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Oracle EBS Default Config 2

Below is the list of all available entities/menus in the Oracle EBS default configuration. You can add, modify, delete menus/configs as per your business needs following the steps available @ View/Edit Menus


 * numBaseAttribute12
* tlTextBaseAttribute64
* underShipmentTolerance
* fax
* cycleCountEnabledFlag
* textBaseAttribute30
* materialBillableFlag
* endDateActive
* tlTextBaseAttribute68
* warrantyVendorId
* countryFk
* textBaseAttribute52
* primaryUomCode
* responseTimePeriodCode
* itemSourceType
* textBaseAttribute39
* globalAttribute3
* tlTextBaseAttribute76
* ctxDesc
* programId
* releasedDate
* textBaseAttribute18
* receiptDaysExceptionCode
* influencerFk
* fullLeadTime
* tlTextBaseAttribute66
* textBaseAttribute51
* summaryFlag
* textBaseAttribute45
* numBaseAttribute2
* secondarySpecialistId
* minMinmaxQuantity
* sourceType
* maximumOrderQuantity
* fixedLotMultiplier
* volDiscountExemptFlag
* unearnedRevenueCr
* expenseBillableFlag
* numBaseAttribute3
* contractItemTypeCode
* maxMinmaxQuantity
* overrunPercentage
* variableLeadTime
* preprocessingLeadTime
* assetCreationCode
* adjustingRevenueFlag
* segment17
* mobilePhone
* tlTextBaseAttribute12
* outsideOperationFlag
* shipModelCompleteFlag
* dimensionUomCode
* textBaseAttribute90
* positiveMeasurementError
* createSupplyFlag
* attributeCategory
* state
* tlTextBaseAttribute28
* tlTextBaseAttribute63
* textBaseAttribute49
* serviceDuration
* segment15
* purchasingItemFlag
* safetyStockBucketDays
* numBaseAttribute64
* textBaseAttribute31
* accountingRuleId
* gender
* textBaseAttribute20
* textBaseAttribute19
* tlTextBaseAttribute77
* textBaseAttribute40
* globalAttribute8
* recoveredPartDispCode
* tlTextBaseAttribute78
* textBaseAttribute70
* dateCreated
* numBaseAttribute80
* textBaseAttribute57
* textBaseAttribute13
* atpFlag
* tlTextBaseAttribute69
* salesAccount
* pickingRuleId
* textBaseAttribute86
* description
* tlTextBaseAttribute36
* mustUseApprovedVendorFlag
* workPhone
* textBaseAttribute5
* overcompletionToleranceValue
* sourceSubinventory
* textBaseAttribute92
* eamActShutdownStatus
* encumbranceAccount
* numBaseAttribute46
* tlTextBaseAttribute26
* wipSupplyLocatorId
* pjiSummarizedFlag
* eamActivityTypeCode
* tlTextBaseAttribute4
* overShipmentTolerance
* unitVolume
* defectTrackingOnFlag
* serviceDurationPeriodCode
* numBaseAttribute15
* unitOfIssue
* fixedDaysSupply
* middleName
* tlTextBaseAttribute27
* segment2
* numBaseAttribute16
* numBaseAttribute39
* activeFlag
* textBaseAttribute10
* textBaseAttribute68
* organizationId
* textBaseAttribute77
* demandTimeFenceDays
* primaryUnitOfMeasure
* numBaseAttribute24
* tlTextBaseAttribute45
* servBillingEnabledFlag
* numBaseAttribute54
* numBaseAttribute66
* tlTextBaseAttribute67
* segment13
* searchType
* paDate
* globalAttribute1
* textBaseAttribute14
* dualUomControl
* purchasingTaxCode
* salutation
* defaultIncludeInRollupFlag
* internalVolume
* lastUpdatedBy
* numBaseAttribute67
* numBaseAttribute94
* numBaseAttribute10
* leadTime
* textBaseAttribute32
* numBaseAttribute36
* locationControlCode
* tlTextBaseAttribute16
* attribute7
* realizedLossesBatchName
* acceptableRateIncrease
* numBaseAttribute63
* titleFk
* ubrUerProcessFlag
* transferStatusCode
* textBaseAttribute27
* numBaseAttribute61
* modelConfigClauseName
* tlTextBaseAttribute90
* fixedLeadTime
* numBaseAttribute60
* buyerId
* textBaseAttribute44
* numBaseAttribute87
* numBaseAttribute4
* realizedGainsBatchName
* numBaseAttribute33
* tlTextBaseAttribute51
* thumbnailImage
* numBaseAttribute73
* projectId
* numBaseAttribute35
* tlTextBaseAttribute100
* tlTextBaseAttribute47
* tlTextBaseAttribute85
* segment19
* tlTextBaseAttribute8
* programApplicationId
* textBaseAttribute71
* repetitivePlanningFlag
* numBaseAttribute11
* textBaseAttribute56
* carryingCost
* numBaseAttribute85
* numBaseAttribute26
* tlTextBaseAttribute60
* engItemFlag
* numBaseAttribute27
* paymentTermsId
* supplierPartNum
* numBaseAttribute96
* legalName
* dualUomDeviationHigh
* attribute5
* wipSupplyType
* tlTextBaseAttribute31
* unearnedCodeCombinationId
* restrictLocatorsCode
* itemType
* textBaseAttribute37
* numBaseAttribute89
* dualUomDeviationLow
* tlTextBaseAttribute75
* containerItemFlag
* autoSerialAlphaPrefix
* unitWeight
* ubrSummaryId
* tlTextBaseAttribute95
* dateModified
* eventFlag
* bulkPickedFlag
* language
* supplierPartAuxid
* alias
* textBaseAttribute46
* acceptableEarlyDays
* tlTextBaseAttribute81
* companyName
* atpRuleId
* taxableFlag
* allowUnorderedReceiptsFlag
* substitutionWindowCode
* numBaseAttribute13
* globalAttribute5
* numBaseAttribute76
* manufacturer
* numBaseAttribute44
* textBaseAttribute7
* textBaseAttribute9
* textBaseAttribute42
* glPeriodName
* numBaseAttribute77
* tlTextBaseAttribute44
* county
* internalItemId
* programUpdateDate
* supplierId
* negativeMeasurementError
* textBaseAttribute79
* numBaseAttribute92
* tlTextBaseAttribute84
* weightUomCode
* numBaseAttribute70
* tlTextBaseAttribute24
* defaultSoSourceType
* subscriptionDependFlag
* serviceableProductFlag
* tlTextBaseAttribute79
* manufacturerPartNum
* tlTextBaseAttribute21
* allowedUnitsLookupCode
* generationErrorFlag
* tlTextBaseAttribute32
* unbilledReceivableDr
* restrictSubinventoriesCode
* textBaseAttribute26
* numBaseAttribute82
* tlTextBaseAttribute14
* numBaseAttribute50
* whUpdateDate
* tlTextBaseAttribute20
* tlTextBaseAttribute74
* textBaseAttribute53
* minimumOrderQuantity
* commsNlTrackableFlag
* buildInWipFlag
* globalAttribute10
* segment8
* numBaseAttribute6
* taxCode
* tlTextBaseAttribute34
* numBaseAttribute38
* electronicFlag
* planningTimeFenceCode
* numBaseAttribute1
* stockEnabledFlag
* numBaseAttribute99
* returnableFlag
* rtItemId
* assetCategoryId
* textBaseAttribute95
* tlTextBaseAttribute10
* textBaseAttribute23
* autoReduceMps
* customerBillSplit
* tlTextBaseAttribute18
* tlTextBaseAttribute97
* address3
* numBaseAttribute79
* textBaseAttribute28
* segment3
* stdLotSize
* textBaseAttribute75
* textBaseAttribute83
* couponExemptFlag
* textBaseAttribute36
* commsActivationReqdFlag
* city
* textBaseAttribute73
* globalAttribute7
* tlTextBaseAttribute22
* tlTextBaseAttribute49
* attribute8
* inventoryCarryPenalty
* itemCatalogGroupId
* lastName
* userId
* planningExceptionSet
* preventiveMaintenanceFlag
* cumulativeTotalLeadTime
* tlTextBaseAttribute70
* tlTextBaseAttribute38
* servReqEnabledCode
* leadTimeLotSize
* textBaseAttribute100
* numBaseAttribute58
* usageItemFlag
* homePhone
* textBaseAttribute16
* textBaseAttribute55
* address2
* numBaseAttribute52
* firstName
* segment6
* attribute14
* tlTextBaseAttribute5
* numBaseAttribute21
* globalAttributeCategory
* tlTextBaseAttribute62
* costingEnabledFlag
* receiveCloseTolerance
* tlTextBaseAttribute15
* numBaseAttribute34
* responseTimeValue
* tcaPartyFk
* segment12
* comments
* textBaseAttribute8
* globalAttribute9
* engineeringEcnCode
* textBaseAttribute24
* numBaseAttribute30
* textBaseAttribute41
* roundingControlType
* maximumLoadWeight
* textBaseAttribute59
* textBaseAttribute1
* tlTextBaseAttribute11
* primarySpecialistId
* province
* segment14
* primaryLanguageFk
* inventoryItemStatusCode
* productFamilyItemId
* tlTextBaseAttribute46
* numBaseAttribute59
* segment5
* sicCode
* numBaseAttribute91
* inventoryAssetFlag
* shrinkageRate
* serviceableItemClassId
* receivingRoutingId
* lastUpdateDate
* fixedOrderQuantity
* numBaseAttribute86
* tlTextBaseAttribute23
* textBaseAttribute4
* shelfLifeDays
* volumeUomCode
* prorateServiceFlag
* tlTextBaseAttribute7
* allowExpressDeliveryFlag
* textBaseAttribute58
* allowSubstituteReceiptsFlag
* invoiceCloseTolerance
* planningTimeFenceDays
* tlTextBaseAttribute40
* emailConfirmed
* cumManufacturingLeadTime
* creationDate
* startDateActive
* engineeringDate
* agreementId
* maxWarrantyAmount
* resourceAccumulatedFlag
* listPricePerUnit
* segment20
* textBaseAttribute65
* transferRejectionReason
* attribute15
* mrpSafetyStockCode
* internalOrderFlag
* attribute10
* emailFormat
* numBaseAttribute47
* numBaseAttribute100
* costOfSalesAccount
* userTypeFk
* textBaseAttribute3
* numBaseAttribute5
* tlTextBaseAttribute80
* tlTextBaseAttribute88
* tlTextBaseAttribute30
* textBaseAttribute38
* invoiceEnabledFlag
* mrpSafetyStockPercent
* attachmentUrl
* tlTextBaseAttribute65
* globalAttribute2
* tlTextBaseAttribute25
* unitWidth
* extension
* textBaseAttribute33
* postprocessingLeadTime
* numBaseAttribute83
* rfqRequiredFlag
* picture
* textBaseAttribute63
* mtlTransactionsEnabledFlag
* attribute2
* segment10
* lotStatusEnabled
* tlTextBaseAttribute54
* suffix
* requestId
* tlTextBaseAttribute55
* baseItemId
* tradeName
* vendorWarrantyFlag
* numBaseAttribute71
* numBaseAttribute65
* numBaseAttribute37
* purchasingEnabledFlag
* numBaseAttribute45
* revisionQtyControlCode
* numBaseAttribute95
* createdBy
* tlTextBaseAttribute86
* numBaseAttribute40
* textBaseAttribute96
* numBaseAttribute81
* tlTextBaseAttribute42
* numBaseAttribute75
* catalogStatusFlag
* textBaseAttribute82
* defaultLotStatusId
* eamActNotificationFlag
* numBaseAttribute88
* reservableType
* atoForecastControl
* numBaseAttribute78
* tlTextBaseAttribute43
* paPeriodName
* bomEnabledFlag
* marketPrice
* supplier
* segment1
* textBaseAttribute61
* operationSlackPenalty
* attribute12
* textBaseAttribute91
* tlTextBaseAttribute13
* textBaseAttribute11
* expenseAccount
* textBaseAttribute94
* attribute13
* engineeringItemId
* tlTextBaseAttribute87
* textBaseAttribute64
* accrueThroughDate
* roundingFactor
* backOrderableFlag
* financingAllowedFlag
* textBaseAttribute50
* textBaseAttribute12
* startAutoLotNumber
* lotMergeEnabled
* plannedInvPointFlag
* baseWarrantyServiceId
* webStatus
* manufacturerUrl
* tcaPartyCompanyFk
* textBaseAttribute47
* numBaseAttribute51
* inspectionRequiredFlag
* numBaseAttribute32
* eamActivityCauseCode
* minimumFillPercent
* secondaryLanguageFk
* globalAttribute6
* tlTextBaseAttribute2
* atpComponentsFlag
* tlTextBaseAttribute9
* draftRevenueNumCredited
* textBaseAttribute34
* tlTextBaseAttribute59
* tlTextBaseAttribute61
* numBaseAttribute93
* servImportanceLevel
* qtyRcvExceptionCode
* tlTextBaseAttribute52
* invoiceableItemFlag
* tlTextBaseAttribute19
* textBaseAttribute6
* segment7
* substitutionWindowDays
* segment9
* numBaseAttribute31
* textBaseAttribute22
* globalAttribute4
* postalCode
* lastUpdateLogin
* numBaseAttribute9
* acceptsEnglish
* pictureUrl
* qtyRcvTolerance
* unitLength
* numBaseAttribute19
* unNumberId
* endAssemblyPeggingFlag
* availability
* overcompletionToleranceType
* textBaseAttribute78
* releaseTimeFenceDays
* tlTextBaseAttribute48
* checkShortagesFlag
* textBaseAttribute2
* accumulatedFlag
* companyTypeFk
* shippableItemFlag
* longDescription
* receiptRequiredFlag
* tlTextBaseAttribute98
* unbilledBatchName
* priceTolerancePercent
* numBaseAttribute62
* numBaseAttribute68
* primaryCategoryName
* tlTextBaseAttribute56
* realizedGainsAmount
* invoicingRuleId
* industryFk
* textBaseAttribute15
* orderCost
* acceptableRateDecrease
* segment4
* attribute3
* textBaseAttribute72
* tlTextBaseAttribute50
* startAutoSerialNumber
* segment11
* tlTextBaseAttribute3
* tlTextBaseAttribute35
* textBaseAttribute62
* numBaseAttribute98
* internalOrderEnabledFlag
* numBaseAttribute25
* unbilledCodeCombinationId
* soTransactionsFlag
* numBaseAttribute18
* mrpPlanningCode
* downloadableFlag
* supplierUrl
* textBaseAttribute76
* numBaseAttribute49
* daysLateReceiptAllowed
* textBaseAttribute35
* glDate
* responsibilityFk
* numBaseAttribute42
* defaultSerialStatusId
* daysEarlyReceiptAllowed
* realizedGainsCcid
* textBaseAttribute85
* unitHeight
* tlTextBaseAttribute72
* numBaseAttribute56
* primaryCategoryId
* numBaseAttribute17
* indivisibleFlag
* sourceOrganizationId
* numBaseAttribute72
* functionFk
* attribute6
* planningMakeBuyCode
* autoLotAlphaPrefix
* attribute1
* serviceStartingDelay
* textBaseAttribute29
* returnInspectionRequirement
* containerTypeCode
* inventoryItemFlag
* mrpCalculateAtpFlag
* shelfLifeCode
* textBaseAttribute81
* plannerCode
* userEmail
* tlTextBaseAttribute41
* textBaseAttribute93
* textBaseAttribute88
* bomItemType
* enabledFlag
* tlTextBaseAttribute99
* textBaseAttribute97
* textBaseAttribute60
* releaseTimeFenceCode
* segment16
* numBaseAttribute84
* numBaseAttribute90
* textBaseAttribute80
* newRevisionCode
* tlTextBaseAttribute33
* customerOrderFlag
* tlTextBaseAttribute6
* tlTextBaseAttribute92
* segment18
* numBaseAttribute14
* inventoryItemId
* textBaseAttribute17
* realizedLossesAmount
* textBaseAttribute99
* numBaseAttribute74
* tlTextBaseAttribute93
* textBaseAttribute54
* tlTextBaseAttribute91
* textBaseAttribute98
* orderableOnWebFlag
* unearnedBatchName
* vehicleItemFlag
* textBaseAttribute66
* demandTimeFenceCode
* textBaseAttribute74
* attribute9
* tlTextBaseAttribute82
* unspscCode
* address1
* customerOrderEnabledFlag
* outsideOperationUomType
* lotSplitEnabled
* numBaseAttribute57
* uerSummaryId
* attribute4
* lotTranslateEnabled
* tlTextBaseAttribute94
* textBaseAttribute43
* numBaseAttribute69
* tlTextBaseAttribute89
* collateralFlag
* hazardClassId
* numBaseAttribute23
* tlTextBaseAttribute1
* tlTextBaseAttribute83
* orgId
* lotControlCode
* numBaseAttribute28
* numBaseAttribute43
* coverageScheduleId
* tlTextBaseAttribute96
* replenishToOrderFlag
* realizedLossesCcid
* inventoryPlanningCode
* numBaseAttribute29
* internalItemNum
* textBaseAttribute69
* textBaseAttribute84
* equipmentType
* dunsNumber
* underReturnTolerance
* draftRevenueNum
* wipSupplySubinventory
* autoCreatedConfigFlag
* defaultShippingOrg
* effectivityControl
* attribute11
* eamItemType
* numBaseAttribute7
* tlTextBaseAttribute29
* tlTextBaseAttribute53
* secondaryUomCode
* tlTextBaseAttribute17
* numBaseAttribute8
* tlTextBaseAttribute71
* tlTextBaseAttribute73
* timeBillableFlag
* numBaseAttribute53
* numBaseAttribute22
* tlTextBaseAttribute37
* overReturnTolerance
* serviceableComponentFlag
* tlTextBaseAttribute58
* numBaseAttribute55
* textBaseAttribute25
* serviceItemFlag
* textBaseAttribute87
* tlTextBaseAttribute39
* enforceShipToLocationCode
* textBaseAttribute48
* textBaseAttribute89
* numBaseAttribute20
* serialStatusEnabled
* allowItemDescUpdateFlag
* transferredDate
* serialNumberControlCode
* numBaseAttribute48
* numBaseAttribute97
* pickComponentsFlag
* textBaseAttribute21
* tlTextBaseAttribute57
* textBaseAttribute67
* numBaseAttribute41


 * creationDate
* organizationId
* visitId
* programApplicationId
* lastUpdatedBy
* requestId
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdateDate
* programId
* programUpdateDate
* createdBy
* rn


 * creationDate
* organizationId
* visitId
* programApplicationId
* lastUpdatedBy
* requestId
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdateDate
* programId
* programUpdateDate
* createdBy
* rn


 * programId
* programApplicationId
* lastUpdateLogin
* requestId
* programUpdateDate
* rn
* lastUpdatedBy
* wipEntityId
* organizationId
* creationDate
* createdBy
* lastUpdateDate


 * programId
* programApplicationId
* lastUpdateLogin
* requestId
* programUpdateDate
* rn
* lastUpdatedBy
* wipEntityId
* organizationId
* creationDate
* createdBy
* lastUpdateDate


 * creationDate
* programApplicationId
* createdBy
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* requestId
* organizationId
* lastUpdatedBy
* rn
* billSequenceId
* programUpdateDate
* programId


 * creationDate
* programApplicationId
* createdBy
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* requestId
* organizationId
* lastUpdatedBy
* rn
* billSequenceId
* programUpdateDate
* programId


 * createdBy
* wipEntityId
* creationDate
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* organizationId
* rn


 * createdBy
* wipEntityId
* creationDate
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* organizationId
* rn


 * lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdatedDate
* programApplicationId
* bcodLineId
* lastUpdatedBy
* createdBy
* oeLineId
* programUpdateDate
* organizationId
* headerId
* rn


 * lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdatedDate
* programApplicationId
* bcodLineId
* lastUpdatedBy
* createdBy
* oeLineId
* programUpdateDate
* organizationId
* headerId
* rn


 * lastUpdateLogin
* createdBy
* programApplicationId
* organizationId
* requestId
* lastUpdateDate
* programUpdateDate
* creationDate
* demandId
* lastUpdatedBy
* rn
* reservationType
* programId


 * lastUpdateLogin
* createdBy
* programApplicationId
* organizationId
* requestId
* lastUpdateDate
* programUpdateDate
* creationDate
* demandId
* lastUpdatedBy
* rn
* reservationType
* programId


 * programId
* programApplicationId
* requestId
* lastUpdatedBy
* resourceId
* lastUpdateDate
* createdBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* rn
* creationDate
* departmentId
* programUpdateDate


 * programId
* programApplicationId
* requestId
* lastUpdatedBy
* resourceId
* lastUpdateDate
* createdBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* rn
* creationDate
* departmentId
* programUpdateDate


 * lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* programId
* createdBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* requestId
* wjsNetQtyFlag
* wipEntityId
* programUpdateDate
* wjsMpsNetQtyFlag
* programApplicationId
* jobType
* rn
* organizationId
* creationDate


 * lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* programId
* createdBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* requestId
* wjsNetQtyFlag
* wipEntityId
* programUpdateDate
* wjsMpsNetQtyFlag
* programApplicationId
* jobType
* rn
* organizationId
* creationDate


 * programUpdateDate
* organizationId
* createdBy
* lastUpdatedBy
* requestId
* creationDate
* lastUpdateDate
* programApplicationId
* programId
* assetRebuildItemId
* lastUpdateLogin
* rn
* assetActivityId


 * programUpdateDate
* organizationId
* createdBy
* lastUpdatedBy
* requestId
* creationDate
* lastUpdateDate
* programApplicationId
* programId
* assetRebuildItemId
* lastUpdateLogin
* rn
* assetActivityId


 * programUpdateDate
* assetGroupItemId
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* programId
* equipmentItemId
* lastUpdateLogin
* programApplicationId
* assetActivityId
* creationDate
* requestId
* rn
* organizationId
* createdBy
* assetNumberId


 * programUpdateDate
* assetGroupItemId
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* programId
* equipmentItemId
* lastUpdateLogin
* programApplicationId
* assetActivityId
* creationDate
* requestId
* rn
* organizationId
* createdBy
* assetNumberId


 * organizationId
* lastUpdateDate
* programUpdateDate
* createdBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* programId
* forecastId
* lastUpdatedBy
* rn
* requestId
* creationDate
* programApplicationId


 * organizationId
* lastUpdateDate
* programUpdateDate
* createdBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* programId
* forecastId
* lastUpdatedBy
* rn
* requestId
* creationDate
* programApplicationId


 * lastUpdateLogin
* programId
* wipEntityId
* rn
* requestId
* lastUpdatedBy
* programUpdateDate
* organizationId
* programApplicationId
* createdBy
* lastUpdateDate
* creationDate
* forecastId


 * lastUpdateLogin
* programId
* wipEntityId
* rn
* requestId
* lastUpdatedBy
* programUpdateDate
* organizationId
* programApplicationId
* createdBy
* lastUpdateDate
* creationDate
* forecastId


 * woRelationshipId
* rn
* creationDate
* childWipEntityId
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* createdBy
* lastUpdatedBy
* parentWipEntityId
* relationshipType


 * woRelationshipId
* rn
* creationDate
* childWipEntityId
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* createdBy
* lastUpdatedBy
* parentWipEntityId
* relationshipType


 * createdBy
* creationDate
* repairPoHeaderId
* wipId
* rn
* lastUpdatedBy
* organizationId
* lastUpdateDate


 * createdBy
* creationDate
* repairPoHeaderId
* wipId
* rn
* lastUpdatedBy
* organizationId
* lastUpdateDate


 * lastUpdateLogin
* createdBy
* wipEntityId
* programId
* wjsNetQtyFlag
* organizationId
* programUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* programApplicationId
* creationDate
* lastUpdateDate
* requestId
* rn


 * lastUpdateLogin
* createdBy
* wipEntityId
* programId
* wjsNetQtyFlag
* organizationId
* programUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* programApplicationId
* creationDate
* lastUpdateDate
* requestId
* rn


 * rn
* creationDate
* createdBy
* transactionId
* lastUpdateDate
* inventoryItemId
* organizationId
* forecastDesignator
* lastUpdatedBy


 * rn
* creationDate
* createdBy
* transactionId
* lastUpdateDate
* inventoryItemId
* organizationId
* forecastDesignator
* lastUpdatedBy


 * forecastDesignator
* lastUpdatedBy
* createdBy
* forecastSet
* creationDate
* rn
* organizationId
* lastUpdateDate


 * forecastDesignator
* lastUpdatedBy
* createdBy
* forecastSet
* creationDate
* rn
* organizationId
* lastUpdateDate


 * lastUpdatedBy
* creationDate
* componentSequenceId
* organizationId
* lastUpdateDate
* programUpdateDate
* programId
* billSequenceId
* createdBy
* rn
* requestId
* programApplicationId
* lastUpdateLogin


 * lastUpdatedBy
* creationDate
* componentSequenceId
* organizationId
* lastUpdateDate
* programUpdateDate
* programId
* billSequenceId
* createdBy
* rn
* requestId
* programApplicationId
* lastUpdateLogin


 * programUpdateDate
* categorySetId
* lastUpdatedBy
* programApplicationId
* lastUpdateLogin
* requestId
* programId
* inventoryItemId
* organizationId
* categoryId
* createdBy
* lastUpdateDate
* creationDate
* rn


 * programUpdateDate
* categorySetId
* lastUpdatedBy
* programApplicationId
* lastUpdateLogin
* requestId
* programId
* inventoryItemId
* organizationId
* categoryId
* createdBy
* lastUpdateDate
* creationDate
* rn


 * organizationId
* relatedItemId
* createdBy
* inventoryItemId
* creationDate
* relationshipTypeId
* rn
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy


 * organizationId
* relatedItemId
* createdBy
* inventoryItemId
* creationDate
* relationshipTypeId
* rn
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy


 * organizationId
* wjsNetQtyFlag
* wipEntityId
* wjsMpsNetQtyFlag
* rn
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* programApplicationId
* requestId
* lastUpdateDate
* fromOpSeqNum
* programUpdateDate
* programId
* creationDate
* toOpSeqNum
* createdBy


 * organizationId
* wjsNetQtyFlag
* wipEntityId
* wjsMpsNetQtyFlag
* rn
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* programApplicationId
* requestId
* lastUpdateDate
* fromOpSeqNum
* programUpdateDate
* programId
* creationDate
* toOpSeqNum
* createdBy


 * lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* rn
* operationSeqNum
* organizationId
* createdBy
* resourceSeqNum
* serialNumber
* lastUpdateLogin
* creationDate
* resInstanceId
* wipEntityId
* entityType
* operationSequenceId


 * lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* rn
* operationSeqNum
* organizationId
* createdBy
* resourceSeqNum
* serialNumber
* lastUpdateLogin
* creationDate
* resInstanceId
* wipEntityId
* entityType
* operationSequenceId


 * rn
* createdBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* wjsNetQtyFlag
* programUpdateDate
* resourceSeqNum
* wjsMpsNetQtyFlag
* creationDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* requestId
* programApplicationId
* wipEntityId
* operationSeqNum
* organizationId
* lastUpdateDate
* programId


 * rn
* createdBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* wjsNetQtyFlag
* programUpdateDate
* resourceSeqNum
* wjsMpsNetQtyFlag
* creationDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* requestId
* programApplicationId
* wipEntityId
* operationSeqNum
* organizationId
* lastUpdateDate
* programId


 * organizationId
* wjsMpsNetQtyFlag
* creationDate
* requestId
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdatedBy
* wipEntityId
* lastUpdateDate
* operationSeqNum
* programId
* rn
* wjsNetQtyFlag
* programApplicationId
* programUpdateDate
* createdBy


 * organizationId
* wjsMpsNetQtyFlag
* creationDate
* requestId
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdatedBy
* wipEntityId
* lastUpdateDate
* operationSeqNum
* programId
* rn
* wjsNetQtyFlag
* programApplicationId
* programUpdateDate
* createdBy


 * lastUpdatedBy
* createdBy
* operationSeqNum
* sourcePhantomId
* wjsMpsNetQtyFlag
* lastUpdateLogin
* programId
* componentItemId
* programUpdateDate
* rn
* primaryComponentId
* wjsNetQtyFlag
* wipEntityId
* organizationId
* requestId
* creationDate
* programApplicationId
* lastUpdateDate


 * lastUpdatedBy
* createdBy
* operationSeqNum
* sourcePhantomId
* wjsMpsNetQtyFlag
* lastUpdateLogin
* programId
* componentItemId
* programUpdateDate
* rn
* primaryComponentId
* wjsNetQtyFlag
* wipEntityId
* organizationId
* requestId
* creationDate
* programApplicationId
* lastUpdateDate


 * visitId
* programId
* programUpdateDate
* rn
* createdBy
* milestone
* lastUpdateLogin
* organizationId
* lastUpdatedBy
* creationDate
* requestId
* programApplicationId
* lastUpdateDate


 * visitId
* programId
* programUpdateDate
* rn
* createdBy
* milestone
* lastUpdateLogin
* organizationId
* lastUpdatedBy
* creationDate
* requestId
* programApplicationId
* lastUpdateDate


 * transactionActionId
* rcvTransactionId
* lastUpdatedBy
* primaryQuantity
* transactionSourceTypeId
* requestId
* taskId
* owningOrganizationId
* planningTpType
* programId
* lastUpdateDate
* transactionSourceId
* programApplicationId
* transactionId
* lastUpdateLogin
* planningOrganizationId
* programUpdateDate
* creationDate
* owningTpType
* createdBy
* projectId
* inventoryItemId
* endItemUnitNumber
* postingFlag
* subinventoryCode
* organizationId
* rn


 * transactionActionId
* rcvTransactionId
* lastUpdatedBy
* primaryQuantity
* transactionSourceTypeId
* requestId
* taskId
* owningOrganizationId
* planningTpType
* programId
* lastUpdateDate
* transactionSourceId
* programApplicationId
* transactionId
* lastUpdateLogin
* planningOrganizationId
* programUpdateDate
* creationDate
* owningTpType
* createdBy
* projectId
* inventoryItemId
* endItemUnitNumber
* postingFlag
* subinventoryCode
* organizationId
* rn


 * requestId
* organizationId
* transactionQuantity
* lastUpdateLogin
* subinventoryCode
* createdBy
* programApplicationId
* lotNumber
* creationDate
* programUpdateDate
* projectId
* lastUpdatedBy
* planningTpType
* programId
* rn
* snapRowOldrn
* lastUpdateDate
* inventoryItemId
* taskId
* owningOrganizationId
* planningOrganizationId
* owningTpType
* locatorId
* transactionId


 * requestId
* organizationId
* transactionQuantity
* lastUpdateLogin
* subinventoryCode
* createdBy
* programApplicationId
* lotNumber
* creationDate
* programUpdateDate
* projectId
* lastUpdatedBy
* planningTpType
* programId
* rn
* snapRowOldrn
* lastUpdateDate
* inventoryItemId
* taskId
* owningOrganizationId
* planningOrganizationId
* owningTpType
* locatorId
* transactionId


 * lastUpdateDate
* programId
* programApplicationId
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* billSequenceId
* assemblyItemId
* rn
* organizationId
* lastUpdatedBy
* programUpdateDate
* operationSequenceId
* createdBy
* requestId
* routingSequenceId
* componentSequenceId


 * lastUpdateDate
* programId
* programApplicationId
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* billSequenceId
* assemblyItemId
* rn
* organizationId
* lastUpdatedBy
* programUpdateDate
* operationSequenceId
* createdBy
* requestId
* routingSequenceId
* componentSequenceId


 * lastUpdateLogin
* cummulativePct
* createdBy
* lastUpdatedBy
* planningPct
* disableDate
* transitionType
* originalSystemReference
* toOpSeqId
* lastUpdateDate
* organizationId
* effectivityDate
* rn
* creationDate
* fromOpSeqId


 * lastUpdateLogin
* cummulativePct
* createdBy
* lastUpdatedBy
* planningPct
* disableDate
* transitionType
* originalSystemReference
* toOpSeqId
* lastUpdateDate
* organizationId
* effectivityDate
* rn
* creationDate
* fromOpSeqId


 * creationDate
* substituteGroupNum
* organizationId
* lastUpdatedBy
* routingSequenceId
* lastUpdateLogin
* programApplicationId
* lastUpdateDate
* rn
* operationSequenceId
* createdBy
* scheduleSeqNum
* resourceId
* requestId
* principalFlag
* programId
* programUpdateDate
* resourceSeqNum


 * creationDate
* substituteGroupNum
* organizationId
* lastUpdatedBy
* routingSequenceId
* lastUpdateLogin
* programApplicationId
* lastUpdateDate
* rn
* operationSequenceId
* createdBy
* scheduleSeqNum
* resourceId
* requestId
* principalFlag
* programId
* programUpdateDate
* resourceSeqNum


 * lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdatedBy
* requestId
* rn
* lastUpdateDate
* programApplicationId
* creationDate
* programId
* programUpdateDate
* createdBy
* organizationId
* operationSequenceId
* routingSequenceId


 * lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdatedBy
* requestId
* rn
* lastUpdateDate
* programApplicationId
* creationDate
* programId
* programUpdateDate
* createdBy
* organizationId
* operationSequenceId
* routingSequenceId


 * programUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* createdBy
* operationSequenceId
* routingSequenceId
* lastUpdateDate
* creationDate
* programApplicationId
* rn
* requestId
* programId
* organizationId


 * programUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* createdBy
* operationSequenceId
* routingSequenceId
* lastUpdateDate
* creationDate
* programApplicationId
* rn
* requestId
* programId
* organizationId


 * lastUpdateDate
* createdBy
* atoLineId
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* programUpdateDate
* organizationId
* lastUpdatedBy
* requestId
* programId
* rn
* lineId
* programApplicationId


 * lastUpdateDate
* createdBy
* atoLineId
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* programUpdateDate
* organizationId
* lastUpdatedBy
* requestId
* programId
* rn
* lineId
* programApplicationId


 * billSequenceId
* creationDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* programApplicationId
* lineId
* programUpdateDate
* organizationId
* requestId
* createdBy
* rn
* inventoryItemId
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* programId
* routingSequenceId


 * billSequenceId
* creationDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* programApplicationId
* lineId
* programUpdateDate
* organizationId
* requestId
* createdBy
* rn
* inventoryItemId
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* programId
* routingSequenceId


 * inventoryItemId
* programId
* wipEntityId
* repetitiveScheduleId
* organizationId
* requestId
* rn
* lastUpdateDate
* programApplicationId
* lastUpdatedBy
* operationSeqNum
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* programUpdateDate
* createdBy


 * inventoryItemId
* programId
* wipEntityId
* repetitiveScheduleId
* organizationId
* requestId
* rn
* lastUpdateDate
* programApplicationId
* lastUpdatedBy
* operationSeqNum
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* programUpdateDate
* createdBy


 * repetitiveScheduleId
* rn
* requestId
* lastUpdateLogin
* programId
* createdBy
* lastUpdateDate
* programUpdateDate
* programApplicationId
* lastUpdatedBy
* creationDate
* organizationId


 * repetitiveScheduleId
* rn
* requestId
* lastUpdateLogin
* programId
* createdBy
* lastUpdateDate
* programUpdateDate
* programApplicationId
* lastUpdatedBy
* creationDate
* organizationId


 * createdBy
* programApplicationId
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* repetitiveScheduleId
* creationDate
* requestId
* lastUpdateLogin
* programId
* programUpdateDate
* rn


 * createdBy
* programApplicationId
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* repetitiveScheduleId
* creationDate
* requestId
* lastUpdateLogin
* programId
* programUpdateDate
* rn


 * lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdatedBy
* fromTime
* lastUpdateDate
* fromDate
* rn
* toTime
* programId
* createdBy
* departmentId
* shiftNum
* programApplicationId
* resourceId
* actionType
* creationDate
* requestId
* toDate
* programUpdateDate
* simulationSet


 * lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdatedBy
* fromTime
* lastUpdateDate
* fromDate
* rn
* toTime
* programId
* createdBy
* departmentId
* shiftNum
* programApplicationId
* resourceId
* actionType
* creationDate
* requestId
* toDate
* programUpdateDate
* simulationSet


 * shiftNum
* resInstanceId
* lastUpdateDate
* serialNumber
* createdBy
* fromTime
* departmentId
* resourceId
* creationDate
* rn
* toDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* toTime
* actionType
* simulationSet
* fromDate
* lastUpdateLogin


 * shiftNum
* resInstanceId
* lastUpdateDate
* serialNumber
* createdBy
* fromTime
* departmentId
* resourceId
* creationDate
* rn
* toDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* toTime
* actionType
* simulationSet
* fromDate
* lastUpdateLogin


 * creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* rn
* serialNumber
* lastUpdateDate
* jobType
* resourceSeqNum
* organizationId
* lastUpdatedBy
* entityType
* operationSequenceId
* operationSeqNum
* resInstanceId
* wipEntityId
* createdBy


 * creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* rn
* serialNumber
* lastUpdateDate
* jobType
* resourceSeqNum
* organizationId
* lastUpdatedBy
* entityType
* operationSequenceId
* operationSeqNum
* resInstanceId
* wipEntityId
* createdBy


 * order2OrganizationId
* createdBy
* order1OrganizationId
* order1InventoryItemId
* lastUpdateDate
* reservedQuantity
* lastUpdatedBy
* order2Type
* creationDate
* order1Type
* order2Id
* order2InventoryItemId
* order1Id
* reservationType
* rn


 * order2OrganizationId
* createdBy
* order1OrganizationId
* order1InventoryItemId
* lastUpdateDate
* reservedQuantity
* lastUpdatedBy
* order2Type
* creationDate
* order1Type
* order2Id
* order2InventoryItemId
* order1Id
* reservationType
* rn


 * jobType
* operationSeqNum
* programUpdateDate
* rn
* requestId
* programApplicationId
* wipEntityId
* creationDate
* organizationId
* cummulativeQuantity
* operationSequenceId
* programId
* resourceSeqNum
* entityType
* lastUpdatedBy
* wjsMpsNetQtyFlag
* lastUpdateLogin
* createdBy
* lastUpdateDate
* wjsNetQtyFlag


 * jobType
* operationSeqNum
* programUpdateDate
* rn
* requestId
* programApplicationId
* wipEntityId
* creationDate
* organizationId
* cummulativeQuantity
* operationSequenceId
* programId
* resourceSeqNum
* entityType
* lastUpdatedBy
* wjsMpsNetQtyFlag
* lastUpdateLogin
* createdBy
* lastUpdateDate
* wjsNetQtyFlag


 * lastUpdatedBy
* mpsTransactionId
* createdBy
* supplyDemandType
* programUpdateDate
* scheduleOriginationType
* rn
* organizationId
* creationDate
* lastUpdateDate
* requestId
* inventoryItemId
* programApplicationId
* programId
* lastUpdateLogin


 * lastUpdatedBy
* mpsTransactionId
* createdBy
* supplyDemandType
* programUpdateDate
* scheduleOriginationType
* rn
* organizationId
* creationDate
* lastUpdateDate
* requestId
* inventoryItemId
* programApplicationId
* programId
* lastUpdateLogin


 * aslId
* lastUpdatedBy
* fromDate
* requestId
* lastUpdateDate
* usingOrganizationId
* createdBy
* programApplicationId
* rn
* lastUpdateLogin
* programUpdateDate
* programId
* creationDate


 * aslId
* lastUpdatedBy
* fromDate
* requestId
* lastUpdateDate
* usingOrganizationId
* createdBy
* programApplicationId
* rn
* lastUpdateLogin
* programUpdateDate
* programId
* creationDate


 * rn
* lastUpdateDate
* organizationId
* createdBy
* programId
* creationDate
* programUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* billSequenceId
* requestId
* componentSequenceId
* programApplicationId
* substituteComponentId


 * rn
* lastUpdateDate
* organizationId
* createdBy
* programId
* creationDate
* programUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* billSequenceId
* requestId
* componentSequenceId
* programApplicationId
* substituteComponentId


 * programApplicationId
* lastUpdateDate
* resourceSeqNum
* principalFlag
* operationSequenceId
* programUpdateDate
* organizationId
* substituteGroupNum
* creationDate
* scheduleSeqNum
* resourceId
* lastUpdatedBy
* routingSequenceId
* requestId
* alternateNumber
* rn
* createdBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* programId


 * programApplicationId
* lastUpdateDate
* resourceSeqNum
* principalFlag
* operationSequenceId
* programUpdateDate
* organizationId
* substituteGroupNum
* creationDate
* scheduleSeqNum
* resourceId
* lastUpdatedBy
* routingSequenceId
* requestId
* alternateNumber
* rn
* createdBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* programId


 * currOpSeqId
* transactionId
* supplyTypeCode
* programApplicationId
* createdBy
* rn
* requestId
* organizationId
* programUpdateDate
* lastUpdateDate
* supplySourceId
* creationDate
* inventoryItemId
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdatedBy
* programId


 * currOpSeqId
* transactionId
* supplyTypeCode
* programApplicationId
* createdBy
* rn
* requestId
* organizationId
* programUpdateDate
* lastUpdateDate
* supplySourceId
* creationDate
* inventoryItemId
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdatedBy
* programId


 * stopId
* rn


 * stopId
* rn


 * tripId
* rn


 * tripId
* rn


 * taskId
* txnSourceId
* createdBy
* programApplicationId
* programId
* planningTpType
* owningTpType
* planningOrganizationId
* creationDate
* programUpdateDate
* rn
* lastUpdateLogin
* owningOrganizationId
* primaryQuantity
* projectId
* transactionTypeId
* inventoryItemId
* headerId
* transactionSourceTypeId
* organizationId
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateDate
* requestId


 * taskId
* txnSourceId
* createdBy
* programApplicationId
* programId
* planningTpType
* owningTpType
* planningOrganizationId
* creationDate
* programUpdateDate
* rn
* lastUpdateLogin
* owningOrganizationId
* primaryQuantity
* projectId
* transactionTypeId
* inventoryItemId
* headerId
* transactionSourceTypeId
* organizationId
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateDate
* requestId


 * transactionId
* programId
* organizationId
* createdBy
* lastUpdatedBy
* programApplicationId
* lastUpdateLogin
* rn
* lastUpdateDate
* programUpdateDate
* creationDate
* requestId


 * transactionId
* programId
* organizationId
* createdBy
* lastUpdatedBy
* programApplicationId
* lastUpdateLogin
* rn
* lastUpdateDate
* programUpdateDate
* creationDate
* requestId


 * lastUpdateDate
* programApplicationId
* createdBy
* rn
* programUpdateDate
* transactionId
* requestId
* lastUpdatedBy
* programId
* organizationId
* lastUpdateLogin
* creationDate


 * lastUpdateDate
* programApplicationId
* createdBy
* rn
* programUpdateDate
* transactionId
* requestId
* lastUpdatedBy
* programId
* organizationId
* lastUpdateLogin
* creationDate


 * operationSeqNum
* lastUpdateLogin
* operationSequenceId
* organizationId
* stMpsNetFlag
* wjsNetQtyFlag
* creationDate
* programUpdateDate
* requestId
* wipEntityId
* wjsMpsNetQtyFlag
* createdBy
* rn
* lastUpdateDate
* mrpNetFlag
* stNmpsFlag
* inventoryItemId
* lastUpdatedBy
* nstNmpsFlag
* entityType
* programId
* nstMpsFlag
* stMpsFlag
* programApplicationId
* jobType


 * operationSeqNum
* lastUpdateLogin
* operationSequenceId
* organizationId
* stMpsNetFlag
* wjsNetQtyFlag
* creationDate
* programUpdateDate
* requestId
* wipEntityId
* wjsMpsNetQtyFlag
* createdBy
* rn
* lastUpdateDate
* mrpNetFlag
* stNmpsFlag
* inventoryItemId
* lastUpdatedBy
* nstNmpsFlag
* entityType
* programId
* nstMpsFlag
* stMpsFlag
* programApplicationId
* jobType


 * wipEntityId
* nstMpsFlag
* inventoryItemId
* wjsNetQtyFlag
* stMpsFlag
* lastUpdatedBy
* requestId
* stMpsNetFlag
* lastUpdateLogin
* programApplicationId
* programId
* wjsMpsNetQtyFlag
* stNmpsFlag
* entityType
* operationSequenceId
* rn
* jobType
* lastUpdateDate
* mrpNetFlag
* createdBy
* nstNmpsFlag
* operationSeqNum
* programUpdateDate
* organizationId
* creationDate


 * wipEntityId
* nstMpsFlag
* inventoryItemId
* wjsNetQtyFlag
* stMpsFlag
* lastUpdatedBy
* requestId
* stMpsNetFlag
* lastUpdateLogin
* programApplicationId
* programId
* wjsMpsNetQtyFlag
* stNmpsFlag
* entityType
* operationSequenceId
* rn
* jobType
* lastUpdateDate
* mrpNetFlag
* createdBy
* nstNmpsFlag
* operationSeqNum
* programUpdateDate
* organizationId
* creationDate


 * rn
* creationDate
* programApplicationId
* programUpdateDate
* createdBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdateDate
* lineId
* lastUpdatedBy
* requestId
* programId


 * rn
* creationDate
* programApplicationId
* programUpdateDate
* createdBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdateDate
* lineId
* lastUpdatedBy
* requestId
* programId


 * programId
* toOpSeqNum
* organizationId
* requestId
* rn
* fromOpSeqNum
* programUpdateDate
* programApplicationId
* createdBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* workorderId
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* creationDate


 * programId
* toOpSeqNum
* organizationId
* requestId
* rn
* fromOpSeqNum
* programUpdateDate
* programApplicationId
* createdBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* workorderId
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* creationDate


 * requestId
* programApplicationId
* programUpdateDate
* rn
* creationDate
* organizationId
* createdBy
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* programId
* taskLinkId


 * requestId
* programApplicationId
* programUpdateDate
* rn
* creationDate
* organizationId
* createdBy
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* programId
* taskLinkId


 * priorOperation
* rn
* wipEntityId
* organizationId
* lastUpdateDate
* nextOperation
* createdBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdatedBy
* creationDate


 * priorOperation
* rn
* wipEntityId
* organizationId
* lastUpdateDate
* nextOperation
* createdBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdatedBy
* creationDate


 * lastUpdateDate
* programApplicationId
* lastUpdatedBy
* requestId
* resourceSeqNum
* programId
* createdBy
* rn
* programUpdateDate
* operationSeqNum
* lastUpdateLogin
* wipEntityId
* repetitiveScheduleId
* creationDate


 * lastUpdateDate
* programApplicationId
* lastUpdatedBy
* requestId
* resourceSeqNum
* programId
* createdBy
* rn
* programUpdateDate
* operationSeqNum
* lastUpdateLogin
* wipEntityId
* repetitiveScheduleId
* creationDate


 * programId
* operationSequenceId
* lastUpdateDate
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* createdBy
* wjsNetQtyFlag
* wjsMpsNetQtyFlag
* requestId
* resourceSeqNum
* wipEntityId
* organizationId
* programApplicationId
* rn
* lastUpdatedBy
* operationSeqNum
* programUpdateDate
* entityType


 * programId
* operationSequenceId
* lastUpdateDate
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* createdBy
* wjsNetQtyFlag
* wjsMpsNetQtyFlag
* requestId
* resourceSeqNum
* wipEntityId
* organizationId
* programApplicationId
* rn
* lastUpdatedBy
* operationSeqNum
* programUpdateDate
* entityType


 * programUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* programId
* programApplicationId
* lastUpdateDate
* operationSeqNum
* creationDate
* requestId
* rn
* wipEntityId
* repetitiveScheduleId
* createdBy
* lastUpdateLogin


 * programUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* programId
* programApplicationId
* lastUpdateDate
* operationSeqNum
* creationDate
* requestId
* rn
* wipEntityId
* repetitiveScheduleId
* createdBy
* lastUpdateLogin


 * repetitiveScheduleId
* programApplicationId
* requestId
* programUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* programId
* inventoryItemId
* creationDate
* createdBy
* wipEntityId
* lastUpdateDate
* rn
* operationSeqNum


 * repetitiveScheduleId
* programApplicationId
* requestId
* programUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* programId
* inventoryItemId
* creationDate
* createdBy
* wipEntityId
* lastUpdateDate
* rn
* operationSeqNum


 * firmPlanStatusType
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUnitStartDate
* firstUnitCompletionDate
* compileDesignator
* minimumFirmRate
* creationDate
* inventoryItemId
* processingDays
* dailyRate
* createdBy
* organizationId
* requestId
* programApplicationId
* programId
* firstUnitStartDate
* programUpdateDate
* taskId
* revision
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUnitCompletionDate
* projectId
* lastUpdatedBy


 * firmPlanStatusType
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUnitStartDate
* firstUnitCompletionDate
* compileDesignator
* minimumFirmRate
* creationDate
* inventoryItemId
* processingDays
* dailyRate
* createdBy
* organizationId
* requestId
* programApplicationId
* programId
* firstUnitStartDate
* programUpdateDate
* taskId
* revision
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUnitCompletionDate
* projectId
* lastUpdatedBy


 * createdBy
* orValues
* lastUpdateDate
* fieldName
* folderId
* lastUpdateLogin
* sequence
* lastUpdatedBy
* hiddenValues
* creationDate


 * createdBy
* orValues
* lastUpdateDate
* fieldName
* folderId
* lastUpdateLogin
* sequence
* lastUpdatedBy
* hiddenValues
* creationDate


 * mrpBisAvDiscount
* stagingCopyEnabled
* instanceId
* mrpBisPriceList
* mscAltOpRes
* allowReleaseFlag
* msoSupCapPenalty
* mscBatchableFlag
* msoOrgDmdPenalty
* mscMaxCapacity
* lastUpdateLogin
* crpSpreadLoad
* lastUpdateDate
* msoOrgItemPenalty
* creationDate
* mscSimulResSeq
* msoItemCapPenalty
* msoSoPenalty
* mscFcstPriorityFlexNum
* mscMinCapacity
* itemNameFromKfv
* msoResPenalty
* a2mDblink
* mrpShipArriveFlag
* lastUpdatedBy
* mscBomSubstPriority
* mscUnitOfMeasure
* mscAggregResName
* mscAltBomCost
* allowAtpFlag
* collStatus
* validationOrgId
* mscBatchingWindow
* bomHourUomCode
* msoFcstPenalty
* mscDmdPriorityFlexNum
* mscAltResPriority
* m2aDblink
* snStatus
* mrpMpsConsumption
* msoItemDmdPenalty
* stagingCopyComplete
* msoOrgTrspPenalty
* createdBy
* lrd
* instanceCode
* mscSoOffsetDays
* msoOrgResPenalty
* rpSourceInd
* lrn
* msoTrspPenalty


 * mrpBisAvDiscount
* stagingCopyEnabled
* instanceId
* mrpBisPriceList
* mscAltOpRes
* allowReleaseFlag
* msoSupCapPenalty
* mscBatchableFlag
* msoOrgDmdPenalty
* mscMaxCapacity
* lastUpdateLogin
* crpSpreadLoad
* lastUpdateDate
* msoOrgItemPenalty
* creationDate
* mscSimulResSeq
* msoItemCapPenalty
* msoSoPenalty
* mscFcstPriorityFlexNum
* mscMinCapacity
* itemNameFromKfv
* msoResPenalty
* a2mDblink
* mrpShipArriveFlag
* lastUpdatedBy
* mscBomSubstPriority
* mscUnitOfMeasure
* mscAggregResName
* mscAltBomCost
* allowAtpFlag
* collStatus
* validationOrgId
* mscBatchingWindow
* bomHourUomCode
* msoFcstPenalty
* mscDmdPriorityFlexNum
* mscAltResPriority
* m2aDblink
* snStatus
* mrpMpsConsumption
* msoItemDmdPenalty
* stagingCopyComplete
* msoOrgTrspPenalty
* createdBy
* lrd
* instanceCode
* mscSoOffsetDays
* msoOrgResPenalty
* rpSourceInd
* lrn
* msoTrspPenalty


 * operationOffsetPercent
* programApplicationId
* organizationId
* requestId
* programId
* compileDesignator
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdateDate
* usingAssemblyItemId
* operationUsageQuantity
* creationDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* programUpdateDate
* optionalComponent
* inventoryItemId
* operationSeqNum
* createdBy
* wipSupplyType


 * operationOffsetPercent
* programApplicationId
* organizationId
* requestId
* programId
* compileDesignator
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdateDate
* usingAssemblyItemId
* operationUsageQuantity
* creationDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* programUpdateDate
* optionalComponent
* inventoryItemId
* operationSeqNum
* createdBy
* wipSupplyType


 * assignmentSetName
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute15
* attributeCategory
* creationDate
* programUpdateDate
* description
* attribute11
* attribute13
* attribute9
* attribute4
* attribute10
* attribute6
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute7
* attribute8
* attribute14
* attribute5
* attribute12
* requestId
* attribute3
* createdBy
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute2
* assignmentSetId
* attribute1
* programId
* programApplicationId


 * assignmentSetName
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute15
* attributeCategory
* creationDate
* programUpdateDate
* description
* attribute11
* attribute13
* attribute9
* attribute4
* attribute10
* attribute6
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute7
* attribute8
* attribute14
* attribute5
* attribute12
* requestId
* attribute3
* createdBy
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute2
* assignmentSetId
* attribute1
* programId
* programApplicationId


 * summaryFlag
* postprocessingLeadTime
* fromOrganizationCode
* class
* atpFlag
* owningDepartmentId
* nonatpFlag
* organizationId
* origCustomerName
* atpRuleId
* volumeUom
* atpComponentFlag
* fromLocationId
* weightUom
* destInvItemId
* unallocatedQuantity
* origDemandClass
* scaleMultiple
* lastUpdateDate
* totalBucketedDemandQuantity
* adjustedCumQuantity
* requestItemId
* uomCode
* variableLeadTime
* supplierSiteName
* adjustedAvailabilityQuantity
* fromOrganizationId
* recordType
* usage
* owningDepartment
* originalItemId
* errorCode
* actualSupplyDemandDate
* creationDate
* roundingDirection
* supplyDemandSourceTypeName
* parentPeggingId
* supplyDemandQuantity
* requiredQuantity
* organizationType
* periodEndDate
* sourceType
* number1
* atpRule
* cumulativeQuantity
* modelSdFlag
* operationSequenceId
* customerId
* intransitCalCode
* backwardForwardQuantity
* organizationCode
* scenarioId
* inventoryItemName
* departmentId
* identifier3
* origRequestDate
* assignedUnits
* backwardQuantity
* roundingControl
* weightCapacity
* originalSupplyDemandType
* scalingType
* supplierName
* actualAllocationPercent
* planId
* toLocationCode
* identifier1
* reverseCumYield
* toOrganizationId
* criticalPath
* substitutionWindow
* sessionId
* processingLeadTime
* customerSiteId
* toOrganizationCode
* char1
* manufacturingCalCode
* supplyDemandDate
* periodQuantity
* baseModelId
* infiniteTimeFence
* identifier2
* componentYieldFactor
* dispositionType
* supplyDemandType
* shipMethod
* preprocessingLeadTime
* allocationPercent
* originalDemandQuantity
* supplyAdjustmentQuantity
* supplierId
* customerSiteName
* origCustomerSiteName
* ptfDate
* constraintDate
* departmentCode
* sourcingRuleName
* shippingCalCode
* resourceId
* peggingType
* dispositionName
* atpLevel
* demandClass
* allocatedQuantity
* efficiency
* fixedLeadTime
* aggregateTimeFenceDate
* createdBy
* demandAdjustmentQuantity
* fromLocationCode
* lastUpdateLogin
* intransitLeadTime
* supplierSiteId
* planName
* scaleRoundingVariance
* orderLineId
* offset
* allocatedSupplyQuantity
* batchFlag
* constraintType
* identifier4
* receivingCalCode
* inventoryItemId
* componentIdentifier
* volumeCapacity
* toLocationId
* baseModelName
* constrainedPath
* allocationRule
* infiniteTimeFenceType
* pfDisplayFlag
* originalDemandDate
* atpRuleName
* totalDemandQuantity
* basisType
* requiredDate
* endPeggingId
* totalSupplyQuantity
* customerName
* supplyDemandSourceType
* receivingOrganizationId
* resourceCode
* constraintFlag
* periodStartDate
* batchableFlag
* requestItemName
* lastUpdatedBy
* utilization
* peggingId
* supplierAtpDate


 * summaryFlag
* postprocessingLeadTime
* fromOrganizationCode
* class
* atpFlag
* owningDepartmentId
* nonatpFlag
* organizationId
* origCustomerName
* atpRuleId
* volumeUom
* atpComponentFlag
* fromLocationId
* weightUom
* destInvItemId
* unallocatedQuantity
* origDemandClass
* scaleMultiple
* lastUpdateDate
* totalBucketedDemandQuantity
* adjustedCumQuantity
* requestItemId
* uomCode
* variableLeadTime
* supplierSiteName
* adjustedAvailabilityQuantity
* fromOrganizationId
* recordType
* usage
* owningDepartment
* originalItemId
* errorCode
* actualSupplyDemandDate
* creationDate
* roundingDirection
* supplyDemandSourceTypeName
* parentPeggingId
* supplyDemandQuantity
* requiredQuantity
* organizationType
* periodEndDate
* sourceType
* number1
* atpRule
* cumulativeQuantity
* modelSdFlag
* operationSequenceId
* customerId
* intransitCalCode
* backwardForwardQuantity
* organizationCode
* scenarioId
* inventoryItemName
* departmentId
* identifier3
* origRequestDate
* assignedUnits
* backwardQuantity
* roundingControl
* weightCapacity
* originalSupplyDemandType
* scalingType
* supplierName
* actualAllocationPercent
* planId
* toLocationCode
* identifier1
* reverseCumYield
* toOrganizationId
* criticalPath
* substitutionWindow
* sessionId
* processingLeadTime
* customerSiteId
* toOrganizationCode
* char1
* manufacturingCalCode
* supplyDemandDate
* periodQuantity
* baseModelId
* infiniteTimeFence
* identifier2
* componentYieldFactor
* dispositionType
* supplyDemandType
* shipMethod
* preprocessingLeadTime
* allocationPercent
* originalDemandQuantity
* supplyAdjustmentQuantity
* supplierId
* customerSiteName
* origCustomerSiteName
* ptfDate
* constraintDate
* departmentCode
* sourcingRuleName
* shippingCalCode
* resourceId
* peggingType
* dispositionName
* atpLevel
* demandClass
* allocatedQuantity
* efficiency
* fixedLeadTime
* aggregateTimeFenceDate
* createdBy
* demandAdjustmentQuantity
* fromLocationCode
* lastUpdateLogin
* intransitLeadTime
* supplierSiteId
* planName
* scaleRoundingVariance
* orderLineId
* offset
* allocatedSupplyQuantity
* batchFlag
* constraintType
* identifier4
* receivingCalCode
* inventoryItemId
* componentIdentifier
* volumeCapacity
* toLocationId
* baseModelName
* constrainedPath
* allocationRule
* infiniteTimeFenceType
* pfDisplayFlag
* originalDemandDate
* atpRuleName
* totalDemandQuantity
* basisType
* requiredDate
* endPeggingId
* totalSupplyQuantity
* customerName
* supplyDemandSourceType
* receivingOrganizationId
* resourceCode
* constraintFlag
* periodStartDate
* batchableFlag
* requestItemName
* lastUpdatedBy
* utilization
* peggingId
* supplierAtpDate


 * fixedLt
* organizationId
* intransitLeadTime
* deliveryLeadTime
* variableLt
* exception5
* exception11
* bomItemType
* wipSupplyType
* firstValidShipArrivalDate
* shipMethodText
* reqItemAvailableDateQty
* sequenceNumber
* insertFlag
* exception14
* promiseDate
* optionNumber
* exception12
* callingModule
* projectId
* orderNumber
* arrivalSetName
* exception3
* quantityOrdered
* arrivalSetId
* endPeggingId
* sessionId
* oldDemandClass
* srInstanceId
* scenarioId
* requestItemName
* availableQtyOrigUom
* latestAcceptableDate
* planId
* customerContact
* cascadeModelInfoToComp
* firmShipDate
* attribute21
* vendorSiteName
* orderLineNumber
* atoParentModelLineId
* statusFlag
* firmSourceOrgCode
* lastUpdateDate
* creationDate
* internalOrgId
* oldSourceOrganizationCode
* shipMethod
* inventoryItemName
* availableQuantity
* exception1
* customerSiteId
* atpFlag
* lastUpdatedBy
* customerCity
* firmSourceOrgId
* inventoryItemId
* sourceOrganizationCode
* createdBy
* partySiteId
* itemDesc
* firmArrivalDate
* exception4
* reqItemDetailFlag
* salesRep
* parentLineId
* action
* customerId
* exception2
* lastUpdateLogin
* uomCode
* taskNumber
* flowStatusCode
* exception15
* topModelLineId
* exception9
* sourceOrganizationId
* exception6
* diagnosticAtpFlag
* exception7
* demandClass
* groupArrivalDate
* customerPostalCode
* groupShipDate
* primaryUom
* demandSourceDelivery
* exception8
* vendorName
* requestedDateQtyOrigUom
* customerState
* projectNumber
* componentCode
* matchItemId
* validationOrg
* vendorId
* mandatoryItemFlag
* reqItemReqDateQty
* atpComponentsFlag
* shipmentNumber
* shipSetName
* atoModelLineId
* oeFlag
* exception13
* firmFlag
* substitutionTypCode
* pickComponentsFlag
* requestItemId
* partOfSet
* customerLocation
* orderLineId
* organizationCode
* componentSequenceId
* destinationTimeZone
* shipSetId
* reqItemAvailableDate
* attribute06
* orderHeaderId
* demandSourceType
* oldSourceOrganizationId
* assignmentSetId
* substFlag
* compileDesignator
* requestedShipDate
* scheduledArrivalDate
* requestedArrivalDate
* customerCountry
* instanceId1
* taskId
* freightCarrier
* scheduledShipDate
* atpLeadTime
* customerName
* exception10
* overrideFlag
* errorMessage
* mdiRowid
* includedItemFlag
* vendorSiteId
* sourceDocId
* originalRequestDate
* errorCode
* requestedDateQuantity
* configItemLineId
* oldLineScheduleDate
* lineNumber
* oldInventoryItemId
* ossErrorCode
* matchedItemName


 * fixedLt
* organizationId
* intransitLeadTime
* deliveryLeadTime
* variableLt
* exception5
* exception11
* bomItemType
* wipSupplyType
* firstValidShipArrivalDate
* shipMethodText
* reqItemAvailableDateQty
* sequenceNumber
* insertFlag
* exception14
* promiseDate
* optionNumber
* exception12
* callingModule
* projectId
* orderNumber
* arrivalSetName
* exception3
* quantityOrdered
* arrivalSetId
* endPeggingId
* sessionId
* oldDemandClass
* srInstanceId
* scenarioId
* requestItemName
* availableQtyOrigUom
* latestAcceptableDate
* planId
* customerContact
* cascadeModelInfoToComp
* firmShipDate
* attribute21
* vendorSiteName
* orderLineNumber
* atoParentModelLineId
* statusFlag
* firmSourceOrgCode
* lastUpdateDate
* creationDate
* internalOrgId
* oldSourceOrganizationCode
* shipMethod
* inventoryItemName
* availableQuantity
* exception1
* customerSiteId
* atpFlag
* lastUpdatedBy
* customerCity
* firmSourceOrgId
* inventoryItemId
* sourceOrganizationCode
* createdBy
* partySiteId
* itemDesc
* firmArrivalDate
* exception4
* reqItemDetailFlag
* salesRep
* parentLineId
* action
* customerId
* exception2
* lastUpdateLogin
* uomCode
* taskNumber
* flowStatusCode
* exception15
* topModelLineId
* exception9
* sourceOrganizationId
* exception6
* diagnosticAtpFlag
* exception7
* demandClass
* groupArrivalDate
* customerPostalCode
* groupShipDate
* primaryUom
* demandSourceDelivery
* exception8
* vendorName
* requestedDateQtyOrigUom
* customerState
* projectNumber
* componentCode
* matchItemId
* validationOrg
* vendorId
* mandatoryItemFlag
* reqItemReqDateQty
* atpComponentsFlag
* shipmentNumber
* shipSetName
* atoModelLineId
* oeFlag
* exception13
* firmFlag
* substitutionTypCode
* pickComponentsFlag
* requestItemId
* partOfSet
* customerLocation
* orderLineId
* organizationCode
* componentSequenceId
* destinationTimeZone
* shipSetId
* reqItemAvailableDate
* attribute06
* orderHeaderId
* demandSourceType
* oldSourceOrganizationId
* assignmentSetId
* substFlag
* compileDesignator
* requestedShipDate
* scheduledArrivalDate
* requestedArrivalDate
* customerCountry
* instanceId1
* taskId
* freightCarrier
* scheduledShipDate
* atpLeadTime
* customerName
* exception10
* overrideFlag
* errorMessage
* mdiRowid
* includedItemFlag
* vendorSiteId
* sourceDocId
* originalRequestDate
* errorCode
* requestedDateQuantity
* configItemLineId
* oldLineScheduleDate
* lineNumber
* oldInventoryItemId
* ossErrorCode
* matchedItemName


 * supplierId
* resourceId
* supplyDemandSourceType
* organizationId
* departmentId
* reservationQuantity
* uom
* volumeCapacity
* sourceIdentifier1
* lastUpdatedBy
* productFamilyItemId
* sourceIdentifier3
* supplyDemandType
* inventoryItemId
* supplyDemandQuantity
* weightCapacity
* toOrganizationId
* volumeUom
* fromOrganizationId
* supplyDemandDate
* sourceIdentifier2
* weightUom
* supplierSiteId
* planId
* createdBy
* lastUpdateDate
* creationDate
* sourceIdentifier4
* demandClass
* shipMethod
* refreshNumber
* fromLocationId
* toLocationId


 * supplierId
* resourceId
* supplyDemandSourceType
* organizationId
* departmentId
* reservationQuantity
* uom
* volumeCapacity
* sourceIdentifier1
* lastUpdatedBy
* productFamilyItemId
* sourceIdentifier3
* supplyDemandType
* inventoryItemId
* supplyDemandQuantity
* weightCapacity
* toOrganizationId
* volumeUom
* fromOrganizationId
* supplyDemandDate
* sourceIdentifier2
* weightUom
* supplierSiteId
* planId
* createdBy
* lastUpdateDate
* creationDate
* sourceIdentifier4
* demandClass
* shipMethod
* refreshNumber
* fromLocationId
* toLocationId


 * whereClause4
* detailWarning
* character2
* lastUpdatedBy
* description
* number2
* userDefined
* number1
* number3
* flexcode1
* fromClause
* createdBy
* character1
* requestId
* creationDate
* summaryWarning
* module
* programUpdateDate
* flexcode2
* whereClause2
* flexcode3
* active
* lastUpdateDate
* whereClause5
* programApplicationId
* lastUpdateLogin
* whereClause3
* error
* statementId
* whereClause1
* character3
* programId


 * whereClause4
* detailWarning
* character2
* lastUpdatedBy
* description
* number2
* userDefined
* number1
* number3
* flexcode1
* fromClause
* createdBy
* character1
* requestId
* creationDate
* summaryWarning
* module
* programUpdateDate
* flexcode2
* whereClause2
* flexcode3
* active
* lastUpdateDate
* whereClause5
* programApplicationId
* lastUpdateLogin
* whereClause3
* error
* statementId
* whereClause1
* character3
* programId


 * lastUpdateLogin
* programId
* status
* updated
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateDate
* inventoryItemId
* requestId
* createdBy
* quantityAvailable
* programApplicationId
* organizationId
* scheduleDate
* transactionId
* compileDesignator
* programUpdateDate
* creationDate


 * lastUpdateLogin
* programId
* status
* updated
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateDate
* inventoryItemId
* requestId
* createdBy
* quantityAvailable
* programApplicationId
* organizationId
* scheduleDate
* transactionId
* compileDesignator
* programUpdateDate
* creationDate


 * createdBy
* usageQuantity
* compileDesignator
* componentSequenceId
* inventoryItemId
* alternateBomDesignator
* lastUpdatedBy
* programId
* lastUpdateDate
* fromEndItemUnitNumber
* organizationId
* operationSeqNum
* programApplicationId
* useUpCode
* operationOffsetPercent
* wipSupplyType
* effectivityDate
* changeNotice
* suggestedEffectivityDate
* creationDate
* usingAssemblyId
* drivingItemId
* disableDate
* optionalComponent
* requestId
* programUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* revision
* toEndItemUnitNumber
* oldEffectivityDate


 * createdBy
* usageQuantity
* compileDesignator
* componentSequenceId
* inventoryItemId
* alternateBomDesignator
* lastUpdatedBy
* programId
* lastUpdateDate
* fromEndItemUnitNumber
* organizationId
* operationSeqNum
* programApplicationId
* useUpCode
* operationOffsetPercent
* wipSupplyType
* effectivityDate
* changeNotice
* suggestedEffectivityDate
* creationDate
* usingAssemblyId
* drivingItemId
* disableDate
* optionalComponent
* requestId
* programUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* revision
* toEndItemUnitNumber
* oldEffectivityDate


 * number1


 * number1


 * programApplicationId
* organizationId
* creationDate
* operationSeqNum
* lastUpdatedBy
* createdBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* usingAssemblyItemId
* itemQuantity
* programUpdateDate
* lastUpdateDate
* inventoryItemId
* programId
* compileDesignator
* requestId
* substituteItemId


 * programApplicationId
* organizationId
* creationDate
* operationSeqNum
* lastUpdatedBy
* createdBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* usingAssemblyItemId
* itemQuantity
* programUpdateDate
* lastUpdateDate
* inventoryItemId
* programId
* compileDesignator
* requestId
* substituteItemId


 * demandHeaderId
* parentDemandId
* primaryUomQuantity
* requirementDate
* demandClass
* completedQuantity
* demandSourceDelivery
* inventoryItemId
* demandSourceType
* organizationId
* demandId
* refreshNumber
* subinventory
* reservationQuantity
* reservationType
* demandSourceLine
* salesContact


 * demandHeaderId
* parentDemandId
* primaryUomQuantity
* requirementDate
* demandClass
* completedQuantity
* demandSourceDelivery
* inventoryItemId
* demandSourceType
* organizationId
* demandId
* refreshNumber
* subinventory
* reservationQuantity
* reservationType
* demandSourceLine
* salesContact


 * attribute5
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute4
* lastUpdateDate
* attributeCategory
* useNewPlanner
* compileDesignator
* attribute12
* drpPlan
* programId
* attribute14
* production
* attribute2
* attribute10
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute3
* attribute8
* disableDate
* attribute11
* attribute9
* requestId
* attribute1
* attribute7
* attribute13
* attribute15
* organizationSelection
* creationDate
* feedbackFlag
* attribute6
* createdBy
* description
* organizationId
* programApplicationId
* programUpdateDate


 * attribute5
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute4
* lastUpdateDate
* attributeCategory
* useNewPlanner
* compileDesignator
* attribute12
* drpPlan
* programId
* attribute14
* production
* attribute2
* attribute10
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute3
* attribute8
* disableDate
* attribute11
* attribute9
* requestId
* attribute1
* attribute7
* attribute13
* attribute15
* organizationSelection
* creationDate
* feedbackFlag
* attribute6
* createdBy
* description
* organizationId
* programApplicationId
* programUpdateDate


 * compileDesignator
* lastUpdatedBy
* endUsage
* programUpdateDate
* inventoryItemId
* usage
* lastUpdateLogin
* programApplicationId
* programId
* organizationId
* lastUpdateDate
* createdBy
* setBackTime
* requestId
* endAssemblyId
* usingAssemblyId
* creationDate


 * compileDesignator
* lastUpdatedBy
* endUsage
* programUpdateDate
* inventoryItemId
* usage
* lastUpdateLogin
* programApplicationId
* programId
* organizationId
* lastUpdateDate
* createdBy
* setBackTime
* requestId
* endAssemblyId
* usingAssemblyId
* creationDate


 * quantity
* promiseDate
* inventoryItemId
* defectiveItemQty
* repairProgram
* repairSupplierId
* batchId
* sourceOrgId
* transactionId
* repairSupplierOrgId
* defectiveItemId
* destinationOrgId


 * quantity
* promiseDate
* inventoryItemId
* defectiveItemQty
* repairProgram
* repairSupplierId
* batchId
* sourceOrgId
* transactionId
* repairSupplierOrgId
* defectiveItemId
* destinationOrgId


 * compileDesignator
* requestId
* number2
* char2
* lineId
* departmentId
* supplierId
* char1
* lastUpdatedBy
* exceptionId
* supplierSiteId
* date4
* number4
* resourceId
* inventoryItemId
* exceptionType
* programApplicationId
* date1
* quantity
* programUpdateDate
* date2
* organizationId
* creationDate
* lastUpdateDate
* programId
* number1
* createdBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* date3
* number3


 * compileDesignator
* requestId
* number2
* char2
* lineId
* departmentId
* supplierId
* char1
* lastUpdatedBy
* exceptionId
* supplierSiteId
* date4
* number4
* resourceId
* inventoryItemId
* exceptionType
* programApplicationId
* date1
* quantity
* programUpdateDate
* date2
* organizationId
* creationDate
* lastUpdateDate
* programId
* number1
* createdBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* date3
* number3


 * fileName
* copyFlag
* fileType
* organizationId
* lastUpdateDate
* fileCreationDate
* rowCount
* fileSize
* lastUpdateLogin
* newPlanner
* creationDate
* compileDesignator
* newSnapshot
* createdBy
* lastUpdatedBy


 * fileName
* copyFlag
* fileType
* organizationId
* lastUpdateDate
* fileCreationDate
* rowCount
* fileSize
* lastUpdateLogin
* newPlanner
* creationDate
* compileDesignator
* newSnapshot
* createdBy
* lastUpdatedBy


 * plannedQuantity
* primaryItemId
* organizationId
* scheduledCompletionDate
* billSequenceId
* wipEntityId
* rn
* quantityCompleted
* scheduledStartDate
* wipSupplyType
* status
* planLevel


 * plannedQuantity
* primaryItemId
* organizationId
* scheduledCompletionDate
* billSequenceId
* wipEntityId
* rn
* quantityCompleted
* scheduledStartDate
* wipSupplyType
* status
* planLevel


 * attribute9
* inventoryItemId
* attribute15
* oldTransactionId
* attribute12
* lineId
* forecastTrend
* demandUsageStartDate
* attribute4
* endPlanningBomPercent
* bucketType
* attribute10
* forecastDate
* attribute13
* shipId
* creationDate
* comments
* originationType
* attribute1
* demandClass
* transactionId
* attributeCategory
* attribute11
* organizationId
* requestId
* lastUpdateLogin
* billId
* ddfContext
* sourceForecastDesignator
* forecastMad
* attribute8
* focusType
* attribute7
* endItemId
* sourceCode
* programApplicationId
* confidencePercentage
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute2
* attribute5
* attribute14
* rateEndDate
* currentForecastQuantity
* createdBy
* customerId
* sourceLineId
* programUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* projectId
* forecastRuleId
* originalForecastQuantity
* attribute6
* attribute3
* sourceOrganizationId
* programId
* toUpdate
* taskId
* forecastDesignator


 * attribute9
* inventoryItemId
* attribute15
* oldTransactionId
* attribute12
* lineId
* forecastTrend
* demandUsageStartDate
* attribute4
* endPlanningBomPercent
* bucketType
* attribute10
* forecastDate
* attribute13
* shipId
* creationDate
* comments
* originationType
* attribute1
* demandClass
* transactionId
* attributeCategory
* attribute11
* organizationId
* requestId
* lastUpdateLogin
* billId
* ddfContext
* sourceForecastDesignator
* forecastMad
* attribute8
* focusType
* attribute7
* endItemId
* sourceCode
* programApplicationId
* confidencePercentage
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute2
* attribute5
* attribute14
* rateEndDate
* currentForecastQuantity
* createdBy
* customerId
* sourceLineId
* programUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* projectId
* forecastRuleId
* originalForecastQuantity
* attribute6
* attribute3
* sourceOrganizationId
* programId
* toUpdate
* taskId
* forecastDesignator


 * programApplicationId
* attribute1
* createdBy
* requestId
* programId
* backwardUpdateTimeFence
* attribute8
* attribute15
* lastUpdateLogin
* forecastSet
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute2
* attribute3
* attributeCategory
* forecastDesignator
* bucketType
* attribute6
* attribute7
* programUpdateDate
* attribute9
* creationDate
* customerId
* billId
* demandClass
* ddfContext
* organizationId
* attribute10
* lastUpdateDate
* outlierUpdatePercentage
* attribute4
* disableDate
* attribute5
* updateType
* shipId
* apsCollectionFlag
* attribute13
* attribute14
* attribute11
* attribute12
* consumeForecast
* description
* forewardUpdateTimeFence


 * programApplicationId
* attribute1
* createdBy
* requestId
* programId
* backwardUpdateTimeFence
* attribute8
* attribute15
* lastUpdateLogin
* forecastSet
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute2
* attribute3
* attributeCategory
* forecastDesignator
* bucketType
* attribute6
* attribute7
* programUpdateDate
* attribute9
* creationDate
* customerId
* billId
* demandClass
* ddfContext
* organizationId
* attribute10
* lastUpdateDate
* outlierUpdatePercentage
* attribute4
* disableDate
* attribute5
* updateType
* shipId
* apsCollectionFlag
* attribute13
* attribute14
* attribute11
* attribute12
* consumeForecast
* description
* forewardUpdateTimeFence


 * attribute9
* lineId
* quantity
* forecastDesignator
* programUpdateDate
* attribute4
* attribute6
* lastUpdateDate
* taskId
* attribute13
* attribute2
* attribute14
* forecastDate
* errorMessage
* comments
* processStatus
* programId
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute12
* workdayControl
* action
* sourceCode
* sourceLineId
* attribute3
* inventoryItemId
* organizationId
* lastUpdatedBy
* creationDate
* attribute7
* confidencePercentage
* attribute11
* projectId
* bucketType
* createdBy
* requestId
* attribute10
* attribute8
* programApplicationId
* attributeCategory
* forecastEndDate
* attribute1
* attribute5
* attribute15
* transactionId


 * attribute9
* lineId
* quantity
* forecastDesignator
* programUpdateDate
* attribute4
* attribute6
* lastUpdateDate
* taskId
* attribute13
* attribute2
* attribute14
* forecastDate
* errorMessage
* comments
* processStatus
* programId
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute12
* workdayControl
* action
* sourceCode
* sourceLineId
* attribute3
* inventoryItemId
* organizationId
* lastUpdatedBy
* creationDate
* attribute7
* confidencePercentage
* attribute11
* projectId
* bucketType
* createdBy
* requestId
* attribute10
* attribute8
* programApplicationId
* attributeCategory
* forecastEndDate
* attribute1
* attribute5
* attribute15
* transactionId


 * attribute11
* attribute2
* attribute9
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute13
* attribute5
* attribute12
* attribute10
* programUpdateDate
* attribute6
* attribute7
* attribute1
* attribute3
* alternateBomDesignator
* attribute15
* attributeCategory
* attribute4
* programId
* organizationId
* attribute8
* creationDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute14
* lastUpdateDate
* forecastDesignator
* programApplicationId
* requestId
* inventoryItemId
* createdBy
* forecastMad


 * attribute11
* attribute2
* attribute9
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute13
* attribute5
* attribute12
* attribute10
* programUpdateDate
* attribute6
* attribute7
* attribute1
* attribute3
* alternateBomDesignator
* attribute15
* attributeCategory
* attribute4
* programId
* organizationId
* attribute8
* creationDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute14
* lastUpdateDate
* forecastDesignator
* programApplicationId
* requestId
* inventoryItemId
* createdBy
* forecastMad


 * organizationId
* forecastUpdateDate
* customerId
* programId
* transactionId
* updateQuantity
* shipId
* lastUpdateLogin
* creationDate
* updateSalesOrder
* demandClass
* salesOrderScheduleDate
* programUpdateDate
* lineNum
* updateSeqNum
* lastUpdatedBy
* programApplicationId
* salesOrderQuantity
* requestId
* forecastDesignator
* billId
* createdBy
* inventoryItemId
* lastUpdateDate


 * organizationId
* forecastUpdateDate
* customerId
* programId
* transactionId
* updateQuantity
* shipId
* lastUpdateLogin
* creationDate
* updateSalesOrder
* demandClass
* salesOrderScheduleDate
* programUpdateDate
* lineNum
* updateSeqNum
* lastUpdatedBy
* programApplicationId
* salesOrderQuantity
* requestId
* forecastDesignator
* billId
* createdBy
* inventoryItemId
* lastUpdateDate


 * lastUpdateDate
* demandDate
* organizationId
* demandId
* demandQuantity
* creationDate
* demandClass
* lastUpdateLogin
* compileDesignator
* supplyDate
* supplyType
* projectId
* allocatedQuantity
* dispositionId
* prevPeggingId
* supplyQuantity
* taskId
* endItemUsage
* createdBy
* endPeggingId
* transactionId
* lastUpdatedBy
* peggingId
* status
* endItemUnitNumber
* inventoryItemId
* updated
* endOriginationType


 * lastUpdateDate
* demandDate
* organizationId
* demandId
* demandQuantity
* creationDate
* demandClass
* lastUpdateLogin
* compileDesignator
* supplyDate
* supplyType
* projectId
* allocatedQuantity
* dispositionId
* prevPeggingId
* supplyQuantity
* taskId
* endItemUsage
* createdBy
* endPeggingId
* transactionId
* lastUpdatedBy
* peggingId
* status
* endItemUnitNumber
* inventoryItemId
* updated
* endOriginationType


 * usingAssemblyDemandDate
* oldDemandQuantity
* createdBy
* compileDesignator
* reservationId
* projectId
* programId
* reserveQuantity
* originationType
* firmDate
* taskId
* updated
* planningGroup
* lendingProjectId
* assemblyDemandCompDate
* programApplicationId
* lastUpdatedBy
* usingAssemblyItemId
* lendingTaskId
* demandClass
* inventoryItemId
* programUpdateDate
* requestId
* lastUpdateDate
* usingRequirementsQuantity
* status
* organizationId
* applied
* dailyDemandRate
* sourceOrganizationId
* firmQuantity
* demandId
* endItemUnitNumber
* demandType
* lastUpdateLogin
* demandScheduleName
* dispositionId
* creationDate
* oldDemandDate


 * usingAssemblyDemandDate
* oldDemandQuantity
* createdBy
* compileDesignator
* reservationId
* projectId
* programId
* reserveQuantity
* originationType
* firmDate
* taskId
* updated
* planningGroup
* lendingProjectId
* assemblyDemandCompDate
* programApplicationId
* lastUpdatedBy
* usingAssemblyItemId
* lendingTaskId
* demandClass
* inventoryItemId
* programUpdateDate
* requestId
* lastUpdateDate
* usingRequirementsQuantity
* status
* organizationId
* applied
* dailyDemandRate
* sourceOrganizationId
* firmQuantity
* demandId
* endItemUnitNumber
* demandType
* lastUpdateLogin
* demandScheduleName
* dispositionId
* creationDate
* oldDemandDate


 * organizationId
* lastUpdateLogin
* programId
* programUpdateDate
* creationDate
* projectId
* createdBy
* programApplicationId
* compileDesignator
* inventoryLotNumber
* requestId
* expiredLotQuantity
* lastUpdatedBy
* lotSubInventoryCode
* planningGroup
* inventoryItemId
* expiredLotId
* lotExpirationDate
* lotQuantity
* endItemUnitNumber
* lastUpdateDate
* taskId


 * organizationId
* lastUpdateLogin
* programId
* programUpdateDate
* creationDate
* projectId
* createdBy
* programApplicationId
* compileDesignator
* inventoryLotNumber
* requestId
* expiredLotQuantity
* lastUpdatedBy
* lotSubInventoryCode
* planningGroup
* inventoryItemId
* expiredLotId
* lotExpirationDate
* lotQuantity
* endItemUnitNumber
* lastUpdateDate
* taskId


 * uomCode
* outReqQuantity
* loadType
* quantity
* outReqTransactionId
* organizationId
* inventoryItemId
* promiseDate
* deliverToLocationId
* batchId
* inReqQuantity
* inReqTransactionId
* transactionId
* srcOrganizationId


 * uomCode
* outReqQuantity
* loadType
* quantity
* outReqTransactionId
* organizationId
* inventoryItemId
* promiseDate
* deliverToLocationId
* batchId
* inReqQuantity
* inReqTransactionId
* transactionId
* srcOrganizationId


 * lineId
* projectId
* planningGroup
* inventoryItemId
* programUpdateDate
* resourceId
* programApplicationId
* organizationId
* programId
* requestId
* creationDate
* version
* departmentId
* lastUpdateLogin
* supplierSiteId
* compileDesignator
* lastUpdatedBy
* exceptionType
* supplierId
* display
* exceptionCount
* taskId
* lastUpdateDate
* updated
* createdBy
* status


 * lineId
* projectId
* planningGroup
* inventoryItemId
* programUpdateDate
* resourceId
* programApplicationId
* organizationId
* programId
* requestId
* creationDate
* version
* departmentId
* lastUpdateLogin
* supplierSiteId
* compileDesignator
* lastUpdatedBy
* exceptionType
* supplierId
* display
* exceptionCount
* taskId
* lastUpdateDate
* updated
* createdBy
* status


 * endItemUnitNumber
* compileDesignator
* organizationId
* lastUpdateLogin
* createdBy
* lineId
* receivingDocumentDesignator
* programUpdateDate
* projectId
* expectedScrapQuantity
* lastUpdatedBy
* sourceOrganizationId
* printDate
* vendorId
* deliveryNeedDate
* orderType
* inventoryItemId
* deliveryScheduleDate
* vendorSiteId
* requestId
* poNumber
* programId
* purchLineNum
* transactionId
* poUomDeliveryBalance
* revision
* programApplicationId
* deliveryStatusType
* lastUpdateDate
* uomCode
* firmPlannedStatusType
* demandClass
* creationDate
* purchaseOrderId
* taskId
* deliveryBalance
* deliveryPrice
* planningGroup


 * endItemUnitNumber
* compileDesignator
* organizationId
* lastUpdateLogin
* createdBy
* lineId
* receivingDocumentDesignator
* programUpdateDate
* projectId
* expectedScrapQuantity
* lastUpdatedBy
* sourceOrganizationId
* printDate
* vendorId
* deliveryNeedDate
* orderType
* inventoryItemId
* deliveryScheduleDate
* vendorSiteId
* requestId
* poNumber
* programId
* purchLineNum
* transactionId
* poUomDeliveryBalance
* revision
* programApplicationId
* deliveryStatusType
* lastUpdateDate
* uomCode
* firmPlannedStatusType
* demandClass
* creationDate
* purchaseOrderId
* taskId
* deliveryBalance
* deliveryPrice
* planningGroup


 * allocationPercent
* organizationId
* lastUpdatedBy
* assignmentSetId
* vendorSiteId
* compileDesignator
* assignmentId
* rank
* assignmentType
* createdBy
* lastUpdateDate
* sourcingRuleType
* effectiveDate
* creationDate
* vendorId
* inventoryItemId
* lastUpdateLogin
* historicalAllocQty
* avgTransitLeadTime
* disableDate
* sourceType
* quantity
* sourcingRuleId
* shipMethod
* sourceOrganizationId


 * allocationPercent
* organizationId
* lastUpdatedBy
* assignmentSetId
* vendorSiteId
* compileDesignator
* assignmentId
* rank
* assignmentType
* createdBy
* lastUpdateDate
* sourcingRuleType
* effectiveDate
* creationDate
* vendorId
* inventoryItemId
* lastUpdateLogin
* historicalAllocQty
* avgTransitLeadTime
* disableDate
* sourceType
* quantity
* sourcingRuleId
* shipMethod
* sourceOrganizationId


 * attribute7
* attribute9
* attribute13
* lastUpdatedBy
* organizationId
* attribute14
* deliveryCalendarCode
* attribute11
* minimumOrderQuantity
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute1
* attribute10
* requestId
* attribute12
* fixedLotMultiplier
* attribute2
* inventoryItemId
* attributeCategory
* attribute4
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute6
* supplierSiteId
* attribute3
* attribute8
* supplierId
* creationDate
* programApplicationId
* compileDesignator
* createdBy
* attribute5
* processingLeadTime
* programId
* attribute15
* usingOrganizationId
* programUpdateDate


 * attribute7
* attribute9
* attribute13
* lastUpdatedBy
* organizationId
* attribute14
* deliveryCalendarCode
* attribute11
* minimumOrderQuantity
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute1
* attribute10
* requestId
* attribute12
* fixedLotMultiplier
* attribute2
* inventoryItemId
* attributeCategory
* attribute4
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute6
* supplierSiteId
* attribute3
* attribute8
* supplierId
* creationDate
* programApplicationId
* compileDesignator
* createdBy
* attribute5
* processingLeadTime
* programId
* attribute15
* usingOrganizationId
* programUpdateDate


 * compileDesignator
* requestId
* lineId
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdatedBy
* statusCode
* creationDate
* scheduleCompletionDate
* programUpdateDate
* wipJobType
* endItemUnitNumber
* demandClass
* alternateRoutingDesignator
* lastUpdateDate
* planningGroup
* firmPlannedStatusType
* expectedScrapQuantity
* taskId
* wipEntityId
* jobQuantity
* organizationId
* startDate
* revision
* programId
* createdBy
* wipEntityName
* entityType
* scheduleGroupId
* buildSequence
* alternateBomDesignator
* quantityCompleted
* inventoryItemId
* quantityScrapped
* programApplicationId
* projectId


 * compileDesignator
* requestId
* lineId
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdatedBy
* statusCode
* creationDate
* scheduleCompletionDate
* programUpdateDate
* wipJobType
* endItemUnitNumber
* demandClass
* alternateRoutingDesignator
* lastUpdateDate
* planningGroup
* firmPlannedStatusType
* expectedScrapQuantity
* taskId
* wipEntityId
* jobQuantity
* organizationId
* startDate
* revision
* programId
* createdBy
* wipEntityName
* entityType
* scheduleGroupId
* buildSequence
* alternateBomDesignator
* quantityCompleted
* inventoryItemId
* quantityScrapped
* programApplicationId
* projectId


 * creationDate
* demandId
* organizationId
* locatorId
* programUpdateDate
* kanbanPlanId
* demandDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* programId
* kanbanItemFlag
* lastUpdateDate
* subinventory
* assemblyItemId
* assemblyLocatorId
* orderType
* programApplicationId
* assemblySubinventory
* inventoryItemId
* lastUpdatedLogin
* requestId
* createdBy
* demandQuantity
* assemblyOrgId


 * creationDate
* demandId
* organizationId
* locatorId
* programUpdateDate
* kanbanPlanId
* demandDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* programId
* kanbanItemFlag
* lastUpdateDate
* subinventory
* assemblyItemId
* assemblyLocatorId
* orderType
* programApplicationId
* assemblySubinventory
* inventoryItemId
* lastUpdatedLogin
* requestId
* createdBy
* demandQuantity
* assemblyOrgId


 * disableDate
* planCutoffDate
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute2
* planCompletionDate
* bomEffectivityDate
* programId
* attribute9
* attribute1
* description
* programUpdateDate
* creationDate
* attributeCategory
* organizationId
* attribute8
* planStartDate
* inputDesignator
* attribute3
* attribute5
* attribute15
* inputType
* attribute4
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute14
* kanbanPlanId
* attribute12
* attribute13
* requestId
* createdBy
* attribute11
* kanbanDesignator
* attribute6
* attribute10
* programApplicationId
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute7


 * disableDate
* planCutoffDate
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute2
* planCompletionDate
* bomEffectivityDate
* programId
* attribute9
* attribute1
* description
* programUpdateDate
* creationDate
* attributeCategory
* organizationId
* attribute8
* planStartDate
* inputDesignator
* attribute3
* attribute5
* attribute15
* inputType
* attribute4
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute14
* kanbanPlanId
* attribute12
* attribute13
* requestId
* createdBy
* attribute11
* kanbanDesignator
* attribute6
* attribute10
* programApplicationId
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute7


 * lastUpdateDate
* errorMessage
* loadDestination
* creationDate
* selectionListName
* selectionListType
* createdBy
* forecastDesignator
* loadSource
* lastUpdateLogin
* scheduleDesignator
* lastUpdatedBy
* sourceScheduleDesignator
* organizationId
* processStatus
* sourceForecastDesignator
* sourceOrganizationId
* queryId


 * lastUpdateDate
* errorMessage
* loadDestination
* creationDate
* selectionListName
* selectionListType
* createdBy
* forecastDesignator
* loadSource
* lastUpdateLogin
* scheduleDesignator
* lastUpdatedBy
* sourceScheduleDesignator
* organizationId
* processStatus
* sourceForecastDesignator
* sourceOrganizationId
* queryId


 * creationDate
* selectionListName
* createdBy
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* selectionListType
* description
* organizationId
* lastUpdateDate


 * creationDate
* selectionListName
* createdBy
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* selectionListType
* description
* organizationId
* lastUpdateDate


 * componentYield
* planId
* itemNum
* componentItemId
* componentCategoryId
* replenishmentLeadTime
* componentUsage
* basisType
* organizationId
* fromLocatorId
* alternateDesignator
* lastUpdateDate
* fromSubinventory
* planningFactor
* programUpdateDate
* kanbanItemFlag
* netPlanningPercent
* toLocatorId
* creationDate
* levelsBelow
* operationYield
* requestId
* programApplicationId
* programId
* selectedFlag
* lastUpdatedLogin
* createdBy
* wipSupplyType
* lowLevelCode
* toSubinventory
* assemblyItemId
* supplySourceType
* lastUpdatedBy


 * componentYield
* planId
* itemNum
* componentItemId
* componentCategoryId
* replenishmentLeadTime
* componentUsage
* basisType
* organizationId
* fromLocatorId
* alternateDesignator
* lastUpdateDate
* fromSubinventory
* planningFactor
* programUpdateDate
* kanbanItemFlag
* netPlanningPercent
* toLocatorId
* creationDate
* levelsBelow
* operationYield
* requestId
* programApplicationId
* programId
* selectedFlag
* lastUpdatedLogin
* createdBy
* wipSupplyType
* lowLevelCode
* toSubinventory
* assemblyItemId
* supplySourceType
* lastUpdatedBy


 * quantity36
* quantity19
* quantity34
* bucketType
* quantity10
* quantity22
* lastUpdateDate
* quantity29
* horizontalPlanType
* quantity20
* organizationId
* quantity6
* planOrganizationId
* quantity3
* quantity21
* itemSegments
* quantity30
* quantity13
* lastUpdatedBy
* organizationCode
* quantity33
* quantity16
* quantity9
* creationDate
* createdBy
* quantity32
* quantity11
* inventoryItemId
* quantity2
* quantity1
* quantity26
* quantity18
* quantity27
* quantity25
* quantity12
* quantity28
* quantity5
* quantity8
* quantity14
* quantity23
* compileDesignator
* horizontalPlanTypeText
* quantity31
* planId
* quantity17
* quantity35
* quantity24
* quantity7
* quantity15
* quantity4


 * quantity36
* quantity19
* quantity34
* bucketType
* quantity10
* quantity22
* lastUpdateDate
* quantity29
* horizontalPlanType
* quantity20
* organizationId
* quantity6
* planOrganizationId
* quantity3
* quantity21
* itemSegments
* quantity30
* quantity13
* lastUpdatedBy
* organizationCode
* quantity33
* quantity16
* quantity9
* creationDate
* createdBy
* quantity32
* quantity11
* inventoryItemId
* quantity2
* quantity1
* quantity26
* quantity18
* quantity27
* quantity25
* quantity12
* quantity28
* quantity5
* quantity8
* quantity14
* quantity23
* compileDesignator
* horizontalPlanTypeText
* quantity31
* planId
* quantity17
* quantity35
* quantity24
* quantity7
* quantity15
* quantity4


 * tokenValue1
* creationDate
* rowCount
* startDate
* endDate
* lastUpdateDate
* translateToken2
* transactionId
* lastUpdateLogin
* token1
* tokenValue2
* lastUpdatedBy
* createdBy
* translateToken1
* requestId
* messageName
* token2


 * tokenValue1
* creationDate
* rowCount
* startDate
* endDate
* lastUpdateDate
* translateToken2
* transactionId
* lastUpdateLogin
* token1
* tokenValue2
* lastUpdatedBy
* createdBy
* translateToken1
* requestId
* messageName
* token2


 * resourceId
* attribute5
* toTime
* simulationSet
* attribute2
* attribute10
* attribute15
* shiftDate
* attributeCategory
* shiftNum
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute7
* requestId
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute9
* attribute14
* fromTime
* lastUpdatedBy
* creationDate
* departmentId
* createdBy
* programApplicationId
* attribute13
* attribute12
* attribute3
* programId
* programUpdateDate
* organizationId
* instanceId
* attribute11
* serialNumber
* attribute1
* attribute8
* attribute6
* attribute4
* capacityUnits


 * resourceId
* attribute5
* toTime
* simulationSet
* attribute2
* attribute10
* attribute15
* shiftDate
* attributeCategory
* shiftNum
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute7
* requestId
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute9
* attribute14
* fromTime
* lastUpdatedBy
* creationDate
* departmentId
* createdBy
* programApplicationId
* attribute13
* attribute12
* attribute3
* programId
* programUpdateDate
* organizationId
* instanceId
* attribute11
* serialNumber
* attribute1
* attribute8
* attribute6
* attribute4
* capacityUnits


 * organizationId
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdatedBy
* compileDesignator
* endItemUnitNumber
* creationDate
* nettableQuantity
* planningGroup
* createdBy
* inventoryItemId
* lastUpdateDate
* subInventoryCode
* projectId
* taskId
* nonnettableQuantity
* transactionId


 * organizationId
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdatedBy
* compileDesignator
* endItemUnitNumber
* creationDate
* nettableQuantity
* planningGroup
* createdBy
* inventoryItemId
* lastUpdateDate
* subInventoryCode
* projectId
* taskId
* nonnettableQuantity
* transactionId


 * toSrInstanceId
* groupCode
* itemId
* transactionId
* partCondition
* salesOrderNumber
* shipMethod
* needByDate
* chargeAccountId
* suggestedVendorId
* srcOperatingUnit
* taskId
* uomCode
* toOperatingUnit
* toOrganizationId
* shipDate
* projectId
* itemRevision
* preparerId
* srInstanceId
* batchId
* suggestedVendorSite
* earliestShipDate
* deliverToRequestorId
* firmDemandFlag
* deliverToLocationId
* planType
* salesOrderLineId
* endItemNumber
* quantity
* loadType
* srcOrganizationId


 * toSrInstanceId
* groupCode
* itemId
* transactionId
* partCondition
* salesOrderNumber
* shipMethod
* needByDate
* chargeAccountId
* suggestedVendorId
* srcOperatingUnit
* taskId
* uomCode
* toOperatingUnit
* toOrganizationId
* shipDate
* projectId
* itemRevision
* preparerId
* srInstanceId
* batchId
* suggestedVendorSite
* earliestShipDate
* deliverToRequestorId
* firmDemandFlag
* deliverToLocationId
* planType
* salesOrderLineId
* endItemNumber
* quantity
* loadType
* srcOrganizationId


 * repetitiveHorizon2
* repetitiveBucketSize1
* considerWip
* snapshotLock
* periodType
* repetitiveHorizon1
* planDateDefaultType
* considerPo
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateDate
* programId
* demandTimeFenceFlag
* partIncludeType
* attribute5
* attribute2
* requestId
* attribute3
* attribute4
* includeMdsDays
* createdBy
* repetitiveAnchorDate
* attribute14
* attribute6
* attribute15
* includeRepSupplyDays
* attribute9
* considerReservations
* attribute12
* lastUpdateLogin
* organizationId
* repetitiveBucketSize3
* attribute13
* programUpdateDate
* planningTimeFenceFlag
* programApplicationId
* attribute7
* creationDate
* defaultAbcAssignmentGroup
* operationScheduleType
* attribute8
* planSafetyStock
* attribute1
* attribute10
* attribute11
* attributeCategory
* reschedAssumption
* repetitiveBucketSize2


 * repetitiveHorizon2
* repetitiveBucketSize1
* considerWip
* snapshotLock
* periodType
* repetitiveHorizon1
* planDateDefaultType
* considerPo
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateDate
* programId
* demandTimeFenceFlag
* partIncludeType
* attribute5
* attribute2
* requestId
* attribute3
* attribute4
* includeMdsDays
* createdBy
* repetitiveAnchorDate
* attribute14
* attribute6
* attribute15
* includeRepSupplyDays
* attribute9
* considerReservations
* attribute12
* lastUpdateLogin
* organizationId
* repetitiveBucketSize3
* attribute13
* programUpdateDate
* planningTimeFenceFlag
* programApplicationId
* attribute7
* creationDate
* defaultAbcAssignmentGroup
* operationScheduleType
* attribute8
* planSafetyStock
* attribute1
* attribute10
* attribute11
* attributeCategory
* reschedAssumption
* repetitiveBucketSize2


 * compileDesignator
* remainingImplUnits
* optionalComponent
* operationSeqNum
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* drivingItemId
* programApplicationId
* suggestedEffectivityDate
* inventoryItemId
* engineeringChangeType
* useUpCode
* createdBy
* effectivityDate
* requestId
* changeNotice
* operationOffsetPercent
* absoluteQuantity
* programId
* creationDate
* ecnId
* engChangeUsingAssyId
* wipSupplyType
* oldEffectivityDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* programUpdateDate
* organizationId
* revision


 * compileDesignator
* remainingImplUnits
* optionalComponent
* operationSeqNum
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* drivingItemId
* programApplicationId
* suggestedEffectivityDate
* inventoryItemId
* engineeringChangeType
* useUpCode
* createdBy
* effectivityDate
* requestId
* changeNotice
* operationOffsetPercent
* absoluteQuantity
* programId
* creationDate
* ecnId
* engChangeUsingAssyId
* wipSupplyType
* oldEffectivityDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* programUpdateDate
* organizationId
* revision


 * attribute13
* billsOfResources
* attributeCategory
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdateDate
* programApplicationId
* attribute2
* attribute6
* programUpdateDate
* planLevel
* planSafetyStock
* attribute14
* attribute4
* compileDesignator
* attribute15
* attribute12
* netWip
* attribute11
* attribute1
* lastUpdatedBy
* netPurchasing
* attribute5
* attribute8
* attribute9
* billOfResources
* creationDate
* attribute3
* netReservations
* organizationId
* createdBy
* simulationSet
* attribute10
* attribute7
* programId
* plannedOrganization
* requestId


 * attribute13
* billsOfResources
* attributeCategory
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdateDate
* programApplicationId
* attribute2
* attribute6
* programUpdateDate
* planLevel
* planSafetyStock
* attribute14
* attribute4
* compileDesignator
* attribute15
* attribute12
* netWip
* attribute11
* attribute1
* lastUpdatedBy
* netPurchasing
* attribute5
* attribute8
* attribute9
* billOfResources
* creationDate
* attribute3
* netReservations
* organizationId
* createdBy
* simulationSet
* attribute10
* attribute7
* programId
* plannedOrganization
* requestId


 * lastUpdateDate
* inputType
* inputName
* attribute2
* attribute4
* attribute10
* attribute8
* attribute9
* programUpdateDate
* creationDate
* attribute11
* attribute14
* inputOrganizationId
* planLevel
* attribute6
* organizationId
* attribute1
* attribute12
* attribute13
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdatedBy
* programApplicationId
* attributeCategory
* attribute15
* compileDesignator
* attribute7
* createdBy
* programId
* attribute5
* attribute3
* requestId


 * lastUpdateDate
* inputType
* inputName
* attribute2
* attribute4
* attribute10
* attribute8
* attribute9
* programUpdateDate
* creationDate
* attribute11
* attribute14
* inputOrganizationId
* planLevel
* attribute6
* organizationId
* attribute1
* attribute12
* attribute13
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdatedBy
* programApplicationId
* attributeCategory
* attribute15
* compileDesignator
* attribute7
* createdBy
* programId
* attribute5
* attribute3
* requestId


 * programUpdateDate
* setbackDays
* departmentId
* organizationId
* resourceOffsetPercent
* effectivityDate
* resourceId
* programId
* creationDate
* sourceItemId
* disableDate
* lineId
* operationSeqNum
* usingAssemblyItemId
* requestId
* resourceSeqNum
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* assemblyUsage
* lastUpdateDate
* resourceUnits
* basis
* runtimeQuantity
* alternateRoutingDesignator
* compileDesignator
* programApplicationId
* createdBy


 * programUpdateDate
* setbackDays
* departmentId
* organizationId
* resourceOffsetPercent
* effectivityDate
* resourceId
* programId
* creationDate
* sourceItemId
* disableDate
* lineId
* operationSeqNum
* usingAssemblyItemId
* requestId
* resourceSeqNum
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* assemblyUsage
* lastUpdateDate
* resourceUnits
* basis
* runtimeQuantity
* alternateRoutingDesignator
* compileDesignator
* programApplicationId
* createdBy


 * creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* startDate
* createdBy
* status
* processingSeconds
* planLevel
* endDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* requestId
* compileDesignator
* lastUpdateDate
* organizationId
* batchNumber
* batchStartDate


 * creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* startDate
* createdBy
* status
* processingSeconds
* planLevel
* endDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* requestId
* compileDesignator
* lastUpdateDate
* organizationId
* batchNumber
* batchStartDate


 * lastUpdateDate
* attribute1
* setupTime
* setupTimeType
* attribute6
* attribute12
* lastUpdateLogin
* shortageType
* attributeCategory
* overUtilizedPercent
* repVarianceType
* resourceExcessType
* organizationId
* utilizationChangeType
* attribute14
* attribute11
* attribute2
* attribute5
* underUtilizedPercent
* overpromisedType
* lastUpdatedBy
* excessQuantity
* attribute10
* creationDate
* attribute8
* attribute15
* attribute9
* exceptionSetName
* repetitiveVariance
* excessType
* attribute3
* utilizationChangePercent
* attribute7
* attribute13
* attribute4
* userTimeFence
* createdBy
* resourceShortageType


 * lastUpdateDate
* attribute1
* setupTime
* setupTimeType
* attribute6
* attribute12
* lastUpdateLogin
* shortageType
* attributeCategory
* overUtilizedPercent
* repVarianceType
* resourceExcessType
* organizationId
* utilizationChangeType
* attribute14
* attribute11
* attribute2
* attribute5
* underUtilizedPercent
* overpromisedType
* lastUpdatedBy
* excessQuantity
* attribute10
* creationDate
* attribute8
* attribute15
* attribute9
* exceptionSetName
* repetitiveVariance
* excessType
* attribute3
* utilizationChangePercent
* attribute7
* attribute13
* attribute4
* userTimeFence
* createdBy
* resourceShortageType


 * attribute7
* considerPo
* considerWip
* attribute12
* attribute10
* crpPlanCompletionDate
* scheduleType
* crpPlanStartDate
* currSimulationSet
* updateBom
* currReschedAssumption
* currReservationLevel
* maxWfExceptId
* attribute13
* cutoffDate
* minWfExceptId
* description
* attribute15
* creationDate
* currConsiderReservations
* currSnapshotLock
* onlinePlannerCompletionDate
* currPlanCapacityFlag
* demandTimeFenceFlag
* currHardPeggingLevel
* overwriteOption
* attribute5
* dataStartDate
* organizationSelection
* reservationLevel
* fullPegging
* planningTimeFenceFlag
* currPlanType
* appendPlannedOrders
* attribute2
* explosionStartDate
* createdBy
* attribute11
* onlinePlannerStartDate
* compileDesignator
* attribute4
* planType
* snapshotLock
* operationScheduleType
* attributeCategory
* planCapacityFlag
* currentPlannerLevel
* partIncludeType
* demandClass
* userPlanStartDate
* dataCompletionDate
* considerReservations
* currOperationScheduleType
* scheduleDesignator
* lastUpdatedBy
* currPlanningTimeFenceFlag
* currAppendPlannedOrders
* lastUpdateDate
* billOfResources
* hardPeggingLevel
* currScheduleType
* currUserPlanStartDate
* programId
* currConsiderWip
* attribute6
* currOverwriteOption
* currFullPegging
* currPartIncludeType
* programApplicationId
* attribute1
* compileDefinitionDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute8
* currAssignmentSetId
* planStartDate
* requestId
* currScheduleDesignator
* planSafetyStock
* explosionCompletionDate
* programUpdateDate
* attribute3
* attribute9
* currPlanSafetyStock
* planCompletionDate
* plannerBatchNumber
* currDemandTimeFenceFlag
* currConsiderPo
* simulationSet
* assignmentSetId
* currBillOfResources
* attribute14
* currCutoffDate
* useNewPlanner
* organizationId
* reschedAssumption


 * attribute7
* considerPo
* considerWip
* attribute12
* attribute10
* crpPlanCompletionDate
* scheduleType
* crpPlanStartDate
* currSimulationSet
* updateBom
* currReschedAssumption
* currReservationLevel
* maxWfExceptId
* attribute13
* cutoffDate
* minWfExceptId
* description
* attribute15
* creationDate
* currConsiderReservations
* currSnapshotLock
* onlinePlannerCompletionDate
* currPlanCapacityFlag
* demandTimeFenceFlag
* currHardPeggingLevel
* overwriteOption
* attribute5
* dataStartDate
* organizationSelection
* reservationLevel
* fullPegging
* planningTimeFenceFlag
* currPlanType
* appendPlannedOrders
* attribute2
* explosionStartDate
* createdBy
* attribute11
* onlinePlannerStartDate
* compileDesignator
* attribute4
* planType
* snapshotLock
* operationScheduleType
* attributeCategory
* planCapacityFlag
* currentPlannerLevel
* partIncludeType
* demandClass
* userPlanStartDate
* dataCompletionDate
* considerReservations
* currOperationScheduleType
* scheduleDesignator
* lastUpdatedBy
* currPlanningTimeFenceFlag
* currAppendPlannedOrders
* lastUpdateDate
* billOfResources
* hardPeggingLevel
* currScheduleType
* currUserPlanStartDate
* programId
* currConsiderWip
* attribute6
* currOverwriteOption
* currFullPegging
* currPartIncludeType
* programApplicationId
* attribute1
* compileDefinitionDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute8
* currAssignmentSetId
* planStartDate
* requestId
* currScheduleDesignator
* planSafetyStock
* explosionCompletionDate
* programUpdateDate
* attribute3
* attribute9
* currPlanSafetyStock
* planCompletionDate
* plannerBatchNumber
* currDemandTimeFenceFlag
* currConsiderPo
* simulationSet
* assignmentSetId
* currBillOfResources
* attribute14
* currCutoffDate
* useNewPlanner
* organizationId
* reschedAssumption


 * implementFirm
* releaseErrors
* endItemUnitNumber
* lastUpdateLogin
* implementedQuantity
* firmDate
* implementUomCode
* rescheduledFlag
* scheduleCompressionDays
* requestId
* sourceOrganizationId
* implementLineId
* vendorId
* newDockDate
* sourceItemId
* revision
* programUpdateDate
* compileDesignator
* implementAlternateBom
* implementVendorId
* sourceVendorSiteId
* organizationId
* planningGroup
* applied
* transactionId
* oldOrderQuantity
* implementTaskId
* orderType
* lastUnitStartDate
* rescheduleDays
* implementProjectId
* creationDate
* dispositionId
* loadType
* sourceSupplyScheduleName
* newScheduleDate
* implementStatusCode
* implementJobName
* implementVendorSiteId
* alternateRoutingDesignator
* lineId
* lastUnitCompletionDate
* oldWipStartDate
* newProcessingDays
* implementBuildSequence
* status
* purchLineNum
* programApplicationId
* nettingDate
* updated
* implementDockDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* dispositionStatusType
* implementEndItemUnitNumber
* implementWipClassCode
* sourceVendorId
* inventoryItemId
* demandClass
* implementLocationId
* taskId
* implementDemandClass
* newOrderPlacementDate
* newShipDate
* firmQuantity
* implementQuantity
* implementSourceOrgId
* oldDockDate
* newOrderQuantity
* implementDate
* vendorSiteId
* firmPlannedType
* oldOrderPlacementDate
* newWipStartDate
* implementScheduleGroupId
* firstUnitStartDate
* byProductUsingAssyId
* oldScheduleDate
* dailyRate
* quantityInProcess
* implementEmployeeId
* lastUpdateDate
* supplyAvailDate
* implementAlternateRouting
* createdBy
* projectId
* releaseStatus
* implementAs
* number1
* programId
* planningMakeBuyCode
* source
* alternateBomDesignator


 * implementFirm
* releaseErrors
* endItemUnitNumber
* lastUpdateLogin
* implementedQuantity
* firmDate
* implementUomCode
* rescheduledFlag
* scheduleCompressionDays
* requestId
* sourceOrganizationId
* implementLineId
* vendorId
* newDockDate
* sourceItemId
* revision
* programUpdateDate
* compileDesignator
* implementAlternateBom
* implementVendorId
* sourceVendorSiteId
* organizationId
* planningGroup
* applied
* transactionId
* oldOrderQuantity
* implementTaskId
* orderType
* lastUnitStartDate
* rescheduleDays
* implementProjectId
* creationDate
* dispositionId
* loadType
* sourceSupplyScheduleName
* newScheduleDate
* implementStatusCode
* implementJobName
* implementVendorSiteId
* alternateRoutingDesignator
* lineId
* lastUnitCompletionDate
* oldWipStartDate
* newProcessingDays
* implementBuildSequence
* status
* purchLineNum
* programApplicationId
* nettingDate
* updated
* implementDockDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* dispositionStatusType
* implementEndItemUnitNumber
* implementWipClassCode
* sourceVendorId
* inventoryItemId
* demandClass
* implementLocationId
* taskId
* implementDemandClass
* newOrderPlacementDate
* newShipDate
* firmQuantity
* implementQuantity
* implementSourceOrgId
* oldDockDate
* newOrderQuantity
* implementDate
* vendorSiteId
* firmPlannedType
* oldOrderPlacementDate
* newWipStartDate
* implementScheduleGroupId
* firstUnitStartDate
* byProductUsingAssyId
* oldScheduleDate
* dailyRate
* quantityInProcess
* implementEmployeeId
* lastUpdateDate
* supplyAvailDate
* implementAlternateRouting
* createdBy
* projectId
* releaseStatus
* implementAs
* number1
* programId
* planningMakeBuyCode
* source
* alternateBomDesignator


 * lastUpdatedBy
* createdBy
* regionId
* creationDate
* regionType
* lastUpdateLogin
* vendorSiteId
* zoneLevel
* lastUpdateDate


 * lastUpdatedBy
* createdBy
* regionId
* creationDate
* regionType
* lastUpdateLogin
* vendorSiteId
* zoneLevel
* lastUpdateDate


 * taskId
* inventoryItemId
* sourceCode
* plannedOrderId
* programId
* oldTaskId
* newOrderDate
* newOrderQuantity
* programApplicationId
* transactionId
* processStatus
* creationDate
* requestId
* dispositionId
* reliefType
* errorMessage
* organizationId
* demandClass
* oldOrderQuantity
* lastUpdateDate
* oldProjectId
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* dispositionType
* oldOrderDate
* createdBy
* programUpdateDate
* sourceLineId
* projectId
* oldDemandClass
* lineNum


 * taskId
* inventoryItemId
* sourceCode
* plannedOrderId
* programId
* oldTaskId
* newOrderDate
* newOrderQuantity
* programApplicationId
* transactionId
* processStatus
* creationDate
* requestId
* dispositionId
* reliefType
* errorMessage
* organizationId
* demandClass
* oldOrderQuantity
* lastUpdateDate
* oldProjectId
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* dispositionType
* oldOrderDate
* createdBy
* programUpdateDate
* sourceLineId
* projectId
* oldDemandClass
* lineNum


 * programUpdateDate
* createdBy
* programId
* periodStartDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* requestId
* creationDate
* programApplicationId
* lastUpdateDate
* organizationId


 * programUpdateDate
* createdBy
* programId
* periodStartDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* requestId
* creationDate
* programApplicationId
* lastUpdateDate
* organizationId


 * wipEntityId
* requestId
* firstUnitCompletionDate
* scheduleId
* dailyRate
* processingDays
* programUpdateDate
* inventoryItemId
* createdBy
* lastUnitStartDate
* programApplicationId
* lastUpdateLogin
* organizationId
* creationDate
* firstUnitStartDate
* projectId
* repetitiveLine
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* taskId
* programId
* compileDesignator
* firmPlannedStatusType
* statusCode
* revision
* completedUnits
* demandClass
* lastUnitCompletionDate


 * wipEntityId
* requestId
* firstUnitCompletionDate
* scheduleId
* dailyRate
* processingDays
* programUpdateDate
* inventoryItemId
* createdBy
* lastUnitStartDate
* programApplicationId
* lastUpdateLogin
* organizationId
* creationDate
* firstUnitStartDate
* projectId
* repetitiveLine
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* taskId
* programId
* compileDesignator
* firmPlannedStatusType
* statusCode
* revision
* completedUnits
* demandClass
* lastUnitCompletionDate


 * createdBy
* demandClass
* creationDate
* lastUpdateDate
* requestId
* lastUpdateLogin
* taskId
* parentDemandId
* programUpdateDate
* programApplicationId
* reservedQuantity
* programId
* organizationId
* nonnetQuantityReserved
* transactionId
* revision
* projectId
* lastUpdatedBy
* dispositionType
* inventoryItemId
* requirementDate
* compileDesignator
* subinventory
* dispositionId
* reservationDate
* planningGroup


 * createdBy
* demandClass
* creationDate
* lastUpdateDate
* requestId
* lastUpdateLogin
* taskId
* parentDemandId
* programUpdateDate
* programApplicationId
* reservedQuantity
* programId
* organizationId
* nonnetQuantityReserved
* transactionId
* revision
* projectId
* lastUpdatedBy
* dispositionType
* inventoryItemId
* requirementDate
* compileDesignator
* subinventory
* dispositionId
* reservationDate
* planningGroup


 * requestId
* programApplicationId
* programId
* createdBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* programUpdateDate
* periodStartDate
* updated
* inventoryItemId
* status
* lastUpdatedBy
* organizationId
* safetyStockQuantity
* compileDesignator
* creationDate
* lastUpdateDate


 * requestId
* programApplicationId
* programId
* createdBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* programUpdateDate
* periodStartDate
* updated
* inventoryItemId
* status
* lastUpdatedBy
* organizationId
* safetyStockQuantity
* compileDesignator
* creationDate
* lastUpdateDate


 * lineNum
* currentShipId
* currentBillId
* sourceCode
* sourceLineId
* salesOrderId
* programUpdateDate
* oldScheduleDate
* previousShipId
* previousDemandClass
* completedQuantity
* lastUpdateLogin
* previousAvailableToMrp
* newScheduleQuantity
* currentDemandClass
* currentAvailableToMrp
* programId
* processStatus
* inventoryItemId
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* previousBillId
* previousTerritoryId
* errorMessage
* programApplicationId
* lastExplodedRevision
* creationDate
* organizationId
* newScheduleDate
* requestId
* oldScheduleQuantity
* createdBy
* currentCustomerId
* baseModelId
* previousCustomerId
* orderedItemId
* currentTerritoryId
* updateSeqNum


 * lineNum
* currentShipId
* currentBillId
* sourceCode
* sourceLineId
* salesOrderId
* programUpdateDate
* oldScheduleDate
* previousShipId
* previousDemandClass
* completedQuantity
* lastUpdateLogin
* previousAvailableToMrp
* newScheduleQuantity
* currentDemandClass
* currentAvailableToMrp
* programId
* processStatus
* inventoryItemId
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* previousBillId
* previousTerritoryId
* errorMessage
* programApplicationId
* lastExplodedRevision
* creationDate
* organizationId
* newScheduleDate
* requestId
* oldScheduleQuantity
* createdBy
* currentCustomerId
* baseModelId
* previousCustomerId
* orderedItemId
* currentTerritoryId
* updateSeqNum


 * reliefType
* createdBy
* transactionId
* creationDate
* scheduleDate
* programApplicationId
* reliefQuantity
* lastUpdatedBy
* requestId
* lineNum
* orderDate
* lastUpdateDate
* dispositionType
* lastUpdateLogin
* programId
* programUpdateDate
* orderQuantity
* dispositionId


 * reliefType
* createdBy
* transactionId
* creationDate
* scheduleDate
* programApplicationId
* reliefQuantity
* lastUpdatedBy
* requestId
* lineNum
* orderDate
* lastUpdateDate
* dispositionType
* lastUpdateLogin
* programId
* programUpdateDate
* orderQuantity
* dispositionId


 * lastUpdateDate
* oldTransactionId
* attribute4
* sourceCode
* attribute8
* scheduleDesignator
* reservationId
* attribute12
* sourceScheduleDesignator
* originalScheduleQuantity
* attributeCategory
* sourceSalesOrderId
* attribute2
* lineId
* programId
* scheduleLevel
* taskId
* sourceOrganizationId
* forecastId
* ddfContext
* creationDate
* attribute14
* scheduleWorkdate
* endItemUnitNumber
* programApplicationId
* scheduleOriginationType
* attribute1
* attribute15
* supplyDemandType
* attribute3
* scheduleComments
* projectId
* attribute11
* requestId
* attribute9
* sourceLineId
* repetitiveDailyRate
* programUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* inventoryItemId
* organizationId
* attribute7
* rateEndDate
* attribute13
* sourceForecastDesignator
* scheduleQuantity
* attribute10
* mpsTransactionId
* createdBy
* lastUpdatedBy
* toUpdate
* referenceScheduleId
* attribute6
* scheduleDate
* attribute5


 * lastUpdateDate
* oldTransactionId
* attribute4
* sourceCode
* attribute8
* scheduleDesignator
* reservationId
* attribute12
* sourceScheduleDesignator
* originalScheduleQuantity
* attributeCategory
* sourceSalesOrderId
* attribute2
* lineId
* programId
* scheduleLevel
* taskId
* sourceOrganizationId
* forecastId
* ddfContext
* creationDate
* attribute14
* scheduleWorkdate
* endItemUnitNumber
* programApplicationId
* scheduleOriginationType
* attribute1
* attribute15
* supplyDemandType
* attribute3
* scheduleComments
* projectId
* attribute11
* requestId
* attribute9
* sourceLineId
* repetitiveDailyRate
* programUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* inventoryItemId
* organizationId
* attribute7
* rateEndDate
* attribute13
* sourceForecastDesignator
* scheduleQuantity
* attribute10
* mpsTransactionId
* createdBy
* lastUpdatedBy
* toUpdate
* referenceScheduleId
* attribute6
* scheduleDate
* attribute5


 * scheduleType
* attribute11
* inventoryAtpFlag
* programId
* attribute2
* disableDate
* demandClass
* attribute10
* attribute7
* scheduleDesignator
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute4
* mpsRelief
* attribute8
* attribute9
* programApplicationId
* creationDate
* organizationId
* programUpdateDate
* requestId
* attribute3
* attribute14
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute15
* organizationSelection
* attribute6
* attribute1
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute12
* description
* production
* attribute5
* attributeCategory
* createdBy
* useNewPlanner
* attribute13


 * scheduleType
* attribute11
* inventoryAtpFlag
* programId
* attribute2
* disableDate
* demandClass
* attribute10
* attribute7
* scheduleDesignator
* lastUpdateLogin
* attribute4
* mpsRelief
* attribute8
* attribute9
* programApplicationId
* creationDate
* organizationId
* programUpdateDate
* requestId
* attribute3
* attribute14
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute15
* organizationSelection
* attribute6
* attribute1
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute12
* description
* production
* attribute5
* attributeCategory
* createdBy
* useNewPlanner
* attribute13


 * creationDate
* workdayControl
* programId
* scheduleQuantity
* processStatus
* attribute4
* attribute12
* transactionId
* attribute13
* scheduleComments
* newRateEndDate
* attribute10
* lastUpdateLogin
* requestId
* attribute6
* scheduleDate
* newScheduleDate
* rateEndDate
* attribute11
* attribute14
* inventoryItemId
* attribute5
* attribute3
* scheduleDesignator
* organizationId
* sourceCode
* attribute2
* attribute8
* programApplicationId
* taskId
* action
* attribute7
* attribute9
* attribute1
* lineId
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute15
* errorMessage
* sourceLineId
* programUpdateDate
* createdBy
* projectId


 * creationDate
* workdayControl
* programId
* scheduleQuantity
* processStatus
* attribute4
* attribute12
* transactionId
* attribute13
* scheduleComments
* newRateEndDate
* attribute10
* lastUpdateLogin
* requestId
* attribute6
* scheduleDate
* newScheduleDate
* rateEndDate
* attribute11
* attribute14
* inventoryItemId
* attribute5
* attribute3
* scheduleDesignator
* organizationId
* sourceCode
* attribute2
* attribute8
* programApplicationId
* taskId
* action
* attribute7
* attribute9
* attribute1
* lineId
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* attribute15
* errorMessage
* sourceLineId
* programUpdateDate
* createdBy
* projectId


 * attribute9
* mpsExplosionLevel
* creationDate
* organizationId
* attributeCategory
* attribute8
* lastUpdateLogin
* requestId
* capacityModelId
* attribute15
* inventoryItemId
* attribute11
* programUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* scheduleDesignator
* attribute5
* attribute10
* attribute3
* attribute4
* attribute2
* attribute14
* programApplicationId
* attribute13
* attribute1
* attribute6
* lastUpdateDate
* programId
* attribute12
* attribute7
* createdBy


 * attribute9
* mpsExplosionLevel
* creationDate
* organizationId
* attributeCategory
* attribute8
* lastUpdateLogin
* requestId
* capacityModelId
* attribute15
* inventoryItemId
* attribute11
* programUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* scheduleDesignator
* attribute5
* attribute10
* attribute3
* attribute4
* attribute2
* attribute14
* programApplicationId
* attribute13
* attribute1
* attribute6
* lastUpdateDate
* programId
* attribute12
* attribute7
* createdBy


 * requestId
* programApplicationId
* programId
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdateDate
* programUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* message
* transactionId
* creationDate
* createdBy


 * requestId
* programApplicationId
* programId
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdateDate
* programUpdateDate
* lastUpdatedBy
* message
* transactionId
* creationDate
* createdBy


 * attribute10
* ruleId
* userDefined
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdatedBy
* creationDate
* attributeCategory
* description
* enabledFlag
* attribute2
* attribute12
* usageCode
* attribute8
* sequenceNumber
* createdBy
* zdEditionName
* attribute4
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute6
* meaning
* attribute1
* attribute11
* attribute15
* attribute3
* attribute14
* attribute13
* heuristicCode
* attribute9
* zdSync
* packageName
* attribute5
* attribute7
* defaultFlag


 * attribute10
* ruleId
* userDefined
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdatedBy
* creationDate
* attributeCategory
* description
* enabledFlag
* attribute2
* attribute12
* usageCode
* attribute8
* sequenceNumber
* createdBy
* zdEditionName
* attribute4
* lastUpdateDate
* attribute6
* meaning
* attribute1
* attribute11
* attribute15
* attribute3
* attribute14
* attribute13
* heuristicCode
* attribute9
* zdSync
* packageName
* attribute5
* attribute7
* defaultFlag


 * condition
* folderObject
* lastUpdatedBy
* createdBy
* fieldType
* lastUpdateDate
* toField
* andOr
* lastUpdateLogin
* hiddenFromField
* creationDate
* fromField
* fieldName
* countBy
* sequence
* folderId


 * condition
* folderObject
* lastUpdatedBy
* createdBy
* fieldType
* lastUpdateDate
* toField
* andOr
* lastUpdateLogin
* hiddenFromField
* creationDate
* fromField
* fieldName
* countBy
* sequence
* folderId


 * snapshotName
* lrn
* lastRefreshTimestamp


 * snapshotName
* lrn
* lastRefreshTimestamp


 * dependentTask2
* programApplicationId
* organizationId
* startDate
* lastUpdateDate
* task
* requestId
* completionDate
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* programUpdateDate
* dependencyAgainst
* requiresLock
* dependentTask
* requiresItems
* lastUpdatedBy
* createdBy
* compileDesignator
* programId


 * dependentTask2
* programApplicationId
* organizationId
* startDate
* lastUpdateDate
* task
* requestId
* completionDate
* creationDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* programUpdateDate
* dependencyAgainst
* requiresLock
* dependentTask
* requiresItems
* lastUpdatedBy
* createdBy
* compileDesignator
* programId


 * createdBy
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* lineId
* requestId
* processStatus
* lastUpdatedBy
* creationDate


 * lastUpdateLogin
* createdBy
* lineId
* processStatus
* lastUpdatedBy
* creationDate
* lastUpdateDate


 * lastUpdateLogin
* createdBy
* lineId
* processStatus
* lastUpdatedBy
* creationDate
* lastUpdateDate


 * createdBy
* lastUpdateDate
* lastUpdateLogin
* lineId
* requestId
* processStatus
* lastUpdatedBy
* creationDate


 * lastCalculatedDate
* programId
* sourcingRuleId
* createdBy
* inventoryItemId
* historicalAllocation
* organizationId
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdateDate
* vendorSiteId
* sourceOrgId
* creationDate
* vendorId
* requestId
* programUpdateDate
* programApplicationId


 * lastCalculatedDate
* programId
* sourcingRuleId
* createdBy
* inventoryItemId
* historicalAllocation
* organizationId
* lastUpdatedBy
* lastUpdateLogin
* lastUpdateDate
* vendorSiteId
* sourceOrgId
* creationDate
* vendorId
* requestId
* programUpdateDate
* programApplicationId


 * creationDate
* attribute5
* attribute9