* cAttribute12
* cyclesSinceVisit
* lastUpdateDate
* dAttribute2
* dAttribute1
* createdBy
* nAttribute3
* cAttribute18
* cAttribute2
* cAttribute10
* lineMarkId
* nAttribute29
* dAttribute11
* originalWipEntityId
* pnLocationId
* intraoperationStepType
* nAttribute24
* attribute14
* dependentAssetFlag
* nAttribute23
* cyclesSinceMark


 * cAttribute1
* attribute7
* attribute15
* cAttribute29
* attribute1
* nAttribute30
* attribute11
* nAttribute21
* fmSerialNumber
* dAttribute14
* dAttribute18
* cAttribute28
* cAttribute26
* nAttribute13
* timeSinceMark
* cAttribute5
* cAttribute6
* nAttribute12
* dAttribute12
* transactionInterfaceId
* cAttribute20
* nAttribute10
* dAttribute10
* attribute12
* cAttribute19
* parentObjectId2
* nAttribute6
* attribute8
* timeSinceRepair
* processFlag
* toSerialNumber
* sourceCode
* serialAttributeCategory
* dAttribute9
* attribute4
* cAttribute25
* nAttribute5
* statusId
* timeSinceNew
* dAttribute17
* cyclesSinceMark
* attribute13
* cAttribute10
* numberOfRepairs
* cAttribute22
* nAttribute11
* cAttribute2
* errorCode
* programApplicationId
* dAttribute15
* dAttribute5
* territoryCode
* nAttribute3
* nAttribute26
* requestId
* cAttribute17
* attribute10
* cAttribute9
* cAttribute14
* cAttribute12
* parentObjectType2
* programUpdateDate
* cAttribute4
* parentObjectType
* programId
* nAttribute25
* parentObjectNumber
* originationDate
* parentItemId
* cAttribute21
* dAttribute1
* nAttribute14
* attribute5
* dAttribute20
* cAttribute23
* dAttribute7
* createdBy
* attributeCategory
* dAttribute2
* countryOfOrigin
* dAttribute19
* vendorSerialNumber
* nAttribute2
* parentObjectId
* nAttribute4
* nAttribute18
* cAttribute7
* lastUpdatedBy
* nAttribute24
* cAttribute30
* timeSinceOverhaul
* dAttribute16
* dAttribute8
* nAttribute7
* dAttribute4
* nAttribute28
* productTransactionId
* cAttribute13
* cAttribute16
* productCode
* cyclesSinceOverhaul
* creationDate
* cAttribute8
* nAttribute8
* sourceLineId
* dAttribute11
* lastUpdateLogin
* cAttribute27
* parentObjectNumber2
* nAttribute22
* statusName
* dAttribute13
* cyclesSinceNew
* nAttribute1
* nAttribute9
* cyclesSinceVisit
* nAttribute15
* nAttribute16
* timeSinceVisit
* nAttribute17
* cyclesSinceRepair
* cAttribute24
* dAttribute3
* cAttribute11
* cAttribute18
* cAttribute15
* attribute2
* parentSerialNumber
* attribute9
* vendorLotNumber
* dAttribute6
* nAttribute19
* cAttribute3
* nAttribute20
* nAttribute29
* attribute3
* attribute6
* lastUpdateDate
* nAttribute27
* nAttribute23
* attribute14


 * cAttribute1
* attribute7
* attribute15
* cAttribute29
* attribute1
* nAttribute30
* attribute11
* nAttribute21
* fmSerialNumber
* dAttribute14
* dAttribute18
* cAttribute28
* cAttribute26
* nAttribute13
* timeSinceMark
* cAttribute5
* cAttribute6
* nAttribute12
* dAttribute12
* transactionInterfaceId
* cAttribute20
* nAttribute10
* dAttribute10
* attribute12
* cAttribute19
* parentObjectId2
* nAttribute6
* attribute8
* timeSinceRepair
* processFlag
* toSerialNumber
* sourceCode
* serialAttributeCategory
* dAttribute9
* attribute4
* cAttribute25
* nAttribute5
* statusId
* timeSinceNew
* dAttribute17
* cyclesSinceMark
* attribute13
* cAttribute10
* numberOfRepairs
* cAttribute22
* nAttribute11
* cAttribute2
* errorCode
* programApplicationId
* dAttribute15
* dAttribute5
* territoryCode
* nAttribute3
* nAttribute26
* requestId
* cAttribute17
* attribute10
* cAttribute9
* cAttribute14
* cAttribute12
* parentObjectType2
* programUpdateDate
* cAttribute4
* parentObjectType
* programId
* nAttribute25
* parentObjectNumber
* originationDate
* parentItemId
* cAttribute21
* dAttribute1
* nAttribute14
* attribute5
* dAttribute20
* cAttribute23
* dAttribute7
* createdBy
* attributeCategory
* dAttribute2
* countryOfOrigin
* dAttribute19
* vendorSerialNumber
* nAttribute2
* parentObjectId
* nAttribute4
* nAttribute18
* cAttribute7
* lastUpdatedBy
* nAttribute24
* cAttribute30
* timeSinceOverhaul
* dAttribute16
* dAttribute8
* nAttribute7
* dAttribute4
* nAttribute28
* productTransactionId
* cAttribute13
* cAttribute16
* productCode
* cyclesSinceOverhaul
* creationDate
* cAttribute8
* nAttribute8
* sourceLineId
* dAttribute11
* lastUpdateLogin
* cAttribute27
* parentObjectNumber2
* nAttribute22
* statusName
* dAttribute13
* cyclesSinceNew
* nAttribute1
* nAttribute9
* cyclesSinceVisit
* nAttribute15
* nAttribute16
* timeSinceVisit
* nAttribute17
* cyclesSinceRepair
* cAttribute24
* dAttribute3
* cAttribute11
* cAttribute18
* cAttribute15
* attribute2
* parentSerialNumber
* attribute9
* vendorLotNumber
* dAttribute6
* nAttribute19
* cAttribute3
* nAttribute20
* nAttribute29
* attribute3
* attribute6
* lastUpdateDate
* nAttribute27
* nAttribute23
* attribute14


 * inventoryAtpCode
* maintainableFlag
* cAttribute30
* nAttribute19
* nAttribute8
* cAttribute24
* owningOrganizationId
* timeSinceVisit
* dAttribute20
* nAttribute16
* originationDate
* cAttribute1
* cAttribute4
* inspectionStatus
* nAttribute30
* endItemUnitNumber
* initializationDate
* prodOrganizationId
* currentLocatorId
* nAttribute18
* lpnTxnErrorFlag
* nAttribute2
* nAttribute4
* owningDepartmentId
* cAttribute11
* dAttribute9
* nAttribute14
* cAttribute19
* statusId
* territoryCode
* programId
* parentSerialNumber
* cAttribute26
* nAttribute1
* genObjectId
* lastUpdatedBy
* cAttribute25
* timeSinceMark
* availabilityType
* dAttribute17
* equipmentItemId
* cAttribute15
* planningOrganizationId
* cyclesSinceNew
* countryOfOrigin
* originalUnitVendorId
* numberOfRepairs
* dAttribute4
* nAttribute13
* timeSinceNew
* dAttribute3
* currentStatus
* timeSinceRepair
* attribute12
* nAttribute6
* vendorSerialNumber
* attribute10
* cAttribute27
* dAttribute10
* eqpSerialNumber
* dAttribute19
* reservedOrderId
* cAttribute7
* attribute9
* lastTxnSourceId
* cAttribute21
* lastTxnSourceName
* attribute4
* attribute13
* cAttribute6
* faAssetId
* eamLinearLocationId
* wipEntityId
* owningTpType
* attribute8
* lastReceiptIssueType
* operationalLogFlag
* attribute5
* lastTransactionId
* cyclesSinceRepair
* nAttribute21
* previousStatus
* dAttribute12
* lotNumber
* attribute7
* onhandQuantitiesId
* currentOrganizationId
* nAttribute22
* descriptiveText
* reservationId
* requestId
* cAttribute22
* vendorLotNumber
* operationSeqNum
* attribute11
* cAttribute20
* cAttribute14
* nAttribute26
* dAttribute15
* lastTxnSourceTypeId
* cAttribute16
* nAttribute12
* revision
* nAttribute9
* parentItemId
* attribute3
* organizationType
* serialNumber
* programUpdateDate
* cyclesSinceOverhaul
* lastUpdateLogin
* cAttribute5
* eamLocationId
* categoryId
* cAttribute29
* cAttribute23
* dAttribute5
* dAttribute7
* reservableType
* inventoryItemId
* creationDate
* attribute6
* nAttribute7
* cAttribute9
* dAttribute6
* nAttribute15
* fixedAssetTag
* nAttribute17
* cAttribute13
* nAttribute28
* assetCriticalityCode
* parentLotNumber
* shipDate
* nAttribute10
* nAttribute11
* dAttribute14
* currentSubinventoryCode
* cAttribute8
* attribute15
* dAttribute8
* dAttribute18
* planningTpType
* lotLineMarkId
* serialAttributeCategory
* networkAssetFlag
* programApplicationId
* lpnId
* groupMarkId
* timeSinceOverhaul
* nAttribute25
* nAttribute20
* attributeCategory
* attribute1
* nAttribute5
* cAttribute17
* nAttribute27
* wipAccountingClassCode
* attribute2
* dAttribute13
* mccCode
* cAttribute28
* dAttribute16
* operationalStatusFlag
* cAttribute3
* eamInstantiationFlag
* costGroupId
* completionDate
* cAttribute12
* cyclesSinceVisit
* lastUpdateDate
* dAttribute2
* dAttribute1
* createdBy
* nAttribute3
* cAttribute18
* cAttribute2
* cAttribute10
* lineMarkId
* nAttribute29
* dAttribute11
* originalWipEntityId
* pnLocationId
* intraoperationStepType
* nAttribute24
* attribute14
* dependentAssetFlag
* nAttribute23
* cyclesSinceMark


 * territoryCode
* cAttribute15
* cAttribute21
* dAttribute17
* attribute8
* endItemUnitNumber
* nAttribute6
* nAttribute30
* cAttribute24
* countryOfOrigin
* cyclesSinceNew
* timeSinceNew
* nAttribute26
* vendorLotNumber
* cAttribute25
* toSerialNumber
* parentObjectType
* productTransactionId
* nAttribute23
* dAttribute15
* cyclesSinceMark
* timeSinceVisit
* lastConsumedSerial
* cAttribute1
* dAttribute18
* dAttribute20
* dAttribute13
* cyclesSinceRepair
* dAttribute4
* cAttribute8
* attribute2
* vendorSerialNumber
* dAttribute5
* cAttribute30
* attribute3
* attribute7
* timeSinceOverhaul
* requestId
* creationDate
* nAttribute24
* attribute12
* dAttribute11
* nAttribute5
* cAttribute27
* fmSerialNumber
* nAttribute14
* attribute5
* cAttribute4
* attribute1
* dAttribute12
* cAttribute16
* dAttribute8
* nAttribute15
* programApplicationId
* dAttribute16
* dAttribute1
* nAttribute12
* cyclesSinceOverhaul
* parentObjectNumber2
* attribute13
* nAttribute21
* createdBy
* dAttribute10
* attribute11
* cAttribute28
* nAttribute3
* statusId
* errorCode
* cAttribute5
* parentObjectId2
* nAttribute27
* nAttribute29
* dAttribute7
* dAttribute19
* cAttribute20
* nAttribute16
* nAttribute18
* nAttribute4
* cAttribute14
* cyclesSinceVisit
* cAttribute13
* cAttribute17
* programUpdateDate
* timeSinceMark
* serialPrefix
* nAttribute13
* lastUpdateLogin
* nAttribute20
* dAttribute14
* nAttribute1
* attributeCategory
* cAttribute23
* dAttribute9
* transactionTempId
* cAttribute12
* nAttribute25
* lastUpdatedBy
* dAttribute3
* nAttribute9
* nAttribute2
* timeSinceRepair
* attribute15
* cAttribute2
* cAttribute6
* nAttribute10
* parentObjectId
* parentItemId
* serialAttributeCategory
* attribute14
* originationDate
* numerOfRepairs
* attribute4
* cAttribute9
* nAttribute7
* programId
* cAttribute19
* dffUpdatedFlag
* cAttribute18
* cAttribute3
* groupHeaderId
* cAttribute11
* numberOfRepairs
* attribute10
* productCode
* objectType2
* parentSerialNumber
* attribute6
* lastUpdateDate
* nAttribute8
* dAttribute6
* nAttribute28
* cAttribute26
* cAttribute22
* objectNumber2
* nAttribute19
* nAttribute11
* attribute9
* dAttribute2
* nAttribute17
* parentObjectType2
* cAttribute7
* cAttribute29
* parentObjectNumber
* nAttribute22
* cAttribute10


 * territoryCode
* cAttribute15
* cAttribute21
* dAttribute17
* attribute8
* endItemUnitNumber
* nAttribute6
* nAttribute30
* cAttribute24
* countryOfOrigin
* cyclesSinceNew
* timeSinceNew
* nAttribute26
* vendorLotNumber
* cAttribute25
* toSerialNumber
* parentObjectType
* productTransactionId
* nAttribute23
* dAttribute15
* cyclesSinceMark
* timeSinceVisit
* lastConsumedSerial
* cAttribute1
* dAttribute18
* dAttribute20
* dAttribute13
* cyclesSinceRepair
* dAttribute4
* cAttribute8
* attribute2
* vendorSerialNumber
* dAttribute5
* cAttribute30
* attribute3
* attribute7
* timeSinceOverhaul
* requestId
* creationDate
* nAttribute24
* attribute12
* dAttribute11
* nAttribute5
* cAttribute27
* fmSerialNumber
* nAttribute14
* attribute5
* cAttribute4
* attribute1
* dAttribute12
* cAttribute16
* dAttribute8
* nAttribute15
* programApplicationId
* dAttribute16
* dAttribute1
* nAttribute12
* cyclesSinceOverhaul
* parentObjectNumber2
* attribute13
* nAttribute21
* createdBy
* dAttribute10
* attribute11
* cAttribute28
* nAttribute3
* statusId
* errorCode
* cAttribute5
* parentObjectId2
* nAttribute27
* nAttribute29
* dAttribute7
* dAttribute19
* cAttribute20
* nAttribute16
* nAttribute18
* nAttribute4
* cAttribute14
* cyclesSinceVisit
* cAttribute13
* cAttribute17
* programUpdateDate
* timeSinceMark
* serialPrefix
* nAttribute13
* lastUpdateLogin
* nAttribute20
* dAttribute14
* nAttribute1
* attributeCategory
* cAttribute23
* dAttribute9
* transactionTempId
* cAttribute12
* nAttribute25
* lastUpdatedBy
* dAttribute3
* nAttribute9
* nAttribute2
* timeSinceRepair
* attribute15
* cAttribute2
* cAttribute6
* nAttribute10
* parentObjectId
* parentItemId
* serialAttributeCategory
* attribute14
* originationDate
* numerOfRepairs
* attribute4
* cAttribute9
* nAttribute7
* programId
* cAttribute19
* dffUpdatedFlag
* cAttribute18
* cAttribute3
* groupHeaderId
* cAttribute11
* numberOfRepairs
* attribute10
* productCode
* objectType2
* parentSerialNumber
* attribute6
* lastUpdateDate
* nAttribute8
* dAttribute6
* nAttribute28
* cAttribute26
* cAttribute22
* objectNumber2
* nAttribute19
* nAttribute11
* attribute9
* dAttribute2
* nAttribute17
* parentObjectType2
* cAttribute7
* cAttribute29
* parentObjectNumber
* nAttribute22
* cAttribute10


 * inventoryItemId
* organizationId
* creationDate
* templateId
* createdBy
* transactionTypeId
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateDate
* context
* lastUpdateLogin


 * inventoryItemId
* organizationId
* creationDate
* templateId
* createdBy
* transactionTypeId
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateDate
* context
* lastUpdateLogin


 * lastUpdateDate
* detailSumFlag
* lastUpdatedBy
* organizationId
* shortStatement
* createdBy
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin


 * lastUpdateDate
* detailSumFlag
* lastUpdatedBy
* organizationId
* shortStatement
* createdBy
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin


 * lastUpdateLogin
* creationDate
* quantityOpen
* objectDetailId
* inventoryItemId
* seqNum
* lastUpdatedBy
* objectType
* organizationId
* uomCode
* lastUpdateDate
* objectId
* createdBy


 * lastUpdateLogin
* creationDate
* quantityOpen
* objectDetailId
* inventoryItemId
* seqNum
* lastUpdatedBy
* objectType
* organizationId
* uomCode
* lastUpdateDate
* objectId
* createdBy


 * programId
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdatedBy
* attributeName
* inventoryItemStatusCode
* attributeValue
* lastUpdateDate
* programApplicationId
* programUpdateDate
* creationDate
* createdBy
* requestId


 * programId
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdatedBy
* attributeName
* inventoryItemStatusCode
* attributeValue
* lastUpdateDate
* programApplicationId
* programUpdateDate
* creationDate
* createdBy
* requestId


 * programId
* toOrgPrimaryQuantity
* costGroupId
* mrpPrimaryQuantity
* supplyTypeCode
* mrpToOrganizationId
* fromSubinventory
* itemId
* mrpDestinationTypeCode
* shipmentLineId
* lastUpdateDate
* toSubinventory
* supplySourceId
* toOrgPrimaryUom
* poHeaderId
* quantity
* fromOrganizationId
* programApplicationId
* locationId
* reqHeaderId
* mrpExpectedDeliveryDate
* intransitOwningOrgId
* rcvTransactionId
* unitOfMeasure
* changeType
* receiptDate
* mrpToSubinventory
* changeFlag
* requestId
* excludeFromPlanning
* creationDate
* poLineLocationId
* poDistributionId
* reqLineId
* programUpdateDate
* mrpPrimaryUom
* needByDate
* expectedDeliveryDate
* toOrganizationId
* lastUpdatedBy
* destinationTypeCode
* categoryId
* itemRevision
* createdBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* poReleaseId
* poLineId
* shipmentHeaderId


 * programId
* toOrgPrimaryQuantity
* costGroupId
* mrpPrimaryQuantity
* supplyTypeCode
* mrpToOrganizationId
* fromSubinventory
* itemId
* mrpDestinationTypeCode
* shipmentLineId
* lastUpdateDate
* toSubinventory
* supplySourceId
* toOrgPrimaryUom
* poHeaderId
* quantity
* fromOrganizationId
* programApplicationId
* locationId
* reqHeaderId
* mrpExpectedDeliveryDate
* intransitOwningOrgId
* rcvTransactionId
* unitOfMeasure
* changeType
* receiptDate
* mrpToSubinventory
* changeFlag
* requestId
* excludeFromPlanning
* creationDate
* poLineLocationId
* poDistributionId
* reqLineId
* programUpdateDate
* mrpPrimaryUom
* needByDate
* expectedDeliveryDate
* toOrganizationId
* lastUpdatedBy
* destinationTypeCode
* categoryId
* itemRevision
* createdBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* poReleaseId
* poLineId
* shipmentHeaderId


 * paymentTermsId
* weightUomCode
* substitutionWindowCode
* productFamilyItemId
* styleItemId
* volDiscountExemptFlag
* endDateActive
* buildInWipFlag
* expenseBillableFlag
* preventiveMaintenanceFlag
* bulkPickedFlag
* soAuthorizationFlag
* lotSplitEnabled
* assetCategoryId
* childLotValidationFlag
* asnAutoexpireFlag
* internalVolume
* planningMakeBuyCode
* forecastHorizon
* configOrgs
* unitVolume
* baseWarrantyServiceId
* repairYield
* couponExemptFlag
* attribute1
* planningExceptionSet
* globalAttribute15
* attribute15
* secondaryDefaultInd
* inventoryItemStatusCode
* globalAttribute13
* unitHeight
* globalAttribute34
* holdDays
* acceptableRateIncrease
* collateralFlag
* sourceSubinventory
* summaryFlag
* chargePeriodicityCode
* marketPrice
* carryingCost
* globalAttribute31
* attribute18
* divergence
* roundingControlType
* childLotPrefix
* attribute12
* plannedInvPointFlag
* segment18
* segment8
* cycleCountEnabledFlag
* warrantyVendorId
* mccClassificationType
* fixedLeadTime
* coverageScheduleId
* primaryUomCode
* serviceDuration
* salesAccount
* lifecycleId
* postprocessingLeadTime
* eamActivityTypeCode
* purchasingItemFlag
* subscriptionDependFlag
* attribute6
* allowExpressDeliveryFlag
* shipModelCompleteFlag
* lastUpdatedBy
* replenishToOrderFlag
* defaultLotStatusId
* mccControlCode
* responseTimePeriodCode
* repairProgram
* sourceType
* attribute30
* attribute20
* lastUpdateDate
* globalAttribute18
* segment5
* eventFlag
* indivisibleFlag
* inspectionRequiredFlag
* globalAttribute30
* attribute7
* outsideOperationUomType
* restrictLocatorsCode
* containerItemFlag
* serialStatusEnabled
* endAssemblyPeggingFlag
* planningTimeFenceCode
* segment10
* autoCreatedConfigFlag
* returnableFlag
* lotControlCode
* atoForecastControl
* serviceableComponentFlag
* lotSubstitutionEnabled
* stockEnabledFlag
* vmiForecastType
* attribute3
* atpFlag
* revisionQtyControlCode
* childLotStartingNumber
* dualUomDeviationHigh
* commsActivationReqdFlag
* fixedDaysSupply
* releaseTimeFenceDays
* processSupplySubinventory
* downloadableFlag
* contractItemTypeCode
* servImportanceLevel
* demandTimeFenceDays
* mrpSafetyStockCode
* egoMasterItemsDffCtx
* configMatch
* globalAttribute21
* expenseAccount
* globalAttribute22
* creationDate
* segment9
* gdsnOutboundEnabledFlag
* servBillingEnabledFlag
* unitLength
* vendorWarrantyFlag
* allowedUnitsLookupCode
* approvalStatus
* negativeMeasurementError
* engItemFlag
* globalAttribute8
* fixedLotMultiplier
* lastSubmittedNirId
* attribute25
* segment11
* processCostingEnabledFlag
* inventoryItemId
* receiptRequiredFlag
* globalAttribute9
* daysEarlyReceiptAllowed
* shelfLifeDays
* bomEnabledFlag
* globalAttribute38
* attribute13
* globalAttribute12
* globalAttribute36
* attribute16
* buyerId
* ontPricingQtySource
* serviceItemFlag
* dimensionUomCode
* maxMinmaxQuantity
* invoiceCloseTolerance
* expirationActionCode
* globalAttribute7
* vmiMinimumUnits
* qtyRcvExceptionCode
* receiptDaysExceptionCode
* minimumOrderQuantity
* materialBillableFlag
* maxWarrantyAmount
* consignedFlag
* hazardClassId
* attribute8
* timeBillableFlag
* minimumFillPercent
* unNumberId
* bomItemType
* globalAttribute3
* attributeCategory
* wipSupplySubinventory
* globalAttribute2
* leadTimeLotSize
* segment6
* createSupplyFlag
* dualUomDeviationLow
* segment20
* pickComponentsFlag
* vmiFixedOrderQuantity
* casNumber
* globalAttribute19
* repetitivePlanningFlag
* attribute22
* globalAttribute16
* globalAttribute39
* minMinmaxQuantity
* processSupplyLocatorId
* receiveCloseTolerance
* pickingRuleId
* defaultIncludeInRollupFlag
* releaseTimeFenceCode
* whUpdateDate
* lotStatusEnabled
* eamItemType
* equipmentType
* underShipmentTolerance
* subcontractingComponent
* segment19
* purchasingTaxCode
* autoSerialAlphaPrefix
* globalAttribute24
* effectivityControl
* attribute9
* programApplicationId
* operationSlackPenalty
* lotMergeEnabled
* outsideOperationFlag
* criticalComponentFlag
* internalOrderFlag
* unitWidth
* overrunPercentage
* maximumLoadWeight
* optionSpecificSourced
* wipSupplyLocatorId
* acceptableRateDecrease
* serviceableProductFlag
* catalogStatusFlag
* secondarySpecialistId
* financingAllowedFlag
* assetCreationCode
* segment4
* trackingQuantityInd
* baseItemId
* preprocessingLeadTime
* allowSubstituteReceiptsFlag
* electronicFlag
* attribute4
* globalAttribute6
* inventoryPlanningCode
* engineeringDate
* startAutoLotNumber
* segment15
* rfqRequiredFlag
* locationControlCode
* soTransactionsFlag
* accountingRuleId
* customerOrderFlag
* globalAttribute25
* cumulativeTotalLeadTime
* allowItemDescUpdateFlag
* copyLotAttributeFlag
* startDateActive
* segment16
* globalAttribute11
* autoLotAlphaPrefix
* minimumLicenseQuantity
* hazardousMaterialFlag
* prepositionPoint
* globalAttribute29
* processYieldLocatorId
* configModelType
* overShipmentTolerance
* startAutoSerialNumber
* qtyRcvTolerance
* customerOrderEnabledFlag
* taxCode
* defaultGrade
* checkShortagesFlag
* segment17
* underReturnTolerance
* outsourcedAssembly
* mrpSafetyStockPercent
* plannerCode
* demandTimeFenceCode
* processQualityEnabledFlag
* secondaryUomCode
* shippableItemFlag
* encumbranceAccount
* currentPhaseId
* servReqEnabledCode
* daysMaxInvWindow
* attribute11
* itemCatalogGroupId
* repairLeadtime
* attribute27
* invoicingRuleId
* attribute5
* ibItemInstanceClass
* shelfLifeCode
* segment12
* eamActivitySourceCode
* mrpCalculateAtpFlag
* daysMaxInvSupply
* globalAttribute5
* maturityDays
* responseTimeValue
* atpComponentsFlag
* serialTaggingFlag
* globalAttribute33
* lotTranslateEnabled
* inventoryItemFlag
* lastUpdateLogin
* returnInspectionRequirement
* retestInterval
* orderableOnWebFlag
* attribute24
* inventoryCarryPenalty
* unitOfIssue
* ibItemTrackingLevel
* daysTgtInvWindow
* reservableType
* receivingRoutingId
* atpRuleId
* processYieldSubinventory
* stdLotSize
* programUpdateDate
* childLotFlag
* processExecutionEnabledFlag
* serviceStartingDelay
* invoiceableItemFlag
* tradeItemDescriptor
* planningTimeFenceDays
* recoveredPartDispCode
* fixedOrderQuantity
* globalAttribute26
* globalAttributeCategory
* engineeringItemId
* primaryUnitOfMeasure
* attribute17
* priceTolerancePercent
* vmiMaximumDays
* allowUnorderedReceiptsFlag
* serviceableItemClassId
* safetyStockBucketDays
* programId
* vmiMaximumUnits
* globalAttribute10
* orderCost
* serviceDurationPeriodCode
* description
* styleItemFlag
* recipeEnabledFlag
* invoiceEnabledFlag
* objectVersionNumber
* wipSupplyType
* engineeringEcnCode
* mtlTransactionsEnabledFlag
* taxableFlag
* globalAttribute27
* globalAttribute28
* eamActNotificationFlag
* globalAttribute40
* defaultShippingOrg
* attribute28
* convergence
* defaultMaterialStatusId
* segment2
* defectTrackingOnFlag
* globalAttribute17
* attribute26
* segment13
* positiveMeasurementError
* usageItemFlag
* excludeFromBudgetFlag
* vehicleItemFlag
* attribute21
* organizationId
* inventoryAssetFlag
* segment14
* costOfSalesAccount
* shrinkageRate
* commsNlTrackableFlag
* sourceOrganizationId
* lotDivisibleFlag
* maximumOrderQuantity
* newRevisionCode
* unitWeight
* attribute14
* daysLateReceiptAllowed
* attribute29
* overcompletionToleranceType
* requestId
* variableLeadTime
* segment1
* globalAttribute35
* globalAttribute1
* webStatus
* segment7
* serialNumberControlCode
* globalAttribute4
* daysTgtInvSupply
* acceptableEarlyDays
* expirationActionInterval
* internalOrderEnabledFlag
* substitutionWindowDays
* prorateServiceFlag
* modelConfigClauseName
* createdBy
* costingEnabledFlag
* vmiMinimumDays
* drpPlannedFlag
* overcompletionToleranceValue
* defaultSoSourceType
* mccTrackingCode
* restrictSubinventoriesCode
* parentChildGenerationFlag
* roundingFactor
* attribute23
* dualUomControl
* attribute2
* cumManufacturingLeadTime
* mustUseApprovedVendorFlag
* listPricePerUnit
* globalAttribute37
* containerTypeCode
* attribute19
* attribute10
* mrpPlanningCode
* overReturnTolerance
* primarySpecialistId
* defaultSerialStatusId
* gradeControlFlag
* enabledFlag
* autoReduceMps
* volumeUomCode
* itemType
* globalAttribute20
* globalAttribute14
* segment3
* eamActShutdownStatus
* globalAttribute23
* globalAttribute32
* backOrderableFlag
* continousTransfer
* fullLeadTime
* enforceShipToLocationCode
* purchasingEnabledFlag
* eamActivityCauseCode


 * paymentTermsId
* weightUomCode
* substitutionWindowCode
* productFamilyItemId
* styleItemId
* volDiscountExemptFlag
* endDateActive
* buildInWipFlag
* expenseBillableFlag
* preventiveMaintenanceFlag
* bulkPickedFlag
* soAuthorizationFlag
* lotSplitEnabled
* assetCategoryId
* childLotValidationFlag
* asnAutoexpireFlag
* internalVolume
* planningMakeBuyCode
* forecastHorizon
* configOrgs
* unitVolume
* baseWarrantyServiceId
* repairYield
* couponExemptFlag
* attribute1
* planningExceptionSet
* globalAttribute15
* attribute15
* secondaryDefaultInd
* inventoryItemStatusCode
* globalAttribute13
* unitHeight
* globalAttribute34
* holdDays
* acceptableRateIncrease
* collateralFlag
* sourceSubinventory
* summaryFlag
* chargePeriodicityCode
* marketPrice
* carryingCost
* globalAttribute31
* attribute18
* divergence
* roundingControlType
* childLotPrefix
* attribute12
* plannedInvPointFlag
* segment18
* segment8
* cycleCountEnabledFlag
* warrantyVendorId
* mccClassificationType
* fixedLeadTime
* coverageScheduleId
* primaryUomCode
* serviceDuration
* salesAccount
* lifecycleId
* postprocessingLeadTime
* eamActivityTypeCode
* purchasingItemFlag
* subscriptionDependFlag
* attribute6
* allowExpressDeliveryFlag
* shipModelCompleteFlag
* lastUpdatedBy
* replenishToOrderFlag
* defaultLotStatusId
* mccControlCode
* responseTimePeriodCode
* repairProgram
* sourceType
* attribute30
* attribute20
* lastUpdateDate
* globalAttribute18
* segment5
* eventFlag
* indivisibleFlag
* inspectionRequiredFlag
* globalAttribute30
* attribute7
* outsideOperationUomType
* restrictLocatorsCode
* containerItemFlag
* serialStatusEnabled
* endAssemblyPeggingFlag
* planningTimeFenceCode
* segment10
* autoCreatedConfigFlag
* returnableFlag
* lotControlCode
* atoForecastControl
* serviceableComponentFlag
* lotSubstitutionEnabled
* stockEnabledFlag
* vmiForecastType
* attribute3
* atpFlag
* revisionQtyControlCode
* childLotStartingNumber
* dualUomDeviationHigh
* commsActivationReqdFlag
* fixedDaysSupply
* releaseTimeFenceDays
* processSupplySubinventory
* downloadableFlag
* contractItemTypeCode
* servImportanceLevel
* demandTimeFenceDays
* mrpSafetyStockCode
* egoMasterItemsDffCtx
* configMatch
* globalAttribute21
* expenseAccount
* globalAttribute22
* creationDate
* segment9
* gdsnOutboundEnabledFlag
* servBillingEnabledFlag
* unitLength
* vendorWarrantyFlag
* allowedUnitsLookupCode
* approvalStatus
* negativeMeasurementError
* engItemFlag
* globalAttribute8
* fixedLotMultiplier
* lastSubmittedNirId
* attribute25
* segment11
* processCostingEnabledFlag
* inventoryItemId
* receiptRequiredFlag
* globalAttribute9
* daysEarlyReceiptAllowed
* shelfLifeDays
* bomEnabledFlag
* globalAttribute38
* attribute13
* globalAttribute12
* globalAttribute36
* attribute16
* buyerId
* ontPricingQtySource
* serviceItemFlag
* dimensionUomCode
* maxMinmaxQuantity
* invoiceCloseTolerance
* expirationActionCode
* globalAttribute7
* vmiMinimumUnits
* qtyRcvExceptionCode
* receiptDaysExceptionCode
* minimumOrderQuantity
* materialBillableFlag
* maxWarrantyAmount
* consignedFlag
* hazardClassId
* attribute8
* timeBillableFlag
* minimumFillPercent
* unNumberId
* bomItemType
* globalAttribute3
* attributeCategory
* wipSupplySubinventory
* globalAttribute2
* leadTimeLotSize
* segment6
* createSupplyFlag
* dualUomDeviationLow
* segment20
* pickComponentsFlag
* vmiFixedOrderQuantity
* casNumber
* globalAttribute19
* repetitivePlanningFlag
* attribute22
* globalAttribute16
* globalAttribute39
* minMinmaxQuantity
* processSupplyLocatorId
* receiveCloseTolerance
* pickingRuleId
* defaultIncludeInRollupFlag
* releaseTimeFenceCode
* whUpdateDate
* lotStatusEnabled
* eamItemType
* equipmentType
* underShipmentTolerance
* subcontractingComponent
* segment19
* purchasingTaxCode
* autoSerialAlphaPrefix
* globalAttribute24
* effectivityControl
* attribute9
* programApplicationId
* operationSlackPenalty
* lotMergeEnabled
* outsideOperationFlag
* criticalComponentFlag
* internalOrderFlag
* unitWidth
* overrunPercentage
* maximumLoadWeight
* optionSpecificSourced
* wipSupplyLocatorId
* acceptableRateDecrease
* serviceableProductFlag
* catalogStatusFlag
* secondarySpecialistId
* financingAllowedFlag
* assetCreationCode
* segment4
* trackingQuantityInd
* baseItemId
* preprocessingLeadTime
* allowSubstituteReceiptsFlag
* electronicFlag
* attribute4
* globalAttribute6
* inventoryPlanningCode
* engineeringDate
* startAutoLotNumber
* segment15
* rfqRequiredFlag
* locationControlCode
* soTransactionsFlag
* accountingRuleId
* customerOrderFlag
* globalAttribute25
* cumulativeTotalLeadTime
* allowItemDescUpdateFlag
* copyLotAttributeFlag
* startDateActive
* segment16
* globalAttribute11
* autoLotAlphaPrefix
* minimumLicenseQuantity
* hazardousMaterialFlag
* prepositionPoint
* globalAttribute29
* processYieldLocatorId
* configModelType
* overShipmentTolerance
* startAutoSerialNumber
* qtyRcvTolerance
* customerOrderEnabledFlag
* taxCode
* defaultGrade
* checkShortagesFlag
* segment17
* underReturnTolerance
* outsourcedAssembly
* mrpSafetyStockPercent
* plannerCode
* demandTimeFenceCode
* processQualityEnabledFlag
* secondaryUomCode
* shippableItemFlag
* encumbranceAccount
* currentPhaseId
* servReqEnabledCode
* daysMaxInvWindow
* attribute11
* itemCatalogGroupId
* repairLeadtime
* attribute27
* invoicingRuleId
* attribute5
* ibItemInstanceClass
* shelfLifeCode
* segment12
* eamActivitySourceCode
* mrpCalculateAtpFlag
* daysMaxInvSupply
* globalAttribute5
* maturityDays
* responseTimeValue
* atpComponentsFlag
* serialTaggingFlag
* globalAttribute33
* lotTranslateEnabled
* inventoryItemFlag
* lastUpdateLogin
* returnInspectionRequirement
* retestInterval
* orderableOnWebFlag
* attribute24
* inventoryCarryPenalty
* unitOfIssue
* ibItemTrackingLevel
* daysTgtInvWindow
* reservableType
* receivingRoutingId
* atpRuleId
* processYieldSubinventory
* stdLotSize
* programUpdateDate
* childLotFlag
* processExecutionEnabledFlag
* serviceStartingDelay
* invoiceableItemFlag
* tradeItemDescriptor
* planningTimeFenceDays
* recoveredPartDispCode
* fixedOrderQuantity
* globalAttribute26
* globalAttributeCategory
* engineeringItemId
* primaryUnitOfMeasure
* attribute17
* priceTolerancePercent
* vmiMaximumDays
* allowUnorderedReceiptsFlag
* serviceableItemClassId
* safetyStockBucketDays
* programId
* vmiMaximumUnits
* globalAttribute10
* orderCost
* serviceDurationPeriodCode
* description
* styleItemFlag
* recipeEnabledFlag
* invoiceEnabledFlag
* objectVersionNumber
* wipSupplyType
* engineeringEcnCode
* mtlTransactionsEnabledFlag
* taxableFlag
* globalAttribute27
* globalAttribute28
* eamActNotificationFlag
* globalAttribute40
* defaultShippingOrg
* attribute28
* convergence
* defaultMaterialStatusId
* segment2
* defectTrackingOnFlag
* globalAttribute17
* attribute26
* segment13
* positiveMeasurementError
* usageItemFlag
* excludeFromBudgetFlag
* vehicleItemFlag
* attribute21
* organizationId
* inventoryAssetFlag
* segment14
* costOfSalesAccount
* shrinkageRate
* commsNlTrackableFlag
* sourceOrganizationId
* lotDivisibleFlag
* maximumOrderQuantity
* newRevisionCode
* unitWeight
* attribute14
* daysLateReceiptAllowed
* attribute29
* overcompletionToleranceType
* requestId
* variableLeadTime
* segment1
* globalAttribute35
* globalAttribute1
* webStatus
* segment7
* serialNumberControlCode
* globalAttribute4
* daysTgtInvSupply
* acceptableEarlyDays
* expirationActionInterval
* internalOrderEnabledFlag
* substitutionWindowDays
* prorateServiceFlag
* modelConfigClauseName
* createdBy
* costingEnabledFlag
* vmiMinimumDays
* drpPlannedFlag
* overcompletionToleranceValue
* defaultSoSourceType
* mccTrackingCode
* restrictSubinventoriesCode
* parentChildGenerationFlag
* roundingFactor
* attribute23
* dualUomControl
* attribute2
* cumManufacturingLeadTime
* mustUseApprovedVendorFlag
* listPricePerUnit
* globalAttribute37
* containerTypeCode
* attribute19
* attribute10
* mrpPlanningCode
* overReturnTolerance
* primarySpecialistId
* defaultSerialStatusId
* gradeControlFlag
* enabledFlag
* autoReduceMps
* volumeUomCode
* itemType
* globalAttribute20
* globalAttribute14
* segment3
* eamActShutdownStatus
* globalAttribute23
* globalAttribute32
* backOrderableFlag
* continousTransfer
* fullLeadTime
* enforceShipToLocationCode
* purchasingEnabledFlag
* eamActivityCauseCode


 * criticalComponentFlag
* copyOrganizationCode
* globalAttributeCategory
* rfqRequiredFlag
* trackingQuantityInd
* serviceableComponentFlag
* mustUseApprovedVendorFlag
* itemType
* underShipmentTolerance
* globalAttribute3
* lastUpdateDate
* lotTranslateEnabled
* subscriptionDependFlag
* inventoryItemFlag
* effectivityControl
* continousTransfer
* serialNumberControlCode
* acceptableEarlyDays
* weightUomCode
* dualUomControl
* acceptableRateDecrease
* materialOhSubElemId
* vehicleItemFlag
* shelfLifeCode
* expenseAccount
* enabledFlag
* attribute18
* processFlag
* transactionId
* segment14
* drpPlannedFlag
* expirationActionCode
* primarySpecialistId
* globalAttribute29
* segment15
* itemCatalogGroupName
* globalAttribute23
* itemNumber
* processYieldLocatorId
* coverageScheduleId
* shippableItemFlag
* encumbranceAccount
* materialCost
* internalOrderFlag
* orderCost
* daysEarlyReceiptAllowed
* wipSupplyLocatorId
* defaultGrade
* cumulativeTotalLeadTime
* autoReduceMps
* bomEnabledFlag
* processQualityEnabledFlag
* globalAttribute31
* itemCatalogGroupId
* roundingControlType
* attribute15
* defaultIncludeInRollupFlag
* attribute27
* segment18
* vmiMaximumUnits
* startDateActive
* materialSubElemId
* stockEnabledFlag
* startAutoSerialNumber
* maxMinmaxQuantity
* globalAttribute16
* templateName
* paymentTermsId
* styleItemFlag
* serviceDurationPeriodCode
* configMatch
* fixedOrderQuantity
* attribute23
* lotDivisibleFlag
* serviceItemFlag
* attribute28
* operation
* unitWidth
* fixedLotMultiplier
* segment10
* transactionType
* primaryUomCode
* configModelType
* forecastHorizon
* buildInWipFlag
* substitutionWindowCode
* secondarySpecialistId
* allowUnorderedReceiptsFlag
* contractItemTypeCode
* globalAttribute27
* createdBy
* indivisibleFlag
* catalogStatusFlag
* timeBillableFlag
* shrinkageRate
* requestId
* segment12
* organizationCode
* ibItemInstanceClass
* minMinmaxQuantity
* vmiFixedOrderQuantity
* globalAttribute5
* productFamilyItemId
* globalAttribute35
* subcontractingComponent
* inventoryCarryPenalty
* purchasingTaxCode
* demandSourceType
* longDescription
* baseItemId
* revision
* attribute2
* atpFlag
* customerOrderEnabledFlag
* priceTolerancePercent
* returnInspectionRequirement
* defaultSerialStatusId
* attribute8
* convergence
* description
* acceptableRateIncrease
* replenishToOrderFlag
* downloadableFlag
* eamActNotificationFlag
* segment11
* lastUpdatedBy
* segment16
* containerItemFlag
* atpComponentsFlag
* globalAttribute12
* variableLeadTime
* consignedFlag
* sourceOrganizationId
* segment5
* unitLength
* underReturnTolerance
* demandTimeFenceCode
* outsourcedAssembly
* attribute10
* reservableType
* segment2
* cycleCountEnabledFlag
* mtlTransactionsEnabledFlag
* restrictLocatorsCode
* attribute24
* serviceableProductFlag
* globalAttribute2
* eamActivityCauseCode
* segment17
* globalAttribute28
* setProcessId
* planningExceptionSet
* lastUpdateLogin
* soTransactionsFlag
* costingEnabledFlag
* segment7
* leadTimeLotSize
* pickComponentsFlag
* daysMaxInvSupply
* maturityDays
* pickingRuleId
* responseTimeValue
* servImportanceLevel
* attribute14
* bomItemType
* secondaryDefaultInd
* equipmentType
* safetyStockBucketDays
* enforceShipToLocationCode
* unNumberId
* atoForecastControl
* taxableFlag
* volDiscountExemptFlag
* dualUomDeviationHigh
* childLotValidationFlag
* gradeControlFlag
* roundingFactor
* plannedInvPointFlag
* inventoryItemStatusCode
* attribute7
* outsideOperationFlag
* globalAttribute4
* releaseTimeFenceCode
* daysTgtInvWindow
* segment19
* inspectionRequiredFlag
* inventoryPlanningCode
* repairYield
* summaryFlag
* invoiceCloseTolerance
* defaultSoSourceType
* childLotFlag
* segment3
* globalAttribute33
* segment13
* attribute4
* webStatus
* backOrderableFlag
* attribute12
* commsActivationReqdFlag
* baseWarrantyServiceId
* globalAttribute32
* globalAttribute37
* globalAttribute13
* allowedUnitsLookupCode
* unitHeight
* soAuthorizationFlag
* whUpdateDate
* vmiForecastType
* changeId
* demandTimeFenceDays
* shipModelCompleteFlag
* configOrgs
* globalAttribute7
* attribute21
* interfaceTableUniqueId
* vmiMaximumDays
* segment1
* maximumOrderQuantity
* attribute1
* unitVolume
* attribute29
* serialStatusEnabled
* attribute19
* attribute26
* maximumLoadWeight
* allowExpressDeliveryFlag
* orderableOnWebFlag
* materialSubElem
* lotMergeEnabled
* recipeEnabledFlag
* eamActivitySourceCode
* vmiMinimumDays
* globalTradeItemNumber
* programId
* serviceableItemClassId
* taxCode
* servReqEnabledCode
* globalAttribute34
* chargePeriodicityCode
* primaryUnitOfMeasure
* autoCreatedConfigFlag
* globalAttribute9
* atpRuleId
* fixedLeadTime
* parentChildGenerationFlag
* attribute22
* negativeMeasurementError
* globalAttribute19
* repairProgram
* mrpCalculateAtpFlag
* mrpSafetyStockPercent
* repetitivePlanningFlag
* restrictSubinventoriesCode
* warrantyVendorId
* attribute16
* planningMakeBuyCode
* operationSlackPenalty
* wipSupplyType
* internalOrderEnabledFlag
* globalAttribute20
* bulkPickedFlag
* endDateActive
* invoicingRuleId
* hazardousMaterialFlag
* fullLeadTime
* receivingRoutingId
* globalAttribute24
* segment20
* endAssemblyPeggingFlag
* organizationId
* stdLotSize
* engineeringItemId
* eamActivityTypeCode
* eventFlag
* createSupplyFlag
* programApplicationId
* daysLateReceiptAllowed
* globalAttribute1
* minimumFillPercent
* globalAttribute21
* wipSupplySubinventory
* eamItemType
* inventoryItemId
* attribute9
* locationControlCode
* processExecutionEnabledFlag
* styleItemId
* gpcCode
* globalAttribute17
* serviceDuration
* globalAttribute38
* financingAllowedFlag
* lotSubstitutionEnabled
* expenseBillableFlag
* attribute25
* repairLeadtime
* tradeItemDescriptor
* changeLineId
* costOfSalesAccount
* childLotPrefix
* marketPrice
* receiveCloseTolerance
* accountingRuleId
* globalAttribute30
* overcompletionToleranceType
* autoSerialAlphaPrefix
* processCostingEnabledFlag
* mrpPlanningCode
* confirmStatus
* templateId
* defaultShippingOrg
* receiptRequiredFlag
* vendorWarrantyFlag
* autoLotAlphaPrefix
* setId
* carryingCost
* postprocessingLeadTime
* globalAttribute11
* unitWeight
* materialOhSubElem
* globalAttribute26
* responseTimePeriodCode
* cumManufacturingLeadTime
* releaseTimeFenceDays
* overShipmentTolerance
* globalAttribute40
* globalAttribute22
* creationDate
* revisionImportPolicy
* defectTrackingOnFlag
* preprocessingLeadTime
* attribute5
* sourceSystemId
* prepositionPoint
* daysMaxInvWindow
* revisionQtyControlCode
* invoiceableItemFlag
* copyOrganizationId
* excludeFromBudgetFlag
* segment8
* engineeringDate
* attribute20
* bundleId
* globalAttribute36
* internalVolume
* hazardClassId
* materialOhRate
* servBillingEnabledFlag
* globalAttribute6
* preventiveMaintenanceFlag
* startAutoLotNumber
* overReturnTolerance
* globalAttribute25
* segment4
* topItemFlag
* outsideOperationUomType
* demandSourceLine
* modelConfigClauseName
* ontPricingQtySource
* dimensionUomCode
* defaultMaterialStatusId
* messageId
* segment9
* gdsnOutboundEnabledFlag
* expirationActionInterval
* containerTypeCode
* attribute6
* prorateServiceFlag
* minimumLicenseQuantity
* defaultLotStatusId
* lotSplitEnabled
* couponExemptFlag
* casNumber
* qtyRcvTolerance
* processSupplySubinventory
* serviceStartingDelay
* volumeUomCode
* copyItemId
* purchasingItemFlag
* purchasingEnabledFlag
* qtyRcvExceptionCode
* materialBillableFlag
* assetCreationCode
* attribute17
* lotStatusEnabled
* assetCategoryId
* invoiceEnabledFlag
* copyLotAttributeFlag
* sourceSubinventory
* sourceSystemReferenceDesc
* asnAutoexpireFlag
* checkShortagesFlag
* returnableFlag
* globalAttribute8
* eamActShutdownStatus
* maxWarrantyAmount
* allowSubstituteReceiptsFlag
* dualUomDeviationLow
* currentPhaseId
* fixedDaysSupply
* attributeCategory
* segment6
* usageItemFlag
* ibItemTrackingLevel
* vmiMinimumUnits
* globalAttribute15
* attribute3
* daysTgtInvSupply
* lotControlCode
* inventoryAssetFlag
* shelfLifeDays
* globalAttribute10
* overcompletionToleranceValue
* copyRevisionId
* commsNlTrackableFlag
* plannerCode
* customerOrderFlag
* engineeringEcnCode
* unitOfIssue
* lifecycleId
* attribute13
* copyItemNumber
* listPricePerUnit
* childLotStartingNumber
* mccClassificationType
* receiptDaysExceptionCode
* gtinDescription
* collateralFlag
* minimumOrderQuantity
* engItemFlag
* sourceType
* holdDays
* recoveredPartDispCode
* buyerId
* electronicFlag
* secondaryUomCode
* demandSourceHeaderId
* globalAttribute14
* attribute11
* planningTimeFenceDays
* processYieldSubinventory
* mrpSafetyStockCode
* newRevisionCode
* styleItemNumber
* overrunPercentage
* divergence
* attribute30
* retestInterval
* allowItemDescUpdateFlag
* planningTimeFenceCode
* substitutionWindowDays
* positiveMeasurementError
* globalAttribute39
* messageTimestamp
* programUpdateDate
* processSupplyLocatorId
* globalAttribute18
* salesAccount
* sourceSystemReference


 * criticalComponentFlag
* copyOrganizationCode
* globalAttributeCategory
* rfqRequiredFlag
* trackingQuantityInd
* serviceableComponentFlag
* mustUseApprovedVendorFlag
* itemType
* underShipmentTolerance
* globalAttribute3
* lastUpdateDate
* lotTranslateEnabled
* subscriptionDependFlag
* inventoryItemFlag
* effectivityControl
* continousTransfer
* serialNumberControlCode
* acceptableEarlyDays
* weightUomCode
* dualUomControl
* acceptableRateDecrease
* materialOhSubElemId
* vehicleItemFlag
* shelfLifeCode
* expenseAccount
* enabledFlag
* attribute18
* processFlag
* transactionId
* segment14
* drpPlannedFlag
* expirationActionCode
* primarySpecialistId
* globalAttribute29
* segment15
* itemCatalogGroupName
* globalAttribute23
* itemNumber
* processYieldLocatorId
* coverageScheduleId
* shippableItemFlag
* encumbranceAccount
* materialCost
* internalOrderFlag
* orderCost
* daysEarlyReceiptAllowed
* wipSupplyLocatorId
* defaultGrade
* cumulativeTotalLeadTime
* autoReduceMps
* bomEnabledFlag
* processQualityEnabledFlag
* globalAttribute31
* itemCatalogGroupId
* roundingControlType
* attribute15
* defaultIncludeInRollupFlag
* attribute27
* segment18
* vmiMaximumUnits
* startDateActive
* materialSubElemId
* stockEnabledFlag
* startAutoSerialNumber
* maxMinmaxQuantity
* globalAttribute16
* templateName
* paymentTermsId
* styleItemFlag
* serviceDurationPeriodCode
* configMatch
* fixedOrderQuantity
* attribute23
* lotDivisibleFlag
* serviceItemFlag
* attribute28
* operation
* unitWidth
* fixedLotMultiplier
* segment10
* transactionType
* primaryUomCode
* configModelType
* forecastHorizon
* buildInWipFlag
* substitutionWindowCode
* secondarySpecialistId
* allowUnorderedReceiptsFlag
* contractItemTypeCode
* globalAttribute27
* createdBy
* indivisibleFlag
* catalogStatusFlag
* timeBillableFlag
* shrinkageRate
* requestId
* segment12
* organizationCode
* ibItemInstanceClass
* minMinmaxQuantity
* vmiFixedOrderQuantity
* globalAttribute5
* productFamilyItemId
* globalAttribute35
* subcontractingComponent
* inventoryCarryPenalty
* purchasingTaxCode
* demandSourceType
* longDescription
* baseItemId
* revision
* attribute2
* atpFlag
* customerOrderEnabledFlag
* priceTolerancePercent
* returnInspectionRequirement
* defaultSerialStatusId
* attribute8
* convergence
* description
* acceptableRateIncrease
* replenishToOrderFlag
* downloadableFlag
* eamActNotificationFlag
* segment11
* lastUpdatedBy
* segment16
* containerItemFlag
* atpComponentsFlag
* globalAttribute12
* variableLeadTime
* consignedFlag
* sourceOrganizationId
* segment5
* unitLength
* underReturnTolerance
* demandTimeFenceCode
* outsourcedAssembly
* attribute10
* reservableType
* segment2
* cycleCountEnabledFlag
* mtlTransactionsEnabledFlag
* restrictLocatorsCode
* attribute24
* serviceableProductFlag
* globalAttribute2
* eamActivityCauseCode
* segment17
* globalAttribute28
* setProcessId
* planningExceptionSet
* lastUpdateLogin
* soTransactionsFlag
* costingEnabledFlag
* segment7
* leadTimeLotSize
* pickComponentsFlag
* daysMaxInvSupply
* maturityDays
* pickingRuleId
* responseTimeValue
* servImportanceLevel
* attribute14
* bomItemType
* secondaryDefaultInd
* equipmentType
* safetyStockBucketDays
* enforceShipToLocationCode
* unNumberId
* atoForecastControl
* taxableFlag
* volDiscountExemptFlag
* dualUomDeviationHigh
* childLotValidationFlag
* gradeControlFlag
* roundingFactor
* plannedInvPointFlag
* inventoryItemStatusCode
* attribute7
* outsideOperationFlag
* globalAttribute4
* releaseTimeFenceCode
* daysTgtInvWindow
* segment19
* inspectionRequiredFlag
* inventoryPlanningCode
* repairYield
* summaryFlag
* invoiceCloseTolerance
* defaultSoSourceType
* childLotFlag
* segment3
* globalAttribute33
* segment13
* attribute4
* webStatus
* backOrderableFlag
* attribute12
* commsActivationReqdFlag
* baseWarrantyServiceId
* globalAttribute32
* globalAttribute37
* globalAttribute13
* allowedUnitsLookupCode
* unitHeight
* soAuthorizationFlag
* whUpdateDate
* vmiForecastType
* changeId
* demandTimeFenceDays
* shipModelCompleteFlag
* configOrgs
* globalAttribute7
* attribute21
* interfaceTableUniqueId
* vmiMaximumDays
* segment1
* maximumOrderQuantity
* attribute1
* unitVolume
* attribute29
* serialStatusEnabled
* attribute19
* attribute26
* maximumLoadWeight
* allowExpressDeliveryFlag
* orderableOnWebFlag
* materialSubElem
* lotMergeEnabled
* recipeEnabledFlag
* eamActivitySourceCode
* vmiMinimumDays
* globalTradeItemNumber
* programId
* serviceableItemClassId
* taxCode
* servReqEnabledCode
* globalAttribute34
* chargePeriodicityCode
* primaryUnitOfMeasure
* autoCreatedConfigFlag
* globalAttribute9
* atpRuleId
* fixedLeadTime
* parentChildGenerationFlag
* attribute22
* negativeMeasurementError
* globalAttribute19
* repairProgram
* mrpCalculateAtpFlag
* mrpSafetyStockPercent
* repetitivePlanningFlag
* restrictSubinventoriesCode
* warrantyVendorId
* attribute16
* planningMakeBuyCode
* operationSlackPenalty
* wipSupplyType
* internalOrderEnabledFlag
* globalAttribute20
* bulkPickedFlag
* endDateActive
* invoicingRuleId
* hazardousMaterialFlag
* fullLeadTime
* receivingRoutingId
* globalAttribute24
* segment20
* endAssemblyPeggingFlag
* organizationId
* stdLotSize
* engineeringItemId
* eamActivityTypeCode
* eventFlag
* createSupplyFlag
* programApplicationId
* daysLateReceiptAllowed
* globalAttribute1
* minimumFillPercent
* globalAttribute21
* wipSupplySubinventory
* eamItemType
* inventoryItemId
* attribute9
* locationControlCode
* processExecutionEnabledFlag
* styleItemId
* gpcCode
* globalAttribute17
* serviceDuration
* globalAttribute38
* financingAllowedFlag
* lotSubstitutionEnabled
* expenseBillableFlag
* attribute25
* repairLeadtime
* tradeItemDescriptor
* changeLineId
* costOfSalesAccount
* childLotPrefix
* marketPrice
* receiveCloseTolerance
* accountingRuleId
* globalAttribute30
* overcompletionToleranceType
* autoSerialAlphaPrefix
* processCostingEnabledFlag
* mrpPlanningCode
* confirmStatus
* templateId
* defaultShippingOrg
* receiptRequiredFlag
* vendorWarrantyFlag
* autoLotAlphaPrefix
* setId
* carryingCost
* postprocessingLeadTime
* globalAttribute11
* unitWeight
* materialOhSubElem
* globalAttribute26
* responseTimePeriodCode
* cumManufacturingLeadTime
* releaseTimeFenceDays
* overShipmentTolerance
* globalAttribute40
* globalAttribute22
* creationDate
* revisionImportPolicy
* defectTrackingOnFlag
* preprocessingLeadTime
* attribute5
* sourceSystemId
* prepositionPoint
* daysMaxInvWindow
* revisionQtyControlCode
* invoiceableItemFlag
* copyOrganizationId
* excludeFromBudgetFlag
* segment8
* engineeringDate
* attribute20
* bundleId
* globalAttribute36
* internalVolume
* hazardClassId
* materialOhRate
* servBillingEnabledFlag
* globalAttribute6
* preventiveMaintenanceFlag
* startAutoLotNumber
* overReturnTolerance
* globalAttribute25
* segment4
* topItemFlag
* outsideOperationUomType
* demandSourceLine
* modelConfigClauseName
* ontPricingQtySource
* dimensionUomCode
* defaultMaterialStatusId
* messageId
* segment9
* gdsnOutboundEnabledFlag
* expirationActionInterval
* containerTypeCode
* attribute6
* prorateServiceFlag
* minimumLicenseQuantity
* defaultLotStatusId
* lotSplitEnabled
* couponExemptFlag
* casNumber
* qtyRcvTolerance
* processSupplySubinventory
* serviceStartingDelay
* volumeUomCode
* copyItemId
* purchasingItemFlag
* purchasingEnabledFlag
* qtyRcvExceptionCode
* materialBillableFlag
* assetCreationCode
* attribute17
* lotStatusEnabled
* assetCategoryId
* invoiceEnabledFlag
* copyLotAttributeFlag
* sourceSubinventory
* sourceSystemReferenceDesc
* asnAutoexpireFlag
* checkShortagesFlag
* returnableFlag
* globalAttribute8
* eamActShutdownStatus
* maxWarrantyAmount
* allowSubstituteReceiptsFlag
* dualUomDeviationLow
* currentPhaseId
* fixedDaysSupply
* attributeCategory
* segment6
* usageItemFlag
* ibItemTrackingLevel
* vmiMinimumUnits
* globalAttribute15
* attribute3
* daysTgtInvSupply
* lotControlCode
* inventoryAssetFlag
* shelfLifeDays
* globalAttribute10
* overcompletionToleranceValue
* copyRevisionId
* commsNlTrackableFlag
* plannerCode
* customerOrderFlag
* engineeringEcnCode
* unitOfIssue
* lifecycleId
* attribute13
* copyItemNumber
* listPricePerUnit
* childLotStartingNumber
* mccClassificationType
* receiptDaysExceptionCode
* gtinDescription
* collateralFlag
* minimumOrderQuantity
* engItemFlag
* sourceType
* holdDays
* recoveredPartDispCode
* buyerId
* electronicFlag
* secondaryUomCode
* demandSourceHeaderId
* globalAttribute14
* attribute11
* planningTimeFenceDays
* processYieldSubinventory
* mrpSafetyStockCode
* newRevisionCode
* styleItemNumber
* overrunPercentage
* divergence
* attribute30
* retestInterval
* allowItemDescUpdateFlag
* planningTimeFenceCode
* substitutionWindowDays
* positiveMeasurementError
* globalAttribute39
* messageTimestamp
* programUpdateDate
* processSupplyLocatorId
* globalAttribute18
* salesAccount
* sourceSystemReference


 * description
* creationDate
* sourceLang
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* organizationId
* inventoryItemId
* language
* createdBy
* longDescription


 * description
* creationDate
* sourceLang
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* organizationId
* inventoryItemId
* language
* createdBy
* longDescription


 * transactionTypeId
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* createdBy
* lastUpdatedBy
* reasonId
* responsibilityId
* lastUpdateDate


 * transactionTypeId
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* createdBy
* lastUpdatedBy
* reasonId
* responsibilityId
* lastUpdateDate


 * activityId
* currencyConversionRate
* encumbranceTypeId
* requestId
* currencyCode
* transactionId
* lastUpdatedBy
* costElementId
* primaryQuantity
* programId
* creationDate
* inventoryItemId
* baseTransactionValue
* rateOrAmount
* transactionSourceId
* currencyConversionType
* programApplicationId
* ussglTransactionCode
* resourceId
* transactionSourceTypeId
* programUpdateDate
* lastUpdateDate
* transactionDate
* currencyConversionDate
* glSlLinkId
* referenceAccount
* glBatchId
* accountingLineType
* createdBy
* organizationId
* transactionValue
* basisType
* invSubLedgerId
* contraSetId
* lastUpdateLogin
* repetitiveScheduleId


 * activityId
* currencyConversionRate
* encumbranceTypeId
* requestId
* currencyCode
* transactionId
* lastUpdatedBy
* costElementId
* primaryQuantity
* programId
* creationDate
* inventoryItemId
* baseTransactionValue
* rateOrAmount
* transactionSourceId
* currencyConversionType
* programApplicationId
* ussglTransactionCode
* resourceId
* transactionSourceTypeId
* programUpdateDate
* lastUpdateDate
* transactionDate
* currencyConversionDate
* glSlLinkId
* referenceAccount
* glBatchId
* accountingLineType
* createdBy
* organizationId
* transactionValue
* basisType
* invSubLedgerId
* contraSetId
* lastUpdateLogin
* repetitiveScheduleId


 * widthUom
* parentObjectId
* attributeCategory
* nAttribute13
* dAttribute19
* nAttribute14
* retestDate
* cAttribute13
* cAttribute23
* cAttribute25
* thicknessUom
* parentItemId
* nAttribute8
* cAttribute9
* organizationId
* nAttribute12
* territoryCode
* dAttribute9
* attribute15
* attribute4
* attribute9
* dateCode
* transactionSourceId
* dAttribute13
* nAttribute20
* nAttribute6
* dAttribute11
* creationDate
* length
* vendorId
* attribute13
* dAttribute7
* volumeUom
* itemSize
* cAttribute22
* dAttribute4
* attribute5
* cAttribute27
* cAttribute20
* nAttribute3
* nAttribute19
* cAttribute16
* cAttribute1
* attribute7
* cAttribute12
* cAttribute18
* nAttribute5
* dAttribute17
* transactionDate
* cAttribute6
* cAttribute17
* attribute1
* productCode
* cAttribute15
* attribute6
* nAttribute15
* cAttribute21
* cAttribute2
* nAttribute11
* nAttribute4
* reasonId
* parentObjectNumber
* dAttribute15
* lotAttributeCategory
* expirationActionDate
* cAttribute4
* gradeCode
* cAttribute10
* nAttribute21
* parentObjectId2
* attribute8
* createdBy
* parentObjectNumber2
* maturityDate
* dAttribute6
* dAttribute8
* dAttribute1
* lotNumber
* statusId
* cAttribute19
* nAttribute29
* dAttribute10
* dAttribute18
* cAttribute5
* primaryQuantity
* countryOfOrigin
* volume
* nAttribute1
* attribute12
* cAttribute11
* originationType
* placeOfOrigin
* nAttribute7
* holdDate
* nAttribute16
* expirationActionCode
* parentObjectType2
* nAttribute22
* nAttribute10
* dAttribute14
* cAttribute8
* nAttribute18
* nAttribute27
* nAttribute2
* transactionId
* parentObjectType
* curlWrinkleFold
* dAttribute2
* nAttribute17
* serialTransactionId
* parentLotNumber
* cAttribute14
* vendorName
* width
* transactionSourceTypeId
* nAttribute28
* cAttribute28
* nAttribute25
* nAttribute30
* lastUpdateDate
* productTransactionId
* killDate
* recycledContent
* lengthUom
* nAttribute9
* attribute11
* thickness
* nAttribute23
* supplierLotNumber
* inventoryItemId
* age
* lastUpdateLogin
* cAttribute29
* lastUpdatedBy
* description
* transactionSourceName
* color
* attribute3
* attribute14
* transactionQuantity
* dAttribute12
* dAttribute16
* attribute2
* cAttribute3
* originationDate
* dAttribute5
* attribute10
* cAttribute24
* dAttribute3
* nAttribute24
* cAttribute7
* dAttribute20
* changeDate
* cAttribute26
* secondaryTransactionQuantity
* cAttribute30
* nAttribute26
* bestByDate


 * widthUom
* parentObjectId
* attributeCategory
* nAttribute13
* dAttribute19
* nAttribute14
* retestDate
* cAttribute13
* cAttribute23
* cAttribute25
* thicknessUom
* parentItemId
* nAttribute8
* cAttribute9
* organizationId
* nAttribute12
* territoryCode
* dAttribute9
* attribute15
* attribute4
* attribute9
* dateCode
* transactionSourceId
* dAttribute13
* nAttribute20
* nAttribute6
* dAttribute11
* creationDate
* length
* vendorId
* attribute13
* dAttribute7
* volumeUom
* itemSize
* cAttribute22
* dAttribute4
* attribute5
* cAttribute27
* cAttribute20
* nAttribute3
* nAttribute19
* cAttribute16
* cAttribute1
* attribute7
* cAttribute12
* cAttribute18
* nAttribute5
* dAttribute17
* transactionDate
* cAttribute6
* cAttribute17
* attribute1
* productCode
* cAttribute15
* attribute6
* nAttribute15
* cAttribute21
* cAttribute2
* nAttribute11
* nAttribute4
* reasonId
* parentObjectNumber
* dAttribute15
* lotAttributeCategory
* expirationActionDate
* cAttribute4
* gradeCode
* cAttribute10
* nAttribute21
* parentObjectId2
* attribute8
* createdBy
* parentObjectNumber2
* maturityDate
* dAttribute6
* dAttribute8
* dAttribute1
* lotNumber
* statusId
* cAttribute19
* nAttribute29
* dAttribute10
* dAttribute18
* cAttribute5
* primaryQuantity
* countryOfOrigin
* volume
* nAttribute1
* attribute12
* cAttribute11
* originationType
* placeOfOrigin
* nAttribute7
* holdDate
* nAttribute16
* expirationActionCode
* parentObjectType2
* nAttribute22
* nAttribute10
* dAttribute14
* cAttribute8
* nAttribute18
* nAttribute27
* nAttribute2
* transactionId
* parentObjectType
* curlWrinkleFold
* dAttribute2
* nAttribute17
* serialTransactionId
* parentLotNumber
* cAttribute14
* vendorName
* width
* transactionSourceTypeId
* nAttribute28
* cAttribute28
* nAttribute25
* nAttribute30
* lastUpdateDate
* productTransactionId
* killDate
* recycledContent
* lengthUom
* nAttribute9
* attribute11
* thickness
* nAttribute23
* supplierLotNumber
* inventoryItemId
* age
* lastUpdateLogin
* cAttribute29
* lastUpdatedBy
* description
* transactionSourceName
* color
* attribute3
* attribute14
* transactionQuantity
* dAttribute12
* dAttribute16
* attribute2
* cAttribute3
* originationDate
* dAttribute5
* attribute10
* cAttribute24
* dAttribute3
* nAttribute24
* cAttribute7
* dAttribute20
* changeDate
* cAttribute26
* secondaryTransactionQuantity
* cAttribute30
* nAttribute26
* bestByDate


 * cAttribute18
* errorCode
* sublotNum
* maturityDate
* cAttribute4
* dAttribute12
* productTransactionId
* programId
* attribute15
* cAttribute9
* nAttribute3
* attribute10
* nAttribute30
* lengthUom
* age
* cAttribute16
* dAttribute18
* cAttribute25
* volumeUom
* processFlag
* nAttribute21
* dAttribute3
* volume
* nAttribute24
* originationDate
* productCode
* parentObjectNumber
* width
* dAttribute10
* attribute13
* nAttribute29
* programApplicationId
* nAttribute22
* serialTransactionTempId
* cAttribute28
* cAttribute5
* widthUom
* nAttribute11
* dAttribute5
* nAttribute16
* cAttribute10
* cAttribute20
* cAttribute21
* dAttribute19
* attribute2
* lotExpirationDate
* curlWrinkleFold
* transactionInterfaceId
* holdDate
* parentObjectType2
* nAttribute17
* transactionQuantity
* retestDate
* dAttribute17
* cAttribute24
* expirationActionCode
* lotNumber
* primaryQuantity
* nAttribute1
* programUpdateDate
* nAttribute8
* parentObjectId
* nAttribute20
* nAttribute18
* nAttribute13
* cAttribute26
* parentObjectId2
* nAttribute5
* cAttribute15
* cAttribute23
* nAttribute23
* attribute4
* killDate
* cAttribute19
* dAttribute2
* createdBy
* cAttribute27
* lastUpdateLogin
* nAttribute28
* nAttribute19
* placeOfOrigin
* cAttribute7
* cAttribute14
* dAttribute9
* requestId
* nAttribute27
* secondaryTransactionQuantity
* cAttribute3
* cAttribute12
* attributeCategory
* nAttribute2
* cAttribute1
* lastUpdateDate
* nAttribute9
* expirationActionDate
* recycledContent
* dAttribute4
* reasonCode
* sourceLineId
* attribute5
* attribute7
* gradeCode
* cAttribute22
* nAttribute6
* cAttribute30
* dAttribute15
* reasonId
* vendorId
* length
* cAttribute11
* dAttribute16
* description
* dAttribute11
* nAttribute12
* parentLotNumber
* nAttribute14
* dateCode
* attribute1
* cAttribute13
* attribute9
* lotAttributeCategory
* dAttribute6
* statusId
* attribute3
* nAttribute4
* attribute6
* attribute12
* originationType
* changeDate
* vendorName
* thicknessUom
* nAttribute26
* dAttribute7
* sourceCode
* cAttribute2
* bestByDate
* cAttribute17
* nAttribute25
* supplierLotNumber
* cAttribute6
* dAttribute8
* dAttribute14
* lastUpdatedBy
* itemSize
* cAttribute29
* parentObjectType
* color
* territoryCode
* creationDate
* nAttribute15
* countryOfOrigin
* parentObjectNumber2
* cAttribute8
* parentItemId
* attribute14
* dAttribute1
* attribute11
* nAttribute10
* attribute8
* dAttribute13
* nAttribute7
* thickness
* dAttribute20


 * cAttribute18
* errorCode
* sublotNum
* maturityDate
* cAttribute4
* dAttribute12
* productTransactionId
* programId
* attribute15
* cAttribute9
* nAttribute3
* attribute10
* nAttribute30
* lengthUom
* age
* cAttribute16
* dAttribute18
* cAttribute25
* volumeUom
* processFlag
* nAttribute21
* dAttribute3
* volume
* nAttribute24
* originationDate
* productCode
* parentObjectNumber
* width
* dAttribute10
* attribute13
* nAttribute29
* programApplicationId
* nAttribute22
* serialTransactionTempId
* cAttribute28
* cAttribute5
* widthUom
* nAttribute11
* dAttribute5
* nAttribute16
* cAttribute10
* cAttribute20
* cAttribute21
* dAttribute19
* attribute2
* lotExpirationDate
* curlWrinkleFold
* transactionInterfaceId
* holdDate
* parentObjectType2
* nAttribute17
* transactionQuantity
* retestDate
* dAttribute17
* cAttribute24
* expirationActionCode
* lotNumber
* primaryQuantity
* nAttribute1
* programUpdateDate
* nAttribute8
* parentObjectId
* nAttribute20
* nAttribute18
* nAttribute13
* cAttribute26
* parentObjectId2
* nAttribute5
* cAttribute15
* cAttribute23
* nAttribute23
* attribute4
* killDate
* cAttribute19
* dAttribute2
* createdBy
* cAttribute27
* lastUpdateLogin
* nAttribute28
* nAttribute19
* placeOfOrigin
* cAttribute7
* cAttribute14
* dAttribute9
* requestId
* nAttribute27
* secondaryTransactionQuantity
* cAttribute3
* cAttribute12
* attributeCategory
* nAttribute2
* cAttribute1
* lastUpdateDate
* nAttribute9
* expirationActionDate
* recycledContent
* dAttribute4
* reasonCode
* sourceLineId
* attribute5
* attribute7
* gradeCode
* cAttribute22
* nAttribute6
* cAttribute30
* dAttribute15
* reasonId
* vendorId
* length
* cAttribute11
* dAttribute16
* description
* dAttribute11
* nAttribute12
* parentLotNumber
* nAttribute14
* dateCode
* attribute1
* cAttribute13
* attribute9
* lotAttributeCategory
* dAttribute6
* statusId
* attribute3
* nAttribute4
* attribute6
* attribute12
* originationType
* changeDate
* vendorName
* thicknessUom
* nAttribute26
* dAttribute7
* sourceCode
* cAttribute2
* bestByDate
* cAttribute17
* nAttribute25
* supplierLotNumber
* cAttribute6
* dAttribute8
* dAttribute14
* lastUpdatedBy
* itemSize
* cAttribute29
* parentObjectType
* color
* territoryCode
* creationDate
* nAttribute15
* countryOfOrigin
* parentObjectNumber2
* cAttribute8
* parentItemId
* attribute14
* dAttribute1
* attribute11
* nAttribute10
* attribute8
* dAttribute13
* nAttribute7
* thickness
* dAttribute20


 * attribute15
* color
* nAttribute24
* nAttribute29
* attribute11
* attribute9
* nAttribute11
* dAttribute17
* cAttribute13
* itemSize
* attribute1
* dAttribute12
* attribute4
* bestByDate
* programUpdateDate
* cAttribute22
* qcGrade
* nAttribute20
* dAttribute1
* lastUpdateLogin
* nAttribute4
* attribute2
* dAttribute9
* nAttribute1
* dAttribute20
* groupHeaderId
* widthUom
* attribute5
* lotExpirationDate
* nAttribute21
* transactionTempId
* cAttribute19
* cAttribute5
* parentObjectType2
* cAttribute10
* cAttribute20
* thickness
* reasonCode
* nAttribute17
* recycledContent
* lotNumber
* nAttribute13
* createdBy
* holdDate
* parentLotNumber
* requestId
* attribute6
* cAttribute3
* nAttribute28
* cAttribute8
* dAttribute16
* supplierLotNumber
* expirationActionDate
* lastUpdateDate
* cAttribute24
* nAttribute8
* programApplicationId
* vendorId
* dAttribute10
* dateCode
* cAttribute29
* primaryQuantity
* nAttribute7
* cAttribute30
* volume
* cAttribute9
* cAttribute11
* dAttribute8
* sublotNum
* cAttribute27
* nAttribute5
* nAttribute3
* nAttribute19
* nAttribute16
* nAttribute14
* gradeCode
* parentObjectNumber
* cAttribute18
* maturityDate
* dAttribute3
* attribute10
* dAttribute19
* parentObjectId2
* description
* changeDate
* attribute8
* nAttribute26
* programId
* volumeUom
* dAttribute18
* nAttribute15
* nAttribute30
* curlWrinkleFold
* length
* nAttribute2
* dAttribute14
* attribute13
* attribute14
* cAttribute14
* killDate
* retestDate
* transactionQuantity
* pickRuleId
* dAttribute4
* dAttribute6
* lastUpdatedBy
* cAttribute28
* vendorName
* countryOfOrigin
* nAttribute10
* originationDate
* nAttribute25
* cAttribute26
* reasonId
* nAttribute6
* width
* statusId
* attribute3
* cAttribute23
* age
* dAttribute15
* secondaryQuantity
* errorCode
* dAttribute2
* dAttribute11
* expirationActionCode
* parentObjectNumber2
* cAttribute2
* nAttribute9
* thicknessUom
* nAttribute18
* cAttribute25
* cAttribute16
* cAttribute17
* lotAttributeCategory
* creationDate
* cAttribute21
* attribute7
* cAttribute15
* secondaryUnitOfMeasure
* cAttribute1
* putAwayRuleId
* cAttribute6
* parentObjectId
* cAttribute4
* parentObjectType
* dAttribute13
* cAttribute12
* lengthUom
* attribute12
* placeOfOrigin
* productCode
* nAttribute22
* nAttribute23
* attributeCategory
* dAttribute5
* serialTransactionTempId
* productTransactionId
* dAttribute7
* parentItemId
* territoryCode
* nAttribute27
* cAttribute7
* nAttribute12
* originationType


 * attribute15
* color
* nAttribute24
* nAttribute29
* attribute11
* attribute9
* nAttribute11
* dAttribute17
* cAttribute13
* itemSize
* attribute1
* dAttribute12
* attribute4
* bestByDate
* programUpdateDate
* cAttribute22
* qcGrade
* nAttribute20
* dAttribute1
* lastUpdateLogin
* nAttribute4
* attribute2
* dAttribute9
* nAttribute1
* dAttribute20
* groupHeaderId
* widthUom
* attribute5
* lotExpirationDate
* nAttribute21
* transactionTempId
* cAttribute19
* cAttribute5
* parentObjectType2
* cAttribute10
* cAttribute20
* thickness
* reasonCode
* nAttribute17
* recycledContent
* lotNumber
* nAttribute13
* createdBy
* holdDate
* parentLotNumber
* requestId
* attribute6
* cAttribute3
* nAttribute28
* cAttribute8
* dAttribute16
* supplierLotNumber
* expirationActionDate
* lastUpdateDate
* cAttribute24
* nAttribute8
* programApplicationId
* vendorId
* dAttribute10
* dateCode
* cAttribute29
* primaryQuantity
* nAttribute7
* cAttribute30
* volume
* cAttribute9
* cAttribute11
* dAttribute8
* sublotNum
* cAttribute27
* nAttribute5
* nAttribute3
* nAttribute19
* nAttribute16
* nAttribute14
* gradeCode
* parentObjectNumber
* cAttribute18
* maturityDate
* dAttribute3
* attribute10
* dAttribute19
* parentObjectId2
* description
* changeDate
* attribute8
* nAttribute26
* programId
* volumeUom
* dAttribute18
* nAttribute15
* nAttribute30
* curlWrinkleFold
* length
* nAttribute2
* dAttribute14
* attribute13
* attribute14
* cAttribute14
* killDate
* retestDate
* transactionQuantity
* pickRuleId
* dAttribute4
* dAttribute6
* lastUpdatedBy
* cAttribute28
* vendorName
* countryOfOrigin
* nAttribute10
* originationDate
* nAttribute25
* cAttribute26
* reasonId
* nAttribute6
* width
* statusId
* attribute3
* cAttribute23
* age
* dAttribute15
* secondaryQuantity
* errorCode
* dAttribute2
* dAttribute11
* expirationActionCode
* parentObjectNumber2
* cAttribute2
* nAttribute9
* thicknessUom
* nAttribute18
* cAttribute25
* cAttribute16
* cAttribute17
* lotAttributeCategory
* creationDate
* cAttribute21
* attribute7
* cAttribute15
* secondaryUnitOfMeasure
* cAttribute1
* putAwayRuleId
* cAttribute6
* parentObjectId
* cAttribute4
* parentObjectType
* dAttribute13
* cAttribute12
* lengthUom
* attribute12
* placeOfOrigin
* productCode
* nAttribute22
* nAttribute23
* attributeCategory
* dAttribute5
* serialTransactionTempId
* productTransactionId
* dAttribute7
* parentItemId
* territoryCode
* nAttribute27
* cAttribute7
* nAttribute12
* originationType


 * sourceProjectId
* planningOrganizationId
* planningTpType
* xferLocSegment1
* expenditureType
* programUpdateDate
* xferLocSegment15
* transactionGroupSeq
* currencyConversionType
* relieveHighLevelRsvFlag
* subinventoryCode
* dspSegment11
* locSegment17
* locSegment5
* contentLpnId
* demandClass
* rebuildActivityId
* pickingLineId
* waybillAirbill
* dstSegment8
* wipEntityType
* dstSegment9
* xferLocSegment2
* shippableFlag
* dstSegment20
* expectedArrivalDate
* xferLocSegment12
* attribute2
* scheduleNumber
* sourceLineId
* attribute9
* transactionDate
* dstSegment30
* containers
* substitutionTypeId
* requiredFlag
* dstSegment7
* shipToLocationId
* transferLocator
* dstSegment19
* dspSegment5
* validationRequired
* locSegment13
* itemSegment14
* attribute10
* createdBy
* errorCode
* programApplicationId
* itemSegment16
* locatorId
* attributeCategory
* dstSegment4
* locSegment14
* percentageChange
* reasonId
* attribute7
* routingRevision
* materialExpenseAccount
* transactionSourceName
* orgCostGroupId
* locSegment8
* valueChange
* rebuildItemId
* resourceAccount
* xferLocSegment4
* scheduleGroup
* repetitiveLineId
* dspSegment29
* currencyCode
* dstSegment18
* bomRevision
* dspSegment25
* dspSegment17
* acctPeriodId
* freightCode
* paExpenditureOrgId
* movementId
* dspSegment1
* dstSegment11
* demandId
* transactionHeaderId
* itemSegment2
* transactionSequenceId
* operationSeqNum
* dstSegment24
* currencyConversionRate
* dspSegment2
* scheduleId
* dspSegment16
* locSegment2
* attribute4
* locSegment3
* currencyConversionDate
* xferLocSegment16
* itemSegment15
* primaryQuantity
* dspSegment28
* customerShipId
* moveTransactionId
* completionTransactionId
* endItemUnitNumber
* demandSourceLine
* lineItemNum
* ussglTransactionCode
* costTypeId
* locSegment19
* overheadAccount
* dspSegment8
* lockFlag
* itemSegment10
* distributionAccountId
* dstSegment21
* transactionMode
* xferLocSegment19
* itemSegment20
* transactionSourceTypeId
* employeeCode
* xmlDocumentId
* requestId
* attribute3
* locSegment20
* itemSegment3
* dspSegment24
* toProjectId
* demandSourceHeaderId
* transferPlanningTpType
* shipmentNumber
* inventoryItem
* itemSegment7
* transferCostGroupId
* transferPrice
* sourceTaskId
* itemSegment17
* rebuildJobName
* trxSourceDeliveryId
* dspSegment26
* xferLocSegment7
* locSegment18
* demandSourceDelivery
* dspSegment15
* dspSegment13
* dspSegment21
* dstSegment14
* locSegment10
* dspSegment10
* attribute14
* xferLocSegment10
* secondaryUomCode
* creationDate
* alternateBomDesignator
* transferOwningTpType
* dstSegment6
* xferLocSegment11
* itemSegment8
* dstSegment29
* dstSegment27
* itemSegment18
* dspSegment23
* organizationId
* buildSequence
* locatorName
* dspSegment3
* dspSegment9
* encumbranceAmount
* xferLocSegment9
* dstSegment1
* transactionQuantity
* itemSegment9
* locSegment9
* taskId
* lpnId
* scheduleUpdateCode
* owningTpType
* locSegment4
* locSegment7
* setupTeardownCode
* relieveReservationsFlag
* itemSegment5
* itemSegment6
* locSegment11
* transactionTypeId
* dspSegment6
* qaCollectionId
* transactionBatchId
* inventoryItemId
* attribute12
* transactionSourceId
* xferLocSegment20
* dspSegment20
* dspSegment22
* xferLocSegment18
* attribute13
* sourceCode
* locSegment12
* dstSegment25
* representativeLotNumber
* overcompletionPrimaryQty
* locSegment15
* xferLocSegment5
* dspSegment27
* requisitionLineId
* mrpCode
* substitutionItemId
* attribute11
* transferSubinventory
* dstSegment13
* costGroupId
* overcompletionTransactionQty
* lastUpdateLogin
* xferLocSegment17
* itemSegment4
* transportationAccount
* outsideProcessingAccount
* attribute1
* bomRevisionDate
* attribute6
* dstSegment12
* dstSegment23
* scheduledPaybackDate
* vendorLotNumber
* locSegment1
* departmentId
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute15
* reservationQuantity
* dspSegment14
* accountingClass
* locSegment6
* dspSegment19
* transferLpnId
* dstSegment3
* alternateRoutingDesignator
* sourceLotNumber
* dstSegment28
* rcvTransactionId
* trxSourceLineId
* programId
* transferPercentage
* transactionCost
* itemSegment12
* organizationType
* xfrOwningOrganizationId
* itemSegment19
* materialOverheadAccount
* transferOrganization
* xferLocSegment6
* xferLocSegment13
* transferCost
* secondaryTransactionQuantity
* finalCompletionFlag
* rebuildSerialNumber
* dstSegment16
* requisitionDistributionId
* transactionReference
* dstSegment17
* shippedQuantity
* owningOrganizationId
* dspSegment4
* encumbranceAccount
* xferLocSegment14
* transactionInterfaceId
* transactionBatchSeq
* parentId
* errorExplanation
* itemSegment13
* transactionGroupId
* xfrPlanningOrganizationId
* itemSegment1
* dstSegment5
* dstSegment22
* wipSupplyType
* dstSegment15
* toTaskId
* xferLocSegment3
* itemSegment11
* mccCode
* dspSegment12
* dspSegment7
* transportationCost
* scheduledFlag
* dstSegment2
* dstSegment26
* locSegment16
* newAverageCost
* dspSegment30
* transferOrganizationType
* attribute8
* routingRevisionDate
* xferLocSegment8
* lastUpdatedBy
* negativeReqFlag
* projectId
* overcompletionTransactionId
* primarySwitch
* dspSegment18
* transactionActionId
* processFlag
* revision
* materialAccount
* kanbanCardId
* receivingDocument
* transactionUom
* flowSchedule
* dstSegment10
* attribute5
* sourceHeaderId


 * sourceCode
* inventoryItem
* transactionQuantity
* transactionUom
* transactionDate
* subinventoryCode
* locator
* accountCodeCombination
* locSegment1
* locSegment2
* locSegment3
* locSegment4
* locSegment5
* locSegment6
* locSegment19
* locSegment20
* sourceHeaderId
* sourceLineId
* processFlag
* lockFlag
* organizationId
* inventoryItemId
* transactionTypeId
* transactionActionId
* transactionSourceTypeId
* distributionAccountId
* transactionInterfaceId
* transactionSourceId
* wipEntityType
* operationSeqNum
* transactionMode
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* creationDate
* createdBy
* dstSegment25
* scheduleUpdateCode
* xferLocSegment7
* itemSegment19
* rebuildSerialNumber
* transactionSourceName
* dstSegment23
* itemSegment10
* demandSourceLine
* xferLocSegment8
* dstSegment18
* transferPlanningTpType
* xferLocSegment10
* xferLocSegment11
* costTypeId
* xfrPlanningOrganizationId
* xmlDocumentId
* materialOverheadAccount
* buildSequence
* dspSegment8
* dstSegment22
* attribute10
* dspSegment21
* dstSegment7
* transferSubinventory
* attribute11
* locatorName
* locSegment14
* pickingLineId
* locSegment13
* attribute15
* xferLocSegment12
* dspSegment30
* outsideProcessingAccount
* flowSchedule
* xferLocSegment4
* transactionHeaderId
* dspSegment3
* xferLocSegment20
* itemSegment20
* transferLocator
* dstSegment20
* dspSegment26
* dspSegment2
* mrpCode
* itemSegment12
* shippedQuantity
* finalCompletionFlag
* materialAccount
* dspSegment6
* demandClass
* transferLpnId
* transferOrganization
* expectedArrivalDate
* dstSegment28
* transferOwningTpType
* dspSegment7
* dspSegment25
* transactionGroupId
* dspSegment1
* dstSegment10
* primaryQuantity
* toProjectId
* locSegment16
* employeeCode
* lastUpdateLogin
* dspSegment18
* transferCostGroupId
* dspSegment15
* receivingDocument
* overcompletionPrimaryQty
* demandSourceDelivery
* dstSegment5
* dstSegment13
* departmentId
* expenditureType
* containers
* dspSegment4
* substitutionTypeId
* organizationType
* currencyConversionDate
* dstSegment11
* scheduleGroup
* requiredFlag
* reservationQuantity
* waybillAirbill
* transactionCost
* xferLocSegment2
* shipToLocationId
* lpnId
* currencyCode
* lineItemNum
* taskId
* dstSegment15
* vendorLotNumber
* itemSegment1
* trxSourceLineId
* accountingClass
* dspSegment16
* attribute9
* xferLocSegment15
* planningTpType
* attributeCategory
* dstSegment17
* owningOrganizationId
* dstSegment16
* toTaskId
* locSegment10
* locSegment11
* attribute14
* parentId
* dstSegment6
* xferLocSegment3
* transactionGroupSeq
* dstSegment3
* freightCode
* dspSegment19
* overcompletionTransactionQty
* xferLocSegment9
* currencyConversionRate
* xferLocSegment14
* itemSegment16
* paExpenditureOrgId
* ussglTransactionCode
* transferPrice
* dspSegment17
* dspSegment24
* repetitiveLineId
* rcvTransactionId
* locSegment9
* completionTransactionId
* itemSegment11
* dstSegment24
* owningTpType
* locatorId
* transactionReference
* mccCode
* dstSegment19
* rebuildJobName
* dspSegment13
* alternateBomDesignator
* alternateRoutingDesignator
* xferLocSegment5
* wipSupplyType
* transferPercentage
* reasonId
* transactionBatchSeq
* percentageChange
* demandSourceHeaderId
* attribute4
* dstSegment14
* rebuildActivityId
* dstSegment12
* contentLpnId
* locSegment8
* itemSegment8
* programUpdateDate
* xferLocSegment1
* negativeReqFlag
* scheduledPaybackDate
* itemSegment13
* relieveReservationsFlag
* locSegment15
* dstSegment1
* dstSegment21
* dspSegment29
* representativeLotNumber
* secondaryTransactionQuantity
* links
* dstSegment30
* resourceAccount
* bomRevisionDate
* dspSegment23
* attribute3
* scheduleNumber
* xferLocSegment18
* transportationAccount
* dspSegment5
* encumbranceAccount
* overcompletionTransactionId
* shippableFlag
* scheduledFlag
* dstSegment2
* attribute1
* overheadAccount
* projectId
* planningOrganizationId
* attribute5
* endItemUnitNumber
* transferCost
* dspSegment20
* dstSegment4
* dspSegment14
* itemSegment9
* attribute2
* trxSourceDeliveryId
* locSegment12
* currencyConversionType
* dspSegment22
* qaCollectionId
* bomRevision
* xferLocSegment13
* sourceLotNumber
* dspSegment10
* dspSegment27
* encumbranceAmount
* itemSegment15
* xfrOwningOrganizationId
* itemSegment5
* revision
* transactionBatchId
* dstSegment26
* dstSegment27
* attribute7
* transactionSequenceId
* locSegment17
* transferOrganizationType
* itemSegment14
* costGroupId
* itemSegment7
* xferLocSegment6
* sourceTaskId
* substitutionItemId
* orgCostGroupId
* newAverageCost
* acctPeriodId
* dspSegment12
* dstSegment29
* scheduleId
* itemSegment2
* validationRequired
* relieveHighLevelRsvFlag
* secondaryUomCode
* routingRevision
* transportationCost
* dspSegment9
* attribute8
* requestId
* errorCode
* xferLocSegment16
* itemSegment18
* customerShipId
* locSegment18
* primarySwitch
* itemSegment6
* dstSegment9
* xferLocSegment19
* requisitionDistributionId
* itemSegment4
* dspSegment28
* programId
* itemSegment17
* valueChange
* attribute6
* itemSegment3
* requisitionLineId
* dspSegment11
* shipmentNumber
* moveTransactionId
* attribute13
* errorExplanation
* setupTeardownCode
* rebuildItemId
* attribute12
* dstSegment8
* materialExpenseAccount
* programApplicationId
* xferLocSegment17
* locSegment7
* sourceProjectId
* routingRevisionDate


 * sourceCode
* inventoryItem
* transactionQuantity
* transactionUom
* transactionDate
* subinventoryCode
* locator
* accountCodeCombination
* locSegment1
* locSegment2
* locSegment3
* locSegment4
* locSegment5
* locSegment6
* locSegment19
* locSegment20
* sourceHeaderId
* sourceLineId
* processFlag
* lockFlag
* organizationId
* inventoryItemId
* transactionTypeId
* transactionActionId
* transactionSourceTypeId
* distributionAccountId
* transactionInterfaceId
* transactionSourceId
* wipEntityType
* operationSeqNum
* transactionMode
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* creationDate
* createdBy
* dstSegment25
* scheduleUpdateCode
* xferLocSegment7
* itemSegment19
* rebuildSerialNumber
* transactionSourceName
* dstSegment23
* itemSegment10
* demandSourceLine
* xferLocSegment8
* dstSegment18
* transferPlanningTpType
* xferLocSegment10
* xferLocSegment11
* costTypeId
* xfrPlanningOrganizationId
* xmlDocumentId
* materialOverheadAccount
* buildSequence
* dspSegment8
* dstSegment22
* attribute10
* dspSegment21
* dstSegment7
* transferSubinventory
* attribute11
* locatorName
* locSegment14
* pickingLineId
* locSegment13
* attribute15
* xferLocSegment12
* dspSegment30
* outsideProcessingAccount
* flowSchedule
* xferLocSegment4
* transactionHeaderId
* dspSegment3
* xferLocSegment20
* itemSegment20
* transferLocator
* dstSegment20
* dspSegment26
* dspSegment2
* mrpCode
* itemSegment12
* shippedQuantity
* finalCompletionFlag
* materialAccount
* dspSegment6
* demandClass
* transferLpnId
* transferOrganization
* expectedArrivalDate
* dstSegment28
* transferOwningTpType
* dspSegment7
* dspSegment25
* transactionGroupId
* dspSegment1
* dstSegment10
* primaryQuantity
* toProjectId
* locSegment16
* employeeCode
* lastUpdateLogin
* dspSegment18
* transferCostGroupId
* dspSegment15
* receivingDocument
* overcompletionPrimaryQty
* demandSourceDelivery
* dstSegment5
* dstSegment13
* departmentId
* expenditureType
* containers
* dspSegment4
* substitutionTypeId
* organizationType
* currencyConversionDate
* dstSegment11
* scheduleGroup
* requiredFlag
* reservationQuantity
* waybillAirbill
* transactionCost
* xferLocSegment2
* shipToLocationId
* lpnId
* currencyCode
* lineItemNum
* taskId
* dstSegment15
* vendorLotNumber
* itemSegment1
* trxSourceLineId
* accountingClass
* dspSegment16
* attribute9
* xferLocSegment15
* planningTpType
* attributeCategory
* dstSegment17
* owningOrganizationId
* dstSegment16
* toTaskId
* locSegment10
* locSegment11
* attribute14
* parentId
* dstSegment6
* xferLocSegment3
* transactionGroupSeq
* dstSegment3
* freightCode
* dspSegment19
* overcompletionTransactionQty
* xferLocSegment9
* currencyConversionRate
* xferLocSegment14
* itemSegment16
* paExpenditureOrgId
* ussglTransactionCode
* transferPrice
* dspSegment17
* dspSegment24
* repetitiveLineId
* rcvTransactionId
* locSegment9
* completionTransactionId
* itemSegment11
* dstSegment24
* owningTpType
* locatorId
* transactionReference
* mccCode
* dstSegment19
* rebuildJobName
* dspSegment13
* alternateBomDesignator
* alternateRoutingDesignator
* xferLocSegment5
* wipSupplyType
* transferPercentage
* reasonId
* transactionBatchSeq
* percentageChange
* demandSourceHeaderId
* attribute4
* dstSegment14
* rebuildActivityId
* dstSegment12
* contentLpnId
* locSegment8
* itemSegment8
* programUpdateDate
* xferLocSegment1
* negativeReqFlag
* scheduledPaybackDate
* itemSegment13
* relieveReservationsFlag
* locSegment15
* dstSegment1
* dstSegment21
* dspSegment29
* representativeLotNumber
* secondaryTransactionQuantity
* links
* dstSegment30
* resourceAccount
* bomRevisionDate
* dspSegment23
* attribute3
* scheduleNumber
* xferLocSegment18
* transportationAccount
* dspSegment5
* encumbranceAccount
* overcompletionTransactionId
* shippableFlag
* scheduledFlag
* dstSegment2
* attribute1
* overheadAccount
* projectId
* planningOrganizationId
* attribute5
* endItemUnitNumber
* transferCost
* dspSegment20
* dstSegment4
* dspSegment14
* itemSegment9
* attribute2
* trxSourceDeliveryId
* locSegment12
* currencyConversionType
* dspSegment22
* qaCollectionId
* bomRevision
* xferLocSegment13
* sourceLotNumber
* dspSegment10
* dspSegment27
* encumbranceAmount
* itemSegment15
* xfrOwningOrganizationId
* itemSegment5
* revision
* transactionBatchId
* dstSegment26
* dstSegment27
* attribute7
* transactionSequenceId
* locSegment17
* transferOrganizationType
* itemSegment14
* costGroupId
* itemSegment7
* xferLocSegment6
* sourceTaskId
* substitutionItemId
* orgCostGroupId
* newAverageCost
* acctPeriodId
* dspSegment12
* dstSegment29
* scheduleId
* itemSegment2
* validationRequired
* relieveHighLevelRsvFlag
* secondaryUomCode
* routingRevision
* transportationCost
* dspSegment9
* attribute8
* requestId
* errorCode
* xferLocSegment16
* itemSegment18
* customerShipId
* locSegment18
* primarySwitch
* itemSegment6
* dstSegment9
* xferLocSegment19
* requisitionDistributionId
* itemSegment4
* dspSegment28
* programId
* itemSegment17
* valueChange
* attribute6
* itemSegment3
* requisitionLineId
* dspSegment11
* shipmentNumber
* moveTransactionId
* attribute13
* errorExplanation
* setupTeardownCode
* rebuildItemId
* attribute12
* dstSegment8
* materialExpenseAccount
* programApplicationId
* xferLocSegment17
* locSegment7
* sourceProjectId
* routingRevisionDate


 * sourceCode
* inventoryItem
* transactionQuantity
* transactionUom
* transactionDate
* subinventoryCode
* locator
* accountCodeCombination
* locSegment1
* locSegment2
* locSegment3
* locSegment4
* locSegment5
* locSegment6
* locSegment19
* locSegment20
* sourceHeaderId
* sourceLineId
* processFlag
* lockFlag
* organizationId
* inventoryItemId
* transactionTypeId
* transactionActionId
* transactionSourceTypeId
* distributionAccountId
* transactionInterfaceId
* transactionSourceId
* wipEntityType
* operationSeqNum
* transactionMode
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* creationDate
* createdBy
* dstSegment25
* scheduleUpdateCode
* xferLocSegment7
* itemSegment19
* rebuildSerialNumber
* transactionSourceName
* dstSegment23
* itemSegment10
* demandSourceLine
* xferLocSegment8
* dstSegment18
* transferPlanningTpType
* xferLocSegment10
* xferLocSegment11
* costTypeId
* xfrPlanningOrganizationId
* xmlDocumentId
* materialOverheadAccount
* buildSequence
* dspSegment8
* dstSegment22
* attribute10
* dspSegment21
* dstSegment7
* transferSubinventory
* attribute11
* locatorName
* locSegment14
* pickingLineId
* locSegment13
* attribute15
* xferLocSegment12
* dspSegment30
* outsideProcessingAccount
* flowSchedule
* xferLocSegment4
* transactionHeaderId
* dspSegment3
* xferLocSegment20
* itemSegment20
* transferLocator
* dstSegment20
* dspSegment26
* dspSegment2
* mrpCode
* itemSegment12
* shippedQuantity
* finalCompletionFlag
* materialAccount
* dspSegment6
* demandClass
* transferLpnId
* transferOrganization
* expectedArrivalDate
* dstSegment28
* transferOwningTpType
* dspSegment7
* dspSegment25
* transactionGroupId
* dspSegment1
* dstSegment10
* primaryQuantity
* toProjectId
* locSegment16
* employeeCode
* lastUpdateLogin
* dspSegment18
* transferCostGroupId
* dspSegment15
* receivingDocument
* overcompletionPrimaryQty
* demandSourceDelivery
* dstSegment5
* dstSegment13
* departmentId
* expenditureType
* containers
* dspSegment4
* substitutionTypeId
* organizationType
* currencyConversionDate
* dstSegment11
* scheduleGroup
* requiredFlag
* reservationQuantity
* waybillAirbill
* transactionCost
* xferLocSegment2
* shipToLocationId
* lpnId
* currencyCode
* lineItemNum
* taskId
* dstSegment15
* vendorLotNumber
* itemSegment1
* trxSourceLineId
* accountingClass
* dspSegment16
* attribute9
* xferLocSegment15
* planningTpType
* attributeCategory
* dstSegment17
* owningOrganizationId
* dstSegment16
* toTaskId
* locSegment10
* locSegment11
* attribute14
* parentId
* dstSegment6
* xferLocSegment3
* transactionGroupSeq
* dstSegment3
* freightCode
* dspSegment19
* overcompletionTransactionQty
* xferLocSegment9
* currencyConversionRate
* xferLocSegment14
* itemSegment16
* paExpenditureOrgId
* ussglTransactionCode
* transferPrice
* dspSegment17
* dspSegment24
* repetitiveLineId
* rcvTransactionId
* locSegment9
* completionTransactionId
* itemSegment11
* dstSegment24
* owningTpType
* locatorId
* transactionReference
* mccCode
* dstSegment19
* rebuildJobName
* dspSegment13
* alternateBomDesignator
* alternateRoutingDesignator
* xferLocSegment5
* wipSupplyType
* transferPercentage
* reasonId
* transactionBatchSeq
* percentageChange
* demandSourceHeaderId
* attribute4
* dstSegment14
* rebuildActivityId
* dstSegment12
* contentLpnId
* locSegment8
* itemSegment8
* programUpdateDate
* xferLocSegment1
* negativeReqFlag
* scheduledPaybackDate
* itemSegment13
* relieveReservationsFlag
* locSegment15
* dstSegment1
* dstSegment21
* dspSegment29
* representativeLotNumber
* secondaryTransactionQuantity
* links
* dstSegment30
* resourceAccount
* bomRevisionDate
* dspSegment23
* attribute3
* scheduleNumber
* xferLocSegment18
* transportationAccount
* dspSegment5
* encumbranceAccount
* overcompletionTransactionId
* shippableFlag
* scheduledFlag
* dstSegment2
* attribute1
* overheadAccount
* projectId
* planningOrganizationId
* attribute5
* endItemUnitNumber
* transferCost
* dspSegment20
* dstSegment4
* dspSegment14
* itemSegment9
* attribute2
* trxSourceDeliveryId
* locSegment12
* currencyConversionType
* dspSegment22
* qaCollectionId
* bomRevision
* xferLocSegment13
* sourceLotNumber
* dspSegment10
* dspSegment27
* encumbranceAmount
* itemSegment15
* xfrOwningOrganizationId
* itemSegment5
* revision
* transactionBatchId
* dstSegment26
* dstSegment27
* attribute7
* transactionSequenceId
* locSegment17
* transferOrganizationType
* itemSegment14
* costGroupId
* itemSegment7
* xferLocSegment6
* sourceTaskId
* substitutionItemId
* orgCostGroupId
* newAverageCost
* acctPeriodId
* dspSegment12
* dstSegment29
* scheduleId
* itemSegment2
* validationRequired
* relieveHighLevelRsvFlag
* secondaryUomCode
* routingRevision
* transportationCost
* dspSegment9
* attribute8
* requestId
* errorCode
* xferLocSegment16
* itemSegment18
* customerShipId
* locSegment18
* primarySwitch
* itemSegment6
* dstSegment9
* xferLocSegment19
* requisitionDistributionId
* itemSegment4
* dspSegment28
* programId
* itemSegment17
* valueChange
* attribute6
* itemSegment3
* requisitionLineId
* dspSegment11
* shipmentNumber
* moveTransactionId
* attribute13
* errorExplanation
* setupTeardownCode
* rebuildItemId
* attribute12
* dstSegment8
* materialExpenseAccount
* programApplicationId
* xferLocSegment17
* locSegment7
* sourceProjectId
* routingRevisionDate


 * sourceCode
* inventoryItem
* transactionQuantity
* transactionUom
* transactionDate
* subinventoryCode
* locator
* accountCodeCombination
* locSegment1
* locSegment2
* locSegment3
* locSegment4
* locSegment5
* locSegment6
* locSegment19
* locSegment20
* sourceHeaderId
* sourceLineId
* processFlag
* lockFlag
* organizationId
* inventoryItemId
* transactionTypeId
* transactionActionId
* transactionSourceTypeId
* distributionAccountId
* transactionInterfaceId
* transactionSourceId
* wipEntityType
* operationSeqNum
* locatorId
* transactionMode
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* creationDate
* createdBy
* dstSegment25
* xferLocSegment7
* itemSegment19
* rebuildSerialNumber
* transactionSourceName
* dstSegment23
* itemSegment10
* demandSourceLine
* xferLocSegment8
* dstSegment18
* transferPlanningTpType
* xferLocSegment10
* xferLocSegment11
* costTypeId
* xfrPlanningOrganizationId
* xmlDocumentId
* materialOverheadAccount
* buildSequence
* dspSegment8
* dstSegment22
* attribute10
* dspSegment21
* dstSegment7
* transferSubinventory
* attribute11
* locatorName
* locSegment14
* pickingLineId
* locSegment13
* attribute15
* xferLocSegment12
* dspSegment30
* outsideProcessingAccount
* flowSchedule
* xferLocSegment4
* transactionHeaderId
* dspSegment3
* xferLocSegment20
* itemSegment20
* transferLocator
* dstSegment20
* dspSegment26
* dspSegment2
* mrpCode
* itemSegment12
* shippedQuantity
* finalCompletionFlag
* materialAccount
* dspSegment6
* demandClass
* transferLpnId
* transferOrganization
* expectedArrivalDate
* dstSegment28
* transferOwningTpType
* dspSegment7
* dspSegment25
* transactionGroupId
* dspSegment1
* dstSegment10
* primaryQuantity
* toProjectId
* locSegment16
* employeeCode
* lastUpdateLogin
* dspSegment18
* transferCostGroupId
* dspSegment15
* receivingDocument
* overcompletionPrimaryQty
* demandSourceDelivery
* dstSegment5
* dstSegment13
* departmentId
* expenditureType
* containers
* dspSegment4
* substitutionTypeId
* organizationType
* currencyConversionDate
* dstSegment11
* scheduleGroup
* requiredFlag
* reservationQuantity
* waybillAirbill
* transactionCost
* xferLocSegment2
* shipToLocationId
* lpnId
* currencyCode
* lineItemNum
* taskId
* dstSegment15
* vendorLotNumber
* itemSegment1
* trxSourceLineId
* accountingClass
* dspSegment16
* attribute9
* xferLocSegment15
* planningTpType
* attributeCategory
* dstSegment17
* owningOrganizationId
* dstSegment16
* toTaskId
* locSegment10
* locSegment11
* attribute14
* parentId
* dstSegment6
* xferLocSegment3
* transactionGroupSeq
* dstSegment3
* freightCode
* dspSegment19
* overcompletionTransactionQty
* xferLocSegment9
* currencyConversionRate
* xferLocSegment14
* itemSegment16
* paExpenditureOrgId
* ussglTransactionCode
* transferPrice
* dspSegment17
* dspSegment24
* repetitiveLineId
* rcvTransactionId
* locSegment9
* completionTransactionId
* itemSegment11
* dstSegment24
* owningTpType
* scheduleUpdateCode
* transactionReference
* mccCode
* dstSegment19
* rebuildJobName
* dspSegment13
* alternateBomDesignator
* alternateRoutingDesignator
* xferLocSegment5
* wipSupplyType
* transferPercentage
* reasonId
* transactionBatchSeq
* percentageChange
* demandSourceHeaderId
* attribute4
* dstSegment14
* rebuildActivityId
* dstSegment12
* contentLpnId
* locSegment8
* itemSegment8
* programUpdateDate
* xferLocSegment1
* negativeReqFlag
* scheduledPaybackDate
* itemSegment13
* relieveReservationsFlag
* locSegment15
* dstSegment1
* dstSegment21
* dspSegment29
* representativeLotNumber
* secondaryTransactionQuantity
* links
* dstSegment30
* resourceAccount
* bomRevisionDate
* dspSegment23
* attribute3
* scheduleNumber
* xferLocSegment18
* transportationAccount
* dspSegment5
* encumbranceAccount
* overcompletionTransactionId
* shippableFlag
* scheduledFlag
* dstSegment2
* attribute1
* overheadAccount
* projectId
* planningOrganizationId
* attribute5
* endItemUnitNumber
* transferCost
* dspSegment20
* dstSegment4
* dspSegment14
* itemSegment9
* attribute2
* trxSourceDeliveryId
* locSegment12
* currencyConversionType
* dspSegment22
* qaCollectionId
* bomRevision
* xferLocSegment13
* sourceLotNumber
* dspSegment10
* dspSegment27
* encumbranceAmount
* itemSegment15
* xfrOwningOrganizationId
* itemSegment5
* revision
* transactionBatchId
* dstSegment26
* dstSegment27
* attribute7
* transactionSequenceId
* locSegment17
* transferOrganizationType
* itemSegment14
* costGroupId
* itemSegment7
* xferLocSegment6
* sourceTaskId
* substitutionItemId
* orgCostGroupId
* newAverageCost
* acctPeriodId
* dspSegment12
* dstSegment29
* scheduleId
* itemSegment2
* validationRequired
* relieveHighLevelRsvFlag
* secondaryUomCode
* routingRevision
* transportationCost
* dspSegment9
* attribute8
* requestId
* errorCode
* xferLocSegment16
* itemSegment18
* customerShipId
* locSegment18
* primarySwitch
* itemSegment6
* dstSegment9
* xferLocSegment19
* requisitionDistributionId
* itemSegment4
* dspSegment28
* programId
* itemSegment17
* valueChange
* attribute6
* itemSegment3
* requisitionLineId
* dspSegment11
* shipmentNumber
* moveTransactionId
* attribute13
* errorExplanation
* setupTeardownCode
* rebuildItemId
* attribute12
* dstSegment8
* materialExpenseAccount
* programApplicationId
* xferLocSegment17
* locSegment7
* sourceProjectId
* routingRevisionDate


 * sourceCode
* inventoryItem
* transactionQuantity
* transactionUom
* transactionDate
* subinventoryCode
* locator
* accountCodeCombination
* locSegment1
* locSegment2
* locSegment3
* locSegment4
* locSegment5
* locSegment6
* locSegment19
* locSegment20
* sourceHeaderId
* sourceLineId
* processFlag
* lockFlag
* organizationId
* inventoryItemId
* transactionTypeId
* transactionActionId
* transactionSourceTypeId
* distributionAccountId
* transactionInterfaceId
* transactionSourceId
* wipEntityType
* operationSeqNum
* locatorId
* transactionMode
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* creationDate
* createdBy
* dstSegment25
* xferLocSegment7
* itemSegment19
* rebuildSerialNumber
* transactionSourceName
* dstSegment23
* itemSegment10
* demandSourceLine
* xferLocSegment8
* dstSegment18
* transferPlanningTpType
* xferLocSegment10
* xferLocSegment11
* costTypeId
* xfrPlanningOrganizationId
* xmlDocumentId
* materialOverheadAccount
* buildSequence
* dspSegment8
* dstSegment22
* attribute10
* dspSegment21
* dstSegment7
* transferSubinventory
* attribute11
* locatorName
* locSegment14
* pickingLineId
* locSegment13
* attribute15
* xferLocSegment12
* dspSegment30
* outsideProcessingAccount
* flowSchedule
* xferLocSegment4
* transactionHeaderId
* dspSegment3
* xferLocSegment20
* itemSegment20
* transferLocator
* dstSegment20
* dspSegment26
* dspSegment2
* mrpCode
* itemSegment12
* shippedQuantity
* finalCompletionFlag
* materialAccount
* dspSegment6
* demandClass
* transferLpnId
* transferOrganization
* expectedArrivalDate
* dstSegment28
* transferOwningTpType
* dspSegment7
* dspSegment25
* transactionGroupId
* dspSegment1
* dstSegment10
* primaryQuantity
* toProjectId
* locSegment16
* employeeCode
* lastUpdateLogin
* dspSegment18
* transferCostGroupId
* dspSegment15
* receivingDocument
* overcompletionPrimaryQty
* demandSourceDelivery
* dstSegment5
* dstSegment13
* departmentId
* expenditureType
* containers
* dspSegment4
* substitutionTypeId
* organizationType
* currencyConversionDate
* dstSegment11
* scheduleGroup
* requiredFlag
* reservationQuantity
* waybillAirbill
* transactionCost
* xferLocSegment2
* shipToLocationId
* lpnId
* currencyCode
* lineItemNum
* taskId
* dstSegment15
* vendorLotNumber
* itemSegment1
* trxSourceLineId
* accountingClass
* dspSegment16
* attribute9
* xferLocSegment15
* planningTpType
* attributeCategory
* dstSegment17
* owningOrganizationId
* dstSegment16
* toTaskId
* locSegment10
* locSegment11
* attribute14
* parentId
* dstSegment6
* xferLocSegment3
* transactionGroupSeq
* dstSegment3
* freightCode
* dspSegment19
* overcompletionTransactionQty
* xferLocSegment9
* currencyConversionRate
* xferLocSegment14
* itemSegment16
* paExpenditureOrgId
* ussglTransactionCode
* transferPrice
* dspSegment17
* dspSegment24
* repetitiveLineId
* rcvTransactionId
* locSegment9
* completionTransactionId
* itemSegment11
* dstSegment24
* owningTpType
* scheduleUpdateCode
* transactionReference
* mccCode
* dstSegment19
* rebuildJobName
* dspSegment13
* alternateBomDesignator
* alternateRoutingDesignator
* xferLocSegment5
* wipSupplyType
* transferPercentage
* reasonId
* transactionBatchSeq
* percentageChange
* demandSourceHeaderId
* attribute4
* dstSegment14
* rebuildActivityId
* dstSegment12
* contentLpnId
* locSegment8
* itemSegment8
* programUpdateDate
* xferLocSegment1
* negativeReqFlag
* scheduledPaybackDate
* itemSegment13
* relieveReservationsFlag
* locSegment15
* dstSegment1
* dstSegment21
* dspSegment29
* representativeLotNumber
* secondaryTransactionQuantity
* links
* dstSegment30
* resourceAccount
* bomRevisionDate
* dspSegment23
* attribute3
* scheduleNumber
* xferLocSegment18
* transportationAccount
* dspSegment5
* encumbranceAccount
* overcompletionTransactionId
* shippableFlag
* scheduledFlag
* dstSegment2
* attribute1
* overheadAccount
* projectId
* planningOrganizationId
* attribute5
* endItemUnitNumber
* transferCost
* dspSegment20
* dstSegment4
* dspSegment14
* itemSegment9
* attribute2
* trxSourceDeliveryId
* locSegment12
* currencyConversionType
* dspSegment22
* qaCollectionId
* bomRevision
* xferLocSegment13
* sourceLotNumber
* dspSegment10
* dspSegment27
* encumbranceAmount
* itemSegment15
* xfrOwningOrganizationId
* itemSegment5
* revision
* transactionBatchId
* dstSegment26
* dstSegment27
* attribute7
* transactionSequenceId
* locSegment17
* transferOrganizationType
* itemSegment14
* costGroupId
* itemSegment7
* xferLocSegment6
* sourceTaskId
* substitutionItemId
* orgCostGroupId
* newAverageCost
* acctPeriodId
* dspSegment12
* dstSegment29
* scheduleId
* itemSegment2
* validationRequired
* relieveHighLevelRsvFlag
* secondaryUomCode
* routingRevision
* transportationCost
* dspSegment9
* attribute8
* requestId
* errorCode
* xferLocSegment16
* itemSegment18
* customerShipId
* locSegment18
* primarySwitch
* itemSegment6
* dstSegment9
* xferLocSegment19
* requisitionDistributionId
* itemSegment4
* dspSegment28
* programId
* itemSegment17
* valueChange
* attribute6
* itemSegment3
* requisitionLineId
* dspSegment11
* shipmentNumber
* moveTransactionId
* attribute13
* errorExplanation
* setupTeardownCode
* rebuildItemId
* attribute12
* dstSegment8
* materialExpenseAccount
* programApplicationId
* xferLocSegment17
* locSegment7
* sourceProjectId
* routingRevisionDate


 * sourceCode
* inventoryItem
* transactionQuantity
* transactionUom
* transactionDate
* subinventoryCode
* locator
* transferSubinventory
* transferLocator
* locSegment1
* locSegment2
* locSegment3
* locSegment4
* locSegment5
* locSegment6
* locSegment19
* locSegment20
* sourceHeaderId
* sourceLineId
* processFlag
* lockFlag
* organizationId
* inventoryItemId
* transactionTypeId
* transactionActionId
* transactionSourceTypeId
* distributionAccountId
* transactionInterfaceId
* transactionSourceId
* wipEntityType
* operationSeqNum
* transactionMode
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* creationDate
* createdBy
* accountCodeCombination
* dspSegment18
* itemSegment19
* rebuildSerialNumber
* transactionSourceName
* dstSegment23
* itemSegment10
* demandSourceLine
* xferLocSegment8
* dstSegment18
* transferPlanningTpType
* xferLocSegment10
* xferLocSegment11
* costTypeId
* xfrPlanningOrganizationId
* xmlDocumentId
* materialOverheadAccount
* buildSequence
* dspSegment8
* dstSegment22
* attribute10
* dspSegment21
* dstSegment7
* dstSegment25
* attribute11
* locatorName
* locSegment14
* pickingLineId
* locSegment13
* attribute15
* xferLocSegment12
* dspSegment30
* outsideProcessingAccount
* flowSchedule
* xferLocSegment4
* transactionHeaderId
* dspSegment3
* xferLocSegment20
* itemSegment20
* scheduleUpdateCode
* dstSegment20
* dspSegment26
* dspSegment2
* mrpCode
* itemSegment12
* shippedQuantity
* finalCompletionFlag
* materialAccount
* dspSegment6
* demandClass
* transferLpnId
* transferOrganization
* expectedArrivalDate
* dstSegment28
* transferOwningTpType
* dspSegment7
* dspSegment25
* transactionGroupId
* dspSegment1
* dstSegment10
* primaryQuantity
* toProjectId
* locSegment16
* employeeCode
* lastUpdateLogin
* xferLocSegment7
* transferCostGroupId
* dspSegment15
* receivingDocument
* overcompletionPrimaryQty
* demandSourceDelivery
* dstSegment5
* dstSegment13
* departmentId
* expenditureType
* containers
* dspSegment4
* substitutionTypeId
* organizationType
* currencyConversionDate
* dstSegment11
* scheduleGroup
* requiredFlag
* reservationQuantity
* waybillAirbill
* transactionCost
* xferLocSegment2
* shipToLocationId
* lpnId
* currencyCode
* lineItemNum
* taskId
* dstSegment15
* vendorLotNumber
* itemSegment1
* trxSourceLineId
* accountingClass
* dspSegment16
* attribute9
* xferLocSegment15
* planningTpType
* attributeCategory
* dstSegment17
* owningOrganizationId
* dstSegment16
* toTaskId
* locSegment10
* locSegment11
* attribute14
* parentId
* dstSegment6
* xferLocSegment3
* transactionGroupSeq
* dstSegment3
* freightCode
* dspSegment19
* overcompletionTransactionQty
* xferLocSegment9
* currencyConversionRate
* xferLocSegment14
* itemSegment16
* paExpenditureOrgId
* ussglTransactionCode
* transferPrice
* dspSegment17
* dspSegment24
* repetitiveLineId
* rcvTransactionId
* locSegment9
* completionTransactionId
* itemSegment11
* dstSegment24
* owningTpType
* locatorId
* transactionReference
* mccCode
* dstSegment19
* rebuildJobName
* dspSegment13
* alternateBomDesignator
* alternateRoutingDesignator
* xferLocSegment5
* wipSupplyType
* transferPercentage
* reasonId
* transactionBatchSeq
* percentageChange
* demandSourceHeaderId
* attribute4
* dstSegment14
* rebuildActivityId
* dstSegment12
* contentLpnId
* locSegment8
* itemSegment8
* programUpdateDate
* xferLocSegment1
* negativeReqFlag
* scheduledPaybackDate
* itemSegment13
* relieveReservationsFlag
* locSegment15
* dstSegment1
* dstSegment21
* dspSegment29
* representativeLotNumber
* secondaryTransactionQuantity
* routingRevisionDate
* dstSegment30
* resourceAccount
* bomRevisionDate
* dspSegment23
* attribute3
* scheduleNumber
* xferLocSegment18
* transportationAccount
* dspSegment5
* encumbranceAccount
* overcompletionTransactionId
* shippableFlag
* scheduledFlag
* dstSegment2
* attribute1
* overheadAccount
* projectId
* planningOrganizationId
* attribute5
* endItemUnitNumber
* transferCost
* dspSegment20
* dstSegment4
* dspSegment14
* itemSegment9
* attribute2
* trxSourceDeliveryId
* locSegment12
* currencyConversionType
* dspSegment22
* qaCollectionId
* bomRevision
* xferLocSegment13
* sourceLotNumber
* dspSegment10
* dspSegment27
* encumbranceAmount
* itemSegment15
* xfrOwningOrganizationId
* itemSegment5
* revision
* transactionBatchId
* dstSegment26
* dstSegment27
* attribute7
* transactionSequenceId
* locSegment17
* transferOrganizationType
* itemSegment14
* costGroupId
* itemSegment7
* xferLocSegment6
* sourceTaskId
* substitutionItemId
* orgCostGroupId
* newAverageCost
* acctPeriodId
* dspSegment12
* dstSegment29
* scheduleId
* itemSegment2
* validationRequired
* relieveHighLevelRsvFlag
* secondaryUomCode
* routingRevision
* transportationCost
* dspSegment9
* attribute8
* requestId
* errorCode
* xferLocSegment16
* itemSegment18
* customerShipId
* locSegment18
* primarySwitch
* itemSegment6
* dstSegment9
* xferLocSegment19
* requisitionDistributionId
* itemSegment4
* dspSegment28
* programId
* itemSegment17
* valueChange
* attribute6
* itemSegment3
* requisitionLineId
* dspSegment11
* shipmentNumber
* moveTransactionId
* attribute13
* errorExplanation
* setupTeardownCode
* rebuildItemId
* attribute12
* dstSegment8
* materialExpenseAccount
* programApplicationId
* xferLocSegment17
* locSegment7
* sourceProjectId
* links


 * sourceCode
* inventoryItem
* transactionQuantity
* transactionUom
* transactionDate
* subinventoryCode
* locator
* accountCodeCombination
* locSegment1
* locSegment2
* locSegment3
* locSegment4
* locSegment5
* locSegment6
* locSegment19
* locSegment20
* sourceHeaderId
* sourceLineId
* processFlag
* lockFlag
* organizationId
* inventoryItemId
* transactionTypeId
* transactionActionId
* transactionSourceTypeId
* distributionAccountId
* transactionInterfaceId
* transactionSourceId
* wipEntityType
* operationSeqNum
* transactionMode
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* creationDate
* createdBy
* employeeCode
* scheduleUpdateCode
* xferLocSegment7
* itemSegment19
* rebuildSerialNumber
* transactionSourceName
* dstSegment23
* itemSegment10
* demandSourceLine
* xferLocSegment8
* dstSegment18
* transferPlanningTpType
* xferLocSegment10
* xferLocSegment11
* costTypeId
* xfrPlanningOrganizationId
* dspSegment18
* materialOverheadAccount
* buildSequence
* dspSegment8
* dstSegment22
* attribute10
* dspSegment21
* dstSegment7
* transferSubinventory
* attribute11
* locatorName
* locSegment14
* pickingLineId
* locSegment13
* attribute15
* xferLocSegment12
* dspSegment30
* outsideProcessingAccount
* flowSchedule
* xferLocSegment4
* transactionHeaderId
* dspSegment3
* xmlDocumentId
* itemSegment20
* transferLocator
* dstSegment20
* dspSegment26
* dspSegment2
* mrpCode
* itemSegment12
* shippedQuantity
* finalCompletionFlag
* materialAccount
* dspSegment6
* demandClass
* xferLocSegment20
* transferOrganization
* expectedArrivalDate
* dstSegment28
* transferOwningTpType
* dspSegment7
* dspSegment25
* transactionGroupId
* dspSegment1
* dstSegment10
* transferLpnId
* toProjectId
* locSegment16
* primaryQuantity
* lastUpdateLogin
* dstSegment25
* transferCostGroupId
* dspSegment15
* receivingDocument
* overcompletionPrimaryQty
* demandSourceDelivery
* dstSegment5
* dstSegment13
* departmentId
* expenditureType
* containers
* dspSegment4
* substitutionTypeId
* organizationType
* currencyConversionDate
* dstSegment11
* scheduleGroup
* requiredFlag
* reservationQuantity
* waybillAirbill
* transactionCost
* xferLocSegment2
* shipToLocationId
* lpnId
* currencyCode
* lineItemNum
* taskId
* dstSegment15
* vendorLotNumber
* itemSegment1
* trxSourceLineId
* accountingClass
* dspSegment16
* attribute9
* xferLocSegment15
* planningTpType
* attributeCategory
* dstSegment17
* owningOrganizationId
* dstSegment16
* toTaskId
* locSegment10
* locSegment11
* attribute14
* parentId
* dstSegment6
* xferLocSegment3
* transactionGroupSeq
* dstSegment3
* freightCode
* dspSegment19
* overcompletionTransactionQty
* xferLocSegment9
* currencyConversionRate
* xferLocSegment14
* itemSegment16
* paExpenditureOrgId
* ussglTransactionCode
* transferPrice
* dspSegment17
* dspSegment24
* repetitiveLineId
* rcvTransactionId
* locSegment9
* completionTransactionId
* itemSegment11
* dstSegment24
* owningTpType
* locatorId
* transactionReference
* mccCode
* dstSegment19
* rebuildJobName
* dspSegment13
* alternateBomDesignator
* alternateRoutingDesignator
* xferLocSegment5
* wipSupplyType
* transferPercentage
* reasonId
* transactionBatchSeq
* percentageChange
* demandSourceHeaderId
* attribute4
* dstSegment14
* rebuildActivityId
* dstSegment12
* contentLpnId
* locSegment8
* itemSegment8
* programUpdateDate
* xferLocSegment1
* negativeReqFlag
* scheduledPaybackDate
* itemSegment13
* relieveReservationsFlag
* locSegment15
* dstSegment1
* dstSegment21
* dspSegment29
* representativeLotNumber
* secondaryTransactionQuantity
* routingRevisionDate
* dstSegment30
* resourceAccount
* bomRevisionDate
* dspSegment23
* attribute3
* scheduleNumber
* xferLocSegment18
* transportationAccount
* dspSegment5
* encumbranceAccount
* overcompletionTransactionId
* shippableFlag
* scheduledFlag
* dstSegment2
* attribute1
* overheadAccount
* projectId
* planningOrganizationId
* attribute5
* endItemUnitNumber
* transferCost
* dspSegment20
* dstSegment4
* dspSegment14
* itemSegment9
* attribute2
* trxSourceDeliveryId
* locSegment12
* currencyConversionType
* dspSegment22
* qaCollectionId
* bomRevision
* xferLocSegment13
* sourceLotNumber
* dspSegment10
* dspSegment27
* encumbranceAmount
* itemSegment15
* xfrOwningOrganizationId
* itemSegment5
* revision
* transactionBatchId
* dstSegment26
* dstSegment27
* attribute7
* transactionSequenceId
* locSegment17
* transferOrganizationType
* itemSegment14
* costGroupId
* itemSegment7
* xferLocSegment6
* sourceTaskId
* substitutionItemId
* orgCostGroupId
* newAverageCost
* acctPeriodId
* dspSegment12
* dstSegment29
* scheduleId
* itemSegment2
* validationRequired
* relieveHighLevelRsvFlag
* secondaryUomCode
* routingRevision
* transportationCost
* dspSegment9
* attribute8
* requestId
* errorCode
* xferLocSegment16
* itemSegment18
* customerShipId
* locSegment18
* primarySwitch
* itemSegment6
* dstSegment9
* xferLocSegment19
* requisitionDistributionId
* itemSegment4
* dspSegment28
* programId
* itemSegment17
* valueChange
* attribute6
* itemSegment3
* requisitionLineId
* dspSegment11
* shipmentNumber
* moveTransactionId
* attribute13
* errorExplanation
* setupTeardownCode
* rebuildItemId
* attribute12
* dstSegment8
* materialExpenseAccount
* programApplicationId
* xferLocSegment17
* locSegment7
* sourceProjectId
* links


 * locatorId
* lineId
* subinventoryCode
* organizationId
* subLocType
* lpnId
* lpn
* transferType
* name
* transferQuantity
* toReservationId
* fromReservationId
* headerId
* secondaryTransferQuantity
* typeId
* lineDetail
* revision
* lotNumber


 * locatorId
* lineId
* subinventoryCode
* organizationId
* subLocType
* lpnId
* lpn
* transferType
* name
* transferQuantity
* toReservationId
* fromReservationId
* headerId
* secondaryTransferQuantity
* typeId
* lineDetail
* revision
* lotNumber


 * organizationName
* valueChange
* lastUpdateDate
* organizationId
* errorExplanation
* createdBy
* levelName
* levelType
* programApplicationId
* organizationCode
* newAverageCost
* requestId
* errorCode
* programId
* costElementId
* lastUpdateLogin
* percentageChange
* lastUpdatedBy
* costElement
* creationDate
* programUpdateDate
* transactionInterfaceId
* transactionCost


 * organizationName
* valueChange
* lastUpdateDate
* organizationId
* errorExplanation
* createdBy
* levelName
* levelType
* programApplicationId
* organizationCode
* newAverageCost
* requestId
* errorCode
* programId
* costElementId
* lastUpdateLogin
* percentageChange
* lastUpdatedBy
* costElement
* creationDate
* programUpdateDate
* transactionInterfaceId
* transactionCost


 * attribute12
* shipToLocationId
* attribute1
* referenceDetailId
* fromSubinventoryCode
* organizationId
* attribute13
* requestNumber
* attribute6
* toSubinventoryCode
* toAccountId
* programId
* attribute15
* description
* freightCode
* requestId
* groupingRuleId
* attributeCategory
* autoReceiptFlag
* headerStatus
* attribute8
* attribute14
* statusDate
* attribute7
* attribute10
* referenceId
* dateRequired
* createdBy
* attribute9
* creationDate
* lastUpdateDate
* headerId
* transactionTypeId
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute11
* attribute5
* programApplicationId
* moveOrderType
* attribute3
* attribute4
* lastUpdatedBy
* assignmentId
* programUpdateDate
* attribute2
* shipmentMethod


 * attribute12
* shipToLocationId
* attribute1
* referenceDetailId
* fromSubinventoryCode
* organizationId
* attribute13
* requestNumber
* attribute6
* toSubinventoryCode
* toAccountId
* programId
* attribute15
* description
* freightCode
* requestId
* groupingRuleId
* attributeCategory
* autoReceiptFlag
* headerStatus
* attribute8
* attribute14
* statusDate
* attribute7
* attribute10
* referenceId
* dateRequired
* createdBy
* attribute9
* creationDate
* lastUpdateDate
* headerId
* transactionTypeId
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute11
* attribute5
* programApplicationId
* moveOrderType
* attribute3
* attribute4
* lastUpdatedBy
* assignmentId
* programUpdateDate
* attribute2
* shipmentMethod


 * attribute13
* wipSupplyType
* toAccountId
* pickSlipDate
* reference
* attribute1
* quantityDetailed
* lineId
* quantity
* requiredQuantity
* attributeCategory
* lastUpdatedBy
* modelQuantity
* attribute5
* txnSourceLineDetailId
* fromSubinventoryId
* shipSetId
* revision
* lastUpdateLogin
* containerItemId
* attribute15
* attribute4
* gradeCode
* headerId
* secondaryQuantityDetailed
* cartonGroupingId
* dateRequired
* putAwayStrategyId
* lpnId
* toLocatorId
* uomCode
* toSubinventoryCode
* statusDate
* toSubinventoryId
* secondaryRequiredQuantity
* primaryQuantity
* toLpnId
* transactionSourceTypeId
* secondaryQuantityDelivered
* lineNumber
* attribute10
* txnSourceLineId
* pickStrategyId
* toOrganizationId
* taskId
* toCostGroupId
* organizationId
* referenceDetailId
* attribute8
* programUpdateDate
* secondaryQuantity
* operationSeqNum
* requestId
* pickSlipNumber
* unitNumber
* inventoryItemId
* attribute7
* createdBy
* fromLocatorId
* lastUpdateDate
* backorderDeliveryDetailId
* creationDate
* attribute14
* assignmentId
* repetitiveScheduleId
* serialNumberStart
* shipToLocationId
* secondaryUomCode
* transactionHeaderId
* shipModelId
* attribute3
* serialNumberEnd
* attribute9
* attribute11
* wmsProcessFlag
* quantityDelivered
* referenceTypeCode
* crossdockType
* txnSourceId
* fromSubinventoryCode
* lotNumber
* referenceId
* projectId
* programId
* transactionTypeId
* inspectionStatus
* pickMethodologyId
* attribute2
* attribute12
* reasonId
* wipEntityId
* attribute6
* lineStatus
* fromCostGroupId
* programApplicationId


 * attribute13
* wipSupplyType
* toAccountId
* pickSlipDate
* reference
* attribute1
* quantityDetailed
* lineId
* quantity
* requiredQuantity
* attributeCategory
* lastUpdatedBy
* modelQuantity
* attribute5
* txnSourceLineDetailId
* fromSubinventoryId
* shipSetId
* revision
* lastUpdateLogin
* containerItemId
* attribute15
* attribute4
* gradeCode
* headerId
* secondaryQuantityDetailed
* cartonGroupingId
* dateRequired
* putAwayStrategyId
* lpnId
* toLocatorId
* uomCode
* toSubinventoryCode
* statusDate
* toSubinventoryId
* secondaryRequiredQuantity
* primaryQuantity
* toLpnId
* transactionSourceTypeId
* secondaryQuantityDelivered
* lineNumber
* attribute10
* txnSourceLineId
* pickStrategyId
* toOrganizationId
* taskId
* toCostGroupId
* organizationId
* referenceDetailId
* attribute8
* programUpdateDate
* secondaryQuantity
* operationSeqNum
* requestId
* pickSlipNumber
* unitNumber
* inventoryItemId
* attribute7
* createdBy
* fromLocatorId
* lastUpdateDate
* backorderDeliveryDetailId
* creationDate
* attribute14
* assignmentId
* repetitiveScheduleId
* serialNumberStart
* shipToLocationId
* secondaryUomCode
* transactionHeaderId
* shipModelId
* attribute3
* serialNumberEnd
* attribute9
* attribute11
* wmsProcessFlag
* quantityDelivered
* referenceTypeCode
* crossdockType
* txnSourceId
* fromSubinventoryCode
* lotNumber
* referenceId
* projectId
* programId
* transactionTypeId
* inspectionStatus
* pickMethodologyId
* attribute2
* attribute12
* reasonId
* wipEntityId
* attribute6
* lineStatus
* fromCostGroupId
* programApplicationId


 * attribute12
* documentNumber
* transactionId
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute11
* creationDate
* requestId
* attribute2
* internalControlNumber
* createdBy
* documentDirection
* entityNumber
* attribute8
* attribute6
* attribute7
* applicationId
* attribute14
* actionType
* attribute13
* attribute4
* responsibilityId
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute1
* itemType
* attribute15
* programId
* documentType
* transactionStatus
* attribute5
* tradingPartnerId
* attribute9
* programUpdateDate
* eventKey
* ecxMessageId
* eventName
* attribute10
* userId
* lastUpdatedBy
* documentRevision
* clientCode
* attribute3
* attributeCategory
* entityType
* programApplicationId


 * attribute12
* documentNumber
* transactionId
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute11
* creationDate
* requestId
* attribute2
* internalControlNumber
* createdBy
* documentDirection
* entityNumber
* attribute8
* attribute6
* attribute7
* applicationId
* attribute14
* actionType
* attribute13
* attribute4
* responsibilityId
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute1
* itemType
* attribute15
* programId
* documentType
* transactionStatus
* attribute5
* tradingPartnerId
* attribute9
* programUpdateDate
* eventKey
* ecxMessageId
* eventName
* attribute10
* userId
* lastUpdatedBy
* documentRevision
* clientCode
* attribute3
* attributeCategory
* entityType
* programApplicationId


 * lastUpdateLogin
* dAttribute2
* dAttribute27
* timeSinceNew
* cAttribute1
* nAttribute11
* territoryCode
* cAttribute20
* nAttribute17
* attribute2
* dAttribute20
* subinventoryCode
* attribute11
* dAttribute22
* transactionId
* dAttribute15
* numberOfRepairs
* nAttribute8
* dAttribute11
* createdBy
* serialNumber
* timeSinceMark
* nAttribute20
* dAttribute23
* nAttribute4
* creationDate
* dAttribute14
* nAttribute2
* parentObjectId2
* cAttribute5
* dAttribute21
* locatorId
* cAttribute15
* nAttribute26
* cAttribute21
* cAttribute6
* attributeCategory
* cAttribute12
* nAttribute23
* attribute13
* dAttribute10
* dAttribute18
* attribute1
* cAttribute19
* statusId
* dAttribute7
* dAttribute1
* nAttribute5
* originationDate
* cAttribute17
* nAttribute10
* productCode
* cAttribute27
* nAttribute13
* nAttribute7
* nAttribute30
* transactionSourceId
* parentItemId
* cAttribute3
* transactionDate
* timeSinceRepair
* nAttribute16
* cAttribute10
* dAttribute12
* cAttribute22
* dAttribute16
* parentObjectType2
* dAttribute28
* cAttribute30
* nAttribute6
* lastUpdateDate
* transactionSourceTypeId
* nAttribute22
* nAttribute29
* cyclesSinceVisit
* nAttribute15
* nAttribute27
* attribute4
* nAttribute21
* transactionSourceName
* nAttribute24
* dAttribute24
* attribute5
* cAttribute16
* cyclesSinceOverhaul
* dAttribute6
* cAttribute11
* cAttribute25
* dAttribute17
* attribute10
* attribute14
* cAttribute24
* dAttribute4
* dAttribute9
* attribute9
* attribute8
* cyclesSinceNew
* cAttribute2
* attribute12
* cAttribute26
* cAttribute18
* cAttribute23
* dAttribute26
* dAttribute8
* cyclesSinceRepair
* countryOfOrigin
* dAttribute25
* cyclesSinceMark
* parentObjectNumber
* parentObjectType
* dAttribute5
* cAttribute7
* nAttribute1
* cAttribute9
* cAttribute28
* nAttribute25
* productTransactionId
* cAttribute8
* cAttribute29
* nAttribute18
* timeSinceOverhaul
* serialAttributeCategory
* receiptIssueType
* nAttribute14
* nAttribute9
* customerId
* dAttribute3
* attribute15
* inventoryItemId
* cAttribute4
* lastUpdatedBy
* nAttribute28
* attribute7
* parentObjectNumber2
* organizationId
* dAttribute30
* cAttribute13
* parentObjectId
* dAttribute29
* nAttribute3
* dAttribute13
* cAttribute14
* nAttribute19
* dAttribute19
* nAttribute12
* attribute3
* timeSinceVisit
* shipId
* attribute6


 * lastUpdateLogin
* dAttribute2
* dAttribute27
* timeSinceNew
* cAttribute1
* nAttribute11
* territoryCode
* cAttribute20
* nAttribute17
* attribute2
* dAttribute20
* subinventoryCode
* attribute11
* dAttribute22
* transactionId
* dAttribute15
* numberOfRepairs
* nAttribute8
* dAttribute11
* createdBy
* serialNumber
* timeSinceMark
* nAttribute20
* dAttribute23
* nAttribute4
* creationDate
* dAttribute14
* nAttribute2
* parentObjectId2
* cAttribute5
* dAttribute21
* locatorId
* cAttribute15
* nAttribute26
* cAttribute21
* cAttribute6
* attributeCategory
* cAttribute12
* nAttribute23
* attribute13
* dAttribute10
* dAttribute18
* attribute1
* cAttribute19
* statusId
* dAttribute7
* dAttribute1
* nAttribute5
* originationDate
* cAttribute17
* nAttribute10
* productCode
* cAttribute27
* nAttribute13
* nAttribute7
* nAttribute30
* transactionSourceId
* parentItemId
* cAttribute3
* transactionDate
* timeSinceRepair
* nAttribute16
* cAttribute10
* dAttribute12
* cAttribute22
* dAttribute16
* parentObjectType2
* dAttribute28
* cAttribute30
* nAttribute6
* lastUpdateDate
* transactionSourceTypeId
* nAttribute22
* nAttribute29
* cyclesSinceVisit
* nAttribute15
* nAttribute27
* attribute4
* nAttribute21
* transactionSourceName
* nAttribute24
* dAttribute24
* attribute5
* cAttribute16
* cyclesSinceOverhaul
* dAttribute6
* cAttribute11
* cAttribute25
* dAttribute17
* attribute10
* attribute14
* cAttribute24
* dAttribute4
* dAttribute9
* attribute9
* attribute8
* cyclesSinceNew
* cAttribute2
* attribute12
* cAttribute26
* cAttribute18
* cAttribute23
* dAttribute26
* dAttribute8
* cyclesSinceRepair
* countryOfOrigin
* dAttribute25
* cyclesSinceMark
* parentObjectNumber
* parentObjectType
* dAttribute5
* cAttribute7
* nAttribute1
* cAttribute9
* cAttribute28
* nAttribute25
* productTransactionId
* cAttribute8
* cAttribute29
* nAttribute18
* timeSinceOverhaul
* serialAttributeCategory
* receiptIssueType
* nAttribute14
* nAttribute9
* customerId
* dAttribute3
* attribute15
* inventoryItemId
* cAttribute4
* lastUpdatedBy
* nAttribute28
* attribute7
* parentObjectNumber2
* organizationId
* dAttribute30
* cAttribute13
* parentObjectId
* dAttribute29
* nAttribute3
* dAttribute13
* cAttribute14
* nAttribute19
* dAttribute19
* nAttribute12
* attribute3
* timeSinceVisit
* shipId
* attribute6


 * requestId
* programId
* programUpdateDate
* unitOfMeasure
* unitOfMeasureTl
* createdBy
* programApplicationId
* zdSync
* baseUomFlag
* attribute6
* creationDate
* attribute2
* lastUpdateLogin
* language
* attribute14
* attribute15
* uomClass
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute7
* attribute13
* disableDate
* sourceLang
* attribute8
* attribute11
* attributeCategory
* description
* attribute5
* attribute9
* zdEditionName
* uomCode
* attribute3
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute12
* attribute1
* attribute4
* attribute10


 * requestId
* programId
* programUpdateDate
* unitOfMeasure
* unitOfMeasureTl
* createdBy
* programApplicationId
* zdSync
* baseUomFlag
* attribute6
* creationDate
* attribute2
* lastUpdateLogin
* language
* attribute14
* attribute15
* uomClass
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute7
* attribute13
* disableDate
* sourceLang
* attribute8
* attribute11
* attributeCategory
* description
* attribute5
* attribute9
* zdEditionName
* uomCode
* attribute3
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute12
* attribute1
* attribute4
* attribute10


 * lastUpdateLogin
* createdBy
* lastUpdateDate
* fromUomClass
* lastUpdatedBy
* disableDate
* requestId
* inventoryItemId
* toUnitOfMeasure
* programUpdateDate
* fromUomCode
* toUomClass
* conversionRate
* programApplicationId
* fromUnitOfMeasure
* toUomCode
* programId
* creationDate


 * lastUpdateLogin
* createdBy
* lastUpdateDate
* fromUomClass
* lastUpdatedBy
* disableDate
* requestId
* inventoryItemId
* toUnitOfMeasure
* programUpdateDate
* fromUomCode
* toUomClass
* conversionRate
* programApplicationId
* fromUnitOfMeasure
* toUomCode
* programId
* creationDate


 * lastUpdateDate
* disableDate
* uomClass
* createdBy
* zdSync
* attribute12
* attribute11
* programApplicationId
* attribute9
* sourceLang
* attribute1
* attribute2
* attribute6
* programId
* requestId
* lastUpdateLogin
* creationDate
* attribute15
* lastUpdatedBy
* programUpdateDate
* zdEditionName
* language
* attribute4
* attribute14
* attribute13
* attribute3
* attributeCategory
* attribute5
* attribute8
* attribute10
* uomClassTl
* attribute7
* description


 * lastUpdateDate
* disableDate
* uomClass
* createdBy
* zdSync
* attribute12
* attribute11
* programApplicationId
* attribute9
* sourceLang
* attribute1
* attribute2
* attribute6
* programId
* requestId
* lastUpdateLogin
* creationDate
* attribute15
* lastUpdatedBy
* programUpdateDate
* zdEditionName
* language
* attribute4
* attribute14
* attribute13
* attribute3
* attributeCategory
* attribute5
* attribute8
* attribute10
* uomClassTl
* attribute7
* description


 * lastUpdateDate
* unitOfMeasure
* creationDate
* programApplicationId
* uomClass
* programId
* length
* conversionRate
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* requestId
* dimensionUom
* uomCode
* inventoryItemId
* height
* programUpdateDate
* createdBy
* defaultConversionFlag
* width
* disableDate


 * auditSequenceId
* auditCommitId
* auditSessionId
* auditTrueNulls
* conversionRate
* rowKey
* auditTimestamp
* disableDate
* unitOfMeasure
* auditUserName
* auditTransactionType
* inventoryItemId


 * auditSequenceId
* auditCommitId
* auditSessionId
* auditTrueNulls
* conversionRate
* rowKey
* auditTimestamp
* disableDate
* unitOfMeasure
* auditUserName
* auditTransactionType
* inventoryItemId


 * lastUpdateDate
* unitOfMeasure
* creationDate
* programApplicationId
* uomClass
* programId
* length
* conversionRate
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* requestId
* dimensionUom
* uomCode
* inventoryItemId
* height
* programUpdateDate
* createdBy
* defaultConversionFlag
* width
* disableDate


 * sourceTypeId
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* primaryUomQuantity
* creationDate
* requirementDate
* sourceId
* demandClass
* organizationId
* createdBy
* sourceName
* inventoryItemId
* lastUpdateDate


 * sourceTypeId
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* primaryUomQuantity
* creationDate
* requirementDate
* sourceId
* demandClass
* organizationId
* createdBy
* sourceName
* inventoryItemId
* lastUpdateDate


 * sourceName
* lastUpdateLogin
* sourceId
* lastUpdatedBy
* sourceTypeId
* expectedDeliveryDate
* creationDate
* primaryUomQuantity
* lastUpdateDate
* createdBy
* organizationId
* inventoryItemId
* demandClass


 * sourceName
* lastUpdateLogin
* sourceId
* lastUpdatedBy
* sourceTypeId
* expectedDeliveryDate
* creationDate
* primaryUomQuantity
* lastUpdateDate
* createdBy
* organizationId
* inventoryItemId
* demandClass
 * groupName
* sequence
* description
* id
* icon
* groupCode


 * reportId
* module
* reportName
* reportType
* subModule
* createdBy
* description
* creationDate
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* updateColumName
* links


 * creationDate
* requestId
* errorFlag
* lineId
* lastUpdateDate
* errorMessage
* filename
* implicit
* acceptDate
* headerId
* action
* orgId
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdatedBy
* requestDate
* createdBy


 * creationDate
* requestId
* errorFlag
* lineId
* lastUpdateDate
* errorMessage
* filename
* implicit
* acceptDate
* headerId
* action
* orgId
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdatedBy
* requestDate
* createdBy


 * dateParam1
* holdTypeId
* charParam2
* attribute9
* orderSourceId
* attribute12
* requestId
* charParam3
* attribute6
* attribute5
* interfaceStatus
* dateParam5
* context
* charParam1
* attribute10
* holdId
* origSysLineRef
* dateParam4
* statusFlag
* holdUntilDate
* holdTypeCode
* comments
* attribute3
* attribute1
* changeSequence
* charParam5
* orgId
* attribute4
* errorFlag
* attribute13
* charParam4
* operationCode
* releaseReasonCode
* attribute8
* dateParam2
* attribute11
* soldToOrgId
* origSysShipmentRef
* origSysDocumentRef
* soldToOrg
* attribute14
* attribute7
* fulfillmentSetName
* attribute2
* attribute15
* dateParam3
* instId


 * dateParam1
* holdTypeId
* charParam2
* attribute9
* orderSourceId
* attribute12
* requestId
* charParam3
* attribute6
* attribute5
* interfaceStatus
* dateParam5
* context
* charParam1
* attribute10
* holdId
* origSysLineRef
* dateParam4
* statusFlag
* holdUntilDate
* holdTypeCode
* comments
* attribute3
* attribute1
* changeSequence
* charParam5
* orgId
* attribute4
* errorFlag
* attribute13
* charParam4
* operationCode
* releaseReasonCode
* attribute8
* dateParam2
* attribute11
* soldToOrgId
* origSysShipmentRef
* origSysDocumentRef
* soldToOrg
* attribute14
* attribute7
* fulfillmentSetName
* attribute2
* attribute15
* dateParam3
* instId


 * creationDate
* approverSequence
* transactionPhaseCode
* role
* lastUpdateDate
* transactionId
* approvalStatus
* createdBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* transactionTypeId
* lastUpdatedBy


 * creationDate
* approverSequence
* transactionPhaseCode
* role
* lastUpdateDate
* transactionId
* approvalStatus
* createdBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* transactionTypeId
* lastUpdatedBy


 * entityNumber
* entityNumber2
* oldContextValue
* soldToOrgId
* entityId
* reasonCode
* newContextValue
* userId
* oldAttributeValue
* histCreationDate
* orgId
* orderTypeId
* newAttributeValue
* responsibilityId
* changeComments
* reason
* orderNumber
* attributeId


 * entityNumber
* entityNumber2
* oldContextValue
* soldToOrgId
* entityId
* reasonCode
* newContextValue
* userId
* oldAttributeValue
* histCreationDate
* orgId
* orderTypeId
* newAttributeValue
* responsibilityId
* changeComments
* reason
* orderNumber
* attributeId


 * origSysBillPlanHdrRef
* createdBy
* requestId
* lastReviewedExtdPrice
* sourceOrderHeaderId
* creationDate
* lastUpdateDate
* billingPeriod
* billingPlanStatus
* lastUpdateLogin
* billingFrequency
* programUpdateDate
* billWithSourceLine
* billingAmount
* sourceOrderLineId
* lockControl
* startDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* typeOfBilling
* billingPlanHeaderId
* programId
* programApplicationId


 * origSysBillPlanHdrRef
* createdBy
* requestId
* lastReviewedExtdPrice
* sourceOrderHeaderId
* creationDate
* lastUpdateDate
* billingPeriod
* billingPlanStatus
* lastUpdateLogin
* billingFrequency
* programUpdateDate
* billWithSourceLine
* billingAmount
* sourceOrderLineId
* lockControl
* startDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* typeOfBilling
* billingPlanHeaderId
* programId
* programApplicationId


 * lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* billingPlanLineId
* programApplicationId
* lastUpdatedBy
* billedLineId
* billingPlanHeaderId
* origSysBillPlanLineRef
* description
* lockControl
* billDate
* billAmount
* programUpdateDate
* createdBy
* creationDate
* sequenceNumber
* origSysBillPlanHdrRef
* requestId
* programId


 * lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* billingPlanLineId
* programApplicationId
* lastUpdatedBy
* billedLineId
* billingPlanHeaderId
* origSysBillPlanLineRef
* description
* lockControl
* billDate
* billAmount
* programUpdateDate
* createdBy
* creationDate
* sequenceNumber
* origSysBillPlanHdrRef
* requestId
* programId


 * periodName
* periodEnd
* currencyCode
* closingBacklog
* bookings
* periodYear
* periodNum
* adjustments
* ouId
* periodStart
* billings


 * periodName
* periodEnd
* currencyCode
* closingBacklog
* bookings
* periodYear
* periodNum
* adjustments
* ouId
* periodStart
* billings


 * requestId
* lastUpdatedBy
* netSales
* lastUpdateDate
* transactionDate
* customerId
* programUpdateDate
* creationDate
* programApplicationId
* headerId
* returnFlag
* organizationId
* inventoryItemId
* programId
* lastUpdateLogin
* createdBy
* delFlag
* lineId


 * organizationName
* delSales
* yearPeriod
* quarterPeriod
* operatingUnitId
* setOfBooksName
* locationCode
* region
* itemDescription
* area
* monthPeriod
* lineId
* inventoryItemId
* customerName
* categoryDesc
* legalEntityId
* customerId
* setOfBooksId
* netSales
* locationId
* transactionDate
* organizationId
* retSales
* operatingUnitName
* legalEntityName
* country
* inventoryItemName
* periodSetName
* categoryId
* salesChannelCode
* headerId


 * organizationName
* delSales
* yearPeriod
* quarterPeriod
* operatingUnitId
* setOfBooksName
* locationCode
* region
* itemDescription
* area
* monthPeriod
* lineId
* inventoryItemId
* customerName
* categoryDesc
* legalEntityId
* customerId
* setOfBooksId
* netSales
* locationId
* transactionDate
* organizationId
* retSales
* operatingUnitName
* legalEntityName
* country
* inventoryItemName
* periodSetName
* categoryId
* salesChannelCode
* headerId


 * requestId
* lastUpdatedBy
* netSales
* lastUpdateDate
* transactionDate
* customerId
* programUpdateDate
* creationDate
* programApplicationId
* headerId
* returnFlag
* organizationId
* inventoryItemId
* programId
* lastUpdateLogin
* createdBy
* delFlag
* lineId


 * organizationId
* ytdSales
* onTimeDeliveries
* periodEnd
* periodBillings
* periodBookings
* creationDate
* orderLines
* periodStart
* returnLines
* currentBacklog
* customerId
* currencyCode


 * organizationId
* ytdSales
* onTimeDeliveries
* periodEnd
* periodBillings
* periodBookings
* creationDate
* orderLines
* periodStart
* returnLines
* currentBacklog
* customerId
* currencyCode


 * lastUpdateLogin
* customerPaymentTermId
* salesDocumentName
* soldToOrgId
* creditCardExpirationDate
* draftSubmittedFlag
* blanketNumber
* pricingDate
* attribute5
* soldToContactId
* conversionRateDate
* creationDate
* globalAttributeCategory
* quoteNumber
* freightCarrierCode
* tpAttribute4
* returnReasonCode
* globalAttribute8
* attribute1
* attribute9
* customerSignatureDate
* globalAttribute20
* orderSourceId
* tpAttribute9
* priceListId
* attribute18
* sourceDocumentTypeId
* bookedDate
* invoiceToContactId
* shipFromOrgId
* conversionTypeCode
* supplierSignatureDate
* requestId
* attribute8
* globalAttribute4
* agreementId
* customerPreferenceSetCode
* xmlMessageId
* globalAttribute16
* lastAckDate
* shipToleranceAbove
* creditCardNumber
* paymentAmount
* sourceDocumentVersionNumber
* attribute6
* transactionPhaseCode
* customerSignature
* tpAttribute8
* dropShipFlag
* programId
* attribute19
* firstAckCode
* taxExemptNumber
* globalAttribute5
* headerId
* conversionRate
* firstAckDate
* accountingRuleId
* partialShipmentsAllowed
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute20
* globalAttribute1
* earliestScheduleLimit
* userStatusCode
* globalAttribute12
* globalAttribute17
* tpAttribute7
* tpAttribute12
* accountingRuleDuration
* priceRequestCode
* latestScheduleLimit
* globalAttribute13
* deliverToOrgId
* orderDateTypeCode
* invoicingRuleId
* globalAttribute11
* tpAttribute2
* attribute15
* versionNumber
* creditCardCode
* globalAttribute10
* tpContext
* shippingInstructions
* instId
* lastAckCode
* globalAttribute15
* soldToSiteUseId
* tpAttribute6
* tpAttribute15
* globalAttribute19
* deliverToContactId
* demandClassCode
* globalAttribute2
* sourceDocumentId
* globalAttribute6
* packingInstructions
* fobPointCode
* attribute7
* shipToOrgId
* tpAttribute1
* shipmentPriorityCode
* programUpdateDate
* attribute13
* tpAttribute11
* batchId
* flowStatusCode
* creditCardApprovalDate
* attribute14
* attribute16
* attribute17
* attribute10
* tpAttribute5
* globalAttribute9
* orderCategoryCode
* expirationDate
* tpAttribute14
* orderedDate
* attribute11
* orgId
* attribute12
* shipToContactId
* tpAttribute10
* tpAttribute13
* shippingMethodCode
* globalAttribute3
* programApplicationId
* tpAttribute3
* upgradedFlag
* context
* salesDocumentTypeCode
* orderNumber
* attribute2
* quoteDate
* openFlag
* changeSequence
* soldFromOrgId
* custPoNumber
* creditCardApprovalCode
* attribute3
* transactionalCurrCode
* bookedFlag
* checkNumber
* salesChannelCode
* shipToleranceBelow
* paymentTermId
* lastUpdateDate
* orderFirmedDate
* freightTermsCode
* globalAttribute18
* requestDate
* createdBy
* cancelledFlag
* salesrepId
* invoiceToOrgId
* globalAttribute7
* taxExemptReasonCode
* lockControl
* taxExemptFlag
* taxPointCode
* marketingSourceCodeId
* orderTypeId
* origSysDocumentRef
* attribute4
* creditCardHolderName
* supplierSignature
* globalAttribute14
* paymentTypeCode


 * lastUpdateLogin
* customerPaymentTermId
* salesDocumentName
* soldToOrgId
* creditCardExpirationDate
* draftSubmittedFlag
* blanketNumber
* pricingDate
* attribute5
* soldToContactId
* conversionRateDate
* creationDate
* globalAttributeCategory
* quoteNumber
* freightCarrierCode
* tpAttribute4
* returnReasonCode
* globalAttribute8
* attribute1
* attribute9
* customerSignatureDate
* globalAttribute20
* orderSourceId
* tpAttribute9
* priceListId
* attribute18
* sourceDocumentTypeId
* bookedDate
* invoiceToContactId
* shipFromOrgId
* conversionTypeCode
* supplierSignatureDate
* requestId
* attribute8
* globalAttribute4
* agreementId
* customerPreferenceSetCode
* xmlMessageId
* globalAttribute16
* lastAckDate
* shipToleranceAbove
* creditCardNumber
* paymentAmount
* sourceDocumentVersionNumber
* attribute6
* transactionPhaseCode
* customerSignature
* tpAttribute8
* dropShipFlag
* programId
* attribute19
* firstAckCode
* taxExemptNumber
* globalAttribute5
* headerId
* conversionRate
* firstAckDate
* accountingRuleId
* partialShipmentsAllowed
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute20
* globalAttribute1
* earliestScheduleLimit
* userStatusCode
* globalAttribute12
* globalAttribute17
* tpAttribute7
* tpAttribute12
* accountingRuleDuration
* priceRequestCode
* latestScheduleLimit
* globalAttribute13
* deliverToOrgId
* orderDateTypeCode
* invoicingRuleId
* globalAttribute11
* tpAttribute2
* attribute15
* versionNumber
* creditCardCode
* globalAttribute10
* tpContext
* shippingInstructions
* instId
* lastAckCode
* globalAttribute15
* soldToSiteUseId
* tpAttribute6
* tpAttribute15
* globalAttribute19
* deliverToContactId
* demandClassCode
* globalAttribute2
* sourceDocumentId
* globalAttribute6
* packingInstructions
* fobPointCode
* attribute7
* shipToOrgId
* tpAttribute1
* shipmentPriorityCode
* programUpdateDate
* attribute13
* tpAttribute11
* batchId
* flowStatusCode
* creditCardApprovalDate
* attribute14
* attribute16
* attribute17
* attribute10
* tpAttribute5
* globalAttribute9
* orderCategoryCode
* expirationDate
* tpAttribute14
* orderedDate
* attribute11
* orgId
* attribute12
* shipToContactId
* tpAttribute10
* tpAttribute13
* shippingMethodCode
* globalAttribute3
* programApplicationId
* tpAttribute3
* upgradedFlag
* context
* salesDocumentTypeCode
* orderNumber
* attribute2
* quoteDate
* openFlag
* changeSequence
* soldFromOrgId
* custPoNumber
* creditCardApprovalCode
* attribute3
* transactionalCurrCode
* bookedFlag
* checkNumber
* salesChannelCode
* shipToleranceBelow
* paymentTermId
* lastUpdateDate
* orderFirmedDate
* freightTermsCode
* globalAttribute18
* requestDate
* createdBy
* cancelledFlag
* salesrepId
* invoiceToOrgId
* globalAttribute7
* taxExemptReasonCode
* lockControl
* taxExemptFlag
* taxPointCode
* marketingSourceCodeId
* orderTypeId
* origSysDocumentRef
* attribute4
* creditCardHolderName
* supplierSignature
* globalAttribute14
* paymentTypeCode


 * revisionChangeReasonCode
* enforceFreightTermFlag
* orderNumber
* defaultDiscountAmount
* blanketMaxAmount
* startDateActive
* enforceAccountingRuleFlag
* revisionChangeDate
* enforceShippingMethodFlag
* onHoldFlag
* returnedAmount
* enforcePaymentTermFlag
* revisionChangeComments
* enforceShipToFlag
* enforceInvoicingRuleFlag
* fulfilledAmount
* newPriceListId
* instId
* blanketMinAmount
* defaultDiscountPercent
* overrideAmountFlag
* releasedAmount
* endDateActive
* enforceInvoiceToFlag
* newModifierListId
* enforcePriceListFlag


 * revisionChangeReasonCode
* enforceFreightTermFlag
* orderNumber
* defaultDiscountAmount
* blanketMaxAmount
* startDateActive
* enforceAccountingRuleFlag
* revisionChangeDate
* enforceShippingMethodFlag
* onHoldFlag
* returnedAmount
* enforcePaymentTermFlag
* revisionChangeComments
* enforceShipToFlag
* enforceInvoicingRuleFlag
* fulfilledAmount
* newPriceListId
* instId
* blanketMinAmount
* defaultDiscountPercent
* overrideAmountFlag
* releasedAmount
* endDateActive
* enforceInvoiceToFlag
* newModifierListId
* enforcePriceListFlag


 * creditCardApprovalCode
* newModifierListId
* freightTermsCode
* histCreationDate
* tpAttribute4
* onHoldFlag
* creditCardNumber
* origSysDocumentRef
* paymentTermId
* creditCardHolderName
* enforceAccountingRuleFlag
* upgradedFlag
* histTypeCode
* creationDate
* globalAttribute14
* custPoNumber
* itemRelationshipType
* attribute17
* tpAttribute14
* histComments
* orderNumber
* soldFromOrgId
* enforceInvoiceToFlag
* shipToOrgId
* attribute5
* overrideAmountFlag
* fulfilledAmount
* shipmentPriorityCode
* enforceShipToFlag
* enforcePriceListFlag
* draftSubmittedFlag
* orderFirmedDate
* tpAttribute3
* globalAttribute13
* invoicingRuleId
* tpAttribute6
* revisionChangeReasonCode
* deliverToContactId
* defaultDiscountAmount
* quoteDate
* shipFromOrgId
* attribute16
* globalAttribute17
* bookedDate
* tpAttribute2
* accountingRuleDuration
* releasedAmount
* pricingDate
* returnReasonCode
* sourceDocumentId
* tpAttribute9
* lastUpdateLogin
* revisionChangeDate
* soldToContactId
* quoteNumber
* taxExemptFlag
* creditCardCode
* salesChannelCode
* accountingRuleId
* supplierSignature
* tpAttribute10
* deliverToOrgId
* soldToOrgId
* attribute8
* creditCardExpirationDate
* expirationDate
* programApplicationId
* tpAttribute5
* transactionalCurrCode
* conversionTypeCode
* fobPointCode
* reasonId
* revisionChangeComments
* salesrepId
* shippingMethodCode
* globalAttribute15
* tpAttribute1
* priceListId
* attribute4
* bookedFlag
* freightCarrierCode
* attribute18
* orderSourceId
* openFlag
* globalAttribute19
* attribute1
* instId
* partialShipmentsAllowed
* globalAttribute1
* invoiceToOrgId
* globalAttribute5
* tpAttribute8
* globalAttribute9
* firstAckCode
* tpAttribute12
* blanketMinAmount
* requestDate
* changeSequence
* responsibilityId
* blanketNumber
* orderTypeId
* invoiceToContactId
* globalAttribute12
* globalAttribute10
* tpAttribute13
* cancelledFlag
* reasonCode
* priceRequestCode
* taxExemptNumber
* earliestScheduleLimit
* attribute20
* auditFlag
* attribute15
* lastAckDate
* attribute14
* globalAttribute18
* createdBy
* shippingInstructions
* conversionRateDate
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute2
* shipToleranceAbove
* attribute19
* orderCategoryCode
* programUpdateDate
* globalAttribute20
* attribute10
* enforcePaymentTermFlag
* tpContext
* orderedDate
* requestId
* sourceDocumentTypeId
* versionFlag
* globalAttribute11
* supplierSignatureDate
* tpAttribute15
* tpAttribute7
* paymentTypeCode
* enforceFreightTermFlag
* orgId
* transactionPhaseCode
* tpAttribute11
* customerPreferenceSetCode
* salesDocumentName
* customerSignature
* startDateActive
* attribute9
* lockControl
* phaseChangeFlag
* globalAttributeCategory
* globalAttribute3
* orderDateTypeCode
* shipToContactId
* checkNumber
* userStatusCode
* globalAttribute6
* paymentAmount
* firstAckDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* context
* salesDocumentTypeCode
* taxExemptReasonCode
* defaultDiscountPercent
* lastAckCode
* attribute11
* endDateActive
* enforceShippingMethodFlag
* latestScheduleLimit
* customerSignatureDate
* attribute6
* headerId
* attribute3
* flowStatusCode
* soldToSiteUseId
* globalAttribute7
* newPriceListId
* attribute12
* programId
* creditCardApprovalDate
* globalAttribute2
* sourceDocumentVersionNumber
* packingInstructions
* returnedAmount
* enforceInvoicingRuleFlag
* globalAttribute4
* versionNumber
* conversionRate
* globalAttribute16
* agreementId
* demandClassCode
* histCreatedBy
* attribute7
* taxPointCode
* marketingSourceCodeId
* blanketMaxAmount
* globalAttribute8
* shipToleranceBelow
* attribute13


 * creditCardApprovalCode
* newModifierListId
* freightTermsCode
* histCreationDate
* tpAttribute4
* onHoldFlag
* creditCardNumber
* origSysDocumentRef
* paymentTermId
* creditCardHolderName
* enforceAccountingRuleFlag
* upgradedFlag
* histTypeCode
* creationDate
* globalAttribute14
* custPoNumber
* itemRelationshipType
* attribute17
* tpAttribute14
* histComments
* orderNumber
* soldFromOrgId
* enforceInvoiceToFlag
* shipToOrgId
* attribute5
* overrideAmountFlag
* fulfilledAmount
* shipmentPriorityCode
* enforceShipToFlag
* enforcePriceListFlag
* draftSubmittedFlag
* orderFirmedDate
* tpAttribute3
* globalAttribute13
* invoicingRuleId
* tpAttribute6
* revisionChangeReasonCode
* deliverToContactId
* defaultDiscountAmount
* quoteDate
* shipFromOrgId
* attribute16
* globalAttribute17
* bookedDate
* tpAttribute2
* accountingRuleDuration
* releasedAmount
* pricingDate
* returnReasonCode
* sourceDocumentId
* tpAttribute9
* lastUpdateLogin
* revisionChangeDate
* soldToContactId
* quoteNumber
* taxExemptFlag
* creditCardCode
* salesChannelCode
* accountingRuleId
* supplierSignature
* tpAttribute10
* deliverToOrgId
* soldToOrgId
* attribute8
* creditCardExpirationDate
* expirationDate
* programApplicationId
* tpAttribute5
* transactionalCurrCode
* conversionTypeCode
* fobPointCode
* reasonId
* revisionChangeComments
* salesrepId
* shippingMethodCode
* globalAttribute15
* tpAttribute1
* priceListId
* attribute4
* bookedFlag
* freightCarrierCode
* attribute18
* orderSourceId
* openFlag
* globalAttribute19
* attribute1
* instId
* partialShipmentsAllowed
* globalAttribute1
* invoiceToOrgId
* globalAttribute5
* tpAttribute8
* globalAttribute9
* firstAckCode
* tpAttribute12
* blanketMinAmount
* requestDate
* changeSequence
* responsibilityId
* blanketNumber
* orderTypeId
* invoiceToContactId
* globalAttribute12
* globalAttribute10
* tpAttribute13
* cancelledFlag
* reasonCode
* priceRequestCode
* taxExemptNumber
* earliestScheduleLimit
* attribute20
* auditFlag
* attribute15
* lastAckDate
* attribute14
* globalAttribute18
* createdBy
* shippingInstructions
* conversionRateDate
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute2
* shipToleranceAbove
* attribute19
* orderCategoryCode
* programUpdateDate
* globalAttribute20
* attribute10
* enforcePaymentTermFlag
* tpContext
* orderedDate
* requestId
* sourceDocumentTypeId
* versionFlag
* globalAttribute11
* supplierSignatureDate
* tpAttribute15
* tpAttribute7
* paymentTypeCode
* enforceFreightTermFlag
* orgId
* transactionPhaseCode
* tpAttribute11
* customerPreferenceSetCode
* salesDocumentName
* customerSignature
* startDateActive
* attribute9
* lockControl
* phaseChangeFlag
* globalAttributeCategory
* globalAttribute3
* orderDateTypeCode
* shipToContactId
* checkNumber
* userStatusCode
* globalAttribute6
* paymentAmount
* firstAckDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* context
* salesDocumentTypeCode
* taxExemptReasonCode
* defaultDiscountPercent
* lastAckCode
* attribute11
* endDateActive
* enforceShippingMethodFlag
* latestScheduleLimit
* customerSignatureDate
* attribute6
* headerId
* attribute3
* flowStatusCode
* soldToSiteUseId
* globalAttribute7
* newPriceListId
* attribute12
* programId
* creditCardApprovalDate
* globalAttribute2
* sourceDocumentVersionNumber
* packingInstructions
* returnedAmount
* enforceInvoicingRuleFlag
* globalAttribute4
* versionNumber
* conversionRate
* globalAttribute16
* agreementId
* demandClassCode
* histCreatedBy
* attribute7
* taxPointCode
* marketingSourceCodeId
* blanketMaxAmount
* globalAttribute8
* shipToleranceBelow
* attribute13


 * taxRate
* unitSellingPrice
* subinventory
* globalAttribute17
* cancelledQuantity2
* deliveryLeadTime
* tpAttribute5
* origSysDocumentRef
* serviceTxnComments
* globalAttribute12
* shipmentNumber
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* tpAttribute2
* componentSequenceId
* lineTypeId
* industryAttribute20
* blanketNumber
* explosionDate
* tpAttribute8
* shippingQuantityUom2
* attribute18
* taskId
* tpAttribute11
* returnAttribute11
* attribute5
* custProductionSeqNum
* returnAttribute7
* marketingSourceCodeId
* origSysLineRef
* splitBy
* intmedShipToContactId
* sourceDocumentTypeId
* priceRequestCode
* overShipResolvedFlag
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* lastAckCode
* optionFlag
* upgradedFlag
* serviceEndDate
* pricingQuantityUom
* industryAttribute12
* salesDocumentTypeCode
* globalAttribute16
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* lateDemandPenaltyFactor
* shipToleranceAbove
* agreementId
* shippingInstructions
* programApplicationId
* itemSubstitutionTypeCode
* serviceTxnReasonCode
* attribute2
* globalAttribute15
* industryAttribute13
* userItemDescription
* mfgLeadTime
* freightCarrierCode
* configurationId
* demandBucketTypeCode
* authorizedToShipFlag
* globalAttribute3
* industryAttribute27
* unitSellingPercent
* attribute11
* orderedQuantity2
* attribute17
* pricingAttribute5
* unitListPricePerPqty
* modelGroupNumber
* vehCusItemCumKeyId
* taxExemptFlag
* requestId
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* globalAttribute7
* unitListPercent
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* attribute10
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* sourceDocumentVersionNumber
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* intmedShipToOrgId
* industryAttribute4
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* attribute15
* shippingMethodCode
* scheduleShipDate
* taxExemptNumber
* taxValue
* flowStatusCode
* shipmentPriorityCode
* fobPointCode
* tpAttribute4
* serviceReferenceTypeCode
* orderedItemId
* shipToOrgId
* pricingDate
* programId
* returnAttribute13
* tpAttribute3
* taxCode
* returnAttribute8
* globalAttribute19
* industryAttribute2
* industryAttribute30
* invoiceToContactId
* shippingQuantityUom
* tpAttribute10
* latestAcceptableDate
* serviceDuration
* returnAttribute14
* customerDockCode
* attribute13
* pricingAttribute8
* pricingQuantity
* accountingRuleDuration
* accountingRuleId
* actualArrivalDate
* tpAttribute7
* tpAttribute12
* pricingAttribute9
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* projectId
* industryAttribute24
* originalOrderedItemId
* pricingAttribute2
* attribute6
* industryAttribute8
* referenceHeaderId
* componentCode
* openFlag
* transactionPhaseCode
* depPlanRequiredFlag
* earliestAcceptableDate
* scheduleStatusCode
* overShipReasonCode
* customerShipmentNumber
* fulfillmentMethodCode
* scheduleArrivalDate
* priceListId
* tpAttribute9
* referenceType
* unitListPrice
* serviceCoterminateFlag
* actualShipmentDate
* blanketLineNumber
* industryAttribute16
* attribute12
* orderQuantityUom
* invoiceToOrgId
* returnAttribute12
* shipToContactId
* globalAttribute14
* industryAttribute5
* globalAttribute4
* salesrepId
* originalItemIdentifierType
* unitCost
* configRevNbr
* customerLineNumber
* industryAttribute17
* custModelSerialNumber
* taxExemptReasonCode
* serviceStartDate
* industryAttribute7
* splitFromLineId
* globalAttribute6
* globalAttribute9
* globalAttribute13
* creditInvoiceLineId
* headerId
* firstAckDate
* visibleDemandFlag
* globalAttribute18
* orderedItem
* mfgComponentSequenceId
* reSourceFlag
* returnReasonCode
* taxPointCode
* shipSetId
* pricingAttribute7
* industryAttribute11
* industryAttribute19
* demandClassCode
* pricingAttribute4
* tpAttribute1
* soldToOrgId
* industryAttribute18
* optionNumber
* programUpdateDate
* calculatePriceFlag
* globalAttribute10
* tpContext
* orderFirmedDate
* shippedQuantity2
* industryAttribute10
* fulfilledQuantity
* deliverToContactId
* packingInstructions
* modelRemnantFlag
* lastAckDate
* industryAttribute14
* componentNumber
* customerPaymentTermId
* pricingAttribute6
* deliverToOrgId
* returnAttribute6
* shipToleranceBelow
* industryAttribute26
* topModelLineId
* endItemUnitNumber
* preferredGrade
* globalAttribute1
* industryContext
* industryAttribute22
* customerJob
* lineNumber
* revenueAmount
* invoicedQuantity
* attribute14
* returnAttribute4
* unitPercentBasePrice
* pricingContext
* pricingAttribute10
* sourceTypeCode
* lockControl
* invoicingRuleId
* sortOrder
* promiseDate
* pricingAttribute1
* industryAttribute3
* firstAckCode
* attribute20
* tpAttribute13
* custPoNumber
* unitSellingPricePerPqty
* serviceReferenceSystemId
* context
* serviceReferenceLineId
* returnAttribute15
* createdBy
* attribute9
* servicePeriod
* lineCategoryCode
* creationDate
* actualFulfillmentDate
* lastUpdateDate
* bookedFlag
* invoiceInterfaceStatusCode
* linkToLineId
* orderSourceId
* shippedQuantity
* configHeaderId
* industryAttribute9
* configDisplaySequence
* returnAttribute9
* tpAttribute6
* attribute19
* attribute16
* lastUpdateLogin
* fulfilledQuantity2
* originalInventoryItemId
* pricingAttribute3
* customerProductionLine
* taxDate
* industryAttribute25
* industryAttribute6
* itemIdentifierType
* autoSelectedQuantity
* sourceDocumentLineId
* attribute4
* returnAttribute10
* industryAttribute28
* shippingQuantity
* itemRevision
* industryAttribute15
* serviceNumber
* cancelledQuantity
* instId
* returnContext
* returnAttribute2
* fulfillmentDate
* tpAttribute15
* attribute7
* shipModelCompleteFlag
* lastUpdatedBy
* itemTypeCode
* changeSequence
* originalOrderedItem
* requestDate
* lineSetId
* shippableFlag
* paymentTermId
* freightTermsCode
* globalAttribute11
* arrivalSetId
* attribute1
* soldFromOrgId
* globalAttribute5
* referenceCustomerTrxLineId
* industryAttribute29
* globalAttribute20
* customerTrxLineId
* globalAttribute8
* planningPriority
* industryAttribute21
* referenceLineId
* sourceDocumentId
* dropShipFlag
* lineId
* shippingQuantity2
* industryAttribute1
* attribute3
* industryAttribute23
* itemRelationshipType
* commitmentId
* attribute8
* returnAttribute5
* globalAttributeCategory
* returnAttribute1
* atoLineId
* returnAttribute3
* rlaScheduleTypeCode
* cancelledFlag
* fulfilledFlag
* tpAttribute14
* shipFromOrgId


 * taxRate
* unitSellingPrice
* subinventory
* globalAttribute17
* cancelledQuantity2
* deliveryLeadTime
* tpAttribute5
* origSysDocumentRef
* serviceTxnComments
* globalAttribute12
* shipmentNumber
* inventoryItemId
* tpAttribute2
* componentSequenceId
* lineTypeId
* industryAttribute20
* blanketNumber
* explosionDate
* tpAttribute8
* shippingQuantityUom2
* attribute18
* taskId
* tpAttribute11
* returnAttribute11
* attribute5
* custProductionSeqNum
* returnAttribute7
* marketingSourceCodeId
* origSysLineRef
* splitBy
* intmedShipToContactId
* sourceDocumentTypeId
* priceRequestCode
* overShipResolvedFlag
* orderedQuantity
* lastAckCode
* optionFlag
* upgradedFlag
* serviceEndDate
* pricingQuantityUom
* industryAttribute12
* salesDocumentTypeCode
* globalAttribute16
* overrideAtpDateCode
* lateDemandPenaltyFactor
* shipToleranceAbove
* agreementId
* shippingInstructions
* programApplicationId
* itemSubstitutionTypeCode
* serviceTxnReasonCode
* attribute2
* globalAttribute15
* industryAttribute13
* userItemDescription
* mfgLeadTime
* freightCarrierCode
* configurationId
* demandBucketTypeCode
* authorizedToShipFlag
* globalAttribute3
* industryAttribute27
* unitSellingPercent
* attribute11
* orderedQuantity2
* attribute17
* pricingAttribute5
* unitListPricePerPqty
* modelGroupNumber
* vehCusItemCumKeyId
* taxExemptFlag
* requestId
* orgId
* globalAttribute7
* unitListPercent
* blanketVersionNumber
* attribute10
* globalAttribute2
* shippingInterfacedFlag
* sourceDocumentVersionNumber
* customerItemNetPrice
* intmedShipToOrgId
* industryAttribute4
* origSysShipmentRef
* attribute15
* shippingMethodCode
* scheduleShipDate
* taxExemptNumber
* taxValue
* flowStatusCode
* shipmentPriorityCode
* fobPointCode
* tpAttribute4
* serviceReferenceTypeCode
* orderedItemId
* shipToOrgId
* pricingDate
* programId
* returnAttribute13
* tpAttribute3
* taxCode
* returnAttribute8
* globalAttribute19
* industryAttribute2
* industryAttribute30
* invoiceToContactId
* shippingQuantityUom
* tpAttribute10
* latestAcceptableDate
* serviceDuration
* returnAttribute14
* customerDockCode
* attribute13
* pricingAttribute8
* pricingQuantity
* accountingRuleDuration
* accountingRuleId
* actualArrivalDate
* tpAttribute7
* tpAttribute12
* pricingAttribute9
* orderedQuantityUom2
* projectId
* industryAttribute24
* originalOrderedItemId
* pricingAttribute2
* attribute6
* industryAttribute8
* referenceHeaderId
* componentCode
* openFlag
* transactionPhaseCode
* depPlanRequiredFlag
* earliestAcceptableDate
* scheduleStatusCode
* overShipReasonCode
* customerShipmentNumber
* fulfillmentMethodCode
* scheduleArrivalDate
* priceListId
* tpAttribute9
* referenceType
* unitListPrice
* serviceCoterminateFlag
* actualShipmentDate
* blanketLineNumber
* industryAttribute16
* attribute12
* orderQuantityUom
* invoiceToOrgId
* returnAttribute12
* shipToContactId
* globalAttribute14
* industryAttribute5
* globalAttribute4
* salesrepId
* originalItemIdentifierType
* unitCost
* configRevNbr
* customerLineNumber
* industryAttribute17
* custModelSerialNumber
* taxExemptReasonCode
* serviceStartDate
* industryAttribute7
* splitFromLineId
* globalAttribute6
* globalAttribute9
* globalAttribute13
* creditInvoiceLineId
* headerId
* firstAckDate
* visibleDemandFlag
* globalAttribute18
* orderedItem
* mfgComponentSequenceId
* reSourceFlag
* returnReasonCode
* taxPointCode
* shipSetId
* pricingAttribute7
* industryAttribute11
* industryAttribute19
* demandClassCode
* pricingAttribute4
* tpAttribute1
* soldToOrgId
* industryAttribute18
* optionNumber
* programUpdateDate
* calculatePriceFlag
* globalAttribute10
* tpContext
* orderFirmedDate
* shippedQuantity2
* industryAttribute10
* fulfilledQuantity
* deliverToContactId
* packingInstructions
* modelRemnantFlag
* lastAckDate
* industryAttribute14
* componentNumber
* customerPaymentTermId
* pricingAttribute6
* deliverToOrgId
* returnAttribute6
* shipToleranceBelow
* industryAttribute26
* topModelLineId
* endItemUnitNumber
* preferredGrade
* globalAttribute1
* industryContext
* industryAttribute22
* customerJob
* lineNumber
* revenueAmount
* invoicedQuantity
* attribute14
* returnAttribute4
* unitPercentBasePrice
* pricingContext
* pricingAttribute10
* sourceTypeCode
* lockControl
* invoicingRuleId
* sortOrder
* promiseDate
* pricingAttribute1
* industryAttribute3
* firstAckCode
* attribute20
* tpAttribute13
* custPoNumber
* unitSellingPricePerPqty
* serviceReferenceSystemId
* context
* serviceReferenceLineId
* returnAttribute15
* createdBy
* attribute9
* servicePeriod
* lineCategoryCode
* creationDate
* actualFulfillmentDate
* lastUpdateDate
* bookedFlag
* invoiceInterfaceStatusCode
* linkToLineId
* orderSourceId
* shippedQuantity
* configHeaderId
* industryAttribute9
* configDisplaySequence
* returnAttribute9
* tpAttribute6
* attribute19
* attribute16
* lastUpdateLogin
* fulfilledQuantity2
* originalInventoryItemId
* pricingAttribute3
* customerProductionLine
* taxDate
* industryAttribute25
* industryAttribute6
* itemIdentifierType
* autoSelectedQuantity
* sourceDocumentLineId
* attribute4
* returnAttribute10
* industryAttribute28
* shippingQuantity
* itemRevision
* industryAttribute15
* serviceNumber
* cancelledQuantity
* instId
* returnContext
* returnAttribute2
* fulfillmentDate
* tpAttribute15
* attribute7
* shipModelCompleteFlag
* lastUpdatedBy
* itemTypeCode
* changeSequence
* originalOrderedItem
* requestDate
* lineSetId
* shippableFlag
* paymentTermId
* freightTermsCode
* globalAttribute11
* arrivalSetId
* attribute1
* soldFromOrgId
* globalAttribute5
* referenceCustomerTrxLineId
* industryAttribute29
* globalAttribute20
* customerTrxLineId
* globalAttribute8
* planningPriority
* industryAttribute21
* referenceLineId
* sourceDocumentId
* dropShipFlag
* lineId
* shippingQuantity2
* industryAttribute1
* attribute3
* industryAttribute23
* itemRelationshipType
* commitmentId
* attribute8
* returnAttribute5
* globalAttributeCategory
* returnAttribute1
* atoLineId
* returnAttribute3
* rlaScheduleTypeCode
* cancelledFlag
* fulfilledFlag
* tpAttribute14
* shipFromOrgId


 * enforceAccountingRuleFlag
* returnedQuantity
* lineId
* enforceFreightTermFlag
* enforceShipToFlag
* minReleaseQuantity
* enforceInvoiceToFlag
* instId
* qpListLineId
* overrideReleaseControlsFlag
* releasedQuantity
* endDateActive
* maxReleaseAmount
* enforceShippingMethodFlag
* startDateActive
* maxReleaseQuantity
* fulfilledQuantity
* orderNumber
* returnedAmount
* enforceInvoicingRuleFlag
* enforcePaymentTermFlag
* blanketLineMaxAmount
* modifierListLineId
* fulfilledAmount
* blanketLineMinAmount
* overrideBlanketControlsFlag
* blanketMinQuantity
* lineNumber
* releasedAmount
* minReleaseAmount
* enforcePriceListFlag
* blanketMaxQuantity


 * enforceAccountingRuleFlag
* returnedQuantity
* lineId
* enforceFreightTermFlag
* enforceShipToFlag
* minReleaseQuantity
* enforceInvoiceToFlag
* instId
* qpListLineId
* overrideReleaseControlsFlag
* releasedQuantity
* endDateActive
* maxReleaseAmount
* enforceShippingMethodFlag
* startDateActive
* maxReleaseQuantity
* fulfilledQuantity
* orderNumber
* returnedAmount
* enforceInvoicingRuleFlag
* enforcePaymentTermFlag
* blanketLineMaxAmount
* modifierListLineId
* fulfilledAmount
* blanketLineMinAmount
* overrideBlanketControlsFlag
* blanketMinQuantity
* lineNumber
* releasedAmount
* minReleaseAmount
* enforcePriceListFlag
* blanketMaxQuantity


 * shipmentNumber
* pricingQuantityUom
* shipFromOrgId
* planningPriority
* itemRelationshipType
* lineId
* globalAttribute19
* globalAttribute11
* industryAttribute18
* cancelledFlag
* taxPointCode
* loadSeqNumber
* configHeaderId
* taxCode
* blanketVersionNumber
* orderQuantityUom
* taxRate
* sourceDocumentId
* reSourceFlag
* industryAttribute21
* attribute3
* industryAttribute10
* tpAttribute7
* industryAttribute5
* industryAttribute29
* serviceReferenceTypeCode
* tpAttribute3
* headerId
* globalAttribute20
* creditInvoiceLineId
* phaseChangeFlag
* returnAttribute11
* fulfilledQuantity
* attribute18
* soldToOrgId
* taskId
* unitListPrice
* fulfillmentMethodCode
* attribute19
* lastUpdateDate
* blanketLineMinAmount
* shippingMethodCode
* returnAttribute15
* splitFromLineId
* revenueAmount
* globalAttribute3
* shipToleranceAbove
* deliveryLeadTime
* shipToleranceBelow
* customerJob
* enforceShippingMethodFlag
* invoiceToOrgId
* invoicedQuantity
* lateDemandPenaltyFactor
* origSysDocumentRef
* industryAttribute23
* returnAttribute9
* wfResultCode
* lineNumber
* scheduleStatusCode
* referenceHeaderId
* attribute10
* pricingAttribute2
* unitListPricePerPqty
* globalAttribute7
* versionNumber
* tpAttribute11
* projectId
* requestId
* orderNumber
* globalAttribute18
* returnAttribute12
* dropShipFlag
* minReleaseAmount
* globalAttributeCategory
* serviceNumber
* shippingQuantity
* returnAttribute1
* industryAttribute13
* histTypeCode
* enforceInvoiceToFlag
* industryAttribute4
* unitSellingPricePerPqty
* shippingQuantityUom2
* attribute4
* sourceDocumentVersionNumber
* latestCancelledQuantity
* programUpdateDate
* endItemUnitNumber
* industryAttribute2
* customerShipmentNumber
* referenceCustomerTrxLineId
* orderedQuantity2
* returnAttribute13
* pricingQuantity
* soldFromOrgId
* attribute11
* auditFlag
* shipToOrgId
* shipToContactId
* globalAttribute8
* attribute7
* attribute12
* histComments
* globalAttribute4
* unitPercentBasePrice
* pricingDate
* globalAttribute12
* tpAttribute1
* unitSellingPercent
* enforceAccountingRuleFlag
* attribute17
* customerTrxLineId
* returnAttribute14
* originalOrderedItemId
* userItemDescription
* freightTermsCode
* deliverToContactId
* shippingInstructions
* deliverToOrgId
* cancelledQuantity2
* taxExemptNumber
* industryAttribute15
* openFlag
* returnAttribute3
* releasedQuantity
* tpAttribute8
* itemRevision
* industryAttribute19
* inventoryItemId
* serviceStartDate
* pricingAttribute8
* serviceEndDate
* pricingAttribute1
* overShipReasonCode
* industryContext
* tpAttribute6
* packingInstructions
* itemInput
* transactionPhaseCode
* tpAttribute9
* customerDockCode
* tpContext
* custPoNumber
* changeSequence
* blanketMaxQuantity
* attribute14
* linkToLineId
* versionFlag
* industryAttribute28
* lineTypeId
* serviceReferenceSystemId
* attribute6
* sourceTypeCode
* enforceInvoicingRuleFlag
* returnedQuantity
* industryAttribute25
* referenceLineId
* createdBy
* returnAttribute4
* returnAttribute8
* returnAttribute10
* fulfilledFlag
* context
* earliestAcceptableDate
* actualShipmentDate
* globalAttribute6
* returnedAmount
* industryAttribute22
* reasonCode
* referenceType
* customerItemNetPrice
* modelGroupNumber
* orderFirmedDate
* componentNumber
* tpAttribute15
* responsibilityId
* tpAttribute2
* fobPointCode
* attribute8
* attribute20
* lastUpdateLogin
* industryAttribute9
* unitListPercent
* returnAttribute6
* atoLineId
* creationDate
* attribute15
* globalAttribute9
* lastUpdatedBy
* orderedQuantity
* industryAttribute3
* programId
* globalAttribute15
* invoiceToContactId
* industryAttribute24
* originalOrderedItem
* enforceShipToFlag
* lastAckCode
* enforcePriceListFlag
* orderSourceId
* overrideAtpDateCode
* shipmentPriorityCode
* returnAttribute5
* promiseDate
* calculatePriceFlag
* depPlanRequiredFlag
* industryAttribute27
* returnReasonCode
* preferredGrade
* itemIdentifierType
* freightCarrierCode
* overrideBlanketControlsFlag
* customerPaymentTermId
* shippingQuantity2
* attribute16
* histCreatedBy
* attribute9
* itemTypeCode
* fulfillmentDate
* unitSellingPrice
* shipModelCompleteFlag
* configRevNbr
* taxExemptFlag
* mfgComponentSequenceId
* maxReleaseQuantity
* paymentTermId
* serviceReferenceLineId
* blanketNumber
* modifierListLineId
* industryAttribute11
* overShipResolvedFlag
* priceRequestCode
* configurationId
* invoiceInterfaceStatusCode
* actualFulfillmentDate
* commitmentId
* tpAttribute10
* tpAttribute14
* blanketLineNumber
* lineCategoryCode
* blanketMinQuantity
* latestAcceptableDate
* wfActivityCode
* endDateActive
* industryAttribute26
* origSysLineRef
* globalAttribute14
* pricingAttribute4
* demandClassCode
* pricingAttribute6
* serviceTxnComments
* pricingAttribute5
* bookedFlag
* salesrepId
* vehCusItemCumKeyId
* pricingAttribute10
* tpAttribute5
* customerProductionLine
* industryAttribute14
* histCreationDate
* accountingRuleDuration
* salesDocumentTypeCode
* taxExemptReasonCode
* scheduleShipDate
* orderedItemId
* sourceDocumentTypeId
* industryAttribute17
* intmedShipToOrgId
* overrideReleaseControlsFlag
* returnContext
* serviceCoterminateFlag
* componentSequenceId
* fulfilledAmount
* actualArrivalDate
* releasedAmount
* visibleDemandFlag
* accountingRuleId
* attribute2
* shipSetId
* authorizedToShipFlag
* sortOrder
* splitBy
* enforcePaymentTermFlag
* originalItemIdentifierType
* fulfilledQuantity2
* subinventory
* startDateActive
* firstAckDate
* industryAttribute20
* instId
* firstAckCode
* orgId
* optionNumber
* customerLineNumber
* industryAttribute1
* returnAttribute7
* globalAttribute2
* itemSubstitutionTypeCode
* autoSelectedQuantity
* globalAttribute13
* servicePeriod
* tpAttribute13
* demandBucketTypeCode
* taxValue
* custModelSerialNumber
* customerItemId
* returnAttribute2
* arrivalSetId
* reasonId
* priceListId
* agreementId
* enforceFreightTermFlag
* shippingInterfacedFlag
* invoiceCompleteFlag
* globalAttribute17
* globalAttribute1
* pricingAttribute9
* attribute1
* configDisplaySequence
* topModelLineId
* invoicingRuleId
* globalAttribute16
* componentCode
* servicedLineId
* blanketLineMaxAmount
* rlaScheduleTypeCode
* serviceDuration
* cancelledQuantity
* pricingContext
* optionFlag
* shippableFlag
* attribute13
* industryAttribute8
* industryAttribute6
* orderedItem
* explosionDate
* industryAttribute7
* custProductionSeqNum
* taxDate
* tpAttribute12
* flowStatusCode
* lastAckDate
* shippedQuantity2
* shippedQuantity
* scheduleArrivalDate
* shippingQuantityUom
* lineSetId
* industryAttribute16
* intmedShipToContactId
* minReleaseQuantity
* qpListLineId
* industryAttribute12
* programApplicationId
* requestDate
* customerItemRevision
* pricingAttribute7
* maxReleaseAmount
* modelRemnantFlag
* serviceTxnReasonCode
* attribute5
* originalInventoryItemId
* origSysShipmentRef
* itemId
* deliveryId
* tpAttribute4
* globalAttribute5
* pricingAttribute3
* sourceDocumentLineId
* globalAttribute10
* orderedQuantityUom2
* industryAttribute30


 * shipmentNumber
* pricingQuantityUom
* shipFromOrgId
* planningPriority
* itemRelationshipType
* lineId
* globalAttribute19
* globalAttribute11
* industryAttribute18
* cancelledFlag
* taxPointCode
* loadSeqNumber
* configHeaderId
* taxCode
* blanketVersionNumber
* orderQuantityUom
* taxRate
* sourceDocumentId
* reSourceFlag
* industryAttribute21
* attribute3
* industryAttribute10
* tpAttribute7
* industryAttribute5
* industryAttribute29
* serviceReferenceTypeCode
* tpAttribute3
* headerId
* globalAttribute20
* creditInvoiceLineId
* phaseChangeFlag
* returnAttribute11
* fulfilledQuantity
* attribute18
* soldToOrgId
* taskId
* unitListPrice
* fulfillmentMethodCode
* attribute19
* lastUpdateDate
* blanketLineMinAmount
* shippingMethodCode
* returnAttribute15
* splitFromLineId
* revenueAmount
* globalAttribute3
* shipToleranceAbove
* deliveryLeadTime
* shipToleranceBelow
* customerJob
* enforceShippingMethodFlag
* invoiceToOrgId
* invoicedQuantity
* lateDemandPenaltyFactor
* origSysDocumentRef
* industryAttribute23
* returnAttribute9
* wfResultCode
* lineNumber
* scheduleStatusCode
* referenceHeaderId
* attribute10
* pricingAttribute2
* unitListPricePerPqty
* globalAttribute7
* versionNumber
* tpAttribute11
* projectId
* requestId
* orderNumber
* globalAttribute18
* returnAttribute12
* dropShipFlag
* minReleaseAmount
* globalAttributeCategory
* serviceNumber
* shippingQuantity
* returnAttribute1
* industryAttribute13
* histTypeCode
* enforceInvoiceToFlag
* industryAttribute4
* unitSellingPricePerPqty
* shippingQuantityUom2
* attribute4
* sourceDocumentVersionNumber
* latestCancelledQuantity
* programUpdateDate
* endItemUnitNumber
* industryAttribute2
* customerShipmentNumber
* referenceCustomerTrxLineId
* orderedQuantity2
* returnAttribute13
* pricingQuantity
* soldFromOrgId
* attribute11
* auditFlag
* shipToOrgId
* shipToContactId
* globalAttribute8
* attribute7
* attribute12
* histComments
* globalAttribute4
* unitPercentBasePrice
* pricingDate
* globalAttribute12
* tpAttribute1
* unitSellingPercent
* enforceAccountingRuleFlag
* attribute17
* customerTrxLineId
* returnAttribute14
* originalOrderedItemId
* userItemDescription
* freightTermsCode
* deliverToContactId
* shippingInstructions
* deliverToOrgId
* cancelledQuantity2
* taxExemptNumber
* industryAttribute15
* openFlag
* returnAttribute3
* releasedQuantity
* tpAttribute8
* itemRevision
* industryAttribute19
* inventoryItemId
* serviceStartDate
* pricingAttribute8
* serviceEndDate
* pricingAttribute1
* overShipReasonCode
* industryContext
* tpAttribute6
* packingInstructions
* itemInput
* transactionPhaseCode
* tpAttribute9
* customerDockCode
* tpContext
* custPoNumber
* changeSequence
* blanketMaxQuantity
* attribute14
* linkToLineId
* versionFlag
* industryAttribute28
* lineTypeId
* serviceReferenceSystemId
* attribute6
* sourceTypeCode
* enforceInvoicingRuleFlag
* returnedQuantity
* industryAttribute25
* referenceLineId
* createdBy
* returnAttribute4
* returnAttribute8
* returnAttribute10
* fulfilledFlag
* context
* earliestAcceptableDate
* actualShipmentDate
* globalAttribute6
* returnedAmount
* industryAttribute22
* reasonCode
* referenceType
* customerItemNetPrice
* modelGroupNumber
* orderFirmedDate
* componentNumber
* tpAttribute15
* responsibilityId
* tpAttribute2
* fobPointCode
* attribute8
* attribute20
* lastUpdateLogin
* industryAttribute9
* unitListPercent
* returnAttribute6
* atoLineId
* creationDate
* attribute15
* globalAttribute9
* lastUpdatedBy
* orderedQuantity
* industryAttribute3
* programId
* globalAttribute15
* invoiceToContactId
* industryAttribute24
* originalOrderedItem
* enforceShipToFlag
* lastAckCode
* enforcePriceListFlag
* orderSourceId
* overrideAtpDateCode
* shipmentPriorityCode
* returnAttribute5
* promiseDate
* calculatePriceFlag
* depPlanRequiredFlag
* industryAttribute27
* returnReasonCode
* preferredGrade
* itemIdentifierType
* freightCarrierCode
* overrideBlanketControlsFlag
* customerPaymentTermId
* shippingQuantity2
* attribute16
* histCreatedBy
* attribute9
* itemTypeCode
* fulfillmentDate
* unitSellingPrice
* shipModelCompleteFlag
* configRevNbr
* taxExemptFlag
* mfgComponentSequenceId
* maxReleaseQuantity
* paymentTermId
* serviceReferenceLineId
* blanketNumber
* modifierListLineId
* industryAttribute11
* overShipResolvedFlag
* priceRequestCode
* configurationId
* invoiceInterfaceStatusCode
* actualFulfillmentDate
* commitmentId
* tpAttribute10
* tpAttribute14
* blanketLineNumber
* lineCategoryCode
* blanketMinQuantity
* latestAcceptableDate
* wfActivityCode
* endDateActive
* industryAttribute26
* origSysLineRef
* globalAttribute14
* pricingAttribute4
* demandClassCode
* pricingAttribute6
* serviceTxnComments
* pricingAttribute5
* bookedFlag
* salesrepId
* vehCusItemCumKeyId
* pricingAttribute10
* tpAttribute5
* customerProductionLine
* industryAttribute14
* histCreationDate
* accountingRuleDuration
* salesDocumentTypeCode
* taxExemptReasonCode
* scheduleShipDate
* orderedItemId
* sourceDocumentTypeId
* industryAttribute17
* intmedShipToOrgId
* overrideReleaseControlsFlag
* returnContext
* serviceCoterminateFlag
* componentSequenceId
* fulfilledAmount
* actualArrivalDate
* releasedAmount
* visibleDemandFlag
* accountingRuleId
* attribute2
* shipSetId
* authorizedToShipFlag
* sortOrder
* splitBy
* enforcePaymentTermFlag
* originalItemIdentifierType
* fulfilledQuantity2
* subinventory
* startDateActive
* firstAckDate
* industryAttribute20
* instId
* firstAckCode
* orgId
* optionNumber
* customerLineNumber
* industryAttribute1
* returnAttribute7
* globalAttribute2
* itemSubstitutionTypeCode
* autoSelectedQuantity
* globalAttribute13
* servicePeriod
* tpAttribute13
* demandBucketTypeCode
* taxValue
* custModelSerialNumber
* customerItemId
* returnAttribute2
* arrivalSetId
* reasonId
* priceListId
* agreementId
* enforceFreightTermFlag
* shippingInterfacedFlag
* invoiceCompleteFlag
* globalAttribute17
* globalAttribute1
* pricingAttribute9
* attribute1
* configDisplaySequence
* topModelLineId
* invoicingRuleId
* globalAttribute16
* componentCode
* servicedLineId
* blanketLineMaxAmount
* rlaScheduleTypeCode
* serviceDuration
* cancelledQuantity
* pricingContext
* optionFlag
* shippableFlag
* attribute13
* industryAttribute8
* industryAttribute6
* orderedItem
* explosionDate
* industryAttribute7
* custProductionSeqNum
* taxDate
* tpAttribute12
* flowStatusCode
* lastAckDate
* shippedQuantity2
* shippedQuantity
* scheduleArrivalDate
* shippingQuantityUom
* lineSetId
* industryAttribute16
* intmedShipToContactId
* minReleaseQuantity
* qpListLineId
* industryAttribute12
* programApplicationId
* requestDate
* customerItemRevision
* pricingAttribute7
* maxReleaseAmount
* modelRemnantFlag
* serviceTxnReasonCode
* attribute5
* originalInventoryItemId
* origSysShipmentRef
* itemId
* deliveryId
* tpAttribute4
* globalAttribute5
* pricingAttribute3
* sourceDocumentLineId
* globalAttribute10
* orderedQuantityUom2
* industryAttribute30


 * parentRequestId
* date2
* orgId
* processed
* shipFromOrgId
* attribute2
* arrivalSetId
* date3
* attribute5
* date1
* childRequestId
* date4
* attribute3
* topModelLineId
* attribute4
* date5
* lineId
* attribute1
* shipSetId
* groupNumber
* scheduleArrivalDate
* scheduleShipDate
* processingOrder
* requestDate


 * parentRequestId
* date2
* orgId
* processed
* shipFromOrgId
* attribute2
* arrivalSetId
* date3
* attribute5
* date1
* childRequestId
* date4
* attribute3
* topModelLineId
* attribute4
* date5
* lineId
* attribute1
* shipSetId
* groupNumber
* scheduleArrivalDate
* scheduleShipDate
* processingOrder
* requestDate


 * numericAttribute5
* numericAttribute3
* charAttribute1
* requestId
* headerId
* lineId
* charAttribute3
* numericAttribute1
* charAttribute2
* charAttribute5
* charAttribute4
* numericAttribute2
* numericAttribute4


 * numericAttribute5
* numericAttribute3
* charAttribute1
* requestId
* headerId
* lineId
* charAttribute3
* numericAttribute1
* charAttribute2
* charAttribute5
* charAttribute4
* numericAttribute2
* numericAttribute4


 * includePaymentsAtRiskFlag
* auditUserName
* openArDays
* includeExternalExposureFlag
* auditTrueNulls
* auditSequenceId
* startDateActive
* creditHoldLevelCode
* ordersOnHoldFlag
* includeReturnsFlag
* creditCheckRuleId
* creditCheckLevelCode
* auditSessionId
* auditCommitId
* auditTimestamp
* shippingInterval
* endDateActive
* quickCrCheckFlag
* openArBalanceFlag
* inclFreightChargesFlag
* includeTaxFlag
* sendHoldNotificationsFlag
* uninvoicedOrdersFlag
* maximumDaysPastDue
* checkItemCategoriesFlag
* conversionType
* daysHonorManualRelease
* auditTransactionType
* name
* rowKey


 * includePaymentsAtRiskFlag
* auditUserName
* openArDays
* includeExternalExposureFlag
* auditTrueNulls
* auditSequenceId
* startDateActive
* creditHoldLevelCode
* ordersOnHoldFlag
* includeReturnsFlag
* creditCheckRuleId
* creditCheckLevelCode
* auditSessionId
* auditCommitId
* auditTimestamp
* shippingInterval
* endDateActive
* quickCrCheckFlag
* openArBalanceFlag
* inclFreightChargesFlag
* includeTaxFlag
* sendHoldNotificationsFlag
* uninvoicedOrdersFlag
* maximumDaysPastDue
* checkItemCategoriesFlag
* conversionType
* daysHonorManualRelease
* auditTransactionType
* name
* rowKey


 * attribute8
* attribute15
* attribute4
* lastUpdateLogin
* changeRequestCode
* statusFlag
* attribute6
* orgId
* orderSourceId
* attribute11
* instId
* changeSequence
* salesrep
* programUpdateDate
* origSysShipmentRef
* soldToOrg
* attribute3
* operationCode
* changeReason
* errorFlag
* attribute9
* salesGroupUpdatedFlag
* interfaceStatus
* soldToOrgId
* salesrepId
* attribute7
* percent
* attribute1
* quotaFlag
* attribute10
* attribute5
* salesCreditType
* createdBy
* changeComments
* creationDate
* salesGroupId
* programId
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute12
* lastUpdatedBy
* origSysLineRef
* context
* attribute13
* attribute2
* origSysCreditRef
* origSysDocumentRef
* attribute14
* salesCreditTypeId
* programApplicationId
* requestId


 * attribute8
* attribute15
* attribute4
* lastUpdateLogin
* changeRequestCode
* statusFlag
* attribute6
* orgId
* orderSourceId
* attribute11
* instId
* changeSequence
* salesrep
* programUpdateDate
* origSysShipmentRef
* soldToOrg
* attribute3
* operationCode
* changeReason
* errorFlag
* attribute9
* salesGroupUpdatedFlag
* interfaceStatus
* soldToOrgId
* salesrepId
* attribute7
* percent
* attribute1
* quotaFlag
* attribute10
* attribute5
* salesCreditType
* createdBy
* changeComments
* creationDate
* salesGroupId
* programId
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute12
* lastUpdatedBy
* origSysLineRef
* context
* attribute13
* attribute2
* origSysCreditRef
* origSysDocumentRef
* attribute14
* salesCreditTypeId
* programApplicationId
* requestId


 * custItemSettingId
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute5
* attribute14
* underShipmentTolerance
* creationDate
* attribute8
* attribute15
* inventoryOrgId
* lastUpdatedBy
* overShipmentTolerance
* attribute9
* attribute1
* attribute4
* createdBy
* overReturnTolerance
* customerId
* attribute2
* attribute6
* underReturnTolerance
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute3
* attribute7
* attribute13
* siteUseId
* context
* attribute12
* attribute10
* internalItemId
* attribute11


 * custItemSettingId
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute5
* attribute14
* underShipmentTolerance
* creationDate
* attribute8
* attribute15
* inventoryOrgId
* lastUpdatedBy
* overShipmentTolerance
* attribute9
* attribute1
* attribute4
* createdBy
* overReturnTolerance
* customerId
* attribute2
* attribute6
* underReturnTolerance
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute3
* attribute7
* attribute13
* siteUseId
* context
* attribute12
* attribute10
* internalItemId
* attribute11


 * period2TotalAmount
* programApplicationId
* soldToOrgId
* lastUpdateDate
* programId
* programUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* requestId
* period3TotalAmount
* orgId
* period1TotalAmount
* createdBy
* creationDate
* lastUpdatedBy


 * period2TotalAmount
* programApplicationId
* soldToOrgId
* lastUpdateDate
* programId
* programUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* requestId
* period3TotalAmount
* orgId
* period1TotalAmount
* createdBy
* creationDate
* lastUpdatedBy


 * globalAttribute17
* globalAttribute1
* newAddressIdDeliver
* attribute11
* isDeliverToAddress
* attribute15
* phoneAreaCode
* address4
* attribute14
* address3
* globalAttribute4
* globalAttribute19
* personMiddleName
* orgId
* newAddressIdShip
* attribute7
* postalCode
* parentCustomerRef
* isBillToAddress
* creationDate
* state
* lastUpdateLogin
* globalAttribute9
* currentCustomerId
* globalAttribute15
* rejectedFlag
* city
* attribute24
* newPartyNumber
* globalAttribute14
* phoneExtension
* personLastName
* newAccountId
* attribute18
* globalAttribute12
* attributeCategory
* newAddressIdSoldTo
* lastUpdatedBy
* partyNumber
* newAddressIdBill
* globalAttributeCategory
* province
* personNameSuffix
* globalAttribute3
* isSoldToAddress
* emailAddress
* globalAttribute10
* requestId
* locationNumber
* attribute12
* globalAttribute18
* attribute1
* errorFlag
* attribute9
* attribute22
* attribute5
* globalAttribute6
* newPartyId
* instId
* globalAttribute20
* globalAttribute5
* attribute20
* address2
* county
* globalAttribute11
* attribute4
* globalAttribute2
* siteNumber
* attribute19
* globalAttribute13
* currentCustomerNumber
* attribute23
* attribute16
* personFirstName
* attribute2
* customerInfoTypeCode
* customerNumber
* lastUpdateDate
* newAccountNumber
* attribute10
* organizationName
* country
* isShipToAddress
* globalAttribute7
* customerType
* address1
* attribute17
* createdBy
* attribute13
* globalAttribute16
* attribute8
* attribute3
* personTitle
* newContactId
* phoneCountryCode
* globalAttribute8
* phoneNumber
* attribute6
* attribute21
* customerInfoRef


 * globalAttribute17
* globalAttribute1
* newAddressIdDeliver
* attribute11
* isDeliverToAddress
* attribute15
* phoneAreaCode
* address4
* attribute14
* address3
* globalAttribute4
* globalAttribute19
* personMiddleName
* orgId
* newAddressIdShip
* attribute7
* postalCode
* parentCustomerRef
* isBillToAddress
* creationDate
* state
* lastUpdateLogin
* globalAttribute9
* currentCustomerId
* globalAttribute15
* rejectedFlag
* city
* attribute24
* newPartyNumber
* globalAttribute14
* phoneExtension
* personLastName
* newAccountId
* attribute18
* globalAttribute12
* attributeCategory
* newAddressIdSoldTo
* lastUpdatedBy
* partyNumber
* newAddressIdBill
* globalAttributeCategory
* province
* personNameSuffix
* globalAttribute3
* isSoldToAddress
* emailAddress
* globalAttribute10
* requestId
* locationNumber
* attribute12
* globalAttribute18
* attribute1
* errorFlag
* attribute9
* attribute22
* attribute5
* globalAttribute6
* newPartyId
* instId
* globalAttribute20
* globalAttribute5
* attribute20
* address2
* county
* globalAttribute11
* attribute4
* globalAttribute2
* siteNumber
* attribute19
* globalAttribute13
* currentCustomerNumber
* attribute23
* attribute16
* personFirstName
* attribute2
* customerInfoTypeCode
* customerNumber
* lastUpdateDate
* newAccountNumber
* attribute10
* organizationName
* country
* isShipToAddress
* globalAttribute7
* customerType
* address1
* attribute17
* createdBy
* attribute13
* globalAttribute16
* attribute8
* attribute3
* personTitle
* newContactId
* phoneCountryCode
* globalAttribute8
* phoneNumber
* attribute6
* attribute21
* customerInfoRef


 * creationDate
* poReleaseId
* requisitionLineId
* createdBy
* instId
* headerId
* dropShipSourceId
* orgId
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* poLineId
* poHeaderId
* requisitionHeaderId
* destinationOrganizationId
* lineLocationId
* lineId


 * creationDate
* poReleaseId
* requisitionLineId
* createdBy
* instId
* headerId
* dropShipSourceId
* orgId
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* poLineId
* poHeaderId
* requisitionHeaderId
* destinationOrganizationId
* lineLocationId
* lineId


 * createdBy
* lastUpdateItemkey
* programId
* programApplicationId
* parentDocumentId
* changeSequence
* lastUpdateLogin
* messageText
* itemKey
* orgId
* itemType
* lastUpdateDate
* orderTypeId
* lastUpdatedBy
* emTransactionTypeCode
* orderSourceId
* soldToOrgId
* headerId
* documentStatus
* requestId
* emConcRequestId
* programUpdateDate
* orderNumber
* documentDisposition
* creationDate
* documentId
* origSysDocumentRef


 * createdBy
* lastUpdateItemkey
* programId
* programApplicationId
* parentDocumentId
* changeSequence
* lastUpdateLogin
* messageText
* itemKey
* orgId
* itemType
* lastUpdateDate
* orderTypeId
* lastUpdatedBy
* emTransactionTypeCode
* orderSourceId
* soldToOrgId
* headerId
* documentStatus
* requestId
* emConcRequestId
* programUpdateDate
* orderNumber
* documentDisposition
* creationDate
* documentId
* origSysDocumentRef


 * updatedDate
* creationDate
* languageCode
* createdBy
* updatedBy
* lineId
* updatedLogin


 * updatedDate
* creationDate
* languageCode
* createdBy
* updatedBy
* lineId
* updatedLogin


 * fromQuantity
* shipFromOrgId
* holdLevel
* pickStatus#1
* holdName
* transactionAmount
* lineNumber
* actionType
* salesRepName
* origSalesRepName
* eidEndecaId
* primaryUom
* inventoryItemId
* flowStatusDesc
* requisitionNumber#1
* reservedStatus
* openFlag
* eidLoadType
* lineId
* lineFlex
* requisitionNumber
* displayCurrency
* reservedQuantity
* pickStatus
* eidRecordType
* primaryQuantity
* lineAttachment
* fromUom
* origLineNumber
* convertedAmount
* poReleaseNumber
* relatedPoNumber
* orderAmount
* lastUpdateDate


 * fromQuantity
* shipFromOrgId
* holdLevel
* pickStatus#1
* holdName
* transactionAmount
* lineNumber
* actionType
* salesRepName
* origSalesRepName
* eidEndecaId
* primaryUom
* inventoryItemId
* flowStatusDesc
* requisitionNumber#1
* reservedStatus
* openFlag
* eidLoadType
* lineId
* lineFlex
* requisitionNumber
* displayCurrency
* reservedQuantity
* pickStatus
* eidRecordType
* primaryQuantity
* lineAttachment
* fromUom
* origLineNumber
* convertedAmount
* poReleaseNumber
* relatedPoNumber
* orderAmount
* lastUpdateDate


 * lastUpdatedBy
* errorMessage
* lastUpdateLogin
* requestId
* creationDate
* batchId
* lastUpdateDate
* createdBy
* exposureSourceCode
* programUpdateDate
* exposureInterfaceId
* programId
* programApplicationId
* errorMessageName


 * lastUpdatedBy
* errorMessage
* lastUpdateLogin
* requestId
* creationDate
* batchId
* lastUpdateDate
* createdBy
* exposureSourceCode
* programUpdateDate
* exposureInterfaceId
* programId
* programApplicationId
* errorMessageName


 * exposureSourceCode
* exposureInterfaceId
* importStatusCode
* orgId
* billToCity
* exposureAmount
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* originalSystemReference
* billToSiteUseId
* exposureDate
* operationCode
* programId
* billToCustomerName
* programUpdateDate
* createdBy
* billToCountry
* lastUpdateDate
* billToAddress3
* currencyCode
* billToCustomerNumber
* billToAddress4
* lastUpdatedBy
* programApplicationId
* billToCounty
* billToPostalCode
* billToAddress2
* billToCustomerId
* billToState
* requestId
* batchId
* billToAddress1
* billToProvince


 * exposureSourceCode
* exposureInterfaceId
* importStatusCode
* orgId
* billToCity
* exposureAmount
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* originalSystemReference
* billToSiteUseId
* exposureDate
* operationCode
* programId
* billToCustomerName
* programUpdateDate
* createdBy
* billToCountry
* lastUpdateDate
* billToAddress3
* currencyCode
* billToCustomerNumber
* billToAddress4
* lastUpdatedBy
* programApplicationId
* billToCounty
* billToPostalCode
* billToAddress2
* billToCustomerId
* billToState
* requestId
* batchId
* billToAddress1
* billToProvince


 * lastUpdateDate
* syncReqdFlag
* createdBy
* creationDate
* flowStatusCode
* objectLevel
* lastUpdateLogin
* zdSync
* zdEditionName
* lastUpdatedBy


 * lastUpdateDate
* syncReqdFlag
* createdBy
* creationDate
* flowStatusCode
* objectLevel
* lastUpdateLogin
* zdSync
* zdEditionName
* lastUpdatedBy


 * globalAttribute16
* invoiceToOrgId
* interfaceStatus
* shipToAddress4
* blanketNumber
* flowStatusCode
* orgId
* taxPoint
* poAttribute1
* poAttribute11
* sourceDocumentTypeId
* shipFromCity
* ibCurrentLocationCode
* customerPaymentTermId
* invoiceToContactFirstName
* deliverToOrg
* soldToLocationAddress2
* conversionTypeCode
* soldToAddressId
* deliverToCustomer
* soldToOrgId
* soldToLocationState
* invoiceProvinceInt
* shipFromAddress1
* attribute20
* attribute7
* globalAttribute6
* tpAttribute10
* quoteDate
* soldToLocationAddress3
* priceListId
* globalAttribute9
* shippingMethod
* tpAttribute2
* globalAttribute20
* globalAttribute4
* globalAttribute7
* operationCode
* soldToProvince
* supplierSignatureDate
* shipFromEdiLocationCode
* creditCardApprovalDate
* deliverToState
* globalAttribute8
* packingInstructions
* poAttribute9
* poAttribute14
* attribute11
* creditCardNumber
* endCustomerSiteUseId
* accountingRuleId
* shipToCustomerId
* origSysDocumentRef
* acknowledgmentType
* supplierSignature
* shipToCustomer
* tpAttribute1
* soldToLocationAddress4
* fobPointCode
* invoiceToOrg
* customerPaymentTerm
* deliverToCounty
* programApplicationId
* endCustomerAddress2
* attribute8
* poAttribute6
* endCustomerNumber
* tpAttribute15
* soldToContactLastName
* partialShipmentsAllowed
* poAttribute3
* attribute14
* salesrep
* invoiceToleranceBelow
* versionNumber
* deliverToProvince
* paymentAmount
* globalAttribute5
* tpAttribute12
* paymentTypeCode
* orderFirmedDate
* ibInstalledAtLocation#1
* buyerSellerFlag
* poRevisionDate
* invoiceToPartyNumber
* taxExemptReasonCode
* returnReasonCode
* endCustomerContactId
* endCustomerAddress4
* poAttribute15
* customerPreferenceSetCode
* attribute5
* pricingDate
* soldToLocationPostalCode
* orderCategoryCode
* transactionalCurrCode
* tpAttribute7
* attribute18
* invoiceCustomerId
* globalAttribute12
* customerSignature
* freightTermsCode
* shipToSiteInt
* attribute16
* invoiceToContactId
* shippingMethodCode
* checkNumber
* endCustomerName
* changeSequence
* ibOwner
* invoiceCustomerNumber
* shipToProvince
* tpAttribute3
* submissionDatetime
* tpAttribute11
* agreementId
* soldFromOrgId
* invoiceSite
* demandClassCode
* salesrepId
* bookedDate
* endCustomerCountry
* deliverToCustomerId
* shipToCustomerNumber
* attribute2
* globalAttribute13
* shipToCity
* xmlMessageId
* dropShipFlag
* custPoNumber
* soldToSiteUseId
* soldToCountry
* invoicingRuleId
* orderDateTypeCode
* shipFromAddressId
* shipToEdiLocationCode
* soldToEdiLocationCode
* attribute17
* endCustomerCounty
* firstAckCode
* customerNumber
* context
* poAttribute8
* endCustomerId
* globalAttribute11
* shipFromPostalCode
* invoiceCity
* tpAttribute8
* accountingRule
* shipToPostalCode
* shipmentPriorityCodeInt
* deliverToCountry
* taxExemptNumber
* tpAttribute9
* createdBy
* fobPoint
* paymentTermId
* bookedFlag
* shipToAddress3
* poAttribute5
* conversionRate
* orderedDate
* soldToLocationAddress1
* soldToLocationProvince
* shipToAddress1
* globalAttributeCategory
* globalAttribute15
* quoteNumber
* soldToAddress4
* shipFromAddress2
* endCustomerAddress1
* headerId
* errorFlag
* deliverToPostalCode
* poAttribute4
* orderedByContactFirstName
* invoiceAddress4
* taxExemptFlag
* globalAttribute2
* program
* shipToContact
* endCustomerContact
* invoiceToContactLastName
* poAttribute12
* orderNumber
* creditCardExpirationDate
* soldToLocationCounty
* deliverToContact
* shipFromCountry
* requestDate
* endCustomerProvince
* poAttribute2
* orderTypeId
* closedFlag
* openFlag
* endCustomerAddress3
* billToEdiLocationCode
* requestId
* agreement
* attribute15
* globalAttribute1
* globalAttribute3
* conversionType
* earliestScheduleLimit
* soldToOrg
* invoiceCountry
* orderSourceId
* tpContext
* agreementName
* shipToCounty
* attribute6
* shipToleranceAbove
* shipToPartyNumber
* invoiceCustomer
* shipFromRegion1
* soldToPostalCode
* soldToCity
* invoiceState
* attribute3
* headerPoContext
* firstAckDate
* customerName
* freightTerms
* remainderOrdersAllowed
* shipToleranceBelow
* endCustomerContactLastName
* shipFromOrg
* freightCarrierCode
* userStatusCode
* ibOwnerCode
* deliverToAddress2
* ibCurrentLocation#1
* attribute1
* shipmentPriority
* lastUpdateLogin
* ibInstalledAtLocationCode
* sourceDocumentId
* soldToPartyNumber
* creditCardCode
* taxPointCode
* attribute12
* tpAttribute13
* deliverToAddress1
* shipToOrg
* shipToContactFirstName
* transactionalCurr
* attribute13
* invoiceToContact
* deliverToAddress3
* invoiceAddress2
* endCustomerPostalCode
* shipmentPriorityCode
* tpAttribute4
* transactionPhaseCode
* programApplication
* programId
* tpAttribute6
* globalAttribute17
* poAttribute13
* deliverToAddress4
* deliverToPartyNumber
* lastUpdateDate
* shipToState
* invoiceAddressId
* programUpdateDate
* shipToContactId
* poAttribute7
* shipToOrgId
* taxExemptReason
* ibInstalledAtLocation
* deliverToCustomerNumber
* deliverToOrgId
* invoiceCounty
* invoicingRule
* poAttribute10
* shipFromOrgId
* soldToContact
* acknowledgementType
* creditCardHolderName
* shipToAddressCode
* soldToLocationCountry
* demandClass
* attribute9
* invoicePostalCode
* soldToContactId
* soldToAddress1
* shippingInstructions
* paymentTerm
* endCustomerCity
* soldToLocationCity
* soldToState
* accountingRuleDuration
* orderedByContactLastName
* soldToPhoneId
* deliverToCity
* shipToAddressId
* priceList
* salesChannelCode
* shipFromRegion3
* expirationDate
* lastAckDate
* invoiceToleranceAbove
* shipToCountry
* instId
* customerId
* soldToAddress2
* endCustomerState
* conversionRateDate
* soldToContactFirstName
* attribute4
* shipFromAddress3
* acknowledgmentFlag
* invoiceAddress3
* tpAttribute14
* endCustomerPartyNumber
* creationDate
* shipToAddress2
* attribute19
* customerSignatureDate
* globalAttribute18
* creditCardApprovalCode
* lastUpdatedBy
* soldToAddress3
* changeDate
* orderType
* endCustomerContactFirstNam
* globalAttribute10
* latestScheduleLimit
* orderSource
* soldToCounty
* lastAckCode
* invoiceAddress1
* shipFromRegion2
* cancelledFlag
* salesDocumentName
* globalAttribute19
* ibCurrentLocation
* tpAttribute5
* shipToContactLastName
* soldFromOrg
* invoiceSiteCode
* globalAttribute14
* attribute10
* deliverToContactId
* relatedPoNumber


 * globalAttribute16
* invoiceToOrgId
* interfaceStatus
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* blanketNumber
* flowStatusCode
* orgId
* taxPoint
* poAttribute1
* poAttribute11
* sourceDocumentTypeId
* shipFromCity
* ibCurrentLocationCode
* customerPaymentTermId
* invoiceToContactFirstName
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* soldToOrgId
* soldToLocationState
* invoiceProvinceInt
* shipFromAddress1
* attribute20
* attribute7
* globalAttribute6
* tpAttribute10
* quoteDate
* soldToLocationAddress3
* priceListId
* globalAttribute9
* shippingMethod
* tpAttribute2
* globalAttribute20
* globalAttribute4
* globalAttribute7
* operationCode
* soldToProvince
* supplierSignatureDate
* shipFromEdiLocationCode
* creditCardApprovalDate
* deliverToState
* globalAttribute8
* packingInstructions
* poAttribute9
* poAttribute14
* attribute11
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* endCustomerSiteUseId
* accountingRuleId
* shipToCustomerId
* origSysDocumentRef
* acknowledgmentType
* supplierSignature
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* tpAttribute1
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* fobPointCode
* invoiceToOrg
* customerPaymentTerm
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* programApplicationId
* endCustomerAddress2
* attribute8
* poAttribute6
* endCustomerNumber
* tpAttribute15
* soldToContactLastName
* partialShipmentsAllowed
* poAttribute3
* attribute14
* salesrep
* invoiceToleranceBelow
* versionNumber
* deliverToProvince
* paymentAmount
* globalAttribute5
* tpAttribute12
* paymentTypeCode
* orderFirmedDate
* ibInstalledAtLocation#1
* buyerSellerFlag
* poRevisionDate
* invoiceToPartyNumber
* taxExemptReasonCode
* returnReasonCode
* endCustomerContactId
* endCustomerAddress4
* poAttribute15
* customerPreferenceSetCode
* attribute5
* pricingDate
* soldToLocationPostalCode
* orderCategoryCode
* transactionalCurrCode
* tpAttribute7
* attribute18
* invoiceCustomerId
* globalAttribute12
* customerSignature
* freightTermsCode
* shipToSiteInt
* attribute16
* invoiceToContactId
* shippingMethodCode
* checkNumber
* endCustomerName
* changeSequence
* ibOwner
* invoiceCustomerNumber
* shipToProvince
* tpAttribute3
* submissionDatetime
* tpAttribute11
* agreementId
* soldFromOrgId
* invoiceSite
* demandClassCode
* salesrepId
* bookedDate
* endCustomerCountry
* deliverToCustomerId
* shipToCustomerNumber
* attribute2
* globalAttribute13
* shipToCity
* xmlMessageId
* dropShipFlag
* custPoNumber
* soldToSiteUseId
* soldToCountry
* invoicingRuleId
* orderDateTypeCode
* shipFromAddressId
* shipToEdiLocationCode
* soldToEdiLocationCode
* attribute17
* endCustomerCounty
* firstAckCode
* customerNumber
* context
* poAttribute8
* endCustomerId
* globalAttribute11
* shipFromPostalCode
* invoiceCity
* tpAttribute8
* accountingRule
* shipToPostalCode
* shipmentPriorityCodeInt
* deliverToCountry
* taxExemptNumber
* tpAttribute9
* createdBy
* fobPoint
* paymentTermId
* bookedFlag
* shipToAddress3
* poAttribute5
* conversionRate
* orderedDate
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* soldToLocationProvince
* shipToAddress1
* globalAttributeCategory
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* quoteNumber
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* shipFromAddress2
* endCustomerAddress1
* headerId
* errorFlag
* deliverToPostalCode
* poAttribute4
* orderedByContactFirstName
* invoiceAddress4
* taxExemptFlag
* globalAttribute2
* program
* shipToContact
* endCustomerContact
* invoiceToContactLastName
* poAttribute12
* orderNumber
* creditCardExpirationDate
* soldToLocationCounty
* deliverToContact
* shipFromCountry
* requestDate
* endCustomerProvince
* poAttribute2
* orderTypeId
* closedFlag
* openFlag
* endCustomerAddress3
* billToEdiLocationCode
* requestId
* agreement
* attribute15
* globalAttribute1
* globalAttribute3
* conversionType
* earliestScheduleLimit
* soldToOrg
* invoiceCountry
* orderSourceId
* tpContext
* agreementName
* shipToCounty
* attribute6
* shipToleranceAbove
* shipToPartyNumber
* invoiceCustomer
* shipFromRegion1
* soldToPostalCode
* soldToCity
* invoiceState
* attribute3
* headerPoContext
* firstAckDate
* customerName
* freightTerms
* remainderOrdersAllowed
* shipToleranceBelow
* endCustomerContactLastName
* shipFromOrg
* freightCarrierCode
* userStatusCode
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* lastUpdateLogin
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* sourceDocumentId
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* attribute12
* tpAttribute13
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* attribute13
* invoiceToContact
* deliverToAddress3
* invoiceAddress2
* endCustomerPostalCode
* shipmentPriorityCode
* tpAttribute4
* transactionPhaseCode
* programApplication
* programId
* tpAttribute6
* globalAttribute17
* poAttribute13
* deliverToAddress4
* deliverToPartyNumber
* lastUpdateDate
* shipToState
* invoiceAddressId
* programUpdateDate
* shipToContactId
* poAttribute7
* shipToOrgId
* taxExemptReason
* ibInstalledAtLocation
* deliverToCustomerNumber
* deliverToOrgId
* invoiceCounty
* invoicingRule
* poAttribute10
* shipFromOrgId
* soldToContact
* acknowledgementType
* creditCardHolderName
* shipToAddressCode
* soldToLocationCountry
* demandClass
* attribute9
* invoicePostalCode
* soldToContactId
* soldToAddress1
* shippingInstructions
* paymentTerm
* endCustomerCity
* soldToLocationCity
* soldToState
* accountingRuleDuration
* orderedByContactLastName
* soldToPhoneId
* deliverToCity
* shipToAddressId
* priceList
* salesChannelCode
* shipFromRegion3
* expirationDate
* lastAckDate
* invoiceToleranceAbove
* shipToCountry
* instId
* customerId
* soldToAddress2
* endCustomerState
* conversionRateDate
* soldToContactFirstName
* attribute4
* shipFromAddress3
* acknowledgmentFlag
* invoiceAddress3
* tpAttribute14
* endCustomerPartyNumber
* creationDate
* shipToAddress2
* attribute19
* customerSignatureDate
* globalAttribute18
* creditCardApprovalCode
* lastUpdatedBy
* soldToAddress3
* changeDate
* orderType
* endCustomerContactFirstNam
* globalAttribute10
* latestScheduleLimit
* orderSource
* soldToCounty
* lastAckCode
* invoiceAddress1
* shipFromRegion2
* cancelledFlag
* salesDocumentName
* globalAttribute19
* ibCurrentLocation
* tpAttribute5
* shipToContactLastName
* soldFromOrg
* invoiceSiteCode
* globalAttribute14
* attribute10
* deliverToContactId
* relatedPoNumber


 * transactionType
* dataLevelName
* orderSourceId
* origSysDocumentRef
* lastUpdateLogin
* orgId
* lastUpdatedBy
* attrUomDispValue
* dataSetId
* userDataLevelName
* programApplicationId
* transactionId
* attrValueStr
* attrValueDate
* programId
* dataLevelId
* entity
* soldToOrgId
* headerId
* createdBy
* rowIdentifier
* creationDate
* attrValueNum
* attrGroupId
* attrGroupIntName
* attrDispValue
* attrGroupType
* requestId
* processStatus
* programUpdateDate
* attrValueUom
* attrIntName
* lastUpdateDate
* batchId


 * transactionType
* dataLevelName
* orderSourceId
* origSysDocumentRef
* lastUpdateLogin
* orgId
* lastUpdatedBy
* attrUomDispValue
* dataSetId
* userDataLevelName
* programApplicationId
* transactionId
* attrValueStr
* attrValueDate
* programId
* dataLevelId
* entity
* soldToOrgId
* headerId
* createdBy
* rowIdentifier
* creationDate
* attrValueNum
* attrGroupId
* attrGroupIntName
* attrDispValue
* attrGroupType
* requestId
* processStatus
* programUpdateDate
* attrValueUom
* attrIntName
* lastUpdateDate
* batchId


 * interfaceStatus
* tpAttribute8
* deliverToCounty
* orderTypeId
* forceApplyFlag
* attribute18
* endCustomerCounty
* poAttribute10
* endCustomerPartyNumber
* soldToLocationAddress3
* submissionDatetime
* readyFlag
* soldToPartyId
* attribute5
* soldToLocationProvince
* shipToAddress2
* soldToContact
* tpAttribute11
* shippingMethodCode
* priceListId
* endCustomerName
* ibOwnerCode
* deliverToPartySiteId
* tpAttribute5
* salesChannel
* endCustomerPartyId
* invoiceToPartyId
* batchId
* freightCarrierCode
* shipToContactRef
* soldToLocationState
* orderNumber
* attribute15
* instrumentSecurityCode
* invoiceToContact
* origBillAddressRef
* endCustomerPostalCode
* errorFlag
* endCustomerPartySiteUseId
* ibOwner
* fobPoint
* globalAttribute13
* invoiceAddress4
* endCustomerCity
* globalAttribute3
* endCustomerLocation
* deliverToContactRef
* shipToContact
* endCustomerOrgContactId
* shipToCustomer
* shipToProvince
* shipToCountry
* rejectedFlag
* orderedDate
* customerNumber
* lastUpdatedBy
* origSysCustomerRef
* globalAttribute12
* paymentTerm
* attribute13
* tpAttribute10
* attribute17
* invoiceCity
* programApplicationId
* requestDate
* globalAttribute6
* globalAttribute7
* globalAttribute20
* tpAttribute7
* origShipAddressRef
* userStatusCode
* changeRequestCode
* lastUpdateLogin
* partialShipmentsAllowed
* attribute10
* origDeliverAddressRef
* deliverToAddress1
* invoiceAddress2
* globalAttribute17
* globalAttribute9
* poAttribute2
* salesrep
* versionNumber
* shipToPartySiteId
* poAttribute8
* shipmentPriorityCode
* soldToPartyNumber
* poAttribute6
* attribute20
* lastUpdateDate
* ineligibleForHvop
* deliverToPartyNumber
* attribute7
* globalAttribute15
* deliverToOrg
* deliverToOrgContactId
* shipToContactId
* poAttribute3
* poAttribute7
* endCustomerAddress4
* origSysDocumentRef
* creditCardApprovalDate
* expirationDate
* endCustomerProvince
* headerPoContext
* tpAttribute6
* deliverToAddress2
* invoiceToOrgContactId
* accountingRuleId
* orderCategory
* endCustomerAddress2
* ibInstalledAtLocation
* invoiceAddress1
* conversionType
* globalAttribute16
* priceRequestCode
* attribute9
* quoteDate
* tpContext
* invoiceSiteCode
* globalAttributeCategory
* xmlTransactionTypeCode
* invoiceSite
* bookedFlag
* endCustomerContactId
* globalAttribute4
* attribute11
* createdBy
* orderDateTypeCode
* invoiceToOrgId
* paymentTypeCode
* invoiceCustomerId
* pricingDate
* ibCurrentLocation
* soldToOrgId
* poAttribute1
* packingInstructions
* shipmentPriority
* latestScheduleLimit
* xmlMessageId
* shipToCounty
* soldToLocationCity
* creditCardApprovalCode
* attribute2
* poAttribute4
* orderedByContactFirstName
* globalAttribute2
* ibCurrentLocationCode
* shipToPartySiteUseId
* globalAttribute18
* requestId
* soldToContactId
* invoiceCustomerNumber
* blanketNumber
* deliverToCustomerId
* invoiceToContactLastName
* dropShipFlag
* shipmentPriorityCodeInt
* attribute16
* invoiceAddress3
* transactionalCurrCode
* globalAttribute1
* shipToAddress3
* orderFirmedDate
* soldToSiteUseId
* tpAttribute3
* shipToCustomerNumber
* ibInstalledAtLocationCode
* freightTerms
* attributeStatus
* quoteNumber
* orderedByContactLastName
* attribute8
* poRevisionDate
* shipToOrg
* invoiceCustomer
* demandClassCode
* deliverToContact
* conversionRate
* poAttribute14
* shipToSiteInt
* invoiceCounty
* invoicingRule
* customerPreferenceSetCode
* shipToOrgId
* invoiceToContactId
* attribute14
* orgId
* soldToLocationAddress1
* shipToAddress4
* shipToContactFirstName
* returnReasonCode
* invoiceToPartySiteUseId
* changeComments
* transactionalCurr
* freightTermsCode
* ibInstalledAtLocation#1
* demandClass
* accountingRuleDuration
* shipToContactLastName
* shipToleranceAbove
* instId
* changeSequence
* soldToPhoneId
* tpAttribute2
* operationCode
* creditCardNumber
* paymentAmount
* endCustomerId
* orderType
* shipToState
* invoiceState
* shipToPostalCode
* attribute3
* agreement
* globalAttribute8
* attribute6
* shipToOrgContactId
* shippingMethod
* deliverToAddress3
* creditCardHolderName
* taxExemptFlag
* orderSourceId
* customerName
* endCustomerContact
* closedFlag
* customerPoNumber
* attribute12
* poAttribute11
* invoiceProvinceInt
* taxExemptNumber
* poAttribute15
* earliestScheduleLimit
* checkNumber
* invoiceToOrg
* tpAttribute13
* soldToOrg
* programUpdateDate
* attribute19
* invoicingRuleId
* shipFromOrg
* conversionRateDate
* tpAttribute9
* shipToCustomerId
* soldToLocationAddress2
* ibCurrentLocation#1
* customerSignatureDate
* endCustomerAddress3
* transactionPhaseCode
* shippingInstructions
* customerId
* deliverToCountry
* soldToOrgContactId
* endCustomerSiteUseId
* invoiceToPartySiteId
* taxPoint
* headerId
* deliverToPostalCode
* taxPointCode
* shipToAddress1
* invoiceToPartyNumber
* shipToPartyId
* salesChannelCode
* deliverToCustomer
* shipToPartyNumber
* supplierSignature
* deliverToState
* creditCardCode
* poAttribute12
* agreementId
* paymentTermId
* invoicePostalCode
* context
* taxExemptReason
* endCustomerNumber
* soldToLocationAddress4
* attribute1
* globalAttribute19
* attribute4
* cancelledFlag
* endCustomerState
* customerPaymentTermId
* invoiceToContactFirstName
* endCustomerCountry
* shipFromOrgId
* soldToContactRef
* deliverToContactId
* conversionTypeCode
* statusFlag
* poAttribute13
* taxExemptReasonCode
* endCustomerPartySiteId
* soldFromOrg
* salesrepId
* shipToleranceBelow
* orderSource
* tpAttribute12
* poAttribute5
* globalAttribute10
* invoiceCountry
* programId
* supplierSignatureDate
* deliverToPartySiteUseId
* globalAttribute14
* customerPaymentTerm
* creationDate
* soldFromOrgId
* poAttribute9
* changeReason
* globalAttribute11
* deliverToCity
* deliverToAddress4
* tpAttribute1
* fobPointCode
* endCustomerAddress1
* tpAttribute15
* deliverToPartyId
* customerSignature
* salesDocumentName
* soldToLocationCountry
* shipToCity
* responseFlag
* deliverToCustomerNumber
* accountingRule
* billToContactRef
* soldToLocationPostalCode
* globalAttribute5
* deliverToOrgId
* deliverToProvince
* tpAttribute4
* tpAttribute14
* priceList
* soldToLocationCounty
* origSoldAddressRef
* creditCardExpirationDate


 * interfaceStatus
* tpAttribute8
* deliverToCounty
* orderTypeId
* forceApplyFlag
* attribute18
* endCustomerCounty
* poAttribute10
* endCustomerPartyNumber
* soldToLocationAddress3
* submissionDatetime
* readyFlag
* soldToPartyId
* attribute5
* soldToLocationProvince
* shipToAddress2
* soldToContact
* tpAttribute11
* shippingMethodCode
* priceListId
* endCustomerName
* ibOwnerCode
* deliverToPartySiteId
* tpAttribute5
* salesChannel
* endCustomerPartyId
* invoiceToPartyId
* batchId
* freightCarrierCode
* shipToContactRef
* soldToLocationState
* orderNumber
* attribute15
* instrumentSecurityCode
* invoiceToContact
* origBillAddressRef
* endCustomerPostalCode
* errorFlag
* endCustomerPartySiteUseId
* ibOwner
* fobPoint
* globalAttribute13
* invoiceAddress4
* endCustomerCity
* globalAttribute3
* endCustomerLocation
* deliverToContactRef
* shipToContact
* endCustomerOrgContactId
* shipToCustomer
* shipToProvince
* shipToCountry
* rejectedFlag
* orderedDate
* customerNumber
* lastUpdatedBy
* origSysCustomerRef
* globalAttribute12
* paymentTerm
* attribute13
* tpAttribute10
* attribute17
* invoiceCity
* programApplicationId
* requestDate
* globalAttribute6
* globalAttribute7
* globalAttribute20
* tpAttribute7
* origShipAddressRef
* userStatusCode
* changeRequestCode
* lastUpdateLogin
* partialShipmentsAllowed
* attribute10
* origDeliverAddressRef
* deliverToAddress1
* invoiceAddress2
* globalAttribute17
* globalAttribute9
* poAttribute2
* salesrep
* versionNumber
* shipToPartySiteId
* poAttribute8
* shipmentPriorityCode
* soldToPartyNumber
* poAttribute6
* attribute20
* lastUpdateDate
* ineligibleForHvop
* deliverToPartyNumber
* attribute7
* globalAttribute15
* deliverToOrg
* deliverToOrgContactId
* shipToContactId
* poAttribute3
* poAttribute7
* endCustomerAddress4
* origSysDocumentRef
* creditCardApprovalDate
* expirationDate
* endCustomerProvince
* headerPoContext
* tpAttribute6
* deliverToAddress2
* invoiceToOrgContactId
* accountingRuleId
* orderCategory
* endCustomerAddress2
* ibInstalledAtLocation
* invoiceAddress1
* conversionType
* globalAttribute16
* priceRequestCode
* attribute9
* quoteDate
* tpContext
* invoiceSiteCode
* globalAttributeCategory
* xmlTransactionTypeCode
* invoiceSite
* bookedFlag
* endCustomerContactId
* globalAttribute4
* attribute11
* createdBy
* orderDateTypeCode
* invoiceToOrgId
* paymentTypeCode
* invoiceCustomerId
* pricingDate
* ibCurrentLocation
* soldToOrgId
* poAttribute1
* packingInstructions
* shipmentPriority
* latestScheduleLimit
* xmlMessageId
* shipToCounty
* soldToLocationCity
* creditCardApprovalCode
* attribute2
* poAttribute4
* orderedByContactFirstName
* globalAttribute2
* ibCurrentLocationCode
* shipToPartySiteUseId
* globalAttribute18
* requestId
* soldToContactId
* invoiceCustomerNumber
* blanketNumber
* deliverToCustomerId
* invoiceToContactLastName
* dropShipFlag
* shipmentPriorityCodeInt
* attribute16
* invoiceAddress3
* transactionalCurrCode
* globalAttribute1
* shipToAddress3
* orderFirmedDate
* soldToSiteUseId
* tpAttribute3
* shipToCustomerNumber
* ibInstalledAtLocationCode
* freightTerms
* attributeStatus
* quoteNumber
* orderedByContactLastName
* attribute8
* poRevisionDate
* shipToOrg
* invoiceCustomer
* demandClassCode
* deliverToContact
* conversionRate
* poAttribute14
* shipToSiteInt
* invoiceCounty
* invoicingRule
* customerPreferenceSetCode
* shipToOrgId
* invoiceToContactId
* attribute14
* orgId
* soldToLocationAddress1
* shipToAddress4
* shipToContactFirstName
* returnReasonCode
* invoiceToPartySiteUseId
* changeComments
* transactionalCurr
* freightTermsCode
* ibInstalledAtLocation#1
* demandClass
* accountingRuleDuration
* shipToContactLastName
* shipToleranceAbove
* instId
* changeSequence
* soldToPhoneId
* tpAttribute2
* operationCode
* creditCardNumber
* paymentAmount
* endCustomerId
* orderType
* shipToState
* invoiceState
* shipToPostalCode
* attribute3
* agreement
* globalAttribute8
* attribute6
* shipToOrgContactId
* shippingMethod
* deliverToAddress3
* creditCardHolderName
* taxExemptFlag
* orderSourceId
* customerName
* endCustomerContact
* closedFlag
* customerPoNumber
* attribute12
* poAttribute11
* invoiceProvinceInt
* taxExemptNumber
* poAttribute15
* earliestScheduleLimit
* checkNumber
* invoiceToOrg
* tpAttribute13
* soldToOrg
* programUpdateDate
* attribute19
* invoicingRuleId
* shipFromOrg
* conversionRateDate
* tpAttribute9
* shipToCustomerId
* soldToLocationAddress2
* ibCurrentLocation#1
* customerSignatureDate
* endCustomerAddress3
* transactionPhaseCode
* shippingInstructions
* customerId
* deliverToCountry
* soldToOrgContactId
* endCustomerSiteUseId
* invoiceToPartySiteId
* taxPoint
* headerId
* deliverToPostalCode
* taxPointCode
* shipToAddress1
* invoiceToPartyNumber
* shipToPartyId
* salesChannelCode
* deliverToCustomer
* shipToPartyNumber
* supplierSignature
* deliverToState
* creditCardCode
* poAttribute12
* agreementId
* paymentTermId
* invoicePostalCode
* context
* taxExemptReason
* endCustomerNumber
* soldToLocationAddress4
* attribute1
* globalAttribute19
* attribute4
* cancelledFlag
* endCustomerState
* customerPaymentTermId
* invoiceToContactFirstName
* endCustomerCountry
* shipFromOrgId
* soldToContactRef
* deliverToContactId
* conversionTypeCode
* statusFlag
* poAttribute13
* taxExemptReasonCode
* endCustomerPartySiteId
* soldFromOrg
* salesrepId
* shipToleranceBelow
* orderSource
* tpAttribute12
* poAttribute5
* globalAttribute10
* invoiceCountry
* programId
* supplierSignatureDate
* deliverToPartySiteUseId
* globalAttribute14
* customerPaymentTerm
* creationDate
* soldFromOrgId
* poAttribute9
* changeReason
* globalAttribute11
* deliverToCity
* deliverToAddress4
* tpAttribute1
* fobPointCode
* endCustomerAddress1
* tpAttribute15
* deliverToPartyId
* customerSignature
* salesDocumentName
* soldToLocationCountry
* shipToCity
* responseFlag
* deliverToCustomerNumber
* accountingRule
* billToContactRef
* soldToLocationPostalCode
* globalAttribute5
* deliverToOrgId
* deliverToProvince
* tpAttribute4
* tpAttribute14
* priceList
* soldToLocationCounty
* origSoldAddressRef
* creditCardExpirationDate


 * soldToOrgId
* orgId
* orderSourceId
* origSysDocumentRef
* largeOrder
* lineCount
* headerId
* requestId
* soldToOrg


 * soldToOrgId
* orgId
* orderSourceId
* origSysDocumentRef
* largeOrder
* lineCount
* headerId
* requestId
* soldToOrg


 * responsibilityId
* rowKey
* auditTrueNulls
* auditUserName
* auditSessionId
* authorizedActionCode
* startDateActive
* auditSequenceId
* auditTransactionType
* endDateActive
* auditTimestamp
* auditCommitId
* holdId


 * responsibilityId
* rowKey
* auditTrueNulls
* auditUserName
* auditSessionId
* authorizedActionCode
* startDateActive
* auditSequenceId
* auditTransactionType
* endDateActive
* auditTimestamp
* auditCommitId
* holdId


 * auditTimestamp
* rowKey
* auditTrueNulls
* auditSequenceId
* holdId
* auditCommitId
* auditSessionId
* auditTransactionType
* auditUserName
* typeCode


 * auditTimestamp
* rowKey
* auditTrueNulls
* auditSequenceId
* holdId
* auditCommitId
* auditSessionId
* auditTransactionType
* auditUserName
* typeCode


 * attribute8
* releaseReasonCode
* orderHoldId
* context
* lastUpdatedBy
* programApplicationId
* releasedOrderAmount
* holdReleaseId
* attribute3
* holdSourceId
* attribute15
* createdBy
* attribute14
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute1
* attribute12
* attribute2
* attribute9
* attribute7
* attribute6
* attribute10
* programId
* requestId
* attribute4
* releasedCurrCode
* attribute13
* lastUpdateDate
* releaseComment
* attribute5
* attribute11
* programUpdateDate


 * attribute8
* releaseReasonCode
* orderHoldId
* context
* lastUpdatedBy
* programApplicationId
* releasedOrderAmount
* holdReleaseId
* attribute3
* holdSourceId
* attribute15
* createdBy
* attribute14
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute1
* attribute12
* attribute2
* attribute9
* attribute7
* attribute6
* attribute10
* programId
* requestId
* attribute4
* releasedCurrCode
* attribute13
* lastUpdateDate
* releaseComment
* attribute5
* attribute11
* programUpdateDate


 * attribute13
* holdEntityCode
* lastUpdateDate
* programId
* programApplicationId
* attribute1
* creationDate
* programUpdateDate
* holdId
* holdUntilDate
* createdBy
* attribute15
* lastUpdateLogin
* holdComment
* attribute2
* attribute7
* attribute5
* attribute9
* attribute12
* context
* holdReleaseId
* requestId
* holdEntityId2
* attribute10
* attribute4
* attribute14
* holdSourceId
* releasedFlag
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute3
* attribute11
* holdEntityCode2
* attribute8
* orgId
* attribute6
* holdEntityId


 * attribute13
* holdEntityCode
* lastUpdateDate
* programId
* programApplicationId
* attribute1
* creationDate
* programUpdateDate
* holdId
* holdUntilDate
* createdBy
* attribute15
* lastUpdateLogin
* holdComment
* attribute2
* attribute7
* attribute5
* attribute9
* attribute12
* context
* holdReleaseId
* requestId
* holdEntityId2
* attribute10
* attribute4
* attribute14
* holdSourceId
* releasedFlag
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute3
* attribute11
* holdEntityCode2
* attribute8
* orgId
* attribute6
* holdEntityId


 * programUpdateDate
* createdBy
* deliveryId
* lastUpdateLogin
* indexNumber
* lastUpdateDate
* creationDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* programApplicationId
* invoiceNumberId
* requestId
* programId


 * programUpdateDate
* createdBy
* deliveryId
* lastUpdateLogin
* indexNumber
* lastUpdateDate
* creationDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* programApplicationId
* invoiceNumberId
* requestId
* programId


 * period1OrderedQuantity
* lastUpdatedBy
* primaryUomCode
* creationDate
* orgId
* soldToOrgId
* programApplicationId
* period2TotalAmount
* programUpdateDate
* requestId
* period3TotalAmount
* inventoryItemId
* period3OrderedQuantity
* period2OrderedQuantity
* lastUpdateLogin
* programId
* period1TotalAmount
* lastUpdateDate
* createdBy


 * period1OrderedQuantity
* lastUpdatedBy
* primaryUomCode
* creationDate
* orgId
* soldToOrgId
* programApplicationId
* period2TotalAmount
* programUpdateDate
* requestId
* period3TotalAmount
* inventoryItemId
* period3OrderedQuantity
* period2OrderedQuantity
* lastUpdateLogin
* programId
* period1TotalAmount
* lastUpdateDate
* createdBy


 * inventoryItemId
* itemCategoryId
* lastUpdatedBy
* orgId
* creationDate
* enableFlag
* orderabilityId
* createdBy
* lastUpdateDate
* itemLevel
* generallyAvailable


 * inventoryItemId
* itemCategoryId
* lastUpdatedBy
* orgId
* creationDate
* enableFlag
* orderabilityId
* createdBy
* lastUpdateDate
* itemLevel
* generallyAvailable


 * attribute6
* attribute9
* attribute12
* attribute4
* creationDate
* customerCategoryCode
* orderTypeId
* attribute1
* attribute3
* attribute15
* regionId
* billToLocationId
* attribute7
* attribute8
* orderabilityId
* salesChannelCode
* createdBy
* attribute20
* context
* attribute10
* attribute14
* enableFlag
* attribute18
* lastUpdatedBy
* shipToLocationId
* endCustomerId
* attribute11
* attribute16
* deliverToLocationId
* customerClassId
* attribute13
* attribute19
* attribute5
* customerId
* salesPersonId
* attribute2
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute17
* ruleLevel


 * attribute6
* attribute9
* attribute12
* attribute4
* creationDate
* customerCategoryCode
* orderTypeId
* attribute1
* attribute3
* attribute15
* regionId
* billToLocationId
* attribute7
* attribute8
* orderabilityId
* salesChannelCode
* createdBy
* attribute20
* context
* attribute10
* attribute14
* enableFlag
* attribute18
* lastUpdatedBy
* shipToLocationId
* endCustomerId
* attribute11
* attribute16
* deliverToLocationId
* customerClassId
* attribute13
* attribute19
* attribute5
* customerId
* salesPersonId
* attribute2
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute17
* ruleLevel


 * inventoryItemSegment13
* earliestAcceptableDate
* industryAttribute11
* serviceNumber
* pricingAttribute7
* programUpdateDate
* shipToPostalCode
* shippingMethod
* interfaceStatus
* dpwAssignedFlag
* taxExemptReasonCode
* tpAttribute15
* deliverToCity
* revenueAmount
* endCustomerId
* customerPaymentTerm
* itemInput
* serviceBillingProfile
* tpAttribute10
* shipToContactId
* originalOrderedItem
* inventoryItemSegment8
* shipFromAddress3
* fulfillmentSetName
* sourceDocumentId
* serviceBillOption
* cancelledFlag
* closedFlag
* deliverToAddress1
* shipToOrgId
* shipToleranceBelow
* fulfilledQuantity
* visibleDemandFlag
* autoSelectedQuantity
* subinventory
* taxValue
* arrivalSetName
* reservedQuantity
* programId
* sourceDocumentLineId
* industryAttribute24
* invoiceSetName
* globalAttribute18
* configRevNbr
* deliverToState
* origSysLineRef
* shippingQuantityUom2
* deliverToContact
* freightCarrierCode
* shipmentPriorityCode
* referenceCustomerTrxLineId
* overShipResolvedFlag
* returnAttribute4
* overShipReasonCode
* industryAttribute18
* projectId
* invoiceToContactId
* invoicingRule
* shippingQuantity
* lastUpdateDate
* serviceBillProfileId
* lineId
* inventoryItemId
* endCustomerContact
* invoiceToCustomerId
* returnAttribute11
* returnReasonCode
* splitFromLineRef
* globalAttribute1
* serviceCoverageTemplate
* globalAttribute5
* globalAttribute6
* returnAttribute7
* serviceStartDate
* referenceLine
* orderSource
* inventoryItemSegment6
* globalAttribute15
* invoiceCounty
* firstAckCode
* globalAttribute12
* unitListPercent
* customerItem
* lot
* industryAttribute14
* configHeaderId
* depPlanRequiredFlag
* industryContext
* ibCurrentLocationCode
* paymentTrx
* endCustomerAddress3
* agreementId
* pricingAttribute1
* shipToProvince
* industryAttribute21
* paymentTermId
* invoiceToPartyNumber
* taxRate
* endCustomerPartyNumber
* shipToContactFirstName
* shipFromAddress1
* serviceCovTemplateId
* industryAttribute19
* tpAttribute8
* inventoryItemSegment9
* pricingAttribute5
* lineType
* endCustomerNumber
* custProductionSeqNum
* deliverToOrg
* attribute3
* inventoryItemSegment14
* itemTypeCode
* blanketNumber
* invoiceToContact
* shippingQuantityUom
* inventoryItemSegment2
* materialCost
* shipToOrg
* industryAttribute26
* deliverToOrgId
* invoicingRuleId
* orderedQuantity2
* industryAttribute7
* outsideProcessingCost
* serviceEndDate
* tpAttribute4
* taxPointCode
* demandClass
* customerLineNumber
* shipFromCountry
* globalAttribute17
* inventoryItemSegment1
* customerJob
* intmedShipToOrgId
* returnAttribute14
* shippingQuantity2
* shipToCustomerNumber
* serviceCoterminateFlag
* tpAttribute7
* industryAttribute16
* serviceSubscriptionTemplate
* serviceFirstPeriodEnddate
* endCustomerAddress2
* dropShipFlag
* packingInstructions
* globalAttribute16
* endCustomerPostalCode
* returnAttribute1
* customerTrxLineId
* shipFromAddressId
* attribute14
* deliverToProvince
* tpAttribute6
* tpAttribute14
* globalAttribute7
* splitFromShipmentRef
* endCustomerCity
* paymentTrxId
* headerId
* invoiceCompleteFlag
* sourceTypeCode
* inventoryItemSegment11
* accountingRuleDuration
* changeSequence
* shipToCity
* pricingAttribute4
* globalAttribute3
* deliverToCustomerName
* invoiceInterfaceStatusCode
* industryAttribute10
* inventoryItemSegment12
* inventoryItemSegment3
* attribute19
* fobPoint
* endCustomerContactFirstNam
* calculatePriceFlag
* attribute15
* preferredGrade
* taskId
* inventoryItemSegment4
* endCustomerState
* deliverToAddress2
* orgId
* invoiceNumber
* lineTypeId
* itemSubstitutionTypeCode
* originalOrderedItemId
* unitSellingPricePqty
* explosionDate
* origSysDocumentRef
* unitSellingPricePerPqty
* shippedQuantity2
* deliverToCustomerId
* demandStream
* pricingQuantityUom
* returnAttribute3
* attribute16
* inventoryItemSegment17
* globalAttribute9
* shippingMethodCode
* tpAttribute1
* returnContext
* industryAttribute5
* soldToOrg
* authorizedToShipFlag
* shipToCounty
* ibCurrentLocation#1
* configDisplaySequence
* scheduleArrivalDate
* inventoryItemSegment18
* shippingInstructions
* shipmentPriority
* pricingAttribute6
* ibOwnerCode
* inventoryItemSegment19
* inventoryItemSegment20
* unitListPrice
* customerDock
* buyerSellerFlag
* splitFromLineId
* globalAttribute10
* customerItemNetPrice
* returnAttribute5
* returnAttribute9
* sourceDocumentTypeId
* customerItemId
* shipToAddressCode
* customerPaymentTermId
* industryAttribute6
* serviceTxnReasonCode
* endCustomerSiteUseId
* fobPointCode
* project
* optionNumber
* industryAttribute15
* taxPoint
* fulfillmentSetId
* industryAttribute27
* fulfillmentDate
* atoLineId
* attribute2
* lastAckDate
* deliverToCounty
* serviceReferenceTypeCode
* operationCode
* invoiceCity
* unitListPricePerPqty
* serviceReferenceLineId
* industryAttribute1
* arrivalSetId
* errorFlag
* taxCode
* shipFromEdiLocationCode
* planningProdSeqNum
* pricingAttribute3
* tpAttribute3
* shipToCountry
* accountingRule
* blanketLineNumber
* industryAttribute3
* shipSetId
* invoiceToleranceBelow
* shipToContactAreaCode3
* globalAttributeCategory
* industryAttribute29
* returnAttribute15
* industryAttribute25
* scheduleShipDate
* soldFromOrgId
* materialOverheadCost
* shipFromAddress2
* paymentTerm
* deliverToCustomerNumber
* splitBy
* salesrepId
* overheadCost
* inventoryItem
* shipSetName
* returnAttribute8
* orderQuantityUom
* submissionDatetime
* acknowledgmentFlag
* lineCategoryCode
* invoiceCountry
* serviceReferenceSystem
* attribute18
* attribute4
* pricingQuantity
* origSysShipmentRef
* globalAttribute14
* originalInventoryItemId
* ibInstalledAtLocation#1
* configLineRef
* endCustomerCountry
* configurationId
* shipToleranceAbove
* userItemDescription
* intmedShipToContactId
* unitSellingPrice
* accountingRuleId
* deliverToAddress3
* chargePeriodicityCode
* scheduleStatusCode
* shipToPartyNumber
* costTypeId
* endCustomerProvince
* orderedQuantityUom2
* servicePeriod
* globalAttribute19
* shipToAddress3
* invoiceSetId
* attribute12
* demandBucketTypeCode
* soldFromOrg
* rlaScheduleTypeCode
* attribute10
* shipmentNumber
* serviceReferenceOrder
* industryAttribute20
* tpAttribute2
* priceList
* industryAttribute17
* pricingAttribute8
* serviceSubsTemplateId
* customerProductionLine
* deliverToCountry
* invoiceAddress1
* componentCode
* context
* topModelLineId
* shipFromRegion3
* orderNumber
* invoiceToOrg
* serviceDuration
* commitmentId
* task
* shipFromRegion1
* itemRevision
* tax
* itemIdentifierType
* program
* shipModelCompleteFlag
* lineSetId
* endCustomerAddress1
* inventoryItemSegment10
* promiseDate
* industryAttribute30
* serviceBillOptionCode
* agreement
* custPoNumber
* shipToContactLastName
* shipToAddress4
* endCustomerContactId
* custModelSerialNumber
* serviceReferenceSystemId
* actualFulfillmentDate
* componentSequenceId
* invoiceProvince
* invoiceAddress2
* globalAttribute20
* commitment
* pricingContext
* requestDate
* sortOrder
* globalAttribute8
* shipToAddress2
* returnAttribute6
* taxExemptFlag
* pricingDate
* taxExemptReason
* latestAcceptableDate
* loadSeqNumber
* shipToState
* shipToAddressId
* actualArrivalDate
* requestId
* serviceFirstPeriodAmount
* createdBy
* costingDate
* industryAttribute28
* optionFlag
* ibInstalledAtLocationCode
* serviceTxnComments
* componentNumber
* industryAttribute22
* referenceHeaderId
* globalAttribute13
* shipFromOrg
* unitPercentBasePrice
* programApplicationId
* orderedItemId
* linkToLineRef
* deliveryLeadTime
* attribute13
* globalAttribute11
* tpAttribute12
* invoiceState
* instId
* globalAttribute4
* attribute20
* deliverToContactId
* tpContext
* industryAttribute2
* returnAttribute10
* lastUpdateLogin
* pricingAttribute2
* cancelledQuantity
* shipToContactJobTitle
* referenceHeader
* shipToContactAreaCode2
* inventoryItemSegment7
* flowStatusCode
* inventoryItemSegment16
* returnAttribute2
* salesrep
* endCustomerAddress4
* billToEdiLocationCode
* industryAttribute9
* invoiceToleranceAbove
* pricingAttribute10
* orderSourceId
* acknowledgmentType
* orderedQuantity
* shipToEdiLocationCode
* invoicePostalCode
* relatedPoNumber
* attribute11
* priceListId
* endCustomerCounty
* unitSellingPercent
* fulfilledQuantity2
* endCustomerContactLastName
* deliverToPostalCode
* shipFromRegion2
* shippedQuantity
* lineNumber
* resourceCost
* originalItemIdentifierType
* referenceLineId
* bookedFlag
* shipToAddress1
* actualShipmentDate
* attribute5
* attribute9
* returnAttribute13
* acknowledgementType
* serviceReferenceLine
* subscriptionEnableFlag
* freightTerms
* industryAttribute8
* shipFromOrgId
* contractPoNumber
* industryAttribute4
* modelGroupNumber
* ibCurrentLocation
* industryAttribute13
* invoiceToOrgId
* orderFirmedDate
* openFlag
* taxExemptNumber
* freightTermsCode
* ibOwner
* attribute1
* demandClassCode
* attribute7
* deliverToAddress4
* deliveryId
* deliverToCustomer
* invoicedQuantity
* returnAttribute12
* soldToOrgId
* attribute8
* taxDate
* deliverToPartyNumber
* invoiceToCustomerName
* invoiceAddress3
* shipFromPostalCode
* endCustomerName
* programApplication
* creationDate
* attribute17
* attribute6
* pricingAttribute9
* endItemUnitNumber
* orderedItem
* creditInvoiceLineId
* shipToContactAreaCode1
* changeDate
* shipToContact
* tpAttribute11
* tpAttribute13
* cancelledQuantity2
* invoiceAddress4
* lastAckCode
* costType
* demandBucketType
* itemRelationshipType
* tpAttribute5
* customerDockCode
* linePoContext
* reSourceFlag
* ibInstalledAtLocation
* servicedLineId
* inventoryItemSegment15
* customerItemRevision
* lastUpdatedBy
* referenceType
* invoiceAddressCode
* customerShipmentNumber
* invoiceAddressName
* shipToCustomerName
* tpAttribute9
* industryAttribute23
* scheduleItemDetail
* linkToLineId
* shipToCustomerId
* invoiceToCustomerNumber
* shipFromCity
* shipToAddressName
* firstAckDate
* inventoryItemSegment5
* industryAttribute12
* globalAttribute2
* vehCusItemCumKeyId


 * inventoryItemSegment13
* earliestAcceptableDate
* industryAttribute11
* serviceNumber
* pricingAttribute7
* programUpdateDate
* shipToPostalCode
* shippingMethod
* interfaceStatus
* dpwAssignedFlag
* taxExemptReasonCode
* tpAttribute15
* deliverToCity
* revenueAmount
* endCustomerId
* customerPaymentTerm
* itemInput
* serviceBillingProfile
* tpAttribute10
* shipToContactId
* originalOrderedItem
* inventoryItemSegment8
* shipFromAddress3
* fulfillmentSetName
* sourceDocumentId
* serviceBillOption
* cancelledFlag
* closedFlag
* deliverToAddress1
* shipToOrgId
* shipToleranceBelow
* fulfilledQuantity
* visibleDemandFlag
* autoSelectedQuantity
* subinventory
* taxValue
* arrivalSetName
* reservedQuantity
* programId
* sourceDocumentLineId
* industryAttribute24
* invoiceSetName
* globalAttribute18
* configRevNbr
* deliverToState
* origSysLineRef
* shippingQuantityUom2
* deliverToContact
* freightCarrierCode
* shipmentPriorityCode
* referenceCustomerTrxLineId
* overShipResolvedFlag
* returnAttribute4
* overShipReasonCode
* industryAttribute18
* projectId
* invoiceToContactId
* invoicingRule
* shippingQuantity
* lastUpdateDate
* serviceBillProfileId
* lineId
* inventoryItemId
* endCustomerContact
* invoiceToCustomerId
* returnAttribute11
* returnReasonCode
* splitFromLineRef
* globalAttribute1
* serviceCoverageTemplate
* globalAttribute5
* globalAttribute6
* returnAttribute7
* serviceStartDate
* referenceLine
* orderSource
* inventoryItemSegment6
* globalAttribute15
* invoiceCounty
* firstAckCode
* globalAttribute12
* unitListPercent
* customerItem
* lot
* industryAttribute14
* configHeaderId
* depPlanRequiredFlag
* industryContext
* ibCurrentLocationCode
* paymentTrx
* endCustomerAddress3
* agreementId
* pricingAttribute1
* shipToProvince
* industryAttribute21
* paymentTermId
* invoiceToPartyNumber
* taxRate
* endCustomerPartyNumber
* shipToContactFirstName
* shipFromAddress1
* serviceCovTemplateId
* industryAttribute19
* tpAttribute8
* inventoryItemSegment9
* pricingAttribute5
* lineType
* endCustomerNumber
* custProductionSeqNum
* deliverToOrg
* attribute3
* inventoryItemSegment14
* itemTypeCode
* blanketNumber
* invoiceToContact
* shippingQuantityUom
* inventoryItemSegment2
* materialCost
* shipToOrg
* industryAttribute26
* deliverToOrgId
* invoicingRuleId
* orderedQuantity2
* industryAttribute7
* outsideProcessingCost
* serviceEndDate
* tpAttribute4
* taxPointCode
* demandClass
* customerLineNumber
* shipFromCountry
* globalAttribute17
* inventoryItemSegment1
* customerJob
* intmedShipToOrgId
* returnAttribute14
* shippingQuantity2
* shipToCustomerNumber
* serviceCoterminateFlag
* tpAttribute7
* industryAttribute16
* serviceSubscriptionTemplate
* serviceFirstPeriodEnddate
* endCustomerAddress2
* dropShipFlag
* packingInstructions
* globalAttribute16
* endCustomerPostalCode
* returnAttribute1
* customerTrxLineId
* shipFromAddressId
* attribute14
* deliverToProvince
* tpAttribute6
* tpAttribute14
* globalAttribute7
* splitFromShipmentRef
* endCustomerCity
* paymentTrxId
* headerId
* invoiceCompleteFlag
* sourceTypeCode
* inventoryItemSegment11
* accountingRuleDuration
* changeSequence
* shipToCity
* pricingAttribute4
* globalAttribute3
* deliverToCustomerName
* invoiceInterfaceStatusCode
* industryAttribute10
* inventoryItemSegment12
* inventoryItemSegment3
* attribute19
* fobPoint
* endCustomerContactFirstNam
* calculatePriceFlag
* attribute15
* preferredGrade
* taskId
* inventoryItemSegment4
* endCustomerState
* deliverToAddress2
* orgId
* invoiceNumber
* lineTypeId
* itemSubstitutionTypeCode
* originalOrderedItemId
* unitSellingPricePqty
* explosionDate
* origSysDocumentRef
* unitSellingPricePerPqty
* shippedQuantity2
* deliverToCustomerId
* demandStream
* pricingQuantityUom
* returnAttribute3
* attribute16
* inventoryItemSegment17
* globalAttribute9
* shippingMethodCode
* tpAttribute1
* returnContext
* industryAttribute5
* soldToOrg
* authorizedToShipFlag
* shipToCounty
* ibCurrentLocation#1
* configDisplaySequence
* scheduleArrivalDate
* inventoryItemSegment18
* shippingInstructions
* shipmentPriority
* pricingAttribute6
* ibOwnerCode
* inventoryItemSegment19
* inventoryItemSegment20
* unitListPrice
* customerDock
* buyerSellerFlag
* splitFromLineId
* globalAttribute10
* customerItemNetPrice
* returnAttribute5
* returnAttribute9
* sourceDocumentTypeId
* customerItemId
* shipToAddressCode
* customerPaymentTermId
* industryAttribute6
* serviceTxnReasonCode
* endCustomerSiteUseId
* fobPointCode
* project
* optionNumber
* industryAttribute15
* taxPoint
* fulfillmentSetId
* industryAttribute27
* fulfillmentDate
* atoLineId
* attribute2
* lastAckDate
* deliverToCounty
* serviceReferenceTypeCode
* operationCode
* invoiceCity
* unitListPricePerPqty
* serviceReferenceLineId
* industryAttribute1
* arrivalSetId
* errorFlag
* taxCode
* shipFromEdiLocationCode
* planningProdSeqNum
* pricingAttribute3
* tpAttribute3
* shipToCountry
* accountingRule
* blanketLineNumber
* industryAttribute3
* shipSetId
* invoiceToleranceBelow
* shipToContactAreaCode3
* globalAttributeCategory
* industryAttribute29
* returnAttribute15
* industryAttribute25
* scheduleShipDate
* soldFromOrgId
* materialOverheadCost
* shipFromAddress2
* paymentTerm
* deliverToCustomerNumber
* splitBy
* salesrepId
* overheadCost
* inventoryItem
* shipSetName
* returnAttribute8
* orderQuantityUom
* submissionDatetime
* acknowledgmentFlag
* lineCategoryCode
* invoiceCountry
* serviceReferenceSystem
* attribute18
* attribute4
* pricingQuantity
* origSysShipmentRef
* globalAttribute14
* originalInventoryItemId
* ibInstalledAtLocation#1
* configLineRef
* endCustomerCountry
* configurationId
* shipToleranceAbove
* userItemDescription
* intmedShipToContactId
* unitSellingPrice
* accountingRuleId
* deliverToAddress3
* chargePeriodicityCode
* scheduleStatusCode
* shipToPartyNumber
* costTypeId
* endCustomerProvince
* orderedQuantityUom2
* servicePeriod
* globalAttribute19
* shipToAddress3
* invoiceSetId
* attribute12
* demandBucketTypeCode
* soldFromOrg
* rlaScheduleTypeCode
* attribute10
* shipmentNumber
* serviceReferenceOrder
* industryAttribute20
* tpAttribute2
* priceList
* industryAttribute17
* pricingAttribute8
* serviceSubsTemplateId
* customerProductionLine
* deliverToCountry
* invoiceAddress1
* componentCode
* context
* topModelLineId
* shipFromRegion3
* orderNumber
* invoiceToOrg
* serviceDuration
* commitmentId
* task
* shipFromRegion1
* itemRevision
* tax
* itemIdentifierType
* program
* shipModelCompleteFlag
* lineSetId
* endCustomerAddress1
* inventoryItemSegment10
* promiseDate
* industryAttribute30
* serviceBillOptionCode
* agreement
* custPoNumber
* shipToContactLastName
* shipToAddress4
* endCustomerContactId
* custModelSerialNumber
* serviceReferenceSystemId
* actualFulfillmentDate
* componentSequenceId
* invoiceProvince
* invoiceAddress2
* globalAttribute20
* commitment
* pricingContext
* requestDate
* sortOrder
* globalAttribute8
* shipToAddress2
* returnAttribute6
* taxExemptFlag
* pricingDate
* taxExemptReason
* latestAcceptableDate
* loadSeqNumber
* shipToState
* shipToAddressId
* actualArrivalDate
* requestId
* serviceFirstPeriodAmount
* createdBy
* costingDate
* industryAttribute28
* optionFlag
* ibInstalledAtLocationCode
* serviceTxnComments
* componentNumber
* industryAttribute22
* referenceHeaderId
* globalAttribute13
* shipFromOrg
* unitPercentBasePrice
* programApplicationId
* orderedItemId
* linkToLineRef
* deliveryLeadTime
* attribute13
* globalAttribute11
* tpAttribute12
* invoiceState
* instId
* globalAttribute4
* attribute20
* deliverToContactId
* tpContext
* industryAttribute2
* returnAttribute10
* lastUpdateLogin
* pricingAttribute2
* cancelledQuantity
* shipToContactJobTitle
* referenceHeader
* shipToContactAreaCode2
* inventoryItemSegment7
* flowStatusCode
* inventoryItemSegment16
* returnAttribute2
* salesrep
* endCustomerAddress4
* billToEdiLocationCode
* industryAttribute9
* invoiceToleranceAbove
* pricingAttribute10
* orderSourceId
* acknowledgmentType
* orderedQuantity
* shipToEdiLocationCode
* invoicePostalCode
* relatedPoNumber
* attribute11
* priceListId
* endCustomerCounty
* unitSellingPercent
* fulfilledQuantity2
* endCustomerContactLastName
* deliverToPostalCode
* shipFromRegion2
* shippedQuantity
* lineNumber
* resourceCost
* originalItemIdentifierType
* referenceLineId
* bookedFlag
* shipToAddress1
* actualShipmentDate
* attribute5
* attribute9
* returnAttribute13
* acknowledgementType
* serviceReferenceLine
* subscriptionEnableFlag
* freightTerms
* industryAttribute8
* shipFromOrgId
* contractPoNumber
* industryAttribute4
* modelGroupNumber
* ibCurrentLocation
* industryAttribute13
* invoiceToOrgId
* orderFirmedDate
* openFlag
* taxExemptNumber
* freightTermsCode
* ibOwner
* attribute1
* demandClassCode
* attribute7
* deliverToAddress4
* deliveryId
* deliverToCustomer
* invoicedQuantity
* returnAttribute12
* soldToOrgId
* attribute8
* taxDate
* deliverToPartyNumber
* invoiceToCustomerName
* invoiceAddress3
* shipFromPostalCode
* endCustomerName
* programApplication
* creationDate
* attribute17
* attribute6
* pricingAttribute9
* endItemUnitNumber
* orderedItem
* creditInvoiceLineId
* shipToContactAreaCode1
* changeDate
* shipToContact
* tpAttribute11
* tpAttribute13
* cancelledQuantity2
* invoiceAddress4
* lastAckCode
* costType
* demandBucketType
* itemRelationshipType
* tpAttribute5
* customerDockCode
* linePoContext
* reSourceFlag
* ibInstalledAtLocation
* servicedLineId
* inventoryItemSegment15
* customerItemRevision
* lastUpdatedBy
* referenceType
* invoiceAddressCode
* customerShipmentNumber
* invoiceAddressName
* shipToCustomerName
* tpAttribute9
* industryAttribute23
* scheduleItemDetail
* linkToLineId
* shipToCustomerId
* invoiceToCustomerNumber
* shipFromCity
* shipToAddressName
* firstAckDate
* inventoryItemSegment5
* industryAttribute12
* globalAttribute2
* vehCusItemCumKeyId


 * lineId
* setId
* systemRequiredFlag
* instId


 * lineId
* setId
* systemRequiredFlag
* instId


 * requestDate
* orderedQuantity
* shipToOrgId
* splitBy
* changeReasonCode
* requestId
* orderedQuantity2
* changeReasonComment
* splitIndex
* shipFromOrgId
* lineId


 * requestDate
* orderedQuantity
* shipToOrgId
* splitBy
* changeReasonCode
* requestId
* orderedQuantity2
* changeReasonComment
* splitIndex
* shipFromOrgId
* lineId


 * attrDispValue
* attrValueNum
* transactionType
* processStatus
* entity
* dataLevelId
* orderSourceId
* rowIdentifier
* dataSetId
* attrUomDispValue
* creationDate
* dataLevelName
* origSysShipmentRef
* attrValueStr
* attrGroupId
* programApplicationId
* attrIntName
* userDataLevelName
* lastUpdateLogin
* attrValueUom
* batchId
* lineId
* origSysDocumentRef
* attrGroupType
* origSysLineRef
* lastUpdateDate
* programId
* requestId
* programUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* soldToOrgId
* orgId
* attrGroupIntName
* createdBy
* attrValueDate
* transactionId


 * attrDispValue
* attrValueNum
* transactionType
* processStatus
* entity
* dataLevelId
* orderSourceId
* rowIdentifier
* dataSetId
* attrUomDispValue
* creationDate
* dataLevelName
* origSysShipmentRef
* attrValueStr
* attrGroupId
* programApplicationId
* attrIntName
* userDataLevelName
* lastUpdateLogin
* attrValueUom
* batchId
* lineId
* origSysDocumentRef
* attrGroupType
* origSysLineRef
* lastUpdateDate
* programId
* requestId
* programUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* soldToOrgId
* orgId
* attrGroupIntName
* createdBy
* attrValueDate
* transactionId


 * priceListId
* industryAttribute1
* endCustomerAddress2
* industryAttribute10
* agreement
* invoiceToPartyId
* shipToOrgContactId
* soldFromOrgId
* serviceAttribute8
* inventoryItemSegment3
* orderedQuantity2
* endCustomerLocation
* componentCode
* attribute19
* attribute7
* orderSourceId
* shipToCountry
* inventoryItemSegment13
* globalAttribute14
* endCustomerPartyNumber
* serviceTxnComments
* shippingInstructions
* overShipResolvedFlag
* attribute18
* attribute9
* closedFlag
* serviceTxnReasonCode
* serviceAttribute14
* cancelledFlag
* deliverToOrg
* globalAttribute4
* serviceBillOptionCode
* endCustomerSiteUseId
* taxValue
* scheduleShipDate
* origSysDocumentRef
* inventoryItemSegment18
* serviceEndDate
* customerPaymentTermId
* origSysLineRef
* taxExemptNumber
* fulfilledQuantity
* referenceHeader
* endCustomerContactId
* pricingAttribute5
* blanketNumber
* customerItemNetPrice
* serviceAttribute4
* invoiceToOrgContactId
* demandStream
* industryAttribute25
* cancelledQuantity2
* scheduleArrivalDate
* taskId
* lastUpdateDate
* fulfilledQuantity2
* invoiceToPartyNumber
* orderFirmedDate
* salesrep
* tpAttribute4
* shipSetName
* attribute8
* taxExemptFlag
* industryAttribute18
* inventoryItemSegment15
* industryAttribute16
* lastUpdateLogin
* lineCategoryCode
* interfaceStatus
* deliverToContact
* serviceAttribute13
* returnAttribute12
* serviceReferenceSystem
* agreementId
* serviceAttribute1
* taxCode
* industryAttribute27
* accountingRuleDuration
* orgId
* serviceCoterminateFlag
* modelGroupNumber
* industryAttribute3
* serviceAttribute12
* shipToAddress3
* globalAttribute7
* inventoryItemSegment9
* attribute5
* returnAttribute1
* shipFromOrg
* invoiceToPostalCode
* globalAttribute16
* tax
* scac
* returnAttribute11
* returnAttribute15
* origDeliverAddressRef
* customerPaymentTerm
* shippingQuantityUom2
* deliverToContactId
* splitFromLineId
* invoiceToCustomerNumber
* invoiceSetName
* taxPoint
* componentSequenceId
* serviceSubscriptionTemplate
* creditInvoiceLineId
* commitment
* configRevNbr
* inventoryItemSegment8
* inventoryItemSegment2
* pricingAttribute1
* programUpdateDate
* unitSellingPercent
* globalAttribute15
* industryAttribute14
* itemTypeCode
* latestAcceptableDate
* globalAttribute6
* requestDate
* industryAttribute22
* invoiceToState
* returnAttribute14
* serviceStartDate
* attribute13
* ibInstalledAtLocation
* shipToOrg
* globalAttribute3
* userItemDescription
* priceList
* returnContext
* taxExemptReasonCode
* shipToleranceAbove
* industryAttribute7
* atoLineId
* shipToPartySiteUseId
* inventoryItemSegment11
* promiseDate
* shipToContactRef
* accountingRuleId
* arrivalSetName
* scheduleItemDetail
* planningPriority
* globalAttribute8
* globalAttribute19
* lineType
* ibOwner
* ibInstalledAtLocation#1
* lineTypeId
* invoiceToPartySiteUseId
* deliverToCountry
* referenceLineId
* customerShipmentNumber
* industryAttribute29
* endCustomerCity
* invoiceToAddress2
* subscriptionEnableFlag
* orderQuantityUom
* shipToCounty
* shipToPostalCode
* serviceSubsTemplateId
* serviceBillProfileId
* lastUpdatedBy
* fulfillmentSetName
* deliverToAddress4
* project
* scheduleDate
* errorFlag
* deliverToOrgId
* shipToCustomerNumber
* invoiceToProvince
* unitListPrice
* inventoryItemSegment19
* calculatePriceFlag
* lineNumber
* linkToLineRef
* creationDate
* serviceAttribute7
* requestId
* endCustomerNumber
* globalAttribute10
* globalAttribute11
* globalAttribute13
* serviceDuration
* shipToContactFirstName
* servicedLineId
* actualArrivalDate
* customerPoNumber
* serviceBillingProfile
* customerLineNumber
* configHeaderId
* deliverToCustomerNumber
* industryAttribute12
* priceRequestCode
* shipToPartyId
* industryAttribute2
* pricingAttribute8
* shipToCustomerId
* deliverToState
* accountingRule
* tpAttribute14
* shipToContactAreaCode3
* industryAttribute6
* industryAttribute20
* attribute15
* deliverToCustomerName
* preferredGrade
* subinventory
* loadSeqNumber
* tpAttribute11
* invoiceToAddress1
* tpAttribute13
* taxPointCode
* shippingQuantity2
* invoiceToContactId
* invoiceToCustomerId
* referenceType
* deliverToContactRef
* overrideAtpDateCode
* serviceNumber
* taxExemptReason
* inventoryItemSegment4
* industryContext
* endCustomerName
* attribute11
* operationCode
* globalAttribute9
* createdBy
* inventoryItemSegment17
* attribute12
* endCustomerAddress3
* deliverToCity
* changeReason
* pricingAttribute4
* invoiceToCity
* unitListPricePerPqty
* linePoContext
* inventoryItemSegment6
* industryAttribute21
* shipToPartyNumber
* endCustomerAddress4
* serviceAttribute11
* customerJob
* commitmentId
* lateDemandPenaltyFactor
* programApplicationId
* shippedQuantity
* shipModelCompleteFlag
* industryAttribute28
* invoiceToCountry
* servicePeriod
* context
* freightCarrierCode
* attribute4
* globalAttribute20
* customerItemIdType
* attribute3
* paymentTermId
* unitListPercent
* lineId
* unitSellingPrice
* shipToCustomerName
* unitPercentBasePrice
* globalAttribute18
* tpAttribute2
* endCustomerPartyId
* splitFromShipmentRef
* deliverToPartyId
* industryAttribute11
* changeSequence
* industryAttribute9
* orderedQuantity
* serviceAttribute5
* deliverToProvince
* deliverToCounty
* globalAttribute12
* attribute16
* pricingDate
* globalAttribute1
* shipmentNumber
* tpAttribute9
* tpAttribute5
* ibCurrentLocation
* vehCusItemCumKeyId
* pricingAttribute2
* returnAttribute13
* inventoryItemSegment7
* changeComments
* industryAttribute30
* industryAttribute19
* invoicingRule
* tpAttribute10
* blanketLineNumber
* invoiceToPartySiteId
* inventoryItemSegment16
* billToContactRef
* industryAttribute4
* serviceAttribute6
* inventoryItemSegment10
* shipToAddress4
* pricingAttribute10
* shipmentPriorityCode
* deliverToAddress3
* invoiceSetId
* serviceAttribute10
* customerDockCode
* xmlTransactionTypeCode
* shipToOrgId
* changeRequestCode
* orderedQuantityUom2
* attribute6
* tpAttribute1
* tpAttribute12
* customerProductionLine
* optionNumber
* salesrepId
* task
* origBillAddressRef
* attribute20
* returnAttribute10
* invoicingRuleId
* returnAttribute9
* freightTermsCode
* shipToContactId
* shipFromOrgId
* serviceAttribute9
* shipToState
* endCustomerCountry
* configurationId
* endCustomerPartySiteUseId
* endCustomerPostalCode
* freightTerms
* programId
* explosionDate
* industryAttribute15
* contractPoNumber
* attribute10
* tpAttribute7
* serviceAttribute3
* endCustomerCounty
* customerItemRevision
* deliverToPartySiteId
* deliverToPostalCode
* industryAttribute13
* earliestAcceptableDate
* shipToleranceBelow
* attribute1
* industryAttribute26
* paymentTerm
* returnAttribute5
* ibOwnerCode
* endCustomerOrgContactId
* scheduleStatusCode
* inventoryItemId
* soldToOrg
* invoiceToOrgId
* endItemUnitNumber
* equipmentNumber
* returnAttribute8
* shipToProvince
* preExplodedFlag
* packingInstructions
* invoiceToAddress4
* deliveryLeadTime
* referenceHeaderId
* endCustomerState
* rejectedFlag
* equipmentId
* inventoryItemSegment20
* authorizedToShipFlag
* endCustomerProvince
* serviceReferenceTypeCode
* shipToAddress2
* serviceAttribute2
* invoiceToCounty
* deliverToOrgContactId
* pricingAttribute9
* instId
* cancelledQuantity
* soldToOrgId
* deliverToPartySiteUseId
* globalAttribute17
* globalAttribute5
* ibCurrentLocation#1
* demandBucketTypeCode
* origSysShipmentRef
* attributeStatus
* sortOrder
* attribute2
* itemRevision
* tpContext
* attribute17
* shipToCity
* taxDate
* shipToContactJobTitle
* industryAttribute8
* deliveryId
* arrivalSetId
* shippingQuantity
* serviceCoverageTemplate
* invoiceToAddress3
* shipToContact
* inventoryItem
* globalAttributeCategory
* shippingMethodCode
* actualShipmentDate
* demandBucketType
* custProductionSeqNum
* deliverToAddress1
* tpAttribute8
* endCustomerAddress1
* topModelLineRef
* customerItemId
* endCustomerId
* shipToContactAreaCode1
* ibInstalledAtLocationCode
* splitFromLineRef
* pricingAttribute6
* pricingQuantityUom
* demandClass
* industryAttribute17
* projectId
* inventoryItemSegment1
* serviceReferenceOrder
* optionFlag
* tpAttribute15
* custModelSerialNumber
* shippedQuantity2
* industryAttribute5
* invoiceToContact
* returnAttribute6
* containerNumber
* returnAttribute2
* tpAttribute3
* invoiceToOrg
* soldFromOrg
* statusFlag
* endCustomerPartySiteId
* fulfillmentSetId
* serviceCovTemplateId
* pricingContext
* inventoryItemSegment12
* origShipAddressRef
* dropShipFlag
* shipSetId
* deliverToPartyNumber
* shipToContactLastName
* industryAttribute24
* inventoryItemSegment5
* shipToPartySiteId
* pricingAttribute7
* invoiceToCustomerName
* fobPoint
* fulfilledFlag
* sourceTypeCode
* pricingAttribute3
* shipToContactAreaCode2
* inventoryItemSegment14
* shippingQuantityUom
* deliverToAddress2
* serviceAttribute15
* returnReasonCode
* pricingQuantity
* fobPointCode
* deliverToCustomerId
* shipToAddress1
* overShipReasonCode
* customerDock
* actualFulfillmentDate
* ibCurrentLocationCode
* unitSellingPricePerPqty
* returnAttribute7
* customerItemName
* serviceContext
* returnAttribute4
* industryAttribute23
* globalAttribute2
* endCustomerContact
* tpAttribute6
* returnAttribute3
* demandClassCode
* shippingMethod
* serviceReferenceLine
* referenceLine
* attribute14
* shipmentPriority


 * priceListId
* industryAttribute1
* endCustomerAddress2
* industryAttribute10
* agreement
* invoiceToPartyId
* shipToOrgContactId
* soldFromOrgId
* serviceAttribute8
* inventoryItemSegment3
* orderedQuantity2
* endCustomerLocation
* componentCode
* attribute19
* attribute7
* orderSourceId
* shipToCountry
* inventoryItemSegment13
* globalAttribute14
* endCustomerPartyNumber
* serviceTxnComments
* shippingInstructions
* overShipResolvedFlag
* attribute18
* attribute9
* closedFlag
* serviceTxnReasonCode
* serviceAttribute14
* cancelledFlag
* deliverToOrg
* globalAttribute4
* serviceBillOptionCode
* endCustomerSiteUseId
* taxValue
* scheduleShipDate
* origSysDocumentRef
* inventoryItemSegment18
* serviceEndDate
* customerPaymentTermId
* origSysLineRef
* taxExemptNumber
* fulfilledQuantity
* referenceHeader
* endCustomerContactId
* pricingAttribute5
* blanketNumber
* customerItemNetPrice
* serviceAttribute4
* invoiceToOrgContactId
* demandStream
* industryAttribute25
* cancelledQuantity2
* scheduleArrivalDate
* taskId
* lastUpdateDate
* fulfilledQuantity2
* invoiceToPartyNumber
* orderFirmedDate
* salesrep
* tpAttribute4
* shipSetName
* attribute8
* taxExemptFlag
* industryAttribute18
* inventoryItemSegment15
* industryAttribute16
* lastUpdateLogin
* lineCategoryCode
* interfaceStatus
* deliverToContact
* serviceAttribute13
* returnAttribute12
* serviceReferenceSystem
* agreementId
* serviceAttribute1
* taxCode
* industryAttribute27
* accountingRuleDuration
* orgId
* serviceCoterminateFlag
* modelGroupNumber
* industryAttribute3
* serviceAttribute12
* shipToAddress3
* globalAttribute7
* inventoryItemSegment9
* attribute5
* returnAttribute1
* shipFromOrg
* invoiceToPostalCode
* globalAttribute16
* tax
* scac
* returnAttribute11
* returnAttribute15
* origDeliverAddressRef
* customerPaymentTerm
* shippingQuantityUom2
* deliverToContactId
* splitFromLineId
* invoiceToCustomerNumber
* invoiceSetName
* taxPoint
* componentSequenceId
* serviceSubscriptionTemplate
* creditInvoiceLineId
* commitment
* configRevNbr
* inventoryItemSegment8
* inventoryItemSegment2
* pricingAttribute1
* programUpdateDate
* unitSellingPercent
* globalAttribute15
* industryAttribute14
* itemTypeCode
* latestAcceptableDate
* globalAttribute6
* requestDate
* industryAttribute22
* invoiceToState
* returnAttribute14
* serviceStartDate
* attribute13
* ibInstalledAtLocation
* shipToOrg
* globalAttribute3
* userItemDescription
* priceList
* returnContext
* taxExemptReasonCode
* shipToleranceAbove
* industryAttribute7
* atoLineId
* shipToPartySiteUseId
* inventoryItemSegment11
* promiseDate
* shipToContactRef
* accountingRuleId
* arrivalSetName
* scheduleItemDetail
* planningPriority
* globalAttribute8
* globalAttribute19
* lineType
* ibOwner
* ibInstalledAtLocation#1
* lineTypeId
* invoiceToPartySiteUseId
* deliverToCountry
* referenceLineId
* customerShipmentNumber
* industryAttribute29
* endCustomerCity
* invoiceToAddress2
* subscriptionEnableFlag
* orderQuantityUom
* shipToCounty
* shipToPostalCode
* serviceSubsTemplateId
* serviceBillProfileId
* lastUpdatedBy
* fulfillmentSetName
* deliverToAddress4
* project
* scheduleDate
* errorFlag
* deliverToOrgId
* shipToCustomerNumber
* invoiceToProvince
* unitListPrice
* inventoryItemSegment19
* calculatePriceFlag
* lineNumber
* linkToLineRef
* creationDate
* serviceAttribute7
* requestId
* endCustomerNumber
* globalAttribute10
* globalAttribute11
* globalAttribute13
* serviceDuration
* shipToContactFirstName
* servicedLineId
* actualArrivalDate
* customerPoNumber
* serviceBillingProfile
* customerLineNumber
* configHeaderId
* deliverToCustomerNumber
* industryAttribute12
* priceRequestCode
* shipToPartyId
* industryAttribute2
* pricingAttribute8
* shipToCustomerId
* deliverToState
* accountingRule
* tpAttribute14
* shipToContactAreaCode3
* industryAttribute6
* industryAttribute20
* attribute15
* deliverToCustomerName
* preferredGrade
* subinventory
* loadSeqNumber
* tpAttribute11
* invoiceToAddress1
* tpAttribute13
* taxPointCode
* shippingQuantity2
* invoiceToContactId
* invoiceToCustomerId
* referenceType
* deliverToContactRef
* overrideAtpDateCode
* serviceNumber
* taxExemptReason
* inventoryItemSegment4
* industryContext
* endCustomerName
* attribute11
* operationCode
* globalAttribute9
* createdBy
* inventoryItemSegment17
* attribute12
* endCustomerAddress3
* deliverToCity
* changeReason
* pricingAttribute4
* invoiceToCity
* unitListPricePerPqty
* linePoContext
* inventoryItemSegment6
* industryAttribute21
* shipToPartyNumber
* endCustomerAddress4
* serviceAttribute11
* customerJob
* commitmentId
* lateDemandPenaltyFactor
* programApplicationId
* shippedQuantity
* shipModelCompleteFlag
* industryAttribute28
* invoiceToCountry
* servicePeriod
* context
* freightCarrierCode
* attribute4
* globalAttribute20
* customerItemIdType
* attribute3
* paymentTermId
* unitListPercent
* lineId
* unitSellingPrice
* shipToCustomerName
* unitPercentBasePrice
* globalAttribute18
* tpAttribute2
* endCustomerPartyId
* splitFromShipmentRef
* deliverToPartyId
* industryAttribute11
* changeSequence
* industryAttribute9
* orderedQuantity
* serviceAttribute5
* deliverToProvince
* deliverToCounty
* globalAttribute12
* attribute16
* pricingDate
* globalAttribute1
* shipmentNumber
* tpAttribute9
* tpAttribute5
* ibCurrentLocation
* vehCusItemCumKeyId
* pricingAttribute2
* returnAttribute13
* inventoryItemSegment7
* changeComments
* industryAttribute30
* industryAttribute19
* invoicingRule
* tpAttribute10
* blanketLineNumber
* invoiceToPartySiteId
* inventoryItemSegment16
* billToContactRef
* industryAttribute4
* serviceAttribute6
* inventoryItemSegment10
* shipToAddress4
* pricingAttribute10
* shipmentPriorityCode
* deliverToAddress3
* invoiceSetId
* serviceAttribute10
* customerDockCode
* xmlTransactionTypeCode
* shipToOrgId
* changeRequestCode
* orderedQuantityUom2
* attribute6
* tpAttribute1
* tpAttribute12
* customerProductionLine
* optionNumber
* salesrepId
* task
* origBillAddressRef
* attribute20
* returnAttribute10
* invoicingRuleId
* returnAttribute9
* freightTermsCode
* shipToContactId
* shipFromOrgId
* serviceAttribute9
* shipToState
* endCustomerCountry
* configurationId
* endCustomerPartySiteUseId
* endCustomerPostalCode
* freightTerms
* programId
* explosionDate
* industryAttribute15
* contractPoNumber
* attribute10
* tpAttribute7
* serviceAttribute3
* endCustomerCounty
* customerItemRevision
* deliverToPartySiteId
* deliverToPostalCode
* industryAttribute13
* earliestAcceptableDate
* shipToleranceBelow
* attribute1
* industryAttribute26
* paymentTerm
* returnAttribute5
* ibOwnerCode
* endCustomerOrgContactId
* scheduleStatusCode
* inventoryItemId
* soldToOrg
* invoiceToOrgId
* endItemUnitNumber
* equipmentNumber
* returnAttribute8
* shipToProvince
* preExplodedFlag
* packingInstructions
* invoiceToAddress4
* deliveryLeadTime
* referenceHeaderId
* endCustomerState
* rejectedFlag
* equipmentId
* inventoryItemSegment20
* authorizedToShipFlag
* endCustomerProvince
* serviceReferenceTypeCode
* shipToAddress2
* serviceAttribute2
* invoiceToCounty
* deliverToOrgContactId
* pricingAttribute9
* instId
* cancelledQuantity
* soldToOrgId
* deliverToPartySiteUseId
* globalAttribute17
* globalAttribute5
* ibCurrentLocation#1
* demandBucketTypeCode
* origSysShipmentRef
* attributeStatus
* sortOrder
* attribute2
* itemRevision
* tpContext
* attribute17
* shipToCity
* taxDate
* shipToContactJobTitle
* industryAttribute8
* deliveryId
* arrivalSetId
* shippingQuantity
* serviceCoverageTemplate
* invoiceToAddress3
* shipToContact
* inventoryItem
* globalAttributeCategory
* shippingMethodCode
* actualShipmentDate
* demandBucketType
* custProductionSeqNum
* deliverToAddress1
* tpAttribute8
* endCustomerAddress1
* topModelLineRef
* customerItemId
* endCustomerId
* shipToContactAreaCode1
* ibInstalledAtLocationCode
* splitFromLineRef
* pricingAttribute6
* pricingQuantityUom
* demandClass
* industryAttribute17
* projectId
* inventoryItemSegment1
* serviceReferenceOrder
* optionFlag
* tpAttribute15
* custModelSerialNumber
* shippedQuantity2
* industryAttribute5
* invoiceToContact
* returnAttribute6
* containerNumber
* returnAttribute2
* tpAttribute3
* invoiceToOrg
* soldFromOrg
* statusFlag
* endCustomerPartySiteId
* fulfillmentSetId
* serviceCovTemplateId
* pricingContext
* inventoryItemSegment12
* origShipAddressRef
* dropShipFlag
* shipSetId
* deliverToPartyNumber
* shipToContactLastName
* industryAttribute24
* inventoryItemSegment5
* shipToPartySiteId
* pricingAttribute7
* invoiceToCustomerName
* fobPoint
* fulfilledFlag
* sourceTypeCode
* pricingAttribute3
* shipToContactAreaCode2
* inventoryItemSegment14
* shippingQuantityUom
* deliverToAddress2
* serviceAttribute15
* returnReasonCode
* pricingQuantity
* fobPointCode
* deliverToCustomerId
* shipToAddress1
* overShipReasonCode
* customerDock
* actualFulfillmentDate
* ibCurrentLocationCode
* unitSellingPricePerPqty
* returnAttribute7
* customerItemName
* serviceContext
* returnAttribute4
* industryAttribute23
* globalAttribute2
* endCustomerContact
* tpAttribute6
* returnAttribute3
* demandClassCode
* shippingMethod
* serviceReferenceLine
* referenceLine
* attribute14
* shipmentPriority


 * toSerialNumber
* lockControl
* lotNumber
* attribute1
* attribute10
* lineSetId
* quantity
* attribute4
* attribute9
* attribute13
* attribute15
* sublotNumber
* creationDate
* fromSerialNumber
* instId
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute7
* quantity2
* attribute5
* lotSerialId
* createdBy
* attribute11
* attribute12
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute3
* attribute8
* origSysLotserialRef
* attribute14
* lastUpdateDate
* lineId
* attribute6
* attribute2
* context


 * toSerialNumber
* lockControl
* lotNumber
* attribute1
* attribute10
* lineSetId
* quantity
* attribute4
* attribute9
* attribute13
* attribute15
* sublotNumber
* creationDate
* fromSerialNumber
* instId
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute7
* quantity2
* attribute5
* lotSerialId
* createdBy
* attribute11
* attribute12
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute3
* attribute8
* origSysLotserialRef
* attribute14
* lastUpdateDate
* lineId
* attribute6
* attribute2
* context


 * firstAckDate
* fromSerialNumber
* lastAckDate
* lastUpdateDate
* context
* origSysLotSerialRef
* interfaceStatus
* orderSourceId
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute12
* origSysLineRef
* attribute2
* programId
* attribute5
* lastUpdateLogin
* buyerSellerFlag
* errorFlag
* attribute4
* attribute13
* firstAckCode
* changeDate
* origSysShipmentRef
* toSerialNumber
* attribute6
* requestId
* programApplicationId
* attribute8
* attribute1
* programUpdateDate
* quantity2
* attribute10
* changeSequence
* operationCode
* instId
* origSysDocumentRef
* creationDate
* quantity
* attribute7
* attribute3
* attribute9
* lastAckCode
* orderSource
* attribute14
* acknowledgmentFlag
* lotNumber
* attribute15
* attribute11
* sublotNumber
* createdBy


 * firstAckDate
* fromSerialNumber
* lastAckDate
* lastUpdateDate
* context
* origSysLotSerialRef
* interfaceStatus
* orderSourceId
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute12
* origSysLineRef
* attribute2
* programId
* attribute5
* lastUpdateLogin
* buyerSellerFlag
* errorFlag
* attribute4
* attribute13
* firstAckCode
* changeDate
* origSysShipmentRef
* toSerialNumber
* attribute6
* requestId
* programApplicationId
* attribute8
* attribute1
* programUpdateDate
* quantity2
* attribute10
* changeSequence
* operationCode
* instId
* origSysDocumentRef
* creationDate
* quantity
* attribute7
* attribute3
* attribute9
* lastAckCode
* orderSource
* attribute14
* acknowledgmentFlag
* lotNumber
* attribute15
* attribute11
* sublotNumber
* createdBy


 * attribute12
* requestId
* lastUpdatedBy
* orgId
* programId
* createdBy
* attribute8
* lastUpdateDate
* errorFlag
* changeSequence
* attribute2
* soldToOrgId
* lastUpdateLogin
* sublotNumber
* origSysLotserialRef
* attribute4
* programApplicationId
* soldToOrg
* orderSourceId
* attribute6
* quantity2
* toSerialNumber
* changeRequestCode
* attribute15
* attribute5
* attribute11
* attribute7
* attribute9
* attribute1
* attribute14
* creationDate
* attribute13
* fromSerialNumber
* context
* attribute3
* programUpdateDate
* quantity
* instId
* origSysDocumentRef
* origSysShipmentRef
* attribute10
* interfaceStatus
* lotNumber
* operationCode
* statusFlag
* origSysLineRef


 * attribute12
* requestId
* lastUpdatedBy
* orgId
* programId
* createdBy
* attribute8
* lastUpdateDate
* errorFlag
* changeSequence
* attribute2
* soldToOrgId
* lastUpdateLogin
* sublotNumber
* origSysLotserialRef
* attribute4
* programApplicationId
* soldToOrg
* orderSourceId
* attribute6
* quantity2
* toSerialNumber
* changeRequestCode
* attribute15
* attribute5
* attribute11
* attribute7
* attribute9
* attribute1
* attribute14
* creationDate
* attribute13
* fromSerialNumber
* context
* attribute3
* programUpdateDate
* quantity
* instId
* origSysDocumentRef
* origSysShipmentRef
* attribute10
* interfaceStatus
* lotNumber
* operationCode
* statusFlag
* origSysLineRef


 * tpAttribute2
* attribute5
* soldToOrgId
* creditCardCode
* bookedFlag
* ibOwner
* versionNumber
* checkNumber
* tpAttribute1
* instId
* conversionTypeCode
* tpAttribute6
* endCustomerContactId
* taxExemptFlag
* attribute3
* attribute11
* shipmentPriorityCode
* customerPaymentTermId
* conversionRateDate
* programUpdateDate
* attribute19
* batchId
* fulfillmentSetName
* custPoNumber
* sourceDocumentTypeId
* partialShipmentsAllowed
* requestId
* creditCardExpirationDate
* attribute18
* ibInstalledAtLocation
* firstAckDate
* orderedDate
* sourceDocumentId
* creditCardApprovalCode
* salesChannelCode
* tpContext
* creditCardHolderName
* endCustomerId
* orderCategoryCode
* attribute8
* paymentAmount
* quoteDate
* freightTermsCode
* globalAttribute14
* lastUpdateLogin
* tpAttribute11
* orderFirmedDate
* openFlag
* agreementId
* attribute9
* orderTypeId
* attribute14
* latestScheduleLimit
* soldToPhoneId
* ibCurrentLocation#1
* globalAttribute1
* bookedDate
* taxExemptReasonCode
* deliverToOrgId
* paymentTypeCode
* globalAttribute16
* shippingInstructions
* globalAttributeCategory
* pricingDate
* globalAttribute3
* supplierSignature
* expirationDate
* orderDateTypeCode
* tpAttribute3
* tpAttribute15
* attribute16
* globalAttribute12
* deliverToContactId
* creationDate
* priceRequestCode
* invoiceToContactId
* attribute17
* salesrepId
* minisiteId
* defaultFulfillmentSet
* shipToleranceAbove
* accountingRuleId
* globalAttribute15
* tpAttribute12
* salesDocumentName
* shipToOrgId
* creditCardNumber
* sourceDocumentVersionNumber
* lastUpdateDate
* programApplicationId
* cancelledFlag
* globalAttribute4
* globalAttribute6
* tpAttribute9
* globalAttribute11
* packingInstructions
* orderNumber
* shippingMethodCode
* shipToContactId
* shipToleranceBelow
* lastUpdatedBy
* globalAttribute5
* lockControl
* returnReasonCode
* attribute12
* taxExemptNumber
* upgradedFlag
* xmlMessageId
* freightCarrierCode
* customerSignatureDate
* tpAttribute5
* accountingRuleDuration
* attribute1
* attribute4
* endCustomerSiteUseId
* conversionRate
* soldToContactId
* programId
* attribute6
* customerSignature
* lastAckDate
* orgId
* globalAttribute2
* attribute2
* attribute13
* globalAttribute18
* demandClassCode
* globalAttribute9
* attribute20
* globalAttribute10
* tpAttribute7
* origSysDocumentRef
* orderSourceId
* attribute7
* tpAttribute10
* lastAckCode
* customerPreferenceSetCode
* context
* blanketNumber
* transactionalCurrCode
* taxPointCode
* globalAttribute8
* headerId
* globalAttribute13
* globalAttribute19
* fobPointCode
* ibInstalledAtLocation#1
* lineSetName
* quoteNumber
* firstAckCode
* globalAttribute17
* changeSequence
* salesDocumentTypeCode
* priceListId
* attribute10
* flowStatusCode
* creditCardApprovalDate
* userStatusCode
* marketingSourceCodeId
* draftSubmittedFlag
* invoicingRuleId
* globalAttribute7
* tpAttribute13
* ibCurrentLocation
* createdBy
* soldToSiteUseId
* tpAttribute4
* soldFromOrgId
* requestDate
* dropShipFlag
* invoiceToOrgId
* shipFromOrgId
* tpAttribute8
* earliestScheduleLimit
* globalAttribute20
* paymentTermId
* attribute15
* transactionPhaseCode
* tpAttribute14
* supplierSignatureDate


 * nExtAttr9
* uomExtAttr5
* dExtAttr9
* dExtAttr10
* cExtAttr21
* cExtAttr24
* uomExtAttr9
* cExtAttr10
* cExtAttr38
* uomExtAttr19
* cExtAttr6
* cExtAttr15
* nExtAttr4
* cExtAttr27
* cExtAttr12
* nExtAttr13
* nExtAttr5
* nExtAttr8
* uomExtAttr13
* uomExtAttr4
* styleId
* cExtAttr20
* headerId
* pk5Value
* nExtAttr15
* cExtAttr36
* nExtAttr1
* cExtAttr30
* cExtAttr1
* cExtAttr34
* pk2Value
* lastUpdatedBy
* uomExtAttr8
* dataLevelId
* nExtAttr10
* nExtAttr20
* uomExtAttr14
* cExtAttr9
* uomExtAttr2
* uomExtAttr12
* cExtAttr16
* uomExtAttr18
* cExtAttr11
* nExtAttr2
* cExtAttr28
* cExtAttr5
* uomExtAttr20
* entity
* extensionId
* nExtAttr18
* attrGroupId
* pk3Value
* uomExtAttr16
* pk1Value
* cExtAttr37
* nExtAttr16
* pk4Value
* cExtAttr22
* nExtAttr11
* dExtAttr8
* cExtAttr25
* uomExtAttr15
* nExtAttr3
* cExtAttr8
* cExtAttr40
* cExtAttr39
* lastUpdateDate
* creationDate
* cExtAttr19
* uomExtAttr7
* requestId
* dExtAttr7
* nExtAttr12
* uomExtAttr17
* cExtAttr7
* dExtAttr3
* cExtAttr29
* cExtAttr31
* nExtAttr7
* createdBy
* cExtAttr17
* cExtAttr35
* uomExtAttr3
* dExtAttr2
* dExtAttr4
* typeLookupCode
* uomExtAttr6
* cExtAttr13
* cExtAttr33
* nExtAttr17
* uomExtAttr10
* cExtAttr26
* cExtAttr4
* cExtAttr18
* nExtAttr6
* nExtAttr14
* cExtAttr2
* uomExtAttr1
* cExtAttr3
* uomExtAttr11
* cExtAttr23
* cExtAttr32
* cExtAttr14
* dExtAttr5
* lastUpdateLogin
* nExtAttr19
* dExtAttr6
* dExtAttr1


 * nExtAttr9
* uomExtAttr5
* dExtAttr9
* dExtAttr10
* cExtAttr21
* cExtAttr24
* uomExtAttr9
* cExtAttr10
* cExtAttr38
* uomExtAttr19
* cExtAttr6
* cExtAttr15
* nExtAttr4
* cExtAttr27
* cExtAttr12
* nExtAttr13
* nExtAttr5
* nExtAttr8
* uomExtAttr13
* uomExtAttr4
* styleId
* cExtAttr20
* headerId
* pk5Value
* nExtAttr15
* cExtAttr36
* nExtAttr1
* cExtAttr30
* cExtAttr1
* cExtAttr34
* pk2Value
* lastUpdatedBy
* uomExtAttr8
* dataLevelId
* nExtAttr10
* nExtAttr20
* uomExtAttr14
* cExtAttr9
* uomExtAttr2
* uomExtAttr12
* cExtAttr16
* uomExtAttr18
* cExtAttr11
* nExtAttr2
* cExtAttr28
* cExtAttr5
* uomExtAttr20
* entity
* extensionId
* nExtAttr18
* attrGroupId
* pk3Value
* uomExtAttr16
* pk1Value
* cExtAttr37
* nExtAttr16
* pk4Value
* cExtAttr22
* nExtAttr11
* dExtAttr8
* cExtAttr25
* uomExtAttr15
* nExtAttr3
* cExtAttr8
* cExtAttr40
* cExtAttr39
* lastUpdateDate
* creationDate
* cExtAttr19
* uomExtAttr7
* requestId
* dExtAttr7
* nExtAttr12
* uomExtAttr17
* cExtAttr7
* dExtAttr3
* cExtAttr29
* cExtAttr31
* nExtAttr7
* createdBy
* cExtAttr17
* cExtAttr35
* uomExtAttr3
* dExtAttr2
* dExtAttr4
* typeLookupCode
* uomExtAttr6
* cExtAttr13
* cExtAttr33
* nExtAttr17
* uomExtAttr10
* cExtAttr26
* cExtAttr4
* cExtAttr18
* nExtAttr6
* nExtAttr14
* cExtAttr2
* uomExtAttr1
* cExtAttr3
* uomExtAttr11
* cExtAttr23
* cExtAttr32
* cExtAttr14
* dExtAttr5
* lastUpdateLogin
* nExtAttr19
* dExtAttr6
* dExtAttr1


 * language
* tlExtAttr13
* tlExtAttr6
* typeLookupCode
* lastUpdateLogin
* tlExtAttr24
* entity
* tlExtAttr19
* tlExtAttr11
* tlExtAttr33
* requestId
* lastUpdatedBy
* tlExtAttr28
* tlExtAttr21
* tlExtAttr34
* tlExtAttr23
* tlExtAttr32
* tlExtAttr35
* tlExtAttr14
* headerId
* tlExtAttr10
* tlExtAttr22
* tlExtAttr9
* sourceLang
* tlExtAttr15
* tlExtAttr36
* tlExtAttr8
* tlExtAttr37
* tlExtAttr1
* tlExtAttr5
* tlExtAttr25
* tlExtAttr29
* tlExtAttr27
* tlExtAttr38
* createdBy
* dataLevelId
* extensionId
* creationDate
* tlExtAttr4
* attrGroupId
* tlExtAttr18
* tlExtAttr7
* tlExtAttr12
* styleId
* tlExtAttr31
* tlExtAttr30
* tlExtAttr20
* lastUpdateDate
* tlExtAttr40
* tlExtAttr3
* tlExtAttr2
* tlExtAttr17
* tlExtAttr16
* tlExtAttr26
* tlExtAttr39


 * language
* tlExtAttr13
* tlExtAttr6
* typeLookupCode
* lastUpdateLogin
* tlExtAttr24
* entity
* tlExtAttr19
* tlExtAttr11
* tlExtAttr33
* requestId
* lastUpdatedBy
* tlExtAttr28
* tlExtAttr21
* tlExtAttr34
* tlExtAttr23
* tlExtAttr32
* tlExtAttr35
* tlExtAttr14
* headerId
* tlExtAttr10
* tlExtAttr22
* tlExtAttr9
* sourceLang
* tlExtAttr15
* tlExtAttr36
* tlExtAttr8
* tlExtAttr37
* tlExtAttr1
* tlExtAttr5
* tlExtAttr25
* tlExtAttr29
* tlExtAttr27
* tlExtAttr38
* createdBy
* dataLevelId
* extensionId
* creationDate
* tlExtAttr4
* attrGroupId
* tlExtAttr18
* tlExtAttr7
* tlExtAttr12
* styleId
* tlExtAttr31
* tlExtAttr30
* tlExtAttr20
* lastUpdateDate
* tlExtAttr40
* tlExtAttr3
* tlExtAttr2
* tlExtAttr17
* tlExtAttr16
* tlExtAttr26
* tlExtAttr39


 * tpAttribute2
* attribute5
* soldToOrgId
* creditCardCode
* bookedFlag
* ibOwner
* versionNumber
* checkNumber
* tpAttribute1
* instId
* conversionTypeCode
* tpAttribute6
* endCustomerContactId
* taxExemptFlag
* attribute3
* attribute11
* shipmentPriorityCode
* customerPaymentTermId
* conversionRateDate
* programUpdateDate
* attribute19
* batchId
* fulfillmentSetName
* custPoNumber
* sourceDocumentTypeId
* partialShipmentsAllowed
* requestId
* creditCardExpirationDate
* attribute18
* ibInstalledAtLocation
* firstAckDate
* orderedDate
* sourceDocumentId
* creditCardApprovalCode
* salesChannelCode
* tpContext
* creditCardHolderName
* endCustomerId
* orderCategoryCode
* attribute8
* paymentAmount
* quoteDate
* freightTermsCode
* globalAttribute14
* lastUpdateLogin
* tpAttribute11
* orderFirmedDate
* openFlag
* agreementId
* attribute9
* orderTypeId
* attribute14
* latestScheduleLimit
* soldToPhoneId
* ibCurrentLocation#1
* globalAttribute1
* bookedDate
* taxExemptReasonCode
* deliverToOrgId
* paymentTypeCode
* globalAttribute16
* shippingInstructions
* globalAttributeCategory
* pricingDate
* globalAttribute3
* supplierSignature
* expirationDate
* orderDateTypeCode
* tpAttribute3
* tpAttribute15
* attribute16
* globalAttribute12
* deliverToContactId
* creationDate
* priceRequestCode
* invoiceToContactId
* attribute17
* salesrepId
* minisiteId
* defaultFulfillmentSet
* shipToleranceAbove
* accountingRuleId
* globalAttribute15
* tpAttribute12
* salesDocumentName
* shipToOrgId
* creditCardNumber
* sourceDocumentVersionNumber
* lastUpdateDate
* programApplicationId
* cancelledFlag
* globalAttribute4
* globalAttribute6
* tpAttribute9
* globalAttribute11
* packingInstructions
* orderNumber
* shippingMethodCode
* shipToContactId
* shipToleranceBelow
* lastUpdatedBy
* globalAttribute5
* lockControl
* returnReasonCode
* attribute12
* taxExemptNumber
* upgradedFlag
* xmlMessageId
* freightCarrierCode
* customerSignatureDate
* tpAttribute5
* accountingRuleDuration
* attribute1
* attribute4
* endCustomerSiteUseId
* conversionRate
* soldToContactId
* programId
* attribute6
* customerSignature
* lastAckDate
* orgId
* globalAttribute2
* attribute2
* attribute13
* globalAttribute18
* demandClassCode
* globalAttribute9
* attribute20
* globalAttribute10
* tpAttribute7
* origSysDocumentRef
* orderSourceId
* attribute7
* tpAttribute10
* lastAckCode
* customerPreferenceSetCode
* context
* blanketNumber
* transactionalCurrCode
* taxPointCode
* globalAttribute8
* headerId
* globalAttribute13
* globalAttribute19
* fobPointCode
* ibInstalledAtLocation#1
* lineSetName
* quoteNumber
* firstAckCode
* globalAttribute17
* changeSequence
* salesDocumentTypeCode
* priceListId
* attribute10
* flowStatusCode
* creditCardApprovalDate
* userStatusCode
* marketingSourceCodeId
* draftSubmittedFlag
* invoicingRuleId
* globalAttribute7
* tpAttribute13
* ibCurrentLocation
* createdBy
* soldToSiteUseId
* tpAttribute4
* soldFromOrgId
* requestDate
* dropShipFlag
* invoiceToOrgId
* shipFromOrgId
* tpAttribute8
* earliestScheduleLimit
* globalAttribute20
* paymentTermId
* attribute15
* transactionPhaseCode
* tpAttribute14
* supplierSignatureDate


 * createdBy
* attribute4
* programId
* attribute8
* programApplicationId
* attribute1
* attribute6
* attribute15
* lineId
* releasedFlag
* orderHoldId
* attribute5
* attribute7
* creationDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute14
* context
* attribute13
* creditProfileLevel
* programUpdateDate
* attribute2
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdateDate
* headerId
* holdSourceId
* orgId
* attribute3
* requestId
* holdReleaseId
* instId
* attribute11
* attribute9
* attribute12
* attribute10


 * createdBy
* attribute4
* programId
* attribute8
* programApplicationId
* attribute1
* attribute6
* attribute15
* lineId
* releasedFlag
* orderHoldId
* attribute5
* attribute7
* creationDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute14
* context
* attribute13
* creditProfileLevel
* programUpdateDate
* attribute2
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdateDate
* headerId
* holdSourceId
* orgId
* attribute3
* requestId
* holdReleaseId
* instId
* attribute11
* attribute9
* attribute12
* attribute10


 * blanketVersionNumber
* industryAttribute28
* marketingSourceCodeId
* fulfilledQuantity2
* attribute14
* serviceBillProfileId
* accountingRuleId
* pricingDate
* industryAttribute21
* unitPercentBasePrice
* customerTrxLineId
* industryAttribute19
* attribute2
* headerId
* industryAttribute26
* industryAttribute5
* blanketNumber
* tpAttribute9
* fulfillmentBase
* earliestShipDate
* industryAttribute4
* intmedShipToOrgId
* pricingAttribute1
* shippableFlag
* context
* attribute12
* containerNumber
* tpAttribute12
* shippingInstructions
* revrecComments
* attribute17
* serviceReferenceTypeCode
* vrmLastUpdateDate
* industryAttribute18
* referenceHeaderId
* invoicedQuantity
* scheduleStatusCode
* industryAttribute6
* globalAttribute12
* mfgComponentSequenceId
* billingPlanHeaderId
* endItemUnitNumber
* globalAttribute20
* pricingAttribute8
* creationDate
* shipmentPriorityCode
* transactionPhaseCode
* invoiceToContactId
* sourceTypeCode
* globalAttribute10
* serviceCoterminateFlag
* actualFulfillmentDate
* accountingRuleDuration
* lastUpdateDate
* originalListPrice
* pricingAttribute2
* taxLineValue
* attribute9
* requireBillingValidation
* arrivalSetId
* returnAttribute15
* tpAttribute15
* pricingAttribute4
* componentNumber
* orderSourceId
* lastUpdateLogin
* industryAttribute27
* sourceDocumentTypeId
* tpAttribute6
* itemSubstitutionTypeCode
* userItemDescription
* depPlanRequiredFlag
* returnAttribute7
* itemIdentifierType
* changeSequence
* lastAckDate
* orderQuantityUom
* soldToOrgId
* lockControl
* endCustomerSiteUseId
* overShipResolvedFlag
* pricingAttribute7
* returnAttribute5
* tpAttribute14
* optionFlag
* earliestAcceptableDate
* origSysDocumentRef
* dropShipFlag
* pricingAttribute10
* visibleDemandFlag
* globalAttribute5
* configRevNbr
* serviceBillOptionCode
* soldFromOrgId
* serviceFirstPeriodEnddate
* industryContext
* globalAttribute19
* taxCode
* fobPointCode
* bypassSchFlag
* shippingQuantity2
* invoicingRuleId
* pricingQuantityUom
* itemRevision
* serviceSubsTemplateId
* shippingQuantityUom2
* industryAttribute8
* lastUpdatedBy
* orderedItemId
* attribute16
* tpAttribute7
* attribute1
* industryAttribute9
* referenceCustomerTrxLineId
* attribute6
* taxExemptFlag
* orderFirmedDate
* revrecExpirationDays
* industryAttribute30
* industryAttribute1
* subinventory
* unitSellingPercent
* returnReasonCode
* tpAttribute1
* attribute20
* serviceCreditEligibleCode
* attribute15
* globalAttribute11
* tpAttribute10
* ibOwner
* freightCarrierCode
* actualArrivalDate
* pricingAttribute3
* minisiteId
* firmDemandFlag
* shippingInterfacedFlag
* upgradedFlag
* custProductionSeqNum
* commitmentId
* revrecImplicitFlag
* inventoryItemId
* sortOrder
* serviceCovTemplateId
* globalAttribute14
* industryAttribute20
* industryAttribute10
* ibCurrentLocation
* serviceNumber
* acceptedQuantity
* orgId
* originalInventoryItemId
* fulfilledQuantity
* globalAttribute17
* customerDockCode
* tpAttribute4
* industryAttribute15
* requestDate
* unitListPricePerPqty
* itemTypeCode
* fulfillmentMethodCode
* agreementId
* pricingQuantity
* pricingAttribute6
* industryAttribute17
* linkToLineId
* tpAttribute11
* lineNumber
* serviceDuration
* tpAttribute3
* industryAttribute7
* customerProductionLine
* shipToleranceBelow
* returnAttribute3
* cancelledFlag
* ibInstalledAtLocation
* orderedQuantity2
* invoiceToOrgId
* shippedQuantity2
* serviceTxnComments
* returnContext
* shipFromOrgId
* deliveryLeadTime
* origSysShipmentRef
* orderedQuantityUom2
* industryAttribute24
* fulfillmentDate
* explosionDate
* programUpdateDate
* projectId
* revrecSignature
* unitListPercent
* configDisplaySequence
* globalAttribute13
* customerItemNetPrice
* pricingAttribute5
* priceRequestCode
* attribute3
* orderedQuantity
* tpAttribute5
* firstAckCode
* latestAcceptableDate
* globalAttribute18
* serviceReferenceLineId
* custModelSerialNumber
* globalAttribute8
* revrecSignatureDate
* planningPriority
* mfgLeadTime
* globalAttribute2
* shipToContactId
* attribute11
* returnAttribute4
* freightTermsCode
* authorizedToShipFlag
* returnAttribute14
* componentCode
* requestId
* unitListPrice
* priceListId
* revenueAmount
* sourceDocumentLineId
* pricingAttribute9
* taxExemptReasonCode
* shipModelCompleteFlag
* pricingContext
* customerPaymentTermId
* shippingQuantity
* shipSetId
* lineSetId
* shipToOrgId
* sourceOrderLineId
* splitFromLineId
* atoLineId
* attribute10
* topModelLineId
* unitSellingPricePerPqty
* promiseDate
* rlaScheduleTypeCode
* preferredGrade
* orderedItem
* originalOrderedItem
* industryAttribute16
* returnAttribute2
* bookedFlag
* shippedQuantity
* returnAttribute9
* unitSellingPrice
* lineTypeId
* globalAttribute1
* lateDemandPenaltyFactor
* tpAttribute13
* attribute7
* fulfilledFlag
* serviceStartDate
* chargePeriodicityCode
* salesrepId
* industryAttribute12
* taxRate
* globalAttribute7
* itemRelationshipType
* modelGroupNumber
* tpAttribute8
* globalAttribute6
* industryAttribute2
* autoSelectedQuantity
* contingencyId
* returnAttribute10
* createdBy
* paymentTypeCode
* lineCategoryCode
* globalAttribute3
* overShipReasonCode
* returnAttribute13
* splitBy
* attribute13
* taxValue
* servicePeriod
* configHeaderId
* endCustomerId
* returnAttribute8
* paymentTermId
* referenceLineId
* industryAttribute22
* attribute19
* salesDocumentTypeCode
* customerJob
* shipmentNumber
* optionNumber
* globalAttribute4
* lastAckCode
* serviceReferenceSystemId
* endCustomerContactId
* equipmentId
* globalAttribute15
* sourceDocumentVersionNumber
* firstAckDate
* scheduleArrivalDate
* customerLineNumber
* originalOrderedItemId
* reSourceFlag
* returnAttribute1
* globalAttributeCategory
* returnAttribute6
* lineId
* openFlag
* origSysLineRef
* creditInvoiceLineId
* instId
* serviceFirstPeriodAmount
* originalItemIdentifierType
* serviceEndDate
* referenceType
* shippingMethodCode
* taxPointCode
* flowStatusCode
* industryAttribute14
* deliverToContactId
* componentSequenceId
* packingInstructions
* calculatePriceFlag
* vehCusItemCumKeyId
* sourceDocumentId
* industryAttribute11
* tpAttribute2
* cancelledQuantity
* intmedShipToContactId
* demandClassCode
* customerShipmentNumber
* attribute18
* globalAttribute16
* deliverToOrgId
* returnAttribute11
* returnAttribute12
* programApplicationId
* cancelledQuantity2
* industryAttribute29
* unitCost
* demandBucketTypeCode
* globalAttribute9
* retrobillRequestId
* serviceTxnReasonCode
* attribute4
* custPoNumber
* blanketLineNumber
* actualShipmentDate
* scheduleShipDate
* industryAttribute23
* revrecEventCode
* attribute8
* shipToleranceAbove
* acceptedBy
* taxDate
* attribute5
* preExplodedFlag
* taskId
* ibCurrentLocation#1
* shippingQuantityUom
* tpContext
* configurationId
* industryAttribute3
* overrideAtpDateCode
* industryAttribute25
* taxExemptNumber
* invoiceInterfaceStatusCode
* revrecReferenceDocument
* ibInstalledAtLocation#1
* industryAttribute13
* programId
* modelRemnantFlag
* subscriptionEnableFlag


 * nExtAttr11
* uomExtAttr9
* dExtAttr7
* uomExtAttr19
* dExtAttr8
* attrGroupId
* cExtAttr31
* cExtAttr40
* lastUpdateDate
* uomExtAttr7
* nExtAttr7
* typeLookupCode
* extensionId
* cExtAttr15
* uomExtAttr4
* uomExtAttr15
* requestId
* cExtAttr35
* uomExtAttr2
* cExtAttr1
* cExtAttr6
* pk5Value
* cExtAttr7
* cExtAttr24
* dExtAttr10
* entity
* styleId
* cExtAttr37
* cExtAttr2
* cExtAttr19
* nExtAttr15
* uomExtAttr13
* cExtAttr5
* cExtAttr36
* dExtAttr9
* cExtAttr4
* uomExtAttr12
* dataLevelId
* cExtAttr18
* nExtAttr5
* nExtAttr20
* cExtAttr3
* cExtAttr33
* cExtAttr10
* uomExtAttr5
* dExtAttr6
* pk3Value
* cExtAttr29
* uomExtAttr1
* nExtAttr8
* cExtAttr8
* lineId
* uomExtAttr11
* uomExtAttr3
* nExtAttr10
* cExtAttr32
* uomExtAttr6
* nExtAttr6
* uomExtAttr17
* nExtAttr12
* nExtAttr14
* cExtAttr30
* lastUpdatedBy
* createdBy
* cExtAttr16
* cExtAttr27
* nExtAttr19
* dExtAttr2
* cExtAttr25
* cExtAttr17
* cExtAttr14
* uomExtAttr20
* nExtAttr18
* cExtAttr13
* cExtAttr9
* uomExtAttr10
* cExtAttr34
* cExtAttr38
* uomExtAttr16
* nExtAttr9
* cExtAttr22
* cExtAttr39
* nExtAttr16
* dExtAttr1
* cExtAttr11
* dExtAttr3
* dExtAttr4
* nExtAttr1
* cExtAttr12
* pk4Value
* dExtAttr5
* creationDate
* cExtAttr21
* uomExtAttr8
* pk1Value
* nExtAttr3
* cExtAttr23
* cExtAttr28
* nExtAttr17
* cExtAttr20
* lastUpdateLogin
* cExtAttr26
* nExtAttr4
* pk2Value
* uomExtAttr18
* nExtAttr2
* uomExtAttr14
* nExtAttr13


 * nExtAttr11
* uomExtAttr9
* dExtAttr7
* uomExtAttr19
* dExtAttr8
* attrGroupId
* cExtAttr31
* cExtAttr40
* lastUpdateDate
* uomExtAttr7
* nExtAttr7
* typeLookupCode
* extensionId
* cExtAttr15
* uomExtAttr4
* uomExtAttr15
* requestId
* cExtAttr35
* uomExtAttr2
* cExtAttr1
* cExtAttr6
* pk5Value
* cExtAttr7
* cExtAttr24
* dExtAttr10
* entity
* styleId
* cExtAttr37
* cExtAttr2
* cExtAttr19
* nExtAttr15
* uomExtAttr13
* cExtAttr5
* cExtAttr36
* dExtAttr9
* cExtAttr4
* uomExtAttr12
* dataLevelId
* cExtAttr18
* nExtAttr5
* nExtAttr20
* cExtAttr3
* cExtAttr33
* cExtAttr10
* uomExtAttr5
* dExtAttr6
* pk3Value
* cExtAttr29
* uomExtAttr1
* nExtAttr8
* cExtAttr8
* lineId
* uomExtAttr11
* uomExtAttr3
* nExtAttr10
* cExtAttr32
* uomExtAttr6
* nExtAttr6
* uomExtAttr17
* nExtAttr12
* nExtAttr14
* cExtAttr30
* lastUpdatedBy
* createdBy
* cExtAttr16
* cExtAttr27
* nExtAttr19
* dExtAttr2
* cExtAttr25
* cExtAttr17
* cExtAttr14
* uomExtAttr20
* nExtAttr18
* cExtAttr13
* cExtAttr9
* uomExtAttr10
* cExtAttr34
* cExtAttr38
* uomExtAttr16
* nExtAttr9
* cExtAttr22
* cExtAttr39
* nExtAttr16
* dExtAttr1
* cExtAttr11
* dExtAttr3
* dExtAttr4
* nExtAttr1
* cExtAttr12
* pk4Value
* dExtAttr5
* creationDate
* cExtAttr21
* uomExtAttr8
* pk1Value
* nExtAttr3
* cExtAttr23
* cExtAttr28
* nExtAttr17
* cExtAttr20
* lastUpdateLogin
* cExtAttr26
* nExtAttr4
* pk2Value
* uomExtAttr18
* nExtAttr2
* uomExtAttr14
* nExtAttr13


 * tlExtAttr26
* tlExtAttr7
* tlExtAttr8
* createdBy
* lastUpdateDate
* tlExtAttr19
* tlExtAttr38
* tlExtAttr12
* tlExtAttr31
* styleId
* tlExtAttr23
* tlExtAttr39
* tlExtAttr5
* tlExtAttr2
* tlExtAttr9
* tlExtAttr22
* lastUpdatedBy
* attrGroupId
* lineId
* tlExtAttr40
* tlExtAttr37
* tlExtAttr16
* tlExtAttr10
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* requestId
* tlExtAttr4
* tlExtAttr30
* tlExtAttr33
* dataLevelId
* extensionId
* tlExtAttr24
* tlExtAttr3
* language
* tlExtAttr35
* tlExtAttr13
* tlExtAttr28
* tlExtAttr14
* tlExtAttr15
* tlExtAttr17
* tlExtAttr34
* tlExtAttr6
* tlExtAttr27
* tlExtAttr11
* tlExtAttr36
* tlExtAttr1
* tlExtAttr32
* typeLookupCode
* tlExtAttr20
* tlExtAttr21
* tlExtAttr29
* tlExtAttr25
* entity
* sourceLang
* tlExtAttr18


 * tlExtAttr26
* tlExtAttr7
* tlExtAttr8
* createdBy
* lastUpdateDate
* tlExtAttr19
* tlExtAttr38
* tlExtAttr12
* tlExtAttr31
* styleId
* tlExtAttr23
* tlExtAttr39
* tlExtAttr5
* tlExtAttr2
* tlExtAttr9
* tlExtAttr22
* lastUpdatedBy
* attrGroupId
* lineId
* tlExtAttr40
* tlExtAttr37
* tlExtAttr16
* tlExtAttr10
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* requestId
* tlExtAttr4
* tlExtAttr30
* tlExtAttr33
* dataLevelId
* extensionId
* tlExtAttr24
* tlExtAttr3
* language
* tlExtAttr35
* tlExtAttr13
* tlExtAttr28
* tlExtAttr14
* tlExtAttr15
* tlExtAttr17
* tlExtAttr34
* tlExtAttr6
* tlExtAttr27
* tlExtAttr11
* tlExtAttr36
* tlExtAttr1
* tlExtAttr32
* typeLookupCode
* tlExtAttr20
* tlExtAttr21
* tlExtAttr29
* tlExtAttr25
* entity
* sourceLang
* tlExtAttr18


 * blanketVersionNumber
* industryAttribute28
* marketingSourceCodeId
* fulfilledQuantity2
* attribute14
* serviceBillProfileId
* accountingRuleId
* pricingDate
* industryAttribute21
* unitPercentBasePrice
* customerTrxLineId
* industryAttribute19
* attribute2
* headerId
* industryAttribute26
* industryAttribute5
* blanketNumber
* tpAttribute9
* fulfillmentBase
* earliestShipDate
* industryAttribute4
* intmedShipToOrgId
* pricingAttribute1
* shippableFlag
* context
* attribute12
* containerNumber
* tpAttribute12
* shippingInstructions
* revrecComments
* attribute17
* serviceReferenceTypeCode
* vrmLastUpdateDate
* industryAttribute18
* referenceHeaderId
* invoicedQuantity
* scheduleStatusCode
* industryAttribute6
* globalAttribute12
* mfgComponentSequenceId
* billingPlanHeaderId
* endItemUnitNumber
* globalAttribute20
* pricingAttribute8
* creationDate
* shipmentPriorityCode
* transactionPhaseCode
* invoiceToContactId
* sourceTypeCode
* globalAttribute10
* serviceCoterminateFlag
* actualFulfillmentDate
* accountingRuleDuration
* lastUpdateDate
* originalListPrice
* pricingAttribute2
* taxLineValue
* attribute9
* requireBillingValidation
* arrivalSetId
* returnAttribute15
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* componentNumber
* orderSourceId
* lastUpdateLogin
* industryAttribute27
* sourceDocumentTypeId
* tpAttribute6
* itemSubstitutionTypeCode
* userItemDescription
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* returnAttribute7
* itemIdentifierType
* changeSequence
* lastAckDate
* orderQuantityUom
* soldToOrgId
* lockControl
* endCustomerSiteUseId
* overShipResolvedFlag
* pricingAttribute7
* returnAttribute5
* tpAttribute14
* optionFlag
* earliestAcceptableDate
* origSysDocumentRef
* dropShipFlag
* pricingAttribute10
* visibleDemandFlag
* globalAttribute5
* configRevNbr
* serviceBillOptionCode
* soldFromOrgId
* serviceFirstPeriodEnddate
* industryContext
* globalAttribute19
* taxCode
* fobPointCode
* bypassSchFlag
* shippingQuantity2
* invoicingRuleId
* pricingQuantityUom
* itemRevision
* serviceSubsTemplateId
* shippingQuantityUom2
* industryAttribute8
* lastUpdatedBy
* orderedItemId
* attribute16
* tpAttribute7
* attribute1
* industryAttribute9
* referenceCustomerTrxLineId
* attribute6
* taxExemptFlag
* orderFirmedDate
* revrecExpirationDays
* industryAttribute30
* industryAttribute1
* subinventory
* unitSellingPercent
* returnReasonCode
* tpAttribute1
* attribute20
* serviceCreditEligibleCode
* attribute15
* globalAttribute11
* tpAttribute10
* ibOwner
* freightCarrierCode
* actualArrivalDate
* pricingAttribute3
* minisiteId
* firmDemandFlag
* shippingInterfacedFlag
* upgradedFlag
* custProductionSeqNum
* commitmentId
* revrecImplicitFlag
* inventoryItemId
* sortOrder
* serviceCovTemplateId
* globalAttribute14
* industryAttribute20
* industryAttribute10
* ibCurrentLocation
* serviceNumber
* acceptedQuantity
* orgId
* originalInventoryItemId
* fulfilledQuantity
* globalAttribute17
* customerDockCode
* tpAttribute4
* industryAttribute15
* requestDate
* unitListPricePerPqty
* itemTypeCode
* fulfillmentMethodCode
* agreementId
* pricingQuantity
* pricingAttribute6
* industryAttribute17
* linkToLineId
* tpAttribute11
* lineNumber
* serviceDuration
* tpAttribute3
* industryAttribute7
* customerProductionLine
* shipToleranceBelow
* returnAttribute3
* cancelledFlag
* ibInstalledAtLocation
* orderedQuantity2
* invoiceToOrgId
* shippedQuantity2
* serviceTxnComments
* returnContext
* shipFromOrgId
* deliveryLeadTime
* origSysShipmentRef
* orderedQuantityUom2
* industryAttribute24
* fulfillmentDate
* explosionDate
* programUpdateDate
* projectId
* revrecSignature
* unitListPercent
* configDisplaySequence
* globalAttribute13
* customerItemNetPrice
* pricingAttribute5
* priceRequestCode
* attribute3
* orderedQuantity
* tpAttribute5
* firstAckCode
* latestAcceptableDate
* globalAttribute18
* serviceReferenceLineId
* custModelSerialNumber
* globalAttribute8
* revrecSignatureDate
* planningPriority
* mfgLeadTime
* globalAttribute2
* shipToContactId
* attribute11
* returnAttribute4
* freightTermsCode
* authorizedToShipFlag
* returnAttribute14
* componentCode
* requestId
* unitListPrice
* priceListId
* revenueAmount
* sourceDocumentLineId
* pricingAttribute9
* taxExemptReasonCode
* shipModelCompleteFlag
* pricingContext
* customerPaymentTermId
* shippingQuantity
* shipSetId
* lineSetId
* shipToOrgId
* sourceOrderLineId
* splitFromLineId
* atoLineId
* attribute10
* topModelLineId
* unitSellingPricePerPqty
* promiseDate
* rlaScheduleTypeCode
* preferredGrade
* orderedItem
* originalOrderedItem
* industryAttribute16
* returnAttribute2
* bookedFlag
* shippedQuantity
* returnAttribute9
* unitSellingPrice
* lineTypeId
* globalAttribute1
* lateDemandPenaltyFactor
* tpAttribute13
* attribute7
* fulfilledFlag
* serviceStartDate
* chargePeriodicityCode
* salesrepId
* industryAttribute12
* taxRate
* globalAttribute7
* itemRelationshipType
* modelGroupNumber
* tpAttribute8
* globalAttribute6
* industryAttribute2
* autoSelectedQuantity
* contingencyId
* returnAttribute10
* createdBy
* paymentTypeCode
* lineCategoryCode
* globalAttribute3
* overShipReasonCode
* returnAttribute13
* splitBy
* attribute13
* taxValue
* servicePeriod
* configHeaderId
* endCustomerId
* returnAttribute8
* paymentTermId
* referenceLineId
* industryAttribute22
* attribute19
* salesDocumentTypeCode
* customerJob
* shipmentNumber
* optionNumber
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* lastAckCode
* serviceReferenceSystemId
* endCustomerContactId
* equipmentId
* globalAttribute15
* sourceDocumentVersionNumber
* firstAckDate
* scheduleArrivalDate
* customerLineNumber
* originalOrderedItemId
* reSourceFlag
* returnAttribute1
* globalAttributeCategory
* returnAttribute6
* lineId
* openFlag
* origSysLineRef
* creditInvoiceLineId
* instId
* serviceFirstPeriodAmount
* originalItemIdentifierType
* serviceEndDate
* referenceType
* shippingMethodCode
* taxPointCode
* flowStatusCode
* industryAttribute14
* deliverToContactId
* componentSequenceId
* packingInstructions
* calculatePriceFlag
* vehCusItemCumKeyId
* sourceDocumentId
* industryAttribute11
* tpAttribute2
* cancelledQuantity
* intmedShipToContactId
* demandClassCode
* customerShipmentNumber
* attribute18
* globalAttribute16
* deliverToOrgId
* returnAttribute11
* returnAttribute12
* programApplicationId
* cancelledQuantity2
* industryAttribute29
* unitCost
* demandBucketTypeCode
* globalAttribute9
* retrobillRequestId
* serviceTxnReasonCode
* attribute4
* custPoNumber
* blanketLineNumber
* actualShipmentDate
* scheduleShipDate
* industryAttribute23
* revrecEventCode
* attribute8
* shipToleranceAbove
* acceptedBy
* taxDate
* attribute5
* preExplodedFlag
* taskId
* ibCurrentLocation#1
* shippingQuantityUom
* tpContext
* configurationId
* industryAttribute3
* overrideAtpDateCode
* industryAttribute25
* taxExemptNumber
* invoiceInterfaceStatusCode
* revrecReferenceDocument
* ibInstalledAtLocation#1
* industryAttribute13
* programId
* modelRemnantFlag
* subscriptionEnableFlag


 * industryAttribute6
* serviceTxnReasonCode
* globalAttribute14
* returnAttribute14
* returnReasonCode
* globalAttribute9
* serviceCoterminateFlag
* sortOrder
* itemIdentifierType
* customerPaymentTermId
* attribute15
* itemSubstitutionTypeCode
* attribute16
* attribute8
* shipToContactId
* programUpdateDate
* returnAttribute3
* tpContext
* returnAttribute9
* itemRevision
* tpAttribute13
* serviceFirstPeriodAmount
* attribute10
* attribute13
* returnAttribute1
* tpAttribute11
* accountingRuleDuration
* custModelSerialNumber
* openFlag
* shippableFlag
* unitListPricePerPqty
* invoicedQuantity
* ibCurrentLocation
* lateDemandPenaltyFactor
* shipToleranceBelow
* scheduleStatusCode
* globalAttribute17
* pricingAttribute8
* ibOwner
* revrecExpirationDays
* origSysShipmentRef
* reasonCode
* customerJob
* shipSetId
* globalAttribute3
* customerItemRevision
* revrecImplicitFlag
* serviceBillOptionCode
* taxDate
* referenceHeaderId
* attribute3
* rlaScheduleTypeCode
* globalAttribute11
* deliverToOrgId
* histCreatedBy
* globalAttribute8
* industryAttribute16
* attribute12
* componentNumber
* pricingAttribute10
* visibleDemandFlag
* returnAttribute13
* industryAttribute14
* lineId
* soldToOrgId
* endItemUnitNumber
* revenueAmount
* commitmentId
* scheduleArrivalDate
* planningPriority
* invoiceToContactId
* configRevNbr
* origSysLineRef
* originalItemIdentifierType
* serviceCovTemplateId
* attribute7
* attribute6
* globalAttribute4
* industryAttribute21
* firmDemandFlag
* projectId
* industryAttribute20
* unitSellingPercent
* lastUpdatedBy
* returnAttribute5
* shippingQuantity
* industryAttribute1
* salesrepId
* sourceDocumentVersionNumber
* unitSellingPricePerPqty
* scheduleShipDate
* originalOrderedItem
* inventoryItemId
* lastAckCode
* histComments
* requestDate
* returnAttribute15
* industryAttribute30
* minisiteId
* returnContext
* deliveryLeadTime
* lastAckDate
* endCustomerId
* freightCarrierCode
* topModelLineId
* latestCancelledQuantity
* unitSellingPrice
* revrecEventCode
* tpAttribute2
* globalAttribute1
* industryAttribute10
* dropShipFlag
* globalAttribute20
* paymentTypeCode
* industryAttribute15
* phaseChangeFlag
* orderedQuantity
* tpAttribute7
* tpAttribute4
* originalOrderedItemId
* custPoNumber
* fulfillmentMethodCode
* industryAttribute11
* sourceDocumentTypeId
* serviceCreditEligibleCode
* versionFlag
* attribute14
* changeSequence
* invoicingRuleId
* configurationId
* customerShipmentNumber
* retrobillRequestId
* industryAttribute24
* tpAttribute5
* customerLineNumber
* taxCode
* lineNumber
* industryAttribute23
* serviceReferenceSystemId
* orderedItemId
* orderedQuantityUom2
* requestId
* fulfilledFlag
* returnAttribute8
* explosionDate
* shippedQuantity
* attribute17
* lastUpdateDate
* orderedItem
* returnAttribute4
* authorizedToShipFlag
* deliverToContactId
* industryAttribute13
* tpAttribute3
* programApplicationId
* shippingInterfacedFlag
* revrecReferenceDocument
* returnAttribute2
* shipmentPriorityCode
* priceListId
* cancelledQuantity2
* componentSequenceId
* earliestAcceptableDate
* arrivalSetId
* pricingAttribute2
* lineSetId
* serviceBillProfileId
* sourceDocumentId
* autoSelectedQuantity
* modelRemnantFlag
* tpAttribute8
* attribute1
* customerItemNetPrice
* bookedFlag
* tpAttribute1
* orderFirmedDate
* attribute5
* attribute11
* creationDate
* referenceCustomerTrxLineId
* customerItemId
* tpAttribute6
* serviceReferenceTypeCode
* preferredGrade
* industryAttribute5
* lineCategoryCode
* servicedLineId
* serviceFirstPeriodEnddate
* priceRequestCode
* shipmentNumber
* shippingQuantityUom
* serviceStartDate
* industryAttribute19
* wfActivityCode
* shippingInstructions
* contingencyId
* tpAttribute9
* createdBy
* returnAttribute11
* endCustomerContactId
* pricingQuantity
* actualShipmentDate
* subscriptionEnableFlag
* invoiceInterfaceStatusCode
* calculatePriceFlag
* itemInput
* returnAttribute10
* splitFromLineId
* industryAttribute27
* orderedQuantity2
* fulfilledQuantity
* cancelledFlag
* actualArrivalDate
* taxExemptFlag
* creditInvoiceLineId
* orderQuantityUom
* globalAttribute15
* pricingAttribute3
* industryAttribute22
* industryAttribute28
* acceptedBy
* blanketVersionNumber
* configHeaderId
* revrecComments
* origSysDocumentRef
* endCustomerSiteUseId
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* industryAttribute7
* demandClassCode
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* fobPointCode
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* industryAttribute3
* unitListPercent
* itemId
* attribute2
* subinventory
* wfResultCode
* industryAttribute4
* soldFromOrgId
* customerProductionLine
* context
* originalInventoryItemId
* tpAttribute14
* orderSourceId
* globalAttribute2
* sourceTypeCode
* industryContext
* orgId
* mfgComponentSequenceId
* packingInstructions
* transactionPhaseCode
* promiseDate
* responsibilityId
* earliestShipDate
* taxValue
* customerDockCode
* serviceReferenceLineId
* industryAttribute9
* customerTrxLineId
* pricingAttribute4
* pricingAttribute9
* attribute19
* ibInstalledAtLocation
* revrecSignature
* taxExemptReasonCode
* userItemDescription
* revrecSignatureDate
* versionNumber
* taxRate
* globalAttribute18
* vehCusItemCumKeyId
* invoiceToOrgId
* accountingRuleId
* serviceNumber
* attribute4
* histCreationDate
* atoLineId
* fulfilledQuantity2
* globalAttribute12
* industryAttribute25
* pricingAttribute5
* instId
* globalAttribute10
* componentCode
* taxExemptNumber
* industryAttribute8
* programId
* industryAttribute29
* shipFromOrgId
* flowStatusCode
* configDisplaySequence
* shipToleranceAbove
* paymentTermId
* acceptedQuantity
* taskId
* auditFlag
* chargePeriodicityCode
* industryAttribute18
* pricingAttribute7
* optionFlag
* deliveryId
* taxPointCode
* tpAttribute12
* shippingMethodCode
* sourceDocumentLineId
* histTypeCode
* actualFulfillmentDate
* headerId
* pricingDate
* globalAttributeCategory
* serviceTxnComments
* globalAttribute19
* firstAckDate
* itemRelationshipType
* lineTypeId
* unitPercentBasePrice
* salesDocumentTypeCode
* reSourceFlag
* attribute20
* originalListPrice
* industryAttribute2
* invoiceCompleteFlag
* blanketNumber
* pricingAttribute1
* reasonId
* agreementId
* depPlanRequiredFlag
* latestAcceptableDate
* returnAttribute7
* intmedShipToContactId
* equipmentId
* industryAttribute26
* globalAttribute6
* globalAttribute13
* serviceDuration
* loadSeqNumber
* pricingQuantityUom
* tpAttribute10
* demandBucketTypeCode
* optionNumber
* shipModelCompleteFlag
* globalAttribute7
* attribute18
* freightTermsCode
* attribute9
* lastUpdateLogin
* serviceEndDate
* industryAttribute12
* servicePeriod
* custProductionSeqNum
* returnAttribute6
* splitBy
* shippingQuantityUom2
* modelGroupNumber
* firstAckCode
* returnAttribute12
* referenceLineId
* containerNumber
* overShipResolvedFlag
* pricingAttribute6
* pricingContext
* blanketLineNumber
* itemTypeCode
* shippingQuantity2
* linkToLineId
* shipToOrgId
* shippedQuantity2
* overShipReasonCode
* fulfillmentDate
* cancelledQuantity
* referenceType
* globalAttribute5
* unitListPrice
* globalAttribute16
* intmedShipToOrgId
* industryAttribute17


 * industryAttribute6
* serviceTxnReasonCode
* globalAttribute14
* returnAttribute14
* returnReasonCode
* globalAttribute9
* serviceCoterminateFlag
* sortOrder
* itemIdentifierType
* customerPaymentTermId
* attribute15
* itemSubstitutionTypeCode
* attribute16
* attribute8
* shipToContactId
* programUpdateDate
* returnAttribute3
* tpContext
* returnAttribute9
* itemRevision
* tpAttribute13
* serviceFirstPeriodAmount
* attribute10
* attribute13
* returnAttribute1
* tpAttribute11
* accountingRuleDuration
* custModelSerialNumber
* openFlag
* shippableFlag
* unitListPricePerPqty
* invoicedQuantity
* ibCurrentLocation
* lateDemandPenaltyFactor
* shipToleranceBelow
* scheduleStatusCode
* globalAttribute17
* pricingAttribute8
* ibOwner
* revrecExpirationDays
* origSysShipmentRef
* reasonCode
* customerJob
* shipSetId
* globalAttribute3
* customerItemRevision
* revrecImplicitFlag
* serviceBillOptionCode
* taxDate
* referenceHeaderId
* attribute3
* rlaScheduleTypeCode
* globalAttribute11
* deliverToOrgId
* histCreatedBy
* globalAttribute8
* industryAttribute16
* attribute12
* componentNumber
* pricingAttribute10
* visibleDemandFlag
* returnAttribute13
* industryAttribute14
* lineId
* soldToOrgId
* endItemUnitNumber
* revenueAmount
* commitmentId
* scheduleArrivalDate
* planningPriority
* invoiceToContactId
* configRevNbr
* origSysLineRef
* originalItemIdentifierType
* serviceCovTemplateId
* attribute7
* attribute6
* globalAttribute4
* industryAttribute21
* firmDemandFlag
* projectId
* industryAttribute20
* unitSellingPercent
* lastUpdatedBy
* returnAttribute5
* shippingQuantity
* industryAttribute1
* salesrepId
* sourceDocumentVersionNumber
* unitSellingPricePerPqty
* scheduleShipDate
* originalOrderedItem
* inventoryItemId
* lastAckCode
* histComments
* requestDate
* returnAttribute15
* industryAttribute30
* minisiteId
* returnContext
* deliveryLeadTime
* lastAckDate
* endCustomerId
* freightCarrierCode
* topModelLineId
* latestCancelledQuantity
* unitSellingPrice
* revrecEventCode
* tpAttribute2
* globalAttribute1
* industryAttribute10
* dropShipFlag
* globalAttribute20
* paymentTypeCode
* industryAttribute15
* phaseChangeFlag
* orderedQuantity
* tpAttribute7
* tpAttribute4
* originalOrderedItemId
* custPoNumber
* fulfillmentMethodCode
* industryAttribute11
* sourceDocumentTypeId
* serviceCreditEligibleCode
* versionFlag
* attribute14
* changeSequence
* invoicingRuleId
* configurationId
* customerShipmentNumber
* retrobillRequestId
* industryAttribute24
* tpAttribute5
* customerLineNumber
* taxCode
* lineNumber
* industryAttribute23
* serviceReferenceSystemId
* orderedItemId
* orderedQuantityUom2
* requestId
* fulfilledFlag
* returnAttribute8
* explosionDate
* shippedQuantity
* attribute17
* lastUpdateDate
* orderedItem
* returnAttribute4
* authorizedToShipFlag
* deliverToContactId
* industryAttribute13
* tpAttribute3
* programApplicationId
* shippingInterfacedFlag
* revrecReferenceDocument
* returnAttribute2
* shipmentPriorityCode
* priceListId
* cancelledQuantity2
* componentSequenceId
* earliestAcceptableDate
* arrivalSetId
* pricingAttribute2
* lineSetId
* serviceBillProfileId
* sourceDocumentId
* autoSelectedQuantity
* modelRemnantFlag
* tpAttribute8
* attribute1
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* bookedFlag
* tpAttribute1
* orderFirmedDate
* attribute5
* attribute11
* creationDate
* referenceCustomerTrxLineId
* customerItemId
* tpAttribute6
* serviceReferenceTypeCode
* preferredGrade
* industryAttribute5
* lineCategoryCode
* servicedLineId
* serviceFirstPeriodEnddate
* priceRequestCode
* shipmentNumber
* shippingQuantityUom
* serviceStartDate
* industryAttribute19
* wfActivityCode
* shippingInstructions
* contingencyId
* tpAttribute9
* createdBy
* returnAttribute11
* endCustomerContactId
* pricingQuantity
* actualShipmentDate
* subscriptionEnableFlag
* invoiceInterfaceStatusCode
* calculatePriceFlag
* itemInput
* returnAttribute10
* splitFromLineId
* industryAttribute27
* orderedQuantity2
* fulfilledQuantity
* cancelledFlag
* actualArrivalDate
* taxExemptFlag
* creditInvoiceLineId
* orderQuantityUom
* globalAttribute15
* pricingAttribute3
* industryAttribute22
* industryAttribute28
* acceptedBy
* blanketVersionNumber
* configHeaderId
* revrecComments
* origSysDocumentRef
* endCustomerSiteUseId
* serviceSubsTemplateId
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* industryAttribute7
* demandClassCode
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* fobPointCode
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* industryAttribute3
* unitListPercent
* itemId
* attribute2
* subinventory
* wfResultCode
* industryAttribute4
* soldFromOrgId
* customerProductionLine
* context
* originalInventoryItemId
* tpAttribute14
* orderSourceId
* globalAttribute2
* sourceTypeCode
* industryContext
* orgId
* mfgComponentSequenceId
* packingInstructions
* transactionPhaseCode
* promiseDate
* responsibilityId
* earliestShipDate
* taxValue
* customerDockCode
* serviceReferenceLineId
* industryAttribute9
* customerTrxLineId
* pricingAttribute4
* pricingAttribute9
* attribute19
* ibInstalledAtLocation
* revrecSignature
* taxExemptReasonCode
* userItemDescription
* revrecSignatureDate
* versionNumber
* taxRate
* globalAttribute18
* vehCusItemCumKeyId
* invoiceToOrgId
* accountingRuleId
* serviceNumber
* attribute4
* histCreationDate
* atoLineId
* fulfilledQuantity2
* globalAttribute12
* industryAttribute25
* pricingAttribute5
* instId
* globalAttribute10
* componentCode
* taxExemptNumber
* industryAttribute8
* programId
* industryAttribute29
* shipFromOrgId
* flowStatusCode
* configDisplaySequence
* shipToleranceAbove
* paymentTermId
* acceptedQuantity
* taskId
* auditFlag
* chargePeriodicityCode
* industryAttribute18
* pricingAttribute7
* optionFlag
* deliveryId
* taxPointCode
* tpAttribute12
* shippingMethodCode
* sourceDocumentLineId
* histTypeCode
* actualFulfillmentDate
* headerId
* pricingDate
* globalAttributeCategory
* serviceTxnComments
* globalAttribute19
* firstAckDate
* itemRelationshipType
* lineTypeId
* unitPercentBasePrice
* salesDocumentTypeCode
* reSourceFlag
* attribute20
* originalListPrice
* industryAttribute2
* invoiceCompleteFlag
* blanketNumber
* pricingAttribute1
* reasonId
* agreementId
* depPlanRequiredFlag
* latestAcceptableDate
* returnAttribute7
* intmedShipToContactId
* equipmentId
* industryAttribute26
* globalAttribute6
* globalAttribute13
* serviceDuration
* loadSeqNumber
* pricingQuantityUom
* tpAttribute10
* demandBucketTypeCode
* optionNumber
* shipModelCompleteFlag
* globalAttribute7
* attribute18
* freightTermsCode
* attribute9
* lastUpdateLogin
* serviceEndDate
* industryAttribute12
* servicePeriod
* custProductionSeqNum
* returnAttribute6
* splitBy
* shippingQuantityUom2
* modelGroupNumber
* firstAckCode
* returnAttribute12
* referenceLineId
* containerNumber
* overShipResolvedFlag
* pricingAttribute6
* pricingContext
* blanketLineNumber
* itemTypeCode
* shippingQuantity2
* linkToLineId
* shipToOrgId
* shippedQuantity2
* overShipReasonCode
* fulfillmentDate
* cancelledQuantity
* referenceType
* globalAttribute5
* unitListPrice
* globalAttribute16
* intmedShipToOrgId
* industryAttribute17


 * pricingAttribute20
* pricingAttribute94
* headerId
* pricingAttribute28
* pricingAttribute51
* pricingAttribute64
* pricingAttribute87
* pricingAttribute30
* pricingAttribute22
* pricingAttribute68
* attribute7
* pricingAttribute96
* pricingAttribute82
* pricingAttribute21
* lastUpdatedBy
* pricingAttribute86
* pricingAttribute98
* pricingAttribute10
* pricingAttribute38
* pricingAttribute5
* pricingAttribute26
* pricingAttribute97
* pricingAttribute52
* pricingAttribute72
* attribute6
* pricingAttribute29
* pricingAttribute54
* pricingAttribute33
* pricingAttribute88
* pricingAttribute1
* pricingAttribute63
* pricingAttribute62
* pricingAttribute11
* pricingAttribute61
* pricingAttribute2
* pricingAttribute89
* pricingAttribute3
* attribute10
* pricingAttribute23
* pricingAttribute25
* pricingAttribute42
* pricingAttribute83
* pricingAttribute67
* pricingAttribute91
* instId
* pricingAttribute41
* pricingAttribute93
* pricingAttribute100
* pricingAttribute50
* pricingAttribute56
* createdBy
* pricingAttribute75
* attribute4
* attribute12
* pricingAttribute6
* pricingAttribute17
* pricingAttribute57
* attribute11
* pricingAttribute15
* pricingAttribute16
* pricingAttribute74
* pricingAttribute9
* pricingAttribute36
* pricingAttribute92
* pricingAttribute84
* pricingAttribute55
* pricingAttribute31
* pricingAttribute90
* context
* overrideFlag
* pricingAttribute44
* pricingAttribute59
* pricingAttribute77
* pricingAttribute34
* attribute2
* pricingAttribute70
* pricingAttribute80
* lineId
* requestId
* pricingAttribute24
* pricingAttribute4
* attribute1
* pricingAttribute19
* pricingAttribute49
* attribute9
* pricingAttribute13
* pricingAttribute40
* pricingAttribute18
* pricingAttribute47
* pricingAttribute66
* pricingAttribute73
* pricingAttribute43
* attribute15
* pricingAttribute12
* pricingAttribute37
* pricingContext
* programApplicationId
* attribute5
* pricingAttribute35
* orderPriceAttribId
* pricingAttribute65
* pricingAttribute48
* programId
* pricingAttribute71
* pricingAttribute45
* pricingAttribute8
* pricingAttribute60
* pricingAttribute53
* pricingAttribute27
* attribute13
* pricingAttribute39
* lastUpdateLogin
* creationDate
* pricingAttribute79
* pricingAttribute69
* programUpdateDate
* pricingAttribute7
* attribute3
* pricingAttribute76
* origSysAttsRef
* pricingAttribute32
* pricingAttribute58
* lockControl
* flexTitle
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute14
* pricingAttribute78
* attribute8
* pricingAttribute14
* pricingAttribute99
* pricingAttribute81
* pricingAttribute46
* pricingAttribute95
* pricingAttribute85


 * pricingAttribute20
* pricingAttribute94
* headerId
* pricingAttribute28
* pricingAttribute51
* pricingAttribute64
* pricingAttribute87
* pricingAttribute30
* pricingAttribute22
* pricingAttribute68
* attribute7
* pricingAttribute96
* pricingAttribute82
* pricingAttribute21
* lastUpdatedBy
* pricingAttribute86
* pricingAttribute98
* pricingAttribute10
* pricingAttribute38
* pricingAttribute5
* pricingAttribute26
* pricingAttribute97
* pricingAttribute52
* pricingAttribute72
* attribute6
* pricingAttribute29
* pricingAttribute54
* pricingAttribute33
* pricingAttribute88
* pricingAttribute1
* pricingAttribute63
* pricingAttribute62
* pricingAttribute11
* pricingAttribute61
* pricingAttribute2
* pricingAttribute89
* pricingAttribute3
* attribute10
* pricingAttribute23
* pricingAttribute25
* pricingAttribute42
* pricingAttribute83
* pricingAttribute67
* pricingAttribute91
* instId
* pricingAttribute41
* pricingAttribute93
* pricingAttribute100
* pricingAttribute50
* pricingAttribute56
* createdBy
* pricingAttribute75
* attribute4
* attribute12
* pricingAttribute6
* pricingAttribute17
* pricingAttribute57
* attribute11
* pricingAttribute15
* pricingAttribute16
* pricingAttribute74
* pricingAttribute9
* pricingAttribute36
* pricingAttribute92
* pricingAttribute84
* pricingAttribute55
* pricingAttribute31
* pricingAttribute90
* context
* overrideFlag
* pricingAttribute44
* pricingAttribute59
* pricingAttribute77
* pricingAttribute34
* attribute2
* pricingAttribute70
* pricingAttribute80
* lineId
* requestId
* pricingAttribute24
* pricingAttribute4
* attribute1
* pricingAttribute19
* pricingAttribute49
* attribute9
* pricingAttribute13
* pricingAttribute40
* pricingAttribute18
* pricingAttribute47
* pricingAttribute66
* pricingAttribute73
* pricingAttribute43
* attribute15
* pricingAttribute12
* pricingAttribute37
* pricingContext
* programApplicationId
* attribute5
* pricingAttribute35
* orderPriceAttribId
* pricingAttribute65
* pricingAttribute48
* programId
* pricingAttribute71
* pricingAttribute45
* pricingAttribute8
* pricingAttribute60
* pricingAttribute53
* pricingAttribute27
* attribute13
* pricingAttribute39
* lastUpdateLogin
* creationDate
* pricingAttribute79
* pricingAttribute69
* programUpdateDate
* pricingAttribute7
* attribute3
* pricingAttribute76
* origSysAttsRef
* pricingAttribute32
* pricingAttribute58
* lockControl
* flexTitle
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute14
* pricingAttribute78
* attribute8
* pricingAttribute14
* pricingAttribute99
* pricingAttribute81
* pricingAttribute46
* pricingAttribute95
* pricingAttribute85


 * invoicedFlag
* paymentCollectionEvent
* trxnExtensionId
* commitmentAppliedAmount
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute14
* requestId
* attribute3
* instId
* attribute13
* lineId
* programUpdateDate
* attribute5
* attribute15
* receiptMethodId
* paymentAmount
* paymentNumber
* creditCardNumber
* paymentLevelCode
* attribute2
* paymentSetId
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute6
* creditCardCode
* creditCardHolderName
* attribute12
* paymentPercentage
* attribute11
* deferPaymentProcessingFlag
* creditCardApprovalCode
* attribute7
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute9
* paymentTrxId
* attribute4
* lockControl
* prepaidAmount
* attribute1
* programId
* attribute8
* programApplicationId
* context
* creditCardExpirationDate
* headerId
* createdBy
* commitmentInterfacedAmount
* tangibleId
* checkNumber
* attribute10
* creationDate
* creditCardApprovalDate
* origSysPaymentRef
* paymentTypeCode


 * headerId
* responsibilityId
* lineId
* histCreationDate
* attribute11
* creditCardApprovalCode
* paymentSetId
* commitmentAppliedAmount
* tangibleId
* lastUpdateLogin
* programUpdateDate
* creditCardExpirationDate
* attribute14
* creditCardCode
* attribute3
* attribute1
* lockControl
* requestId
* attribute7
* creditCardHolderName
* attribute5
* attribute6
* lastUpdatedBy
* commitmentInterfacedAmount
* attribute2
* creditCardNumber
* receiptMethodId
* attribute13
* creditCardApprovalDate
* creationDate
* reasonCode
* histTypeCode
* lastUpdateDate
* paymentNumber
* histComments
* prepaidAmount
* createdBy
* programId
* attribute15
* paymentLevelCode
* paymentTypeCode
* attribute10
* attribute12
* paymentTrxId
* paymentAmount
* histCreatedBy
* checkNumber
* attribute9
* attribute4
* attribute8
* paymentCollectionEvent
* programApplicationId
* context


 * headerId
* responsibilityId
* lineId
* histCreationDate
* attribute11
* creditCardApprovalCode
* paymentSetId
* commitmentAppliedAmount
* tangibleId
* lastUpdateLogin
* programUpdateDate
* creditCardExpirationDate
* attribute14
* creditCardCode
* attribute3
* attribute1
* lockControl
* requestId
* attribute7
* creditCardHolderName
* attribute5
* attribute6
* lastUpdatedBy
* commitmentInterfacedAmount
* attribute2
* creditCardNumber
* receiptMethodId
* attribute13
* creditCardApprovalDate
* creationDate
* reasonCode
* histTypeCode
* lastUpdateDate
* paymentNumber
* histComments
* prepaidAmount
* createdBy
* programId
* attribute15
* paymentLevelCode
* paymentTypeCode
* attribute10
* attribute12
* paymentTrxId
* paymentAmount
* histCreatedBy
* checkNumber
* attribute9
* attribute4
* attribute8
* paymentCollectionEvent
* programApplicationId
* context


 * changeSequence
* origSysPaymentRef
* attribute7
* paymentNumber
* changeRequestCode
* requestId
* interfaceStatus
* attribute3
* creditCardHolderName
* creditCardCode
* attribute6
* attribute11
* operationCode
* instId
* origSysDocumentRef
* creditCardNumber
* creditCardApprovalDate
* creationDate
* paymentPercentage
* attribute9
* attribute5
* createdBy
* attribute13
* prepaidAmount
* programApplicationId
* attribute1
* paymentSetId
* attribute12
* attribute2
* lastUpdateDate
* creditCardExpirationDate
* lineId
* paymentAmount
* programUpdateDate
* errorFlag
* soldToOrgId
* trxnExtensionId
* attribute4
* statusFlag
* headerId
* paymentMethod
* paymentTrxId
* paymentCollectionEvent
* origSysShipmentRef
* attribute8
* orderSourceId
* commitment
* receiptMethodId
* attribute10
* origSysLineRef
* instrumentSecurityCode
* lastUpdatedBy
* context
* deferPaymentProcessingFlag
* attribute14
* checkNumber
* lastUpdateLogin
* programId
* attribute15
* soldToOrg
* creditCardApprovalCode
* orgId
* paymentTypeCode


 * changeSequence
* origSysPaymentRef
* attribute7
* paymentNumber
* changeRequestCode
* requestId
* interfaceStatus
* attribute3
* creditCardHolderName
* creditCardCode
* attribute6
* attribute11
* operationCode
* instId
* origSysDocumentRef
* creditCardNumber
* creditCardApprovalDate
* creationDate
* paymentPercentage
* attribute9
* attribute5
* createdBy
* attribute13
* prepaidAmount
* programApplicationId
* attribute1
* paymentSetId
* attribute12
* attribute2
* lastUpdateDate
* creditCardExpirationDate
* lineId
* paymentAmount
* programUpdateDate
* errorFlag
* soldToOrgId
* trxnExtensionId
* attribute4
* statusFlag
* headerId
* paymentMethod
* paymentTrxId
* paymentCollectionEvent
* origSysShipmentRef
* attribute8
* orderSourceId
* commitment
* receiptMethodId
* attribute10
* origSysLineRef
* instrumentSecurityCode
* lastUpdatedBy
* context
* deferPaymentProcessingFlag
* attribute14
* checkNumber
* lastUpdateLogin
* programId
* attribute15
* soldToOrg
* creditCardApprovalCode
* orgId
* paymentTypeCode


 * invoicedFlag
* paymentCollectionEvent
* trxnExtensionId
* commitmentAppliedAmount
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute14
* requestId
* attribute3
* instId
* attribute13
* lineId
* programUpdateDate
* attribute5
* attribute15
* receiptMethodId
* paymentAmount
* paymentNumber
* creditCardNumber
* paymentLevelCode
* attribute2
* paymentSetId
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute6
* creditCardCode
* creditCardHolderName
* attribute12
* paymentPercentage
* attribute11
* deferPaymentProcessingFlag
* creditCardApprovalCode
* attribute7
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute9
* paymentTrxId
* attribute4
* lockControl
* prepaidAmount
* attribute1
* programId
* attribute8
* programApplicationId
* context
* creditCardExpirationDate
* headerId
* createdBy
* commitmentInterfacedAmount
* tangibleId
* checkNumber
* attribute10
* creationDate
* creditCardApprovalDate
* origSysPaymentRef
* paymentTypeCode


 * lastUpdateLogin
* rltdPriceAdjId
* programUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* priceAdjAssocId
* instId
* createdBy
* lineId
* requestId
* creationDate
* programApplicationId
* lastUpdateDate
* programId
* priceAdjustmentId
* lockControl


 * lastUpdateLogin
* rltdPriceAdjId
* programUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* priceAdjAssocId
* instId
* createdBy
* lineId
* requestId
* creationDate
* programApplicationId
* lastUpdateDate
* programId
* priceAdjustmentId
* lockControl


 * creationDate
* priceAdjAttribId
* requestId
* programId
* comparisonOperator
* instId
* lastUpdateLogin
* lockControl
* groupingNumber
* pricingContext
* lastUpdatedBy
* pricingAttrValueTo
* pricingAttrValueFrom
* createdBy
* flexTitle
* programUpdateDate
* programApplicationId
* pricingAttribute
* lastUpdateDate
* priceAdjustmentId


 * creationDate
* priceAdjAttribId
* requestId
* programId
* comparisonOperator
* instId
* lastUpdateLogin
* lockControl
* groupingNumber
* pricingContext
* lastUpdatedBy
* pricingAttrValueTo
* pricingAttrValueFrom
* createdBy
* flexTitle
* programUpdateDate
* programApplicationId
* pricingAttribute
* lastUpdateDate
* priceAdjustmentId


 * estimatedFlag
* acAttribute13
* orgId
* soldToOrg
* acAttribute10
* programApplicationId
* discountName
* statusFlag
* versionNumber
* listLineId
* orderSourceId
* programUpdateDate
* attribute13
* priceAdjustmentId
* modifiedFrom
* changeReasonCode
* attribute1
* errorFlag
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute2
* adjustedAmount
* lastUpdatedBy
* operand
* origSysLineRef
* attribute5
* modifierName
* automaticFlag
* attribute12
* appliedFlag
* chargeTypeCode
* chargeSubtypeCode
* parentAdjustmentId
* discountLineId
* arithmeticOperator
* context
* pricingPhaseId
* acAttribute5
* operationCode
* updateAllowed
* changeReasonText
* updatedFlag
* createdBy
* attribute8
* acContext
* instId
* percent
* attribute3
* listHeaderId
* programId
* acAttribute9
* attribute11
* modifiedTo
* modifierMechanismTypeCode
* attribute10
* invoicedFlag
* acAttribute15
* attribute4
* listName
* taxCode
* taxRateId
* discountId
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* origSysDiscountRef
* changeSequence
* acAttribute4
* soldToOrgId
* attribute7
* attribute15
* adjustedAmountPerPqty
* acAttribute3
* origSysShipmentRef
* interfaceStatus
* acAttribute2
* attribute9
* attribute14
* requestId
* creditOrChargeFlag
* acAttribute6
* origSysDocumentRef
* acAttribute7
* acAttribute14
* includeOnReturnsFlag
* incInSalesPerformance
* acAttribute12
* changeRequestCode
* acAttribute11
* attribute6
* operandPerPqty
* listLineNumber
* acAttribute8
* acAttribute1
* listLineTypeCode
* costId


 * estimatedFlag
* acAttribute13
* orgId
* soldToOrg
* acAttribute10
* programApplicationId
* discountName
* statusFlag
* versionNumber
* listLineId
* orderSourceId
* programUpdateDate
* attribute13
* priceAdjustmentId
* modifiedFrom
* changeReasonCode
* attribute1
* errorFlag
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute2
* adjustedAmount
* lastUpdatedBy
* operand
* origSysLineRef
* attribute5
* modifierName
* automaticFlag
* attribute12
* appliedFlag
* chargeTypeCode
* chargeSubtypeCode
* parentAdjustmentId
* discountLineId
* arithmeticOperator
* context
* pricingPhaseId
* acAttribute5
* operationCode
* updateAllowed
* changeReasonText
* updatedFlag
* createdBy
* attribute8
* acContext
* instId
* percent
* attribute3
* listHeaderId
* programId
* acAttribute9
* attribute11
* modifiedTo
* modifierMechanismTypeCode
* attribute10
* invoicedFlag
* acAttribute15
* attribute4
* listName
* taxCode
* taxRateId
* discountId
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* origSysDiscountRef
* changeSequence
* acAttribute4
* soldToOrgId
* attribute7
* attribute15
* adjustedAmountPerPqty
* acAttribute3
* origSysShipmentRef
* interfaceStatus
* acAttribute2
* attribute9
* attribute14
* requestId
* creditOrChargeFlag
* acAttribute6
* origSysDocumentRef
* acAttribute7
* acAttribute14
* includeOnReturnsFlag
* incInSalesPerformance
* acAttribute12
* changeRequestCode
* acAttribute11
* attribute6
* operandPerPqty
* listLineNumber
* acAttribute8
* acAttribute1
* listLineTypeCode
* costId


 * chargeSubtypeCode
* programId
* operandPerPqty
* discountLineId
* taxRateId
* context
* acAttribute7
* acAttribute15
* adjustedAmountPerPqty
* redeemedFlag
* estimatedFlag
* parentAdjustmentId
* acAttribute9
* listLineTypeCode
* acAttribute3
* acAttribute6
* rebateType
* changeReasonCode
* substitutionAttribute
* benefitQty
* discountId
* instId
* creditOrChargeFlag
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* changeSequence
* lastUpdateDate
* acAttribute14
* prorationTypeCode
* attribute5
* attribute9
* taxExemptFlag
* listLineId
* createdBy
* automaticFlag
* retrobillRequestId
* attribute13
* attribute3
* taxExemptReasonCode
* modifiedFrom
* incInSalesPerformance
* requestId
* adjustedAmount
* appliedFlag
* changeReasonText
* redeemedDate
* rebateTransactionReference
* modifierLevelCode
* acContext
* priceAdjustmentId
* taxCode
* costId
* headerId
* attribute1
* attribute4
* acAttribute5
* programUpdateDate
* splitActionCode
* listHeaderId
* acAttribute8
* intercoInvoicedFlag
* rangeBreakQuantity
* pricingGroupSequence
* acAttribute13
* attribute12
* taxExemptNumber
* origSysDiscountRef
* invoicedAmount
* operand
* includeOnReturnsFlag
* chargeTypeCode
* acAttribute10
* benefitUomCode
* attribute2
* attribute10
* programApplicationId
* acAttribute4
* modifiedTo
* attribute7
* priceBreakTypeCode
* lastUpdatedBy
* acAttribute1
* lineId
* updatedFlag
* pricingPhaseId
* lockControl
* acAttribute12
* attribute11
* modifierMechanismTypeCode
* arithmeticOperator
* attribute6
* attribute15
* accrualConversionRate
* rebatePaymentSystemCode
* printOnInvoiceFlag
* invoicedFlag
* expirationDate
* attribute8
* updateAllowed
* accrualFlag
* sourceSystemCode
* acAttribute2
* listLineNo
* attribute14
* acAttribute11
* percent
* rebateTransactionTypeCode


 * chargeSubtypeCode
* programId
* operandPerPqty
* discountLineId
* taxRateId
* context
* acAttribute7
* acAttribute15
* adjustedAmountPerPqty
* redeemedFlag
* estimatedFlag
* parentAdjustmentId
* acAttribute9
* listLineTypeCode
* acAttribute3
* acAttribute6
* rebateType
* changeReasonCode
* substitutionAttribute
* benefitQty
* discountId
* instId
* creditOrChargeFlag
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* changeSequence
* lastUpdateDate
* acAttribute14
* prorationTypeCode
* attribute5
* attribute9
* taxExemptFlag
* listLineId
* createdBy
* automaticFlag
* retrobillRequestId
* attribute13
* attribute3
* taxExemptReasonCode
* modifiedFrom
* incInSalesPerformance
* requestId
* adjustedAmount
* appliedFlag
* changeReasonText
* redeemedDate
* rebateTransactionReference
* modifierLevelCode
* acContext
* priceAdjustmentId
* taxCode
* costId
* headerId
* attribute1
* attribute4
* acAttribute5
* programUpdateDate
* splitActionCode
* listHeaderId
* acAttribute8
* intercoInvoicedFlag
* rangeBreakQuantity
* pricingGroupSequence
* acAttribute13
* attribute12
* taxExemptNumber
* origSysDiscountRef
* invoicedAmount
* operand
* includeOnReturnsFlag
* chargeTypeCode
* acAttribute10
* benefitUomCode
* attribute2
* attribute10
* programApplicationId
* acAttribute4
* modifiedTo
* attribute7
* priceBreakTypeCode
* lastUpdatedBy
* acAttribute1
* lineId
* updatedFlag
* pricingPhaseId
* lockControl
* acAttribute12
* attribute11
* modifierMechanismTypeCode
* arithmeticOperator
* attribute6
* attribute15
* accrualConversionRate
* rebatePaymentSystemCode
* printOnInvoiceFlag
* invoicedFlag
* expirationDate
* attribute8
* updateAllowed
* accrualFlag
* sourceSystemCode
* acAttribute2
* listLineNo
* attribute14
* acAttribute11
* percent
* rebateTransactionTypeCode


 * pricingAttribute55
* pricingAttribute85
* pricingAttribute16
* pricingAttribute18
* attribute8
* pricingAttribute79
* pricingAttribute81
* pricingAttribute90
* pricingAttribute80
* pricingAttribute22
* pricingAttribute53
* attribute1
* pricingAttribute63
* pricingAttribute72
* pricingAttribute65
* pricingAttribute77
* pricingAttribute32
* pricingAttribute98
* pricingAttribute75
* pricingAttribute4
* pricingAttribute25
* pricingAttribute43
* pricingContext
* pricingAttribute5
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* origSysDocumentRef
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* pricingAttribute26
* origSysLineRef
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* flexTitle
* pricingAttribute37
* pricingAttribute7
* pricingAttribute35
* pricingAttribute51
* pricingAttribute1
* pricingAttribute2
* origSysShipmentRef
* pricingAttribute67
* pricingAttribute17
* pricingAttribute34
* lastUpdatedBy
* pricingAttribute49
* attribute11
* pricingAttribute54
* pricingAttribute50
* pricingAttribute11
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdateDate
* pricingAttribute70
* pricingAttribute99
* changeRequestCode
* pricingAttribute69
* statusFlag
* requestId
* pricingAttribute88
* attribute9
* pricingAttribute86
* attribute14
* instId
* creationDate
* pricingAttribute3
* pricingAttribute12
* pricingAttribute13
* pricingAttribute73
* soldToOrg
* pricingAttribute38
* pricingAttribute100
* pricingAttribute46
* attribute12
* attribute13
* pricingAttribute36
* pricingAttribute87
* pricingAttribute47
* pricingAttribute95
* operationCode
* pricingAttribute21
* orgId
* pricingAttribute20
* pricingAttribute39
* pricingAttribute89
* errorFlag
* pricingAttribute41
* context
* pricingAttribute66
* changeSequence
* pricingAttribute30
* pricingAttribute24
* pricingAttribute29
* pricingAttribute6
* pricingAttribute91
* createdBy
* programApplicationId
* pricingAttribute10
* pricingAttribute8
* pricingAttribute15
* pricingAttribute78
* pricingAttribute27
* pricingAttribute59
* origSysAttsRef
* attribute15
* programUpdateDate
* pricingAttribute52
* pricingAttribute84
* attribute5
* pricingAttribute76
* pricingAttribute82
* attribute6
* pricingAttribute31
* attribute2
* pricingAttribute64
* pricingAttribute92
* programId
* pricingAttribute62
* attribute7
* pricingAttribute93
* pricingAttribute19
* orderPriceAttribId
* soldToOrgId
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* orderSourceId
* pricingAttribute23
* pricingAttribute56
* pricingAttribute96
* attribute10
* pricingAttribute83
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* pricingAttribute14
* pricingAttribute48
* pricingAttribute28
* interfaceStatus
* attribute4
* pricingAttribute61
* pricingAttribute58
* attribute3
* pricingAttribute42
* pricingAttribute71


 * pricingAttribute55
* pricingAttribute85
* pricingAttribute16
* pricingAttribute18
* attribute8
* pricingAttribute79
* pricingAttribute81
* pricingAttribute90
* pricingAttribute80
* pricingAttribute22
* pricingAttribute53
* attribute1
* pricingAttribute63
* pricingAttribute72
* pricingAttribute65
* pricingAttribute77
* pricingAttribute32
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* pricingAttribute75
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* pricingAttribute43
* pricingContext
* pricingAttribute5
* pricingAttribute68
* origSysDocumentRef
* pricingAttribute60
* pricingAttribute97
* overrideFlag
* pricingAttribute26
* origSysLineRef
* pricingAttribute33
* pricingAttribute45
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* pricingAttribute44
* pricingAttribute57
* flexTitle
* pricingAttribute37
* pricingAttribute7
* pricingAttribute35
* pricingAttribute51
* pricingAttribute1
* pricingAttribute2
* origSysShipmentRef
* pricingAttribute67
* pricingAttribute17
* pricingAttribute34
* lastUpdatedBy
* pricingAttribute49
* attribute11
* pricingAttribute54
* pricingAttribute50
* pricingAttribute11
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdateDate
* pricingAttribute70
* pricingAttribute99
* changeRequestCode
* pricingAttribute69
* statusFlag
* requestId
* pricingAttribute88
* attribute9
* pricingAttribute86
* attribute14
* instId
* creationDate
* pricingAttribute3
* pricingAttribute12
* pricingAttribute13
* pricingAttribute73
* soldToOrg
* pricingAttribute38
* pricingAttribute100
* pricingAttribute46
* attribute12
* attribute13
* pricingAttribute36
* pricingAttribute87
* pricingAttribute47
* pricingAttribute95
* operationCode
* pricingAttribute21
* orgId
* pricingAttribute20
* pricingAttribute39
* pricingAttribute89
* errorFlag
* pricingAttribute41
* context
* pricingAttribute66
* changeSequence
* pricingAttribute30
* pricingAttribute24
* pricingAttribute29
* pricingAttribute6
* pricingAttribute91
* createdBy
* programApplicationId
* pricingAttribute10
* pricingAttribute8
* pricingAttribute15
* pricingAttribute78
* pricingAttribute27
* pricingAttribute59
* origSysAttsRef
* attribute15
* programUpdateDate
* pricingAttribute52
* pricingAttribute84
* attribute5
* pricingAttribute76
* pricingAttribute82
* attribute6
* pricingAttribute31
* attribute2
* pricingAttribute64
* pricingAttribute92
* programId
* pricingAttribute62
* attribute7
* pricingAttribute93
* pricingAttribute19
* orderPriceAttribId
* soldToOrgId
* pricingAttribute74
* pricingAttribute40
* orderSourceId
* pricingAttribute23
* pricingAttribute56
* pricingAttribute96
* attribute10
* pricingAttribute83
* pricingAttribute94
* pricingAttribute14
* pricingAttribute48
* pricingAttribute28
* interfaceStatus
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* pricingAttribute58
* attribute3
* pricingAttribute42
* pricingAttribute71


 * changeSequence
* origSysShipmentRef
* notificationFlag
* sourceDocumentTypeId
* attributeCode
* programApplicationId
* lastUpdatedBy
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* entityRef
* messageSourceCode
* entityId
* headerId
* sourceDocumentId
* lineId
* lastUpdateLogin
* processActivity
* transactionId
* messageStatusCode
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* lastUpdateDate
* entityCode
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* messageText
* requestId
* originalSysDocumentRef
* sourceDocumentLineId
* createdBy
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* orgId
* creationDate
* constraintId
* type
* language
* originalSysDocumentLineRef
* programId


 * changeSequence
* origSysShipmentRef
* notificationFlag
* sourceDocumentTypeId
* attributeCode
* programApplicationId
* lastUpdatedBy
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* entityRef
* messageSourceCode
* entityId
* headerId
* sourceDocumentId
* lineId
* lastUpdateLogin
* processActivity
* transactionId
* messageStatusCode
* instId
* lastUpdateDate
* entityCode
* soldToOrgId
* messageText
* requestId
* originalSysDocumentRef
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* createdBy
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* orgId
* creationDate
* constraintId
* type
* language
* originalSysDocumentLineRef
* programId


 * lastUpdateLogin
* language
* transactionId
* createdBy
* creationDate
* messageText
* instId
* lastUpdatedBy
* sourceLang
* lastUpdateDate


 * lastUpdateLogin
* language
* transactionId
* createdBy
* creationDate
* messageText
* instId
* lastUpdatedBy
* sourceLang
* lastUpdateDate


 * requestId
* purgeSetId
* expirationDate
* isPurgable
* lastUpdateDate
* programApplicationId
* lastUpdateLogon
* upgradedFlag
* priceListId
* programUpdateDate
* programId
* headerId
* errorText
* orderTypeName
* isPurged
* orderNumber
* lastUpdatedBy
* createdBy
* quoteNumber
* flowStatus
* creationDate
* customerNumber


 * requestId
* purgeSetId
* expirationDate
* isPurgable
* lastUpdateDate
* programApplicationId
* lastUpdateLogon
* upgradedFlag
* priceListId
* programUpdateDate
* programId
* headerId
* errorText
* orderTypeName
* isPurged
* orderNumber
* lastUpdatedBy
* createdBy
* quoteNumber
* flowStatus
* creationDate
* customerNumber


 * purgeSubmitDatetime
* purgedBy
* countSelected
* purgeSetPurged
* purgeSetDescription
* lastUpdateLogin
* purgeSetId
* selectedIds
* purgeSetSubmitDatetime
* purgeProcessed
* lastUpdateDate
* programUpdateDate
* ordersPerCommit
* purgeSetRequestId
* createdBy
* purgeSetName
* lastUpdatedBy
* programId
* whereCondition
* purgeRequestId
* creationDate
* programApplicationId


 * purgeSubmitDatetime
* purgedBy
* countSelected
* purgeSetPurged
* purgeSetDescription
* lastUpdateLogin
* purgeSetId
* selectedIds
* purgeSetSubmitDatetime
* purgeProcessed
* lastUpdateDate
* programUpdateDate
* ordersPerCommit
* purgeSetRequestId
* createdBy
* purgeSetName
* lastUpdatedBy
* programId
* whereCondition
* purgeRequestId
* creationDate
* programApplicationId


 * attribute1
* attribute3
* attribute20
* attribute16
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute19
* attribute4
* entityCode
* reasonCode
* context
* attribute11
* attribute5
* creationDate
* entityId
* attribute12
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute17
* lastUpdateDate
* comments
* headerId
* attribute7
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* attribute8
* lineId
* reasonType
* attribute14
* attribute2
* attribute9
* createdBy
* attribute18
* reasonId
* versionNumber
* attribute13
* attribute15
* attribute6


 * attribute1
* attribute3
* attribute20
* attribute16
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute19
* attribute4
* entityCode
* reasonCode
* context
* attribute11
* attribute5
* creationDate
* entityId
* attribute12
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute17
* lastUpdateDate
* comments
* headerId
* attribute7
* attribute10
* attribute8
* lineId
* reasonType
* attribute14
* attribute2
* attribute9
* createdBy
* attribute18
* reasonId
* versionNumber
* attribute13
* attribute15
* attribute6


 * processFlag
* programApplicationId
* reservationRequestId
* creationDate
* createdBy
* reservationSetId
* programId
* lastUpdatedBy
* simulationRequestId
* programUpdateDate
* reservationSetName
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdateDate


 * processFlag
* programApplicationId
* reservationRequestId
* creationDate
* createdBy
* reservationSetId
* programId
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* programUpdateDate
* reservationSetName
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdateDate


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* changeSequence
* quantity2
* origSysShipmentRef
* attribute2
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* quantity
* attributeCategory
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* origSysLineRef


 * errorFlag
* attribute12
* inventoryItemId
* subinventoryId
* origSysDocumentRef
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* attribute10
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* attribute6
* instId
* attribute4
* requestId
* soldToOrg
* attribute1
* attribute9
* origSysReservationRef
* interfaceStatus
* soldToOrgId
* attribute15
* changeSequence
* quantity2
* origSysShipmentRef
* attribute2
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* quantity
* attributeCategory
* attribute3
* attribute8
* attribute14
* origSysLineRef


 * soldToOrgId
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute2
* lastUpdatedBy
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* attribute8
* attribute14
* attribute15
* inventoryItemId
* attribute6
* attribute9
* executionDate
* attribute3
* lastUpdateLogin
* creationDate
* orderTypeId
* attribute4
* attribute11
* createdBy
* attribute12
* retrobillRequestId
* programUpdatedDate
* executionMode
* programApplicationId
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* name
* retrobillReasonCode
* context
* description
* attribute7
* attribute10
* requestId
* programId


 * soldToOrgId
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute2
* lastUpdatedBy
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* attribute14
* attribute15
* inventoryItemId
* attribute6
* attribute9
* executionDate
* attribute3
* lastUpdateLogin
* creationDate
* orderTypeId
* attribute4
* attribute11
* createdBy
* attribute12
* retrobillRequestId
* programUpdatedDate
* executionMode
* programApplicationId
* attribute5
* attribute1
* name
* retrobillReasonCode
* context
* description
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* attribute10
* requestId
* programId


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* orderedQtyUom
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* lastUpdatedBy
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* programApplicationId
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* inventoryItemId
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* lastUpdatedBy
* programUpdateDate
* programApplicationId
* lineSequence
* lotNumber
* lineId
* inventoryItemId
* revisionNumber
* orderedQty


 * headerId
* origSysCreditRef
* salesCreditId
* lastUpdateLogin
* salesrepId
* lineId
* attribute5
* createdBy
* attribute3
* attribute1
* salesGroupId
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute7
* attribute11
* dwUpdateAdviceFlag
* percent
* attribute12
* salesCreditTypeId
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute10
* salesGroupUpdatedFlag
* attribute14
* attribute6
* whUpdateDate
* context
* attribute15
* attribute13
* attribute8
* instId
* attribute4
* attribute2
* lockControl
* creationDate
* attribute9


 * headerId
* origSysCreditRef
* salesCreditId
* lastUpdateLogin
* salesrepId
* lineId
* attribute5
* createdBy
* attribute3
* attribute1
* salesGroupId
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute7
* attribute11
* dwUpdateAdviceFlag
* percent
* attribute12
* salesCreditTypeId
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute10
* salesGroupUpdatedFlag
* attribute14
* attribute6
* whUpdateDate
* context
* attribute15
* attribute13
* attribute8
* instId
* attribute4
* attribute2
* lockControl
* creationDate
* attribute9


 * usedFlag
* inventoryItemId
* sessionId


 * usedFlag
* inventoryItemId
* sessionId


 * creationDate
* freightCarrierCode
* createdBy
* setId
* shipToOrgId
* shipToleranceAbove
* shipToleranceBelow
* instId
* scheduleShipDate
* updateLogin
* shipmentPriorityCode
* updatedBy
* setStatus
* shippingMethodCode
* orderedQuantityUom
* headerId
* setType
* inventoryItemId
* scheduleArrivalDate
* updateDate
* setName
* shipFromOrgId
* lineTypeId


 * setName
* setId
* headerId
* lastUpdateDate
* creationDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* lineId
* createdBy
* instId
* setType


 * setName
* setId
* headerId
* lastUpdateDate
* creationDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* lineId
* createdBy
* instId
* setType


 * creationDate
* freightCarrierCode
* createdBy
* setId
* shipToOrgId
* shipToleranceAbove
* shipToleranceBelow
* instId
* scheduleShipDate
* updateLogin
* shipmentPriorityCode
* updatedBy
* setStatus
* shippingMethodCode
* orderedQuantityUom
* headerId
* setType
* inventoryItemId
* scheduleArrivalDate
* updateDate
* setName
* shipFromOrgId
* lineTypeId


 * auditSessionId
* pickingCreditCheckRuleId
* auditUserName
* rowKey
* auditTimestamp
* auditTransactionType
* transactionTypeId
* auditCommitId
* costOfGoodsSoldAccount
* shippingCreditCheckRuleId
* auditSequenceId
* entryCreditCheckRuleId
* packingCreditCheckRuleId
* auditTrueNulls
* custTrxTypeId


 * auditSessionId
* pickingCreditCheckRuleId
* auditUserName
* rowKey
* auditTimestamp
* auditTransactionType
* transactionTypeId
* auditCommitId
* costOfGoodsSoldAccount
* shippingCreditCheckRuleId
* auditSequenceId
* entryCreditCheckRuleId
* packingCreditCheckRuleId
* auditTrueNulls
* custTrxTypeId


 * errorLevel
* creationDate
* type
* errorSqlcode
* comments
* errorType
* module
* headerId


 * errorLevel
* creationDate
* type
* errorSqlcode
* comments
* errorType
* module
* headerId


 * cycleId
* oldLineId
* oldLineDetailId
* pickingLineId
* module
* newLineId
* newLineNumber
* creationDate
* comments
* lastUpdateDate
* headerId
* returnQtyAvailable
* mtlSalesOrderId
* delivery


 * cycleId
* oldLineId
* oldLineDetailId
* pickingLineId
* module
* newLineId
* newLineNumber
* creationDate
* comments
* lastUpdateDate
* headerId
* returnQtyAvailable
* mtlSalesOrderId
* delivery


 * subinventory
* pickingLineId
* warehouseId
* attribute12
* actualDepartureDate
* componentSequenceId
* attribute10
* latestAcceptableDate
* includedItemFlag
* transactableFlag
* attribute13
* createdBy
* lineDetailId
* releasedFlag
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute5
* attribute7
* inventoryItemId
* dpwAssignedFlag
* attribute3
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute15
* attribute11
* inventoryLocationId
* shippableFlag
* shipMethodCode
* attribute6
* componentCode
* demandClassCode
* configurationItemFlag
* scheduleStatusCode
* quantity
* revision
* unitCode
* attribute4
* attribute2
* reservableFlag
* invoicedQuantity
* attribute8
* depPlanRequiredFlag
* receiptStatusCode
* departureId
* attribute9
* scheduleLevelCode
* attribute14
* context
* shippedQuantity
* requiredForRevenueFlag
* creationDate
* customerItemId
* lineId
* delivery
* scheduleDate
* attribute1


 * subinventory
* pickingLineId
* warehouseId
* attribute12
* actualDepartureDate
* componentSequenceId
* attribute10
* latestAcceptableDate
* includedItemFlag
* transactableFlag
* attribute13
* createdBy
* lineDetailId
* releasedFlag
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute5
* attribute7
* inventoryItemId
* dpwAssignedFlag
* attribute3
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute15
* attribute11
* inventoryLocationId
* shippableFlag
* shipMethodCode
* attribute6
* componentCode
* demandClassCode
* configurationItemFlag
* scheduleStatusCode
* quantity
* revision
* unitCode
* attribute4
* attribute2
* reservableFlag
* invoicedQuantity
* attribute8
* depPlanRequiredFlag
* receiptStatusCode
* departureId
* attribute9
* scheduleLevelCode
* attribute14
* context
* shippedQuantity
* requiredForRevenueFlag
* creationDate
* customerItemId
* lineId
* delivery
* scheduleDate
* attribute1


 * mileageRate
* mileagePayrollTaxCodeId
* lastUpdatedBy
* creationDate
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* createdBy
* reportLineId
* addonRateType
* mileageAmount


 * mileageRate
* mileagePayrollTaxCodeId
* lastUpdatedBy
* creationDate
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* createdBy
* reportLineId
* addonRateType
* mileageAmount


 * createdBy
* lastUpdateDate
* arcReqId
* reportLineId
* lastUpdatedBy
* addonRateType
* archiveDate
* creationDate
* mileageRate
* mileagePayrollTaxCodeId
* mileageAmount
* lastUpdateLogin


 * createdBy
* lastUpdateDate
* arcReqId
* reportLineId
* lastUpdatedBy
* addonRateType
* archiveDate
* creationDate
* mileageRate
* mileagePayrollTaxCodeId
* mileageAmount
* lastUpdateLogin


 * createdBy
* creationDate
* allocationPrefReason
* allocationPrefId
* personId
* distributionSetId
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin


 * createdBy
* creationDate
* allocationPrefReason
* allocationPrefId
* personId
* distributionSetId
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin


 * createdBy
* creationDate
* attribute4
* attendeeType
* attribute9
* attribute14
* attribute7
* title
* attribute8
* attribute3
* attributeCategory
* groupId
* attribute1
* attribute5
* employeeId
* groupDetailId
* employerAddress
* amount
* attribute10
* taxId
* employer
* attribute11
* name
* employeeFlag
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute13
* attribute12
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute6
* attribute15
* attribute2
* lastUpdateDate


 * createdBy
* creationDate
* attribute4
* attendeeType
* attribute9
* attribute14
* attribute7
* title
* attribute8
* attribute3
* attributeCategory
* groupId
* attribute1
* attribute5
* employeeId
* groupDetailId
* employerAddress
* amount
* attribute10
* taxId
* employer
* attribute11
* name
* employeeFlag
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute13
* attribute12
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute6
* attribute15
* attribute2
* lastUpdateDate


 * userId
* groupId
* lastUpdatedBy
* dataCaptureRuleId
* createdBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdateDate
* creationDate
* groupName


 * userId
* groupId
* lastUpdatedBy
* dataCaptureRuleId
* createdBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdateDate
* creationDate
* groupName


 * name
* createdBy
* attendeeType
* attribute10
* employeeFlag
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute14
* attribute15
* attribute11
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute7
* attribute5
* reportLineId
* title
* employerAddress
* attribute1
* taxId
* attribute13
* attribute4
* attribute6
* attendeeLineId
* employer
* attribute12
* attributeCategory
* attribute3
* employeeId
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute9
* attribute8
* creationDate
* orgId
* attribute2


 * name
* createdBy
* attendeeType
* attribute10
* employeeFlag
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute14
* attribute15
* attribute11
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute7
* attribute5
* reportLineId
* title
* employerAddress
* attribute1
* taxId
* attribute13
* attribute4
* attribute6
* attendeeLineId
* employer
* attribute12
* attributeCategory
* attribute3
* employeeId
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute9
* attribute8
* creationDate
* orgId
* attribute2


 * employeeFlag
* attribute4
* attribute13
* title
* orgId
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute9
* attribute6
* attribute8
* attribute12
* arcReqId
* attributeCategory
* attribute15
* attribute3
* attribute5
* attribute14
* reportLineId
* createdBy
* attendeeLineId
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute10
* attribute7
* employeeId
* lastUpdateLogin
* attendeeType
* taxId
* attribute2
* attribute1
* name
* employerAddress
* creationDate
* archiveDate
* attribute11
* employer


 * employeeFlag
* attribute4
* attribute13
* title
* orgId
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute9
* attribute6
* attribute8
* attribute12
* arcReqId
* attributeCategory
* attribute15
* attribute3
* attribute5
* attribute14
* reportLineId
* createdBy
* attendeeLineId
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute10
* attribute7
* employeeId
* lastUpdateLogin
* attendeeType
* taxId
* attribute2
* attribute1
* name
* employerAddress
* creationDate
* archiveDate
* attribute11
* employer


 * selectedTab
* hideFlag
* pageName
* lastUpdateDate
* userId
* createdBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* creationDate
* objectName
* sortOrderCode
* objectTypeCode
* sortedColumn
* lastUpdatedBy


 * selectedTab
* hideFlag
* pageName
* lastUpdateDate
* userId
* createdBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* creationDate
* objectName
* sortOrderCode
* objectTypeCode
* sortedColumn
* lastUpdatedBy


 * distributionSetName
* lastUpdateDate
* createdBy
* distributionMethod
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdatedBy
* distributionSetId
* distributionSetTypeCode
* creationDate
* orgId


 * distributionSetName
* lastUpdateDate
* createdBy
* distributionMethod
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdatedBy
* distributionSetId
* distributionSetTypeCode
* creationDate
* orgId


 * ruleSetId
* lastUpdatedBy
* categoryCode
* creationDate
* createdBy
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* ruleId


 * ruleSetId
* lastUpdatedBy
* categoryCode
* creationDate
* createdBy
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* ruleId


 * ruleSetId
* ruleSetName
* lastUpdatedBy
* createdBy
* creationDate
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* description


 * ruleSetId
* ruleSetName
* lastUpdatedBy
* createdBy
* creationDate
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* description


 * description
* detectReceiptAmtFlag
* createdBy
* ruleName
* lastUpdateLogin
* detectDistanceUomFlag
* lastUpdatedBy
* detectReceiptDateFlag
* lastUpdateDate
* duplicateDetectionAction
* creationDate
* detectMerchantFlag
* detectAttendeeFlag
* detectExpCategoryFlag
* detectVlpNumFlag
* detectLocationFieldsFlag
* detectDailyTripDistFlag
* detectFromLocationFlag
* ruleId
* detectClassOfTicketFlag
* detectToLocationFlag
* duplicatesAllowed
* detectEndDateFlag
* ruleType
* detectTicketNumFlag
* detectEmployeeFlag
* detectExpenseTypeFlag


 * description
* detectReceiptAmtFlag
* createdBy
* ruleName
* lastUpdateLogin
* detectDistanceUomFlag
* lastUpdatedBy
* detectReceiptDateFlag
* lastUpdateDate
* duplicateDetectionAction
* creationDate
* detectMerchantFlag
* detectAttendeeFlag
* detectExpCategoryFlag
* detectVlpNumFlag
* detectLocationFieldsFlag
* detectDailyTripDistFlag
* detectFromLocationFlag
* ruleId
* detectClassOfTicketFlag
* detectToLocationFlag
* duplicatesAllowed
* detectEndDateFlag
* ruleType
* detectTicketNumFlag
* detectEmployeeFlag
* detectExpenseTypeFlag


 * endDate
* ruleAssignmentId
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdatedBy
* ruleSetId
* createdBy
* ruleId
* startDate
* orgId
* creationDate
* lastUpdateDate


 * endDate
* ruleAssignmentId
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdatedBy
* ruleSetId
* createdBy
* ruleId
* startDate
* orgId
* creationDate
* lastUpdateDate


 * reportLineId
* lastUpdateLogin
* custAccommodationAmount
* createdBy
* lastUpdateDate
* scheduleTypeCode
* numberOfMeals
* creationDate
* accommodationAmount
* custMealsAmount
* endDate
* nightRateAmount
* custPdmRate
* pdmRate
* pdmDestinationId
* mealsAmount
* breakfastFlag
* accommodationFlag
* startDate
* rateTypeCode
* lastUpdatedBy
* custNightRateAmount
* nightRateType
* amount
* dinnerFlag
* hotelName
* pdmDailyBreakupId
* lunchFlag


 * reportLineId
* lastUpdateLogin
* custAccommodationAmount
* createdBy
* lastUpdateDate
* scheduleTypeCode
* numberOfMeals
* creationDate
* accommodationAmount
* custMealsAmount
* endDate
* nightRateAmount
* custPdmRate
* pdmRate
* pdmDestinationId
* mealsAmount
* breakfastFlag
* accommodationFlag
* startDate
* rateTypeCode
* lastUpdatedBy
* custNightRateAmount
* nightRateType
* amount
* dinnerFlag
* hotelName
* pdmDailyBreakupId
* lunchFlag


 * lastUpdateLogin
* archiveDate
* custMealsAmount
* hotelName
* lastUpdatedBy
* reportLineId
* creationDate
* dinnerFlag
* custAccommodationAmount
* accommodationAmount
* numberOfMeals
* custPdmRate
* endDate
* mealsAmount
* lunchFlag
* scheduleTypeCode
* createdBy
* lastUpdateDate
* nightRateAmount
* arcReqId
* pdmDailyBreakupId
* amount
* nightRateType
* pdmDestinationId
* startDate
* custNightRateAmount
* accommodationFlag
* breakfastFlag
* rateTypeCode
* pdmRate


 * lastUpdateLogin
* archiveDate
* custMealsAmount
* hotelName
* lastUpdatedBy
* reportLineId
* creationDate
* dinnerFlag
* custAccommodationAmount
* accommodationAmount
* numberOfMeals
* custPdmRate
* endDate
* mealsAmount
* lunchFlag
* scheduleTypeCode
* createdBy
* lastUpdateDate
* nightRateAmount
* arcReqId
* pdmDailyBreakupId
* amount
* nightRateType
* pdmDestinationId
* startDate
* custNightRateAmount
* accommodationFlag
* breakfastFlag
* rateTypeCode
* pdmRate


 * pdmDestinationId
* endDate
* locationId
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* createdBy
* startDate
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* reportLineId


 * pdmDestinationId
* endDate
* locationId
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* createdBy
* startDate
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* reportLineId


 * lastUpdateDate
* archiveDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* createdBy
* startDate
* pdmDestinationId
* endDate
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* locationId
* arcReqId
* reportLineId


 * lastUpdateDate
* archiveDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* createdBy
* startDate
* pdmDestinationId
* endDate
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* locationId
* arcReqId
* reportLineId


 * endOfSeason
* footnoteRateAmt
* lastUpdateDate
* stateProvince
* footnoteAmt
* startOfSeason
* county
* creationDate
* country
* maxPerDiemAmt
* lastUpdatedBy
* maxLodgingAmt
* effectiveDate
* propMealsAmt
* offBaseIncAmt
* createdBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* noGovtMealsAmt
* cityLocality


 * endOfSeason
* footnoteRateAmt
* lastUpdateDate
* stateProvince
* footnoteAmt
* startOfSeason
* county
* creationDate
* country
* maxPerDiemAmt
* lastUpdatedBy
* maxLodgingAmt
* effectiveDate
* propMealsAmt
* offBaseIncAmt
* createdBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* noGovtMealsAmt
* cityLocality


 * segment5
* segment28
* segment8
* segment30
* distributionId
* segment10
* segment19
* projectExpenditureOrgId
* segment12
* segment3
* segment26
* lastUpdateDate
* taskId
* segment20
* projectId
* lastUpdateLogin
* segment1
* segment24
* segment29
* segment4
* segment6
* segment21
* percentage
* awardId
* segment7
* segment17
* lastUpdatedBy
* segment27
* segment18
* segment22
* segment25
* segment23
* segment9
* segment2
* segment13
* creationDate
* createdBy
* segment15
* distributionSetId
* segment11
* segment14
* segment16


 * segment5
* segment28
* segment8
* segment30
* distributionId
* segment10
* segment19
* projectExpenditureOrgId
* segment12
* segment3
* segment26
* lastUpdateDate
* taskId
* segment20
* projectId
* lastUpdateLogin
* segment1
* segment24
* segment29
* segment4
* segment6
* segment21
* percentage
* awardId
* segment7
* segment17
* lastUpdatedBy
* segment27
* segment18
* segment22
* segment25
* segment23
* segment9
* segment2
* segment13
* creationDate
* createdBy
* segment15
* distributionSetId
* segment11
* segment14
* segment16


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* custAccountId
* customerSiteUseId
* lastUpdateLogin
* operatingUnit
* amount
* lastUpdatedBy
* transactionid
* cashReceiptId
* receiptStatus
* creationDate
* receiptDate
* lastUpdateDate
* paymentAuditId
* responsibilityId
* oirPaymentStatus
* invoices
* createdBy
* currencyCode


 * paymentType
* custAccountId
* customerSiteUseId
* lastUpdateLogin
* operatingUnit
* amount
* lastUpdatedBy
* transactionid
* cashReceiptId
* receiptStatus
* creationDate
* receiptDate
* lastUpdateDate
* paymentAuditId
* responsibilityId
* oirPaymentStatus
* invoices
* createdBy
* currencyCode


 * lastUpdateLogin
* securityGroupId
* aaeId
* value
* creationDate
* objectVersionNumber
* lastUpdatedBy
* coeId
* createdBy
* lastUpdateDate


 * lastUpdateLogin
* securityGroupId
* aaeId
* value
* creationDate
* objectVersionNumber
* lastUpdatedBy
* coeId
* createdBy
* lastUpdateDate


 * attribute7
* attribute1
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* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdateDate
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 * attribute7
* attribute1
* allowedTmplUsagesId
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute9
* attribute4
* attribute14
* attribute15
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute3
* creationDate
* attributeCategory
* documentType
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* objectVersionNumber
* createdBy
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* levelSequence
* cleId
* lastUpdatedBy
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* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin


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* objectVersionNumber
* createdBy
* securityGroupId
* levelSequence
* cleId
* lastUpdatedBy
* creationDate
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin


 * qName
* lastUpdateDate
* datetime
* sourceName
* retryCount
* msgid
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* securityGroupId
* queueContents
* id
* createdBy
* creationDate


 * qName
* lastUpdateDate
* datetime
* sourceName
* retryCount
* msgid
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* securityGroupId
* queueContents
* id
* createdBy
* creationDate


 * aqeId
* createdBy
* lastUpdateDate
* creationDate
* messageName
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* lastUpdateLogin
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* messageNumber


 * aqeId
* createdBy
* lastUpdateDate
* creationDate
* messageName
* messageText
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdatedBy
* securityGroupId
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* messageNumber


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* lastUpdateLogin
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* objectVersionNumber
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* entity
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* sourceFileName
* importSource


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* globalFlag
* startDate
* batchProcessId
* programApplicationId
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* lastUpdateLogin
* fetchSize
* createdBy
* objectVersionNumber
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* entity
* batchNumber
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* totalRowsWarned
* lastUpdateDate
* orgId
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* lastUpdatedBy
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* sourceFileName
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* programLoginId
* errorNumber
* errorDescription
* interfaceId
* requestId
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* createdBy
* creationDate
* entity
* lastUpdateLogin
* objectVersionNumber
* batchProcessId
* programApplicationId
* programId


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* programLoginId
* errorNumber
* errorDescription
* interfaceId
* requestId
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* createdBy
* creationDate
* entity
* lastUpdateLogin
* objectVersionNumber
* batchProcessId
* programApplicationId
* programId


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* targetArticleTitle
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* programLoginId
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* createdBy
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* modelId


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* creationDate
* enclosingFolderId
* lastUpdatedBy
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* intentCode
* programUpdateDate
* createdBy
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* programApplicationId
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* lastUpdateLogin
* requestId
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* lastUpdateLogin


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* cleId
* chrId
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* lastUpdateLogin
* dnzChrId
* chrIdReferred
* id
* cleId
* cleIdReferred
* creationDate
* createdBy
* isaAgreementId
* securityGroupId
* lastUpdatedBy
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 * renewalNotifyTo
* billToSiteUseId
* upgOrigSystemRef
* orgId
* lastUpdatedBy
* totalLineListPrice
* conversionType
* chrIdRenewedTo
* attribute26
* requestId
* resolvedUntil
* attribute8
* endDate
* buyOrSell
* attribute28
* chrIdRenewed
* dateSigned
* dpasRating
* majorVersion
* chrType
* datetimeProposed
* pricingDate
* programApplicationId
* templateUsed
* attribute4
* keepOnMailList
* attribute32
* applicationId
* attribute31
* dateTerminated
* programId
* createdBy
* attribute5
* conversionRateDate
* archivedYn
* attribute34
* stsCode
* setAsidePercent
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute17
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute36
* attribute44
* deletedYn
* datetimeCancelled
* estimatedAmount
* attribute33
* termCancelSource
* invRuleId
* chrIdAward
* attribute37
* invOrganizationId
* attribute30
* attribute39
* attribute3
* creationDate
* documentId
* startDate
* issueOrReceive
* currencyCodeRenewed
* attributeCategory
* conversionEuroRate
* governingContractYn
* datetimeResponded
* custPoNumberReqYn
* objectVersionNumber
* trnCode
* dateRenewed
* attribute9
* contractNumberModifier
* attribute15
* upgOrigSystemRefId
* userEstimatedAmount
* attribute1
* attribute12
* templateYn
* origSystemSourceCode
* dateApproved
* attribute20
* renewalEndDate
* attribute18
* attribute29
* attribute42
* attribute13
* cancelledAmount
* attribute22
* attribute24
* attribute14
* approvalType
* attribute41
* authoringOrgId
* renewalTypeCode
* paymentTermId
* autoRenewDays
* attribute7
* scsCode
* paymentInstructionType
* dateCloseProjected
* attribute16
* attribute38
* programUpdateDate
* currencyCode
* attribute27
* conversionRate
* custAcctId
* id
* estimatedAmountRenewed
* attribute25
* contractNumber
* responseCopiesReq
* dateIssued
* custPoNumber
* attribute11
* attribute6
* attribute23
* origSystemId1
* prePayReqYn
* shipToSiteUseId
* attribute35
* attribute10
* signByDate
* origSystemReference1
* qclId
* chrIdResponse
* attribute2
* securityGroupId
* attribute21
* priceListId
* attribute43
* attribute40
* rfpType
* attribute19
* attribute45


 * id
* cognomen
* setAsideReason
* nonResponseReason
* lastUpdateLogin
* sourceLang
* securityGroupId
* createdBy
* lastUpdatedBy
* nonResponseExplain
* description
* comments
* creationDate
* lastUpdateDate
* language
* sfwtFlag
* shortDescription


 * id
* cognomen
* setAsideReason
* nonResponseReason
* lastUpdateLogin
* sourceLang
* securityGroupId
* createdBy
* lastUpdatedBy
* nonResponseExplain
* description
* comments
* creationDate
* lastUpdateDate
* language
* sfwtFlag
* shortDescription


 * cognomen
* securityGroupId
* id
* nonResponseReason
* setAsideReason
* comments
* description
* nonResponseExplain
* lastUpdateDate
* shortDescription
* lastUpdateLogin
* sourceLang
* createdBy
* majorVersion
* sfwtFlag
* creationDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* language


 * cognomen
* securityGroupId
* id
* nonResponseReason
* setAsideReason
* comments
* description
* nonResponseExplain
* lastUpdateDate
* shortDescription
* lastUpdateLogin
* sourceLang
* createdBy
* majorVersion
* sfwtFlag
* creationDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* language


 * programApplicationId
* lastUpdateLogin
* opnCode
* lastUpdateDate
* createdBy
* creationDate
* programId
* programUpdateDate
* securityGroupId
* reasonCode
* lastUpdatedBy
* requestId
* trnCode
* objectVersionNumber
* id
* chrId
* contractVersion
* stsCodeFrom
* manualYn
* cleId
* stsCodeTo


 * programApplicationId
* lastUpdateLogin
* opnCode
* lastUpdateDate
* createdBy
* creationDate
* programId
* programUpdateDate
* securityGroupId
* reasonCode
* lastUpdatedBy
* requestId
* trnCode
* objectVersionNumber
* id
* chrId
* contractVersion
* stsCodeFrom
* manualYn
* cleId
* stsCodeTo


 * lastUpdateLogin
* creationDate
* language
* sourceLang
* lastUpdatedBy
* id
* createdBy
* securityGroupId
* lastUpdateDate
* comments


 * lastUpdateLogin
* creationDate
* language
* sourceLang
* lastUpdatedBy
* id
* createdBy
* securityGroupId
* lastUpdateDate
* comments


 * upgOrigSystemRefId
* programId
* lastUpdatedBy
* securityGroupId
* numberOfItems
* lastUpdateDate
* pricedItemYn
* programUpdateDate
* chrId
* id
* createdBy
* objectVersionNumber
* requestId
* lastUpdateLogin
* dnzChrId
* uomCode
* exceptionYn
* jtotObject1Code
* programApplicationId
* object1Id2
* cleIdFor
* upgOrigSystemRef
* creationDate
* cleId
* object1Id1


 * programId
* programUpdateDate
* creationDate
* object1Id2
* object1Id1
* exceptionYn
* jtotObject1Code
* numberOfItems
* dnzChrId
* lastUpdatedBy
* programApplicationId
* chrId
* uomCode
* objectVersionNumber
* lastUpdateLogin
* securityGroupId
* majorVersion
* cleId
* lastUpdateDate
* cleIdFor
* id
* requestId
* pricedItemYn
* createdBy


 * programId
* programUpdateDate
* creationDate
* object1Id2
* object1Id1
* exceptionYn
* jtotObject1Code
* numberOfItems
* dnzChrId
* lastUpdatedBy
* programApplicationId
* chrId
* uomCode
* objectVersionNumber
* lastUpdateLogin
* securityGroupId
* majorVersion
* cleId
* lastUpdateDate
* cleIdFor
* id
* requestId
* pricedItemYn
* createdBy


 * upgOrigSystemRefId
* programId
* lastUpdatedBy
* securityGroupId
* numberOfItems
* lastUpdateDate
* pricedItemYn
* programUpdateDate
* chrId
* id
* createdBy
* objectVersionNumber
* requestId
* lastUpdateLogin
* dnzChrId
* uomCode
* exceptionYn
* jtotObject1Code
* programApplicationId
* object1Id2
* cleIdFor
* upgOrigSystemRef
* creationDate
* cleId
* object1Id1


 * attribute2
* paymentTermId
* termCancelSource
* attribute5
* hiddenInd
* configCompleteYn
* objectVersionNumber
* dateTerminated
* priceUnit
* phIntegratedWithQp
* endDate
* billToSiteUseId
* lineRenewalTypeCode
* priceUnitPercent
* priceBasisYn
* stsCode
* attribute14
* dateCancelled
* configItemType
* attribute12
* programUpdateDate
* currencyCodeRenewed
* invoiceLineLevelInd
* attribute8
* configItemId
* phAdjustment
* cleId
* serviceItemYn
* phQpReferenceId
* creationDate
* configValidYn
* attribute13
* origSystemReference1
* itemToPriceYn
* cleIdRenewed
* lseId
* priceListLineId
* priceType
* origSystemSourceCode
* dnzChrId
* securityGroupId
* chrId
* shipToSiteUseId
* programId
* phEnforcePriceListYn
* exceptionYn
* attribute7
* attribute15
* dpasRating
* lastUpdatedBy
* upgOrigSystemRefId
* configTopModelLineId
* startDate
* priceNegotiated
* attribute3
* lastUpdateDate
* attributeCategory
* programApplicationId
* trnCode
* dateRenewed
* origSystemId1
* upgOrigSystemRef
* lastUpdateLogin
* phMinAmt
* lineListPrice
* id
* configHeaderId
* phValue
* annualizedFactor
* invRuleId
* priceLevelInd
* attribute4
* attribute10
* custAcctId
* phPricingType
* cancelledAmount
* priceNegotiatedRenewed
* attribute1
* phMinQty
* displaySequence
* requestId
* currencyCode
* attribute6
* cleIdRenewedTo
* lineNumber
* attribute9
* priceListId
* createdBy
* paymentInstructionType
* attribute11
* pricingDate
* templateUsed
* configRevisionNumber
* phPriceBreakBasis


 * attribute2
* paymentTermId
* termCancelSource
* attribute5
* hiddenInd
* configCompleteYn
* objectVersionNumber
* dateTerminated
* priceUnit
* phIntegratedWithQp
* endDate
* billToSiteUseId
* lineRenewalTypeCode
* priceUnitPercent
* priceBasisYn
* stsCode
* attribute14
* dateCancelled
* configItemType
* attribute12
* programUpdateDate
* currencyCodeRenewed
* invoiceLineLevelInd
* attribute8
* configItemId
* phAdjustment
* cleId
* serviceItemYn
* phQpReferenceId
* creationDate
* configValidYn
* attribute13
* origSystemReference1
* itemToPriceYn
* cleIdRenewed
* lseId
* priceListLineId
* priceType
* origSystemSourceCode
* dnzChrId
* securityGroupId
* chrId
* shipToSiteUseId
* programId
* phEnforcePriceListYn
* exceptionYn
* attribute7
* attribute15
* dpasRating
* lastUpdatedBy
* upgOrigSystemRefId
* configTopModelLineId
* startDate
* priceNegotiated
* attribute3
* lastUpdateDate
* attributeCategory
* programApplicationId
* trnCode
* dateRenewed
* origSystemId1
* upgOrigSystemRef
* lastUpdateLogin
* phMinAmt
* lineListPrice
* id
* configHeaderId
* phValue
* annualizedFactor
* invRuleId
* priceLevelInd
* attribute4
* attribute10
* custAcctId
* phPricingType
* cancelledAmount
* priceNegotiatedRenewed
* attribute1
* phMinQty
* displaySequence
* requestId
* currencyCode
* attribute6
* cleIdRenewedTo
* lineNumber
* attribute9
* priceListId
* createdBy
* paymentInstructionType
* attribute11
* pricingDate
* templateUsed
* configRevisionNumber
* phPriceBreakBasis


 * custAcctId
* uomCode
* lineNumber
* dnzChrId
* priceUnit
* cleIdRenewedTo
* programUpdateDate
* configCompleteYn
* phIntegratedWithQp
* lineListPrice
* dateTerminated
* origSystemSourceCode
* attribute1
* programId
* serviceItemYn
* securityGroupId
* requestId
* phMinQty
* attribute15
* configTopModelLineId
* trnCode
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute13
* dateCancelled
* invoiceLineLevelInd
* lseId
* attribute4
* upgOrigSystemRef
* priceType
* objectVersionNumber
* configItemType
* attribute14
* attribute5
* configValidYn
* upgOrigSystemRefId
* attribute9
* exceptionYn
* configItemId
* phPricingType
* attribute12
* phQpReferenceId
* dateRenewed
* priceListLineId
* cleIdRenewed
* origSystemReference1
* priceNegotiated
* phMinAmt
* shipToSiteUseId
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute6
* lastUpdateLogin
* cleId
* paymentTermId
* origSystemId1
* annualizedFactor
* priceListId
* displaySequence
* phEnforcePriceListYn
* priceUnitPercent
* endDate
* attribute10
* configHeaderId
* phPriceBreakBasis
* phAdjustment
* attribute11
* cancelledAmount
* currencyCodeRenewed
* invRuleId
* majorVersion
* hiddenInd
* currencyCode
* priceBasisYn
* attribute3
* attribute7
* billToSiteUseId
* paymentInstructionType
* priceLevelInd
* pricingDate
* attribute2
* attributeCategory
* phValue
* templateUsed
* chrId
* stsCode
* lineRenewalTypeCode
* createdBy
* startDate
* itemToPriceYn
* priceNegotiatedRenewed
* programApplicationId
* id
* attribute8
* termCancelSource
* creationDate
* dpasRating
* configRevisionNumber


 * custAcctId
* uomCode
* lineNumber
* dnzChrId
* priceUnit
* cleIdRenewedTo
* programUpdateDate
* configCompleteYn
* phIntegratedWithQp
* lineListPrice
* dateTerminated
* origSystemSourceCode
* attribute1
* programId
* serviceItemYn
* securityGroupId
* requestId
* phMinQty
* attribute15
* configTopModelLineId
* trnCode
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute13
* dateCancelled
* invoiceLineLevelInd
* lseId
* attribute4
* upgOrigSystemRef
* priceType
* objectVersionNumber
* configItemType
* attribute14
* attribute5
* configValidYn
* upgOrigSystemRefId
* attribute9
* exceptionYn
* configItemId
* phPricingType
* attribute12
* phQpReferenceId
* dateRenewed
* priceListLineId
* cleIdRenewed
* origSystemReference1
* priceNegotiated
* phMinAmt
* shipToSiteUseId
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute6
* lastUpdateLogin
* cleId
* paymentTermId
* origSystemId1
* annualizedFactor
* priceListId
* displaySequence
* phEnforcePriceListYn
* priceUnitPercent
* endDate
* attribute10
* configHeaderId
* phPriceBreakBasis
* phAdjustment
* attribute11
* cancelledAmount
* currencyCodeRenewed
* invRuleId
* majorVersion
* hiddenInd
* currencyCode
* priceBasisYn
* attribute3
* attribute7
* billToSiteUseId
* paymentInstructionType
* priceLevelInd
* pricingDate
* attribute2
* attributeCategory
* phValue
* templateUsed
* chrId
* stsCode
* lineRenewalTypeCode
* createdBy
* startDate
* itemToPriceYn
* priceNegotiatedRenewed
* programApplicationId
* id
* attribute8
* termCancelSource
* creationDate
* dpasRating
* configRevisionNumber


 * creationDate
* okeBoeDescription
* securityGroupId
* sfwtFlag
* block23text
* lastUpdatedBy
* sourceLang
* id
* name
* lastUpdateDate
* cognomen
* comments
* lastUpdateLogin
* createdBy
* itemDescription
* language


 * creationDate
* okeBoeDescription
* securityGroupId
* sfwtFlag
* block23text
* lastUpdatedBy
* sourceLang
* id
* name
* lastUpdateDate
* cognomen
* comments
* lastUpdateLogin
* createdBy
* itemDescription
* language


 * lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* sfwtFlag
* okeBoeDescription
* majorVersion
* language
* comments
* securityGroupId
* lastUpdateLogin
* itemDescription
* cognomen
* creationDate
* sourceLang
* createdBy
* id
* name
* block23text


 * lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* sfwtFlag
* okeBoeDescription
* majorVersion
* language
* comments
* securityGroupId
* lastUpdateLogin
* itemDescription
* cognomen
* creationDate
* sourceLang
* createdBy
* id
* name
* block23text


 * code
* minorityGroupLookupCode
* attribute3
* chrId
* attribute10
* object1Id1
* jtotObject1Code
* attribute6
* securityGroupId
* object1Id2
* attribute12
* lastUpdateLogin
* id
* lastUpdatedBy
* facility
* origSystemSourceCode
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute8
* attribute9
* attribute11
* attribute2
* dnzChrId
* attribute15
* cleId
* billToSiteUseId
* custAcctId
* attribute5
* objectVersionNumber
* origSystemId1
* origSystemReference1
* attribute7
* attribute14
* attributeCategory
* rleCode
* smallBusinessFlag
* primaryYn
* attribute13
* createdBy
* attribute1
* womenOwnedFlag
* cplId
* attribute4
* creationDate


 * code
* minorityGroupLookupCode
* attribute3
* chrId
* attribute10
* object1Id1
* jtotObject1Code
* attribute6
* securityGroupId
* object1Id2
* attribute12
* lastUpdateLogin
* id
* lastUpdatedBy
* facility
* origSystemSourceCode
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute8
* attribute9
* attribute11
* attribute2
* dnzChrId
* attribute15
* cleId
* billToSiteUseId
* custAcctId
* attribute5
* objectVersionNumber
* origSystemId1
* origSystemReference1
* attribute7
* attribute14
* attributeCategory
* rleCode
* smallBusinessFlag
* primaryYn
* attribute13
* createdBy
* attribute1
* womenOwnedFlag
* cplId
* attribute4
* creationDate


 * chrId
* jtotObject1Code
* attribute6
* dnzChrId
* attribute15
* attribute8
* securityGroupId
* object1Id1
* attributeCategory
* attribute12
* creationDate
* womenOwnedFlag
* lastUpdateLogin
* facility
* cplId
* attribute14
* attribute4
* billToSiteUseId
* attribute5
* code
* cleId
* attribute2
* smallBusinessFlag
* objectVersionNumber
* lastUpdatedBy
* id
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute1
* minorityGroupLookupCode
* custAcctId
* attribute9
* primaryYn
* attribute7
* object1Id2
* attribute11
* attribute3
* attribute13
* attribute10
* rleCode
* createdBy
* majorVersion


 * chrId
* jtotObject1Code
* attribute6
* dnzChrId
* attribute15
* attribute8
* securityGroupId
* object1Id1
* attributeCategory
* attribute12
* creationDate
* womenOwnedFlag
* lastUpdateLogin
* facility
* cplId
* attribute14
* attribute4
* billToSiteUseId
* attribute5
* code
* cleId
* attribute2
* smallBusinessFlag
* objectVersionNumber
* lastUpdatedBy
* id
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute1
* minorityGroupLookupCode
* custAcctId
* attribute9
* primaryYn
* attribute7
* object1Id2
* attribute11
* attribute3
* attribute13
* attribute10
* rleCode
* createdBy
* majorVersion


 * createdBy
* creationDate
* sfwtFlag
* alias
* cognomen
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* id
* securityGroupId
* language
* lastUpdatedBy
* sourceLang


 * createdBy
* creationDate
* sfwtFlag
* alias
* cognomen
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* id
* securityGroupId
* language
* lastUpdatedBy
* sourceLang


 * language
* lastUpdatedBy
* id
* alias
* lastUpdateLogin
* createdBy
* securityGroupId
* majorVersion
* sfwtFlag
* sourceLang
* lastUpdateDate
* cognomen
* creationDate


 * language
* lastUpdatedBy
* id
* alias
* lastUpdateLogin
* createdBy
* securityGroupId
* majorVersion
* sfwtFlag
* sourceLang
* lastUpdateDate
* cognomen
* creationDate


 * pdfId
* attribute11
* attribute1
* attribute9
* attribute14
* chrId
* id
* attribute8
* createdBy
* crtId
* attribute4
* attribute7
* attribute13
* attribute15
* attribute10
* attribute2
* attribute3
* objectVersionNumber
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute12
* attribute6
* attributeCategory
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* securityGroupId
* processId
* attribute5
* inProcessYn
* userId
* lastUpdateDate


 * attributeCategory
* attribute6
* chrId
* objectVersionNumber
* attribute4
* userId
* attribute5
* attribute8
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute12
* lastUpdateDate
* id
* attribute13
* createdBy
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute11
* crtId
* attribute9
* pdfId
* attribute15
* processId
* attribute7
* creationDate
* attribute10
* attribute14
* majorVersion
* inProcessYn
* attribute2
* attribute1
* attribute3
* securityGroupId


 * attributeCategory
* attribute6
* chrId
* objectVersionNumber
* attribute4
* userId
* attribute5
* attribute8
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute12
* lastUpdateDate
* id
* attribute13
* createdBy
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute11
* crtId
* attribute9
* pdfId
* attribute15
* processId
* attribute7
* creationDate
* attribute10
* attribute14
* majorVersion
* inProcessYn
* attribute2
* attribute1
* attribute3
* securityGroupId


 * pdfId
* attribute11
* attribute1
* attribute9
* attribute14
* chrId
* id
* attribute8
* createdBy
* crtId
* attribute4
* attribute7
* attribute13
* attribute15
* attribute10
* attribute2
* attribute3
* objectVersionNumber
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute12
* attribute6
* attributeCategory
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* securityGroupId
* processId
* attribute5
* inProcessYn
* userId
* lastUpdateDate


 * lastUpdateLogin
* attribute6
* attribute14
* attribute4
* attributeCategory
* attribute5
* attribute15
* object1Id2
* objectVersionNumber
* attribute8
* chrId
* rtyCode
* attribute2
* attribute12
* cleId
* id
* createdBy
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute3
* attribute1
* jtotObject1Code
* creationDate
* attribute9
* attribute13
* attribute7
* securityGroupId
* attribute11
* object1Id1
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute10


 * lastUpdateLogin
* attribute6
* attribute14
* attribute4
* attributeCategory
* attribute5
* attribute15
* object1Id2
* objectVersionNumber
* attribute8
* chrId
* rtyCode
* attribute2
* attribute12
* cleId
* id
* createdBy
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute3
* attribute1
* jtotObject1Code
* creationDate
* attribute9
* attribute13
* attribute7
* securityGroupId
* attribute11
* object1Id1
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute10


 * securityGroupId
* salesrepId1
* id
* createdBy
* dnzChrId
* salesrepId2
* creationDate
* salesCreditTypeId1
* salesCreditTypeId2
* chrId
* objectVersionNumber
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateDate
* percent
* cleId


 * percent
* salesCreditTypeId1
* salesrepId1
* createdBy
* objectVersionNumber
* salesCreditTypeId2
* securityGroupId
* salesrepId2
* creationDate
* id
* cleId
* majorVersion
* dnzChrId
* lastUpdatedBy
* chrId
* lastUpdateDate


 * percent
* salesCreditTypeId1
* salesrepId1
* createdBy
* objectVersionNumber
* salesCreditTypeId2
* securityGroupId
* salesrepId2
* creationDate
* id
* cleId
* majorVersion
* dnzChrId
* lastUpdatedBy
* chrId
* lastUpdateDate


 * securityGroupId
* salesrepId1
* id
* createdBy
* dnzChrId
* salesrepId2
* creationDate
* salesCreditTypeId1
* salesCreditTypeId2
* chrId
* objectVersionNumber
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateDate
* percent
* cleId


 * pdfId
* manualOverrideYn
* siteYn
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdatedBy
* objectVersionNumber
* creationDate
* lineCode
* userFunctionYn
* securityGroupId
* bgOuNone
* createdBy
* clsScsNone


 * pdfId
* manualOverrideYn
* siteYn
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdatedBy
* objectVersionNumber
* creationDate
* lineCode
* userFunctionYn
* securityGroupId
* bgOuNone
* createdBy
* clsScsNone


 * docSequenceId
* contractNumberPrefix
* startSeqNo
* lastUpdateLogin
* endSeqNo
* operatingUnitId
* scsCode
* lastUpdateDate
* clsCode
* objectVersionNumber
* lineCode
* createdBy
* businessGroupId
* creationDate
* manualOverrideYn
* id
* lastUpdatedBy
* securityGroupId
* contractNumberSuffix
* numberFormatLength


 * docSequenceId
* contractNumberPrefix
* startSeqNo
* lastUpdateLogin
* endSeqNo
* operatingUnitId
* scsCode
* lastUpdateDate
* clsCode
* objectVersionNumber
* lineCode
* createdBy
* businessGroupId
* creationDate
* manualOverrideYn
* id
* lastUpdatedBy
* securityGroupId
* contractNumberSuffix
* numberFormatLength


 * createdBy
* objectVersionNumber
* securityGroupId
* chrId
* minorVersion
* lastUpdateLogin
* creationDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateDate
* majorVersion


 * majorVersion
* lastUpdatedBy
* chrId
* createdBy
* objectVersionNumber
* securityGroupId
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* minorVersion
* lastUpdateDate


 * majorVersion
* lastUpdatedBy
* chrId
* createdBy
* objectVersionNumber
* securityGroupId
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* minorVersion
* lastUpdateDate


 * createdBy
* objectVersionNumber
* securityGroupId
* chrId
* minorVersion
* lastUpdateLogin
* creationDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateDate
* majorVersion


 * reportId
* reportDate
* contractHeaderRowid


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* reportDate
* contractHeaderRowid


 * newValue
* createdBy
* id
* lastUpdatedBy
* objectVersionNumber
* creationDate
* oleId
* attributeName
* securityGroupId
* lastUpdateLogin
* oieId
* oldValue
* lastUpdateDate


 * newValue
* createdBy
* id
* lastUpdatedBy
* objectVersionNumber
* creationDate
* oleId
* attributeName
* securityGroupId
* lastUpdateLogin
* oieId
* oldValue
* lastUpdateDate


 * documentType
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* documentNumber
* articleEffectiveDate
* configHeaderId
* origSystemReferenceCode
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* validConfigYn
* origSystemReferenceId1
* creationDate
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* templateId
* configRevisionNumber
* objectVersionNumber
* primaryTemplate
* documentId
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdateDate
* docNumberingScheme
* createdBy
* origSystemReferenceId2


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* articleEffectiveDate
* configHeaderId
* origSystemReferenceCode
* lockedByUserId
* validConfigYn
* origSystemReferenceId1
* creationDate
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* templateId
* configRevisionNumber
* objectVersionNumber
* primaryTemplate
* documentId
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* lastUpdateDate
* docNumberingScheme
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* docId
* action
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* programId
* copId
* targetChrId
* statusCode
* programApplicationId
* name
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* batchId
* objectVersionNumber


 * programUpdateDate
* createdBy
* requestId
* creationDate
* lastUpdateDate
* jtotObject1Code
* object1Id2
* id
* object1Id1
* securityGroupId
* programId
* copId
* targetChrId
* statusCode
* programApplicationId
* name
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* batchId
* objectVersionNumber


 * createdBy
* programUpdateDate
* objectVersionNumber
* selectYn
* securityGroupId
* lastUpdateLogin
* activeYn
* messageCode
* parentOleId
* lastUpdatedBy
* objectChrId
* subjectCleId
* programId
* creationDate
* id
* processFlag
* lastUpdateDate
* objectCleId
* requestId
* subjectChrId
* programApplicationId
* oieId


 * createdBy
* programUpdateDate
* objectVersionNumber
* selectYn
* securityGroupId
* lastUpdateLogin
* activeYn
* messageCode
* parentOleId
* lastUpdatedBy
* objectChrId
* subjectCleId
* programId
* creationDate
* id
* processFlag
* lastUpdateDate
* objectCleId
* requestId
* subjectChrId
* programApplicationId
* oieId


 * code
* purpose
* zdEditionName
* opnType
* securityGroupId
* lastUpdateLogin
* objectVersionNumber
* createdBy
* lastUpdatedBy
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* zdSync
* lastUpdateDate


 * code
* purpose
* zdEditionName
* opnType
* securityGroupId
* lastUpdateLogin
* objectVersionNumber
* createdBy
* lastUpdatedBy
* creationDate
* zdSync
* lastUpdateDate


 * lastUpdateLogin
* sfwtFlag
* language
* sourceLang
* zdSync
* zdEditionName
* opnType
* creationDate
* createdBy
* securityGroupId
* meaning
* description
* code
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy


 * lastUpdateLogin
* sfwtFlag
* language
* sourceLang
* zdSync
* zdEditionName
* opnType
* creationDate
* createdBy
* securityGroupId
* meaning
* description
* code
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy


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* creationDate
* lastUpdateDate
* objectVersionNumber
* zdSync
* createdBy
* pdpId
* dnzChrId
* securityGroupId
* seededFlag
* lastUpdateLogin
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* lastUpdatedBy
* applicationId
* aaeId
* value
* zdEditionName


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* oceId
* lastUpdatedBy
* aaeId
* value
* pdpId
* applicationId
* securityGroupId
* majorVersion
* createdBy
* id
* objectVersionNumber
* seededFlag
* creationDate
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin


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* oceId
* lastUpdatedBy
* aaeId
* value
* pdpId
* applicationId
* securityGroupId
* majorVersion
* createdBy
* id
* objectVersionNumber
* seededFlag
* creationDate
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin


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* creationDate
* lastUpdateDate
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* zdSync
* createdBy
* pdpId
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* securityGroupId
* seededFlag
* lastUpdateLogin
* oceId
* lastUpdatedBy
* applicationId
* aaeId
* value
* zdEditionName


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* lastUpdateDate
* enabledYn
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* attributeCategory
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* applicationId
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* lastUpdatedBy
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* attribute5
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* lastUpdateDate
* enabledYn
* objectVersionNumber
* attribute7
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* attribute11
* attribute12
* securityGroupId
* attributeCategory
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* successResourceId
* cnhId
* applicationId
* attribute3
* createdBy
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* failureResourceId
* creationDate
* zdEditionName
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* pdfId
* attribute2
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* id
* attribute10
* seededFlag


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* enabledYn
* createdBy
* dnzChrId
* attribute10
* attribute14
* lastUpdateDate
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* attribute15
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdatedBy
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* successResourceId
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* attribute8
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* failureResourceId
* id
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* createdBy
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* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdatedBy
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* applicationId
* creationDate
* attribute3
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* attribute1
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* successResourceId
* attribute2
* cnhId
* attribute8
* attribute9
* failureResourceId
* id
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* securityGroupId
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* sourceLang
* zdEditionName
* creationDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* comments
* id
* createdBy
* zdSync
* securityGroupId
* sfwtFlag


 * language
* sourceLang
* zdEditionName
* creationDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* comments
* id
* createdBy
* zdSync
* securityGroupId
* sfwtFlag


 * creationDate
* lastUpdateDate
* sfwtFlag
* securityGroupId
* id
* sourceLang
* language
* lastUpdateLogin
* majorVersion
* createdBy
* lastUpdatedBy
* comments


 * creationDate
* lastUpdateDate
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* securityGroupId
* id
* sourceLang
* language
* lastUpdateLogin
* majorVersion
* createdBy
* lastUpdatedBy
* comments


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* startDate
* securityGroupId
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* lastUpdateLogin
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* qpReferenceId
* programUpdateDate
* programId
* creationDate
* endDate
* value
* id
* requestId
* programApplicationId
* valueFrom
* createdBy
* lastUpdateDate


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* lastUpdateLogin
* majorVersion
* lastUpdateDate
* securityGroupId
* lastUpdatedBy
* shipToOrganizationId
* value
* integratedWithQp
* qpReferenceId
* createdBy
* programUpdateDate
* shipToLocationId
* id
* programId
* requestId
* startDate
* creationDate
* objectVersionNumber
* programApplicationId
* cleId
* pricingType
* valueTo


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* endDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* majorVersion
* lastUpdateDate
* securityGroupId
* lastUpdatedBy
* shipToOrganizationId
* value
* integratedWithQp
* qpReferenceId
* createdBy
* programUpdateDate
* shipToLocationId
* id
* programId
* requestId
* startDate
* creationDate
* objectVersionNumber
* programApplicationId
* cleId
* pricingType
* valueTo


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* shipToLocationId
* cleId
* shipToOrganizationId
* startDate
* securityGroupId
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* objectVersionNumber
* lastUpdateLogin
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* qpReferenceId
* programUpdateDate
* programId
* creationDate
* endDate
* value
* id
* requestId
* programApplicationId
* valueFrom
* createdBy
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* createdBy
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* lastUpdatedBy
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* requestId
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* programId
* programApplicationId
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* lastUpdateLogin
* securityGroupId


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* objectVersionNumber
* securityGroupId
* majorVersion
* id
* lastUpdateDate
* programUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* patId
* creationDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* programApplicationId
* requestId
* programId
* patIdFrom
* bslId
* cleId
* createdBy


 * bclId
* objectVersionNumber
* securityGroupId
* majorVersion
* id
* lastUpdateDate
* programUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* patId
* creationDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* programApplicationId
* requestId
* programId
* patIdFrom
* bslId
* cleId
* createdBy


 * objectVersionNumber
* id
* createdBy
* patIdFrom
* programUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* bclId
* lastUpdateDate
* patId
* creationDate
* requestId
* cleId
* programId
* programApplicationId
* bslId
* lastUpdateLogin
* securityGroupId


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* programId
* createdBy
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* securityGroupId
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* objectVersionNumber
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* lastUpdateDate
* requestId
* comparisonOperator
* id
* patId
* pricingAttrValueFrom


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* id
* pricingAttrValueFrom
* majorVersion
* pricingContext
* pricingAttribute
* createdBy
* comparisonOperator
* lastUpdateDate
* programApplicationId
* programUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* securityGroupId
* flexTitle
* creationDate
* patId
* objectVersionNumber
* lastUpdateLogin
* pricingAttrValueTo
* requestId


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* id
* pricingAttrValueFrom
* majorVersion
* pricingContext
* pricingAttribute
* createdBy
* comparisonOperator
* lastUpdateDate
* programApplicationId
* programUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
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* flexTitle
* creationDate
* patId
* objectVersionNumber
* lastUpdateLogin
* pricingAttrValueTo
* requestId


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* programId
* createdBy
* lastUpdatedBy
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* securityGroupId
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* flexTitle
* objectVersionNumber
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* programUpdateDate
* pricingContext
* lastUpdateDate
* requestId
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* id
* patId
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* chrId
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* programId
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* automaticFlag
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* bclId
* cleId
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* id
* chrId
* attribute10
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* updatedFlag
* accrualFlag
* onInvoiceFlag
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* cleId
* updateAllowed
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* listLineId
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* priceBreakTypeCode
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* attribute1
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* lastUpdateLogin
* securityGroupId
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* modifierLevelCode
* id
* chrId
* attribute10
* substitutionAttribute
* updatedFlag
* accrualFlag
* onInvoiceFlag
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* cleId
* updateAllowed
* objectVersionNumber
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* listLineId
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* attribute15
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* attribute14
* requestId
* creationDate
* patId
* arithmeticOperator
* attribute3
* context
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* attribute5
* automaticFlag
* priceBreakTypeCode
* chargeSubtypeCode
* operand
* listLineTypeCode
* attribute2
* includeOnReturnsFlag
* pricingGroupSequence
* benefitQty
* changeReasonText
* rebateTransactionTypeCode
* attribute7
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* attribute1
* attribute13
* lastUpdateLogin
* securityGroupId
* programApplicationId


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* benefitUomCode
* lastUpdatedBy
* listLineNo
* lastUpdateDate
* requestId
* chargeSubtypeCode
* arithmeticOperator
* estimatedFlag
* patId
* sourceSystemCode
* pricingGroupSequence
* listLineTypeCode
* lastUpdateLogin
* listLineId
* attribute3
* attribute14
* modifierLevelCode
* priceBreakTypeCode
* changeReasonCode
* attribute12
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* listHeaderId
* expirationDate
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* attribute11
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* changeReasonText
* programApplicationId
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* appliedFlag
* pricingPhaseId
* accrualFlag
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* creationDate
* attribute10
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* modifiedTo
* modifierMechanismTypeCode
* context
* modifiedFrom
* attribute4
* programUpdateDate
* objectVersionNumber
* chargeTypeCode
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* attribute2
* attribute6
* includeOnReturnsFlag
* chrId
* createdBy
* benefitQty
* programId
* attribute15
* bslId
* updateAllowed
* onInvoiceFlag
* rebateTransactionTypeCode
* automaticFlag
* prorationTypeCode
* bclId
* cleId
* rangeBreakQuantity
* operand


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* qualifierAttribute33
* pricingAttribute3
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* pricingAttribute39
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* qualifierAttribute50
* qualifierAttribute59


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* pricingAttribute100
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* pricingAttribute80
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* pricingAttribute38
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* pricingAttribute91
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* pricingAttribute80
* qualifierAttribute100
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* pricingAttribute57
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* pricingAttribute34
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* pricingAttribute30
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* qualifierAttribute54
* pricingAttribute70
* pricingAttribute53
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* qualifierAttribute59
* pricingAttribute86
* qualifierAttribute88
* pricingAttribute60
* qualifierAttribute48
* qualifierAttribute93
* pricingAttribute98
* qualifierAttribute29


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* pricingAttribute8
* pricingAttribute13
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* pricingAttribute22
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* qualifierAttribute89
* pricingAttribute93
* qualifierAttribute13
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* qualifierAttribute29
* pricingAttribute64
* qualifierAttribute56
* pricingAttribute90
* qualifierAttribute8
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* qualifierAttribute95
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* pricingAttribute17
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* qualifierAttribute26
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* pricingAttribute30
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* pricingAttribute52
* qualifierAttribute4
* pricingAttribute51
* pricingAttribute28
* pricingAttribute7
* qualifierAttribute25
* pricingAttribute16
* pricingAttribute26
* qualifierAttribute9
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* qualifierAttribute66
* pricingAttribute35
* pricingAttribute49
* pricingAttribute100
* pricingAttribute11
* pricingAttribute76
* pricingAttribute99
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* qualifierAttribute5
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* pricingAttribute56
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* pricingAttribute40
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* qualifierAttribute22
* pricingAttribute1
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* qualifierAttribute6
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* pricingAttribute25
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* qualifierAttribute23
* qualifierAttribute97
* qualifierAttribute2
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* pricingAttribute10
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* id
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* pricingAttribute33
* qualifierAttribute33
* pricingAttribute3
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* pricingAttribute4
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* pricingAttribute62
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* lastUpdateDate
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* defaultValue
* objectVersionNumber
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* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdateDate
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* creationDate
* name


 * createdBy
* lastUpdatedBy
* zdEditionName
* id
* language
* sourceLang
* description
* securityGroupId
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* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdateDate
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* name


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* creationDate
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* objectVersionNumber
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* applicationId
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* name
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* comments
* zdSync
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* sourceLang
* language
* lastUpdatedBy
* id
* zdEditionName
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* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* sfwtFlag
* name
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* objectVersionNumber
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* id
* zdSync
* language
* sourceLang
* lastUpdateDate
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* name
* zdEditionName
* shortDescription
* creationDate
* sfwtFlag


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* id
* zdSync
* language
* sourceLang
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* createdBy
* name
* zdEditionName
* shortDescription
* creationDate
* sfwtFlag


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* runSequence
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* objectVersionNumber
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* createdBy
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* creationDate
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* attribute1
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* lastUpdateLogin
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* completionFlag
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* rulId
* tveId
* lastUpdateDate
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* creationDate
* duration
* objectVersionNumber
* lastUpdateLogin
* createdBy


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* objectVersionNumber
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* securityGroupId
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* creationDate
* lastUpdatedBy
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* lastUpdateLogin
* createdBy
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* tveId
* rulId


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* objectVersionNumber
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* securityGroupId
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* creationDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* dnzChrId
* lastUpdateLogin
* createdBy
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* tveId
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 * lastUpdatedBy
* securityGroupId
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* rulId
* tveId
* lastUpdateDate
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* creationDate
* duration
* objectVersionNumber
* lastUpdateLogin
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* lastUpdateLogin
* notes
* objectVersionNumber
* actionDate
* creationDate
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* contractVersionNum
* actionCode
* lastUpdateDate


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* contractVersionNum
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* statusCode
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* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdateDate
* statusChangeDate
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 * creationDate
* contractVersionNum
* contractId
* createdBy
* statusCode
* lastUpdatedBy
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* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdateDate
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* partyRoleCode
* programApplicationId
* lastUpdateDate
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* objectVersionNumber
* contractId
* customerLocationId
* programLoginId
* lastUpdateLogin
* partyId
* customerId
* partyLocationId
* partyRoleCode
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* lastUpdatedBy
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* lastUpdateLogin
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* tlExtAttr22
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* udaTemplateId
* contractVersionNum
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* contractType
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* cExtAttr22
* uomExtAttr20
* nExtAttr13
* cExtAttr36
* uomExtAttr1
* cExtAttr19
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* lastUpdateLogin
* cExtAttr30
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* cExtAttr35
* attrGroupId
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* cExtAttr5
* cExtAttr40
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* contractVersionNum
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* dExtAttr3
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* nExtAttr11
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* dExtAttr1
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* contractType
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* nExtAttr12
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* cExtAttr38
* cExtAttr8
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* cExtAttr22
* uomExtAttr20
* nExtAttr13
* cExtAttr36
* uomExtAttr1
* cExtAttr19
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* lastUpdateLogin
* cExtAttr30
* cExtAttr24
* cExtAttr35
* attrGroupId
* lastUpdatedBy
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* cExtAttr10
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* cExtAttr40
* uomExtAttr2
* contractVersionNum
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* dExtAttr8
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* cExtAttr25
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* uomExtAttr18
* dExtAttr3
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* nExtAttr11
* lastUpdateDate
* dExtAttr1
* uomExtAttr16
* nExtAttr19
* cExtAttr23
* udaTemplateId


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* language
* lastUpdatedBy
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* udaTemplateId
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* lastUpdateLogin
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* tlExtAttr19
* attrGroupId
* dataLevelId
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* contractId
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* contractType
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* sourceLang
* tlExtAttr14
* tlExtAttr31
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* tlExtAttr21
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* tlExtAttr7
* tlExtAttr35
* lastUpdateDate
* tlExtAttr16
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* tlExtAttr4
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* tlExtAttr23
* tlExtAttr34
* tlExtAttr15
* contractVersionNum
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* extensionId
* tlExtAttr1
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* creationDate
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* createdBy
* tlExtAttr18
* tlExtAttr40


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* language
* lastUpdatedBy
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* udaTemplateId
* tlExtAttr39
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* lastUpdateLogin
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* tlExtAttr19
* attrGroupId
* dataLevelId
* tlExtAttr29
* contractId
* tlExtAttr17
* contractType
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* sourceLang
* tlExtAttr14
* tlExtAttr31
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* tlExtAttr21
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* tlExtAttr7
* tlExtAttr35
* lastUpdateDate
* tlExtAttr16
* tlExtAttr22
* tlExtAttr4
* tlExtAttr28
* tlExtAttr23
* tlExtAttr34
* tlExtAttr15
* contractVersionNum
* tlExtAttr9
* tlExtAttr30
* tlExtAttr24
* tlExtAttr8
* extensionId
* tlExtAttr1
* tlExtAttr38
* creationDate
* tlExtAttr13
* createdBy
* tlExtAttr18
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* docNumAttr17


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* contactRoleTxt
* partyId
* validFlag
* contractId
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* contactRoleId
* impPartyId
* contactIndex
* runId
* programId
* impContactId
* partyNameTxt
* creationDate
* programLoginId
* programApplicationId
* contactName
* contactId
* partyRoleTxt
* requestId


 * impContractId
* contactRoleTxt
* partyId
* validFlag
* contractId
* partyRoleCode
* contactRoleId
* impPartyId
* contactIndex
* runId
* programId
* impContactId
* partyNameTxt
* creationDate
* programLoginId
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* contactName
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* requestId


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* attribute13
* origSystemReferenceCode
* sourceCode
* keywords
* programApplicationId
* programLoginId
* physicalLocation
* terminationDate
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* attributeCategory
* creationDate
* origSystemReferenceId1
* contractId
* attribute2
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* attribute13
* origSystemReferenceCode
* sourceCode
* keywords
* programApplicationId
* programLoginId
* physicalLocation
* terminationDate
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* attributeCategory
* creationDate
* origSystemReferenceId1
* contractId
* attribute2
* attribute6
* attribute4
* origSystemReferenceId2
* expireNtfFlag
* contractNumber
* impContractId
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* requestId
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* errorObjectId
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* errorObjectType
* errorMessage


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* impContractId
* programApplicationId
* runId
* programLoginId
* requestId
* programId
* errorObjectId
* impErrorId
* errorObjectType
* errorMessage


 * requestId
* partyId
* programApplicationId
* impContractId
* contractPartyId
* partyRoleCode
* creationDate
* runId
* programId
* impPartyId
* programLoginId
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* signedByTxt
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* partyIndex
* partyNameTxt


 * requestId
* partyId
* programApplicationId
* impContractId
* contractPartyId
* partyRoleCode
* creationDate
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* programId
* impPartyId
* programLoginId
* validFlag
* contractId
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* partyRoleCode
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* creationDate
* esignatureType
* contactRoleId
* lastUpdatedBy
* programLoginId
* programId
* programApplicationId
* signatureSequence
* requestId
* lastUpdateLogin


 * objectVersionNumber
* lastUpdateDate
* contractId
* partyId
* createdBy
* partyRoleCode
* contactId
* creationDate
* esignatureType
* contactRoleId
* lastUpdatedBy
* programLoginId
* programId
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* requestId
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* businessDocumentId
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* createdBy
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* contactId
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* contractId
* objectVersionNumber
* lastUpdatedBy
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* requestId
* programLoginId
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* lastUpdateLogin
* contractVersionNum
* source
* runId
* partyRoleCode
* programId
* userId
* creationDate


 * signedDate
* signedBy
* sequenceLevel
* lastUpdateDate
* createdBy
* notes
* partyId
* contactId
* programApplicationId
* contractId
* objectVersionNumber
* lastUpdatedBy
* forwardUserId
* requestId
* programLoginId
* actionCode
* lastUpdateLogin
* contractVersionNum
* source
* runId
* partyRoleCode
* programId
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* lastUpdateDate
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* createdBy
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* lastUpdatedBy
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* language
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* creationDate
* lastUpdatedBy
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* createdBy
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* creationDate
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* questionDatatype
* requestId
* programUpdateDate
* defaultValue
* createdBy
* questionType
* minimumValue
* lastUpdatedBy
* disabledFlag
* programApplicationId
* lastUpdateDate
* objectVersionNumber
* lastUpdateLogin
* valueSetName
* questionSyncFlag
* programId
* creationDate
* maximumValue


 * questionName
* language
* createdBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* questionType
* lastUpdateDate
* sourceLang
* lastUpdatedBy
* description
* prompt
* questionId
* creationDate


 * questionName
* language
* createdBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* questionType
* lastUpdateDate
* sourceLang
* lastUpdatedBy
* description
* prompt
* questionId
* creationDate


 * ruleId
* objectVersionNumber
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* objectCodeDatatype
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* objectValueType
* objectValueCode
* objectValueSetName
* createdBy
* objectCode
* objectType
* ruleConditionId
* operator


 * ruleId
* objectVersionNumber
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* objectCodeDatatype
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* objectValueType
* objectValueCode
* objectValueSetName
* createdBy
* objectCode
* objectType
* ruleConditionId
* operator


 * ruleConditionValueId
* ruleConditionId
* lastUpdatedBy
* creationDate
* lastUpdateDate
* objectValueCode
* objectVersionNumber
* createdBy
* lastUpdateLogin


 * objectValueCode
* createdBy
* lastUpdateDate
* ruleConditionId
* ruleConditionValueId
* objectVersionNumber
* lastUpdatedBy
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin


 * objectValueCode
* createdBy
* lastUpdateDate
* ruleConditionId
* ruleConditionValueId
* objectVersionNumber
* lastUpdatedBy
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin


 * ruleConditionValueId
* ruleConditionId
* lastUpdatedBy
* creationDate
* lastUpdateDate
* objectValueCode
* objectVersionNumber
* createdBy
* lastUpdateLogin


 * objectVersionNumber
* ruleConditionId
* objectType
* createdBy
* objectCodeDatatype
* objectValueCode
* creationDate
* ruleId
* lastUpdateLogin
* operator
* objectValueSetName
* lastUpdateDate
* objectCode
* lastUpdatedBy
* objectValueType


 * objectVersionNumber
* ruleConditionId
* objectType
* createdBy
* objectCodeDatatype
* objectValueCode
* creationDate
* ruleId
* lastUpdateLogin
* operator
* objectValueSetName
* lastUpdateDate
* objectCode
* lastUpdatedBy
* objectValueType


 * docId
* objectCode
* depClauseCondId
* docValueId
* objectType
* docType
* displayFlag
* valueOrResponse


 * docId
* objectCode
* depClauseCondId
* docValueId
* objectType
* docType
* displayFlag
* valueOrResponse


 * ruleConditionResultId
* conditionType
* ruleExprType
* objectValueType
* result
* docType
* objectCode
* ruleId
* docId
* conditionId
* condOperator
* objectValueCode


 * ruleConditionResultId
* conditionType
* ruleExprType
* objectValueType
* result
* docType
* objectCode
* ruleId
* docId
* conditionId
* condOperator
* objectValueCode


 * ruleName
* lastUpdateLogin
* programId
* lastUpdateDate
* createdBy
* ruleDescription
* activationDate
* conditionExprCode
* ruleId
* creationDate
* orgWideFlag
* lastUpdatedBy
* orgId
* programApplicationId
* lineLevelFlag
* publishedFlag
* objectVersionNumber
* statusCode
* requestId
* ruleType
* programUpdateDate
* intent


 * ruleType
* programApplicationId
* intent
* orgId
* requestId
* creationDate
* lastUpdateDate
* publishedFlag
* ruleDescription
* createdBy
* ruleId
* activationDate
* programId
* lineLevelFlag
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* orgWideFlag
* ruleName
* objectVersionNumber
* programUpdateDate
* statusCode
* conditionExprCode


 * ruleType
* programApplicationId
* intent
* orgId
* requestId
* creationDate
* lastUpdateDate
* publishedFlag
* ruleDescription
* createdBy
* ruleId
* activationDate
* programId
* lineLevelFlag
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* orgWideFlag
* ruleName
* objectVersionNumber
* programUpdateDate
* statusCode
* conditionExprCode


 * ruleName
* lastUpdateLogin
* programId
* lastUpdateDate
* createdBy
* ruleDescription
* activationDate
* conditionExprCode
* ruleId
* creationDate
* orgWideFlag
* lastUpdatedBy
* orgId
* programApplicationId
* lineLevelFlag
* publishedFlag
* objectVersionNumber
* statusCode
* requestId
* ruleType
* programUpdateDate
* intent


 * lastUpdateLogin
* ruleOutcomeId
* mandatoryRwa
* objectType
* objectValueId
* creationDate
* mandatoryYn
* ruleId
* objectVersionNumber
* lastUpdatedBy
* createdBy
* lastUpdateDate


 * mandatoryYn
* ruleOutcomeId
* lastUpdateDate
* creationDate
* ruleId
* createdBy
* objectValueId
* lastUpdatedBy
* mandatoryRwa
* objectVersionNumber
* objectType
* lastUpdateLogin


 * mandatoryYn
* ruleOutcomeId
* lastUpdateDate
* creationDate
* ruleId
* createdBy
* objectValueId
* lastUpdatedBy
* mandatoryRwa
* objectVersionNumber
* objectType
* lastUpdateLogin


 * lastUpdateLogin
* ruleOutcomeId
* mandatoryRwa
* objectType
* objectValueId
* creationDate
* mandatoryYn
* ruleId
* objectVersionNumber
* lastUpdatedBy
* createdBy
* lastUpdateDate


 * templateRuleId
* ruleId
* deletedFlag
* createdBy
* creationDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* publishedFlag
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* templateId
* objectVersionNumber


 * templateRuleId
* ruleId
* deletedFlag
* createdBy
* creationDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* publishedFlag
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* templateId
* objectVersionNumber


 * lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateDate
* approvalSequence
* lastUpdateLogin
* approvalPathId
* kHeaderId
* actionDate
* creationDate
* approverRoleId
* actionCode
* note
* performer
* actionSequence
* createdBy
* chgRequestId


 * lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateDate
* approvalSequence
* lastUpdateLogin
* approvalPathId
* kHeaderId
* actionDate
* creationDate
* approverRoleId
* actionCode
* note
* performer
* actionSequence
* createdBy
* chgRequestId


 * chgLogId
* chgRequestId
* wfProcess
* lastUpdateLogin
* chgStatusCode
* createdBy
* lastUpdatedBy
* wfItemType
* lastUpdateDate
* wfItemKey
* creationDate


 * chgLogId
* chgRequestId
* wfProcess
* lastUpdateLogin
* chgStatusCode
* createdBy
* lastUpdatedBy
* wfItemType
* lastUpdateDate
* wfItemKey
* creationDate


 * chgRequestNum
* lastChgLogId
* attribute4
* description
* attribute1
* newVersion
* attribute9
* attribute10
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute7
* attribute6
* attribute12
* kHeaderId
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute11
* attribute14
* chgText
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute15
* chgStatusCode
* attributeCategory
* impactFundingFlag
* implementDate
* prevVersion
* receiveDate
* attribute3
* chgRequestId
* effectiveDate
* attribute13
* attribute5
* attribute8
* chgReasonCode
* requestedByPersonId
* requestedDate
* chgTypeCode
* creationDate
* createdBy
* attribute2
* approveDate


 * chgRequestNum
* lastChgLogId
* attribute4
* description
* attribute1
* newVersion
* attribute9
* attribute10
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute7
* attribute6
* attribute12
* kHeaderId
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute11
* attribute14
* chgText
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute15
* chgStatusCode
* attributeCategory
* impactFundingFlag
* implementDate
* prevVersion
* receiveDate
* attribute3
* chgRequestId
* effectiveDate
* attribute13
* attribute5
* attribute8
* chgReasonCode
* requestedByPersonId
* requestedDate
* chgTypeCode
* creationDate
* createdBy
* attribute2
* approveDate


 * weightUomCode
* expenditureOrganizationId
* volumeUomCode
* expectedDate
* exchangeRate
* attributeCategory
* quantity
* attribute15
* scheduleDesignator
* currencyCode
* inProcessFlag
* attribute14
* volume
* expenditureItemDate
* shipToOrgId
* shipFromLocationId
* attribute1
* rateType
* attribute4
* actionName
* uomCode
* paActionId
* attribute7
* unitPrice
* requisitionLineTypeId
* poCategoryId
* actionId
* attribute10
* attribute3
* createdBy
* destinationTypeCode
* actionType
* shipFromOrgId
* shipToLocationId
* promisedDate
* reference2
* lastUpdateDate
* rateDate
* deliverableId
* attribute12
* reference3
* taskId
* readyFlag
* lastUpdatedBy
* initiateDate
* attribute6
* attribute2
* creationDate
* weight
* attribute9
* expenditureType
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute13
* inspectionReqFlag
* attribute11
* attribute8
* reference1
* attribute5


 * weightUomCode
* expenditureOrganizationId
* volumeUomCode
* expectedDate
* exchangeRate
* attributeCategory
* quantity
* attribute15
* scheduleDesignator
* currencyCode
* inProcessFlag
* attribute14
* volume
* expenditureItemDate
* shipToOrgId
* shipFromLocationId
* attribute1
* rateType
* attribute4
* actionName
* uomCode
* paActionId
* attribute7
* unitPrice
* requisitionLineTypeId
* poCategoryId
* actionId
* attribute10
* attribute3
* createdBy
* destinationTypeCode
* actionType
* shipFromOrgId
* shipToLocationId
* promisedDate
* reference2
* lastUpdateDate
* rateDate
* deliverableId
* attribute12
* reference3
* taskId
* readyFlag
* lastUpdatedBy
* initiateDate
* attribute6
* attribute2
* creationDate
* weight
* attribute9
* expenditureType
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute13
* inspectionReqFlag
* attribute11
* attribute8
* reference1
* attribute5


 * sourceDeliverableId
* itemId
* createdBy
* sourceLineId
* attribute5
* attribute7
* attribute2
* attribute6
* attribute8
* attribute10
* projectId
* attribute13
* currencyCode
* unitPrice
* attributeCategory
* attribute4
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute1
* creationDate
* deliveryDate
* attribute15
* unitNumber
* lastUpdateDate
* deliverableNumber
* attribute9
* attribute14
* sourceCode
* sourceHeaderId
* inventoryOrgId
* attribute11
* lastUpdateLogin
* uomCode
* attribute12
* deliverableId
* quantity
* attribute3


 * sourceDeliverableId
* itemId
* createdBy
* sourceLineId
* attribute5
* attribute7
* attribute2
* attribute6
* attribute8
* attribute10
* projectId
* attribute13
* currencyCode
* unitPrice
* attributeCategory
* attribute4
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute1
* creationDate
* deliveryDate
* attribute15
* unitNumber
* lastUpdateDate
* deliverableNumber
* attribute9
* attribute14
* sourceCode
* sourceHeaderId
* inventoryOrgId
* attribute11
* lastUpdateLogin
* uomCode
* attribute12
* deliverableId
* quantity
* attribute3


 * sourceLang
* language
* description
* deliverableId
* lastUpdateLogin
* creationDate
* comments
* createdBy
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy


 * sourceLang
* language
* description
* deliverableId
* lastUpdateLogin
* creationDate
* comments
* createdBy
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy


 * creationDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* deliverableId
* lastUpdateLogin
* createdBy
* lastUpdateDate
* description
* dependentId


 * creationDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* deliverableId
* lastUpdateLogin
* createdBy
* lastUpdateDate
* description
* dependentId


 * attribute3
* attribute12
* contactPersonId
* attribute9
* createdBy
* name
* fundingPoolId
* currencyCode
* programId
* attribute1
* attribute10
* attributeCategory
* attribute13
* lastUpdatedBy
* description
* lastUpdateDate
* creationDate
* attribute8
* attribute4
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute2
* attribute14
* attribute7
* attribute15
* attribute11
* attribute5
* attribute6


 * attribute3
* attribute12
* contactPersonId
* attribute9
* createdBy
* name
* fundingPoolId
* currencyCode
* programId
* attribute1
* attribute10
* attributeCategory
* attribute13
* lastUpdatedBy
* description
* lastUpdateDate
* creationDate
* attribute8
* attribute4
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute2
* attribute14
* attribute7
* attribute15
* attribute11
* attribute5
* attribute6


 * lastUpdatedBy
* kHeaderId
* attribute1
* attribute8
* lineOfAccounting
* attribute14
* lastUpdateDate
* kLineId
* objectVersionNumber
* attribute3
* attribute9
* attribute7
* fiscalYear
* attribute2
* attribute5
* cancellationDate
* billingSequence
* attribute6
* attribute15
* attribute12
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute10
* createdBy
* appropriationCode
* creationDate
* attribute11
* fundAmount
* attribute4
* kAcrnDetailId
* acrn
* attributeCategory
* attribute13


 * attribute7
* kAcrnDetailId
* createdBy
* cancellationDate
* creationDate
* kHeaderId
* majorVersion
* lastUpdateDate
* acrn
* attribute3
* attribute9
* lastUpdateLogin
* lineOfAccounting
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute2
* attribute11
* attribute5
* attribute6
* attribute15
* attribute4
* attribute8
* kLineId
* attribute14
* appropriationCode
* attribute1
* attribute12
* attribute10
* fundAmount
* billingSequence
* objectVersionNumber
* attribute13
* fiscalYear
* attributeCategory


 * attribute7
* kAcrnDetailId
* createdBy
* cancellationDate
* creationDate
* kHeaderId
* majorVersion
* lastUpdateDate
* acrn
* attribute3
* attribute9
* lastUpdateLogin
* lineOfAccounting
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute2
* attribute11
* attribute5
* attribute6
* attribute15
* attribute4
* attribute8
* kLineId
* attribute14
* appropriationCode
* attribute1
* attribute12
* attribute10
* fundAmount
* billingSequence
* objectVersionNumber
* attribute13
* fiscalYear
* attributeCategory


 * lastUpdatedBy
* kHeaderId
* attribute1
* attribute8
* lineOfAccounting
* attribute14
* lastUpdateDate
* kLineId
* objectVersionNumber
* attribute3
* attribute9
* attribute7
* fiscalYear
* attribute2
* attribute5
* cancellationDate
* billingSequence
* attribute6
* attribute15
* attribute12
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute10
* createdBy
* appropriationCode
* creationDate
* attribute11
* fundAmount
* attribute4
* kAcrnDetailId
* acrn
* attributeCategory
* attribute13


 * attribute5
* billCurrencyCode
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute11
* initiatedFlag
* kHeaderId
* revenueAmount
* billLineId
* billItemId
* billFundRef2
* billTaskId
* kLineId
* attribute8
* billDescription
* attribute9
* attribute6
* attribute12
* billSerialNum
* billExchangeRate
* attribute2
* attribute3
* billQuantity
* attribute10
* paEventId
* attribute7
* deliverableId
* billBillOfLading
* billUnitPrice
* attribute1
* attribute13
* billOrganizationId
* attribute4
* attribute14
* lastUpdateDate
* billEventDate
* billingEventId
* billEventType
* billChgReqId
* billFundRef3
* billRateType
* creationDate
* billProjectId
* createdBy
* attribute15
* lastUpdateLogin
* billFundRef1
* billRateDate
* attributeCategory


 * attribute5
* billCurrencyCode
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute11
* initiatedFlag
* kHeaderId
* revenueAmount
* billLineId
* billItemId
* billFundRef2
* billTaskId
* kLineId
* attribute8
* billDescription
* attribute9
* attribute6
* attribute12
* billSerialNum
* billExchangeRate
* attribute2
* attribute3
* billQuantity
* attribute10
* paEventId
* attribute7
* deliverableId
* billBillOfLading
* billUnitPrice
* attribute1
* attribute13
* billOrganizationId
* attribute4
* attribute14
* lastUpdateDate
* billEventDate
* billingEventId
* billEventType
* billChgReqId
* billFundRef3
* billRateType
* creationDate
* billProjectId
* createdBy
* attribute15
* lastUpdateLogin
* billFundRef1
* billRateDate
* attributeCategory


 * lastUpdateLogin
* attribute2
* paymentInstruction
* attribute3
* attribute13
* attribute6
* attribute1
* attribute7
* createdBy
* attribute11
* attribute10
* attribute4
* billingMethodCode
* attribute15
* attribute5
* attribute9
* lastUpdateDate
* defaultFlag
* attribute8
* attribute12
* attributeCategory
* kHeaderId
* lastUpdatedBy
* creationDate
* attribute14


 * lastUpdatedBy
* attribute12
* billingMethodCode
* kHeaderId
* attribute10
* attribute11
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute8
* attribute15
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute4
* attribute9
* attribute5
* createdBy
* attribute6
* creationDate
* attribute13
* attribute1
* paymentInstruction
* attributeCategory
* majorVersion
* attribute7
* attribute14
* defaultFlag
* attribute2
* attribute3


 * lastUpdatedBy
* attribute12
* billingMethodCode
* kHeaderId
* attribute10
* attribute11
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute8
* attribute15
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute4
* attribute9
* attribute5
* createdBy
* attribute6
* creationDate
* attribute13
* attribute1
* paymentInstruction
* attributeCategory
* majorVersion
* attribute7
* attribute14
* defaultFlag
* attribute2
* attribute3


 * lastUpdateLogin
* attribute2
* paymentInstruction
* attribute3
* attribute13
* attribute6
* attribute1
* attribute7
* createdBy
* attribute11
* attribute10
* attribute4
* billingMethodCode
* attribute15
* attribute5
* attribute9
* lastUpdateDate
* defaultFlag
* attribute8
* attribute12
* attributeCategory
* kHeaderId
* lastUpdatedBy
* creationDate
* attribute14


 * attribute15
* type
* deliverableId
* attribute8
* attribute1
* wfItemType
* taskId
* lastUpdateLogin
* attributeCategory
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute3
* attribute7
* attribute14
* attribute2
* partyContact
* fundingSourceId
* attribute13
* priorityCode
* owner
* attribute9
* communicationDate
* attribute12
* communicationNum
* chgRequestId
* fundingRef1
* kLineId
* createdBy
* attribute10
* lastUpdateDate
* partyRole
* attribute5
* kHeaderId
* attribute4
* creationDate
* wfProcess
* wfItemKey
* attribute11
* kPartyId
* projectId
* reasonCode
* fundingRef2
* attribute6
* actionCode
* deleteInd
* fundingRef3
* text
* partyLocation


 * attribute15
* type
* deliverableId
* attribute8
* attribute1
* wfItemType
* taskId
* lastUpdateLogin
* attributeCategory
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute3
* attribute7
* attribute14
* attribute2
* partyContact
* fundingSourceId
* attribute13
* priorityCode
* owner
* attribute9
* communicationDate
* attribute12
* communicationNum
* chgRequestId
* fundingRef1
* kLineId
* createdBy
* attribute10
* lastUpdateDate
* partyRole
* attribute5
* kHeaderId
* attribute4
* creationDate
* wfProcess
* wfItemKey
* attribute11
* kPartyId
* projectId
* reasonCode
* fundingRef2
* attribute6
* actionCode
* deleteInd
* fundingRef3
* text
* partyLocation


 * shipToLocationId
* dropShippedFlag
* ndbScheduleDesignator
* billRateType
* availableForShipFlag
* billExchangeRate
* interimRptReqFlag
* attribute2
* readyToBill
* acqDocNumber
* subcontractedFlag
* statusDate
* attribute3
* createDemand
* attribute11
* poRef2
* uomCode
* kLineId
* defaultedFlag
* shippableFlag
* dependencyFlag
* promisedShipmentDate
* projectId
* wfItemKey
* totalNumOfCopies
* shipToOrgId
* billFundRef3
* deliverableNum
* poRef1
* billDescription
* frequency
* expenditureItemDate
* attribute8
* billEventDate
* shipFromLocationId
* readyToProcure
* submissionFlag
* completedFlag
* exportFlag
* volume
* billCurrencyCode
* exportLicenseNum
* cfeReqFlag
* requisitionLineTypeId
* billableFlag
* shippingRequestId
* unitNumber
* poCategoryId
* unitPrice
* inProcessFlag
* billLineId
* attribute9
* dataItemName
* asOfDate
* attribute7
* billTaskId
* attribute4
* billEventType
* dataItemSubtitle
* billOrganizationId
* attribute6
* mpsTransactionId
* lastUpdateLogin
* billChgReqId
* billUnitPrice
* attribute1
* attribute5
* billBillOfLading
* weightUomCode
* endDate
* lotAppliesFlag
* exchangeRate
* attribute14
* deliverableId
* priorityCode
* deliveryDate
* attribute12
* billQuantity
* destinationTypeCode
* direction
* expenditureOrganizationId
* startDate
* billItemId
* weight
* needByDate
* cdrlCategory
* lastUpdateDate
* billFundRef2
* volumeUomCode
* itemId
* billingEventId
* attributeCategory
* expenditureType
* inspectionReqFlag
* exportLicenseRes
* creationDate
* rateType
* parentDeliverableId
* billSerialNum
* expectedShipmentDate
* rateDate
* taskId
* billProjectId
* subRefId
* billFundRef1
* createdBy
* poRef3
* attribute13
* kHeaderId
* dateOfFirstSubmission
* customerApprovalReqFlag
* quantity
* countryOfOriginCode
* attribute10
* lastUpdatedBy
* shipFromOrgId
* revenueAmount
* inventoryOrgId
* billRateDate
* initiateShipmentDate
* currencyCode
* attribute15
* statusCode


 * shipToLocationId
* dropShippedFlag
* ndbScheduleDesignator
* billRateType
* availableForShipFlag
* billExchangeRate
* interimRptReqFlag
* attribute2
* readyToBill
* acqDocNumber
* subcontractedFlag
* statusDate
* attribute3
* createDemand
* attribute11
* poRef2
* uomCode
* kLineId
* defaultedFlag
* shippableFlag
* dependencyFlag
* promisedShipmentDate
* projectId
* wfItemKey
* totalNumOfCopies
* shipToOrgId
* billFundRef3
* deliverableNum
* poRef1
* billDescription
* frequency
* expenditureItemDate
* attribute8
* billEventDate
* shipFromLocationId
* readyToProcure
* submissionFlag
* completedFlag
* exportFlag
* volume
* billCurrencyCode
* exportLicenseNum
* cfeReqFlag
* requisitionLineTypeId
* billableFlag
* shippingRequestId
* unitNumber
* poCategoryId
* unitPrice
* inProcessFlag
* billLineId
* attribute9
* dataItemName
* asOfDate
* attribute7
* billTaskId
* attribute4
* billEventType
* dataItemSubtitle
* billOrganizationId
* attribute6
* mpsTransactionId
* lastUpdateLogin
* billChgReqId
* billUnitPrice
* attribute1
* attribute5
* billBillOfLading
* weightUomCode
* endDate
* lotAppliesFlag
* exchangeRate
* attribute14
* deliverableId
* priorityCode
* deliveryDate
* attribute12
* billQuantity
* destinationTypeCode
* direction
* expenditureOrganizationId
* startDate
* billItemId
* weight
* needByDate
* cdrlCategory
* lastUpdateDate
* billFundRef2
* volumeUomCode
* itemId
* billingEventId
* attributeCategory
* expenditureType
* inspectionReqFlag
* exportLicenseRes
* creationDate
* rateType
* parentDeliverableId
* billSerialNum
* expectedShipmentDate
* rateDate
* taskId
* billProjectId
* subRefId
* billFundRef1
* createdBy
* poRef3
* attribute13
* kHeaderId
* dateOfFirstSubmission
* customerApprovalReqFlag
* quantity
* countryOfOriginCode
* attribute10
* lastUpdatedBy
* shipFromOrgId
* revenueAmount
* inventoryOrgId
* billRateDate
* initiateShipmentDate
* currencyCode
* attribute15
* statusCode


 * submissionFlag
* billFundRef2
* expenditureItemDate
* billSerialNum
* billLineId
* itemId
* projectId
* dropShippedFlag
* exportLicenseNum
* createdBy
* poRef3
* billUnitPrice
* attribute8
* billingEventId
* customerApprovalReqFlag
* unitPrice
* attribute13
* attribute11
* mpsTransactionId
* interimRptReqFlag
* dependencyFlag
* shipToLocationId
* shipFromOrgId
* attribute5
* dateOfFirstSubmission
* billChgReqId
* parentDeliverableId
* attribute14
* exchangeRate
* subRefId
* billProjectId
* billTaskId
* weightUomCode
* inspectionReqFlag
* acqDocNumber
* rateDate
* rateType
* attribute15
* attribute9
* deliveryDate
* billableFlag
* deliverableId
* attribute2
* volume
* poCategoryId
* expenditureType
* majorVersion
* shipFromLocationId
* statusDate
* poRef2
* kLineId
* attribute3
* needByDate
* dataItemSubtitle
* ndbScheduleDesignator
* attributeCategory
* billQuantity
* inventoryOrgId
* currencyCode
* expenditureOrganizationId
* startDate
* countryOfOriginCode
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* billCurrencyCode
* volumeUomCode
* attribute7
* billItemId
* attribute1
* attribute10
* asOfDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* uomCode
* priorityCode
* expectedShipmentDate
* unitNumber
* creationDate
* cfeReqFlag
* exportFlag
* wfItemKey
* billEventDate
* billRateDate
* defaultedFlag
* destinationTypeCode
* cdrlCategory
* promisedShipmentDate
* totalNumOfCopies
* attribute4
* lotAppliesFlag
* initiateShipmentDate
* taskId
* attribute12
* createDemand
* billOrganizationId
* dataItemName
* direction
* availableForShipFlag
* poRef1
* deliverableNum
* statusCode
* billFundRef1
* shippingRequestId
* quantity
* billEventType
* revenueAmount
* subcontractedFlag
* billRateType
* billBillOfLading
* kHeaderId
* weight
* readyToBill
* requisitionLineTypeId
* frequency
* inProcessFlag
* shipToOrgId
* billExchangeRate
* readyToProcure
* exportLicenseRes
* billDescription
* billFundRef3
* attribute6
* lastUpdatedBy
* shippableFlag
* lastUpdateDate
* endDate


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* billFundRef2
* expenditureItemDate
* billSerialNum
* billLineId
* itemId
* projectId
* dropShippedFlag
* exportLicenseNum
* createdBy
* poRef3
* billUnitPrice
* attribute8
* billingEventId
* customerApprovalReqFlag
* unitPrice
* attribute13
* attribute11
* mpsTransactionId
* interimRptReqFlag
* dependencyFlag
* shipToLocationId
* shipFromOrgId
* attribute5
* dateOfFirstSubmission
* billChgReqId
* parentDeliverableId
* attribute14
* exchangeRate
* subRefId
* billProjectId
* billTaskId
* weightUomCode
* inspectionReqFlag
* acqDocNumber
* rateDate
* rateType
* attribute15
* attribute9
* deliveryDate
* billableFlag
* deliverableId
* attribute2
* volume
* poCategoryId
* expenditureType
* majorVersion
* shipFromLocationId
* statusDate
* poRef2
* kLineId
* attribute3
* needByDate
* dataItemSubtitle
* ndbScheduleDesignator
* attributeCategory
* billQuantity
* inventoryOrgId
* currencyCode
* expenditureOrganizationId
* startDate
* countryOfOriginCode
* completedFlag
* billCurrencyCode
* volumeUomCode
* attribute7
* billItemId
* attribute1
* attribute10
* asOfDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* uomCode
* priorityCode
* expectedShipmentDate
* unitNumber
* creationDate
* cfeReqFlag
* exportFlag
* wfItemKey
* billEventDate
* billRateDate
* defaultedFlag
* destinationTypeCode
* cdrlCategory
* promisedShipmentDate
* totalNumOfCopies
* attribute4
* lotAppliesFlag
* initiateShipmentDate
* taskId
* attribute12
* createDemand
* billOrganizationId
* dataItemName
* direction
* availableForShipFlag
* poRef1
* deliverableNum
* statusCode
* billFundRef1
* shippingRequestId
* quantity
* billEventType
* revenueAmount
* subcontractedFlag
* billRateType
* billBillOfLading
* kHeaderId
* weight
* readyToBill
* requisitionLineTypeId
* frequency
* inProcessFlag
* shipToOrgId
* billExchangeRate
* readyToProcure
* exportLicenseRes
* billDescription
* billFundRef3
* attribute6
* lastUpdatedBy
* shippableFlag
* lastUpdateDate
* endDate


 * sourceLang
* deliverableId
* lastUpdatedBy
* createdBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* description
* kHeaderId
* kLineId
* sfwtFlag
* language
* creationDate
* lastUpdateDate
* comments


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* deliverableId
* lastUpdatedBy
* createdBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* description
* kHeaderId
* kLineId
* sfwtFlag
* language
* creationDate
* lastUpdateDate
* comments


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* kHeaderId
* comments
* description
* sourceLang
* kLineId
* deliverableId
* lastUpdatedBy
* majorVersion
* language
* lastUpdateLogin
* creationDate
* lastUpdateDate
* createdBy


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* kHeaderId
* comments
* description
* sourceLang
* kLineId
* deliverableId
* lastUpdatedBy
* majorVersion
* language
* lastUpdateLogin
* creationDate
* lastUpdateDate
* createdBy


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* lastUpdateDate
* objectName
* createdBy
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* kHeaderId
* sequence
* userLogId


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* lastUpdateDate
* objectName
* createdBy
* lastUpdatedBy
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* kHeaderId
* sequence
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* lastUpdateDate
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* objectVersionNumber
* fundAcrnAllocationId
* kLineId
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* amount
* createdBy
* kHeaderId
* billingPriorityPercent
* agreementVersion
* lastUpdateLogin
* insertUpdateFlag
* updatedInVersion
* previousAmount
* projectId
* createdInVersion
* lastUpdatedBy
* paFlag


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* acrn
* agreementVersion
* createdBy
* creationDate
* createdInVersion
* objectVersionNumber
* fundAcrnAllocationId
* fundingSourceId
* majorVersion
* kLineId
* lastUpdateLogin
* insertUpdateFlag
* taskId
* paFlag
* kHeaderId
* lastUpdateDate
* updatedInVersion
* amount
* lastUpdatedBy
* previousAmount
* projectId


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* acrn
* agreementVersion
* createdBy
* creationDate
* createdInVersion
* objectVersionNumber
* fundAcrnAllocationId
* fundingSourceId
* majorVersion
* kLineId
* lastUpdateLogin
* insertUpdateFlag
* taskId
* paFlag
* kHeaderId
* lastUpdateDate
* updatedInVersion
* amount
* lastUpdatedBy
* previousAmount
* projectId


 * acrn
* creationDate
* lastUpdateDate
* taskId
* objectVersionNumber
* fundAcrnAllocationId
* kLineId
* fundingSourceId
* amount
* createdBy
* kHeaderId
* billingPriorityPercent
* agreementVersion
* lastUpdateLogin
* insertUpdateFlag
* updatedInVersion
* previousAmount
* projectId
* createdInVersion
* lastUpdatedBy
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* attribute11
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* previousAmount
* paAttribute9
* attribute4
* paAttribute6
* lastUpdateLogin
* fundingCategory
* updatedInVersion
* creationDate
* projectId
* fundingStatus
* paConversionType
* insertUpdateFlag
* fiscalYear
* lastUpdateDate
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* paAttribute8
* paAttribute1
* paAttribute5
* paAttribute10
* fundAllocationId
* paConversionDate
* attribute3
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* attribute6
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* paAttribute2
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* revenueHardLimit
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* paAttributeCategory
* fundingSourceId
* reference2
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* fundType
* attribute10
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* agreementVersion
* createdBy
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* attribute14
* objectId
* taskId
* reference1
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* attribute9
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* revenueHardLimit
* fundType
* paAttribute9
* objectId
* attribute5
* attributeCategory
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* taskId
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* attribute12
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* attribute13
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* attribute11
* paAttribute7
* fundingStatus
* attribute10
* fundingCategory
* paConversionType
* attribute3
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* createdInVersion
* paAttribute10
* attribute2
* paAttribute6
* paAttribute3
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* projectId
* hardLimit
* attribute4
* attribute1
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* kLineId
* startDateActive
* updatedInVersion
* attribute6
* reference1
* lastUpdatedBy
* amount
* paAttribute1
* endDateActive
* agreementVersion
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute7
* paAttributeCategory
* fundingSourceId
* reference3
* lastUpdateDate
* previousAmount
* createdBy
* paConversionRate


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* attribute9
* fiscalYear
* revenueHardLimit
* fundType
* paAttribute9
* objectId
* attribute5
* attributeCategory
* paAttribute2
* reference2
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* attribute14
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* fundAllocationId
* taskId
* paAttribute5
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* attribute12
* paConversionDate
* attribute13
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* paAttribute7
* fundingStatus
* attribute10
* fundingCategory
* paConversionType
* attribute3
* insertUpdateFlag
* createdInVersion
* paAttribute10
* attribute2
* paAttribute6
* paAttribute3
* paAttribute8
* projectId
* hardLimit
* attribute4
* attribute1
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* kLineId
* startDateActive
* updatedInVersion
* attribute6
* reference1
* lastUpdatedBy
* amount
* paAttribute1
* endDateActive
* agreementVersion
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute7
* paAttributeCategory
* fundingSourceId
* reference3
* lastUpdateDate
* previousAmount
* createdBy
* paConversionRate


 * attribute13
* attribute11
* paConversionRate
* previousAmount
* paAttribute9
* attribute4
* paAttribute6
* lastUpdateLogin
* fundingCategory
* updatedInVersion
* creationDate
* projectId
* fundingStatus
* paConversionType
* insertUpdateFlag
* fiscalYear
* lastUpdateDate
* paAttribute7
* paAttribute4
* paAttribute8
* paAttribute1
* paAttribute5
* paAttribute10
* fundAllocationId
* paConversionDate
* attribute3
* reference3
* attribute7
* hardLimit
* attribute6
* attributeCategory
* paAttribute2
* paFlag
* revenueHardLimit
* attribute8
* attribute15
* amount
* attribute9
* attribute2
* paAttributeCategory
* fundingSourceId
* reference2
* lastUpdatedBy
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* paAttribute3
* kLineId
* fundType
* attribute10
* startDateActive
* agreementVersion
* createdBy
* createdInVersion
* attribute14
* objectId
* taskId
* reference1
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* creationDate
* attribute6
* createdBy
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* paAttribute24
* paAttribute5
* lastUpdateDate
* startDateActive
* administratorId
* paAttribute20
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* fundingStatus
* paAttribute1
* attribute5
* attribute9
* paAttribute16
* paAttribute21
* attribute14
* amount
* initialAmount
* attribute3
* attribute7
* kPartyId
* endDateActive
* poolPartyId
* kConversionRate
* attribute15
* lineOfAccount
* paAttribute8
* paAttribute23
* paAttribute22
* billingSequence
* paAttribute6
* attribute11
* kConversionDate
* customerOrderNumber
* attribute13
* attribute12
* lastUpdatedBy
* objectId
* paAttributeCategory
* paAttribute17
* paAttribute19
* paAttribute15
* attribute2
* paAttribute18
* lastUpdateLogin
* hardLimit
* paAttribute3
* attribute8
* attribute10
* agreementOrgId
* paAttribute14
* currencyCode
* paAttribute13
* paAttribute7
* advanceRequired
* attributeCategory
* kConversionType
* fundingSourceId
* attribute1
* paAttribute12
* agreementNumber
* objectType
* attribute4
* paAttribute11
* paAttribute9
* previousAmount
* paAttribute4
* fundingAcrossOu
* revenueHardLimit
* paAttribute25


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* createdBy
* paAttribute24
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* majorVersion
* initialAmount
* attribute14
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* paAttribute25
* paAttribute3
* paAttribute2
* attribute3
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* paAttributeCategory
* amount
* paAttribute8
* attribute15
* lastUpdatedBy
* hardLimit
* attribute7
* lastUpdateLogin
* objectId
* kConversionDate
* previousAmount
* paAttribute16
* paAttribute20
* kPartyId
* attributeCategory
* paAttribute5
* paAttribute23
* agreementNumber
* paAttribute6
* revenueHardLimit
* attribute5
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* paAttribute22
* fundingAcrossOu
* attribute8
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* paAttribute17
* description
* customerOrderNumber
* paAttribute12
* agreementFlag
* paAttribute1
* paAttribute4
* paAttribute7
* paAttribute10
* creationDate
* objectType
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* poolPartyId
* attribute4
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* paAttribute14
* attribute12
* paAttribute19
* attribute10
* agreementOrgId
* paAttribute21
* fundingStatus
* endDateActive
* kConversionRate
* attribute9
* paAttribute15
* attribute11
* paAttribute9
* attribute2
* attribute13
* attribute1
* paAttribute11
* lastUpdateDate
* currencyCode
* attribute6
* lineOfAccount


 * fundingSourceId
* createdBy
* paAttribute24
* billingSequence
* majorVersion
* initialAmount
* attribute14
* advanceRequired
* paAttribute25
* paAttribute3
* paAttribute2
* attribute3
* kConversionType
* paAttributeCategory
* amount
* paAttribute8
* attribute15
* lastUpdatedBy
* hardLimit
* attribute7
* lastUpdateLogin
* objectId
* kConversionDate
* previousAmount
* paAttribute16
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* kPartyId
* attributeCategory
* paAttribute5
* paAttribute23
* agreementNumber
* paAttribute6
* revenueHardLimit
* attribute5
* administratorId
* paAttribute22
* fundingAcrossOu
* attribute8
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* paAttribute17
* description
* customerOrderNumber
* paAttribute12
* agreementFlag
* paAttribute1
* paAttribute4
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* paAttribute10
* creationDate
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* poolPartyId
* attribute4
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* paAttribute14
* attribute12
* paAttribute19
* attribute10
* agreementOrgId
* paAttribute21
* fundingStatus
* endDateActive
* kConversionRate
* attribute9
* paAttribute15
* attribute11
* paAttribute9
* attribute2
* attribute13
* attribute1
* paAttribute11
* lastUpdateDate
* currencyCode
* attribute6
* lineOfAccount


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* paAttribute10
* creationDate
* attribute6
* createdBy
* agreementFlag
* paAttribute24
* paAttribute5
* lastUpdateDate
* startDateActive
* administratorId
* paAttribute20
* description
* fundingStatus
* paAttribute1
* attribute5
* attribute9
* paAttribute16
* paAttribute21
* attribute14
* amount
* initialAmount
* attribute3
* attribute7
* kPartyId
* endDateActive
* poolPartyId
* kConversionRate
* attribute15
* lineOfAccount
* paAttribute8
* paAttribute23
* paAttribute22
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* paAttribute6
* attribute11
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* customerOrderNumber
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* attribute12
* lastUpdatedBy
* objectId
* paAttributeCategory
* paAttribute17
* paAttribute19
* paAttribute15
* attribute2
* paAttribute18
* lastUpdateLogin
* hardLimit
* paAttribute3
* attribute8
* attribute10
* agreementOrgId
* paAttribute14
* currencyCode
* paAttribute13
* paAttribute7
* advanceRequired
* attributeCategory
* kConversionType
* fundingSourceId
* attribute1
* paAttribute12
* agreementNumber
* objectType
* attribute4
* paAttribute11
* paAttribute9
* previousAmount
* paAttribute4
* fundingAcrossOu
* revenueHardLimit
* paAttribute25


 * kNumberDisp
* ohRatesFinalFlag
* feeRate
* reportingFlag
* clientApproveReqFlag
* copiesRequired
* createdBy
* openFlag
* billWithoutDefFlag
* feePercent
* boaId
* dateSignByContractor
* vatCode
* progressPaymentLiqRate
* detailPaBillFlag
* progressPaymentFlag
* noCompetitionAuthorize
* awardCancelDate
* fixedFeeScheduleId
* sbPlanReqFlag
* nteWarningFlag
* billGroupId
* kHeaderId
* dateSignByCustomer
* exportFlag
* primeKAlias
* costShareFlag
* lastUpdatedBy
* kTypeCode
* financialCtrlVerifiedFlag
* feeOverrideScheduleId
* casFlag
* primeKNumber
* sbReportFlag
* priorityCode
* productLineCode
* techDataWhRate
* authorizeDate
* interimRptReqFlag
* propExpireDate
* owningOrganizationId
* dateNegotiated
* lastUpdateDate
* programId
* countryOfOriginCode
* propDeliveryLocation
* sicCode
* dateReceived
* costOfMoney
* awardDate
* withholdLimit
* dateIssued
* faaApproveDate
* alternateLiquidationRate
* projectId
* creationDate
* nteAmount
* authorizingReason
* dcaaAuditReqFlag
* lastUpdateLogin
* faaRejectDate
* propDueDateTime
* definitizedFlag
* defaultTaskId
* cqaFlag
* propDueTime
* cfeFlag
* progressPaymentRate
* fundingLevel
* penaltyClauseFlag
* humanSubjectFlag
* classifiedFlag
* lineValueTotal
* undefLineValueTotal
* dateDefinitized
* costOfSaleRate
* bookedFlag
* retentionPercent


 * creationDate
* feeRate
* authorizingReason
* authorizeDate
* dateDefinitized
* billWithoutDefFlag
* propDueDateTime
* costOfMoney
* billGroupId
* copiesRequired
* propDeliveryLocation
* classifiedFlag
* humanSubjectFlag
* primeKAlias
* propExpireDate
* detailPaBillFlag
* kNumberDisp
* undefLineValueTotal
* lastUpdatedBy
* clientApproveReqFlag
* nteAmount
* reportingFlag
* sbReportFlag
* openFlag
* programId
* projectId
* awardDate
* withholdLimit
* productLineCode
* kHeaderId
* vatCode
* feeOverrideScheduleId
* lastUpdateLogin
* createdBy
* noCompetitionAuthorize
* boaId
* lastUpdateDate
* dateReceived
* financialCtrlVerifiedFlag
* priorityCode
* dateIssued
* sicCode
* costOfSaleRate
* owningOrganizationId
* bookedFlag
* techDataWhRate
* fixedFeeScheduleId
* feePercent
* countryOfOriginCode
* lineValueTotal
* faaRejectDate
* progressPaymentFlag
* progressPaymentRate
* interimRptReqFlag
* majorVersion
* ohRatesFinalFlag
* faaApproveDate
* propDueTime
* dcaaAuditReqFlag
* progressPaymentLiqRate
* cfeFlag
* dateSignByContractor
* dateNegotiated
* primeKNumber
* casFlag
* alternateLiquidationRate
* retentionPercent
* exportFlag
* sbPlanReqFlag
* nteWarningFlag
* costShareFlag
* fundingLevel
* defaultTaskId
* cqaFlag
* definitizedFlag
* penaltyClauseFlag
* awardCancelDate
* kTypeCode
* dateSignByCustomer


 * creationDate
* feeRate
* authorizingReason
* authorizeDate
* dateDefinitized
* billWithoutDefFlag
* propDueDateTime
* costOfMoney
* billGroupId
* copiesRequired
* propDeliveryLocation
* classifiedFlag
* humanSubjectFlag
* primeKAlias
* propExpireDate
* detailPaBillFlag
* kNumberDisp
* undefLineValueTotal
* lastUpdatedBy
* clientApproveReqFlag
* nteAmount
* reportingFlag
* sbReportFlag
* openFlag
* programId
* projectId
* awardDate
* withholdLimit
* productLineCode
* kHeaderId
* vatCode
* feeOverrideScheduleId
* lastUpdateLogin
* createdBy
* noCompetitionAuthorize
* boaId
* lastUpdateDate
* dateReceived
* financialCtrlVerifiedFlag
* priorityCode
* dateIssued
* sicCode
* costOfSaleRate
* owningOrganizationId
* bookedFlag
* techDataWhRate
* fixedFeeScheduleId
* feePercent
* countryOfOriginCode
* lineValueTotal
* faaRejectDate
* progressPaymentFlag
* progressPaymentRate
* interimRptReqFlag
* majorVersion
* ohRatesFinalFlag
* faaApproveDate
* propDueTime
* dcaaAuditReqFlag
* progressPaymentLiqRate
* cfeFlag
* dateSignByContractor
* dateNegotiated
* primeKNumber
* casFlag
* alternateLiquidationRate
* retentionPercent
* exportFlag
* sbPlanReqFlag
* nteWarningFlag
* costShareFlag
* fundingLevel
* defaultTaskId
* cqaFlag
* definitizedFlag
* penaltyClauseFlag
* awardCancelDate
* kTypeCode
* dateSignByCustomer


 * kNumberDisp
* ohRatesFinalFlag
* feeRate
* reportingFlag
* clientApproveReqFlag
* copiesRequired
* createdBy
* openFlag
* billWithoutDefFlag
* feePercent
* boaId
* dateSignByContractor
* vatCode
* progressPaymentLiqRate
* detailPaBillFlag
* progressPaymentFlag
* noCompetitionAuthorize
* awardCancelDate
* fixedFeeScheduleId
* sbPlanReqFlag
* nteWarningFlag
* billGroupId
* kHeaderId
* dateSignByCustomer
* exportFlag
* primeKAlias
* costShareFlag
* lastUpdatedBy
* kTypeCode
* financialCtrlVerifiedFlag
* feeOverrideScheduleId
* casFlag
* primeKNumber
* sbReportFlag
* priorityCode
* productLineCode
* techDataWhRate
* authorizeDate
* interimRptReqFlag
* propExpireDate
* owningOrganizationId
* dateNegotiated
* lastUpdateDate
* programId
* countryOfOriginCode
* propDeliveryLocation
* sicCode
* dateReceived
* costOfMoney
* awardDate
* withholdLimit
* dateIssued
* faaApproveDate
* alternateLiquidationRate
* projectId
* creationDate
* nteAmount
* authorizingReason
* dcaaAuditReqFlag
* lastUpdateLogin
* faaRejectDate
* propDueDateTime
* definitizedFlag
* defaultTaskId
* cqaFlag
* propDueTime
* cfeFlag
* progressPaymentRate
* fundingLevel
* penaltyClauseFlag
* humanSubjectFlag
* classifiedFlag
* lineValueTotal
* undefLineValueTotal
* dateDefinitized
* costOfSaleRate
* bookedFlag
* retentionPercent


 * removeReasonCode
* attribute13
* attribute12
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute5
* kLineId
* holdTypeCode
* holdComment
* attribute6
* applyDate
* holdId
* attribute9
* attribute10
* creationDate
* attribute7
* attribute15
* attribute14
* holdStatusCode
* attribute11
* attribute3
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute8
* holdReasonCode
* wfProcess
* removeComment
* wfItemType
* wfItemKey
* attribute2
* createdBy
* removeDate
* scheduleRemoveDate
* attribute1
* attributeCategory
* lastUpdateDate
* kHeaderId
* deliverableId
* attribute4


 * removeReasonCode
* attribute13
* attribute12
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute5
* kLineId
* holdTypeCode
* holdComment
* attribute6
* applyDate
* holdId
* attribute9
* attribute10
* creationDate
* attribute7
* attribute15
* attribute14
* holdStatusCode
* attribute11
* attribute3
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute8
* holdReasonCode
* wfProcess
* removeComment
* wfItemType
* wfItemKey
* attribute2
* createdBy
* removeDate
* scheduleRemoveDate
* attribute1
* attributeCategory
* lastUpdateDate
* kHeaderId
* deliverableId
* attribute4


 * customerItemId
* awardFeePoolAmount
* taskId
* targetDateDefinitize
* paymentInstruction
* dataItemSubtitle
* frequency
* costOfSaleRate
* dateMaterialReq
* completedFlag
* asOfDate
* customerApprovalReqFlag
* maximumQuantity
* cdrlCategory
* finalPftAjtFormula
* initialFee
* lastUpdateLogin
* kLineId
* dataItemName
* maximumFee
* shippableFlag
* costUnderrunShareRatio
* countryOfOriginCode
* costOfMoney
* cScsFlag
* progressPaymentRate
* creationDate
* lineValue
* deliveryOrderFlag
* authority
* dateOfPriceRedetermin
* customerItemNumber
* feeOverrideScheduleId
* initialPrice
* exportFlag
* lineLiquidationRate
* definitizedFlag
* progressPaymentFlag
* createdBy
* targetFee
* billableFlag
* costOverrunShareRatio
* revisedPrice
* retentionPercent
* minimumFee
* nteWarningFlag
* deliveryDate
* parentLineId
* billGroupId
* copiesRequired
* lineQuantity
* undefUnitPrice
* endDate
* projectId
* dateOfFirstSubmission
* proposalDueDate
* priorityCode
* customersPercentInOrder
* feeAjtFormula
* requiringOffice
* appCode
* subjA133Flag
* exportLicenseNum
* uomCode
* nsnNumber
* discountForPayment
* fixedFee
* subcontractedFlag
* lastUpdateDate
* billUndefinitizedFlag
* levelOfEffortHours
* awardFee
* estimatedTotalQuantity
* ceilingCost
* undefLineValue
* dropShippedFlag
* inventoryItemId
* lastUpdatedBy
* inspectionReqFlag
* splitedFlag
* exportLicenseRes
* billingMethodCode
* withholdLimit
* finalFee
* feePercent
* nspFlag
* interimRptReqFlag
* fixedQuantity
* minimumQuantity
* laborCostIndex
* ceilingPrice
* fixedFeeScheduleId
* unitPrice
* copRequiredFlag
* scheduledDelvDefault
* dcaaAuditReqFlag
* prepaymentPercentage
* targetPrice
* financialCtrlFlag
* numberOfOptions
* feeRate
* prepaymentAmount
* cSsrFlag
* lineValueTotal
* progressPaymentLiqRate
* materialCostIndex
* targetCost
* undefLineValueTotal
* baseFee
* cfeReqFlag
* totalEstimatedCost


 * totalEstimatedCost
* undefLineValueTotal
* lineValue
* minimumFee
* billGroupId
* unitPrice
* proposalDueDate
* withholdLimit
* parentLineId
* revisedPrice
* billingMethodCode
* inventoryItemId
* authority
* dataItemName
* dataItemSubtitle
* targetDateDefinitize
* lastUpdateLogin
* cScsFlag
* uomCode
* retentionPercent
* cdrlCategory
* estimatedTotalQuantity
* feeRate
* completedFlag
* maximumQuantity
* costOfSaleRate
* costUnderrunShareRatio
* feePercent
* dropShippedFlag
* finalFee
* nspFlag
* exportFlag
* countryOfOriginCode
* scheduledDelvDefault
* majorVersion
* priorityCode
* billUndefinitizedFlag
* paymentInstruction
* targetPrice
* creationDate
* lastUpdateDate
* baseFee
* createdBy
* costOfMoney
* dcaaAuditReqFlag
* endDate
* copRequiredFlag
* subjA133Flag
* minimumQuantity
* nteWarningFlag
* targetCost
* materialCostIndex
* exportLicenseRes
* cSsrFlag
* inspectionReqFlag
* definitizedFlag
* prepaymentPercentage
* lineLiquidationRate
* initialFee
* deliveryDate
* interimRptReqFlag
* progressPaymentLiqRate
* levelOfEffortHours
* targetFee
* feeAjtFormula
* costOverrunShareRatio
* asOfDate
* progressPaymentRate
* fixedQuantity
* lastUpdatedBy
* kLineId
* customerItemId
* splitedFlag
* copiesRequired
* feeOverrideScheduleId
* initialPrice
* exportLicenseNum
* ceilingPrice
* dateMaterialReq
* appCode
* taskId
* dateOfPriceRedetermin
* fixedFee
* undefLineValue
* subcontractedFlag
* deliveryOrderFlag
* progressPaymentFlag
* laborCostIndex
* fixedFeeScheduleId
* frequency
* awardFee
* maximumFee
* finalPftAjtFormula
* projectId
* nsnNumber
* customersPercentInOrder
* cfeReqFlag
* billableFlag
* lineQuantity
* lineValueTotal
* requiringOffice
* shippableFlag
* dateOfFirstSubmission
* awardFeePoolAmount
* discountForPayment
* customerApprovalReqFlag
* ceilingCost
* prepaymentAmount
* customerItemNumber
* financialCtrlFlag
* undefUnitPrice
* numberOfOptions


 * totalEstimatedCost
* undefLineValueTotal
* lineValue
* minimumFee
* billGroupId
* unitPrice
* proposalDueDate
* withholdLimit
* parentLineId
* revisedPrice
* billingMethodCode
* inventoryItemId
* authority
* dataItemName
* dataItemSubtitle
* targetDateDefinitize
* lastUpdateLogin
* cScsFlag
* uomCode
* retentionPercent
* cdrlCategory
* estimatedTotalQuantity
* feeRate
* completedFlag
* maximumQuantity
* costOfSaleRate
* costUnderrunShareRatio
* feePercent
* dropShippedFlag
* finalFee
* nspFlag
* exportFlag
* countryOfOriginCode
* scheduledDelvDefault
* majorVersion
* priorityCode
* billUndefinitizedFlag
* paymentInstruction
* targetPrice
* creationDate
* lastUpdateDate
* baseFee
* createdBy
* costOfMoney
* dcaaAuditReqFlag
* endDate
* copRequiredFlag
* subjA133Flag
* minimumQuantity
* nteWarningFlag
* targetCost
* materialCostIndex
* exportLicenseRes
* cSsrFlag
* inspectionReqFlag
* definitizedFlag
* prepaymentPercentage
* lineLiquidationRate
* initialFee
* deliveryDate
* interimRptReqFlag
* progressPaymentLiqRate
* levelOfEffortHours
* targetFee
* feeAjtFormula
* costOverrunShareRatio
* asOfDate
* progressPaymentRate
* fixedQuantity
* lastUpdatedBy
* kLineId
* customerItemId
* splitedFlag
* copiesRequired
* feeOverrideScheduleId
* initialPrice
* exportLicenseNum
* ceilingPrice
* dateMaterialReq
* appCode
* taskId
* dateOfPriceRedetermin
* fixedFee
* undefLineValue
* subcontractedFlag
* deliveryOrderFlag
* progressPaymentFlag
* laborCostIndex
* fixedFeeScheduleId
* frequency
* awardFee
* maximumFee
* finalPftAjtFormula
* projectId
* nsnNumber
* customersPercentInOrder
* cfeReqFlag
* billableFlag
* lineQuantity
* lineValueTotal
* requiringOffice
* shippableFlag
* dateOfFirstSubmission
* awardFeePoolAmount
* discountForPayment
* customerApprovalReqFlag
* ceilingCost
* prepaymentAmount
* customerItemNumber
* financialCtrlFlag
* undefUnitPrice
* numberOfOptions


 * customerItemId
* awardFeePoolAmount
* taskId
* targetDateDefinitize
* paymentInstruction
* dataItemSubtitle
* frequency
* costOfSaleRate
* dateMaterialReq
* completedFlag
* asOfDate
* customerApprovalReqFlag
* maximumQuantity
* cdrlCategory
* finalPftAjtFormula
* initialFee
* lastUpdateLogin
* kLineId
* dataItemName
* maximumFee
* shippableFlag
* costUnderrunShareRatio
* countryOfOriginCode
* costOfMoney
* cScsFlag
* progressPaymentRate
* creationDate
* lineValue
* deliveryOrderFlag
* authority
* dateOfPriceRedetermin
* customerItemNumber
* feeOverrideScheduleId
* initialPrice
* exportFlag
* lineLiquidationRate
* definitizedFlag
* progressPaymentFlag
* createdBy
* targetFee
* billableFlag
* costOverrunShareRatio
* revisedPrice
* retentionPercent
* minimumFee
* nteWarningFlag
* deliveryDate
* parentLineId
* billGroupId
* copiesRequired
* lineQuantity
* undefUnitPrice
* endDate
* projectId
* dateOfFirstSubmission
* proposalDueDate
* priorityCode
* customersPercentInOrder
* feeAjtFormula
* requiringOffice
* appCode
* subjA133Flag
* exportLicenseNum
* uomCode
* nsnNumber
* discountForPayment
* fixedFee
* subcontractedFlag
* lastUpdateDate
* billUndefinitizedFlag
* levelOfEffortHours
* awardFee
* estimatedTotalQuantity
* ceilingCost
* undefLineValue
* dropShippedFlag
* inventoryItemId
* lastUpdatedBy
* inspectionReqFlag
* splitedFlag
* exportLicenseRes
* billingMethodCode
* withholdLimit
* finalFee
* feePercent
* nspFlag
* interimRptReqFlag
* fixedQuantity
* minimumQuantity
* laborCostIndex
* ceilingPrice
* fixedFeeScheduleId
* unitPrice
* copRequiredFlag
* scheduledDelvDefault
* dcaaAuditReqFlag
* prepaymentPercentage
* targetPrice
* financialCtrlFlag
* numberOfOptions
* feeRate
* prepaymentAmount
* cSsrFlag
* lineValueTotal
* progressPaymentLiqRate
* materialCostIndex
* targetCost
* undefLineValueTotal
* baseFee
* cfeReqFlag
* totalEstimatedCost


 * attribute7
* attribute8
* createdBy
* customerFurnishedFlag
* attributeCategory
* attribute5
* attribute11
* creationDate
* lastUpdateDate
* requiredFlag
* attribute2
* kLineId
* attribute3
* attribute4
* attribute14
* completedFlag
* kHeaderId
* attribute12
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute10
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute15
* attribute1
* attribute13
* printFormCode
* attribute6
* attribute9


 * attribute7
* attribute8
* createdBy
* customerFurnishedFlag
* attributeCategory
* attribute5
* attribute11
* creationDate
* lastUpdateDate
* requiredFlag
* attribute2
* kLineId
* attribute3
* attribute4
* attribute14
* completedFlag
* kHeaderId
* attribute12
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute10
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute15
* attribute1
* attribute13
* printFormCode
* attribute6
* attribute9


 * changeRequestId
* creationDate
* relatedEntityId
* lastUpdateDate
* version
* lastUpdateLogin
* chgRequestId
* kHeaderId
* createdBy
* lastUpdatedBy
* relatedEntityVersion


 * changeRequestId
* creationDate
* relatedEntityId
* lastUpdateDate
* version
* lastUpdateLogin
* chgRequestId
* kHeaderId
* createdBy
* lastUpdatedBy
* relatedEntityVersion


 * attributeCategory
* attribute3
* attribute9
* kHeaderId
* kLineId
* typeCode
* attribute12
* attribute7
* attribute11
* attribute8
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* createdBy
* attribute2
* attribute15
* attribute4
* attribute13
* deliverableId
* attribute10
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute5
* defaultFlag
* attribute14
* attribute1
* standardNotesId
* attribute6


 * attributeCategory
* attribute3
* attribute9
* kHeaderId
* kLineId
* typeCode
* attribute12
* attribute7
* attribute11
* attribute8
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* createdBy
* attribute2
* attribute15
* attribute4
* attribute13
* deliverableId
* attribute10
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute5
* defaultFlag
* attribute14
* attribute1
* standardNotesId
* attribute6


 * lastUpdateLogin
* attribute1
* typeCode
* attribute5
* majorVersion
* standardNotesId
* creationDate
* deliverableId
* defaultFlag
* attribute8
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute7
* attribute12
* attribute13
* attribute3
* attribute4
* attribute14
* attributeCategory
* kHeaderId
* attribute10
* attribute2
* attribute15
* createdBy
* kLineId
* attribute11
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute9
* attribute6


 * lastUpdateLogin
* attribute1
* typeCode
* attribute5
* majorVersion
* standardNotesId
* creationDate
* deliverableId
* defaultFlag
* attribute8
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute7
* attribute12
* attribute13
* attribute3
* attribute4
* attribute14
* attributeCategory
* kHeaderId
* attribute10
* attribute2
* attribute15
* createdBy
* kLineId
* attribute11
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute9
* attribute6


 * lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* name
* lastUpdateLogin
* text
* createdBy
* creationDate
* language
* sourceLang
* standardNotesId
* sfwtFlag
* description


 * lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* name
* lastUpdateLogin
* text
* createdBy
* creationDate
* language
* sourceLang
* standardNotesId
* sfwtFlag
* description


 * sfwtFlag
* lastUpdatedBy
* language
* createdBy
* majorVersion
* lastUpdateDate
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* name
* standardNotesId
* text
* description
* sourceLang


 * sfwtFlag
* lastUpdatedBy
* language
* createdBy
* majorVersion
* lastUpdateDate
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* name
* standardNotesId
* text
* description
* sourceLang


 * attribute6
* attribute1
* termCode
* attribute3
* attribute4
* attributeCategory
* creationDate
* attribute14
* attribute10
* attribute8
* kLineId
* attribute5
* attribute15
* attribute11
* attribute12
* termValuePk1
* attribute7
* kHeaderId
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute9
* lastUpdatedBy
* createdBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute2
* termValuePk2
* attribute13


 * attribute10
* termValuePk2
* creationDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute8
* attribute6
* attribute7
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute14
* termCode
* attribute15
* attribute9
* majorVersion
* attribute5
* attributeCategory
* attribute11
* termValuePk1
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute13
* kHeaderId
* attribute12
* kLineId
* createdBy
* attribute2
* attribute3
* attribute1
* attribute4


 * attribute10
* termValuePk2
* creationDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute8
* attribute6
* attribute7
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute14
* termCode
* attribute15
* attribute9
* majorVersion
* attribute5
* attributeCategory
* attribute11
* termValuePk1
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute13
* kHeaderId
* attribute12
* kLineId
* createdBy
* attribute2
* attribute3
* attribute1
* attribute4


 * attribute6
* attribute1
* termCode
* attribute3
* attribute4
* attributeCategory
* creationDate
* attribute14
* attribute10
* attribute8
* kLineId
* attribute5
* attribute15
* attribute11
* attribute12
* termValuePk1
* attribute7
* kHeaderId
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute9
* lastUpdatedBy
* createdBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute2
* termValuePk2
* attribute13


 * userAttribute02
* userAttribute09
* userAttribute10
* userAttribute03
* userAttribute26
* userAttribute01
* userAttribute16
* userAttribute28
* userAttribute06
* userAttribute22
* userAttribute27
* userAttribute04
* userAttribute12
* userAttribute20
* userAttribute29
* recordVersionNumber
* kUserAttributeId
* userAttribute21
* userAttribute14
* userAttribute23
* kLineId
* userAttribute15
* userAttributeContext
* userAttribute07
* userAttribute24
* userAttribute25
* userAttribute17
* userAttribute08
* userAttribute30
* creationDate
* userAttribute18
* userAttribute19
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* kHeaderId
* lastUpdateDate
* userAttribute13
* createdBy
* userAttribute05
* userAttribute11


 * userAttribute26
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdateDate
* userAttribute05
* kUserAttributeId
* userAttribute21
* userAttribute10
* userAttribute01
* creationDate
* userAttribute09
* userAttribute11
* userAttribute24
* userAttribute14
* userAttribute19
* userAttribute29
* recordVersionNumber
* kHeaderId
* lastUpdatedBy
* userAttribute08
* userAttribute25
* userAttribute15
* userAttribute27
* userAttribute12
* userAttribute28
* createdBy
* userAttribute18
* userAttribute30
* majorVersion
* userAttribute20
* userAttribute17
* userAttribute07
* userAttribute16
* userAttribute13
* userAttribute03
* userAttribute02
* userAttribute04
* userAttribute23
* userAttribute06
* userAttribute22
* kLineId
* userAttributeContext


 * userAttribute26
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdateDate
* userAttribute05
* kUserAttributeId
* userAttribute21
* userAttribute10
* userAttribute01
* creationDate
* userAttribute09
* userAttribute11
* userAttribute24
* userAttribute14
* userAttribute19
* userAttribute29
* recordVersionNumber
* kHeaderId
* lastUpdatedBy
* userAttribute08
* userAttribute25
* userAttribute15
* userAttribute27
* userAttribute12
* userAttribute28
* createdBy
* userAttribute18
* userAttribute30
* majorVersion
* userAttribute20
* userAttribute17
* userAttribute07
* userAttribute16
* userAttribute13
* userAttribute03
* userAttribute02
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* userAttribute23
* userAttribute06
* userAttribute22
* kLineId
* userAttributeContext


 * userAttribute02
* userAttribute09
* userAttribute10
* userAttribute03
* userAttribute26
* userAttribute01
* userAttribute16
* userAttribute28
* userAttribute06
* userAttribute22
* userAttribute27
* userAttribute04
* userAttribute12
* userAttribute20
* userAttribute29
* recordVersionNumber
* kUserAttributeId
* userAttribute21
* userAttribute14
* userAttribute23
* kLineId
* userAttribute15
* userAttributeContext
* userAttribute07
* userAttribute24
* userAttribute25
* userAttribute17
* userAttribute08
* userAttribute30
* creationDate
* userAttribute18
* userAttribute19
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* kHeaderId
* lastUpdateDate
* userAttribute13
* createdBy
* userAttribute05
* userAttribute11


 * lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateDate
* kHeaderId
* createdBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* majorVersion
* versionReasonCode
* chgRequestId
* creationDate


 * lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateDate
* kHeaderId
* createdBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* majorVersion
* versionReasonCode
* chgRequestId
* creationDate


 * amount
* attribute15
* attribute12
* attribute6
* attribute10
* lastUpdateDate
* conversionType
* attribute1
* attribute4
* createdBy
* fundingPoolId
* attribute14
* attribute2
* attribute11
* attribute5
* attributeCategory
* attribute13
* attribute3
* currencyCode
* attribute9
* conversionRate
* attribute8
* attribute7
* initialAmount
* startDateActive
* endDateActive
* conversionDate
* creationDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* availableAmount
* partyId
* lastUpdateLogin
* poolPartyId


 * amount
* attribute15
* attribute12
* attribute6
* attribute10
* lastUpdateDate
* conversionType
* attribute1
* attribute4
* createdBy
* fundingPoolId
* attribute14
* attribute2
* attribute11
* attribute5
* attributeCategory
* attribute13
* attribute3
* currencyCode
* attribute9
* conversionRate
* attribute8
* attribute7
* initialAmount
* startDateActive
* endDateActive
* conversionDate
* creationDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* availableAmount
* partyId
* lastUpdateLogin
* poolPartyId


 * lastUpdateLogin
* programId
* startDate
* attribute6
* attribute14
* creationDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute5
* attribute13
* attribute15
* attribute7
* attribute2
* createdBy
* attribute1
* attribute3
* attributeCategory
* attribute10
* attribute4
* description
* attribute8
* recordVersionNumber
* lastUpdateDate
* endDate
* programNumber
* programName
* attribute9
* attribute11
* attribute12


 * lastUpdateLogin
* programId
* startDate
* attribute6
* attribute14
* creationDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute5
* attribute13
* attribute15
* attribute7
* attribute2
* createdBy
* attribute1
* attribute3
* attributeCategory
* attribute10
* attribute4
* description
* attribute8
* recordVersionNumber
* lastUpdateDate
* endDate
* programNumber
* programName
* attribute9
* attribute11
* attribute12


 * formId
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdatedBy
* createdBy
* creationDate
* name
* whereClause
* lastUpdateDate
* searchId
* userId


 * formId
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdatedBy
* createdBy
* creationDate
* name
* whereClause
* lastUpdateDate
* searchId
* userId


 * lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdatedBy
* dateExtended
* creationDate
* reason
* submissionDate
* lastUpdateDate
* deliverableId
* createdBy


 * lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdatedBy
* dateExtended
* creationDate
* reason
* submissionDate
* lastUpdateDate
* deliverableId
* createdBy


 * currentFlag
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdateBy
* lastUpdateDate
* kHeaderId
* version2
* version1
* objectName
* createdBy
* objectType
* objectId
* sequence
* v1data
* v2data
* prompt
* creationDate


 * currentFlag
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdateBy
* lastUpdateDate
* kHeaderId
* version2
* version1
* objectName
* createdBy
* objectType
* objectId
* sequence
* v1data
* v2data
* prompt
* creationDate


 * requestId
* eventTypeCode
* accountingEventId
* accountingDate
* sourceId
* objectVersionNumber
* lastUpdateLogin
* eventNumber
* createdBy
* programId
* lastUpdateDate
* orgId
* eventStatusCode
* programUpdateDate
* creationDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* programApplicationId
* sourceTable


 * requestId
* eventTypeCode
* accountingEventId
* accountingDate
* sourceId
* objectVersionNumber
* lastUpdateLogin
* eventNumber
* createdBy
* programId
* lastUpdateDate
* orgId
* eventStatusCode
* programUpdateDate
* creationDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* programApplicationId
* sourceTable


 * attribute2
* creationDate
* agrId
* attribute3
* source
* attDataType
* objectVersionNumber
* attributeCategory
* attribute13
* constants
* attribute7
* attribute6
* attribute12
* attribute4
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute1
* createdBy
* segmentNumber
* id
* attribute10
* lastUpdateDate
* segment
* attribute5
* attribute11
* sourceColumn
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute8
* attribute9
* attribute15
* attribute14
* wfAttributeName


 * attribute2
* creationDate
* agrId
* attribute3
* source
* attDataType
* objectVersionNumber
* attributeCategory
* attribute13
* constants
* attribute7
* attribute6
* attribute12
* attribute4
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute1
* createdBy
* segmentNumber
* id
* attribute10
* lastUpdateDate
* segment
* attribute5
* attribute11
* sourceColumn
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute8
* attribute9
* attribute15
* attribute14
* wfAttributeName


 * setOfBooksId
* createdBy
* creationDate
* id
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateDate
* aeLineType
* lastUpdateLogin
* objectVersionNumber
* orgId


 * setOfBooksId
* createdBy
* creationDate
* id
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateDate
* aeLineType
* lastUpdateLogin
* objectVersionNumber
* orgId


 * lastUpdatedBy
* createdBy
* id
* amount
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* dateBalance
* objectVersionNumber
* creationDate
* khrId
* accGroupId


 * lastUpdatedBy
* createdBy
* id
* amount
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* dateBalance
* objectVersionNumber
* creationDate
* khrId
* accGroupId


 * createdBy
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdateDate
* id
* accGroupCode
* creationDate
* codeCombinationId
* objectVersionNumber
* orgId
* setOfBooksId


 * createdBy
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdateDate
* id
* accGroupCode
* creationDate
* codeCombinationId
* objectVersionNumber
* orgId
* setOfBooksId


 * leftParentheses
* ruleType
* toDate
* createdBy
* rightOperandLiteral
* orgId
* aroCode
* version
* lastUpdateDate
* lineNumber
* fromDate
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* acroCode
* objectVersionNumber
* rightParentheses
* lastUpdatedBy
* id
* arloCode


 * leftParentheses
* ruleType
* toDate
* createdBy
* rightOperandLiteral
* orgId
* aroCode
* version
* lastUpdateDate
* lineNumber
* fromDate
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* acroCode
* objectVersionNumber
* rightParentheses
* lastUpdatedBy
* id
* arloCode


 * pdtId
* generateAccrualOverrideYn
* dealType
* currencyCode
* contractNumber
* stsCode
* contractId
* rowNumber
* currencyConversionType
* startDate
* currencyConversionDate
* generateAccrualYn
* currencyConversionRate


 * pdtId
* generateAccrualOverrideYn
* dealType
* currencyCode
* contractNumber
* stsCode
* contractId
* rowNumber
* currencyConversionType
* startDate
* currencyConversionDate
* generateAccrualYn
* currencyConversionRate


 * recSiteUsesPk
* styId
* currencyConversionRate
* formulaUsed
* kleId
* currencyCode
* payFinancialOptionsPk
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* requestId
* inventoryItemIdPk1
* assetBookPk2
* inventoryOrgIdPk2
* sourceIndicatorFlag
* createdBy
* factorInvestorFlag
* avlId
* customStatus
* programApplicationId
* jtfSalesRepsPk
* id
* accountingDate
* assetCategoryIdPk1
* factorInvestorCode
* programUpdateDate
* lastUpdateDate
* programId
* internalStatus
* pdtId
* orgId
* khrId
* enteredDate
* postToGl
* recTrxTypesPk
* sourceId
* amount
* glReversalFlag
* localProductYn
* tryId
* payVendorSitesPk
* currencyConversionType
* currencyConversionDate
* sourceTable
* memoYn
* creationDate


 * recSiteUsesPk
* styId
* currencyConversionRate
* formulaUsed
* kleId
* currencyCode
* payFinancialOptionsPk
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* requestId
* inventoryItemIdPk1
* assetBookPk2
* inventoryOrgIdPk2
* sourceIndicatorFlag
* createdBy
* factorInvestorFlag
* avlId
* customStatus
* programApplicationId
* jtfSalesRepsPk
* id
* accountingDate
* assetCategoryIdPk1
* factorInvestorCode
* programUpdateDate
* lastUpdateDate
* programId
* internalStatus
* pdtId
* orgId
* khrId
* enteredDate
* postToGl
* recTrxTypesPk
* sourceId
* amount
* glReversalFlag
* localProductYn
* tryId
* payVendorSitesPk
* currencyConversionType
* currencyConversionDate
* sourceTable
* memoYn
* creationDate


 * programId
* objectVersionNumber
* glTransferRunId
* aeCategory
* accountingErrorCode
* description
* sequenceId
* requestId
* creationDate
* aeHeaderId
* postToGlFlag
* periodName
* accountingDate
* programApplicationId
* lastUpdatedBy
* crossCurrencyFlag
* lastUpdateLogin
* programUpdateDate
* setOfBooksId
* accountingEventId
* glTransferFlag
* glTransferErrorCode
* sequenceValue
* glReversalFlag
* lastUpdateDate
* orgId
* createdBy


 * programId
* objectVersionNumber
* glTransferRunId
* aeCategory
* accountingErrorCode
* description
* sequenceId
* requestId
* creationDate
* aeHeaderId
* postToGlFlag
* periodName
* accountingDate
* programApplicationId
* lastUpdatedBy
* crossCurrencyFlag
* lastUpdateLogin
* programUpdateDate
* setOfBooksId
* accountingEventId
* glTransferFlag
* glTransferErrorCode
* sequenceValue
* glReversalFlag
* lastUpdateDate
* orgId
* createdBy


 * reference7
* reference1
* statAmount
* taxLinkId
* createdBy
* creationDate
* thirdPartySubId
* accountingErrorCode
* appliedToTrxHdrTable
* appliedToTrxHdrId
* programApplicationId
* glTransferErrorCode
* objectVersionNumber
* appliedFromTrxHdrTable
* lastUpdatedBy
* taxableEnteredDr
* aeLineTypeCode
* requestId
* lastUpdateDate
* aeLineNumber
* ussglTransactionCode
* aeHeaderId
* taxableEnteredCr
* taxCodeId
* sourceId
* appliedFromTrxHdrId
* reference5
* reference4
* currencyCode
* currencyConversionRate
* reference6
* glSlLinkId
* accountedDr
* codeCombinationId
* reference2
* reference9
* aeLineId
* currencyConversionType
* description
* subledgerDocSequenceId
* programId
* lastUpdateLogin
* taxableAccountedDr
* accountedCr
* subledgerDocSequenceValue
* reference3
* enteredCr
* taxableAccountedCr
* enteredDr
* accountOverlaySourceId
* reference8
* thirdPartyId
* reference10
* orgId
* sourceTable
* programUpdateDate
* currencyConversionDate


 * reference7
* reference1
* statAmount
* taxLinkId
* createdBy
* creationDate
* thirdPartySubId
* accountingErrorCode
* appliedToTrxHdrTable
* appliedToTrxHdrId
* programApplicationId
* glTransferErrorCode
* objectVersionNumber
* appliedFromTrxHdrTable
* lastUpdatedBy
* taxableEnteredDr
* aeLineTypeCode
* requestId
* lastUpdateDate
* aeLineNumber
* ussglTransactionCode
* aeHeaderId
* taxableEnteredCr
* taxCodeId
* sourceId
* appliedFromTrxHdrId
* reference5
* reference4
* currencyCode
* currencyConversionRate
* reference6
* glSlLinkId
* accountedDr
* codeCombinationId
* reference2
* reference9
* aeLineId
* currencyConversionType
* description
* subledgerDocSequenceId
* programId
* lastUpdateLogin
* taxableAccountedDr
* accountedCr
* subledgerDocSequenceValue
* reference3
* enteredCr
* taxableAccountedCr
* enteredDr
* accountOverlaySourceId
* reference8
* thirdPartyId
* reference10
* orgId
* sourceTable
* programUpdateDate
* currencyConversionDate


 * objectVersionNumber
* attribute6
* styId
* attribute11
* aesId
* tryId
* attribute15
* orgId
* accrualYn
* attribute12
* advanceArrears
* startDate
* facCode
* attribute10
* invCode
* sytCode
* attribute8
* attribute1
* factoringSyndFlag
* lastUpdatedBy
* postToGl
* lastUpdateLogin
* description
* priorYearYn
* attribute14
* version
* memoYn
* creationDate
* attributeCategory
* name
* id
* fmaId
* attribute5
* attribute7
* attribute13
* attribute3
* attribute2
* attribute9
* setOfBooksId
* lastUpdateDate
* endDate
* attribute4
* createdBy


 * objectVersionNumber
* attribute6
* styId
* attribute11
* aesId
* tryId
* attribute15
* orgId
* accrualYn
* attribute12
* advanceArrears
* startDate
* facCode
* attribute10
* invCode
* sytCode
* attribute8
* attribute1
* factoringSyndFlag
* lastUpdatedBy
* postToGl
* lastUpdateLogin
* description
* priorYearYn
* attribute14
* version
* memoYn
* creationDate
* attributeCategory
* name
* id
* fmaId
* attribute5
* attribute7
* attribute13
* attribute3
* attribute2
* attribute9
* setOfBooksId
* lastUpdateDate
* endDate
* attribute4
* createdBy


 * attribute7
* attribute12
* orgId
* creationDate
* accountBuilderYn
* attribute8
* attribute13
* description
* attribute15
* lastUpdateDate
* crdCode
* lastUpdatedBy
* aeLineType
* attribute3
* attribute9
* attribute6
* objectVersionNumber
* attribute5
* codeCombinationId
* percentage
* avlId
* sequenceNumber
* attribute11
* attributeCategory
* attribute1
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute14
* createdBy
* attribute4
* attribute10
* id
* attribute2


 * attribute7
* attribute12
* orgId
* creationDate
* accountBuilderYn
* attribute8
* attribute13
* description
* attribute15
* lastUpdateDate
* crdCode
* lastUpdatedBy
* aeLineType
* attribute3
* attribute9
* attribute6
* objectVersionNumber
* attribute5
* codeCombinationId
* percentage
* avlId
* sequenceNumber
* attribute11
* attributeCategory
* attribute1
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute14
* createdBy
* attribute4
* attribute10
* id
* attribute2


 * objectVersionNumber
* version
* creationDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateDate
* createdBy
* startDate
* orgId
* lastUpdateLogin
* endDate
* gtsId
* id
* name
* description


 * objectVersionNumber
* version
* creationDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateDate
* createdBy
* startDate
* orgId
* lastUpdateLogin
* endDate
* gtsId
* id
* name
* description


 * id
* orgId
* primaryKeyColumn
* objectVersionNumber
* creationDate
* createdBy
* selectColumn
* lastUpdatedBy
* source
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* aeLineType


 * id
* orgId
* primaryKeyColumn
* objectVersionNumber
* creationDate
* createdBy
* selectColumn
* lastUpdatedBy
* source
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* aeLineType


 * lastUpdateDate
* id
* bookTypeCode
* holdPeriodDays
* lastUpdatedBy
* objectVersionNumber
* orgId
* creationDate
* deprnRate
* lastUpdateLogin
* categoryId
* methodId
* createdBy


 * lastUpdateDate
* id
* bookTypeCode
* holdPeriodDays
* lastUpdatedBy
* objectVersionNumber
* orgId
* creationDate
* deprnRate
* lastUpdateLogin
* categoryId
* methodId
* createdBy


 * amortType
* amortHdrId
* trxReqId
* amortReportFlag
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateDate
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* createdBy


 * amortType
* amortHdrId
* trxReqId
* amortReportFlag
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateDate
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* createdBy


 * amortHdrId
* amortLineId
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdatedBy
* amortValue
* creationDate
* createdBy


 * amortHdrId
* amortLineId
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdatedBy
* amortValue
* creationDate
* createdBy


 * claimDescription
* creationDate
* createdBy
* damageDescription
* sourceLang
* id
* recommendedRepair
* language
* lastUpdateDate
* partName
* lastUpdatedBy
* sfwtFlag
* lastUpdateLogin


 * claimDescription
* creationDate
* createdBy
* damageDescription
* sourceLang
* id
* recommendedRepair
* language
* lastUpdateDate
* partName
* lastUpdatedBy
* sfwtFlag
* lastUpdateLogin


 * attribute15
* attribute13
* attribute11
* kleId
* lastUpdateLogin
* cdnCode
* attribute7
* programApplicationId
* objectVersionNumber
* lastUpdateDate
* requestId
* id
* attribute4
* attribute5
* attribute6
* creationDate
* dateReport
* programId
* attribute1
* ilnId
* attribute3
* clmId
* attribute12
* attribute9
* lastUpdatedBy
* orgId
* attributeCategory
* attribute8
* attribute10
* createdBy
* ispId
* programUpdateDate
* attribute14
* attribute2


 * attribute15
* attribute13
* attribute11
* kleId
* lastUpdateLogin
* cdnCode
* attribute7
* programApplicationId
* objectVersionNumber
* lastUpdateDate
* requestId
* id
* attribute4
* attribute5
* attribute6
* creationDate
* dateReport
* programId
* attribute1
* ilnId
* attribute3
* clmId
* attribute12
* attribute9
* lastUpdatedBy
* orgId
* attributeCategory
* attribute8
* attribute10
* createdBy
* ispId
* programUpdateDate
* attribute14
* attribute2


 * attribute9
* objectVersionNumber
* attribute5
* manufacturerName
* unitCost
* attribute12
* attribute7
* lastUpdatedBy
* invItemId
* creationDate
* lastUpdateDate
* supplierId
* attribute1
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute3
* assetId
* yearManufactured
* id
* numberOfUnits
* modelNumber
* attribute10
* attribute14
* attribute11
* attributeCategory
* attribute2
* attribute6
* createdBy
* attribute8
* attribute13
* primaryComponent
* attribute4
* attribute15


 * attribute9
* objectVersionNumber
* attribute5
* manufacturerName
* unitCost
* attribute12
* attribute7
* lastUpdatedBy
* invItemId
* creationDate
* lastUpdateDate
* supplierId
* attribute1
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute3
* assetId
* yearManufactured
* id
* numberOfUnits
* modelNumber
* attribute10
* attribute14
* attribute11
* attributeCategory
* attribute2
* attribute6
* createdBy
* attribute8
* attribute13
* primaryComponent
* attribute4
* attribute15


 * sourceLang
* createdBy
* lastUpdatedBy
* shortDescription
* id
* creationDate
* description
* language
* lastUpdateDate
* sfwtFlag
* lastUpdateLogin
* comments


 * sourceLang
* createdBy
* lastUpdatedBy
* shortDescription
* id
* creationDate
* description
* language
* lastUpdateDate
* sfwtFlag
* lastUpdateLogin
* comments


 * securityDepTrxApId
* attribute11
* isoId
* floorPrice
* arsCode
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute1
* attribute14
* imrId
* repurchaseAgmtYn
* programId
* attribute10
* programUpdateDate
* creationDate
* attribute3
* attribute7
* lastUpdateLogin
* attributeCategory
* attribute2
* orgId
* attribute13
* currencyCode
* rnaId
* attribute8
* dateReturnDue
* relocateAssetYn
* commmerciallyReasSaleYn
* dateTitleReturned
* attribute15
* requestId
* qteId
* dateReturnNotified
* objectVersionNumber
* likeKindYn
* attribute9
* art1Code
* dateHoldUntil
* voluntaryYn
* newItemNumber
* attribute5
* legalEntityId
* dateRepossessionRequired
* newItemPrice
* attribute4
* attribute12
* id
* assetFmvAmount
* programApplicationId
* assetRelocatedYn
* createdBy
* rmrId
* attribute6
* currencyConversionRate
* currencyConversionType
* dateRepossessionActual
* qteLineId
* lastUpdatedBy
* currencyConversionDate
* currencyConversionCode
* kleId
* dateReturned


 * securityDepTrxApId
* attribute11
* isoId
* floorPrice
* arsCode
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute1
* attribute14
* imrId
* repurchaseAgmtYn
* programId
* attribute10
* programUpdateDate
* creationDate
* attribute3
* attribute7
* lastUpdateLogin
* attributeCategory
* attribute2
* orgId
* attribute13
* currencyCode
* rnaId
* attribute8
* dateReturnDue
* relocateAssetYn
* commmerciallyReasSaleYn
* dateTitleReturned
* attribute15
* requestId
* qteId
* dateReturnNotified
* objectVersionNumber
* likeKindYn
* attribute9
* art1Code
* dateHoldUntil
* voluntaryYn
* newItemNumber
* attribute5
* legalEntityId
* dateRepossessionRequired
* newItemPrice
* attribute4
* attribute12
* id
* assetFmvAmount
* programApplicationId
* assetRelocatedYn
* createdBy
* rmrId
* attribute6
* currencyConversionRate
* currencyConversionType
* dateRepossessionActual
* qteLineId
* lastUpdatedBy
* currencyConversionDate
* currencyConversionCode
* kleId
* dateReturned


 * lastUpdatedBy
* sfwtFlag
* lastUpdateDate
* createdBy
* newItemDescription
* lastUpdateLogin
* id
* language
* comments
* creationDate
* sourceLang


 * lastUpdatedBy
* sfwtFlag
* lastUpdateDate
* createdBy
* newItemDescription
* lastUpdateLogin
* id
* language
* comments
* creationDate
* sourceLang


 * parentObjectId
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute4
* endOfTermValueDefault
* residualCost
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute3
* rateTemplateId
* structuredPricing
* attribute2
* attribute11
* custAcctId
* status
* attribute1
* leaseRateFactor
* oecPercentage
* attribute13
* assetNumber
* attributeCategory
* rateCardId
* attribute7
* targetArrears
* targetAmount
* attribute12
* createdBy
* attribute9
* objectVersionNumber
* creationDate
* endOfTermValue
* attribute5
* parentObjectCode
* oec
* origAssetId
* attribute8
* attribute6
* sourceKleId
* attribute15
* attribute14
* installSiteId
* attribute10
* id
* targetFrequency


 * parentObjectId
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute4
* endOfTermValueDefault
* residualCost
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute3
* rateTemplateId
* structuredPricing
* attribute2
* attribute11
* custAcctId
* status
* attribute1
* leaseRateFactor
* oecPercentage
* attribute13
* assetNumber
* attributeCategory
* rateCardId
* attribute7
* targetArrears
* targetAmount
* attribute12
* createdBy
* attribute9
* objectVersionNumber
* creationDate
* endOfTermValue
* attribute5
* parentObjectCode
* oec
* origAssetId
* attribute8
* attribute6
* sourceKleId
* attribute15
* attribute14
* installSiteId
* attribute10
* id
* targetFrequency


 * language
* description
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* id
* sfwtFlag
* lastUpdatedBy
* comments
* shortDescription
* sourceLang
* lastUpdateDate
* createdBy


 * language
* description
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* id
* sfwtFlag
* lastUpdatedBy
* comments
* shortDescription
* sourceLang
* lastUpdateDate
* createdBy


 * attribute12
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute9
* dateApproved
* attributeCategory
* attribute13
* acsCode
* orgId
* attribute6
* isqId
* ctpCode
* attribute8
* attribute15
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateDate
* currencyConversionType
* approvedYn
* attribute10
* currencyConversionCode
* attribute11
* currencyConversionRate
* id
* rpcId
* attribute5
* attribute4
* objectVersionNumber
* dateReported
* attribute1
* creationDate
* attribute7
* currencyCode
* dtyCode
* programId
* approvedBy
* estimatedRepairCost
* pztId
* attribute3
* currencyConversionDate
* sequenceNumber
* requestId
* acdId
* actualRepairCost
* programApplicationId
* cdnCode
* attribute2
* programUpdateDate
* attribute14
* createdBy


 * attribute12
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute9
* dateApproved
* attributeCategory
* attribute13
* acsCode
* orgId
* attribute6
* isqId
* ctpCode
* attribute8
* attribute15
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateDate
* currencyConversionType
* approvedYn
* attribute10
* currencyConversionCode
* attribute11
* currencyConversionRate
* id
* rpcId
* attribute5
* attribute4
* objectVersionNumber
* dateReported
* attribute1
* creationDate
* attribute7
* currencyCode
* dtyCode
* programId
* approvedBy
* estimatedRepairCost
* pztId
* attribute3
* currencyConversionDate
* sequenceNumber
* requestId
* acdId
* actualRepairCost
* programApplicationId
* cdnCode
* attribute2
* programUpdateDate
* attribute14
* createdBy


 * sfwtFlag
* createdBy
* description
* sourceLang
* chargeType
* lastUpdatedBy
* id
* language
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* creationDate


 * sfwtFlag
* createdBy
* description
* sourceLang
* chargeType
* lastUpdatedBy
* id
* language
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* creationDate


 * creationDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* origin
* language
* name
* destination
* sourceLang
* sfwtFlag
* id
* createdBy
* lastUpdateDate


 * creationDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* origin
* language
* name
* destination
* sourceLang
* sfwtFlag
* id
* createdBy
* lastUpdateDate


 * assetId
* programId
* chargeDate
* id
* attribute11
* interfaceAttribute9
* interfaceAttribute5
* styName
* attribute13
* interfaceAttribute7
* contractId
* createdBy
* objectVersionNumber
* customerRef
* attribute15
* creationDate
* customerId
* programApplicationId
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute12
* customerAddressRef
* attribute3
* programUpdateDate
* interfaceAttribute10
* attribute4
* interfaceAttribute2
* interfaceAttribute8
* amount
* attributeCategory
* interfaceAttribute14
* attribute9
* styId
* lastUpdateDate
* interfaceAttribute1
* interfaceAttribute4
* bghId
* attribute6
* interfaceAttribute12
* attribute2
* interfaceAttribute6
* orgId
* customerAddressId
* attribute8
* attribute7
* currencyCode
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute14
* interfaceAttribute3
* interfaceAttribute15
* sequenceNumber
* interfaceAttribute13
* requestId
* attribute10
* interfaceAttribute11
* attribute1
* attribute5


 * assetId
* programId
* chargeDate
* id
* attribute11
* interfaceAttribute9
* interfaceAttribute5
* styName
* attribute13
* interfaceAttribute7
* contractId
* createdBy
* objectVersionNumber
* customerRef
* attribute15
* creationDate
* customerId
* programApplicationId
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute12
* customerAddressRef
* attribute3
* programUpdateDate
* interfaceAttribute10
* attribute4
* interfaceAttribute2
* interfaceAttribute8
* amount
* attributeCategory
* interfaceAttribute14
* attribute9
* styId
* lastUpdateDate
* interfaceAttribute1
* interfaceAttribute4
* bghId
* attribute6
* interfaceAttribute12
* attribute2
* interfaceAttribute6
* orgId
* customerAddressId
* attribute8
* attribute7
* currencyCode
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute14
* interfaceAttribute3
* interfaceAttribute15
* sequenceNumber
* interfaceAttribute13
* requestId
* attribute10
* interfaceAttribute11
* attribute1
* attribute5


 * lastUpdatedBy
* attribute9
* attribute7
* creationDate
* programApplicationId
* attribute6
* objectVersionNumber
* programUpdateDate
* attribute3
* attribute2
* orgId
* attribute4
* createdBy
* programId
* attribute5
* attribute13
* attribute12
* attribute14
* attribute8
* dateTransmission
* trxStatusCode
* attributeCategory
* attribute10
* attribute11
* lastUpdateDate
* requestId
* lastUpdateLogin
* id
* sequenceNumber
* attribute1
* attribute15


 * lastUpdatedBy
* attribute9
* attribute7
* creationDate
* programApplicationId
* attribute6
* objectVersionNumber
* programUpdateDate
* attribute3
* attribute2
* orgId
* attribute4
* createdBy
* programId
* attribute5
* attribute13
* attribute12
* attribute14
* attribute8
* dateTransmission
* trxStatusCode
* attributeCategory
* attribute10
* attribute11
* lastUpdateDate
* requestId
* lastUpdateLogin
* id
* sequenceNumber
* attribute1
* attribute15


 * lastUpdateLogin
* creationDate
* batchNumber
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateDate
* processingSrlNumber
* activeFlag
* orgId
* programName
* userId
* progressStatus
* createdBy
* progShortName
* khrId
* concReqId


 * lastUpdateLogin
* creationDate
* batchNumber
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateDate
* processingSrlNumber
* activeFlag
* orgId
* programName
* userId
* progressStatus
* createdBy
* progShortName
* khrId
* concReqId


 * requestId
* lastUpdateLogin
* programUpdateDate
* endDate
* programApplicationId
* ibcId
* startDate
* createdBy
* version
* id
* comments
* lastUpdatedBy
* programId
* creationDate
* lossRate
* lastUpdateDate
* objectVersionNumber


 * requestId
* lastUpdateLogin
* programUpdateDate
* endDate
* programApplicationId
* ibcId
* startDate
* createdBy
* version
* id
* comments
* lastUpdatedBy
* programId
* creationDate
* lossRate
* lastUpdateDate
* objectVersionNumber


 * objectVersionNumber
* endDate
* attribute12
* monthsToBillAhead
* attribute9
* underPaymentAllocationCode
* attribute4
* lastUpdateLogin
* amountTolerancePercent
* attribute14
* orgId
* lastUpdateDate
* description
* name
* attribute1
* overPaymentAllocationCode
* attribute5
* attribute2
* defaultRule
* daysPastQuoteValidToleranc
* receiptMsmtchAllocationCode
* attribute8
* creationDate
* id
* attributeCategory
* attribute10
* cauId
* attribute6
* attribute3
* startDate
* createdBy
* attribute11
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute15
* attribute7
* numDaysHoldAdvPay
* attribute13


 * objectVersionNumber
* endDate
* attribute12
* monthsToBillAhead
* attribute9
* underPaymentAllocationCode
* attribute4
* lastUpdateLogin
* amountTolerancePercent
* attribute14
* orgId
* lastUpdateDate
* description
* name
* attribute1
* overPaymentAllocationCode
* attribute5
* attribute2
* defaultRule
* daysPastQuoteValidToleranc
* receiptMsmtchAllocationCode
* attribute8
* creationDate
* id
* attributeCategory
* attribute10
* cauId
* attribute6
* attribute3
* startDate
* createdBy
* attribute11
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute15
* attribute7
* numDaysHoldAdvPay
* attribute13


 * numberOfPeriods
* stubDays
* attribute3
* attribute6
* objectVersionNumber
* attribute4
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute14
* startDate
* attribute9
* missingPmtFlag
* cafId
* creationDate
* attribute15
* amount
* attribute7
* attribute8
* stubAmount
* attribute12
* attribute1
* rate
* attribute10
* createdBy
* attributeCategory
* attribute13
* attribute11
* id
* fqyCode
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute2
* levelSequence
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute5


 * numberOfPeriods
* stubDays
* attribute3
* attribute6
* objectVersionNumber
* attribute4
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute14
* startDate
* attribute9
* missingPmtFlag
* cafId
* creationDate
* attribute15
* amount
* attribute7
* attribute8
* stubAmount
* attribute12
* attribute1
* rate
* attribute10
* createdBy
* attributeCategory
* attribute13
* attribute11
* id
* fqyCode
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute2
* levelSequence
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute5


 * attribute6
* sourceId
* attribute3
* attribute7
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute12
* objectVersionNumber
* attribute11
* attribute2
* creationDate
* createdBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* id
* attribute10
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute14
* otyCode
* attribute15
* attribute13
* attribute4
* attributeCategory
* attribute9
* sourceTable
* attribute1
* attribute8
* attribute5


 * attribute6
* sourceId
* attribute3
* attribute7
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute12
* objectVersionNumber
* attribute11
* attribute2
* creationDate
* createdBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* id
* attribute10
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute14
* otyCode
* attribute15
* attribute13
* attribute4
* attributeCategory
* attribute9
* sourceTable
* attribute1
* attribute8
* attribute5


 * attribute14
* attribute1
* attribute13
* attribute8
* attribute4
* attribute10
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute3
* dueArrearsYn
* cftCode
* stsCode
* dnzQteId
* cfoId
* id
* attribute9
* creationDate
* attribute15
* attributeCategory
* objectVersionNumber
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute6
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute7
* attribute5
* createdBy
* attribute12
* dnzKhrId
* attribute11
* startDate
* styId
* numberOfAdvancePeriods
* attribute2


 * attribute14
* attribute1
* attribute13
* attribute8
* attribute4
* attribute10
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute3
* dueArrearsYn
* cftCode
* stsCode
* dnzQteId
* cfoId
* id
* attribute9
* creationDate
* attribute15
* attributeCategory
* objectVersionNumber
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute6
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute7
* attribute5
* createdBy
* attribute12
* dnzKhrId
* attribute11
* startDate
* styId
* numberOfAdvancePeriods
* attribute2


 * attribute8
* startDate
* attribute2
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute7
* attribute15
* attribute6
* attribute5
* attribute12
* attribute10
* lastUpdateDate
* ptpCode
* cfoId
* objectVersionNumber
* endDate
* attribute14
* attribute1
* attribute4
* attribute11
* attributeCategory
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute9
* id
* attribute13
* createdBy
* attribute3
* creationDate


 * attribute8
* startDate
* attribute2
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute7
* attribute15
* attribute6
* attribute5
* attribute12
* attribute10
* lastUpdateDate
* ptpCode
* cfoId
* objectVersionNumber
* endDate
* attribute14
* attribute1
* attribute4
* attribute11
* attributeCategory
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute9
* id
* attribute13
* createdBy
* attribute3
* creationDate


 * instChecklistType
* attribute13
* lastUpdateDate
* cklId
* attribute3
* orgId
* mandatoryFlag
* requestId
* userCompleteFlag
* attribute11
* attribute15
* programApplicationId
* functionValidateRsts
* todoItemCode
* adminNote
* attribute8
* functionValidateMsg
* attribute14
* dnzChecklistObjId
* attribute12
* programUpdateDate
* attribute6
* attribute7
* userNote
* appealFlag
* objectVersionNumber
* attribute1
* programId
* lastUpdateLogin
* functionId
* attribute2
* attributeCategory
* attribute4
* attribute5
* attribute9
* createdBy
* id
* creationDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute10


 * instChecklistType
* attribute13
* lastUpdateDate
* cklId
* attribute3
* orgId
* mandatoryFlag
* requestId
* userCompleteFlag
* attribute11
* attribute15
* programApplicationId
* functionValidateRsts
* todoItemCode
* adminNote
* attribute8
* functionValidateMsg
* attribute14
* dnzChecklistObjId
* attribute12
* programUpdateDate
* attribute6
* attribute7
* userNote
* appealFlag
* objectVersionNumber
* attribute1
* programId
* lastUpdateLogin
* functionId
* attribute2
* attributeCategory
* attribute4
* attribute5
* attribute9
* createdBy
* id
* creationDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute10


 * id
* attributeCategory
* attribute9
* orgId
* programApplicationId
* requestId
* cklId
* endDate
* objectVersionNumber
* attribute8
* lastUpdateDate
* checklistNumber
* attribute2
* attribute10
* attribute15
* programUpdateDate
* attribute14
* attribute5
* attribute11
* attribute12
* checklistObjTypeCode
* checklistObjId
* attribute3
* creationDate
* attribute1
* decisionDate
* programId
* statusCode
* checklistType
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute4
* attribute6
* lastUpdatedBy
* checklistPurposeCode
* attribute13
* attribute7
* shortDescription
* startDate
* description
* createdBy


 * id
* attributeCategory
* attribute9
* orgId
* programApplicationId
* requestId
* cklId
* endDate
* objectVersionNumber
* attribute8
* lastUpdateDate
* checklistNumber
* attribute2
* attribute10
* attribute15
* programUpdateDate
* attribute14
* attribute5
* attribute11
* attribute12
* checklistObjTypeCode
* checklistObjId
* attribute3
* creationDate
* attribute1
* decisionDate
* programId
* statusCode
* checklistType
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute4
* attribute6
* lastUpdatedBy
* checklistPurposeCode
* attribute13
* attribute7
* shortDescription
* startDate
* description
* createdBy


 * cnsldApInvId
* vpaId
* invoiceType
* createdBy
* attribute11
* dateInvoiced
* attribute5
* attribute2
* currencyConversionDate
* creationDate
* acctsPayCcId
* attribute3
* vendorId
* attribute7
* payGroupLookupCode
* tryId
* attribute6
* ipptId
* lastUpdatedBy
* invoiceNumber
* attribute9
* currencyConversionType
* legalEntityId
* programId
* attribute13
* orgId
* programApplicationId
* selfBillYn
* selfBillInvNum
* attribute10
* currencyConversionRate
* attributeCategory
* attribute8
* attribute12
* attribute4
* attribute14
* currencyCode
* amount
* paymentMethodCode
* lastUpdateDate
* requestId
* matchRequiredYn
* programUpdateDate
* ipvsId
* dateGl
* objectVersionNumber
* attribute15
* lastUpdateLogin
* setOfBooksId
* attribute1
* feeChargedYn
* vendorInvoiceNumber
* trxStatusCode


 * cnsldApInvId
* vpaId
* invoiceType
* createdBy
* attribute11
* dateInvoiced
* attribute5
* attribute2
* currencyConversionDate
* creationDate
* acctsPayCcId
* attribute3
* vendorId
* attribute7
* payGroupLookupCode
* tryId
* attribute6
* ipptId
* lastUpdatedBy
* invoiceNumber
* attribute9
* currencyConversionType
* legalEntityId
* programId
* attribute13
* orgId
* programApplicationId
* selfBillYn
* selfBillInvNum
* attribute10
* currencyConversionRate
* attributeCategory
* attribute8
* attribute12
* attribute4
* attribute14
* currencyCode
* amount
* paymentMethodCode
* lastUpdateDate
* requestId
* matchRequiredYn
* programUpdateDate
* ipvsId
* dateGl
* objectVersionNumber
* attribute15
* lastUpdateLogin
* setOfBooksId
* attribute1
* feeChargedYn
* vendorInvoiceNumber
* trxStatusCode


 * attribute3
* attribute5
* currencyCode
* attribute7
* attribute11
* orgId
* invoicePullYn
* attribute6
* attribute8
* programUpdateDate
* legalEntityId
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute14
* creationDate
* ixxId
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute15
* attribute1
* amount
* dueDate
* infId
* attributeCategory
* objectVersionNumber
* dateConsolidated
* programId
* trxStatusCode
* programApplicationId
* id
* attribute2
* requestId
* consolidatedInvoiceNumber
* ibtId
* attribute9
* attribute4
* attribute12
* setOfBooksId
* attribute10
* createdBy
* irmId
* attribute13


 * attribute3
* attribute5
* currencyCode
* attribute7
* attribute11
* orgId
* invoicePullYn
* attribute6
* attribute8
* programUpdateDate
* legalEntityId
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute14
* creationDate
* ixxId
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute15
* attribute1
* amount
* dueDate
* infId
* attributeCategory
* objectVersionNumber
* dateConsolidated
* programId
* trxStatusCode
* programApplicationId
* id
* attribute2
* requestId
* consolidatedInvoiceNumber
* ibtId
* attribute9
* attribute4
* attribute12
* setOfBooksId
* attribute10
* createdBy
* irmId
* attribute13


 * id
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdatedBy
* sourceLang
* sfwtFlag
* language
* creationDate
* lastUpdateDate
* createdBy
* privateLabelLogoUrl


 * id
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdatedBy
* sourceLang
* sfwtFlag
* language
* creationDate
* lastUpdateDate
* createdBy
* privateLabelLogoUrl


 * attributeCategory
* attribute9
* lastUpdatedBy
* programUpdateDate
* sequenceNumber
* attribute10
* taxAmount
* attribute13
* id
* llnIdParent
* orgId
* attribute6
* attribute1
* attribute12
* cnrId
* attribute8
* programApplicationId
* iltId
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* requestId
* attribute15
* programId
* createdBy
* objectVersionNumber
* amount
* creationDate
* lineType
* kleId
* attribute7
* attribute3
* attribute4
* khrId
* attribute14
* attribute11
* attribute2
* attribute5


 * attributeCategory
* attribute9
* lastUpdatedBy
* programUpdateDate
* sequenceNumber
* attribute10
* taxAmount
* attribute13
* id
* llnIdParent
* orgId
* attribute6
* attribute1
* attribute12
* cnrId
* attribute8
* programApplicationId
* iltId
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* requestId
* attribute15
* programId
* createdBy
* objectVersionNumber
* amount
* creationDate
* lineType
* kleId
* attribute7
* attribute3
* attribute4
* khrId
* attribute14
* attribute11
* attribute2
* attribute5


 * sfwtFlag
* lastUpdateDate
* id
* sourceLang
* lastUpdateLogin
* createdBy
* creationDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* language


 * sfwtFlag
* lastUpdateDate
* id
* sourceLang
* lastUpdateLogin
* createdBy
* creationDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* language


 * lateChargeAssessDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* lateChargeAssYn
* createdBy
* attributeCategory
* creationDate
* dateDisbursed
* attribute11
* styId
* programId
* attribute15
* receivablesInvoiceId
* payStatusCode
* attribute5
* lastUpdateDate
* investorDisbErrMg
* objectVersionNumber
* lateIntAssessDate
* id
* kleId
* attribute10
* attribute7
* attribute1
* attribute8
* lateIntAssYn
* taxAmount
* orgId
* attribute3
* investorDisbStatus
* selId
* attribute12
* attribute13
* amount
* attribute14
* programApplicationId
* programUpdateDate
* attribute6
* requestId
* attribute9
* llnId
* khrId
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute2
* attribute4


 * lateChargeAssessDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* lateChargeAssYn
* createdBy
* attributeCategory
* creationDate
* dateDisbursed
* attribute11
* styId
* programId
* attribute15
* receivablesInvoiceId
* payStatusCode
* attribute5
* lastUpdateDate
* investorDisbErrMg
* objectVersionNumber
* lateIntAssessDate
* id
* kleId
* attribute10
* attribute7
* attribute1
* attribute8
* lateIntAssYn
* taxAmount
* orgId
* attribute3
* investorDisbStatus
* selId
* attribute12
* attribute13
* amount
* attribute14
* programApplicationId
* programUpdateDate
* attribute6
* requestId
* attribute9
* llnId
* khrId
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute2
* attribute4


 * lastUpdateDate
* language
* lastUpdatedBy
* id
* createdBy
* creationDate
* sfwtFlag
* sourceLang
* lastUpdateLogin


 * lastUpdateDate
* language
* lastUpdatedBy
* id
* createdBy
* creationDate
* sfwtFlag
* sourceLang
* lastUpdateLogin


 * ibtId
* effectiveDateTo
* attribute12
* attribute4
* attribute11
* icaId
* attribute14
* attribute9
* infId
* attribute6
* attribute3
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute1
* objectVersionNumber
* attribute13
* legalEntityId
* attribute15
* id
* attribute2
* creationDate
* attribute8
* attributeCategory
* createdBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* currencyCode
* iuvId
* attribute10
* irmId
* attribute5
* lastUpdatedBy
* effectiveDateFrom
* iplId
* attribute7
* orgId


 * ibtId
* effectiveDateTo
* attribute12
* attribute4
* attribute11
* icaId
* attribute14
* attribute9
* infId
* attribute6
* attribute3
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute1
* objectVersionNumber
* attribute13
* legalEntityId
* attribute15
* id
* attribute2
* creationDate
* attribute8
* attributeCategory
* createdBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* currencyCode
* iuvId
* attribute10
* irmId
* attribute5
* lastUpdatedBy
* effectiveDateFrom
* iplId
* attribute7
* orgId


 * language
* name
* description
* lastUpdateDate
* sfwtFlag
* id
* privateLabelLogoUrl
* sourceLang
* creationDate
* createdBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdatedBy


 * language
* name
* description
* lastUpdateDate
* sfwtFlag
* id
* privateLabelLogoUrl
* sourceLang
* creationDate
* createdBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdatedBy


 * attribute7
* attribute6
* attribute9
* attribute15
* attributeCategory
* attribute4
* objectVersionNumber
* attribute11
* lastUpdatedBy
* id
* attribute8
* attribute5
* kleId
* attribute10
* clgId
* attribute3
* attribute13
* createdBy
* attribute1
* attribute12
* lastUpdateLogin
* creationDate
* attribute2
* attribute14
* lastUpdateDate


 * attribute7
* attribute6
* attribute9
* attribute15
* attributeCategory
* attribute4
* objectVersionNumber
* attribute11
* lastUpdatedBy
* id
* attribute8
* attribute5
* kleId
* attribute10
* clgId
* attribute3
* attribute13
* createdBy
* attribute1
* attribute12
* lastUpdateLogin
* creationDate
* attribute2
* attribute14
* lastUpdateDate


 * attribute4
* interestAccruedAmt
* requestId
* lastUpdateDate
* id
* interestBilledAmt
* attribute10
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute13
* interestAmt
* orgId
* attributeCategory
* attribute8
* attribute14
* actualPrincipalBalanceAmt
* terminationValueAmt
* attribute11
* actualPrincipalBalanceDate
* attribute9
* programUpdateDate
* attribute5
* attribute7
* createdBy
* interestBilledDate
* interestReceivedDate
* terminationDate
* attribute15
* creationDate
* interestReceivedAmt
* programApplicationId
* attribute6
* interestCalcDate
* attribute1
* lastUpdatedBy
* khrId
* interestAccruedDate
* kleId
* objectVersionNumber
* attribute2
* attribute3
* programId
* attribute12


 * attribute4
* interestAccruedAmt
* requestId
* lastUpdateDate
* id
* interestBilledAmt
* attribute10
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute13
* interestAmt
* orgId
* attributeCategory
* attribute8
* attribute14
* actualPrincipalBalanceAmt
* terminationValueAmt
* attribute11
* actualPrincipalBalanceDate
* attribute9
* programUpdateDate
* attribute5
* attribute7
* createdBy
* interestBilledDate
* interestReceivedDate
* terminationDate
* attribute15
* creationDate
* interestReceivedAmt
* programApplicationId
* attribute6
* interestCalcDate
* attribute1
* lastUpdatedBy
* khrId
* interestAccruedDate
* kleId
* objectVersionNumber
* attribute2
* attribute3
* programId
* attribute12


 * contractCapitalizedInterest
* customerAccountName
* contractHdrDff4
* supplierRetentionFundingAmt
* customerAccountStatus
* contractHdrDffCategory
* contractTotalMiscFund
* contractDaysInYear
* contractDiscount
* programUpdateDate
* customerDunsNumber
* vendorProgramId
* contractFinProdEffToDt
* genServAdminIndicator
* vendorName
* totalUpfrontTaxOnAssets
* contractSalesRegionId
* contractCapitalizedReduction
* customerCounty
* contractScheduledPrincBal
* customerStatus
* contractHdrDff7
* customerState
* customerAccDff11
* vendorTypeCode
* customerAlias
* contractUnbilledReceivables
* contractCrdtlineFundingAmt
* contractTotalActualInt
* contractCapitalizedFee
* contractLegalEntityId
* programId
* contractTemplateName
* contractAfterTaxYield
* totalNumOfEmployees
* contractCurrency
* ledger
* customerAccDff19
* customerAddress1
* contractCustPurchOrderNum
* contractFinProdTemplateId
* contractFeeIncome
* requestId
* customerAccDff15
* contractHdrDff1
* ledgerId
* customerAlias5
* customerAccDff3
* expenseFundedAmount
* accEngineTemplSetId
* contractSecuritizationType
* customerAccDff6
* contractDocumentId
* financialInfoFiscalYear
* customerPartySiteNumber
* customerAccDff10
* contractTradeinAmount
* custPaymentTermId
* contractHdrDff5
* contractStatusTypeCode
* customerPrimPhoneNumber
* customerSiteGlobLocNum
* contractPastDueAmt130
* customerYearEstablished
* customerCity
* customerAccountComments
* contractCapAmount
* contractInventoryOrgId
* contractLastIntCalcDate
* customerPrimPhCountryCode
* contractSubPreTaxIrr
* vendorNumber
* lastUpdateLogin
* contractAccDepreciation
* contractPastDueAmt3160
* contractEarliestBillDate
* totalDebitsForPrefunding
* rolloverFeeAmount
* contractCurrencyConvType
* contractBilledNonRentsFunc
* assetsFundedAmount
* contractGenAccrualOvrideYn
* contractStatus
* customerAddress4
* contractCurrencyConvRate
* contractInterestRate
* vendorProgramName
* contractHdrDff2
* programApplicationId
* contractRevolCreditEligYn
* customerAlias3
* customerPrimPhoneExtn
* customerAccDff4
* contractTotalAccruedInt
* contractOec
* customerAccDff7
* createdBy
* contractHdrDff3
* contractIdcAmount
* customerAddress2
* operatingUnit
* customerPartyType
* customerCountry
* contractHdrDff10
* contractHdrDff14
* contractFinProdStatusCode
* customerTaxReference
* contractPrefundEligYn
* customerPartyNumber
* contractInvestorAssignYn
* contractOperatingUnitId
* contractBookClassification
* customerPrimPhoneType
* totalPrefundingAmount
* customerFiscalYearendMonth
* contractFinancialProductId
* legalEntity
* lastUpdatedBy
* customerHomeCountry
* contractBilledNonRents
* contractMultiGaapEligYn
* customerAccDff17
* customerPrimPhonePurpose
* contractDateDealTransferd
* customerSicCodeType
* contractHdrDff11
* contractCrdtlineTrnsfrAmt
* customerAccDffCategory
* contractAssetCost
* customerPartySiteUseStatus
* contractTemplateIndicator
* netInvestmentFunctional
* customerPartySiteId
* contractAfterTaxIrr
* contractPastDueAmt120Plus
* contractBilledRentsFunc
* contractHdrDff8
* contractRentAmount
* contractCrdtlineLimit
* contractNextPaymentAmt
* customerAlias4
* contractSubImplIntRate
* contractBookClassCode
* contractVarIncomeAccrual
* contractPastDueAmt91120
* customerOrgNamePhonetic
* contractHdrDff15
* contractSubsidyAmount
* contractTermDuration
* contractAccrualStatus
* contractOrigSystemSource
* nextFiscYearPotentialRev
* customerSicCode
* reportingProduct
* contractAcceptanceDate
* contractDateDealActivated
* customerPartySiteLocId
* vendorPartyRole
* customerProvince
* customerAccDff16
* contractFinancedFee
* customerAccountId
* contractCreditActYn
* customerAccDff12
* customerPartySiteUseId
* customerAccDff18
* programLoginId
* contractAmountPrefunded
* contractStartDate
* vendorBillToSiteUseId
* contractSubAfterTaxYield
* customerType
* contractTradeinDate
* customerCompetitorYn
* contractEndDate
* contractUnbilledDueAmount
* custBillToSiteUseId
* customerSalesChannel
* customerLastStatusUpdDt
* contractCrdtlineNetrnsfrAmt
* netInvestment
* contractActualPrincBal
* customerPartyName
* contractImplInterestRate
* creationDate
* customerAccDff5
* customerAccDff14
* totalNumberOfAssets
* lastUpdateDate
* contractUnaccruedSubsidy
* contractBilledRents
* reportingProductId
* functionalCurrency
* contractFinancedAmount
* customerPartySiteName
* contractApprovedDate
* contractFinancialProduct
* contractSalesRep
* contractSignedDate
* contractTradeinDescription
* customerAccEstabDate
* contractPrefundedAmount
* totalAmountPaidToDealer
* customerPartySiteUseType
* currFiscYearPotentialRev
* contractPastDueAmt6190
* customerHqBranchInd
* customerAccDff8
* customerAddress3
* customerAccDff9
* contractStatusCode
* contractExpDeliveryDate
* contractTerminationDate
* contractHdrDff9
* contractHdrDff12
* contractFinProdDesc
* customerAccDff2
* customerAccountNumber
* customerAccDff13
* customerUrl
* operatingUnitShortCode
* customerPartySiteComments
* contractAccumulatedDep
* customerPrimPhAreaCode
* customerIdentifyingAdrFlag
* contractHdrDff13
* contractFinProdEffFromDt
* contractDaysToAccrue
* customerAccDff20
* contractResidualAmount
* contractHdrDff6
* contractCurrencyConvDate
* customerAlias2
* contractConvertedAccountYn
* contractSubAfterTaxIrr
* customerAccDff1
* customerPartySiteAddressee
* contractPreTaxIrr
* customerPartyId
* customerPartySiteStatus
* customerPostalCode
* contractTemplTypeCode
* contractCanceledTimestamp
* contractTotPastDueAmt
* contractTotBilledReceivable
* contractFirstActivityDate
* contractId
* contractNumber


 * contractCapitalizedInterest
* customerAccountName
* contractHdrDff4
* supplierRetentionFundingAmt
* customerAccountStatus
* contractHdrDffCategory
* contractTotalMiscFund
* contractDaysInYear
* contractDiscount
* programUpdateDate
* customerDunsNumber
* vendorProgramId
* contractFinProdEffToDt
* genServAdminIndicator
* vendorName
* totalUpfrontTaxOnAssets
* contractSalesRegionId
* contractCapitalizedReduction
* customerCounty
* contractScheduledPrincBal
* customerStatus
* contractHdrDff7
* customerState
* customerAccDff11
* vendorTypeCode
* customerAlias
* contractUnbilledReceivables
* contractCrdtlineFundingAmt
* contractTotalActualInt
* contractCapitalizedFee
* contractLegalEntityId
* programId
* contractTemplateName
* contractAfterTaxYield
* totalNumOfEmployees
* contractCurrency
* ledger
* customerAccDff19
* customerAddress1
* contractCustPurchOrderNum
* contractFinProdTemplateId
* contractFeeIncome
* requestId
* customerAccDff15
* contractHdrDff1
* ledgerId
* customerAlias5
* customerAccDff3
* expenseFundedAmount
* accEngineTemplSetId
* contractSecuritizationType
* customerAccDff6
* contractDocumentId
* financialInfoFiscalYear
* customerPartySiteNumber
* customerAccDff10
* contractTradeinAmount
* custPaymentTermId
* contractHdrDff5
* contractStatusTypeCode
* customerPrimPhoneNumber
* customerSiteGlobLocNum
* contractPastDueAmt130
* customerYearEstablished
* customerCity
* customerAccountComments
* contractCapAmount
* contractInventoryOrgId
* contractLastIntCalcDate
* customerPrimPhCountryCode
* contractSubPreTaxIrr
* vendorNumber
* lastUpdateLogin
* contractAccDepreciation
* contractPastDueAmt3160
* contractEarliestBillDate
* totalDebitsForPrefunding
* rolloverFeeAmount
* contractCurrencyConvType
* contractBilledNonRentsFunc
* assetsFundedAmount
* contractGenAccrualOvrideYn
* contractStatus
* customerAddress4
* contractCurrencyConvRate
* contractInterestRate
* vendorProgramName
* contractHdrDff2
* programApplicationId
* contractRevolCreditEligYn
* customerAlias3
* customerPrimPhoneExtn
* customerAccDff4
* contractTotalAccruedInt
* contractOec
* customerAccDff7
* createdBy
* contractHdrDff3
* contractIdcAmount
* customerAddress2
* operatingUnit
* customerPartyType
* customerCountry
* contractHdrDff10
* contractHdrDff14
* contractFinProdStatusCode
* customerTaxReference
* contractPrefundEligYn
* customerPartyNumber
* contractInvestorAssignYn
* contractOperatingUnitId
* contractBookClassification
* customerPrimPhoneType
* totalPrefundingAmount
* customerFiscalYearendMonth
* contractFinancialProductId
* legalEntity
* lastUpdatedBy
* customerHomeCountry
* contractBilledNonRents
* contractMultiGaapEligYn
* customerAccDff17
* customerPrimPhonePurpose
* contractDateDealTransferd
* customerSicCodeType
* contractHdrDff11
* contractCrdtlineTrnsfrAmt
* customerAccDffCategory
* contractAssetCost
* customerPartySiteUseStatus
* contractTemplateIndicator
* netInvestmentFunctional
* customerPartySiteId
* contractAfterTaxIrr
* contractPastDueAmt120Plus
* contractBilledRentsFunc
* contractHdrDff8
* contractRentAmount
* contractCrdtlineLimit
* contractNextPaymentAmt
* customerAlias4
* contractSubImplIntRate
* contractBookClassCode
* contractVarIncomeAccrual
* contractPastDueAmt91120
* customerOrgNamePhonetic
* contractHdrDff15
* contractSubsidyAmount
* contractTermDuration
* contractAccrualStatus
* contractOrigSystemSource
* nextFiscYearPotentialRev
* customerSicCode
* reportingProduct
* contractAcceptanceDate
* contractDateDealActivated
* customerPartySiteLocId
* vendorPartyRole
* customerProvince
* customerAccDff16
* contractFinancedFee
* customerAccountId
* contractCreditActYn
* customerAccDff12
* customerPartySiteUseId
* customerAccDff18
* programLoginId
* contractAmountPrefunded
* contractStartDate
* vendorBillToSiteUseId
* contractSubAfterTaxYield
* customerType
* contractTradeinDate
* customerCompetitorYn
* contractEndDate
* contractUnbilledDueAmount
* custBillToSiteUseId
* customerSalesChannel
* customerLastStatusUpdDt
* contractCrdtlineNetrnsfrAmt
* netInvestment
* contractActualPrincBal
* customerPartyName
* contractImplInterestRate
* creationDate
* customerAccDff5
* customerAccDff14
* totalNumberOfAssets
* lastUpdateDate
* contractUnaccruedSubsidy
* contractBilledRents
* reportingProductId
* functionalCurrency
* contractFinancedAmount
* customerPartySiteName
* contractApprovedDate
* contractFinancialProduct
* contractSalesRep
* contractSignedDate
* contractTradeinDescription
* customerAccEstabDate
* contractPrefundedAmount
* totalAmountPaidToDealer
* customerPartySiteUseType
* currFiscYearPotentialRev
* contractPastDueAmt6190
* customerHqBranchInd
* customerAccDff8
* customerAddress3
* customerAccDff9
* contractStatusCode
* contractExpDeliveryDate
* contractTerminationDate
* contractHdrDff9
* contractHdrDff12
* contractFinProdDesc
* customerAccDff2
* customerAccountNumber
* customerAccDff13
* customerUrl
* operatingUnitShortCode
* customerPartySiteComments
* contractAccumulatedDep
* customerPrimPhAreaCode
* customerIdentifyingAdrFlag
* contractHdrDff13
* contractFinProdEffFromDt
* contractDaysToAccrue
* customerAccDff20
* contractResidualAmount
* contractHdrDff6
* contractCurrencyConvDate
* customerAlias2
* contractConvertedAccountYn
* contractSubAfterTaxIrr
* customerAccDff1
* customerPartySiteAddressee
* contractPreTaxIrr
* customerPartyId
* customerPartySiteStatus
* customerPostalCode
* contractTemplTypeCode
* contractCanceledTimestamp
* contractTotPastDueAmt
* contractTotBilledReceivable
* contractFirstActivityDate
* contractId
* contractNumber


 * linePthEvgStartDate
* contractTermDuration
* feeOrServiceFrequencyCode
* inventoryUnitCost
* insurancePolicyTypeCode
* usagePeriod
* linePthBaseStreamTypeId
* contractLineDff13
* feeTypeCode
* faMgSalvageValue
* faMgDateInService
* feeTrxTaxYn
* invSupplierShipToSiteNum
* faTaxSalvageValuePercent
* insuranceFactorValue
* faCorporateBook
* faTaxBook
* contractFinancialProductId
* assetFilingLienStatus
* linePthEvgPayoutBasisCode
* assetFilingTitleRegisLoc
* assetFilingJurisdiction
* assetPropTaxLesseeReport
* ledgerId
* contractFinancialProduct
* feeRolloverQuoteNumber
* insuranceActivationDate
* interestCalculationBasis
* faCorpDepRate
* assetStIntendedUse
* linePthBaseStreamType
* linePthEvgStreamTypeId
* totalAssetAddonCost
* assetFilingTitleCustodian
* faCorpDepMethodName
* servicePaymentType
* assetFilingLienStatusCode
* faMgDepRate
* contractCurrency
* contractLineTypeId
* contractLineName
* assetStEquipmentAge
* contractLineDff8
* linePthBaseStreamTypeCode
* totalAssetCapFeeAmount
* serviceContractNumber
* contractStatus
* totalActiveLineFinancedAmt
* lineNetInvestmentFunc
* assetBillToSiteUseId
* feeType
* contractLineDff3
* totalAssetFinancedFeeAmt
* assetFilingSubJurisdiction
* totalAssetRolloverFeeAmt
* usageMinimumQty
* cntrctCustPartySiteName
* insuranceNameOfInsured
* faTaxDepMethodName
* lineRentAmount
* lineBilledRents
* contractBookClassCode
* contractStatusTypeCode
* assetResGuarantorTypeCode
* assetsFundedAmount
* insuranceQuoteNumber
* contractLineDff15
* programApplicationId
* insurancePolicyEffFrom
* insurancePolicyStatusCode
* lineOec
* contractCurrencyConvType
* faMgBook
* createdBy
* totalAssetSubsidyAmount
* faCorpCategoryId
* ibSerialNumber
* insurancePaymentFrequency
* contractLineTypeName
* faCorpDepMethodCode
* feeOrServAmountPerPeriod
* feeOrServiceEffectiveFrom
* insuranceProductId
* assetStSaleAndLeaseBack
* faTaxSalValueBasis
* cntrctCustAcctNumber
* inventoryTotalUnits
* insPolicyLessorPayeeYn
* inventoryItemName
* contractLineDff1
* feeInitialDirectCost
* insurancePolicyLocation
* faCorpSalValueBasis
* ibInstallSiteUseId
* revenueRecognitionMethod
* faTaxDepMethodCode
* usagePriceListId
* insuranceCalcPremium
* cntrctCustPartySiteUseId
* inventoryItemId
* insuranceTotPremium
* contractLineDffCategory
* contractInterestIndexId
* insurancePolicyType
* faCorpDepMethodId
* contractReportingProduct
* lineCapitalizedInterest
* linePthBasePayBasisCode
* contractId
* assetTerminationDate
* assetFilingLienholder
* assetBillToAddress
* contractLineDff5
* contractLineTypeCode
* usagePriceListName
* fixedAssetLineId
* feeRolloverContractNumber
* expenseFundedAmount
* assetFilingTitleIssuer
* linePthEvgStreamType
* contractLineDff14
* contractLineDff7
* totalAssetCapServiceAmount
* faMgDepMethodName
* assetFilingTitleType
* contractStartDate
* usageAvgMonthlyCounterFlag
* assetBillingBankAcctId
* contractReportingProductId
* feeOrServiceTotalAmount
* usageNoOfPeriod
* lastUpdateLogin
* faTaxBookTypeCode
* faCorpOrigCost
* lineCapAmount
* interestCalclationBasisCode
* assetFilingLienNumber
* totalAssetSubsidyOvrdAmt
* linePthEvgPyoutFormula
* faMgSalValueBasis
* contractLineStatus
* lineBilledNonRentsFunc
* assetStTransferOfTitle
* assetPropTaxBillMethod
* feeOrServiceName
* lineAccumulatedDepreciation
* linePthBasePayoutBasis
* insuranceSalesRep
* usageDefaultQuantity
* faAssetKeyId
* faTaxDepMethodId
* faCorpSalvageValue
* insurancePolicyId
* faCorpCategory
* assetResidualAmount
* faCorpDateInService
* feeOrServNumberOfPeriods
* contractCurrencyConvRate
* invSupplierInvoiceDate
* faAssetLocationName
* lineUnbilledDueAmount
* contractLineStatusCode
* assetBillingBank
* feeRolloverQuoteId
* lineAssetCost
* faManufacturerName
* faCorpSalvageValuePercent
* faCorpBookTypeCode
* assetFilingLienTypeCode
* linePthEvgPayoutBasis
* lineNetInvestment
* assetBillingPaymentMethod
* lineBilledNonRents
* invSupplierShipToSiteId
* contractNumber
* faCorpDepCost
* assetFilingLienType
* assetFilingTitleRegisNum
* usageBaseReadingUomCode
* cntrctCustomerPartyName
* contractLineDff10
* contractBookClassification
* legalEntity
* contractLineDff2
* assetResidualAmtGuarantee
* faTaxDepLifeInMonths
* assetFilingTitleNumber
* faMgOrigCost
* usagePeriodCode
* assetFilingTitleDate
* ibInstallSiteId
* contractLineDff11
* insuranceProduct
* insuranceCoveredAmount
* cntrctCustAcountId
* insurancePolicyEffTo
* functionalCurrency
* feeOrServiceFrequency
* programUpdateDate
* operatingUnitShortCode
* assetFilingPayeeSite
* faMgDepMethodId
* faMgDepLifeInMonths
* lastUpdateDate
* assetResGuarantorType
* lineSupplier
* faModelNumber
* operatingUnit
* faTaxSalvageValue
* faTaxDateInService
* inventoryItemDescription
* faTaxOrigCost
* assetFilingLienDate
* contractInterestIndex
* contractLegalEntityId
* assetDateFundingExpected
* assetFilingTitleLocation
* linePthEvgPyoutFormulaId
* faAssetKey
* insurancePolicyNumber
* faMgSalValueBasisCode
* contractStatusCode
* faAssetId
* assetFilingRegisExpDate
* contractLineDff4
* modelLineId
* inventoryItemOrgId
* faCorpDepLifeInMonths
* assetUpfrontTax
* faTaxSalValueBasisCode
* usageBaseReading
* usageType
* usageTypeCode
* cntrctCustPartySiteNum
* invSupplierInvoiceNumber
* contractLineId
* programLoginId
* lineCapitalizedReduction
* insuranceProvider
* faAssetLocationId
* assetFilingLienExpDate
* contractOperatingUnitId
* invSupplierInvoiceLineId
* insuranceCancellationDate
* faTaxDepCost
* programId
* assetFilingLienContDate
* ibInstallSite
* cntrctCustPartySiteId
* linePthEvgStreamTypeCode
* requestId
* usageLevelFlag
* contractLineDff12
* ibInstallSiteNumber
* lineSupplierNumber
* lineBilledRentsFunc
* contractLineDff6
* contractCurrencyConvDate
* insurancePolicyNumber#1
* revenueRecogntionMethodCode
* usageFixedQuantity
* contractLineDff9
* feeOrServiceEffectiveTo
* faTaxDepRate
* faMgSalvageValuePercent
* cntrctCustPartySiteLocId
* lastUpdatedBy
* assetPropTaxApplicable
* cntrctCustPartyNumber
* creationDate
* assetStPurchaseOfLease
* linePthBaseStartDate
* assetResidualPercent
* ledger
* insurancePolicyStatus
* assetStAssetUpfrontTax
* insPolicyLessorInsuredYn
* usageBaseReadingUom
* invSupplrShipToSiteUseId
* contractEndDate
* cntrctCustPartyId
* faCorpSalValueBasisCode
* lineSupplierId
* lineDiscount
* assetFilingLienContNumber
* invSupplierShipToSite
* assetFilingTitleTypeCode
* faMgBookTypeCode
* assetDateDeliveryExpected
* faMgDepCost
* faMgDepMethodCode
* lineResidualAmount
* totalAssetTradeinAmount


 * linePthEvgStartDate
* contractTermDuration
* feeOrServiceFrequencyCode
* inventoryUnitCost
* insurancePolicyTypeCode
* usagePeriod
* linePthBaseStreamTypeId
* contractLineDff13
* feeTypeCode
* faMgSalvageValue
* faMgDateInService
* feeTrxTaxYn
* invSupplierShipToSiteNum
* faTaxSalvageValuePercent
* insuranceFactorValue
* faCorporateBook
* faTaxBook
* contractFinancialProductId
* assetFilingLienStatus
* linePthEvgPayoutBasisCode
* assetFilingTitleRegisLoc
* assetFilingJurisdiction
* assetPropTaxLesseeReport
* ledgerId
* contractFinancialProduct
* feeRolloverQuoteNumber
* insuranceActivationDate
* interestCalculationBasis
* faCorpDepRate
* assetStIntendedUse
* linePthBaseStreamType
* linePthEvgStreamTypeId
* totalAssetAddonCost
* assetFilingTitleCustodian
* faCorpDepMethodName
* servicePaymentType
* assetFilingLienStatusCode
* faMgDepRate
* contractCurrency
* contractLineTypeId
* contractLineName
* assetStEquipmentAge
* contractLineDff8
* linePthBaseStreamTypeCode
* totalAssetCapFeeAmount
* serviceContractNumber
* contractStatus
* totalActiveLineFinancedAmt
* lineNetInvestmentFunc
* assetBillToSiteUseId
* feeType
* contractLineDff3
* totalAssetFinancedFeeAmt
* assetFilingSubJurisdiction
* totalAssetRolloverFeeAmt
* usageMinimumQty
* cntrctCustPartySiteName
* insuranceNameOfInsured
* faTaxDepMethodName
* lineRentAmount
* lineBilledRents
* contractBookClassCode
* contractStatusTypeCode
* assetResGuarantorTypeCode
* assetsFundedAmount
* insuranceQuoteNumber
* contractLineDff15
* programApplicationId
* insurancePolicyEffFrom
* insurancePolicyStatusCode
* lineOec
* contractCurrencyConvType
* faMgBook
* createdBy
* totalAssetSubsidyAmount
* faCorpCategoryId
* ibSerialNumber
* insurancePaymentFrequency
* contractLineTypeName
* faCorpDepMethodCode
* feeOrServAmountPerPeriod
* feeOrServiceEffectiveFrom
* insuranceProductId
* assetStSaleAndLeaseBack
* faTaxSalValueBasis
* cntrctCustAcctNumber
* inventoryTotalUnits
* insPolicyLessorPayeeYn
* inventoryItemName
* contractLineDff1
* feeInitialDirectCost
* insurancePolicyLocation
* faCorpSalValueBasis
* ibInstallSiteUseId
* revenueRecognitionMethod
* faTaxDepMethodCode
* usagePriceListId
* insuranceCalcPremium
* cntrctCustPartySiteUseId
* inventoryItemId
* insuranceTotPremium
* contractLineDffCategory
* contractInterestIndexId
* insurancePolicyType
* faCorpDepMethodId
* contractReportingProduct
* lineCapitalizedInterest
* linePthBasePayBasisCode
* contractId
* assetTerminationDate
* assetFilingLienholder
* assetBillToAddress
* contractLineDff5
* contractLineTypeCode
* usagePriceListName
* fixedAssetLineId
* feeRolloverContractNumber
* expenseFundedAmount
* assetFilingTitleIssuer
* linePthEvgStreamType
* contractLineDff14
* contractLineDff7
* totalAssetCapServiceAmount
* faMgDepMethodName
* assetFilingTitleType
* contractStartDate
* usageAvgMonthlyCounterFlag
* assetBillingBankAcctId
* contractReportingProductId
* feeOrServiceTotalAmount
* usageNoOfPeriod
* lastUpdateLogin
* faTaxBookTypeCode
* faCorpOrigCost
* lineCapAmount
* interestCalclationBasisCode
* assetFilingLienNumber
* totalAssetSubsidyOvrdAmt
* linePthEvgPyoutFormula
* faMgSalValueBasis
* contractLineStatus
* lineBilledNonRentsFunc
* assetStTransferOfTitle
* assetPropTaxBillMethod
* feeOrServiceName
* lineAccumulatedDepreciation
* linePthBasePayoutBasis
* insuranceSalesRep
* usageDefaultQuantity
* faAssetKeyId
* faTaxDepMethodId
* faCorpSalvageValue
* insurancePolicyId
* faCorpCategory
* assetResidualAmount
* faCorpDateInService
* feeOrServNumberOfPeriods
* contractCurrencyConvRate
* invSupplierInvoiceDate
* faAssetLocationName
* lineUnbilledDueAmount
* contractLineStatusCode
* assetBillingBank
* feeRolloverQuoteId
* lineAssetCost
* faManufacturerName
* faCorpSalvageValuePercent
* faCorpBookTypeCode
* assetFilingLienTypeCode
* linePthEvgPayoutBasis
* lineNetInvestment
* assetBillingPaymentMethod
* lineBilledNonRents
* invSupplierShipToSiteId
* contractNumber
* faCorpDepCost
* assetFilingLienType
* assetFilingTitleRegisNum
* usageBaseReadingUomCode
* cntrctCustomerPartyName
* contractLineDff10
* contractBookClassification
* legalEntity
* contractLineDff2
* assetResidualAmtGuarantee
* faTaxDepLifeInMonths
* assetFilingTitleNumber
* faMgOrigCost
* usagePeriodCode
* assetFilingTitleDate
* ibInstallSiteId
* contractLineDff11
* insuranceProduct
* insuranceCoveredAmount
* cntrctCustAcountId
* insurancePolicyEffTo
* functionalCurrency
* feeOrServiceFrequency
* programUpdateDate
* operatingUnitShortCode
* assetFilingPayeeSite
* faMgDepMethodId
* faMgDepLifeInMonths
* lastUpdateDate
* assetResGuarantorType
* lineSupplier
* faModelNumber
* operatingUnit
* faTaxSalvageValue
* faTaxDateInService
* inventoryItemDescription
* faTaxOrigCost
* assetFilingLienDate
* contractInterestIndex
* contractLegalEntityId
* assetDateFundingExpected
* assetFilingTitleLocation
* linePthEvgPyoutFormulaId
* faAssetKey
* insurancePolicyNumber
* faMgSalValueBasisCode
* contractStatusCode
* faAssetId
* assetFilingRegisExpDate
* contractLineDff4
* modelLineId
* inventoryItemOrgId
* faCorpDepLifeInMonths
* assetUpfrontTax
* faTaxSalValueBasisCode
* usageBaseReading
* usageType
* usageTypeCode
* cntrctCustPartySiteNum
* invSupplierInvoiceNumber
* contractLineId
* programLoginId
* lineCapitalizedReduction
* insuranceProvider
* faAssetLocationId
* assetFilingLienExpDate
* contractOperatingUnitId
* invSupplierInvoiceLineId
* insuranceCancellationDate
* faTaxDepCost
* programId
* assetFilingLienContDate
* ibInstallSite
* cntrctCustPartySiteId
* linePthEvgStreamTypeCode
* requestId
* usageLevelFlag
* contractLineDff12
* ibInstallSiteNumber
* lineSupplierNumber
* lineBilledRentsFunc
* contractLineDff6
* contractCurrencyConvDate
* insurancePolicyNumber#1
* revenueRecogntionMethodCode
* usageFixedQuantity
* contractLineDff9
* feeOrServiceEffectiveTo
* faTaxDepRate
* faMgSalvageValuePercent
* cntrctCustPartySiteLocId
* lastUpdatedBy
* assetPropTaxApplicable
* cntrctCustPartyNumber
* creationDate
* assetStPurchaseOfLease
* linePthBaseStartDate
* assetResidualPercent
* ledger
* insurancePolicyStatus
* assetStAssetUpfrontTax
* insPolicyLessorInsuredYn
* usageBaseReadingUom
* invSupplrShipToSiteUseId
* contractEndDate
* cntrctCustPartyId
* faCorpSalValueBasisCode
* lineSupplierId
* lineDiscount
* assetFilingLienContNumber
* invSupplierShipToSite
* assetFilingTitleTypeCode
* faMgBookTypeCode
* assetDateDeliveryExpected
* faMgDepCost
* faMgDepMethodCode
* lineResidualAmount
* totalAssetTradeinAmount


 * lastUpdateDate
* creationDate
* zdEditionName
* lastUpdateLogin
* objectVersionNumber
* cgrId
* createdBy
* id
* zdSync
* pmrId
* lastUpdatedBy


 * lastUpdateDate
* creationDate
* zdEditionName
* lastUpdateLogin
* objectVersionNumber
* cgrId
* createdBy
* id
* zdSync
* pmrId
* lastUpdatedBy


 * attribute15
* sequenceNumber
* attribute12
* attribute14
* ivmId
* attribute5
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute11
* createdBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute7
* creationDate
* attribute1
* attribute6
* attribute8
* attribute4
* id
* attribute3
* attribute9
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* attribute13
* attribute2
* imsId
* attribute10
* objectVersionNumber


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* sequenceNumber
* attribute12
* attribute14
* ivmId
* attribute5
* lastUpdatedBy
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* attribute11
* createdBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute7
* creationDate
* attribute1
* attribute6
* attribute8
* attribute4
* id
* attribute3
* attribute9
* attributeCategory
* attribute13
* attribute2
* imsId
* attribute10
* objectVersionNumber


 * id
* name
* creationDate
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* createdBy
* objectVersionNumber
* zdEditionName
* lastUpdateLogin
* zdSync


 * id
* name
* creationDate
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* lastUpdatedBy
* createdBy
* objectVersionNumber
* zdEditionName
* lastUpdateLogin
* zdSync


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* creationDate
* zdEditionName
* id
* language
* zdSync
* sourceLang
* lastUpdatedBy
* description
* sfwtFlag
* createdBy
* lastUpdateLogin


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* creationDate
* zdEditionName
* id
* language
* zdSync
* sourceLang
* lastUpdatedBy
* description
* sfwtFlag
* createdBy
* lastUpdateLogin


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* attribute2
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* adjustedRate
* rateAdjustmentFactor
* objectVersionNumber
* attribute5
* cost
* assetType
* attribute6
* attributeCategory
* salvageValue
* modelNumber
* basicRate
* attribute4
* lastUpdateDate
* status
* startDateActive
* attribute1
* lastUpdateLogin
* primaryUomCode
* currentUnits
* faCleId
* name
* attribute13
* createdBy
* corporateBook
* originalCost
* inServiceDate
* assetKeyId
* description
* newUsed
* attribute9
* id
* assetId
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* attribute7
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* attribute3
* attribute10
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* attribute8
* attribute11
* percentSalvageValue
* attribute15
* attribute12
* deprnMethodCode
* lastUpdatedBy


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* attribute14
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* depreciationCategory
* endDateActive
* attribute2
* recoverableCost
* adjustedRate
* rateAdjustmentFactor
* objectVersionNumber
* attribute5
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* assetType
* attribute6
* attributeCategory
* salvageValue
* modelNumber
* basicRate
* attribute4
* lastUpdateDate
* status
* startDateActive
* attribute1
* lastUpdateLogin
* primaryUomCode
* currentUnits
* faCleId
* name
* attribute13
* createdBy
* corporateBook
* originalCost
* inServiceDate
* assetKeyId
* description
* newUsed
* attribute9
* id
* assetId
* deprnStartDate
* attribute7
* majorVersion
* adjustedCost
* attribute3
* attribute10
* dnzChrId
* assetNumber
* attribute8
* attribute11
* percentSalvageValue
* attribute15
* attribute12
* deprnMethodCode
* lastUpdatedBy


 * attribute14
* name
* ibCleId
* attribute10
* lastUpdateLogin
* majorVersion
* id
* attribute12
* lastUpdatedBy
* currentSerialNumber
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* attribute9
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* attributeCategory
* createdBy
* description
* attribute7
* attribute13
* attribute6
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* attribute3
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* attribute11
* legalEntityId
* quantity
* lastUpdateDate
* inventoryItemId
* attribute8
* attribute15
* attribute5


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* name
* ibCleId
* attribute10
* lastUpdateLogin
* majorVersion
* id
* attribute12
* lastUpdatedBy
* currentSerialNumber
* attribute1
* installSiteUseId
* attribute9
* creationDate
* attributeCategory
* createdBy
* description
* attribute7
* attribute13
* attribute6
* objectVersionNumber
* attribute2
* dnzChrId
* attribute3
* attribute4
* attribute11
* legalEntityId
* quantity
* lastUpdateDate
* inventoryItemId
* attribute8
* attribute15
* attribute5


 * attribute14
* attribute8
* conversionOptionCode
* effectiveToDate
* variableRateYn
* catchupBasisCode
* attribute6
* conversionDate
* daysInAMonthCode
* catchupSettlementCode
* compoundFrequencyCode
* lastUpdateLogin
* minimumRate
* adderRate
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute2
* trqId
* rateChangeFrequencyCode
* effectiveFromDate
* rateChangeStartDate
* lastUpdateDate
* interestBasisCode
* calculationFormulaName
* createdBy
* attribute3
* principalBasisCode
* rateChangeValue
* attribute4
* rateDelayFrequency
* attribute13
* creationDate
* attribute10
* baseRate
* attribute12
* attribute15
* attribute9
* attribute7
* interestIndexId
* khrId
* attribute11
* rateDelayCode
* parameterTypeCode
* attribute5
* attribute1
* maximumRate
* daysInAYearCode
* proposedEffectiveDate
* nextConversionDate
* catchupStartDate
* conversionTypeCode


 * attribute14
* attribute8
* conversionOptionCode
* effectiveToDate
* variableRateYn
* catchupBasisCode
* attribute6
* conversionDate
* daysInAMonthCode
* catchupSettlementCode
* compoundFrequencyCode
* lastUpdateLogin
* minimumRate
* adderRate
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute2
* trqId
* rateChangeFrequencyCode
* effectiveFromDate
* rateChangeStartDate
* lastUpdateDate
* interestBasisCode
* calculationFormulaName
* createdBy
* attribute3
* principalBasisCode
* rateChangeValue
* attribute4
* rateDelayFrequency
* attribute13
* creationDate
* attribute10
* baseRate
* attribute12
* attribute15
* attribute9
* attribute7
* interestIndexId
* khrId
* attribute11
* rateDelayCode
* parameterTypeCode
* attribute5
* attribute1
* maximumRate
* daysInAYearCode
* proposedEffectiveDate
* nextConversionDate
* catchupStartDate
* conversionTypeCode


 * supplierId
* attribute6
* parentObjectCode
* defaultSubsidyAmount
* attributeCategory
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute4
* lastUpdateDate
* percentBasisValue
* id
* streamTypeId
* processingType
* value
* attribute5
* basis
* attribute11
* attribute1
* attribute7
* attribute2
* attribute9
* attribute13
* attribute14
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* attribute12
* attribute3
* attribute15
* adjustmentSourceId
* attribute10
* attribute8
* lastUpdateLogin
* objectVersionNumber
* creationDate
* adjustmentSourceType
* createdBy


 * supplierId
* attribute6
* parentObjectCode
* defaultSubsidyAmount
* attributeCategory
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute4
* lastUpdateDate
* percentBasisValue
* id
* streamTypeId
* processingType
* value
* attribute5
* basis
* attribute11
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* attribute7
* attribute2
* attribute9
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* attribute14
* parentObjectId
* attribute12
* attribute3
* attribute15
* adjustmentSourceId
* attribute10
* attribute8
* lastUpdateLogin
* objectVersionNumber
* creationDate
* adjustmentSourceType
* createdBy


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* lastUpdatedBy
* sourceLang
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* comments
* language
* lastUpdateDate
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 * lastUpdateLogin
* id
* creationDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* sourceLang
* sfwtFlag
* createdBy
* shortDescription
* comments
* language
* lastUpdateDate
* description


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* attribute12
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* attribute4
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* attribute13
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* approvedDate
* status
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* attribute9
* attribute7
* creationDate
* lastUpdateDate
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* requestedDate
* attribute14
* attribute3
* orgId
* createdBy
* attribute15
* attribute1
* attribute10
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute8
* creditReqId
* attribute2


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* creditKhrId
* attribute12
* attribute6
* quoteId
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute4
* attributeCategory
* creditAmount
* attribute13
* attribute11
* approvedBy
* objectVersionNumber
* approvedDate
* status
* attribute5
* currencyCode
* attribute9
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* creationDate
* lastUpdateDate
* requestedBy
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* requestedDate
* attribute14
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* createdBy
* attribute15
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* attribute8
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* attribute2


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* attribute3
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* name
* description
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* attribute9
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* attribute11
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* attributeCategory
* attribute14
* attribute7
* attribute2
* attribute15
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute6
* attribute12
* attribute4
* creationDate
* lastUpdatedBy


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* attribute10
* attribute13
* attribute3
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* orgId
* name
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* objectVersionNumber
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* attribute11
* createdBy
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* attribute14
* attribute7
* attribute2
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* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute6
* attribute12
* attribute4
* creationDate
* lastUpdatedBy


 * lastUpdateDate
* creationDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute8
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute9
* attribute6
* id
* attribute4
* attribute2
* attribute12
* attribute11
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* attributeCategory
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* attribute14
* attribute15
* attribute1
* attribute5
* createdBy
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* name
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* attribute13
* attribute10
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* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute8
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute9
* attribute6
* id
* attribute4
* attribute2
* attribute12
* attribute11
* attribute3
* attributeCategory
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* attribute14
* attribute15
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* attribute5
* createdBy
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* attribute7
* description
* name
* orgId
* attribute13
* attribute10
* objectVersionNumber


 * attribute15
* attributeCategory
* attribute11
* attribute5
* shortFundAmount
* chrId
* process
* cureAmountId
* attribute8
* timesCured
* attribute4
* attribute6
* effectiveDate
* curesInPossession
* attribute12
* creationDate
* attribute10
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* selectedOnRequest
* status
* orgId
* createdBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdateDate
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* attribute3
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* programUpdateDate
* objectVersionNumber
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* pastDueAmount
* attribute14
* receivedAmount
* paymentsRemaining
* cureAmount
* programApplicationId
* repurchaseAmount
* outstandingAmount
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute2
* eligibleCureAmount
* cureType
* programId
* attribute7
* qteId
* attribute9
* attribute1
* attribute13


 * attribute15
* attributeCategory
* attribute11
* attribute5
* shortFundAmount
* chrId
* process
* cureAmountId
* attribute8
* timesCured
* attribute4
* attribute6
* effectiveDate
* curesInPossession
* attribute12
* creationDate
* attribute10
* negotiatedAmount
* selectedOnRequest
* status
* orgId
* createdBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdateDate
* requestId
* showOnRequest
* attribute3
* crtId
* programUpdateDate
* objectVersionNumber
* delinquentAmount
* pastDueAmount
* attribute14
* receivedAmount
* paymentsRemaining
* cureAmount
* programApplicationId
* repurchaseAmount
* outstandingAmount
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute2
* eligibleCureAmount
* cureType
* programId
* attribute7
* qteId
* attribute9
* attribute1
* attribute13


 * attribute14
* creationDate
* requestId
* attribute6
* attribute9
* objectVersionNumber
* attribute2
* attribute12
* orgId
* createdBy
* attribute8
* attribute4
* balance
* attribute5
* attribute3
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute7
* attribute11
* programId
* attribute1
* attribute10
* cureFundSumId
* programUpdateDate
* attribute15
* attributeCategory
* attribute13
* programApplicationId
* lastUpdatedBy
* vendorId
* lastUpdateLogin


 * attribute14
* creationDate
* requestId
* attribute6
* attribute9
* objectVersionNumber
* attribute2
* attribute12
* orgId
* createdBy
* attribute8
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* attribute5
* attribute3
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute7
* attribute11
* programId
* attribute1
* attribute10
* cureFundSumId
* programUpdateDate
* attribute15
* attributeCategory
* attribute13
* programApplicationId
* lastUpdatedBy
* vendorId
* lastUpdateLogin


 * attribute9
* attribute6
* attribute5
* attribute8
* fundType
* objectVersionNumber
* creationDate
* requestId
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute11
* attribute13
* attribute2
* curePaymentId
* cureRefundLineId
* attribute10
* attribute7
* attributeCategory
* attribute14
* createdBy
* amount
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute4
* transType
* attribute15
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* orgId
* programUpdateDate
* attribute1
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* attribute3
* vendorId
* programId
* attribute12
* lastUpdateLogin


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* attribute5
* attribute8
* fundType
* objectVersionNumber
* creationDate
* requestId
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute11
* attribute13
* attribute2
* curePaymentId
* cureRefundLineId
* attribute10
* attribute7
* attributeCategory
* attribute14
* createdBy
* amount
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute4
* transType
* attribute15
* cureFundTransId
* orgId
* programUpdateDate
* attribute1
* programApplicationId
* attribute3
* vendorId
* programId
* attribute12
* lastUpdateLogin


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* attribute3
* programUpdateDate
* curedFlag
* chrId
* creationDate
* approvalReason
* orgId
* processStatus2
* transactionId
* programId
* attribute6
* attribute11
* attribute8
* attribute7
* createdBy
* attribute5
* attribute4
* attribute12
* attribute10
* attribute13
* cureRefundId
* processStatus
* programApplicationId
* attribute2
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute15
* attribute9
* lastUpdatedBy
* attributeCategory
* lastUpdateLogin
* curePaymentLineId
* attribute14
* amount
* approvalStatus
* attribute1
* rctId
* requestId
* curePaymentId
* status
* taiId


 * objectVersionNumber
* attribute3
* programUpdateDate
* curedFlag
* chrId
* creationDate
* approvalReason
* orgId
* processStatus2
* transactionId
* programId
* attribute6
* attribute11
* attribute8
* attribute7
* createdBy
* attribute5
* attribute4
* attribute12
* attribute10
* attribute13
* cureRefundId
* processStatus
* programApplicationId
* attribute2
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute15
* attribute9
* lastUpdatedBy
* attributeCategory
* lastUpdateLogin
* curePaymentLineId
* attribute14
* amount
* approvalStatus
* attribute1
* rctId
* requestId
* curePaymentId
* status
* taiId


 * attributeCategory
* negotiatedAmount
* attribute4
* attribute8
* creationDate
* refundDueDate
* objectVersionNumber
* currencyCode
* attribute11
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* attribute2
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* attribute7
* vendorCureDue
* attribute14
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* refundType
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* paymentTermId
* vendorSiteId
* refundStatus
* attribute12
* programUpdateDate
* lastUpdateDate
* vendorSiteCureDue
* requestId
* offsetAmount
* attribute1
* attribute9
* refundHeaderNumber
* createdBy
* paymentMethod
* programId
* chrId
* attribute15
* disbursementAmount
* attribute6
* attribute13
* totalRefundDue
* attribute5
* attribute10
* lastUpdateLogin


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* negotiatedAmount
* attribute4
* attribute8
* creationDate
* refundDueDate
* objectVersionNumber
* currencyCode
* attribute11
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* attribute2
* attribute3
* attribute7
* vendorCureDue
* attribute14
* cureRefundHeaderId
* refundType
* programApplicationId
* paymentTermId
* vendorSiteId
* refundStatus
* attribute12
* programUpdateDate
* lastUpdateDate
* vendorSiteCureDue
* requestId
* offsetAmount
* attribute1
* attribute9
* refundHeaderNumber
* createdBy
* paymentMethod
* programId
* chrId
* attribute15
* disbursementAmount
* attribute6
* attribute13
* totalRefundDue
* attribute5
* attribute10
* lastUpdateLogin


 * language
* description
* sfwtFlag
* createdBy
* creationDate
* sourceLang
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* cureRefundHeaderId


 * language
* description
* sfwtFlag
* createdBy
* creationDate
* sourceLang
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* cureRefundHeaderId


 * attribute1
* receivedAmount
* chrId
* programApplicationId
* attribute3
* creationDate
* attribute2
* attribute8
* attribute9
* lastUpdatedBy
* objectVersionNumber
* vendorId
* attribute4
* lastUpdateDate
* programId
* cureRefundStageId
* attribute5
* attribute14
* createdBy
* attribute12
* attribute13
* status
* attribute10
* programUpdateDate
* attributeCategory
* requestId
* attribute15
* negotiatedAmount
* attribute6
* attribute11
* attribute7
* lastUpdateLogin


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* receivedAmount
* chrId
* programApplicationId
* attribute3
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* attribute2
* attribute8
* attribute9
* lastUpdatedBy
* objectVersionNumber
* vendorId
* attribute4
* lastUpdateDate
* programId
* cureRefundStageId
* attribute5
* attribute14
* createdBy
* attribute12
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* status
* attribute10
* programUpdateDate
* attributeCategory
* requestId
* attribute15
* negotiatedAmount
* attribute6
* attribute11
* attribute7
* lastUpdateLogin


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* programApplicationId
* cureRefundStageId
* offsetAmount
* cureRefundId
* createdBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute10
* chrId
* programUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* receivedAmount
* objectVersionNumber
* attribute12
* attribute7
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute14
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* programId
* attribute11
* totalRefundDue
* attributeCategory
* attribute2
* attribute5
* creationDate
* orgId
* attribute1
* attribute15
* balance
* attribute6
* requestId
* refundDate
* status
* attribute8
* tapId
* refundNumber
* disbursementAmount
* cureRefundHeaderId
* taiId
* offsetContract
* attribute3
* attribute9
* attribute13
* vendorSiteId


 * amount
* programApplicationId
* cureRefundStageId
* offsetAmount
* cureRefundId
* createdBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute10
* chrId
* programUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* receivedAmount
* objectVersionNumber
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* attribute7
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute14
* attribute4
* programId
* attribute11
* totalRefundDue
* attributeCategory
* attribute2
* attribute5
* creationDate
* orgId
* attribute1
* attribute15
* balance
* attribute6
* requestId
* refundDate
* status
* attribute8
* tapId
* refundNumber
* disbursementAmount
* cureRefundHeaderId
* taiId
* offsetContract
* attribute3
* attribute9
* attribute13
* vendorSiteId


 * outstandingAmount
* lastUpdateDate
* programId
* objectVersionNumber
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute5
* attribute4
* paymentsRemaining
* requestId
* attribute13
* curesInPossession
* cureAmountId
* attribute12
* status
* programUpdateDate
* attribute9
* cureReportAmountId
* timesCured
* createdBy
* requestType
* attribute7
* attributeCategory
* attribute3
* claimedCureAmount
* orgId
* attribute11
* cureReportId
* attribute6
* pastDueAmount
* creationDate
* attribute14
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute15
* eligibleCureAmount
* attribute10
* attribute2
* attribute8
* attribute1
* programApplicationId
* repurchaseAmount


 * outstandingAmount
* lastUpdateDate
* programId
* objectVersionNumber
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute5
* attribute4
* paymentsRemaining
* requestId
* attribute13
* curesInPossession
* cureAmountId
* attribute12
* status
* programUpdateDate
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* cureReportAmountId
* timesCured
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* attribute7
* attributeCategory
* attribute3
* claimedCureAmount
* orgId
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* attribute6
* pastDueAmount
* creationDate
* attribute14
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute15
* eligibleCureAmount
* attribute10
* attribute2
* attribute8
* attribute1
* programApplicationId
* repurchaseAmount


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* reportType
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* attribute2
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* orgId
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* programApplicationId
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* attribute3
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* programId
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* cureReportId
* programUpdateDate
* attribute6
* currencyCode
* reportNumber
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* attribute5
* creationDate
* reportType
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* attribute10
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* createdBy
* lastUpdateDate
* orgId
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* attribute11
* vendorSiteId
* programApplicationId
* attribute15
* attribute14
* attribute4
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* attribute3
* vendorContactId
* programId
* attribute13
* cureReportId
* programUpdateDate
* attribute6
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* zdSync
* lastUpdateLogin
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* lastUpdatedBy
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* attribute3
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* endDate
* creationDate
* startDate
* version
* attribute2
* orgId
* createdBy
* attribute13
* fnctnCode


 * createdBy
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* zdEditionName
* lastUpdatedBy
* zdSync
* language
* id
* description
* creationDate
* sourceLang
* sfwtFlag


 * createdBy
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* zdEditionName
* lastUpdatedBy
* zdSync
* language
* id
* description
* creationDate
* sourceLang
* sfwtFlag


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* dateEffectiveFrom
* orgId
* createdBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* creationDate
* dateEffectiveTo
* id
* icoId
* objectVersionNumber
* rmrId
* lastUpdateDate
* ilnId


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* orgId
* createdBy
* lastUpdateLogin
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* dateEffectiveTo
* id
* icoId
* objectVersionNumber
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* lastUpdateDate
* ilnId


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* disbRuleStyTypeId
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* attribute12
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* attribute10
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* attribute6
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* attribute5
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* attribute9
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* attributeCategory
* attribute1
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* attribute14
* disbRuleId
* attribute10
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute8
* lastUpdatedBy
* objectVersionNumber
* invoiceSeqStart
* lastUpdateLogin
* vendorId
* createdBy
* creationDate
* disbRuleVendorSiteId
* attribute12
* attribute6
* attribute11
* startDate
* attribute3
* attribute13
* vendorSiteId
* nextInvSeq
* attribute1
* attribute15
* attribute2
* attribute5
* attribute9
* invoiceSeqEnd
* attributeCategory
* attribute7
* endDate


 * attribute4
* attribute14
* disbRuleId
* attribute10
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute8
* lastUpdatedBy
* objectVersionNumber
* invoiceSeqStart
* lastUpdateLogin
* vendorId
* createdBy
* creationDate
* disbRuleVendorSiteId
* attribute12
* attribute6
* attribute11
* startDate
* attribute3
* attribute13
* vendorSiteId
* nextInvSeq
* attribute1
* attribute15
* attribute2
* attribute5
* attribute9
* invoiceSeqEnd
* attributeCategory
* attribute7
* endDate


 * feePercent
* attribute9
* feeAmount
* attribute2
* attribute6
* orgId
* attribute10
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute7
* creationDate
* dayOfMonth
* objectVersionNumber
* attribute8
* disbRuleId
* ruleName
* frequency
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute4
* attribute5
* consolidateByDueDate
* scheduledMonth
* attribute11
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute15
* endDate
* consolidateStrmType
* attribute3
* feeBasis
* attributeCategory
* startDate
* attribute14
* attribute12
* feeOption
* createdBy
* attribute13
* attribute1


 * feePercent
* attribute9
* feeAmount
* attribute2
* attribute6
* orgId
* attribute10
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute7
* creationDate
* dayOfMonth
* objectVersionNumber
* attribute8
* disbRuleId
* ruleName
* frequency
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute4
* attribute5
* consolidateByDueDate
* scheduledMonth
* attribute11
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute15
* endDate
* consolidateStrmType
* attribute3
* feeBasis
* attributeCategory
* startDate
* attribute14
* attribute12
* feeOption
* createdBy
* attribute13
* attribute1


 * description
* sourceLang
* createdBy
* creationDate
* lastUpdateDate
* language
* sfwtFlag
* disbRuleId
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin


 * description
* sourceLang
* createdBy
* creationDate
* lastUpdateDate
* language
* sfwtFlag
* disbRuleId
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin


 * ibInstallSite
* performanceDataFrom
* creationDate
* customerAccountId
* lastUpdateDate
* performanceMetric
* performanceMetricType
* contractNumber
* endecaId
* performanceDataTo
* createdBy
* contractLineName
* lastUpdateLogin
* ibSerialNumber
* lastUpdatedBy
* contractLineId
* ibInstallSiteNumber
* ibInstallSiteUseId
* contractId
* performanceUnitOfMeasure


 * ibInstallSite
* performanceDataFrom
* creationDate
* customerAccountId
* lastUpdateDate
* performanceMetric
* performanceMetricType
* contractNumber
* endecaId
* performanceDataTo
* createdBy
* contractLineName
* lastUpdateLogin
* ibSerialNumber
* lastUpdatedBy
* contractLineId
* ibInstallSiteNumber
* ibInstallSiteUseId
* contractId
* performanceUnitOfMeasure


 * vendorBillToSiteUseId
* contractType
* customerIdentifyingAdrFlag
* legalEntity
* customerPartyNumber
* customerPartySiteStatus
* customerPrimPhoneType
* customerUrl
* customerStatus
* contractBookClassCode
* ledger
* contractSalesRegionId
* contractNextPaymentAmt
* contractCurrency
* contractApprovedDate
* contractAcceptanceDate
* vendorProgramName
* customerAccDff18
* contractConvertedAccountYn
* customerAccEstabDate
* contractHdrDff2
* totalNumberOfAssets
* functionalCurrency
* customerPartySiteName
* customerAlias3
* contractSubsidyAmount
* contractHdrDff4
* contractUnbilledDueAmount
* customerAccDff12
* customerPrimPhCountryCode
* contractTotOpenRecv
* contractTemplateIndicator
* contractPrefundEligYn
* customerAccDff11
* customerSicCode
* contractDaysInYear
* assetsFundedAmount
* contractCrdtlineTrnsfrAmt
* contractEndDate
* customerProvince
* programId
* customerPrimPhoneNumber
* contractSubAfterTaxIrr
* customerDunsNumber
* supplierRetentionFundingAmt
* customerAccDff16
* customerAccDff19
* customerAccountStatus
* nextFiscYearPotentialRev
* customerPartySiteAddressee
* contractResidualAmount
* contractImplInterestRate
* contractTemplateName
* contractUnbilledReceivables
* customerAccountComments
* contractFeeIncome
* customerOrgNamePhonetic
* locationId
* spec
* custBillToSiteUseId
* contractOec
* customerPartySiteLocId
* contractRevolCreditEligYn
* totalAmountPaidToDealer
* customerLastStatusUpdDt
* contractGenAccrualOvrideYn
* daysToEot
* customerAccDff8
* contractCapitalizedFee
* contractBilledRents
* customerSalesChannel
* customerPartySiteId
* contractHdrDff11
* contractDaysToAccrue
* contractSubImplIntRate
* customerAddress3
* contractCreditActYn
* customerPartySiteUseStatus
* programApplicationId
* customerIndustry
* contractAfterTaxYield
* customerPartySiteComments
* contractCrdtlineFundingAmt
* contractSubAfterTaxYield
* customerYearEstablished
* contractTotalAccruedInt
* contractEarliestBillDate
* customerAccDff2
* contractSignedDate
* customerAccDff20
* glPeriodYear
* customerAlias5
* customerAccDff17
* expenseFundedAmount
* customerCreditClass
* contractPrefundedAmount
* contractFinancialProduct
* residualPositionBucket
* contractHdrDff14
* nivBooking
* contractTermDuration
* totalDebitsForPrefunding
* contractAfterTaxIrr
* genServAdminIndicator
* contractDiscount
* contractInventoryOrgId
* contractCurrencyConvDate
* vendorNumber
* contractStatusCode
* customerAccDff3
* contractHdrDff8
* customerAccountNumber
* contractTotPastDueAmt
* periodOfOrigination
* contractMultiGaapEligYn
* customerPartyType
* contractInterestRate
* contractCanceledTimestamp
* totalPrefundingAmount
* contractTotBilledReceivable
* customerAccDffCategory
* contractDateDealActivated
* contractFirstActivityDate
* customerCompetitorYn
* customerAccDff14
* customerAddress1
* contractFinancialProductId
* contractTradeinAmount
* customerPartyName
* contractStatusTypeCode
* customerCreditRiskScore
* contractOperatingUnitId
* customerFiscalYearendMonth
* contractHdrDff3
* contractHdrDff13
* contractStartDate
* contractCapAmount
* contractHdrDff9
* contractHdrDff10
* contractAmountPrefunded
* customerAlias2
* contractHdrDff7
* contractBilledNonRentsFunc
* vendorProgramId
* customerAccDff13
* contractHdrDff5
* contractHdrDff15
* customerAlias4
* customerAddress4
* contractSecuritizationType
* contractAccrualStatus
* vendorTypeCode
* contractPreTaxIrr
* customerPartySiteUseType
* customerAccDff6
* rolloverFeeAmount
* contractTotalMiscFund
* contractTemplTypeCode
* accEngineTemplSetId
* contractVarIncomeAccrual
* customerAddress2
* recAgingBucket
* periodOfExpiration
* contractCurrencyConvRate
* customerHomeCountry
* programUpdateDate
* contractSubPreTaxIrr
* contractBilledRentsFunc
* customerPrimPhonePurpose
* contractIdcAmount
* contractTradeinDate
* contractDocumentId
* customerSicCodeType
* netInvestmentFunctional
* contractPastDueAmt120Plus
* customerType
* glPeriodName
* nivTerminated
* contractLastIntCalcDate
* vendorName
* customerAccDff7
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdateDate
* contractTotalActualInt
* contractFinProdStatusCode
* customerAccDff15
* contractActualPrincBal
* nivExpiring
* vendorPartyRole
* customerAlias
* recordType
* customerCity
* contractCrdtlineLimit
* contractHdrDff6
* contractInvestorAssignYn
* contractUnaccruedSubsidy
* customerPartySiteUseId
* financialInfoFiscalYear
* contractScheduledPrincBal
* customerCreditRating
* contractLegalEntityId
* customerAccDff1
* contractAccDepreciation
* lastUpdatedBy
* contractFinProdDesc
* customerCreditScore
* custPaymentTermId
* ledgerId
* customerTaxReference
* netInvestment
* contractPastDueAmt3160
* contractId
* contractDateDealTransferd
* contractFinProdEffToDt
* customerState
* creationDate
* customerAccDff4
* contractFinProdEffFromDt
* contractStatus
* customerAccDff5
* contractHdrDffCategory
* customerAccDff10
* contractCrdtlineNetrnsfrAmt
* contractPastDueAmt130
* customerPostalCode
* contractAccumulatedDep
* contractPastDueAmt6190
* contractFinancedAmount
* contractAssetCost
* lowestGeographyType
* customerCountry
* contractCapitalizedInterest
* customerPrimPhAreaCode
* customerAccountName
* billToAcctProfileId
* contractCapitalizedReduction
* contractTradeinDescription
* contractBookClassification
* customerCounty
* reportingProduct
* customerPartyId
* contractHdrDff12
* createdBy
* customerAccountId
* contractCurrencyConvType
* contractLifecycle
* operatingUnitShortCode
* customerAccDff9
* contractCustPurchOrderNum
* contractBilledNonRents
* countryCode
* customerPartySiteNumber
* contractTerminationDate
* requestId
* customerSiteGlobLocNum
* contractRentAmount
* contractOrigSystemSource
* contractNumber
* totalUpfrontTaxOnAssets
* currFiscYearPotentialRev
* reportingProductId
* totalNumOfEmployees
* contractHdrDff1
* operatingUnit
* contractPastDueAmt91120
* customerPrimPhoneExtn
* contractFinancedFee
* contractExpDeliveryDate
* contractSalesRep
* endecaId
* programLoginId
* contractFinProdTemplateId
* customerHqBranchInd


 * vendorBillToSiteUseId
* contractType
* customerIdentifyingAdrFlag
* legalEntity
* customerPartyNumber
* customerPartySiteStatus
* customerPrimPhoneType
* customerUrl
* customerStatus
* contractBookClassCode
* ledger
* contractSalesRegionId
* contractNextPaymentAmt
* contractCurrency
* contractApprovedDate
* contractAcceptanceDate
* vendorProgramName
* customerAccDff18
* contractConvertedAccountYn
* customerAccEstabDate
* contractHdrDff2
* totalNumberOfAssets
* functionalCurrency
* customerPartySiteName
* customerAlias3
* contractSubsidyAmount
* contractHdrDff4
* contractUnbilledDueAmount
* customerAccDff12
* customerPrimPhCountryCode
* contractTotOpenRecv
* contractTemplateIndicator
* contractPrefundEligYn
* customerAccDff11
* customerSicCode
* contractDaysInYear
* assetsFundedAmount
* contractCrdtlineTrnsfrAmt
* contractEndDate
* customerProvince
* programId
* customerPrimPhoneNumber
* contractSubAfterTaxIrr
* customerDunsNumber
* supplierRetentionFundingAmt
* customerAccDff16
* customerAccDff19
* customerAccountStatus
* nextFiscYearPotentialRev
* customerPartySiteAddressee
* contractResidualAmount
* contractImplInterestRate
* contractTemplateName
* contractUnbilledReceivables
* customerAccountComments
* contractFeeIncome
* customerOrgNamePhonetic
* locationId
* spec
* custBillToSiteUseId
* contractOec
* customerPartySiteLocId
* contractRevolCreditEligYn
* totalAmountPaidToDealer
* customerLastStatusUpdDt
* contractGenAccrualOvrideYn
* daysToEot
* customerAccDff8
* contractCapitalizedFee
* contractBilledRents
* customerSalesChannel
* customerPartySiteId
* contractHdrDff11
* contractDaysToAccrue
* contractSubImplIntRate
* customerAddress3
* contractCreditActYn
* customerPartySiteUseStatus
* programApplicationId
* customerIndustry
* contractAfterTaxYield
* customerPartySiteComments
* contractCrdtlineFundingAmt
* contractSubAfterTaxYield
* customerYearEstablished
* contractTotalAccruedInt
* contractEarliestBillDate
* customerAccDff2
* contractSignedDate
* customerAccDff20
* glPeriodYear
* customerAlias5
* customerAccDff17
* expenseFundedAmount
* customerCreditClass
* contractPrefundedAmount
* contractFinancialProduct
* residualPositionBucket
* contractHdrDff14
* nivBooking
* contractTermDuration
* totalDebitsForPrefunding
* contractAfterTaxIrr
* genServAdminIndicator
* contractDiscount
* contractInventoryOrgId
* contractCurrencyConvDate
* vendorNumber
* contractStatusCode
* customerAccDff3
* contractHdrDff8
* customerAccountNumber
* contractTotPastDueAmt
* periodOfOrigination
* contractMultiGaapEligYn
* customerPartyType
* contractInterestRate
* contractCanceledTimestamp
* totalPrefundingAmount
* contractTotBilledReceivable
* customerAccDffCategory
* contractDateDealActivated
* contractFirstActivityDate
* customerCompetitorYn
* customerAccDff14
* customerAddress1
* contractFinancialProductId
* contractTradeinAmount
* customerPartyName
* contractStatusTypeCode
* customerCreditRiskScore
* contractOperatingUnitId
* customerFiscalYearendMonth
* contractHdrDff3
* contractHdrDff13
* contractStartDate
* contractCapAmount
* contractHdrDff9
* contractHdrDff10
* contractAmountPrefunded
* customerAlias2
* contractHdrDff7
* contractBilledNonRentsFunc
* vendorProgramId
* customerAccDff13
* contractHdrDff5
* contractHdrDff15
* customerAlias4
* customerAddress4
* contractSecuritizationType
* contractAccrualStatus
* vendorTypeCode
* contractPreTaxIrr
* customerPartySiteUseType
* customerAccDff6
* rolloverFeeAmount
* contractTotalMiscFund
* contractTemplTypeCode
* accEngineTemplSetId
* contractVarIncomeAccrual
* customerAddress2
* recAgingBucket
* periodOfExpiration
* contractCurrencyConvRate
* customerHomeCountry
* programUpdateDate
* contractSubPreTaxIrr
* contractBilledRentsFunc
* customerPrimPhonePurpose
* contractIdcAmount
* contractTradeinDate
* contractDocumentId
* customerSicCodeType
* netInvestmentFunctional
* contractPastDueAmt120Plus
* customerType
* glPeriodName
* nivTerminated
* contractLastIntCalcDate
* vendorName
* customerAccDff7
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdateDate
* contractTotalActualInt
* contractFinProdStatusCode
* customerAccDff15
* contractActualPrincBal
* nivExpiring
* vendorPartyRole
* customerAlias
* recordType
* customerCity
* contractCrdtlineLimit
* contractHdrDff6
* contractInvestorAssignYn
* contractUnaccruedSubsidy
* customerPartySiteUseId
* financialInfoFiscalYear
* contractScheduledPrincBal
* customerCreditRating
* contractLegalEntityId
* customerAccDff1
* contractAccDepreciation
* lastUpdatedBy
* contractFinProdDesc
* customerCreditScore
* custPaymentTermId
* ledgerId
* customerTaxReference
* netInvestment
* contractPastDueAmt3160
* contractId
* contractDateDealTransferd
* contractFinProdEffToDt
* customerState
* creationDate
* customerAccDff4
* contractFinProdEffFromDt
* contractStatus
* customerAccDff5
* contractHdrDffCategory
* customerAccDff10
* contractCrdtlineNetrnsfrAmt
* contractPastDueAmt130
* customerPostalCode
* contractAccumulatedDep
* contractPastDueAmt6190
* contractFinancedAmount
* contractAssetCost
* lowestGeographyType
* customerCountry
* contractCapitalizedInterest
* customerPrimPhAreaCode
* customerAccountName
* billToAcctProfileId
* contractCapitalizedReduction
* contractTradeinDescription
* contractBookClassification
* customerCounty
* reportingProduct
* customerPartyId
* contractHdrDff12
* createdBy
* customerAccountId
* contractCurrencyConvType
* contractLifecycle
* operatingUnitShortCode
* customerAccDff9
* contractCustPurchOrderNum
* contractBilledNonRents
* countryCode
* customerPartySiteNumber
* contractTerminationDate
* requestId
* customerSiteGlobLocNum
* contractRentAmount
* contractOrigSystemSource
* contractNumber
* totalUpfrontTaxOnAssets
* currFiscYearPotentialRev
* reportingProductId
* totalNumOfEmployees
* contractHdrDff1
* operatingUnit
* contractPastDueAmt91120
* customerPrimPhoneExtn
* contractFinancedFee
* contractExpDeliveryDate
* contractSalesRep
* endecaId
* programLoginId
* contractFinProdTemplateId
* customerHqBranchInd


 * customerExtCountry
* customerExtRiskScore
* accountNumber
* customerExtIndustry
* customerExtCity
* primaryExtAddress
* customerExtPartyId
* customerExtPartyName
* accountName
* customerExtCreditClass
* extReviewCycle
* lastUpdateLogin
* createdBy
* customerExtPartyNumber
* custAccountId
* customerExtSicCodeType
* creationDate
* customerExtCreditRating
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateDate
* customerExtState


 * customerExtCountry
* customerExtRiskScore
* accountNumber
* customerExtIndustry
* customerExtCity
* primaryExtAddress
* customerExtPartyId
* customerExtPartyName
* accountName
* customerExtCreditClass
* extReviewCycle
* lastUpdateLogin
* createdBy
* customerExtPartyNumber
* custAccountId
* customerExtSicCodeType
* creationDate
* customerExtCreditRating
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateDate
* customerExtState


 * contractId
* createdBy
* inventoryItemName
* inventoryItemId
* fmvValidTo
* faManufacturerName
* fairMarketPctValue
* faCorpCategory
* fmvBasis
* lastUpdateDate
* fairMarketCurrencyValue
* contractLineId
* faModelNumber
* faCorpCategoryId
* contractCurrency
* endecaId
* contractNumber
* creationDate
* contractLineName
* modelLineId
* faYearOfManufacture
* lastUpdateLogin
* fmvValidFrom
* fmvType
* fmvDate
* fmvSource
* fmvLevel
* lastUpdatedBy
* inventoryItemOrgId
* inventoryItemDescription


 * contractId
* createdBy
* inventoryItemName
* inventoryItemId
* fmvValidTo
* faManufacturerName
* fairMarketPctValue
* faCorpCategory
* fmvBasis
* lastUpdateDate
* fairMarketCurrencyValue
* contractLineId
* faModelNumber
* faCorpCategoryId
* contractCurrency
* endecaId
* contractNumber
* creationDate
* contractLineName
* modelLineId
* faYearOfManufacture
* lastUpdateLogin
* fmvValidFrom
* fmvType
* fmvDate
* fmvSource
* fmvLevel
* lastUpdatedBy
* inventoryItemOrgId
* inventoryItemDescription


 * faMgBookTypeCode
* insPolicyLessorPayeeYn
* lineNetInvestmentFunc
* serviceContractNumber
* faMgDateInService
* faCorpDepMethodCode
* feeType
* contractLineTypeCode
* cntrctCustPartySiteName
* insuranceNameOfInsured
* lineCapitalizedInterest
* ibInstallSiteId
* faTaxBookTypeCode
* linePthEvgStreamTypeCode
* assetStEquipmentAge
* invSupplierInvoiceDate
* recordType
* inventoryItemId
* lastUpdateDate
* cntrctCustAcountId
* lastUpdatedBy
* assetResGuarantorTypeCode
* assetStSaleAndLeaseBack
* requestId
* totalAssetFinancedFeeAmt
* inventoryItemDescription
* insuranceProvider
* feeOrServAmountPerPeriod
* assetUpfrontTax
* contractLineDff11
* faCorpSalValueBasisCode
* assetFilingTitleDate
* faAssetKey
* linePthBaseStreamTypeCode
* contractTermDuration
* legalEntity
* contractLineStatus
* feeTrxTaxYn
* inventoryUnitCost
* contractStartDate
* feeInitialDirectCost
* lineBilledRentsFunc
* assetTerminationDate
* assetDateDeliveryExpected
* insuranceCoveredAmount
* assetFilingLienDate
* contractLineDff13
* lineCapitalizedReduction
* assetFilingLienExpDate
* invSupplierShipToSite
* faTaxOrigCost
* faManufacturerName
* faTaxDepCost
* contractLineDff12
* usagePeriod
* assetFilingRegisExpDate
* lineAccumulatedDepreciation
* contractLineDff7
* linePthBasePayoutBasis
* contractLineDff5
* linePthEvgPyoutFormulaId
* usageDefaultQuantity
* assetFilingTitleTypeCode
* functionalCurrency
* insurancePolicyStatus
* assetClass
* feeOrServNumberOfPeriods
* assetBillingBank
* invSupplrShipToSiteUseId
* faCorpDepLifeInMonths
* contractLineDff14
* contractNumber
* lineAssetCost
* faTaxSalValueBasis
* linePthEvgStreamTypeId
* faMgDepLifeInMonths
* contractStatusTypeCode
* feeOrServiceEffectiveFrom
* cntrctCustPartySiteUseId
* contractLegalEntityId
* contractLineDff15
* assetBillingBankAcctId
* ibInstallSiteNumber
* faAssetLocationId
* servicePaymentType
* faCorpOrigCost
* ledger
* cntrctCustPartySiteNum
* assetFilingPayeeSite
* fixedAssetLineId
* faTaxSalvageValue
* insuranceCalcPremium
* contractLineDff9
* usageAvgMonthlyCounterFlag
* faTaxDateInService
* lineBilledNonRentsFunc
* lineSupplierId
* expenseFundedAmount
* assetFilingTitleCustodian
* linePthEvgPayoutBasisCode
* ibSerialNumber
* endecaId1
* programId
* assetFilingLienStatus
* contractFinancialProductId
* insPolicyLessorInsuredYn
* assetStAssetUpfrontTax
* daysToEot
* totalActiveLineFinancedAmt
* cntrctCustPartySiteLocId
* faMgSalvageValuePercent
* assetFilingLienType
* contractCurrencyConvType
* assetFilingTitleNumber
* totalAssetSubsidyAmount
* contractReportingProductId
* assetBillingBankAccount
* feeOrServiceName
* glPeriodYear
* contractCurrencyConvRate
* insuranceActivationDate
* insurancePolicyEffFrom
* assetResidualAmount
* contractLineDff1
* insurancePolicyNumber
* insurancePolicyType
* cntrctCustPartyNumber
* faMgDepMethodName
* usagePriceListName
* faAssetKeyId
* contractFinancialProduct
* assetsFundedAmount
* feeTypeCode
* feeRolloverContractNumber
* faMgDepRate
* contractOperatingUnitId
* insurancePolicyId
* contractId
* cntrctCustomerPartyName
* cntrctCustPartyId
* contractLineTypeId
* assetStTransferOfTitle
* contractInterestIndexId
* faCorpBookTypeCode
* insuranceQuoteNumber
* glPeriodName
* faMgSalValueBasisCode
* lineDiscount
* contractLineStatusCode
* faMgSalvageValue
* assetFilingJurisdiction
* operatingUnitShortCode
* feeOrServiceTotalAmount
* faMgDepMethodId
* faMgOrigCost
* inventoryItemOrgId
* faMgDepMethodCode
* contractBookClassCode
* linePthBaseStartDate
* insuranceFactorValue
* assetFilingTitleRegisLoc
* feeOrServiceFrequency
* faMgSalValueBasis
* usageNoOfPeriod
* assetPropTaxApplicable
* faModelNumber
* assetStPurchaseOfLease
* insuranceCancellationDate
* contractInterestIndex
* assetBillToSiteUseId
* contractLineDff8
* linePthEvgPyoutFormula
* totalAssetTradeinAmount
* faTaxDepMethodCode
* assetPropTaxBillMethod
* usageLevelFlag
* totalAssetCapFeeAmount
* linePthEvgStreamType
* usageMinimumQty
* ibInstallSite
* faMgDepCost
* invSupplierShipToSiteNum
* lineOec
* faTaxDepMethodId
* feeOrServiceFrequencyCode
* insuranceProduct
* contractLineDff6
* insuranceSalesRep
* modelLineId
* assetFilingLienTypeCode
* totalAssetSubsidyOvrdAmt
* inventoryTotalUnits
* faCorpDateInService
* faMgBook
* assetFilingTitleLocation
* contractLineTypeName
* faCorporateBook
* contractLineId
* insuranceProductId
* assetFilingLienNumber
* contractLineDff3
* usageBaseReading
* usagePeriodCode
* faTaxSalValueBasisCode
* assetPropTaxLesseeReport
* createdBy
* insuranceTotPremium
* cntrctCustAcctNumber
* assetFilingLienContNumber
* lineBilledNonRents
* faCorpDepCost
* linePthBasePayBasisCode
* lineSupplier
* totalAssetCapServiceAmount
* assetType
* assetStIntendedUse
* assetFilingTitleIssuer
* usageType
* programLoginId
* assetBillToAddress
* inventoryItemName
* revenueRecognitionMethod
* cntrctCustPartySiteId
* lineResidualAmount
* faCorpCategory
* lineRentAmount
* faCorpSalValueBasis
* feeRolloverQuoteId
* insurancePolicyLocation
* insurancePolicyEffTo
* lastUpdateLogin
* assetFilingTitleType
* assetFilingSubJurisdiction
* assetFilingLienholder
* faAssetLocationName
* lineUnbilledDueAmount
* faTaxSalvageValuePercent
* contractCurrency
* ledgerId
* interestCalculationBasis
* usagePriceListId
* lineSupplierNumber
* assetFilingLienContDate
* usageBaseReadingUom
* linePthEvgStartDate
* usageTypeCode
* lineBilledRents
* faAssetId
* invSupplierShipToSiteId
* faCorpSalvageValuePercent
* contractLineDff4
* faTaxDepLifeInMonths
* totalAssetRolloverFeeAmt
* insurancePolicyStatusCode
* linePthBaseStreamTypeId
* feeRolloverQuoteNumber
* linePthBaseStreamType
* lineNetInvestment
* interestCalclationBasisCode
* usageFixedQuantity
* faCorpCategoryId
* contractBookClassification
* ibInstallSiteUseId
* assetFilingTitleRegisNum
* faCorpDepMethodId
* lineCapAmount
* faCorpDepMethodName
* contractReportingProduct
* assetBillingPaymentMethod
* contractLineDffCategory
* revenueRecogntionMethodCode
* assetResidualAmtGuarantee
* invSupplierInvoiceLineId
* faCorpSalvageValue
* totalAssetAddonCost
* faTaxBook
* insurancePolicyTypeCode
* creationDate
* programUpdateDate
* faTaxDepMethodName
* assetResGuarantorType
* faTaxDepRate
* operatingUnit
* contractEndDate
* invSupplierInvoiceNumber
* faCorpDepRate
* linePthEvgPayoutBasis
* contractStatus
* assetDateFundingExpected
* assetFilingLienStatusCode
* usageBaseReadingUomCode
* contractLineDff10
* contractCurrencyConvDate
* feeOrServiceEffectiveTo
* programApplicationId
* contractLineName
* contractLineDff2
* insurancePaymentFrequency
* contractStatusCode
* assetResidualPercent


 * faMgBookTypeCode
* insPolicyLessorPayeeYn
* lineNetInvestmentFunc
* serviceContractNumber
* faMgDateInService
* faCorpDepMethodCode
* feeType
* contractLineTypeCode
* cntrctCustPartySiteName
* insuranceNameOfInsured
* lineCapitalizedInterest
* ibInstallSiteId
* faTaxBookTypeCode
* linePthEvgStreamTypeCode
* assetStEquipmentAge
* invSupplierInvoiceDate
* recordType
* inventoryItemId
* lastUpdateDate
* cntrctCustAcountId
* lastUpdatedBy
* assetResGuarantorTypeCode
* assetStSaleAndLeaseBack
* requestId
* totalAssetFinancedFeeAmt
* inventoryItemDescription
* insuranceProvider
* feeOrServAmountPerPeriod
* assetUpfrontTax
* contractLineDff11
* faCorpSalValueBasisCode
* assetFilingTitleDate
* faAssetKey
* linePthBaseStreamTypeCode
* contractTermDuration
* legalEntity
* contractLineStatus
* feeTrxTaxYn
* inventoryUnitCost
* contractStartDate
* feeInitialDirectCost
* lineBilledRentsFunc
* assetTerminationDate
* assetDateDeliveryExpected
* insuranceCoveredAmount
* assetFilingLienDate
* contractLineDff13
* lineCapitalizedReduction
* assetFilingLienExpDate
* invSupplierShipToSite
* faTaxOrigCost
* faManufacturerName
* faTaxDepCost
* contractLineDff12
* usagePeriod
* assetFilingRegisExpDate
* lineAccumulatedDepreciation
* contractLineDff7
* linePthBasePayoutBasis
* contractLineDff5
* linePthEvgPyoutFormulaId
* usageDefaultQuantity
* assetFilingTitleTypeCode
* functionalCurrency
* insurancePolicyStatus
* assetClass
* feeOrServNumberOfPeriods
* assetBillingBank
* invSupplrShipToSiteUseId
* faCorpDepLifeInMonths
* contractLineDff14
* contractNumber
* lineAssetCost
* faTaxSalValueBasis
* linePthEvgStreamTypeId
* faMgDepLifeInMonths
* contractStatusTypeCode
* feeOrServiceEffectiveFrom
* cntrctCustPartySiteUseId
* contractLegalEntityId
* contractLineDff15
* assetBillingBankAcctId
* ibInstallSiteNumber
* faAssetLocationId
* servicePaymentType
* faCorpOrigCost
* ledger
* cntrctCustPartySiteNum
* assetFilingPayeeSite
* fixedAssetLineId
* faTaxSalvageValue
* insuranceCalcPremium
* contractLineDff9
* usageAvgMonthlyCounterFlag
* faTaxDateInService
* lineBilledNonRentsFunc
* lineSupplierId
* expenseFundedAmount
* assetFilingTitleCustodian
* linePthEvgPayoutBasisCode
* ibSerialNumber
* endecaId1
* programId
* assetFilingLienStatus
* contractFinancialProductId
* insPolicyLessorInsuredYn
* assetStAssetUpfrontTax
* daysToEot
* totalActiveLineFinancedAmt
* cntrctCustPartySiteLocId
* faMgSalvageValuePercent
* assetFilingLienType
* contractCurrencyConvType
* assetFilingTitleNumber
* totalAssetSubsidyAmount
* contractReportingProductId
* assetBillingBankAccount
* feeOrServiceName
* glPeriodYear
* contractCurrencyConvRate
* insuranceActivationDate
* insurancePolicyEffFrom
* assetResidualAmount
* contractLineDff1
* insurancePolicyNumber
* insurancePolicyType
* cntrctCustPartyNumber
* faMgDepMethodName
* usagePriceListName
* faAssetKeyId
* contractFinancialProduct
* assetsFundedAmount
* feeTypeCode
* feeRolloverContractNumber
* faMgDepRate
* contractOperatingUnitId
* insurancePolicyId
* contractId
* cntrctCustomerPartyName
* cntrctCustPartyId
* contractLineTypeId
* assetStTransferOfTitle
* contractInterestIndexId
* faCorpBookTypeCode
* insuranceQuoteNumber
* glPeriodName
* faMgSalValueBasisCode
* lineDiscount
* contractLineStatusCode
* faMgSalvageValue
* assetFilingJurisdiction
* operatingUnitShortCode
* feeOrServiceTotalAmount
* faMgDepMethodId
* faMgOrigCost
* inventoryItemOrgId
* faMgDepMethodCode
* contractBookClassCode
* linePthBaseStartDate
* insuranceFactorValue
* assetFilingTitleRegisLoc
* feeOrServiceFrequency
* faMgSalValueBasis
* usageNoOfPeriod
* assetPropTaxApplicable
* faModelNumber
* assetStPurchaseOfLease
* insuranceCancellationDate
* contractInterestIndex
* assetBillToSiteUseId
* contractLineDff8
* linePthEvgPyoutFormula
* totalAssetTradeinAmount
* faTaxDepMethodCode
* assetPropTaxBillMethod
* usageLevelFlag
* totalAssetCapFeeAmount
* linePthEvgStreamType
* usageMinimumQty
* ibInstallSite
* faMgDepCost
* invSupplierShipToSiteNum
* lineOec
* faTaxDepMethodId
* feeOrServiceFrequencyCode
* insuranceProduct
* contractLineDff6
* insuranceSalesRep
* modelLineId
* assetFilingLienTypeCode
* totalAssetSubsidyOvrdAmt
* inventoryTotalUnits
* faCorpDateInService
* faMgBook
* assetFilingTitleLocation
* contractLineTypeName
* faCorporateBook
* contractLineId
* insuranceProductId
* assetFilingLienNumber
* contractLineDff3
* usageBaseReading
* usagePeriodCode
* faTaxSalValueBasisCode
* assetPropTaxLesseeReport
* createdBy
* insuranceTotPremium
* cntrctCustAcctNumber
* assetFilingLienContNumber
* lineBilledNonRents
* faCorpDepCost
* linePthBasePayBasisCode
* lineSupplier
* totalAssetCapServiceAmount
* assetType
* assetStIntendedUse
* assetFilingTitleIssuer
* usageType
* programLoginId
* assetBillToAddress
* inventoryItemName
* revenueRecognitionMethod
* cntrctCustPartySiteId
* lineResidualAmount
* faCorpCategory
* lineRentAmount
* faCorpSalValueBasis
* feeRolloverQuoteId
* insurancePolicyLocation
* insurancePolicyEffTo
* lastUpdateLogin
* assetFilingTitleType
* assetFilingSubJurisdiction
* assetFilingLienholder
* faAssetLocationName
* lineUnbilledDueAmount
* faTaxSalvageValuePercent
* contractCurrency
* ledgerId
* interestCalculationBasis
* usagePriceListId
* lineSupplierNumber
* assetFilingLienContDate
* usageBaseReadingUom
* linePthEvgStartDate
* usageTypeCode
* lineBilledRents
* faAssetId
* invSupplierShipToSiteId
* faCorpSalvageValuePercent
* contractLineDff4
* faTaxDepLifeInMonths
* totalAssetRolloverFeeAmt
* insurancePolicyStatusCode
* linePthBaseStreamTypeId
* feeRolloverQuoteNumber
* linePthBaseStreamType
* lineNetInvestment
* interestCalclationBasisCode
* usageFixedQuantity
* faCorpCategoryId
* contractBookClassification
* ibInstallSiteUseId
* assetFilingTitleRegisNum
* faCorpDepMethodId
* lineCapAmount
* faCorpDepMethodName
* contractReportingProduct
* assetBillingPaymentMethod
* contractLineDffCategory
* revenueRecogntionMethodCode
* assetResidualAmtGuarantee
* invSupplierInvoiceLineId
* faCorpSalvageValue
* totalAssetAddonCost
* faTaxBook
* insurancePolicyTypeCode
* creationDate
* programUpdateDate
* faTaxDepMethodName
* assetResGuarantorType
* faTaxDepRate
* operatingUnit
* contractEndDate
* invSupplierInvoiceNumber
* faCorpDepRate
* linePthEvgPayoutBasis
* contractStatus
* assetDateFundingExpected
* assetFilingLienStatusCode
* usageBaseReadingUomCode
* contractLineDff10
* contractCurrencyConvDate
* feeOrServiceEffectiveTo
* programApplicationId
* contractLineName
* contractLineDff2
* insurancePaymentFrequency
* contractStatusCode
* assetResidualPercent


 * owner
* inventoryItemName
* incidentId
* expectedResolutionDate
* endecaId4
* incDateYmWeek
* contractNumber
* customerId
* invOrganizationId
* accountId
* coverageType
* problemCode
* customerPartyName
* problemSummary
* contractId
* incDateYearMonth
* contractType
* operatingUnit
* customerSiteId
* customerState
* srNumber
* lastUpdatedBy
* srStatus
* faCorpCategory
* incDateYear
* createdBy
* closeFlag
* actualResolutionDate
* creationDate
* serviceName
* resolutionSummary
* systemId
* incidentStatusId
* inventoryItemId
* lastUpdateLogin
* srSeverity
* coverageName
* contractServiceId
* serialNum
* incidentSeverityId
* incidentUrgencyId
* escalated
* closeDate
* incidentOwnerId
* systemNumber
* customerCity
* customerCountry
* incidentTypeId
* lastUpdateDate
* incidentDate
* itemInstance
* srType
* urgency
* resolutionCode


 * owner
* inventoryItemName
* incidentId
* expectedResolutionDate
* endecaId4
* incDateYmWeek
* contractNumber
* customerId
* invOrganizationId
* accountId
* coverageType
* problemCode
* customerPartyName
* problemSummary
* contractId
* incDateYearMonth
* contractType
* operatingUnit
* customerSiteId
* customerState
* srNumber
* lastUpdatedBy
* srStatus
* faCorpCategory
* incDateYear
* createdBy
* closeFlag
* actualResolutionDate
* creationDate
* serviceName
* resolutionSummary
* systemId
* incidentStatusId
* inventoryItemId
* lastUpdateLogin
* srSeverity
* coverageName
* contractServiceId
* serialNum
* incidentSeverityId
* incidentUrgencyId
* escalated
* closeDate
* incidentOwnerId
* systemNumber
* customerCity
* customerCountry
* incidentTypeId
* lastUpdateDate
* incidentDate
* itemInstance
* srType
* urgency
* resolutionCode


 * modelLineId
* inventoryItemId
* lastUpdatedBy
* endecaId
* faManufacturerName
* contractLineName
* ratingValidTo
* contractNumber
* contractLineId
* faYearOfManufacture
* ratingDate
* lastUpdateDate
* customerAccountId
* ratingValidFrom
* inventoryItemOrgId
* inventoryItemName
* createdBy
* faModelNumber
* ratingSource
* lastUpdateLogin
* contractId
* inventoryItemDescription
* ratingMaxNumber
* rating
* ratingType
* creationDate


 * modelLineId
* inventoryItemId
* lastUpdatedBy
* endecaId
* faManufacturerName
* contractLineName
* ratingValidTo
* contractNumber
* contractLineId
* faYearOfManufacture
* ratingDate
* lastUpdateDate
* customerAccountId
* ratingValidFrom
* inventoryItemOrgId
* inventoryItemName
* createdBy
* faModelNumber
* ratingSource
* lastUpdateLogin
* contractId
* inventoryItemDescription
* ratingMaxNumber
* rating
* ratingType
* creationDate


 * functionalCurrency
* feeOrServiceEffectiveTo
* linePthEvgStreamType
* contractNumber
* customerCreditRiskScore#1
* linePthEvgPayoutBasis
* ledgerId
* lineResidualAmount
* totalAssetCapFeeAmount
* subsidyCalculation
* custPartySiteName
* custAcctNumber
* inventoryTotalUnits
* linePthBaseStreamType
* disbursementPeriod
* fundingStatusCode
* contractCurrency
* custPartyId
* invSupplierInvoiceLineId
* custPartySiteUseId
* assetCategory
* invSupplierShipToSite
* assetBillToSiteUseId
* ibInstallSiteId
* fundedAmount
* contractLineTypeId
* totalAssetTradeinAmount
* fundingType
* totalAssetAddonCost
* vendorBillToSiteUseId
* feeInitialDirectCost
* customerCreditClass
* linePthEvgPyoutFormulaId
* lineCapitalizedInterest
* usageBaseReadingUomCode
* contractCurrencyConvDate
* servicePaymentType
* contractDocumentId
* customerIndustry#1
* invSupplierShipToSiteId
* contractLineStatusCode
* usageType
* vendorProgramId
* totalActiveLineFinancedAmt
* custPartySiteLocId
* customerCreditRiskScore
* invSupplierShipToSiteNum
* faAssetLocationId
* assetTerminationDate
* vendorTypeCode
* disbursementAmount
* lineSupplierId
* lineBilledRents
* linePthBasePayoutBasis
* lineBilledNonRents
* customerPartyName
* lineRentAmount
* totalAssetRolloverFeeAmt
* invSupplierInvoiceDate
* disbursementDate
* lineCapAmount
* lineOpenReceivable
* vendorProgramName
* ibInstallSite
* usagePeriodCode
* subsidyVendorId
* lineBilledNonRentsFunc
* linePthBasePayBasisCode
* usagePeriod
* contractStatus
* fundingDueDate
* serviceSupplierName
* lineAccumulatedDepreciation
* contractLineTypeCode
* ibInstallSiteNumber
* contractLineTypeName
* expectedDisbDate
* assetNumber
* subsidyName
* contractBookClassification
* lineBilledRentsFunc
* legalEntity
* inventoryItemOrgId
* customerCreditRating#1
* customerCategoryCode
* feeOrServiceTotalAmount
* linePthEvgStartDate
* lineDiscount
* operatingUnit
* custAcountId
* subsidyType
* contractCurrencyConvRate
* usageFixedQuantity
* customerIndustry
* contractTermDuration
* assetCategoryId
* usageTypeCode
* linePthBaseStartDate
* contractSalesRegionId
* contractCurrencyConvType
* lineUnbilledDueAmount
* contractBookClassCode
* disbursementAmountType
* linePthEvgPyoutFormula
* lineCapitalizedReduction
* ledger
* linePthEvgStreamTypeId
* faManufacturerName
* inventoryItemDescription
* lineAssetCost
* feeOrServNumberOfPeriods
* subsidyVendorName
* ibInstallSiteUseId
* lineNetInvestment
* feeOrServiceFrequencyCode
* usageMinimumQty
* contractLineName
* vendorEndecaId
* custBillToSiteUseId
* contractOperatingUnitId
* feeOrServAmountPerPeriod
* customerAccountId
* custPartyNumber
* usageBaseReadingUom
* customerCreditRating
* ibSerialNumber
* serviceSupplierNumber
* linePthBaseStreamTypeCode
* serviceContractAmount
* linePthEvgPayoutBasisCode
* contractLineStartDate
* usageBaseReading
* contractStatusTypeCode
* lineSupplierNumber
* invSupplrShipToSiteUseId
* feeType
* usageNoOfPeriod
* usageDefaultQuantity
* serviceSupplierId
* usagePriceListName
* contractLineEndDate
* assetResidualAmount
* totalAssetCapServiceAmount
* modelLineId
* lineSupplier
* usagePriceListId
* contractLineId
* inventoryItemId
* contractId
* feeTrxTaxYn
* contractLineStatus
* usageAvgMonthlyCounterFlag
* vendorNumber
* subsidyOvrdAmt
* customerCreditClass#1
* subsidyAmount
* inventoryItemName
* contractLineNumber
* lineOec
* feeOrServiceName
* usageLevelFlag
* subsidyPoolName
* vendorPartyRole
* contractStatusCode
* assetBillToAddress
* serviceContractNumber
* feeTypeCode
* linePthEvgStreamTypeCode
* lineNetInvestmentFunc
* inventoryUnitCost
* fundingStatus
* contractEndDate
* faAssetLocationName
* vendorName
* operatingUnitShortCode
* fundingTypeCode
* totalAssetFinancedFeeAmt
* contractStartDate
* custPartySiteNum
* contractTerminationDate
* custPartySiteId
* feeOrServiceEffectiveFrom
* feeOrServiceFrequency
* linePthBaseStreamTypeId
* contractFinancialProductId
* invSupplierInvoiceNumber


 * functionalCurrency
* feeOrServiceEffectiveTo
* linePthEvgStreamType
* contractNumber
* customerCreditRiskScore#1
* linePthEvgPayoutBasis
* ledgerId
* lineResidualAmount
* totalAssetCapFeeAmount
* subsidyCalculation
* custPartySiteName
* custAcctNumber
* inventoryTotalUnits
* linePthBaseStreamType
* disbursementPeriod
* fundingStatusCode
* contractCurrency
* custPartyId
* invSupplierInvoiceLineId
* custPartySiteUseId
* assetCategory
* invSupplierShipToSite
* assetBillToSiteUseId
* ibInstallSiteId
* fundedAmount
* contractLineTypeId
* totalAssetTradeinAmount
* fundingType
* totalAssetAddonCost
* vendorBillToSiteUseId
* feeInitialDirectCost
* customerCreditClass
* linePthEvgPyoutFormulaId
* lineCapitalizedInterest
* usageBaseReadingUomCode
* contractCurrencyConvDate
* servicePaymentType
* contractDocumentId
* customerIndustry#1
* invSupplierShipToSiteId
* contractLineStatusCode
* usageType
* vendorProgramId
* totalActiveLineFinancedAmt
* custPartySiteLocId
* customerCreditRiskScore
* invSupplierShipToSiteNum
* faAssetLocationId
* assetTerminationDate
* vendorTypeCode
* disbursementAmount
* lineSupplierId
* lineBilledRents
* linePthBasePayoutBasis
* lineBilledNonRents
* customerPartyName
* lineRentAmount
* totalAssetRolloverFeeAmt
* invSupplierInvoiceDate
* disbursementDate
* lineCapAmount
* lineOpenReceivable
* vendorProgramName
* ibInstallSite
* usagePeriodCode
* subsidyVendorId
* lineBilledNonRentsFunc
* linePthBasePayBasisCode
* usagePeriod
* contractStatus
* fundingDueDate
* serviceSupplierName
* lineAccumulatedDepreciation
* contractLineTypeCode
* ibInstallSiteNumber
* contractLineTypeName
* expectedDisbDate
* assetNumber
* subsidyName
* contractBookClassification
* lineBilledRentsFunc
* legalEntity
* inventoryItemOrgId
* customerCreditRating#1
* customerCategoryCode
* feeOrServiceTotalAmount
* linePthEvgStartDate
* lineDiscount
* operatingUnit
* custAcountId
* subsidyType
* contractCurrencyConvRate
* usageFixedQuantity
* customerIndustry
* contractTermDuration
* assetCategoryId
* usageTypeCode
* linePthBaseStartDate
* contractSalesRegionId
* contractCurrencyConvType
* lineUnbilledDueAmount
* contractBookClassCode
* disbursementAmountType
* linePthEvgPyoutFormula
* lineCapitalizedReduction
* ledger
* linePthEvgStreamTypeId
* faManufacturerName
* inventoryItemDescription
* lineAssetCost
* feeOrServNumberOfPeriods
* subsidyVendorName
* ibInstallSiteUseId
* lineNetInvestment
* feeOrServiceFrequencyCode
* usageMinimumQty
* contractLineName
* vendorEndecaId
* custBillToSiteUseId
* contractOperatingUnitId
* feeOrServAmountPerPeriod
* customerAccountId
* custPartyNumber
* usageBaseReadingUom
* customerCreditRating
* ibSerialNumber
* serviceSupplierNumber
* linePthBaseStreamTypeCode
* serviceContractAmount
* linePthEvgPayoutBasisCode
* contractLineStartDate
* usageBaseReading
* contractStatusTypeCode
* lineSupplierNumber
* invSupplrShipToSiteUseId
* feeType
* usageNoOfPeriod
* usageDefaultQuantity
* serviceSupplierId
* usagePriceListName
* contractLineEndDate
* assetResidualAmount
* totalAssetCapServiceAmount
* modelLineId
* lineSupplier
* usagePriceListId
* contractLineId
* inventoryItemId
* contractId
* feeTrxTaxYn
* contractLineStatus
* usageAvgMonthlyCounterFlag
* vendorNumber
* subsidyOvrdAmt
* customerCreditClass#1
* subsidyAmount
* inventoryItemName
* contractLineNumber
* lineOec
* feeOrServiceName
* usageLevelFlag
* subsidyPoolName
* vendorPartyRole
* contractStatusCode
* assetBillToAddress
* serviceContractNumber
* feeTypeCode
* linePthEvgStreamTypeCode
* lineNetInvestmentFunc
* inventoryUnitCost
* fundingStatus
* contractEndDate
* faAssetLocationName
* vendorName
* operatingUnitShortCode
* fundingTypeCode
* totalAssetFinancedFeeAmt
* contractStartDate
* custPartySiteNum
* contractTerminationDate
* custPartySiteId
* feeOrServiceEffectiveFrom
* feeOrServiceFrequency
* linePthBaseStreamTypeId
* contractFinancialProductId
* invSupplierInvoiceNumber


 * vendorProgramNumber
* rentIaContractNumber
* partyId
* headerExtensionId
* poOrderNumber
* khrAttribute13
* invAgrmntEffectiveFrom
* khrAttribute6
* tryId
* invAgrmntNumber
* custAttribute4
* assignableFlag
* rentIaProductName
* resIaProductName
* accrualOverrideFlag
* sourceId
* convertedNumber
* lastUpdateDate
* custAccountId
* transNumber
* khrAttribute4
* khrAttribute12
* custAttribute1
* resIaContractNumber
* invAgrmntSyndCode
* customerName
* khrAttribute5
* khrAttribute9
* khrAttribute3
* rentIaAccountingCode
* invAgrmntPoolNumber
* khrAttribute8
* khrAttribute15
* objectVersionNumber
* contractEffectiveFrom
* custAttribute9
* custAttribute13
* revRecMethodCode
* custAttribute14
* intCalcMethodCode
* lastUpdatedBy
* sourceTable
* taxOwnerCode
* khrAttribute10
* custAttribute7
* bookClassificationCode
* khrAttribute14
* custAccountNumber
* custAttribute2
* custAttribute12
* custAttribute3
* createdBy
* custAttribute5
* contractNumber
* custAttribute6
* invAgrmntProductName
* contractCurrencyCode
* custAttribute10
* khrId
* custAttribute11
* convertedAccountFlag
* resIaAccountingCode
* contractStatusCode
* khrAttribute1
* lastUpdateLogin
* invAgrmntStatusCode
* khrAttribute7
* khrAttribute11
* creationDate
* khrAttribute2
* custAttribute15
* salesRepName
* trxTypeClassCode
* productName
* custAttribute8
* custAttributeCategory
* scsCode
* khrAttributeCategory
* invAgrmntCurrencyCode


 * vendorProgramNumber
* rentIaContractNumber
* partyId
* headerExtensionId
* poOrderNumber
* khrAttribute13
* invAgrmntEffectiveFrom
* khrAttribute6
* tryId
* invAgrmntNumber
* custAttribute4
* assignableFlag
* rentIaProductName
* resIaProductName
* accrualOverrideFlag
* sourceId
* convertedNumber
* lastUpdateDate
* custAccountId
* transNumber
* khrAttribute4
* khrAttribute12
* custAttribute1
* resIaContractNumber
* invAgrmntSyndCode
* customerName
* khrAttribute5
* khrAttribute9
* khrAttribute3
* rentIaAccountingCode
* invAgrmntPoolNumber
* khrAttribute8
* khrAttribute15
* objectVersionNumber
* contractEffectiveFrom
* custAttribute9
* custAttribute13
* revRecMethodCode
* custAttribute14
* intCalcMethodCode
* lastUpdatedBy
* sourceTable
* taxOwnerCode
* khrAttribute10
* custAttribute7
* bookClassificationCode
* khrAttribute14
* custAccountNumber
* custAttribute2
* custAttribute12
* custAttribute3
* createdBy
* custAttribute5
* contractNumber
* custAttribute6
* invAgrmntProductName
* contractCurrencyCode
* custAttribute10
* khrId
* custAttribute11
* convertedAccountFlag
* resIaAccountingCode
* contractStatusCode
* khrAttribute1
* lastUpdateLogin
* invAgrmntStatusCode
* khrAttribute7
* khrAttribute11
* creationDate
* khrAttribute2
* custAttribute15
* salesRepName
* trxTypeClassCode
* productName
* custAttribute8
* custAttributeCategory
* scsCode
* khrAttributeCategory
* invAgrmntCurrencyCode


 * createdBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* headerExtensionId
* sfwtFlag
* language
* sourceLang
* contractStatus
* transactionTypeName
* lastUpdatedBy
* invAgrmntStatus
* creationDate
* lastUpdateDate


 * createdBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* headerExtensionId
* sfwtFlag
* language
* sourceLang
* contractStatus
* transactionTypeName
* lastUpdatedBy
* invAgrmntStatus
* creationDate
* lastUpdateDate


 * fixedAssetLocationName
* assetVendorId
* objectVersionNumber
* feeTypeCode
* lineAttribute13
* assetNumber
* contractLineType
* lineAttribute5
* lineAttribute10
* lineExtensionId
* inventoryOrgCode
* lineAttribute1
* accountingTemplateName
* lineAttribute8
* lineAttribute12
* lastUpdateDate
* lineAttribute11
* installedSiteId
* lineAttribute7
* lineAttribute6
* assetVendorName
* lastUpdateLogin
* assetCategoryName
* memoFlag
* contractLineNumber
* lineAttributeCategory
* lineAttribute3
* headerExtensionId
* styId
* lastUpdatedBy
* creationDate
* streamTypeCode
* inventoryItemNameCode
* sourceId
* lineAttribute9
* lineAttribute4
* lineAttribute14
* streamTypePurposeCode
* createdBy
* sourceTable
* lineAttribute15
* kleId
* lineAttribute2


 * fixedAssetLocationName
* assetVendorId
* objectVersionNumber
* feeTypeCode
* lineAttribute13
* assetNumber
* contractLineType
* lineAttribute5
* lineAttribute10
* lineExtensionId
* inventoryOrgCode
* lineAttribute1
* accountingTemplateName
* lineAttribute8
* lineAttribute12
* lastUpdateDate
* lineAttribute11
* installedSiteId
* lineAttribute7
* lineAttribute6
* assetVendorName
* lastUpdateLogin
* assetCategoryName
* memoFlag
* contractLineNumber
* lineAttributeCategory
* lineAttribute3
* headerExtensionId
* styId
* lastUpdatedBy
* creationDate
* streamTypeCode
* inventoryItemNameCode
* sourceId
* lineAttribute9
* lineAttribute4
* lineAttribute14
* streamTypePurposeCode
* createdBy
* sourceTable
* lineAttribute15
* kleId
* lineAttribute2


 * lastUpdatedBy
* inventoryItemName
* lastUpdateDate
* sfwtFlag
* transLineDescription
* creationDate
* lineExtensionId
* sourceLang
* lastUpdateLogin
* language
* inventoryOrgName
* streamTypeName
* createdBy


 * lastUpdatedBy
* inventoryItemName
* lastUpdateDate
* sfwtFlag
* transLineDescription
* creationDate
* lineExtensionId
* sourceLang
* lastUpdateLogin
* language
* inventoryOrgName
* streamTypeName
* createdBy


 * creationDate
* custAttribute11
* bookClassificationCode
* rentIaProductName
* contractNumber
* salesRepName
* khrAttribute6
* revRecMethodCode
* khrAttribute2
* khrAttribute9
* resIaAccountingCode
* lastUpdateDate
* convertedAccountFlag
* termQuoteAcceptDate
* custAttribute9
* invAgrmntStatusCode
* khrAttribute15
* assignableFlag
* khrAttribute12
* custAttribute15
* khrAttribute11
* sourceTable
* contractCurrencyCode
* custAttribute5
* lastUpdateLogin
* termQuoteNum
* tryId
* invAgrmntNumber
* headerExtensionId
* khrId
* invAgrmntSyndCode
* khrAttribute3
* contractStatusCode
* sourceId
* custAttribute13
* khrAttribute1
* khrAttribute10
* khrAttribute13
* custAttribute2
* khrAttribute4
* trxTypeClassCode
* resIaProductName
* invAgrmntEffectiveFrom
* invAgrmntCurrencyCode
* transNumber
* invAgrmntProductName
* lastUpdatedBy
* custAttribute4
* khrAttribute5
* productName
* contractEffectiveFrom
* custAttribute14
* termQuoteTypeCode
* scsCode
* objectVersionNumber
* intCalcMethodCode
* custAttribute7
* taxOwnerCode
* createdBy
* custAttribute3
* rentIaContractNumber
* custAttribute10
* accrualOverrideFlag
* custAttribute6
* invAgrmntPoolNumber
* custAttribute12
* poOrderNumber
* vendorProgramNumber
* custAttributeCategory
* khrAttribute8
* custAttribute1
* convertedNumber
* khrAttribute14
* rentIaAccountingCode
* khrAttribute7
* custAttribute8
* khrAttributeCategory
* resIaContractNumber


 * creationDate
* custAttribute11
* bookClassificationCode
* rentIaProductName
* contractNumber
* salesRepName
* khrAttribute6
* revRecMethodCode
* khrAttribute2
* khrAttribute9
* resIaAccountingCode
* lastUpdateDate
* convertedAccountFlag
* termQuoteAcceptDate
* custAttribute9
* invAgrmntStatusCode
* khrAttribute15
* assignableFlag
* khrAttribute12
* custAttribute15
* khrAttribute11
* sourceTable
* contractCurrencyCode
* custAttribute5
* lastUpdateLogin
* termQuoteNum
* tryId
* invAgrmntNumber
* headerExtensionId
* khrId
* invAgrmntSyndCode
* khrAttribute3
* contractStatusCode
* sourceId
* custAttribute13
* khrAttribute1
* khrAttribute10
* khrAttribute13
* custAttribute2
* khrAttribute4
* trxTypeClassCode
* resIaProductName
* invAgrmntEffectiveFrom
* invAgrmntCurrencyCode
* transNumber
* invAgrmntProductName
* lastUpdatedBy
* custAttribute4
* khrAttribute5
* productName
* contractEffectiveFrom
* custAttribute14
* termQuoteTypeCode
* scsCode
* objectVersionNumber
* intCalcMethodCode
* custAttribute7
* taxOwnerCode
* createdBy
* custAttribute3
* rentIaContractNumber
* custAttribute10
* accrualOverrideFlag
* custAttribute6
* invAgrmntPoolNumber
* custAttribute12
* poOrderNumber
* vendorProgramNumber
* custAttributeCategory
* khrAttribute8
* custAttribute1
* convertedNumber
* khrAttribute14
* rentIaAccountingCode
* khrAttribute7
* custAttribute8
* khrAttributeCategory
* resIaContractNumber


 * lastUpdatedBy
* contractStatus
* sfwtFlag
* language
* invAgrmntStatus
* transactionTypeName
* lastUpdateDate
* headerExtensionId
* createdBy
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* sourceLang


 * lastUpdatedBy
* contractStatus
* sfwtFlag
* language
* invAgrmntStatus
* transactionTypeName
* lastUpdateDate
* headerExtensionId
* createdBy
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* sourceLang


 * contingencyCode
* lineAttributeCategory
* lineAttribute1
* inventoryItemNameCode
* contractLineNumber
* lineAttribute8
* subsidyPartyName
* sourceId
* lineAttribute11
* lineAttribute2
* memoFlag
* subsidyVendorId
* sourceTable
* lineAttribute9
* kleId
* fixedAssetLocationName
* styId
* lineAttribute15
* streamTypePurposeCode
* createdBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* installedSiteId
* assetNumber
* lineAttribute12
* lineAttribute13
* feeTypeCode
* lineAttribute4
* lastUpdatedBy
* lineAttribute14
* lineAttribute5
* creationDate
* headerExtensionId
* contractLineType
* lineAttribute3
* lineAttribute7
* lineAttribute6
* objectVersionNumber
* assetVendorName
* accountingTemplateName
* streamTypeCode
* subsidyName
* inventoryOrgCode
* lineExtensionId
* assetCategoryName
* assetVendorId
* lineAttribute10
* lastUpdateDate


 * contingencyCode
* lineAttributeCategory
* lineAttribute1
* inventoryItemNameCode
* contractLineNumber
* lineAttribute8
* subsidyPartyName
* sourceId
* lineAttribute11
* lineAttribute2
* memoFlag
* subsidyVendorId
* sourceTable
* lineAttribute9
* kleId
* fixedAssetLocationName
* styId
* lineAttribute15
* streamTypePurposeCode
* createdBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* installedSiteId
* assetNumber
* lineAttribute12
* lineAttribute13
* feeTypeCode
* lineAttribute4
* lastUpdatedBy
* lineAttribute14
* lineAttribute5
* creationDate
* headerExtensionId
* contractLineType
* lineAttribute3
* lineAttribute7
* lineAttribute6
* objectVersionNumber
* assetVendorName
* accountingTemplateName
* streamTypeCode
* subsidyName
* inventoryOrgCode
* lineExtensionId
* assetCategoryName
* assetVendorId
* lineAttribute10
* lastUpdateDate


 * sourceLang
* lastUpdateLogin
* lineExtensionId
* transLineDescription
* streamTypeName
* createdBy
* creationDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* inventoryOrgName
* lastUpdateDate
* language
* inventoryItemName
* sfwtFlag


 * sourceLang
* lastUpdateLogin
* lineExtensionId
* transLineDescription
* streamTypeName
* createdBy
* creationDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* inventoryOrgName
* lastUpdateDate
* language
* inventoryItemName
* sfwtFlag


 * trxStatusCode
* taxAssessmentDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute9
* attribute15
* jursdctnName
* interfaceAttribute9
* dateTransmission
* errorMessage
* contractId
* interfaceAttribute15
* taxJursdctnCnty
* selId
* customerAddressId
* mlrtTaxJursdctnSte
* streamTypePurpose
* interfaceAttribute3
* recordType
* attribute13
* jursdctnType
* interfaceAttribute13
* taxVendorSiteId
* interfaceAttribute10
* mlrtTax
* invoiceDate
* assetId
* interfaceAttribute4
* customerAddressRef
* styId
* mlrtTaxJursdctnCnty
* interfaceAttribute12
* taxVendorName
* propTaxApplicableYn
* creationDate
* assetNumber
* customerRef
* lastUpdateDate
* attributeCategory
* attribute11
* attribute7
* attribute10
* requestId
* taxJursdctnSte
* sequenceNumber
* interfaceAttribute8
* contractNumber
* interfaceAttribute7
* mlrtTaxJursdctnCntry
* attribute12
* taxJursdctnCty
* taxVendorSiteName
* taxJursdctnSchl
* currencyCode
* programId
* interfaceAttribute5
* mlrtTaxJursdctnSchl
* taxAssessmentAmount
* taxJursdctnCntry
* interfaceAttribute1
* createdBy
* amount
* attribute14
* interfaceAttribute6
* attribute1
* interfaceAttribute2
* taiId
* styName
* orgId
* customerId
* attribute2
* attribute5
* interfaceAttribute11
* attribute6
* programApplicationId
* objectVersionNumber
* attribute3
* programUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute4
* attribute8
* interfaceAttribute14
* taxVendorId
* mlrtTaxJursdctnCty


 * trxStatusCode
* taxAssessmentDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute9
* attribute15
* jursdctnName
* interfaceAttribute9
* dateTransmission
* errorMessage
* contractId
* interfaceAttribute15
* taxJursdctnCnty
* selId
* customerAddressId
* mlrtTaxJursdctnSte
* streamTypePurpose
* interfaceAttribute3
* recordType
* attribute13
* jursdctnType
* interfaceAttribute13
* taxVendorSiteId
* interfaceAttribute10
* mlrtTax
* invoiceDate
* assetId
* interfaceAttribute4
* customerAddressRef
* styId
* mlrtTaxJursdctnCnty
* interfaceAttribute12
* taxVendorName
* propTaxApplicableYn
* creationDate
* assetNumber
* customerRef
* lastUpdateDate
* attributeCategory
* attribute11
* attribute7
* attribute10
* requestId
* taxJursdctnSte
* sequenceNumber
* interfaceAttribute8
* contractNumber
* interfaceAttribute7
* mlrtTaxJursdctnCntry
* attribute12
* taxJursdctnCty
* taxVendorSiteName
* taxJursdctnSchl
* currencyCode
* programId
* interfaceAttribute5
* mlrtTaxJursdctnSchl
* taxAssessmentAmount
* taxJursdctnCntry
* interfaceAttribute1
* createdBy
* amount
* attribute14
* interfaceAttribute6
* attribute1
* interfaceAttribute2
* taiId
* styName
* orgId
* customerId
* attribute2
* attribute5
* interfaceAttribute11
* attribute6
* programApplicationId
* objectVersionNumber
* attribute3
* programUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute4
* attribute8
* interfaceAttribute14
* taxVendorId
* mlrtTaxJursdctnCty


 * exchangeRate
* account
* attribute3
* attribute14
* attribute7
* attribute15
* orgId
* attribute2
* xcbId
* attribute11
* expiredFlag
* glDate
* id
* requestId
* creationDate
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute1
* lastUpdatedBy
* createdBy
* checkNumber
* billToLocation
* customerBankBranchName
* programApplicationId
* attribute9
* attribute10
* transitRoutingNumber
* receiptDate
* remittanceBankName
* remittanceBankBranchName
* attribute12
* receiptMethod
* icrId
* receiptType
* fullyAppliedFlag
* currencyCode
* lastUpdateLogin
* rctId
* programUpdateDate
* programId
* attributeCategory
* attribute8
* attribute4
* customerBankName
* customerNumber
* exchangeRateType
* attribute6
* remittanceAmount
* itemNumber
* objectVersionNumber
* attribute13
* exchangeRateDate
* attribute5


 * exchangeRate
* account
* attribute3
* attribute14
* attribute7
* attribute15
* orgId
* attribute2
* xcbId
* attribute11
* expiredFlag
* glDate
* id
* requestId
* creationDate
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute1
* lastUpdatedBy
* createdBy
* checkNumber
* billToLocation
* customerBankBranchName
* programApplicationId
* attribute9
* attribute10
* transitRoutingNumber
* receiptDate
* remittanceBankName
* remittanceBankBranchName
* attribute12
* receiptMethod
* icrId
* receiptType
* fullyAppliedFlag
* currencyCode
* lastUpdateLogin
* rctId
* programUpdateDate
* programId
* attributeCategory
* attribute8
* attribute4
* customerBankName
* customerNumber
* exchangeRateType
* attribute6
* remittanceAmount
* itemNumber
* objectVersionNumber
* attribute13
* exchangeRateDate
* attribute5


 * creationDate
* language
* id
* sfwtFlag
* sourceLang
* comments
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* createdBy
* lastUpdateDate


 * creationDate
* language
* id
* sfwtFlag
* sourceLang
* comments
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* createdBy
* lastUpdateDate


 * repossessFlag
* convertedAccountFlag
* khrAttribute10
* sourceId
* khrAttribute11
* objectVersionNumber
* custAttribute13
* khrAttribute1
* khrAttribute3
* accrualOverrideFlag
* headerExtensionId
* custAttribute3
* resIaAccountingCode
* convertedNumber
* custAttribute6
* salesRepName
* rentIaContractNumber
* custAttribute11
* custAttribute10
* partyId
* khrAttribute15
* khrAttribute12
* termQuoteNum
* sourceTable
* creationDate
* custAttribute5
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateDate
* custAttribute4
* contractCurrencyCode
* termQuoteAcceptDate
* vendorProgramNumber
* khrAttribute8
* custAttribute15
* contractStatusCode
* bookClassificationCode
* contractNumber
* custAttribute1
* taxOwnerCode
* resIaContractNumber
* tryId
* khrAttribute14
* custAttribute2
* custAttribute7
* customerAccountNumber
* khrAttribute13
* representationCode
* custAttribute8
* transNumber
* productName
* khrAttribute5
* trxTypeClassCode
* poOrderNumber
* khrAttribute4
* khrAttributeCategory
* custAccountId
* resIaProductName
* revRecMethodCode
* khrId
* khrAttribute6
* createdBy
* khrAttribute2
* rentIaAccountingCode
* custAttribute9
* rentIaProductName
* custAttributeCategory
* assignableFlag
* contractEffectiveFrom
* custAttribute14
* khrAttribute7
* intCalcMethodCode
* representationName
* lastUpdateLogin
* termQuoteTypeCode
* khrAttribute9
* custAttribute12
* customerName


 * repossessFlag
* convertedAccountFlag
* khrAttribute10
* sourceId
* khrAttribute11
* objectVersionNumber
* custAttribute13
* khrAttribute1
* khrAttribute3
* accrualOverrideFlag
* headerExtensionId
* custAttribute3
* resIaAccountingCode
* convertedNumber
* custAttribute6
* salesRepName
* rentIaContractNumber
* custAttribute11
* custAttribute10
* partyId
* khrAttribute15
* khrAttribute12
* termQuoteNum
* sourceTable
* creationDate
* custAttribute5
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateDate
* custAttribute4
* contractCurrencyCode
* termQuoteAcceptDate
* vendorProgramNumber
* khrAttribute8
* custAttribute15
* contractStatusCode
* bookClassificationCode
* contractNumber
* custAttribute1
* taxOwnerCode
* resIaContractNumber
* tryId
* khrAttribute14
* custAttribute2
* custAttribute7
* customerAccountNumber
* khrAttribute13
* representationCode
* custAttribute8
* transNumber
* productName
* khrAttribute5
* trxTypeClassCode
* poOrderNumber
* khrAttribute4
* khrAttributeCategory
* custAccountId
* resIaProductName
* revRecMethodCode
* khrId
* khrAttribute6
* createdBy
* khrAttribute2
* rentIaAccountingCode
* custAttribute9
* rentIaProductName
* custAttributeCategory
* assignableFlag
* contractEffectiveFrom
* custAttribute14
* khrAttribute7
* intCalcMethodCode
* representationName
* lastUpdateLogin
* termQuoteTypeCode
* khrAttribute9
* custAttribute12
* customerName


 * creationDate
* createdBy
* transactionTypeName
* sourceLang
* lastUpdatedBy
* sfwtFlag
* lastUpdateLogin
* headerExtensionId
* language
* contractStatus
* lastUpdateDate


 * creationDate
* createdBy
* transactionTypeName
* sourceLang
* lastUpdatedBy
* sfwtFlag
* lastUpdateLogin
* headerExtensionId
* language
* contractStatus
* lastUpdateDate


 * objectVersionNumber
* lastUpdateLogin
* lineAttribute10
* headerExtensionId
* creationDate
* assetBookTypeCode
* kleId
* assetId
* lineAttribute12
* sourceTable
* assetBookTypeName
* lineAttribute9
* inventoryOrgCode
* periodCounter
* lineAttribute7
* lineAttribute13
* faTransactionId
* contractLineNumber
* lineAttributeCategory
* lineAttribute8
* lineAttribute1
* lineAttribute4
* sourceId
* inventoryItemNameCode
* lineAttribute11
* assetVendorName
* lineAttribute15
* lineAttribute6
* assetNumber
* lineAttribute14
* lineAttribute2
* createdBy
* lastUpdateDate
* lineExtensionId
* lineAttribute3
* lastUpdatedBy
* installedSiteId
* lineAttribute5
* assetVendorId


 * objectVersionNumber
* lastUpdateLogin
* lineAttribute10
* headerExtensionId
* creationDate
* assetBookTypeCode
* kleId
* assetId
* lineAttribute12
* sourceTable
* assetBookTypeName
* lineAttribute9
* inventoryOrgCode
* periodCounter
* lineAttribute7
* lineAttribute13
* faTransactionId
* contractLineNumber
* lineAttributeCategory
* lineAttribute8
* lineAttribute1
* lineAttribute4
* sourceId
* inventoryItemNameCode
* lineAttribute11
* assetVendorName
* lineAttribute15
* lineAttribute6
* assetNumber
* lineAttribute14
* lineAttribute2
* createdBy
* lastUpdateDate
* lineExtensionId
* lineAttribute3
* lastUpdatedBy
* installedSiteId
* lineAttribute5
* assetVendorId


 * inventoryOrgName
* createdBy
* lineExtensionId
* language
* transLineDescription
* lastUpdateDate
* inventoryItemName
* lastUpdatedBy
* creationDate
* sourceLang
* sfwtFlag
* lastUpdateLogin


 * inventoryOrgName
* createdBy
* lineExtensionId
* language
* transLineDescription
* lastUpdateDate
* inventoryItemName
* lastUpdatedBy
* creationDate
* sourceLang
* sfwtFlag
* lastUpdateLogin


 * lastUpdateDate
* attribute11
* acctsPayCcId
* payablesInvoiceId
* invoiceDate
* attribute3
* attribute5
* attribute14
* lastUpdateLogin
* invoiceType
* attribute8
* workflowFlag
* attribute12
* invoiceId
* waitVendorInvoiceYn
* trxStatusCode
* cnsldApInvId
* vendorId
* attributeCategory
* currencyConversionType
* programUpdateDate
* attribute9
* programApplicationId
* attribute15
* objectVersionNumber
* requestId
* createdBy
* attribute2
* attribute7
* currencyConversionRate
* nettableYn
* creationDate
* orgId
* attribute10
* currencyConversionDate
* vendorInvoiceNumber
* invoiceAmount
* vendorSiteId
* attribute6
* invoiceCurrencyCode
* attribute1
* lastUpdatedBy
* programId
* payGroupLookupCode
* attribute13
* docCategoryCode
* attribute4
* termsId
* paymentMethod
* invoiceNum
* glDate
* payAloneFlag
* id
* legalEntityId


 * lastUpdateDate
* attribute11
* acctsPayCcId
* payablesInvoiceId
* invoiceDate
* attribute3
* attribute5
* attribute14
* lastUpdateLogin
* invoiceType
* attribute8
* workflowFlag
* attribute12
* invoiceId
* waitVendorInvoiceYn
* trxStatusCode
* cnsldApInvId
* vendorId
* attributeCategory
* currencyConversionType
* programUpdateDate
* attribute9
* programApplicationId
* attribute15
* objectVersionNumber
* requestId
* createdBy
* attribute2
* attribute7
* currencyConversionRate
* nettableYn
* creationDate
* orgId
* attribute10
* currencyConversionDate
* vendorInvoiceNumber
* invoiceAmount
* vendorSiteId
* attribute6
* invoiceCurrencyCode
* attribute1
* lastUpdatedBy
* programId
* payGroupLookupCode
* attribute13
* docCategoryCode
* attribute4
* termsId
* paymentMethod
* invoiceNum
* glDate
* payAloneFlag
* id
* legalEntityId


 * description
* lastUpdateDate
* id
* sfwtFlag
* source
* createdBy
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* streamType
* sourceLang
* lastUpdatedBy
* language


 * description
* lastUpdateDate
* id
* sfwtFlag
* source
* createdBy
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* streamType
* sourceLang
* lastUpdatedBy
* language


 * attribute1
* trxDate
* taxExemptFlag
* attribute10
* attribute4
* attribute7
* attribute9
* customerBankAccountId
* programApplicationId
* objectVersionNumber
* currencyConversionType
* attribute15
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute11
* customerId
* infId
* requestId
* attribute8
* attribute6
* orgId
* receiptMethodId
* custTrxTypeId
* trxNumber
* customerAddressId
* lastUpdateDate
* receivablesInvoiceId
* attributeCategory
* programUpdateDate
* trxStatusCode
* isiId
* currencyConversionRate
* attribute12
* taxExemptReasonCode
* attribute13
* createdBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute2
* currencyCode
* setOfBooksId
* referenceLineId
* xtrxInvoicePullYn
* currencyConversionDate
* attribute5
* legalEntityId
* programId
* attribute3
* id
* termId
* creationDate
* attribute14


 * attribute1
* trxDate
* taxExemptFlag
* attribute10
* attribute4
* attribute7
* attribute9
* customerBankAccountId
* programApplicationId
* objectVersionNumber
* currencyConversionType
* attribute15
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute11
* customerId
* infId
* requestId
* attribute8
* attribute6
* orgId
* receiptMethodId
* custTrxTypeId
* trxNumber
* customerAddressId
* lastUpdateDate
* receivablesInvoiceId
* attributeCategory
* programUpdateDate
* trxStatusCode
* isiId
* currencyConversionRate
* attribute12
* taxExemptReasonCode
* attribute13
* createdBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute2
* currencyCode
* setOfBooksId
* referenceLineId
* xtrxInvoicePullYn
* currencyConversionDate
* attribute5
* legalEntityId
* programId
* attribute3
* id
* termId
* creationDate
* attribute14


 * lastUpdatedBy
* id
* lastUpdateDate
* description
* creationDate
* language
* sourceLang
* xtrxConsInvoiceNumber
* invoiceMessage
* createdBy
* xtrxFormatType
* sfwtFlag
* xtrxPrivateLabel
* lastUpdateLogin


 * lastUpdatedBy
* id
* lastUpdateDate
* description
* creationDate
* language
* sourceLang
* xtrxConsInvoiceNumber
* invoiceMessage
* createdBy
* xtrxFormatType
* sfwtFlag
* xtrxPrivateLabel
* lastUpdateLogin


 * currencyCode
* orgId
* attribute8
* attribute6
* attribute9
* attribute12
* createdBy
* adjMatTypeCode
* attributeCategory
* objectVersionNumber
* origAdjMatId
* attribute3
* attribute15
* attribute7
* attribute13
* stsCode
* attribute2
* lastUpdateLogin
* creationDate
* attribute5
* adjMatId
* lastUpdatedBy
* effectiveToDate
* attribute10
* attribute11
* adjMatName
* lastUpdateDate
* effectiveFromDate
* attribute14
* attribute4
* attribute1


 * currencyCode
* orgId
* attribute8
* attribute6
* attribute9
* attribute12
* createdBy
* adjMatTypeCode
* attributeCategory
* objectVersionNumber
* origAdjMatId
* attribute3
* attribute15
* attribute7
* attribute13
* stsCode
* attribute2
* lastUpdateLogin
* creationDate
* attribute5
* adjMatId
* lastUpdatedBy
* effectiveToDate
* attribute10
* attribute11
* adjMatName
* lastUpdateDate
* effectiveFromDate
* attribute14
* attribute4
* attribute1


 * lastUpdateLogin
* sfwtFlag
* createdBy
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateDate
* creationDate
* adjMatId
* sourceLang
* adjMatDesc
* language


 * lastUpdateLogin
* sfwtFlag
* createdBy
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateDate
* creationDate
* adjMatId
* sourceLang
* adjMatDesc
* language


 * attribute9
* lastUpdateLogin
* stsCode
* attribute2
* lastUpdatedBy
* attributeCategory
* attribute3
* effectiveFromDate
* attribute10
* attribute4
* attribute13
* objectVersionNumber
* attribute1
* adjMatVersionId
* adjMatId
* attribute5
* versionNumber
* attribute15
* effectiveToDate
* creationDate
* attribute6
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute14
* attribute7
* createdBy
* attribute12
* attribute11
* attribute8


 * attribute9
* lastUpdateLogin
* stsCode
* attribute2
* lastUpdatedBy
* attributeCategory
* attribute3
* effectiveFromDate
* attribute10
* attribute4
* attribute13
* objectVersionNumber
* attribute1
* adjMatVersionId
* adjMatId
* attribute5
* versionNumber
* attribute15
* effectiveToDate
* creationDate
* attribute6
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute14
* attribute7
* createdBy
* attribute12
* attribute11
* attribute8


 * zdSync
* seededYn
* origCritCatDefId
* zdEditionName
* valueTypeCode
* creationDate
* eccAcFlag
* dataTypeCode
* critCatDefId
* objectVersionNumber
* sqlStatement
* lastUpdatedBy
* functionId
* createdBy
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* sourceYn
* enabledYn
* critCatName


 * zdSync
* seededYn
* origCritCatDefId
* zdEditionName
* valueTypeCode
* creationDate
* eccAcFlag
* dataTypeCode
* critCatDefId
* objectVersionNumber
* sqlStatement
* lastUpdatedBy
* functionId
* createdBy
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* sourceYn
* enabledYn
* critCatName


 * language
* zdSync
* lastUpdateDate
* critCatDefId
* sourceLang
* critCatDesc
* createdBy
* sfwtFlag
* lastUpdateLogin
* creationDate
* zdEditionName
* lastUpdatedBy


 * language
* zdSync
* lastUpdateDate
* critCatDefId
* sourceLang
* critCatDesc
* createdBy
* sfwtFlag
* lastUpdateLogin
* creationDate
* zdEditionName
* lastUpdatedBy


 * zdSync
* lastUpdatedBy
* zdEditionName
* createdBy
* creationDate
* objectVersionNumber
* critCatDefId
* lastUpdateDate
* objectClassId
* objectClassCode
* lastUpdateLogin


 * zdSync
* lastUpdatedBy
* zdEditionName
* createdBy
* creationDate
* objectVersionNumber
* critCatDefId
* lastUpdateDate
* objectClassId
* objectClassCode
* lastUpdateLogin


 * criteriaId
* objectVersionNumber
* lastUpdateLogin
* matchCriteriaCode
* lastUpdatedBy
* createdBy
* creationDate
* lastUpdateDate
* critCatDefId
* effectiveFromDate
* effectiveToDate
* criteriaSetId


 * criteriaId
* objectVersionNumber
* lastUpdateLogin
* matchCriteriaCode
* lastUpdatedBy
* createdBy
* creationDate
* lastUpdateDate
* critCatDefId
* effectiveFromDate
* effectiveToDate
* criteriaSetId


 * lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* validationCode
* lastUpdateDate
* sourceObjectCode
* objectVersionNumber
* creationDate
* matchCriteriaCode
* sourceId
* createdBy
* criteriaSetId


 * lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* validationCode
* lastUpdateDate
* sourceObjectCode
* objectVersionNumber
* creationDate
* matchCriteriaCode
* sourceId
* createdBy
* criteriaSetId


 * criterionValueId
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute9
* attribute6
* attribute14
* attribute11
* adjustmentFactor
* createdBy
* attribute13
* critCatValue2
* attribute2
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute1
* attribute10
* attribute15
* objectVersionNumber
* creationDate
* critCatValue1
* attributeCategory
* attribute4
* attribute5
* criteriaId
* operatorCode
* attribute8
* attribute7
* attribute3
* attribute12
* lastUpdatedBy


 * criterionValueId
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute9
* attribute6
* attribute14
* attribute11
* adjustmentFactor
* createdBy
* attribute13
* critCatValue2
* attribute2
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute1
* attribute10
* attribute15
* objectVersionNumber
* creationDate
* critCatValue1
* attributeCategory
* attribute4
* attribute5
* criteriaId
* operatorCode
* attribute8
* attribute7
* attribute3
* attribute12
* lastUpdatedBy


 * attribute13
* attributeCategory
* attribute12
* attribute10
* createdBy
* attribute11
* organizationId
* attribute3
* objectVersionNumber
* endOfTermObjId
* categoryId
* attribute1
* attribute14
* attribute7
* attribute2
* categorySetId
* attribute5
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateDate
* resiCategorySetId
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute4
* inventoryItemId
* creationDate
* endOfTermVerId
* attribute15
* attribute8
* attribute9
* attribute6


 * attribute13
* attributeCategory
* attribute12
* attribute10
* createdBy
* attribute11
* organizationId
* attribute3
* objectVersionNumber
* endOfTermObjId
* categoryId
* attribute1
* attribute14
* attribute7
* attribute2
* categorySetId
* attribute5
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateDate
* resiCategorySetId
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute4
* inventoryItemId
* creationDate
* endOfTermVerId
* attribute15
* attribute8
* attribute9
* attribute6


 * attribute4
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute12
* attributeCategory
* attribute8
* attribute14
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute5
* attribute13
* createdBy
* attribute1
* attribute6
* endOfTermVerId
* attribute10
* attribute9
* endOfTermValueId
* eotValue
* attribute7
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute3
* attribute11
* attribute15
* creationDate
* attribute2
* objectVersionNumber
* eotTerm


 * attribute4
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute12
* attributeCategory
* attribute8
* attribute14
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute5
* attribute13
* createdBy
* attribute1
* attribute6
* endOfTermVerId
* attribute10
* attribute9
* endOfTermValueId
* eotValue
* attribute7
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute3
* attribute11
* attribute15
* creationDate
* attribute2
* objectVersionNumber
* eotTerm


 * attribute14
* attribute3
* attribute9
* attribute8
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute1
* endOfTermVerId
* effectiveToDate
* objectVersionNumber
* attribute7
* attribute12
* attribute13
* attribute4
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute11
* versionNumber
* attribute6
* creationDate
* createdBy
* endOfTermId
* attributeCategory
* attribute2
* attribute10
* stsCode
* attribute15
* attribute5
* effectiveFromDate


 * attribute14
* attribute3
* attribute9
* attribute8
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute1
* endOfTermVerId
* effectiveToDate
* objectVersionNumber
* attribute7
* attribute12
* attribute13
* attribute4
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute11
* versionNumber
* attribute6
* creationDate
* createdBy
* endOfTermId
* attributeCategory
* attribute2
* attribute10
* stsCode
* attribute15
* attribute5
* effectiveFromDate


 * attribute7
* attribute8
* attribute10
* orgId
* eotTypeCode
* attribute9
* attribute11
* endOfTermId
* stsCode
* currencyCode
* creationDate
* attribute2
* createdBy
* attribute4
* attribute5
* attribute12
* productId
* effectiveFromDate
* attribute6
* attribute14
* attribute13
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute3
* objectVersionNumber
* attributeCategory
* origEndOfTermId
* endOfTermName
* attribute15
* effectiveToDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* categoryTypeCode
* attribute1


 * attribute7
* attribute8
* attribute10
* orgId
* eotTypeCode
* attribute9
* attribute11
* endOfTermId
* stsCode
* currencyCode
* creationDate
* attribute2
* createdBy
* attribute4
* attribute5
* attribute12
* productId
* effectiveFromDate
* attribute6
* attribute14
* attribute13
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute3
* objectVersionNumber
* attributeCategory
* origEndOfTermId
* endOfTermName
* attribute15
* effectiveToDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* categoryTypeCode
* attribute1


 * lastUpdatedBy
* sfwtFlag
* lastUpdateLogin
* language
* lastUpdateDate
* creationDate
* sourceLang
* createdBy
* endOfTermId
* endOfTermDesc


 * lastUpdatedBy
* sfwtFlag
* lastUpdateLogin
* language
* lastUpdateDate
* creationDate
* sourceLang
* createdBy
* endOfTermId
* endOfTermDesc


 * createdBy
* residualValue
* lastUpdateDate
* itemResdlValueId
* termInMonths
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdatedBy
* creationDate
* objectVersionNumber
* itemResdlVersionId
* itemResidualId